-, fUGa SCHOOL CHORAL THE SWARTHMORE 5WAR'IlIMORE PA., FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1947 VOL. IB---No. 18 H. S. TO PRESENT SPRING CONCERT Festival Benefits Scholarship Fund RED CROSS RECORDS Will all persons having old Red· CroBS Records plellSe llotify Mrs. W. H. Dickinson, 1874-J, or Mrs. Hora~e Hopkins, 0692-J. There is now a permanent flUng place. J S:a:hm:!:;~gh:::::::::r t:: NATL. W.I.L~ HEAD MUSICIANS CHARM ALL EARS AT CLUB Poetry, Song, 'Drama on Next Tuesday's Bill fESTIVAL MAY $3.00 YEAR AFI'ERNOON RECESS All grades of tho SWarthmore Schools will be closed on TuesdaY afternoon, May 6. Teachers are schedul'3d to att!lnd a lneeting of the Delaware County Teachel'S AssOciation In Lansdowne. HOME &SCHOOL ELECTS WM. LEE .Public, Pl'i~Tate Study Topic at Annual Meeting An enthusiastic audience enjoyed ,The final meeting for this year an eXe<:!llent luusical program at of the Swarthmore Home and the Woman's Ciub on TUCf!day School Atlsoclatlon resulted In the direction of Miss Allce E. Blodgett, afternoon when Mrs. Anthony I,. ~lcction of William F. Lee U$ will present their Fifth Annual Ventnel· chalrnlun of Music, pl'epresident for the coming season Spring Choral Il'estlval In Clothier sented two most prom.ising young Memorial on Friday, May 9, at 8 Other oJlicers elected were Marvel a1'tists, Mary ,\Vallace, Cellist and P. 1\1. The proceeds of this concert \Vi!son, 1st vice president; Mrs. Betty Jean Quick, pianist, In conare for the benefit of the hl8'h Louis J. Storck, 2nd vice president· cert. Both Miss Quick and Miss school scholarshlp funa. This week l\olrs. Gcorgo Allen, recording sec 'Wallace al'e studentil at the New the choral groups are buBY putting • retary; Dorothy Bradfield, corres School where ?,'flss QUick is a PUl>ll pondlng secetar:y; and Gordon ast minute touches on their chosen A national president and a new (If VladbuJI· Sokoloff and Miss Wal"Management's Respo'n,&lbi1iUe~ Lange, trelUiurer. selections and gettlng accustomed interDational project will be inOpening the mEWting, J. Roland to their places on the stap of troduced to the Delaware county lace is studying with Orla~do Cole, fol' an Expansion Of Markets" will members of Women's Interna- Tuesday's concert was one. of sev- be the topic of the fifth manage- Pennock, this year's president, Clothier. The Senlor High School Girls' tional League for Peace and Free- eral recently· given l,.y the young ment lecture In tho current aeries called for repot·ts from Robert women whose I"3putation for sponsored by the Cooper Founda- Cadigan and Gordon Lange on th'e Glee Club will sing music of a light dom when they come to Swarthdelightful presentations is becom- tion at the college next Thursday work dono by th"3 Teaohers' Sa1nature, ranging from ,the popular more for, a meeting next Thursing lnore and more widely known. night. The speaker will be Robert artes Committee und on the staio June Is Bustin' Out All Over to a day. Maq' 8, 2:30 p. ~. at WhUMiss Wallace's sklll was perhaps Sessions, a partner in the PhUa.- of the Association treasury. In th& 'tier House. lllting Andalueia and the pompous vest demonstrated in the AdagiO delphia firm of Alderson, Wroe, a~ence of Peter' E. Told, chairman MrS. Annalee Stewart of' Chi- from Salutation to Music. The Boys' th'3 Concerts in B flat by Chorus, always keenly anticipated, cago, national president of WIL, Boccherlni. She showed a warmth Simon and Sessions, management of tho nominating committee, Mr Pennock p~sented the slate ;for wlll ring forth ~lth a Negro spirit- Who spent part of last year In of tone and u. quality of Interpre- and ma.rketing counsel. Mr. Sessions has been with AlEurope, working on WIL affairs new oO:lcers, whiCh was accepted by ual and an interesting Fantasle of tation unusual in one HO younG'. derson, Wroe, Simon and Sessions and attending the League's first vote of, tho AsSOCiation. Sea Songs. The Junior High School Miss Qutck's excellent technique for the PllSt two years, doing post war international congress,' On the announced subject of the Girls' Glee Club will present a was displayed not only an he.' marketing research on 'a national held in .Luxembourg, 'wlll speak respective advantages of the two group of colorful' numbers, one of ability when accompanying. but scale for industrial and consumer on "An1e.rlca, Peacemaker or. types of ",ducatlon found In public which wlll feature a, violln obligaalso in her dellghtful piano solos goods. Previous to his c6ming to Breaker?" and private schools, Mrs. Rex to by Ruth Garrett. an eighth by 'Debussy and in h<.!r handling of Philadelphia he was assistant At the same meeting the DelaCrawford of the staff of the Phlla grader, and thre~ ninth grade voware county branch will hear and Mendelsohn's Variations SerleuHes. general manager of the Tenness,eo delphia Board of Education spoke calists. Mrs. John E. Michael, president- Valley Authority. DUring the war act upon a proposal of Emily tor the former. She felt that the The Chorus will sln'g the Halleluelect, conducted the meeting In the years Mr. Sessions was vice-chairGreen Balch that the United nagreat value of a pubIlc school jah Chorus from Handel'S "Mestions' be petitioned to study the absene<:! of Mrs. Peter E. Told, man ot the Price-Policy Coin mit- education lies ih children living in siah" as well as a group ·of com-, posslbfllties of UN control of Inter- President. who was attending a tee of t'he OPA, sorvlng also as a a democratic society which propositions both a capella anc). ace omnational waters and of the polar County I.'ederatlon function. Mrs. consultant on management organi- villes those experiences whi('h conp~nied. Catherine Elston wlll be tho John M. Pearsol' and ltlrs. Helll'Y zation for the Foreign Economic regions. stitute real Uvl~g. There is value soloist from the chorus, singing the J. \Velland served as hostes.'1es for Admlinlstration and the. BurElau Miss Balch, who has spent thiS in having known people from all soprano from the anthem Listen to week in Swarthm~re as a guest of the aftei-poon, with Mrs. Raymond of the Budget. For'the PllSt winter l.e\'els of SOCiety, not those in a. tlie Lambs, with a choral back- Mrs. WilHam I. Hull, .recently WQ.3 Wilson, and Mrs. R. M. Pfalzgraf[ ?tIr. Sessloll8 and his famil)' 'have selected group only. A closer con ground. , , b.~ElD livin.. [l,t.thc,Strath .Haven 'ta:ot·,.>w1ih~: , the',comtBuD.tty'· tn ,~~rt!~.~,~erN.~b~~ .P6!f.~.. · ~~~ Pl"'3s1dlqg at the te~ tablo., _ In~:This year two sludents'afe, mak- Her- propos8.1 was laid before the , LOOAL'T~Tro REIGN which the chnd lives, not being ing their first appearances as ac- national WIL meeting In PhiladelThe lectUre will start promptly uprooted from it, should bring a A varied club-talent progl'am companlsts.· Maura Hopkins, ~ }>'bla last week. hus been arranied for the meeting at 8:16 Thursday, May 8, in deeper insight into the problems, seventh grader who came to The publ1c is Invited to the of the WQman's Club on Tuesday, Clothier Memorial. The pubIlc Is ot the community. Swarthmore this year from Florida, Thursday meeting In WhittleI' May 6, when Mrs. George J. 'Var- cordially invited. M!rs. Crawtord llsted the goals of a~d Margaret Croco, another new Ilouse, and care for young child- ren, chairman of dramd will open public ed·uoution in, Philadelphia Swarthmorean in the ninth grade, ren will be provided. The Swarth- the afternoon with a. pI"3senlatlon to prepare for college, to educat~ will be the first accompanists In more WIL chapter Is host. of MI·s. Gordon A. Meader In all the children ot all the people several years that the Junlol". High Tonight at the Woman's Club to try' to increase international un poetry readings. Mrs. Herbert C. School Girls' Glee Club has had JR. ASSEMBLIES TO MEET Patterson will follow with a group all DlW)n and women who would dei-standing, to increase the know fr9m its own group. Other accoIl?-of songs, accompanied by :j\-Irs, like to Ileal' the subject of housing l~dge of th~ workings of govern The JUnior Assem bIles meeting panists are Alice Hornaday, supAnthony L. VentCl', music chair- discussed. or who have ideas or ment; to extend -::ultural horizons in the Woman's Club tOlllon·ow queetions to present In th~ discus- to study current problems of the porting the Chorus and the Boys' man. evening, will be the la.'Jt dancmg ChOI'US, and ,Virginia Feddeman "l!'ourteen" is the title of the sion following the speakers' talks, community. Mrs. Crawford gave and Nancy Rlncllffe, who will ac- class for the seventh, ninth and on"'!-act play which w,ill conclude arn ,invited to b<.l present at th(> man)· intel'esting examples of th'~ 10th grades for this season, t.he the progranl. Its producer-manager sp~('ial meeting on this subject manner In which work toward company the Senior High School hours being 6, 7:30 and ~'::iO is Mrs. Meader, and the cast of sponHol'l'd jointly by the League of these goals Is cal'rled on. Girls' High School 'Glee Club Club. o'clock, respectively, and will be three is composed of Mrs. \Villlam 'Volllen Voters and the Woman's All are seniors mak.ing their last "'Vc cannot ask for s~clal fav informal. Earl Kistler, Mr::;. Donald P. Jones Clull, 'rhl'ee eXJl<.!rts on the problem ors fOI' our thousands of children appearances this year. The chaperonR fOI' the "t\venth of . hou~ing will be able to give it is true," the speaker said. "You and Mrs. Guy S. Deming. There will be nO reserved seats grade wi11 be Mr. and Mrs (". "Home-lalent" variably pro\·idcs Swarthmore residents an up to the take what comes. and you get a this year, all tickets being one dol- Thomas Bauer. Jr., Mr. Ii.lld Mrs. minut(', account of this matter. demoCl'atic education. You can some of the Club's 'Illost "!njoyable lar: tax included. Tickets are now James E. D.lVis, Mr. and MI·s. Roll'rhe time of the mEWting is 8 with safety send your children to pl'ogrnms, and thi::; nfternoon of available frpm members, of the man McHenry, Mr. ann -'lrl'!. Roger drama and Illuslc promises good p,lIl. a pubLic school." choral organizations. Russell, ;.nd M!'. and Mr,;. Lewis cnterlainnlent and humor. Dr. Allan Heely, headmast"!r of Tanguy. Mrs. E. C.' Lappe and Mrs. Kirk Sets New Record tho Lawrenceville School, Lawren Chaperoning the ninth grade George 1\1. Karns will be hostesses, On Friday, J~ft Kirk of South ceville, N. J., In bringing out the will t,· MI'. ;'!l0 Mrs. E,;! l'a'J! ',and Mrs. Carroll E. Robb and Mrs. Chester road, set a new Penn Re- advantages of a boarding school 'ter, ].£r.. v:l(l :Mrs. Cn,"':"!' E AC'li,er W. C. F. Zlegenfus wUl pour at the ay Carnival record In the -tOO meter for boys, said that though numer and MI'. and Mrs. ROCl'lan Mctea following th'3 meeting. IcaUy smaller than public schools, hurdles. Henry. The new record of 53.1 seconds the history of private schools has Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyle will broke a record that has been !ltandbe'3n signiflcant, and the hop'e was CHORUS AT CLUB chaperon 'the 10th grnde. ing since 1932. This is also a. new not so much to train leaders, as to The Players Club closes a suc~ record for the University of Penn- g.lve tho hoys a certain amount of cessful season next week with th\! sylvania and is the first win in the critical insight. Dr. Heely does not presentation of the Gilbert and carnival for the Univertlity in 12 feel that a boarding school is a The annual meeting of the Sulllvan operetta, "The Gondol-. years. good place for a small child, who / Swarthmore Tennis Club was held iers." Dl~cted and produced for (Continued on Page 6) The swarthmore· Recreation As- on Monday, Apl'il 28. Officers the' club by the Rose Vancy eoolation haa planned & full Me- elected for the current season were: 1st Grade Mothers Meet Chorus, the operetta will be given morial Day program for the' after- David Sensenig, president; Robert TO GIVE TALK AT INN First Grade Mothers of Rutgers four nights (May 7, 8, S, and 10) noon and evening' of Friday, May Bra d tor d, secretary-trellSurer; Mrs. Elizabeth Crump Enders for club members and their guests avenue School held a tea.-meeting Joseph Lehecka, chairman of 10. at the home of Mrs. J. David Jack- who has lived and studied In China only. The ltornets and the American grounds committee; E. H. Taylor, The Chorus wlll give a serl"i!S of son of Vassar avenue on Wednesday for many years dellghted a Strath Legion team engage in a chairman of admissions commitpubLio performances the following afternoon at 3 o'clock. Haven Inn group with the first of baseball 8'8me on the high school tee. The Tennis Club will take over Mrs. A. W. BUbe. chairman of her talks on the customs and week. 'Players Club members are field 2\o'cJ,ock. The pla)'ers wUl the College avenue court by June remind'3d that club membership Motion Pictures of Federated Wo- peoples of China. She has lived In be PftC;~~ the a.me as last 16, and possibly a week earIler, coupons are not good for tho puh- men's Clubs of Delaware County, Chlnadurlng peace and war and year. through the courtesy of the colwas guest speaker. has many experiences to relate. As A odance in the high school lege, and wlll have the UBe of Hc performances. proven by the popularity of her gymnasium with Krs. O. G. Swan the courts until the middle or books "Swinging Lanterns" and arpresenting a floor show of unusual end of September. ticles and lectures,- Mrs. Enders Is in~erest durInC bltermlSBlon, ~ Former members who wish to glfted in every Way to convey to Fridar. HaJ' 2 , b scheduled as the evenlng feature. join the Tennis Club sbould call 8:00 P.K-"Our'Bouaing' Problem" •••. _ ...... _..................... Woman s C;:1~r her audiences the fascinating asBoth evanta wU1 ald. In the BUt)- Robert Bradford, Swarthmore 2t69. 8:16 P,M..,.-Orcheitra. Concert ••. _ ................................................. Clot pects of her 8u"je~t. 1;1), ~n l~formal pOrt of the Summer Baseball New memberships can be obtained SMardaJ'. MaJ' 3 2:30 P.M.-Tractc W!aa Delaware .......................... _ .......... _ ..••.... ~ol1ege and Intimate manner she bri'ngs aProgram, til. ~ School. a.nd throuch E. R, Taylor, Bwanbmore 8:00, '1:30, and' 9:30 P.M.--Jr. Assemblles.....................···Woman s Club llve a gallery of magnetic Oriental :, t!le eummer PIUIP'Ound. Tickets 1015-11. 8:15 P.M.--Concert by the Kantorei ................................................ Bond women, or in a ~hloll, a.bsolutely , ~ CO OIl . . . . tbrovahout the . SundaJ'. HaJ' & unique she Introduces the actors of . 11:00 A.M.-Morning W''Orshlp .••....._ ...............•.............. - Local Churches oomm1lllity wItbIIl the nest week. IDitiaIed . TaeaDJ', l\1aJ' e . a'puppet play In all the.lr co\or and. ·200 P.M.-Two One-Act Playa .................... _ ...................... Woman's Club finary. ,'. lin. SeweD W. SCMIP of OdeD • non He~ o~ I\lvervl~w r9,iLd . . WedDesW. Ma7 T Strath Haven Inn invites the aYellue JMJme 117 plane after baa been Inltlated' Into Alpha Tau 8:20 P.JI._C"l'be Qon4oU..n." ......._ ..........:.._........... _............ Players Club towns-people to hear M~ Enders' _ three an~ ~-baIt ~ vtatt ~th ~~~ N&ttonal Fraternity at Wlt, .' '. ~1PJIdaJ', ~ • , , ' 8:00 P.M.-Young )(Dt,h.~-c.·Bow Never To ,Be Tlred...,Wo.~·8 Club next talk, the date o~ which will be . 1irnr.'y.l"..... of :t.IiII.~. . . . . . 000.,.., whe1'8 he la a 1:16 P.JI.--Cooper FOUndation Lec~ure ..:.~~.. ~ ..•_:.•:.-....::..:.:..:.; .. ClOthier rrwlJ. .a ' .' ,. .~ . . ' P ...- ·......e OoIlaeHel." •. _ •.•. ___ ._._::....._.:~~...~ ....•• P1aJent Club 8.Il1lOunce4 iD tile near f1ltun. ROBERT· SESSIONS TO, GIVE 5TH TALK 'HERE ON MAY 8 Boro Branch Jlost To County Next Thursday .Management Series, . Continues at College . . -, ' ..," ~ Housing Meet Tonite j, ,J \1 \ 1 ------ PLAN MEMORIAL DAY GAME, DANCE Events To Boost This Year's Summer Recreation ,--------------- Tennis Club Opens wm at TillS WEEK'S \ arrt.,ea CauL :! ....... -- .- I i . I ) .1 " j' . .' ..- , _. , Frida" Ma, ~.IM"i'· THE SWARTHMOREAN • Jesse Herma n Holmes 80n of clude the brldel party of Ml8a Mar- birth. ot a SOD. Howard aemnea Jane Margaret on April 26. Jrln. Hunter was the commercial Mr. and Mrs. J. Herman Holmes garet'Valentine and their Bon Mr. HotcJmer. on AprlllS, in New York teacher at Swarthmore High School Mr. and Mre. Harry 1.. Miller of Haverford place, bas been etect~ Georg~ W: Collins whose marriage City.' Mrs. Hotchner Is the former Mtsa from 1941 to IU6. of Thayer road returned home cd corresponding secretary a.t We. wtll take place tomot'Tow afternoon at ,:80 o'clock in tbe Swarthmore UniverB~ty. Middletown. Wednesday after a week's vaca- leyan Marjorie Holmes McClure, daUgh"I:;~~~ii~$;ii~~~ii~ii~;;:: ter of Mra. Holmes McClure of ~~""~~,,> tion on their farm a.t North Clar- Conn .• where be in on the honor Episcopal Church. Out-of-town weddtng guests InRiverview road. and Mr. Jobn J. roll. endon. Vt. clude the bride's maternu.l' grandMrs. R. G. RinclU'fe ot Strath McClure of Chester. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thatcher of mother. Mrs. T. R. Shoemaker o.t Haven avenue entertained at a For W.I.L Shop Sale Mountain Lakes. N. J .• wlll spend luncheon at her home Friday in Evanston. III.• Mrs. George S. ValMr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hunter the week-end w1th the tonner's can SWlL 2tli6-J or 2011·W honor of her mother Mrs. H. D. entine, Sr:. -or LeRoy. Ohio. Mr. of West Walnut lane, Germantown, parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Peterson of Sandusky. Ohio who and Mrs. Wade J\. Belden of Akron. announce the birth of a daughter ThD.tCher of Ogden avenue. M.r. Is spending a. few days here after Ohto. and the Rev. and :Mrs. L. E. ~'"'!;''!i''' , Thatcher will serve as an usber wintering in Florida. Plattcnburg of Ithaca. N. Y. Tho at the MUier-Foreythe wedding. Mr. and )1rs. C. C. West of Rev. Plattenburg, former rectol'! ot Mr. and Mrs. N. Bruc~ Dutret Walnut lane will spend the weelt- the St. James Episcopal Church. and their children Anne and Bally end in Washington. D. C.. wUh Columbus, Ohio. will assist at tho 'A Motion Picfure Travelogue in Color by . ot Plainfield. N. J., motored to ~thelr nepbew and niece, hoIr _ a.nd marriage ceremony. Swa.rthmore Sunday and visited Mrs. R. H. Lnthram. Dr. 1·... J. Wcyl, of AI·Jington. Mrs. Duffet's parents. Mr. and FETE BRIDAL COUPLE Miss Frances Gillette· Forsythe. Va .. arrived Saturda.y for an over~ Mr8. Roy P. Lingle of Cornell night visit to his parentlf-tn-Iaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis avenue. METHODIST SOCIAL HALL Mrs. DeWitt A. HUla who bas Mr. and Mrs. John.Bowditch. Jr.; H. G. Forsythe of Toayer road, nnd been spending the winter with her of Cedar lane. Tho next day little Mr. John A. son of Mr. ,and daughter Mrs. A. G. McVay ot Anncmarle WeyJ who had been Mrs. Harry I... Miller o( 'Xhayer . ~ Front Royal. Va.. will return to viHit1ng her grandparents tor scv- road, whose marriage wlll take I~ el'ut weeks, accompanied her fathor place tomorrow afternoon a.t 6 her home on Elm avenue this home. .Dr. Wehl was recently pre- o'clock in the Swarthmore Presbyweek-end. Mrs. McVay with her sented the Meritorious Civilian terian Church. ha.ve been guests of daughter Priscilla w1ll accompany Award by Admiral G. F. Hussey, her mother for e. sbort visit bere. chief of the :Bureau of Ordtnance, honor on the following occasions; Mrs. Scranton Gillette' of LansMiss Adele ~rkley of Guern- for outstanding tlorvic't to the Navy downe, grandmother of the bride, sey road vacationed In the Poconos during World War II. entertained at a dinner party at the over the week-end. 1\lr8. Paul Rutan of Odgen ave- Ingleneuk on Wednesday evening. Mrs. James H. Hornaday of nuo returned borne last week after Mrs. 'VlIUam B. Keech of Lo.n8Dickinson avenue Is entertaining a man's th v18it with her son-In-Ia.w OPEN 1 A. M "...--Q P. .aa. ~. her bridge club at a dessert-bridge and daughter Dr. and Mrs. WilHam downe, who will attend as matron -OUTSIDE CATERING SERVIOF....at her home today. The members O. Linhart. Jr., and their new Ron. of Mnor, entertained the bride at a Wednesday, 7, 8.m. - 2 p.m. SlDlday, 12 - 8 p.m. include Mrs. Charles W. Lukens, W)III am 3r d , of Pittsburgh. surprlBe miscellaneo_us shower. D-"~ "I 60 ~x DINNERS ••..•....... 8 5c to •• Mrs. Charles Fischer, Mrs. Harry Mr. and Mrs. Forsythe wlll enSpecial OhUdreD's Platters Lang of Swarthmore, Mrs. Samuel Mrs. Wayne H. Randall ot Rlver- tertain the brid~l party at dinner at 1~ . Crothe.r& ot Wallingford. Mrs. view road ~nter~lned her dupllcate their home this evening tollowing I"'" Merle Mulloy of Bowling Gr.en, bridge club at a hlOcheon-brldge the wedding rehearsal. Mrs. Adley Nichols, Lansdowne. at her home ThUrsday. Mrs. MUler will entertain the and Mrs. Paul Hertel of Rutledge. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gorf:lon 1\1c- bridal party and out-ot-town guests Mrs. Robert L. Coates. Mrs. John Conechy ot South Chester r,oad en- at a luncheon at hor home tomorC. Moore, and Mr~. Edlth SImpson tertained at a. dInner party Su·nday roW. ot Swarthmore. and active meM- in honor of Mr. and Mrs. ThomM BIRTHS BEAUTY SALON Dr. and Mrs. Edgar'T. Gibson ot bers of the Dalaware County Webster of WUmlngton, Del.. and Writers' Club,' ,"ere luncheon the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Secane announce the birth ot a. '. --' f M rs. J 0 h n W . George Reese of Sussex, England daughter Ann Gibson on April 17 goe eta Tu ~a;y.o Tulip'TllDe I" Tune-up Tune S pangIer 0 f D raxeI HII I, c Iub ot- who are here on an extended visit. .in the Fitzgerald Mercy Hospital. flcer. ENGAGEMENTS Mrs. Gibson is the former MIss 13 South Chester RoadMrs. George M. Allen. Mrs. Helen Tomlinson, da.ughter of Mr. Can sWarthmore 0476' Frank n. Markley, Mrs. W. E. Mr. an!3, Mrs. Charles E. CUnning- and Mrs. Harold Tomllnson of Dungan, Jr. and Mrs. Paul WU- ham of Erdenheim. Whitemarsh SprIngfield, formerly of SwarthlIams spent 14 tew days of this Valley, announce the engagement of mor.e. week on an automobile trip to their daughter 1\{ary Ellen, to 1iliirl vlslt the famous gardens of Vir- D~nlel Kirk son of Mrs. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jackson of glnta.. Kirk of South Chester road. Vassar _avenue are receiving con, ,,i MISS Betsy Kite of Ogden aveMiss CUJlnlngham is a junior at gratulationH upon the birth of a the Unlv'Jrsity of Pennsvlvania. soven pound, 10 ounce daughter ! nue entertained at a luncheon~ bridge on Saturday afternoon hi Mr. Kirk who recently received name~ .loan Jackf'lon on April 24 honor of Miss carol Ma.ude Froe- his discharge trom the Army, IA in Bryn Mawr HOHllital. bel ot Swarthmore avenue who wUl planning to begin hiS senior year ut The baby's sister Jane celebrated the Universitlr of PennsylvanIa in her second bIrthday annIversary on be~ married June 14. the fall. the same du}". ., Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Mor1!llc ot Parrish road will spend the· Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison Mr. and ·Mrs. Bruce Hnrltness of " week-end with their son-In-law Eckhardt of Hammonton, N. J .• Chicago, Ill., are betng congratulatoJ Ji'erhapa you life one of those and. daughter. Ensign and Mrs. q.nnounco the engagement of their ed upon the birth of ,their second Donald W. Smith ot Brooklyn, daughter Erna Marie Eckhardt to child, a daughter named Marguefortunate, individuals who baa N. Y. ' Mr. WilliQ-m Gilby_Fentress, Jr., rite Harkness, on April 20 in Chinever been ill. If so, you have Mr. and Mrs. Ha.rl1e D. Hey- son Of M.r. und Mrs. Fentress of cago. !tnard, Mr. and Mrs. \Vlllard Tom- Norfolk, Va. ·rhe baby is a granddaughter of given the, matter of medical care l\IiSR Eckhardt is completing her Mr. and Mrs. H. E. E. Harkness of linson, Mrs. A. H. Tomlinson and little thought. Here's hoping that Miss Helen Tomlinson of South second year as dietitian at the Crozer Campus, Chester, and ot' i:', ",esa never overtakes you CIt' Chester road drove to Frenchtown, Swarthmore High SC)lOol. Mr. KU- :Mr. and Mrs. Lyle A. Whitsit of N. J .• saturday and attended a by is a design engineer witll West- Elm avenue. Mrs. Whitsit who bas any of the members of your fambeen with Mr. Whltsit In South family reunion at the farm of Mr. inghousc. ily. But if it does, you should be prepared. What The wedding will talte place this America, has joined her daughter and Mrs. William Pichardo, son, and family. in-law and daughter of Mrs. ~ summer. pl)ysician woUld you call? Where would you take H. Tomlinson. his prescriptions?' Establish your family physiTO HONOR COUPLE Mr. aud Mrs. Howard Hotchnor Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gooch of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin W. ~01- or New York City announce the cian now. Prompt attention to minor aiIm~ts Elm avenue have returned home after a. six-week business and plea- Una of North Chester road will enoften prevents long, serious illnesses. When you UNITY ASSEMBLY sure trip to Florida and Mississippi. tertain at a dinner at their home "roman's Club Side Entnmce find it.necessary to consult him, depend on US to 10:30 A.M. Every' 'Vednesday Mr. and Mrs. Lovett Frescoln of this evening. The guests will in, ZELIA )1. WAIll'ERS, Speaker Harvard avenue entertained Mrs._. __''-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ fill his presCriptions exactly as ordered. Everyone Welcome Gordon Lee Parsons of 'W!est ColA:ID HOLLAND SCHOOL FOR lingawood, N. :1. of a few days. Miss Anne Lingle of Cornell Attend Fair 5 avenue will spend the week-end as Today Call the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. Herbert 2 P. A[. Tn~II '7 P. ~L Mrs. Uoyd E. Kauffman Ott of. New York City. Mrs. Ott SChool In Rose Valley was the former Miss Ruth LippSwarthmore 2080 man of Swarthmore. Personals Articles Sought "The Great Northwest and The Canadian Rockies" Dr. Arthur C. James of Drexel Hill Tuesday, May 6, 8:00P.M. ~l!1ler, ~~A~d~U~I~t8~~6~O~C~~~~ii~~~~~~~iiiC~b~i~J~dr~e~D~.~3~O~C~ DEW DROP INN BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER ~~"~3li3li3li~ The Bouquet . I WHO IS YOUR DOCTOR? I ff , Magazine Subscription MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY On the Comer , ---- COLLEGE THEATRE MEDIA Your car can't TELL you why tt's lost tt's vim and vigor WE can! ~Friday and Saturd.llY 7 3[8.Y 2 and a Betty Grn,ble In Friday - Saturday Brian Donlevy Yvonne deCarlo \ J "The Song "SHOCKING MISS PILGRIM" Saturday MaUD"" Only Our Usual Big Kiddy Show 1. CharUe McCarthy in "SONG OF THE OPEN ROAD" 2. Surprise Featurette 3. Cartoon and Shorts of MoD. & Tues., lila)" 5 ., 6 Schererazade" BlDg Crosby-Fred Astalre The Music of Wed.-'lbors.-Frl. and sat.., 'Ma:s 7, 8, a, aDd 10 Rim sky Korsakov . In .TecIudcolor BJ'Requ_ "BLUE SKIES" I I !Let us diagnose the trouble and treat it. You can leave your car here and be confident that we will fix what needs to be fix~d (not more) & p.m.,W"",,~_~7· , t<> 7:10 p .... alia·. to" liro 1...... Sundel'. Mal' f. Letters to Editor THE SWARTHMOREAN nrc.. HI·" .. II-, , ,. ... COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING of the procedure required ..- ....... ,.,..,.. for services of all faiths and fraternal orders. OLIVER CHURCH SERVICES H. lAIR CO. , Let us help· make your car longer run better year Right Now your car needs these "Get, Ready for Summer" Services 1 6 2. 7. 3. 8. 45. _ed 11:_ 9 HANNUM . & WAITE YALE aDd CHESTER ROAD -;.: .' '.... :~,: '; . . c_~:o...~~··.'r.,".'.·.:!'.~ .. - '.'""," ~ ..... ~. '- .. .... -., , , • 1250 I Ii T H,E -S WAR T H M O'R E A .N THE 4 SCHOOL NEWS J!'lUDROB OLUB B4l!iQ1lEr The annunl French Banquet ..as held In tho Hlch _001 cafeteria on April 14, Under the management ot Mi88 Strouse. students or rlr&t, second and third year French classes produced a 'Very entertaining evening. The third year stu"onts presented a. plp.y written ....d directed by Anno )(egonlga.! .... " Holon HooL The cast Included Betty Spencer, Leonard'Mygatt, Jerq Berkowitz, Weston Clarks, Helen Hoot, Lonlse Archbold, Charlotte' Hobbs, and Gloria Quick, A .enet of Benlo.... VIrginia lJay, Lonlse Archbold. Pat Weiland, .lean BrowD, Beth Huey, and Bohble Davlo sang and danced to .. French tolk tune, The newly popula.r soric 4tMademol· New ,Pre-War Quality And Pre-War Prices Oil Bw_. ad GcaJaq Pump; Oil Domestic Wahl' Beaten Oil Hot Air Fam_ awm.. awm.. Now Ann.hle for lEi, ,djete 1neteDetjm. H. W. Borden and Sons 34S Park A.euue Swarthmore 1694 • SAFE MILK ) 12th and KERLIN STS., CHESTER, PA.' Te.ephone-6129 I CREA,TOP .!1m I • RICH, Creamy Milk' door or BELL-TWIN GRINDER at your Lawn Mowers your store. Dlstlnc- «It seUe" was sung by a chorus of J~lora IncludlnC Sue Burrlok. Mli.rgery johDBton. Ehlno Whe,.".. Roberta Hn!g. Helen Reed, Jo .... Hatch, Ann Potter. and Pat GaIlas'hert The male studentl &lao had tholr turn' a.t dancinlr, They did two choruses uM8.dlon" and "Aupree De lila· Blonde," Two vocal selections. "I'll ~e You Agalb" and hL I Amour Toujours 11 Amour" were sung by EmU,. Pritchard and Anne Megonlgal, respectively. Weston Clarke served B8 chair.. man of the planning committee for this atralr, while Nan Pitman headed the committee for making place cards and menus. WIN HONORS Throughout the last school year the students in the art de· partment have been very bus)," en· terlng n'Q.merous contests. The American Automobile Associatlon put on a campaign tor safety posters Which Charlotte Hobbs and WI""lo Rumble entered, Winnie also entered the Easter . Beal contest and won 110. Charlotte Hobbs, Nan Pitman. Betty Spencer and Doris Black designed seals, too. ~ntrles were made by Winnie Rumble, Charlotte ·Hobbs, and 'Rosemarie Beneke tor the scholastic exhibit. Carolyn Morse won $6 tor her fIne poster announcing the antique sale at the local Women's, Club and Jean Holman took the honors for the Junior High contest. Le.st week the Eastern Al't.& Convention was held In the Benjaanln Fra4klln Sharpened by Machine , tive in the Creom-Top boHle50 Oth.... tools also sharpened Saws Set and Fned · QttiCk S ervtCe much easier to 'use! 1044-10th Avenue fOf creall\ VS tee l'do De' '''"''-10ll£ f tV S \ 0" , "",....ad~·'" --- RUT L EDGE , PA • .. SpI,·of"'· 'II 0'-<> ......~.,.~ MER'~'" ~'.L£ M'·· It. o..A.. I'P"'.... ... : PK ?' ()alJ Phone: and Deliver sWarthmore 0128-M ' ~,~~iiiiiii~i"~'i~~i'~ii~~iii~~ii~~ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i' I !M'lQJIIPJ~M:Ma! Mother's Day May 11th Whether Mother ill a le~ blockll away or acrOlls the continent, we can lIee to it that IIhe'li get her lavorite flowerll from Y,oa on Mother's Day_ Greeting ARN Decorative and Cards Phone Swa. 0450 We Deliver FLOWERS Novelty Candles Baltimore Pike 'WOLl'.IEr BALL A new Intranlural aport. hu startod under Coach Hl11ard G, Bcoblnaon's intramural program. The Tournament is open to any.. one who wishes to pl~ eveD It he is out tor a varsity sporL The tournament games will be played on rainy days when t'here Is no lacrosse or track practice. Thl8 will give a. much larger group of bOYB a chance to play. The teams are made up of tbe dltlerent home .rooms In J(tnth, tenth. eleventh, and t wei f t b grades. There are six men on a team and each team has a cbance of losing two games before they are dropped from the ~ournament. VISrr ART MUSElllI[ On the 24th ot April, the sopho· more class left the High School at 12: 30 to make their oecond trip of the year, tbls time to the Art Museum on the Parkway. ·When they arrived at the museum. they viewed the various displays on the Middle Ages and the Renaissance period. This annual trip whiCh was sponSored by the core currIculum and was awaited with great eagerness by members of the class proved. a taaclnatlng as well as an educational trip. JUNIOR RIFLE OLUB a.h A Junior Rine. team has been organized under the sponsorship Of the Senior RUle Club .ot Swarthmore. Tbe Club consists of about 10 boys who for 8 weeks took a. rlJrtd course. on the proper handllng ot a gun and are Q.uallfied rlftemen. The club hopes to make arrangements for matches with other rifte teams from ot'ber schools. Ofrlcers are Harry Warren, president; Jack Dodd, vice-president; ROBB Plalzgraff. range officer; Tom Maher, treasurer, Anyone intereSted In joining . one 0 f the club should contact these b·Oys. FOREIGN POLI()Y' MEEl'ING On April 19 the last meeting at the Foreign Polley Association ford Hotel In Philadelphia. The was held at the Bellevue-Strattopic of dlscUBBion was LatlnAmerica. in the World Panorama'. Swarthmore Hlgh School was reprcsented . by Charles Andes, Steven Spencer, Carol Heinz, and Robert Fawcett as table leader, with Mr. Yocum as Faculty ad.. viser. Though not as lively as previous meetings, t'he discussion was still extremely Interesting. - The moderator was the Mexican Consul General in Philadelpihla., while the opening' re1Jlarks were presented. by the Chairman of the Philadelphia branch of the PanAmnrican, Union. JR. CLUB ACfORS WE WIRE FLOWERS ANYWHERE, Standard HoteL Swarthmo.... Behoole ..ere uked to Bend work tor the eXbJ... IbIL Projecto by Fred A!msren, Toddy Corey and Mike Mwtkat were sent to rep,reeent the eighth grade and work by Dorothy, Borden, Evelyn Thompson, Cha.rlotte Hobbs, and Katherine Hayes was oent rrom the Benlor High BehooL Springfield, Pa. "cn membcn. of the Swarthmore Junior Club enjoyed dinner and a theatre party in Philadelphia Tues· day evening when they saw tbe piny, "Tho 8tn.te of the Union." The Mother and Daughter Ban· quE'! of the club w;1l be held in the Woman's Club on May 20 Instead of May 13 us originally planned. to MAKE 'lIER'DAY ~OULBri~ 1---;:: ------.' ~. I i ~ CAN BE FOUND AT B U CoB N E R S ., Enders Tells Club Group Proper Balance th1:s lege Freshmen and a 14 to 1 win over Penn Junior Varsity. C&ppy Bierman's Heven goals against Penn were the highlights. Thursday the team· visited Swurthmore College. It will probably wind up. the senson on Tuesday. ·May Ot at Lower Merion High School. This game promises plenty ot action M th\J Garnet will be out fol' revep.ge for the 6 to 4 licking L. M. gave Swa.rthmore in its iniUal game . GlRl.JS' LAOR,OSSE The girls' lacrosse squad has been rolling along in flne form. Last week at Sprlngslde Scbool the varsity won 4 to 2 and the second team tied 3 to S. At Haverford High School the third team tied at 2 to 2 and the fourth team won 4 to 1. Monday the second team defeated the College Junior Varsity 6 to 3. On Tuesday Radnor visited the Garnet and was defeated 3 to 2 and 1 to 1. The big gaOle is toda.y, Friday, when Lower Merion's first and second teams come to Swarthmore to avenge an earlier 8 to 0 defeat. The girls deClare they will chJJ.llengc the b~ys if they don't defeat L. M. on Tues .. day, Volleyball, Badminton, Tennis . And Softball Open . The juniors are battUng it out. for the boys' volleyball championship with Joe Brown. Bill Huey and Rodney Bray representing formidable teams. Dick Jones Is no doubt the boy to beat In the 11I.trumu,·al btW.minton tournament· which got under.. way this week with 64 entries in the· shlgles and 36 In the doubles. The tennis courts arc shaping up and Instruction will start this com .... Ing week. A tennis club will be organized to play matches with other high schools. The intramural softball ieague will get underway this week followed by the Intramural track meet and the tennis tournament which wUI wind up the Intra.mural Bea-. SOD. Nunery Jamlls The Swarthm?re Nursery School,. under the direction of Mrs. G. W. I;lrodhead and Mrs. Joseph ·Kahler, has enjoyed many new experlenc~ this spring-walks on the beaut!., ful college campus, and a. trip to. the Philadelphia Zoo which gave the little folk plenty to talk about~ Tuesday the roost novel ot all their dOings Occurred when John A, Plumel' made 'H; .. th.... =;;:;============IF=~=;;:;================.....========-JJI \loa8e _ _ _ ,_It. On Wednesday afternoon a small group of Mothers Club members heard Mrs. Robert Enders, 10CBl kindergarten to a. c h 0 r, discuss ·'Emotions Bnd Aggresalons". "W19 exPect and want the child tQ be aggreslve, to Mrs. End~r8 said. "W.} like to see a. nice balance between an aggl':'esive and a submisslve attltude." "It the child J is personally securtt he Is more Ukcl)~ to· achlove , this balance", 8~e continued. "Tho ohUd who is not aggressive often . has '80 .moM serious, deeply rooted problem because .it is natural to ·1 caet to reststance. An example was \HIed ,..from Howard Fast·s "The American" in which a father takes out his own resentment against InJust1~s by punishing his chUd. "Fortunately , , very tew parents tod~y Clo this". the speaker trtated "but a child w,fU react to Ida frustrations on any other chUd or adult who Is near". An example of th., chUd who reacts to the feellng at not belonging by trying to escape was taken trom Josephine Eckert·s bo6k "The Practicing of Christopher". Mrs. Enders told the motb'9rs that technique and spcclfic rulcs are not nearly so I~portant as the relationship botween pa.rents and chUd. "Fea~8 of par~nt and chUd, too high standards. ~t by parents and parents' desire tor a child to be first in everything lead· to soctal malajustments tor which the child trios to compenaate" claimed Mrs. Enders. At the close of th~ meeting which was held at the home of Mrs. C. J. Garrahan on College avenue, specific problems were dis· cusseq by tho group. . , I MOTHERS CLUB TO VOTE , , Approxlmatet)· 95 senior girls from high schools' In Delaware .County Interested in a career In nursing were the gueHt of the Community Health Society of Swarthmore and the PubUc Health Nursing Servlee ot Lansdowne, at a tea Aprll .2f, in Shrlgley House. Lansdowne. The oCC8ldon marked Public Health Nursing Week. April 20 to 26. The girls attended In the company of their own school nurse. Following a Black Bag demonstration, Mary E. Beam, Executive directOr of the PubUc Health Nursing Service of Dela· ware County. spoke on "Public Health Nursing. A Career." After a film, "Your Friend. the Publie He-alth Nuurse." Mary Miller, from the NUrse Recruitment Service of PhtIadelpliia, sP,oke briefiy. Staff nUrses (rom The Swarth· more Community Health Society who were present: Mrs. EUzabeth Ann Groft, Supervisor ,Mrs. Louida' P. Powell. Mrs. Mildred S. Strayer. Mrs. Mary M. McConnel. Rita M. Kenny. and Erma S. Young. Super· visor Anne H. Burkhardt was among those prescnt from the Lansdowne Service statt. . Refreshments were served by members of the committee from the Lansdowne Nursing Service Board. and Swa..thmore Commun· tty Health SOCiety Board of DI· rectors Frances Q'Bril;m. president, Mrs. Dean Weinberg. chairman. Mrs:. William J. Hetzel. Mrs. C. Edwin Ireland. and Mrs. Walter Schmidt. , . Take Part in P~o Recital A second group of plano pupils of Charles Izml met at his home and played selections by modern and contemporary compcsers on Saturday evening. The following chUd'ren took part· Spencer Carroll. Donald Poole, Ann Morse, Debby Lukens, Merle BatsI~y, John Litty. Honey Elser, Aud· rey Graham. Billy Hartmann. and .Joan Pennock. On Saturday May 3, another group wlll meet to play at three thirty p, M, The next meeting ot the Swarth· more Mothers Club will be held on Thursday, May 8 at 8 p.m. In the Wom:an's Club. Mrs. J.V.S. Blaho)) will review the book "How Never Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Bird of to be Tired" by Marie Bevon Ray. Lafayetto avenue entertained 11 Preceedlng the revJew wIll be a Uttle friends of their daughter short business meeting and the Barbam Leo Bird on Thursday af· el~ctlon ot omcera tor next year. It ternoon In honor of her third is hoped that all wh~ can woill at- birthday, tend In order to vote and enjoy the Mrs. Elwood Garrett of Princc· • of tho year. Those un ... last meeting ton avenue and her dau~hter MrB. able to come CRn vote by ahsent'€!l\- Jay D. Cook, Jr., of Phila.delphla ballot to be sent to Mrs. gacc: entertained at dCSBert-hridge and Gowing, secretary, 635 ParrIsh a. aurprise ltnen shower on Saturroad. on or before }Jay 8. day afternoon In honor of Mlp The nominees are as follows: Ma.r&,aret Valentine or Benja.mln Presidoent, Mrs. Walter N. Moir West avenue wh.ose marriaefl to and Mrs. Mace Gowing; VJce M:r. George W. Collins of North President, Mlrs. Willla.m H. James, Chester .road win take place to· and Mrs. Joseph Kahler; Record- morroW afternoon. ing Secretary, Mrs. W.UlIam E. Graham and Mrs. NorMan Sktl1~ mifn; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. David WIman and Mrs. John Seybold; Treasurer. Mrs. F. F. I;:;" ~ Robinson and MrS. William Kur· tzhalz; Hosplta.ltty Chnlrman. Mrs. J. A.. Turner and Mrs. John ~AJ" a.o. Maerker; Membership Chairman, STEAKS CHOPS MJ's. Robert W. Wood and Mrs. Ralph V. Little; Board Member. SEAFOOD Our SpeciaIty Mrs. Cyrus Harvey and Mrs. J. G. Completely Breltl.!ng, NEWS NOTES' Back 1847 of Your Independence Stands The Penn Mutual 1947 ,WAHREN R. BERNARD (Member William F. Lee Asoociates) Lile Insurance ,FandI7lnconM Ell $iw ftams .. - . L'_'_.3-7300 ADHII'IIItiei •• Home And School Elect. Wm. Lee 5 , Kappas to Meet The Kappa Kappa Gamma sew· PETER E. TOLD Ing group will hold a special meet· ing at the home of Mrs. James C. (Continued from Page 1) Law"ence Highland and Moylan ne-"'ds o.bln·o all 0. sonse of 89curlty, avenues, Moylan, on TueLday next. General which 18 best found In the home. If. howev(,l", there Is none in tho Carol Van Alen ot Park avenue home, oltl'n the boarding school a freshman at Bucknell University 333 DARTMounI AVE. can h'"i!lp rl'bu.tld this Bcnse of sec· and three 'college classmates spent urlty. Wednesday night. Aprll 23 at the '"There usually comcs a time In Van Alen home following two Phone Dartmouth 1833 tho development of a bOY," ·sald engagemoents with Bucknell WoDr, He.ely, "when he 18, ready to man's Glee Club in Philadelphia. become hiH own man. This is a ~"~"~~,,,,,,~"UO' good time tor him to go away from home, wh'€!re he Is pJ'obably sUIi treated like a younger child. He Presents Joey KearDl! and his Orchestra at a \\'JIl develop taster:' he will. tor Instance. accept adverse criticJsm better from strangerR than from his family." in the Th'"3 advantage of 'th("! non·cmotional treatment of a boy In boarding school was stressed, objective rather than subjective treatment Saturday, May 17, 1947 - 91b 1 P_ M.. ot a. cold, for instance. Good trea.t· mont given. medically. but no Fonnal Taets, $4.80 per couple emotional reactions. Other advantRefreshments Included ages mentioned were the twentyfour hour day contacts for the boy. hi his. yariOU8 socJal relationF,hlps. and the opportunity for close observation which results In suggestions for special treatm~nt where. needed. A Special Box of Candy The flnal Importance ascribed to the boarding school is in Dr. For A Very Special Mother Heely's opinion the opportunity to Introduce religion Into th-e Ute ot the boy through daily contact with re'UglouB thought. giving unity and meaning and pUt'pose to the val'· lous activities oC the school life. 0' In.arance Yottng Repttblican.' Clttb 01 Swarthmore SPRING DANCE Swarthmore High School Gymnasium NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Perry of the Swarthmore .A:;Jartments en· turtalned 12 guests at·a dinner party at Strath Haven Inn F~t­ day evening. Lt. Comdr. John C. Taylor. USN. just" returned trom Newfoundland. ond Mrs. Taylor of Yale avenue entertained in.formally on Saturday evening. lIra. Taylor and her daughter SalJ,.. are at Newport, R. I .• this week where Comdr. Ta.ylor is temporarlly stationed befor~ leaving for the North Pole, Mrs. ,Morris Potta ot Yale avenue entertained 45 members ot the Philadelphia Mothers' Club at a. tea and musical On Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Potts is past pres. Ident of the club. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van Alen and Mrs. George ~Van Alen of Park avenue left Thursday tor Wellesley College to attend the celebration in connection with Sophomore Fathers' Week-end. Nancy Van Alen Is a sophomore at Wellesley. Whatever her in ta~te fin e candies, we've got it boxed attractively " , Hard, chewy, creamy, crunchy, each comes in its own box or in a 1asty assortment. GIVE HER CANDY ON MOTHER'S OIAY MICHAEL'S COLLEGE -PHARMA&Y On the Corner Michael's TH EATRE STORE 61S South Chester Road \ [very Car ,should have a FRESH START for Spring! Tuno It Up .. TIghten It Up .. Pollsh It Up .. For Pep, Safety and Beauty1 HERE IS WHAT WE SUGGEST: COOLING SYSTEM DRAINED: Out comes winter-rusted water_ Refill with freab water_ COOLING SYSTEM INSPEC1iED: Hose connections checked and ,tightened ••. fan belt inspected and a~ted. MOTOR On. CHANGED: Dirty, used oil drain~ Crankcase refilled for protection W1~ clean; freab .,_mer GEAR on. CHANGED: Dirty used gear, oil drained out. Tl'IIIISmission amd rear asle filled with correetgrade smnmer oD. QlASSlS LUBRICATION: With Summer greases. All Vital points protected fOr warm weather driving. FUEL SYSTEM: Clean carburetor and on. strainer and fuel pump bowl and adjust carburetor with vacuum gauge. SPARK PLUGS CHECKED: Inspected for correct gap, bumt' points and aackecl porcelain. . IGNITION CHECKED: Distributor points and head cleaned ad adjusted, Distributor bearings and shaft lubricated• BATr~1' end GENERATOR: Batteq tested, tenninala cleaned end tightened, cables impected and distilled water added.. Adjust ge........tor charging rate_ AIR Cl.EAN£R $ERVlCED: Cleaners OIl carburetor ad crankcase ventilator r6 moved and elements washed of collected dust and dirt-oiled and replacedClean filter saves gasoline. is leOommelided In .oonjunction with the abo'Ve operadOJ:l:. We also ~ protectlJig the coollDg .ystem . . . . , . _ ~_ - It stops lonnadon ot rust and. prevents Oietbeatlng. A REVERSE FLUSH RUMSEY CHEVROLET Sales AND RUTGERS - Service • SWARTHMORE ,t439 • THE SW A R flcUon: "Dark "Summer"-Dorothy Aldis: "Fire In the Bnow"-Hammond Innes: "The Scarlet Patch"Bruce Lancaster: "The '1'1n }t~lute" The Swarthmore Public Llbrar)' -Maurice Sampl'l; "The Vlxens,tcontinues to make avallablo the li'ran k Y erb y: an d t \VO myateles' r. latest and best books in the field "The Unwelcome Corl'se·'--Barbara LibTary OReT. New Selection. of current publications. Librarian li"'rost. and "Final Curtatn"-Ngaio Bettina Hunter's most recent list ot March. acceB8lons Includes these books of Non-fiction works include "Con~ ______________ ~______________ Acme Will Always Sring You LOWER PRICES 'I: H M OR E A.N cord: American Town," by Prates.. Bor Townsend 8cucid",r or Swarthnore College; "AprU in the Branches"- Gultelma }I'. Alltop; "Behind the 8l1ken CurtainOO-Bartley C. Crum; "The 'W'orid Grows Round "Lark, Radio SIDger"-HeJen D. Olds: "America's Blamps"-Maud and Miska Petersham: "Eastern Surprlac"-Helen K. Rathbun. UThe Young Barba.rlanB"-H~leD R. Sattley; and "Hercules the Ge~­ tle Glant"-Nlna Schneider. My. Door"-Davld Falrchlld; "Wby They Behave Like RU88ians"-John Mrs. G. E. Sllloway of North Fischer: "Logbook for Gruce"- Cheater road reached home ThursRobert C. Murphy. day from an extended motor trip to This 'latest book~lIst should bring California. Mrs. Silloway Wa.B acjoy to many SWarthmore chUdren, companled by ber granddaughter. (or it is heavily weighted with Nancy Walters of pasadena.. Mrs. Henry L. Ward of Ceda.r books for juvenile. Including "Ben~ gey and the Bcaat"-Olat Baker: la.ne served as h.ostesa to the Read· "Milo's New 'Y0r1d"-Betty Bowen; lng Group, Thursday. "The Golden }..'gg Book"-Margaret Mr. O. Wardet' Cresson, Jr., W. Brown: "Spurs for Suzannau visited his parents l\lr. and Mrs. Betty Cavanna: "Chlpmunk Moves" G. Warder Cresson of Riverview -Margaret Friskey: "Fathered road last wcek~end. Mr. Cresson, Cape"-Hal Goodwin: "'The Big the connec\lng company agent for SUver Bowl"-Phlltp HnrklnR: the Indian Bell Telephone, has "Henry CIa,y"-HcIen A. MODsoll: been promoted to the Commercial "Thomas Jefferson"-Helen A. department of the American TeleMonsell: "Getting Acquainted with phone and Telegraph COmpRny in Chemlstry"-Altred .~. Morgan: New York City. I As It Is always our policy to lower prices on all foods as fast as market conditions pennit, you are always sure of saving on all your food needs In the Acme. Here Are Some of Our New Lower Prices Farmdale E~!!',':,.S'S:'!:~ '=:;. 'Pri:'us PEAS • 16c Good fottune AWAITS YOU at the MADISON BROm· Packed at P_k of Th.lr OardeD_'re.h Flavor No.2 Harlock Sweet Peas No.2 am Roll-lord Asparagas cc~::' No.2%: /lSaJ Saaer Kraat F~ave any books contributed to the Sale. Non Leag- ' ue members who may wish to give used books may leave them by Thursday May 8th at the Co~oJ) sto.-e, whN"o) they will be collected by the Hook Sale Commlttee. .... 1 . . NATIONAL BANK .&ND . TRUST CQ~ . N_ PATIERSON Mrs. Roy Comley of Rose Valley 1 _ Coates Rea4'> Toda7 MemIJers arc ·rcmtnded of thu entertatned The Eightsome at a P~R80NAL , FUNERAL ROME luncheo'n~brldge Oil: Monda.)· qcter. meeting ot the 'lIterature depa.rt~ 'WllUam T. Pat~noD, DJreetor P.ER80N~- Enjoy the informal, Ell'bteea Yean EsperleDee nt nt a.t 10 a.m. }i'riday, May 2, friendly h08pltality 01 a vacation at noon. TELEPHONE BEDIA. 1588 when Mrs. Rob')rt L. Coates will Musko" Beach Inn, tn Ol}tario'& Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Lukens beautiful Muskoka. Lake country. :00 of Strath Haven avenue will spend read from the poetl"Y of Robert mUes north of Toronto. Reached by motor, train or bus. MaID lodge, bung- ·a tew daYB of next week In New FrosL Mrs. Ha.·old O. GrUHn wUl aloWS, cabins. Sandy beach tor c,hUd· York City. proseot Mrt-t. Coates. J"$l, deep water swimming and. diving, tennis, golt, boating. ridIng. shuttle--Mrs. George Fenno of SwarthState Fed. Delf."gata;; board. hiking, boat tripe;, beach parties, more avenue entertained Mrs. W .. B. ioafln&,. Excellent tood. Variet)'" of ac~ The Penlll$)"lvania State lo"':ldcracommodations atarUng at $36.4)0 per Richards ot P1;llladelphla lUI her Lion Convention at Buck HUI Falls week (BIngle); f28.00 eaeh (doub~). lrIea.l8 Included, For complete informa- week-end guest. Mrs. Fenno enter- will open Ma)" G and conqnue and eounselluK', 10 hetl' dedde OD tion, rates and reservatlona, phone tained tor a few days of this week. through ~Iay 7~8. Delcgatetl of the eoUrle- of 5tudT or oeeupe.lIon • Ernest n. Laws, Swarthmore 069~:M. Mrs. A. M. Johnston ot Appleton. SWarthm.ore Club will be Mrs. Yree Booklet, S. 1 TO:M'IJIN80N COUNM'EI,OIlM PERSONAL- Vacuum cleaner". Irons, Wise .• Mrs. WIlliam Paine 01 Mil- Peter E: Told, prosldent; Mrs. .John UI! Ma.rkCtt St. 'PbUadelphla, If I'a. toastet! and radios repaired. Called for and dellvered. Call R';Jbert Brooks, waukee and Miss Marion Malone- of E. Micha~I.' presld(>nt-elect, Mrs. , Beloit; Wisc. Swarthmore 1648. John H. Pitman, first' vice presiP I _ ~taUonerJ Mr. and MrS. Roy A. Gezelius of dent, Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe. _ _KodaJ. SnppHm PERSONAI-lnunedJate servIce and repairs on all' makes of electric Wallingford wilt entertain at a din- tlrst vico presldent clect. 1\.:11"8. T. K. Greeting Oard9-Bobb, Craft washers. (Bendix included). ironers. ner party at their home tomorrow a.-own, JI'.. recording secretary, vacuum cleaners, ranges. water SIMMONDS heatel'8. lrons, toasters, fanB and evening. with Mrs. S. Murray Viele. treasurer lamps. Also. wtrlng, old and new. Re~ 714 Welsb Street; 01 eater Dr. and 1\Ir8. John R. Batel:!- ot and Mrs. Guy S. ~mJng, program palrs--servioe-lnstalIa.tlon. All work 'Pilone (..'1l •• t • .r :I~"" done In compliance with Fire Under- North Chester road entcrtal~ed Mr. chairman serving us alternat~. writers" requirements. New. vacuum ~IBlIlBEns IlONORED BY cleaners, uprIght and tank type. now and ·Mrs.. George E. Beatty of available. Call Erich H. Hausen, Shoreham. L. t .• as their \Veek~end COUNTY Swarthmore 2850-W. If nO a.nswer. call guests. Mr. and Mrs. Beatty were 1I.Ir8. Peter E. Told, preSident, Swarthmore 0740. guests of· honor at an informal and Mrs. Stoyan W. Russell. county WANTED party given Sunday afternoon by chairman of III usic, were elected to WANTED--One thousand customers Mr. and Mrs. ROY A. GezeJius ot sc-rve on :.the board of dlr.ectors of tor used book sale (L'VoV) , Saturday, Wallingford. the Delawal'e County Federat~on at May 10, 9 to 4. Borough Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnold of the j,....cderat\on meetlnJ;' last week, WANTED-Man and wife desire one t rtal t Painter. or two rooms. Both willing to work W&lIlngford will en. e n a a when All·S. Maul'lce Mccaffery was around Place. Man experIenced as dinner this eventng in honor of elccted pregldcnt of the group. landscape ga.rdener; Tel. Swarthmore their hOUBC guests, Mr. and 14r.. Literary honors won" by cluh O't69-R. We Should Know How =~:::"=_=--:-____:;-"-_-=-_18crantoD GUlette of Winnetka, Ill., members in the county contests I~~ WANTED-Business wonutn ned, late of tho east and Southwest and crossing the FOR SALE-Boy's bicycle, size 23", Borough of Media: bed of a. t'....elve feet wide driveway. balloon tires. Call Swarthmore 0148. LETTERS OF ADM,lNlSTRATION Southeast Eighty~five feet. BEING ~---------On the above ~state have been Jot ·No. 29 on said plan. FOR SALE--Wae.hing machine. re- granted to the undersigned, who re· TOGETHER with use of driveway. cently rcbuUt. .Call Swarthmore 2529. quests &ll persons haVing cl~ms or Improvements consist of 2 story demands against the ~state ot, the de- brick dwelling with basement garage, FOR SALE--..<;Ingle brick house In cedent to make known the same. 'and 16 x 33 feet. 1 Sprlllf"Pfleld; six rooms, 2 baths. ReSold as the property of Crosby·FOX ., persons indebted to the decedent creation room. Built 19H. Immediate all carpcn~1'7 Revalrs and Corporation. . ;~ to make payment, withcut delay. to. possession. Call Swarthmore 0536-R. Atty.: R. '\VJnfield Balle. ESQ. tl, Swarthmore National Hank and Trust Alterations -3T~6-2 G. !to Watkins, Sheriff ~ Company FOR SALE---28w girl's bicycle. ,Good KlmsnI Insulation Swarthmore, Delaware County. Penna LEGAL 'NOTICE . condition. Call Swarthmore 2691-J C)ement Work Or to its Attorneys The Sc.hool District 01 swarthmore wtll receive bids at the School Dis_ FOR SALE-Woman*s 26" bicycle, Duane. MorrIs & Heckscher ASTERS BROTHERS trict office,. College Avenue Bunding, "Westfield· De Luxe" model. Good 1617 Land Title Building up to 4 p.m., Thursday, May 8, 1941. conditIon. Gear shirt. Call Swarthmore Philadelphia 10. Pennsylvania oa.blD~ Makera ST·"'!I and open the bids at a meeting of the 0833-J. . Board a.t the School District office on 302 Cayley Street FOR SALE-!Chtld's table and chair, To Myrtle Nell Zuppo late ot Room May 8, 1947, at 8 p.m., or at an ad_ $6; nursery screen, $2; B!\ddy~L 226 LaSalle Hotel, Los Angeles, Call- journed meeting of the School Board, Meclia,Pa. dump truck\, $'2: sand digger, $3; out- fornia. for coal. tuel oil, and towel service. . grown boys cloUting, size 3-4; china. W[hereas Albert Louis ZuPpo. your Specifications can be secured between Tel. Media 2567·R ~nver, ~urtatns. drapes, linens, new Husband .has filed a. libel in The Court 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. dally except Satur~ storm window, 32 x 50; three used ot Common Pleas of Delaware County. days. Sundays, and holldays, at the screen doors; hlp boots, size 9. Other Pennsylvania, as of December Term School District office. The Board reItems. Swarthmore 0177. 194:6 No. 612 pra.ying a divorce from serves the right to reject any or all you: Now you are hereby notified and bids In whole or in part and to award FOR SALE--l>unCBIl Phyle dining required to appear in aa,id Court on or contracts on any item or Items making room table. 6 chairs, server. $l.QO; before Monday the 19th day o.f May up any bid. walnut pineapple twin bed, mattress. next to answer the complaint of the Hilda Lang Denworth ~pring, $'50; antique,. mahogany dres- said Albert I.oUi8 Zuppo and In de- 3T.4~18 Secretary ser, $50; Steeple clock, $30; banjo fault of 8uch appearance you will be clock, $5; ,four dinlng...room chairs, $20; UalJle to have a divorce granted In DELA,\VARE COUNTY 7ft. strip green carpet, $4. Swarthmore your absence. Sealed -~posals win be received at 0171. G. R.. Watkins, 8herlft of Delaware County the County Controller's Office. Court lo'OR RENT Guy G .. deFuria.. Attorn~y. 3T-{-25 House, Media., Pa.. until 9:00 A. M., EST and pUblicly opened a.t 10 :00 A.M., EST on Monday, May 6. 19.7 for lurFOR RENT-Singie room, quiet neighborhood. Two blocks from Bus. Tel. Estate of EDITH SET J ER.S BUNT· nlahlng. and delivering F. o. B .. Court Swarthmore 2&'72. lNG, deceased. House, Medla.. ·Pa. ten (10) new large AD Tn>Os of Electrical LETTERS Test&mentary draperies and slxteen (16) new curFoR RENT-To gentleman, pleasant! On the above Estate have been tains for !small windows for the Law ",••D.tIons and Repairs . sunny room. near tea.-rooms ana granted to the undersigned, who re. Library In the court House to con~ tranaportaUon. Call S w a. r t 1\ m 0 request all persons having cIalms or de- form with sample on file In the Con· SenIDg sWarthmore an.! 0808-K. manda against the Estate of the de-- troller'S Offiee. VlolDlty for 1188& cedent to make known Ute same, and Specifications..- and blddlng sheet may FOR nE~o gentleman. l'OO1ri. 112 all peJ'80ns Indebted ·to the decedent be obtained at the office ot the County TweDtJ Yean Rut«enJ avenue. Tel. 0078.R. Near to to make payment, without delay, to Controller and no bid will be enter~ l transportaUon and tea--rooms. Claude C. Smith atld talned un ess made out on said bidC-~~~~==:-_~_~":-""I Providenee Trust Company of ding aheet. 1180 Muldenbeq A.ve.' N1JlO)' PhiladelPhia., Each bid must be. acoompanle4 by a . 17th " Chestnut Streets, oertlfted ,check IIIty ($5Q.0II) doll ...... l"OUND-Boy". biCycle. Owner call Philadelphia ., Pa. . . Swaall", .._ 229S to tlle order of the County ot iPoUoe Department, Bom Hall, for W. Logan VgcCoy, PrIetIdent, 4lawn .. IdenUII~ . , Or to their Attomey ... ' . ' Delaware. The· ~Dl\ty .CommI88IonenI reaerve the rlSbt to ~. IIIi7 or .n1llclll. .. lI'O~ ·..,7 OIl .chain. at ~~ §"J:'Bu~ii..r, ft'-f-18 ...... ~c!i~ =.~: ~ at ~e ~ '~'!'~~II~' "ROGER RUSSELL ._u. Maker of F'me Photo..-.pbt --~. A_ IUI4 S _ S ___ I) SILVERWARE • • I Fred A. Yuh, Jeweler ~~~~~~~ii~~i~iiii ~ Walters' Tree S....ery and Landsc:apins Phone Swarthmore 2175-R 104 ComeD Avenue Swarthmore, Pe1lll8. . Formerly or 1\ledla 112& W. LehIgh Aye., Phlla. Phone Baldwin 1170 No additional charge for suburban ca1..Js.. 409 Michigan Ave. J,. Swarthmore 1448 WILLIAM 236 Harding Ave. n_ CLIFFORD L PARKER Media R. D. 1I Builder DAVE WOOD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and ! Paperhanging .. Reese-Baxter CO. Phone: Media 0755 .................. ~ you to celebrate this DAY at tbe "Th"'N." 1.;.:....______.,---=-===,--- For reservations, telephone S'warthmore 0880 • _v ~~ 816 EDGMONT AVE. Chester I FUEL OIL •...................... Beautify YoUr Home ,I A. WAYNE MOSTELLER __ 'lbI8 Spi'IDg Wlth a New Ooa$ of PaInt, IJ!sItleaad. oat. for FREE EidUlATnI GIVEN' J05. MADISON &: SON .•i8e:i;- " ~_ ...= .: J • ....... --. - Call VAN ALEN BROS. Electrical Contractor ~ SPORTING GOODS MASON BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY 331 Dartmouth Avenue HOME IMPROVEMENTS MOTHERS! .... - Painting • 11, )Iortoo. l'a. PAINTING and DECORATING .A11 Work Gwn... Write' . Charles E. Fischer we ,,111 bonor all BROO~ Ashes &: Rubbish. Removed lawns Mowed Geneml Hanllng • A. G.' Nofzinger returned • A. MERCER QUINBY Funeral Director &Paper Hanger. I I • :; East State Street, Media Phone Media 1918 CUNNINGHAM COAL , •• Repaired and Replaced Since 1905 SWa. 2266 MedIn, PIa. Media 1178 • That onc does not: havc to see in order to make music was proven last Monday night at the Bllnd Artists . ~oncert in the Woman's Club. Aft('or an introduction by Luigi Bo~ni, "the blind Caruso" who founded the BUnd Artists' Concerts fourteen years ago, Ricco Bona.v,Ua. a student at. the college, summarized the history of these concerts. The program began with such notabl~ compOSitions as Debussy'S "Reverje", Beethoven's "Ich Liebe Dlch", and Chopin's Nocturne in D Flat. Those performing were Cathel"ine Deraco, soprano, ~Delpnin~ Desio. the only bLind woman cellist in the country and Marjorie Farringc.-. elocutionist. accom~ panied by Anita. Gane at the piano. PianiHt Estella MacBride, sightless for the past five years" played sev~ral numbers Induding musical character sketche~ of, hel' own composition. Mr. Docem concluded the progranl by singing 8CVC1'3.1 nUlubers by Martyn, Schubert, and Lenl.Cavallo. . On Sunday, May II, Miss Desio will bc heard. over a nationwide broadt·Lu.t "W~. the People". We invite • A Price to Meet EYer)" }"""'UJ·" M Blind Musicians. Play at Club Ma)' WOMAN'S CLUB -NOTES all Voters for Saturduy. May 10. from But on S1.mda.'J", You know. when you see an old lock, that no matter how highly-polished it may be on the outside, the chances are its mechanism is rusted . through and that one hammer blow will break. it ope~... l\E,WS NOTES 7 SWARTHMOREAN APTITUDE TESTS Tho Book Sale scheduled by the Swarthmore League ot Women MOTHER'S .DAY is EVERY DAY at STRATH HAYEN INN N_rby Mllkfed SHOULDER VEAL BUCK SIAD IC~=:'b \ ~~ Ib ....~~~~~.=~=.=~=~ Next Week's Event to Aid Local Branch Work THE . , . 2, 1947 CLASSIFIED to her home In Archold. Ohio Friday after a ftveo::wcek "lsit with her son-In-law a.nd daughter Mr. and M'rs. Samuel T. Carpenter ot 'WhIttier place. _ I... DUCKLINGS ~~l!== .......C.....NS ....... LWV COLLECTING BOOKS FOR SALE lwlrs. Ready-ta-Eat Smoked, Skinned ShapkEnd up to 71b, Ib - F~, SwarIbmore 0S4lI For ,ALL SIZES HARD COAL GOLD BOND POURING WOOL BATS AND BLANKETS PLASTERING SUPPLIES '. -I ~~~~~:S: TCH ATHLETE'S . FOOT A-ZEB-O acta tmmed.la.telJ to NIl. . . the tub of skin trrltattona. Then tl goes to worl!: combating the lrrltatlon itself. 1\ helPS ycur akin teel and look lIke new ualD Your.clrugg1I! hal A-2B8-0 OIDbnen~ and A - ZBB - 0 JI'Ow4er. AU fl1m IOJ' Pree TrIal P&ck~ aRe ..... or wna A-ZKB-oO Producu ftI:I. c-"1)ft. Pa FaST lIDO-way RELIEf CESSPOOLS a Cn""" 111_ SUdtaq 111_ We SeP1C 'I'aDIaI e.... ~ext:ra ..... a ..... R&IBl'ON Biwi·1iERs .&0 ......' . ~, n I Rca. _la • T·HE SW~RTHMORE~N 8 00 DUty In Germany ler Field, Mials. In MaY ~9f8 arrived In England, stl11 dis~rlva~ FIrst Claos Jobn Tippett Is serving with the tOOth Station playing bls talents with, Special Service. Redeployment and station Complement, Squadron, in Erlancloseouts In England led to his gen, Germany. assignment with the German Youth Ptc. Tippett entered the Ser- program a~ the Neublberg AIr vice in August 1945 and was as- Baae. near Munich in southern signed. to Special Service Shows at Bavaria. For his work In thts program. Ptc Tippett received a letter ot commendation from MaJor General Bolllng, Chief at European Theatre Special Services. Upon his transt.er to Erlangen, Germany, was RBBlgned to duty with the "Wing Club,H enlisted mena recreation center. Whlle overseas he haa vlslted picturesque cities In England. ~reland. Scotland as JVell as In Germa.ny. Before entering the service he attended Springfield High School and the ~hlladelphla. School of ,Dtamatlcs and was employed with tne Playors Guild, a student thea"er, presenting shows in PhUadel- »0 THE ne C L U • PUERlO RICANS TO SING MAY 11 A Capella Choir At 'Presbyterian Church Masa. jamin West avenue. by the middle ot . I'rlay. People Uving In the SQuthf'JrD section ot tovrn may drop their things at Mrs. Ralph Mould's hl)me •• 727 Harvard avenue. It unable to deliver tho contributions a call to Mrs. Neal (Swa. 2166-J) or Mrs. Mould (Swa. 2071-W) will bring u. collector tor them. Announcing the opening of our new, radio Repair Service make" record players. B D o U S of COLONIAL DINING ROOM STAG BAR FIRESIDE LOUNGE Dan Neubauer Work dolle on the prt'mi'es Adolph's, 7 South Chester Road Swarthmore 1274 Farln Camp For Twenty Boys and' Girls Ages 6-11 at Honeoye, New York, near Rochester. A farming community on Honeoye Lake of the beautiful and interesting Finger Lakes Region. \ EDUCATIONAL AIMS are to foster physical, spiritual, and mental growth through individual and group guidance in. the following experiences: simple farm living, individual management of aqimals and gardens, arts, crafts, lake swimming, hiking, camping, shop, nature study, original dramatics, folk dancing and singing. S ~EEK SEASqN, 7 adult staff ,members, $330. Phliadelilhia Contact: E. Le Roy Mercer, Jr., School in Rose Valley, Moylan, Pa. Media 108S-J. PRIVATE PARTY and BANQUET ROOMS Hollyhock Shop FIRST QUALITY flJdu * * NYLON DI;';I,. Thereafrer One lOe Co$h for., on PTC 1In.s take. you fa Woocbld. Pork from practically any part of the cIty. Bul Route, Direct to Park: 85 from 33d aod Dauphin Stl. or 44th and Parb&de ....ve.; E from 69th and MOI'k.t St... or Germantown and Chelten Ave", Better Rug Cleaning this New' Way NAP ClOSED Property ,. . M....,k~J?':'ce "' - -. CITY CHORUS TO SING IN BOND Tomorrow evening in Bond Memorial at g: 15 the Swarthmore College Chorus will sponsor a concert by the 'Philadelphia "KantoreI," an informal group Qf talented singers. Their conductor is William Reese, the organiflt of St. Paul"s cllurch in Germantown. The clwrus will present a program of' secular songs in three groups. including love songs oC the Renaissance. songs of the twentieth .century-Including two delightful choruses from Irving Fine's "Alice In Wonderland/' and three five-part madrigals ot the early seventeenth century. Claribel Thomas, Philadelphia, organist. will be the accompanist. A group of Swarthmore students fl'om the college orchestra. under the direction of PrOfeRSOl' Peter van de Kaml) will also a.ssist In the concert. All lo,~ers of choral singing a.re" especially InVited. BOSE 45 Gauge 30 Denier 88e Sa.vinga of 40% Lovely nylon hosiery at a price that affords unSpeare's FIrst Floor savings. Sizes Sy. to 10 Y.-with the life-lengthening R u nStop Welt. . PAPERING B. KIMMEL SWA1t.'11l¥ORE 0461 usual . VOL 19 H. S. ·SWARTHMOREAN· .. No. 19 SWAR11IMORE, PA., FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1947 TO SING TONIGHT TO TONIGHT 8th $3.00 YEAR CLUB TO INSTALL AT ANNUAL MEET Bright ~ogram Will lnclude ,variety • Numbers Tonlght't1 D~l1~U .. \.:.vncort of t.he ur~u(.l1J.8. of bWB:'thmore High School in Clothier .MjemorJa.1 will feature severul un-' usual Ilwnbttra. The program wlll bt> varied and, judglng by past perform.a.nOoo. ot. high musiCal caliber. The Senior HIgh School Girls' Glee Club will open the progr4uu by siogin&' "Salutation by ~a1nes. followed by the BrazUIa.n "Tutu Maramba. by McKInney in whicb .Aim.. ;Hickman will be the solo.lBt. A l!ltInIJ ."ADJialuc~". ,""d Rodge~'s colorfUl "Juno Is BusUn' Out All OVer" will cqmprise the latter portion of. thIa group. TIle JJOl'B' Quartet wlU sing a. group ot nUlllQers composed ot Homlc·s uO;ld Americana. Po' 01' I.Q.za.rua,. & ljearo work aong ar~ by Work; and "Keep in: the Middle of the Road," a spirl~­ uBl &l'I"8DIled by Ba.:1.holemew. The first group of numbers by the Chorus will' include "Turn Ye to He," a. Scotch numner ar:-a.nged hy Scott. Contrast wUl bt> found in the gay. R'p"n "MIDka" and the luilaby t'S1eeP. Baby. Sleep" by BeU-Bb&w. Ilbl8ler's ''Valse Vienno~' vUI- GOnc1ud" thJ& 81'OUP· The :Junior HIgh Scl100l Girls' Glee-Chlb wUl preaent four selecUOIlS. the fL.""8t of whioh wUl bel Franck's reUgtous IIPan.is Angelic~u With tbis number p&l1liQ6 -'Beneke, . ~1Yn de run&. ;,and. MIU'Y Knabb· will ,be featured voc_allst&. ~.come,· Little- Maid" will place the spoUlgbt on four cGuples from the Seventh g!"8.d~, do.nclng tQ the accompaniment ot the singing group. ''The Frog 1n the Spring,"' arranged by Niles. and Mozart's "Alphabet Song" will cODBtitute the remainder ot their m,uslc • Foliowtnc. tue Boys' Glee Clul? will .a1~ Cain's arrangpm"!nt of the spiritual, HDe Gospel Train, and an interestlri.g "Fantasle of SCa Songs." arranged by James. The concluding music will be a KrOUP ot selection by the Chorus. uMountalos.'· by Rasback-Aslanoff. W111 open tbe grouP.' followed by 'tDettla anthem "Llst~n to the Lamba. With this number Catherine Elston will· .sing the 8oprano solo. The finale Will be the Impressjve "Hallelujah" from tiThe Mesala.h" by Handel. The fol1ow~ng seniors are membaM of the 'Chorus. ma.kJng their last &gperances this year: sopranos Doria 'Black, Jean Blak.1Bton, Helen .DIaGue. Joan- Faulkner, Charlotte Hobbe. Allee Hornaday (accomp.a.QIst). Elizabeth Huey, Anne Megonlgal. Carolyn Mo!'8e. and Patty Paul; altos - Hilda Denworth. V'1rglnla Feddeman, VirginIa II&Y, Nancy Rlnclllfe, ElIzabeth Svencer• and Andrea. Wlleox: '!'eno'" - Charles Elston, James Ho:-nadas (president), and WJlllam Moon; benes Frederick Boyce Robert McCowan, Samuel Nowell. John Polk,LioWla 'i'anguy, Jr.. and George Wa.rre~ A. committee from the junior el_ will .......e as ushers, with Dr. Jam . . Irwin ... faculty advl"or. MAY Women Will Close Formal Season Tuesday Insta.lIation ot officers wilt tollow the annual closIng. 'luncheon at the Woman's Club on Tuesday, May 13, at 1 p.m. More than 200 meifrbers und guests will be served by Ml"9. A. V. B. Orr and her lUncheon committo:!c with the assistance of the ser"'ing committee; headed by M:'8. Frank McCowen. ReservaUo08 should be made with Mlrs. Howard Dingle, Swa. 0188, by Saturday. May 10. COLLEGE DRIVE CLOSES JUNE 14 Boro Campaign For College Reaches $7 659 JWlior Assembly Meeting The <:.\ighth gl'nde tlalll'ing clam: will have its final session on Saturday. May 10. a.t 7 o'clock tn tlH.' 'Voman's Club_ The chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. Raymond l)qnworth, Mrs. EllzalJt.~th SharI))CSS, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hilkert. and Mr. and 1\Irs. Spymour P:roeston .• There will be a meeting on Monday. May 12th. at the Woman's Club. at 8 p.m., of tho:! Swarthmore Junior Asselnbllcs. This itt the annual meeting for the ele~tion or officers and othc:' huslness, and all parants are cOl"dlally Inv.tted to attend. STUDEBAKER HEAD TO GIVE LECTURE Paul H~ffman To End, Current College Series tbe .installation of Folh~wlng officers who wUI hold oUlce for'th. next 1''".''0 years thero will be an Informal "Know Your Own CI·ub" program. in brevity skits. exhibits and conducted tours. all In a "light manner." Mrs. John E. Michael will be introduced as the new club president by Mrs. Peter E. Told. reUrIng p:-esfdent. Oth'"!r newly ele<:-t.ed officers Include: Mra. Fra.ncis H. Forsythe. first vice-president; Mrs. BIrnf'Y K. Moree, second vice .. president; Mrs. T. K. Brown, Jr., recording secretary; :Mrs. A. W. Bass, Jr., treasurer. New m'3mbera of the board of directors wUI be Mrs. Peter E. Told; Mrs. S. Murpny Viele. retiring t:-easurer, Mrs. D. Reed, and Mrs. Charles R. Russoll. The luncheon and program are planned as a fitting climax to what has been a sumPlatlIm'. ,constructlv~. and highlY enjoyable clut- , Leonard C. Ashton, chairman ot . Paul G. Horrman. president of: the. Borough Campaign for Swarthe Studebaker Corpo:-.ation. will thmoro Collc~, announced today 110 the last in the series of distinthat the total cont~lbutlons to the guished bmrtncss leadeTH to speak college had reached $7,669, nn In~t the coll.~gc on the ~neral topic creMe. of ~ore than ,noo since of "The He",ponsibtlttlcs of DURthe l~t repo. t issued. incss Managemont in Modern At the same time hoe announced Timcs:' Mr. Hottma.n's talk will be .that tll~ bOI'ough's goal for this given' In Clothier Hall on Thurs'ye-ar is '.'10.000. "June 14th," Mr. dn)" .. May_ .1.5 •. nt·.g;l~ ·,p.m .•, a.nd ~wUb .~~~r . . •-, _ .. - - . . .. ,- . . : '-. ABbto:I! :8fLid.· .....s. tho . closln~, date -':·0'''' .... Held f 0:- tbl s yoar ' s campaIgn. Wltbl n. be entitled "Coopc:'a:ilon within the Tuesday. Ma:v 6, was Drama Bustn~8S Comm unity." the next. five weeks we must raise pay at the Swa;:othmore Woman's . Mr. Hoffman started hJs business the remaining '2500 that will put ClUb, and the varied pnlgram arcareer with· tho Studebaker Cor~ us OVer ~he top." ranged by ~he cha.irman. Mrs. porat1on In 1911 as a salesman. It Is hoped that during the five. Since 1935. he haa been pr.csident George P. War::-en. was a deUght to year P'"!rtod of' the $5,0'00.000 ot the COlOp~,nY. He is chairman the large audience at members and campaign tho Borough ot Swarthguests. of the Committee for Economic more will cont":,,J.bute $60.000 toM!"8. Gordon A. Meader rea.a Borough Council at Its regular De~lo])ment. ...·Ice-presldent of {fte ward the college fund. This rep .. what shc called "old fashioned resents only 1 'per cent ot the total meeting :Monday evening granted Automoblle Manufacturers Associapoetry". In such an easy, natu::-al amount needed by the collegoe. Mr. the Col1o:!l;e permission to c!'cct six tion: and a director of the I"ederal way ·that sbe made the. familiar pro-fabrlcatl'd houses on the. cam- Reserve Bank of Chicago. Ashton explaln'3d. pus. The College's application fOI' This l~cture will be presentcd seem rresh and new. Two selections permission to change a gnrage on by the COOPC1' FoundatJon, and will from Henry W. Longfellow-"Day Is Done" and "Robert of Slclly"Walnut lanll into a dwelling was be op~n to the pubUc. , were folluw"!d by Herman Hegedrefused. orn's "Prayer of a Soldier During Counell. with all members presBattle." ent 'CXC'lpt Geo!'ge Allen. awarded Mrs. Herbert C. Patterson. acThe Buddy POppy Sale, sponsored a contract for pa.vlng tho remain· COnlllanled by Mrs. Anthony L. der of -lUvervlew avenue. by the local 'Amerlan Legion AuxVentner. chairman of music, sang Several citizens appeared and l11ary w111 begin tomorrow to con~ In accordance with a recent act a group of d:-amatic songs with requested that some protection be tinue throug\. the 'three week peJ;"ot the State Legislature, signed by charm and warmth. She chose "Du giV-:!n against" the flash floods that 10d May 10 to May 30. tbe governor." permitting ~nks to Memorial poppies are made by have caused damage to thel:- p'riv- observe Saturday as a legal holi- Blat Nle Elne Blume" by SchumaD. ooAJr de Lia L'Enfant Prodlgue" disabled. hospitalh!:ed veterans, and at~ property. day. tne Swarthmore National by Debussy and. for an encom. The borough secretary was inare purohased by the Auxlltary as Bank and Trust Company will not a charitable work. Any profit made structed to employ D. dog catcbel': open Its doors on Saturday atter ''Tbe Daleles' by C. B. Hawley. "Fourteen" an amUsing one-act by the Legion Auxiliary is set to cntorce the Borough O:-dlnance MayS1. play by Alice Geratenbe-:og, dealing aside for turther cnaritable work requiring dogs to ~Itber be on The local bank. by opening at with the trials of a halltesa, was their own prope!'ty or on a leash. with local veterans and their fam8 A. M. on weekdays and remain- directed by Mrs. Gordon A... Meadl11as. Ing open until 3 P. M.. con8iderll er and concluded the) program. On Short Wave Program ·Cltlzena are urged to support this it will still be extending a more Mrs. William Ea,1 KI1Itler played campaign to the fullest extent. :MIss D1ana Brewster of Dickin- convenient flervlce to the public the part of the distracted h06teM. son avenue will acompany th'e than banks which are open a couH. S. GETS LUNCH FUND young Swedish soprano, Ingeborg ple hours Friday evenings but are Mrs. Horace Pringle: Mrs. Donatd Swarthmore Boro was one of 29 only open during the day trom 9 P. Jones was cast as ber daughter. 8chool districts of the state, th18 Nordquist. on a transcribed short- until 2 or 3 o'clock. EiJ.ne P:ingle: and Mrs. Guy S. week. to have tunds approved for wave program to Europe over ataDeming. the versaUI-e program the sehool lunch program. The ~lon WRUL on Saturday, May 10, at 6:30 p. m. Miss Brewster ho.a chairman, played th'9 role of Della. $95.8' the school is to receive repMr. and Mrs. Morris Hicks and recently appeared as piano soloist the maid. turning In a &mooth resents the tederal government's their chlldren Betsy and Stephle contribution to the program In on the Bob Rose program on etaleft Monda.y by plane for their and convinc1ng performance. Swarthmore. Uon WNYC. Mrs. E. C. Lappe ....d U",. home In Sewickley after a 10-da.y These funds to the schools In------.vlslt with Mrs. Hick's JIlother. Mra. George M Karns were ho8tuaes ot troducing the lunch program. rep ... Eighth Grade Pupils Entertain Hervey SChumacher of Haverfotd the day, and Mrs. carroll E. ROb_b The puplls ot the eighth grade resent ,the federal government's FLvenue. :Mrs. Schumacher and ber contribution. Where the programs are giving a Drama Festival for cou.lnl Mrs. GeorD. Paull left and Mrs. W. C. F. Zlegentua p .... WOrd hll/l j~. been received are set uP. Unele Sam foota halt the benefit of their parents on FrlTuesday by automobile to spend aided at the tea table. from theUnlvsndty Of Michigan the bill. The money Is to go for day. May 16, at 8 P.M. The festival a tew weeks with the Hicks famthat John CAmpbel1, 80n of Mr. part payment tor purchase of kit- will be held In the High Benool auBOOK SALE lly tn sewlckle}·. and )lr& C. B. campbell of Col- chen equipment, utensils. ana dltorlum. lege avenue. bas been elected dishes. However. the federal payTomorrow. at Boro Hall. is e);peeted to bring out ~l th~ .in ... manedDB' editor of the Jlfrhlgan ments are made only after the terested In adding to their home DailJ'. This Ia'a distinct honor, - - Department of Public Instruction baa certlfted the expendlCul'ell and FrIdQ, May • Cl b c.ollectlons ot books. lIerlan,. In 'Wlew_ ot lbe tact that 8:20 P.:M.-f"The Gondoliers" ....... _ .............................. -...... PlaYers u Auditor General G. Harold Wag~,""10 The Swarthmore Leacue of Wothe ..... "'·"'II!'tJ ~Itor .Ul be. Dar has approved payment. 7:00 and 9:00 P.M.-Movl~ "Camet 'de Bal................................. C?othifl~ ~:oo P.M-Elghtb Grade ABsembly ... _._ ......... ___ ._ .............. Woman 8 Clu but .. JomIor . _ year. men Votera aponaora thla sale on 8:20 P.M.-"The Oondollers" ...................._.. ____........... _..._.._ Players Club Ba\urday to help Ita prosram of .rolll. III ma,for\nlf In ehe...lcaI at ~ SVnd-7, ...,. 11 eDIIIaeerlllll' at JUchipn. He \a •. .;John H. Pitman. ABaodate Pro- l1:qo A.M.-Morning Worahlp _, ...__.... __ ................. _.......... Local Churoh.. education In votlnc knowlodp. T W, JIa:t 13" . ........... of Swarthm........ Blah, t _ r ot Math"matl... and .utronAn,. bookB contributed. by nOD ... . , _ at Swarthm.ore Col~ talked .1:00 P.II.-lnaqgural Luncheon .............. _.. __ .. _... ____......... Woman'a Club lIcllool In the CIuo ot ute. au« Oil "Et-Jl_ ot the Bun" at the -':30 P.J(.-F~ 1Iother.. Dauchter Banquet.. __........~.Woman·a Club members JD1\lF" be left ·at the Co8-10:10 P.II.-O_ to Vl8lton ...._•. _............_ ......... Sproul Obaervatory OP. _ ... ChIId........ ~ 1t0000lDCc til - - Joan-I , _ .....tlnS of the llwarth'"' ear. \IbI'_15...._ ..._ .._ ..__.._ Clothier _lsIly _ e _.. ......... _ -'" , _ ~Club,FrIdq•.1Ia¥ J. ':16 ·P.II. Cooper lI'OIIIIdatlon·~ COUNCIL GRANTS PRE-FAR HOUSES 'Drama1ay Boro To Enforce Dog Law with Catcher Legion Auxiliary Sponsors Poppy Sale Banks To Close On Saturdays 1I Tms WEEK'S CAI.ENDAR 51! ... I BI,;'dipg and HIGH saiOOL . . cb~W. VARIETY OF GIFTS PLEASE , ot Mra. Marg1U'et Neal, ZIf Ben- Mrs. J. V. S. Blllbop, Swartbmore chairman for the Women's International League Peace Economy Shop In Philadelphia, asks contributions at garments, household goods. and other saleable articles. T'bose borough residents north ot the railroad, who have artlcles to donate to the shop are La Coral. thQ a capella D.8k~d to leave them at the home choir of the Polytechnic Institute of Puerto Rico, will make a concert· appearance at the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church on J\.lay 11. at the 11 o'clock service It was announced' today by the Reverand David Braun. Thc choir. Dr. Braun said, wlll make a brief concert tour of the Work dOlie 011 all radios and Middle Atlantic States. singing I~ Under the manal;EiUalt New York City, Wnshlngton, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Atlantic City and a limited number of smaller communities. The tour by Las Masa Coral is phla and New York. He is the its second serlos of engagements in son ot Mr. and Mrs. WllUam ~ this country. Last year it made a Tippett, 1019 Harvard Avenue. small number ot appearances In ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Florida.. which met with enthusir; :\ n.stlc acclaim from audiences and critics alike. The choruif has the unique record of being the only college chorus' ever to be flown by the United States Army to toreign shores to sing to ser;vlce men. At ChrlstDlas time, 190&6. It made a 3,000 mUe trip by air' vlslttDg Army and Navy bases In the Caribbenn and-Northenat South Amorlca. So successful was this tour that It WM repeated In 1946. Edward L. Heth. young director of La. Masa. COl'at, Is a nD.tive ot Grand Rapids, Michigan. As a young man he was an enthusiastic participant in state and national music festivals. After completing his undergraduate course. he was awarded a teaching fellowship at 511 WELSD ST.' SURE TO the Westminster Choir College at (aMi..., PA. Princeton. N. J. For the past 15 yea~ he has been head 01' the de-' Watch Mom's eyes light OPEN TO THE PUBLIC partment of music' at the Polyup -with delight when you technic Institute. Luncheons $1.00 Under Heth's direotion, La Masa. Dinners from $1.~6 present her with a unique Coral has brought to a height ot mueical excellence far higher than gift from our wide selecthat· of usual college choir. The tion of inexpensive gifts Innate musical feeling and emotional Intensity of the Latin culture for every occasion. Come ot the ah1gers Is apparent not only in today. in the folk mURlc included in its repertoiro but in the classical and sacred musIc as well. Gifts Handsomely The Polytechnic Institute. 10" cated at San German in Puerto Wrapped Rico. Is a missionary institution of the Board of National Missions of thePresbyterlan Churr:h. It was the ~ first four-year college In Latin America to be accredited by any CALI. CHESTER 8286 American association of colleges., 4 Park Avenue It was rounded as a grade school in 1912 by Dr. J. Will Harris, a Presbyterian missionary and .later' developed Into a Uberal arts colle.re which graduA.ted Its. first class- In 1927. Its graduates, all of whom are bilingual and are trained in InIK97 • ~ SC4f~"·. 1947 dustrial as well as academic sub3 Free Sunday Concerb. Sylvan Hall, 4115. 7115. 914' jects. are n.ssuming'increaslngly Im.0011 CORY THE 2 OLYMPICS l.d OtIIe" portant roles In the lite 01' Puet:t:o Son" ''''P«Iwol1'd A Whirl 0' ThriU. Rico and other -Caribbean lands lACK STICK'S KIDDIIS' HOUR, 2 P. M. and ·North and South America. Qpen'Evbnfngs onrl W.*".~s nil May 23 E Su" W. L L Sale AI'ticIeI ~.,p .-lu .......- INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Library Swart,ll m.9ro, Fa". i i \ 8 THE \ On Duty In Germany Private It'lnst Class John 1'lpl)ctt is "erving with the J OOth Station Complement oHquudl'on, in J;:rlull- gen, Germany. Ptc. Tippett entered the Service in August 1945 and was as- signed. to Special Service Shows at THE teesler Ficld, Miss. In May 19.6 he arrived in England, still d1splaying h18 talents with, Special Service. Redeployment and station closeouts in J~ngland led to his assignment with the German Youth program a~ the Neubibcrg Air Base. near Munich In 80uthcrn Bavaria. FOI" hili wOI'k in fills J)rogram, PCc Tippett received a letter of comlliendation Crom Mu· jor General Bolling, Chief of European Theatre Speeial Services, PUERTiJ RICANS TO SING MAY 11 ~ )10 Seeks W. I. L. Sale Articles Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop, Swarthmore cha.irman for tho Women's International League Peace Economy Shop in Phlludelphia, asks contributions of garments, household goods. and other saleable ar. ticles. T·hose borough residents north of the railroall. who have urticles to donate to the shop are La l\fasa Coral, the a capella asked to leave them at the home choir of the Polytechnic Institute jamin Word avenue. by thc middlo was assigned to duty "Wing Club," scliOOL. tiouUlf"Jrn section of town may drop their things at 1\'Irs. Ralph Mould's CHORAL May. P~ople livinG' in A. Capella Choir At lIomc,.727 Harvard a.venuc. It unable to deliver thc contributions a Presbyterian Church ca1l to :\ll"s. Neal (Swa.. 216G-J) or ll1·s. ~Iould (Swn. 2011-W) will 'bdllg a. collcctor tor thcm. Swarthmore o 1274 A lilting Fartll Camp For Twenty' Boys and Girls U S E VARIETY OF GIFTS 311 WELSH ST. SURE TO PLEASE • Hollyhock Shop FIRST QUALITY l'\tra under tht, direction of f't·ofeH.'iOl· Peter ~.~. a price that affords unusual savings. Sizes Speare's First 8 y, to 10 Y, -with the 1.''100[, life-lengthening R u n- van Of'- I' b)~ the Reverand oversca.."i he has visited picturesque cities in. England. Ireland, Scot- David Braun. '.rhe choIr, Dr. Braun said, will land as ~vcll us in Germany. makc a bricf concert tour of the Work done on all make radios and record players. Before entering the service he Middle Atlantic States, singing in attended Springfield High School Uncler the managanent of New Yorl.: City, 'Vashington, PhUaand the Philadelphia School or Dramatics and was employed with delphia, Baltimore, Atlantic City fhe Players Guild, a student thea.- and a limited number of smaller i.er, prcHenting shows in Philadel- communitics. The tour by L.'lS Masu. Cora! Is phia and New York. He is the its second series of engagements in Work clone on the premises son ot Mr. and Mrs. William A. this country. Last ycar It mnde a small number of appearances in Tippett, 1019 Harvard Avenuc. Florida, which mel with enthusia::>Uc acclaim from audiences and critics alike. The chorus has the unique record of being the only college chorus ever to be flown by thc United States Army to foreign shores to sing to sel)vice men. At Chrh;tmas time, 1945. it made a 3,000 mile trip by air visiting Army and Navy bases in the Caribbean and' Northeast South Amcl·lcu. So aUccessful was this tour that it was repented In 1946. Edward L. Heth, young director Ages 6-11 at Honeoye, New York, near Rochester. A of 1...'1. Masa. Coral, is a native ot Grand Rapids. Michigan. As a farming community on Honeoye Lake of the beautiful and young man he was an enthusiastic interesting Finger Lakes Region. participant in state and national music festivals. Aftcr completing his undergraduate course, he was EDUCATIONAL AIMS are to foster physical, spiritual, and awarded a teaching fellowship at the 'Vestminstcr Choir College at mental growth through individual and group guidance in UD3S1~ PA. Princeton, N. 3. For the past 15 the following experiences: simple farm living, individual years he haH been head of the deWatch Mom's eyes light OPEN TO THE PUBLIC partment of music at the Polymanagemen t of animals and gardens, arts, crafts, lake up with delight when you technic Institute. Luncheons $1.00 swimming, hiking, camping, shop, nature study, original Under Heth's direction. La Masa Dinners from $1.75 present her with a unique Coral has brought to a height of dramatics, folk dancing and singing. musical excellence far higher than gift from our wide selecCOLONIAL that of usual college choir. The tion of inexpensive gifts DINING ROOM innate musical feeling and emo8 ~EEK SEASON, 7 adult staff members, ~330. t.ional intcnsity of the LaUn culture PhIladelphia Contact: for every occasion. Come of the siI1gcrs is upparent not only STAG BAR E. Le Roy Mercer, Jr., School in Rose VaHey, Moylan, Pa. in today. in the folk mUHic included in its Media 1088-J. repertoIre but in the classical and FIRESIDE LOUNGE sacred music us well. I~"",,,,,,:; Gifts Handsomely 'rhe Polytechnic Institute, loPRIVATE PARTY and cated at San German in PUerto Wrapped Rico, Is a missionary institution of BANQUET ROOMS the Board of National Missions ot thcPresbytcrian Church. It was the ~ first four-year college In Latin America to be accredited by any CALL CHESTER 8286 American association of colleges., 4 Park Avenue It was founded as a grade school in l!)] 2 by Dr. J. 'Vill Harris, a Presbyterian missionarY and later devt"!Ioped Into a liberal arts coUege which gradunted its. first class in 1927. Its graduates. all at whom arc bllinguai and are trained in in15'97. SeadM • 1947 dustrial as well as academic sub3 Free Sunday Concerts, Sylvan Hall, 4115. 7;15. 9145 jects, are assuming increasingly imDON CORY THE 2 OLYMPICS And Others portant r01es in thc life ot Puerto S~n9' Impre .. ion'll A Whirl of Thtilll Rico and other Caribbean lands JACK STECK'S KIDDIES' HOUR, 2 P. M. and North and South America. Open Evenings and Weekends 1iJJ Mav 23 with the L lJ B D , ot Mrs. Margaret Neal, 234 Ben- of puerto Hieo, wlll make a concert- appearance nt the Swarth- Upon his transfer to Erlangen. Germany. Friday, Mat" 2, 1947 SWARTHMOREAN COLLEGE DRIVE CLOSES JUNE 14 Boro Campaign For College Reaches $7,659 Leonard C. Ashton, chairman of Borough Campaign tor Swarthmore Coll(>g-~, announced today that the total cont~lhuUons to the college had l'cllched $7.659, nn increase of more than $1100 since tho last repol·t Is.-med. At the Mame Ume he announced that th,,) bOI·ough's goal for this year 1s $10,000. "June 14th." Mr. Ashton &..id, "Is tlu~ cl09inC'. date to"!"' this yenr's campaign. Within the next, fiVe weeks we must raise the remaining $2500 that will put U8 over the top." It is ho~d that during the th'cyear p"!riod of the $5.000,000 Campaign the Borough of Swarthmore wl11 cont...jbute $50,000 toward the college fund. This represents only 1 per cent of the total amount needed by the college, Mr. Ashton explaln~d. th~ Legion ,Auxiliary Sponsors Poppy Sale The Buddy Poppy Sale, sponsored by the local ~merian Legion Auxtliar~' will begin tomorrow to continue throug'h the three weel( perIod May 10 to May 30. MemorIal poppies are made by disabled, hospitalized veterans, and are purchased by the Auxiliary as a charitable work. Any profit made by the Legion Auxiltary is set aside for turther charitable work with local veterans and their fam11Ies. Citizens are urged to support this campaign to the fullest extent. H. S. GETS LUNCH FUND Swarthmore Boro was one of 29 school dIstriCts of the state. thia week, to have funds approved tor the school lunch program. The $95.84 the school Is to receive represents the federal government·s contribution to the program in Swartbmore. These funds to the schools Introducing the lunch program. represent . the federal government's contribution. Where the prOgnuns are set up, Uncle Sam foots half the bUI. The money is to go for part payment for purchase of kitchen equipment, utensUs, anll dishes. However. the federal payments are made only after the Depa1'tment of PubliC Instruction has certified the expenditures and Auditor General G. Harold Wagnet' has approved paymenL Junior Assembly Meeting The .~ghth gTade thlndng <'1;':-;:will have its final se!ol.<.;ion on Hat.IIrday, ~la)' 10. at j o'clock in t:lt' STUDEBAKER HEAD TO GIVE LECTURE ,,"oUtun's Club. The chn..pcronH he 1\[1'. and :1\1 rs. Haymond n·~nwOl·th. Mrs. gU .....a j't'l h Hhul'Illess, Mr. and Mrs. Hohcrt lIilkerl, and .Mr. and l\[rs. Sl'ymoul' P='Cston.~ Thcre will he a nwctiug on Monday. .May 12th, at tlw "~oman's ~lub, at 8 p.llI .• of th--:!; Swarthmore Pa.ul G. Hoffman. pr('stdcnt ot 1 Junior AaSCtllUlies. 'I'his is tllP. an- thl' ~tudebaker COl'po:-ation, will nual meeting for the clection or he th(' lust In the :-;erics of distinofticer~ and othe:-- hU!~incss, and uJi guishcd husim'ss leadcr!:J to ~poelLk P!tNntN un~ cOl·mally inv.ttetl to at;~t the coll"I:W 011 the .h'"'!ncl·al top.ic tend. of "'l'hl~ l!l'~llonslhilitie~ of Bt1!o!illess :ManuJ;ell1cnt in Modcl'n l'imlm." Mr. Hortman's talk will be given in Clothier Hall on ThUloNwill Paul H()iffman To End Current College Series COUNCIL GRANTS PRE-FAB HOUSES Boro To Enforce Dog Law with Catcher Borough Council at It.''i regular meeting Monday evening gl"::mtcd the COll--:!;bnc- permission to c:-cct six pl'e-fl1bricah.d hOlls('s Oil tll'.:!. (~llll­ pus. The College'N application hw lIol'lnission to change a garage on \Va.lnut lallt' into a d":"elling was refused. Council, ",·nh all members present -ex~pt Geo:-ge Allen. awarded a contract fur paving the remain· dcr of IUverview avenue. Sevcral citizens appeared and requested tha.t some protection he giv~n against th-a flaMh fioodM that have caused damage to thei:- prlvat~ property. The borough secretary was Instructed to employ a dog catche ..: to enforce the Borough O:-dinanGf: requiring dogs to ")tther be on their own prope:-tY or on D. lcash. Installation of oUi·cer~ wUI follow the annual c1o!:ling luncheon at the \\Toman's Club on Tuesday. May 13, at 1 I).nt. More than 200 merifbers and guests will he ::;erved by Mrs. A. V. B. Orr an"d her luncheon commltt"!e with tho U8Slstancc or the serving committee, heaued by ~I !·8. Ii'r.J.nk McCowen. Reservations ~hould he made with lti!rs. Howard lJingle, Swa. 0188, by Saturday. May 10. Polio wing the .installation of officeR'S who will hold office for the ncxt two years there will b"! an inCormal '·Know Your Own Club" PI'ogl'arn, In brevity skita, exhibits and conducted tours. all In a, "light ma.n ner." l\lrs. John E. Michael will be introduced as the new club president by Mrs. Peter E. 'I.'old, rcUring p:-esid(~nt. Oth~r ne"..·ly elected officera im~lude: Mrs. Fra.ncis H. .F'orsylhe, first vicc.pr'3sldent; ltl'rs. Birney K. 11oroo, sccond vice· president; Mrs. T. K. Drown. Jr., I·ccording !iecrelary; Mrs. A. W. BusS, Jr., trcusurer. New mo;!mbers of the board of din!ctors will be Mrs. I.loeter E. 'raid; Mrs. S. Murphy Viele, reUring t:'cWlul'Cr, Mrs. D. Reed, and Mrs. Charles R. Russell. The luncheon and program are planned as a fitting cllma."{ to what has been u. stimulating, construetiv"..!, and highly enjoyable club (h}.)·, Mn.)" tli, III K: 1 ~ 1).P' .. a'lt) _wUl ue entltled "Coope:-atlon within the Busifl'''~~ Community." Mr. Hoffman Htal'ted hls business career with the Stlldebaker Corl)Oration in IHt I as a salesman. SinCe 1935, lw has lIeen presid-ent of thc company. He is chairman of the Committee tor Economic J ;c\'~loplllcnt. ,""ice-president of file Antoll1oblle Manufacturers A!:mociaUon, and a dh--actor of the 1"ec1cral Uf'Ncr'iC Bank of Chicago. 'rhis l~ctUl·c will he llrCMentcd by the COOPCl" I"'oundut.ion, Ilnd will be op.!n t!l thc pulJllc. Banks To Close On Saturdays J)f";1I11\H. ,Day Held 'ruesdny, Mav G, was Drama \Da.y at the Swu.:thmore Woman's· , Club and the varied program arrang-cd by th-a cha.irman. Mrs. George P. 'Var!'en, was a delight to the 1arge audience of members and gUC6ts. 1\[:--9. Gor-don A. Meader read what she called "old fashioned poetry" In such an easy, natu!'al way that Nh-e made the familiar seem fresh and neW. Two selection:'! from Hcnr)" \V. LongfeUow-"Day Is Done" and "Robert of Slcil'Y",,,'cre tollo\\'~d lJy Herman Hegedorn's "Pray~r of a Soldier During Battle .. • Mrs. Herbert C. Patterson, accompanied hy Mrs. Anthony L. Ventner, chairman ot music. sang a. group of d:-amatic songs with charm and warmth. She chmm "Du Blat Nle Elne Blume" by Schuman. "Air de Lin l..'Enfant Prodlgue" by Debussy and, for an enco"",. "The Daisies' by "C. B. Hawley. "Fourtee-n" an amusing one~act play by Allee Gerstcnbe!'g. deallng with the trials ot a hostess, was directed by Mrs. Gordon A. Meader and coneluded th"l program. Mrs. WnUam Ea.l Kistler played the part of the distracted hosteM, In accordnnce with a recent act of the State Legislature. signed by the governor, permitting banks to obscrve Saturday as a legal holiday, the Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company will not open Its doors on Saturday attcr May 31. The local bank, by opening at 8 A. M. on weekdays and remaining open until 3 P. 1\-1., considers On Short Wave Program it wUl sUIl be extending a more Miss Diana Brewster ot Dickin- convenient Hervice to the pubUc son avenue will acompany the than banks which arc open a cou- Mrs. Horace Pringle; Mrs. Donald young Swedish soprano, Ingeborg ple hours Friday e .."enings but are P. Jones was cast .as her daughter, Nordquist. on a transcribed short~ only open during the day from 9 ElJne P:-ingle: and Mnli. Guy S. wave program to EUrope over sla· until 2 or 3 o'clock. Deming. the versatile program 1\on WRUL on Saturday. Ma)~ 10, at 5: 30 p. m. Mia.. Brewster has chatr-man, played th-oe role of Della. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hicks and recently appeared as piano soloist the maid. turning In a smooth on the Bob Rose program on sta- their chlldren Betsy and Step hie left Monday by plane for their and convincing performanco. tion WNYC . Mrs. E. C. Lappe and home In Sewickley after a 10-day vlBlt with Mrs. Hick's mother. Mrs. George M Karns were. h08te8808 of Eighth Grade Pupils Entertain Hervey Schumacher of Haverford the day, and Mrs. carroll E. Robb The pupils of the eighth grade Il.venue. Mrs. Schumacher and her are giving a Drama Festival tor and Mrs. W. C. F. Ziegentu8 precousin, Mrs. George Paull leCt the benefit of their parents on li'rl. Tuesday by automoblle to spend sided at the tea table. day. May 16. at 8 P.M. The festival a. few weeks with the Hicks lam· wlll be held in the High School au~ BOOK SALE Uy tn Sewlckle)-". dttorlum. Tornorrow, at Horo Hall. Is expected to bring out all thOHO In- THIS WEEK'S CAI.ENDAR FrIday. Ma,. 9 b 8: 21) P.M._OIThe Gondoliers" .............................................. Players Clu _ma)', Ma)' 10 terested in adding to their home collections of books. The Swarthmore Leaguo of Wo· 7:00 and 9:00 P.M.-Movie; "Carnet de Bal................... ············· <;lothte~ men Voters sponsors this sale on 7:00 P.M-Elghth Grade AMCrnbly .................................. Woman s Clu P.M.-"The Gondoliers" ................................................ Playera Club Sat.urday to help Us program of 8:20 chemical Spl k. at Rotary Bunda)', Mal' 11 John H. Pitman, Associate Pro- 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ......................................•... Local Churchea education In voUng knowle4ge. Michigan. He Ia a ~,.. Ma)' 13 _ Any bOOM contributed by non.....duate of Swarthmore High teaaor of Mathematics and Astron- 1:00 P.M.-Inaugural Luncheon __ .........•............................ Woman's Club omy at Swarthmore Col1!ge, talked I!chool In the ctaae of 19... and on IIEcllpae8 of tbe Sun" at the 6:30 P.M.-Formal Mother-Daughter BanqueL ....~..........Woma.n·ft Club members may be lett at the Co9-10:30 P.M.-open to VlaltOnl ................................ Sproul Obaervatory op. Store. ChUdrens boob are ea .. Ie hopin& to mak.. lICIenUllc journ- lUllcheon meeting of tho Swarth..,.~. Ma)' 1& _ hIa Ufe work. more Rot&r7 Club. Friday. May I. 8:15 P.K.--Cooper Fouudatlon Lecture _ ......•••..••••...••.•...••.....•.•• Clolhi.r p~lal1y weleoe .. en&"\neerlng at , " .. '" BRIDE P e r 8 0 n II I 8 "~D_ of' IIr. and aey of Bethl.....m. lA. Comdr. M. IDlE of New York CltT. forliler The . or Mil. DeVlcent of Orotoll; CODII. . e_at."'of .the brl~ at Ohio ill)1bcin. aYellue ..... recelvlq Lt. (Jc) Robert E. RoweIId, LC>UCIle&4. da...hter of ,Mr. Albert T1iatcher of MCMllltaill Lak... Slate UnlvenoitT. wore' m~1I of co.....tUlatiOIUl UPOII the blrtb of U. S. N. Ro. who luuo beell "'mIlS Mn. Claren"" Jlaymolld Ll/uchead. N . .J., and Mr. Frederlck'DoIlnellyl'll'hII'" mol"'; featurlJo&'lltted 110- •. daVCbter, Eleta ADD Jon.., oa with the Medical COrp. 011 the USB of Thayer road. to Mr. Donald of Rlchmolld, Va. dice. with hIgh necklines and May I In the BI'}'D ....wrJloQltaI, The baby Ia a ........dda...hter oC Bemer ID the Paolllo for the put Henl'}' P ...b, eoll of Dr. and MI'IL A. reception followM ILt the home crinolllle .klrte with P .... topa. ~ey Mr. and M..... Henl'}' W • .JOII. of obi: IDOlltho!, left Tueeday. for a "IV1l1l1al1il Barrow Pugh, Walling· ()f the bride'. r.areni& WhIte pot· carried garland arranir,mente of De.. aa\cIlIDent at Key West, Fla.. ford, will take place Il&turdaY, ted hydrange&ll, plllk nook and dark maroon carnation.. blue Ha.verford avenue, and. I)r. an4followlllg .. 10.day leave with hlB July 19 at' four o'clock In. the snapdragons were used III the dec· grape hyacintha, blue IrIo, fuochla Mrs. 'Ale:mllder C. Pur47 of Bucll. mother JIr& Elwood Rowaud of Swarthmore p ....byterlan oratiolUlthroughout tile ho..... etock, and blue an4 fUIIChla ane- HIli 'FaIIa alld ·Hartford. cO..... ' Elm avellue. Dr. Davl4 Braull and Dr. W"Ii_.1 while the bridal party recelve4 be· mOllos tied with a fUIIChla shower . Mn. Octavl.... Narbeth Ia COli- llam B. Pugh, father of the groom, fore a Ilreplace banked with Sala of ribbon. The attendante wore ....eecln&' at the home' of her SOD wlll perform. the ceremony. tollage, white roses, sweet peas. wreaths of flowers In their balr x,. J. D., Narbeth of . Yale .,enue ".A" reception wlU·· tollow#' a'1· ihe narcls8u8 and 'cYpsophlUa.. to ma.tch their bouquets.-: \8 AN after being confined to the Price home of the brld:e'S parente. The mother: of the brIde w~re Kr. Arthur W .. Collins SerVed lUI A WOAAl£D Hoepltal, Plilla4elphia. .for three a gown of ~rk' crepe trimmed with beet -man for ble brother, and the UNF\1' ~E, week.l. . 1 ' 0 WED IN MJCHlGAN lace alld her 10llg ulhers Included Mr. BenJamin S. Mr. and Mrs.. A. 1L Van Alen of The engagem.ent of Mls8 Ellen «loves were lot ~e same lace. Her Collins, brother of the bridegroom, Park avenue will attend Parents' Lewis Williams to ?dr. Norman large bat was ot dark blue and Mr. Jay D. Cook, .Jr., and' Mr. Week... end at Bucknell University Paul Luker bas been announced. pink .horsehalr braid, and her cor- Robert' Plm of Philadelphla. and whete their daughter Carol Is.. "'11\8 Williams Is the aaughter of ......e w.... of bybrld orchids. lIIr. Pat stoweil of New York. treabmpn ... \~ .• ~' r'.' Dr. Franklin G~ Wllllams of, Unl... The mother ot the bridegroom A reception followed at ~e Roll" .)lra. W. ot Vassar ave- varsity ~place. At present she is wore & gown of lilac crepe, with log Green Golf Club. The bride's 'nue enterta'n" °her out-of...town the hospital llbrarla.n for the LaD.- gloves ot Ulac lace. and small mother wore a gown ot crepe, card cl~' & IUJ;J.obeon at her 81",g publtc L1brary, Lansing, flowered hat. Her corsage was of with small hat ot r6se velllng. Her />.1.>_ Thursday. Mich. hybrl4 orchids. cor.age was of da.rk Cybldlum or· )fn. Stewart, R. ~horbahn of Mr. Luker Is'the son. ot Mr: and Mrs. Scranton GUlette of Lan8~ chids. The bridegroom's mother Rutgers avenue Ie entertaining at Mrs. ll. G. Luker of Red Wing. do-wne. grandmother of the bride. chose a gown of e.qua crepe with a luncheon-bridge at her home to~ Minn., formerly 'of Lane, S. D. He ·wore a black and )fellow print small black hat. Her corsage was day In honor of Mrs. Mendlus o~ is nOW a teller at the bank, in dre88 with black gloves, and bat of pale pink carnaUons and coral California. who is v1sIUng her Lansing. ot black lace and stra.w. Her cor- sweet peas. daughter, Mra. Walter O. Heinze The wedding wUI take place tn Sago was of Cybtdlum orchids and Mrs. T. R. Shoemaker ot Evans. . . ot Riverview road. . Lansing at • v'clock on Thursday, small yellow tulips. ton, Ill., mate~nal grandmother of • • • and a pllgl_ car Is an un· lIr. and Mrs. John F., Spencer May 29, at the Emanuel Lutheran Mr. and Mrs. M1I1er are on 0. the bride, wore en aqua. crepe At machine for families to of Yale avenue entertained at Church. After a three-week honey.. wedding trip to Bermuda.. The gown. Her corsage was of pink ride tit.. We' have ",' CIIft!08Il f .... their bome Thuredn.y evening fol... m~on, tho- .bride and groom will bride wore a. Ught beige gabardine BounUful roses. Mrs. George S. Jumpy. spuUerIng. 1laIk7....... ." lowing the performance of '"The return to I.analnlr. suit· with brow,n 6.Ccessories. Her Valentine. Br., ot LeRoy, Ohio wore so drive In today and a.u YO"",,,, sell 01 tbls better, more modena. Gondoliers" at the Players Club. ~ .. " .. ' _. ' corsage was of Cybtdlum orchids, a gown ot 'irray crep'e:' Her cor.. oenice. Mile.. ...... teDliog",,"~ ,Their guests YiOfe membe1'8 Of the MI' I FR-FORSYnIE They wtll be at home after June sage was of pink roses. day's ...... • • ...... """ . . - . ODIC gas, 00· and lubrfmd.. aen1ces,. cast of "The Cherry Orchard," the The marriage of Mlss Frances 1 at their Dew home, 1211 DerThe bride's golng-away'sult was regularly. Players Club's March production. Gn~ett~ Forsythe. da~hter of, Mr. mond Avenue, Drexel Hlll: The party was given In honor of and Mrs._ Fran.cia ll. O. Forsythe gray gabardine with dubonnet ac- .. o"'" l." weeks.·' . , ., .~: ~ ..... 'LoRIng', 'membept .ot· a local I.~. .--......-'bridge club 'wllI ekitertaln ~e win. ,.~' nerB a.t an out-Qf-town party tomorrow eftnlng.;, ThOBe attending will include Mr. 'and Mrs.' wii~m B. Bullock, J6-oo;" Edward M. Bassett. Mr. and itn. ·Normah Hulmo, Mr. and Mrs. .Yamea: Bacon Douglas. Mr.. and Mrs. Waiter A. Schmidt. Mr.' and Mrs. George Scbobinger. and :Mr. Isaac Dar- saUn streamers to which lllUes of finger tiP veil. trimmed with the valley were -ca.ught. loom BruBBels lace fell from a lington. Mrs. William B. Keech of Lans- tiara. ot the same lace and orange ENGAGED Mr. aDd Mrs. Ralph Dinsmore of downe, as matron of honor, wore blossoms. She carried a bridal bouLawrence•. Kansas, formerly of aqua crepe featuring' a fitted bo- quet of gardenias. Ulics of t~e SWarthmore. announce the eogage- dtce with. high-round neckline and valley. stephanotis. a.nd white Iris ment of- their daughter MarJor:ie full skirt. She carrlet!. Fantasy Pat'- tied with satin streamers to which Elizabeth and Mr. Jerry Mead rott tuUps, aqua. tinted Thalia nar- lnd.ividual florets ,of glad~oli wero . , Ewers. SOD' of Mr. and Mrs. Le- clssus and Iris. an4 coral sweet caught. peas tied with ,~i~ion rose tulle Mrs. Howard Mauger of .columland- M. Ewera·'of Caney. Kaosas. bus. Ohio. sister of the bride, as Klas Dinsmore is a graduate of and ribbons. The Misses Julie. Marie Louisc'I .• natr(m of honor.' (lnd, the '~bride8the . swa.rthmore High School, and Ann Forsythe,' sisters of the maids. -Miss Elizabeth Erwin of Peirce Business School of Phlla.delbride. as bridesmaids, wore gowns Philadelphta. and ~iS8 : Mary R?ephla. 'and is a senior at the Unt· of cora.l crepe fashioned in style versity ot Kansas, where she is UNITY ASSEMBLY a member of'tb.e Delta Delta Delta similar to that· worn by the . mo.· Woman's Club Side Entrance ' tron of honor. Their .bouquets were 10:$0· A.H. ~ Wednesday. BororltT. • ZET.JA U. WoAIII'ERS. ~er MI'; Ewers is a graduate of the Of Fantasy Parrott tulips, ..\urple Evel'JOne Welcome caney lOkh· Sehool, and attained pansies and coral sweet peas tied with aqua tulle." The, attendants FOR .. don A.. ··B. degree in Geology· at. the University 'of Kansas In' 19(2. He wore headdresses of Bower. to aerved two and one-half years In match their- bouquets. Mr. Peter L. Miller served as CaD tbe European theatre while in tile best man for his brother, and the Mrs, Uoyd E. Kauffman ArmY. Mr. 'Ewers returned to the ushers Included Mr. Harold Ram. 2080 university of Kansas where he will receive a B. 8. degree In Business Administration in .June. He Is a member (j'f the 'Sigma. Gamma Ep-sllon honoral'Y geological trater· ~ii~~ "n:t'f1',1 and tne Sigma Alpba EpsUon FrIday and saturdAY. loIJ_oIralerllltT. No date has BlUAN DONLEVY' set to,r'!,!~.~~~ .:·weddlng•. In Following a weddlpg trip to Myrtle Beach, S. C., the young couple will be a.t borne at Worcester. Mass., after June 1. o·doCk war8b.fP CVaca,tlo,., a'i . '," , , . ' .~'~ ...:, '; :..... ,. ." " In the Heart of Oabrio's Beautiful Muskoka Lake C8IIIIby ·SwllIl",l. . ,cIeal • lIoatI. . ·T... nl. • Golf • Rldl. . • HIId... • llaal Til,. ·JleachPa.... • LoootIng You'll enjoy the ~ ~ and shorts. Featme _ shown Otber tOols also , .' SInri Set .and Filed··· , ·Qrtick Semr:e" 'lo#.IOth·< " ,.',,~, al Saturday MaUll_ Sc'Oop! FIrI!l Eul_.... SIiowb.g . i' .' . . RUTLEDGE,' P·A. , ,: ,. ~_·.Ddl .... ···· , ~, I ...O!U ",; . 'l1IE. KEN'I\1CKY" I,,,. . . ""-... y .... ""., , ~ '-~:"~ ~I , • Perhaps you have potjred . . . the pre8criptions whicJ1 'J'O'U' physician writeilllrl' u'''alV writ. ten in Latln,'Nodoubt yoabne '. wondered why. Pn;scriptioDa_ wiit~ inLatln becauee T...t;.. II > a dead and never-ehmiginc Jan. ; auage. univers8lly employed in ~edi~ p(ad· e ' ; A Lat4l presmptionwritten in America or Bag. Puerto"Rico, R> .'. ". . " ... ". < .·' 'Janel i:anbe fined' . . in·....... " ,ell' • France, ewntJu:niib .the ~ Pb,annaclet . m.: , . ' .~ .•. ~. 'MInl~ F:ngli8h ,.011 the oa. bend, :.., '.", :.-. · IIIatter wIieie .~., •. OJ . .. . . ' ~ p1', iptkms mq be.w.ittIiii,; '. we can, fiJI them promtJl:ty and aCC\iiate1y. TbIit· , of " often WriHenin Latin "1 ' , . . , , _ 'lb1Ullllq .·yAN'&~~, , " . >~ ... ·ID . ' . " " '" topeda~.' ,< : "- ~"'.' " "MICHAEL'S.. COLLEPE .PHAIlMACl . ::· -, ~. .. ..sr.~~;, .'. ~ .' . ;. . ., ~ ~'::-:. . TRINITY CRURCH ReV. Oeo. C. Anderson. Rector , SUNDAY,MAY 11 ; 8.0.0 A. M.---HoIY Communion. 9:46 A;. M.-Church School. ;1.1-00 A,;. Y._Morning Prayer an~ · • Sermon. Topic: "Cbrlstlanltr · ' and Labor Unions." ·-mE RELIGIOUS sOCIETY QF' ,FRIENDS. . .•. SUNDAY, MAY 11· .:' Walk .. ~o-r all chlldreD ..bove. ~n~e~r~en. ?:OO"A.' )If:-·Blrd. 'Walk rbr KIn· dergarten claas and for 4 and 6 year olds.8:00 A.. Y.-Breakfast served. It it rains Sunday morning. all .children come tor breakfast at 9:00 A. M. and stay for regular first day -school 'classes. 1.1: 00 A. M.-MeeUng for Worship. WEDNESDAY 9:30 to 3:3Q...4lewlngand Quilting in 'Whittier House. Box Lunch.. eon. All are cordlally Illvlted· . .6; 80 A. Y.-Blrd Trinity Not... .to hear a review Philip ,Wylie's new_ book ."Easay on Mornls:' to be reviewed by Mrs. T. LOtgh Will1ams. Tea win' be served..· . Accept_ng the Invitation of the Dean, the Vestry of Trinity Church wUl meet for their monthly meetIng· in the Philadelphia. Divinity School, 42nd and Spruce Streets Philadelpbla. 01:" Monday. They ",ni attend Eyenlng Prayer at 6:30,:to be followed by' dlnne~. Aftenvards they will hOld·, a brief c.onference with the faculty and students ot the school. The ves~.~'~et1ng to discuss the 10Ml affairs ot the parish" will tollow. o~ comfort provided, An adequate air· CHRISTIAN SClENOENOO'Il2i "Ada.m And Fallen Man" ls . the subject of. the Lesson-Sermon In all ChurchC:9 of Chrtat. 8~en:... tis\. on Sunday, May 11. .Th<> Go1den T~t 18: "A,s by one man's dtsobedl-enee many were m~e 81Dners, 90 by the obedience of oue shall many be made righteous" (Romans 6: 19). conditioning system assures perfect temperature at all times and our amplj· flcatlon allows the service to be heard dislillct! y throughout our many pcirlOl'l at large gatherings. ~,!.60~i~' -". -. .'-,' _0. . -.... H. BAIR CO. OLIVER H, S; GIRLS' LACROSSE Tension .tlghtened and ready ,to.- go• .'""'" 1820 CHESTNUT STREET GAS COOKING ••• ···wln." "ghUng on Ull you drive one -tn. Grace and action .It is Indeed• 'A' thrll~ing game ot marvelous speed. . What other teacher can ever &.p ... proacb Tbe vim of your sport-inspiring coach 1t • In years to como you wlll think always. Of the wonderful Ginny Allen days. E, C. W. ,0 NEWS NOTES r M:- and Mrs. Walker ~nfleld ot Riverview road had as their guests last wee.k~end Mr. and Mrs. An.drles Boam and Miss Patsy Boam ~f Bussom. Holland. Mr. and ~rs. Boam are the parents of ~ajor Willen Boa.m who recently'visited the PenfleldA. , Mrs. Helen Hall of Park avenue entertained at bel'. summer home "Holiday am:" Miss Jano Wells of, New Haven, Conn., and Miss Hanna Bach of Mexlo Clty, as her . week~end guests,•. Mrs. John H. Pitma~ of Vassar avonue, adviser to the .Juntor Woman's Club. entertained the eXE'cutive boS:rd of the clU:b at a °dtn_ ner . meeting at the, Ingleneuk Tuesday evening'. Mrs. C. .A.. Bunting of College . • • • lIIeans SATISFACTI()N! . you'll get cooking results without the old·time Back of YoUr Independenc:eSt&nda. cooking cares. For instance. accurate oven tern; The Pen.... Mutual 1947 1847 perature control assures exactly the right ternperature for every cooking operation, and on many models a 'simple clock control permits WAHREN R. BERNARD you to cook a complete dinner automatically• (Member William F. Lee Associates) New ranges have improved oven ventilation; too, which circulates heat evenly on every level• 'Life Insurance So, whether it's baking, roasting, broiling, or . top.of·rqnge cooking, a modern gos ~ange F~ Incon'e £dgeatjgneI PIaDa J;', ""."".,nI. ~7300 . :' , ~ -," ,.;" 0 ., .... :11., . . . -.' I ,, meons complete satisfaction with every meoll Rt.thement Income ~ '. AmIaities Philadelphia .EI,dric .Compa., • WednesdQ eveDIDg'meetinc ....11 ....k. I p.m~, Rea4lnc room open 41&117 _Pt ••n.oIIQa aDd hDlloIQp 11 to I p.m. WeolaesdQ .......... , "'-' o~clock. When you get your modern. new gas range, sa:{.JW0RCR OFCURlST OF SWARTHMOR1!l Pou-k Avenue belo.. Banar4 SUNDAY. KAY 11 11: 00 A. M.-8uadal' IIchooL 11:.0 A. JI.-8uJlda:r X-n Ser- moD. FAR MORE IMPORTANT the H9,1;r Communion ,~lll be cele .. bratect 'on Sunday'. at' 8 A.., :I.L Church '~hool will hold 'itS ses • slon at 9:'6, and at'-the 11 o'clock serirtce the Rector will preach the second in a set'iea of sermons' on current soclal problems. The topic w111 be "Christianity and·', Labor ChurebNotea Unlolis."' _ Tbe Church Scnool will Pleat· OD Sunday morning at 9:46, Mr. S. Usbers .tor t'l)e 11' o'clock set'W. Jobnson; Supertntepdent. Class- vice are ~: S. B. Bre~ster,' head .e8 are provided for children of all usher. R. G. Halg: B. Keirn: L. ages .and for adults. W. King; F. W. Luehring; Dr. H. At the .. Ulorning \ 8Q,f~ce at._l}!! F' ,Stamto,rd; T~ L. WUlht,1ps: ,and .. ' ~.. , _ . . . . ' " . 'E~' Wyeth. , Mr: The playerS await tbe whistle's bloW';.'; Now' they are free; it bas blQwn at .last. And tho girls leap forth as the ball Is passed. The Annual Conference will be Pass and catch. and catch and hel4 In tIJe Arch Street Church p ..... lIIay 14-19. Bishop Fre4 P. Cor~ Coursing the d8.ndellon studded son will lJ'reslde. Dr. Keiser. wUI gMU!S, be present at the conference and Fine as sUk, and strong as steel. & group of layment Wtll attend I love to think how good you feel. La~eDt~- 'AsBOClation on Saturday Unconscious ot It. you are In In .the St. Matthews Church; Philatruth, delphia. Living the glorious days of youth. Chargln.g the goal with a will to $wAitTHilO!iE·-PRESBY.';'ERI.Ali' ~Jl.rJsl?- ~ouse .. BEAUTY SALON M _sazine Subscriptions .mae. , '~e" c,;..Ml Choir' reh.earoes -rhUl'8i!&F'evelllDg at·V:45.aud the 'Glrla' 'cliolr rehear- at 3:46 ThUl'lll&y afternoODB. In,,' BOYS' .JUIllor Cllolr reheanroa iLt 7. 1'.M" Fridays,. . HlCh School Fellowships of thla Church' aDd TrlnitT .church will . hold their &DIlU&l picnIc on SuDa~. JIa7 18. at M. on the propertT of the Belllel4. on Joliahlpn avenue. The Wouia'i!.'s AaIIOClation wlll. toie8t on We/JDoada¥, Ma:r 14 at 11:16. There· will be .. Worship ServIce led hy B. LawlBCutler: ..t 12 o'clock, a b_..... meeting and at 'n: 10 a LUDcheoD. prepe.re4 'bY CIrcle '. Mrs. Frank R. Markle1'. Cbalrman. Dr. MaxWell Adams will i1Peak. ,Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Medford at -the H8.rva.rd aVe;nu8_ f?ntran~ spd Mr~ and' iIlrs.·· A. Bryant:· Reavis .at the drlveway-tra!1sept, entrance Win 888tst the miniaters In greeting the congregation after the 11 O'clock service Sunday morning. The monthly meeting of the Young Adult Fellowship will be held on Tuesday evening at the church. All. young adults ot tne 'community, are Invited. The ,Woman's Society of Chris ... Uan Service will meet. at a luncb ... eon on Wednesday at 12:30. The. r~gular, meeUng will follow at which time Mrs. WlIIlams. of oChester will ,be the speaker. She w:11I speak on IIAlcohol." The Soo"la.1· 'Hall Is open tor BU ... penilled reoreaUon under Mr. Pur· nAil on Thursday at 7 P., M. Rehearsal tor °the Sentor· Choir wUI be on Thursday evening at '1:30. CIlURCIt'SE:&VlCES' The Book Review Group wlll "'. meet on ,Monday at 2 P. M. in tbe 0 o .. MedIodiat heir""I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " -ctar The Church NurSery is open during ihe morning service and ,will be In' charge ot the MiMe!!! Nanq and Elizabeth Cro... 'P. AVf~. MtTSB:OB:A",' BEACBlliN· '. 1IT1. the subject "The CbristJan ,Home:·. The uehers' at the morning ser.. vice are Harry E. New, WUllam H. SchulQ, .John C. Sphar. carl E. Tufte and DoD D. Dickinson. The .Junior Church will meet at the same hour with Mrs. L. L. Hedgepetti, S~perl~tendeDt. The . RUSSELL'S· DArHMOUTH (..llf,6,VHIE $10. P - 4- M.• the minister will p""""ch 011 _pen.. "R\GHT IN T~E CENTE~ JF TOWN" CALL 0440 __, ".....,...... 1 .... at . of JI&rcIl Sullday morning at the·8 o'.clock Prayer 8erv1c~ Mr: Cutler will con .. ..t1Due hlB 8GimOQ. on the general .topic "I Be~eve.;· Ai th·s 11 o'olock .. moe· Mr. Braun ,wUl·'preach on "A Course .01' Action." 'La. Mua. Cora.t. the choir of the Polytechnlo _tute of Puerto Rlco,will lnake a '"""""rt appea.rance at thla· ...r...ce. All are ccmJIally IIlvited .to b..u tllIa outolaDdlllg ·cbolr. . All llePartmellbl or the' Church SChool 'meet at ':4& A. M. Sun4a), mo........... ,The Womell'. Bible CJ_ m _ at 10 A. M. In the Chui-eh tmD.ept. The -Church Hour Nul'I8I'Y tor C1ondieD'Me. '1 tov fa hel4 each soda.,- morning 4ur1ng the 11 0 The marriage of Miss Margaret Va.1entinC) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George S. Valentine of Ben... jamln West avenue. to Mr. George VI. Collins Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin W. Co1!ins of North Chester road, took place Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o·clock In the Trinity Episcopal Church, SWartlrmore. The Rev. George Christian Anderson, rector. and the Rev. L. E. Plattenburg of Utica, N. Y. otnctated. Cybotlum terDs and palms formed a background for the candleUght ceremony. while vases of wblte Callp. lUlies and stock were fla.riked on :elthcr side by lighted seven-branch C6.ndetabl'a. The sltar rall was entwined with Huckleberry and Bala follage wbUe southern smUax decorated the lighted pews leadtng to the altar. The bride, given In marriage by her fathet', wore a gown of ivory satin rashloned on princess lines with full skirt aod long train. Her VARJORUI TOLD, A .. Ie Jllltor . RoaU. Pelnol· Barll&r& KsIlt Pmlr,,,,,iwaChm:ch Notes· l-':~~"':Q1"':':' :::~=s. :::a~~:u::::s,::c:: JIVAIMH SWAJl11IMQRE, PA., FRIDAY, MAY 9.1.94'1 modem. COWNS.VALF.NI1N£ a II'&' DlDADLIN&-WlIlDNBIID.A.Y NOON 0 of Thayer road. to Mr. Jobn A.nthony Mi~ler. Bon ot :Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Thayer road, took place Saturday afternoon at 6 o·clock in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Dr. David Braun performed the ceremony 'beforo a. chancel banked with Cybotium ferDs and a sunburst arra.ngement of white stock,. Calla -·lillies. and white' snapdragons tJu.nked by lighted candelabra while the· aisles' were aUght with candles In standards entwined with southern amilax. trhe bride. given In marriage by her father, wore a. w'3ddtng gown of whIte broce,ded satin, fashioned with a fitted bodice, v-neckline. long tight button trimmed sleeves, and full skirt with j?eplum. Her vell' of tulle was attacbed to 0. cap of rose-'polnt lace toat had been worn by her maternal grandmother, and ahe carried stepha· notts. Ullies of tho valley. whlto Iris and Thalia narci~us Ued wltb .wABDiMGat JIlDIIIo..... S •• ~ om... at _ D r e , PoL. 1iD4er _ RIR c\'1AR~~0 Mts& Isabel Robinson and Mr. Charles Seymour whose engagement was recenUy announced, and was a surprlse miscellaneous show... er for both of tbem. The guests also enjoyed seeing color slides of the production ot "The Cherry Orchard," -taken and shown by the db'ector, Mr. John Dolman. postmaster A.. P. Smalley is do· Jng nicely followmg a major oper'" atlon performed in the Chester Hoapitiil,::."'id"on48.f. Mrs. Ly'dia,", Mitchell of Chester roa.d left' tor LB.conla. N. H. to vtslt her c1.aught;ir, Mrs. C. Leslia "Moor. t.rr... - and taritUy' tor B. few " .... i. ' ... B BWAWilBWVR.· •• 1lIG.. l . o _ Jlcean.r . UNKLE IfANK SEZ' rose - T H'aR. TOLD, ....tor I ·i' Frailk" at .11IE 8WAB1'HMOREAN . a*.. ....... '. . m. IriiI'VINlI:oI.. The Choir School meetoo 011 JlOII. a . .nu. entertallilld her 4auchtor. 1l1io joareabl Dr. and, _ Benr:r .J. day aDdWedllell4&y at .:IO·P. M. ·M ..... SheI40... 0 .....D·&nd datllrhter Wellalld of Bouth Ob_r road. alld again 011 Thuraclay At 7:10 of RIcl&ewoocl,N• .J.. fOr' fe.. I(ro;. Howard S. Turner of strath P. M. da)'ll. . . ~':.. . Ha,~ avellue _ l i t the .week-eD4 . Thure4ay (Ascell8lol1 Day). will Mr. &Il4 Mrs. J. Warrea PADOa &t. V _ COlle.... atleDdintr the be celebrated by Holy Communion of Vaaar avenue tlntertalDed . . c1aaa reunion ot 'IS • at 10 A. M. their house gu _ _ week; Mr. Mrs. Elwoo4 Garret of Prince.:. 'The spring meet.iDB of the Con.. PaUaon's brotber..ln....law and lila- ton avenue entertained' her ciullo VocatiOIl of Cheater. "hlah brlDp ler,. Mr ,and Mrs, .Joeeph COIl1'O" at .. luncheoD-bridge at her home together the 9l,,r8Y iindJaitT ,of .'1-nd their liOn Mr. Howard Conrow W~"'day. Del&w...... couuti IIna pe.rtoI . of an4' wife of, ~~e_ . Calif. Mr. '&lid Jlrs. Charlea G. Th&~ Cheater and Montgomery Counties Mr. and Mre.. Frederick a Lang cher of Ogden avenue entertained :wlll meet aU In Trlnlt,. Churc~ of Maple avenue entertained at a at & supper JJal'ty at their hom.• 011 TueedaY•.May 27. . dillaer,brlde at their 1I0me Il&tw-. SUllday evenlDg. The gueeta In. Frieiuk Meetinlr Notes ) day evenlntr.· . eluded a reullloll committee of the The poetpoue4 Bird Walk will David Weiland of Getty.burg 191Z claM.at Swarthmore COllege. takq place ,on Sunday. the l1tb If~ College spent the week-end with Thatcher'e cluB. clear. All cblldren above 'l:ho kindergarten class will meet at Whittier House at 6:30 A. M.. and the you~ger cnlldren at 1:00. lSre{Lk .. fast will be eerved .at 8:00. If there is rain on the 11th. all chlldren come at 9:00 A.. M. for breaktast and stay for regular li'lrst Day than the dignified surroundings of our School clasae8. 4rstabriShl1lent is the mental and physical MeeUng for Worship at 11 ~<. .> '.-, o· "C -. : '.. " . - - - - - - - .•..--,);..- : . _. ,,-,- - -- , ',. . I u. Ita S. IN GERMANY McCorkle. of the town, 1IaM.. entertalne4 SaturN.y Rowand of Elm avenue "bose For the 11rat Job abe hall ever Swarthmore ApartmeDt.. and lin. at the tormer's bome at a. Bur- euga.gement to Mr. Charles Schroth beld, MIBs Joann ... Paul, of Yare .Henl')' L., McCorkle of prlae lingerie shower for M .... Dor· of Pittsburgh haa been a,nounc.d. Mrs. Guy A. wu""",,"-I Avenue, m an ace4 by combined choice and clreumstallcea to - get Into one ot the busiest and most intricate organizations tn the world just no"'. the Oftlce of Military, Government tor Germany (t:S) at N LINE WITH SPRING , And that means your car should be "topsbape" when it starts its hum down summer highways. Bring it in and let us condition it for your summer driving now. Skilled Mechanics for Every Job EXPERT MOTOR TUNE UP COMPLETE LUBRICATION WHEEL ALIGNMENT HANNUM & WAITE YALE and CHESTER ROAD Swarthmore 1250 Berlin. It .. this organization whiOh. tn cooperation with similar military governments of Great Britain, Russia and I.... nince.' is eDdeavorlng to put Germany back on ita economic feet and establish in Germany a democratic, government for Belt-administration. Joann ho.s been 1n Europe for almost a year. Follflwlng her graduation from Swarthmore High School tn 1946. and In ,the 8ummer of 194:6 came to Paris, France., entering Alliance Francalse, noted French 8chool, where she studied French and music for several months. Then sbe went to Munich, Germany. where her lather. Lt. Col. George Hurst Paul was serving as Inspector General at the Office of Military Government for Bavaria. A few months ago, she moved to Berlin and took music a.nd other courses at the American University in Berlln, and when the school term recently ended she applied tor and got a Job in an office ot the American Military Government headquarters. She has been over much of the American zone of Germany, especially the world-known sports center at Garmisch, and has been in the Eagle's Nest. Hitler's retreat on the top of an Alpine mountain at Berchtcsgaden. Her mother, Mrs. Dorothy Paul. and younger sister. Patricia, expect to go to Germany this summer. • WASH~ PJ.ANS ON MAY 30 EVENTS DAY HITS BORO Local TQlent PrbninC' For Dance Inter• • mIssIons Elements Display Power In May 5 Storm downpour to~ntlat Monday's sent streams coulIIlng over laWRll". rivers gushln8' curb-high down streets, usual waterways pou:inS over their banks, and aqua inchesdeep gaining ~Dtranee in ODe Way or anotht:!r to many bo':'Ough cellars. Water draJ.nlng trom the ad.. Joining college 6e1d 1Iooded the high 8Chool cafeteria rl8'ht at lunch hour. Hunge:' wBB sWI assuaged In one balt the cateteria by students eatln8' aDd aeryll1&' In' gum bOOts and plotlhes. TraIIIc on C_er roa4 ...... delaYIneIB, UoD. 71.WeIIb_ AD lIlILkes van and Delivery. group and JUtch_ m _ _ • SIMMONDS Raclio Repairs N.ell Zuppo late (If Boom Hotel, Los Angeles. Call.. lea.d'I~~~~~~~~~~Swu~~~'I~h~IM~.~.~1~6i9~t~~~~~~~~~~ aUoDs, , ! ! John Frederick Ehlert, Jr. 606 Harvard Avenue, Swarthmore,. Pennsylvania erahlp of H.ar:-y Oppenlander. chemistry clBB8es under the Charles Keenan served Mehalr.. CUNNINGHAM Ave. Sw. 2266 Painters &Paper Hangers SILVERWARE We Should Know How Repaked and Replaled FredA, Fish, Jeweler announcer. \I East Slate ~ M¢1a - .~ 'l'bone MecJla,?:.'llI'~.; In the chemistry portion or the program exP'3:"iments were pertanned by Graham Foster, asslBted by Barn Nowen. Bm SodeD. and George Warren. WIN IN FWWER SHOW Tbe::oe weroei 48 colorful entrlea in the Hower show. given by tJie ninth gr&d'9 girls of Swarthmore 8ch~lt Thursday May 1. east laI.'6rt de- bed REMEMBER MonIER ON HER DAY, There are - , . wapI a telegram, a letter, lOme flowen. Mothers are the molt appreciative pencms OD earth, They appreciate the MADISON BROTHERS heca- of the quIity ~. . cIiae we sell at such low prities. : .' . SPRING LEG. of LAMB 59c lb END of HAM 59c Ib BACON 69clb Califomia Canota 2 Bunches 19c Fresh Tomatoes I 3ge Carton ocaJ Asparagus 49c Bunch Seedless Grapefruit 3 for 19c' ~29c Pk. Fresh Spinach 21b, 19c Large Jqjcy Oranges -. 3BC cIoz. o aiocolate Monels 19c Pk. Teatament.arY . _ r e 1448 TOGETHER above Estate. -ha.ve been Improvements··~i~n1~::~:;~~· to the undersigned, who reWIWAM' BROOKS garage. '1uest aU persons ha.vIng elalms 01' brick dwelltng wIth 16 x 33 teeL Ashes ,. Rubbish RemOYed demands asainat tbe Estate 01 the •. dan!:" ': ~~~~~~~~~~~~ff:~~~itl Sold as the property of CroBby-Fox I.aWIIS MO....... General Hau1lDg Corporation. all persons Indebted to the theBame. decedent decedent. to make known and lAtty,: R. VWnfteld Bat!", Esq, to- maket. payment. without· delay, to 238 ILlrdlllf'A.... ' M _ I'a. n-~5-2 G~ R. Waunns,' S11erltr Eltzabeth' N. calvert 209 Rutgers ...venue ~,,~,,~"""""" ESTATE OF NANNlE SERENA WIIJSON. DECF.ABED. Letters of Administration. C. T. ~ on Ule above Estate have been granted persona ha.v1ng claims ·demands to the undersigned, who or requeste aU against the Estate ot' the Decedent to make known the same, and aU per.. SOnB Indebted to the Decedent to make payment without dela.y to Fred R. Wilson, ;-T.,pei:~~~~~:l ~ ;":;;t:r,;t 1 ••• aD" Charles E. Fischer Phone: Chester His. UR1S RALSTON = John Kane BROTHERS D"" - - ... ~:~~~~~;~~f.~!~;~~~~~NO' 177 A-I ;~~~:~~~~~~5a~~Ofrron'2.. D. lIalcolm Hodge. E&Q.ulre, GIbsOn Bulldlng • Septic Tanks'C!eaned Modern _fArJ' MethOds. We aw.. ..............here at no extra cba--. Administrator W- WalnutC.Lane T. Swarlhmore, Penna. or hi's attorney Builder 'll~"_~"~"" Walters' .Swarthmore 2253 • GT-4-18 FOR THE HOME I M 'A o ~ay N B U May 11th o YOft ARN FLOWERS Oft S U P P L Greeting Cards Y Phone Swan 0450 . We DeBv~ Springfield, Pa. onotile, various sizes and colors sbeStos, asphalt and wood shingles creen wire, galvanized, bronze, plastic wens glass blocks, 6x6, 8x8, t 2x.t 2 ails,- common, finishing, roofing, lathing -locks, cinder, cement, all sizes S. G. regular and tempered boards, celotex Insulation, .loose, Qa,tts, blankets 'L umber, white pine, fir, oak mahogany Doors interior, exterior, combination, garage Edging, chrome finish, all type~ R 011 roofing, all colors, siding Sheetrock, Rock lath, plaster Whether Mother " a few blocks aUJaY or across the continent, we, Baltimore Pike .'>.;~ CESSPOOLS 8 Till S Cudlca .. 'i' Pbone_ISlI " According to custom, the last Issue of the year will be published ~Y the l~comlng staff which, a.t Novelty PETER Dl NICOLA swarthmore, Penna. Or to ,her Attorneys Butler. Beatty. Greer II: JobMOn Medfa. Pa.. TO EDIT GAR~"ET ~T Mary Lou Thayer has been eelee ted by -aentor members ot the Ga:-net staff to be next year's edltor-in-chler of th"" school news- Mother's Driveway Con9truction Asphalt or Con crete mmt';.: Chester, Penna. ' aDd a Southeast; Joyce Cobota headed the various committees•. In preparation for the show. Chairman of the commIt... toes were: Mildred McGee. :egtStration: Jane Allen, exhibition; MarY Knabb, prizes; Gary Long, hostcsacs. Standard Decorative -"'2Iti RUMSEY and Mrs. Jones epent ~e week-erid wtth the tormer's parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Jon~s of Haverford e.vemte. Lt. and Mrs. MotAer's Day, • .... aDd RepaIrIng SInce 1908 New and Rebal1t PlaD08 ALBAN L. PARKER l'bone Medl& 045i1.M the undersigned of his IntenUon to apply to the Delaware County Board of Law Examiners on .June 2. 1941. for a oert1ftca.to ot adD'lI_lon . to the Bar of th,e several courts of Delaware Borden adS _D ODS • '- W . . can .ee to it that .he'll get her fafJOrite Rowers from • ... 17e call J ODes, with the Medical Corps at Edgewood Arsenal, Md.. and now OD detached WE WIRE FLOWERS ANYWHERE More Outstand11lfl PIANO TUNING LEOAL NOTICB . NO'l'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by \ Home Improyemen.... Al__ !lledla 25417,1\. FOR QUICK SERVICE _ Swarthmore 143'9 paper. Delll••te "l'IIit CoektaD No..;!Y.I 57eo.stock SOoed Appl.. . N;;'Z Sse ..... Gl'ee....... O~A ':.2 a1e Gl'iapell'ait 0';:;:;"' ~ 190: 5 ':: aso DelII••te eo... ~ ~2 S7e U ....,.'. K.adote 1 ' I p . Mo,,!Y.o 56e Va. C>mp'. POI'k " a'.=1 ~2 S6G BYapol'ated Pe...... lob roo. . '.:.-: a1. SUPREME H The High School B88embly on April 80 featured .. scInonc .. ehow presented by the physics and were: JOYce Cobols. dining-room arrangement; Barbara Cro8get, 'J.ivlng-room; caronne DeFuria, kitchen. Carol Livingston carried off first prize In the mIniature group and ~arollne Jam~8 In the co!"sage group. SC)me of Our New lower Pricu ,Ito Orea'est Broad Valuo GIVE SOIENOE SHOW trom 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Prize wJnne::"s in the flve classes ORANGES :!-.;'!'•••r~-,4-r :! And Pre-War Pd._ OD BUDU. aDd an he... -Fa _¥ ODoL"'" Domn'Sc: Wilier H.ten OD ~ Hot 'Air F. II NoW AywP'h.. , . I 5 Ie -I eel r " and ~Jgh mVEI SEAL EGGS :rn" sSe ..... r .. """"'...... ment at the organ and tbe eololstB w111 be: Pbyllls Cu:'tln. 8OPra,nO: Ha~on Ewltwood. tenor: Henr'J Faust. b .... · Roland 11&11 of the Engllah department and- Polly Plnof the Freshman etas, will the. four-hand accompanl.~;~~.~*; ~ 1.>I,e." at. the plano f~; thC3 Brah ma• _-.. Bongs. The public Ia cord!aJ1,. 1Iv1te4. Artirs Brothers, Inc. at -~~~i2~~~~~~~~~=1 service, New Pre-War Quality Tomorrow. Saturday, at 10:00 a. m.. the baseball club wnl 8'0 to Ridley Township for a. game. Sam Nowell, CaP. Bierman Dana ......, HI... a~ .. In tbe Bach cantata David Tu· Jobannea dor win Brahms. provide the aceo,!,,,,,,,,I. JODN ..... apeDd\Dlr a tew ~ of rN'ortJl Chester roa4 eD~rtaIDe4 thla w~k In Au:i:iittc 'etty ..t~Dd· IO••JD-la"''iii~ dautl'h~r Mr. Inc a aelenUflc convention. M ..... Wllllalil B. McCloy and Mr. and M..... Jame. B, Dou..... bab,. daugh~r Sandra of Phlla.del,·1 of North Cheater road spent the phla over -' the week-en4. week-end at their cottace at cape IIlr. and Mrs." W. F. Bir4 of Kay, N. J. Ogden avenue -eJ.\\ertalDed at a Mr.....01 M..... Arnold Redding of dIDDer.brld/f9 for" 12 sueabl at Park avenue are teaviDg ~ OD their' bome saturday evening. • month'. automoblJe t..-1p to call... Mrs. Helen Hall"of Park avenue fornla, stoppln. en route at the e.~rtalDed the Thursday Rel.dl,.g I Grand 'Canyon. They win alao BtoP Group a luncbeon-meetlng at at Seattle. Wash .• and return by summer home. ·'Hollday HUl," the northoern route. vtaltJng GIa- Westtown, last week. cle:- NatJonal park. Yellowstone, Mr. 'and Mra. Earle P. Yerkes of &Del the Bla.ak BUbJ Of N. D. Princeton avenue will entertain at Mr. and Mra. B. F. SChwahn' of a dln~er-brldge at their bome thlB evening.. N\~~~~I Adm_on -. ~11~~~=~~Oj:l Lt. H, Walter t .....M,. Gl'oIIIId .,••• I'UII under tho direction of Jame. ~~~~~~~~~~~ I' ..... t' ..... .!! !ii-~ljl~~'i-!'t~l~~~~~~~~1 Anothar lIIa.. bar of our populor coffa. family that Will pin .. the lo..an of ~cuusw­ packad ••ffaa:"and so va ..o.~y at tlla •••• II.... :It .1 Hi h 0.. lI'rIdq ""enID. Kay 1. at ~~~1":1Ii the Swa.rthmore ConeP CIao-' Memortal Hall the C&Dt&t& No. ~=;;.I'''·c:lml8t lay by deatb eDBhroudedtt , SOrbo:' winBe_Ian P"","DtBach II .....d tbe by Johann ....bleen Love SOngs, 9p. 52, IT'S lEW te leal '" III .....,.1 College Chorus,,! -,' Presents Bach ., .,.£A T H £ 'SW:A'R.'" ,U , and, s~one, cement sewer pipe' pson, bison, beaver and tile boards. aint, plastikote, oil, water, interior, exterior lywood, gum, fir, mahogany, all sizes ime, hydrtted, finish; super, .m:ort;umix . . . .- ..: ellow ,pine, flooring, stepping and sizes ~ Coal, all sizes, Fill;in now. O'"iI; all grades, Sign up' now, - -". -:'".,'."0· . y. ~~b_ TiD 104 {'.omeD Avenue able home this spring ~:: Swarthmore, Penna, for years to come ,with a heat conbol on your fur., nace. Prompt installation.. A. MERCER 'QUINBY Funeral Director COAt Formerl,. of Medl& 11111 W. LebIirh A ..... PIlIia. Phone B&1d_ 1170.' No addlUonal _ _ rcir ....bnrban_· FUEL OIL VAN ALEN BROS. RIDLEY PARK -- PAiN'rIl\oG and DECIORATING AD Work G ......._ Wd~ a,m;:O~ , . A.. WAYNE L. PARKER . Xedla B. D. Jj Electrical Contractor'. .- ..". . . II . AD TJPM of E1edr1.... :' , ' ,,,pt.UatlODB aDd· Bepalra DAVE' WOOD' Painting s , ., iliiS~_ - t J ' for 'Ttteni}' _ .".. 0 a', , ~~~~ ......... Enjoy a far more comfort-' . .331 DARTMOUI'H Av&'- ,: '~PIi,"'" Phone Swarthmore 2175,R ~ .~ o.,_ ~'.' ;.. f.h.a'·· .' . • • ," pi! 16: at ~ ~ .'. ngtng 5 0755 1180 Mahlenbews A~ , , .~.·229S'· .......... 01&}0. I " , . :Ore In th~ areaa ,are very much thaD In earlter yeaiw. The apeaker. dlllC_ w=IoWl ,.hIgher than In good atandard reobills on housing. aa the Taft Bill ,Identlal ar..... which baa b""n rejected, and the . Various housing p.ojecta In Insurance BUt which has been ·Ch_r cIty and In Delaware paaeed,. &0, being exceilent legi.al&- :County ...ere mentlone4.· The ·tlon. Bulldlng codea also reatrlct County Authority operated lOO~ 'the amount ot houStng able to go unlta outBId. ot Cheater. A CODup. The number ot sub 8ta.odard ataDt· dort ill being made In hoWlunlta In ·Phlladelphla was put at .!ng p:ojecta to Interest peopl. In taking .....ponolblllty tor th"lr 11,000. . homes, thus It becomes an edu~ Joseph D. 'Calhoun, chairman of On Friday evening the Woma.n'. tiona! pro...... The Hook Road Club cooperated with the League the Delawal'll! Coun~y Housing Aut- area. in Darby Township was meDot Women Vote:os In Swarthmore to bo:lty said that people, who neeCl tloned as being the most In need enabl'J the subject of hOUsing in homes 'most are the least articulate group compared wIth the very ar- right now of new' housing. lI)ela.ware County to be discussed. ,Occupying Official posltlons .tn .M7s. Glenn Morrow. presIdent of ticulate high pressure groups about .houslng both In Phlla.delphla. and the League presided, IntrodUcing them. The pu:-pose of pubUc hous- In Sp:lngfleld. Norman lIIaD8eU as the first speaker Mrs. Elizabeth ing has ~en stated clearly in an spoke on the D'"3:ed tor '''thinking Boldt, consultant to th'e Philadel- act passed by the Pennsylvania selfishlY" about certain problems, phia Housing AssociatIon. Mrs. Legislature. which estabUsbed the for Instance traffic in relation to Boldt went tnto th"!; 80clal, clwc, Publlc Housing Authority for this OD'!'S child, and houslng, with Its en~ a.nd economic aspects of housing, state. It strel3See the needs of the vlronment In relation to one's bringing out the various methods persons In low Income groups. own familY. ~"Don't just be influenMr. Calhoun said that the Idea Used todayt whereby a person can ced," said Mr. Mansell. "but inget a house. She brought, out the that public housing will emr COffi- fluence conditions cound you In points that bullding lB being dono vete '\vlth p:-lvatoe buUdlng .Is not rega'rd to zoning, t.::aftlc laws, propmostly for the ,uppe:o Income true. ~ctuallY. private enterprise in erty changes, etc. groups. who move up from the real estate Is beneftted by It. FigIt Is necessary for eaoh comloW'!r priced houses whic~ are old- ures quoted showed tbe costs to munity to plan for Its own builder. and in various stages ot deter- various cities in th~ United State!! Ing future: where the heav:ter .to:-atlon. One reason for lack of to have slum areae. Costs a.cc:"ulng traffio of the tuture is to go lower priced houses is that con- to the taxpayer through city hand- througb or around the town, what struction costs are so much higher ling ot crlme, pQ.llce protection, kind and how many new buildings are to be put 'Up, tor what purposes, and where. In thla way only can the valuo;ls which the, townspeople want to keep be preeerved For Swarthmore Book Lovers In the. face of new conditions. .come .... 11' ""_nt/I),, .ut 4emonatrate how It is po.. lble to be'',gin at once to JIReI1· to the muio and through It upr'" a tree an4 creative urge. . LEAGUE AND CLUB SPONSOR TALKS lira. I. R. ~acElw.. of ML. 8017-: oke place presided at tbe luncbeoll meeting ot th~ Y011US RepubUcan8' Cluh of PenlUl)'lvanla hel' at th\o • Hannali Penn House, PhlJadelphla. Friday. Mr. H. BIrchard Taylor, Housing Problems Analyzed Last . Friday • guest speaker, talked on Port of Philadelphia." . ••";";;;;;;;;.;;;;••;;••;;;;. II;;.;;~; 1897 • Gold. . . .btl_ ••••••• Men - Women - Children League of Women Voten' Book Sale SATURDAY, MAY 10, 9-4 Borough Hall Books ma)" be donated all day Friday, May 9th Bring them 10 the Co-op. 194~ 3 frwo Sunday Coo_ SyIv... ~.....15,'7.t5. ,045 .UIIAY WOOD •••. JUIIU UlllEI s J6eal'liolSNt . . . M' 1ft .!P!EJ, .......... '.... JACK .nCK" KIDDII.' HODa, :I • • • • AcnI of n.rJDlng AlbodIMt . OpMfwnlapaIMIWHhnd. 1U1 IlAtrzpU·. DWIp·1bcowfl. 0.. 10e Cash fare on PTe: lines tak.. ~ lilt W...w. Parte " - ......kaIl, ~_ . - of tho cit,. .... _ 01_ to Pen. ., from 33d cInd Douphln SII. . . . . . . . . . . ., ' d A"'.J E from 69th and Morbt Sta., or O.iAa ........ 0iJd CMIt. AYHo Young Republicans' Club of Swarthmore .Exciting Opportunities· BOOK SALE "The Pre__ts Joey Keams and hi( Orchestra at a SPRING FORMAL l4cal Girl In Akron Recital On A.pril 29. Louisa Paulson KupeUan appeaQ3d In a duo-plano :"'ecltal with Joan Quinter Orr. playing before a capacity audience of 1700 In Akron's beautiful Goodyear Theatre.' The concert was sponsored by the Akron Councll m the Swarthmore High School Gymnasium Saturday, May 17, 1947 - 9110 1 P. M. Tickets, '$4.80 per.coupIe at Michael's aDd Malic Bcm Retreshments Included Welfare Fund .. flne Its perform~i~3~~~~;;~5~~~~~~~§~~~~~~S~~~~~~1 ance of Church Women fo:"' Youth can perhaps be best deacr.tbed ! Th~ I •• YIII' HIUI.II••ill·eo.pIeI. wl1II raII7 __ nco- Ld "" -7VDI' -olean.... wIIJ......... NeIll • uWe !oM 0 0 _ No daR to fIT ....1IDd and • _ _ on 0ftIJ1hIn«. 911Z DOMESTIC Rap 1JIes=..t ..... Ite&urned within , DaJ1l A"'s"" It C"mK.~!!,'- lOll Pm;:k Ave..1~warthmor.!'- ~•• p,,- Seardl_re 0730 or .S2...e ....r ....... . . . . P"sIm Rugs /01' s,,1_ _" _".1 .... by the following comments ot Oscar 'Smith. music critic of' the Ak.-on Beac~n Tournai . . . . "The young artlsts gave an outstanding recital. Mrs. Kupellan and Mrs. Orr. each an exceptionally fln,ta pianist In he::: own right, played brilliantly together. Rarely does one hear bet... ter coordlnatJ.on and expression than this pla.no team :-evealed last nite...... The program Includ"ld: "Sheep Mg:ty Safely Graze" by Bach-Howe: "Prelude and Fugue in C Minor" by Bach-Bauer: Eight "Llebeslleder Waltzes" by Brahms-Male:.-; and the "Romance" and "Tarantella" from Suite No. 2 Opus 17 by Rachmaninoff. Their panthuslastlc reception brought forth as enco-:oes; "Popular Bong" from Facade, by W.illiam Walton and "Chanson from Le Bal Martlnlquais by Da:olu8· MUhaud. Louise Kupe-llan Is well known In the Ea.I!It as well as the Middle West for her numerous solo ana two- piano recitals. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,-,,_ ..., M. Paulson of Park Avenue, she Is a. graduate of tbe PhUadel- Mother's Day is Every Day at Strath Haven Inn But on Sunday, May 11 we will·honor all' We invite MOTHERS you celebrate this DAY at the "INN" to For ileaervatiotu, telephone Swarthmore 0680 . April "MADEMOISELLE" (pg. 330) Celex· ANTIQUES DEl'T. GOING TO NEW<1A8'1'L1D "Newcastle Day" on May 17, will be the flnal jaunt of th,-e AntlQ:-ues department. with Mrs. BIrney K. Morse, as cha1:-~an. CluD ,members who wlsli to ·'pngrlmate" should get In toucb with Mrs. Morso, Swa.. 060:2, 80 that transportation ean be ar:oanged •. Twenty-three historic bousell and churches will b."!I on view In tItls old Delaware town' which ot· ters a great variety in all typea ot ~n~lque.. Tbe. Newcaatle Commit.. tee eharges 12.50 tor the day. 18 planned to leave tha c1Dh ho_· early In the morning.. Satwill Fabric RAINCOAT OUR PRICE SAVING .... • • • Jo.t 1.. t ~ W' ala .~ I .. .. • 1t'1 ... to , . to 1.__...Ii••r,. tit ... ,.;, =h" _ .....,. OaF. OF MAR'rEJ .'8. MARKETS ENJOYED pated In the Antlquea Department trIp to Ephrata Clo1aters and H.,r-I I ahe,. on IfaJ' 1 when "th:e:y~:;,~; conducted through the r bull41nga ot tho Cloisters .. and learned much ot the I1f. coloO)' which da1e8 back to. UOO'.. A great oontl'aat .... _ u,.. tour _ . ~th::e~I:::1 "t 'CIluo' IlJ' ? & -,-AM, ..• to. U!" H.ph'.,.' trip· 1.1 'en". JtOte4 .. • \Aqua • Green • Gray • Beige • Btack • B~uty Step OUt into • .buW:·ia it ,ou'll1M: the well dflRl4 w,.- ~ after the IUD c:_ out. Bu_ it, belt it, slip CIG the denchab\e hood, and lee • t : r I T _ pm lid Satwill _dry ~ c:omiomble. In __ 10 _ 20. SP.EARE~SSIOOND ., -': , .. BOARD DIRECTS SCHOOL DETAILS -JR. G.O.P. HOLDS DANCE TOMORROW Ree,tabli,hing PreWar Series at H. S. .Weigh Many Matters ItlMonthly Session The Young Republlcan's Club of LAST CAlL Any article submitted to the Mutual Exchange of the Womao's Club and not collected from Mrs. George 'V. Sweet. Swarthmore 2691, by Wednesday, May 21, wlU be given to charities. CHORAL CONCERT DRAWS BIG CROWD Singers, Audience Acclaim Miss Blodgett The choral groups of-the bigh Th:e Swarthnloro School Board Hchool presented their D.lJnual public dance of tho post-war erR. last week had a busy meeting, scholarship fund raJ.slng concert t morl ')';II: n.!b'ht In tbe high school crowded with a disousslon of a under the contagious. skilled lead;';::,'r1nl~lumt fr.om 9 until J. variety of problems. W. E. nungan ership 0 r th'9tr beloved "Mlas Mwdo (or the affair will be prowas tn a.ttendance at his tIrst m~t­ Blodgett" Friday night in Clothler vided by Joey Kearns and his 16 ing as l\. new member ot th'e board MemorIal. Tho buUding, w a 9 piece orcb'estra, known throughout and chairman of the property comcrowded a :[ull halt: hour before the Philadelphia area as an out· )nittee. tho program opened. the communstanding radio band. I.Rtters were re~lved rroUl Rep .. Ity having learncd from past years The dance will bo fifth In a ser-' r('scntatives Elwood Turner, Walter that th'c double lUM of finely train• I The Alnsworth-Wernher Post lee that was broken by the war. Layer. a.nd Louis Bloom D.cknowled VoiceD In '0. program of great In the 8lx years th,at have ela.pBCd edging the School Board's provloU!~ No. 427, American Legion Is again varlety and the atrecttonate Interest since tho last alm.llar atra.J.r. many communications urging their SUI>!- planning thia 'Community's com- 0:[ .slngen' parents, makes early new re81den~ have comlJ tb 8Y{arMrs. John E. !'licllael, wllf)l:::lC Inll:Ort of H,ouso Bill No. 111. wh.loh memoration activities for Memor- arrIval n nccessIty. In th~ years stallRtion us presldent of the thmo~. It Is the hope of the dance would ~tatn Swarthmore's present Ial Day. All Borough organizations of Alice E. Blodgett·s music super',",oman's Club of S",urUunorc committee tha.t everyone will think cUmaxed Tuesday ,aftcl"llOOn'S level 'ot State appropriation a.t Including Girl and Boy Scouts, vielon In the local schools, this or this ,dance as a Q'ood chanco to $44,000 per year. Wor4 was re- Brown.tes and Cuba arc asked to spdng concert has been a highfinal session. get acq1l8.inted with friends and ceived. also from the Department participate In the exercises which Ught of thc musical sCUllon. nelgbbOl1l tn the Borough. 0:[ Pul,tllc Instruction suggesting will open a.t Borough Hall at 9 All units gave excellent perCh'arlea' F. Seymour Is chail"maD. that tlie adoption o( the budget A. M., and parade out Park avenue formances, th~ opening salutation of the danco c~nimltt~. Serving and levying of th"q school tax' rate to ~tlu.wn ccmetery and baok to by ·the Senior GirlS· Glee Cl-ub with h1m arc 'Patty Campbell, be postponed Q.8 tar as necessary the 'Vorld W~r II honor roll at setting the tone for the evening. Kathryn Simpers, Mrs. EUzabeth Into Juno in ordor that the action the Bank. The High SchOOl' Band This group's Brazilian "Tutu MaW, Lippincott, Russell Kneedler. of the Leglslature In regard to will play Its uRual stirring role in rnmba" with solo by Ann~ HickCoUn Hltch;man. Robert Longwell. teachers salaries and other p~nd­ the; program. man was popular as was -the and Ned Pyle. ex-offilclp. ing legislation' may btl known. Such At their Dorough Hall monu- ··Andalucla". delay would he legal and also ment World' War I veterans will The ~ork of the Junior Girls' would be tn accOl'dance with tho be eommemorated. Th'o service at Gleo Club which' Inc!uded the usual school budget-making prac- the cemetory will be for both clll.&llc and beautiful C e Bar The Inaugura.l h:.ncheon. Tu'2!stice of h ..vlng tho budget h"""d Civil War and World War I vetFrlUlck's "Pants An~UcU8" wJ.th day, May 13, marl«ld tho clOHO or upon tho expenditures required In erans. And the eioslng (,xerclaeH obllguto sung by Carolyn De Furia, tho Swa!'thmore Woman's Club tor ror 'Vorld War II partiCipants. accordance with thc new laws. Mary Knabb, and Paulln~ ~noke, tho season and th'c two-year ad-. , Nancy Hoot of Lafayette avenue was generany pleasing. Dancers mlnlBtration ot tho retiring otncers. fro)n tho sixth grado added gay,ty Mrs. Peter E. Told who took over u. grnduat~ of 'v~st Chester State to the "Come UtUe Maid'" and tne th<) prC81denc~ last summer a:[ter TeaChers Colltlge in elcmentary cd· flnal, ,uns~heduled round w a 1'1 the dea.th of Mrs. I.tT~k n. More)', uen.tion was elected as a t,mchcr In the el9 Gospel Train" with its annual theater benefit donations of a lengthy dlRcuHSion the motton and to Wilson Coal and Supply lng was Ernest, Duftlle, of Marp)e surprise ending and tho medley of $30 were given to Camp a.nd Hos- was carrl":l'd. The Junior and Young Mothers' Company and towcl service to Township, whosc sub.tect was "How fu.vonlte sea HOngH displayed the pital' and ,60 to the Swarthmoro Recreation AssooiaUon. The Sections or the club were .·OP1·C- Kltne'M Coat, Apron and ,Towel 'to GPot More out of Lito." lDJstrict group to advantage and completely Mothers' Club gavo a girt to the Mented ~t tho luncheon by HOR;'I- Supply Co'lnJ'HlIlY, Orders for re- Govcrnor \Valbw ~chruf[eU of delighted the nudi"'!noc. • WomantB Club in the tfhOerm EOdfltha mond Jones and Mrs, C. Justus binding tcxtbookH Ilnd Uhrlu'Y Bl,thl('h(,JIl WOMAN'S a.UB NO'l'ES ON POppy DAY SINGS CL011IIER Wise Dogs Be Wary AT 19.00! ame Olga Samaroc Stowkowskl. Mrs. Paulson spent the week. prior to the' concert with her daughter and grandson, 'J.'gddy. OIORUS AT Birthday Dinner Helc. Tuesday Night At Club As Advertised in at Music a.rid a. I t~~;;ec~onservatory, scholarship pUPIll of Mad... C()IIFGE .' fabric . . yau. J'LOOB ,.,. , , -''''. \ INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE \ THE SWARTHMOREAN 8 I LEAGUE AND CLUB SPONSOR TALKS Housing Problems Analyzed Last Friday On J.irJday evening thc Woman's Club cooperated with the I~ab'11e of Women Vote::'s in Swarthmore to enabl'P. the subject of homdng in \.Delawarc County to be di!)cu!$Hod. lfrs. Glenn Morrow, prcsidArs that have elapsed since the last sImJlar affair, many l1ew residents hav(' COIIW th SWl.lI'thmo~. It is the 110pO of the dance· committee that everyone ..... think of this dance aB a. good chance to get acquainted with friends and neighbors In tho Borough. Charles F. Soymour Is chalrtnan of the dan-co comJl1ittt.~. Serving with him arc 'Patty Campbell. Kathryn Simpers, l\.h·fI. Elizabeth "\V. Lippincott, UusBell Kneedler, Coltn Hltchplan. Rohert ].A)ngwcll, and Ned PYle I cx·omlclp. BOARD DIRECTS SCHOOL DETAILS Weigh Many Matters In Monthly Session ~wtLrthmol"CJ LAST CALL Any article submitted lo the Mutaa] I~xchangc of the 'VOIl1- au's Club and not collected from :;\1rs. George \V. Sweet, SWHI·th- CHORAL CONCERT DRAWS BIG CROWD Singers, Audience Acclaim Miss Blodgett mOl'e :..!G91, by Wcdnesda)', :\lay 21. will bt: given to chal'ltie~. LEGION PLANS MEMORIAL· DAY The dlOral g.·oups of the high Hwarthmol'c School Doard H(:hool Ilresented thclr annual hlSl week had it busy meeting, scholul'ship Cuntl ra.islng" concert cl'owded \\'1th a dil->cus~!on of u. lind..:')' the COnlilh"ious, skilled leatl~ \"addy of problems. \\r. I';. Dungan ('rship 0 f tt,~~ir beloved "l\li~s was in attendance at hi"H fil~t JlIc-c1t· Blodg(>U" Friday night in Clothier iug- as a new memher of the board :;\Iellloriul. 'nU..l uuildlnJ.:" was and chairman of the propert)" corncrowded a. full half hour hefol'Po 'mittec . the program opened, the co'InIllUIll.I'tters ·were re('<~lvcd froUl Rel l ity ha\'jng: It'al'neo from past y.:ars I"t'Hcnt..ativcs Blwood '.rurnel·, \Valter Post that the double lU1'o~ of fInely trainTIlt' AlnHworth-\VeruJI''ca~ ~lrs. John t·:. ~lIl'1uu..'I. \\"lro~c h .. !'itnlllllhm us pl'cshlcnl of the would I~taln Swarthmore's present iul Day. All BOl'fJugh organizutlons of Alice E. Blodgett's music super\\~()numts Club or SWIU'thIIlOI'C Icv~1 "of State apr.ropriaUon at incitHling- Girl and Bo)' !:;couts, cUmU:U!il 'tuesday "rtcl'HOOn'S "\'itiion in uic local schoob", thls '44,000 ])el' year. 'Vord was re- iJ:"ownJe:-- a lUI euos nrc asked to fiN'l session. p.u'Uclptl1c in the exel'cises which Spl"illg" l'Ollccrt hn.~ he(~n :.l hlgh_ ceivcd, also rt'OJll thoe Dellartment will open a.t 13orough Hall at 9 light of tht· lIIusit'al season. uf Public Im.truction suggeHtlng AU units 1-::1\'C excellent perthat the n<1option of the budget A. M .. and llUrade out Park avcnU(~ (onHances. th,! openlnh" sLlutatlon nnd levying of th.~ school tax- ratc to i':asthL\\'n ('cmctery und back to by ·tJw H,mior Girls' Glee Club he postponed as far aH necessary the \VorJd 'V:lr Ii h01l01' roll at setting the tonX! for the evening. into Jun~ in order that the action tho Bank. 'rhe High School Band ThiH group's Bl'Ilzilian "Tutu M.Lof th.., I&glslatul'o In regard to wlll play iho; lUntal !:lUning I'(lh~ in raruha" with solo by Ann~ IUckteachers ~ahLl'ieN und other p~Jnd­ lhe progralll. I Illun was pOPHlar us was ,thQ At their Borough Hall monu- "Andalucia·'. inJ.: t("gl"SluUon mttY lw known" Hllch delay would he kg"al and also ment World War 1 veterans wlll The work of the Junior Girls' would he in aCeOl'dalU:l~ with th~ be (~OJnlncllloratcll. The Si~I·vh.•~ at. Club which" included the mmal school hudget-1l1ukinJ; prac- the ce"llle!pry will he for both GICt~ elas-'d{' and beautlrul C , Inaugural lunchcOll, Tu~aCivil W"m' and \VOIld \Var 1 vcte ~ Lr tice ot having the budget has<~11 J'~l"4Lnck':-I "Panis Angelicus" \VUh du)', 1\1a.y 13, murk"'d the dose of lilian the t!xp(mdlturcs requirell in ('!"lUIS. And tht· dmdng tlxerciSes ohlig-ato sung by Carolyn Uelt'uf'la, tho Swarthmore \Voman'M Club COl' (01' \\"orld \\'al' n particlpant-H. :u~col'dnnct. \ ..·ith the new hL ...VR. .M:ll"y Knabb, and Puulin{' ll""!lluke, tho senson and th'(~ twot'Year ad:-------Nancy lInot of Lltfayet1t~ a"\'(!I'UC was g-tmcraJly Jlleasing. Dancers mlnIstration of the retiring omeN'S. a g"l·aduat., of ,,·. . . . st CIH'sh'" Htatt.' froW tht, Nixth gl'ado aducd gayety ~. Peter 1':. 'I'old who took over Teachers College in dcnwntm'y l'd· to the "Comc LittJo Maid" nnd the th~ presidency last SlimllH'r aftel' unsch~duled waR final. round th ...~ death of MrH. l<~r:\.nk H. l\tOI'C~', llCILtioll was elct·ted a9 a t!-!l.lche,· in I-:""\'U tI~· allpr(~clat"":d. ,vas prcflcntcd with her ''In.l.Ht.prt~­ the eH::'m'~ntary schools to begin 'I'ht: Hoys' Quartet which has !lIent pin" hy :llrs. Hoilert L. work next Scptemlwr. The followgrown into the commuuit~":i 'heart Coates at }laf:lf. pr..,:dd{mt. Mrs in;.:- teachl!rH in the llig-It ~dl()ol ove.· the years and earn£'d it~ r{'Coatos expressed th~ appreCiation WCI"t~ elected to ass.ist as :mp'~rvls­ tngt<'twhers with SlllnnH:1' ':·;('hool Mpec:t with its rnuturinJ.;" l>erCol'lIlof the -club {"OI' th·... exc~n..mt record ill·OJ.;ralll. Itn('c~ :-anK th~~ numher~ whIch mudo by Mrs. Told. ~hlry Armstron~, AtlelitH' .intl'oducpd eOlllllll:nduhle individual .A reeotllllU'ndation of till! ILireet!iinghl~ U~ well n ..; I'nsemble work" O~ of tho clull to (:husc, J" 1':. })UlJCUll, 11 t~nr)" Bof'riH' HW:lI·UlITlOn· (1haptel' uf Uo- One t'ncOI'n w:w d('mand<,d nnd thl' wctlkly mcetlnA" to tlw ac'.~{)nd and tHunn. HalTY ()pllenl:~nd'~I·. I>a ... ill Inh'rnational celebrated its nudi{'nc-~ want-cd .anotil"'I·, lJalll~·. fourUl 'I'ucsday with (leparhncnt \Vatkins. Ahm j·lC'derl wa~ Huth! tan," Consolation for th(' faet that meetings on the othel' 'ruesdays BnulY of 11:.tI'gt·" Ag-.'ney (,j" ];0:-.1')11 Wt'I'e It" ('. ~\"lnlllt~rlllan. E. ~1. lecting the fund. It will be u~d for which has sUPllli(~hlt~nt, liol'al'(' Pas~lllOI'C )'licha~1 aU«)nded us delegates" 1\1 rs. .At. mid-week lw had not been S,~cl'(ltary, l';lliott n. it:h ltl'lI so n Th~ To Honor Veterans of Three Wars on May 30th ·m WOMEN LUNCH AT INAUGURAL EVENT MOTHERS CLUB SEASON CLOSES I Install New Officers As Club Year Ends Mrs. Gowing Elected :\r.. President at Last Meeting At the final IIWl·tinl-:" uf tho swarthmoTe Molhcl'!oI' Club MrR. }.Ia.co Gowing WlL'C t~lp.cted President for next year. ThC' other of· ficers elected u.rf! VlCt~ I 'resident, Mrs. "WIn. H. JanWH: Hecol'lling Secl"ctaTY. Mrs. \Vm. ]':. Graham; Corresponding Heerl~tal'y, :\Irs. navid Ullman; Tnu..'"I. 1\I1·H. \Vm. Kurtzhalz; Membership Chairman. !\frs. Ralph V. Llttlo; Hospitaltty Chairman. Mrs. John n. Maerl{er and Doard Membe... Mn;. J. G. Breitling. With money made at thl' dub's annual theater benefit donations of $30 were given to Camp Ilnd Hospitnl and $50 to the Swa.rthmore Hecreation AB:-iociatlon. 'l'he ~tothers' Club gn.ve 4l J-t"ift to the \Voman's Club in tlw form of a contribution towlLl"d tlll~ E(lith :\lorcy Seholarshill Fund. As a t.oken of their aPlln'ciation fOI' hel' fine work, the club presentm] to Mrs, C . .J. Ga.rrahan, retiring pl'csldcnt, 0. set of dessert pla.tes. Mrs. Avery Blake also rnccivell :l gift and many thanks for her valuable assistance as rcpr('sentative from th(~ Woman's Club. The new eon· stitlltion was vote(l upon ana formally accepted by tJw ciub. After tbo election~ the club had thn delightful ex})erienct~ of hearing a. book reviewed by Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop. She first presented to the club a beautiful angel food cake to be raffled off. The $12 collected was donnted to the Canc('r Drive. :Mrs. Bishop thOll exIllatned "how never to be tired" from the book by tbat name by Marie Ray. P"hysica.l futh,"lle can be made up by a good nigbt's sleep, ahe said. but mental ratique may be caused by boredom, worry or an inferioritY complex. Mrs. Bishop quoted from the book, "It isn't the conditions we face but tbe spirit in which we faco them. Intt'rC'Ht i:'l whcre we lJut it." "Intet"estlng people are people who arc interefded. boring people are bOTCd. t ' Mrs. Bishop punctuated her review with amusing quotations 80 that her talk was very entertaining as well as rejuvenattn~. The club has bad n. very Sllccess- ful scn.aon with a largo attendance at almost every meeting, w_hlle a good percente.go of the group has participated In the aettvlUes during the year. It Is hoped that next year it will be even larger and more active. -~- ROTARY ENDS 1ST DECADE HERE Birthday Dinner Hel" Tuesday Night At Club Phil:l(1t'h)hi~l. (Continued on Page 5) ------- Extend Drive The drive fol' funds (Or the American Canc(ll' Society has he en extcnded according to an announcement by lhe I..~hairman, l\lrs. F. H. 1,'orsytllP. 'rhis net coineidm, with a natioH-wid,' eXtension of the $1 :.!.OOO,OOO campaign. The first rel)Orts on the results of the drive in tho borough show a total of t1560.97 collected to date. Of this amount $100 has been raised throug"h the ef[orts of the Juntor Section of the Woman·s Club. Individuals who have not yet contributed are asked to send their contributions directly to Mrs. Forsythe at 410 Thayer road. Swarthmore. tht~ I Wise Dogs Be Wary c·int1er~. (Contin Ut~tl un EIGHTH GRADERS INVITE BOROUGH 'rIle entire (~Omnlllnity is illviteti to attcnd the F'('sth'al of Plays t{, he giV(lll tonIght in t Ill' High H~hool A.udltorium by all the pupils of tlw eighth g-rade. Eli7.a.ht.'th ::\lcKie dirl'l·ts t11I' llrotillelion, Alicc' Eo Blodgett I:"> \n t.'hal"~t~ of lwrioll im\)Ol·tant music which has an place in the series of bl'ief play~ its docs the (lanein/-:" ,1il'('t:h~d by Mr~. Anne Sullivan. A rnedi{'"\'o.l Illnnor St~l~lll~ introduces the seven plays, The l'~all or Adam, pyramus and 'rhlsbe, H.e'\"csby ~word Play, Ril) Van "\Vinkle, She \Vas Only a }t"'armer'g llnugh. ter, The Lord's Office, and a contemporary skit Our Town. Harlan Jessup dramatized the Rip Van Winkle piny and Julie Lange wrote the contemporary scene. anci ]lowarcl Hipler and able to fill CouncIl's order that Chal"lNI G. rl'hac1wr directors. a dogo-catcher be employed to entn'.l..... un'r. McCabe Named U. S. Associate ~.r)lomas McCabe, of North C'hC'stcl' I·oad. 1)I'esident of the Hcott PaIH':1' (~oll\}la.ny. CheRter, elC'ctNl to the Council of waH l·nilt~d StatC's ASHocint{'s this wcek, H. '1'lw org"ani~ation. l'Oml)O~pd of inlluHlry, hURin(>H~ antl t1mltwt' leader};, as a representa.tive of the force the local ordinance requirc.·anines to be on a. leash ing all or con lined to their owners' propcrty. HO\VEVEH. Mr. Hichardson felt t~t'l"t.ain he was about to elineh on('. li'iclo, HO it i:.; far from to ,'entul"c forth H.'lf,~, little on yOIlI" spring hors d'oeuvl'ing-unless you {'nUed States in the [nternntional can be satisfied with sniffs in you .. Chamher of Commerce is engaged own hack yard. in speeding removal of wartime h:ll'l"il~I"S to tntt"'rnationnl trude. Awarded Fellowship Dorothy Henderson Guenther. formerly of Swarthmore, h~'lS been Bereaved F'r1ends of lJn"\'id Gilcreest will awarded an Exchange Fellowship the American-Scandinavian regret to learn that his son David b;~t l::arl, .horn on May 4. dl("d May Foundation. A senior at th(' University of Pennsylvania. she exS in Colorado Springs. The baby was a grandson of pects to continue her studies in Mr. and Mrs. O. J: Gtlcrcest of Swedish Literature at the Univer, sity Upsala. Yass..'1.r ayenue, I ot .- THE SWARTHMOR'EAN P~rsonals Mr. and Mrs. Edson Harris. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. McCowan of Rose Valley entertained 40 of Vassar avenue spent Mother's Mr. and 1Irs. Charles G. That- gueabs at a. buffet supper at tbelr Day wee!t-end at Penn State at char ot Ogden avenue, Mrs. J. home Saturday evening. which time May Day festivities Warren Paxeon of Vo.ssar avenue, Dr. and Mrs. John ,R. Bates ot were also observed. Frank Mcand Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bittle of North Chester road will entertain Cowan, Jr., Is a senior at the colRutgers avenue left Tuesday on a as their week-end guests, Mr. and lege. week's motor trip through the Mrs. Mervin K. PalUster and their Ensign Colin McLarty and EnNew Eqland States. daughter Kathryn of Munsey Park, sign Larry Baldwin. serving on the Mrs. Robert T. Pfoiter returned N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. Howard New- USS Burke which arrived in port by plane to Shreveport, La .. after nam, Jr.• of Walnut lane wtU give at Norfolk, Va., . spent Mother's spending a week with her motber, a cocktail party ~n their honor Day week-end with the former's Mrs. :Marie o. Donnelly of Yale tomorrow afternoon, and Mr. and parents Mr •. and Mrs. F. M. Meavenue. Her husband Lt. Ptetter Mrs. Roy A. Gezcllus of Walling- Larty of Oberlin avenue. Is Flight Surgeon with the Medical ford will entertain at a breakfast Bob McCowan of Vassar avenue Training Command at Barksdale Sunday morning. and Bill Soden spent the week-end Fjeld, LB. Mrs. J. F. Hutchison ot Rutgers in Chambersburg and attended a Dr. and llra.·~. A. Davlaon and avenue and her mother l\olrs. l'rI. J. da.nee at Penn Hall, Saturday eve.1aughter of ·Waldwlck, N. J .• spent Wangler of Princeton, N. J." leave nlng. the wcek-:end with tho tormer's Sunday for a week at their cottage Mr. and Mrs. 'V1Uiam D. GorWaldo' B. a t N P arents Mr. and M..... ~... ant uc k c to M ass. mun or Mt. Vernon, N. Y., spent Davison of V8888r ~venue. Dr. and Mrs. William C. Elmore the week-end with Mr. OO,rman's Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden of or North Princeton avenue onter- parents Mr. and Mrs. A. B. GorRiverview roo.d has returned homo talned as their houso guests last man of the Swarthmore Apartafter a two-week visit with her week, Dr. and Mrs.. Erncst Tittor- ments. brotber-ln·law and sister, Mr. and ton and their small daughter JenMrs. Albert. L. HUles of the Mrs. Harry P. Baumann of Ev3.Ds- niter, who wlll return 800n to their Swarthmore Apartments ~nd her ton, IlL home in England after three years sls~er Mrs. Paul S. COP~ of At"The Eightsomo,"' a Swarthmore tn this country. Dr. Elmore and lantic City attended the May Day bridge ~lub were guests of Miss Dr. Titterton worked together at festivities Saturday at Bucknell Mary Verlenden at her cottage at Los Alamos, N. Mex., duriug tho ynlvorslty where thetr two nieces. Buck Hill Falls tor a few days of war. Ml1ry Lou af\.d Janet Walter ot this week. The club members inMr. and Mrs. C. Irwin OalbrMth Kennett Square are students. clude Mrs. A.. S. Robinson, Mrs. of Benjamin West avonue enterHelen Goodwin, Mrs. Sewcll lJodge, tatned the la.tter·s parents Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Colin n. Hitchman :Mrs. Richard G. Haig, Mrs. Walter Mrs. Charles H. Horner ot Baltt~ of T"hayer road will entertain 1nR. Shoemaker, Mrs. A. Ludlow more, Md., .a,:; their week-end formally before the Young ReClayilen of Swarthmore Gond 1\"lrs. guests. publicans' Dance In the High William A. Clarke of Wallingford. Mr. and Mrs. .J. Stanley Taylor of School Gynaslum tomorrow ~veMrs. Maxey N. Morrison of Dart- Kennett . Square, formerly of nj.ng'. .mouth avenue visited .friends In Swarthmoro, will entertain at u. Mr. u.nd Mrs. Avc:ry W.· lliake Caldwell, N. ~., for a few days of dinner party tomorrow evening in and Patsy and Avery Blake, Jr., flds week. ' honor of Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. of Amherst avenue wlU spend the. Mr. and lira. Guenther H. Froe- Turner of Strath Ha.V~Ii ~venu'e week-end in Baltimore. Md .• vlHttbel and famtly of Swarthmore ave- who w1l1 lea.ve SWD.l'tllmore in the Ing Mrs. Blakes' mother, Mrs. nue were dinner guests Tuesday near futUre to mako their nome tn Harry K. Nield. evening ot Lt. Comdr. ~u.ck Mlt- Pittsburgh. Mrs. Peyton Bra.y of Vassal' chell. at the Phlladelphla Navy Johnny MacAlpine of North avenue will serve as n. hostess at Yard aboard the new aircraft Princeton avenue celebrated his the home ot her couslns, Mr. and carrier, "Tho Valley Forgo," which 12th birthday by entertaining the Mrs. Thomas Holcomb, 2nd, at has ·just returned front u. shake sixth grade boys of CoIlt'ge avenue "A Day in Old New Castlo. Deladown cruise to Cuba. school at a party at nls home Sat- • ware," tomorrow, \vhcn nisto;ric Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Shoc- at a party at his home SatUrday homes In New Castle will be open maker of Riverview road will enMr. and Mrs. Jobn MacAlpine, to visitors. revealing many (IUaint tertaln Mr. and Mrs: WilHam T. of Nort~ Princeton avcnub with nnd bcu"Uful pieces 1')1' CC?lonial Hunter of D~len, Conn .• as their Johnny and Jane MacAlpine wlU furnitun~ and art. «uests today. week~end In West 1:>"01nt, N. Y., and Dr. and Mrs. James A. Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Waldo n. T>avlson visit their nephew, Cadet Amos of Strath Hav",n avenU9 will enof Vassar avenue entertained Mrs. Mathews of Evanston, III., Q. third tt-'J"tain at a dlnn-er party at their S. Scalera. ot C'hlcngo, 111 .• and her class student at the West Point home be-fort' the faculty dance iil daughter Miss Lydia Scalera of Military Academy. the Mary l ..yon lounge, tomorrow New Yo.rk City for a. (ow days ot Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Carroll. JI·., evening. laSt week. ot North Chester road will cnter!lh. and Mrs. H. L. Bunke.', Jr.• Mrs. George Schoblnger,. Mrs. min out-of·town guests OYCI' the of .Mt. Holyoke pla09 enterta,inerl Frederick R. Lang. Mrs. 'V. Lord, week~end who are here for the Mrs. Bunk<'r's ~lster Miss Helen Mra. F. J. Wolters, and Dr. H. annual State Convention of Arc·hi- "'nUs of New YOI'k City as the!r WoodbrJdge of Swarthmore are tects being held in PhiladelphIa week-end guest., members of a group ot Associated toda)1 and tomorrow. Mr. Carroll Is Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Campbell of Hand .Weavers who attended n. president ot the American Institute Dartmouth avenue spent a few luncheon meeting In Philadelphia, of Architects of Pcnnsylvanla. days ot ~last w~ek In New York Mr. and Mt:s. WilHam DIxon City, Saturday· and later the exhtbition of the Pennsylvania GuUd of Shay of Rose Valley w111 entertain Mr. George E. Ellis. Jr., of RutCraftsmen. on viow at tI10 Art at a cocl Itarleased held the rank ot Tec~lcal Yard avenue. Scrgean~ --------------~~--~--------- UNKLE HANK $HZ TO WED MAY 24 The marriage of MI88 Betty Jean Quick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stuart Quick of Dickinson avenue. to Mr. Edwin Burwell \ Dunn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dunn of Halifax, Va., will take place Saturday. May 24 a.t eight o'clock In Trinity EpIsCopal Church. Swarthmore. The Rev. George Chrisuan Andersort wUl perform the ceremony. A reception will follow In the Parish House. LOo~ LIKE SOME 0 WOMENNOW-A·D.I*t'S SEL£C:r 1HEIR \oI.lE~~ AS 1'0 HOW M\..lGH Al.\MON'1' '1'HaY .--'-"'-1 CAN PA~ TO ,WED 'IN JUNE The marriage of Mlsa Cornelio. Stabler Clarke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson Clarke, "Crumwald Farm:' Walllngford, to Mr. Walter Marshall Scnmtdt. son o·t Mr. and Mrs. Wa.ltf:r A. Schmidt of Rlvorview d w III "tak e p Iace Saturday, roa. June 21 at three oclock in the· Friends Meeting House', Swarthmore. A reception will follow the cerelnooy at "Crumwald Farm," WallIngford. BIRTHs II )'ou'vo neglected ,-oar OM'.1a &be past , •. ST,4RT NOW or it. ment. *" -.. ....., Cars are prlct*'Rei), on equlp- • RUSSELIIS tor tune-ups, carburetor &lid tgntUon work ..• batter)' . Roxby, ~ ;,.,..,.. Ice, both slow and t_ . . . tire 1>1'. lLnd 'Mrs. John B. recapping, vulcnnJzIn&' II!IBd. repaIrJr., of Kcnyon a.venue are recelv- Swarthmore. ing cOTlgratulations upon the birth ot a daughter, .Judlt'b Lynn Roxby on May 12 In Temple Unl· versity Hospital. The baby Is a. grand~aughter ot Dr. John B" Ro:x.by, Sr.,. of Harvard avenue and of Mr. and Mrs. "RIGHT IN THE CENTER 0;: TJ·l't"I.!" RUSSELL'S CAllOL,40 DAlilMOUTH t:.lJ,rA'W1EAVf5. BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER OPEN 7 A. lIf.-8 P. H. --OVTSIDE OATERING SERVI~' Sunday, 12 • 8 p," DAIl;1/" DINNERS ............ 85c· to 11,60 Special OhUdreD's Pla.tters ~~. ~"~"~~~ The Bouquet .' / BEAUTY SALON Make Your Man May Mad 13 Sodth Chester Road Call Swartlunore 0476 DON'T WAIT TOO LONG ,- • Don't wait until yoU me bali dead before you call your E dIJ physician.. Hie chances are betl • and yours, if you call him at tile first sign of illness. It will be Ie. expensive for you, too. Often a word of acivice. a sensible piecaution, will prevent seri01l8 a;>mplications, Even though you may feel perfectly well, it is good practice to see YQur ph)'Iician regularly. at least twice a year. lfhe finds it nec t sary to prescribe medical treatment, briac your prescriptions to us. We will fill them promptly and accuratelv, iust as fI", dnctnr oro........ 'S COLLEGE PHARMACY .' On the Corner ,,_te Editor Barbara Kent Secon4 C.... Katter• .TaDU&17 It, ltlt, at the PoA at _ o r e . PL. UDde~ the Act ot March I. 18 n. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON II SWAKI1iMORE, PA., FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1947 Church Behool will discontinue Its sese:lon after June 8. Choir School ,,!e'ets on Monday and Wednesday at- 4:30 P. M. and on Thursday at 7:80 P •. M. The cbolr will sing the Simtonletta. cantata "Hymn ot Pralso" by Mendelsohn on Thursday evening June 6 at 8:16. This rarely heard work will be heard 1'01' the first timb In Swarthmore, and will be given to the community by the choir as a public. service. 1I,,========...==========...==========='9 with red flowers tor Whitsunday, Sunday, May 26th. FlowcrI!I, pottor the Presbyterian Home for ted plants, flowering shrubbery, Aged Couplo6, and Single Men, 4700 etc. should be brought to the City Line, Philadelphia will be on Church on SaturdaY morning, May May 22. Luncheon from'12 to Z p. 24. m., Garden Party. from 12 to 6 p. m. Tickets are available at tho Friends Meeting Not.... Church oftice. On Ma.y 18 the First Da.y The Session wUl meet In the School classes from 4th grade Church office at 8 P. M. tbls eve· through junior high school wUl r '"Ii Pi I !b~ian Chun:hNoles Bunda7 morning at the 9 o'clock community fJ9rvl~ will have entercd upon a tarse und-lrtakiolf. The 18;tel5t Ust of new accessions, just iBBued, includes among tile works of fiction: ":Mamma. Marl3.'s" -Ann Chidester; "Puritan Image" ...Barbara. Gilman; "Valley ot Wild Horsesu-Zane Grey; ''The Scarloet Patch"-B~uce. Lancaster; "KaUka" - Maria Molnar: "Too Much to Ask"-Fern I\ives: "In a Yellow Wood"-Oore Vidal; and The Church will be decorated "Jed New Library Books Blaine's Woman" • Evelyn ''W'here the Babla. BInP'··HeDrl· qu~ta. Chambe:olaln: "How ONe. Falher" Dayld Dodg,,; and "Alaska--Land ot Tomorrow" .. Ed ward A.. Herron. On th'Ol! flhelves devoted to chll· drens' books wlli be townd theee new UUes: "Benjamin BUSJbody"Lo:ore.lne JJelm; "Adopted .lane--" Helen F. Darlnger; IILlghtnlng Strlkoe Twlce"-)rfarguerlte [lfck· .son; "Ol~y: The Sea. M.onster"'Marie H. Eta: "Tbe Little Wbite HO:"8e" - Eltzabeth Ooudp; and ':Pat: The Beelng Eye Do... •·Col. 8. P. Meek. Was My Wells. For mystery addicts three new books are otrered: "BedevlIed"-Libble Block; "'Thf"l3e Cor:Mr. nnd Mrs. B. W. Colllns ot nered Murder"-Jean Leslie; l'The Trial of Soren Qvlst"-Janet Lewis. Allentown spent the week-end with For those who pret. Rea41.... room OpeD nue. All of the young people of 4IaIIy ..._ "'D~ aD4 holl~ both J'hurchee are eordla.lty I", 1I.to I ...... We4Ilee4a:r ...~. T tit m. ad • to ':IO.p.m. . We4n~ ''r:'' '•. - your stay memor.ble. • Plan now for • lon9-femt tion free of h_hoIa " .... .,.ca- Hot ....hI IN _ '" oR balk roc Raemtions 1'IIOnI: AIIanIk: CitY ~1211 • . PHILADElPHIA "ELECTRIC COMPA.NY 4 I Jamee. H. Callahan· of Garrett Beta PI, honorary engineering avenue bY been pledged to Tau fraternity at IA!hlgh University. • Frida7, Ma,. f6, 194T THE. SWARTHMOREAN J. E. LIMEBURNER CO. Dispensing Opticians LEAD RESERVIST MOVE NEXT WEEK Experts in the Making Fitting of Spectacles. and Eye Glasses Eight Boroughite. on County Naf!Y Committee 1923 Chestnut Street - - Philadelphia 6913 Market Street - Upper Darby, Pa. wldQ Operation Na.val RC5cr~ dur.ing the week of May 18 to 26 Is In the hands of Comdr. Wllllalu H. and Local parUcipation In a. natlon... ColllDs, USNR, 827 Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa. first. commanding oJHccr of Delaware County's HeSCn.9 Division 4-11. Commander Collins, a Wallingford resident. Includes the tollowipg SwurthmorCWls on tho cornmttt'Cc which will aid him In pro- LWV ANNUAL MEETING Mrs. W. 10\. K. Brown, Jr., Mrs. Harold and Mrs. Glenn R. Morrow, officio. moting the 'maintenance of the Naval 1897 • Golden Jubll_ Sea_ • 1947 ~ 3 Free Sunday Coneerh, Sylvan Hall, 4.1.5, 7.15, 9.45 BOB .. DIANE Soog Stylim with BEllY HADEN _d OIHED JACK S'ICK'S KIDDIIS' HOU.,. 2 P. M. OIMR Enning. and W"end. nil May n • Daily Th.,..,."., Crystal Pool 0",.5 Sahmlay, May24, Jl A.M. One Hk Cosh Far. on PTe Un... tak.. you tv Woodlld. Pork from prlletlcally any part of the dty. BUS ROUTES DIRECT TO PARK, 85 from 33cI and ~1"n $b. ... or .....h and Parkstd. Av.,J E from 69th and Morbt Sts. ... , Reserve UB an for world peace and better p'ltlzen- Mr. and Mrs... O. W. Dnrch of London. Ii:ngland who ha,,'e been visltlng Mrs. parch's mottler, Mrs. George A. Marr, have gon'9 to NeW York for a bric-f stay with friends. They will return to Swarthmor,1J the latter part of Mas. • .Mrs. Henry L. Smith of Swnrthmore avenue returned by plano from JaCksOnVin~, Fla., where she visited Dr. and Mrs. H. La.wrcnc-a Smith and family. Previously. Mrs. Smith had been in Arizona for an extend<>d visit with the Rev. and MI·8. Bancroft SmJth. DEPENDABLE firOOOjiEA.R Today's Goodyear DeLuxe Tires carry to even greater heights the extra , ~i:ar tires today. -16 10 EASY TERMSLIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD TIRES NEW TIRES DESERVE NEW "lUBES PROPEBLY BALANCED wm:EJ.S help to give _ you a smoother ride. Out-of-balance wheels directly or Indirectly cause abnormal lire wear. Make this small exira investment In comfort and saving. Stop in at Tire Service Headquarters today for new Goodyear tires, mounted and balanced by "Wheel Specialists". HANNUM & WAITE YALE and CHESTER ROAD CaD DAVE WOOD TO Refinish Your Floors PHONE Ingleneuk this evening. Bridge wllJ tollow at the Gllbert home. MEDIA. 0755 , Mr. and Mrs. Horace B. Passmore of Struth Haven avenue will I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l~avc May 25 on a. month's auto .. mOblle'trip to the west coast. TheY Plan DOW the home you want plnn to visit the Grand Canyon en Deairable lob av-ilat.le route and wtll return by way 'of Yellowstone and numerous other National Parks. Mr. Passmore wtll II VNEKAIi lio_ attend the International Rotary William T~ Pattel'tlOa, Dh'Htor ElpteeD Yean BstIdeue .Convention.tu San FrancIsco as a· TEJ.EPHONB MIlIt" !"iSS delegut(' from the Swarthmore A PrIce to 1Ilee. .:.-..,- FamllT8 Hotary. -------------------------------,--- . N_ PATTERSON SWARTHMORE 1250 Mr. a.nd ];1r&. Hcnn" A, Pel.-901. Jr. Dlld daughter, Gloria Ann, apd Mr. Pcit'Soi, Sr., of I..afaY'"!ttc avcnuc, will spend the wCPk-end in New Jersey where the fOI'mer will visit Miss Claire P)otlch'"!r of Upper "!t.tontclair and Mr. Pelraol. Sr. will be the guest of his son and daughtcr-ln-hiw. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Peirsol, of Spdngfield. Mrs. Pelrrsol's brother and slster-In-Ia.w, :Mr. and Mrs. James M. Dryden, and daughter, Dchorah', ot Philadelphia, ,vill sp<}nd the week-cnd in the Peirsol house. SATURDAY BANK HOLIDAY This Bank will, until further notice, observe every Saiurday begiuning with Saturday, June 7, 1947 as a faJllegal boHcI8y. As usual the Bank will be open ~y. Monday through Friclay, from 8:00 A.. M. to 3:00 P. M. except legal holidays. Tms Member of Federal ~t lDsuruace CorpCIiratioD MTS. Miles Hi Robinson. 6'0 Og-. One of the largest national conden a.venue, wlll be hoateM to the. venttons in the history of the Kappa Kappa Garno. sewing Needlework Guild of America met group next Tuesday. t"hls week ut the Benjamin l·"rank· Un Hotel. Representatives from the the convention were: Mr6. Thomas sartord, Honorary president, Mrs. S. S. Ruthcrford, Mrs. Birney K. Morse, Mra. Willia.m Tha.tcher, Mrs. Edwin Crosby, Mrs. J. DlIlwyn DurDaH. Mrs. Cecil D. Howard. Mrs. John H. MeWilIia.ms, Choral Concert Draws Big Crowd (Continued fL'om Page 1) 'rh(' l\lba'd Chorus. the host unit, In itH two groups climaxed the even in,;. The n.us~dan ·'Mlnk~\." was nlech' <100(1. Catherine 1~lston's in "I ... i'l:lt~n to the Ln..mbs" W8M m Hch aPllr 1984 • • For the Firs' Time BLUE CROSS HOSPITAL PLAN And Pre-War Prices Oil Buroera and CireuJatiog Pumps on Burning Domestic Water Healen Oil Burning Hot Ail- Furnaces Now Available for Immedi-te Inatallati-. Self·Employed • Retired • Not Working WASHES a.OTHES More than a million Philadelphians belong to The Blue Cross Plan-the non-profit hospitalization pl"!-" that is sponsored by the commuDity and ita hospitals. 1'hey have joined as Group Members at their places of employment. Now. to serve t~1(~U­ sands more who are eager to 10m, this same Blue Cross Plan is made available to those who have not been eligible (or Group Membership. H. W. Borden and Sons 345 Park AveDue Swarthmore 1694 WHO MAY JOIN-If you are selfemployed (such as doctors. areWteets, owners of small stores. garden. era, farmen, etc_> ••. or retired ..• or Dot working (and titus unable to join the Blue CroSS through GroupMembership); in good health and not FOR PINK CHEEKS that won't rub oJ!! over 66 years of age-you and your family may a~ply for NOh-Group Memmrship. WHAT YOU Gil-Blue Cross pays the hospital bills for the entire family. It provides the finest hospital care. for 21 to 30 days (depending on how long you have been a member). In a semi-private Toom. Rlch,creamy Golden Guernsey Milk - 'dellclous on WHAT II COSTS - The cost of die Non-Group Plan amounts to oaly a few cents a day. A small price to pay fOT freedom from worry over hoep(tal , ~MlY bills.. . $ 6.90 SbiGlf SUBSCRIBER HUSBAND AND WIfe. (without maternity) WIDOw(E'R) (R\d aD unmarried children under 19 years . , 13.80 13.60 FAMtlY (with matemity). hus--. .1., band~ .."lfo and 011 children under 19 years • • , .;; 18.00 WHAI YOU DO NOW-Fillout the' coupon and mail it today for CODt7 plete information. No one wiD caW on you. Subscribing to n'ue Croea ~ entirely up to you. • APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED ONLY· UNTIL JUNE ISTti II Mldical ( n i l _ I I I III _ oct_I cereals or as a meal-time NON-GROUP MEMIIRSHIP ••• Are you under 66 years of age-self·employed, retired. or not worldng-and then'forc not eligible for Group Membership? If so, apply for NonGroup Membershipbyfi1linginand mallingthecoupon below. Gl.au. MIMIRSHIP .... Persohseligiblefor Group Membership may also use this coupon to obtain informa tion. Remember:Anyfirm employingtwoormore peoplemay form itsOWD Blue Cross Group and receive the additional bene- beverage_ At your door or at your store - In the Cream-Top baHle. ~6Ufte um7e'-/ Come iD..:......e how we just.at a dial. add - .---------------------------. -- AMERlCA"S TABLE MIU I I I I INIOlU,INI DIPI., nUl ClOSS (ASSOCIAtED HOSPIIAl SlRVICI) 112 S. '6TH SnllT, PHILADILPHIA 2, PA. (122) I I ... Int.-.ded nobfoNnIll iftfonaotlonoboul .... 1Iu. Crou Plan. and Ibe b_ftts for . . . . 1 ' " ' apply. I_.ntcmd Ihat no ICII ...... win coD on Ia! Of my t.oat.. ' (Wrh the ward "'None- ..... ,equated i.fOii.alio.. doe. _ GPPIN I I I... I ... I II ., .... ~p ADitBendiz does the rest. You don·t """" touch .... dial agajD. y"" ""va< get your himda iD water. You don't eveu }.avetolUyathomel 8eeit-tbe-d..... :.... :lahd.y C)ft lIarth-With • Bendi:d I".. 1000_ .... .... _ _ aiF • i. ia!.,' n.... ';.'.""0•• .-----------. I. , I Midi:_ __ .. I ' · · .... ··.. I ................ C . . . . ..,.... i2tla aDd KERLIN STS., CHESTER, PA. 6129 .• j I· - . ... '10.... Thomas F. Conway S PARK AVENUE SWABl'lltiORE, "!,A. T : '" _ : 8wartIImoIe . Gtaof group enro1Jment. . . . . . . .W_IMH-R • A~ Brehl . Electric. Service ... Harry . lHISSPACE AVAilABlE "fREE" f O.R. ANY WORTHY. PU ILiC HOllcr':"CQNTACT IElOW-. for those who are Water will not flow up hill and for that reason we must operate huge pumps to force your water through 1200 miles of water mains. To maintain pressure at all points and at all times booster stations are provided at stand pipes and reservoirs to operate at periods of heavy demand for water. In· this way we do provide all customers with suffic;ient pressure regardless of location. MISCELLANEOUS Andirons. fire place cranes, old locks, Mnges. copper kettles, iron· kettles. l:iquare and oval frames. cranberry hobnail 8had~. coasters, four and five bottles, 2 stove bases, criming ·irons, o1d eight day clocks. in running condition. A thousand and one other Items not mel.loned. Sale to be held at 10 :30 A.M. sharp, regard leas or weather, as there will be room inside for aU. Lunch to be served by Intllea of Little Britatn Church. Tcrms (·ast. OAKRYN HALL Nottingham, Pa. R.D. :! R. R. 'Vhitesists of Mrs. I.A)uis~ Lesley, j\IOI·ey and ArthUl' Binns. Judgo a former Swarth'tnore resident. Henr,,.. G. SWCll'i!Y and Pr~idcnt Mr. and Mrs. p·crcy G. Gilbert. Clarence L. Conncr of the County of Park a\'Cllue and !tlr. and Mrs. COllllnis::;ionerH. are also listed on E. A. La.ppe of Yale a.venue will llw commJ.ttec. entcl·t:lin at a dinn'"!r party at the Jnglcneuk till:'! l'vcning". Bridge will follow at the Gilbert home. NEWS NOTES ~Ir. and ~lr. and]~ngland ::\lI'S.~O.who \V. Dal"l~h of ._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_I Lontion. have heen visiting ).lrs. IJarch's lllotfH~r, )'In:;. Gcorg-l' A. Marl', have gon-J to New York ((II' u. brief stay with fl"icnds. 'rhey will return to :':;warlhmor·.:! tht, latlL"r part of ~la}". .llrs. Hcnry L. Hmitll of ~wal·thmore u.vcnuc returned by 1,lanc fl'om ,Jacksonvill-:-. Fla., where she ,"isited Dr. and Mrs. H. JAWI"('m~ Smith and family. Prcviously, :\11":->. Smith had been in ArizolllL for an cxtcnd{'11 visit with the He\,. :md ,. STRONG DEPENDABLE Women Lunch on Inaugural Day ed TroY(ll" And(!rson. and Mrs. Vincent ].athoI.HU')'. whil~h U8 dclegatc~. Mrs Guy S, DemJng act- Sha;w. j\1I·s. Da\'id P. Wisdom, Mrs. NEWS NOTES SAFE Morrow. ex- ":': Alternates to the Conference Included 1\Irs. 'Villtam H. Huey. Mrs. Earl P. Ycri{cs. Mrs. Clmrlcs B. dUl'.ing" the week oC Muy 18 to 25 is In the han(]s of Cum dr. \Villia'Jl1 H. Collin~. l'SNH, first cOllumuHJlng nfliccr of Delaware County's HoSCI"\'~ Di\'ision 4-11. COlllmander Collins, a Wallingforu n:'6idcnt. includ<>s the follow- Friday, May 16, 1947 (Continued from Pase 1) 1.~. l-l. l'-'oreytho, Mrs T K. Brown, Jr., Mr~ John H. Pitman were in :Lttendanco tor one day as voting officio. H.csCl·\~ wide Opel·uUon Naval mittee Open EYe-ning. and Weehnd. Till May 23 • \Vomcn Voters has had us dele- .LQcal Im,·Ucipa.tion in a nation- ing" JACK STICK'S KIDDUS' HOUR, 2 'l'ho Eight BOToughite. on County Navy Committee Experts in the Making and Fitting of Spectacles and Eye Glasses ME;;ET~I~N~G~~~~~~~~~~ Swarthmore League LWV ANNUAL LEAD RESERVIST MOVE NEXT WEEK Dispensing Opticians 1923 Chestnut Street ~ ~ Philadelphia 6913 Market Street ~ Upper Darby, Pa. Friday, May 16, 1947 SWARTHMOREAN THE l'.ut IJol"k\\"fKKI, r(".llturcd voculiHt uf tJm ,lucy Kc.n.rns OrchesinL I)hlying rur the YowJg Itclmbllcans' Imblk dunce in the lIigb School J-tymnasiurn tomorrow night. CaI1 DAVE WOOD TO Refinish Your Floors PHONE MEDIA 0755 Mrs. Horace B. Pass- more of Hl.-ath Haven avenue will l~a\"c May 2f, on a month's auto- mobilc·trip to the wcst coast. They plan to \'isit the Grand Canyon en 1'{)Utl~ and will return b)" way ·of Yellowstonc and numerous other National Pu I·ks. 1\.1.1". Passmore will uttend the Int~rnatlonal Rotary .Convention ,\11 San Francisco as a dch.'_Lmt(' from the Swarthmorc Plan now the home you went Desirable lots available Need PATTERSON FUNERAL HOUE William T. l'ntterMo_, nlrf'nor Ell'hteen Yean Bqedeaee ·]'HI.EVIIONR IlH'J1A 2;,s8 A Prloo to M~ ICYer.,- Fam.Il,.'S il5 alternate. The wide and ~f:- she greeted ench minded hel' ot her duties and ThQ Junior Music Club ot pleasur"C8 in the o1Ilce to which shlQ Swarthmore will hold its final Rehud been elected. The Cour new 'llW.!-It l'roJ.;"nuII meeting thts Sun~ directors aro l\[rs. D. Reed G~r. duy eV('J)ing at 7:3U in \Vhittier Mrs. Charles H. RU~cn, 1\11'8. Hall on the COUl'gO ('ampul:;. -rho Pet~r I":. 'rold and l\lns. S: Murray 1)I'Ogl'UII1 ('ommith'L', with Hohet·t Viele. 1.'he new or relnstatcd orne- l"nwcett ehail'lIlull, haM Inade Ull Ilrogram n·oJll among tho~c ers aM, IJreaitlcnl, l\1n;. Jo111l. B. till! Michael; first vice-president. Mrs. Illembel·N who have tLPveal:cd ueli"I'o.nci8 H. Forsythe; second v.ll.-e- fQre tilt" Cluh during the ycm·. president. :Mrs. Birney K, Morse; At t his lillie III(·mht'l·s vi tho recording secretary, Mrs. T. K. Iuu'lmt ('I lib, the Swarthmore ~lu­ Brown, Jr., corrl.osponding ~crc,­ Hie Cluh. arc ('~pcdall~' invitcd, as tary, Mrs. A. W. 8tua..t; and well as ramily .and frh'nda of the trt!a:-;UI'er, Mrs. A. 'V. Bastl, Jr~ Junior lIlt.'milel·S. 'rhe new lu,""Sident .. clm~ed thc meeting with" an expression of ;LI)pl"eciaUon to the outgoing OmC~r"i and a ho~ for the eontinued grO\\'th oC the club. fcctlve scope ot Women's Clubs work Mns. Told found Inspirational and heartening. The addresses of outside 8peakoers all held a warn .. Ing note tbat th·e time tor action Cor peace 18 now and that thlB Is the Imsinesss ot all individual wolnen and citizens, The unoun} reports of the officers and the d~partment chairmen were illustrated bY posters, exhiblts, light verse, and a.m.lIslng skits. . Club members were given n, chance to see the undercoVler work that makes the club a workable, enjoyublo and smoothly Integrated unlL 'fhe delicious hot luncheon p('Cpar~ t!d und~r the direcUon or Mrs. A. V. B. Orr anti her kitchen committee and .scrved by Mrs.I'~ranlc 1-1. McCowan's coffilnittec WIlN tho major cxh.!bit of the day. Flower arrangement.a by th·e b""ard-qn de))artmfJnt of which l-Irs. Jolw E. Allchael is chairman, acMed the l)rOp~r festive touch to the a(tul'~ noon. Mrs. Told again paiu tribute to the work. ·house and propcrty cha.lrm'"!n. :&1 I""'S. R, '1'. nates and }.irs. .101. D . .BraWls and aU their h·e}pcrs, who accomplished such miMlclcs in c~lcaning, reno\"ating, and improving U:e nPJIC'lIranef:' and u:'!efu;nc8..'i of the club. .. Holary. s: 15 I 1'.~1.. CoIIL'g't' Charm, , -16 10 It d EASY TERMSLIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD TIRES NEW TIRES DESERVE NEW TUBES 4: 00 P.l\l._Hf!L'thoven Heciml :\11'H, PROPERLY BALANCED WIIEELS help to give . you a smoother ride. Out-of-balance wheels directly or indirectly cause abnormal lire wear. Make this small extra investment in comfort and saving. Stop in at Tire Service Headquarters today for new Goodyear tires, mounted and hcr1cmc"d by "Wheel Specialists" HANNUM & WAITE SWARTHMOllE 1250 \ tht· Pcin;ol hou:-'il'. G::~O \\rl~(I_ SATURDAY BANK HOLIDAY This Bank will, until further notice, observe every Saturday beginning with Saturday, June 7, 1947 as a full legal holiday. As usual the Bank will be open daily, Monday through Friday, from 8 :00 A. M. to 3:00 P. M. except legal holidays. 18 BENDIX Home laundry automatic ~ HOW DO YOU GET SPRINGFIELD WATER? 01 {3uvuu!. DRAINS ITSELF SHUTS ITSELF OFF Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corpoilation 2. Engin" Tune.Up :I. Rnllialor Flush 4. Brake Check ~alo to bt· 11('111 at t() re~ardlt>ss of w(,:lthcr. :30 A.M. sharp. as there will be 1"00111 illsith' for all. J~unch to he :len'ell hy ladic.!-l ( 'hurdl. T!..·rms (·a::t. Britain I~ittle Nottingham. Pa- R.V. -, . , . It. H. \Vhite:-;ide unci Snn, clerks Harry A. Brehl Electric Service Wiring, Appliance and Repairing Radio Service .HONI: MIDIA 2966 Tel. Swarthmore 1984 -----====~======~• For the First Time W'-hitti(~I· BLUE CROSS HOSPITAL PLAN for those who are Self~Employed • Retired • Not \-lore than a million PhiladclDhians belong to The Blu(! Cross Plan-the non-profit hospitalization plan that is sponsored by the community and its hospitals. They have joined as Groul' M embers at Ull'it places of employment. Now. to serve thousands more who arc l!aRcr to loin, this same Blue Cra5s Plan is made availahle to those who have not bcen eligible for Group Memb('rship, WHO MAT JOIN-Ii you are se1fcmplo.fcd room. SAVES ClOTHES FOR PINK CHEEKS that won't rub off! , Rlch,creamy Golden Guern~ sey Milk - of fRONT AND ORANGE STS. Swarthmore 1694 CRfA,TOJi 1,'oJt.(a~T .. ..... ti 4I!l Paeliin~ I lIu.'IUlollf.!ll. "OPPOSITE TIIg COURTHOUSE" 345 Park Avenue ~;.. ~tlse.!LI,'\NEOU8 ,\mlinm:-<. lire )lIllet' craUCK, old lock!;. hinges, (~Olll)nr kctUeK. iron kettle~, .SqU:lI"H ami oval fralnc.", cranberr\' /ullmail shad!..":'. (''':t..''ter~, four amI th·c hottlcl', ~ .!-ItoVl' hIL<;e~, criming irons, (lId eig-ilt day dl'(·ks, in running conditioll. A thou~alUl :unl one other items not HARLAN R. H. W. Borden and Sons SAVES HOT WATER SAVES SOAP UI.MiS I'leat .lfId fI:lIlC-I, ribbon and domn (·mlll,otl·s. (~o"'erl:"d; I.un("h bowl, mall)' old lamps. (·(Jlon~d and dear. 'Vaterford dC('l.lnterfl. I'jke'~ peak flask. m;.\n:r other de{~anterK and culored shadE'S. mill<:. J.:'Iass ('hickem;, owl. dug, tlouhlt! 1001' I.h~te awl set. 'J P ~!M~~ ENDS WASHDAY WORK To maintain pressure at all points and at all times booster stctions are provided at stand pipes and reservoirs to operate at periods of heavy demand for water. In· this way we do provide all cus· tomers with sufficient pressure regardless of location. PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY l'U.., • 22 delicIous on Working WHAT IT COSTS - The cost of the Non-Group Plan amounts to oaly a few cents a day. A small price to pay ior freedom hom worry over l;ospital bills. S!:NJ-ANNUAUY SINGLE SUBSCRIBER $ 6.90 , HUSBAND AND WifE 13.eO (without maternity) WIDOW(eR} and all unmarried children under 19 yean . ' 13.60 FAMlt Y (with matemity), hus- band, wife and all d\ildren under 19 years • , • ,. '8.()O\ WHAT YOU DO NOW-Fill out the· coupon and mail it today for complete information. No one will call on you. Subscribing to Blue Croes i~ entirely up to you. APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED ONLY UNTIL JUNE 15TH HI Nedital EJar.lwtlll-lilt PI .lSt xt nw! cereals or as a meal·tlme NON.GROUP MEMBERSHIP ••• Are you under 66 years of age-self-employed. retired. or not working-and th(>rf'fore not eligible for Group Membership? If so, allllly for NonGroup ~1 em hprship 11)-' filtinF(inand mailingthcc-oupon below. GROUP MEMBERSHiP·... Personscligiblefor Group Membership may also lIse this coupon to obtain information. Remember:Any firm cmployingtwoormorc pcoplcmay form its own B1ue Cross Group and receive the additional benefitsof group enrollment. beverage. At your door or at your store - In the Cream.Top bottle. - - r---------------------------I . AMERlCA.'S TABLE MILl' SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. 1. Lubrication Change And Pre-War Prices on Barners and Circulating Pumps Oil Burning Domestic Water Heaters Oil Burning Hot Air Furnaces Now Available for Immediate Installation.. Water will not flow up hill and for that reason we must operate huge pumps to force your water through 1200 miles of water mains. Pure Springfield water will always be on tap. Come in For New Pre-War Quality WASHES CLOTHES RINS~5-3 TIMES DAMP DRYS CLOTHES a.EANS ITSELF \VOlnan'S Cluh ~~~~~~~~~" See how the BENDIX ** ** ** ** ** ~[n)" l\lp{'Ung 2:30 1'.::\L-\V.I.I.., Box AGAINST SUl\tl\tEll HEAT . ........... H, S. Atullto1'iulIl ».:\-1.-Formal Moth('r~I):Lught{'r Banqlll'i.. ...... . II :01) A.M.-l.. \VV FROM A TAP ••• NOTICE ~Ia.,. ................ _.................... : .. "rhUticl" TllursI· ,,·ill vi}1it ~[iSR Clai.'p l'lollCh,!l' of l:PIH'r ~tontclair and )'lr. Pcirsol. Hr. will III' thl) gu~"!~t of his son and daughh'l·-in-law, 1\11', anll ~lrH. .Tohn \V. l~cil'sol. oC Springfield. :Mrs. Peir.sol's bl'othel' and sister-tn-law, Mr. and !\In·:;. .Jaml's ::\1. Dryden, and Ilaughtcr. T.k:horah, of Philadel~ 1.llia, will -;:;p~nd th!..' wC(~k-mH) in SATUUJ,AY, MAY 2f, .. ()AI{UYN' HAI..L ........................................................ Harlol 7: :-H) p.M.-Jr. Mu~tc Club ....... . over Ultl~., 1I0usehoid Goods. reminds you •••• :\x-n uOX-"r . ...................................... I.ocat Chu.·clwJOi lll'I. who returned tn hL'I' homc lwt.:;day n.ne\' ,·isiiinM" ht'I·C ::\Iolller's Day. OY Allllqul"M, .... urnlture. ChIna Old Mrs. l'~dwin Crol:iuy, l\lr.!-l. J. UUI- 5. Tires and Tubes (Bargains) Haverford ............. ····· .......... -................. Colh~~n Sunday, <11";lC(' \\'alkCl·. all of \Villllington. Plus Tax YALE and CHESTEll ROAD a the convention were: MI·s. Thomas Safford. Honorary president, l\lrs. S. S. Hutl1erford, Mrs. Birney I{. Mor!'e, Mrs. \Villiam Thatcher, Saturday. "1lny 11 oC thdr family at " on i\lother'R Day. 1'l"t--3l'nt included Mr. and ; ~yc, 1'l.lJJue SALE HWIll'thmorc IlI-andl who attendcd tf. ............... . pal'ty Benjamin )11~Y S:OO P.M.-Eighth Gt'ade Ikama. l·-.t·sti'·al. .... ::\11':-;. E11I1l'" Bye, :\1 rs. Charl·i!s By~. 11.1 ni, :rowing HARLAN JESSUP 1,'rhlay, ~n;"H1ber9 'I'i\()~l! lin Hotel. HCI.rescntatives f,-om thc THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR '.rhe insinUation of the ncw of~ and dircctol"~ was conducted hy MrH. ·roJd with simr,lc dignity f~rs :\1 i:';!"i·.'!; ].'[ary mld ~linor Byc of lLvenUe ~~nto(Ortaincd the ol~ dhlllCI· I{appa Kappa. Gallla group nc·.urnall. l\Irs. Cecil 1>. How'Ve mentioJl ill part: Mrs. John H. ),lc\ViIliams. ard, ..\.t 10:30 A, II. Mharp :\In•. Alht'l·t L. HilleI-!. Mrs. \\'iJHCfJlllewhite walnut eorner cUllhoa. tl. iulnill; pille "orner cuphoard, walnut liam 'Vest, anti Mrs. (-;.L'org-c SiHo- dutdl cUIJboard. mahogany cht}St of drawees, .several collage bureaus. vlcWar, toriall rose cnrvcd aide ehains, 2 tiUGel' car\'eu tiitle c:hail"H, base rucker, bar roulII chair, \V'imJsor kitcllen c.haira, dought box 011 le!."H, 2 dough boxe~, (contitHwu frolll I 'age 1) bench tables, marhle tOI) wlU!h stand, walnut wash stand, very fIne arrow TiH" "Iht'li (·hOl·US, tht, host unit. back Sl:!tter. old ~IJOol beds. Bingle and in its two g'1'CHIJl:; l"Iimax(~tl tlw tIu'ce gym- should be taken. an attractively 'rhe school calendar was adopted June 6, In the ll1gh scbool (!afe-, nanlum whkh will be dcC!orat~d to IllUstrated pa.mphlet WfUJ'" handed lanced tavorltea such as Rtllph Brown and Charlea Andes show- BOard Directs SOPH HOP TONIGHT School Details to each registrant. Ir there are any mothers who expect u. large crowd and welcotne have Dot yet registered their chllBLACKFlUAllS ON TlUAL 'rhe following a['W;} the dren for kindergarten, lJuch reg'ev~J"Yonc. On Wednesday. May 16, candlistration should made nt onco In committee chairman: du.t-.m for Blackfrlar membership lhe' Bchool distl'lct office at the Invitation, V. Ryan; Decoration. corDer of College and Prlnceto)" prcsented the play "Youth and A.. McChesney; publicity. 1... Llnavenues. Uncle Sam" in the senior high ton; BusIness, M. Storck: Program, school and On "l'hursday they pre- day. Beptem~1' 8: Schools will bo clo&ed October 20 and 21 for County Institute aDd two da:ys' at ThanJat8tv.lng, as well as two weeks at Christmas. the 19th of D~c.m­ ,bel' ~lng the last day of Bchool be- fore th'3 Chrlatmas holidays. Th9 Easter va~t1on was set at March 26 to April 2, both inclusive. The following . ~cntcd it In the JUnior High. Thos,.. who participated were Ann Llozhllt-cr, H'31en Ware, olHclals elected for next year: Treo.surer. JWllCS H. HOI·nadu.y; tax collector, Mary Park~ Dodd; SOlicitor. Claude C. Smith; teum ph)'Slcl&.n. Dr. George B. Heckman. TI:a-e resignation ot Erna Eckhardt WJ cafeterla manager wtuJ presented and accepted with ~gret. Dr. David McCahan, chairman of the special co'Jnmltteo on teacheI'S salaries gave a lengthy report of the work. of that committee, with special l"'lferencc to recent meetings with members of thc teaching staff and members of thq a ship. The resemble with tho opening date set. at Mon- teria. Joan Plccard, Bruce Godfrey. Cynthia Homlre. June ReYnard, Jane Hawke, Pat GullaghCl·, Torn Maher. Joan Da~ BIll \"188on. Keene. Rosemarlc Bene.k~, Pattiy Told. and Ann Hickman. Thte play deJ3erlbcd tho racial struggles In a small town Bchool and was primarily put on to determine 10 new members of Black friars. Slx already ~hoBen are SU'3 Surrick (also the stUdent dJ.rector of the play). Molly Storck, Ken DN9~en. Barbara Beeman, Carolyn Wilcox, and Bruce God- frey. 801)~'Om9re8 Injured at PI aeIice . Nathan Bell. teacher ot SoCIal Btudles at Swarthmore' iumor ltigh Scbool. was injured In lett hand b)~ starters' pistol wbich ,went oft I)rem,turely wbile running off Ru~on: practice races at the ave- nue School grunds. ~on4&7 atter-' noon. Mr. Bell was operated. upon at Taylor Hospital 'and &8 a result of the accident. may loliO 'the' \lIM of the small linger of tha.t hand. H. Brenc~an. Kindergartners Register During the cUhlc days at the Q911cge avenue .school thls week 46 mothers arid their Mrs. Edith Are IiIe Only ORIdal 51 •• • • I of Quality school, nurse prov e eyo exam Dalions and Miss Orr, oxamlDattons of the teeth. Registration detatJs were completed. Including prcsrmtatlon or birth certificates, vaceination cerUfleo.tes, and data about the chUd. Stress was laid upon the im-, Home and School AssOCiation sal- All 011 BEEF, VEAL. 'LAD w. When Uncle Salll ..,. gD •• It'. lust that. You ......,. IluywJth satldactlonwta•• III. I an u.s. graded, ....rby, M11kfec1 ary com:mIUee. It was decided to . ROLLED VEAL ROAST· 47e eaU a special In'3cting somo time In the near future. after more IntorrnaUoR Is at hand on prospect!w legislation, in order to plan a SIlIary program. SCHOOL NEWS• SHOW A'l' TUACK MEET IABt Saturday Swurthmore did very well at tho annual Norristown interscholastic tra~k u. n d field meet. cohling in second in the class B competition. The mile Mlay team scored an impr~lvo vic.tory with Gordon Follett coming from behind .In the last ~cconds to win. Harry Warren won both class A and B diseus throw by more than 4 t~L' Bob McCowan placed thlrtl in the shotput and Hlury McGllberr)' placed '!'lecond In the broad jump. Swarthmore has had a. VictOr}' in lacrosse, beaUng SL Paul's High' trom Baltimore 8 to 4. The team will travel to Baltimore to play its final gam~ of the current ,ooason wh1ch will be a return engagement with St. Paul·s. The softball league has started with eight teams in the running. The tennla courts are in opera.tion Qnce. again, and daily instruction Is given in phYSical education classes. A tennis club has been organized undor tbe direcUon ot Mr. Christian assisted by Mr'J Hottman. The badminton tournament Is in the thh'd round with exper- HERE'S A BIT OF ADVICE THAT WORKS OUT NICELY FOR HUNDREDS OF THRIFI'Y WOMEN: "Before you spend another pemiy, step into the MADI. SON BROTIlERS." Thar bit of advice will aave yOll money. You'll fiDd hundreds of i ' - from which to chooae • • • all plainly price-tagged •• and, IIlJ'I what low pricesl SMOKED PICNICS ........a.... CHICKENS 'aacy, • LEMONS 45c doz. ~~~--~~~~~ Big Sea food Varues TREET fino,", Poaching, J 2 bunches 1ge CEI ERY HEARTS 25c bunch CALIFORNIA CARROTS 2 bunches 1ge vt__ ";: ISc Crabmeat ....... """;: 43c Nabisco --........ .. ... 24c Chevel--'" -'";::2Sc Sharp Cheese ..... 33c AnnOUr's 10111... .'0. SUaVER SEAL EGGS ...... of 12_ SSe .t.37e Every Egg Guarant..d New Lower Price- 20% More Raisins . SUPREME RAISIN BREAD 75 . CHEESE ~~D . e S :::! S4e ~=---~~~~~~-­ Land o'Lakes BUTTER 65c Sliced CHEESE 69c HAM LOAF 15c !4 lb. 20c !4 lb. George MHro &Son 11 Chester Road Phone 4541 ~risp Celery bunch • l"armdale Evaporated MUk Gleawood Grapefruit Juice"!,..,;"1.c: Sr:.:.:ZSC CalUoraia LemaR Juice 2 ~~ 1SC Del Houte ,Peaclaea' su~t~ll'!TY., H~~ Z9C Cboice Wbole Apricots c;;!::::::lo H'!;,......· ZSC Fancy Grapefruit Sectlo... H~2 150 Farmdale Sweet Peas Z ~ Z9C Callfornia Tomato Pa.te H.;,t:- Z:;: ZSc 47 Choice of Heinz, Beechnut or Clapp 3for25c Premier Brand California Orange JUice 2for25c hun~ d.red Ilft1--e1g.t (268) precincts. two ~UnCirEld elxt,. (2,60) sets of return aheeta _(4 to ea.ch Bet). two hundred lIiltty (218) Bate of envelopes .(6 to eRCh set) the necesaary tabulating books tor' the PrimarY Election to. be DELAWARE COUNTY Sealed proposals will be l·eceh.'ed,.·at the County Controller's Office. Court Hou88. Media. Pa., until 9 :00 A.M.. EST and pubUcly opened. at 10 :00 A.M.• EST on Monday. June 2, 1947 for turni:8hlng ~\O.B. Coun Ho~ Media.. PL twenty-five CJ&) Sylvania C-201 I.... uoresoent Fixtures (or equal) with pendant mounting and lamps. SpeclflcatlolUl ,and bidding sheet may be obtained at the offlce of the County Controller and no bid will be entertained un1esa made out on said bidding sheet. Each bid must be' accompanied b)· a cerUfied check for fifty ($60.00) dollars drawn to the order of the County of Delaware. The County Conuntsslouers reserve the rJght to reject any or all bids. Clarence T. Pepper County Controller held September. t. 194'1. AU bidders mU8t specJf)' as to their equipment and plant, to &how th~y are capable of pertormlll8' the contract. Un1888 the Count7 Oomm1Mioners are satJafled as to the ablllt7 of the bidder to ,perform the contract. bids will be rejected. 8peclftcaUoDil and bidding sheet may be obtained-at the oftlce of th.' County COntroUer and liD bid will 'be enter· %Blned unie.s made out on 'said bld- a. ebeck -for three hundred (f300.00) dollars -drawn to the order, of the Count.,. of Delaware. The Count)" Commialoners reserve the rlpt to reject any or all bids. Clarence T. Pepper County Controller 3T·6-16 I!Hate of EDITH SELLERS BUNTING. d&t Mred "' Li!tI 1 JURS TestamentarY On' the above Eat.a.te have been cranted to -the undersigned. who ret aU peJ'llOlllS ha.ving clalms or de~::!da qaJnat the Estate of the deoed t to m&ke known the same. and all e~Ds Indebted to the ,dev~ent to ~ payment, without delaY, to Claude C. Smith and ,Providence Trust COmpany or 3t-6-16 • • .ROGER RUSSElL Pblladelphla, . 17th A Chestnut Streets, l'hUadelphla 3. Pa. ,VII.. Logal! MacCoy. President. Orto their AttorneY Claude C. SmJth, Esq., 1151'1 Land Title BuUdlng, kl1a4elphia 10; Pa. ,ESecutor8 LEG"'" NOTICE . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the undersigned of his intention to apply to the Delaware County Board at Law Es:amlners on June 2, 19011, for a oerUflca.te of admission to the :oar ot tIw several courts of Delaware J"eri Faclas Jrlarch Term, 19t7 45e .IIYOI' .. mEAL.--- Special COFFEE'~~· New Refrigerator 8ot. Cider VINEGAR , ,sea WIIn. ......... Vinegar ..... 12c Make 0 Delldous Apple PM OIIe No. 2 Can Sliced · PIE APPLES· JIFFY PIE CRUST lin" 0.. 1-0.. Po , . . . ':Z-r LETTUCE C::=:a --- - Flags For County Vet Graves 'rhe graves of all Delaware County veterans will be decorated with Amerlean Flags for Decoration Day, acordlng to an announceaDd eounseJlng, to fterp de~kJe aD • nlent by Clarence L. Connnr, pre8~ COurH of stud)' or oC~.peUOD. Ident of the Delaware County Frfe Booklet, K. 1 'l'Olll.INSON ,t.'OUlfHEJ.OKS DORrel of Commissioners. 1111 Xarket 8t. PbUaAelpbla, a. I"a. "'Ve consider ourselves fortunate hi obtaining 12,2.0 American Flags for the graves of county veterans when other counties are Driveway Cninf.,;' dille set at Mon. toria. Friday, May 16, 1"7 S WAR T HMO REA N resemblc a :-Ihip. The sOI,holllores palilphiet iI1uHtrah'd wus- handed to ,"'a.eh registrant. If tllt'rc an' an,' mothCI'H who ore prC'maturely while running- orr IlJ'aclicc I·aces. at the Hutgcrs ave- nlH' 8chonl gl·uuds. Monda" n,rtcl'have not yet l'egiJ.;tcn'd their ehileVi:'I'),one. The following Ill"'~ the dl'cn (01' kindergarten. such reg- noon. On ""euncsuay, May 16. candi:\11". Bell was operated upon at istl'ulion should made at once In County Institute and two da}'s' at cornllllttce chaIrman: dal'!8 (or Blackfrlar membershIp 'rh,UlkHgivJng, as weU as two weeks Jn\'italion, V. nyun; Decoration, OIC school distl'ict office nl the Taylor HospJtal and a... a rC5ult 1)l'clientcd the play "Youth and (.'orner of Collegc and 1'I'incHoh o( the accident, Illay loso the Utie at ChrlstlllnH, the 19th of DeceJllA. !\lcC'ht~ne\'; i-"dhliclty. L. l"ln-, avenues. . of the :-tmall finger of that hand. Unclc Sam" in the Henlor high toll: Bu:-JucS,.<;. M. Storck; Progl·ulII. _________ LIeI' }Jclng the lUJj.t duy of school lJcHchool und on ~rhul'l:iday they lwef()l"q th~ Chri-;tmu:.. holtdaYfi. 'rh~ I-I. Breneman. sellted it ill the Junior High. 'I'ho!nEa.<;.tcr vacation WJ.U; set at March who I)articiputcd were Ann 1.. 1'_'h26 to April 2, both inclusln'. Kindergartners Register liter, H-)lcn \Vure, Joan P1ccard. 'rhe following oJllciab. W4)t. Bob McCowan 1llaced third in UN shotput and I-larry MeGHborry placed ~ecoll<1 in the broad jump. ~warthmorc hn.."1 had a victor]''' in lacrosse, beating St. Paul's High Iron) Baltimore R to 4, The team wlll tr-avcl to I:altimore to Illny its tlnal gum.~ or the current .:RU~on which will Iw a l'etur'll cngagl,)ment with St. Paul'~_ The softball league lias started with eight teams in the I'unning, The tennis courts are in OPel'Ution once- ah"nin. and daily instruction is givcn in physical education classes. A tennis cluh has bC'cn organized under the c(!oruthe (;Quilty' Controller'S OJlice. Court (urnishing and. delh'cring l'-~,O.lJ.. Court tion Uay, acor.linK to uu announCl~· llolUC WOOls.. 1-'a., until 9 ;00 A.M, House. Medlu., i'n,. two hl!llcIrpd sixty buKe5 ot .l!:1e<:tion SUI'I~Ues,' de- nnd ~ountlt'Jlng, 10 nelp Ih'!l"hle 00 U nlt:'nt by ClaJ't,!llcl..· L. ConnC'I', 111'(,8. ,lolS"o ~~d pubUcly opened at 10:00 A.M., (260) }<.!;.iT on Kunda)'. June 2, 1941 fol" livery to be mado not later than t:imrMe o( study IIr orr-upetIon, hlpnt o( the Delaware County 9, - 1941. printing aad furnishing F.O.B. Court Augulit and bidding sheet may Fr('e n.uokll.'t. S. I Jl.ou.sc Jledla. Pa. ballot labels for beSIJoeCIJlcatiollH TO ~IJ,I N'Sn:s ('0 l"~SF.J,()IlM Board of COlJlmi~~lonel't-;. obtained at Ule olllco or the County (o&.r h'wulred tseveuty·two (472) Voting Controller, 1112 l\larkel 8t. l-tlllnd"'phln, S, )'n. and no bid w1ll be enter"\Ve (~on~id('r ounolt'h'(':-: rurtlln· Machines (morc or 1esl5). ono (1) tained ullles:; tnad~ out un rmid bidtlxtra set or ballot labels and H(ty (60) tllllg tlheet. ate Ill. obtalnin~ 12,240 Amcrh~an H clrnell ballots for each or two hun· 'rhe County Commissioners reserve Fla~H fUI' tlw gra\'('fo_ or county Illty-elgbl (258) precincts. two the rIght to reje('t any· or all hlt,lH. hundred slst,. (260) sets of return veterans when other counties arc Driveway Construction Clarence T. Pepper sheets (4 to each 8Ct). two hundred County Controller -IT-5-16 repol'ling ~hetl' inahility to aC'luirp IIlxt (210) sets of' envelopes (5 to Asphalt or Concrete 0llC~.!:let) the necessary tabulating flags," Conm'l' said. "Veteran 01'books for 'the prImary Election to, be Dt:I~AWAIlE COUN'l'¥ ganizatiom~ within the ('01111ty may held September 9, 1947. All bidders PETER DI mCOLA Sealed propUl!Jals will be received ,at must. tlpec1f,. as to their equi)lmenl the County Controller's OJlice, CourL obtain the f1uJ.;~ for gl':L\"C deC'OI'u.JU('y li(-al'II~, h'~ull'r of UtC and plant. to allow they are capable House, Media. 1~a.. until 9 :00 A.M .• Phone Swa. 2526 tion without COKt.· 'lfe added. '\\'('1'1' stmlin orl'lu __....tra willeh t rrormlns Ute contract. Unless the EST aud »ulJUcly ol>cued at 10 :00 A.~1., bo~t7 CoromJ.ssioners are satisned UK ES'!' 011 Monday. JUlie 2. 1947 Co,: furnwill .,111;\' rm' tll\~ \'UtIJIg IWllUhThomas P. I{l'lh~Y. director of to the abillt,. o( the bidder to perform ishing 1<'.0.0. Court House, Medlft. l'a. li('i\JI'!';' Jltlhli(' dunl'c In tilt' IIllth V(~t(~ranH' Affairs for Dela\\'are the contract, bids will be rejectedt .....ellty-li\·c (~5) Sylvania C·~Ol SdlHOI Iotynlnasiunl tonlnrrow Speclncatlons and bidding sheet may J.'luoresoont 1<~ixture8 (or t..'Qual) With COllnty, with office:-: in the Court III:,!ht. 00 obtained at the omce o( t~e county pendanl mounting and I~mps_ Homw, Media, reIlol·t:-: that 74 orSpedlicaliolll!J and biddlllg sheet may Controller. a.nd no bid will be lden~rJ­ talned unlells made out on sa • be obtained at Ute QlIice of the County gani?.ations have 1'~'fluC'~ted anott· Controller, anll no IJld wlII be ent-er'\I' ....... mcnts of the i1agH and indieutiolH; ~h bid must be accompanied by a tallied unle!-lS made out on said bidcerUned meek (or t)lrce hundred ding sheet. were that all grav('s of county r.EIUSONAI~ ('300.00) dollars drawn to the order j'::ach bid must be accompanied by veterans would be tl('(~oratcd. He of' the Oounty ot Delaware, a curtilled chuck [or Ufty ($50.00) dol· l'BU~ONAL-Vacuum cleaners, irons! The County commissioners reserve lars drawn to the order of the County sahl Uwrc arc 98 active ('I~m(>terics toasters and radios repaired. CaliCO the right to reject any or all bid5. of Delawar... fO")r a.nd delivercll. Call Hobert Brooks, in I}e)a_wart~ County. Clarence T. Pepper The County Commissioners reser,'c Swarthmore 1548, County controller 3T-5·16 the right to reject aov or all bld~_ Kell('y, who i~ a~sl~ted in his l'BHSO~A1...-lnunediate servlce and Clarence or. PeIl))er work hy Thomas F, Carroll, also IDstate of ]t~DITH SgLI...11HS BUNTrepair~ on all makes of electric County Controller 3t-.'i-16 ING d~ announced that 320 mctal grave \Vasher.:!, (Bendix jm..luded). Ironcrs. LJi1rrERs Testamentary vacuum cleaner!>. raDl,,'e9, water mark~r9 arc availa hie for distri- healen;, On the above gstate ha,'e beel! irons, toasters, fans and ~anted to the undersigned" who relaml)~_ Also, wiring, old and now. He~ bution where need("d. call t a.ll pemOl1s having claIms or depa.irs-ser\'h."I..'-in:;talla~lon. All work ,ROGER RUSSELL ~:rids against the I~slilte of the dedone in compliance wHh Fire Undel'RUMSEY CHEVROLET W make known the same. antI writ(Jrs' r(J(luirements, New vacuum :tentreoDS indebted to the devedent Maker of FiDe Photographa cleaners. ullright and tank t1J}6 now Swarthmore 1439 to payment, without delay, to") available, Call Erich H. Hausen, Peon State Bid«. Claude C. Sml th and Swarthmore 2850·'V. If no answer, r.all providence Trust Company of wo • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. . . . South Ave. and State S _ I Swarthmore 07·10. Pblladelphla, PI';li~U,:o.;:AL-\'uUlIg (..'OlIcge 8tU(l~m McdIu.. I'a. 17th &. Chestnut Street",. lUt'tlJa :a 116 rrom Urcl'l-e wishe~ to ltve with Philadelphia 3. Pa... Ameril'an family (luring next college W. l..ogan Mal!Coy, Prel-lid(lllt. eXl'hallging \·...ork. for room an~t \ yt~ar. Orto their Attorney Il crha l''i hreaktast. Heply to Box E" Claude C. Smith, I:~ .• ~ '1'IU' Hwartlun~rean. 1£1'1 Lanll "Mtle Umldws • hlla.dolphla 10, Pa.. 6T-5-1S "'Oll 8AI~E E:s.ecutors Tree Surgery and Scah.~l APTITUDE TESTS Ced OPENS SATURDAY, MAY 24 ........................ FOR QUICK SERVICE JI~I'lllltlllll d:kC Premier Brand California Orange Juice 2for25c I.RGAL NOTICE , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the undorslb'lled of hi5 intention to '" Delaware County Boan1 Iytoth "PI' u . 2 11147• f' Law Exn.nuners on June. ocrtincate of admi&"lion to the ~f ua.e oo,teral courts of Delaware County. John Frederick Ehlert, Jr. G05 Harvard Avenue. Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 811ERI:FF SALES of !teal E!itnte SJmlt11"Eo~'S QFFICR COURT HOUSE, 1\U,;DIA, PA. "30 A. J.l. Eastern Daylight Time . COnditions: $250.00 cash or certl. . . c,heck at time of sale (unless therwlrte ntated in advertisement) balance in tcn days. Other condltiOnB on day ot sale. No. 495 Fieri Facla,q 7 llnrch 'Yerm" 194 ALL THAT CEU'rAIN lot or piece ot ground with the improvemc!'ts to be erected thereon SITUATE III the Borough of Darby, Delaware County. pennsylvania tiescrlbed Qceordlng a plan of propert7 for Crosby-li'ox . orIJOration made by Damon and Foster, Civil Engineers, dated .March 27, 19'1~: more particularlY described as rollo\t.h' to wit· BEGINNING at a point on e Southeast side of Mulberry Street ,(~O feet wide) at the ~'.lstaT,ce o[ '1 \0;0 H mdred Eight feet measured North Si~ty.threo degrl;es Thi~ty-fi\'c minutn East trom the Interscetton oC the s~ Southeast I'Ihle Mulherry Street \\ 1 thc NortheaHtcrly ~ide of Union ~V3) IIUO • .50 feet wide) "b~th exten< C CONTAIl\.T1NG in front or breadth on ~n.id Mulberry Strcet ?:l0rth Si~t~-tt;;:e~ It ee::3 Thlrty.fIve mmut-es J:o;ast ~ IX feet and eXlending of that WU~IUi in length 0\' deplh bctwc~n p:lra ~, lines at right 3I!gh~~ it, :-;al~l "Iulbcn!o Street passing through the center ~~II~ of party walls hct\\'~en these l>remlh;~ and premiSC9 adjolnmg on the. Nort.l east and Southwe~t and crm.s!ug the bed ot 1\ twelve r-eet wide drl\'e..way. Southeast Eighty-five (eet. BhTNG lot No 29 on sald plan, _ TOGETHEll with use of' dn.voway•. 1m rovemcnts com,1st of ::1 stor}' brickP dwelling with bU:-lcmunt garage, 16 Sold x 33as feet. the \lropcrty 01'c,TOSby • Ii'rlx , • Charles E. Fischer tB!r g> LEGA. L NOTICE ESTATE Frederic B. Ca.I\'ert deceased. LETTERS Testamentary o the abOve Estate have been ;anted to the undersigned, who ret all persons having claims or ~~:and8 against the Estate of th~ decedent to moke known the same, t all persons indebted to the dece en to make vayment, without delay, to Elizabeth N. Calvprt :209 Hutgers Avenue SwarthmQre, Penna, Or ttl her Attorneys Butler. Beatty, Greer & JohRson Media, Pa. OF :n -_. C::::~a Ib 15 e WINESAP APPLES No':':~m 2 2Se lb. Administrator C. T. A, 644 Walnut Lane SW'arthmoTe. Penna. or btl'! attorney D. Jlalcolm Hodge. Esqulre, GT-f.t8 GlbrJon Building Chest.,. Penna. Formerly ot Media 1125 W. Lehlgh Ave.. I'hIIa. Phcno Baldnin t 110 No addJtlonul charge tor souburban calls. for years to come ,with a PAINTING and DECORATING All \\fork Guaranteed heat control on your fur- l_________________ --r I I Arters Brothers, Inc. I ~. .. --.---.- Uitchen A. WAYNE MOSTELLER tinn. WOl'k, ~ Electrical Contractor All TYlms or 1-:tcctrical knotty CHI'llCll- Radio Repairs All )[ukcl'O ('nil ami \\'_ANT1':I)-Thrt!l! HludentB, respel~tahlc, quiet, I)('al, desire 0110 or two rOlJlllH for (al\ seme::;;tct. Call George Kuyper, ~ollcge, Supplies SIMMONDS :So\\' Yun Can 714 Welsh Street 'Phone Chester 2·6161 ······· .. · .. ··· ....... i I I ~~ ~~~:;;;;;~~~~~~~~~. MASON BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY Reese-Baxter Co. : • 816 EDGMONT AVE. Chester ...................... ~ Since 1905 OS41i ALL SIZES HARD COAL GOLD BOND POURING WOOL BATS AND BLANKETS PLASTERING S_U_P_P_L_I_E_S_ _ _ • antI TiD RODfs Painted eall GEORGE MYERS -too :Uichlgnn A,-e. s\\" 22116 CUNNINGHAM -~,~~~~~ Swarthmore 14-48 swa. 22&6 409 licbigaa Aft. C SC:CtiOll. \\rA::-.t'l'ED--EX-Arnly olUcer with wife amI olle atltl a-hnt( year-old hoy, desire to rent, two bedroom ap~rtment. of uniurnis~ed. \V}lI_ COll- limited rental IlerlOd, ,Vllhng to pay $85 per month. Call l!iIItnp :!"~"~-. 'VAN'l'I':D-We will buy at best pr~ces,_ oltl ('hina, ~1:1SS, rurnlturc, fir.ev.rmh : Call Holly uu.l( 431~ or HoHy Oak 67"0 ~'olle('t for al.pomtmcnt. All 111181lIe:.,:-;' l'-ollUd~ntial. Colonial ~upbGard, :\0. !i 1'!lllade1phia Pike. \Vllminp:-tOti ---- ,-~ W"AN'l'ND-'l'hree hedroom apftrtntt:!nt or house, unfurnished. (or SeptembeT occupancy. ""ritt:! 403 No, Chester road or call 1675. 1" 0 n R 1-: X l ' - Furni5hed six-room hous€, ••July and August. $90 month. TeL Swarthmore 2597·W. FOR HEN'r.-To gentlem:l.n, room. 112 Rutgers avenue. Tel. 0~'16-R. Near to tran~portation and tl"!a.-rooms. FOlt nB~T_Ii'urnl"'hi:c;;:h~ F 0 H R E NT-Furnished apartment Ashes &: Rubbish Removed fl'om June 15 to September 15, Thre\~ Lawns 1\lowOO General Hauling bedrooms_ $90 month. Reply to Box J, The Swarthmorenn, 236 ILlI'dJ.ng A vee ~Iortonl Pa. ~ I.OST LOST-Lady's Hamilton wrl$t watch. Painter. &Paper Hange,., We Should Know How fOI' t:u..re for two-\I,."eek WILLIAM BROOKS 331 Dartmouth Avenue For ~ Your HOT WATER HEATER AsbestDs Covered. Roofs Repaired ir. SPORTING GOODS lIan~ RRI{ De1awal'C, Ban Xc-uhalll.'r, )Igor. SW:ll'Ununrc 127-1 Grlil ("ollcl"l, 11~)l1y oak, Del. 6:t43, ,\', ,\,",=""" ,):,,'1:'(1- huycoua!ie--i:urnitUr8 'i,l:d ~-u~~. Call Swarthmore O.WO, Mrs. Beeman, Curnishcli '--- night or day. I Poll. \\T.:\N'I'I';O-_If, year-old boy desires odd jubs arter ~chool, Saturday;;. and sum Iller monthx. Call Swarthmore 1984. PhoDe: Media 0755 )Icdii\ 2567 - H. 1180 Muhlenberg Ave. Swarthmore HALI':-BIollcl male Cocker spaniel. Ht'Kislered. 10 wooka old. Call BWarthlllCJr(> 0699-U.. after 5.30 1.·OIl Paperhanging .,Inc Picture Framtng-StatiODer»< Call FOil HAI..J:::-Antique walnut che..,t oC drawers_ TeL Swarthmore 2241-'V. aDd 302 Gayley St., Media. Serving Swn rthmore uml VlclnJty for vast Twenty Years , .. FOil HAI.,d-:-\\'ustinghouso Hadio ami Hl'cnrti T)layt'r (:omblned. Excellent I:Hlldition. $4fI, Tet. SwnrthlT'oro 0492. ~hler Installations amI Relmlrs SwarthmDre 2295 1,'OIt H,U....r-C'atllera.. Xil!Sfl IkoOex. 3 .•, l'orYb'l)ll 1'-118. I.ik~ uew, Call Media. 156fl, Painting modCI·ui:l.ll- )li!"('Cllaucous Oll!l-H. DAVE WOOD s(,I'C{'ning, thm. I,'On HALE-Underwood I)()rtable typewrit!;!I'. $25.00. Call SlIfarthmore '\"A;-.jTl,~j)- Custmn-bnilt ('.nllincts, ('('nIL·nt. high o\'cn. 'Viii sell both reasonably; 1.H1l"ltct-a-da.y heater wiOI storage tanl;.; IPL'i. ::-;ille~ar1l1heater n,nd ra~lia­ tor. llake oO·er. Tel. HwarUlmore 1.!73. .Altct·" IronIC hnpr(),·cmcllt..." ationloO, FOit SAl .. li;-·rwo Quality gM ranges • • CoDtractors & Builders --~---~-~---- SAL"J:o;-l<~eather bed. enough feathcr~ ror [our (luLItH. IAko new. $10, ~i\varthmore 0161. !<'OH W..\NTF.H I RIDLEY PARK I 333 DARTMOUTH AVE. PhoDe Dartmouth 1833 l\Icdia R, D" 2 talk over all yOlD' plaDa and help you in every po..ib\e way. ,, . .' Novelty & Decorative CaDdIes C ARNS We Deliver Phone FLOWERSSwa. 0450 Baltimore Pike The community Health Soclet)· Board oC Directors met Thursdq..y morning, May 8. in Borough Hall. Mrs. C. Edwin Ireland, past vlcep~8ldent, conducted the business meeting' In the absence of li'rapces O'Brien, president. Mrs. Elizabeth Ann OrotT, R. N.. director of nu~s. reported on staff ,Qctlv.tties In, the past month and rc:ad cor~spondence from The JIealth and Welfare CouncJl Inc., and a communication trom Ruth Hubbard. president of the nationa.l organization 0 f PubUc H~alth Nursing on "The Structure Stu(ty of Nun.lng Organizations". Mrs. Groff also recounted Interesting experlen~ encountered while enter.talnlng. 30 of tho foreign delegates to the International Congress of NUrsea being held In Washington this .week, who spent the ~ek ot May 1st In Phlladelp;tJ.1a. Mrs~ Groff entertained Lillta Kol-ca. Grecian delega.te as her house .gueat. A sccond l'lP...a.dlng of the new by laws was made at this meeting and a motion made to accept them as read. Reports were made by the following chairmen: Mrs, W111 ... .lam Hetzel, membership, Mrs. Walter Schmidt. nursing. Mrs. Chartes Lukens. volunteer aervlce. Mrs. Schmidt read a lettElr of resignation from Mrs. Mildred S. Strayer. due to ph'YBical boealth. The reslgnatton was accepted with regret. It was announced that sickroom BUPPUes are low and Mrs. Groft' asked boa.rd membel"8 to be on the lookout for any backrests. bed blocks. bed pans. I13tc. not in use, and call Swa. 8498 with ofters of same, In Legion Auxiliary To Meet The regular meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary will be held Monday, May 19 at 10:30 at the borne of Mrs. 0.· J. GlIcrcest of. Vassar avenue. The business session will be followed tpr a. luncheon-bridge at 1 o·clock. Mrs. John Whittier and Mrs. Harvey R. Pierce wlll Herve as co-hostesses. Springfield, Pa. ----\ Sate Rill sttrace . sale frOIIl . 'loU< fUllS ."red moth at proof' -~ eo .t.oraee SUO 'IOU lZi R' PAULSON'S. DOMESTIC Rcop Cl.....ed aDd Belca wlt_, Da,. « WIL ELECTIONS HELD· THURSDAY Speaker Mrs. Stewart Deplores WOl'ld Lethargy DEADUNE ADVANCED ® Memorial Day falling on Thn ~\\I'arthmorean'8 usual day of issue next week and being '1. postal hol1day the palper wlll be mailed to 'Subscribers on Thurs• Thls necessitates printing a day. day earlier and 'movlng the deadline on news and advertistng copy up to Tuesday noon for that, week. Sizes 24 to 32 FOr all those girls who love the outdoors - sturdy bluc dungarees with bright red contrast stitching and zipper Hido openIng. Wear them for sports--for 'gardening-they'll never lose their popularity. . 3rd Annual Concert Offers Varied Progr$l . Three-Point Program Arranged By Legion· Includes Parade To Cemetery Friday Moming GAME &DANCE PLANNED MAY 30 FRIENDLY CIRCLE PLANS BENEFIT Feature Local Talent in Memorial Day . Program Dessert - Bridge Set at Last Week's Meeting :;;:!;;. ·.~:;;:!!~~~;X~r~~~ "f~~~U't=~o~: ~~:~~h~.~~.?~~ '",:. ~ean ~~ 'prcvi~~s Hornets Play Game I COTTON JERSEYS 79c .. Klees Article In Holiday and up Stripes IIIId aoIId oolors•. S I a e s· gma", medium &; IIup. , •• • ••• I. BuDding I I • I and Repairs .,. ) I H. S. ORCHESTRA BORD , ·ORGANIZATIONS, TOWNFOLK TO PLAYS TONIGHT HONOR LOCAL WAR DEAD MAY 30 Interpretive Dance Featured at Whittier DUNGAREES Mrs. Albright Hostess DANa: The annual ltlemorlal Day serThis evening at 8:16 o'clock the third annual orcbelJtra. concert wll1 vice will be op~ned at 9 o'clock next Fri~y morning at B·orougb be given under the direction of Mr. Han wlt'h an addreBB gh'en by Robert Holm. teacher ot Instrumental music at the High School John H. Pitman following Invocaauditorium. Those groups pantcltion by the Rev. Joseph GlbsOn. patlng in this evening's concert Scouts will place flagS betore the wtll be the College 'and Rutgers bronze plaque commemorating vetavenue Elementary Schools orerans of World War I. The salute chestra and the Junlor·Senlor High ;Wlll be given by the American Leglon tiring squad. School orchestra. ,The twenty members·of the coniTl?e parade out Park avenue to Eaetlawn cemetery wlU form at bined Elementary Schools, from Big events arc scheduled for the Borough Hall under the direction Thirty members of the l"'riendly the grades third to sixth. will perborough on May 30 n.a the Swarth- of Robert T. Bnlr manba.ll. OrCircle met May' 15 at tile nome of form Inauguration by McC8ughmore Recreation Association com- gantzationa Invited to march with Mrs. Cecil Howard on Rutgers Icy; BrJght Star by Bennett; Wild pletes its plan for the Memorial the Legion include the Legion avenue. "Mrs. Charles Minor, was co- }i"lowers by Stevens: and A'ctivlty Day game and dJ,I.nce. At the stroke AuxUlary, Boy Scouts a.nd Cuba h08te.&l8 ~d the president, Mrs. H. by Bennett'. of 3 the Hornets and AmerIcan Girl Scouts and Brownies, Red Stephena Plummer. presld,d. Following this group, wUl be the Legion baseball teams will begin Cross. Fire Company. Rotary Club. Mrs. H. Llndle.. Peel told how, strlng quartet. consisting of Da.vid their contest with crowds chcerExchange Club, Business Assoclawith the a.ssls~n~e of Mrs. KendB;1l Spencer. Russen Snyder, Ruth Garlng and hot dog and pop vendors tlon. Woman's Club. Rino Cluh. . Sadler and other members and relt. and Christopher MOUld. They shouting their warcs. and Swarthmore College Veterans. friends of the Clr~le. ahc had col- will present. Andante Ca-ntablle· by In the evening. tl'om 8:30 to 12: The local high school band will. lected sufficient fundb to me.et tlte nuegQ,r anu Selections from Eino 00, Weston Clark's Orchestra will be official musicians tor the ex" present clothing and bedding needs l{leine Nachtmusik by Mozart. provide music COl' duncers of all erclses and parade.· of 8. tour-ye~r-old boy afflicted The Junior-Senior High School ages In the high School Gym. ProAftcr decoration of veterans' w Ith In f an til e paraIys I8. M rs. J 0 h n instrumental group o·f thirty m~mducer Swan (Mra. O. G.) is coachgraves and a. benediction by the EssUnger also contrll.lUtcd toys, bel'S will play Cavalier by Issac. Ing Swarthmo'i-e talent tor a noor Rey. H. Lewis Cutler the· parade Mrs. W. :1; Frank, a bed aid "Mrs. Hungarian Dance, No. 5 by WaiteI:' Lukens, a hair uulttrcss. Brahms, and Legend. whtcn Is II. flhow. which will be given at In- will reform and march back to the Plans were c6mpleted fOr the musical- adaptation of Longfel- tervals during the 8vonlng. Tho World War II honor roll at the ,. numbers Inchide 'The nanc·ln·g ·Dolls bank corl)er. Here there ,will be benefit dessert bridge to be held at low·s Hiawatha. by Issac. of Paris. preNonting the MI88es remarks 'by . Posi .-. Commander 1 o·clock. Tuesday, June :~. at tho Patricia Paul, violinist, who wilt" Joan Pennock, Claire Sholl.' Bar- Howard· Hop.on- and Mr. Cutler Woman's .Club. The Circle a.~k9 all be accompanied by Alice Hot'nuday. hara Cr.ossett, Cal'ollne de Furia. wJll deliver tlle benedl~tlon. Its trlends to aid in making this wUl perform Zigennerweisen by J;1lckl"e Thom~sol1, liJally . Alden, Vete....ns/and roembe.rls ot orgnnaftair- a. big success' as much de- BarBute. ' f ' Paullflc-Beneke. Anne Lu~ens; ~he Izatlons~. urged to attend in uni .. Ilienda on the outcome. If proceeds ... , °ate sufficient. th~ 'funtis will ,help .. _ .Tli~s. co.ncert wUI .m~~k .thf? en~ 'mal,,1ain ~". riamp;':'!or undfiifrl .0~.~lIl"h l%'h~.I.Drc,h~aI;.J'!!..rW:F .., :a.:~~.J" .-,,~--::::,.~ ~ ,.;~.~ . .:1, ,. '.-' T ••• ". d'f..:.t ·-)_fib.t.... torF},.4t~ia~..,alir. ~]oUntstl 30an Me'dford. Brown.' AM In years children In IT' a u · P."'"V'gt1~tn w lO"~, ·prh:ddged. chlldren, Canw xunshint1 .... : ~ Spe~cer, Dorts Black, and Vjrgl~la wUl enjoy rkh'fl .on' the bO~ougb . bankrupting herself, arid In th~ end and Canip Hope. '.rhe latter 'has Chrt~ne Parsons. vIolinist, Weston Hay, a Charleston number to 1(0fh'e trllcks at tho conclusion ot creatlng. situations whlch will been taking 0 Iy 'cplorcd girls but Clarke. clarinetist, Graham Foste;r, vlve ·the 'MargIe' dnl's for ~om(l of the morning's &ctlvltl~. cause other nations to hate her. wm ...b~ :~~b ,r.:o,1.· PaCk wilt ~d.1bt 1I1l111 meet- music ber field of academic connae Chapter at Swarthmore Cone. . fell .... aerr"~ '., ... 1111a .\.,(': ,::~......... .' ~ ·.1·tj· .....-:0" S'ANFORIZED CO'ITON TWll..L Members of Swarthmore Cha.ptcr P of the P. E. O. Sisterhood arc attending a luncheon meeting at the home of Mrs. Clayton M. Albright, Avonbrook road, Walttngiord HUla, today. Mrs. Mildred Keesey of Drexel HUI. State vice-president. wiil be guest speaker. and Mrs. George T. SarginsoD of Ridley Park will present plano numbers. AND $3.GODAR MUSIC CLUB TO MEET THURSDAY At the second state-wide ex· I hlbltion of' the Pennsylvania Gutld of Craftsmen. held through May at the Art Alliance. 251 S. 18th St.• Phllndelphia, local exhibitors include Mrs. George Schoblnger of Swarthmore avenue who has a display of we,avinga; Mr. Se-hobinger, sUverware: Marcia Garrett of Garrett avenue.. wood' carvings; Mrs. Scott Lilly of Wallingford, weavings; .. and Mrs. Waldo B. ' D(l.vlson ot Vassar avenue, wenv· Ings. Ml'S. Davison Is treasurer ot the Phtla.delphia Chapter of the Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen. Sbj3 will also be In charge of demon., stratlons In Weaving from 4 to 5 p. m., and 8 to 9 p. m.. on Wednesday. May 21. Friday, May 23. Jewelry a.nd Metalwork will be demonstrated. and Plaster casting' for the Pot,tCI" on Wednesday. May 28. BAli GAME, SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, MAY-23, 1947 VOL.18-No. 21 . 1011 P~k Ave,Jwarthmo........ ~a. ...._ S-rtlt... re 873.8 or 852&. Clear........ 4 .... NfJfJfJl' l'1tdel'eBtimate the Beauty of Clefm ~UII. "B. KIMMEL '. Clesn, country water Is ~ ter for cleanIng rugs. Wb.y be satisfied with I ..., Have JOIU" l11I!6 cleaned with Sprfncl'e1c1 WIll ~, PARADE - \ .) STEAKS CHOPS SEAFOOD Oar Specialty Completely Air-Conditioned {p~"'S"l1 tt C"ml!~!!.'- PAPERING Maintenance " SWARTHMOREAN ~IIEND . 9112 ••• • .. )Vater ~~:::~~: Ing In wrage bIDS. • Property The annua.l meet1ng of the Swarthmore Junior .A8Bemblies was beld at the Woman's Club last Monday night with tile ohalrman. Mrs. Thomas W. Hopper presidIng.. After a ahort bwlinesH· meeting the chairman of the DQininatlng committee,: Mrs. Howard Hopson, Jlre~nted the following ofncers [or next year: Chairman. MrH. Henry C. Ford: Vlce-chBJr-· man. Mrs. George M. Allen: Treasurer. 1\Irs. Frank M~Cowan: Secretay and ASsistant Trea.sul('er. Mrs. Edwin C.· Crosby. 'Fb.o grade hostes8et1 for next year will be Mrs. Stewart Thorbahn tor the twelfth. grade. ,Mrs. Carl Ryan for the eleventh, Mrs. E . .1. Faulkner for the tenth, Mrs. Lee C. Bennett for the ninth, Mrs: ~~rederlck Lang, for the eighth. and Mrs. F. H. FonQ"the for 'the seventh grade. Springfield, Water. local Talent on Display you'll find that ynur STAG BAR Mra. GroH Reports Month'. Nursing Work notified by the War Department that the French Government bas ~warded him tho .Medal D,t Heconnal880.Dce tor outstanding 8ervices rendered In the liberation of Franc•• Col. Streicher'. previous awards include the Legion of MerIt. Bronze Star Medal. Army CommendatloD Ribbon. French Croix de Guerra. with Gold Star, l!'.·ench Commemorative Medal, In ud~i­ tlOD to numerous campaign rlbbonB and bronze battle Stars. Col. Streicher served overseas the European Theater of Operations during combat as G-1. XVI Corps, and later as Chic[ of MiJ.ltary strength Control and Redeployment," HeadQ.uarters, Europea~ Theater of OpenLtions, Frankfurt. Germany. Col. Streicher was overseas nearly three years during whlcb time Mrs. Streicher and children Freddy and Susie lived at 663 North Chester road. their presoQ,t home. OFFICE OPENING 511 WElSH ST. Announce N-r Office.. Col. Frederick Streicher. Gen......1 Stair Corp.,. has just beon Dr. Walter N. Moil' n. n. S .• announces the opening of his offlee for the general practice of dentistry at his flcsidence 224 South Chester road. Dr. Mofr, a graduate of Tempte University Dental School. was commiMloned In tbe Army Dental Corps In 1942 where ho served in the capacity as "assistant ~o the chief," In the Department oC oral surgery nt the United States Milltary Academy at West Point, N. Y. Dr. Moir was dtscharged from the army In 1946 and ,commissioned in tho Reserve Corps of t~e Regular Army with the rank of Major. rAHlY-li OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ,HEALTH..SOClnY .EARNS FRENCH MEDAL IN MAY SESSION \he ~ .. .~. all -, '. ! ..... . , _.. a.riItiaa THE 2 F~, SWARTHMOREAN ... ".jiYi ...,... J......~.,••.~• • • . if I'IIIDAY - Sch"?-I\.UN..''KLE HANK SEZ nue entertained at a sma.ll supper thmore Pla..... to Mr. Albn T. slty ot p_lvaola. Law , party at hla' home precedlDg the sayre, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. AIr (1947). DurIng the war he II\Irved' with the Air Traoaport Command. , . . .:--------Iyn T So.yre ot SprlnglleJd. will Young "Republlcane" Dance In the spending two y...... In India.. He O~ ~, 1\I1I'IG61\MT' Mrs. Ed war d M. n. ·,;-tt 0 t High School Gymnaslum saturday ta.ke place Saturday. June 1 at 1:10 ~ atWned the rank ot captain. I!"'"R"~ US MO~i', IN 1\41$ , o'clock In the swarthmore Presby" North Cbestor road entertained at evening, 'rhe wedding w\1I ta.ke place In IOLO WOA\.q ARE. 1We. ~~ a receptioD on Wednesday evening Mrs. L. L. He~peth ot Bowling terian Church. W!c KNOW' 1M' LE ~ , and agaln on Thursday evening In Green, formerly, ot SWarthm0l"8. The Rev. Dr.' David Braun wJll the tall. honor of her BOn and daughter- 8l\d her daughter Betty Jane will omclato. IABOU1' • The" bride will be attended by Mr. aDd Mrs. Joseph Tannen1n-law. Lt. and Mrs. Edward Mor- join 1>lr. Hedgepeth In Richmond. rls Jr.. who arrived from Va., June 16, following Betty . Ml88' Penny McMulUn as maid of baum ot PhDadelphla. announce Germany. ':May 1. Lt. B ....ett Jane's gradua.Uon trom Nether bonor, and the brldesma.t.ds will I:~:~:;~~e'rn~~! of theLr da.ughter to David A. Tbatcher ot . served with the U. S. Army over;- Providence High School. Mr. Include Mrs. ThomaS Harris, Mi.. for two and a-balf years, and Hedgepeth Is with the SbLte Water carolyn Llndsay. and 14188 Ora Bw,Lrthn,o:re. and Lookout Moun• taln, Tenn. 1Irs. BaEiaett., as an Army nurse. headQ.uarters In Ricbmond. Mills wOod. Miss Tannenbaum Is employed. ..... stationed at Stuttgart. Ger· Control Board In Virginia witb Mr. Hollan" Sayre wlll Berve .as at the Bureau ot Municipal ReJD&DY, 1'6 months. Before theIr Hedgepeth wh'o w11l be oCom'm.ls- beet man tor his broth'er. and the marriage. February 16. Mrs. Bas· eloned an Ensign In the Naval ushe1'8 will be Mr. William ptper. eearch In Phlladelp'hla. Mr. Thatcher is 401ng graduate study· at Bett was the former Mlldred Bar... Reser\'e at Purdue University .In Mr. William Wells. Mr. Cbarles t-he University of Pennsylvania. nell. daughter of )Ire. James Oliver June, wilt join his parents thla Brogan, and Mr. James B. Vostel"H. Tbe wedding wUl be an event ot Ridout of Portsmouth, Ohlo. Bummer. Any friends who wtah to attend early summer. The couple plana L..:...:::==.:.-l._-'-_ _ Mr. and Mrs. Ch"arles R. RUBBell Mrs. Henry E. Hanzllk or Cornen the ceremony are ~ordlally Jnvlted. reside In the Philadelphia. area.. of ogden avenue entertain at a.,renue will entertain at a kitchen BRIDE Thatcher Is a nephew ot Mr., Are rou t n _ . lD .. ()()M· & reception at Strath Havcn Inn. and towel shower at her home this ::~:::: H. Tha.tcher and Mr. PLETE motor tmJe-up, carburetor sunday afternoon in honor of Mr. evening in honor of Mias Agn88 The marriage of MiBB Agnes Lue G. Thatcher ot Swarthand Mrs: Donald L.. Plcca.rd. Mrs. Lue Beneke of Cornell avenue Beneke. niece ot Miss Pauline and tgDlO!OIl _ tor )'OUr car? Plccard is the tonner MISII .Joan whose marriage to Mr. Erik Guetter of Cornell avenue, to Mr. Im,or,e. Actual experience pats as Uin tile Hultherj ot Plainfield. N . .1., w.UI Erik Hultberj, Jr.• 80n of Mr. and Russell. BIRTHS . Mrs. James R. Gay of Rochcster, take place June 21. M';s. Erik HultberJ of Plainfield. Comdr. William H. Collins. know" OIl such mette 8 ••• 80 bring Minn., formerly secretary for Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Thatch- N. J., w1l1 take place ~June 21 in USNR.. and Mre. Collins ot Wall- :Jour car to RUSSELI/S. We'll give Christian Education for the er of Ogden a.venue entertained as the Swarthmore Presbyterian Ingford are receiving congratulat ~.warthmore presbyterian Church, their dinner gucsts' on Sunday, Mr. tiona upon the birth of a s1x pound. FOIl snperlor tJme-ea."riDg ..ork _ Church. Wednesday at the homo of Mr. and and Mrs. Lawrence Beecher of Mt. 'rhe RevC'rend Dr. D&vld .Bra.un five ounce daughter, Derfla. Jea.n saves dollars tor 7ou... Mt'S. Owen W. Gay ot Avonbrook Vernon, Ohio. who are stopping Collins. on Ma.y 18 In Fitzgerald Road. Wallingford H11Is. Mrs. Gay at S~rath Haven Inn. Mr. and Mrs. w,m ofilc~te. Mercy :Hospital. Miss Huth MaT'le Beneke wUl at· is -on route to her home an Roches- A. S. Robln~on of Ogden avenue ter following a vlsit with' ber pa- Qntertained Mr and Mrs. Beecher tend her sister as 'maid of honor, Mr. and. Mrs. Martin Luther or and the bridesmaids will include rents in Richmond, Va. at dinner, Monda.y evening. Providence Village are receiving Miss Pauline Beneke. sister of the Roland 1... Eaton, Jr.• or Rutgers 1'1188 Helen Anderson ot Yale bride, 'Mias June Hultberj of Plain- congratulations upon the birth of avenue will receive the degree of a Bon named Martin Walter Luther. Bacb·elor of Arts at Lafayette Col- ;:::::,: W~;l ~~~d ~l~e:~o:~;~,: field N.J., sister .of the bridegroom, Miss Shirley MacMillan, Miss on May 14. in Taylor: Ho·spital. iege. June G. at which time Gov. Marion Troxell. and 1&188 T1sh Lee james_ lL (Duff or Pennsylvania, TO WED JUNE .14 ot Swarthmore, Will deliver the commencement Miss Dorothy .Jean Dana daughA reception will tollow the cercaddress. Roland waS a member of ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R . .tho college band tor four years. Dana ot Elm avenue, and Mr. Il1ony. Miss Nancy Loughcad of Thayer Richard Reed Curtin son of Mr. HONOR BRIDE-TO·BE :a"oad whose marriage to Mr. Don- and Mrs. Ellsworth Curtin of Miss Jean Storrs of Swarthmore ald Pugh of Wallingford will take ""ebster Springs, W. Va., will be .BEAUTY SALON place in .July, will be guest of married in the Swarthmore l;'riendu pl~e whose marriage. to. Mr. Allyn honor tomorro,. when Mm. Min- Meeting at 4.30 o'clock,' Saturday. 'r. Sayre, Jr.~ of 8pringfleld will A Wav_Weather or Nol take place Saturday. June 7, bas 9h'a.1l Holden wll\ entertain at a June 14. been entertaincd on several. occa· luncheon at. her home in Cheat'Jl". Miss canie Dana, siste.' of the Mrs. J. H. "McConechy of South bride, and 'Mrs. Phlltp DeArmond mond. 13 South Cheater Road MJ:ss Ora. Wood of Westover Chester road e.nd Mrs. Agnes Hn..lg Curtin of Swart!hmore, will be Cdl Swarthmore 0476 Hills: Wilmington, Del., a brldnl Sheldon of Ogden avenuo nttended bridal attendants. the annual meetings ot the Vic· Mr. PhUlp De Armond Curtin attendant. entertained a.t a. dinner tonia. Home. N. Y.;'· ~'eld at The wilt serve as best ,man for his party and- miscellaneous shower at her home on Th·ursdl\Y last. Biltmore, Tuesday. Ma~ 13. Mrs. brother, and Mr. David Curtin Mtsa PennY McMullin ot Brick· McConeeby also attended a con,- Columbia. University will act as ~ouse F...a.rm" Gradyvme~ who will vcnUon of the B~ta sikma Phi \n heRd usher. , attend \is mlfld of honor. enter,..... Harrisburg over the p * week-end. mined .\.t a dinner and misceUn-: Mr. and 11l. Martin of FETE BRIDE Miss Dorothy Jean Dana of Elm neous shower Tuesday evening. Rutgers avenuM.j.rer& visited by s~ by the Swarthmore Recreation Aaoci·tjon Mr. and Mrs. Allyn T. Sayre, their son Mr.' l~n Martin of To- avonue ,,,ho will be married 'to Mr. Reed Curtin in the parents of the brJdegroom. w11l ronto, Canada for the past two Richard 3:00 BASEBAlL-Homets va. American Legioo team week.ends.. He was a canadian S\\'nrthmorc l'''l"icnds Meeting. Sat- entertain th'e bridal· party and a College BaaebaD FJeld delegate attending the recent U. N. urdtrY, June 14, was guest of honor groUp of friends at a. buttet supper Conference on ~Radar aid to Marine Saturday when Mrs. Lee Lukens following the wedding rehearsal Navigation In New York and New of the Veterans Apartment at the Friday evening. J"una 6. 8:30 DANCE-FLOOR SHOW J..ondon, Conn. The conference was college, entertained at a. kitchen Weston Clark's Orchestra Bevy of Swarthmore attended by delegates from 30 shower. ENGAGEMENT Beauties High School Gym na.tions and aemonstrations were Mrs. Henr)' Patterson of Elm Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Menow. made pOBSlble by the U. S. Navy. avenue entt"rtiLined at a teo. at hel' of Buftalo. N. Y., formerlY of The Rev. C. A. Anderson of Yalo home Thursday in honol' of t h£' Chestnut Hill. have anuounced the Tickets $1.00 for both event&. ' . avenue is 1n Grand Rapids, Mi-ch·.. brlde-tn-be. engagement of their daughter. Sixty cents for game Sixty centa.for denc;e attending the meetings ot the ------Margaret Louise. and Mr. WnUam Twenty.fiVe cenb for children in grade.. 1 to 6. Honor Bridal Couple General Assembly or the Pt'eabyBarrow Pugh, Jr., son ot Dr. and Miss Betty Jean Quick of Dlckterian Church ot the U. S. A., Mrs. W.Illiam Barrow Pugh. ProVwhich opened Wednesday to con- lnsoo avenue and Mr. l~dwin B. idence road. Wallingford. tlnu-e tor a week. Mr. Anderson Dunn of SWUl·thmol·c whose marriMiss Menow attended the Feagin i8 director of the Presbyterian age will take place tomorroW eve· School of Drama tn New Yor.k. Mr. ntng 'at 8 o'clock in the Trinity Rtstorical Soolet)". Episcopal Church. Swarthmol'e. Pugh is n, graduate of Princeton ':Mrs R. P. Kroon and children University (1940) and the Univer,54th and Bert, Peter, and Georgie of Muhl- will be guests of honor this evening Baltimore enberg a.venue, leave Saturday, wncn Mr. and Mr~. George Dunn UNITY ASSEMBLY May 81 for switzerland wherc thcy of Dickll1san avenue and ~Ih': and "'oman's Olnb Side Entrance will spend the summer 'visitlng Mrs. Herbert Dunn of Reading, . 10:30 A.III. EYel'l' Wednesdar· will entertain the bridal party and ZELIA M. WAIIl'ERS. Speaker· relatives. out.of.town guests at a. dinner at Everyone Welcome . Mr. and Mrs. George M. Karns Strath Haven Inn. ))recedtng the ot Wellesley road accompanied by wedding rehearsal. FOR their daughter Elinor Karns and Barbara Beeman, will spend Dec· TO WED JUNE 7 oration DaY wcek-end a.t ]'It. HoiyCall The mar.rlage ot MJss Jean Are oke College. and at Smith College undel Storrs. 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Eo· Kauffman where their daughter Marian is Mrs. Donald Curtis Storrs of SWar- Swarthmore 2080 a student. Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Bell of Ha.rvn.rd avenue entertaJned Mr. Bell's brother. Mr. Leslie Bell and Mrs. Beil of Concord, N. C" for a. few days of th1e week. • Bob Longwell of Lafayette aveFrI.·s..t.·Mon.-Tues.-Wtld. Personal. , THE SWARTHMOREAN May 23, 1947 . . It ~~,:. .-~"':1 I able home this spring and "for years to come ,with a I I DOROTHY LA~[OUR "MY FAVORITE beat control on your furnace. Prompt installation.. COAL BRUNETTE" FUR OIL VAN AI.EN BROS. RIDLEY PARK ROBERT MONTGOMERY Jfa:J' n. so, al LARAINE pAY , lllADY II THE.lAIElI In ·~i.OCkEi" --.,......... J.D.IIAlf G.a 9AL'I'a-BUII'ON-CB'.'" _ . D ' group REMEMBER ,r• .,,,'epho,qfit . . , ,6·1$,8,1 • rile Addres. Cf:I&STHUT STREET OLIVER H. BAIR CO. THE ~IiARLATAN IN THE ATTIC FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST UONILBMaYllOU, ad.ooria_ To .r- .",.,."" . . . . ·MIr• •. , ' • NOON SATURDAY BANK HOLIDAY ; :-..,.. SUM ~n~ • FrI. aDd Sat- from • P. M • SUndar t1'om ill P. 111. M"-y to 'lb_~ )fat. 2:15 Eft>. ., . . .:10 Mat. Me Eft>. , • . - ' NOTICE BRUNETIE" 'lburs.·Fr\.·sat. Sew for A" F•. S. an addre'ss at com.me.ncement. . " -Sbe ~e Kappa. -MPA!Io T.h.lltaa ot the wu also a member of .the .Na.t1onal Swarthmore COllege Chapter. meet Society. Letter The Editor Hpnor During the six years ~e epel\t ,or the monuily 86wlng for the . Ma.y 10, 1947 In Swarthmore she lived on Lin- American Friends Service with Dear Swartbmorean. I was !hr~lled and Nary appre- coin avenue with .the John Mar· Mrs. J.. 'pa.samo~e E1klnton of clattve when the first copy of the shan family. noW West Chesterltes. MoylaI;l, .t.Q~y. 8warthmorean ,callie to ):ne ovei' ", h·ere in Japan; and when they have kept coming, I decided tha.t perhaps It wasn't a. mlfrt.p.ke after all, and' want to thank you an very much' for aendmg them. It car-tainly does bring a touch ot home to . receive' tbe hometown' paper regularlY -and· keep In touck w.tth all the dobufS there. I tlnd out a lot that I don't get trom letters. God" (Psalm. 42:11). On the Corner Y JENNIFER JONES GREGORY JOSEPH ,..,...,.......... another In journallsm and giving Al'J!.;g: co. NATIONAL BANK The Youe. Fellowehlp Will meet ':'~~ at', P. 11. lD·the chapel. • SUNDAY. MAY 35 Tile Social Hall will be open on 11:00 A. M.-..ueq 'School. . 11:0.'"1..)1:. !!_4IQ> ~n 8er- Thursday evening at 'I tor super· _JDOD. . . . . . , '. .. naed. recreation up.cler-· ~r. Pur· w_~ enn_meet!ag each . p.d'ae .. J'OOP.l O"D D~q. 4all:r aoeP\ ~ _4 lioll4Q8 '11l8 SeDlor choIr WIll meet tOl". 11 to 6 ....... w_~ e....,lntr , to '1..·,._·I-J~_""',~~,~,I,aJI~... ....k. I p..m. .,.50' ................. . " \, mi '" MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY "MY FAVOl.tlTE "Anne 01 Wmdy Poplars" health of my countenance, and CHURCH SERVICES lD Chlldren'S FIlm IAbrarT Show wt . . . WuaIecI OXford. I BOB HOPE Onb. SO! • High School bQy. at ··~arth. more are very much lntereBte4.1n E!l8'tand was one ot· three choseD trom among 300 apvlloante to read securing employment during the for medloine -at O:s:ford University• Bummer vacation. Outdoor work ot any; type waS their choice. Anyone Heather graduated trom Swarth- tn or around Swan'bmore with a more Hlgh Scbool In .:rune, 1946 Job to be done should contact Mil . receiving an award In .German. Iilrd Roblnaon at the high school • of ware. iCOLLEGE THilTRE Satur ~v~hjng. May 31:- at . DO interest in yoU except what be On Thursday. ,-,:une 6, at 8:16 on the High School College Ave:1:16 p.m. at the. First Presbyterian P. M.. Mendelssohn's Symphony can filch from you. Here he is. Ch-urcb. Locust Street near 16th. canta~ "Hymn ot Praise". will b~ nue Field. All boys who are interbusil,y en~ concocting \IOIDe in Pb!ladelpbla. Tickets may be sung by the men and boys' choir cRted In playing on either of the nostrum which will soon be ofobtalned by calling the c~·urch of- of Tr1nlty Church, David Tudor teams should contact Mr. Snyder at the school or be on hand for fered as a cure for practically flee, Sw. OG72. will be the pianiSt. and gueat. the pra.ct.tces. 80101ats will be engaged. The pubThe Chapel Choir' rehearses any and all human aftlictions. All . Of interest to those who will be Thu~ at 1:46 p.m. Th·e Girls' lic is cordially lnVo1ted. he needs is an attij:.' an assortment of kitchen· following the teams this year Is Junior Choir rehearses ThUlsda,ys and free access to the water faucet. He has the lact that home gamcs will be at 3:46 p.m. Frienda Meeting Notes played on J,I.rs. ,1.. 1'- ~~e,peth. Super· Will close this year of classes. Intendent. be;inning with Sabuday, 7, 1947 .. a fall legal holiday. Parents and frie·nda are in· The 8Itlaller cbildren' may be vited to the Aaaembly exercllles at 10:10 'w'ben an eight- placed ,ln ·:the Church Nursery year-old N 8"(rO' boy from rvI .. No usual.the HaW wDl be open'd.ily, Mcmdaytlaroaah Frida,., Fbiladelphla. will sing. Bibles during ,the .morning se, ceo .lUra. will be presented to .the 10- carl T1.i~ ~qd ,Mrs.. VirginIa. yea.r·olds. from 8:00 A. M. to 3:00 P. M. except legal holideys. 11: 00 A.. M.-MeeUng for Worship. Alexander wlll~ be in charge. WEDNESDAY. MAY 28 The ushers for the morning will 9:$0 to 3:.~w!ng ....d Quilting be Frederick J. Bo-rdus. John In Whittier HOWIe. ,Do.: Lunch· .eon. . All _ cor41aJ17 In· FlOOd, Paul Pauls.on.. E. Nell vtt~ .. , 8ha.whan. aDd Walter Dickinson. BYRD ::.~:a SHERWOOD Thursdar·Frlday-Saturday 1IU&I,r& JC.eDt The JUDlor Department boys and girls aod thillr·t"";UIes ;,.1Uha.~e·a picniC On the chu".,h on Wednesday. May' a8. trom 6:.0 to 1: 30 p.m. A cor&al 1n~tatlaD III extended tQ ib~ to a.tt.n4 the picnic. There ..l\l be ......08 and Ice' 'cream and· b~;'erag" Ptcnlckers are to bring, .their own suppers to cooJ:t over tite, open .ftre.. at I MEDIA a-eb,.... .A,1l de~enta .of the Church School meet 9':4~ a.m. The Women'B Bible 'ClasB meets at. 10 a.m. in ,the Ohurch tranrtept. Dr. and .Mra. Reavfa Cox at the Harvard avenue entrance and Mr. ~d Mrs. Clarence C. Frank at the driveway-transept enlrace wili a.tt' slat· the u4nlBters in greetiDC the congrcgaUon ~ter the 11 o'clock service Sunday morn.lng. The Boys' J·unlor Choir will rehearse at 7 p.m. this evening. ,The· Ch~rc~h Hour Nursery tor ehlldren _ 1 to 7 meets each Sunday morillnB In the Pariah House from. 11 to 1-2 o·clock. MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAM 1 ' ... ~"A.. FRIDAY, MAY ~, 19'1 Sqndq morn\ag at the 11 0'clock _",,)b,. Braun wIll pr~clr on uReapoDlMt. h of FRIDAY ., !lD9r,n1J1g at the 8 (/cloCl< ~~ Ser1P,t... Mr. Cutl~rWlIl.co\l· Unue ..,. ,~oDs ,on the general , . topic "'1 ~elleve.~· I ' DJilAD~WlIIDNlCSJ).A.T Sun~ The Mr.. 'Y" - KAlUOlWJl TOLD. fo"" ' ,; JIIoI&tor RoaaiIe Pelnol ..Pc .;...... I , 1 a;:L< .*6010II NoIIes " I JVNE .W~"!I!:?r1C ~ . . .~.,~~ )fatter. 1&0_ ,t, --,...'. ". ... l'L. un4_ U.e Acl o f . Bassett. wi." ft ")_~fI'.:1•.J(nClerter .. -TOLD. JJI4ltor \SOt-t. seas ' "OBBU. mOo. s· .M "SoUl and Body 1, tho .ubject Qt the r..e->n-Ser.mon In all ChurchEm of Cbr.let. Sclentlllt, ~D 8uD.day~ May 25. The Golden Text Ia: "Why' art thou caBt down, 0 my lIOul1. and why a~ thou dlaQuletDd with· In me? hope thou Ia God: tor l shall 'Yet P ....u,. h1m. w:ho \II the ,-, . , . ... • HiP 9 .. al .JOIIS WANTED FOR Swaa"W'W •• Ifiab 5 thol Bo7a c-w=t MiIIanI RGIIin..,.. at tile HiP StbDttl Sport SIll. The relay team eontiDuea to ride the victory trall. Harry Warren wea way out ill front at Upper DarbY In the _ with a _ 01 o""r 148 teet: Harry _Uberry scored a good ·.BeCond in ~e broad ADd Pre-War Pli._ on a._..... " ..... '1 £1 on BuraiDlJ »Om lie Water a..... on JimoDiq Hot Air Fwa •• 1 . Thenlr- S. Army Work. ., 'pee;- Mrs. RoBS Pfalzgratt and Mrs. Harold Griffin cO-Chairman of the Salvation Army Drive report a total of $3200 collected to date and thank all captains, and workers tor their endea.vor. .H. W. Borden and Sons 345.Park A.._ Swartbm·[... waUn ehampsioDshlp as they defeated tho sophomores 41 to t. Dick Jones pitching and, the ~am'8 allraround hitting make them look like champions. But Richard Terry's Pirates of the f .....hmen. class are stili In the running and are anxious to get a shot at, the Ca.rds. The high school tennlB courh. will be: open eV~Dlngs to the publl~ from 6 to 8:30. Much effort and expense ha.v~ been put forth to get the cour+.s In shape,' and cooper~· tion by all In maintaining them will be appreCiated. ' New Pre-War Quality * r.... I . The eenlora are, leadlna the eoftball 1,,",,8 and Ie.xt Monda.)" eet a league record, In their drive to the Will Be Gosed ' FRIDAY, MAY 30 SATURDAY, MAY 31 J Toronto and WlJ)I1epeg. At 'I'oron~ he W&II joIned.. rb,. F&i-Ie,. Mowa\' . canadian n&tUraIIat who wUl ac, f • • com~y blm. to Nuelttn Lake' on the borde.r. of llan.l!:"ba andKee- hard to repla.ee next 'Year. , 1694 WIL Elections Held Thursday NEWS NOTES • \ Dr. FlaDcla Harper" or M:OylaD, Mr. Oliver G. Swan ot North Chester road, chaJrman of Literary formerJy ot South Cheste... "road (cOntinued frOID Page 1) Art at the Art Alliance, Phlle.dellett JIalr 14 ~or Ch,1Irchlll, Manitoba.. canada stopping en route at alive beret and make It ~orth de. phla, and Mrs. Swan entertalned game for '8w&rthmore. They will be CELIA SHOE SHOP . Now Ann'hle for Off To Arcfie jump with a Jl tootle&p• The laer"""" team went to Bl. Paul's at loll. 'Washlngton, Mar)rland. last saturda.y and met a team that refu.-ed to be beateD. The final t5core was ", to 4: alter tra11Ing 4 to 1 at halfUme, C&p!&ln Robert Hopson. Stuart Brown and c&pp,. Blerm&n ple.,.ed their l&et \ tor,~ye~ months at~4Y. the natlve' flora and fauna. -This f lake which lies half In each of lhe two P~ It .dlvld~ has never been """,j,...a;-' ~Pedor ...~ plo~ In • ""Ientiflc sense•. Dr. Harper 'an4 Mr. Mowat will' gO there by plaJle In mid-June. Thoy' plan • vIalt alId' rec.ord by movIng Picture" • IID1&1l colo';" of \Bol&ted .EaI.UR 1t;i~~ENCE .STAND$THE PENN MU1UAL1!'.194l.. . . . . 1947 CONSUMERS' CO-9P ,OF SWARTHMOI.tE 403 DARTMOUTH . AVE. " ,." sw. Tlcl<_ Il00. 0796 ..W Mornlnp. This ia your. day ••• Your Wedol·..s dayl A day yoti'lle dr.mecI of .......D ul for. We know yOu'D want e'II~ p6tfICt, pIirticuIarly dae fIow... We'D be c1elillded to talk 0'11_ 'all ,._ p ..... .acI beIp you in e'll.,. poNiNe way. . N_elty & Decorative Candles C ARNS FLOWERS Baltimore Pike We Deliver Phone Swa. 0450 Springfield. Pa. 'TRAIIE '" ,.", IN",., !" B~ F. "Sly...tOwns,Jtlat'~"C:' OUTWEAR PREWAR TIRES' ...... -I in .viag money? Here's ,.oar . . . . . . The wider,.II.1ter B.F.Goodrich ~ pua mote nohboo: in cootoct wicb cbe toed. This greEter road WiU_ae means more.nbber to sbare che ......, Jess .....r at any point, • loaaer: lao" g me chat covers more grooood beIoeo Ita senice life is ...ded. Tbat'. wb~ iay ... in...... in che ~ ... che _ BoF; rich Silv~own,., per 1IIiIe ••• ;. J.- in che Ioog nul. 1.75 DOWN 1.25 A WEEK " PIll'S A . . .....1651..... . ""* .. OII-YOUI CAlI .... RUMSEY CHEVROLET Yale & Rutgers Ave. Swarthmore 1439 to ~ De Luxe Y.le A • .,. & Chi teo ReI. '. SwMdmw.e 12&0 . .. '-, .' -;' -..r_",,' ' __ " . o J - _ Famous Coidwall Models Models Home Freezing Units • WALLINGFORD, ·PA. / Hannum and Waite:, ".- _ General Motors .Wilson Coal & Supply Co. JULY 31 , .~'"-" By SALES and SERVICE' MAY 1 • ' -PROMPT DELIVERY- . STATE INSPECTION G ....... $1.95 Save your register slips--they're worth money! • Standard Models 25c . CIIDS PInts, c:boiee of fIa'llOR 25c - ' . Electric Ranges Fresh Baked Goods De1i'IIered Twice Daily AnddoD't foqet for that quick cJes ert we ba'lle' Breyer's Ice Qeam '!H!~:!.CI REPRESENTED IN THIS AREA BY' THE., GENERAL AGENCY AND ASSOCIATBS 01'. • 1922 Fresh Jerse,. ~. lOe lb. Nal\D'al Colored Florida Oraops, Size 150 35c doz•. We have 5000 RUTQERS aDd MARlGLOBE tomato plants arriving this week-end. PENN MUTUAL 25th Ye8f Made 'Only 37. lb. 2 Cull • co.lea: der ot the troop. was presented with a gift In appreciation of her Interest and work with the troop during the past year. The co-leadQrB of the troDp for next year wUl be Mrs. Donald Jones and Mrs. J. G. Moxey, Jr.• with Alice Marriott acting 8JJ aaslatant leader. 49c"1b. 29c Y. lb. . 'Good Luck Oleo 1 P. M., TulldaF. J_ 3 . Woman's CIaIIba .. , ,.ear. Mrs. Howard 8. Turner, ..•••.............. -_ ... ment of lifl> is personal and family security. Today, Penn Mutual helps supply that security to over five hundred thousand policy owners and their families with mor" than two and a quarter billion dollars' worth of life insurance: To date, it has paid more than one billion, six hundred million doIlars to policy owners and their beneficiaries, We who represent Penn Mutual are proud to offer you the serv,ices of a com, ' pany with such a' distinguished record of performance. nt-Bridae 1>= _ f t t F'l'ieDdlr Ckde FOR GENUINE Twenty-six members of Brownie Troop· 96' held a treasure hunt and party at the home oi Mrs. J. G. MODY. _Jr. on Monday afternoon. This -wi.;s the flna.t me'etlng ot the 'There is a glory in the land where men and women can their e~ergies for vast accomplishment-where neither the heavy hand of fear nor the dread hand of repression causes men or women to falter in their eager search for a better life. That was the glory of America when Penn Mutual started business in 1847. It remains so today after a century of achievement that has dwarfed all previous hu~an aCcomplishment. Vital to Wgh achievement and the enjoy- of were" NancY Wilson ROBS, guest speaker. and author ot "'The Lett Hand Is the . Dreamer". Mr. and Mrs. RaymObd Laulat ot 8warth· 'more. and. Mr. and Mrs. John Frederick Lewis. Jr., and Dr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Fetter of PhUadelphia. Brownie Leaders Named . Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. ThlLtcher of Ogden avenue entertained Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thatcher of Tryon. N." C.. and Mr. Alfred Thatcher Chatanoogao Tenn .• for a tew ~aY'B. Visit Our' Showroom ~ . : •• , .... . "', ' • .! ' . ., .." . " Swarthmore' 0600 ,. .,' -" INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE . Frida), May 23, 1947 THE' S WAR T H MO REA N JOBS WANTED FOR Swarthmore Hisb ScbooI Boys ('_tact Millard Robinson at the Hicb School HiP Scbool s"ort Shots To Carry Children Memorial Day jump with a. 21 foot leap. The lacrosse team went to St. The relay team continues ~o ride the victory trail. Harry Warren Paul's nt Mt. -Washington. Marywas way out In front at Upper land, last Saturday and met a team Uarby In the dJscus with & we. of that refused to be beaten. The over 143 teeL Harry MacGHberry final 'Bcore was 6 to .. after trailscored a good second In the broad ing .. to 1 at halftime. Cap~ln Cappy Bierman played their hwt Will Be Oosed FRIDAY, MAY 30 SATURDAY, MAY 31 game tor Swarthmore. They will be bard to repia-cc next year. The seniors are leading the 80ft ... ball league and last Monday set a league record. In their drive to the sophomores 43 to 9. DJck Jones pitching and_ the tcrun'j!J all...around hitting make thelIl look like champions. But Richard Terry'" Plrllh>s ot the freshmen class are still In The high school ,' New Pre-War Quality And Pre-War Prices on Bwoers aDd Circa1a.... P .... on BIII'DiDIr Domestic Water Heaten on BIII'DiDIr Hot Air FA_ to get n. shot at the Cards. tennis wlll be open evenings to the courts publi~ Crom 6 to 8:30. Much efl'ort and expense hav~ been put fo~h to get thc cour.s In shape, and cooperation by aU In maintaining them wlll be appreciated. Thanks S. Anny Workdrs, Now Available for IIiQ w . . . fDrtpDeIjcw H. W. Borden and Sons 345 Puk A _ Swarthmore 1694 Off To Arctic WIL Elections Held Thursday THE SW'ARTHMOREAN I. (Continued trom page 1) alive here, and make It worth demonstrating to other nations, wnI add to the above dlscuaslons a. genuine desire to create pubJlc oldDlon and InCluence decisions before decisions are made. It I. not we the border of Manitoba and Keeh waUn for ""' ."'veral months study ot enoug to write 5. 10, or even 25 the native flora and fauna. This lettcrs to your Congrc88men p,nd Senators:' she declared. The period lake whicb liee halt In eacb of ~he through which we a.re passing retwo proVinces It d.lvldes hD.B never quires face to Cace dlscuSHi;. Lincoln of Westare no luncheon fa.cilities at the dale avenue entertained a.t a dcsgardens. the leaving time has been changed from the original 11: A. scr~-bridge for 12 guests at her M" and Mrs. Michael suggests that home. li'riday. trippers eat lunch before thp.y start. champsionshlp as they defeated the the running and are anxioUfJ .. Dr. Franc18 Harper. of Moylan, formerly of South Chester road lett Ma.y 14 tor Chut'chlll. Manito· ba.,. Canada stopping en route at Toronto and Wlnnepcg. At Toronto be was joined by Farley Mowalt Canadian naturalist, who wlll uceompu;ny blm to NuelUn Lake on Robert Hopson. Stuart Brown and CELIA SHOE SHOP ...,. 23,1947 F~, Mrs. Ross Pfalzgraff and Mrs. Harold Grifrtn co-chairman of the Salvation Army Drive report a total of $3200 collected to date and thank all captains and workers for their endeavor. ~~~ NEWS NOTES ment of lif.e is personal and family security. Today, Penn Mutual helps supply that security to over five hundred thousand policy owners and their families with more than two and a quarter billion dollars' worth of life insurance: To date. it has paid more than one billion, six hundred million dollars to policy owners and their beneficiaries. \Ve wbo represent Penn Mutual are prond to offer you the services of a compan)' witb such a distinguished record of performance. There is a glory in the land where men and women can free their energies for vast accomplishment-where neither the heavy hand of (ear nor the dread hand of repression causes men or women to falter in their eager search for a better life. That was the glory of America when Penn Mutual started businpss in 1847. It remains so today after a century of achievemen't that bas dwarfed all previous human accomplishment. Vital to high achievement and the enjoy- THE Mr. and 1\.trli. Pa.ul B. Banks of Harvard avenue and Dr. and MI·B. David Braun of Westdalc avcnue spent several da.ys of last \\-'cek at the Bunks' summer home at Lake Wcsauklng, Towanda, Pa. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. D. Schloesser of Park avenUe entertalncd at a buffet .supper at their homo Saturday evening when their guests included Mr. and Mrs. Gcol'ge Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Richard W,illis, Mr. and Mrs. l'''loyd Pope, Mr. and Mrs. William Stephen, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Teel, and Mr. and Mrs." 'Palmer Pilgrim. Bruce Godfrey of Vassar avenue entertained as hl:s guest at the Swarthmore High School Soph Hop. .... riday evening, Betsy Ernst I of Baltimore, Md.. who was a week-cnd gUCMt at the Godfrey home. Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan of Mt.. Holyoltc place entertained tho Circle chairmen of the Woman'~ Association of the Presbyterian Church at a luncheon at her homo Tuesday. Those present inclUded Mrs. li'tederlck R. Lang, l\Ir~. Percy G. Gilbert, .!I.!rs. Owen W. Gay, Mrs. Kenneth ~r. trced. l\ll·s. Frank n. l\-Iarkley. Mrs. SalUuel C. Harris, Mrs. George 2chobinger, and l\-Irs. Roland Enton, progra.m chalr)nan. Mr. and Mrs. Wil4am H, Gehring of Univc_rsity place entertained at an informal party at their homo Sunday afternoon. Barbara Broadocnt of Vassar avenue, a stud('nt at Drexel InsUtute of Technology, is a member of the Women's Glee Club -there. She will participate with" the group in the Spring Music Festival. Mr. and ~lrH. Mark Bittle of Rutgers avenue wJIl spend the week-end with thel.. son-in-law and daughter Mr. a. n d Mrs. Thomas Murray ot Cornwall-onHuJSTAT>J OF NANNIE SERENA W1U;ON. DEC&A8ED. Letters of AdmhUetraUon. C. T. A.. on the abOve Estate have been sranted to the undersigned. who requeata aU penone baving c1&1ma or 4emaDw. aaairwt tpe Estate· of the Decedent to make known the liame, and aU pereoDS indebted to the DBDB1ent to muk. payment without delay to . Fred R. WUaon. Administrator Co T. A., Hi Walnut Loae Swarthmore. Penna. hll$ a.ttorney ,,:,' .H __ alcolm Hodge. E8Q.ulre.. Penna. TillS WEEK'S CALENDAR n+14 Testamentary Frida,., May 23, above Estate have been grl~·I.ed";to the undersigned, wbo repersons having claims or deSa.t&1rda)', 1\-la,. 24 against the Estate of the de· to make known the same, and 2.30 P.M.-Neighborhood Track Meet ................... · ... ···· .. ··············· College 7:00 and 9:00 P.M.-Movie '~A Yank In London .......................... Clothier pe1'801lS- Indobted to the devedent make payment, without deJay. to at her hO'me Monday. Runda)', l\IRT 2~ Claude C. Smith and Providence Trust Company of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Steuber- and 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worshtl) ........................................ LoC'.a1 Churches Philadelphia, young ~on Patton of Yale a.venue Tuesda)', .MRT 2'7 17th & Chestnut Streets. will lenve Swarthmore June 7 to Philadelphia B. Pa. live tn Champaign, Ill. Mr. Steu8:16 P.M.-Music ClubI \···············································S···········I···O··-b Whitttler lV. Logan MacCoy. President, 9:00-10:30-0pen to v stars .................................... pl'OU serva Dry Otto their Attorney Claude, C. Smith. E~q .• ber. a graduate at Swarthmore lVednesdRY, l\tS)' 28 1617 land Title BuUdlng• Col1ege. will study for a Ph. D. 8:16 P.:M.-Swnrthmore Symphony Orchestra .................... PlayerH Club Pa. 8:15 P.M.-H. 8. Orchestra ................................ ___ ......... H. s. 'Auditorium .::=============~~~~;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;';;~;;;;~ degree at the University ot nUnois. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Seybold and -0 • Mr. and Mrs. John F. Spencer of Yale avenue will entertain at a neighborhood party at the Seyboid home thts evening, :wIth' Mr. and Mrs. Steuber as guests of hon.or. Contractors & Builders Mr. and Mrs: .John -Delaplaine PERSONAL-We: buy furnlture and house}lold goods. Telephone Chelfter ot Oberlin avenue w.ut entertain Home jmpro\'ementB, ,Alter • • -62<13. , informally at their home tom~rrow nUona, Kitchen modernlu,· : .WANTED tion. Custom-bullt cabinets, WANTED-Housekeeper. June 8 . SepL. . at' rseaahore. _ No cleanlnc_ cement work, knott)" pine Platn, good cook. ,Must be tond of children. Good waiNS, with plenty of pa.nellng, screentng. lnsulatime off.- Phone Mrs. John Jackson, SPORTING GOODS Cynwyd 4931. don. l\11scelhmeoU8 carpen.. 816 EDGMONT AVE. ,VAN'TEm-TO buy sterling sUver tea sarvlee. three piece. or more. Reply trY. Chester Box R. The Swart.hmore&n. PERSONAlr-ExcepUonal opportunity for high type woman ovor ~i to be trained lor unique advisory service. Good personality more essential than bualness experJt::nce. Good starUng Income. Telephone for appointment. SaturdaY and Monday, 9 'tm 12, Pennypacker 6-1907. old china, glass. furniture. firearm&. Call lIolly Oak 4313 or Holly Oak 6120, CQl1t:=ct, for BlIPointment. AU busl-. neBS confidential. Colonial Cupboard, No. 6 Philadelphia. Plke. Wllrnlngt~m. Delaware. W ANTEI)-'-Dog houtle, la.rge enough , tor conle'dOg'. C&ll Swarthmore 1'746. WANTEn-:-Yard work. painUng, etc.• by. ;nigh'SChool ·senlor. CaU swarthmore am. ' . iAAANTED--Used· &ccordian tor -2f-year old bUnd veteran., Call swarthm.o re 2226: ' W ANTED-Llvtng room and small bedroom, from October 1. 194-7 to .June 15. 1948, tor college senior whose cldet vices are Bmoking and Beethoven recorda. Proximity to college desired. Please write or telephone before June 3., Geom R. Lederer. Cbllege. 302 Gayley St., Media. MOSTELLER FOR QUICK SERVICE _- 331 Dartmouth Avenue For GOLD BOND POURING WOOL Septic Tanks Cleaned Modern SanItary Methods. We go an7W~ere at no extra cb!'rge.. Phone Swa. 2626 Painters &Paper Hangen We 'Should Know Bow PIANO TUNING Sla. 226& New and Rebuilt Pianos ALBAN L. I',UtliER 0459-~1 ~,,~"'"~ , 409 lIiclligan Ave. A. MERCER QUINBY Funeral Director Formerl,. of 11ed:ia 11211 W. LehIgh Ave.. PhlIa. Phone Baldwto 1170 No additional charge tor aoburban calls. Walters' Tree Surgery and Lancbc:aping Swarthmore, Penna. • Charles E. Fischer Swarthmore 2253 All Work Guaranteees of E1ectr1oal _ _ ....d RepalrII LOST-Navy wallet in vlllage, Name inside. Please call Swarthmore 173'2. FOR SALE-Real Estate, Swarthmore Avenue at Yale.. So you would like to re-model a Bam tnto a home or two? The fit"8t couple to Invest in _the future of this Jovely· site win secure a. BARGAIN, very rare. very real, too, ($5000). Having 1'25. foot frontage on Swarthmore Avenue, with a. home --or a duplex-or two to four small apartments, we will constrUct within present flne. sturdy Barn. Robert T. :Bair. owner,' Swarthmore 0211-2316, or your own Broker. HOT WATER HEATER Asbestos Covered. Roof. Repaired call aod , Radio Repairs FOR SALF.--Chlld's aandbox; Camping range. Reply to Box, ~ The .S'\V8.rthmorean. FOR SALE--Just 25 gallons of pure Maple sYrup, direct from the farm. $1.00 )ler gal., deUvered. Tel. Swarthmore 2979-W. FOR SALE-One dozen new -diapers, 100 pel" cent wool Baby Bunting; pair girl's riding boots, Gibe. Tel. Swarthmore 00l06·.T. 1'"OR SA.I..E--'-Antlque Walnut, chUd's bed with sides, 63· by 81', $16.00. Tel. SWarthmore 1424. ' Now You Can Have Your Electrical' Contractor 'V,ANTED-Trlcycle, for tour-year-old;, also alldlng board. TeL Swarthmoro 220Z. LOST 14'()R SALE-Good looking, healthy Utter of seven pups. for '\mmedtate sale' '3/. Setter, " Spitz. father and gran'dfather pedigreed.. Tel. Chester 2-1816. FOR SALE - Storkllne crib ivory finish. Good condition Tel. Swarthmore 1066-J. FOR S~Wbite organza graduation dress. size 14-16. Worn once. $'20.00. Tel. swarthmore 16«' l\fedla 2S07-R. A. WAYNE • for a Bar of tile several courts of Delaware County. John "Io"rt>derlc·k Jr. !!:±!..._.,,;~605 Harvard SArURDAY. MAY 24 : Reese-Baxter Co. ........................... apply 10 of Law OPENS ......... WANTED-We will buy at beat prlcea. tl;l~;~~~~~~~~~~~ SPRINGFIELD POOL Arters Brothers. Inc. T4L SSWWl••·.. " _... 111M \ of Pro.peet P ark. Ch""".y Building 00II ... .' Cornell. Mrs. WUl-Ia-m--A..-M-c--.,.-------==-=---====- Steuber. Additional gue8la will he !oft'S. Hen.,' I. Hoot of 14fayette Mr. and Mra. Rtchard O. Smitb of avenue. ,Weet HUls. and Mr. and Mnt. A. David M. Speers of Harvard Ave,Elected CIaa PI uio/leo1\ Due. J41sa Emily Patton and Mr. IOlck Hook has been elected Rlcbard Eberle of Phtladelphla. president' at h.lB· class for the 194748 junior year at Dartmouth Mrs. E. C. Lappe of Yale ave1lue \ entertained at a luncheon at the College. Dick, a graduate ot swartb'more Ingleneuk Tuesday when h'er High Sebool, ts the BOn of Mr. and guests Included Mrs. E. A. 8mJth Mrs. O. M. Hook of Westdale and Mrs. C. A J4eehesney of Pit~ avenue. burgh. Mrs Samuel Mal"'BChall, "Mrs. Mrs. Rex I. Self of Rutgers avenue entertaIned the Chesler Hosplta( May Market Pony Booth CommIttee ·at a luncheon meeth'lg W ANnD-PhYlllclan. veteran, wife a.nd babY, desire apartment or small houee. Consider summer SUblet, up to $80 montL,"'!'!1. Granite 4·1246, evening- CRAX Evwy E.. G\larantftCI I Sliced •BACON C. bunch ________~sp~ea __n__Je __ ne~y~--- Rib -Roast of BEEF SSe lb. NEWTS NOTES '!" PERSONAL--Don'( ddB:y. Have your mower grollnd toc1ay. Cut your graa the Easy way. Called. lor and dellver;ed. Work guaranteed. Ziegler'B. Mil. mont P~k P4-. Swarthmore 10S()'J, Ridley Park "2712. RAISIN GLEND.ALE C.LUB . ...teu....... LAMB • Ancllnloyrli,. Improved SUPREME NOTES Sgt.. Peter B. Murray of Yale avenue was transferred May 1'1 trom Ft. Bragg, N. C., to Ft. Monmouth. N. J. Mr. and Mrs. E. Everett Pierce of York, with their Bons, Turk and Tim. are spendIng the week-end with ·:Mrs. Pierce's parents Dr. and . Mrs. William T. Ellis of Walnut lane. Mr. and Mrs. PhUlp W. Kniskern ot Riverview road returned home Monday after ,spending a tew days In Chicago. DL Mra. John H. Mc"W11l1ams of Benjamin West avenue will spend the week-end witb her Bon Mr. Harry MeWnUams and famtly at Skytop, 'lr~ the Poconos. Mrs. Mc. Wnllams wIll be accom panted home by young Harry McWilliams, Jr.; who will spend a week 'here. Mrs. David Braun of Westdale avenue served as hostes.q to Circle No.8. Mrs. George Schobinger. chairman. at a. dessert meeting at 1:30' o'clock,: Wednesday. Mrs. .John H. McWillIams of Benjamin West avenue served as ihosteaa at the tlnal meeting ot the Book Review Club at her home Wednesday. Mrs. Paul Towner ot Prospect Park reviewed a current book. Mr. anti Mrs. C. Irwin Galbreath of Benjamin West aven~e wlli entertain Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rector ot Baltimore, Md., a.s their week-end guests. Mr. and Mrs. Grn.eme Whytlaw . of (Jornell avenue attended the Eastern Intercollegiate Rowing Regatta. at Princeton University. saturday as'tbe guest of their son Graeme. ,. .... CLASSIFIED f""" • 7 FricIa7;Mq23,IM7 THE S W AIR T H MO REA N ==============:-------'-...:...------....:.-7-=--~-~....:...::..:....:.....:.---....:.---;--,J;;O:;b:::D R • _.•erita"IlIII6. .,.. 1 WLi 0711 lJELAWARE COUNTY Sealed proposals will be reeeived 1\(. the COWity Controller's Office, COUl"t HO\lse. Media, Pa., until 9 :o() A.M., EST and publicly opened. at 10 :00 A.M., • EST on Monday, June 2, 194'1 for furn· ishlng 'F.O.B. Court HOllSCt Media, Pa. twenty-five (26) Sylvania C·201 FlUorescent Fixtures (or equal) with pendant mounting and lamps. Specifications and bidding sheet may be obtained at the office of the County Controller. and no bid -win be ent.· tained unless made out on said bffi· ding sheet. . Each bid must be accompanied by a certlfled. check for fifty ($60.00) dol· lars drawn to the order of the County of Delaware. The County Commissioners reser,'e the right to reject any or all bids. Clarence T. Pepper County Contreller 3t-S·1S I T H £" S W AR T HMO REA If a FricIq, ...,. 13, 1947 --------------------------~~~~~~ ORIGINAL WORKS IN CLUB CLOSE Arthur Grover, on the marimba, reading given bi Robert Tucker. played "Minuet" from Don Juan The Ketghton work showed mod ... by Mozart and "Questlons" by J. ernlstic Innuences and was dis- Youngsters Vie With Noted Music Masters On Sunday evening, May 18. the Swarthmore Junior Music Club met for the last time this season. Tbe president, Emily Pritchard. presided. welcoming parents and friends to Whittier Hall, and introducing Mrs. Morrls L Potts, and Mrs. Harold March. advisors this. year to the Club, who sp.oke on Club activities and purposes. The program of music. announced by Robert Fawcett club program. chairman was opened by • Elizabeth FOBter at the piano wllh tho ~nn'.b.au8er March by Wagner and Victory Prelude by Harriet Ware. H. Meredith. Accompanied by Mrs. Morris L. \ Potta. Anne Hickman sang "Solvelg's Song" by ~rleg and "Last Rose of Summer."' Debussy's "Reverie" came next. played on the plano by Valerie Worth who gaVe as a second num· ber her own composition uPrelude" Somewhat modernistic in splr:it with a distinctly contrasting se· cond part and showing Interesting I)romlse for the future. On tbe' accordlan Richard Uhrin gave "Love's Greeting" by Elgar. and "Danu~e Waves'" by Ivanovicl. "Summertime'" by Gershwin and urm Fa111ng In Love with Some· one.. by Victor Herbert. The highlight of the program consisted of the original work of Robert Kelghton shown in the music written for the narrative poem from the French "The Table of the Three Hunchbacks" and played at the pll£no by hlm, to the OPEN·AIJ, DAY WEDNESDAY,'MAY 28 CLOSED FRIDAY and SATURDAY MAY 30 and 31 & WAITE YALE and CHESTER ROAD SWARTBMORE 1250 .' SAFE ~UG STORAGE Your rugs are safe from fire, theft and moth at Paulson's. No .crowding in our enfarged fireproof storage bins. $1 50ap INSURED STORAGE • . • • • • ~ &C t\U'SDl1 _~~~_o_mg~!.!,~ IOQ Park Ave., Swarth!"or,e. ~a. Pl.....e S"",r"'_re 0730 or 052SOCle.r,......,. 484. ellOree Persian Rugs for Sale , ••• . • Blue Cross hospitalization was formerly nmited II> Group Membership (persons working in offices, factories, eleo). Now, if you are under 66 years of age, and retired, self-employed, or not now wotf ot: $30'0 is awarded to 'reddy Oppenlander who will attend Swarthn:lOre College. Three Choral Concert Scholarshtps are awarded --One of $276 to Helen Hoot and another of $250 to Allce Hornaday. both ~f whom wnt attend Oberlin Collego. The other Choral Concert Scholarship of $125 goes to Lewis Tnnguy, Jr., who will uttend Swarthmore College. Th-e Edith Swan Morey MemorJal Scholarship of $150, preSented by the WQma~'s Club, Is granted to Bett)." Spencer who expects to attend the Univer~it}· ot Michigan. Th'e Cl~ of 1947 Scholarship of $100 Is awarded to .John Polk who w1l1 attend Llnc01n University. The Committee and school faculty, wlRh' to CXPI'CBS their apprecla· tIot) to all who have contributed so $;'cneromll)-· to make these scholnrships pORSible. Spectal mention should be made ot the good work 'by th'e Senior Mothers Group under the leadershiP of Mrs. WilHam R. Huey, chairman. tn 1'lell.lng tickets tor the Chor~l Concert. HIGH RED CROSS MPLISHMENT Board Reports . On Work of senior and Junior . Units ~.rhe executive board of the' Swarthmore .branch' of the Ameri": Red Cross held Its final ttleetJng of the Beason at- the home ot the chalrman Mrs. Waiter H. DickJnson ,?n College avenue wt FrldllS, May 23. The report of th·o ca.mp and hospital committee of whJ.ch'Mrs; Ed .. ward H. Pyle II and Mrs. Howard D. Sipler are co·chalrman, pres~tcd tho most extensive single achicve"tnent of- the local ~oup. ~rhltl committee h'a8 completely furnished a recreation room at the Philadelphia Navai Hospital.. a project wh.lch· represents many ____ J_O_H_N_l_I._I_·I_TI_._i_A_N_-____ 1 h'ours or work and planning and the 'expendlturQ of over' '600 rall:led by the 'Committee for the purpose; Swarthmoreans who served In t h e · · - . . first World War_ The Rev. Joseph B. Gibson will give the invocation before tl;le bron~ plaque. Former Burgess John H. Pitman will make the address and Boy Scouts will observe .thelr annual .custom of' placing flags before the monument the names of the war dead and veterans who have d.1ed since World I War I are called. Swarthmore citizens, old and NAMES ON TABLET. young, are working hard to insure 1. Harold Ainsworth the success ot the Recrea.tion As.2. Collins ChA.mbers tlo~latlon's Memorial Day program. 3. Frederick Hawthorn Bon and girl~ 'from 'every grade 4. M. C . .Jobnson 6, :Maurice F. Wlt~er have 'Cooperated .tn the porject. SINOE WAR' The children's earnestness and 1. F. A. Brill enth'ualasm is matched by the Mrs. George ·M. 'Allen chairman 2. Hugh Lumsden ad'ults'. Mr. and Mrs. Hel'man of Junior Red Crol:JS ga.ve ft, resume S. ChaJ'leB F. Seymour of the enthUsiastic work -done in B1Qom invited. th'c Lindley Peels borough' ach'ools under the leader4. Norman D. Smith and Rlchmon'd Jj"etherolfs to dinner. ship of Mabel Ewing of the faculty. 6. MaX A. Stockton then employed th~m after dinner Thl~ health program engineered by 6. B. A. Thomas '. with punching tickets. Mrs. Ir.vin . Helen Orr dental hygienist was deTravis bns .lent her car as a bus 7. Arm~r D. Young scribed as t~e must ambitious One for all the errands of the commlt~ 8. A. ·.Penrose Robinson ever carried through under 'tho tee., F1re Chlcf Kimmel 'and Muriel Lester, th'e "Jane Ad.JUnior Red CrOM. Twenty-four 9. D. Allen Simpson Herman Bloom worked tor Heveral dams of London" whn 15 Oil her com'pll1te dental. cases were 10. Frank N. Smlth-' way hOTne to England from a sixhours to rig up ,the fire truck d19· fOr at the Mouth Hygtene Cltnic 11. J oscph' E, Malin week9 visit .wUh Mohandaa K. pla.y. ~n Phllad.eIPh\a comprising a total 12. Dr. John A. Murphy Gand~J, wtll. 'SJ)eu~ In RWRl"thmore of 162 fUlIngs paJd Headaches' flourished Wh'en it for by the 13. George B. Gillespie n('xt Monda~' morning on "Indtan g.'oup; a. tODsllectomy . perfor"nled was 'learned that the Swarthmore 14. Franklin :1. Gillesple Independence and Gandhi's posl- and ,eye glasses for one student college baseball Held would not be 16. Louts J. Servais ton TOday.~' . available Friday . afternoon. But were pl'ovided by' the junlor~'. The" 16. J. Howal'd .Kirk Her talk. sponsored by th'e CharleS .'Th'atcher managed to re· h,Nil~h·. pl".q.1~.ct iN 'In a~dlt\on. t(l th.· 17. LoulB J. Koch ,"Volllen's ·lntel:nu.t.lonal -J~ague of totu} ot more than 150 pieces of arrarige ev~nbJ, and the Horn~t~ 1:8. A.. Louis Yerkes Swarthmore, w.ill be given in Pres- sewing com91etfld, SSO pounds ot and American Legion tea.m will 19. Milton H. Fussell, Jr. h~·terlan ~hurch, Hal'vftrd avenue, clothing collected-' a.nd sent tu display their fikilht a.t 3 o'clock on .20. George F. Fenno,. Jr. at 9:30 _. a.m., Monday. June 2: needy 'organlzatlons, and a total ot the College d.ialnond atter all. Zl. Clarence Hartman Child care wlll bo provJded. Ad- $300 earned by va.·Jous clnsses for Mrs.. O. G. Swan 8acrlftced her At the close of this first phase of miSsion is fifty cents. C.A.H,E. Offlcers of the Junior Red the Memorial -D~y· exercises· a Sunday and her h·ouse f:rom 2 to I Bayard Rustin. naUone.1 inter- Cross are: Virgh~ta. Bagshaw, ·pres· pattade of all Borough organtza· 9 P:l1l. for·a rehearsal of the floor. t'ReJa I secretary of the Fellowship ident; Lot'a Blackman. vice-presitlons, living veterans ot both wars. HhoW to be given In the· High of ReeonetllatJon, will appear on dent; nnd Jean Brown, secretary, in uniform it possible a.nd citizens Sch'ool pm during the. dance Fr1th~ same program. but not in the wlll form under _the direction or day night The Rockettes left their Tho canteen committee with' t:ipenking role in which ha fre- Mrs, Roy Latimer as chair"man re· )'farshall Robert T. Bair of the mark. on the h~rdwood fioor, but QUE'ntly has appeared In Swarth· pOI·ted an increase in the peace· Ainsworth-Wernhcr Post No. 427, the girls are in fine dancing form; morc. This time he will be vocal time activit)' of that group: Stllee American Legion. The high school J.i"ashlon models George Thorbahn, • soloist. Jnnunr:r refi'eshmcnts Or parties band 'w1l1lead the march ou_t P.Il:-:k Charles Keenan. Tom lwfahar and Miss Lester JH no hit-and-run have be'en giVen more than 1300 avenu.Q..,to Eastla.wn;c,,~~~ry-w.1i~re 'Harry Warr~n arc -coached in the lmlian tourlst. but one of Gandhi's patients nt the Valley Forge Gen\'et~~an8' graves will ··be decorated fine art ~ of 'pirouetting, and Ruth and the Rev. l?r. H. Lewis Cutler Woodard. soft shoe and fast tap Speculation;:; have run hh~h In intimate friends and, a person who eral H~llltu1. will pronounce t he benedi~U~n. Mrs. J. Puul B'l'o\vn stated ·the artist. has been added to thA pro- Swarthmore as Borough SecretarY hn..q lived in Indin. to!' comdderp.hle l)criods. List of gr3vl's to be decorated figul'c fOt, the Fund ·Drlve at May gram. Mrs.' George J.Carns and Mrs .. BlUott nichal'd~on swings Into hJ.s 'Vh'en GandhI mnd(> his falllQl1S 23rd's fit:lal accounting by Mr. 1947 Theodore Purnell are aiding Mrs. third week of fruitless seArch' for :EASTLAWl'I CEMETERY: John 'P.earson w.lth costumes, and the dog-catcher. Two to one het~ Jlil~dmng~ to F.ng-hmd h\ 1926, ,to Brown. local chairman. stood at 1. Pvt. Isaac Johnston Mrs. Margaret !\oeal 'is .uranging to are on, that, frantic ownerH, aided pJcad fot· Indian frf'cdOln at the $9849.00, representing a. consider· 1884-1939 quench the th1rsts of dancers and by 'their hYsterical dogs will man~ Londnn Round Tahl~ Conference. able margin over th'e $9500 quota. l08th Field Art. on-lookers by soiling soda pop and age to eradicate the la.:.t avalla.hh~ hf' was T.ester's house guest at Other board. members present a.t 215 Rect. A. tce cream during the evening. dog-catchcr hefm·c Senctnry Rich- Kingsley HaJl, the ~ettlcment house the meeUng were: Mrs. John L. Lopts Emmott Congdon 2. Mrs. ~eston McCray, ·Mrs. Rou- ardson grabs hhn. RumOt· has It . which 8h(' ('stahli~hed In the .Lonot Good, Mrs. ,Fred Wilson. Mr.!!l. Horslums. Her "accounts Ma$S8.chu~etts el·t Bradford and Mrs. Joohn ~L that non.particlpant.8 (i.e. non·dogs don ace Hopkins. Mrs. PercJval Armit· Lt.' Comm. U, S. N. R. F. 193'1 Broomall IlY haVe bcen greatly llnd non-dog-owncrs) have shifted Gandhi'f!i . trip~ trom Kingsley Hall to the gov.ernm~nt buildinIDJ. with agc, Mrs. Harry L. Miller. Mr~. Ed62 Sect. G. aided by Mr. More)\ Mr. their 'interest from the nnticlpatcd th~ lean br(l'\,'n leg~ protrudtng ward M. Bassett, Mrs. WtlU~m Edmund M. Crenshaw 3. Thompson and MAss Young In sell- sJght 'Of a streaking pooch tailed Gehring, Mrs. Francis Warren. thl' white rohe and It block PennsYlvania ing tickets at sch~ol, Others on the by a streaking dog-catcher (net in from Pvc. 305"' Sanitary "l'rain 80th' ticket selling 'C'Ommittec are Mrs. 'hand), to a streaklnglt-dog-catcher Of -Ro\..' street urchins dancing be- 1\Irs. Edwin "T. Crosby. 'and Mrs. Sewen Hodge. _-:~_ _-:_ __ DiV'. Margaret Neal, Mrs. William de- holly pursued' b}"' a streaking bor- hind, helped to make a hest·sellcr of Mis...:; Lestcr'~ "It Oecurrl'd to January 18, 1923. Catndry, Mrs. Ernct3t laws. Mrs. ough secretary (net In hand). The '\Valter G. Snyder, Brownies Honor Mrs. Jones Avery Blake, Mrs. C" W. Lukens, odds are no'" that the secretary Me:' Pvt. Co. D. 6th·U. S. lnf. W Mrs. C. J. Garrahan, Mrs. C. Mace will be l~ft holding th'e net. I To Aid Underprivileged ·At Ito; closing meeting of the sea.Spanish AIDer can aT Gowing and l'tfrs. Samuel" Gurln. ; Borough authorities holding a A Des!';ert hrldge party, ~ponsor~ Ron Browni~ 'l'rOop 'tJo.' 19 pr~ent­ Grave No, 1 Lot 519; Sect. A. All that Is needed now is the co,.. special meeting, drew up a Hst of £'d b)# t!le Friendly Circle wUl bo ed l\(rs. J. Albrig.ht Jones. its ll'!ad· Lewis D. Yerkes 5. chnractet'i~tics for identification of ope rattan of the weather man! . . . held at t'he ,Vornan's Club at· 1 er for the past tour years. with a Charles F. Dorey 6. dog-catch~I'S,- should one hl)Ve into P. l\f. on Tuesday. .Tune 3 .. Han~- gift. Civil·War: view. 'All agl·eed. on' willow-thek('rchiefs wiH he awarded as prizes. The meeUng Monday at the Lin· Samuel.F. Bennett LEGION AUXILIARY NOTES ~\~i~p propen~dties, but the mooting coIn avenue home ;of '. Mrs. .James Clvll:War' .' broke'. ·up . in the· dehl1te pver ~nd other fOQ(h•• aprons. 1)lants and All members uf the A'lllerlcan' nu\Ittt, Jr.. cuhninated a_ year, uf (Col}tlnue~ o~ ?~ge 6) many useful articles wtll be sold. ',. Legion Auxiliary who wtll be able! whether a dOJ;'-catch'er was a dog- The proceeds' wil\ be' used to help intct:CStlng P.ct.i~lt~~~·. 'a{ilong ~he catcher beeause' he liked"'· 'the igneI: ." to, attend th-e.. MemorIal .Day cere' a tHp maintal~ Camp SUnshine and camp most recent of which' .Elected .monles are asked to telephone Mrs.' heasts . or wh-e:th'el' he: was t.ile 'he- Hope for underprivileged children. to Phl18.delph1a to~ ·h~r. th'e Malrlc - Paul w11ua~s --of G03' Unlvemlty Howard HopSOn; Swarthmore 0591. cause he didn·t. Lady broadca.st and .a Revel of all Also tnterested in D-C ,spotting Non':'memJ~ers may obtain tickets place. n. jll~t~r at the naverford in time for her. to s~e\lre ·cars to' B,·ownic!'> at by ca1Iing MrR_ W. ,T. Frank, (\795- Delaware County ~chool. was ("Iected tnto -the Signet accommodate theln in the parade. \\"~i'e the. tanincs of all breeds and ,V, during the·mornlng, Che.tel· Park. SoCiety, tb$ honor society o~ th'e . F"f~een members prescnt for the creeds that congregate!i C:-P: . .the ·Ul.e· 'oth~t' school, by. t~e ~e~~~ Qt.hl~c~8.11S, May ')1lQeting .of· the- .l\-uxillary Mon-: bUsicsf bor~ers of nighL Dlscl)sslon -cente:red":'on 'th~ on Frlda'Y, MAY_ ~3. At_ th·~ annual. day morning, May J,9,.at the Vassar. , . typ~' '~ntform' a dO,g.cat·cher migJ'tt buslneas meeting' oc' 'the l SOiletY, avenue home of MrS. Oscar J. Glf-_ FrIday, \l1aJ' 30 Williams --vias also' el.eted soora';' creest' were swelled by nine more· be expe~ted to wear. Guesses. werE' 9~OO A.M.-·-Memorl&l Day Exercises ,......... ,.~ ....!._ ••••• ___ ~ ___~ Borough Hall t..'\ry. He wPS On&. ot five el~teQ. to for the luncheon 'that' fOllowed. ha7.ard<':d "as to 60101', stdpe, and 3:00' l?,;'~'.-.-fl>9r~et~f.~. Am. LeSion._._ ................ College Baseball Fteld form a nJlcl~U9 of the. group to! Many rem.al.ned for a bridge soctal cut or ~ ma~eri~l, ~. although'- some 8: 30 P. M.-ll.femorial Day Dance ........ ____ .... :.. ________ . ___..... ___ . ____ ... _H. s. Gym ; .-(Conttrfned on Pa'ge of) next year. _" I~ honor of Mrs._ L. ,L. Hedgepetll, On the nig'ht of May 23', W.n·· past president;. who is moving to ~unda.Yt Jone 1 Ita.ms waS' entered against 'Seven Richmond', ·Va. on JUDe 16. Mrs;. ." ' . .~ .. 1.0 • Knee"'-l .11~_9J~ _A.M.-:-;-M91".qtng; _WQrshi~ ............. ~- .. ~...................... - Local ~hurches other contestantS in the ,:Annual Hedgepeth was p-reaente" with a. lftI1i. l1li ~_~. -, l / . , . . Final Plans Set For Memonoal Day. Benefits a. WIL SPONSORS TALK MONDAY Muriel Lester Telfs of Vhlit With Gandhi u.rea Dog-Catcher Search Nears Third Week •• By Devonshire . -.. Sizes 9 to 15 Opens flat to iron like a hanky. Button it, tie it, and its of the jwtior figure miracle the season. S' .. ·sec...... ..,. 0:--3 , 'were' town· Your choice - Washable Everfast multi-striped rayonand~cotton ........ Residents and o STAG BAR .' Morning's Services, Parade To Be Followed· By· Baseball 'And Dance E.vent U· Exclusive' With Speare's in Chester. ' 2:30. Engine Out for Car Blaze B DInners . FULL-DAY PROGRAM IS SCHEDULED FOR THE U' 333 DARTMOUlH AVE. Phone Dartmouth 1833 The Morton plant of the Piasecki Hcttcopter Corporation will he dedicated with a program In the hanger bay tomorrow afternoon at F. M. Piasecki will greet J.he personnel and new neighbors tol· lowing wnlch a. word of welcome will be given by Prestdent Ross Osborn of ·the Springfield Townnhlp Commissioners and Clarence Conner president of the Delaware County Board of Commissioners w1ll extend county greetings. Joseph Broughton president of Morton Borough Councll wlll ex· tend the borough's welcome, after which the plant w1ll be officially opened. Inspection by guests and personnel will follow and a luncheon· with music and dancing at 3 o'clock. 4 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC P~ STEAKS -:- OIoPs SEAFOOD Oat"Siu • J~ L: . . . PA. PETER Eo TOLD - . GAME AND SWAR11IMORE, PA., 1HURsDAY, MAY 29, 1947 VOL1~Ho.22 AIlWRISO ST. covered for Ii a b il i t y cJqJrns resulting from injuries' caused to others with an lEma Comprehensive Personal Liability Policy. Covers bodily injury, property dam age and many other hazards. A3k. us for detailso , BAil I \ MAnER' WHAT SPORT you go in for, you can be T.HE5WARTHMOREAN PARWE t; ing ~ the doc1Dneni&ry ftIm "The Hedgerow Story" whloh Is being M&de by WUlard Pictures of New York .·for the United States 'Department of State for dIotribut.lon abroad in the Govenunent's Inter.. national Information program. . During th'e· P~ four and & half years the Office of War Informa.tlon,· the Coordinator of InterAmerican a1ralrs and the Depa.rtment of State have de'V'eJoped this progra,rQ: to the point where-today~very second week sees the del1very of one hour of motion pictures about the United States delivered to every country 'm th-e world. The' latest list of new additions to the Swarthmore Public Library includes forty· one titles. Only a~ bout· half of these books are named below. The complete Hst may be seen at the Library. Samples of the 8lxt~cn neW books In the general fiction and mystery fields a~e: "There Was a Time." Taylor Caldwell: "The Bird Escaped," Jon Godden: "The Web of Days." Edna Lee; "Adrlft in a Boneyard," Robert. L: Taylor; "Death Warmed Over. Of Mary ColUns; "By Hook or By Crook," An. thony Glibert: "My True Love Lies." Lenore G. Offord: and "Lat· ter End'" PatriCia. Wentworth. To the non·fictlon shelves have been added eleven now books, among which are: "Thls. Is My Story," Louis F. Budenz: "How The United Nations Works," Tom Galt; "Spring In Washington." Louise J. Halle: "Relax and Listen," John Hallstrom: "StaUn Must Have Peace,"' Edgar Snow; "Flower-Arranging for the American Home,"' Gladys Taber: and other Intorma· Uvc works. OPEN HELICOPTER THE Theatre Company ~nl be cOmplet- • dWl1rthr.JoreC"lleCIl Library • Swarth. more, Pa. '. (black or brown preqominant); was h a b Ie striPed g...y and ~, pY' and maize or gray and pink ...yon; brown scersuder; gray, blue. and pink washable Lansdale cOtnJG.' -'. ~~eaJP.ng Ct.li0~test. ~d ~~~7~ """*' ;9t:-~-G~~_ S~':. ~nte~-iIer a:,~.:·:,· Lf~6f -jfr\&rli6Ji~~ :knlc~~~.~: , THIS WEEK'S CAI.ENDAR A.M.~tkurtel Leste; ~~:.~:.. ~~~._~._ ........ Prize ?:t(bUC @'ObletsA.n.d..,Mrs... HowgR 9: 30 PreabYtetlan Church won' tlte'pl'lzll ''!'fI . ': hl~. PI"l- )'Iopioonp_~nt ~f ~e. ~1ttIIlai't. (ont.lirl,. 'Of· swarthmo...... wi I re: . ,' sentatlOia ... net. ... • 1 June 3 " . .. ' -.; .":':' II by Raymond SWIng The pro.~~ Th'i!' meeting voted a $10 cont~h day".~~J~_; ~~ ~~r~I!?~e In ,w.e~ : 1:00 P.M.~Fr.'el1dlY.1C1l'Cle-·DesI(ert-Brldge •...... :...1.~:..•.~;,Woman·s Club "0 .... made ·up of ~~~~ t/u\Jj)n;.flI1 :(Jamp SUnshine <d iU . .Barrlngt~ R... t ,Sh~.. IS sul'"1"e4·· . ·n..i ....... ,.• .J...... & t t 0 Ca·mp~, -ope. ... , ~ii ..:.'.' 1JII,Jl. HUF.-'k"'lJ.··adnt-fi)~ ..ft.:.. ~."8.15 ~····-""""'-'-'''-_'''''''''I·'''''~'~1tX-~ :;,.. """"J .."..z'!"'I· ........ ~-.... ·~' ·'T·'-.·- 'It-'''~ · ... C·h' u"c· opi c t 0 '''One 'World.': DY r, P.M.-Menile 880nD B .Hymn o~ rra. se _ ......:-...... .....n ) • h' " \:~ _t~~~e;ar .o/.,:h~.r -4e~q ~_nirr~- 0.. . . . " • , •• • ~,., :~.-: .. ' J.:". ;.~ ''':- INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE , ..~.: 2" 1947 ;:;w~rthr.lOre THE S WAR T HMO REA N 8 f j ,i Library Swarth moro, Fa. Friday, May 23, 1947 --------------------------~~~~~~ Hedgerow To Complete Film ORIGINAL WORKS IN CLUB CLOSE Arthur Grover, on the marimba, played "Minuet" from Don Juan by Mozart and "Questions" by J. H. Meredith. Accoml)anled b:r Mrs. l\tOl'l'iH I~. Potts. Anno Hickman sang "801\'01"'9 Sons" by Grleg and "Last Hose of Summer." Youngsters Vie With Noted Music . Masters DebuRHY's "Reverie" came next. played on the piano by Valerie \Vorth who gave as a second number her own composition "Prelude" somewhut mode.·nistic in spirit Following this. ,Vllllam Potts with a distinctly contrasting se- plnyed on the clarinet tho "Finale" cond part and showing interesting (rom Gcrshwin's "Rhapsody in promise for the futUre. Blue" and "Carnival in Venice," On the nccordlan Ulchard Ullrln composer unknown. an arrange· gave "Love's Greeting" by 1<::lgar, ment by KQnt. 1\Ir1'l. Potb was the and "Danube ,VIil.1Ves" by Ivanovict. accompanist. "Summertime" by Gershwin and The program was' brought to a "I'm Falllng In Love with Some- close by Emily Prltc'hard who Bang one .. by Victor Herbert. with delightful spontaneity the 'l'hu highlight of the program two ~ songs "Cart~ima" by Penn consisted of the original work of and "Comc to the FaIr" by Taylor Hohert Keighton shown in the and Martin. Mrs. Potts accommusic written for the narrative panied these songs. and also Cathpoem from thc J·"rcnch "The Table ('rim> 1~lston's. of the ".rhrce Hunchbacks" and played at the piano by him, to the On Sunday eVening, 1\1U)' 1 I), the Swarthmore Juntor Musi~ Club met for the last time this season. The president, Emily Pritchard. presided. welcoming parents and friends to \Vhitticr Hall, and introducing Mrs. Morris L. Potts, and MI·s. Harold March, advisors this year to the Club, who SiJoke on Club activities and purposes. The program of .nu8h~, announced by Rob"rt I,"awcett club program chairman wa..'i opened by • Elizabeth li'oster at the IJiano with tho Tannbauser March by \VngnC'r and VictorY Prelude })y HalTict Ware. reading given by Robert Tucker. Tho Kelghton work showed mod· ernlsUe Influences and was dis· tinctly original. The thought of the After the performance of "The poem came out well In the varlou8 themes recurring according to the Devoll's Disciplo" on Saturday. the action and characters. The excel· 24th~ the Hedgerow Theatre of lent reading by Bob Tucker, bring· Moylan. will discontinue porformlng out the drama. Involved. contl'l· ances -until Thursday. June 6. DUrbuted much to the finished result ing this perIod tho Hedgerow of its per[ormancc. Theatre Company will be complet- Public Library Now Open Six-Day Week OPEN ALL DAY '1'he latest list of ne,v additions to the Swarthmore Public Library includes forty·one titles. Only about 'half of these books arc named below. The complete list may be seen at the Library. Sumples ot the sixteen new bookM in the general fiction amI mystery fields arc: "There Was a Time," Taylor Caldwell: "The Bird Escap~ ed," Jon Godden; "The Web ot Days," Edna Lee: "Adrift in a Boncyard," Robert L. 'l.'aylor; "Death \Varmed Over," Mary Collins: "By Hool( or By Cl'ook.'· An. thony Gilbert; "l\ly True Love Lies," Lenore G. Offord: and "Latt('r End." Patricia '\Ventworth. WEDNESDAy,-MAY 28 I I CLOSED FRIDAY and SATURDAY MAY 30 and 31 HANNUM & WAITE YALE and CHESTER ROAD SWARTHMORE 1250 To the non· fiction shelves have been added eleven new books, a· mong which are: "This. Is My Story," Louis F. Budenz; "How The United Nations Works," Tom Galt: "Spring in "\Vnshington," Louise J. Halle: "Helax and Listen," John Hallstrom; "Stalin l\[ust Havo Peac("." Edgal' Snow; "Flower-AI'ranging for the American Home," Gladys Tabcr; and othol' inform aUV(~ WOl·I{s. SAFE RUG STORAGE Your rugs are safe from fire, theft and moth at Paulson's. No .crowding in our enlarged fireproof storage bins. $1 50up INSURED STORAGE . . . . • • fPt-\U'SDl1 It Com~~n,~ IOQ Park t\.\'c., SwarlhlJIor.e. ~a. Pl. one Sward. Blare 0730 or 052S.ClearfJrook 4646 .:::::::::::=C~.ltoice Persian Rllqs fo), Sale , ,• No Medical Examination_but you must ael now! Engine Out for Car Blaze r~~~-~~~~~~~-~~ ~~~ , INIOUMINT DIPT.. BLUI CROSS (ASSOCtAnD HOSPITAL SI.YlCI) , 112 .. 16TH 'TIIDT, PHtLADILPN'A 2, PA. 122-A , I . . . . . aA.d ~obtaWng ~for .....lkn,about lb. BIu& Crou Plun,ond lite.,..... fcrwhlctllMY , oppty.1 Ulldantond Ihat no aolesmGn WI'I call on 1ft. at my home. CWIh . . word ....... wbrw. r. .-..:t "fon.uHon do. DOt apply.) . t... • • ';-N;... My . . . . au 4 W _.... ___ ................... I -. Cc IW... ..... ", ... .. I e.1 S . . . . . . . .,. WIle r__ , ...., W.-a S -iWH-;;--Midi~N;--- , ......---0;:;---'- II .'HI' . faI. $ Group Membership (persons working in offices, factories, etc.). Now, if you are under 66 years of age, and refired, self-employed, or not now working-you and your family may have the low..,.t, non-prollt proteelion against hospital bills that only Blue Cross provides, More than 1,100,000 persons in the Philadelphia area belong ta 81ue Cross. Mail the coupon today for complete informaHen. No one will coli on you. Joining Blue Cross kup I<> you. .- The fourleen now jllvenile hookH Include the following: uA Pet for Barbie," Brock; •....rhe rrwcntY·One Balloons," \Villiam P. DuBois; "Strikeout Story." Bob F'eller: "Too Many Kittens," Helell Hoke; "The Enchanted Evc," Ma~ deline Ley; "U. S. Grant: Young Horseman." Augusta Stevenson; and "Joseph," Elizabeth Yates. Many Swal'thmorean~ are not awul'e that th<'! Libra.ry is open C\Terlr day cxcellt Sunday. The Lilu'ary hours now in force arc; Daily, exccpt Saturday and Sunday, 2 to 5:30 P. M., Saturday morning, 9:30 to 12:30; Saturday afternoon, 2 to 4; Monday and 'Vednesday nights, 7 to 9. e ~--------~--------~ The I.'irc Company responded to an automobile firc at Princeton and l..afayeUc avenues Saturday night at 11: 1 O. eES . "U .......~ I"' s r a... STEAKS CHOPS SEAFOOD Our 'Specialty ComPletely- AiM:oDditioDed ing the docu'mcntar:v film "The Hedgerow Story" which hi being the point where- today-cvery second week 'Boes tho deliver')" of onc hour ot motion o pictures about thc UnItcd Statcs dclivered to every country .1n th'e world. U S E JI~ 1"11111111'1 ~ \ 511 WELSH ST. tBiSIBB, PA. • OPEN TO THE PUBLIC IT DOESN'T MAnER WHAT SPORT you go in for, you can be covered for Ii a b i Ii t y clajms resulting from injuries· caused to others with an lEtna Comprehensive Personal Liability Policy. Covers bodily injury, property dam age and many other hazards. Ask us for details. PETER E. TOLD General Insurance 333 DARTMOUIH AVE. Phone Dartmouth 1833 , THE 5WARTHMOREA,N SWARTHMORE, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1947 FULL~DAY MEMORIAL PROGRAM B D' American a.tl'airs and the Depart'ment of State have developed this PARADE VOL IS-No. 22 IJ partment of State for distribution abroad in the Government's International Information program. During the past, tour and a halt years the Office oC War Information, the Coordinator of Inter- to . L made by WUlard Pictures of New York for the Untted States De- program , THE (; Luncheons $1.00 Dlnne1'8 from 'l.n COLONIAL DINING ROOM STAG BAR FIRESIDE LOUNGE PRIVATE PARTY and BANQUET ROOMS (r CAll CHESTER 8286 Collece IS SCHEDULED FOR THE MORROW SIX SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS REVEALE~ Morning's Services, Parade To Be Followed By Baseball And Dance Event Oppenlander Obtains H & S Grant, Other Grads Listed Hesident...o; and holiday vlMitors t IRECREATlONITES BAU. GAME AND DANCE $3.00 YEAR Speaks Tomorrow HIGH RED CROSS ACCOMPLISHMENT Board Reports On Work of Senior and J unior Units 'I'he recipients of tho senior class The <"xecutlvc board of the' ~warthlHoJ'e .hranch· of the AmerI:-;cholul'shlJ)s' ha.ve .Just heen ancan Hed Cl'OSS held Its final 'meetnounced by the lS\varthmo're School ~eholan;hip Committee through ing of the season at the homo of J"'I·auk R. Morey chah'man. The the dHtirman Mr::;. Walter II. Dickinson on College avenue last awards will be made at tl1·c com· I Frlda~· . .:\fay ~ 3. mencement exercises to be hcld at Burges.c; .John H. Pitman will make The report of tl1"o camp and hosCloU ..ier 1\lelllot·fa) at Hwarthmore the a.ddress nnd Boy Scouts will College on Tuesday. June 10. The pitltl 1~omlDittec of which Mrs. Edobserve (hetr annua.l custom of· Home and School Association ward H. Pyle II and Mrs. Howard placing fJags before the monument D. Hipl(·I· are co-chairman. preSch'olarshlll of $300 iii awarded to as the names of the war dead and sented tho 1IIost extensive stngle Teddy OPllcnJander who will attend veterans who have died since Wodd [ achh~\·e'lllellt of the )ocal group. RwarthmOl·(, Colle!-:,c. Three ChOl·al ,Var I arc caned. Hwarthmore. citizens, old and Concert RchohliOShhH; al·e aWiuded 'rhiti {'ommittce I'-as completely YAl\IES ON TAHL.,n': young, are workIng hard to insuro ....... one of $275 to Helen Hoot and fUI·nh;hed a recreation room at thc 1. Haro1d Ainsworth Philadelphia Naval Hospital. a the success of the Recreation As- anothcr of $250 to Alice Hornaday, 2. Collins Chambers J)J·ojp(~t wh.leh· represents many hoth" of ·whom will attend Ob~rlin sociation's Memorial Day pl'ograln. 3. Frederick Hawthol·n Colleg~. ~.rlw other Choral Concert ____._'_0_1_1_:'<_·_'_1_,_1'_'_·'_·'_1_"_"_·____ I hours of work and planning and Bo)"S and girls from every grade 4. M. C. Johnson th('- expendltur(! of over $500 Scholarship of $125 goc~ to l.A!wi!i 6. Maurice ..... Wlhner have -COOI)crated In the porjec1. raised h~· thtl ('ommittee Cor the Tangu~', JI·., ' .... ho will attend $\...' .....-SINCE WAR: '.rhe childl'cn's carncstnCS!-l and thlH()J"(! Colleg'l>. Th'e gdith ~wan 111I1·POSt'. L F, A. Brm :\tOl·ey :\f(>"nlor,ial ~cholal"shill of the enthusiasm matched .\1r.i. George M, Allen ehair'man 2. Hugh Lumsden of Junior Red Cro:iS gave a resumo Herman $150. l)l·(~sentpd hy th(> \V'Oma~'~ adults'. 1\1r, and Club, is gl'anted to Hetty Spcllcet' 8, Charles ..... Seymour of the cnthusiastic work done in BIQom invited th'c Lindley Peels who (>xP(~('ts to utttmd the Ullivel'hOI'ongh· Mchools unde.· the leader4. Norman D. Smith and Richmond l"ct~erOI~S to dinne.·'I~ity of ;\lichlgan, l'h·c Cla~s of 1947 ~hiil of Mabel Bwing of the faculty. 5. Max A. Stockton thun employed them after dinner Hehoiarship of S1011 i1'l awat'ded to 'rh(· health program engineered by 6. B. A. Thomas with punching tickets. 1\1I·s. Irvin .John Polk wh'O will ath'nd Lincoln Helt'n On dental hygienL"3t was de7. Armar D. Young 'rravis has lent her car as a. bU"s LTniVel'Hity. :o;erilwd nli the most am bitJous one for all the Cl'rands of the commitThe COlllllljtt(~(· and !iehool fae8. A. Penrose Robinson <"·CI· ('an'led through under tho tee. Fire Chief Kiinmel and ulty wish' to CXI)l·t'S~ the.il· appre('ia1\1 uriel LeHter, th·e ",lane Ad~ .Junior Red CrosS. Twenty-fOUl' 9. D. Allcn SimpsonHerman Bloo'nl worked tor ~everal tion tu all who h:l"\'(' ('ontrihllted RO dams of l.ondon" wh() i!i on her cOIllPlc,te dental cases werc -cared 10. Frank N. Smith hOlll'S to rig up the th'e h'uek llls- gcncl'ouNly to uwkt' tlH'~(' Hehollll'- WHY hO·UH1 to England froll! It !-llx- fOI· at the Mouth Hygiene Clinic 11. Joseph f;. ltfalin play. ships possible. RlJecial mention w('ek-:-; vi~it with l\lohanchl1'l K. in Philadelphia comprising a. total 12. Dr. John A. Murphy ' I He.a.dache~ tlouri-shod wh·en it should be nw.do. of the good work nlUlIlh.i. will ~IH'ak in f'wul·thmore or 152 fUlings paJd fo.. by the 13. George B. Gillespie was learned that the Swa .. thlll«u·e by th·e Senior :Mother}'! GI·OUp under 1H'"t :\Iontlay IlHlI'niuJ.:" 'On "indian gl'OUp; a tonsilectomy performed 14. Franklin J. Gillespie I College baseball fi«.:ld would not be the leadership of :Mrs. WilHam R. Independence and f"andhi·s posi- and eye glasli(~s for one student 15. Louis J. Servais . available :b"ridas afterlloon. But lIlIey. ('hairman, in ~ellinl;" tickets ion Today.'.' wcn~ )H'ovided by the junlo .. ~:;". 'l.'he 16. J. Howard KIrk Charles Thn.tchel· managed to refor th~ ChOl'al Concf'rt. Her taik. sponsored by th·e IH'alth. t'1'oil'ct I~ in .Ilidillol' tn tI'l 17. Louis J, Koch \Volllcn's lutl'rll,lllullal l .....'a~uc ill tOIl'll of IlHlI·I' than 150 pieces of Ul'l·ang-e event!,;, Llnd the HOl'nd:,: :i. 8 . .A. Louts Yerkes Hw.lrthmore, will be given in Pres- sewin;; COJllPIL't(~d. 850 vounds ot nnd AmerIcan LegIon team will 19. Milton H. l"us:mll, Jl". hytt'rian ~hnrch. Ha.rnlrd aVenue, dot.hing collected a.nd sent to display their skill:4 at 3 o'ciock on 20. George F. 1'''enno, .Tr. at !i:3fl n,m., .:\Ionday, .Junc 2. necdy organizations, and a total of the College dJalllond after all. 21. Clarence Hartman ChJhl care will he 11l·o\"Jded. Ad- $3110 eal"lwd IJY val".iou~ cla:.;s~ for At the c10flt' of this fir!it tlllase o( )'lrs. O. G. ~wan Hacl'iticed her mh·sion is flfty t~('nts. C.A.H.K OltiCCl"'S of t.ht' Junior Red the Memorial Day exercises a Sunday and her house r.·om !! to Bayard H.u:-;tin. national intel·- ('1"0:-15 are: ViI'ginilL Bagshaw. Pl'CSparade of an BOrough organiza- 9 p.lll. for a rehearsal of the floor I'I\('ial S('(~I·f..'t:\I·~· of th(' 1'~('lIowshi}) idt~nt; LOI'u Blackman. vice-pt'l. . sitions, living veterans of both. wars, .sho\\' to he gi .... en in the High fir He('oncilintion, win appear on dt'nt; and ,lean Brown, secretary. in uniform if pO!isihle and citizcns :::kh·ool ~ym dm·Jng tht., dancc }·'rith(: same progl'a"ln. hut not in tlw will form under the direction of day night 'l'he HockeUes left their TIll'. eantecn cOJnmittc(~ with speaking roll' in \\'hkh h(' f)·e- .Mrs. Hoy Latimer us chair'man re),[Rrshnll Robert T. Bail' of the Iluu·k on the )H~l'dwood tiOlll', hut qll('nU~' hns aplI('arcd in SwarthAinsworth."\Yernhf't" POHt ::No. 427, lhe girls arc in tine dancing fOrlll. IIOI·tNI an inerease in tll"l~ pcacemore. 'rhis tilH(' h(' will II(' \·ocal tiuH' a('Li\'ity of that g-rou)). Since American Legion. 'I'he high school I."ashion modcl~ George 'l'horbahn, 80)oist. .1:lIlU;\.·Y I'efl'eshillent~ 0)' pal'tlcs band will lead the march out ~al'k Charles Keenan, "'0111 ~rahar and ~liss l.t'Hh'!' .i~ no hit~~\llfl-rlln hll\"(> hN'1\ gi"en lHore than 1300 a,~enue to F~'lSt1n.wn cemcter~· where Harry ,"Van'en al'e coaelwd in tll(' Illllian 10urh;t, but onc of Gandhi's plltipntH :.1 till' Valley F'ol'gc Gen· veterans' grav('!-l will he df'corated flne urt of pirouetting, and Huth intilllatl' f.·iend!": and a perHon who I'l"al 110~lJital, and the R<> .... Ill', H. Lewis Cutler \Voodard, soft sh"()e and fast tall XIH'l'ulations ha"\'t~ :·UH hh.;1t in Hwarth·mol'c a:-; Boruugh Rc(!retar)" ha·, Ih·('/I in India fOI· I~on!-;hlp1'alJl;:> "\"\'ill pronounet· t he benediction. :.\Irs, .1. Paui BI'own ~tated th(' artist, hn!-l been added to the pro· l~tst of paYI'!"> to Ilf' dec>orated lig-UI'(' fill' tlll' Fund Dl·l\·c at May gram. M~. George l~al·lls and l\ll~. l'~lliolt Hit-ll:u·dson !-lwings into h,is 11)(~I.iOdS. ·,'·h(·11 r.:mdhi lI1itd,' his f1\1I10\l:-; :!3rll's tinal .1l{·(·ounting- h~· :\11'. 1947 '1'heodorc Pm'nell are aiding :\11':-;. thinl wt,t'l~ of fl·lIitlt.'HH St'ill·eh· fOl· El\.STIJ~\\"\~N (,E!\U;:'l'EHY: .John ·P.em·son ·w,ith COSiUIlH':-;, and thl' tlo!;-('aldlt'l". 'f\\"o to nllt' Iwls lJil~dnl m:lI'gin 0\"('-1' the $!1500 quota. 1884-1939 tllWlleh the thirsts of daJU'Cl""S and by t.lwir Iry~tcl'kal dOJ.:"F will 1ll0l1l108th Field AI·t. on.looi(cl's h~- st~lling soda }lOp allrl '1I{l' to t'r;tl!it'atl· th~' 1;1,.;1 ;t\·itilalJk Othpl' hn:ll'd nwlnhCI'!-i llrNI('nt at 213 RC'ef. A. kc erea'ln during the ('\'elling-. dog·.I·atl'hl',· II('hwL' ~('('I'd:lry l!i(~h- KjngHk~· 11:111. till' ~I'ttll'nH'nt house th . . · lIl(!eting wen': l\1r.-;. John L. LOllis J<~mnlHtt congdon " :\[rs. Heston :.\IcCray. l\JI·S. Hnh~ .II'd~on grahs him. HllHlfJl' has it whli'h silt' ('stahli};ht'd in the Lon- Good, :!\[rs. F'red "\Vilson. ]'ll'~. HorShIIllH. 11('1' accounts of ]\1 afi.<>.achnset: R ed lkadford and ::\Irs. .1-01111.:\1. that non-partkipant!i (i.('. non-dOgs don al'e HOllkin}l, ::\Irs. I'c)'('.ival Arnlit1~t. Comm. U. R N. H. F. I rl37 Bl'oomall IV ha\'(~ ueen ~1'C:ltly a.nti non-dug-owner:-;) have shiftcd Gandhi'5 trips fI'om Kingsley Hall agl', :\hs. 1Ial'l';\' 1.. Millcr, Mrf'i. Ed62 Sect. G. aided b}' :\11'. :.\101'1..')", Mr. theil" in.terc:-;t from th(' antieipnlcd to th(' g-O\'(,l'nllwnt. hllild.in~, with ward M. Ha~ett. :Mrs. \Viltip.m th(' l('an 1I1'own }tog-s Pl'Oh-l1ding Edmund M. Crenshaw 3. rrhompson and M.i::>s Young in St'll~ :-;ight of it };tr<'akin;..:· )lOoeh t:liit'd Gcl11'im~", :\[I's. Franchi "\Varren, Pennsylvania illg ticketH at :-;chnol. Othel's on the IJ;." a .-;t.I·eakim~ dog~eatell{'I' (nd in rl'OIH till> whit«· 1·0110' nnel a hlo('k )'lr:-;. Edwin ,,~. Crosby. and Mrs. PVC'. an:.... f:anitarY 'rl'ain 80th tid~et ~wl1ing ~mmittcc an' )'fl~. hand), tn a ~tr('aldng·"dog-cakher of How stJ'Pl't Ill·c'hin!i danPing- h . . . :-;cw('n Hodge. Dil,,'. :\Jargaret Neal. "i\h·s. \.Villiam de- hotly pursued hy a stl'l'aking hor- hilHi. lwlpl'd to mal,,' :l. hest-~('lI('-r ,January 1 S. 1923. Caindry, AIl'S. ];~rn('tit l..aw!i, "i\{I'!-';. "'OlIgh se(· .. ('tary (net in hand). The of :\li~~ I.f'"Stpl··~ "It OrCUI'I'('d to :\[P." "\Va.lter G. Snyder 4. Brownies Honor Mrs. Jones A'"tlrY Blake, :\Jr~. C. ,y. Lukens. orld~ :11'(' no".. that the sC'{'l'etary Pvt. ('0. n. Cth U. S. lllf. Mrs. C. J. Garrahan. ;\·II·s. C, ::\la(~e will he l~ft holdin;.; ttWI net. At its ('iosing meeting of the Rca· Spani~h American \VaT To Aid Underprivileged Bor'Ough authodti(':-; holding a Gowing and 1\.11'8. Samuel Gurin . Gra'"C No.1 Lot 519, ~ect. A. .A ne~!o·;('l't IH'id;!t' P:l rty, :<;Jl(.n~Ol·~ ~on Bl'ownie Troop No. 19 pr~cnt· All that is ncedC'd now is the co- !il)('clal lnCf.'ting-, dn~w up a list of cd :\Jt~. J. Albrig.ht .Tones, \1::. leadLewis D. Yerkes 01. ('ha ..aetcl·i~tic~ 101' idl'ntilieation of ,'d hy tilE' FI·i.t'tHlly f·it· ... (~ will he operation of th(' weather man! CI' for the lla!-lt four y('ars, with a Ch:lrl('~ F. Dorey Ii. dog-('atchel·~. ~hould' one hovc into hdo at. ttl(' "'oman'~ Clllh at I gift. P. :\f. on ·1·llf'~da)" . .Il1n(' 3. Han maintain Camp Rlln~hinc nn(l ('amp mo~t recent of which were a trip Elected Signet Secretary hpaHts or wh'('tilC'r h(' W:LK ()n(~ h(~­ monies arc asked to telephone MI':-;. HOI)(' fol' Illllh'l"!wi\"ih'gr.d chi1dl'C'n. to Philadelph"ia to h~ar the !\Iagie Paul \Villla1)1.s of 603 UIli\'ersity Howard Hopson, Swarthmore 0592. ('all~(, he didn't. Lady hroadcast and n.. Reyel of all .Also intPl'l'5t('ll in D-C spotting Non-OIpmhf'TR may ohtain tiC':kC't~ place, a junior at the Haverford in timp. for her to S('('.\lI·l' ·('ars to ('Oll11ty DI'owni('s at h:o-' ('alHng- :\Il"~. \V ..J. Franl;;. ('7!l5:-:chool. wa:-. ,'Il't·ted into the Signt't ~H'cOlnnlodate the'ln in thl' par:ule, "\\"O,j.p tlh~ ('aninl's of all l're('d~ and \\?, (luring- th!" monling. ~ociety, th(. honor society of th'e F.ifteen nlenlberH pr\'~ent (01' the crt't'(lt-i that (,olll~·l·(>gated on the school. by the membbrs Qf his class May nlCeting .of the .Auxiliary "-Ion- husiest ('ornprs of town the oUrer on Friday, May 23. At tWe annual day morning, l\lay 19, at the Va.....,-s husiness )H('·eting of the sodety, avenue home of 1\lrs. Oscar J. Gil"- tqH·· Hnifol'1ll a dog-C'ntcher might Prhla)r. Un~· 3.0 hE"' ('xp('-df'tl to wear. GlIe~scS \\"1'1"1' \Villiam~ ·was also elected secre- crccst were swelled by nJne more 9:00 A.M.-Memorial Day Exercises ................ :..... _......... Tlorough Hall t:l.-rY, He waf:; one of five elected to for the luncheon that followed. hazfi"d('ci ON to color. stripe, and 3: no P,,-:\".-Hol'net~ ,'s. Am. T~egion ................... College RU1'!ehall Field form a nuc.l(>u.9 of the group for Many remained for a bridge social ('ut of mat(>rial, allhough' some :-;::)0 l'.:\I.-:\lt .. morial I)ay l)ance ............................................... H. S. Gym . (Continued on Pa~e 4) in honor of Mrs. L. L. Hedgepeth, next y<'a.r. ~unda~· . •Jnh(' 1 On th(' night of May 23, WJI- past president. who is moving ~o 11~nO .\.:\I.-:-~Ior.ning- \Vor~hip ..................................... . liam~ w~ ~ntered against seven Richmond, Va. on .June 15. Mrs. Mrs. Louis Knecbt!l other contestants in the Annual Hedgepeth was presented with a :a.londa)·, June 2 .. Fl'iQnd-s,,-of ]l.1w.·- "l....Ollis KneeheI. Prize Pub1ic Speaking Contest, and dozen goblets and Mrs. Howard 9:30 A."M.-"Jiuriel Lester ........................................ Presbyterian Church .-,." • ok ~. f" rewon th(' first -prize with his pre- Hopson president of' tbe AuxiliarY fOl'in('rly 'Of swarthlllore, TU("Sf.lny, .June 3 gret to.. hear of. her. death on ~"'ri­ flentation of ""!Time Grows Sh:O~'.· presented her a. corsage. \Voman's Cluh 1: 00 P. i\1.-:Frlendly· Circle nes.~ert-nridgc The meeting voted a $10 con~· day, Ma!( 23, ~~ !te")\~lUe in .West by Raymond Swing The program Thul'Sda,·, June 5 was 'made up of spcec;h~ ~qJ;l.. . ·t~., .~u.Jon to Ca,mp Sunshine and S~.O. Barrini:ton, ·R.. I. ~he is survived to Camp Hope. 'bY·;her· hUSbi.:ifd;·a'tid SOlI Louis; ·Jr. . ·8715·~r.)i~·~fc~delsscitin;s· "Hymn of Praise·.. ~::.:.~: ..'.: ....Trtntty Church topic of "One World.'.; ~;i;;~~~f~:~~~v;i~~~~~;:!ii ~~f~;:·~~" ~I:~:z~ep~::u!~\'~~~:~:~ ARRANGE DETAILS Final Plans Set For I Memorial Day Benefits WIL SPONSORS TALK MONDAY Muriel Lester Tells of Visit With Gandhi Dog-Catcher Search Nears Third Week • Exclusive With Speare's The New 1947 JIG TIMER DRESS By Devonshire In Chester .. Sizes 9 to 15 Opens fla t to iron like a hanky. Button it, tie it, and its the junior figure miracle of the season. Your choice·- W.,hable Everfast multi-striped rayonand-cotton (black or brown predominant); was h a b I e striped gray and green, gray and maize or gray and pink rayon; brown seersucker; gray, blue, o.nd pink washable Lansdale cotton. Speare's Second Floor THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR ''''iIl .. • 3 • • a: ___~__~____~__~~===_~~;:~~T~H~E~!S~VV~A~R~T~.H~M~·O~R~E~A~N~~~~~~~~;;~==~~~~=~k~"~'M~-~'~29~,~194~7~ .TO WED. 7· Mr. and 1.1..... John M7er. • • BOD, avenUe, to Mr.. Edwin BurweU D~nn. son ot Mr: and MTft." Daniel The' ma'rrlage of K1Ba DJ.a.na. of Drexel mll, tonnerlY ot SwarthW I L Presents . To.l'W iIa .... JUNE. Personals Dunn ot Halifax. Va., took place 'Lorraine Drowster" at \DIckinson more. announce t'be birth of ~ SOD, M~":el··Le8ter . Saturday, May :!4 !.l,t eight o'clock A~."enuo and Mr. Alexander Robert .-Anne Perkins of C6dar lane. won In Trinity Episcopa.l Church. Long of Boothwyn. Pa .• will take John Wesley MyerS. so.turday. "Indian Independence" ",econd prize..in the Creative WrIt~wartbmore. plae~ in the Swarthlnore PresbyMay 2! 10. the. Delawa.re County ing Contest at the UnlverRlty of The Ro\". George Christian An-· tcrlan Ch-un~h· on Satm:day', June Hospital. Une Delaware. Anne, a membe .. of the j, at three o'clock. f The ba»y Is the gr~dson of Mr. P-resbyter~D Chureh sontor claSH. will I,"Taduate in June. deraon performed the ceremony. Carey E. Mc:oo.nit!l of DlckJnson Th(" bride. glve~ in marriage by T',e. Rev~ Dr. l>u.v.td Braun wlll and Mrs. Andrew Myers of cornelll,:=========::~::==::qula.. pertorm ·the c e r m o n y . ' I· • uvenue wnl gradua.te June 2 from ber :father. wore a white aV(:Due. Ith a d l\1rtJ. Henry Unton. Jr.. of the Hershey Industrial School at etto wedding .-own mn o,~ Mr. and Mrs. Frank' H. Robbins C~IS."'J neckl1nc outl I ne d w Ith r0 Id H of 808,ton. M8*3., will be matl'on a r Hersh'ey. marquisette. lorg R1ce-veR llnd full h'onor and. only attenda,nt for. her of ,Ridley Park. formerly of iDr. Wlll,lam Potter ItaInscy haa skirt. Her fingertip vell of tulle 'sister. Swarthmore. are receiving con,.-aA PERSON ALL opened an oruce In Morton. Pa•• (ell from a headdress trimmed Mr. Richard GordoOn of Detroit. tulatlonB upon the b'lrtb 'ot a UP IN "41MS£.LF. MA\(E~ 'ror the Practice of MedIcine and I Surgery. Dr. Rumsey Is the BOD of with .orange blossoms. and abe d Mich.. cousin of the bridegroom. daughter. Ann Boody Robbins, on " HECK OF " LooKlN~ will serve as best mnn, and the Mr. George RUDlBCf of Harvard carried a Prayer Book decorate PACKAGE. with a white orchid and white satin ushers will include'Mr. George R. May_ 26 in the. Fitzgerald Mercy avenue, lrtr8. Jonatban Elmer 'th., and markers caught with clUsters of BarloW of Boothwyn. Mr. Fran1:t HosJ)ltat. E. Ives tOt Prosptict Park. Mr. W. Mrs. Robbins 1s the former MlfIB. her baby daughter Hony are visit- stephanotis. Miss Gloria. Stuart Quick as maid Hen-y Linton. Jr., of Boston, and :Betty .Jeanne Pitman.: d a~ght&r 0 t • ing the former's mother, Mrs. of honor (or her ~i9tel·. wore a Mr. Robert O. Ste~er of LansCharles deHart Brower ot Crest . h Mr.· and Mrs. John H. Pitman of white (aille ,dress ma.de wit a downe. lane ,until .July after which time Vassar avenue. tight. bodl ce, hi g h roun d neckll net PrecedJng the cerem.ony there th'c')" plan too vacation In Avalon. abort sleeves and full skirt. She wlll bc a half hour of special music Mr. and Mrs. Walter N. Molr or South Chester r(..ad entertained J)r. carried a round bouquet, of ·white by Mr. Benjamin L. Kneedler. gladioli florets edged with pale organist; Mr. l.iDuls Rosenberg. and Mrs. Jbhn S. Clemerlce ~nd small daughters Peggy and Sandra green. leaves and tied with apple violinist, Miss Jean Matter. aOot Washington, D. C.. as their green Hil"camcre to which gladioli prano. and Mr. Warren Stetler, florets were ea.ught. Her hcaddreAs baritonc. Miss Matter and Mr. week-end guests. was a coronet of pleated faUle. Stetler were cla89mates of the Mr. and Mrs. ,B. W. Collins at The brld~Bmalds. MiBS Mary Pea- brJde and groom in the MUsic DeNorth· Chester road have returned body of BUrlingame. CaUf:, and partment at West Clteste.r Stn,.te lVe're wrapped up In the business from a week's automobile. trip to Ml8s Teut Dunn ot Swa'rthmore, Teucl)erR College. It.... Oft .pool... _ doebWest Virginia and Ohio. of keeping 70ur pfttiellt CAr on the niece· of ,the bridegroom. wore the Fr.-tends are cordially invited to .Imost .t tho ""••••• Mr. and Mrs. wnUam H. same atyle wh1te tanle dreMes with attend the wedding. enjoy tho """Borell.. 1M .ir road and out or the janlr.-plle. Are Thatcher of College a""n~e 'will V . neckline and carried round b'ouAfter .July 1 the eoupl~ will re••d gl.rI..... _ohT•• at Atlutlo entertain Mr. Thatcher's sisler-ln- quets of 'wblte gladlol\ flor~t8 tied side In Ncw York CitY wJie're they CIty'. fi.... ro-' IootoL ),ou WIlb-tlng the gasoIlDe J'ou bUT? law. Mrs. wnus B. Wood and with apple green strearpers. Their wIn continue their musical studics. Th. r.fined atmosphre, Hlected H )"ou are~'i sattsfted· with your chlldren Libby and WilUs.Jr., ot headdresses were coronets of pleatclient.'•• courteous .. ,Ius I Cherryvale. Knns., who arrive Sat- ed faille. WED IN JUNE ......siv. f.Cl1Jti.. ~tdtll' gasoUne mDeage, let us OOeck the The 'marriage ot Mias Eunice eYery COfIYenietlce. Wit ...... urday tor .n vbtit ot several weeks. Mr. Ge~rge Dunn of Dickinson your m....or.bIe. Dr. David Braun of Westdale avenue served as best man tor his Elizabeth' Shay daughter of Mr. tgnlUon and carburetor on )'our car. and Mrs. Howell Lewis Shay of avenUe left Wednesday to visit his brother and the ushe.l's included Plan lor a lon9-t~ vaca· onJy minor repairs and tIon free of hotIHhOld ...... family in Nebraska. Mr. Robert Longwell and Mr. Cornell avenue to Mr. wnUam Mills 'Conron, .Jr., son of Mr. and Charles Hodges. ot Swarthmore, Hot a GOld IN .... t .. ,_II IMthI. needoo. See. are ~ustments Mr. Scott Sm)"th, Burllnga1l\e. Cal.. Mrs. Conron of Stamford, Conn .• ENGAGEMENTS for Resel'latiOM City' Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Nason and Mr. Claude Ruyert of John will take ·place· June 14 at 4:30 CHARI,ES R. RUSSELL. o'clock In the Trinity EpJscopal ot Cornell avenue announce· tne H'Opkins University. . engagement ot their daughter BarA reception followed In the Par- Church. Swarthmore. The Rev. George Ch'ristian Andbara. to Mr. James P. Bowditch, Ish House of the church.· The erson. rector, and the Reverend Bon ot Mr. and Mrs. John Bow- mothe.. of the bride wore a. gown of Russell E. Francis ot the Univerditch. Jr., of Cedar lane. dark blue with 0.. dusky rose bat sity of Pennsylvania. will ofllciate. MlBs Nason was graduated trom ot veiUng. Her corsage ",'as lot pink Mrs. Howell Lewis Shay• .Jr.• of Swarthmore High School and Wal.. orchids. Dut Hill Preparatory School. and Out-of~town guests Included Park avenue, and Mrs. W.1111am aUended Mt. Holyoke College. She Miss Mary Peabody and Mr. Scott Dixon Shay of Rose. Valley. will is graduate ot the PhiladelphiA Smyth of Burlingame, CaUf.• Mrs. attend as matrons of honor for School ot Occupational Therapy. P. B. Garrett ot Highland Park, th·cir Bister-in-Ia.w, and· Miss Mary and ot the University at Pennsyl-. Ill., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wall. Louise Schwebel of Chestnut roll and Mr. Jack Waf'lkey of Rich- will act as maid of .honor. vania... Mr. Bowditch was graduated mond, Va.. Mr. Claude Rupert.' Mr. Donlel B. Oonron of 8~m­ 'from SWartbmore High School .JOhll Hopkins University. Mr. ·and ford. Conn;, will 8.erve 0.8 best 'man and attended Amherst College. He Mrs. R. Chie and Mlss Dottle for. his brother. and the ush'ers Is now a. junior at Swarthmore Hamilton of New York. and Mr. ,will include Mr. Howell Lewis College. During the war Mr, Bow- Herbert Dunu of Reading, Pa. Shay. Jr., Mr. WUUam D1x~n OPEN 7 A. M . - P. H. ditch served two years overseas Sha.y, Mr. Robert Fillmore of -OUTSIDE OATERIl'fG SERVICEwith the 87th Troop Carrier Com~ JUNE BRIDE Scranton, and Mr. Kennetll Weeks Wedneeda:y, 7 a.m. - .2 p.m. S1mday, 12 - 8 p.m. lnand. The marriage of Miss Carol ut Stamford, Conn. • 'DAIltY DINI\lERS ............ 811e to ,1;1\0 • The wedding wUI take place Maude Froebel. daughter· of Mr. A rece-ption will foUow at th'c SpecIal . OhIJdren'S Platten AUglle:t 30 at "Glenmede," Bryn and MrS. Guenther H. Froebel ot home of Mr. and Mrs. Edso~ S. Mawr. "Tall Oaks,"' Swarthmore. to Mr. HarriS of Ro~e Valley. I Mr. and Mrs. .Jobn P. Morgan ot Louis·de Moll. Ron of Mr. and Mrs. BIRTHS' Washington, D. C., formerly of Carl de Moll of Park avenue. wBI Mr. and Mrs, Robert A. Detweiler Swarthmore, announce the engage- take place Saturday, June' 14 at of Rutledge are -- re,feivlng congrament of their daugt.ter Adele Dani- seven .o·clock in Saint Peter's tulatloDs upon the birth of a elle to PIerre de Lespinois. 80n ot Church in the Great Valley, Paoli. daughter, Georgia on May 18 in The Rev. J. Jardcn G.uenther will. Tnylor Hospital. Count and Countess Bonnescuel1e de Lespinois of Paris and Toulon. perform the ceremony. The baby Is a granddaughter of BEAUTY SALON :Miss Doris Rowand DC' Swarth- Mr. and Mrs. . France. William T. C.resson For the pa..~t year Miss Morgan mo..-e will attend the bride as maid of Amh'trst avenue,. and 0 f M r. an d has been stationed in Weisbaden. of. bonor. and the ,bridesmaids will Mrs. George Detweiler ot Rivera· Summer beauty is on the make Germany and in Paris· with the be 1\'[r8. Guenther H. :F'roebel, .Jr., view road. Red CroBS. While in Paris she ha.."1 Mrs. Henry McCorkle of Swnrth: 13 South Cheater "01 been staying with friends 'Of the more, ,",Uss Margaret Fleming of UNITY ASSEMBLY Haverford. and Miss .Jean Mc'Voman's Club Side Entnulce family. CaD Swaribmore 0476 10:30 A.M. Every Wednesday Pierre de Lespinots. a graduate Cnnoughey of Cleveland Height..... ZELIA M. W·AIJl'ER8. Speaker of St. CYl". was I\. French fighter Ohio. Evel")'one ,Velcome Mr. John d~ Moll will serve 8S pilot during the war and l'ccei\'ed his P-38 training in this country. heat man for his brother. and the The wedding will take place in ushers wlll Include Mr. Guentller the Carnage, France In Inte July. H. Froebel, Jr., Mr. Roy Fahl and Mr. Henry Saulnier of Swarth- CaJl more, and Mr. Br.n.dl~y Randall ~f Mrs. Lioyc\ E. Kauffman DUNN - QUlCK The marriage of Miss Betty Hartford, Conn. SWIl!'lhmore 2080 Jean Quick, daughter of Mr. and A reception will follow at "Tall Mrs. Ray Stuart Quick. of Dlckin- Oaks." 9:30 mar 'V. J A M •• 2 ,f,H 1"'/ /?,I4K,1IIn ecI_"" . . mce. ,TO ".Y "OW f DEW DROP INN BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER The Bouquet FOR Magazine Subscriptions ·MEDIA Tbursda)'-Frida7-Saturda7 DOUGLASFAURBANKS.~ BUd MAUREEN O'HARA iCOLLEGE TBlaE Tbursday-Frida.,-Satorda7 LARAlNE DAY . in "SINBAD, mE SAILOR" In technlcolor _eoU""""" ---------------------'. saturda., DICK HAYMF:l< CbikbeD's FIIDl ~\mdaJ', )10000,. and Tuesday Onl., Sh.... GREGORY PECK ... "Lnt IcCUlel" OF THE PATCH" "CARNIVAL IN COSTA "MRS. WIGGS RICA" CAJUfAGE In tet'JmtcolOl" c wow) - . , . . , Tbnnoda., .JIMMY .., TOMMY DORSEY -unm FABULOUS DORS£YS'" DOUGLAS F~.IB. la' • The old apothecary of Qther years was a mysterious and r0mantic figure. Under his magic influence'roots, herbs, and minerals were tl!med into pUIs. estracts.· and plasters. The doctor'a prescriptions were filled, the paI tient's h"l'lth and comfort reolItored. Although much ofthc mystery with.which. hc was lIWTOunded has Vanished, the finc' art of the apothecary has not been lost. A visit to our plescription department wiD convb)ce the maet skeptical that hiB function i. an important ad. ' junct to IIibdem medi~ practice. Wb!nyoa. find ): it ne< mary to consult a phyaiciari, bring your preecriptiona to us to be filled. Your doc:tor'.01'den 'frill be followed to the letter. .,..s-.-. Cantin...,... Showing FricIq Sa' . . . . . . 8OoE. . . . . TG. 0.. -' ..~~~,~.~~~'" tlec.r. ... :. . . ~ . '''''Y ~t.,>, 1", . .~- ed P~8.Qo .. rec~~l on the etg.btlt o~ June In the SWarth"more y,roman·$ . ·,_tend .... r 8HOJIt4, aa,., N'A""r, Ie"'" 1.1t...a& 0 •. P - . .~ ,... ·.~o~ .1'&......" . . t.IIe,4et gf rlllr.... ,I. 18T1. D!lW>LJNB-'WJW~AT NOQN Club at 7 o·clock. .~P7, evening• .,~o 801011.' .d.uetN, trios. Reei . ·BBter~Co. . .. $e. ..," . ,SPORTING ,GOOD' ·816 EOOMONT·AVE. Chester ••• pupils .... I ,telian Qaurcb .NoleS MedMl!Hat Charcb·~_ participants: Nicky Webeter. at tne 11 0'The Church School ·meets on Hqj197 .Jiflfer.-..,. ..:lane ~",;. . ' 1 1 : Ls.ncla)' morning a.t 9:45. CI""""• . Robert Gurln. Del!ble '~,*~"s. <;\\I~k,,,(":VI~e,JoI~.,~\lu.r.'irlU:pre,,,, . provided for ohUdren of &II Barbara Shlpherd. Phoebe Balsle7. 9P "l'atJe!lIl"" ,~r. ,!'Pd .Mrs. :\i. W. and for adults. . JatSkl.e. q ....r,,!iI\>J!Y .~OF~t<>n.,~~ Clarke at. the. iIanra.rd avenue ~p-The mlnlBter wll1 preaCh at the e~e. ~l}:lp'~r~.' ~u~~. B.~.~~e, trance a.nd Mr., andllr& C. W. morning . .rvle. 'at 11 A. M. Janet Lynch. Richard GurJn. J?a.Vld LUltenB .';d;. 'the drlveway-traDB8pt The Junior Church will meet at Lynch_ John 1.J1Iy. Ann Moree. entrance wJ11 aaslBt Mr. Cutler In the same ,hour. In the chapel. Do~~. ,~09~~. ~~rle ~1~Y~ , ;. ~e .ushent ,(or Ute moro'llB ser- .spencer Carron; Ann Cooper. BOJIle gre.u~:t1l:e;~oJl~r the .vlce .wlll."e .Alton P. Smlth •. Clark M~....h •.·.Hele';· C8th'oun. ·i:,y"Webservice SundaY mornSng. .4Jlt..c).J), CJ.arlea, Grier and George ster. Audrey Graham. Jane 'Mac ·~~i\d.~i· mol'llln!i COMIUTE UIIDERSTANDING S~Dda?" morning at the 9 o·oloclt IGI:~~~cij,.ur"h Alpine, J.uUe t.Ange, John Boyle: eervlce '·Mr. "Cutler will .conU.nue The Nursery is open dur· Wi1l1am ·Hartman. Charles .E;lcrton, the morning l18r.Vlce and .H,elen.! Joan PennOck. Carol ADn M~8t.e1let". sp...... ,.I..n.... 0" . the general lse.,tt and ·Ba'ba.r&. . . SO·0 tt w III be """""'1"" Satoko izumi. Ethel Mosteller. Ewa.. Belleve:charge. ffiawinska and Bally S~oekdale. tie 'Blgh School Boys' Quartette The Church. Board of ·Educatlon' John Boyle. chairman ot the -.yIll slDg at the. 11 o'clock ·,servl~ meet on Tuesday evenipg will lntroduce guest of the procedure required ".. ..-Mces .ofall faiths -on.d fraternal order •• ......... ... .... it,LtV1ER ;H.8AIRCO. . . ~. - ' 1 •.20 CHIS'INUT S'lall'l ~~=~~~~~~5~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~~~ tbIs.sundaY morn...... 1__ - home 4v.e~ue. of ·Mr. S.·W. JohnSoD. h .Amherst All .~'!~tl/o\8· "r tile C"",o,"".. 'The monthly meetiog. Of til. Ot" 8<>li!,\\>1 ..m,et ..S.';J.!I.~y I!lorn~.g at ·t1clal BOard will be ·he1d .on Fri. 9:46 a.m. Tbe Women's Bible CI..... .. ,eve)l~ at 8 in tile ch"pel. meets at 10 a.m. In the CltUrch The M.en's .Foru~ .wUI haY€), Night at tilelr meeting traDBePt. evening at·8 P. M .. All m.mli The SetJBiOD wl8hea to ann01D1ce to bring their wives that It bas_ae~p\Cd iw:lth deep re.. Mr. Isaac C, ~oc;um gret the reslgno.Uon of Dr. (!)avid .\>e.tl~e ~:eaker•. w.'i9~1'l' .~ ~f\uWln~~ent ot. th'e dhurch SchOOl. ·For JD,ore tJia.D ( :rriaity -Notes 7 .... ns ~il\as.t'Pt,hru.Jl:y served Holy Communion will be celeParish as Cb'ure:h SChool teacher. brated on Sunday "t8 .a.m. ct.ur·ch I: D.epartmental Superintendent, Scltool will ~eet at ,:45 Holy. jl,er and~. 'i.'iWotee .and.... . .Wlll ,lle i1upierlnt~I!q.~t. '1'1'e ~Qn a 0:<1/0<;1< . c·o.naented to .hiB resignation will meet on Mon~~··!b.e .·:-Rul continue to .give day at' 4:3.0 p.m. W;ed n e&:4ILY yeJ.ued leadenh1p to the Building 4:80 p.m. and on Thul'Bday at 7 Committee . for' the new Church p.m. &,hool addjtlO)l. The Church expreaaea ·'~e m~tude or every Cbriatian SeienceNotea i.t-ember ot the Parish for h1s long "Ancient and Modern NecrODland devoted tte~ce. ancy; Allaa ·!r.IesmerlBm a.nd HYPThe 'W"OIlla.tt'S J\BQOclaUon SewlnIC notlBnl. Denounced" Is the 8ubJe~t Da.y· for June wm be held nen of the LeBJOn-Sermon in all Wednesday J-\lIle "' from 10 to ~ . Churollos or Christ" SclenUst. on Sunday. June 1. P.ol: ThOSe attsndlDg should ~ndwlches. Beve~g~ wilt be aerved. The Chapel Cholr will rehearse Thursday \eyening. June Ii at 7:46 F. MendelBsohn's Symphony-canp.nt. The Church Hour N.ursery meete tata "Hymn of PraIse," will be each SUllda.y morning during the given by the Men and Boy's Choh1i o·clock service for .children of Trinity Church on Thursday evening a.t 8: 15. ~.l'he work is one ages 1 to '1. of Me.ndel88ohn·s most brJl.Uallt sunday morning the Junior Detor voice and has never been wOl'ks partment of the Church School lJl:rCormed In Swarthmore befol·e. will be sh'Own a 'movie "The House David Tudor, noted pianist. will 1 Live In.'' This starts promptly. at pertorm the. porUon ot the eantata 9:46 a.m. 50 all young people are \vritten for a SY'IDphC'DY orcbcstra. .urged to be. on tilne. . The solo piano work opens the The Young· Adult·s Club wUl first third ui the cantata. " hold picniC. at the Wome of Mr. Bruce Warren· Godft'cy and John Rnd Mrs. G. G. savelll Mt. Alverno Bel'Jlard will be heard In th'e (am-~ on Sunday afternoon, ron. d , EI ~ ... .JJ ••• oua du.et in the work, "I waited .June 1. A eordial invitation is eJ'- for· Ute Lord." Harrison Eastwood tended to all }"Oung people ot thiS will sing the tenor arias and Joseage group phine Godfrey,.. soprano will be heard in a. p.uet with Mr. EastWood. Four ,great choruses, a smaller churus. and a zhoral. will SWARTHMORE Pl\E$BY'l'ERIAN be. sung. b~ the Men and Boys CHURCH ' Rev David Bra.un. Minister Choir. Rev .R. LeW1s CUtler, Minister The pubUc is cordially Invited • SUNDAY, JUNE 1 Prayer. and free cards of admission may 9:00 A. 1&. Mo~i~! Mr. Cut- be procured at Michael's Drug Sermon. '"I BeUeve. Store and the Music Box. I er. C tl will 11:00 A. M. - Mr. u ,~r preach on "Patience. Dr and Mrs. .John R. Bates of North Chester road and Mr. a.nd METHODIST CHURCH Roy N. Keiser. D.D.• Minister Mrs. Howard W. Newman. .Jr.• of SUNDAY. JUNE 1 Wa.lnut lane, spent the week-end 9:.6 A. )[,-ChUr.qh School• 11'00 A.)[..:.....sermoll ..by Dr. Keiser. as the guests of Mr. and Mrti. ';OOP. H.-youth Fellowship in George E. 'Duckwortb of Princeton, Chapel. N. I. a.m. 1:~l~t~~~~i;;~1· , • ~~.'.,...:, ... ~.-!I-'''.>:~-' r:.:'""~ .- ........ '. ""._'.' ..•.,_...., .::~!::"''''d+ Trinity Choir· Sings Mendelssohn COlittatl ! .~ ..... SA1i.URlDAV :BANK HOLIDAY This Bank wiII, _til ~.~ o1cl:_rr~,e beg"",. . ~:~, oJ- 7, 1947 .. -err Sa' a faD Iep1 hoIi ' ,. As . . . . the "*",,williae CIpIID~, Mcmda:y dull .1. F~~ from 1:00 A.M. to~:OO P.M. ~Iep1 hoIkIa7L ·SWARTHMORE 'NATIONAL BANK lRUSTCO. M.......... of Fecleral Deposit Inaurance CorpontioD a. CHURCH SERVI THE RELIGIOl;S SOCIETY OF .FRIENns SUNDAY. JUNE 1 11:00 A. M.-MeeUng for 'Vorshlp. WEDNESDAY. Jl'NI-l 4 9:30 to 1:30 Sewing and In Whittier House. eon.· All are vlt04. A. WAYNE MOSTELLER FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenu. 1le1l!W: Harvard H.-8unda¥ LeIiiIon ael"- D•• I,lfee, ,'UI f••iI, i. f.e • darlel light that Is too dim, t~o glaring, or bqdly placed, is a strain on your eyes - and on youlPr~per lighting is a lot more than scaHering attractive-looking lamps about the r~. There is a proper light fQr every occa~i~". <::htICk these against those you have: • i'qr reading ond sewing, a convenient 3-way lomp. with proper shade and diffusing bowl. makesSMing easier. , • Reading In bed requires the right light. too. A two-tube fluorescent fixture on the wall over 1he head of the bed is one of the better Ideas. • Don't neglect your desk. For the table-top type, the usual tabla lamp•. with a 3.way·bulb in a diffusing bawl. is perfect. All 1'»_ or.~ km p-tioas aDC1 BepaIn • Over-oll lighting in your kitchen Is eosy with lou .. recI fixtu .... containing fluorescent tubes. This wide-angle lighting prevents shadO;"'. B ...... _ _ iu.4 Vldm~ lo~ Tw D&8& &J Y .... suNDAY. JUNE 1 11: 00 A. M.-8undaY School. ll~OO A. MOTHE·RS: Eledr1ca1 Contractor ? .. to . l>\Qk HClOk Ii'I" been ele~ GJ1len. K.ey, 8.:Il htOno~~y ~ety at Dartuiouth Collego. and baa ...... ~D ,~de ~~r of the Dart,nouth Glee Club. (,uartcts•. aDd qul~ts ~II \Nt. featured. -:..abythlplc M.P•.,lG4!~~. Jtt~l,L.9c_I,19M>. '~<9M"&~~r .. , Rev. Geo. Co Anderson. Rector ; SUNDAY. JUNE 1 8.00 A. K.-HoIY communion. 9:,u; A. M.--cburch Scbool. 11:00 A. }.f.-Holy Communion. .l "TIlE LQCKE'r' First run n('ws. The· Fine Art of the Apothecary has not been lost .YEADON YEADON, .'. SEZ UNKLE ,=,,'-:'---1 i ..' P,Ia,Do s=w" ..... 2215 • Under-cablnet lighting removes those dark lpots from yaut' 1dtcI!en. Here. a fluorescent fixture, hung from the woll or cabinet, does the:trick. Philadelphia Electric CO~P.l,ly· u.. .. n. ....... ~-,.. ~ .. ~-'.! P" .. ......- ........ , , I , P _ _ A. P. 1ImaII.,. too _ IIr. and Mr& wtllJ&m R. HUe)' Mr, iLlid Mt-.'''. H. J'on7the or In au offldal ceremony. the Pia,... of DlcklJulon avenue w111 have . . Th&yer road will eotertaln at .. cuperat!Da' at 1':111 home .on ..-&1e eeckl Helloopter CorPoration dedi. tliolr iN..I. i)v<:r the Memorial DaY PLAHI' DmlCATION . caled Ita new '600.QOO;.A.ro....utl· "Week-eftd, Md, Huey·. pannts. cocktail PartY at tltelr home "';.' cal Reeeareb an~ ·Manufacturlne Mr. and' Mrs, William CuBley of tore the Serle. Dance' In the' plant Baturc1a7 May !t. at Morton. Woman's Club Saturday eveDlng PenDSYlvania. R_ E. Osborll. President of the To"nihlp.. CommlMloDerB wel- CHIROPODistS «ICOMMEND ~'~. oomed F, N, Pla8itckl. Prealdent of the Corporation to the comm~nltY. Another important apea~er WaB Clarence L. Conner. President of the Delaware' Co'onty -Comm'iulon'" era. Joeeph Broughton. President of the Morton Council welcomed the company to the community. Navy Ranking personnel present Included Lt. Comdr. PhUllp Baas. the Bureau of AeronautlCll Real .. 4ent Representative a.t Piasecki Hellcopter Corporation, who In a brief talk wished. the \ FOR FOOT HEALTH proptlf, &ned. 3 ....,iDe good luck and continued progress. Mr. Piasecki In -a brief dedication talk greeted our new neighbors and e:xpre88ed the pleasure of being able to locate in sucb, a modern com~unity•...ue stated that although the company had come & long way in seven years,. greater accomplishments, must a~d will be ma.de In the futUre. Harry Pac"" o~. Swart~mor~ ~ve~ nue, Vice Presla'eot of toe Pla~ seclf.i Helicopter Corporation presided af,the dedication., H ........ , . . - Dis is F..U.III~ FIeld, Va., 18 8pendlng ten days at his home on Cornell avenue. Mrs. A. Norman Hixon of Hlllborn avenue bas return.ed' trom. & plane trip to the west coast where abe visited her parents ot Oxnard. CaUt, tor three weeks. I., h""oi 4 See JOV cbhopodlsc eonsak bila " die ....... looluoubl.. 'if----..:.-~ , UI'\ ' ..k Now You president, (laD sixteen teb.r Arters Brothers, ~nc. HaTe Your - . . Impro_ta, AJIar,..' Kitd'.... _ _ aUoas, tlOD. .