. .. .. , THE SWART~HMOREAN GAZELLES . PLAY MONDAY • 1 1947 REACHES AHALE; HEARTY 90 TODAY LUNCHEON WILL OPENl947 AT CLUB . Cpl. W. RUBBeD Frank eon of Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Frank.. of Vassar avenue, now stationed In Tientsin, Clilna, has recently been promoted to the' ra#k corpo.r.al. ' CpJ. Frank who transferred trom C~ds, ~ifts the Marine R~erve. to the regular Marine COrp8 last ,February. lett San Francisco In August and rcached Chllia.li:.. October where be . . BiB m8Jly. friends and nelgnbors bas been serving with the Firsl An entertalningC' program bas 'ue wishing Thomas Winter .An- Medical Battalion of the FII'Iit Ma- been pJanned for t~e amusement ot 4rew, of 824 North" Cheater road. rine DivIB!on. members of the Woman's Club on Tuesday. January 1, when Dew 'and much j07. and. contln:led health and . haPplne88" today on the ocre-tnstated members will' be tho guests of the club at luncheon. at Casion ot his 90th birthday. 1 p.m. . In floe health and malntalnlnl' Club membership _has reached a absolute posseasloJ) of, his evernew high of 324 members. an tn"cute i&ciulti" Mr. Andrew decrease of 24 over last year' when lighted In shocking a new phythe totai t membership passed the ...cl..... he ealled Wbelth'l' hiid a aDO-mark for the flrst Ume. Mrs. recent COld. "Maklng Mr. Andrew's Benjamin W. Collln1'l. mcmbers~lIJl acqtialntance· tor th'o first tline the chaIrman, reports that the 324 doctor oompleted his examination members wilJ be augmcnted by by remarking his g ....nd condltlo.n. several m.ore wl1cn the sccond half ""naJdering hla age. When 'the 1>&. of the club 'Year comm'ences in of Women Giving Program for Record Member,ship Flowers, Shower "Tommy" . Andrew Today. GAZELLES DOWN TWO' OPPONENTS, J. V.'S .A.lso. Share In Week's Basket Wm's ::'::=~=toW::~:h::,c:::'~c:~: to ~':01l:U"t,~;;'~~".;.~ ~~~~":..r:::.= ;tt~rU~~m~~:eve h:::h~:::in:r::~ MOTHERS AND.DANCE DADS TO SQUARE The Swarthmore Mothers' Club 1(1 ghJng square Fatbers' dance in• he.ne,.,I ot their tt annual" Night Memorial Service Tomorrow at Meeting ORCHESTRA PUBLIC CONCERT College Musician's Open New Season On lOth .... :',..!'II8Y.... e_ . t ~- , Metea FIi:.E th:Ue of , " . ." ,.' • wblch Is to be held Thursday. :rali. 9. at 8: 30 at the Woman'S Culb. Sport dothes and Oat heeled shoes will be tbe attire for tho eveDlng. William E. Mcilvain of JIlt. Holly, N. :r.. will lead th.. dancing. Ref....hments will be served ..ttar • the dancing and the cluh iii hoping George Bourdelals died a.t his a large group of fathers .wIIl home In Wallingford Wecbiesda"y turn out to enjoy the evening. morning', January 1. He had been In III health for the paot year; IiI 1943 ho retired' frOM Swarthmore College where be had' served fot' 18 years 88 Superintendent of the Engltiecrlng Shops_ He was known on the Swartbmore -eampua and In the village as "Uncle George." He was 72. A memorial eel"Vlce Will he held after the ma,..ner of ·the Socl ..~ of Friends at the FrIends Meeting' House on· the college Camp"", at 3 p.m. Baturday. .On }4~J"ida.'Y e.venlng.,-'January 10, Born lb 1815 In· S6rel; Quebec, George Bourdela1s Was a- member tho Swarthmoro College Orchestra will gh'o Its first concert of ibe ot a family which boaBted 18 conaeason, at 8: 16 P.M. in Clothier generations of c ironwork. who had operat'ed olace early Memorial, open to both _t~e . col .. I tlm"s In France and tieiglu'm:. He lege and the commu'lity. came' to New '_ EnSland wIth his Conducted by Dr. Peter van parents when 'he was an infant and Knmp the orchestra will open grew up In Maine -and Me"P .. concert with l\fo7.Q.rt'8 OVert"..lre to chusetts. He . learned blacksmith • Don GIDvannl. This wi$! be followed by Hayden's Seventh Sym. Ing from hts ,father and tolJowed phony In four movemcn~: Ade~(): this I;y. serving apprenticeships In Vivace - Ad8gt.o rna non troppo-- patterDmakln~ and IiIlIChlne shop Minuet. Trio _ Flnl>le: Presto practice. thWi beginning a IIfetlme'e In practical meohUlcs. As8at. Tho remainder of the ~~_ whUe at Swarthmore he wu .ram conalats of the GoJden Son· ala by Purcell. ,for string orch.,s_ ·elected to the Socloty tra: the' EY6nlng Prayor and of Sigma XI. of Dream Pan~mlme, from F;lumpol"- his oontrlbutlon reply. "About. ,70:' . ._. _. tbe'past seven 4&)'&'. On Thul'lday. ClItro~.i Banta, ··:t.llIlan BOIit. )lr... ReU,rJng·eome-yean qo:as ex- -December Z6 •. they rail over Clifton Jay D. Cooke. Mr& Harpld,~. Grite~utlve 'VIce prell/dent ot the First C. C. to the t"ne of 51 to 14. fln, Mrs. Frank A. Hall, Mr•. WIIN,atlonal Bank of Pblladelphla. Mr. Gazello play was .parked by the lIam F. Hanny, 'Mrs. A. R. O. Red e Andrew 1IItlJ! carries on some ac-, dn.zzllng performance ot "Dlxlo" 'grave. Mra. Carroll P. Streeter, and tive buslne88 Interests and en10yS Hoot wbo ,racked up 21 -pOints. Mr~ G:eorge C., Wagner. . following tho dOings of his friends Bill· Black 'was his clO8eet campetlFollowing tho luncheon which and th1s community where he has, tor with 14 points. Battista was will be served by .1-11'8. A. V. B. JIved aince 1901. R~nown for hlB the leadldg Beoret' tor the losers,: ,Orr, M'rJ:f. F.r;lnk McCowan an ,;ervtee to the Swarthmore Players with 7 polnta . thelr committees a skit to end aU Club Which he served as treuurer The :r. V.·s (Rockela) also enjoy- skits' will b. staged by. "Bored tOl' 2& yea.... he Is known by a ed a win over tAe Clifton junIor Memhers." The Utle of this mBstercloeor Inner circle of friends tor club by the score ..of 81 to 28. Art ple.e Is "The Fatal Quest," arid the quJet, helpful actions where :rennlnlia led the Scoring for' the cast Include. IIfra. T. K. BroWn .... t'hey are mo&_ needetl'.home team in thIa' free' SCOrlDg ·KinK. Mrs. Francfs H. Forsythe ae Althou.h 'he JournEfYs forth la- contest with 11 poInts. _ .. Que~n. Mr~ R~· 'r. Bates as Prln... to the WlDter, eold as seldom as The otller contest. WAS plaNed .CCM, Mrs, William' ..~. ~b1e he. was .. h&PI>Y-' ,r~eot ·Mod;;.'; . with .tbe Guell .... &carini! "" DlIke. ¥ra. ~hy S. .._. '!-!·t.be:Cl>r!~"" dlnn"" of.tM. 11'. ·""er_ ,1'hU~d,,\pllta.~rtjll)\.~fl.~_.\. 80_" o! .I!l; Wlnta. iamll,.•. <;1'" Electric 43-16. This game featured ... 'Shine Sifter.~ Harvar.d avenue. the outstanding performance of AddItional demonstration of club formance an'yWhere TI,.'ne ..... ~ A widower mace Ausuat 11, Vince Gallagher who rolled '".lp 16 talent wor be evidenced when Mra. Variations in March time, rl!cently 1988 tbe dea11, <" his wife. Ella. points. Phillips waa close behind Roland L. Eaton will road the written by Dr. van de Ramp eaMary Cowdrey. 0. New Englander with 11 points. . Ga.llagber waa prize e_y written by Mrs. WarreD pealally' for the SWarthmore Col~curref at. homo d~rlu.g hlB taat conUnually In the center of play. F. Faragher tor the Couaty 1I'e4.. vI...t to lIIIo natlYe England. two sparking. his te&mmatee on to vlc~ eratlon Contest. Tho which 'l'bla year's orchestra comprises inODthe before JIIrs. Andrew's nth tory_ Armstrong led Philadelphia Is light In feeling 10 entitled forty-four instrumentalists, of birtholay and sis: month& before Electric with 7 points In the scar. "Cross Country Flight." whloh 'bait are atria. £pla-yera. tlte7 would Itave colebrated their lng column. Mr~. Faragher WOn adc1IUoD&1 whUe the rat are evenly dlatrlb60tb- "eddl".. annIYe.....ry. Their AgaIn the Rockets came through laurels for 'herself a.nd tho 1Iwarth- uted over the woodwbuls, the wed4lDC was the first lIornee of with a. victory, trimming th~ Mor.. more Club when she was awarded b....-, aad pereuselon .-pectlvel,.. aily klDcl performed In the Walnut ton Amvets 28-18. Ward led the not only the county but a.Iao _te Avenue CoftCl"ecatlonal Church. 'Rockets Wlth'10 points while Har... prlaes -tor her lyric pOem aDd abort Gives HoIida:vT.. BostoD the completion of wblch kiM led Morton with Ii pOints. story In the 1946 Fino Arts Daly Eleanor SchOfield Fawcett gave ~ lta8tened tor the event. The Gazelles urea resident. to at"': preaent&Uons, a Chr1stmaa tea for her piano -:,' lIr• .Alt4rew III the proud paren" tond their ae,.-nl·weekly cames for Sara.h ,F. Splint. one of the ~ ODe daucbter, Mrs. Frank'....··V. good bUketbali 'entertainment, ' Club's talented new mombers, will pupUs and their mothers at her BurtOD. ot· PhDadell'hla: grandTheir :ranuary schedule followa: do somo "'informal reminiscing home on South Chester road, Sat... urday afternoon. -p&..ent of flve-AD.drew. .laDe, Jan 6 VFW Post 928 Home about the publishing. buslneHB and . A program of carols and duets PieBSYI Louise (now doing 'Occupa· Jan. 9 Woodlyn Vets Home life In Now York where she lived was presented by Brenda Von Ora ... ~nal tl;l~PY., In CalICornla) and Jan. 13 Glenolden Blue Vets Home until recently when shc retired n.s bill. Mary Every, Mary Lou Pierce, France. -(marrie·d and ltvIng In Jan. 18 Lincoln Warriors Home an editor of The Woman's Homo I..a.ura. Hobbs. Jane and George Ihrylan4): ·'and,·_t-grandparent Jan. IS. Marple_Newton A A Companion nnd McCan's m'a.gnzlne. Allon, o.nrl Peter Co.mpbelJ. Mrs. Stoyan W. Russell, county ,~lt. F:raneu tw·9 cblldren. Away Barbara Sickel. a former pupil .Jan. 20 Parkslde A A Homo chairman of music mid a neW of l\{rs. Faw~ett and. now, a senior .. Jan. 28 EdcJtystono Ramblers Home member In the Swarthmoro Club, a.t the Wa.lnut HtlI School. Natick, Jan. 23 Norwood Home will entertain the mcmbers with Mass.. where she Js president of t.he .• Gaild 2741 .Pieces .,. :ran. 27 Clifton C C Home selections on the plnno and Solo. Glee Club, added to the enjoyment ~vln•. compl~ted a tlnaJ count Jan. 30 Westchester Shamvox. of the afternoon by her artistic Home Reservations tor the luncheon -of, . ibis -year·& Needl~work 9",~(d . rocks playing of Brahm's IIRhapsody In: B should be made wttb Mrs. How. . gannente tbe group finds Z7 41 Minor." '. ard J. Dingle, Swarthmore 0188, items ·were contrltiuted. 1400 of not Jater than Saturday, Janunr¥ 4. FOR DIRECl"ORS we~t t~ -the Famlly"Service Triple Book Review Book Re..1ew Today Seven rea\dents of the borough Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in Airs. R. G. E. Ullman will be and lo~ Heaith Center.. ~e 11 have flied petitions to contest for the Parish House of the P~e8liY", othel" -Oha.r:~~_~ benefited' include: the t'hree vacanoles on the Library presented by Mrs. Harold G, GrUterlaJi Church, Mr." David Braun, CbUd,ren's Bureau of, Philadelphia. Board, of the Swarthmore Public fln. chairman of Uteraturc, when Mr. H. LewIs Cutler and Mr. Henry Frlen'ds' Homd' for Children, Home Library ~uring the 'election to be' her section meets on Friday mornIng, Janua~y 3, at 10 a.m. Mrs. FaU8t will present the monthly Mlsslon.arty 80clety, Babies' Hos- held In the Library on January Ullman 'will review. ''The Sudden book review evening. Mr. Braun 26 and 27. will review Edwin McNeill Poteat's pltal·of Philadelphia, Volunteers of They are Mre. W. F. Bird, 241 Guest" by OUver LaFargc, "The. Last Reprieve" and ."The Antlqtie Dept, .Opens On 9th ADle~~ .~~ Lo:vers ~f' Chi~~ren, Ogden avenue:. Dr. J. Alfred CalSto~)' th~ Faith" by William Unusual Interest in antiques has ~otest8.nt: Episcopal - " . - City Mission, houn, Jr.. 2i'4 Elm avenue; Mrs. led to the development of the an:- Alva Gifford. A' cordIal invitation Gre~~e ~ -Street Methodist' Church. D-Jncan Foster.. 15 Crest lane: ,\ ".' , ~ . Mrs. , W~ H .. GehrIng, 606 Unlvers· -liquos department ·under the chair- to attend Is. extended to everyone. ---'---''Tayl!lr ~ ~os»Ita\,:r. 'Lewls Crazer Ity place: Dr. Paul F. Gemml\1. manship of Mrs. Birney K. !\Iorso. Hospital•. ';' 'linton ,Gospel Mlssion, 4:0'8' Thayer- road: Mrs. Samuel The opeI\lng ~eetinJr, of this de- TWO 'PLAYS .BROADCAST Two plays by Swarthmore play8~nny .qre8t.Farm, tor _BoYB. Ches.. .Gurln, 14- Amherst avenue; Mrs. partmnnt prQmlscs to be both in... tcrest1rig· an'd' In,structlve for the wright Lucy Kennedr (Mrs. Ralph ter Day NUr&er:y. Ha~ry L. Miller, 411 Thayer road. -' .group -.wUI be 'glven a dem'onstra- 1... Brown) are to be b~oadcast ncxt tion on the refinishing of antiques week. On Mondaty at 11:30 a..m. b~' .James T. Taylor, of "The TaY- "Holly~'ood Story'. will bc heard lors," ShU.;) 'road" Westtown. All oyer the American BroadcasUng members are urged .to meet In toe BystE-Tn and .on·- Wednesday night . . ", "-' :-: '~",.II lounge on· Th~83". ,January 9, at 81~t(r ooCroaa ..CO-antry Wedding" will originate (rom: WCAU. 11:00 A. iIt:-iIIo'rial'D1i W......hlp ..:.:..~.:- .......: ................... Local Churches at 1.0 a.m. "'0 ...-.-.-011..;·"-.:.,-· ....-.-I'l-IO-'--_.I.::..... In 1938. Mrs. Bra",/, ..uthored . . V_:r ,,_....,. II .'.. ....lA. ~ "The Frodl" w)dch ran fn the :0 " -, John R. carlson, engineer at the Hedgerow f8pertory for two . years.: 10:00 A. M.-Boa.rd Jlleetlng ..., ... _ ........................................ Woman'. Club ",rcstlnghouse Company, udltoriiO;> .. of~he,· b ....... d holl'tay, B9te",;."",~:;':. tar"" Christ!l1.~s tree In a COrnel', .!lo$'s burning- c'hherUy In ·th~-· ~~~nlacf' while red and gl'een strea.mers cries crossee\ ovor dancers: h@aWs. him: Arnold Reddi~i,. Mrs:P~f2. PHONES .,' -Clearbrook Choice Perrian RUII' F6r Sale > Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company, Swarthmore. Peru... ANNUAL MEETING TIle ADaual He.Untr of Cbe IJIookbolders of the BwartJ1Dlor.. NaU _ Bank _ _ OompanT, 8waI'IJ>more,' PL, for the elec&1oD. of dJnotors aDd such other business as may come before the meet.lJIa, will be held at Cbe banking house In Swarthmore, PL, on ~,., JIIDI1IIQ' 14, 1947, between the hours of three _aYe 1'. II. ELRIO S. SPROAT, OashIer. Friends Meeting Noles First Day SchOOl meets at 9:46 WhIttier House. The Adult Forum will be led b'Y Rlcha.rd McFeely. Headmaster ot FriencIa Central Scbool. He will ~evlew and discuss Elton Trueblood's book. "The Predicament of Modern'Man. 1t , Jleetlng tor Wonhlp convenJ'at 11:00 o'clock. On Monday the 6tb. there will be a. Membership Tea. in Whittier House at 2: 80 p. m. when Ethel Coates will read some of her poetry and Elizabeth T. J ohnBon will play DEW DROP INN BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER ~ OPEN 7 A. M.-8 P. M. -OUTSIDE CATERlYG SERVlOE- Sunday, 12 - ~ Wednesday, 7 ••m. - 2 p,m. the piano. DAlLY DINNF.RS ............ B5c to 11.50 . Special Ohlldren's Platters ~~~~.', , With, an Individual /, . FROZEN FOOD LOCKiR , , ]N oNE' OF AMERICA'S LARGEST MOST MODERN LOCKER PLANTS i' • " ... Trinity Notes , The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON BeautY. SAVE MONEY-SAVE TIME Hely Communion will be eeJe ... w-ated at 8 a. m. Church School will hold Its 8eBBIODB at 9:4G. Holy Comm".1Dion will be celebrated at the 11 o'clock service. Young People's Fellowship wIll meet at the Presbyterian Church at 6 p.m. Monday, the Feast of the EpIphany, there will be a celebration of HolY Communion at 10 a.m. Choir School 'will meet on Monday 'and Wednesday at 4:30 and again on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. "Sunday SchOOl on Wednesday Night" wlll meet on Wednesday at 8: 15. ThlB adult study group Is for all the members the congregation and will meet on six specC88~ve WednesdayQ. • The ushers for Sunday are: Mr. W. L. Cleaves" bea.d usher: C. B. Blake. B. D. CIOYde, J. H, Furlong, J. W. Jones. N. 0'. Lange, Wm. Sanborn. and F. E. Wyeth. alert for 1947 13 Senath Chiller Road Call Sw~ 0478 ot MRS. llOYD E. KAUFFMAII MEDIA Maga";,.. i~ BETTER HOMES AID GARDENS COLLEGE THEATRE -COU1'IeIy, Howe Beauli/ul Phone Chester Heights 194- :,'!.':" . and BETIER your home ••• better your LIVING Landscape Contractors •. of Resolution for 1947 The Chancel Choir reheat808 Thursday evening at 7:45 o'clock, the Boys' Junior Choir rehea.raea Frldeoy eventogs at 7 o'clock, tho Girls' Junior Choir rehearses Thursday afternoon at 3, 4~ o'clock In ,the Parish House. Tbe Philadelphia an4 West JerBey Presbyterlala' Prayer Meetln£' held January 7, at 10:46 o'clook at ,the Witherspoon Bulldtog. Phlladelphia. will have as Jeader Mrs. Harold B. Faust. The subject will by "Thy Will be done In Our ';;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;=============================~ Trees, Lawn Areas, and FoUndation Plantings Improved NOW William J. Stephani, Jr. f 3,1947 Presbyterian Church Notes Dispensing Opticians I JUUllJ')' The Holy Communion will be ob- J.E. LIMEBURNER CO. , .....n • • PA. PtJB!,IHH"R GIGO "Right in the Center 01 Town" Complete Rear 1-dmlral and Mrs. Richard E. Byrd of Boston have announced the engagement of their daugbter. Evelyn Bollins to William Anderson Cla.rke. Jr~ son of Mr, and orchtd. ~[rs. William A. Clarke of WalllngMiss .Janet Harrie of Ny Dot call for yo~ now on or coal? VAN ALEN BROS. II l~ __ RIDLEY P_~__ Mr. ond Mrs. Howard N. Jank.iIlB of North Chester road enter- tnloed their bridge club at dessertbridge on New Year's Eve. Mr. and Mrs. Joh,n Lilly ot Rose Valley. tormerly or Swarthmore, entertained at Open House trom 5 to 7 on New Year's Evc. Mr. and Mrs. Wayland EIsb.ree of Wallingford entertained at dessert-brldge on Saturday evening. Mrs. Helen Marshall of MexJco who Is visiting here over the hoUdays was guest of hO,Dor. l\lr. and Mrs. John Bowditch, Jr.. of Cedar lane have been entertaining their .son-In-law and da.ughter Lt. George O. Bennett, U. S. N .• Mrs. Bennett nnd baby son of Po· land, Ohio for a. tew days. Lt. Bennett reported January 1 to his new U88ignment at New London, Conn. Mr. and 1\Irs. Lewis D. Law.rence and their baby daughter Nancy will return to CambrIdge, Mass.. Sunday after a week's visit with :::===========:.~'~M~r~.:._Ln~w~re~n~c~.~'s:;.p~a~r;c;n~ts~:M~r::..-,a~n~d~ Bob Fawc.tt of South, Chester road entertaIned on 'New Year's .k:ve .in honor ot: Mary Beth Krlegh of WashIngton, D. C., who Ja the house guest of St." Clair lr4Ulburn of Roee Valley. David Deacon celebrated bis birthday with u,n Informal neighborhood. PU1'ty at hiB Lafayette avenue home on ChrIStmas afternoon. .1:l1s Cather, Mr. Chartea T. Deacon, was surprised by a lew fl"1cndB WJ10 arrived to help hIm celebrate bls annlV81'BlU'Y two daYB earlier. Idra. Mary Child Jfoster, formerly of SwarUunol'c, Ja doing graduate work In vocationa:l guidance at Cornell UnIversity. Her sister. Mrs. Huth Child Lalt'.·ance, Is teachJ.ng deaf chUdren to speak .In a 'l'oledo, Ohio publIc school. 'l'helr brother, Jolin H. Child, Is teacl1lng shop in the Emmaus, Pa. high school. Mrs. G. O. SavelJi of .Mount Alverno road. l\1cdJu. entertained 16 gucsta at a personal shower Thursday evening in honol" ot ,Ml·S. Paul, Hce.neham. the former Alias l\Iardy .Jean Crosby. Nancy Van Alen ot Purk avenue spent the week-end in Baltimore Md., vISiting friends. Carol Vun Alen of Park avenue enteJ'taincd at lu.nchcon on, 'l'uesday .In honor of Norrine Taylor of Ann Arbor, Mich.. Who is v1Blting here for the hoHdaY8. Jack '!'aylor of Baltimore. Md., will visit w.1th Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van Alen of Park avenue for the week-end. Pauline lJeacon of r..a:ayette avenue and Priscilla Giles of Rutgers avenue gave a kitchen shower Sund&y afternoon In honor of Mrs. Robert Pfeifer who before her marrJage' yesterday was Miss Bonnle Donnelly of Yale avenue. The I guests Included. Betty Morse. Mary Ann Hook, Bobby Blakiston, Anne Cochran, Marie Hanzl1k. Betty Rumble, Mrs. John Grigg, all of Swarthmore and Mrs. John R. Bigger of P.rospect Park, Mrs. Marie G. Donnelly and Mrs. Walter C. Gilee. Mrs. Margaret C. N cal of Benjamin West avenue 1B leaving Mond,ay for De.nver. Colo., to ~is1t her son and daugllter-in-lnw Mr. and .Mrs, Craig C. Neal for several weeks. While she Is out at town her house will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. .Jobn Dugan ot the College faculty. Ann Pepper Neal wUI return to apOl>t a few ~ at ~ hom. 'Ill North Cheater road. Mr. and MnI. Albert HIli.. of the Swarthmore Apartmenlll entertalned at Open House on New Year'. Day. Mr. and M.... Harold McCorkel and baby daughter Catby retlll'lled to their home In carlisle Mo.nduy atler a lO-day holiday vlalt with Mrs. McCorkel's parenla Mr. and Mrs.' Robert A- Sheppard of Vassa.r avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Cool~y wJll return to CambrJda-e, J4aa&, over the week-end after ap8nd1D8' the holiday season In Swarthmore with the Cooley and Davlaon tamlIlea Mr. and _Mn. John Bowditch, lJrd., of CllIDbrldge, Maaa, a.nd MIss Jean Murphy -of Foreet .l:I4lls, N. Y., spout ChrlatD\lUl Day with Mr. and Mrs. Jo.)1n Bowditch. Jr.. or Cedar lane. Mr. and .Mrs. WIllits H. Bowditch of YorktowD. Va." spent the week-end of December 20 Ilt the Bowditch homOlftead.. and Capt. Benson A. BOWditch, U. .- T_I ~, d S •C• f waa S . M . C .,0 f P ar.tMl'oIoIJ a180 a' recent v.laltor here. _IIJOI.lDJ1l W.,. avenue wIJ1 .,.: cullied by Hr. and lira. Horace ·.a...v ..... ! "t. be on tap. PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPAWY Trudy Enders. a grnd:m.te assistant In Zoology at the University of Rochester and who is studYing for her Master's Degree. will return there Sunday after spending the boUda$'B at her home on Elm ave_ nue. David Thayer who has been with the Project Engineering Depart.. ment of the DuPollt Company in BuUaIo, N. Y., since hlB release 9kiJ. :~U I .. If!' basement apartmAnt 1 room, kitchenette and bath; bellt 'water and electric included.; 9U1~l(l for student or bualness man: rent unCv_rnl&hed, $30 p&r montb. Sweeney and Lukens, 623 Welsh Street, Chp.ster 7183. FOR RENT-Double, room, seCOM Ooor. oonvenlent to all transportatlon., Call Swarthmore 2191. S~~~~tyl Completely AiM'onditicrae' y. a 'fr S...... 01011 PhoDe Media 2726 100 W. 41h St. Media,Pa. Grocery Deliver)' From Local stores including Marteb Virgie ~_ Prop., , Cheater D5888 1808 W. TbIrd "s"'ta-,... c, Chester, l'&.. ELECTRICAL WORK all kind Uldnp 80IIdted New or Old W. S.BittIe &:-Son MORTON ELECTRIC _ III11-J Real Estate. PhoDe Swarthmore 0992 NOfAr1 PubUo-lDBw'IUlce PAINTING and DEOORATIlIG All Work- Guaran_ Write PAINTING CLIFFORD _L PARKER Media.. R.D.: ;11~, ~ Reese-BaXter '-'". DAVE WOOD SPORTING GOODS 816EDGMONT AVE. Chester can MEDIA. 0755 EDWIN B. KF' n:y. Jr. , , YOUR dEwELER III East 7th st. ptJeater (Oppo"Ue New State Th",,_) 'Pbone ~ 8714 MARTEL BROS. South Cheater Rd. HANNUM &: WAITE yaJe Ave. &: Cheater Rd. • All Tn>eB or Electrical _nations and RepaIn Serving Swarthmore and Vlclnliy tor past Twenty Years 1180 Muhlenberg .Ave. , to .you _by tel,phCtn ••" PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Wblte lead and lJ1II'8 lip ee11 011 ased on all exterior painting. Work Guaranteed Phones Chester 8130 & 24525 Electrical Contractor , .. Here's th. recipe you asked 'orr_Jane. It w9uld have tedten too lone to give it Swarthmore 2295 nlgbt or Walters' Tree Swier,. and Landlca • -' ptq Phone SwarthmOre 217S;R 104 ComeO Avenue Swarthmore, Penna 4&,.. ~ A. MERCER QUINBY DO YOU GO IN FOR SPORTS1 / • • • Thanh, Mrs. Jone,l That'. !!lao a fine recipe lor ~~~dn_ on the party. line telep~(>"e I General Insurance 3331>ARTMOU'n1- AVE. and spaced well apart. It's the thoughtful, aeiihbQrl7 thing to dol 1be ."ITI__ Skating, skiing, yes even bow1iDg can result in serious and expe..sive accidents. At! lEma Accident _Policy pays hospitBl and medical expense, _other benefits for all types of accidents. \ I"-'e 0.., .Ih 1833 O&rpenlrJ' Repaln BDd AlteratiODS Kimsul IDaulaUOD "'""-'I Won ARTERS BROTIIERS OtNpet Hek [ 8 302 Gayle,. Street III Formed,. or M.edIa 11111 W. Lehlgb Ave., PblIa•• Morton Electric Media, P.. · ,and TeL Media 2567,.R HARRY W. LANG. Rap andCal'peu : Number 821 : March Term. : 1931 Flr-tt nnd Final Account of Joseph E. Elwell, Uuurdlnn of the Estate of James ~. nrooks, a. weak-minded person o'llpolnteu by D~crce of the above Co~rl dnted Aprll 29, 1931. the a&hl James A. Brooks, having departed thlK lire 011 Anrl1 25, 1946. 88 stated by gUzabelh E. Elwell, Executrix Dt tl1(1 EHtato of Joseph E. ElweJl. who Itlrtl November 1, 1946. . The above aCCQunt has, ooen flied In the 011 Ice of the Prothonotary and will be conlirmel, hy sruel court on January 10th, J947, nniet;s exceptions are flIed thereto, HOBt<;HT J. MACBRIDE, Prothonotary ~::::~~]"'II-V-:O-:I::-t::C=E:-::N::O::T::I::C::E:--=--=-- To Hel(m P. LaBelle. late of 310 St., <.....ltester. )la.. where ...· Homer La. Belle, your husband. h as We really look torward to read· flIed a IIbe-l In thB CQurt of Common k. Pleas of Delaware Cour.ty, Pennsyl- Ing your paper every wee \'aula as of September Term, 1946 No. Again. many than~ for send2M. praying a divorce "rom you. ~ow ., )' .JU 1l1"C hereby notUted and requ. red Ing The Swarthmorean. to al'llCar in said court on or before MontlR)' the 13th day of J'anuBl'Y next Sincerely, to answer the Complaint of the said Robert. EwlnC Homer LaBelle and In defp.;ult of such appearancp, you wIn be Uable to have a. dlvorc.~e gTalited In your abscence. !\ifLIUson Edw~ D. McLaughlin, Attorney 3T- n'~20 Dear Editor:. By tbe time this letter reaehe8 I.EOAL NOTICE your hands. I Wtll ha.ve been sepaEf"'TATF: OF MARY A. GILBY CHEY- rated from tbe service and thereNEY, decea&e:d. Letters Testamentary on the above tore no longer entitled to receive Estate have been granted to the un. d~rsigned, who request all penons hay; The Swarthmorean gratls. I wlsh Ing chums or demands agajal< n°lmt Ih to thank t'hose who arranged tor E~tate of the decedent to m e own . the same. and all persons indebted to this gift subscription wbile I waa thp decedent to make payment, without • delay.' to In Germany, It really helped me to .JOHN E. FRICKE, Executor keep the "teel" of Ufe at home. 728 Bedford Place. Mcrlon. Pa. In foregoing the pleasure of reor to hl!t Attorney turnfug to Swarthmore at this t1Jl:1e. S'rANLEY I ... THORNTON. 2004 Finance Bldg.• trr-12-20 I much regret being so far trom Phlla. 2. }3a. 80 many good. friends for so long. ----.. ESTATE NOTICE Es'rATE OF LILLIE G. KOOK, lats! Should any ot these friends ask ot 135 Preslrlent Avenue, RuUedge. YOIl for m~ latest addrea.:" please Pent'i",ylv.a~ta. deceased. Notice -Is hereby given that- Letters give them my best wishes Wltb Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned, who requests all per- the following c/o London ·,School &Vue having claims or demands against the Esu,.te_ d- the ,sall1 _d~cedent., to of Ec9DOmics. Hougbto.n street, mAke know the same,' and aU pef'tlon& Engindebted'J.to the decedent to make pa.y- Aldwych, W. C._ Z., " -London, ,merit Imbledlately to land. SWARTlf)lORE NATIONAL BANK __ - - - k you Stephen H ..y. AND TRUST COMP-ANY' 'rq_~'...... , ..... , ~ I , -:======::====~=::: " EXGeutor Swarthmore. Estate of Little G. Kook. d~cPased, Pennsylvania. Or: to Its Attorney. Al-'BERT N. GARRETT 228 Garrett Avenue Swarthmore. Penna.. r ., ROGER R'USSELL Maker of Eetate of;r. PASSMORE CHEYNEY, 8ou1h A _ _ deeeMed. Letters of Administration de bonia non abovecum Estate tostamento have been annexo, granted on the to the 1mdp.rsigned, who request all. pereons ha.ving claims or demands against the- Estate ot the decedent to mak~ rme Photoarapha Pam""filiate 8ta ESTATE )led]a. B~• ,I) Media, Pa- 2t78 I~~~~~~~~~~~~::::~;'~ INCOME TAX SERVICE S.S. HARING known the ~ame. and an persons ,indebted to the decedent to make payment. without d!llay. to 231 Sylvan Ave. RaiJedge, Pa. Tel.. Swarthmore tMl-". .JOHN E. FRICKE, Administrator d.b.n.c.t.B or to hIs Attorney " STANLEY J... THORmON. E8Q•• 2004 Finance Bldg., GT-U 2'1 Phll& 2, Pa. Estate of CAROLINE H. ROBINSON, Deceased. th e a bov e Lettors Testamentary on Estate have bean granted to the undersigned. who requests an pef'80nB havIng claims or demands ,aga,tnst the F..state ot the decedent to make known the a.ame, ,and an persons indebted .to the docedimt to make payment, without delay, to & PrIce to Meet EveJ7 FamIl)". . N_ PATTERSON FVAERAL BOllE Whllam T. PaUel'Mn. Dtrector Elpteea y .... BQ6rJe_ TELEPHONE IIIWlA ta811 LOUIS N. ROBINSON. Executor. 411 College Avenue ~ I Swarthmore. Pa.. Or his Attorney BINSON "AIlI'llIR H. RO 1000 Provident. Trust Bldg. Philadelphia. 3. Pa. GIRLS Gt-12-2~ . .~~~-= TOP-RANKING POSiTIONS in" Community S.eryice A vailablc to QUALIFIED YOUNG WOMEN in 'Telepbone Work INSURANCE All LInes NOTARY PIJBLIO 'pEl'ER Eo TOloJ> ssa Dartmouth Ave. S,'\-arthmore 18S3 ~~~ EARNINGS Compare with Best in Your Community , ~"' _ _ !lS.~ SwarthmOre 1448 • WILLIAM BROOKS SURROUNDINGS .AND ABbes .., Rab_ Remo_ Genemt Ia"..... Mowed 138 ~ Ave. BaullDg ASSOCIATES Better Tban Ave.-ap Mo_ Pa. ~~ OUTSTANDING Call OPPORTUNITY for Advancement aa4 Development MASON 331 Dartmouth Avenue Radios APPRECIATES PAPER G_ R. WATKINS c.f Delaware- Count.y. ~herlft Commercial and Domestic-Prompt Service-Refrigerators, Washers, Vacuum Ouners, Dcar Editor: I want to add my tbanks to those of the many Horvlcemon who have already done 80. and expr_ my app;r~claUon to you, your atatt, and to the borough bualneMDlen. for bringing me the acuvtUea of the town and it's people throuP the Swarthmorcnn. Any person wbo has recelve4 the paper. through your generou. efforts, will agree with me that many pleasant hours are apent reading about tho people back home and what they a.re dolntlra minded Ilel"SOn SUPPLY COMPANY Mom.., Pa.. "c,rpet __ .... it.·••_ .. 11IANKSALL BROOKS, Appliance Service II.Marton A _ RicIey Pull 3238 • Funeral Director Phone Baldwin 11 70 No additional charge tor ""burban eaII& SwartIuDore .0764 Crrn. .., ef~"'. HOlE ·IIPRDVEMENTS PETER E. TOLD YQ\.!1' Jine is al"W-line, pl~ keep caUs brief ••• i.... u_ FOR RENT-Bmall Sin"" U ~S!'lWH SIMMONDS a...n Moving and Hauling --' Photographic Equipment Pure Springfield wafer will alwap Olrct.-Bo...,. CAB WINTERS Ridley Park, Pa. 0"",", STORES Our modern filtration plants do ,a. remarkable job in water treal .... making a good water better. , FOUND FOUND-At dance In Woman'. Club. Friday night. bandana, tWD. pairs white gloves. 1 pair black gloves. .Call at The Swarthnlorean offlcc. 1"01.'ND-Second year Suhda.y School pin. C'Il1 at The Swarthmorea!'. MAC . Walter V. Hnton "OM tor Prtftte Famib' LlRht 1Dd1l8trT and _ bomestlo Work Swarthmore 0504 ·• GI w'hlff Old Bank Building 1'emIQIvania state 11 Park Ave. • Tomlinson CouDselon ttt So ltth Stoy Pblladelpbla 1:, ra. Phlladelpbla's oldest lIaldaDee oenfofr. ALICE M. BAIRD Real Estate and lnaurance OWENS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY DELIVERY FROM A TAP ... tJ/ ~el - WANTED-Part time mald, housework. annall f8,tnily. 07U. 4 SwarUunore IB12 tesll a.ad Contractor and Builder WANTED Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Franck of Cornell avenue entertalDed at Open HoUse on Sunday eVenJ.ng froDl 8 unt.1I 11, with the new of ,the ne'~bb9rhooa. 1l8. ¥UeatB ot honor. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hetzel, Jr•• ot Tha.yer .road entertalbed at Open House on Christmas Eve. 14r. ~d Mrs. Richard G. Unruh of W~I1ngford entertained at cockM1:3s fI'lorence Magllton, a mem- ~1B berore the Series Dance in· bel' of the sta!! of the Institute of t~e Swarthmo.re Woman's Club on Logopedics. Wlchl~, Kanaas. Is New Year's Eve. spo.nding the holidays w.tth ber Sister, Mrs. F. Schelbley In AtlanMr. and Mrs. F. H. Forsythe 01 Uc City. Thayer road will entertain 3. guests at a surprise buffet supper Mr. and Mrs, A. V. Gorman of .Sunda.y evening In bonor ot theJ.r the Swarthmore Apartments have da.ughter Miss Marle Louise }'Ofreturned trOln a week's stay In aythe. Mias Forsytbe wl10 i1B curPinehurst, N. C. l,r.m~IY dancing In Victor H.rbert's Mr. and Mrs. John B. Mu.erker nSweethearts" at t4e Boston Opera of Swarthmore avenue have had. a.a House, arrives home Sunday. Be.. their guest. for the Chr.tatmas holi- ginnlqg MqndtIY, "Sweethearts" days Mrs. A. M. Currey of Knox- wJll next run In Philadelphia for ville, Tenn. ,two weeks prior to leaving for Mr. and Mrs. George A. Stewart, New York City. Jr.. sp""t Chrlstmae day In Balli.Mr. and Mre. Wllil!t= H. Hetzel, more. Md.. with Dr. and Mrs. Jr., ot Thayer road a.re spending ,?eorge A. Stewart. 10 daya ·at ~~!':-,.,:!B~!t_ ~. , Mrs. J. H. McWnUams of Benjamin West avenUe spent a tew days at Christmas wUb her son and daughter-In-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McWilliams of Skytop. She was accOmpanied home by Mr. and Mre. Harry McWilliams. Mre. MeMonday. Wedneaclay WUllams lett Swarthmore on SatFriday urday for DeLand. Fia., where she will rema.in until April 1. Dur~ANDCO. apUtade 3T-l~-~O FOR Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Bell ot Harvard avenue entertaIned a &TollP of frJends at deBBert-brldge on Tuesday evening. ServiDg 2253 The Home You BaWl Planned Can Now Be Built FOR SALE trU,b , ~re .~. ro I: alleged weak.. 1'1_... _'IIIr-BIa"'a J Boob Ko4aJl sW:w- Builder SALE-Be:auU(ul Swarthmore COUege Calendr.rs. . At the College Book Store and at. Bookways. De.rtmouth a.venue. n.25. IN "l'B!!: MA'l'TEU OF J AMES COunsellng. Free »ooklet 8. t. CharlesE. Phone IN A RUT? CUmb (t~t \ and Nlclty and Patty Stuart of Va.ssa.r avenUe returned home Sunday acter spending the ChlliBtmae hoUdays with MI'8. Stuart's brother-In-law Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shanlt of Cltambersburg. Pa. CUNNINGH A,M . The traditional purity of Springfield water is not an accident. While y~ water is taken only from the purest streams free of pollution, we take it through a series of refining steps in order to bring it to our high stand-. ards. These steps include aeration. coagulation, precipitation and flI.. tration. • IIPll.uoaow the h _ you _at o-irable lob .\I·ila.... Mr. I41d Mrs. Richard B.lI of Wllklnsburg. Pa.. returned to their home Sunday aiter a. holldq visit with Ibe Fred N. Bella of Harvard avenue and with Mrs. BeU's parents Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Scholl o! Rose Tree. Mcdla. Mr. "and Mrs., Robert L. Coates of Harvar,d· a.venue entertamed a.'!' tllelr usual Bupper party and bridge on New Year's Eve. Hanna Moore - Academy on Monday to resume her studies foIlowJ.ng a vacation spent at her home on Benjamin West aVenue. Patricia Paul. of Yale avenuo. returned MO)lday lrom a week-end Bince trip to Washington, D. ,9., and Richmond Va,. where she visited her aunt. Mrs. Reginald B. TurPainters and Paper Hangera ner Jr. We ShoDla Know Bow Mr. and Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes of Swu. 2288 408 Michigan A'V.,. Princeton avenue entertained at a dinner party Mondaty evenlng in honor of Miss Janet Harris and Miss carol Maude Froebel ot It -; Swarthmore who recently announced their engagements. In addition to the guests of honor thoso present Incl~ded MI'. and Mrs. Henry R. HarrL'3, Mr. and Mra, Guenther H. F!oebel, Sr., Mr. Mril. Carl de Moll, Mr., .fohn de Moll and. Mr. Louis de Moll. aU of Swarthmore, Mr. and Mrs. Guenther Froebel~ Jr.! of Allentown, and Miss carmen Eiguerro of Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Williams of University place entertained at bridge at theIr home Saturday evening. Dick Hoot ot Lafayette avenue will return to Tulane University tomorrow {ollowing a holiday of two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Guenther H. Froc" bel, Jr., of Lehigh Universitty arc spending part of their holiday vacation with Mrs. Froebel's parents Mr. and :Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes of Princeton avenue. State ad Monroe Sb. Lora Blackm.an of Cedar lane enMedia tertaiJ;led 25 classmates of the senPhone Media 2880 tor class of Swarthmore High SchOOl at a buf[et supper at her home before the Senior Assembly at the 'Voman's Club. Monday evening. SPRINGFIELD WATD? SSIFIED Mr. and.Mrs. Alvah Wood Stuart 1_ HOW DO YOU GET c Hr. and II.... John B. M ....rkar of Swarthmore avenue had & 41D.. ner party Th11l15Cl.a.y evenlnjf, Decemb.,.. J6 In hOIl"r of Dr. J!IcIiI&r D. Ea.ves of the Unlverelty of Tell....... e who W&l!l attend.\nc the Mathematics meeting at the collose. Mr. and M .... WIIllam D. Gorman of Mt. Vernon, N. Y., spent Chrlstmaa Day with Mra Gorman'. taml;' ly. Mr. and M .... A. B. Gorman of the Swarthmore ApaMment& Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wetlauter of Cornell avenUe ,entertained at Open House from 3.30 to 6.30 on Sund,,¥ afternoon. Letters To the- Editor ESTATE NOTICE \ IN THE COUllT OF COMMON PLEA!! OF DEI.AWARE COUNTY, • INVESTIGATE TODAY THE BEll TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA ~For 1631 Arch Street Philadelphia EGG STOVE NUT PEA Buckwheat Rice or Room 315, McClatchy IIcfg. 69th and Market SIr.... COAL t . .-_ I· ...-18 Upper Darby DeIiYeI7. : 1 ": •. . -, school to ue the oollege coal . To RI .. ,+ CI"III . bunkers during the recent shortThe Allee Kraft c ....... In rb7thPIANO TUNING mic dancing tor Children Will be r .. :\ges. and In gtvlrm technical help tl~tumed to the Merchant Martne 8'"Jme4 for the winter aseoaon toda7'. "'hanever an emergency arose. and BepaIrIDjr SIDce Academy. L. I., January 1 after a. JanWU'Y . ·3. at the Woman's Club New _d RebuU& .....,..,. Houae. ALBAN II. PARKER Mr. and ~[rs. J. David JackBon i'O-da')r ~Ieavc at his home on' North l'bone Media 045t-M C1uses for children under eb; OfiVaJ'S:1J" aNcnuc enlerUdned at a ..C.J:1e8ter road. fat:nUy dinner party OD New Year'. ~eal'8 of age beatn at 1:30 p~m., and at -4 p.m. tor children 8iX t ..... Day. Mr. and l\lrs. J. Warren paxsOn and over. All interested peraona are· conti.. of Vassar avenue entertained Mi88 ally Invlted to atop ·In and _Inh Elizaboth Verega of Plainsfleld, Kitchen Cabinets Comer Cupboards In.~ year's end recapitulation, the perfor~aDce. • N. J., as their week ... end guest. the Superintendent's Office at the college published a Ust of the' 001.. lege . facUitieH which residents of Built to Suit Your the borough of Swarthmore used · OWn ReqWu:ments during the year. Clothier Memorial ~ll, as tho largest auditorium in Swarthmore, 302 GAYLEY STREET Iii used tor tho graduating' cxercises MEDIA of the High School, for the An .. Tel Media 2872-R ~ual Concert. given by the school Let Us Help You Arraoge Your music department. and tor the · Post-War Kitchen Christmas pageant which was pre... ~. sou ted on December 22nd to two capacity audiences. All through the· college year, villagers may at.. tend the movJes frequently shown in Clothier· on Saturday nights, free ot chargo. The field house is the ·scene ot the annual 'Hallowe'en parade sponsored by the Business Men'$ AsroclatIon. Swarthmore gn.r~ener8 alBo participa!e In· the Chrysan.. themum Show, held J.n Npvem ... ber under the aU8plc~s of the Pennsylvania. Horticultural Society and the Arthur Hoyt Scott Foundation •. 12lh and KERLIN STS., CHESTER, PA. That even~ Is. 91' course, open to . . r.'.pIaolle-6129· the public, . The Swarthmore High School football team plaYII Ita Thanksgiving D~· game '9(ith" I.ansdo·wne biennially on Alumni Field. Two nightS a week.· village folk dancing RICH, MII~ - at )'our groups meet in the Women's Gym under the direction of Miss Ireno Moll of the coJlege-phYSlcal edu... cloo. o. at rour Ito.... DIItIiIcr.atlori" .departJ:ilent. The· Swarth... Very sheer nylon hose - 6C puge. more Rille and Platol ClUb hOB . 20 denier: the been given the use of the bowling IInln .... Top 1IottI_ shade, 'new cop. alleys In the old Preparatory SChoo! per. GymnaSium which they have con.. vened to a rlfte range. The tennts A tlaBue of .sheer... lO_h ........ ilHl eat nylon 54 courta on College Avenue are avall .. .gaup, 16 denier. able during the 8ummer months to In new copper. members of the 8warthmore Ten.. nis Club. '.rhe many opportunities B.tforded 'by Crum Woods tire open all ).-ear round, as are tho rld.1ng You've hardly dreamed of suth dainty sheer hose as these stables:. • AMDICA'I TOLl ."U gossamer webs of filmy perfection woven by Dexdale for The Sproul Observatory wei... oomea students and townspeople . your really important occasions. See themilo..:.....you alternate Tuesday nights. giv_ J won't want to be without them. • Ing thept the privilege of lookll)8' through the third largest teleacope on the eaatern cOaSL Olber Nylon Hose 1.26 to 1.98 J,lemllera of the ~W'arthmore cqmmunity are of ODurse trequently and cordiallY welcomed to all lJub .. N,Ion HoIiery is Sold.at Oar CMw •• n III t.-A ! t • llc concert&. lectures, theatrical Qa.ntitiea productions. athletic events and ex.. t_ Cadet Jlldshlpmnn Paul Thnyer COLLEGE ENRICHES BORO.CALENDAR Modem Facilities Shared by Local .Groups ~"""~ , 'Utility Cabinets I ARTERS BROTHERS ONE OF AMERICA'S FINEST BRANDS DEXDALE , • en-r HOSIERY enl on . STRATHHAVEN INN! t 947 marks the 40th anniversary of the present I hlbita 8Po~.ored by coUen groups. In addition to these facilities, the School Board reported that tbe , _ _......._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~-----..) ownership-management of "The Inn in. Swarth- college had been moat cooperative more," Pa ......the· longest individually owned and In loaning certain pieces of hea.vy equipment tor maintenance of the playing lIelda. In allowing. tho ' * . managed Inn, or Hotel in or near Philadelphia. , . have been operated in the Philadelphia suburbs. All INER RFSHER • the early ones'have expired for one reason· or another, Only Stratb Except Strath Haven Inn. LOWERS Haven remainsl, and, Strath Haven is going stronger OR t.han ·ever, willt the. biggest Christmas it has known. ANY EVENT .: mercantile business is that we h\ve nothing to sell but service. You can't see sl1ch ~illgus s;.{ety. fin~cialsOOurity. business 1111Cile8s or personal convenience_ Yet these are· what weofl'er_ The beat way to leariJ. about our ·"Btock in trade" is through use_ 'We invite you to use this bank_ Standard Decorative . ·J!leasureto this community! To the older citizens . lind . Nevelti . Candles we send New Years Greetings and renew out invi- Greeting Cards :ta.tion to visit uS), to. the more recent w~ bid you c~~~s .,welcome to the village and-the Inn, with a "Happy . .. . . New Year"! '., '. ;~·~.~.~'·i , "Orc~id$ Alwayfl' .. a.lt..Pike,. SpriaafW;" ..... . .E'rank M. Sch~ibley. Ownet; Manager: -- .. • • ... • ;Sw.~~~ore National Bank &Trust C., . :' ". r~"'- \;~ff)~; ::H.i.r:.; L ~ n i: ~\ ~ ~ NCDT : 't.T1, COUBGE . ",/TONlGBT Vol. 18 THE ·SWARTHMOREAN No. 2 ENJOY FIRE COMPANY 200 CLUB LUNCHEON F~~~~el!~~~~_ tectln AIIeocIation. h.ld i'" annual banquot I&at nlllht at the Strath Haven Inn. Ninety mombera. tbelr wtvea. and honored pesta attended the eYent. R.Urlnll PrOllldent Edward 1.. "Hes X ........ tho Spot" ls Noy.. preaented a brief resume of Intrlculn&' tlUe of· the talk ..l~lc,h I the problema· the Fire ComplUlY ....11 be glv." by Ann Mark at the had faced durllll/ the year and Woman'lII Club on TuMdlllT, J"aIlu... llated Ita accompUshmenis. ReUru-, 14 at 2 p. m. MUs Mark I"g Chief Robert .AlIIsoIl thanked .'811 Olle ot tbe exhibitors at the ftremen for their cooperation' club's Antlq..... FaIr lut under his leade..hlp. Other ofhu .made a, Ions IUld tho....UI/h fie." to r.tI.... thla year a .... J_ph lItudy of the P.nuylYal11& f1>Utch!' ReYDol4B~ vice-president, and Peter She has written sev.raI E. Told. tr.........r. about them aDd ball . .thete4 Th. now~ elected ottlc..... unique eonectlon of te&tllo cte- John Rumsey prealdent. Charlee 01l11'li ....4 He mar.... many Black vlce'preeldo"t•.. lohn 8chuwhich· wIU .... on·. d!8play at mak.r ...creta.". Rlcbard Snyder dub. treaaurer. and Charle. Kimmel fire HOIlOr goesta at tho' ~lub chiet, &eknowled«ed the. &reeotiDP Tues,ey• .January 7. wert' the ne... 1 ot the STOUP. and ....IDIIta...dm....be...IQ Among ·th. hOllored l'D.eta were folloWln&' Jist. ·the Dew Judse Henry Sweeney; Bur.eas atld ..... tfeolgn&ted by "N." ....d Mrs. John H. Pitman. Cha\rm_ of -who were .... -_ted by .... : .. H..... Public Sofety Oeol'1l1l M. EwInll and Chari.. 1.. Boyle R. Mni. P. M ..... _ .. and other boro...b ofBray N. lIIno. I!Iamuel T. Ilcial& tar N, Mra. Walter B. Hex Symbols Topic For Next Club Meeting LONG "D, aWAIT·ED JR. PROGRAMTUESDAY ~:win:;'''!"r!:",:o~:.ra:r::.l>IrL w. Croeby R. M ..... ChRrlM T. Deacon N. 111... Frederick W. FIIIh. . N. Hno. W. H. Oehrln&, X ...... PfI"'lI' G. Gllben· R. Mrs. 1 Oeorp QIIleap\~ R. Xrs. R. aI. HaDny N. II.... T. E. H_.enbruch! N. Xno. Eldon Bord.r Holl'" N. Xno. Dorothy N. Hopklna R. ll...... 1 CecD D •. n .......... R. Mrs. JOIIfIplt 8. Howe N. JIr& J. Da.vld JackThe- Junior Woman's Club wUl ."D N. 111"& Oeorce J. lOftM R. !I.... Cle.ra. A. ·Klbllthammer N. preeent .n '~E'VeDlD« In U.olly;',oe,d··11 E. Clinton Lapl\&" N. '. M ..... nesi TuNd~Y. J"'!UIU'Y i f at- s: Charlet! w. LukelUl N. Xrs. Stanley 1.. Xaclllilan R. Mra. Oordon p.m. In the cl,ub house, with Leroy MUler as 'master ot ceremonies. Meader N, Mn. Chat:lea 1II1tchell R. M..... Gustav Nord- Orlglnal}ly scheduled for November 2, 19-46 b:1t postponed. due to Mr. strom N, JIJ8B Maude t; PtJrnell N. Mra. 8&oyan W. RWIOOU N. Mrs. Miller's Illness thlB prosmm has Davia W. Shoema.ker N. 111..... been eagerly awaited ...... 'membera u~ Thomas Slmpe... R. Sarah Field Splint N. Mrs. Hana K. and ,"Ienda of the JUnior Club. The Stelnteld N. 111"'" Mabel Tally N. club\.opea that many townspeople Xrs. James C. Taylor N. Mrs. will arrive to share the ~vening's Wm. ROM Thomsen. Jr. N. Mrs. bllarlty. The reault 'of' tho borough wide Wm. A. Tippett N. Mrs. George B. Valentine N, Mra. John Sum- selection of Swarthmore's ner Vertner N. Mrs. H. 'E. Wells Neighbor will be announced at this R. Mrs. Wm. A. WIllard R, Mrs. meeting. The choice ha.s not been !larvel Wilson N. Mrs. J. L. :wood- made as yet and there is still time rutr: N, Mrs. Lee Porter Wray ft to write a. ",QoQd '~elghbor Letter" ... andMi'S. Frank E. Wyeth R. to P., O. Box'":59,. ... * SERVICE FOR SAlE • • • • • • Cams deliJlers During the past 100 years many Inns and t10tels * :;I;"rthuore C:, llece Library S\7arth more, Pa. 'M~ nrFedilralI'ell_ r-...... " " - - r. j. HONOR TRINITY OFFICIALS Formal dr.eBS dancing class wlll meet saturday. Jan~ary 11. for the seventh; ninth. and tenth grades. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Qgram. Mr. and Mrs. C. Irwin Galbreath. 1\fr. and Mrs. Lockwood W. Fogg. Jr.• Mrs. Walter H. Robinson will chaperon the seventh grade and ~trs. Alban E. Rogers will be the hostesY. The ninth grade will be chaperoned by 1ofr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Stuart, :\olrs. Frank Bmdbeer with Mrs. Henry C. Ford as hostess. Chaperons fo'r the 10 grade \Ylll Include Mr. and Mrs. Willard Tomlinson. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Dickinson and MLS. Carroll P. Streeter DB hostess. RED CROSS TO NOMINATE . Mrs. Walter Dickinson. president ot the Swarthmore branch of the American Red Cross, announces the following nominating'· 'committee: Mrs. Howard W. Newman, chairman; 1\Irs. Harry F. Brown. and Mrs. Franklin Olllesple. . Suggest10M for two·4treCtora four offtcer8 ma.Y be made til writing to the committee by any member of the local brancli.· be'fore J_uar:r 17. . . l,,~ .•. ~,.·l.':,,:: •• ~.-~..... ,.~ • • • •-;- • . • • • • . ~: A reception will be tendered by Trinity Episcopal Church M,on'da;y! evening from 7 to 8 o"clock In honor of S. B. Brewster and O. w. Cnsey. Mr. Casey hns been an omccr the church for over 60 years. !1.ddition to being a member of vestry and ·the rector's warden, .designed the present church edifice. Last year he was named honorary \varde·n of the churcti. Mr. Brewster served as treasurer of the church for over 10 'years and was active in the expansion program 011 tho parish. He served on the vestry and headed many committees. Pr('sentattons will be made to both mEmo Current Roving Reporter Paul WUUam.8. of' Universtt'Y h,la.ce. will &et as "roving reporter"' of th,e Haverford. School on the 'WIBG Radio Workshop In a pro~ gl-am which. he helped to write. Every· week col1es.es. aDd Jtirepara.tory' schools ·,;oln tht~ area partlctpate in this program and Monday, Jim~··.':", la Havertord'a turn 4.10 to 5 l/.m. over WIBG., :~~-·~.::.·,· • • • i~f·'~'····:···.1_·>~ ...-·- INCREASE POUODRIVE OPENS ON 15th The Delaware County Chapter ot the National Foundation tor Borough's Bonded Indebtness Is $52,000 PASQUIERS IN BEETHOVEN SERIES Cooper Foundation Events Welcome Residents IntanUle ParalYFtla held a special meetln« Monday evenln.., January 8, tor the purpoee of dlecuaslng plaDS tor the lIaE'ch ot Dimes cam .. _ to be _ d JaDuary 15 to Second In the ....... of Beetloo30. That residents of the borough ven concerts belbll' preseDted II.t the Mra. Walter OUes ot Rutgers can hearUJy approve the tlnancJaI dietrlct chairman tor collece thiD eeuoD IlAde.. the .,.. cannlDe... of their elected Borough avenuo. picea ot the. W. J. Cooper Jl"ouada,... Swarthmore announced that )Ire. Councilmen beeame evident tion, Will be the top ""'0777'· U· Sergeant B. ~e_.r of SwarthMonday nlgbt's meeUns of couDcll In the . council room. more a.venue ta chalrman of the liven by tbe Puquler TrIo n.d 1. Boro"Jl'h HaJJ. The Secretary'.. northern eecUon ot the boro-.Jlrb Thu...day IiDd FrIday. and 11 al 8,1~ In "Clothier. 8Iace and M..... Milton M. Fwoaell. Jr. report a.o of January 1. un ahows a C8.8b balance In the Bor... III charge ot the 80uthern district.. the tonnaUon of the trio In 1911. Tlte chapter spent over ,S3,000 tho P",""uler hroth..... baYe oUjfh·. Gen.ral Fund of ,SO.482. durin .. 1146 and helped 9S ~Uenbl achJeved an tlDYlable bltenatloM' 93 ""d In the Slpklns FUJld of repulaUon . . IIFterprete.. of _ _ ,S.3&0.41 t makln. a total eaJlh medically or financially. Jl'ittly per cent of all tuna received in thla ber muolc. ....d baYe toured wid..,. ba1ance ot" ,65,131.40. The bor. ·drive remain in the county. while In thls COlIDtry and ... Europe. Preou_h's Indobtneaa on tbe samo the oth.r balf 1(008 to New. York vloual,. tile th..... broth...... " ..... date wa., 'U.OOO • for research pUrpoees. vlollnlst. Pierre rioIlIIt. &Ad 1IIUo_ The secretarYs repon as of " •. n-I ·colltn. had studied at the PIU'Ia .Dry 1. 1142. sbo"ed a cash BalCODaOrvatory of XWllc and load ap_ peared individually . . concert artu.nc. In the O ..... ral Fund of 889.10. with ".001.18 In the s~ok-I· lsta. ing Fund, maJdDC a total On 'rhUl'lOdq _nl~ the proBalance of n.on Janu«ram mil include Uae TrIo ta Ot ary 1. lItZ the bonded Indebtn... OP"" I. No.1: TrIo &ereDaiJ•• O,ve ot tho bo""ugh stood al ,1&.000. 8: and TrIo In D.O.,," t. No. I. Thus In Bve years of wise AnanFrIday's D~ WIll c o _ of ctal manacement the borough Ih... TrIo In E IIat,Op,," t ...... gained ,11.21'.91 In Its caeh balTrIo In C lIIInor. I. No. I. arice and at the P8me timo re· The WIllIa", J. Cooper Founds._ duced ita bonded Indebtncsa by '28.000. . l'Apple of His Eye." the play Uoa.. .POJUi!lrln!r tlle curren~ Be&that lured Walter Huston from Ihoven ~r1e.. '" well-!mow.. to The new buds-et, aa DOW Hollywood to Broadway lut sea.- moot Swarthmo.... rNldenta. Eet&b. UP. cal'" for a 10 and \l mill tax. will be produced by The Ilshed In lUt by Xr. Coop.r In eight a.nd one half mills for tho Club of SWarthmore for · memory. of . Emma. XcJl_ C0ogeneral fUnd. one mlU tor the performances be~nDtng Jan... per. who W'U a meml>er ot the Public . Ubrary. three quarter llary 11. Board of Manage,.. tor. III&DY yean, .. mill for the s1nklnll tund. Thla J. William Simmon... who la cIithe Foundfit.1ol1 aDDuaUy brlul:III to 18 a. boroUllrh tax:'Pcrcnsl-lC'nt Council. on the I.lbrary brae ~uffercd when the car in ter, N. Y .. this week to attt'nd the Board, succeeding )..rrs. .T. PaR..."I~ which hr wn.... riding on Decem· funeral ot her aunt. Mrs. W. M. morp Cheyne~. deceased. a former resident ot ber 30, turnett' ovor three timcs· on Swain, Swn.rthmorc. Baltimore pike·. A cast on his bal'k APPOINT HILKERT Mrs. Swain was Eugen'Ie Rose, enables him to walk abou" and lIe Robert N. Htlkert has been· plans ·to resume his cla~cH at da.ughtct' of the 19.;to Chap. and pointed vice president in charge of Swarthm9re High School In the Mrs. F. B. Rose. Her death' was personnel ot' the Federal Reservo near f'".J.ture. caused by an automobile aecidet;1l. Bank ot Philadeillhia. according to an announcement made by the Doard of Directors -of the bank. ::\ir, Hilkert joinccl the Bank in I"riday. JamUlr)" 10 1942, as Personnel Director and In s: 15 P .M.--Collegc Orchestra Conc(>rt ...................... Ciothicr ?l.lemorlal Saturday, .January :11 .. , 1943 ',,~as made an assistant vle~ pr..-!side .... t. He received his educa- 6:00 to 1]: 15 P.M.-Junior AssembUPN •.•. .:.:~.:~ ................ 'Woman"s Club' 8:30 P."f.-Collegc Basketball \"9 'Bt.c.... _:...::...........~. . . . Field·,House tion at Yale and Columbia Unlver· Sunday, ,January 12 . slUes.. specializing in the field o~ 11.00 A.M.-Morning Worship ......................... ~.,.~..... :;.: .. ~,l.1iQ4l': ·.Otlurches; Industrial management. He Is Pre .. 7.30 PM --G 11 )01011 1 daldy , Januart 18;· . , .• ':~.~ ~~~; t~...: . ,'. ll7.e fS vs eno en ...................................... .n.t~n SchQ.nl; sldent of the Indu'strlal Relatlons _.8:• 20 P.M._'.tApple of H\~ Eye" ..... :................................... Pla}~ers Cli.lb Association"'.1:)[ Philadelphia· and 'is ·l'tiesdaYt January 14 ,~ :... H ,• 2:00 P.M.-8tatcd Meeting .............. ~....... ~....................... Woman·s Club. otl1.et'wlso- actiye In '·the Industria1 S:t5 P.M.-Evening tn Hollywood ....... ;.~.: .................. ~ ..~ ... ·Woman!s Club· . mnnagt"!ment field. .8:20 P~M.-~·-t\:pple, of ..HLa Eye" ~ ....................................... Players Clubi I),[r. and· Mrs. ·Hll~ert and their . . . ' Wed' 3 Ja,.~ Jl\nt:ary 15 . children, ~rin and John now re... -8::':0 ~.M~-·:~pple' '0J: .lib" Rye" ...... ~ ....:..... ;... ~.: ..:~ ...~ .......... :rla'Ye~ Club, . ' . . ! -.l :,.·:.~Th • .,.m,., Jannllt"j" tl· " ..... ;~ .", .', : slde..•ln Pr&.od.deht aven\1e. RuUedge ·7:30 P.M.-GD.Zell~8 'n Lincoln WarriOrs .. ;a: ••• ~ ............. :.~. High School. following a . ...recent. ' . mov.• .8: 16 -J.>:~~ul@r: .."rt9' I'"'.~._ .•.....~.~ ...........~ ......:... ::.~. ClothIer· Memorial: ' ~lverv1ew· i"Otf.d... , .. ~ 8:20 P.M.•..",:·~pple ..0!.Jj:la Eyt'·;.. ,......•... , .. ,..... ,....: •.., .. , .•... ,... Players Club' .. , """U&J7 uO. 'n.•••. "APPLE OF HIS EYE" IS JANUARY PLAY Simmons Directs Club Cast Next Week Opu. THIS WEEKS CALENDAR > . . . . . . . . . . .~~ • -~ •• • " • . I!'·' 'f' , THE SWARTHMORE,AN THE .. , SWARTHM'OREAN . ,~ ~';"~,I , I f '11IE SWARTIiMOREAN PUBLWp·, swar .alDAY ~ "',&BDIIIO.Bmaw,.. t of wee k -end ,',. _ In 1945 he had been a :!Itudcnt at Duke University until 1 he received a regular commlBB on '!p, til, I U;S. ,"-i''W,. an.~~}8 ,*9~ S'cii.ttoned', In . nalblgli~ N:C., where tt-a young couple wlJl nve. O versp.aK td , , No date has been 8e lec e t or I MlM~,p.l'~ ~denJOD of Chi. the wedding. lIPent . thO' . hollds¥!' with her .. , P.fIlUtti. ~...~. !oDd Mrs. C. A. An'Mr. and Mrs. A.I M., Di:ibievY~·.. derson - of Yale avenue.' Brewster, Ohio announce the 'eoJean Evan.....c;Btrath· ~.-d·gageme'nt ot .t'!"''' I"'ugb\erl-t; HO~ :STA~ .", avenue spent :"~~~;i::: Frances R. D".in]evy. Army.· Nurse Tbe:marrJQ«e of Mrs. ElizabethNewton center, :at.....t,.. Corp. to Lt. . Robert J" .~ho~pe. Michael Stauffer daughter ,of Mr. former roommate at Lt. :f)u~levY 'Is at ,":present Blia, I' •..•• • f u~ '"olle' go'. v"-lnla.~~~a::lfl:i..!i~l d M W 1 and Jlr8.:.JO~- E:.( JfichR;el.o. , , ~ '"' &Ali USNR, Bon at llr. an ra. ~ - Trees'~.. ::H.lJ.rvard ]jf~--" .uten4.ed -V1rginta ... a tel' L. Thor·pe of Dickinson. avef M 1n her wedding on Saturd.lQ". Robert Riley Hopkins Bon 0 r8. li"hli1v AIP.e~ .re~urn~d ~ lrL I.-T. nu~~ 'Dunlevy Is at: present st3.- J\J1gcla. .~.: \Bopklns' ,!/f ,Br:~¥.wi.ok, . on' New Yea··s Day r~I,lowln, g a . Letterman' 0 cnera . 'I H OB- 00., , took place Thursday, January -·tioned ~ at vaeafl NrO.· apent ·at 'b!s. home on . . - '.2 at 4 o~lock. In; th~' Swarthmore ~,. !'vllal, San· It''"ranclsco, Callt. G Chester road. ." ~ ,~ folloWing foui' and a '"half Trinity Cm,arch:.' ~~~ ..Jilev. eorge Mr. ana' MrS•. ~~ - ·:8ehenna of I: v,oa... dtity with -the N'av)--. '.' . Ohl'istian . Anderson, rector. perPrinceton .. a.vell~e entertained a tormed the eeremony. before a (~W f~lend~_. ~nd: .members of t11e Mrs. 'John 1.:. Good bt Harvarn 'baekground ot .evergreens,·. white t~.UY 'r;Lt.,' dln;per Sat~day eve~.. arinounced the"cngagement : chry3a'ltthem,ums. .carnaUODSJ 'snapil)8'. '. .' .; her - daug'hter•. Peggy! ,to 1\Ir. ,dragons, and lighted candelabra. • Mr. and. Mrs.. J .. )I..-.~rger. ot .L-ynn Kippax. s6n ot'·Mr. and 'Mrh. The choir .. boys sang numb!=lrB ap. R'oanok~: V'a.., sp_ent saturday ~d. . Edward C. J{lppti.x 'of Phnadelphta proprlate for the occasion.' .. ' Sunday with" M.r.~ ~n,~" MrS.·iT··N.:. a· luncheon December 28. . The bride-, given In marriage by BreakeJl of -. . Both.· are graduates or 'Penn- 'her. father. w.ore an .afternoon - 'Ma...".op";i campbell of.' ,CQrn.eJI . .... ... 606 satin with ; '~-,. '-. . , ~ .,. 'State Co1tege.. ' MIsS' "Gooa' ·t~ a dre99 of c,.-"reuse a.venu. returne,a We.dnpda.y to ..' " . ' .'. I dl tl. we- Her . .1 .. " . • . , • . 'il stu,'d ,member ot the ·Alpha. Chi Omego~ small hat of ben ng 0 'Q. I 8m th College resume M'rii.,jaret .er. . ·,so,'orllY and:' Mr: Klppax' a n'lem~ corsage was of green and. brown iea. Durlng thoto )1ollitays' , cif tne 'Phl Delia· Theta ·Ira-_ cyperpedtum orchids. ' . at"ended 'the "-NatiO.rial' . StU.,de.tit.. . , tena·nt Mr•. ,J.B.ph Reynolds of "Half .A8aetnbJy held' "at"' ttie University and' sel-ve d"as'" a Lle... .. of . IllinolB ~as A-"delegate 'from tn tlie Na:vy.· Acre", ·Oberlln avenue, as· her ,eta.. Sinith con~:; :",., )'{188 Good 1s"tll.-8 great nfece ·of ter's only attendant, wore dark ··Mra. L.' Jl,·,Edtes or· Baltimore Mrs. Frank Slrayer·lf."el1zel ot·Har., l,green crepe wlt)1, sequin trim•. Her pike; Media.;; fOl"merly of swartb- vard avenue. . corsage 'was o.t yellow orchl~8. more Is leaving ~:ril.buary '18' for The ~~dd.1!18': ~lt; l$e, Ip:I~?e, .1p. Mr... W ... ·Bteuart ~opk1DB of Rio de Janero. Bruit to Visit' her the '"8p'rJI~gr' - ~ I , ' ; . : ' '''-: • , MIt'ena, Ga.: served as best m~n tor parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Tuckhis brother. a~d the .u8~ler8 inh h~' h__ m'-" narl.. p.I:D,C'" "OO'TR . cl'uded Mr•.,;(oseph . . ~cynold,s. M, r. ;:er: IaDlO Anderton al)'" Mr. P.aul BaldMi-. 'and . M........ Richard ..WIIII. Ivl' Booth datig'hter-' Of IiIr, arid win of WsJllngford. and, Mr. ~: aiid chnfI~'n .Vfclsy and 8~pli'er. Mrs. Samuel WiUlam Booth~ Jr., gene. MarUn or' ~e~ay. ,MeL tormer resf4~n.ts Qf P1ll'k avenue. of- 'Charlotte, N.C:;·· and·' ~ajor A .recepUon at the home or the ,;noved_ last 'week' into' the'r new- Henry JQnes Pierce, spn ot, Mrs. bridC~~ par~nts toll.qwed ~e .cere.IY: Purch,ft.8ed ftom~' ,at .425 Har- Catharine .1. PJerc~, reference 11- mony. The. brJde's mother wore an vard avenue. . brarian at the' cbm,gc, took place arternoon dreM ot brown ~repr. Mary; Lee 'Hartzell .~. or" Avon... Janllary .6:30 o'clOck in the with PtDk acceasorlelf. Her c~rsag~ brook rbad; ·WaUlngtord entertalli.. was of orchids. The mother' ot the e4 1'2 of 'he'r' friends.' at 'a bridge- Myers Park Presbyterian. Church. bridegrooni wore' Navy blue crepe. . " d lunoheon "FrIday." Jda"" ·Lee re- Charlotte, N.C.. -oJ . The Rev. Dr. James A. Jones. Her oorsattc' was' of' la'V~n er 01'turned to ~radford .Junior Colchids. '. . .. '. lege- on ·M6hda.l" follOwing the holof the churt!h, offtclated; beIday vacatlon:- ' .. , fore a background· -or southern ENGAGEMENTS smllu. Cybotlum :ferns. and sev· Mr, and Mrs.' Harlan ·R: JeB8uP :" Mr. and, Mra..~ Melvin -F. Wood, cn branched· candelabra holding of 241 Haverto'rd avenue Are retormerly of Swarthmore. and 'vhite cathedral ta-pcrs.· ceiving congrat"4latlons. upon th~ of, ;Westover"i Hills,' ~nmtngton, The bride, given in marriage by birth, of a..danghttr, ~Q.r~ha M~~ray Del., -have announced, the her father. wore a gown of white ment ·ot ,their . daughter Mi&9 ' ta."Jhloi:J.ed ~th drop should- .J-eBSUP an Deceml}er 22' In. t~a l!~'. WUlson WooiJ· and 1Hro"' carl Ed.. e~, marquisette yoke, scalloped 'vcrsity Hospiq,l. Philadelphia. The ba.by· is the grandda~ghter "Wa.rd yoW,· Ird of- South Ardmore, bertha. fitted ~odlce and fun skirt ot Mr. and ~rs. J. Harlan Jessup Pai ending in a train. acr fLnger-tln of 243 Haverlord a.venue, Mr. VottL1s 'now cOntinuing his veil of bridal iUuslf?n was worn 8tudiea at the University of 'Penn_ with a ~p of heir1oo0m rose-point " Mr. and Mrs, Norman C. Mancnl sylvania after seryJng as a sergeant lace, and shc carried a bouquet of ot Wallingford are being c~ngratu­ in ·the. 5 17. Parachute In~antry Re- . white sweet peas, narcissi. and or- laled upon the birth ot a daughter girnent of .the U. S. Paratroops In 'chids.. . Anne Marshall ManciU on DecemItaly. France. Belgium, and ,Ger_ Miss Mary Sommers Booth, 81s- b~r 27 in the Lying-In HOSPital, mnny. !dr, Vottl was awarded the ,ter ot' the bride, attending as maid Phlladt'lphia. Silver Star. Bronze Star, and Pur- ot honor, and the slx bridesmaids, Mrs. Manclll is the tormer Mi81 pie- Heart with· one clWJter. wore gowns of white b.engaUne, Ettzabeth June Baker d~ughter ot teaturing fitted bodices and full Mr. and Mrs. Earle J4". Baker of Mrs. Clarence Eugene Myers ot skirts. They carried bouquets or Lansdowne. Philadelphia., formerly of Swarth- . mixed Bowers in shades of rose ~~~~=:=========l !Jlore.announceq the engagement and AmerlCB!l Beauty. ot her daughter. Miss Jane Myers Mr. James Wilson Pierce ot II to Mr. G. (W. Klem. son of Mr. Swarthmore, brother of the bride· Now-' . and Mr>. G. Klem of Klngmon, Pa. groom, served as best man. 1 yr. $1.50 3 yra. $3.00 Miss Myers, cJaughter of the late A reception· toll owed at the After Feb. 1stColonel Myers, I.' a gfaduat. of home of the bride'. parents. 1 yr. $2.50 3 yra. $5.00 Harcum JunIor College, Bryn The brIde -loho. was graduated Ma.wr. .... from St. Catherine's School In Sw. 2080 Mr. Klem Is a. graduate of the RiC'hmond, Va.. attended Sweet Subscriptions tor ALL Universlly of P@nnsylvania and I ""n •.r Olnega, and was graduated MagazInes wUI graduate from HAhnemann from the University of North CarMedical ColteK'c In March. olina where shc was a member ot The wedding wlIi take place In the PI Beta, Phi :sorority. She is UNITY ASSEMBLY , ~rougb Hall tho spring. a member of the Charlotte Junior (0:30 A.),f. "~verJ' \VcdncN.ln, League.' ZELIA lIL W AIIl'ERS, Speaker Dr. and Mrs. W, Nivtn Wherry The bridegroom was graduated Everyone Welcome of Cedar lane announced on Christ- , mas Eve, the engagement of their daughter Rosalie to Albert A. Bullard son or Mr. Pond Mrs. Carlton W. Bullard of ElwYn, tormerly of Rutledge. THEATRE Friday and S.tturday MI88 Wherry attended Ryder BErt'E ~AVlS Collt:ge In TrentQn, N. J., Dnd both Thursday.Friday-Saturday OLAUDE RAINS _,L lfUest8tro;·~I .. '" ~.~'l. caco ot "y~ ~ =.r~~ ~~-~r~et satin. I 0Irt.. HAVE YO~f's~.~N. .: . . PresbYterian Church Sunday . morning ~ ." '., The 194'r W~ Pap'~~s,.: .. They ai"ene.ut~uJand~ Unu~ual .PHONE' M.EI)M:"07,;S·S' Be Ple'~sedTo We Will ; . . -..... H~veYou ,See· Them ......... ': . '.~' :.:~.·.I~··J, '.'. DAVE' WO·O,D . ,.. ' ." . ..': t . .•• . •. • . '. TreeS Lawn Areas, and . .Foundati~nl)l~lliigsImproveli , ". NOW . . .' William J. ~tephanj, J..: :'::-' .' .' ." ..... : ( '; il~q"cl."."p~. Contractoi'B " .: 'Phbi1l'bbllt~r' ' Heights 19:4 , .. ,. , ,. -" ,. ., ROP:INN", ,"BREAKFAST , . , .:' LUNCH, .' DINNER ' .. :. .. " .', . ." OPEN 7. A. 1\1,-"-8 P. M. -..ollTSIDE OATEIu!'l'G SERVIOE-, Wednesday, 7' 8.m. " 2 .' . ' p.nJ COLLEGE THEATRE DECEPTION SatunJa,. Matinee Kiddie FINE FOOD .•• Show cooked a5 you like It. Quick. courteous service. SUBUBBAN ~lrB -..nd Cockt"" Loung. "'1 caK'I"'_ '.LI. _Ino ITll. • lIicIt fJa III: • . . . fJa.15c coca... ttOA • 310' '.M I Monday and Tuesday I I A NIGHT IN CASABLANCA Wednesday 1 0&7 0DI7 • • • I Sunday-l\londay-'I'uesday Continuous Sbowlng Monday hom 2:30 ALAN LADD WIWAM BENDIX GARYOOOPER "110 TIE ADVEITORES Of mas BEfORE THE IASr' • • • IARCDPOLO 'JOMlNG:-NeIllSATURDAY MORNING ("-lIIU'J 18th) a& 10:00 o'dook Startinc nandar ROsALIND RU88ELL SISTER KENNY Ca •• So. "MARGIE" "CANYON PASSAGE" to recbnlcolor Hear Hoagy Oarmlchae1 sing 1I0le BottennUk SkJ" MARX BROTHRS Delightful surroundings. IIl_I-.-,.-~-n-'-Il-II-"---~ I DANA ANDREWS SUSAN HAYWARD BRIAN DONLEVY Sanda,., 12 .. 8 'p._ DAILY DINN• .:., ........ 85c to '1.110 OhUdfen's PJa,tters The Bouquet BEAUTY SALON Beauty'. alert for i947 13 South Cheater Road Can Swarthmore 0476 A" • NuSIotoan ~N_Oa_ • lH)at to '.lJlderwrite thfa _ In the tuture. A tnil report W'tD be Dear EdItor: The commlttse In charp of the recenu,. orpn'H4 Atiateuc Weltare Fund W18h"" to eltpress lis ap. preClation to all those who" have conttlbutod so ceneroua4-. The Fund 1.0 dUipatod to UoIBt to bearing eQelllle& Incident to &Ccldenls 'OCC11r1'lng In connection with the achoo!a' sPOrts procrama. The committee III atudJing broadly h!,W' given at one of the .Home . .4 School AaeoClation meetlnp. , The letter on this subject, mailed ahorUy betore ChrlBtnuuI. may have been mfBlald by SOble reclplenlo who wonid like to participate In . this worthy elrort. Aa a reo minder, t'be addreSB I.: Athletic Weltare Fund. P. O. Bolt 111. SW'arthmore. Roy M. Hol1le!Y. Chairman. the 11 Woman's Aasoclatton will meet Wednesday. J"anuary 16: Circle NO.1, Mrs. _Frederick R. Lang, c'hatrman, will meet at 11 &om. Ja.ouary 16. at the home of Mrs. Robert B~le, 18 Amherst avenue tor all day 8eWiDg. Hembel'll are asked to bring aandWlches, de_rt WIll be served ht 1:16 p,m. followed by' Pro......m. ._-----Trinity Notes HGly Commllll1on will be cele. brated on Sunday at 8:00 Lm. Church SchOOl Wlll meet at 9:46. 'At the 11 o'clock service or Jlorntog Prayer. the Recto. wiD preaoh on the topic, "Why Rellslon 1"' The Brat in & aeries of sermons on Im.. portant problems in reUgton. The Hflrh School Fellowship will meet at 6:00 p.m. The Rector will dlscWIII the EptscopsJ dburch. OathoUc or Protestant. Choir SchOOl wUl meet Monday and Wednesday at 4:30 and Thursday at 7:80 p.m. A. recepUon for B. B. Brewster and G. W. casey will be given on Monday from 7 to 8 p.m. In the recreatlo:~ roOm- of "the church, In recognition ot faithful service over a long period of 7eat'S. Mr. Brewster as treasurer, and Mr. casey as Rector's iW'arden. · Mr. Braun wlll be preaohlng at Mlddlebur<11.10 K ••bm".............. ;.•110.00 ll.8:1~ HamSclen .................. 011),00 a,h111.1i :Kar(lbagh .......... 1II00.00 4.7lt6 !IhUaa ._.................... 80.00 .a.lid Idllben , ..................... 71i.00 1.8ltU.8 Herb ...•..............•.2l1li.00 8.bS.IO Tabrlo ..................IlI5O.oo 11;4:1111.6 Mehrehan ............885.00 9,,111 8arouk ..................... ~liO.OO 1x11 Herb ........................._.00 1x12 K _ _ ·· ...· .....: ..........800.00 8.2ltl1.11 Kennan ..... _......... 700.00 1l.8lt14 Sump! ................. UIi.oo 1l.1lx1'l.ll Memed ............ 700.00' 1bt12 Tabrts _...................... Slio.OO 1l.Sdli Tabrlz .................. 710.00 8.h:1D.~ &mnah ..... _......... 975.00 8xll1.7 ILerman ................ 12150.00 IbtIS.8 Baroni< •.......•: •.••••.. 1050.00 1bt1li Ka&vtII ..................... 8150.00 IlI.7xll4.7 Meshed ............ 10\10.00 • Come, see these rugs. Even if you are not planning to buy rugs just 1l0W, feel welcome to come in any time you have a "yen" to window-shop Oriental rugs. We CRter to speclal sizes and hard.to-fIDd rugs, Ltst 10ur reqn!rementa with us. I * Although tuberculosis is one of the oldest known diseases, its caule was first conclu. siYely proved when Robert Koch isolated the tubercle bacillus a little oyer fifty years ago. The success resulang from ngorous pu&lic health measures, particu1arlyiotbe last quarter century, .is impressive. At the begioning of the ceotury, tuberculosU led the list of diseases as the most frequent caue of death. Today it has dropped to seventh place. There is no reason why it should not drop completely from the list of importaot causes of death. This splendid record has resulted from the combined , efforts of mao,. agendes. Ao enlightened public: opinioo with respect to the ruue of the physician'. aeniCN has contributed immeasurablr. HaYe that Iong-delayed ph,.. ial enmillacion today. Weare prescription sped_lim 'S .COLLEGE. PHARMACY All Calor emoll UIIIAl at Notes o'clock service Mr. Cutler 'wUI preach_on "Is It Nothing To YOU?H MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN -MEDIA rehea.rat1 on Thursday evening at SpDlta F.... Grow. 8:00 o·clock. BmER HOliES AND GARDENS • Ma_. 1 ...1IU7 1f.1U•• at th. PaR at Swarthmore. PL, 11114.. the Act or IfaI'OIl '. 117 •• SWARTHMoRE, PA., .FRlDAY, JANYARY 10, 1947 ,lnt, BIR:ms -.I"Ji!'l'BR lIL TOLD. IC4ltor K . R10JUII '!'OLD; &MO Il4ltor .:','1.0_ McClarte. &0.11. AIUle N. COohrua . "''Bntsrecl .. _114 CIa. .. ilia.. """".':8 DEADI.JNlil-WlIIDNBIIDAT NOON Is f!r riv::' 8·;:"~.a. , , :a\'ent1c an4 .Ru~~rs ;avEin\l~. \ Service .Complete ' 0-_al." P........ \ TBB nrA&.i....oPE••~ prol'J'atn on the eru.,.de tor ChrIat; The Church l'!:urse17 will bo open durina' the morning ....rv1er. and Mrs. William H. Schultz and Nan Pitman will be In charlfe. The Youth Fellowship will meet In the evening at 1 In the chapeL The Social Hall will be open on Wednell41lQ- eyenl..g from 1 to 9 tor Buperv1aed recreaUon. The Chlldren's choir wlll lI1\Iet on Thursday afternoon at 1:46. The Senior choir w1II have their On tlte c.m.r l!4.-churoh SChooL M.-Morning Prayer and ~elmc~~ toplc:"'Why Re- SEMI ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE 11glon'" 6: 00 P. 1II.-People·8 FelloWllhlp. THE RELIGIOUSSOOIETT OF FRDI1ND8 SUNDAY JANUARY 12 9: 45 A9:46 ard ~~;;;]~ OF. • d1.8c""J8B Elton "Foundations tion." 11:00 A- DRESSES rREDUCED BELOW COST '. 11:00 A11:00 Amon. 104 PARK AVE. SWA.2513 \ '. ~ " . I_________________~--------------~~~~~::;:~;~;;~~~~~~~~::~::~~~--F~i~.~~=.:~:.::~::1:~~1:14~7~ THE SWARTHMOREAN 4 . Hr. &nd :M..... George Schoblnge· r o· swarthmore avenue wtll entertain tholr bridP club at a dinner-bridge at their bome to.. morrow evening. Ann Harvey of COlwnbla. &V~ nue entertained at Open lIo1llJ8 Monday evening, December 30. Ann returned to Bradford Junior College, Bradford. Mass., Monday. PRODUCE PRICES. ARE LOWER IN OUR MARUTS -_r_.-"'- ~--.KathrYn Byers. ot Lancaster, a. student at the Juillard School, of Mustc. presented & delightful plano recital at the senior high school assemb1'Y on Wednesday afternoon ot thls week. Among Aollss' Byers' selections were "Etude" by Llzst, "Claire de Lune' by Debussey and G ershwin's famous "Rhapsody In Blue". th. prices glyen below will conylnc. you . that you are not only paying I... for fresh fruits and yeg.tabl •• . today but also that you will saye money by shopping regularly In our Produc. Departmenh, COMPARE .. . I~::f;'J I'r.""rJ: Today. .rlcet Today S2.\lb n~ 2/Z5 \2/ BEANS Try-I stalk~c ahead. •.weet P0 tatoeS Early Peas Vall;!..:d..•n Sauer K.raut FancyA:::II Cu, Asparagus ":"~leM;;'::.. . Bartlett Pears ROr;:::iblo Prult Cooktail Ca~~fC:::la Pre.stone Pe.ohes ~:~ Rob'o'" .CRUCK ROAST PICNICS ciicKENS (:r!~J Ib Ib 3Bc 3ge ~~~------------ Ib l 43c Larse BostOD Maokerel Ib as. Faa.,. SOeed '._~ ......... 4Sc Walbeck'. """._DRI·-27c ~=:--__-.::. .... )or '. .. ~ The NEW Bell ~ Telephene ~itect.ry I . far SUBURBAN PHILADELPHIA with DELAWARE COUNTY -I I -CLASSIFIED SECTION -.Clos•• I Jan. 23rcl' CQntTactor and Builder MARTEL. BROS. LIngle Mrs. Roy P. lAngle ot Cornell avenue spent the week-end "VlBlt... log her son-In-law and daughter CapL and Mrs. N. Bruce Duffett, ot Plalnsfteld. N. J. Mary Ann Hook haa resumed her studies 'at mUam and Mar)" Colleg<>. WIlliamsburg. Va.. ..,d Dick Hook has returned to -Dartmouth College _ apen~ the holld&JB at their home OD Westdale avenue. Harold Ogram. .Jr., of lUvervley road retnmed hom.. Tueada:Y after a ~6-d&¥ visit With BIll7 Morrow of HaI'V&l"d avenue at the Korrowa wlDl:er home on star IaIa.nd, !4!amI. Bea.ah, :I'Ia. Chubby Andes of Rutgers aveDue retnrned home Tneada7 from Florida Wilere he had Q8ilt. th. Se'hool r ...... With h1a uncle and HANNUM ELECTRICALWO,RK "'"nge SoUcited New _Ie W. S. Bittle &: SOn 8 - . 0111-.} Re8J L_- ~~EIINS~L~~~ _.:......1 NOIarJ. PubUo-lDsunmce. ~hoDe SWarthmore 1)992 - CLIFFORD L PARKER lIIed1a R. D.. II and . PAPERHANGING '• ee of EJectrioaI wetata.. . L "n... LandKapu.. . A. MERCER QUINBY Funeral Director Formerly of Media 11211 W. Lehlsh Ave., Pbi1a. Phone BaldWIn 1170 No addItlonal charge for and Appliance Service ennsylvanta, at the close of business on December 31: 19f6. Published m response. to· call mnde by Comptroller ot the Currency, under section 5211, U. S. Revised StalutetJ. BSTATE NOTICE • ASSETS Cash, balances with other banJo;, lm:ludJng reHervo deceased. I Letters of AdmlnlBtl'ation de bonis non cum testamento annexo, on the above Estate have been granted to balnnce. ahd '('ash llema t"he uhndE.rslgnledl • who request all 1.>erIn process of oollectlon ..~... 1,073,288.82 ~na avmg c a ma or demands aaalnat United States I"~vernment the Estate of the decedent to make uv known th6 $ame, and an persons InobllgaU~ns, .d1recl .and· debted to the. decedent to make payguaranteed ... :........................ ",096.766.61 ment. without delay, to Other bonds. notes and d&. . JOHN E. FfuCKE. Administrator d.b.n.c.t.a or to his Attorney STANJ.EY L. T"'dORNTON. EsQ... 24)04 Finanee Bid••, I1-:Ph~II&~~2,~Pa.~~~~·diiiEH:-i~~~ Eati.w of CAROLINE H. bentures .. ' .................. ,.,.-....... Corpora.te &tocks (Including $9,750.00 stock of Fedel'al Reserve bank) ..... ,....... ,..,.. , I Loans a.nd 132.720.69 9.760.00 dlscounte (In- eluding $0.12 overdraftli) 449.610.04 Bank premi::K'B owned $78.SIS.OS. furniture .and fixtures $3,12.5.33 ............~......... 81.943 .•1 (Bank premiees owned are subJcct to 'No lIens noL aBbumed by bank) OLbe" asse:t.s OJ ."7 .......................... .. ... - .26 Total Assets ,., .................$'5.846.506.73 SON, l;)ecea8ed.. Letters Teetamentary On the a.bove Estate have bean granted to the undersigned. who requests aU pel'SOns havlog claims or demands agallUlt the Estate of the d~cedent to make known . the same, and 0.11 persons indebted to the dB<"-edent to make payment, without dt'lay. to LOUIS N. ROBINSON, LIABILITIES Executor• Demand .f • E~TATF: PAINTING . and DEOOR4TING Au· Work GUuan~ Write ., I:r~~j:':~~;;'J~~~~;~~ l.EGAL :!'IOTICE OF MARY A. GILBY CHEYNEY., lIeceased. LllUers Testamentary cn the abovo Estate have been granted to "the underslgnM, ·who request'all persons havIng c1o.if!18 or demands agatnst thE' E'itate of t.h.e decedent to make known the same, aud an persons indebted to tnE' de<'ooent to make pa.yment, without delny. to JOHN E. FRICKE. Executor 728 Bedford PJace, , . Merion,. Pa. or to .hlg Attorney ST"'NL~~Y L. THORNTON. 2004 Finance Bldg•• Phlla. 2. Pa. 6,.':'12-20 all kind THE BELL TELEPHDNE COIIPAIIY No, no, tm. isn't a new Atom !Jombl It'. merely Mrs. Brodie, after. a quiet family conference with Mr. Brodie. Mr.ti. made a few sharp remarks about their I"amily budget. wArn: Swu. 01011 ot Cornell pincott of park avenue enterta.\ll.. d . at a. luncheon a:nd mtscenan.. :ous showe;r at the Ingleneuk Sat.. urday In honor of MiSS Enn1ce Eaton of R~tgers Avenue WhOSO, engagement ·baa rocently been an~ nounc.ed. The ·guests Inolut1;ed Md. P. L. Whitaker, :M..... ll. L. Ea.toJl •. Miss Genevieve Reavls, M1BII Betty Beatty. Mias !4&ry !4&eDonald.· Mrs. TheophUe Saulnier. Jr•• of Swarthmo.re, Miss Nancy ~w­ eett and :M",. Fra.nk H. RobblDa of Ridley :Park, Mrs. Robert E. Messmer of Crum. LYnne, M:rs. Clifton :Merkert and Mrs. Robart Hushebeck. Drexel run, MlBB Ca1'oly Donehower of PhUadelphla, and :Mrs. Robert E. White ot cambridge. Mass. . Marian Karns returned to Smith College Wednesday after sPUd ing the holldaya at her borne on Wellesley road. . . Mrs. EUmboth· lApplncott of Park avenue lett for Chicago. DL, FrIday where ahe will attend the United Air-Line School for the next three weeks. Mrs. RU88811 M. Cook· and her son J. Perry Ruddick of Mont· clair. N. J., spent the week-end with Mrs. Cook.'s parEsnts Mr. a.nd Mrs. J. A.' Perry ot the swarth" more Apartments. Mrs. James A. Hayes. and Mr. and MrS. Ja.mea S. Hayes ot Walllngtord entertained at Open House from , to·6 on Sunday at... ternoon. :Mr& .James S. Hayes is the former Miss ElIzabeth Garrett ot Swarthmore. Barbara Beeman wUI return to the Karns home on Wellesley road, Sunday after spe.ndlnc the holiday season skUn.. at stowe, South Cheater Rtf. &:. yale Ave.' &:Cheater Rd. AUq1:M. BAIRD Real Ettate and InsuraDce· Old B..nk Buildiq p- I '. ' Ridley Park, Pa. .la ...... I0 _ _. I checI< ~o"" .-e. I addr•••_ aad-t.eck 'e.epbone aa.lter I be..... prIAi!a•• I • If you han a Uai1D9 Dr . . . . . . I .wllae.eat lD the pt I,eat tI1Nco I 1DrJ. P _ ...aU ..... It 10 ,.. I . . you waDt IL I • If you wIIh ""1' chaa.... I DOtIfJ' 11& at OIIce. .. . NOTI(''':: IS HEHEBY GIVEN. pur:mnnt .tn,lhlJo nrovlslona ot Act of 'Assembi), .:"'i:q.. 380, al'proved May.::.. 1945 or Int(,JI~I~!1 to fIIr. .In th~ otn('e ~r ti1~ CW>('r'et:tr~· o! 'the Commonwealth or 1'(,lm~ylvaIiIR. at. HarrIBbu-:g. Pa., and In t!te office or tho P.rothono.tar.y of the . COllrt" of Common Pleas of Delaware COllnt~·. 011 ~f.oh(lay.' the 13th' day' of .January. 19.J7, ll. Certfll(,8te for th'" f:\)lIduct ot a bUBiness in .Delawa"; County. Ppnnsylvanla. under ihe as~ ellnl(!-(l 01' fictitious name. style or desIgna.tlon of Delaware County Report. lug Agrmcy. with It8 principal place of buslnes1I nt 31!! Corne)) Ave.• Swarthmore, P"a. ·The nam('s and addreSFeR of aU per.. 1<0119, owning or Interested In. mid bus1"(088 are Louis Cole Emmolll3. Jr., 312 Cornell Ave.• Swarthmore. Pa.; David George Saybolt. 368 Meehan Ave., Pltllndelphln.. J>a.: Charles Curtis Emmons 218 Pm'ihlent A\-·e.. Rutledge. Pn. ~ HI(~he.rd Crawford Simmers. 112 'Valmit Ave .• Aldan·{DeJ. Co.) Pa.. IT-UO Walter V.Linton I -, _., .. ~'IC"I'ITrOUS NAME R,EGIs.rRAT;oN Built .. ,. LEGAl, NOTICES ...PIanned. Can Now Be . ,. .... Afr. a.nd' !\Irs. Elwood H: Garretf Prlnl!etQh avehue will entortaln at Open House trom I to 1 .on Sunday afternoon In honor'ot . Mr. and .Mrs. Jay D. Cook, Jr.• whose . marriage took place December 28. )Irs. Cook Is tho for. mer l\lrs. Florence Garrett Garwood. The Home You Hav.. I· ~ ot I I I .. . I ,....PAlNTING. " Vt. 3Bc " " : . Phone Sw~re 2253· • :Milia Anne Small, Lean (Short Shank - Ready to Eat) 'HOur Seafood D.pt•• Weare your neicbbon aDd we prefer to live with friendly neiPbon. r------ a.venue and Mrs. Ellzabetb Up· Lean, Grade AA or A ( PrlCH Hllher • ."\tt ",., 1$.:t:14e"$ E~ Yi84~belrll· NEWS NOTES Whol. Nono ) Are You Out of Oil? ~ Tops Spr!Dg8e1d In a fast moving game 8warth.. more topped Sprlngfteld on the latter' s court on TUesday afternoon plaYing an extra period to break the tie. The Dnal Bcore was Z8-Z7, with DiU Huey making the extra point to ch"lk .up a victory. The uad selected by Coa.ch Lauder : r thiS fray included Patton, Bierman, Huey, campbell, Collins, Blake. Jones. Hopson, Mccowan. Oppenlander. WarrenJ a.nd ElSton. Oppentander was acting captain. In the prellmlnaJ'Y game the JVB won. the score being 11-10. with Don Dickinson putting the score ' Builder Wright and Hilda. Denworth. outs will soon be under way for tbis unusual Senior event which will be staged in the High School Auditorium on March '1. 25c head6t Luge CaaliDower ~I~:: h.ad 19c 29c hadCc Ex.: Lg. CaaliDower f:~'~\: head 2Sc 19c Luge "iscal Celery Calif. ..alk lSc J~.~m~ho~!'~U~c~aI~c:e~I~ery~;;;-;~..;;;alk~l-----il~9~c___1 25. .talk 6. of MaIM'" 15 .Ib ",I.. S3c st. bag 61 _ , ,Ialoe~ P•••o. BI•• Labol __ 'n~1 bog . .• • ~. , FIREWOOD C lb. .... _ ....- .:. aunt Hr• ..,d lin. Thom. . lSrIdger at their Winter home In :M1UId B eac. h William BAnD ot COlambl& avenue, who arrived bome Saturday followinl' an operaUon performed ,December 18 t,n the Prellbyterlan HOBpltaJ, Phlladell!h!a, returned to his classes at the Whar... 'ton School, pnlverslty ot PennB)"lvania on Monday. ' SeII1or8 Select PIa!, The Senior ('lass play COIJlm1tte~ F"ueplace and F _ has finally. atte~ weeks of debating Wood· Cut to Use aDd chosen Jane Austin's "Pride and Prejudice" as the 'play to be given delivered as the senior production this year. $21 PER CORD This play Is a. costume play, taklng place around 1790. The members Moor and HuIiDp AVel. of the committee were: Andrea Garden City WUcox, who acted as chairman, Chester 2-8719 Penny Carter. Betty Hartman. Vir.. glnla. BagshaW, 'Barbara Earnshaw, Weston Clarke, Ted Oppenlander, ~;::;::::;:~;::::;:;::=;;:;;::=::.:.;~ Lois Booth. Graham Foster. Anne j' _.•• w1ththOM. today. I SCHOOL NEWS I • r9te De1ift.7. UUca1 Bubdivlsions .... ,....... 151,044.60 Other deposits (certified and cashler's checks, etc.) 80,738.71 Total Deposits ..................$5,434.910.02 Other liabilities ...................... 'l&8. ..f.4 Total Liabilities ..... ,......$6.435.668.46 CAPiTAL ACCOUh""TS Capital Stock: ComntQn stock, total par $126,ooO.O~ .............................. 126.000.00 Surplus .. ' .. ,.'............................ 225.000.M Undivided. profits .................... 22,715.11 Reserves ........... ,...... ,., .. ,..... __ ..., Total Capital Accounts .... ' 41&.838.27 Total IJlablUtics and CapItal A(X.'Ount.s ........ $5.846..506.1:;: MEMORANDUM Assets pledg"OO or 8.8Slgned to secure liabilities and for other purposes .:..._._..... 654.820.7. State of Pennsylvania,. COUD~ of Del- aware. 88: I. E. S. Sproa.t. cashier of the above:"!&med bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to thft best or .. my knowledge and beUer. E. S. SPROUT, catabferSworn to &nil su1)eerlbed before 111& thiS 7th day .of January. I"T. w. _e. HARK B1TTLl!:. Notary Publk. Correct-A_ : E. B. W. m. KIstler CIt...... R. R n ·Dlnttu... t' • r, .00.HI THE SWAaTHMoaEAN O'ROURKE RESIGNS from , , Thanks Proglessives Who Supported Him The rea1gna.tion of Vernon O'Rourke. 8J111i11tant proteaaor of PollUeal 8elence at Swarthmore Collep to join the department ot labor relation. With Standard 011 ot New Jersey. was anno'.1Dced to4&,. ~ PreoIde"t Jobn W. N&IOD. eft'eet1ve February 8. A member of the Swarthmore faculty lIduee 1941, Prote880f O'Rourke III well knoWft throUgb out' thiB area. beeaUH of bill tbree campalsna as DemoeraUc candidate tor CoD8'1"M8 from Delawaro Coun .. ty. Oppolllng James A Wolfenden In 1142 aDd 1944. and E. Walla.e Chadwick thle put No,·.mber. O'Rourke was' uDl!lucceaatul in each caM. In every conwt. bowever. he led bill tlcltet. and durlllll 19H. when he- htmeelt was on active 4ut, aa a naval otncer In the· Pact... ftc. be lost to Wolfenden by onty 1100 VOWt out of 1U,01'O caot. Thro':Jlrbout all three campaigns swarthmore cone.a students were &111011" bill moat aCUve aUPPDrten; aDd campaisD worke... . O'Rourke W'U «runted from _ . . to til......... _ .... , WON AUXILIARY HOI JollU· HopklDlo UDl... In 1..0 200 WOMEN ENJOY eel... lin. o.c&r S. 0110..... p ..bUcI\F month.,. .um troa -tile .......... and recelvad bill PII. D, In It11 obalrmaD of the Amen.... Leeton CLUB PROGRAM from the _me IllBUtuUoll. He mant. Dor ...,. oPpOmllol\F . . ..-II Awd\l&r)'. aubmlw the fon_tr: taUllbt at Bt. Joh... CoII.ge In lette.rw tree.I t tion of the delicious lUncheon: "8LDee the- BwartIlIator. CfHIUDUDBrooklyn until hlo appointment III It)' cooperatea with. .... III _ r . un as autatant prof....,r of POll· II.... ;S. A.. DeUOflOOD. II... Jeu OObrlll&' ., VnlftNItF dolpb BaDk8, lin. Lealie Cilarlc:e.1 008 In doDBtlou to tho Loa\OD tical eeleDce at UDlon Collttr. 10 pi..... hal ret........ to _ o i l tJaIAwdlla.,.. the followl ... l\IIt III tho venolt,. arter _ n . . . . _ IIOUNew York Btat.. Durlbtr tbat time Mra B. F. Schwalm. II... ton II. A1brltrbt. II..... s. S. Ruth· Cbrlotmu acUv.\t)' of wbleb tbIIo day. at her bomo ....... S_· ...he worked . . Director -of Reeeareh for'tbe N.w York Stat. Joint Le· ertoN. Mrs. WIlUam F. HAnn" Interested boro aboul4 kDOW:- In tertalDod at Open Ho_ from • II.... C. C. Bro...,. Ill'll. O. M. Cblld Welfare work.. • f .....I1... to • on Mondq. ~ber ••• KlaIative Committee on IDdWltrlal Hook. II.... Dwlllbt· Coole,.. II.... IncludlDtr 17 chlldre... were I!ven a Betty )(0'" of Tale and Labor R.tatlona. J. Frank Beatty. II.... O. C. Irv· baPpy .......... Th..e famlll .. were """"'ed he.. Rudl_ at .....II...Jor Durin&, ,the sl:l: yean that recommended b,. tho SWarthmore Colletre tolloWlntr tl!e "ollda,. .... O'Rourke baa been at Swarthmore. Inll. Healtb Cent.r aDd Famll,. 8erYIca to be baa not only taul'bt b"t baa On tbe .. mntr committee With of lIedla. The doD&t.lo... frOm c.... VI,.tni& 110_ run tor three congreIfJlonal cam- Mrs. Frank H. )(cOowan. chalr- frlenda meant .. ,20.00 worth of the UnlYerelt)' of 11..,._4, ...... palgnll. From November 1942 ulltll man. w .... : II.... Howard O. Hop· clotblnir. •• cane of toed. • ••• 0 AullU8t UU be acted &0 Director 8OD. II ..... Wm. Hue,.. Ill'll. HarTY worth of to)'8. 1. 11 lb. turk.,.. 1 of DillputeJI tor tbo Ird R_lIon of OppeDland.r. II .... carroll Streeter. larlre doll. 1 hald.... dleb. a neck· tb. War Labor Boord. In AUJrURt Mra Stewart Thorbahn. A1lc. rob... made b,. X.... 1.. 1.. Hed ...• 1"3, 'he wa.a ...ven leavQ of absence Ma.rrlott. M.,. Goorlle P. WarreD. Ue and I .maller doll. with ward, as an ofticer In the U. 8. Naval Re.. Mra. H. J. 'WIeland. Mre. 0001"118 pelb. Child Wolfare Chairman. Tbe MaD"" - W •• , ..,.' erve, returnlnlr to' Swarthmore tn II. Aile... IIrs. Donald P. JOIl.... adopted orp""" frOm 8eotlaDd tbe mlddl. of un. Mre. David P. Wlodom. X .... R.... Scbool. 8coUand. _ . reoel..ed Preeldent Nuon tn aecepUnl' ide ..II C. Pblllips. M..... ErDoat R. frOm th. Awdllan' over ,'.00 worth HARRIS AND reslpatioD made the toUowins of clothl .... and 1Ift11. El<\len4ltureo· 111'10&4_ statement. The protrram. pr...ntod after lin addltl..... frOm th.. treuu.,. ....re "Vernon O'Rourke'8 reelpatioD tbe lunchoon. was varied and SA':? • 11M. .,7.00 to lI'amlly SerYIc" of Modla from the faculty lit & very sreat t.rtalDlntr. 111'8. lIauriee C. fI7." to the, S_rtbmOTe B 8 d . SAW 7 1088 to Swarthmore Colleae and to caffrey. a tonner president of Health Center. ' the Delaware County. profeuor 1. . . Llanerch Woman's Club and. now '"The RehabltltaUoD prosram O'Rourke hall been .. member of 11....1 Ylce.preeld.llt of tbe contained flO.O· to the Red oro. ""',""""""','" the poltUeal science department ware Count)' Federation. fop Philadelphia N ..Ya1 Jlotopltal. stoce 1.41 altho':.ltrh on leaYe or gr••tlnp from the FodoratloD for POrry POint. .n.11 fooabaen88 for duty aa a naval otricer tb. Swarthmore Clu_. All _ _'1 Coat_III.. • •..00 for Ice cream from Aua-uat IUS to Marcb UU. "Cro.. Country F1\trht." B,.· II.... fUnd ..t Valle,. Forse plua a onoHe 18 an e'xCtlllent teacher whose W"rren F. l'a1'1l«h.r. W&II then penon bridtre ...1 (a dOll&tlon) ....d pilUle It will be dUflcult to 1111. read by II.... Roland 1.. ""Ion. ,15.00 for mut..!.... Wblle bo ..bould pl~ a very ,,"ful Tbe _ . a blabl,. amuelntr ac· "lIembe.. or. the Awdlla.,. ...... rol. In hie n.w poeitioD. hili IIOI"tr GOunt ot .. famll,. motor trip In a.oked to ba pr_nt at the tim will be a rea.l botb to _ b . pre.-war dap. WOD am prise monthly tneeUIl. or the NeW' TeAI' more CollflS'e and to the academic IPrlnS' tn the Countt at the home of lire. Norman Hulme proteaalOD. contut.. On Weatdale Avenue at p. m. o.n The statemeaat made by 1I0nda,.. January 10. 34 W, St h St. O'Rourke to tb. P ..... foJloW1l: ill'lL stoyan W. RuBHlnl'1.e°,nnbe~~ "Pel'11" Point Hoepltal and tbe ~"The 4eclaton to leave ~arth. tho club'. talented new Awdltary wlah to oxpreu UlaDU to I'l001... 1888 more Collexe WIUI a difficult ODe to ,.followed with eelect10u OD the SWarthmore trleD4I. who .... make. The policies and pro«ram 80101'011. Th. numbare cboaen 1;::~~J~D~d~oD~a:l~l:n~It~6~4~O~U~n~lt~0~d~8ta::tee~ of tbe colle&'e. ao w.1I u tbe .!'lI'b Mra. Ru.~ll were: "EVening atar" quality ot Ita administration. facul. trom TaDnhaueer by ty. and student body. comblDe to "Autumn" by Cbarntnade, "Lon_ make Swarthmore one of the moat donderry Air:' and flSltent m.hL" Intereatinr: educational InstltutloM Sarah Flold Splint. also a new In America.. 1 have proftted by thla member and formerlY a;:~;:~ experience aDd ha.ve beeD warmed editor ot the Woman's Home by the friendly. spirit whleh cbarae.. panlon. describe" for the club terlzea the retatJon8blpa betweeD all of tb~ mOlt Int.reat!ntr pbaaoa of gro-.&pa on the campus. magazlnf' edltomhlp, how tbe In. "I should like to use thla op .. t.ere8t1ll or the many readera .of a portunttty ·to thank the great Dum..' "mass" I mapzlne worO detennlne4. ber of pro.cresalve-mlnded people She called her talk. uHow to tn Delaware County for tbe bard Know Four MUllon Womell and Day work and splendid support given Be IuftU8lleed by Them:' me during my three campallrn_ An hllarlou. skit. preeented for Congress. Swartbmore atude~te, "Bored Membera." completed the Independent votera, organized labor pro cram. Kembers of the cut of and liberal memberll ot- both the ''The Fatal Quest" iDeluded Democrattc and Republlea.n parUe& Francia H. Fol'lfYthe, the King. have worked untiringlY with me to II .... T. K. Brown. Jr.. the Qu.... : challenge the power of the political II.... · William A. DeCalndl'Y. tho monopoly which for 80 many deDuke; Mrs. A. W. Stua:tt. cades has dominated Delaware princess. Mrs. Guy 8. Deming, the County. I eb&1I Dover fo~et t'b. Curtaln and Mrs. A. W. B&.38, Jr., selnes.a enthusiasm of these Nylon lloo1e..,. Sold In Unlimited QuaaUUoo tbe Sben. Blfter. gro~p8." BOOK REVIEW 11th Mr. An ·-:d:-r-.-w-=II::'",.· .... retUI'De4 A topic very timely Is tbe subto Langley Field, Va.. after spen4Ject ot the book review at the L1· Ing a two-week hoUda,. at hie terary Section on Frlday, January home on Coniell av.ue. 17. when Mrs. J. S. V"_ B!9hop reJim Cleaves ot Park avenue returned to 'Dartmouth CoUearo Tues- .vIews .'"HoW' '-N~v~r to be -!ired" bY day foilow.\ng 'tbe 'bollday _ - . Marte Beynon' Ray. Mrs. Harold. Doria Black of Soutb Cheater G:rlff~n •. ~Jl~lr~,an. invites all ·momro8.d entertained 26 of her _friends -bers' ot the cI"J.b to be p.resent_, at ,her h;"me on the -evening of 10 o~clock. New Year·s Day. Enroll Now for Drama Stnd)' Any Interested members who have not registercd for the proposed drama study course should notlfy Mrs. George P. Warren, Drama chairman. phone 0783, not later than Tuesday. January 14. Mrs. Warren reports that to dnt.) tho enrollment bas not been large enough to jusUf~ thc project. Lt. comdr. La:wrence G. Traynor and AIl'S. Traynor who have been living temporarily with the latter·s parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden of Riverview road. are now residing at Shelter Harbor, Westerly. R. I. Lt. comdr. Traynor whQ bad been attached to the Mustin Air Field at the Phlladelphia Naval Base. reported to iiOS rot__ boarcl·..... _ '"" _ a"".a. _ ret...... DELIVERY Frw.,. co. - INVENTORY SALE . 1_. Harbold'. I THE THAT'S TIM!': TO CHOOSE FLOWERS. Throughout tho centuries. 'they bave never ta.iled. CARNS Flowers G ....tIJJg Card, DeoomUve . and No,-elt)" st and close ~~ p. m. except the money order window which will close at 5 p. Seven Outstanding Citizens Offer Services Thc annual clecbon o[ directors for fhe Swarthmore Public Library will he hc.l,1 dining libral"'Y hours on Saturday, Jl+nuul."Y 25, from 9;~O to 12:30 I): 1Il~ Hnd (I'pm 2 to 4 p.m. and 01). Monday, 'January 27, from 2' until 5,30 and 7 to S p.m. On Saturday the windows will open nt 8 a. rn. ~n'd clOse at 1 p. m. The money ordcl' window will close at 12 noon. Mrs, W.C, Giles Leads 44 Campaigners Here ASHTON TO SPARK COLLEGE DRIVE Tho March of Dimes opened IOI"Jnull}-o' ]''1onday at the Media. Leads Contributors W 'th' Th Boro The community has bcen fortunate this yea!' in ohtainlng a I In e list of Beven strong candidates (or' dIrectors for the three -vacancies Leonard C. Ashton has just been existing' at· the prcsent time, on appointed Chairman of a Swarththe boat"d dUe to the expiration B h C Itt hi b of _the terms' of l\f~. Harold O. more oroug orum ce W C will lend Its fJupport to, the $5.GrifTIn, Allce 1<.... Barber and Mrs, 0(10,000 C,ampnign recently'starled Peter E. Told. by Swal'thmore College. This anThe list of candidates includes nouncement 'vas made by Prcsithe following: dent John W~ Nason for t"~e Ex-, Ursinus PreRident's Wife Proud of Heritage· Th~ WOlnun's Club program on Tm'suay afternoon opened with the Janull.I·Y stated meeting condndcd ~. Mrs. Peter E. Told club president, with 1\-Irs. Roland L. Eaton ncting as secretary Pro-tern during the illness of Mrs. T. K. Brown. when the proposed re- COUI't House with County COmnt18~ sioner Clarence Conner making the 'ttl'st contribution 1.r:J the "\\i1lshing 'Veil. Locally the bank, stores, each room at. school have small banks to .·ccch'c contributions fOr reUe( and ,'eseal'ell in infantiio ,·ision of the Club by-laws was adopted by the membership. Following announcements. 1\lrs. G1IY S. Deming, program chairlllan. presented Anne Knaur Helffl'ich, a "Pennsylvania. Dutch" by hirth and w1(e of ihe vlce-presl(knt ot Ursinus College who de- parall-":d::J. Mrs. Walter Giles, district chairman, announces thc following Swarthmore WOI'kCl'S: NO:>l'thcrn Section of Borough- ~{"8 SC"~eant B I1"e"'ster chal" In(''re U('III'.'was~ 11I'C,"'i(,'uted (;. SW{'Il")' who lighted her audience' with her charm and knowledge. Mrs. HelCI h b DlellI l'S I I. U Ie ...,..)mpuny s fr c as • found Pennsylwanla gl'Ulf, 1\.lr8. HarOld OgTUm,· 1\f:rs. A. annuul banquet dUDtUlry 9. D u t cJ.rana b' b an absor bl ng b ob~. D · J A C Ih Y d ' tl C Itt I h"~ t Q. Davis Mrs. W. ).;. Hetzel. Jr, and her talks a meaDS of helping i". • • U oun. d 1'. a gra - ccu ve onun ce n c arf;>'" 0 uuto of tho Univcl'sity of Virginia the ca~paign. Mrs. Steven Spencer, ... 1'[r9. H H'I to support the scholarship fund of and a speCialist In indUstrial 'disMr. Ashton Is an alumnus of Gibson, .Jr., Mrs. W. h. McHenry, Ursinus. eases. He has do;'e outstanding Swarthmore College and has been 'M:rs. \VI.· J. Blackman, Mrs. J. , '~he Penmtylvapia German work tn connect,ion with this apc~ ~ resident of tlJe borough for many Paul Brown, Mrs, RObert Reed. country is roughl:r formed by a clal1zcd field fot' the- emplo'}'ces of years. He -is 'wen-known for his },trs. JU']les Lukcns. triangle with Philalielphia, Betho: the American Viscose Compan')'. intercHt in civIc affairs_ Southern Seetion-MI·s. Milton lehem and York the pOints. and Dr. Calhoun has been a resident of making public 1\Ir. AShton's" H, Fussell,' chairman; Mrs. RoC,-.urchtown its heart!' Tho counSwarthmore for six YC.lts, appointment, President Nason land G. E. Ullman, Mt·s. Harry try was settled very early bl' mild grant groups CrOm the German Dr._ Pau) F. Gemmill ~ gl'adunte sa t 'h a t h' e knew ot "no one in \V. Lang, Mrs. Lloyd E. Kau(f'statcs, Swtt?erland, France and of S~arthmore College and' a Ph. the Borough of SwarthmOl'e better man. l\.1rs. A. Piper, },lrs. \VHlhun rodu~tl'on ' .... to represent the best' in- \V. Tarnel', Mrs. \"·HJhil:t F. Lee. Holland. The earliest settlers werc D. In tho field of econom'Jcs at the quallfieu 0 nee again the PlnYcI'.!;> Cluh the "Amlsb or plain folie' who mtL"nlvcrstty of Pcnnsylvania, Dr. h'l'csts of the college:' 1\1 J ' I' tl f ~( J I ~ rs. . ,.'\'. e l~ scm, . n;:. UJ:I JlI'cscnu; the Ilr.st amah'III' IH'oduc- gl'uted' from Switzerland and who Gemmill is a profeSsor- of- ceoImmediately following President ,. 1\1 ' .I. oung Ul'I',lY, ;"lrs. J, P. Ntll'tlon in thJs Vicinity of a CUncnt aJ'C the only Penml'ylvanla Dutch nomics at the University nn,d is a Nason's announcement, Mr. Ashton 1 th 'I G L. V )e , .u 1"8, eOl'ge un Alen. J)I'of~~I,ontil attraction. this time to adherE"' to their Europe-an cuJN!cognlzed authority on );1iJC:,.. rc- made tbe following statement: , glad to accept the po- 1\Irs. A. H. Knabb, 1\[l's. Hal}}h y, "Apple of HI:;; Eye". AutJlOl'ed bv tIlI'C. Soon C;lme ME!'DnomteB, SI1Ia.Uons. having written' several "I am , widely used books on this ImVo.r- sltlon· as Chairman of the Swarth_ Little, ,A.nnn M~ll"Y 'i'ussell. l\II'S, Kenyon .Nicholson nnd Child,,!; ('~ian GermnnH and }"rench Huguctant phase of our contempory In- m.or,e Borough CommlttHc. I fco::l ·Chu,rles 1.. _!\bss, 1\[1'09. H_ T. Uah)S,' Hohinson. the l\!ny-Dec('l:lul'l" i·o- nots. until the I'e were O1Ol'c than SO-called Pennsylvania diultrJal economy. He pas_ beeh a that such a committee is very 1'11-8. Howard \V'. , Grecn. Mn:l. Let' manc~ ('O")ntin~es to sbo' \Valtf)!" 100.000 it.1dJ.ani' ,,>£ ,Snl,'tilAQ:;o- tm;, mnn'l··' ',n;.~'Qh-. t.P _o.r~~ . . . . :', E\".ar,·',.eincc .• tht=:, I:J~nnrtt,'", :Ml.'3" ,"'~~ron ,Bernard., I·fuston in thc_ ~lc of Sam StqvO)·." Dut.ch in this hetel'OglmCOU9 group years. T.. start of the $5,000,000 campaign '; ~-\tr:lJ:rr-X:-e"l)rg6' ":':I\18\vi1yttlr,A~·jhij: ]tq th(' ( IJ1iiS'~hf;' Cluh' ' V·PI·ston ; J: l"h.<-fol'e the' rCvolutir..[J.'U:o' ..\f_~r.j'-b~.:. , Mrs. Sam Ubi Gurin .a g.·aduate 1~st N ovem b CI" towns- PCQPle who .JD.mc~ . Lee·H, l-trs, ,A. L, Tylcl', Mrs, \Vtllinm. Sinll1l0nds plnss ::HoyCl'!' (Continued on pagE. 8) Ul'~ not S,va"th . C II I W. I·~. !\[~drort1, )[l'H. Charlc~. 1..\1- with un'tueRtioned ~mcce~:; ami di-,I -'-_... __ ., -of 'Tcachcl's College, Columbia C • mOl"e 0 ege a Umtlw "'h'e COIllIUU1)·'S hlgll(:!o;t honul' of Jlle be J I t 'I P. , • . . "1 I:> R Jllan; ~t rs. . Blair i'rice, 1\Irs, Oliver Swan, Mrs, HOBS Pfalz. • STARS IN HUSTON ROLE "Apple of His. Eye" I'n Credl·table P In I. . I ~e:l;ce:s~~ered~!JJo~~S;d:~::~atl::~ ~In'~ hC:~d~e:t·leenlot:~~~~~.b~~hfCI~~ :::~e;:.~ i~:~e~~::~:~:~~~~" ~~~:~~;. ~::;: :~~~t:~;:Ei.~~:::~l~'l:'~~~ol,~e!~~ • PARENTS She Is 'the mother of two children, an Ie r concern 01' the fuRobert and Ricnul'd. who aUenc1 lUrc of the college. Thcse expresthe College avenuc school and Is ~liQns have e9me. not only from h hu t a' member of the board of the l)uslnessmen of th e b Ol'oug. fr·.o III a' number who fcd t'IUlt, . :.'Oung Moth~rs'- Club. Mrs. Gurln me.·e]y as restdent~, they have b{'nefitted f,·om the main- collo"o acUvittCfl regularly thl'own open to the' public. it thel·efo1"<' fll"I.!IHS hjghly appropriate that a SwarthMrs. W. F'. Bird of 241 'Ogden morc, Borough CommWee ol'gallavenue who has lived In Swal"th- j;;:e itself to floHcit contributions f f· more or lVe years h u t h as b cen fl"Olll these f,·lends.of SW:ll'thmol'c In·terested ,'n° th- library for' at ..,Collegc. Tn supporting fhe cmnleast eight years, Her strong ,1n(ConUnued on page 8) terest In thc Jlbrary developed I 'h Id t f W II whi e s e was a res en 0 a (Co t ' d on page 5) ' n JU!lc . 1m;'! n hobby In bOOks and hopes fo.r a new lihJ'ar~r In S'\varthmore, The Gur(ns came here 2 ¥.: 'Y,eal"l'l ago from the University of IIUno.is. C'I SQUARE DANCE OLD CALLS lUi: LWV OPENS LOCAL HOUSING STUDY : ViOll!1ly (>njoys her role as shrewd l{~ssip)" ~ehdlbol'. Beth Allyn Lilly r.robm has l·outh and beauty to wanaut the steadily g'1·owing~ uffection of widow('l' Stover. Mtu'- . 0 tim H. Kcighton as Nettie Bow.,.s adds a II\·crish. tart char:H.'tel' tu the long list of able portrayals she' _ 'f' has pCl"fonl1C'r1 fs in .'Delawarc M th CI b oung ers Se' ts Fathers u AS' '''Ing ( H I 1947 PEACE CHEST t~ l)hiioSQI)h~· ~~::e~:~:p'SnhcOn~~~ :~~h:~i~il~~~\~':":l:~ !~~~('~l ,h~I~~~~l:S~~~a::~t' I;:~H:IlIS!:~;~:~ ~~ll:'::~td 7~U~:)~~I:: :~~'I,~h~:c~:~:S~:~ AMERICAN LEGION DRIVE OPENED I Ie Wednesday Star t INVITES G . I 'S • • Ann oal Borough "that the ~ County as reg-m'dJ<; puhlic I lIlorp ·S Local Post Planning Party For Friday January 24 . The Alnsworth-Wernher Post ot the- American Legion wIll hold an old-fashioned home welcoming party for all local G. T.'s at 8 o'clock Frida'Y evening, January 24, at the Green Lawn Clubhouse on l\fUmont avenue Just over the Ridley Township Une. An Interesting and entertaining program Is being planned by the local post along with plenty of refreshments, lots of music includIng some good old-fashioned quarte~, and a. community Bl~g. The Post is eager that every local G.I. arrive early, join in the fun and stay as long as be llkes. Local Legionnaires feel they a.re deflnltely on the move and are growing and expanding. All exservicemen are weloome at the ·monthly meetinB and a Blncere InYltatlon Is extended to them to jOin the Poet, set Into· Ita actIvi. ttea and thereby beneflt the com:' mUDIt¥ and the_v... . ¢.'\" Campal'g'n Swarthmore's annual (tnited Peace Chest campaign, the ele-venth and largest to date, was opened Wednesday when Mrs. Joseph 1\loos of Jenkintown addressed campaign workers at a tea In the home of Mrs.. Harold March, 600 Elm avenue. The Swarthmore cam paign is a part of the Greater phUadelphia campaign, which this month wlIt raise $30.000 to ftnance the work of ~he Fellowsl)lp of Reconciliation, Women's International Lcague for Peace and Freedom, and the National Cquncn for Preventlon of War. Mrs. Moos. who Is a member of the executive committee ot the United Peace Cbeat. told tbe Swarthmore ,workel"8: "These organizations are leading the 'desperate drive for world orgil:nlzatlon and a permanent peace. They are working agalnst the nB.UODai cll&uvlnlsm that would make peace ImpD8llble~ they are -spearbeading -the opposition to permanent peacetime conscription, which (Colltlliued On PIICO 6) " ; .. norot~gh's partiCUlar pl~~I:_ lems in this mattel·? Answers to the!:lc a.nd other (IUCSlions on housing will be sought in thgse H?USingd>ltcUdYthGroLUP meet-, arrange or p eaglle Ot "~olll,en Vote-rs uy Mrs. S. H. HCIllenway, chaIrman of the Social Wclfare Committee of the Lengue. 1\Ir9. CyrUR- Wood 'l.nd Mrs. George Sfeger, of the committee. arc assisting. A series ot three Monday~mornIng sessions of the $tudy Group begins January 20, 10:15 to 11:30. at the home of Mrs. John 1\[. M()ore. 2 Whittier placc, At the ftrst mceting Vlllliam Pickett. builder, and president of die Delaware County Real Esta(~ Board, will speak on the problems ('onnected with building homes in 1hls (!ounty. Another meeting ot interest on the hoU!~lng problem will o('cnr at the Chestel' Y.W.C.A. In 11is wlfC'!'~', ton~u(', HiclHll"d G, Huig tl Ott 1hhin, and Chal'leR F', Seym,)lU' as Carol Ann's futhC',· nn(l h~ Glen :1.1'(' welcomc :1.dditions to the ('net. 'rhe '3ot is admirahJy alll)1'Opl'iat(~ Crcdit goes to El'nest :tnd Virginia J,'edcroff. nne to ).[rH, John 1\'1. Broomall. 4th. MI':i. Chfll'les Lukens, and MI's..J. H. Gordon MeConcehy. h The 'plar continu<'s th!'oug Saturday. d anC'er!" completely filled the ItIl·gO 'I·OOlll. 1\11-8, J. G, BI·citllng was f·:)!"tlmate in sccuring 'Villiam I;:. McllYain of Mount Holly. N. J, to uo the. calling. He taught each rlnnce to the group before star~­ tng the mURic. so that beginner [lnd expert alike were enthUsiastic, . .a A delicious punch n~ndc bYl\frs. Purnell wa.~ provided during- the cvening, while after Th('odor.~ dancing ended submarine The Delawa.re County Chapter ~\lldwichcs and coffee were served of tl'e D. A. R., wlll meet on Mon- In the lounge. These, refreshinentA day next in the Swarthmore \Vo- W{'e1aware Counreslgnatlon made the following t}'. Oppo81ng ~ame8 .A. Wolfenden statement. In 1942 and 19 .... and Jo:. Wallace "Vernon O'Rourke'a resignation Chadwick thl8 past NO\'ember, from the faculty Is a very ~t O'Rourke 111M unouccessfulln each 1068 to Swartbmo:-e College and to ca.se. In every contest, however, he tho Delaware County. ProfeNor led hlll ticket, and during 19'" O'Rourke haa been tl member of when he' h'maelf was on active the political science department duty as a naval officer In tho Paclsince 19t1 altho·.1gb on leave of ftc, he lost to Wolfenden b}' only absense for duty as n. nava.l otfieel' ,aoo votu out of 141,0(10 cast. from AU&"WIt IUS to March 1946. Thro"JA'bout all three co.mpalgne He Is an e'xeellent teacher whoso Swarthmore collego students were amODE his moat o.eUve 8upvortera place It wlll be dllrlcult to till. WhUe 'he should play a very tlMlful flnd campatgn workere. O'Rourke was graduated from role tn his new pOSition. bls SOIDg will be a real 1088. both to 8warth .. more College and to the academic orof688loD. The statement made by O'Rourke to the preBS follows: ''The 4eclalon to leave Swarthmore Collego was a. difficult one to mako. The policies and program of the college, as well n.a tne high quality ot Ita administration. taculThere are many times in a t)·, and student body. combine to pers()n's life when one just make Swarthmore one of the most Interesting educn.tional Institutions can't put into words what in America.. t have proflted by thle one feels - times when experience and ha.ve been warmed by the friendly 80lrlt which charac .. you have just lost a dear terlzea the relatlonahlps between all friend or when you want grO'.1J)s on the campus. "1 ahould like to use thla op .. to do something especially portunllY to thank the great num· nice and meaningful for ber of progresslve .. minded people In Delaware County for the hard the ones we love. work nnd splendid support given me during my thrf'!8 cnmpahrns THAT'S THE TI!II~: TO for Congress. Swarthmore students, CHOOSE FLOWERS. Independent voters, organized labor and liberal members ot both ths Throughout centuries, Democratic and Republican partiel> have worked untlrlnglY with me to they have ne"'cr failed. challenge, the power of the polltlca) monopoly which for so many de· cados haR dominated Delaware County. 1 shall never forget the seU'le8..c; enthuslaBm of theso gro".1ps." Mr. An--d-r-e-w-M--y-.-1'8--h-"'- returned to Langley Field, Va.. after spen4Greeting CanIs Ing a. two-week holiday at hili Decorative and NOH"lty home on Cornell avenue. 0mdIes. Jim Cleavea ot Park avenue re .. Baltimore pjk~ turned to Dartmouth College TueHday tollow.ing the holtday .recess. SprIDgllcld, PR. Doris Black ot South Chester Phono Swn_ 0450 road enterta.lned 25 ot her trlends nt her home on the evening ot I Xl'w Yearts Day. CARNS Flowers Time for a new car? For economy, promptness and aUaround satisfaction, finance yonr nen car with a bank auto loan. Swarthmore National Bank &Trust Company Member of Federal DeposIt IIISIll'ImCe CorporatioD J. Frank Bea.tty. Mrs. O. C. 1M''ng. On the serving cOMmittee With Mrs. Frank H. McGowan, chairman, were: Mrs. Howard O. Hop .. son, Mrs. Wm. Huey, Mrs. Harry Oppenlander. Mrll. carroll Streeter. Mrs. Stewart Thorbahn. Allee Ma.rriott. Mrs. George P. WarreD, M .... H. J. Wieland. Mrs. GeorgO M. Allen, Mrs. Donald P. JObes, Mrs. David P. Wisdom. Mrs. Rus.. 11 C. Phillips. Mrs. Emost R. LaWII. The pl'Gl(t'alIl. presented a.tter the luncheon, was vartt'd and en .. lertalnln... Mrs. Maurice C. )leO' Catrrey, a former president or the Llanerch Woman's Club nnd now ftt'9t vice-president ot the IDela,... ",,'arc County Federa.tlon, broU&'ht greetings trom the Federation to the S",arthmore Clult. An eae&Y. "Cross Country Flight." By Mrs. "'~n.rren F. Farqher, was then read by Mrs. Roland L. Eaton. The essa,y. & blKhly atnusln. ac· CIOunt ot a faml1y motor triP In :pre ..war day•• won ftl'IIt. prize last BPrins in tho County Federa.tion contest. MrtI. 8tO)'an W. Ruuell, one of the club's talented new tnemben, ..followed with aeleeUoDB on the Solovo1. The numba... chosen by Mrs. RUMell were: "Evealng atar" (rom Tannbauser by Wagner. "Autumn" by Chamtnade. uLon_ donderry Air." and "Silent Nisht." Sarah Field SpUnt, also a new member and formerly asaoclate editor of the Woman's Home Com .. panlon, dt~c ..lbed tor the club one of th~ moat Interesting pha.ees of magazln~ editorship. how the IntOT'e8ts of the many r&aders of a "masa" magazine wero determined. She caJled her talk, "How to Know Four Million Women and Be Inftuenced by Them." An hilarious skit. presented by "Bored Members," completed the program. Members of the cut of "The Fatal Quest" Included Mrs. Francis H. Forsythe, the King: Mra. T. K. Brown, Jr.. tho Queen: Mrs. Wtl1iam A. DeCalndry, thf, Duke; Mrs. A. W. Stuart. the Prince89: Mrs, GU)' S. Deming. the Curtain .and Mrs. A. W. B8.39. Jr.• the Shene Sifter. BOOK REVIEW 17th A topic very timely is tne subJect of the book review at the Literary Section on Friday, Januar,,' 17 when Mrs. J. S. V. Bishop re~ , views "HoW' Never to be Tire d" b y Marie Beynon Ray, Mrs. Ha.T'old Griffin, chairman, invites all members ot the Cl~lb to be present at 10 o'clock. , WlO" AUXILIARY NOTES .tamP. to U.e 'ft_ .. ,'.00 INVENTORY SALE Harbold's SWARTHMOREAN PLAY MONDAY ••• Y."r 'rolec,. VoL 19-No. 3 SWARTIll't'.IORE, PA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1947 0" t.: 'I'he has IIl'l'n fOI'tllnatc t,h:8 ye.lI· in ohtaining a list of seven Xl'·Ollg candic..latt's fOI' dil'cdors [01' the thrH' \'nC;llleicR existing at the presenl litue· on tht, hoanl dllP to til(": ('xllil"ation or the it'I'nlS of i\1I·~. Hal'old G. GdITin, .Alicf" F'. HarlH'1' and :\1 ,'S, Pctm· K Told. COllllllllllity openco,J The \Volllau's Cluh m·og-nUIl on TU(')o;day afte"nooll oiIClIP.l with t IH' .Janual·Y sUlted Illc(.·ting- COI1! dlldl'd b').· .:\11'8. Peter E. '1'old rlu» i 1!I·('Hident. with l\lni. Holunu 1..1. 1'~aton acting as secretary pro-t<.'lH l\[:u'c~h of l)ilncs 'Veil. Lo(',aliy the hank, Bton's, each j'OOll1 .tt .!;c}wol ha\"(~ HIlHlll 'H1nk:-; to rCl"('~\'e ll.:olltrihutiOIlS for n.:1icf and I'('t;l':t,·(·h ill illfantih~ Wishes Its Customers A HAPPy NEW YEAR and Announces That It Will Be Closed All Day Monday From Now Until Further Notice OLD BANK BUILDING Tel. Swarthmore 4597-W Open Tuesday Through Saturday 9.30 105.30 Sylon 1I000err Sold In t:nllm.lted QuaDt1t1e8 \'i:-:ion of thl:' Club h~'-law!4 I ;Iuollu.'d by the mernlJ(>l'.'.hip. I',u·aly:;!)). Leather ackets (:IIY SIMMONDS STARS IN' HUSTON ROLE "Apple of His Eye" in Creditable P ro d t IOn I I 111'., 1"(,-1 1~ Values up to 25.00 Here's your chance for a handsome leather jacket at our remarkable Clearance price! Suedes, Capeskins, Horse Hides, Goatskins, Avi. ator and Cossack models. Zipper closings! Warm linings! Sizes 36 to 46-but not in every style. \"1 '. i PARENTS SQUARE ~.:i:,;'; , :;:,:. :'::;:'~,~::~~:~,:,:;:;;;,',:;: ;~,: : :,:~':~ 'DANCE OLD CALLS n·:;~/~l.tl:.~:S~II.::d~::lti7[IJl)·I(' LWV OPENS LOCAL I HOUSING STUDY i on BOl'ollgh ('oltlllliU t'e Ol"g;II\' izp its('l( to ".:;oli{'il. "ol!tdillitiotl!'i fl',)l1l t hl'!-il' f['il'llfls' of ~\'Oal"1 hUHII'[' C'ullpg"c. In .C;III,)WI·ting- fh .. C'alU- IlI0t"('. (Contillll('11 on Local Post Planning Party For Friday January 24 Thc Ains,~ol·th-\Vcrnhel· Post of the American Legion will hold an old-fashioned home welcoming for all local G.T.'s at 8 o'clock Frida'Y eYcning. January 24. at the Green Lawn Clubhouse on Milmont avenue just over t11e Ridley Township line. An interesting and entertaining program i~ being planned by the local post alQng ,':ith plenty of re-fresitments, lots of music includ- ing some good quartets, and a old-fa..o;hioned community sing. The Post Is eager tnat every local G.T, arrive early. join tn the fun and stay as long as he likes. Local Legionnaires feel they are definitely on the move and are growing and expanding. AU exservicemen are welcome at the • Monthly meeting and a sincere invitation is extended to them to Join the Post, get into Its activities and thereby benefit the community ana thenurelve& Public Invited To Meetings In Series )lagl' ~) I ilH' g'['alldf:lth·.·J·. 'I I" .' ... " :--1I111IJOI\~.)-' 1)-. , "I', iTt ;/l(.'I:IW:t!'C' ("OUIlIY:'1 , 1947 PEACE CHEST AMERICAN LEG ION DRIVE OPENED Wednesday Starts INVITES G. I. 'S Annual Borough party 1~ 1~ ' .... as Following annollllcemcnts, :\lrs. H. Deming, prOJ.:Tam dlail'- dislril-t chair-nran, allnOUnc('s t he following !:;Warthlllol'C W01·iiCI·t;: I (COllthl~l('11 Men's Genuine Jillless of J\-fl's. 1', K, when the ll .. opo~cd l'C- H/"o\\"n. L('()Jlanl ('..Ashton has jUl:lt hccn 111:111, J)1'('Hentcd Anne Knaul" HclrapPOinted Chairman of a Swal·thf,·kll. a ··Pennsyl\'uniu Dutc'h" b~' mot'e BOI'Ollgh COlllmitt(·c which hi.-th and wlf~ of the '\'icc~presi­ l'\onhcrll ;:-;('(~tiOIl of HOl"otlghwill Icnd its Hupport to t he $5t~ dent of IJr-sinus College who <1e~ ).[I's. ~crgt..'ant B. B.·t·,\stCI', clwiI'.Jlld~·(' Ut'II'·.' (;. SWt·II("· whll 0(10,00(1 Campaign l"cocently :ilal'h'd lighted he,' audienc(> with hCI' ,,"WOO lu·P .... (·lIt('d till: Fin: ('(UllIllan; ~\II·~. H. Blah' i'rice, .&\Irs. II)" Swul·thIllOl'C (;olIege. 'rhis an~ lIlHl)··S hig;III:·st hOIlOl' of lifc chann and ){Ilowledge. :\Irs. HelfOlivel' Swan, lil['s, I~O!:::s Pfalz.. 'I'he list of candidates inl"ludeH . nOllllCcllll..'nl was made by 1'1·1.':-;iIIwmbcl"Sllil) at till' (;IllIIpuny·:o. fl'ich has found Pennsylvania. thc following: gTaff. l\1I'S. Harold Ognllll. ni ..s. A. unnunl iJl~, ulltil 111('1'(' \\"('1"(' 1II0rl~ lI1<.lll .\I,·s. Ilowanl \\~. (In.'t'n . •\ll'~:. 1."(0 I dustloinl economy. He lJil!i heen a. that. such It committl"I' is vC'ry 1I1:tn .... L' ("Jntillllcs to st:II' "'altl I'll IIO.IIUO !-io·called P,'nns\'l\'ania lO:.:ii.knt ,):' ~~"ad:ll :<",;.,. (0,' !11','1:,'! Iqll·_~'h f~ (lI'dN·. l·~\"tw !.ilH~f' Pw H(,UI~ett. ::\It·:i. "':I!TPII Bpl·nar,l. /11!,-;tO~l in 11~C' r()JI~ 0[' Han1 s:o .... ('!·. j)lItdl in IhiH }W(l·I'Og'I.'llL·OUS gl'Ollfi p r O\\·III;:Il. ,\1:-.:.;. . ';;~:lI,t or the $5.HOO.iH)O ('Ulfl1l:1.il-;'n ~'ll,~:t C<',)I'g-t years. 1',1 tIl(' 1'la)"I'I·:; Club '1'1'~1('[\ .1.: t·, f()l"I~ :lh' )"'''.fJlu1i(,r;. 11'(" ~\".'~.I !)~,_ ,ll1ll1l's Lef:s, l\In;. A.!,. 'r.\"I\'I·, .:\10'1-'. laHt N'o,·cllIhel·, towns p('{)Jli(' who \\~iJlh'll ~illl[!lond:1 play .... ~tov(·.. «('ontinlh'd on page S) 1\II·s. Hanllf(:l GIII'in :. graullat(~ \V. I':. ':\1"~ifOI'Il, ~\J .. !". {'h,u·l(·:-. 1.11. "'itlt 1I1~'1IH·sli'''1('d SlI('t:C:-:.'; alld cli.; a['p not SWaJ·thlllon~ Coll('I-;'I~ alulll- - -_ .. o( "J'l~ach~I':; COllc;.;t·. Coiulllhia )n·ns. :!\1J·s. XOl"lu:tn lIuilllt'. ;\1,· .... ni havt' llientioned. hoth (0 111(' alld I~ni\'e['sity did (·oIlHhh'l·tlblC' 1'('_ 011(', IIt.It'Il! seal'ch ther(' following graduation. to colleg'(' officials. theil' iuicl.(,:-;t J~!·x ~t'lf . .'.1[';,;. I~()KI'!' Hu,..sp!1, ;\II's, )b.vid :.'I1(,(',lIw;l, t'I;II'k Jt('t'd as Htcll.l ~pl'illgl'[' 01,.: Rhe iH thc Illother' of t\\'o childl'ell in and tlwiJ· conC('[·n fo[' th(' fu. tlll'(' of the t"OIl~·Rt·. ThcsC' (':'(111"('1-;. SiOlIS have COlnP, not olll~' fl.(>l1I a memhcr of tlw J)f)anl of tlle hlISirlt's:->lIlPn of Ih(' hOI'OU~h, hilt numhC'l· wiln (r'l'l (h:lt. 10 \\a["I'allt the stL-ildily g-I'o\\"in:..:-~ ,"Ollllg' :l\lotlwl'~" Clull. ~II's. OUl'in fJ'olH n ].a~ It hOhhy in hooliS and hopes Hlt'I'ply as n~!-;idt'nts, th('Y h:L\"C' I'('n. fnl" a new Hhl'al"Y in Sw:tl'thmor('. t'fittNi (['0111 the- lIIan:'" ('nlll'~,n' at~­ The Gl1rin:; (,:llll(, here 21,~ YNII'S !j\·iti0s r"Klllal"i~.. thl'own "P"II to II Ih(·n·rol'" SI'P[IIS :lg'O from the· lfn:v£"l'sity of Illinois. til(" Pllh1ie. h i:..:-h I,,· ap(>I'OIIl'iat(' that a ~\\·al"lh. Ml's. 'V. F. nird or 2·11 Ogden aYCIlUC' who ha!-i lived in ~\\'al"thmo1'{' fol' fivl' yNl.I's hut ha:-. hC('1l illtcl"('stetl in the lihral'Y for at If'a!'>t ('ight yt";U'S. 1[('.1' st'rong .interest in t ht' lilwlllT dC'.·I'IOJwd whil~ she was a. reside-Ilt o[ 'Y:lII- Any interested the during I THE SWEET SHOP Ursin us PreRident's Wife Proud of Heritage ~;hlner Clan'ncl..· Conn~'[' JBaking the ·1iJ·:;t l'ontl'ibution t,:) the '\''l:.;hillJ.~ Leads Contributors Within The Boro )l.Ill. CLUBWOMEN TOLD PA. DUTCH SKILLS fonllally )'Ionlia,," at the Media COllrt llol.:-il' with CO~lJIty Coml1lis~ The ASHTON TO SPARK COLLEGE DRIVE r .Jan1l:ll·,\· '_.0, fl'nTH !!:~\O t" J::!:;ji) )I,' 11[. and f["(}111 2 to 4 )I.m, :til (I on )'Ionday. Jannary :!i. frolll ::: until :I.:~n and 7 to LIFE MEMBER Mrs. W.C. Giles Leads' 44 Campaigners Here GlJ"ll at 8 a. Ill. :'.1111 ('lose at I 1'. 'II. Thl' nloney o/"(h~, window will doso at 1 ~ nOOll. Tlw annllal t~h·dion ot" 11i,·pciOl·!-; for fhe !-;'....artlllllol·P P!lIIlie l.ih,·al·Y will !If' II;,!: .lurilW iihnu'y 110111·... $3.00 YEAR MARCH OF DIMES Ullin' ·atwill 8ofu. the m. 1'·,"t ~~IlU ('Jose t; p. Ill. except the mOIH.'Y order winO!)"\'. which will CJO:~l' at !i p. Ill. 011 Hatu'"day thC' windO\\":i will wirl(loW" OIH~n a.t Seven Outstanding Citizens Offer Services EnroR Now for Drama Study members who haVe> not registered tor tho propo~ed drama.. study course should notify Mrs. George P. 'Varren, Dra.ma chairman, phone 0783, not later than Tuesday, Janua.l"Y 14.. Mrs. 'W'arren reportH that tu date the enrollmC'nt h:l~ not been large enough to justify the Ilrojee-t. Lt. comdr. Lawrence G. Traynol' and Mrs. Traynor who have been living temporarily with the laUer's parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden of Rivcrview roaa. al'e now residing at Shelte.r Harbor, ",resterly, R. I. Lt. Comdr. Traynor who had been attached to thc Mustin Air Field at the Philadelphia Naval Base, report-ed to the Charlestown Rhode Island Naval Air Station, Tuesday. En route they visited Mr. and ?tlrs. Asa. B. I{ellogg of New York City and also rclativcs at Paul Smiths. Lako Placid. Mrs. Charles Clay Murray has returned to her home in Washington. D. C" after vJstting her sonIn-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Harlan R. Jessup of Haverford avenue for the past two week~. Betsy Hornaday, Bonny 'Morse. Jean Ruey, Barbara' Schoblnger, Laura Lee Hopkins of Swarthmore and Mony Harper ot M.o"" Ian returned to Middlebury College on Monday morning tOllow. Ing the,r" vacation d1p1.ng the hoU~ da.y 8P.ason. ~!!!c ~:}!.:,,!lPl~l!:~11 'BORO ACTIVE IN LIBRARY ELECTION ON JANUARY 25,27 DELIVERY - Si7arth m-oro, IJn40 GAZELLES wIIo.,... pi''''. swana.- _ C:,llec() Libr:lry ., 10. I"' colve board aDd ...... but . . M ..... Oecar J. Ollc""" publlcll7 monthly Bum troa the chairman of the Amertean Le.aOD ment, Dor aDY opportua.1t7 &0 mall AUl[UI&ry, oubm.lta the foliowlDg: lette.ra free. tI "Since the Swarthmore commun... It1 cooperate. with, aDd Ie seaer.. Joan O.hr. . . . . .f UDI......17 ouo In donatio... to the Lo"on plac. h.... returned to Comen 11alAuEiliary, the foliowlD~ llat Ie the voralty after lIPeDd.... the hOliChr18tmu aetlvJly of which thle days at her home bere. J'eaa eninterested bora abould know:.. In terta.lned at Open Ho_ from , Chlld Welfare work.- • famlU8II, to • on Monday. ne-ttber '1. Including 17 children, were ~ven a Betty Horae of Tale ayellu.. ILUI happy season. These faml1lell were resumed her etuclJee at WetlMleT recommended by the Swarthmore ColI_lr. followlnlr t1!e holiday .reHealth Center and Family 8er'Ytce e _ Vlr"Dl.. Ko_ retomed to ot MedIa. The donaUone trom tho Unlve.....ty of 1lIU71aD4, BUDtriends meant .. $20,00 worth of clothing, "t cans of tood, ,',00 worth of to)'8. 1- 1Z lb. turls to Enwsl and Vil'g-inh "5('1. Peaco Chest cnmpaign, the eleventh and largest to datC', was opened 'Vcdn('sday when i\lrH. Joseph 1\[oos of Jenliintown ad. dl'esscd campaign WOl·ker!'> at a tea in the home of l\Ir.!;. Harold ing se~sions of the Study Group MarCh, 600 Elm avcnuc. begins January 20. 10:15 to 11:30. Thc Swarthmore campaign is a tit the hOllle of :Mrs. John ~1.1 part of the Greater Philadelphia MOOI'C, 2 \Vhitticr pla(·c. campaign, which this month will At t11(' first lllC'eHng "'illiam raise $30,000 to finance the work pjckett, huildcr, and pre:.ident of of the F'ellowship of Recondil' Dl'law:lre County Heal l~sta(c cillation. \Vomen's Int~rnational League for Peace and F·reedolll. Doard, will slh"ak on tlw IlT"OI1il'llI:-l 'th 1) "lll'ng t I (1 ' 11<) II ' and tne National Council for Pre. t'onIlC(~ C( WI 1 his eounty. Another meeting of vention of War. interest on tl\.r homdng problem Mrs. Moos. who is a membc.' of wHl O(,C:JI' at the Chcsh:Ol' Y.W·.C.A. ,e" ,'" '·'1('odOl·.... \Inlay, dllrin.~ I'~resco'n. ~1I ..!i. A. H. Gl";lI~·. t he- en'ning, , ...'hl1(' dOl neing ('nded Ilroviill'ci hy the hospitnlih' (':UlIlllitt('c headed hy Mrs. John H. \\""1'(' W('I"(I 1\11'5. ::\fr's, Rkilhn:l.n. nOg-l'I·~. Mrs. (i'{~r'nantl :\11'8. :\ll's. Palll E. .-\ I,th H)' ).r osC'ri fl. Norlll:lll :\In~. executive I till' aftel' suhmarin0::;,nclwiehps and coffeo Wt'I'C HC"\.Nl in the- loungf'. These I'efreshment~ D~A.R_ to Meet ~I'he l)elawa.I'e ('ounl)' ('haptf'I' of t~e D. A. n .. will meet on :\10nday n("xt in the HWlu·thmor'o 'Voman's Club. "~·hPll 111'.' .John ltohbins Har·t, I'octo!' of th~~ 'Va~hing-t on :\1 e-1lI0 l"ia 1 ("'hapf'l at Valll'Y l··ol"/.{(', will Ill' gllt~HI Hlwal';t'I·. Hostesses will he :\Jr-.s. Lovett George B. Harvey. and MI·s. Clal'~ committee of the United Peace Chest, told the on Januar}' 23 at 8 p.m, BoOth thi~ cnce D. Hell. _ _ .__ , _ _ Swarthmore workers! anll the series sponsored by the New W .. I . L. Headquarters "These organizations are leading League are open to :myone inter'~ 1\Irs. \Villiam r. Hull of \Valnut the desperate drive for world or- (';sted. lam' opened the meeting for the ganization and a permanent peace. Letten have been sent by Mrs. 'housewal'ming of the new \V. I. L. They are working agatnst the na- Hemenway's committee to local headquarters. named the Jnne tional chaUvinism tbat would make Leagues throughout the county to Adams House. at. 2006 Walnut peace Impossible; they are spear- urge that Congress be pre8scd to i Street, Philadelphia on Tuesday, neadlng the opposition to perman- see that materials are avatlab:e ~ lUI's. Alexander Stewart of Chicago. ent peacetime conscription. which f-or homes rather tha.n tor com~! Ill., national \V. I. 1... president. (Continued on page 6) nlercial enterprisf"..s. I was pT'esent for the ceremon)·. the Illail,' d;Ill('I' la:-:I ;.·(·a~' for ladit·:-; olli~' nnd I'njoy. Ii it :-i0 !!luch tllat tJ)('.,. in\'i("d hUt-'1t:llhis 1'01' this (wf":I!-lion. i til{' GIt'!l :11'(' '''''10-01111' 'I'll(' ""."'.-;. II. .lul',h·n ha~; a "ytiIJl:dlH'lit' roll'; d" ;-:;I~II'" ,'nnli'};ln! an,l ,'IHlni\'f'r, 1-"1'11 Ila .. dr·"l~· :t~ I,'ns,", S]l,-jl1!~('I', \\"11() 11:1:: no ,'l1a,I\'" at :til ag.tin:;1 I hi." ,,·if.··!"' Inn·~llt', Jlil·h;tlo! C;. Ibig :1''" Ott ·J .. ,llln. :lntl ('hark:-i I·'. ~(.:... : all,l to do thc. t·alling. Hl' tanght each (1:1n('(' to til(' group l)('fol'c stnrt\\"omen Vot,el's 1J~. :\11':', S. II. II {' III _ I l·'(",()cl'oIT and to ;\11'.'i. • Iohn ::\L ing- th(' llIu:.iC', :-;0 that beginner enWa~', chair'man of tilt' Hoeial \VcIHroomal1. -Ith. ),11':;. l'h:II'h's I.tlli- :tnd ('xl)('rt a1il~(' \\'('1'(, ('nthusja~fal'co ('t()lHmittl'e of til(' !....ague. l\lni. ens. and :\I.-li ..1. II. (;ol'll'"Jn )'I('('on-l fic-. ,.:1 Cyrus \Vood 'tnd :i\IrH. (,l'OI'!-,"t' Xi<" .-\ deliC'iollS IHlIWh I1wclt' h~" ~frs. gC'I-, of the (,OllllllittlW. :11'(' assisting. (.'ch:.·. "he 'I,lay ('ontinut'!< thl'oll~h ~alPUnwll wal" lu'oyicled A series of three MondaY~lllorl1.­ ipg's rnited h(lfllv.'i George :i\1I·~. Mal'(' ,'an H. Gowing and dCI' tlnlC'ht. \Vood:ud was chairman of the- dancC'. :ts.~lsted . I~y Mrs. Olh-('l' R(,dgel'R. 1"he hoard members ae~ed as her con~ralth"!.::to can,·as.c; tho,; who!e nWlIlhep'ship by t~I~l>hon(" to iln1 Ollt h,"'w l1'a. 11Y to expect. The club i:i v.~ry ftlrtun1.t~ in ha,1ng nr. D. V. l\fl'lrhi."oI'. PI incAple of t)l(... Hll;"h ~('hool of Utrard College. he ir::i: gll~:'It Sp('.lft:Cr I ~t thp Febrl1d on "The RnOPEN 7 ri. 111'- p, 111. motor trlPwltb frl.n~ to Miami, Cedar lane tilts afternoon. I • mance ot Collecting Beaos". +Wen-ouTSIDE CATERING SERVICEFIa. ' MI8B Jean Cl8.l'ke of New York ty-flve members attended the meetWecJa~'l', 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. .. 12 - 8, p,... Mrs. Ralph E. Rhoads. .Jr. City will spend the week-end with Ing. f DAILY DINMERS •........... 8IIc to ,I.1iO with 'her daughter Sandra returned her brother-in-law and sIBter. M r. and Mrs. J<)hn C. Moore 0 Mr. SpecIal Children'. P1att.eftl to ber home In Yonkera. N. Y., and Yrs. W. F. Bird ,of Ogden Amherst avenue entertained a. Monday after visiting her parents group ot friends at a Mexican sup· avenue. '" Mr. and Mra. A. S. Robinson of 'Mrs. John E. Michael ot Har- llCI' at their home Friday. Ogden avenue for several days. vard avenue entertained at a Mr. and Mrs. Rhoads spent the luncheon at her home Wednesday ENGAGEMENT holiday season In Ft. Lauderdale, In honor of MJBB Elizabeth Arun1\11'. and Mrs. Floyd E. Kennedy Fla., with Mr. Rhoads' parents del of Connecticut who is v.talt-I of Harrisburg announce the enwho tormerlty lived In Swarthmore. Ing her stater :M.rtl. Donald Storrs gagemel\t of their daughter .Jane A.ndr~w F. Roblnaon, Jr." of of Swarthmore place. K~nnedy Bew to Mr. Samuel jOenn BEAUTY SALON Rutgers avenue flew to Tulsa. Mrs. F. L. Hearne of Uehobotit Caldwel1 of Reno, Nevada. Okla., the latter pat"t ot December Beach, Del., 1& spending the week Mr. Caldwell is the Bon of Mrs. Beauty'. calendar is full and Is attending the Spartan with her son-in.la.w and daughter D. D. Rowlands of Harvard a.venue. School of Aeronautics. Major nnd Mrs. Stanton S. von Mr. and Mr.s. Charles G. That- Grabill ()f Cornell avenue. 13 So 'j. Ch Ifler Road cher of Ogden avenue and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ford Robinson of Swardtm r. 0478 Mrs. Mark Bittle of Rutgers ave- Westdale a.venue will entertain for Now' nue will leave tonunorrow by a few days Mrs. Robinson's brother 1 yr. $1.50 3 yrs. $3.00 plane for Bermuda 'where they and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gadd After Feb. lit.. 1 yr. $2,50 3 yrs. $5.00 plan to vacation tor 10 days. ot Lincoln, Nebr.. wbo are en Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Dana route 1.0 thetr home after vacationing In Florida, Sw.208O of Elm avenue and Mr. and Mrs. :AIrs. L. A- Wetla,ufer of Cornell SubscriptiQD8 tor ALL Claude C. Smith of Baltimore pike ftvenue entertained at a tea from MagazInes lea.ve today on a mo~r trip 3 to 6 on ThurNday In honor ()f south and they will spend some her aunts Mtss Ida and Mis.co; Cora UNITY ASSEMBLY time at the Highland Park Florida Riebel of Toledo. Ohio. who llt"f' Boroqh Hall Club, Lake Wales, Fla.. the house gtl'ests of :Mr. and l-[rs. )0:30 A.M. Rver, Wedn.esc1ay ~ Mr. and Mrs. Harold' Goodwin Wetlaufer. ZELIA IlL w~er and their son Alan of Rose Val. Mrs, MUan W. Garrett of North I ley are on a two-week motor trip \ to F]prida. En route they will visit ~latlves In North Carolina.. l\{r. and Mrs. Mark Bittle of ~ Rutgers avenue entertained as THEATRE With the passing of each a great numl::z~I~~~ their week-cnd guests- Mrs. Bittle's Friday • Saturday • ber of facu are added to man's increasing \sister. Miss Bessie Williams of Sel· ROSALIND RUSSELL Thursday - FrIday - 'Saturday store of knowledge, Not over seventy-five IN • JEANNE ORAIN years ago a man of superior intelligence could ALAN YOUNG possess a working knowledge ofall of science, Lo';bJe campion. and M ..... William H. Gehring of Swarthmore, are memben of tbe Foundera' Day committee when the PbUadelphia Alumnae Chapter of Kappa Alpha Thetas will hold a Founders' Day luncbeon at the Overbrook Golf Club, tomorrow. Mlss Barbar& GlU, of the Institute of Logopedics. Wichita, Kansas. will be guest speaker. This occasion will ma.rk the 17th annlvBI'88.r)' of the foundIng of Kappa Alpna Theta, and inauguration ot their adoption of the Institute as their principal philanthropic project. The work of logopedics assists those with speech defects. and many phenomlnal recm'cries have been aChieved. Mrs. J. A. Detlefsen of .Lafayette avenue and Mrs. R. N. Hilkert of Rutledge, formerly of Swarthmore. were assisting hostesaes at the January meeting of tbe Tri Delta Alliance on Wednesda~ at the borne of Mrs. Oliver Smith, GOlf. View Road, Ardmore. Frank DaviS of Amherst avenue was guest of honor at a surprise party at his home during the holtday season given by 38 members of the class of '45 of the Swarthmore High School. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver G. Swan of North Chester road will attend a cocktail party given 6y Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Rowland of Drexel Park on TuesdaY next In honor of Mr. Paul Angle whos() book, "The Lincoln Reador" was the February choice of the ·Book of the Month Club. Mrs. Rowland, whose pen name is Martha Keller._ is the author of the poem. "Brady's Bend". and other ballads. Mra. John Broomall, 4th and her daugnter Ann of Cornell avenue were guests at a luncheon in Phil· adelphia Baturday given by :Mlsa Eleanor· WUson of Chester who Is current~ playing in "The Eagle HaEl Two Heads" at the Forrest Theatre, Philadelphia. Kent Robb of Dickinson avenue has returned to Pennsylvania MlUtary College after apendlng the Bcnool reCeB8 of two \Veeka on' a r BIRTHS Town" RUSSELL'S Complete Seroice ' IGNITION MOTOR BRAKE TIRE - Trees, Lawn Areas, and Foundation Plantings Improved NOW I I William J. Stephani, Jr. I Landscape Contractors DEW DROPINN BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER de,.. The Bouquet I BETTER HOMES AltO GARDENS c.n MRS.UOYD E. KAUFFMAN MEDIA COLLEGE THEATRE SISTER KENNY FINE FOOD ••• cooked as you like it. Quick, courteous service. Delightful surroundings. IIL-I-.I-ICC-'-I-IIl-II-I-U-:--~ .' I Monday - Tuesday III'VE Wednesday - Saturday and Cocktail Loung. MARGIE IRln.IIfITI. • lIIO In. lie . . . . In. I5c Cartoon Carn1,'al satunIay m.onliDg 10:00 o'clock. 15 of the .,-ear's best cartooDs -AU SeatB 25c. Tickets Now On Sale I -rrIng Sandal' - Monday Tu_y - W~_y omtinuous Sandal' (zom 2 :30 WALTER PIDGEON, ILONA ~EY, XAVIER OUGAT "HOIJDAY IN MEXIOO" JEANNE CRAIN Sbows 2-7-1 P. 111, sa&. CloII'L _ 11:80 P.M. • "MARGIE" in technioolor A~ YOU SUBUBBI! CaF•. 1111 ,.,"m· r.LL I • III te' ' DfJIIJR' * year, Now, however, the realm of the known is so vast that it is necessary for men to speciali2e in order to master one small but deep corner of scientific knowledge. Thus we have the physician, who diagnoses disease aod prescribes medication and treatment. The pharmacist compounds and dispenses. Both the physician and the pharmacist benefit gready from the researches of the biologist, the chemist, the physiologist, and the physicist, to 'oame but a few. Through the teamwork of the allied sci. , • ences, increasingly better medical service for all is assured.. MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACV On tie. Cern.,. 1m • r, J THE '" 17. IM7 SWARTHMOREAN 3 '" 17. 1847 1IIr. and M .... Rohert II. Walker of Elm avenue announce the blrt~ of their daughter, Clare Smith Walker, on Friday. january a at the LYing-In Hoepltal Philadelphia. tained the troop committee at 3 , THE SWARTHMOREAN .- POW.. ~,••• ell.lD· Bi&B1 »iUDAY AT ,,'hIEKORB, TBB BWABTIIIIOBIC&lf. Do.. ptQII,weH :e " ...., ftL "BIB lIL TOLD. B41tol' KAJUORIB TOLD. 'ira·clate Editor Lorene IIcCarter ~. Pelnol AIule ,K, CoobraD I EIltere4 . . Secood Cluo Matter, J&D.....,.' U. 1111, at the Put otace at Swarthmore, PL. UDder tile Act of II&rolo " 117., DEADLINE-WEDJfE8DA"r NO,ON . SWARTHMORE, P.\., FRIDAY JANUARY 17, l~t I II ~~============~~===~=========~ PreIbyterian Church Notes S.unday morning at 9 o'clock the first of the Morning Prayer services will be held In the churcn. This will be cond ucted according to the order of the Presbyterian Book of Common Worship, Communion will be observed the first Sunday ot each month. Members and friends of the church are Invited to worship at thla service. At tbe 11 ·o·clock service Dr. Braun will preach on "Unlocked Doors'". All departments of the Church School meet at 9: 46 o·clock. The Womens' Bible Cla.sa ~eets at 10 o'clock In the church trans.ept. The Church Hour Nursery for cb1ldren ages 1 to 7 meets each Sunday morning during the 11 o'clock church hour. Mr. and Mrs. Harold' Ogram at the Ha.rvard avenue entrance and lrlr. a.nd Mrs.. William Trumpler at the driveway-transept entra.nce wlll assist the minister In greeting the congregation after the 11 o'clock service. The Communicant's Class for 'Young people of Intermediaie and 'Senior Departme~t age will begin Sunda.:!r! January Z6, at 9 o'clock. In Dr. Braun's office. This class Is, to prepare young 'people for Church membersbip. There will b,e 's. sauerkraut luncheon held at the Home for Aged" Couples and Single Men, Bala. on January 23. from 1 ~ to 2 o·clock. , Circle 3. Mrs. K. M. Heed, Ch,Rtrman. wUI Pleet .January 22, at the home of Mrs. Henry Harris, &0& Swat'thmore avenue, at I o'clock. . ,,'The Rev. Lewis eutler will review Buell Gallagher's book "Portrait ot a. PUgriln," and will lead n dlscUBSlon. , Circle 8, Mrs. Gem·go Schobingcr, Chairman, will ,meet January '22. at the )iome, ot Mrs. J. V. S. Bimop, 736 Harvard avenue t from 11 to 3 o'clock. Luncheon will be served. "The Woman's Association Sewing Da'Y for .January (which W8B postponed) will be, held on Wednesday, January 29. Ch'cle' 8, Mrs. George~Schoblnger, Chairman, CHURCH SERVICES SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHUROH Rev. David Braun. Mln18ter ..Rev. H. Lewls_ Cutler. 'Minlster._ SUNDAY, JANUARY 19 9:45 A. M~-Cburch School. 10:00 A. M.-Woman's Bible Cla.s8. 11:00 A. M. - Sermon. ~'Unlocked Doors" by Dr. Braun. 6: 00 P. M.-Fellowah1p. METHODIST CHURCH Roy N. Keiser, D.D•• Minister "SUNDAY, ,JANUARY, 19 9: 45 A. M,--Church, School. ' 1.1:00 A.. M.---Sermon, "The Stewardship of. Time." ... TRINITY CHURCH , Rev. Geo. C. Anderson, Rector SUNDAY• .JANU"RY 19 8:00 A. Y.-Holy Communion. ·9:(5 A. M..--Church School. 1.1:00 ~ M.-Mornlng Prayer and Sermon topic: "Making Prayer Effective." ,6:00 P. M.-Young People's Fellowship. SATURDAY (Conversion of St. Paul) ·10:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. THE RELIGIOUS SOClE'I'i OF FRIENDS Schoolll, The Ilrat .}IleeUng will he been' organ_ tor FrIday night, 1IIre. Tb_ore Paullin, IIr. and 00 Thurecla.y enolog,' January January If, froln' 8:10 to 10:10 Mrs. Oliver Rodgere, and Mr. and %lrd, with a covered dlah In tbe Woman'. Club. Irene Moll Mrs. John Seybold. AnY square at 6:10 ,in "Whittier Howse, foldance entbua1ast.8 who would .Dlowed at 8 o'clock by a dlBcUasion will be tho caller. Before coming joY the evening may do 80 by conled by Richard McFeely. to Swarthmore> College 88 .......... 1tacting any ot. these persona. The COffl;mlttee OD Ministry and tant professor ·in the. ~meD'8 Counsel of Concord Qtlarter'lY I PhYSical Education Departmeot, Smith Heada Kiw.aia Meeting Will meet at SWartbmore Mia ?tIoll, taught at the. ~::: George A. Smith, Jr., ot ilaverMeeting on Bunday the 18th. Box State ColJege for Wom.en. J tord avenue was lnatalJed presi:Lunch in "WhnUer Houae tOllow. Texas, and In the Da.nlel Webetel dent of the Chester Kiwanls, Ing the morning M~ct.ng tor Wor- High Sehool In Tulsa, O.klL Wednesda.y evening, Januar'y 8 at ship, and the meotlng In Whittier both Denton and Tulea. she the annual Installation dinner and Hou.e at 1:30. Atl Interested arA ganiZl'd com~untty square LadleIJ.' Night held In the Masonic clubs which were very Temple hi Chester, He will' hold cor was to attmnpl f>fJnt(> plan whe-reby the school in conjunction with ROL'lI'Y cou111 wOJ'l( out a :Jlan for youth aeti"ilies in thc comfllunity. ... IS ----~~~,------------~,------~----------~------~ UDi~ed Peace Chest (Continued from Page I) I Braun. Mrs. Ro:r McCorkel. Mrs. present as usual for the senior as\Varren Paxson: "frs. W. T. John- sembly. which Is Informal. son: Mrs. Ray Lingle: MrfI. J. V. S. Bishop: Mrs. :Miles Robinson. I would be the tll'st step towUI'd mll1tar,r dlctntorahll): they are MI'8. J08c~h Wniton: "frs. Ralph \\'ol'klng fOl' a world of c'1uallt)' Mould. 1\11'8. Theodm'c Paullln; or opportunlt')' fOl' all races, no.-I Mrs. J<':. Smnford Watel's: Mrs. tJons and creeds." PntJtp H. Jowett: Mrs, 'V. ft >rhe actiVIt),' of Swarthmo"c clti'l Hobbs; Mrs, John L, Cornog: l[ra. zens In the United Pence Chest Irwin Abrams; Mr8. E, lo'ay Campnnd In the thl'ce agencies linanc'Cu bell; Mrs. Albel·t HtIlcs: Mrs. WIJ. by It always results in the Swat'th- Hum I. Hull:' MrA, rO;dwnrd .Jenkins: mOl'e campaign being one ~f the Ml'!!. Caleb Smith. Mrs, \ViIllnm most successful In the Phtludel- Ii'. Singlcton: )11'.1;. Dorothy·L. Slmphla area. The boards and CO)1l- ons; Miss nOI'oth~' Hanls; MidS }o~. rnitte(>s of ull foul' ol·gunlzn.tlons Virginia \Valkt'I'; :\fISH Olin' al'e spl'inkled with Swarthmore Clea\'~!i; and ::\1Is.<; Elb.abcth Johnnames, and the ("el1owshlp or Re.j SOil. conciliation and \Volllen·H lntcrnational League have permanent i Assembly to Meet w I' mlOl'e I":,"C cs \\. 1 C meet l'hc ... S u. tl b h II h i ' I' ig h til GI'aue Dancing Clast; l'egulm'ly and C31'I'Y on local ac-, wIll meet from 7 to S.30 in tlw tlvlUe~. \Vomun's Cluu tomorl'ow c\·ening. Membcrs of the Swal·thmOl·C' I'rhe 11th and 12th G.-ades meet at branch of the Women's Intern:.!- 8..15. tiona I Longuc fOI' Peacc and J"I'COMI'. and ;\fl'8. FrC'dl'I'icl.. Alm(jom who \\'ill 9o)liclt fund~ for gl·en. ~h·. and :i\h's, John Diggins. the l'nlted Peace Chest al'e lIt's. nnd :\II'. anu Mrs. Leroy \Volf will Henl'Y I.... \Va.rd, chairlllun of the chapel'on the Eighth Grado. dl'ive: MrR. Ji"'ec1el'lek B. Tolles, Hv .. te~s('s. 1\11'5. Danicl S. 1\I0l'se l\irH. Harold M. Murch. ~Il's. D,;u'jd and ::\Jpi. '''illium Patton will be I ,. • GIRLS TOP-RANKING POSITIONS in Community Service Available to QUALIFIED YOUNG WOMEN in Telephone Work I EARNINGS Compare with Best in Your Community SURROUNDINGS AND ASSOCIATES Better Than Average I OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY for Advancement and Development I THO)U'soN CHAIRl\I,,\X On l·'ebl·uan· 3 J 4 nnd 5 Mr. Thompson will ~!C.·ve as chairman of a committee to evalunte the HolidaysbUl'g Seniol' High School. This committee. acting 118 part of the Middle Atlantic StatP8 Association or Colleges and ~condary Schools which e\'aluates .... nd uccl'edits schools .and colleges, is made up of fifteen administrators, college pl'o(eBSOI's, and teachet's. These experts will talk with teachers at the Holiuaysbm'g school. interview pupils. obscrvl' the cm'riculum. guidance pl'ogram and othor items so necesSllI"y to an nccl'edited school. TflIS WEEKS CALENDAR ]....l'lIln..y. Junuary ! '7 10:00 A.M.-Book l{evie\Y ................................................. \Volnan'~ 7: 15 P.M.-H. S. Basketball va PI'ospect Park ................ PI·ospect 8:20 P.M.-"Apple of His Eye" ........................................ Pluy~ra SntUl'tluy, ,'nmllu'Y 18 ...." 7:00 and 8:45 1>.:\I.-Jr. Assemblies ................................ \Volilan's 8;20 P.M.-"Applc of His E~'e" ........................................ PIUYCI'S INVESTIGATE TODAY Club Park Club THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY • OF PENNSYLVANIA Cluh Club 1631 Arch Street Philadelphia or Sundu),? .'umuu·y 19 11 :00. A.M.-Morning WOI'ship .........., ................................. Local Church("s 7: 15 P.M.-J,·. Music Club ._ .......... _.. _.......... _............. _... 2(10 l'a,·k AVenue :Uondny, January 20 10:15 A.:\L-L.W.V. 1\1C'cting ............................................. 2 \Vhitticl' Pinel..' 1:45 P.M.-Gazelles vs Parkslde ............................................ High School TuCS4:1ay, ,'onuol")" 2 t _ 2:tlO P.M.-James A. Perkins. speakcr .......................... \Voman's CIuu 8:00 P.M.-Hob"'" Night _.... _.............................................. Woman's Club ']'hurs(}ny. Jnnmu')' 23 :J:30 P.::n.-H. S. Basketball vs. Hnvcrford ...................... Hig-h sc'nool 7:45 P.M.-Gazclles vs Eddystono ................................... High School Room 315, McClatchy Bldg. 69th and Market Streets Upper Darby • mittee. Library Election Set For January 25th, 27th (Continued from Page 1) ingCord and' continued when she moved 'hero in 1941. Shc iH mueh in favor of n new librapy huildIng and is the- mother of threc dlildrcn, Bob. 1\~hit and Jnck. Mrs. Harry L. l'.lillor. ,111 'rhaycl load, a resident of Rwftl'thmore f>lncc 1899 and a graduate of Hwarthmorc Collcgc. class of ] fi 1 ~. :?-.h-s. :Miller ha~ ulwaYH lWt'1l inte.·csted in social and community work and nt the prl'sent ttlll~ Is fI \ nlunteel' wOI'ker ut the p'hilnde!phia. General Hospital. She is an ~lcth"e Inembel' of th,} "roman's' ('Iub of Swarthm.ol'c. ~hc hm; a wide 1m owl edge. of horough atYairs gleaned during hCl' husband's long sC'r\'icc on Borough Council. ::\Irs. Duncan G. Foster, of 15 Cl'est lanc. who is the wlfC! of nl'. l"ostr-r assistant, professor of c'lwmistry at Swarthmore College, has three children and has hc(>n living in the- horough for H ycar's. 1'I.T1'5. Foster hns strong in- i t(·rests in good Wilsie and good t'ool{s. Hcr main Interest in the library activit'Y is to find more and bettcr ways of dc\'r-ioping intc-I'('\st among local children in reading good books. Ml"S. W1Ulam H. Gehring of 605 l'nivcl'sity place a grn.nuate of Skidmore Col1ege and a l'cRident of Swarthmore for 15 Yf'Ul's. J\Jrs. Gehring is the mother of two c.'"hildren Jean and Virginia and has been very interested .in the "\\'orlc of the publlc library for a long time. She feels the library ill in 'Qeed ct considerably more space. ,?tlra. Gehring has been active in serVice to the comrilUnlty through her chairmanship of horne servl~e work for the Red Cross, as n member ot tl1C': board of thl' ("ommun!ty Health Socict~t and Ufi n. board member of the League of 'Vomen Voters of Swarthmore. All residents ot th~ borough woo have signed the by-laws of the library prior to .January I, ] 947 are eligible as voters and are urged to parttclpate In this impor- I I I tant election. K,pp., to Sew The Kappa Kappa. Gamma sew,,:, Jog group wnl meet OD Tuesday at the home ot Douclalo roacL of )(n.. James 600 North BacOn Cheater a boys WiSh, ., Soon as the flakes begin to fall, a fellow starts to dream of the fun he's going to hove in the snow ..• he's wishing for mountains of it for sledding, snow-fights and snow-men. .' If his wish comes true, his frolics in the snow will help put a rosy, healthy glow in his young cheeks ... and sa will the big glass of Supplee Sealtest Homogenized Vitamin D Milk that's SO refreshing afterwords. Children lov~ the smooth taste of cream in every drop. It's easier to ~igest, SUPPLEE and extra nourishing, too. And more vitamin 0 has been added far a premium of bone protection. To your children who are growing up. give the advantage of a milk lhat's better tasting; cond batter far them. Start serving Supplee Sialtest Homagen~ed Yotumin D Milk and walch the glasses come back for refills. Yoilr Supplee milkman and your neighborhood Sealtest lIore1c...... both have it for you. \ • , ...... THE SWARTHMOREAN WoMANtS a.uB NOTES Jr. M p' i • • Meet \the home of .John Chapman. 100 (JarlaJoD At FederaCion Tbe Junior M.ule Club of Park avenue (corner of Hanard). Many Swarthmoreana WiI,I not Swarthmore will meet thle 8und4LY The program wlll be tn charge want to mlss County Federation evening, January 19th. at 7 716, at ot BOb Tucker.· Day, January 28~ when John ROy Carlson will be the speakeI' at the afternoon &e88lon. Mr. Ca['~eon ,who Is most famous for hts constructive work In the exposure at un-A~erlcan activity. is also tlia well. known author of "U.ndercover" and "-rhe Plotters" as well 88 a dynamic lecturer, All members \are Invited, to bear bia talk on uAmer~ca.u Citizenship" w~ch 18 sponsored by the CIUzenship Department ot the Oounty Federa a Uon of ~man's Clubs. Fedemtion Day meetings wUl be held at the ChUrch of the Holy Sacrament. Highland Park. which is ea.sl~y acceaslble by bUB from 69th Street. The morning Beasion. which will convene at 10:15 a. m. will be una der the direction, ot the Internaa tional Relations Department, ano will feature tolk. songs, dances. storles.and costumes. _ .....r OPENS ENTHUSIASTICALLY The Initial program of the An. tlques ,nepartment. under the chairmanship ot M['s. Birney K. Morse, was fascinattng to' the Rubber Plate Scraper .. lOI._for-""''' USED "ATS .....11, Lean (Short Shank-Ready to Eat) PICNICS Iowa Chait . . . . dCblckea.!3;1:~;.,. Gov_ _ellt Graded Lamb and 3!:0' SZ.9S Bee' - Grade. A and AA s ROAST ~~~:DCE': 41e Ib ! ....."" { FRANKFURTERS I~"':;:" ~Ib 47c 2 'b·ISe SAUER KRAUT ~:: _,- FRESH SELECT OYSTERS rRmT JUICES 2 Florida do. 33e NO.21·ge canl ON.g., Grapefruit or .lelUleel ; • Caliloraia LeDlO. Juice Z~"':" 17e Red C....k Apple Jalae ~"I! zze _.f_ Vlra1ala LH DONUTS, 12 pl:'.20e , . - . . . ,.... Appl•• GlenwoOd ,Delldous Tomato Juice ........ :l3c Golden Rice ........"..... .kS '"17c Salmon Dli N. . . . .1Ud 7-N. . . 45c Apricots .... l l ... ,I, 40c , Stuffed Olives 011.... 7"'.... ,.. 45c Pickles GarIl.IM. Wal"d.'. DIU otJ><27c APPLE BUTTER 2:,:·zze Walbeck's 0111 or $Out PICKLES . Frelh, .tallfomla BROCCOLII Orangel .h'......... S":',39' Pean callt. .I.A...... adl19c 25 large bunch Sweet LeaI,I... Potat_ Grapefruit OIw'" 3 5Hdl.aa~ lias '0 many antique lovers and collectors who attended to hear .JltJnes T. Taylor, of ShUo Road, Westtown. de~crlbe and demoDstrate professional methods of refinishing. Mrs, Morse wishes to correct a mlsstatement concerning Mr. Taylor who does refinishing ot pieces. BROWNIE PAOK 9& Anyone Interested In helping Brownie Pack No. 96 swell its treasury ma.y buy tickets for ptctures at the College Theatre for the week Qf January 21 througll Mrs. .John Moxey. Phone 0844. or Mrs. Howard S. Turner. Phone 1424. Proceeds of the sale will go toward purchasing much need-' ad supplies for conBtructive projects and training ol the little Brownies. Art Department Monday, 20th. The Art Depat"tment will hold it~ first 1947 meeting at the home of Mrs. Harold G.' Griffin. 214 Ruta gers Avenue, on Monday. January 20, at 2 p. _m., 1I41:s. Garl deMoll chairman, wlll :rePort"'ort 'the re~ cent "PictUres of the _Year" eXa hjbltion at the: Academy of - Fine Arts. ~r5. Arthur Binns will tqll or new methods of Silk screen painting, and Mrs. Bruce· Schwalm will report on painting wi4h oll on silks. Members are asked to Lring Interesting cllpplt)gs on nrt subjecta. Lt. Scott Th"yer who Is staUoned ut Nortolk, Va., and Paul Thayer who ia at KJngspoinl, L.I.; spent the week-end nt their home on North Chester road. ," e , F.w.,.. ~ u. f~;'C:!T;. A 10 the "Evening In Holly"ood!' Mre. A. B. Reavla hat!" the lucky number ~J;dch drew the wishing ring, and wished to continue il) good health. Door prlzes were presented to .Paullne· Deacon, Mrs. .JOBepb B. Blaldston and Mrs. Clifford Banta. Mr. K. C. Badler received the Tom Brenneman cigar. F1oyd·.Brlosfteld drew the numbers tor Mr. MUler. Mr. Miller read 413 Dartmouth Ave. FREE DELIVERY MEATS Quality Rib Roast of Beef 58e Ib~ , 45c lb. . White Fancy Mushrooyui 35c pt. box No.2 CfIIn Broccoli Z "':;.? ~9c 65c doz. • ZN,:;.!~SC ---.... ... , .• I .... ' P ' GROCERIES ,RENEWS THE BEAUTY OF flOORS, WOODWORt< AND FURNITUREI J".I bll1.h on "PlalU-lC.ote'- ••• it levela itseU to • amooth "cellophane. lik." ItDi'hl Doea not chip 01 crackl Ja., 10 cJ.aDI 'Require. DO WAZiD9t B Tartan Coffee Vacuum Packed Tin 43e lb. pe, ".0" Peach Preserves MASON BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY 39c lb. jar 331 Dartmouth Aveline , \ ..................... . Evap. Milk 13c • ..... --- ... Luckily the a,' AlSo. ~u. ...or~.~~,ln '. ' . .,.., ... ~ - .. - ,. """",:"; . ---,.-_.-- ---~,--- -.-~...,..-.-. ""--- all Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jackson and children Burke a.nd Jane, for- 8 114 are ;-tout": 8i~i;' b8bY .. ":'~. ~i :E~ their newly &':1:i -t1ll ~~e neax, 1Ie_, 331 Dartmouth Avenue Contractor and Bltild.r FOI' --- :E:J~;o~: !~ . ",'f~ ~- ~ ELECTRICAL WORK ,.. _ _. . . ' FOR S~By private pa~ty, York Deep Freeze. 18 cuble foot. G()()d condJUon. C:tU Media 2667. "i"OR SALE-SUghtly' used, Universal pressure cooker; new wool comfort. Call Swarthmore 198KaR. , FOR SALE Rifle, high power, Wln~ chester 270 wHh case. Deer or bJg game shooting. Excellent cOndition. Original owner. UOU. Ca.ll Swartbmore 1203. • FOR SAI.E-Modern buckwheat cosl underfeed furnace stoker, good condition. Selling on account o[ conversian; large ha,11dmo.dc screen for flreplace. May be jU!'lt what you want. Reply to Box 0, The Swarthmorean. Phon. Swarthmore 0912 i""::;;;;;=~-~~~~~~:..;;;;;;; D • '1"1_~ SPORTING GOODS Air-Coaditicmed I~ EDWIN •• KEII EY. Jr. YOVR .mwiIlLER IS _ 7th at. "'_ (OpposIte, N_ State Tb- .'I'IIoDe Ob r.. I~. $ GUler 2-8719 lP;::;;:;;;::;;::;;::;;;:=;;~ Tn- 1180 Muhlenberg Ave. I Swarthmore 2295 1_ Dlght or dar. HOME IMPROVEMENTS '\VANTED-Oberlin graduate, wife and 7 year-old ftaughler wish to r~nt fur .. rJshed. house [or: one year. Write Rob· ert C. Lewis, P. O. Box 859. William. Penn Annex, Philadelphia li. or call Fulton 9 5451. RIDLEY PARK "'ANTED-Male kitten, )'nung RS ,.os· sible. ('all Swarthmore 0396~R. \VANTED-Small housekeeping aparta "ment: 1 room, kitchen, ba.t.h, by' PIdaN... ..... It tiD :&lngle ~uslness woma.n. Box X. The BIII_ • w' • Ssz3M Swarthmorean. \VANTED-Capablt> woman will stay Gre I.C ~BO" t a..tI with children or invalids by the hou. SIMMONDS day or w~k. Call 10 A.:M.-l2 noon: Media 2658. ' Ut CV ....,,.,. 'V.AN'!·ED . Garagt in vicinity, 680 North Chester road, by February 1. ' . . . . . C1tnter 1·1111 ?;;~;;~;;;~~~§2§~~;;~' (''.all Swarthmore 0592~M. e.ventnp. 'VANTED-Uaed sofa, and small din- • Ing table. CAl! Swarthmore 0592-M, evenings. . OWENS EIIPLO'DIENT AGElIOY W'ANTED-Kltcben table. two or three kitchen chairs. Call Swarthmore au8-W. , ~""I. tor home ..... rk. , Walters' IlepaiftJ VielDlt,'tor_ Twent,' Yearo That is one reason that a PhoDCII Chester 8130 & 24525 Sen!ng_reand We are ,.Our neighbors and we pref.... to live . with friendI,. neighbors. VAN ALEN BROS. Work Guaranteed ~ CHARLES 'WTE of Electrical KJmsuI IpegJetloa· " " " - ' Won: Swarthmore 2175·R 104 ComeD Avenue Swarthmore. PelUUl. ~~~ A. MERCER QUINBY Funeral DirectOl' Formerly or Media 1125 W. ["..blp Ave.• Pbila. Phone Baldwin 1170 No additional cbarge for ""hurban calls. ' ARTERS 'BROTHERS e1J of Collelre or KUDBaD Alrfteld with two 66.pl. Good condition. Telep,bone evenings. Paschal Celery ).Oc stalk B. aveD:ue was one of ah 'tapped by the TrlangletJ.· the Junior Engina eoring HOJ)or Society of- the Unl-' ve,raltY of Micblgan.- He wm complete his sophomore year at the university thla month. John is pUl'Bulng his h'obby wrltlng and' has made the statr of Michigan .Daily, the college paper is servIng now 8.8 one' ot the IIS8lstant night editors. John was editor of the Garnet while , In Swarthmore High School antl received The Swarthmol'ean award in jou~al1sm·. Ptc. Moore and aeveral service. men were coming back trom the PRODUCE 5c HONORED AT .John tbe bay. 45c lb. 29c I hent avenUe who la DOW stationed In Kunaan, Ko~ had a narrow escape In December when his jeep with· a trailer containing oU went down a 1S.foot embankment Into Fresh Killed Frying Chickens .Ib ZI···~Z_e !I.'he.., IlO~dlng them back. . :. THE Pte. Charles B. Moore of Am~ . n Seedo.. - - 117 17. 1M? ElCltIMI W".... 65c lb. Large ,Qranges 29c doz. vaney GreeD Peas N::: 2 ~Se Sauer K.raut Fancy'!:. Cut Z N:;'!.Yl ZSc ·Frult CoektaU Co~:::lo Noc'a!V2 57c SHeed Beets It.:" ~4e Apple Sauee GI;:~_ '::~2~7e ':. .2~7c lISCO Cora Roh-lord Prunes ~':; ~~. Z6c cn.~.k:u1t F.w.,.. • Sliced Bacon _ _ _ _w=I........ BUff••, Flit. for cream ..... J~!;i:· "Good MADISON BROS. IJI ... fCiacy Grade A. All Gnen. Serve , lISCO Beets tne Neighbor Letter" which elected Mrs. Harold Grlmn as SWBrth· more's Good Nelgbbor. AnDe Kraus, ~lsted by Mrs. Peter Miller. Roaaptond Jones and Jean Evans set the tables and Alice Marriott with the aid of Mrs. Peter MUter, Mrs. Wayne Gersen. :Mrs. David Mereet", Mrs. Arnold Redding, i\lrs. R088 Marriott. Rosamond ,Jone8,~ Jaan EvB.M. Held took the honors for the great. Nancy Hoot and PollY Crothers est num.ber of chUdren. totaUng aerved cotree -and doughnuts tol. nine and ranging In ages from 23 lowing the program. ,to three and one halt. Mrs. Charles S. Christie who 18 visiting her daughter, Mrs. Walter C. Giles, was awarded t40 'glft for having the large sum of nine grandchildren. Mrs. Arnold Redding, a September bride walked off with the prize for the Inost re~ centi-y maorrled; and Mrs. Joseph Kahler was found to be the woman who had celebrated her wedFriday and Saturday ding anniversary most recently. Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee couldn't Phone 1913 boast of a birthday on Tuesday, but she could on Monday, t1)us she was the recipient of the prize. Mrs. W. A. Ralman took the honors and laughs when aoe stood up undar her· hat made or a pink silk lamp shad_B topped with a stufted black crow. Allee Craemer was award.ed a. prize for the' most original hat -In ~he group, fashioned of a galosh, an oiled silk kerchief and c;entered by a toy umbrella. Rosamond Jones had tbe honor Square Cut Shld. Lamb of presenting her lather, !"red P. ",ones, wtth the prize -for the most . ba.ld headed man in the a udhmce: ----ce,"" .... ,-, " ,Mrs. GeQrge A. Smit~, Sr., was given a gift for wearing the silliest 'modern hat. whtch, she purchased In Atlantic ~lty. Mrs. P. L. Whitaker was discovered, after much meaSUring. to , ;Itave the smallest waist ot the women tn the audience. Mrs. E.' C. Lappe and Mrs. RO'Y P. Lingle boasted the longest runners 11) their stockings. l\f:rs. W. B. Kelgh·, ton and Mrs. George Broadbent both received prizes for having lived In Swarthmore (or 50 years. Jobn F. Daniels or Rutledge. rea ceived a gift' for confessing his age and to his surprise was the Ideal Fancy Cut Spears ASPARAGUS t_ a prize tor traveling "all the way" from Darllngton to be preaent at About '100 women and a tew brave men filled the aUditorium of the clubhOUse Tu.esday evenln" January 14, for the "Evening In Hollywood" sponsored by the Junior Woman's Club, featuring Leroy MUler. as gen-t.al maater 9t ceremonies, . :Mr. Miller spoke of the various amusing reactions to his personal appC+\rance radio listeners receive when seeing him for the first time. He then left the stage and with his portable microphone began publlc interviews with members of the audience. Mrs. .Joseph V. ColUns came from "Spooky Hollow' WtIJc., to receive the prize for the guest from the greateut distance and the orchid for being the eldest guest present. The woman haVing the youngest· child was Mrs_ Hairy Blankenship. Mrs. John Brins~ ,.: 117 17. IM7 eldest male pest pr_nt. All... Cach...... ..... the recIPient or the prize, for belnlr the IlrOt Irueat with wlj.om Mr. Miller talk. ed. Richard DarUntrton ,""oelve4 REWARDED AT JR. CLUB Idaho Potato Week POTATOES j Commercial and DomesticPrompt Service-Refrlger. 'ators, Washers, Vacuum Qeaners, Radios 11~A_ .. ~Pa. LEGAL NOTICE ~i:~~T~c~ltJ.ARY A. GILBY CHEYF. Letters Testamentary on the above d·state have~ been IO"Rnted to the uneralgned, requ66t all persons hav Ing claims or demands agaJll8t thE.,tats of the decedent to make tile same, and aU persons Indebted to thd e dec~ent to make payment without eJay. to ' JOHN E. FRICKE Executor 728 Bedfclrd PI...., • Kerion, P-.. ' or to his Attorney S'TANLEY r.. THORNTON 20CK FlnaJlce Bldg • Phil&. 2. Pa. ., 6T-12-20 w.Jo knoW: ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE: OF LTI..r.rE G. KOOK, late of 135 President Avenue Rutledge, Petlll.5ylvanla., deceased. • Notice is hereby given that Letters Te:ltamentary have been granted to the un~(!hillgned. who reQuests aU' pergrU8 .having claims or demands agaJllSt the Estate cC the said ·decedent to mnke know the same, and all persons IndebtE'd to the decedent to make pay-~ ment immediately. to S\VARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Enctltor Estate of LUlie G Kook, deceased, Swnrtllmore, Pennsylvania. Or to Its Attorney ALBERT N. GAIiRETT 228 Garl'ett Avenue Swnrthmot"o'!. Penna. 6T-12-2G ESTATE NOTICE Estate ot :r. P .ASSJ(ORE CHEYNEy decea.eed. ' , Letters of A.dmlnlstration de bonis non cum tcstam.ento annexo, on the above Estate have been granted to the undersfgned, who reqUeRt all per_ eons havIng claims er demands against the Estate of the deeedent to make ImdbOW, n the same, and all persons In. e ed to the decedent to make a_ ment' without delay, to P Y JOHN E. FRICKE, .or to his Atto~~ini5trator d.b.n.c.t.a STANLEY L. T"rlORNTON EsQ 2004 Finance Bldg ,., Phlla. 2, F a . · ' 1T-12-2'l Esta~ or CAROLINE H • ROBIN. SON. IleCeasec1. Letters Testamentary on the above Estate bave be3ll granted to the under-signed. who requMta aD persons havIng claims Of' demands agalDBt the Estate of the d9Cedent to make known ththe same, and, all persons Ind~ted to e decedent to make payment, ....thout delay, to . • ie'. ~ ... ~~. ROBINSoN. f' a , .. :':artb~...A;:ue ~ IS-D-n • THE • • APTITUDE TESTS and ('ounsellng, to '1Ietp de..lde on P t'Our"e of IIlud), of oHupntlon. . Free B',lOkle1, S. 1 • , II" 'l'O~IMNSOX COVlIiISEM) ~ , !2:0 South Itth Nt. 1'1.lIudelPhIR,~., tn. MICHAEL ELECTED BY REXALl CLUB Boro Druggist to he Vice' President In State INVENTORY SAl~ r Clubwomen Told Pa. Dutch Skills tng a carn'~ov(>r from the .Mcdl- .evnl "Docteh" as applied to a . . , .' . • -$'195 ELECI'ION ..... _4...- 0 ... progrcBHlve In their ' priced a~ $25.00 to We haft Ine rap silent In speech and pollt!cs because they spoke English poorly. ."" • """' value. Come.to Swarli1mOre. to "_n's, to see th..... Uon of a Ii Sout4 German dialect wit h English. (PA"'~"n !.t Com~~~,,- . Pennsylvania Dutch folk art eXressod Itself from. the beginning on every used item In the houliehold' that could be· decorated. (;1> to 1750 life ,vas too grim to linll Harbold's w. State St. Phone 1888 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore. Pa. N81I6r U.e8tim.a.te time for expression of art on much more than cnests, family bibles _........ t~~. Be!:utu.. of Clean Rug8 At Your DOOR ••• or At Your STORE 1850. All Pennsylvania Dutch symbols, hex signs, are of 1'~­ llglous Significance, explained l\Tl'N.· 1 HelfTrlch, who went into detaU There are lilan y tim~s iii a concerning the origin and meaning of manl}" of the most popular moperson's Jik when one just tifs. Sign painting on barns was can't put into words what their latest art form and was rclig-ious rather thElO sinister in inone feels times when John I":. Michael, local Itexall tent. she b~lieves. you have just lost a dear druggist. has been elected vice- v. rUESIDENT OF COLLEGE TO ADDUESS OI'EN ~IEETING pl'('sidC'nt of the Pennsylvania Rcxfriend or when you want James A. Perkins, vice-president all Club, Austin G. 'Valkel'. secreto do something especially tary-trcmllll'cr of the International of Swarthmore College. will be UIC .-\~sociatlon or .Rexall Clubs, an- :1peaker at the January Zlst meetnice and meaningful for nounced tollay. He a.nd othcl' om- ing, when he will talk on how the ones we love. cers of' the Rexnll clubs (rom American colleges plan to meet the coast to coaHt arc elected by secrct challenge of our prescnt and fu-· TIIAT'S TilE TIME TO ture'world. Tbe prpgram has been man ballots arranged by the Citizenship DeCIIOOSE FLOWERS. Rexall ·club olliccrs play nn imPiper portant part in shaping the poli- partment. Mrs. ~enry A. chairman, and the meeting is open cies of the thousands ot. Rcxall Throughout the' centUl'ies, to the general public; both townsdrug stor~.s and assist each year they have 11e\'er failed, in staging a series of Rcxall re- people and students, nrc cordl~llY invited to come to the mceoting gional conventions, which w~l1' begin. at 2 p.m. The first Rexall state club was Hostesscs wUl be Mrs. Wa.ltet· O. founded in 1909 :when n group of Hclnze and 1\I.·s. ~ee P. Wray, W"isconsin R~xall druggists met to with Mrs. E. LeRoy Mercer nnd . discuss wayS nnd means of lmMrS. CharieR L. Maas at the tea pl'oving their stores nnll thcir t;ertable. \'Iee to the }lubUe. Greeting CUl'(l~ Mr. Micha.el is pl'oprteoor of the Dcoontth'c nnd NO\'clty two Rexall Drug Sto"e~ here nnd Candles. has been prominent in local h1lsl- Ashton To Spark n('.9S eil'cles for manly ycars havRnltlmol'o Pike College Drive ing" sen'cd as presillcnt of the Silringllcld, I"n. <"Continued from Page 1) Swarthmore Rotary Club or which rhone Swa. O·U"O he is a cllurtor m)Cmber. and also paign. thet:\' will be able to express heing- !1. past president of the their intel'est in the· future of thc college in a. constrllctive and hclp~ H\\'at'tillnOl'~ TIm:incss A~oeiation. fui manner." ~~,--.~~~ " ",Vithln tllC lost two weeks, 5(weral of our lcadi,ng clti";o;ens have indicated theil" wi1llhgncss to serve on such a committee: others will doubtless he added during. the next few ",'oeks. The borough campaign will stnrt some time in , I.'ebru'n.ry. But before that. the members of the community 'yUt be given a full explanation of both the objectivE's and the organization GOING of tbe Swarthmore Borough ComTO BUY? mittee to Help Swarthmore ColGOI~;G lege. I know that 1 enn count on TO BUILD? the deep interest and hearty cooperation of all resIdents of the TO hOl'ough in this most imllortunt REfINANCE? cUlnpaign.'· Those residents or the borough who have already agrcl"d to serve with Mr. As'hton on the S\~'al'th­ more Borough Committee are: Elric ·S. Sproat, J.ohn E, Michael. George M. Allen, R0gert A. AlliDraw on our experience in son, . Reverend George Anderson, Mrs. Edward M. Basaett, I:tev. hOJDe finandng. Y ou'Utikc our, David Braun. C. C. Brogan. E. M. Buchner. William n. Bullock, Paul J. carey, Isaac Darlington, rates, terms and service. Even Mrs. Alben T. Eavenson, 2nd, Frank T. Flaherty, Maurice Griest. though you are plannin~ for, Dr. George B. Heckman, Mrs. Albert L. Hilles, Rob~rt D. Honeyford. Mrs. Thomas Jackson, F. tJ.e future, eome see U8 DOW. G. Keenen, Rev. Roy N. Keiser; Fro.uk R. Markley. Dr. LcRO'Y Mercer. Frank R. ; Morey. WUllam Morrow, Howard W. Newman, Jr., John H. Pitman, Joseph Reynolds, Walter Schmidt, Mrs. John A. Schumacher. Mrs. Agnes M. Haig Sheldon, Victor D. Shirer, Mrs. Thomas W. Simpers, 'J. Russell Smith. Jack Thompson, Peter E. ~ U Told and Marvel Wilson. Get your milk today- including but be sure it's rich, creamy Miller-Flounders. Golden Guernsey. • • In the easyto-use Cream-Yop bOffle. --- -FLO I' CARNS Flowers ~~~~~~. ~-' 12... and KERLIN SfS., CHESTER, PA. re.epllone-6129 . ..' . ! ,._.... PERKINS REVIEWS COLLEGE DILEMMA Tells Ladies of Cost, Congestion, Faculty Problems Borough Auditor .is Named Assistant Comptroller TOWN MEETING ON HOUSING ot To Air Zoning, Other . Angles at H. S. Tuesday tmt tIh... ·ha.s Infants' Binders • , • Infan.s' Colton Tie Shirts • Infants' Cotton Gowns. • Colton Receiving Blankets 17"x 18" Quilted Pads • 18"x 34" Quilted Pads. • 27"x 34" Qullted Pads. • Waterproof Crib Sheets • Cannon Pillow Cases • Esmond Crib Blankets • In"..t·s ....t.. - Speare'. --- I PAP~G ....... __ The ~nual meeting of tho Swarthtnore branch ot the American ,Red Cross wUI be held Friday morning, January 81 ut 10 a.m. In tne American Legion Room, Borough Hall. "Every person· within the terrttor)' of the branch who haa oontrlbuted withIn the yea.r to the Red Cross .18 a member of the branch and ·'~8 entitled to attend and vote at the meeting." 'Offlcera of the- branch and m.em .. bers at'large of the board of directors are t~ be ~lected at the annual meeting on January 31. Th~ follOwing slate has been I!!ubmUted by the nominating committee: ch:llr~n-Mts. Walier ~. Dlckinsoni Vice-chairman Mrs. Horace H. Hopkins: secretary, Mrs. John L. Good: treasurer Mrs: Fred R. "Wllson; dlrector&--(elected for threl3 years) Mrs. JO.hn F. Da~ ley and Dr. Harold Roxby. The nom.1natlng committee WUJi composed of Mrs. Howard W. Newman, Jr., chairmJln,' Mrs. Harry F. Brown. Mrs. Franklin S. Gillespie. New Men's ChorUB Starts Next Tuesday Abrams to Give FirstHand Study:' T.uesday , • • • , • , • • • 29c 59c 1.09 49c 69c • , • • • • • • • • • • 1.19 1.79 1.49 • , • 20c , • • 1.69 Downstairs s ...... Building ~_SW_AR___THM_~. . ,;c 04_~~~_M_M-E-L~-·-~I~_:_.~~._..-R-epa-~~-.....I llL_p_ro_:_:_:_te_D_an_ce_.!.-______ JONES PROMOTED on BY SUN OIL CO. PEACE SPEAKER FORWIL GomG _!li""""""!Ii"""""""""~ Meeting $3;00 YEAR Local School Director H d By workers ~I Swarthmore National Bank &Trust Company Annual Election DELAPLAINE CITED BY CITY SCHOOLS .~. AMERICA'S TABLE MILX. MONDAY to- and records, but from that timC' on their motifs appeared on potterY, plates, butter molds, otc., cov~rlets ,and samplers with intricate work being p.rOdltCcd after AND The first rehearsal ror the new community male chorus to be dl~ rected by Henry Fau.st Is called for '.ruesday. evening, January 28, st 7:15 o'clock at the Prcsbyterian ~ Church. Mr. Fauet Is Minister ot :Hualc at the Church but the chorus' will The next meeUpg of the Swarthknow. no denomlnational lIne& It The most significant· challenges more Music Club wltl be held Tues18 purely a community venture fOI' and problems facing educators today evening, January 28 •. at 8:16 all viho would enjoy singing In day were the baslB for a well orat Whittier House. The program such n. group. It 'otrers an Ideal ganized and ably presented talk wi\! be devoted exclusively to Ruschannel tor all those Boower-bath by Dr. Jamel!! A. Perkins. vicestan music. vocalists who never bring their president of Swarthmore College, There will be string quartets ot urgeto Sing out in the open. before the meeting of the W'omwhicn each, ~ movement ht.a been The mUBle to be sung will not be an's Club on Tuesday afternoon. written by a different composer. I.n at the long hrut' variety but largely Dr. Perkins was presented l1.v Mrs. tact, one or these qu~rtetB Is based ""hat m'lght be callcd rather ele- Henry A. Piper, chairman ot clton the theme· of the .comblned ingantly "Ught classical". There Is izenl!!hlp, whose depart~ent 'arItials at Its authors, . All of these the possibility that this chorm:: ranged the meeting. composers were members ot a . might become a valuable comfamous· group ot 18 Russian muDr. Perkins was graduated from munity Institution. It you Uke to Swarthmore in 1934, and received sJclans who called themselves "Les sing you are urged 00 come on his Ph. D. at the' Princeton GradVendredls" because' tne'Y met -and 'l'ucsday night: played tOgether on Fridays. uate School where ha taught un. ttl June ot 1941. He went to WashThe performers of these enington with OPA unt11 1943 when semble numbers will be Dr. A. he became assochited with tbe OfPeplnsky, first violin: Mrs. Sum .. fice ot Foreign Economic affairs, mer B. CoggesbaIl,' aecond vioUn: In connection with which be made Mrs. Wllllam F. G. Swann, ·viola: trips to Holland, France, and Gerand Dr. William F. G. Swann. 'cello. many working on the post-war or~ Sylvia Swann will play two of ganlzatlon. In the summer 19:45 Dona.ld P. Jones, 421 DIckinson RachmaninOff's Piano Preludes-G Dr. Perkins retUrned to SWRrth_ tl.venue, has been elected asslatant minor and D major. She is to be ·core College to fill his present post comptroller- or Sun Oil Company, congratulated on ·having aVOided ,nnd tnk~ over the administration ot Robert O. Dunlop. comptroller, an·the .C minor Prelude which 18 the Alumni Endowtnent DrIve. J).Ounced today 011 behalf ot the played BO much. An ort repeated Among the short-range cnallen_ Are homes and the Zoning orBoard ot Dlrect.'us. remark of Rachnlaninoff Is that dinance in Swarthmore of real Im- ges In the educational field, Dr. Mr. Joncs fills a vacanc:v that has portance to its residents? PerkIns Ufilted the follOwing as "Heaven Is to, me a plsce where on~re COexIsted sInce 1944 when Mr. ;nun. All reBldents of Swarthmore and most notable: ' I sha.llto neither have Prelude." to play nor environs will be Interested In atlisten my C minor lop was ejected COm1PtrolIer. 1. Increased enrollment in both R OY ,.. D e I ap \aI n~ ~ f e ll J JaI D . B b III I .1". orne A native or PrOVidence, R. I. but tending the Town Meeting on these private "and state Institutions. Pert mea • or er ·Ra w ....s ng wo avenue, president 0"( the Swarth_ a refilident of Swarthmore since aspects of Housing, at the High centages of Increase vary from 26 groups ot 80ngs by cnmaninoff School ·next Tuesruly. January 28. and Mo··-o gsky Th ~ ri Jnore School Board. was presented boyhood. Mr. Jones joined th(' to "'00 over pre-war enroUments. -- r e mOcn. se - with a gold 'Watch and tne following h' . udltl g • tlon 01 th Accounting at 8 o'clock. The meeting Is spon- The !l'hmlflcant Problems reSUlting OU8 song or eU er group wou1d a n s e c sored by the Swartnrqore League seem to be Rachmaninoff's "God tribute upon bis retirement from Department IOf BUn on "Company . Involve (a) providlnB the physical . . th e S is · C.C!'llmittee on in 1932. DUring the war. wh.en SUn of Women Voters. ·Took From Me." uperv ory pla,nt for student accomodatlon As t ....nuently ha'ppeilB·!iJ. .~Bo},' .Atbletl6s-"t~&be...auladeJphJlL: -wil:ii;~~uppJYlJ:l8'.-IRJ'I"8-~.oIumetl:_~.ot.. b'. ·.~~~~~).''''":~r-t:1h~ ~vJnlng will !Llong with (b) asce.talnIng that." ,.~ bll' I ' Sc " , ~ .....nry 'HI! .. of the' liolIfIt\lti!. hw~l!o,o,i<·.tandlit'llii'ol'·edUea;.:: ,.,: ease of Moussorgsky's works one Pu c H gh hools 1n the ·Board militarY ruels and· lubricants to tbe· of State and Local Government, notes a. tOUch of hUmor In Borne of EdUcation Building on the armed forces, Mr. Jones handled tion are riot decreased or lIqUfd:a:·t~ \ of his songs selected tor this oc- Parkway Wednesda.y evening, J~n- the Company's accounting contacts Univenltty of Pennsylvania. Mr. ed. This latter Is most difllcult easton. The title of one. la "The uary 16. with various government agencies. Harral Is supervisor ot the Munl- since.. tbe effectiveness or teaching . Love'Song or The Idiot." Another,· Mr~ Dolaplaine .18 head of the Mr. J I'd t f eipaI ASSistance Dlvtsion or the has been proved ·to be in Inverse ones s a gra ua e 0 Institute. "The Seminarian.'" recounts the physical education department of Swarthmore H. S., Grinnell ColAs speakers on this subject of proportion to the number of studisciplining of an altar boy caught Benjamin Franklin High School lege (Iowa). and ·the Harvard Intense' current interest, the Lea- 4ents per Instructor. .2. The "financial SQueeze," which by the priest making eyes at a and has taught in P.hlladelphil,l School or Business Administration. ·gue presents Ellwood B. Chal'man, Dr. Perkil1s says is relt· by all inpretty girt. Mr. Sorber will be as.. schools tor 30 years except ~urlng He 'is·a member of the Exchange well known Swarthmore resident stitutfons who haye relied on enslated b,~ Mrs. Dorothy Paul, pi- World War- I when he Was a major Club ot Centra) Delaware County. and chairman ilf the Board or Addowments along with' tuition to anJst and accomva!llst.. with the 79th Machine ·Gun Dlvl- the R.olling Green Golt Club, and juatment of the Borough, and Dr. meet Operational expenses. Costs 810n. the Na.tlonal AssOCiation of Cost Caleb Smttn. of the Department ot have Increased 35 to 40% In the In part the trIbute· ran: Accountants. He Is a borough audi~ 'Economics. Swarthmore College. last threa and a halt years, whUe "The thoughts a man expresses, tor, having served In that capacity With the crowded living condiearned income has greatly dethe deeds 3. man does, the actiool1s for fou.r 'years.! lions prevailing everywhere. Iner-eaaed. The alternatives al'e to a lr¥;lO shows contribute to what A tennis enthUSiast, he ranked eluding this Borough, the matter or raise tUition rees--lmpract.Jcat we. in our Judgement or him call for !l number of' years among the where lind how people can lind . since scholarships WOuld have to bJs character. And, ,so we rate a top ten players of Ule Middle homes is taking first place In many be ·ralsed proportiollatellY and be~ map. of excellent character when States District of the U. S. Lawn persons' thought. And In what recau.se ot competition with slate In ... the quaUtles he has and uses are 'J~cnnls Association, spect are the living conditions beRtftUtions--or toO ·ralse endowmcnt excellent. lng atrected. of'those who already fUnds to the point Where Income '~To be such a perSOn is flne. We His wlte ia the former Ethel G. have settled into homes here? wUl 'bo adequate. Swarthmore, acbelieve, however, to .know such a T·urner. or S\Varthmore. They have Post cards announcing the Town COr-ding to Dr. Perkins. is only Irwin A.brams, Sw.arthmorean man Is lineI', for his splendid lea- three children, Arthur. Beth. and Meeting have been sent out to one ot many condUcting campaigns wh'o returned' to this oountry j~st derShlP, 'balance judgeincnt and I..arry. all In the local schools. His every resident of Swarthmore. unto Increase end~wmeQt~ tor the before Chr.latmas following a slx- integrity 18 ~ Influence that de~ parents Dr. and Mra. Arthur. J. d~r the auspices of the League, need fs acute everywhere.. Jnonth tour in Europe. will speak velops and· helps others all the Jones reside at 307 Dickinson ave- by Mrs. Helen W. Goodwin. chair3. The 'problem ot maintaining nue. to members and triends of the time and t.!verywhere. man ot Government and Its Oper- faculty levels ot competence; At Fwarthmpre branch of the :\Vo"Wlhereas, ·Rooy W. Delaplaine. ation, assisted by Mrs. Vernon the same tlmo that SOciety-about men's International League for our colleague decided to sever Brownies Entertain O'ROUrke. co-chairman. 20 years late. Is learning that flPeace ~d Freedom next Tuesda)" his connection witb the Supervisory The. members or Brownie Troop ThE" meeting will he open for nanclal returns to the teaching at 8 p.1nJ. In the home of Mr. and Committee on Boys Athletics of the No. 95 will prepare a cocoa part'y discussIon from tne floor. during profession must ·be rairer, teachers Mrs. Henry Patterson. 307 Elm PhllBr....delphla Public High SchoQIa Monday atternoon at Bonnie Mox- which pubUc opinion is invited. are discovering that their training aVenue. ' a t t e r twenty-three years ot service ey's home on Rutgers avenue to equips them tor other work. BusI_ College Alumnae to Lundt , Mr. Abrams who directed the and because we know that he fits honor their troop committee. k, (ConUnued on ~age 4) the above statements perrectly; Be The Brownies .want to than The annual luncheon of the European service tralnJng program h. Resolved, therofore, that we at- the community for Ita support In Swarthmore Alumnae Club ot PARTY DATE CHANGED tor the American Friends Service . fit Philadelphia wilJ be held on Sattest to tOur affecUon and regard ot toelr recent successful bene The Alnswortb-Wernher Post ot Committee has inspected 11 COlln- hi thi 1, tI D campaign. The results show th9:t urda'y, January 25, at 12:30. trios. includlng Poland and Ge,r- • m by 9 h;nl .. ng s re90 ,U on ethe American Legion has postponcamber. 6.(1 ·tickets were sold. Following the luncheon, Cornelia ed its party to Friday eVClnlng, many. He wIll speak on "Forces _ _ _ _1946." _ _ _ _ _ _-'-_ _...,.....!______________ -: Slablp.r, wideJy .known monolo- January 31. The date was changed ,For Peace In Europe Today'" with gist. will present a program of to accommodate the Dlany World emphasis on tbree aspects: govern. original. character sketches. MIss War II vets who are In various m·entaJ, ornnfza.tionaJ. and tndivi_ FrldaJ', Janual7 24 Stabler Is a graduate of SWarth .. schools and colleges and who would dual. He Is now director of A. F. 7: 15 P.M.-H. S. Baskethall VB. Ridley Town.hlp ............ mgh School more College and studlt:d dramabe unable to attend on t"be earlier S. C. Foreign rehabilitation units. 8:10 to 10:30 P.M.--square Dance .................................. Woman's Club tic art at Theodora Irvine's Studio date. An vets, whether membe1'8 administering European work Saturday, January 25 ror the Theatre In New York CIty. of the Legion or not are Invited camps trom Philadelphia. These 9:30 to 12:30 A.M.-Library Electton .......... , ......................... Library and at Columbia University. Durcampa are composed of 'Young 2:00 to .(:00 P.M.-Library Election ..... _..... _.............................. Library Ing the summer she dlrect."4 play .. to attend this get-together at Green Lawn Clubhou8e which Is people from allover· Europe who '1:00 to 9:00 P.M.-ooCamllle" .........................~.......... Clothier Memorial era at Buck Hnl Falls, and Is also located on MUmont a'~enue just volunteel' to help erue IIC&I'II or Sanda" Janaart 18 boUt actreas and author. She is east of Swarthmore In Ridley the war. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Wo....hlp ..•........................ _ ••......... Local ChUrches .4:00 P.M.-'Cello Recital ......•............•••.••. , ..•.•................ Bartol LIbra", the daughter of M..... I. P. Sta. TOWBn'hlp. bIer of Rutgera avenue. Before cbmIng to Swatthmo..... H_T. .r....1IIIrJ' .7 M.... F. Rudolph Goehring, of Hr. Abra.......... 'profeaor of hl8- 10:15 A.M.-Housing Study Meetint! ............................ 1 Whittle': Place WOrk OD, 1Jo)I.~ •• 1922 Rlttenbouse Square. Phlla. tOry at IItIIIlfortl Unl""....It~. He Is 2 - 15:'0 ....d 7 \. a P.M.-Library Electlon.... _............Puhllc Library 'I'ueada.y evenlnw, .member. of the ."thor of "A Hlatory af Euro- 7:415 P.M.-Guellea V8, Clifton ............................................. H. 8. Gym delphia. Is eb&lrman of the lUDCh.. the J"ullfor Womaft'. Chib· .ath.reon committee. and will be _ . pean Peace Kovement&" TaelldaJ', 1'-1IUT sa . ed In the auditorium of the Club 1:00 P.M.-Mrs. W. T. ChW ...•... _._ .......................•....... Woman's Club ed by M.... Chari... W. Lukens, House for their January . BobhT , . ':00 P.M.--'rown Ho!I~ on HoU8lng..• _ ...................... :. High School Mr. aDd ..... PauI·a,' . . .:OOP.M.-J....lor Club BrIdp ._._.-•. _ . __ 915 IItrath Haven Ave.. H ..... E4was'd ,J. ,John.. H .... .Joeep"h NIgIlt. '.:00 P.H.-W.· I. L. _··:·............. _ . -.•.._ ••.•• _. ___._ ......'N ~07 Elm Ave; H. Walter. Zr., ·Krs. Frank ),Iur. lIanai-.t e1iIertaiaeci . Nort TuOlld..,. .t a 'p'" m.;· the Mra: Davi4 .rac;~. an4 Mn, members will "'eot at the home or IIIld. lin. Robert Be Dett of '.... 8:15 P.H.-Huala Club - •.- ............~. __....•~~_•••.• WhIW", Ho..... Harry OppenllLn4er. aU ~f llwarth• " ~,.. , ..,. . . . . ST ;'mJOu.:l . thaIr ....I<.e. . . .".~.,.I .18&II'~. .1&8trI!th 'JifPe. ~ .!:.' P.~. -;o=..U..... Weot C~ 1iiaaJii'i_1:r.::;._..H:-a. Gym ~.re. """nu. to plq brlo!ge. , , ,.,' ." . . ~ l.I-:.H:1·~~: " G,~~::·~~~. ,:-):/A i . .;... ..: ~,~ '..ft~~ c.:.;< ...e·" • ~ ... "" ..<: ,."~~·;t ::.. , .. ' .. , ; .. '. ' .. "..... '. " .. .......' ,.. , " .. "' ... ·9.MaI.~poo:r.eY1u~:roU9"T" 'WllF , Members will Render Varied Numbers Tuesday Phone Sw!!rlh.mor:.,e 0529 •.•• Cfearflr~ok ~ r TOMORROW SWAR'IHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1947 RUSSIAN PROGRAM FOR MUSIC CLUB ~OOO and etUT thinking and living but remained THE SWARToHMOREAN VOL. 19-&.4 tI!!a~ • low-prIoe pollq III • """' anUdole to both IDlIa- theJr language bp-Ing a comblna- I I 34 Media .• L~brnry . . . . . .h - for OJHI ~; bee ...e oar'.tore is Dot JiIacDlIk!eDt,;.; another. _ aIIo _ _ we bell,,", Contra."y to the expressIon "dumb Dutch," they wore l-:atcl1i~ and 17, 1947 .,. ~ Others Ask $ZOO to $400 More? South German group. gent J~ 'WIlt" Do We Sell 9x12 Kinnan Rugs for (Continued Crom Page 1) . I at Fftaq, SWARTHMOREAN TInS WEEKS' CALENDAR .Yeti.' "nb.- xr.; ray. ='4... ~ ---, , ' .... . " - \ .. auq·· ~ ..... ... .. ~, .. lNTENTlONAl SECOND EXPOSURE .J ~.~ .' f • /./" / 8 MICHAEL ELECTED BY REXAll CLUB APTITUDE TESTS Friday, SWARTHMOREAN THE Clubwomen Told Pa. Dutch Skills « in/.{ a :olltinUl~cJ ('01 the Boro Druggist to he ('ontl'an,' to Vice' President In "lllIlIIh I·... \ 11uh'h," th ...y wel'c. State I g('nt and progrcH..'ii\"e l\tcua- INVENTORY SALE To ..l business. for one tbln,; beCause our store buDot magnlftcent for another. Bul also beeause we be eve tbal a low-;riee poUcyls a good antidote 10 botb 1nIIa· 'I ('Xll1'l':iHlnll int('II~-1 at i, depression. W. have line rags priced at $25.00 to $2,000 and every ODe a good value. ~ilcnt Harbold's ,I =-. I, -" , ---------, ,,',....,~.l>-. . 't .\: I {'o,.cnetH :lnu ·':'d_·-' t I ~ arc marlY lIm...:s .' person's life when on.! jllst can't put into worLb what one feels - " times \\Then (P~"'~Ol1 f.t COm~~n)~ 100 Park Ave., 1 SfiO. All l'('nn~~·lyania 1)l1t('h , sb~n:-;. :lI·l~ who \\'('nt into u('tall thc origin and llleanill1{ ! of I IU1U';\-· of til(> 1Il0Ht pOlJUlal· IIlOtif~. f:ign llaintil1g' on barll!; was lh'lffl"ich. ,J"hn E. ).iichae1. 1 ~ Get your milk today- 1,""',·.'.'.·1"·'.... but be sure it's rich, creamy ' Miller-Flounders Golden ,.., I' Pa. At Your DOOR • .. or At Your STORE I CRfA,TO II I t hdl· lat(>~t art (o,'m antI was n~- lit:iollH rathe" tI'llt, Jo;h(' thill\ sinist('I' in ill- belicv~:'!_ Guernsey ••• in the easy- local .\·~;l . 5t lost . 't de'tr you Ilave JU ' ., \ til'ug-;';1Ht. h:u; ·'wen ... let"tetl \"I('P- \'. I)HESII)J'~X'l' 01" COIJIJEGE '1'0 J\I)DltESS OJ-EX :lIEE' l'INU fr 'I"Dd or ',I·llen .YOH w:mt : 1~llI'PSil1Pnt of tlh' 1'C'nnJo;)-l\·ania l!1.·X'.JanlC'S A_ Perkins, vice-Jln'~it1('nl " all l'luh, Austin G. \\·alkl'l., ~('t'r'pt,o, ·jo SAlll,tllin,!!· esp~cial1y . 1 of Swal-thmore CullC'gt'. wHl ,)(' tl ...~ '.1 '-' - , • lar'\.-IJ'{'ast~rel- of the Inl('I'Il:ttlolw f • • speal-:C'r at t11e January :!lst IIH·(>tA~sncialion of ,ne:-.all Clul.H. anI 11 'IC" ", lId meani:l lf rlll .or ~ " ~ II· in''', whC'n he will talli on lOW IHHIIH_'cd totIay, 1-1(' and other· 0 L., til "... 011," ..> II'"'- love. f AJllt:'l'iean C'OI1('gC'R plan to meet. the ('('1'5 of the HI.'xall clubs rom ! I ~;" sJ,·mhQ!:-;. of 1'''· li/!io1lJo; SigHilkallt't~. ('Xiliaillt'd :\11·~. Itt'x Swarlhmore. Never Underestimate the B~(/,~t.u.0f Cl~(/,n~u~~. wltll intl'i111'0tIIII,wd aftt'l' worK to-use Cream-Top bottle. I I chalh,-~ng(' OUI' prcsent and THE TIME Te II I ""1 . I CARNS I. '-. --- fll- are elected hY:->N'rd ture{world. 'I'·h(' prpgll·am Ihl<~S hl('~en anang-cd by the Cit zC'ns IPI" (,CHOOSI': FLO\VEHR. 1{(·x:l,.l1 clull ollic(~I'-!-l play an imJltu·tmcnt. 1\[rs. Hell!'Y A_ . Illf!I' n I lor'tant pal'l in Hll:llling- the ]loUchainlHtn. nnd the I.II('eUng- IS oJ.,e. ,." •• """,',,~, I t'i('S of tilC' thousands of Hcxall I tl tOIl nH t·I." Throng-Ilout .Irug' ~tOl-cd allu :t.!:iHist {':teh yt\UI to th(' g-(,Ilel-al public; ),0 • • '. 11 tl.ey have lIeH'I' faill'd. II people ~'lnd students, :u C' COl , has been elected a~sistant minor and D major_ She is to be I core College to fin his present post comptroJIer of Sun Oil COIllIJUny. congratulated on having avoided "n(\ Ink. O\'or the administration of Rouert G. Dunlop, comptroller, a.Hthe C minor Prelude which is the AlumnI Endowment DrIve. I).ounced today on behalf of the played 80 much. An oft repeated Are homes and the Zoning orAmong the short-range cballcnBoard of DirecMrs. remark of Rachmaninoff Is that dinnnce In Swarthmore of real Itn- geB In the educational field, Dr. "Heaven Is to me a place where 1\11'. Jones flIls n vacancy thut has portance to its residents '! Pe:-kins )fsted the following as I shall neither have to play nor e..-xisted since 1944 when Mr. ;DunAll residents of Swarthmore and mOst notable: listen to my C minor Prelude." lop was elected cOlll.iptrollcr. environs will be interested in at1. Increased enrollment in both noy 'V. Delaplaine ()f COl'nell t .,. th T M t· g tl,ese private nnd state institutions. PerJames D. Sorber will sing two A native of Provl~lence, R. I. but enulOg e own ec 10 on groups of BOnb'13 by Racnmaninoff avenue, president at tbe Swarth_ n resid(!nt of Swarthmore since aspecb of Housing, at the High centages of increase vary from 25 and MOUBSorgsky. The most seri- Iltore School Board. was presented boyhood, MI'_ Jones joined th£' Schoor next Tuesday. January 28, to 400 over pre-war enrollments, OUB song of either group would wIth a gold 'Watch and the following auditing section of the Accounting at 8 o'clock. The meeting is spon- trhc !"i~niflcnnt problems rcsultlng seem to be Rachmaninoff's "God tribute upOn his retirement from sorell by the Swarthfl10re League involve Cn.) providing the 'Physical plant for student nccomodaUon the Supe:-vlsory Committee on Dcpartmcnt I()f Sun 011 Company or Women Voters_ Toolt From Me." hi 1932. During the war" when Sun 1 I h (b As frequently ha.ppens in the Boys' AthlotiC'S ot,- the PhtladeJphJn . was ~uPJ)h'!nlf largf~ "olumep- or Moderator tor the evening will a ong w t ) ascertaining that case of Moussorgsky's works one Public High Schools in the Boal'd be Henry H:arrnl: 'or the Institute tho· levels Of' Sbll)dal't.!d o{ eduCllmilitary fueJs and lubricants to thc notes a touch ot humor in some of Education BUilding on the llrmed forces. Mr. .Jones '-handled of State nnd Local Government. tion are not decreased Or Uquldatof his songs selected tor this oc- Parkway \Vcdnesday evening, JanllnivCI'siW of Pennsylvunla_ Mr. ed. ThtR latter Is most difficult the Company's accounting contacts Harral is supervisor of the Munl- since tbe effectiveness of teaching casion, The title of one Is "The uury 16, govel'nment Love Song of The Idiot." Another, Mr. Dolaplaine is head of the with M various J I dagencies.f cipal Assistance Division of the hus been proved to be In inverse uT'-he Seminarian." recounts the physical edUcation department of C' l'. ones s a gra to the number of stuh H ~ G' uate 11 C 0, Institute_ dproportion <_ disciplining of an altar boy caught Br:njamln li'ranklin High School .:-twart (more 0" l'lnne .0 As speal{crs on this subject of en...,. per instructor. I) d th H ., ? Th fi by the priest making eyes at a lege owa, un c arval'u intense current interest. the Lea'" e .. nancial squeeze," which pretty girl. AIr. Sorber will be as- and has taught in P.hIJadelphir;t School of Business Administratio:lll_ gue presents Ellwood B. Chapman, Dr. Perkins says is felt by all Insisted by Mrs. Dorothy PaUl, pi. ~chools for 30 years except during Hc'is a membCI' of the Excbange well known Swtlrthmorc reSident stitutlons Who ltaye relied on en\Vorld 'Val' I when he Wus a major Club ot Central DehwIU'(> Connty, and chairman vf the Board of Ad~ dowmcnts along with tuition to anist a.nd accompanist. with the 79th Machine Gun Dlvi- ihe Rollin.l;' Green Golf Club, and justlll€'nt of the Borough. and Dr. meet operational expenses_ Costs elon. the Natior..al Association of Cost Caleb Smttn. of the Department of have increased 35 to 40% in the In part the tribute mn: Accountants. He is a borongh audi- I Economics, Swarthmore College. last three and a half years. whilc "The thoughts a man expresses. tcr, having scrved in that capacity With the crowded living condl_ earned income has greatiy dethe deeds a man does. the nctil()ns tOl· four 'Years. Hom. prevailing evcn:wherc, in~ creased. The altel'natives are to a n~n shows contribute to what A tennis enthusiast. he ranked cluding this Borough, the matter of raise tuition feeS-impractical we, in our judgement of him Call for ~ numiber of years among t h c whe". and 1'0W people ean find since scholarships would have to ' his character. And, so we rate a top ten players of the Middl~ homes is taking first place in many be raised proportiollately nnd beman of excellent chal'l.LCtcr when cause of 0 tit. I States Dlstri~t of the (T. R Lawn persons' thought_ And in what r e - ' c mpe IOn w th state fnthe qualities he has and uses nre 'l'~nniH ASl'Iociatlon_ spect are toe living conditions be- ff'titutions_or t.~ ralliC endowment d t excellent. ing affected. of ·those who already un s 0 the Point where income "To be such a pel'son is finc, ,Vc His wife: is the fOl'l11m- J,;thel G. III h settled into homes here? w e adequatc_ SWarthmore, achelieve, however. to .know such a ~ru .. nel·. ~f Swarthmol'e. They l~a .... e have Post cards announcing the Town cording to Dr. Perkins, is only Irwin Abrams. Swarthmol'ean naan Is finer. for his splendid lea- three chlldrcn, Arthur, Beth .•tntI r ~[ecting ha"e heen sent out to lone of many condUcting Campaigns who retur,ned to this country just derShip, halancc judgement nnd Larry. all in the local schOOls. Hi!i every r€'sident of Swarthmorc. un- to increase endowment, for the berore ChrIstmas fOllowing a stx- intcgrity is an Influence that de- parents Dr_ and Mrs. Arthur J. der the auspices of the League. nced is acute everywhere. month tour in Europe. will speat.: velops and helps others all the Jones re<:iide at 307 Dickinson a.vc- h~' Mrs, Helen \V, Goodwin, chair3. The ·problem ot maintaining to members and friends of the time and ~verywhere, nue. man of Government and it.~ Oper- faculty levels of competence. At "'Vlhe-reas, Roy ",V. Delaplaim!, SWarthmore branch of the .'VoaUon, assisted b)~ Mrs. Vernon the same time that society-about moo's International League for our colleague has decided to seve I' Brownies Entertain O'Rourke, co-chairman. 20 years late, is learning that 6Peace and }!'reedom next Tuesda)' hilS connection with the Supervisory The members of Brownie Troop The meeting will be open tor naneial returns to tbe teaching at 8 P-J4 in the home of 1\[r. and Committee on Boys Athletics of the No. 95 will prepare a cocoa parl'Y diSCUSSion from the floor. during profession must be fairer, tcachero 1\Irs. Henry Patteroon, 307 Elm Phila!1elphla Public High Schools Monday afternoon at Bonnie Mox- whIch public opinion Is invited. are discovering that theIr training after twenty-threc years of service ey's home on Rutgers avenue to avenue. equips them fOr other work, BUSICollege Alumnae to Lunch Mr. Abrams who directed the and becaUse we know that he fits honor their troop commlttee_ (Continued on Page 4) the above statements perfectly; Be The annual luncheon of the The Brownies want to thank EuroPt'an service training program h. Resolved. thererore, that we atthe community for Its support in Swarthmore Alumnae Club of PARTY DATE CHANGED for the American Friends Service test to oDur affcction and regard of tneir recent successful benefit Philadelphia will bo held on 8atThe Ainswortn-Wernher Post of CommIttee has Inspected 11 coun- him hl· signing this resolution De- campalgn_ Tho results show that urday. January 25, at 12:30. the American Legion bas postpontrle..~~ Including Poland and Ger- cember. 1946." 641 tickets were sold. Following the lunchcon. Cornella e-d its party to Friday evening, many. He w111 speak on "Forces :............:.:..:._ _..:.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...,...-'~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 8tablp.r, widely known monolo~ January 31. The date W88 changed For Peace In Europe Today" with gist, will present a program of to accommodate the many World -emphasis on thrce aspect8: governoriginal character sketches. Miss War II vets who are in various menb}, organizational. and indiviFrIday, January 24 Stabler Is a graduate of Swarth- schools and colleges and who would dual. He is now director of A. F. 7:15 P.M_-H. S. Basketball va. Ridley Townahlp_ .. _ ........ Hlgh Sclloot more College and studied drama- be unable to attend on the earlier S. C. Foreign rehabilltation units. 8:30 to 10:30 P.M.--Square Dance ...... ____ ._ .... __ .. _. ___ .. _...... Woman's Club tic art nt Theodora Irvlnc's St1Jdlo date. AU vets, whether members administering European work Saturday, January 25 for the Theatre in NC\.,~ York City. of the Legion or not arc Invited camps from Phtladelphia. These 9:30 to 12:30 A.M,-Library Election . __ . __ .. _.'- ... _.... ___ . __ ._ ... __ .... 1.lbrary and at Columbia Univp.rsJtty_ Dur- to attend this get· together at campa are composed of young Z:OO to 4:00 P.M.-Library Election .......................................... Library 7:00 to 9:00 P.M.-"CamlUe" ... _. ______ ........ __ .. _....... _._._ Clothier Memorial Ing the summer she directs play- Green Lawn Clubhouse whieh Is people from all over Europe who crs at Buck HtU Falls. and is also located on MUmont avenue just Sunda)", January 2& volunteer to help erase sears ot both actress and author. She is east ot Swarthmore in Ridley 11: 00 A.M,-Mornlng Worship ._ ..... _ ........ ___ .... ___ .......... _... Local Churches the war. 4:00 P.M.-'Cello Recital ................................................ Bartol LibraI')' the daughter ot' Mrs. I. P. Sta- Towanhlp. bier ot Rutgers avenue. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Before comJng to Swarthmore. Monda7, Janual'J" 2'7 Mr. Abram8 waa professor ot his- 10: 15 A.M.-Housing Study Meeting ....................... _.. _.3 Whtttler Place Mrs. F. Rudolph Goehring, of Work on Hobbies tory at Stanford Unlveratt,y. He i8 2 .. 5:30 and 7 - 8 P.M.-Library Electton_. __ ...... _. __ .... PubUc Library 1922 Rittenhouse SQuare. Phlla'ruesday evening, members ot 7:46 P.M.--GazeUea VB. Clifton ......... _... _._ ................. _. ___ ...... H. S. Gym delphia. Is chairman of the lunchthe author ot -'A HJ.stOry of Euro_ the .JUnior Woman's Club gatherpean Peace Movements. .. ~7, JAIl1lAl'7 is eon committee. and will be assist- ed In the auditorium of the Club 2:00 P.M.-MI"8. W. T. Clay ............................................ Woman'. Club ed by Mt'S. Charles W. Lukens, House tor their .January Robby 8:00 P.M.-Town Meeting on HOWllng.. _................ _.. _._ ....• High School Mr. and Ill'll. Paul B. Ball... ~ 8:00 P.M.--.Junlor Club Bridge •. _ .•.._ ..........._ ... 915 Strath Haven Ave. Mrs. Edward J, .Johns, Mrs. .Joaepn Night. Harvard avenue entert&tned Jlr.., 8:00 F.M.-W. I. L. ..........................._................................... 301 Elm Ave. H. Walter, Jr.• Mrs. Frank MurNext Tuesday at 8 p. m., the and Il... Robert Benllett of'oro;; 8:16 P.M.-KUBic Club .................. -.-.............. J,.~.~- ...... Whittier House ray. Mra: David Jackson. and Mrs. members will meet at the home ot Harry Oppenlander; all Qt Swarth- .Jean Evans. n 5 8trath Haven .......11& . . tllelr week-elld.-· , 'ftl1ll'8daJ'. " .....r,- ~ t~,'-'--·· ,.'~·.-:0rJ~ P. M. -:Gaul1...... Woot Cheater ShamrqckS : ...C....... H.· S. Gym mere. avenue to play brldp. ' Borough Auditor is Named Assistant Comptroller Tells Ladies of Cost, Congestion, Faculty Problems ITOWN MEETING ION HOUSING To Air Zoning, Other A ngIes a t H . S • Tuesday I Abrams to Give FirstHand Study Tuesday tIl(" HwartillIlon' BOt'(lu~h COlIlIlnittN" to Ht'll) HwarthliHH'-P Col'lpgt'. 1 know that 1 ('an ('()ltllt on till.' {Jecp intel·,'!.;t. and hl·art~· coop('ratioll of all r('si{l('nl~ of the11oron~h in thiH mo~t impol'tant. c;Ullllaigu_" Thmie r(-'sidC'llts of Uw • 1)(ll'Ollg-h of ,...-,.,'.•- ....W New Men's Chorus Starts Next Tuesday EUROPEAN PEACE SPEAKER FOR WIL committ('P: othl"(,>-; wlll ,lnl"ingth(' ea.n\}):lign will Rt:~rt SOIlIf' tillW in "\'bl'tll.lI'Y. But. hC'fnn' fhat. til(-' nll~l1lht'I'S (,f th~' [,01111ll11Hily will hp gi'\"l'1l a full ('X planation of hoth tllC ol)j('('tiYl's and tilt' org,-lnization G01NG TO 3UY? Tho annual meeting of the S"'arthmore branch of the American Rcd Cross wiU be held on ,Io"rlday morning, Januury 31 ut 10 a.m. In tho American Legion Room, Dorough Hall. "Every person within the tOI'rltOfY of the branch who hus oontrlbutcd w!thln the ycar to the Red Cross iM a member of the branch and J8 entitled to attend and to vote at the meeting." Officers of th(> branch and m.cmhoI'S at 1~\I'ge of the board of directors nre to be elected at the unnual meeting on January 31. The following slate has bcen submitted by the n()minatillg committee: ehalrman--Mrs. 'Valter H. Dickinson; vice-chairman Mrs. 1 Horace H. Hopkins; secretary, Mrs, John L. Goo<1; treasurer Mrs, li'red H. 'V)lson; (lircetors-( elected for three years) Mrs. JO,hn F. Ualey and Dl·. Harold Roxby. The r:om'lnating committee r.olllpo~ed of Mrs. Howard -\V. Newman. Jr.• chalrmun, r~lr8- Harry F. BI~wn. Mrs. li'rnnklin S. Gillespie. JONES PROMOTED BY SUN OIL CO. I llo111,tkss 1\[' addN1 Tht~ Annual Election Meeting TOMORROW $3.00 YEAR Local School Director Honored By coworkers Ashton To Collcgt) Drive I SWARlHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1947 DELAPLAINE CITED BY CITY SCHOOLS AMERICA.'S TABLE MILK Flowers I THE SWARTHMOREAN Members will Render Varied Numbl"rs . Tuesday Phone SIC!lrlh1llor..e 0529 ••• Clear1!rook 4646 SI'Y llsed item in the hom_p- .~ LIBRARY BOARD ELECTION C011ece Library SWt\rth more, Fa. I RUSSIAN PROGRAM FOR MUSIC CLUB Come to Swart.hmore. to Paulson's, to see tbem. hold'that could he dc{'ol'ntC'd. I'p to 17f)() lifl' was too g-dm to 1i1H} time for t'XIH'cl'ision of art on HIUdl mOl'c than dlests, family bihh':j and 1·('('OI·l1~. hut fnun that tinH' on theil' InoUfs appc:tl'c(l on JlO ,t~'n;. piatt'!{. huth'l' 1l10lt~S, ~,t('" " I In speech and YlOlitiCH bc('a use thc)~ spol;:c l';ngli!'h pool"ly. theh' language betH/,!' a combination of a South Gt'l'man dialect Pennsylvania Dutch folk art \'xI'l's,,<;cd itself fl'OIll. th<:> hpg'innin;.;- 34 W. Stale 5t. Phone 1888 Media :,j\", rthl,lore VOL 19-No.4 ttOn and theil' thinl;:ing and living hut remuinrd 1: .. , III I, . . Wh Do We Sell 9x12 Kirman Rugs for $195 . f M ? • When Others Ask $200 to $400 ore. / ") )O\..tl.'·h" as UIII.lictl to a ~'\'al HOlllh Gentian gro(1)· tht' 17, 1947 ~ frotH 1'al;(' 1) nY-OYl'I- f'·OI~l JUMry , THIS WEEKS CALENDAR I ?f5 .,- .~ .. _,. '. FricIa7, J. THE SWARTHMOREAN I THE rpM, IM7 .. noW ilia· a.nd Mn.. Walter C. 011_ of Ruttloned In the Service Company of .terti avenue. Mr. W. O. Re_ of Kount Hob'the 21et Inflantry regiment In oke place Is In BalUmoro and Kumamoto, Japan according Waehlngton this week on bWllneu. word received by hIB parents lIr. .of Toledo, Ohio, who are V\81u... Mr. and Mrs. 1.. A. Wetlauftk of Cornell avenue. . /.'. lilt a luncheon-bridge Oll WednesBetty Quick of Dickinson: aveMr. and Mrs. F. H. Foroythe of day. nUe had as ber house gueSt 'the ~yer ~ eDt~ed at a dinMrs. Ellery Walter of Adams, early, part of tbla week, Da1~f M.ener party at their home Thund&Y and' her mot~er. Mra. Ed- Cluham of Burl1nSame. Callf'.'; evening, January IS, In hOllor of ward Jc,nkB are vlsitlng M.",- walPvt. Jim Sboemaker of Dlcklntheir daughter MarIe Lou'" and ter's aunt, Mrs. George Eo 811l0W8¥ SOD a.venue haa arrived tn JYokoeight of her friends who had been of North Cheater road tor four- suka, Japan where he Is with the dancing In "Sweethearts" whUe days thta week. Fifth cavalry, Second Squadron, ruDnlng .In, Philadelphia for two Mr.. C. M. c. Lewis of Tile Troop B. Jim enlisted October 1 w ... ko. Marie Lou", b&8 joined tbe Swarthmore Apartments wll1 en- and was formerly stationed at compa,ny In New York City wblch lertain' ut luncheon at the Ingle- Ft. Belvoir, Va.. opened at ihe Schubert, :M.ondBIY. ne:uk tor friends on both Tuesday Mr. and MI1'- Roland B. E., UllMr. and Mrs. John T. Handy and and WednesdaY. Bridge will follow man of Harvard avenue spent the famUy of CrisfIeld. Md •• are vtslt- at her home. week-end in Washlngton, D. C. J,ng Mrs. Ha.ndy's mother Mrs. Mr. and Mrs.. John D. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Lyle A. Whltalt of Hen.ry L. Smitbr of 8wartJunO~ wbo were recently married are Elm avenue left Friday bY plane avenue. noW occupying their apartment at fOl" Rio de Janlero, Brazil. where Miss carol Maude Froebel of 201 Elm a.ve,nue. I Mr. Whltelt has l;mslness conneeSwarthmore avenue will enter. . Mrs. Joscpll J. Geer 01 The tions. "taln at a small tea. on Sunday n1terswarthmore Apartments entertain... Mrs. H. A. Plper of Yale avenue noon at 4 o'clock in honor of Miss ed 12 at luncheon on Wednesday HPent the week-end In New Yorlc Janet HarrJ.s of swarthmore aV~ at the lngleneuk and bridge at her City with relatives. Due whose engagement to Mr. home following. Mr. and Mrs. R. Chester Spencer John de Moll of park ave.n~e has Mrs. Henriette W. Fricke of of Swarthmore avenue sp~nt the been announced. North Chester roo.d spent last wcek~end In Atlantic City, N. J. Miss JuUe Forsythe o( Thayer week-end In New York with her Mrs. John Seybold ot Yale ave· road will attend a house party at cousin Mrs. Ellery Walter. nue is spending a few days In New Penn State over ilie week-end. Mr. and Mrs. James Dryden York City. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde of Ulo"'ed Haturday {rom. Cheate.. to Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan H¥1'ar Swarthmore and Ogden avenues thc.lr new apartment at 2036 SO'l,1th of Yale avenue 'will entertain at a are entertainlng Mrs. Clyde'S 61st. street., PhUadelplUa. Their smnll dinner party Saturday eveniece. Mrs. Henry Berll,ne.r o( daughter, Deborah spent the week- nlng In honor ot Mr. e.nc) 'Mrs. \Vashtngton, D. C., who aITiv~d end with her cousin, Gloria .Ann John Hanna of University place. here Thursday for a visit. Pat Francis of Swarthmore and Peir801 or: Lafayette avenue.1'oI.t". and Mrs. Richmond D. FetMr. Richard J)a.Dlel of 35 North hcrolf of Columbia avenue viill enOgden avenuea entertained a group State road is in Ashton. Ky.. on tertaln a few trlends at bridge too. of friends at desaert In honor of business. Mrs. Daniel Is stay.tng morrOW evening. his birthday on Fridu.y evening. Mr.' and Mrs. Edwin W. crosby parents. Mr. and Mrs. h Televlslon and a. movie party com- with er k pleted the evening's fun. David T. Shaw of Mount HolYO e of Dickinson avenue at Mr and Mrs. W1ll1am H. That- place for the week. kl a surprlse buffet supper before cber . of College avenue leave tollrs. D. P. Boehm of B"OO" yn, the sen.lor Assemblies Saturday morrow to visit Mr." and Mrs. Rich- N. Y., is visiting her 8O~in-la; evening In honar of Alan Willis' ard Thatcher of Lookout Moun- and daughter, Mr. and_ rs. . 16th birthday. The guests includ"; Wn, Tenn., until the middle of H.oy 'Snape' of Harvnrd avenue. d ed: Virgl,nla gay, Jimmy Horsey, next week. ~ Mrs. lIarold Mccorkel :'e' Joan Hatch" Tom Maher, Barbara Mrs. WilUam H. t.rllO.tcher of daughter, CathY of carllB~/Mr Lukens, Rodney Bray and Kay College avenue entertained her \'lslUng her parents, )-lr. an B. Self. bridge club at a luncheon-b~ldge Hobert A. Sheppard of VUl-!lJar swarthmore members or Delta at her home, Wednesday. avenue. Delta Delta sorority met for a J4r: and Mrs. J. Paul Brown of Mrs. U. E. 8chmhlt and fumilY social evening on Wednesday' or 'Vnlnut la,ne attended the christ~n- of North Chester road spent the thlB week at the home of Mrs. P. tng of their grandson Richard Ed- week-end In Laurel, Del., visiting H. Jewett of Kenyon avenue. ward Brown. Jr•• son ot Mr. and M-rs. Marle }IudBon formerly of 1Mrs. Richard !!;. Brown of Balti- Swnrthmorc. BLOUNT--SMITH Dr. and Mrs. J. Howard Smith F SbleldB of Seattle more. Md .• in the Pres1?yterlan Mr. Joseph . ' Cburch of that city on Sunday. A Wash., spent a feW days or this of Wtlmington. N. C., formerly ot I:" .. II' "" .... d Urs H L. Swarthmore. announce the 'mar, cUnner followed~at the home ot the week vlslt.lug JUr. -- .lU. . baby's parents.. Shay of cornell avenue. rlR~e of their daughter MIBS EmOy Mrs. "A. Ludlow' Cla.yden of Don Sweet, a, student. at Dlckln- Josephine Smith to Mr.. ~OUgla8 W e k end 'Vorhees Blount. t tb Riverview road visited Mr. and pon College spen e e ,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=; M:rs. AM B. Kellogg of New ~ork at his home on Garrett avenue. :. City tor a. few da.ys of last week. Mrs. John Brownell ot Telford Jim Brown of Walnut, lane ar.. is vlBlting her parents, Yr. and Nowrives home tomorrow from Yale Mrs. Phelps Soule of park avenue I yr. $1.50 3)'1'8. $3.00 University for a week's vacation for a. few days. After Feb. htbetween college semesters. :\tr~. (}e:orgc t\V. swee:t of Gar· 1 yr. $2.50 3)'1'8..$5.00 Gloria Ann Pelrsol of LafBYette rett avenue entertained a CeW avenue was. the overnight guest on friends at de98crt and bridge Fri· Sw.2080 • Thursda.y last of Gert Taylor of day afternoon. Subscriptions tor ALL PhlIadelphla, tOnIlsrly ot Harva.rd Mary Ja.ue Servais a. student at MagazInes avelWe. M11lersvUle State Teachers College Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Shoe. returned Wednesday atter spending maker of ,RIverview road c.nter- the between semester vacation at UNITY ASSEMBLY talned Mr. and 141'8. William West her borne on Dickinson ave:nuc. Borough Hall 10:30 A.M. 1<;:"erJ' 'VedDest1Il~' W.1lson of Elda Farms. BerwYn, Her sister Louise w.tU spend this Mr. and Mrs. John S. Salam of week-end visiting friends at MtU· ZELIA 111. WAIll'EBS. s-"er Everyone Welcome Devon, and Mm. Wlll1a.m R. War.. ers\·llIe. ner, 3rd, of Norristown as their Mr. Stewart R. Thorbahn re· dinner guests at the Ingleneuk. turned to his Rutgers avenue home Friday eVening, and with their Saturday night following n. two· guests later attended "Apple of His week cruise on the Caribbean SC!l. I Eye" at the Players Club. aboard the battleship w.tsc-onsln. Mr. a,nd Mrs. Thomas RutherElizabeth F.! Wilson of Park ford of Westdale avenue will en- avcn:ue is' spending some time at tertaln with a dinner pa.rty at Roll- her home from Syra~usc Univcl"~ Jng Green, tomorrow evening be- aity because ot the reconstruction There are many times in a fore the Series 1)O.nce at the of the gymnasium following its Swarthmore Woman's Club. destructlo,n by tire. person's life when one just Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Cook, Jr., Mrs. A. W. stuart of VaSsar can't put into words what who have been living temporarily a.venue cnterta.1ned at luncheon at with Mrs. Cook's parents Mr. and the Ingleneuk on Tuesday In honor one feels - times when Mrs. Elwood Garrett of Prlnce- ot Miss Ida. and Miss' Cora Riebel you have just lost a dear ton avenue, ha.ve taken an apart- t ' ment neo.r the University of Penn- t friend or when you want Bylvania at 405 South 40th street. to do something especially Mrs. James A. Drain of Odgen aven~e Is viBltJng Mrs. W. H. Hay nice .and meaningful for THEATRE ot New York City this week~ the ones we love. Mrs. Fred R. Wilson ot Walnut lane' entertained her bridge club Friday - Saturday THAT'S THE, TIlliE TO VAN JOHNSON KEENAN WYNN CHOOSE FLOWERR PERSONALS Pvt. Chari... yasa. entertal~ed I I MRS. llOYD E. KAUFFMAII Semcs IGNITION MOTOR· BRAKE TIRE Complete SWAR1HMORE, Call 0440 WILLIAM H. LlNABERRY, D.D.S. , ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF ms OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF GENERAL DENTISTRY Mon. .• Tues - 'lbur - Frl 1 _5 229 BaDymore ltd. II - 8 P.lII Springfield, P •• Tel Swa. 1458 Trees, Lawn Areas, and Foundation Plantings Improved NOW William J. Stephani, Jr. Landscape Contractors Phone Chesler Heights. 194 PEW DROP INN LUNCH - 8 p ..... oA I "No Leave, No Love" Sunday· 2 Features FINE FOOD .•• ~ooked as you like it. Quick, courteous service. Continuous Sunday from 2:30 P.ll. FRANK MORGAN Delightful surroundings. "The Cockeyed Miracle" Lq-1-11-'~-'-'-'Il-II-'-I1----~ and "Out CaIifomiaWay" aaFI ..SUIUII11 II"" . In tecbnicolor : Monday· Tae.day .JOHN PAYNE oJUlIi'E HAVER . '. Coc.tllflloung. .... ellICI'lSI. ,.U 18.UI. 1111111 • . lIIdI filii lie ........ I5c. .: ~ . ' cocnAl,. ~~ ..... ,.I!A_ . . r· • ,~, AiulDream" ... tecfmtmJor '- - . : "Wake Up ' , - . . Throughout the centurics, they have never failed.' CARNS Flowers Gt !~'Ing Canis . Decorative and Novelty . OOn(Des. Baltimore PIke ~.Pa. 1"IIi.e. _ MIll -, . A POSITIVE 'NEED OF EVERY FAMILY l'~'. ~unday afternoon at .',p.m. "'Pew Addr_ Club Jo~n J. Pew, Jr., vic'Q president of tlie Sun Shipbuilding Company is the careful planning for the future. Ask for ;nformation about our Pre-arranged wUI address the monthl'Y dlone; meeting of the Men's Club of Funerals. No obligation. OLIVER 'bOOk~~o~:.W~~~·ln~~n~a~~~fg ~~I:": H.. BArR. co. DIRICTORS 0' 'UNDALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET II 6·1581 ._, \ ALL - YOU GOllA DO IS SNAP YOUR FINGERS. Th • • en watch 0;tr collective heads snap into action. And it's all done because we're dead set on giving you the best service any bank anywhere can possibly offer. Come in anytime. to see how we work. SERVI:G THE PUBLIC IS OUR HABIT SERVING YOU IS OUlt BUSI~'~'SS .l~ ~ S rth wa more National Bank l Trust Co. 1\rembe.~ or Fedeml llcposit Insumnce Corporation Inji;~~~ • • WeAre Pleased to Announce BEAUTY SALON Beauty Waits For Winter Sports the Appointment CHURCH SERVICES 13 Sooth Chester-Road Cell Swarthmore 0476 Of Our Office 1 --MEDIA ~ at the plano. / wU,1 play a 1 hour program ot -works by Valenttnl, Dvorak. and Hayden, In the 11b'"'\'7: .. of the Bartol Reeearch Fou'?-lIatlon on the College Cam- i~~~f~t;c~.~n~ Platters The Bou-.l I ~~~:!.~b,t~:enan~·~~C~b:~:':~~~i:.t:e:.~i'~l8~t~he~S~p~lri~t~t;h~t~b~~~~~:D1 ir~t earet~. D~~e~~~~~b DINNER SpecIaJ. I'A. FRIDAY, JANUARYM, 1947 &C- a: BREAKFAST OPEN .7 A. 111.--8 P. M. -OUTSIDE OATERIYG SERVIOE'Wednesday, 7 IUD.. - 2 p.m. Sunclay;12 DAILY DINNJi;RS ............ lllic to '1.110 PA., Ekeergaln, 'cell\et coll!-l?fUlled ,by .Joseph Terranova TrioU)" Church. on Monany. JanuaIfy 27. at 6:30 p.m. Sunday morning at 9' o'clock the because the S I witness. He will discuss the problems morning prayer service' win. be 6:6). P 8 truth (I.Johu of shipyard operation under the held. Th~ sermon will be "Second wan period. Comdr. Wm. H. CotBest.,. " lIns.'· president of the Club. wlll At the 11 o'clock service Dr. Tl1ere will be a celebration of preatde. David Braun will preach· ~n "Is" the Holy Communion at the 8 LEGION AUXllJARY NOlES Christianity Practical ?O. a.m. service at Trinity Church American Legion Auxiliary p~b­ All ·the departments of Hctty chairman, Mrs. Oscar J Mr. 1U1d Mrs. Harold C. Stott Sunday. at the Harvard a ven ue entrance the ChUrch School will meet at Gi1c~8t has submitted the fOllow: _At the 11 o'clock service f~g notes: and Mrs. John BaUey, Miss Cel- 9:45. este Bal1~· at the driveway-tran- of Morning Prayer. the Rector will "Me~tlng at the home of Mrs. preach on the topic: "Hcav d sept entrance will assist the min- HU" Norm~n Hulme, on Monda!Y last Y en an e. oung .People's Fellowship ister in'" greeting the convegnUon !~: AU~U1ary planned its monthly w~1I meet at 6 p.m. In the recre. atter the 11 o'clock,service. ~m. It voted to send $6 00 A\i departments of. ihe ChUrch ation room ot Trlnit'Y' ChurCh. to the County Scholarship ~nd The ushers for Sunday are S. B. School wUI meet at 9: 4& o·clock. which enables a girl graduating The junior church service for Brewster, head usher; ·P. B. Banks from a Delaware County High the Junior Departm'ent w1l1 be B. Keirn, L. W. King, F. W. Lueh~ School. It was likeWise voted to held In the Church from 9:45 to ring, F". W. PloW!llan, S. D. Reyngive to the State Baseball FUnd olds, and W. R. Sanborn. 10 o'clock Sunday morning. for boys Who might become juThe ~ommunlcants· Class for , Choir Scnool will meet on Mon\-"onl." dellquents if not gIven reyoung' people 01- Intermediate' and day ~n.d Wednesday, at 4:30 and creation facilltles-$lO.OO. For the again. on Thur.sd.ay at 7:30 p.m. senior department age young peoThe Book Review Group will Infantile Paralysis Campaign thc ple wilt meet In Dr. Brp.un's of'Cice meet on Monday at 2 o'clock In AUXiliary sent $10.00 and for the at 9 o'clock each Sunday morning Nurse Kenny Fund_5 00 A the Parish House. Mrs. Char)es scrlpt1~n until Easter. Tbls class Is to preto the Nation'at'O sub· hi'" . eograpare young people for church B. Thackara will review the widely p c ' to.r Per~ Point Hospital dfscUBSCd "EllBt River" by Dh I membership. Ash.' Q 0 em $4.25, will be sent. 140 ' f m couPons The enUre Church School st8.fr The :ti,r~n's- Club will have their rom, crchandlse and $5.00 have Is Invited to a dinner to be held to the State for the C dinner meeting on Monda~ night gone Fu d t . Oupon Monday evening, February 3,. in n, 0 help pay tor an outdoor at 6:30 at· which tim~ John J. the parish house. The dinner will Pew, Jr., Vice PreSident ot the Sun auditorium for Aspinwall Hosplbe followed by meetings. Shi~but1din&, Company, wlIl talk :tal, Dravosburg, Pa., for the Un The January sewing day of the ;~s~~lcted FUnd for Perry POln; Woman'q Association will be held on his exPeriences of operating a shipyard during the war. $6:00" and to that of CoateBvllle Wednesday, January 29 from to to -4 o'clock. Circle 'S will assist Methodist Notes on I "Old,ChrlBtmnB cards may bc Th~ Church Cbun:h School meets wltn this meeting. Members are ~rged to come and se·.,~ or make Sunday morning at 9.46. Classes eft w~th Mrs. Horbert Baasett ot a 600 No. Chester road. TheY'wlll.be SUrgical dt:'eBBtngs. . re prOVided for chlldren of all sent to' the B tt B I e Y acharacl{ Crip_ "rhe Men's Community Chorus ages and for adults. ome In Atlantic City, New 'At the morning service at 11 p ed w1~1 meet tor Its first rehea.rsal y . The ch.lldren of this honle.! Tuesday evening, Januat"'y 28 at o'clock , tb e In Inlster will preach Jerse. "ill . carrYon part ot.... H 7:16 o'clock hi tho parish h~uge on th e subject, "God's Voice In A tkl' • .ll'.lr. enr'Y This chorus Is open to !lny me~' Nursery wlll be open In t/he community who are inter-' cRted In singing. Harry Faust will during. the, morning service arid ;::~efl many for them during hl~ direct the chorus. . Mrs. ,Ropert Ives and Betty Jane years, having died The cnancel choir . rehearses Hedgepeth wlll be In charge. Thursda.y evenings at 7: 45 o'clock. The Youth Fellowship w11l meet The boys' junior choir on Frlciays In the chapel I.n the evening at ~t 7 o'clo(:k and the titrls' junio1" 7. choir on Thursdfi,y aftern'oon !lot The Wesle'yD.n Servlce·,Gulld will, -. 3:45 o'clock. ' meet at the parsonage on Monday The Young Adult's Group' will evening at 8. Illeet Sunda'Y evening, January -27 The Conversation Group In at 6 o·clock 'for SUpper. followed Chrh~~lan Stewardship win meet in by meetfng. the ChaPel Tuesday evening at 8 o• -nce--::Ch=--ur-cb Notes o'clock CbristiaaO;S"ae .. "Truth" Is the SUbject ot the ~her(' will be no rehearsal fo1' Lesson.Sermon In all Churches tOt the Junior ChOir next week. ReChrist, Scientist., on Sunday. Jan- hearsal wl1l be resumed on Febuary 26. The Golden Text Is: ..It ruary 6th. . The Sentor ChOir will be enter~tned at a dinner on Thursday SWARTHMORE I'RESBYTERIAN venlng at 6:30 at the' home of MrR CHURCH William Earl X'ist'J.er. . Rev. DaVid Braun, MinISter .-RevSlJN· H. LeWis Cutler. Minister Friends Meeting Notes DAY, JAl'!UARY 26 .. First Day SchOOl begins In Whit9:00 A. M.-Mornlng Pratyer and tier HQ.use· at 9: 46. Sermon, "Second Best." 9:46 A- M.~uroh School. The A,.dult Forum, beginning at 10:00 A- M.-Women'e Bible Claea. 9: 45, will continue the diSCUssion 11:00 A. M.--Bermon. "Is Chrisof Elton Trueblood's book: "Fountianity ,Practical 1" 6: 00 P. M.-FelloWBhlp. dations for. Reconstructlon-Bund~ Ing an Enduring Moral Order: New ME'!'HODIIIT CHURCH InterpretatIons ot Old CommandRoy N. Keiser. D.D., Minister SUI!lDAY, JANUARY 26 ments," led by Richard McFeely. 9:46 A- M.-Church SchooL 11:0? A. AI. Sermon• . "Ood's ,Voice In Dally Life. I I It.}s dlftfcult to 'put into words TRINITY CHURCH Rev. Geo. C. Anderson, Reotor the memories I Cherish CaroSUNDAY. JANUARY 26 Une Hadley Robinson, whose 8:00 A.. H.-Holy Communion. passing Is not only a tragic losa t. 9:46 A- M.-church School.· 11:00 A. M'.-Mornlng Prayer and her 1a!Dlly but to a Wide circle Of Sermon topic: "Heaven and friends. Hell.'· Her keen ~Ind and her S8n89 6:80 P. Y.-Young ~eople'B Felof humor: her refreshing franklowship. ness~ her Interet In people of all • THE RELIOTOUS BOCI.ETY OF agee and classes; h&' ge;ner08lty '. FRIENDS and deeply spiritual nature were SUNDAY, ·JANUARY 26 9:46 A- M.-Flrat Day IIohool outstanding characteristics. She 9:46 A. M.-Adult' Forum, Con . . was not only a homernake'l', but tlnuation of' Dlscu88lon of Elas a student of the basic eaUBM ton Trueblood's Book: "Foun. or na.tional and International Reconstruction .•• problems, ahe supported most un11:00 AWCIlIIhlp. selfishly and conaele:ntIOUBly' many progreaslv& causes. Th........n.roua bogpltallty which she and Dr. R:obID80_n "have ex... tended to III) many In their· Collen ~veDue home, wU1 long be remembered. 11:00 ABolt. .l. The rnIifl}ment of caroll .... Rob11:00 ALa . . . 8ermoD. • lDeon'" hllrh tdeale will 11.... on lie " . : . , . _ - . oven~ a ehalle.... to her lIO;II8 daUlo' I p..... R-.l~ room :::..w:)l~ ~d to who knew 11 to ~t~,:;~ '4~ . .TU!let (i XeDt to ':11 .........4. I to· ,: •• ~_'f • Dartmouth & lAfayette ·AIIU. - ". Sci"" Recitel EDtered IIOcond ClusFa. Matterd' J anuary 14. 181t. at tbe. Poet OlIlce at..Swarthinore , ,un .r the Act of March I. 18n. RUSSELL'S SWARTHIIOREAN ~de11 THE SWARTHMOREAN PllBIIW:.t"II-IIHIiFIIM.i. SWICRY PBlDA~ U 8WABl'iiJI(O~ TJIB 8W<l'_o~_a... ~t aa ...... PlJBI·1HH i ,a I" ,. lAWn c 0100" . "Right in the Cent.r of Town" I BmER HOMES AND GARDENS on... .. .' 1-. :.. As Agents For The Travelers'Insurance Co. In Memorian of Hartford, Conn. ot * The early Greek physicians believed that it was not possible for a man to enjoy perfect health WIless he carefully organized hi. life to accomplish this single objective. This meant the meticulous ordering of each day. Proper nutrition, exercise, and rest were perfectly balanced. Physical constitution, age, and ·eventhe seasoos of the year were considered. • For a man of affairs, such a regimen is. Out of the question. When your work is done, you -play and exercise when you can. But this little you can do. See you ~ mil ·'" I . . R Y PhYSIClan-at east once a year. Follow bis advice_ In caSe medicadon. is required, we are preparccl CO _you. prt?mptiy and economically_ .' . ..' ~DWARD L. NOYES & CO. 23 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD _. r:: """,. CII......... m-..._ 12: ..:.-.. ...;. , ...,.... ... ~ ~ ..-.-,'-" ..: ·11'·Nortb - -. ' l..,n I'l"~ . aD. a_ao , . ::-~; ~:'~"', :. '~:"> :-;: ~": '.. '. ;,." . >~jj~-;:,~:--~; i-... <1 P~ONES SWAIlTIIMORE 0114 -3094 , '-- , , .. .. ..' .- ..... . .. . THE SWART H ~M~O~R~E~A:.!N~~_ _~..,.._ _ _ _:-....!:Fr~·d~.~.,.~J~=~'7~Z4,~I:M~7 • SCHOOL NEWS H u r r _ 8IIIk Wild_ Two mJxed groups of Beventh graders coming from Mr. MUler's and Mi88 McIOe's home room.. played A. 16 minute sanl;e between the halves of the EddY8tone~. Swarthmore basketball game. The .... Hurricanes beat the Wlldca:ts by the score of 6 to 2. Bobby Alll80n !!IC'ored the G pol.-+.s for the HumCGlleB and Sandy Heath seored the lone basket for the Wlldcats. Garnet Dlt.e1'8 Contest The neW' Garnet entered its first contest thlR month. a contest for student newspa.pers and magazines sponsored by the Columbia Scbol· BfI;tiC Prel:JS Association. Besides becoming a member of this asso· elation the Garnet w1ll alBa receive a mUng in Its own class Which will be announced in March and perhaps an awe.rd or an Ail-Columbia Honor Rating. Because the newspaper Is new. the staft' Is particularly interested In its rating which wIll reveal how Garnet oompares to other papers of the same many" gave rlB6 to Mme lively dl~uss1on. At the recent meeting on January 11 the subject "The British Commonwealth of Natlon~ Dnd the United States" was consldeN'd with Lord lverchapel. the Englll!h ambassador to the United States, as speaker. Those students attending these meetings trom Swarthmor~ were [;Eadie Garrett, 'Veaton Clark. Robert Fawcett, Jane Penfield. anI! George Hay. Charles Andes, Waldo FIsher, and Graham Foster served in add1t1on 0.8 table leaders. Since Swarthmore Is entitled to twelve seats any Senior High School student who wlahes to attend should see Mr. Yocum. as soon as possible. . work hou.... learning 18 the process !" reftect.. Ing on experience. "Learnh~g ts the function of an academic lnstltu~ tlOD." but teaching will Inevitably be more profound -when instructors have gone oft campus Into buslneB8 pubUc operations and have brought back their reflections on this experh~nce. •. An increasing interest during the past 16 yean In the lIeld or adult education, to -which we all pay lip-service when we sa':;', "Ed .. ucation 1s a Ufe-Iong process." Leisure time. resultant from shorter that the old'er group has a steady- "New FAre tor Old." Mrs. Cl&'Y will lng and stimulating influence. Dr. Perkins belleves that· tbla wilt be one of the most 81gnlftcant trends of tbe future. tell of ber experiences when work ... lng 'wlth the war-deafened at the Pnlladelphla Naval Hospital. :HOBtessea wlll be M'rs. Thomas ... Following qUE'.J!tlODs Mrs. John Jackson and Mrs. Percy G. OU, H. Pitman, first vice-president of bert. Mrs. Howard J. Dingle and the club made sevel'8;l announce· M1'8. W. F. HanDY will pour. ~i.'!i! • ments. For • OIL BURNERS and • Phone or Write WILS"ON COAL & SUPPLY Swarthmore CO. WALLINGFORD, PA. 0600 'ro The Swarthmorean: Dear Editor: I was going to &tart this as an open letter to the' "paying public" but atter thinking it over I realized that there, would be very few included ander that title. This letter C'oncerns the support ,given the Gazellcs, a basketball· team, and a good one. made up solely of young fellows who are veterans of World War II as well as being nlbrpnl of Swarthmore High School. As I understand It. a group of about 16 fellows got together and "formed this team In the hope of having a lot of fun 'playing basket. ball against some of tbe best eompetition in lDelaware 'County. :Natura)]},", there are various expenses involved in running a basketball team or any other organJzatlon tor that matter, so these boys decided to nsk a. small ad~ missIon fee as well as putting up some Of. their own money. I could put down a lot of statistics _at this point If I Wished. but suffice It say that each memb~r of the '"~'" I contributed an equal amount. Since the boys wanted to charge ad. mise10n the SchOOl Board at s m.eetlng In early Decernber de.clded that the Gazelles would have , to p.ny a.. fee G.f $16.00 per night plUS Ja.~ltor's wages for the Use • Essoheat Fuel Oil FRIGIDAIRE PRODUCTS Refrigerators - Electric Ranges Freezing Unila - Easy Washers o HAYWARD OIL BURNERS "SUSQUEHANNA" COAL Your purchaSe will be "backed up" by WILSON'S. 16 years' burner and fuel oil experience, with burner inatallation-rota1ing several thouaahd. Enioy the, best • In ·Celia Shoe, Shop E '+hIQhed 1904 , .'.' .. '-"{ 1Q2 PARK- AVENUE c ~~.. .. ~- \ •• __ .;; .;~ .l.-.~.'-:;.'~.~':~.' ."';'.~': .; ........ _.:_.> .. .. :~.: .. p~ i I-.~.-. d... '.e I phi a . ... . ~.. ,. '. - ". ' Oriental Rugs Cleaned Manr· of the flnest 110m.. 'a Delao. WIII~ County lash' OD ..neIIn. Paulton'. their O.rietttal russ wher. they r~y. Indtvicl,," .at...fIo•• CHOICI '0 PERSIAM RUGS FOR SALI 9112 ORIENTAL .......... _.7.,. Rus. (..leaned and Electric ------r----. , (P~"'son b- Coml!~~)'p" 100 Park Ave.• Swarthmore_ Pa. -"" S,...thmore05Z9 ••• Clearbrook _ Cloob Per""" Ru,. lor Solo ~••• , !_-, ••• .' The Bell Telephone CompallJ . of Pennsylvania New uCel'~""Ice" Finislt ,NEW BEAUTY FOR YOUR WALLS, FURNITURE, AUTO, FLOORS - IN A JiFFY.I .............,....."c... 0......, can prof.5SlonDI .......... PIa... K9te. A tluroWe. ceNophana HRooth ~ -- 000._ ..-. ...... , WATCH OUTI Sk;~d;ng .Aheadl Old Man Winter is a serioUs driving hazard. He stops you with sudden snow, gives you many a. bad moment on slippery streets. Motorists find it much easier, under winter driving conditions. to leave their cars at home and make the trip into town on PTC lines. Some motorists find it convenient to leave their cars at the PrC "Park-and-Ride" Fields at the terminals of the MarketPnnkford Subway.El. The parking fee includes a 'round trip to town on the Subway-ID. So save your car and speed your ride. Ride into toWn safely with PrC. P. S. H you must driv~ when the streets are coated with Il1011' or ice, be sure to put ch'ains 0,," your tires to saCesuard yourself and others against serious accidents. ~., _I. Eony to. bop ............. cIetIt. .. ~ I ..................... . . . . II~' S . jCltelee .. M ' •._ ............ II' ric • • UI. . . .... , '."itIIJ· $.2_95 ·co:mpci .... y·. . - , $6.50 up • • Modern lighting provides seeing ease and brings new beauty t9 the home. In fact, the proper.selection of home lighting is just as important as the selection of rugs, furniture or other home furnishings. That you may enjoy, the best in home lighting, Philadelphip Electric, Company maintains a staff of home lighting specialists. They will gladly show you how to choose and arrange.you~ living room lamps •.. how to get the proper lighting in your kitchen .••. and even how to convert old fixtures into· . modern, aUracti.ve on·es. For this free lighting service. call your nearftt Company offic.. TO MAKE THEM WEAR TWICE AS LONG. . Subscriptions tor ALL Magazines '. The Amazing REPAIRED EFFlCIEN.I1.Y AND ECONOMlCAU.Y· Bw. 2080 • Sometimes your telephone operator's hands move so quickly that she seems. to have a dozen of them. And sometimes she wishes she had I For, at certain periods, so many calls flood the available switchboard equipment that the operator simply can't ~nswer them all immediately, much as she'd like to do so. As soon as we can obtain and install the new equipment that is on order, these oncein-a-while delays will be eliminated. Meanwhile, we know you'll understand. , Spring and Summer Shoes Mn. Uoyd E. Kauffman HANDS L'ight~ng NOW IS THE TIME '1'0 HAVE YOUR FAMILY'S Foreign Editions Now Only $1.60 PCI' yr. ! Home • Adults: TUeBday evening, 8-10 Wednesday morning, 9.aO-11.30 Children, Tuesday Afternoon, 3.16 1"01' Information. call Mrs. Eisbree. Media 198. HYING OPEN LETTER TO CITIZENRY DEALERS AND DlsTRmuroRS Heels Soles Rebuilding Jewelry Classes READERS DlG£sT HARBOLD'S One Year Guarantee~asho'r 3 Yrs. To Pay Essobumers C. WalBh of New York City at their mittee, and hockey manager of lodge in Carmel N. Y. the Athletlo .AaIoctatJon. MIBa Hetzel Is the daughter of Mr. B,nd Mr& Active at Bradford Wl\lIami E. Hetzel. Jr.. of 414 Dixie Hetzel, a student at BradThayer road. tord Junior College. Bradford. Mass. baa been elected a. senior member-at-Iarge of tbe War CounMetal Craft and LADIES' DRESSES IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION 0123 BOO51'S COl J WE DRIVE believe. Ia a public building BUP- Waldo B. Davison, and M.... E. ported by public funds. Unfortuo- Lord of Swarthmore attended. an To,the 8warthmorean: . Dear Bditor: atel),",. the bills ran 80 high that ·Assoolated Hand-Weavers Meeting As a. real.dent ot the Borough 1 when the untforms,;flD&lIY arrived held In· Verona, N . .J., Saturday. would like-. to endonse the Swarth- tbe boys bad to borrow money to Mrs.· Davison spent the Iweck-end ~ore CollK"8 campalgn to ~cure pay tor them. ." with 'her-son Mr. J. A... riU:vil!lon and contrlb\1tiona of ,&,009~OOO before These Veterans are Dot aeldng family ot Waldwyck. N. J. 1961. for something for nothing. All they Erneat O. Lange. Jr., of "LangeTh,e canvaaa ot Borough real- want iB the Joyal supon of the woo4.,'" lJaltfmore pike was elected . dents Is scheduled to start early townspeople at their games. Their president of the Zeta Cha..pter of in It'ebnia.ry Which will gtve the udmlasloD charS'e is the lowest 1 Ohl Phi at Franklln and .Marshall cominunity an 4lpp_ortunlty to lIhar" I know'ln this vicinity. ... College. where ·.he .18 a member of in providing the benefits Of. the In Cl081ng I wish to comment on the senior cl8.88, majoring In BUIfI-. long rang~ development. progra.m the Honor Roll on 'the lawn by ness AdminlstraUon. MI"8. Lo.nge, . whIch the college will undertake. the bank. At the top of the board the former MJss Marjorie Anne When one moves to f-Iwart"hmore there Is a slogan-"W'elcome Home RWJBell ot Havertown. attended it Is promptly recognized that one Veterans". Could this be hollow th~ -formal d~ce of Chi Phl when of tb', principal reasOns why the mockery? the a.nnouncement was made Satcommunity 1s such· an outstanding A Veteran urday evening. January 11. "place in which to live. Is due. to Mr. F. I. Lee i8 III at the home the tar reaching backbone the of his da.ughter Mrs. H. H. Hopklnt' conoge -tJuppUea. In addition to the Mr. and :Mrs. Paul M. Paulson of Crest bno. direct benefits such a.s the par-tl. of Park avenue are leaving Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hanna of ~patlon In many events of ,human to visit relatlves In Fresno. University placE' have returned Interest. there are hidden advan- Caltf. They will stop at Akron. bo:nne after enjoying winter sports tages, for example the creation of Ohio to visit their daughter, Mrs. demand fOI; real estate in prosper- I L"ul... I<;':upellan. While in call- !' I I ous and adverse times. . fornla. Mr. Paulson plans to esA contribution to the campaign tabUsh connections at San Frail· will . provide an Initial intereat In cisco for stocking ChinesQ rugs in the college atralrs to thOse who his oriental rug store. of h~ve had no contact up to this . Blck';Y Thompson of Harvard time. To thoBe of us who h"ve I "'ve,,uo spent TudsrJay In Harrlstaken advantage of what the coJ. burg where she joined her father lege offers a gift wlil Increase our with him attended sessions of ' Drastically Reduced loyalty and. respecL .. State Legislature and the InLet's all get behind the cam- augural Ceremonies of Governor I 1 palgn and support Swarthmore I~D_u_lf_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ College in its desire to keep up •. 34 W. STATE ST. the blgh Btan'dards which have lIIEDIA. 1888 placed (t at the top of the sma). ler edUcational InsUtutlonR of the nation. Walter A. Schmidt.. -::::==:::========:::, CLEARANCE SALE . UnderWriter's Approval' Label Minneapolis-Honeywell ~ontro1s Media ,2~~r~"~'~,~h~I~'!'~Z4~.~I~94~7__~____..-~________~T~H~E~.·~S~W!A~R~T~.H~M~O~R~.!E~A~N~________~______~______________~I~ Letters T~' the Edi~r of the hlBh school SYIIl which. J Mre. George 8chob!nger.. M .... as the gueslll of Mr. and M ..... 10hD cll, a member of the HoWIe Com- NE-W=·,..S-----"O::-::::. N TES With r I I It. poaolble HRS. 0L4y ~T ~~ SPEAKER. for adults to 1'0 tA? college when On Tuesday. J~ua.ry Z8, tbe: they will get the moat out ot It, educaUon ojy ........ • .. F~, J=';~ 24, THE'. SWARTHMOREAN . ' , Park •.F1a. Zn route BOuth ahe. visIted relatives'ln-'Ke-ntucky. , Mrs. Irvin R. MacEiwee of University place entertained at a lu,r.cheon at her hOme FridaY' In honor of her mother Mrs. J. -V, Collins who is spending the wtnter here. and tor the Misses ~d& and Cora RIebel ot Toledo. Ohio who are VlBltiDg their niece Mrs. L. A. Wetlauter of Cornell aVenue. ·Mr. aDd Mrs: lloyd E. Kauffman of Da.rtmouth avenue· are entertaining Mrs, Edna Grlmster, ot Rochdale, -Lancashire, England as their house guest. Mrs. GrlmBter lLrrlved in this country January 4. "Ia Haltfnx. Nova ScoUa. following a hazardous U-day voyage. MII!8 Beno Mltchen Dudley ot Vassar avenue Is spending the remainder of t~e "inter In 'W'lnter LARGER FOOD ASSORTMENTS plus quality aild money.savlng prices have Induced many particular housekeepers to tum to Acme for all their food needs. V ..,u·lI save more In the long run. LESS THAN St A POUND .80r~al~Se GRAPEFRUIT Family Siz. florida S.ecI~... ASaJ Luscious Califomla FRUIT large No.2Y:z can COCKT.AIL PfilChn, Contain. plnl!'Clppl•• peen, cherries ond seed.... gra.... RK Leapn'oFresh 3S 35 =-;-::~----- ciicKENs (3~:') TURKEYS Fancy F......KlII.d Northwestem Ib Outstanding Seafood Values 3 IV.to ~.". LARGE .JEBSEY BUTTEBFISH - 41 'l'0III Ib We have built our business on a policy of QUiALlTY, HONESTY AND SATISFACfION. For om reputation depends on your satisfaction, and right there is your assurance of Materials, Workmanship and Fair Prices. 21c ~9C EVAl. mE Glenwood' Delicious APPLE BUTTER 2::ZZC SINCE 1905 Painters and Paperhangers . Let CUNNINGHAM solve your decorating problems! Farmdar. Mad. Selected , ....It Appl. . equlpme:nt I termination Com\lU188~On ~hrough Hummer months. Mr. Gles made the observation that Improvement In the borough would result b'y urging citizens to keep ~ater collectors empty, In· cludlng triuth cans. Pools -should be kept populated with flsb. Inasmuch as mosquito larvae roquirp. %" depth ot atlll water foar a week In which to develop. Mr. Gles does not believe that water remaining from rains or heavy dews In t'he extensive shrubbery in Swarthmore would serve as a breeding point. He does believe that such shrubbery. particularly tall grass In vacant lots, serves as a hideaway for dur-Ing t t Ib 10SOO : IIoIIIng ~.eel ~ Ii. 2~0 Fresh florida estimate that probably 60% ot e mosquitoes In Swarthmore orlginate In the Tinlcum Marshes. since a number of long-dlst..o.nce flyIng V arieties are bred In these marshes a nd have been trapped In Swarthmore. Since Mr. Gles estim:ltc8 that 50% of the mosquitoes In Swarthmore are bred 'Within the borough. It is apparent that there Is an opportunitY for bringing about a' distinct Improvement In the I,ocal situation through local cttort.B. The worst breeding area In the bc.rough is believed to be In the old Emmons Pool. Inasmuch as tl)ls 18 private property. the question was raised as to wnat action mlggt be taken to compel filling this breedtng ground. Mr. Gte~ said the general health laws of Pcnn81'Ivania.· state that properties must be kept in a- sanitaT'Y conditlo'n. There is precedent tor concluding that the presence ot mosquito larvae Is proot of an unsanitary condltton. It tbereby becomes posstble to take action by way at the Borough PubUc Health Officer, througn appropriate officers In the County or State. There are other breeding areas In the borough and 'these, as well a's Emmons Pool. have been routlnely 9pral'ed by the Mosquito Ex· CUNNINGHAM LAMB ROAST '1~::.d~:· . ·MACKEREL fog-spra.';V h&B recently become' available. ,Mechanical traps are placed In various places In the County t'or the purposp of sampl~nll mosG,ultoes. Intormation relating to nt.:m· 16 to) ( 20 lb. Govera.eat Gra.... La ..b an. . . .'-Gra.... A .IHI AA Breast Lamb reiary of the Delawure UOSqutto Extermination Commls.!=ion. with headquarters tn M!,!dlu.. Mr. Glcs had been Invited to detlcrlbe the activities ot his Com... mission and to make specific BUg· ycstions concerning methods t or mOSQuito extermination which might be helpful in (>llmlnating hl'eeding grounds with hi the BOI'oLlgh. Mr. GIes stated that enabling legislation was passed' by th~ Hate LegislntUl'c about 11 y~ard ago. resulting in the e8tr~blb;hrr.(,llt the MOSQuito Extermlnatj.on Commission In Delaware County. ,,'ork b'y this Commlsston is aimed to Improve comtort in the County, with benefltB expected in real 83tate values. It Is also intended to minimize health ha~trdB whtch [flay result from transrhtsston ot 'Useasc by mosquitoes. The latter aspect ot the CommLssloo"s wor" 15 particularly timely. In. view of the possible spread ot ~alarla. reslIlting from the return to the County of war veterans who hb.ve j,ccome Infected In combat areas. Through County tax support \.15 mUI). funds are made avoll. able to the Mosquito Extermlnn.tion Commission. In 1946. this amounted to $47.000. 'fhls amonts t:. approximately 12c per capit'.1. These funds are used In the t=n!" pJ~ment of laborers a:nd purchns~ equi'Pment~lso for emplo}ing ge for . suburban calls. Mor~on Electric and R -..0- - an ..d Carpel-· ,. .. and Domestic-I"rompt Service--Refriger. ators, Washers, Vacuum Oeaners,. Radios '. j~'r!" 'i~- oi! .. I point !8~:4{.ft: t1t.::~~~~ at a nnr~m th.e Avenue _l!I~,:! Princeton AV;I~u·~;n~~i:~ t.,~:I:n,~"Il.~g;~,,!;,,!~;~~ H6.64 ft. frontage and alft. in dePth, beln.-.r I the ' J of AII('~ M. Baird. El1iott Richardson 1-.24 Borough Set'r~tar~:. r, ('Orner ~; . . •• In i,EGAI, NOTICE J~~TATF: OF AlARY A. GILBY CHEY_ XEY, deceased. . l..c>tters Testamentary on the above F.fltate have been sranted. to the un.. dersigncci, who request all persons having cln.ims or demands against thp E"Iotate or the decedent to make known the same, and all persons indebted to the_ decetlent to make paymeUl, without deJa:r, tl) JOHN E. FRICKE, Executor 728 Bedford Place. MO!'rion. Pa. 6T-12-20 . SAw,1 . ES'rATE OF LILLIE G. KOOK, late 135 President Avenue. RUUedge, Penr.wlvar.ia., deMased. Notice Is herehy given that Letters Tcstamentary have been b'TRnted to thc undersigned. who requests all perS<'us .having claim!,; or demands agatnst the E~tato c( the saId decedent to make know the same, and all persoh$ Indebtro t.o th" dp.ccdent _to make payment immediatp.ly to S'''--ARTHlfORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Executor Estate of LUlie G. Kook, deceased, Swarthmore, Pem'.isylvanla Or tl) It!! Attorney. AUBERT N. GARRETT 228 Garrott Avenue ~warthmrire. Penna. 6T..12.20 of ESTATE NOTICE Estate of J. PASSMORE CHEYNEY deoeued., • Lettera or Admlnlstra.tfon de bonis non curn toBtamento annexo. on the abOve Estate have been granted to the utlderslgned. who request all per60ns having claims or demands agaInst the Estate ot HIe decedent to make known the I:'atne. and all persolls indebted to the decedent to make payment, without delay. to . • .JOHN E. FRICKE. Administrator d.b.n.c.t.a or to his Attorney STANLEY L. T'"rlORNTON Eoq _t. 2004 Finance Bldg.. Phlla 2. J>a. . • .• G'r-12-2T at CAROLINE lJ.. aomN- ~"!'~':"~.n...,. onto tit. tll& - . . aiuler- Rotate "avo !>eon """'ted signed, who requests au log cW"," or dentaD4s Eatate of the decadent to th._".!!JId 11 IIoet.... A~lI.l.aeae ,. Mwt, ,...... ' .e 07M RldI ... PatIr 3231 I •• Phila. 2. Pa. Phone Baldwin 1110 InsuJatloa -'. . . Bo~,!~~_~ ~~~r.!~n::." or to hi~ AHorney !'"I·ANLEY u. TRORNTON 2M4- Finance Bldg., ' !:::~ ?t~':: HOllE IMPROVEMENTS .,,- 'o. ilia Walters' 1180 Muhlenberg Ave. 1.lt,. AQENCE' -' 1::.. ...._ . Prl_ ~ IAI:h& J ' hs .... ..1'> ~ CHARLES WHITE Appliance Service ~ BlUe ~":'·ft.ee Work Guaranteed PhoDe Swarthmore 21"" .. ; ~~ ~~~,,!,er.. Elliott Hkl1a~'dso'l '1-24 ZONING HEARING A J)ublll! hem'lug wiil-'be' ,t;~ld on Monday, February 3rd. - 1947 at 7 :45 P.M. in BorOUgh llall. ""f.";':f'I rf'h. l~t:,': Pa. u~_n the que.Uon or . the l.oliY Zoning clo CI",.. . -b"IF;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;:~ ·HARRY W. LANG Bl>X~··l"h. 1. room. Reese-Baxte~ '--(lbo.,or I Ckolor Media R.D. 2 ESTATE NOTICE SIMMONDS 'n- CLIFFORD L PARKER Tree Surgery end Landscaping K,Sk 8uppUow CarcJa.-UoMlr a.t& '7" W _ Write PhoDes Chester 8130 & 24525 dtnlnglr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i.rl , PIcCare Jl'nmtnR FI Un i' WANTED PAINTING and DECOMTUrG AllWork Gnaranteed r== 'table. two leaves, excellent condition. place grate; round mahogany Call Swarthmore 1203, WANTED-OberUn graduate. wife and 7 year-old daughter wish to rent furr.lshed house for one year. Write Robert C. Lewis. P. O. Box 359. William Penn ~Q~-!ii.'~l Philadelphia 6. or call Elliott Richardsoll Borough ~,8('J'4..taJ:Y. jn ('OUIldJ Cha)mlk.I\'e month period commen('_ ing }~t'bn!ary 15, 1947 and, for such additional I~l'iods as the contract may b~ allo,,,,·t:d tQ run. Bids must be ill a,!,~ordanC'e with SIJ.ecltlcatlollB. a. copy OJ wIlle" ma.y be securerl f"om theumlt;>r:.:lgl1u1. The SU(~ceSl::(ul bidder wl'l be required to mo.ke a contract 011 forms al'pro\'P(} by the Borough 8.ml to furnlflh bond M requiTed by Jaw. The HCrougl1 reserves the right In reject nlly 0:" ulJ hids. Phone Swarthmore (1992 11& East 1th St. Obeater (Op_te New State Thea_I' l__R.1DLEY p.ARK_ all hids. !lphia, 10, Peulla. 6T-1-17 For ELECI'RlCAL WORK eafd to th~ offl~ or TRUST COMPANY M. S. MORGAN Presl'lent Swarthmore 08411 Electrical Contractor f without dt~ay, COl1lJlllny. 136 Sc.uUt Broad Street, l'hllllileiphin, 9, Peulln. FIDBLITY-PHIh,\DBLPHIA 331 Dartmouth Avenue 'I{I .T .1·flJ' ~ !11\1"(" .Ll'.I. J:S·!.r,.,J..,L,.r,.,JL'- PaiDlera and Paper Hangers We Sboald Know I[ow 14>8't Small grey slrlped male cat, 409 IIllchlgaD Ave. with six toes, 1.-. center of vJllagc. Swa. 2268 Reward. C.&JI Swarthmore 1551. ' '__ a LOST Portion of right rear fender ot t black· Bulck, vicinity of Baltimoro pike to' Media. Please call Swarthmore CREAMERY SUITER 4i3c lb~ tin 19115 • , MEDIA 0755 • CUNN./NGH AM Pink purr.e, 'thursday night between thp. Coliegc and Princeton a\'enue. Call Swarthm'lre 0630-R. l..oST 65cdoz. TARTAN COFFEE (Rich r"1a-v-) MASON BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY 816 EDCMONT AVE. 'P'bone ~ 8'7114 ~~~~~If PRODUCE 45c lb. box Call PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Apply in penon· to 8 ld lNtters '1'«8t:unp!ltary on the above ha\,I'lg boPll granted to FldelltyPhHnolelphla TrtWot Company. all po:-_ WitS Indebted to the 6.-;tate are lequested to 1lI3.lCe paymont and thOt;,a havJhg claims -to I)resent' the sarne ~'blatE: Oall EDWIN B. KEf J EY. Jr. FOUND 6T-I-17 ESTATE NOTICE _~:;tutt' 0; MARY D. S'l'Uf...U EL- r SPOR:rING GOODS I~ A BOOKKEEPER -C",;)I· 348 Vasaar Avenue Swurthrnor(', Po.. \\ hL4 111'CI!'Rl'P.C.1. Contractor and Builder ,~.o.lro,!,,:~~~ DOROTHY SCHELL MACMILUAN ..::xecutrlx Moor and Haeti. ., Ava. Garden Cit)' r.helte& 2-8719 V. Linton PAPERHANGING Lettenr Te8tamentary on the above &tate hav" been granted to the undersigne.1. who rt.."qUe:Jta all pelWll1lll having dahna or ,lemanda ftg&bust the Estat.,., of the decedent to make known U.l! same, and alllper80ris indebted to the dQ(·.meJlt to make payment. with_ (OUt delay. to ' $21 PER CORD Bailder WAN,TED END PORK especially prepared for us by the Prospect ·4Q3 Darbnouth Desirable lob ay8ilable PAINTING 59clb. ESTATE NOTICE F..state or HENny W. Schell. I>ecoased. FIREWOOD CLASSIFIED MEATS . eampfire MarshmaIIowa , PIa DOW the Iaome yaa _ . "'''''~~''"'''''''''''''~ ·GREEN BROCCOLI 7 WILLIAM Phoile1913 We now have a full line of Baked Goods---.,. • SWARTHMOREAN ~~~iiii~~iiii~~~iii~~ I GROCERIES -, ••• M ..... ~% - ... . . . 111 l l . IIi,.. s,.t., IL.... A:::'~" 1 In 2lbs.25c Park Bakery. _ .,. .a '!:.: ... a .e::- '=.rr...... ". ·Ci NEWS NOTES White Cree"IDIDg• ""-,--'VIIIUI18 ...--- . ed. Thunoday evening. Janual")' 10 at 8 p, m" when Mrs. Artbur E. Bassett of North Chester read will .how colored a11des of her western trip last summer. and Mrs. ROY~ W. Delapla.lne ot Comell a.venue will Pt'e8eot mUIIlcal numbers on the guitar. All Interested pcrsohs at'(! cordially Invited to join the ·grouP. The Methodist Chuz:..ch Is honorlng the members of. the senior choir, their husbands and wives. and the music committee by .entert8Jnlng them at dinner. at the home or Dr. and Mrs. WUI1arn Earl Kistler ot "Open Doors." 'Park avenue, Thursday evening. r , January 30. The Woman's Bible Claes of the Methodist Church gave a. luncheon and surp.r.lse blrthda.y party for thelJ;' former teacHer Mrs. Uoyd E. Kauffman on Thursday. January 16 at the home ot -:Mrs. ,\Vll1lam! Hottman of Parle' avenue. Mr. George McCracken of RutgerB avenue Ja recuperating In the Price Hospital, Philadelphia where he has been a patlent for the past five weeks with an attack of pneumon!a. His daughter. Mrs. Richard' Congdon of Burl:Ington. Vt.. has returned to her home afte~ a 10-dll3' visit with her lather. < Swarthmore Cooperative THE Phone Swarthmore 2253 Nancy JUnclltte of Strath Have .. avenue ~nterta1ned 11 Swarthmore .~ High School claasmatcs nt dl..,.ner / at her hom'e Frldn.y evening. followed by a theatre party at thp. The Home You- Hava Players Club., ' Planned Caa Now Be Hrs. Georg~ S. Valentine' ot Be.iJ. .. Jamln West avenue left Monday Built tor a two-week visit with relatives Columbus. Ohio. Miss Peggy Valentine of BeDJa.mln West avenue entertained' at a luncheon and surprise mls'tellaneous shower at her home Sa.turd.a¥ In honor of Mrs. J. D. Cook. Ridley PIIl'k, Pa. .Jr.. the former FtoB8le Garrett GarWOOd before her recent marriage. Mrs. Wllllam M. Harvey of Columbia avenu"! will entertain ber ALICE: M. BAIRD brJ.dge club at a lunchQOD-brldgc at her home on, Tuesday next. , Real Estate and IDaurlUlce Mrs. Walter C, 011cs of Rutgers Old Bank Building avenue ga.ve Mr, Giles a surprise To Graduate at Bu&nell S"'... 0108 birthday dinner Tuesday evening. Charles Carson A row friends were present. Swarthmore will be n candidate ot Mrs. Roland L. Eaton ot Rutgers for the rj('gree of Brogan Bachelor ot ~""-,,~'U~""' avenue will entert:aJn at Open Science at Bucknell University's Swarthmore 1448 House Saturday night In hon~ o~ annual _mid-winter graduation exBROOKS Mr. Eat-Qn who Is leaving Thurs- ('rclses on Saturday m.:.rntng, Febday on ~two month bUSiness tr.tp ruary 1. 4slles & Rubbl.oh Removed to Puerto RiCO, the VIrgin Islands, 1.e\VD8 Mowed General Bau1lng Brogan. n. graduate of the Domlnlcaln RepubUc and Cuba. Monon, Fa. Swarthmore High School, Is one 288 BardiDg Ave. The guestS at the Gibbons Home. of over 1200 veteran-students en ~ Baltimore pike will be entertaln- rolled at the Universll'y. He served with the U. S. Army. ~ He has been active in at'hletlcs. earning two letters for varsity golf. and one for freshman basket-_ PERSONAL and ball. He was also acttv~ In Intra,i~-::-}.I~ ~~f . O<\Q mural athletics, competing for his Boclal fraternity, Phi Kappa Psi. ,He Is the son of MI". and Mrs. C. C. Brogan of Thayer road. t~r. 4 for 29c You Couldn't AsIc for Better Iread ENRICHED SUPREME .Aia Writes For Dictioauy an ,effective extermination Job within the COullty. He urged the Council to acqualpt the borough with the activities ot the Commission and suggested. that It distribute pamphlets on the activities or bls Commission with tax forms during this year. Arrangements to do this will be made by tht\ 130rough Secretary. Juicy Sweet Grapefruit for MeUOWM.. . . . . ' . 1 .... " · " • Harold )(;,Mafch of Elm avenue and a member of the faculty 'Of Swarthmore College Is one of the 339, echolare and experts who have contributed to the writing of tbe "Columbia. DiCtiODlU,)" of Modern European Ll~rature". Prote880r March '.\'TOte ~me ot. the articles In the field' ot French literature. 409 Michigan Ave. MINCE BATao;29c Zlo"'c2~c ' ..~, J._ry 24, 1947 Id. . . . . . . . BREA ., -. bCOrs and kinds "Ia obts.lned. ~r. the day. as they seek refuge trom ('ordlng to Mr. Olea.· data 18 avail- birds In .. dark. damp area. It was lett th..t Mr. GI. . would able to' show there hu been A 8ubmlt two reports to the Borough succeH8iv& reducUon In mosquito Secretary. One Will presen~ ,data population as the results of tne obtained In the operation of t~6 erforts of his iommlsslcn. Mr. Oles has concluded that the mechaniCal trap on tbe Strath Hachief source of mosquitoes In Del.:. ven Inn property over the past aware Countty Is found tn the 'riD- several years: and the other will lcum Marshes. These marshes are ,Include ,specifiC suggestions tor action ,ylthln' the borough to prebelow sea-level and. hence, cannot be aatisfo.ctorlly drained. The vent any iocal breeding of mos .. qultoes. Commission bas been pumping Mr. Olea estimated that bud:get water trom these marshes Into the for hiB Commission,' OQulvalen,t to Delaware River, particularly atter a tax' rate ot 0.26 mils-which beavy rains. In an ef'fO~ to re- would raise $76.000 annuallyduce the breeding area. It Is th his wouid be nece88ary In order to do .,f H.lves Pe••b .. Y~!\i'I~1:" N~¥.r270 Glenwood I'anoy Apple S.aoe N!;,2 ~70 Flll'llld.le L.rge Sweet Pe.. N!;,'~60 N,:;,' ~4' , ttsaJ Wbole Bed Beeu Stand.... QuaUty Tomatoes . N,:;,' ~.e Bo....ord Dlaaer Velet.ble. ':;.' ~70 (ISaJ l'.noJ' Sauer Kraat 2 N:;,:.'h 250 IlSW Po.... • I::' ~:lc Be... CURB 0" "ORANGES Alisius Juicy Florida LISTS PROGRAM IN 1.""., pel'8One llavagainst tit. mAke known all pe,....llIIlnd_'lo the -decedent to maJte Pli7ment. Without delaf. to . ..', .. ,' . '!t~'i~n::"~N .... -,~. .·.~ -....... .:,.c ,..•_.. :,: .•,.It.~".""~:,, . .,;I'f·,__.:m: !:~.:';",;.-~T_.'••~:·..•'~:n_;~ ~': D:d:n:._:_.: -_~_'_':~•.'__::.ll!!!.~~ 'f.l.-.·:':·:l.·.·.,·.~.br . __ ~.~. :~.!l'~~~ ~.~.~~~_.~ .'~ I~~~.,8~_"'''''''' PLII__ .a.... __' .b . . __ .k.••_. . __ . . r • .. • .,I THE 8 SWARTHMOREAN BOARD REELECTS 'POST RECOGNIZES SPENCER, STEVENS FRANCES O'BRIEN To 0 - Toaiaht CAMP SUNSHINE . VIEWED . MOVIES Mr. and Mre. George PatterllOn of Yale avenue, )lorton entertal'Ded M.ra. Hetell Cos: a.nd her YOUB&' eoD Steve of' Silver. Spring. Md., Mlos VIrginia. StephellBOn of BetheB4a.. M~., as the.tr week-end ru:ut ~ETING· Sponsored by the Swarthmore l:ea~ue of Women Voters. at the High School, next Tuesday, . JANUARY 28th, 8 p.m, Open discussioll1 from the floor , . invited. (For program, see article In ,this Issue) FREE DELIVERY Phone: Swarthmore 1727 M. WEINSTEIN :Jailor •• •• After serving' you these past five years, we are now looking forward to better post-war conditions which will help us improve our future Dry Cleaning Service; As a starter, for your convenience, we have acquired a truck which shall be used to pick up and deliver .any Dry Cleaning OF Pressing that you may have. 'Prompt Service and Improved Cleaning is our aim for better business. Telephone 5warthmor~ 1727. May we serve· you? , Thank you, M. WEINSTEIN .............. Headquarters for BBrblzo" in Telephone Work EARNINGS Compare with Best In Your Community SURROUNDINGS AND ASSOCIATES Better Than Average OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY for Advancement Development an4 Last Friday, January 17, a group of people who .were friends ot Carollno Hadley Robinson met at the ho~ ot Helen Marr to dla('USB plans for a memorial to Mrs. ~blnson. Her. many civic intel"ellte and tile vital part- she took In th~ life Swarihm.ore and In world aft'alra Will always be remembered In time the community will be given tuU information . . to what Meme to· the comm:lttee to be a flttinc memorial at-' ....ld.eh time the opportUDIty wUl be open to !OIl to THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA 1631 Arch Street or .... 31$, McCIIIIch, . . . . 69th and Marleet si, .... , • UpperDultt .. . "!., .• " '1I}W S~~ . 'J... . L. .. ......... ; ,. ~m ~ 6 SWAR1HMORE, PA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1947 • OLEDA SHROI IIcr·· SMITH SUGGESTS HOUSING LEEWAY .. I!! . • . . of the tlne ratyon crepe with new darted bodice • • . America'8 favorite Actton slip. Made to sculpture your bodY. yet not limit your action, for with the Free-Stride feature you can step as high, wide and handsome as you please! POST OFFICE EXAM O~El'( rlde~ up. Seama are r.lp-proof. Adjustable shoulder strapa. Si~ 34 to 44 SPEARE'S _ ,II'LOOB Large House Problem Discussed at Town Meeting or :. , i . '.:': "'0._ .. ",; ,: ~-, '.-'"" :1"•• ' WEDNESDAY OPEN MEETING AT CLUB NEXI WEEK Women Present Nat Girl Scouter Tuesday M MRS. G.A. SIMMONS BURIED TUESDAY Yale Ave. Resident Had Lived Long . in' Vicinity MEET TO OPEN .COLLEGE. DRIVE Add to Boro Comm. Which Convenes Next Week n. mom: It--....--~--~------__------..__--~~~~__~~~~:::e=;:.: lI'.IIII.... 'IaII",,' _ _fuIl1f"'J " ,. ~... ••• .-.:.. ",. • NEXT An examination for Substitute Clerk-Carrier for duty at the Swarthmore Post Office was an: nounced Tuesday. Sp-eclal Delivery ]'fessenger poSitions wtU also· be filled from the Substitute carrier ellglble list, re .. sultiOg tram this examination. , Applications tor the examIna_ '\ Mrs. Dorothy CIa'Y was preThe Town Meeting. called by the. tions must bo on file with the DIAn open mcetlng of unusual InSwarthmore League of Women rector, Third U. S. CIvil Service terest and breadth Is scheduled sented to the W.oman's Club audience on Tuesday afternoon in her Voters on 'January 28 to consider Reglon, 103 A Customl;.ous"e, Phila- tor Tuesday. February 4, at 2 p.m. Housing and the· Zoning Ordin- delphia 6, Pa., not tater than the when the Woman's Club under the talk "New Ears for Old" by the ance I.n Swarthmore was held in a close at business on F'obruary 6. education department of the club chaIrmanshIp ot Mrs. Robert N. of ,Which Mrs. George Scbobinger well filled high school auditorium. Interested persons may obtain HJlkert, wIlJ. present Oleda Schis chairmAn. , Mrs. Glenn R. Morrow. League further information and the neces- l'ottky of t'he National Girl Scout When Mrs. W. T. Clay. of Walpresident, in opening the meeting, sary application form 'from the Staff. The club's &ponsorship Is a nut lane, herself hand~capped by stated the reason for eXistence at Commission's local secretary, Miss stcp In its Youth Conserva.tion, Prodeafness, volunteered her services the ~ague. and described the E. McDonnell, at the Swarthmore gl·am. to the Philadelphia Navy H;pspltal gathering as "an opportunity to In- Post Office, or from the Director; All friends ot youth are invited ~o assist III the re-education of, the form ourselves on the problem of Third U. S. Mall SerVice Region, to hear Miss Sf.."hrottky "rho pve a deaf sne- was the only teacher. and housing· In S~arthmorc.' and to stimulating talk on youth conserhad two pupils assigned to her. discuss cit In a frIendly and demol!iutJolUll Girl Scout Executh·c vation at the County Federation In· two and a half years she has and tonner dnnDUtics jn.~tructor cratic meeting." meeting last year. InVitations have Been the work grOW until· now at 1ft.. Holyoke Oollegc "ill adUpon being Introduced to the been extended by the committee there Is n- sta.tl of 90 teachers con_ dress a 'Voman's Club Youth audience as moderator. Henk"Y to local Girl Scout leaders and to ConservatJon meeting to "'hlch ducting classes tor 600 stUdents. aU Interested pei-sQns In thls vl- Harral, supervisor of the MuniciScout chairmen tn the neighboring Mr3. CI~ :is still the only civilian cin.ity are in,·lted. next Tuesday counties. pal Assistance Dlvildon of the In~ Instructor at the hospitaJ where nt 2 p. m. )lfss Shrottky is a Miss Schrottk'Y is the dramatics member ot the National Stol'J'" stitute ot State and Local Govsbe has turned her handicap Into adviser -of the national Girl Scout Tellers' IJMguc and 1& currentl,.. ernment, University of Pennsylvaan asset not only tor herself .but serving on II nationul committee nia, stated the problem under con. organization. She has created manlT for the ·4,000 ·serVlce men .she has to encourage chUd.ren's creath'c slderation and presented the first of the standard ceremonies famil.helped~ These 4.000 Navy men re- dnnna. Her appearance is wide- speaker. Ellwood B. Chapman. Iar to GIrl Scouts, and the special IIresent a cross section ot the ly and eagerly anticipated. Scout Mr. Chapman, chairman ot productIons which she has helped leaders ot the county wIll be American people. ranging In age present. the Board ot Adjustment In t;:;lrl Scouts In many communities trom 17 to. 64 'yeat:B. In rank from Mts.. CeceUa Ir. Simmons, wife to present have brought much S"·arthmore, drew on his long exseaman to ca])taln, In education retired preise and comment. She serves as .parlence' In the housing situation of George A. SIqtmons, former gas chemist tor the PhfIa-· 1._ t t trom third grade to college gradhera With many examples of housconsu o.a.n to he chUdren's creuates, speaking four- languB;ges. fng requests and changes. He 8l11d delphia Electric Company, died aUve drama group sponsored by .To plan a COurse at tnst..uctlon that over 70 per cent of the U. S. I"rlda'Y afternoon at her home, 114 Northwestel'n Unlvcrslty's School of and training that can reach and Is under zoning regulations, adding Yale avenue. after an Illness of Speech. MI~ Schrottky is a mem.- . ber of the New York Story Tell. help all of this heterogeneous that "we have zones to protect Our two months. She was 76. grOUP la an achievement In which Mrs. Simmons was born in Phlla- lng League; at one time serving eYes and ears, and the looks of our any educator might well take houses, and streets... DJscusslng delphia and the ta.mily lived in as presldent. has been nn Inst..uc_ pride. Doctors and professors trom: th~ beginning of the Swarthmore Chester_ for many ,ycarij before tor In dramatics at Mt. Holyoke a·Il over the 1-0unti-y come'· ~o.· Zonl~g. OrdlmU1 .Junio .. ClUb. Patterson, 307 Elm a'·enuc. Irwin SPONSORS ONE-l\fAN SHOW low. Swarthmorean should havo Arthur S. Roblnsoit, Dr. Mlles H. - a reasonable depreciation. Of Abrams, of the Ameri.can Friends According to Mr. Chapman tho played such a prominent part In Robinson, and Walter L. Thorpe. SerVice, Committee, who retUrned The art de~artment. under the shaping that progre.B3 Is a matter Board of Adjustment hns granter! to Swarthmore last month after a chairmanship of Mrs. Carl deMoll, ot pride tor this communit)". about 75 per ceni ot requests preSix-month tour of Europe will plans a series of one-man exhibits Revamp Library Board sented. It may not change thc speak on "Forces for Peace In of the work of -Its talented mem_ terms or th~ Zoning Ordinance tn F;urope." , Entertains Officers bers. A display of Oils. watercolors, Computation· ot ballots filed In any respect; it can only take Into and pastels by. Mrs. Stanle}" Maclast Saturday's and Monday's elecThe public is cordially invited. Mrs. Seymour S. Rutherford of account Individual applications of Millan, will be aeen for thl'ee Club tion 'at the PubUt;:· Library revealed that Ordinance 1 within ,very speStrath Haven avenue entertained meetings, in:::tuguratlng venture the election ot .Dr. Paul F. GemMANY MEN SING cific limits.· At p!"esent the la\v 111'0the retiring and newly elected ofw~lch promises mUch pleasure to mU\. Dr. J. A. Calhoun • .Jr., and vldcs that each lot must be 75 feet ficers of the Swarthmore Branch Mrs. Harry L. Miller to tlU the A comparatively good number of members and townspeople. wide, With 30 foot front clearance of the Needlework Guild at a. toa three vacancies on the bqa.rd of dlthe town's men folIc gathered in th~ (Continued oil Page 6) at her home. Friday afternoon. . Report 0.. Scout House 'rectors. parish house' of the Presbyterian Omcers elected who begln their A neighborhood mcetlng ot Church to tormulate the new Swal'thll)ore adult Girl Scouts was term of ottlce In January and.serve . Immediately follOwing establlshPI EASE RETURN results on me.~'s e:q,tnmunltY chorus. two ~ears. Include Mrs. Rutherford, JIlent at the election held at the Woman's Club ThursThe flag stand which belongs n Monday evening -a reorganization The chorus under· the direction day rnorning,-January 23. to discuss who continues as president: Mrs. the American Legion Room In. Bt..ndy K. Morse, flrst vice-presi- moetlng was heid. Philip H . .few- Borough Hall has. been borrowed of Henry Faust wIll sing semi_ the management of the Girl Scout dent; ~r8. William H. T'hatcher, ett- was named preSident, Mrs. and not retUrned. The Legion is classical music rather than .songs House. Mrs. Frank Holman, t ..eas~ second vlee-presldent; Mrs. Edwin Tl10maa K. Brown, Jr.• vice presi- in need of this stand and would of a religious nature. Anyone In- urer of the committee gave a re~ W. Crosby, secretary; Mrs. .:1. Dill- dent, Dr. .J. A. Calho.un, Jr. secre- lik~ the borrower to return It to terested In singing who was unablE port, and Mrs. David Wisdom, 'Who to attend this week Is invited next takes all reservations tor the Scout wyn Durnall, assistant secretary: tarl', and Harold Ogram treasurer. the l'oom. Tuc~day ~t 7:15. and Mrs. C. C. Howard. treasurer. House. told how It Is used. Troops Movie at Trinity . from all O\Ter Delawa1'e CountY . The, SOUM 81m, "King of Kings." A D and PhtIadelphla as well as Kappa Hostess . '. - , . . ~ Swarthmore. UBe ·the house conMrs. Harry E. Oppenlander of produced by Cecil de Mille will be ~ . Ft'tdaJ". Janual'J' SI smntty "from early spring to late Yale· avenue WUI serve aa hOlJteBa given" two performances at Trinity 10: 00 AM.-Red Cross ElectioD8 ................_. __ ._ .•... ___ .......... Borough Hall faIt. to the XapRQ. Kappa Gamma sew- Church on Monday, February I. 7:16 P.M.-H. S. Basketball VB. Ridley Park .... ······· ..........H. S. GYDl 1IIrs. .John Co Taylor. Jr., volunThe fli.st ·pertbrmanc~ at 3:30 ing group at ber bome on Tueaday . Saturday, Feb......,. 1 Assembltes .._........... __ ...... _. Wotnan's Club tered 10- act lUI chairman of the p.m. Is for school Children. The 6, 7: II 0,. 9:30 P. 'M.--Junlor n9xt. children ot the communlt)'" are '1:00 and 9:00 P.M.-"Robin Hood" ... ~ .........._: ........ Clothier Memorial Scout House Committee Bucceed_ • cordial!), Invited. !lunda1, Febmal'J 1I , lug Mrs. Melvin Haupt who has A.M.-Morning Worship .. · .. ··••·..•••···••• ..··•·..···•·......LocaI Churches moveil out of town. The other R:»Ia Hood.TOII:M»~ .. The eecond performance at 1:10 11:00 8:00 P.M.-Talk on Mexico ............ _ ...... -... -................ Methodist Church members are Mrs. Howard Green,. "RobhB HOO4,"·a, .e1lent. "m~ 1.0 for the ad.u1111 m the ParIsh featurlnrr DaDgl_. ~.banb, ~. ..,d theIr Bu'!8t& together with 10:00 A.M.-Board 1IIeeU"6 ................................................ Woman's Club 1IIrs. Eldon B. Holll.o, and Mrs. FebnaaI'J 4 will be the feature picture to ,be o'bildren who could not' attend the 2:00 P.M.--oleda Shrottky• .fJJ)08.ker ···-.. ·· ••··........-...........Woman·s Club Paul J. Every. HnI. Holman and ah9wD In Clothier Memo"'!. ~& ~lll$' ."1.... Melllbel'll of the a'IO P.M.-H. 8; Buketball VI!. Glen-Nor •.•..•.. ; .........:............. H. II, Gym 1Irs. WJ.odom.w1U <'Ontlnue to .... rve 7;15 Chorus ..··.. .. . Church 'on the cominltQe.&nd Mra.· carrow evell!ng at 7 and • p. til. ....... 1.re cordl<y Invita'(1'. ~llencer's Circle members wcre discussed and changes in schedule and work It was voted to which had been decided upon for lifelong interest in science began. decisions made. give $50.00 to the "March of the staff: hours (01' nUl'ses would to express itself in the foOrtn of Dimes" campaign. A l~nitted cal' run, as of January 1. from 8 a.m. newspaper ~cicnce writing-. It soon and two pairs of mittens made by until 8 p.m.. the later evening became pos8ihle for him to dcLillian Boyt be given to the hours having been curtailed: home "ote his full time to Philadelphia Health SOCiety for its familY deliverlr:s service has been disand national science news and Ann Harkins. she n('cds. Mrs. Adolph \Vucst D.nd contin ued. cyents, He W~Jlt to Harvard on a went' on to say, is retUrning to the Mrs. Arthur Hedgra.Tc werc apNieman li'ellowship in 1!l39-40 and U. S. Navy Nurse Corps. Her olntcd as a Shoe Box committee prepared pre!iS abstracts on scientlflc pap£'rs during the Univers~ty ~o find out the needs of the Hcalfh place Is being taken b)' Rita KenII" Id of Pennsyh'anla'g DicentennH.I.I Sociot)' for shoes and to make the ney of Springfield. . "There's a nurse on cn, sa h necessary purc aaes. • 8 i th I g Conference. . The hIghlight of the nfternof)n 1\Ir~. Groff, 'from n e morn n Mr. Spencer became a staff wrIt, •. two reel colQl' pic- until 8 at night, 365 days a tyear. er on The Post in 1945, after c..~n­ nlceting ,'as a S ht te I don't believe everyon~ r-cnllzeB tributing several articles on medi- lure of life at ,Camp unscal~lP' that we're always available in the s 8Utnmer d d cine. He is nl'~rricd and has three Velaware County d i 11 dge c'ldl- daytime. Saturdays. Sun ays an sons, Steven S .• Douglas and Dmrld. fOI' her own un crpr '"' e de: holidays as well as wcek days. "To make our service even more He makes his home on Ogden n.ve- dren. Thts presentation was rna 1;1' Joseph JosC"ph of Che~ter. ~:'C effective, we are now emplO'Ylng loyal, hardworking and mspirl U; the Chester Professional Bureau head of the project. Th(' camp was which furnishes 24-hour telephone founded In 1931 by &. group o{ secretarial service. This Bureau women from the \Vornen's Cluhs will handle the off-hour calls (·f the County and has ~1ad 13 sucformerly looked nrt~r by Taylor The Vets Party Which cessful sca..~ons. It!'; aim is to bring Hospital and the Swarthmore PoWas Scheduled for Jan. &~; much happiness and 'health ru; lice Station, as well as many which posSihle In n short time to under- will reach it. for various reasons, 24 Has Been )ll"iviledgc children. To accomplish during the day. 'Ve are grateful POSTPONED TILL this, the camp, with the financial to Taylor Hospital and to the aid and personal asslstanco of Swarthmore Police Station for JANUARY 31st ge:nerous individuals and clvi.! their loyal assistance. groups, sHch as the F:-Iendly Cir· "If you wis.h to reach us, first 8:30 P. M. ' dc, provides good wholesome food call Swarthmore 3498. If there Is in clean, b('uuUful surroundiflgs no answer, call Swarthmore 0740. at Green Lawn Club, and recl·eational facilities such as Someone ut the lattel' number will Milmont Road - Just u lake for swimming and boating, 100k after 'you .at any time, dalr or Hand plies, games and handcrafts night." East of Swarthmore. tmdm' the supervision of counscl1\[rs. Groff closed by saying that ors. T'he camp Is open to children All Vets Are Invited ct' all religions and earh child is chcouraged to attend services ('r FREE FREE II is or hel· own choicc. There aro] !.:=~=~=:::=~=~=~=~~.. I:! c..... bins at prescnt which have ~. at times accommodated as many as P'lenty of N)'lon 96 boys and 101 girls. Hosiery all The Friendly Circle has long hull pn active interest in Camp Suntimes ~)l1ne and contributes rc~~ularly in lllany ways to its upl{cep. TOP-RANKING POSITIONS she wlBhed to thank the various clubs and Individuals for their generous donations to the Christmas fund. Annual Meeting of Health Society Held Residents Named in Weekly'S Masthead To Dance Tonight There has been an enthusiastic response to the square dancing to be held at the Woman's Club at 8.30 tonight. Irene Moll of Swarthmore College wlll serve o.s guest caller. Any square dance devotees whn would llkc to join the group may Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson ot Yale avenue, Morton entertained Mrs. Helen Cox and her young 80n Steve or Sliver Spring, Md" and Miss Virginta Stephenson of Bethesda, Md., as their week-ond ARE YOU INTERESTED IN THIS SUBJECf·? Come and bring a friend to the Friendly Circle's $50 Gift Aids Polio Drive TOWN MEETING Sponsored by the Swarthmore League of Women Voters. at the High School, next Tuesday, JANUARY 28th, 8 p.m. Open discussiorr from the floor invited. ( ....or l)rognull, see urtlclc in this issue) Phone: Swarthmore 1727 FREE DELIVERY ' ' i11 M. WEINSTEIN I :Jailor in Community Service A vail able to QUALIFIED YOUNG WOMEN in Telephone Work EARNINGS Compare with Best in Your Community SURROUNDINGS AND ASSOCIATES Better Than Average OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY for Advancement an4 Development I THE BEll TELEPHONE COMPAKt Of PENNSYLVANIA 1631 Arch Street Philadelphia or _ _ 315, McClatchy II.... 69th and Marleet SI...... UpperDwbt , • As a starter, for your convenience, we have acquired a truck which shall be used to pick up and deliver any Dry Cleaning or Pressing that you may have. Prompt Service and Improved Cleaning is our aim for better business. Telephone Swarthmore 1727. May we serve you? Thank you, M. WEINSTEIN Headquarters in S~~ Last Friday, January 17, a group of people who .were friends of Caroline Hadley Robio.son met at the horne at Helen Marr to discuss plans for a memorial to Mrs. Robinson. Her many civic interests and tbe vltaJ part she took In the Ute of Swarthmore and In world affairs will always be rem-embered In time the community wUl be given full Information as to what seel1l$ to tbe com.nlttee to be a fitting memorial at w'hlch time tbe opportunity will be open to all to abare in oonunoemoratlng C8.roliDe I.lngerle STRAIGHT.CUT ~yl-O-Slip . , . of the fine ratyon crepe with new darted bodice • . . America's favorite Robl..-'.· helpful and .....ful .life. yet not limit your action. for with the Free-Stride feature you can atep as high, wide and handsome as you please! Straight-cut skirt means it won't twist or ride up. Chester lor BDrhlzon Action slip. Made to sculptUre your body. Honor Mrs. Robinson INVESTIGATE TODAY 'Wl( Seams are rip-proof. Adjustable shoulder straps. Sizes 34 to 44 SPEARE'S FIR81' FLOOR COLLEGE DRIVE OPENS < VOL 19- No. ~ " • .. .. '. THE SWARTHMOREAN , 5 SWARmMORE, PA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1947 MRS. CLAY LISTS GAINS FOR DEAF OLEDA SHROITKY- SMITH SUGGESTS HOUSING LEEWAY Large House Problem Discussed at Town Meeting .Local Expert Cites Steady Progress in Hearing HERE NEXT WEDNESDAY $3.00 YEAR POST OFFICE EXAM OPEN An examination fOr Substitute Clel'li-Cal'riel' for duty at the Swarthmore Post Office was an~ nounced Tuesday. Special ])elh'cl-t:\' l\[e:-;senger 110sitions wiJl also he flllcfl from the Substitute CatTier' eligible list, resulting from thhJ examination. API)lications fOI' the examinations must be on file with thc Director. Third U. S. Civil Service Region. l03-A Customhouse, Phlladelphia G. Pa., not Jatcr than the close ot business on I<'cbruary G. Inter-ested persons may obtain flll·ther information nnd the necesapplication fOnn fI'om the Commission's local Hecl'otm'y, !\liss 1'.:. McDonnell, at the Swarthmore Post Office, or from the Director, Third U. S. Mail SerVice Region. • OPEN MEETING AT CLUB NEXT WEEK Women Present Nat. Girl Scouter Tuesday The Town Meeting called b).' the An open meeting of unusual inMrs. Dorothy Cia')' was preSwnrthmol'e I .. eague of 'Vonlon tere~t and breadth is scheduled sented to the 'Voman's Club audiVoters on '.January 28 to consider for Tuesday. Ii'ehruary 4, at 2 p.m. ence on Tuesday aftel'noon In hCI· Hmlsing anu the Zoning Ordin_ when the \Voman's Club undcr the talk "New Ears for Ohl" by th!.) ance i.n Swarthmore was held in a ehair·manshh) of Mrs. RObert N. edUcation depal·tment of the club well tilled high .school auditOl'ium. Hilkert. will prl'sent Ojeda ~('h­ of which Mrs. George Sc'hobingCl' J"ottlQ.· of 1'he Nafi • .:JnaJ Gil'l Scout is chairman. . Mrs. Glenn R. Morrow, League f::taff. The Clllh',-t sponsor'ship Is a preSident, in opening the meeting. When ]\.frs. W'. T. Clay. of 'Valstep in its Youth Con.sel·vatlon Prostated t)IC reason for' existence of nut lane. herself handicapped by gTalll. the League, and descl'ibed the deafness, volUnteered her sel'vices gathering as "an opportunity to inAll friends of youth are invite,} to the Philadelphia Navy Hospital , form ourselves on the problem of to hear Miss Schrottky who gave a to assist in the re-educntion of the housing in Swarthmore, and to stimulating talk on youth conserdeaf she was the only teacher, anll discus..<; it in a frIendly and demovaUon at the County Federation had two pupils assigned to her. X'ntimmi (~h'l Sl.'out I·;'\I.'euthc c.-attc meeting." meeting lust y('ar. Jnvita.tions have In two and a half years shc has Hlld fonner (.h·aBlatioH in~tl'lll'tnr ut· )It. Uol)'oke l-1011{'"ge will u(]been extended by the committee secn tho work gro·w until now Upon being introduced to the dl'css a "'oman's Club Younl to loca} Girl Scout leaders nnd to there I.H :l staff of 90 teachers con_ Conser,·uUon meeting tu which audience as moderator, Henl'Y Scout chairmen in the neighborIng ducting classes for 500 students. all tntcrestCtl !)c·l'Sons 'n this ,'1- Harral. supervisor of the ::\Iunicicounties. cJnit)" nrc bu·itcd, next Tuesday 1\Irs. C)a~J Is sUU the only ciVilian pal ASSistance DiviSion oC the Inut 2 I', m. Jlfs.<.;. Shl'ottky Is a ::\fjss Schrottk~ fR the dramatics instructor at the hospital where stituto of State and Local Govmember or the Xutlollul Stor)' advise I" of the national Girl Scout she has turned her handicap into Tellel'S' I/cngue nnd Is, cUI'locntl)· el'nment, University of Pennsylvaorganization. She has created mnny an asset not only fer herself but ser,1.ng on u nlltJonnl I..'onllllittce nia. stated the problem under' conof the standard ceremonies familto encoul"llb"'C childl'Cn's creath·c sideration and presented the flrRt for the 4,000 service men she has dnmul. Her ul'peanlnce Is "ideIar to Girl Scouts, and the special heJped~ These 4,000 Navy men respeaker, Ellwood B. Chapman. ly :lnd eng-el'l)" unUclllah..'11.. Scout prodUctions which she has beJped present a cr058 section of the Mr. Chapman, a..~ c·hairiuan of lcaulcrs or the (.'ounly will be Girl Scouts in many CommUnities American peo~le, ranging in age ))rcscnt. the Board of Adjustment in 1\Its. Cecclia H. Simmons. wife to present have brought much Swarthmore, dl·ew on his long exfrom 17 to 64 yea~s, In rank from retired praise and comment. She serves as perience in the housing situation of George A. Simmons. seaman to captain. in education fOI·n.lcl' ga~ che~list for the Phi!a- consultant to the children's cr03hero with many examples of housfrom third gradc to collegc gradde~Phia Llectnc Company. dlCd ntiv(' drama group sponsored by ing requests and chnnges. He 8..'l.ld uates, spea.ldng four languag-es. 1':I'lda'Y afternoon at her home, 114 Northwestcl'n University'S 8ehooll)f that over 70 per cent of the V. S. To plan a course of Instruction 1'ale avenue. aftOI' an illncss of Speech. Miss Schrottky is a mcmis under zoning regulations. adding and training that can reach and two months. She was 76. bC'r oC the New York Story Tellthat "we have zones to protect our help all of this hctel'ogencous llrs. Rimmons was bOI'n in Phllalng League, at one time serving e':\'es and cars, and the 1001<8 of OUI' group is an achievement in which delphin and thc family lived in as pl'esident, has been an instruc_ houses, and streets." Discussing any educator might well take CheRtc,' fOI· )Ilany ye:u's before tOl' in dramatics at Mt. Holyoke the beginning of the Swarthmore pride. Doctors and professors from moving to Swarthmol'e {h·e years Collnge and has participated In the Zonln::;- Ordtnanre. and its pronlI over the country come to ago. She was n memhel· of St. I Junior Leaguo Dramn. Institute. \'islons, .l\h·. Chul)mnn cited the Philadelphia to· observe methods Among distinguished guests to purpOse of maintaining Swarth_ Paul's ChUI'ch, olicita- dmstic Sel'vices held Tuesday at her lat~ ible thiH Pl'uctlcal venture in inrhythm, nnd the scientific titting tion of non-alumni r('sidC'nts of tht" States. But ',",0 did not want evel·Y· of hearing aids to the indtvidual. l'Gl"Ough which hegins Officially on ('ar gOing through to Chester stop- home wel'e in chal'ge of the Rev. ternational scouting. ping on om· main highwas to get Peter C, Vanderbilt. I"~CtOl' of' St. FOllowIng the meeting, tea will Practice in the use of a hearing ,V edn('~dn).r, Ii'ebruan' ~. gas. Now Media, a county scat, ra·ul's. interment was r,rivatc-. bo served in the lounge of tho dcv1c~ is as important and as Leonard C. A1';hton, chail'man of c1ub house. Hostesses wilJ be 1\frs. painstaking as practice in the Ut'lO the BOI'ou~h Committee. ilnnounce~ did want business, and even fac. Here. we wanted onh· a Charles D. 1\litchell and Mrs. Edof an artificial 11mb, One must L'hat, in addition to th(, namc'l tortes. Abrams Talk Postponed ynlage of homes and home S~I'V­ win 'V. Crosby. l\[rs. Cecil D. Rolearn to eliminate background H~terJ In The SWHI'thmorenn of .Jan. So the Swarthmol'e Ol'dinThe meeting of the Swarthmore ward and arl·H. Ham; K. Stcinftcld nOises, etc. to get the most help ual"Y 17, the following Ileople ha\'e ices. flnce wns O\yc,·whelmingly well ,'c- brane'h 01' the 'Vomen',1 Interna_ will pour. from any hearing aid. jcined the committee which is tiona) League for PeOlef! nnd Free::\["s. Hilkcrt's Girl Scout Com)'Irs. Clay cited many inter~sttng llclJ)ing the colIc-ge: S. FI'aneis But. ceived by the reslde.nts. "Only one sCI'ious question iooms dom schcdulC'd (01' Tuesda';l! was mittee includes: Mrs. J. Paul cases of individ uals who have l'C- 1(,1'. \ViHiam C. Campbell, HClll'~' D. up now in this "mage, anel this is 1l0slpon·""I.r} on ";ll'<'onnt of tile Brown. )..Irs. Ramuel T, Carpenter turned to an active useful life afColes. Raymond K. Den,\·ol.th. that of the old, large housef';. town mceting on ;.:oiling whIch oc- 1\ll·s. 1"I'unk G. Keenan, Mrs, Gor~ ter their training at th~ Phlladel· Charles J S.John " , R.'( Pitman • ]I.[rs . Carol HOl"lladay, Philip 'V. Kinsliern, l,gO for $10,000 depreciate a ('cr. , • ~ 1 line Is good news for the ~eat George 'V. !\[cKeng, Hany L. !\lil~ o clocl< next Tllesda'" niJiht. l i ' e h l ' u _ co . er, -'\ rs. Geot'ge Zimmer .... tain pel' cent each yem", antI everyWhere in civilian life as w'ell leI', Edward L. ~ny 4. at the hom'f' of Henn; (" , . ane),. 1\11:>;:;;1 Alice. Marriott. repreNoyes, Geol'ge '" . .. sen mg t lP .J llnlOI· Club. as in the services; and that a fel- Plowman, ElIif'; B. Ridgway, Jl·., ·would now he \VOl·th ahout $4.000 Patterson. :l07 hIm a'·I'nll(,. Innn SPOXSORR ON ~ ~ low Swarthmorean should havo Al'thul' S. Robinson. Dr. Miles H. - . ( 1 reasonablc depreciation." .'\hl'anl~, of the Anlcl·il'an PI'fends ~Th" d' .~ E-:UAN SUO" According to 1\[, •. CIt:1.11man t'lw Scol'viee COTHmittee, who rcturned played such a prominent part in RohinHon. and 'Valter L. ThOl·I)e. cart epartment, und~r the Board 01' Adjustment has granterl to Swal'thmore last month aftci' a chairmanship of Mrs, Carl del\.{ol1, shaping that progres.c; Is a matter ahout 75 per cent of reqllests 111'('- six-month tOUI' or l'~lII"OI)(' of pride for this community. will plans a sCI'ics of one-man exhibits Revamp Library Board spnted. It Ina;\-' not change the speak on "F'ol'ces fOI' Peace in of the work of its talented mem_ ttwms of the Zoning Ordinance in EUl'ope." , Iwl's. A. display of Oils. watercolors, Entertains Officers Computation of ballots filed in an~r respect; It can only tal{e into 'and pastels py !\frs. Stanle~r Maclast Satm'day's and Monday's elec- account individual applications of 1.'hc public is cOl'dially invitf"d. ~tmall, wiII be seen for three Club ~Irs. Seymour S. Rutherford of tion ·at the PubIlc Llbrar)' revealed that Ordinance within very Sl)(~­ meetings, in1.lIgul'ating venture Strath Haven avenue entertained tho election of Dr. Paul F. GemMANY MEN SING which promises much pleasUI'c to the retiring and newly elected of- mill, Dr. J. A. Calhoun, Jr., and cine limits. At present the law Jlromemher!'! and townspcople. ficers of the Swarthmore Branch :Mrs. Hal'ry L. ::\filler to fill the vides that ench lot must b(' 75 feet A COnl» room, TllP1-'d:\~' at 7:15, Housf', told how it is used. Troop~ and Mrs. C. C. Howard. treasurer. from aU over D(>la,vare Countty Movie at Trinity and Philadelphia as weU as Thel sound fUm, "King ot Kings." Kappa Hostess !=;warthmore, use thc house con4 produced by Cecil de Mille will be 1I.{rs. Harry E. Oppenlander of Friday, Jannary 31 stantl).· from early spring to late Yale avenue will serve as hostess given'two performances at Trinit~· 10:00 A.M,-Red Cros..'t Elections ................. _...................... Borough Hall fall. to the Rappa Kn ppa Gamma Bew- Churcb on Monday, February 3. 7:15 P.M.-H. S. Basketball VB. Ridley Park .···· ................ H. S. Gl'm Mrs. John C. Taylor. Jr., volun. The first perfOrmanc~ at 3:30 ing groU!l at her home on Tuesday Saturday, February 1 tered to nct as chairman of the p.m, is for school children. The 6. 7:30. 9:30 P. M.-Jllntor Assemblies .............. __ ........ Woman's Club next. children of the community are 7:00 and 9:00 P.M.-"Robln Hood" ........................ Clothter Memorial Scout House Committee SucceedSunday, February 2 tng Mrs. Mehin Haupt who has cor-dlally invited. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ················ .. ···_ ............... --.Local Churches moved out ot town. The other Robin Hood Tomorrow Tho aecond performance at 7: 30 8:00 P.M.-Talk on Mexico ........................................ Methodist Church members are ?tlrs. Howard Green, "Robin Hood:' a. anent mOVie p.m. Is tor the adults in the parish Tuesday, Februal')" "' featuring Donglas Fairbanks, Sr, and their guests together with 10:00 A.M.-Board Meeting ................................................ Woman's Club Mrs. Eldon B. Hollis. and Mrs. 2:00 P.M.--Qleda Shrottky. speaker .······· ........................ Woman·s Club Paul J. Every. Mrs. Holman and will be the featUre PictUre to be condren who could not attend the 3:30 P.M.-H, S. Basketball vs. Glen-Nor ................................ H. S. Gym Mrs. Wisdom will continue to serve shown in Clothier Memorial tomor- --.ttel1looll. aessloD. Members of the 7.16 P.if--Commnnlt1y Cl:toru8 ·· .............................. Presbyterlan ChUrch on the committee, and Mrs. Carrow evening at 7 and 9 p. ·m. '.the ·are cordially invited. 8:00 PM-W.I.L. Keeting ............................................ 307 Elm Avenue roll P. Streeter has possession ot 8:00 P,M.-Book ReVIew •..............•..•.............. __ • Presbyterian Church short· Is· Utled .-·'Snow· Easles.... ··. 'illao. ,. '. . 8:00 P.M.--Jr. Club Board Meeting ............ 620 Strath Haven Avenue the key, MRS. G. A. SIMMONS BURIED TUESDAY I After serving you these past five years, we are now looking forward to better post-war conditions which will help us improve our future Dry Cleaning Service. Medical Auxiliary to Meet The ,Vomun's Auxllial'y to the Delaware County Medical Society will meet on the evening of Friday, January 24th, at 8:15. in the Solarium of the· Chestel' Hospital, Chc&ter. Dr. C. Irvin Stiteler, well-known Chester oculist, will show pictUres in 0:)101' of "1~lowers Of All Scn.SQnH." Photographing flowers hfls long been Dr. Stiteler's hobby. It has led him into gardens, fields-, wood'J, highways, and byways and has resulted in an unusual collection of varied and beautiful flower pictures. Mrs. George n. Sickel, Prcsident of the AuxiliarY. will preside at the meeting. , . YaJe Ave. Resident Had Lived Long .in Vicinity :lurrier Dear Patron: n. G I R LS :: 9 CHESTER ROAD Swarthmore, Pa. VETERANS! ! Mrs. John Seybold: Mr. and Mrs. OUvar Rodgers: and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Paullin. Homes in Swarthmore. The Zoning Ordinance. CAMP SUNSHINE MOVIES VIEWED ,. do 80 by contacUng any .ot the following DOsts and hoatCS$es: Mr. and Mrs. George Breitling: Mr. and MEET TO OPEN COLLEGE DRIVE Add to Boro Comm. Which Convenes Next Week THIS WEEKS CALENDAR communitY ........ THE SWARTHMOREAN . _________________ Z_ ~-----_--------~T~H~E~S~W~A~R~T~H~M:O::R:E:A~N~~~:;.~~~::~~~~Fn~~~;~~J.~D~-~q~3~1,~194~7~ _ A progrelWlve dinner Is being }di88 Janet HarriS of Swarthmore Mr. Louis N. Robln80n of Colle3ge Bryn Mawr Hospital to Mr. aDd. • ' av~nue 'whose ma.rrlage to Mr. avenue nnd the lat~ Mrs. Caroline Mrs. L. Reed Tripp, ..,f Va...'l.8ar av.John David de Moll w111 take Robinson. nue. place l+~ebruary 16 was the guest of ,honor at a de8!3ert-Unen ahower on Thursday evening when Mrs. in Center Edward B. Irving, Jr., ·of New Haven, Conn., entertained at the bome of her mother, Mrs. Howard Kirk ot South Chester road. Mrs. Irving wUl serve as a bridal attendant. Mr. and Mrs. Blam M. Hitchner, Jr.. of Ogden avenue will entertain tomorrow evening In honor of the bridal couple. Mrs. Hitch ncr wlll attend as a bridesmaid. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. M. Maule of Rosemont will entertain informally on Sunday afternoon fOr Mrs. Maule's slater. Miss HarriS. and Mr. de Moll. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Forsythe of Thayer road will entertain at din- given tomorrow evening by the toJner and bridge' tomorrow evening lowing coupled': Mr. and Mrs. Walwhen their guests will include Mr. ter Steuber ot Yale avenue; Mr. Howard Jones. RadiO Announcer and Mrs. A. Da.vld M. Speers of on WIP, and Mrs. Jone8, Mr. and Harvard avenue; Mr. and"Mrs. Paul :Mrs. Robert Ketchum of German- Rogel's of Yale avenue; Mr. and town. and Mr. and Mrs. George J. Mrs. Rl(:hard O. Smith of '\\"08t Gate lillie: Mr. and Mrti. Robert Graham of Bala-CynwYd. \Vood ot Yale avenue: and Mr. and Mrs. Margaret M,arsh of Park Mrs. Richard Hunt of Ridley lJoark. uvenue flew to Hartford, Conn•• Mr. A. B. R(!8.vls and Miss GeneSat1lP.day for lL week's vIsit with vieve Reavis of Unlvendty plnce her son and daughter-in-law Mr. spent the week-end Ice-boating and and Mrs. George Marsh. ice-skating tn the Poconos. stopMrs. C. H. Parmelee of Univering at Split Rock ].A)dge. sity place with her small daughter Mr. and Mm. Clark W. Da.vls ot 'Anne left Monday for 0. week's \VulUngford are on n week's buntvisIt with her brofher-in-Io.w and ing trip to Hlckol'Y Mountain. N. C. ~ister Mr. and Mrs. J • .0. Young of David 'l'uckel: of Cornell avenue lilt. Lebanon. celebrated 'h18 10th birthday SatMr. and Mrs Louis Lusky who urday bY entertaining Flf1!h Gradt> MARRIAGE APPROACHES have been spending a. month durclussmates of Rutgers avenue The marriage of Miss M.argaret ing the holiday season with Mrs. School at de",ael·t followed 'by a Louise Servais, daughter of Mrs. L. Lusky'S parents, The Itev. and Mrs. J. Servnis ot Dickinson avenue and C. A. Anderson of Yale avenue. movie party. Mr. Foster Nowell, Jr., son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Howe f)f left last week for Louisville, Ky., and Mrs. Foster Nowell of Rose where Mr. Lusky wUI be nssocia.ted Rutgers avenUe will entertain Dr. Tree road. M'edia, will take as 0. junior partner in the law firm and Mrs. George Snell and Mr. and Saturday, FebruaJ4Y 8, at 8 o'clock of Wilson Wyatt. Mrs. Lusky Is the Mrs. W. MelvIn Anderson of Hadin the Swarthmore Presbyterian donfield, N. J., and Mr. and Mrs. former Miss Ruth Anderson. Church. The ReV'. Dr. David Braun Mrs. J. M. Sloan of Marple ave- John T. Seltzer of Merion at u \ nue left Tuesday to spend the re- buffet supper tomol'row even- will officiate. A reception will tollow in the I'emainder of the winter in Naples. lng. cepUon room of the churCh. Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Ranabul'g ot Hm·· Barbara Brown of Walnut lane Yard avenuo ",,111 entel'tain at deHFEBRUARY BRIDE will e.l·rlve home this evening from sert-bridge at theil' home tomorrow Invitations have been issued for, Wlbeelock College for a four-day E:vening. the marriage of Miss Janet Harris, holiduy between college semesters. Dr. and Mrs. Willinm Earl Kist- daughter of Mr. and MrS. Henry R. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Schwalm r:lf lcr Qf Park avenue spent the week· HarriS ot Swartnmorc avenue, to North Ches.tcr road al'e entertaincnd in Arlington, Va .. with their Mr John David "de Moll, son of Mr. Ing Mrs. I ... W. Schwalm and her son-In-law anci daughtcr Lt. James and Mrs. Carl de Moll, of Park avedaughter Betty Lou of Milburn, N. H. Connor, U. S. N., and Mrs. Con- nue, on Saturday, February 16 at 4 J., who are here on a 10-day visit. nor. The group met Mr, JQhn Kist· o'clock in the Swarthmore PresbyFrank Mccowan, Jr., of. Vassar leI' at the Washington Airport,, Sat- terian Church. The Rev. Dr. David avenue arrived home 'Vednesda:v urday w'here he arrived hy plane' BI'o,un will officiate. from Penn State .to vacation befrom a two-week trip 'to Mexico. Mrs. Gordon Case Thomas of tween college semesters untll FebElizabeth Bryant and Jean BatBronxville, N. Y., and Mrs. Samuel ruary 9. IClo', stud.ents n.t lluckneU Univer· O. M. Maule of Roaemont. Will atMr. and Mrs. n. L. 'W)lklnson of sit)'. ,\·m arrive ut Elizabeth's home tend their stster, as matrons of Dickinson avenue hhve returned on South Che8t~r road tomorrow honor. from Cincinnati. Ohio where t!hey ahcnded the funeral services of to spend a weel{ between s.emCf'lters. James Q. Voso of Princeton lweMr. Wilkinson's father, Mr. E. W. nue is one of the students at'The Mr. and 'Mrs. Donald K. WeltWilkinsop whose death occurred mer of Yale avenue are receiving Peddie Schoot to win second schoJanuary 15. congratulations on the birth of l\Irs. Edgar M. Yarnall haa re- la.stic honoril for the fall term. turned to her home in Phlladelphi~ Mr. and Mrs .. Rtt'hmond D. Feth- their second chUd, a dau~hter. erolf of Columbia avenue 'honored Gael. Thompson Weltmer born Friafter spending the week-end with '11er do.ug·hter, Mrs. J. David Jack- Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter also ot da}", 'January 24 In the Bl'yn 'Mawr Columbia. avcl}uc 'at a Murprhoe flospital. son of Yaasar avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Lukens birthday dinner and hrtdgc MonLt. Col. and Mrs. Solomon P. of Strath Haven avenue wlU spend day evening at llcr home. Cutcher ot Washington, D. C" anthe week·end. in Atlantic City. Louise Servais of Dicklnaoll ave,: nounce the birth of a son, John Mrs. VI{. Henry Linton of Benja- nlle whose marriagc to I"ostm' N('IMcCormick Cutc'hel' born 'Monday, min West avenue entertained eight well, JI'., of Mcdia ' ...·m take place January 27 In the Bolltng Field guests at dessert-bridge on Mon- Saturday. Febl'uary 8, was guest 0: Hospital, Waahlngton, D. C. day. honor 'Vednesduy eVenIng' at a linThe baby Is the grandson of M,'. Mr. and Mrs. J. 'iDavtd Jackson en shower given hy Mrs. I~rnest R. and l\'[r9. L. 'V. King of Rutgers of Vassar avenue Will entertain as Laws of Hal'vard avenue and her their week-end guests, Capt. and 'daughter, Ml's. John H, l.Jiggcl' of avenue. Mrs. William Clendaniel and aon ·Prospect Park I\t Mrs, l..aws' homo. ::\'[1'. a ncI '.(,.•• .<>. Wlllhnh D. Taylor 'VilUam' of Baltimore, Md., and Mr. Mal'yol "'i1son of HU'ath· Hn- of ContNwi11e nre receiving congraMiss Susan Owen of Washington, ven avenue is in Cleveland this tulations upon the hirfu of twins. D. C. week attending a convention. Chrll'ltophcl' Andrew nnd Ca.roline JOe Moran son ot' Mr. and Mrs. 1\11·S. Marvel Wilson of Strath !\lay· on Janullry 13 in the Chester Joseph Moran of Kenyon avenut:: will celebrate his sixth birthday Haven avenue will spend several ('O')tlnty Hospital, 'V'eHt Chester. ot. next weekI vi:iit· this afternoon by entertaining 16 days t'he first . Ing Mrs. Carlton Peppel' of New READERS DIGEST of his small friends for games and York City. Forolgn Editions icc cream and cake. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Poole Now Only $1.50 per yr. Mrs. W. A. Jaquette of Elm aveof Swarthmore avenue will enternue is spending three m Herdsman" by Dorothy Clark~ W.iIson. Henry i.·~aust will present a musical interlude ,Unit Dr. Braun will continue his review at "Tbe Story of tho Faith'" ,by William Alva Giftord. Invitation is extended to tho community. early Coinn)lunion iN held because ot the mam,: I'equests COl' 1Il00'e frequent o'bservance of tho Sacrament. Mem.bor and friends of lhe church are welcome. At the 10:45 o'ciock service DI'. Braun will preach on the topic "Formula. for Success". Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Snape at the Harvard aVenUe entrance and Eleanor and .Mary Bye at th~ driveway-transept entrance will as~ the minister in g-reeting the congregaUon after the 10:46 Bervice Sunday morning. ' Trinity Notes Monday, evening, February 3, at Holy Communion will be cele6.16 o'clock there will be a dinner ~~ated on Sunday at 8 a,m. All held for the statr of the Church departments of the ChureA Sebool School. Speakers bave been sche- wIll meet at 9:45. HolY Con;,muDduled for the various departmental ion wlll be celebrated a.t the 11 meetings to be held after the dinM o'clock service at which time the nero , : ~.i Li~ choJr will sing a Communion Mass It is asked !'hat all young adults by Olderoyd. The anthem wIll be and,ex-Bervice people save Sunday HO Saviour of the World" by SIr ' . evening, February 9, for 0. dinner John GOBS. at the church. Thls is the anniverM The Young People's Fellowship oar)" of the present Young Adult's wl11 meet at 6 p.m. in the Presby\ Club and an InteresUng program. ls tartan Church. Choir School will meet on Monplanned. Sidney J ohuon' wlll speak "Our Responsiblllty to the Com- day and Wednesday,at 4:30 and again on Thursda.y at 7:30 p.m. munity:' The Bound film, "'King of KinKS," , Sunday afternoon, February 2. at 4 o'clock t'here will be a Hymn wIll be 8ho~ at two performService In the Church. All are in- ancca on Monday, the first at 3:30 vited to attend and sing some fav- p.m. Is for the chlldren. At 7:30 orite hymns. p.m. 0. special performance wlll be for those' cnUM .' W-ednesday, Fobr·uary 5. is tho given for adults monthly :sewing day for 'the 'V;o- dren who will bo una.ble to nttend man's association. CIrcle 1, Mrs. the earlier show. No charge .wIll Fred R. Lang chairman, wIll n.salst. be mnde. The circle would like this to. be n. ""::lunda!), School on Wednesday big sewjng'day so everyone is urged night·· will be held at 8:15 p.m. at to attend and sew or make su'rgi.. which time the Rector will discuss cal dressings. Plenso bring sand- tho meaning of the Sacraments. The ushers fo~ the services SunM wiches, beverage will be served. day are: W. B. BulJock, head The ChurCh Cltlzenship Class la usher; R. T. Bate~, J~ L. Cornog, held each Sunday morning at 9 C. H. W. Ingraha.ln, A. H. Knabb, o'clock in Dr.' Braun's office. Thls R. M. Kilgore, W. ·S. P~tton, and class, is to prcpare young people W. H. Randall. for church mcmbel'ship nnd Is open to all young pcople of IntermedIa.te Methodist Church Notes . and senior dopartment ago. The Church SchOOl meets on The church hour nUl'Bel"y fol' children ages' 1 to 7 Is held each Sundny morning at 9.46. Classes Sundl!-Y m:orning during the c,hurch are provided for children of all ages a.nd for adults. The movJe hour, in the parislt house. The Men's Community Chor~s picture, "We Too Receive" will, be ahown. All are Invited to attend. meets for rehearsal Tuesday evenAt the morning service at 11 Ings at 7 :16 o'clock in the parish o'clock there will be baptism, for hou~. This Chorus, is open to any' children. Tho topic of the Bermon , men in the community who are In· win be HThe Stewardship of Talonts." The Churcl.; Nursery ''1'in care for SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN 'Younger children during the mornCHURCH ,ng service and will be In charge Rev. Da.vid Braun, Min1Bter Rev. H. Lewis, Cutler, Mlnlster_ ot Mrs. RIchard Snyder nnd Jean on and CHURCH SERVICES Holman. ' Tho, Youth Fellowship mcets in Sermon, "Form,ula. The Men's Foruin' meets at 8 in the chapel. John Kistler will be the ~peaker and hia subject wtll A. 11:00 A. M.-Sermoll. "The Ste\Vardship of Talents." with JOHN PAYNE REX IIAIUWION T.U.JJ PAI3IER •• \vill P_ b~ ' WAKE UP AND DREAI" Johnny Comes Flying Back" MOIIda7 • rt"ltUI'~' Ute DEADLlNE-,.WEDNESDAY NOON Suceo""'. " Chlhtren's show at 12 :31.1 H.("g\d~r ~hn\\'n • 10:45 A. M. - "Th:','e Httla PEpp€!'rs in Troubh.·.. FrOl~1 tl>~ ('.hild"{,II·t'j !Ibn Jibrary Sunday Onl)'-2 .i'catUt'("$ ConUnuous Sunday from 2 :30 ~ III Ul-CllIlTlmJ ~Il('dnl like It. U. Inti, at :M.--Church School the chapel at 7 O'clock. 10:0.0 A. M.-Women's Bible Class. ."The Verdict" "NEVER SAY GOODBYE" Aline N. Cochran Office at; Swarthmore. Pa., under the Act of Marcb I. 1879. 9: 45 A. I and PETER LORRE Entered as Second Class Matter, JanU8l")' SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2 COllEGE THEATRE ERROL FLYNN ELEANOR PARKER MAR.JORD!l TOLD. AaIocIate Editor ROaalle Pelraol 9:00 A. M.-Ho.lY Communion. -;::::=::=::=:::::=:::::=::::; MEDIA Lorene McCarter • Ontlae~mer w' I............................................................... TRlNITY CHURCH Rev. a..o. C. Anderson. Rector SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 9:45 A. :M.--Church SchooL 11:00 A. M.-Holy Communion . 6:8,0 P. Y.-Young People's Fel M lowshlp. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF . FRIENDS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2 11: '5 A. H.-First Da;y School. 9:45 A. M.-Adult Forum, Can.. CIUsion of Dlscusslon of Elton Trueblood's Book: "Foundations For Reconstruction." 11:00 A. :M.-Meetlng tor Womblp. WEDNESDAY .:IO·I:I_wIng and QUiltIDsln WhIttier House. Box Luncheon. AD at"e,cordlall7 1n91ted. FIRST CHUROH OF OHRIST 8CIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue below Harvard . SUNDAY 11:00 A.·M.--8unday School 11:00 A. H.--8unday Lesson Se.... "A Visit to Mexico." All the men of the community nrc cordially inVited to attend. The church board of cducatlon will meet on Monday evening at 8 at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Bogardus on Michigan avenue. Tho conversatlon'group on Chrlstlan stewardship will meet on Tuesday evening at 8 In the chapel. Tho'social hall will be open on Thursday ovening from 7 to 9 for supervised recreation under the direction of Theodore L. Purnell. The Boy Scouts meet on Thursday evening with Scoutmaster Robert Ives. The monthly meeting of the of-. ftcial board will be held on Friday evening at 8 in the chapel. Friends Meeling. Notea First Da;y School hegins In . Whlt~ tier House at 9:45. Thc Adult For~m, beginning at 9:45, will conclUde the discussion ot Elton Trueblood's book: "Foundations for Reconstruction-Building an Jimdurlng Moral Order: New Iilterpretattona of Old' Com..; mandments.·' led bT Richard Mc- mon. .. Wedriesdaly evening meeting each week. 8 p.m. Reading room open dally ezcept Sundap and holldl'3'8 11 to 6 p.m. WedneadaT evening, 'I to 7:60 p.m. and 9 to ':10· p.m. , ....' _ ..Church. •. FeeI!i. Letter to the .Editor Queries SATURDAY DANCERS Dancing classes tor the seventh. ninth and tenth grades wlli be held Saturday, February I, belrtJinlng Ilt 6 p.m., 7.30 p.m. and 9.1·0 p.m. respectively. The chaperons lor the seventJi:~',~~ grade will be Mr. and Mrs. Reavls'~' \ Cox; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pennock. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jones, Mr. and Mi). James BuUltt, Jr" and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Woodward. For tho ninth grade Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richardson and Mr. aDd Mrs. Oliver Swan will he the cna.perons. Chaperoning the tenth grade I , will be Mr. and Mrs. E. }t'ay Camp'bell, Mrs. M. H. Fussell, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. John Broomall. 4th, and Mr.' and Mrs. Avery Blake. ayette I avenue, was bereaved b'y Editor of The ·Swartbmorean. the death ot her mothor, Hannah Dear Editor: PA. ~~OIOO , , of Town" RUSSELL'S Complete PUBJ,UUF'I E"JCR~ PBlDAY AT 8WABTIDIO~ TBB 8W~TIDlORE4N. INa., PUBLl8IUi:B PmER E. TOLD. Edltor Hmneh MaryShode Mrs. Elliott Richardson, of Laf- THESWARTHMOREAN Mrs. .raylor Is the torm6r MI"'I A son. Tboma.. Reed Tripp, ...... Cbrlstlne Robinson daughter born Saturday, January 25. In tbe HONOR MISS HARRIS " PERSONALS ~====~======================~ 3· Mary Strode, widow of R. Harry The thought I CIlrrled from the Strode, of West Chester on Satur- Towil Meeting· on Housing- was: day, January 26. Interment In Who will carry on these cherished Birmingham, tOllowed - services In traditions of SwartnmorEt if our west Ohester on. Monday. young people and those who learn Mrs. Strode who was 89 Is also to know the village when students survived by three SODS: F.: Brinton, at tho College cannot find homes ot .Weat Chester~ Dr. George K. here. ot the Rocketeller Foundation. Thta problem Is not a result, of New York City; and Norman A., of the war but io always with us. PhHlldeIPhl_B.=---'_ _ __ Very, truly ~otirs, Sq~ Dancers Organize Mary Parke Dodd. Forty-five couples formed ten sets of Uvely SqURre dancers last Betty Cook of Thayer ro~d arFrida.y evening In the Woman's rived homo Monday from Penn Clubhouse at the first meeting or State for B nine-day holiday be-' a grOUP of enthusiasts who Will tween cOllege'semesters. mf;!et onca a month. The third Frida,. of each month has boun set as the dato tor the get~together9 with the exception of FebruarY when the group wJlI meet on the 14th. Sponsors of the initial "event Corm the standing committee: ~r. and Mrs. George Breitling. Mr. and Mrs. John Seybold, Mr. and M'I·S. Oliver'·Rodgel'~, and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Paul- OUR HIGH STANDARD is based primarily upon a complete understanding of your ne~ds, and it is our sincere desire to relieve you of all burdensome details. lin. To Talk on Mexico John Kistlo'r who returned last wee)t-end trom a IS-dalY trip into the 'heart of Mexico will teU his obsorvatIons ot that colorlul country at a gathering of the men's club Sun. evening a.t 8 in the Meth odist c'hurch Chapel, Any men of the borough interested In hearing Mr. KIstler's talk, are Invlfed to attend. / M OLIVER H. lAIR CO. o. fUNDALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET DilicrOl5 Jr. Board to Meet· Tuesday evening at 8, 14 girls mot at tho home of Jean Evans on Strath Haven avenue for tho monthly bridge meeting of tho Junior Woma.n's Club. Following ma.ny hands of cards, tea and doug-hnuts were a.ttractively served. Next week, the poard of dIreetors wIll hold their m'onthly meeting at Rosamond Jones, 620 Strath Ha.ven avenue. THE CAULIFLOWER OR . AN ODE TO AN ODOR Of all tho faJr flowers that bloom on the lea., ,The good cauliflower most taacln'ates mo, With Its :full creamy center surrounded with green, "r,here little brown apW& are frequentl'y seen. 'Vlhen put on to boil, it emits such a clt:)ud Of stearn bearing odors offene:h'u and loud, That it eaUs for closed doorways , to shut out the smell, It calls for thc housewife to air' tho house {veIl, It calls for crea[ll dressing, salt. pepper and aueh, it's called cally ftQwer, it calls So for 9!) m;Uch. RAB Christian Science Chruch "Love" Is the subject ot' t'he Lcs· son-Sermon In all Churches of Christ. Scientist, on Sunday, FebI'uary 2, The Golden Text Is: "Beloved, lct us iove one another: for love is of God; • 2 .. ,Hc that loveth , .',ot knoweth not God; for God is lovc'" (I John 4:7',8). NEWS NOTES Mrs. Edmund .Jones of HillbQrn avenue entertained at 0. ,tea on Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. ,Henry 'V. .Jones of Haverford avenue. Mr. and Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan of Mt. Holyoke place arc entertalniog Mrs. Swa.n's sister MrS. 'V. E. Carroll of Urbana, Ill., who is here on a weck's visit. Dr. and ]''II·S. Henry J. ,Velland of South Chester road entertained in Mrs. Carroll's honor on Sunday evening when thcir guests included Mr. and :Mrs. Swan, ],{rs. Carroll, and Mr. 'amI Mrs. Scott Ure of Ox .. ford. w Mrs. D. Reed Geer of HarvanJ avenue entertained at a sm,all lun .. cheon at her home Wedncsday in honor of Mrs. Carroll. Mra. ~wa.n~ is entertaining at n luncheon ln Philadelphia today and with hcr guests will later attena the Philadelphia OrChestra. William H. Brown, .Jr., of Riverview"road was a member of the first half of the class t,o gradua.t~ in '47 at Yale University. He returns this week-end to Yale for post~graduate work after a.' midsemester vaca.tidn at bis home. - ' Rl6·1581 MARY A. BAlR, President PEOPLE ARE ASKING TNIiSE QUESTIONS ABOUT ARMY ENLISTMENT .. Q. What eJuCGlioruJ benefit. 40 I eel anJ.r fl.. Gl Bili 01 RiaIatJ, A. H you serve honorably on active duty tor a period of 90 days; one day of which is served between September 16. 1940,and the date of termination ot the present war, or you are dischara;ed· because of an actual service-incurred liljury or disability in. cun-ed within that first SO-day period of service, you are. uPon discharge, entitled to one year of education in the collep. or business school of your choice for wbich you ea", qualifY. In. ad~ition. each mo'.'th ~t active duty, including tbefirst three, pnor to the termmatlon of the war, entitles you to ano~ . month of post"service education, up to 48 months. _. Your tuition, laboratory fees, etc., up to $600 per ordinar;' • school year will be paid by the government. Also, you will receive $65 a month living allowance; $90 a month if you ha_ dependents. Q. What about family allowance.? A. For men enlisting or reenlisting now, family allowaneea wW trw coutinue until six montns after the war is' officially ended. Q. What are my chance. 01 aoing oller.ea.? A. If you enlist tor 3 years, you may'select to serve in any seas theater which has openings, especially Japan or Ko....... Q. Can 1 dill choo•• the branch 01 ••rmce I want to .erve btl A. Yes. You can pick any branch which has quotas to be lIlled, if o.v- you enlist for 3 years. ' . Q. I. ,Aere any way I can reanli., (n my aId Fad.? A. Yes, you can, if you reenlist for a a-year term within 20 dQa after your honorable discharge. ' Q. I. there oral' other ~y I can re.nlid in grade? A. Yes, if you held one of Mrtain militsry occupational speeialtiea, and were discharged on or after May 12, 1945, you can reenlist in a grade depending on the length of time you held the desired M. o. S. ""_10 _...... It" v..a ............" u. 5.AnrtyRec,viliosr _ q I.Ii )'OV may t.av., .. lor ,.".,. . . . . OIl ". af.towt III 0.... • UshII to: u.s..d "War"", of Peac.... ""olee Of M. Array,·' aMI "", • .,. W. Haft," H yotrr radio. - . YOir Replar Anlr Serns til, .... an. M.lki•• i. W.... p_ A GOOD JOB FOR J YOU U. S. Al"my CHOose THIS nNE PROFeSSION ... o .... ! E.UST lOW AT YOUI .EAIEST U. So AlMY lEeI.m.a STAnol . U.S. ARMY llECRUfitNG STATION Masonic BuiltHDg, • 9th and '~ .-":. Welsh Streets, Chester / • , THE SWARTHMOREAN •• Y oung MUB!Clans more and better altentlon to Its major purpo.... tho performance of good mUBIc. WIllI mad.. by the pro- Meet for ProtpYJ1R Because of the temporary vocal gram chairman. Bob Fa.wcett. He disability· of the president, a sub- urged that members be generoualn atltule cbairman. Bill potts. pre- giving any talent pOBSessed for aided over the Junior 'Music Club club programs. The question was meeting held Sunday, January brought up 88. to whether It is 11th. at the home of John Chap· more JmportaDt to have· more membors in Buch a club as tblB. or ma.n. Alter the secretary's and treas· greater talenL The latter lB not urer'8 reports, an excellent presen- alwo.tyB pOBBlble, with the age Umlts taUon of the In the Club for of the group, and the tormer not ~~~==~~~~-.~ Rev. Joseph G. (Jox. Principal of praotlcable beyond· tne number tl!e St. Thomas Moore HIgh Sehool which can conveniently meet in In Philadelphia. The principal PLAY HONORED private homes. However. it was speakers weN: Congressman Cllf. "Benjamin West, Amerlcan/' tho agreed that there is room for inford P. Case of Now Jersey whC)' crease in both respects. at the radio play written by Ralpn represented government' and Vice Brown and Charles Andes for the present time. Plesldent pI tho United Stoe~ • Suburban Scbools Program on The evening's program was In Wo.kors who spoke for IElber. Th.. KYW, has been sent to Cincinnati Cnarga of Bob Tucker. who first meeting was: concluaed wlfh a' dis ... to be' entered in a national" conintroduced Anne HUkert, with the cUB8kJn session. test for radio script writers. ptano 8010a ''To a. Wild Rose" by Swarthm.o.rc students who atMcDowel1, an "Waltz". by Chopin. TW9 SOLOISTS t(>nded this meeting were: Anne Graham Foster came next, with Weston Clarke. solo clarinetlst, two unaccompanied flute solos. and Charles Laws. of the trombone Mcgonigal, Andrea WUcox. Joan "Allegretto Grailo80'· by Kublau, section of the HIgh School Band. Fnulkn.cr. Ann lJchliter. Pat Gal .. lagher, Grah11.m. Fo,ter. Charles and the "Andante" (rom Beetho- ha.ve been chosen to represent Bob McCowan. Ralph ven's Symphony N o. 1~. The latter Swarthmore at the distrIct meot- Andes. Brown, Ed Ga.vettt. Steve Woltt,showed particularl,)" fine interpre ing of the band section of the Ed Abram9, and Dugal Brown. taUon. Valerio Worth thon played Pennsylvania State MUsic Associaon t'he piano the first movement tion. This meeting wUI be held In GARNETS LOSE from the "'Moonlight Sonata" by Norristown on FebruarY. 22. RobLast Friday night. on the Beethoven, following this with ert Holm of the Hlgl\ School facSwart'bmore court, the Green Bald.. "Merry Androw" by Bartok. ulty will be. one ot the member era of. Ridley Township excelled Bill Potts, on the Saxophone, directors ot the district band on from the foul Une to win over substituted most coopera.tlvely tor that occasion. Swarthmore 23-19. Each team had Q. cancelled performer. with two an equal number ot field goaJa with numbers, "Country Gardens" by ASSEMBLY' Dick .Jones of the little Gamets Perely Gratnger, a.nd "'Moonlight On Wednesda.y. January 29, thl" leading In scoring with 9 taW. . Tacotta." An exce~lcnt accom- Senior H.lg'h asscmbly was privilThe Townshtp J. V. squad won paniment WQ.8 played to these eged to have sam·e government tbeprelimlnsry tilt 26-19, with Mcpieces, by Emily Pritchard. Next. films on the aoomlc bomb tesb:l, Chesney leading in the BCorlnc de-on tbe program, Jolin Chapman presented by CAptain Englemen of pariment for Swarthmore wUlx .8 gave a. well prepared talk on the the Navy. Ca.ptain Englemen was counters. lite ot Johann Sebastian Ba.'"ch. at Bikini during the tests and he Luat, and received with much en- saw results ot .the experlmcnt. Ho thusIasm, were tho well played was also In the Salerno and North clarinet Bolos of former president of Atrlcan inyaslons. He gave a ahort the Club," Weston Clarke. The Interesting lecture on the Atomic group. of three numbers, Inter- Bom'b. mezzo, Serenade, and Peperine were accompanied by Mrs. Palmer SENIOR PLAY Skoglund on the plano, in her The ca.st ot the Senior pla.y. usual outstanding fashion. "Pride and Prejudice,"' whldh will The meeting ended with group be presented On M,prch 7 In the. three singing atter which refreshments High Scbool auditorium, waa a.nwere served. nounced recently, by. Hanna Kirk. Mathews, play director. The charWOMAN'S CLUB NOTICES acters are as follows: Visit Art, (lenters Mr. Bennet ••••... Graham Foster The Phl1adelphla. Museum of lIm .••••....•••••• WlUlam Sodon Art will be the meeting place fo\" Mrs. Bennet •• Virginia Bagshaw members of· the antiqucs depart- Lady Luca •••• Charlotte Hobbs ment on ThursdD.'Y. February 6, Charotte LUcaS •. Louise Archbold FREsHKDIED at lOa. m. when Mrs. Grace n. Jane Bennet •••••••• Lol~ Boofh FRYING CHICKEN Morrla of the Museum"s education· Elizabeth Bennet .• Barba.ra. Davis al departmont will speak on Early Lydia ennet •. _. Alive Hornaday American Furniture. Anyone planMr. iDarcy ........... Sam Nowell nlDg to drive to town and who has Mr. Bingley •• ~ • • • .• C. Bierman room for non~drlv1ng members, Mr. ColUns ...... • . •• Fred Boyce TENDER PORK LOINS should phone Mrs. Birney K. Amelia. ••••••. _ . . •• Penny "Carter Morse, chatrman, at Swarthmore 0602. "An Buses from Broad Street Mr. -~c.k.ham WllUam Moorhead Other members of the supportStatton deUver passengers at the Museum In less then 10 minutest ing cast are: Pat Weiland, Joan time. The group will meet at ~he Streeter, Bill Moore. James Hornn.· Q1)ALlTYRIB ROAST day, Beety Spencer. Patty Paul, second floor information desk. OF{lEEF Virginia. Feddeman, Lewis Tanguy, The art department bas planned an afternoon viait to the annual Anne Negonlgal, Ann Wright, exhibition of oll Italntings at the Kathls Hayes, Barbara Earnshaw, Academy of FIne Arts. where a and Lconar.d M'YptL Tho student d.irector for the progallery talk by Hobson Pitman Is SLICED BACON ductton 18 J can Brown. scheduled for 2.30 p. m. "Mrs, Carl deMoll, art chairmnn. is arraIigFaculty (Jollllllfttee ing for ~uncheon to be served at Publicity. Programs. and Ushers, the· Whtttier Hotel. 15th and the Senior class lias announced thc C'her& 8treets. for any nlombers of STRICTLY FRESH EGGS following 1aqulty commtttee 'heads her group and of the antiques de.partment who may wish to joit( for the com1ng production· of them. Mrs. deMoll should know "Prlde and PreJudice." Publicity. Programs. asd Ushers. not later than Tuesday afternoon, Dorothy AdaJlls; Business. Harry February 4, the names of those CREAMERY BUTTER Oppenlander; Ltghtlng, Mary Arm· who wtsh to have luncheon. (phone strong; Scenery Construction, Do~ Swarthmore 1005) • . Both ·chairmen "have' planned sign. and Art "Work, Claudia. Hantheir activity in the hope that cock and David Watkins; Stage members can enjoy a. day of Properties, Irma ztmml3r; Costumes worth-while and educational vi- Ma.bel Ewing; General Director, Hanna Kirk Mathews. sits. EVAPORATED MILK Irma Zimmer win act as. assistant director and 'coordinator. L1tera.tnre, Garden Meetlngs The literatUre department, with Clvlc Forum Leagne Mrs. Harold G. Griffin as chairThe Civic Forum League pre~ man. will meet Friday. February SUGAR scnted, on the night of January 23. 7. at lOa.. m. to hear Mrs. Orrin Elliott., review "From the Top of at Thatcher Hall. Temvlc Univer~ the Stairs." by Gretchen Finletter. sity, a meeting of the Committee The garden department will meet on Educatlon and Labor. The topic at tne home of Mrs. George W. discussed was "Should we establlsh HEINZ STRAINED Sweet, 201· Garrett road, on Mon- a federal system of compuls.ory arBABY FOOD day February S at 2 p. m. when bitration tor labor disputcs?"' movtng pletures of interesting gar~ Swarthmore's Graham Foster ·predens will be shown. Mrs. George sided as 'he was cha:.trman of the Committee. The modnrator was Wagner will serve as co-hostess. FriUy,·.Ie " '7 31, 1947 SCHOOL NEWS CDcl ROAST" 38 CRr"cKi:is" ~~ .;"": 35~ c l.ea Plate IIoIIIDR Beel I'le.hly GI'O"'" BaDiburl au lb· 57. I> chest conditions. A chest x-ray belan......d longs and Is a part of tbe regular ;'ew~ ."n" ._ g~ hoalth c.beck-up. Tho project 18 II ~1.worJ:r: ..w ••.." au ~ .an: part ot tbe Association's program· ::.: JI.~r~c:.h:~:Ei'~ of prevention and control. supSWarUunore , It no an8wer,-~8ii ported solely through the annual SW8(thmore 01t.,. sale ot Christmas Seals." FOR SALE Mr. Bernbardt pOinted out that Jo' 37c .......·12c Mother'. Oats giIIfI." Oats """'l1c Armour'. TNet "~-4Oc I>lelcl.. - _.. DII'" - ..... 25' ......oeyc-. Gelatfne P1i......-....• Princess Mustard ...... lac "'12c ..... 12c NaWsco PrHII_ CtaIkWa ..... 23c Tuna FIsh - - - ..... -35· llSaJ PEANUT BUTTER _wfthHo.1_ '.: 15c CUNNINGHAM PRODUCE Painters and Paperh.angers JUICY ORANGES 29c doz. W~. have built our business on a policy of QUIALlTY, HONESTY AND SATlSFAGrION. 'Por our reputation depends on your satisfaction, and right there is your assurance of Materials, Workmanship and Fair Prices. Let CUNN.INGHAM solve your decorating problems I Phone: Swarthmore 2266 • 409 Michigan Ave. size a:2~1~.w~~1 Flr.wood. ftrepj""" or FOR SALE Reply ~o Box C. T.he Swarthmorean. FOil SALE-Coach. $15. Call Swarth morc 0&08-& FOR . with' 6" _0182 p.m. ~ :::~~s. ;hl10:' Sears with all 2212, used ~ FROaN BROCCOLi) \ I $7 each, FOR ~:::; live. 'iis·: up ' ti~'~~~~~~~~~I ALICE M_ BAIRD Sou&!> A_ Media 2178 wife and ~ S _ S&a 01) M ..... ~ Pa. ~ ""'Q ~In Since 19011 ~!~!!:!~~rY' Reply w ';~i ,. S~':.~I ~~ir';:' "~.h~'!' B~~,~.O:~\ C UN N I N G HAM .,aintera and Paper' Hangers Swarth~ We Should Know How Swa. 2268 4011 Michigan Ave. _...- - -I! Are You Out of Oil? " We are your neigbbors' and we prefer to fu,e with friendly neighbors•. niahed apartment or house for summer months. F'ormer residents ot SwarLltmOTe. Please write to .Geoffrey Dolma", Taylor ~~<;ottage" 118th St.. Virginia . ,·a. orF~rthmore 2'W. That is one realiGn that we can and will give you prompt delivery. m~c'iiTN"i~il"~>=~ . ~o<,)ln~.::'ce. Swarth- more Pennsylvania. R. R. sta.tlon Platform Or train. Call Swarthmore 3199. I LOST Rust col,)red hand sewn mitten with cable stitch "hIDe Elmore tn~ ::;Ide. Return to The Swarthmorean office. JD$T L:.dy·s wrist watCh, vicinity College Theatre, Saturday a(t~rnoon. Call RW:'lrthmore 089!). lJOST Lower denture, between Inglemmk"and· Borough Hall, Tuesday. INVESTIGATE TODAY WILLIAM BROOKS New or Old all kind GeneMrai Hauling orton. Pa. PAINTING ~~~~ DOW for your oil or coal? I t--- . P1_~ta'" -.. » KodakS _ _ Greeting ~Hobb:r name, style or de~ WhIte: lead and IJUI"e Un eeLl oU used OQ all exterior Electrical Contractor Twmity Yea!:'9 of ·the Commonwealth or PennsylvtmIa, at HalTisburg, ·Pa., and in the ofllce o( the Prothonotary of the ~ecretary PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING , A. WAYNE MOSTELLER All Types of mectrlcal Insta.Ua.tIollll and Repairs Serving Swarthmore ruul Vicinity tor vast );o'lt.:TJTIOUS NAME REGIS'.rRATION "NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursU4nt t3 the provisions ot Act ot Asflembly No. 380, npproved May 24' 1945 DC Jntt"lnUol,· to file In the office ~l th~ ESTATE .NO'.rlCE Estate of HENRY "r Schell j) c~ased. ' . eE !.JCtt~l'~ Testamentary on the abovo :state have been granted to the u ~avillg t~e same, and all pel'SOns Indebted to e dec&}ent to make payment wIUGut delay, to • 1 DEOR.OTHY xec-utr-lx SCHELL MACMII ~ "'N ..o.n.~ 34.8 \':'wsar Avenue Swarthmore. Pa. . Landscaping ESTATE NOTICE litARY D. STUJ..B EL." l!.LL, l"lecerurompt Service-Refrigerators, Washers, Vacuum Qeaners, Radios 0: hq~e.sted t~ nt:lke paYment, and thos.a n .. Ilig daml<; to J)r{'sent th& SIlme .... IBM y_ ftbd alii dahns t Tree Surgery and Appliance Service ore 0784 RidI." P.rII: 3238 rso n· or ,1emallds agai~t th"": statE:' oC the decedent to make known ~~~ .SW.'~fti who requests all dE:'l"signe.1. &* .Jobs lor Prtftlle v...-a1_ . . . . :r.t .... - . . -~~" Pbones Chesler 8130 & 24525 Rugs ~nd Carpet. Room 315. McClatchy Bldg. 69th and Market SIreetII Upper Darby PARKER ijiii'ii_... iiii~r.;.~ • MEDIA 0755 . ,.-- . or Media R.D. 2 ARTERS BROTHERS tJablDe& Makers 'RIDLEY PARK 1631 Arch SIr....t Philad..lphla CLIFFORD L CarpenIr7 Repairs and VAN ALEN BROS. bath· Ca:1I SWarlhmtijore a Phone Swarthmore 0992 DAVE WOOD .. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY . OF PENNSYLVANIA MORTON ELECTRIC - . 4skes & Rubbish Removed yo. ,, '.' Development f~~;;i1~~ii~~ii~~ii~~,.D~ == . ,. ., -j==:================d' ·ft..... CIleater 1-1.11 Swarthmore 0149.' ' • FOR RE1{T. Wann. -cheerrul room. for one or two. Convenient to tr:t.n8POrta. lion and tt"a·rooms. Homelike surroundIngB. C!l.lI Swarthmore 0155~J. I ; FOR . RENT-To men-two double: :u Why not call tan ~ pl!!:~In,:_gloves on ·J..QST Gold lapel. watch on GOLD BOND ELEcrRlCAL WORK Old Bank Building New and RebnJU PJao. 08 4.I.BAN :L. PARKEB ii;;;- R.;;ffiS; _ .. LOST ALL SIZES HARD COAL ~""__ Re8I Estate and Insurance and RepairIng Since 1908 ~.:ai HWR~~::1~459-M ~ ,.'i:;.' SURROUNDINGS AND ASSOCIATES Better Tha.n AveraP PAPERHANGING PIANO TUNING . Penn Annex. PhUadelphla 6. or call Fulton 9~5461.· . \~\':A~~N.~T:.;ED-COUPI~ or college graduatefl' room or apartment about 1 Ca.ll Clearbrook 947S after n>OTean·-oiii.';:· 'VANTED-A young lady stenograph~r, must be rapid. $30 for 40 hour week. CJl.II Swarthmore 3384. 'Vany ANTED-Electric wMhing machine i tYPe chaIrs. Reply to Box A The R,,"q.rthmorean. \\1.o\.NTED-ReHne-d couple, no children, no p~ts. want to rent medium sized house- with garage. Permanent. Can Swarthmore lS92-R or write Box F. The Swllrthmorcan. \V.o\NTED-College instructor, wife and four-year--old daughter desire fW'~ For and ~ ert C. Lewis, P. O. Box 359, WlllIrun 295:!-R or leave in Your Community' OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY for Advancement and • ~~~s~'wa~~~10~...~18~83~~ -ROOEilRUSSELL 7 year-old daughter wish to rent tut.I:lshed house fOr one year. Write Rob~ 'Biras;;;1t~~;;;;or Swarthmore 08411 POURING WOOL BATS AND RO"S "'" P LAS T E R I N G SUP P LIE S '!i"~-U"""_lIi"lIilli"~ 3aS Dartmon01 Ave. "WAN==----- ·~batiland: ~ ... ,,~~~ '0211 -~,01' Maker of Fine 'f~="""""';t~'~';:~~~ ,. t;;-·S5iiCe.t. CILII S . Peon ~PbotolP'llPha BIIJc. I'" =r= ~ , !TED WA-*'l'F.D-OberUn graduate, EARNINGS Compare with Best PJilrER Eo TOLD condition. $25." Call Swarthmore 0458-W Ken- ParI. Pa_ , '\ .~I~~~·b~~~~~U:~. . . .~QJ~I_ _.~PL____· __~ . Ridley I All I..dnes NOTARY PUBLIO SALI·.}--Tan winter coat, mink ~F~~~r.;~~~)~ Ah--CoDclitioDed 331 Dartmouth Avenue n>e.!U1Mfs•.Ar:ae ~ ~. _ " Frida,., J-UU7 31, 1947 THE SWARTHMOREAN \ 8 Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Miller ot Sou til Chester road, John Miller ElJectlve February I .IU7 ,all and Fra'nces Forsythe of Thayer windows of the Post Office wUl road, Mr. Albert Thatcher of Mont. open at 8 a. m. and close at 6 clair, N. J., and Miss Helen Keenan ,p. m. except the mon~ order win- of Caldwell, N: J .• leave ooday for dow which wlll close at 6 p. m.· a week-end of skiing In Nortll . On Saturday the windows wlll Clarendon, Vt. They. wlll be acopen at 8 a. m. and close at 1 companied by' Mr. and Mrs. Harry p. m. The money order window L. l\Illler of Thayer road. "will close at 12 noon. Mr. and Mrs. Jo'hn Schoblnger nnd small son Michael of State Renamed by Daneites College' arrived ,Vednesday to Mrs. HenrY A. Peirsol, Jr., of spend a week between college semLafayetto avenue, was re-elected .(>ster8 with tho George Schoblngers secretary-treasurer of the Phlla- of Swarthmore avenue. delphia Great Dane Club at Its anMrs. 'Villiam II. Brown of Rivernual meeting In Merion. view road returned Friday' trom a 10-day visit with her daughter Mrs. Goodwin Gibson, Jr., of TorQ,tlto, Reviews Books Next Tuesday evening at 8 In the Canada and during 'her visit atPresbyterian Church, :Dr. David tended '0. reception given in honor Braun will continue to review "The ot hl'r danghter by M~. Goodwin Story ot The Faith" by WllIlam Gibson, Sr., or Toronto. Alva GilYord. The Rev. H. Lewis Mrs. Gordon A. Meader at CorCutler will review Dorothy Clarke nell avenue and Fairview road enWilson's "The Herdsman," and tertained at a luncheon-bridge on Henrty Faust will present a musi- '1'hursday last in 'honor of her siscal interlude. ter Mrs. J. J. Cassady of Atlantic City. Mrs. Meader entertained at a Mrs. Gordon Case Thomas of ~mall tea at her borne' Tuesday Bronxville, N. Y., is visiting her afternoon. parents :Mr. anll' 1\1I·s. Henry R. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cadigan of Harris of Swarthmore avenue Dickinson avenue entertained Mrs. while Mr. Thomas Is on a business C:'harles Cadigan of. Cranbroo.k, trip to Chicago, Ill. Mich_, as their week-end guest. . NEW P. O. HOURS • • There are many times in a person's life when one just can't put into words what one feels - times when you have just lost a dear friend or when you want to do something especially nice and meaningful for the ones we love. OUIOF , 7 out of 10 residence telephones are on party-lines ••• and long-drawn-out calls tie up the wires. So, please ••• keep' calls reasonably brief and space calls so that others may use the line in between. Be fair to your party-line neighbors and they'll play fair with youl THAT'S THE TIME TO CHOOSE FLOWERS. Throughout . (he centul'ies, they have never faUed. CARNS FI'oweTs Greeting Cards DecorativJ, and Novelty . Candles. Baltimore ~e SprlDgfteld. Pa. Phone Swat 0450 Tbe Bell Telephone Compan, of Pennsylvania • t· • IT'S CONVENIENT • IT'S • IT'S A GOOD DEAL ALLAROUN-'O Bt;)RROW Continued from page I and not leM than 10 feet on each side. The speaker described the successful stand taken by the Borough some years ago against having a motion picture house bullt here. Desp1t& the fact that Swarthmore voted overwhelmlngl~ against. it, the case was taken to court. where judgment was given against ihe theatre. , The next. speaker. Dr. Call'lb Smith, assistant professor ot Economics,. Swarthmore College, opened his talk with the statement that the problem of Dousing in Swarthmore Is only part seem to be undesirable, as it would encourage' a large iurnover of people living here, and there would be great difficulty in preventing these rooms from becoming "sub rosa" apartments. A third alternative Is to chop these houses up into apartments. This would preserve tbe exterior appearance of house and grounds, marred perhaps only by fire escapes. But the houses and grounds would suffer - from lack of personal interest In maintenance, and therefore the community would begin to run down. The speaker then offered his solution to the problem: to 'convert these houses so as to retain tbe character . ot each structure and the stability of owner resldenceship by having In each hous,e one dominant owner-occupied part, Of. preferably' over half" the house, and one or two apartments In tlie rest 'ot tbe h~use. This would not only preserve Swarthmore as de-' sired' but make' It financially pos~' sible for the owner to carry the house and grounds, Dr. Smith suggested that, rather than face evasions and subterfuges In the law, it would be better to change the present Zoning Ordinance. . Now It Is. necessary to pass on a constant number of exceptions which will be coming' up more and more often with these large: but old and fast deterierating bouses. Some discussion. and questions followed, in which the general sentiment seemed to be that Swarthmore has been kept for the children' and for veterans, yet noW Ulere seems to be no place tor tbe cbUdren, veterans, or newcomers to find new housing units. ECONOMICAL HERE - - -INSURE LOCALLY ,Swarlhmo~ llati.onatBaDk.l. . ~_ of Smith Sugge,t. Housing Leeway 0.· '.:.CQ. Flliaril Depael,-ii&aw:, iiltie~·~ ~'I~ 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _...._ _...._ _......_ ...._IIIIIi_ _Ilii·'•.••.M!'_ _ _ Mrs. Albert L. Hilles of the swarthmore Apartments will entertaIn at a'tea and surprise miscellaneous !lhower tom'orrow a;fternoon at 2:30 o'clock In honor of her niece Miss Edith Cope of Atlantic City whose engagement has been announ~ed: The S. K. and W. Se.,wing group will meet at the home of Mrs. W. W.. Turner of Yale avenue on Monday, February 8 at 12:30 o'cock. Dr. and Mrs. William C. Elmora of Princeton avenue are spending a few days In New .York City where Dr. Elmore is attending. Physical Society meetings. Mrs. .To'hn w,. Peirsol and nlned~y-old IIJOn Gilbert Winant Pelr- . IJOl'retarnect ~ the· BnD lk,.... BioOltal to their homle on Sproal .~··OD--We4a_ _ .of Jut week.: : I . litH TIlle ,to lei nat Fill Rill Y_i. AI.',I Waltted \ ....... rap an ID cooa 11IPPI7, aDa are ' nlatlvely Iow-prlcecl In toc1a1" market. H.J01l have a man1lfae&arec11'11( to trade, Ihele nC* are In SBORT .UPp~ and ~ pi an a«raeUye aUcnranee. Wh, _ eome In, find ,oar ~, and talk It _ver1 ,til 9 X 12· SAROUK $550'.00 d'A"'S""lJ Com~!1I!l 100 Park Ave;. Swarthmore. Pat P~M SfD!l!Ihmore 05%9 ••• Cletzr"~k ~ ~~_~it1l - ' Heels Soles Rebuilding , Rug Cleaners .. NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR FAMILY'S Spring and Summer Sh~s REPAIRED EFFICIENTLY AND ECONOMICALLY' TO MAKE THEM WEAR TWICE AS LONG. Celia. Shoe Shop Established 1904 102 PARK AVENUE :})evowl:.ire Pace-Setting Jr. SUIT DRESS Shepherd check,S for- a daytime date-time two-piecer that places accent on hips via cutaway lines.' slanted pockets, belittled waist .-and brisk ful1ness"fiipping out in back. In a lightweight, firm bodied fabric of rayon and cotton, black or brown; 9 to is. .. .. ,~. ',