'Swn Library SWarth morc t P·a./ LOCAL- / .COIUGE, . DRIVE UNDERWAY *• SWARTHMOREAN ! T I . FRlDAY,-MAROI 7, 1947 "Pride & Prejudice'~ is Directed by Mrs. Mathews The_. senior class of the Hlgn School (s presenting Its annual dramatic production "Pride and Prejudice" this evening in .the auditorIum. This play Is a sentimental comedy In three acts adapted from Jane Austen's novel by Helen Jerome. . The class ·was fortunate In securin Mrs. Edgar Mathews, the former MIsS KIrk, as director. She is . being _lsted by Miss Irma Zimmer of the faculty and by Jean Browa _d· Darbara Lukens of the Senior Class. The story' concerns Mrs. Bennet's determina.tion to get her daughters married. The play Is actually a duel between Elizabeth Bennet and her pride and Mr. Darcy, her lover, and his prejudice. Each gives in before the play is over, and pride and prejudice meet halfway. The cast Is as follows: Mr. Bennet. Graham Foster; HUI, W.lliatn Soden: Mrs. Bennet, Virginia Baphaw; Lady Lucas. Charlotte Hobbs; Charlotte Lucas, Louise Archbold; Jane Bennet, :t.ols Booth; Elizabeth Bennet, Barbara Davis; Lydia Bennet, Allee Hornaday; Mr. Darcy, Samuel Nowell; . Mr. Bingley, Caspar Bierman; Mr. Colllns, Frederll:k Boyce; AmeIta, .Eleanor Carter; Mrs. Wickham, Robert Moorhead; Belinda,. Patricia Welland; Amanda, .Toan ,Streeter; A young man. WIlliam Moore;' captain Donny, .Tames HorDaday: Mls8 Bhigley, Ellz8.beth Spencer; Agatha, PatriCia Pau,l; A second ,.oung man, ·Lewls Tanguy; A maid, Anno Wright;. Maggie, Virginia Feddeman; Mrs. Gardiner, Ann Megonlgal; Lady catherine de Bourgh, Barbara ~arm I.W; Colonel Guy Fltzwll,Continued on page 6) . GI GIVE' SCOUT'· ' ' O N 12TH PAGEANT D1IS' I\L Wo.nan's Club Scene . of '35th Birthday 'Drama .. ~ ~. . ' Wednesda7. March 12, Is an linportant day for Girl Scouts· all over America. for It Is the 85th btrthda;v otthe Girl Scout movemeDtln thts country. The, tWo Scout TrOOPS ~d, two Brownie Troops 'InSWartbmore. consisting of more than 100 girls, w.111 present a Pageant of Scouting In celebratlon of the day. Invitations to the Girl Scout Committee ot the Woman's .Club have' been sent, and mothers of Girl 'Scouts, Troop Com!nlttec members, Woman's Club members, and all who are Interested In Girl Scouts In America, and Swarthmore, in partlcmlar, are also cordially invited' to the Woman's Club. next Wednesday afternoon at 1.80. Scenes from the pageant 'Wlll dramatize t'he first Girl Scout meetIng organized by Jullette Low in Sn.vannah, 35 years ago; wUl show a campfire group representing the universal spirit of Scouting throughout the world. Honor guest will be one of the first frlenc1s of Girl Scouts in SWarthmore Mn,. George Zimmer, who ~1l reminiSce about the early diLl'B of Girl Scouts here. Swarthmore nelg'hborhood chairman, Mrs. Robert Hllkert, wU1 preside. and. Bertha CaVBllIi.ugh, Baltimore Pike DIstrict ChairmBD, will 'be preaent. After the Pageant. blrthcJa;v re~enta' .wm' be ee~ "", Red Cross .' . The Swarthmore fund drive Is well advanced In spite of bad weather at the beginning.. J. Paul Brown, General Chairman, reports satisfactory' returns as we go to press and anticipates early and successful completion of the dl'lve. CLUBWOMEN SEE SPRING FASHIONS RESIGNS IN-14TH YEAR AS BURGESS Health Reason For Giving up Boro . ,Duties John Himes Pitman, genial and beloved ,burgess of Swarthmore for the past 13 years, tendered hls ,reslgnatioD, .reffective at once• to Council . Monday eveDlng. The measure was made nec~ry' by III health. Graduating from Swarthmore College In 1910 and taking his masters degree here a year later, Hr. Spring pervaded t!1e Swart~­ P.1tman spent two years at the more Woman's Club Tuesday, University of California. and Lick March 4, when a spring fashion show given by Helen Caro, belled the fey streets an~ snow, covered yards. 'Outside, except for the blustery Karch Wind there was no promise ot spl'llng. Miss Caro showed a great var-, fety ,ot spring clothes and discussed, points of Interest in line, cdlor and fab~c. The costumes were. dlsp~ed by professional mOdels from New York and Included clothes for the young miss, bnsinellS woman, clubwoman,' and ,sub. urban wife and mpther•. New details to watch tor this sp.rlng are back interest achieved by pleatS in suit jackets and the bustle effect in day and evening dresses, longer suit jackets higher at the neck and rounded or cut away In front an'd the swathed hlp Jine ~d 'torso etfect~ Good news' tor the not so. slim fa the U8th of more fabrie·.ln all ulot'h911 possible Blnce the December liftIng of OPA reBtrlCtlons. ob'se'~tory, return!~~ 'to' SW8.rth~ "Fabntcs are tietter," said Misa more and joining the college facCaro, "there many pure slJk nlly·ln September, '1911. He is now prints. worSted woolens, a new associate p~otessor ot mathem~tlC~ one .denier rayon that cieans beaut- and astronomy at t'he conege. lfully and fine cottons used for The' find; rie-niocrat to be burtown and evening drese&. Colors are gess of Swarthmore,. he was electnew, exciting and .versatlle." Sev- ed by an overwhelming vote in eral costumes were shown which November Ina and consistently " ' could be worn with ~lack, blue or polled great majorities in succeedbrown accessories for spring and Ing elections to the four-year off.lce. white tor-midsUinmer: The daytime The last tline the Republicans outfits were completed and com- didn't even run an opposing canplimented by hats, handbags and dlda~e but. wrote Pitman's name costume jewelry. on the ballot, thuB electing him on . .... HostesseS for-the atternoon were both tickets. Mrs. R~8Sell Heath and Mrs. WiIEnf}rgetlcally and faithfully perlIam Thom~en, Jr., Teo. served In forming all functions of his office t'he ,lounge- was poured by Miss Mr. Pitman was molJt in public Mable T!Lllt:ly and Kiss Sarah Fleld . evidence as Cha.trman of t'he borSplint. ough's all-day Fourth of July ce1e-' At the stated meeting Tuesday, bl'ations and c'hlet marshal of Ute March 11, the nominating com- Halloween para4es. During the mlttee will present ~ slateo! or- war he h~ded local Civilian Deflcers for the consideration of the fence. Victory Gardens and clothmembers. Nominations for three lng drive8. Last year 'he directed members of the elections com- the Comm~nity Chest Drive in mltteo wUl be received from the Delaware County. I floor. The speaker for the day He reSigned last month as preslwill be Mrs. Leah Hammond from dent of t'he Delaware County Asa Phfla.clelphla' de;)artment store sociation ot BUrgesses as he enterBureau of standards. She will tell cd his tenth term in that office_ club members how to be mser He also resigned as treasurer of consumers and wbat' manufactu- the Laymen's Association of the reI'S are doing to produce more Phllajlelphia Conferonce of the satisfactory merchandise. Mrs. Methodist Church, a post he had Charles W. Lukens and Mrs. Ste- beld for 'Well bver a decade. wart R. Thorbahn will be hostessA past president of the Swarth~ for the afternoon. At the tea. (Continued on page 5) table Mrs. Lewis Fussell and MiSs Carollne Gaskill will pour. Advice to Consumer Tiinely Topic Tuesday are '- ".-~ HEAR DR. VAIL' LEGION POST NOTES The American Legion in conjunction with its Women's Auxiliary Is sponsoring the Monday and Tuesday evening performances of "The Cherry' Orchard" next week at the Players Club. The Legion donated $75 to Perry Point Hospital laSt month, to aid In 'the entertainment of veterans there. The local Post also donated ten dollars to C. A. n. E. The spring dance sponSored by the Legion will be h"ld Friday, evening; March 28; In the Woman's Club House. The RhJ'thm Kings orchestra will play dance music fro~ 9 nnW 1. o'clock. Allout 45"~otbers and fathers of the sixib" grade. of College avenue Schoof and the teachers of that group. held a dinner meeting at the home of Mrs. W. F. Bird of O~den avenue. Tuesday evening. ' , Dr. James G.' Vail, Foreign Director of Am'e'rican Friends ~er­ vice, as 'gUe~t 'speaker, talked on the changes In the world brought about by science, the qualities of character necessary' to live in such a world, and the r,elatlon of education toward that,obJective. I r· • , Mrs. Clair Jeglum Is program tlhalrman:" -' and Mrs. 'Howard Shearer:' , chairman. of the sixth &T84e gro~p... _ . • BE iT RESOLVED i.,- TbeCb1lDCll 01 the Borough ot Swart.h.. mom, &bia& an e~OD of appJ'eclatiOD aDd commeadatlOD tor work well dODe Is due the Borough'.,. FJnt OiUzeo, John H. Pitman, . who has serVed 88 BIIJ'Ie88 of .ads Borough for over 13 ,-ears. For I'e88OnB ot healtb. Burgess Pitman has· fell obliged t.o resign his office, ellecUve March a. 194'1, aDd b,- ~ ResoluUou of t.be Borough OouucU. a Qual'fled resldem of &be Borough Will ~ appolDted for the remablder of his curl'eD& tmm, expiring the first MODda,. of January, 11150. Since Ids first electiOD to the oftice mil". Baqess P!tmaU has served faltbfuU,..· cheedullJ' and eutUel,. wit.houl ftmluueraUou. Doriug that period.. he' has worked wit.h 8llCCe8'Jlve OoDDcDmau10 bodies, members 01 t1ie Pollce Force and acIJJlInJs&ra&lve emplo),e8, AJtd demonstni.t.ed a rare abill", to Prof:Do&e ~ will and read,. coopemUon ot all of 8&Id IUJ8OCiaUe8 and penoDDel. The Communlt,. has held him fu such bJgh esteem that he 'has repeatedly beeD asked to head prlva&e DUd publlo ageDcIes, oommitkeB and orgaulzaUOD8. He has alwap wWIogJ,. accepted such uudertak'ngs and devoted the DeoofJ8AI7 Urne to their successful accompllshnieut. CouncJlls coDviuced that It' speaks for the entlre.~­ munity in thus oommeDdlDg one who ma,. properl,. be called a faithful servant of this Ooom,.unltJ" and fu express'. regret that . he wllI no longer be able to serve as Burgess of this BOrough. Passed this Third'da)' of ~ A.D. 1947. TIl, (Seal) • Ie ,_ ',. TIlE COUNCIL of the BOROUGH OF SwVutTHMORE B,. S; S. Rutherford (Slgued) PresidenC \ Elliott RlchardsoD (Signed) Attest: Borough Secretary Addresses MOTHERS TO'HEAR Aydelotte Alumnae Group MRS~ W. ELSBREE FrSnk Hobbyist to List ReCreational _Outlets ._ M.rs: Wayland Elsbree of Wall- "The only possIble way to combine peace in: Palestine with' justice to both sides," Dr. 'Aydelotte told an open m'eeting .. , .; " I of Alumnae DlscUB8l~n Group TUeed.,. .. ·n.fght;·, "13 '~' !lave; th~ Clountry' governed In t.ruateNhfp Ingford will- speak "Hobbles for under the United Nations. Palestine Women" at the n~ meeting of should be treated as a unique the Young Mothers' Section of the ~ountry, a HoI,. Land which Is, not Womans' Club to be held Tburs- a suitable theatre for political, asday. Harch 13, at 8 o'clo~k. In the pirations either ot Jews or of Woman's Club. Arabs." , Mrs. Elsbree comes to the group Dr. Aydelotte, who left the well' versed on her ~ubje~t for she presidency of Swarthmore College has been working with her hobIn '19,40 to become Director of the bies for many years. She has taught Institute tor Advanced Study at Arts and Crafts at summer camp~. Princeton University was a memwas director of that department ber of the Anglo-AID.erlcan Comin t'he Summer Recreational Promittee of Inquiry on Palestine 'gram for four years, and has. been Which Issued its report on the t~aching "hobbies" at the WestPalestine Problem last'summer. town and Rose Va1l8Y Schools "Palestine," Aydelotte asserted, for the past eight years. "Is not merely a heaA:lache, but an It is hoped that many mothers opportunity. It Is a responsibiUty wlll come and learn a new apwhich the great' Western powers proach toward finding - pleasant past times while staying at, home. must not shirk. The United States, MI·8. C . .Tustus Garrahan' Is presi- w.tth the largest Jewish population ot any country In the world, must dent of t'he club: not confine Itself merely to giving advice, but must take Its share of , this responslblUty. ;1 i ~e " on C.A.R.E. RAISES $1',100 T'O ·DATE. I Dr.· Aydelott~ , ' ..' ~ ~ ,i' i .i ,. ) i i ~ described Pales- ~~:r ~~~e l:r:'~I~-:eO~~~ IIChristian, and JewiSh worlds "are . ',1 , ~~ I,. I all intensely and legitimately' inter:' U rges L as·t Spurt A S ested." Unless the Paiest.1ne conCampaioon Nears ',filct I.s.prevented from degenerating ci~ Into civil ~ar, Dr. Aydelotttewarn':' ose ed, "there is' the gravest POlJ8lble Mrs. Hans Rademacher. .chalrman of the local drive for C.A.R.E. announces that slightly over $1100 has been received so far. This attempt to get much needed -food to hungry' Europeans Is receiving widespread community support. she repori& However, the. need is tremendous, and since this Is the only campaign for the year 1947, Mrs. Rademacher urges even greater efforts. The new C.A.lJ.E. blanket po,ckage, conta.tnlng two warm all wool blanketS, may be sent to Individuals or Institutions In m~st of t'he European countries and England. Recent reports from England and Honand in~icate that the blankets would be most welcome there. :M.n;. Rademacher's . committee has a Ust qf deserving families and institutions in all areas, to whom "a blanket or food package be I sent. may .. ~:~? -..' . ~.'- "'--- j ""!:--:. __ _ I Re: Re.ignation 01 Burge•• Pitman ., -__ ASKED . $3.00 YEAR ,. .=- " .:' _ - . ....... ---A_ SUPPORT, L, VOLl~.10 SENIOR' CLASS ·PLAY TONIGHT l' danger that that war may spread." Mrs. Robert. Greer, president ot th e Aumnae l' G roup,. I n troduce d Mr. Aydelotte. Trio Honored .i I Betty Ellen Littlefield daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. R. .T. Littlefield of Swarthmore place, has been elected president of her sorority, the Kappa Alpha Theta, at William and Mary College. Williamsburg, Va. Mary' Ann Hook,. daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. O. M. Hook of Westdale avenue. ~as been' elect~ ed president of the Chi Om ego, and Caroline Henry. daughter of Mr. and :Mrs. J. P. Henry of Wall~ Ingford, was elected pr¢8td~nt of the Alpha Chi Omego at the '~ol~ lege. _ _ .... , T'bethree girls gradoa~fro_ Swarthmore HighEJchOQl i. ,,'_f!. 'i • ,j I ,i " 'I .. I .~\ ".,' COLLEGE DRIVE UNDERWAY ~~' , ... • :);,~~rthr.i(Jre C~.Jllecc ' Library Srm.rth mere, Pa D SWARTHMOREAN LOCAL I SUPPORT ASKED -I j. I VOL 19-No. 10 SENIOR CLASS PLAY TONIGHT "Pride & Prejudice'~ is Directed by Mrs. Mathews The senior class of the High Hchool is presenting its annual dramatic production "Pride amI Prejudice" this evening in .the auditorium. This play is a sentimental comedy in three acts adapted from Jane Austen's novel by Helen Jerome. The class was fortunate in securin Mrs. Edgar Mathews, the former MiB~ Kirk, as director. She is being assisted by Miss Irma Zimmer of the faculty and by Jean Brown and Barbara Lukens of the Henior Class. 'l'he story conc~.'n;; Mrs. Bennet's detprmination to get 'her daughters married. The pla~' is actually a duel between Elizabeth Bennet and her pride and Mr. narc~', her lover, and his prejudice. Each gives in before the play IS over, and pride and prejudice meet halfway. The cast is as follows: MI'. Dennet, Graham li'oster; Hill, William :Soden; Mrs. Bennet, Virginia Bagshaw; Lady Lucas, Charlotte Hobbs; Charlotte Lucas, Louise Archbold; Jane Bennet, :r.,.ois Booth; Elizabeth Bennct, Barbara Davis; Lydia Bennet, Alice Hornaday; Mr. Darcy, Samuel Nowell; • Mr. Bingley, Caspar Bierman; 1\11'. CollIns, Frederick Boyce; Amelia, Eleanor Carter; Mrs. \Vicl wrote Pitman's name plimented by hats, handbags and didate • on the ballot, thus electing him on costume jewelry. Hostesses for the afternoon were both tickets. Mrs, Russell Heath and Ml's. WiIEnergetically and faithfully perHam Thom~cn, J.'" Te~ l'ler\'ed in formi~g all functions of his ofClce t'he lounge was poured by M.iss MI'. Pitman was most in public Mable Talley and Miss Sarah Field evidence as Cha.irman of t'he borSplint. ough's aU-day Fourth of .July ceIeAt the stated meeting Tuesday, ilnLtions and c'hief m:u'l'lh:11 of the Ma.rch 11, the nominating com- Halloween parades. DurIng the mlttee will present a slate of or.: war he headed local Civilian Defleers for tho consideration of the fence, Victo.ry Gardens and clothmembers. Nominations for three Ing drives. Last year 'he directed members of the elections com- the Community Chest Dl'ive in mlttee will be received frOIIl the Delaware County. I tloor. The speaker tor the day He resigned last month as presiwill be Mrs. Leah Hammond from dent of t'ho Delaware County Asp a Philadelphia de:lartment store soclation of Burgesses as he enterBureau of Standards. S'he will tell cd hiH tenth terll1 in that office. club members how to be w.iser He also resignec:1 as treasurer of consumers and what· manufactu- the Laymen's Association of the rers are doing to produce more Phila!1elpbla Conference of the satisfactory merchandise. Mrs. Methodist Church, a post he had Charles W. Lukens and :Mrs. Ste- 'held for well Over a decade. wart R. Thorbahn wUl be hostessA past president of the Swarth~s for the afternoon. At the tea (Continued on page 5) table :Mrs. Lewis Fussell and Miss Caroline Gaskill will pour. Advice to Consumer Timely ropic Tuesday HFAR DR. VAIL Ahout 45 mothers and fathers LEGION POST NOTES ot the sixth gl'adl~ of ColIE'ge aveThe American Legion in con- nile School and the teachers of junction with its 'Vomen's Auxil- that gTOllll. h('ld a mb St. Pbll8delPhla, I. P .. MIsa HerrlDlBD. a graduate of Swarthmore College and ColumbIa t!nlverslty. is director ot the Psy_ chological Dlagn08UC Bureau In Phlladelpbla. • Refreshments Were Berved by Mrs. J. All>r:lght Jones and her commltt". Mrs. Samuel Gurln Is chairman. oC Flfth Grade, College avenue • APTITUDE TESTS e£8. A60c:~Q If!' .~ I I STEAKS OarCHOPS SEAFOOD Specialty. Cemp1eteJy Air-Conclitionecl --- .. WIIF· Do We SeD t.d2 KInnaa Rap f . ''195 Whea Othen Ask '200 to _ Mere? -1M .... _,.hr_~;'1 _~ .. _ 1UIDUlceDt, 'or IUIOtller. Ba& aIIo. CI_ we t • Ie fila, a pelley .. a. coM IIJdItIe&e .. IIoUa Ida..... aDd 'an. We bave line nip pdced at $Z5M 10 !I.IM _ ....,. one a coN ""- --prIee 'Cjii c- to SwadboIaere, Ie "'-'f, Ie _ ..... lPt\"~~A'~~~g~!!!l PM"" ~Ihm~ 05%9 ••• CI_~!'O" 46u Nevtn; Underestimate tke.Beauty of C~~~~ug8_. REMEMBER The Telephone RI 6-1581 The Address 1820 CHESTNUT STREET OLIVER H. lAIR CO. ....CYolli O. PUHIULS MARY A. BAIR, President CHURCH SERVICES Friends Meeting Noles * Parente o~ tbe IIfth grade College a.nd Rutgers avenue BcbOOl& met Tbursday evening, February 27 I.. tbe llIgb School to hear Katherine Herman. who Is pSychologist at the House of 'Detention for Children, In PhUadelpnla., proaent various methods of testing, for intelligence. IlPtltude. and personul1ty. Her account Included many IDtercsUng experiences with these tests. A llve):y d1BcUB8lon after her talk was eVidence of the Interest aroused In her audIence. 8:", ot On the Comer I At the 9 o'clock Prayer SerVIce Holy CoJ6munlon will be cele- fence at the Rutgers Avenue f1e1d. the ,Bermon will be "The Funda- brated at 8 O'CIOCk Sunday morn- as has been pointed out,' would mental.. ~Y Mi.. Cutler. InEt. Churcn Sehool w1l1 meet at constitute an Investment which At the 4:00 o'clock worehlp Kr." 9:45, Morning Prayer and Litany would first pa.y for Itself. and then, Braun wtll preach "Your wIll be said at 11 o'clock at which provide a source of revenue for time the Rector wlll preach an- other expenses of the physical World." \ other sennon In bra -series ~of· pop.. education program now charged to Mr....d lira. II. LoUIs Shay at filar reUgtouB SUbjects. The topic the regular scho·ol budget. the Harvard avenue entrance and will be. "Why Go To Church 1" At the present time. those who Mr. and lII'nI. Rlohard WUlIs at the pay the sma.11 charge at the RutThe ushers Cor Sunday are as drivewaY-nan.8pt entrance w11I aat o II ows: W. M., Harvey. head usher: gem !teld are large~y Swarthmore _ the mlnleter In lIreet.tng the R residents, tbe majority being our congregation after the morning . T. Bates, W. B. Bullock. C. H. own students with th'lr A A tt~.. worship on SundaY. W. Ingraham. R. M. Kilgore. W. kets. A fence. both ornamental a.nd H. Randall. and F. utlllta.rian. would enable our' The Church Hour Nursery meets S. Patton. E. Wyeth. ' each Sunday morning during tbe school authorities to conect &4The Vestry wJlI meet on Mon- mission fees from aU who attend 11 . o'clock Church' service, for oblldren from 1 to 7 years of age. day at 8 p. m. In the Pat-Iah football games or other- events. House. ,such as feature track meets, etc. Th. Cburcb CltlZensblp CIaBS for Choir School will meet on MonIf through larger cooperation of children, 12 years of age and over meets each Sunda.y mQrnlng at day and Wedn_csday at 4:30 a~'d tOWDspeople to the fence should again on Th~sday at '1:30 p. m .• be added a. ~eater seating capacity $ o'clock do the. Church study. Holy Communion will be cele. and larger locker and shower CaeThe Young Adult's Group will brated on Wednesday at 7:30 a. In. ' Dlttes, the pa.rtlclpation of Swarthmeet t'or suppei' , at 6 o'clock ou und again at 10 a/ m. The women more students In outdoor sports. Sunday, evening. Mrs. Marta E. ot the parish w114ew atter the especially by the younger chlldren, Shelmlre. director of the Family lnte service. luncheon will be serV4 would be fUrther assured. Service ot Detaware Counl¥' will ed, and a study cl8.BS will follow. Waldo B. Davison. speak on "Individual ResponslbllThe Hon. Henry 'G. Sweney wl11 .Ity for what bappens to peopl.." To PUlent Tb~ Concert addl"ess _the women of the Gutld The· Woman's .Association ExThe third and, last concert by' on Thursday at 2 p; m. in the ecutive Board will ha.ve a meeting the Buscb String Quartet in the on Wedne.sday, March 12 at 10:30 PnrlBh House. The meeting, especcurrent BeethOVen series being ially planned for the new women o'clock at the Church. sponsored by the Cooper Foundaof the parish. be followed by The Woman's Association Montion. wUl be presented tonIght in ten. Judge Sweney wiIi speak on thly Meeting w11I be beld on Marcb Clothier MemorJal at 8:15. the topic. "The New .Juvenile De1,3, 11:1& o'clock-Worsblp Service The Program will consist of the tentlon Home." with Mrs. W. m. Jordan. Cba.1rman String Quartet In A Minor,' Opus of Stewardship of tbe PhiladelIn. and the Quartet In B Major phia PreabYtory loading. 13 o'clock Methodist Churcb-Noles w.1th Great Fugue. Opus 130. will he the BuaIn_ Meeting. 12:30 The Church School meets on o'clock Luncbeon will be served Sunday morning at 9:46. Classes ASSEMBUES TO MEET b:r the CIrcle &. Mrs. OWen W. are' provided ~or children of all The eighth grade dancing cta.ss, ~. ChaIrman. Mrs. Robert R. ages and tor adults. whicb Is formal. wlU meet at '1 Lttta.11 l're8Ident of tbe PhiladelThe topic of the sermon at the o·clock Saturday, March 8, and the phia Presbyt-ery wlll speak on "For- 1 t o'clock service will be "The chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. tunate Presbyter.lan Women." . Stewardship or the St:ml." Duncan' Foster, 'Dr. 'and Mrs. C. The :Ken'e -.. Community Chorus The Church· Nursery is open Brooke Worth. Mr. and Mrs. .rehearses Tuesday evenings at '1: 30 during the morning service to care Vaughn Foster. Mrs. Robert HUo'o1ock In the Parlsb House. for the younger children. Mrs. kert. Grade Hostess. and Mr. Hil'!'he Chancel Choir rebearses Lloyd E. Kauffman a.nd Barbara kert. Following this wll1 be the SenTburada.y evenings at 7:46 o'clock; Shlpherd wtll be In charge' this for Assembly for the 11th and 12th the Boya' lunlor Cbolr rehearses week., The Youth Fellowship meets in grades. at 8: 46 o·clock with Mr. Friday evenlnga at '1 o'clock. the and Mrs. WUl1am Patton and Mr. Gtrla' Junlor Choir rehearses the evening at 7 In the chapel. The Conversation Group on and Mrs. Daniel Mor2e attending. Tbursday afternoons at 0'Christian Stewardship will meet hI Committee ch~lrman. Mrs. Gordon clock. the parsonage on Tuesday 6ven- Lange. and Mr. Lange. will also The HIgh ScbOoI Fellowship. of Ing. be present. This dance Is Informal. Trinll¥ Churcb and tbls cburch Mrs.. Paul Towner wUl review I will meet at Trlntty Church SunUThe Portrait of a Pilgrim" a.t Stationed in Japan day evening at 6 o·clock. the meeting ot the Woman's SoPic. James D. P\tman of Vassar cIety on Wednesday morning at a.venue who left for Japan the tat11 o·clock. Luocheon will be served ter pa.rt of October. Is stationed at SW.A.RTHMOR~ PRESBY'l'ERIAH at 12:30. to be followed by the the TachlkaWa. Army Air Base, CHURCH regular ·meeting. 30 mUes north of Toyko. Rev. David Braun, Mlnl8ter Supervised recreation under 1\Ir. ".Jim" is a.n assistant Aerial EnRev. H. Lewis Cutler, Mlntster_ SUNDAY. MARCH 9 Purnell wUI be held on Thursday gineer aboard a C-46 Curtiss "Com9:00 A. M.-uThe Fundamental," evening In the Social Hall between mandO." one ot the Army's Iflrgby Mr. Cutler. est two engtned transports. They the hours of 7 and 9. 9:4& A. Ji:.~urob ScbooL The Boy Scouts 1\'111 meet with fly passengers and suppUes to Blbl. Cla8a. "Your Mr. Ives at 7 o·clock. troops in Korea and southern Rehearsal for the 8enlor choir .Japan. ls at 8 on Thursday. wtll Phone Chester Heights 194, \ " Manifestly none ot tbese 8Porte H are self auportlng and. m8.llJ' of on' Dispensing Opticians Wednellclay. 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. NOON 3 HEr\R PSYCHOLOGIST 'I:,:=~==~=~=~~~===~====:=========~J" them ",have DO 1ncome whatever. Prea~ ChurcbNote. , T~ Noteil The construction th....fore.. or & J. E. LIMEBURNER CO. OPEN 7 A. , DEADLIN~WEDNlIlIIDAT the Editor WANTS FENa: Dear EdItor: To aecure tbe parUoIpation of eve,.,. girl and boy In 80me part of a wide sporta' program, and to enable them, on conclusion of their high school days. to carry a usetul athlettc training Into their colJege and after senool llf9, ~ certainly one of the most appreciated pollcies ot Swarthmore scbools. 8WL""'",_ SWAR11IM0RE, PA.. FRIDAY. MARCH 7, 1947 Dartmouth & Lafayette Aile,. - William J. oaa EDtere4 ... Second Clue :Matter. laDQU7 1_, Ult at the Po.! OlD... at Ihrartbmore. Pa.; under the I-ol of ~ ., 117•• Seruice IGNITION MOTOR' BRAKE TIRE . P.itIEB m. TOLD, E41tor JIAlU"ORIB TOLD.' ; sSet. Bdlto.. 1.0..... VcQrter aoeau. Pelnol Ann. H. 00aIuan RUSSELL'S Complete Letters To POBLWH'M. £.&81: PBlDAY B ....A&I. . . TBB SWAaTIDIORE&N, "'0.. J'IIBIdHHM:e "Right in the Center of TOIDJI" Magazine Subscriptions MEDIA . THE SWARTHMOREAN "' ..m.... COLLEGE THEATRE . -'01' A. , THE SWARTHMO R'EAN • 't. 1947 Rev.. AndeI1lon. R.tctor \ SUNDAY, MARCH 8: 00 A. M.-Holy Communion. ':4& A. ]II.-Cburcb ScbooL 11: 00 A. M.--Sermon toplc~ "Why Go To Church?" 6:00 P. }d.-Young People's Fel- 9:46 9:45 A.~~~~~;;~:~~ k~ American Friends Service Committee will speak on '''The Need In Europe." 11:00 1Vo~ .: bo A. First Day Scho,ol in Whittier House at 9: 4 5. Adult Forum In the Meeting HOllSO at 9:45. Irwin Abrams. DIrector of Work Camp projects In Europe for the American Friends Service Committee, who returned in D~eember frOm six IIlonths In 11 ,European 'countries. Including Germnny and Poland, will apeak ot "The Deeper Need In Europe." He wtll continue on the 16th with the ways the A. F. S. C. is trying to meet this need by Quaker relief and reconstruction projects. At 2 o'clock Saturday. March S. in Whittier House. the .Junior FOrUln of the First Day SchOOl will have a Cake Sale, as 'Ylell as rno"\"4 les, games and amusements. The Fair Is to raise money to buy, feed. and send a heifer to Europe. "Man" la·the subject of the Lea11:00 A. JI.-Sunday ScbooL IIerson-Sermon In all Cburcbes of 11:00 M._uuday ~n ChrIst Scientist, on Sunday, March mono . WedneacJlO evenl... meetln&_ t. Golden Text Ia: "Aa many week; 8 Pom. Readtnc room 0 _ ... '...... led by tbe Splrtt of God, 4aib' except Sundays and holldQlo 11 to II Pom. Wednlllldq 8V11niJ1c• ., they aN th. *»DII of a..... (Ro..... to '1118 PolO. . .d • to ",. PdDo .... ':U). The ------------ THE SEVENTH GRADE HELPS FEED EUROPE FolJow.lng a. current events dis .. cU88lon In social stUdies. the seventh grade 'puplla: of SWartlimore High Scbool deCided that they would help the needy In Europe. Greece Rnd Holland were selected as the countries that would receive their contributions of food and clotblng. Letters were wrItten by indi~­ dual students to the Save the I ChUdren Federation. American! Aid for France, and other reUef agencies'to ask tor the names of , children to whom they could iand I packages on theIr own. Clippings and articles from newspapers and magazines were brought In to be discU!'lJ:;ed. A CARR hox campaign was started to purchase a. tood package. With Ute money left over from the CARE campaign they bought !l number of vegetable gardens through the American Friends' Service Committee that mll feed five people for a. summer. -In all 224 Items of food. 209 articles of clotblng. anti 19 pairs of tootwear were collected and shIpPed to the rellet agencfes. The seventb grade Was very glad ~ be able to· work. together in thla worthy project.;· , I 3 TESTED SIJGGESTIONS FOR SOIlND HOME OWNERSHIP .' .(1) Choose a. home you can afford_ (2) Pay all you can down• (3) Get the best advice about financing. DRAW ON OUR HOME-FINANCING EXPERIENCE Swarlhmore National Bank &Trust Co. '4 Mr. aDd Kn. J>aDlel S. Ko_ .... ~. u.an.r ~ or the or Swarthmore ~ellta retUlled ParrIIoh road wllIelltortaln 18 Baturda¥ from a ..eek'. IOjourn In pesta at & dinner and brld..e at their home tomorrow evening. , AtlaDtto C1tF· I in.,.., Hall Alh" M VALUES ia heskl'raill "Vegetables You'll find larger assortments, also quality, 'and at prices that· will save you plenty. Eat more . fresh fruits and Fiii"EAS 2 .. 25· I potatoes N,. . .Ia • I'",. 2S( Oran es call..... NUll 12c • .!.....I..., . .1•• ~ ...... O nIonS ... ,....lIor 3 ,.. 2Sc Cocoanuts FrMII.MtY .It lie !iiii..1'1"... 6~;' 23c Quartet~~' ~:.~ Meat ....... .1II'I'Y and one 15c Pl. Crut o. fj#Itl»ad $pa••_ 'i.!"'a .. ~ MACARONI M.,~.,: Delltfou. PI, MADISON BROS. 413 Dartmouth Ave. YEARS 'ENDED Dec. 81, FREE DELIVERY OIl _ 14c ~MEAT Jo'ines ....................................... Liquid Fuels Fund ................................ Quality Other ........................................................... .. (Square Cut) H I Fresh Killed FRYING CHICKEN 45e lb. 2,t08.04 . 617.00 ....572.66 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . DIsnURSEMEl\I--fS Gem,raJ Md Administrative ............... $ 6U.Bl 7~.68'l.36 $ 76.621.79 , 4,066.66 $ 11,690.36' 1~.Z68.74 9" 15.896. .. 4.369.14 28 4,124. 3,'27.93 i,73LSB 2,0011.44 ( 10,9~O.30 Hljthv/2.YS ................................................... . 20,268.73 6.318.0'1 4,2£9.46 3 934 93 " G,272.33 1,40U2 Fire ............................................................. Health ................................. ;........................ Pub1tc Property .....................·....·....·· .. ····· Light and power .................................... Se'v~rs .. ;.........;.......................................... .. lnvestmellts ... -~ ....;...~ ................................ . LlbraTY ................._..................................... 4,782.09 6,200.00 Sinking Fund ............................................ 59c Doz. 4,~72.66 2,713.60 3.366.31 $ $ 2 92111 7, . J!':xcE.SS OJ! ile<:eipts over nlsbursements $ 6.666.24 $ --- ('219.n~· (2,477.'" '~ 1,678.'9 CREAMERY RUITER 80e lb. Amazing New Pressure Cooker SAVE CORNED BEEF HASH ...... larvo -4'1.0... _ Sol.., -,,,, • .... -, cooking pre •• sur.... Sturd, 2.pleeecaatal"" for••limilod onl _ .II ..... .. wet yours today. Solid Pack PINK SALMON HouMk..plng and Underwrl..,. 'abera..... - Evaporated IISQI Richer Blend COFFEE 41c (2tc.8lc) You'U cult lot a sacond cup of th I, MW richer blend. Save coupons on baas far valuable gifts. :I' .... 'I 23c Jar' Tuna Fish Fat)' U ••t 7-U tall 39c Sliver Hake Fish ........ lSc Codfish CIIIUII', FI....... SoN 111" 16c Peanuts PI. . . ., salted 7.-.2 nil 19c Bread Crumbs ........ '''lOc Sardines ~:-:'I=" ... He 2.·.. 18c • N••• 72c Syrup ........ M.ald Jar .... Herring A,a. _'IIORI!.. "H].. 18c HONEY BUITER 39c Box .... c... ... tv9.oles-U'!lpal.d Taxes &: Sewer ... •71 .n 3.42Q Rents ............................................... ........ 361.97 URpald Ltel.s .. ................................ _ _ __ 64,158.34 $ l..JQUJD FUF..LS FC'~ Cash .............................................................$ 900.77 $ $ . Sl!'~!~~ ..:.~~~..........................~ ..................... $ ::i:g::~ 6USS.iIi , • :",--~- ( 2B1.21) 1,160.24 200.00 ( 111.771 4.600.00 762.GO PERMANENT FUl'o'"D Permanent Improvements .................... Fresh Cottage Cheese 29c l.arge Jar i~. . FRUITS '7,787.64 " 37,787.64 , 19,12U9 197,264.76 Eqllipment .................................................$ Rallroad Uniferp3.S8 ....................... . Rond 4: Sewer Improvloments ... . 49,-426.6"9 197,264076 49.298,97 Public Bldgs & Grounds ......... ". 49,296.91 f 333,776.06 $ 333,776.06 ,'-_ __ TOTAL ASSETS ............................................$ 107,9'9.46 ~ 406,'78.43 $ 1,661.03 6 For 19c BREAD fOf EATING APPLES 2 lb. 25c Seedless Grapefruit :aso) Pay More' Fancy, Florida &.~.VE6ETABl£S . Flait Juices ~'19c ora:_,,::-:.""" Large Iceberg Lettuce 18c Head aSC ii:=;'iIlF~.~.~'ftht~g~.;cj.~t~.dlil----=-~~~~S7. ~ ~: Ub_'. ...... ........ Oleawood Apple . . . . ...,.... WIle.. ConI. - ...ell.... Qa~ T . . . IIflP "a_ Kr.at~ t... Large Cauliflower 29c Head Ho.~~ Z90 ":.;" 17. Z ~ Z90 ~21" ~_2'b Large Pasc:aI Celery I '25c Stalk FreIh MaaIuooms S5c Box S. . 60.183.63 LIQ~\~~1~:LJ~:= .. ~.~~....................... ~ .......$'._ _ _9_03_.7_7 , 2,309.61 (2,591.82) ... 62,774.16 f. 64,liB.1i $ 3 For 29c wiry OPEN TO THE PUBLIC $ '1,665.10 64,439.66 " ,903.71 STAG BAR FIRESIDE LOUNGE PERMANENT FUND , _tf_ 'ro~'AL LlABJt.lTlES '" II1I1tPLUS .......$ , , 62.000.00 $ 281.776.86 66.00G.00 , 278.776.15 (3,.a0.") 3,,".00 833,776.06 $ 118,778,06 ,._ _ _-::-- 417,939.46 , , 406,2711.41 PRIVATE PARTY and t •• ' II Throughout the centuries. they have never taUed. II I CARNS Flowers Greeting Cards Decorative\ and Novelty ·T.. aeW T,lephone' COllp.l, "1 P.~asJI,aala • TO { . ·Candles.. Baltimore Pike SP1'ln8fteld, Pa. Phone Swa. 0450 • f • SWARTHMORE 'ANTI Q".·u· ES- 'FAI R ' . " I' CALL CHESTER 8286 & I' • " f I s"rlJeJ ::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::!~I --- * ,"OW, ••.'ong ••• beaut~fu"y Contoured' Attrad,Vely large Windshield d'. do,"",s\ " es\ ** world,s onIy.c · an Win lOse'" ar .wlth brakes that adiu st ,he c1\o\s\ *~ worl'd's only car.'with nO~glare "black ligh'.. c1o '~- vard ~ I March'17 • 1· P.M.• 10 P.M. March 18 • 10 A.M.• 10 P.M. M arch 19. 10 A.M. 10 P.M. and Mrs. George Plowfttan of Bar· .~ JOlIN A. SCII1DtA==i;' IDeNALD P. ~mOls. - THAT'S THE TIME CHOOSE FLOWERS. MOST TALKED ABOUT NEW CAR·ON THE RADIO A~D MRYWHERE Ellis Plowma.n daughter Of Mr. oulomlttod Thil year marks the IOOth anniversary of the birth of Alexander Graham Bell. It was this scientist who6e inventive genius makes it possible today for millions •. of people to talk with each other on the·telephone.·The telephone brought much into the world that had not been there before. It has come to be an essential part of our way of life. Morse. :::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ___ Reservations for lunc"beoDs and dinners can be made by phoning Mrs. Howard .T. Dingle at Swarthmore 0188. MRS. SWEET HEADS EXOIU.NGE l\Irs. Sweet Heads Exchange ~ . Mrs. Peter E. Told, elub president,- has a.nnounced that Mrs. George W. 'Sweet will serve fiB chairman for the general exchange planned tor Th~rsday. April ,1 'It at the club house. The board of di~ rectors and chairmen of club departments will assist Mrs. SWeet as sub-chairmen in thIs venture. A D:lceting of the committee will be called in' the ,near futUre. Townspeople are remin(J.ed to set aside household ,articles and clothing-in fact every conceivable kind of item-that has served Its purpose, in thE!;lr homes but may be useable and useful to someone else with the idea ot offering them tor sale at the exchange. Proceeds of , the sale will go 76 per cent to the original owner ~nd 26 per cent to the Club In payment ot co~ and to support the needed maintenance and repairs to the club house. BANQUET ROOMS 1,661." ~A_torB • $1.00 $1.711 COLONIAL DINING ROOM SINKING FUND Surplus .......................................... _...........$ FUllded. Debt ....... _...................................f Surplus ..............................- ...................... . Luncheons DInners !rom $ ( 2H.21) ' 1 (;UESTER, PA. 3,974.71 - . ************ .f Leslie LIA.1IILITlE8 &: SURl'LUS GENERAL FUND Accounts payable .................................... $' Surplus ...................................................... • There a~e many times in a person's life when one just can't Pllt into words what one feels - times when you have just lost a dear friend or when/you .want te do something especially nice and meaningful for ~he ones we love. PENNA. 511 WELSH ST. Largest Sunkist Lemons SUPREME • Francis H. Gibson. Mrs.'· Perey • G. Gllberl•. Mrs. Fredertfk R. Lang, Mrs. C.' Meader, Mr•• Harry E. 'WOMAN'S CLUB Oppenlander, Mrs. Harold O g r a m , ' Mrs. Kenneth M. Reed, Mrs. Alben SWARTHMORE, E. Rogers, Mrs.-J. R. Roess. Mrs. S. S. Rutherford. Mrs. C. MacDon~ aid Swan. Mrs. S. Murray VIele, Mrs. A. Wetlaufer, Mrs. R. L. Wilkinson. Mrs. David P. Wlsdom. Mrs. J. L. Woodruff, Mrs. Wm. C. Zlegenfus; visiting-Mrs. c. MacDonald Swan,· Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter, Mrs. Frederick R. Lang. Mrs. S. S. Rutherford, Mrs. ofUIICfuOlU 2J;III1B~ E. LeRoy Me,rcer, Mrs. Birney K. U ~ Sf E 1,038.41 8,062.83 , 9,101.30' IICIUll nIE-I" I P... I Mrs. o ':....._90_8_.Tl_ ,.Blrney K.· Morse: food' ·servlc~ Mrs. E. D. Brauns. Mrs. R. ..T. Ba.tes (co-chairman). Mrs. Clifford Banta, Mrs. C; H. Jeglum., Mrs. Howard J. Dingle; ho.ste88es-Mrit. Donald P. Jones. Mrs. Robert A. Allison, Mrs. Avery F. Blake. Mrs. Peyton H. Bray, Mrs. Benjamin W. C011ln., Mrs. Walter H. Dickinson, Mrs. Gloe A. Dutro F. I Faragher, Mrs. W.Mrs. H..Warren Gebring, D ,,,_ _911_3:-.7=7:- 2,800.23 , J 460.83 ITnpald. Taxes ..............................- ........... _ _ _ __ Investments ........... _............... ................... (1.191.68) (3,612.8B) 4,11'1.29 3,8;54.81 $ $ 19c Doz. g.ttI_ Self-Riling Enriched !':.':; 11c (Z 45,2 o. 10,111.5(; 900.77 4,317.73 94.60 40,950.43 , 16,'1'1.00 CLOTHES PINS Puc:ake Mix -:.-;xI2c :;.0' YEARS ENDED Dec. 31, Dec. 31, Increase Increase Dec. 31, Dec. 31. (Decrease) 1916 1946 6"16 $ C ?.sh-General &:. Special Accounts $ In\oestments ............................................. . Jar Cheese Spread PIE APPLES N:,,'19c Roo.... Milk 13e Tall Can eoM.tock SlicH H ....... GF~~ERAL FU_ 39c Can with Purchases of $S.OO on Thrift Punch Card Now Available In Our MoritelS• ......... , • Good $9 95 "Ieoaa assutal pcMltlv., ....., 39c Can _ovodby ItOOUB 5d............• Ing 1..,.IL AN· ......k "'" A8SETS 59c Can bgular $13.71 t!. ce:lfPARATIVE BALA1'fCF. SHEETS . HORMEL TONGUJ;: $5·- L U B BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE. '.;U STAPLES ----;:~------.--- 'THE •.. 2.48'1.47 70,438.64. 6,088.16 $ -- ~~~ • ANEW VOICE SUBURBAN CAFE , '19.67) . 631.66 162 79 . .., • 968.33 ( 134.B2) 601." ) ( '~.23 ( BI2••) . 4,' 961.66 00 _ _7.:.,6_7_7._ $ Strictly Fresh Eggs Hamburger ....'·-·:.37c Lunch Meat ., .... ." ... ';;32c 1,237.00 Police .......................................................... . 43..1 lb. lb· 1.686.60 Pole and Main Tax ................................ l'ermlts ........................................................ Rents lether than Sewer) ............... . 3.631.40 .98 . G6s.GO 138.00 244.00 91.82 1,686.64 688.60 l,8n:OI 423.00 3,n3.22 arid Liens ............................................... . (Decrease) 61,910.76' ( B,24~.~~) 3,312.64 2 • 3,~'7.16 Spwer Rtnts .......................................... . AgS('ssments on Street ImprO\'ementa Phone 1913 1946 ~8,&II9.47 f Taxes Collected ........................................ , oyer dollars Oider8 Increase Dec. 11,. 1915 The 118eoDd meeting on -Hon4&T. " the COMI'ARATIVE STATEMENT OF. RlICEIl'TS AliD DI8BUjUlRMENTS RECEIl'TS . At; llOROVGH OF SWARTHMORE' Brandt. Hanlh 10, 10-11:'0 a.m. at: WhItThe new study group on Mental tier Place. will present Ha.ro1cl Burton, executive secretary of the Health , arranged by the -Swarthmore Mentel Health Foundation on the League of Women Voters started subject "Toward Mental Heattb.t t the first" of fOur meetings Jast Mon: da.y with an. introduction by Mrs. Interested persons are welcome_ at this meeting;V. Lathbury. chaLrman, on the The' list of trained apeak ..... Deed and p1l;rpoae of the study. ~nder Mrs. Wayne 'Randall ava11Mrs. C. V. Maddocks gave an lnter~ able to any.group IIlterested III the 'eating talk or.-. tho history and care ot the mentally 111 and the national Dew Detention Home has' .been augmented by Mrs. S. ~ Hemen.. health program. . ~. Urs. Morris FWl8eIl, an4. Mnr. Following tlJ.1s a report on the Edward N. Hay. subject was made bt Mrs. Richard '. • . per~':tnao~~i"~~~~ ::;~~~lli:r:~8C: :::e:!:i~. y~rScie~~c~: . 55e lb. SHOULDER LAMB lolling Beef ,o21c . Veal "..,.CutSlleul.... ~ 1·42e Rothberg Helps With Russian Fare Women'. Club Note. /' at Club v.;ors';. ;d~~:.. ~.~;;................. RIB ROAST BEEF Lean TCHEKHOV PLAY AUDITOR'S REPORT Cheese .11' . '·49c Magic Chef ......tt, .,- ... 26c Soup . _ ..... 2 1 ........ 2Sc MU"r-Tomato Paste 2 -...·27c . Dinner Del ...... N ...... c:!-:'caD 25e Sauce IMalS,..1NttI 2 e-ez-25c Noodles ........... 12.... "'·17c Re.ign. in 14th Year LWV' opens Mental Health Study aaBurge•• DOLMAN OFFERS The Philadelphia Branch of Lin. den Hall Alumnae AssoclaUen will 8:16 P.M.-Busch .. .................C1othler Memorial meet at the 'borne of Mrs. Clarence • satmda7, March 8 .m..lttler Houae E. Clewell, 221 Benjamin Weat 2:00 p.M.-Cake Sale by Jr. Forum...............··············.··· Woman'. Club 7'00·11:45 p.M.-Junlor ABsemblleo ................................ Colle e avenue, on Saturday. March 8, at 8;30 P.M.-Cottoge Basketball VB. Lafayette ................................. ' g 2 o'clock. A business meeting will . be followed by bridge. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Local Church. . All alumnae In this area are inMard1 ~ Whittier Place vited to aUend. Final plans will 10:00 A.M.-L.W.V. Studl'oMonda7, "Mentel..Health .................... pl&yers Club 8:20 P.M.-uThe Cherry Orchard .................................... be made for the annual luncheon to be held In Philadelphia In Tueodar, Harch h Woman'. Club 2:00 P.M.-8tated Meeting ................................................ Woman's Club April. 8:00P.M.-Junlor Club Stated Me!~lng ............................ Players Club . 20 P M -"The Cherry Orchard .................................... 8. ". Woo-ellds)', March 12 PI era Club Nora Wain Vuit. Kappa 8: 20 P.M.-"The Cherry Orohard" .................................... BY ·,M;rs. Harry L. MiUer of Thayer Thnreday, Mat'Ch 13 Pia ere Club road will be hostess to the March 8:20 P.M._uTbe Cherry Orch.R:rdl l ... ~................................ y luncheoR of the Kappa Kappa Gammas at 1 o'clock. tom.orrow. The guest ot honor wtll be Nora WaIn who Is tn Phtladelphla noW, February 11, 19f7 working on her new book and a • series of articles which will soon To the Df)r<)lIgh Council and Bl:rgeM appear tn t'he Atlantic Monthly. Borough of Swarthrnore • The National Kappa Kappa. Gam~ Swarthmc·re, pennsylvania mas have obligated themselves to Gentleman: send 600 layettes to Norway, a Ycur Audlt~r8 ha.ve cc..mpleted their examination of tho, financial reoo~'!.d project Instigated .by Miss Wain af- ot thE! Borough Secret.~\ry. 'l'reasurer and Tax C01~r=tO~u!f!m~:t !~hrtllJ ter her war work In that country. Dccernt>er :il, 1946,c,mdthPresean..t. ~:r~~~ ip:iQT=the;~lth a statement 8bow~ and Bxpenditures or e ye , th 1 f those years. The Swarthmore Kappas have lug th~ Hnanelal position of tho Borough as or e C 058 0 completed 20 layettes, each of 'Vithout making a. deta.lled audit of all transa.ctlons, we ~:" e~i~.ed~: 9·an 0 which contain 48 articles for tested accounting records and otbf't .supporting evidence !J.Y me extent we deemed appropriate. . 8h in tile mother -and ba~y. h::'::g beer. ta.k~m thereon. I .ORE OUTSTANDING Aal8Uag Mr. Dolma.n with pro. blems about the play and Ita traDB'I&tlOIl baa be.... BellJamlll Rot'llberg who came to thI8 COUlltry (Continued from Page I) 'wlth' the lIIoacow Art Theatre In Uti after playing many parte In more Rotary Club he Was oDe· ot the theatres of KIev. . the 16 orJginal members of the local unit. He started the Summer Baseball Club here some 16 years The Antiques Fair committee w1ll ago. The Pla.:yera Club ot Swarihmore hold. Its final meeting before the He Was active In the IO~1 Metho~ adds variety to ita program. next Fair in the lounge ot the club dlst C'hurch, having' organized ItH week by presenting "The Che~ house On MondaYt March '10, at Men's Club, served on t'he board Orchard"' by Anton Tchek'hov• • 0:30 a.m., when, last minute ar~ Ilf truetees, and taught In the Sun. Produced under the direction of· rangements and preparations will day School tor 15 years. He was John. Dolmau, Jr., authority on the' be' made by chairmen and key also ver;y active In MaSonic work. members. little theatre In America, the play In 1941 he Was made chairman will be given Monday through The second Antiques Fair to be of thp Teachers of Astronomy, DivSaturday. .sponsored by the Club will open at ·falon ot the American Association P!mt played in Philadelphia by 1 p.m. Monday. March 17, and through Wednesday, tor the Advancement of Science. the Moscow Art Theatre company continue March 19, with Mrs. A. W. Bass, FOl!,r of the daughters Mr. and In It:3, and tater by t!he Theatre Jr. as chairman. Mrs. PItman raised at their home, GuIde and Eva LeGalliene's group, The Fair l.s an outgrowth of the 828 Vasar avenue, are now marfI'The Cherry Orchard" explains marked local Interest In antiques ried and raising the.lr own famUles much of what hao hapl'oned In and antique-collecting. The suc~ in, dlfterent parts ot t1le United Russia bT showillg the Inev!tet.le cess of the venture, from both club States. A Bon Jim, is serving with crumbling ()f an older way ot lite and dealer point of view, .warrants the Army Force in Japan. And and the uncertain groptngs of its repetition. along. with the deNan Is' a senior at Swarthmore High the new~ • velopment ot the large and acUve School. . The ~erlenced caSt Is headed antique department of the club unJ. Paul Brown, ot Walnut lane, by Barbara D. Spenc."., Robert der the chairmanship of Mrs. Biro. one of the tew men ever to be W. Grnham. Elizabeth May Rob- ney K. ,Morse. berts, Philip R. W'hitney a.nd More than 2,000 admissions ~re e~ect~d to Borough Councll on Charles F. Seymour. Major sup- anticipated by the committee, and nemocraUc ticket, was appointed portlllg roles are taken by ELIza- It Is expected that 200 persons will to till Mr. Pitman's une~red' beth Garrett Hayes. Charles T. be served at luncheon and dinner term. Mr. Brown served on Council . Deacon, Jane F. Kea.ting, PhylllB each day when "r£:al home cook- from 1814 to 18B8. Beidler :Uyen, WIlUam E. G~b80n, Jng" will entice visitors to the Charteo L. Andes, Jr. and Robert lounge. R. LongwB1L' • Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter serveiJ Interesting studies of ~ the minor as treasurer for the (air committee, parts found In Russian drama. are llnd Mrs. T. K. Brown, Jr., record~ made, by Michael Casaceio, Ned Ing secretary. Committee chairmen and memPYle, James B. 'Hayes, Pauline lUIUY bers Include: admissions-Mrs. Deacon, J.ohn A. Plumer and David ~=:;::~ PlILUUrIll1S Frank G. Keenan, Mrs. ~.' !..eRoy W. Seymour• On the production statr are John Mercer, Mrs. T. K. Brown:. Jr.; adtiE 111·CllIlTllln D. Seymour, stage manager; James vertlvlng-Mrs. Avery F. Blake, I Donahue, electricIan;: Isable M • Mrs. Peyton H. Bray. Mrs. Step.hen Robinson, prompter; and Patty M. Spencer. and Cocktail lounge Arrangements-Mrs. Harry E. Campbell, musIc. In e'harge of proOppenlander and Mis. William A. UII CIICUUE perties tor the play are ::MfS. DeC8indry; checking-Mrs. DeU.L IIIiIuI I I I . Thomas J'ack8on, Mrs. ~ F •. J'ackCain dry, Mrs. .Tohn M. Pearson, son, Mrs. E. O. Lange and M~. Alice Marriott . (of .the Junior Luncheon-50c to It.OO James Bacon Douglaa DInn.....,...I.1l5 to 81.40 Club); dealer· hospitality-Mrs. . avenUe Will celebrate her eblhth bIrthday 8DIllvereary tomorrow afternoon by entertalnmg a group of :ter JOOUDg Mende at a party at her home. s. FUSCO and ALSTON CHESTER ROAD AND FAIRVIEW ROAD SWARTHMORE, PA. L. S1' . SCHOOL NEWS ODe-half second to go and Swarthmore lea.da a b)gnly favored Havertord live. 39 to 28. 'rh. ball ls In the air. The gUD goes'oft. The game Is over. But. Haverford wins as the, ball goes through the basket to ecore two polnts for Hav.. erford and makes the score read 30 to 29. The Garnets deserved a better tat. aftar ,fighting an uphill battle all the wa.y and taking the lead with two mlnut.. to go by vir- their steady and 8plrlted play. They were: "Ave" Blake, who was h ....h scorer, Larry Dalton and Dan& Swan. All three were moved up rrom the Junior varsity tor thla game. This was the last game tor Dick Jones, Teddy Qppenlander. Da\~e Campbell, Robert Hopson. Veterans returning next year are David ColUns, Harry Warren, BtU Huey and Ba.rry Patton. All memben of the team deserve much credit for tbe courage they exhibited in tbe tournament after tue ot_ two ioul ahots by "Ave" suffering 80 many unfortunate deB~L' . Coach Lauder said he was proud teats during th.e season. ot the lin. spirit tb. boys dl4Finals in the Intermuml League play.d. Finals In the Intermural BasketThree Dew :!aces appeared In the ball League will be played this Fri· Varsity IIn.-up and stood out by MUSIOAL ASSEIIBLY daY. Rodn.y Bray .. leadlnc the On F.bruary 17 the Weat CheaI........ with 69 pointe to hIa credit ter Stab'Teacber's Cottege Orcbeswith Bill Hclntyre. . .cond with 66 t.ra presented a program. In aaaem ... polnt& b\)". The organization was h.re about four years ago when It SWARTHMORE DIVIDES WITH tured Dina Brewater, a SwarthFRIENDS CENTRAL more musician, in Racbmanlnoff's Scrappy Jack· Houu led the 2nd Plano Concerto. freshmen-sophomore team to a. S. Powell Middleton. last year'''' 16-13 victory over Friends central conductor or the Southeastern DIsthe past M9nday on the home trld Dand, ot which Weston Clarke courL In the p;fellmlnary the was first clarinetist. cO!lducted. Mr. Mlddletun was one or the 8Pea.ken eighth graders were def~ted 13 to In tbe music section ot the Delo.. lV BllIy Alden and Fred campbell ware County Teacher's Institute couldn't set going until the last which met at swarthmore last fall. quarter when they. pulled up from The vrchestra. which Is entirely a 11 to 2 deficit to within 2 points ba.!anced. teatured a repertoire u the game ended. wbich include. Bach'. Ul"en'eDt 1M Hy LonIliJJg'·. BraIlma, ·"l'rII.sc· overture", and the ".Jupiter Sym.... phony". by Hozart; aleo Joba.nn Strauu' "Emperor Walts" &Ilcl "Great Smoky", by ZImmer. SENIOR CLASSPLA Y (Contlnu.d trom Pap 1 > llam. Leonard Mygatt; lin. Lake, Andrea Wilcox. Chairmen of committees Carolyn Morse and Doria Black.· IU'. publicity; Andrea WUcox, program: Le~14 Tanguy. Ilghttng; Pa.trlcIa.. Paul. properties: Teddy Oppen.. lander. business; Helen Hoot and· Marie McC&ndleBB. CoatUDlU; John Polk, scenery: construction; Vir.. ginla designing and arL Ha.... Ir a "good neighbor" is one who's always ready to help when you're in trouble. ; ; F~,"'da7.1M7 THE SWARTHMOREAN NEWS NOTES )Ira. Samuel C. Hanna and her 4&ughter M... Hanna Neuw.U.r ot )[aple ......nue return.d home Sun4q after a 10-day sojourn In Hr. a.r.d lire. John E. GeM.m.r Call Phone Swarthmore 2253 MASON BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY . • 1~~i!1!~~ 331 Dartmouth Avenue ~­ HARRY W. LANG For . ALL SIZES HARD COAL Rag8 and Carpet8 GOLD BOND Swarthmore 0764 Ridley Park 3238 POURING WOOL BATS AND BLANKETS "carpet ~kea it home" PLASTERING SUPPLIES w!en:s. S1fudl::: WILLIAM BROOKS' 238 PAINTING 8 ft. Good condition.' 316 DIckinson avenue. FOR SALE-Rug&.: 9' x 20' mulberry '~:. , .~~ '!bese men and women are enrolled in Nurse's Aide Corps, Motor Corps, Canteen Corps" 111 • broadloom:13'11'x 6N' 14' 6 chenille. green broadloom: 16'"x taupe C8l1 Swarthmore 0629. FOR SALE-Baby coach. complete $26 ; baby 'JC&le. $4. Telephone Swarthmore U17-R.. FOR BALE-Dark green 9 x 12 broadloom' rug. PO;: 2 prs. light brown end gold homespun dra_. $1G. Tel. Swarthmore 2332. , '\ Hospital and RecreatWn Corps, Home Service Corps" -and many.another efficient Red Cross ~rvice unit. and ,PAPERHANGING DAVE WOOD Call MEDIA 0755 231 Sylvan Ave. , • EDWIN B. KE•• EY, Jr. YOUR.JEWELEn 1111 _ 7th SL 011_ (Oppoodte New State _>. 'Aaooe Cb!lllter 17" ;~ ' FOR RENT They are ready·to help when needed-should \. disaster strike your community-$hould :O.~ CB" , > fire; earthquake or hurricane occur-should i personal or financial problems overwhelm the serviceman or veteran. \ A. WAYNE 'MOS'1'1(1 .T"EK Electrical Contraetor LOST Rutledge, Pa. Tele. Swarthmore 1541.J. ~"'!i!l;:::;;;~ .... ~ :::-: d dU;E h .nl;l- _'U an t at the· same has been IlralMd, and the ~y lowed by the Court on ~', 17th, Jt/H, ~t 10 A.M., _unle~· tions l,herp.to be HIE-d before tha~. GUY G. deFURIA, Attorney, nulIdlng, Chester. Pennsylvania. 2T-2-28 ADVERTISEMENT , All Tn- of EIectrleaI 'nstaDBtioDa and Bepa.trs ServIng s-rthmore and Vlclnll3o' for past Twenl3o' Y ...... Penn _~. SOUth A_ and Slate Sk .1) Media, Pa. Media ll178 I tf, """--~fi~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ...tl: PIANO TUNING and RepaJrIng Sinoe 1808 New ..... Reboil' Planoe ALBAN II. PARKER Phone MedIa D458-M PAINTING and DECOR4nNG All Work G _ _ Write r'J.IFFORD L PARKER Driveway Construction Asphalt' or Concrete PETER DI NICOLA ~~ Reese.Baxter CO. SPORTING GOODS .Phone Ilwa. 2628 818 EDGMONT AVE. PAINTIN G AN D PAPERHANGING White lead aad .DUN ltD uti oil need on an _ o r J)IdntIng. - Work Guaranteed C!HART ATHLETE'S FOOT • ECZEMA • PIMPLES • A-ZSB-O acta lmmedIatel, to reller, the Itch or skln 1nltatlou.. Then It goes to work combating the Irr1tatlcm Itself. It belps vour altln feel and look 11k.., new agatn- Your clrugglat haa A-ZEE-O Ointment and A - ZEIt .. 0 Powder Ask him for Pre! TrIal Package. or write A-ZEE-O ProdUct&: Pal. eroft_ Pa \ WHITE FAST Phones Cheater 8130 & 24525 I~ ITCH • tlJlO-way RELIEf! SIMMONDS Walters' ClI 'I'JaOllll CIl••&er I-lIlt Tree 8m...., and Landac:apinc • G I R lS TOP-RANKING POSITIONS in Community Service Available to QUALIfiED YOUNG WOMEN in Telephone Work EARNINGS Compare with Best . Better Than Average • RED C OSS We are your neighbors and we prefer to live with friendly neighbors. can carry on! BANK '" TRUST co. H. J. HOY 5 Al'ID 10 THE INGLENEUK ADOLPH'S ROBERT 1'. BAIR The Home You Have PIe__ Can Now Be 'Ihilt Walter V. Linton ContrGctor and B.iUn PHARMACY J::i. to ,a .. , - ... ...- ,,", .~-- ~ ..•--...---.----- "''WI . That is _ that "We can aDd will aive you prompt deli •• ,. " Development INVESTIGATE TODAY _ or without !DC>< can • ., rna.,. Perk, P.. for your RQXEY PARK ----------~/----------~- minor. MERKEL-Feb. 6th. First Triennial Account of J. Paul !.(yet, Trustee Estate of Michael J. Merkel. D'!lceased. PLATT-Feb. 19th, First and 1o'lnai Accour:t of George G. Lewis. Ail ministrator, Estate ot Robert Pla.tt. Deceased, PRICE-Feb. 15th, First and Final Ac count of Harry \V. Price. Administrator, Estate of Emest R. Price. Deceased. SENTMAN-Feb. 6th, Second Account ceased. ' SHEAFF-I"'eb. 25th. First and Final Account of John A. Roberts. &DC! ( Alexander B. Geary. :Executors, Estate of Florence L. dheaft' Deceased 3HRIGLEY-Io'eb. 24th, Fourth Ac': count of Walter Rhoads White Trustee, u/w of Rebecca White Shrigley, Deceased. STRAINGE-Feb. 7th. FIrst and Final Account of Winifred Brenatnger and William E. Stralnge. Jr., Administrators of Estate of William E. Strainge. a/k as W'iJllam Stralnge and William Strange. Deceased THOMPSON-Feb. 24th. First' and Final Account of R. Ellison Thompson, Edmund Thayer and Corn Ex... change National Bank and TrURt Company, PhUa.delphia, Executors ot Es::ate o~ :?aul Thompson Deceased UHLENBROCK-Feb. 24th,' The First and Final Account of Dela.ware County· Trust Company, SubaUtutert Trustee in place or Herman Roeper for Ida. Beaver. u/w of Caroline Uhlenbrock, Deceased. WALTER-Feb. 24th, Fourth Account of Walter Rhoads White,. Trustee u/w of Thomas Walter Deceased ' \VHITE-Fob_ 24th. Fourth Account ot 'Valter Rhoads 'WIhlte. Trustee, u/w or George Footer White, Deceased \VHlTE-Feb. 24th, First Account· ot W.alter Rhoads White, 'rru8tee, u/w of George Foster "WhIte. DeCeased (Clause FJve) WHITE-Feb. 24th, Fourth Aceotint of Walter RhOads WhIte, Surviving Trustee, u/w of ld&ry Jeanes Wblt<.' Deceased. ' YORKDAI~E--Feb. 20th, ~rat and Final Account of Edward Yorkdale Administrator, Estate of Sarah A" Vorkdn.!e. Deceased. ,ZELT,....l·"eb. 24th, Fifth a.!"id Final Account oJf Lewis W. Zell. and Harry c.. ZeIt. Surviving Executors Estate. • ESTATE OF TERESA. PARIS CRABE\, DECEASEDLf>.tters Testamentary on the above Estate have been granted to the und8l'. signed. who request _all persona haVin claims or demands against the of the decedent to make knOWn the same. and all persona Indebted to th& decedent to IIl&ke Il67m8nt, Without delay. to 1631 Arch SIrMt . Philadelphia Eata.t! or _ _ 315. McClatchy Bldg. 69th and MarIcet $to • • UpperDwbj 1 Deceased. MEADE-Feb. 24th. First a.nd FInal Account of David B. Meade, Guar dian. Estate of Anne Meade, late a Arthur P. Brethertck, Register of Wills and Clerk of Orpbans' Court 4T-2-27 OF PENNSYLVANIA oil or coeI 7 VAN AI.£N GODSHALK.-Jan. 30th, First and Finul ~\ccQunt of EUzabeth F God.. shalk, Aominl.stratrix of Eat.8.te or Gera.ld D. Godshalk. Deceased. HAGAN-Feb. 11th, Fint and I"'nal Account of Patrick Carr. Executor. ~state of Ro~e Hagan, Deceased HARDESTY-Feb_ 25th. Fourth and Flna! ..r\ccourJt of Maude H. Oakey• Admmstratrlx. Estate of Sarah M.. Hardesty, Decewced IqRK-Feb. 24th, Firat and Final Account of France& AI.. Kirk. Admlnls-tratrlx, Estate of J. Howard KIrk, Deooased. K~OW'LES-Feb. 24th, FIrst and Final Account ot Helen Esther Johnston Derry and \VJlUam H. Hatfield. Ex... ecutors ot Estate of John Louts of .Jacob Zell. Deceased. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Why not caD _ ~ willi .'-.' OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY for Advancement and Are You Out of Oil? MARTEL BROS. HARRIS AND CO. SWARTHMORE C().()p HOLLY HOCK SHOP ALICE BARBER GIFTS HANNUM &: WAITE MICHAEL'S COil WE I of Girard Trust Company and Dr . Edgar T. Miller, Surviving Trustcoe ·Estate of Ella T. Sentman Dc~ P1atuN ~taUr i IkJ DIal Kct1aIi: ~ G!, ( 15 ' . O&rda-Hobb~ Ozaft SURROUNDINGS AND ASSOCIATES Eo L NOYES &: co. PETER E. TOLD SWARTHMORE NATIONAL all ~RK]~-Feb. in Your Community BUCHNER'S JOSEPH'S DEW DROP INN H. B. GREEN ·RUSSELL'S SERVICE FRANK'S BARBER SHOP W. MARK BlTI1.E ntE BOUQUET . Notice Is hereby glven to heirs, Ie.... tEes, credltora and pensons In In-terest tho.t accounts In the toUowIDs estates hava been filed In the 0fIlce or the Register of Willa and Clerk of Orphans' Court as the case may be. and that the same will be presented to lhe Orphan8' Court of wei County on Monday,S T' April 7th. 111.7. 10 o'clock AM" • 1:0. • •• ,-or confirmaUon, at which time the 51J.Jd court wlU audit &aI(I a.~oun18, hear exceptions to the &amtt und make dlstrtbuUon of the balances atK'ertalned to be In the hands of the ace u 18 tB. ~ 0 n n ADAMS-Feb. 18th. First and Final Account 01 P. J. Qullty, Executor', Estate ot Kathleen A. AdalJl8. Decea.&ed. \ CARTEN-Feb. 26th. First., and Final Aecount of AnnA Carten Cummtnp nnd The Wayne Title and Trus.. Company. Executors, E15tate or Annie Carten. Deceased. CARTER-Feb. 24th, First and F1na1 Account of Victor C. Smith, Substituted Gua.rd~an. Estate of JameJ!! 'Vallace Cnrter. late a minOr. CHEW-F~b. 7th. Second Account ot Girard Trust COhlpany and Anne Chew, Trustees, Estate of BenJamh. Chew. De<:eased. CONWAY-Feb. 25th, FIrst ACcount ot Fidelity-PhiladelphIa Trust Company and Robert M. Green. Executors. Eatata of \VIllIc.m Conway. Jr., De- Knc,.wles, Deceased. . 18th, First and FInal Account or CarrIe E_ Larkin 'and Mary Lucy Congleton, Executrices of Estate of AdaUne P. LarJdn Deceased. MAGUIRE-Feb. 26th, First and FInal Account nf The Wayne Title and Trust,. Company. Guardian. Estate of Marcia Elizabeth Maguire. late minor. MATHER-Feb. 21st. Firat and Final Account of John L. Mather, .Jr.• Ex ~cutor, Estate of John L. Mather Media R.D. 2 Those are the kind of good· neighbors these Red Cross workers are. Once a year they call on you for help; You'll give to the Red Cross, won't you? Give now. Give all you can. GIVE-so your !iOTJCR 01' FILllfG .utDA.UDl'l' OF A.VCOUNT8 T.he School District of will reCI!ive bld~ at the office '?.f. th~ School District In the High Building, conler r)f Collc&"e nnd ton Avenues. Swarthmore. II Itt, up te 4- p.m.• Thursday, - -.. -;; . :"01, 1941, and open the bids at a of the Sf'hool Board n.t the School !?_j~.: trict office 011 March 13, 1947, at -., ~';II p.m., for UN' amI 18" Transite .. ' ...... Pipe. SpeclHcations can bo securod between 9 a.m. and 4- p.m .• dally except Saturdays, Sundays, and hoHd~.y.s. at. the School District office. Tho board ceased.. reserves the right to reject any or nil CORCOnAN-Feb. 26th. Fint and bids in whole or In part and to award Final At'count of Arthur Wlll1ng contracts on a.ny item or Items makinG' Patterson, Executor, Estate of Della up any bid.: Corcrlran, Deceased. 'Hilda Lang Denworth COUNTY--June 4th. 1945, FlBt A~ 3T-2~21 Secretary count of FideHty-Philadelphla Trust ~::;:==::;:==::;:;;;:=:;;===:; Company. Wmlam Fraley County, !. and John Ormsby County. Executors ROGER RUSSEll. E.",t. ot Albert John County, De- ~ Iz........... Cheater. I~~~g~~g~~g~~g~~ I ~== Heater. 10 pl. capa.elty. • • FOR BALE--Rund Autohot 136: Gas Weber Water ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ij upright plano, $'15. catl Swarthmore l,yo 0914. H -.:-0_ •., -_-;,o;'.. t-"; I Q.. INCOME TAX SERVICE S. S. HARING B101lrthmore 1448 FOR SALE good neighbors-the devoted; ,¥:olunteer workers of the American Red Cross, backed up by its paid staff; '. I Maker of F"me Photo~ FOR SALE lo~irewood. fireplace OJ furnace. All hard wood. L. E. Beatty, MedIa. 0333. FOR SALE-BOller PUI)ples. t&own and brindle, black mask. A. K. C. Re-glstered. Tel. Swartlunore l&'12·J. FOR SALE-One-l.ourth ton trailei'" Good cor:dlt1on. $25. V08ters Nurserl ... call Swarthmore OS4S. FOR SAUE--Garage doors. a prs. 4: x .11len your family has 2,000,000 U uurvftled v ng In the usband of ......~'urea~~~~~ has sald',,~::-~ ~ I I I a.l ta ~f!'u,. c a QI m; re as te 0 the to the vsh:e as- ..-'::" _ ~9~r. Section % df of thd$.6000.00, Imestate 0&l'lIA1I"8' COURT o. De........,. eou'7. r ..... ceased. AsIles 8t: Rnb_ Remo"t'ell PERSON~New class In print mak- La'WB8 Mowed Geneml HaullDg r 17~~ ';l~r~r;.l~g T=:~ Harding Ave. Morton. Pa. Chestnut St .• I'hll&. ~~_~ PElUIONAL-Vacuum c1eanera, Irons t.t" ~ ~ toasteJ'9 and radios Rpalred. Calii'd ~ ~ for Ilnd deUvered. Call Robert Broofr& ~ • ,, PERSONAL . .., ','.... PCII1raita Taken m yOW' Home E. MONTGOMERY Wemnpord, Pa. Media 048S Builder SWa. 164S. • iii fow daye !p Atlantic Cit)'. Hr_ Leroy T. Wolte Rnd hi. son Jimmy or Park avo. spent several days of last we.k at Harlon. Ind.• attending the fun.ral of Hr. Wolfe's father. IIr, Frederick J. Wolfe. _ H.len Stabl.r ot Wallingford Ie working In'the office of the American Fnende service Committee In Pasadena, Callt. Kiss Florence Tricker of Yale avenue entertalned Miss Isabel Cunningham and MIBs Anna Tricker of ·Phlla.delphto., and the MI88es May and carolyn Tricker or Tale av~ue. :at a dlilner party at tbe Art Alliance Club, Pblladelphla before the AU-star cqncert 8:t the Academy of Music. Thursday evenIng 1ast. CLASSIFIED IN 'rHE ORP!L\NS' COURT 01" DELAWARE COUNTY. PENNSYL\"ANIA. IN HE. ESTATE OF ll'IA"D' 'I;' HOUf.IHAN. Afso known.. ,~~ HOULIHAN, .~RRri olnt;;. hereby given fhat' .Jnhri J ,~; _.--:- 4011 W ....lp" Aw. Charles E. Fischer hu If a "good neighbor" lends you a hand cheerfully, unstintingly-without first asking your politics or your race or your creed .• ; , _.12" ot Vaaaar avenufiJ have returned to thelr home atter a vacation ot a MIss Flo.-eJ;lC8 Tricker of Yale avenue been named chairman ot the EKblbition Committee at the PlastIc C1\lb of Pli.llade1phla. '- three-week _ 0 8 In _bel. We Sbonld Know Bow I ~tlc ~i4011~~MJ~"'ilga~n~A~vie.~~-~~.~~ Hr. andctl3o'. M ....N. La;toRu. H.ndrtuon 1= • '.. Pain... aDd Paper Haq. . GEORGE MYERS ~ to bel" home on Wa1a.ut laDe after CUNNINGHAM (laQ of North Chester road entertained Ir Hr. an4 lire. R. A. KlM"ck ot Old Point Comon. Va.. 88 their week.. end guests. . ~1II. F. V. Warren halo ret......ed 111-.1_ Now Y.... Out Jlawe Y...... 110& Water H_teI" AIII>eo!too 00........... 7 - Reginald B. Ch-. Executor 620 PaITI8b Boac1 SW_.....o.- , or his att0rM7~~ Fa. George w. ¥cKeu: UI1 FIde1Ity-~ ~ PJe"'''eJpb1a '. p&.. • _ ..-.::& ., THE S W A RTH:....:M:::....::O:.....::.::R-=E.:...A:::....::·N-=--____~~_ _ _ __,_-F-n-"de-y:...:..-M.rcb--7:...:.._1_94_7 8 II' A ItT" ~I HOME & SCHOOL AIRS PROBLEMS j, , '. GAS HEATING EXPLAIN TEACHER SALARIES HERE I - Ice Cream now in 'Containers MILLER-FLOUNDERS delicious Ice Cream Now available in one gallon containers at our Dairy Store, Woodland Ave., Springfield ,---.---i - BOYS' ALL WOOL of Your Children Taken SPRING COAT SETS in Your Own Home. G. West Cochrane Phone: .Chester 2-S244 - PAINTING a. Tweeds, Camel hairs, Coverts in all patterns. Hat included. Size 4 to 12. Speare's Downstairs Store ---PAPERING I Cherry Orchard Offers Wide Variety FIREMEN'S SHOW' ::~~asl~hee ~~a~:~:~~~t Int~:;:::; cO~:s~t:t~~":. ompan¥ To Present PubliC Event H S smart patterns. Informal Photoj{raphs Woman's Club Event Headed by M rs. A W. Bass NEXT T :.:r:O~I~:;~li:=~:.eq~~lt:~~~n:I~~I~'~~ IC. HURSDAY Sizes 6 to 18-S0lids and . - PLAYERS CLUB IN TCHEKHOV PLAY The of Completion of plans for a Spring t'he CBmpU8 Club was held Monday Dance, part of a campaign to ralac night .... Whittier Bouse_ Followfund9 for :t. new AmerIcan Legion Ing the buffet supper. a ".reviVal" Home in Swarthm.ore, was an . . Waa st&8ed re-enaetlng the foundnounccd )rcsterday by OUe MadiIng and early days ot Swarthmore son, chaIrman of the Ainsworth_ College_ Narrated by Mrs_ Everett The exciting fun of a birthday \Vernher Post's committee on The Second Antiques Fair or the narty WQB blended with the ser_ L. Bunt and Mrs. Clair Wilcox. Swarthmore 'Voman's Club wUl selt-supporting proJects. ·~he Cherry Orchard," Anton ious importance of the occasion much interestlng and amualng in.. The "Rhythm Kings," a 15~ Tdhekhov's drama written in 1104open its doors to the public on when Swarthmore's Girl Scouts formation 'Was related a.bout Ufe piece dance orchestra from Phila- Ie the current attraction a.t th~ celebrated the 36th anniversary of ~n Westdale In the 1870's and Monday at 1 p. m. When 25· deal- delphia, will play from 9 to 1 tor Players Club, FairvJew road. A.. the founding of Scouting in AIner- 1880's. Sevfl'al 'highly esteemed urs will have for display and sale the affair, sclteduled for Friday classic in decadence the play ica at the Woman's Club Wcdnes- personage:.; ''''ere Introduced, in- antiques ot every kind and per- evening, March 28, at thc \Vornan's arouses contradictory reactions cluding President. Parrish (Mrs. ,day afternoon. Club. under the direction ot John Doliod. The li'alr Is the Club's res~n aUdience of Girl Scout en- Robert Walker), Matron' Abigail Reircshmcnh and a door prlzo man, Jr., former president and a thusiasts. Including the Girl Scout FOUlke (Mrs_ Frederic Tolles). ponse to the demand of an in- are Included In the p~r couple ad- present governOr oC ihe clUb. Dr. Committee of the Woman's Club, Susan Cunningham (Mrs. Howard creasingly antIque-conscious com- mission In regard to which any Dolman's knowledge ot the theater Troop Committee members and Jenkins). President Magill (Mrs. munity, and promises to be of great Legion HlE>m bel· will inform thOBO his skill as actor and director, a.dd mothers. gathered tn the auditor- Theodore Paullin) and Elizabeth interest and satisfaction to those interested. constant breath and richness to ium of the club to witness the 10_ Powell Bond (l\I.rs. E_ A. JenklDB)_ the club's offerings. Benjamin SCene Pageant which members of In the second act the degree of who love to study and collect the I ltothberg is credited as the (l1rec(Honorary Ladies or hand-fashioned pOBs.essions of long Swarthmore's two Scout Troops H.L.S.c. tor's consultant. and two Brownie Packs enacted Swarthmore College) was conferr- ago. Swarthmorp Schools will be "The Cherry Orc'hard·s" freon the stage. ed on the follow.tng ladies by Miss The Fair will be larger than I closed Thursduy, l\larch 20 for quent revivals testify to tho lUre it Moilvation of the 1)lay was In Et!b.el StUz for their Ufe-Iong conlast year'.s-26 dealers being repattendance o[ teachers at has :for actor and aUdience. Its the hands of the members of the tributions to the Swarthmore Col.-esented in thc 22 exhibits which Schoolmen's ·Week Me~ion$ at roles ofter Wide SCOpe tor individSenior ,Scout Troop No. 16. Scenes lege Community: Mrs, Robert C. will crowd the Club House to cathe University of Pennsylvania. ual Interpretations. As the Pla.yerH wOI·e announced by Barbara. Schu- Brooks, Mrs. Lewis Fussell, Mrs. .mclty Th Club News states, some productJollB mach~r_ The Pageant opened with George Hoadley. Mrs. :r e S 8 e the Salute to the li'lag ceremony Holmes, Mrs. E. A. Jenkins and smartly executed by a Color Guard Mias Frances White. A. long-stem.... upon t as comedy. The Players of Troop 1 G girls on the stage. med yellow rose was presented to Club version veers toward the Brownie Pack No. 19 repeated the each one. Degrees were granted In .eellent Print display and a patch Brownie Promise; sang a Bong. absentia to Mrs. Willinm I. Hull. quito general reacThe more adult promise wa.... then 1\IIss CaroUne Lukens. Mrs. ChestII I tlon of the many theatergoers repeated by the older Scouts of er Roberts and Mrs. Arthur Hoyt 83 and 16. ;~e~;onc:; ;~r~:~e~:::~s~o the com-· who wish only to be entertained, Scott. Dorothy Heinz outlined the hisI'~urnlture cxhii)its w1l1 range "Who find Cherry Orchard wordy, The cUmax ot the evening came f th • aimless, this reviewer is grateful tory of the Scout movement as when twenq--tlve members ot the rom e cruder 1>lne Pennsylvania. In started, first for boys, in l<;nglund Campus Club appeared on the Dutch pieces to the finished al'Us• • to have Been it again. It has in 1907 by Lord Baden-Powel and try oCthe city· cabinet makers. All The Swarthrnore .... Ire and Promoments of .real beauty. of Ilngcrstage In bridal veils. From the which had spread to many counkinds of glass, china, sliver and teetive Association will ,)resent a Ing tcndern~8R, of lusty humor. If words ot the song they sang, (writtries around the world before the pewter, with some maJolica. Firemen's . Show in the High the final curtain leaves an uneasy ten by Mrs. Winthrop Wright) t'he Girl Scouts were inaugurated in brasses. toleware and jewelry will School Auditorium at 8 o'clock f'eeUng that. by and largo, thc audience learned that these were the United States In 1912. be offered for the delight of the Thursday . evening, March 20, to hUman race weara Itselt out trythe girls who bad come to Swarth.. One of the most intereatlng collector. and lamps. lampshadcs acquaint the public with methods tng to bark with tbe pack and more to get an A. B. but actually scones in t11e Pageant symbolized and student la .... ps wHl be prescntof preventing rind combating blazes succeeds at best :In wagging its had found a Ph.D" i.e. had marJuliette Low founding the first ed in varlet)'. in the home. tall, the senoe of lacrhnne rerulll is cled a. professor. troop In Savannah. Georgia, 36 ]\fore than 150 women under the 'l~he program will open with the not new, nor Russian alone. One Miss SUlz announced that about yeara ago. The part of Jullot.te T.. ow $30 was being sent to C_A_R.E_ chairmanship of 1\1rs. A. 'V. Bass, B1ackfrlnrR presentation "How I haa still the lively fragrance of the was played by Julie Lange. Others JI·.. will hav~ given their time Do It." Henry Hottman of the summer afternoon beyond the In this first historic troop were from the proceeds of the dinner. and energy to make possible the faculty will dh'ect the school dra- orchard, t'he lively gayety of the enacted by Valerie Worth. as Mrs. organization and runnl.ng of the matic group. ball room and the memory of Low's Niece, Mildred McCowan, Fair, to say nothing of the exThe second number "No Need brave words about freedom. Anne Hilkert and Amanda Sr-ackcellent luncheons a.nd dinners to F'lame" will be presented by The Players Club production Is man. whic·h will be added in Ihe lounge John '!'orrcy of tht' duPont Com- ca:,"etully stnge(l. This is more dtffiAlthough the national birthday each day. Home cOl.king will be pany, t'hrough the courtesy of Dr. ,cult, less rewardJng in audience or the Girl Scouts was the reason the specialty ot the Food Service .~OI·ace H. ~oJl,~ins. of Crest lane. / response than the contemporary. for the celebration on \Vednesday, Committee, headed by 1\Irs. I.~. D. What 1s It Il"e Will be disclosed smart sct. The enst is evenly good. the international Significance of B,·auns. with MI·s. R. ".r. Bates and ~y Harry OJlpenlander of the High Barbara. D. Spencer Is gracious this vast organization which inl\hs. Clifford Banta serving u.s sub- SchOOl. and attractive in the taxing, fluid cludes girls of all nations, races cha.1rmen, and this sCl'vlce 'has "HUmor amI Truth" is the role of Mme. Rancvskaya, Phyllis and creeds was stressed. Ruth proved gratifying not only to deal- schedulcd contl'ilJl.ltion of the local Beidler l\.fyers is satisfying Garrett told of the first \Vorld • el"s but also to visitorM to the I'~air firemen. mood~', p,·act!cal VarY~l. Jane Kcnt_ Conference held at the Girl Scout Convir.ced that salaries "It P ays 'r 0 I'nO\'\·'· will be gh-- ing as Anyn is delightfully young ' who liI{e to spend as long a time Training School In 1926 where Swa .. thmorc school teachers are as possible "hrowsing" around en by experts on the subject of and impreSSionable. The three each delegate from 26 countries definiteJy Inadequate in the face 1'he Full- will take toe JllfiC~ of fire fighting. make a lovely study in contrasts laid a fagot on a campfire sym~ at present high Jiving costs, n. COm- the regular club me-cting Ilnd duo "I'he evcning·s Frce entertain- ns ihey group agaim~t the e::Jta.tc boUzing world unity, while Polly mUtee of 18 citizens has been or- members along with m~mbers of ment and instruction will conclude wall. Elizabeth May Roberts" CharTold exPlaJned the meaning of the ganized within the Home and the Junior Club and YOHn'~ with am:wers to que-stionl"> from the I tt Jih World Flag. School Assoclatlo ... l o a w: tricks tor every occa. n to arOUse the I Mothms Club Will be ad'Bltted .UIcnof our teachers hu.'"J actually DE- to :wrvc as chairman of a cctPn· nock, president ot the Association. CH.l.;ASED very substanttallY,wblle rniUec to plan and conduct this l'eported for the committee on the rcal income of the people about campaign. teachers' salaries which was ap- them hus heen increasing .• On thc 'rhe report of the committce was pointed in accordance with a 1ll0- average, this increase in real In- fav;'rauly discussed from the fioor. tlon passed at the !irst meeting come thrOughout tne country has James H. Mtller, Jr.. represento( the Association last fall. The been about 40 per cent. Tile re- ing the High School faculty, deSTANDARD EQUIPMENT committee was composed of sult is that many teachers have scribed the way In whlc·h the fa.cu1PROPERLY INSTALLED Hobert J". Cadigan. ,vmtnm I". to secure extra work on the out- ty and the School Board were coside to supplement their earnings. operating on problems of mutual Lee, and 1\'Ir. Pennocl~. EFFICIENTLY SERVICED ,'hiN deprives them of time which concern and also of the special facThe committee na.o;; conferred tlwy :,jhould have for activities con- ulty committee which is now prewith school and Scbool ·Board ofparing recommendations to the BOROUGH ('[.' SW:\RTHMORE Board on salary adjustments. He spoke of the urgent need for InOnDINA~Cg NO. 495 CENTER BLDG., LANSDOWNE creasing salaries not only to a poInt An Ordln:ln("e flJ:lng the r:.te or taxation for the year 1947 for general whtc'h mal{es it possible for the Ilurposes of the Borough of Swartil'llOre, for aiding In tho maintenance Night phone Blvd. 4414 teachcr to make ehds meot but to Madison 8989-8811-8863 of the Free Ltbrary, and for payment of bteresl on the debU of the Borough and payments mto the Sinking Fund as required by law. a level which will enable the teaChBe It or(]ain~d and en:t.ctcd amI It Is hereby ordained and enacted b.Y the er to maintain a standard of livh;ag A,,/om.tic Heating Conlraclors Exclusively Council o[ the Borough Qf swa.rthmore, Commonwealth 0[ pennsylvania.. comparable to that of the comSECTION 1. Tha.t a' tax be and tl:e same Is hereby levied on all p~operty ami o("('upations within the Borough' of Sw>!rthmore, flubjcct to taxatJon C?r munity in which he Is tcaching. ~:;:;~:;:;~:;:;;;;:;:::;:;:;:::;:;:;:::;:;~=~:;:;~:;:;~:;::;;;:;::=:;::=:;:::;:;:;:::;:;:;:::;:;~~ Borough rmrposeR. fill Ihe yea.r 1917, at tht' rate o[ ten and or.e-quarter (10t,-H Mr. MUler also Indicated that mills on (oach dollal" or ~eJo;scd valu!l.twn. SI;:CTION 2. The tax abovo levied shall be apportioned to ~ml among the the faculty subscribes to the salary programs of their professional or(ollowing purposeS: . (a.) For general EotC'ugh purposes a ta-x at Ute rale oC eight and one-.half ganbatioml, the Pennsylvania (8 1/2) m;";ls on each d,>Uar of assessed valuation. State Education ASHociation and (b) For ail1lng in .:he maintenance or the Freo Library a tax a;t the rate the National Education Associaof one- .1) mill o~ er·.ch doUar of rucsessed vahmltion. (c\ li"or debt flurpos.e.'l and payments Into thc SinkinG' Fund a tax at the tion r of whldl they all al·C memrate of three-quarters (3/4) ·o[ a mm on each dollar or assessed valuation, bers. The program of the State making ~-\ total rate o[ Borough tnx for the foregoing purposes oC' ten and one- association calls for a. minimum quarter (10%) mills on eDch ;:loHar of assessed valuation. salary of $2400, with maximums PtUlsed and adopted thi-s Third day of !\[arch, A. D. 1947. of $3800, $4100, and $4400 for BOROUGH OF S\VARTHMORE those with permanent certificates. - By S. S. RUTHERl<--onD (slgncd) bachelor's degrees, aud nlaster's President of Council degrees, respectively. Attest: EL.LIOTT RICHARDSON (signed» The second part of the program, Borough Secretary Boys' All Wool under the leadership of Wmiam Appp)ved thl.s 3rd day Ii'. Lee, program chairman, conof !.larch. A. D. 1,.7. Sisted of a discussion of the pros J. PAUl, BnOWN (e)gneu) and cons of the proposal to erect BUrg~S9' __________.__~c==---~=================c.==============_ u. fence around the Rutgel·s Avenue playing field. John C. Moore, E. H. T.raylor, and Carroll Streeter supported the idea. Mr. Moore opened lhe discussion. pointing out the need for stands and other facUlties in connection with the field and contending that the erection of a fence would constitute the l(:ey to these and odler needed improvements. Mr. Taylor followed up with figures tending to substantiate this argument. Estimat12th and KERUN STS., CHESTER, PA.· Ing the cost of the fence at $4,000 Telephone-6129 and the probable increase in recetpt.q from admission charges For boys of aU ages which would result from having a fence at $1578 pcr year, he con(we have sizes 4 to 12I eluded that the fence would soon 10 to 20) these leia..e RICH, Creamy Milk - at your pay for itself and that It would longie suits are Spring then provide a continuing Income favorites. Checks and which could be used to finance the plaids-biwclaome two athletic program for younger boys door or at your store. Distlnctones, in all wool or for which there is now no approwool and gabardine priation. Mr. Streetel' ]lointed out combinations. other uses which could be made tlve in the Cream-Top bottleof the income, such as group casualty insurance for sport teams. Marvel \Vilson. questioned the 50 much easier to -use! desirability of extending our athletic program and laying inl"I'C'Rsed emphasis on football. He suggestcd that more attention to the personal .. ! Pro:~Yt CHARLES B. KIMMEL i Buildi:g R i.L_.__--MD~-e-n-an-ce---~----,------.----SW-AR--THM--O-RE--.~--6S--____________~I____ ~ ___ e_p~~~l Local Group Works for Action on Pro,blem I M Of/ ,7 THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR THE SWARTHMOREAN 2 Dr. and Mrs. WlUlam Earl .K1Bt-j ut a tea from 3 to 5 at her home ler of Park. avenue entertained at 1 todaY. a dinner party Sunday when their, Mr and :Mrs. \ guests I nc1u d c d . George 1\[. Harding, 1\liss Anita N1s· . n tI George .P 'I • Hardbett ]-I ard 109, a. lng, Jr., of W'ynnewood; and their · ughter Lt James 50n-1il- Iaw an d d a • SN Mrs -Connor H. Connor, U . . . , . and their son Jimmy of ArUng t on, Va., \'!rho were here for tho week.. Dr. annd Mrs. John F. McKernan Mr. and Mrs. pavld Jamcs Da.vls ot Rutgers avenue are receiving burg, S. C.• to visit their Bon-in-la.w ot Watertown, Mass., announce the congratulations upon the birth of ~inu 1aughtcr Dr. and Mrs, JameH hirth of a. 30n, In.mcs Francis. on a son on Monda.y. March 10 In ?lhrch (j at the Ma.ssa.chusettcs D. N~hmn. then to Daton the Fitzgerald Morey Hospital. :.llld on to the west <,oast. At New- Gencral Hospital, Doston, ltlam. The baby is a grandson of Mr. I)Ol"t Hl'<.lch. Calif., they will visit nnd Mrs. James E, Davis of Arn"lrs. (Ie Moll's brother. Mr. A. Ellet Hitcbner. herst avenue. Specializing In Mrs. '1'. M. Gibson of Rlltg,.r"I ;;~~~~~~~~~~~ CHICKEN avenue is confined to her residence Now You can JJ.a,,,e Your and witli n. !racturcd ankle. :Mrs. Gib· Hot Water Heater WAFFLES son and her BOD Mr. T. M. Gibson, Asbe.tos Covered. with .Jr., havo postponed a motor trip nino They plan to stop at Spartan- PERSONALS :\11'. and Mrs. H. F. Brown ot North Chester road cntertained Mr. and Mra. F. S. Johnson and son 1i'l'cd of 'VHmington, Del., u.s their t!'lICflts on Sunday. Their son, Lt:(jg) Harry F. Brown, Jr., of the U. S. Naval Hospital, Bethc1!ida. lid spent thc wec k -en d a t hI'. ~ ., home hcrc. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Jackson end. of North Ch~ster l'oad arrived :Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Laws of home Sunday from an extended Harvard avcnue entertaincd as. :wtomohile trip to Luke 'Vales, l"a. their ~ucsts at a supper party ~un1\[I'S. C. C. Smith of Baltimore day night. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pike returned hOllle l'~rlday after Hes.~e, Mr. and J\(rs. Robert Hesse, a six-wc(~k :mjourn at Lake \Vale!'!. Jr., of Glenside, and 1\Ir. and Mrs. John Bigger ot Pl'ospect Park. l'~I~~r. and MT't-:. Ralph S. Hayes ot\ Mi:;s l\fa.rg'"cl.ret Little of Park Oberlin avenue ha.vc returned avenue spent the week-end skiing home after a two-week trIp by with the Buck Hidgc Ski Club at glane to New Orleans. Their l'JonMontrose. in-law and d:lughtcr, I ..t. C(lmdr., Malcohn, two D,nd a half year and Mrs. Charles E. Nelson have old twin son of Mr. and Mrs, Fred- moved from Norfolk to Comdr. erick Anthony of Haverford place Nelson's new statiOI~ at Cha.rleston. is recuperating at his horne after S. C. being confined to the Taylor HO,spt1\11'. \Valter Rauber of Pal".k a,vctal for a Cew days. nuc wlJl leave today by plane on a l\frs. orvHlc Bullitt. Jr., of 'V'l.l- month's business trip to the west nut lane has just returned after coast. During t h a t tl me ,'..I rs. R au. re I a. Il "es an d f r I'en d S visiting Mrs. Truxton EInerson, Jr.. ber will "hut of "Indian Hill," Cincinnati, Ohio, in Now York and New J~rsey. formerly of Bryn :Mawr, for a few Mrs. Harold G. Griffin of Rut- , THE FIRESIDE Roofs Repaired to visit the former's sl&ter in Holly. Tin Roof. Painted Hrs. 11 A.M. to 8 P.1\L 1101 IIleDade Blvd. Collingdale, Pa. Gall GEORGE MYERS "Right in the Center of Town" .RUSSELL'S at th(> Jackson hom,e evening. :\Irs. Albert Hilles of the S""arthmore Apartments ,'jsited her 8'5t("r 1\Irs. Paul Copc of .A:.tIantic City over tho "weck-end while Mr. Hilles attended a Pharmaceutical Convention in New York City. 1\1rs. R. Whitney Tucker of Cornell avenue entertained her sister Mrs. Ed ward H. Gamm ot Charlotte, N. C., for a few da.ys. Patsy McCahan d!lughter of Dr. and Mrs. David J.'1cCahan of Strath Haven avenue was a member of the freshman cast ot "Overtones" days. gel'S avenue, Literature Chairman pr('sentcd recently nt l\IoUJit H01y'Ir. and Mrs. Orville Bullitt, Jr., I of the Wo~n's Club. entertained oke College. So. Had1ey, M ass. ~ of ,"Valnut lane will attend a din· 10 gllcsts at a luncheon at tb,e ncr given in honor of Mr. BuUltt·s Ingleneuk, Friday In honor or 1\Irs. ENGAGEMENT sister, Miss Louisa Bullttt of Wblte- Dorothy McEwen Forrest, guest l\Ir. and Mrs. George M. Hardby Mr. and Mrs. Dickson reader q,t the morning meeting of ing of "Boxwood," ,"Vynn(>wood m "rsh ... Boenning of Chestnut Hill at the the literature section. nounce th(! engagement of t11elr Mrs, J. A. Perry .)f th{' Swarth- daughter, Miss Anita. N 1sbett H ard Acorn Club before the Town dance, ~aturd"Y evenlng. morc Apartments is entertaining ing, and Mr. John Seidel KI sCI', tl _ 111 Willi Dr. and Mra. John R. Bates of at a luncheon and brIdge todaY. 2d, son of Dr. and rs. am North Chester rand w1l1 entertain Prof. and Mrs. Jo~. ,!). Lange of Earl Kistler of "Open Doors." 1\11'. and Mrs. Albert Barnhart ot "Langewood," Baltimore PUec. cnPark avenue. Shoreham, L. I., as their week- tertain('d us week-end guests, their Miss Harding attcnded the Agnes e-nd guests. son Mr. Ernest O. Lange, Jr., ot Trwln S'!hool. and Is a graduate of Mrs. M. C. Neal of Benjamin li'ranklin nnd Marshall College .. th~ School of Architecture, Un1\Vest I!Lvenue hns just returned and 1\Irs. Langc, a.nd their son Ma- verslty of Penn~lvnnia where she from a two-month visit with her jor Donald E. l.ange, reccntly re- was a m'ember ot Kappa Kappn son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and turned from Shanghai, China. 1\laj. Gammn, Mr.IJ. Craig Neal and thetr baby son L.'1.nge has now joined 11ts family Mr. Kistlct· a.ttcnded tho Taft in Chariottevlll£!. Va.. 'wh<'re they Rtlbert ut Denver, Colo. SchOOl, and js a. graduate ot tho Pepper Neal of Benjamin ~West will Uvc tor the prescnt. School of Landscape Architecture, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Howe of avenue a student at the Hannah Untn~r~ity of Pennsylvania. where More Academy, Reisterstown, Md •• Rutgers DNenuc spent the wec.k- he was a. mern her of the Phi Kappa end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. will arrive hume today for a 10-day Psi. He sCI'vcd tour year.s in the Bruce L. l..cwis of Nutle).', N. J. spring vacation. Na,'a.l R£'sl'rvc with thrce years of James H. Callahan has retuI'ned Dr. and Mrs. John R. Bates and active duty in the Pacific, and to Lehigh UnivCI·sity nftel' a midchildren Sally and Johnny of North wa.n released with the rank of lieuChester road. and Mr. and Mrs. }:ctnester vacation at his home on tenant. He is now connected with Howard ~. Newman, Jr., and Garrett avenue. tho Barnes Foundation, Merion. Mrs, A. P. Shenlde and her daughter Nancy of Walnut lane, spent the week-end In Atlantic daughter Mrs. Joseph Schubert of BIRTHS DIckinson avenuc have returned City. .. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. MUltin Mrs. MorriR H. Fussell of River- after a 50jour-n of a -tew da.:r~ in of Havcrford placo are being conview road spoke on flJuvcnlle De- Atlantic City. ~'I'ntulatcd upon the birth of their Jim Brown has returned to Yale linquency" nt the meeting of the first son DavId Fordyce Martin, Univero:;;ity after spending the w('e]{~warthmor~ Rotary Club, Friday. and second child. on SaturdaY. ~ Mrs, Fussell was a recent guest ~nd at his horn,o on Walnut lane. March 8 in the Fitzgerald Mercy Miss Alma DanielS of south sp£!aker at the Sa.turday Club of Hospital, Darby. W2.yne. and at the Am'm'lcan Asso- Chester road , ... as hostess to the ciation of University Women in Reading Group, Thursday last. Miss Phtlau(>i!)hia on "International Re- Edith Bunting of College avenue FOR lations a.nd the U. S, FOl'eign reViewed the book. "You're Only HUman Once" by Grace Moor-c. Call Policy." Mr and Mrs. W. Stanley Kite M LI d E. Kauffman J~nn Lawrenec of Moyla.n. a and thcir daughter Retsy Kite ot s';~:;ore 2080 graduate of Swarthmore Htgb I Ogden avenu~ arrived homo last School, class of 45" now attending Penn Halt Junior Con~ge, Chn.m- v,reck after a month's vacation in UNITY ASSEMBLY Borough Hall bersburg. has been elected to mem- Palm Deach, Fla.. Mr. and Jolrs. Carl de Moll of 10:30 A.M. H,'ery \Ve,}nesdl\)' bcrshlp in Phi Theta. Kappa. NaZELIA I\[. ALTERS. Speak.er Honor Par,k a~nue left today on a sixJunior College tional Everyone Welcome week automobtlq trip to Canror~o('iety. Complete SenJice IGNITION MOTOR BRAKE TIRE Dartmouth & Lafayette Alles. - Call 0440 Trees, Lawn Areas, and FoundationPlantingsbnproved NOW William J. Stephani, Jr. Landscape Contractors Phone Chester 'Heights 194 ~ DEWDROP INN BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER OPEN ~ A. 11['- P. M. -OUTSIDE CATERING SERVICE- Wednesday, 7 80m. _ 2 p.m. Sunday, 12 - 8 p.rn. DAILY DINNERS ......... ,.. 85e to $l.GO Spccia.J Children's Platters The t BEAUTY SALON Beauty'. Conditioned for Spring 13 South Cheater Road Call Swarthmore 0476 p---- r ---MEDIA Friday &: Saturday George Raft & Llnn Burl "NOCTURNE" The Players Club of Swarthmore • THE CHERRY ORCHARD BY Antoft Tchekbov • March 14 and 15 8:20 P. M. Guest card.a at bo][ office on!7 through members * THEATRE III , \, Saturday !\ofatinec Only Our Usual Big Kiddy Show I.-Prince nn~ The Pauper 2.-..'"iurprlsc I,'cnturctte FIRST RUN "1ORLD NEWS Sl1ndul'-2 Featurea; 3.-CartooDS and Shorts 7:00~9:00 \Vllllng Gargan "'Rendezvous 24" and 4._IrIsh Mail Feature not shown at Saturcia), matinee. E\'cntng performance 'J' p.m. Mon ... Toes. .. Wed • James Mason and Margaret Lockwood LllHt 2 nn)·s Priday - Sntut'da)' Bing Crosby-Fred Al'ituh'C InIDg Berlin'. "BLUE SKIES" in teclmioolor :nntillcc 2:30. E,·c. Roy Rogers • "ROLL ON TEXAS MOON" 'I Mon ... Tues. - 'Ved. Ginger Rogers Burgess Meredith ...........--------------------~. , I !"The mao who thinks to conserve his heellh by uselessness and ease does not differ from him who guards his eyes by not seeing, aDd his voice by not speaking•.•• Least of all is it to be assumed that laziness is healthful, if it destroys what health aims at; and it is not true that inactive people are more healthy:' This excerpt from Plutarch's essay Adflice Abolll Keeping Well, written over 2,000 years ago, might have been written yesterday. Had medicine and pbarmacy been as well developed tben as they are today, we are certain be would have stressed the value of a periodic physical e:lamination by a qualified physician. By· the same reasoning, it is wise to take your prescription to a registered pharmacist for expert compounding. We are prescription specialists. • MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY "MAGNIFICENT DOLI1' III ''WICKED LADY" 1>VBIJSHED EW ....I' FRID....y ....T SW4RTIDIOBE. THE 8WAaTIDlOREAN, INO., PUBIJSHER PhoDe. Swarthmore 0100 .PETER E, TOLD, Editor Lorene McCarter "RAZOR'S EDGE" On the Comer Starting 'lbursday I PA. Entered 8.11 Second Class Matter• .January 24, 18Z8, at the Post Omce at Swarthmore, Pa.. UDder the Act ot Jrla.rch at 1879. DEADLINE--WEDNEtDAY NOON SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1947 II jJ 0) Presbyterian Church Notes o'clock. Sunday morning at 9 o'clock the Circle 4, Mrs. H. LeWis Cutler, Morning Prayer SerVice will be Chairman, will meet Wednesday. held. Marcn 19, at 1 o'clock for desThe Church CItizenship Class to sert and meeting at the home of prepare young people over 12 years Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes 19 S. Princeof age tor ChUrch membership Is ton avenue. held each Sunday morning at 9 Circle 6, Mrs. Owen W. Gay, o'clock In Mr. Braun's offlcc. Chairman. will meet Wednesday, At the 11 o'clock servIce Mr. .March 19, at the hotoe of Mrs. Braun will preach on "Your Luther Dimmitt, 132 Rutgers ave.nue. Sewing at· 10 o'clock brIng Church," Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Douglas at sandWiches (or lUnch at 12 o'clock. the Harvard Avenue entrance and Program from i to 2 o'clock. Circle 6 1 Mrs. Samuel C. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Allen \Vood at the driveway-transept entrance will as- Chairman, will meet Wednesday, sist the toinlster In greeting the March 19. at the Manso at 1:30 congregation after the service Sun- o·clock. Dessert and coffee will be served. Mrs. H. H. Walters will day morning. continue her study of the Bible. All departments of the ChUrch Circle 3. l\Irs. 1(. M. R~ed. chaJrSchool meet each Sunday morning at' 9:45 o'clock. The Women"s man, will meet Wednesday. March. Bible Class meets at 10 o'clock jn 19 at the hOnte 01' Mrs. George M. the Church transept. The Churc1l R:UD::l, \Vellesiey road at 1: 30 Hour Nursery meets during the o'clock. Circle 8, Mrs. George Schobin11 o'clOck chUrch hour (or all ger, chairman, will meet Wedneschildren age 1 to 7. Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock ·dp~y, March 19 at the home of Mrs. a HYMN SING will be h£'ld in the Carlos S. No)'~s, Parrish road at 11 o·clock. Church. wtll go .out to take the cneck &lid Jr. Musicians Meet tile .... for wblch they have The Junior Music Club ot earned the money, SWarthmore will hold Its next mC'Jting at 7:16 p. m. Sunday, at . Chrisfian Science Church Note" tho home of Eltz!l~eth Foster, Club "SUBSTANCE" Ja tho 8ubject of sccretary, 605 Yale avenu~. tho Leeson-Sermon In alt Churches Program chaJrman for tho meet... of ChrIst. Scientist, on Sunday, Ing w.lll be- Waldo Fisher. Murch 16. The Golden Text i8: "God Js able to make aU gracc In March Recital abound toward you; that yeo The March recital by piano pualways having all sufficiency In all pils of Dorothy PaUl was held at things. may abound to every gOQd the home ot Mrs. Hamilton Cochwork" (II Corinthians 9:8). Methodist Church Holds Annual Meeting The 45th annual meeting of the Corporation of the SWarthmore Jdethodist Episcopal Church WW:J held Friday evening. March 7. f Reports were made by the Putor nnd tho heads of the various phases or chUrch activity. AU showed a year of considerable progreM. The ChUrch indebtcdne&'" was reduced $7000. The present indebtedness cn the ChUrch Is below $16,000 and on the parsonage, ,1600. T'he value of the land and replacement value of the buildings is approximately $250,000. In addition to regular bencvo-. lances. $1600 was p.tid into the retired ministers' fund. The choir has had a very succe~ful ycar and w1l1 Jlrcsent the Eastel' ,Cantatu. on Good Friday ove:ling. All are invited to attend this se .. vIce. John Howard Tuylor. George H. Detweiler and John H. Pitman were reelected trustceM. Theodore Purnell. .Mrs. \VilUam J'1al'l KIst1er, I·'red J. Bogardus. ~h·s. George C. Broadbent, nnd • Thu Bunding Committee will Mrs. S. Shawhan were elected delemeet Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock Methodist Church Notes gates to the unnual Dl,;,eting of the in Mr. Braun's office. 'the Church School mcets on Laymen's Association. Mrs. Ray The Canva.c;aers for the Every :-~unda.y morning at 9:45. Classcs lIal'low, :\11's. Roy Newton Keiser, Member Canvass wHl meet for HI't' provided for children of all Mr. Shawhan, MI'. Curl r.rufts, and dcssert followed by a brief dis- agl~S and for adults. Mrs, Otto Krau!', ,11'., wcre chosen cussion period on 'ruesday. March r 'l'h~ topie of the sermon at the as alternates. 18, at '1:30 p. m, morning servico at 11 o'clock is The Committee for Nmninntln:H~ "'rho Light that has not Failed," Continue Drive Thc CARE drive will be extendfOl" Elders, TruMtees and lll'acons A Children's Church service wiU will meet Sunday Immediately af- iJ(' held in thp. chapel dUl'ing the eel for two mOI'c '\\"celiS, it is nntel' the 11 o'clocl; sea'\'ic(~ in the }'ame hour Us tho m.ornlng service. nounced by thc Committee chairChoir Room. They will be glad Tht.s service is limited to thOSe be_ man, Mrs. Hans Rademacher. Conto I'eceive suggestions for nomina- Jow the Intel'm~diatc Department tributions ure being received meadtions from members of the con- of the Church School. Mrs. L. L. ill', and it is felt that many people gregation. . Cotomittee members J-Iedgepelh wlll be in charge. would prefer to wait until after are H-. Lindley Peel. Chairlnan, 'rhe ChUrch Nursel'Y is open i'Ian:-h 1 ti. Earle P. Yerk~s, Mrs, Frank during the morning service to care Initiated Keenen. Mrs. Roland Eaton and for th(! younger children. Mrs. Ray Peggy Keenen ot Harvard aveEric S. Sproat. 1.. Harlow wlll be in charge. The C·hancel Choir rehearses Hobert. Brighton will be the lea- nue, a mem'ber ot the frcshman Thursday evenings at 7:45 o"elocle. de .. of the Youth Fellowship which cl!lSS at Denison Univcrsity, GI'anThe Girl's Junior Choir rehearses meets at 7 o'clock in the chapel. ville. Ohio. ha...'"1 hecn Initiatell. into Thursday afternoons at 3:46 Hhl subject wJll be Pastor Martin the Alpha Phi Sorol'ity at the Uni- SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. David Braun. Mtnurt.er -Rev. H. Lewis Cutler, Mlnister~. 9: 00 A .• M. Morning PI'ayer Servico. 9: 46 A. M.-cburch SchooL 10: 00 A. M.-Womel"8 Bible CIasa. 11:00 A. M. Sermon, "Your Church," by Mr. Braun. 5:00 P. M.-,.Fellowshtp. METHODIST CHURCH Roy N. Keiser, D.D., Minister SUNDAY, MARCH 16 9:{5 A. M.--ehurch SchooL 11:00 A. M.-"The Light That Has Not Failed." 7:00 P. l\{.-Youth Fellowship in Chapel. TRINITY CHURCH Rev. Geo. C. Anderson, Rector SUNDAY, MARCH 16 8:00 A.. Y.-Holy CommunIon. 9: 46 A. M.-Church School. 11 :00 A. M.-Morning Prayer and Sermon topic: "Is Ritual EssenUal W' 6:00 P. M.-Young People's Fellowship, Church. 7:30 A. 10.00 A. 3 Me MARJORIE TOLD. ~Iate EdItor Rosalie Peirsol Anne N. Cochran SUNDAY, MARCH 16 "r ~ THE SWARTHMOREAN , CHURCH SERVICES I COLLEGE THEATRE f o'clock. Tbe Boy's Junior Choir rehearses Friday ,evenings at 7 o'clock. The Men's Communit:r Chorus meets each Tuesday at 7:30 Magazine'Subscriptions Mrs. T. M. Gillson of Rutgers , avenue has been entert.'l.ining Mrs. WlIliam A. Cook of V:1.l1ey Forge who has returnC!d to her home after a ·.....eek·s visit. jMrs. Roy Lane '\Vllktn90n of Dickinson avenUe Js entcrtalnlng ;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~TiH~E~~S:W~A~R T HMO REA N .. ;;;;1'1;;;;ri;;;;ft;;;;Y;;;;';:::Marda;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1;;;;4;;;;,;;;;1;;;;94;;;;7;;;;· Pure Maple 'Syrup and wood. Callf. Mr::;. R. Blair Price or North Chest('r road Is visiting Mrs. C. Nelson Beck of Char:ottesvUle, Va. Mr. and Mrs. J. David Jackson of Vussar aVt.'nuc and Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilogc'" Rus!$cll of Haverford place, (!ntcrtaineo 21 01() Swarthmore Coll£!ge friends at a buffet supper ------ ., , Friday, March 14, 1947 Niemoellcr. The SU},Jer\'ised Recreation undOl' ~h". PUrnell will be held in the SO('ju.1 Hall on Thursday evening from 7 to 9. I-tehearsal fOl' the Se:lior Choir will be held on ~rhursday evening at 7:30. ran on South Chester Road, Friday ufternoon. An outUne ot the life of Tsehalkowsky was given b,.. Noel Snyder. whtl also pluyed the "larch from the Nutcracker Suite. Othcrs performing on the pro .. gram included Molly Huse, NorDlA .Wilson, Susan Cochran, Peyton Bra.y. Barbara. Ziegcnfus, Eleanor Balderston, Mury PhUUps,. Carol Sue Underwood, Betty Spencer, Kathle£'n Jessup, Beth Jones, Edwin HarrIs, and Claire HendrlxsoD. See the exhibit of THE COLONIAL CUPBOARD No. 5 PhiIa. Pike, WoImington" Del. at Swarl~more -A-nliqueJ :lair , We will buy at the Best prices old china, glaMs. furniture, firearms. Call Holly Oak 4313 Collect for appOintment or sec us nt the Fair. All business confidential. FOUNDED IN 1878 . Our establishment has steadiiy grown in scope and purpose until today it is unequalled in the character of its service and the range of its activities. OLIVER H. BAIR CO.; D...ClOIS 0' FUNIIIJILS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET 116-1581 MARY A. lAIR. President vCI'sHy. Trinity Notes lioly CommUnion will be celebrated at 8 :1. m. Sunday, All dcllartm~nts of the Church School will m~et I.\t 9:46. At the 11 o'clock E;erVice ot Morning Prayer the RectOl" will llreaeh on the topic, '·Is l~itual Essential" Young People's F'cllowshlp will meet at thc PreSbyterian Church at 6 p. III. The Ushers for Sunday will be \\r. P. Hili. head usher; C. B. Blake, I ... Cleaves, H. Cochran. J. H. l"urlong. J. W. Jones, E. O. Lange, and F. ,\V. Plowman. ChOir School will meet on Monday and WE'dncsday at 4:30 and again on Thursday at 7:30 p. nt. On Wednesday there will he a ('clchrn.tlon of Holy Communion at 7 :30 a. m. antI again at 10 n. m. FolloV\.;ng the 10 o·clock service ihe women of the parish will sew. '1'h Is will be "followed by luncheon and study class. "r, "T, SUNDAY, MARCH 16 Friends Meeting Noles ':46 A. M.-FlTSt Day 9chool. First Day School In Whittier I· 9:45 A. M.-Irwin Abrams of the American Friends Service House at 9:45. Adult POL·Utll ill the :\Ieeting' Committee! will continue to speak on "The Deeper Need in Hous<, at 9:45. Irwin Abrams, Director of the \Vor.k Camp Projects for Worehlp. In 11 :00 A. Europe (or the .-\.merican Friends Service Committe('. will tell of the ways the A. li'. S. C. Is I trying '\0 meet the deeper needs in t Europe by Quaker relief nnd construction projects. . Park Avenue below Harvard SUNDAY The Junior Forum Fair last Sat11: 00 A. :M.-Bunday SChool. urd~y WR.9 very successful and the 11: 00 A. :M.-Bunday Lesson Sermoney Is all in hand now to buy IDon. Wedn~ evening meeting each the- cow to send to Europe. On week. 8 p.m. Reading room open Sundn.y the 5th and 6th grades/ dally ftcept Sundan anll hoU4aya 11 to & Pom. WednetOda¥ eveDiDlr, 7 ,\V~l"t, to Westtown to Bee the COw. to 7:&0 Pom. an4 D to 9:10 p,m. and soon the whole Sunday Schoo11 y~~~:.~ rc-I With an automatic gas water heater, you'll have enough hot water for every household use. At the turn of a faucet, there'll be plenty for the family baths, for the family laundering in your automatic washer. plenty for dishes. and for general household cleaning. Ask about an automatic gas water heater at our local office. or see your dealer or plumber! Your registerecj! plumber Is a master craftsman with years of experience in making successful instahations of automatic gas water heaten. Ask for hi. advice on size, location and complete inltanation of your automatic gas water heater. He will gladly share with you the beneAts of his experience. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COM'AI' 4 teams have swung Into prac- Dick Bullock and Bob McHenry to I ticc for the coming KeaNon. The start things rolUng. School News "rrestle orr ~l'h(> Senior HIJ!"h School Intra.mural Wrestling ChrunptoDshlps nre now in progress with .~he big \ I l.OAF uF BREAD OUR SALESPEOPLE KNOW IT'S GOOD ' Enriched SUPREME with Our Compliments IJcml '1.'")[CA 'l.'ourncy BilI~' Hoot and :DicIt Greer led if our salespeople fail to their team to a. 50 to 3 victory in the Chester YMCA Basketball Tournament on opentng night. me.. tioR bread to you when you shop in our markets this week. If bread Is nat suggested simply call this fgct to the manager's attention, and receive a loaf of bread at no cost to you. BREAD , ( T~') , ~ ..... loaf.,&.,&C phla suburban schOol dIstricts, they prove. tho answer, as It woo ......, f.lt arc sUIl belbw those of suburban that an adequatelY equipped ~chools In a. number of other met- teaching Btatf was the wlscst In~'OO rop 0 lita n areas, Th e Swarthmore vestment Cor our children's ,,'cl$1 ~~ Donation6 of Swarthmore schools have lost -eIght men teach- talc." 'rhe council addressed a. borough residents to the Swarth- ers during the past three Years, Icttt'I' to the &hool Board inform-I mor~ College Campa.lgn ha.vG All left to obtain more remunera- ing thc lattcr uf its views. re-ached 3. total of $4600, Leonard ttvc positions elsewhere. either In The Home and School teachers C. Ashton, Chairman of the Bor- cducutional fields or In olher types sabry cOllunittcc Is chcournglng'l f ough 'Committee. reported thl. 0 work. Ulttmately thts trend. othcr c~)lnmunlty e"TOUpS to dIscuss week. Thls represents a $1500 In- which Is taking place In many the matter in their meeting.." and crease over the, last report, and parts of the country. will weui~en for the USf!' of' spcn.kcre it h~ makbrings the number ot contributors the quality of instruction our lng avaHa1:.lc a. collection 01 backto apprOxImately 80 people. children arc receiving." tJround . facts prepared by James 1\11'. Ashton urged all solicitors Members of the Home and H. MIlIcI', Jr" high school matheto complete their assignments School teachers snJary comlllittce maUcs teacher and chairman of h b feel that. the superior type of in- th. faculty ]Jason committee, w posst Ie. ''There can be offered by the Swal'th- Members of the Home and School :0 0: In the minds of well-In- morc schools Is one oC tho corn- conlrnittee working on the salary ~rme people'" Mr. Ashton de- munlty's outstanding attracttons_ problcm are: MI". Cadigan, chair- I What Shall I Do?" e;ev:~ ford. IIGo to the IDGH SCHOOL over dollars Phone 1913 Special Friday & Saturday ADMISSION FREE Fresh California ASPARAGUS I 4'" 25c • 5c AA GI'mle 5ge lb. Apples F _ WI..... 2 '''' 35c Oranges v::~:s Solll .... 5Se Tender --------~------~ Boneless Beef Roast TENDER RED BEETS 2 n<···17c 63c lb. bu Gleaside Park Grall Seed SLICED BACON S,!"S1.ZS 35c half lh. A\e4iull'l Sharp Cheddar CHEESE x:.~ SWIF1'S BLAND LARD p!~.t 4J,C ~,,;!~. S1.Z6 Phenix ct..... Spread Bleu Cheese Cheese Mnd CMdIW' Pea Soup HPlIa.' Sauce lonlSp"Iltettl Tomato Paste Kraft JIll""" 17c ,. 59c "49c 1. How I Do ItLarge Sunkist Lemons 39c Florida Juice Oranges CiI~ 39c doz. gJI6I:fRIII Spaghetti or _.__~~~--~M~A~CA~R~O~NI~~~1~4\ ROSEF)SH ,029c Codfish Fillets Whiting Fillets 1D21c BuHerfish '"'7c "Hey Jers" Fancy Potato Salad Cole Slaw Mush GleIN.... Cor....le.. 2 for 29c 2,1'" 16c cartOli California Carrots Fresh Spinach 19c lb. U. S. Government Graded Meat Loin Ends IUO t. 4 'III" Celery Hearts '·SSe PORK LOINS (u:i!'a ~tbS) 49c 29c hunch Ib LEAN CHUCK ROAST FRESHLY GROUND BEEF -LAMB SHOULDER ROAST ,RYING CHICKENS I. Ib Squcaro cU' Fancy. Fresh. Killed, Grad. It. y;oolb. 3 .. . 41c 37c 35c 39c A. DELICIOUS PIE FOR SO LlTT"E! MR. JOHN TORREY, DuPont Company Courtesy DR. H. H. HOPKINS, Crest Lane emae vcs • ( In ..a particularly trying situation. Many of the Swarthmore teachers ha..ve had to supplement their teaching incorll'es through outside W~rl{, asTS:lesmen or industl'ial emp Oyes. Is has taken time which they would prett!ir to use for professional stUdies and development or to which the}· are entitled relaxation. Even with this supplemental income the teachers pcr- I sonal budgets are strained to the i breaking polpt. It has been dUt'J- ~ cult tor them.; to mntntnln living I standards comparable to that of the community and impossible for many to llve in the borough who would like to do so. ffEven though Swarthmore teachln~ salaries comparo favorably with those in other Phlladcl-~ 29c pkg. 4. Humor and Truth BY YOUR FIREMEN Heinz Baked Beans 19c can both for Manunouth Asparagus Tips And a ISc 8-01: pkg 49c Can JIFFY PIE CRUST BY EXPERTS TARTAN COFFEE 45c lh., GRAPE JUICE 35c pt. " , Maraschino Cherries with stema, , 49c bottle COLONIAL DINING ROOM STAG BAR Hurff Spaghetti 2 can 25c $1.00 from $1.76 6. What Do You Want to KnOW?'You Ask-Answers Furnished FIRESIDE LOUNGE PRIVATE PARTY and BANQUET ROOMS --t:r CALL CHESTER 8286 ~ J'oyce--Levln, Under the VOlcano--Lowry. Stwn- pet 'Ntnd- Merrick. LydIo. Bailey -. )toberts, The Left Hand is the I)rt':unel'-Hoss, Thc \V,a.yward BUB -Stclnh('ck. Ii'. Bird, Hoy ]Joraey. Harry ~pThe 25 cooks of non-fiotlon Inpenlandcr, 1\11", M1l1cr, Gordon elude: The Lincoln Reader-Angle, Lango:!'. Peter E, Told. and 'VlI1iam My San I"ranclsco--Atherton, F. JJC(,.~. Journey to the End ot an Era-Ball, L.lncoln·s \Var Cabinet-HenNew Books at the Library llrlck. The Making of a Souther... Since the rh'st of the year the nc.r-Lumpkln, White House Phy~wa.rthmore Puhlic J...lbrary has ~lcian-!\lclnUre, The Showman ot adllCfI 76 De\,,- hook!:> to its shelves, Vanity Fair-Stevenson, OutsLllldlng among the 31 works of current fic-tion arc: New Life of ::\1r_ 1\lartin-Brlffault. One The entire list is on exhibition at Buaket: 31 Storil.!5-I....erber. 'rhe the libra"". Mr. iCS~::~~::~h:e:e:YB!~r:ch::~ II I WOMAN'S CLUB SWARTHMORE, PENNA. I AnindIC"tlOnotcommunl\y.~n_1 II ter Is seen in action recently taken by the :!\Iothers Council, composed Of th e graue " group chairmen of I all grades from kindergarten I through the twelfth. The council. ot which Mrs. Richmond Fetherolf is chairman, went on :record uno.nimously "as favoring salary adjustrnents even jf higher taxation I March 17 March 18 Marc'h 19 fI oI..uncleond I I -_a , I II • I • 1 P.M. 10 P.M. 10 A.M. - 10 P.M. 10 A M lOP M • I, & • ;J)innerJ • • t , I: I • • ServeJ I Admission-40 cents -------:-=::::=::=-=:::.::.=:::_==:::_==~' _ .. "L.,.; lei. ten "Specials" with Sealtest ~~~e Special •• _ because they're Put 1 cup Sealtes' Creamed Cottage Cheese and 1 .ot.lespoon butter in sauce-. pan, add pepper, salt and a dash of mustard to taste. Add .4 tablespoons milk oAd 1 egg. Heat and stir until cheese melts. Pour over hot buttered toast. Don't heed too long or cheese wiD becom& stringy. Try Seal,.., Spring Garde. Solad-if'. reacly4o-uM -maJ. Cream.d Cottage ell.He •• 21c lb. wit" ·Luncheons James ~ Separate 2 eggs and beat both whftn and yolks. To the yolks add 2 tablespoon, milk al'ld 2 tablespoons ground pimilltntoa, Y.! teaspoon soft, and 2 heoping table$pOOft1 Sealtest Creamed Cottage Cheese. Then fold in beaten whites. Cook in frying pon with ono tablespoon buffer, brown In top oven. Serves 2. COm."TF.I'. PA. Poriahl£> and Mrs. Herhert HUMC. Mrs, JacJ{ Thompson, Roland Pennock, Maxcy Morrison, W. Spencer, , I equals the protein equivalent of a pound of beef. Use it with ather favorite recipes, tao. 28c lb. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 5. It Pays to Know'- i, Mrs, John M, Moore, Mr.. HI C Ilin ond F'ctherolf. Mrs. Howard TUI"m·r. Ml'. and 1\11'13. Steven M. man, SWARTHMORE A NT IQUE 5 FA I R and yet so easy to prepare. Special ••• because a pound of Sealtest Creamed Cottage Cheese 511 WELSH ST. DInners I laxeH "ere to be uBed .xclusivel)' for teachers saiarles, every onemill Inc,'o"so would add apllroxlmately $100 to the average salary, The Board of Education usually awv.rds salary increases on an indlvldual blLl"s. with due conBlderation to merit, seniority, etc. tlment on the tcachers salary mat- 5 " • --- - - I~;:::::::~~~~~~~~;:~~:~~:~~::::::':::::::'::~~==~~"~~=::~~~~~l I 1 so tasty and tempting, so salisfying, U ~ S (. E MR. OPPENLANDER, 45e Frizl: Ice Cream Mix ---- o 5 lb. Gold Medal Flower S5e Box =::------ --- - C L U B H Swarthmore High School Softasilk Cake Flower Sno-Sheen al~o maintaining residential It is angood impol'tant factorproin p(;rt}- values a,nd Is therefore some- f~r ~I 3. What Is Fire ?- 29c A 29c 20-01: jar Ideal Libby's Fruit Coektan Fan", N~~~'12 ~7c Topp.... Braad Bartlett Pea" N~'h 408 Comstock .Ueed Pie Apples ':;.219. Rob-lord Wbole Col'ft Golden Z ~~: Z9C Standard Quality 'Aoaaatoel N,:;,218o I1saJ Faacy fiweet Peas .,.. Lal>el N,:;,2 19C Grapelruit Juice Glenwood ' .... Grod.A can , 19C Red Cheek Apple Jaice .::. 1 " 2. No Need to Flamp.-e- Ten Below He. sugar, lard ar shortening needed. Easy 10 make. Just lUi pie crust and bake. A mince pie with that old-fashioned flavor. MINCE MEAT :~:,::jo:!:g t'i:eOylLtitYlndlnCtrhe...edlln- 2 for 29c FANCY LOBSTER MEAT ·:;:·$129 Roasts or Chops MR. H. HOFFMAN, Director 4, for 39c Iceberg Lettuce ,. 21 c ,021c BY THE BLACK FRIARS Seedless Grapading Group beld a The Birney K. Morses of Ya.le ;ullcheon mccUne at tho home of avcnue have purchased the Fu1lerMrs. Houert L. Coates of Harvard ton house on "Hal vard avcnue and u\"~nue. ·.rhursday. wi1l take possession. June 1. 1\11'. Roland G. E. Ullman of Ann de Furia. a student at PemHarvard U\'(lnUC wlll leave by Coutobroke College at Brown Universlty mobile 'Vcdn~sday next on a. 10day business trip south, Mrs. Ull- will ~pend the week.end with her man wili accompany him and they parents Mr. nnd Ml's. Guy de Furia !Jla.n to stop at Greenville, S. C .• of North Chester road. Hobart W. Da.v1.dson ot Guernsey Birmingham. Ala., and Chattanooga. Tcnn, .road recently entered Bowdoin ColMr, and Mrs. Charles Davenport lege, Me., as a treshntlm. returned Monday to their o.partMolly Banks of Harvard avenue mcnt- on South Princeton avenuo will enterb.in Carol Ann Spangler arter a two-week tour of Florida. of Germnntown w; her week-end Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Lcgg, guesL noon. Lalld, Situate 10 thc City of Chetlter Del. (.'0., l'a, Ul!."GINNING Northe3J:It IN THI~ l.'"OURT 01.... COloll\IUN Corll~1' 3rd ami Buoth ::itrep.ts. 'fhence PLBAS 01" DELA\\'AHB COUN'ry. t..:a:;.t aloug North side :lrd 1:)t. 130 feet to IKlint cotner lands now or late or PIt;NNA. "0 I Thomas B. Hartman, lJe(~'cJ and Mar· 'J'hunm:s B. Hartman, Thence by some garet 1. Harhnrul, hell' of Thomas It North l·W 1<'c",t to t:;outh slde 10 teet Hartman, Dec'd ::;11(1 1!;~1. of ..\lnrJi-ll"et ::lIcY. By Eame \Vt!~t 130 I."'cct to N:11it I. Hartman ownc,1 reputed owner or ~:dc Uooth ~t. Thcll('c lJy t~lil1 sille llol-lll .!:it. 1-10 Ft!ct to HCb~lIl1illg Unles,; whoever tho owner may be. You arc hereby llotlUetJ that 3 9clre Ull at Hdb,\'ll or dcl'cllSC b duly IIled fucitts ""No. :'~70 December 'l'erm, 1931f. Ly you in UI~ '"fCke (lr the 1'rothollohn:l be('11 i~,!;t'll by thl' Court or Cam· !Ul'Y of ~aid Court within JUtceli days mon l'l<;as of Uelawnre CI?Ullty, lrolll the 12th day 01 .t\lJrJl next jUdge· Penna., fll! a Sci. Jo'n.. 'l"ax Lien or the melll will be cntcrctJ against you If)r City of Clu'l;ler, AmOUnting to ~11.9t th(' whole or the ('I:urn and the ~uld along prchli:.:es situate JU tho City or l'rulMrly Hol,1 to re<:o\·el' the amoullt Che!lter, County 01 Delaware and oC tin 'rax Lien. State or Penna., described as follows: G. It. "'atkins. AlL THAT CBU'l'AIN lot cr piece I,Jl Shcrilf 0(' JJelaware County. Thomas A. Curran. Attorney 3T-3-14 CLASSIFIED - . sell '_ as ~?;~~:~(f~? Charles E. Two, 10'" re- plus rewrd made ..!o~~ _~om!,._ '" ~f.::,r ijiachlne. ~;'Il:·~':':':.-·~,!':'at ,;]- rate. i~~,~!. ON HONOR ROlL Hays Penfield. son ot Mr. and Mrs. Walker Penfield ot ru,..er- view road, has been placed on the Builde r =~"hli 'p~ar..n~l~i'_';':lle:!i:~~l'01l0 JOh~lC. ~i:ru::.~: Call Swarthmore 3389-J make~_~~1: eleclrlc Included). troners, ~:~Ut~8c~:del:in:!n~~,lr~::;Il~~:~ 1~~~~~~~~~~2~~~~~-IJ and ue",', Hepalrb-service-iustallati.on. ~ All work done 1n compllance with 1. 18th, I"irst aud l<'inal 'Al,!t!uullt of 1'. J. Quilty, Bxecutor. E:.tale 01 Kalhleen A. A<1:uns, lJe· A]JAl\fB-l·~l'b. (;N,~ed. CAlt'rJ..:N-....~b. 25th, First and "'inal At.:counl of Anua Carten Cummings and '1'ha \Vayne TIUe and 'l'rus~ CQlIllmllY, Bxecutor~, E~tate of Annie, Carten. Dcce~d. CAU·l'BH-lo'cb. 24th, I<~irst and Final .\<"(;OUllt 01 VictOI' C. Smith, Substituted UuardlUn, ~tate 01 Jamel! \\'allace Carter, lato a millOI'. I,:'HI-!'\'-Feh. 7th, H~colld Account o! Giranl Trust COllllmny and Anne Cho'\\'. 'l'rustees, Estate of I:hJllJtutllu Ch.;w, Dccea~I.'(L COX'WA Y -Feb. 25lh, First Aceou!!t ot j·'hlelity-l'hiia.delphla Trust Company :uul Hobert 1\1. Green, Executors, Estata of \VHltt:.m Conway, Jr., Deccas('d. C'OltCOltAN-Feb. 25th, ..... irst and Final .t\{'coulit oC Arthur WllUng Patterson, ,eXecutor, Estate of Della Corc"r:...u, Dec&a.sed, COUNTY-June 4th, 1945, li'irst Acl'ount of Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust ComJlany, \Villiam «'raley County. alHl John Ormsby County. Executors, Estate of Albert John CoUllt)·, De· f!eased. GODSHALK-Jan. 30th, First aIHI 1"ill., Administratrix of l~statt! 0: Gerald D. Godshalk. Deceased. HAGAK-Feb. 11th, Firf'-t and 1,"Ilnal Account of I'atl'ick Carr. Executor. Estate of HOf'e Hagan, Deceased. HARDBS'rY-JO'eb. 2Mh, I"ourth and Final ~\C{:oUJ;t oC Maude H. Oakey, Admim:llratri:'.:, EslMe of Sarah H. Hnl'desty, Decea:-;ed FHHK-Jt·cb. 24th. "~irst and Final Account of Frances l\.L Kirlt, A()mini~ tranl:'.:, Estnte oC J., Howard Kirk, D€'~;.\~ed. KNO\YI..BS--Feb. 24th, First and Final Account of Helen Esther Johnston Deny allli 'VilIlam H. Hatfield, E:z:t.'cutors of 1<':state of John L'DUis KUGw1es:, Deccased, L,AHK LN-F'cb. 18th. Jo'irst and Flnal Account of Canie E. Larkin and Mary Lucy Congleton. Bxecutrlces of l!."'state of Adaline P. Larkin. Deceased. :\IAGUIHE-Feb. 25th. First and Final ;\CCOl:ut of 'l'he \Vayne Title and Trust Company. Guardian, Esta.te or )Inrcia ElizabeUt .MagUire, late minnr. MATHER-Feb. 21st, First and Final Accolll.t of John L. Mather, Jr., ExI.':cutor. Estate of John L. Mather, Deceased. ~IEADF..-Feb, 24th, First and "'inal Account of David B. Meade, Guardian, Estate of Anne .Meade, late a nlillur. MERKEr..-Feb, 5th, l·'irst Triennic.J Account of J. Paul Lyet, Trustee. E~~tate or l\UchtetIng oa"-Hobb:r Craft Tree Surgery and I~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~" .~ Driveway Construction Asphalt or Concrete Work Guaranteed nJght or day. J ~ecretary ~T-3-H GIRLS ~~~~~~~.~~~~ job is stilI to provide you with a commuting service at the lowest pnssible costand we will do everything within our power to live up to that obligalion. Our Chesler l..anclsc:aping I 4' Presents ~IOSS Electrical Installations and Repairs Serving Swarthmore and VIcinity tor vast Twenty Years LOST I\f.nn's wrist wa.tch, gray leather strap, steel case. Between High School and Michaels. 'Vednesday, Finder pelase call Swarthmore 0693. Reward. The Little Theater Club or ......... .......•.....• The School District 01 Swarthmore of the !:khool District in the High School Building, corm~r o'f CoJlege and Princeton AvelluC8, Swarthmore, Pennsyl· v ....nin, up to 4- p. m., Monday, Mar('h 31, HH7, nnd ollen the bids at a !'leetIn;; O~· the School Hoard at the School District office during the week ot March 31, 1947, Cor printing•.general, ,.deuce, ph}·sir.a.l education, ar~, shop, ll.ltnce ~'rlckel" will give a t;)lk about work with lithographs and ,:~eramics. An added int("rest wlll be a. collection of small mjniatures recently brought to this country from Eurol,e. Plans will also be made lor the Annual Exhibition 01 P.1ctures and Sculpturo to be held at the \Voman's Club house from April 22nd to April 27th, inclusive. As of former 'Ycars exhibitors must be over 18 years old, residents of Swarthmore. or, if residing outside this borough, must have formerly resided hel'c, and continuolH'ily exhlhited in the exhihition. Memhers of the club, . wherever they reside, are eligible, The report of the nomInating committee. made by the chairman Mrs. S. S. Rutherford at Tuesd'lY's stated meeting is as follows: presI_ dent - Mrs. John E. l\Uchncl, first j vice prm;id<:nt - 1\Irs. I". H. For. sythe, ~(lcond vice Pl'esident _ MrH. BIrney K. !\forse. recording sccre. tary - Mrs. "'homas K. Bro'wn, '!'be almmutation fare you pay today 15 the same as paid by the .Jr., correspondtng secrcta.ry _ MrR. : . '. A. W. Stuart, treasurer • Mrs. A. commuter in 1920. •• < W. Basa, Jr., directors _ Mrs. D, Reed Geer, Mrs. Charles R. Russell, ,, When Ibis fare was established 27 years ago, it was based on the Mrs. Peter E. Told, Mrs. S. Murray cost mea prevailing to provide me service. Viele; admissions committee. Mrs. J. F. Beatty, Jr., Mrs. S. T. Car-I '. peuter, Mrs. Norman HUlme. Mrs, , While passenger tecvice costs rose slightly between 1920 and C. Russel PhUUps. 1940. since the latter year they have surged to record-breaking levels. The elections committee namell on Tucsday is comprised ot Mrs. R. L. Coat(>s, chairman Mrs. L. P. Wray, Mrs. W. F. Hanny, Mrs, J. 1'lt • _ .... COlIs _ HIGHER oebet Eastern railroads in asking the regulatory Warren Paxson, Mrs. R. G. E. mlman. 1IIAH IN 1940. 1h1s fncIud.. lb. new pa~ authorities for an increase in all classes of It was announced that, upon ... . . . . for sadal secvn"1y benefits to passenger fares. including commutation fares . hoard aetion, no limit was placed +urad _kin under lb. Crosser Ad, on club membership, but a $2.50 initiation and l'elnBtatement fee .101.. will cod .... Pennsylvania Railroad W3B Imposed. The membership now alone ",illi_ ofWollars annually_ stands at 351 according to Mrs. B. W. Collins, membership chairman. Taclay _ . . paying, on lb. av"';g., 1Jy boa.rd action, also, a letter was _ than .. 1940 for _.rything w. must sent to Senator Frederick Hom_ For the commuter, the increase will amount to, sher, Chairman of the State Senate IMIy and u . . 10 provld. you with cammutcommittee on Education urging on popular monthly tickets, $2.50 or about 5c .... ....."ic. - .ven down to tJte paper in favorable action on Senate B11l No. more per ride. On weekly tickets the proposed 37. va- tick.t. Mrs. R. M. Kilgore, motion picincrease will be 65c. Other forms of tickets for These items-labor, fuel and materials-took ture chairman, reported to the club suburban riders will carry a proporon current films. SOc out of every doUar you paid us last year, tionate increase. Visitors at this week's meeting and what was left was not enough to meet our included Mrs. Horace M. Burton, Wi:CO and other expensc:s. In fact, for the first All in an, the proposed fare rise is a moderate chairman of Delaware County time in 100 years the Pennsylvania Railroad Peace SE.rvice and Mrs. Ralph D, one. It is doubtful if this in itself is enough -Owen, president ot the Springfield Ortcd a deficit on its year's operations-a of Bobby Blakiston, 201 Elm ave- Friday, Man:h 14, 1947 tHE S W A R T HMO REA N --~~----~------~------------------~I-------- • SEN'1'MAN-l<'eb. 5th. Second Account of Girard 'I'1'U5t Company and Dl Edgar T. Miller, SurvivIng Trmitec.,o" I~L1.te of EUa T, Sentman, Dccell!>:cd. SHEAFI·...- I. ·eh. 25th. li'lrst and l"inal ,Account of John A- Roberts, ane Alexander D. Geary. Executors, Estate of }"'orencc L. Sheaff. Deceased. 3HRlGLI!!Y-I·'eb. 24th. Fourth Account of \\":llter Hhoads \Vhlte, 'l'ru~t~(", ulw eoC Hebccca \\Tllite Shl'i~ley. DC!~enseli. S'l'lL\INGF.r-I··eb. 'ith. First and Final Account of 'Vinifred Brensinger and 'VjIliam E. Strainge, Jr., AdmInistra. tors of Ms.tate. of \ViIliam E. Strainge, a/k as \Villlam Strain,g~ and 'Villiam Strange, Deceased. THOMPSON-Feb. 24th, First and Final Account of It. Ellison Thomp- son, Edmund Thayer and COnt Exchange National Bank and 'rruat COUll)any, Philadelphia, Executors ot Estate or !'aul Thompson, Deceased. UHI.. ENBROCJ(-li'eb. 24th, The ]i"lir.st and ""'illal Account of Delaw2.ro County '.rrufxplain the need tor their aid toward hospitallzed veterans. A tew m.embers ot tho community ha.ve questioned the occtulion for this assistance. The government sup- -I NEW piles the hospital, bed, board and medical attention. Upon consideration. one rcalizc~ that such a can· dltion is not completely adequate tor tho recovery of ill veterans. For their morale. the ward parties. donations of candy and icc cream, prizes for these veterans Blnce the First World CITIZEN OF TOMORROW Our Girl Scouts are learning the skills and habits which will prepare them to face the world of tomorrow as wise and thrifty citiz~ns. They know how to make the most of what they have . . . and save for that proverbial rainy day. Take a tip from the Scouts and open a savings account here today. Investigate our many other services Swarthmore National Bank And Trust Company l _______________________________.... Member of Federal Deposit IDBuraoce Oorpora1ilon FOR SPRING! bingo parties, dances, gifts on holidays, and other benefits have been forthcoming for War by the Legion and Auxiliary. "Till" govcL·,lm.cnt has provided sun porchfJs in the hospitals but the Auxlliary and Red Cross have seen that they were equipped with chairs, ~ouches. radios and other furniture. Surely no one in our community could expcct full recovery and good moralc; shown by these victims of war, without these additional touches. "The State Auxilia.rY presented Valley Forge Hospital Witll a gr~enhousc. several boys turmng g.:trdcners flome from among the> menL'l1 patients. Bleachers plus an athletic field, and planted trees, arc the ('ontribution this year tor the Aspinwall veterans. Certatnly every member of thls community desires that these tokens ot appreciation be glven to the boys, who gave their best fOr all ot us. "Mrs. Howard Hopson, president of the Legion AuxlUary, will be hoste8S to the regUlar monthly meeting on Monday, March 2 P. M. Rutgers s..venue.u COATS 17. 21 98 And Up to ," :j\,'- rtbn()l'e 'b rnry to Meet W. Henry Linton. Jr., received Mrs. WlIllam H. Thatcher of the l\Iaatcr ot Science degree at College avenue will serve as hosttho l"cbrunry graduation exercises C88 to tho Kappa Kappa Gamma at the Massachusettes Institute of Sewing Group on Tuesday next. Technology. He plans to continue Nora WaIn has reported that h18 studios there with graduate 3500 of the 6000 layettes promised work. to Norway by the National Kappas Mr. I ..tnton, son oC Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry Linton of Benjamin have already arrived in that 'Vest avenue, Uves In Boston, Mass., COUntry. Mrs. Beulah Hammond spoke on with Mrs. Linton, the former Miss "Consumer Education" before the Beatrice Brewster of Dickinson Receives Pharmacy Award Woman's Club Tuesday afternoon avenue. The Builetin of the Philadelunder the sponsorHhip o( the club's phia. College of Pharmacy a.nd Peace Service Department, Mrs. Ii'. Taylor Speaks Seicnee currently nata Ida. M. RitG. Keenen chairman. E. H. Taylor ot HarVard Avenue ter of Michael's College Phanna.cy Mrs. Hammond delined the con· wns till" speaker :1\Ionday a.t the as a. recipIent of an new annual sumer movement as the "concerted Weekly assembly ot the New Jer- award made to outstanding women a nd organized demand on the part sey State Teachers College at pharmacy graduates- by the Phllaof women to know what they are Glassboro. His subject was "The delphl& AIlaoclatlon of Retail Jku&'huying." She drove home to her Personal Element in PubUc gists. Miss Ritter gra.duated trom hearers by anecdote, argument, AlI'atrs." P. C. P. B. last ye..r. personal expericnce her belief in the power of the consunler. "Be articulate about buying. Protest when there m'e no labels. You have great power. Everything depends on you." A store tests its goods because a storo is conscious of customer demands, sho declared. Unfortunately those are demonstrated only by tho articulate 10%. Women are not too label conScious. In illustration l\frs. Hammond listed the statements of blanket sellers in many stores and vicinity that women are principally interested in the color of a blanket, not its warmth, fibre content, washability, measurement of over-all size. On the hopeful side sbe stated that chlldren. following inwtruction in laboratory testing of consumer goods, watched for the important facts. 'I'he testing of a. comparatively cheal) house dress for shrinkage, color·fastncss. and wear was described in enough detail to inform the audience about abrasion and Eye-holding pattarns of everlasting beauty tensile strength tests. Labels which spread beneath your feet ... your roont _ are truly inCormative are imperative, Mrs. Hammond asserted. ".l'hey plemented by a luxurious hand-woven shOUld tell why goods will wear is at home in a", home, (knowledge gained through laboratory tests)l how to rnal{9 them the decoration of any period. last, and wha.t they are made of. The average department store salcsgirl doe:,; not Imow enough about mcrc)lundise. Labeling costs the retailer money whtch will not be spent unless intormation so acquired is used and demanded by buyers. She "]00 Par'~ An~.• Swarthmore. Pn. Phtme SIC!9Tthhlo~ 0529 ••• Clearbrook 4646 urged clubwomen who rcprescnt 11 leIsure and l>rOSllcrOllS group to demand consumer information for their own wiser buying and for the large number of women who lack leisurc or spare cash to wage this consumer battle. SEEN IN HOUSE .& GARDEN CHOOSE FLOWERS. " Friday, March 14, 1947 Asks Clubwomen for Articulate Buying at Scout meeting tonight. Dad says we ought to keep calls brief on party-lines." THAT'S SWARTHMOREAN 098 69.98 You'll like the new, flattering styles on our second floor-from soft capelets and princess lines to boxy and wrap arounds---in pastels, neutrals, or dark shades. Whatever your chOice, your Easter coat is here now. .spear."B Second Floor SI'mrth more, Pa. RED CROSS ~ DRIVE LOCAL UNDERWAY SUPPORT ASKED r~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~:;:;~;;::;:::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;J~~~~~~~]J~~::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::~~~~~~~ ,:"-,ll , :. I: \, 19--Noo 12 21 CROSS DRIVE ~~'?!~~mf!~~~~ !z'~~d MRS. MUDD TALKS l!~t~!t!~ f?ra:.~!:e~~ SUN OIL ELECTS LAGS IN BOROUGH ~~~:~~:n:~ ~;~::;:d:rsE:~~~~;~ HERE WEDNESDAY f:~~2'~;a~~~:.~i!~~:::!~:;~ LOCAL DIRECTOR Stands 7th in Branches in District This Is the seventh in n series of Beethoven As the Red CroNs FUnd DrlYe reaches the haIf-way mnr,k Swarth~ more stands seventh in percentage of quota. coUected on the Ii!;!t ot the 30 branches that nrc included jn the Southea~tern Pennsylvania Chapter. In spite of th_e fact that the' easier part of the sollC'ltation has been completed subscriptions to date have generally been dis_ appointing throughout the enUre area. , I eoneerlB which arc sponsored by the William J. Cooper Foundation. Temianka, a. noted vloJinist, malie his American debut in 1928. later establishing his own chamber orchestra in London and givIng concerts in Europe. Shure, "fho will 1)lay the pinno, Was born In Loa Angeles In 1910. After gj vlng many recitals In EuroP£', ShUre made his Am(>rieall debut with the Boston Symphouy In 19a~. The performance, which is open to the public, will begin at R: 15 in Clothier Memorial. WIL Sponsors Talk "Chiold )on Russ)oa Today" rangcments at once with the plot chaJrman. The prIce will be $1.60 per 30X60 teet. Each gardener furnlshes the tyPO of tc.rtU~er he desIres to use. The Ogden avenue plot, Ogden avenue Thayer ro..1.d. Chairman George L. Alston, N. Chester road. The Benjamin West-plot, chairman R. W. Sweet, 201 Garrett rd. The Park avenue plot near Borough Hall, Chairman Dr. William Earl Kistler, 144 Park a.Venue. The Rutgers avenue plot near school, chairman Dr. John McKernan, Rutgers avenue. The Vassar aVenUe plot Chairman. D. D. Dickinson, 406 Park avenue. Signal Services to S un Oil Co. Are Honored Donald P. Jones, :Dickinson avenue resident. was elected comptroller of the Sun Oil Company and a. mcm bcr of the Board of Dil'cctor~ Tucsday. Two othel' Swurthmore Jllon were namcd di. I'cctors, I··rank H. Markley, general salcs manager, and Dr. John R. Bates. as.<;lstant to the vice-presi~ dellt in charge of manufacturing. Clarcnce H. Thayer. W~llingtord. The urgency of the 'Val' years the Company's chief engineer was developed a tavorable Psychology namcd vlce-prc~i!.Ient. Former" tor givIng. U.cd Cross quotas,necesSwarthmorean 'Villiam D. ~Ia90n, sarily large d,urlng the time of act~ director of IndustrIal relations was ual contlict. were promptly OVcrci('cted to the hoard. subscribed. The after effects of the Mr. Jones joinNI the Sun '':) II 'Var creates almost cqunlly as Company in '32 after completint;" great a responsibUlty for Red postgradUate wOI'k in husiness adCross. It Is. therefore, of foremost ministration at Han'a rd. A Special importance that sufficient funds alisistant to the late l"rank H, Heltarc now made avaUable so that the zel he became manager of the gcnPost-War work of Red C:ros» can m'al accounting department In 1943 be carried on without abbreviatlon . A (Ol'gotten (uetor in tomolTow's and was electcd aMSistant com 1)The individual in considering troller in Janual').' of Ods year. wOI·ld. "'rhe child jn RUSSia today:' On March 21 annd 22, Friday what he or she can afford to give will be desCI·thed when Emily A report on the outstandIng !JUring the wnr he handled the shOUld remember that Red Cross and Saturday nights. at 8:16 thl' Hartshorne MUdd, recently returnac'hievements of the Swarthmore Company's contracts with govel'nLittle Theatre Club of Swarthmore money does not go tnto bricks and College will present "You Can't ed from USSH, lectures in Fricnd::;' school system was released today ment agencies, covering arrangc_ mortar. It docs not go into ~uns 'rake It With You," n. comedy by Meeting House next 'Vednesda~' by the Teacher-Salary Committee ments for HIC delivery of military and ft.lll1munitlon. On the field of MOsH Hart annd George S. Kauf. evening. ,!\.lul'cII 26, at 8 o·cloek. of fh" 1-10111(' an(] Hchool Associn~ petroleum Pl'oducts, and set up battle It alleViates the suffering of man. Both performances wHI be :\rr~. .Mudd will illuMtl'ate her talk tion, in further support of its control systems required for th.? frIend and enemy altke. 1n the held in Clothier Memorial nnd will with colored slides carefully select- campaign to I' a i s e teachers' Company's participation In the pewake of ·War it giv~s relief to the be directed by Mrs. Barbam Pear- ed to give the Am('rican people tl salar.ies to tL pOint where they may troleum pool through which espeoples at d(wastated countries son Lange. 1I10l"e exacting Ilictul"(~ of Ru.,;siun more nearly meet the high cost sential civlIlan requirements fOr everywhere. Red Cross money ts children. ot living. gasoline and fuul oil were supplied. The characters in thc play are neutral money a.nd as such is not l\Jalntenance of accounting conll'ol W.hile 'in Hussia, ~11'.s. ).I,utld The report,' COvering the records unusual assortment; the setting a respecter of race, crecd or nasystems requh'N) h)' war gasoltne :.;tudted chHdr(~n's institutions, Ule for both the high Behool and in the Jiome of l\larUn Vander. tionality. and fuel oil rationing and the adhor, the grandfathel', who comes Soviet approach to chUd _ rem'lng, elementary grades. stresses t'he '.rhe empty stomachs of starving the closest to being the hero ot and the present day ntttt.ut!es or exceptional quality -ot teaching and ministration 01' price celJinh~ on children. whether white, black or the play. It is a home where "the Soviet Women toward work and facilities enjoyed by the schOOl these [l1·oU.UI'h; were also under Mr. yellow, are fed. without discrimina_ bUsines.upcl'iol' &(~('olllplh;h_ Mrs. Jones is the former Ethel Cross mone'Y is earmarked fOr and CounCil of Philadelphia and vico- ments of the pupils themselves. G. rrUrnel' of Swarthmore. Ther.., "where )rou do as you Hke and no goes directly to the rehabilitation president oC Loth the American As"A good school system m.cans are three child.·en Arthur 12. Bcth (lUestions asked." and relier of hUman beings who Hneiation of ;\lal'l"iag(' CoUn:iL~IOl'1i high ~operty "alues. 'Ve must nine, and l~lIT~' Seven. Among the dramatise personrue are the victims of 'Vars, famines, Mr. l\tarkley has Served the Sun are l\[al'tin Vanderhof's daughter, nnd the ~lllional Confen·nce 011 maintain both," Robel't Cadigan, fires and ~ the areat dlsast, I"aillily Relations. chairman of the Teacher-Salary 011 Company in many capacities 1\[1'9. Penelope Sycamore (Penny). that beset the human race. The Het· (]il"e(~tion or l1Ial'l"iage COUl'S- . Committee, stated in releasing the since 1920. within 13 years he heRed Cross dollar ha~ a Sl)iritual who would rather write plays than repo .. t. came m.nnagel· of the eXport sales .significance for thc giver as well do anything' else: Paul Sycamore es at SWUJ·thmol'c ColIl'};e hUH llladl' Highlights of t11e report on the depal·tmcnt. made by ESSie. :\II'S. ~}'ca­ AIIII'I'jean AsSOCitltioll of Hoeial which we must complete our obli2. Swarthmore students have Through an Intimate knowledge more's hallet dancing daughter; 'Vorkcl'S, the American ASHof"iatioll gation to Red Cross. Time does not SCored 'veil nbo,'c the national of the nceds of- electrical industry. of Psychiatric Hocial \\T.orkcnl nud Alice, the only one in contact median for high schOOls on the .;\11'. .\I:u'kle-y Was re~if)onsihle tOI' last and so. today, it is urgently with the world of reality. \Vith the American Sociological Hocicty. reqUested that each one of the 133 Otis Intelligenco quotient test. till' de\'('lopnh~nt of a nurn,her of 'rhe \Vednesday evening lecture voluntary workers in the Borough such a g"athering of ch:u'acters, the The Swart'hmore class ot 1946, for the COIll)):lllY'S products used inplay does not ha\Te a Clear-cut plot.. is sponsored Jointly hy the SWItI.th_ example, aVeraged 120, Whereas tCI'nationalIl' in this field, tram~­ reView his Or her Own effort In but one with man}' interwo\'en IllOI'e dmptt'I' of \\'o!npu':-; I nt('!'- the national median is 105. order that every Inhabitant of former Oil. cable oils and other national League fOi' Peac(' and strands. Swarthmore. down to the last jndi3. Through the ~'ears, with th.:. highly specialized liquid diaiectrics. Freedom and the Internationl H('"You Can't Ta.ke It \Vfth You" exception of the 'war period. the vidua~ who has not yet subscribed, The l\.Ial·kh.'y home is on Guernla.tions Club 01' Nwm·thlllol·C Col· percentage going to college has wllI be giVen the opportunity, has a numhel' of yery interesting lege. The public is invited lind sey road, 1\.Irs. Markley Is the for11l'operties. FII'st among these is a .\·anged between 70 and 80 percent; through giving, to become a part xylophone a.nd a. xylophone player, there is no admission charge. mor Wimona Baker of ChamJ>el's_ last year 62 out of 79 stUdents or ot this great humanJtarian activity. Then too, there are two kittens Preceding the meeting. !\rl"fi. burg, Pa. Their daughtcr, Adele 78 percent werc admitted to colOnly through complete participa- who. though they appear only Philip Je'\,,"ett will entertain Mrs. Dr. Bates PUrsued an academic leges and junior collegcs. tion can Swarthmore now hOI)e to briefly. had to go through a con- Mudd and members of the 'V. 1. career prior to 1936. His A. D. 4, Hwal'thIllOl"t, and only )0 oth<>r degree was received' from AmIlleet its 1947 quota. as it has met siderable amount of training. The L, board at dinner in )1('1' home, public and priVate schools in the its quotas in the past. 231 Kenyon avenue. hcrst, his l\f. A. and Ph. D. from kittens which \\'tll be used in this (Continll('d on Page 6) Any persons dcsiring to increase (Continued on Page 4) production were obtaincd from former gifts, and certainly ther'3 Holand Pennock, I-lead of the Poarc many persons in the Boro_ugh litical Science department at the who after reconSideration will wish college. to do this, Or any persona who Among the props most difficult ha'\'e not yet co~tributed may do to obtain al'c several snakes, a red so without inconvenience by con~ flare aud flrecrackers which nre !acting a Red Cross worker or by adually set off durIng the play, a. maning a cbeck made payab)(' waternlelon and a. roast gOose, I~d's The America.n Red Cross to Harold printing press, and most surprisOgram, Tt'casuurer, Swarthmol"~ ing of aB, a mask of Mrs, RooseN~tional nank and Trust Compan~'. n~1t. Thcl'c arc some ,unusual costumes, too-a ballet costume for Rel'urn3 from E. To 00 Es.c;le and a Roman toga, These Lt. Col. Robert H. Douglas. U.S. propertics give some indication of Army. formerly of Swart!hmore, the rather confused plot and adfj has retUrned from extended ser- an interesting touch to the play. v:iee In the European Theatre and, on leave before reporting tor duty Bereaved In Was'hlngton. D. Coo Is With his Caroline May Taylor. twin family at 1309 Maryland aVenue. daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. W.JlUam Cape May. N. J. COLLEGE CiUB IN POPULAR COMEDY H. S. COMMITTEE REPORTS TO BORO "You Can't Take it With You" Plays 2 Nights Stresses Unusual Qualities of Schools -------- RECEIVING CON GRA TULATIONS D. Taylor of Mytholme, Coa.teaCol. DouC'l.... Who returned by v.IIIe. dIed suddenly on February alrpI8.ne direct from France. 18 :8'1 at the age of alx weeks. She the aon' of Mr. and Mrs. .James was " granddaughter of Louis N. B. Dquglaa of North Cheater ~ RoblnBoll Collep IIvenue. of 1 C ::ollecc T ~l DONALD P. .JONES DR. JOHN R. BATES INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 8 THE MI'. and Mrs. William W ar d I 3rd, URGES TO DEMAND LABELS '"In ....~.... .. t >oJ.'Inner and bridge at their of South Chesler road will entcr- home tomorrow evening. -----1 "Well, Bill, I'll see you at Scout meeting 1 I I ' . There are many tImes 10 a person's life when one just can't put into words what one feels - times when you have just lost a dear friend or when you want te do something especially nice and meaningful for the ones we love. THAT'S THE TIME CHOOSE FLOWERS. I we ought to keep I calls brief on party-lines." TO Thoughtfulnessmakesparty- , line service ~ood service for aUl Keep calls brief. Space calls so that others may use the line in between. When you take the lead in courtesy, others follow suitl CARNS Flowers Greeting Cards DeooraUvo and Novelty CandIes. Baltimore Friday, March 14, 1947 Earns Deslee '\'V. Henry 1. . lnton, Jr., received the Master o! SCience degree at the li'cbrua.ry graduation exercises at the MWJBachuBettc8 Institute ot Technology. He plans to continue his studies there work. with graduate I~e Spr1ogfleld, 1'4. The BeD Telephone Company of Pennsylvania Phone Swa. 0450 -,. • • ?WantAnApartment? Occupnncy .July 1st to t5Ut lWOROOMS ONE ROOM EFFICIENCY FOUR ROOMS Bath nnd ~I()dern Kitchen Ad"llDCC ltcot-2-ycar I..case $J320 to $2160 IlI'flnd·Ncw Cou,'cndoll ut S·E Cor. Yale and Swarthmore William H. Tha.tcher CITIZEN OF TOMORROW Our Girl Scouts are learning the skills and habits which will prepare them to face the world of tomorrow as wise and thrifty citiz,ens, They know how to make the most of what they have . . . and save for that proverbial rainy day. Take a tip from the Scouts and open a savings account here today. Investigate our many other services Swarthmore National Bank And Trust Company Mem~ of Federal Deposit ID8O.r'BJlOO Corpora-tiOD l._____________________________ ~,. =- 2 P. M. Rutgersa.venue. 1I ;.. !. r~A} :j;."rthn(Jre G::,llecc 'b rnry ot RED CROSS ess to the Kappa. Kappa Gamma Sewing Group on Tuesday next. Nora WaIn ha.a reported that 3500 oC Ihe 6000 layettes promIsed DRIVE Eye-holding patterns everlasting beauty your spread beneath your plemented by a luxurious hand.woven ORIENTAL RUG. h is at home In any home, wiffI the decoration of any period. cr~M/S"l1 It_ C"m~~!!lll ·]00 Parr;: An~.., Swarll.more_ Pa. Phone SU!!-rthnlo~ 0529 ••• ClearYrook 4646 UNDERWAY ~ , ," I " THE sSWARTHMOREAN / •• NEW FOR SPRING! COATS PA., MARCH 21, 1947 CROSS DRIVE ~~.?f~~mf!~~~~ !:f!~d MRS. MUDD TALKS HERE WEDNESDAY LAGS IN BOROUGH ShUrepiano will concert be featured In a violin and at Swarthmore Coliege on Thursday. March 27. This is the seventh in n series or Beethoven concerts which are sponSOred by the William J. Cooper Stands 7th in Branches in District l·"oundation. All the Red Crmis Fund Drive reaches the half-way mnr.k Swarthmore stands seventh in percentagc oC quota collected on the list ot the 30 branches that are included in the SouthcaNtern Pennsylvanja Chapter. In spite of the fact that the· easier part of the ~Solicltat1ol1 has been completed subscrIptions to date have generally been dls_ 1~emianka. a noted violinist, made his America.n debut in 1928. latcr csta.~lishlng his own chamber orchestra. in London and giving concerts In Europe. Shure, who will play the piano, was bOI'n In Los Angeles in 1910. After givIng many recitals in Europe, Shure made his Amt'rican debut with the Boston Symphony in 193~. 69.98 You'll like the new, flattering styles on our second floor-from soft cape· lets and princess lines to boxy and wrap arounds--in pastels, neutrals, or dark shades. Whatever your choice, your Easter coat is here now. Speare-a Second Floor $3.00 YEAR Notes To Gardeners WIL Sponsors Talk "Child in Russia Today" SUN OIL ELECTS LOCAL DIRECTOR The contract tor plowing and harrowing the gardens must bo let withIn ,the next week. Those desiring gardens should make nrrangements at on('o with the plot chaJrman. The price wIll be $1.60 per 30X50 feet. Each gardener furnishes the tyPO of fertilizer he desIres to use. The Ogden avenUe plot. Ogden Donald P. Jones, :Dickinson aveavenue Thayer road. Chairman hue resident, Was elected compGeorge L. Alston, N. Chester road. troller of the Sun Oil Company Tho Benjamin WesCplot. chair. and u. member of the Board of man R. W. Sweet. 201 Garrett rd. DiI'cctors Tuesday. Two othel' The Park avenue plot near BorSwarthmore lIIen were named diough Hall, Chairman Dr. William I'ectol"s. F'l'ank H. Markley, genel'al Earl Kistler. 144 Park avenue. sales manager, and Dr. John H. The Rutgers avenue plot ncar school. chairman Dr. John McKer- Bates, as..s enjoyed by the school these l>1'odut'is were also under Mr. yellow, are tcd. without dlscrimina_ the play. It 1s a home whel'e "the fnmllY life. She is counselor nnd children jn this community, as ,Jones' dil'cclion. business of Jiving goes on in the tion, wherever they may be, Red 1\II's. Jones is the forruer Ethel fullest sense of the word," and exccutive secretary of the MarrIage w('11 a:-' 0)(, SUIICl'iol' ae{'otHplish_ Cross mone'y is earmarketl for and Council of Philadelphia and \'lcoments of the pupIls themselves. G. TUrner of Swarthmore. 'l'her..., goes directly to the rehabilitation "whel'c 'You do as yOU like and no Pl'Nddent of both the American As"A good school system m.cnns nrc three children Arthur 12, Beth (luesUons asked," and reliet of hUman beings who !iodation of i'IIarriagr Coumip.lon. high )lroperty ,"alues. 'Ve must ninc, and L:UTY Seven. Among the dramatisc pe.rsonale arc the victims of 'V.ar}!, famines, maintain· both, Robert Cadigan, .1\11'. Markley has }!erved the Sun arc .Martin Vandel'hof's daughter, and the National ConCel'onceFumily Relations, chairman of the Teacher-Salary on Company in many capacities fjres and..n the ar-.t disn.st· 1\1I'S, Penelope Sycamore (Penny), that beset the hUman race. The . Committee. stated in releasIng the since 19~O. ·within 13 years he beBcr direction of mal'l'iagc COUl'SRed Cross dollar has a spIritual who would rather write plays than report. came llInnugC'"I' of the export saleH es at Swartlullore ColIC'I-;"c ha~ m:u:h' f>ignificance for the givel' as well do anything' else: PaUl Sycamore Highllght."I of L'he report on the deptll'tment, directing the COIll_ .:\11'1":. l\Iudd well knowll hore. She and 1\11'. DePinna, ,,[ho make and as the receIver. It has Us own job explode fire crackel'~ and sky ha~ .similar l'csponsibilitfcoH at Swarthmore school system follows: puny's marketing activities to do and It does it in a well orHIGIl SCHOOL throughout the world, spending Haverford College, all~ tea !1)ps at ganlzed way, wIthout Waste Or In-' rockets in the cellar: I l'~d Cnl'JUich1 1, The Swarthmore High School much time in Europe. In 1937 he Penn und Tl:!lllph~ Unh'ersitif!li, acl, a xylophone p ayc)', who a so dil'ectloD. has been rated by the Middle was recalled to organize an IndunShe also if'; a consU1tant fO!' the loves to print ".DYnamite the CapiSwar;thmore's tbne to I.neet its to I" on slips of papm" which he I'cllIh,yl"ania. Statc Ci\'i1 Fif!I'\'ic{' Atlantic S t .a t e f; ev:!.IUation us trial sales dCJ)UI'trnent which he quota is rapidly corning- to an end, puts into· boxes of candy (LoYe eOHlllIliH~lon and a IllCmh('I' oC thC' "super,lor", in the last surVQy in its headed until his appointment a~ A matter of 10 days remains in genel'al sale» JJlanager last yC'ar, AXiiOeiatioll of :O:odal nrea. Vream:s) made by r..:s..~ie, 1\-II-s, Bycawhich we must complete OUr obli2. Swarthmore students have Through an Jntimate knowledge morc's ballet dancing daughtel": Workcl's, the American AssoC'ialion gation to Red Cross. Time docs not scored "\\'ell abo\Te the national of the nceds of" electrical industry, and Alice, the only one in contact of Psychiatric Social 'W.ol'k(H'H :lIIel last and so, today, It Is urgently median for high schools on the :1' . 11' , :\.lal'kley w:l.~ responsihle fOl' the American Sociologica.l Hocicty, requested that eacn one ot the 133 with thl} world of reality. 'YUh OUs Intelligence quoticnt test. thl~ de\'(~lo))lllt"nt of a num.her or r.rhc 'Vednesday evening Ic~ture such a .b"athc1'ing of characters, the voluntary workers in the Borough The Swart'hmorc class of 1946, for the Compnny'H m'oducts used inplay does not have a ell"m·.cut plot., is sponsored jointly hy the- Swal"threview his or her own effort in but one with many interwo\'en 11101'(> ehaptel' of \\'OUIt'll':-; Inh')"- eXample. aVerage,l 120, whel'eas tCl'nationally in this field, tran~­ former oil, cable oils and other order that every inhabitant of strands. nationa.l League fOI' PC'ace and the national median is 105. Swarthmore. down to the last jndi3. Tlll'ough the years, with the highly specialized liquid dialectric5l. "You Can't 'rake It \Vltlt You" Freedom and the ]ntcl'nationl H(lvidual Who has not yet subscribed, exception of the war period, the 'rhe Markley JlOme is on Guernlations Club of Hwul'thmol'c Colwill be given the opportunity, has a numbcr of Yer}' intercsting percentage going to college has sey ,road. ~Jrs. Afal"ldey is the forlege. The public is invited :Ind through giving, to becomc a part IlI'operlies. FiI'st among- these is a there js no admission charge. .ranged betwcen 70 and 80 percent: mer 'Vlmona Bnker of Ch.amJ)ers_ xylophone and R. xylophone playe~', last year 62 out of 79 stUdents or burg, Pa. Their daughter, Adcl~ ot this great hUmanitarian activity. Then too, there arc two kittens Preceding the meeting, :Mrs, 78 percent were admitted to colDr. Bates PUrsuea an academic Only through complete particlpa- who, though they appear only Philip Jewett will cntrrtain Mrs. leges and junior colleges. ca.reer prior to 1936. His A. B. lion can Swarthmore now hope to briefly, had to go through a con- l\Iudd and members of the 'V. I, 4, Hwaf'thmol·e an,1 only 10 00)(>1' degree was received' from Ammeet its 1947 quota. as it has met siderahle amount of training, The L. board at dinner in Ill'r homo(!-, its quotas in the past. public and private schools in the herst, his M. A. nnd Ph. D. fraT}) 231 Kenyon avenuc. klttcns which will be used in this -~--------~ - - (Continu(lll (_)l_,_p_n_g_O __ "_)_ _ _c __-,-_(:,.C~o_n~t~inued on Puge 4) Any persons desiring to Increaso production were obtained from former giflB, and certainly there Roland Pennock, Head of the Poarc many persons in tho Borough litical SCience department at the Who after reconSideration will wish college. to do this, or any persons who Among the props most difficult have not yet contributed may do to obtain are several snakes. a red so without incon~enicnce by confJUI'C and firecrackers which are tacting a. Rp.d Cross worker or by aetually set off durIng the pla~·, no mailing a check made :pa:Yablp waterlllelon and a. r03.."It goose, I~d's The American ned Cross to Harold printing prf'SS, amI most surprisOgram. TI easuurer. Swarthnlore ing of all, a m:u,k of Mrs. Roosl"N~Honal Bank and Tl'ust Compan~" \"elt. There arc some unusual coshimes, too-a ballet costume for Rel'uma from E. T. O. Es."Iie and a Roman toga. The!-lc Lt, COl. Robert H. Douglas, U.S. properties give some indication of Army. formerly of Swart'hmore, the rather confUsed plot and add has returned from extended ser- an Interesting touch to the play. 'VIce in the EUropean Theatre and. on leave betore reJ)orting tor duty Bereaved In Wrulhlngton. D. C .• I.s With h1.s caroline May Taylor, twin tamily at 1309 Maryland avenue, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. W411la.m Cape lila)". N. J. COLLEGE ClUB IN POPULAR COMEDY H. S. COMMITTEE REPORTS TO BORO "You Can't Take it With You" Plays 2 Nights I Stresses Unusual Qualities S h I of II RECEIVING And Up to SUPPORT :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;::;:::;::::::::::::::::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:J~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::~~~~~~~ 19-No. 12 ?, LOCAL ASKED "" LEGION AUXILIARY NOTES ROBERT T. BAm " Collcge a.venue will serve as host- Call Swarthmol'e 2315 Y':,·cnlngs-Da)·s, 0211 Mrs. Osear J. Gllcrcest, puillicity ('"hairman of the American Legion AuxiU::l.l"")·, "\\1shes to be Quoted as follows: ·~h6 Legion AuxIliary wishes to explain the need for their aid toward hospitalized veterans. A tew members ot the community have quest10ned the occasion for this assistance. The governmant supplies the hospital, bed, board and medical attention. Upon consideration. one realizes that such a condition is not completely adeQ.uate for the recovery of ill veterans. For their morale, the ward parties, donations of candy and ico cream, prizes for bingo parties. dances, gifts on holidays. and other benetits have been forthcoming for these veterans slnce the Flrst World War by the Legion and AuxiUnry. "The govcl'ilmcnt has provided sun porches In the hospitals but the Auxiliary and· Red Cross have seen that they were equipped with chaIrs. couches. radios and other furniture. Surely no one in our commumty could expcct full recovery and good morale shown by t.hc;se victims of war, without these additional touches. "The State Auxiliary ]>rcsented Valley Forge Hospital with a gr~enhousol several boys turmng ga.rdeners some from among the mental patients. Blea.chers plus an athletic fteld, and planted trees, arc the ('ontribution this year for the Aspinwall veterans. Certainly every member of this community de::;ircs that these tokens ot appreciation be given to the boys. who gave their best for all of "'Mrs. Howard Hopson. president of the Legion Auxlltary, will be hostess to the regular monthly meeting on "Monday, March 17_ at ...:~ ' T 1 .... Mr. Linton, son oC Mr. and Mrs. to Norway by the National Kappas W. Henry Linton ot Benjamin have already arrived in that 'Vest avenue. lives in Boston, MMS., eouniry, 1\Irs. Beulah HamnlOnd spoke on with 1\Irs. Linton. the Cormer Miss "Consumer Education" before the Beatrice Brewster of Dickinson Receives Pharmacy Award Woman's Club Tuesday afternoon avenue. The nulletln of the Philadelunder the sponsorship of the club's phia College of Pharmacy Rnd Peace Service Department. 1\1rs. It'. Taylor Sp- k. Science currently lists Ida M. RitG. Keenen Chairman. E, H. Taylor ot Harvard .Avenue ter of Michael's College Pharmacy Mrs. Hammond deHned Ole con- was thl" speaker Monday at the as a recipient ot an new Bnnual sumer movement as the "concerted weekly assembly ot the New JerBward made to outstanding women und ol'ganized demand on the part sey State Teachers Collogo at pharmacy graduatez!" by the Phila. of Women to know what they are Glassboro. His subject was "The delphia Aaaoclatlon of Reta.ll Drua':"uylng," She drove home to her Personal Element In Publie gists. Miss Ritter graduated trom hearers by anecdote, argument. Affairs, " p. C. P. B. last year. personal experience her bellet in the POWer of the consumer. "Be articulate about buying. Protest when there are no labels, You nave grea.t po'\'er, Everything depends on you." A store teslB its goodS because u. storo is conscious ot customer demands. she declared. Unfortunately those are demon$trated only by the articulate 10%, Women are not too label conscIous. In illustration Mrs, Hammond listed the stateinents of blanket sellers in many storcs and vicinity that women arc principally Interested in the color of a. blanket. not Its warmth. fibre content, washability, meakiUrement of ov~r·al1 size. On the hopeful side she stated that children. following inliiltruction in laboratory testing of consumer goods. watched for the important facts. The testing of a comparatively cheap house dress for shrInkage. colorfastness, and wear was described in enough detail to Inform the audience about abrasion and of tensile strength tests. Labels which feet ••. room c0mare truly Informative are impera- tive, Mrs. Hammond asserted. They should tell why gOOd8 will wear (knowledge gained through laboratory te319) ( how to mai{e them last, and what they are made of. rl'he average department store salesgirl docs not know enough about merchandise. Labeling costs the retailer money which will not be spent unless i~formatlon so acquired is used and demanded by buyers. She urged clubwomen who repl'esent a leisure and prosperous group to demand consumer information tor theIr own wiser buying and for the large number ot women who lack leIsure or spare cash to wage this consumer battle. .,,- Kappas to Meet Mrs. SEEN IN HOUSE &GARDEN Throughout the centurie!:', they have never failed. , Asks Clubwomen for Articulate Buying tonight. Dad says I SWARTHMOREAN D. Taylor CONGRATULATIONS ot Mytholme, Coates- Co!. Doull..... Who returned by ..rue. died suddenly OIl February airplane direct trom France. Ie 27 at the age of .1lI: weeks. She the 80U' of Mr. and Mrs. James ........ a grandda.ughter ot Louis N. B. I!qugl. . of North Cheater n>a4. Robinson Of Collece avenue. DONALD P. JONES DR. JOHN R. BATES FridaJ', MarcIa 21, 1947 THE SWARTHMOREAN' 2 ter road, TbursdaY: Mrs. Dlvlg·bt I Western 'POJlI1IIYlvanla PERSONALS HOepttal, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenoe :Jewett of Springfield announce the blrtti"" Plttsbu.rCh. . .lin. Unbart Is the. tonneJ" JI1I8 of their third son, Richard Henry ElISabeth Rutan. daughter of Jf.r. Jewett, on Monday. Mareh 17. The baby Is the grandson of Mr. and Mm. Paul· J, Rutan of Ogden and Mrs. Philip Henry Jewett of avenue. Mr. and ,Mrs. James C. Mikkel ... Kenyo,n avenue~.~~~~~ Cooley who w·as In charge of the. program. reviewed' "'RoS68 and Buckshot" by James Montgomery Flagg. Mrs. A. Ludlow Clu.yden or RlverVle~ road will entertain "The Elghtsome" at a luncheon at sen 'of Ashtabula. Ohio announce Ingleneuk on Tuesday next. Bridge the birth ()f a son, Hans Christian, wlll fOllow at- the Clay den home. February 13. Gehrlng~ Mrs. Glenn Monow. Mrs. R. Whitney Tucker, Mrs. Charles worth of Elm avenue entertained Chickering, and MI'B. Thomas W. informally on Sunday evening in Hopper ot Swarthmore aUended a honor of Mrs. Herbert F. Fraser tea given at the Barclay. Wednes· of We.1llngford who Is leaving 600n day, March. 12, in honor ot Dr. to joIn Dr. Fraser in Germany. Mrs. W.· H. Hay of New York Edmund Day, president of Cornell Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Cooley of City has been spending the past University. Columbia avenue will entertain Mr.a. Mikkelsenofi8 Cornell the tormer Miss avenue, 'ISHIN 'I J. Gilcrecst week visiting ber ...son Mr. Edward ...' r. a nd Mrs. Oscar . their club at n dinner-brIdge toUK£ Hay and family of Ogden avenue of Va.ssa~ avenue spent the week- morrow evenlng.Mr. and Mrt;J. Harold G. Griffin and as tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Henry B. Coles. Jr.. ot N. J. b nH. McCoy of Cranford. ot Rutgers avenue lea.ve tomorrow J o . Walnut lane and Mrs. Georgl~ SpcclnJtdng In Mrs. 'V.. Mark Bittle of Rutgers for a 10~day holiday at Myrtle Davies of Penn Valley are on a avenue spent the wcck·end as theBeach. S. C. allCKEN week's automobile trip to Williamsguest of Mrs. E. R. Wolverton of Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth of burg, Va., and Charleston. S. C. and Elm avenue will serve as hostess Washington. D. C,. Mrs. Martha R. Blessing has reWAFFLES to the Art Club at its meeting tbis . 'Irs Bruce Schwalm ot North tUrn("d to Swarthmore after spend11 • t to wilb Chester road served as hos ess afternoon. ing the past soven months in AriPure Maple Syrup l\lr. and Mrs. Carl. H. Chaffee a tea. meeting of the Art Section zona. H. of Swarthm.or~ avenue have rc· of the Woman's Club Mondny Mr. and Mrs. WllUam E. Soden Hrs. U. A.M.. to 8 P. turned from a three.week holiday afternoon. Miss Florence Tric~ur College avenue enteriaJned 1~1:=::'~ ~:,d. in Plnehurst, N. C. En route of Yale avcnue gave an Interest.ng Soden's brother-in-law and sister home Mrs. 'Chattee stopped in talk on Prints and Lithograph. Dr. and M1"9. Charles Ash of Bing·I,~~~~w~~.J~.~B~~YRN~~E8~,~Pro~~p~;~~~ Mr and Mrs. Warren Paxson l1amton Washington, D. C .• to visit her S~8N. Y., for several days 14 of Vn.ssar avenuo will entertain ter MlBs Clara McGrath. of last week. Mrs. Jamcs R. Schurz of Wilkcs- .MiSS Elizabeth Zerega ot Plainfield, Mr•. Jo""ph B. Blakloton of Elm barre with her small son Jimmy N 3. as their week·end gucst. avenue returned F.rlday atter a .~~ and Mrs. Walter Molr of week's automobile trip to Virgin1&.. Is vlsiUng her parents Mr. and Mrs. • • • and )"on'll talk abO.t. B.,seU's Jay D. Cook or Thayer road tor a South Chester road entertained after Just ODe .,Islt. Don'& rtlJ[ the Mrs. John A.. Moir and small tew weeks. ;' ENGAGEMENT danger or drlvlDg OD lUck, WOnt 'In8 Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. That· daughter Naney of Cape May Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Towle of ••• when new ones are 110". a.,aUable. eher of Ogden avenue will enter· Court House, N. -J., for a few days. Short Falls, ·N. H., announce th~ Sharpened' by Machine taln their Bon and daughter-in-law ;Or. and Mrs. Walter MOir of engagement of their daughter, MrS. Oar FJresto·ne tires DOIl"l!Iktddlng, b Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thatcher of South Chester road entertained 24 Daniel P. Johnson of Country Cluh long wearing and smoolla rldlal' •• " Other tools also sharpened Mountaln Lakes, ;N". .:1.,. over the guests at a. cocktail party at tbeir Lane, Wallingford. to Mr. Walter !!lee Utem, and Ottr eomplete It.oek of hom,e before the Young Married W~odrow Wallin ot PhUadelphia, Saws Set and Filed week·end. .Mr. George M. Karns ot Welles- Social Dance at the Woman's Club. son of Mr. G. J. Wallin Qf Galvesparta nnd _Mllones, toda.,-. ley road will sali from England on saturday evening., ton, Texas. Mrs. Johnson Js nn ""The Alnerican". March 28. after Mr. Wllliam S. HobbS of Park alun1J).a of Skidmore College. Mr. a 81.x-weeit. tr~p to England. Nor.. avenue, his brother-In·law, Mr. Wallin is an alumnus of the Uni1044-10tb Av....ue way and Sweden. Paul Mohney of Drexel Hill, and versity of Te:xa.s. He served as !l. Mr. and ~rs. Edward H. Pyle. Mr. ·Claude Campbell of Phlladellieutenant In -the Navy in the Paci2nd of Vassar avenue entertained phla llre on a two-week fishing fic Campaign. Mr. Wallin is now Mr.' and Mrs. James M. Goodwin trip to Miami, Flo.. Call and Denver with the' Philadelphia Elech'ic and small Bon James of Drexel Kathie Downing entertained at a Com'})any. Phone: Swarthmore 0128-M H1l1 as their week-end guests. cocktatl party at her home on Marian ICarDS of WellesleY roa.i Riverview road last Sunday after· APRIL BRIDE will arrive home froffil Smith Col- noon In honOr ot p~tr1cla Mlle· The marriage of Miss Kay Thur .. lege on Wednesday next for a two- stone of Cleveland, Ohio. Miss man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. week spring vacaUon. . Mtlestone was a classmate of Mrs. Guenther H. Frocbel of Kathi~'s at vassar. and both girls Neal Thurman of Cedar lane. to Swarthmore avenue is recuperating n.re now attending the University Mr. James Runic Powell. son at her hOlr..e following her return of Pennsylvania Graduate Schobl. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Powell of Swarthmore avenue. will take from the Chester Hospital.' Satur· Mrs. C. C. West of Walnut lanc place saturda.y, April 12 at 7:30 day. will return home tomorrow after Ms. Robert L. Coates of Harvard a two.week visit with her mother o'clock in'the Swarthmore Presbyavenue 1& entertaining her club at Mrs. C. B. French ot ~iou:x: City, terian Church. OPEN 7 A, M...-8 P. M. The Rev. Dr. David Braun will a luncheon· bridge at her heme to- Iowa. -OUTSIDE CATERIYG SERVICE-pertorm the ccremony. day. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll P. Streeter Wednesday 7 Lm. _ 2 p.rn. Sunday, 12 - 8 p_rn. ;M:iSd Mtldred Simpers of the of Columbia avenue entertained 'DJUl,Y DINNERS ............ 8!;C to $1.50 I BIRTHS Swarthmore Apartments will spend Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Reinke of CamSpedal ChUdren's Platters Capt. and Mrs. M. W. Shellenthe week· end as the guest of Dr. bridgc. Md.. as their week-end ~ barger of Badkisslngen. Germany, and Mrs. Clar1!nce Traver of Alguests. announce the birth or a son, named bany. N. Y. JessIe Gl1bert of Park· avenue David Lee. on Friday, March 14, Miss Barbara Kent and Mls.CJ wtll arrive home from the Penn- in Germany. Marianna Cherry of Riverview sylvania College for Women, PittsThe grandparents of the new road entertained at a. house party burgh, Thursday evening, Marc.h baby are Mr. and Mrs. George C. over the week-end when their 27. to vacation until April 7. JessIe Abbe of Kenyon avenue. and Mr. guests included Miss Caroline Porter of New York City. Miss will 8pend a few daYIJ ot her L. W. Shellenbarger ot Washing· BEAUTY SALON spring vaca.tion as the guest of her ton, D. C. Barbara Brow:lcll of Long Island, roommate, Betsy Ross of. Bron.~­ and Miss Barbara Ford of ~tam­ Beauty's Conditioned for SPrinat Dr. and' Mrs. William O. Linford, Conn., former classmates ot ville, N. Y. Mrs. J. H. McWilUams of Ben- hart, :fr., of Pittsburgh are reWbeaton College. Norton. Mass. 13 South Chester Road· Mrs. Edward O. Thomas of jamin West avenue arrived home c&lving congratulations on the Sunday after spending three hlrth of a son William O. Linhart, Cedar lane returned homo WednesCall Swarthmore 0476 day after spending the winter months in Florida. En route here 3rd. Tuesday, March 18, in the she visited form.er 'Swarthmore remonths at Lake Wales. Fla. M.r. George Schoblnger ot sidents, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Bar~ FOR Swarthmore avenue returned home row of Augusta, Ga.., stopped at "-SHille 115 Thursday from a business trip west Charleston, S. C .• to visit the famduring w}lich time he visited hi~ ous gardens, and ~a1so visited Wil- Call liamsburg, Va. Mrs, Uoyd Eo Kauffman son-in-law and daughter Mr. an Mrs. George Herschel of Laramie, , Alnn Hunt of Elm avenue and Swarthmore 2080 Jack Pittinger of Nottingham, senWyoming. iors at Exeter AcademY, Exeter, Cpl. Vltlllam D. Mitchell rcUNITY ASSEMBLY N. H., are home for the spring hoUBorough Hall turned by plane Saturday. March to:80 A.M. Evr.ry 'Vednest1ay 16. to Camp Pendleton; CallI'., days to vacation untn April 1. ZELIA ilL W AIIl'ERS, 8pealtime visiting at his home on North Cheater road and with blS father. M r, G . Justice Mitchell of In the play Gre... PtlStllres. the character Friday &: Sa,urday Arlington, Va. Mrs. E. J.t. Hunt. Mrs. W. H. Noah observed, "I ain't very much, but rse aU Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Den- UNKLE HANK SEZ Ir~~'fc~~~~~~~~~~J THE FIRESIDE of Mr. J: BELL-TWIN Lawn Mowers are Quick Service RUTLEDGE, PA, ---- DEW DROP INN BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER The Bouquet f tbWiptic M • MEDIA COLLEGE THEATRE " THEATRE NOW!· The Little Theater Club of Swarthmore College Presents 66Yoa Can't Take It With You JJ by MOSS HART and GEORGE J[AllFMAN Mawcb 21. 22:<12__0118 :15 P.M. OLOl'WER HEIIIORIAL . ADIOS8ION IIOc Ginger~en TJrODe power-Gene 'l'ierne., "THE RAZOR'S EDGE" Important: ~~~ ~.!t:; usual le~ of LUWO will start: proJnPUy at 2:10, ~~30 & 9:10 each day. No ad~ce In our regular admission prices. I got." This is simple but eloquent reasoning, In 'lbursday-FrIdaY·Saturday The realization of responsibility to yourself "Magnificent Doll" and to others to be cheerful, sympathetic, and We1hrsdq 0017 Peter Lone -"- yethe Arter _ a& 1:00 8bowIDg A...'S:lIO '0 -'Po Dl• care of yourself. Do not forget that both your family phy. sician and your pharmacist are on your side to help you -------- ·to "MY DOG SBEI"' with NeaI-BeleD Cbapman and disgrunded people are a burden to all. Take good Mall SUnday-lIIonday--"y Ida lAJplno-lIo_ AIda "TIlE MAN I LOVE" Scl'eeIl Galld PI helpful is the basis of a sound personality. III sat. IIIat1nee·Kiddies Show 1 •• Green Pastures 2.·Surprise Featurette S.-Cartoons and Shorts ~-1rIsb well and happy_..All you have to do is ask for·' their help, When ill, see your physician. We are fully equiPRC'li to fill your prescriptions and furnish the needed sickroori)· to stay ilion. • Toes. - Wed. In supplies, "Beast lith flYe fillers" "lazor's Ole" SWtiac The * ,! 'S COLLEGE ~ • .....,.:;Fi;;;;Ii;;;;d;;;;Q!;;;;,;::;Marda;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;2::;:1::,::1::"::::::7===='=·=======_T.:...:H.::...=-E-=S:....W:.:.-.::.A R T HMO REA N . THE SWARTHMOREAN' I'IJBI.IHHI!w. EVERY FRIDAY A.T SW.&BTIDIOB& TBB SWAKTBHOBE4N. INc.,· PUBI.JSUF:R Pboae, Sward • ... otoO I' Leller To 'OIe, Editor PA; REGRETS Dear EdItor: Eaterecl .. Second Clasa Matter, January If, UJI, at the Poet om... at Swarthmore, '::a., under the Act of! March I, Int. DEADLINE-WEDNESD4IF-NOON - II d SWARTHMORE, PA" FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 194'7 1lo'================:====""==========1)" I meets each Tuesday at 7:30 o'clock. Sunday mornl9- g at the 9 o'clock Circle 4. Mrs. Lewis Cutler chalrservice the sermon will be "The man, which was scheduled to meet , Teacher...· thiH past week has been postponed Sunday morning at the 11 0·- to March 26; It \vUl meet at 1 clock service the sermon, lVlll be o'clock at the home or Mrs. Earle "Your Share." P. Yerkes, 19 South Princeton ave. nue. Circle 1. AIrs. Fred H. Lang cha.· rman , w III moet W e d nesd ay, Mal:ch 26, at 11 a. m., at the home ot Mrs. D. R.eed ·Geer. Mt. Holy. ~ke and Harvard avenues. l\Icm. bers shOUld brIng sandwiches. Des·sert will be served at 1 O'clock lol. lowed by the meeting. The Church· Citizenship Class to prepare young people over 12 yeal'S or age for ChUrch r:nembershlp tli held each Sunday morning at 9 0'clt;)ck In Dr. Braun's oftice. The ChUrch SchOOl meets each Sunday morning at 9:45 o'clock. The Women's Bible Class meets at 10 o'clOck In the 'Church tratlBept. The Church Hour Nursery meets durJI1;G" the 11 o'clock chu'rch hour .for aU chUdren ages 1 to 7. Mr. and ¥rs. J. B. Millard Tyson at tho Harvard aVenue entrancD' membel"8 ot Girl Scout Troop 18, j ing a picture of the old Lolllrfellow home and telling how It bad been deBecra~d by turning It into apartments. TJien there was a poUt6 DOta.tlon asking If any of "" had heard ;~!.he fact that tbere 'had been a refreshments, service pm were awarded . to Rutb Garrett and Anne HUkert tor fIve years In scouting, Anrie Hllkert completed the requJ.rements for her Reade... thanks to tha. donor tor PasslDg this along, 88 she torgot to add her name and made the identity still more difficult bY. printing her query. Possibly. throug!l the pub.. Uelty which you are .klndly giving this, I may be able to· Identify the Wr.1ter· and to tell her how sorry We are that the straitened cir. cumstances of Longfellow's niece compelled her t.o ruin this old mansion with its wondertul his.. torle recorda. Sincerely yours. Ellwood B. Chapman I the troop will a.ttend a "Scouts Own" service given for the dlotrlot by R utl.dge Senior Troop No. 68 at the Rutledge Prea~_ Ian Churcb • A POSITIVE NEED OF EVERY FAMILY , the careful planning for IS the future. Ask for information about our Pre-arranged Funerals. No obligation, NEWS NOTES chOir will Sing Maunders "Olivet to Calvary" on Good Friday evening at 8 0 clock. The Flower Committee invites the co-~peration of mem'bers ·and· frlcnqs in providing chancel flower::l for. Easter. LUtes and other flowering plants pr_eferably white, are deSired. Those who deSire to contribute toward - the 'pUrchasing of plants may give their contrlbuThe I I Christian Sc" OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DI.leTORS 0' 'UNIIRLS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET Rl 6.158' MARY A. BAIR. P,..ldont • • "My POp knows when everybody: qeis upl" ,N "MATTER" is Ie::.,: 8U:::t of the Lesson-Sennon in all Churches or Christ. Scientl t S d s, on un ay, March 23. The Golden Text Is: "Set Your aftectIon on things above. not on things on the earth" (ColoB8fans 3:2). Servlee. Sermon, "The Teacher.. . . 9:45 .A. ~-c&urch Scl100L 10:00 A. "-Women'. Bible CIaaa. Friends Mee~ .Notes 11:00 A. M. _. Sermon. "Your Share," by Mr. Braun, First Day SchOOl in Whittier 6:00 P. M.-,F'eUowship. Trinity tions to Mrs. Kraus, :Mr. Spahr. How;c at 9:45. The Kindergarten AIr. Fred Bogardus or Mr. l$arClass (Mrs. CroOkston's and Mrs. berth. Enders' class) wi11 go to Westtown to see the Hetfer they have 9:45 Trinity Notes helped purchase to send to Europe. 11.:00 Ai. There wUl be a celebration of Children wHI be cared for in Like Holy Communion at 8 a. In. Sun_ \Vlliltier House during Meeting for 7:00Chapel. P. M.-Youth Fellowship in du.y. At 9:4& all departments of WorshIp which begins at 11:0'0 --::::;:;TR=l<=NIT:;;;=Y""'CHU==O:;R"C"'H"-'--- the ChUrch School will meet at A. M. Rev. Geo. C. Anderson. Rector tile 11 o'clock service of Morning SUNDAY, MARCH 23 prayer, the rector wlll preach on 1922 8:00 A. ),I.-Holy Communion. the topic: "'Vbo Defincs Stn?" 25th Ye~ 1947 D: 45 A- M.-Cburch SchooL 11:00 A. M.-l\fornlng Prayer·and Young Pec)ple's Fellow.ahip will Sermon topic: "Who Deflnes meet at Trinity Chur:ch at 6 o'clock. Sin?" :rhe .ushera for Sunday will be 6:00 P. M.-Young People'. FelWilUam C. Hogg, head usher; P. B. Banks. S. tP. ClYde, B. Ha.rrar, AW. H. Jones. G. A...... McCorkle. R. A. D. Newlin. and H. M. Spackman'. Is Your ca. In Choir School will meet On Moncondition tor that day and Wednesday at 4: 30 and - Summer vacation? 23 9:46 A. School. again on Thursday at 7: 30 p. m. A bette. Job can be The will go done now than later. The Women's Book Review to Russell fa.rm at Westinspection starts 11a:v 1st town to the heifer they group wil"l· meet on Monday at 2 "and the rush 1rill be on. to purchase tor p. m., in the Parish House. The Now is the best time rector will read from "Nature tor the BEST .rOB Sketches a.nd other Poems'· recent- '~~~~~~Ia~ Iy published by Marie Estllo, a ~. games aUd sang Irish .onga. After Badge. The troop Is working on tbe Dramatic ApprscJaUon Badge, and pla.na were made to attend '"You Can't Take It With You" tonight at the college. . At 2:80 on Sunday, March 18, Unfortunately, I am unable to acknow.,dge tb.lo to extend my I SWARTHMORE 'PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . Rev. David Braun, M1nIBter Rev. H. Lewis Cutler. Minlster_ SUND>\Y, MARCH 23 9:00 A.. .M. Morning Prayer Mrs. Robert HlIkert ente~ed DEsECRATION < ThoB.e desiring to present lilies or other white flowers fOr the de. co ration of the chUrch on Easter Mrs. Everett L. Hunt of Elm Bunda)~ mny communicate with avenue and Mrs. John Moore of Harriet Selfridge, Box 174. Swarth. Wh.ittlcr place entertained at a tea and Mr. and Mrs. George Schobin- more or call the chUrch office. at the Hunt ~10me on ,\Vcdnesday ger at the drlveway.transept enafternoon In honol' ot the wIves of trance will assist the minister in students attending the COllege. Metho4iat Church Notes gr~ctlDg the congregation after tne The Ch urch School meets on MI'. and Mrs. Hamdton Cochran 11 o'clock service Sunday morning. The Young Adult's group will Sunday .morning at 9:46. Classes of South Cheater road entertnlnej meet for supper and intormal dis. are proVided tor chUdren ot all at a party Mondny evening to cc)('brnte th~ P.ublicatIon of Mr. COCh_ cUBBiOD on Sunday evening at 6 ages and for adults, ran's ne\V boo.k "Rogue's Holiday" o'clock. Tbe subject for discussion At the morning service at 11 which was OfficiallY published in f is 'Where do we go from here .!" o'clock the minister wUl pr~ach on New York City. March 17. 'Phe Primary iDepartment Par. the subject, "Lite Is Like That.!' A gl'oup of frIends .sul'prised tho ent·Teaeher meeting -will be held The ChUrch Nursery is prepared editor Tuesday evening wIth a Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock to care tor the smaller chlldren pal'ty In celebration of his 'birth_ In the Primary Department room. during the morning service. Clara day anniversary at his home on DeBBert and coffee will be served. Jean Alston and Blanche Wiley wl11 Park avenue following the Antlqu(.s The Board of Deacons will meet be In charge. ~ir at the Woman's Club. at 7: ~O o·clock at the Church on The Junior Church will be in Mrs. Harold G. Griffin of Rut-:Thursday evening. March '27. session in the chapel during the gers avenue, chairman of local The Committee for NominaUons hour ot the church service. Those Salvation Army Drive which be,;. ot Elders. Trustees and Deacon~ below the Intermediate' department gins April 7, entertained her cowill meet atter the 11 o'clock ser- of the Church School are rcq.ue8ted workers at a· luncheon at tho InVice Sunday morning in the choir to attend this service. Mrs. Edna gleneuk, ThurSday. They included room. They will be glad to receive lIed,gepeth. wlll be In charge. Mrs. Ross-Pralzgraff. ·~o-chalrman: . suggestions )for nOm1natJons frOflt The Youth Fellowship will meet Mrs. ~erc:v G. Gilbert. Mrs. John members of the congregation. Com .. in the chapel at 7 o·clock. Howard Taylor, Mrs. John Michael, mittee members arc H. Llndl~y The monthly meeting of the Peel, chairman, Earie P. Yerkes, 'Vesleyan S£"rvlce Guild wll1 be on and Mrs. George MacIntyre south Mrs. Frank lCeenen. Mrs. Rf?land Monday evening at the home of Side captains: Mrs, :1. PaUl Brown, Eaton and Elric S, Sproat. ' Anna Kraus, 15 Benjamin West Mrs. W. Henry Linton, and Mrs. J. Burris West, north side capThe Chancel Choir .rehearses avenue. tains. Thursda.y evenings at 7:46 o'clock The Social Hall w11l be open fOI' The Girls' JUnior ChOir rehearses supervised recreation under .Mr. Todd J\.Ioxey of Rutgers avenu.e Thursday afternoons at. 3:45 Purnell on Thursday evening from returned to· hIs home Monday o'clock. The Boys' JUn10r- Choir re. 7 to 9. after being a patient in the Childhearses Friday at 7 o·clock. Senior Choir rehearl:Jal on Thurs- ren's Hospital, Phlladelphia with gastro-intestlnal t?r four days. Tho Men's Comm.unlty Chorus day evening' at 7: 30. CHURCH SERVICl!IS EDtertaina SCCi'IIi. Recently I ,received from some on Monday, -with & st. Patrick's unknown source a clippIng show.. Day party. The girls played IrIsh PiiIlER l!I. TOLD, Editor MARJORIE TOLD, ' _ t e Editor Lorene Mccarter· Rosalle Paireol • Barbara. Kent Preabyteriaa Church Noles 3 No, Tommy's Dad is lWt a .nooper. It's part of his job to know what time you and your neighbors start tnrning on lights, ranges, shavers, percolators and toasters in the morning. For these all call for more electricity, and he'. the man who tells the power.plants when to send more current through the wices. If a bad .torm breaks. Tommy'. father detours your electricity, 80 storm damage. won't black out your oofm.. munity. If lomorrow will be colder, or cloudy, you'll need more current ••• he'll have it ready. As a Load Dispatcher, he holds one of the most important job. in your .:,Icctric company. ., Next-door neighbor. to everybody are these helpful men wbo see that you get all the low·cost electricity you want, when you want it. They have to kn!>w the hour.by.honr need. of every neighborhood ••• and that's where they draw on·the intimate knowledge of the community that the electric company has gained over many years. It'. the skill and experience of electric company people like . Tommy'. Dad ~ and the common BeDBe bDBinesa methow. they use ~ that have built up for Americans the most and the best electric service in the world. s.....,..... • um.·fro ,.. New Electric' Hour - I.e HOUt OF OHAIM aD •• II., 1S1'. CIS. member or the Book Review grouP. Tea will be served~ The Men'. Club will hold their monthly dinner moeetlDg on Monday at 6:30·p. m .• at whlcb time Dr. Alezander H. Frey, professor or· 'aw at the University ot Pennsylvania, will addreM the group. ·"On Wed _ _ th~re Will bti cl!1e-. bratlon. of the Holy Communion at.T:". aad lO-a.lIi: • Hannum, and 'aHa, Yale Ave.. &: C':elter Rd. ·~1250 PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COM,PANY \ , THE S WAR T H ..:M:..O=-..:R:..E::...:,:A:...:N=-_ _ _ _:.....-------:.-F-rida--=.':...._Man:b _ _Z_l,=--:-IM_7 4 Douglas Spencer accompanied by Mrs. MorrlB Potts: uHumoresko" by Dvorak and' "Melody In F" by Rubenstein. EmUy Pritchard was heard for the first time in three Bongs tor soprano which she gave chnrmlnglY. "Carassina:' by Penn, "I hear your voice" b)' Evans, and "Lady Moon"" by Edwar4s. Mrs; Morris Potts again player} the accompaniment. Patricia Paul played two violln numbers "ztgeunerwelsen" by Sarasata and the very dUltcult "Melodic" by Gluck In which Patty showed the real growth she JR. MUSICIANS (Continued from page 1) , Princeton. He was a national re· search fellow at John Hopkins, an international research fellow at University of BerUn, research associate at Princeton and asslBtant and assoclllte proCessor o( general and physIcal chemistry at Untversity of Michigan. In 1936 he undertook petroleum research with the Catalytic Development Company, becoming Its director ot reseal'ch within four yearS. In 1942 he joined tho Sun on 'Com~ 'has gained In ber playing. Mrs. pany's manufacturing department Dorothy Paul played the accomstaff to work on the production of e8S~ntlal military petroleum propaniments. Informal ,discussions with the ducts. In 1944 he was appointed guests of honor. Mr. and Mrs;' assistant to the vice-president in Cyril Gardne~. fllled the refresh· charge of manu(acturing. mont period. With Mrs. Bates, the form.er H.hoda Todd of New York City. and two chtldren, John R. e1ght. and Sally tcn, Dr. Ba.tes resides on NOI·th Chester road. IN GOOD PROGRAM March Club. Session Also Approves Bylaws The program of the JUnior 'Mu· sic Club of Swarthmore, held Sunday night at the home ot Eliza· beth Foster, brought out some of the best music heard at the Club this year. Preceding the program the pres· ldent. Emily Pritchard Introduced Cyril Ga.rdner, president of the Swarthmore Music Club, t.he par· ent organization; who spoke ot the aim In establishing the Junior Club, Its present thriving state, and pOBSlblUties for tba future. The proposed By-Laws drawn up by 6. committee Including Paul WllUams. chairman; Patty Paul and Bill Potts. were read to members by Paul Wllllams, discussed and finally voted acceptance. SatIsfaction was telt that the Club finally possesses a concrete tranie· work of customs procedure for the guidance of future executive committees and admors. Waldo Fisher, !lB program chairman tor the meeting, first introduced Teel DUnn who played on the piano "May Night' by Palmgren and "March at Doors'," by Greig. Robert Ketghton came next. with the piano numbers ulmproinptu' In A Flat Major" by Schubert and two piece.", of his own composing. BiB "Stravaganza" as well as "Pre~ lude" are interesting. showing thedeveloping of, his own talent. Richard Uhrin followed with the plano com,posltlons "Turkish RonLand" by Scot, and the evening's report on a. musical subject was given by Paul Williams who chose short accounts ot the three musical personalities Greig, Dvorak. and Schubert, Two flute Bolos were given by THE ~ SCHOOL FACULTY ACTIVE ABROAD F'rIday.'lIfaroh 2t 8:15 P.M.-"You can't Take It With you.................... ·........ · ~Iothler 8:30 p.M.--Bwarthmore Community Square Dance ........Woman 8 Club s,atUl'daY. March 22 .. 6:00, 7:30 and 9:30 p.M.-Jr. Assemblle......................· .. Woman'. Club 8:15 P.M.-"You can't Take 'It With you....................... ·...... Clothl.r SundBy.,lIfaroh 23 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ...................................., .... - Local <:hurch.s llloodBy. lIfaroh 24 10:00 A.M.-8tudy Group L.W.V......................... No. Z Whittier Place TuesdaY. March 21> 2:00 P.M.-Mrs. R. M. Kilgore. Chr. Old MOVI.S............woman~ Club 8:00 p.M.-Jr. Club Monthly Bridge.................. ·• ...... 201 Elm venU" Wednesday. March 26 8:00 P.M.-Mrs. Mudd for W.I.L. .................... Friends Meeting Hou... ~, SPRING D'ANCE spcmsored by American Legion -. +- 15 Piece Orchestra Tennis Tournament Next week Swa.rthmore Collego will play host to more than a dozen high school tennis teams .in the sixth annual Swarthmore College Interschol~tic Tennis Tournament. Started by Coach Ed. Faulkner. in Members of the faculty have 1942. the tournament draws conbeen active recently In educational testantB from the entire PhUadel. circles of'-natlonal scope. phla metropolltan area. Several atan members served on Play - ofla wlll Start Monday evaluating committees for the afternoon, March 24 at .. p. m., and Middle States AMoclation of col- will contlnue steadily d,urlng the leges and universities. RUSHell Sny· late afternoons and evenings tor' der of the language department the rest of the week. The sem!spent three days in Harrisburg as finals will be played on saturday a member ot a committee atudy- morning, March '29, and the Ing the enUre setup of WnUam championship contest will be held Penn High School. In a similar Saturday ~fternoon. capacity Mary Armstrong, teach<'r . Last year's singles winner was at English. visited Abington Towtl- Diehl Mateer, Jr., of Episcopal ship High School and O. Baker A,cademy. Then Mateer teamed Thompson, high school principal. with David Maxwell to win the served at Hollidaysburg. doubles championship for Eplsco~ Mabel Ewing attended a m,eet~ pal Academy also., ing ot the Commission on Safety Schools enterIng contestants this Education of the N. E. A. held in year include Coatsville High. NorAtlantic City on March 6 and 7 ristown High, Northeast Catholic. where she reported on a national Pottstown High, :'Yest PhUadelphla study ot Satety Education that was High. Haverford School, Friends mado last summer at Jackson's Centra.l, Penn Charter, Central 1\lIl1s Conference. High, Lansdowne High and Hill At the School men's Week conference held In Philadelphia this School. The public will be cordially wel~ we~k Elizabeth McKie is serving as corned. chairman ot the Dclarnont English ~+ Borough Teachers Exert Varying Influence - WOMAN'S CLUB. ,Friday Ev~ning, March 28th From 9 to 1 o'clock Refreshments 20 Door Prizes Donation-$2.25 !~=::====::==::=::======::==::::::::::========~" A8Eoeiation. Supervising Principal Frank Morey and Mr. Thompson attended the Atlantic City meeting of the On Friday, March 21, a luncheon Department of Superiptendence of meeting of the Swarthmore Lea· the N. E. A. severa! weeks ago. gue of Women Voters will take place in Whlttler House at 12: 45 JR. ASSEMBUES TO MEET p. m. Membership reports on The 'seventh. ninth and 10th local, state., and national League grades will meet Saturday, March business will bc given, with Mrs.' 22, at 6 p. m., 7:30 \p. m. and 9:30 Edward N. Hay speaking on p.m., rcspectively in tho 'Voman'f'; ··:;;tate Legislation." Rssisted on the Club. These dances are informal report by Mrs. 'VilUam Hanny and 'for the seventh 'l.nd ninth grades, Mrs. Helen Goodwin. while the 10th wtll be formal. The At the- next session of the study eighth grade was originally sched- group at'10 Monday morning. 2 uled for this date a1so, but has Whittier Plnce, Dr. V. T. Lath. now been postponed to March 29, bury of Swarthmore will discuSS !at7p.m. uModern Trends In Psychiatry." .The chaperons for the seventh Dr. Lathbury Is Commonwealth grade will be Dr. and Mrs. Wal- FelloW at the Institute of Pennter B. Keighton. Mr. and Mrs. C. sylvania. Hospital. J. Garrahan, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Saunders, and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Mrs. John Maxwell Adams will be R. Terry. the chaperons. For the ninth grade Mr. and Chaperoning the 10th grade will Mrs. Gcorge Hay, Mr. and Mrs. be Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. March A. J. McCormacK. and Mr. and and Mr. and Mrs, Randolph Roess. B D o U S~ FOR all WELSH ST. CHESTER, ..". OPEN TO THE PUBLIC lIonchOOll8 $1.00 from $1.15 COLONIAL DINING ROOM ,517 Elm Avenue, Swartt.more· (2nd House East of Book & Ney) • HOW DO YOU GET '. SPRINGFIELD WATER? FROM A i A P.•. Df' 8a«lr4e I In order to have your Pure Sprin.gfield water on tap we take it through many stages and miles and miles of water mains. As a maHer of fact our suburban mains are required. These mains would reach from here to Th.is house is fOI" f';omeone who: Wants one ot the Dicest locatiODS in Swarthmore. , Is wUUng to speDd a few thousand dollars for Improvements. Tbo total cost should compare very favorably with the market price of a house In this. location Oklahoma City. Of course that compar- EDW. L. NOYES & CO. is important is that these mains are sufli- Swarthmore 0114 cient to bring it from us to you no maHer FIRESIDE LOUNGE PRIVATE PARTY and BANQUET ROOMS Trees, Lawn Areas, and Foundation Plantings Improved NOW WilJiam J. Stephani, Jr. Lanluc!lpe Contracto", Q PhODe Chester Heights 1M Dr. Vlnc~nt T. Lathbury. one of the Dewer Swarthmore residents. ep oke , to the mental health study ,group of the Swartbmore League ot Women Voters on March 17 on the subject "MOdern ~.r"ends .in Psychiatry... \ Dr. Latbbury is Commonwealth Fellow In Psychl8.try at the Institute or Pennsylvania Hospital and Is Teaching Fellow at the U. of P. Medical School. After giving a brief history of paycbiatry; the 8peaker sa.id that modern oohools of psychiatry are divided Into two group., the psy. cho-analytlo and the ecclectlc. the tlrGt of whIch Is the mo.re generally known to the public. Tbe more common mental Illnesae8. In· eluding schizophrenia and mantcdepression are now given modern effective treatments Which were not all known previously. The psytChlatrlp intervt~w. electric-shock for depressions, fnBulln treatment for schlsophren.la., pentathol Interv1ew-- ,... 9Sc Pabst- eH Stalldard !lp"'" &V~ 23c P.I Gold.N.Rub v.," 35c Corina Tt••te ....t. 2 I'H tUi 27c Egg Dyes Chi•• CIII... ''''lOe ':':n ~9c 0'12 ~ Silver Seal Eggs • I. Walbeck"s Dill ar Sour PICKLES ':I,;.54c quarl I.. VEAL ROAST ~~:: I Ib BONED CHICKEN No..... WO".-<:ook.d, 35·0' $" 79 r. to Serve con"· Equal tD applox. 10 Ibl- of regu OIly dre»ed chidc.en. First of the Season FRESH CHESAPEAKE Ib Fresh Chesapeake Roe Shad "1:.':' 35c .. 17c I Oysters Rosefish Fillets Ib 39c clu33c f'n5b sasut '"2Sc ASPARAGUS No.2 can Fine for salads, creaming or soup. Heat.Ao roasteel ~41c as.C Regular or Drip i~r . THE HAND THAT'S FASTER' THAN , THE EYE c' Pancake Mix ......... ••·.. 12e • One 29c, 20-01: lar MEAT mEAL And one 15c, 8-01: pkg nrF! PIE CRUST Phllllp'aleans 2'---25c Pea Soup . - 2-:::25c Juice - - ..... 19c physical fitness, THAT'S loot" for • • • • • • ,• • • • • • tlhmore. MADISON BROS. 413 Dartmouth Ave. FREE DEUVERY On orders over three dollars Phone 1913 ~MEAT Choice Legs of Lamb 59c lb. Lean Bacon 69c lb. Fresh Killed Frying Cbickens THE 8c lb. i"i... FRU ITS Juice Oranges CARNS 39c doz. Seedless Grape Fruit 3 For 29c Flowers Eating or Cooking Apples 2 lb. for 29c . Greeting Cards Decorath'o and No,'clty CanIDes. ~ •.,. ST~PLES Baltimore PUco Grape Preserves Gooseberry Preserves Apricot Preserves Springfield, Pa. Phone Swn. 0"50 ._----_.--._---. __ . .,. • 39c lb. jar 2 for 25c 39c Jar Pinf can ripe Olives They move like lightning. Each incoming call, indicated by a glowing light, is answeret:}l; by the operator I almost before an untrained person 39c qt. jar Karo syrup . 23c Jar Hartley's Orange. Marmalade loaded to lhe hilt. The operator knows when you're waiting, and she'll 39c jar t. Brillo Soap Pads available, 2 for 25c THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPAIY OF PENNSYlVANIA Tartan Calfee • 45c lb. PLEAS· OJ,' \Vu Should Know How P~~RSONAL-Vacuum cleaners, trons toasters and radios repaired. Caned for and delIvered. Can Robert Brooks. Swa. 164.8, Pl!:HSONAL-Hegisteretl .spencer Corsetlere, Mrs. Elsie MeWlmams. 'j'el Swarthmore 4583·'V for alJt)Olntment. J~~RSONAL--Let us IJrcll8re your garden, large or small, with m~\Y scientific IwtotUler. Phone Swarth- more 0790· ,"V. You ar~ hen~by lIoUUed thut a !lclre (aclns "'.No. 2"J10 D,.!cember Tcrm, 1931!l has ')cpu iH'.··t,;1.'11 hy the Court 01 Cammon P)CR!oJ of Delaware County, Penna .• 011 a Sci. l<':t. '''ax Licn of the City or Ch('!;ter, Amounting to Ill.S", along premi~s situate in tho City of Che~ter, County 01 Delawttre and State or Penna., described as follows: AIL THA'r CEH'rAIN lot (lr pl~e of Call Swarthmore 3389·J -- MASON BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY • ' COUN'l'Y, whoever tho owner may be. Charles E. Fischer Builder Swarthmore 074.0. DELAWAHI~ PJ~NN~\. TO 'rhonUlM ll. Harlrr.nn, IJcl"d and MarKluet 1. Hartman, heir of Thomas H, Hartnuul, Dcc't1 ::11(1 "';loIt. of Margaret I. Hartman OWIlCI relJUt('d owner or • N'rBD-B~~Jle, Child-I~~~~ 331 Dartmouth Avenue \V.!'... no ren, no pels, desire two bedroom apartment ncar H. !t. ~tatlon. 'rei. Media 14U-J, evenings. WAN'rBU We buy u::Jed furniture, anti(IUOO or modern. 'reI. Chester 2-7473, \ViA.N"rEJ.>---'ro buy twin baby carriage. 'ret 8warLhmorc 2260- W, WAN·rED-Part-Unfe secretary t1m..'C moruings 3. week. 9-12 A.M. for Swarthmore 0764 Swarthmore addref:!.s. ~xpert at tihorthand, typing. Box D, The ::;warthRidley Park 3238 mote;;Lif. WANTED-..o;;ingle m1ddle-llgecl lady desire3 sm:lll apartment. Heply to Box J, The Swnrthmoreau. "carpet make. it home" WAN'l'ED-By,reHnod, quiet couple. no (".hildrell or pets, turnlshed apartment by AprIl 1. livfng-be(iroom, kitchen, private bath, 'near transportation, Can furnish good local references. Reply to Box: P, The I:)warthmorean. 'VA~'TED-Accommodat1ons for vet- S~ore 1448 eran Swarthmore student, former WILLIAM BROOKS Naval officer. wife and· son. Nonsmoktlrs, non-drinkers. Quiet, desirable Asbes & Rubbish Removed tenants. Excellent 10cnl rererenc~. LawDS Mowed General Hauling Won't you eall us? Madison 0334-R, 31orton. Fa. \V:ANT)~D -'j'wo c:ollege buys desire 236 Harding Ave. -transportation to. I-'Iorlda. the week- ~~ end of March 28. share driving and fuel expenses. Call Swarthmore 2404-J. • 'VANTJ<.:D House or apartment of any size or kind, urgently lleelled by lifetime rcshTent of Sw~rthmore. Cont..l\.Ct Mary Simons Follett, 423 Harvard nvenue, Tel. S'wnrthmare 0870-R. and \VAN1'ED-Man's lmit. size 32-40; lawn mower; porch fun.lture, Reply to Box A, The Swarthmorean. 'VAN'rED-General seamstress wislws sewing by day. Reply to Box H, The Swarthmorean. WAN'['BD-Uprlght Iliano fOr Nurse;.;' Home at the ''''Oman'::., Hos1lital, Call PhiJadelphilL Call Swarthmore 3065-'V. \VANTED---·Resident houseke~per antI MEDIA 0755 assistant housek(;pper for small private home for women in J)elawnl"(~ County. Ueply to BoX .:\., Tho Swanh- Swarthmore e34& HARRY W. LANG For ALL SIZES HARD COAL Rugs and Carpets I GOLD BOND POURING WOOL BATS AND BLANKETS PLASTERING SUPPLIE S • ROGER RUSSELL Maker of Fine Photographs Peon State BkII;. SoJltb Ave. aud 8tate St.-) 31edl .. 2176 Medin. Pa. '''ill PAINTING and DECORATING AU \Vork Guamnteed PAINTING Write CLIFFORD L. PARKER Media R.D. 2 ...................... PAPERHANGING DAVE WOOD morean, YOUR JEWELER 25 East 7th St. (Opposite New State Theatre) 1180 Muhlenberg Ave. night or day. 2"1'-3-21 Phone Swa. 2626 , Picture Framtog--StaUOIleQ' Boo_Kodak Suppll... GNeting Cards-Hobby Crafi SIMMONDS '1.14 Welsh 8treet 'Phone Cheshr 2-5181 Tree Surgery and i Landscaping G I RL S Phone Swartbmore 2175.R TOP-RANKING POSITIONS I~ I~ 104 Cornell Avenue Alterations Kimsul lDsulaUon cement. Work PlANO TUNING 302 Gayley Street Media, PaTel. Media 2567·R and Repairing Sin"" IU08 New aud RebuU' PIanos ALBAN L. PARKER Phone AfedJa 0459-1\1 , Ii I ~,~~~~~~~~ I I The Home You Have Planned Can Now Be Built Walter V. Linton Contractor and Builder RidleyParIr,P.. in Community Set'vice A vuilable to Swarthmore, Penna. QUALIFIED YOUNG WOMEN in ']'clephone \Vork EARNINGS Funeral Director Compare with Best Formerly of :!1ed1a 1125 W. LehJgh Ave•• Phila. Phone Baldwin 1170 No additional charge tor suburban calls. in YO'Qr Community SURROUNDINGS AND ASSOCIATES Better Than Average ~ Ar;·;; Out of-;?~l OUTSTANDING and· Development I INVESTIGATE TODAY That is one reason that we caD IUld will give you prompt delivery_ THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA 1631 Arch Street Why not caD DOW for your oil or coal? Philadelphia or I VAN ALEN BROS. t_. • RIDLEY PARK • • - 5th, First Tdennic.l Paul I..yet Truste(', of l\lidu"el J. 1\1c'rkel, U~ i'LA'J"r-Feb. 19th, First and I"inai Accour.t of George G. Lewis Ad mini!:itrator, Estate of Hobert 'Platt. Deecasell. J>HICE-I'~eh. 15th, First a.nd Final Ac cOllnt of Harry \V. Price Admlnis trator, };;stath of Brnest' R. Price, Uccmtserl. SEN'l':l\L\N-Feb. 5th, Second Aeeounl uf Uil'ard 'j'rust Comllany and DI J'~dgRr T. ,:\1 iller, Surviving Trustees, EMtate . of Ella T. Scntman, De ceo~ed. 25th, Ii"irst an(1 l<-'ina Account of John A. Roberts. am! Alexander B, Geary, Executors Est ate of Florcnce L. Shoaff, Dec~ased. SHIUGLEY-I"eb. 24th, }i'ourth Ac count of \V:tltcr Hhoads \Vhite, TrU>:ilf!C, ujw r.t' Hcbc(:ca. \Vhite Shri,gley. Dec:eased. S'I'RAINGF..---li'eb. 7th, First and Fina Account of "'inifred Brensin"""er and 'Villiam E. 'straingc, Jr., Adnrtnistra tors of Rstat(: of \VilHam E. Stming(', a/Ii a::;. \Villiam Straing-.:r and "'iIIiam Strange. Deceased 'j'HOMPSON-F;\V-}o'eb. 7th, Sc~cond Account 01 Marcit 31, 1941, for IlnnUng', b"Uneral. Girard Trust Company and Anne "denee, physic.!].1 education, art, shop. Chew. Tru!:ltl:e~ E:;tate o( Bcnjamir, and jall;tors' supplies and equipment. Chl)w, Dcc~ed. Specifications can be secured belwe~n COl'..T\VA Y-I'~t!'b. 25th. Jo-'irst Account ot 9 a. Ill. and 4 p. m., dally, except SatFldelity-Phlla.delphia "l~rllst Company urdays, Sundays. and holidays. at tho nnd Hobert 1\1. Green, Executors, School Disu'lct onice, 'l'he Board re.Estat~ of \Vllli~m Conway, Jr., Deserves ti!e right to reject allY or all c-eased. ~ . J' bldg ill whole or in part, and to award l'ontracUJ on any it(:m or Items making COnCOI(.AN+-Feb. ~lb, First .aml I-~illal Al·t:OUl;t of Arthlir Willlng 1If) ::t.ny bid, ]Jatterson, •BXl!cutor, :&stalo of Del1a HIlda L3.ng Denworth Corc'lr~n, Dcct'~ed. ~ecrct&ry COUNTY-June 41h, 194.5. "~jrst Ac~T-3-14 l'OUllt or Fidelity-Philadelphia 'rrdst Company, Wllliam l,-'raley County, Estate of BDITH HI~I .. l..EBS BU=,"'1'and John Ormsby County, Executors. lNG, deceased, Esta.te of Albert John County, De1.t1!......·'l'ERS 'l'e.stamentaJ"y I:eased. On the abon' El5tate .have been GODSHAI.lK-.Jan, 30th. First and grant(!d to lhe undcrs!gnetl, who re.J'~iual ACl"Julit of ElIzabelh "'. Godquest all persons havlUl:; claim::; or de"h:lIl(, Ac.imillistratrix of Ji:state or mands a~linst the E~tate of the deGerald D. Godshalk, Deceased. l'euent to make known the same, and HAGAN-I·'eb. 11th, Fir~t and Pinal all persoll!:; Imlebted to the decedent Account of Patrick Carr Executor, to make payment, without delay. to Estate of H.o~e Hagan, Deceaged. Claude C, ::;mith and HARJ)[!:~TY-F'eb. 2Mh, Fourth and Provident Trust Company of I'-'illal ACI!Olll,t of Maude H Oakey. I'hiladelphla, AdmillMrntrix, Estate or Sarah .I!t 17th & Chc.!:ltnut Streets, II:'trliesty, Decea."'lcd ,Philadelphia 3, Pa. KHtK-l"cb. 24th, l'-~h.:st and Final Ac'V. Logan :l\facCoy, President, count of France:.. z..1.. Kirk, AdminiaOr to their Attorney tratrix. J.o.!state of J, H'.}\\'ard KIrk. Claucle. C. Smith, Esq., De('R!I.sed. 1617 Land Title Bullditlg, KNO\VLgS-I'~eb. 24th, I"irst and }I'inal Philadelphia 1~, Pa. .\(:count of Helen Esther Johnston ti1'-3-1-1 l~xecutors Del'ry and "'Hliam H. HaUlcld, Ex. ~cutur~ of ]~gtate of John LQuis KIl(;..wles, Deceased. ZONING nOAIUl OJ.' .\ 11.1 US'J':lIENT LAHJ{IN-J:i"eb. 18th, li'irst and Final lIEAHINU Ac('ount of Carl'ie E. Larkin and l\[aJ'y Lucy Congleton, l!:xecutrices The Board of Adjustment will hoM of I~tate of Adalille P. Larkin, a Imblic .heal·lug' at 8 :0(1 P.1\1. on April D(~l'cased, 8th, HI47, In Council Chamber, Borough MAGUII!E-Feb. 25th, First and F1na) Hall. Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, ill Accm:nt uf '1'he 'Vayne Title and connection wilh" the application of Trusl Comp.any. Guardian' Estate of Helen Pew' 'Vorst, John G. Pew, ::'.lnrcip Blizabeth Mag;"'lre, late 'l'rustee, for such ~pe('inl exception. minor. varla11ce. estahlis.hllwnt ami extension of a non-con(()rn\111~' use a.'i may be MATHER-Feb. 21st, First and FInal AccoUl.t of John 1... Mather, Jr" Ex requiRite to )lermit occupancy of a porlocutor, I~t>tate or John L. Mather. tion of the IIrh'ate garage 101~atecl IlllOH Dccea:-;ed. premises known as 73() Harvard A "c., Swn.rthmore, Penm~ylvania. as a ~ingle "IBADg-Feb. 24th, First and J:o'lnal Account of Dnvid B, Meade Guarfamily dwelling or ,housekeeping apartdI:tn, Estate of Anne .o.le2de: l:;.to !\ ment. I FOUND Grace Lewis Employment Agency Reese-Baxter Co. PAINTING AND I PAPERHANGING EDWIN B. KEI I Ey, Jr. 'Phone Chester 8'2'84 ~ ~.....................l , 'VAN'1"ED-Local rCllrescntatlvC}o (or new, populnr magazine. Very liberal commission, for spare-time work. Call Swarthmore IS0S, 59c Can Kosher Dill Pickles Sin"" 1 _ I EnSONAl-lmmedlate ~rvlce amI Swa. 2266 409 l\Ucbl " repairs 011 all maKes of electriC ~ .g&washers (BC'ndlx. InClUded), Ironers, vacuum cleaners, ranges. Irone. toastus" f,J.Qa and lampa. AJoo, wiring, 011.1 and new. llepair.&-3Crvlcc-lustallatlon, All work dono In tompllance with «'Ire Underwriters' requirements. Etilimales cheertully glveiJ. Can ~rlch H. HIlll.Sett, Swarthmore 2850-W, H 110 answer, call Campbell Tomato Soup qt. jar sweet mixed pickles • Ever watch the hands of a ~ trained operator at the telephone switchboard? answer just as soon as a eord Painteq and Paper Hangers 29c doz. Large Juice Lemons • PERSONAL 2 for 25c New Cabbage Throughout the ccnturies, they have .never faUed. CUNNINGHAM " LEGAL NOTICE8 LEGAL NOTIOES ~IN::--:T::-H=,·,"---:c:-:CounT OF CO"MON CLASSIFIED FOR SALE 2 bunches 25c 7 ---.----------------------------. - FOlt SAl..t'! Firewood, HrelJlace 01 rurnace. All hard wood. L. E. Beatty, lfedia 0333. FOB. SAl.il'::-Genernl Bleetric console radio and rc(~oJd player. A-I condition, Price $20:110. swarthmore 15-18. FOn SAI..I,r-lmmetiiat&ly--.sofa, buffet, tapcstry, portieres, davellPort, table and lamp, otlter articles. Call Swarti.more 1382-J. FOR SALE--W~her, new rollel'~ r'~­ .(~ently overhalliefi. 'reI. Swarthmore 2516. l,-'OR SAI.,I~Fiftecll-foot center board sloop. Good Condition. Call Swarthmore 4555. FOR SALE-UNlBonable New unus~,l Exide. battery 151-H j Tuxedo, size 38; Toidy ~eat. S\....ilrthmore 094S-J. FOR SALE--Orcltestrn ticket, Parqu~t, at l'edlu~d rate for remaining FrIday afternoon concerts, Reply to Box ~. "rhe Swarthmorean. New Texas Beets TO 'l'IME Fi __n__"d__.:..:y,:....Marcb ____ 2...:1,:.....:..19:...4:..:.7_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _T.:....:H:..::E:......:S:...W.:..:....:.:A R T HMO REA ·N Large Ice burg Lettuce 29c bunch • • • • units for clothing, whioh veterans' chlldrcn and other needy children will receive. Miss Strouse trom Swa.rthmore High School 8poke on the Educa· tlonal Financial. problcms;tn Swar... Celery Hearts would notice 'the light aglow. • .) "'f, during particularly busy periods. there's an occasional delay before your signal is answered, it's only be. • cause the switchboard equipment is • • • • this material the ch.11dren make scrap books. In the county over $600 came In t.rom the various California Carrots 2 bunches for 19c CHOOSE FLOWERS. as 5. A complete program of tint:> and industrial arts is provided from kindergarten to twelfth grade. 4S ... There are many times in a person's life when one just can't put into words what one feels - times when you have just lost a dear friend or when you want tl'> do something especially nice and meaningful for the ones we love. pupils. COFFEE COFFEE for bags for valuable gifls includes City. With 1.$.VE6ETABLES well U~ physical. e U 11 eat ion covering apparatus work, games, drills, and physical skills for a.U Doseu! liSCO Z It c.hlldren In Atlantic 45c lb. in this same field. 4. An extensive program of health hygiene and physical education, is provided in all gradeR. l1SaJ Fancy Sweet Peas l~O=, ,!~~2 S.9C Standard Tomatoes N!"n2 s.7e IJS(X) Fency Sauer K.raut Z N~~~.'h S.9c hiUip's Soups . V .... ~bI. '''', Toma'o, .. I.'h·o. -SA P Chltken Rice. or Chicken Naodle. cans. ... Libby'. Fruit Cocktau N~;;''h 37C Grapefruit Sections F\:~;:r. ~~2 S.Sc Rob.ford Peaches C~~,~.":. N~~~'h Z7c Fruit Juices Grapefruit Flo,;d.o.on... ,.No. 2 "s-' 46·0. -9or Blended ~ cans" ... can'" .. Sunrise Tomato Juice ~~. Z3e g#lJl ~RIIl Macaroni ...:t."' J:'g s.4e ... Mushroom Soup ~::'-:.~od 1.~;:" S.Oc The March regular meeting on last Monday ot tho Legion AUIll... ia.ry gave special attention to hospitalized veterans. $12 was voted tor the. expenditure of candy at Easter t.or CoatesVille Hospital. 36 lbs. will give each inmate approximately 3 pieces. Also $5 wJ.lI hc Bcnt to Perry Point (or candy. The nurses there are to be removed to Coatesville Hospital. $6 will help pa.y for ChUrch Bulletina which five Chaplains at Coatesville dIstrlbutcd. They- are printed in gold and whito and i1ustrated cover. This has created a greater Interest In c'hurch services. Seven medium sized cartons ot. old Christmas cards traveled to Betty Bacarach Homo for crippled Skinless Frankfurters ing skUls, but In mnny cases, bu.1lds the child's confidence In ,himself and tncrcas~s his enjoyment of tho r~gulnr class work. The kindergarten tcaehcn! gpend their afternoons coaching small groupS Ideal, .AII Green, Cut, Spears Auxiliary Notes 45c lb. all times wUh a. fol1ow~up of remedial defects. In 'hIgh school. there are classes In home nursing. eal'c of the Hick, and fin;t aid. ~. A complete .kindergarten program Is available to all chIldren. so that all five year olds may attend .one of the two kindergartens provided. 3. The deVelopmental reading program in grades two to six gives special coaching In small classes I to children who are delayed in their reading growth or who display some reading dtsablUty. This prog.ram not only develops read- PORK LOINS (U:i~ ~tbs) 49c Ib .instructions is provided, with vocal instruction running through all (Continued From Page 1) grades beginning In kindergarten United States were Informed by and the Instrumental music inPenn Stato College and pupils struction beginning In fourth from thcll" schools would be grade. admitted without examination. it Commoatlng on the hlg'h callbre they stand in' fhe upper three- of tho teachers. the report alBo fifths of their classes. whel'eas stated that more than half ot the students In most or the high faculty holds Masters degree'" It schools WCI'C I'Clitricted to the upper was alBo pointed out that the tWO-fifths and some to the upper Swarthmore school children re... one-fifth. unless they took eX- qUires a. "uperlor quality of teachamlnations. Ings, 6. SWarthmore high school reguChairman Cadigun re-emphalarly placcs pupils In colleges using sized that tho primary objective Colll'gp BO~lI"d l'x:uninations, such ot. the Home and School Assocla.as: Swarthmore, Cornell, Dart- tion'8 Teacher Salary Committee mouth. M. I. T., .Harva.rd, Prlnce- was to Beo that salaries are ad.. ton, Mldhigan. Wesleyan, Unlver- justed In such a. way as to m~nWn ally of Virginia, Pembroke, Carle- the present high Q.uallty ot teachton. Denison. Smith, Bryn Mawr, Ing In the Swarthmoro School 'Vcltcslcy, and Mt. Holyoke. DistrIct. 6. Swarthmore· H I g h School pupils have been unusually sucJR. RED CROSS ACTIVE cessful participants In the Clvlo During February, the .Junior Red Forum sponsored by Tom p i e Cross accomplitlhed two fine proUnJ.versity. In competition wIth Jects according to Mrs. George 1\'1. 40 other sehools, Swarthmore haa Allen, chairman of the Swarthhad the chairmanship ot. the more branch. enUre convention tor three years After presenting a program at and has won many top positions on the County Home in Llm.a last fall Important committees. the students decided to send re- SI»ECIAI.l SERV"C"::S 1. A complete nursing and dental hyg-icnc progTam is provided which includes careeul checklng of the health ot the children at '"52c Neck ,~Pot P'. "22e Rib Chops Breast Ct. FilII Ib 22c Loin Chaps '"62c Roast 5'HId" .. 35c Veal Cutlets '"69c .--~---~~~~~~~ Roasts Dr Chops ,. Loin End 'u""'''. ,. SSe Haddock QUI. Flllits ~ Pollock Fillets 6. A wcll·rounded program ot vocal and Instrumental music individual attention and permits teachers to streBS not only t'he Intellectual but a.180 the personality" growth and development ot each child. Fancy, Nearby, Milkfed Veal BUCK SHAD s. Committee reports to Borough H. membrances to members of the Home. The girls made 24 pin cushIons, 2 shoulderettes, a.nd a. lap robe, ,"Vith .these were distriind·icate the classes generally buted frults, jams, candles and cnnan~J"age (rom 110 to 115 median, ned goods, collected by the junior which compares favorably with nnd senior high school members. the average .range In I. Q, else·rhe seventh g.·ado social studicZ::l where from 95 to 105. dasaes under the direction of Na2. Standard age group achieve ... than Bell of the faculty, sent large ment tests In reading, arithmetic, quantities of clothing, canned and spelling. given thc elemengcods, shoes llnd seed packets to tary pupils below the sixth gra~e, Holland and Greece, One food ,have shown that the average package COl' C. A. n. 1<::. was also Swarthmore pupil is ..& year ahead" of t'he median for the subscribed. country as a whole. Mabel Ewing-, of the faculty, is sponsor of the Junior Red Cross 3. In the Swarthmore schools. and works with a committee of classes are comparatively small. faculty and students This provJ.des for n. great deal of IDAHO POTATOES:.i~u:;.!.lO.;~~ SSe Large Selected SWARTHMOREAN EI.lE~IENTARY SCllOOL 1. Scorcs on the Otis intelligt:!nce (IUOUent te~ts given Swarthmore pupils from the sixth grade uP. 5 '''S9c =N~Oft~' Friday, March 21, 1947 20th, First and Final Account of Edward Yorknale .\dminlstrator. Estate of Sarah A Yorl(llrue, Deceased. . ZF:I.l..-Feb. 24th, Fifth and Final Ac .. ount ,)( I.ewis' ,V. Zell and Harr} c. Zell. Sur"iviulf r';xecutors, Jo.!state of ,Jacob Zoll, Deceased. Arthur p, Brethertck Register of 'Vills a~d t.'erk of Orphans' Court 4T-2-2'/ l!!:STATE OF TERESA PARIS CHASE, DECEASEDLetters Testamcntary on the ahov\!' Estate h~ve boon granted to the under signed, who request all persons having claims or rll'mands against the Estate of the decedent to make known the same, and aU persons indebted to the decedent to make payment without delay. to. ' Reginald B, Chase, Executor. 620 Parrtsh RQad Swarthmore Pa. or hia attorney. " Geor.re W. ~cKeag. U31 Fldellty..Phlladelphla Trust Bldg. Philadelphia 9 Pa. 6T-I.JB . \, • ~~.'·nv -, 1,11-\1. /~ I'unged hy Robert Ij~. Dirkenstock und \Villium In. TruUlpler. The first nUlUber, fOr clarinet alone, is Hsted as "Jdyll" by Ralph Gl'am-c!:>. a mout'I'n English COIllI)OSct. This will be played by \Valtcr E, Cochrane, assisted by 1"01' the March meeting of th(> Virginia. Siegfried, pianit;t. Swarthmore Music Club, whleh Tlwn follows tI. suite for tI~I'el) w111 be held at .'Vhitlicl' House on the evening of March 25th at 8:15. lIuh's by James Hook of Nor\\')('h, a unique' program featuring wood- EnglancJ (1746-1821), a prollf~,c wind instrulllents has veen ar- composer of -songs, and "catches, MUSIC CLUB TO MEET TUESDAY FOR PINK CHEERS Rich,creamy Golden Guerndelicious on cereals or as a meal-time beverage. At your door or at your store - in the Cream-Top bottle. AMERICA.'S TA.BLE MILIC -FLO '.' 12lh Dnd KERLIN STS., CHESTER, PA. Te'ephone-6129 • \ How you can help YOUR ARMY DO ITS PART FOR PEACE WITH the President's propol'al for the discontinuance of Selective Service 011 March 31, America will rely on voluntary cnlisuncnts for the maintenance of the Regular Army at authorized strength. In view of world conditions today, this is a slep of the gravest imp or lance to every Anlcrican citizen. Never hefore in history has any nation raised and luaintained a million-DIan army by the volunteer systent alone. Our ideals, our helief in individual frccdOln, our safety and our duty to prolnote world peace - all arc bound up in this decision_ This is your Artny, amI voluntary enlistment is your choice. It must not fail. With YOllr hclp it Ivillllot fail. The Army Inllst continue to providc adequate OCCU)lUtion forces OVCJ'seas, to ~npl'ly thesc forces, and to help in keeping Alncl'ica strong and secure. Your help and understanding can do much to cncourage a steady flow of 3-year voluntary enlistments, necessary to sound training and the efficient 1)crform8nee of the Army's task. . f When you discu!'ls this suhjeci with your flons, hrothers, hushands or frientls who JUay he considering an Army carecr, hear ill lllind the atlvantages ofTcre(1 by a 3-ycar enlistment. Anlong them nrc the choice of branch of service and of ovcrsca:o thc-Olter where openillt!5 exist, and the opportunity fur thorough training in valuahle skills, A job in the new negular Army coni pares fayorably with the average in industry, and has nl0l-e opportunities for prolnotion than lllost, You can help hy giving your respect anrl support to the man who enlists volunlarily - to do his part in earrying out your country~s world-wide ohligations il. hnild a peace that will endure. ROBERT P. PATTERSON SECRETARY OF WAR FOI FULL INFORMIITION REURDIND VOLUNTARY ENLISTMENT, CALL AT AIIl' U. S. ARMY RECRUmNB STATION u.s. ARMY RECRUITING STATION Masonic Pulldhtg. 9th ad Wl'lsh Streete, Chester I with a. few concertos for orgun or harpsichord, and sonata for 1,lano. The flute trio is thought to he his only composition for woodwind. A contra~Ung numlwr is orrered by John Scars. He will play a Ueethovcri sonata, OPUIJ 101. This cOIHPo~itton hi the Hrst of .the S.,)~ called "Hammel' Kla\'ic~" series (as di$Unguisht'd from the harpsil'hord). Although wrUten fOr the stute. He subscribed heavily to the North Am('rican Hank Ii'und dlit"- Mrs. Mary Conway > '\ L Ing the Hevolutlon to BUI,ply the As we go to prq& we lea.rn ot means ot sustaining the war. WlllI·! the death. Thursday morning of the Colonies struggled fOl' their Mrs. Mary Conwa.y. 822 Dartmouth freedom he served in nUlIlcrOUH avenUe. wife of John Conway. public posts and could not be PCI"5uudcd to accept recoin pense. His ScrvLpcs at the hom.o ot her 80n, The historic LeIper Quarric~, just outside swarthmore, site of America's Urst railroad and other significant projects of one o[ the country's great patriots and pioneer industrialil:Ji.s, 'l'homu.s Leiper. departed from Leiper~dc­ sccodant ownership aCtcr neal'ly two centuries, to become the property of Eleanor B. Morrow. of 10,",5 Harvard avenue, this week. Containing over 50 acreS the tract was sold by C. 1. Leiper, )f Pittsburgh, and Margaret Dale Leiper. who still occupies the original munl:Jion erected on the Lcipel'ville estute in 1785. Al1(;c ~1. Baird. of Swarthmore. I'cprosented the purchaseI' who is the wife of ,Vmiam Morrow 'with whom she operates the nationwide chain of Nut Houses. 'rhe consideration was listed as $34,000_ 'rhe .l\lorrows who lived on Rivel'\'jew road before taking ovcr the Underhill c!'itate several yeal':-= ago, are now in Flurida. and can· not be contacted for infonnution as to their plans for the future of the tract. I-Iowever. a SOU1'Cl~ l'lU,",C to them revealed to Tilt: ~wal'th­ lll,Orean that the {(uartie:; would continue to be operated t"t least tcmporal'Ity by James V, Catania, of ,Voodlyn, who has been operating them under a royalt~' a rrangcInont with the former owners, It is understood. although plans as yet are not spec inc, the two hun;dt-ed or :-10 feet of fl'ontage on South Chestt"r I-oad between the last house and Cl'um Creek will be developed. most Ilkely for a business center. '.rhe I..cipcl' land lies partly in Net.her Providence, Partly in Hidle~~ and pal'tly in SpringHcld Township, It is separated from the homo gl'ound:i ':If the ~lo1TOws by a parcol of land owned by DI', \\Tilltam Earl Kistler of Park Avenue who. hefore the war, constructed the row of housc!'i lining Chc!'iter road to its houndary. Th'l~ actual quarries arc at this point. Thomas Leiper came here froUl Scotland in 1764. In 1806 he built the first ox-powercd railroad. traces of which can still be scen. to C:Ul'Y the heavy stones to tidewater in Ridley Creek, a. distance of Slig}ltly less than a mile. Numerous old. famous structurcs were bunt ot Lctper'~ stones, amon~ them the Pennsylvania Railroad's Chinese Wall In Philadelphia. Prior to the Revolution Thomas Leiper made a fortune as a tobacconIst. His local property held snuff mJlls and other Industries bl"'side the stone quarrying. He was known for his munificent contributions to public improvements, prompted by an altruistic desl·_'.) to encourage development of the Sizes 3 to 6X, 7 to 14 Llttlo girls as well as big girls love to dress up in the spring, a point ''''0 Come see tor havcn't; o"t'erlooked. YOUl'SCIr the adorable coats we've lined up tor those dalnt,. little people. Sort all-wool plaids. checks and prett,. P8"t.eb!; in st)'les theJ'tll love. I .1 SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1947 own project last year and fUD~ raised by them are directly rcsponsible for enabling the opening of cancer clinics tn Delawarc County. Menlbers of the Young :Mother's ,Section are actively cooperating In the local canvas. Under Mrs. F'orsythe'H direction. Mrs. Harry I.." MiliCI' u.nd lll",:,I_ Carl H, Jeglum are captains in the dlNtrict north ot the railroad_ .l\11':i. William Ward. at'd. 1\I1·S. Hamuel Gurln, Mrs. George ll. Sickel. 1\It's. H. Stephens I'lumllH'l', and :\tl'~, John G. Moxey. Jr., are captains In the widely spread remainder o[ the borough. Clinics for the prevention of. -01' the earlY, and thcrefol't.· hopeful, discovery of canCC1' will I,p SlIlJpOt'ted by yOUl' l'e~{lon!->e \0 tlli:-: drive. Also a.ided will fie the extensive research in th(> caus€,:-; anu tl'eatment of tlw dbca:'w. It i~ ttl he hoped that Swarthmol'euns will view the caUs of t!heir neighbOO's in this cause as a necessary service to the nation's hcatfh and contribute to it with understanding and accord. Circle Elects Mrs. Plummer • Thirty members of the Friendly of Miss Circle met at the home Lillian Boyt on Park avenue, ThursdaY, March 20, with Miss Elsie BoY!, Mrs. E. M. Boyd and Mrs. W. A. Willard as co-hostesses. Mrs. John H. Pitman, president, presided. . Thc following officers were elected for the next two years;Mrs. H. Stephens Plummer, president. Mrs. W. Mark Bittle, vice president, Mrs. E. H. Taylor. recording secretary. Mrs. Kendall C. Sadler. 'treasurer. and Mrs. J. War. ren Paxon. corresponding secre- tary. Annual reports were given by the committee chairmen and a letter of thanks to Mrs. Bittle, for & con.. tt-ibutiQn ot canned peas to a needy family. was read. It was voted to give two quarts of milk. dally tor a month to a family of 11 with eight c'b.lldren under the age ot 16. ){rs. ArthUr Redgrave sPent ,10 to buy a coat tor a married daughter .in this family. It was also agreed to contribute ".60 to repair the seWing machine of' an elderly woman who earns her living by mending and laundry 'Work. Col. George Logan a former resident of Cornell tlvenue and now stationed In Korea, !lew home with Speare's SecQnd Floor General Hodges to Washington. D. C., and was the dinner guest last - week of Mr. and Mrs. Willla.m E. Soden LotraD of College LOCAL SUPPORT I THE SWARTHMOREAN L.:KED_ I Mrs.......ancis H. I . . orsythe. chail'man of the Woman's Cluh':; Health and Welfare committee, will head the first house to house campaign (01' the American Cancel' :::iociety ever to be conduetcd in this borough, An act of Congl'css In 1938 sel April as the official cancer ('oull'ol month. Last year. despite all Murgical and scientific progress, 81.600 pcrHons in this county dbd of cancer. The local drive starts Ull April 1. O\'er 90 S\...·arthmol·e women will collect funds fl'om all "t'sidenta as quLcklY as it is I'0ssible to com·pieto the call\'as. ~Irs. Ij~orsythe'9 active cOIllIllHt('c tlf clubwomen will aid her in thc drive. Carolyn Cresson president of the Junior Section at the club and its membel'S wlll distribute campaign literatUre and .supplies to all workers, Junior clubs in the COUllty undertook cancer cont~ol as theil' 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore.. Pa. GIRLS' SPRING COATS 1":':'~~' ., ROSS Mrs. Forsythe Heads 90 Campaigners for Funds Phfme sW!!!th""o~. ~29 ~ •• Clear1!roDk 4646 r-----......, ". ~ CANCER DRIVE OPENS TUESDAY 265 295 375 395 550 550 550 650 750 750 950 1025 1025 1375 p~ u. , VOL. 19-No. 13 Cf~"'s"" l.t~, C"ml!~n,~ ~ • L SWnrth morc 7 I.' 1 IVE '=I'-- ' death oecm'N1 in 1825. Thomas. 337 South Rolling roarl, In addition to the l·ailwH~-. the Springfield at 8:30 A. M. Monda.y remains of the old lJlock hOllse on wlll be rollowed bY solemn reA"olldHPntati\"('s in ·Hal'l·lslHIl·g. Observers state- that there is meet tomorrow evening, March 29 2\hs. Ph(>lus. Boult, I't.'view('u lhcsome possibiUty that the Swal'th- Town Meeting on "Zoning" and in the Woman's Club at 7 o'clock. This dance is informal, and the more school district may lose ap- g-:l.n:o furlht'l' f:n't;.; 011 lile 1I(>lIIatHls chaperons wUl be Mr. and Mrs. proxima.tely $18,000 it fonncl'ly which have b'een made in this mat· Howard Shearer. and 1\11'. and Mrs. received each year f.rom the State V'l'_ ~tl-s, :\IOl'l'i~ FU:-;Hcll, on "lJi~~ unless Senate Bill 31 is passed, placed Persons," mentioned the R. L. Ha.rlow. This measure, sponsored by Scna- compa.ratively small quota now a1tor 'Veldon Heyburn of Delaware hltted to pt'I'SOWi comjng into tht.· HEAR COL. ENDERS On Thursdar evening, i\larch ~O. County, would assul·(· ("'C'I'Y Mcbool United States. in I'el:ltion to th., 'the guests arid friends of Strath diRtrict in Penn~ylvanla the same lack durJng the war years of those Hu,'en Inn enjoyed a "cry intel'~ financiat assist~nce jt recei\"ed coming in. Mrs. Fussell has just esting and intimatc description or la.c;;t yenr. he"n appolntcd head of the Phi1:J.Several other bills are being, delphia Bran~h. NaHonal COlllmitthe Okinawa campaign hy Col. Which would Gordon B. Enders. A pilot in World propofled. affect tee on Displaced Persons. teachers' salarIes, Including House \V3.l' I, with two and a half years~ MI's. Henry A. Pipe)' was in 'icl'vice in_ It'rance, Co1. Enders serv- Bill No. 417 introduced by Rep- charge of thc luncheon with the ed a total of four years oversells resentatives George D. Stuart and tables waitcd on by League mt'mill \Vorld 'Val' II. As first Militnry D. Raymond Sollenberger. This hers_ Attache to be appointed to Afghan- btll would increase mandated minThe fourth and last "Mental istan, a.. post which he held prior imum salaries by amounts varying Health" study group meeting of the to Pearl lfurbor. Col Enders "'83 from $1.000 to $%,400. League of Women Voters \"'~d.S held also the fir::!t official American reon Monday, March 24. The subject sident in that country. During the CAMPAIGN PROGRESSES "The Legal Progrmtl for Mental In the seventh wc~k of the Health In Penn.,.. was treated ex· last six months of hostilities in the Borough Campaign for Swarthmore cellently by \VilIard Hetzel. Direc~ Pacific. he served as a Militm'y C.ollege. LeOnard C. Ashton. chair- tor of the Legal Division of the Government officer throughout the man, announced that a total of Mental Health Foundation: Okinawa. Campaign, and after V-J $6.520 had been raised to date_ Day directed the Office of Fore.fgn Affairs in the occupation of Korea, Thi!i is nn increase of more than Home FrOID Korea Col. Enders was reared in India $2000 since the last t'eport issued T /5 Charles B, Moore oC Amby his Inissionary parents. DUl'ing two weeks ago. In the period be- herst avenue returned from Kunhis 26 years' residence in the twp.cn March 11 and March 25. san, Korea last week following Orient. he has been Aviation Ad- thirty _ two people. contributed seven months of serv.tce with the Ordnance Department of the U. S. viser to Generalissimo Chiang Kai. $1778. Mr. Ashton expressed consld'er- Army, Shek for two yearS. and Foreign He is spending a 26-day furlough Adviser to the Tibetan Incarnation able satisfaction with the progre~~ of the campaign. He reported at his home prior to receiving his for ,Ix years. Col. Enders is a brother of IDr. Robert K. Enders several new contributions ot $500 dl9charge at Camp Di%. each and others ranging betwe·::m ot Elm avenue. $500 and $6, All. he said. are Very Table Tesmis ChampiOll much appreciated by both, the Sophomore Eddie Abrams de~ Kappa to Sew Mrs. Robert H. Reed of College college and by tbe borough aoUcl- feated Barry .Tones of the freshavenue will serve as boteas to tors. He urged all other c~ntrlbu":: man c_·ln three atralg'ht lIIlDles the Kappa Kappa Gamma. Sewing ttlrs to be equally generous, a.ccord- to take the tablo tennla champion. tng to their means. rouP. TuetKlay, April 1. ship of Senior High School. $3.00 YEAR ,CLUB TO HEAR DR. SCHOLZ on RUSSIA Members Alerted by Varied Program Tuesday A varied and entertaining afternoon was enjoyed by the members of the Woman's Club on Tuesda.y when Mrs. Peter E. Told. Club prcsident. opened t'hc meeting by p'reHentlng Dr. John C. Wistar of the Scott Horticultu.ral Foundation at Swarthmore College, Dr. Wlstar extended an Invitation to all townspeople to visit the college grounds more frequently in order to know and enjoy tbe' many varJetles of plants, shrubs and trees whIch arc budding or already blooming and which will incre88e in profusion as the season advances. Attention was cn.lled to the varieties which appear in Spring, among which are mWly Chinese plants whJ.c'h bloom a bit earner than their American counterparts, but which compose more than half of the foreign plantings. Decalise this area is Hlost similar to tho western Chinese country both climatically and geologically. we are fortunate in being able to enjoy most of their lovely blooms. The Scott Foundation was estabHshed with the wish t'b.at both native and foreign plants might be enjoyed by everyone in this area, and Dr. Wlstar urged that Swarthmoreans enjoy the .rare privilege which is thei .... The report of the Antiques Fair comm~ttee was presented by Mt·s. A. W. Bass, Jr., ehaJrtr..an who expreSBed the gratltudo and pleasure of the group not only to clubmembel'S, but also to local c'hurches. townspeople, Bo.rough and Police (Continued on Page 4) ! BONANZA! Are you a. hoarder? Does your husband ('olilplain that the how·U\ is too full or "old junk" you should hn .... e giv('11 away years ago'! Doe-~ your attic rc~elllhic a. museum? An' yOUl' closets filled wi th clothes yon "lIIay n(>cd ~omctime'!" Have yoa unhnng pklUl'cs and unused sport· ing ·tl(IUi pment '! If you come under nny of the aho\'c anu allied (·ntVgOl'iCH )'OU an~ JUH'I' OUR I>ISH. Now is the time to get all your excess and u::leable items out of those dark corners. l:l'ing them to the Women's Club on April 16 and swap them fo,' something you really do need, or at any rate make them available for another whose need may be greatcl' than youl's_ '.rHE BIG MUTUAL EXCHANGE will take place at the Woman's Club on April 17. and Mrs. Geol'ge W_ Sweet who is general chairman hOlles that exhibits will he as varIed as the interests of your faulUy. to :.;ay nothing of your nncestoN!. Books, ('hildrens and adult..lock hOllse on will be followed by solemn rea unique'program featuring wood- 1'~llgland (174(;-1821). a l)rolillc iChOrd). Although written fOr the Avondale rond bring inh'j~ull1g I'C· qulem mass at 10 o'clock in t'he. poser of 'son"s, and "catchcs", d been 'lr t h I collections of day,,", when redskin Church ot Our Lady ot Perpetual il~n~d~~n~s~.t~r~u~l~n~e~n~.~~'~I"~'~~~~'~'~~~~~~::::::::~~~=====~I itprim itiyC i nstrutncn t of thOSl~ aY,3. unticipate!:l the (ull posslbilitic:J warl'iors didn't Just hide away. Help, Morton. of the lIloderll l)iano, l.~ollo\ving this sonuta aI'C two selections for u miniature wOo~n, to C:lrry the IlCa,,~y stoneH to tidewatel' in Hidley Creek. a dist:HU~C of slightly less than a mile. Num("rOUS old. famous structures werc buUt of Leiper'", stones. ::lmOl1gthem the Pennsylvania Railroad's Chinese Wall in Phlladelphi.l. Prior to the Revolution Thomas Leiper made a fortUne as a tobacconist, His local property held snuf't millq and other Induatries b('side the .atone quarrying. He was known tor his munlflcent contributions to public Improvements, prompted by an altruistie dcsl·:,} to encourage development of the CANCER DRIVE OPENS TUESDAY Mrs. Forsythe Heads 90 Campaigners for Funds Mrs, b'runcis 1-1. F'or~Ythe, chait'man of the Woman's Cluh'~ Health and Weltare committee. will head the first house to house campaign fol' the American Cancel' ::ioclcty ever to be conducted in this borough, An act of Congres." in 19J~ set April as the official cancer ('outl'ol month. Lust year, deSI)ite all Murgieal and scientific progl'css, 1~1,60(f perSOIUI in this county c.1hd I)f cancer. 'I.'he local drivQ stnrtli 011 April 1. Over 90 Swarthlllol'C wolllell will collect fUQ(.is Crolll all "PHidcnts a..'i quickly as 1t is 1)01:;· }lillie to ICOlll,plete the CttIlVU,8, 8.3 xl 1.1 I HERIZ ................................................... 265 8.6 x11.5 KARAJA ............................................. 295 7:IOx 9.10 HAMADAN ....................................... 375 8.11xI2.2 BmlKABAD ....................................... 395 9.2 x11.2 SAROUK ............................................. 550 8.1 x I 0.2 KERMAN _........................................... 550 11.2 x17.2 MESHED ............................................. 550 8.2 x11.2 KERMAN ............................................. 650 9.1 x12.8 KERMAN ............................................. 750 11.8 x15.0 TABRIZ ................................................ 750 10.8x 14.4 KAZVIN ............................................ 950 10.2 x14.IO KAZVIN ................................................ 1025 10.1 x14.2 KERMAN ................................................ 1025 8.IOxIS.9 SAROUK ............................................... 1375 Throw Rugs Starting at $18.50 (p",",SO" ltr, Com1!~~,~ ~ THE SWARTHMOREAN L:KED VOL. 19-No. 13 ORIENTAL RUG SALE -FLO r------, ;~ NEARS END l FOR PINK CHEEKS ;;[:1': LOCAL ! 121h and KERLIN STS., CHESTEH, PA. 0 \' A 100 Park Ave .• Swarthmore. Pa. Ph()ne Swg'}Il~O~_ Oj29 ~_ •• Clearl!rook 4646 I SUPPORT SWARlHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1947 Cub Paper I>rive Cub Scouts or Swarthmore Pack 1 wiU conduct a paper drive during the month ot April. They ask that the members of the community sabe their paper for them. TAKE PART IN SCHOOLMEN WEEK Local Educators Busy At U. of P. Last Week SUBMIT IDEAS on SALARY INCREASE Board Will Receive School Faculty Suggestions A program containing sugges- tions for salary, increascs Is in its final stages ct preparation by t'he ..swarthmore public Bchoo) teacheN:l and will shortly be presented to a special committee or the Board. of School Directors fOI' cventual con- Spring Vacation Swarthmore Schools will be closed from March 31 to April 4. inclusive, for sp.rJ.ng vacation. They wUl re-opcn at ihe usual hour on Monday. morning. April 7. L.W.V. CHAIRMEN REPORT PROGRESS Mental Health Study Group Closes Monday $3.00 YEAR .CLUB TO HEAR DR SCHOLZ on RUSSIA Members Alerted by Varied Program Tuesday A varied and entertaining after. noon was enjoyed by tho members of the 'Voman's Club on Tuesday when Mrs. Pcter E. Told, Club president, opened t'ho meeting by p'resenting Dr. John C. Wlstar of the Scott HorticultlU'al Foundation at Swarthmore College. Dr. 'Vistar extended an invitation to all townspeople to visit the college grounds more frequen*.ly In order to know and enjoy thc' many varJetJea ot plants, Ghrubs and trees which are budding or already blooming and which will tncrease In profusion as the seMon advances. Attention was called to tho varieties which appear in Spring, among which aro many Chinese plants whiCh bloom a bit earlier than their American counterparts, but which compOse mora than half oC the foreign plantings. Because this area is most similar to tho western Chinese country both climatically and geologica.J.ly. we are fortunate In being able to enjoy most of their lovely blooms. The Scott Foundation was esmbIished with the wish flInt both native and foreign plants might be enjoyed by everyone In this area., and Dr. Wistar urged that Swarthmoreans enjoy tbe .rare privilege which is theil'll. The report of the Antiques Fall' comm.!ttee was presented by Mrs. A. W • Bass. J r., c hal rman w h 0 eJCpressed the gratltudo and pleasure of the group not onll- to clubmemhers. bnt also to local Churches. lownspeop~e, Borough and Police (Continued on Page 4) '''he pr~gl'nm of the Schoolmen's sideration by the Board as n. whole. '1'he League of '''olllcn Vote!'s \Vcek at the University of Pennluncheon meeting in Whittier Drawn up following a numbt:r liou~e last 1"l'iday bl'ought out tlte sylvania last week included the of meetings of the high school and widc fields of intcl'el'ting and signinames of n numbel' ot teachers in elementary school faculties, th(' ficant topics relating to better laws Swarthmore Schools. Myrtle l\lcCalUn of the Rutgers program will touch UPOll policies in the government \\'hich the Leo..~ Avenue school was chairman of the teachers would like to sec the f{lIl~ (>xists to furthcr, 1\11'8, Glenn Morrow, presider,t of a 1)l'ogl'am on Thursda.y afternoon Board follow In making salary ~Irs. l'~orsythe's active coultnjttt'O;tilt· Swarthmore groll,J. l'eau L'Xwith a discussion of "Arithmetic In increases and will also include re~ of elubwomen will aid Iwr in the cOlnmendations concerning gen- (,Pl'pts fl'olll a recent is~uc of the the Elementary Schoo .. " dl'ive. Carolyn Cresson president ot I'hi Ul'tu Kappa lIIagazinc, Ill'Uil':l"'::Uzabeth McKie, teachel' of eral salary levels. the JunJor Section ot the club and l~nglish in the junior high school ~.Mle committee which will .rc- iIlI; the wOl~k and gTowing in fl uence its melllbel's wllI distribute cumand this year Pl'esidcnt of the ccive the suggestions consists of of the League in the nation. A paign literuture and suppUcs to all Dclamont j\ :;;~ociation of English two Board members and three serlcs of reports tOllowed. \Vorkers, Junior clubs in the couhty Mrs. John M. ,Moore. on "FIndertook canccr conh'ol as thcia' 'reachers, presldcd as chairman of teuchers. It was set up a year ago u thc Engllsh meeting on Thursday to explore the problem of teachers nancc." sa.hl that 5i ne\\' Illemhel'H own project last year and funds ft a ernoon. salaries and it haa met a number 'in HWal'thlllol'p make 1 (;2 lu'caellt raised by them are directly respon. G Bakel' Thompson, l)rlncll1al of times during the year. The paid members. She announced (or bi' th . of I • sible f or enn 109 e opemng of the high school, was a memprcsent recommendations al'e ex- Apl'i1 a ~Ilt· of UKcd iJool\:g, ]'Irl:;. cancer clinics in Delaware County, bel' of Ole panel in the discus!iion pected to come up for Board con- Ilc.'l'lwl·t Fl',\SCI', on "'I'hc HeciproMcntbers of the \W oung Mother's of the 1947 legislath'e prc.gram of side ration at an early meeting, cal Trade Treaty." rcad the report ,Section are actively cooperating in the Pcnm:ylvanla State Education Community interest In the oC :\ll's, CUl'l Cha~e; ~II'H,~, Homenthe local canvas. Association on Thursday afternoon, teachers' salary question has been way, on the "Juvenile Detention Under Mrs. I'~orsythe's dil'ection. )"rnnk R. Morey, supervl~ing exhibited by a mecting 'of a num- Home." for ages 1-16. Since cer1\Irs, Harry ]~ l\tiller and l\1 n:l, Carl principal. wus a member of the Ibcr of local orgnnizntionli. Speak- Ilai~ .~Iualith~'i, ,i:~ the, llCl'SOIl ~lJ~~ H. Jeglum are captains in the (}is- panel In the discussion of the ers have been invited to pI'esent IJ{Jmt d to ~III Let thiS homc .Ut trict north of the railroad. Mrs, 1)I'oblems in providing guidance the pl'oblcm to t/}}em and in sev- n~,·:.· ,il>simhle,,it it; IIn.;.'rl that I'itlWJlliam Ward, 3rd, ~1rs, HUllluel Nervice for public schoC'ls at thc el'al instances letters Jlave then zens write the judgcs o( the :Media Ourln. Mrs. George n, Siclt~l, M!'s. 'Vedncsday afternoon seSSion. Leen :':Icnt by,> the organlzntiolls to l 'OUI't ,un,in~ a trnillcu head, HIltI H Stephcnli Pli.lmlll(,l'. and ltrl", Other Swarthmorc;,":;. ind:.aded .. coloreli. person on, till!.! r:Jtn.tr. John G. Moxey, Jr., are captains In Or. Waldo E, Fisher. profes,'iol' the Board of Directors fuvoring u .\'i I'S. I'~, Hl1lm("~, ',amI ;\h'H, J~dwal'tl the widely spread remainder of the of Industry at the University of policy of salary increases, eVen if ~. Hay spoke on State Legislaborough, J'ennsylvaniu. who participated in tax riSes were ncceSS<1.ry, The tiOl,1. Anyone intcl'cl:Ited in attL'n~]­ notary Club has Clinics for thc prevention of, 01' fhe panel discussion on "How Ca.n S'wlll'thmore in~ th(~ Ii'rlday League legislative asl.:cd Ha.rry Oppenlander, high thc early, and thcreforc hopeful, Labor and Managcment Help in chemistry and physiCS lUncheons in Philadelphia or in go_ discovery of canccl' will hf' 8111)- Transition of Youth from ~chool school lug to tlw L"A'isJatul'l' in HaITi!-;ported by youI' response to thb to Job'!"; and DI', J. Russel) Smith, teachcl'. to address its regula.r hurg. is invited to phone Mrs. Hay. meeting today on the subject. drive. Also aided will De the ex- professor ]~meritus of Geography Are you a hoarder? Does your ':\II'~. ,V. R Uuey l'OPOI'tC(] fadli Meanwhile the Teachers' Salan; of Columbia UniVersity. prescnted tcnsive rcscuI'ch in th(" causes anti and figul'(O':"i on '''''cachcl's' Saluries" husband ('olllplaill that the houHe h'catment of tlw dh.emw, ] I is 1n a paper on "Conservutlon of fie- Committee of the Home and School in gencl'lal, and in HWarthmol'c Is too full of "old junk" you should he hoped that SWarthmol'('ans will ,...OUI'ces for fhe Class.'oom of To- Association is continuing to gatbc)' particulal'h', Bill No, S 37 would have given away years ago'! Doc!i view tho calls of t!heir neighbors day-8hould the City Dwellel' be und dissemJnate infOl'malion on hl,~~JI HWal'thm(u'e":-; Ilosition in roe- your attic I'('scmhle II museum? Art~ ill this cause as a necc~sarY service Interested in Soil Conservation '" v:u ious ruJpects of the mattcr, [JCg- ~al'(l to !-;tat(: ai(i., as $1,~,(lOO \\'olth yoU!' closets filled with clothes yOll islativc action in Harrisburg i~ to the nation's health nnd contriof 811<'h aid will he lost if Uw Lill "may 11(~cd sOtlletillle'!" _Have you being studied closely. since thc salbute to 1t with understanding and Dancing ,Class to Meet does not pass. Increase in local unhnllg- pictUres and unusc(1 sportThe Eighth Grade Danc.ing Class ary program in Swarthmo.l'c will taxation would result. Citizens arc ing ·cquipulCnt '! accord. of the Junior Assemblies which depend to q. large extent upon askl!d to ul'ge this hill to local 1'e1 f you come under (lny ot the was postponed from March 22, will what happens at the State capital. pI'C'Hf!hUtti\'cs in Harl'isburg. :tlIO\'L anti allied (-'ah,'gol'ics you art~ Obsorvers state that thel'e Is meet tomorrow evening, March 29 ,:\1 ,'s, PliC'll's Houlp I'l'vic\v("d thf" JUHT oUR DISH, Now is the time in the Woman's Club at 7 o'clock, some possibil.ity that the Swarth- Town Meeting 011 "Zoning" and to get all your excess and useable ThIs dance Is Informal, and the mol''! school district may lose ap· ~;..t."'l' furth('I' Illds nil lile d£'nHlll(IH items out of those dark corners. Thirty members of the Friendly chaperons will be Mr. and l\frs. proxima,tely $18,000 it fonnCk'ly which have b'een made in this mat- BI'inH' them to the Women's Club Circle met at the home of M1ss Howard Shearer, and Mr. and Mrs. received eaeh yeur trom the State tl"', M,'~ . .:\Ioni;; }o'1I:i:-:- on April 16 and swap them fo,' Lillian Boyt on Park avenue, unless Senate Bill 37 is passerl. J)laeed Persons." mentioned the something you really do need, or n, L. Harlow. Thursday, March 20, with Mtsa This measure, sponsored b)' Sena- comparatively small quota. now al- nt any rato Ill,akc thom available Elsie Boyt, Mrs. E. M. Boyd and tor 'Veldon Heyburn of Delawal'e IOlted to TU'rS()llS con ling into the fOl' another whose need may be HEAR COL. ENDERS Mrs. W. A. Willard as co-hostesses, County, would n!-;slIl"(' e\'cl',\' :-;("vool United States, in I'('kition to tlw grentol' than yours, On Thursdn..r evening. Murch :!O. ]"Irs. John H. Pitman. president, (listrict in Pennsylvania the same lack durJ.ng the war years of those the guests and friends of Strath '1'IIE BIG MUTUAL EXCHANGE presided. Ha\'en Inn enjoyed a vcry inte,'- financial assistAnce ,it recelved coming in. Mrs, Fussell has just will take place at the ,"Voman's The following officers were ("Hting and intimate descl'iption of last year. been apPOinted head of the Phila- CI ub on April 17. and Mrl:'l. George elected for the next two years:~ Several other bills are being, delph,ia Bmhch, National Commit- 'V. Swect who is gcncral chairman the Okina\va campaign hy Col. Mrs. H. Stephens Plummer, presiw'hlch would Gordon B. Enders. A pilot in World proposell affect tee on DIsplaced Persons. hOI)Ct; that exhibits will be as Yardent, Mrs. W. Mark Bittle, vice 'Val' I, with two and a. half ycars' teachers· salaries, Including House Mrs. Henry A, Pillel' was in led as tho intercsts of your family, president. Mrs. E. H. Taylor, re"wl'\'ice in, }o'l'ancc, Col. Enders serv- Bill No. 417 Introduced by Rep- charge of the luncheon with the to say nothing of your ancestor'!'!, cording secretary, Mrs. Kendall C. ed a total of four years overseas resentatives George D. Stuart and tablc~ waited on hy League nll'nl- Books, childrcns und lldults-te:x.t. Sadler, ,treasurer, and Mrs. J. War. in World War II, As first Milital'Y D. Raymond Sollenberger. This bel'S. books to mysterie~bring them tn, ren Paxon. corresponding secreAttache to be appointed to Afgha.n- bill would Increase mandated min· The fourth and last "Mental Kitchen Hnd g"arden equipmcnt that tary. it;tan, a. post which he held priOl' imum salariee by amounts varying Health" stud)' grouJl meetln~ of the ma).' ho a dupllcn,tlon Or no longel' Annual reports were given by the to Pearl Harbor, Col Enders was from $1,000 to $1,4:00. League of Women Voters wus held ne-eficd tho in good conditioncommittee cha.frmen and a letter also the first official American reon Monday, March 2 ... The subject bring it along. Toys anLl sporting of thanks to Mrs. Bittle, for a con:sident In that country. During the CAMPAIGN PROGRESSES "The Legal Program for Mental equipmcnt in good shape are eagel'trlbutlon of canned peas to a needy last six months of hostilities in the In the seventh \\'Pock of the Health in Penn .... was treated cx- IY sought after, Have you any anfamily, was read.. It was voted to Pacific, he served as a Military Borough Campaign for Swarthmore cellently by 'Villard Hct2:el. Direc- tiques - literally or figurativelygive two quarts of milk dal..,.. tor Government offtcCl' throughout the qollege, l.eonard C, Ashton, chair- tor of the Legal Division. ot the that 'You would love to trade fOl' a month to a. family of 11 with Okinawa. Campaign. and after V-J man. annollnced that u total of Mental Health Foundation. something else? How about those eight c'hlldren under the age of 16. Day directed the Office of Fore.tgn $6,520 had been rais~d to datc, curtains 01' drapes Or spreads that ;Mrs. Arthur Redgrave spent $10 to A ffairs in the oC'cupation of Korea, Thifl 1ft an incrl'8sc of more than Home From Korea were discarded when (you .repabuy a coat tor a married da.ughter Col. Ende1'8 was reared In India $2000 since the last report issued T /5 Charles D, Moore of Am- pered? Have you had your winter, ;In this tam fly. It was also agreed by his Inissionary parents. During two weeks ago. In the period beto contribute $7.50 to repair the his 25 years' re~tdence in the twp(~n March 17 and March 25. herst avenue returned from Kun- "out-groWS" cleaned an. repaired san, Korea last week following to be fit for sale? Children's anfl sewing machine ot an elderlY Orient, he has been Aviation Ad- thirty _ two people. contributed Beven months of servdee with the tllen':; clothing Is ulways in grcat woman who earns her living by viser to Generalissimo Chiang Kni- $1778. Ordnance Department ot the U. S. demand, n.."1 are young girl·s evenmending and laundry 'Work. Mr. Ashton expressed conslde.r- Army. Shek for two years. and F'orelgn ing dresses and wraps. Adviser to the Tibetan Incarnation able satisfaction with the progres."I He is spending a %6-day furlough What are you gOing to do with Col. George Logan a former re- for ,Ix years. Col. Enders is a ot the campaign. He reported at hiB home prior to receiving his that wed1:l1ng or christmas present.. eldent ot Cornell k,venue and now brother of \Dr. Robert K. Enders seve.raJ. new contribUtions of $500 discharge at Camp DI%. that Just "doesn't look right an:reach and others ranging betwe':m staUoned In Ko~ ftew home with of Elm avenue. where?" Why not seU that chair Genera.l Hodges to Washington, D. _ _ _ _ _ _ _' $500 and $5. An. he said. are very Table Teunis ChamplO1l or table that you don't need and C .• and was the dinner guest last Kappa to Sew much appreciated ·by both, the Sophomore Eddie Abrams de- always have to climb over to get 'week ot Mr. and Mrs. William E, Mrs. Robert H. Reed of College college and by the borough solici- reated BaITY Jones ot the _ - what you want? Give' your houAe Soden ot College a.venue. CO!. avenue wiU serve as hote89 to tors. He urged all other c~ntrlbu.;. man cl_ In three atralB'bt pm"" the rIgid once over and start now I.otran plana to rteurn to Korea the Kappa Kappa Gamma Sewing tot'll to be equally genero_ accord- to take the table tennis champion- your biy pile fqr, the big Exchange In the near future. Loroup, 'ru_y. Aprn 1. Ing to thel!"' means. sblp 01 Senior High School. -April 18-17-18. ! BONANZA! Circle Elects Mrs. Plummer GIRLS' SPRING COATS • Sizes 3 to 6X, 7 to 14 '. UtOn girls as well as big girls 10,'0 to dress up in the spring, a point we haven't oTerlooked. Come see tor yourself the adorable coats we've lined up lor those daInty little people. Sort alI-wool plaids. checks and pretty """tel!!; In st)'les tbe7'U love. Spearc's Second Floor I ..- Friday, March 28, 1947 Friday, March 28, 1947 THE SWARTHMOREAN St.' Peter's Church in the Great Valley, Devault, Pa. The Rev. J. Jarden Guenther. rector performed the ceremony in the presence of thc Immedia.te families. The In·ide. given in marrhlge hy her father. wore a gown of white cl'cpe with pearl head em'broldcl·)". lIcr smull hat of hyacinths fcatured a shoulder length veil and sho carried a prayCl· hook ;:lI1d houquet of white hyacinths and white EasteT lilies tied with satin streamers caught with byacint'h blossoms. Mrs, John A. Plumer of QuerHn fI,\'cnue, as matron of honor and only attendant. wore a grown oC old-rose taffeta. fashioned with velvet bodIcc, puff sleeves and full skirL She carried a bouquet of yellow roscs and ,white IrIs encircled with blue hyacinths and wore a IImtchlng hcaddrcas. 1\1r. John Ostcrhus of New York City served as best man, The mothcl' of the bride wore a gown ot blue crepe trimmed with blue lace. Her black 'hat was fashIoned with pink flowers and her eOl'sage wa~ of blue hyuclnths and pink ,·oscs. A I·cccption followed at the home of the bridc's parents for the bridal party and immedIate famUies. Following a.n automobile trip south. they will live for the present at the 'home of the bride's lmrents. They plan to go to Norway, Sweden and Denmark this sum.m~r to· visit the bridegroom'H mother and other .relatAvCB. PERSONALS Mrs. RUMt-'1 1\'1. Cook nnd h('T avenue will fly to Washington. son Perry Uuddlck of Montclair, D. C., tomorrow to spend the N. J., were week-end guests or Mrs. spring vacation with Tommy and Coolt':.; parcnts. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pe ..."y of the Swarthmorc ApartMax Jo'urrlnb'ton. IJwnts. They were joined on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Poole hy Mr. Cook. and hy Mr. and Mrs. of Swarthmore avenue motored to Holwrt B, Clothier and Hons of Milford. Dcl., and visited relatives ClaYllwnt, J )d. over tbc week-cnd. Layton \Vih.on or Sti-ath Haven Mr. and 1\1r8 Charles V. Thuckara. Jr.• or Swarthmore and Og- Christened den avenues entertained us their Judith l"cnimore Snyder. daughweek-end guests, Mr. and Mrs. ter of ~lr. and Mrs. Paul Heston Allan Church Jr.. of Red Bank, Hall Sn)'der, of Baltimore pike, was N. J.. and Mr. and 1\1rs. J. christened Bunda)" aftcrnoon at 2 Howard l;'inncy. Jr .. of 1\Iontclair. o'clock In S1. Peter's Church In the N. J., and gave a. dinner party Greal Valley by the Rev. J. Jarin their honor Saturda:r evening, den Guenther. Marvel Wilson of Slrath Haven Thomas Hall served as godfather avenue entertained a groUp of and EIlzn.beth Smith and Mrs. friends at his home during the Richard Daniela, of Swarthmore, intermission of the Junior Prom were godmotherH. of the Swartnmore High School, Mr. aml Mrs. Snyder entertained Frida)" evening. at tea following (he ceremony. Mrs. Ellen Van S. Cleveland of Mrs. Sm:der is the former Miss Park avenue left today for a twoMargaret \Vhlteman. daughter of month sojourn in :MIami and Coral Mrs. J. Harvey \Vhtteman of the Gables. ,FIBUnder the leadership of Eliza- SwurLhmore Apartments. beth Wt1son. the Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority won the annual SororIty Step Sing of Syracuse University. Betty will arrive horne April 3 for her Easter vacation. She will have as her guest T'homas Eaton of Norwich. New York. Barbara Brown of Walnut lane assisted with the properties in a new EngUsh play "Royal Ocension" presented March 14, by the dramatic club of Wheelock College, Boston. Mary Lou Pierce of Harvard avenue celebrated her 10th birthday on Saturday with a dessert and theatre party. T'hose present were her classmates: Virginia Bullitt, Nancy Carroll, Virginia DeCaindy. Barbara Harlow, Jnne McAllpne, Beatrice Schoenberg, Debbie Thompson. and Anna. woodward. Richard Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Taylor, 300 Harvard avenue. was initiated into Chi Phi fraternity at Cornell University on March 22. Benjamin s. Comns and Arthur S. Jennings, both Swarthmore High ~chool graduates. are candidates for Lehigh varsity lacrosse. The Engineers are planning a tengame schedule, and wIll play Swarthmore College here on April 18. Former SWarthmore High School students Peter Nowell, ,JCBsa Holmes, and William Nelson wcr~ placed on tho Wesleyan University honor roll for the first semester ending February 1947. Peter is a sophomore, while Jesse and William are freshmen. Mr. and Mrs. JamC!i Dacon Doug· las, of North Chestcr road, entertained at dinner at tho RoIUn& Green Golf Club on March 23 'when their guests were Mnt. Ella \Viater Hatnes. Lt. Col, and !\It'S. Rohert Hulbert Douglas and children Duryea. and l_'l.nsing, Mr. and !\iI'S, l~dw~lTd 1.... conwell, and :\.11'. an~l !\'Irs, Gordon \V. noughlH. Miss Anne ,Vhiteillan of the Swarthmore Apartments will Il'avl~ today to spend a. , ..'eck in York City. Jolrs. Ro~· W. Delaplaine of Cornell avenue entertained several of her former piano pupils at a lunchcon nt her home Saturday, follow· ing Do muslcn.1 program, Those pr('sent included l\.fisses Teel Dunn, Emtly Prltchard, Bct~").· SChOCllberg, and Amy rloyer, with Miss Betty Quick as guest of honor.• Lovely Containers for your EASTER FLOWERS Beautiful heavy Bubble Glass, Pewter, Copper and Brass, . ftalian, French and English Jugs FETE BRIDE Mr. and Mrs. John A. Plumer of O'bCl·lin avenue entert:Lined at a dinner party Tuesday evening. March 18 tn honor ot MlBs Sarah Lewis Barr and Mr. J ohan Natvlg , ..·hose marriage took place Saturday. Mrs. Plumer attended the bride as matron or honor. 'I'hc bride wa:; guest of honol' Thursday last when Mrs. 'Vatter H. Dickinson, Mrs. R. Blair Price. and l\tr~. Jack 'l'holllPson cntertained at Ii tea at the College avenue home of Mrs. Dickinson. Mr. and.Mrs. John E. Gensemcr, Jr., of Rutledge, formerJlr ot HowarthuLOrc, aI·e receiving congratulations upon the birth ot a Bon. Daniel Ervin Gensemer. on March 15 In Taylor Hospital. 'rho baby iR :L grandson of Mr, BRYE-BRETI and Mrs. Joiln E_ Gcnsemer of VaHThe marriage of Miss Zillah sar avenue, and of Mr. and Mrs. Bret ot Polo Alto. CaJ., daughter ot l'~rank D. \Vlndell of 'YcHtdale a,veCol. Morgan Lewis Brett and Mrs. nllv, Quayle Brett to Mr. James Mitchell Brye ot Dayton, Ohio, torm Mr. and Mrs. ~ DavJ.d Meerly of Swarthmore, took place in Klnstry Speers of Hal'Vard avenue tho SL Paul's Episcopal Church, are receiving congratulations upon Dayton, on Saturday, March 16. tbe birth of tho eight pound, 14 ounce Bon, Jonathan Osborne BARRETI-GOODWIN ~peers. on March 26 tn the Lying.. Mrs. Helen W. Goodwin ACi( FIRESIDE Lawn Mowers THE SWARTHMOREAN ~ EVER,Y FRIDAY AT 8WARTIDlOBE, THE SWARTIDIOREAN, lNo.. PUBLISHER l'hoae, 8waa11unore 0100 CAM USUALLY "'EU. '{OWN. BELL-TWIN GRINDER 'jI WHA1' KINO OrA P£ROON A MAN IS -eN ASKIN' ,",1M 'V. Carole Landls-AUJII Josl:rn A Wide Selection UNKLE HANK SEZ pital. BmTHS The Ill.arriage of Miss Sarah Lm\'is Barr daughter of :\lr, and ).ll's, Harry Clay Bat'r of Harva.rd avenue to Mr. Johan Natvig of New YOl'k City. son of Mrs. Gusta Natvig of l.tlltcsand, Norway. and the late Capta.in Natvig. took place HalUl'day, March 22 at 4 o'dock in Ii Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam C. Spencer The baby's grandparents are Mr. of Grace Park are receiving con- and 1\Irs. George Ewing of Columgratulations Ul>on the birth of their blu avenue. and Mr. and :Mrs. second qon. Ja.mes Robert, on Henry L. Maddock of waWngfor4.. Mu..rch 22 In 'raylol' Hospital. MrS. H. M. Wl ...~ ot Wallingford 18 The baby i:;; 11, grandtj;on of MI". tho maternal great-graa4mother of and Mrs. R. Chester Spencer of the bub),. Swarthmore avenue. -;;;~~;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;; Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ewing of Paoli arf:" being congratulated upon the birth of a son, Alexander, March 1 V In the Bryn Mawr Hos- THE SWARTHMOREAN • Few thoughts ever recorded are more inspiring than the familiar Scriptural truth "Seest thou a man diligent in his business and he shall stand before kings." It applies to a business no less than to a man. In the operation of our phannacy we accept a sincere moral respon~ aibility to both the medical profession and the public. We are not qualified by either education CII' experience to diagnose disease or prescribe. treabnent. But we are thoroughly qualified to fill your prescriptions just as they should be filled ... When you feel "out of sorts" consult a physician. .Be IQIe that be is a licensed M.D. Then bring his poc:ription to \111 ~ be filled. There is no better health insurance. MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY On· tile Corller AND 'I'hc Church School meehl on Sundal'· mOl'ning at 9:45. Classes arc providcd for children of all ageR and for adults. At the morning worship service at 1 t o'clock. tlw subject of the ~ermon will be "The Thrce Coronations." The ChUl'ch Nursery will be in ~ession during the morning SCl'vice and Helen Scott and Bal-bara !')cott will be in charge. Holy Communion will he celehl'ated at the Thursday evening Hen'jce at S o'clock. Hichard Brown. baritone soloist. will sing the Ii'ourth 'Vord from DlIboi~' "Seven Last Words." On Ii'riday evening at 8. the choir ,"\'Jill fling Maunder's cantata, "Oli\'ct to Calvary," The soloisll:> an~ Mrs. Harry Ii'. Ha.nlby, Charles ~~~~~·~r~h~e~rn~.~·~· Hoover and Mr. Cavnlncci of Philadelphia. . ROY Keiser, D.D.. Mlnlster 1'hc li'lowcr Committee im'ites SUNDAY. !\lARCH 30 9:45 A. M.-Church School. the co-operation of members and 11:00 A. l\I.-Sermon. "The Three friends in providing flowers for Coronations." 7:00 P. M.-Youth Fellowship in the chancel for Easter. LUles and Chapel. other flowering l'hmts. preferabll' TRINITY CHURCH • white. al'e desired. Those who deRev. Geo. C. Anderson. Rector sln~ to contl'ibute toward the pm'SUNDAY. !\IAHCH 30 c'lmsing of planL.. may give their 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. contributions to !\lrs. Otto Kra.hs. 9:46 A.. M.-Church School. SUNDAY. MARCH 3" John Spahr, F'I'cd J. Bogardus or 11 :00 A. 1\1.- Morning Prayer. Octavius Narbeth. Procession. Distribution of Palms. Sermon topic. "'''hy Do We Suffer?" Friends Meeting Notes WEDNESDAY First Day School as usual tor 7:30 A. M.-Holy Communion. the Nursery School. tho Kinder10.00 A. N.-Holy Communion, garten. and the 1st, 2nd. and 3rd MAUNDY THUUSDAY 8:00 P. M.-Holy Communion. grades will meet on the 30th. Tho GOOD FUIDAY older c'htldren will go to the Phila.. 12-3 P. M. - Three-Hour Service, delphia. Yearly Meeting tor young The Rector Preaches. people. Group programs suitable THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF for all ages, and meetings for FRIENDS SUNDAY. MAUCH 30 'Vo.rship are being planned. Child9:46 A. Y.-No First Day School CIB.8BC8 for children from the ren are encouraged to attend wit~ teachers. leavJng 4th gnide and up as these older parents, and assembly children will go to from Swarthmore Station at 1:1', Philadelphia Yearly Meeting returning at 1:10, or driving In by on the 9:19 train, returning at 1.10. First Day School as car to be there at 10:30. The mectusual for the Junior Assembly ing will be held at Friends Select School at ~ 7th and the Parkway. Wo.rshlp for the Senior High School Group will be at 10: 3 0 at Friends' Neighbor'hood Guild at 4th and Green Streets, Phtladelphi ... The Annual Pblladelphla Yearly Meeting of Friend. held at 16th 11:00 A. SchoOl. 11:00 A. JI.-8anda¥ Ser- and Race Street lIeeUng House b88'IDs at ':45 A.M. on WedDeaday mon. . We4li-. evenl". meetlDC_ the 26th and continues through :week. 8 p.m. Readl". room 4aIb' ucel>t 8UDdap _ bolIoIan the afternoon of ApriL The mornI". hecla at ':U ....4 the lito I ....... W .....~ _I.~ to T,n ......... followed by afternoon tea In tbe wUi join his family over Easter Mr. o.nd Mrs. William L Hney Oa Cherry street room. There wUI bo week-end, Dickinson avenue entertUlned Mr. evening meetings at 7 o'clock on Mary Dickinson of College ave· and Mrs. CharleB G. Yates of the 26th. 28th. 29th, and 30th. nUe entertained Ann Kirk· ot Down_ Aurora, 111.. as their weck-end Frank Aydelotte will speak on the ingtown, a clussmate at George guests. cve.n.1ng of tho 28th on "Quakerism SchOol, aa her. wee.k-end guest. :' Mary l<"'rances Dimmitt of Duk(~ and Educa.tion." Mr. and Mrs. Hantel ~. Morse. of University is spending the spring / Mrs. J. R. Pennock haa detans Parrish I'oad and their daughter vacation at Ill'r home on RutgeJ's ot any day's program. Carolyn lea.ve AI)ril 1 for a wc;lr's avenue. .sout'hern trip, and plan to stop at Randolph-Macon College. Lynch burg, Va. Ann Morse of Purrlsh 1922 25th Year road will visit her sister 1\1I's. Dun1947 aid Smith ot Brooklyn. N. Y., durdng their absence. MI·. and Mrs. 'V. Sproul Lewis and favol"8 were in keeping with moving tom 0 r row !rom 411 tiwarthmol"(,! ;:",'enuc to their newly Jlurchased fann 011 Middletown Is Your car In Road. near Gradyville. condition lor that 1\[r8. R. G. RincUfre and her Mrs. ~ster I. Flcket, of Skohe .. Summer vacation? daughter Nancy of Strath Haven gan ]'fe., haa becn visiting her A better job can be avenue leave today for West Palm mother. Mrs, Raymond Hendrickdono now than later. Beach to visit Air-s. Hincliffc's sis- son, of Strath Haven Inn. On WedInspection starts Blny 1st, Q.Ild the rush will be on. tCI-, 1\lr8. R. L. 1··08tor. Nancy will nesday evening Mrs!, lfIckett en(I)' hOlllc April 6, in time fOr tertuin('d tlIe Inn guests and thClr Now Is the best time for the BEST JOB school, While l\frs, IUncliffc will friends with a delightful program visit until April 15. ' .... hen she will of music and reading-s. hC' accompanied home uv lIl'I' l\lr. and Mrs. J.!. A. Whitney of daughter Peggy ·and her ';"other Elwyn cntcrtaJncd 20 guests at a MI's. H. D. Petel'son of Sandu:;;ky. dilllier-lll'idg-c at their home SaturOhio who have been south for· ttl(' day evening, March 14. Decorations wInter months. and fu\,ol·s w('rc ill keeping with Mrs. A C. Howland of Guernsey Ht. Patl'ick'~ Day_ road scrved as hostess to the Poets' Mr, and Mrs. John G. Moxey of Cil'cle l\J onday aft«:wnoon, .i\h~:; ltlltgl::!l·S a\·cnuc wlll",cntertain in-Yale Ave. & Cheater Rd. Edith Philips. head of the r"l'cllch formally at her hOllle he fore the Dep~tmcnt at Swarthmore College, Serlcs Dance in the Woman's Club Swarthmore 1250 spoke on French poetry. tomol'row ('v(·nillg'. WllUam H. Brown, Jr., of Yal',' Unlvel'sity alTivcd 'ruesday to spend a. two-week holiday at his ' OJ'''' .'. , • hOIn,e on Hivcn'lcw road. ltl·. and ..\In;. Paul 1\1. Paulsor:. of PUI'1\. avenue who are cn route home fl·OIll the west ('oust wpn~ week-end guests of Mr. and :Mrs Genlt Dc Young of Chicago. III. Mrs. Thomas Eliot ot WashingIS primarily upon a ton D. C., with her chnd~en Sigrid nntI Christine. will arrh·c lIext complete understanding of wcek for a 10-day vi:;;it with her pru·cnts MI', and 1\11':.;. Cal'los 1". your needs, and it is our Noyes of Parrish I'oad. Mr. EItot NEWS NOTES Hannum and Waite ,-- OUR· HIGH STANDARD based sincere desire to reliev~ you of all burdensome details. Methodist Church Notes EAS'l~EH. SUNDAY. MARCH 30, Palm Sun. 9: 00 A. M. Morning Prayer Service. Sermon, "A New Adventure." 9: 30 A. M.-Church School Sen'icc for Senior and Intet'mediato Departments. Dramatiz.ation under the direction or Hem'v Faust. • 9: 45 A. M. Church School Junior. Primar:r and Bcginners Departments. 10: 45 A. M. - Morning \Vor.ship, Sermon, "This 'I'hy Day." THUnSDAY ,April 3. Holy Thurs. 8:00 A. M.-The Holy Commun· ton. '1'he Reception of Mem· bers. FRIDAY. APRIL 4. Good li'riday 12 to 3 p.m.-Three lIour WOI'ship. Trinity Chdrch. SUNDAY. APRIl .. 6, ~~aster 9:00 A. M.-Youth \Vorship. Set'mon, "Morning." 10:00 A. M. \Vorship Servict:-. \ Sermon, "He Showed Thenl." 11:30 A. M. Worship Service. x.e.o. 3 0_, _0'" to t: •• · .... anei1l00D iDeeUnP· at ~ o~cloCk• Informal Photop;raphs of Your Children Taken OLIVER in Your Own Home. H. BAIR co. "'RECTORS OF FUNERALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET G. West Cochrane R16-1581 Phone: Chester 2-5244 " - ,r.. , ' . . -, . , , ' ;; ~ MARY IL BAIR, President ..-," - .- .' .. , " ,,,' ••U " _ . ' , c • •• A modern automatic GAS RANGE saves morh! • Whatever the occa$ion, wives everywhere love the ease of modern gas cooking. Keep in touch with your local dealer-and make your wife happy with a wonderful, work-saving automatic gas range! PHILADELPHIA • ELECTRIC COMPANY .. , Fridq. March 21.-1947 " THE SWARTHMOREAN 4 lirs. c ......n P. To Hear Dr. Scholz Streeter, traM- urer for the Fa.ir, read her report which indicated that the balance, _ (ConUnued From Page 1) after eXPenses have all bee.n paid offlclalo. The Swarthmore National will be gratifYIng. Mrs. Eo D. Bank, the Junior Club and the Braull8 expreoeed thanks to all YOUng Mothers Club, and to many Who contributed and worked for otbers contributing to the au_ of the FaIr. In tum all members the toDd service committee. the present rose In tribute to Mrs. pr6flte from which added measurably to the total Income. B ....• capable leadership. 5 Mrs. R. M. Kilgore chairman ot motion pictures Introduced Mr. and Mrs. J. B. White whose mov.1ng pictures of by-gone daye were dellghtfuly entertaining and educatlonal as well, In that an Int",,eating cQntrast could be made between techniques alnce 1904 when the first moving picture studiO waS opened In New York City. Mr. White reminded bIB audlence that the first talklllg picture was tried In Philadelphia by EdIaon tn 1910 and that Marle Dressler had produced an early silent & studio at Eighth and Arch streets, there. Wcturea shown covered the development of \he mOVie at club's nrst vloe'~prell!dent. wlll preside. Elizabeth McKIe of the. HIgh Schoo~ Engl.lsh stall! was preoented by Mrs. George Schoblnger, ohalrman of the club's education department, who had Invltad MI80 McKie to apeak on the _ e r salary problem. Re.cogn.lJriln, the fact that Swart'hdtore, In commOn with the whole world, was facing the problem of bow to maintain the standard of education dl!8lre4, Miss McKie admIttad that edueation ·was an fla bad war' with '10,000 teaching poeltlona unfllle4 and Max 3. That big day in 1960 and a balf per cent of Ita national Income for educatiOn. Great Britain three a,',d a half. aDd RUIII!a seven and a .h8.lf. 8lDce teachel'8 salaries have alw~ been loW, IIhe tha tlioughtfUi reading of the Bome and School's reporta In tbU l1eld , which are to be found Iio The Scholz Flo-- OD .. West, chairman ot IntunaUonal (one with television maybe?). Relations, will present Dr. Karl Scholz, whoBe subject will be "can We Do Business with RUBBia'''. Dr. ScholZ has visited Rueala. and Is the author of many l:>ooks and articles on economic quesUons. as well as serving as Professor ot Economics at the University of Penn&. Dr. Scholz, who was born In Schleswig-Holstein, came to America when a. BDlall dhlld aDd has been> a. Citizen since '1916. His home If!I. In Media, Hostesses wiD be Mrs. Alexander Ewing and Mrs. Frank H., McCowan, while Mro. J_ Frank ~tty, . Jr. and Mrs. Warren PaXon w!U. ,pour. Mrs. .John H.' Pltman , the. I ~ SAVE TODAY FOR A BEilER TOMORROW Swarthmore National Bank And Trust Company ~l'JlOl'Q.tIOD , I d. of re- .. 'Beller than - AVERAGE HEALTH? then SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. • Remember your friends' at Easter with· a Gift that ·is practical·and pleasmg . , - - - The That brand new radio, Is young, re~-halred ,Robert May~ nard. Ueutenant In His Majesty's Hamilton Cochran Swarth- Navy Who always h!ld a weather more. author of a number of books. eye on beautlful ladles and WUh has written a Dew. historical novel. never one to decline a challenge preparation for permanent alaUon' Anne Chandler returned to her M IIIJoat Mutual Life'. "Rogue'~ HOIid&y." published' to do battie v.1th ~n enemy. A at J4"t. Benning, Ga. home on Swarthmore avenue Wed!'Iateued Risk policies with week by The Bobbs-Merrlll Com.- combination of admiralty poilU"", . nosday for a two-week holiday IIduced ..-......... mlschanco and his own folly -uJL'. Major De.vlea servea with the from Abbot Aeadem>', M..... ~ pnmnun ......-. pany. Illately bring him f~ce to tace lvlth Mr. Cochran first Army Veterinary ,Corps for five Charl~s Chandler Il senior Ilt Swarthmore ~ a boy.ln one. of the greatest rogues of his- years and was In command of the Harvard Unlvcrsit)" will spend a 248 Lynb1"OOk Road time when his father was Secn,ta,rY I tory: Edward Leacb, known as Veterinary StaUon at Pittsburgh, weeic: ov~r the Easter holidaYs at Sprlngfleld. of ,the Board of Education "'Or Blackbeard the Pirate. }o""rof1\ Pa., when he received his dlschurl~( his honae on SWarthmore a'.enuc. Telephone Swarthmore 2S'I'.W. Presbyterian Church. Between 1907 on it was a. contcst of wits and Ma.rch, 1946. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Griest of ' . .." WI and ·191? the Cochran ftUnlly re- couruge and strength'and love U8 He then became an . inactive Elm avenUe were the wcck-('nd • , n 11 TH.E MUTUAL LIFE Bided at 422 Harv'lrd Avenue. well. for both men loved beautlful. high-spirited Sharon Lelgn, daugh- member in the Reserve Corps ·an1 Hamilton Co.chrB:n attended the old opened an oruce for general veter- Hunter of Baltimore. Md. " " " ' ,....................... ~warthmore Preparatory School ter of ·Carolina's wealthleRt planter. Ina"';' practice In Swarthmore. , from 1914 until the outbreak?! "Rogue's Holiday" Is a rousing , If YOII Have Not Been Reached By World "'W)I.r I, when he left to join tale, well told, of brave men and the U. S. Coast Guard. Meanwhile renegrades who went down to the LEGION AUXIUARY NOTES Coa.tesville H08pttal 18 sending his father moved to Detroit and sea in ships. out an Easter appeal tor new became pastor of the Woodward ------United States stamps for the unAyenue: Presbyterian Church. Cut out and Mail this Coupon with compensated veterans. The sucUpon graduating front the Unlce88 ot 5.0 stamps sent to Perry your Contribution to - - - - - ---I Point ·at Chrlstmaa bas prompted "erslty of Michigan In 1922. Hamilthe Auxiliary to make a'nother ton Cochran entered the;· adv~rtls­ I collection for the boys at Coatestng busineSs In New Yord':- In 1932 yUle. Contributions are to be lett Harold Ogram, Treasurer . and 'UII he was a member of the with Mrs. Oscar ·GUcreBt, 208 Vt18Staff of Dr. Paul M. Pearson of ear avenue before Aprll. Swarthmore who bad been appolnt~ ed governor at the Virgin Islands Enclosed ple"e find my contribution of at the United States. Mrs. David Warner of Philadel$........................._....._.......... In 1944 Mr. Cochran joined thl! phia entertaJned 12 guests SaturFor the 1947 Red Cross fund I advertising department of The Satday. evening at the borne of her urday Evening Post and returned parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. 011IS'JgIled .................. _............._ ....................................................................... to Swarthmore with his wile and creest of Vassar avenue, at a baby three daughters. They Uve at 212 shower in honor of Mrs. H. P. IAddresa ......................;......................... _......._......,............................._ ...... South Chester Road In the house Fry, Jr.• of North Che.ster road. - - - torrll:erly occupied by Mr. Joseph Haines. The scene of "Rogue's Holiday" Is laid during the turbulent early years. or the 18th century In the colony of "'Carolina. Piracy, lova, intrigue and· sUrring events are Tale. :SWARTHMORE -BRANCH - AMERICAN RED CROSS RussIa meeting next TUesday, April I, will be of great current atgnlflcance when Mrs. J. Burriss l~' Md Your RED CROSS Worker \ I\ ~ L";'TS IUew AutlUI * ~~::~~~ia~iiii~iiii~~i'~~ii~~ Marvel· Wn80D. Jr., of Btrath Ha.ven ~&VeDUe BIU McIntire ot .Ma.j~r Frank J. Davies or Yah! North Chester road will spend the a.Vl:nue was selected for a.ppolntschool holiday o,.",r Easter "Islting ment in the regular Army. Feb· Marvel's grandmother 1\[1'8. Thoma· ruary 20, and lett tor Chicago R. Wilson at her furm tn )ltlforIL. March 21 where he Is laking Del •• fresher training for a month In IN REGULAR ARMY ,,~~u~e~sta~~o~t~M~r~.~a~n~d~M~r~.~.~T~.~p:e~l:rc:e1~1III1~~·~A~NCEi~COiMPiA~NYii"~NiWi~Y~0~U:i~ , Lon woven togetl\er In an exciting fab .. ric In this book. Tne eentraillgure Paul M. CulbertsoD problem .iG~ acute when living coots go up. Sha urged said Barry- t>roducer Adolph Zukor to be the tour most influential perSona In the shaping of t'he Industry's development. rida. Memher of Federal DeposIt IIl8Ill'JUlC6 Bara. Valent.lno. Mr. White emtmated art\8t8 Mias Pickford, Charlie Chaplin, director D. W. Grlfflth, 4. That shiny plane to take .•.. J) Theda OD.e s 'tHE SWARTHMOREAN Local Novelist Sea, mores. John and Lionel, Rudolph when your kid is , a college grad. you oweek-ending to Bennet, Chaney, Mary Pickford, the vertised. .~ ucaUon. Th!iJ country ..,8Jldll Finch, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew, 2. That slick new stream·lined model you saw ad- ~. She preeente4 IIgulwo to show that the United 8tateo had !lot as & nation overempb nelse4 ed ... among them John Bunny, Flora. gether. • lucraUve P081UODL - suc'h as the United States N ..vy'a "Your mistake, Tokyo:' FamiUar faces in the early movies were greeted with Interest. 1. That dream home the two of you planned for ta- leavtng the prof P'OD -1m" ~ more I~1~ ti'..~rg~ei;n~u~"'iiibie~rsiiio~f~traIn~~e~4~te~a~O~hie~"'~~B~wia~rt'hmiiiiiioirea~n.iiiiii~iiijii~~~~ .motion picture Industry trom the tlrst peep shows, through ~e one reelers, the long feature, the Bound films, to modern sho_·ts , FdcIq. Mel cia 28, 1947 Choose from our wide variety of - ------ - -- _. Custom Built By Gift Items PHILCO SEE .... ·WORKLISS WASHDAY You set a dial-add IIOap-Bendix w- tharest. Bendix washes _ three tim..... clamp ~ • , . ehuto itself om BUCHNER'S TOGGERY SAVE. Park Avenue :r. PHItCO 1213_ The highest achievements' of Philco research in radio a",d recorded --HOT WAil •• ,music in· cabinets of distinc-· CLOTHES, SOA., LIfTING Only Bendb< has _ ram~U8 dve Chippendale pattern. r...~1 GentIeTumh\e-ActiOD _ I Water-SaverCyllnderl . In Walnut 359.~0 In Mahog- Besket-"Leve\ Portholel any 369.~0. , " Does Your Automobile InsuranceComply with the New Penn'sylvania Financial Responsibility Law? Johnson's GOOD HOUSE Store Advanced F. ~r. System wUh t 1 tubes Dynamic:! Reproducer. Deluxe Record Ohanger. Electric Push-Button opcratJon. Standard Broadcast, F. M. stations and rull short wave band. , CAR N'S • • -------------------.~---------------- \ • To Make Certain' See One of the Following: • • ." .'• Ii I iii ~ 4IiMI'IM I ! I i W!i!lMH!'~~~JUHl;'1 U! I " Hi .... ' 'l'he Bendix waehea clothes super dean· riDS!. three timea-clumgee Ito own water-damp dryrr clothes -cleans itselC-ahuto it8elf offl See it lor yocroelC-the easiest wash· clay on earthl 'l'he..onIy automatic . . -that's been.,..:rormiDg theoo waehday .mlracleo lor nine w_ - ' Tbore·. DO queat.ioll about tJ. Jlendix ~It·. beeD: prooed in UIrt. C - in lor a _ t i o n nowl Thpmas F. Conway ...._!: 8 W ~~ft~z_z ..,... • " ' • 7 • . . . . . . . .& Wellesley College on holldan w.lth her parente Mr. and Mrs. Guy ·de Furia ot North Chester road. Ann will entertaln a group of frlends at a dinner party arrtveilWednesdiIY _ _ ' w . to aP~"'c1:a'two, week ppring vacation with her "JIIl!8llta Dr. and ~.... E.,l"ay ~_' beD of Cornell avenue. EARLY. Thursday next to spend a 1 O~day vacation at her home on Park avenue. Carol Van Alen will also arrive home Thur!iday from Bucknell Univer81.ty for a vacation ot a few days. Ann de Furia. a student at Pembroke College. Will arrive home 'l'uea4a¥ nat to ~ tIHo ;"" rt .. by three Smith College c1assmates. .' I Bring the true beauty of this great spiritual holiday into your home. We have' the largest assortment we've had in six years. BUT ORDER tertaining Mr. Brown's aunt, Miss Nellie Wood of Gassney, S. C., &!:i their house guest for the past week. Mrs. Brown and her son Billy· Mcompanied by 11188 .Wood wtllle&ve today tQ spend & week with MI". Brown's sister. lrlrB, 1. W. McCalla of Lowndesville, S. C. Nancy Van Al~n will arrive from on Monday, April 7. 1(a.rgaret Campbell, accompanied • Putt A _ _ 8 .....'-...., Pa. .. Easter Flowers Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Brown of North Chester road have been en- ALICE M. BAIRD-Old Bank Building---l.Swarthmore 0108 W. MARK BITTLE,-125 Rutgers Ave.-Swarthmore 0111J .ROBERT T. BAIR-Theater Square Swarthmore 2315 EDW. L. NOYES & CO. 23 S. Chester Rd.-Swarthmore 0114 PETER E. TOLDr- 333 Dartnlouth Ave.-Sw~rthmore 1833 State and Monroe Streets Media, Pa. Your Plants - Yo'Ur Flowers - Your Corsages ARE HERE AT Standard Decorative , and Novelty Cimdles ARN ~PLOWERS ..., ~. Greeting Cards Phone ·Swa. 0450 THE S WAR T HMO REA'N 6 SCHOOL NEWS THIS wEEK'S CALENDAR Bend. Friday. lIlarch 28 J.'\el'fonQ ToDIgbt Tho Trl-Band concert. composed 9:00 P. M.-Leglon Dance .......................•..................•..... Woman's Club . saturday. }larch 29 ot 20 members from each at tho 7:00 P. M.-Jr. ABsembly 8th Grade ................................ woman's Club sunda)', l\larch SO Swarthmore. Springfield. and Rid11:00 A. M.-Morning Worship .................................... Local Churches ley Township banda will combine Tuc8YDkl1t Aceney & Rubbfsb Removed La..... Mo_ General Haullng PAINTING LOST-Dog collar with name. Find~r please return to l3at-.dy Ford, Am· hem a.venue. and CLIFFORD L. PARKER PAPERHANGING •••••··••·•···•..·····I~ Instructor, wife, tour-year-old daughter. desire tur· nished apt. or small house Cor .June and for July..WrIte to M.r. Geoffrey D'Jlman. 'l'ayIor l.'Ottage, 118th Ht. VirginIa. Beach, Va., or Phone Swarth· more 23&)... .. 2. 3. Reese-Baxter Co. SPORTING GOODS can MEDIA 0755 • • • • - • YOUR JEWELER ~7:n·J. JIG ~ 7th at. Jr. . Beens. 23c lb. Dry Marrow or Pea BeaDS (Opposite New State 'Ibeatre) .. WANTED-Man for part time garden Sani-F1uah 19c can 23c lb. .California Carrots 2 bunches 19c c~ft. Electrical Contractor. W ANT~Patr !3mall-slze chlld's fig· Ure tce skatea. Box H6, SwarthJlU)ret Tel. Media 0J94-~. . I04Com~Avenue Swarthmore 2295 Swarthmore. Penna. night or day. Del. t· ~ i _ou Asparagus FOR SALE-quality Gas range, gray Tel_ Media 2567-R frUit 3 for 29c F.tinC Apples 21bs. 'for 2Sc Oranp. dbZ. -burner Q!J plate on high legs .... Bolo g&n. oven; sand bos: on low leas; two :roIis of chicken :wire.. TeL SWarthmore 2672. . 1125 W. LehIgh A ...... PhJla. Phone BBldwin 1170 No addlUonal cbart!e for oubnrhaD_ OmMnt Work Fresh Califomia ,ondition. $1il. Call ,swarthmore 2151. FOR SALE-Round oa.k table top, ti 1/2 fL' "Iameter, and two leaves, ftts any " fL &quare dIntng room table; 89Ud oak Ml88lOn IIb11lry table: three Formerl7 at Media carPentry Repairs aDd AlterBUona Klmsal FOR SALE and white enamel, high oven. Good Funeral Director HOlE IMPROVEMENTS ABTERS BIWTHERS 0._ _..... i.~, FRU ITS -". 1ncIjen River S •• .n I Phon. Swarthmore 2175·R 1180 Muhlenberg Ave. FOR SALE-Metal bed, complete $16; ma.ple desk $6 i ga.teleg table. ,3 ; Bigelow-sanford wilton rug 6' x 6'10", $29.50 ; three mdtche4 Bigelow rugs, one "1/'1.' x 7' two 3' X 6'10"" ,-n, han mirrors $2. each. Call Swarth•.two more 292()"W. 29c lb. Lancbc:aping ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . 302 Ga,.le,. Street ; Media, Pa. ! ~ : value--brand new 10 Wblo fL· capa.... 01 .... _ a t l y priced at ',"".10. Fully cuaran"""'- _ ]>aO'1I1a. BEGINNING Northeast Corn~r ard anti. Booth t)treets. Thence East along North side :t:rd 5t. 130 leet to point corner lands no.w or lato. Of 'J'homas B. Hartman; 'l'hence by some North ].10 li·eet to ::;guth side 10 leet alley. By sarne West 13U Feet to East side Booth 8t. Thence by ttaJ,d side Booth SL 140 Feet to BOginning Unless an aHld&..vit ot defense Is duly fUed by you In t.h9 ?ltic6 or. Ule Prothonotary of said' Court within fifteen da.ys Crom the ·12th day of April next Judgement will be entered against you (or thE> whole of the cUt.1m and the said proparty BOld to recover the amount of th'J Tax Lien. (.t. R.. Watkins. Sherltf of Delaware County. Thomas A. Curran. Attorney 8'1'-+--14 ternational Relations at Yale University: and a talk by Olav PausGrunt, Director of the Educational Services Division ot the United Nations Socretarlat. Paus-Grunt will discuss the work of IJlls divisIon at Lake Success. Each college delegation hB8 been assigned to represent ~ dltferent member of the Untted Nations. with Instructions to take the same position in the model w.hJ.ch the UN's member-states bave actually taken In meetings of the various organizations of the United ·Natlons. Thus in the. model Secu.rlty Council meeting tho la.te dispute of the Council. In the "fIrst two days of t'he conference the model Security Council and Commissions will prepare reports which will be considered at a Tho S.::hQOI District of Swarthmore lena. session ot the model Gen. wUl receive bidS a.t tnt!"· Office of the rov P • ., School DiotrJct In the H!gh School eral .Assembly Saturday afternoon, Building, .c.orner C.~lIege and Princethe final. da"'. ton Avenues,; swartJurtore, Pennayl· .., "\"n.nln.. UII to ... p. m., .1!4ontlay• .March Dr. Walter Chudson ot tbe 31., 1947, and open the bids at a meet· EconomIc and Financial. Section Ing of the Schoo) Hoard. at the School District offi~e during the week ot of the U. N: ·Se.cretariat will be on March 31. 1947, tor pnnUng• ..8Un&ra~ .hand to advise the conferees on ."clence, physical educatlon. art. shop. 11'3'e.0I u.nd Janitora' suppues and. eqUipment. ~atters ot prooedure. JJ:r. 1 SpecIfications can be secured between the 9 R. t'n.. and 4 p. m.. datly, es:cept Sal• Wood • chalnnan O... uruays. Sundays. and. hOlidays, at tho Sciences Div.1slon at Swarthmore School District ofttce. The Board re. 36rves the right to reject any or all C o IIege, WIII servtt .8.& •..aeully ad - hid'S In whole or In part. and to award vleer. contrac\.'!: on any itotlm or Items making Delegates to the three.dal' con- up a.ny bid. Hilda Lang Denworth ference. which occurs d urI ng Mecretary Swarthmore's spring vacation, 'WIll ST-3-14 J:>e 'housed In the college dormitorEstate of EDITH SELLERS BUNTies, Tho scheduled rccreaUon deceased .. ·cludes a banQU6t and informal ING, LETTERS 'l'estamenta.ry dance on the second evening of On the above Estate have been granted to the undersigned. who rethe conference. quest all persons having claims or deOtf.lcers" for this year's meeting'. mands agaInst the Estate or the deare: Helen Cha.pin. Vassar College, cedent to make known the same. and persons indebted to the decedent ,president: and B_Rrbara DarrOW. to make payment, without delay. to Cla.ude C. t:;mlth and Swarthmore College. secretaryProvident Trust Company of general. Commlsslon ofriccrs are PhlladelphIa, 17th & Chestnut Streets. James Dennison. Lehigh Unlver· IPhlladelphia 3. Pa. sitr. chairman of the PoliUcal and 'V. Logan MacCoy. President, Security CommJsslon: and Edith Or to their Attorney Claude C. Smith, Esq.• Harrison. W.l.lson College. rapport- 1617 Land Title Building. eur: Frank Scanlon, Temple Unlv. Philadelphia l"i., Pa. Executors eralty, cbainnan of the. Economic GT.3·U and Financial Comm1asion: and Halfdan Klelland. Princeton Unlv· ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HEARING ersity, rapporteur: John D. Florio, Queens College, chairman of the The Board of Adjustment ·wIIl hold public hearing at 8 :00 P.M. on April Social, Humanlta.r.ta.n, and Cultural a8th. 1947. In Council Chamber, Borough Commission: and Joyce Anne Hall. Swarthmore. Pennsylvania, In with the application of Lewis•. rapporteur; Abe Yesselson. connection Helen ·Pew 'Vorst, John G. Pew. Rutgers University, chairman of TrUstee, for such special exception, variane·e, establishment and extension t'he Atomic Energy Commission; of a lIon~conrormlng use as may he and Margaret Mather, Barnard requisite to permit occupancy of a portion of the prIvate garage located upon College. rapporteur". premises known as 730 Harvard Ave., SWl!.rthmore, pennsylvania, as a stng!e family dwelling or housekeeping apartment. Driveway Construction EHioU Richardson Asphalt or Concrete Secretary 2T-S-21 Pl_~~ FOR· SAt,E...:..Washlng. machine. Cail I Pol. Tree SWim,. and 720 collect tor appoIntment. busl· Call Holly Oak 4313 or HollyAllOak 6· WANTED-Young lady. experienced, desires position as waitress or counter girl. Six-day week near Swarthmore. Can Swarthmore 2863-M. A ... ZEB- 0 Walters' All Tn- of Electrlcel InstalIaUono and Repairs Serving Swarthmore and VlcInltl' tor past Twenty Years and Yard work. .l'h.one Hwa.rthmore neBS confidential. Colonial Cupboard No. 6 Philadelphia Plke., Wilmington, and A. WAYNE FIST .two-wag RELIEF MOSTELLER 1211. W ANTEI>-Seeond. hand sewing mar chine. Reply Box z. 'l'he SwarthmorBan or calI Swarthmore 0786·.J after 6 P. M. WANTED-We wUl buy at best prices old .china. glass, furniture; "firea,nns. Ointment .»owdur ABII: him for Pret 'nil! Pack· age, or write A..ZBE-O Products !'OJ. hoUSe or .half-hoUse tor rent within reasonable driving dtstance. for occu~ pancy September 1. ~IY ·of tour, two little girls. Call MeOia 2899~J. 45c bg. goea to work comb&t1Dg the trrltatlon itself. It helps. your skfil feel and look tlk~ new again Your ClrUggl8t hal .-l.ZB£.O WANTED-By Swarthmore professor. 5 lb. Gold Medal Flour 19c lb.· ATHLETE'S A-ZEE·O act.s 1m.med.ia.tely to reUlYe the ltell of akin 1JT1tat101ll. Then It 'Phme CheB&er 87M WAN'l'El}---{Jeneral seamstress wlsh~ es sewipg by day. Heply to Box .tt. Tho Swarthmorean. WANTED-To buy 8D uprJ,ght plano In good condiUon for the Nuraes' Home a.t the Women's liospltal, Philadelphia.. ·Tel. Swarthmore 3066-WoO : FOOT Ohester LEGAL NOTICES I -I' I ~~~~~:S: TCH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EDWIN B Ke;'CC EY 816 £DGMONT AVE, Chester Ions, This year's ,meeting, ·sponsored or Media B. D. 2 DAVE WOOD or , room apL. Iumlshed or un- furniahed. .can Ogontz Write ~--------------------~ Nestles Choc. Monels Domeetie and IDdustrial Help .Hotel &: Restaurant, etc. 108 School St., Morton, Pa. PAINTING and DECORATING AllWorkG_ Caple. 29c pkg. Phone: Swa.,uunore 1044·R Grace Lewis Asb... WANTED-Gtrl wants day's worK. W'rlto 118 Yarnall Ht., Chester. Mrs. Marsb"",Uowa FIca-. 45c BATS AND BLANKETS ~~~~.~~5~~~~~ WANTED-Man'B suit, size 32-40; lawn mower: porch lurniture. H.et))y to Box. A, The Swarthmorean. Com Toastiel I • .. POURING WOOL 3~38 "carpet maJres it home" W ANTED--Attentton : Quiet young· veteran and brIde desperately noo:1 Grape Nuts Wheat Meal GIape GOLD BOND Swanbmore 1448 Tel. SwarthmOre • WANTED-To bUY z26~ twm W baby carriage. 2 bunches 25c " ALL SIZES HARD COAL Swarthmore 0764 W~TED-College Nucoa Oleollllll'pl'ine Dry Uma Rugs and Carpets WANTED 49c lb. 23c pkg. For • OrganiZed as a model United Nat· More than 150 students repre· senting 41 colleges and unlveadt'lea will gather at Swarthmore Col.Jege April 3 to tako part in a three.day program of conferences by the AmerIcan .AJl8oclation tor the United Nations, Is the 21st In a series ot intercollegiate conferences which began In 1830 as amodel League of Nations. Fea.tured in the program will be a speech on "International CODtrol of Atomlc Energy" by Dr. Arnold Wolfers. 'professor of In- :r..pST-Sllver earring' in vllla,ge. Tues· dR.Y. Ma.rcb 24. Reward. Swarthmore 2491 •. Roasting Chicken New Texas Beets CULTIVATORS HOES SPADES SPADING ;FORKS . Ib POluloSuIud----21c .. ___.:5:1=:.; 59c lbBACON 69c lb. 409 Michigan, Ave. S _ o r e 0845 HARRY W. LANG L08'l' RIB ROAST $Wa. 2266 , FOR RENT-Comforta.bIe 2·room ofUce suIte. suitable tor medica.] doctor or 238 BardIng Ave. 1II0noa.· Pa. Physio.Therapiat. Available immediate~M~~~~~ ly. Call Swarthmore QZ7Y·W. t/lMEAT We Should Know How' CAREER' ADVISOR Allee E. Blodgett. supervisor of music In the Swarthmore PubUo Schooll, particlpa.ted In a career symposium ..t Oberlin Collep, Oberlin, Ohio, recenUy when she presented a paper oD -The Cbal•. lenge and Opportunity for Vocal . Muolc In the Public School Pro.o and held Individual conferences. Ot'her leaders In th. musical field were from the UniversIty of Michigan. Bowlin&' Green University. and the Dayton oS),mphony Orchestra. American Students to Knact Nations Roles 331 Dartmouth Avenue PERSONAlr-Prepa.re tor spring planting. Have your garden, large or Small, plowed the new RototUler W83. 1"'or detailed InformatiOn. cali Swarthmore 121L . gentleman, near transportathin a.nd tea., rooms. Reply to Box. G. The ~warthmorean. Phone 1913 ., Painten &Paper Hangen MASON BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY • PERSONAL-Uon't aelay. Ha.ve your mower ground today. Cut your grWhS the Easy Way. Called tor and delivered. W-ork guarant&eIL Zlelrler's, M.U· mont Park. PA. t;wa.rthmore 1033-J Ridley Park 2112. PERSONAL-REt..UlW YOUR C}llLDRENB VOICES. liear '¥ourseIr as others hear :Jou! 'l"Wo IJ'" reCOrds (4 sides) plus teet record made right In your home, at your convenience for $'. Can also furnish m,achlne with operator at special rates for parttes. receptionf/:. etc. For appolnonent. tel. JoI:n A. Plumer. Swarthmore ~..ii6. FOR RENT-RooM 29c bunch PORI LOINS u~.:::. SSC. up-:~:- 49c Fane), IOSEFISB FJI.L£'I"S Ib 2Sc • Pollock ....... '"17e I "17e I· . - - .... I_ .. _ - orders over three dollars Celery Hearts Balogna ...... ...-- .... ,·32c Ground Beef '"37e ..... . . . , _ _ _ _ .. _ Ou. CUNNINGHAM Call Swarlhmore 2253 Swa.. 1648, . PERSONAL-Let us preP8l"e your garden, large or Bl1l&Il, with new &Clen· tine RotoWler. !Phone Swarthmore 079O-W. MODEL UNAT COLLEGE APRIL 3 Since 1905 Builder repaired.. C&lled. lor an4 delivered. Call Robert Brooks, toasters and radlOB FOlt RENT Sweet California Peas DARTMOUTH AVENUE Charles E. Fischer FREE DELIVERY Large Iceberg' Lettuc:e STORE • PERSONAJ.-.We buy Iurnlture. houB&hold goods, any arUelas. Reply Box A. The Swarthmorea.n. It.VEGETABLES .' FOR SALE-Sturdy porch or inside white reed furniture. CoUCh. armchair. footstool. two straight cha!rs. waterproof Innerspring cuabiOlU\ AccePt offer, Black wool / 8wa.gger lady's PERSONAL coM. Sliver Upped fox collar. Med. PERSONA.L--- Immec:Uate service and size. $15. New muff to match S16•.Plyrepairs on all makes of electric wood ping-pong tablo. paddles. net, washers· (Bendix included). Ironers. balls. '16. Media 2616. va..::uum deaden ranges, ITOns. toasters, lans and lamps. AlSo, wlrlng. Old .a.nd. .new. Repalrs-servloe-lnstalhitlon. All "Work done In compliance with "'Ire Underwriters" requlI:.ementB. New Vacuum cleaners (I!!ureka a.nd Boyan. upright· and tank type now available. Call Erich H. Hausen, SwarthmoN 2860-W. tr no answer. can Swarthmore 1740. PERSONAI-. :--coIlege-age girl will babY-Bit evenJnp. Hwarthnwre 1610.· l'ERSONAlr-Vacuum cleaners. Irons CLASSIFIED 413 Dartmouth Ave. 33c '"6ge Veal Cutlets \.'2 MADISON BROS. 2 for 25c Lean,Smok.-d;-,-:R::I:-n-d::-I.-SS-,--:S:-to~re..:.:=..::;==:.... SLICED BACON , Mrs. Frank Ford Barber. of 606 Harvard .avenue entertained her card club at luncheon last. Friday at Strath Haven Inn. ,Ib Rump Veal. Rib Veal Chops Lain VItQI Chops "22e 10 22c I. 3Se 10 4ge ,swarthmore accepted V -12 and V-5 units on her campus In J:u17; 1948. During the ;Intonenina' :PVlod, students have Jlad on!7 a week off betw~en semes:teI'8, leavIng the 14-week spring ~.' an uninterrupted period of study. Tbls yea.r there will be ten days' vacation. Studenta do not return to their regular classes unUI April 8. the Tuesday after Easter. However, during three days ot the spring vacation period, Swarthmore wllI"be host to 176 delegat"es from 40 college.s at the 21st anDual . Model General :A88em~IY of the United NatJ.oDs. SpoDsored by the American Association fol' the United Nations. the lI!odel General Assembly (formerly of·.the· ~e of Nations) meets April 3. 4, and 6 to consider tho problems of Inte~a.tlonal cooperation. weeks. NOW AVAILABLE AT THE Fancy, Nearby, Millc'ed Veal STEWING VEAL recess was a war. ca8ualty when Swans Down Cake Flour Fancy, Fr.sh-Klllad, Fryb1g CHICKENS opportunity to Swarthmore College atud8lltJI are going home to4a7 for their first 8Jl~ vacaUon . IdDce U4I. The tradltlollal II8COnd sem~ II~,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~;· 24C U. S. Government Graded Meats Grade A Up to 3Y2 Ib, the entertained at a. luncheon 'Monday in honor of her cousin, Mrs. Lewis Buckman of Rome, N. Y., who has returned to her ho·me after a week's visit hE::rc. MrS. "\VJlllnm Ward, 3rd, of South Chester road entcrt:.ined at a; tea o~ Sunday afternoon in 'honor of Mrs. Buckman. Mr. and Mrs. \VilUaffi B. Bullock ot Cedar lane are enterta.lning Mrs. Bullock's mother MiL WDllam W. Micheux and Mrs. ::rohn B. Martin of Richmond, VP. •• Mr. and Mrs. R. C!tester Spencer ot Swarthmore avenue entertained their bridge club at a dtnner-b1'1dge at their home· Saturday evening. Mrs. John Bowditch. Jr.. of Cedar lune will leave today to Vislt for a tew days her son-in-law and da.ughter. Lt. George O. BeDc~ntest. sponsored by the American ne~t. U. S. N., and Mrs. Bennett of Association ot Teacn.ers at French, :fo;rew London. Conn. wlll be awarded f.rom the French lI!r. and Mre. Robert Arnold ot Government. W~l1ingford wJn attend the wedTwo contestants will be IVltered ding of Miss VirginIa. Vanderglft 'from each PhUadelp'hia and sub'· Summerlin and Lt. Hugh Laurlngurban high Bchoot. Swarthmore ton Stevens. 3rd. in Wnshi.ngton. entrants from whom the two con· D. C .• tomorrow. tcstante will be chosen include: Wanda. Tyler, carolyn Wllcox, Miss Ponelope Ann 'Oory8. of Ogden avenue left for Hobe SOund, Patty Paul, Nancy Anderson, Sue .Shelhnae. John Polk, Betty 'Lou l"ia., where she will he the guest ot her father Dr. Harold W. Coryn. Emery'. Sadie Garrett, Patsy and Mrs. Corya. over the Easter Turner, Andy ::March. Anne Uch· iter, Gwen Watkins. Betty Spen- holidays. cer, Roberta Haig. Leonard Myatt, Mr. and Mrs. S, MUton Bryant of and Ann Gibson. S("uth Ch(>h1;C'r road wcre the weekSports end guests of ,Dr. ~nd M·rs. Trevor Posing as Chicago Bioomer Arnett of New York City. Girls, the men's faculty Dut on a l\liss Sarah ~erry of Park ave· show for the students, In the nue is entertaining her brother· high school gym. Followlng- the in·law and sister Mr. and Mrs. ahow. the faculty deteated the Malcolm H. Merrill and their boYS' intramural basketball champs daughters Louesa and Linda who 18-14. arrived Tuesday evening from The Intramural WrestUng Tryon, N. C.. cn route to their Championship went to tJ:to .Tunior home in Ogunquit, Me. Miss Berry class as five of their members win entertain at a tea in their were crowned ch~Pions. Champa honor Sunday afternoon. HabItant Calilornia Iceberl Lettuce No. 1 Yellow Globe ODIo... New Tellall Red Beets 2 Frellb Meaty 'Cocoanuta P.D.~ between the work under different directors. Th~' proceeds which Swarthmore will receiVe w.tll be given to the MJlton FuB8ell Memorial Fund for the purchase ot a set of bells. Dlstrlct lIIus1_ Weston Cla.rke. Patty Paul. Christine Parsons. and Gra.h&lIl Fostcr have been selected to represcnt Swarthmore In 6J:e South~astern ··DIstrict Orchestra. ThIs orchestra. w.hich ,is composed of 120 members. w.lll give its concert April 26 at Phoenlxvllie. Enter French· eon_t Members 01' the French depart. ment at the High School are participating in the annual Frpnch Contest to be held at Temple Univ. -crs.lty on April 19. PrIzes for this SAUER KRAUT ~..~~ 2H:'!~219C PEA SOUP GRAPEFRUIT. f":l,:::-~a DILL PICKLES ~~~-:. ASPARAGUS unity Mrs.· Roy C. Coml(:y of Hose Valley, formerly of Swarthm.ore. '. College Vacation THE SWARTHMOREAN 11III-J. J..e.ttenl Testamentary on the aboVtt Estate h~ve been granted to the under·· signed. who request ..11 persons having claims or d("mands against the Eetatft ot the decedent to make known the. same, and all persons Indebted to the decedent to mH.ke payment. without delay.. to .... ' . Reg\oal4 B. CIiuo, Executor• 820 Parrish Roael . " Ilwou:tJunore,' ~ 'hls aft_.t•• '. . George W. )(cK...... .Ull. Fldell",-Phl\adelphla '!'nut' BldC. PhlJaaoIjoli\& .. Pa. . . .I'M-. \ T H E':S,W A'R.TH M O'RE AN 8 an~ M~. ;~?y W".I~L· 'Mr. John' F." ot Andy Kirk of South Chester Elm avenue entertained Mr. and road and Jay Snape of Harvard 'avenue, students at Mercersburg ,Academy, were awarded Varsity Mrs. Daley a:nd Mrs. Towler atuM "f/' In Winter Track at Mercers- tended both the Philadelphia and New York Flower Shows~ . ,burg, 1I0nday. Wm iD Track ~:~,~~:e:~e:o~: o;~a::-=~ 'New' Pre-War Quality Oil BUrners and Circulating Pumps Oil Burning Domestic Water Heaters Oil Burning Hot Air Furnaces Now Available for Immediate Installation. H.W. Borden and Sons 345 Park Avenue SwarthmOre 1694 Trees, Lawn Areas, and Foundation Plantings Improved NOW William J. Stephani, Jr. Landscape Contractors Phone Chester Heights 194' , 'LEDGES p. ' . AID TO CHILDREN Boro WIL Advocates Direct Route Thru UN Swarthmore citizens will be able, without working through a maze of government, to help the United Nations tackle one of Us most pressing tasks, by the terms of a plan approved 'r'hursday by the board' of the Sw~rthmore chapter of the Women's InternaUonal League for Peace and Freedom. NEW! COURT RUJ..&C; New Rules of PracUce In the OrlJhans Court of Delaware County were adopted on December 20 by order of the Court, announces President Judge E. L. van Roden. Members of tho Bar wUl wel-· come these rules, the Judge believes, as they provide a uniform code of procedure and conform. with provhdons of the SUI)remc Court of Pennsylvan'a. The result of over two years draft.lng, the new rulee were drawn up by the Orphan Court Rules committee. One of the five; members of the commtttte~ Is -8w~­ more resident A. Sidney Johnson. Jr. of LafaYette avenue. The WIL board voted support ~lr. and Mrs. F. van del' Gracht to a program of citizen cooperation with United Nations efforts of Harvard avenue spent the weekto save the Uves of child sufferers _e_n_d_in_A_t_la_n_t_lc_C_I_ty_._ _ _ _- - l from the war and subsequent famine. Mrs. Phll .Jacob of Swarthmore, special assistant to the diU rector of the Inte~national Children's Emergency Fund set up by UN, submitted the plan which would allow citizens and organizations, without ):waiting for the machinery of government, to come I to the rescue of Europe's children. She cited the recent Meiklejohn report. which found that In Europe Come over for tea, Myra, and we'll chat about it. It isn;t fair to tie up the party-line." THE C L U B D o U .~ ~S ~~~~ii~~~~~~~~~§~~~§~~§~§§~§§f lone ---dies Better Rug, Cleaning this New Way The eoaventloul W9 of cleaniDl rap II OD • Oat _ace with • rotary acrahblnl rnaeIdne. The Miru WII)' is OD • ClUlTed with the ras NAP CLOSED -see. ~ opeain,like • "V". See the difference tbIa llUlka ill deeper. more thOl'OUP eleanin.. • I VIe 1ilA8'0 MIRZA MACHINt d'AU'SOtl 12 DolEiTIC 14.50 Iup ·C....... CUMI I81vmed withIn 7 Days & C'omPt~n,!l 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. NoM B"artAmor. 0619 ••• CRa,.6t-ook ,,'..' .........,.,~~aG~·,. P.,.litJtt Bu,. lor S -----------------......:.---------:--1 . - . --. - .. --...._. -- ---. - ot· everythethree born . during first babies year, compared with one of 70 In the United States. The United Nations, as such, cannot sollcU private funds, and death does not wait on red-tape. Therefore UN has set up the In,ternatlonal Children'S Emergency Fund and given. it power to accept gifts through non-governmental agencies which have a consultative relatiOnship to the Security and Economic Council . A proposal to ask every wageearning citizen of the world for one day's pay is tentatively approved and now awaits final UN decision, expected Immediately. The Swarthmore WIL board will not announce Its plan of coopern:Hon until this flnal approval Is' obta.ined, but that coop oration was assured by Thursday's vote. The meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Frederick B. Tolles, 302 (~essilllt " , I AN IDEAL EASTER GIFT SUPERBLY RECORDED ON CO, u m ,,;a MASTERWOR~ RECORDS liThe Messiah" is beautifully interpreted by Isabel Baillie. soprano, Gladys Ripley, contralto, James Johnston. tenor. and Norman Walker, basso, with the Huddersfield Choral Society ~nd the Liverpool Philharmonic Orchesfra. conducted by MafcolmSargent. Columbia .Masterworb Set J M.MM.666 (2 volumes) *$22,50 THE MUSIC BOX 409 Dartmouth Ave.,· Swarthmore, Pa. .- ..... ~: ..... .••• Fir ••••••••••••••••• ~ - ~ P~- ~, Dinners fl'bm $t.75 COLONIAL DINING ROOM lIIat'. frve fltouglrtlvl..... ' The party-line isn't ~e STAG BAR place for long-drawn-out conversa- FIRESIDE LOUNGE tions. Keep calls.,brief. Space PRIVATE PARTY and calls 80 that others may use BANQUET ROOMS the line in between, Hang up {r CALL. CHESTER 8286 Q • The Providence Garden Club of • Wallingford won first -pflze at the Philadelphia Flower Show for its "section of a back yard screened for privacy In a moderate price development." Mrs. Samuel Crothers, Jr., of Wallingford, Club chairman, was assisted by Mrs. James Henry, Mrs. Lucius Beebe. Mrs. PhlUp Snow,:ltrs. Taney Wilcox.". Mrs. Jam.es. Hays, of Wallingford; Mrs.' Philip Kniskern of Swarthmore; and Mrs. Wayne Marshall, of .Philadelphia formerly of WaiUngford, In arranging the exhibit. The prizewinning entry featured a rustic board feQce for privacy screen, a brick walk curving beside a tiny patch of lawn planted with a small birch tree .under which grew myrtle, fern and violets. An' old mlllistone, used for a table, bore peas In the process of being she)led. The hom,ey atmosphere was further carried out by a rag doll sprawled on an old bench. Behind the bench a viburnum tre~ ·flbwered while green chives, parsley, red geraniUm, yellow tulips and ivy grew in borders. The local garden club also' won third prize for a floral arrangement on a brIde's table; a special award tor an entry suggest!ng woodcarving in shades .of brown, ' consisting of magnolia leaves, pine cones, and beach limbs; and honorable mention for an arrangement of anemones in shades of .red In container fashioned like an old gnarled root. II ~:tenanc:e . .. ..' " . , "',-'. -'. t , I ' Imncheons $1.00 Ne~hboringGardenen - -... _____ - CDD'TDl, PA. The Bell Telephone Compan, of Pennsylvania Doug Heatb sou of Mr. aDd lira. Russell Heath of Cedar . lane. has been selecte4i a member of tile Dean's lIat at Amherst College, where be Is a sophomore• ST. , . OPEN TO .THE PUBLIC gently if the line is in use. Phone: Swarthmore· 1'4610 ' D. M. MATrHE.WS WEL~H SII C·hestcr road.· Win at_Philadelphia HANDEL'S E Just arrived~ J"st 'mad6- for ~ ~ " .. • 1 Speare's. ~.,~: Floor ..i. ....... _.. ••• .......__ ...I . :":B.~."'KlMMEi:.APERlNG .,SWARTHMORI'048I • ••••••••••••••••• Ii Building· ami-Repairs ~ '4...._ •••~................- ...............- ....................- ••~............."......- ...................._>.......................--_..............................·.-::.:!...~.~e••_."........_ _.-..~......................._-'-........r -..' .:,''_~. --..., _ _ ...; ....... .. -•..;. ............. - ••- . ............. "'!'... ....... ..... - ............... .I ...