Fa • ..... . , HORNETS'· . PLAY E 5WARTHMOREAN" MONDAY .' . '$3.00 PER YEAR swARniMORE, PA.r FRIDAY, JULY S, 1946 VOL. No.. IS-No. 27 ' MICHAELS BEGIN SHOP'RENOVATION - ExtensiveRemodeling Proceeds at Drug Store The first postwar remodeling "project In Swarthmore's business district was started this week by Michael's College Pharmacy. Now under construction at "the . comer druggle" facing the rallroad station Is all Acoustl-Celotex ceiling designed to. absorb sound and alleviate to a great extent the Dolse at the varioud busy times of the day. This Is only .one of the many new features which will contribute to the shopping pleasure of· the store's patrons and to the en-. joyment oC those who pause there for refreshment. The installation of complete new fixtures will include new booths In the smaller section of the. store and arrangement of fixtures which enable a better display ot goods In the main section •. Those boroughites who find the Philadelphia area humidity oppressive will be hieing to Michael's for, Jonger siestas when they hear about tbe coollng system which pumps fresh air through the store overy three" minutes and keeps it continually COJ)lfortable. Completing lhe "ceUlng to fioor" improvement a whole new fioor will be laid as a final remodeling gesture. Seek Memorial The Swarthmore Post War Service Committee w111 meet at 1:80 next Tuesday evening. The commit. tee Is anxious to have all veterans ot World War II attend and express thalr views on the type of memorial to be erected in honor of' those men and· women of Swarthmore who gave their lives. I To date the Ideas suggested Include: adoption ot a town In France and care of all ldddles In that town, erection of a recreational bUilding to be used by SWaribmoreans; outdoor swimming pool. CHILDREN· MAKE MOST OF PROGRAM, Weather Can't Damp Varied Recreation Activity' The Recreation program for younger children Is In full swing at Rutgers avenue. Favorite activities alnong three-year-olds 'are climbing on the "Merrty Play," playing in· the House-keeping Corner. and riding trIcycles, pulllng wagons, etc. A road of blocks has been built acr088 the room to the fountain. Rhythm' favorites are "jumping," "parade," and "boats. I I The four-year-olds are, finding the big recreation room a wonderf:il place for dramatic plays, music, blocks, and arts. Tne high MRS. n. MARSHALL BURIED TUESDAY Clamp Prices He,re Resident's 8.7 Years Spanned World .Changes Services, were cORducted here at 2:30. Tuesday afternoon, tor Mrs. Mari& Heyburn Marshall, widow of HenrY Cooper Marllhall, who died at her home on South Chester road Sunday .night, June 30. Mrs. Marshall Wall born In Birmingham Township, Delaware County, In 1869, the daughter of the late '.John Brinton Heyburn and Sarah Gilpin Heyburn. She and her husband came to Swarthmore in 1912 to make their home at Youlgrave on South Ch~r road. Eight years ago· Mrs. Marshall removed to the residence at 312 South Chester road. She is, survived by four grandchlldren, David Ham Marshall of Louisville. Ky.,' Mrs. Malcolm Da.vld 'West Irving of London. England. Mrs. Allan Hunter. Jr.• of Bryn Mawr, and Miss Marianna Chapin Marshall of Philadelphia, and by a great grandson Alan Maurice Marshall Irving. ' e Rev. William J. Alberts, Th Rector of Christ Church, Media, otricated at the services at. Mrs. Mal'sball's holme. Interment was in the BuriaiGrour.d of the Blrmingham li"riends Meeting. ,LARCH· MONT FIEf.D Robert Honeyford, president of the Swarthmore Buslne88 AssOclJl.tlon, In a statement to The Bwarthmorean announces that local merchants have pledged cooperation In President Truman's effort to keep prices dOWD., Although In some branches town b·.18lness folk have been forced to increase cDarges to 'patrons by rising costs during the war years, a number have steadfastly refused to move them up even at an economic setback themselves. The tOWD is now determined to do whatever 18 In Its power locally to confine prices to their present level as long as it is possible. PHOSPHORUS SETS SCHOOL AFIRE Ch • I' Luckily emlca S Bark Is Worse Than Bite MRS. MOREY'S DEATH SADDENS Woman's Club Head Gave" Valued Service Memorial services were conducted Wednesday nig1at in the Presbyterian Church by Dr. David. Braun for Mrs. Frank R. Morey who died suddenly at her home on Yale avenue, Tuesday morning. The President ot the Woman's Club of' Swarthmore. she had completed one year of a two year term of of_ fice, During her faithful administration • the club had ,reached' peak membersaip and activity. ~orn Edith Swan In Buttalo. N. Y., Mrs. Morey graduated from 'reacher's College. Columbia University, and remained there to teach. She maintatned a deep Interest in nutritional problems and studies throughout her lite. Sae came to Swarthmore 16 years ago when her husband was appointed Supervising Principal of the Swarthmore Public Schools from Camp Hlll, Pa. Her Interest and frlendllneES have been. generously spent in t.le community. • The lesson of "an irresistible force meeting an immovable body" would have been tllustrated most explosively to local high school students had classes been In sesMrs. Morey was a member of the sion on Monday of this week. As Swarthmore Presb}.terian Church It was, scholars recessing on sum- active In Its Church School and In ,mer vacation also missed the o~- Its Women's Association in which p"rtunlty to put their fire drll.s she had just ended two years as into real action at the scene of the corresponding secretary. She was spontafleous combustlon. the Historian of the AmeriCan At about 3 o'clock in the atter- Legion Auxlllary and had served noon, phosphorus in a cabinet in· that organization In ma~y· other spot far day. was Another popcorn memormaking on a so rainy . I the ss:lhool's chemistry store room capacities. She was a former ofable day was a picnic and swimignited. undetermined gases exist- ficer of the Swarthmore Musl~ ming In Rose VallelY Pool. ing In the room, ,blowing OUf.:.;J CiIub . window with· a loud .noise . 'amI The five six-year-oJd8 al'e. showing' thel~ age by electrieai Shl> is survived by her husband shnking the ,entire bul1~ing. Phosbuilding and making beautlfu\ pat.,. and two sons Frederick, 19, Avia_ phorus fires are extremely difficult terns in thelr-a.rt work. They are to c~>ntr~l but the Borough 'Fire tion Machinist's Mate, USNR. stacelebrating the Fourth of July by Company chipped out the storage tioned at Charleston,. R. 'I., and a trip to the Rose Valley Swimcabinet and kept the blaze check_ Dadd, 17, a senior In Swarthmore ming Pool on Friday. ed whUe. ot necessity, allowing it High School; and by a sister Mrs. The primary group is making a W. H. Bulman of Bellevllle. N. J .• Sitting in Summer s08slon Mon_ to burn out. Used to make smoke and two brothers William H. Swan Betsy Ross flag. The boys are specb~mbs 'phosphorus lacks combataializing In carpentry work. The day evening Borough Council reof Newark. 'N. J., and H. Judson Commander Wllliam H. Collins, fused the request of Mrs. Walter tiv~ agent&. glrIB are experimenting with color Swan of Jersey City. N. J. USNR, of Brookside road, WalllngAlthnl;lgh dense smoke traveled Scott to convert her third flooc at and design In preparation for ford, temporary commanding ofA viewing wlll occur tonight at 306 North Chester road irito an through the whole building actual ficer of Division 11 (organized stamping material. slight. the Williams Funeral Home, Cll(About 60 children are having apartment for her son; and also damage was ton Heights. Interment will take Naval Reserve). under appointment a goo.,.Ume at College Avenue denied H. M. Fricke of the .. Keyplace in York on Saturday. Of Vice •Admiral 3'. L.Kauffman, USN -t!dinnulh\lart~':of"'tli:e ·Fourth Schooh· Because of rain they are stone Plastics Company, Princeton Naval Distr~ct,anJlounces tho re- square:, dancing, playing checkers avenuo. permIssion to pump v.rate~ from the Little Crum Creek for a 8ults of the: unlt's..8.ctiys:tion meet- and ~mesln the gym. cooling system. A regular quarteriy meeting of ing held Monday' evening in the George C. Wagner, of Benj\tmln the Board of the Swarthmore Pub..' . ~ I,.egIonR.oolP; ~rQ~gh Hall. , .. < (~ A seiectlon board of six, officers West avenue, asked relief from the lic Library Association washel~ . sat from 7:30' until. 10 o'clock to flash storm floods which harass Monday evening, June 24, in BorSwarthmore, was in the grip of homeowners along the creek in his· ough Hall wittl all members in atIntervieW Naval Reserve ;Lieutenants (JuDlor and senior grade) and a unique epidemic In June. One neighborhood. Borough Fathers de- tendance. ensigns, not over ,35 years of age, that required no quarantining of dded to have Borough Engineer '.rhe Board approved the Llbrarand within the D., D~, C~ E, SC, the patients but automatically Gus H~utman make a survey of lan's request that open Llbraty. DET" 'Me; C or suffix R, X. or N placed sfrong restrlcUons on their the condition and submit a report hours should be reduced In 'July cJ~sslflcations. A recommendatlon ·actlvltles, the incidence of broken to COUJ~ci1. , ·1 and August to permit the Librarian fot- the DIvision 11 staCf was mad~ heels' i~ this community was prob_ A Board of Adjustment report to devote necessary hours to catto Admiral Kaut!man and will be ably never before paralelled. revealed . permission gi-anted Paul aloguing new books received in The, Rev. Thomas A. Meryweathannounced Uj;)on his approval." Dr. George P. Warren, of S. Banks for conve,rslon of the second' July in order for them to be circu- ,!!r, of Haverford place, Rector Monday's session followed one Chester road. Is on crutches with floor of 111s garage into, an apart.- lated In August during her vaca- elect of the Episcopal Church of ten days earlier in Chester and two the injury he sustained in a 10 to ~ent. tlon. the Advocate. 18th and Diamond held at C01l1ns'hom~ last week. by 12' foot fall when the support broke senior Reserve officers of the area e,ouncil closed with the authoriPatrons are reminded that July streets, Philadelphia' will' celebrate to review papers of interested while he was helping to repair the zation of the employment o~ an and August Library Hours are as the 26th anniversary of ~ds ordinajunior omcers and preliminary backstop for the boys: baseball ad11tlonal radio operator In order follows: . tion to the priesthood on Sunday, team. screenings. , July 7, at St. Paul's C~urch, Chesto reduce the I!ollcemen's 'hours Monday 8J)d WednesdayDonald W. Poole. of Swartbmore from 64 to 48 per week. Commander Collins told The ter, where, he will condu~t services 2 to 6:30-7 to 9 Swartlunorean reporter the Divi- avenue, damaged his toot while enduring July and part ot August. Friday-2 to 6:30 sion Is happily reflecUna the pos- gaging In the "harmless" sport of J"or the 'Past two yeats Mr. Mery:stbillty of ustilg. the '!H.fy Lyon golf. Saturday-9:30 a;m. to 12:30 weather ~as beep associate rector WESTINGHOUSE POST School gym as an armory. Closed aU day Tuesday and Dr. ·Winthrop R. Wright, of of the Church of St. Luke and the , "', Thursday 'Whittier place, spent several days Epiphany, Philadelphia. O. E. Rodgers of Riverview road Lt. John B. Muskat who bas in a hospital and . Wlderwent an was appointed manager of developDuring, his ministry ~e h~ ,be~n The Librarian's salary was raised been' ,on duty with the lIIiUtary operatlon for the heel break he m~nt ~nd research engineering of to $2400. Other business contracted acIlve In the fields of,r("co'kur1::d~nm;ea::~!r:t a.n: The bridE'l, given In marriage by and Mrs. George P. Lloyd and 80n her tatber, wore 8. wedding gown llU is MrS plans to study there untU the closo of white fall1e, fashioned, with fl.t. Loveliness That Rises to Any Oe8ssion St~phen ot Jollet, no. . of the term. about August 3. Lloyd apent last week attending ted bodice and full skirt with long ,the national convention of Delta John Schoblnger has returned to ,train. Her fingertip ven was ot 13 So.... Cheater Road Delta Delta F'raternity at Spring summer 8chool at Penn state atter tulle a.nd sbe carried a bridal bouCall SwutIuaore 0478 Lake, N. J. Next week the spending a few d£l.ly8 at his home quet of gardenias. stephanotis, plan to vaeaUon at cape May. N on SW3.rthmore avenue. Mrs. r;yp80phlla., and white sweet peas. J., prior to returning to Joliet. Schoblnger Is here on a 10-day Miss Betty Hall, sister of the Mrs. Weston E. Fuller ot North visit. bridegroom. attended as maid of Chester road Is spending the sumMrs. J. Warren Paxson of Vassar honor and tbe bridesmaids were . M H Id R Good Miss Trilby B'"J.rks ot Kansas Clt'}r, mer with her son-in-la.w and avenue and rs., aro . daughter Mr. and :Mrs. Thomas S. win of Rose Valley return'ed !,me Mo., MtBB Jean l?rcsbrey, ,Pore.hese ter. Mass., MI88 Nancy Dodge of Keeter, Jr4 at Beach Haven Ter- FrIday after vacation Ing In ap Ashville. N. C.• and Miss Margaret race. N. J.. May, N. J., tor a week. Meeker ot New York City. All the Ensign WUliam' H. Osler arMrS..Davld Jackson and her sons attendants wore gowns of white rived at his home on Walnut lane David and DickeY of vassar ave- pique, featuring fitted bodices and last week to spend a terminal nue have returned home atter full skirts. leave tollowing several months spending a week at Cape May, N. J. Mr. Robert Bartle, brother ot the ove~ duty. Mrs. Edward H. Pyle, 2nd and bride, served as best maD. and the Mr. and Mrs. E. Neal Thurman children Anne and Gay at Vassar ushers Included 'Mr. Peter Hollo~ of Cedar lane entertained at a. and Mrs. Howard D. Sipler way. Pittsburgh; James Moore, small supper party last evening. chlldren Dwigbt a.nd Christine Ridley Park, Homer Perkins, WllMrs.. Frank G. Keenen of Har- of Dar.moutb avenue are vacation~ mlngton. D d P auI R en d e Ison e .•ian vard avenue was hostess W e d n e s - " , f N Y k CI~' day evening to the college aged lng for a tew weeks at Seaside a ew or ..;t. rle who arranged the bouquets of Park, N. J. Mr. PYle and Mr. Sipler A reception followed at the home gl ' I th we k ends of the bride's parents. ?tIre. Bartle will Flowers for the FlowerleBS. 01 0 n &m e... . Lt. Comdr. and Mrs. Lawrence G.. Traynor ha.ve just returned TO WED from their wedd.lng triP and are reoidlng tempo.rarlly with Mrs. The marriage of Miss Eleanor Traynor's parents Mr. and }drs. A. Ayres of Vassar avenue and Mr. Call Ludlow Clayden of Riverview road. Steele Dudley Gensemer. son of Mr. Mrs. Uoyd E. KaUffman Jane Scbott ot Riverview roa.d a.nd Mrs. John E. Gensmer of Vas.S ..... 2080 vloited friends In Baltimore, Md .. sar avenue, will take place Wed_ ----~~~~-------.~ over the week-end. Jane's aunt,. nesday, July 17 at the borne of UNITY ASSEMBLY Mrs. Leonard Bchoft ot Coates- Miss Mary Pusey of North Chester BoroUllh Ball 10:S0 A.;\f. 'Fl¥el'1' WecJDeeda~ ville will entertain at a house par .. road. ZELI4 III. W 4I11'ERS. Spea\[1Ir ty In her honor over the holiday week ...end. The.Rev. Dr. Davld·Braun w111 Everyone Welcome Mr. and Mrs. J. Herman H"ln,..,'Jperform the ceremony in the presof Havertor.;t place spent four ence of the Immedtate fn-mllies. days ot last week attending their After n. wedding trip to Bryce. class reunion and the festivities of Zion, and the Grand Canyon, Ariz., the Antioch College Commence· the couple will restde In their new~ mEUlt and visiting wlth old friends ly purchased home at 220 Vassar avenul::. and cl9smates. -'~otIOO suP....... ----~.~ DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON ~------ FRIDAY, JULY 5,1946 _00 at Sunday mornmg the 11 o'cloc1.. service the guest preucller will be the Rev. Dr. John Maxwen Adu.ms. Director of the Division of Higher Education of the Presbyterian Board of Christian Education. Methodist Church Notes Dispensing OptieianB -- Philadelphia 1923 Chestnut Street 6913 Market Street • Upper Da.tby, Pa. TriDity Notes There will be a. celebration of Holy Communion' at 8:00 a.m. and again at the eleven o'clock service. Christian Scien.... Church The Bouquet .' , CLOSED 3 P.M. -Saturdays during July and August Joseph's Barber Shop Frank's Barber Shop Adolph's Barber Shop. MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPnONS Cams delivers -===========:::-:; Mr. and Mrs.. J. Francis Taylor of Park avenue enterta.ined Sat.. " urday evening in honor ot Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Johnson of Bethesda. Md., tormerly of Moylan, whc:» IIPent last week visiting }dr. and Mro. C. H. J'eglum of mllborn avenue. I MEDIA LOWERS THEATRE. OR Fri. 8t SaL Dorothy LAMOUR ANY EVENT 'Masquerade in Mexico' Standard Decorative and Novelty Candles Sun. Only 2 Features Jack HALEY \ Greeting Cards 'Sing Your Way Home' _d 'Romance of the Wesf c~~~s • Moi!.~ T,....!Ie Wed. "Orchids AllDGfltl' ..... ,.., Slid Olivia cIe~VILIAI'Q) ,, .. ,:: ·:181oiii." . ,.!,.~." ,.. :,! ,.",~, ", ,..t •. ~. j On tlee 'Comer , , - _ " ; " '_ _ _.JJI 11 :00 A. M.-MeeUng. N.J. • :10 A., II. :mf:W:.D~~wlng s.nd Mrs. George C. Broadbent and Q.ullting In Whittier Mr.. and Mrs• .Joseph S. Carter ot '6t Uj ; i ., .ft'ln ,i _._. Jean Blaklaton of Elm aftnue liz. and .M.... S. S. RUtherford left MondaY tor camp WiePer· of Strath Haven avenue lett !&It IDS WllloWB. cape. COd. _ . to week tor their cottqe on the lit. • pend the lummer. lAwrence alvel" Stt WaddlDatcm. 8gt.. Jack Blackman 18 now staN.Y•• t, tioned at Pelp KIDs, ChIna.. Barbara Smalley ot LeW\JItGWD Lora. Blackman of Cedar Jane arrived Friday to vlll1t her jp'&Dd. left ,Monday to spend dve or parenta Postmaster and Mrs. A. IJIX weeki &t Stone Harbor, N.J. P. Smalley ot Yale avanue. CpJ. M.... Frank G. Keenen of Har· Everett Smalley. Jr., of Ft. lDUI- vard avenue and M ..... Peter E. Told tl8, Va.. joined the famUy ~up ot Park avenue entertalned at tor the day on July ,. de88ert Monday In Mra. Keenen'. 1Il1'O. A. W.· P..... toD of the home In honor of Mrs. P.L. Stow Swarthmore Apartmanl8 18 spend· and daughter Pat who are vlBltlng IDS the summer at Buck BIll Irfr& stow'. slater. J4ra. Carroll P. Streeter. Pat just graduated from FaIl8. Dean and Mrs. Everett L. Hunt Iowa Slate Colle. . thll month. She of ID\m avenue leave .;July 11 for and ber mother have been at Bret... Boulder. Colo.. \ater COlDS fA> Te- ton Woods, N. H.. attending the ton Valley Ranch, Jackson Hole, Gamma PbI Beta convention. Wyo.. to vacation until September 16. Mr. and M..... C, B. Campbell and son David ot College avenue motored to .Ann Arbor M.lcb.. last week, apendlng a week vtslt1Dg relatives and attendlnl" the week.. end fesllvltlea at the Unlverolty' of IIllchigan. which Included a Vic· tory reunion. ,.Thelr Bon Jack 'Who Is In bls sophomore -year at the University, returned home wi~ "".''5 3 loiN. J', Richard Schurz of Allen· town with omall 80n Jimmy 18 vlaIting her parents Mr. and Mrs• J8¥ D. Cook of Tbayer road. Betty Couk ot Tbayer road ar" rived home Tueday. June 25, after completing Iier freshman year at Penn State. Betty left Friday for Happy Valley Camp, :Md., to act B8 councilor tor the summer. Mrs. PercY G. Gilbert and her da.ughter Jegla at Park avenue Pr18cl1la. GlIes ot Rutgers avenue, and Mrs. John H. Pitman of Vas~ .aa.r avenue spent Friday in Cape Map, N. J. They were accompa.n~ led home bY Harriett Gilbert and Nan p,tman who had. been vaca· tionlng there tor a week . THE ADDRESS TO REMEMBER hIB tamIIy. Mrs. Roy C. Comley of WaID·,t lane, cltalrman of camp and H08- 1820 CHESTNUT STREET pltal, and M1'8. Theophile SauUner at Prlnceton avenue, vice-chair".. man entertained Friday afternoon at a tea at :Mrs. Comley's 'home In honor of Mrs. ,Edward H. ~le. II, now chairman and Mrs. Howard Sjpler, new vice-chairman. capt. and Mrs. E. III. Huntlnc· ton formerly of Princeton avenue lett Wednesday, June 26. for Los Angeles, CaUf.,. where 'Capt. Hunt_ Ington has be.en transterred. . Mr4 and Mrs. W. ROBS Thomson an~ family of Media. moved Into their new home at 19 Benjamin West aveD.ue Frlda,,4 OLIVER H. lAIR CO. DI . .eToRI 0 • • UNERALI Mary A. Bal., , ...Ident RI6-'511 "With Equal Justice , Fo~ All" STATEMENT OF POLICY ON DELIVERY OF NE'W MOTOR vnnCLES AND TRUCKS .. . ..', .;.... Here is~a plan, the objective of which is to meet to the best of our ability, the motor· ing needs of the men and women in this vicinity, with complete fairness and impartial· ity, and as swiftly as our tactory can turn ou t the cars and place them in our hands. Our allotment of new cars is eminently fair, becallSe it is based on a mathematical formula which accuratelY weighs twO factors: 1 Our sales record on 1941 model cars. 2 Our exxtensive SERVICE DEPARTMENT operatioll, which, offers modern and adequate facilities. Needless to say, we cannOI fill the orders of all buyers simultaneously, or over night, --much as we would like to do so, but we will meet the unprecedented demalld for our new cars jllSt as soon as possible. We believe it will meet with the approval of all,-that we have set aside a moderate percentage of our allotment to meet the ESSENTIlAL requireinents of persons whose transportation needs are of vital concern to all residents of the commullity. Over a period of years we have endeavored to earn and hold your GOOD WILL. It is our purpose to maintam tha~ GOOD WILL. ' • 1 2 ,3 WE PUBLICLY PLEDGE , YOU will not be overcharged for your new car. WE expect the same FAIR ATTITUDE on the part of our clIStomers who have used cars to trade. Why not trade the car to us, so that it may be resold at LEGAL PRICE. To deliver new cars on the basis of orders received,-with the exception of ESSENTIAL needs of persons who merit priority. . That our priCes will be the current OPA CEILING PRICES at time of delivery • . . NOT . ONE CENT MORE. That you DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE !A CAR TO TRADE, to be assured of delivery of your new car, in your turn. However, if 'you do have a lISed car, we will allow you full value for it, becallSe we have many ClIStomers, including veterans, who need this transportation. , You may pay CASH for your new car, or finance the purchase. If YOll are going to finance part of your purchase, we will fllrnish YOIl low finance and insuranc!e rates for com· parison. 4 5 House. Box luncheon. .. pmpanled by All are cordially Invited. vassar avenue. ....cc , That purchasers may; buy new cars .,..:~~,:..:::::.=:::.:::::::=:=--I Mro.· William Carter and Mr. Ed· from us without being forced to pur· . FIRST CHURCB. OF CHRIST, ward carter of Moylan, returned 8CIJllNTlBT OF SW.o\RTHMORE f 10 daY chase unwanted a~ones . Park Avenue Below Barw.r(l home last we~k rom a , SUNDAY trip through the New England 11:00 A. lL--8unday, Seha:ol . states and cana.da. En route u:oo A. )(.-8unday LeaOn S&rmon. f V: Wednesday evening meeting each home Mr.. BlI:d Mrs. carter 0 asweek. , p. m. Reading ~m open 4aDJ sar avenue spent four daYS at ezcept SUnda.ys and holidays 12 to: I Lake Pla.cId. N. Y.. enjoylng the p.m. Wedneed..,.. evening, '1 to "I' :1;& p.m. and , to • :30 p.m. Church Edl... summer sports. are eontl~l" invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Tlieoaore SaunPhone-SwartJurlore 1250 Phone-Swuthmore 1439 WI11SLEY A. IL E. CHURCH: dera and 'chlldrenof Strath Haftll . lIev. IL H. J'on... paator . avenue lett TueedBY for ~ond • . 11:11 A. J(.~.'Oh IL_onIl11r_ Worlhfp. ...~ ~;$l~5II;$l~5II;$l~~i!ISI;$l~i!ISI;$l~.;$l~5IIiS5!~aiS5!lSia;$l~i!ISIlSi~"'~i!ISIlSia",;Si!ISIISi5lliS5!~ J'" P. ... Me.,'or_...... . , .. ____ . , ....81,... . .10 , World·wide in its disttibution, whooping cough is endemic in large cities, becoming epidemic on a large scale every two to four years. The nriousnea of pemusis, upedeUy in young children, is evidenced by·the morcality rate-about 26 percent in infants I... than one year old. Childreo should be vaccinated during the firlt year of ~ life. Do not wait for an epidemic:. It taka ..-.:Ud ween after vaccination for the body to 'produce asadbodi... AlIt your physician now about protec:doD Irom whoopins cough for your baby. We carry &e.h "OCb of'f&CPue arilrnfdawacioil. all times•. MICHAEL'S. COLLEGE PHARMACY B: CHURCH SERVICES * ,s ..... Pa. "God" Is the subject at the les_ son-Sermon in all Churches ot Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. July 'Z •• The Golden Text Is: "The carth sball be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea" (Habakkuk 2:14). Among Bible citations comprisIng tae Lesson~Sermon is the following: "Then. Paul stood in the midst' of Mars' hlll, and said. ye men ot ,4tbens, I' perceive that-In all things' 'Yo are too superstitious. For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye J. Dr. and Mrs. John B. Roxby. Ignorantly wors~ip, him declare 1 Jr. of Kenyon avenue returned unto you" (Acta 11: 22. 23). Sunday after spending So month in Avalon. N. J. Mr. and Mrs. John Any Flowen? Howard Taylor of Kenyon avenue Any college aged girls who are' and. Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Howard Interested in cheerlnj[ the pattents TaYIO~ Jr. and son Richard of of the Philadelphia General HosBaltimore pike returned sunday pital are reminded of the Fiowers following two weeks spent with for the Flowerless. Flowers may be lett outside the Presbyterian Dr. and 'Mrs. Roxby. Mr. an Mrs. W. E. Dungan of church Wednesda'Y afternoon' and eVening. The girls will arrange the Dogwood lane will leaye tomorroW flowers 'in bouquets Wednesday to spend a. week at Eagles Mere. Edwin Harris of Wellesley road evening and distribute them at tho hospital Thursday morning. Those left Monday evening tor camp who wish to help in the project TimanoUs, at Raymond, Me., to sbould call Jessie Gllbert who is spend the summer. In chvge. • Mrs. F. V. BreWBter of Dlcldn----::::-son a.venue spent a. few days of Mrs. Henry C. FOrd and daugh- this 'week visiting friends in New ter, Chrissie. spent the weekend York City. with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Spackr..o.rralne Saunders at Strath man and their family at Rehobeth Haven avenue left MondB;Y tor Beach, Del. Amanda. Spackman Camp Oneka In the poconos. returned to Swarthmore with Chr Donald Rutherford, A ..S.V-5. lasie. and they left Monday for arrived at his home on Strath Camp Wyoda, Ely. Vt., wbere they Ha.ven aV'onue Thursday, June 27 will spend the summer. Mr. HenrY from Duke University w\lere he ,C. Ford lett. last' Friday for Camp had been studying under the NaVY pasSumpsic. Ely. Vt.. where he will be an assistant' director In program. He lett the followIng day for St. Lawrence University charge of the junior camp. I Ih Canton. N. Y., to continue his studies for the summer. Mr. and :Mrs. Walter F. Rauber SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN of Park avenue who lett ThursRev. Da.v~H.g:!~:. 141ntste~ day. June 27 for portland. Oregon 11:00 A :rd.-Dr. John Maxwell Adams. and Yellowstone National PaJtk, will return ho~e tbe rolddle ot METHODlST CHURCH Bel' N. KeI86!'-.'D.D., MinlJlter. July. SU~lJAY MrS. Alexander Ewing of Dart10 :00 A. M.-Church Scl100l 11 :00 A. M.-HolY Communion mouth avenue lett Friday, for' a. TRINITY CHURCH month's vacation at Cape May, aev. Geo. €hrlatlan Anderson. Rector N.J. SUNDAY. ~ULY 1 -~ f South 1:00 A.J4.-Bo17· communion. :Mrs. Maurice Grl~.. 0 Chester road returned home W~d.11:00 A. M.-HolY Communion !!.~T~!B~Jll~R=E=LI~G=I=O:;U~S:=;5::0:C;I;;E;;;T;;Y;-;0:;;F;:--1 nesday June 26 after a week's FRIENDS visit with ber daugbter Mrs. SeyBUNDA Y mour L. Green in Beacb lJaven, 9 :46 A. M.-Adult Forum. R II INER RESHER Miss li"ranc88 GUlette Forsythe .of 'l'hayer road who had been visiting her grandfather Mr. Halbert Pow~rs 0111e18 ot San M&rino, Cal., (or six weeks, joined her Sister MlBs Julie Forsythe who had been teaching the past winter In Santa Cruz, Cal.. and they ret~ned home Wednesday. En route they stopped at Banff, can· ada. for 10 days. Mro. Leonard C. Ashton of Elm avenue will leave Sunday to spend 10 days In Stowe. Vt.. tollowing which. she wiU go to the Ashton summer, home in PariB ~ Me., to remain untU after Labor Day. Mr.. Ashton, Mr. Leonard A8hton, J'r.. and Mr. and Mrs.. WilHam Potter Ashton of Elm avenue wl1l join her later l.n the summer. Mr. and MI'8. F. H. Forsythe ot Thayer road left Wednesday to spend the Fourth of July week· end, as the guests of Mr. and. Mrs. George J'. Graham ot BaI....eyn· wyd, at their summer cottage In Ocean City. N. J. Elizabeth Ann Forsythe of Thayer road and Jane po..tterson at Elm avenue left Saturday for' a nine week vacation at CamP Happy Vlllley. Md. Debby Lukens of Maple avenue Is spending two weeks at the camp_ Marjie Lang of Dicklnson avenue left Sa.turday tor CamP Happy Valley to vacation tor July and August. Emily Pritchard of Dlcldn"1" avenue spent this week viSiting Ratay Turner at Beach Haven. N .. The Church School meets on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Classes are provided for children ot a.1l ages and tor adults. The Holy CommUDlon will be administered. at the morning services at 11 9'clock. The Church Nursery Is open dUrIng the morning service and the smaller children may be left there during t~e hour. Mrs. Fred Bogardus will be 111 charge this week. J. E. LIMEBURNER CO. FOR News Notes Presbyterian Church Notes Ccb~ar~le~8;Ba~~rre~tt~0~t~,M~II~lvI~u~e~.~p~L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -..........,. ..... THE SWARTHMO,.,AN FRIDAY, JULY S, 1946 RUMSEY CHEVROLET HANNUM .& .WAITE Yale and Rutger Avenues Chester Road and Yale Ave. -~ 4 ----- ...--. FRIDAY, JULys, I .... THE SWARTHMOREAN , News Notes Miss Kathy Downing of River .. view road gradullted trom Vassar College on June 30, receiving a B.A. degree. A gradua.te at Swarth- more High SChool In the claaa of '43 She played' on the V8.88B.I" Varsity hockey and lacl'0886 teams. and WBB College lacro8Be Manager. Mi88 Downing left July' 2 for a hiking .trip In the Adirondacks over the July Fourth week-end. T'IIE SW.ARTHIlOltEAN'- NEWS NOTES Mr. and M.... W. F. Hanny of Yale avenue have returned from a two-week trip !hrough' the New England Stat.s. They spent a. .day with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Merrill of Ogu'lult, Me., formerly of swarthmore. who are \8u~erlng Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Schwalm of North Chester road returnOd Sun.. Pelr&1f R1nc1l1fe of Stra.th Have.. day from Plttsburgh where theY avenue entertained with &. IUDoh· spent live da}'8 vlalttng friends and eon· bridge and mlJIce11anooUII attending a wedding. Mr. and liN. sho,wer on Sat:Jrd&y afternoon to Schwalm left Thursday to vlalt honor of MIaa Jean Flaherl¥ whoae their Bon ..1n..law and daugnter COL enaacement has been &Il.DOUDcecL EUen Fitts baa returned to her at "Beacbmere". and a180 and Mrs. R. C. Dickinson who are home. Locuat· KnoU nrm.. spent a. week-end with former summering on Cape 'Cod. ::Mass. GradyV1Ue &for completlnc her swarthmore: residents .Mr. and· Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Hobba freahmlLIL y .... at the Unlvorolty or A. B. Cha.pln, at their summer and family left June 15 for three North C&roUn&. Groonsboro, N. C. home on Lake Oalawa.YI near weeks in Jacksonville and :Miami, She will act as counc1lor for Schenectady, N. T. FIa.., whore they visited Mr. Hobba· Friends Central ~ camp, nth Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hoadley and and City LIne, Philadelphia, thIa their SODS Stephen, Stocky. and parents and enjoyed a.. few da.ys· summer. Paul moved Monday to their JleW ocean fishing as the guestS ot: Mrs. )lrs. Roger RU8fJe1l and her nOm.e in Palmyra, N. Y. Mrs. HoacL David Ramsey In MIami. children Chucky'. Roger, Jr., and ley with her sons have been 'living This week-end Mrs. Hoobs and Connie of Ha.verford place, rewith Mrs. George HOadley ot: Wal- daughters go directly to Milan- turned home TuesdaYt June 26. atnut lane while her husband was ville, Pa., where they have taken a ter a week's vlalt with Mr. -and Mrs. serving with the U. S. MarIne Corps cottage' on the Delaware River UD- Horace Johnson and family ot Reserve. til after Labor Day. :Mr. Hobbs and Bethesda, Yd., formel"ly of 1401'Bob Riddle of Road's End. Rose. their son :Milton will join them for lan, and alBo v1s1ted rela.Uvea In Tree and a Mercersburg Academy week-ends. Mrs. Frank M. LMohn~. no b Westminster, Md. . ClD.88JDQ.to . Chuck Wiley ot Oxford, Mrs. Hobbs' mother Vih 0 .ua.g ....een Dorothy Borden of P r l n _ Cineln II In f d Pa., have returned' from a nino- with her son an am Y -day cruise on Chuck's sloop on the Qati for the past two months willi a'.OJILUe l81t Friday for H8.lJIJY Chesapea.ke. rejoin the family at MIlanville. Valley camp, Md.. to remain for the balance of the SUIDlPer. Nancy Fitts of Locuat X:DoU ., Farms, GradyvUJe, who graduat} ed Monda.y, June 14. from Swarf.b.. more College, and S1lSB.D and Edith ThB.tcher of Swarthmore wUl leaNe Monday to spend tbe' month with their couslne to ·Lookout Mountain, TenD. Mr, and Mrs. Walter BaIrd of Dartmouth avenue returned June 38 from a five-week motor trip to Our the Weet CoBBt. En route they COlltlll.e to ell a they ..topped at Columhla, 'Mo., iind attended the craduatl.oD of tbeJ.r daughter :rean at steveDII College. Ko.. who accompanied them on their triP. They _ted Yosemite National Park, .f:lan Diego, the Grand Canyon, 'and other pJacea of IntereJltbefore .......... ,1 • . . returning home. C Dr. and Mrs. Roy N. K<>laer of nat save ya. re~ ,., .rices, ••4 yo. .. llloeey..,av the Methodist RectortY. Park 1W8for ai' y.ar food _d •• nue are the .gueatB of Mrs. KeiHl"JI wIIUII'. to A ..... brother and wife, Dr. and- Krst 1D.rry A. FJaher, at their farm in Ivyland over the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Pelrsolt Jr., and da:'.1ghter. Gloria Ann. -of Laf'ayette avenue, will va.catlon over the ·Fourth week-ond with lIarger shes' Mrs. Pelrsol's mother, Mrs. AleSB.D.der M. Dryden. of Swarthmore avenue at Barnegat, N. J. J Mrs. P. L. Stow and daughter Pat of Newton, Iowa. arrived Fresh GretII . _ 2 ,.. 25c adles 2 '" 19c Saturday to spend 10 days with Mrs. Stow's brother-In-la.w and slft:::;- &feu Peppin 2 ,.. 25c COIN. Yal_1a Or. . .s 2'" 25c, ter Mr. and M.... carroll P. StreetYoung Golden Bantam er ot Cobmbia a.venue. Mrs. ·R. J. Cadigan and, ohlldren of Dickinson avenue lett Tuesday June 26 to spend three weekB .wlth Mrs. Cadigan's parents. Mr. and Mrs. -Robert· Cowden of Da:yton. O • Mr. and 'Mrs• .John L. CornOS' and son John of Dickinson avenue left Friday to spend the month of July at Mont Tremblant. ·Chnadb.. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Chapman \ of Harvard avenue lett July -4 to spend the month at Duckbin FaUs. Harvey R. ~erce was _pest of honor recenU'Y at a party given at his home on Harvard avenue to celebrate his 8lxth birthday. The guests present were: Barbara. ! Heath, George. Jimmie, J'o&eoh . Arnholt, Tracey Bell. Jackie WIilter. Gerry Crean, Drew Wagnon, Jay. JeZ'rY, Shella. Borden. ,Joel ,Chapman, Dorothy "Rodge..... SkJPper Skoglund. Bobby-Morrow, ·Gordon Wise, Mar'Y Lou Pierce, I4ra. H. DIngle, :Mrs. Barton Cslvert .of Swarthmore. .Ann MarIe Green... field. Mrs. Robert GreenAeld of Garden City, Edna, Jack and Mrs. John Ryan of Chester andMtaa Catherine Ryan of Oheater. Mr. and Mrs. John Miohael or , Harvud avenue ·who have 'beMl hoste to 'Mrs. 'Michael'. brother 1 and slater·ln·taw Mr. ILILd Mrs. L G. Brown of Gary. Ind., sa thetr. house aueatil for· the -JNI8t ·!ieW weeks. en~rtalned at a ·,laIWO family dinner party In their hoDolOl" Saturday evening. June 22, Mr. aDd Mrs. Brown are. enroute to Na.purla If your tires are smooth, you1l save real Hirapur, BenpJ., India" where'lIl". 1 money with Goodyear Recapping. If you Brown will· be aaaocIated with· tile need a new tire, the longer wearing tread Steel CorporaUon of Benpl. Me., • Ib 1042e 102le ,olh wojOi' or S.1aml li.n PieCH Cole Slow Braunswelllir ""'~"" 1t Cat'nll Ib ~fe Braun.wel"er N .... ' " .. 37e ~ Cu'no Lunch Meat 00'''' v." 14e Beans ' .......n l!1e '.......nI7e Hom.d.·Ute HometVI. 17c MACKERELI .OPEN FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M.•AT.'·'.·.. 104lc 102le Whiting fillets ,. 25e fillet Sale , Codfish fillet ,.3le Croakers F...h Lara' fresh WhIte Crabmeat RooularLump I. He \ Y 0'" GBEIR BEARS Farmdal. Cu, Shin.l... J.DJJJIlAl SWEET PEAS Farmdal. Standard No 2 ... 14t !1......... 13c JULih1ff:141 S-'Ix PDBK 81 BEARS SEALPAKI' in '.malo .au;. 41: : ; - 35c .ASPAUGUSSDUP R1H.... N_ , ...... 4 1D1M- - 35c ExIfa tEltlRG 'BitES GRAPEra1m' JUICE G~~:-: 2 NO•2 .... 25.: ORARGE JUICE !:~~ A Na 2 can lie: -- 45e .110"",··t.. caB Swltl's Prem 1!:a8c ArmoUr's 'I'ree1'!.':' 31e Chicken C~~~:.'nn ~l'! 14c Sunshine c,":~:r. ~ l1c ••,11'"Ilaculb Styl. 'b Hc Nabisco Autd 'pk; I 011-- RealllllOi , lalt1sco~-ThI" ':t':' nc Educator ~~': ~~18c 'Root Beer ~':~~ 'b:: 24c Prunes .~\:! 2~~ 21c Tea Balli ASCO ~!. 13e Jul.. It:: 210 01..... • "Stufhd Spanl'" ,.,1<."-" lar ~ Olives .01_, ..... PI.I. • 7j:, 85e P10k... DIU' _lOr ...••·.0 Walbeck'sDlln~::. ~t Zle .heat Putb c::!t _od =110 Quaker P.d<'g;~~ ",022c Rice i.un.... ~ 100 India Rillih Wol"';~t 2ae Lima hans ~ .l~ 150 A""".'"0 HEAT·'LO ........ ICED COFFEE Hollda, Dr'.t . /ISfO TEA =. 'MASON .JARS .!24c ~::5'9t·.::!6ge mEAL~!-..:n ~~, 67e: .".': 76e GI.u Top Wlr. Clamp Jar R,bb... Ok. 50 Zino Jar Caps 12 'n ok. 250 Jally GIISI6' doz 350 Wbile Hausa Paclln .," .0'130 Molher'. Joy Peella '·Oz ok.90 ae.ulne Parowax ,. Ok, 150 tISIXI Diamond or Ohio MATCHES '~~~~:aSC, Hershey Cocoa ~ 100 C'Oc;i ~iirsh ,/!. 220 Vogl's Scrapple Walnuts °l~,:,::d .!~18c Ib48c Peanul Butler Asco I: 30c Speedup Spol '.movor 'b::280 -to Fels EXPEIJ·O +O-21c pl<, Kill. math WomtI 12......' If. JUlt hang In gCwCider -ment bop or ~__-w________~______________~____~ __. . ___ do..... VINEGAR •• ..·!l8c So"ps Wh~.1 Available .3,:~!:r 17c : 3 :'~':(2ge LIFEBUOY SOAP LUI TOD·ET SOAP ~udSell~' Powder IIISO .. , ...•'fto'd ,".. Mp '2 9.... 1ge: 2Hz i)'!C Fl. , 1Il.. ................. _ -pkg :lUX LUI F~~ 2=~1· 12V._~ HANNUM & WAITE i I '"------------------------~~;;;;:;;.--------~--~.., • SolD."'" .......... IIiio.... .....".""'.,.",...... _ ...... » \! * ,.10._.__~--.!..~u~~~*:·~..~·~'.~I~I'!~~~:.~·~r=::i.~.=.:!~~.:l..~--..~~..:.~) a_we ifni• .,. . . . . . . . . . . . .,..... .... . . .• W, Chester Rd. and Yale Ave. Phone-Swa. 1250 • For 1 I ........... _--.......) .......A_ He........ · .... 'PtI0IIP ~ . ,. . if:E~f.~~;~~~~:l' abe » housework or mother'l!! helper tor the desires I • summer. Tel. Media. \VANTED-l'1 year 2169. old girl m $ ;.~======~====::~ mont. N. T. 'VANTED-To rent hOuae or apartment furnished or unfurnished, COIllmenclng about Auguet 16. Box C, The swarthmorean. • 14..._ SoUd_ W. S. Bittle A Son WANTED-To rent turniBhed houae or apartmeDt, commencing August 1 or 16 for remainder of 6ummer, lon·ger. or pennanently. Tel. Swarthmore a28f. SW&. 01U", __ te Nola.,. I'UbUo-lDsman"" ·WANTED-Furnlshed bouse with at leaat two Immediate occupancy. Tel bedrooms. Rltt~nhouse 6960 ask for ~~~~~~~~~~~~~gl ~ .e PIANO TUNING Mr. Gerald Peters. ':WANTED-To buy. tricycle suitable for two year old. small doll carriage. Call Swarthmo.... 2984. as caretakers in cool surroundings untl1 Sept. I, only. In exchange for free rent. Apply and write r3ferences to Box V. ·The swarthmore&n. \VANTED-Part time work as chlld's nurse by high school colored girL "trite Florida Thomas, 616 West 2nd Street, CheSter. -_. Old Bank Building SWL 0108 A. MERCER QUINBY, Funeral Director DOGS CLIPPED t2.5O to - tII.GO 0'" Removed-Topped-Cut any Lenlrtb FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN u.oo Antl-eJJtlo Baths Hones OIIpped PHONE KEDIA 1171-J For appointments CaD 8we.. Illl..J HARRY W. LANG For Your W'mdow Cbnninc CaD GEORGE Me. 0589 Storm Sashes Taken Down Sa em- IIDd Awninp Pat Up PERSON.AL--Vacuum cleaners, Irons, toasters and radios repaired. Called for and delivered. Call Robert BroOks, Swa. lU8. FOR RENT FOR RENT:':"'Uprlght pJano, good condltion. Reasonable. Write to Box 14.4, Swarthmore. FOR RENT-CooI, comfortable room, near . transportation. Tel. swarthmore 0221-W. Rugs and Carpets ~=============~I • Contractor and 8ailcler RItDe, Call MASON- BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY· ossa-III Desirable lob available Charles E. Fischer I Builder bames oext month and Ralph Irving 1050' Ballil ore -Seashore Rooms Jour 911. ._ at the ·BwutbmoreaD aDd feel a& bome. 40 Maryland Ave. Rehohtith Belleh. Del. 1'1 .... ators, Washers, Vacuum Cleaners, Radios u Ma.toDA....... Mwtou. Pa. .. ..... m., .... ~::::.~w:3'M :·:':·~~ ........ ...... INSURANCE ass • Dartmontb A""'-. :~ -, RESOLUTION He: Rlrlng of Speelal RadIo Oflleer Upon motion duly made, seconded, and carried, It was rasolved that an radio officer be employed. so his services may be required, his compensation to be at the rate ot U,800.00 per year. BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORI!l By B. S. RUTHERFORD President ot CouncU Attest ELLIOTT RICHARDSON Borough Secretary Aproved this 1st day of July 1916. JOHN H. PITMAN Burgess 1T_7·S additional long 8S COMMON COUNTY. Plaoue Swarthmore 217S·R 104 Comell Avenue , Swarthmore, Penna. Protect Yo~r House With a Good Paint Job account has been filed in the Office the prothonotary and wlll be conftrmed by said Court on .July 24th, 1946, unless exceptions are filed thereto. ROBERT J. MacBRIDE, 3T-6-28 Prothonotary . Phone To Evelyn Peck Baird, late of 802 Harrison St. Apr. 2, Wilmington. Del. Whereas Thomas FrederIck Baird. I ELECTRIC SERVICE Radio A Appliance Repairs PROMPT ~ERVICE 1 DAVE WOOD I 1 I Gall Swarthmore· t 984 Radio and i'£:liences Sales aDd ,ice We llIlI1.foor aDd _ _ 11~So_~_ H. N. _ It13~Ave. _1-. .' ~.WGak ,,_ +.~,·-,--,~•.~_~:,~".~ .. ~'-.~".-,-.,-.,~,_---,.J.,.IJ,~,~--------~~.,~,.~~,~.~I'~----------------..~ 1'11.-1181 W. H. Wam....J Drivewiy COIistl'uctiOlf Asphalt or Concrete PETER DI NICOLA RatIedce, .Pa. ~V? or 1115-R B. A·W. shinalinc A Sidina __ FIItST AND 'l·ttE FIRST OF MEDIA. ADVERTISFlMENT will receive bids at th& School Dh",. Sp a Ilillj( C.H.REYNOLDS ADALINE . PRICE. a The School Dlstrlct ot SWarthmore • Roofioa September your husband. ,h .. HIOCI a 1\001 In the Court of Common Pleas of Dela.ware County, Pennsylvania, sa or March Media 0755 Term 1946. No. 618, praying a divorce , from you. Now you are hereby notined to a.ppear osldof court --.--------~.,...---. and on orrequired before Monday, 22ndInday July next to answer the compl_lnt ot the said Thomas Frederlck Baird, and in detault ot such appearance you will be COUNTRY FRESH liable to have·a dlvoree sranted in your absence. EGGS G. R. WATKINS, IaraIe and. Medium· Sheritr of Delaware County. O~P.A. VeluD8' Ernest L. Green, Atty. 8T-6-2' Pbtme S ..... SlU-J HARRY A. BREHL . Appliance Service Commercial and DomesticPrompt Service-Refriger. . _1'8 . - r .. Landscapinc PIke ~1093 ~ IMORTON REFRIGERATION e PAINTING aDd 0345 We also br.ndle aluminum ga.t"IIII 22 as the guests ot :Mr. and Mr•. 111. Clark of Falri1eld. Conn. •• • , There's security in a Job with Bell • • When you start your husiness phone eompany. you are career with the Playing on a. rain 80aked t1e~d that made ball ha.ndilng next to Impo..lble. the Swarthmo"re H" or.. nets trimmed the league-leading Manoa nine last Friday evening to chalk up their seventh victory ot 18 rJ th e season. Tile score was ,.1. Wet gra.es and muddy baaepathB prevented both teams trom ~uttlng on their best performance and were responsible for most of Mano&'s nine and Swarthmore's tour errors. ...... o. .'.. convention of the NaUonal E4uca- Swarthmore avenue Utl entertaln. UOD ~ A8Ioc1atlon to which she la lng Mrs. Horsey's alBters MlB§es a delepte from the South Eaetern Agnee and Marlon Blrrel of Glenpennsylvan1& DlatrlctL dale. Cant.) tor several weeks. teJo. will company near your new home. This security is hut one· of the many advantagea that go with a Bell job. Wages are good right from the start. and a regUIar. system .of frequent raisea . N' N t ;:.;,::,~~S 0 ell makes rapid advancement certain. Bell pays par-. ticular attention to and quieti: ~-Iightoffices. ~ well:furnished 'rest r00!9.~:I'...*~"'~1j5IJ't-~,J\lil)gll..~ . -"'-'· ..·..,,~ .. I,.''<'' '·Lt.- Jack "':Daii¥ whO.·)lae been .make worki!lg;mor6 plea8ant.·Frielfdly~.,~.>",.; Nj\lgll!!.~~~,.';:llUjded on help'You gel ahead as fast as your ability pe1'mjta.· Staten Island. N., y,. on the Elgin • • . "'/ictory, Tueada.y. He reported to SIckness and aCCident benefite, a modern medical Camp Dlx for dlBcharge before department, reCfeational .programs, vacations and returning to h!S home on Cediir holidays with. pay. and a liberal pension plan are lane and Elm "'I"enue. Within~.~ few days Jack w 11 accompany u.LO lOme of the other reasons why a joh with,BeU Ja m'lther l\trS. John F. DaJey and • f90d het for any young girl.. brother Allen on " motor trip to N8.HhvUle. Tenn.. where they will visit Mrs. Daley,s mother Mrs. J. Some jobs proVide many leisure daytime T. McGUI. of the Vanderbilt camhours-a feature especi811y attractive to pUB, for several weeks. En route the boys will stop with trlends In pIa who have household duties or who St, Louis, Mo,. and Mre, Daley will like to be out of dool'8 in the daytime. visit with old friends In Louisville below will Sara· Moore who graduated from Swartbmore High· School last year. has been v1s1Ung her sister Mrs. J. Herma.n Holmes of Haverford pla.ee after comlJleUng lier freshman year at Musklngum College. New Concord. Ohio. She left Tuesday, June 22, to act as senior counellor in Music at Camp Daddy AlIe.n. Whlte'Haven, Pa.. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lange and children Jonathan and Josephine of Cedar lane are visiting Mrs. Lange"s brother Mr. Drew Pearson, well-known columnist. and Mrs. Pearson at their fann in Gaithersburg, )[d., .near Washington. over the Fourth of July and weeli:..end. Mr. Owen W. Gay of Wallingford Hille hae jut returned from .. week's buslneas trip to Ora",... Texaa. Mrs. Eal-Ie P; Yerkee of Pr!lDce-.1 ·ton . avenue retuI'I1e4 home . TuM'" d&)' from & _week fteatsoa at Cape Mai. N. J. Mr. Yerkea joined her week,..,.,4&. 1..... _~ of ~~ with you in greater detail. Tbey are trained to help 70n make the heat possible start on your cueer. Arrange such an interview 8OOn. THE BELL TEI.EPBONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA P,.,.ruIly Pku:e to If'orll!' a •• 1II alS, MeCla...., .... 69th -.d M ..... S~... UpplF'D. . . .,01.N L ... ' 1 .... .......... , ....... ". • •1 ........... ,: ....- 45 An •• ,.••• AIIIII_ _ • 410Y..... .. I. " .... ,,,,,-- , • _ _ ....aat84 from u..1fId. Of· ~.l1IDe .., ,...; • ', .. ''7 • • \ • n ,.; •. '" • , BOYS' SLACK SUITS • for the Fourth- Cool, luxurious slack and shirt combinations in tan or blue that let a fellow feel comfortable while looking his best. OTHER SLACK SUITS 1s5 to 399 IIOD' DRI'.-81'E&IIII:'8 1!O••~"'I![If,~" -----··l1li··--.. . . ----:·.·~·.·"111· ::'th~. ~:._~ ~~_,~ 1\.__ -d HORNETS PLAY FRU>AY .... AVENUE FIELD • • • VOL No. 18-No. 28 SWARnIMORE, BORO TURNS. OUT TO CELEBRATE GLORIOUS AT HOME Business Association Program Well Received ____-. COLl,EGE THE SWARTHMOREA PA;, $3.00 PER YEAR FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1946 QORNETS YlALLOP 9-0 Laat~~= ~v~ I . COLLEGE BUYS K~e- MARY LYON Jessie Gilbert, Margaret Ransburs-. Prls- . cilia Glle•• Paisy Told. Peggy nen and Anne Cochran ar.ranged" bouquets ot flowers for the patients . at the Phltadelphia General HOBpltal at ~he home of Mrs. Frank G. Keenen. Local residentS are asked to sean flower gardens' for blooms to contribute to this worthy need. FlowSwarthmore College has anera may be left at the Presbyterian nounced the purchase of the propChurch Wednesday atternoon. erty of Mary Lyon School ln the . .Jessie Gilbert will be glad to gtvo Borough of Swarthmore In order Information to any college age girls to relleve Its shortage of dormitory interested In working with Clowers. space tor veterans. The school, a preparatory school tor girls. suspended operation on January 6, 1943. and tor :the Jdat three 'Years bas been used as a hospital· and convalescen·i· home by the United States lolaV)'. The addition of these 10 acres of . b~lidings 'and grounds to • Swarthntore College will make possible the accommodation ot approximately 160 more vete·rans. The colleg"l, normally equipped to house 760 students, haa had to E. P. Yerkes ot Princeton ave- provide,. during the war ·years, ·for nue was In Detroit .on Thursday. 800 or more students. Part of this June 27, to attend a meeting of the VI.·as taken· care by NavY housBoard of Directors ot the American Ing technique for the V-12 unlL Institute ot Electrical Engineers to Principally, however, It has meant which he has been elected one of crowding' ot tJ).e student body. In 12 directors for a fotir !year. term., the past !year the tacilltles have Tbe meeting was held d~rlng the been taxed to the Umlt by the Jatoge annual Summer Technical Meeting Influx of veterans. The enrollment ot the Inmltute. which was .hetd In tor' the Bprll.lg, 1946 term was JJ60~ Detroit this year trom June 2« ot whom 208 were veterans. or 21 to 28. per cent of the entire student body. Yerkes joltied the Institute In In the next academic. year the i915 ·as an Associate and 18 now a veterans wUI constitute 66 per cent Fellow. He has been active In at- of the male enrollment, or 45 'Per fairs ot the - Institute both vnatlon. cent of the total student body. The ally arid locally tor some .tlme. He enrollment tor the academl.c year. was a m-ember of the .Board ot 1946-47. will approxlma.te 1026. Mana.gerS ot the P'hllad~Jphla Sec- 450 veterans. 200 non-veterans, and tlon for :~everal years,. w~ cbalr- 3'i1i women. This constitutes the man ot the Section In 1939-40. and largest enrollment In the history ot ~Iui' ."p.e·p::.«;·~eliUJ~r a.,ri~·. ·C1i~IrD,1ii..~ Swarthmotle Collqe represents or several· cODlJQltt.ees ~t the s~- f!.n· ali out· effort; ·tp provtd.e taeUItlon. ~Ies and accommodations .for the He bas tor several years been a mailmu~ of vetera.na. The pur... member iiia· NaUonai Commit.. chase ot fhe Mary Lyon School' was tee on Communication. and a,' mam- necesSary" In order to permit thIS ber of the natlonal Membership dev~lopment. . Committee. of which he. 18. now S~ch Increased enrollment has DIst"rlct Vlce-Chalrnui.n. He ia' alsd lI)!'lde nec.e~r.v. an enlarged facsecretarY ot a special national ultY. The remainder of the plant Committee on Collective B~rga~n- is to be 'CO,llverted for the housing Ing and Related· . Matters. Mr. ot faculty arid for addltlonal class..; Yerkes Is also a member of a c!lm- room space. mlttee composed ot representatives -'---'------of six of the national engineerlng Released societies. that on the· Economic Jesse H. Hoimes 81-c· son of Status of the Englneer. and· he ia Mr. and MrS. J. Herman Holmes chilirman ot' one of three sub.~om- was separated trom the: Navy on mlttees . of tbat cQmmlttee·. the juiy 6, and haa· returned.· to· hl" Committee on Collective iioriie on Haverford Place. :He has Ing by Englneers In profelJSlonal. been stationed at tbe Navy Pier. Work. Chicago. ·111. Swarthmore to Use Facilities For Veterans Ball .1n Basket-Jim streeter and· Don Pierce tying tor first among the 13-year-olds and over; John McAlpine. fit'8t among the 8 13: Billy Lee and Bruce Kahler tying Swarthmore's stay-at-home celebrants tUrned out with gusto for tor flret, and Noel Snyder, second, The Swarthmore Hornets turntbe q,ommunlty Fourth of July under 8 yeariL ed on the heat In t~e IIrst game of Events last Thursday. Three-legged Race--Jlm Meenen. Shorlly after 9 o'clock spectators ROD)" Ridgway, first; Hugh· Mor- the .second 'baIt ot their Suburban lined both Bides ot Park avenue be- rlfton, BUly Lee. second; Bob and Junior Baseball League schedute tween Dartmouth and Princeton Bruce Kahler. tbird, 8 and undel' Monday evening to trim the second to see borough emall-fry Vie tor John DaVia. George zYgrnund. first: place Larchmont team 9-0. It W8J!I prize plneings in the annual cbll- ~111 Hoot, d'harles Greer, second: the~r second' shutout victory of the leason. dren's parade. Judged by Mrs. 8 to 11. John H. Pitman, the borough'. lOO-Yard Daeh-BIII McIntyre. While Dalton. pltohlng tor 1Irst .lady: Mrs. John Michael. and first; Dave Smith, second; George Swarthmore, was holding Larchmont to one sate.", for the seven Mrs. Carl deMoU the. five sections Pierce, third; older boY!'. of the parade netted War Savings WhlsUlng Race--Bil1 McIntyre, Innings, he and fils teammates stamps to the tol1owLng. winners: tlrst: George second: Jim were smacking o~t lOot their own. Not content to pitch one-hit. noHeading the march Trlcyclers Streeter. third: older boys. run gan:e, Dalton. first man up In Skit Bernard, first; Alfred Porter, Wheelbarrow Race-A. WUUs the second Inning sparked Swarthsecond: Harvey Pierce and Bobby and George Pierce, first; Haines more's batting power with his· secRObb.ln tying tor .thlrd. Dickinson and C. McLarty, second: ond home run of the season. Witb Lynn Bernard, first and· Molly Bill Mcintyre and Charles Laws. a territic drive to left that caught Hughes. second In the Scooter third: older boys. the outfteld complete'iy oft guarCl, Class. Cock FIght-Dave S~lth. first; 'be crossed the 'plate ~ta.ndlng up. Sandrl\. Milne, first: Judy Am- George Pierce, second: Teddy Bo- That was the only run scored In merman. second; Louise Pearson gardua: older boys. Dick McCor- the s.,cond. as Laws filed out to Johnson, third, In Girls' Bicycles. mack~ first: Bob Terry. second; center, Bradford bounded out pitch·er to first. and Streeter struck Jobn Fischer. first;: Bruce Kahler, David Tucker. third: 8· to 11. ·out. second; Nowell Snyder, third, Boys' Egg TosS---charles Laws and Tae first Inning got ott. to a fast Bikes. Dave Smith. 11rst;- Jim Streeter and start when G. Swam, Thorbahn, Do~othY Smith, 1&1 her great BIl.l F1scher. second; John Boyre and Bullock weilt down in order on grandmother's "IWG. - est honors In the· olQlnfai Section. second: Bllly.··"flo.P.f. ·!ln $..to 11. . . ~D. and Thorbahn sliigled hi sucJobn and Mary Phillips. second, Seven to 10 year old girls en- cemon tollowed by dolibleS by Buland Drew Wagner, HUgh and 'Billy joyed guessing games and. circle lock and Laws.. When the InnlUlt Marson. third. In that section. games undo1."" direction ot Mrs. was over four runs had cro98ed the EttIsan arid Holly TUrner; ·Todd Robert N. HlIkert. plate on five hits and an error. The and Bonnie Moxey proclalmln'g . Nancy Van Alen a.nd Anne Coch~ sixth waf:i seorele98 but two more '--We H8o\'e Plenty, Let's Share'l ' ran led the 10 to 12 year old las- tallies· w~re added In the seventh. leading the Floats; Debby and Lois sles In slrnUlar non-competitive In the 1Inal Inning Jones replacThompson coming In . rroconci with. k~m~s. ed Builock at center•. Terry took nnother UNO a.r1g1e "All Out 4 AcA ·nove! treasure hunt In which Bradford's place at right, Bradb.;ter cord": and ·Donald, Sblrley and 20 articles were hidden by camou- went In for Streeter at second and Janet L1tt1~ as USwarthmore'sFifth ftage-:-such as a fir branch in an ~'ord took over lett fleld~ G?neratlon" tying Anne Gracey and oak tree--wus led· by Mrs. Frank The victory gives the Hornets Da"ld Elliot' tor third position. O. Keenen. and Mrs. Peter E. Tol~ ~ght wins to five defeats tor the Cowboy Donald MacElwee with his and resulted iil the, fOllOwing· season. 'J'onlglit they meet Wallingaged sl}epherd and Cappy J?elrsol sharp 6cyed 13 to 1~ year qld girl ford on· the College Avenue' diawith her Great Dane comprising winnen: Sail'}'" Alden tying Pautlne mond and-Monday evening trav,! the Pet Section an~ winning 6rst Beneke, flrst; Anne Lukens tying to Westgate Hilla tor .an away and second respe~tlveIY. Dicky Thompson. second: Carolyn game. Time tor both games 18 . ,Transferring to thc high schobl deFurJa, third. Mary Corse. tourth. 6:30, field. after the parade everyone . (Continued on Page 6-) , sOon becam·e engrossed In the varDiac:laarged iety ot games planned for all age Recuperating Lt. Thomas A .. Mercer, SOn ot" groups. Jean La.wrence ot Moylan who bas been acting as co....ncllor at Dr. and Mrs,. E. L Afercer of North - Friday, July 12· ,Mrs. WUllam A. DeCalndry and Co. _ . Ch.ester road. received his dls- 12;15 P.M.-Rotary Club. Pati] J. Carey .................................. Ingleneuk M~. Donald Jones led pre-scho,OI . mp Happly Valley. Md .• since charge.trom the Arm.... at Camp 6:30 P.M.-Hornets baseball with Walllngtord ....College Avenue Field . . completi, her 11rst year at P e n n " S da •••• w 14 . chndre~ In t.'Farmer in the : n e ·irall., l l "Chambersburg', .· Dix a fPow weeks a~. and hae re- 11'00 A.M Morning Worship'un ~... a.o&AJ ..' .• . ..... r was siIddenly .., D..... Local Churches ·'.!phg aro~rid the Rosie", and thesurned his studies at the W h a r t o n " 'i........~ ••,............... " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;'i~I"~';u wltb:apjJOitdlcltll;, T u e s d a y · I\loJids,.. July 15 I lk'e. I School ot the University ot Penn- 6 : 30 P" '. H I II' . .J..l'.L.-H orne to b ase b a II w Ith W. es'tga t e HilI.......... ~.W es t gate afternoon. Ambrose Van Alen and Harold Jean 1s now recupera.tlng at the sylvania. Tuesday, JUly 18 . Ogr~m- led a lively group of older Taylor Hospital, Ridley Park, folLt. Mercer who went ovel'seas in 6: 16 P.M.-Legion baseba.ll with· Chester ...................................... Chester boys in a bevy· of activities pro- lowing ail .appendectomy on Tues- September. has been stationed In . Thursday, "July 1 8 · . ducing the tollowing w:lnners: day eve.ning. Oturd. Japan. 6:15 P.M.-Legion baseball with Clifton Heights. CoU~e Aven·~e Field _ _ _-:-_ _ _ _-=:.......:..:......:......_-=....!'-==-.:..:-=::.-:::::..._:::-;-;-:-:=:::::::::-::::~=::_::;=~==_==_::_::==:__::_:=_.,.:~8~:~O~O~P::,~M!.:,=!"S~w~a~r~tb~.~m~o~r~ean Wrappings .............._ Swarthmorean Ofrlce to Play Wallingford on Home Field Tonight ATTENDS DETROIT BOARD ,MEETING PIerce. YerkeS Active in Nat'. Engineer Program ot a: > • .. .and ot Tifis WEEKS CALENDAR SWARTHMORE ENJOYS TIlE FOURllI OF JULY Sizes 8 to 16 g~t-IjP I ng 49 A smart ..... :sa.rPtn- . Ky. listed he glad to discnss these opportunitiee H", Mlse Agnes Blrrel retumed last Mrs .. Hope Jeun.tncs ot Westf1e- )"ear from Ch.lna. where she Was 14, N. J •• la vlB1Ung her eJ.ster Mrs. --J. Paul Brown ot Walnut laDe. doing mlBaloDarY 'Work. M1Ba .----• Ion Blrrel served. 88 a. nurse. In Ti.. Robby Hopson, Tubbs MaCo- bet. wan. Dick .Jones, and Bob. MoreMr. and Mrs. H. LlndlEJIY Peel head of Swarthmore, and Bob and Glnn v and CraJg Peel ot Col .. Riddle Of RoSe Tree ·have returned " umbla avenue lett .W",dne5daY tor home after vacatlontng at Ocean a 10-day vaca.Uon at Beach Haven. City and Cape May for a week. Crest. Mnt. Frank G. Keenen of BarMr. and )Ira. Howell Lewta vard avenue entertalned Wednea- Bhay and da:18'bter Eunice of Corda)l' at dessert In honor Of MImes nen avenue returned Monday fAI• _~ and "arion Blrrel who are lowln~ 10 da- spent In _ d e The localities took a one-run In ~"'1Df:I .IU. . aAO ."p the first when Dana Swan singled Horsey vlslUng of their sister Mrs. Roy M·I~p:a:r;k:;:N:::.:J:.=:::=:::=====::; Swarthmore avenue. and drove In George Swan from Mrs. Ellza.betb Van Kirk arthird. Three more tallies were add- rived at the home of her mother, ed In the second· on three succes- Mrs. Martha. R. Ble8Bing of Elm sive hlts.. by Streeter. Bradford and avenul\ Saturday evening by plane Steel-Alumlnnm or Wood Bird, supplemented by an error from San Francisco, caL Mrs. Van and a base on balls. The dtth run and her friend. Margaret was Bcored in the third frame. OD Tl11man ot WaalngtoD. D. C.. reBullock's safety. two stolen bases cently'released from the Waves as and a wild throw at the plate. & Lt. Ug) will leave today to moIn the mea.nUme, Thorbahn's to the west coast. On Sunday Installed bT Exllerts steady pitching held Manoa to one Mrs. Van Klrk and her brother Immediate',. run In the flnt,. one in the third, Mr. George Bleesing of Rose Val.. but In the flfth they added three ley drove to Brooklyn, N. Y., to markers by bunching· a triple and visit Mr. BleselnKs son George, two singles to tie up the game at who Is spending some time with 5 all. his maternal grandparents. LINOLEUM SHOP That's how things stood when Mary Frances Dimmitt of Rut... 10 W. WINONA AVE. Swarthmore came up for the .nectic ge~ avenue Is studying J1lstory at AT 0BES'1'EB PIKE sixth, an inning· that turned out to the summer session of the Unlve.rNORWOOD be one ot thOS6 merry-g06rou n d sUy ot .Pennvlvanla.. aftalrs where everyone bats and Dr. and Mrs. George 1.. ArmiRidley Park 3115 everyone scoreS. Eleven Hornets !age. George Armitage. and Mrs. faced the Manoa pitcher that G. JL Troxell, Jr. and baby son ot round. one got a single but eight South Chestet road will spend the scored! Fourth of July weekend at Cape Except for two ralnouts still to M~. ~ J. be played, the local boys have Mrs. Peter E. Told and MrS. played twice around the circuit, Percy G. GUbert of Park avenue, ~ompletlnS" the first half of their Mrs. A. W. Bass, Jr. and Mrs. Bummer's schedule. Frank G. Keenen of Harvard aveNo league galnes have been play- nue will drive to Baltimore'. Md .• this weck. but Monday evening tomo.rrow to bring Mrs. William. J. t.bey resume their series when t~ley I ,~~I~~~.! to Swarthmore· to spend mect the fast_stepping Larchmont 1, days. with Mrs. Told. team at Larchmont. Milly McCowan of Vassar aveLeague standings at the half Anne Hilkert ot Riverview way mark are: road; and Julle Lange of Cedar lane lett Tuesday to enjoy camp Won Lost pct. life at the Ellzabet'h Borde~ camp, .700 3 7 Manoa .600 4 Larchmont 6 .583· 5 Swarthmore 7 .550 4 Wallingford 5 ,500 5 Springfield 5 .455 6 Newtown Square 5 .400 6 'Broomall 4 ,270 8 We.tgate HUI. 3 HEDEMARKS usually be a job waiting for you with the telephono Friendly interviewere at any of the officee and daughter Anne of Kenyon avenue wID -spend sunda)' vteltlnc their BOn-in-law and daughter Mr. and Hr& H. Johi> Lumsden of Media, who are vacationing a.t Bea.ch BaveD, N. J. Mr. and Hr& Roy. M. Horaey of • •• • that even though circunistances may make it necea- . ,,_e Blve1'8OD,' PL, -for two Week&; . Mr. and Mra. A. Robb Cochr&n • • • ARMSTRONG DE LUX MONOTILE secure in the knowledge ury for you to move away BOrne day. there Friday's 13-7 Score Is Sea~on's 7th Victory' Ernest O. ~e. :rr•• who antved at hlB home on BaJUmore Pike from .Franklln and M ......haJl College. IB .vacatlonlng at Ocean Cit)'. N. J .• tor 10 d&ys betore returnlng to, the oollege summe. BOhooL Mias. Anna B. Jla,y811 of Prlnceton &veq,u,.18 8pendlng the week --'-"faJ 'N Y a_n .. - dID'~ VENETIAN BUNDS Telephone ... .. HORNETS BEAT MANOA, IN MUD p~ ". PlUDAY. JULy 1,11" ' THE SWARTHMOREAN 6 , Swn.rth more • " ~~~ ".'. ,\ I: l'Il.\IOR/!: <'01./ ,1m I~ I. I B 1/ ,\ I(~+ ." '. "_ _ _IJ INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE .;. :,.,.' • News Notes sar avenue entertained 12 guests at Barbara Thatcher of Cqllegc avenue vj£lited Gerrte Dana of J<;lm avenue at the Dana cOltage at Buck HUt Falls over the week-cnd ot June 22. Mrs. Donald P. Joncs and children, of Dickinson avenue returned last weck-cnd from n. two-week vacation at Ocean City where Mr. Jones Joined thorn for week-ends. Mrs. Alvah Wood Stuart ot Vas- bridge and a handkerchlel showor Tuesday evening June 26 to honor l\o'[rs. l\lclvln R. Haupt of Vaaar avenue who left Swarthmore last week to reside In O!ange. N. J. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Bates and their son John of Yale avenu~ accompanied by Eddie Gibson of Park avenue spent the week-end of Juno- 22 as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Clark of Fairfield. Conn. '. • • There's Security in a , Job with Bell Telephone •• HORNETS BEAT MANOA, IN MUD ~ Ernest O. Lange, Jr•• who arrlv" Elverson, Pa., tor two weeks. cd at bls home on BalUmorc Pike Mr. and Mrs. A. Robb Cochran trom Franklin and Marshall Coll- and daughter Anne of Kenyon ege. Is va.ca.t1onlng at Ocean City, avenue wIll· spend Sunday visiting N. J., tor 10 days before returning their son-In-la.w and daughter Mr. to the college eummeF schooL and Mrs.. H. John Lumsden or Miss Anna B. Hayes ot Prince- Media, who are vacationing a.t ton avenu~ is 8pendlDg the week Beach Haven. N. J. in Buffalo, N. Y., attending the Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Horsey ot convention ot the National E4Uea.- Swarthmore avenue are entortaLnSea~on's tion· AssOCiation to which she Is Ing Mrs. Horsey's sisters M1B¥s a delegate Crom the South Eastern Agnes and Marion Blrrel of GlenPennsylvania. District. dale, Calif., for several weeks. Playing on a. rain soaked field lUrs. Hope Jennings of Westfle- :MIss Agnes Blrrel returned last that made ball handllng next to Id, N. J •• is visiting her sister Mrs. year from China where she was doing missionary work. Miss Marimpossible. the Swarthmore Hor- J . P au I B rown 0 f W a In ut Iane. ion Blrrel served as a nurse. In Tinels trimmed the league-leading Hobby Hopson. Tubbs Meeo- bet. Manoa nine last FrIday evening to wan. Dick Jones. and Bob MoreMr. and Mrs. H. Lindle'y Peel chalk up theIr se\'cnth victory of head of Swarthmore, and Bob and Ginny and Craig Peel of Colthe season. The score was 13_7. Riddle of Rose Tree have returned umbla. avenue left Wednesday for Wet grass and muddy basepaths home after vacationing at Ocean a 10~day vacation at Beach Ha.ven. prevented both teams from putting City and Capo May for a week. Crest. on th~lr best performance and Mrs. Frank G. Keenen of Har~ Mr. and Mrs. HoweU Lewis were responsible for most ot Manvard avenue entertained Wednes~ Shay and da-Jghter Eunice of Cor. oa's nine and Swarthmore's four day at dessert In honor oC MIMes nell avenue returned Monday tol. errors. Agnes and Marlon Blrrel who are lowing 10 daY8 spent in Seaside The locallUes took a one-run in visiting their sister Mrs. Roy M. Park. N. J. the first when Dana. Swan singled Horsey of Swarthmore avenuc. ~::::::::::::::::::=::=::::::::::=::; and drove In George Swan from Mrs. Elizabeth Van Kirk ar& third. Three more tallics were add- rived at the home of her mother, ed in the sccond on three succes· n.lrs. Martha. R. Blessing of Elm sive hits by Streeter. Bradford and avenu~ Saturday evening by plane Steel-Aluminum or \Vood Bh·d. supplemented by an error from San Francisco. Cal. Mrs. Van and a baso on balls. The fifth run Kirk and her friend. Margaret was scored in the third frame on Tillman of Wastngton. D. C., reBullock's safety. two stolen bases cently, released from the WaveB as and a wild throW at the plate. a Lt. (jg) will leave toda.y to moIn the meantime, Thorbahn's .tor to the west coast. On Sunday Installed by Experts steady pitching held Manoa to one Mrs. Van Kirk and her brother Immedtatel), run In the first, ono in the third, Mr. George Blessing oC Rose Valbut in the fifth they added three ley drove to Brooklyn. N. Y .• to markers by bunching a triple and visit Mr. Blussing's son George, two singles tv tie up the game at who Is spending some time with 5 all. his maternal grandparents. That's how things stood whun Mary Frances Dimmitt of Rut10 W. WINONA AVE. s\..-arthmore came up for the aectic ger~ avenue Is studying history at AT ORESTER PIKE sixth, an inning that turned out to the summer session of the UniverNORWOOD be one of those merry-go-round sity of Pennsylvania.. affairs where everyone bats and Dr. and Mrs. George L. Armieveryone scores. Elevc.n Hornets tage, George Armitage. and Mrs. ~ley Park 3115 Caced the Manoa. pitcher that G. H. Troxell. Jr. and baby son of round. one got a single but eight Smtth Chester road will spend the Follrth of July weekend at Cape scored! Except for two rainouts still to May. rt.t J. Mrs. Peter E. Told and M·rs. be played, the local boys have Percy G. Gilbert of Park avenue, pluyed twice around the circuit, Mrs. A. W. Bass, Jr. and Mrs. completing the first half of their Frank G. Keenen of Harva.rd ave~ summer's schedule. nue will drive to Baltimore. Md .• No Icaguc games have bccn playtomorrow to bring Mrs. William J. this week, but Monday c"cning Kindle}T to Swarthmore to spend the:,.' resumc their scries when loley .Ithrce days with Mrs. Told. meet the fast_stepping Larchmont l'.ltlly McCowan of Vassar aVCteam at I~rchmont. nue, Anne Hilkert of Riverview League standings at the haIr road, and Julie Lange of Cedal" way mark arc; lane left Tuesday to enjoy camp "\Von Lost Pct. life at the Eli7.abetn Borden Camp. 7 3 .700 :;'\[anoa .600 4 6 Larchmont .583 5 7 ~warthlllorc .550 4 5 \VaUins-ford . 500 5 Silring-ficid 5 ,465 6 Nc\\;town Square 5 .400 6 4 Broomail .270 8 3 \Vcstgate Hills Friday's 13-7 Score Is 7th Victory I VENETIAN BLINDS • • • ARMSTRONG DE LUX MONOTILE • ••• HEDEMARKS -' This security is but one of the many advantagee that go with a Bell job. Wages arc good right from the start, and a regular system of frequent raises makes rapid advancement certain. Bell pay. particular attention to clean, light offices and quiet. well·furnished rest rooms-the "little" things that make working more pleasant. Fri the following winners: Streeter, third; older boys. Heading the march Tricyclers Wh(!etbarro\v Race-A. Willis Skit Bernard. first~ Alfred Porter. and George ~Iercc. first; Haines second; Harvey Pierce and Bobby Dickinson and C. McLartY', second; Robbin tying for .third. Blll McIntyre and Charles Laws, Lynn Bernard, first and Molly third; olde-r boys. Hughes. second in the Scooter Cock Fight-Dave Smith. first; Class. George Pierce. second: Teddy BoSandrn, Milne, first; JUdy Amgardus; oldcr boys. Dick ~:lcCor­ merman, second; LoUise Pearson mack. first; Bob Terry, second; .Johnson, third, in Girls' Bicycles. David Tucker. third; 8 to 11. John Fischer, first: Bruce Kahler. Egg Toss-Charles Laws and second; Nowell Snyder. third, Boys· Dave Smith, first; Jim Streeter and Bikes. BIU Fischer. sccond; John Boyle Dorothy Smith, in her great and Teddy Bogardu.s. third; 14 and grandmother's dre89. and Norma up. Bob Land and DIck McCorWilson, Little Bo Peep, in the mack, first; Bill Hoot and Bob Fancy DresB Group. Chambers, second; George ZygSkipper and Sandra. Hkoglund. • mund and David 'rueker, third; 'Mr. and }\frs. America", clinching 8 to 14. the Patriotic entries. BonJe and Rider-·Howard Sheer Mary Willis and NelI Lee whose and John McAlpine, first; Dick usc of the (Jnited Nations as a McCorm!lck and Bob Land tying costume th('me brought thcm high- Bl1!y Hoot I:lnd Bo,b., ... \.chamberH. est honors In the Original Scctton. second: 8 to 11. John and :Mary Phillips. Becond. Seven to 10 year old girls enand Drew 'Vagner, Hugh and 'Billy Joyed gUessing games and circle Marson, third. tn that section. games under ~ direction of Mrs. Susan and Holly TurnCl', Todd Robet·t N. Hilkert. and Donnie Moxey proclaiming NancY Va.n Alen and Anne Coch"'Ve Have Plenty, Let's Share" ran led the 10 to 12 year old lasleading the Floats; Debby and Lois ~ies in slmtliar non-competitive Thompson coming in second with. games . another UNO angle "All Out 4 AcA nove! treasure hunt in which cord"; and Donald, Shirley and 20 articles were' hidden by cnmouJanet Little as ",swarthmore'sFifth Ha~e-:-such as a fil' branch in an Generation" tying Anne Gracey and oak tree-was lod by Mrs. FI'ank David Elliot' for third position. G. Keenen. and ;\It·s. Peter E. Told Cowboy Donald MacEhvce with his and resulted in the. following agod shepherd and Cappy Pcirsol sharp-eyed 13 to 15 year old girl with her Great Dane comprising winnera: Sall)' Alden tying Pauline the Pet ~ection and 'winning first Beneke, first; Ann& Lukens tying and second respectively. Bieh:y Thompson, second; Carolyn TransCerrlng to the high school deFuria. third, Mary Corse, fourth. field after the parade evel'YQne (Continued on Page 6) soon becr..me engrossed in the variety ot games planned for all age Recuperating Jean Lawrence of Moylan who groups. has been acting as councilor at Mrs. \VtJIiam A. neCaindry and Camp Happ!y Valley, Md., since .Mrs, Donald Jones led pre-school completing her first year at Penn children In "Farmer In the Dell", Hall, Chambersburg, was suddenly "~ng around the Rosie'., and the· stricken with· appendicitis, Tuesday like. afternoon. • Ambt'ose Van Alen and Harold Jean is now recuperating at the Ogram· IN} a lIvciy group of olde.· Taylor Hospital, Ridley Park, folboys in a bevy of activities pro- lowing an appendcctomy on Tuesducing the following winners: day evening. HORNETS WALLOP .Ulst~~= ~v~~ LARCHMONT 9-0 - COLLEGE AVENUE FIELD $3.00 PER YEAR SWARmMORE, PA:, FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1946 BORO TURNS OUT TO CELEBRATE GLORIOUS FOURTH AT HOME ... COLLEGE BUYS I MARY LYON Jessie I Gilbert. Margaret Ransburg, Pris- cilla Giles. Patsy Told. Pegb"Y Kce· nen and Anne· Cocht·an ar ....anged bouquets of flowcrs for the patients' at the Philadelphia Gencl'al Hospital at the ·home of 1\1r8. Frank G. Keenen. Local residents are asked to scan flower gardens for bloonls to contribute to this worthy need. FlowSwarthmore College has an .. ers may be left at the Presbyterian nounced the purchase ot the propChurch Wedncsday afternoon. ert~' of Mary Lyon School In tho Jessie Gilbert will be glad to give Borough ot Swarthmore In order information to any college age girls to relieve its shortage of dormitory interested in working with flowers. space for veterans. The school. a preparator)~ school for girls, suspended operation on January 50 1943, and tor tho last three 'Yeurs has been used as a hospital and convalescent home by the United States Navy. The addition of these 10 acres of b:Jl1dtngs and grounds to Swarthmore College will make possible the accommodation of ap~ proximateh-· 150 more veterans. The eol1eg~, normally equipped to house 750 stUdents. has had to E. P. Yerkes of Princeton ave- provide, during the war years. for nue was in Detroit on Thursday, 800 or more students. Part of this June 27, to attend a meeting of the was taken care of by Navy housBoard of Directors of the American ing technique for tnc V-12 unit. Institute of Electrical Engineers to Principally, however, it has meant which he has been elected one oC crowding of tl;1e student body. In U! . directors for a four 'Year term. the past 'Year the facllitlcs have The meeting was held d"Jring the been taxed to the limit by the large annual SUmmer Technical Meeting influx of veterans. The enrollment ot the Institute, , ... hlch was held in for the Spring, 1946 term was ~60. Detroit this year from June 24 of whom 208 were veterans, or 23 per cent of the entire stUdent body. to 28. In the next academic year the Yerkes joined the Institute In veterans will constitute 66 per cent J 915 as an Associate and is now a of the male enrollment. or 45 'Per I'~ellow. He has been active In afcent of the total student body. The fairs of the Institute both nation· em'ollment for the academic year. ally and locally for Borne time. He 1946-47, will approximate 1025. was a member of the Board of 450 veterans, 200 non-veterans. and Managers. of the P'hiladelphia Sec375 women. This constitutes the tion for several years, was chair· largest enrollment in the history of man of the Section .In 1939-40. and has beeJ:l a .member and chairman Swarthmore College and represents ot several committees ot the Sec- un all out effort to provide faemtics and accommodations for tho tion. maximum of veterans. The purHe has fo .... several years been a chase of the Mary Lyon School was member ot the National Commitnecessary in order to permit this tee on Communicationo and a'memdevclopment. ber of the national Membership S':.lch increased enrollment has Committee, ot which he is nOW made necessurt}' an enlarged facDistrict Vice-Chairman. He is also secretary of a special national ulty. The remainder of the plant Committce on Collective Bargain- . is to be converted for the housing ing and Related Matters. Mr. of faculty and fot· additional claBSYerkes is also a member of a com- room space. -'----mittce composed of representatives Released of six ot the national engineering Jesse H. Holmes Sl-c son of societies. that on the Economic Status of the Engineer, and he Is Mr. and 1\1rs. J. Herman Holmes chairman ot one ot three sub-com- ·was separated from the' Navy on mittees . of" that committee, the July 6, and has returned to· hi~ Committee on Collective Bargain- home on Haverfo:-d place. He has ing b":,.~ Engineers in Professional been stnUoned at the Navy Pier, Chicago. Ill. Work. Swarthmore to Use Facilities For Veterans Play Wallingford on Home Field Tonight The Swarthmore Hornets turned on the heat in the first game of the second 'half of their Suburban Junior Baseball Lt:ague schedule Monday evening to trim the second place litrchJ:Ilont team 9-0. It was their second shutout Victory ot the season. While Datton. pitching Cor Swarthmore, was holding Larchmont to one aatet')" tor the seven innings, he and 'hls teammates were smacking O'".lt 10 of their own. Not content to pitch one-hit. norun gan:e. Dalton, first man up In the second inning sparked Swarthmore's batting power with his second home run oC the Beason. With a terrific drive to left that caught the outfield completely ott guard, crossed the plate standing up. That was the only rlJn scored in the second. as Laws filed out to center, Bradford bounded out pitcher to first, and Streeter struck out. TAe first inning g·ot off to a fast start when G. Swam, Thorbahn, and Bullock went down in order on Infield plays, but the second run scored in the third on singles by D. Swan and Bird, plus two stolen bases. Two walks and an error acco'.lnted for another marker in the tourth. Going Into tne fifth three runs to the good! the local boys turned on full steam when D. Swan singled, Bird got on when he was hit by a pitched oall. G. Swan and Thorbahn singled in succession followed by doubles by Bullock and Laws. When the inning was over four runs bad crossed the plate on five hits and an error. The sixth was scoreless but two more taUies were added in the seventh. In the final inning Jones replaecd Bullock at center,. Terr)~ took Bradford's place at right, Bradb~p.r w('nt in for Streeter at second and F'ot'd took over left field. The victor'Y gives the Hornet.'J eJght wins to five defeats for the season. Tonight they meet Wallingford on the College Avenue dia mond and l\l(onday evening trav~l to Westgate Hills for an away game. Time for both game~ Is 6:30. ne w ATTENDS DETROIT BOARD .MEETING Yerkes Active in N at'l Engineer Program Discharged I THIS WEEKS CALENDAR Lt. Tnomas A. Mercer, Son of li'riday, ,July 12 Dr. and ~h·s. E. L. Mel'cer of North 12:15 P.M.-Rotary Club, Paul J. Carey .................................. Ingleneuk Chester road, received his dis6:30 P.M.-Hornets baseball with Wallingford .... CoIlege Avenue Field charge from the Army at Camp Sundu:y. July 14 Dix a few weeks ago, and has re- 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship ............................................. Local Churches sumed his studics at the \Vharton :lIOIiday, July 15 School of the University of Penn6:30 P.;\I.-Hornets baseball with Wcstgate HilL .........:\Vestgate Hill s~·lvanla. Tuesday, .July 18 6: 15 P.M.-Legion baseball with Chester ...................................... Chester Lt. Mercer 'who went overseas in Thursday, .July 18 September. has been stationed in G: 15 P.M.-Legion baseball with Clifton Heights, Co'Hege Aven·.lc Field Oturd, Japan. 8:00 P.M.·-Swarthmorean 'Vrappings ................ Swarthmol'ean Offlce SWARTHMORE ENJOYS TIlE FOURm OF JULY A smart get.ljp for the FourthCool, luxurious slack and combinations in tan or blue that let a fellow feel comfortable while looking his best. OTHER SLACK SUITS 185 to 399 4a.y from a two-week vacation at Cape May, N. J. Mr. Yerkea Joined her week-ends. Jeall Flaher!:3' of UnlTel;8ltl pI""" ,... gnuluated frOm the UIlI. ....nltI Of Penll87l......ta, .TUIl. IT wltll tile 4 _ of Baollelof' of ;' i i 11/.1101/1,· ( 111.1.1.;1: I'; I.IBII.II 0 RUDAY, JULy S, t946 LINOLEUM SHOP When you start your business career with the telephone company, 'You are secure in the knowledge that even though ci~cum8tnncC8 may make it necesBary for you to move away some day, there will usually be a job waiting for you with the telephone coDlpany ncar your new home. "". (;',·1 let '" l.i hr'1r:>, :3,...rnrth rn~irQ, P." THE SWARTHMOREAN 6 rti1.,.~,J.'" I~ ________________________________. J In the day-round progJ".8,m of fun .a:nd pleasure these lively scenes .were caught by Ernest R. Laws, whose camera has recorded borough highlight f Uhf 11· GIllDle Molr and Barbara Moran register emotions roused by the photogra.pheros suggestion that they share a bite' of ice cream with the other when :11 ;"'rt~ i}'· :;eit . the morulnt:' pmes enjo'yed the annual treat. Center, the ladies reach their goal tn thb "grocery dash" which yielded Bcarce Items wttho"".lt ·the accustomed c pa~u n standing in line. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lukens. who planned and ran the adult games, can be found In the background watching the packages 'they ha - wrap dUlna ng ratioa for tile Fourth be tom asunder by the greedy ahoppenL ., .Q.. pe. n prepa~ RIebl. Chart. 1.&_ ~ W .......... &ad (In rear) Jlmmy.Ho .....y reap the fun of coming to the rescue (along with other contemporaries·'. well ..,j lioro....h ..... L - , . of tla. U-J'1IIIJ'.otaa n4 _ e r in the II' cb _ e t 1IIl....... _&. called by Bud Hastlnp In the evelllhg'lI fun. . ,'l'~ . = _...., .........,..,. . ",.. / FRIDAY, JULy 12,1946 THE SWARTHMORE AN FRIDAY, JULy 12, 1946 --------------------.----------~~~~~ 2 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. carroll P. Streeter of Columbia avenue and Mrs. P. L. Stow and daughtor Pat who have. been vtslting tho Streeters spent Saturda'Y in Beach Haven Crest visiting :Mr. and Mrs. H. Lindley Peel and tamUy of Collimbta avenue who Rre vacationing there. Mrs. P. L. Stow and daughter Pat left Wednesday for their homo in Newton. Iowa. following a two weeks visit wIth Mrs. Stow'a .!dater. Mrs. Carron P. Streeter ot Columbia avenue. Mrs. WilUam Ward. III, and :r.lrs. George L. Armitage of South. Chester road. Mrs. J. W. Simmonds of Wallingford, Mrs. H. G. Sweney and Miss Ada Deering of. Chester will spend from Wednesday to Friday of next week visiting Mrs. George Groft of Ocean City, N. J. Mrs. Robert E. White, Jr.• and .baby wlI.l arrive today and join Mrs. White's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kniskern of Riverview road and faml1y Mrs. Hoi F. Roberson of Albany. N. Y .• and MIsII LllUan 14. Rober- 80D of New Rochelle. N. Y,o leave today following a week's visit with ::Mrs. A. E', Longwell ot Lata,yette avenue. Mrs. Wallace LIppincott, Jr.• ' of' Park avenue and Mrs. calvin Gerner of Prospect Park arrived home Sunda.y fr~m Rehoboth Beach. Del.• where they havo been vaca... tloning for a week. Mr. and Mrs. samuel D. Clyde ot Ogden avenue were hosts to members ot thelr famlly at dinner on JUly -• . The \VolUen's Society of Christian Service of the Metbodist Church spent Wednesday as guests ot Swarthmore residents Mr. and Mrs. George H. Detweiler at their Bummer home in Ocean City. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. R. Morgan. Jr., at Bouth Chester' road-. are receiving congratulatiOns on the birth. of their llret Child. a daughter, Carol Ann bom June ZI, In the Taylor Hoopltal. Mrs. Lewis F'.1esell. of Benjamin avenue entertalned at deBBert on West avenue. is the baby's paternal Monday afternoon In hODor of M'nt.. grandmother. William J. KindleY who was visitIng Mre. Peter E. Told of Park Dr. and Mrs. Lewis FU8B8ll, Jr., ot Concord. ~, announce the avenue. of their second BOn, Lewis ,. birth Norman, t;'n Tuesday. July 1, at ENGAGEMENT Mr. and' Mrs. Walier H. Baird, the Massachusetts General Hos .. of Dartmouth avenue. announce pltal In Boston. The baby Is the granddaughter the engagement of their daughter.J ean MacDonald to Hr. John of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. R. Mor'Vesley Grigg. Jr.. 80n of Mrs. Wesley Howard Faunce. ot Elk- gan. ot Strath ridge. Md. The wedding will: take place early In September. Mr. and Mrs. ,Joseph Schubert of "The Cottage", Dickinson ave- nue entertaJned the former's slater Miss Marle Schubert ot Ma... plewQod. N., J •• as their guests the to spend a few weeks. at Mana- week-end ot June 30. looking. N. ;I. Ml'8. Percy O. Gilbert of Park avenpe entertained at dessert· on Tuesda.y In honor of Mrs. P. L. Stow who wus visiting her sister. Mrs. CarToll P. Streeter of Columbia avenue and Mrs, WilHam J. Kindle)' who was . visiting- .Mrs. Peter F.. Told of Park avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hopson of Rutgers avenue were hoats to 16 guests at a picnic Bupper on July Fourth. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Lewis L. Tanguy of Rutgers 'avenue entertained at a. small picnic supper on July Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. George A. S~1th, ~r., of Haverford avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ryan and daughter Vonnle of Westdale avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Irwin of Merlon Golt Manor spent the Fourth of July week-end on the Smiths' boa.t uLorowa" on the Chesapeake Bay. Mrs. E. Van S. Cleveland re~ turned Wednesday last to her Park avenue home following a. three wet!k visit with her brother-In..l.,w and sl8ter, Mr. and M. W\I1~ H. Baldwin -of Larchmorlt; N. T. Peggy Keenen of Harvard avenue and Jane Davia of avenue will leave tomorrow Camp-Edi-On, YorJi Haven, several weekS. Judy Ammerman. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Amme~man of Amherst avenUe .lett July Fourth tor Ha.wkeye Trail camp. Hawk.. eye, N. -rIO to spend the summer. Yr. and Mrs. D. D. Dic.klnaon and children of Park avenue roturned Sunday from a. week's triP BlR'ntS Mr. and 101.... Avery Blake of Amh.rst avenue enterto.lned lut Wedn_y following the lacroeoe geme In honor of Mra P. L. Stow· who was visiting her lister. Mrs. Carroll P. Stre.ter ot Colnmbla a.venue. Mrs. Av.ry Blake of Amheret Mr. and Mrs. A.. 1':. Shel)kle of Dickinson avenue entertained Mr~ and Mrs. Warren Jones of Dallas, Texas, as their guests on the Fourth of July.' :M:rs. Vivian Mayn of East Orange, N. J. t spent four days over the Fourtll ot July . holidays as guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Shenkle. Jean Brown ot North Chester road Is spending the summer with her uncle Mr. W. C. Greer at Stone Harbor. N. J. Billy Brown. of North Chester road left June 28 tor Camp Idlewild. Lakeport. N. H.. to enjoy ca.mp Ute for the summer monthS. Mrs. Lorene McCarter of Vassar avenue left Saturday with friends from Phlladelph1a on a 10-day automoblle ,trip to Ca.pe Cod. Mass. Mrs. ArthUr W •. Kent ot· Park Ridge, Ill .• 18 vtsltlng friends and relatives In Wa.rsa.w, N.Y. She will spend the last two weeks of J'uly at Chautauqna. N. Y •• .and pl&.ne to be In 8warthmore for the month of August. Hr~ 8.l).d !Irs. Ra1:ph,C- Bauer and dauBht6r of' park; ·~...~nue will move today to Wasti1nSton, D. a. where they will make their new home. Mr. and Mre. JoeePh H. Per. kina. Jr., of Walllngford. are recelvlnc COngratulations on th~ birth ot their first ohild. a son. born MondaY, July 8, in Media. HOJIPltaL Mr. and Mre. Joeeph H. P.rkl.... ot Cedar Lane. are the grandparents. 13 South Cheater Road CaD Swarthmore 0476 FREE S.....y (MUtts ~~\~~!1 ..H~,•.•• VANDERBILT BOYS, Diversions; ALAN STERLING, Tenor; CLEM FOUST 'In a Novelty; DOT :';:;:;;;;~.;d~ii"'1 GARCY, Mimic; and Others. 'Tomorrow is forever' WITH Onon Welles Claudette Colbelt Gecw,e Brent Standard Decorative and Novelty Candles SUN... MOI'I". BerIIua Sbouwyclt Park Troll.,.. (conn"iCilnl wl!h PTC and DauDhln St...) and lUI out. E Go to Wood,lde Park cand Crystal Pool. 'Iy Reputation'· TOE&. .. WED. 7 • ....,. Scott AND ..1 • PdlL'· :..(r.·if·Ia.·· . ~ .,• .-;;'-0.......... __-.;_._'..._..... " ......-,.:....... ., I c~s "Orchi.d8 AllDtJlJIi' .IWL. .... lis : IF 'i, ... '*...... 'iio·.. ' d..··Ift. , ......I;0',,;..o•.t..~ ... Oi c·......· . .;;;· . ... . There will be a celebration of HOly Communion at· 8' o'clock Sunday morning. At the 11 o'clock sen1.ce of Morning Pra,lyer, the Mrs. Lewis Pierce ot Harvard Reverend James 14. COllins will a.venue spent from Friday to Tuespreach. day of Jaat week as the· guest of M1as MarIe Palmer of Dear Mountain. N. Y. Science Church M~~ and Mrs. Heaton D. McCray. "8a.craUtent" 1a the subject of Jr., of Co.rnell avenue have sa the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches their house guesta, Mrs. Kc~'s ot' Christ. SCientist. on Sunday, 8iEtera, Mrs. F, 14•. Pant&er and BOD July 14. The Gold.nTen Is: Teddy of Sheboygan. Wis., ·.and "The cup ot blesSing whlch we bless. Is It. not tbe communion of Mr. Paul R. - Gibson at Parkersthe blood of Christ? The bread burg. West Va.. and Mrs. W. which we break, Is it not the com- Schaetter Smith ot Vento.,... N. J. munion of the body of Christ 1" Dr. and·Mre. Henry J. Weiland (I CorInthian 10:16). and. David and Patricia ot South Cheate'" road 8Jlent ""veral of laet w.ek In Vlrglnl... After v\altNews Notes Ing relatlvea In Blacksburg. Va.. they returned bome by. way ot the Jean GemmlO. ot' Thayer road. Sky-llne Drlve. Is vlsUng her cousin, William Holmes Duvall Brown. Jr.. of Mr. and Mrs. 'llobert WlIkinaon Huntington, West Virginia. for a of Dickinson avenue 'vl81ted Mr. week. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Sweet and· son, Don ot Ga.rrott aveD,ue ~ will leave the latter part of' this week for the west coast. dan vlaltlng hie brother in Beaton. Mr. and l4re. Arthur W. B1nD8 and 80n David of MuhlenbQJ'S ave· nue ha.ve been eD.joylDg week..eDd.B at thew farm. Hudoon·. DellPt. near ca.m.brldBe• .M.d., on the Eaatoo ern Shore. Recent peata to enj07 the 88 I11D S' and aw'mmtn.. wUh t,hem were Mr. and l4re. T. BarIlI&Y Whitson and daughters Ruth and Anna of Hoylan. DurlnC the put yew; Mr. B1nD8 has spoken to croups of properQt owners In 61 clUe. in ·rep.rd to the organ1za.tion of the National Home and Property Owners Foundation of which he Is president. Kr. and Mrs. BlDna expect. to spend, AugUst a.t their ranch near Estes Park, Colorado. MlsBea Adrienne BDd FranceShero ot North Cheat... road lett Saturday to spend two weeks at Eagles· Mere. Mr. and Mra Wl\Ua.m Jo.. De WHEN THE NEED ARISES " .... Mn. Co1oIIe1's c1ewted 10 sable, And indulges a fonclDeos for peals; She bas _Is to wait OIl her table, And abe &oIics with c1ukes mel with -.II. The ~-nerlcan Legion AuxlUary requests that no more magazlnes or other articles be left at the home of Mrs. Oscar GllcreesL It' anyone has a surplus at GeogQphl~,· Reader'8 Digest, Rel1gtous pamphlets and similar periodicals, no'Sa:turday Evening Posts or Coiners. Bend them to Perry Point Governm-ent Fac11lt!Y', Perry Point, Md., Care of Recreational Director. The committee extends its thanks to all tbose who so generously contributed and co-operated with the Auxiliary in their past appeals. And bal."""" bocIgeta em air. In aocia1, finencja! « . . groapI They _ will meet in tlIB lifeF.... one is a bJue.b1ooclcd bimbo, And _ is • 'II"I&e carra'..... • CHURCH SERVICES Bot each baa • sh:a:p eye for bagaIm, ADd plain for the whole wodd to - - , SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. David Braun, Mlnlsh'lr 11 :00 A. M.-The Rev. Charles A. They IIOTII buy the same grade ol ....... When tbey'n: bayiDg dcctridty. , Anderson. I 11 :00 A. M.-Morning Prayer and Sermon. ·The Rev. .James M. Collins. ~ . . . . "THIt. SLBC'IUC fIOIUR" .... ....,. A ..... metW. PI' . . $ . . . . .g". •• • » ."MI• .-an'. cas H ....... & ~ PHILADELPHIA ~_}~LECTBIC. CQMPANY. c•. :.';. ' . :'~;,.~:':··f'> .,. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS . "WEDNESDAY • ,10 A. III. to S:IO P. M.-Sewlng and quDtlq In Whittier House. Box luneheon. AU !'-l'8 cordially Invited. FIRST CHURCB OF CHRIST SCIENTIST OF SWARTHIIORJD' ParII: Avenue Below B..-vard SUNDAY _--... I p No'tice .. Our Service Department Will Be CLOSED ONE WEEK August 12, to 17, Inclusive GasoOne Service Station Will Remain Open HANNUM & WAJTE Yale Ave and Chester Road Swarthmore 1250 "'~'S!I!I!I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , , ... .~ , . • II tl t • - :,,; .. , . ,... .'. ,. .. GJOD PAY REGULAR INCREASES JOBS WITH A FUTURE IN SUBURBAN , PHILADELPHIA :n· , 1 , .•. f ••• , .'." r .. , • ,. .! .. .. _. , .' .. -. ....... GOOD PAYI You'll be earning good money right from the start when you come. to work for The Bell Telephone Company. Inexperience is no himdicap-you'll get a good salary while you are' leaniing. And .incrcases are frequent and regular, assuring you of rapid advancemenL Everyone gets holidays and vacations with pay. A GOOD FUTURE: , , STARTING NOWI Telephone work is interesting, pleasant and varied. Recreation programs are arranged for all tholO interested. Your fellow-workers are pleasant, helpful, friendly-the sort of people you'll be glad to be with. both during and after hour.. DAYTIME LEISURE I Some jobs provide many daytime leisure hours-ideal for girls Who like to be outdoors in the sunshine or who haVe household duties. • • • .....: ~-; .. .':-' :: -' .' ~ .. . . -. You'U be welcome at any oj the Employment J1ieu lured befOUl, o ....,...,.::'\ WIIIBLmY .. 410 York II J 4S And_n Av...... All are cordially Invited to atteDd. A. IL li:. CllURCH . JIMr. II: H. ·.1onea, pastor U,.. A. IL-Koninc Wor+ltlp, . . _ :115, McC1atdl/ ..........6tth ..... Mak........,s, Upper DarIty • " .. '" .,. II ....Iv . . ) : :.. 1:lr ~ 17.... L ..... '...~.. 1: .• ; SIr... 1631 Arch ..\:; • -"~...... ' . -~- ....... ~. •• ' .,..-- SIr... , "'R.'~~~' Mn ....· _ . ~. ,.X:,,' , . , ..\1' , ....... .. " • y . '. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA 11 :00 A. :M.-Sunday 8ebool. U:OCt A... JI.-Sunda7 LeI:8on Sermon. Wedneeda.7 e.venlng mMtln.. .aeh week, • p. m. Readlna room open 4aDF "cept Sundays and hollda:rs U to I p.m. 1Vednealay evenlne. 7 to T:50 p.m. &1111 9 to • ,10 p.m. Ch"- JCdI1Ice.. . ,..... -- lIMY A. MIl. Pi " ------------------------------------------------_._----------- ehrlsUan Anderson. Rector SUNDAY o •• UN ••'ALI ... ' • TRINITY CHURCH 11:00 A. II.-MeeUna. .,~ • .'. . .. \ ., .. SUNDAY. JULY 14 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. or cottage-there is only one grade of electric service-lhe besl. Mrs. Colonel may use more electricity than Judy, but kilowatt-hour for kilowatthour, it's the same power-ready, dependable and cheap -t\a.,nksto your friends and neighbors in this company. • '820 CHISTNUT STREIT B L ..... --~ . 10:00 A. M.--church Scliool Qeo. ; DI •• cro.. c.. .--- rom :Major Robert Eo Molstt UBA.. who has been Stationed in India and China for the past 31 montha with the Army Air Forces, arrived In San Francisco, CAl .• by plana on ________. ____________ ." _.- 14HTHODIST CHURCH Rev. '. I ,. f' ". ;' _,' .1· .. t • , .• 1 I . ' . I OLIVER H. BAIR CO• • RaJ' N. Kelse!L-U.D.• Mlnlater. SU!'IuAY, No. this is DO grim oocIal thetb, No hattie of HawS and IJaw.noIs; It mcn:Iy points Onl that both IacIieI, DO donbt, Are c:ousiDS 1D ki\owotb. 'I • •• ! ,,,. Mr. and Mrs. Wlllla.m A. Brown and daughter are residlng tempor.. arHy in the home of Lt. Comdr. and Mrs. Donald G. Follett ot Bar... vard avenue while they are vacationing In Avalon. N. J. :Mr. and Mrs. Brown recenUy returned from five weeks spent In Avalon. Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. J01mBon ot South Chester road left yeaterda.y to spend three. or tour weeks at J'ob's Pond. Vermont. Mr. and Mrs. A.. Sidney Johnson. Jr., and chlldren of Lata;yette avenus win spend- a. week with them. MlLlor and Mrs. CharI.. Eo H_ of Park avenue spent last weekend In New York City. Home F • .:.::. , .•. ' , ,. EXTENDS THANKS Bat Judy buys bals in the basement, ADd watches he< p""nies with CIIc; She moDs through the town in a neat hand·me-down, .. . - ..eeka ~a:n:d::)[~nL:::~:.~1V:II1::ar::d~o:t~G::ard::e:n~C~I:t:v~.~J~~~n~e~30~.~ i,,;;;o"'J~").;~: :;",.,~;' ' .. ; .~':.\: .....,; :.c··. "'.,, ~.'. ~ .,i" H. baa joined hie wlte and ..,n Co""" quartermuter OD Wec1D..• Dobl»' ot Park avenue "hlle day. J:aly • . at camp AtterbUl'J'. awaltinc a new Ullpment In the Ind.. followlnC liVe 'and one-haU States. y ...... of duty. He Ie a~ his parenbl home on Harvard avenue with HoawApiD Capt. ~n KoI£In received his ·wife and mnall oon. Jo)o, .RatI· hie c1Jach. Ie from the ArIn'y Air ton. _______________ ! Oariat;an IN MANSION GreetiDJ Cards , Long IaJand. a tew d&1II of _ week and .pent the week-eDd at Ll.ureJ, Long Ialand. CpL H. W. ·Da.v1dooD wall 4Iaobarpd from the Army Air C _ at JI'ort Meade. Md.. on J\117 '. He lIaa joined hie mother. :Mn. H. 0.. Davldoon at their home Oil Guernsey road. Marlo Plerpolene of l..&ta)'eUe avenue, a deatan eqlneel" tor W8IIt-inchouse, bas been elected aec.r8tary and. treaaur..r of the ;Jr. Jo.. S. III. E. He sp.nt the week-end Sunday morning at the 11 o·clock. service the guest speaker wlll be the Rev. Charles A. Andel"8On. Director of the Department ot' HI8tol'Y. Presbyterian Church. Miss LalB Pearl Hoon and Mrs. Henry E. Jackson will assist the mlniBter in extending greeUngs to the COn8Tegatlon at air. the Harvard avenuo entrance. It walks with me down the dim alalea ot duak. The leaves are whispering in the Metbodist Church Notes kindly breeze, Th. Church School will be In Would I might know their secret session every Sunday during the message. summer at 10 o'clock. Clasaes are I th1nk they speak of Ufe, and love. provided for childfen ot all ag88 and Joy. ' and tor adulta A woodthrWlh IIUJIhea torth lte twlThe subject of t'ho sermon a.t light hymn, • the 11 o'clock service will be To close the acene with loveUest slumber BOnc. "What Is YO"".1l" Na.me?'" The darkn888 deepens, I can onl"" The Church Nursery will be , S1W. open during" the morning service.· Come star-gemmed night, aDd the Calndr:v of Walnut Jane entertalnMrs~ John Spahr will be in charge. "Goodbye sweet day;" ed Polly; Harrison of Chevy Chase. Eo C. Walton. Md., formerly. ot swarthmore. sa their house guest for the past three NEWS NOTES Carns delivers OR ANY EVENT in .June. Th •. sun has lingered long. but stili 18 loath To lower nights curtain on the flowers and trees. Hie well lov.d children. Ilvlng In hie warmth. A goodly presence tUle tho cooUng Trinity Notea ",cilsncI('s I(IDDIIS' HOU., :I P.... riAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS THEATRE I~ .,' . "I:'=============F============,J, Sabb.th Eve In J _ PI! .byterian Ch...ch Notes· How sweetly comes the sabbath eve , Loveliness That Riscs to Any Ocassion -,nth MEDIA . . Second Clam Matter, .Jan..,. ... 111., at tire PCMJt OfDoe at swarthmore. PL. under the Act of _ •• 111 •• En~red WID Do It DO YOU KNOW The Sure cure for Dr Auto Tronblel JUST OALL MolD ZFIIFF--SEELY INER RESHER LOWERS KARJOBDD TOLD.' QQIate 'B41tor ROIIIIlJe PeInoI ADDe N. 000Iu"aIl""' FRIDAY, JULY 12,.1946 BEAtrrY SALON The marrlage at Mtss Jane Stod· dard Seely, daughter ot Mrs. Walter Hoft' Seely and the late Mr. Seely. formerly of Swarthmore, to Mr. Wllllam Hopping ZeUff, of Woodmont, Conn., took place Wednesday, ~une S8, in the Woodmont Chapel, Woodmont. In the presence of the immediate lamHles. The Rev. Quentin de Young, pastnr ot the church officiated. M'" Nancy B. Seely. of Philadelphia. was her sister's onlY attendant. and Mr. Ray Lanole. brother.in-law at the bridegroom. was beat man. The brlde was given in marriage by her mother. A graduate of Swarthmore High School, class of ·16, the brlde at ... tended Swarthmore College and the Royal University of Florence, Italy. She 10 ....oelated the Readers' Digest. Atter a wedlling trlp' In New EnCgland. Mr. Zelltf and hls- bride wIll live at 17 Chapel at.• WoOd mont. Mr. and Mrs. Millard McLain and daughtel'8 Jane and Susan of Clnclnnatt. Ohto, formerlly of swarthmore are vlBlttng Mrs. McLain's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Foster of Sprlngf\eld. Pat Kline of Park a.venue returned - Monday from Ocean City. Yd., where ahe was a guest for two· weeks of her aunt Mrs. Norman Suillvan. to Bay View. N. c. Mr. and Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert Bandy Kline I.tt thlo week 'for and daughters Jeaa\e' &nd Harrlet Camp Sinking Cr••k. C.nter Hall. FOI\ and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van Alan Mr. and Mrs. A.. H. Knabb of and daughters Nancy and Carol Princeton avenue have as their enjOyed a. picnic supper a.t the guest Mrs. Knabb's slster, Mp. R. Cill Gilbert'. Park avenue home on G. Chapel of Wa.rren. Mrs. Uoyd E. Kaaffman July Fourth. Jane Matthews ot Elm avenue s,.a. IIOSG Bob '.Longwell of Lafayette ave.. FranC6ll ~vans of COllege a.ve.--.--'"-'~nue visited his uncle. Mr. Dan-. lett Saturday with Mr. a.nd . UNITY ASSEMBLY ?drs. Alan Matthews and son Da .. leI Longwell at hlB farm In Con07 Artlngton. Va.., to spend two JJmoa.ch Ba1I 10:30 A.M. F.'YPl'J' Wedr )IlY nectleut. )Irs. G. H. lJunlon and da.ugh- I,,'celk. at the Matthews' cottage on ZELIA IlL W AVrERS. '811 Iter E...,--WeI_. ters Barbara anel Chrlattne of Ss.n L8.ke WinnelJesaukee. N. H. Franclaco, Calif., are vtsltlng "MH. Mrs. Howard Hopson of Rutgers avenue was hoste88 to her b~ldge Bunion's· paren~, Mr. and Mrs. club. Albert H. Osterman of Rutgers Billy and Nell Lee of Lafayette a ...enue for the summer. aven".1e are spendini three weeks Pa.t Francis of Ogden avenue with Mra. L. ~. Servais of DlcklnIIpent last week_end In Beach Bon avenue. Haven, N. J .• visiting trlends. KI'II. Bamuel D. Clyde and Mrs. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chari .. V. Tbackara. and daughter VI~nllL Francl. of Ogden a.ve· nue left Thursday for Wellsboro. Mre. Tbackera and VI~nla will spend two or three weeks there an4 lin. Clyde will remain for the summer. FBI. .. SAT. Lorene Mccarter Make Your Oar Last &be Duration-Regular Bent"" The Bouquet The marriage ot Miss Anne Crothers Henry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Palmer Henry ot :Plush Mill road, Wallingford. to Mr. Thomson .Hastinp Littleft.eld. son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. LittlefIeld of Swarthmore place will take place Saturday, July 20. at,.6 p.~. In· SL Peter's Church In the Great Valley, Paoll. The Rev. J. Jardin .Guenther will orrlela-te. Miss Carol!)rn P. Henr)-, sister of the bride. wtll attend as maid of honor, and the bridesmaids will be Miss Betty Ellen Llttlerield. 81,ter of the groom. and Miss Theodora Hulme ot Westdale avenue. The best man will be Mr. Charles Bolte of New York City. and the ushers will be Mr. Mills Ten Eyne of Schenectady, N. Y .• and Mr. Richard Callard of Edgewood, R. I. mo.. RUSSEU.'S SERVICE Ha~v~e~n~a~v~e~n~u~ei·ii~~ii~iiii~iiii~~iiii~~ WEDS JULy 20 'I'HE SWAR'I'HMOREAN h PlJBilT iI'JI8 IEYIlMa::O EVERY ll'BIDAY AT SWAp!'llMOIUQ, TBB SW.&BTIDIOBE'N. PIJIU·WH+:R !'boDe. 8 . . .4 ...... PlIfl'Eft JII. TOLD. EdItor a THE SWARTHIIOREAN ';"~"~~~•.'-. • .: NEW BALL TEAM FORMS AT SCHOOL Endless Variety Continues In Summer Activity ;Jlpt Lauder. baseball coach' tor the : Hornets and the American 4g\on ball team. is spending a gteal'deal ot time these afternoons aad fevenlngs with the Swarthmore cllpj>er•• BO;•. from th~ f1rth.1IXth ~d :scventh grades make up this gtot.iP. Mr. Lauder says he enjoys ""rklng wllh the Clippers beoa""" tlJet. show a tremendous auiount o~ ~tUra1 baseball skill and have p,omiso as future baseball playe",. ! Their line-up includes: Gteer. - catcher; fIrst base; Shellrer, - second base: u..nt, - short stop; Hlilreri. _ ihlrd bllJle; :m:.0l. D"~, man• trailer•. J 9,hn TllUr Teen ~e. cookies. The IIIrls made red. Jebby Tw:ner. and Bobby SmIth white. and blUe place carda. The cl..... collected. dime. and gave Nelplayed houoe ·Irudde. Susan CamP- son. a fl:8h1ng rod. A wondel1ul bell and Barbara Warburton .Itwent tlme w.:s had by alL to sleep" tn the teed-boX tn the At College Avenue AI Gwynn Is barn. Thel"wJl.1"bed- the building of McCormlc, Chainbe.... Gbrl,n. ~ M.eeban. MPAJplne, outfielders: Swann, - pitcher. :G ilrln. Shearer and Lane will also' have a. chance to pitch. The Clippers are leu.rning the 'hook sl1de, correct form or hltting; inethods ot tellding. and what Jim 'Lauder calls "smart .baseball" which will become second 'nature 'WIth the boys as they become ald. er. Ladder is very pleased w~th~the enthustlUlln ot :Swarthmore motb'~rB and fathers who come out to tho ball games and who assist and ..,cooperate .~th t~e tearns. :S:e says ',there is: nothing like the ·grea.t .'Amerlcan: game otbaseball . tor :health happiness and good tratn.jng. . . .- At.: H;utgers . Avenue new. sand bas arrived fol'J the nursery group and excited children gather around -witb,·., buckets. shovels· and toy ,J;rti.his.; With ..proper Bound' effects -hChocky" Barnes runs a trupk :I>ver a road. uHe ran over my ~'cake," t~om.Jerry. Ta.ylor. "That's ..the bak~rt,· 'Chocky," . can you : make the road go over here," oks teacher. Roslyn .plays the plano ~nd "Skip'" 'Bernard announces :ibat he WBB In the parade on the ;:j.ourlh of J'uly. Eddie Shultz rldeB i:h.e bike around the room. Jane .:aogarq.u.••. !l-nd Shirley Little pl ..y tea-party. but 8top to watch Anne ~1 swing trom rung to rung on the umepry play.'" Now it's time for mid-morning lunch and rest, and t11:en outdoors. The four-year-oIds viatted the Morrow Farm. Lise Waldman, Barbkt.ra Moran, and Peter F...ssl climbed up a ladder to the top of the chicken hOUSE: to watch th~ Dlother pig~.on reed her baby squabs. On the.. farm Is a house Npy;.. ..... JMMEDIA'fE DELIVERy ON SMALL RADIOS RADIO Bobby Bradshaw said,' "The jUngle zoo.'~ sald. "I'll be . . ,Jerry ... the keeper and you can be the anim.aL'" .. '. I .'. ~'. 1 "Timo for crackers," said 'Sahdra Young who l.Jlclp", with ~ the group, and all the chlldre:h Bat down in the shade of the tree ~or "te&_par.tv oq ." The .primary grO".lP '(chUdr/:m who have finished first and second grade), are bu~~on> 0468-8 lunches to News Notes Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kelly of Phil·a d e I phla. will occupy the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hunt at G04 Elm avenue this Bummer while the Hunt's are vacationing on a ranch in Wyoming. ~therine SparhD:owk Smith and Dorothy Bransford Smith. daughters of ::Mr. and Mrs. Morris S. Smith of Richmond, Va.. will leave tomorrow following a visit of saveral weeks with their grandpar .. ents. Mr. and Mrs. Morris E. Smith of Cornell avenue. 8~TEST CHOCOLATE ',. 'iii~[l;;;~T~he~ ~BINK !i' ~ Swarthmorean. . .".,.,.... Reply '. • • -1 LtstIngs 8oUclted. W. S. Bi'HIe & Son remea,. all kind New or Old MORTON RmnUGERATION ), Rug. and Carpet. .SwUtIunc!re 0764 to ~;::~;::~::;::~;::::;::~;::~=; • _ .. W"" Ua&II 8p>'j11C. 'DIe .... to do tat z10r rind." . . 811W'... I II1II DOW IIr"IIC ester... _ r. 1I»i1iC. ~ III So. CBE8'l'ER.ROAD s~M~' .. PhOl~e FOR RENT Plan DOW !be bome y_ want RENT-Airy bedroom. Near transportation. GenUeman preferred. Call SW9.l'thmore 2808-J. FOn RENT-Large, cool, comfortable room, aecond floor. Homelike Bur· J)airable lola avau.ble Charles E. Fischer Builder White IMd and IJ1II'e ltD' ott WIed Oft all exterior •••• "..........................62.094.91 notOli. and de~i;;b..·(·i~clud·i~g .&tock of Federal bank) ......,,,'; ........ with other " Work Gua''CInteed • SwartIm»n 217S.R ELECTRIC SERVICE Radio A AppHance MORTOHREfRlGWnOH Appliance Seroice ICo,mmlerciial and DOlllleslUc--' Prompt Servi~l,tefriger­ ators, Washers,· Vacuum For Information -,-onCOAL LUMBER BuDdirig Materials Call ' MASON BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY -- 331 Dartmouth Avenue We IIlao 0;81" b........ .ra-.e oed alumlnmn doom Oeaners, Radios ~ ~ ... ,_,,.." .. ____~110~ t""."- . C.H.REYNOLDS ·1173 Mcwlob A.e. .III! loll, ._ ;1-.P.. RatIec1p, P.. •• - , .• - ' . . . . . . .!I"II ." i' ~~==-'-.:~~~~::~="":~~.~~"'!~~~~~~~~...~-~~~. ,.-. , .• ,~,,""~-",,' ... _.......~: •• : .-~-_". ·····;;ii~··:::::::::::::::::::: (and reUrement accoQnt for· preferred stoCk) ...................................... 200,000.00 45.428.35 2T,613.61 Total Capital Accounts., 398.036.9-1 Total Liabilities and Accounts ..........$6.829.695.19 Ca.pltal • Pledged MEMORANDA.. (and aecurlaNlets ties. toaned) (book value) ! United States Government oblhratluns. direct and guaranteed. pledged to secure deposits and other llabl1itt"!s ................................ 1,06'.498.62 -1IIN SI!arJ-ecI by Machine T-ltal .................................,.,$1.064493.62 Secured liabtlltlcs: • Deposits secured by pledged. assets pursuant to requlremants of law .•'_ 610,23'1.05 0tJ- tools abo abarpmell Total ........................ _..... _...$ 880.23700& State of Pe1!nsylvanla, County of Del.. Lawn Mowers • Sp ".iC Sbinlrlina • Si r Ir ·······4·····_ •• $79.119068 . an ............... 1.434.~ -.- HARRY A. BREHL and :::'t!.NI, ~--.- ~ l'=~;":::;:~:::':.: ft..t..II .......... Jo.,••.• ,.,,,,.. PROMPT SERVICE call Swarthmore 1984 . 9.760.00 and CBllh Items 9t collectIon.... Phones 8130 & 24525 104 CorneD AY_lIe SwarIhmore, P - 132._06 Includln&, re88rV8 CBARLESWHITE Chester Sta- 393.204.01 pa1ntIDg. Repairs GUAJU)IAlf. TIle aboVe aooount. hall been IIle4 .ID th6 om.. of _ l'rOtIIoIiotaI'Y a!Id WIll be -.ftrmod by. 0&14 Caart Oil lui)' . PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING . vacuum cleaners. range8. ·lrOns. toasters, fans and lamps. -AlBo, wiring, old nnd new. Repaira--eervloe--lnsta11atll?n. All work done In compliance .wlth Fire Undervtrltel1l' requirements. Estimates ch~rfully given. Call ErIch IJ. Hausen. Swarthmore son from B to 9 A.M. and after & p~ PERSONAL-YOUng girl will baby oil atterqooMl and ·~,nlnllll ~urlD,l' week~ne Swarthmore 1"1,,4. IN THE COURT OF COJ[MON PL1iIAS OF DELAWARB· COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA No. 865 September Term. 1938 BSTATE OF ADALlNE THOMPSON GUTHRIE PRICE. a _-ml.._ penon FlRtrI' AND iI'1NAL ACCOUNT OF THE . FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MEDIA, :~~~:O- slmoni_ at 70ur home. Beasouabl" Rates 0lI1l SwartIunOre 0lI04 . bet"een a IUld 7 P.M. LancllcapiDa , for &n4' dellvered. Call Ro'bert Brooks. SUPPLEE BROWN. aud HOIIIIRE lleve 70ur car washed aud T.... SuI. ., and PERSONAL--VacuUm cleaners, lrona. touten and r,,410s repaired. Called CHOCOLAft DIINK BOUQUET. Walters' Contladar and Builrler PERSONAIr-tmmedlate 8e'rVlce and repalra on all makes of electric -.nahers (BendiX Included). Ironers, In S5!i~ Wall·ce E. Arlen 302 Gayley Sb eat ; i WALTER V. LINTON PERSONAL 8eatf.et,t for a. full se&son"s .uppi'g TIE IUL· TELEPHbiE CO.,l.'. IF 'E11ISYLVUIA EM. I!lfm TIl Ifecbe . " " roundlnga. convenient to transporta.. tion. Tel. swarthmore 0166-3. ",,4.:::' 'H!~~ull~~i .• u"h.;o , aiiU 8wa. IUlai q.m,- FOR y~ ·Thanks fa. CD.pooringl·, TeL Media Z87Z-R. , . 510 Pennsylvania Bu.lldlng. Phlladelphla.Pa. ..,.1,,,,E>n\·elyn Peck Baird. late of 802 .~. SL Apr. 2. Wilmington, Del. ~~~::t h~t!T~~h::o~m~as Frederick Baird. .has flied a libel In the of DelawBrt3 o! d~~: notlfl.ritd court ~~f;;~1~~:i: ofof'JUly the For Bppoln_ts Media, P.. 062t.· 1541. ~on ~ri:ler. Alteratfons KIm..,., lDm"tloa Oemen' Work evenlnll'8 for appolntmenL FOft SAIZ-Boy'a Elatn bicycle. reasonably good condition. $26. 210 Bar-I vard Avenue. Tel. S~hmore 0589. $3.00 Phone Baldwin 1170 No additional charge for suburban .caDs. Quopenlq Repairs aDd lFOR SALE-Tables couches, mirrors, vacuum cleaner, household articles. '06 Hlllborn Avenu~. saturda.y 9 to 11 and 2 to 4. Or call Swarthmore 0562_1 s...a. to make a «III. a 11"10 light glOWl on the swHe:hboard at the central office. Sometimes '0 manYt..lighti come on at once that the board loob like a '1' Ch •-Islm.......1 P.aple ar. y,l. . the ..Iephone more than ever. And. In order to provtde '8rYlce ,oonar to the many people whO ar•. waltfng for telephones, we',. ",etching oyr $wltchboard fadlitln. Sometime. wa (y,t can't handle the load without delays. Thts b parttcu· larly true durIng the bYIJ hoyn-9 to 11 A..M. and 6 to 8 P.M. So. If tha op.rator doesn't answer Immediately when yOu 11ft tile ... celver. we hope _you'll: . lb,b "tuatfo~" f•. "mpo~rY. ' tl .. ·o... MI'Ylca: ~~~n' to JJ1;k phone HOME 'MPROVEMENTS FOR SALE-Dining room table., chairs. loe bo:c:. trunks. lURQse, other tuml. ture. Call at 143 Park Avenue, Swarth· FOR SALE---Royal vacuum cleaner. Model 117. *26, Phone swarthmore Ignation of SWARTHMORE APPLlIANCE principal place ofCENTER, business with at 406Its Dartmouth Avenue. SW9.rthmore. Penna. The- names and nddres~es of all perBOr.S owning or' Interested In said bust_ ness are Aloort C. Salkowe. 5718 Hazel Avenue. Philp., Pa.• and 'VilIIam M" KeHman. 28 Pleasant HJll Roa(1' 8)tringhaven Estates. Penna. • ,VILLIAM BRODSKY. Solicitor, "~en .ou 11ft your telephone recelv.r 1T" S. , Ridley Park 3238 box. Ex:.:eUent c»nclltion. '20. Phone Swarth- Bell1n's 'VONDERSTOEN . grooms :y-ou'r legs to perfection. By grooming, we mean aU hair' ERASED. a.nd the skin sm90th, stubble-tree deUciouB-to-the-touch. Barelegged ()l:" In nylons. your legs deserve to look their WON. DERSTOEN best. WONDl'-~RSTOEN is dry. datnty. SAFE. odorless. No fuss; nothing ·..to spUl. stain or prepare. WONDERSTOEN I. found al our cosmetic connter, of course; ALICE M. BAIRD Real Estate and Insurance Driveway Construction Asphalt or Concrete PETER DI NICOLA Phone swa. 2526 HARRYW. LANG FOR 8.AT,~r rent. 'Walden". Bamept Bay, three rooms, ItCreened porch. 'Tllrnlshed. Electricity. Call swarthmore 102'1. evenings.. BElllNiS WONDERSTOEN the Courts of Commou Pleas of Dela\vare Coanty. on Tuesday, the 16th day ot July. 1946, a Certificate for the {'omluet ot a business In Delaware County. Pennsylvania, under the asflumed or Hetl tlous name, ~tyle or des- Horses ClIpped FOR SALE-Complete addressing sys-tern. F-2 electric addressograph, attachable lister, wing maller, handdriven graphotYP& for cutting ad4rea&ell In new platea, 25,000 plate holders, " drawers for plate holders, 6 eabinem for '8 drawers. In good condition. ,100. Phone swarthmore lOU• mON In the ot'l'lce of th') Prothonotary of 8S.S0 In -.83.50 .on' 'FOR SALE . I Media 0755 An~Uo Ba&i1s 82;00, WANTED-LaWns to cuL Call Teddy Oppenlander, swarthmore 0138-J. "81. !\'OTICE IS HER'EBY. GIVEN, pur.. to the provisions at Act ot As.. pembly No. 380, approved May 24, 1946. of int~ntlon to file in the office of the 5!ocretary -:.f the Commonwealth of .t'E'nn~yIVJ.nla. at Harrisburg, Pa.. and Pliant DOGS CLIPPED . WANTED--A p3.88e.nger to dri..re 'witH young' woman to Utica.. July -18. Cali Swarthmore: 20~~_. W~'"'TED-Hlgh sehool, colored'- gift aeslres position 88 child's nurse. Call Swarthmore 2067-M. and ask for JaDe Hughes. . to keeP I Phone sWart1;t.more 0992 WANTED-Room. kx·nav81 officer• Westing-houMe engineer. single. does not Bmok~. desires comtortable, well furnished room. Write or phone to The swarthmorean..· Box W. ,;, and !RICH • Sotlcltors, 12 S. 12th Slreet. . Philadelphia. Pa. A. MERCER QUINBY Funeral Director 1125 w. LehIgh AYe.• PhI1a. ELECI'RICAL WORK cook desires work by week. Phone Chester 2-&233. DAVE WOOD BELLWOAR Swu.. 0108 Phone A. L. PARK.ER for tbe Hedla 0459-M Sleep out. Margaret Hammond. 1514 Reading Drive. Chester. Tel. Chester 9912. . I Old Bank Building "Tho Lost Chord Is _ 0 ~lectlon thai can be pla'led OD tile ont.-ot-tUDo piaoo" WANTED-Baby £ltter for c.hUd l% yea't9 old. 603 Elm Avenue. CaU Swarthmore 2008. WANTED-By experienced woman. Ilenerat t.ouF;ework. five day week. Phone ware County, - on Tuesday. the 16th day of July. 1946. a Certificate for the conduct of a business In Delaware County. Pcnns)'lvanla, under 'the asssumt.!d or flr.tltloug name. style or desIgnation of l\EARTHSIDE MANUFACTUREnS, with Its principal place of business at Park A\'enue and MichIgan, Swarthmore. Pa. Thp name and address ot the penon owning 01'" Interested In sold business is Margar~t S. James. Park Avenue and )'llchigRn, Swarthmore, Pa. b· ~_~~~~~~~;;;~. PIANO TUNING jobs. Call Alan Willi'. swarthmore 2"6 or Bill Huey. 45a6-W. WANTED-Young couple desire two unCurnlshed roomB for housekeeping on or b~rore December 1. wm exchange earvlC'",8. Phone, Mr. O'Neill. Chester 9151. In the office of the rrolhonotary of the Courts Qr Common Pleas of Dela- ~~iii~~~~~~iii~iii~~~~1 Swa. 0111.... Real Estate FOR SALE-Handsome etudlo couch, -praetlcaUy new. AlBo. new slip COy- ; era. Phone Swarthmore 08To-J. LOVELY , LEGS I1 t-__ .1,:,,0_,-,- l'u Uo--lDstU'8D.C8 '-T W ANTED-Car waHhlng. painting. odd more, between I and 6. or from 6 a P.M. for Protect Your House With a Good ,. Paint Job ;:_::========~ tor six months. Phone Swarthmore 2981. _ A. . . . . A Necessity... I 1·1. Welsh Stree& 'rhODe l.-"lle.ter 1-1111 WANTED-Experienced P1anniag a picnic? l-.uklng far ways '-nt 'l 1hen order soma coOlon your own nv 1""'-' • I" Sealtast Chocolate Dr.nk. T S a rich. delidous product wIIb a fine. pure Supplee Sea\test cIalry s wh I_a chocolate .flalo•••• that mean 'fOIlJ o of our\Ihment as Well as ,eI. oshgar a wealth n he! revlva that olel vial ment. Chocolate [)rink pi f -no.. , ric afternoon 0 after a day at wo « an back far Naturally the kids .nil be camln9 So hC1'48 "seconds: and the grawn folks. 100:..,. ....... , co\cI. Get It num ,--plenty keeping \q' . lIOI"Ikeeper. Supplee JDi\\cmaD « Sealtest , • SIMMONDS Swarthmorean.· ,VANTED-To rent. furnished house, two or more bedrooms, September 16 • , , BooIm--K.odak Su.pJIlIM =..:..:...:~_~_-:- On the Comer I 87M Piotal'e ~ta&~ wanted-A companion__ housekeeper. -:-__ I Reply to Box B. The SwarlhmorTan. • 'VAN'l'ED-To rent. houso or aparlment. Curnlshed qr unfurnished for year's le..e. commencing any lime up to September 1. R Yes, 8 retarD to the "good old day.... would meaa. aalons other things, the sacrifice of the major portioa of the contrib. tiooof medi -be and pbannacy to your health and well-being. st. (Opposite I f _ Sta~ n-tre) WANTEll-Untllrnlahed house or apartment In Swarthf:XIre or vicinity. Two bedooms. $76 to flOO. Call Swarth_ 1'Jlore 3188. * 7th ~OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. pursuant to the provisions of Act or As- PAINTING YOUR JEWELER FOR. SAL&-Whtte metal Ice ~ • III _ WANTED-Professional email unfurnished Swarthmore. Chester, or to Box S. The Swarthmorean. Edith Maher ot Rutgers avenue, returned Sunday from Ocean City. N. J., where she was vacationing for three weeks• 1aWD8 Mowed. GeDeral )legu... We ShoDld KDow Bow Tufts College. :asl . " ATe. Monoa. Fa. Swa: 22:" 4.01 MlcbtpD ATe. ~.t..t....~ ~;, .u,,~'" EDWIN B. KErr £Y, Jr. .u.. - . W~ED-~~mo:thior~ne!:! O4Ii8-W , i , and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :aO:~:~~h:a::; ::~:~r;:::e~;: plans afoot to Crum Wood& 0lIl THOMAS F. CONWAY ELEOl'RIOAl.o 1!41.E8 Al'IJ) SERVICE &'111)) 3 Park A~ Swwl'mM", happy to have Molly Storck help- I log hlm~ She 18 secretary. treas~ I: urer. firat-aid girl... teacher. and all-around helper. "Bobby" Davis is .starting archery this week. The older boys and girls have enjoyed canoeing everty Monday, W9dnes.. day and Friday. "Tootsla" Lewis is helping with tennls and Sally Woodward Is helping with Arts . ' ! and Crafts. They will start metal Bru~e. abtJ;~ tUI. '¥orrlsoD thave work 800n. finished their wood.en boats. pob~ by Morrow said, "My daddy 'ija.s. a The fourth grade girls. went . '. with Jill Smman to soe a. batch of boat Just llke those and wo rl~e in it." Norma Wilson and Lynn j'B"r- new kittens at Emily Terry's nard made twin houses \wL'th house: 'From there they went to blocks. Lynn said, fiLet's pr~teDd' 'De calndry's to see a. new cocker we'r~ neighbors.' . Peter paln(ed' a puppy. Then on to the College 'fire engine and Molly Buse ~ said campus where the!Y dramatized . 'It's just like tho one in our story "Little Black Sambo" and "Red toda'Y." "Come sce my deep :tun.. Riding Hood" in the Amphithean~l In the Band.... said David Witt, tre. They sat on the rock benches "I 'can pui my" ar~ thrOUg~ 1t. and sang songs and rounds. This of a log cabin that Is· to be .. pla~ ·ho-.me. Jared Robinson ·.liked the horses best of all. The Morrows have invited them back tor a. aw1m. The five a,nd: 8",~year ·olds ·a,..e .tlll talking ·ab()ut·· their···· trip to Rose Valley pool. The swim' was wonderful. but tho high Spqt 'ot tho morning WWII a ride in :Mts. Fellows' ,red Jeep. I ~ . FRIDAY, JULY 12, IM6 .. E S WAR T HMO REA N 5 ;~L;-A~~S;S;;;I~F~~I;-;E;;;D~"T";';,,;;;,~, :~,:~,:~,;,is;;';'~i'~'I~'I~':~';';,;,;'I~I••~I;.T======~SI~_:· ~1_~-~;;'::;;;;i~~:MMaar;ddy;--;c.-a;;oe;;bb:;y-;;Off D1ckl1l8On I Bob HUtInIB haa returned from C 8 . . .--..... 1,"* lb' avenue arriVed here Tuesday after Penn State College to spend the W~ wn I 'AM BROOKS C U IY N I N G HAM a two weeks' vI.lt In SCituate. Bummer at his home on Cornell __ .. __ Bema"" Paullen and 'Paper Haaaen M....... With her roommate from avenue. FRIDAY, JULy II; , . - THE.SWA.RTflMOREAN Saw. Set and FilecI Quick Seroice ·1OM-IO!h AY!'nl RU'I1.EbGE, itA. . .. . .. "'.}' Can :\.";',:'" .";,",~. ...• and PeUvei:: ' ptI~:me Swarthmore· 01:28· , morc, Pn • JULy . FltIDAY, 6 Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Garrett and Miss Marcia Garrett of Gar.rett avenue left Saturday to vacation at their_cottage at East ~arwlch. Cape Cod. Mass.. Mr. Garrett and bIB daughter will re- _n. main two "f88kf1 whlla Garrett wlll bend a month or more to vtBit with her Bon-tn-law iBoroagh TUMs Out To Celebrate 12, IM8 Isle of Hope. savannah. Ga., aD-' Tueed&Y• .July 11. In honor of )1["" Charles Israel of Princeton av. . nue who with her tamlIy Is leaving the early part of August to make her home In. MIami, Fla. Larry Dr&'" of WBBhIngton, nounced the arrival ot & son. ROlli Guerard Allen, Jr.. The baby, wM and daugbter. LLUg) Jam'" 18 8ix weeks old Is the grandson ot Ha.yes and Mrs. ~... who are Dr. and Mrs. E. LeRoiy Meteer ot (continued :trom page one) aum ...rlng at the Garrett cottage. North Chester ,road. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Lukens M.... Frank G. K,!enen of Har· ·D. C., formerly of SwBZthwe, engaged their adult group tn lusty vard avenue and Mrs. Peter E. Told who graduated from the Calvin competition. ot Park avenue will entertain at a Coolidge High School, Wuhlngton. The Lukens', ingenuity was tea In MrS. Keenen's borne on .b .... enlisted In tbe U. S. Navy. widely appre.elated by the sizeable contestants who emerged with spoils. satisfaction and the tollowfor "."dou., Ref,..,.',.. ing winners: NaU-Driving Contest: WomenEleanor purgett; men--George Glazer. Husband-Calling: Mrs. R".... l1 Snyder. Wolf·Calllng: Robert Bird. Rope-Jumping: Maxy Morrl&pD. ROlling Pin: Mrs. RUB8e11 Sn'Yder. Brew hot tea deubIe .-ngth, The games were topped ott by u.lng 6 "y.1 .....pDDn. JISIXI Dixie cups for all youngsters. Tea, or _ equal amount In After lunch and /the baseball game the annual can,oe races on IIf(JJ Tea IaH., to overy 2 nieasurlng evpsbolll.,. wa'or. th~ Crum found local gtrls having a field day and the stronger sex Pour OYor Ice w..... hot. consplcuouB by Its absence ot entry (or was it more fun for the lads to lazily line the bank and "cheer" tho lassies), In the ono and 'onlY boy's race Don PIerce and Bob Chambers beat Bachman end :McAlpine. The tatl'ler and Bon race u. S. No. 1 fre ••IDne was won b~ Phlllp and Tom Alden.· There were' three heats In the YlILOW fat.her-daughter race~ John PearILR1ITAI 80n and daughter Frances won the ftrst, Phll Alden and Sally led the second, and Henry Shipherd pushhri~· 110 Ttv II. .:. ed his daughter Barbara. over the lr~~ Ib finishing line to win the third. Three heats ot three crews ea'Ch CrI.p,w...... brought out the following winners Ic...... In tbe girls' races: Ann Lukens and Bicky Thomp8~n, CarOline 'James and Sally Alden, Billy MOrAe and •••ahl_ Katrina Bogardus. Rob Roy Two heats in the "motherala* daughter" event sec!lrod winners _ ..cherry. beny ~:: ~ through pecuUar coinblnations: Add bu1l1'J' to your loafing, Billy Morse and Frances Pearson, ~ gentlemen, with thls. rich wlnn~g the fum; heat;. Betty Mcnew _ ..-t ·by ~ cahan and Totals Lew18 the second. Jlarlboro. It's in a cIa8!J ~ Strange as it ma~ Beem there ~ Itself • • _ for _ fit, for W.,I..... were no tl1~ng contests. In view of .....nl.1Io-JIUltch style, for all· A delldou. spread the length' 01 time the meca relhaantlN famny IISQJ Dellc10u. around comfort. SUperbly wlll enfoy. quired. and the condition of t'he tailored of Just-tJii>.. water It is just as well. The contests lasted two hours. right-weigh' fabrlcs. You'U A large appreoiative group of wear this coat outdoors' Fancy, Fre.h·Kllled Long Island participants and spectatora attend .. In tile 7"IU"8 warm half. ined . the 8 o'clo~k square' dances nt door nerl Winter. the north parking space of the railroad, which had been hosed off The poln' Is. 1Ou'U wear IS by the Fire Company. with JlJeasurI, , • and There were 80me 30 girls anxwith prldell IOU8 to dance and as many boys lit Bucking their tbumb~ on the sideIn tan, maize, and natural, linea. A double dare by Bud HaStsizes small, medium, & large lit Ings got the fellows Into swing and soon youngsters from seven up Homelike Potato Salad Ib 19c were rolUckiIig through. the steps hand In hand with. men and woHom-cie-Lite leans ~..!!:... 17c " men many times' their age. All In Talty Cole Slaw I b _ 19c. all It was a glorlo:1Sly contagious and SPORT 'COATS event. a ,fitting close' to the daY's' prosram, and an Insomnla-chaalnt . . exercise for all ,who danced. ICED ~!ISCOTEA ,. PUT YOURSELF IN THE • of!eitJu,.e ,-------------------------.~- PEACBES a.nits 35c I.e.H1 C..t'' !'%I. I .... 15c • c.c•• RO COAT 10e lOe lie Tomalotl Cla66 .... Cheel-il, Jr. .... 12' Maldsco eraekeltHei w.-. JAM • lie 2Ie I2c -=.. 2 :1:: 23c lelletll ... N.bil. TaIIle .Sali 1~·,30c 3:"-: 5c PeaaRI BaHer I!~ 300 DUCK_L_IN_GS_lb34C TlJRKEYS Y~i~;:~!:::" CHICKENS '';:::.'~~'" 47e 45e { Other LEISURE Sea Trout ::-.::,. Fresh· Porgies . - to 19.98 Lot... MARSHMALLOW ~ ~4c RAVIOLI._.....~h=~:.::':.".. "a.. I~. 1Sc ASPARAGUS Hu=.:nc:=-. ':,.•2 _lie /lSCIJ Sauer Kraut ~::~ a ":.!~ S7c DICED CARROTS 001..... Ir: 1Zc GREEN BEANS H.::"r;:.'!kI·Cut .a ':~: SSe SWEET.PEAS :~;c~.:: • N:';'2 _Zc FRESH D()NUTS YI~1a _~ ~:B 17c BEANIE WE.HlES c:.::;'. 1;"-:Z aoc SOY BEANS AlIO...n ."::n2 _Sc Mel-O-Wlp A Most Defldo•• a .... Refreshing Summer .evera.,. Glenwood Fancy, Grade. A .' BLENDED IUle·E Ora ........ o.....'"'1t ':~217 c: ~'39' Id_1 Grade A Orange Juice· No.2_ 19c Glenwood Grapefruit Juice 2 No. 2«... 25c: -..- 29c Picu _ - - ..... .... .... . . . . . SWMf ~ Mr. and Mrs. John Bowditch. Jr.• of Cedar lane had as their guests for the week .. end MI88 Lydia Stokes of Moorestown and Mr. Robin WIllits of Armont, N. y" wbose engagement was announced In the spring, Mr. and !IIrs. John ~ow. ditch, III, 01' Cambridge, Mass., Mr. WllUta H. Bowditch ot Yorktown, Va., and Mr. Benson A. Bowditch of Gibson Island, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Wilson of Walnut lane returned Sunday from a two week dip to South Utah Park at the Grand Canyon, Col. Mrs. Wllliam F. BJrd and sonS Whit and Jack ot Ogden avenue visited Mrs. Blrd's sister at her summer cottage In Marlboro, Mass., for tlve' days. Mr. and Mrs. :Max Essl of Jtut:.. gers avenue have returned from a. week's vacation at Blue Mountain Lake in the Adirondacks. Phl1ip Alden of North Chester road lett Friday tor Camp Katahdin, Etna, Me .. where he will be a counselor until the end of August. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Engl&, Jr., of Oberlin a.venue spent a week vacationing In the Adiron'!" dacke. , Mrs. J .. A. Perry and Olive len Tuesday for a month at Cape May, N. J. Mr; and MrS. Pblllp M. Alden of North ChOatet road have . . the\&' gueot& for the summer MI'L Henri' Suo'" "':'d Milia Katherine Snow o~ ClnclDDaU. . M .... k.t.uel D •. Clyde of 0Ideb. Avenue _p.P.!IIIIe4 by .her ftml-- Hen's Dept. SPEARE'S. First Floor F.& M. PRESIDENT TO SPEAK HERE· Presbyterians Hear Theodore Distler Sunday $3.00 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1946 VOl- No. IS-No. 29 CouncU Enacts Borough Councll In an adjourned meeting Tuesday night passed o.n ordinance plac;:lng the former Md.ry Lyon School pr,operty which was recently purchased by Swarthmore College In the apartment zon~. This will enable· tho college to make Interior changes to provide several. apartments !or Its faculty memb&rs. There is a possibUlty that others will be open to ,the public within three years. The Council rejected bids on the po.vlng of Drexel road and Vas· aar avenue on the grounds that th~y were too high. William E. Witham submitted a pian tor the development of the property between Swarthmore a.venue and Riverview road which was - taken under advisement and will be acted on by the Public Safety Committee. MUSIC, CRAFTS IN SUMMER PLAY Older Youngsters Lean Towards Soprts AVENUE FIELD In Church Post Ralph Ashton Nixdorf, tormer Yale avenue resident. has beon. appointed to the Counclllng Com: mlttee of the Church Relations and Field Service Committee of the Presbyterian Board of· Christian Education. Mr. Nlxdorf'a ofllcea are In New York City where he 1s a88lstant vice pre-mdont of tbe information department of the A. T. & '1'. Company, New York. The NIxdorfs plan to occupy their new hom~ I.n Garden City, Long Island, about August 1. Mrs. Nixdorf and their two daughters. Elizabeth and Jane, will spend the Interim between their removal from Swarthmore last Thursday and their becoming Garden Clty resldcnts with Mrs. Nixdorf's mother In WIlUamsport.. Pa. JENNY [EAVES LOCAL 'SCHOOLS Bandleader Goes to Temple Dean's Office At Its July ~ meeting the School It's rhythm time for the threeTheodore A. Distier, LL. D., year-oida in the Swarthmore RecBoard received the resignation ot prealdent of Franklin and Marshreation Association Summer proMr. John Jenny, director of instruall College, will address the congregram at the Rutgers Avenue gation of the Presbyterian Church mental music In the local schools School. The muslc says to bring at Sunday morning worship this and teacher of Social Studies, who chairs to the circle near the piano. week. has been offered e. pOSition In the "'Vhat shall we do, Charlotte?" A naU\'e of Brooklyn, receiving teacher queries. "Robins·'. replies office of the Dean at Temple Unihis B. S. Cum Laude at New York Charlotte. Ott' go the birdies, flying versity. The Board accepted with Unlv_ty In 1923, Master of .Arts about "peep-peop-peep", then back tbere In 1932, and LL. D. at Muh. regret thlB resignation expressing to their "nests.. In the circle. golly lenberg In 1942, Or. Distler has apP'rectation tor the valuable con .. !Turner chooses running. Teacher headed F. M. since 1841. Prior to trl'butJon whlch Mr. Jenny baa says, ul'm going to play running that time he' served on the faculty made to the educational program music and see If I can catch your of NYU for 12 yea~ In various ot the School District and the comteet. I'll atop the music and see if administrative capacities. ending munity and wishing him success your feet stop". Some feet do get as director of admissions and stuIn his new school work. caught. dent personnel: and was dean ot After a study ot the costs for Back in the chairs, still laughThe"Delaware County Tubercu. Lafayette College 1934 to 194~. the operation of schools during the IJ;e served in the last war with 108l.a and Health Association brings ing ~d laughlng,-"Robln, It's past year made In accordance with the NavY and later o,s a major in the to attention the attempt of the fel- your turn". "Jack-In-the-box", is the recent action of the legislature, Ordinance Department, United low· associatioDs to have the the quick retort. This Is one of the the Board established a tultlo,n "means test" abolished in all statea favoritea. Little bodies bend double, States Army Reserve. rate tor next year as follows; Ele80ng-"Jack Is A tormer presldant of the East.. which Stin lfb.ve laws requlrlng listening to the mentary Schools, $149.00 and 'the ern A88ociatlon of College Deans tuberc...lo8l.s patients to pay tor quiet down In his box. 't1l1 someone High School. '%20.00. It was noted hospital care In tax-supported In- opens th~ IId,-POP!" And up they . and Advisors ot Men~ current that the enrollment during the last .stltutiOD.S according to their all jump, shouting. as the lJd president and secretary. trom 1942-comes off! The' Swarthmore Hornets cllmb- year was 790 pupils in the entire "means." 25 of the AssocIation ot College Declaring that the "means test" ed back Into second place In the scbool ay-em. Anne Greer Is In the middle of DL Prealdents In Pennsylvania: he has discourages a patient from going Suburban Junior Baseball League The assignment of the elementalso been vice-president of thJ! As-- to a hospital because of the ex-' the. room. She's chosen "traffic by taking last Frldo.'Y's game trom ary school teachers for the next ,soclatlon of School and . College pense and because be and his fam- cop". The "cars" line up and walt Wallingford, 6-2. and trouDclng year was announced aa follows: Pltlcement; president ot Ule Easton ily will be subject to' an Investtga- for the red light to change to Westgate Hills Monday evening to College Avenue School; KindergarRotary Club, chairman of the tiOD of their financial ablllty to pay green. The policeman swings his the tune of 10-1. Imbued with ten-Mrs. Enders, First- Grade-E;aston Weltare Chest. and flrst for his care, Batley B. Burritt. arms and the "tr&.tllc'· moves something akin to the Phlllies' MiHs Etris. Second Gradc-ldlss vice-president of the Lancaster president of New York City down thft street. "Chugchug-," spirit, tbey have WQD slx ot their Parsons substituting for Mrs. Welfare Federation. T-.Jbercutosis and Health Assocla- back to the garage. last seven games 'and pushed their Schmidt, Third Grade-Mrs. WitPeter Breltilng wants to play current win.nlng streak ~ four in He Is [L' member ot tbe Ameri- tlon and executive secretary, Comter, Fourth Grad&--Mlss Mc .. . .. can Academy of PoUtical and JDunltY Service Soclety ot; New ~raid. He's tbe engine. There's a a row. . Crelle, Academy York, recenUy said 'the expense IS: -long-.'l1ne 'ut cars in "baCk o~ him. man, Sixth Grade-MIB9 Orandof Political Science, and ft. director an economic -difficulty to the pa--' "choo-cboo-choo, off we go." Then tlrst Innlng of the Wallingford homme: Rutgers Avenue School; ot the Lancaster TUberculosis As- tlent and the Invest1gatioD a, pay- Alan Gardner Is the sun. Tho song game, tbe 10Ca.1 lads added an- ~lnderga.rten-MtS8 Price. Firat saY.f;l that the seeds are asleep other marker 1n the second. two socla.tion. Community Welfare 'Ser- chologlcal obstacle. Grade--Mlss Abbott, sec~nd Grade. "The result,· Ite said, uls that the under the ground. Gappy Palreol, In the third and still another In vice, Boy Scouts, Salvation Army. -Mrs. Groft, Third Grade--Mlss A member ot the Committee on period of possible Infection· of oth- Johnnie Seybold, and Roslyn lie the fifth. Altliough leading all the Prosch, Fourt..'t Grade--MIBB Liberal Arts Education of the State or members of the famtly is pro- still. Shawn brings the rain and way, the Hornets were hard Moran, Firth Grade-Miss Moore. Post-War Planning Committee. longed. MOre than that, the period the seeds stir and grow. They pressed in the fourth when a walk, Sixth Grade---Mlss McCallin. In the and of the National Panel of Ar- ot neces'3ary treatment is extt1ind- stand In n row in the garden and stolen base and safety accounted High SQhool, Miss Irma. Zimmer bitration, American Arbitration ed because of delay in beginning beam as the teacher comes to to. Wallingford's first run; and again in tbe fifth when a momen- will substitute for Miss Kirk, abAs3ocie.tion he Is a populal; speaker It. The 'means test· destroys the smell each flower. patient's peace of mind whUe in It''inally. all the little playmates tary letdown in the local defense !Sent on leave and Miss OIJvia' before educational and business for Mrs. tne hospital, thus re~rdlng recov- are "moving men" carrying their let tn the second run for the 01'- White wilt substitutc groups and has contributed to Boulter. absent on leave. ery. prolonging the period ot trea.tchairs back to the tables with pOSition. many educational and other ment, increasing the cost aud re- "putting-chalrs-awny" musIc to In the Westgate Hills game, Certain construction items were journals. duclng the prospects of satisfac- help them. two costly errors on the part ot authorized including the purchase CQ.!"porator of the Presbyterian torty results~" Exerciso Imagination Westgate, combined with a hit and of materla.ls for a sma~l field house Mlnlste~~' "Fund PhUn.delphla, ana WbUe most states sUll 'have the In the next age-group, the four- a passed ball, gave the Swarth- at Rutgers Avenue field and a cona Temple University. trustee, he. 18 "means test," Mr. Burritt said I t · come to a s t ream whlc h moreans a commanding lead of tract with the Bltu-Rock Corporathe recipient of the NYU Alumni was an encouraging and far-reach- y<>.ll.r--olds they couldn't cross. So they made three runs in the first Inning. tion Co!-" rcsurfacing of t)le Rutgers Medal and the and -M. Alumni Ing n.dvance _when the New York •• baseball mar k e d th e a Htrong ladder to hold a bridge of Stral~bt awnOoJ Avenue School amesite pIny court Medal. State legislature abolished the test e t three rou nds w h en ne it'ller this year. boards. Chief carpenters on the n x f\nd driveway. A member ofPhi Beta. KaPpa he· project werc Elinor Lee, Petor team, was able to get a runner A l'eport on tJ.1e five yoar awards holds membership In honorary traHe emphasized that tuberculospassed second, but the real break Essl, Richard Taylor, Lise Waldternities In the military, social sci- is Is a public bealth problem and man, Barb\\ra Warburton. Barbara for the Hornets came In the fifth of the Claude C. and Mary Roberts when 12 batters went to the plate Smith Sr.hplarships which are now ence, education, debating and bus- that ita publlc health aspects Moran, J&.red Robinson, Jeddy to score six runs on tour hits anU ~ exhausted, show that in 1942 the iness fields. should be considerep In granting Turner, Bill Jaquette, John Thurt k T our wal s. he sixth trame lea- winner, John' Piper, entcred On the board of managers of rellef to families of tuberculosis Severn School In Mnrylft.Iui he be- patients. The amoant ot asalstance, man. On Wednesday they made t ure d D a Iton' s thl r d h orne run of Swarthmore College and later entand went on a picnic the season. longs to the F. and M. M. Lodge he sald, should be determined by sandwiches acro~ the creek. er~d thc Army, but Is returning to In the, meanwhile. Thorbahn, Colleg~ in October; in 1943, Jean"43 In Lancaster and the American what it will accomplish In the proDuring finger pa.lntlng Spencer pitching for the locals, held the ne Th.els, has just been graduated Legion Post No. 34 of that city. tection of the health of the comO. asked "What are you painting?" oppOSition to, turee ..well scatterE"'d with honors in French In the cla.ss He is listed In 'Vho·s Who In Am- munlty. including the particular erica. Allu~rlcan Young Men, family, and In regard to tbe ac- "Summer", replied Kenn, Lee F1tz- hits, an d It wasn't until the last .lof 1946; in 1944, Sue Reynolds, is Simons. inning that they flnally pushed stUI attending College; In 1946, Leaders In Education, Who's customed stand!'lrd of Uving. "\Vhat do you use to keep fleas a cros8 tb e Ir s I ngI e run. R epIace- John Tomlinson. left College to Who In' Engineerh;ag, Who's Who off your" dog, Vnndy" Inqul,red the ments taking over In tbe sixth In - enter the Army and expects to reIp. Pennsylvania, and Who,s Who • teacher. "Poison Ivy", said Vandy. nin'" incl"ded Fo rd. J 0 h uson; turn in the Fall; the 1946 co-win.,. .. in the East. S'harpless, Jones, L. Swan and ners, Allen Enders and ,John Marks Now It YOU'l"C 6, or 5 Paratrooper E. Robert The five-.."\nd-six-yearolds had a Terry. ARRANGE FJ..OWERS has joined_ his wite at their home grand visit at Morrows', swam in , Next two games on the schedule Foster, plan to enter the FreshTh{; b03Uquet ot flower'! tor th.e on Princeton avenue. They wUl man class In October 1946. the pool, watched a bulldozer at are home. games. Newtown Sq'~are patients of the Phlladelphta GenIn prepa.ration for the Fall sport leave this week for Danvtllc to work, went for wall{ In the woods. comcs to· Swarthmore for tonight·s eral Hospital were arranged last the Board re-elected spend some time with Mr. Marks' They climbed rocks before the tussle and Broomall plays here sea$on, 'Vcdnesday by Jessie and Harriet "Shorty" \Vllmore as trainer for parents. thunderstorm when It was so dark Monday evening. Both games will Gilbert, Patsy Told, Peggy Keenen, the football squads to begin work John Murrell formerly of and mysterious. be played at the College Avenue and Nancy and Carol Van Alen' at Swarthmore has been visiting Harthe latter part of August when the field, starting at 6: 30•. bas Crear In wooCiwork Joe tlie home of Mn. Frank G. Keen- vey Whitaker of Park avenue for squads go to training camp near With the Hornets brand of ball made an aircraft. carrler, Pcggy Is en of Harvard avenue. the past ten days before going to improving with each game, and Downington. Any college age girls who are In- Wisconsin. John "has just been working on a motor boat and Bill Benln wilt :',oon have a plane. many of the younger bO'yS gaining terested in helping to arrange discharged from the Army. experience in their workouts, thc NAME MRS, GILES flowers malt call J~8Ble Gilbert who Maria Hanzlik of Cornell ave- Perry Anthony made a boat of localites now have their sights is iII charge. Residents who bave nue Is a. student dietician at the blocks bi~ enough tor everyone to trained on first place. They have Rutgers ~Irs. Walter C" Giles, flowers In their gardens to con- Harrisburg Y. M. C; A. for" eight get in. He was the commander. avenue resident,. was appointed already beatcll the league-leading Freddie \Vedler and Susie Mark tribute are asked to leave them at weeks. She will be a senior at have a lake in the sandbox and the Manoa nine two out of two, and Swarth more District Chairman o~ Penru/Ylvanla. State College tbls the Presbyterian Church Wednestrail by only half a game. the Delaware County Chapter of lmats are going Qn it. fall. day afternoon. the National Foundation for InOne of the group's favorite songs Team Standings fantile Paralysis at ita monthl'y Is "Bounce and Catch". done with T. Poatmeeting In Chester, Monday night. balls in Ume to music. W. L. Pel. PQncd The chapter's disbursements forFrlda7. ,Jaty til . Senior Play 2 2 Manoa S " .892 12:10 P. M.-Rotary Club ___ ._ ...................._ ............-.... _......... Ingteneuk the month of June were reported 10 5 .661 8:10 P. M.-Hometa' Baseball with Newtown Square ~........... Home The eldest group at Rutgers 0 2 Swarthmore by tho treasurer to total 12.938.19. 7 5 .683 Smtday. oJaty SO Avenue, tbe prlm\.y group, com- 3 2 WalUngfOrd Phyalotherapy treatments -trom 7 7 .600 11:00 A. J[.-Xorninc W0nthlP __ •• ____ .~.. Local Cburche81posed ot first and second grad(,rB 0 3 Larchmont iIc:1IwIwF, .J1iI7 II ' 6 6 .609 J.UD& 18 to July 16 were given to ':10 P. M.-Hometa' ~ with Broomall ........._............ Home went to Rose Vall&y for a swim In 2 3 Sprlngfleld 210 patient., Twelve orthopedic %:r. I1II:r II , B a u l ' . pool. Wat~r wings and tubes 1 I Newtown Square 7 8 T ,. 9 .101 calJj(· we"!' The .11_ber of .:15 P.M.-LiIIII01l _b&lI with JUdley Park _ ...._._......... Home w&re d\acarded and everybedy I 1 BroODIalI , , f t . , . . . . sa .185 cases on record July 15 was 81. 2 Weotpte HUJ.o '10 .:00 P_ M.-s-rtIuno...... WrapplnC _ _ Otflce (Contlnlle4 on _ I) 1 .' Advocate Change In Tuberculosis Plan HORNETS CLIMB IN LEAGUE RACE Improved Playing Encouraging to Rooters b - NEWS NOTES Home planners-those men and women ! who like to make sound decisions about . eve. y detail of home construction-will .. elcome a sound. mortgage plan Iikeoun: Its custom-made to meet !JOIII' own ftna~ I dIIhituation, and the ~ is down where It belongs. Come in and talk it over soOt.; , I SwarihmoreNational .Bank .and Trust .Co• ::.:m;!tt!tirt':\:!i.o: Blnll;· DIlL 111& Rea D.~.. .THE SWARTHMOREAN F:- , News Notes ~. • FRIDAY COIJ,EGE W"'i . Dr • .., .hi.. I l i l I,I,C) "_".~I· [ +~"""",, ·!II6=~.=.=8~"~I:'I=I~B~r:':'IN~!s~ua~·~1~·lli~OCA!:.~~II~'Y~·~"!""'~~ .. ,.~ .. • THIS WEEKS CALENDAR m •••••• _ . . . . __0........ .tt' m....1'0 , • FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1946 FRIDAY, JULy 19, 1946 THE SWART'HMOREAN 2 :Mr. Well burn Is a. Radio Inatal. of Mr. and Mrs., George W. CB.se.f latton Engineer with tbe Pan of Har"lQ.rd avenue. of July week-end as the guests of American Airways, whose be8.d- "i!5;;';;~~~~~!5~~~~~2~ Mr~ and M1'8. Wayne Ra4cUffe at quarters for 8. America are In ~rMr. und Mrs. "Melvin C. Molst_d Barbara Schumacher of Ogden Wildwood Cr...t. Limn, Peru. RUSSElL'S SERVICE Qvenue spent lnst week In Avalon. of Rtvervl~w road will return toN. J. t vislUng hel' grandmother. dllY from Lake WlnncpcBauke. N. Make Your Car I.tun the FETE NANCY SMITH H.. where they have heen vacaBIRTHS Mrs. Hervey Schumacher. DuraUon-Regular Mr. and Mrs. George Andrews tioning since July 5., Miss Nancy Smlt'b has been wm Do It David McCahan of Strath Haven Hay of Swarthmore avenue 811Jean Baird of Dartm'outh ave· feted at various parties preceding avenue anlvcd homlJ Sunday mornDO YOU KNOW her forthcoming marriage which nounce the birth ot a daughter, ing from Lynn, Mass., where he nue had as her luncheon guests Tbe S ...... Oore for Any Auto will take place tomorrow In the Louise Nlch91s. QD Bunday, June Troublel visited his uncle, Mr. A. J. McCaoon' at the Ingleneuk on Friday. prts· 23, in the nospita'l ot the Woman's Friends Meeting House, to Mr. • c1l1a Gilcs, Jessie Gltbert, .Mary for two weeks. ~U!1l' OAIdJ 11440 '. Medical College. PhlIadelphla. Ann Hook, Anne Cochran, Mrs. Robert Ha'Yden. Mr. and Mrs. R. Blair Price of The baby is the grandda ..... ghter Mrs. John McVaugh of Rydal. a North Chester road have as their Curtis Eldridge, and Mrs. Robert bridesmaid In the wedding party, guests this week Mrs. Wilma Bird tv meet Mrs. A. B. Harrison. was hostess at a ltnen and Ungere Jr., of Ridley Park. formerly of Whitescarver and ier daughter. shower on July 10. Texas. Today, Janet Randall ot RiverLucy. ot Cranford, N. J. Barbara Hurd of Dickinson ave- view road Is entertaining at 'luDchMr. and Mrs. Charles Kurtzhnlz of Park a"enue just returned trom nuc Is spending the summer at eon In Nancy's honor. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Smith wU1 a vacation at Moosehead Lake. Me. "Hurdh~use", the . home of her BEAUTY SALON, On their way back they visited uncle nnd aunt. at Frariconi~, N.H. be hosts this evening to t'be members of the bridal party at are .. with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Effing at Patsy Told of Park avenue spent hearsal dinner at Rolling Green their summer home on Squam a (ew days last week visiting her Golf Club. Loveliness That Rises to Any Ocassion Lake. N. H. grandparents, Rev. ond Mrs. Mrs. Walter Schmidt ot RiverGeorge H. Turner ot Wllmington, Hasty Turner of Yale avenue view road will entertain the bride 13 South Cheater Road who i 8 spending the summer at Del. and her attendants at luncheon The Frank T. Hansburgs of Har- tomorrow. Beach Haven visited Emily PritchCaD Swartbmont 0476 yard avenue entertained the David ard of Dickinson avenue for the McCahans ot Strath Haven avenue week-end. HONOR BRIDE TO BE , and the A. H. Van Alena of Park Mrs. C. D. Howard of RutgerH Miss Ann Crothers Henry of avenue at dessert on Jul,}" 11 In avenue had as her guests last week Waillngford whose marriage to honor of Mr. Ransburg Bnd Mr. her siElter. Mrs. Fred A. Fuller and Mr. Thomson H. Littlefield will the Messers Elijah and Rlchai'd Von Alen both of whom had blrth- take place tomorrow has b~en llack. days that day. honored on numerous occasions. _·-, ( elK.rts 4.18.7.' SYLVAN HALL fREE 5...... ••• 1\Ir. and l\frs. E. H. Taylor and • 'rheodora Hulme ot Westdale Mr. J. David Jnckson of'Vassar JOE HOUGH, SlnS{t, of Sonp avenue left July 1 by p·lane for a 90n Dick of Harvard avenue re- avenue who will attend as a 1(.-- ' " ' ' ' ' LEROY MILLER, business trip to Cuba. Havana and turned last Thursday nfter spend- hridcsmn1d entertained at a dessert Hlaht Bathing Under LIghts Xylophone Wizard Puerto Rico. Ing three weeks In Kansas. bridge and miscellaneous shower. AND OTHOS".. , 51c ra. Mr~. R.· J. Littlefield was hostess Mrs. J. David Jackson and son at Mary Margaret Marsh of ColumIAC_ .....C_'1 _ _ liS' HOU•• 2 ..... Dally Vassar avenue spent Inst week-end bin avenue is spending the sum- at a luncheon bridge and kitchen ......,6P.M. . Fotrmoun' Park Trolley. (Connecting with PTC at 33Cf' and DauDhln Sts.) and Bu. Route E Go &c.pt Sat., In Sauldc'rsvllle, Md., wUh Mrs. mer visiting her aunts in Jackson· shower on Tuesday, July 9. SUn .. & Holldav. Direct ta Wood,lde Paik and Cry.tal Pool. Mrs. Samuel Crothers, Jr., of Edgar 1\[. Yarnall. ville and Tampa. Florida. Wallingford _entertained at lunch1\1I·s. H. A. Piper of Yale avenue Pvt. Charles Moore of Amherst eon at Strath Haven Inn ,?n Wedis spending a week visiting lIoIrs. nvenue was home for the weeknesday. July 10. Rex I. Gary at Wcl1csley llllls. end. He is stationed at Aberdeen, o.n Saturday, July 13. l\irs. RobMass. Md. ert W. Beatty of Glenn Mills was Ensign John Piper recelvell his Mr. John C. Moore ot Amherst hostess at a luncheon and kitchen Navy discharge this week at Bos- nvenue is on a two wcek cruise shower. ton. HE" has been the Assistant to Corpus ChrIstl. Texas. Navigation otIlcer aboard the Mrs. 1\-Iargnret R. Mai'sh of Park SEPTEMBER BRIDE U.S.S. Manila Bay. Ensign Piper The marriage of Miss Anne a,·enue is vIsiting her son and phns to enter Swarthmore Colleg Cowan McCall, . daughter of MI'. daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. in the fn!l, and Mrs. Frank \VUlnrd McCall. of Miss li"rances L. Armitage of' George Marsh or Hartford, Conn., Bowlin.;' GI'een, Media, to l\lr. Harvard avenue has been released fOI' two weeks, Walton Hooker Nason. Jr., son ot from the WAVES aftcr 43 months 1\Ir. and Mrs. Harry L. Mtller ot Mr. and Mrs. Nason at Cor.nell Thayer road left Friday to vacation ot service. She was stationed in avanue wIll take place Saturday, Stilll\·ater. Okla., Washington. D. in North Claredon, Vt. September 14 •. at 7 p.m. in St. Mrs. M. C. Neal ift spending the C., and Brooklyn, N. Y. Paul's EplQeopal Church of ChesJa.ne SChorf of ~ivervlew road summer at ~ary ,Gwynn's camp ter. spent lnst week-end In Ocean City, Brevard, N. C. The Rev. Stanley V. Wilcox will Mrs. E. C. Lappe of Yale aveN . .r., visiting friends. The drug store is but one unit in a comofficiate. Mr. and Mrs. George Herschel nue entertained Mrs. A. E. LQngA reception will follow tho cereplex pattern of businesses and professions, and baby son of Youngstown, Ohio, well and her guests Mrs. A. F, mony at the home of the brld~8' are making a short visit with Mrs. Roberson and Miss LllUan M. all of which serve the needs of the comparents. Herschel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roberson at bridge last Wedn_munity. Butit is unique in that.pharmacy is George Sehoblnger of Swarthmore day. avenue. Violet Larson; formerly of WE' 'BURN-EKLUND ' , both a business and a profession. Mr. W. J. Scott of North Chester Swarthmore has been discharged '!'he marriage of ).fIBS Llman. A business built on service to the sicl!: road Is Rpendlng the month of from the "·ACS Bnd Is living In Eklund of Boston, Mass., to Mr. July in Forrest County. Utah. cannot be restricted to usual ~'business hours." The Mrs. Harry F. Morris ot Pltman, Mrs. John Carroll and chiJdren. J. HCDI'Y Well burn of Rutgers aveneed for medicine and ·sickroom supplies is usually N. .J., is ~pendlng several weeks Nancy. Alice. and Janice of' College nue took place In Call. Colombia, with her daughter, Mrs. W. J. avenue returned Sunday trom a 10 S. A. on June 28. immediate and urgent. In times of widespread illneas day vacation In Washington. D. C. Scott ot North· Chester road. The Misses Eleanor A. and EUz- FOR the twenty-four-hour day seems aD toO short. .We an: Mr. and Mrs. Walton Battershall, the former Trudy Scho- abeth Shinn moved yesterday Into ready, day 01' night, to serve the pharmaceutical oeeds binger, are traveling tor the Bum- their newly purchased home at mel' in Mexico and Guatemala. 230 PrIscilla lane, Aldan. Their of the a»mmunity.· " Mr. and MNI. George F .. Dunn home at 314 Lafayette avenue h.ad CaD of Dickinson avenue have ~ their been bought by ~r. and Mrs. Mrs. lloyd E. Kauffman guests this week Mrs. Dunn's sts- Lyman Darling who have been Swa. lOBO ter and niece, Mrs. John Martin occupying the McCurdy homestead UNITY ,ASSEMBLY and daughter Mary Ann of Char- on Cornell avenue. Borough Ball lottcsvillc, Va. The Dunns brought Ensign Colin S, McLarty who is 10:30 A.~f. Every WcdDesday Mary Ann with them when R'flUoned aboard the U.S.S. Me-lay ZELIA M. WAIJrERB. ~er returned from Charlottesville two in New York spent the week-end Everyone Welcome weeks ago. at his Oberlin avenue home. Bicky. Debby, and Loh:t .Thompjohn Larson has rec·elved hia son of Harvard avenue spent last discharge from the Army. He spent week visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. H. two days with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lee and family of Harvard and Lappe of' Yale avenue before going Cornell avenues who are vacatlon- to Ocean City. N. J. to spend the Ing at Avalon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Is,mlmer with his aunt. Miss Linda Thompson spent the week-e.nd at DeArmond. PERSONALS Mr. aDd Mrs. Harry Wood. of Cornell avenue, spent the Four~h Sen1ce The Bouquet 04'..... ...,. * * MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS • MICHAErs COLLEGE PHARMACY • Avalon and brought the girls back with them. Nancy Vnn Alen of Park avenue Is a guest at a. house party this week-end given by one of her Wellesley classmates at her summer home near ~oughkeepsie, N. T. ;::=============:::; MEDIA THEATRE Thursday-Friday Saturday • .SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE OF DRESSES BARBARA STANWYCK ROBERT CUMMINGS • You can fofg.t .... M_ Wh.... yo. Lunch at the AIR.CONDITIONfD SUBURBAN flUE and COCKTAIL LOUNGE. It'. reo., cool and COIIIfon able ... food Is of .... _ ••• and oaabd as "'" Ike It. _ UII(_ _ _ _ _ III .~(J!~ • On the Comer . SHARP REDUCTIONS The Bride Wore Boots Buy Now and Save m Monday Tuesday GARY CO()PER and INGRID BERGMAN J_PIl rt''': p...., 8taI'I8 11.".7 _ ... at \ THESWARTHMOREAN I'tJBII"i1,JII!RIIHIlMtc:'D' Evau: FRIDAY NJ) 8WABTIIJIIOlU!;. THE SWAB'I'BMoRE.&N. INC.. P(JBI,THHi:R . PlIo-, Swartbmo>e 0tI00 P'&' PETER Eo TOLD, Editor MARJORIE TOLD. A _ t e EdItor LoreDe Mccarter Rosalie Penol Anne N. Coohl:an Entered aa Second CJa.ss Matter, .J'anua1'l' 2t. 1839, at the Post 01Dce at Swarthmore, PL. under the Act ot March a.. IS7,. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON III iu •.FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1946 l~'===========ii:=================~==2" ' . Methodist Church Notes NEWS NOTES Music Crafts In Summer Play and dllughter Katble moved Sahrday, ~u1y 8. from a Bo-..th Cheater road to 300 Park avenue, formerly occupied by Mr. and M..... Robert (conUnued from page one) Young. went to work to learn to swim or Mr. and M ..... Stewart R. Thorto "Improve his strok~". bahn. ot Rutgers avenue, spent On Thursday. Autiust 2. the the Fourth of .July week-end vIs .. group will present its play "Snow iUng Mrs.' Thorbahn's brother and White" and an oxhibit of potato punting. ,. woodwork and pottery. College Amuers Oompet.e Classes are provided for children of all ages and for adults. The topic of the sermon at the ;11 o'clock service is "The Four Bupporttl ot Lite." The Church Nursery iB open durhi.g the morning service hour to care for tho younger chlldren. Mrs. Carl Tulls wlll be In charge. 104 Park ~venue Phone 2513- eES ... '-II 1'/tItIIII:C1&-''4 I· ServiDIi Quality Food for Over 30 Years 107 W. State St. III'" 2!.A!~' I a... ':' -,- STEAKS CHOPS SEAFOOD Our Specially Completely Air-CoDditioned. ltIecIia _ ~E~~:;~~§~S~~:;;~:;~~3~::~~:;~=~~:;~=~~ days last week. Mrs. (}eorge B. and a tug of war. Robertson ot Middletown, Del, and Today there will be a baseball ~ ~~~~~ her grandaughter. Mary Elizabeth game for tne boys with some out Reasonably PrIced of town playground group. if one A :Reference JAbl'B1')' of 80 Books Taylor of Palm Beach, Fln.. Immediate DeUvery lD""one volume tor Grades 5·:(2 Dr. and Mrs. Waldo E. Fisher at can be arranged. Archery Is proving very popular Guernsey road wlllleave today for Renewedl Reviaedl Re.Indexedl Ready -Now Three Mile Island Camp near Cen- with groups awaiting their turns ter Harbor, N. H. Th..,- will go by to roll up scores for Junior Yeoway of capo Cod where they will man Certificates. There will be a "Isit their son Waldo at Tabor tournament at the end of the sea. son. Academy. Some dozen children are improvPresbyterian Church NOtes Mr. and Mrs. Ned Pyle and chiling their tonniE (orm 'Ylth "Tootdrel!- have returned from a two Dr. Theodore ~ Distler, Presl· weeks' visit with the Howard Sip- sIc" Lewis. Edition) dent ot Franklin and Marshall lers of Dartmouth aven"Je who arc Horseback riding continues College will be the· guest. J;lpeaker vaeaUoning In ~eaalde. Park, N. J. twice a week with a smaller group. HARRY E. .. Telephone 'a.t the 11 . o'clock service Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. MichArts and Crafts are tlourishing GEORGE O. Ol'PENLANDER • Swartbmq1'8 ;, morning. Flora Lee will be the ener and daughter Jane moved In spite ot a shortage of metal and DIstrIbutors soloist. Mr. and Mrs. WilHam H. Monda.y from their home a.t 318 lumber. Objects of art are, being Lee will, assist the minister l~ ex· North Chester road to 4-16 Park made from clothes pins and tin ~~~~~~~~~~ tending greetings to tho congrega· avenue. cans pbs paint, paper. and wood. tlon after the service• Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chickering AI Gwinn promIses nature walks and sons of North Chester road ar- and bug collecting for the near l'Lved 'home Monda.y from a. 10-day tuture. It Trinity· Notes vacation at Island Heights, N. J. Holy Communion will be celebrated at the eight o'clock servlco , Charles Chickering of North spending a two week furlough at Sunday morning at Trinity 'church. Chester road leaves tomorrow for his home on Rutgers· a.venue. At the eleven o'clock service at: Boston where he will work at Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Tha.tMorning Prayer, the Reverend M.I.T. for the summer. chert Mr. and Mrs. Elwood GarJames ~i. Collins will preach. Miss Alice Barber of Harvard rett, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bittle, avanue returned ycsterde.y after Mr. and Mrs. Harry MUler. arid Dr. Christian Science Cburch Notes spending t~"o weeks at Eagles and Mfa. E. LeRoy Mercer of Swa'rthmore spent the weekend at the "Life" Is the subject of the Les· Mere. is our keynote to a dignifled service. son-Berman In all Churches ot l"rank McCowan ct Vassar ave. Thatchers' bungalow at Millington, We have facilities and equipment for all Christ. Scientist. on Sunda.y, July nue arrived at his home last week DeL Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Walton 21. The· Golden Text Is: "I shall after comploting his sophomore types of service. Non-Sectarian. of Kenyon avenue moved last week not die. but live. and ·declare the year at Pennsylvanlu. State College. to 511 Walnut lane. works of the Lord . . . God is th~ Mr.. and Mrs. Jack Thompson of Dr. and Mrs. ·Walter Molr and 1.ord,· which 'bath shewed us Ught" Harvard avenue spent four days da.ughters Ginnie and Joan have (Psalms 118: 17, 27). last 'week attending tho conference' moved into thoir newly purchased Among Bible citations comprisof the Interstate Commission on home at 224 South Cheater road Ing the Lesson-Sermon is the folthe Delaware River Basin at Shawtormerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. DIRECTORS ~F FUNERALS loWing: "Lord, thou hast been our F.rancls Harper and family. dwelling place in all genorations. nee on the Delaware. 1820 CHESTNUT STREET Debby Thompson of Harvard Mr. and Mrs. H. John LumsBefore the mountains . w~re brought forth, or even thou hadst avenue, lert Tuesday for tho Eliza- den and son Johnny of ~dla., MARY A. BAIR, "..I4.n' RI6-I5I. formed the earth and the world, betlt W. Borton Br9wn i e S cout formerly at Swarthmore arhved '.1 home Saturdaty tollowing two h even from everlasting to everlast- Camp, EI,verson. were S h 0 wl weeks spent vacationing at Bea~h Ing, thou art God. • . . For a spend two weeks. ' . Haven. N. J. ' . t'bousand years in thy sight are b-.lt Teel Dunn of Dickinson avenue Florence Cleaves ot Park aveas yesterday when it Is past, a1).d will ·return Sunda.y after spending nue and Anne Wood of Cornell as a watch In the' night" (Psalms a few days with Hatsy Turner at avenue spont the Fourtl;l ot July ,90: 1, 2, .4). BCl\ch Haven, N. J. week-end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fl Denworth of Elm Mrs. Charles Andes in Ocean City. -l\Uehael Hurd ot Dickinson ave~ avenue is returning tl'om a three N. J. . nue is spending 'the summer at week stay in Stone Harbor, New Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Walton, of Pleas~nt Bay Camp, ~outh Orleans, Jersey. Her daughter Dorothy Ogden avenue, entertained 28 Cape Cod. joined her thero at the close of members ot their tamlly at a picHelen Hoot of Lafayette avenue the Friend's Cape May Conference nlc at Lenape Park on Sunday, ls visiting ber sister, MrS. Lewis which she aUended with a group July 7. .. D. Lawrence tn Cambridge, Mass., from George School. Francl!} Pearson ot Cornell aveMI " James and nue is visiting her uncle and aunt, for a w06k. S .H. Horn"day "" Mr. and Mrs. Hen--r Pearson, of n t I P f Flossie Garwood 0 I" nee 0 Mrs. Arthur Jones of Dickinson •~ avenue spent the week-end at t Langhorne, for two weeks. Johnny Pearson at Cornell aveBrant Beach and visited her sister, avenue .are entertaining with a co. of on Sunday to meet some ot the nue, returned to 'his home on Mary Garrett, who is In C?harge new resldcnts on DicltinsQn u.ve- Monday following two weeks at crafts at Camp Dune. nue. camping at Sinking Creek Camp Mrs. Henry I. Hoot of Lafayette near State College. Dr. and Mrs. H •. P. Stamford Mr. and Mrs. A.· W. Bass, Jr., avenue entel'mlned Informally fOl' and chlldren ot Harvard, avenue, breakfast in her' garden last left for OregoJl, Ill., on a combi!1 ed Friday. business and pleasure trip. While Mr. ar.d Mrs. David Ulrich Ullthere they will vis1t Mr. B5BS's man and son Ricky of Newport parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bass News, Va., have rctur.nod to their at their home "Basswood." home after spending the week-end· as guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. E. Ge. e%lra mlleaga. oafalr and 8ervice from a Goodyear's Ullman ot Harvard avenue. lDile-eatlng !read and Joann ""Vorst of Harvard avenue SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN tougher IIr/I body. Size for CHURCH is recuperating at the Media HosRev. David Braun. Minister . olze. Goodyear b the best 11:00 A. M.-Dr, Theodoro A. Distler pital, Media, follo'wlng an appentire made. dectcmy on Friday Elvening. METHODlST CHURCH Mr. and Mr,s. Edward Laurence Eel' N. KeIBerJ. D.D.• Minister.· SUNDAY JULY 21 Conwell havo moved from the 10 :00 A. M.-Church SChl;lOl, ' 11 :00 A. M.--Sermon TopIC, • !he Four home of Mrs. ConweU's parents Supports of Life Mr. and Mrs. .James Bacon Douglas of N. Chester road to their new TRINITY CHURCH Rev. Geo. ehJ'lstian Anderson, Rector home at 444 N. Hlghlnnd avenue, SUNDAY. JULY 14 Merion Station. Pa. 8 :00 A.M.-Holy Communion. Standard Decorative Mr. and Mrs. James Bacon Doug11 :01) A. l\f.-l\forning Prayer and Sermon, The Rev. James l\!. las of N. Chester road are summer~ and Collins, ing at their Cape !\{ay cottage. Novelty Candles THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF Mrs. I. J. Haviland and chlldFRIENDS SUNDAY ren Joan and John of Strath HaGreeting Cards U:OO A. IL-Meetlnlr. ven avenue left Thursday for Cape WEDNESDAY • :.0 A. M. to 3:80 P. M.-sewlng and May, N. J., to spend several weeks. quilting In Wbittler Mrs; Marvel Wilson and chUdHouse. Box luncheon. An are cordially Invited. ren of Strath Haven avenue are ____~..:.::......----...;.,=---_I spending the summer at their cotFIRST CHURCll OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE tage a t R e h 0b 0 th B each , Del• Mr. Park Avenue Below Hal'Vard Wilson joins them over the weekSUNDAY end. 11:041 A. M.-Sunday SchooL . atrath H aven Chester Rd. and Yale Ave. 11:00 A. K.-Sunday Lesson Sermon. ~ean EvaDs of' BaIt. Pika; Springfield, P.. Wedneaday eveninc meeting eaoh avenue is assistant couDflUor of week,. 8 p. m. Reading room open dally d Is II f arte and Phone--Swa. 1250 u.oept Sund&J"B ana bolldaya .U to I riding an couno or 0 p.m. Wedneeday evening. '1 to 7 :60 crafts at Ba.ppy Valley Cam.p• Phone Swa. 0450 and 9 to • :80 p.m. Church Edl· Pvt. John Ch!quoine reported are CordlaJl7 Invited· to attend. Frlda'.V to CamP Kilmer. N.J'~. after I\._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J .- ~ THE NEW, 1946 S LINCOLN LffiRARY ~ ~ ~ J (Po~t-War bPPE~ER C 0138~-~ . PERFECTION IN DETAIL fu~eral OLIVER H. &AIR CO. ----- 0.: • CHURCH SERVICES Cams delivers INER RESHER III LOWERS OR .ANY EVENT IIOrchids "Always" .. Va. REST~URANT ::'!, ::: b:!,I!:I,,:r~Y8,,:1= The Church School meets on 1\h·s. J. David Jackson of Vassar ball throw, 40 yard dash. relay, Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. avenue had as her guests for a few hop-skip and jump, shuttle relay slBter..in-law Mr. and Mrs. Edward S, McGlnl..,- Ilt tholr home near Allentown. Mary Wood, of Cornell avenue. spent last week at Virginia Beach. ARCADI~ Al Gwinn organized some eicltement this week at College Avenue in the form of no track and field meet. The contestants were Gar- c~~~~s Sunday Saratoga Tronk " 3 THE SWARTHMOREAN t::: "tn HANNUM & WAITE • THE SWARTHMOREAN 4 = • Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Hoadley hav~ moved to their ncw home at 710 Lincoln o..v~nue. Palmyra, N. J. They havo been staying. with Mr. Hoadley's parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hoadley ot Walnut lnno. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. E. mlman of Harvard avenue ~en\ertalncd . Lt. We are holding the line on price., except on IWh lletns where our costs are advanced. .. such lastances, which are few, we will onlyadyance price. In proportion '0 our Increased COl", maintaining ·the oRiclol OPA regular markup, or ..... week-end and Mary Campbell who Is visiting her grandmother on Princeton avenue. Mrs. l"'rederlcK Wedler and SOD Freddy have returned to their home on Vassar avenue after 0. visit to Charlotte. N. C., where Mrs. Wedlor underwent an operation. Mr. Wedler lett yesterday Py plane from Stockholm and Is expeeted to return today from a. two months buslncBB trip which took him to England, Germany. Switzer- Compare CHlr prices - Soye money - Preven' Inflation - Buy only your Regular Requirements. 10 PEACHES .: $4.~ YELLOW ELBERTA ~E~g-tJE Honeydews ~::; Ib IZc LiDsel FI..f:;1;nod Z lb. ZSo Celery lealll bun'" 19c La...ce C>I'I'..:~"" Ib 12c SUGAR CORNS;!~:,!~ ... SC r . . PNpaNd for PRlSIRVlNG IaIlIlPerfed'" MASON JARS ~59c: d'!~69C IDEAL "Ja:::' .c67c:l~76c GIau Top Wi,. Clamp Fre....Killed Poultry G,.d. A Y-a Tom TURKEYS over 20 lb. 1'B"lING CHICKENS STEWING CHICKENS .aOJUNG CHICKENS YOUNG DUCKLINCS •• od_ of __ _... 4'7c Ib 43C Ib 4'7C Ib 34C Ib ~ HOME STYLE POTATO SALAD" 19c CREAMY COLE SLAW "19c TANGY PEI'P~R HASH "17c MACKEREL Pollock Pille•• FIll .. Whl.lng 25c '"25c I. ::,;.~ Ib 17c I Fillets Redfish " Croakers"''' ..... •....r.19c 39c Fresh Large Porgies Ib 15c Dr. and 1IIrs. C. Eo Clewell of BenJamtn West avenue have re ... turned trom a week'., viBtt wlth relatives near BurUngton, Vt. Kay Selt of Rutgers avenue haS returned from Ocean City wbere she was the guest of Molly Curran for a week, guests for tne week-end ot July Fourth Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Wilkinson of Shady Lawn Academy. pittsburgh, In celebration of the Broadheads' 12th wedding an .. nlvcrsary. Mrs. Wilkinson, formerly Lois McLain of Swarthmore. was maid of 'honor at their, wed- a.t a camp CLASSIFIED land and Sweden. Mrs. M. L. HiCks and children of University place nre spending July in Avn.lon, N. J. Lt. Edward Alston Is f3pendlng his terminal leave prior to receiving his discharge tram the Army at his home on North Chester road. He served in the infantry overseas two years. Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. E. UllInRn 'of Harvard avenue were hosts at luncheon at the Engineers Club In Philadelphia last Friday to meet Lt. and Mrs. WilUam Hooten Stokes of Moorestown. N. ~. They have recently returned from Italy where Lt. Stokes was stationed tollowing the A~rlcan and Italian campaigns. Lt. and Mrs. Stokes were married In Rome last December, Mrs. Stokes was the former Countess Annamnria Pia Carducci Artenisio. Jonn Streeter entertained a group of girls on Saturday for dessert. Mr. allll Mrs. J. D. Narbeth and children Joan and PatrIcia of Yale avenue spent a week In Ocean City, N J., visiting Dr. and Mrs. Harold C. Roxby and ehtldren. Mra. A. R. O. Redgrave of Vassar avenue was hostess on TueSday to eight guests for luncheon to colebrate the birthday of Mrs. Dwight Cooley. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hayes of OberUn avenue returned this wee1c. trom a three weeks' trip ,to Hanover, N. H., where they attended Mr. Hayes' CID.R9 reunion at Do.rtmouth and from Burlington, Vt. Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren Paxson of VaSSar avenue will leave Sunday on a week's trip through New England. :1\1 ... and Mrs. John A. Schumacher of Ogden avenue spent the week-end at Buck Hlll Falls. can ". Wt~To~r;;;;,~: ~d,!-~~~~n~~~:m:::~ , \VANTED-To rent by famUy of three. •J.urn Ished house, garage, noW or . befor& September 1. Owner can retain WANTED-Hom~s .cor four kittens. Housebroken. weeks. old.. Call Swarthmore 2616Six or 1498. SIMMONDS 714 WelBb Street; O\uuts.. ~ALE. W. S. Bittle &' Spn Media 0755 today lor the tire UNIt OUTWEARS PREWAR TIRES! B. 1'_ GoocIrich Sil ...tuwn _.1'_ Goodrich ~~.m b ........ _eel by expert.! By also pmved that It IiIoe Col. /L. Jl. Jti1lj.m '" PRJ!WAR TJRiIS, nell at hiah ( bole). Sur zhtenc\ea, of speed. Yon can tOe Ibe II ~ 'The _ ....c, !ruti.M s- pol;'" who helped ·.,ord for thad l"'" the dft thiOuah __ of cuePerhaps we Hft _ JodIo1 _,w road stack-if not. an Min:: olllliJel. of .... ~,ed order placed DOW . . . I_Ie DC .M ... Of the _ early dell~..,. ,.. .... "P.Cr,'" rrIMo c::. .. .AJIC ~,. . . . U. lAJIw . . . . == 1570 ..... PIANO TUNING 1.·,.'Tb" ..e,t1,,,,I.. '06& Chord is «:.he I" that. can be '!I~ , out-or-twla ~nIj t. AVAILABLE RUMSEY'S CHEVROLET Yale and Rutgers Avenue Phone 8wa. 1439 New or Old FOR SAT~trl's bicycle. 28.... bailOR MORTON REFRIGERATION FOR SALoE-Two Smith typewrlters, $'60.. $30 \ Duoith'~rm 011 heater, $35; 13 Inch flre eX'tlngutsher, $10; Standard Phone'Swarthmore 0992 Radio IIJld Appliances Sal"" anI! Service PERSONAL \\'0 call for and deliver 17 % South Chester Road . Phone 198'1 H. N. Bernard W. H. Wamsley cleaners, trans, toasters and radios repaired. Called for and delivered. Call Robert BrOOKS. PERSONAL-Vacuum ~~ifJ?~~ Swarthmore 0764 Riclley Park 3238 .' .MASON BUILDERS SUPPLY 'COMPANY 33t Dartmouth Avenue , swarthmore 0345 We also baDdie ulumlnmn owfi'md garage doors Ideal Fancy Grade A' ORANOE JUICE ~1I 1ge : ~' 41e Desirable Iota available Charles E. Fischer Builder Phone Swarthmore 2253 .-twlN. 'MORTON• REfRIGERATION and Lawn Mowers 'anatlal. EV.IP.lIO.I3~31. -.. ShupeDedby Machine ZIe make, nourishing suppers that everyWhen sultry, humid days seem to one will Ii\rro,..·. Such distance help by reDlyimt to Box AI, shall be measureol in each instance , Tho Swnrthmorean. DOGS CLIPPED from such street or boundary line to the n~arest_ purt 01' projection ot any I \c82.50 In - 13.50 ont suc'h building. Antlsevtlc Baths 52.00 • Section 421. Buildings may be erected, ~ltered. deSigned or used. and the Horses ClIpped territory constituting Apartment House For appointments District "E" may be used or occupied Vall Swa.. :nll·J for any of the purpose!:! enumerated In Section 40:! of said Zoning Ordinance, ami for no oiher. s Section 422. No building may' be erected, altered or used, and no lot or Drive)Vay Construction preml.ses may be used, for any trade, industry or busir,eas that Is noxious or otren!!ive by ~ason' of odor dust Asphalt or Concrete &mol<.c, gas vloration, Ulumlnatlons noise. No) internal combustion engine PETER 01 NICOLA shall be used. Section 423. Allartment House Dis Phone Swa. 2626 trict "E" as heretofore described, con: bists of f:E\veral lots hitherto conveyed to a '!ommon owner. Some ot the existing buUdings have been constructed across lot Hnes and others, of the type herein authorized, may ,hereafter be constructed without reference to such prior !ot lines. Subject to all proCRrpentr;r RepUr8 and visions hereof, and the set·back proAlterations visions ot Seellon 420. municipal consent Is hereby given to the location ot .KImSuI IDsuIaUon '3'-!.ch buildings in Apartment House Cement; Work District "E" without reference to prior lot lines. Should the present or any future owner or owners of property tn Apartment House District "En Wallace E. Arten hereaft2r desire to sub-dlvide the same by establishing of record separate lots 302 Cayley Street or parcels, Such owner shall ·flrst submit for the approval of Borough Coun_ Media, P.. cll a surveyor plan, showing the lines and dim~nslons of such new or altered TeL Media 2872-R lot or premises, and wben approved by Borou~h Council, shan duly record the same at .hIs expenae In the I~ Office for the Recording of Deeds In ~~~~~~M~M*~ and for Delaware County. Pennsylvania. BQTQugh Council reserves theright to condition Its consent.. to any These days, traffic is beavy most suoh JS:ub·divtslon and to the erection of the time at the telephone ot any new or altered building orcentral office. structure In Apartment House DIB~ trlct "En unon there being ample open Tree Surgery and It seems, however, that trafflE. :II space betweell structures a.nd upon the buU.,tings hereatter e~eeted being heaviest from 6 to 8 in the of fire-resistive construction, in aeLandsc:aping evening and from 9 to 11 in the ~ordance with the Swarthmore Buildmoming. At these peak hC'urs Ing Ordinance, Us amendments and supptf::ments. Any single family or particularly, it's cometimes im· Phane Swarthmore 2175-R two-family dwelling, any double dwel_ possible for the opers.tor to ling and any multiple dwellhtg answer your signal without a shall have two sideyards, one on 104 Comell AvenDe e!lch side of the main building, exalight delay. !endlng the full depth ot the building Swarthmore, Penna• 'th~ aggregate width of which shali We hope you'll understand. And be tMrty (30)' feet. Neither sldeyard we assure you that this situation shall be tess than ten (10) feet wide ~II~~~~ is only temporary. New facilities, Section 424. The number of bUild: now on order, will make your In.gs 'perl!!ls~lble in Apartment House DIstrIct E and the height thereof sccvice, better than ever..Thank shall not be limited or restricted b you! the provt,ions of .8E'cllon 700 702 o~ ELECTRIC SERVICE other provh:lons of the SwarthnlOrE' THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPA.' Zoning Ordinance, the Bundlng or other ordinance .or this Borough b t Of PENNSYLVANIA Radio & Appliance shall be limited only by the rov,u _ ions !)f Sections 420 and 423 abo~e :roto • building hereafter erected In said ·DI Repairs triet !?'hall exceed eighty-five (85) f "lIn height. ee Section 425. Facilities or 'space for PROMPT· SERVICE garaging. parking or storing of automobiles shall be provided within said Swarthmore 1984 Al)artment House District uE", sufficient to accommodate as many auto_ WhIte lead and. pure Jlns e t' mobiles as there are f:unlHes to be oD used on aU exterior !t0used in the several multiplE> dwellIngs in said District. painUDg. t Section.f. Any part or provision of any existing ordinance or this Bor· ough that may conflict with the pro· visions ot this Ordinance, is hereby declared Inoperative with re8Mct to Spouting Apartm03nt House District "E" and' the regblations applicable thereto as Phones Shingling & Siding set forth In this Ordinance. ' PassEd tbls 16th day of Jul v A· D Chester 8130 & 24525 1946. ' .. son I I When Telephone Traffic is HEAVIEST PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING can· I- HARRY A. BREHL • Work Guaranteed CHARLES WHITE c. H. REYNOLDS 11 MaRoD A.enue Rt1I1..EDGJ!, PA- can and Deliver Appliance Service APARTMEN'r HOUSE DISTRICT "g" Walters' Connctor and Builder Plan DOW the home you want Section 1. That Section 20:! of ArtIcle II of Ordlnauce No. 299, approved August tf.. 1928, known as the Borough of Swarthmore Zoning Ordinance of 1928, and its supplements, be further amended by adding thereto the fol10'\'illl": HOME· IMPROVEMENTS WALTER V. UNTON Building Materials Call ORDAIN: Section 3. Article IV of said Zoning W d h b r 1 d th t Otdlnance is hereby further amended by AllenorEnders Elm ece avenue, who as ofeen ve a the addition of the following caption flew to Peru on a zoological eX- after Section 418: ~=~=~::=~=~::~==::~ I LUMBER DOES .'- E»:»el'l n M Mechanics lISa) SWARTHMORE 0; HARRY W. LANG Rugs and Carpets Media 1132. LOST-$i::tmese cal, female. sever~ weeks ago. Dartmouth Avenue. Ap- , predate _information regarding. Tel. DoD'S Wall Until Spring Swarthmore 0119. TIle _ 10 do _ o r painUDg .. DOW. I am DOW II""".. eDerMr. and Mrs. K. M. Reed, of lor work for SprIng. North Chester road, had as their house guests last week Mrs. Reed's Qupl'tJ Pabd brother. Mr. Raymond C. Derby For Information -onCOAL THEl BOR- , Swa.' 1548. ers, bns -~nd__~~~o, va'!uum an' new. All work done tn with Underwriters' cheorfully given.-r.s\ll- ~!lc'!..H. Hausen, Swarthmore 3037.-1t no answer call Swarthmore 074.0. Qual[ OF O~' I B. &-W. HUng cablnct, $20, Phone Swarthmore 10n. THE COUNCIL applicable Ordlnanc,~ lege. YelloW Springs. Ohio. Wanted all kind Vermo~t around August 14.\ Can take two passengers with gooo references. Write Box E, The Swarthmorean. PERSONAL-Help finance your vaca_ lion b)· renling car to responslble adult for six weeks. ReferenceS. Call ---for hoi wealher meallreal$ • • • • I Barbara. Kline, who will spend the Bummer in California, returning In September to enter Antioch Col- regulations ~ ELlicnuCAL WORK PERSONAL-~dy driving to dMthern , . were ...accompanied their niece, make · their futUre by home. TheY the :r;oning thereto. ~Y 'm FOR SAl.E-Cold spot refrigerator. 8.2 cub!!:: feet. Six years old. Con· verting to gas. $115. Call Swarthmore . 091&' "-lIII \ r'DdG .." 'CoIlMtr TIM ,., esc .~ ... CONvENIENT TERMS . . loa of Park avenue lett Saturday for San Diego, Calif., where they wlU I. ~~~~~~~~~~~ii~~~~' Notal'J' PubU~Jnsnr8nce ~_~~;;~;;~;;;;~;;~;;~;;~.~ ALICE M. BAIRD .. tire,;. Good cC)ndltion. phone Swarthmoro 14~6: fishing. Mr. and Mrs. WllUam L. Fowler • Beal Estate swa. 0111...J Can Swa"lhmoro 2211. US Protect Your House well. Mr. and Mrs. A. Robb Cochran, of Kenyon u.venue. left yesterrny to spend several days in Delawaro Phone Pho~~rt...L. PA; FOR SALE-Four burrie'r' gas st~ve,\ ~~~~~~~~~)~Iecna~~~~~~ cream (·olnred. Oven heat regulated. .: ~ Conie In and see Camp Elizabeth Barton at Hope- -1 l DAVE WOOD' , WANTED-CoUege gir] wants to do tyolng. Full or part tlme. Call Swarthmcro 1296. F,OR for ;=='==:.====~=~==~" 'Phone Cbesler 1·6111 1 With a Good Paint Job G......u..g Ce.rd&-Bobb;r (JnOft WANTED-A maD" ftat lop desk. Tel. S~R.I"thmorQ 0296.knee hole In Tor-. Sauce =1nd a lann) (or dog. Par~ colUe. Wonderful morean. ' _ disposition. Write Box F, The swarth Ib 'e...I· Suck ASCO {!. 30c Eftnler ~~ ':';;- 2tc Henltey Cocoa ~ IOC Dill PiC............. 28.;' Z7c &di. leIiUWaIbook', r:.23c Olives OI~ 71f...... 41c Olves ~ 7i!' 31e I,.. b, v.. 't:"3te Plotare ~-8ta-UoDerr' Books Kodak 8uppUee USUDp SoUcited WANTED-Good home (preferably around Swarthmore ~ I)ver 20 years .- . ~~~=:::;========~.. 23!J3-W~ pt ~ PAINTIN G 'Phooe L"beeter 3704 WANTED--A companion housekeeper. Reply t~ Box B. The Swarthmorean. W A,..NTEP-Part time. work by high Bchool girl. Phone Swarthmore for 151 s eOch ~'l'::\' CUNNINGHAM l for six m:Jnths. Phone Swarthmore 2981.1 WANTED-Bedroom, bath, garage In ' or near Swarthmore ,tor business man. Box J, The Swartbmorean. morenlL rQlJm. Reply tc Box L, The Swarth- ROB ROY JAM a::.~::~ Jar IIABSHMAI,LOW Jar Z4c SUGAR ~o;-n{,I~~~'" 5 1100 33c BA.VIOLI M~:!j':;~ lar 1Sc SPAGHETTI ~:=~I~ Diem CARROTS 1:='1Zc SUCW.J) BEF,I'S Robfon! N:;'231c ASPARAGUS Id~! ~:.'!:" GREEN BEANS cJ.~~"*.. Z'!:~:ZSc PORK 8 BEANS,,=:!"'s:-.... 4 '~.;. 35c SAUER KRAUT Le~ut .e..... S_'_ m..re - Elizabeth Jones of Canton. Ohio, over the Fourth of J~ly week-end•. __._._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .- $i$i$i~"gosal"""'"!IHH!i$i i I I 8wartb -1448 John Delaplaine; ot Cornell ave .. nue. arrived home yesterday from M. I. T. to spend the week-end. WIU.IAM BROOKS Painter.. IIJld. PapU Manaen WANTED Bob Delaplaine. who Is Interning ... _ .. Bublllah BeanoTe4 at thtc Robert Packer Hospital tn Lawns Mowed GePera1 Hai.Jtog We Should Know How W Al'Jl'ED-Room and 'OOard In Swarthmore 01' vlclnlty for young S_. 2286 409 Ml~ Aye. Sayre, spent last week-end at his l\Ioftoi!. Pa. buslnel!8 man. \Vr1te Box R, The :IlI8 ~ A~e. home on Cornell aven·Je. Swarthmorcan. ,~ WANTED-Glrl or woman for house,. • Ml"8. Alvah Wood,Stuart, of Vaswork at the shore. Good pay. No If ' ear avenue. was hoste88 last _!:;_ _ _ Thursday evening to eight tor deslaundry. Call Media 2766-J.. EDWIN B.' K""II EY, Jr. WANTED-Laundry 10 do al home. YOUR ,JEWELER srI and brldeg. WI~1 for and deliver. Mrs. Cornelia Durnall, 238 Pennington Avenue. .150 F..es& 7th St. Obes&,Patty Stuart, ot Vassar avenue, MortQn, Pa.. .We have worked in and re"turned to her home on Tuesday _ . (Opposite New State Tbeatre) following two weeks of camping at near IIIr. and Mrs. Wl11ard P: TomUnson of South Chester roa.d. and their daughter Mrs. HarUe Reynard visited M.rs. TOmUDBtln'S sister and her famlly a.t Woods Hole. Mass .• the week-end of ,the Fourth ding. Tommy Alden of North Chester of July. road left Monday to spend six Helen and Anne Kraus of Ben .. weeks at Camp Katahdin, Aetna. jamln West avenue are spending Mo the week in Ocean City, N. :1• .. 30c Mel-OoWlp Ann Harvey of Columbia "avenue is a counselor s THE SWARTHMOREAN FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1946 London Derry, Vt., for the month of July. IIIr. and IIIrs. Fred N. Bell of Harvard aV(JDue bad as their gUeat last week Mrs. Nana. '1'. Laney ot avenue. Other guests Included Howey-ln-the-HlIIs. Florida. . IIIr. and IIIrs. G. Wills Brodbead Debby I)ryden who was visiting Mr. and IIIrs. A. Q. Davis of her cousin, Gloria Ann for the of Maple avenue had as thelt" Wellesley road entertained MI88 G. Weldon (Skipper) KemmerDavid Sawyer, USNR. of LewiB- ling. Jr., of Chester celebrated his town, Me., for several days last IIrst birthday with a .man party week while his ship was in the Saturday c.ftel'noon at the home of Philadelphia. Navy Yard. Gloria. Ann Pelrsol on Lafayette BEAT INFLATION! r- NEWS NOTES FRIDAY, JULY It, IM6 • 1173 Moo1oa A..... \. --'.. BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE ORDINANCE NO. 492 I!OROUGH OF SW~THMORE By: S.S. RUTHERFORD President Of Council Ratledge, P.. Attest: ELLIOTT'RICHARDSON An onjtnanee further am';ndlng Ordloalloo l'i"o. 299. approved August • Boro_Beeretary 8.' 1928. known as the Borough of ..... _ I II _ _ H_ _ Swarthmore Zoning Ordinance of 1928. Approved this 16th day - . - .at. , ; _ -, by eatabllahlng in the present residence of .July A. D. 198. II 'Ie U it! district. an acldlUotULl apartment house district to be knowll aa. .Apartment .JOHN H. PITJlAN , ______________ t \..,..._ _..._ _- _ _..._ _" Ho_ Dlstrtct "E", and p.-rlbbog 'Barpa lIIlfIdP's .Ia ... 8wa. • ...., 1 • " FRIDAY, JULy 19; 1946 THE SWARTHMOREAN 6 1 , HORNETS PLAY Infanta' Dept. Media 1888 Is • • ~No. TWIN INSURANCE Be sure to VurcbaBe )'our layette at J. &. J.-heo, If priated by the Philadelphia Comthe stork Illes over twice, we'n give )'OU a dupncate munity Chest and Is open to aU layette for the other . The reasons :for supplementary , I " care are many and varied. Both parents may work: homes broken tor various reasons often me.ansthat one parent Deeds assistance: there may be no chlldren ot the ohUd·s own age In hlB Immediate vicinity: a child may present a problem whl~h can be worked out with the group: the shy chUd who needs the contact of his contemporarieB under an understanding adult. All these are Bltuations where the center can be of help &ond service. All parents wishing to use the center first dlsc~B8 the sltuation with the dlrect\lr and p'lans are made with the parents for a program at the center and at homo which w111 be most helpful for that particular child. . the summer. play and craft program is carried on for the older Speare's Downstairs Store children tor the entire day. In the winter, school age children are cared for before school In the Boy, what a gopd, sound sleep morning and after school In tbe a:fternoon. you'l\ have ill these oh-so comfortable, The school Is" open,. from·- Beven In'the morning to six o'clock in tb;e roomy UNIV:ERSAL pajamas! evening. This I.s to. accommodato 'pe'oPIQ who:beed·to: ~se the center· Boys' popular slip-over style • -a't" varioUS", hours. ,. It··is not advo-' Easy to wear and launder. ca.ted that cbtldren staY at the cehter tor such long hours. Sizes 8 to 16. The charge is calculated on & sliding seale according to the In.. come of tho parents. The day's actlvltl.43S include op-I _________-:--_____________________-,- (JL fMDRhIb..iL 8tart~ mitA Bell When you atart your bnsin_ career with the telephnne company, you earn while you learn. Beginnera are paid good wages right from the atart, and regular and frequent raises make advancement faa! and sure. There are many varied and interestinc p"silions available and friendly supervisnrs are eager to help you get ahead. Once you have "made good" as a beginner wilh Ben. your future busin_ life is secure, for at the tel.,. phone company there are always attractive posit tions open for the righl girls. Even though you have to move to a new community, Ol' ..~ty ();r/~tate, the chances are good that there will he Ii' joh for you· with the telephone company ~e.,r YP1l:':'~~'I!,~ome•. In addition to good pay and seciirity;"a j~b' at Bell has many olher attractive features. You work with friendly associ~s in clean, pleasant surroundings; there are comfortable rest-room facilities; a modem medical department; sickness and accident henefits; holidays and vae~lions wilh pay; a liberal pension plan. Some joh. provide many leisure daytime honr..- feature especial,ly attractive to girls who have household duties or who like to .pend tlie daylight hours out of door•• If you're JUBt ahout to start out in the business world, or if you're looking for new opportunities, why not stop in at one of the offices listed below and talk over your prohlems and your future with a friendly interviewer? THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYI:. VANIA "A Friendly Place to Work" Room 315, McClatchy Building 69th and Market Streets, Upper Do. by 1631 Arch Street 57-59 I. Penn Str. .t Nmllstown a Phllad.lphla And ....on .......... Ai.,..... .- .Ioyark . . . . Ie: I.,.... iIc.. L1FIt BOYS UNIVERSAL SLIPOVER Pajamas 1.55 tn a , portunity for both group participation and individual deyelopment. A large playroom and p'layground provide ample space for the children to partake in both free and directed play. Tho group chtldren arc grouped for play according to their stages of development. Peri~ ods for hand work, music and stories are p~ovided. A large covered porch on the side of the building makes an ideal spot for these activities. BANI( AUTO LOANS ME Philadelphia. Mn. John E. Michael of Harvard avenue had 88 her pest for the week.end lire. Ra:ymond .CUIlde)' of Ph~lphIL II.... lIIob...1 has PRESBYTERIANS... TO HEAR JENNEY ~. . . Illinois Community Church Head to Speak Dr. Ray Freema.n Jenney, LL. D., minister of the Bryn Mawr Community Church. will be the speaker at the Presbyterian Church for Sunday morning this week. Dr. Jenney Is a native.of Meriden, N. H. He took his theoiog icsl training at UnIon Theological Seminary and did ~raduate study a.t Columbia University. He was ordained I~ the Presbyterian mInis .. try In 1911. Following a pastorate In Faith Church, New York Citr, from 1819 to 1822, he was calle~ to the pulpit of the First Presbyter Ian Church. Galesburg. Ill. where he served four years-and at the same time helped coach the football ·ieam at Knox College. Then he went to the University of Penn .. slyvanla as Head l\ltnister and General Dlrector of the United Religious Work. . In ipu. he was called to the Park Central Presbyterian Church of Syracuse, New York; during blB mlnlstrY that church increased in membership from 'l00 to over 1400. Late in 1942, he became the m~ls­ t of Bryn Mawr Communlty er U hlh was hurch Chicago; I .• w c C , ti and composed of S'l den0x:r:ta: ~D8 had a membershiP of over 2,000. During World War 1, be served ·BEST./ NEWS NOTES Bob T·horbnhn is working In Ocean City, N. J., for the summer. Mrs. Robert K. Endef9, of Elm avenue entertained at tea Friday In honor of Mrs. Van y'leking, who told of her experience in Holland during the war. Mrs. V~n Vleklng leaves July 30 to return to Holland. Mrs. Henry I. Hoot of Layfette hS1d her ~other Mrs. W. S. Fricke as her guest for several days. Mr. and Mrs~ Paul Campbell and :four year old daughter Mary of Pittsburgh are vl6tttng Mr. CamPbell's mother Mrs. Edgar Campbell of Princeton avenue whUe looking for a home In thta aection. Mr. Campbell haa been transferred te At its recent meeting, the School Boa.rd rer.eived the reSignation of two of the High School teachers. One of them was a letter of resignation from Paul M. Culbertson. teacher of Social Studies In the Senior High School classes. Mr. Culbertson Is resigning to enter the commercial field. The other resignation was from Marie P. "Bader, who been' teucher of. commercial subjects in the High School :for a number of years. Recently she has been absent on military lellve during the war and . at the present time Is a. Lieutenant In the 'Vnves located at the U. S. Nava.l Supply Depot at Bayonno, She fs resigning to accept tho positton of head clvlllan supervisor at" the Naval Supply. Corps School , at Bayonne, To succeed Miss Bader. tho Board hos elected Dorothy Bradfield ot' PhUadelphia. Miss Bre.dfiel<1 has her bachelors nnd musters dl'grees In' commercial education from Temple Univer~lty. She taught all commercial subjects for two years in the Millersvll1e. High School and later two years of slmUlar cl~seB at West Chester High School. . as chapla.ln with the nth InfantrY. ~ E. F., a,nd was wounded In ac- l!I IT'S JUST GOOD HORSE SENSE to choose a car financinll plan like ours that offers low cost, convenience and a tiank contact for future borrowing. • • Swarthmore National Bank and Trust CO~ M ' II" cd .... n' D» 'I 11. ._ ......... 00iII all" • ..._ned wtth a oard party Satur- 1";":'';;-';'-';;''.~;".;;;;~;';;' ;Q;,;;;. ;;,;,0.:;,_.;W,;",..H •.• K;,.HE_.INSUB..,;.. _;.E_~_._ .....;Y"_._ __ da'J' qht III bOllor of lin. CGIldlO" " tion In lt33, he apent three mon-ths ;n Europe and R usaia studying social, religious. economiC, and political conditions. J our OF N.A.C. DaVis Brower (Pete) Hopson. A- R. M. SIc will receive his dis- charge at Balnbrld8e. Md .. todaY atter two y~ ot service with the Navy Air Corps. ~e was given training at Ja.cltainiDg complete stocks of the newer medicinal agents, ready to sene }'OIl on the order of your physician. MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY On tAe -, Corner- 26, 1946 Mrs. C. C. Smith and daughter Gene of Baltimore pike left Mon... At the regular 11 o'clock servlco day to spend the remainder of the Sunday morning. July 28. The Rev. summer at Buck HU1 Fans.· \Dr. Ra)'"'Frecman Jenney. Pastor of Mr. and Mrs. William B. Bullock the Bryn Mawr· Community and sons Page and (DIck of "Cedar Church. Chicago. Ill., will be the lane spent Sunday"in Seaford, Del .• guest speaker. Henry I"'aust, choir vl4iUng Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam B. director will'sing the solo, and Bullock. Jr. Mr. Benjamin Kneedler organist JIm Brown ot Walnut lane left wJ1J present tho music. At the Har- this week-end trom Newport News. vard avenue entrance. Miss Vir- Va.l for Europe,~ with a cargo ot glnl.. Rath and Miss patty Camp.- horscs tor UNRRA. Lt. (Jg) Robert Rowand.~ U.S. bell will assist the :minister in oxtending greetings to the congre~ N.R. i.3 Htatloned in San Francisco. Calif., a.waiting overseas duty gation tollbwlng tho l3orvlco. aboard the U.S.S. Sevier. " Mr. and Mrs. Roger' Russoll of Trinity Notes "Ha.verford place recenUY eD.~er ... Holy Communion will be cele- tained a.t an Open" House in honor brated at the 8 o'clock service of Mr and Mrs. George Clapp ot Sunday morning at Trinity Church. Sproul road who have j\l8t returnAt the 11 o'clock servlce of Morn-' ed after an absence at: three years Ing Pra.yer, the Reverend James whUe Mr. Clapp was in the Navy. Doris Rowand of Elm avenue M. Collins wlll preach. and Ruth Servais ot Dickinson Q.ve~ nue are spending severol weeks in MethQdiat Church Notes Avalon, N. J. ~ulse Servais lett Monday to spend several days with The Church School meets on Sunday morning at 10 o·clock. them. Mrs. Hope .Jennings ot Westfield. Classes .are provided for chUdren N. J.. Is visiting her brother-inot all agea and for adults. law and sistElr. Mr. and Mrs. J. At the 11 o'clock service. Rev. Walter J. Leppert, Executive sec- Paul Brown of Walnut lane. Mrs. William B. Bullock ot retary ot the Philadelphia MissionCedar lane drove four members of ary Society wUl be the guest her bridge club 'to Beach Ha.ven speaker. Crest, N. J •• on Wednesday where The Church Nursery is open they spent the daY at the home of during the morning sorvlce hour to Mrs. W. W. Turner. care for the younger chl!dren. Mrs. James M. Mlcha.ux of Norfolk. Carl Tufts will be in charge. Va.• 1B spending several days with his brother-in-law and sister, ,Mr. Chriatian Science Church and Mrs. WUllam. B~ Bullock of Cedar Jane. jjTRUTH" is the subject of the .Mr. and Mrs.. James H. Breakell LeB8on~Sermon In all Chu:rches of and daughters Lindsay and' Betsy Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, July ot Rutgers a.venue have returned 28. The Golden Text is: "Into thine trom a two week visit with their hand I commit my spirit: thou parents. Dr. and Mrs. M. R. Favllle hast redeemed me. 0 Lord God of and M.r. and Mra. James Breakell truth" (Psalms 31:&). of Roanoke. Va... They also 8pen~ several days In" Virginia. Beach.. Mrs. Herbert T. Bassett of North Chester road leaves today to visit Mr. and Mrs. C. ;T. Garrahan and D.r. and Mrs. Norman H. Bassett of children of College avenue return~ Ventnor. N. J. for 10 da.ys. cd Monday evening from a week'S Miss Nettle Alexander of North visit with Mrs. Garrahan'S sister Chester road lea.ves today to spend and famlly at Sherwood Forrest. two weeks in Chautauqua, N. Y •. Mr. and Mrs." Walter L. LukenB Md. f k Jay Sna.pe of Harvard avenue is and famlly 0 Long Acre Par are occuping the home. ot Dr. and Mrs. a. counselor at Camp Niche Cronk Arthur E. Bassett of North Chesin Pike County tor the summer. ter .road for the" summer. His brother. John Is a. camper at Jerry Corse of Yale avepue arthe same ('amp for the entire suro- rived home Sunday evening folmer. lowing a! three week visit at Buck Maryellen Snape ot Harvard aVO~ Hnl Falls. Mrs. Corse and daughnue is enjoying lite at Camp Netl-" ter Mary arrived home Sunday also fflUEl·near Milford for the summer. from 10 days spent there. Mr. Corse Charles Keenen left Wednesday and son Jack spent the week-ends for Newnrk. Ohio, where he wl11 In Buck Hill with the family. visil llis grandfather. Mr. J. C. Keenen for several days. From there he will go to Springfield, Ohio fo visit his maternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Largent. Presbyterian Church' Noles Mr. and Mra. W. Henry Linton of Benjamin West avenue lett Thursday lor Barton. Vt., where their daughter Lois hall been camping at calilP SOngadeewin. AccompantOd by theIr daughter they Will visit their BOn and daugh. ter-In"law Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry Linton•. Jr., ot Boston, )1&88., betore returning home Tuesday next. Following their return Hr. and Mrs. Linton wllJ cruise on their boat "The Marlin" on the Chesa... peake for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. Laurence Baxter of Harvard avenUe returned home Monday after a 10... daY vacatton at Avalon. N. J. lIIrs. William Eo Howard of the Harvard entertained a few friendS at & luncheon at the home of h8l" daUghter Mrs. Geor8ej M. Allen of Riverview road on Thursday, July 18. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Little of Park avenue have returned from at. Paul, Hinn.. where they were called by the death of Mrs. LltUe's brother Major Joh-n F. Druar. MlBa Margaret Utue accompanied them after completing her course in Physical Therapy at "the University of Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. Davis ot Rogers Lane. Wallingford, ha.ve returned from a. six-week trip to the west coast, visiting en route the Grand Canyon, Los Angeles. La JollQ. Rancho Banta Fe ana San Francisco and 'returning by way ot Seattle. Vanc~uV'er. Banff and Lake Louise. Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Davis spent the week-end of July 13 In Milwaukee, Wisc., attending the wedding" ot Miss Betty Ellis Friend who visited here on a number of occasions. Mrs. carl de Moll ot Park avenue and Mrs. Helen Hall ot Westtown returned to their homes Friday following five days spent with Mrs. Edward N. Hay of Ogden • avenue at her sUJJIJDer home at Mr. and Mrs. Omeme O. Wbyt· Pigeon Cove, . . . . Jaw of Cornell avenue entert4Jned 'Dick DavllJ of Wallingford Ia at· as their week·end guOlJt8. Mr. and tendlng summer ""hoo) at Yale J.{rlI, Thomas W. Burney 01 Provt· Unlvel'lllty. dence, R. I. The Bouquet I BFA11I'Y SALON Beauty· Meet. Sultry D.ya W'dh NOIlch.lence AIR.CONDITIONED Our funeral parlon are air-conditioned , parlors over our amplifying system. OLIVER H. BAIR CO. •••ICIO. . 0 • • UMIIIALI 1820 CHESTNUT STREET • , • ."Let· me tell r~ • you why I work/or ·Bell" "Wh~ ltIJilTHODlST CHURCH SUNDA' JULY 21 10 ;00 A.. M.-Church Schpol ~ M.-Rev. Walter J. Leppert 11:00 TRINITY CHURCH Rev. Geo. ehrlsttan Anderson. Rector "Pe,rhapa my i.deals were high, but _there were other things I wanted from my job beside. good money. I wanted to be able to like the people I worked for. I wanted to get started with a company I eould .tic1c with because I knew I eould get abead faster than if I changed from one company to another every few years. I wan~d to work for a company thlit looked upon me 88 a pBr&O,. rather than as juat anoth~ employee • company that had a plan for my present welfare and my future, too. INER RESHER LOWERS OR ANY EVENT "TbOBe were BOme of the reasoua I picked Bell for my first job• .After I came here., I found Iota of other rea8CIDJ, juat a8 important, for atayins. I like my work. I like the people I ,",orlt With. rm malting headway. My future is secure. Won't you join-me? At leut como in and talk it over with me at one of the employment offieea listed below." SUNDAY. JULY 28 II :00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 11 :00 A. M.-Morning Prayer and Ser_ mon, The Rev. James M. Collins. THl!I RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY n:Ot A.. M.-Moe~ WEDNESDAY t :10 A. M. to I: 10 P. M.-Bewlng and quDtlnc" In " WhItUer. "House. Bos: luncheon. All are eord1ally Invited. ~ CHURCB OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST OF SWARTIDlORE Park Avenue Below Harvard SUNDAY 11:00 A. -M.-8und.... 8eJtooL n:oo A.1I.-81lliday Leaon sMmon. WednM4&¥ evenIng meettnc eaeh . . . . . p. m. Reading I'OQm open 4aIJlr u _ t Bundayo and hollda711 12 to • p.m. Wed_..,. evontnc, 7 to 7:1t and • to • :.0 p...... Chlttdl Edt· t:: ''In ..... - 'lDvIted to aitond. I graduated.from High School I was certain of CIne-thine: Wh_ I wanted to work. So I applied for my first job at Tbe Bell Telephone Company. I had heard that Ben paid -good wages right from the start, even while YOll were in training ••• and that a system of regubr raises would make advancement rapid and eertain. Cams delivers Re,. N. KelBe.!! D.D.. Minlaier. and at large gdtherings the services can be heard distinctly throughout the many NEWS NOTES Rev. David Braun, :Mlntster U :00 A. M.-The Rev. Ray Freeman .Tenney * ._18 Entered lUI Second CIa8s Matter, JanUBl'J' If, UIf, at the Poet 01000 at; Swarthmore, Pa.. under the Act of Jlarch I. 18'l'." SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MEDIA P'&' PETER E. TOLD. Edltor MARJORIE TOLD, _tor Lorene Mccarter Roallo PeInIol Anne N. CoOhrBD Everyone Welcome AIl~CONDITION!D __. __ _ CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY 2 FEATURES GLORIA JEAN .... -..."C1I_. .. ,.... ... . ~B 10:30 A.M. RverI' \Vedncsday ZELIA M. WALTERS. Spea.ker y .............. H... _ .,.. Lttnch at "'e .,.. ,"By cool and ~fort. able.,. food It of .... belt... EiERY FBlD&Y AT sW4BDIIIOBlQ, TIlE SWABTIDIORE&N. INa.. PmU,J8Hi,g on Mrs. Uoyd E. Kauffman "One More Tomorrow" and COCKTAIL LOUNGE 'I'HE SWARTHMOREAN PUBII":i\,Jil!IHIlHIl"l!liDh - RUSSELL'S ROBERT C. BROOKS bride. attended as maid of honor. and Mrs. Richard Owen smith was m~h·on of honor. Their gownS were of white with fitted bodices of lace, sweetheart necklines and short sleeves and full skirts were of net. They carried large bouquets ot gladioli shading from pin!t to fuschia tied with wide fuschia dbbons. The. bridesmaids were Miss Janet Randall of Riverview road, MiSS Elizabeth Roberts of Jenkintown, Miss Mary Hankinson of Penning~ ton, N. J., and Mts. Jack McVaugh of Rydal. Theil' gowns were of aqua. with fitted bodices of lace and full skirts of net. They carried ~F=R=ID=~-~~'-~--Y-'-2~~~1~.~4~6~-----------------~~T~H~E~S~W~A~R~T~H~M~O~·R~E~A~N~.--.~----__------~------__------~3 Standard Decorative and THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0' :PINNSYLVANIA Novelty Candles ",t -PrIentIlyP'- 10 For'" Greeting Cards c~s R _ :115, tMClald,y lui....... 69Ih CMd'Mwbt Stntels, UJtpID......, "Orchids AlflHJlJtI' IWt. ..... Sp......ci. Pa. 41 An ......an AYOiIUO Aaduowo II 41bYork·.... 1 '.d'·.... 1631 -aft.h SIlO" 'JI. PhlI...... ".IL nil""" ' '7-19 .. 111001 '. \ • THE 4 the former Milla Charlotte Grllfln NEWS NOTES of Rutgers avenue. Lt. GenevIeve Reavis stationed with the WAYES Mr. Harry F. Brown of North in San Francisco. flew to Los ChCfitcr road returned Monday Angeles and joined the group tor from 0. two-week business trip to the week...end. Miss Beatty. M1'8. the west coast. HOegcrman. and Lt. ReavlB were Betty Beatly of Bowling Green has 'returned from an extended tour of the west. While In California she was the gu~st of. Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Hocgerman at their home in Ocean Side. ncar Los Angeles. Mrs. Hocgermo.n ,ls classmates at School. SWartbmoro High Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Reavis of Unlverslt v place are entertaining .. Miss Moe Knell of Baltimore, Md., as their house guesL SWART-HMOREAN Mrs. George Plowman and ber daughter Ellls ot Harvard avenue return'ed Monday from a 10..day vacation In Avalon, ·N. J. Mr. Plowman joined ,them. ove~ the week-ends. The . PlowmaDB a.re leaving today for Butte. Montana. where they will visit Mrs. ·Plowman's father Mr. E. 8. Passmore, and old friends for the next three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Garrett with their daughter Mrs. Florence Garrett Garwood of Princeton avenue leave :August 1 tor a. two-week vacation at Beach Haven Crest. They will join their daughter Mary Garrett who Is spending the summer at camp Dune as hood of the Crafts Department. Mr. James' H. Hornaday of DickInson avenue spent a. few days of s.Ieered r.nd.r this week visiting his mother. Mrs. GOLDEN SUGAR FRlJ)AY, JULy 26, 1946 • Hornaday. In .Tames P. Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Snyder and children of Dartmouth avenue are 8pendlng the month ot Jul)" In ·Avalon, N. J. Mr. and M1'8.. Tbeodore purnell and family of Cornell avenue spent last week-end with the Snyders. .. Mr. and Mrs. 'D. J. Llttlefield ot .&I- Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Myers and daughter Ann of' Dickinson avenue leave Monday to spend the month ot August at Deer 181e. ~ Me. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Holman ot College ave~ue will drive their daughter Jean and Mary Knabb ot: Princeton avenue to 'Camp Happy Valley tomorrow. The girls will be campers tor the rest of the Bum· thelr mer. Swarthmore ·place had as week-end guests, Mrs. John Callard and sons Richard and John ot Edgwoo, d R. " I ' M r. and " JUra. Charles Bolte of New York City, Mr~ Mms Ten Eyck'· of Schenectady, N. Y •• Mlea Alice Hastings of Albany. N. Y.. and Mr. Robert Daley of "''bIte Plains, N. Y. Mrs. Marietta . Hurtt of Holly· wood. Fla., formerly ot Swarthmarc spent two days last week vlsltblg Mr. and Mrs. John Howard Tl!lylor or Kenyon avenue. Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Huse and farnlly ot Vassar avenuo wUl leave Thursday. August I, tor Lake Sun.: apee, N. H" where they wlll spend the month. Dr. aDd Mrs. WillIam T. Ellis of Walnut lane assisted by their h.oU8e guests Mr. and Mrs. Allan D. Wallis ot Malvern. and Miss Wall~ recently entertained at tea 30' or their Beverley La,ke neighbors at their camp, Blue Heron Point. Lyndhurst, Ontario•• Canada. CORN 6 29c -.~""""""""~" .lit'S. Fred Almgren and children, Since 1805 SwarUunore 1448 Frederick, David, and' Linda or WIU.IAM BROOKS 'BenJa.mln We"!t avenue returned Paintera' and Paper Hanger.from Martha's Vineyard, Mass .• Ashes '" Rubbl8h RemoYed General HaullDg We Shoald Know How where they vacationed for a lAW1!8 Mowed SWD. 2286 409 Mlchlgan ·Ave. month. Mr. Almgren spent week- lIS8 IIardIDg Ave. Mortoo. l'a. YOUR CLASSIFIED ~. SIMMONDS 71~ STEWING CHlCK.ENS YO" •• TUBUY~:'20'bo YOUNG DVCn GS .10 .10 .10 o_CREAMY COLE SLAW "lid •• , rANGY PEPPER HASH I FIII.ts R.elflsh '"25e Croak.rs .......... '-r.,1ge ,039c Fresh Jersey Sea Trout Ib 17c :Box T, The swarthmorean. He I.ughs no more. He is no moce. His life .•. his happiness ••• needlessly wasted in the tragic toU of traffic· accidents. P A Popular SumrHr ~..,........., GI.nwood fancY, Grade A BLENDED JUICE N:.2170 : ~ 39- Ideal Grade A Orange Juice H ...... 19c Glenwood Grapefruit Juice 2 No. 2 canl 25c &~... can29c :lc(!.1'::';' .:::~... 3 .... 20c 23c ~,3 == \:: 3Bc ~l3c Peula.~o\tIO;:'1·H Iftdud"'" _ Tn· =- ':.: 19. :DI ..... 351 . " f.... . .pplrll...... NdJleld When YOII drifJe....;.Keep eyes on the road, hands on the wheel, mind on the job. Don't pass on hills or around curves. Don't hog the road. Don't take that drink. Don't speed -It's a gamble of life against time which you are bound to lose. Drive and walk ro that YOUR life and happiness will not be-W ASTED~ -_ - YOU FACE LOSS OF YOUR DRIVING PRIVILEGE ••• HEAVY FINES ••• JAIL SlNILICES. COM M0 NIW EALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Gaur- -on- COAL LUMBER • CIIi ces Ra.dio 'lmd','AppljeD Sales' 81ld service \Ve CaD tor and deu'l'eI' . 1.'1% South _Chester Road Pbone 1987 H. N. Bernard 'V~ H. WamsleJ" I • Driveway Construction Asphalt or Concrete .. , PETER DI NICOLA Phone Swa. 2526 Swarthmore 0764 Ridley Park 3238 HOME IMPROVEMENTS "carpet makes it home" KImsoI lnsuJatiOD OemenCi Work gliag &: Siding 11 Mbrtoil AftIlae Moa~P.. ~:a:":';.t.Ii~.~ =· . ,im Just as important for your everyday health is pure water. In order to provide you with the best, Springfield Water I is taken through a number of purifying steps. ELECI'RlC SERVICE Builder JlQ Pll'....PI· !fIIIII. Vacations g,t your nose away from the grindstone. A good rest will do you and your health a world of good at times. PhoDe Swarthmore 217S-R 104 CorneUAvenue , Swarthmore, Penna. •• Quick Seroice HEALTH--.·' eO OD an ederior painting. ~ MASON· BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY Other tools also aharpeued Saws Set aDd Filed 7.~ 302 Gayley Street Media, P.. Tel. Media 2872·R PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Desirable lots available -TWIN .' , Rugs and Carpets Plan DOW the home you want SWartbmDre 03411 We also bantDe a1mnlnum overhead garage doors Swarthmore 1250 Oall 8wa. Itll-J W.·LANG· Call 331 Dartmouth Avenue Yale Ave. and Chester Road $9.S0 In - $3.50 out AntlsepUo _tbs $1I.00 Horses ClIpped For appointments BOOding Materials SbarpenecI' by Machine . TO tHE· FULL EXTENT OF THE ,""W. IF AT FAULT IN A TRAFFIC ACCIDENT Davie! w. Hom. For Information Lawn Mowers PENNSYLVANIA WILL PUNISH TRAFFIC VIOLATORS c.r. Z:;:z,. ..... W' ,I, •• 1••• It did happen to them! It can happen to YOU, the driver ••• YOU, the pedestrian. And only YOU can stop it by When you walk-Be alert for traffic lights, warning signs, passing cars. Don't jaywalk. Look before walking into the roadway. Never walk from behind a parked car. IIno I1ib Pie Crut hOd_so Iced IISdI Ora. . . · Pekoe He is only one of 72 3 killed ••. 20,31~ injured ... a total of 21,035 hwnans sacrificed by reckless • •• thoughtless • •• careless • •• driving and walking in the first five months of 1946 in Pennsylvania. Life snuffed out I Happiness blasted I Why? These drivers and pedestrians thought it couldn't happen ·10 them. correcting the faults which are the basic causes of traffic tragedies: • & WAITE DOGS CLIPPED 'B. .... W.· Work Guaranteed Robfonl I ...elll ~. • FOR RENT-Attractive second floor robm. Centrally located. Tel. swarthmore 652!. FOR RENT-From August 1. to couple or middle aged wom~n. twO nice rooms and bath. turnlsbed or unfurnished. Reply giving references, to VVEEK Pbone Swarthmore 0992 FOR RENT ASPARAGUS AIIO,!:"::.':.,.eulI SWEET PEAS New":.:t::rg. EARLY JUNE PEAS GBUN BEANS cttrt.-t.. CUT RED BEETS /ISm I'ANCY SPINACH DICED CARROTS ,:.!. PHILLIP'S BEANS .::!t. PEANUT BUTTER D.'ff:., MARSHMALLOW,MeI-O-WI ASPARAGUS SOUP N,,~~ck c:,~~;:'k' - PERSONAL-Vacuum cleaners. Irons, toasters and _radioS, repalre~. Called for and dellv-ared: Can Robert Broo.s, Bwa. 1548. PERSONAI--Lady driving to northern Vermont around August 14. Can take tw,) passengers with good referenCP.S. Write BoX E. The swarthmorea..... .....h .' r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PERSONAIr-College gtt'll~~:.~~t~~ sit". day 01' evenings. with infants. Call MaTdy swarthmore, 2226. between 6 and 1017c 1033c day. July .31. PERSONAL MACKEREL . . rg. Co dish FUI.ts RIIetI Whltb" MORTON REFRIGERATION ONE Gasoline Service Station Will Remain Open' 1125 W. Lehigh Ave.. Phila. PboneBaldwin 1170 No additional cbarge for subnrban calls. New or Old FOR SALE-Bed-room set: dressing table and bench, night, table. rocker. bed, bureau and mattress. Can be seen at Whittier Bouse, 10 to 3, Wednas- + . .August 12, to 17, Inclusive 01011 A- MERCER QUINBY Funeral Director ELECTRICAL WORK FOR SALE-Man's Palm Bf?>ach whUe sutt size 37: one Schick razor. TeL swarthmoro !691. . '"19c CLOSED Phone A. L. tor tbe all kInd pERSONAlr-Htgh school graduate , wUl baby _ slt, afternoons and ~venings. -Tel. swarthmore 0268. Not ice Will Be the out-of'-tune Ion. Call Swarthmore 0870-.1. ......,._N.. _ s..... VhoI'1l Is 'oeI_ton tha& can lie FOR SA.LE--General Eleetrlc l3"PO wast.ing machine. Good condlt- Grad. A S,.,lnll lamlt Breast ....... N". '"25c ,036c Lamb Roast "'--,'o'37e CIIuck R.st - " '.36c SlIc.d Bcicon ....,.... 25c Ground.... '.36c Braunsw.lg.r ",,023c . lologna ""'"2Oc Lunch M...t H...... 04'OI6c of HOME STYLE POTArO SALAD 101ge .:; PIANO nJNING FOR SALE-Large rabbit pen. TwO cOmpartments. Strongly built. can swarthmore 4672-'M. PaRCY Grade A Beef Short Ribs '.25e ESTATE OF MARIE H. l\I'.AR- and historical spots on the Cape. of Swarthmore. Delaware Dr.; and !tfrs. Da.vld Mccahan County. Pennsylvania. Letters Testa- and famUy ot Strath Haven avenue mentary Gn the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, who re-- will leave August 1. to spend the quest all person$ having claims or month on a farm' at St. Mich .. demands against the estate of the decedent to make known the same, I ae1's, ,Md. ALICE M. BAIRD Real Estate and Insurance Old Bank BuDding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43C 47C NC or to th~lr attorney. DuUel'; Beatty, Greer & J"ohn80n 7 26 6T Media. Pa. - - Media 0755 ~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;gI FOR SALE • Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Co. and A. Sidney John80n, Jr., Swarthmore, Pa. SHAI.L I DAVE WOOD Notarr PnbUo--Iaslll'BDco LOST-Qne corduroy coat. Can swarthmore i145. to, l~~~~~~Il OurService Department SoUcited S _ 0111..1 ~ EBbUe Lost; and all persons Indebted to the deced- ellt to mak~ payment, without delsy ~"'~~~"'''''''~l\.U~'~'''_'''--'~~ Phone • J4~ LOST-small 'boy's baeebaU glove, near Rutgers and Cornen avenue. Sentimental value. Can Bernard. swarthmore 3162. ..: 45: ._cts rt ; LOST •• .. a ~.::::::::::::::::::::::::~ WANTED---Palntlng and odd jobe. Call Allen Willis, Swarthmore .2226, or Bill Duey. Swarthmore oI536-W. 2'''25e ..•.. 1ge ,o12e I WelllbSIa ,& CNt& ·.Plloue .cJlelcer 1·1181 WANTED-Young couple desire to rent apartment small house.1910, No chUdren. No pets. or Call Ardmore collect. 110 CiiiCiDs ~Hobb, Gree'lng un- ,ol3c fresh-Killed Poultry G,.d. A J[oo,k SUppUea 1 l\lrs. SaJlluel Francis Butler of South Chester road and Mrs. 'WlllIam M. Pomeroy o! Haverford have returned trom an 18-da.y va.cation at West Harwich, Cape Cod. FRIo}DERIC B. CALVERT. At:.y. for PetlUoners IT-G-12 Mass. WhUe stopping there they enjoyed motor trips to interesting Protect Your House With a Good Paint Job Plota.re FAmlre BtatloDElrJ' Boob Court of Common PIcas at Delaware Count)·. June Term 1946 No. Notice to Mlna Hllllams. Mlnla 'v. Stewart, JOSCllh Smytho, and all other persOIlS who have or claim to have enr right. title, or Interest In the IJr~mif.e8: the Court has gran.t.ed a. Hule upon petition of John :AI.' Bowen ~nd Jean E. Bowen to appear and show cause why th~lr title to lots 120 and 121 S ..... arthmore Improvement Co. No. 2 Tract. S.W. cor. Amherst and Muhlenberg Av(>s.. Ridley Twnp., t;hould not be adjudicated and decreed Indefensible as against all rights and claims: Rule being returnable FrindY Sept. 21. 1946. at 10 A.M.• DST., Court House. :Media. around Swarthmore for over 20 years 8714 housekeeper"l~~~§~~~~~~§~~' • Phone ELBERTA PEACHES 10e la .... IUHlou. ~ We have worked in and W. S. JIittIe &: SoD 2 '''29c PAINTING JEWEIIER 7th St. 00_·· (Opposite New State ~) WANTED-A ,ReplY to Boxcompanion B. The Swarthmorean. , girl wants to 1.0 part time. Call Rush.d to • our. Markets J.rsey Fr.sh Lima B.ans Cri. Westem Iceberg L.Huee Juicy Persian Limes F'_ F"''' De .luxe Cel.ry Hearts Sweet M.aty Hon.yd.ws l ~ 1& 'PIwoe wuman In tocal shop. Reply Box I. ears CUNNINGH AM ends with them. Mrs. Almgren'. ~~ paraniB Dr. and MrII. Eo F. WrIght stayed ~ at the Almgren's bome , • whlle they were away. EDWIN B. KEH EY, Jr. WANTED 5 TH,E SWARTHMOREAN FRIDAY, MY 26, 1946 ' . SWeI. . . . y _ 'AI .,,- ~----------~I~.~----~l ;' I THE SWARTHMOREAN 6 our HARBOLD'S Mrs. Wllllam R. Wllllama of weeks with her SOD and daughter Richmond, Va., will arrive about -In-law Mr. and Mrs. T. Leigh WllAugust 1. to spend a couple of l~ of Ha.rvard avenue.. " . NEWS NOTES OF SERVICE . 'Vllliam Horsey, MoMM 3/e was separated from the Navy at ~n­ bridge, Md., July 6 following his return to the States, and has joined his parents Mr. and :Mrs. Roy M. Horsey of North Swarthmore avenue. He had boen serving with the U. S. Navy a little more than two years and was on duty on aMino Sweeper in the Pacific for the last 14 months. His brother T/3 John" Horsey l'ecelved his discharge from the Army In June after serving with the 29th Medical Laboratory in India for two years and a few months. John is now working as a chemist at du Pont's, Wilmington but plans to continue with post graduate work at Ohio State tn the fall. Mrs. Avery Blake of Amherst avenue w1l1 visit Mles Elizabeth Departmeot Store Wolf of Baltimore thla week-end. For Mea, Women and Mr. and Mrs. Bteven Spencer ChilcIreD and family of Ogden avenue re84 West State Street turned home Tuesday night from Media a month's motor trip to the west coast. Enroute they vlslted the Infants' DepL Grand Canyon, and Yosemite NaMedia 1888 tional Park. They visited 'relaUves In Sacramento. Calif., and spent McCall'. Patterns some time In Pasadena, and San Francisco returning by the dessert route. Dr. and Mrs. Frank H. Murray of Princeton avenue returned Monday from Ban Francisco, Cal. Dr. Murray attended the conference Serving Quality Food of the American Proctologic Sofor Over 30 Years Ciety of which he made a FelloW. Enroute home they visited sights 107 W. State St. of Interest at Vancouver. Glacier Media Park, and Yellowstone. Cpl. Mildred Bond has re-enUsted In the WACS and reported ]i'rlday to the National Air Port in Washington, to. C. Mr. arod Mrs. Guy G. deFurla and daughter Ann and Caroline of North Chester road returned Sunday from a motor trip through New Engla.nd. Lt. (jg) John E. Zerbe and Mra Zerbe of Palo Alto, Cal:, spent 10 days with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Zerbe of Upper Darby, formerly of Swarthmore, and also visited Mrs. Zerbe's parents Mr. and Mrs. Roy N.oll of Dearborn, Mich., former residents Be sure to !lurcbase your layette at J, & J.:"-then. It of Swarthmore. They are now rethe" stork flies over twice. \Ve'll give )'ou a dopUcate turning to their home on the we~ bt)"ette for the other "wiD ••• FREE. naturallJ. coost and enroute will visit Black HUls, S. C., Yellowstone National Park, Crater Lake National Park, Ore., and Yosemite National Park. Lt. Zerbe is on terminal leave ofter FREE LIFE BOOK Given Away Wltn Each Order for a Latyette. Bring This Ad With You. sorvlng for more than three years In the Navy. 1\11'. and Mrs. David M. Speers of II Harvard a.venue returJled home Monday after a. three-week visit with the .former's parents Mr. and Mrs. H. A. O. Speers of .Indianapolis, Ind. During the first week of their vhJ\t Mr. Speers served as bl'st man at the wedding of his sister Miss Madelaine .speers. ARCADIA RESTAURANT • FOR THE OUTDOOR GIRL DUNGAREES 3.45 Like to rough it? TWIN INSURANCE JACK & FRIDAY, JULy. 28, 1948 Outdoor life's just Dandy in blue denim JILL SHOPPE dungarees with 209 W. State Street, Media, Pa. contrast stitching. A st~Jfdy . New Higher Pay.. for the Army! IN ADOIlION 10 CLOTHIHG, fOOD, LODGING, MSJICAL AND DENTAL CAQ, AND UI8'AL RmREMEH1' PRIVIlEGES . SfoartIIIG Master Sergeant or First Sergean, Technical Sergeant Staff Sergeant. • Sergeant • • • • Corporal • • • • Private First Ciasl Private • • • • • Monlhly Retireme..t Income Aften IcIIePay JOy.... 3OY.... PwMollffl Seme. Sorvb $165.00 135.00 115.00 100.00 90.00 80.00 75.00 $107.25 87.75 74.75 • 65.00 58.50 52.00 48.75 II r;?l i I 3. A reen1iatment bonus of $50 L ~, .. • $185.63 151.88 129.38 112.50 101.25 90.00 84.38 . .. Is Valuable? yearrI "me_increaling to thr_ quarten pay after 30 years' service. (Retirement income in grade of Master or First Sergeant up to $185.63 per month for life.) All previous active federal 'military service counts toward retirement. 8. BeneSb under the GI Bm of RiKhtl auured for men whoenllat on or before October 5. 1946. Cold, hard cash has 9, Choice of branch of semce DO more value thaD the product or service it buys. Money poorly speDt ' '.'4. Up to go iIa)'a' nen1iatmeDt CODvenience 01 Electric LivJnq is wasted-il farlouab vrith pay, depeadiac on leapb of eervice. with pnac:ribecl. vaN allowance paicl to home aDd nturn. for IllIG DOW ill tt. Azm7 wIlD .....,,1&. S. ConIalt ~ Army Reauithc omc- for ott. fudoa&h priviIopI., AI YOUR NIAUST a. L AlMY UaUmN. STAnON ;000 JOB " U. S. Army C f1 G 0 S [ ti"E T ~~ I .... 0, .... -, u. s. ARMY RECRUITING STA'110N MASONIC BUILDING ·0relIIW· .', 01 modem £Iec:tric £fri:J'1-but, Ifrst, be SU1'8 tlaal S "R()~'"S<':'JO' you lail to Jmprove YOW' wiriDg f2S you improve . your liviDg. Plcm lor. the economy and added pleasures FeR .rOL , aad Is money wasted I Even money invested in the ENLIST NOW foe tIie riIt '" JIOaI' . . . . . . 20 .. your money It for each year of active service sinc:e and overseBI theater (of Ptose .till such bonus wal lart paid, or aiDc:e open) on 3-year enliltmenb. laat entry into aervice, provided reenlistment is within 90 daya after _ last honorable cUtcbar&e. 8. lIusterq-GUt PQ' (bMed apoD J.DPb of service) to all men who . . diM herpct to.u.t . . ..u.t. • 'l. ~ to Ntn at Iaalf PIIJ' " i •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•. 1 Highligh', of Regular Army Enlistment 2. Enli.tmeDt ace from 18 to 34 yean itlcluaive (17 with pareDla' COnlBnt) except for men DOW in AzmY. who may reenlilt at any . .~ and former aervice DUID dependiPC OIl length of ~ce. Sizes 24 to 32. OLD BANK BUILDING, 50% IIct .... " . . . .,. oIl'1yttg Of' GIIJer 0..... a% ...... it Pcry Ior~" 3 Years of Service. • 1. Enli.tments for 111.1. 2 or 3 years. (One-year enIi.tmenb permitted for men now in the Army with 6 or more montha of eervice.) I riding-for all outdoor sports, alice barber, gifts 20% IIc:TocIIo lor s.me. Ov....... ! for cycling and August Houra 10-5 ,Wed. and"SaL t 10-1 IN ADDITION TO COLUMN ONE O' THE ABOVI& • becoming costume ........................ NEW PAY SCALE and FOIII' 110.... 11_ tIJ. aecesaary modem wfrlllO" I.. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE SWARTHMOREAN 6 HARBOLD'S "'iIlialll HOI'!