Pa. -----.-HORNETS PLAY TONIGHT . COLLEGE AVENUE FIELD THE 'SWARTHMOR $3.00 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1946 VOL No. 18-No. 23 DOES BORO WANT SWIMMING POOL? Register For S.ummer Recreation Next Week If 160 people are interested in 8wimmlng In a college pool this . summer and will send post cards to Mrs. J, M. Pearson, 219 Cornell Avenue. before June 16, the Swarthmore Recreation .Association will be able to accept the use ot Q. pool from the college. Individual memberships will be $8.0' tor July and AugUst. The cost of operating the pool and hiring a .life guard and lockerroom attendants Is so high' that the Board does not' feel able to contract for the use of the pool without the neceMary membership. The pool wHl be open tm six in the evening and every day. l( enough adults are interested, special hours will be arranged for them. Registration for the nursery school will be June 10 and 11 from 2 to .. o'clock in the Rutgal'8 S:venue plarroom or the College avenua cafeteria. Registrations may be sent by mail to Mrs. J. ReYnolds, Oberlin avenue, but be sure to mention the child's age. The nurse_ ry school wlIl care for children , from those who were two by September 1, 19-15, to those just finishing second grade. It will be un~ der the supervision o.f Mrs. J. J. Crookston aI)d a staff of experienced teachers and assistants. Baseball teams already organ~ ized. the Hornots and the American Legion tea.n, will reglster at this time too. This gl'oupcotiles UildGr the Summer Club and Is $2 except for out of town members who must pay $10. The higher fee Is neces~ sa.ry because much of the money tor the Summer Club program is contributed by iocal taxes from the school boal'd and the borough council. Registration for the Summer Club will be on opening day, .July 1. in the College avenue cafeteria. Riding lessons and the use of the swimming pool are extras and may be paid for &t that time. , BACCALAUREATE SUNDAY The baccalaureate exercises of the gr@uating .class of Swarthmore High School will be held on Sunday • .June 9, 1n the Pr~sbyterian Church on Harvard avenue. This will be a community service at which all the ministers of the varloua churches of the community will participate. The baccalaureate sermon will be preached by the Rev. David Braun. D.D. The High School Chorus wlll sing the anthem The "Paper Reeds by the Brooks" from ·'The p~ace­ aglt' Kingdom," a modern sacred choral work by Randall Thompson. The oft'erlng will ge used for the school scholarship fund. .' . Deadline Tuesday The SWarthmorean .must go to press on Wednesday of next week. The deadUne tor ne\\" and advertising copy w1l1therefore be 'l'uesday. June 11. at 10 a. m. MEMORIAL HELD FOR MRS. BAIR Many Works Stand Witness to her Kindness A memorial service was conducted last night at 8 p.m. in the Pres_ byterian Church tor Mrs. Robert T. Balr whose death. occurred Tuesclay morning at h'Br home on Cornell ave.nue. A member of the United Nations Council' of Swarthmore, Mrs. Bair had worked tlreiewly in recent years to aid the C9.US8 of peace and understanding In the world' ~nd had made many public addresses Smarting under two' successive for this organization. She was a defeats, the Hornets baseball team faithful member of the American unleashed their stingers last Frl- Legion AuxlIlary nnd had agreed dap evening to trounce Springfield to stand as its president next year. 10 to 2 and Mo~ay evening to During the war she had been hand the hitherto unbeaten Manoa. very active in Red Cross work, team the short end of a 4 to 2 working steadlly at the production score. Both were regularly schedul- of Red· Cross garments at the ed 'games In the Suburban Junior Woman's Ciub and at her home. Baseball League under the spop- She served as Q. Red Cross Nurses sor$ip of the Swarthmore Recrea_ Aide from August, 1944 to Septemtion AssocIation. . b!3 r , 1945. Staking SprIngfield to Q. one run Another wartime interest which lead in the first two innings, the I she aided eagerly. was the Philalocal boys found their batting eyes delphia Presbytel'ian Hospitallty in 'the third to tal.1y four runs. D. Center for servicemen. Recently Swan reached first by virtue of be- Mrs. Bah"s concern for the welfare Ing hit by a pitched ball and Bul- of others had expressed itself In look sacrificed him to second. organizing and packing relief po.ckBray's !:lIngle to center field scored ages for desolate perl:!ons in war Swan while Thorbahan's sa.fety put devastated areas. runners on first and second to set She Is cherished by all In her the stage for a smashirfg home run vicinity as a good neighbor, ready by Dalton. clearing the bases. An- in any emergency_ to be of service. other run was scored In the sixth. She is survived by her husoond. while In the seventh five more run- her two. sono Robert T. Balr, Jr., ners croBBed the' plate ·on five.hits.·~~dc !~hl~C: J?,~.~r, her fath~r John M. CrUey of Terfa·Cl!iil.;-'FIlt:':'"n-SJs.;;· Monday evening's game with the tE'r ·Mrs. H. P. Boggis of Cleveland.' Manoo boys was an evenly matched a brother W. Criley also of contest throughout and' the result Cleveland. and another. brother was in doubt right up to the last F. F. 'Criley of Miami. Fla., and her out in the seventh. Manoa started mother-lil_law Mrs. Katherine Bair. the sc(\rlng with two runs in the third but· the Swarthmore lads TENNIS OPENS' cancelled them with two of their The Swarthmore Tennis Club own In the fourth, the.n went on to wlll open its 27 seaSM this week~ chalk up the Winning run in the end on the women's courts at the fifth, and for good measure, an- college. Dues and rules for mem_ other in the sixth. Meanwhile Do.l- bership will remain substantially ton'a superb control in the' last the same as last year. Those three Innings, after relieving Bul_ ing to join should get in touch with lock and Helmuth on the mound. David M. Sensenig. the new club kept the Manoa bat effectively president, or Wllllam F. Lee, who checked. has returned from overseas to his r.rhese two games give' the Hor- former post as secretary-treasnets four wins and two losses' for a urer. percentage of .667, placing them Because of the .number of men second in the league standing. returning from service prospective Manoo. leads' the leoague with four new members should get In their wins and one loss. aplicntion.s early. Tonight the boys play Larchmont on the College avenue field. while Mr. and Mrs. John C. Moore of Monday evening they take on Wall- Amherst avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Ingford at ·W'alUngford. Both games Roland E. Eaton of Rutgcrs (l,venue are scheduled to Stal·t at 6: 30. spent Memorial Day and the week~ end on an automobile trip to WilMrs. Frank G. Keenen' of Har- liamsburg. Va. vard avenue and Mrs. Harold G. M... and Mrs. Herbert Thatcher Griffin o( Rutgers avenue entcr~ of Tryon. N C., visited the Charles tained at a tea yesterday at Mrs. 'IIhatchers of Ogden avenue for a Keene.n's home In honor of Mrs. few da~'s while en route to NanI tucket, Mass. Cameron Hall. - HORNETS STAGE FAST COMEBACK Counteract Double Defeat with Two Wins 'V. MiBsin:g Programs Anyone In the community who has in his possession a high school commencement program trom 1910 to 1917 and 1919 please notify the high school office at once. The high ,school files need these missing programs. ARRANGE·ADULT CHEST X-RAYS •. County Assoc. Offers . Pree Check-up In Fall 'Plans were formulated this week for a communltr chest X-ray 8urvey for the ndults of Swarthmore to be held in the high school gym~ nasium on Tuesday, September 24, of this year. This survey is tor all members of the community 18 year~ of age 'or oldflr, with special Intertlst in food handlers and adults who come in' contact with chlldren. Robert Bernharflt .of the Delawnre County Tuber:culosis Association, with his assltants. Mrs. Michie and Miss Kechan. led tile discussion In formulating the plans. Frank Ii'.. Morey. supervising. prin_ cipal of. local Rchools. was appointed community chairman. and a tentativeorganization was established to consist of representative commlttees wlt.h SUb-chairmen. Considerablc '~~rk will' be necessary in. order to present the matter adequately to ui'c people of the com_ munity, to insure their cooperation, to arrange for registration. and to st.Jledukr-tho'X-I:AYs; 'It isbeileved' that this service wlll be welcomed by tho peo'ple of Swarthmore as an impol.tant part of the periodic heaith checkup. There wll be no chargo for' this service, the cost be.: ing covtlred by the sale of Chrlstmas' seals. Wins Chess Tournament After n long exciting match, Richard Bosshardt, after winning out over fiftecn other people. defeated . George Storck to capture the chess championship of Swarthmore High Sahool. His nam~ wlli be engraved on a bronze plaque presented to the Chess Club in 1939 hy Mr. Morey. ,MEMORIAL SPEECH DENOUNCES FEAR Braun S~ts Standards of Real Gratitude A goodly number of boroughites turned out to honor fellow Swarth moreans who served in two World Wars in a threefold program last Thursday morning; Among them some in uniform and others in "civie!'!," were a considerable num ber of veterans Of both globe frays. In his invocation at the 9:30 exercises at Borough Hall Plaza, honoring World War I veterans who have passed on, Dr. David Braun, Swarthmore Presbyterian pastor, denounced the prevalent doctrine of fear loose thr.oughout the nation and world. This phobia, an aftermath, of war, "Is a denial of the ho.nor we want to do those who gave their lives for us," said Dr~ Broun. "We are living in an age when evcrybodY Is afraid; we are afraid of t~e pcace, we are afraid of revolution, we are afraid ot hunger. and of the threat of an_ other war." Stating that we do- not Aonor our heroic dead only by ol'atory parades, monuments, and demonstrations on the village gr'gen, Dr. Braun procTaimed we must each overcome our complex fears and prove' our worthiness of the Uves sacrificed, by doing three things: "realJzlng our true nationo.l destiny, paylnlI. the price of our destiny, and u.e.rstandlng our own personal responsibility to that destin)"'." ~ After the pla~lng of flags before .!:l:!e _l}l~l!l~.rl~1 ~onume~~. t~e High School .Band, color guard' and flring squad of local men In their service uniforms, Girl and Boy Scouts. Cubs nnd Brownies, and representatives of other town organlt!ft.tions formed Into parade Une and marched to Fairlawn cemetery at the end of Park avenue, followed by fire engines and many spectators. Dr. Braun the benediction at the grave of Charies Seymour. who was a member of the local American Legion Post. Returning to the Bank corner around 10:30 paraders found the strictly spectator group swelled by a few late risers and the ceremony in behalf of those lost in World (Continued on page 5) THIS WEEKS CALENDAR Friday, 'June '7 Hornets baseball with .Larchmont ........ College Avenue Field High. School Orchestra Concert .................... H. S. Auditorium SatUrday, June 8 .. : 3 0 P.11. Cub Scouts Picnic ............. _.............................. College Meadow Sunday. Jlme 9 . 11: 00 A.M. Morning Worship ............................................. Local ChUrches 5: 00 P.M. H. S. Baccalaureate ............................ Presb')·tel'lan Church ~I()nday, Jime 10 . 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. Summer Recreation Registration ........ ~Igh School Tuesday, June 11 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. Summer Recreation Registration High School 8: 00 P .M. H . S. G'I a d uation ........................................ " ....... . Clothier Memorial 9:00 to 10:30 P.M. Visitors Night ...................... _.... Sproul Observatory 6: 30 P.M. 8: 15 P.M. .., SWARTHMORE'S FIRS T PEACETIME MEMORIAL PARADE IN FIVE YEARS ..... :; ',J ~~ rt hr.1 0 I'll (;::., lIt! [C Libr:iry :3'.'mr th mora, I>[» HORNETS PLAY TONIGHT VOL N~ 0 COLLEGE THE SWARTHMOR AVENUE FIELD $3.00 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1946 18--No. 23 DOES BORO WANT SWIMMING POOL? Register For Summer Recreation Next Week If 150 people al"e interested in swimming in a college pool this summer alld will send post cards to Mrs. J. 1\1. Peal'son, 219 Cornell Avenue, before June 15, the Swarthmore Recreation Association will be abie to aceept the use of u pool from the college, Individual llIombCl'ships will be $8.0' for July and August, The cost of operating the pool and hiring a life guard and lockerroom attcndants is so high that the Board does not feel able to contract for the use of the pool without the necessal'y membership. The pool wHI be open till six in the evening and e"ery day. 1.( enough adults are interested, special hours will be arranged for them. Regist.-ation COl' the nUl'sery school will be Junc 10 and 11 fl'om 2 to 4 o'clock in the Rutgers avenue llla~roolll or thc College avenue cafeteria. Hegish'ations may be sent by mail to 1\II's. J. Reynolds, Oberlin avenue, but be sure to mention thc child's age. The nurse_ ry school will care fOI" children from those who were two by Septembcl" I, 1945, to those just finishing secund grade. It will be under the supel""ision of 1\Irs, J. J. Croolist on una a staff o[ experienced teacherH and assistants. Buseball teams already Ol'ganized. the Hornets and the Amel"ican Legion team, will I'egister at this timo too. This gl'oup comes undel" the SUlllmer Club :lnd is $2 cxcept [or out of town members who luust pay S 1 O. The highCl" fee is neCClisury becausc Illuch of the Illolley for the SUlllmer Club program is contl'ibutecl hy local taxes fl'om the school boai'll anll the bOI'ough council. Reg-ish"alion fOI" the Summel' Club will he Oil opening day, July I, in the College avenue cafeteda. Riding lessons and the usc of the swinuning pool are extras and may be paid fOI' oi that time. BACCALAUREATE SUNDAY The baccalaureate exercises of the gl'aduating class of Swarthmore High School will be held on Sunday, ,Juno tl, in the Presbyterian Church on Hurvard avenue. This will he a community service at which all the niiniste .. s of the various churches of the comnlunit)' will participate. The hacealaureate sermon will be preached by the Rev. David Braull, D,D. The High School Chorus will sing the anthem The "Paper Heeds by the Brool,s" f .. om "The Peaceagle Kingdom," a modern sacred choral ·wo.-k by Randall 'r'llOlllllson. The offering will ge used for the school scholarship fund. MEMORIAL HELD FOR MRS. BAIR Deadline Tuesday Tho Swarthmol'ean .must go to press on 'Vcdnesday of next weele. The deadline for news and advertiSing copy will therefore be 1'uesday. June 11, at 10 Many Works Stand Witness to her Kindness a. m. HORNETS STAGE FAST COMEBACK Counteract Double Defeat with Two Wins Smarting under two' successive defeats, the Hornets baseball team unleashed their stingers last 1·'1"1dap evening to trounce Springfield 10 to 2 and l\Ion~ay evening to hand the hitherto unbeaten Manon team the short end of a 4 to 2 score. Both wel'e reguhu'ly scheduled games in the SuhUl"ban Junior Baseball League under the sponsorship of the Swarthmore Recre~_ tion Association. A memol'lul scrvlce was conducted last nj~ht. at 8 p,m, in the Pres_ byterian Church for 1\Irs, Hobert T, Bair whose dcath occulTed Tucsday mOI'ning at I1'C; home on Cornell avenue. A member of the United Nations Council of HWUI'thmore. 1\'II·S. Bah' had wOI'ked tlt"eles",ly in recent years to aid the rouse of peace and undel"standing in the \vorld and had made many public addresses for this organization. She was a faithful member of the America.n Legion Auxiliary und had agreed to stand as its prcsldent next yeal". Dul"ing the war she had been vel'y activc in Red Cross work, working steadily at the production of Red Cross garmcnts at the \Voman's Club and at her home. She servcd as 0. Hed CI"OSS NUI'ses Aide fI'om August, 1944 to Septembel", 1945. Anothel' wartime interest which she aided eagerly, was the Philadelphia Pn:'Hhyte!'ian Hospitality Center fOI' scr~·icclllen. He('ently M,·s. Dail"H (,Ollcel'n fOI' the welfare of oUlm's had t'xill'esse\11". and 1\\t·s. "John C. Moore of Sntunluy, .Julle 8 Monday evening they take on \Vall- Am'hel"st avenue amI 1\11'. and 1\lrs, Cub SCOlltS Pi('nic ............................................ College :\Ieadow 4::W 1'. :\1. ingford at 'Vallingford. Both gallleH Roland E. Eaton of Rutgers avenue Sunda~', .JUIW I} al'e scheduled to st:u-t at 6:30. spcnt Memorial Day and the weeli:\lol'!ling \YOI'ship .......................................... Local Church!'s 1 I : 0 II A. :\1. end on an automobile trip to \\'11fl: 110 1'.'\ I. H. S. Bacealalu'eate ............................ PI·esb>;\·tel'ian ChUl·dl l\hs. Frank G. Keenen' of lIa,"- Iiamsbllrg, Va. Monday, ,'Ulle to 1\[1". and 1\lrs. Hcrbm"t Thatchel' \·a.-d avenue and 1\'Il's. Hal'old G. High School :!:1I1l to 4:U(I P.~1. Summel' Hecreation R.>gistJ':,tion GI"iffin of Hutgel"s avenuc enter- of 'l'IT:m, N C .. visited the Charles 'l'ucsday, .June I t tained at 0. tea yesterday at :\\1'8. '!'hatchel's of Ogden uvenuc fOI' a ~~:::: to 4:'H'HP.~1. ,~um.lII.el· Hecl'eation I{"gistl'ation High School Keenen's home in honol" of ~Irs. few da.,·s while en I"OutC to NanI'.:\\. . . GI 'ld~I.~tlOn .. :..................................... Clothiel' !\lemol'ial Cameron Hall. ~ tllcl{Ct, :\Iass. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~9_:,_,_u_to__ l_"_::_~._)_P_._M_.__\_'I_"ltors Night .......................... Sproul Obsel'vatory tl.' THIS WEEKS CALENDAR SWARTHMORE'S FIRST PEACETIME MEMORIAL PARADE IN FIVE YEARS " Photos hy Ernest H. I nws '~ f:a.letldo:!,~rk aad right are sections of last 'lb.ul'8day's !larade enrontc from exercises honllring ,'eterans of \Vorld \Var , by the P)"flue Ho-:'(n"'h avenue to East~ 0emeter'J' where were placed on or veterans. IJefl. veteran.'I from both ~"8rs follow the W;Y'!l .~rl~g ~Iemoria) scbooI' .... .~~ ~~~___ ..:.tepplug .... flags gr:l"CS onl vIgIo1'OU8ly on the Ioug m:U'ch. If yon look down the tI'ee arched street you'll ftnd three coiors. the s. .... ___ ...--.- __ • ____ Gilt SnoUt Troo1I US'8. Center. OommalHler Frank R. Markle)'. Harold AInsworth l'Ost. Alnerlcan L e i 0 n reads the at _mea of the boroUBh's deIMl .. this war. After dais BOle M. momeal of reaaem~ before the HOIIOI'RoU at the BaDk "-~ ......: ..................... FRIDAY, JUNE 7. 1948 THE SWARTHMOREAN :a --~--~~----------.--~~------~--~--- Lt. Commdr. and Mra. Clyde bride. Mr. Richard Chambel'll of of cream.colot'ed moire featured a mony at the home ot the ENGAGEMENT parent&. The brlde'a mother I Harless Parmelee ot UniVersity Summit. N. J. and Mr. Thomas IItted bodloo, cap eleevee of Prln& gown oC aqua crepe. Her aqua ptaclt are rece1vhl8' cOngrktulattODa Woodruft' of Syracuse. N. Y .• served :Mr. and loire. Lewla cleveland c ..... lace and a full liklrt trimmed . hat Wall trimmed 1D. yellow and her on the birth of a 80D, Cl7de Ha.rJta as u8he~ Dorti ot Gle.nBlde announce the en... with panela of the _me lace. She A reception followed In whittier corsage waa ot yellow rose& Tbe. Parmelee. Jr., on Thura4aJ". KaY gagement of their da.ughter. Pa_ wore a cameo plo_belol18lliS' to her House on tbe campu& tricia Ann to Salliuel W. W. Mitch- groat grandmot'tler PlttOck. Ber brldegroom'a mother choSe a gown ao, In the Bryn Jlawr Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Maler were gradu. of gray crepe, with gray and green ,The baby is the grandson of Mrs. ell, Bon Of Mr. and Mrs. Ferris W. long veU of Princess lace fell from ated from Swarthmore College_ a 'acceBBorlea. Her corsage was of wnUam W. Mitchell of University Mitchell of strath Haven avenue. a J:Jllet lace cap, and she carried tew years ago. Mrs. Maler ~ been white roses. . place. The engagement was announced an old.fuhloned bouquet of white making her home with Mr. and Following a wedding trip, the at a supper party on Memorlal roses and lilies of the vall~ wttb Mrs. Roberts for the put year. Day. No date haa been set for the a fn)) of tuJJe caught with a shower tyoung couplo wlll spend the BumMAJER---.GRANAT The brldegroom ts allBoclated of the lilies mer at tbe Garrett cottage on cape wedding. with tbe Carbon and Carbide Miss Bally Prichard. who attend. Cod. :Masa.. Bnd will be at home In On 8aturda~ afternoon, June 1. Miss IDOrn Is a graduate of AbChemicals . Corporation In Oak in a. beautiful Friends wedding in Ington F'rlendo Scbool. Mr. ed her slster B8 maid of honor. Wallingford after September 1. Ridge, Tenn., where tne couple will the Swarthmore Meeting House. Mltehell WWI graduated from wore ~ gown of light blue net, and reside after their return frODl Ber": a Juliet cap fashioned of net. pink Evelyn Maud Granat ,:laughter ot Haverford Prep School and from GERSENI--lI,......c:MIlLAN rosebuds and gypsophlla. Alexander Granat of Staten Island. muda. Cornell Unlvemw. The bridesmaids, MI88 Jennie Lou N. Y.. and the late Mrs. Granat. - - - - - Johnson, of Moylan; MI88 Bennie was married to Robert Vendlg Mai. BRlDJd. ATTENDANTS Morton, of Wallingford; MiB8 Floreor son of Mrs. Ira Mater of New RUSSE" 'S SERVICE .' . ,. ence Miller. of Prospect Park, and York. a.nd the late Mr. Maler. lIaIr.. You c.r Ltu' til. n.ratlo Miss Ellzabetb Ann Cook will Mro. Edward Shadel, of Elwyn. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Felton and Kepiai' ~"J.. wm n. "act as maid \)t honor and :Mrs. 'Wore gowns of pale pink net and Mr. and Mra. Chester Roberts were James Richard SchUrz. Allentown. Juliet caps of matching color., All DO YOU 1OI0W the Committee of Oversight. Pa... will act aH matron ot honor at the attendants carried old-fashion"'b. Sue Cue tor ..... , ...toO MrS. Frances Roehl Gage of .New . the mo.rriage of their sister. Mlas ed bouquets of pink roses and blue '' Orleans, MlBB Willa. Freema.n of oJ1lIIJI' CALL _ Sara MarcY Cook, daughter 01 Mr. delphinium. Phlladelphla. and MiBS Marjorie and Mrs. Jay Deardorff Cook. of Mr. Statrord W.. Parker, Jr., Davia of Utica, N. Y., attended the Thayer road. to Mr. Benjamin served as best man tor his brother, Stockton Collins. son of Mr. BDd ond the ushers Included Mr. Lloyd Mrs. BenJamln W. Collins. of North Wood, of Chester; Mr. Edward T. Chester road Which will take pla.ce Pittock, Jr.• of Moylan: Mr. Jon· JuDe 25 to August 2 NURSERY sarooL Friday. June 21, at 4:30 p.m. 1n athao Prichard, 3rd, brother of the bride. :lond Mr. Elwood Montgomery. ., . Age GrolIP, 2% to 8 Yeare the Swas·thmore Presbyterian of Wallingford. Register JUDe 10 and 11. II to " P. M. Church. i .\ A reception follow~d the cere. College Avenue ften have you heard it said, "I've The ushers will be Mr. Cha.rles Swarthmore. Mr. Frank Hartzell, E. Laws. brother ot the bride, Mr. Mr. Ralph Hallquist, and Mr. Fran· paid all my bills except the doctor's. ~e can I.e.wrence W. Smith. Jr., and Mr. cis P. Lynah, Jr.. of Wallingford. wait"? A reception followed the cere· Howard G. Arnold both o.f Pros· THURS. - FRL - !i!AT. When we have recovered, the fearful urpect Park. w.''''' t ------------ SUMMER RECREATION The Bouquet ,.'j :1-01' ..A WeJeling 0/ Beauty- anJ :J)idtinction "ORCHIDS ALWAYS" MEDIA THEATRE Bing Crosby, Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour ----- PARKER-PIUCHARD Tho marriage of Miss Jane Prichard. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Prlcbard, of Michigan avenue and M!". Milton Bickley Parker. son of Mr. ·and ¥rs. Stafford W. Parker, of Walllb.gford r took J'lace Saturday at 6 p. m. In the Swarthmore Presbyterian ChurCh. The Rev. Dr. David Br~un perrormed tho ceremony before a chancel banked with white spirea. white 'Peonies. Cybotlum ferns and tall lighted candelabra. loll .. Ann. Prichard, ot Philadelphia.. cousin of the bride, sang preceding the ceremony. The· bride, given In marI'I.... bJ' ber fatber. wore the'weddlng go~ aDd ven wom bel' "mother' .md, JDI'fl>'t:!'!1l ....ndQi..tJieil. grip. (JraJuation :hag calls for gifts Smart new comnacts designed b~ one of America's leading compac& SVN. - MON. - TUES. Robert Walker . and Jlme AIlyson craftsmen - pnd - new jewelr)' flhe'll ·wear on man,. a date. alice barber, gifts "A SAILOR TAKES ., WIFE" OLD BANK BUILDING a0ae4 Wed, . ~ .. "*'- "ROAD TO UTOPIA" J",., ' . --- ap!i!. Octoc>be< ••.'. " -- ~- -- ----~- -~- - - .! . ~ '.". '" .-_. --"- -- - .' " , . '.' •.. ,~ . ...~ ..- .'. - ; * geney of that night call is easily forgotten. In answer to our frantic caII, what if the doctor had said, "Db, it's nothing serious. Wait until ~ morning and come down to the office:' The chances are we would agree to pay double if he :would come at once. , Health is not an item for trade and barter. In fJlet, the ooly wealth is health. Consider your doctor bill as your best investment in the continued enjoyment of life. As pharmllcists. we _nd ready to fill your prescriptions promptly and ac:c:urately. .. MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY ... Chi # ••. Comer PETER J!l. TOLD, EdItor MARJORII!l TOLD, 'MOOlat,e EdItor Lorene ,Mccarter ROIIILiIe PelnlOl Anne N. Cochran a.. , I Entered SOcond CIaaI Matter, January U, lUt, at tbe P Otrtoe at; Swarthmore. PL, under the Act ot March I. 1879. . DI!lADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON OUR OW.N . PARKING FACILITIES Sunday morning the 11 o'clock service wllJ be devoted to tbe Church School Chlldren's Day. All departments will participate In the ;Vorship. Members of the Church School will meet In the Parlsh House at to:.€' o'clock for the proce88lanaJ. There wUI be no' regular Church School this Sunday•. A cordial invitation Is extended to parents of young people and the congregp,tioD to attend this service. Elizabeth Bryant and Joo.n Faulk_ ner at the MBin door, Allee HornadaY and Betty Spencer at the Bar. Yard Avenue entrance and Winifred Rumble. nnd Joan Streeter at the dz:lveway4ransept entrance wUI ( asslBt the mlntster in extending greetings to the congregation a.fter the service. The Junior Choir will rehearse Friday evening at 7 o'clock in the Parish House. The· Chapel aneJ Chancel Choirs wUl rehearse Thursday e'Y'enlng at 7:4.6 o'clock. Methodist Church Notes time Rev. JamOli M. Collins wUl preach. Chqlr Scbool· hao dlscnnllnued Its se88ioiul for the Bummer. Church School wUl close for the yoo,r on Sunday. June 9. Parents who are Interested In placing their boys In the Choir School for. training next ,ear are uked to communicate with the Rector at once. We have added one more feature for the convenience of our Patrons. Our own Parking Lot which is open every day until 10 P.M. Located directly opposite our Sansom Street entrance. I BACK FROM GERMANY. .! Capt. Guenther H. Froebel. Jr•• landed In New York, Saturday on the Elgin Victory trom Bremen. Germany. He spent _Sunday with his parents of North Swarthmore avenue and reported )(onday to (JQmp D~ N: J., for. ,Army dis_ charge. Capt Froebel served overseas 26 months as· Bomb .DIsposal Officer ot the 147th Ordna.nce Division. He W:18 wltb the Fifth Army In Italy, entered. France With' the 36th Dl· vision. and crossed the Rhine 'with the Seventh Army, a.ud more recently was In charge of the Allen· dort Ammunition Pthnt near Mar.. burg, Germany. The OffIcial Board meets In the chapel on Friday evening, June. 7. SILVER WEDDING at 8 o'clock. Children's Day w1ll be observed Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McCurdy 'on Sunday by 0. combined service I ot "B!ueblrd Meadow", Westtown, at 10:30. The Church' School willi formerly of Swarthmore. entertain· meet at 10 and unite with the eer- cd a. large group of friends from vice at 10: 30. There Will be bap· Swarthmore and Westtown at cocktisrn of children and those who de· taUs and a supper party at their , sire to have theIr' children baptized home Sunday evening In honor ot are ~ked to notlty the minister be .. their 26th wedding anniversary. fore the hours of service. . Their son·ln_law and daughter The youth Fellowship will m~et Mr. and Mrs. Donald 3~ton of New~ In the chapel in the evening at 7. town; and younger aaughte! Nancy '.rhe Woman's Society of Chrls- assisted In receiving the guests. tlan Service will hold ~ta concludPIANO AWARDS MADE Ing meeting of the season on Wed_ nesday at 12:30 at the home ot the The :Rnal recital of the seaHon President, Mrs. Alfred H. wtlllams. by piano pupils of Dorthy Paul "M\S Providence road, Wallingford beld on Sunday afternoon at the Members will bring a box lunch home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Caldwell and the beverage w111 be suppUed. HarrlB In Swarthmore Hills. Par.ants and friends enjoyed a aiversi. Christian· ~ence Church tied program of solos and duets, "God the OnlY Cause and Cre- featuring compositions by Haydn, ator" Is the BubJect of the Lesson- Grieg, Brahms and Johann ~t·.'1:Ll1SS. Sermon' in all Churches ot Christ, Edwin Harris receive·d an award Scientist, on S~nday, June 9. The :for the greatest improvement dUrGolden Text is: . "The Lord Is tlie ing t.ho year, and Betty Spencer tor true God. - -Is the 'livilllr God. and highest score In the pracUce recan everlasting king: •.• He hath ord. with C!1rlstlne Foni in secont] made the earth by hts power. he place. Kathleen JessuP. wIth 16 hath established the world by hlB solos memorized. and Betty Spen. wisdom, and hath stretched out the cer, Noel Snyder, Sandy Ford and heavens by his discretion" (Jere .. Susan Cochran with 10 ,or more. al_ mlah 10:10,12). so received awards. Others performing included· PeyTrinity Notes ton Bray. Jane ~ittenger, Patricia HolY Communion will be cele· Blake. David KUne and Gwendolyn . bro.ted at 8 o'clOck. Morning Pray- Watkins. At the conclusion of the el" ",111 b~ held at 11 at Which program. Ught refreshments were served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Abbe of Kenyon avenue entertained Mrs. Abbe's brother Mr. F. B. Taylor and i'amlly of Vera. Fla.. as their week .. end 1fUests. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Walton and their baby ~n who have been living with the tormer's parents Mr. a.nd Mrs. Bernard Walton of Ogden avc~l1e tor the past six OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET .MARY A. BAIa. _ _ , • . ·Several Exceptional Opportunities in our Chester Business Office for Girls who are High School Graduates he ----- a.m. CHURCH SERVICES SWAJt'rHMORE PRNSIlYTERlAN CHURCH Rev Davtd Braun. Minister 9 :45 A. M.-Church school. 10 :80 P. 'M.-Chlldren·s Day 8:00 P. M.-Fellowshlp. METHODIST CHURCH Roy N. Kelst·. D.D•• Minister. SUNDAY 9 :45 A. )f.-Church School. 10:30 P. M.-ChUdren5s Day 7:00 P. AI.-Youth Fellowship. TRINITY CHURCH Rev. Geo_ I"hrt"tlnn An"flrson. Rector SUNDAY. JUNE 9 /-----~- Ends Service Wilfred E. Vogler S.M. 3~c was sepamted from the Navy at Great Lakes. Ill., ~n ,Saturday, May 25, following 28 months of active dut8. He spent one year at Otaru Huk· ktdo • .Japan, with the Port Dlree. tor. Wilfred plans to begin college In the fall. BAPTISED 8:00 A.M.-HolY Communion. Joanne Espenschade, baby t:46 A. J(. - Churdl School 11 :00 A. M.-Mornlng Prayer and Ser- daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. .John P. . mon, The ReV. James M. Espe.nschade of Thayer road was Collins baptised Sunday tn the . Christ THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Of<' Church, Rtdley Park. The Rev. YRIENDS Albert O. Judd officiated. ~T'Nf'''' '" 9 :46 A. :H.-Adult Forum. The babY's Godparents were her U:OI A. Il.-KeeHn.. grandmother. Mrs. Joseph Espen· WEDNESDAY ':10 A. M. to 8:10 P. M.~..lng and schade. her aunt. Carol Hetzel. and qulltlna t1\ Wblttler House. Box lUncheon. her materne.l grandfather ,Mr. 'Wit. AU are cordlall, Invited. l\am E. HeW, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. WIUam E. Hetzel. FIRST CHURCIl 010 <:H1\IST, Jr., entertained at luncheon fol. SCIENTIST OF 8W ARTHKORBl Pal'k Avenue Below Harvard lowll'g the baptism. SUNDAY 11:G11 A. M.-8undaJ' SchooL Mr. and Mre. William Parke 11:01 A. 1I.--8und&7 LeMon Sermon. WedllMdaJ' evenln. mMUnc eaeII Dodd and daughter Pamela who - . • Po III. R.dlne _ _ _ _ _ BandlL1P8 ana hoIldaJa U tl> , b&Vtns l>oe.n ilvlng witb ·Mr. Dodd'. Dodd of p.aa. to _ ,;It mOther it.... Samuel Po.... a._ - W"'r d'r:.......... ...., AD _ . . 1!OIdIaII7. fmtiol ., , 8'Ir1U1bmore avenlle -moved Into to . _-. • COIIntl7 Club laDe, ProvIdenee WIap. former17 occupied b7. IIr. . &lid II.... laeephlCah\el"·· aII4 If you like to meet people and talk to them; it you want a chance at a good job with good pay, regular increases, and a real Chance to get ahead in the business world; if you are looking for a position where you will work with th~ sort of people you want for friends; if thoughtful supervisors, pleasant working conditions, and future ~ecurity are important to you, , then this opportunity is tailor-made for you. For~er information, see . Mr. Rudisill at the Chester, Business Oftice, 512 Welsh Sneer. Chester. The 8en Telephone Company of ,'enllsylvania _".c, W.,}" "A f" •• 41, t. ... -, I • . _ _ _~_ _-:-----=-FJHPtw'·~~~'~;:..!.!. T H .~ \1 ~ ~ T ",::!."t.!P.:..!'~'~A~,IfL .. ,.....!'i~t-l.l:..·,.·:...1.!l~~. '. lnd.. wID fly from DaYton. Ohio on ;~~;:';;;;':'~~e 'y~ IU!8 ktWt: ~ ~cUtq.f NEWS NOTES W8ttne.da:Y next tor .CoIorado t ,!rluevidenced a deep oororlU- Inte....- To tbe Editor" ~, q.a.~,,~~ !'~ ~., '!:I.!'!. and baa sbown growth and ooopThe Coliege students are bapp)' ~r1!- Walter ~ llaIrd of ~ou~ emUon Within the sorority ae well that tbe Swartbmor&en baa aired avenue, p ......dent o~ ~\& I,l" -+JN~ locally the "alleged beaUng"' of' ODe aecepte4 on behalf of the oororlty as on the'U& .Jean ~. gradu. of our students. a troph)' pree8nted b!Y the Pan- ated from stepbens College on We sincerely hope that underHellenic Council te tbe social oor- Tueeday evening, May 18. standable student Inci.g",.i.Ion will not create unwarranted antagonism between the townspeople and the College. We would Uke to point out, how ... ever, that 'Your use of the ucareleBlfly dlscuued" Is an lnac.. curate aUght on our acUvitIes: that the use· ot strong arm tactics by policemen "J.nder anly but the moat Instead'of .carce extreme instances Is neltber to be food•• ln.thl. way you excused nor treated UghUy. will be helpl. . In our We urge your attention to one Department of Agrl. other point: Dr. Nason In the May culture'. Campaign to 29 "BulleUn" sta.ted that. tbe Col· lege authOrities contemplate no lecoMe..". and make a gal ac.tIon a~d tnat Mr. L1 ~ en.. more even dlstrlbugaged Mr. Smith ... his personal lion off_d. counsel to take private legal step& New 50uthem White Under these circumstances it seems that the alIenee of. the Borough au.. thorltles and policemen Involved is weakly explained as "deference to the wish of the Colleg-eu. At no tlm(> were the activities of CeHlO...... Potat. . ~~.. 10 llot 4'the Interea~d students In this afNo.1 .'I'iDGda YeUow Galoas 110 1" fair hushed by the College authoriIb ties. We believe tltat ualleged beatIngs" ot this sort are not the type OC' &caUl... S _ 1 " tc be handled quietly and hope that the pressure ot publlc_oplnlon wUI C quicklY ~ring the necessai'4y action. lb. ,Iorld. Respectfully yours, Kenneth Allebach Richard Lyman Fancy, Fresh-Killed, FRYING Ac~IMa T~ J""" EAT MORE P POTATOES ...... {I'....,. Loq CUcumhn . •:=.. •......... ·5 45 JUICY ORANGES None ( Lamb "'111 IhIIM Y". --:: 42c Shld. Chop........... ,. 40c Rib Lamb Chop. " 46c LAMB ROAST . 1" ) P,lc'" Hlgh.r GARDEN PARTY Breast Lamb 5hank Lamb Neck Lamb "2Ic ·21c '"21c III 371:. MACKEREL :::::. 'III.... . ~5C ,. "ound*r ..... pon'" I. 39c I Pollock w. 25c Nc:~~31c, All Gre.n Cut Spaan ASPARAGUS ta.t.. m•• To .... IUlt puncta ... the can ..... pia. I. . . water for tea ..d.u.... Seaton to Alto ...lIdoDS c........... GREEN BEANS d.r '::n 11c GREEN SPINA.CH '::.214c SWEET PEAS ~:t N.'::n2 1Zc TUNA FISH ll~~=t !'nZ4c CRACK.ETTES w ••t~n·. ~:'19c FRESH DONUTS VI~:1co 1Z ~:. 16.: • SboestriDl Beets - Z '1~&13c Preslde~t 2 T•• Student Counell WRITERS CLUB MEET H.. .:o1L"'S 0...... .. .. ......1.' ".c: roll...... 8~ TEMT LUNCH ql.nwood, 'ancy, Grado A ~~9c 17. 'Iorltl. 0,. ........ O,,""relt GC'.pe&alt .Juice GJ~~w:r "!;:. z" Ezc• •_ •• LemOli Jalee ~.... Apte II.. J,uI_ce _____.;;H.!..;;;..2_Z....;;;,S...;,C, Ni~ku SPEEDUP • ~"':! 17C .......... ~7c .~-::.7C ...... 25c . . P...... m for PllSlIlYlHO lall ·'P.rfect" MASO. JABS llmlted Supply. p,. ••, ..... r••• It's BEAT-FLO ROIlTDl Th. finest South American Coff.e. .,.rfKt1 blended and rlch.o.:::.bod5ed fkwor ct."•• oS*:! by our I Heat·flo proal.... Ib ::59 C: ~6gc bag IDBAL "f:." 44 GIGn Top Wire Clamp .dea. AllsPIce ~ .~:. . 9c if you aren' t up on today' 8 expressive slang, peanut[ means a very small amount of mone v. Like .your electric bill. It really is peanul". lsn t it-compared to most other items in your family budget? ----- A...l;ery To Meet 'uu'. . . . . ,... . . lOe: .:. lie: =: Ilc :. I2c:c 37. • WANTED-Qlrl's bike, 81ze 2"" or 26". ~r.•·' of Rutledge, who at,.tended Swarthmore High School; wB.a. among the 40 cadets receiving dlp19mu- from FIshburn MilitarY sellool, Waynesboro, Va., SatuMlay. Hr. and Hrs. Hertel, Br., accompanied b!Y Pat OaIla1rher of Dartmouth avenue, attended the , • E.Jo-rHB m.ECTRIC HOUR." end ."..,.Anu6• ...,.''J~ '. . .~_~T_CBSli 'P"I L~QEL PHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY ----_._-_. " 2 E. Second St., Media,Pa. Media 1569 'lbs&ftI) 'Pboo:e Cbll.&er &7M ., • =.". . 71<1 WeJsb 8taU!& apartmenl don Forrest <.-"'hesler 61861 or mark. Claymont. Chemical Co., Marcua 0' rter painting. CIIARLES WHITE IJIaIInp 80Uclted Phones Chester' 8130 & 24525 W. S. Bittle &: Son WANTED-Furnished horneo-detachedfor rent from June 1 to Sept 16. at least three bedrooms. $100 - 126 per month. Phone Saratoga. '164:9. s_ 0111-J • PAINTING Eapatly Don. 1...iieR RENT-Large comgortable room, WALTER V. UNTON homeUke surroundings. Convlnlenl to transportation. Tel. Swa.. 0166..J. FOR RENT-Large comfortable room, homelike surroundings. Convenient to men. Tal. Swa. 17715-.1. SYlVAN HALL. 4.15, 7.'5. 9AS LOST-Piece of jewelry, April 23. Bluebird clip. Call Swa. 0975. LOST-Pair of gold rimmed glasses. Phone Swa. 2616. Attractive OfFer._ A"aU. obi. for Sunday" School. Desirable lots available Charles E. Fischer 2626 S_I_ CUNNINGHAM Painters and Paper Hangen We Should Know How Swar. 2288 . RidIeJ' Park 1081 ALICE M.. BAIRD ' ReBl F..tate ~L.;.~.ce , •• I • ELECI'RIC SERVICE Builder Radio &: Appliance Phone Swarthmore 2253 Repain PROMPT SERVICE Call Swarthmore 1 98~ MORTON REFRIGERATION and HARRY A. BREHL Appliance Service Commercial and Dc'ml~Uc-'1 Prompt Service-Refriger. atoTS, Washers, Vacuum Qeaners, ~adios 11 Moatcm. AftIlUII MoItoa,Pa.' ... 1 LOCAL HAUUNG and MOVING Roofing Spouting Sbinglina &. Siding c. H. REYNOLDS 1173 Morton Ave. Rutledge,' . SAW. .: ,~, p.. '_.J.~ v.. .. SJoeei· w6ilo: .' Alii·ti_ . ". ., .. ~ ~irk ~oys In Collegi- ate Event on Rutgers Field . . The sixth annual track and field meet of the Collegiate Track (aha FIeld Club will bo' hold on Saturday. June 8. at 2.30 pm. at Swarth_ more High Selioo' Field. Westdale and Rutgers avenues. The meet la sanctioned by the Middle Atian tic A.A.U. Events will bo 100, 220, (40. 880. Ollie, 2 mllos. 120 yard high hurdles. 20 yard low hurd IN. ll1: Pound shot put, discus t~ow, ~avelln th. OW,, ~Igh jump, broad Jump and pole va'".1lt. Medals will be awarded for the first three places In each event. Entrance fee. is 26c per event. Entries may be Bent to Uobert DetweUer, 310 Mor_ ton avenue, Rutledge. Entries ha'·e already beeh rErcelved from iOan Kirk. star Unlver~ slty of Pennsyhunla mller and half miler. nnd his brother. Andy, cap. " taln of Swarthmore lllgh's teani and SUburban interscholastic pole vault champIon. They will represent the bost club. EntrIes are ex~ peeted from George Guida, world's record holder for 250 yards and Howard Jensen, former Temple U~lver8lty star. Who ho.s done 14 teet In the pole vault, 6 feet 4 Inches In the "hIgh jump and 23 teet G Incbes In the broad Jump. nB: wel.1 as from other clUb, college and scholastic track stars. w I Ridley Park, USD.J REQUEST FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be rece!ved in Council Chamber. Borough Hall. Swarth. more, Pa., on July lat. 1946 at '1 :45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Saving Time on furnls.hlng the materials and dOing the following work: (1) Curbing and paVing Vassar Avenue trom Drexp,l Road to the Southerly end thereof a.nd Drexel Road from Vassar to Park Avenues . (2) Bundlng an 18 inch storm Qewer from the Southerly end of Vassar Avenue to Little Crum Creek All work Is to be done In accordance with plans and specifications which m~y be se-en at the olffce of the Borough Secretary. The Borough res-arveo the right to reject. any or all bids and to award the two portions of the work to separate contractors. A certified check for $100.00 must ac~ company the bJd of each contractor. and We person or firm to whom the contract Is awarded shall execute a contl"act and furnish bonds as required by lnw. the fe:v >!tll spend their vtalUng his motber _ Franc.. n~ week at the Broadmoor in Walton ot Amherat avenue s1D.ce COlorado Sprlnga where Hr. UllSo.turd&)'. man will attend a conf~rence ot the Dr. and ~rs. ~orge B. ~eck_ NaUoDal Advertising Age.nCY Netman. Kr~ and Mrs. Joseph Key.. work. nolelll. Mr. and Hrs. Horace B. Lt. Comdr. George Bond and Passmore. and. Mr. and :Mrs. l!:1r1c Mrs. Bond. Swarthmore Oollege S. Sproat _ot Swarthwore attended graduates.. cIRJ;IB of '42, visited the InternaUc.nal Rotary Conven- frIends in Swarthmore. SundaY'. Uon held In AtianUo CIty trom' Betty WUson has been spending Sunday through Thursday of this the month ot May with her parents' week. IIr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Wilson JBJiles F~ Bogardus, Jr., ot Cor- ot Park avenue after completing nell avenue left Tuesday" morn .. her sophomore year a.t Syracuse ing to .hltch ·hlke to the west coast. University. Betty who bas been enJim who recently was 8ep'arated tertaIning two college friends, Will from the Navy after two and a leave Monday next for Syracuse half years of service, pla.ns to take where she will visit Carol Wilton In all points ot interest along. tbe for several days while en route to wa3l'. the Lake Piacld Club where she ::MQr'Y Yates GlIcreest daughter of bas taken Q. poaltlon for the 8umMr. and Mrs. Oscar Gilcreeat of mer. Vassar avenue was guest of honor Mr. a.nd Mrs. James F. M~r1man at a. shower when Mrs. Ha.rvey formerfy of Beaver Falls who have Pierce of HarVard avenue and Mrs. been llving temporarily In Wayne Ellen S. Cleveland of Park avenue with Mr. Merriman's parents, have entertained 15 guests at a lawn taken p088esslon ot their newly party at the home of Mrs. Pierce. purchased home at 31~ Dickinson Saturday. av'enue. Mr. Merrirnan Is assoclatMrs. Percy G. Gilbert of Park ed with the Market Research De_ avenue· will leave by automoblle partmen:t ot the Scott Paper Comfor Pittsburgh today to attend the pan,. Chester. commencement of the PennsylRobert ll. Raymond. S 1 ... c was vanta Colege-for Women to be held separated from the Navy at NorMonCSay neXt. She will be accom- folk; Va., June 2 after 27 months panied home by her daughter Jes_ at service. He has been attached ste who has completed her sopho- io the U.S.S. Cur~18 serving In the more year, by Dorls Rowand. e. Pacific, and recently In Shanghai. member ot the graduating class. China. and Japan. RESOLUTION BY THE and by Mrs. Rowand who has been 1_______________ STUDENTS 01< SWARTHMORE visiting her brother In Pittsburgh COLLEGE tor the past two weeks. We, tHe students of Swarthmore Mr. and Mr8. R. G. E. IDlman SIlll.trday, June 8, College. In the face of the evidence of Harvard avenue wJl leave by 2 to 7 P. X. at 'band and believing· tha.t an In- plane tor Denver. Colo., on TuesSproul and Lawrence Rllege left Wednesday for Baltlm.ore. Md., where he will Berve 8.8 asststa.nt wJth the All-South LacrOSBC team of the North-South game. Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Harris and Hlss Janet Harris ot Swarthmore avenue entertalned friends at the Lullaby Ball given at the Merlon Cricket Club. Haverford. Wednesday evening, ·f.or the benefit ot the Chlldren's Ward a,nd Nurse. ries ot the Woman's HospItal, Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. GUenther H. Froe l bel ot North SWarthmore avenue vQ*"h their l:Jon C&pL G. H. Froebel, .Jr., recently returned from Germany, left this morning tor .Hol. liDS College. Va., to tttend .the college commencement a.nd week-end festivities. Their" daughter Carol Mautle is a member 01 the graduating class. Mrs. Frankl1n S. Gillespie of Harvard avenue and South Chester road entertained the Elghtsome Bridge Club at 0. luncheon-bridge at her home TburEday. Mr. David Ulrich Ullman of Langley Field. Va.• retUrned home Tuesday after spending the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman of Harvard Mrs.been Ullman withher her parBon Rickey has visiting ents" In Milwaukee. Jay B. Snape. a. student at Mercersburg Academy recel:ved the "2M" ',n track. Jay arrived at his home on Harvard avenue on Man ... day. . ~ ~nrba.ra K~iit, .daughter of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Russell H. Kent ot Rlver~ view rood wa.q graduated Cum Laude from Wheaton College on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kent drove to Wheaton. Mass., for the weekend. Patsy McCahan of Strath Haven avenue wII hold "Open Housa" to the membE:"rs of the graduating class ot the high school and the senior elnss instructors (Ul Sunday. Mrs. Elliot Richardson of Lafayette avenue had Mrs. J. E. Underwood of Palnmlle, Ohio, as her house guest tor a tew this week. Bob Longwell of Latayette ave· nue spent IM't week-end visiting his aunt, Miss LUlian M. Roberson of Ne.w Rochelle, N. Y. Last week, Bob ·W"I1.S initiated into the Kappa SIgma fraternity at the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. and l\{rs. Russell lL Kent, Jr., who have been making their home with Mr. Kent's parents ?tlfr... and Mrs. Russell H. Kent of Riverview road have moved Into their ,newly purchasEd home at Lo'ngvtew Fe.rms, Springfield. Mrs. Guy A. McCorkle of the Swarthmore Apartments lett today for Stonerldge. N. Y., to· spend the summer at her summer borne, Mr. McCorkle will join her thel'e for his vacation later In the summer. Mr. and Mre. Craig Abbott Brower wfle) have been making their home with Mrs. Brower's mother. Mrs. J. Harvey Bonine of Lafayette annUlI left Tuesday for. CranhelT)' lAke, N. ~ to make thei.. home. 1Ir. and _ AftlT Blake of Amherst aftllue and 1Ir. and lire. R.....,. Jl'Drd Df AmJl_ aftllnl moto I'rlia-. N. 3~ aatarda7 :s m,_ .CHINA HONORS BIRNEY MORSE been set a.slde for "Food·' . for Europe WEliek"' A Sldn~ Johnson. Jr.; chairman of the campaign for the United Nations Councl1, Swarthmore Branch. asks Swarthmoreans to buy . books according to the . Owen Roberts plan which will provide the necessary food in areas' ~talked by hunger. Food' books will be- on !\Rle at the' grocery stores at $4.50 each. Containers will also be ready. for contributions if donora ·prefer that manner ot collection. No resident of this borough needs "'..lrging to aid thiB vital eftort. Created Vital Pipe1in~inCBI Theatre Cot BIrney Kellogg Morse, of· Yale avenue. has added to ~the Legion ot MerIt honor r~celved from his own gov.ernment, a citation and medal from the Chinese government for exceptionally meritorious conduct \ In the performance of outstanding ser.vice to that nation as commanding oalcer 1n charge ot design and construction of the advance pipeline sec- , Swarthmore N·ational Bank and Trust Co. !\[ember 0; Federal Deposit Inmranoe Vorporation BORROW HERE-INSURE LOCALLY Chlna~BurmaCJndla HORNETS DROP jungle terral.n he was able to com· ;~~!~ the mission before ta~get TWO 53 1O· 9 ~ _,_ This famous pipeline was most tndispensable In the N:orth Burma Campaign where neither combat operations n·.. vital work of. construciJon of the Stillwell Road could ltave progressed without the The Hornets baseball team struck vital supply of gasoline which the another losing streak thlB week, pipeline made possible. droppIng last Friday's game to The outstanding leadership and: Larchmont 5 to 3 and Monday'S the superior technical abillty o~ to Wallingford 10-9. Colonel Morse were in a. large Perhaps overconftdence--tne measure responsible for the suc- cal boys trimmed Larchmont 11-2 cess of the pipeline and In tur.n in the· first game ot the seasonconstttuted a major contribution to but· more likely weak batting and the AllIed Mission ~ In the CBI indilterent flelding accounted for Theater. His share'in the project Friday evening's defeat. At any some 2,000 miles of pipeUrie rate the'Y lacked the spark that between Tinsukia and Kunmlng, teatured their two previous wins., China, branching oft to Chanyi and One Swarthmore run was scored LuItang and crossing the Patkia. In the third when, with two down. mountains of the Naga head- Thorbahn was hit' by a pitched ball ....1I.unters. . and took flrst, stole seco.nd and Formerly chief engineer he Is scored on D. Swan·s twoLbagger.· nO"," vlce'';'jlresldent· -and general Swan was stranded when- tfmy went manager in charge of' operations down on a. grounder to flrst. Tho' ot' the Susquehanna Pipe Line .)ther two· runs came In the fourth Company, the Middlesex Pipe Line Inning on single9 by Dalton and of New Jersey, the Sun on PIpe Streeter. combined with an ove.rLine of New York and the Sun 011 throw and a missed third strike. Pipe l..tne of Ohio. He has been At this point the HornetS led~' 3-2.· with Sun since 1930. But Larchmont came right back In the. next frame, buncnlng a slngte, 0. sacrifice, two walks arid an error to push across 1 three more runs. This proved to be enough to win the game for both teams went dcorele.99 the last two innings. Monday'~ game with WallIngford ,vas one of those weird aftalrs sometimes seen when two fairly evenly matched teams meet. Severely testing the blood press·.ne of both sides, the score seesawed back and forth for the first three innings. By the end of the fourth One of Swarthmore's most pop- 'howevar, the Hornets enjQ1y~d' a ular ·pre-war sports, "box" lacrosse, five-run lead on:y to blow in the is. back again. Due to the eftor-is tifth and sixth to allow six Walof WnUam Zlegenfus,' director of llngford runne.::s to cross the plate. With these two defeats the Hor. athletics at the B".m Oil Co., n· ··box" net's per'Oentage drops to . 600 with has been bullt on the Sun 011 recrea.tion field, onp. milo south of four wins and tour losses. Tonight's game Is scheduled to Village Green on the Concordvllle be played on the home diamond r~ad (U. S. Route 32~·i witb Westgate Hills. and Monday Many fOJ;'mer stars that are still evening the boys go to Newtown participating are Porter Waite, Square. Game time for both games originator oC the sport in this seCtion: Avery Blake, coach of the Is 6:30. college tea·m: Henry Ford. coach at Lower Merion; .Joe and Irv TAKES ACADEMY HONORS Kahler. ·Will Striker and Bud John L. Cornog. Jr., of DicltinGreen. There are also many son avenue. was graduated from younger fellowB playing that were Episcopal Academy with highest former standouts at :the high honors on Thursday, . .June 6. Atschool and college In recent 'Years. tending Rutgers avenue sc h o~.I f or At present there are three teams competing made up of mostly s\x years before transferring ~b the Swarthmore players. .Joe l'Cahler's Academy, John will continue hi!!. Sun Oil Club Is out in front with education at. Princeton University one victory each over Avery i11 September. Blake's Collegians and Bill Piper'S Theta's Meet Indians. There are plans under way to The Swarthmore chapter of have teams from Baltimore and Kappa Alpha Theta will hold their PhUa4elphia. join in the Compe- all day sewing meeting on Wednestltlon. day. .June 19 at the home of Mrs. All . games are played at the Charles T. Brown, Morristown, N.J. "'Box".. on \\ ednesday evenings at 6: 45. All games are referee·d by Jean Huey, a student at Middl~·· Cliff Rumsety, now on terminal burY College expects to arrive at leave from the Army Air .COrps, her home on Dickinson ·avenue on and Perc Belfield, one of· the forMonday. mer lndlan stara and now coach of the Drexel Lecro81J8 te,a.m. Allen Enders of Elm . avenue It Is hoped that there will be a leaves Saturday by plane for Peru large turnout this coming Wed. where he will work with the RarnellCla,. when Bun 011 playa the vard ~Ioglcal Eotpedltlon.. He Drexel Cl"".lb In lOne of aporta plans .to enter Swa~hmOl'8 College . ID the fall .. _ and mOlt excltlnlr _ _ .Until June 14th Men's Fruit-of-the-Loom SHIRTS AND SHORTS 39.~aeh When the Purchaser Presents this Advertisement Full ClOID-. rib_ atlllede IIhIris In _ . Me _OIbed- ~ IIhIrt'n8 _ _ lie IIIdea ......._ -. _ .. ·wm _ _ _ _ t*. U to 411. ShoftB ...-.-. _ to "- 3 Veterans Receive Delayed Diplomas; Scholarships and Awards Exceed $7,000 Two Deficiencies Noted in 7th .Graders FJnal reports ot the study of tbe nutritional 6tatus of chUdren now 1J:l the seventh grade of the Junior high school In the hands ot parents •. ltlrs. Edith Kenny scbool nurse, and family phySJclans'to whom parents asked that reports be sent. The survey was conducte'd by \Dr. Pauline Berry Mack, Direc_ tor of the Ellen H. Richards Institute, Penn8~lvanla State College. The surveY affirmed the high nutritional rating o.f tbls group ot chUdren but dIsclosed two genera1 deficiencies. Of the 38 chlHlren examtned, 33 were below medium In mineralization of bone, a finding which Indicates need for calcium, phosphorus. Vitamin and proteins. Thirty-soven of the children were found to marked xerosis of the c~njunctivQ. and 37 had ma.rked corneal vascularization. Free group tests were preceded by thorough explanation to parents by Mrs. ~enny· and the··'eeplng of 0. two-week dietary repo)'t fo)' each child prIor to the test. With the presentation of the flrat reports to the parents, Dr. Mack addressed them on the facts disclosed by the tests on the nutritional status of tho children. During summer Mrs. ·Kenny followed Uta each tested chUd with a home conference with the parent. This gave opportunity to .discuss In more d.etall the, individual report and to collect medical historieS which' were maned the institute at ·StIlte College.' ~ .~ .. - . - .. In the early fall Dr. Samuel Gurtn of tho Unlversiiy of Pennsylvania Medical School lectured at the Woman's Club on Nutrition and mothers of '. all chlldren lucky enough to have been" tested were Invited. In the year's time each home 1nvolved has been more awar~ of nutritional values because of the survey. Emphasis .QD the Imp.ortance of _the family's> interest and understan doing of nutritional needs' Is stressed in Dr. Mack's conclusion, "Family cash income and education of adult members of a family wore Ahown to be the two chlefl determinates ot food choices. with ed_ucatlon having about twice as much influence as cash income." ..It hilS ··long been considered the rjght of a child in a democmcy to receive 0. Uberal education, whether his parents are educated or not, or whether they regard education as Important. It 19 more vlthl to see that, during the growing years. on adequate diet i8 p'l"ovided for the child. either by educating him or his parents. or by assisting feeding him a part of his day's intake. so planned as to compensate for nn otherwise Inadequate ~ome dietflry. This seems desirable since nutrltioval status Is associated with the stature which the human being will attain, and the manner in which he "\..... 111 function physiologically, Inchldtng many dependent functions. both physical a.nd mental," --------, . KAPPAS TO SEW n; I 10.1 MANY WELCOME SPORTS REVIVAL Draw Local Stars Box. Lacrosse Crowds SPECIAL OFFER REPORT SCHOOt High School Graduates 80· in NUTRITION SURVEY 48th Annual Commencement !!:ew£~/~He ~~!~J Play Westgate Hills Tonight, Newtown , Sq. Monday. EVERYBODY'S INTERESTED in car financing that offers the most advantages. Bank Auto Loans are economical, convenient and easy to arrange. FIELD $3.00 PER YEAR tion In lhe Theatre. In spite of being hampered by monsoons. and the . rough Graduates from Beaver Mrs. Ann Gorman Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mt:s. Alan B. G~rman of the Swarthmore Apartments was graduated with the degree of &\chetof of Scle!tce from B~aver. College on Sunday. White at Beaver she played on the varsity hockey team for two years and the basketball for one. She was the manager of the Intramural team, and was selected to Pentathlon. honorary society 1n athletics. She was a. member of the Managerial Board. She sang with the Glee Club for three years. In her senior year Mrs. Stewart was elected May Qu.een atto.ndant. .I HE: THE SWARTHMOR FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1946 -THE SWARTHMOREAN I Library, .. Swnrth mote, PA. tast-I , • in The Kappa Kappa Gamma. SewIng Gro~lp will hold a sewing meeting at thc home of )(rs. ·Charles P. Larkin of Brookhaven road. \Vallingford, Friday, June 14. Fifty-two members of the eighty who were 'graduated in the Swartlunore High School Class of ·1946 have already been accepted for college admission next fall That this is a most unusual record is evident when It is considered that colleges have so many applications from returning veterans as well as from high school graduates that they are able to accept only a very few. In addition to the above. one member will be attending preparatory school and one will be going 1:0 business school. Thirty-seven COMBINED CHOIRS GIVE CONCERT Tioga Singers, Bryn Mawr Organist Scheduled A ~uslcal treat is in store for Swarthmore music lovers when the choirs ot the Presbyterian Church combine with those of the Tioga Baptist Church of Philadelphia in a concert of sacred and secular music to be presented at the Swarthmorc Presbyterian Church on, June 19; ':1-t 8:15 p. m. The program, under the direction of Henry Faust. will be highlighted by n. performance ·by the choirs of the rarely heard 'Song- of Destiny'· by Johannes Brabams, and or~an selectioDs by Da.vid CrnigheD.d, organist ot the Bryn Mawr t"resbylerian Church. ~.rhere will be two groups ot sol08. by Helsp H. Kemp~ soprano, and Mr. Faust/"" The choIrs 'will also sing ·Beethoven's "Hallelujah Chorus" and "When Thou Comest" from tho "Staoot Mater" by Rossini, as well as numbers by Sibel':' iU8, Sergei, and Dett. Mr. Craighend, who accompanies the entire program. is a graduate of the Curtis Institute nnd recently returned from a concert tour which included recitals in Boston and New York City. He Is considered one of the flnest young organists In' the FAlSt. The iToga Baptist Church choirs are directed ~by Mr. John Kemp who received his Master's degree in compositio.n, as did Mr. Faust, at the \Ve9tminster Choir College nt Princeton, ~. J. The 1nsplration and arrangement 01 this concert bl· Mr. Faust. is a part of the Westminster system ot' church music recently adopted by the Swarthmore PresbyterIa.n Church, and presages interesting e .... ents of this caliber for the futUre . POTTER RUMSEY BACK Captain Potter Rums(>-y has beon separated from the Army at Fort Dix and is making his home temporarily with his brothoer, Clifford, at 16 Park avenue. Ha.ving j'lst returned fE'om England where he was with t11(' 326th B~e Hospital Unit for two years, Dr. Rumsey returns to the staff of Chester Hospital. HOMEWARD BOUND Miss Margaret Latimer, who has been serving overseas as as.c;istant field director of. the American Red Cross for the past "year, is now homeward boun.d a iJou.l"d the U.S.S. Marine ~erpent and will .1oin her pm,pnts. Mr. anrl :-.r)":t. Hoy S. Latimer, of Cornell aVl!n'w. She 'has been stationed at OsalHt, Japan. since ~ovember. TillS WEEKS CALENDAR Friday, June 14 6:30 P. M.-Horne~ baseb8.11 with Westgate Hnts....College Ave. lo"'leld ~turda:J, ,June 13 . 7:00.9:00 P. M.-"Blythe Spirit" .............................. Clotbler Memorial Sunda,., June 10 11:00 A. M.-Morning W()rship ............... :........................... Local Churches We4nesd&,.._11 8:15 P; y._ored lIIusic .............. _.................... Presbyterian Church Tbursda,., 20 /' 6:15 P. III.-Legion baseball with Cheeter .•....... :.. College Ave. Field 8:00 P. 1I.-8warthmorean Wrapping- :._........... ~ Swarthmorean Offt,,;, "aile I di.fierent colleges and UniversIties are represented In the schools to which these members of the class are goIng next year. These colleges include Swo.rthmor~ix: Unive1'81ty of Pennsylvania.-4; Temple-3; Bucknell-2; as well DB Smith. Bryn Mawr. Mt. Holyoke, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dartmouth. University of Syracuse. Lafayette. University or Iowa, 'VnUam ond Mary~ and others. Several splendid scholarships have alread)-- been awarded by colleges. Wllliam Nelson has been granted a $700 per year OUn Scholarship to WeSleYan University. Philip Alden has a $300 annual scholarship to Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Richard Shelly has a $300 per year scholarship to Trinity College, and Frances Evans has' a $200 per year scholarship to Temple University. Three members of the ~lass are returned vete~an8 .whose educatiQD had previously been Inter-rupted by the war ond who havo since completed their credits fOr graduation. They Lawrence Clleatto, George Hassell, and Gtlman Spencer. Ft:ances' Evans, who has been nttending, .Templo University ·this ~'ear as 0. freshmanl received her high school diploma with her c'lass. Addresses Class . The commencement address was .delivered by Dr. lIenry W. A. Hanson, President ot Gettysburg .College, who ("hose as his subject "Youth Faces East:' The 'student sp~aker of the program was Heather Champion. speaking on the subject "The Luxury of Integrity." Myr«?n Sharpe played a violin solo, the Accolay Concerto. The presented as its Choral ReadIng thG I COl'inthians, 13th Chap_ ter, with. Jean Gemmill,. Lender, and l\IarUyn MacElwee and Donald Swan, Soloists. The Class Sonk", sung by the' class, was wTitten by Hcather Champion WIth music by Myron Sharpe. The diplomas were presented to the class by Mr. F. Norton Landon. Vice-President ot the Doo.rd of SchOOl Directors. Prizes and awards presented were as follows: Phi Beta Kappa Book Award, Readers Digest Award to Valedictorian, and Woman's Club Award In French, to Patricia McCahan; Business Men's . . Association Award in Mathematics and Ba.usch and Lomb Medal for Excellence in Physical Science to Philtp Alden; Her~lne Meyer Memorial Award In German. and Swarthmorean Award in .Jour.nalIsm to Heath<-r Champion; Albert D. Spaeth Award in ScIence and John Kline Memorial Award in Instrumental Music to John Foster; American Legtcm Award In Socfal Studies and Swarthmore College Sigma XI Award to Myron Sharpe; Rotary' Club Award in Latin to Priscl1la Enslin: Swarthmore T...tbra.ry Association Award in English to .Jean GemmU1; Blac.kfrtars Award for Excelle.nce in Dramatics to Jean l\(cGlo.thcl"Y; A ward for Excellence and Service in Secret..."l.rlal Studies to Minerva. Zen sen. National Honor Society Medal for Service. to Jane Matthews: Molly .Jef'l'ords Memorial Award In Vocal Music to ·.Jan~ ·DaVis: John KlLne Momorial Awnro in Vocal Music to Lloyd Everett. Scholarships were awarded as follows: Home and School Association Scholarship of $300 to Alice Hay; Sprln~ ·Concert Scholarship ot ,250 to E1lmbeth Slate: Sprinlf Concert Scholarship of $ZOO to MO.,.,. Fetter: C1aas of U,6 Scholar(Continued on ~ .1 .. 2 , • THE S WAR T H NO RE A N ~f=MD=.=~=y~.~~~~14~.~1~.=.~ FRIDAY. JUNE 14; 1'948 --~~--~=-~~f:=:=-~~~~~:===~=:~~:===~;:::::~::::::.:::.:':'::::.::::::.~ 1bla THE SWARTHMOREAN 'VENETIAN BUNBS PUB1LoIll-IHD@l!:iDn EV:eRY PRlDAY . AT SWARl'IDILOBlil. THE SWAB'IIBHORE&lf, 1N0.. P1JBI.)SHII:u Entered all Becond C\aB8 Matter, January If, 1821. at tile Post Office at 8wa~ore., PL, UDder ,the A.ct of :Ma.rch ., 1819. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON • • • FRIDAY. JUNE 14. 1946 HEDEMARKS GREAT CITY • OLIVER H. BAIR CO. No Father's. Da¥ worries at Buchner's. Here are gifts to suit Dad's every taste -Sport jackets •• swim trunkS •• for the out-doors men .. ties galore for the "knot" experts' grace .• We've socks .. 'n we've shirts .. 'n we've wallets .. they're so ,right for the family's fall guy who's ., . ;,never yet asked for a present-just pays bills and is your staunchest ally. BUCHNER'S PARK AVENUE ---:c:::==--:c - - _ . _ - UNITY ASSEMBLY Borough Ball 10:30 A.~f. 'F.vel"J' 'Vednesdn" ZELIA 1\1. WALTERS, Speaker . Everyone 'Welcome CHURCH SERVICES MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Call Mrs. Uoyd E. Kauffman Swarthmore 2080 • MEDIA THEATRE THURS .• FIU.. SAT. , Bing Crosby, Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour "ROAD TO UTOPIA" SUN•• ~ION •• TUES., Robert Walker and June AII)'1OD , "A SAILOR TAKES AWIFE" I Note: Tbere will be DO _ M_7. oJ...... 10. ~ -. The Telephone Company is f!riendly Place to Work" ENGAGEMENT Harold Graham Marl', of "Braemar," :Medta, Pa.• onno:mcc the engagement of thefr daughter, Miss Ruth Helen Marr and Mr. William Karl Kurz. son of Mr. Hermann Kurz, New York City and Monmouth Hills, N. J. Miss Marr graduated trom George School Rl).d attended SlYeet Briar College. Mr. Kur.:; graduated from CoIum- Beauty Graduate. With Confidence In a , FLOWERS - Mr. D,nd Mrs. BEAtrrY SALON A GREAT INSTITUTION CARNS The marriage of Miss Kathryn Williamson Belfleld, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Chartes Belfield, of Mlc'btgan avenue and Mr. Norman Adams Davant. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Davant,. ot Miami. Fla., will take place Saturday, June 16. at ., P. M .• In the Overbrook Presbyfertr-n Church. The Rev. Dr. William Lower Barnes witt perform the ceremony. Mis$ Janice Wherry. of. Walnut lane, will attend as maid of honor. Mr. PerC"y" C. Belfield, Jr., uncle ot the bride, will serve as best I The Bouquet selaer Pol~echnlc InsUtute. 13 South Cheller RoacI Mr.. John H. McWllllame. of Call Swuthmnre 0476 B'enjamln Weat avenue. spent the There will 1fe a celebratJon of week-end vlBlttng the Rose garThis Sunday morning the Rev. dena In Harrisburg' and Hershey Charles F. Delnlngel-. pastor of the Holy Communion at 8:00 e..m. At with the HorticultUral Society ot First Presb:rterlan Chure'h, Glen- the eleven o'clock service ot Ko.rn. olden, and the Rev. David Braun ing Prayer.· the ;Reverend James P~naylva.nla. MrS'. Georgo W • .sweet, of Garrett will exchange pulpits for the morn- M. COmBS, Superintendent of the City MI88lon ·Phlladelp\lla. wl\l a~enue was hostess Wednesday, . iog worship at 11 o'clock. preach. . May 29. to a few frlends at lunchMr. and Mrs. Palmer L. Skog-: eon and bridge. l~nd, at the Harvard Avenu·e center Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hall of entrance an'd Mr. and Mrs.· Hans Methodiat Chun:b Notes The Church School will meet on lAncaster. formerly ot SWlJllb_ Karl Steinfeldt at the drlvewaytransept entrance will assist, the Sunday morning at 10:00. Classes more, visited friends while here atminister In extending greetings to are provided for . chUdre.n of aU tending the Hayes-Garrett wedding, saturday, June 1. the congregation atter the service ages and for adults~· Fe.thers' Di:Ly will be observed at on Sunday morning. Dick BoSshardt of Park avenue. The cn.urch School has dlscon· the morning service $.t 11 o'clock. n. sophomore at the high school tinued meeting tor the summer A men's chorus will sing. The mln- hns been awarded a scholarship to months. . leter win preach on, the topic "A Severn SchOOl at Severn Park, Md., The Church Hour Nursery will Belated Question. oJ where he will transfer in the fall to be held ,Sunday morning from 11 The amallat' children can be left prepare himBelf tor Annapolis. to 12 o'clock in the Partsh House; In· the· Church Nursery during the Theo Hulme of We3tdale a.venue The week of June 16th witl be morning service. The Nursery this wilt entertain at a dessert bridge "Food 'for Europe Week" In lieu week Is in charge ot Mrs. Edwin M. and shower tomorrow evening In of a door to door cam.palgn everlY Humphreys and Miss Mildred Ber- honor of Nancy He.nry of· Wdning~ . , ODe Is asked to contribute money nard. tord. or food at the grocery stores, which On Tuesday evening at 8.16 Miss Alice Barber entertained DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS are our centers for this purpose. o'clock, a PuplJ Recital jV1lt be at a luncheon at the Art Alliance, 'rhls is under the auspices ot the given by the pupils of Miss Nancy 1820 CHESTNUT STREET United Nations CouDcll. Swarth- CroBS In tho Church School buUd- Philadelphia, Wednesday. followed , by a matinee performance of the more Branch: the Ch~rche8: the Ing. The public is invited to Ducks Count'Y Play House in honor MARY A. BAIR, ".,Iclen. RITMnhDuie 1581 Co-0,Perattve Store and all good attend. ot her sister. Mrs. Robert T. Stocktolk,s. . _ . tQn, of CoIumb)ls, Ohto. who with The Chapel and Chancel Choirs her husband has been visiting her will rehearsC' Thursday evening, at News Notes mother, Mrs. Frank F. Barber, of 7:46 o'clock in the Parish House. James R. Taylor, Jr., son ot Mr. Young people from the Presby- and Mrs.. .Tames R. 'raylor of Har- Harvard avenue. terian Church School are attend- vard avenuo graduated from the ing Westminster Fellowshlp._ Sum- Episoopal A('ademy, Germantown. mer Conferences next "'Y"eek. Joan Thursday evening, June 6. His parFaulkner will attend a Work Con- ents and brother Graeme attended ference at ;J~bor Temple in New the commenceme.nt. James· who York City. Molty Storck, Marjorie graduated trom .Swarthmore High Lewis, Teddy Campbell, Alag HaU, School In '45, took post..gra.duate Charles Keenep, David McCahan, work a.t tne Academy this year. He Georgo Storck and Harry Warren plans to enter college this fall. will g9 to Blairstown. N. J. Eliza• Miss Martha Viele, of Strath beth Bryant, Ruth Wagner, and Haven avenue, will instruct riding BUly Moor~ attended the week- at Camp Oneka, in the Poconos at end conference last week-end; at tho opening of the camp on July 1. Cheybey Tencher's College. Chey. Mrs. W. I. Hull of Walnut ney, Pa~ has as her guest for 10 days, Miss Nora Wain• Christian Science Church Mrs. Arnold Dresden, of Elm Avenue. welcomed Girl Scouts of flGod the Prese'rver of Man" Is Troop 16 who are working on their the subject of the Le!JsQIl-Sermon Book Bindor Badge to her home In all Churches of ChrIst. Scien.tist, Tuesday afternCion after school. on Sunday; June 16. Tho Golden Mrs. Dresden showed the SCO:lts Tcxt is! "Withhold not thou thy llcr equipment and demonstrated tender mercies from me, 0 Lord: the sknl she learned in- Europe. let thy lovingkfndncss nnd thy Mrs. M. W. Garrett, of North truth continually preserve me" Princeton nvenue. was hostess to ·'·(psaims 40:11). the Troop Committee of Girl Scout Among Bible citations compris- Troop 16 Thursday at tne flnal ing the Lesson-Sermon is the fol- dessert meeting of the 'Year. Mr. amI Mrs. E. L. Conwell of .owlng: "The ~ord Is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy North Chester rond returned last will be able to connect with the Bell GooD FRIBNDS are mighty imponant right hand. The sun shatt not smite week from Proctor, Vt., after a office near your new' location. Some to a young girl-in business or out of thee by day, nor the moon by n.1,ght. vi&it with Mr. and Mrs. Haven Bell jobs provide many leisure dayit. Bell seems to know how to select The Lord shall preserve thee from Greene. Mary Yates Gilcreest of Vassar ali evil: he shall preserve thy soul' time hours-a·· feature especially at· employees that most people like to have at dessert The Lord sha.ll preserve thy going avenue entertained tractive to girls who have household for friends. Many Bell girls tell us that's out and thy coming In from this brIdge and shower Friday evening dllties or who like to be outdoolS in one reason they're glad they came to time forth, and even for evermore" In honor or Elizabeth Ann Leuders the sunshine. of Princeton avenue nnd J.Uny Jane work for Bell (Psalms 121:5·8). Davidson of Guernsey roud. If"you're juststaniog out in the busi· Bell employees enjoy the advantages Betsy HOrnaday. will arrive , Monday at her home on Dickinson ness world, this matter of friendly. pleas. of comfonable rest rooms, accident and • SWARTHM6RE PR~gBYTERIAN avenue after completing hcr junior ant fellow-workers can be very impor. sickness benefits, a modem medicil deCHURCH yenr at Middlebury College.. . Rpv David ·-Bra.un. Mlnl!'ltpr tant to you. Yet it's but one of many panment, holidays and vacations with 11:00 A. ).J.-Rev. ChBrles F. Deininger. :!\ir. Qnd Mrs. Charles E. Laws 6 :00 P. M.-Fello'wshlp. advantages that go with a Bell job. pay, recreational facilities, and a liberal of Lakewood, Ohio arrived on METHODIST CHURcH 'I'hursday to be the guests of their pension plan, For example, wages at Bell are good Roy N. Keisc'. D.D•• MinIster. son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and ~lTNDAV right ftom the stan. A regular system 11 :00 A. M.-Sermon Topic "A Belated Mrs. Ernest R. Laws of·· Harvard Get staned on the right mck now. Q1.1eSUOn" of frequent raises makes advancement avenue. They are here to attend Stop in 4t one of the employment offices 7:00 p. )[.-Youth Fellowship. the mariage of their grandcertain. listed below and discuss your business TRINTTY CHURCH Rev. Oeo ("'h-rlcat1l"1n o\nct"rfl:t'ln. R@ctor djlughtcr, Betty. to Mr. .John Bigfuture with a fr;endly interviewer. You Once you "make good" at Bell, your ger. . SUNDAY. JUNE 16 0/ TO WED JUNE 15 IIiI . M ..... Walter C. GII4l. of Rutgers at Wellesley College attendlrlg her a.venue will spend ttils week-end ela88 reunton. '!:===================~:=:=:'==:=:======:&~~ Trinity Nom PI eJlyten.m Chun:b Notes :Jo,. -4 WeJ~ng Beaut'! anJ ;Di6linclion Dr; and Mrs. Robert K. Enders, ot Elm aven;Je, had Mrs. Enders' brother, Dr. C. Archie Crandell ant;! da.ughters Peggy and Susan, ot Graystone park, N. J., as their week-end guests. Mr. Hamden H. Baskin, of Clearwater, Fla.. is spending several weeks visiting Betty Ann Hulme. of Westdale avenuc. The wcddlng of Mr. Baskin and MIB8 Hulme i8 set for ·September. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Furst, of Guernsey road, entertained Dr. and Mrs. Henry Hanson, of Gettysburg, as their house guests for a few days. Dr. Hanson, president ot Gettysburg College, was commence· ment speaker at the Swarthmore High School graduation exercises in Clothier Memorial Tuesda~ evening. The Crum Creek Bridge Cl ...b will closo tLq season with a picnic supper and bridge to be held at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. PhlUp 'V. Kniskern, Of Riverview road Tuesday evening, J:me 18. T-5 .Jeffery Kirk. who arrived home Friday on the Marine Adder by way of San Francisco, cal .• has received his Army discharge at camp Dlx and has joined his mother, Mrs. Howard Kirk, of South ·Chester road. Jeffery, who was In the service two years and two months, has been stationed In India for the past 16 months. Mary Denwot'th reached her home on Elm avenue. Friday following completion of her freshman year at carleton College, Northfleld. Minn. Philtp Price, a student at the Julliard Scnool of Music, New York City. Is visiting Mrs. Howard Kirk nnd family of South Chester road, for several weeks. Ensign Jack Corse was separated from the Navy at the Philadelphia NaV')" Yard Tuesday last after three years of service. He WU8 att8.ched to the U. S. S. Warrington and served time In Cuban waters. Jack is spending bi!J terminal leave at hlB 'home on Yale avenue. pte. Jerry Corse, U.S.M.C.Ro, will be rele«sed trom in&oUve duty at Belnbrldge, Md., J"ne 15 after 118rvtng'b the MarIne Corpa three years. , Dr. and Mrs. Norman W. K.i'8lMt, of Harvard aven'.Je. have been having as their house guest'Mr. KI'8.86's father. Mr. H. C. Kraae. of Chi· -.:ago. III. He will Bee them orr In New York when they sail for England, June 20. They will ;"Iso en· tertaln Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Krase. ot Dayton; Ohio. whC) arrive by plane Monday to spend, a. few days while ~nroute to Troy. N. Y., to attend the graduaUon of their eon, a Y.U. student at the Ren.· • ,_to PE'l'E£ Eo TOLD, Editor MARJORIE TOLD. Editor Lorene Mccarter RoaaIIe Petrsol Anne N. COobran -- .Jean Gehring, of UniversIty place, a freshman at Cornell Un1versity 'has been pledged to Kappa Alpha Thela. Mr. John Dolman, Jr., of Vas· sar a.venue, returned Sunday from n. trip through New J;l::ngland with the American Iris Socletr. Mr. and Mrs. George F. D;Jnn, of Dickinson avenue, entertained Lt. Stanley Rubert. ot Washington, D. C .• over the fast ~eek-end. Mrs. A. M. Bossha.rdt of Park avenue wlU leave on the "Isle de France" from poston on June 26 for Paris where she witt visit hel"" son Roy, stationed at brley Field with the Army Air Corps. Roy expects to accompany his mother to Switzerland on 8. IO-day furlough where she will remain the r~st· of the summer visiting relatives. p ... :n..-_·otOO • • • LINOLEUM, da~s. I News Notes Unlverolty. In nn. He 18 a man, and the ush,!", will IDcl:lde member of !4::t.ue..lron A 8.1.1 tlla Mr. Edward C. BeUleld~ brotlier New York A· ,M,,·. C"'!>.. of the bride. and Mr. John C. Bel· The ,weddi. It;' ",'11 take place In field, uncle ot the bride. The Women's Phi Bela Kappa Dr. and Mrs. Norman W. Krase Steel, Aluminum, or Wood A omalt req:eptlon win to'llow A.88oclaUon of Philadelphia will .the autL. n t. and tholr daughter~ BArbara, of the cer.emony at tbe home of tbe Harvard avenue. accompanied by bold a supper meeting at Swarth. TRAYNOR--CLAYDEN bride's uncleo and aunt. . Mr. and Heather Champion. are sailing for more College on JUDe 12. Dr. SculMra John C. Be!lIeld. of Wynne· ley Bradley. professor of Engll8h England on the Queen Mar)". The marriage of MIB8 Prlecllla lor Floors, W...... IiIDk TopI wood. June 20. Dr. Krase Is returning at the University ot PennayJvanla, Alden Clayden .da".lghter of :Mr. and to England. where he I. """""I. will be, guest speaker. Mrs. Arthur Ludlow Clayden of BIR1H ated with DuPont de Nemours Cpl. W. D. Mitchell, U.S.M.C., RiverView road and Lt. Comdr. OBBOME TRIlII Company. Mrs. Krase and Bar- who bas been _Uoned at the Ma· Mr. and Mrs. Richard Redgrave, t>a.... will live In Bur~. England. rlne Barracks. Naval Ammunition Lawrence G. Traynor of Paul Smiths. New York, took place Satof Moylan, are receiving congratufor an Indefinite period of time. Depot. Lake Denmark. Dover, N. urday. June 8 at f p.m., In the Ja,Uons on the birth of a·SOD, .\1'Heather iB returning home after J. t has transferred to tho Marine Trinity EplBcopal Cb-urc'h, Swarth\hur Richard Red&Tt\ve. Wednesspending six years In Swarthmore Training and Replacemont Com-' more. The Rev. J. Jarden Guenth. day, June p, In the Lylng.In Hos. LINOLEUM SHOP during' the duration. mand. Camp Pendleton. Oceanside. er' performed the ceremon~. pltal, Phlladolphla. 10 W. WINONA AVE.· Mrs. George Bennett. who is cal. The bride, siven in marrlage by The baby is & grandson ot Mr.. AT tJBE&I'ER pIK..E making' her home temporarily with Marlon Kirk, ot South Chester her uncle IIIr. Harry P. Baumann Arthur R. O. Redgrave, for whom NORWOOD her parents, Mr. and Mr& John road, who ia studYing for ber Masot Evanston, Ill., wore a gown of he Is named, and Mrs. Rec:'lgl-ave, Bowditch, Jr.. of Cedar lane, eD- ter's Degree at Brtyn Mawr Col.! white orga.nza. Her. veil of. tulle of V ......r avenue. and· of IIII'. and Ridley Park 3115 tertained 16 guests at dessert- lege, witl reach hoine today for bridge Monday evening. Mrs. Ben- the summer months. feU from crown of aorange 80ms, Rnd·-ashe carried bridal bloBbou- ~~ra~~o~w~e~n~s~p~e~n~c~e~r;.~O~f~M~OY~I~.~n~.:;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~ nett and baQY 80n George, Jr., leave GInnv Peel. ot' Columbia avenue, quet ot white snapdragons, and J Monday next to visit Judge and who 'bas completed her freshman white carnations, centered with.a MrS. J". 'E. Bennett. of Poland, year at carleton College, NorthOhio. for the month of JulY. Lt. fleld, Minn., en route home Is vis... white orchle!. MtBS . Ann Niven Whiteman of Bennett Is stationed on the U. S. S. itlng friendA In Iowa and Glen Portsmouth '\fblch is now on a Eu- Covel Ill., for a few weeks. and S~arthmore who attended the bride as mal-l of honor, wore a gown of ropean cruise. win also attend the commence- a.qua organza. Her headdre88 was Mrs. James LaFrance. of Toledo, ment at Denntson UniversiW",. fashioned of small rosebuds, and There are many ways to de~ign a bridal Ohio, the former MI88 Ruth Child. Granville, Ohio. where ber cousin ahe carried a. bouquet ot pink roses, bOllquet. Color harmony in the choice of Vassar avenue, spent the week- ]3etty Van Nest is a member of the pink carnations and '8Ypsopbila. . of flowers is only part of I the story. end viSiting MrR. George Broad- graduating class. Mr. Harry S. Traynor ot Paul Come in and let us help make your bent and tamiiy of Vassar avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Keenen Smiths, N. Y., served as best man wedding both distinctive and bj:autiful. .Mr. and Mrs. Geo,rge A. Smith, and Bon Charles. of Harvard avefor his brot'her. The ushers, of the Jr., of Haverford avenue, are nue, will spend the week-end in U. S. Navy. J"acksonville, Fla., all Greetillg spending a few days in Atlantic Garden City. L. I., and attend the members- ot the 'brldegroom's old . Cards City. N. J. MI'. Smith Is attend· wedding of Mr. Keenen's cousin, sq".ladron, included Lt. Comdr. EICandles Ing the Kiwanis conventton. The Rev. John Malcolm Haight, mer L. Maul, Lt. Comdr. Paul S. Phone for'the Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Spencer, of who will be married in the Cath- RaVey: Lt. Samuel L. l\:lorton, and Swa.0450 bridal table .' , Yale avenue, will leave Friday to edral of the Incarnation. Lt. David L. Staley. spend the summer in Ocean C1~. , "ORCHIDS ALWAYS" We, Deliver Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dana, of Mrs. A. M. Lacke-y of Ogden aveN. J. Elm avenue, entertained J"u&ge and nue, a friend of the brlde·s familY, Springfield, .Pa. Baltimore Pike Joan Faukner, of Dickinson ave- Mrs. E. F. Farar, of Tunkhan- was responsible for the lovely nue, wlll entertain a fe\v friends nock I1S their week-end guests. church decorations. which included ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=======~ at a. hot dog roast at her home Mrs. Franc~s G. Lumsden, of an altar banked with white peonies, : Friday evening. Kenyon aven:le. lea.ves today for while an -m-rangement of pink rOseMrs. E. Robert and small Bon, Harwlchport, cape Cod, where she buds, S'hredleaf Maple leaves and ivy entwined the, chancel rall1ng.. BobbY, ot Princeton avenue, are witl spend the summer. Ruth Hedtord, of Strat'h Haven The bride and bridegroom greetvisiting Mr. Robert's famtty In Danville. Mrs. Robert has received avenue, Is flying home today. from cd their friends 1n the Parrish word that her husband Is on his Earlham College after finishing her House. A supper followed for the freshman year. Ruth has jmrt been brIdal party and members of the "l\'ay to this country trom Japan. ~ Joan Faulkner. of DIckLnson ave- elected vice-president of the famlly at the home of the Mnsque-ra, a group under the parents. nue, wttl leave Saturday tor New The mother of the bride chose a York City, where ehe will spend a Masque and Model. naUon-wide dramatic society. She is also 130- Igown of ashes ot roses chiffon, with week. clal chairman ot ·the Little Y. and ftowered hat to match. ller corsage Mr. and Mrs. Max Ese), of RutIs a. member of student couneU. was of orchids. .gers avenue, had Mrs. EsBI's brothGerrIY Dana, of Elm avenue. ar... Out-of-town guests included the er Mr. Robert Munroe, of Union, rived at her home on Thursday bridegroom's aunt Mrs. Loren NewN. J., as th'elr week-end guesL nlgl1t from CODnecticut College ett of Paul Smiths, N. Y., Mr. dnd Mr. and Mrs. George Ewing, ot after completing' her freshman Mrs. Harry P. Ba.umann of EvanColumbia avenue,· left Sunday tor year. She spent the week-end ston. Itl., and Mr. and Mrs. ABa B. AshvJlle, N. C., to spend a few Visiting trlends at Virginia Beach.. Kellogg of New Yorl' City. PE·RSONALS ____~__________~T~H~E~S~W~A~R~T~H~M~O~R~E~A~N__~________________~__~_____________3 I * Too many pCuple are inHuenced by stories concerning Uiotestinal cleanliness'·- or ustim_ ulating the /low of bile." Many cases of simple constipation do not requite a laxative at all, hut only a minor change in diet and habit. The habitual use of cathartics is dangerous. Such misuse is often followed by chronic ill health. Strong laxativ~s are particularly dangerous when taken to relieve abdominal distress •.The source of the pain should always be accurately determined by yonr physician. The safe procednre is to consult him. H a Iu:. adveis needed, he will prescrit>e a safe preparation with proper instructions fo~ dosage. Th~;' bring yonr prescription to us for, apen compounding. MICHAEes COLLEGE On ti,e Comer _______~__________~,. J.............................................. 8 :00 A.M.-HolY Communion. l1:tlO A. Y._Mornlng Prayer ana Sermon, The Rev. James M. Collins . THE RELIGTOtJR !"lOCIETY OF FRIENDS ~'tNJ' 1\ .... 9 :45 A. M.-Adutt Forum. 11:00 A. M.-Meetlng. \VEDNESDAY 9 :30 A. l\J. to 3:30 P. M.-Sewlng a.nrl taunUng In Whittier House. Box luncheon. All are cordially Invited. future is :secure; for even though you have to move to a new home, the chances are you . Father will be Delighted with SUNDAY DINNER , R_m 315, McClatchy Bldg., 69th and Mukat Street. Upper Darby Park Avenue Below Harvard SUNDAY 11:00 A. M.-Sunda,. School. 11:00 ~ )[.-Sunday Leason Sermon. Wednesday evening meettng each week, 8 p. m. Reading ~m open danS except Sundays and holldaya 12 to I p.Ol. Wednead&Y evenl1lll'. 7 to 7 :&0 p.rn. and 9 to 9:80 p.m. Church Edl· llee. All are cordially Invited to attend. 'I...... _or WlC!ILBY A. )(. Eo CHURCH lie';. )(. B. U:ot A. 1[._0,,11111 Worlhlp. 1:10 P. II.-Ch. "I> . _ .. will not be obligared in any waY--ilIld you may do yourself a world of good. THE ,BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA • FIRST CHURCH OF ~RIST, SCIENTlST OF SWARTHMORE • • 1631 Arch 51••", 410 York Roail .~- Phllad.lphIa 1.1IkIato_ ••• or call Enteaprl.. 1.0100 Never CIo.ed '. 57-59L .....nS...... • • . , tHE SW ARTH.ORIUN 4 What is 80 Rare as a May Day in June By 6th Grade, Rutgers page who carried the crOWD. Mra. After" a week ot rain. the Rut- Covin, Ginny Gehrlng'B grand" gerB avanue School finally bed Ita mother of Honolulu. made a beau ... May Day on June 8. It was held tiful crown ot orange blo88oma and in the plaYroom, and tben the queen led the procession to the green. . Mias Blodgett, our wonderful music teacher. gets a lot of the credit for our :May Day. Sbe taught the BOng.. Mtaa Blodgett had the ot the teachers to help with the 80ngs and dances, Mias Putnam taught drat and second grade dances and took charge ot the amplifying equipment. Mrs. 8ul. Ilvan, our gym teacher. also helped with some ot our dance.a. George much with our May Day that we cau't put in all the things that be did., We think the May Day fe.atlval waS a great success. Eighty-two chairs were not enough to Beat the 150 gueHts'that came. Some stood outside at the green waiting be_ cause there W81J not enough room in!ide. The Rutgers avenue orche.atm played (or the entering of the grades and procession at the queen. Jeanne Tanguy made a beautiful May Queen. She '90'8.$ elected Queen by the sixth grade. ChuekY Russell played the part at the Herald very well. Mimi Wisdom and Joan Herninway, were pretty aid A New Turn in the 7th Grade Studies By 7-B , Several weeka ago, Mr. Bell's seventh grade social studies class decided it would be a. good Idea to Bend a aerap book of Amerlca.n History to China. However, we fouad that we could be ot more service by sending food, clothing and medical suppltes. Each pupil bro~ght as much as lJosslble. While we were In the middle of our col1ectlng, we. decided it would be better to send the clothing to France. as the Chi ... nese would Dot readily wear American clotbing. Atter the three-day drive. we had collected 145 items ot clothing, 18 pairs ot shoes, 86 cans of tood. 25 Items ot dry packed tood. 'i'3 Items ot medical supplies. 32 items or notions and 20 cakes of • I soap. The items were packed In cartons and W6re sent l1y expre88 to the American' ReUef tor France, Inc., and the United China Rellet. Inc. The cartODS and twine were supplied by the pupUs. The total of 398 various articles was collected by a class of 46 pupUs. W~ all enjoyed working ott t' project and hope that our • little hit will do a big job In, the needy countries. Congratulations TO THE GRADUATES alice barber, Gifts OLD BANK BUILDING ~elep.hone Sw. 1381 lA • OSCd Wednesday Afternoon beginning Jnne 1 untn October 1 I 1946 Drew Wagnon W8.8 the a lei of red roses. We had songs," and dances trom all the grades and countrleB. Each grade represented a different COUD... try which made things colorful and gay. We had a lovely Ume singing and dancing the 'dltlerent BOngB and dances: They were: KIndergnrten-8leeping Beauty.-Eng... land: First Grade-The C.hlmes ·ot Dunklrk... Franc(; Second Grade-Nixie Polka-Denmark; Fourth Grade- Weggls Dance-Swltzer... land, rouslc bY David Spencer; Fl.fth Grade--TarenteUa-Italy; Sixth Grade-Life .on the Oceo.n Waves,' and Parlez-Vous-Amerlca. And now you know what I'm going to tell you. Of coul'se, about the May Pole Dance! What wouM May {Day be without a May Pole Dance! There were two gayly dressed couples from the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grades. A .o.ower wreath was o.t the top of the slIver pole.. The streamers were lovely pale colors. one for each dancer. We want to thanl' the helpers 01" May Day. and hope all the pe.ople who saw May Day llked it as much lUI we enj,?yed doing It. HOST TO GRADUATES . Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hlll, of Country Club lane. Wallingford wei-e hosts last evening to the members of the- graduation class ot the high school at an all-night part1· fonowlng tbe commencement exercises. Swimming at Springhaven Coun try Club ,vas enjoyed from 12 to 2 a. followed by breakfast serve4 by the Senior Mother's com mittee. Games, dancing and re freshments made up the entertain ment tor the rest ot the night. The committee who pla.nned the party eODl!dsted of Mrs. Norman Hulme, chairman of ho.spttaUtty, Mrs. W. Minton Harvey. assistant Mrs. NorlI!an Krase, Mrs. Howard Kirk. Mrs. .John Marshall,. Mrs George. Swee~, Mrs. Walter Heinze and Mrs. Birney K. Morse. m:· Joaeph Barber ShOl .. . .. . 'PlUDAY,JUNE14,lMS: IL S. SQUAD TO CAMP junior clau are a HIllor, Heather Champlo.u, and .. sophomore. Helen Members of the Swartbmore Chaiken, two girJa who have tmD High' School football lJquad wllJ en· c ....... IICheduled with the junlora. Joy football camp 1ro01 Sundalr, In the sophomore cl888,· Betty Lou Auguet 26 to FrIday, Augwrt 80, "In. prepaqt.tton tor the 194.6 aeaaon. Y.K.C.A. camp CastJe near Down· IDgton, haa again' bean obtained through the efforts of the 8warth. mere CltizeDJI" Athletic COJllmlttee. FaciUties will Include the U88 ot the football field, Bwlmlng pool and separate quarters for the Swarth~ I THE SWARTHMOREAN FRIDAY, JUNE 14. 1946 Emery and Mildred Bernard eiune out on top, and In the freahman 01.... Ann ,Broomall and Blythe Bames won. SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS OF 1946 All Luck to the Class 01 , more squad. Coac~e8 Robinson and Holfman will be In charge and Trainer "Shorty" Wlln;tore wlll be present to look' after tbe boys. 'l'ra.naportaUon ~l_ be furnished by mem- bers of the committee. S~hoo} 1946 • • THE HARVARD, News ,Award Letters The· yearly letter banquet, spons.ored by Cabinet. was beld in tlie cafeteria Friday evel?ing. May 31, at 5:30. The banquet, attended by 100 students. started with a turkey dinner, which was followed by magical eutertaLnment given by Gus 'Bone of Philadelphia. While everyon·e was still puzzllng over·the trlckB. cabinet president Andy Kirk opened the letter. awards by first presenting Alice Blodgett, who handed out non-athletic letters to the girls. John Jenny followed, giving. out the non·athleUc awards to the boys. Mr. Le.uder and Mrs. SulUvan then gave the J: V. letterS to those 'students who had accumulated 16 points In athletics. Mr. Snyder ~ a waro~d the boys' Lacro88e letters to the senior boys who had gone Our Heartiest Congratu- Extends to the Class of t .-1946Her Sincerest Good Wishes lations For A Happy Future out for threemaking yeaTS, :~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ and for. whoLacrosse had succeeded varsity. Miss·· Allen gave out the . Varsity Lacrosse letters and gold pins· for an undefeated season, while Captain Mary Fetter 'PlBounced her successor to be Helen Hoot. lAst of the group was Mr. Miller. I who ga"\""e a brief talk on each track· member, then awarded the letters and announced J'ohn polk to be next year's captain. Th.6 party concluded with the singl'ng of "Stand Up and Cheer" led by Mr.· Jenny. to CONGRATULATIONS the MEMBERS OF was· THE CLASS OF 1946 SCORES TO DATE News Notes Prof. "t..nd Mrs. E. O. Lange, of· flLangewood," Baltimore pike, entertalned as their week-end guests Dr. and Mrs. F. C. DJsque and Bon Billy of the University of Virginia who were en route to their farm In Va.lley Forge for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. CD.arles W. Lukens of Strath Haven avenue, enter talned Mrs. Lukens' brother-In·law and sister· Mr. and Mrs. W. F Stickle, ot Washington, D. C., as their week.end guests. Mr. n.od Mrs. James Lukens, ot Maple avenue, leave June 20 to attend the commencement and commissio~lng exercises at the Unlversl1'y of .Louisville, Ky., on J:me 22, when their son James Lukens, Jr., wi1l graduate as a V-12 student in Electrical Engineering and at the same time will receive his commission as an Ensign. In . . the U. S. Navy. Mrs. Harry W. Lang, ot Dick Inson avenue, entertained 'her bridge club at a luncheon.brldge Friday. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Henry Linton . of Benlq.min West avenue, returned home Friday after a week's trip on their boat "Marian" on the Chesa peake. I Mr. W. Henry Linton, Jr.• who Is doing post~graduate work at M I. T., -and Mrs. Linton arrhed in Swarthmore SatUrday to' visit for a week 'between college semesters Ensign ~ollald W. Smith, U.S.N. of Washington. D. C., and Mrs. Smith. the fOrmer Mtss Mary Morse joined the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Morse. of Parrish road over the week-end. Mrs. Smith will spend the summer here while Ensign Smith is on sea dutty. Mrs. R~y P. Lingle. of Cornell avenue, and her mother M:-B. M.. A. Whiteley, o( Nlagnra Falls, N. Y. wbo "Is Visiting nere, lett Monday to spen~ a week ~t Atlantic Clty~ N. + . By virtue of a 9-2 victory over lIB. Sam Nowell's llA Zips captured the Intramural Softball Penpant, thus earning the right to play the track nine and the faculty. The gtandlngs are as follows: TEAM WON LOST llA 6 0 11 B 12 4-4 1 .2 lOB 2 iOA 9B 9A 2 1 0 3 4. Class of .. 6 BADMINTON WINS Virginia Allon recently intToduced a number of . badminton tournaments for the girls In senior high school. Couples trom the home rooms of each class compe ... ted with other couple.a In the .same home room until one winner ot aU had been determined. The other wining couples ot each home room • played each other to determine Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation the winners of the class. In the I I R sen or CaBS. uth Wagner and Minerva Zensen are the stars. It • so happens that the winners of the ------------------------------------------------------------------- Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company Philip Merriam Alden, Jr. Harold Thomas Barr, Jr. Marjorie Jane Black Elizabeth Margaret Bryant Kl!nneth Foster Anderson Alice Ann Baughm' Betty Joan Bott John Woodward Campbell, Jr. William Cornell Archbold, Jr. William Fredrick Behenna Robert Ayres Boyle, Jr. Chrystal Heather Champion Caroline Belden Balderston Dorin Joan Bierman Frances Brewster Donald Collins Chaney • Bouquets t'------------.. .-----------------------··---------"" Michael's To the Class of to '46 The Class of College Pharmacy '46 • • 1946 from FRANK MARTEL BROS. :r. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Hook. of Westdale ,avenue~ accompanied by their son. Dick. drove to Wlnla.m and Mary College, Wllllamshul'!r, Va., Sunday. Mary Ann Hook. wbo h&a completed her 1I()pbO)mom \'Oar. , at the college, returned home with' , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,; them tor the aummer months. I , " The Bouquet • Jane Davis Ann Caroline deFuri. Carter Nichols Davison Allen Coffin Enders the barber BEAUTY SALON "On the Corner" INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE SWARTHMOREAN· 4 What is so Rare as a May Day in June H. S. SQUAD TO CAMP junior clasa are a senior, Heather Champion, and Q sophomore, Helen Mombers ot tho Swartbmore Chaiken, two girls who have gym High School football squad will en .. classes scheduled with the juniors. JOY football camp trom Sultday, In the sophomore class, Betty Lou August 25 to Friday, August 30, in prcpalfltlon for the 1946 season. T.M.C.A. camp Cnstle near Downfngton, has again been obtained through the ellorts of the Swarth_ mere Citizens' AthleUc Committee. Facilities will Include the use of the football field, swlming pool and separate quarters tor the Swarthmore squad. Coaches Robinson and lIoffman will be in charge and Trainer "Shorty" Wilmore will be preaent By Gth Grade, Rutgers After a. week of rain. the Rutgers avenue School finaJly had its May Dayan June 3. It was held in the playroom, and then the queen led the procession to the green. Miss Blodgett, our wonderful music teacher, gets a lot ot the credit for our J\lay Day. She taught the songs. Miss Blodgett had the aid of the teacheJ's to help with ~nces. Miss Putnam tho songs and d'" taught first and seco.nd grade n d ances an d t 00 k ch .... rge 0 r the amplif}'ing equipment. Mrs. SuIII van. our gym t cae Iler. a Iso IIC I pe d w Ith some 0 f our d ancea. G eorge much with our May Day that we can't put in all the things that he did. page who carried the crown. Mrs. Covin, Ginny Gchring"s grandmothor of Honolulu, made u. beautlful crown of orange blo3Soms and attcndunts. Drew 'VagnoD was the a !el ot I'ed roses. 'Vo had songs ond dances from an the grades and countrIes. grade represented a difl'erent coun-try which made things colorful and gay. \Ve had a lovely time singing and dancing the different songs and dances. They were: Kindergurten-Bleepjng Beauty-England: First Grade-The Chimes of to look after the bOys. TraJIspor. Dunkirk_France; Second Grade- tation will be furnished by mem .. Nixie Polka-Denmark: Fourth bers of the committee. Grad(..---- 'Vcggis Dance-Switzerland, music by David Spencer; Firth Grade-Tarentella-Italy; \Ve think the :\Jay Day festival was a, great success. Eight'y-two chairs werc not enough to seat the 150 guests that came. Some stood outside at the green '\vaiting be_ CRuse there was not en ough room inside. rrhc Rutgers avenue orchestra played for the cntering of the gmdes 31hl procession of the queen. Jeanne ""unguy made a beautiful May Queen. She was elected QUCl'!r'I by the sixth grade. Chucky Russell played the part of the Herald very well. Mimi "\Visdom nnd Joan Heminway were pretty .... Sixth Grade-Life on the Oc-.n ""aves,' and l'arlez-Vous-Amcl'ica. And now you know '''hat I'm p:oing to teU you. Of course, about the May Pole Dance! \Vhat would Ma}" IDay he without a May Pole Dance! There were two gayly dressed couples fl'om the F'ourth, PUth, antI Sixth Grades. A flower wreath was fit the top of the silver pole. The streamers were lovely pale colors. one for each dancer. \Ve want to thanl' the helpers of l\Jny Day. and hope all the people who saw May Day liked it as much ns we enjoyed doing it. A New Turn in the 7th Grade Studies By 7-B Several 'weeks ago, 1\[1'. Bell's seventh grade social studies class decided it would be a good idea to Bend a scrap bool{ of American History to China. However. we found that we could be of more service by sending food, clothing and medical supplies. Each pupil bro:Jght as much as possible. \Vhi)e we were in the middle of our collecting, 'we de- cided it would be better to send the clothing to France. as the Chinese would not readily wear American clothing. After the tnree-day drive, we had colleet(>d 145 items of clothing. 1 S pairs of shoes, 85 cans of food, 25 items of dry packed food, 73 items of medical supplies. 32 items of notions and 20 cakes of soap. The itemR were packed In cartons and were sent b'y express to tho American Relief for Franco. Inc., and the United China Relief, Inc. The cartons and twine were supplied by the pupils. The total of 398 val'ious articles was collccte:d by a class of 46 pupils. We all enjoycd ,\vorking on tois project and hope that our little bit will do a big job in tlie ncedy countries. 1 Congratulations TO THE GRADUATES H '"' alice barber, Gifts OLD BANK BUILDING ~elephone U Sw. 1381 108ecl \Vednesday Afternoon beginning June 1 until October 1 HOST TO GRADUATES ]\fr. nnd ::\I1's. A. G. Hill, of Country Club lane, 'Vallingford. 'vere hosts last evening to the members of the_ graduation class of the high school at an all-night party following thc commencement exercises. SWimming nt Springhaven Country Club was enjoyed from 12 to 2 a. nl. followed by breakfast flerved by tht." Senior Mother's com~ mittee. Games, dancing and refreshments made up the entertainment for the rest of the night. The committee who planned tnc party consisted of Mrs. Norman Hulme. chairman of hospituUt'Y: Mrs. W. Minton Harvey, assistant; 1\[rs. Norman Krase. MrS. HOward J{irk. Mrs. John Marshall. Mrs. George Sweet, Mrs. \Valter Heinze and Mrs. Birney K. Morse. Emery and MUdred Bernard came THE SWARTHMORE-..:A.:...:N_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ FRIDA Y, JUNE 14, 1946 out on toP. and In the freshman claM, Ann Broomall Barnes won. and Blythe SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS OF 1946 All Luck to the Class of 1946 • THE HARVARD School News 'Y FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1946 Our ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r Awurd Letters The yeariy letter banquet, sponsored by Cabinet, was held in the • cafeteria Friday evening. May 31, nt 5:31.1. The banquet. attended by 100 students, started with a turkey dinner, which was followed by magical entertainment given by Gus Done of Philadelphia. \Vhllc everyone was stilt puzzling OVCI' the trick.s, Cabinet president Andy Kirk opened the letter awards by first presenting AHce Blodgett. who handed out non-athletic letters to thl'! gil·Is. John Jenny followed, giving out the non-athleUc awards to the boys. Mr. Lauder and Mrs. Sullivan then gave the J. V. letters to those 'student.~ who had accumulated 15 points In athletics. 1\11'. Snyder a W3 I'~d the boys' Lacrosse letters to the senior boys who had gonl'! out for La.cr03se for three years. and who had succeeded V(lJ·sity. Miss ABen gave out the Varsity Lacrosse letters and gold pins for an undefeated t;eason, while Captain Mary Fetter nnnounced her successor to be Helen Hoot. Last of the grQup was Mr. Miller. who gave a brief tulle on each track member. then awarded the letters and :tnnounced .Tohn Polk to he next year's captain. The party was concluded with thc singing of "Stand Up and Cheer" led by Mr. Jenny. SCORES TO DATE By virtue of a 9~2 victory over 11 B, Sam N'mvell's 11 A Zips captured the Intramural Softball PcnProf. and Mrs. E. O. L'lngc, of nant. thus (~arning the right to play ULangewood," Baltimore pike, en~ the track nine and the facul!}'. tertained as their week-end guests The standings are as follows: Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Disque and son WON LOST T>aM B11ly of th~ University of Virginia, HA 6 o who werc en routc to thcir farm in 1 HB 4 Valley Forge for the summer 2 4 12 months. lOB 2 3 Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Lukens, 2 4 lOA of Strath Ha,'cn avenue, enter4 9B 1 tained 1\-Irs. Lukens' brother-in-law 9A 5 o and sister 1\-[1'. and Mrs. W. F. Stickle. of Washington. D. C., as BAD~IINTON WINS their week-end guests. Virginia. AIIen recently intro1\·11'. and Mrs. James Lukens, of duced a number of . badminton Maple avcnue, leave June 20 to tournaments for the girls in senior a.ttend the commencement and high school. Couples from the commissioning exercises at the home rOoms of each class compe~ University of Louisville, Ky., on ted with other couples in the same .J:me 22, when their son .James home room until one winner of atl Lukens, Jr., will graduate as a V _12 had been determined. The other student in Electrical Engineering . I ng ~oup Ies 0 f cae h h orne room wIn . a.nd at the same time will recelve· I d I p aye cuc 1 other to determine his commission as an Ensign in the winncr~ of the class. 1n the the U. S. Navy. senior clags. Uuth \Vagner and )trs. Harry ,,\V. Lang, of Dick'~e... Minerva Zcns~n are the stars. It Inson avcnue, entertained n bridge club at a luncheon-bridge, so happens that the winners of the Heartiest Congratu- Extends to the Class of -1946Her Sincerest Good Wishes lations For A Happy Future to CONGRATULATIONS the MEMBERS OF THE CLASS OF 1946 Class News Notes Frida,.. of Philip Merriam Alden, Jr. Kl!nncth Fostcr Anderson William Cornell Archbold, Jr. C.lrolinc Belden Balderston Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company Huold Thomas Barr~ Jr. j\'brjoric Jane Black Eliz.lbeth Margaret Bryant Alice Ann Baughm Bl!tt}' JO::111 Bott John Woodward Campbell, Jr. \Villiam Fredrick Bchcnna Robert Ayres Boyle, Jr. ChL'ystal Heather Champion Dorin Joan Bierman Franccs Brc\vster Donald Collins Chlne)" • Member Federal Deposit Insuranee Corporation Bouquets • To the Class of to '46 The Class of + oleph Barber Sho Smith is on sea. dut'}'. Mrs. Roy P. Lingle. of Cornell m·enuc. and her mother 1\Irs. M. A.. Whiteley, of Niagara Falls. N. Y., who is visiting here, left Monday to spend a week at Atlantic City, N. J. 1\1r. and Mrs. O. 1\1. Hook, of Westdale avenue, accomPanied by their son. Dick. drove to Wtlliam and Mary College, Williamsburg, Va .• Sunday. Mary Ann Hook. who has completed her sophomore 'Year at the conege, r~turned home with thcr.n for the Sumn1er r.nontns. College Pharmacy '46 th~ SUll\Ill('l' 11l'I'(' while I~nsign 1946 Michael's ----.:.------------------------------- Mr. and 1\lrs. 'V. Henry Linton. . , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - " ' \ of Bcn iamin 'Vc>st avenue, returned home F'riday after a week's trip on their boat "l\larlan" on the Chesapeake. , Mr. \V. H(>nry Linton. Jr., who is doing post-graduate work at M. I. T., and :\11'8. Linton a~rived tn Swarthmore Sn.turday to visit for a weeli. between college semesters. Ensign Donald 'V. Smith. U.S.N., or \Vashington. n. c.. and Mrs. Smith. the former Miss Mary Morse joined the latter's parents. :\11'. and "Irs. Daniel S. Morse. of Parrish l'o:ul 0\"('1' the \\"('('k-c1H1. Mrs. ~ll1ith ' .... ilI SIH'IHI 1946 from FRANK MARTEL BROS. '1' . ,..- - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. ...;- The Bouquet Jane Davis Ann Caroline deFuria Carter Nichols Davison Allen Collin Enders the barber BEAUTY SALON "On the Corner" THE SWARTHMOREAN FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 194' SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS OF 1946 THE SWARTHMOREAN FRIDAY, JUNE 14. 194' SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS OF 1946· , BEST Hail WISHES Graduates! fora Happy. and Successful You're Future Bound .." I : ·1.. \ ... to the . " ,",,:':(! To Build Class of Priscilla Enslin Mary Carolyn Fetter Frances Heath Evans Caroline Lester Flaherty Mary Elizabeth Evans John McGaw Foster Lloyd Samuel Everett Virginia Clyde Francis Jeanne Dolores Gavetti Ann Harvey Jean McAllister Gemmill Alice Hay Thomas Clinton Goslin. Jr. Don Richard Heinze MArgie Harrison Elizabeth Louise Helmuth 1946 A Better Helen Margaret Keenen Nancy Jane Lewis Mary Ball Marshall Harry Calvert Melton Andrew Burns Chalmers Kirk Richard Matthews Linton lane Jenness Matthews Katharine Joan Molstad Patricia Anne Kline :Marilyn Jean MacElwee P:ttricia Morse McCahan Virginia Mary Morse Barbara Anne Krase Edith Wilder Maher Jean Noreen McGlathery Delphine Mant Murphy World! • Congratulations! EDWARD L.NOYES 1946 CLASS RUSSELL'S SERVICE Frances Palmer Jenkins Robert DuBois Hulme Marian McNair Karns Phone 0440 Buchner's of Toggery -1946- 23 S. Chester Road Swarthmore Shop Phone Park Avenue 0114 RUMSEY CHEVROLET DARTHMOUTH & LAFAYETTE AVE. Thomas Alfred Hill Best Wishes To the Class William Henry Nelson. III Richard Lee Raymond Robert Blair Price. Jr. Myron Emanuel Sharpe Sales - Service Yale and Rutgers Swarthmore 1439 INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 46 THE SWARTHMOREAN FRIDA Y, JUNE 14, 1946 SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS OF 1946 I'RIDA Y, JUNE 14. 1946 THE SWARTHMOREAI'\ ~~~-~---------------- SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS OF 1946 ... -1 BEST t.' • 'I' "'_ " r , t}!h WISHES Hail ·v;.' '_, ' : Graduates! fora Happy and Successful You're Future Bound to the To Build Class of Priscilla Enslin JIIary C3rolyn Fetter Frances Heath E\';\ns CHoline: Lester Flaherty :.\b.ry Elizabeth Evans John McGaw Foster Lloyd Samuel Everett Virginia Clyde Francis Jeanne Dolores Ga \'ctti Ann I-b.rvey Je.m l\IcAliister Gemmill Alice Hay Thl,)n1J.~ Helen Mar,.-:arct Keenen Nancy Jane Lewis Mary Ball Marshall Harry Calvert :Mehon Andrew Burns Chalmers Kirk R:chard Matthews Linton lane Jenness Matthews KuhMine Joan Molstad P:1tricia Anne Kline \tarilyn Jean MacElwee Pnricia I\lorse .McCahan Virginia Mary Morse Barbara Anne Krase Edith Wilder Maher Je.ln Noreen MeG lather}' Delphine Mant Murphy Don Richard Heinze Clinton Goslin, Jr. :;\1.1rgie Harrison 1946 A Better Elizabcth Louise Helmuch , .- ....... _--_.- -.... ::. -~ - . Congratulations! EDWARD L.NOYES CLASS 194·6 RUSSELL'S SERVICE ~ .. r· _.... Robert DuBois Hulme l\hrian :McNair Karns Phone 044.0 __________1 Best Wishes To the Class Buchner's of Toggery Shop Park Avenue Phone 0114 RUMSEY CHEVROLET DARTHMOUTH & LAFAYETTE AVE. fr:mces Palmer Jenkins I' -1946- 23 S. Chester Road Swarthmore 1'.;" ' Thomas Alfred Hill • ~ .'... World! Sales - Service Willi.m Henry Nelson, III Richard Lee Raymond Robert Blair Prict, Jr. Myron Emanuel Sharpe Yale and Rutgers Swarthmore 1439 I THE 8W,ARTini() . , THE SWARTHMOREAN FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1946 ------------------------~~~~~~~ SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS OF 1946 HiiJh SclWol NEWS NO~S flraduate8..1J() Freel Beholf of Riverview' road Betty Ellen, Ltttlefteid arrived at arrived at hI. home OD Tuesday her home on Swarthmore place onfrom Admiral Fa.rragut Academy.; Tueaday alter completing her aOPhMa'rdy Jean Crosby ot Dickinson omorc year at William and Ma.ry avenue. a student at Tuft. College CoIlege. ' has returned to the scbool tollowMr. and Mrs. Charles H. Garlng an appendectomy. Her father rison. Jr. and daughtel'. 043arbal'a. Mr. E. W. Crosby spent several of New York. formerly of Park d~s wlth Mardy .Jean and returned avenue. stopped to spend' two daYs home Thursday night.. . with Mrs. Garrison's parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin, W. Crosby nnd Mrs. E. C. He'g, of Rutgers of Dickinson avenue had as their avenue while en route to Oeeall weelr,-end guests, Mrs•. Crosby's City, N. J. for two weeks vaca.tlon. (C~~)fiUDUed I from page 1) ship or flOO to Alice Baughll. The Claude C. o.nd Mary' Roberta Smith Schola.rship to Swarthmore College in the amount of '200 was award. Je"d jointly to Allen Enders and John FosUf't. The members of the-clasS are: Phlllp" Merriam _Aldep, Jr. Ken- Success to the Class of IF YOV have been discharged from the Army-if you 1!eld a gtade and wish to retain it-if y'oo have dependents - then aet June 30, 1946, is the last day on which you can enlist in the ReguIar Army and still take advantage of two im· portant benefits . • • retention of your old gtade and family allowances. now. . . . . . Family· allowances for your dependents will be continued throughout your enlistment only if you enter the RcguIar Army before July 1, 1946. If you have been discharged from the Army 3{1d wish to reenlist 'at your old grade, you must e!'list within 9" days after your discharge. And before July 1,1946. Think it over. Acl now. Anderson~ WIlUam Cornell Archbold • .Jr.• Caroline Bel- uncle and aunt, Mr. and :Mrs. Marian and Ellnor Kq.rnB of ,den BalderSton. Harold ThomR8 ,Robert ,W. pattengett of Los Wellesley road will aseLst In recelv. Barr. Jr., Alit"e Ann Baughn, Wll.. Angeles, Calif. ing at a garden. party. In Chestnut 1Iam ,Mderlck .. Be-henna, Dorin Amy ,Jane D~vl.d.sOD of Guernsey Hill, PhUadelphla. on sunday Joan Bierman Marjorie Jane Black. road arrived at 'her hom~' Wednes_ afternoon, for Mias Ann Webster Betty Joan Bott, ,; Robert AyreS' day night from Wellealey College. or Winter I"ark. Fla .• who is mak-. henna, Dorin Amy Jan!) Davidson of Guernscy Joan Bierman l\Iarjorie Jane Black. road ar'l'ived at he I' home Wednes_ Detty Joan Bott, Robert Ayres day night trom \Vellesley College. Doyle, Jr.. Frances Brewster, Hhc will fly up to spend this weckElizabeth l\Iurgm'et Bryant. John end and on 1\londay she will grud\Voodward Cmupbell, Jr .• Chr')'stal uate Crom Wellesley. Heather Champio.n, Donald Collins 1\11'. and MI's. Edward a. Cooley Chancy. Lawrence Cilestio. Jane return cd Sunday to their home at Davis, Cartel' NiC!hols j)avison, Ann 3 Channing place. Cambridge. Caroline dePuria, Allen Coffin Muss" nfte!' spending some time in . Enders, Prisci1la gnsUn, Frances Swul'th III on~. :"oil-. Cooley is ooi ng Heath Evans, Mary Elizabeth gl'aduat~ work at Harvard followEvans, Lloyd Samuel Everett. Mary ing his release from the Navy. Carolyn Fetter, Caroline Lester Mr. E. J, }i"'aulkner of Dickinson Fl a h erty. John McGaw Foster. avenue I e ft F riday n Ight ( or B uck Dolores Gavettl. Jean McAllister Hill Fal1s. He wUI return on TuesGemmill, Thomlls Clinton Goslin, day to take his family back with Jr" Margie Harrison, Ann Harvey, I him fol' the summer. George Samuel Hassell. III, Auce! Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Dell of Hay, Don Richard Heinze, EUza-1 Harverd avenue had as their guests beth Louise Helmu:th, Thomas AI_lover the week-end of June 1. Mr. fred Hill, Robert DuBoise Hulme, Bell's sister, Mrs. S. J. Ervin, Jr.. Francos Palmer Jenkins, Marian and duu'ghtcl', Leslie and Laura :\lcNair Kal'ns, Helen Margaret Po we of \Vashlngton, D.C. and Mr. Keenen, Andrew Burns Chalmers Bells cousin, :Miss 1':1izabeth Hoss ·Vil'ginia Clyde Francis. Jeanne of Concord, N. C. Kirk. Pntricia Anne Kline. • Barbara Midge Brown of North Chestel' . Anne Krase, Nancy Jane Lewis, road entertained last evening at a . d t •. ·d d h I -£ Richard Matthews Linton, Marilyn esse.. uri ge an 8 ower n Ilonor Jean MacElwee, Edith ,"VHder of Eany Lueders of Princeton avcMaher. l\-Jnry Ball Marshall. Jane Jenness 1\1~tthews, Patricia Morse McCahan. Jean Noreen l\{eGla_ th(>l'Y, Harry Calvert 1\.lclton, I{ath. arine. Jonn Molstad Virginia Mary 1\Iorse, Delphine Mant Murphy, 'Vllliam Henry Nelson, Ill, Robert Blair Price, Jr., Richard Lee Rnymond, Myron Emanuel Sharpe, Richard Rothenberger Shelly. Elizabeth Ellen Slote, Frederick Gil man Spencer. Jr., Christopher MacDonald' Swan. Jr.. Donald WitIi am Sweet. Norrine Marie Taylor. Hi h d P 11 e ar owe Taylor, Jonn Allee Thorbahn, Lillian Iku Tomita, Sincht Tonooka, Carol Henderson Van Alen, Richard Shepard Vose. . Jr., Cornelia Eugenia May Vostera. R u th Marie Wagner, 'Villiam W•ayne Warner. Rosalie Ruth . E Wh err}', • dwanl Coolidge \Vhtle... car, .l.l'linerva. Ruth Zensen. Auxiliary Reminder The members of the Legion Auxmary arc asked to take notice that tbe regular meeting of the mem· bers on the third Mondn~ of the month has been postponed to June 24, at 12:30 p.m. Yo:! are asked to bring sandwiches to the home of )''Irs. Oscar GUcreest and be prepared to pla.y bridge after the election of omears, If not able to come, please reply, otherwise the bostess will count you as one of the party. John Delaplaine who is doing graduate work at M.I.T., Is spend. ing 10 days between college semes~ tel's at his home on Cornell avenue. Jim Pitman of Vassar avenue who reported last month for Army training, has been assigned to the AAF Military Training Center' at San Antonio, rrexas. Jennne Theis who has been making her home with the Robert I.o;ndel's of Elm avenue for the past four years, will gradUate from Swal'thmore College on June 24. Jeanne plans to leave for her'home in France sometime this summer. nue. Phoebe Lukens of Marple aVenue who is· attending Bouve_Boston School of Physical Education's summer camp on Capo Cod, spent the week.end at her home. Dr. a:ld Mrs. George L. Armitage of South Ciiester road entertained Mrs. Armitage's brother and slsterin-law 1\[1'. and Mrs. Kenneth D. McCutcheon of 'Vaban, Mass., as their \vcE"k-end guests. of New York. formerly of v Harris & Co. 5 AND 10c STORE 2 Park Avenue Swarthmore YOU ... Family allowances for your dependents wilJ be continued throughout your enlistment only if you enter the Regular Army before July 1, 1946. If you have been discharged from the Army and wish to reenlist at your old grade, you must enlist witbin 90 days after your discharge. And hefore July 1,1946. Think it over. Act now. U. S. Army Mrs. J. S. Eales of Sioux City. Iowa. Hetty Cook of 1.'huyer road a stuuent ut Pelln State ul'I'ives home Juno 20 to attend hel' sistel' :\1iSH Sara Mal'C)' Cook as maid of honor at hOI' wedding, Friday. Detty will return to college to complete her fl'cshman ybal' and on July 1 w1l1 le;lvc fOI' Happy Vaney Camp where she will act us counsellor fOl' the summer montha. MI'. John Bowditch. Jr .. of Cedar lane <1l'o"\'c to Baltimore, 1\Id .. and witnessed the North-South Lacrosse game Fridn'Y nig·ht. His son .Jam<"l'5 Bowditch a student at Swarthmore College, played on the All-South tennl. Mr. and Mrs. .J. Warren Paxson. of Vassar avcn-.le J entertained 20 guests at a week-end house party at their cottage at Millington, Md. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Douglas, of North Chester road, spent the week-end at their cottage in ·Cape Here's To Firmer Footing For Your FutureGRADUATES OF '46 ~ CELIA SHOE SHOP 102 PARK AVENUE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ f. MAY YOUR FUTURE BE A BRIGHT ONE M. WEINSTEIN Page 1\'1. Bullock a student at May, N. J. Hampden-Sydney College, Va., wHI Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam n. 1\IcHenry. of Pnrr,·sh road returned I join his parents MI'. and Mrs. 'VilUarn B~ Bullock of Cedar lane, FrL Thursday from Ocean City. N, J. 1\-11'. l\tcHc.nry attended the Rotal')' da~'. Page plans to take a summer 11\ course at the West Chester State Convention at Atlantic Teachers College. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van Alen, of Park avenue. bad as their guests J. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Robinson of from Saturda.· to Wednesday. Mrs. \V(>st(lalc avenue al'e entertaining '"3 E. G. Van Alen, Mr. and 1\11'8. Bruce Mrs, L. O. Braun and her son \V,eirick and Margaret Weirick, all Nicki of New York for a two-week of Northumberland. Last evening vhllt. Mrs, J. Paul Brown of Walnut they attended Carol's graduation . from high school. Jane, accompanied by her daughter Bob McCowan, of Vassar avenue, e Wh f Bur b ara B I'own, h orne rom e - spent last week-end at Pennsylvalock College, and Mr. and Mrs. nla State College visiting his Richard Brown of Baltimore, Md., b 1'0 th er F ran. k . left Thursday for a 10-day vacat~on I Barbara Nason of Cornell avenue at the \Vheelock cottage at SeasIde plnyed on the All-Philadelphia Park. N. J. I Lacrosse team against the AnTish Lee return~d home TUeSd~Y'1 Baltimore team in Baltimore. FriJune 6 from Rollms College. Wm- d ay nrg . ht. tel' Park. Fla., to spend the sumMnry ...Yates Gllcreest of Vassal' mer with her parents Mr. and 1\11'5. avenue was given a surprise shower 'Villiam H. Lee of Harvard avenue. Betty Morse, a stud'ent at 'Velles- by n fraternity sister, Betty Frank in the fraternity house in Phil aley Collcge, and Bonny }.lorse a delphia. student at Middlebury College wUl arrivo at their home o.n Yale avenue on Monday. :Mr. and Mrs. David 1\1. Speers moycd Friday from their home on Yule avenue to 716 Harvard avenue formcrly occupied by MI;.. and Mrs. Samuel H. Ayers. Alice Putnam of Lafayette a"\'e~ nue Rpent the week-e,nd in Brooklyn, N. Y ... "isiting her aunt. Miss lona Putnam. :\11'5. Richard D. Fetherolf Colutnhia avenuc is a pntient in the Lying In Hospital where sheunderwent an operation on Thursday. City~ -TAILORSOUTH CHESTER ROAD Swarthmore 1727 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Congratulations Class of 1946 I I Best Wishes Class of -1946- DEVINiE Taxi Service .. Best Wishes to the , Swarthmore B. J. HOY have been discharged from the Anny-if you bcld a grade and wish to retain it-if you have dependents - then act now. • . • June 30. 1946, is the last day on which you can enlist in the Regular Army and stilJ take advantage of two important benefits ..• retention of your old grade and family allowances. Pm'k unmuc, btoppetI to spc..'Dd·two duy~ with Mn:;, GUI'rison's pUI'cntH, MI', und llrs, E, C, Heg, of Hutgers avenue while cn I'oute to Oceun Cit'y. 1'. J. fOJ' two weeks vacation. llaJ'ian and ~-;lLnor Karns of \Vellesley road will OBsiat in receivIn'" at a '~arden party in Chestnut '" ~ Hill, Philadelphia, on 8unduy uHel'tlOon for :\liss Ann \Vebstel' of "~intcr l"al'k, 1....1a.• who is mak. illg her debut this seasou. ENLIST NOW AT YOUR NEAREST A GOOD JOB FOR YOU 31 ... and Mrs. \ViliulIl 'V. RutherU. S. ARMY RECRUITINB STATION ford of St ....lth Haven avenue spent the wcek-c'ld in Washington .. D.C,. :llnsonic Building, CHOOSE THIS· with :Mnl, HuthcrfOl'd's parents 9th nOll \\~elsh Sts., FINE. PROFESSION NOWl 1\11'. and 1\11'8, i'''rank Coclll'o.n who Che.o;ter. }'II. celehrated their 25th Wedding an• n_=ry. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ,MI'. and .)ll's, E. C. Prescott of • ----. Hose Valley ha"\'(~ spent the past two weeli:s "h'litin'" ':MI'. Prescott's <:> bl'olhel'-In-luw and si!;tel' ;\11', antI Ruth ZC'Il"cn Chester Road IF A BIG DATE FOR ARMY MEN! May Continued Success Be Younr 1250 INGLENEUK TEA ROOM w. S. BITTLE & SON • COMMENCEMENT TIME AND THE CO-OPS • This is the commencement season. Hundreds of thousands of our Y01mg men and women have been and will be a~onished to have ~aith in the future, to work for a better socIety, to pledge their loyalty to the democratic'way of life. .At this time we invite all to join us as we labor· CooperatIv<;ly. on the biggest. single issue of our time--the econonue Issue. Cooperatives are a pian for tomorrow which :works today! We want all High Schpol and College graduat~ to accept ow: congratulations and to get acquainted WIth the CooperatIve Way of doing ltusiness. • SWARTHMORE COOPERATIVE' ASSOCIATION 401 DARTMOUTH AVENUE I ot North- Mr. and Mrs. F. Van der Gracht Mr. and Mrs. H. Ebert of Hat-vard avenue entertained at wo~d. PhlladeIPl\ta. Saturday eve.. a buffet and bridge tn honor of nlng, June 8. LEGION NINE·, DROPS, OPENER , June 10 Game at Sun Oil First of 14 Scheduled Red of loeal15 to 17-year~0Iders lost Us opener night when it dropped the game_S-O to the Sun OU Legion team at the Sun 011 Held. AU 6games In . the • serle8 started 6:15 p.m. c S;';J';"'/w. Ib Ripe POTATOESSo~:"':m~O Ib·5SC SeleCte. CaUfomia LODg Widle Polaloel 10Iboflc • family Sin, 'ender, Young TURKEYS Ib47C ------------------~ Genuine Lamb, Grade, AA and A Lamb - - .." .. y... "00:: 42c . Breast Lamb Shld. Chop' ·'........ '·4Oc Shank Lamb Rib Lamb Chop. '.46c Neck Lamb LAMB ROAST Whiting Fillets Sq. Cut Large Fresh '·25. Large Butternsll'...... '·21c ~~~~----~~~- Jrkat BIUZHJ • NO.2' 3 I ASPARAGUS All Green Cut Spears e can To heat lu.t punctvre the can and place In boiling water for ten, minute•• 5~san to ta.te. Also dellclou. creamed. 1t.;'1Ze N:: 21Zc NO.211c can SLICED BEETS Ro:~rd GREEN BEANS C"~a;,'~~I!~ EARLY .JUNE PE4-~~ Ib 4ge EDAM CHEES. D::::HC STUFFED OLIVES S~~~~:h 7i!:".43e nmSH DONUTS v':~'a 1Z \:'s 16e ".1e N ABISCO v::t~~c~:~e. "pkg • • flo 3Se EVAP. PEACHES CURRANT .JELLyR",~!oy ~~:ZSe n .. p . . lIc C:.r,::lo Rob Roy JAM Seedless .~b Elderberry 'Iar Pre.ervlng Kitchen •• LUNCHEON MEATAsa·. ..1:'-:' 3Z c . 1~""13c Lucia Meal Tomt '~33c Spaglaelti a"~afi:'" Wilsoa's Mor '!:' 33c Phillip's PB!'.::d Swifl'I Pre,~.~__I~!:"~3=:3=:c~-=.Pic;·::k1===-es=-:-:i':::'::.~~=D;11 N~2UC I~ 29c Glenwood, Fancy, Grade A BLENDED JUICE ~'Sge No.''''" 17e florWa OraD,_ .... Grapefruit .~ ... Gl-apehult Jutn GJ~~."1" b ....a •• LeIDOD Jul_ IT'S "HEAr-flLO" ~:Z9C ROA$r~D IiISCD Richer Blend COFFEE . . ' ..pond for PRI_VING . .II'......' 1US0. .JI'S , Ib bag SpoM.p BLEACH ~.:' 17c : :::25c 2 ~ 17e a••oaia Speedup .%. 18c. lul,lale Cl...... ..... ge ON Ea.M 0,:' .=.3ge elFl I :.: lie .cSSC:dSC ,,_001.IDBA" ':"" ' . - o J .clte::.71e ......,"=' :=-_ T.. _ a...., 'a=; IOc..1Oc .1 .... · _,..... 11...... _VV.............. ...........n tor service at present. The neW' central ofrica. to serve the Swarthmore exchange is the Lansdowne and Glenolden and a 'maJor addition Is being made to the Media building. All will house dial equipment. Shoemaker and The American League series In his famUy were the guests Tuesday. wnlch the local team is registered Wednesday, and Tb:ursday of last will involve 14 games with teams representing near by Leglon Posts"'. BeV'on ot the games will be played at home. HOIJ1e games will be played on the newl!y created temporary high school diamond on Princeton avenue at the' railroad underpass. W:hile . thls field Is inadequate tor hard hitting- baseball, and does not provide the best accomodations tor spectators, it is sincerely urged that townspeople back thls'much needed, yo~th activity by attending. Coach I..a.uder promises' sbarp baseball despite prel!!ent handicaps. The Legion team ·is 8ponsor~d by the 10caJ dealer of the Ford Motor Company. Whlle there will be no admiSSion charl;;e at home games It is expected that tha squad w11l "pass the hat" to help defray the additional expenses. The local Legion baseball committee, through Dr. GeOrgO Warren has also announced that local residents will be given further opportunity to support the team b'y purc)t~ing "supporting memberships" at a nominal price. This enlarged ballebaU program· Is being conducted as A "part of the SwaJ'lthmore Recreation Association's summer activities and warrants the whole hearted support of all resldenta of .the borough. The complete schedule follows: June 17 Sun 011 ............ Away June 20 Chester ....................Home June 24 Clifton Heights ...... Away June 26 Norwood ................Home Ridley Park ............ Away July 2 Manoa ......................Away July 5 July 11 Mn:n,pa ......................Home ,July '11 Drexel Hill .............. Away July 16 Chester ................~ ..... Away ;July 18 Clifton Hetgh~ ....•. Home July 23 Ridley Park ............Home July 26 Norwood ..................Awa'Y Col. Davis W. Air Corps Intelligence. Mrs. S. S. Rutherford, Mrs. Birney K. Morlle, Mrs. Harry E. Oppenlander, Mrs. James H. Horna:day, Mrs. Avery Blake. Mrs. Carro\' P. Streeter. Mrs. Vernon M. Parry, Mrs. Donald P •. Jones, Mrs. Pf!'ter E. Told. and Mrs. John M. Pearson were the luncheon guests on Friday ot Mrs. William J., Klniey or Baltimore. Md., at the Bel Air home of her aunt Mrs•• George Saulsbury. Visits. to antique shops in Bel Alr and ~ltlmore added to the day's pleasure. Electric Shavers PENS Reynolds 400 and Parker 7 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD , gueats at a training. ------.-- ,.----- .... 1111_ . . a f t• . _ _ 'ea.- ·~I::~:;~::~._~.!-.~.~.~~ ;;~~~~ ~. ~~~~.~_~_~_~.J The Bell Tetephone Company of Pennsylvani&. expects to start work next week on a new $150,000 cen",: tral office building at the northwest corner of Baltimore Pike and Thomson Avenue. Springfield, it was announced today by WllUam S. Fort. district manager of the company.• The n'ew building will house the latest type dial telephone equipment a.nd is the first step In a 1;700,000 program of converting SwarthmOre telephone service to dial oparatlon, Mr. Fort said. The new building will be one story high. with a basement. and will measure 84 by 61 feet. It will be of steel frome and brJck masonrY construction, with limestone trim and a state shingle roof. Pro· vision 'has been made for extending the building to th~ rear and adding a second story. If future expansion Is necessary. No date' can be sct at this time for completion of the dial conversion project. Mr. Fort said, as this will depend to a large extent on how' quickly the intricate dial equipment can be manufactured and Installed. However. every eftort Is being made to complete the project durl,.. 1948. • . Before the new central office is ready, the Bell "CompaDyt will spend approximately 168,000 In expanding local telepbone facilities. which will provide service for thoae now on the waltlng list In the Swarthmore exchange area and will provide for srowth until the dial InBta\latlon Is completed, the dIst- , D at•nh•.." • .., T"~ As It Should EDWIN B. KEff EY. Jr. YOUJI .~"~ ~.~. - C -LASSIFIED Ji& Eas& 7U1 st. Cbee&er PERSONAL : PAINTING Work Guaranteed Phones Id";'1nga SoUeI W. SS...!i,*,ll~ SWarthmore 1692-F_ .f CHARLES WH I ••- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ted P~.::.s°r;:Ii~:ro·wPJ:'kl~l~r::.al1¥'.:i: _ AN D PAPERH. ANGING ~ "WhIte lead and J;lure up e ed oU used. OD all exterior paJot1Dg. r PERSONAI--Vacuum cleaners, Irons toasters alld radios repaired. CaUed 'Pbone 1.1111 for and delivered. Call Robert Brooks, j.::=============~ Swa. 1548. ' _ PERSONiL-We buy furniture, household goode. any artlole tn good condlUon. Tel. Chester 2·6233. ~ 11~ Che~ler 8130. & 24525 Son ·WANTED--Garage a.partment or other Amall apartment. or w1l1 share apart· ment wIth other fellow. Reply to Box M, The Swarthmorean. - - - -- , PAINTING II PIANO TUNING Lost Chord ~ tlae _~I . "The "'_on _$ can· be pla7ed the out-ot-tul\e p:laDo" EspertIy Done VALL DO DAVE WOOD· Media 0755. • Phone A. L. PARKER tor"'" remed7 WANTED-Two college graduate englneers desire room In private home. Call Boulevard 4865. Media 0459-M WANTED-Young woman desires POS-mon as baby sitter. Call Swarthmore 1638-R.~_ _ _ _-:-_:_._:;;::_::;_;..-= -\ViNTED--Garage In VicinitY of Og· den avenue and Walnut lane. Reply to Box T. The swarthmorea!,. A. MERCER QUINBY FuneraJ. Director , ELECTRICAL WORK all kind • 1125 W. Lehlgb Ave., ~. Phone Baldwin 1170 No additional charge tor suburban ca1ls. New or Old MORTON REFRIGERATION seUer pups. Seven weeks' old. 414 Park avenue. Swarthmore 4598-W. , FOR SALE-Electric refrlgerator. 5 cubic (eet, excellent condition. Call swarthmore 087o-.T. PHONE MEDIA 2673-J For appointments CaJi Swa. 111l..J. HARRY W. LANG For Your W"mdow Cleaning Call GEORGE Media 0589' Storm Sashes Taken Down Ser.~=a and Awning. Put Up ... Have your car officially Inlpectad today. You will nat be allowed la drive after this dote unle .. you have an aRlclal inspecHon sticker. Walt Until Spring· Esperienced HechaDlCB Walters' WALTER V. UNTON LOST-Sh{'ll-rimrped spectacles st~ brown leather case. Name on ca_, Can Swarthmore 0695·J. • Contractor and Builder Ridler Park OS33·M .' • COUNTRY FRESIi EGGS LARGE OOC dozen Free DeUvery PhOne Swa. S111-J or 1'715-B Wallace E. Arlen 302 Gayley Street , Media, Pa. Tel. Media 2872-R • QualIQ' PaIn$ terrier: brOwn and white on face n.~? ears black and while body, short .Jan: Wor~ harn~s. Tel. swarthmore 05 - , Lumite ScreenIng and KJmsnI InsutaUon Is DOW. I am now 1IstiDg - lew work tor Spring. . Pian now the home yoU want Charles E. Fischer We call for and de11ver 17 % sonth Chester Road Builder Phone 1987 H. N. Bernard W. H. Wamsley .. ELECfRIC SERVICE Phone ·Swarthmore 2253 • Repairs PROMPT SERVICE Call Swarthmore 1984 MORTON REFRIGERATION HARRY A. BREHL and Phone Swa. 2526 Appliance Service clet manager aid. / ~~~;;;~~.~;;;;;;~~;;;~~;;~... , Commercial and DomesticPrompt Service-RefrigerPainten and Paper Hangen ators, Washers, Vacuum We Should Know How !!war. 2286 lUdleJ' Park lOSI Cleaners, Radio~ Roofing CUNNINGHAM , COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Real Fatale and Insurance 1'II1'I~"::~B~A:_:s:-:_:;, 1II8Id ·n 7s . "Ie III DQ Spouting Shingling" Siding, C. H. REYNOLDS Morton 1173 Ave. Rutledge, Fa. ·s..... 10211..1 11 Mortoa AftBue Morton, Pa. ALICE M. BAIRD Old Qenk Builclina Swarthmore. Penna. Radio'" Appliance Since 11\05 No." in Pea.ceSave Cam ••• YOUl'Sfldcer! Phone Swarthmore 2175-R 104 Comell Avenue • * 2'1uoaglt the Ou W,teefi'OD to Save u ••• , -~~ B. &: W. Radio and Appliances Sales and Service Driveway Construction Asphalt or Concrete PETER DI NICOLA Tree Surgery and Lanclacaping ~ Desirable lots avaUable CARS MUST BE INSPECTED BY JULY 31. 1946There will be no extension of this period. carpentry Repaks and . 4lteralionll The time to do interior palntlng LOST-Strayed-ftv~-mont.h old mixed Rood thence along the o( Park 29 Avenue degrees mlnutes "'est 50 It. to the place of bdglnrllng. Northea~terlY Bide produced, North 42 .- I Bwa, 0." t ~ ~sa~~~~~~§I~_'--.----,~----~. ~ stty of Virginia track captain, 1946 Middle Atlantic broad Jump champ at 23 feet 5 Inches, will compete. ROM ...lVitl be opposed In the mile' r:m by Henry Diller! former PMC runner and present Middle Atlantic champ. ..- The Vaughters brothers, .S_herman, and.. 'Varren, former PIAA 100-yard champions from Springfield High, will competc. HarrisbUrg sends Wayne Downey. pole vault champ, and Paul Harvety and JQhn Wierman. weight throwers. Newbold Smith, U. S. Naval Academy tackle. wres· tier and trackman. formerl)' of Episcopal Academy. will throw the shot and discus for the sponsor club. 118 41 ft. SECTION 6. IMPROVEMENTG. The above described oectlons of V Avenue 8J1d Drexel Road. together with the Intersection thereof, shall be 1m.. proved at such time as CounCil. by motion, may determine, by the tnstallatJon·~of gr&nlte curbs and any Incl. dental drainage facIlities nnd the pavJng of the cartway 2S feet wide with standard macadam finished with penetratlon asphalt, all such improvements to conform to Borough sp.eclflcaUons and regulations. In the discretion of Borough Councn. acting through the Highway Committee, one section or portion of the said work may be done. and improvement or the remaining section, or portions thereof. may be deferred to a. subsequent time. SECTION .6. CONTRACTS. T.he proper ::ottlcer~ are hereby authorized and directed to execute such contracts and other documents as may be necessary to accomplish and effect the Improvements ,herein pro~~ I vlded. whenever from time to time the Counell, by motion. shall 80 direct. SECTION 7. ASSESSMENTS. Upon completion of the work or such pa.-t thoreof as Council may from time to time auLtt0rlze. and the ascertainment of the costs th~reof, assessments shall be made upon the abutting properties tor twoathlrds of the estimated costs ..d Pool Opoo Do~ of t.he Improvements. or part thereof Pool at 11 O.m. . ,c"mpl~ted, according to the toot frontFREE SUIfDAY COIfCERTS age thereof. the Borough· bearing the rt'malnlng one-third of such costs. The STLVAN HAU. 4.15, 7.15, 9.45 portion payable by the Borough shall be considered as firSt applied to the VIC SANDS, "01 tile said Intersection and to the share of rrtOllsl any non-assessable property, ir any. and then tr. the work generally. the "·BARRY & BRENDA abutting assessable properties to be asseJl,SCd and the OWD(!;rs thereat to be ..... SIecIt". III' • .... P_" liable COl' the enUre remaining twothirds of the work. or the' portion £.,..,.FrifIap thereof completed upon each respectivE> street. 'Said assessments shall be made HIGHT lATHING ,. U _ floodl""," by the Borongft. Englnebr· and/or the otRodoad __ Borough Secretary as provided by the 6 P. M. DalI.~ ~_ General Borough Act of May 14. 1927. $at., Sun. and tfoIldoP P.L. 619, and the amendments and supplements thereto. Such assessments shall be payable to the Borough without Intercst wlthtn thirty (30) days atter, the completion of the work. but any Sllah assessments remninlng unpaid for more than thirtY' (30) days from tho time the work is completed. shall BOROUGH OF SWA\lTHMORE draw _interedt 'at the rate of 6% per annum from the date the work Is comORDINANCE NO. 490 pleted: and If not pald within five (6) An ordinance estabHshing the mr.nths after eompletlon, the Borough street lines, elevatlbll8 and grades or Solicitor shall cause liens to be filed Vassar Avenue fl'{'m Drexel Road against the respecUve properties for Southwardly to the Borough Une, their respective assessments with acand of Drexel Road from Vassar crued inten',st from the date of comAvenue Southwestwardly -to Park pletion or the work. together. with all Avenue. In the Borough or Swarth- costl'l. penalties and attorney's fees. more. County of Delaware; provid~ allowed by law. The Borough reserves ing ror the improvement ot said the right to eollect the said ass'essstreets by the setting of curbs. pro- ments, when payable. by other lawful viding of Incidental draInage and .pav- means in the discretion of Borough jng ot the cartway; authorizing t11e Councn. proper Borough officers to ex~ute the nec:essary contraeta for • SECTION 8. REPEALER. Any ordWbrk or parts or sections thereor, inance or part tbereot, confilcting with when herflsrter directed by Borough the provislol"!8 hereof be and the same Co·uncll; and providing for ·the aBses· is hereby repealed so far as the same ment and collection or two·thlrds of connicis with this ordinance. the costs and eXpenses of said imPassed this 3rd day of June A.D. provements, including said intersec- 1940. tions, from the abutting owners. M, BOROUGH OF S'VARTHMORE directed by Borough CounCil, one· third of such costs and expenses to By:. S. S. Rutherrord, President of be patd by the Borough of Swarth~ Council more; and repealing all ordinances Attest: ElJiott Richardson, Secretary inconsisten!: herewit.h. .. Approved this 4th day THE COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH or June A. D. 1946. OF SWARTHMORE DOES ORDAIN: John H. Pitman, Burgess SECTION" 1. s'rREET LINES OF IT-G-7 VASSAR AVENUE.·'1'he official lines of REQUEST FOR BIDS' ~aasnr Avenue (rom the Northwesterly Sealed btda will be received in Coun. side of Drexel Road Southeastwardly to cit Chamber. Borough Han, SwarU,. the Borough Une :;.hal! be as follows: more, Pa., on July 1st. 1946 at 7 :45 Beginning at the Northwesterl:r P.M. Eastern Daylight Saving Time on corner of Drexel Road and Vassar furnishing the materials and dOing the Avenue, thence extending Northeast- following work: ~ wardly· crOSSing V~ar Ave. North (1) Curbing and paving Vassar 41 degrees 20. minutes East 50 ft. to Avenue from Drexel Rond to tho the Northeasterly side of Vassar Southerly end thereof and Drexel Road Avenue: thence cTO£zsing Drexel Road from Vassar to Park Avenues along the Northeasterly side of Vas(2) Building an 18 Inch stonn sewer sar Avenue South 42 degreE!t3 29 min· from the Sout,herly end of Vassar Aveutes Esst 496.2 n. to the Sout.herly nue to Little Crum Creek. end of Vassar Avenue; thence cross. All work is to be done In accordance lng VaSsar Avenue South 47 degrees with plans and specifications which . 20 minufes West 50 feet; thence along may be seen at the offiee of the Bar the Southwesterly side of Vassar ough Secretary. The Borough reserves Avenue Nc.rth· 42 degrees 29 mlnutea th!l right to reject any or aU bIds anil West 496.2 It. to the place of begin- to award the two portions of the work ~ ning. ' to separate contractors. A ~ertlfled check for $100.00 must ae SECTION~2. ELEVATIONS AND comp.'\ny the bid or each contractor. GRADES OF VASSAR AVENUE. and the person or firm to whom the The' elt'vations and grades of said contract is awarded shnll execute R. section of Yasaar Avenue. measured contract and furnish bond!'! as required Rlom~ the center line thereof shall be by law, Uye form of which may bo!a..... follow~: examined m Ole office of the under Bcgiiming at the Intersection or signed. the center lines of Drexel Road and El1iott Richardson Vasuar A,,-cnue at an elevation of Borough Secretary 118.41 feet. thence Southeastwardly 2T-6-7 alollg the center of Va~r Avem!e ;;;~;::::::--;:;:::-:-:::::-==c-:"::"::::====,.. by a u.nlformly descending grade of ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT .011" the distance of 176 ft. to a HEARING palr:t at an elevatton of 116.4 ft.; The Board of Adjustment will hold thence continuing Southeastwardly a public hearing at 7 :45 P.M. (D.S.T.) tllong the center of Vassar Avenue on .Tune 25. 1946. if!:· the CoUncil by a. descending grade of .014 the Chamber. Borough Hall. Swarthmore, (listance or 296.2 ft. to a point at the Pennsytvanla. In connection with the Souther1y end of Vassar Avenue at application of Paul B. Banks anil Elan elevation of 112.25 ft. eanor M .• his wife. tor such special ex. SECTION 3. STREET LINES OF captIon,. variance, establishment and DREXEL ROAD. otllelal lines or extension or a nonaeonforming U8Q as Drexel Road extending Soutb'Wcstward- ma.y be requisite to penult oceupancyof tY.frum the Southwest.,ly slde.of Vas- a portion of the pr;Jxa.~ garage located sal' .Avenue 'to the Northeasterly aide up:m premises known as 724 Harvard "r Park Avenue,' shaJJ be as tonowa: Avenue. Swarthmore. Pennsylvania, as Bel1nnlng at the. NortJteasterly a'" sinlile tall!lly dweJUng or hoUBeacorner' of ··Park Avenue· and, D~el ~pln&' ·ap4tt)n",Ilt..· .. Road, tho_· extending North.....i: .2T-II-'1 11:111011 -rucluirasoi:, _____ DESIDERIO, ' I Home Improvements "carpet meJrea it home" Don" Drexel Rads" ~ Riclley Park 3238· LOST Know that your car-no matter how old it ,is-is safe to drive and drive it safely I . Swarthmore 0764 FOR RENT-Furntshed apartment, two bedrooms, living' room, dining room, kitchen, bath, for July and August. 'Tel. swarthmore 1834-J. 'FOR RENT-Desirable room. $5.00 "",cokly. 112 Rutgers ave.• near tran&portat;ion, tfl8rooms. Swarthmore 027S-R. , Weather-and highways-beckon. Is your car safe to drive? Car inspection makes I certain, that your car is mechanically safethat brakes • • •.headlights . • • tires • • • . and steering gear are in good condition. ~ Rugs and Carpets FOR RENT-Summer. ,small (urni&hed house near Swarthmore. Write de· taUs, P. O. Box No. 61. Swarthmore. FOR SUMMER DRIVING! ·Horses VlIpped VAN BORN & SONS ... _--'. -POR-ftEN!I'- .. LOST-8atumay afternoon. Trinity Church. pair of yellow fabric gloves, size 611,,:. Call swarthmore 0373. 82,50 In - 83.50. ont Antiseptic Baths 82.00 Re~~~-jfl~~~~crIVE~gth FOR SAT..E.....-Eight piece dining' room set in good condition. Tel. Swarthmore 031~J. . FOR SALE-Cocker Spaniel puppies. blonde males. 10 weekS old. Tel. Swarthmore" 0413. _ . LOST-Worn blaek pocketbook, .June 6 between SWarthmore and Chester. Reward. Tel._ swartnmore 2202. DOGS CUPPED TREES FOR SAT.iE-Antiques and household goodSj 603 HUlburn avenue, Saturday ar.d Sunday. 2--8 P. M. ~,:~~~ :~I~:7~i66l!rktoA~~':tU~o~~ broad jump; all represent the host of Drcx•.l and Road, measured alonG" the elevatlonp grades of said section ._ club; Roscoe Browne. Lincoln Unl- center Une thereof, shall be as follows; veralty. 8S0.J)·ard record holder at Beginning at the intersection ot the center of Drf"xel Road with the 1.55.7: Browning RoSs. Shanahan Northeasterly curb line of Park AveCatholic Club. mUe run; Howard nue, at an elevation of 118.8 ft.. thence extending Northeastward!y Jensen, unattached.· pole vault; a.10'lg the center of Drexel Road by Bob Bredin, Collegiate Track and a uniformly aucondlllg grade of .0171 b h J the distance of 14.6 ft. to a· point at Field Clu ,hlg ump. An elevation of 117.00 fL; thence con. Also entered Is Emott Hansell, tinulng Northeastwardly along the co-holder of the Unlverstty of center of Drexel Road by a. unlformIy ascending grade of .0034 t.he disPcnnsyh'ania record for 100 yards tanco o( 400 ft. to the center line of at 9.8. Nat Boyd. former UniverVaue-ar A,,·e. at an elevation ot ==_______ Phone Swarthmore 0992 FOR SALE-Enrolled litter of. Engllsll ~:thO~2~:S ~v:iri~tee"~a:r:o ft. to !he Southwesterly cerner of Drexel Road and Vassar Avenue: thence along the Southeasterly .14. of Drexel Road South "7 degrees 20 * I Real ERate Notaq PubU~Jasuranoe WANTED Drexel Road along tho Southwesterl), !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mercer. 220 yard low hurdles; Ed SEC..~ION 4. ELEVATIONS AND • Allen. Javelin', Farquhar Jones, GRADE..":: OF DREXEL ROAD. The u... . . . . 7 Done I. i~~~;~~~~~~§~§;1. ~ Vb e Be Q furnished us Jut week erroneously stated June Sth) at 2.80 P. M. at Swarthmore High School Field. Westdale and Rutgers Avenue. The following Middle Atlantic AAU champions are entered: Dave 2 E • Secona St., Me d·la, P a. Media 1569 __ . . _.- _._ (Opposite New 8tat.e 'J'bea&;re) and 'Pbooe ~ .7M .' PERSON A.T Immediate Bervl repairs . on aU makes of electric ce I washers (Bendlx InclUded). Ironers, vacuum cleanerH. rangea, fron&. toast- , era. heaters, fans and lamps. Also P10Iare FreminI' Btauwwal wiring. Old and new. Repalrs-servlce a ........t -Inatanatlons. All ,work done In com· ~ -rrpllance with Fire· Underwriters' reG: ling Oarda--Bobb, cr.n qulrements. Estimates cheerfully given. Call .Erich H. Hausen, SWa. 3:037. S~ONDS ~ Trn9k and Field Club traek and fteld meet sanctioned' by the Mid.. dl. Atlantic. AAU. will be held on Saturd"y. June. 16. (Ed. note •. copy· Paperhanging and 0- FOR SALE TELEPHONE CO.' BEGINS BUILDING Boro Conversion to Dial Service \ in '48 OSWALD RUZA'l' Kirk, t>f South Cheater road.· en."'we A Rabbieh P D·-'ed. tertalned ).<' dinner IAWIUI Mowed GeDen\ !lag...... party ~n hb! honor, Danny le(~ IS6 lIardbIc Aft. K o _ Pa. for the· Induction Center. Tuesday. to await his IUlIII~m.ent for Army """'"!I""'~!I,,,,,,!I~ WANTED-To buy Adirondack type .:' chaIse tongue for outdoor use with mattress. Call Swarthmore 0763. Westinghouse Electric and Jewelry ...........-...... "',.S(n~H!iJ"'nu!l!l""!':""'lr • TRACK MEET 15th :'"11,~"'\O~:: ~~~..."t"r~~.= ' - S A CK A GAIN1ft8tead of 8th 20 mlnules East 174,65 ft. to the BRoo.,.a . Northwesterly corner of Drexel R0a4 . . .', ' The .. sixth annual Colleglate and Vuaar Avenue; thence c.,..tntr The 21st blrthdaly annlveraary of J)anny Kirk was obaerved Frld&Y iI1nII'QImole 1 _ Howard U I f t • • a... when, his mother. M-, .0 ..... .........uwa..., 714 WeIsb Stree& (FOR FATHER'S DAY Remington and Schick' 7 FRIDAY, ~ 14, 1846 ' THE S WAR T HMO REA N , :.:::~~==~::::~:T;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Dr~l4a.R:lU~---------------------~-- , Mad. tr.. fre ... fruit and HSar I.. our ow. \ appllcatlons tor service. wblch .were received after the war's end, will spent bls terminal leave a1t~r and leaves only silt persona waiting three yearEj service. with the Army I ·21c '"21c '·21. CROAKERS Hr. Fort II8.Id that a1n~ the end week of Mr. and· Mrs. Peter E. of the war, 477 names have been Told ot Park avenue while eDrOute removed from the Swe.rthmore trom Winter Park, Fla.. to Merrll.. waiting IIBt. This includes 169 new New York where Col. Shoemaker fourth major construction project announeed In Delaware County The Swarthmore American Leg- since the end ot the war. New Ion junior baseball team made up buUdings are also \beLng erected Itt. ERMELONS it " • \. 8heet-'WoIII: Al_ tkee ' ____________-' • F',..,....... z • aecretary , FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1848 • THE SWARTH.MOREAN ~8~~______~-.~_____~______~____~~____~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~, I It Is hoped that many students News Notes I STUDENTS AID · HUNGRY WORLD will wish to adopt a famlly over the summer. Those who. wlBh to may Mr. Charl.....--BOSw.1I Johnson (If obtain an i' address from Lilo Los Angele.e, cal., wbo has been . , ~:ts;!a:.efore the end of the col~ viSiting his Bon-In-law and daugh .. ter Mr.. and MrS. Thomas A.. BradPersons llvlng In or near shaw ot "St~ne House", Harvard Swarthmore may contribute and Yale avenues for the past money or toad at the Co..op Store month. bas been~ entertained Inlocated on Dartmouth avenue. tormally on numerous occasions. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas .A. ·Brad• The College Student's Commit... ~aw of Stone House entertained NEWS NOTES tee for Food for Europe repo.rts JllBs Julle Jane Silverstein of Denthat the results ot the C. A., R. E. ver. Colo.• and Maj. H. Kel\rln Ma.. Drive have greatly exceeded the Prot. and Mrs. E. O. Lange, ot glll of Raton. N. M., as their guests . Baltimore pike. most optimistic expectations. The "Lange-wood. OJ the week-end of June 1: Miss total amount collected from clvtl ... have been entertaining Mrs. Rowena Batr. of Denver, Colo., has ian students alone reached $2833. Lange's sister. Mrs. Q. J. Prltcbard also bee~· a recent house guest of The highest ·per capita contribu- and son. Owen. 3rd' r ot Milwaukee. the Dradshaws. tlons were from the veterans but Wis., Clnd 'her brother-in-law. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. O. Redthe overall average trom each Btu- sieter. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Maze. of Fond du Lac, Wis., who left tor grave of Vassar avenue, entertained dent was nearly· $6. In addition to their home Monday atter a three .. 12 guests at dinner at the Inglethe amount abov~ the committee week Visit bere. During their neuk Friday evening. Bridge folreceived a gift of $2600 trom an visit the'y motored to the Atlantic lowed at the Redgrave home. anonymous donor. The Navy Drive Air Academy, Rye Beach. N. H ., Mr. ,and Mrs. Lloyd Leaen of is underway, with details an~ and spent a. tew days with Major London. England, tormerly of nounced at muster. Donald E. Lange and family. also Swarthmore. have just returned To date students have sent 238 \istted friends In Boston and Prov- from a. motor trip on the Continent, packages to European famUles. Idence. R. I., and relatlvC8 In :With stops at Paris, Char~res. LyTheir addresses were received Washington. D. C., and Cbevy ons. Ggneva, Lausanne, Berne; Bathrough reputable Agencies and Ch ase. Md . E rnest 0 • Lange, J r., sci, and, back through, Cahave been checked to Insure that a student at FrankHn and Marshall lais, and Dover. They plan to move the tood is getting through' and Is College, joined his parents over the Into their Dew home "Vellowl really needed. Many of the ad.. week-end. Wood"'. Edgerton Road. Weybridge, dresses are ex-concentration camp Surrey, England, on June 15. '" '" • prisoners or deportees and depend Mr. and Mrs. WilHam Thatcher Aernhout Viele, son of Mr. and and Mrs. WilHam H. McInroy ot greatly on what ·we can send them. C.A.R.E. food wIll be 'sent Mrs. S. M. Murray Viele. of Strath College avenue drove to 'Boston I to these, and to other needy in- Haven avenue. graduated with Satu~day. where they were jOined honors at the Friends .Se!ect Schol, dividuals revorted by students. hy Barbara, a student at Conn~ctt­ Friday, June 7. Mr. and Mrs. The success of this drive is due c .....t College for Women. before atto really excellent cooperation on Viele and their daughter, Miss tending the graduation of .Susan at Martha Viele.· attended the exerthe part of everyone-· the comBradford Junior College. cises held in the Race Street mittee, the sectton representatives, Barbara Kent and seven of her Meeting House, Philadelphia. Dr. and the college ·communtty, which classmates from Wheaton College nutus Jones, professor emeritus of partlclpated nearly 100%. Further Haverfor.d College, was the com- spent a week on the Kent's contributions will be accepted any mencement speaker. boat th~ "Able Minnie 11"[" on the time and forwarded. Sassafrass River. Mr. and Mrs. David T. Shaw and ...... .. ------------_.- .... daughter, Mrs. Ricbard M. Dantel of Mt. Holyoke place arrived home Sunday, .June 2, from n. 10-da'Y trip to Bristol, Va.. where th~Y visited Mrs, Shaw's mother. Mrs. Frank Winston and Roanoke. Va., after a visit with Mr. r.nd Mrs. B. F. Parrott. Mrs. Daniel attended a reunton at Sweet Briar College. Mrs. Guy S. Deming of Amherst avenue was hostess last week to tho Thursday Reading Group. Mrs. Frederick Streicher. of North Chester road bad her brother and si9ter~in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Downes and daughter. Mary ot Alexandria. Va., as her holiday week·end guests.. Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Thorpe ot Dickinson avenue entertained at bridge li"rlday evening. May 31, in honor ')f Mrs. Ralph Dinsmore, of Lawrence, Kansas, formerly of Swarthmore, who Is visiting old friends here for several "\\'eeks. Mr. and Mrs. Avery F. Blake ot 'I Amherst avenue entertained at an Intormal supper party S·.lnday evening. May 2ft in· honor of Mrs. Sarah Cornish recently moved to Swarthmore from Massachusetts. Alice Gates entertained her vil· lage pupils of the Saturday morning Dancing Class and her college class nt a joillt exhibition and. tea. Wednesday afternoon, May 29. Aun Harvey of Columbia avenue entortained a group ot senior girls of Swarthmore High School at a luncheon at her home MondaY, following class.. rehearsal in Cl6thJUNE has swung around ,again, and this month ler preceding the High School Commencement, Tuesday. brides by the thousands will start housekeepingMr. 'l.nd Mrs. La~rence Baxter of if they can :lind a house to keep. Harvard avenue entertained inIn clays soon to come, light housekeeping will be formally Saturda'Y evening, .June I, even lighter with electrical servants ready to wash In honor of their house gueSt, Mr. Ivan Naagy. of the Hungarian Leandiron, clean and cook at the Hip of a switch. And gation, Washington, D. C. some clay there will be many new electrio aids-air 'Mr. and Mrs. Russell Snyder or conditioners, food freezers, electric blankets; tele.Dicklnson avenue have as their vision sets, and all the wonders of the era of electrio house\guests for a,. few days Mrs. living which lies abead. Rosa Mantz and. her granddaughter Mary of Tamaqua. . The electric service which powers these ·timePattie and Rickey Sears children and.labor.saving appliances will continue to be of Mr. and Mrs. M. L Sears of inexpensive, friendly, dependable - ready around Bronxville. N. Y .• returned to ·their the clock and calendar' - just as it has in the past. • home Sunday• .June 2. following a two-week visit with their grandMaybe 1946 brides will take the advantages of mother. ·Mrs. C. W. Sears, ot Park , electricity for granted, just as you do_ We hope avenue and their uncle and aunt. they wiII. We're glad you just 'naturally count on Mr. and Mrs. Steven Spencer, of the high efficiency and low cost of electric service. Ogden avenue. Mrs. Frank G. Sweeney of Elm The men and women in this company worked. hard avenue entertained her bridge club to make electricity cheap and dependable. They'll at lunc"beon on Th~irsday ot last work even harder to keep it that Way_ week. Joan Thorbahn qf Rutgers av~ ."'" "1111 !I.ECT1UC HOUR" """ . _ " " " _ . 0, I iih .. nue entertained several senior s~ ;1010 P. AI. SIST. CIS _ • ..-t. • girls at luncheon Friday. Her guests were Nancy Lewis. Rosalie Ann Harvey, Bn~ Morse, BettY • Lou Helmuth. Marilyn MacElwee. carol cadden. and J E>&n MacGJathery. Jack McWIlliam. of Be.n,Jamln Wet avenue ap81lt- the week-end of June 1 vlilllinIr Menda In Mer· $5433 C on t r ibuted, 238 Parcels Sent • \ - ~ PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC' COMPAIIY aer. • HORNETS , Father's Day , 1.00 to 10.00 , plus tax \VaUets In all st:rles and made in a , ..ariet)' ot tbe choicest leathers--a pmc.. tlml girt for Dud. BUUolds hy Swank are tenttlred. WHEN IN' DOUBT GIVE A SPEARE'S GIFT CERTIFICATE Long nnd short slee,,'e sport shirts ~·lth. the DrBctical tw()ooway collar that looks l1kc B OOllton !.lus or nlinus a tie. A dazzling array or solid lX))ors. c~ccks and t\\'o~tones in Ught. coOling summer fabrics. 6.98 TO VISIT NORWAY, OSLO UNIVERSITY Rockefeller Fund Sends College Scientists FAMOUS NEOKWEAR , 88c-l·29--1·98 SPEARE'S GIFT CERTIFICATE . "'.""j.p. Dad (who ,,~:l1l nc,'er ba"\'c . enough ties) .will be snre to go tor 8 lew from one flno selection or foulards. han c.l- , palnteds, stripeS, solids nnd large and small pat...· terns. If· you've an,. doubts about what Dad would Uke, Its the Ideal !!In. SUMMER TRIPS EXCITE SCOUTS Far-Flung Activities Set For Troop· .Two GENUINE .REIS SCANDALS 92c non·sag fb. i I pouch. t i Full-cot seamless waist. Concealed no-gap Registrations Now A cceptable to June 25 «an- Sweaters In saUd colors. Na\'u· lOS, checks nnd Arg"les--weaves to suit e,'cry fancy. Small, meo: dlum anc.l large. Dart~stltched. .Dr. .Jobn .Antbon'y . Mtller. director of Sproul Obsenatory and re·· search professoi' Of· astronomy eme~ItUB at SWarthmore College, died Saturday at his bome at Kershaw· road' and Turner-avenue' in .WalUngtord. He was 86. A world-famed astronome~ when he reUred from Swarthmore· "Col... lege tn 1930· Dr. Miil,r, a. native of Greenburg', In'd., graduated .from the University of, attaining his doctorate at the University of Chh.;ago In 1900 after a period ot Euperlnteridlng Rockvi~le, Ind. schools. .. Decoming Instructor and Inter assistant professor of mathematics at Lelan~ Stanford UniversIty he I!umbered :ormer President H~"r· bert Hoover among hl"students. It was there he began to achieve re-. nown 'for his astronomical ~_ search. He also taught at Indiana University before CQming to Swarthmore College as professor 01 mathmeatlcs ·and ·astronomY ·In 1906. ~e continued In this capac.... tty, also serving as vice-president RECEIVES BRONZE STAR o~ the College f,'om 1914 to 1929, . Wearing the Bronze Star Medal until hE" was made director of for meritorIous service, Cpl. Ber• Sproul Observatory and resC8Tch tram M. Speare arrived at the protessor ot :l.8tronomy in 1"929~ New York Port of Embarkation 'In 1910 he was instrumental In aboard the "No~ Victory,'" the Installation of the largest teleThursday, June IS. scope on the eastern seaboard at . Cpl. Speare. ~he son ot Mrs. N. the ObserVatory. He wrote a n·umW. Speare, of Westdale avenue. ber 01· bookB on solar eclipses and with more than two "years service the corona studied . on· hlB to his credit Is eligible tor distravels throughout the world; also The Swarthmore Recreation As- charge. and ,-Is now en route to a p~bUshing pamphlets on double soclatloJ1 has planned a summer separatiob. center. Entering the service in May, stars and atomic energy In the sun, program .tull of enjoyable. lnter1944, Cpl. Speare trained at Camp his work contlib·uting ~ ·to Etn- esting. and healthful. actlvtVy for Blanding. Fla.. and shipped over... stein's studies 01 relativity and to children ot· every age. For small the backgTound of atom·le research. try' (those who. were 2 years old 8eaB In November. 1944. He fought Several collEige textS ·on' ma.tli.- on September I, 1946. up to those with the' 12th Armored "Hellcat" em~tfcs also, claim his. authorship. who have . completed 2nd grade) DIvision. participating In the A fellow' of the American Acad· Mrs.· J. .T. Crookston will direct tral Eu·ropean and Rhineland camemy of Arts and Sciences, the groups at R'.ltge..s A venue School. paigns. 'American Association for ··the Ad· J\lne.25 to· August 2 from 9 o'clock · vancement of SCience. the Indiana. to 12 o'clock Monday through .FrlAcademy of Science and the Reyal day. Transportation haa been arAstronomical Society ot London. he ranged· t rom' College Avenue was secretary ot the An;ter\CSJ;l Bcnool. ·Ph,Uosophtcal Society for over a. Mrs. George Jardin wllt take the decade. . ,_~ . Nursery School group. Mrs. Edith Twice ma'rried' his: first wife: Kenney . the Pre _ Kindergarten. Mary catharine Goodwine, d~ed In :Mrs. William and Mrs. Crook"9~O; a.nd hi9 .. sec6ndJ'. '~.Franc~ atOn;; the Pre-First graders and Morgan Swain, in 1936. Two Bons. Mrs:' Mable Hutc!.lnson and Mrs. Harry L. MUler, of·. Thayef road, Ci:ookston the PrtmaT'y group. OutS",urthmore and Max B. Miller, t»f door play. dramatics. rhythms. .Easton, Md. survive, with. seven hikes. picnics; arts .and Dr. J...aurence Irving. Director ot , crafts, mu. grandchildren. sic. stories, organized games, na- the Martin Biological Laboratory Dr. Miller's . death followed a tUre- walks. WOOdwork, singing, at Swa:rthinore·~ College; ~ and Dr. short·lll~ess.. A private tun:eral ..1RY.B ..•. and trips will be Incl~ded. Per F. Scholander, Research Blolheld Tuesday a1ternoon in Waillng- Registration may be made through oglst .at the Laboratory; let.t Monford ~1th a memOrial service that li:rs. '-:t~ Reynoids~ Oberlin' avenue. day of this week for Norway to evening in· Swarthmore Friends' or at.ol~her school on opening day. "islt the University ot 0510. where Meeting. . ~uesd~y. ,June· 25, at .9· a. 'ro. Dr. Schotandel' was formerly.a The S~mmer Club•. eight weeks member Qf the staff: of ·fun fr·om .Jul'Y; 1 ":"to· August 23, Dr. Scholander came to ·Sw3rth'VIII Include baseball. a.rch~rY, ten- ,more Collegt' in 1939 as a. }i~ellow nls, canoeing, volley ball, hikes. of the Rockefeller FOUnda~lOn, and liioftbal~. p~ngp9~•. handcrafts, in- has been clO?el'Y associated with door !Ln·d· outdoor games, square the College e"\er since. Dr. I&ing dancing, tolk danCing, riding and· ae I.t. Colonel and Dr. Scholander swimming. It will be directed by as Major have. recently. been reAJbert Gwinn assisted by James leruJod fr?m sc~vlce ·In the United Lauder. Mrs. J. Hawks. Virglnia States Army· Alr Forces, havl~g Sta.m. en and Joe Carney at the COl-I' St.rved. at r~lgl~ Field, Floridu, in lege Avenue· School. ' tbe physiologic..... , scctton of the Mr. Lauder has been coaching proof division. Dr. Trvlng Is a }4~elTht"ee unuBual outings are planth...."11 t· d tn A I low of the American ,ScandinaVIan ned tor Troop 2 ot the SWarthmore;' e orne s an . e merean I" d t1 Legion base ball teams for some • oun ."l. on. . Boy Scouts this summer, aDDOUDC ... time. Beginning. July ] he will The trip Is supported by the es Scout Master WnUam Davidson• teach baseball to boys from fifth Rockefeller Foun~atlon in the in~ In .July the boys. wlll take a· -'d h 0 wis h t 0 b ecome pro- tC'restH of restoration of scientific gra e up w three~da.y trip down the Skyline researen In Norway and tQwards Drive tn Virginia, oo.mping ~out ficient enough to pIa., on teams. the extension tn peace of the scten· Mr. Lauder wtIl continue his work a Iong th e way. I n A ugus t a canoe tlfic collaboration betw.een Norway trip is planned-posslbl)~ on the with the regular teams tn addition and the United States which was Delaware. .' The September event to this. so effective for military purposes All" boys and girls who have during the war. will be a triP . to \he shore.. lnyoI v. completed 31'd'· grade and ·up are . Ing salling. These: Qlpnthly outings Th~ . will. look ··Into. the ·recent eligible for Summer Club, Reglswill C!:om-.;artse_ the. SQQut program tratlon .i8 to be made ·at the Col- accomll'ltshments and prospects for the .e"mmer~ '. ... . . tor biological research In Norway " . ,". ' .. lege Aven".le. School on the o~enLast we~k.~nd _m'em1ie~ :of the and also lea~ about t~e. organllog da.y, July 1. . Black Bear patrol, wi nnera ot·· the Riding and swimming are ex- zatlon and methods through which inter.patrol contest, took a spectal research·eftectlvelY-· ca.rcamping trip to the French Creek tras. ried o·ut by schol-ars '·ot the 'Scanneighbor:hood ne~r. Hopewell• .,Pa.. dlnavtan countri~ on expeditloua The triP: .!,~':".~ p~\~Dr ~, . ··lli~ ~d -M:rs.)Wttltain,'·T. E;lUs ot to the nol'thern'and Arctic reglons. highest 1B. advancementa, atuDd~ ·WB:1.~~ l~~,~ .left ..- 'S.!V8-rthmore .T'q~y E"xpect. to visit. uni v~rsIUes,· &.nee. un110rMs.Thoae who attended Thursday•. J"une 11 fOr their can- ·faborataMea and· ,smentiatli ·In 'NOrwere Lart7 FraDek, HartJI....9Irra~. ~~ ~P. Blue Heron Point. ~wede.~ ~l!.~.~ pe.nT..~r~r a~ Donald Fetherolf and Ontario, Canada. They 'wtllremm tb.. , liItti>r part·"of the" ·!_il.uiL'~1 q"'~""'''''''$'''''''''' ~~~l!lo~~~_ .BYm!.'.'et· __•. " .... , .. ' __ .•. _ . : sun'. MEN'S ~ SLEEVELESS SWEATERS ''IIl.walst'' designed for uerfect fit. MATCHING' SHIRTS :)las been. 5Ocand55c Men's DepL Speare's FIrst-floor , ; 1 , ·COIl.EGE AVENUE FIElD WIJlm::j=UrBt,. ..,' . ny.. $3.00 PER YEAR GETS u_ No AwARD DR. JOHN A: MIIJ,ER RECREATION SUMMERSCHEDULE 6.98 . -: ". I-.·LIST MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS 1.79 to .'. Noted Astronomer·on College "Faculty30· Years MEN'S BILLFOLDS 1.49 to .• SWARTHMORE, PA., FRIDAY; JUNE 21, 1946 SERVICES HELD fOR·DR. -MILLER. GIFT HEADQUARTERS FOR . ' ...... I THESWARTHMOR VOL. No. 18-,-No.25 Plenty of Nylon and Rayon Hose for the Dads •. . " --'-----.-. 'II Wham. ,. PLAY MONDAY· • Here comes the bride! • An announcement trom the State ~ffice of the American AssOCiation of Unl,ted Natlons, formerly the League of Natlons AsSOCiation, has just stated that Steven Spencer, a Juolor. in the SWarthmore High School. won the first State prlzG In a recent contest conducted Ofl.tionallv· Vy that association. lIe .had previously b(leD notified that he won honorable mention among competitors throug-hout the United States. He is the Bon of Mr. and :Mrs. Steven M. Spencer of Ogden and Swarthmore avenues. At ·the recent Temple Unlve~ity .Mock Assembly be WaB selected as ODe of the 'student . leaders from the suburban school area. Pro~am For All At College· Is Possible The Recreation Board has not had enough would~be swimmers sIgn up to pay for the' use of the college pOol during July and August. Because ot a. change In time another chance will be offered to those who are sUll con... slderlng the Idea. . The pool will: be open· in the evening from 7 till 9. and in the afternoons from 1:80 t1l1 6:30. Mo.rnings \viU be given over to private 1e88ons by the Ute guard. Tentative plans Include clasa instruction for begtnnerB, instruct.. ion tor advanced: BWimmers toward J~n1or and· Senior Red· Cross Life .sa~Jlg Certificates, --ee swimmlng· periods for boys who can swhil. and girls whO. can swim· adult 8wtm~b;1g. in the e"Venln88, and, It the members desire, family groups and mothers with young' children. Present planA call tor the use of the woman's pool up the hill from the llbra.ry on the campus: swimming periods of an bour each arranged to Buit the members:. no sun bathing on the .campus lawn. Members may come dressed In swim suits. U these arrangements Interest you and you not signed up Qend your post card today to Mrs. John M. Pearson,· 21t Cornell ave· nue. Memberships payable July 1. at tinle ot summer club registra- BORO PLANS BIG FOURTH OF Mrs. AJbert Nason of Brookings. S. D.. who has been visiting her lio.n President John W_ Nuon· of ~he college and Mrs. Nason since' the la.tter part of AprU. will rettiTn ta'her home· about Jul.y 1. Y Return To Peace Gives Adaed Zip tlODS. Ralph S. Hayes, of Oberlin avenue, has received the tollowin·g commendation: "The Secretary of the Navy takes pl6tlsure In commending Captain Ralph S. Hal'es, U.S.N.R., for outstandtng 'p'erformance ot duty 'carn'ing out his work with skill and Initiative hQ rendered Invaluable nssistance in tulftutng the ·obllgations of the Division of Naval Communications • . . by his proCessional ability and devotion to the completion of an assignment, he cont'rtbuted to the prosecution oP the war and upheld the highest traditio:ls of the United ~tates Naval· Servil~e:' .. Jleturning AIUnlSOp Commencer.:tent Festivity Seven borough residents witl be graduated among the 112 candl· dates tor degree-s at Swarthmore College this week-end. Mary Lou Bartie, of Elm avenue, nnd EU7.abeth Anne Kite, of Harvard .avenue. have majored In English whl10 ~nen Clare Funke, ot Walm"t lane. is a psychology major; Elizabeth Blanche Landon, of North Princeton avenue. :flne arts: .John Edwin Flxton, .Jr.• ot Cornell avenue, engineering; Nancy Roberts Smith. of Baltimore pike, eCvnomics; and Jeanne Alice Theis, of Elm avenue, B. A. with honors In French. The .comme.ricenl.ent week-end features the Alumni Day program on Saturday,. baccalaureate address by Professor Honry J. Cadbur'y or H!1rvard Unl"v~rs1ty at ·11 o'clock Sunday morr.lng, and Dr. Ha.rold C. Urey, of the Institute of Nuclear Physics. UniverSity oC C!:dcago. as Monday morntng's commencement speaker. Retur.ning alumni wUl fotlow the following scbedule tomorrc,w; 10.45 A. M. Alumni Association meeting In Friends' Meeting House: 12.30 Luncheon on front campus; 2 o"clock Parade of Classes: 2.16 Program In Scott Auditorium; 3.30 Baseball Game and Tennis Matches: 4.30 Tea in Parrish Halli 6. 30 Reunion Din ... ners; 9 o'clock Dance In the Parrish dining hall: 10 Singing on tront stops of Parrish. This year's reunloii· "Classes mctu·de those ot' 1886, 91, 96 •. 1901, 06, 11. 16. 21, 26. 31, 86. 41. and 44. The Phi Beta Kappa address will be made by Profe88or Robert L. Calhoun ot Yale University at 8.30 Sunday evening In the MeetIng House. POOL REQUIRES MORE SWIMMERS NAVY COMMENDS HAYES 7LOCAL GRADS AT COLLEGE Plans for the· annua.. community Fourth Of. July ...· celebrhtion Were mad~ at Mt;,nda.y eVening's session of the Swarthmore BusineSs As.. soclation under whose sponsorshiP SW:l,.rthmoreans and their friends have enjoyed lively but sensible Independence Days for many years. ".rhe 1946 program wUI bo detailed ir.. next week's Issue of The Sw~rthmo·rean. It will include the usual parade for children. games for young and old, water sports on thC' Crum. and a baseball game between the .American Legion team and the Hornets. There will be no evening· fireworks this year. Paul .T. Carey. of North Chester road,. addressed the membership after dinner at the Strath Haven Inn on Monday, giving de.tailed plans· of the movlng picture theatre and store units nearing completion· on so'utii 'Cheater road (lt~ Fairview road. Tms WEEKS . CALENDAR . FrIday, june· 21 6:30 P. M.-Hornets baseball wttl( Broo~all ~ ..._.~.~_~_ .._~ .......~ Broomall saturdaJ"•. ,,~ 211 '. . •. 10,46 A.. M.-·Alumni· Day ......._ •............... ;.;..:............•..... ;............... Colrege .... Sunda,., 28 10:46 A. M.-Baccalaureate Address ........•........... :......... ;.._ ......... Coli.... 1.l.:00 A. M.-Mornlng Worshi~ ._ ..... _......... _.... _.. _. __.: .. __.... LOcal ·Cb1,lrc~M June ~fonda7, ,. .JuDe 14 ~ &:20. to II:~O A. M.-:Summef.JSchool ·Registration ._._. __ . lItgh.· School 11:00 4.- M.-COJUmencement ..:~ ........_. ___ ~..... _................................ College ,:16"P.. M.-.Legion. baseball With 'Clifton Heights .... ClIlton Heights · P. M,-Hornets baseball ;WIth SprIngfield ........ Ave. Field :- :.~ ..• , . , ' Wed, 'Ja7,·:"~-:_ ~~.: ':16,P. <1I>~LastOR baaebajl·.,fth ,Norwood _ .....•_._ Colle";' AlRl, FIel.. . '.. . "'. : ',. ~ . ....:-'---'-~_ J.. : . - ... .'. '~',:. . .. :· ....~,·"\dI8,1t, - " . ~, ..... ·t...O"-P,...·lIl· .a ....tbln"o'nr 'W1'IlPt>lq"_:_...'_,..c_.. lIWarihliloi'ea"· ,Om.. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE • J,ibrnry S~.~'nrth STUDENTS AID HUNGRY WORLD $5433 Con t r ibuted, 238 Parcels Sent I It is hoped that many students will wish to adopt a. family OVCI" I News Notes lege year. Persons living in or ncar Swarthmore may contribute money or food at the Co-op Store located on Dartmouth avenue. NEWS NOTES • • • .. __ Here comes the bride! PH ILA DELP HIA ELECTRIC COMPANY 0 ------,._-- :E: THE 5WARTH'MORE summer. Those who wish to may MI', Charles Boswell Johnson of obtain an address from LUo Los Angelos, Cal .• who has been Teutsch before the end of the col ... visiting his son-in-law and daughtC'r Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Brad- &haw of "Slone Housc", Hnrvard and Yale avenues for the past month. bas been' entertained informally on numerous occallions. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Thomas A. Brads.haw of Stone House entertained l\liss Julie Jane Silverstein of DonVCI', Colo .• and 1\-Iaj. H. l{clvin 1\:IaPror. and Mrs. E. O. Lange, ot "Lang"('wood." l3alttmol'c pike, gIll ot Raton, N. M., as their guests have been ent~rtaining 1\Irs. the w(>ek-end of June L Miss Lange's sister. Mrs. O. :.J. Pritchard How en a. Dair. of nenver, Colo., has and son, Owen, 3rd., of l\Iilwau){ee, also been a recent house guest of \Vis" and ncr brother-in-la.w and tho Bradshaw8. 1\11'. and Mrs. Arthur R. O. Redsister, Mr. and Mrs. I... R. Maze, o! J."ond du Lac, Wis.• who left for grave Qt Vassar avenue. entertained dent was nearly $5. In addition to their home Monday after a three- 12 guests at dinner at the. Inglethe amount above the committee weeh: visit here. During their neuk Friday evening. Bridge folreceived a girt of $2600 from an visit thC'y motOl'ed to the Atlantic lowed at tho Redgrave home. anonymous donor. The Navy Drive Air Academy, Rye Beach, N. H., 1\-11'. and Mrs. Lloyd Leach of is underway, with details an- and spent a. few days with Major London, England. formerly ot nounced at muster. Donald E. Lange and familY, also S·warthmore. have just returned To date students have sent 236 visited friends In Boston and Prov- from n. motor trip on the Continent. packages to European families. idence. R, I., and relatives in with stops at Paris, Chartres. LyTheir addr(>sses wcre receh'ed 'Vashington. n. C., and Chevy ons. G~neva. Lausanne. Berne, Bathrough reputable Agencies and Chase. Md. Ji.:rnest O. I..,ange. Jr., sel, and back through Paris. Ca11a,'e been checl{Cd to insure that a student at J;"ranklin and Marshall lais, and Doyel'. They plan to move the food Is getting through and is College. joined his parents over the tnto their new home "Vellow really needed. Many of the ad- week-end. \Vood", Edgel·ton Road, \-Veybridge, dresses arc ex_concentration camp Surrey, England, on June 15. prisoners or deportees and depend Mr. and :!\.-Irs. 'ViIliam Thatcher Aernhollt Yiele. son great1y on what we can send . of 1\Ir. and . [~nd Mrs. William H. McInroy of them. C.A,H.E. food will be sent lil's. S. I\J. Murray VICle, of Strath I Coll£l'ge a"\'~.nue drove to Boston to th('t-;e. and to othm' needy in- Ha\'en H\·entH'~. graduated with Raturday. where they were joined honors at the l' nenus ·Select Schol, 1 n' b t d t t C ti dividunls reported by students. FI'iday, June 7. Ml'.· and Mrs. )y ar tU'a, a s tl cn a onnecThe success of this dl'ive is due C' College fol' \Vomen, before atVielc and their daughter, 1\IIss tending the 'gl'uduation of Susan at to rcally excellent cooperation on ~Ial"lha Viele. attended the cxel'tlte part of e\'oryone-- the comBradford Junior College. chR"~ held in the Haec Street mittee, the scction representatives, nO. I'bara Kent and seven of her ':\h~etinti HOllse. Philadelphia. Dr. and the college community, which classmates from \Vhcaton College Jtufus Jones. professor emeritus of participated nearly 100 %. I"urther Han~l'fol'~1 Collcgc, '\'as the com- spent a week on the Kent's contributions 'will be accepted any Illcnccmcnl speaker. boat th\1 "Able 1\l1n11ie In" on the time and forwarded. Hassafrass HiveI'. Mr. and 1\11'8. David T. SIun,,' and ----_ .. ._daughter, Mrs. Hichard 1\1. Daniel of l'It. Holyoke place arrived home r Sunday, June 2, from a 10-daly trip to Bristol, Va., where they visited Mrs. Shaw's mother, 1\11'9. l"ranl.: Winston and Roanoke. Va .• after a visit with lI,[r. amI 1\11'9. n. I·'. Parrott. MI'S, Daniel attended a reunion at Sweet Br'm' Col1ege. Mrs. Guy S. Deming of Amherst a'\'cnue WIIS hostess last week to the Thm's(lay Reading GI·OUP. nIl'S. Frederick Streiehcr.of North Chester road )Jau her brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth l\f. Downes and daughter. !\-fal'Y of Al£l'xnndda. Va., as her holiday \veeI{-end guests, Mr. and :i\hs, Walter T.... Thorpe I of Dicldnson avenue entcI·tained at bl'idge )i'l'iday evcning. May :n. in honor "':)f 1\Irs. Ralph Dinsmore. of La.wrencc, I{ansas, formerly of Swarthmore, who is visiting old fl'iends herc for several weelts. Mr. and 1\Irs. Averl' F. Blake of ., AmherRt avenue entertained at an informal supper partl' S·.mday evening. May 2(; in honor of l\·frs. Sarah COl'nish recently moved to Swarthmore from Massachusetts. Alice Gates entertained her village IHlpilA of the Saturda'Y morning Dancing Clas.'i and her college class at a joint exhibition und tea, \,yednesday afternoon. 'May 29. Ann Harvc-y of Columbia. avenue elltcrtatncd a group of senior girls of Swarthmore High School at a lunc)leon at her home Monda'Y, following class rehearsal in ClothiCr preceding the High School ComJUNE has swung around again, and this month tnencelllcnt, ~ruesday. brides by the thousands will start housekeepingMr, ,lnd 1\[rs. La:Jrence Baxtcl' of if they can find a house to keep. Harvard avenue entertained inIn days soon to come, light housekeeping will be fOl'mall~' Satlll'rJa~' ('\'ening, June 1. in honor of their house guel::lt, :Mr. even lighter with electrical servants ready to wash Ivan Naagy, of the Hungarian Leand iron, clean and cook at the flip of a switch. And gation, \Vashtngton, D. C. some day there will be many new electric aids-air 'Mr. and 1\11's. Hussell Snyder of conditioners, food freezers, electric blankets, tele. Dickinson avenuc have as their vision sets, and all the wonders of the era of electric house guests for a few days :\lrs. living which lies ahead. Rosa :lIantz and her granddaughter Mary of l."'nmaqua. The electric service which powers these ·timePattie and Rickey Sears children and.labor.saving appliances will continue to be of MI'. and :\Irs. 1\1. L. Sears of inexpensive, friendly, dependable - ready around Bronxville, N. Y., returned to thcir the clock and calendar - just as it has in thc past. ~ home Sunda)·. June 2, following a two-week visit with their srundMaybe 1946 brides will take the advantages of mother, Mrs. C, 'V. Sears, of Park electricity for granted, iust as you do. We hope avenue and their uncle and aunt, they will. We're glad you just -naturally count on )[1'. and :\lrs. Steven Spencer. of Ogden avenue. the high efficiency and low cost of electric service. Mrs. Frank G. Sweeney of Elm The men and women in this company worked hard avenue entertained her bridge club to make electricity cheap and dependable. They'll at luncheon on Th'.1rsday of last work even harder to keep it that way. week. Joan Thorbahn qf Rutgers ave-::,,,joy "THE ElECTRIC HOUR" with Raben Armhruster'. Orchutrw. nue entertatned several senior Su"'.", 4,:/0 P. M., fOST. CBS Notwork. • girls at luncheon FrIday, Her guests were N aney Lewis, Rosalie Wherry. Ann Harvey, Bill".. Morse. BettY • Lou Helmuth, Marilyn MacElwee, Carol cadden, and Jean MacGlathery. Jaek McWllllams of Benjamin Wst avenue spent the week-end of June 1 vtBlttng frlends in Mercer. The College Student's Committee for Ii"'ood for l'1U1'ope rC"po.rts that the results of the C. A. n. E. Drive lw,\'c greatly exceeded the most optimistic expectations. 'rhe total amount collected from civilian students alonc reached $2833. The highest per capita. cnntl'ibutions were from the yete-rans but the oyerall ave.rage from each stu- \ the • FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1946 THE SWARTHMOREAN 8 morc, P:t rai5hlOft VOL. No. IS-No. 25 Canter SERVICES HELD fOR DR. MILLER Plenty of Nylon and Rayon Hose for the Dads GIFT HEADQUARTERS FOR Father's Day plus tax ,,'ullets in nil ~t,.lcs un(l DUldc in a ...·m·lety of the chuJccst Icnthcrs--u I.raetlcnl girt rUl' Uuel. BilUulds by Swunk urc featured. WHEN IN DOUBT GIVE A SPEARE'S GIFT CERTIFICATE LIST RECREATION SUMMERSCHEDULE MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS 6.98 I.long nml shul't ~lcC\'c S!)ol't ~hh1!-O \~·ith the !U":wUClll tWO-WilY 'Collnr thnt looks like a million !.lm; 01' minlls n. tic. A dazzling m'ray of solid ("olm·s. ch(~'ks amI two-tOiles in light, (.'()oJing summer fabrics, Registrations Now Acceptable to June 25 MEN'S SLEEVELESS SWEATERS 1.79 to 6.98 American AsslleiatioJl for the Advanccment of Science. the Indiana. Acudemy of Science nnd the Royal Astronomical Society of London. he was secretary of the American Philosophical Society fOr over a decade. Twicc married his first wife, Mary Catharine Goodwine, died in 1930; and his second. Franees Morgan Swain, in 1936. Two sons, Harrv L. l\liIler, of Thayer road, gwurthmol'c and Max B. MUler, hr Easton. :!\'(d, survive, with seven grandchildren. Dr, Mil1er's death followed a short illness. A private funeral was held Tuesday afternoon in WalUngford with a memorial service that e,·enlng In Swarthmore Friends' l\teE."ting. SwcutCI'S in solid colm"S~ XU,'uins, checks nnd i\'rgyles--wcn\'cs to suit c\'CI'Y fnnc)·. Smull. 1l1C1.1111111 nml lIu·ge. FAMOUS NECKWEAR 88c-l·29-1·98 (wlUl will nc,'er ha,'c cnough ties) \\111 he SIII"C to go for a few frOll1 one fine selectiou or foullu'ds, h t\ n dIlUilltcds, Htl'illCS, solids antI larbt'C and small nat· nat) It you','c any doubt.'i about ,,,'bat Dud would like. it-iii tbe ideal gift. " REIS SCANDALS 92c ))art~stitchet1. non-sap; "Hi.. waist" designed for verfect ftt. MATCHING SHIRTS SOcand55c Hlgb quality ""It fal>rlc; long- weariDg; absorbs pel'8PiratioDj k.eeps outer sbIr& tresb. POOL REQUIRES MORE SWIMMERS Program For All At College· Is Possible 'I'he Recreation Board has not had enough would-be swimmers Hign up to pay for the usc of the co1Jege pool during July and August. Because of a change in time anothel' ehanec will be offered to those who are still considering the idea. The pool will be open in the evening from 7 till 9, and in the afternoons from 1:30 till 5:30. Mornings win be given over to private lessons by the Ute guard. Tentative plans include class instruction fo]'" beginners, instruction for advanced swimmers toward :.Junior and Senior Red Cross Life .Saving Certificates, "'ee swimming periods for boys who can swIm, and gIrls who can swIm adult swimming in the evenings, and, If the members desire, family groups and mothers with young children. Present plans call fot" the use of the woman's pool up the htll from the Ubra.ry on the campus; swimming periods of an hour eactI arranged to suit the members: no sun bathing on the .campus la.wn. Members may come dressed in swim suits. If theSe arrangements interest you and you have not signed up send your post card today to Mrs. John I\L Pearson, 219 Cornell avcnue. 1\Iembel'ships payable July 1, at time of summer club registrations. 7LOCAL GRADS AT COLLEGE Returning Alums Op Commencement Festivity Re\'en borough l'csidents wlU be graduated among the 112 candidates fOl' deg-I'ees at Sv,,'arthmore College lhhi week-end. Mary Lou Bartle, of Elm a\'enue, and Eli1.abeth Anne Kite, of Har,'aruJl.venuc, have majored in l~ng­ !ish while Ellen Clare Funke, of \Vnlnttt lane. is a psychology major; Ettzahcth Dlanche Landon. of North Princeton avenue, fine arts: John EdwIn Pixton. Jr., of Cornell avenue, engIneering; Nancy Roberts Smith. of Baltimore pike, ec,")nomIes; and Jeanno Alice Theis, of Elm avenue, B. A. 'with honors in French. "I'ho commc.riecment \"reck-end (ealm'es the Alumni Day program on Saturday, baecuJaUl'eate address by Pl'ofessor Henry J. CadbUl''Y of Harvard University at 11 o'clock Sunday morning, and DI·. Harold C. Urey. of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Uni\'ersity of Chicago, as Monday morning's commencement sppaker. Returning a.lumni wlll follow the following schedule tomorrow; 10.45 A. M. Alumni Association meeting in Friends' Meeting House; 12.30 Luncheon on front campus; 2 o'clock Parade of Classes; 2.15 Program in Scott Auditorium ~ 3.30 Baseball Game and Tennis Matches; 4.30 Tea in Parrish Hall: 6. 30 Reunion Dinners; 9 o'clock Dance in tho Parrish dining hall; 10 Singing on front steps at Parrish. This year's reunion classes include those of 1886, 91. 96, 1901, 06. 11. 16, 21. 26. 31. 36. 41. and 44. The Phi Beta Kappa a.ddress will bo made by Professor Rohert L. Calhoun ot Yale University at 8.30 Sunday evening in the Meeting House. Rockefeller Fund Sends College Scientists BORO PLANS BIG FOURTH OF JULY Return To Peace Gives Added Zip '1' COl-I' THIS WEEKS CALENDAR 1l011ch., l'i.ll1-Cl1t seamless wnlst. Con- ccnlecl no-gal' fly. TO VISIT NORWAY, OSLO UNIVERSITY Far-Flung Activities Set For Troop Two GENUINE An announcement from the State <,(fice of the American Association o( United I\:"utions, formerly the League of Nations Association, has just stated that Steven Spencer, a. junior in the Swarthmore High Sc·hool. won the first State prIze III u recent contest conducted nationally lIy that association. He ,had }>I'('viously been notified that he won honol'able mention among competitors thl'oughout the United States. He is the 30n of Mr. and Mrs. Steven 1\1. Spencer of 0gden and Swarthmol'e avenues. At the reccnt "l'cmple University Mock Assembb' he wus se1ected as one of the student leadcl's fl"om (he ~ubul'ban school area. June 25 to August 2 from;) o'clock to 12 o'clock Monday througn Frida~... 'rransportation has been arranged fro m College Avcnue School. Mrs. George Jardin wl1l take the Nursery School group. 1\'11'8. Edith Kenney tho Pro - Kindergarten, Mrs. 'Villiam Putt and Mrs. Crookston the Pre-First graders and :i\lrs. Mable Hutc~insan and 1\Irs, Crookston the Primary group. OutPlans for the annual community door play, dramatics, rhythms. NAVY COMMENDS HAYES Foul'th of July' celebration werQ hikes. picnics. arts and crafts. muDr. lAurence Irving, DIrector of Ralph S. Hayes, of Oberlin avesic. stol'ies, organized games. na- the l\lartin Biological Laboratory nue, has received the following made at Monday evening's session of the Swarthmore Business As. ture' walks. woodwork, singing, at Swarthmore College, and Dr. com mc-ndation! JJlays, and trips will be incl-.lded, Per F. Seholander, Research Biol"The Secl"ctar~" of tne Navy tal{es sociation under whose sponsorship Registration may be made through ogist at the Laboratory, left Mon- ple:Js11l'c in commending Captain Swarthmoreans and their friends Mrs. J. Reynolds, Oberlin avenue, day of this week for Norway . to Ralph S. HaTes, U.S.N.R., for out- have enjoyed lively but sensihle or at either school on opening day visit the University of Of slo. w rn. Do.ys for many I h estandmg performance 0 f d Ut Y ' car- Independence Tuesday• .June 25, at 9 a. m. nr. S~holltndel' was ormel' y a II'Yin g out his work with sl{iIl and rears. The S"'.lmmel" Club. eight ...·eeks member of the staff. inttiath'e he rendered invaluable The 1946 ]}rogram will he deof fun from Jul~. 1 to August 23. DI·. Scholn.n~er came to S\~artll- a~sistance in fulfilling the obliga- lailed ir. next week's issue of The will include baseball, archery. ten- I more Col1egt' III 1939 as a l'cllow tlons of the Division of Naval Swarthmol'('an. It will include the nis, canoeing, volley ball, hi1.:(>s.! of the H.ocJ~efeltel' I,'oundation. and Commnnications . . . bl' his pro- usual Il:u'ade for children, games softball, pingpong. handcrafts, in- has been closely associated . with fcstiional ability and devotion to fo!" roung and old. water sports on door 'lnd outdoor games, square I the College e\'er since. ))1'. Irving the ~ompletion of an assignment. th(" Crum, and a basehall game bedancing. foil.: dancing. riding and n~ 1.t. Colonel and ))1'. Scholandel' he eonn-ibuted to the prosecution tween the ,Americnn Legion team swimming. It will be directed by as i\1ajor have recently bee? I'e- of' thc war and upheld the highest nnd the Hornets. There will be no Albert Gwinn assisted by James I leased fl'om se~\'ice in the l·mt£l'.l tl'uditio!"!s of the United States e\'ening fireworks this year. Lauder, I\Irs. J. Hawks. Virginia' Rtate8 Arm}' Ail' Forces. having Naval Scr\·i(oe.'.. Paul J. Carey. of North Chester Stamen and Joe Carney at the s.t'rved a~ Elgin Ii"'ield,. Flol'i~a, in road. actdl'es..c;ed the membel'ship lege Avenue School. the physlologiC':.l sectJon o( the :\-11-",. Albert Nnson of Brookings. nftel' dinner at the Strath Haven Three unusual outings are planMr. Lauder has been coaching llt'oof 6ivislon. Dr, Irving i~ a l'~el- K n .. who has heen visiting her fnn on :lrondn.y. giving detailed ned for Troop 2 of the Swarthmore the Hornets and the American low of the American SCandlllil\'mn ~on President John 'V. Na.son of pla.n~ of the moving picture Legion base ball teams for some Found"l.tion. . th thc college and Mrs. Nason since' theatre and store unlts nearing Boy Scouts this summer, announcThe trip is supported hy . e the latter part of April, will return completion on South Chester road es Scout Master "\Villiam Davidson. time. Beginning July 1 he will teach baseball to boys from fifth! Hockcfeller Found~Uon In the> ~n- to'her home about July 1. fit Fairview road. In .July the boys will take a grade up who wish to become pro- te-I'csb; of restoration of ~clentlftc three-day trip down the Skyline I"esear~n in Norway nnll towards Dri\"e in Virginia. cHmping 'out ncient enough to pln~.. on teams. the extC'nsion in peace of the scienalong the way, In August a ('anoe Mr. L.'1.uder will continue his work tine collahoration hetw('cn ~orway trip is planned-possibl~' on the with the regular teams In addition anu the United States which was li'rlday, .June 21 Delaware .. The September event to this. so effeeti\"c for military purposes 6:30 P. M.-Hornets baseball with Broomall Broomall All bo)'s and girls who have will be a trip to ~he shore. involvduring the war. Saturday, June 22 completed 3rd grade and ·up are ing s..1.iling. These monthly outings ThC'y will· look into the 'recent 10:45 A. 1I1.-Alumnl Day .................................................•.............. College eligible for Summer Club. Regiswill comprisc the: Scout program aecomnlis)lments and prospects tration is to be made at the ColSunday, .June 23 for the summer, for biological rescareh in Norway lege Aven':.le School on the openL"tSt week-end members ot the nnd also learn about the organi- 10:45 A. 1If.-Baccalaureate Address ............................................ College ing day, July 1. Black Bear po.trol, winners of the 7.ation and methods through which 11:00 A. ~I.-Morning "\\Torshlp ............. _................ __ .... __ Local Churches Riding and swimming arc exinter-patrol contest, took (]. special research has been effeetivel): car)fondn)', .hme 24 camping trip to the French Creek tras. ried out by scholars of tho Scan8:20 to It:~iO A. 1\I.-Summer School Registrc,tion ........ High School dinavian countrl~s on expeditions 11:00 A. M.-Conlmeneement .......................................................... College neighborhood near Hopewell, .PR. 6:15 P. M.-Legton. baseball with Clifton Heights .... Clifton Heights The trip w~ a prize .for ratLng Dr. and Mrs.' William T. Ellis of to the J1.orthern· and Arctic regions. ij:.30 P. M.-Hornets baseball with Springfield ........ College Ave. Field highest :n advancements, attend- Walnut lane left Swarthmore Th~y ('xpect; to visit universitiCfI. l\Tednesday, June 26 ance. umforms.Those who attended Thursday, JUDe 13 for their Can- tuboratones and scientists in 'Nor6:16 P. M.-Legion b~baU wI~h Norwood ............ College Ave. Fiel. Were Larry Franck. Harbld Ogram. 'adlan Camp. Blue Heron Point, way. Sweden and Denmark, and the Donald Fetherolf and William Lyndhurst. OntariO, Canada. They 'will return the latter part Thnrsftay, June 2' SUMMER TRIPS EXCITE SCOUTS te.·ns. $3.00 PER YEAR GETS U. N. AWARD Dr. John Anthony Miller. director o[ Sproul Obser\atory and research Pl'ofessol' of astronomy emeritus at Swarthmore College, died Saturday at his home at Kershaw road and Turner avenuo' in ",ValUngford. He was 86. A world_famed natronomer when he I'etlred from Swnrthmore College In 1936 Dr. MilicI', a native of Greenblll'g, Ind.. graduated from the University of Indiana, attaining his doctol'ute at the University of Chicv.go in 1900 aiter a period of superintending Rockville, Ind, schools. Becoming instl'uctor and Jater as!:ih;tant professor of mathematics at Leland Stnnford University he numhere'~S· ··of symme~. SfOalthinore Wrapping' .:. .................. Swarthmorean .Offi. . ,"" , z THE SWARTHMOREAN I Hra. J. Ho.....,. Walter of The Swart'timore Apartmenta gave 8./ tamUy dinner party at RoWD8 Green Country Club Tuead&Y eve· nina In honor of her brother Dr. Frederick L. p ..,....,n of the untverolty of callfo";'la who vIoIted her for a fe.. ~ Hra. Jam.. B. Cooper of. Parrlsh road will be h _ on Tueoday to 2' guests for luncheon and bridge. 1I1rs. ROY W. Delaplaine. of Cornen avenue, arrived home via Ut.d· BIGGER.-LAWS The marriage of sarde1lIaII J4loe Betty Laws. daughter of IIIr. ..n" Hno. Uno. acted a. Dorothy Lu."e" The brldecrooDl. ,o:ho .... ......,uated from Swarthmore m.ti " The yOUDS couple lett for MI,ml Sehool, claa of °18, 18 a &Taduate of Haverford School and of Cor~e where they will make their home. nell UDtve....ty. RlClfARDS.-HARDIN . . "I'll. William Norville Bardin. of Tampa, Fla.. announcea the marrlage of 'IIer d&ushter.IJ:\mn to Lt. (jg) John Taylor Richards. U.S.N.R.. son &f H..... W. Burton Richards. of Philadelphia, formerly or Swarthmore, on 8a.tur4&y. May ZI. The marrIage, a candleUght ceremon~. wae perfOrlned In the home Ernest R. Laws, of Harvard ave... nue, and Mr. Jolln R. Bigger, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Bigger. of Prospect Park, took place Satplane last week from a two-month urday afternoon, ,June 16. at S as that worn l-.v the matron of ot the bride's mother. followed by visit with her slater. :Mrs. R. E'I~;:;~!:~ in the Swarthmore Pres- honor snd carried bouQ.uets of fJum.. a small reception. lIIerrlck. of P8B&dena, eal. ~rs. A. P. Gilbert of Rlch_ Jd. v.... II' visltlng ber son and " mo a famlly. Mr. and Mrs. Percy G. hl GUbert of Park avenue. Hr. and Hrs. E. ·H. Taylor and THE SWARTHMOREAN 'p-.-- JP!'IuUlBII"r.ldll-IIHIII-m"D- Ei&Bt :nu:04Y ~ BWAaftDlOBBt nIB SWABDDlOBEAlf. ,lIlo.. PlJBIilSHI:R BIR11I _00 Make Your car LeaC the DuraUoa-Begaler Do n Ch"rch. mer field f1owe.. Ued with blue They left; Tampa Immediately for D D vld B R DO YOU KNOW e d th ev. d r. bl a I raun per- streamers. Their headd.......... were PhIladelphia where Lt. Richards '!be s ..... CUre for AnT Auto forme e h on \e rb ngk ceremony b f d b a ot flowers. was released to Inactive duty. The v Troublel . e ore aot cwhite ance gladlola. an e Y Mr.. Edward T. La Pann, GlaD are now IlvlllS' in Reading, PL. ., basket ana'PJUST.OALL M40 dragons, carnaUons. stock and gyp.. Falls. actel! 88 best man' tor b18 where the bridegroom wlll be emsophlla ..nd tall lighted candl... brot'ller. \ ployed. son Richard of Harvard avenue The bride, given In ~ marriage A reception followed the cere- ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;" will tomorrow for a three by her fatbet., wore a wedding many at the home of the brtde·s • week trip in the middle weBt. dur- gown of white lace fashioned with parents.· Ing wblch they will visit Mr. Ta')r- .. tlght~fltUng bodice. pOinted pepCAMPION-HANNA lor's ml)ther at Yates Centert KanJJ. tum, long sleeves. sweetheart neck. :Mr. and Mrs. George Sweden-. The trip will bring a. renewal of Une. over a. full skirt of net with burg. of Danville, Iow~ announce the annual ftsbins contest between long train. Her fingertip tulle the marriage of their BlBter, ,M1SB Mr. 'raylor and "M!_ Alfred :M. veil fell from a "'beaded tiara. and ~ndon which had been suspended she carried a. 8hower bouquet of p ..trlcla Hanna to Hr. RIchard There are many ways to design a bridal durlng the war. Ted Kesting, edi- filamentous IUles. madonna· UUes. Reeve Campion, on June lOin bouquet. Color harmony in the choice tor of Sportl' Afield will join them combiIted with gardenias and gyp- Chicago. m. of flowers is only part of 'the story. Mr. campIon is· the 80n of )Ira. for the ftsbing match. centered with a white Com~ in and I~t. us. help make your crchld. tied with white satin rib- H. Clifford campion. Jr•• and the weddmg both distInctIve 'and beautiful. bons to which baby's l?reath was late Mr. CampIon. ot Wallinsford, ENGAGEMENTS Pa. caught. Greeting IIIr. and 1IIrs. William L. RldHiss Roberta W. Blaklston. of Candles Cards path, Jr., of Drexel HUI. announce Elm avenue, attended as mald of DAVANT-BFLFIELD the engacement of their daughter, hO~O~ Her. gown of light blue Phone for the ... College. Mr. place Saturday. June 16th. at 3 FOR Gibson 18 a graduate of Upper Canada College, and has been Ilf the Canadian Navy for· two yeat's. fore the two families. CaD Tne Rev. Joseph B. Gibson per- Mn. Uoyd E. Kauffmlm Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Preston formed the ceremony. Whitaker, of Hamilton Village. The bride. given In marrla.,. by l'hlladelphla. formerly of Swarth- her father, wore a light Ivor'Y satin , more, announce the engagement wedding gown made with a long and approaching marriage ot their tight-fitting bodice, beart shal'ed daughter. Miss Isabel Ewing low neck, long tight 8leeves and a (Nena) Whitaker to Ensign Edwin full skirt ending In a long train. THEATRE Prentice MorroW" Watson. U.S.N.R.• Her tiered fingertip. tulle veil fell from a 'headdress ot orange 'blosof' Chicago. IutnolB. J'RI. & SAT. soms. She carried a round bou- PA.. ,_tot FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1946 Experta in the M.Jrin1f aud F'atlina . of. Spectaclea udy wisdom bath founded the earth: by understanding' hath. he estabUshed the heavens" (Proverbs 3:19). Among Bible Citations comprisIng t'he Lesson-Sermon Is the fol- Here tOday! THE SWARTHMORE NEW (In Techntoo\or) FREE SUNDAY CONCERTS RLVAH HAL&. 4.11, 7.11, • .41 PAUL RICH, Hili. Yirlllll DICK WORTH. SUNDAl: DOUBLE FEATURE mISON' LOUISE ROY ROGERS IN *h!IJILl 'O·A. .... M. "Rainbow Over Texas" . . .AH ' _ 1 ._ •_ MON•• TUES. & WED. _ Qp;of .. IIA.M. . 4''''''·,M. For Lifo" METHODIST CHURCH Rey N. Kels!!:\... u.n.. Minister. SUNOAY 9 :46 A. M.-Church School • Perhaps overeating is the most· common diew:y indiscretioo. The natural result of overeating is obesity. It has been said that we in America eat ourselves into a premature grave. The pendulum then frequendy swings back to the other extreme- We go on a diet.. M..ny self-imposed r~ucing diets wouldn't keep a bird alive, aod often serious 'ritamin. mineral, and protein deficiencies result. In recent years great suides haft been made in our knowledge of Iluuitioo. For the maintellAllce of optimal health olle be assured that proper balance ofnri01ll foods is maiDtainecL Por dletsI'J advice of uyldnd .. your phyaiciaD. Yoa caD then be c:enaJn Ihu aU bodBy need. are beingadequatel, .... Briq r-r preaCriP!iODl_ 10 us. rn_ "THE SPIDER" 'S COLLEGE PHARMACY " The Vil'gbliaD" 0.. tIae Come, wrm JOEl. MaCREA David Brs"'" "Mlnl ..tfll1" n :·00 A. M.-8ennon Topic . 7:00 P. AI.-Youth Fellowship. TRINITY CHURCH Rev. Geo, t""hrist1an AnrhrrMn. Rector SUNDAY. JUNE 23 a :00 A,M.-Holy Communion. n :00 ~ !I.-Morning Prayer and Sermon, Tho Rev. .Tames M. Co1Uns THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS ~;n~"lp·\ 9 :45 A. M,-Adult ,. Forum. 11 :00 A., M.-Meetlng. . WEDNESDAY • :·80 A. M. to 3:80 P. ).[.--sewlng and " Quilting In· Whtttler House. Box luncheon. A11 aTe cordially Invited. OF' f"!HRIST. SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE FIRST . CHURCH Park Avenue Below Harvard SUNDAY 11 :00 A', M.-Sunday Ikhool. 11:00 A. I(.-Bunday· Lelfl80n Sermon, Wednesday evening meettnc each week, • p. m. ReaiUn. I'O(Iom open dally eXQeTlt Sundays' and boUdays 11 to • p.m. Wedne8d.e.Y evening. ., to 'I :5• and 9 to· ~:IO ~m. Church. Edt- I:: AU are oomla117 Invited' to attend. .' • PR":~BYTERIAN CHURCH 11:00 A. M.-Sennon Topic "Standarda Rltv _S;WiI::Ut::h:",,=..,:re::=20=80======:; "Ziegfield Follies of 1946" MARY A. BAil,: ......... • 827 Lao_tel' Ave., Ihyu Mawr, P.. * HERE'S America's first completely new postwar car-the dramatically differen.. new 1947 Studebakerl It's _your dream of a postwar car come true-thrilliDglynewfromevery view-a melody in metal! Here's more thaD radically ad- vanced new postwar styling_ Here's the world's finest motor car rideremarkable operating economy-a full Illcasure of' Studebaker's famous top-quality workmanship. COlne in and sec it-AIDe rica 's first genuine, fully tested postwar car! POSTWAR STUDEBAKER APVANCEMENTS hd.,.1ve new .etf-adlu .... fnll broke.1 • bclv.iYIt new " ..lade ltaht" In.1tv_ t dfc.1I1 • Exclulive new planar '''sPQn.lonwith floating spring endsl • u_ tluslve new 1947_type avarelrlv. Iran _lb• ...,. ..... atUpe wIIh ........;.'w.dMr . . . . . . .lxdntw ..... lA7-tn- ....,. .... aJ •• fti . . . . . . . eN . . . . . . . . hchnMMW Is.11K1t . . . . . . ..... FUSCO & ALSON Roads . Chester & Fairview . S~ . . ' Swarthmore· t .~. , DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS ON TERMINAL LEAVE =~ ~;:~u~e;.~~.o~o~~u;a~~: MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MEDIA Gi30rge Earnshaw and Barbara and Betsy, ot Vassar avenue, will leave Wednesday: next to. spend the summer as thEi guests ot Miss Esther' Jenkins, of GWYDedd. Pa. The Earnshaw house at 341 Vassar avenue has been sold and will shortly be occupIed by Lt. John IIIlnnlck. U.S. M.C.R .. ·and famllOY. Mrs. daughte~, • BROWNIE WIND-UP Lt. charge In California before returnIng east, ..nd has now j.)lned her motber. 1IIrs. L. J. Servais, Of DickInson a.venue. ,; . i r \.. • . 'T H E' Lt. Col. La...." B. WIlBon. U.s.A.. News Notes who baa been stationed In Sln&apore. baa reacbed his home on FaIrvIew roael tollowll1&' hili arrival In New York, Monday. June 17. where he ..... met by Ill.... Wilson. After a ahort leave here, he will report for re-asalgnment In the Katharine Bronson, tor-" merty of 16 Benjamin West aveDtle, baa moved tnto ber newly purcha.eed home at 123 Park avenue, where Mig Blanche PerklnB. who had been lIv1nS' with her brother-In-taw and slBter. IIlr. and M..... W. E. Dungan. of Wellesley road, wlli share her apartment. MI'II. Helen Hall. seller ot the '.bouse. Js spending the a ...mmer at Iier farm In Weattown and will return to 9CCUPY one ot the otlier apa.rtmenta for the winter. 14la8 states. Mre. IIlllee Robinson and ber BOns James a.nd Peter ·ot Ogden avenue leave today for Cape May, N. J .• where Mre. Robinson w1l1 littend the FrJends Conference which convenes there tor a week. Dr. • e.. -. - ,. SW· AOR'T HM'O R'E A N Ro1)lnoon, wtll jo\n them over the with the degree of . Bachelor of former Xia Lorna Netthelm. wbllfJ ,', week-end. IIlr. Ilnd Ill ... Walter H. ArtB. Her motber lira. Lutber AI. "rvll1&' with· the SIgnal Corpa In. Dimmitt and her .later Xary Fran- Australia. They left tbe wellt coast Robinson and Bona Alan. Ml1M, and ces Dimmitt _nt the weekend' at~ lor JllnDe8o~ to spend ~he. aumtner Jared of Wallll1&'ford will aJao of Dr. anel tending the college feetlvltl.. · anel months u tht .pend the week In May. were accompanied bome by .Marg- Mrs.. Milan· W. Garrett of Prmce. Dr. and Ml'II. J. RU88811 Smltb art'!t Anne. ton a~~nue . who are.. enroute to of Elm avenue recently received Bill ·Nol80n. Cornell Archhold. t,helr . 8UDl,II\er hotne on· Rainy vlBlts . from their SODS Newlin and Don Swan, Calvert Melton. Harold Lake. Mr. Scott baa accepted a Thomas of Wulilngton. D. C. New- Barr. Tom Hili and <;arter Davi- pooltlon with the Bartel Foundalin Smith who for the past two son. members of the Swarthmore tion on the Campus and begins hlB years has been a member of the High School graduating ct8aa. left wqrk there. October 1. Btaff In the Office of Allon Prop- Wednesday of last week following Mr. and Ill..... · John Seybold of erties Custodian. Is leaving that commencement to spend a week Yale avenUe· have been to become AsIIletant Professor at Ocean City. fng tor the put week Mr. seybold's at Tufts College In the departIIIrs,' Dewitt A. Hills of Elm ave- mother Mra. Arthur Seybold of ment of :ElConomlcs. nue was strlken ThuradaJ'• .June 6 • Mountaln Lakes. N. J. t who returnMrs. S. H. Hemenway of Strath with a. paro.lytlc Btroke. Her daugh- ed to her home' Thursday, June Haven avenue entertained· Mrs. ter ·Mrs. A. G. McVay of Front 18, acompanled by her grandson. Vincent Lathbury and Mrs. B.· W. Royal. Va.. bas arrived to be with Jonathan who wll1 vlslt her· tor a .. few weeks. Taylor. newcomers to swarthmore. h e r . ' and Mrs. Oliver Rodgers ot RiverMrB~ Norris O. Taylor and her Mre. John Seybold of Yate aveview road as her guests at luneh- daughter Norrlne of Vass&r avenue· nUe"'wlth her small 80n, Andy. flew aon. June 11. ~rs. Hemenway and left Wednesday for Iowa City. to Boston Wednesday. June 12. to . Mrs, Taylor were classmates at Iowa. to vislt relatives for two vlBlt with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mt. Holyoke College. Mr and weeks. Norrlne will act as a brides- Harold Blood ot Worcester. Mass. Taylor are spending the summer in maid at the wedding of her cousin. T-8gt. Fred Stmons. Bon ot Mrs. the WUbur Hoff home on North Mrs. Walter James Scott. Jr•• of Dorothy SlmoDs, of Park avenue, tJhester road while the Hoffa. are Australia. arrived In San Franc1sco' arrived home Tuesday from Gervacationing in Ocean City. Cal.. on "The Monterey", Sunday manY after 21 months of overseas . Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Turner and where she was greeted by her hwl- service. He wUI receive hls Army • .Mr. Scott met his bride, the discharge this week-end. their daughter Hatay of Yale ave- band . ... nue left saturday for a six-week vacation at Beach Haven Park. N. J. Mr. and Mrs. WilUam Fry. formerly ot Detroit, Mich., are occupying the Turner. home during . their absence. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Walker and daughters Allie and Betsy of Elm avenue left Tuesday to spend the Bummer months at Duxbury, gu_ . CELIA SHOE SHOP WDJ. BE CLOSED LOOKING FOR A • WELL·PAID JOB • INS.U BUR BAN 12 o'clock Noon .. Saturday lIf..... Mrs. C. C. West of Walnut lane set'Ved as hostess to the after.noon Dupllcate Bridge Club at their last meetlng of the season at her home, Friday. Marpret Anne Dimmitt was graduated trom Hood College. Frederick. Md.. Sunday, 9. DURING JULY and AUGUST o PHI LADE LPHI A , MANY GlBLS The ·First Peacetime Drive -for- • u. s. SAVINGS BONDS are starting' their business careen with Ben because they earn good wages right from the '" .tart-even while Bell i& training them to do their jobs. Regular inereasea in pay and many chances Which Began June 6th, for advancement to better positions make it po... Bible for bright girls to .get ahead (ast. -\ Second Anniversary of D-Day Some pOBitions provide many leisure daytime hourB 80 that YQU can join your friends in outdoor sports In France and Ends in the 8unshine or take care of household duties , while others in the family are working. July 4th, Ihdependence Day. In addition to good Balaric•• telephone girls get . holidays and "acutinno with pay. Education and . play-timo activities are arranged for thosc who want to • take pari. The work is intc~~sting + + and pleasant and you will liml your fellow·workcrs the , sort of peol,le you will he glad to have (or friends. • If you're looking for a well·pnid job with a (uture, The Women's Club of Swarthmore will take charge of the desk in the , Bank'during this .drive and will have Btop in at any o( the employmcnt offices listed below and discuss it with a friendly interviewer. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA • attendance each day someone In from 9:00 to 12 noon. "A Friendly Place 10 Work" + + Room 315, McClatchy Bldg. 69th and .Market Streets, Upper Darby NorristoWn 45 Anderson Aven ..... . Ardm_ 1631 Arch Street 410 Torte'R.... Philadelphia . Jenkintown 57-59 E. Penn Str.... • ., FRlDAY,·JUNE 21, 1948 .FRlDAY,·JUNE 21, I ....:· / SWARTHMORE NATlO~AL BANK &TRUST COMPANY • Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , s T H i. ·SWARTH M.OREA N Betty Ellen .JJ1t\lefield of Ilea..e New Oileal\ll,' 'July' S. for I' Dr. and Ill .... lillian W. Garrett Swarthmore place who has com- j Honduras. .gobig .. ~rom there to I and their daughters Sadie and. pteted .'her sophomore year at WlI.. Guatemala and to )(~lco. Ruth of Princeton avenue, aceom· llam and Mary Colleg~. left 'rueaMrs. George C. Wagner. of Ben..· panied by pony Told of Park Qve4ay evening on a tbree-we$.B trip Jamln West avenue entertained a Due. left Tuesday. to spend the to CaUfomta where .he will act as few friends at dessert·brldge re- 3umrner In Minnesota. En route ft representative of WilUam and centl)'. Dr. Garrett will attend meetings of Mary Golleso at the Kappa ~pba Fred Behenna. ot PrinCeton ave... thwll1&' the cl.... partl' weIln"eS-. da:r mornlDS' to va.caUOD at cape " . ._ •• nd f ~i:_J.1l! ..,J!,~.~~. ~,._,~~, ~.-~ ....... '~­ :·<,·"·,······· ..· '.. ,.. ,,' tI..f'w•• AmIr . _.... who IIe1tI cadaIa MIlitary O",upatlllnal Spec:laltlo. MCZY ....aIIoIla .. _de _e_: me witIl tboIr oIdIl cmd ~._ JII09Idod ther w~ hoaorczl>ly .u.,' c:1aargecI _ or aft... Mczy 12. 1945- __d ~ded ther .....u.t - Jrsl7 I, 11146. 0.•• three-quarl... aI a million ....n Joined the • of rich goodness to pour on your fawrlte frulll,. and Sealtest' Davon Styl. Cream to mold tham Into a mountain of taste delight. Order them both. often. from your Supplee 'milkman or neighborhood Sealtest storekeeper. Lltlot Cream ...... 32e pl.t Sealtnt Devo. Sfyilt Crea.. 32e plat h..... Regular Army already. MAKE IT A MILIJOHI Fun facia are at-r Army C Po Pool. or BecruItiaIJ Statio.. .~ lleW , IN l'EHHSYlVAHIA CEREAL •. FRU IT. AND CREAM A "tome-hither" trto •• • YGUf favorite cereal, topped with fruit, ond swimming in smooth, rich Sealtest Light Creal'll •• '. it', 10 ....eet.tasting yo. can hold back on the sugar. 8ure i. (I bright beginning to a busy dayl BERRIES WITH DEVON STYLE CREAM FrOll h ~ke with berries and D.von Style Cream-Of just plont the berries In a mound of this spoon.thick cream by itself-that's exciting eating any day In the week. And 10 easy, too. SUPPLEE 8eJte.e CREAM ; TKE. J W A·RT H MO R EA·N FRIDAY, JUNE '1, IM8 . --~~~------~----~~~~~~~~~ Farms. New London, N. Il.. to re· News Notes main until mld.september. Mrs. Warren M. Foote ot Ogden • avenue accompanied b)' her 8ister Ml's. Emerson Findley of Strath Haven Inn. pion to leave June 24 to vacation at Chautauqua, N. Y., for D. ,nonth and then on to Stanley Debar-d.b Furnas o,t Spring Hol- low Farm Media. has retur.iLed home a.fter completing ber. second year at Earlham 'Conege, Ind. Paul and caroltne Furne.e are home from Westtown School for the summer months. _,A hI..1 ".CY no ..... I .I. DAY LAUD ·......,...•..,..s Invorn_ Gol4 ·Tournlment·1II To. ) . Coach William C/ F. ZlegenfUll, ledo. • ' .. was the gueat of honor at a """"I. . Mr.' and . Mra; A. H. VanAien reunIon banquet of former and and daughter, Nancy, of Park ave. present Swarthmore HIgh Sehool nue. ."end thlo :week-end at athletes give». on Wednesday, June. Princeton A.ttending Mr. Vao Aleni • 6. at the Wesley A.M.£. Church. class reunion. . Alter a de'llcloua repast aerved ~r. and Mrs. Edward L. Noyes, by the trustee al4s. Toaatmaster ot Riverview a.venue, are enterStaatord Wa.ters introduced Joshua talnlng Mrs. 'Noyes' brother~ln­ Chrlatlan ot the High Scbool. who law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. James I The popular mov1ng~up exercises entertained the group with teata M. Irvine• .Jr., and children ot CauJ . -. which mark the final high scbool of magic, fonowed by a speech ~ tomla. Mr. and Mrs. George Plo~man. program each ,year were held on Carl Delmuth, Director of Athletiea J;.une 18. This assembly takeS ita at Swarthmore College. Mr. »el- ot Harvard avenue. will entertain name trom the part ot the program· muth related Borne of his· observ:a- Informally· the members -of the where the pupils in each grade ~on8 while traveling through Eu-I of '26 of the college saturday from the 7th to 11th are -permIt- rope last year, and stresaed the preceding the class dinner at Roseted to occupy the assembly 8eats important role which world-wide Tree. Mrs. Lorene McCarter. ot Vasot the pupils' in th~ next hlglier athletic competition can play In molding interna.tional· triendshlp sar averiue, entertained her out.. gmde. and understanding. of-town bridge club, at·o. dlnner M The CIIlS8 of 1946 gave the ; Following this speech. Mr. Zleg- Bridge at Strath Haven Inn, TuesChoral ~en.dIDg which it gave at enfus was presented with a pen day ev~nlng. the commenceme~ exerc1ses-I and pencH set by Sta.nley HUI. as Mrs. Joseph S. Bates 'of "Rocky Corinthians XIII. Atter smglng a token ot thanks ana appreciation Spring Farm, n Me~la wilt enterthe Star Spangled Banner. Don from the assembled· athletes. wno tain th~ ThImble Group at a lunch~ Dickinson !ed in· the flag B8.lute. are extremely gratet:!l for the early con~brldge at her home on "'''edAndy Kirk. president ot the Sen~ tratntng received under Mr. Zlegennesda'Y next. ior Student Association, insta~If'(J ius. Barbara Ann Crossen a student Mr. ~legenfu8 expressed h~ apnext year's otricera of the Student of the Northtield School tor Girls • Assocla.tion: Steve Spencer presi- p.reclatlon ot the thoughtful gcs- will spend LI. week wIth her mother dent, David campbell vlce~presi­ ture. reminisced about the man~ at camp Townsend Morris .. Conn" dent. .AlIce Hornaday secretary. pleasant ·years ot 8.88oclation at betore she leaves for Martha's ewarthmore, and expresSed the and Helen Disque troll8urer. Vineyard Island tor the Bummer. A number of outstanding awards hope "that" these associations will B~rbara Ann was a recent guest were made. Supervising Prtnc1pal continue. ot the. Stanley Woodwards at the Thl) meeting was terminated by Frank Morey awarded the AmeriArtist's Colony. Rockport, Mass., remarks ot Rev. .Jones, ~aator ot can Legion Medal to William Potts and aJ!lo flew trom' Boston to the the ch:ncp. Adirondack's to visit her father at and the Amertoon Legion AuxWary Medal to Helen War~. Gabriel's, N. Y. Mrs. Crossen benn enrolled In the National Girl High School Principal a. ·Baker News Notes Scouts' Camp Directors' training Thompson announced that Stev~ Mrs. L. A. Wetlauter, ot CorSpencer not only won first placE'! nell avenue, Mrs. H. Lindley Peel, co:!rse at Camp Edith Many. and. twe'nty-five dollars in the state ot Columbia ~ven".1e and Mrs. Pleasantville. N. Y., tor the past contest by the United Nations As~ Ji"red N. Bell. ot Harvard two 'weeks. While there she was 80~lation for Peace but that he was . nue. spent the week-end at Wel M the guest ot the .Joseph B. Pope's also honorably mentioned In the lesle'y College attending their, of Whtte Plains, N. Y., tormerly ot Swarthmore. naUonal contest. Graham Foster class reunleD. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bates of was awarded the .Junior Bcholar~ allY C. Bates of "Rocky Spring ship Cup which· slgnlflea first place I'"arm" wll1 spend tho week-end In "Rocky Spring Farm," Media \\111 class standing at the end ot the Toledo, Ohio, as the guest of hts spend the week-end in New York Junior year. Margie Harrison wa.l:l former Yale roommate. Mr. Hor- City as the guests of I?r. and Mrs.. a.warded the Homo Economics ton Rorick. They wlll attend the J. H. Bruun. CuP which Is gl\'en to the pupil who has done the moat outstanding work In Home Economics ~ur­ Ing the year. The Elmira College Key was awarded' to Helen Hoot. Track pins were given to members 01 tho undefeated track team who' had not re~elved this award last year. Boys receiving phis were: Harold llnrr, Charles Elaton, Bnl Moore, Ken Childrey, Harry McaUberry. and Barry Patton. Tho Class of 1946. sang the class song. Mr. Morey announced the scholarships and awards that the Class of 1946 had ·won. The assem~ bly program cloRed with .the stngIng of the Alma Mater. ~~~~. Al HIGH SCHOOL will ''rraditional Program Was Tuesday's Assembly I ---- . Large 're... Boston MACKEREL • paaq l1Ueta 01 MIIck. . . II> mae" 01 PoUock • P....,. Wlaltlnl l1UetI. Ib CROAKERS TURKEYS .... ... as. asc Fre.h Larse lIy Size, You • ., T. . . .r , 161M .... Cole Slaw Potato Solad Braun.welser N. C. '.37c Brauns_lser A. Co ,033c Lunch Meat ...... ""··14c. Beans Ib 47c ,....... 19c '°191: H_'" H::~,!" ....... 17c .i'illGe, Northwe.tem CHERRIES Tomatoes .............. ':'~: 19c I.ettuM -~.. '"..... ,012c I Lemons .hltY Calif..... 2 .- 25c Grapefrult ."",..... 5'''35c ·r, Ib ... OC BEANS & ,._____________. . 1-------------..... YO::-.rJ'. .' .... • ... 'or Do"o/.... I.... T_ Virginia L.e FRESH IISCIJ TEA ORAMGI PlKOI DONUTS • Zp~.7c %.t 19c Y2.;L~H. Hurlook Sweet Peas ",:..2~. La...e Sweet Pe......::r;o.:!r.nI Tender G1"een Splnaoh ".:.2 ~4c GREEN BEANS ,::.':":;.. ":;..2 aOc ASPARAGUS 14:A.'!!~_ ".:..23~c ~L..ft.WlP ......:. -v "'uertt,llow' caku, lar "4 _ C PLUM PRESERVES R'll:.!OY .'!. S4c SWEET PRUNES :..~'= :: aC)c NABISCO RITZ ::; ~Sc: :. a~ _",.1,..... Ib ~s RAVIOLI Ch.f ··Y...Ani'0••........ _ ... c STUI'PED OLIVES sc:!!:;a,;. 7:'-:Z 43c ,::".2,. Ma ...... 1'OppiB. ek. pt ,&. • t. . IT'S "HEAT-flO" ROASJED Doll..... _ or Hot lISt» Richer Blend COFFEE • bag Saw Coupona ... log. for Valuabl. GlffI .. .......... "~"'for ·_Aa"._ ' ......p "'=" 17c N,BleB 2 ~17c I News Notes Mrs. H. H. Hopkins ot Creat lane drove to Middlebury. Vt.. on Sat-:lrday nnd returned Monday with her daughter Laura Leo. who came ho:me from MiddlobUl~ College for tho -summer. Mr.l:l. George E. Stlloway and her daughter Mrs. Henriette FrIcke. of North Chester road motored to Squam Lake, N. H.. Wednesday where Mrs. Fricke wlll be to charge for t1).e summer ot Deer~ .wood Farm House, which Is on the property of Deerwood Camp, own~ ed and operated by her brother-In~ law and sister Mr. an~ Mrs. Ferris Thomsen of Baltlf!1Qre, Md. Mrs. Fricke's children wlll join her there• .June 26. Mr. f'aul N. Blessing of Hindman, Ky., is spending a week visitJng his nephew Mr. Peter E. Told and tamlly of Park avenue. Miss Elizabeth McKie and Mrs_ Anne Bonlster of the Swarthmore lIigh School Faculty, entertained at n dinner at the Ingelneuk, Thursday, June 6, to a.nnounce the engagement of Miss Ha.nna E. Kirk ot Wycombe, Pa., and Mr. Edgar Mathews of Thornton. Pa. Miss Kirk Is Instructor' ot ...Engllsh at Swarthmore High School. Mr. Mathews. an architect. has recently retUrned from service in the English Army. Mrs. Margaret C. Neal of BenJamin West avenue left this week for the Mary Gwynn's Camp, Brevard, N. C., to be on the st9.ft until August t 6. Her daughter Pepper Neal, with her cOllle dog "Thorpy" will visit with her aunt Mrs. W. C. Saun(lers of Monroe, N. C. Lt. Douglas Lawrlson, M. C.. U.S.N., and Mrs.. Lawrlson of MinneapOlis, MInn.•• will occupy the Neal home during theIr absence. Major and· Mrs. Stanton Von Grabill IlDd Children of Cornell avenue, vlslted Mn.. Von Grabill·. r.arenta. Mr. an4 M1'8. F. L. Hearne at their home' In Rehoboth Beaeh. DeL. over the week.-end. nas PluDAY, JUNE ZI, I", _-.-----_ ..-._-....,..CLASSIFIED I. • .. THE SWA,RTHMORBAN 7 MI.. Betty Beatty of Bowling Green accompanIed by Mlu' Marie WIU'_ \ _ .~•• Firat prize certillcate \uUI just Steinhauer ot Bradtord, Pa .• a tor.. b_cen recelve4 by the Philadelphia. mer Army nune who Berv4!d over i PER80N~Do 70U want your car Electric Company In a national seas, lett June 4. on un automobile I driven to California? T~o oompetothnt ..~~~.....,,..:.:.:..::..:.:..:.:.:::.-.:,:,,,,:,_.....,:-,, annual-report-to~Btockholdera COD- trip to the weat coast. En route driver. are pIanntq to SO to e W'ANTl!ID-I.aundry to d 0 at ~~ome b y loeal weal COILIt In early Suly. lf Interested. test cond'Jcted by the PubIlc Util- they will vlallt Mlaa Marjorie Din.... ~ laundreu. Telep,bohe replY' to Box D, The swa.rthmorean. Ities AdvertlNng .AaI!IoCiatton. a de .. more ot ·La.wrencl", Ka.nBUl. form .. Bwarth........ emf. . partment ot the Advertising Fed. erly of Swarthmore, wUl stop at , ,. .,. WANTED-Toune eolored elrl dealree eratlon ot America. the Ca.rJsbad Caverns, New Mexico As It Should Be Done pa.rt~t1tne work' caring for chtldren, EDWIN B. ICE" Jr; and will vJalt relatives and friends The CompanY's employee magaand llgbt housework. call Swarthmore 14.C.J. YOUR .. EW"i1,_ 2 E. Second SL, Media, P .. zine, Cprrent News, received hODM In 'tucson, Ariz. On reaching the orable mention In the employee west Co.'1st they will visit Lt. (jg) WANTED-Experienced laundrMJI de. . 'JIlU& 7Cb 8'ClII__ _ work at bome. Elele Festus. -(OppooltAI N _ _ ~, Media 1569 _ publlc9.tlon contest for the second Genevieve Rea.vis, staUoned a.t consecutive year. the Alameda. N&val Air Station J:Qr . . . . . . . . . CJbIl __ S1M .. ' ~ I_ and· "turn over" to. her the Reayls A similar award was received tor n ;;;;;: Call • 8cboo1 1 carin which they tra.veled. They (be Company's entry In the wlnM wJII return home by train. Lt. dow dl!ptay contest. nl.... , ft_ » ltcavts who wlll be released to InW ANTED--Good BeIUI1l!1lre815 to make _"ft hand-woven ina.terlal Into knitting Bc:fta It....... duty In August after serving and hane! ha... Call Swarthmore Gr ••n .. ~.-, Crall News Notes since October '45. will drive to her 177&-R for Information. , SIl'dMONDS White lead and IlU1"8 11m e tI homo on University place. oil used OD aU exterior (la_c. WANTED--Coliell8 student desire. Mr. nnd Mrs.. J. H. Gordon MCM U4WelllaSIUII Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Hanna palnllDg. room beginning October 1. nonald Conechy, ot South Chester road, WaIte..., ue Wentz Street, Phnadel'I'll. . . CIa. . . . .·1111 of Maple avenue attended a dinner had as their house guests at the Bclvidere. BaltJmore, Md. Work Guaranteed phla 20, Pa. Tel. Hancock 4718. Miss Naomi Summers and )lIBS given by Col. and Mrs. Edward C. WANTED-Woman with two small • Marguerite Lawrence, of Texar- Vorhees In honor of their BOD chUc1ren deslrea home In excba1l8'e , tor services. Write Mrs. Mary Johnson, kana. Ark., who were here t,o at- MaJO~ Samuel J. Hanna and UD Kerlin Street. Cheater, Pa. Phones tend the Natlona.l Red CrOBB ConHanna, Sa.turday evening. 'Major W. S. Bittle & So-. W ANTED-U..... full-sized Iypewrlter. vention wblch was he'ld In ConChester 8130 & 24525 ___ a Hanna, received his Army dis-_ 0111 .... IIood 'mnnlnl' condition. TeL Swarth"entlon Hall. philadelphia, tour more Un-R. ' Ileal charge at the Holabird Signal days ot this week. DepOt. Balttmore, Saturday after Jane Bchl,a ot Riverview road nearly tour years ot service. Major received a. Bachelor of Science DeHanna and Co.I. Vorhees were gree In Commerce at the annual both attached to the. Army Signal commencement exercises at Drexel EspertI,. D_ Corps Institute of Technology on Mon~ OALL Dr. and Mrs. \Vlnthrop R. day. , WrIght of Whlttler place leave DAVE WOOD Meclia0765. Dr. and Mrs. Norman W. Krase 'Monday to spend the Bummer at and their daughter. Barbara, torLake Wlnnepeso.ukee. N. H. mer residents ot Harvard avenue, Virginia W]lson has returned to. sailed on the. Queen Mary, Thurs~ A. MFRCER QUINBY day for Surrey, England, where her home 011 Ogden avenue· from ELECTRICAL WORK they plan to live tor an indefinite the !Jehoo1 of Dramatics, Yale Uui. FUMraIDireetor WANTEJ>-:-Old or new ftrearms, parts . .perlod ,ot time. They were ac~ verslty, or complete weapons; 01"- or modern aU kind 1tA W. ~btgb Ave., Pb1la.. companied 'I1.v Heather Champion, Mr. and MrS. H. H. Hopkina ot cartrldl'8. any Q.uantlty and caliber. Call swarthmore 4608-M any time New or Old Phone Baldwin 1170 woo is returning to her home in Crest lane were bosts last week to after 8 P.M. P. R. CrouUlamel, CusEngland atter living with the John Mr~ , Hopkins' . brother and slsterNo adllltioual charge for tom Gunl1omlth, gun consultant, and ~GERATION subnrban coiIJ& Marshalls. ot Lincoln avenue. tor ln~law. Mr. and Mrs. Wllliam H. Ballistician. ! Phone Bwarthmore- 0992 the past six Hopkins ot Nevada. Mo'. WANTED-".l'o rent. four·room apart~ ment tn swarthmore or vicinity. Call Dr. and Mrs. Mark - Elliott and Mr. Shelly, B:warthmore 0680. ADVERTISEMENT two children who have been makCLIPPED WANTED-Reliable business couple The School District of Swarthmore ing their 'home with Mrs. Elliott's wlBh to rent three or tour room will rec1;llve bids at the School Dis$2.50 In - ts.50 oua brother~in~law and Sister Dr. and apartment or IImall house. unlumlBhed Removed-Topped.-Cut any Lenatb trict offlee, College Avenue Building, ADtI8e»tic. Baths 12.00 now or by September 1. Pennanent. Mrs• .J. A. Calhoun of Elm avenue up to f p.m., E.n.S.T•• Thursday, July FREE ESTWATES GIVEN Good loca.l references. Wllllnl' to 8881st Ho..... OIlpped -while )Jr. Elliott ~as In the Army 11. 1946, and open the blds at a meetwith grounds. TeL Hllltop 6422~W. VAN HOM, & SONS For appointments left yesterday tor Boston, Mass.. ing of the Board at .the School DIs" trlct ottlce on .July 11, 19f5. at 8 p.m., . PHONE MEDIA Sl71-J . Call 8 ......111·J W.ANTED--To rent furnished houae or where Dr. E1Uott will resume his E.D.S.T., IJr at an adjourned meeting apartment commencing Auguet 1 or 16 tor remainder or summer, longer or practice. of Ute School Board, for materials for permaner,Uy. Tel. swarthmore 3.2Bf. a field house (lumber, cinder block, Laura. Lee Hopkins ot Crest lane For Your Wmdow CI_ing sash. metal doors, and concrete) and WANTED-To rent hotme or apartleaves Monday _tot" Spring Lake tor re~surtaelng the amalte court at . Call GEORGE, ment. tumlshed or unfurnished comBeach, N. J., to attend the Trl the RutgerJl Avenue School. mencing about August 16. Box C. The 1Ion9 can be secured between 9 a.m Delta p~nventton until Frida,),. Media 0589 Swarthmorean. and .. p.m., dally except Saturday Stonn Suhes Taken Down Sunday. and holldays, at the Schoo W .ANTE~d -used girl's bicycle. '. Dlatriot office. The Board reserves Te1. Swarthmore O188-W. Scum' ~d Awnings Put Up the rJght to reject any or all bids In ROGER RUSSELL WANTED--Garage apartment or other whole or In part and to award con small apartment. or will share aparttracts on any item Qr Items making ~ Maker of Fine Photoanpha ment with other fellow. Reply to Box up' any bid. Swarthmore 0764 1(. The Swarthmorean. ~ Home Improvl"llimb mLDA LANG DENWORTH --~. IIoaCb Aw. aDd S _ II&a 0&) RieDe)" Park 3238 3T-6~21 Secretary ~&rI' Repdn ..... Media 2178 M .....• Pa. FOR sA.LE--Glass front bOOkcase; AIter&tIonB BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE I men·s fitted chltterobe. Call Swarth~ Lumlte SCI:e: dn.. l1li4 ORDINANCE NO. 491 "c:arpet ma(cet it home" more 2221J..W. JQmsgI IDsulaUoD An Ordinance authorizing construe I FOR SALE-Young man's white dinner A PrIce &0 M_ £wry tlon of a storm water sewer from the Jacket, size 86 (long). TeL swarthSoutherly end of Vassar Avenue In an Easterly direction across land now or Wallace E. Arten more 1126-J'. late of Ruth H. Allison to Little Crum I FOR SALE-Gas stove. four burner. Creek, at the expense ot the Borough, 302 Ga,.1q :J'IJlilCR/UI HOJOD . Sheet . DoD'& Watt lJDUl Spring $20. Write L. N. Robinson, 411 College appropriating funds for defraying tJle Avenue, SWarthmore. Me *', P.. 'Willi• • T. -Pa.tteftKtD. Dlreetor cost thereof~ and authorizing the ex'ilia _.&0 do IDteIIor pnJn""g BII!b.... Yean EsperIea. ecuUon and' dellvery of appropriate 18 DOW. I am DOW Jlstlng uterFOR BALE-Smlth's Delaware County TeL Media 2872-R ..... TBLEPllOll'E lIlEPU 1188_ contracto and other Instruments. HistorY FIne. $700. Box 46, Ward, Pa. lor work tOI' SprIng. 1=", ~-"",,,,,, .... ~,j'WI No. WHEREAS. dO approved by virtue .June 4th of Ordinance 1946. the FOR SALE-TIlree vioJlns; ona white Swa..-bmore 1448 pavln,g of porUona of V8IJ8ar Avenue natural ftnt811. no: one flame orange, Qaa1I&7 $86: one deep brown, ,126: First two ..--,;~ft""""M! '!j"~~ and Drexel Road was authorIzed. and WILLIAM ·BROOKS faC'JlIUes· are -required tor draining excellent for learning, practice, and surface water away from the lower orchestra. Third Is soro violin made Ashes & Rubbish Removed end of said Vassar Avenue: and by Angelo Seratlna In . 1732. Phone WALTER V. LINTON - Swarthmore 2022. lawns Mowed General HauIIDg WHEREAS. by· deed of dedication May 17, 194.6, Ruth. H. Allison, FOR SALE-Flve piece maple -dlnet~ 288 Harding ATe. MortoD. Pa. dated owner of land abutting upon said CoDtractor and Builder Bet: play pen; electric Iron. Phone lower end of Vassar Avenue. for the . TNe Surgery and Swarthmore 1'l2:5 W. I~"'''~~~ const(leration therein me'nUoned,. granted to the Borough of Swarthmore the FOR SALE-E!ectrlo Furnace Man, Landacaping right to construct sewer and drainage pipes :l.crou her gald land, and exCOUNTRY FRESH less than four years ago. Excellent purchased of Robert Howarth Sons. ~~~ii~ii~ii~~~~ii~ii~I' tenrJing along the Southerly line· therecondiUon.- $1'16. call Swarthmore 1100 r e.:EGGS· of to Little Crum Creek,. which dedl~' Phone .swartbmo1'e 2175-R tor In8pection. Ilr eatlor. has been duly accepted by the large and lIlediurn Borough of Swarthmore; . 104 ComellAveuue O.P.A. ceWng , LOST NOW. THEREFORE. THE COUNPlan now the home you want Phone Swa. 3111-J or 1715-B CII~ ·OF THE -BOROUGH OF LOST-Boy's Royal Blue sidewalk biSwarthmore, Penn. . cycle. Call evenlnga 0573.J. S~VARTHMO:RE DOES ORDAIN: Desirable Iota .aveilable ~ . Section .1. At tlte 801e expense of the UlST-Small black pocketbook in CloBorough of Swarthmore, there shall thier, Tuesday .June 1t, containing be constructed (rom the Southerly end B.8iW. key. money, compact and lipstick. Tel. I of Vassar Avenue an eighteen· (18) Swarthmore 02611. Radio and ~l.tnces inch stann water sewer. leading tn an SaleiJ and c ee Easterly direction across tand ot Ruth penell - :ngraved LOST-Schaetrer ELECTRIC §ERVICE H. Allison, paraIleUng and within five We mll for, and deUver Charlea M. Izumi. (}all S~rthmore (5) teet of the, Sout'herly Une ot the 0680sR. 17% South (Jhester_ said Allison· property.- 320 feet more Phone 198'7 or lese to Little -Cmm Creek. Tbe said Radio & Appliance H. N. Bemard W. H. Wamsley sewer shall be constructed In accordance with plans and specifications prePhone Swarthmore 2253 roUND-Small black kitten. Monday Repairs pared by the Borough Engineer and near Meeting House. Tel. Swartbnow on flle' In the office of the Borough Secretary. more 1681-J". PROMPr SERVICE' Driyeway Construction Section 2. All fences, markers. bund-· FORREl'n' lngs, trees, shrubs and olher plantings, damaged or destroyed in conneetlon Asphalt or Concrete, Swarthmore 1984 FOR RENT-Garage near Ingleneuk. with the- lnllta-natlon of said BOwer Tel. Swarthmore 1692-J. shall be restored at the expense ot Ule PETER DI NICOLA Borough. and August. com~ ~R. Phone Swa. 2626 Section 3. The proper Borough otroom on hili. Reply to Box S. The :;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;:;~ Ir fleers are hereby authorized to execute such contracts and other documents as Ooor room. near may be necessary to aecompllsh and Call effcct said improvement, whenever Since 1 _ from time to time Council. by moUon, Commercial and Domesticso dlrecL Roofing Spoutiog CUNNINGHAM shall Section C. The said &ewer ahall· be Prompt Service-RefrigerPainlen and Peper Hangen and remain, a public sewer of the BorShiil.h & Siding ough of Swarthmore and shall thereWe 8bouJd KDow How after be maintained and 8UpUvtl8d as ators, WasherS, Vacuum swa. 2Z88 4oe. Mi......tgan Ave. pubUc property.t 8U1)Ject to the terma of· the aforesaid Geed. of dedication. Oeaners, Radios Passed tills 12th day ot SUINt PERSONAL 19". I~ 1173 Mortoa Ave. . BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE 11 MorlaaAw_ By. So S. Rutherford ALlCE· M. BAIRD Rutledi.. Pa. , PresldeDt of CoGnell Moi....... "'AN m . PI!lRSONAL-V""uWD olea_ Irons t.outen and ....1. . repaired. Called {or and delivered. call Robert. Broolos. _1"1. . _D,AC'K. A GA' , O'sWALD RUZAT Paperhanging and Painting FY, 111 J S_t,~:~.:onl·"~P;a.8~;: ;;: l'f~;~~;;~~~~~~l' !~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;,g.... Sla'. d ~~::=~~~~~~~::=::=~ p' AINTING AN D PAPERHANGING . CHARLESWllITE :Mrs _tAl PAINTING • MORTON TREES --------------------- DOGS HARRY W. LANG , !lugS and. Carpets FOR SALE K_ FamI1,'. PATTERSON 7,,~ :HEALTH • .- Recreation is an important factor to good health. Another important factor, oftEm taken as a matter of course, is the water you drink Your Water Company never assumes that its "water, coming from small str~ams, is necessarily satisfactory. On the contrary many purifyinu steps are taken before it meets our high standards. With sentinels all along the road you can drink to your health with Springfield Water. SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY' ~~~~ii~~~ii~~ii~~~ :~~iii"ii..~"ii"~,,~,,i!liii,~,iii;!Ii~~~!liii~ii3i'~3i'~"ii"ii"~"'~"~3lii\ .... Walters' M """""""""~ 1 Charles E. Fischer Builder . FOUND I , can HARRY A. BREHL ~ Appliance Service c. H. REYNOLDS l lA.D. Att..t: Elliott RlchaJd80ll Borough gecretary . 0lIl ..... Bail"·' Approved _ 11th da7 , o r ~Ilne. A. D. 1.... '-________.~..~.______.JI~~~~•.~~~~~~ h~nUmm &'1 II _ .... Ot. . · IT-I-J1 _8~;;:;;;;;;:-;'~:::;;:-_T""-:-__-:-_'-:--:--:_T~'::H:E::;'S=W=A~R=T~H::;M~O~'~R~E~·:"7N:"':'_\_ _ _ _ _ _",---;-_.!:F~R~m~iJt.~~~.,~JUNE~"21, 1946 HORNETS IN NIP 'N TUCK VC .I .TORY J>alton Strikelil Out 8 for 3-2 Score The Hornets' vIctory over Newtown Square Monday evening was as exciting an exhibition of baseball as any dyed-loathe-wool fan would want to witness. Heads up playing In every department of the game gave the local boys the big end of a 3-2 score. Dalton. pitching for the Swarth~ moreans, got off to a rather shaky 8tart tn the first Inning, allowing two hits and a walk to account fo!' Newtown Square's two runs. WJth that inning out of the way however. he settled .down and gave up only two safeties the rest of the game. With eight strike outs to his credit and with cxcellent fielding by his teammates, only three opponents reached first base during the last .elx innings, and none got beyond. In the meantime, Hornets' bats had chalked up six htts, jnclud~ Ing a double by Bullock and a threc bagger to right field by Laws. to :~:\w:r~"t::e;I::' In the first Going Into the last half ot the :::~~t:heW;:!tb::tt::et:u~!o ~~ ton wae out. Streeter to and ~W8 the second was 11n easy ~trlke out. But when Newtown's shortstop got ahold ot a. fast pitch a.nd polled it out Into deep right field It looked for one brief moment~ like the tying run was In the making. Then Bradford, with the COOl. ]).recision of a big leaguer, dashed to the left, leaned over. stretched, and made a sensational shoestring catch. to end the game. It was a fitting climax to a well played game, and the. Hornets' fans lost no time In rushing onto the field to demonstate their approval. This evening the Hornets play .:It Broomall, leaving the high school at 6:46 and Monday. evening Springfield comes to play on the local diamond. Both games start at 8:30. News Noles Robert R. Toole ot the Swarthmore Apartments has enrolled at the University of Buffalo with the dass beginning Ma'Y 27. Bob ccrved as a corporal In .Radio Intelligence for three years. He received his Army discharge at camp Pinedale, Fresno. Cal., March 11. Barba!"R Schobinger of Swarth~ more avenuE.' who completed her freshman year at Mtddiebury College, Middlebury, VL, Is now attending the National Aqua.tlC School nt South Hanson, Mass., where shc is working for her badge as swimming Instructress. Barbarll hUB been appointed assts.tant swimming counselor at the I'-rench Camp, Les Chalets Fran('.aise, Deer Island. Me .. aDd leaves for her aSSignment, July 4. SUMMER RECREATION SUMMER CLUB July 1 to August 23 Age Group, R Years Up Register July t, 9 P. 1\1., College Ave. Cafeteria Out of Qorough, $10.00· FEE $2.00 Swimming, ,July and August, $8.00 NURSERY SCHOOL July 25 to August 2 Age Group, 2* to 8 Yetlrs SUD TIme to Reglstert Uutgcrs SchooJ, JWle 25 FEE $10.00 , !, SCHDOrSOARD IN, pusV' SESSION MaJor. Robert E. DeLu'ze weh""" it for you. • USI Oft WY PAY PlAIt GO 0 OfiE4R ~~~ ORES HANNI!M. & WAITE " Chester' Rd. and Yale A v~, PhoDe-Swa. .' ~50 Varied .:vecililionlil "." Made Monday , Night ~/~ .• :.,.... _''>-...'.~''.'~ .il',~ , / .7'." 8On'ln~ 1, At the time or your reasslgnment to duty In the Zone' of .InterSubstitute teachi!ra' have juat lor. I de&lre to commend you tor been appointed by the SChool the outstanding res':.1lta wh1ch you I Board to cal'ry on the classes tor hovo accomplishElng school guidance and consultation programs. The resignation of Jean Bnxter, ottice secretary, was accepted' In.asmuch as she is going to be married and move _to the west coast. In preparation for the extensive medical and dental examln\.tlons to be given next fall, nurse'~ aides have given considerable valuable service to Mrs. Edjth Kenny and her staff this spring. The Board expressed special appreciation to these women for their very helpf"l and timely service. China. 3. I commend you for your outstanding contribUtion to the future successfiIl accomplishment of th~ mission of this command. ·4. Under the prov.islona of p&:r 7, WD Circular No. 377-, dated 18 ~ecember 1945, you are hereby authorIzed to wear the Army Commen dation Ribbon by direction ot the secretary of War. Robert B. McClure Major General, USA Commanding John deMoll son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl deMon of Park a.venue Will receive the degree ot Bachelor of A rcbltecture at Cornell Unlversily's 78th annual commencement, ~-,,~.q.~ ....... <. _ _ • " •• ,.~ ..,-~~. ... VENETIAN BUNDS HORNETS • • • SWARTHMORE PLAY THURSDAY • '. . VOL No. IS-No. 26 '" ARMSTRONG DE LUX M.ONOTILE . InstaDed by Exverts _&ely • • • HEDEMARKS' LINOLEUM SHOP. 10 W. WINONA AVE. AT UHE&l'ER PIKE NORWOOD Ridley Park 3.115 Take Care ot J"our EVERGREENS Now is the beat lime to trim these valuable plantS. We have experienced men to do this 8~ work.. , • , Prompt, ca.refol servioe . Styer s Nurseries L. B. Palmer . OALL MEDIA 2480 after 8 P. IlL • SCIENTIST SOUNDS GRAVE CHALLENGE Acceleration, Naval Unit Over at College ·-there Is no military defense aaJnst the Atomic Bomb and none is to be expected!' We cannot prevent other CO:lDtrles trom manu ... 'facturing them. There Is no solution except the abol1t1on of war. "'These blunt solemn words concluded the SWarthmore College Commencement Address dellvered by Dr. Harold C. Urey, ProfesSor or Chemistry. University ot Chicago, Noble Prize Winner,' and ODe Of. the key- ftgures in the deveIOP-' ment of the Atomic Bomb. One hundred and 31 graduates received degrees at the college's 81st commencement Monday, In the outdoor Scott auditorium. Dr. Ureoy told the graduates that they began their work tn a new age, an age beset with the Immed .. ate problems of the Atomic Bomb which transported by the earlier discovery at this century, the air.. plane, will prQfoundly change all futUre history. Discoveries ~om­ parable In their effect on human life were the wheel, the boat, and flre. The AtomiC Bomb and the peacetime uses of atomic E!nergy are in their intane'y', he declared. They have great destructive power to completely destroy an the clvi"! lIzed cities ot the world. The most t'ha.t can be hoped Is guide them Into constr:lctive use, and the most decisivc; time iEl the immeCifato year ahead. "We must eUmlnate war. The problem Is as old as man hlmselt. It may be impossible but we must try." Dr. Urey listed three w~s open to the world. First is continued re.arming and diplomatic jockeying which wUl lead to war and the· complete destruction of civilization. Second is waging a huge war in a few years to conquer the world and rule it as we wish. This, he warned, may be a strict necessity. Third Is the international control of war through control of the atomiC bomb. because this is easl,,:,r __ to do than any. ~ The scientist commended the plan of the United States p.resented on June 14 bY Baruch as worth'Y ot study. It it Is accepted 'he said, It offers the pONtblUty of control 80 ~omplete that no atomic bo~b wlll be made. . (ContInued on Page 6) I, - !. \ A..ziliaty Elect Officers B·V.D BRA-NO • ·"O.t. 49c We have just received a shipment of }ine "B.V. D." shorts-and we know they won't last , long. But the lucky men who do get these shorts. may be sure' of lasting fit and plenty of freedom and long wear. , .' The Legion Auxiliary, met at the home of Mrs. Oscar GUcreest of Vassar avenue, Monday, and elect.. ed the following officers for the year beginning October next: Mrs. Howard Hopson president, Mrs. L. L. Hedgepeth vice~presldent. Mrs. Norman Hulme, recording secretary, Mrs. .Tohn Whittier treasurerl Mrs: Harlnn R. JCSS'".lP corresponding secretary. Mrs. Oscar Gllcreest chaplain, MrS. Robert Sheppard sergeant at arms, and Mrs. Harvey Pierce hlstorla.n. Camp Hope for colored children is In great need of sun Bults, tennis shoes.~ and bathing 8ults. Vatley Forge' Hospital Is asking for radio parts. p~ng cards 1n good condition. records and knee robes. Any ot taese articles may be left at the home ot Mrs. Harvey Pierce ot North Princeton avenue. • Many swell striped pattems.WashablebecaUse 3509 commercial laundries say so. Sorry. limit 2 to a customer. RFU'ASED Share Posies Jessie Gilbert aided by' a group ot coJlege age girls ot the Presbyterla.n Church will direct the Flowers for the Flowerless during the month of July. Flowers are to be lett In the buckets of water which will be placed outside the church on WedneJ!lday late afternoon a.n4 evening. Distribution will begin on Thurada~, July 4, and will conUn.....e each Thursday there· after throughout the mont'h. I...:.:...:..~.....: -i' __...::.________ HORNETS BREAK EVEN ON WEEK Nine Sting Broomall But Fall To Springfield \ Winning' their first shutout of the seaSon trom Broomall last Friday evening 2 to 0, and taking the short end of a 9 -6 score in their Monday night game with Spring1101d, the Hornets baseball too.m was only able to keep an even k~el for their week's play. Apparently unable to break their win' two -lose ~wo jinx, the Swarthmore boys now have six wins and five defeats in their 11 games to date. Facing a Bt'oomall pitcher who already had a no-hJt~ no-run game to his credit, the local boys displayed a grim determination that 'carried them through- to' victory In spite ot being allowed only one safety In - the entire seven Innings. It was a game In whlch,headwork, plus Darto.n's two-hit pttchlng, won· where bats faUed. 'Monday evening's game with Springfield showed a slmUo.r lack of batting strength, Which, coupled with' four costly errors allowed the visitors to roll up a 9-2 advantage by the sixth Inning. A Swarthmore rally in the seventh accounted for four more runs but Springfield was able to retire ·the 10caUties In time to save the game. . Tonight the Hornets meet the, league.leadlng Manoa. nine at Maill1a, and next Thursday afternoon take on the American Legion team in an aU-Swarthmoro holiday ex~ hibltton game. EWING TO DESIGN Fourth Attractions Include INDIA PROJECT Parade, Games, Sports Churehelil Unite On Large Milillilion School T'h e Philadelphia office ot George M. Ewing, Columbia ave .. nue resident, has been commissioned by the Presbyterian Board of Misslons as architects of a mllliondollar school unit to be built in Punja.b. India. OJ)eraU~g as the consoUdated unit ''The U nit e d Christlan Schools·' the Presbyterlan ChUrch In the' U.-I!.A.. the Methodist Ch:lrch through Its Indus River Conference, and tbe United ChUrch of Northern India are sponsoring the project to give the natlve son of India a Uberal Cbrlstian education. Located about 100 mUes from Del'hl the school Is. an extension ot the Moga. Training- School for Village Teachers. Upon oompletion ot Its curricula students will go out Into the various villages to' teach practical Christian life. Each student wUl be an !ntegral part ot the Institution's 200-acre farm and theory. Actual buildings to be designed include:~, bOlyS'" middle and high school buUdtng, girls' middle high school building, combination ltbraI"Y, laboratorieiJ and admlnlstratlon buildings, boys' and girls' crafts buildings physical education buUdl1l$ and ~mming pool, prlmary model school, da.iry and farm gro:tp,' chapel, Hoaplta.l, and vlllage service headquarters.. and'l . Tl1e: Ewlpg~, ~r!it';_~!~~.--'!5 coJ.ll~: :prJsed ot George M. F:lWlng, A.I.A., and his sons, George and Alexander, was selected for the job because of its previous relationship with the Presbyterian C"hurch's Board of National Missions and the fIrm's extensive college and school experience which at present Includes a four to nve year extensive rebuilding program at Warren Wllson. Jr. College in Swannanoa, ·N. C. No ,Swims "rhe Swarthmore Recreation Board regrets to announce that there will be no swimming in t'be college pool this Bummer. A little more than half the needed members signed up. In former years the Board was able to include the pool In the budget which Is made out in March. This year" the oftcr by 'iRe _college for the use of the pool came ·too iate to be Included in the budget. Since enough members have not Signed up In advance. the Board cannot aftord to run the pool at a loss. Annual Program Makelil Non. Vacationililtlil Glad To Be At Home • Grace Brewster, AerM, 310, was released to Inactive d!1ty at lIiaml, Fla., June 6, and has reached her {lome on Swarthmore avenue. Grace who entered the servic& In April '46, hsa been alaUoiletl at Banana River, Fla.. since 8ep- temb8r. ' Anticipation mounm ·as plana I progress for Sv.'Urthmore's celebra'Uon of the 17uth anniversary of rr..epeadenc. Day next Thursday. pe.apite the removal of travel restrictions which kept many folk home perforce last year, it is expected the majority ot boroughlte8 will attend the da.y's events, as always appreciating the safety of a. local program of events as com~ pared to jeopardizing one's Ufe In holtda:v tramc or risking injUry through tha old·style use of fire· ,.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- , I Deadline Moved Up 'rhe deB{lllne for all news and advertising copy tor The Swarthmorean for the lssue of July 6 will be noon Tuesday. July 2, Instead of the usual Wednesda~ noon deadllne because of the Fourth of July bollda'Y. SUMMER CLUB TO OPEN ON MONDAY Small-Fry Get Week's Start on Sealilon's Fun ---' Monda.y, July 1, 'Is opening day for the Swarthmore Summer Club. Participants will take' time to reg· lster In the School cafeteria, and then the fun will begin. Al Gwinn is getting together with his Jill Staman, Mrs. J. Hawks, and Joe Carney to plan In addition to al1 the other Summer Cl:tb actlvitics, the formation of a .Poster Club, Safety Club, Leaders- Club, Nature Club. Model Aircraft and Boat Club, Hiking Club, ,HObbY Club, and. ~mp Collectors Club. .:r~urn~~en~~ ra~eB, compef:1tions, pet shows, etc., are also being planned. . James r..auder, school baseball exPert, and Herman Bloom, preBIdent of thc !recreation Association have had their ,heads together tor hours and have the July baseball calendar ready. This Is tor boys, fifth grade and uP, who want to learn baseball and make the. teams. The schedule tollows: Afternoon practlco from 1 to 4 on: .July 3, 6, 8, 11, 12. 16. 18. 19, 23, 26, 29, 30. Evening practice from 6 to 9 on: 11 3, 9, 17, 24, 26, 3D, 31. Evening practice periods may be changcd for team play.oft's. Jul~ • • • The Summer Recreation Program for small-fry started at R'.1tON KWAJALEIN gors avenue on Tuesday, June 25, Arthur W. Collins Is one of the with 80 children registered. Twengroup of scientists from the ,New ty_five of these are first and second Mexico, Los Alamos Laboratory graders, with Mrs. Mabel Hutchwbich Is engaged in important inson In charge and Philip Crook~ scientific work In the "Cr088· stan threequart_ of a mI11ioD h ..... pli..... a1rsady. MAXE IT A M1WOH! Get all the facll! at your no...... S. Almy ~ or Pom. or U. s.; Army a.crut\IJIg Stallo.... u. 11:00 A. M.-Sunda7 SchooL U:OO A. 1I.--$Unda7 :t.eAOn Sermon. ming, golfing, boating or olher daytime sports; or making it po~~ibJ.c .for you. to help with household duties. You'll enjoy working for flell because you'll be among the sort of people you'd want for your friends •.• people who are ambitious to get ahead and willing to help you along, too . Drop in at any o( the employment offices listed below for a friendly talk. You;n learn for yourself the many advantages of working for The Bell Telephone Company. "A Friendly Place 10 If'or"" • Wednesda.l' .venln. meeUq each week. • p. m. Readln&' "J'oQm open 4aII7 Beept SUndaya aDd holidays 12 to I p.m. We4nmay eftftln... ., to ., :&0 p.rn. alid 9 to ,;10 p.rn. Chureh Edt.. R _ 315, McCI...,y 8ulldlng,69Ih and MaW St......., Upper Darby 41 And,nDn Avenue AI ...... ftee. .All are cordially invited to attend. WESLEY A.. IlL E. CHURCH Jl6v. IlL 11-' -30_ _ 11:tt ~ IIL-JlonInc Worlh!p. l:tt P. IIL-a.w ell ScborL • The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania CHURCB SUNDAY , EAR. WHILE YOU LEARN A SKILL OR 'IRADE Some jobs provide leisure daytime hours, permitting you to enjoy swim- BUNDAV 9 :45 A. ?d.-Adult Forum. 11:00 A. M.-MeeUnc. WEDNESDAY • :30 A. M. to 3:30 P. :M.-5ewtng and have been drastically reduced. Everyone should be protected against .~a11po][ an~ dipl;>theria as an absolute minimum.' Do not ....t (or .... epldeauc to break ont. Then it is oCten too late. We maintain complete stocks ot'bioIogic:8b; alilci to ,f.~ orders o( your physician.- ,- .' Bell , pays good wages. They're good • right from the start-even for inexperienced beginners-and a ~egular system of frequent increasea insures that you'll get ahead fa8L TRINITY CHURCH Rev. Geo. C'hrlatlan Anderson. Rector 1348, it was estimated tbat in some places over , ".AIE IT A MILLlOI!n "America Faces Tomorrow" dreaded. During .he Black Plague epidemic o( , People are using the telephone more than ever. Telephone "traffic" is almost certain, to keep on increasing. That's one reason why there are unusual opportunities today for girls staI1ing to work for The Bell Telephone Company. Rey N. KellK:l--n.D.• Minister. On the Comer THE ADDRESS • and The Little" MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY , , Good iobs wil.h a future ••• for • In S'uburban Phila'delphia 11:00 A. M.-Sermon Topic ''The Big Sun.--Mon.-Tues. GENE TIERNEY " , l' SWARTHMORE PRIoJ:':By'rERIAN CHlTRr.H R.w OAvid RrR,1I1 Mlnlgter two-.hird~ -...oms • CHURCH SERVICES X L\W ...·astating epidemics have ranked with war and famine as population levelers. Of these three scourges of man, pestilence was most There could be an untund8b.ed home Itor rent In Swarthmore. It could have th""" or four and ~ baths. a \l>1ng room large enough tor a graqd plano, a place &0 grow some aowers. and a pro to work In. I could walk up and down tbe 8treets huntJng for this house, but I baven't time. I need tbIB home by September 1st at the IateBt, &Ild not on a tempo.....,. beals. I am a DuPont eoglneerlng consultant, recent17 transferred to this area. 1\1,.- ramO,. con.s1stB or m,.- wife, a SOD who will 80000 be read,. for college, and a daughter studJing mUSio in PhUade1pbla. U 70ur bome meets m,. needs and 18 awUable or If 70U know ot spch a home that Is R"aDable at a rental not over ,125, ] will be mos~ apprectative 01 70ur calling or WIitlng to Box X. Tbe Swartbmorean. CIRCLE ACTIVE The annual picnic of the Friendly Circle was held at the home of Mrs. J. H. .Jessup of Haverford ave'n~e, Thursday, June 20. -"'!'wen~-three members met ,~t~ 12:30 to ·enjoy 8..1 covered dlsn luncheon, topped ott with tce-cream and coffee. Following the luncheon. Mrs. John H. Pitman president presidetl at a short business· sesslon. Three requests ·for charitable needs Usted by Mrs. H. Stephens Plummer were approved~, . Mrs. ~#iD·~tW. Furst of Guernsey road set:V'ed' as hostess to 48 g".tests at dessert-bridge for the benefit of the Friendly Circle, at her home on Tuesday.· I================ I Wilson and Miss Isabel Woodhea.d -====fo:r::AL==L:megaz!===n=es===::; The marriage of Miss Sarah Marcy of Swarthmore, wore gowns ot blue , • Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. marquisette fashioned the same as Jay Deardorff Cook of Thayer l'Oad the maid of nonor. They' wore pic'to Mr. Benjamin Stockton Cc,\11,ns.1 ture hats in shades of blue and son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin W. carried bO-:JquetB of pink delphlnlTHEATRE ColUns of North Chester road. ums and snapdragons tied with took place Friday, .Tune 21, at 4:30 blue streamers. , Miss Amelia Martha. Scott w~o Tbun.-Fri.--Sat. II II IT COULD HAPPEN HERE Qmm Springfield, Pa. Baltimore Pike home Monday ~ollowlng, a vlalt with friends In Blue Hili. Me. v _ _ _ a-.:r .... a""DJ'Ati4 _0........ PA. Mr. and ~lr8. S. H. Hemenway PUB',18UF:'. E"~... ~.___.-... .m:&., g .... ..-.& --THE SWABI1BHOBE&!f. PUBI·J8HElR It Btrath Haven avenue leave toPhD SwartIImor8 0100 morrow for Lake C&re'Y. Pa. Mr. Hemenway w11l return after a PETER E. TOLD.,E41tor • MARJORIE TOLD. AsIoolate EdI~ week's vacation while his family Lorene Mccarter_ Rooa1le Pelrsol AnD)' N. Coo wlll remain another week. .lane Allen and her brother Entered 8.8 Second Cla88 Matter. J'anWLI'Y Sf, 1.Z8. at the Post OUlce at Swarthmore. P&.. und,!, the Act of March I. 1819. George, Jr.. of Riverview road DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON I leave July 1 for the Luther Gulick -..::~.:::~:.::.=-::::~====:::=~:-:::~-----. Cam])8 In Maine for the balance FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1946 •• of the summer. Jane wl1\ go to • South casco and George to Ray'I mond. Me. Mrs. Howard J. Dingle ot Park BURNED Presbyterian Church -Notes avenue accompanied by her BlUy Fischer son of Mr. and da~ghter Miss Mary Dingle are Sunday morning at the 11 0'Mrs. Charles E. Fischer of Dick- having 0. two-week visit with rela--clock service Dr. Braun will preach Inson avenue. Is recuperating at tives In Bellair, 01110. on ''The Big and The Little". his 'nome from second and third Mrs. Raymond Winch. the forMary Ann Hook and Dick Hook degree bUrns on chest and arms mer Miss Jeanne Fischer of Dick,at the Harvard avenue entrance received June 13 when he tripped Inson avenue and Mrs. Edward and Margaret Brown and ~a1'Y while carrying. a cotree pot con- Jenkins. 2nd. ot North Chester Yates GlIcreest at the drlvewaytaining hot water. .. road. accompanied b'y Swarthmore transept entrance will assist the College cla.88mates lett Monday folminister In greeting the con gregalowing the college commencement Your Ration Calendar -Uon after the. service Sunday tor Roaring Springs. Pa., where SUGAR morning. Spare stamp ,,9 is valid for. d.v e tney are the guests of Miss Nancy . The Church Hour Nursery wUl pounds through A"'.1gust 31. Spare Garber who received her diploma be held trom 11 to 12 o·clock Sun- 9 is also good tor five pounds for Monday and who will be married -day morning, in t'he ParlBh Houae. canning through October 31. Spare tomorrow. Mrs. Jenkins wlll attend Btamp 10 becomes valid July 1st- as a bridesmaid• good for five pounds untn October Mr. and Mrs.· Daniel 8. Morse Trinity Notes of Parrish road accompanied by 31. their daughters Mrs. Donald Smith There wll1 be a cielebnLtion of Mr. u.nd Mrs. W. Sproul Lewis a.nd Carolyn and Anne Morse leave Holy Communion at 9:45 a.m. The Reverend James M. Collins will ot Swarthmore avenue will enter- tomorrow to vacation at .Beach Hapreach at .the 11 o'clock service ot tain at cocktails Sunday tn honor ven "ot11 after Labor Day. ot Mr. Lewis' brother-in-la.w and Mrs. Willlam N. Irving of BosMorning Prayer. sister. Dr. and Mrs. Grover Neot- ton. Mass., Is spending the sumChristian Science Notes .el of Wynnwood who are moving mer with her· daughter Mrs. Na-' to Ft. Lauderdale, ·Fla. taUe Irving Staples of Baltimore ·Gllman Spencer, .A..R.M. 3/c re- pike. "ChrlstlWl Science" hi the subject cently received his discharge from Mrs, WUUain West of Princeton of the LeBBon-Sermon In all the Navy at Bainbridge. Md. avenue has returned nome after a Churches of Christ,· Sclentil3t, on Mr. and Mrs. William Park of six-week.visit with her daughter Sunday. June 30. The Golden 'Pext Harvard aven~e have had as their Mrs. Hugh McLean of North TonIs: "Ho. every one that thirsteth, guests for 10' days Mr. Park's N. Y. • come ye to the waterls. and he that brother-tn-law and slster. Mr. and awanda. Mrs. Thomas Gar woo d of bath no money; come yeo buy. and Mrs. Paul cantril and Bon Kenneth Princeton avenue Is ·the guest tor eat; yea, come. bUy WJ!lC and mllk of·, Springfield, Mo. n. few da'Ys of Mr. and Mrs. Benwithout money and without price" Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Prater and jamin W. CoUins of ·North Chester (Isaiah 65:1). small daughter. Ann Marie of road who are cruIsing on their North Swarthmore avenue leave boat. the "Benita". on· tne C,esaMethodist Church Notes July 6 to spend two months vlslt- peake. The Ch~rch ·School meets on. Ing relatives In Alabama and Ten- , Mary Garrett of Princeton aveSunday morning at 9: 46. Classes nessee. , nue left Monday for Beach Haven. are provided for children of all Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Fry, Jr., of N. J., where she will be in charge a.ges a~d tor adults. North Chester road leave today to of the Crafts Department at Camp The topic ot the sermon at the spend two weeks at their camp Dune. for the summer months. Barbara Nason daughter of }':Ir. 11 o'clock service Is "Amerlca. "Happyland" In the Ca:tsktll Mta. Faces Tomorrow. Mrs. Spencer Cobb and chtldren and Mrs: W. H. Nason of Cornell Younger children may be left tn of Windsor, Conn .• left Wednesday avenue received the degree of the Church Nursery during the following a 10 day visit with Mrs. Bachelor .of Science at the Unimorning serv ceo Mrs. France and Cobb's mother Mrs. MUton FuBBell versity of Pennsylvania. Thursday. Mrs. J. nurrls West and family Miss Beverly Harlow will be In of Vassar avenue. . charge of the Nursery. catherine Fussell of Vassar ave- of Benjamin West avenue leave nue flew to Waterville. Me., on Sunday to spend the month of J~ly June 16. to attend her class re- In Avalon, N~ J. ' 'I'''''''' SWAR'I'HMOR'EAN ......... Ii BIRTHS The marriage of Miss Amy Jane Davidson. daughter of Mrs. Hobart Oakes ·Da.vidson of Guernsey road and the late Mr. Davidson to Mr. Saylor WlncheU, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gullbert Winchell. "Pine their apartment at 118 East 23rd street, Chester, Pa. Ii Loch". South Lincoln. Mass.• took place Sunday, June 23, at 4 o'clock in the Swarthmore Presbyterian GOOD-,-HUFNAL Church. The marriage ot Miss Kathryn 'rhe Rev. Dr. David Braun per .. Hufnal. daugnter of Mr. and· Mr8. formed the ceremony. Henry Hufnal ot Morton avenue. The bride. given in marriage by Morto~ and Mr. John Good. son .her brother, Mr. Hobart Wllliam of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Good of OxDavidson, wore a white marqulford, took place Saturday. J:Ine sette wedding gown made with &. 22. at 2 p.m. ~In Kedron Methodist long ttg!(t bodice. off shoulder line Church in Morton. with a. wide scalloped coUo.r, long The Rev. J. Carpenter Zook pertight sleeves. and 8. full skirt to formed the ceremoIl'y belore a the bodice ... -with u. told of scallopbackground of ferns and flowers. Ing trom the waistline to the bern The church organist. Dorothy of ,the skirt in tront, and a long West, presented musical numbers wide train. She wore a tiered preceding th" ceremony. fingertip tulle veil and carried a The bride given In marriage by loose round bouquet of stephanotts her father wore a wedding gown and gypsophilia Interspersed with of white tSBhloned with a satin tulle und tied with tulle streamers. bodice and a. full skirt ot tulle. Miss Dorothy Winchell. sister of Of pink rOses. Her veil ot tun~ fell from a ea.p the groom. attended as maid of Mr.l!l. ColUns wore an aqua print of seed pearls and she carried a. honor. She wore a white marqui- gown, a. black hat and a corsat'e bouquet of white carnations and sette dress made over tafteta. with of purple orchids. gardenias. A reception followed at the home a tight fitting bodice buttoned ,up Miss Harriet Sturges pf Rutthe tront to a. low V neck, a square of the brIdc's parents. ledge who attended as maid of collar ef[(;ct in front and back honor wore a gown of yellow tafedged with ruffilng, short sleeves feta and tul1e with a headress of KAUFFMAN-SCOTT edged with ruffling. and a tull skirt matching tul1e. She carried n. bouThe marriage of Miss Agncs quet of tat1sman roscs and s-ladloU. shirred to the bodice. She oo.rrled Scott daughter of Mr. and Mrs. The brldesmald.s were Mrs. Henn. bouquet of Blilmon peach geran.John Scott of Baltimore pike. ry Hayes ot Holmes and Miss l<;veiums edged with geranium lea.ves and tied with apple green ribbons Swarthmore, and Mr• ..James Low- lyn Goodman ot' Pitman. N.J. Mrs. decorated with geranium bloB8oms. ell Kauffman Bon of Mr. 'and Mrs. ~es wore It. gown of peach tatHer headdress ~B8 a coronet Q"I: Lloyd E. Ka~tfman ot Dartmouth feta and M~ <;loodman wore a matching geraniums with 8.ppl6 av~nue. took place at 4 o'clock on dress of blue. taffeta. Their headgreen streamers he.ngtng down the Saturday. June 22 In the Victoria dresses were of matching tulle nad Unlon Chapel. carried bo~quets of roses amI back. The Rev. Chester Winters per- gladioli. The bridesmaids, Miss Sally Binformed the ceremony bcfore a Mr. Thomas J. Devon was .bcst ford, Greenfield, Ind., Miss Emily chancel banked with palms. white man and the ushers were Mr. BarHobart. Evanston, 111., Miss Mar1111es and iris, and tall lighted can- ton Kirk and Mr. Warren K. Samgaret Brown. Swarthmore, and dles. The wedding music was play- pies all of Oxford. Miss Alberta. Marriott. Meadville, ed by Miss Phoebe Turner, and A reception followed at the Pa., wore the same style white Mrs. John Smith sang "0 Promise home of the bride's parents. marquisette dresses as that worn Me", "All Thru the Years" and Mrs. Hufna. chose a dress of by the maid of honor and carried Ught blue and wore a white straw the snme blending bouquets. 'Phelr "Because". The bride, given In marriage b'y Her corsage was of pink and headdresses were coronets of geraniums with apple green stream.ers. her father, wore a gown of bro- I y'eil'ow roscs and cl,rnatlona. Mrs. caded nylon, fashioned with a fit- Good woro a pin' dreBS with Mr. Richard Winchell ot Oak- ted bodice, sweetheart neckllne matching hat. Her corsage was of lawn, Ill .• served as best man for and long sleeves ending in a point his brother, and the ushers In- over the wrist. Her finger-tip veil UNITY ASSEMBLY (.'Iuded Mr. Robert Saylor. KenU- of tulle fell from a beaded tiara Borough Hall worth, Pd., Mr. HeD:ry· H. Derr, and she carried a spray of Easter 10:30 A.M. F.ver,. Wednesday WYnnewood, Fa.. Mr. Donald K. 1I11es tied with white satin ribbon. ZELIA IlL WAIJ1'ERS. SpmKer Everyone Welcome Tead and Mr. Jack Tead. both of Miss Josephine Woodhead of Lincoln, Mass. Swarthmore who attended as maid Service Rate on Mrs. Davidson chose a blue mar- of honor wore a gown of pn.le yelquisette gown with matching hat. low marquisette with a sweethcart Hor corsage was of orchidS. Mrs. neckline and panel front bordered $1.50 tor 1 Year Winchell wore a rose gown and with narrOW cascades of the material . from shoulder to hem line: $3.00 tor 2: Years harmonizing ho.t. Her corsage Her large picture hat was of yellVill be withdrawn Sept t, of orchids. low braid and she carried a bou1946 A reception :followed at the home quet of blue delphinium and yelReg. rate--$3.00 tor 1 ~ear ot the bride's mother. low snapdragons tied with yeJlow Mrs. lloyd E. Kauffman saUn ribbon. Swa... 2080 The bridesmaids. Miss Minnie Subscriptions COWNS-COOK THE SWARTHMOREAN FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1946 • • 410 York Road JenldnlD_ 57-59 E. Penn SIr ••t 1631 Arch Street tlanfsto_ Philadelphia • FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1.... 4 FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1. .' The Rev. and Mrs. Cameron P. City, 1.;. 1. Sln.hl Tonook& wilt baa !SchOOI, will be In Swarthmore with Hall and their lIOn Alan of Park been living with the Halls for the the Henry SbipherdB of Dartmouth M.... Ernest R. Laws of Har- avenue left Swarthmore We4nee.. past two yean while completlDf Anne J. Perkins of Cedar lane vard avenue entertained a tew day for their Dew home In Garden' his studies at Swa.rihmore, DiSh avenue for the summ.r. who has completed ber sophomore friends at dessert on FrI~ In clas8 reUnton In Oranp, News Notes year at the Unlversity of Delaware. la bome on a short vacaUon before returning to college to attend summer schooL Frances Brew8ter ot Swarthmore avenue is working at tbe UniversillY ot Pennsylvania this summer. prior to entering Virginia Inter- mont College, fall. Bristol, Va.. bOD-or of Mr. La.wa' mother, !/Ira. Charles E. Laws ot Lakew?Od, Ohio who Is' vtslUug here for two weeks. Rosamond Jones of Strath Haven avenue leaves today to spend the 8ummer as a councilor this at Sea Pines camp. East Brewster, Cornell Archbold of Swarthmore avenue who Is working In .Fulton. N. Y.• for tbe summer months, wlll enter Syrac~ UniverSity In the fall. Joan Streeter. Beth Buey. Jean Brown, Louise Arcnbold, Dorla Black. Barbara Davis. Lora Black.. man, Betty spcnccrt'Vlrg1nia. HaY. Anno. Whttson, of Swarthmore, and Rosemary Argyle 01; White Pla~~, N. Y., former"lty of. Swarthmore•. re· turned home Thursday a.tter vacatlonlng for a week at cape May.' N. J. Mrs. 'CrosbY M. Black. Jr., of South Chester road, accompanied the group. ·Mr. and ~Irs. WlIl1am H. Polk. Sr., ot Brighton avenue, announce the engagement .of tbelr daughter cape Cod, Mass. Mr. and AIrs. Curtis Jones have moved Into . their new home on Ha.verford road, Milmont Park. Dr. and l\.frs. Waldo Fisher of G'J.ernsey road entertalned tlle bridal party of the Wincbell..Davtdson wedding at dinner before !he rehearsa~· Saturday evenblg. . Mrs.' Helen M. Hall of flHolldny Hill". Westtown road, West Chestor has j~ ,returned from a trIp to Boeton where she attended the graduatton exercises of 26 of tho Chinese Naval Officers who tormer~y attende4 . ~e '9o'llege and graduated from MassachUS0ttB InsUtute of 'l'echnology with the degree of Master ot Science. Mrs. Hall also attended her clB88 re- LOSE LOOK AT SCHOOL .~ I~ NOW •IS Valuable Articles In Annual Collection .' the time • • • • With tne scllool bens silenced for Bummer vacation, the annual collection of 108t and found artlclos bas again been assembled After month. of pl_ninl" we are at Jut able to proce ed with the redecoratioD In the high school of our.tore. It will mean a few days of inCOllVenieno:e _d aevenil va.'. of _ - ,fusion, but we feel..the ina ned efficiency _d attractiv.._ ...m more than balance this helter-skelter month. We ask 70ur indulgence dnrlng the alteraUODB. MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMAC1 On the Oorner - ! - These July 4th Attraction. Prof. Samuel T. Carpenter of Swarthmore CGllege. spoke at a panel dlscuBBlon of clvll engineerIng education trends Thursday, JUDe 20. at the 64th annual ms·et· ing qf the Society for the Promo .. !Jon of Engineering which opened In 8t. Louis. June 20. and con· tlnued thro~gh June 23 under auspices of Washington University. More than 800 representatives of 200 . universities . a.nd colleges throughout the country . QttencJ~d The meetings covered all phases of engineering education and included for the tlrst time discus .. sions ot atomic engineering. 1,80 P.M. llell Game, Hornets va. Legion '.ream, high school field. With considerable good league practice behind them this season theBe two teams of looal youths promise excellent post_luncheon tare: 4,80 P.M. W _ sports on the Crum. Swarthmore's genial burgess, John H. Pitman, contributes many years' practice as referee of the canoe racing and tilting conteuts which annually thrill an up .. roar-lous crowd In front of the canoe house.. Events are arranged Cor both sexes in various age groups and the ever_~cntertalnlng father-aod·son and father-anddaughter palrH. A flttlng cllmax to the day time excitement the water sports lend a coot\ng effect to its close. sometimes 'very suddenly to tottery contestants or spectators who don't keep outside splash-distance of the sh,ore. 8:00 P.M. Square Danclng at parking square northside ot raUroad station. Enthusiasts will hotfoot it to the piping oC Bud Hasting's band. Amateurs welcome. Try being a. spectator nnd not joinIng tn. betcha oon't! I.n case of rain hoofing will be In the high 8cltool gym. ... NEWS NOTES I Mr. and Mrs. David Braun and children. !?UB8.n and Peter of Harvard avenue moved, Monda'Y. June 17,· into the new Manse at 912 'Yestdale u.vpnue. The old Manse Oll Harvard avenue Is occupied by Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Mold and two sons ~ortner1Y' of Germant<~wn. Dr. Mold' Is on the Board of Christian Edu.. cation. Carter Davison of Vassar A.ven".le left ,. tended M.... Dryden's 'high school b~lldlng. ON ST. LOUIS PANEL are articles of clothing and other P08BeS8loDS that the chlldren· brougnt to school, lelt lying around. and neglected to take home again. As a tribute to the children, and perhaps to mothers WOlDS Key who put names In more of the ar· ticles, It should be said that the Helen Hoot daughter oC Mr. and collection Is smaller than In prevMrs:. Henry I. Hoot of Lafayette lou" years. This display Is now arranged in a.venue was awarded the Elmira the sewing room In tne high College Key at the Swarthmore school. where It can be Inspected ~lIgh School MoVing-Up Day exer .. tor l~entlftcat1on b'y the 'owners cls('s. June 18. The winner is chosen by the any weekday morning between 10 High School Faculty as the outand 12 o·clock. If. after several standing junior girl, with empha. weeks. these articles are not clatm~ sis on character, ·servlce. and per· ad by their «Owners, those that arc sonaUty. lett wlll be turned over to welfare agencies. A -careful Inspection of this dlaCOMMISSIONED play 'shows tha.t there are some Ensign Colin McLarty received very nice coa.ts and boys· jackets his B.S. deg.t:'ee and commlBBlon at with no n1-mes in tnem. gloveJIJ, the gradua.tlon exercises ot Duke bats. rubbers. sweaters at good University on Monday. He Is quality; glasses cases. empty walspending a two-week leave at his lets. etc. With the current shorthome on Oberlin avenue before re· age ot·good quality clothing In the porting to a ship at ~orfolk. :Mr. stores. it Is hoped that the OWO-. ers will come to the school, iden- and Mrs. F. M. McLarty attended tity, and claim their lost articles. the graduation exercises. ~~n~lo~n~a~t~~~e~ll~e~s~leY~:C:o:I:I:ege::.::::::~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::~::~~~~~~~ !!ary Ellzabetn to Mr. John ORver Mulligan, Jr., of Louisville, Ky. No date has been sot for the wed.. ding. Prof. and Mrs.' samuel T .. ~r­ penter of Whittier place entertain'" ed the Engineering Department of the college at 0. tea at their home from 4- to 6, Sun!1ay afternoon, June 16. MrS. Neal Thurman ot C~dar motored to Middlebury College, Middlebury. VL. tile ....... cek-cnd of June 16 and was accompanied home by her daughter Kay wbo 'has oompleted ber sophomore year at the college. Miss Leonore Perkins of Cedar lane has ret':Jrned trom a threeweek visit with ber aunt Mrs. R. K. Levering of Collegeville, Pa.. and with Mrs. John R. Brownell, Jr.• of Telford, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. powell and son Dick of Swarthmore avenue drove to Amherst College. .June 13. to attend Mr. powell's 40th class re-union. Dick 'alsO stopped at Deerfield Academy, Deerfield. Mass.• wboere he had received a War-time diploma. They reached home .June 19 and enronte they visited old friends in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., their former home .. Mrs. Charles Roberts tnnls, Jr., of Providence Vlllage. Wallingford attended her class re-unlon at Ltnden Hall, Lititz, on June 16. Mr. and Mrs. Lel'oIy T. Wolte, ot Park avenue spent the week-end In New York Clty at whleh time they celebrated their 22nd wedding anniversar'Y. Bob Longwell of Lafayette avenue spent last week-end In the Pocono Mountains. . Mrs. Frank L. Reynolds of Guernsey road with her son Mr. F'rank J. Reynolds left 'Yesterday to spend e week In Clarkesburg, W. Va. Dr. and Mrs. E. Fay Campbell and children. Margaret and Ted of Cornell avc.nue left Monday to spend the summer at their borne in Holderne:9S, N. H. Waldo R. 'Fisher of GuernseY road left Wednesday for Tabor Academy. Merion, Mass., where he will take an eight weeks course In Navigation and satltng. PhylliS Smith of Haverford avenue arrived home WedneBd~ after visiting for two weeks with Dr. and Mrs. W. V. Emery and Betty Lo'J. at Cheater In Ocean City. N. '.1. Phyllis leaves Saturday for Camp Poch-A-Wachne in the Pocono Mountains to spend the remainder ot the Bummer. Dr. and Mrs. Waldo Fisher of Guernsey road wlll spend the week cnd In Cape. May, N. J. Mr. and ~ Mrs. Francis Harper and famil,)" moved Wednesday from South Chester road to the home of Mrs. Herman Wlttmeyer~ of Moylan. Mr. and Mrs. George Plowman of Harvard avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Goman of Wallingford. will spend thl8 week-end In Portchester, N. Y., viBltlng Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Burdsall. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reynolds and children 'of Oberlin avenue and Mrs. Boyd Stauffer and son of North Chester road leave Sunday for Eagles Mere tor three wQeks. Debby DJ'yden of Chester spent from FrIday to Monday with her coUBln, Gloria Ann Piersol of La.. fayette avenue. Debby's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. James Dryden at.. THE SWARTHMOREAN Many of us think Philadelphia is best known as the city of homes-or as the city of diversified industry, But to millions throughout the world Philadelphia is known as America's favorite convention city. famous for its hospitality. its accommodations and its convenience. As long ago as 1774. when the First Continental Congress in Carpenters' Ha.u. Philadelphia was the choice' for major meetings and conventions of all kinds. Since then five presidential conventions have been held in this city. the last in 1940. Even during the war years 123,000 visitors attended 428 conventions here. This y«;ar Philadelphia will'welcome the Archbishop of Canterbury at the General Conve.ntion of the Protestant Episcopal Church. It will entertain the American National Red Cross. the State Conventions of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Convention of Lions International. These and several hundred other conven- tions will be held this year in America's Great Convention City, The popularity of Philadelphia as a convention city is due in a large measure to the work of the Convention & Visitors Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade which is constandy bringing to the attention of the whole country Philadelphia's fine hotels. entertainment centers, beautiful parks, historical shnnes as well as its convention facilities. such as our famous Convention Hall. If you could talk to convention visitors you'd find one of the advantages they enjoy is the convenience of fast, modern transit facilities to all parts of Philadelphia, Sunday for Camp IJw1gnt where he continues as senior councilor in charge of handicrafts. In September he enters Springtleld College. In t.he five year course leading to a Master's degree", in phtysienl Education. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Baxter of Harvard avenue entertained at a family re-union dinner Wednesday. June 19, In honor of Mrs. Baxter's Bon Capt. Earl Smedley. C4pt. Smedley received his honorable discharge 'On Wednesday after serving 17 months in tho European 'I"heatre. He Is a graduate of Drexel Institute ot_Technology. Mrs. Scott Daniels of Media who entertained Miss Allee Douds of Pittsburgh, her tormer roommate at Linden Hall, ruj her guest for a few days of last week gave a 'b~ldge party In her honor Monday evening. Her guests Included Mrs. Robert ~. Moist. Mrs. Frank H. Robbins, Mrs. Joseph Schubert. Miss Rosamond Jones, and Mrs. Wallace Lippincott of Swarthmore. Miss Nancy .hwcett ot Ridley Park. and Miss Ruth Cornwall of Spring Haven. Mrs. Lo':lta Imbert of New York City arrived Monday to visit her slster Mrs. J. Harvey Bonine ot Lafayette avenue for a tew days. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Clarence C. Franck of Cornell a~enue entertained at bridge sa.turda'Y evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin R. Haupt of Vassar avenue who are leaving Swarthmore this week to their home In Orange. N. J. Mr. Haupt who Is associated with the General Chemical Company. Marcus Hook, has been transferred to New York City. News Notes I) Qulnnlbeck, Ely; vt. The LightTouch Is the [ .;/htTouc:h for LOVELY LEGS Bellin's WONDERSTOEN. used with a light, feather-touch technique, is the pt'rteet hair ERASER.. Lea,'es legs smooth, balr\eoe, _hhle-tree,, groomed. _ egged or In n71ons, 7OUl" Jegs look their _ after WONDERSTOEN. for a tuI\ $3100 • 'D'S soppl.,. THE BOUQUET Beaut)' Salon AlvaJi WoOd Stuart ot The Young Adulla and the CbsV888Dr pel Choir of the Presbyterian a.venue has been award4Jd the National Quallty Award sponsored by Ule Ute Insurance Alnr.agement Association and tho National As· soclatlon of Life l1'1derwrttc .... Church will bsve & . picnic Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G".lido Savellt. Mount AlverDo road. Elw,.n. '. What ght tor itseU in 1776~ th • tion seeks tor e .. tountry 80U OU.· Th United Nations Orgasuza tALL." . e __ .t_ "Liberty and Justice or world_Y- Several articles arE;! left over from the scnlor graduation party. The owners ot a light blUe cardigan sweater", a two piece bathing Bult. a fountain pen and a rain coat may claim them by calling Billy Morse at Swarthmore 0602 or b'y call1ng at her house on Yale avenue. . THIS BANK WILL NOT BE OPEN ON JULY-4TH \ , Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Co. Member of Fef for auto-' mobile insurance. The adjuster works with you, to estimate your lOBS. Furthennore, when losses are difficult to estimate, your local builders or repairmen. • • men you know ...ell • • . a..--e asked to assis'_ When a wide!pread disaster strikes , ..where fll4ng insurance compa- . nies must come into action, the Alice M. Baird. Old Bank Building Swarthmore 0108 Wm. S. Bittle a Son, 125 Rutaren AVe. Swuthmore 0111.J National Board of ~ Underwriters establishes a amlral clearing house, trained adjusters are brought in from &11 Over the country, to pay los8es promptly and fairly, If you have a fire, you'll particularly value your friend, the insurance agent. He recommended your policy, your company, and yoUr coverage •• , knows YOur problems. He is available and glad to help. ' So'. if disaster should strike you, call your Insurance agent for the Ilehices of the adjuster. You may expect prompt and faii payment of the loss, You will see in ..,tion the protection you paid for! • • rUN'JN .AIU. GODW'N-Eva-yThlUlJo day Evening on Blue "A.B.C.'! Network. See Y~ur Newspaper for Time and Station. - Edw. L Noyes. 23 So. Cheater Road 'Swutbmoft! 0114 Peter E. Told, 333 Dufmontb Ave. SWutlwwv. 1833 \ , • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~________~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 !..""""""''', '''''';. -BACK AGAIN-.. CLASSIF'IED :~=::,::1;1! WII.IJAM BROOKS NEWS NOTES FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1946 THE SWARTHMOREAN 6 are cl.a8llmatea a.t WeUe,ley Col. Swarthmore College, at tbe close the end of the Navy' V·12 unit and service. went to Ioahel E. Gam. lege. ble. of his review ot the academic which came to thefcampUB OD'July (Continued trom Page 1) George Arthur Walton, prlnclMr. and M1'8. Earl Weltz and 1. 1943 1 and of al.cceleration. For \ Dr. Urey was Introdueed by Dr. year. an anticipated feature of each fO:lr 'Years and eight months the pal of George School, clerk of the Kitty will leave tomorrow to spend John W. Nason, president ot commencement. This one marked college has been In ~_on 48 Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 10 days In the Pocono Mountains. member of the Friends CommlBweeks out ot the 62, tbe only Mrs. C. H. Jeglum and son Carl breaks being one week between slon to Germany received the hon .. ot HIUborn avenue lett Tuesday semesters. This summer's vaca- oral"Y degree of L.L.D. for Sac City. Iowa, to spend five tton will be the first since 1961. or six weeks vlaillng tamlUes. Mr. Jeglum will ',oln them about Jul'y Nason announced that next -fall News Notes 6 for two weeks. will see the largest enrollment tn The Rev. Dr. David Braun and No maH.r what the 0«11the 'hIstory of Swarthmore college. Mrs. Braun of Harvard aVenue will Dr. and MrS.· J. Albright Jone8 slon, you're afway. sure of a 75 per cent 1ncrease 1n men-en- leave Swart'bmore July ~ for !Can- - and chUdren ot Crest lane accom .. rolled of wh1ch 67 per cent will ~ City. Mo., where Dr. Braun panted by Mr. and Mrs. Crawford be veterans. He announced also will preach S:lnday, July 1. En Lance of Haddonfield, ,N. J .• spent the gift of $100.000 by John G. route home they will visit Dr. yesterday and today at Eagles Pew. president of the. SUD Ship and Braun's mother Mrs. Peter Braun Mere. DI"Y Dock Company to the endowof Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Kerr ot Falrment to _finance engineering reMrs. l"errls W. Mitchell of Strath view road had Mr. Kerr's slstElr In the Acm.. Low.r price., search which has );lad other BubHaven avenue wla entertaIn In- Mrs. B. H. Pearse. of Alexandria, prominently e1lsplayed, that stantial gifts. An addition to one formally saturday afternoon' In Va.. as their recent house guest. assures you more real valengineering laboratory, stopped honor of Mrs. Lewis C. Dorn of Mrs. Frank D. Windell ot Wealues for your money, Is whot because of the war, is nOW under Glenside. dale avenue retUrned Sunday atter 0... Markets 0,.. MoL, Til'" aM the Moclem Acme really construction. _ . 'til 6 P. II. Clo.... all day, meant. Dr. Nason paid tribute to Dr. -Alice Putnam of Lafayette ave- 10 days In Reboboth. Del. July Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gensemer. Harold C. Goddard who has retired nue accompanied by Miss Alice Blodgett of Rutgers avenue left Jr •• of Westdale avenue are spendafter being for 37 'Years a member Northw....m, 'oncy, Larg.,Blng of the Engltsh department of the Saturday for Camp Qu1n1bec\C:, ElY'. Ing two weeks in Cape May. N. J. Mrs. Paul D: Williams of Unicollege. uHe goes but with the ad- Vt., where they will be tennla and verslt'Y place entertained at a tea miration and attection of his stu- m".lslc councilOrs respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Poole Wednesday afternoon in honor of dents and faculty assocIates." Hon1015c or was also given to Dr. John A. of Swarthmore avenue were 'hosts Jane Hanscom. daughter of Mr. 1010e tew and Mrs. Edward E. Hanscom, Jr., Mlller whose death occurred on Saturday afternoon to a June 15. "His was the art of great friends at cocktailS In bonor of of Cyilwyd. who will enter Wenescello teaching. He belonged to the Capt. and Mrs. E. M. Huntington ley College In September. pkg Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Davis ot: gro~p which made Swarthmore of Princeton avenue. Laura Lee Hopkins ot Crest lane Wellesley road spent last week-end College what It Is." I lea,ves tomorrow for Perry-Mans.. In ABsonet, Mass., Visiting friends. President Nason announced the field Camp. Steamboat Spring. Wistar Lukens ~li leave tomorstart of a. $5,000,000 campaign, the forthot t:n~ Colo., where sbe will be swimming row for Garrett, 10 spend a week first since 1929. 'Some of this Picnic Instructor. as the g".lest of Ann Llchllghter. money will go for qew buldings I "r.~:'3:.' Dr. Dean Caldwell of Reno, Nev.. Debby Lukens and her cousin. but un. college Is not Its buildings Swift's Is spending a week with his mothJackie Sloan who haS been ~tlng nor its grounds no matter how CHOPPED beautiful tbese are. It Is education, erl Mrs. D. D. Rowlands ot Harv- Debby•. will leave Sa.turdaty to N;.;.2 spend the summer· in Rehoboth and that means faculty and stu- ard aven.ue. J~ee ~ Mrs. C. Thomas Bauer, Jr., and Beach. Del. All are chlJ'dren of Mr. dents. Swarthmore raust add dechildren of Kenyon avenue spent and Mrs. James Lukens of Maple partments now' lacking and pro .. last week in Ocean Civ.v. N. J. avenue. vide compensations to attract and Popo, Mary D. Corse~ Ann Lukens. Bob Weltz ot College avena., keep the best small college faculty Sal1y Hawks. Sally Alden, Betty and Jim Callahan of...Garrett &v... 'In the United States. $3.600.000 n ue returned Sunday to Leh1gh Is to go for that. The campaiKT!' Furnas, carol~ James. carolyn. he said, is part of a long range Furia and Libby Pockman _will re- University to begin the next term. pollcy. In an era when state sup- turn to their homes toda~ follow- following a weeks· vacaUon. ported education will be increased. tng a week spent In Cape May. James Lukens arrived at his small private colleges must be N. J .• attending the Friends Con- 'home on Maple avenue after ce.... ference. good." pletton of his work at the Univer.. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Cochran The 'Ivy raedal a.warded to the sity of LoulsvUle, Ky. man In the senior class judged to and c'hl1dren ot South Chester road Mrs. Milton H. FU88ell. Jr., of (16 lb., .......y..sIH, have shown the highest degree of are vacationing In Surf City, N. J., Vassar avenue and Mrs. Sewell up) Vouq,Tender leadership based upon character for the summer. Dr. and MrS, E. LeRoy Mercer Hodge of Ogden avenue will leave and scholarship was shared bY ==~=-~~~==----tomorrow for Mackinac I$land. Sam:iel M. Loescher and Gerald E. or North Chester road,' Mr. and Mich. to attend the National ConNoUn. Loesc'her Is a veteran of Mrs. C. C. Smith of Balttmore ptke, vention ot the Kappa Kappa GamIb three years In" the armed forces. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dana of Elm mt Fraternity which convenes in , NoUn also won the McCabe Engin- avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Charles that city for 10 da'Ys. Cole Slow 10- 1ge Braunlwelger"i:'37c :Ai~' 33c eering Award offered annually by Thatcher ot Ogden avenue and Mr. Potato Salad H ....,.. 10 19c Lunch Meat .......... 28c Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Coates Thomas B. McCabe. a member of and Mrs. Ted Widing of Moylan "--n's It.· ... u.. •• ..... 17c of Harvalll avenue will leave Mon...u H,.tdYle left yesterday to spend the weekLunch Meat ..... '" 10 14c the Board of Managers, president day to spend the summer with end at Buckhill Falls and a.ttend of Scott Paper Company and a restheir son-In-law and da.".lghter Dr. the Ozone Golf Play. 'resh ident ot North Chester road. and Mrs. Eugene S. Farley of NanC'Y 'Van Alen ot Park aven:le Large The Oak Leaf Medal, awarded Wllkesharre who are .vacationing hMl Adel.a Dean of Mflntclalr. annually to the woman member of 'resh ,1II.t F10uneler 1042c the gre,duating ClB8S who is judged N. J., as her house guest for a few at their summer home near Beau1025c Whiting Flllete ,1II.t R.eIfish 1037c outst.antllng tor loyalt'y, scholarship days this week. Nancy and Adele mont, Pa. '"25c ... Scientist Challenge' WANTED-Young colored girl deslrea part_time work caring for children, and llcht houeework. Call Swarth.more 14'~.J. ' Sea Trout ..... , ..... • I 1017c WANTED-Young couple desires three rooms for housekeeping on or before ter 9151. 1. Phone. Mr. O'Neill, ChesDecember WANTED-Da.ys work, Monday. WedlJeaday. Nellie Connor. Tel. Chester IDEAL ASPAUGUS :~!:;:::'. 1~:;"IZe DEL'MOnEDICEDliiTS ".:;.2 15e DINNER VEGETDLES,' ,! "':;.!V·IBe lISCO .FANCY SPINACIi PORI "BEANS =:::uco 4 11.r!:-" 35e I'!:Z 13c SPAGHETTI _S,Z"lor APPLE BUTTER ~:l I.. aftel Meat lall., Ch.,...yA..... Supply LlIIII.... IlS(JJ PEANUT HOME • • • .~ I~. BUTTER 30e Remember , HRAT.fLO R....... A ReI..,hl". Hallclay Drink to include COFFEE TEA .!'. Mad. ,..... lISt» OnlD•••oko. ':.~1ge: ~~3Se l_ iiiirms mCE e.:c:::.o:........... --- ' 24(: 2·0< 47c Save coupons on bogs . -::39c --::"4Ic ----- • ALICE M. BAIRD \ PIANO TUNING "Th.. Lost Olund Is the, ~ oeIect1oa _ can be pla7ed oi the out-or.taDe p1aao" Phone A. L. PARKER , for the 1""'DfItd7' Media 04&9·M A. MERCER QUINBY Funeral Director WANTED-To buy. B. beach umbrella. Any condlUon. Call Swarthmore 1616. aU kind MORTON REFRIGERATION Phone Swarthmore 0992 W ANTED-Du Pont engineering con· swtant racenUy transferred to this area, wants to rent unfurnished horne In swarthmore on permanent basIs. Large rooms are essential. three bedrooms are mtnlmu11), automatic heat desirable. O~cupancy not later than September 1. Rental not over $1.25.,. Phone or write 1;10%, p, '--The -SWarth-mor~ . - TREES DOGS CLIPPED Removed-Towed--cut any LeDl(tb FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN ,lUO In 13;50 onl AntIseptio Batbs '2.00 Horses' OIlpped For appointments VAN HORN & SONS PHO.~_ FORRENf ",,"l2.IA, 257W FOR RENT-Two airy 'beI1rOO1l18. gentlemen preferred. Tel. Swarthmore 2806-J. / FOR RENT-Double room«Qn second floor, near 'village and. l\ trimsportaUon. Use ot kitchen If desired. Swarthmore 2194. HARltY W. LANG FOR RENT~WO, third floor roonfs. Young men preferred. Reply to Box N. The Swarthmorean. Rugs and Carpets FOR RENT-From .Tuly 1 until Labor Day 8mall furnished house; llvtng room. bedroom, kitchen and bath. Suitable for single person or couple. Reply to Box K. The Swarthtnorean or see. Fredric Klees at Ule Dam~Slte, Yale avenue at Crum Creek on .Saturday after 12 P.M.. FOR RENT-Room gentleman, $5. 112 Rutgers avenue. Near transportation, tearooms. Swarthmore 0096-R. , Don'S Wall Until SprIDg The lime to do In_or DalDtIng 18 DOW. I am now UsIIng exter· Inr work tor 8J)rIDg. Walters' . Lanclscaping Phone Swarthmore 2175-R Deaireble lots available Charles E. Fischer Radio &; Appliance PhODe Swarthmore 2253 ~ , those wash day blues! In your plans PFlRSONAL-Hlgh School boya will Mow lawns. Tel. Swarthmore 2211. IIASO» JIRS =59c:::6gc good idea - and it's a good idea; for building or remodeling, remem- • too, planning to have time and ber to include ,electric servants for Seashore Rooms Commercial and DomesticPrompt Service-Refriger· ators, Washers, Vacuum Qeaners, Radios labor-saving appliances. Think how added hours of leisure and the mod- 11 Morton Avenue IDI.'T~ nice it will be to have an electric ern eonvenienCe of Electric Living. Enjoy JOur vacation at the Swartlunorean BDd fOOl at home.' 40 Maryland Ave. Morton, P.. Jar Rubb.,. Zinc Jar Capt "'Sc 12-·25c PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY LRehob~::b. Del., ,, ,and . DBJ PboIU!I' Ii..... )II! ' 8u_ '""..... X 'Ie • Roofing Spouting Shingling & Siding I ~ .1. . . . I HARRY A. BREHL I Appliance Service --1 Repairs PROMPT SFRVlCE Call Swarthmore 1984 IMORTON REFRIGERATION I 1, ! living easier. Planning ahead is a _e_ .=I"e:="" ELECfRIC SERVICE Builder Swa. 1548. OIanT... 104 Comell Avenue Swarthmore, Penna. Plan DOW the home you want Notice 10 hereby given provl81ons of Act of .At!~:~a;~~o 11, approved May 24, 1946 of Inten· ;_;~;;~;;;;;;;~;~;~~I tary tlon to the office ot' the of file the InCommonwealth of Secre:. Pe,nr:sylvanlR. at Harrisburg Pa a d i the office (If the Prothonotary o~ th~ ~urts ot Common Pleas· of Delaware BROWN'S ounty, on TUe.:Iday the 2nd do. of J~IY 1946, a Certlftcate tor the con~uct ELECTRIC SHOP o a business in Delaware Count Penn8ylvanla, under the assumed Chester 25444 Swa. 0695·W n~~HioU!~ llama, style or designation ot TnE CAMPUS DRUG STORE OF Service Revalrs for SWARTHMORE. with its princi al Electric Jl.Itxers--Radlos ~ place of business at 15 South Chesf Road. Swarthmore, Delaware Counte; Washers-Refrigerators Pa. The name nnd address of the r: Vacuum Cleaners--Olocks son owning or Interested In said b~lToasters-Irons and ~~~dl~~ H:.hii~n 1 whlelner. 1412 Fox B k' a ep 8, Pa., Harry InstalliDg of Wall Outlets ~ ura . Penn Apartments, 5th and Penn Streets, Chester, Pa., and Rieh1001 Reaney St. ard C. Hause, 306 South 7th Street D Chester# Pa. arb)·, Pa. IT·6·28 ~ H To EvelYn Peck Baird, late of 802 arrison 8t. Apr. 2, Wilmington Del 'Vhereas Thomas Frederick Baird' COUNTRY FRESH Your husband, bas filed a libel in th~ Court of Common Pleas of Delaware EGGS County. Pennsylvania. as of -March Large and :nedium Term 1946, No. 618. praying a divorce O.P.A. CeIllDg trom you. Now· you are hereby notlfled and required to appear in aaid court Phone Swa.. 3111-J or 1715-R on or before Monday, 22nd day of Juty next to answer the complaint ot the said Thomas Frederick Baird and' default ~f such appearance yo~ will ~ liable to have a divorce ,",anted I . B. &; W. your absence. n C.H.REYNOLDS Radio and Appliances Sales IUld Service Pa. Swa.. 1029"" &beet JlleIa) Won; A1&ea-..... ,-----------~II~------~~~ G. R. WATKINS Sheriff of Delaware County Ernest L. Green, Jr. Atty. 8T.6:28" 'Ve t!aU for and deUver 11% South Chesler ~ • Phone 1987· H. N .. Bernard 'V. H. 'Varoslc)' I Driveway Construction , I ' Asphalt, or Concrete , PETER 01 NICOLA Phone Swa.. 2626 1173 Morton Ave. ~utledge, ~~e !; Tree Surgery and Bidler Park 0333·M FICTITIOUS NAME REGISTRATION ; Ex:perleDced MecbBDlm Contractor IUld Builder I. VETERAN Qua.IlI7 P8.tnC WALTER V. UNTON J (Commander, U.S.N.R.) with five years' scr'1oe~ now Plant Englneer~ local ))rnnch IlIaD&, desires ImtumJshed house or BlmrtmenC; to llermit estabUslmlCRt of home lor ",it., nnd four-DlOntll-old sou. Tel.-,vboDe l·tnlcum 4505 dnring: office laonl'S. waUace E. Art..... 302 Cayley Street Mectia, P.. Tel. MediA 2872·R • • IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF DELAWARE COUNTY ;ENNSYLNANIA No. 865 September erm, 1938 ESTATE OF ADALINE THOMPSON GUTHRIE PRICE a weak-mhlded per80n FIRST AND FINAl, ACCOUNT OF THE FIRST NA'l'rONAJ~ BANK OF :MEDIA GUARDIAN. • The above account has been filed In }!6 Office of the Prothonotary and will ., confirmed by said Court on July -hUh, 1946, unless exceptions are flIed t ereto. ROBERT J'. MacBRIDE 3T-6-28 Prothonotary • ..---------------1, --.------------------ WmsuI IDsuIation electric ironer to help you ehase r DAVE WOOD Lum1te Scr e Dtng and of those new gadgets that make PJESDVES l!. With a Good Paint Job Media 0755 Home Improvements of yours, you'll want to include lots kU'''.,fMt'' Protect Y~ur' House t "carpet "",keo it home" FOR SALE--Cocker pup. blonde male, 13 weelm old. Tel. Swarthmore 0413. PERSONAL-Vacuum deaner$!. irons, tOMters and radios repaired. Called for and delivered. Call Robert Brooks. -' CJarpentl7. Reoatrs and Alterations FOR SALE-Junlor secretarial desk; wardrobe; lawn mower; chUd's sand-box. TeL Chester 2·6233. PERSONAL-ImmedUite service and repalrl5 on all makes of electric washt;rs (Bendix Included), Ironers, vacuum cleaners. range."i, Irons, toasters, heaters. fans and lamps. Also wiring. Old and new. Repairs-service .....lnstaUJltlon. All work done In comp1la.nce with Fire Underwriters' re_ Quirements. Estima.tes cheerfullY given. Call Erich H. Ha.usen, Swa. 3031. We have worked in and around Swarthmore .for • ov..... 20ye.n. . . For Your Wmdow CJeaning CaD GF.oRGE Me6ia 0589 Stonn Sashes Taken Down Screens and Awnings Put Up Swarthmore 0764 Ridley Perk 3238 :lrir. tlnd Mrs. George W. ICarns of "'ellesiey road accompanied by their daugnters Marian and Ell nor, leave today to spend a three week vac:;atlon sailing on their boat "Mnrl-ElIn" on thP.l Tred Avon' RIver. Oxford. Md. MI88 Florence Siehl and MIIjI8 Josephine Wilson of Wilmington. Del., wlll occu~ the Karnl5 home during their ab scnce. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Lukens of Strath Haven avenue entertatned Mr. and Mrs, Edward E. Bartleson. and daughters Anne. Susan an~ . Ju~y ot Short Hn1s~ N. J •• ~ t'helr~week-end gUests. :,:' Betty Landon ot Princeton a,'enue left for Adelphi College, Garden City. N. Y., immediately after graduating from Swarthmore College on Monday. She has been given a scholarship to study at the Creative Art Center there this summer. PAINTIN·G - Call Swa.. 1111...1 up .•• or an automatic washer and 24e H25 W. Lehigh Ave., Phlla. Phone Baldwin 1110 No additional charge tor suburban ca1l& New or Old dishwasher for after-dinner clean- Rob Roy Apricot 8wa.. 010B ELECl'RlCAL WORK When you plan for that new home ~"Zge , Real Estate and IIilurance Old Bank Building PERSONAL .....,WlaG, ..... Shl..... '" 'BLENDED JUICE G~-:;::,=,":. mEAL OIANGE GRAPEFRUIT JUICE I who travels to school 32 mUes each day. Call Swarthmore 0504. • Llateflla .. • _to Phones Chester 8130 & 24525 S. Bittle '" SoD Nola.., PohUo-1Ds1U'llD1lO W ANTED-Seeondhand car by veteran WANTED-Two local veterans have several hours on Saturdays oplm for mowing lawns or other work. Call Swarthmore 1808. CHARLES WIDT,E S .... OU1"" Ileal FOR SALE--Four newly recapped tlres, never 'used. size 600·16, $10 each. TeL Swarthmore 2156-W. I' fDl' valuabf. gift. w. FOR SALE-Havlland china; glassware; Hnens; bpA..spreads; lamps; etc. 300 North Princeton avenue. Call Swarthmore 1623. . Miss Margo:ret L. J'ones of Auburndale. Mass.. spent the weekend as the guest of ber uncle and a:lnt Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Rutherford ot Strath Hb.ven avenue. "' Ensign Edwin K. Rutherford. Supply Corps, U.S.N.R.. returned on the U.S.S. Juneau tram Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. to New York last week and visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Rut,herford of Strath Haven avenue for a short ttme. Attorney A. Sidney Johnson and Mrs. Johnson of l.afayette avenue spent a tew da'Y8 of this week in Atlantic' CIty attending the Pennsylvania Bar Convention. Alan Hunt of Elm avenue left Saturday for Albuquerque. N. M., to be eDge.ged field work in anthropology at the University ot New Mexico for six weeks after which time he will joIn his par-. ents Dean and Mrs. Everett L. Hunt at Teton Valley Ranch, Jackson Hole. Wyo.• for the remainder of the Bummer. Betty Rumble returned to her home on Swarthmore avenue on Wednesday from ;Lake Wawa.ssee. Ind.. where she spent a wee~ M Work Guaranteed '4stlnp SoUcited FOR SA.I..J!l-Smith's Hlstory of Delaware County, Good condition. $7. Reply to Box 146, Ward. -Pa. IISI)IJ Rich•• al...d ICED ~==============~. , . FOR SALE-1940 Plymouth two door sedan. radio, heater. Tires newly retreaded. 35.000 mUes. Call Swarthmore 0263·W. FOR. SALE-Electric Furnace Man, purchased ot Robert Howarth Sone:. less than four _)'"e&r8, ago, Excellent condition. $115. can Swarthmore 1100 tor inspection. ' NEW Park. WhIte lead and pure Jlnseell 00 used on aU exterior painting. t 'I"lao.. CIt••ter 1-1111 . FOR SALE liallfo'" 2 E. Second St., Media, Pa. a WANTED-HOUSework. heavy inside. outside by reliable man; oollar. attic cleaning. window ·walIhlng. painting. lawn mowing, walla, _floors, woodwork cleaned. polished. ,7.60 per day. Call swarthmore 06t6-W. WANTED-Furnished or unfurnished house in Swarthmore or vlolnlty. four bedrool1l8, two or three baths. Adults. no pets" ·Call Mr. G. R. Van Duser. Rittenhouse 8310. FOR RENT-Large comfortable room, second floor. homelike surroundlnp. Convenient to transportation. Tel. Swarthmore 0155·.1. IF you"re afrer a YOUR .JEWELER 71h 8t. Media 1569 WANTED-Porch rockers, beach urn· brella. Reply to Box A. The SWBrthmorean. De ".:~2 31e 1& _ 2·65U. I ,.... 1089c ...... Itt,. WIlli" EDWIN B. KE" £Y, Jr• WANTED----Analytlcal balance and scale for pounds and ounces. Call Swarthmore 0846 or Swarthmore 2919-J. 'TURKEYS Pollock Fillets As It Should Be Done chauffeur. either full work. Tel. 0303. -DUCKLINGS SEA BASS --0 • repreaentatlve fro m Duke Unlvenlty to her 8ororilly conventltm. Afr. and Mrs. William C. Elmore and children Mary Leigh and Da v1d of Santa. Fe. N. M .• are plan nlng to ret':lrn to Swarthmore af ter an absence of two years and will be located at 312 North Princeton avenue about September 1. }.fr. Elmore will resume his du ties as Pro'e880r or Physics at t"he college atter wOt'klng on the Man hattan Project In New ¥exlc·o. 'ruddy EYhns of Princeton ave nue left this 'Week to act ae la cr!lsse counclh)r at Camp 80Dga deewln on Willoughby Lake. Vt. for the summer. Frances Jenkins and Delphine Murphy entertained at a supper party in Taddy's honor at the Jenkins home on North Chester road, Monda'Y evening. Jonn Bates of Yale avenue will leave Monday to spend the summer at Camp Passumpsic, Ely. Vt. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Lukens of Strath Haven _avenue entertain ed members ot the class o~ '21 of Swarthmore College at cocktails before the class re-union dinner at Bond. Saturday ·evenlng. Mr. and Mrs. Wll1lam H. That cher ot College ave)lue entertained 35 members of the claB8 of 1914 Swarthmore College, \at a buttet 8:lpper at their horne, Saturday evening. Mrs. Frank H. Robbln8 of Vassar avenue entertained at. bridge Monday evening when her guests Included Mt88 'Rosamond Jones. Mrs. Jane Porter. Mrs. Wallace Llpp,lncott. Mrs. Rbbert E. MOist, Mre. Joseph Schubert of Swarth~ more, Mrs. Scott Daniels 0" Media, and Miss Nancy Fawcett of Ridley PoapernanginlJl' ..L and Painti.,.a .~ W ANTED-C'Jlored girl TOMATOES ~~:d '? OSWALD RUZA,l.l. IT' W ANTED--Capable woman w11l stay with children or InvaUd during June and July by hour. day or week. Call Mrs. It0SH. Media 2658. CHERRIES LAMB ROASTs::~~::. 37e t freshman ~~""~~""~"5"'~ W ANTED-ExtN3rlenced laundress de8ires work at home. Elsie Festus. 216 School Street. Morton. Pa. 4"'. 1:;:"3ge _ WANTEP PRICES HAM TH'E SWARTHMOREAN _ _ _ _ _ ,•..•, - _ _ , - .. - - R IM"ed WANTED-Laundry'tO do at home by IAWDII Mowed Geaeial Bau". uJ)6rieneetl laundre88. Telephone.1 IIa.rdJD8 AYe. MorCoa. Pa. Swarthmore 01114. LOWEST CEILING ArmoU'1 Tree. ':':' 341 Meat 1:':_ ,31e Willo.' 141 boar'. =~ "3-:'!Z &c A,le Lilae Jaiee aSe Apple Ma.... 2Se Picaie Plalel W 2ge Na,kiu a ".s' ISe Drivmg Slraws rail IOe Saadwieb Bags 'tel' 10e • '.,' FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1916 Since 1 _ CUNNINGHAM Painters IUld Paper Hangen We Should Know Bow Swa. 2288 400 Michigan ATe. .fhO I ADVmiTISEMENT . School District. of Swarthmore bids at the School Dlstn[:t offlce, College Avenue Building up to 4 p.m., E.D.8.T.• Thursday JUly 11. 1946, aud open the bids at a'meeting of the Board at the Sello-ol District Qrrice on .July 11, 1946. at 8 p.m" E.D.8.T.• '3r at an adjourned meeting of the School Board, tor materials for a fie1d house (lumber. cinder block. sash, metal doors. and concrete) and for r~surfactng the amesite ~ourt at th& Ru~rs Avenue S&hool. SpeclftcaUons can be securOO between 9 a m and 4- p.m., dally except SatUrday' Sunday, and holidays, at the Schooi District office. The Board reserves '-.. tlte light to reject any or all bids In '\ wholG or in part and to award con. tracts' on any item or Items making up any bid., w~ rec~ive 3T-6·21 HILDA LANG 'DENWORTH SecTe_tary' , ' :,-., , :.:. FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1948 THE SWARTHMOREAN' 8 Mra. W. H. 8haDk vIalted her 1946, bringing the total number of To hlaure greatest accuracy in DJI.I1\es In the list to 808,978. preparation of the llsbJ, The Ad- son-In-law and. daughter· Mr. and Of the total, 67.1 per cent, num- jutant General's office in Waab- Mrs. Alvah Wood stuart of V8.88a~ bering 176.'32, were listed as killed .tnglon used punch-card tabulating ~venue for the past week while In action. Other casualty break- and printing machines which au· en route from Burltnston, Vt., to downs showed that 26,491·' (8.26 tomatlcally printed from coded bel' home in ChambersbUrg, Pa. per cent) died of wounds suffered cards t'he Information 'appearing in In combat; 929 (0.3 per cent) died the books. The 1lst8 were proofof combo.t injuries; 86,219 (27.6 read after preparation and were per cent) died other than In battle. reproduced to printing plates bY and 19,481 (8.3 per cent) were ad- photo-offset process, which reducSteel-Aluminum or Wood mlnlstratlvely determined to 'have ed the po.sslblllty of error In comdied. The missing figUre of 1,0124 position. I represented 0.46 per cent of the In releasing the booklets, the ARMSTRONG 'rhe first consolidated honor Ust- total. War Department pointed out that the llsting waS a preliminary one, ing of dead and mi.sslng In World DE LUX MONOTILE War lI, just issued by the War DeMost ot the persons who were and might because of Its scope InstaUed b,. ~rts partment, shows fennsylvania bore determined to have died were car- contain errOrs whlcp would be corI~medJatel7 8.69 per cent of the total of those ried for periods of at least one rected when determined. on Army service who falled to re- year in a missing status, and were The Swarthmorean's copy may • turn. Thls state contributed 8.23 declared. dead under Publtc I.&w be consulted at the o(flce, 338 For per cent oC the total number who 490, 77th, atter thorough Dartmouth avenue, by anyone Interested in futUre detail on the entered the Army·though the 1940 Invesllgatlon of each case. LINOLEUM SHOP SUMMER MON'l1fS census showed it contained only The War Department Is eXtreme- subject. 7.37 per c~nt of the population of Iy reluctant to hold out hope to 10 W. WINONA AVE. ~ ••• the United States and posse.sslons next of kin that any mlsslng perAT ()1II!S1'ER PIKE (exclusive of the Philippine Is- sons will be found alive, It !s exNORWOOD" lands). Of the Pennsyivanlans who pected that after a reasonable Lois Landon of Princeton avenue served in the Army 3.22 were lost. lapse of time and after due Inves- after completing her j".1nlor year . Ridley Park 3'1'15 tigation, most of these missing Delaware County was dfth high- 008es wlll be closed with 1indlnga at Grove ClVy College, spent 10 days visiting Mr. and Mrs. John est In the state listing 411 killed of death. hi action, 71 dead of wounds and The list was made up of 50 Ayrault of Evanston, nl., before injuries, 212 non-battle deaths, 66 booklets, one for each state, one returning home. Patty Stuart of Vassar avenue determined to be dead, and 6 mlss- tor, the District ot Columbia.. ana and Dorothy and Nancy Lees of lng: a total of 764. one for the Territories and POSsesof J'Our Closed All Day Cornell avenue leave Monday to The entire national overall death \ slons of the United states. Each and missing rote was 2.98 per cent. booklet contaIned a foreword ex- enjoy camp life at Camp ElizaWednesday. beth Barton, Hopewell, Pa., for a Of more than 10,000,000 men and planatory of the methods of Ustwomen moblllzed into the Army Ing. a breakdown bY counties and few weeks. DURING JULy , between the Presidential declara- types of casualty, and an alphaNow is the best time to trim , tion of unlimited .national emer- betlcal ltstlng by county of the these valuable plants. We OPEN IN THE AFrER- • gene)" on May 27, 1941, and the name, serlal number- and «rade of have esperienced mea to do concluding date of the study, Jan- each individual and the manner In ,NOONS ONLY this .pecialized work. uary 31, 1941i, a total of 307,664 which he met his death. The Phllhad been kllled In action, died of ippine Commonwealth was not In1:30 P. M. to 5:30 M. Prompt, caroM service other causes or became missing, cluded In the study. Except Saturdays, Open n • " •• ? 1=-' ~ater to be determined dead. In adThe' "death rate" in various 9:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. dltlon, 1,424 persons were stlll car- states (which also Includes ml88i S"fEAKS -OurCHOPS SEAFOOD Spec:iaJty ried as missing on January 31, Ing) followed closel'Y the proporL. B. Palmer -~1~ STATE AND COUNTY WAR LOSS HIGH Mr. and Mrs. Phlltp Cressman and their chUdren Judith, Cordella, nnd Deborah who 'have been living for a few months with Mrs. Cre.ssman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Perkins of Cedar lane, moved recently to their new home near Glen Riddle, Pa. .......... _..... • ... VENETIAN BUNDS Complete list Issued By Army This Week ~~ • SWEET SHOP CLOSING JULY 6 • • • • • HEDEMARKS ...... ---- ...... . i • I , News Notes · ...... -_ . -.. --1 Summer • Bookshop Hours Take Care !• EVERGREENS P. . . ._ .. ..... .-;.:;.:_:.~.=.:.:.:.:.:;:.;.;:::.::.:=.;.;.=_::.:;:.=.=_~.=.:.:.:_:.:_=:,=:.:.=.:.:.:.:-::-:--::-:t ...... . Closed All Day 4th of July ~ INGLENEUK TEA ROOM! ...... -_ ...... .... _-_ ..... -..-..-. , • :At _ _ • __ • • ... • I •• I- I Styer's Nurseries' tiona of their contributions to ArOALL MEDIA B480 Completely Air..ccmditioned my strength, although some disafter 6 P. M. locations were noted. especially In the case of New Mexico. which early In the war suffered· heavy casualties in a National Guard unit In the Phiiippines. New Mexico, with four-tenths of one per cent of the nation's population, contrib".1ted .43 of one per cent of the Army's strength, and suffered .66 of one per cent of t~e Army's tota'! deaths. The state's death rate in the Army was 4.77 per cent, as compared to t'he national average ot 2.98 per cent. The highest death rate was 6.06 per cent for the District of Columbia, but this figure included numThe OPA retail ceilerous Regular Army personnel who . . ing price for Men's gave their home address as The FrUlt of the Loom shorts should be Soc instead of 39c Adjutant General. Washington, al. as advertised on June 7th. though t'hey did not actually live in the nation's capital. Other high deaht rates were noted In Mon-. tana. with 4.53 per cent: North . . Dakota, 4,14 per cent, and Arizona, 4.01 per cent. The lowest death rate was in the case of the Territories. w'hlch Mst only 1.18 per cent of their strength. Among the states. Maryland, with 2.20 per cent, had the lowest rate. Other states with low death ratios were Mississippi, 2.32 per cent: Loulsiana, 2.36 per cent; Alabama.. 2.64 pel' cent, and Florida. 2.63 per, Plus Tax cent. New York State, with the largest population and the largest contribution to the Army's strengt'h, lost AC00S80l'J' 31,115 persons, the greatest numDept. ber of any state. Other high death totals were found In the more '. Speare's populous states: Pennsylvania, 26.First 554; 111.nols, 18,601: California, Floor 17.022; Ohio,' 16,827; and Texas, 15,764. The least populo".1s states generally had the smallest number of deaths: Nevada, 349; Delaware, 579; Wyoming, 662, and Ver~ont. 874. The operation of t'he Selective Service System, which drew proportionately from all walks of life and all sections of the country, was . noticeable throu~hout the report. An evidence of the' democratic. working of the draft was the fact that only three of the smallest of t'he natlon's three thousand counties failed to sutler a casualty. These counties were King, In Texas; Esmeralda, In Nevada.. and Pictured are a large Yellowstone National Park, in Wyoming. The greatest losses among underarm bag with counties were in the most thicklY zipper fastener, and an populated areas: Cook (Chicago) eyelet model with hannllnols, 9,723; Los Angeles, callfdle. ornla.. 8,6U; Kings (Brooklyn) New York, 6,8ft. New York City, which Is made up of the five borough-counties of Bronx, Klnp, New York (Manhattan), Queena and Richmond (Staten uland). Morning, noon or night it makes no differen~ suffered 16,112 death& 9ther city totals were not avallable except In you will love the smart crisp starched look of these sucn cases as Ban Francl8cO (1,. re~ovable cover bags. White eyelet or pique. 186), Philadelphia. (4,.tI), BalUThey're washable I . more