, M . TN·1i :·SWA THNOREAN pp CROSS NEEDS' YOUR HELP .. SWENEY LISTS CO. .~.:::!.:!.f..'::'0 PRESENT SERIES YOUTH PROBLEMS YO..IJ.,. Voi~~~ Color _MagIC AclvaJice ~ =~c:. T~ 1946:RfD; CROSS' ON. ST'APLE' P.EA. 'GE . aJle~ DlWE UNDO.IAY Borough Counclladopted tax rate of 9 % mills baaed on the present real, estate uaeaament of 596,300.' ThiS rElductlon of mlll M~rch, ~ made poSsible by the expecta.. tlon o!j4948:44 from the 8tate ius " .. ' a the loeai 8b&re 'of gasoline tax un. 'der a new, government ruUOg• cOuncil' aPDf)inted Elmer F. ~bFact" 1ClPI'01y. up to the prob- ley sergeant· of' police. : 1em of cbwcb reaponBibillti' for c'hcieen by Bl"1ce Wood' . .of the Swa.rthmo~ Collep.tacul~y tor·!:tAI , appearance at ·the cODling· m~Q~ ot th$ Leacue of Women Yo~'on Wedneaday. ),Jal'Ch 6. at'the ~~t~ ~~en ,Inn. "U l'l P,ogreaa at LODdon'··18 of'far reachl';'''' import-. aneG. .... Reservatlona may' be made W , Too'much pubijclty Ie being sty- ·caJuns· JIn. Davlcl. P. Wladom. ell' both· thello.:caueid! de1lnq'uen BWartlunore; 23'10;.)1'. ~J'~ JA!lCJa .. * ,6.- '1'8lks Study In.'4-e·-.-Re.lln.,ted'! 0:- ' •.. :. e:v, . 'i1oday· . Tbday a larare number of local re.tdems .' b68tD' tllefio' IOllcliatJoda := e:u~:e~:;o:'l~:~~~ iF!; ~~=:~t th~ ~:~~~e, ~za~;b~~=. r.;~:~:; S'ARnvAN, p.t~. wy . ncu~y:...chalDetml~.!fCo·thune!outb·...;.··d··~U!-·. G'~lfl5 o~Jrlarch UI'i . .~. :~ .. t.z..... .... _ . . "udj'e til" , . ' I R.I;J. U S ":-.' ;:::.::: :'="~b"''::.. Tuesd Hill topic was "'Youth and To48.J~:!unreat'" "The people of t~e U*~.,~~ have .8. deep love for chlldren. and want only the best for them.. ~ own w18~·,".he aatd. "'is that every child may be kept out of the hands of the juvenlle courts. The prlnci:. pie which underUes chlld training tSiIlot 'puniSbuulnt but correction. Yet it III 'very ciimcult to carry Ulat principle into the juvenile cou~. The same judge who presides oyer' the juventle court· presides also over, the criminal. courtt ~here t h e underbing principle is th'e punl8h. ment of the offender. The jud~e may feel that by taking OfflllS black robe and walking Into the juvenile court he is changing his P ersonaUty. but such a change 1s "".. .. tAI C·HURCH SOC'IA i .", .... announces a· .. rlea .,' tD.ion.i.ed .p~el"8. ARTHUR BAaIMAN DIES dl d dd I Ar h ' B h t ur ac main et last Friday morn ng a s on Yale avenue. He had been in poor .... ealth for several years. h~u h:~~ 11 Born 62 years ago In Phlladelphia Mr. Bachman 'came to Swarthmore 16 "ears &.go and establillhed 'J his food market here, He was Q. member of the Muonlc Order and of the J'ewtSh Community Cen~r, Phlladelphia. . . Survlvlng besides h18. wife. LillIan, are tWo sohs.Bt&nley. '21 and Alan. 13. ' . Funeral 8ervlces In Philadelphia on Sunday were followed by Interment In Llanerch. - I: r.ll f.: -,1'- '," , .' wem Dn}in.n Dlr¢ ~'tedi east. Earns c . ·x . . , . Pra,Se ft .... ed a novel e.nd moSt. ~n.t.erta1D1ng event, atteJided by a couple hundred· townspeOple. Voted. as "Swarthmoro's Good Nelghbbr" was':i*ra. Frank G. Kee- th" . ) ' , . . . ;. , . John Dolman, Jr., directed, the Players Club prOduction of "Love's Old Sweet Soo...• Set Its audiences guessing and provided competent entertainment in iis flve nlght . ''''-t k S' . h' rl d t r~n..... wee, no~- a~ e ~ and audience reaclied a bUzzardy 'rappo'rt on the openlng night. 'U" tIl'astnl'g hte--" stoo d . In an -.any aoo It . h' co':'t d and over capac youse ...e Should Be Taught.... Miss McKie Is al80 Book Review Editor of the Educational Outlook for 1945.46. ThJil. magaZlne of the University ;'f Pennsylvania School Education. Miss MoKie has taught In Swarthmore for the put four years. prior to which time ,ahe was at the Bald- Pvt. Goodwin, who is servt~g In " win Selioo} in Bryn Mawr. She Is Rome 0.9 a ~lUtarY policeman •. was Mr. and Mrs. George M. E~ng a native of Chapel HIll. North accidentally !lhot in 'the leg by one of Columbia a.venue will enter- Carolina, where she taught In the of his' buddies as they were exam- taln a tew friends. at an 'Informal University of North CaroUna. lning an ltallail ·plstol •. ' 8upper party Sunday evening. summer sessions ibr two years. .- • i . ., " on Tuea4ar;'¥arch 26. ~; ~l~~l't Jr. White.· ~t execuUve 8ecretary, of the AmericaD Friende' Servlce C9mmltte.. opens the aerlee Wednesday. Dr. White returned thlll week from uuo .... Europe.where he ..... ... adml-.-"-red relief alnce bu, In France. China. India, Germany. and England~ He 8peaks from first ha.nd knowledge on the topic "Hunger 'and Peace." Robert Btr&uaz-Hupe. widely known' authority on the dl8trlbuUon of peoples and natural resources and Its InternaUonal consequences,' will discuss "Where Shall we Put the World's People?" on March 18. . "E' . . velUng 0 7wood" Nets Guests '. . gP 20 Award ,The American Legion an4 I~ AuxlUa.t7 are looking forward to a succ.eufnland enjoyahle. evenlDi' on Friday, March 15, when the e.nDUal card Party wlll be held at the WomAn's Club. lt III hoped that thl8 year's party will b~ well supported by eve~ one as the funds· derived there-. ARMY'CHAI'LAIN from w1l1 be used by the AuxUlary , in Its charitable work; for which On ::;unday evening, March 3. It has received national, as wen the Rev. Chal'les V. Hassler. pastor DB local recognition. of the Media Presbyterian Church, . The Legion Post also has proj- will address the Men's. Club of ects to which It contributes and the Swal'thmore Methodist Church the funds made available for this at 8 P. M. work will come from your support Rev. Hassler served asa chap. of this social affair. lain in the U. S. Army with ran.k There wlll be numerous and gen· of captain for more than two years arous prizes u well as the usual In the E. T.O. He re·enUsted.. as refreshments. a reserve officer. Commltt~es have already been . Rev. Hassler has a stirring mesannounced and are strlvlng to sage which you wlU want 'to hear. make tb~s party one of the mo'at A cordial invi~tlon Is ~ven all f I hi-tory of these men In ·the borough to attend. succ~ u In th e... . occasions. ". ·l.~· • . neadq8.· March .1/11, an4 30 and t In H 11 ~'::.~;:"';.::":::' wo' The com' :' :5:z':;''".:'"::'p~~t~::: WEU HANDLED: nen' of Harvard avenue. Burgess Jdlin H. ·Pitiiia.b was acclaimed "Swarthmore's Good. Goo~ Work-' er". The illuSIon of a fablouS 1'8.-' . hard to make. \ dio program was' furthered by Her": "Personwly, I don't think It. IS a . g ood Idea to put either children or bert Howells, Llanerch clergyman. a tlng a '''om Bre'nneman genial adults In jail. Probation aDd parole c s .... are 0. step In the rigat direction. conductor of each day's "Brea.k· fast in HollyWood". We must do everything In our powMrs. Joseph V. Colllns, 88. re· er to keep chUdren out of the celved an or\lhid for being the eldhands of the law." est of the guests Louise ServaJs (Continued on Page 6) . , ' . ,. . . , ,. came' from Mlllei'sVIIle ·to claim .< 'fOlo'yobr c:oDttIl1otlonll':to tJlell'. Recl'tcrW ·Fimtl.' ItDpeUed' by their icobVlctfon- htitJi. gre&t 'Piac9 j tuk laJieaci' Ofi tile llet'I1~. of rUle :t~D:UiDdOuaJ7' laspbrt&l";to,*~ ti81[' cah pta,.. It\ the-, holatnc't1ie h~4 :peace: diet· hbp.· to- ao~ oorripriali" their calls' Wltll ca- mIbtJi\1im 'of'nt&ance' to thtj· peopit.:1n their tbrritoi't miel a. mUimum of yield. They will"appreclate- tt' tile· nth 4ell'tee your.' cooperation' and .; \U ,, • 125· Workers' Star(; Collections w,orltt: . Spring' I' . . - - . . " - , . . . . . ' " . ""- -. - . ~ PERSONALS 4reeses were of .pbik dowers. Jean and J·udy W1acIom, ot Wal- lingford. nieces ot ~e bride, acted flower girls. They wore pale pink. marqulBette troeks and carried small white baskets IDled with pink rose petals. Tiny nosegays of sweetheart rosea and blue lace flowers were attached to the handles of the baskets. They wore poke bannete of pink ma.rqulaetl4/. Heather Wisdom. another niece of the bride, who· acted as ring bearer. also wore 0. tr.ock of pink marquisette. Mr. John F. Daniels, Jr.. of Woodlyn, Pa., served as best man for his brother, and the ushers included Mr. James G. Dornan, ot. Upper Darby: Mr. Russell J. Knorr, Lawndale. and Mr. WilUam 88 Dr. and Mra. Arthur 3. Jones of trom a short viSit with' ber daugh" Dickinson avenue will leave to- ter Mrs. John T. Handy of Crismorrow to vls!t theil' SOD Dr. Bur- field. Md.' Mias Elizabeth Smltll will ton W. Jones, professor ot.math- return March 4 from a three ..week ematics at Cornell University, and skllng trip to canada. Mr. and Mrs. R. Cheater Spencer tamlly. Enroute home. Dr. Jonea and Mr. Robert Spencer of Swarthwill attend a ~eetlng In Pittsmore avenue returned home Tuesburgh, Wednesday, March 6, da.y after a week-end at· Buck H1Jl .Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Taylor ot Kenyon avenue and Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry Linton of Benjamin West avenue spent Washing... ton's Birthday week-end in Atlantic City. Lt. James H. Connor, U.S.N•• Mrs Connor and tllelr small Bon Jimmy of Arllngton, Va.., spent the week-end with Mrs. Connor's parents Dr.. and Mrs. William Earl Kistler of Pa.rk avenue: Mr. and .M.rs. John G. Moxey of R~tgcrs avenu~ entertained at a bu.1'ret supper and bridge at f:heir home Saturday evenIng In honor .ot nr. James Perkins. new\y elected vice-president of Swarthmore College, and Mrs. Perkins. The Maxeys and Dr. Perkins wero classmates at the college. S/SgL Robert Stein who was due home February 21, wroto his parents Dr. and Mrs. Luther Stein or Cornell avenue that he was ill with pneumonia in a hospital in La. Hav.re. France. Sgt. Stein has been overseas since August, '44. Mr. and Mrs. John Pelrsol of Sproul road entertained Mr. and 1,11'8. Weaston of Westerville, Ohio for a few days of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J.. Febrey of Washington, D.C., who are' spending some time at Strath Haven Inn, entertained at a famlly dinner party Thursday evening, February 14. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edwa.rd Rust, 1\11'. and Mrs. Ezra T. Cresson, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs Joseph S. Seal. Mr aod Mrs. Ezra T. Cresson of Amherst avenue entertained at a dinner party Saturday evening. February 16, In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Febrey of Washington, D.C., who are stopping at Strath Haven Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. ,Seal of Cornell avenue entertained at a family dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Febrey, Monda.y evening, Fcbrua..-y 18. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mansfield are .residing with Mrs. Herman Wittmeyer or Vernon Lane, Rose Valley, until they can occupy their apartment in Lansdowne. Mr'. Mansfield who was released tram the Army In December atter serving in the Pacific area, Is continuing hls studies toward a degree in Chemistry at the Philadelphia. College of Pharmacy and Science. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wills Brodhead and family. of Maple avenue Miss :r"otta J. Baird and Lt. Comdr. Thomas F. Baird, U.S.N.R., of Princeton avenue wer~ dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Hail of Huntington Valley Farms. Sunday. Sgt. Norman R. Sharpless, Jr., who had been staUoned at Harlingen, 're'xas, as an investigator since V -J Day, received his discharge at Indiantown Gap February 12. Prior to V-J Day, Sgt. Sharpless had been an instructor at the Buckingham Army Air Field, Ft. MeyJrs, Fla. He has now resumed his studies at Millersville State Teachers College. 1\11'. and Mrs. Fernand van del' Gracht of HaM'ard avenue entertained the latter's parents Dr. nnd Mrs. Robert Gray of ,Philadelphia, at dinner and at the Mn.CJk and Wig Performance, "John Paul Jqnes" In Philadelphia. Thursday evening. John Storck a etudent at Lehigh University, is ~pending a. lO-day mid-semester vacatiQn at his home on Cedar lnne. John entertained two fellow stUdents. John Tall. madge and John Snyder as hili week-end guests. Mrs. Henry L. Smith of Swarthmore avenUe retUrned Monday Falls. • FEIECOUPLE Mr. a.nd Mrs. George Schoblnger. of Swarthmore avenue, wlli ente~~ taln informally at a ~at Sunday' afternoon In honor of their son, Mr. John Schoblnger and his bride, formerly Miss Virginia. Plummer, of Frome, ·Somerset. England, whose marriage took place in England, December '44. Mrs. Schobinger, who arrived in New York from England on Tuesday, had been In the WAAF a.a.'a weather observer since '41. Mr. Schobi,nger. who arrIved home in August, '45, after serving overseas' In the Weather Service of the 9th Air Force tor two and a half years, has been continuing his studies at Penn State. His wife wlll' also become a student at the ~ollege. ENGAGEMENT All'. and Mrs. Neal Thurman ot Cedar lane announce the engage.ment of their daughter. Miss Kay ThUrman to Mr. James Rennie Powell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob .. ert C. Powell of Swarthmore avenue. DANIEl S REDGRAVE The marriage of Miss Dorothy Alice Redgrave, daughter oC Mr. and l\.Irs. ArthUr Richard Owen Redgrave, of Vassar n.venue, to Mr. Henry Scott Daniels, son of Mr. and Mrs. John li'. Daniels. of Rutledge. took place Saturday. February 23. at 4 PM., In Trinity Church. The Rev. George Christian An. derson and the Rev. J. Jarden Guenther performed the ceremony before a. setting of cybotlum. ferns, white snapdragons and lighted candelabra. The bride, given in ma.rriage by her father, wore Q. wedding gown of white talUe tashioned with a tight. flttlng bo·dlce. heart-shaped low neck. long tight sleeves and a. full skirt shirred to the botuce. She wore a· Point d'Appllque veil belonging to her great glandmother. She carried a bouquet of white starlight roses, white sweet peas and white IUaca cdged with a tulle frill and tied with saUn streamers. Miss Alice Jane Douds, of Beaver, Pa., attended as mald of honor. She wore a. rose taffeta dress made with a tight tlttlng bodice. V neckline ending in a. bow, short sleeves and a full skirt wl~h a' deep ruffle and a bow at the side. Her bouquet was or pink roses, tulips carnations and iris. Miss Katherine .Guillium, of AsbuXY Park, N. J., cousin of the bride, and Mrs. ,Frank H. Robbins, of Vassar avenue. as bridesmaids WOre the sn.me style dress' as that worn by the maid of honor in ro:e-e taffeta and carried bouquets of pink spring flowers tied with pale ptnk streaI.1ers. Their head- -. MEDIA .THEATRE Friday & Saturday Paul Henrled Maureen O'Hara _:~U I~!.:_ STEAKs - CHOPS SEAFOOD Oar Speci.lty Completely ~c1iti_ed • • 1 HOTCHNER-McCLURE r "George While Scandals" ~ RUSSEU.'S SERVICE o.u L ..., tile DaraUo~ ..... 'l'our Bol'ular SlnJoe WW D'o H.../ 2 ~ ...:I ~ MATCHIABELLI e CHANEL The Bouquet , U) BEAUTY SALON -o • ;:, Beauty has ita own integrity Portable Radio (complete with batteries) 29.50 Is Your Basement Damp or Wet? DAVE WOOD FOR MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Media 0755 • CaD Mrs. Uoyd E. Kauffman Swarthmore 2080 UNITY ASSEMBLY American Legion Room Bol'OUgb. Ball 10:30 A.~I. Every 'Vednesday ZEjJA M. WALTERS Unity Writer conducts the classes Everyone Welcome • YES we have the new PLYMOUTH we're taking orders! & WAITE Yale & Chester Road Swarthmore 1250 NOW- . It'. Plymouth! * Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, a ~~8,!!::.~ new job-all are occasions for rejoicing Ias well as for reHection and new resolve. Whether or not a list of resolutions is made, the accomplishments of the past can be either a hitching post or a signpost to a brighter future. Careful self-appraisal is often as. revealing as a stock inventory. But no matter what the goal. the ability to reach it depends on health. Your physician stands ready to take your physical ~nventory at any time. Why not seek his advice now? His s~ggestions can be relied upon for a sound health program. . Registered pharmacists are on duty at all times to 6.U. your l>rescrip~ons. Michael's College Phannacy . . . ON THE CORNER Swarthmore otOO PETER E. TOLD. Editor IllARJORIE TOLD• .A.ooocIate EdItor Lorene Mccarter Rosalie Pelnol Anne N.· Cochran Entered sa Second Class Hatter. January 24. 1929.'at the Post Olflce at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act or Marcb 3; 1879. An UDUBual _vice will be Ileld In Trinity ChUrch on ABh Wednesday at 8 p.m., When' the atory of Christ·. lIulfering be told In worda and music. Too stOry will be' read trom Scripture and at appropr1a.te inter ... vaw anthems pertaining to the particular paasago previoUsly read will be Bung. The J)1u.elc lnclud64 "God So Loved the World" (CrucIfixion) by Stainer; "Surely He Hath Borne Our Grief." (Me58lah) by Handel: "Greater' Love Hath No Man" by Ireland; "0 Saviour of the' Wo·rld" by GoBS: 'Come Blesaed Saviour" by Bacll. Master Bruce Godfrey. soprano soloist wUI Sing "How Beautiful nre the Feet or Them That Bring Good Tidings" (Messiah) by Handel. W. Harrison EastWOOd: tenor solOi8t, will sing an aria from "St. Matthews Passion" by BaCh. Lenten hymns to be sung by the con. gregatton will be Interspersed throughout the service. The rector wlll direct the choil;' and DaVid Tu .. dol' will be at the .console. The public Is cordially Invited. will other bustneas of the chureb transacted. The Church School meet8 on Sunday morning at 9:46. Classes are provided for chUdren of all ages and for ad uIts. At the morning service at 11, the Holy Communion will be administered. A briet communion meditation will be given by the minister. The ChUrch Nursery, will be open trom 11 to 12 o'clock to care tor the younger chUdren, and will be in charge of MI"\LHaud SnYder and Mild~ed Bernard. Tl:.~ Preparator')" Membership class meets at 5 o'Clock in the cbapel. Circle Reports The Men's li"o~um wUI meet in the evening at 8 In the chapel. The The February meeting of The speaker will be capt. Charles V. Friendly Circle was held Thursday Hassler. Chaplain In the United last at the home of Mrs. George States Army. Mr. Hassler served Alston of North Choster road, wlt:a overseas tn the European theatre the president Mrs. John H. Pitman tor more. than two years, and, when presiding. The Circle was tbanked discharged, re·enltstod as a. reserve for Its contributlon of $GO for the oatcer. He 'bas a. stirrJng message March of Dimes. Ten dolla.rs was and all men at the community are given for glasses for n boy whose Invited to attend. mother has recently died and $ G The Church Board of Education for rellet. will meet on ,Tuesday evening KnUted articles were shown by at the home of J..tr. and Mrs. Theofae cbairman of the knittIng com.dore L. Purnell, 304 Cornell avenue . The Quarterly Conference will be mlttee. These will be given the held on Wednesday evening. at 7.30 Community Health Society for dlstn the chapel. The District Su])er- tribuUo.n. Plans were made for the meeting Intendent. Dr. Leon T. Moore, will on March 21, when Mrs. OttO.. be present and preside. Presbyterian Church Notes ::~=;~=:::::::~-:--::--==::-:-::::;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MARY DUNHILL. e PRINCE ~ PA. ~;=======================;=======tJ" ': Z THE swARTHMOREAN PUBt.JSHP:U E,,&R£ ~AY AT SW.&BTBil:o~ THE SWARTBHOREAN, INO., PUBJ.J8HER SERVICE TO OPEN LENT I Kraus. Jr., FRIDAY, MARCHI, 1946 YOU IIDfOW TIl, 8 ... C1In lor .....1 ...... TtG.bl., Jl1fn 0AIilt _ B&W YES in Mr. and M.... John P. EspenB~hade of Thayer road are being congratulated on the birth of &.. daughter, Joanne. Febr.u~ry 26. at Lytng-I~-Hospltal, Philadelphia. The grandparents of tbe baby are Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hetzel. Jr." of Thay'er road. .. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON Fluorescent Fixtures "The Spanish Main" Joan Davis fJACK HALEY - BIR11fS < on display! Teclmicolor Mr. and' 'Jl1'& WOUam DJzoll .. SIlay Of Ro... Valley ...... receh1~ congratuJ&tlOII8 on the birth of a son DBmed Dodd eo_llall SIlq Db February 28 In the J"effel1lOD Hospital. PbUadelphia. Tbe new baby 1'1 a IrI1I,DcIaOn of Mr. Bnd 1\(.... HoweD Lewla Sbq of Cornen avenue. and Of Mrs. Harry Coggeshall Dodd of German .. town. The marriage of Miss Marjorie ~ 13 South Cheater Road Holmes McClure, daughter of Mrs. HolIr'!-es McClure, of RJverview ::E Call Swarthmore 0476 road. to Mr. Howard Hotclmer. at New York City. son of Mr. Fred- CHARBERT e SKYLARK e LUCIEN LE LONG e CHEN YU erick Hotchner. Brooklyn. N. Y., and the late Airs. Hotchner, took place Saturday, February 23, at I. 4: 30 P. M.. at the home of the bride's mother in the presence of the tamUles and a. few intimate are now available. Stop in and Select the Style most Suit. frIends. The Rev. Dr. David Braun perable to your needs. Install them yourself or let us do it. • ceremony. forr.ned the The bridc, given in marriage by het· b;oothel', Mr. \Villlnm J. McClure, wore an ivor3 Duchcss satin wedding gown made with a tight lUting bodice, low oval neckHne trimmed with Rose Point lace, long sleeves. and a full skirt gathered to the bodice and ending In a long RADIO and APPLIANCES train. Her long tulle vell fell from a eap of Rose, Point lace and a 17 1/ 2 S. Cheater Rd. panel of, the lnce .extended the length of the ven. She carrIed a H. N. Bernard Phone, 1987 W. H. Wamsley bouquet"' of gardenias and freesia surrounded by tullo and tied with IVQry; sa.i~ ~reamers to which ga.-denl::.;;. were' caught. lira. H. Dalton Wood. ot Middletown. Del.. attended as matron of honor. Her gown was of tur_ quoise blue jersey with a. shirred bodice, lo~ V neck, short sleeves and a rull skirt. She carried a round bouquet ot' violets surrounded by yellow' freesia and Modem water proofing the "Aquella" way acacia. tied with yellow streamers. Her headdress was at' the same . will keep your basement dry. dowers. NOW is the time to have tbia important job Elizabeth Jockers. of Germantown, acted as flower girl. She clone ••• before .pring rains cOme. wore a brown velvet frock and carried an old-fashioned bouqu~t CALL 017 forget-rne-nots, Violets and yellow acacia to match her Boral in Sun., Mon. ~s Richard Cam·pbell.wore of Rutledge. AII'd. Redgrave a gown of gray and a blUe ostrich feather hat. Her corsage was of pink camellias. "Mrs. Daniels cholile a rose crepe gown with a matching hat. Her corsage was of violets.. A receptlo'n tollowed for the two familles and bridal party at the' home of the bride's parents. Ileadd..... Mr. George O'Brien, ot Long uland City, 1. I., served ae beet mal). Mrs. McqIure wore a. blue and silver lame gown and a corsage of purple orchids. A reception followed for those· present. B,u.uday morning a.t the 11 o'clock service the sermon topio will be "Tbe Place of the ImpoBalble." The Churcb Cltlzensblp Class tor aU young people 12 years of age or over who are not alreadY members of the church meets eacb Sunday morning between now and Easter at 8 o'clcck, hl the Churph study. .AU departments of the Church School meet each Sunday morning at t:46 o'clock. The WOlnen's Bible Class meets at 10 o'clock in the church transept. Mr. and MrR. Carl Ryan at the Harva.rd avenue entrance' and Mr. and Mrs. George Harvey at the driveway-transept entrance will assist the minister In greeting the congre~tton after the service Sunday morning. Sunday evening at 6 o'clock tlie Young Adults will meet for supper. The men (under the chatrmanslllp of Steve Mucha) will have charge ot the kltchen and 8upper. A c'ordlal invitation is eXtended to all YOU~g adults to attend this m~etln'g. After supper Miss Alice Cobb of the Pine Mountain Bettlement S~hool. Ky. will give an Illustrated talk on tbe work of the school and life in the Trinity Notea mountain country. There will be a celebration of The mgh ~chool Fellowship Holy Communion on Sunday at 8 will meet at 6 o'clock Sunday u...m. All departments ot the Chu.rch evening for supper followed by School will meet at 9:45. HolY their regular meeting. Communion will again be celebratThe Senior Claas of tho Church ed at the 11 o'cl6ck service. School meeting with D:r. Braun Confirmation Class wUl meet with Sunday evening will discuss the tl:.-e Rector at 6:30 p.m. At 6:30 p. topic "The PrlvUeges of Freedomu m. the Rector's Club wll1 meet In this week. the Parfsh House. \ Instead of the regular scheduled The Choir School will meet on meeting the Social Education and Monday and Wednesday at 4:30 p. Action Committee will meet m." and again on Thuniday at '7: 30 Thursday, March 14, at 8 o'clock p. m. The Nursery School held at 214· at the home of the Chairman, Mni. Elm avenue each Sunday during E. Fay Campbell. 210 Cornell the 11 o'clock service Is becoming avenue.. more popular every week. Many parents are· leaving their children Metbodiat .Chureh Notea there so that th-e1Y can get to The Official Board. will meet on church. Chlldrell from one to seven Friday evening of this week at 7.45 are especially welcome. In the cOOpel. The Annual CongreOn Ash Wednesday Holy C'II"gational meeting will be b.eld at 8 munlon Will.be celebrated at 7:30 o'clock. Reports Witl be r~celved a. m. .The young people ot school trom al\ the organizations of the age will be $'1lests of the Rector' chul'Ch for the present year. Three at breakfast fOllowing the service. trustees, to serve .for a period of At 10 o'clock there wllll;le a service t'bree years, wlll be elected, and of Holy Communion togetiler with the Penitential Office. At 8 p.m. there will be a special service of sacred music at which time the SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN story of Christ's suffering w11l be CHURCH told by Scripture and a.pproprlate Rev Da.vld Brann. Minister 9 :45 A. M.-Churcb School. anthems. 11 :00, A. M.--Morning Worship. Sermon The congregation will join the Topic: '"The Place of the ImpoS$lble... community in observlrig. the World Day of Prayer in the Swart;hmore METHODIST CHURCH Presbyterian Church on Friday at RIll' No Kels(t. D.D.• Minister. SUh~AY 2 p. m. 9 :45 A. M.-Church SellOo1. 11 :00 A. M.-Morning Worship. Holy ComD\union. Christian Seience Church Notea "Christ .Jesus" Is the subject of , TRINITY CHURCH I Rev. Gen ..f'!hrJAUap Ande~n Rector the Lesson-Sermon In all Churches SUNDAY. MARCH 3 of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. 8 :00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 9 :4& A. M. - Church School March 3. The Golden Text is: 11 :00 A. Y.-Holy Communion. "Behold, the days come, saith ASH WEDNESDAY '1 :30 A. J..I.-Holy Communion. the Lord. that I will ralse unto 10 :00 A. M..-Holy . Communion. Peni_ DaVid a. righteou8 Branch, and a tential Office. S:oo P. M.--8acred MUSic. King shall' reign aDd prosper, and shall execute Judgment and jus •. 'I'IIB RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS itee In the- earth. . . • And this is SUNDAY 9 :45 A. !rI.-ElIen Brinton. Curator of his name whereby he shall ,be Jane Adda.ms and Peace Collection In the College called. The Lord Our Rlgbt.eousLibrary, Swarthmore. will DetjO" (J~remlah 2S:6.6). speak on ''Movements or Religious and Social InMr. and MI1lI. William H. King terests as Revealed in Stamp Collections." will soon move to Marinette, Wlsc. 11 :00 A. Jd.-Meeting. Mr. King has been transferred \VEDNESDAY 9 :30 A. M. to 3:30 P. 'M.-Sewlng and from Scott Paper Company, ChcsQuilting in Whittier House. Box lUncheon ter to their plant In Marinette All are cordla1ty invited. where he w1l1 be Chief Consum. FIRST CHURCIl OF CHRIST. mer's Representative In charge of SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE quality control. Mr. King will Park Av,nue Below Harvard leave Saturday. and his wit'e. the SUNDAY 11 :00 A. M.-8unday School. tormer Camilla Fairbanks, and 11:00 A. K.-Bunday Lesson Sermon. young daughter. will follow shot;tly. Wednesday evening meetlng each· Antonlca. Fairbanks Is touring week, 8 p. m. Reading roClm open dally except SUlJdaye and hi olld7ays U to C; this week with the PhIladelphia P .m. Wednesday evan ng to S p.m. ' Churcl\ ildlftoo. Ali-girl Plano Orchestra whiCh Is At( are cordlaUy Invited to attend. giving two concerts in Richmond. WESLEY A. I\(. E. CHURCH Va.. on February %8 and two CODRev. M.. H. .Tones. pastor 'certs In Norfolk, Va. on )(arcb 11:00 A. ),f.-Mol'nlng Worship. thlreJ" • 1:00 P. I\(......IIfrlYe4 at "" )1"",. fI'" .D1qll,DlOn""lIpe '1'.U~. ~ob>11&" I!l'Il ,..-. ,wI_"~~._, _ _ t. for ...k .. a '. _~J' ,I.. = lilH"" .;?ki~~.Hjdlit.u. ~~~------~------~-~~----------------~------~ " . i... dat.,tlDg ~-~..nt-,.~ .~.,....•,' rmlYe4 ~ CO w.a' ·1fm..orabie 4'.;' d ; ; . at ft. llead.. 4&T, .... JI! ~.'~4.. '·iiD..aq. rd.', ...~... 'it. . . . '. . . , " W& at."·~ " .. .,.... 'L't_:r:' •• oc "',., 'le .. ~ .. ,aUOIE..-.m:.. JQiQ4111)Jf . 141rD00n. Botli ii8tnu we... p _ . . . . . ...rftd 'in the u, ... .Thelllrls cJooe4 ..... 81IQ.U,'rl "D .U!~ !>om! COll~ " :.rmt 'lIf· inontll.l, &114 ~ bnr- J,. MT- , ". . Chari.. Du41ey 011.... eon of 1Ir. and II....· Walter C. GU.... of But.ers aYeD~e, who left TbUJ'8day mornmg, February 1.... tor the ~ InduoUon canter at CamP Mead, repo~d Tu8lHla¥•. Febru· ary tor trallilnc at Ft. Bragg. N. C. AI. Paul Emerson Dewey, ot Swarthmore avenue, who en.ll8tea. In the Navy, J'anua.ry 18, reported FehrUary 4 to Camp Perry. Va... . for assI~eDt. Charles Byrd Moore, Bon of Mr. Qnd Mrs. John C. Moore, ot 'Amherst avenue. a former student at Haverford College, is now awalting orders at the Army Induction Center at Indlan~wn Ga.p. """'" . ------:-------1 ·Ylnena Zen8en. -MInerVa' wu ·bot4 aD excelleDt captafn and .. high Bcorer. and will be greatly m _ next year.. Ths.n.ks and apprecIation also go to Mrs. SulUvaD, the coach, ror her Rne cooperatlqn and help. Of the six pmeB played th,ls )'ear, the Varslty girls won Ii and lost 1. to Prospect Park. The J. V. won 4 of Ita 6 gBmeil. NEW CAl'TAIN On Mood"y night. February 26. Uhe 1st and 2nd teams met ei Min- erva Zensen's home to eJect a new Captain (or next year. After ~r­ ious)y dJscusslng the candJdates., Jane Polk W8,8 chosen. It Is ex:peeted that Jane. who is a junior guard will replace Mi·nerva. with .4e2'''47C s:-~ I~ voluctbr.gHts. ItaS_ JUBt Q.S, much capability and ership. , It's HEAT·FLO ROASTED + RED CROSS DRIVE STARTS MARCH lsi Help to . .pport till_ aNa' h . . . . . . . . .rp...... GIv. the MO" "''''11011 c........ ,.... wloo __ the ..... 11."'............ Fancy, F,!!",~!C4I~, T"neler, Youn" Grade A TURKEYS ~r:- 4S~1 =.: Sic Fancy, F...sh·KlRed, Gracie A, FRYING CBICKENS3it:'(=) 31e Ib .BLEsS ROLLED LOllI ROASTY':r, 39c FRESB ALL.PORI SAUSACE rfl,.1 'b 3ge SMALL CANADIAN SMELTS ~ 15e Iuo I Dressed Whiting Mackere' ..-. Plil'" •• 15c Codfish' Fillets I. :i5c .. 25c Jersey 5elect Oysters ... 35~ GREENPE!S ~~~:Z I~. 35 e FIrm Tomatoe. CoI, _ _ ' .. b .... co;... "'2ge "12e S-35c "'Hu.. florida Orang•• - .... :::= a aSe lead~ BRO'l'IIIiiRHOOD . WEEK On Wednesday, February 27, the BlInlor contemporary pro~leni.l1 class taught by Paul Culbertson pre .. sen ted an assembly on, rel1g-ioUB .tol~ra_tlon. The program ~ ,under the dli-~ctlon of cIlalrman B111 Nel·~on·. Two hymns on brotherhood were sung followed by talk by .LIOyd Evere~t ernphaslzlng theneed of brotherhood today. The me.in attractlo~ was a film on tolerance ~I1t1t1ed "The Greater Vic .. tory". *" WAR OHEMISTBY EXPLAINED On Tuesday, February 19, a combined assembly was held at the 'hIgh school, Henry Hofmann Introduced the spe~ker who was :Dr. L. F. Livingston of the Du Pont Company. The topic tor the assembly was "Knowledge Spells Success." Dr. Livingston stressed the Importance of getting knowledge 80 the pupils in turn could teach others. He showed the ne~ articles that the Du Pont Company has developed during the war. He exp\ltlne:\i their :uses a.nd 1mpnrtanc~, _aDd. demonstrated them. One of thd most important things that was brQughi out during the lecture was geitlng knowledge and helping oibers to cet it and use it. \loa Dole .ancy H_allan . PINEAPPLE 0..... .r::~2z~e . Dol. PIa. . . .I. Crush'; N~1'.o a6e Dole .......1• .JuI.. N.:;.2 S4G n ...... GI'.pefruit .Juice ~~ ~ _70 Id... OI'.... .JuIce ~2 S'fc I ~• •" , ........... G..... B' CuI _No.2_ _ ••I,Strl~u~, . . _ . ••W;lud SIll• • •1Id Betits 't;- :laBatteI' 1t......1 Col'll ~~~~ N,:;,2 S40 Lu-.wI Salted P...ats ~ S9C MIlk Luau "Icults ~: SCI : 5 f ... S4c -"'7. -amT' M'IX Peache., Komblned .... nd Pean, 0 ....,.. NOca • 2.~ ....... .: ~~----~~~,~~------~ Today's 8est 8readVa'ue IISaJ Self Rising ENRICHED SUPREME BREAD, PANCAKE Z,=::sIge FLO'!!7e. , pk. 'Inner, .I.ar flcrvor, Toasts _Her an. Sta,.. fre,h lon•• r Aunt Jemima's"=' Fancy Calif. Ivap. "0,::; 12c PEACBES .. 350 Hoblsco ........ - ••...... l1e Evap. Milk ......··3 ...·-2~ can. tall ; 7.'.... .... ... Dill PIckle. ...... Pie Crust .. ... 25c 12e J.llo tlll ...' "•• 4.., '"~ 6c Kellogg's Pep ........ 9c Phillips T ..... _ . 3 ............ 23' g.o&l ~RIII Oats ........ 23c Lima 'eons - ..,.. 2~' Ok. 26c _.bi.. 26e Pure (P.cked) Peach .S.II I_ ~~~"Jo Currant ••••! Fruit O...d. A Prune_ :.~o-:: 2 -29c g.o&l"'RI..:::...... ,~ Van Camp'. =~:. 1':2Oc Gold Medal-" ..... ,le 1 I Nablsco-Nabisco .... .. ..... -~ ~17c 1Blue Moon - - - I 6 c Borden's Spreads =21c 18c ... GREEN GIANT PElS 2~ 3S· SENIOIUI PLAN PROQR4JI[ A meeting of the Senior Class was held T-ues'clay morning, FebruiQry' 26. to approve and ratify the program .for, uBerkei;ey 8quare". the ""nlor ~ay of thlo year. Dr. Irwin presided at the meet;lng and Pat Kline read the program. DANCE A SUOOESS y,..r.. the team pva. .ot & aoteworthy GAS and OIL a,.c... HEAT co.wit ot himself. "ClInt'" G08~n, lanky center ot the victors, loo~ed eapeel&lJy Impressive In tbe wtn. as be took only ten 8bote in order to attain 1~ tor the game. Barr. was second high scorer mth 14 pointe. Although 'Andy Kirk bad only tour ,poIDte, his many fine passes. which lead to an ero.sy shot tor some other member ot the team. distinguished him. "Spud" Murrey. aJ:;ld CUff. "Legs'" STRONG FlNISH 'l1he S,arthmore HIgh Scbool passers 1inlahed up their olr and 'on court season b-tro.ngly Jaat. week. ~ AIR CONDITIONING' ORDERS NOW BSNG: TAKEN FOB f:i>BJW DELlVERY aDd INSTALI.4TION AMERlOA'S IIEADING BRANDS PHILCO MOTHERS HOLD TEA EMlERSON ZENITH Moat sparked tbe losing aggregate with 23 points between t,hem. Mrs. Lee C. Bennett of Haverford avenue served, as hoste88 to ,a group ot Seventh Grade Mot~ers at a George Washington Tea, Thursday, February 21. Mrs. Fred Almgren Is c"bairman of tl::.-e Mothers Group. Mrs. Robert Hilkert. program cho.irman, introduced Mrs. Peter E. Told who reviewed HGod Ble88 OU.r Aunts'" by Rachel' Greenawo:1t Melsenhelder. "Laughter On The Hill'" 'by Margaret Anne Parton,' both Swarthmore Conege grad1}atea; "Stuart LltUe"' by E. B. White a.nd • Friendly Persuasion" . by Jessamyn. -Tea was served bfy Mrs. Ralph Nixdorf, hospitality chairman asslated 'by MI"8~ John Schumaciler, Mrs. Frank McGowan, and Mrs. George EarnB'haw. The patriotic theme was carrled .out In the table decoratlonB and refreshments. • ADMIRAL The Garnet JV"s were defeated E .In both of their contests. while the 'ST.EWART.WlA~N R MedIa ~rve$ easUy dOWD'Cd FADA tbem 31-21. FARNSWORTH • FOB SAFF1J.'Y . The safety patrol ubder tbe guidanoe of Mr. Bell Is making a survf8Y ot safety hazards In and out of the school building. They will make recommendaUoDB· for Improvements. CAPEHART MOTOROLA BEND.IX MONITOR NORGE TEAMS OOMBINE James Lauder. new Basketball coach at Swarthmore ~Igh. bas combined tbe Varsity and the Junior Varel.".. so as to have the Junior Varsity get the experience of working with ·the older boys. Mr. Lauder has announced that two new boys 'have joined the team: George Storck and Casper Bierman. George played In the game against Eddystone and scored two pOints. QUALITY GIBSON CHAMBERS DEEP FRE.EZE HERMAN T. WITfMEYER JlANITROL GASH EAT The Swarthmorean re~ets that during the Christmas holidays. the death of a for~er reSident, Herman F. Wittmeyer, missed publication. Mr. Wittmeyer, an instructor In public speaking a.nd literature at the Philadelphia Colleg& of Pl:ed by condltlWls In the home over wbich he bas no control-these are our problems: And we have no facilities worthy of the name to take care of SUCJ1 youngSters who really need help." '"The unrest of the world is ON STAn:: COMMITTEE brought into homes. and manifestMrs. WhUam Jaquette, ot Elm tng itself as unrest there,-it shoWs avenue, haa been appointed to & In the child who Isn't airong speCial citizens committee to study enouga to withstand the pressure,"' child care for the Joint state ~ov­ he aa1d.' ernmen! CommtBBlon of the GenThe first step In a posJUve proeral .As8embly of Pennsylvanla. gram, the speaker declared, 18 to get state ald in estabUshlng cUnlcs - The special comm1ttee, composed 28 me~bers, wiU make a. study both tor- diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional dUftcul. ot child care' problems for the ties. Diagnosis alone fa Dot enough. purpose of enacting legislature for A few schools have In the Past Bet the next session ot the General up their own clinics, but USUally Assembly. wlJl Ji-" of Ci!bi' the s-::hool districts which could afford such e. program were not the districts where the most need of them was felt. ' Another problem arises tram barriers to adm.1ssion to certain instltutlonB. I f a. chUd of low mentaUty Is brought up tor treatment ot tha.t condition, then he can be sentf to Pennhurst and tatten ca:re' Cams delive1'B ' INER RESHER LOWERS OR ANY EVENT Ci~~S IIOrchids .Alwautl' KAPPA HOSTESS Mrs. nobert C. Brooke. North Swarthmore avenue. hostess to the Kappa G~mma sewJng group at an meeting on Tuesda,. next• of there. It however he happens to live In a dleJrlct where.th·etor tho same ,kind of beha.v.lour pOUce have brought him Into juvenile c'ourt: then he cannot be sent to Pennhuret. When unfortunate children are brought before a judge there fa otASHI'ON ASSISTS STOTf ten no suitable place to sen4- -them. Judge Sweney cUed thQ case of At a dinner meeting in Phlladel- high-grade moron. not a criminal pbla Ha~.oJd C". Stott, e),der 9ftbe ~ut dlme"!t to m ........" at. homo. Bwarth\nore Preabyterl.... Ch\U"Ch. for whoin tbere was..no.place aiwBttand cDlrman of the'. Ls.7JD~·8 able' Noellt an Jndustrlal schOOl, Committee of the P-Illl&delphia Blnce he was too old tor the state Presbytery to.ralse U.510.936 of InstitUtion at Allentown. a na.tional $2,700,000 Restoration "Those things make you atay Fund. named Leonard C. Ashton of aWake nights,'" he siLld. ''We're not Elm avenue on hla committee 9f all born with the same heredity. nine. The committee will assist In We're not aU born :l.!1to the same organizing and counseling -local enVironment, nOr with the same church campaigns throughout thla physical. eJro"gtb. Equality Is a area. In the drive which tB to' aid dream, but a splendhi dream on Protestant Cburches In war dewhich Our country Is based. But an vasted regions of the' entire world. industrlai sc11.oo1 was no place tor a boy like that... Committee to Meet \ ' Problem you.ngsters should be Mrs. Robert L. Coates of Harvard kept In their Own homes. Judge avenue will be hostess to the Pro- Sweney said, and it the home I~ gram Committee ot the Woman's not gOOd enough, our first ett"oit Club at a luncheon-meeting Thurs- should be t9 strengthen it. A daly, March 7 at 11 a.m. county-wide Family Service would be of great help. Falling in this" the next step Is to put chUdren In TO CHAPERON foster homes where they may be Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Medford. Mr. given the best of opportunlUes. Tae and Mrs. H. K. Steinfeld, and Mrs. more recreation you plan for these R. K. Denwortt:-, will chaperon the youngsters, too the less delinquency Eigth Grade Dancing Class ot the there will be. He spoke of the good Swarthmo!;,e Junior Assemblies work of various Boys Clubs,' Y.M.• which wUl meet in the Woman's ~.A.s and kIndred oraanlsaUo.ns. Club tomorrpw evening. The meeting was opened by Mrs. Frank Morey. who announced also Measles Drop the coming election ot neW' members of the Board of Directors of Since last week, the numb~ of the Woman's Club. They 1II!I1I be new cases of Measles has shown Directors of Drama, Education. a decline. Newcomers to quaran- Health and Welfare. and Propertine . are Judith Lincoln, Gall ties. Lincoln, Todd Mox~y, Holly TUrA group, of twelve juniors trom ner, and Terry Allen. There ha.ve tne high school chorus sang madrl. been no new report{l of Scarlet ga1s under the direction ot Miss Raver. AUce Blodgett. They were Brinton Meet For Prayer The World laDe eJitertibie.s In.. return match with the Mu. Jean lIurphy of P'oreort Bill.. Llaneroh RIlle Club. ThUreday. N. Y., sa theIr aueat OD We""" .._ Febrll&r7 21.· the TIaItore a.venged ton'. Birthday. their earlier defeat by beating the Swarthmore Club on their own range by tbe Bcore ot 1881 to 1810 . AlthoU,Jfh the local club baa on oc. Caa!OD made a better showing in competiUon. It baa never attained as hlSh a total as that of the Llanerch rlftemen. The high score of the evening Wall made by Roy Oster, of Llanerch, who' m9.de & total of 282 out of a possible 800, even afte; deducting a telescopic sight penaUy of three points. ThJs score was made POssible by an exceptlonaUy good target fired In the standIng pOSition. totaling 93 out of 100 In this most dllllcult position. The achievement Is especially noteworthy since Roy Is but 14 years old~ and has been shooting comp~tJtlveIy for only two years. of 410 will be Kappa all-day Day of Prayer SPOD- sored by the United Council of Chut'ch Women will be observed Friday, March 8. at 2 p.m. a,t the Swa.rthmore Presbyterian Church. The community Is cordially invltec1. BaIt. Pike, SprinPielcl, P.. PboDe Sw.. 04S0 SWARTHMORE ANTIQUES FAIR 0' a: STORM WINDOWS YOUNGSTOWN STEEL • .--< -- KITCHENS T/5 Rodger H. Kauffman •. 80n ·On Thursday I)ight, Fel?ruary 21, the Gal'net sPO~80red. a basketball or Mr. and Mrs. LloYd E. Kaulr· dance after the game against Rid. man of Dartmouth' avenue who ley Park. Weston Clarke's band arrived In this country from Engfurnished the music. VocaUsts were not lacking_ eit>her. Betty Hartma.n Mng "Gotta. be this Or That'" and the girls' quartet also presented a number. Both Bongs were a. great success despite a faulty microphone system. BLACKFRIARS ELEOr At a recent meeting of Blaclc_ frIars, officers were elected and new members admitted. Alice Hay was elected President. Jean MeGlnthcry vicC!!-president, Bet t y Hartman secretary, and Helen Hoot treasuher. Plans tor a. stage crew- are being made by Mr. Sauter. Jack Harant and Bob Hulme are temporarily the heads of it. At the next meeting the group will diacuss the coming party and plcntc. BIackfrlars membership' includes: C: Aro.hbold, A. Baughn, E. Bryant, H. Champion, J.,Foster, J. GavetU, A. Hay, B. Hulme. M. Karns, P. Kline, M Marshall,·' J. .Me Glatbery, N. Taylor. L. Archbold. V. Bagshaw, K. Bogardus, L Booth, B. Bromley, W. Clarke, H. Disque, B. Earnshaw, J. Faulkner, G. Foster. B. Hartman, C. Heinze, H. Hoot, A.. Hornaday, B. l1uey, B. Moore, L. MIgatt, J. Streeter, B. Thorbahn, G. Warr(!n, P. Weiland, . C: Andes, B. Fawcett, W. Flsber, J. Harant, G. Hay, B. Buey. C. Keenan. ;r. Penfield. E. Pritchard. D. Reeves, P. Smith, and Henry Hofmann. advisor. i,. APPLIANCES In their last conteeJ,· 110'lO(e"er.· the Garnet gave a good IICCOlInt of themselves, as evei7 ·lIiember • ,,~~~.~,~, IiukeJball oeaoon.ou·JruIlMln". ,Feb· ~JI~.~ld .. "~' . .~7- th·;J!Mt.1lIllOIl~· " e d o " _ l'Jq, ~e:"th In· ruU7 U. by .defeatiDgUpper .Dar. ~a:e4.o".r IlaIt the te&m\tl _ . fallto' D.IT1a1on .t'lr·1I _ntb.a. by .ID botb tbe Varaltv 8IId iI. V. with 111 ~ ....~ra. ~ wtn. BI!88 '~"""""'. ..~·~ ",~~,.,.{.,• -----"'-'-'-------...:..-.~.'!" pm... The ...Iymember of eltber S. H. s. .. .50.0 av......e for the, ","~. { ..~·~..,!..{ ..{·{·t·{·{·{··!··~ team graduating. Is tbe captain. lea.gue oompeUUOn. ·fde-···.. ~ ...........,........ • , Woman~8 Club Swarthmore, Pa. Monday, March 18 • •• 1 P.M. to 10P.M. Tuesday, March 19 • • • 10 A.M. to 10P.M. Wednesday, March 20 • 10 A.M. to 10P.M. Authentic Items on Sale. Snack Bar in the Lounge ~~i;iii~iiiii~ii~~ii~~ii~~ii~~ii~~ii~~ii~~ii~~~~~;:;~ii~~~ii~~~ ~_""~$I:!I;""""""~"~"""""~_~"'I!'''~ ;BABLAN' R. J.ssuP a' Co. "Diagona"y Oppwite tire Court Houle" FRONT AND ORANGE· STREETS MEDIA, PA. Media PhOill' 1129 110 A......., N.. &ISER n..Sm ....IN,. ..AI ....... AZ • • • • ODUC' FRJIZEll, •• AHA ••• AI• • • • oe.cow MO'l'OR CARS Buil, a' Willow Run If you are in the' market for a new car; you owe it to yourself to get the faet~ about the 1947 KAISER and FRAZER automobiles-the motor ears of the future Watch for Announcement of Showing of These Cars -.. The most unusual piece of equipment ever offered for soil preparation. It • plows, harrows, drags, all ill one opera. tion and does the job better thall has ever been done before. See US about it. , THE DEW DROP INN Extended Sunday Hours 12 Noon until 3.00 P. M~ Special Dinner. $1.00'· mUc.D - , \ ' " AUTOMOBiLE REPAIRS AND SERVICE .. , our shop has been reequipped with n'ew and modem machinery to better serve you. Depend us for the kind of service and repairs that will keep your car rolling. For Swarthmore Telephone Subscribersl Use oar Swarthmore Ngmher Entetpoiu 10246 Oil • I Jean GeIll1D&';· a _dent at ":I:IC~!i:!i:!i=!i:I~i~i~H:1!liSSliiSlliiSlliiSl"~il~ili~Ii~Ii~1i HONORED CorneB 11D11'enl~, !.....Ived home SwaIn '"" '448 on WellnOllla;y 10 ""end a 10 II&l' WIlLIAM BROOKS 1IIrs. Edward III. Baseott of North _Uon wttb ber parente,· IIIr. HubbUb Removed Chester road entertaln84 at tea and III... W. H. Gehring of UntMo_ GeoenI HauJIDg Ilaturll&l'. February 11 In honor of vere\ty place. MnI. SeW.1l W. Hodg., ....t1r1ng Monoo. Fa. chairman of the Swarthmore Branch. American Rod Crose. Gueele were the board of 4Il'ROGER RUSSElL FOR SAlE octore and ol!:l..rs of tho local ..a- ... u....a .. CLASSIFIElJ J een ou've Maker of FiDe Pholop'eplq Pam State Soalllo Aft, .ad Slate S&l ,1) lIIed1a 1I178 III""'", Fa. noon. e FOR SALE-Kitchen table; smoklng Btand;Catl small occasional board. Swa. 193a-M table: before sleeve noon. ":;;::;;::~::~;;::::::::~=; .. FOR SALE-Tuxedo, size 36, In good cond1t1on, ~R ,ao. ' Call Swa. 28U-W. _SALE-FIne Hepplewbite side- 0617 after 6 :30 P. J4. FOR SALE-!dan's full dress suit, size 88. Call at Jake the Tailor. S. ve . 'I'Ilone 0beeIer Stat.:iolls7 Boo_K""'k Supp1lell , GreeUng CJard9-11obb;r craft: SALE-Victrola, table model; table model radIo; Walnut, marbletop table. Reply to Box A. The SIMMONDS 714 Welsh S _ . Swarthmor~an. FOR desk, $25;size wardrobeSALE-Roll_top trUnk. $10; whlt-e coat, 20, PO; pair pre-war Treadeasy blac" oxfords, size 7% AA, $8 i" wardrotie suitcase, $5. Call Swa. 19M-R. • , , • , • Swa.. 011t-J BeaI Estate Notaq PnbHo-lnsurance Call Bwartbmore 2t19-J". Re_ ~ frame, In brown leather case. near Trtnlty Church. }....eb. 3. Roward. Call . PIANO TUNING Madil:lon 2804. LOST-Bunch of keys on koy ''The Lost Chord Is the 0 selection thai can be plaJ'ed 00 the out-ot-tune plano"- ring to over week-end. Return Swarthmorean office. \ He still needs you. As he idles away the long, lonesome hospital days and nights, he dreams of home and the future ••• of Mom and Dad ••• his wife and child. Your Red Cross cannot--must not leave him now. The Phone A. L. PARKER tor the remedy j\lcdln 0469·]11 FOR RENT --, Fon .- RENT-One warm sunny room. near trahSPC?rtaUon. Tel. SWa. 2806..1. ~ELECTRICAL WORK all kind New or Old PERSONAL PERSONAlt-Registered Spencer Cor. seUere. Mrs. Elsie :M;cWilUams. Tel. Swa.. 4.683-,v tor appointment. Put yourself in his place. Then' decide how much you will give to the Red Cross. Let your dollars follow your heart! MORTON REFRIGERATION Phone Swarthmore 0992 PERSONAL-We buy furniture, household goods, any article In good condition. Fhone Chester 2..6231. PERSONAL-Immediate service and repair on all types ot: automatic washers (Bendix Included). Ironers. vacuum cleaners. electric ranges, irons and lamps. Also wiring, repairs, serv_ tee. Double outlets (rom up. Install chImea and bell buzzer 8yBtElms. All work jn compllance with Fire Underwriter's requirements. Call Erich Hausen. Swa. 3017. HARRY'W. LANG ,4 Rugs and Carpets Swarthmore 0764 Ridley Park 3238 PERSoNAL-Electrin heaten, Irons. RED CROSS NEWS NOTES LOST-PaIr of boy'lI spectacles ... plaBUc I YOUR ._ and vacuum eleaners repaired. Called for and deUvered. ~l Robert Brooks Swarthmore 1548. MUST CARRY ON \\T:\NTED-16 m.m. Projector filmS. Reply to B.3x W, The Swarthmorea.n. SWARTHMORE'S QUOTA Want to Buy Pictures F"1t'e Boucla Ior work for Spring. WANTBD-Housekeeper. mtddle..aged, complete charge Q( motherless .home. Tel. Mr. Hetherington. Swa. 03'l'l-W after 8 P. M. Van Hom & WANTED-Two teachErs, responsible, pleasant. want small house or two three room. kItchen, bath. apart_ ment unfurnished. Near transporta.tion. 'permanent. Excellent references. TeL Weekdays, Hit. 4&86. Sundays, 1..0'eust 6189. ~ , T~ WALTER V. LINTON • WANTED-Used rugs and carpets ot all kinds. Highest prices paid. Tel. Swa. 1535. • • W AN'!'ED-Engineer wants large bed.. room In a. nne home that hJ music- Plan now the home y~u want aUy alive with good plano music. Box . Desirable lots available 87. Swarthmore. WANTED-Woman drivIng to Florida around March 15th desires one. two. or three passengers. Reply ~o Box D, The Swnrthmorean. Charles E. Fischer WANTED-To rent or to store. small piano with good tone. Reply to Box V, The Swarthmorean. • THIS. SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY WANTED-Two m~tehlng suitcases; wardrobe trunk in good condition. Tel. s.wa. 20fi7-M. BUCHNER'S JOSEPH'S DEW DROP INN H. B. GREEN RUSSELL'S SERVICE FRANK'S BARBER SHOP W. MARK BITILE THE BOUQUET E.L.NOYES PETER E. TOLD SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. B. J. HOY 5~ 10 THE INGELNEUK ADOLPH'S MARTEL BROS. HARRIS AND SWAR1l:IMORE co-op HARVARD TEA ROOM ALICE BARBER GIFrS HANNUM & WAITE . MIaIAEL'S COLLEGE Co. J>HARMACY • Phone Swarthmore 2253 to Box N. EsperiIy Done_ 0ALlJ DAVE WOOD Media 0755. Commercial and DomesticPrompt Service-Refrigerators, Washers, Vacuum Cleaners, Radios • 11 Morton Avenue Morton, Pa. Mwe DaJ'~-_1 ., lIfcbt P'Hm e • • ••• 7' 'Ie .18 • ~4 Margy MacMllIa.n arrived home Tuesday. from Elmira College 1 to spend the sp.ring vacation unUI March 7 with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. MaCMillan of Vassar avenue. Lt Walter J . Scott of North Chester .road, on terminal leave from Signal Intelligence Service. wUl lcave shortly for Australia to be with his wife, the former Miss Lorna Metthefm of Brisbane. Australia, until she will be able to secure passage to the States. Mr. and Mrs. Ear1e P. Yerkes Porlnceton avenue will leave March 1 for Atlantic City where Mrs, Yerkes will stay 10 days and be joined on the week-ends 1':0.' :.\Ir, Yerke!!!. Richard N. Bell js a candidate Concordville, Pa. for the d('"gree of nachelor of Elec- Landscape Planting trical Engineering at Cornell Uni\'eratty's commencement on Sunday. Belt who has been a student in the Naval T"raintng School at Cor- Get us to CODllllete your home grounds W, I TO GRADUATE renoy~te nell will also -be commissioned an Ensi6J1 in the U. S. Naval Reserve. During his college career he played Varsity" toot~l1 and belonged to tho Football Club. He was also a student member of the American In"'stttnte ot Electrical ,EngIneers. old plantings L. BEN PALMER ROBERT BROOKS _11148 ,.:u~ Ughta RlcharntNorrls WII118DU1, 2Dd Orchard Way; Wayne. Pa. . ur to his attorney Executor Clarence· G. Myers, of Duane, Morria &. Heckscher IG17 Land TlUe Building Philadelphia 10, Pa. 'NonCE A meeting or the members of the SwarUtmore Colored Republican au will be held on Fri~8.y.-' .Aprll 12, ~ at 8 P. M., EST. at No.. 236 Bowdo1D Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. the realdence of James Roblneoli. Secretary.,to vote "upon a. propoeal that the Trustees sell and convey to WlllJam B. Polk, tor the '" conSideration of $3£0, a lot I~ ground - In the Borough of Swarthmore. Del. Co., Pa., beglnnlng at a PoInt on the east aide ot Brighton Avenue 50.41 feet southwardly trom the· sOutheaet corner of BrIghton AT&-nue and BOWdoin Avenue, being &0.47 (eet on Brighton Avenue b¥ 168.H teet by 60 feet by 16L66 feet, pursuant to ' deed recorded at Media in Deed BOok No. 681 page ,74. Butler, Beatty. Greer &; .Johnson MedIa, Pa. ESTATE OF JOSEPHINE TAI.oLEY. deceased, late of Conco;od TownaJdp. Penna. Letters Testamentary In tho above estate having been granted to the undersigned. all persons ludebted to aaid estate are requested to make pay_ ment, and those haVing claims to pre-sent Bame to Howaril w. 'raUsy Elizabeth Courtney or to their attorney MorrIs H. FusseU 12 South Avenue MedIa. Pa. Executors 6T-2-1 BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE mer Miss Anne Bonine. has been Approved this 25th day Uving with her mother. Mrs. J. of Fe.bruary, A.D. 1946 John H.' Pltnaal1 Harvey Bonine ,ot Lafayette aveBurgess nue since Eru:dgn Brower has been overseas. Ensign Brower hopes to be .released trom the NavY. and home shortly a.fter March 1. at STYER'S NURSERIES Appliance Service ---~ Badi08 Vacaam Cleaners J1IedrIcal AppUance ~ Mrs. Clara V. Fries and The PAINTING IndiVidually Designed Cor· set nnd ' Brnssicrcs MORTON REFRIGERATION WANTED-Middle-aged white woman, good cook, desires position as housekeeper for Bmall adult famlly. Good references. Reply SW8rthmorean. SPENCER , 677 South Avenue Secane. Pa. TeleDhone Swar. "2348 .. tl Builder WANTED-Westinghouse engineer desires odd jobs. such as car Rlmoniz_ Ing; lawn raking, etc., In swarthmore for' the duration of the strike .. Tel. . Swa. 2979-W• ESTATE OF LYDIA BIDDLE: WILLIAMS, deceased.. Letters T8I!Itaruentary on the above esta~e hl1ve been granted to the undID'.. lgned, who request all persons hav_ -:Jaime or df:lruands against the eetate .)i tho deCedent to make' known tbe .lame, alld aU .per80ns Indebted to tbe tJece the resultant or· ganizatlon ot a Sw~rthmore Postwar Service Committee. Burgess John H. Pltl!lan cbairmans, the new group with Robert Honeyford vice·chairman. Other officers will be named at, the next meeting which 1s sCheduled for the first Tuesday evening In Aprll at Boroug-h Hall.. Among the activities to be conducted by the committee on behalf of community residents aUllln mtUtal')' service will be tl:-e continuance of mal1lng them The Swart'hmorean for a. limited tim.. Realizing what t~e home ~,aper ~ meant to men and "WomQD . serving .wa~ from home It is felt those who are sUll Dot free to return would great1\' ml88 re,?~lving, IL as RED CROSS RALLY SETS OFF DRIVE Women Hear DoctorH ' ,." . ' $3.00 PER YEAR . Rhoads,. Meryweather Cite Valued Services Colonel Brewester Rhoads. 1946 Red CrOBB Fund. Chairman, challenged a Sizeable group of local solicitors to esUmate the toughness of the camgaign now underway and U\ckle it with steel of purpose and wIth a sense of d.e~lcatlon. "With ~he Ur~I;lCY o( war gone, the Red CrosB must prove Its true The Womaus' AuxilIary to the Delaware Comity Medical 80clt let" pf which Mrs. WIlliam B. Sickel of Btratb Haven avenue Is Public Relations Chairman Is holding Its annual Open Health meeting on Thu1'8day, March 14, at .2 p.m. In the Woman's Club. Dr. Lawrence D. Carey, Phy· slclan to the Pennsylvani.., HOB-· pltal. Philadelphia. and' asso'clate In Medlcilie, J"effersot\ Medical Col • lege, will apeak on "S.ome ~hougbts on Popular New Drugs". The lecture will be Ulustrated by lantern slides. Dr. John V. Blady, ",?lce- p.realdent of the Pennaylv&l)ia Division ot the American, Cancer Society and Director of the TUmol' Clinic at Temple University Hospital will speak on "Cancer". This talk will also be illustra.ted by lantern sUdes. Everyone Is .cordlally Invited to o.\tend and stay for tea. peacetime .relation to the communl~y. Last year there was. a selttsll compunction to ~ve to the Red CroBB War Fund because everyone had someone Involved In the confUct. In a state ot technical peace, th.ere i.s apathy and Indifference. 1946 solicitors will be asked· 'Why Red Cross this year?' "The men at Valle" Forge o~ Educati()n'~ England General Hospital can answer that questioni 80 can men sUII stationed In tho Po.clflc or John W. Nason, President ot In the occupation forces. U ever the College, Is to be the speaker at there is a. time wh.n 'morale I. 'F~l1~lts the Ma.rch 12th' meeting ot the low It Ia when the fighting urgenc" Swarthmo.re ·Horne and School As- is gone. As long as there is onf:' "Problem Mothers-' will be the sociatlon. according to an an· youngster overseas the Red CrO,B8 subject ot a discussion at the nouncement by Dr. J. Roland will go on. And to the n::t~n· com- Swarthmore Mothers Club meeting Pennock, vice president and ·pro- ing back the Re~ Cross o\.Ves th.~ on Thursday, March 14, at 8 p.m. gram chairman. The meeting on duty of. aid in civilian a!;lJustment." In the. Womans Club. Various Tuesday wilt be the tirat since the Steen MeryweatheJ;", very recent- phases ot~ the problems of motherhlgh.ly successf1:11 ~ola1falb1p\ Iy.returned from. service ~n Europe. hood ha.ve been prepared tor. con. card party WaR held by th:e organi.. begged his tellow townslII:en ~o slderatlon fly a committee Organ. zaUon. . ~ give generously to. the I(.e.d ~r(JB8.. Ized by Mt'B. Winthrop R. Wright Dr. Nason will talk on. uTrend81 • ~:At the..~~b~~l.c~~.i.on ~en~f;n~8 _t~e1."e" . Ub; -Mrs. Rumte ll C •..JenkiDB d,t In Higher . ·Elducatlon""-·a~· ((l'pICi lsnbtlilng'btit"t1itf'Be4'CrooI!< .Th,..- ~:;'al,:;uan. . ... '. . ..• ; whlcb h~ baffled 80 many non· are no leaves, the men are on e.dge Mrs.· John M. Moore wiU speak educatol'8 du~.ng the war and the waiting. The battle o.f bulle1:B was on the PsYcholOgical weaning of ~n"I~lon period, Swarthmore Col- tough but tBe battle of bOl"edom Is mother8 ·trom their children. Mrs. lege h9,JJ been only one of many tougher." Robert F. Engle'! topic will '~be with its accelerated and V -12 He praised the Red CroBB Invest!- "The Martyr Mother and Career courses. and, Dr. Nason will asseM gatlons which bave eased depend- Mother," while Mrs. ArthUr MOiltheit' Influence· on present and eney dlsc~arges,. the entertaln- crlp I will discuss the emotionally future. college curricula. Last ment it provides In tbe occupation unstable ~other. The audience will yeaw: Swa~more ~d.op\ed revIBe~ forces, where uUfe Is really. lonely have an opportunity to air their cqu1'8es, as did many other pro.. and discouraging and the Red CrosB own views on the various· Bubjects greB8lve schools. Are th.e&e here to the next thing to home," and Red during the discussion period. Ve~:r.u" ~ta¥? D.o they meet the nec.ds of CroBS aid to exscrvicemen "who The annual Mothers Club our future citizens better tban our still have problema and troubles." Theater Benefit performance .:tor former reqUirements. Where wnt He 'concluded with the plea that 1946 will be the Players Club pro. thiB modlflca.tlon and adjustment tlte Red Cross is one .of the best duction on March 19 of Noel The Swarthmore American lAt- lead us? What Is the direction of ways to show the power of Amer1~ Coward's "Blithe Spirit" with can friendship abroad."Oo be D~ Malcolm Hodge' directing. glOI\ Post and Auxiliary are work- higher educaUon today? Parents and teacJ;lera will" meet generous." . Coward's spirited comedy has atlng to make the evening of Frl'; at 7.30 p.m. for the usual social Walter A. Schmidt chairman of tained popular success on . the day. Marc~ 16, an enjOj'ltble cQmprecede the the local drive praised the work of stage and as a motion picture. munlty atralr. On that night they period which will meetl.ng. Colfee and refreshments .the local 'chapter which had consponsor their annual benefit card. wlll b.e. servc.~· by' the 5th. Grade . trlbuted 26.000 bours ot work. the party. I mothers of both schools, under the equivalent of 1.teeping three persons The Legion is especle.lly anxious direction ot their Chairman, M.rs. on 24 hour duty throughout 1V46. that all returned veterans bring W. F. Bird and Mrs. W. C. F. One hundred seventy women have Lt. (jg) Boyd W. Stauffer their lady-tolk, renew their 8.BSO- Ziegenfus. The meeting, which been certificated tor over 2C)0 hours U.S.N.R .. who. was reported missing elation with old friends and 68tab- will begln at 8 p.m. promp~y, will of volunteer Bervice. Swarthmore's as the result of a typhoon on SeptUsh comradeship with the veterans be In the High School aUditorium. 4000 ~esldents have carried a heavy ember 17, .19"5, has now been ot World War I. By so doing they war load. be declared. "I beUeve officially reported dead. wlJ\ make pooslble a more extenW'~lcome British Bride. Lt. Stauffer Is survived by \:lis slve program .Of hospItal and cbild The CI: Daughters of the BrltiBh the quota can be raised. It Is a parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. Ke~ler · which the reasonable quota. The most Impo!"t· welfare work through Empire In Pennsylvania. will old t'· ib t nd Stauffer of Dartmouth avenue. his Legion end ea"Vora to ant Jj)('lople are the con.r ':l ors a I Arner can their annual meeting on Monday. I t mnhB. wife Mrs. Betty Michael Stauffer ftfir March 11. at 2 P. M. In the Par.ish the solicitors. canno t over make. lite more ple--nt ---. h e r.Th - and a eon Al\dy ot North Chester . wounded comrades and the needy House ot St. Mar.k's Church, 1623. size my appreciation 0 tern. . e road and two brothers Georgo and tamilles ot less fortunate veterans. drive Is starting off In gear. I hope Locust street. Phtladelphla. It may be speeded to an early J. Keeler. Jr. Mra. Jobn W. Whittier and Fer"U"~s. J. H. Gordon McConec·oy, l\{emorial services will be hel.d rls Mitchell are co·chalrmen of of ....... South CheBter road. will con. tlntsh. " Sunday, March 10, at 4 J.I.m. tn t~e Mr. Sclimidt tba,nked t~e. Methodtst Church. The :nev. Roy the tiCket· committee. G~es~. are duct. the meeting.· The honored requested to bring th~lr own. ~t~y:- g~~8.t:s 'Ji)l ~e Mr. ~Ul:h C. Mc· Women's Club for Its hospitality to N. Keiser wUI officiate. ing cards ana' rna" pIa" ...ny game Clell",nd, B.~~Ush CI>,D.ql In Phlla- the· ~llY, the Buslneaa Mea's co~they Uk~. "l;'here will be a prize delphia and Mrs. McClelland. AI8Q mlttee for ita rea4y· work. ~e I Ay FlN~L PLANS for ee,ch tabl~ and several attrac- Mlsa Melena Donnelley. Red Cro~ ~eclal Gifts committee. a1;ld tl;le Th Tntlque '·Fa1r con1.1nlttee of tlve door prizeB donated by local field worker who has just re\urned, Wlndo:w Decoration cc;tmmlttee. the Woman's Club meE;rt.B today ·at merchanf.$ 8lJ.d lnd~viduals. trom overaeaa. Window IDecoratlons comm.ltte;e. the clUb from 10 a.m. to S p.m. to A special feature ot the evening A. recep.tiQn··and tea wH.l b~. given Mrs. W. 'H. Dlckln.son, ehalrmq,n complete.. arra.ng~lPents.. tor._ the w111 be drawings tor a number of to welcome the British war brides. ot the local branch, opened tbe I event to be housed there on March prizes for World War II veterans meeting. 19 and 20. only. Ch",ncea ..... now helng '9~4 GARDEN SEC'lK1HMEETS b" .Jh. 4W\UJ&1'lI' D.I1 two ~,Q( '14n. I\VY 8. ~~~.ro.( C<>rnen DYlon mockl.llI!s and, a table lam)!. liven"" II!\I'V~ "" h~ ~ ~ meetv...... 't,; Unn Ing of th, Garden. II1. ~ !!':l~ =l'~1-:"~OU'?~":-~ 'I( .ubJect "Pa1lama" et the bome of .. fe .. frI.~ Ha~n tile mee&iQr'• .... Ai_ - - t l ' .~ -. aven.... . ' .- , .' \11 .••..., 0; ~ .......... Precedt1IIf .I , J'i. .. ': ' at a I1lJlelleon at he. ..:.:...... •.1" ".k-Trlw>. , , ... •.. ....... .;~n • ':.1I:OJlWl',-~u" .......\IIIM\! «.... In ~ WIth .:~" "'k., ....,..l~.J .\ ."'p~.. ~..;........ "'...~ ~c:e ."!'~~~ ~.~ ;!~~!¥, ~;~t'k"';\'.~ • • -.'.~ ! .~~. • .' . z PERSONALS Joann Paul daughter of Lt. Col. "." Geo.rge H. Paul and Mrs. Paul of Yale Avenue lB a tot"Ward on the freshman basketball squad at Wilson College, Phm. 2/0 George Armitage I!Jpent the week.end with his parents, Dr. 'and Mrs. George L. Armltage of South Chealer road. On Monday he reported to Norfolk, Va.. where bIB ship will be de .. commlBBloned. CoHn McLa.rty. a student at Duke UniversIty returned Bun ... aiter spending a. 10-day vacation betwe~n semesters at his home on Oberlin avenue. S/Sst. George Earnshaw received hlB dlscba.rge from the ArmY at Indiantown Gap on Thursday. day February 28, .and ar~ved home the same -day, after serving three years; two of whlcb were spent In the pacific Theater of Operations. Aline Wood of Cornell avenue spent the week-end at pocono :Manor Inn. Major R. E. J obannesson o.n~ !rfn. Johannesson and small saO. RUB8el1 of oak Ridge. Tenn., arrived Tuesday evening to visit 10definitely with Major Johannes ... son's ~unt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wilson of Ogden avenue. Cpl. Edwin F. Windell, who bas been stationed at Greenville, Mlss.t recelved hlB dlscharge trom the Air CorpS at Indiantown Gap, February 16, after 40 mo~thB of service. He Is now home on West, dale avenUe. Caronne de Furia of North Ches.. ter road entertained 26 guests at a buttet supper Wednesday evening In honor ot Joan Pendbck of Elm avenue who Is leaving today with her family for Berkley, cal~ Dr. and Mrs.· J. Roland Pennock and daughte1'8 J.oan and Judy of Elm avenue are planning to leave this week-end to drive to Berkeley, Cal., for a. one scm... ester . sabbaUcal lea.ve from Swarthmore College. Dr:. Pennock. Is professor of political Science at the college. They plaD to retUl"n to Swarthmore, September 1. During their absence their houf31' will. be occupied by Prof. schoenberg, an instructor at the Unlve~, slty of Pennsylvania, "Mrs. Schoen. berg and their two daughters. Cpl. ' William D.MI~hell, U.S.M.C.R., at North Chester road who has been stationed at Ca~p Lejeune. N C •• since Christmas, Is on a 60-day furlough before re .. porting April 16 to the Marine Barracks at the Naval Depot. Dover, N. J. Mr. H. H. Hopkins of Crest lane will return tomorrow from a 10-day business trip to SL Louts, New Orleans, and Dallas. Texas. Mrs. George B. Wellburn with her small daughter Betsy of Charleston. W. Va.• are visiting her mother Mrs. If. Stephens Plummer and Mr. Plummer of Dickinson avenue for several weeks while Mrs. Plummer Is recuperatlng from hW recent illness, Mary Lee Hartzell of Wallingford returned to Bradford Junior College Tucsday after spending ".the week-end at home. Mrs. Joseph V. Collins ot Mt. Holyoke place flew· to Boston. Mass .• Tuesday last to visit her Mrs. Marvel Wilson. of Strath Haven avcnue, entertatned at a teo. and kitchen shower Thursday in honor of Miss Mary Morse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel SoO Morso, of ParrIsh roo.d, whose marriage to Ensign Donald W. Smith USN. wnt lake place tomOl·row evening~ Betty Morse. of Yale avenuc. who wlll attend the bride as maid of honor. arrived home Wednesday from Middlebury College and entertained at 0. dinner party Thursday evening. Preceding the dinner Flora Lee home from Wllson College, who will attend as a brldesmatc!, entertained at a cock .. tall part.y. Jean Huey, a stUdent at Middlebury College, Is entertnLnlng at a luncheon at her home on Dickinson avenue today. .Jenn is one of four brIdesmaids In the wedding party. Mrs. Richard Prewitt. of WnlUngford. wJll be hostess at a cocktan party this afternoon, Mrs. Russell Makepeace. of Marion. ;'Iass.. nn aunt of the. bride, wlll on display! YES we're taking' orders! .HANNUM I WAITE Yale & Chester Road 1250 NOW- It'.Plymntlal MARY DUNHILL • ~ !:i::;) ::c uted and will be .' The Church School meets each Roctor will preach the :Ilrst ot"Q punched tor regular QW;,ndauee at Su.ndalt morDing at 8:46 o'clock. series of sermons on Christian phu- each seasIOD. Membership buttons TlUs Sunday the Junior, lnterosophy. The topic of the first ser. will he dl4trlhuted, and one will ine4late &n4 Senior Depa.rtments man Is "The Nature of ReUgion." even get an ora.nge for brlnS1n8' a will meet tocether io see the sound Confirmation Classes will be held new member. Coffee and eake win tl.lm. "The Book For The World To- In the Parish House at 6:3~ p.m. be served after each claa& .IIl.Orrow", presented by Rev •. George For t.he serfous Part 01 the cleme. Dnworth~ D1Btzict Secretary of thc Whatever you may choose to pay for a and on Tl>uraday at 7: 30 p.m. tbe ,Rector will Bive a series of AmeriCan Bible Society. funeral service you are always assured of The Vestry will meet in the Par- lectures on the Bible. The 11m The Women'a Bible Cl.asa mcets three c~B.8Bes wUl be devoted to the one high standard of service the Oliver Sunday morning at 10. o'clock. in Ish House on Mondaty at 8 p.m. Holy Communion will he ce'e. Studies In the Old Testament, and the Church trauaept. This . week H. Bair Company renders to ALL patrons. brated on Thursday at 7:30 a.m. the final ,three to Studies In the Mrs. J. V. S..· ·Blahop will review Non-Sectarian. and again at 10 a.m.· These ser- New Testament. The latest scholthe book ·"The Question" by Dana vices will be held regula.rly on the astic interpretations will be preBurnett. Thursdays in· Lent. sented. Mr.. an4 Mrs. Samuel Hurls at The women of the ·pa.r1sh will' the Harvud avenue entrance and meet for sewing immediately folTO CHAPERON ¥Jo. aDd. Mrs. Clarence Fr~ck. at lowing the. late celebration on DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS II&. and Mrs. Clarence Frank at the Thursdays and will hold their Len.Mr. and Mrs. Don Dickinson, . the drive-way transept entrance will ten Luncheons at 12:30. Immedl- Mr. and Mrs. Frank lycCow_ 1820 CHESTNUT STREET _ the mlnlater In greeting tho Btel!Y following. a study class will and Mr. and I\[rs. Ralph A, Nixdorf congregation· after the service Sun- be conducted at which time the Will serve as chaperons for the RIT..nhous. 1511 MARY A. BAIa. Pre.,d ••• Christian ChUrch in Africa will be Seventh Grade Da.uclng class of cIa7 moriIlng. discussed. the Swarthmore JuntOI' AssembUes The Soclal Education and AcUon The Rt. Rev. Oliver J. Hart, COmmittee w11l meet Thursday, Bishop of the Diocese of Pennsyllrlarch 14, at a o'clock. a.t the home vania,· will be present on Sunday, of the Chairman, I\[rs. E, Fay March 2,(, at 11 a..m.. to administer Campbell, a10 College avenue. the ApostoUc Rite of Confirmation. The Cllancel Choi.r ,(adult) re· he&.nlO8 each Thursday eveulng at Methodist Church 'Notes 7:45 o'clock, the Chapel Choir, (hia'h school age) rehearses. Sunday .~ The Church School meets on afternoons a.t i o'clock., the Junior Sunday morning at 9:,(6, Classes Cllolr reh......ea Friday at 7 o'clock. are provided for children of all The Sea"lion will meet ·Friday ages and for adults. The topic of the sermon at the eveD1nc March 16, at the ~ome ot morning service at 11 o'clock is Elder Thomas M. Jackson, 238 "The Meaning and Uses of Lent." Park avenue, at· 8 o'clock. The Church Nursery Is open to The COmmitteE), on Mtsslons and care tor .the younger chUdren durBenevolen<:;8 will meet Sunday ing the morning service. .MIss &:fternOOD. March 1'7, at 4 0' cl~ck in l{elen Scott and Mary Anne Dickln.the ChUrch Study, son will be in charge. Memorial services for' LieuL The WOm&n's A.ssocla.Uon will meet ~ed.nes~y, March 13. 11:15 Boyd W. Staufter will be held in o'clock. Worship Service. led by .Mrs. the church on Sunday afternoon at J. V. S. BlBhop; Business meetlDg 4 C)·clock. The members of the lmmediatel:v 101l0wing the worship churCh and frl'9nds of the faQlUy service; Luncheon in Charge of are invited~ The Youth Fellowship will meet Circle &, Mrs. F. N. BeU, Chairman, at supper in the La,dies' Parlors at at 11:30 o'clock. Dr, cameron P. 6. This will be followed by tho .Ha.U wlll apeak on the subject "The regular meeting at 7. in the chapel. Work.01 the U.N.O." at 1:30 A meeting of a11 Master Masons o'clock. residing in Swarthmore and vlclnltIY YOU START your business·career with the telephone will be .lteld on .Sunday evening at company, you earn while you learn. Beginners are paid good wages 8 o'clock in the Church building. right from the start, and regular and frequent incr,\alij?S insure their They will consider the ~orma.tion of a Chapter of DeMolay in Swartbrapid ad:ancement. There are many varied and interesting positions more. All Master Masons are in':' available with the telephone company. Friendly supervisors are eager vited to attend. to help, you get ahead, The Woman's Society of Christian Service will meet at the home Once a girl has "made good" as a beginner. her future business life is ot Mrs. WilUam. Earl .Kistler. 144' Mll:THODllIT CHUacli Park a.venue, on Wednesday aftersecure,for at the telephone company there are always attractive positions Key N. Kelsu, D.D., WnlBter. noon at 1:30. SUNDAY ,available to the right girls. Even when you have to move to a new 9:0&5 A. M.-Church School. Toe Preparatory Membership l!:oo A. Jrl.-Mornlng Worship. community or city or state, the chances are good' that there will. be • Class meets in the chapel on WedTRINITY CHURCH nesday aftcrnoon at 4 o'clock. telephone company near your new home. :a..Y:. Geo. ebr18tlan Andenon. Rector An oyster supper will be served SUNDAY, MARCH 10 1:00 .A.M.-HOly Communion. on Thursday· evening between the In addition to good pay and security, a job with Bell offers you the e:fI A. M. - Church School 11 ;OOA. M.-The Litany and, Peniten- hours of 6;30 and 7:30 In the Social advantages of working witi't congenial as:;ociates in clean, pleasant tial . Office. Sermon Hall by the Woman's SocieVy. Topic: "The Nature of Recreation for the youtb will be surroUndings, witb comfor.table rest·room facilities, a modern medical Religton.·· beld on Thursday evening at 7. WEDNESDAY department. sickness and accident benefits, holidays and vacations 8:16 P. 1l.-··SUnday· School on WedThe Evening Bible Study CI8.8S neod,... N\ghL" with pay. aod a liberal peD!ion plan. meets on Thursday evening at 8 at THURSDAY the home of Mrs. L. E.· Kauffman, ., :30 A. H.-Holy Communion. 10 :OOA. M..-Holy CommUnion. If you're just about to start out in the business·world, or if you're look313 Dartmouth avenue. ing for new opportunities, why not stop in at one of the offices listed THlII RELl~SSOCIETY ,OF SUNDAY below and talk over your problems and your future with a friendly Christian Science Church Notes n:Ol A. IIr-Moetlnlf. mterviewer? Such a call will not obligate you in any way. WEDNESDAY "Man" 18 the' subject of the • :10 A. J(. to I:SO P. M.-8ewlng and qulltlns' In WJaltUer Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Houee. Bolt luncheon. AD ...... c:onIlaJly Invited, Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, March 10. The Golden Text Is: ''The steps I'IlI81' CIIUBCa O~ CHIUST, of a good man are ordered by the 8CDiINTIBr _OF SWARTHM:ORJil put; AN • _ow HananI Lord: and he dellghteth In hIa SUNDAY Frit~cI'y way" (Psalms 37:23) • l1:tO A. J(.-8u1l4a7 SehooL U:tO A. III 8 .,.,.. I 1 CD 8ennolL ~ meet'nl" each . _ 'MI" M&CIaldir Bldg. 57-59 Eo PeaIn S...... 45 AlIdina. A,s" •• Initiated WMIr. '_II..... Roadl.,.. l'O<'m open daII7 _ _ &)'II and bolld_ IS to I Patrlcla. Patman; a Junior in the 691ft'" Ma'...., ..' .... Nos, llitawn ' ArcImore Pom. Wedneaday -nil1& 7 to 7:10 preparatory depa.rtm.ent of Penn Po m. ChW'Ch _ ' ~rD· ..i ,A1l o;n oordlaUy inVited to attend. Hall"Junlor Cdllege,-Chambersburg, 1631' AfocIt Sir... 410 York Road 69." Mabtstr.. Was recently InIUated Into the Pann ,Uppu Dala, Hall Art Club, PJ:.I, Alpha'CbI. PIII~defphla Janldnto_ : Patricia. Is the daughtor of Dr. " • ~ ctdl and Mrs. F. A. Patman of N, PrInceton avenue. p _._ PlIITlllR lIl. TOLD, Editor, JUdlJORlE TOLD, _late EdItor X - . Mccarter ' ,R08aIIe Pelrfol Anne N, Cochran . Sri. p.n M:n:yCh:~~ S::~~e:a~ ~:e~:~: REGARDLESS OF COST I OLIVER H. lAIR CO. " You'.JI earn GOOD WAGES right from th'e start, with BELL CHURCH SERVICES. El'ery Wednesday $100 to $1000 at 6% DISCOUNT oItoaa , ~G_OIOO , WHEN Everyone Welcome' ,ampUl: ' boUt I PA. ID the Woman'. Club tomorrow Jeventng. On Sunda,., Marcq 10, the cllureh The NInth Grade will be chap. win hold Its Annual Men's Da" At 11 •• m. the Rev. !II. H. .Ton.... eroned by Mr. and Mrs. Harold pastor, win denVer the Die....e. Much, Mr. and Mrs. Howard • I'5:t BEAUTY SALON 11\ w-.,. A. M. E. a..cIa THE SWARTHMOREAN 1'lM""'1I'811.aillMmI DI. EiJiailY FRIDAY AT 8WARTIDIOBE, TBB SWAK'l'II!I(OBE4N, INa, PUBIJSIIEft 3 '.Mo RUSSElL'S SERVICE ZELIA M WALTERS Writer and eLcturer Sunda1 - Monda, ' A ... Infonnation Talks by Starring 1D,~color .or BY 'Im.ble' UNITY ASSEMBLY Robert MONTGOMERY John WAYNE 'l8n Antonio" DO YOU KlIOW TIl. 8u. CUe American LegIon Room Borough Hall "They Were Expendable" Enol FLYNN If Swarthmore 2080 Thursda" Frlda" Saturday lIQportant' First, ~veulng Show \ r ,. .... 'at; 6:30 ~ , . ... . PRINCE Mr. and Mr& ,Joseph H, Walton, of Ogden avenue' are rece~vtng congratulationB on the birth of a son ..Iohn Scott Watton, born February 26 in Habnemabn Hoepltal, Philadelphia. , The babl Is a gra'lodoon of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bernard1 Walton of Ogden avenue. Mr. and Mr& Howard W. Witt, of Rutgers avenue are receiving congratulations on the birth of their third child, a daughter Wendy Louise. born Thursdaly, February 21, in Taylor Hospital. THE SWARTHMORBAN . BIR1HS The Bouquet Phone . PLYMOUTH' I FRAsER-SIMMONS The marriage of Miss Virginia Laura Stmmons. daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. George A. Simmons ot Yale avenUe: to Mr. Alexander William Fraser son of Mr, James Fraser of Wilmington. Del., took place Saturday afternoon. March 2, at 1 o'clock at the home of the·brlde's parents. The Rev. Stanley V. WlI .. THEAnm we have the new cox, rector of at. Paul'll Protestant Episcopal Cburch, Cheater, . performed the ceremony. Mrs. John M. Stewart, aunt of the groom pla!red the wedding music. The bride, who was given in mar .. rlage by her father wore a wedding gown of white satin, a finger tiP vell of tulle and carried a bouquet of white IUaes and camellias. Annette . Walter Simmons and: Cecelia Hearey Simmons, sisters ot the bride were her attendants. They wore gowns of aqua 8ilk jersey and carried 'bouquets ot 'Yellow datfo .. dUs and aeacia. Mr• .James Fraser, was best man fOT his son. A reception for about 36 guests followed the ceremony. MIM Simmons was graduated from The I1lman School of the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Fraser attended Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H., and was graduated from toe college of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va. '::!~e. MEDIA YES -SwartIUnore :~:r:s ~1!O~:;~~~l::r~es:::::, fiIiDA.Y, IIARaI 8, 1948 FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1946 THE SWARTHMOREAN entertain the bridal pa.rty at a dinner at the Aronlmlnk Golf Club preceding the wedding reheaT"sal this evening. Mrs.· R. Blair· Price. of North son Mr. Paul F. Collins tor & few Chester rand. will entertain the weekA. Mr. and Hrs. Irvin R. Mac.. members at tile brIdal party at a. Elwee of Mt. Holyoke place enter... h!n·cheon at her home tomorrow. tained their Duplicate Bridge Club of 1.2 at a dinner-bridge TO WED TOMORROW The marriage of Kiss 148.1')' Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W1l11am H. Lee at Ramsey ·Morse daughter ot Mr. Harvard avenue will entertain and Mrs. Daniel Stuart Morse of Mr and Mrs. Franklin O. Alex- ParrIsh road to Ensign Donald ander ot Melose Park and their Wanamaker Smith. U.S.N., son of daughter Mimi Alexander. home l':Irs. Herman P. Smith of Bethfrom Wilson College. as their lehem. Pa., and. the. late Mr. Smith, will take place tomorrow guests on Sunday. p.t 7.30 p.m., in Trinity Church, ,T/Sgt. Frank C. Hatzell, Jr" The Rev. Geo.rge Christian who served overseas with. the 11th Anderson will perform the cereAnnored Division for 17 months. many. received his discharge Februa.ry A reception will follow the 201. A· graduate of Penn Charter, ceremony at the home of tho he has jollied his parents Mr. and bride's parents. Mrs. Frank C. Hartzell of Wallingford until he Is able to enter col .. MARCH BRIDE lege. MiBB Dorotby M. Stonaker of 'Mm. J. H. Gordon McConechy of South Chesler .road will spend Trenton. N. J .• w111 act as maid of Saturday In Washington, D. C., as honor at the marriage of MlBs Ann the gueat of The Daughters of Deand Gorman daughter of Mr. the BrlUsh Empire to meet Lady and Mrs. Alan Bowen Gorman of the Swarthmore Apartments to Halifax. Lt. CaroUne Underwood of Lt. George Adolf Stewart, Jr., Paineavllle, OhiO, formerly of U.S.M.C.R., son of Col. and JI4rs, Wallingford, who Is now station .. George A. stewart. Baltimore, ed at the Dah!gr~n proving Md_, whiCh will take place Satur· Ground. Va.. visited Miss Carolyn day March 23, at S p.m •• in the Cresson of Riverview road on Sw~rthmore Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Dr. David Braun will Thursday of last week. Mrs. Donald P. Jones ot Dick.. perform the ceremony. :Mrs. WilUam D. Gorman, Win.. Inson a.venue is recovering from a ter Park, Fla.. sl.ter-In·law of major operatlon pertormed Thursthe bride, and :Mrl:l. John E. Camp day. February 28 In the Lying-In of Westfield. N. J., wlll attend ~ Hospital, Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Alban E. Rogers of Park avenue entertained at a party In the Assembly room of Miss EUzabeth A. Freegard, Mrs. the Rutgers avenue School Tues- Wl111am Mcinroy and Nlss Eliza.day In celebration of the 12th N. Garrett, all of Swarth· birthday anniversary of their Col. George A. Stew~rt. M.C .• daugh'ter Prlecllla. The guests included 29 pupUs of the Sixth A.U.S" of Baltimore, Md, and Grade, their teachers, MI88 Myrtle Atlanta. . Ga.. will act as best man McCaUln and Miss Margaret for his son . Mr. A. Samuel Cook, Jr.• J ..t. G. Moo.re, and a few Sixth Graders of College avenue School. Square Ross French. A.U.S .• and Lt. Allen dancing and games were followed C. Hopkins, U.S,M.C.R., all of by Ice cream and cake. Md.,Weymouth, Mr. Arthur H. Vinal South Mass., (·MrS. Martha R. Blessipg re .. Baltimore, and Capt.. WIlUam D. ·Gorman. turned ·to her hOmB on :Elm· avenue, Saturday after spending the U.S.M.C.R.. brother of the bride, will serve as ushers. winter months In Tucson, Ariz. A reception will . follow the ceremony at Strath Haven Inn. FETE BRIDE -, 18 ....... pa,...mlltof -.. ft.-=: lU, U .- at.1f AU " *. ~ . 1<. ~ZO Lummi••alted Peaauta 1-0..... 190 Milk Lunch Bilcuita ~k": So : ~ f", 140 lISCO EVAP. MILK• ~'v~r~:~:' 3::!~Z6c Gifts Good Old Pre·War ASaJ Flavor Back Again lISa) Richer Blend Ib bag COFFEE a Save Coupons on Bagl for Valuable Gifts Pie Crust 7 MI.lt Lunch Meat 47.0 fw 12c 3 In 1 011 "'2S. 12'R UJI 32c Dlaparwlte , Ok. 25c I.·..... 34c Lem-g..Pine Jtllled , ..., Itt Mt 2ge e·n: ;k. A~U" Armour's Treel Dill Slices _ .......,...,••to.. 20e Cook BClOks N. . a_..,_ ~ 9ge Plain Olives 01"" 7"" Iv 26c Speed'!.!! Ammonia ..... lOc Hamburger .....tt's • ..,..... 8-0 9c Lamps ..u ••".... ss"!:t:i::: lOe I.. . Acme Quality Poultry and Meats STEWING CHICKENS Fancy Fresh.Kllled Grade A 3Yz Ibs up 10 Ib 35 3a co 0 I 3Yz Ibs ovar Ib GfNUINI GIIADI AA AND A LAMB Sheulder Chops I. 39c Breast La_ .... La.... Chops '"45c Neck 'nn" Chuck or Shoulder Lamb - '"33c Sau--........,-..- Ton. . .~""''''' lotos.- ...... A. DELICIOUS 0. nu lOLL c. Lt. (jg) Richard R. Haig who was formerly In PT boat service, and has been stationed In Pearl Harbor for a short time, recently flew to Shanghi, Hong Kong, and other Chinese ports In connection with the work of the .Area. Petro:le"lim Ot'tiqe at Pearl Harbor. . FOR SALE FOR SAVE t blade, 18 inch, la.'wn mower, sUll .serviceable•• Phone Swa. 1776-R, ._",1 FoR SALE-Butret. and dining table. 2 chalra. walnut veneer. dition. Tel. SW8. 1666. COD- dio. wlth_ RCA reconl·player. hooked up 80 either can be used. Half price. Tel. Swn.; 1776--R. " FOR SALE"- Couch with endi!. $&; WANTED WANTED-Experienced woman wanbJ. general "housework. full or part time. Write. Omega Harris, 1226 W. 2nd SL. Chester. Pa. ' WANTED-Experienced I a u n d reB B wants home or day's work. C&lled lor and deU\'ered. Can Baughns. Swa. IOH..J. WANTED-Two teachera, responsible, ple8.P~nt, want small .bouse or two to three room, kitChen, bath apartment. unfurnished Near transporta_ tion. Permanent. ExcelJent reterences.. " Tel. weekdays. Rlt. 4:886; Sunda.ys. Locuat 6189. W ANTE~Used rugs and carpets of all kinds. Highest prices paid. TeL Swa.. 1636. . WANTED - Bla.c3t walnut elttenslon dining-room table. Phone Swa. 0910_R, W.4.NTED - Two-beclroom apartment for three adults In Swarthmore. Permanent Occupancy. Good refe~ ences. Phone M1"8. Spatz." Swa.. -SU3. WANTED--Glrl's 26" or 28" bicycle In good condItion. Tel. awa:. 284:7-.T. WANTED-To buy used baby crib. :full size. Tel. Swa. 1782-1. W ANTED-Second-hand four-year-old OilS8-M. NEWS NOTES S-...o",1448 WILlJAM trIcycle for Tel. 14edta child. WANTED-Large house, at least four bedrooms. for long-term lease. Would take posaeeaion any time between now and September 1. George Hay. Swarthmore 0171. FOR RENT RENT - Garage, "Corner ()f Swarthmore and Elm avenue. Call Swa. 1133. FOR PERSONAL BROOKS Barbara Knabb of Princeton Cook of Tha,yer olio Rubblah Removed ~WDII 1110_ General BaullJig road. and Bob Hastings of Cornell 288 IfaidIDg Ave. Hort.oa, Pa. avenue students at' Penn-State College returned today after spending a week between semeaters at their .respective homes. EDWIN B. KE[ [£Y, Jr. Mrs . .Joseph N. Walton III KenYOUR .JEWELER yon avenue and ldrs. Harry Toole 15 _ fib st. of The Swarthmore apartments went to Y01'k on Monday to view the Antique Show. Enrouto home, they spent two days In. Baltimore, Md:. with Mrs. Walton's Sister. Pfotare I'ftyp'nl Statim, Mrs. John Campbell. _ J[od'k SappIJa Bob Sheppard a ROTC student Gt ",. ~HoIIb~ 0Nt& at Princeton University, spent a few days ot last week with bis SIMMONDS parents. on Vaasa.r avenue. Before (I 'ar coming home. Bob visited friends In Durham. N~ H. Maria l'Ianzllk of Cornell avenue had as her guest from Tuesday to LIstIDp 8011_ Thursday, Sally Knapp of Jobn~ W. S. Bittle & SoD sonburg. Pa. Both girls returned S-. Olll..J yesterday to Penn-State College. Ileal Ea&ate Mrs. F. H. J.i"orsythe, of Thayer Not&I7 Publl_ _"" . roa4, accompanied by her daughter Miss Frailces Forsythe', left Thursday for a w~ek'8 trip to Chicago, DI. 'rhcy will visit Miss Marie Loul8e Forayth~, WilD is dancing in Olsen and Johnson's "LaJring Room Only," which has been running at the Shubert Theater, Chicago. for the past six months. T/4: Henry L. McCorkle and wife, the former 1'4188 Joanna Dickson, of Princeton avenue, arr.lved Wedall kind nesday from FlorJda to join the New or Old former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. McCorkle. of the Swar.thmore MORTON REFRIGERATION Apartments. tor an indeflnlte visit. T/4 McCorKle who has been stationed at Cilmp Gordon Johnston, 18 befng discharged from the Army. Mr. and Mrs. Benson A. BowVanH~m I ~:!~~~a~n~'d family of Baltimore. Md •• ,] to t~'lef'" home Wednesday T ..... and~Stump. 1·1. ".,,. v.laltlng the f~rmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bowditch, Jr., ot ceda~ -lane, since "Saturday. I.and 0 1 _ and Graded . Elizabeth F.. Wilson a st¥dent TeL lIIed1a Sl5f8..J or 0II9D·W at SYracuse Univeslty spent the aven~. Betty & Son. Remol1ed PERSONAl-Electric heaters, Irons. and vacuum cleaners repaired. Called for. and delivered. Call Robert Brooks 'Swarthmoro 1~48. Rugs and Carpets '4 Sw8rtbmpre 0764 throughout the Tears. Consult us without obUgation concerntng JOur tree surgery, IIDr&Jing or tree movIng. problems. LOST-Black coin purse contaJlttng money, In ,·l1IaiJ8. Return to The Swarthrnorenn Office. Don'& Walt UnUl Spring The time 10 do interior painting Is now. J .DOW J1stIng eiter- .WhaIey and Lancaster Co., GleDoiden, Pa. LOST-Blue flowered silk wallet, Monday•. between Wellesley road and high school. Reward. Tel. Swa. 1644. lor work to. Spring. LOST I PAINTING Es.pertly D_e CJAIW Media 0755. DAVE W00D ~ru; • am Qua1I')' PaInt SwarthmOI'O Fluorescent LIghts • Walters' ContractOl' and. BUilder Tree Surgery and Rldle), Perk 08S8-111 Landscaping Phone Swarthmore 2175-R 104 Coraell Avenue Plan now the home you want 1~8 Irons Swarthmore, Penaa. Desirable lots availahle , '- Charles E. Fischer Builder Waat to Buy Pictures Fire Boards .. "~ rucks, ~~;;~~ ~ Box R. rhododendrons MORTON REFRIGERATION Styer's Nurseries and pI-.... ~an Commercial and Domestic- 'I "I'IIIIt om dUl'Ei' - LBENPALMER ". ! • _iKe " __~.)IoII'h1i ...... / I., _. I HAVE YOUR FURNI11JRE AND RUGS cleaned in )'Our own home by 1II0DERN HAND-CLEANING ~ODS -sing SCIEN. TIFIC FOA1II CLEANER DrI... In shon time. and rugs and furnltu .... again take on their original beaut» Modern cleaning ot aD painted walls ami surfaces; automobile upholstery scientifically cleaned: Telephone Appliance Service Laudac.pe "J'I1OIn~t'&o I .PboDe Swarthmore 2253 C-COidviIIe, PL. e Hear NasoN EDDY In liTHE ElECTRIC HOUR" wltll Robert "'.........". Orchestra. EYe" $unday afternoon, ,fr30, EST, CIS Nttward. PHILADELPHIA· ELECTRIC COMPANY WALTER V. UNTON .. Electrical ADp]lance llilpa\r\Dg Mom's back in the kitchen. And electric ser· vice-always ready, dependable alld cheap-is there with her, making her tasks easier, her life more comfortable. Service like that just doesn't happen. It takes hard work· and good business management. The men and women in Mo~'s elec· ; tric company-and yours, too-make it possible. Another in the series of monthly recitals being given by the plano Pl1plla of Dorothy Paul was held Sa:turday aftemoon at the nome of Mrs. Peyton Bray of South Chester road. The composer featured was Beethoven, his "Romance" being played by Noel Snyder. and a short sketch of bIB life read by Christina Ford. Sand&' Ford was the winner of a contest on musical terms. Oth... era on the program, included Edwin HarrIs, Peyton Bray. Betty Spencer and Kathleen J88IIUp. Mechanics ROBERT BROOKS , And when home-making had to be sand· wiched in after war-plant hours,· Mom learned. that the toueh of a finger-tip brought her a dozen willing servants for the cost of a candy bar. Feature Beethoven I Riclley Park 0180 Vacuum Cleaners Yes, she's back at her old job of home·makingthat 24-hour-a-day job with no overtime pay. . Mom learned a lot about electric service duro ~ng the war. She found that stitching up a cruiser and stitching up a curtain are both done more easily and quickly when electricity lends a hand. Protessional and tlmelt care of )'our trees will give lasting pleasure "carpet makes it home" PERSONAL-Pann Dental students a.vailable March 16 as drIvers south. Tel. Swarthmore 114:4. E:r:peJ'leBoed Cbarles hum! Will open a series of one" hour recitals whioh are to' , be given by hlB plano puplls Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m. Chales Nason, Carol Ann Mosteller, WIlUam Hartman. Ba.t"b~ Sblpherd. ;rulle Lange and Charles Elaton- will take part in the program this week~ As a special feature of this program, there wlll be a two piano team playing descriptive early American music In the modern Idiom. The players wl\l be William Moore. first piano" and Charlea Elston second plano. Satoko Izumi will play with Charles Nason. "TREES" Riclley Park 3238 PERSONAI--We" buy furniture, household goods, any article In good "condition. Phone Chetster 2-6233. BACK IN THE KITCHEN Tickets at Buchaer'. for LEGION CARD PARTY $1.00 (includes refreshments, • table prizes) HARRY W. LANG PERSONAL-Immediate service and repair on all types of automatic washet"8 (Bendix Included). Ironers. vacuum cleaners, electric ranges, Irons and lamps. Also wiring. repa.lm. servIce. Double outlets from up. Install chimes and bell buzzer systems. All work In compliance with Fire Under_ , writer's requirements. Call ErJch Hausen. Swa. ~037. MOM'S SWARTHMOREAN ex-I~~;;;;;;;;~~;:;;;;;;;;~f cellent condition, Phone pressed steel lee tllze box, 36. $7 j $10. tuxedo. Swa. 184:7. \ Lt. (jg) Howell Lewis Sbay. ;rr.• U. S. N. R., son of Mr. and Mrs. Howell Lewis Shay of Cornell_ a.venue, who 1:9.8 been stationed at M?bUe. Ala., for three yoo.rs was separated from the U. S. Na~ at New Orleans. Saturday. Lt. and Mrs. Shay R.n(l their two children bave come north and are living for the present with Mrs. Shay's parents In GerIpautown. Lt. Shay will be assOCiated with his father who has offices in tl:e Packard BUilding, Philadelphia. Kra.; w. S. J"'m.... of Yale Avenue; .... h _ to the ThImble Group· on ,Konda¥.t hel' home. .,' Fair FOR SALE-Slx-tube table..model ra- Last Thursday evening, the Swarthmoren.ns tor the local service men and women ot the borough were wrapped by: Mrs." Wallace Lippincott, Mrs. A- E. Longwell, Martha Keighton, Mr. and _Mrs. Ferris W. Mitchell. It you care to help next week. call Mr•• Mitchell at 0818. ON TERMINAL LEAVE PRESENTS THE CLASSIFIED Snyder to Preside Over Tribute to Squads CMLJAN AGAIN ~~~:~re 1 Pefaon Made by World's Larged ManufacturerYou San 1/3. 'Inn.r, PI.er Flavor, Taaltl BASKETBALL· NilE STARS NEW COACH On March 2, Henry 14cAlliltcr of Denver, Colo.. entertained 10 Bwarthu:.oro College ctasamate8 at a luncheon at Strath Haven Inn. His pests Included Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Green and Fl~rence Wolverton ot South Chester road, Mr. and Mrs', Edward Jenkins of North Ct'Cster road, Josephine BelsUe of Rutgers avenue, Charles Basketball Night Is to be held· Hart of Media. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Hull ot Baltimore, Md., and Mrs. on March 16, at 8 p.m. In the' high school audltorlun;a. to honol" T~ S. Groft ot London Grove, Pa. All of these with one exception the Varsity and Junior Vars1t;r were Swarthmore College alumni. baJJketball squads under the ausclass of 1892. Mr. McAllister ls pices of the Citizens AthleUo Comalumni president and Mrs. Hull sec- mittee which continues . Its year retary. around co-operation with the Following the luncheon. the school authorities. guests were entertained at the Speelal awards will he given to home of Mr. and Mrs. Green. members of the VarsitY team. Mdvles of outstanding basketball LEAVES FOR PERU games will be shown. J. Henry Wellburn of RutJ{ers Lauder, the Dew basketball ~venue left Tuesday by plane via coach. wlll be the main speaker of Ml~l. Fl,a.• and Balboa, Panaina the evening. This will give all a for Lima., Peru. At LIma he will chance to become acquainted With b"e assOCiated with the Pan-Ameri- him and -to obtain an idea of, h1a can-Grace A1rways as a. radio en- plans for the futUre of baSketball at the Swarthmore PUblic Schools. gineer. Mr. Weilburn studied at the Russell' S~yde.r will prea14e. Massachusettes Institute ot Tech- Glamor and color' will be a~de4 nology and at the Harvard Radar by the presence of the cheerSchool while in training with the leaders. It Is hoped that the band· Marine Corps, will be present also. He received his discharge from Everyone is urged to attend 'to the U.S. Marine Corps in ,Ja.nuary show their apprecla.tlon ot local atter serving as a lieutenant In basketbail teams. the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve. He entered the service in '''2. Eager to Help Lt. Howard D. Sipler who has been serving in the Pacltic tor 14 months reached San Diego, February 27, and was released from the U. S. Navy at the Fourth> Naval District Separation Center, Tuesday. Lt. Sipler served on a PT boat during the Invasion of Borneo, and later was made skipper of a AK171 which he took from Manila to Ja.pan to be de_comml881oned. He la now on terminal 'leave and bas joined -Mrs. Sipler and their chlldren Dwight and Christine at their l::.ame on Dartmouth avenue. 11C" Buckwheat DCO FI... 20-e.z pII. 9c lI,p'" 19c Carn Flakes GOLDSUL II4Ip" Ie Tomato Sauce saw SoU ... 7c Corn Flakes KII'...'. l1-o1"'9c Lima Beans ....•..,'1.. 2·,····29c Seedless Raisins " .....·lOc Kippered .5had 3""...... 22c Minute Rice ......... "'lOc HI pt. 54th REUNION FRIDAY, MARDI 8, i946 Prompt Service-Refriger. ators, Washers. Vacuum . Oeaners. Radios il M.toD An;_ Swarthmo.... lSlf6 • I SPENCER Indivld~ De 'gned "oorset BDd BI'8IIIIe1'es Ih., ern v. FriIS ........ Pa. . 177 ~ A_",,~ .,., IPII~:I;·~B~.:W:':"::. _ 'J'1 .. EDlM- Be ....... ..: En ••864 ~I~" ~.·UI8I • 5 week-end at her home on Park avenue. Elizabeth sang at the marriage ceremony ot a trlend In the Methodist Ch urch. Maplewood, N. J., Monday and also acted as a bridesmaid at the wedding. Margaret H. Latimer Is now with the American Red CroBS in Osaka. Japan, sCJ'vlng as assistant field director with the 307th General Hospital. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. ~atc8 of "Rocky Spring Farm", Media will entertain at "Open Houso" ,SUDday afternoon In honor of their '"Bon Mr. WllUam R. Bates, recently released from the Army. Dr. and Mrs. J. Alfred Calhoun of Elm avenue are entertaining Mrs. Calhoun's sister Mrs. Marl{ Elliott of Indianapolis, Ind.. who ~fth her small daughters Betty and Ruth arrived Tuesday to .remain until her husband Major Elliott Is discharged trom the Army. Major Elliott fa at the present establishing a Dental Clinic at the _G.reenvUle, S. C., Air Base. Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Kniskern' of Riverview road ;t:turned Sunday after spending five weeks at Jupiter Island Club, Hobe Sound, Fla.. Mr. PhlUp' Kniskern, Jr., joined his parents at Hobe Sound tor the last week of their sojourn. Mr. and Mrs. George W. McKeag and chlIdren Betsy and Ian have returned to their home on Parrish road after an absence of tour years. Edith Thatcher retUrned to Bucknell University Wednesday after spending a week between semesters at her home on Ogden avenue. Fire Umlta, old Section' 8 of said Article being hereby repealed. SECTION I-Any', Dew structure erected for handllntr. keeping or storlug of lumber, and other buildIng materla.s shall be of fireproof con... structlon throughout, as required b,. this Ordinance.' No repairs or alterations to elI:lsUng non-Ilreproot structure&, used or to be used for the handUrig, keeping. or storing at lumber and other building materials, shall be ma(te where the cost of such altcratloDH or repairs shall exceed 50% of the fair value or such bulldings In their unrepalred stat", at" the effective date of this Ordinance. ,Plies ot lumber or other building materials stored In the open shall 'bot exceed 16 feet III height. All plies of lum~r or other inflammable materIal 80 stored in the open -shall be kept at least 16 feet away from all property lines of said lot or premises, except w.here such property line coincides with a street line or the line of a rallroa.d. right of way. SECTION 4-The whole of ArUcie XVI of Ordinance No. 216 aforesaid, entitled "Location ot Buildlnp Upon the Premises" Is hereby I"&pealeiJ, 8.8 well as those portions of Article XV, entitled. "Garages" which purport to regulate the location of garages upon premlsea In the Borough of, Swarthmore. The location of buildings of all kinds. In whatever district ?f the Borough. and the required open spaces appurtenant thereto. are now regulated. by the Borough of Swarthmore Zoning Ordinance of 1928 aforesaid, Its amendments and supplements. SECTION f-NotJJllig herein ·shaJ) be cOll5trued to repeal any POrtion ot the Zoning Ordinance of" 1928. as amended and supplemented ,heretofore. but any ordinance conOlcting , "with the provlalons of· the within Ordinance are hereby. to the extent of such conflict, superseded by thIs Ordinance. Passed this 1st day of March. A.D. 1946. BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE By": S.\8. Rutherford President of CoUncil Atte8t: Elliott Richardson Borough Secretary Approved this 6th day of March A.D. 194.6 ,John H. Pitman Burgess Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Thatcher of Ogden avenue entertained their nephew Hibbert Thatcher ot. Lookout Mountain. Tenn., on Sunday while en route to Waahlngton. D.C. He will soon leave for Europe on" 8.: ~.R'R;A :c~t~l_e assign..; ESTATE OF LYDIA BIDDLE WILLIAMS. deceased. Letters Testamentary' on the above estate hs.ve bet!n granted to the undersJgned, who request. all j)OrBona havlD. claims .or demands against the estate of the decedent to make known the same. and all persons Indebted 'to the ~Bf::C: to ~ake" paym_ent,. , without ." Rlcti8.rd NorrtS"WlI11IimB. 2nd Orchard Way. -Wayne, Pa."or to his atto;n~y Executor Clarence G. -Myers. of Duane, Morris & Heckachu 1617 Land TJtle Bunding l'hlIadelphla 10, Pa. " ST-a_l meq."",' ~"----""7"---'----------"-J I 'BOROu6H OF SWARTHMORE ORDINANCE NO. 488 An Ordinance to amend the Bor4 ough of Swarthmore Bunding Drill_ na.nce No. 276. approved December 30, 1926. to make the FIre Limits coincJde wIth the Business "DistrIct NOTICE 'lr -Districts as described In the ZonA meeting of the members of the ing Ordinance of 1928. approved Au~ Swarthmore Colored RepubUcan Club • gust 8. 19-28, and·th~reafter amended" wlWbe hold on FrIday. ~APrU U. 11146; and supplemented: more closely re- at 8 P. M., EST. at No. 238 Bowdoin lating the Building Ordinance and Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa.. the :resithe Zoning Ordinance; requiring a. dence of James Robinson. Secretary. to permit for a change of use or occu- vote Upon a proposal that the Trustees pancy; regulating the storage of seU and convey to WU1lam lL Polk, lumber and building materials; and lor the consJderation of ,8EiOI a lot repeating certain ProVisions oC the 11! ground In the Borough of Swarth_ Building Ordinance which regulate more, Del. Co.. PL. beginning at a the location of structures upon the point on the eaat side of Brighton premises, and making all such regu: Avenue 60••7 teet southWardly from IaUoJls conform to the Zoning Ordi- the southeast corner of Brighton Avenance. . nue and Bowdoin Avenue, being 60••1 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUN- feet on Brighton Avenue by 168.84 feel CIL OF THE BOROUGH OF by 60 feet by 16L66 feet, PUl"8uant to S\VARTMORE, AND IT IS HEREBY deed recorded at Media In Deed Book ENACTIDn AND ORDAINED BY No. 681 page "14. THE AUTHORITY OF THE SAME. BuUer, Beatty. Greer & Johnson SECTION I-Article I of Ordinance MedIa. Fa. No. 276. approved Ilt!cember 30. 1925, is hereby amended to read as follows: ESTATE OF ;rOSEPIDNE TALLEY FIRE LIMITS deceased, la.te of Concord TowmJhlp: The fire Umlts shall coincide with Penna. the business district of the Borough Letters Testamentary In the abOve of Swarthmore. as more particularly estate having been granted to the described In Section 201 of' Ordinance undersigned. all persona tndebted to No. 299," being Zooing Ordinance of said estate are requested to make pay_ . 1928, as amended and supplemented. ment. and those havIng cJuma to preIf the said business district shan sent same to hereafter be extdnded or changed Howard W. Talley by amendment ot the said ZOning Elizabeth Courtney Ordinance, or by any other ordinance Executors hereafter passed, the said Section oi' or to their attorney Building Ordinance No. 276 or any Morris H. Fussell other. ordinance defining the fire 12 South Avenue limIts shall. unless a" contrary Intent _M..,e;:d:;:i;;8;-:.-;P:::a.:-=;-;::::===--:--::~6T;.~S:,:-1 is Indicated in any such supplemen_tal ordinance, be comddered ES'I'ATE OF GUSTAVE A. HECKamended 80 that the flre limits sh~1 S€HER. deceased. at all times coincide with the bustLetters Testamentary on the above ness district or districts of the Bor_ estate have been granted to the underough of SWarthmore. Provided, how: signed, who request all persons having ever, that" any home in the presen1 claims or demands against the estate Business Dlst.-lct, used exclusIvely as of the de<:edent to make known the a prIvate dwelling, may be repaired same. and all persons 2ndebted to the or restored to its original condi. decedent to mako payment, without tion as a non-conforming use. delay to SECTION 2-Section 1 of Article III Florence Allan Heckscher and of Ordinance No. 216 aforesaid. entitled MaurIce Heckscher Executors "Change of" OccupanCy" Is hereby or to their attorneys amended to read as follows: It shall be unlawful to change the Frank F. Truscott use or occupancy of any buildings Ciarence G. Myers, of or premises now ~istlng or here4 Duane, Morris & Heckscher Land Title. Bunding after erected, altered or used, unless 1617 6T...2-21 a permit tor such changed use or PhUadelphia 10. Pa. occupancy be first obtained from the . ESTATE OF MARy ADAMS Bundlng Inspector, Borough Counlate of Swarthmore, Delaware cil. Board of Adjustment or other ADAMS. Pa.. deceased. ' authorlzEld agency, In accordance County, Letters Testamentary on the above with the provisions of, all applicable estate have been granted to the underordinances." regulations or statutes signed. who request all persons having In force at t~e time of such proposed claims Olj demands against the estate change of use or occupancy. Writ- ot the decedent to make known the ten application shan be made for same. and all persons Indebted to the fluch permIt. "duly veri ned, and ac- decedent to make payment, without companied by such detailed Infor- delay to ," mation concerning the nature of the Alice Adams West , proposed change or changes, and 18 "Benjamin West Avenue such plans and speciftcatlons as the Swarthmore. Pa. Building Inspector. Borough CounExecutrix cU, Board of Adjustment or other or to her attorney authorlze.!""i>1",y.~a8_ 'YI'I.tt.en .for·.the ·ex•. ,,UHles have been explored In the f ~Ir .......................: ............ Woman·s Club. wlil serve aa chaperons at' the ~(lst thirty yea·rs. was particularly A. contrlbuUon of $17.75 to the m~etlDg of tl)e Eighth G ....de Danc_ 10:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.-Anti u~s ~~ l ' '.. 8:20 P.M.-"Bllthe Spirit" ~ .............. ' .....- ....~ Woman s Club torwarded under the acg.ts· of the Red Crosa fund eampalgti "ill Ing ClaSs or the Swarthmore iunlor 10'00 AM t 10' \Vedij.;;&;jiii...iiia~-iio....·.. ·..·...·.... Players' Club Federal Art Project in 1938, provide 60 records for leisure_ Assemblies at the Womf\n!s Club • • •. 0 :00 P.M.-Antiques F a i r " . ~he Gallery Is open Monday hoOt.' programs' tor lonely over8:00 P.M.-Lecture; Dr Cameron P .............................Woman·s Club tomorrow evening. ~elft6ilth 8:20 P.M.-"Bllthe S Irtt" • Hall ... ,--_...... Pr.. byte~\an 'Churcn ~~roUJ:h Th~rsday'. from 6:30 unttl a8aa seriicemen In hospitals and an" twelVlh grade cl""""; &!so _. . p 'lb...t;;Ciii~..·Miftb ..~I ......:........-·-.. _Pla;ye",' Club Re4 Croas clubB. 8:00 P.:M~ .. ·~nd Sundays ·from 3:00 lD.~t ..tllat.VeI!JlIA'.. ~ _ ... , . , 8:00 P.M.--8wartbmorean Wra ·i . t ' O\IlUI 6:00.. . , .' , 8:10 P.'Mi--'''BHthe Spirit'" pp og ..............., ..... Bwarthmo~ean Ofllce ·····-··-·····~·-···-···:-~ Players" Club . .',. r , ·...~.· Tuesday $3.00 PEl'. YEAR Total Climbs Alerts Home and Scool h to Edueation Aims . Monday •••••• n ••• _.. , THE SWARTHMOREAR 2 PERSONALS pink freeala. with Ice blue streamers ha.nging to their shoulde..... Mias Anne Morae. ateter of the bride. as flower girl wore a. dreae of white taffeta and carried an oldf68hioned bouquet of pink and blue flowers edged· with pink tulle and wore a. wreath ot flowers In her hair. Mr. Richard M. Smith served as best ,man for his brother. and the ushers Included Lt. Willlam Highfield, USNR. and Lt. Leonard J. Luckenbach, Jr., A. U.S.• - both of ,. FRIDAY, MAilaI II, IMI Mr. and M ..... Herbert W. l"raeer of PrincetoD. N. J., are receiving BIRTHS congratuJati4ln. on the blrtb of a Mr. and :Mrs. Edwin W. Booth ot Dartmouth' avenue are .receIving congratulations on the birth ot the.tr third son, Richard 'raylor Booth born Wednesday, March 6 In the M.dlo. Hospital. son Peter Howland Fraser. "bursday. March '1 In the Germantown Hospital. The baby 1& a grandson of lIr. Ql).d Mrs. Herbert F. Fraser· of Wa.J- Mrs.. Duane R. Terry ot North his diBpha.rge at the Army Infantry Chester :road returned Sunday trom Separation Center in Texas In Feb.. visit with ber sister-in-law Mrs. ruary, spent nine days at h1B po.me tLngford and of Mr. and IIrs. RayJames Paul Snyder of Gramercy on North Cpester road. He left by mond W. Hmos of ptlladelPhl.... Park. New' York City where she plane tho latter part of February for Santa Fe, N. M •• where he wUl had been convalescing for a fe'" days followlng a five-week Illness. spend six months as a clvlUan on Lt. and Mrs. Harold JrI. McCorkel a Government assignment. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Brauns of of vassar avenue are recelvJng conBenjamin W. CoUlns who enterDO TOU JEXOW Vassar avenue are enterWning gratulations on the 'birth of a ed Lehigh University, February 28, ft. 8U'11 cue fer D7 ..... .Mrs. ~raun8' niece Mrs. Gene MOfBethlehem; Ensign John A. Paul. da.ughter, Catherine Lout". Mon· TrO••ht Ian and children Dick and Anne of spent the week-end at his home on U.S.N.. Oak Park. Ill., and Mr. day, March 11 In 'the Taylor Hos. .Iwr OAI,. . . . 'Woodstock, Va., who are here on North Chester road. John Chapman, of Chicago. In. pital. Mrs. Howard J. Dingle, Jr •• of a.n extended visit. Mrs. Mon;e wore a gown of ashes RUSSEU.'S SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. ShepMrs. J. Horace Walte.· of the Park avenue enterta.tned her sister of roses and matching tulle bat. pard of Vassar avenue and Mrs. . . . . Yo.ar c.r LaI$; U.e DU'aUO Swarthmore Apartments w111 be Miss Julio. McCarthy of West Nan- Her corsage waS of camelllllB. Mrs. Annie McCorkel of Hershey are the aoplu Bern_ WID Do n. Pa.. who returned to her hostess to the Friday Club at a ticoke. home Monday atter a week's visit Smith wore a beige crepe dress baby's grandparents. luncheon a\ the Ingleneuk today. here. with a tulle bat and a corsage of Bridge wm folloW at Mrs. Walter's " orchids. MATCJilABELLI • CHANEL Mrs. Edward N. Hay of Ogden A reception followed the cere- MARY DUNHILL • PRINCE apartment. ::0 T/4 Douglas Heath son of Mr. avenue entertained a few fdendS mony at the home of tbe bride's at a tea Monday afternoon in ho.npnrents. and ldrB. Russell Heath of Cedar lane Is working for the War Dc- or of Madame Mariana Pleven of partment In the Pentagon BuUdlng pariS, France, a Rpeclal 8tudent at TO WED MARCH 30 in Washington. D. 'C•• whUe awatt- the college. :I: Dr. and Mrs. James D. Nelson BF,AtnY SALON Ing bis discharge. Miss Georgene Griffith of Media en r who have been visiting the latter's Cpl. Gregory Heath of Cedar will act nli maJ.d of honor at the m lane who has been in Mantia. for parents Mr. and Mrs. Carl de Moll marriage of her slater. MI88 Mtl- "Z Beauty'. bo_d for. the Antiques Fair seven months. is .now personnel ot Park avenue, left Saturday for drea Bennet Grlmth, daughter of Spartansburg, S. C .• where Dr. Nel- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ingram Grifclerk tor his battalion. m estabLish a practice. fith or Media to Lt. WilUam Walter en' Lt. Comdr. Robert V. Faragher, son plans 13 So1llli Cheater Road ::0 stationed in Washington, D. C .• Dr. Nelson recently received his Thomas, 2nd, A.U.S. son of ~r. CaD Sw~re 0476 spent the week-end with his par- discharge alter tour years of ser- and Mrs, Walter S. Thomas of Royents Dr. and Mrs. 'Varren F. Far- vice with the Medical Corps of the ersford, formerly of Swarthmore, CHARBERT • SKYLARK. LUCIEN LE LONG • CHEN YU agher of the swarthmore Apart- U. S. Army. which wUl take place. Saturday. Dat G. Jenkins, Y 3/e received March 30, at 4 p.m ..tn 'the Calvary menta. and Mrs. WllUnm A. Far- hJs discharge at the SeparaUOll Prote~tant Episcopal' C h u r c h , agher and small daughter Judith, Basc at Bainbridge. Md., Friday Rockdale. former r-esldents of Riverview rood after servJng overseas on New GuiThe Rev. John R. Huggins will moved Tuesday to thetr new home nea und Lcyte for 22 months. He perform the ceremony. In Klrklyn. Pa. has joined Mrs. Jenkins and their The brldesmah1s wlll be Miss Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ruther- yOWlg" daughter at their borne on Barbara Griffith, stster of the bride, Cord of "Testdnle avenue, Mr. and Park avenue. Mi~ Elaine Bradford of Phtladp-IMrs. Fred P. Wilson of Walnut 6 Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Chaffee of h' d M H J h L d lane. and Mrs. Wilson's brother-inp "a, an rs. . 0 n urns en Swarthmore avenue entertained of Media. law and sister "Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Mr. nnd 'Mrs. Earl H. WilUams of Sizer of Glenn Ridge, N. Y .•. sperit Norwich. N. Y .• for a few days of 'ENGAGEMENT last week-end In New York City. this week. .; W. Henry Linton, Jr.• has been Mr. and Mrs. G. Herbert Scholl released from th~ Army and is atof Rose Tree road. Media announce SMITH-MORSE tenuing thc gmduate school at the engagement &f their daughter M.I.T. Mrs. l.J.nton. the former MJss Miss Dorothea R. Scholl and EnEven in that short .time, your will maY Beatrice Brewster, will make her sign Richard Bell Hon of Mr. and .need revision. Here are some· of the.. home' with ber parents 1\11'.' and Mrs. Fred N. Bell or Ha.rvard avc~lr5. Frank Bl'ewstel' of Dickinson regions: ,nue. a.venue fo~ a short time before Miss SchoU Is n. gradua.te of joining her husband at Cambridge, 1. Changes in your famil, Swarthmore High School, class of Mass. She is a SOP!'Iq\nore af<;Bu9~­ Mr. Harold Welch who has ~en 2. Changes in v~lue of ,our assets nell University and pledged to PI recently ~ischarged from the Army Beta Phi Sorority. has arrived to Uve with h.ts brothChanges in your wishes Ensign Bell ia a graduate of er-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Swarthmore High School and ot Your desire to establish new Oliver Rodgers of Riverview road. Cornell University. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Lees of COl'trust funds. nell a.venue entertained eight guests Mr. and '1\Irs. Percy C. Belfield, last evening at dessert bridge. You and your aHorney are always Jr .. of Villanova avenue. announce Mr. a.nd Mrs. Arthur S. Robinson welcome to talk with us about the the .engag('ment of their niece. of Ogden avenue entertatned Mrs. way our trust services can beneRt you_ Kathryn 'V. Belfield. to Norman Robinson's aunt Mrs. Clnra P. 'Davant, son ot Mr. and Mrs. W. Newport of New York City for a G. Davant. of Atiam.i. Fla. few daYd tbt~ week. 1\Ir. Davant was recently dts· Mrs. Kenneth Reed of North charged fl'om the Coast Guard Chester road Is entertaining her after serving four years. Mother, Mrs. C. DeCanter Derby The wedding is planned for of Lansdowne for 'a fe\v weeks. June. prc. Robert Reed who is stationed at Indla.ntown Gap spent last UNITY AoSSEMBLY· w~ek-end at his home on College American LegIon Room aveDuc. Borough Ball Member of Federal Deposit JD81U"RIlOO Corporation Mr::l. Albert E. Thomas oJf 'Vash10:30 A.M, ~el")' Wednesday inFton. D. C .• Is making her home Informal Talks by with 'her son-in:'law and daughter, ZELIA M. WALTERS Mr. nn(l Mrs. A. B. Reavls of UniWriter and Lecturer versity place. Everyone Welcome. 1\[rs. Joseph Momn ot Kenyon av( nue entertained het' cOU!Jin Lt. FOR Douglas W. Green for a few days of last week. Lt. Green completed 80 mh,.o;ions a:s a bomber pllot In New Gl1inp-a where he spent 14 Call month~. Since his return to the Mrs. Uoyd E. Kauffman &tates he has been co,nnected with Swarthmore 2080 the ]"crl'ying Command, now known ;\$ the Air Transport Command In Dallas, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. l\fancill and their daughter Mary Louise of Walllng[ol'd spent tho wc'k-end in The weather and human ailments are favorite THEATRE Atlantic City. N. J. topics of ever,.day conversation. The next-door T/a Arthur Collins who received - . ------------------~--- ~ The • • 8 to BQuquet ~• • ~ -:e< n Mr. " '4". 3. 4. Swarthmore National· Bank and Trust Co. <' MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS • MEDIA Thurs., Fri., Sat. Shirley TEMPLE meet yoU tit the OII011l01l10 "Ill-C of Swarthmore allIIIIII A .. • CAl BLITHE SPIRIT Comedy by "Kiss and Tell" Sun., Mon • Robert BENCHLEY Vera VAGUE "SNAFU" NOEL COWARD • ..... over • cocktal, then ...Joy • ••• :10.. hntc.... ........" prQ - ,It, perfKlly ......... ".A neighbor is alert to recommend her favorite remedy for any set of symptoms. Another friend holds implicit faith in something else. You are c;aught ina cross fire of c1aims~Dd 9lunterclaims. Artemus Ward observed that, "The trouble ~ "0.. Et&RY PRlDAY AT SWARTHHOR& THE SWARI'HHOBEAlf. PUB"wH':R Pboae. IIwaI1bmoi'e 0IlOO P&' PETER E. TOLD. Editor MARJORIE TOLD, ABBocl&te Editor Lorene Mccarter Rosalio,Pelrsol Anne N. Cochran I Entered '!.II Second C _ Matter• .JanU&lT ,., 1929. at the Post Ofrlce at Swarthmore, Pa.. under the Act of Marcb at 1819. DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON II FRIDAY. MARCH 15, 1946 ., 1b===============;================J1U PreSbyterian Church Notes . The second of the Lenten sermons on the topic "Still pasalng By" , wilt be preached In the church at the 11 o'clock 8ervlce sundlty morning. Dr. and Mrs, A. S. Van Dyke at the Harvard avenue entrance and Mr. a.nd Mrs. C. I. Galbrea.th at the drlveway-tranHept entrance will asatst the minister In extending greetings to Ute congregation after the service. All. departments of the Church School meet eRch Sunday morning at 9:46 o'clock'; The committee on MI88lons and Benevolence will meet SUnday afternoon at' 4 o'clock.in the Church study. . The Higli School FellowshiP. the College Student's Forum. and the Young Adult's Club wnt meet for supper Sunday evening at 6 o'clock. • , After the supper the groups will meet separately. The 'Hlgh School Fellowship will bear Dr. W111lam Wefer. Dr. Wefer w1l1 shovi a color' 111m "And Thou Pb.tladelphia... The College Forum will meet tor discussion. and the Young ~dult'!\ will enjoy an evening of getting acquainted. The 8e8810n will meet this evening at 8 o'clock 'at the homo ot Elder Thomas M. Jackson. 238 Park a.venUf>. The Jun.tor Choir wUl rehoo.rso thta evening at'1 o'clock. The Chapel Chotr (high school age boys and girls) will rehearse 'Sunday afternoon at 5' o'clock. The Chancel Choir will rehearse Thursday evening at 7:45 o'clock. A cordial inv.Jtatlan is extended to anyone Inte.J:..ested ,.in joining one of, these choirs. . , Please brlng sandw.!cbes. Circle 8. Mrs. George M. Allen. chairman. will meet at the home of Mrs. Harold Ogrl}m. 633 Riverview i~ad, on Wednesday, March 20. at 2 p.m. Co-hoste88. Mrs.. J. C. McEssllnger. Methodist Church Notes The O.fHclal Board will hold a special meoting on FrJday evening, March 15. at 8 o'clock In' the ch~pel. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for Antique.; Music Boxes, DoUs. Bric-a.Brac; a.in., Shawls, Jeweky WALTER ELDRIDGE Contact at Antique Show partments of the Church School Wesleyan W 0 men' s Community w11l meet at 9:45. At the 11 o'clock Leo.gue wUl g.1ve one at Its regular at Woman'. Club service ot Morning Prayer, the. semi-monthly dinners at t..b e Rector will preach on the topic- church. ~--------. "The Idea ot God." Confirmation Class wlll meet" at 6:30 p.m. • The Choir School w.111 meet on Monday and \Vednesday at 4: 30 p.m. and agnin on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. 'Vednesday night the second lesson in the "Sunday School on Wednesday Night" sp.rlcs wl1l be given. The lesson will be on the Prophets For over 66 years Philadelphtans have placed of the Bible. The discussion starts promptly at 8:15 p.m. their confidence in the Oliver H_ Bair Com· Holy Communion w.ilI be celebrated on 'rhursday at 7: ao a.m. pany_ That trust we have always carefully and again at 10 a.m. guarded and today, as in the past, we are The women will sew after the ,10 o'clock servtce Thursday. and giving the highest type of service to 011_ 'their w'eekly luncheon will be held at 12:30 after WhicH their study class wlll meet. The, Chur~ School meets on Sunday morning at 9:45. Classes are provIded for children of all ages a.nd for adults. At the morning service at 11, the minister will pr'each on the 8ubJect. "The Light that has not failcd." The Church Nursery .is prepared to care for the younger children during the morning service. Mrs. Edwin HumpreYs and Helen Hoot will be In charge. The Choir .A8s~clatlon- wm meet Christian Science Church Notes at the parsonage on Wednesday "Substance" is the subject of the evening at 8 o·clock. At the recent congregational Lesson-Sermon In all Churches of meet.lng the following were elected Christ; Scientist, on Sunday. Marcb as delegntes to the Laymen's As- 17,. The Golden Text is: "By husociation which meets at the next mntty and the fear of the Lord nrc of the Annual Conference: riches, and ho.nour. and Ure" Mt'S. Roy N. Keiser, Mrs. Otto (Proverbs 22:4). lr-r--r--~~~l tl KEEPING FAITH l l l l l t l i~ ~ J 1 OliVER H. BAIR CO. 1' ( 1820 CHESTNUT STREET 1 Pre....... 1 CJ-.JJ-.J..J..J..J~..J~ t DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS IIm•• h.... I S I I · MARY A. BAIR, The Senior Class of the Church School which meets with Dr. Braun at 7 :30 o'clock Sunday evenings will discuss the subject "Rellgilon' and Science" this week. The Church Citizenship ClaS4 for all young people 12 years ot ago or over who are not already rn"m~ bers of the church meets each Sunday mornlng between no,~ and Easter at 9 o'clock in tile Church study. The following Circles will meet Wcdnesday, March 20; Circle Mrs. David McCahQI;1 chairman, ~_t1!~rFP.:-~~t.~!.s ~£~,..,.~': . gan, 9;:;3 Sft-atli Haven 10:30 o'clock. Sandwiches are to ,be carried. Circle 1, Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan, chairman. at the home of Mrs. 'Villiam Wnrd III. 430 S. Chester road, at 1 o'clock. CHURCH SERVICES SWAR'l'HMORE PHESHY'J'ERlAN CHURCH nev David Braun. Minister 9 :46 A. M.-Churdl School. 11 :00 A. M.-Morning WorShip. Sermon Topic; "sun Passing By." 6 ;00 P. M.-Fellowship. AiETHODIST CHURCH Roy N. Kelsu. D.D•• Minister. SUNDA.Y 9 :45 A. M.-Church School. 11 :00 A. l.L-Morning Worship. SCI'~on topic: "The Light l'hat has not Failed." TRINITY CHUR(.;H Rev. GeO. ChrisUan Anderson. Rector SUNDAY. MARCH 17 8 :00 A.M.-HolY Communion. 9 :'6 A. M. - Church School SUNDA'; 9:45 A. M.-Adult Forum : Tues., Wed. Michael's College Pharmacy "The Keys of March 19, 20, ZI, ZZ '" 23 ON·THE CORNER 8:20 r.M. The Kingdoin" .. .... !i!i THE SJV:ARTHMOREAN Pm" .• 8H':'. 3 a.urcb Kraus, Mrs. William Earl ·Kistler. WeIlq A. M. Eo Mrs. George Broadbent. Mr. Fred Bogardus. The alternates are Mrs. On Sunday at 11 A.M. the Rev. Ray Harlow. Mrs. Oliver HauenClark. assistant pastor of St. Matstein. Mrs. Alton P. Smith. Mr. thew's A.M.E. Church, PhiladelTbeodore L. PurneU and Mr. Ray phia will dellver the message. , . A.. Shubert. At 4: o'clock Dr. James G. Vall. ot Media. will make an addre88 on TrinityNo~ "A Visit to Mn.hatma Ghandl". The Joseph N. Quinlan Memorial Choir Holy Com munlon wlll be cele· will' 8ing. brated on Sunday at 8 a.m. All deOn Thursday; March 21, the • FRIENDS may result from entirely different causes. Your physician has ~pent at lea.t eight arduous year. in the study of health and disease. He is thoroughly fa.miliar with the techniques of diagnosis ·and treatment. The pharDiacist's specialty is ~he preparation and dispensing of the· mugs your doctor orders. When ill, fint see your doctor_ Then bring your prescription to os. 11I11! IliSlllm i! III"! ill III FRIDAY, MAROIll, UN. . ,... THE SWARTHMOREAN . THm RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF with people is they know tOO many things that ain-' 50." What seem to be almost identical symptoms in twO patients "1I"11!i!I!ill!UlIt~1I .. ' ~ 11 :00 A. M.-Mornlng l)rayer :md antecommunion. Sermon topic; "The Idea of God:' Director, D. Malcolm Hodge LUNCH •• from 60c DlIitINIR •• from lie CecII.I .............. * -.;'. II Iii! li!ifl! I ~peaker. Smoother ond better Evel'ett Hunt. "'rhe Story It's a mighty bright moment for a fellow, when his dog comes through the "obedience test" without . a falter_ Excellence just naturally calls for pride •.• and we feel it, too, . as we point to the wonderful .richness of Supplee Sea/test Homogenized Vitamin D Milk. This is. the milk with cream in every delicious drop, with the prpteins broken up for '"easier digesti~n, and with a wealth of vitamin 0 added to the rich store of vitamins and minerals. It's the milk that Dad and the children love to drink. _ • so _be sure to have it on hand_ Ask your Supplee milkman or your neIghborhood Sealteststorekeeper for Homogenized. . of Old Hymns." 11 :00 A. ?d.-Meeting. WEDNESDAY 9 :30 A. M. to 3:30 P. M.-$cwing and quilting tn Whittier House. Box luncheon. A1to. ~re cordially ·Invlted. FIRST cHUReB OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST OF S\VARTHMORE Park Avenue Below Harvard ~UNDAY 11:00 A. M.-Sunday SchooL 11:00 A. JI.-Sunday Lesson Sermon . Wednesday evening meeting eaeh week. 8 p. m. Reading room open dall)' except Sundays and holidays 12 to 5 p.m. Wednesday evening, 1 to '7 :30 p. m. Church Edifice. AU are' cordially invited to attend. WE!lLEY .A. M. E. CHURCH Rev. M. H. Jones, pastor 11:00 L, M.-lItJrnlng Worship. ~ . .l:tt P. lI,.....chureh seh""I.. ~ 4 :00 l'; It.-Address by Dr. James G. . ,.-;~' ,9' ~ ....alL • .' • SUPPLEE 8eabe6t MILK AND CREAM • .. . Jobn Delaplaine. BOD of Mr. and i.ll"II, Roy A. Delaplaine, CorDel~ Clvpnue. h8.:B been released trom ~l1e Army, and bas entered or , I T H.if: • \'IV Mt, l' H~ • .....;~~ .. "-.R..:....E_It._N _ _ _-:--_ _...,...._....:.-~.,......R .....?!' .........~~.....;,.:...If.j.........,~ ..............;;1...,,.::...,1~,''4,f~ . NEWS NOTES Popul"r LENTEN FAVORITES In our Markets I Smelts Nt. J iArtt caalliu I~ 27c Cod Fillets lo33c 42c Ib Whiting - ....".... "25c Mackerel-- 1017c • Z I.. I,C Crbp Fl'esh .pIa••1I We.t..... C.aunowerL':':3z.,,, .x'h"..!:··~SC JuIo, LeIUOns. 10e Ib , Ready far SprIng Plarrtlag CRASS SEED :7::.: 5 "'8 ... ZS YeUow GuIon Sets -I~ . . . . Z Loo.. lse lb. ~~~~~------------~ ~J Large Fresh EGGS carton ot 12 48 La.... Sel..... loth carlo_A ... 0112 . . . . . and GoW SRI En' en now MGIed and dotId few your profHflan 97"''- M.eel'oaI So .':hottl ............ettI Saace BII i.a', Cllateaa Clae.. GTe: Opteao c:.......... IISaJ P........ n ......~ C.Uhi ... E••p. P.erhe. Fullirde" .weet P ... Do~. Teader a ............cJa Apple-Ilup"1'1'1 .JeD, GI..wood IloblOl'd . . . . . Beets .,I.~ ~ ~: loe· loe Z5e Ib . . . . . . . ~-:. 7c Ho N.:;.2 140 N.:;.2 140 ~T~: 140 '1;:' IZo Nehllco c:.k. . . . c:...eke... Z.,I.';. ZI. Nlaato Maa Noodle Soap ~ ..... Z~o llealpakt Pork .. Be,.. 4 '~~' ~SC 1 r I. PRESERVES Ib Rob Roy PllMtClpph. ..;:.__________________~ •~~:h;;~i;;;~:::h~~~m~w;;.':.;wn~ho~M Al'Tny and hm, .1'(~~llllled his studj('s at the Unin'n;ily of p('nnsylvania, I )1', and llr's, 1~. L, :\fercer of Nol'th Chestel' I'oad ha"\'c oeen ('nt('dalnin~ tlwir dallghh'r-in-la\\ ~l.rs, 'I'homas A, :l\lel'cC'r and hCl hally daught(,I' 1Iolly of l\Iool"estil{' Juicy Sweet Florida ORANGES Crisp Fresh Spiaach Z lb. 15C Western CauliUower 1:'::3:&9c: .''h~.!d'9·~5c Juicy Lemons Ib 10C to\\'II, N, J" for the past week, 'l'llt' Pi Beta. Phi scwing groUP llIet yesle,'da~" at the Yale a\'C'nue llOllle of lUrs, ,Yilliam "V. Turncr, ~rl'S, Henl'Y Pattf',l'son of ]~Int :t\"('IlIlC and )II'S, Ja£'k 'rhompsoH of Har"\'ard tl\'cnu(> will entnt of Swarthmore College, for· m('r dean of women at the coll(>gc who sails next ,\Vednesday ,fOI' Eng-land on six months sabbatical '::'t: 44c loth SlInr SIIOI and Gold Seal Egg. gr. now sealed and doted for your protection Ib pk. 10c 8,oz tl as hO:-;tj~H~ tn till.' I'opts' ,'ilI'lC, ),lout1ay, )11":->, Hurtnn ,\, Knl11;:11.' g;n:e a II1'o~l'alll IIll'!' Shoulder Lamb so. Col" 33c Shoulder Chops "39c Rib Chops " 45c "10c '"15c 1b19c Breast Lamb Shank Lamb Neck Lamb of :\11',", X, daug-ht(,1" Ii('l II , N, iVi'. MILK 3::!'s 26 ott CellI Stuch Robf«d ~:. 7e Catsa, Pr,::' '~;::, 17e C. '6.b ~. !i. 16e .kd Pe.. Y;~r.:" .'t. 14e BellIS g;o~ 2 .;l~ 26e Ceco. '.;: lOe WiIna'1 •• I!:, 32c u.. ....e' 0 : ~ :~, tOIIlOI'I'OW %6c 6 O'Clock M~~ Q.T Pie Crast ~~.:': 13e Dieed Carrots ASCO N~.: 12e i DiU Pieldes '...... ,:::, 25e Sweet Piekles\!)h":': 2~~~. 31e Boseal CoHee i~ 33e I S··s.me ~'d."!. .SPEDUP . ILEACI Lo!e:.. :111(1 ~mall .l\nll(' l.'lll'i~tin ..., of PlainJ" Wi thC'il' \\'('cl.;:~end I)uff(,tt ::\11', alll] :\lrs, ::\lalcolm Pineo of Xorth ~wal'thmOI'f' :I"l'nut' w,HI C'nh",t:lin informally at tlwi!' hnme Labels for Valuable Gifts Farmdale Evap. MIlk Hnl«(~ guest:-;, c Save Coupon. t'Ot'IllS, ),11', alld ~\lt'R, Hny p, Lingle of Cor,wll :l\'l'nu'.' f'ntl'rtained their HOll-in-luw :lnd daughlt',' ('apt. and SkleJ... Frankfurters Ib ~~C Type 1 Lone .0108_ AC'.:!'i~;' Ib Z9C Ib 270 Cooked Salami H!t~~r.:. =2S .'t. 19c c 1 ~------- I FOR SALE New Frigidaire • 1946 deluxe I .1 rnodl c 7 cu b· Ie foot capacity., This frigidaire has I never been used, and is still in the factory I shipping cratc. i I Tel. Swa. 06001 1:~~_o~~~______ J -------1 KITCHEN BATHROOM I & I WALL LINOLEUM LASTS FOREVEIt I I Priced frol11 91f2 Cenls SQ . •'.1'. FP CHltOl\1E TItIMS STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS I Jo::8TUIATIXU CHF:EIWI'L AXn I'R!'!' II 10 W. WINONA AVE. t 1»IKE NORWOOD Ridle~~)ark 3775 I : I HEDEMARK'S I CJlESTJ.~lt iI . ! Extended Sunday Hours 12 Noon until 3.00 P. M. Special Dinner $1.00 ('\'C'nin~, :\Iajot' all11 :\In.;, ~Ianton ~, \'on GI'ahill of ("01"11e-1i a\'t'IHlf' ...'ntl'I'tHilled Col. Fl'ank K, Hyatt and :\11':';, ITratt of tll(' DRIVE TOMORROW! SERVICE TODAY! Preventive maintenance now is your safeguard against future costly repairs. Make sure you have a car to drive tomorrow! Be sure by bringing your car in today for a complete check.up. OSKILLED MECHANICS oCHEVROLET·ENGINEERED PARTS Penn~yl\":"lni:\ as their dinnel' guest~, ~aturday en'ning, :!\h, flnd ::\fI's, J..:rnest U, I ..."'l.ws, their daug-hter Bl"tty nnd son Churks formerly of Park :\\'eflll<', arc now re~iidinJ; ilt 417 Han'ard ~lilitary CollC'.;,;:e oFINEST TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT RUMSEY CHEVROLET avcnue, Mrs, Stanton ~, Yon Grabill of Cornell avenuc was hostes..o:; to a group of Service \VJ.ves at two tables of hridge at her home Tuesday evening, 'I'h~:::.Sa~"~e~~~:~ic\"o~ and elljoying a IJel'iod of I'cst and l"eCUpcmtioll aftcl" th"se last ~ay" or I'ush and hal'd \\'ol'k hefm'c the Henior Pia}', '1'0 the ltiemhei'l'i or thc cast th .... aft(,I'noons IlIllst S(,('IH l'atllC" vacant now without tho:;e long hom's of pl'actice, E\'C'I' sinc'£, th(' lIlidllle of 1'~I'i"'1J- Sales - Service Yale and Ruqers Swarthmore 1439 I Ilt~ ablt' ll'ail('I'shill or Ilvhhy HoPSoll, eia.:-;s president, plans an,' I, ,'apidly funlling whi('h giYl' III'OIll- hm of Oil(' of th0 :Vl':U"s llest danl ('S, 'I'll(' dc('oratiull COllllllittc(' hl.'allec] I)), I;uh M('(~()\\"nn, has "iI('t'n "Ios('d !lourN til d.-drIp oil tlw til'cOl'atiOll Ihl'Ul{', It is ,'11111(11'('11 10 h(' diffl'r{'nl fl'ulli anything~Wal"tlllllor{' .~ lHlinted ! Senior Play Exhibits Outstanding Ability senior' play, "UC'I'lwl('y Squal'e", wns undoubtedly among the o(>st pl'oductiOlll::l of its I~ind in Sw'Ll'thmore High School. Many and Jig-hUng, :.tptly t'1'eatc-u an utmm;phere of trag-eu}" and mystel'Y, whilc the SUPl','h elilll(lx('s at the ent1s nf scenps maintained t'xeitement throughout. Adding to the al'tistk effect or the production Garnet have seemed improved. Suddcnhr We realized that it was the addition cOll\lIlcntlnblc cxcellencies cOnJof the Garnet Poll. Edited hy hint'd to creat(' its dramatic sucC('~S, Con('cl'ning the acting itself, Phil A Iden, the 0011 has become was the carefully planncG hut Al1en Enders carried thl'ough his one or Garnet's best features, and natural looking I-{l'ouping-, the role with finf' has been vary enlightening about difficult leading colorful co~tumcs, and the musical showing man)," controversial schOOl issues, scnsith'ity ant1 hUlllor, perfol'lnane6l:, of the {'nsomble begrlH'efully the involw'd stat(' of tWl'en :,;cenes, Having seen that this h-1sue's tlw chara('tel"s mind and posiIt may h(' said, 1Il0I"eO\'('r, that poll was on Garnet itself we arc tlon, His acting was complemented ··l:c"kcl~~.. :-;qUtL,'(>", the ,l'C!-l1llt of all "(>I'Y anxious to fin(1 out the anel in lllan)' ~cene~ enhanced hy six wc('k~ of hard wOI'I~, was el1of results, 'Vc hope the students the :->pal'kling f'ffol'\'('scE'nc(' joyed no l('~s hy th(' ('ast than hy Alice Hay as IIp.lpn Petti~l'(>W, wercn't too 1mI'd 011 Garnet as w(' th(' atl(liell('p on 1'''I'irlay Ilig-ht, H.(~­ :\facEh\'(~f', Pf'I'fOl'ming as!mrc them that the editors do Mal'ilyn ilC'anmls, altholl!-;"h lastinguntil strangely with pnwl'\" :.,nll understanding. PI'O\'itlC'(} an inlel'Niting cont,'asl as J"at(' Pnttigl'ew, while Donalll ~wall, HiehaJ'(} 'l'a):lOl', and l\laJ'ian Karns hl'ought hoth com('d~' and ,reality into an Hthel'wisC' r:ltlH'I' tl'Y "('lOY hard. 'Vc understand that l\.fl', Dllll('an's Solid Geometry elas!'; has (lwinal 20th century I ond PE',rlod stndy hall is an ahso- of lute nceessit~r. However, nur per- world, Conef'I'nint-:' tee-hniealiti('s on thp sonal opinion :Is that the seniors stngl', wI'1I timN) paU.!-1es an(1 al'e just JI\ZY, fantmitie eighteenth worl~ed nul :,;nund (>ff('('t!> til(' studC'nl dil'ectol'~ .THIll' Davis and Pat T"':lin(', :':OC'S th(' app,'eeiation of th ... east, of thp ('olllmitlees ('011('1"'1'111'{1 with Ih(' play; and of the sf'niol' ('laSH in g"{'nt'I'al. Debate Officeholding Students Look Ahead I affairs h~' llndez-ialdng :L vital pl'nlllplll as tIl(" Iilllit~ [I.('lion of nffi('(>s and acti\'ities, Howc\'('!", this iss1le ncel1s ,lIlu('1":!: fUrthf'r diRcussion and to it C'ahin ~('hOfll Lacrosse Starts time is getting n("\I' fOl' tho~c J;rueling Collcge Honrds and l'l('niol's are none too happy ahout Th(> fir:;t Incross£' prncti('c was it. :-:'ome luck),~ memher:> of the 8('.nheld in the gym Thlll'sday, .March inr Class have alr~a.t.Iy heen aee~llt­ 7. General Rtickwork Was practiced, f'd fOr college and won't have to r(>sUltin~ in many stiff jOints on hother with the tesL'I. but for the Fi'fday, The attendance was mosth~ re-st, AprU sixth win be a day of juniors, but the sc.nlors were kept a.gony, in a minority because of the play, 'rhe HHYl'~ nnd Cappy Bil'rman al'e in eha,l'gp (If the 1.'1(·un Up Committee, I Going to College? Onl' ()f the most serious terns that IIlCllluel's of the lIppm' Folk Music Will Be Program Feature Un .i\lay lOth . annual R\\'a,'thIllOI'C Choral 1l,'og-ram will he IH·esPllted in fe!-lti\'al folk foro th'~ til(' [01'111 of a henefit of ~('hola,'~hip I'~und, Till' Illother!i an' in eha,t'g-l' of sal(' of tie!;:f'ts :tl"i IIsual. till' He-nitl!" probthre .. ('laSSes nlU!it fnce is that of college admiSSions, It is a 1011/::; range problem that concern:,; ('"\'('Q'on(> who plans to (>nter college within the Il('xt three yenl'~, 'rlwrl' a1'C fOil I' ('onsidel'ation~ that CUntl)lieate the problem, 'rhe-se e!->)lerially Uneaten HlP chances of any high school 8t11dcnt when he applies for colleJ.;"c athnission, H('niol' IIH~ ("'11111 will IH'PSpllt a Illi:o;('cllaneo\1s a~Slll'tnl('nt a('(,OI11panipd Il),' N"ancy Hindiffp, 'l'hl' .hmioJ' High (:irls UIC't~ CIlIb if.; KI'I.'('jalizing in l.atin ,\Ill('I"iC;IH ,Ind )'I('~i('an IIIU!,;i<', 'I'h.. !:OYH' '-. 'hol'nH, \\"hil'h is an C'nlarJ.{('tl g-rOllp this :n':u', will do chant~', two ~"Kr() spi!'itlIals, and HOllle ~I;wol~ full~ Hlln~l"i, '1'111' populal' boys' q1lssin' r("IHliti"n of thf' Jlalll'lujnh ('hol'u~ \\'ill ('Iosf' ttl(' l)I'flJ.;TI'!-l, Third, tli(' h(,PIl ahlC' ttl ('olI('ge~ have nOI expand {luring Ow wal', A:. much as they have needto ('xpand, it has lJec'n ,"Cl'~' lliffi£'ull, Tn ('\'('I'~' ('asc, eolleg-('~ t'd havo eil,'ollt'd thC' maximnm IlUlllhel' of stlld(mts tl1('Y could llandli"', The~" ha\'e takC'n t('n to one h1111<11'('(1 pCI'('('nt 1111.11"1"' ~tutlt'nts than h(>fO\'(> till' W:~l', In many pla('('~, and O\"CI'f1owinK stllllC'llt puplliatiun, F'ouI"lh. tlwl'f"' is a f'hol'tagf' of t(';tchl'rR, Thl"' gn.... C'rnm('nt haR (Inc' or lIw illlllortant fadOl's ill tak('n an PIlOI'!IlOUR numhc.r of the paHt }i(':IHon has hCI'1l th(' ashllH'nt~ gl'nulls particillating' IIndPI' thf' whic'h will h(' paid fot, throug-II sf'l'n~d dail~" hy l'otatill!-;" {'Ollllllit('ililahl(' dil'f'{'Uun of Alil'(' Hlutl- tllo (;,T. Bill of Hights, A mll1lI N'H. aneT lJy tht· OPPfu'lunity they gl'tt. Tile ('hol'US, whil'h is the hl'l' of SP,'\'i('elHell arc applYin,g til J)l"u\'ide!l to watch sOllll'thing l:lI'g('.!-1t f,;TOllP, will :,;in~ two KI'OUPH coll('1-:"O!, 'flwy IHl\'C' waited, and IWltf',rializing 0111 of nothing-, (If !';ong-s t'ollIIHlSL'd of folk Ill11Hie, 110\\' if anyoll(~ waits. it mtlst hi' To t1w :U.. tllt(", (,xJH.~I"i('nc('d diJ':\Ikt~ '-IOI"Hl(lar will :II'('ompany til{' high school :-;tudent. ('etill', I-fanlla Kirk, U)lon 'whom 011 fhp piano, R(,I'OIHI, thel't' are far 1l10"C hoth t.hl' Iwadachf':-; and slleec:,;:,; Tht' HI'niol' liigh gil'ls g'oingtil eullege, fi\'c limps Gil'ls of till.' play Itngl'Jy I'('~tt'fl. anll tn -:\fr, OppC'nlander's son ~(~eIllS to lie following in hifl fath('r'fj foot!-.;teps, His instruction of th~ ehemISIt')' classes was quite cntcrtain~eniol' High :"khonl Cahinet is Iligh :'khuol aeti\'ith'~~ t'OIlI't'I'Il,ing109. and h .. apparently lIS('S the now (ichating the P'I'ohle'~l of limit- l'olleg('s have I'l'('cntiy hf'l'n Illll<'h little back l'oom of the lah for the ing til(' numbl't' of lIllPOl'tant in ('\'icicn('C', Almost (' ...... r:'<' ,,"epk a :-;;nnc pUl'pose that hi~ fatbel' o(fj('C's held 11y Onf' pel'son, ~rhis rl'lH"('l"iC'ntati\"p f,'onl a (lifi('I"('nt ('01_ IloC's. pl'ohh'lll also hns to do with the leg-I' \'jsitH RWarthlllol"(' to gi\'(' stuidNl or l'(>gnlating- thC' numher of denl:-.; illf(Jnllatioll ahout th(' t'oiWe und('l'stantl C'\'('n a('ti\'itips in whlrh a stud('nt ('an h,t-;"I' of thl..~r dlOi<'t', nl'nll)l~; V:II'ythat Ihough hasl~cthall s(>aHnn i:. fill- partil'ipat(', ill.L:" ill ~i?t' fl'Olll t \\ 0 to I "'Pllty isht'tl, t1l£" Fl'idny night danceR in A t an t'mCI'g"C'11I"~' lHf'Pting 11I'1d Il I'fl! of thp follnwing offic('s: PI'(',!,i- ('ullpg"('l"i Im\'C' het'n rppl'('s('nt('11 .at 'which S(>('lln. to 1)(" impl'o\'ing- with" 1}('l1t of the RtHlh'nt Af.i.~t)ciation, the' high school, in('(uding- \Vilson, 1'\'(>1'}' dance, PI'(>Rilll.'nt of the ~cniOl' C.lass, ('1.11'11('11, 'Vesl(>yan, Hoclll'ster, C'ditOl' of tlw Yl!:U'hool~, ('tlitOl' of DI'C'~('1. 'T'uscllhl1l1, P('mhl'oke, ROIllI' of the .Juniors tpII us that Garnpt, prf'sitlcnt of Hand, TlI'C'si- Lal,e Ed£', 'V('st Ch(>Ht(>r 'reac1wr'~, Ih('ir dance is going to he a. grant1 de-nt of Chorus, and president of Tl'init~", Heed, and Htl'atfol'd and affah·. The ,Tunlnr Prom is an im- lllad;:fl'iarH, It was also agrc('d Hullins ,Juniol' Colleg-(,8, Ilortant ('Yent in the !';chool yl':ll' that onl' pf'rROn ('ould not be S('('~tudcnhi ha\"<.' also he('11 \'isiting;lnt] wC' all will he Slire to come, I'etal'y 01' t.rcasm'cl' of hoth tht' tlrp Cni\'(~l"sitil's of P('nnsyl\,:mia Stuul'nt As~ociation and th(' Senior and T(,lllplc in Philatlelphia, (,las~, Thus fa I', fllil'ken (1 pf.;('l"\',ing 1n thC' fut.ul't~ RW most of us Won't lit' }Wl'C then hut we ('an :1..1Wuys (,OIlU' ha('k to ('h""('r for the uld ~'\Ima :l\l:Itc,' Ht :Its games, alld lOll,' s('niol's and (our juniors \',(',',' wlmitt('d illio tile :':;oci('I\', Til('~e lIew llle'1l1,1'1"l"i \\"l'I't' Phil A'JIll'fl, Lloyd En'n'tt, :\lul'Y Evan:.:;. .1111~ ~\Ii<'l' Ila:.: ("0111 the Ij('ninr' da!-'s, and Hohin Jlal'}lel', C'aroh'!J ;\IOIl-'l', Alie(' lJurn;ulay, and ~t('"\':'11 ~Il"IIC('I' trow fll( jUllio,' ('laRS, Tht' .t.:"ll£'!-;t ~II('~I1{("1" fOl' til(' pl'n~ g,'am W01!-; 1\:<\1'1 fI('lmuth of Swarth11101'(' ('ollf'g"(', iltld 10UI' old In(,lll_ ilPl's of til\' ~()('it-ty, ],1 ..... l'on Hhal'IIt'. Hidlal'd TiI:dol', {':tl"ol Van AIl'l1. :tile: J h'atht"1 Champion ~nl\'c hl'h'r iallis on thl,' (JlJalil it,=-> of ehanll'll" . hnnon:.d hy the :';Odl'ty, Prl"SicJPlll \\"i1l.iHIll Nl'I."oll SWQI'C in the Ill'\\"- ~I)('nl'('" has 11('('11 aphusil1('sl"i IlItnmg-el', Ht'tt~' lIal'tll1an i~ £'hainl1<1n of the nalld ('olllmiUee, J)(ll'j!-l Hlac1i: is h('::1(1 of Puhlicity, Badia,':! Lukens dir'c('ls til(' Pl'ogl'am COll)llIitt('e, corners, I-Iel~n Hoot is Iwad of the He- Stl'\'el1 'rh(' jsslIe9 of On \\'('"tlmining the cont1ition of the track down at Ht4el's A venue, weather again, h JUNIORS APPOINT NEW MEMBERS IN PROM COMMITTEES HONOR SOCIETY Preparations .Made For Formal On March 22 'I'JH~ Ycarhook staff is nearing the end of their wol'l\: and will soon be ready to IlC:n-e n big sig-h nf relief and perhaps take severnl days of vacation. Howc\'e.r, we understand that the practl~c of taki,llg Ya('ations is fl'owned upon in, llighcr eil'eles, so that inst~ad we advise thcm just to asli their teachers to cut down a little on tllC homework for a. few da)"s, Anoth(,I' promising sign of is the return (If the dreaded" ('I'OSR countl'Y with the J.,rylll cla~s­ es wearily jOgging along the path.s and streets around the sehoo1. Rtl'nnge to say, evcryone sC'ems to he praying for rain and cold M .~::==~,_----------------------~--------~a:r~c~I~5~,~1~94~6~ Hay and Ender.'! in Senior Play Rehearsal cl('v('rl~' ),lc-IIII•••••••1 ('I!1('I'taim'll ~Ii~~ Elkn I'''arland uf EYallston, ilL, hl'l' fOl";"" ,l\, ... 'llUl' Ib 11ar\';.11'<1 An'nlle hut-; heen (>lectcd to lII ...'mlwn.h ill ,in the J 'hoenix Ban.d, wOlHell's hOnOI"HI"Y :soeiety of I'~arlh;nll Culh'g"f' whpl'c shc is cnI'olled a:-; a fr't~tihllIan this ycar', ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i nt III III )'Iis~ 20 lb. Ib Ullman dauHhh'I' of MI'. alHI .:'111':-;. Holand G, I,;, UUman of JUlW THE DEW DROP INN I"ail', uDder Published by Swarthmore HighSChool .---------------------- Hl"'l'h('rt Luhf{ will atl(l cntcrtain ).ll's, GC'OI'g"c Chcst(>,\' I'oad :\Trs Gi11espiC' of \Vilmington, Del., lunelwon TI1C'sday, and with her g-lI('St~ willl lah'l' attend the AntillllCR I·"'ail', 1\[1":0;, L, Koch of TIichmond, Va" fOI'IIH't'I~" of ~warthmol'(' will he the honsf' gu('st of )'Irs, AI,thn)" R, Dana of Elm avenue n(>xt w(,p].;: ant1 will nttend the Antiques VOL I-No 4 \'del'an:;, Recognized AT, 'Vush, :'\11"1.. , I'anl B, Hank.!-1, of Hal"'ard l\.trH, Frank G, Keenen of Hara\"t~nue, entertained at a luncheon vani 3vennc will entertain 1\11'9. ,T, Howard Buelt of Skippack, Pa, at the Art Alliance, l'hiladelphia, fiR 1H'.l' hOllse guest (1uring the on \Vcllncsday of last weck, three-day AntiQ1U's Fair, ~ HMO REA N Paul NEWS NOTES LENTEN FAVORITES f:.-.RI_D_A_Y...:._MAR-.:-..:..:m.::.::....::l:.:S~.1:.::9:..:4.::...6_ _ _ _ _ _ _•_ _T~H~E:.-.'S~W~A~IR T ChBdrcn in these cOllntl'iC's are homeless, parc-ntl£'ss, and destitute, 'rhey need your aid, "~r.tte to: "Snve The Children Fe~cration" 1 Madison Avenue New York City 10, N, Y. PI'Of(!SHinn~, ,,"hil(> th(' f'olleges arc (loingtheir hest. the pil,tul'c is not as hright as ~t ('oul{1 1](' for tlle high Hl'hool stmll;ont, TIl(! V('tC'ran'!,; Administ.ration f'stilllateH that tlw TlPa].;: cnrollnwnt will t"omf' ill 1 !J.I 7, wlwn tlw YOllng-f'l' RPI'\'j('f'- 1l1l'1} will Iw cOllling- 01lt of t ll!~ al'mf't1 force:>., A larg(> n111nh('r of "Vetl'l'anR may l){' pxpcctNI to (lrop ont. ThC'~­ ar(> not aU C'ollege material. But. experience hns shown thn.t ,'derans do a serious joh: thc-~' n.1'f' consciC'ntiolls; they have tllf' d"iw!' to mak(> good, \Vbat the situation mC'alls is this: the poor('st prepar('(l high schnol stud('nt will be left out of' conege, There wiII !';imply not h(' room for those with the lowe~t marks. lowest standing, and least maturity, The moral is: keep an e:!r'e on your school WOJ'k If yon have an eye on collcge. FRmAY, MARCH 18,1946 THE S WART HMO REA N 6 Boys' Basketball Team Ends, Season Letters ,to the Editor Dear :mdltor. is year the swarthmore BtuTh dents have lnlUated a ,practice at school dances which has grown steadily worse at each dance. I am spealdng ot the way decor&.tions are destroyed. This began Editor . __..____.. __ . __ . __ . ____ .... __ ...... ____ ~~. __. ___..•....__:.. M~on ~~~ AJ!IBOelate Editor ................................................. Heat er mp OD BuslneBS Manager' ............................................................ Dick 'l'aylor Circulation Manager ...........................................•.•....•. Jane Mathews Treasurer ...................................................:..•......... :............ Jo~~r ~:;::.ate~:···p~~i··wiiii;.~~:··G~(;rg;·Th~;b;,h~~·T;,;e:;;,J\~AlicetH~r:. Virginia Hay, Carolyn Morse. Ann porter., Ann Delurla. Bob Phofo:~~e~~ ~~~~~.. ~~~~.~: ....•.~........•..•........ _ ...... ~..... Paul wuuamls Typists: Ruth Wagner. Rosalie Wherry. Minerva Zensen, MarJor e Black. Betty Batt, Nancy Lewis. In a slight way at the Senior Ball PUNOl'UALITY-AN ASSET but WDB stopped before much punctuality Is extremely Important In this world, but not entirely damage was done. But at ,the J. Important enough or Idgnlflcant to the vast majority of Swarthmore t b y nd High School students. Pupils are laying the foundation for their ute J. Dance the situation go e 0 after school, and If they continue to be, tardY from sebool. thdy are going control and every single streamer to find it very difficult to make the change fr~m school to o:ollege and was pulled down. The dance then an even greater change to the business world. ' ~ PlJnctuallty is an excellent babit and an asset for everyone, aDd can floor was a. shambles before the 11 be obtained by anyone who practices It long enough. last dance, and streamers were a " At Swarthmore High Sc"hool, pupils resent being reprimanded for over the parking lot and streets a few minuteB of tardiness. They feel the teac'her III being cruel, and too to count them late If they aren't In their seats when the last bell th e next day. This was hard on strIct rings. But whether they realize it or not. the teacher Is doing them sood the J. J~'s beca.u.Be the streamers bIy penalization.. _ were very hard'to find and they The faculty bas worked out a punishment for this problem of tardl~ and makes It a school rule that if a pupil is late for the first time were P lanning to use them for neBS In 8.' semester he receives one~half hour of after-school detention If tho the Junior p.rom, later lending tardlneBS Is unexcused. For the second offense, the time Is one bour, Seated left to right, GooJ"ge Storck, Dick .Jones. And)' Kirk, cllutuin them to other cla888 for their dec· and if the tardiness continues. the matter Is presented to Mr. ~omp80n, Harold Barr. Cllnt that it Is brought up in Cab~ tlcally evm'Y phase of education. such llghts Wert! jnstalled In the was, however, Barr. During the and talk on Lacrosse. It will be inet. Action on the part of 'stu- This thirty-third annual meeting, gl'ade schools under the direction season he made 69 field gpals, and held to encoura~e other schools d~nts can wield much power If It known as ··Schoolmen's Week", Is of ProfcSlSor \ViJ1iam F. Wella, ot 37 free tosses good, to carry off to start lacrosse teams. After the has a. strong -backing from the unde.r the joint ,sponsorship of the the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. top scoring honorS with 1'15. In demonstration and talks, they will student body as a wllole. U. ofl P. and the Southeastern Wells is also studYing the preven· Two TntereHted Seniors the league sco.rlng race. he finish. watch Swarthmore High play ·St. Convention District of the Penntian of airborne infection by ultra~ they wtll ed second only to Daniels, Prose Paul's varsity. Then sylvania Stat~ Education Associao, vlrilet lights ot Germantown have lunch and following the pect Park Star, with 116. Dear Garnet: tion. Friends School. swarthnl0rc During the ;leason, many of the lunch they will see I 'was under the impression that Stnte leaders, college professors, Although it is too early to dra'..... College play Drexel. games were close. others not so Gnrilct and Elmer were one and and outstanding figures in educaany definite conclusions concerning So far. SWarthmore High has on the samc. I tbink the Garnet i~ close. Of the games that were tion wtll take up varied problems the efficic.ncy. of ultra-violet Lights close. some were indeed exciting, its schedule Lower Merion, Drexel a fine upstanding paper affording of' the school and the classroom in prev~nting communicable dis~ and excellent contests to view. College's Freshmen, Swarthmore an outlet for the literary ablUties An extensive exhibit of school ease. the researches have indication The first of these games came at College's Freshmen. and will play of the students. equipment will be. displayed. such of positive results. They are espeCoach Ziegenfus Glen Nor High School. when SHS St. Paul twice. Elmer. on tbe other hand is as books, art supplies, and mustc. cially Interested ,hi epldeml,cs flf hOlles to start practice sometime not so good. The pictures journeyed ()ver to theil' gym, 'and (at 8everal Swarthmore teachers measles, mumps. and chicken pox proceeded to beat them in an ex~ after March 15 .. least in the last issue) were main- will be speakers at the meeting. among youngsters. Very thorough tra period contest. 31-29. The Garly those of nintb graders, It would They are principal G. Baker data, is kept concerning absences net led al~ of the way. having an seem that since the se~iors are Thompson. scientist Harry Oppen- nnd infections. ond from these data eight point lead at the half. and main supporters of Elmer, theY lander, Engllsh teacher Elizabeth trends will be noted over a period VOLLEY BALL WINNERS were 'nine points ahead going Into should be the ones. around which MaKle, and arUl'tt Claudia Han- of. years. The experImenters feel. the last "{teriod. In this period, Elmer centers. I must admit tbat cock:. that just as diseases are rarely con· however, the Indians outscored During the winter. fast moVing this Is not a very constructive tracted through purified water or the Garnet 11-2 to knot the count of vol1e:rbnll tournaments were held criticism, but such is Ufe, . pasteurized m.ilk now, which were zt all at the end of the regulation e,,~el'Y \Vednesday 'in the gym classAn Avid Readel' common in· the past so air-borne time. In the first three minutes es of the ninth to twelfth grades. infection can be minimized in a exira period neithel" five could Each team opposed another group Letters of appreciation are ar~ like manner through careful and get anything, resembling a point., tw.!ce. and each game was made up' riving from France at frequent in- intelligent use of ultra-violet light. 'a.nd the contest was made to be of three, fifteen point bouts. the tervals from recipients of food ana "sudden .aeiath". whieh means victors "\\'inning 2 out of 3. Lrult After eleven weeks ot school clot~ing, which is being sent by Girls' Lacrosse Schedule that the tiI'It team to get .two week the final contests were held, since Chr.1stmas, students and tea~ Swarthmore HIgh, School students. points wins. Atter . about two and Ule follOWIng' grOups were vicminutes of this perIod, the ""ball torious: In the twelfth grade. the chera alike will be fum1shed with ,Alany amusing Incidents have been Practice games--, . . Agnes Irwin .. awaY' was thrl;)wn, to sub-~orward Cor~ Swatmores, headed by Bl11y Morse a welcome ~n tor relaxation by reported 'by members of Miss April 6 th~ advent of sprLng vacation, Strouse'~ French classes. April 9 Friends' Central awaY nell Archbold. who promptly ~on aU six of its games. In th& b-tarting Frlda~. March 22, one Among the students who have Regular games-elev4!nth. the V -9's, whOfe captain Bunk an unbellev~ble one· handed home Lower Merion shot· to! , win the hard fought con- is Louise Archbold, won five' and week nfter the close of the fourth been answering the call for help April 19 Spr.\ngslde test. I8 other ga.¢~ as ~loBe, the lost one. The tenth grade "team. the report "perl.od. ,an~ lasting untll are: .Jean BklkiBton, Caroline Fla- April 26 Monday. 'April 1. After vacation herty. AII«) Hay. Mary Knabb. April 30 Westtown Rubble Bouncers, cap~ned b~ Garnet nudged·, aJdystone. I,f-n seniors wlll take college board ex- Anne Lukens. Batay Turner, 'Anne "May 3:' , Lower lf~rloh Helen John~n, won a.l ,six. and In a regulal' _ae8.80n 'game., 'Whl1~ 9 F"i-Iends' Central Ann Bromall's ninth grade ~m. amlnatlo.ns at the Unlverslty of Megonlgal. Edith Maher. the Hal"· May Eddystone defeated the hop1esters Pennsylvania on April S. pe.... and Polly Told. May 17 Agnes Irwin won five and lost one. In & Cheater KI....nls Ult SCHOOL PLANS AMBITIOUS SPRING ,SPORTS PROGRAM Successful Basketball Season Comes to an End After Hard·Fought Kiwanis Game Which Resulted in' Defeat . ----- I I i Schoolmen to Meet Await Light Results CLASSIFIED Dick Hoot of Lafayette avenue was one of 26- football letterpten named recently at Tulane Unlver~ WILLIAM BROOKS . Albee a Itabbbh DemoTed IAWDIJ Mowed. Gen aI _ul1ug slty. _ Pa. LOB'l'-WedneBday afternoon, emalJ lIM _ _ Aft. Hoot, a gradua.te .of Swarthmore wblte and tan. short-ha1red tell181e puppy. wearing collar. Reward. TeL ~~li~:arSS~ High in 1948. overcame an ~arly 8ws. 2115-& seasOn Injury. to break int.o the 'Green W~ve I.Incup an~d beconle the LOS'J\....Spectacles In tortoise frame, EDWIN B. "FI' EY, Jr. green felt C8.6e. Jl.ar'ch 2. TeL Ogontl; outatandlng back ot the team. Hoot YOUR JEWELER 4799. Re...ard. a'n all-county back In his pre· _" _ 7th,S&. school daye. FOUND (OpposIte New Stale De.CI e) FOUND-Gold evenillg bag at Series .Pt>ooe ~ In State CoDtest Dance, Womantt Club. Call at The Swarthmorean Office. •• Mary Vll'glnla Cordray of Pine FOUND-Wheel guard or Buick car. I PlQUIn .....'"B Statim» Ridge Road. Media, tOJ;'merly a CaJi The Swarthmorean Otllce. __ student at Sw"ftrthmote H I g h FOUND-Boy's tan Bleeveless vest G. 1"8' ~HoMJF vn.n School. now a., senior at Notte sweater. Call Swa 0334. Dame High School. Moylan, has SIMMONDS FOUND-Scarab bracelet, silver ear714W _ _ been notified that she Is one of the ring, In village. CtJI at 'I'he Swarthmorean Office. 12 ftnalJsts for the state of Penn· sylvania In the nation-wide PepslPERSONAL Cola scholarship competition. Final awards ot 2 scholarships for each PERSONAI-Immcdlate service and L\sUDp SoDclled repair on all types of automatic state wUl be made Aprll 2. waaheh!l (Bendix Included). Ironers. W. S. Bittle Ie SoD vacuum (lleaners, electric ranges, Iron" S .... OUt") and lampe. Also wiring, repall'B, 8ervo, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Hoeger· Ice. Double outlets from ,. up. Install Real E5t&te Jllan visIted the... latter's parents ehlmes and bell buzzer systems. AU NoIarJ PohDo-lDsoran... work In compliance with Fire Under_ Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold G. Gr,ftln .of Writer's requirements. Call Erich Rutgers avenue. Mr. Hoegerman Hausen. Swa. 3037. received his medical degree at P.ERBONAL-Regist.(:re'i Spencer Cor. PIANO TUNING Hahnemann H"dspl~l. Tuesday, seUere. Mrs. Elsie Mc'Vll1lams. '1'el. Swa. (~W for u~)I,)Olntment. "The Lost Chods. Phone Swn. 1~11 evenings for arrangem~nt~. New or Old .7" • k~ • • . REFRIGERATION WANTED • 0992 'VANTED-USND H.UGS and CARPETS of ali k!u.ls. HlghnHt IJrkes paid~ Tel. Swa. 1M!5. Two·bedroom apartment tor thrce adults In Swarthmore. Permanent occupancy. Good references. P~one Mrs. Spatz, Swa. 3113. W AN'.l'ED - Van Hom & Sons WANTED-Large house. at least four bedrooms, for long·term lease. Would take possession any time between now and September 1. George Hay. Swarthmore OU1. ',.~ &,.. . RemolJe/l 1And'(J\eared 1UId __oded,·.·· ,VANTED-Mahognny drOl)~leaf dlll:ng table. Call ·jv/a. u133- \\r Rugs and Carpets 'rei. 0764 Rielley Park 3238 0981,R. W ANTED-Good homes for two klt~ tena. Housebroken. Two months old. Phone Swb.. H72~R. WANTED-Ex~Na.vy Medical offlcer. witeturniahed and school age child wish to rent or unfurnished house. Phone Dr. Vincent T. Lathbury, SWL "carpet makes it home" • I~::::::::::=:::::;:i::::::=::; 0605. ' WANTED-In Swarthmore, two room apartment, kitchen and bath, fur_ nished or unfurnished. Occuprt.ncy any time after May 1, Tel. SWL 2197-.J. "\VANTED-Englneer. 28, ex~Naval ofOcer, locally employed, desires good room w'tb private family. Reply to Box S, The Swarthmorean. Don't WaI& Until Spr1Dg TIui time tAl do.lnterlor palntiDl!:1 Is now.' I am now Ust\Dg exterIor work tor' SprJDg. Every Qna1It1 PaID& E:Q>erIenoed MechaDlcs Tree Surgery aDd Wdle7 Pork 03S3-M Landsc:apiag Plan now the home you want Phone Swvthmore 2175.R 104 Comen Avenue Swarthmore, Penna. FOR SALE-Glrl's bicycle, almost new; Tel. Media 1'163 between 6 and 8 p.m. FOR SALEl-New frIgidaire, 1946 deluxe model, 7 cubic foot capacity: This frlglda"ire has never been used and is • still in the factory shipping crate. Tel. Swa. 0000 or Media. 0123. FOR SALE-Electric refrigerator; gas stove' other household. furnishings. l'holne ·Swa. 05t3·R and a'sk for Mr. Cressman. table, modern, light walnut, apartment size. fine condition, $1.2: matching buffet. fair condition, $8. Phone Swa. 1847. Desirable lots available }t"OR SALE-Dilling FOR SALE-Antique Melodeon, MasonHamliil, in good condition. $150, Re- ply to Box n, The Swarthmorean. FOR SALE--AnUques; tine china.. copper and brass and other household furniture. Tel, Swa, 1983. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Room with board. Mrs. H. Wittmeyer, Moylan, Pa., Media 2469. FOR RENT-Two rooms and private bath, third 1100r. Phone Swa.. 2207-,J. • Available now. PAINTING EspertIy DoDe . CALL DAVE woOD Me Jj 0755 Charles . .E. Fischer Builder Phone Swarthmore 2253 ,. MORTON 'REfRIGERATION , and Appliance Service Commercial and DomesticPrompt Servicl:-"'-Refrigerators, Washers, Vacuum Cleaners, Radios I I ,"''''~II~U~II''''"''­ •• moe Vacuum (]JeaDel'8 ROBERT BROOKS " 2 1m' A1JpI....... B.eiJaJrIDg aha""...,.. 1MB ft. upta 11 ModOll A'-lIB MortoD, P.. ...----HAVE YOUR FURNITURE I AND RUGS aggregated 6,503,135,082 kilowatthours, a decrease of 1.6 per cent under the 1944 total. Total gas sales were 13,481,070,800 cubic feot, an increase of 1.5 per cent over the prior year. Several new records for gas output were established during the' year. At the stock record date nearest the e~d of the year, there were 100,601 s' SPENCER Maker of FiDe PhotOl1'8Pha • Pew> Sta&e ma.. Soutb Ave. and State StteeC) Media 11176 Media, Pa. rhododendrons Styer's Nurseries .. < Concordville, Pa. IDdt\idua1ly DesIgned Cor· set and BrassIe.... 'Landscape PIaating ArraDge an appointment to Irs. Clara V.FrilS ." _ vtsI& our nursery AYmlue SemDe.Pa. TeleDhoDe Swar. "'81 I I i t 'e c os ng of the hospital. 'rhe chaJrman wishes, to thank her sul>~chlLirman and. their cont ..i_ butors. who n1lmbel approximately 40' each month, (or their ,\iliiing and able co-oper'atlon. . ,,~-This effo~rl' ~"it~ j~~:~~lh~ of . Very sincerely, Maud L. Bishop. Chairman four foreign cOuntries, are included'oD ESTATE 01;' LYDIA BIDDLE WILthe roster of 8tockholders, 65 per cent LlAMS, deceased. of the company's stock in held in the Letters Testamentary on the above . estate have been granted to the under· terri'tory It, serv;es. '. ' signed, who request all persons having claims or demands against the estate ot tbe decedent to make known the ·Lt. Samuel M. Dodd, U.S.N.R., same, and all persons indebted to th& decedent to nlake payment,. without who has been stationed on two «lela.y to . Richard Norris Williams, 2nd Jlma. Is now on his way to the Orcbard Way. Wayne. Fa. States. .... Executor to his attorney The ReadJng Group met at the or Clarence G. Myers, of home of Mrs. Jesse H. Holmes of Duane, Morris & Heckscher 1617 Land T1t1e Building North Chester \'Clad, Thursday. Phlladtllphla. 10, Pa. 8T-3_1 Mrs. Frank R. Morey of Y3.le ESTATE OF JOSEPHINE TALLEY. avenue will entertain as her guests deceased, late ot Concord Township, at the Antiques Fair at the WOe Penna. Letters Testamentary in the above man'fI Club Mrs. Edward R. S. Tull, estate having been granted to the .Jr.• of D~'exel Hill. president of the undersigned. ail persons indebted to estate are requested to make payDelaware County Federation of said ment, and those having olaims to pre· Woman'sl Clubs. Mrs. Maurice' C. sent same to Howard W. T-.Uey McCaf'trey of r.,Ul.nerch nnd Mr~. Elizabeth Courtney Lewis 1.1. Detz of Springfield, flrtlt EIecutora to their attorney and f:lecond ·v.tce-presidents .of the or MorriB H. Fussell organization. 12 South Avenue Media, Pa.. 6T_3·1 Mrs. Paul .n.' Wl1ltams of UniYersity place is entcrta~ning her ESTATE OF GUSTAVE A. HECK~ SCHER, deceased. club at dessert.brldge at her home Letters Testamentary on the abov~ estate have been. granted to the undertoday. , ISigned, who request all pe"rsons having all'S, I'Ioward Turner of .Strath claims or demands against the estate Haven avenue entertaIned at a of the decedent to make known the same, and aU per80n£ :ndebted to the ne.!ghborhood doessert-bridgc Tues· decedent to make payment, without day attel'noon in honor of MrR. .J, delay to Fl()rence Allan Heckscher and Archer' Turner. .Jr., who .. ecently :Maurice Heckscher Executors moved to Cornell avenue trO .. or to their attorneys Clarksburg, Va. Frank F. Truscott Clarence G. Myers, of Duane, Morris & Heckscher 1617 Land TUb Building Philadelphia. 10. Pa. ROGER RUSSELL • s cy contrJbuUons, and homeo,mnde cookies baked for tho Naval Annex in swartlimore after four' yeart;, without one interruption. are diM~ continued as a nntural sequence to residents of every state and territory of '~::-_ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ the United States, as well ... of twenty- " . upholster)' scientifically cleaned. ,. 1lIANKs HELPERS watts, a new record for the company Deal" Editor: The pretz~ts. potato chips. mon- and 32 per cent above the pre-war peak in 1940. Total sales of electricity Modern cleaning 01 all painted and surfaces: automobUe • • The maximum electric demand on the Philadelphia Electric Company during the year was 1,292,000 kilo- walls • s Letter to the Editor ~ ex~nses, including Ql&inteDBnce, increased only slightly. Ohelr original beaut)' Telephone Swarthmore 1276 wall one year, and Japan six months. Norman plans to 'enter his sophomore year at the UniverSity of Pe~sylvanla. He Is the SOD of 1\.Ir. and Mrs, Norma"n' Hulme of Westdale avenue. • , cleaned in your own home by l\IODERN HAND·CLEANING METHODS mling SOJENTlFIO FOAM CLEANER Dries ID shod time. and rugs and furniture again take on ~ u·n. I Ridley Park 0180. , CoDtraclor aDd Builder Despite. sharp rise in material costs and in wage8 and salaries, an unprecedented power output at the Com· pany's hydro-electnc plant at ConoWingo, Md., made possible by favorable water conditions, pem1itted economies in steam-plant operation8 and' in PLU'chased power. As a result, total operat- organizations, or institutionalinvestorst averaging 517 shares cacho Although Whaley aDd Lancaster Co., G1enoideD, Pa. Walters' on income. shares. The remaining stockholders are spot.'· insurance companies! bankB, charitable PMt_ona! and tImel:r care of :rourJ- ..m give la8tIDg pleasure throughout the :rears. CorumIt us ..,tbout obUgaU.on conceruing ,.our tree surgery, spra)'ing or tree movlug problems. FOR SAI$-Wadlng pool, 6 ft. x 6 ft. x 2¥.. ft. Zinc lined, Phone Swa. 1916. Philadelphia Electric Company in 1945 handled the ''''l'!''t volume of buom.... in its history, With Operating Revenues exceeding $100 million doll ..... · This ...as announced by Horace P. Liversidge, president of. the company, in his annual report to stockholders, reIeaaed today. Net inCome remaining for common stook, after dividends on preferred stocks and the $1 Dividend Preference , Common Stock, was $12.772.330 or FINISHES SERVICE $1.56 • share. compared with $1.50 in 1944. Ptc. Norman Hulme receh'ed hi8 The provi8ion (or taxes amounted to dlschilrgc. from, the Army at Inm,652,393. nearly 10 per cent greater than the figure for the prior year. Most diantown Gap. afler serving in the of this inCre&ll8 was for Federal taxes Army "three years. He was in Ha- viduals (50 per cent of whom are "TREES" WALTER V. LINTON £ARNS $1.56 A SHARE , women) whose holdings average 64 tho'se bits which penetroted a dark _,TBLEPHONE HBJnA 1188 FOR SALE PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC'S ANNUAL REVENUES PASS $100 MILLION MARK FOR FIRST TIME road, and Jlary .Jane Nelson. of CheBter, former students at 'Mary Baldwin 'College, Staunton. Va.. will attend festivities o.t the college this week·end, MJ.. Adele Markley. an ~ tor at the Mary Burnham Scbool. Northampton, Mass., arrives home tomorrow to spel,1d a two·w~ek eprlng vacation with her parentH, Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Markley, of Guernsey road. Mr. and Mrs: Carroll P. Streeter. of Columbia. avenue, spent Monday In Gettysburg. Mr. Streeter leaves tomorrow on a week's b..,.slnes8 trip to St. Louis, Mo. Robert Delaplaine, of Cornell avenue, wo1l1 graduate from Temple Medical School, March 20, after which he begins a 16~month intel'neahip at the Packer Hospital, holders of the company's tw'p cJaasea'of common f$tock .. ~pproXimately 9t. Per cent of these stockholders are indi-, FamIll'1 lI'UNEitAII HOJO!l WIlliam T. "PatterMou, Dlndor E"~hteeB Years Expertenee S~arthmore Swa. N_ PATTERSO~ HARRY W. LANG ,,,ANTED--Porch furniture: 1 awn mower:. also Ice cream fre~zer. Reply to ,Box H, The Swarthmorean. work. STEAKS CHOPS __SWOOD Our Specialty Completely Air.Conditioaed A Pri.08 to - 'VANTED--Young professional woman (Bartol Foundation) .wants aparl~ ment or wlll share apartment or houl:!e In Swarthmore. Reply to Box n. The Swarthmorean. WANTED-Day's ra.-..-. Trees awl Stumps Tel. Media 2573·.1 or 05911-W 'VANTED-Laundry to' dQ at home. Experienced. 'rel. Swa. 25{1ii. Vacation Approaches . ,Me LOST . Letters from France s........'nno~ JUdge Brown. of North Ch....ter WINS LE1TER \\.==:.:=!:"=iW=~=:A='='!=:=~e=,JI _ M__ ESTATE OF ltlARY ADAMS ADM(S. late of Swarthmore, Delaware County, PlL, deceased. I~tters Testamentary on the above estate have been granted to the under~igned, who request all persons having claims 01) demands against the estate of .the decedent to make known the !'lame. a.na all persons indebted to the decedent to make payment, without delay ,to Allee Adams West' 18 Benjamin West Avenue Swarthmore, Pa. Executrix or to her attorney Otto Kraus, Jr. 1622 Chestnut St. Philadelphia 3, Pa. 6·T3·8 The School District of Swarthmore will 'receive bids at the office ot the School District in the High School Building. corner ot College and Prlnce~ ton ...Avenues, Swarthmore. Pennsylvania, up to 4 P. ltL. FrIda,. Karch 22. 1946, Rnd opm the bids at a meeting of the Sehool Board at the School District office during the week of March 25. 1948. for, pneral, acfenoe, physIcal education, art, shop and Janitors supplies and equipment. Speclfl~ cations can be secured between 9 A. )l. and ,4 P. Mo. dally. es:cept Saturday. Sunday and holidays, at Ute School Dlstriot omce. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids in whole or In part, and to award cont.rat-.te on any Item '01' Itema makI.... up any bid. Hilda Lane Denworth . _laYS , ,. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1946 FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1946 THE SWARTHMOREAN 6 Boys' Basketball Team Ends Season STAFF Letters to the Editor Associate I':dltor Busin(>s."1 Manager ('II Ctlilhon l\1anag(>r 'II e~lsurer Hecr('tal \ 4 I A H H.cpOI tels Puul 'VllIiant8 GeO! ge Thorba'bn '1001 Hit lice a) VlIgmll Ha\ C~\Tohn 1\101se Ann Porter Ann DefurM. Bob I·l\\rett Haiph Bro\\n l)hotO~1 Ipln ................. " ....,:::..: ......,...... . ......•....•••••0. P lui \Vllllams I \ 'liSts Ruth W(hh OPIKlllnmlCl nill lint.' Uluid CUIIIJ)bcll. hudt.i) 1Ii11 .LUI-'S. nun IJI('kinson•• lIlt! Phil I \crcU SCHOOL PLANS AMBITIOUS SPRING SPORTS PROGRAM Successful Basketball Season Comes to an End After Hard-Fought Kiwanis Game Which Resulted in Defeat Tills year the swarthmore stu dent..'i ha\c lfliUatcd a practice at school dances \\ hlch has g.rov. n steadllv worse .Lt euch dance 1 1I1l aile lkmg o[ the \\ ay decora· ttOns 1112 dcstlo\cd 'j his hcg. m ltl I. slight way at the Senior BaH hut \\ tS stopped before much d till tlW \\ l..'i done But at the J r D \flee the situation got belond contlol Ind c .. en single strealller \\ IS pulled do\\ n 'rhe dance flool \\~lS a. ah lmhlc~ hefol c the I u;t d lnee and stl e~l1Hel s \\ ere 0.11 n\ er t he pal kmg lot lOtI streets. the next day This "as hard on the J J s becaUse the strealllNS \\ ('I e vcr) hard to flUd and they \\ cre plannmg to use them for the Jumor Prom liter lending them to other classs for their dec01 atlOns It s all right to unpm decoratIOns from the curt llns but that s a far cry from needless destruction of property Let s hope the students are more thoughtful of the expense and "ork of the decorahons com· mlttee when tht Junior rrom rolls around A Hopeful Jumor Myron I~ Sharpe Heather Champion Dick Taylor June Mnthcw8 John li'oster Jean :McGln.then l~ditor 1'''Nt.~'lTAI.1'I '\ -AX ASSF.T punctullih IS exlielUc>h Impolt~lnt m Uli~ world but not c-nttr(>b 1m 0111nt tnough 01 SigmOclnt to the '~Hiot III IjOllt\ of ~h\ lrthmort H Ph Schoo\ HtmlentB Pupils.u e In mg the found Ihon for thclr lif(" f~g I Hehool lIld If the~ conhnue to be t 1I dy flom school thl!'. nr( going ~o POnd It \( I ~ difficult to mal(C the change flOIl1 school to college a.nd then an e,el\ gl('.lter eh lnge to the busl1leg."i ,",orld Punctu 1hh IS ~\n exeellNlt h ,hit .tnd In 1sset fOI e" el \ one and can he out lI11c>d ))\ ~ln}On(l \~ho pi lCltcNJ It long enou-gh At S\\fll thmore High School pupils resent bClng I ellilln lIlded for l f('\\ n;inut~ s of tardmess Th(l~ feel the teacbel IS h(,l1lg cruel and too strict to count thcm ~ate If the) Ll en t m their se lt8 ,,\ hen the last h('11 rlllg s }lIlt \\ hether thm re 1hzc It 01 not the teachel IS domg them -good 1>\ penah7..thon I I r t.a d The flcult'\ 11.18 \\orkcd out a pUllIshment for tillS prO) em 0 r I n(!~s md til lh,es It 1 school rule that IC a pupil IS late Cor the first tmlP in a S~lllcstcr he lecelves onc halt hOUl of aHel school detention if tlw t lrdllless IB unexcused ror the second offense the tUlle is one hour .lnd If the tardmes."i contmu('s the m.lttel IS presented to ~11 Thompson pllIlclpal :\11 Thompson \\ ill then \\ ork out a plan to tno .md counter lCt the problem Pal ents ~lre to he shouldered \\ )th some of the hi LIlle as It becomes l habit for the PU1)]1 to be late retm n home for an excuse rlom the parents and then return ,\ Ith the note to school about one h Lif hour later \\hel('as he could have been late onI'\ L fe\,\; minutes LIld st l')oed for df> tention or If hiS 0\\11 excuse is pl.Luslhle enough he nnght not r('cctve an,} pUlllshruent 1£ the stud('nt has heen tard, a numher of Urnes and JUIOWS hc IH to be late 1. cel tain mOl nln.; instead or gettmg ridiculed agalJl he nught t lk(' the C11111 e mOl nmg off flom school ~lnd infOlIO the parent that he 1:1 Sick md the pal ent again com nuts the cnllle of wIlting a notc when all the time the llolrent IS actualh urealung dO\\Jl the rlaTlHwork thtt S\\~ll thmor(' 'lIgh Hehool Is tl). tIlg to hlllid m th 1t pupil If onl} thl students can n thzc ho\~ Import LOt tlw; plohlem of "unctulht" IH In hn\l to fOlIll good halnts thm "\\111 ne\CI he SOlry III thiS \\01 hI \\ hCI e tllnt'! countH Gun(t I would hi ( to \ 01( C 1lI~ lOIll THE GAH:'Iil T POIJIJ mcntH all the \\ eUIH'sd 1\ ls..etnbh In the second of Its serle's of ~ttldent OPInion polls G~u net queried HlIs \eur tIl Semol High school pupils on t\\O highly controvelsml subjects Com IH ogr tlllH 1 th11lk th It thl U:iS( 1ll1,1Il~ h l\l' I ee.n "el~ \\ell llwnts 1ddcd 11\ the students ,,\ ere care full,} con""idered and those uHed mm~t ft {quenth ,,\ III be mentioned helo,", Next month's Poll will con 1)IIIlIHd Celt Hnh III of them ha\:o \Vlth h Isl..eth til He IHun O\CI It I Sist \\ holh of qucsttons raised b): the pupllS themselves Intramural Results 1)(:( n III ep 1I cd lhe l(1 of tllnc lIltl 'rhe til at group of questIOns JIl' 01\. ed an analysis of Cabmet Asked IS now ttme IH:ft II tl lI..k season \ If the~ thought c thmet serves a userul pm pose 579% of the students hl\( U(lil lun ~lIIoothl' 111(1 IJflic get!; under \\ \,} t I go h lcl\. aIHI I lilOllf,;ht to a nth I do lI11n It ho\\ e\ ('I til Il ans\\ el cd Yes' 38 1 % thought It did to some degree '" hUe" 0% regIUlsdl\ :\i 1I ( h Istered dlssentlng \ot('s ]~xactb onc half of the 216 pupils l)olled con , 00 P ISS('I S (\u:-.e ltu .. Ills IIltl IIIIUI t1 J..: lIlles n f( \\ 11101 t., PI o .... r UIlH ~holiid he Bide red cabinet a trul,) lepresentatlve democlatic olganlulhon 88 I ('\ lew the gal nel "huh \\11 IlJullll\ plncd on d('\ut('\l lntllch to tin ellteltnn thought It so to some degl ce and 21 students said It ",as not o,d ,Vhether Cabmet hM! or has not real power has long been a subject Iltlllloons Of tll .. tbl.c mcnt of the stU(,hmt lJod~ I lthel high the of heated debate About one and one h llf P(>I e( nt of those poll~d So'ud h\ Ahly capt lIncli hOllleIO()IllS 203 "on tllll C I h In til( (due lUOH 11 \alues \\ 111ch It possesses no PO\\ er \\ h Ltsoever 21 8 % thmk it has a little 70 20/0 team B II r Iho scormg Harold Is~e11lhh l111ght PI O\: ltl( 1" u Home and 6 4c:"o ,oted _1.41 '" 011 t" 0 uld lw-;t 011(' 21) "on tilt much power In school affairs' 1\t~l1IY student..<; uU I JlllllOi homeloom talent' PIUgl ImS lie tIeing plln.ncd feel that ne\\ life and tnterest should somehow be mshlled m Cabmet mude a Sllong f!lllsh to gain a \\Illt h "III InS\\"1 111\ !;Uggcst ton to Ill,lhe It fulfill Its t v;k mOl e s tUsf IctOlll) tie fOi lrd m Slcllon fOlll of the lost thlt.'t \\1111(' the otll( I 1I0llle 'rhe fOim In ,\ tnch G tl net IS appeann~ tins H ' l I illS be>en the butt rIo .lCculatel, dellltnlne ho\ Huhuruan Le 19ue \\ Ith L Il'eOI d o[ Illom (I lu!-\l h\ 0 .tllel \\ Oil one fOl thl flitUIC I ~UII sUI( th It Ute'\ or \\Hhsprl HI crttIClsm lnd IldICU1< In till tllllh gluit ' l l _UU \\011 \\ II! both 1 l 1-;1 t Itl\ C11JO\ e I IntI sll ong thiS IlIO" 1"1IIl'nt IH the poll ull\.cd Htudents to C\ lin tte ~evel It I,OH II\( g~lmC!; \\011 IlltI fne Inst In e lie Auout one fifth of tht !lui lo"l 1\\ () Hlltt '1 l lo:->l J ) 0111 th It Illxt \ C 11 till'" t\ III (If Hlhl .. fOllllS III \\ hwh G LI n('t Illlght 1PPC'U pupils HI 6% fdt G unet should Icm lin In ItA l11esent f011ll Anotliel non Ie IgUC contl'Hts the Ilttl(' til ~ I h( IllI1th gl ,til tc 1111 \\on U~Sllllhl\ IIII_hl he- gl\Cn mot{ 6 7Cft hl~c tIl(> nc\\ HIed hut \\ CJuld h n l nnJlI 0" ument!o; ltl ((Ie More than 23fj{ of thc studentH \\ouhll)e Willing to )la, sometintlg' ldditlOn II (JlId{CIS fu('d 1 httl( l(thl IS I,,() Illllu(' 1 Olll I ill ~~llIOIS:-;l'CIlI QItell to h1\C l4 lll~t tthlOid S{Pll ttc flom the S\\ulthmOlt lD tnd contain \ n I ntci (sled Sl nHll they defe ,led till ('( OPPOIU nb lntI 1110 hl\1 SlIllllUllt I tlu 1(~ltCllll 1IIg' I Imel llictlll es lIltl dl otllel materml Renhment fot tins latter the I \\ Itll nlll\: cHII III It It \\ lui( tlu' Idea InCI cased shul ph ,,\ Ith i,,{e the He nlOi H voting It 11101 { (](Hlr thle th tn lost to onlv one \Il III III till' old (01111 _I) to!.!. I OIt\ (>I,;ht pClcent ot the stluknls lowe\el ,[nlnlh,...,1 lIlt I "I u 10 In I til ,hit :-iflUad was Ull til( \\Innlng (lH1 0 In Uw Il1ltOl 1 f th (.l1lnt \\lshcd to SN { .. unet IPLlIlncd to a numeoglu)llied lJooklet and 36% . .pel 1 I Ie I~ 01 III t\ I ~ h HI suggestIOns dlffcrmg flom the abC'\c Ih lr Hli 1111 score at ttl(' Imll \\hlstle IHlltt In most C 1S(S cOmlll(nls III fa,ol of both the ne\\ antI old fortllS :-\0\\ Ihlt th(' ))lskethlll S(lson Ihht tuncH "lUll' 11\('" dlOIlPcd well' \ ( 1 \ {mphltlC Sevel tl eXlllcss('d doubt o'\;cr tntlncogl1.plllng If It hIS (>ndell tlHll IlJlllln~ hut t"o \\l'lC to letmn to Its fOllller IIllc1dlhlc St1t(' OtlHI!; critiCized the new SOi tu:;sle!lr. d IO('(>S to he gl\ en ll1 the \fIst 12 101m IS Illl{lIt.,;' the pelsonal Intimate quallh ,,}nch a school papel f HI(ls ( \ I t \\ Ith the It IS note" orth,} that 43 4 % of the students Wish to \\(lk" of "thou) the IUIlIOI PIOHI should posseSA "-tty te llll \\ hI( h "IHh('s 10 "In ul\ ent 01 S)lllllg IIltl l ... leloSH(' !Uti tlll ~o}lh Hop In IIgllt of sec I IIlH I Hid the l))ctUl e shed I ct lined no III tilt 1 \\ hit h COlli HC G 1.I 1 g ulle Ilil I e1'\ Ht 011 S 111011 pOlntH n("t t ti,es Ahout I . studunts thought rimer Hhould ho \\ holly done to I( h Pill ~Ilgenflls I~ Ihl IXI~tlll~ Ink (If 1((ll'll1onti tlll)H In lWl\ \\Ith riling LS the mllli Jctson Its Inreltorlt, thls~e11 th til Its OpPOIH Ilt:-; lIuI S\\ II II I to L ~lIccessflll t nllttlls In H\\ uthmole It IS dlf In Ilsponsc to HC\Clal eOlllllllnt~ \\c should I1kl to pOint out thl~ [ 1m klllg In" 1I II THoJe hlS (kill thlt tillS )1:lI In tllllt th It Iii pUrpose of til( Poll IS not 10 tak( lctlOn uflon ttl(' leHults ",I}\ the , l:-it ISOIl \\llh thlll('('n IJO\H th 1t f1elllt It I u~ to COIlCCIH of tilt 1011 IHit 1ll(,IC'h to sl'o\\ t leh Indl\ldull \\lIlt IllS fello\\ IillHhnts the overall se()l IIlg lhe (. II III t h Ui llin (II 11:;1 \{ 11 II1('SI ho\ ~ 11 (' !!lfOIIiI d I lid 1\ !lIght thllli \(hOIl on such ])Oll1t:-; .lS IHSell\hltes Ch(,Cllcldels I rld.ty night Sl'OI cll .f 95 pOints lUI th,. ) ell IS tollO"H {Ollt('S ClIhl Dl\IS dlll(,("S (h (Ill he hlOllght thout onl\ 1~} seclng the tHO})el Lutholltus shoull) not 1 t {ontInlH dfolil DlCh \111110..:: SlhlHl1 UIIlIHZllion s Hon Inti \\011~ Ollt 1 solution AH In lCClIrlte tthulatOi tl)(' 1'011 1U(,lIlplg I 1I1ks \\ l II 1\ f( 1ll hne SCOI el H Bllh :\Ie< (l\\ til 110\ d 11n\)s lItel {\ I n (118S('S lllight to g"IUg"(" studenls opll1ton fOi Jllst such u purpose llmt GnHlm I ('gUlll cIJntCi on the lIlIl H I~ \\ Iison :\hdheld slOIl!-i()1 the d 1IH'( ~ :\!USIC \\ould Inc dUOlPoi 113 IllUhCIS thlongh Boh lIoll:-;on ]Jon lid S\\ Ul ht 1)1 0\ 1 Oil ht sll 1 llHI In ad pll~ a.nd fllllshed 10 111 I e 19ue Ind I I It I t ISI)( I BlelllH~n IlilSSwn dIll!;" nf 10 llnls p('l :;(OIIUg And\ hlll{ J,{lInCletl 76 !-;('\ ( I II tllous Hid t(' I('hel s flom I 01 th( P 1St s('\ e I tl \\ etits th('nl In\ I III IIIIP) I hi I ( 1I ( tlso (Illple shollill PI' t III cost \ I)Qmts III hiS 11 g 111)( S 1Il() hen l'lIIIlS\1\ 11111 ~(\\ JCISt\ and (XIH~lllll(ntll l)Jot(lhllt of pilling hllllOl 1IIgh 10\'" 111111 11I011t 111l\(( "llh thOlOllg h \n lerson \\ho shootM \('1) little Ddl" lI( \\111 !lUlt flom :i."\[llch ultl I \ IOlt t Itg:ht:s 111 tin st. hunl ,t h .. 1 '" III tit \11\ I tlHIIl~ \\ ull st lol t the \\ hol(' \IU 11 On III lIle man' of hiS ltlt mph. goutl 7:W It tilt l 1lI\ ('I ,..,Ih of Penn loulll h I~ It (>11 I xlcntie I to 111 til {l1ml ,,11(1' III I l\\ «(I H lH S fl niH 1I1p I otf ;\ Itll I h In,.., 1t I 49 On of the (oolcHt pl:\\CIS s\ I\: Illlt to 1111 tl( II) ttl' III In (nOI I I ISS IOOIllS 1nti h dh\ n of till Ill!-i glt bphllul tIll I1Pl tlul Itht I ~l ht ols \\ lit f Ollll' lnd 1.1so on(' of th( JIlOHt PI 011 fit !lIOIlS JlIOt.:1 lIll (()\(lln~ 1)1 It 111 .... h !-i{hool 11\1 \1 II!-i 1.. (\lollsl:'r tll 11 II IS 1 longht up in {ah~\\ IlthlllOI ( t Sl (" tIl lllonsil Itlon" !-il 01 I IS th \t thiS s('lwol has secn tit llh t\ll\ Ilhls(' 01 t lilt ttl)11 ~1J(h li,...,ht~ \\(IC lIlstlllttl III til( lIul t Ill~ m I I ( 10SSI It \\111 11 \1 t1011 tilt hp I lit of st11 Ihlllll)..; the 1111 \\ I~ ho\\ \PI P i l I Illls thllh thllt] lIlnuII nu(tJllg' ,....,llClt slhool~ \)111('1 til( tlllClhOll hi I~I I I (Ill III \,...,1 ntlH I s('11 )01 tit illS I til \\1111 III II( h lit \\pI I f It ~I lson he III HIt 69 flCII goals and I l\O\\1\ IS ~(ht),IIlH'ns \ \ ( l k IS 01 IIOfl :-;01 \\I\llllll I "Ill 0" \ftl I tlH' hiS I stllll,..., I \('llllg flilin tlu ~- fit lossisgood to (lll\ of! I) st u I I It I s e t \Ill'" tllltltl lhp. ltHlll H1l0l\!-iCllSlIlP 01 tilt ItlH lUI\II!-iII\ of Il'IlIlS\1\ I III I !\II 1 )) s(nlll\~ h' III I~ ",ltll 17· In til 1ll0llstl Ilil n III 1 I III ~ tilt:: \ "\\111 stl1lt III 11.1, IS I \\h Ip 1 of I 111(1 the ~)lllhpISltlll \\1 It'" l!-i 1bn "iU{hlllg: tht IH(\:(,ll 1\\0 IntllPst t1 s:: 1lI01~ \\ III h ~\\ uthm lit 1I1,...,h pll\ RI II(' fil\l!-ih Ihl It I lit :';1 e 111l~ lit ( HI\lllll n iJIstlllt th(,1l\ In 1n ex Iittl -:\[II('h]. II 1st III th(' Il:-;t lS~IH) \\1..'11 III un \\111 hl "'llil{PIS 1t tIt(' IlH'-(llllg' "\ II \ thuroug-h h tho«1 of 11Inih gll{lf'IS It \\oultl I hp\ III IHIIOtI {ontl:st II _, Ihl (.11 11 (' plllH 11111 r. H !I~e I lhHelH l " lit t lell lt~ of til( "\\ 1\ h l \ mg an S(f'1ll thlt ~lIH( the selllOI:; ue I hotnPSOIl sClcntlst H III \ 011Pt n llHI Infu 1I0lls nnll !JOIn th('se d tt 1 I I/.~ht Pf)lllt 1. leI II tllP h tIf lllll mUll SlIPPOI his of 1 Im('1 thc\ landpi Lnp;lIsh teachCl t.lunheth tllntls "III he nolPd o"el 1 pel lotI VOLLEY BALL WINNERS \\( I e nine POlllts Ill( ad ~oln~ Into shouhl he the Oll(,,!; around" Ineh :\Tohl{ Clltulll Han· 01 \ t u:-; 1h( (XII(,lIllllntlrH f«('1 Ind 1111~t t III list pel Hul In tills Ilello tl Ilmel (enlt I:'; [ mllst Idll\lt th 1t ('O( h" thltJllst Isdl«PI~f'S 1IC'-llillyton IHO' In~ till l!-i not 1. 'PI\ \\ Inti I ht \\('\CI th{ Tndll1lS nlltscorcd \lllllllg III ('onstlndl"\(' II I t< 1:111(.11 h Jllliitl d "ltf'1 PI llH (.lrt\' tIl 101 Il It lill Ii\ III I 01 \tll! \1111 it 1I111 I III n1:-; \\111 lulli I litH lsi)) hut SIIC 11 I~ hff' PI t 11IIZId mil no" \\huh \\('-1 \11\ \\ltIIH:-;l \ 11\ tl I ,...,\111 tll~s 2~ all It the t Ild 01 tJu It ~ll\ Ilion \n \"Hl Itt 111..'1 I UIlIl Ion 111 t IH 1 l!-it ~o lIr hOI n lune In the fust lilt I (-" lnlnHt('~ I'" 01 Iht Hlnlh to t\\lIrlh glllhs mle('tlOll (' III h(' lIllnlmiztd 111 \ (XI.l a perIOd l1(,lthel h\e could I till tt IIll OIlIlO III nnothll hlOUP 111\.( In 1.'011("1 till oug-h c lIl'flll all i I 111(1:; of 1PIHcciitlon ale al ~et anything II Helllhhng a pOlnt 1\\ t lind (' l.( 11 !-!; UIH \\ I III HII..' up IIItclh..,cnt UHe of 11 It I 1 \ wid It,.;ht 11\111,.. flom l'llncc It [tc'lUtnt In Ind the contcst ,\ lH m Hie to 1)(' 01 till ((" htt('('n POUlt l)o\lt~ the t('1 \ tis flOIll I ( l IplcntH of food Inil slId(lcn death \\hl('h Ilwans \ II 101" \\ Illllln h 2 out uf 3 I l~t IS h'-lOg ~(>nt b'\ \\e('k~ nf "t hoo1 \ ft{ I IIp''lll Girls' Lacrosse Schedule that the fU'St t('am to gC't t,.. o \\ (I~ th(' fm 11 (ante HtS "( I ( held 1 stlt(Ientl-; lUll teo 1 S\\ 1I thmol e Ihgh ~ehool studl ntH sll\{ t (11I1S 1l1 1~ pOints WlilS \ftCI \hout two Ind tl I follo\\ltlJ.!; ~IOIlJlS \1e1C" :\IlIl\ IlHlI!ung Inrldent~ lu1.\e heen PI achce gam(,8{hl'lS ellkl' "Ill IIHnutps of this lleTiod the hall IOIIO\lS 1n th( t\\(lfth glll(' nil Agncs II \\ in 11,\ mcm hel ~ of '!\hss \1)111 5 1 \\(hOlll('SIlt II ,,\ lS thrown to suh fon\ ard Cor s\ ItmOIC"S 1\(>\(lld 11\ BIU' ).tOlse April I II('nds c( ntrat Htl Ollse!i l"'rt nch class('s the 111\ l nt of SPI U1~ nell Arehhold \\ho prompth \\ t"ll\ 111 SIX of Its oIlHC"" In th~ H( gullr G" nllcs'IllongtlH' !':tmlcnts \\ho ha"c stal tlJlg 1 lid l \ ::\[ II ell on(' sllnk an nnhehe"ahll!: one hand~d (1('\ pnth tbe V 9 s ,,\ hose ruptaLn IU)I1I(' been am-j\\ ('I ing the call fOI helP \nJl 19 10"\\("1 l\lellon wCl"!k nftel the clm;e of the fourth ~hot to wm the h Ird fought con- I:'; IOUlHC" \lchbOld ,,\on five and 11011)(' \plll 26 Rpr.mgsHle lean Bhlkl~ton Carohne }'IuI cport penod anti lastlllg tC'st In other games as close the lost one Tlw tenth goode team. the hOl l1e Mar} Knuhh April 30 \VcsttO\\ n AprIl 1 After 'acattOn hel hAIl( (: Ha~ eaptalned by M(,nd:t\ f:.arnet nudg('d FAd,stone 34 32 Huhhle Bouncel s :I.\~ :l) Lol'ier Merion 3 HenlOlR \\Ill take coll('ge hoard ex Anne 1 lIkc.ns IIats~ Turner Anne )Jelen Iohnson ,,,on all six, and Ifl It regular season p:ame 'W h"~ hotUt' M:n 9 ::\fcgor.lgal EdIth Maher the Hat'~ Friends Centl al anllnatlOns at the UOI\ erslty of Ann Bromall H mnth grade team Eddystone defeated the hom esters hOJlle :\[ay 17 Agnes Ir" in Pennffi; h ania on April 6 pel s and polly Told \\ on Ih e and lost one m a Chester Kiwanis tilt 46·41 Plll WINS LETrER CLASSIFIED Swarthmore 1448 WILLIAM BROOKS Ashes &: Rubbish Removed Lawns 1\10"00 Gcneml Hauling 1A>S'I'-Wedllt!Nday aft(!rnoun small 230 HardiDg Ave. !\IorlOn, l'n. white and tan. s-hort~halred femalo LOST I)UI)I)Y. wearing l-'Ollar swu 2175-R. Hc\\ard rlcl '-"~~- I~OST--Sllel tat I~s III tUl to\8e I r,unc .;retm relt (H;t .MLlrch.! 'lei Ogonl" "7~!J Ih: ... lrd EDWIN B. KEI I EY, Jr. YOUU JEWELEIt 25 East 7th St Chester (OplJ08lte Ne,v State Theatre) FOUND ',-IIODe Chester 3'lft" "In • r-oUNI>--Boy s t i l l sl~evel('ss sweatt r C and laml)S Altlo \ .. Iring rellain; serv ice Double oullets from $4 UI) Install chimes and bell buzzer systems All work III compllall('e With }o"'lre Under '" Iller S rl (IUlrelUcntH Call Erich H.uuren. Sw 1 3031 I ~ ftSONAI...-He.,rlstl,:l(11 Spl'lIler setllre Mrs I !;H :'\h'\ IlImm'" ~\\ ~ 4583 'V for all Olll{mellt Llstingtl SOUcited W. S. Bittle & Son Swn. 0111-J PEIlSONAt.--I"lectTlc ht!alers IrOIlS and vacuum de Ul2rs repaired Called for aud dell\! led <.:all Hobel t 11100ks S\\ arthmore 1548 "TIle I.I(]st Chord Is the 001 selection tbat can be played OD Iho out-of-tune )i8nO' I'bone A. L. PARKER for the remedy !\[ctlin O!5D-!\1 tlllorillg 1 i3(1 ELECTRICAL WORK ----- 1I00t 1 gl uuunte of H\\ LI thll\(11 c llll:;h in 1943 oo,:el c Ime ap .... url) se Uion tIlJUI} to or{ lk mlo thl! 01 ecn \V pc Lineup .1Ild becume the outatlnding lJack of the te un Hoot \~ lS .IIl ~lll~county ha('k in his pre !it hool d I~ S In State Contest Vltg-mil lOldl1\ or I inc ~Iedl I (01111( I h l S\\HI thmO! l II I g It al 1 s~nior It l\:utl e Hehool 110\\ :\10\ 1111 It IS IJ line High ~chool be~"l notillcd til 1t !>1he IS onc or the 12 fin \h:-;t!o; for the st 1t(' of p( nn· ~yh 1Ilil in the natton·'" ld(' PcpS I Cola ~eholarshlJ) cOlllpetitlOn I In 11 a\\ lrds ot 2 scholIrs)ups tor L'llch state \~ ill he made Aplll 2 :H U) JUdge Htmh nl !-lul(' '" 1\ 11 IluSPlt 1) aU kind New or Old REFRIGERATION \I Van Hom & Sons Trees and Stumps '\ANrl J)-[~llg"t.' house ~lt It lHt fOUl bedrooms lor IOllg II lin It ISC \\ f ultl tll12 IIOS!':I SHU II 1Il\ tlll1C I el\\lecll 110\\ amI Selltemhe. 1 (.eorge H IY, !:;,\ utltlllUie 0171 STEAKS - CHOPS SEAFOOD Our Specialty Completely Air-Conditioned Removed IAlnd Clenrcd and Gradc(l Tel. l\lcdJa 2573-J or 0599-'\1 I Sclwolmen to Meet T A Price to ~leet E\ClY Famn)'S, Need Ollll~ 1111 fl "SlOlill \\om 1Il (llirtul ~(JUlltlltlUll) \\lut!> l(llrl 11It!llt 01 Will sh~lc al) I{'tmellt 01 hou e III S\\ trthmore J elll\ to Box It I he H\\ lrthmorcall \\ \N rF'D--' \\ \!'Il rp()-[ \1\i I'I .. D-D 1Y 1 cl \\1111< S \\ \N [I lells Pholle Swa 0105 \\ \Nrl .. D-in S\~a'tllllUl1,! two room al)<\rtmcnt kitchen and bath fllr~ IlI:lIIL"4.1 or unfllrlllsh~d OeIeUllaUf;,} Ull;) tuuc after May 1 'lei S\\U ,H97 J • • "It " 1 Don't "ait Until Sllring The time to do interior painting is no\.,. I am now listing exterIor \\ ork for Spring Quality Paint WALTER V. LINTON ~[ Plan now the home you want Desirable lots available IT "IHIIH \ (') :\Iu\ lall _-1119 IOIHIlS :lllll 1111\ \ \ 1I1 llllc , I "alLq mltl ""rfnL"'" •• A"puance Repairing Swarthmore 1M8 :F100J'e! !.'eD' LIghts Irons S\\.u thmOl"C i tl7h ~----------------------~ 1 NIP' SWartbmora Phon_MedIa Im1i\hlnnlly J)csignctl Cor- set Rnd IIIM:.~~:;:::·Fries 11 Morton Avenue Morton, Pa. Da:r Phon. Ihe: h(,lcJmg (.IOUp IIltt It tht J('~s(' II IInllll('s (II 1'\orth (h(~tel 10ld lhursdl\ nome 01 :\11 S 1 Pfe Norm In Hulll1(> re(u\ed his flOlll the AIIll\ .1t In (halltu\\ n (. tp ~(h r ser" HI"; In til( Alln~ t1tH£" \(' liS l i t \\,~ In Ht\\ ~UI olle :\ l Ir ,llld J IP In SIX II onths Nlllm III pi IllS tl, enter III'" SO)JIIOlllor~ "( 11 tt the Unl\ el ~1l\ of Penmn h 1111 I I: Ie IS ttu son of :\11 llld ~II!-l Norm I'n Hu1tne III \\ l~tcl ilt l\l nUt tll~t:h~~Ig-c Letter to the Editor TIlANKS HELPERS 1)(.' II 1 llitOi J hI IH (tn 1-- Ilot ito (hlJls HIOIl (\ lontlliJutlOlIs Illd h(l'"", In ltIl ('ookl( ~ Illk( Ii rm IIIl ~ 1\ II Ann(;.; III ~"lllhll\lIlt Illtl fOUl " l l l S \\lllltlllt Illttllll[liion 01)( Ilf (liS ((llltUltU.el IS Ilulul II "'[(I,a lll( t ) the (lo"lllJ.; ;)f (lit hoslllt tl Illl (hllllllill \\Ishts to tl 1111 hll slIh I.:h 111111 III llld tilt 11 (ontll_ Jnllol H \\ ho II IIIIII( I lI)proxlllllt(>lv 40 c I('h 11IOlllh fOi th(lll "11l1llJ.,: nul lhlt (0 OJlt I It Ion I hi ("lIort" IH Just ~tlH thpi f Iltos( Iliis \\ltah pll1ltn:\t(t! 1 d III~ S)Jl t "\ ( I \ SIIIPl I eh :\1 Inti I llshop Ch Ilrlll III UI IJDLI~ ,\ 11 Ilttel:i Ie:;t 11Ilt!lItaTv on the abovt: esl lie II l\l het I, j.;rullt~d lO the under MgI cel "ho Ilque15t all pcrSOlls hn .. lng dallm:; or d{;m IlId:-; Igaml5l the estate of the tiet ('Iiellt to Illolkc know n the H lmp uut III I elSotlH mtiebted to the (]( I t tit lit to llIlke IHl}lllent wlthQut d~hl) to I It" lIll NOIIiS "t1h.1ms _lld Orclla! d \\ .l). '\~aYlle Pa Executor .J! to hiS lttOlncy llalclUe G :\I~ers of 1 hllll{ l'torns & Heck"cher II 17 Iud rltle Hull hng I IlIladdlllllc:t llI1lt1 "est I ('Ilj H-\\a Arrange an I lit.: I, • npbolstcr) sclcntifi('all} cleanl'-t1 : Telcl)hoJl(' • I ~cal lIItomllbll~ II I Appliance Service I ~--~~~;~~~~---------~II 1 I ROBERT BROOKS I t R mUlll ::\f Dodd USN R "ho his heen st ltloned on }\\O Juna IS Ill'" on Ius \\ l ' to tilt !4tutes I I • 1 their migin.l. beant) ::\Iodern (ICclning of all )) ,in ted and Vacuum Cleaners than the fi~tlre for the prIOr vear Most of thiS mert ase ,\ 8S for Federal taxes on Income Deslnte a sharp rise m material costs and In wa~('s and salarieS, an unprecedented power output at the Company's h)dro-elcctrlC plant at COllOwmgo i\ld. made posslhle by favorahle water conch lIOns, permitted eU)(lomles m steam plant operatlollS and HI pur~ chased power As a result total operatmg expens('s In( Illdmg rnamtensllce, mereased onlv slightly 'I he maximum clectnc demand on the Phllad(lplllll- IICltric Compsnv durlllf,!; th( ,ear \\as 12(12000 kduwatts a II( \\ ret ord for the ("ompnnJ and 12 pel (('nf abn\c thc pre'\lr peak HI I'JlO lotal sales of elcdrl(lt, a~greg:al(11 h )0) I ~I) O~l klhmutthourf\ a d{'( reaHC of I 6 per cent limier the 1911 tutal 1 otnl ~Il~ stllc~ were I ~ lSI CliO SOO (uhl( feol nn Increase of I) pel {('lit over th(' prior ,ear ~c\enll new records for (.!;ftS outPlit were e~tahllshed durmg the- )<,ar At the stm k record date nearest the end of the \Cur there \"ere 100 nOI holder!:! of the t:olllpuny S t no classes of common stock \ppTOxlmatcly 91 per cent of these stockholders nrc mdlvlduals (50 per cent of whom are wornell) whose holdmgs average 6-lshares The remnmmg stockholders nre msurance (ompnniCS, hanks, chaTltahle orga017.atlons or mstltutlOn81lJlvestor~ 8veragmg 5]7 shares each Although reSidents of every state and territory of the United States as well a.~ of twentvfour foreign countne" arc mcluded on the roster of stockholders, 5S per ('ent of the eompany's stock IS held 111 the territory It serves I AND RUGS cleanl't1 In lonr ()\\ n hnnu~ h~ • ~IO))I RX IIA~O ("1;1,'1\1:\(. I ML1'HOnS-l1sing sen:\ ~ • TU'IC I'OtUl CLEAS I It 11)r1CS in short tnul'. nn(l I ng:-; • _uti fllrnittue n~.tin tuk(' on Icommercial and Domes!Jc-' PAINTING Prompt Service-RefngerExpertly Done CALI. ators, Washers, Vacuum DAVE WOOD Media 07551 I Cleaners, Raaios Ralllos rl he prov slOn for taxes amounted to '22,652 1 N" nearh 10 lrer cent greater FINISHES SERVICE ~;II~' \':~l:1 , , IHAVE YOUR FURNITURE I no\\ ,. 1944 1I1h It :\1tll (\ of \ tI(' ('nt{ltlln tS h('1 g"U('sts \ntlquC"s I \II It the \\ 0 1ll11l:-;<"luh ),fls I:tl\\ lid J. H lull II of Uux(') litH )lIPHHhnt of Ilw f)ell\\lll Count:.. Icrl(>lfltlOn of ~----------------------~ Phone Swarthmore 2253 It(' Net mcomc remammg (or common stock, after dIVidends on preferred stocks and the $1 DIVidend Preferen('c Common Stock, was $12772 130 or SI 56 a share, compared With SI 00 lD l..SIAIE 01 JOSE 1'1I)N~ TAr..L~' ekce \~ed, Inte 01 COl eord Township, L elllUl 1 etters 'lcHtamcntnr,} II' the aho,\;e cst HO h 1\ lIIg been graI,lt d to till Ulldcl Signed all lK!r"OIlS IIIdcbted to !-i uti c«tale In r('(juu~tl'd to make I' I,} lllcllt Iud thuse lunlllg d IIms to PIC HCllt S LIne to Ho\\ ~nl ,\ Talley J Ilzabeth COllrtlle~ Ii:XecUtOlS to thell altorn y ~ ~ uul econd "lee presldenh, of the 01 "lOr! I~ 1-1 1 lI"1iell 1! Su Ith \,cllue Mt!dm I'a 6T 3 1 Tree Surgery and ; 01 ,I) 'VllhalllS of Unt OJ l.lHl \\1 A HE.<-h. ~ ~ V(,l ~II\ III I ( l IS (ntl I t lllllnJ.!; hel cite (> I"cll ~ Landscaping ~ cluh It d( ""-':PI t 111 I I;.~I It 1l('1 hOl1l( [.lJtI t~ ll~lllIllllt\l,} on Ihe Ilm\ ('sl HI h l \ (' hu~1l ,",'1 llllt d to lli(l till I I ~ ~ 1011 1\ Slgllleti \\Iw t'{juC'il III )llrSOIlS h l\1H!.! ~Phone Swarthmore 2175-R~ :\\1 Iltl\\ 1111 11I11l I 01 HI 1111 [ I Illms 01 dllll Imlg 19'1lIlst thl"! eslale ~ ~llIa\(n l\l'lue etltmtamed at a. of the d l'(io:.:n t tn III 11 f I III \\ nth. ml ..hletl to th ~ 104 Cornell Avenue ~ IlC <>hl OJ hood tit s:-;e I t 1111)...1 lUI S ell'tWiti IklltIud II)iii lUI cr!;OIl II Ie II n Ill< Ilt \\ Ithout titll} 10 ~ Swarthmore, Penna. ~ ~II\ cltt IIH 011 II IlOilO! II :\11 I Ie I I \11 til IIp{ 1 (IWI \I I , ~ \lthCl IUIlHI II \\h) I(((llth :\ I I II t Hell< ('Ilel ~ #'. nle)\ (d to COt H011 l \ elHIC l' 0 lxultl Clall slnll g \ I I III I IMORTON REfRIGERATION IOIt HIl'\:I-HooIH \\llh today :\1 I Ii :1.H?Jlllt at the Whaley and Lancaster Co, Glenolden, Pa. Ridley Park 0180 Builder ---- FOR RENT Philadelphia] 1('( trlC ( mnpanJ In 1945 handled the Inrl(cst volume of huslflcss In Its hlstof) , \\ Ith Operatmg Hevcnues exceeding $100 million dollars flus wo..o; announced US lIorat:e P Llversulge rresldent of the C'ornpnny, In hiS annua report to stockholders, released ,--",,,,,'S.,'S,,,,,,,,,,,,",S-,,,"SS'SSS Charles E. Fischer I t!l lIltl ftUllIlllr ing problems FARMS $1.56 A SHARE ~ Contractor and Builder RIdley P.lrk 0333 ('.He MJdgc Dro'~ n of North Chestel ro ld .tnd :Mal Y June Nelson of Chu.;tel former students ~Lt M.lI \ Bald\\ In t:ollege Staunton, V.I will .lltt"nd festh lti('s ut t he col le,;e thiN \\cek end :\Iiss Adele Markley. an ....ru.tOI it the Mu} Burnham School lrrlvCH IUHII( Nor tlhllllllton :\IIHS tOIllOIIO\\ to Slu: nd a two \\c(k SIB IIlK " II IhOIl \\ lUI h( r I)arcuts :\11 .wel :\Irs I 1 !Ilk H M Irkl('\ of GUCI n~e:\ I o~ul ~Ir nnd ~tl!; t.arloH P StrcCl<1 of Columbll l\l'IlU(, spent Monti 1\ III (.eU"S}HII,.; MI ~trC(llr ha\('~ tOIllOI 10"\\ 011 .l \\ eek H hu,.-;In( s!-<. tl JP 10 !-;t LOUIS :\10 Hol)l'lt l)tla)Jlone of Cornlll l\("IlUl' \\111 g ldulte from TemPle j\il·dll il ~l houl :\Ill(;h 2(1 .1ft~1 \\ hie: II h(' hl-'IUS I 15 month Hl telllc.shll II ~he P lckCl Hostllt 11 PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC'S I ANNUAL REVENUES PASS $100 MILLION MARK FOR FIRST TIME r~W~-~~~l;StSSe~rs:~l i~~::'~;;;i' :J~~:'~ol;~~i;II~:i.:t~: Experienced l\lcehnnlcs ----==-=-=::-:-::-::...--FOR SALE 1 VacaUo" Approachee 01 Ji our trees "ill gl \ e lustlng Illeasure throughout the lenrs Consult us "itbout obligation conccrning 1 0m tree Slllb"Cl,), Sl)l"ll)ing or tree ..un- '.'carpet makes it home" cut furlll",hed or unfUllllshcd huu11'itll( t III Hwarthmor(' \\111 t('(el\C bib lt th( olll(e of tlIP HI I nnl Dlstlltt 1I the I1Jgh SdlOOI Hmhllllg I urI!( 1 of {on(>g~ Uld Prince tOil A\CllUeR ilia ~\\arthmore Pelltlsyl\a lip 10 .. I' ::\1 Friday !\larch ]946 and OIlf:n the buls at a meet~ IIlg of the School Board at the School DIstrict O"lt e durlllg the week of :\Ilr< h ~5 1!Hfi for general sCience phY"ir II edU(atlOll art shop and Jam tOI" Mlllllh{s !tllli e(lUlllment Speclfi ('atlon~ ('an he s(,('UI'C(1 l~t\\een 9 A l.1 and 4: P :\{ datl~ except Saturda" F:1II d'-'\ and holidaYR al the School nl"tril't offil'f' The Board n>serves thf" Tight to r('jet t any or all bids in who),.. or in part, and to award contracts 011 any item or items making up an\ bId ST-3 B Hilda Lang Denv.: orth Secretary ..• ' ..\ ' •• I . 8 THE SWARTHM.OREAN ,. DR. HALL NEXT SPEAKER Wedgwood Story· Delights Women (Continued from page 1) / (Continued from page. " .I.~·•• I '"i ~r ·')' t Fa. FRIDAY, MARaiIS, INS , Nason Cites Strong Trends 'I • 'J' I '.. •• • 4 • ¢ ,-----------.----. • •• GIVE 1) Most desirable .ot old Wedgwood Finally Dr. Nason expects a conpieces, Mrs. Hervey told her audtinuation in the direction of tax~ Ience. are those marked ",Wedgsupported public education. In his Peace in Industry wood and Bentley'" Each authen. OplDio~ state and municipal units tic piece has tho name o,t WedgIs Wednesday wood on it. That produced trom arc going to grow in stze, number. Theme 1&91 to' 1900 1a also marked "Eng- property and eqUipment, quality of land", and· after liOO HMado in faculty and qunUty ot education. The relations between lndustrJal His belief is that this growth wlll strIte "and International distrust England". The age ot 'early pieces be in addition to, and not at the .. : . and teiulloD.!J will be explored on can be judged by tho patina on expense oC, private Inst\tutlons. "tednesday, March 20. at the third the background. by the rounded The meeting. was preceded by a ot a series ot forums being held edges of the figure8~ and. by the social period when the 6th gTade this month in the Parish House ot fact that the dark blue become.s mothers of both schools, under the Swarthmore Pr~sbyterlo.n purplish In t(rne. their chairmen Mrs. W. C. F. ZleChurch. Dr. Cameron P. Hall will Several club members brought . ,; ... gentus and Mrs. W. F. Bird, served dilicuss "Peace in Industry." The pieces for Mrs. Hervey to date, .' cotree aod cake. ... ;. meeting wlll be held at 8 o'clock, 8.l1long . which an Interes~lng farce iI Robert ~. H.tlkert. president of and all members of the community green platter decorated In seathe .A8.sociatJon, opened ·the meet., are .Invited to attend. sheUs, . belonging to Mrs. J. F. Ing with IQ. reminder ttiat while the li\)r the serIes ·as a whole the Boatty was placed by Mrs. Her" ,'.,'. teacher membership In Home and ",, , ' . topl~ befng discussed Is "Peace In vey 8;S "before 1800". , School J8 now 100%. only 200 ot ., .. !. a Hungry, Sullen World". Dr. HaU's Table settings, Borne ot them in ... ; : Swarthmore~B 600 school iamllies ,,', talk w111 consider the extent to antiques, arranged by club memwere represented. which atrikes on the domestic In· bers added to the Interest of the After a treasurer's report by A. dustrlal front nnd conrnct among ~tternoon. Mrs. A. L. Hines showW. Bass, Jr., Mr. Hilkert called countries on the International front ed one In' old Wedgwood, and Mrs. attention to the signal success of are symptoms of the same undm:· Fred Lang In Royal Doulton. the Scholarsh~p FUnd Card Party lying forces of economIc dlstl'ess Mrs. John Michael arranged one and ~ongratulated Roy N. ~orsey' and Insecw-lty. In gold and white Norltake on a Long active in the social work lacy handmade cloth with a cen~ and his committoe. Special. gratiot his church. Dr. Hall has had terpiece ot daffodils. Mrs. Guy de tude was expressed to borough many opportunities during recent Furia used a Lennox china-of merchants who were generous with years to obsorve at first hand both the same pattern, eo she was told. their gifts which were used for internationut. conferences and In· as one used by the Maharajah of prizes. and to the student body, particularly the Junior Class. Cor dustrlal struggles, DUring the San India. Us wholehearted cooperation. Francisco Conference preparatory Mrs. George Karns' !table at'l'he next meeting of tho Associto setting up the United Nations tracted especial attention because ation wIll be on Tuesday. April 30, OrganiZation, he was presont as an the plates, cups and saucers had when a panel ·of teachers, parents. Of observer for the Presbyterian been painted by her mother In and perhaps students, will dlscU8S Church. More recently he has spent 18'3 and '94. Done in gold the tie-In ·of extra. curricular acROmo time in the princIpal strike orchids on Limoges, the china was tivities to the ma.1.n school business. centers ot the country, Including used to set a "golden wedding DetroIt. where he was able to ar· luncheon" table. The pieces had rnnge A series of conversations with been dIsplayed at the World's Kappa Ho.t.... Please note only those who have re,utered . leaders of both the unions and the Fair In Chicago. The embrold~r­ management involVed in the Gen-, ed .clotb, too, had been Mra xarn~' may take advantage til;' oHer Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge ot Ogden eral Moto1"8 strike. , mother's. avenue will be hostess to the KapM.rB. S. C, Harris set a table In pa Kappa Gamma Sewing group, one ot the earllest patterns of Tuesday next. DESCRIBES JAPAN • Ha.vlland, with early American Lt. Richard F. Barnes, who Is presaed glass. Mrs. H. LIndley with the Air Tra.nsport Command Peel and Mrs. Carroll Streeter at"flying Army· personnel between .ranged the table from which te.. KawaU and Japan. In a letter to was served, In antique slIver and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- glllB!J. ence H. Barnes, of Hlllborn ave_ nue. writes: "There Isn't much to buy in Japan except aUk, In fact, there Mr. Roland G. E. WIman of Bar ... ian't much lett ot Japan. I never vard avenue· accompanied by Mrs. saw so much wreckage In all my IDlm"n left Tuesday on a week"s 1Ife, half the people are homebusiness trip to Gree~v1lle, S. C. leu and the whole Island Is a mess. Enroute home thel~ wJll v~lt their :M;ost of the people are farmers son Mr. David Ulrich Ullman and and you cer~nly can see wby. tamity of Newport News. V~. The ground Is very sood, III fact cently appointed Research DirecIt 18 Bome of the best tarming tor or PhUco Corporation with labI..,d In tho world. oratories In Phtladelpb.ia. Mrs. "About the only factories lett Bradley. former Director (,t Speech are. the ones underground which and Dramatics at the college, has are bullt any pl0.<:8. You see holea been writing on telev~Blon proall aroWld that gO' down to them. graming and reviewing books for We ytalted a tew and they look New York publications. Uko fairly good factories. MaMaj.or and Mrs. Donald Lange chinery In most of them Is rusted and their son Donnie, fr., of Rye ot course, but everything Is lust as the Japs left it, with airplanes Beach. N.H., "Were weeke~~ gue$ 0, OU8 BMPLOYEES tell us thatthey'te they came to halt finished on the assembly Une. Qt th.e to.rmer's p;arents Prot. and work for Bell because ~ugl:t ~eir ~~ness associatio~ they Mrs. E. O. Lange ot uLa.ngewood". !IAn transportatlon Is free and Baltimore Pike. Major Ll::.nge Is as~ have made their best friends. Good frie!lds are mighty important to a any place you go to board a traln soclated with the Atlantic Air young girl-in business or out of it. Bell seems to know how to select. some Doe just puts a. 109 on the Academy at Rye Beadl-. traQk and then the train stop&. employees that most people l~e to be friends with, Jack TomUn80n or South Chester The ·last one on takes the log ott road who had just completed the tAe tra.ck and ott you .go. first Hemester at Swarthmore Col~ . If YQu'te just starting out in the business world, this ma~ of pleasant, . "The Japs wUl buy anything. lege. left Tuesday to report to the friendly fellow-workers can be very important to you. Yet, it's but one CandY goes for 66e a piece and Army Induction Center at Camp of many advantages that go with a Bell job. . everything Is high. They get Meade, Md. enough to eat, but things like cigarettes a.nd candy are really lU%urles ; Wages at Bell are good right from the start~ven for inexperienced with them," ,OUR HOSIERY· RE~I~TRATION PLAN OFFER No.1 If you mlve registered for hose yOu'ill·e, entitled to tWo . pairs (one. pair nylon .•. and one pair rayon), regardless of date· of registration •.. OFFER No.2 Starting Thursday, March 14, you may make another purcbaseof two pairS one size, style and color of either nylons or rayons, It . 01 Why· we tell girls.. NEWS NOTES the Telephone Company is "A Friendly Place to Work" g~ MANY Give! Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Bittle of Rutgers avenue are entertaining th~ir son-In-law and daughter Lt. and Mni. Edward Johns and their baby ado Mark Bittle Johns ot Springft.eld, Mo., who arrived for a three-month visit. Lt. 30hns Is on terminal l.eave. MUk is today denied hundreds of children and babies In warravaged Europe and China. Your contribution ot $6 to the AmerIcan Red Cross Is enough to send 5 () quarts overseas to help re .. store health and prevent epidemics. CARNS DELIVERS BEAUTIFULLY ARRANGED Fresh Flowers When words seem wt:U and futile send CARNS F10wen to /apr your sympathies. Their eloquence In hom,' of _lOW apreu your sympathy .. nothinI( . . . can. Phone Sw~~hmore :, ,.;000 , C AR N S· Bal~::re FLOWERS.' . •~ ORCHIDS. " . ALWAYS : . .,. . Sptingfield Pa. , girls. And a regular system of fr"'lnent increases insures future advancement. Once you "make good" at Bell, your future is secure; for even though you have to move your home, the chances are good that you will be able to find employment with the telephone company near your • new hOJ;ne. Bell employees enjoy dte advantages of comfortable rest rooms, accident . ~d SIckness benefilS, a modern medical department, holidays and vacations with pay, recreational facilities, and a liberal pension plan. Get started on the right track now. Stop in at one of the employment ?flices .listed below and discuss your aims and ambitions with a friendly IntervIewer. You will not be obligated in any way-and you may do yourself a world of good. . THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA "A friend'y Place to WorJt" R _ 315, McClatchy Bldg. 57·59 E. Penn Street 45 Anderson Avenue 69th & Market Str.... NlllTistown Ardm_ UPJMII:' Dc;a '" .. 1631 Arch Street 410 York Road .... 1~~....la .,~.nld~"wn • •• or caIIlnterpri... I-GloO _ ,. - .... .... . 12 MARCH "BLITHE SPIRIT" PACKS PLA Red Cross Bogs Consld.rably discouraged at the rate Swartnmore's current;! collection of $9,100 In the an- . ;, .. 2200 ATTEND 1ST FAIR nua} Red Cross Drive lags be- hind the goal of $1&,008 Walter The "Here" and yond" Picnic a t Club Onp -,ray of securIng an over.... flowing first ~lght audience .t.e. to subscribe a benefit performance such as Tuesday's Mothers Club event at the Players Club. One way ot guaranteeing first mte. 'ntertalnment to each seated· occupant ot jammed auditorium and balcony as well as justifying members ot the BoUd Une frln~ng clubhouse walls tor their three·hour stand, 18 to provide a play like Noel Coward's uBUthe Spirit" and tender It e, flnlBbed cast such as Director IHalcolm Hodge has on' the local thla we.k. stage Beldnnlng with the applause . which spontaneously accla1~ed the ..tUng upon rIae .of the ...rtatn. clapplDg and laUghter-grew at a rapid rate through the flrst act UDtil the """ond ....d third acts found it so conUnuoUB the actors had to retime moat of their lines .tt they were to be hurd above the roar. SaIl)" .McFadden as Edith, the mald. found it hard to follow the admonltion of Ruth. her mistress, (Catherine G, Hodg.) that oInce A. SchmIdt, local drive chairman, appeals to all soUcitors who have not turaed In their reports as yet, to do so Immediately even though such reports· might be Incomplete at present. Mr. Schmidt also r6mlnds resIdents of the danger ·ot lettlns down the service folk by not continUing an all-out support of tho Red Cr088' work in tho serious post·wa.r muddle.. He urges everyone who has not been contacted by a solicitor to make a contribution without delay ·to Harold Ogram. drIve treasurer, at the Bank; ahd tha.t everyone who possibly can, increase his original donation. TURNOUT AIDS LEGION C'HARITY Friday's Card Party Provides Cheer To Veterans At Monday"s meeUng of the she was .no longer In the Navy it American Legion AuxUlary, held was not h&ce8II&I'Y to do ~verytb.lng at the home of Mrs. Alben Eavenat the double. Sbe overcame the habit remarkably well until ahe son on Strath Haven' avenue, a rewas Mnt· """",pering twlc. .... fast port or the 8ucceaa ot last Friday's joInt. Le_on and AuxiUary card (ConUnued on l'I!«e &> party was made. Appreciation waa g:oeat for the 9UPPOrt ot local rest... Woman's Club· Show Draws ·Eager Crowd Mareh winds and driving rains failed to dampen the enthUBiasm of betwc-en 170() .and 1800 ardent lo"\"erfli ot antiques during the flrat two days ot the Swarthmore Woman's Club's Antiques Fair. Attendance was· expected to reach 2200 by 10 p. m. 01'1 Wednesday, when the FaJr was to close. A crowd waited, on. the doorstop betore the opening hour on Monday. and during the three days visitors ranged in age from the local girl 6CoUts~ who' 6une o.s a group to learn about antiques, to veter:an collectors· ot rare pieces. Guests from several States were present for the event. Several beautiful corner cup· boards were on display, handsome tables, rare prints, lamps and many pieces ot unusual china, glass and brassware, AnUque jewelry and trays were .popular exhibitS, as were do11s and mUldc boxes, quilts and sewing birds. A high spot ot the Falr was the awarding ot the door Prtu at nln.e p.m. on Wednead-"'. ......, Mrs. Peter Told, under whose direcUon as program chalnn"n the ~ Fair bad been planned, ·rang the bell which announced the draw1ng of the winning name. Before the 200 peop'le. then present at the Fair, Mrs. Bil1ley Morae .,,·t~::n~~ ..m~~ ~h~~19J'-,I·lItl.n:.'Id . the ""J:llIF&U'1D numbe", : made ihe event lIuch a In a brasa bucket. while carolyn TALENTEU DUO PLAYS TUES. Sandwiches; ~aJla,o:sl.!S not y.t complete but the r.t....... Demonstrated ·at.12:45 py one. Fifty door prizes were pre&ented In addition to table prbes, the cherished Nylon hose won by Mary Bentley and lamp won b)" Samuel c. Wfado~ The card party financial report will ('nable "the continuance ot the Legion groUPS' help to hospitals iind other veteralUl charity. At Eas.. ter the Coatesville Hospital will be s.ent a check for candy and enter· talnment, the Petty Point unlt suppUed . with candy, and the Phlladelphia.. Na.val Base Pl"Ovlded Eas· tel" festivity: Other donaUons Inelude Red CrOBB, Junior Baseball In Pennsylvania, Salvation Army. a.nd County Schola.rshlp Fund. A box of clotblng valued at '60 was given to the State Child Welfare Organization 1'or deJ.1nquent and needy children. Cre880D, president o·t. the Junior Section held the pJUe.--a. pall" of anUque. vases ot band-blown ruby ;Bohemian glass.. Mrs. Frank Morey. president of .l the senior club drew the reglatratlon s1lp" and announced Mrs. Davl4 . .J. Bullock. 814 Wendermere avenue, lansdowne as the WiDDer. The Junior Section-of the·W.om ... an's Club n.sslsted with the 'Fair. as did the younger daughters at some of the club members. Mrs. Frank Morey, president ot the club, had ft.8 her guests 1\1"';. Edward R. 8. Tull, Jr., president ot tbe Delaware County FederaUon: Mrs. Maurice McCaffrey, tlrst vice· president and program chairman: Mrs. I,.ouis· Detz. second vice president. and Mrs. A. H. Gon~ ot Springfield. 1946 , RED CROSS DRIVE PER YEAR ,Notice In accordance with the provl~ &iOJlB of the 8chedule ot ~wQ.rt1t. more Schools. all classes wlll·be closed the week of M~rch 25 for spring . vaca.tJ.on, reopenll1g at the usual bour on . Monday morning. April 1. Good Friday, April 19, w111 be observed as a one-day hollday. L.W.V. NAMES NAT'L. DELEGATES DR. LEIPER LAST FORUM - SPEAKER Presbyterians Bring World Church Official Dr. Hanry Smith Leiper. executive secretary of the American Committee tor the ~ World Council of Churches, will speak oa "The In- --!!" day evening at 8 o'clock In the pari6h house of the Presblyterlal.l' Due After Today's Church. His, talk w1l1 bring to a cl06e the Meeting series of four for:ums held by the At the meeUng of the board of church during March on the gendlractors of the Swarthmore Leaeral problem "Peace In a Hungry, gue of Women Voters last Friday, -.. .. March 16. at the hqme of Mrs. Sullen World'". Earll.r talks In th. John Moore. Wblttler place a num- serles have described some of the ber ot futUre events were decided Major problems impedlDg estabupon including the sending of d.le .. 1Ushment ot a firm peace. Dr. Leipgates to the Natio"nol League meet- er's talk will emp1J.a.stze the respon ... irigs In Kansas City at the end· of stbl.Utles and opportunlUes ot the co.. I Ev tt t 8h Individual. In the world crisis. April. Ml"S:. ga,mue ~re 0 a.Dr. Leiper Is reputed to be t"'e III d MI· ,til n dy tH tb .r~a ~ l'!Y ~n, .W: Ithre:,.:~ country~s· best Informed individual sen e 0 eape•. w ..... on Christian Ute and organisation Herbert Fraser as alternate• .aa.r8. In foreign c6untrtes. Over the la.at F I .-~. ttendlng -tate 30 years he has trave\ed throltoCPh_ raser s &UI\II a ~ ., d 1 t e ega: e. out the Orie:lt and Occident. He Open me6tlngs of the Delaware was In Europe when the war broke Co m m·I-~oners Ill'e In pro • out tn 1939 and made three trips OUD,"-," aDl gress Monday· mornings' and the to. England during hoatll1tlea. With .. Is 1· t at din h a ... _~ League n ere e ...... rep- In the last few weeks he returned resentatlves 'attend these Besa1OD& from Geneva where he· attended Anyone who is iDtetested .may tele- an orga.n1za.tlonal meeting .fDr t;hfi'; phone William .Hue)' .of Dick:' projected World Council of insOn avenue tor furUter details. Churches. ·.rhe· ··seaslons are held in the Media - Dr. Leiper has for some years Nominating Report C.·· Jdrs.· Court Houaef' gO,ve ri. . tepon lol.... ClAIre oJeglum I :~~::1~::~~:~::~!:!::~;C:oun=-;..._ _ _~ 6ri: ·her· attendance~ I cit showing the :busmes8 conducted at one· such· meeUDg and the method ''''..... , I. :The nominating committee ot which· Mrs. DIinlel Goodwin 18 ohalrm8.n, ~ with· Mrs. Raymond Denwortli·ruid Mrs. Harold March members, meets today at Mrs. Goodwin's home, and will make Its report shortly. Mrs~ samuel Everett W88 appointed chairman of a committee Mrs.: ·Arnaud Leavelle and Harold March, to cooperate the Woman's Club on the !l1eetlilg to be held Aprll 2. churches abroad, In that capacIty he has been serving aJao as executive secretary tor the Ameriean CommIttee Of the WorldCouncl1 of Churches and as ODe of the two principal secretaries ot the Provla16nal Committee .ot up to organize the World Council, Th. Wor~d Cauncql now represents 86 churches In 29 countries. MtJthers Air Fardts at Club THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR un_ • dlvldual·s ResponslblJlty In a Hungry, Sullen World", on Tues~ . Tbe n~ l'e&11lar meeting of th" MUSICIANS PRESENT Woman'•. Club will begin at 2 PROGRAM o'clock on Tuesday, March 26. The March nleeting of the MUsic when liN. Anthony Ventnor, chairwill be held at WhlWer House man. of· mualc, will present an on· the college campus on. Tuesday afternoon ·ot music. Eleanor Godevening.. the 26th, at 8:16. dard Worthen, pl8.ntst, and Leona. DUE HOME Mrs. John Fawcett and· Mrs. Wolson Gold, viollnlBt, both weJlCpt. D. R. Hutchinson, Bon of James Hornada.y havJC arranged known 8warthmoreans, Will be the and MrS. F. C. Hutchinson. of the program. featured· artists. South Chester road, Is due home Pla.no solos by Elizabeth Quick U..... Worthen studied at the week from overseas. will Include Brahms "Rhapsody ~n Curtis ID.!rtItute. with Tobias MatCpl. Hutchinson has been serving B minor" and Schumann's "In the thal' ~ndon. and '\flth' Oa.~l the past three years ,with HeadEvening and HIn the Night" . . Frledburg In New York. For some TRINITY MEN'S SPEAKERS quarters and Base Service SquadBass solos by ~enry Faust actime ahe was head. of the plano deron of the 42nd Air Depot in BelVernon A. O'Rourke. as$lstant partment at the LaUrel School In Friuice. Holland and Ger· comPflnled by Mrs. Hornaday will Cleveland. teacbi.Dg In the Cleve- profesSor of PoUtical Science at The subject of "Problem mnny. He has been staUoned In be three songs by Hugo V{olt, land 8etUerilent School as well. Swarthmore College will address Kotberstl was pe:rsented tor dts~ I·~,nabach, Germany. for the past "Weyla's Bong." "Anacreon's She hRII given plano recltals in the monthly dinner meeUng ot the cusslons Gmve" and "Auch Kleine Dinge"; months. at the Swartilmore maD7. cities and .at many colleges, Men's Club of' Trinity Church, Mothers Club meeting on March and four others, "The Eagle" by including Swarthmore. Smith, Mt. Swarthmore, at the church on 14, ,at the Woman's Club, Hear Choir Anton Arensky, "Sea. Fevc ..n by Monday· at 6:30 P.M. on the toplc Holyoke and Antioch. 'Vilson College Choir con- I Joh.n Ireland. uLone Dog" by Irene 1\.11"8. RUBBell C. Jenkins pre. Leona Wolson Gold is a graduate "The UNO-Its Problems." siding as chairman Introduced i siistiing of 30 girls of which Flora McLeod anll. "Sea Moods" by MUof the· Philadelphia. Musical. Acad~ Mr. O'Rourke has .recent}y re~ Mrs. Arthur Moscrlp who dlsof Harvard avenue, is a mem. dred L. Tyson.. em),". and has studied at Curtis In- tUrned from active service in the ber, sang Sunday, March 10, at Uie A trio ot piano •. vioLin and cello cussed the frustrated Dlotber. and stitute and. the New Scho91 ot Pacific and h~ resumed his duties Im,m,lng service in the Tulley Mepresent the "Second Movement the emotionally unstable parent. Music In PhUadelphle.. She plays at the college. He Is the Demo~ Mrs. M08Crip cited three major morial Presbyterian Church tn the Trio In D mInot'"' by Mcnnow with the New School's Ch.B.m- f?rattc candidate for C.ongress and _1· " Hm. At 4 P. ?rI, the cho.lr and Beethoven's "Trio In causes which bring about thta ber OrcheStra.·· which has been wa3 twice unsucceBBful In bls ettort presented a program In the First E flat." Dr. Samuel Gurln will be particular type. First unsatlsfac~ beard .In Philadelphia. during t)ie to defeat James E. Woltendon, at.. Prestl....terlan Church, Chester. the pianist •. the cel!l) wtll be playe4 tory marital relationship. Sec-' " pB.st -season. though rolling up a. vel'Y large vote. by Mr. Henry Hoft'sommer and Dr. . ond, the over·solicitous mother. ~ . T he coffel"!: Their program ~lt consist or speaker at the dinner Mr. and Mrs. Wllliam U. Ward Pepinsky wIn play thc violin. and third.' the self-sacrificing tho Handel Swte In E Minor for w III b e H amnton W. Cochrane. weII of Strath Haven avenue returned A social time .tollows the concert plano and .vlolin. the Beethoven known fiction writer and author of mother. Saturday from the .Jupiter Island and members wekome music lov.r~. Robert Engle dtf'lcussed the Spring Sonntn. Opus 24, and of several novels including h1s recent Hohe Sound, Fla., where they ers to these meeting"1-) on the fourth qual1tics of the mattyr mother, a group ot plano solos by Ra.meau, book "Sliver Shoals." Mr. Cochrane had been spending several weeks. of each month. ScArlatU. Bach, Chopin and De is a member of the Men's Club. who is ,so concerned with ·ber chUFalla. Thom&.s W. Hopper, president of dreit's welfare that ahe sacrifices her own personal needs. Mrs. Hostesses for. the meeting will the club will preslde~ £ugge!rted that to over~ be 14m.·· Ha"i-ty C. Barnes. and FrIday, March 22 . . . come this martydom !l mother Mrs. Rusself Phillips. Mrs. Henry 8:15 P.M.--Co:1cert by Joseph Szlgeti ..... _........... __... _. Clothier Memorial Bishop Hart Here should develop Interes!& ot her 8: 20 P.M.-"BUthe Spirit" ____. ____ ..___ . ___ . ____...... __ ......_._ ...... _..... Players' Club Piper ,·~d Mrs. Joseph PerkllHl . Saturday, . March 23 own, tnereby establishing'" a. more The Rt. Rev.· Oliver J. Hart. will be at th~ tea. table. 7:00 & ·9:0() P.M.-"State Fair" _____.. _____. _____ .__._. __________ Clothier Memorial harmonioUs relationship with her Precedtng this meeting, at 12:46 Bishop of the ;DIocese of Pennsyl8:20 P.M.-".Bl1the Spirit" .................................. _................. Players' Club on March 2e,· tb·e American Home vania. admJ,,"istel" the Apostdllc family. Sunda)". lUarch 24 , Psychological meaning was 11: 00 A.M.-Morning Worship ....._.... _.............................. Local Churches section will present IQ. lecture-4em- Rite of .COnfirmation in Trinity onstratlon "Spring Tonic ot Sand- ~Churcl', Swarthm!»re, on Sunday at the subject discussed by Mrs. . Tuesday, March 26 17:(5 to 1:45 P.M:-"Sprlng Tonic of Sandwiches and Salads" Wilchea and Salads" by Lydia Tar- 11:00 a.m .. The Bishop will also John M. Moore. _. Woman's Club rant. dIetitian. from p"nD8)'lvanlal pI"",ch . 2:00 P.M.-MuRlcal Afternoon ._........_...................... _........ _ Woman's Club state CoJlege. Her ma1l7 . _ Mr. and Mm. Thomas Myers. 8:00 P.M.-Lecture, Dr, Henry Smith Leiper ...... Prcsb'ytertan Church 8:00 P.M.•--Jr. Club Bridge ..... _.~..__ ...:._................ 620 Stratrl Haven Ave. Cornell avenue. entertained the UODB win coyer hea.rt)' sand-vdcbea .Jessie Gilbert wUJ arrive by 8:00 to 9:00 P,M.-Vlsltors Night ............................ Sproul Observatory ana . ,• .", for bop and gtrIa~. . pl....e on Tuesday fr.om P. C. W.llatter's sister, Mise VIrginia Dueh- 8: 1& P,M.-Muslc Club ...._.... _.. __.... _ ......... _........ _,_.... Whltuer House well ... and dalntr oneil epend the sp"l'l~g vacation at af Washington, D. C.. 8JI their . 'l1lanMJa:r. 1IIa:Ioch lIS f,.. ~ aII4 -U, .• home on Park aVllllu.. '. guest. 8:00 P.M. Swartbmore&ll Wrapping ' __".__m_ SWarthtno....... OIrtce will , ,. THE SWARTHMOREAN YOUR SUPPORT Corner • l, . f1UDAY, MARCH 22, I ZS _______~----------------~/~~.~----T~H~E~~S~W~A~R~T~H~M~O~R~E~A~M~'--~----~::~~~~F~":U):A~Y~,:MAR~:CH:::~::l:·~~ - • PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Philip KnIskern. of Rh'cnJew road. will have as their """'ests this weck-end Lt. Col. eo" Ward Nc&;cn. who has just returned u.ttor several years .tn the European theatre, and his mother, Mr8. Henry L. Nessen, of Traverse City, Mich., .and sJster. l\trs. NeESen Shelley. of East Orange, N. J. Cpt. Robert R. '1·0_01e recolved his discharge at Camp Deale, Cal., on March 11 after scrving three years in the Radio Intelllgence Service. Bob will leave shortly to. cntcr the tJntveralty of' Buffalo. Mra. Paul IC Alger, of Bridgoton. N. J., formerly of Swarthmore. enterta{n~d several friends at 'Iuncheon at the' Ingleneuk prIor to attending the Antiques Fair. Priscilla GlIes arrJves home Wednesday to spend the spring vaoo.Uon from V. J. C. at her home on Ru~ers aven~e. Mr. and Mrs.' Percy Gilbert. or Fa..... k avenue. entertained a group of friendnesday Extended Sl~nday ,Hours. 12 Nt>on until 3.00 P. M! Special .Dinner $1.00 '.-,- CARNS DELIVERS BEAUTIFULLY· ARRANGED .Fresh Flowers .When words 8ee~ weak and futile send .CARNS Flowers to exp~ your sympathies. .Their. eloquence i., hours . ' of sorrow express yom sympathy as nothing else can. Phone Swarthmore 0450 ' ARNS' C FLOWERS "ORCHIDS ALWAYS" , .Baltimore Pike .:. , Springfield. Pa •. Informal Talks by ZELIA M WALTERS ' Writer and Lecturer . Everyone Welcome MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Call Mrs. Uoyd E. Kauffman Swarthmore 2080 II • FRIDAY, ~CH 22, 1946 II ~'============================~========~==~==============~ DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON Preabyterian Church Notes MEDIA THEATRE SUNDAY Double Feature , n aDd "Girl of the LimberLost" NOEL COWARD • * Kipling was llpeaking of precioushumao freedom when he wrote, !''I'hQ oar fathers , bought for us long and long ago.'I But courage and valor are not solely the virtues of brave fighting men in combat. It took no less courage for men like Pasteur, Lister, Koch, and hosts of others to struggle for scientific troth agaion cries of heresy from the ignC). raotan~ the suPeridtious. IDSp~ bytheezample of ~ great men, your phyJician battla the foes todayAt.his .ide is the pharmacist, always eager to carry rbe fight to the enemy_ . } We invite you to Yiait oar complete prescripcion de.pattmeot. We are prescription spirieU...; ..uae Mu.:Ia 22 and :i3 Ra".l DONAT Michael's College PharntAcY silo roM; ·'Vacationfromlla.rriage" ON THE CORNER .. , ,","atrlbutiono may be turned In to ..LI"8. Frank Keenen; Mrs. J. A. Detlefsen. Mrs. Charles Mitchell, or Airs. Agnes M. H. Sheldon. or at the church .offlce. The fourth. and final Forum meeting will be beld . Tuesday. MRI'Ch 26, at 8 o'clock In the Purlsh House. Dr. Henry Smith Leiper. who has 'just returned trom Europe will speak on the subject HThe Indlvlduars Res.. ponslblllty In a Hungry, Sullen "World."' Sunday morning at the l1o!cloc!~ service Dr. Braun wJll preach th"-'" third ot the Lenten B.C1·mOIlS on the Bubject "Stili Passing By" Mr. and M.rs. Howard C. Smith at the Harvard avenue entrance and· Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Little at the driveway-transept entrance, will assist th~ minister in greeting the congregation atter the service th1a Sunday morning. Mr. Don Jones will also be at the Harvard avenue entrance to extend greetines to students and other young Circle No. 3 Mrs. Agnes M. H. Sheldon. chairman, will meet Wedpeople. nesda!),. March 27 Sst 10:30 at the The Junior Intermediate and home of Mrs. W. W. Turner, 7S1 Senior Departments wUI meet toYale avenue for sewing'. Members gether this S"unday morning at should bring sandwiches. Mrs. H. • 9:4:6 o'clock ,in the Junior-interH. Walters will sp~ak. mediate room., to see a tUm "Who Gives Himself:' Trinity Notes The Fourth Grade of the Church School wlll be given a Holy. Commu.::don will be celeslide-lecture on "Visiting a Syna.- brated on Sunday at 8:00 a.m. All gogue" Sunday morning at 9;46 devartments of the Church School o'clock. All other departments will meet at 9:46. ,At the lJ o'clock scrvice, the Rt. Rev. Oliver meet as usual. The High School Fellowship J. Hart. Bishop at the Diocese of and the College student·s Forum Pennsylvania, will be here to admeet at 6 'o'clock Sunday evening minister the Apostolic. Rite of Confor supper. The High School Fel- firmation and wIll preach. During the 11 o'clock service -IOW8hiP, at 6: 30 o'clock will have as guest speaker, Dr. Luth~r E. ehlldren, ages one and UP. may be ... Stein, who will show pictures of left at the NUl'sery School, 214 Elm the summer con'erence program. Avenue, where they will be cared The CoUege Forum w1l1 meet for by competent he1p. The Choir School will meet on with Mr: Jones•. Monday and Wednesda~ at 4:30 p. The Chapel Choir (high school m. and again on Thursday at 7: 30 age) will rehearse Sunday afterp. m. noon at 5 o'clock. The Junior The third session of the "Sunday Choir rehearses each Friday eveSchool on' Wednesday Night" will ntng at '1 o'c1ock. The Chancel be beld on Wednesday at 8:15 p. Choir rehearses at 7:46 o'clock m. at which ·tlme the rector will Thursday evening. discuss the "Writings of the Old . The Benhir Class' which meets· T~stament. .. '. ...., ~., with Dr. Braun Sunday evening at Holy Communion. will be cele-" 7:30 O'clock will dtsCU88 "Rel!gion brated 'on Thursday at 7:30 a.m. and Education" this Sunday evea:Id again at 10:00 a.m. The woning. men of the parlsn sew following Circle 6. Mrs. James B. Dopg.. the late morning service and will las. Chairman. wUl meet Wednes- hold their Lenten luncheon at day, March. 27, at 12 o'clock, at 12: 30 p.m. A :st.udy c1ass will totth~ 'home of Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop• low. 786' Harvard avenue. Clr-cle 2.· M.rs. Charles D. Mit.. Metbodiat Church Notes chell,· Ckalrman, Will meet WedneB4ay, Marcli 27, at 2 o'clock, at The ChUrch Scho01 meets on Sunthe home of Mrs. Donald W. day morning at 9:45. Classes are Poole, 416 N. Swarthmore avenue. provided for ohildren of all ages The Woman's Association Is col- and for adults. lecting money for seeds to be sent At the morning service at 11 overseas. They would l1ke 75 o'clock.-the minister. will preach on cents from each family In the the topic, "The Heart ot Christ's church as this amount purchases Religion." The ChUrch Nursery. is prepared a two dollar package of seeds. to care for the smaller Children during the morning service. Mrs. Don Dickinson and Betty Ann Beagle wUl be in charge' this SunSWAU']'HMO.K£ PRh:sBYTI..!!HIAN day. CHURCH Rev. David Braun. Minister The Wesleyan Service GUild will 9 :46 A. M •..:.....church School. meet 0.:1 Monday evenlog at 8 11 :00 A. M.-Morntng Worship. Sermon Mrs. WllTopic: "sun Passing o'clock at the home By." Itam Earl Kistler, 144 ·Park avenue. 6 :00 P. M.-FeJlowshlp. The c:ongrcgation of the church METHODIST CHURCH will give a reccptlon and dinner to Ho), N. Ketae.J. D.O•• Minister. the' returning service men and woSUN'".JA Y 9 :45 A. M.-Church School. men in the social halt on Friday 11 :00 A. M.-:Morning \Vorship. Ser~ evening, AprlI 6 at 6:30 o·clock. mon topic: UThe Henrt ot Chrlsl's Religion," CHU.RCH SERVICES Christian Science Church Notes TRINITY CHURCH "Lna with Blundie P'&' of FOR Comedy by IlDi1reckll', D.M.lcoJm HocIp PUBLlSU":'. Ei'JCR.Y FRIDAY AT SWABTIDIORE. TIlE SWARTllUOREAN, !NO., PUBI,18U':R I'bone. Swarthmo... 0t00 PETER E. TOLD, Editor MARJORIE TOLD, AaaocIate Editor Lorene Mccarter Rosalie Pelraol Anne N.· Cochran ~ ~ '!p . marrJage ot Mlss Lenore Blundin daughter of Mrs. LeO.3- C. Blundin ot Park avenue and Mr~ Arnold A. Luder ot Dickinson avcnue will take place tomorrow atternoon at St. Peters Church In the The c"e~r~e~n~'b~n~Y~':..._____-c:_::-::___JI~ I!I!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ • MARY DUNHILL • THE SWARTHMOREAN THE SWARTHMOREAN TO WED TOMORRW Th B . t ~;:;:o..!n w~~n~~,:, l~:~~r I:;:~~; ::e~r~o!~~t P<;'~;:~:I:::I!.M""!:i. e ouque Division since october '44, has entered Swarthmore College. Lora Blackman, of C~dar lane. who hrus been camping at Camp Wabunakl in Maine for the past eight summers. attended Q. ramp reunloq in New York City. March 9. Mrs. Jane Porter. of Yale avenue, entertained at an informal tea tor Mrs. Peter Coste, of North Cheater road. who ha~ recently moved here with her baby daughter Margaret to be wltH. her h U8band. Dr. Coste. who has been assistant to Dr. Fred A. Patmnn. of Park avenue, sincc October. Her guests Included' Mrs. H. Scott Dan~ tels. Mrs. VlJIliam Ramsay, Mrs. WIlliam King. Mrs. Gene Taylor, Mrs. Hobc.·t E. Aloist. Mrs. Frnnk Jenkins. 2nd., vJstted the .former's 11. Robbins. Mrs. Joseph Schubert parents .. Mr~ and Mrs. Howard nnd 1\Iiss Rosamond Jones. M. Jenkins of North Chester road Mr. nnd Mrs. 'VJ.llIam E. Bradover the past week-end: 'Ensign ley and theIr' young son of SwarthJenklns returned to Newport. R. I., where he Is statloned and more C";lvenu:e, wIll occupy their ..home. In ·.Clwstnut HUI. April ¥rs. iClnkln,j reaumed her studies 1. . l\Ir •. BJ:adl.et was ,rece.ntly. apat Swarthmore. Coilege. polr:ttcd Research ;Dtr.~ctor of Mrs. Artht.r E. Bassett of North U-""CO Corporatlo.n. with· laborato~ Che.tcr .;oad wtls hostess on Mon" "Ieo In Phllnd e Iphl n. M r s .B. rad _ day tp th~. Ka~'pa ~IPh~' Theta ley, Cormer Director of Speech and sewing group. at the college, has been . ·Dc~~rall, Sergent li"urnas 9 f Dramat\cs, writing pn television· programing Spr~~g ~o"low. Farm. Media, wlll l anlt ~e.vlewing books for. New York ar!,~~~/ hopte on S~nday frolll pubUcatlons. . Earl1;w,m .College to spend the . Nancy ;Hoot, of Lafayette ave .. Spring vacation. nue, has becn teach.tng second Langdon Elsbree of \Valltng- gro.Jlc In tho Nether Provldc.nce ford; Suzanne Slaugh of· ;Elm Sch mllrl"ngc of Miss Ann of \\~cJlcsley Hills, 1\Iass., formerly Deane Gorman. daughter of Mr. ot Tale avenue. and Mrs. Alan Bowen Gorman, .:\11'. and 1\1l's. Arthur R. O. Red.. of the Swarthmore AlXlrtmentB nnd gl':l\'e ot Vassar avenue entertained Lt.. George Adolph Stewart.. Jr., at dinner and bt:1dg e, Thursday UR~CR. 'son of (!ol. and M.rB. evening, March 15. George A. Stewart" of BaltJmore, Mrs. Harvey Pierce of Princeton Md., will be performed at 3 P. J.f •• avenue entertained the 11 orlg- 1n the Swarthmore Presbyterian Inal members of the Friendly Church, tomorrow. Circle at a luncheon at Strath The Rev. Dr. David Braun wiJl Haven Inn, preceding the Anniver- offlcinte, assisted by the Rev. :pro sary Tea of the Circle, Thursday. T. Guthrie Spcers. ot Brown' MeThe guests Included Mrs. T. Har- morial Church. Baltilllore~ Md. ry Brown. Mrs. Henry· HanzIl~,. Friends are In"ffed to. attend the 1~' BDIlThursda,. It'ev. Geo. Christian Andel'son. Hector SUNDAY. MARCH 17 "Matte.t''' is the subject of the I :00 A.M.-Holy Communion. ,Lesson-Sermon In all Churches of S:f6 ~ M. - Church School 11 :O~ A. M.-Confirmation. The Rt, Christ, SclenUst. on Sunday, March Rev. Oliver J. Hart wUl 24. The Golden Text fs: "My dearpreach. THURSDAY iy beloved, flee from Idolatry" '1:30 A. M.-Holy Communion. (I Corinthians 10:14). 10 :00 A. M:-Hply Com.munlon. THE RELIGiOnS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS vard 9 :45 A. M.-Adult Forum: No prearra.nged meeting of the Adult Forum. 11 :00 A. AI.-Meetlng. WEQNESDAV 9 :10 A. M. to. 3:30 P. M.-Sewlng aud quilting in Whlltier House. are An Box' luncheon. invited. cordlal~y FIR8".r enURCD. OF *':HRIST. SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue Below Harvard SI1NDAV 11 :00 A. M.-Sunda,. School. 11;00 A. II.-Sunday Lesson Sermon .. Wedneetlay even~ng meeting eacil week, • p. m. Reading room open dan)' except Sundays and "hnlh'R~ 12 to !i ]).rn. Wednesday eventn.., '1. to 1 :60 p.rn. and 9 to 9:80 p.m. Church EdInee. . AU ~ cordially Invited ~o attend._ WE!!LEY A, M. Eo CHURCH Rev. K. B. .Jones, pastor 11:80 A.. M.-I(ornlng WorshiP. 1:1t P.·II.-o.....,h School. H. Lee, of Haravenue, left Thursday tor \Vint(~r Park. Flu .• where she w.ill vi:-,it her dnug-htcr. Tish, a student ut Rollins College. for a few weeks. Mrs. Allan Mitchell and' daughters, Alice 'and Priscilla. of Wa..shIngton, D. C., formerly ot·· Vas.. sar a '~en Ue, were stopping at Strath Haven Inn for a few day~ ot .thls week wht1e renewing acqua.tntances 'fn Swarthmore. Mrs. Scott Daniels. of Media, entertahled her bridge club Thursday evening...· 'ff~r . gUests Included Mrs. \Vallace LippIncott. Mrs. .Tos,.; eph. Schubert. Mrs. Robert MOist, . Mn.. " Frank H.', Rohblns, Mrs. Jane Porter,' Mrs. :(}&orge Bt. Germain. and Mis8, Rosamond , ],frs. William BIJND" \ E. " Jones. ' . STUDIES ART 3 ART EXHIBrr APPROAaIES A palntlDtr bY Cla.ire Rhlcl1tle was shown In a recent art exhibit .pODThe . Annual Exhibition of sored. by Tau Sigma Tau, honon", Palntilip bY.. Swarthmore Artists, art oororlty at Stephena College, apoDaOre4 by the Woman's Club Columbia, Mo. The sorority honors outstandl.... will be held In the club house art students of th.e 0011_ and pro. ,April za to 38 Inclusive. motes a greater apprectatlon ot art EKhlblton m_ be over 18 'Yeara on the part of the student as of age, retdtlente ot Swarthmore, or a whole. If re8.l41ng outatde the borough MI.. R1nclll!'e ts IL Junior stude::lt mustbave prevtoU8~ lived here and and the daUa-hter of Mr. and M.... conUnuoua]y been represented In Roy A. Rtnclll!'e of Strath Haven the exhlbltio::l. Members of tbe avenu~ club wherever they reside are ell~ IN SPRIN---C-f-'F-S-II-V~ g1ble. BettY' ~n Beagle find Louise . AnyoDe who haa not previously 'r:erry both ot Swarthmore are exhibited and who ·wtshns to do 80, members of the Women's Glee Club of Drexel Institute of Tech- ma~ obtain full Information by nology and will participate In the communtcating with Mrs. carl despring music festival to be Pl'esent- Moll, 221 Park avenue. ed by the combined mUBlcal orp.:t.. lzatlons ot Drexel in the School 4-udltorlum, May 11. During the COurse ot the term the Women's Glee Club sang at Darby High School, March 7. at the Hospital Canteen, March 13, and plans to SIDg at the state conven_ tlon of tbe Pennsylvania Federa_ tion of Music, May 2. _y ..... _ . a cocI!IaI, _ ..,." • 4eUdou. lunch or din...,., pm.p' - porfoctly - ' LUNCH •• from 60c DINNER •• from '5c , C4tc1f4n.. ........... "... , ALL DE NOM INA liON S Acts As ChaPeroIU The seco::td informal dance of the seas.on ~ot the Junior Assembiles for the seventh, ninth, and tentn grades will be beld tomorrow evening. This dance is replacing the one missed In' October due to the quarantine. The chaperons for the seventh grade will be Mr. and .Mrs. Seymour Presto;), Mrs. C. L. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Neale. ,. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Rey_ nolds. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Pearson. and Mrs. M. H. Fussell will act as chaperons for the' ninth grade. The tenth grade will be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reeves and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Smith. Our patrons always find a helpful e~pr. sion of friendship, sympathy and kindly understanding here, plus dignifled complete .arvices for a" denominations. OLIVER H. BAIRCO. DIRICfORS OF FUNERALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET .. •n'IIoo..'_.... 1111 ItAlY A~ 8A1~ Pre, ..... To Girls who' like to work with NICE pe~p'e' No ~ you CIOmpHmenlS about the _,. people working for Bell Te\epho.ne. Eftryooe knows that Bell TeJe.. lo(ATrB\l WHl!U YOU GO, phone has a reputation for employing people who are friendly, pleasant, and CIOngeoiaL That is why we believe you will be happy working with Bell Telephone, in one of the many interesting positions into which you can :lit. You will work in a cheerful atmosphere, at good wages right from the start. You will get salary increases at tegu1ar intervals. You will be assured of leCU.rity, by having a life-time job ••• and you will enjoy the maoy benefilS available to every Bell Telephone employee. , Each year,you will be.entitled to holidays and VIICIltiOos with pay. Then there are attideot and sick beoefits; reaeatiooal programs and a retirement pension plaD. If you'dUke to work among NICE people ••• where you will have • splendid opportwiity to get ahead in the business world ••• stop in at any of the following offices. . THE BELL T6LEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA "A Friend'y Pia" to Worlt" Room 315, McCIa'di, IliIa. 69Ih & Makott .liwls "'PIP DE.., - 57-59 E. P./I" Str... ........... Tn PhIl......... Jnlxlil..... IAI.Arch I ....t 410 ••• or call1al_prl.. u .......... AVI ... Aa"uacre R••• 1.0100 T.II S S,W'A'R r.1f. ORIt AN 4 John Bldr, of Cornell. cOlum-1 SCHoon .·NEWS Mra.· Rudolph Banks, ot a.venue. btu avenue, was guest ot honor l....rldn). when Mrs. George M. and l-Ieb Butler•. oC South Cheater road, d.-ove to Penn state and spent tho wcek.cnd with Bob BaJr, Jr •• at the Phi Kappa Pel House. Th~ boys reglBtered tor the open... log .ot ·'the fAll term. ~frB. Andrew Myers, of CorneD n\-criue. will leave tomorroW' to visit her son, Mr. Nathaniel }dyers, nnd famJly. 'ot Fanwood. N. J., tor a ..!c,:\' weeks. ,b"'wlng. ot Columbia avenue, entel'talned at a birthday lunoheon. .:= :::~ ::~c::tu~h:e6r;.a~e:~~:.:~~ e:=::~ '::~.::, u:l!ep~= The guestB\1ncluded Mra. J. Warren PaxHon. Mrs. Harold R. Good~ ly atrong in the runnlilg evenu. hlUl last Tuesday afternoon. Blair, w}to In connection with the current win. !\Irs. Dwight cooley. ~rs: Ar- at least one holdover In every event has been out for thiS aport since thur R. 0, 'Redgrave, Mrs. Joseph from last year's group. . bls freshman year, is a flne player. exhlblUo.:J. ot silk screen prints at Per!dns and Mrs. W1l1lam L. Deth- let"!::s Aa THE MEW SPRINO SEUON· •j Selected • .,.claHy for you and ""hed to our Markets eD fast .s madem tran.. can perfoz Ii'. Andy Bay Callfomla . BROCCOLI·:::Z~c ~ C,U'ond. Canoh 2""""'1."Jule,. Florida . . . . . . . Sa.. . . . GRAPEFR1JJT::.r: 5 F .....dale Ol'e.8 B•• p. Lara. Sweet P... - . Vaa C.mp'. Impl'. . . . Bssp. Cbolce Fl'esb .......... g#fIt.:fMd MIIe.roal "";;0111 Cbel 80,. Ardse SpavetliD' • Ideal SP....ettl . .ace n1n''' C.dS... ate 1M five duol meets und fl,vOt Interscho. the Spelling Bot;. 'rhe eont('8ta.nts t lastlc contests. Scheduled games 'were. from the· seventh grade: Lu- 5.- • !i: I.. . SOvel' Bake I'IIb 15-011 21.. c...tclalleld Coram.aI .... I,," . Ii· ~ .1._ 8ortl. .'. Chateau Cb.... 2 .;.., 7- ~2: PRESERVES P=' = ' ____________ 4.& .• ____________"' ._COFFEE' ........on_ .....War ,lavor .18». _r..no· ENRICHED SUPREME BREAD • "9 4 large .,Ioaves'" ........c c 2 47- for Valuable 0IftI _A._ Popular 1I11ten food gJItll La.... ~ EGGS c::; 4SC DGGS __I· - ........ .. , ... . - ........ 12 . . . . . IlIY.r SMI, .. well a ...........,.,. ......... and dahcl for y .....rol..... . Genuine Chesapeake Bay SHAD ~':c-: u. 21I C1 Smelts Uri_ No.1 CdMIlu ·1I27c Cod Fillets -".. .. 33c ... Mrs. Harold G. Griffin. of Rutgers avenue. who wlJl agnln serve ·as chairman of the Salvation Army Drive which opens Its· campaign tn Swarthmore. April 1. enter.. tntned. her captains at a luncheon Monday. Mrs. Ross Pfalzograft. of River· v.tew I'oad, wlll act as co-chairman, and the c&.ptatns w1ll In,clude MrfI.; J. Paul Brown and Mrs. J. Burris. West whose workers will sollcit the north side; Mrs. John Michael, Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert.. Mrs. John Howard Taylor nnd Mrs. A. R. Cochran will captain workers on ,,,til ~~~~~~~~~~~2~~~~~~~~~~2~~~~~~~~I~ .~ \ I COME SEE ME! AnnoUDc:ing the Opening of My Beauty Salon Wednesday, March 20, 1946 _tMILMONT PARK, PENNA. l22 MILMONT AVENUE, DOLORES M; WILLIAMS, E Sal formerly with· Co- d Beauty on . Phone, Ric11ey Park 0821. ' l~n~e:~~.~d~en~ce~1~n~th~e~a~r~t~r~0~o~rn~.______~.,t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ • • SERV'E GnOB MEALS • • • willa Rae Pollock ...... Whltiftg Fllleta _.> '>Uc He TURKEYS ~~ 45 =:= Sic c1 ROAST R!.i:.-';!te ":'·39' Pork RoD ""~- ...... Me Tong.... - .. ~ .... .. 24c Braunswelge. N.... .. S7c Braun,welger ... c. .> asc FRIDAY,.MARCH. 22, 1946 ~'1Jlithe CLASSIFIED Swarihmo... 1448 $pir,it" Packs Playhoi18e WIi.uAM BROOKs" ., '4 Z~1~1'~TE the Van Hom & Sons roo . and LETTERs Removed of HARRY W. LANG Rugs and Carpets S~]i]-For . . .&~ RinJT.1i"' "TREES" ;:::::=::=::::::::=::=::::~ Seems a bit ridiculous to say "serve good meals .,1 and take it easy," yet it's surprising how easily this can be done. Learn how to do it by using the new set of recipes prepared by our Home Economists. These recipes have all ·been tested and tasted and come to you with our recommendations.. I PAlNTING DAVE WO;~HMedia 0755! ... Peter E. Told 'GENERAL INSURANCE . BSS DarioDOuth Ave. • d Sw&rthmore SEABEE INC. ~ Desirable lots available ...--.. -- SPENCER Charles E. Fischer Builder Phone Swutbmore 2253 MORTON REFRIGERATION Appliance Service Other tools alao sharpened Saws Set and Filed Quick SerVice , 1044-1Otb Avenue RU11.EDGE. P.A. '. Call and Deliver· . Phone Swarthmore 0 t 28-M Comnler,~ial Experience in Interior Painting ,General Household Repairs, aU Electrical AppUances Renewed Individually Fine Fumiture and Antiques Repaired and Refinished by an expert DesIgned Cor- set and Brassleres IIrs. Clara Y. Fries and Domestic- Will caU· and give estimates 8.,'2' South Avenue Secane, p&. TeleDbone Swar. 2348-J 1762 S. 60th St.,· W. Pbila_ ators, Washers, Va:cuum Oeaners, Ridios . ExPerts in the MakinR and F'ddaa Pa. 8"= f 75 _ -laa.8 " .. ~':'l~,';',;::.~~e ! of Spectacles and ~ m..... 1923 Chestnut Sbeet - - PhiladeIpliia 6913 Market Street - Upper Darby, Pa. 827 '_.ter A..... , ....z-.. D"""'. " Wi, Pa. Allan Heekscher aii'd Heekscher. . I Fr,,;;!' their attorneys F. Truscott Clarence G. Myers. of Duane, Morris & Heckseher 1617 Land TiUa Building Philadelphia 10, Pa. ExecutoJs . 6T-2-21 ADAMS Delawa~ the above the und~~.:~~~. ~~~~~~~~~ against persons the ha.vlng estate -. .... I.I ~::~~e:~'" to to to mak& known the persons indebtedwftl1o~t to the make payment. Alice Adams West : 18 Benjamin \Vest Avenue Swarthmore. Pa. . 1~~~~E~xecu~trlx J. E. "LJMEBURNER· CO. 15 Dispe1l8ing Optician& Mathia, J! Phone, 8amtoga 0'2'20 Prompt Service-Refriger- 11 Mort_ .\i_ ... ,..:. . I I ribS VeteransRenovize&Repair ~M!!M~ Sharpened by Machine .L__--.:L"--'-.,.,,;. lr' • Lawn Mowers PI....."'r__ an NEWS NOTES and ___ _1_. J J., BELL-lWIN GRINDER Wilbu'l CoeR ~ lOe .....Hr...... JoeCooIooI .,.,... 2··- 2Sc Potato CIIi,. $nydoI', t: 251 Dried Peu w.!'l:.~:"l2c :~':~3!!1t • ed eo..,. 'If;' 17e ......II~ ~IIOe CrIX Eduoo'" '~ I3c '. __.V'''' :f. ... . . Rifler Catn. 'e- 17& 1~1Ic 5 for the spring vacatJon. HONORED Chief 'Vurrnnt Officer Thomus MYCrH. who hnN hC!cn stutioned at John ChlquoJn~. stUdent u·t (Continued trom page 1) the l'entagon BuU chimes and bell buzzer BysterIUI. AU To p..eae.:.t Co.lcert disturbing results on et\<'h of the Mrs. 1'~I'tlncjs O. Lumsden, of Kcn~ work In compliance with Fire Under 'Phone ClKOner.87841 wrUer:'s requirements. Call EricA seven playel's. And It couldn't be yon a.\,e,ue. COl' two weeks vuca. 'rhe Somerville Committee tho Hausen, SWL 3037. b}nmcd on "that cheese thing" ilr. tion. lllSH G.-een Is a hOll.!;emother MUSic Depa'i-tment' nnd' C~ope .. PEHSONALt IndIvidual tutoring. P I _ FramIng Sta&loaal7 l\il·S'. Conuomine had . COl' lunch. at the \Valnt·t Hill ~chool. Nutlck, I;'oundatlbn arc ·'Prcsentlng a conFrench, Call. evenings, Swa. 1736. clthcr. Dr, and MI'S, Brodman (A, lluHoS. . -][_8oppu.. cort by Sztgeti. famous viollnlst. fti PERSONAL-QUlck &ervice developing, Ji'I'ancis Jackson and ida l\[ny MIGI'enwol' t lJ . and 1\[,'s. J .. R. 'Hn~pc.· ot' Harvard ~D.cls:; home Crom Smith. Cqllege . - ,., ··l .. ,. Secretat ... I.pST-Sllver pin. leaf pattern, straight nv&nue, waff"", awarded the··· "sMt" ~ . stem and winding vines. Sentimental 'ESTATk· 'O~ '·LY'Dli' WI' L' tn ,varsity. Sll·imming. value. Reward. Tel. Swarthmore LIAMS",. .decea~ .... ,..., . , ..,...., ., 2624-R • HeadmartCl' ellUl'leA S. 'Pippetts J..etters Teetorneulirry 'on' th . ~' prestdod and mnde the awards to e~tate have been granted to thee urider~ I FOR SALE ~lg~led. who re,QUeb\--·.U r.~.olUl haYing Professional and timely care or ncurly ·100 hoys fOI· (listinguished c Swarthmore 0764 almz:t, or demands aga ost th trite FOR SALE-Royal typewriter; handyour trees will give lastfng pleasnre pel'funnnnce in wlnter-tel'm ath- of the decedent to make knoew::: crooheted double bedspread; walnut ~me, and all persons indebted to tile tbroughout the years. Consult us let.ic:,; lit ilu' Academy. Ricl1ey Park 3238 oining-TOOlU sutte; blue leather ehnlr. ',",cel.lent to make payment, wlth.d, Ie ay to ., without obUgation concerning yom' 'rei. Swarthmore 2396-R, Hichard Norris WIlliams 2~ t~ sorgery, sprnying or tree movTO MEETG. I. BIUDE }il'OR SALE-Dog pen, 6 x 8 ft .• board Orchard Way, 'Vayna. Pa.~ Ing problems• . Hoor a.nd wire sides with door. Tel. "carpet makeS it home" MI'•. a.nd Mrs.. George Plowman 0.' to his attorney . . Execut1l' Swarthmore 2133. : Wbaley ;"'d Lancaster Co., of Harvard aven'ue are planning·to Clarence G. MYers of be in New York SUnda)~, March :-11 Duane, Morris & Heckscher .,' EOR ,10. copper wilt sellcoli 30 gal. ~ galvanlted tank; gas Glenolden, Paz when thc Presidc:).t Tyler docks to 1617 Land Title Building heater and bucket Btove, all with pipe , PhUad~lphia 10, Pa. . 6T. meet a G. I. bride. Mrs, Alan Mar~ a.nd fittings. Also, cheap, hot water Ric11ey Park 0180 Don't Walt Until Spring radiator 2611 high, 9" wide, 14 sections, ESTATE OF JOSEPHINE TALL ~ ttndalc Johnston, wife of Mrs. Phone Swarthmore 1775-R. d,leceased, late of Concord Tow-o" • The time to do interior painting Plowman's cousin. enna. . ......~ • Js DOW. I am now llstlng exterLf:.tters Testamentary in th ~. C Mr. Johnston met his bride in FOR RENT cstate having been granted. 6toa \!6 Ior work tor Sprblg. Bournerr.outh, Eng:lan.d While serv- undersigned, all persons Indebted t,~. FOR RENT-June, July and August, Ing overBeas~ and th~ were mar- snld estate are requested to make .,.. QuaUt)' PaInt . furnished five-room, third_tloor apartment. and those having olal patried at her home In October '45. sent ment. No children. can Swarthmore same to ms to P~EKvertenced Mechanics 08l5-R. M .... Johnston rEttul'r.ed to this cour\Howard W. Talley: Elizabeth Courtney: try In pecE'mber '45 after serving FOR RENT-Two rooms and private Tree Surgery and bath. third floor. Available now. WI\LTERV. UNTON. as a lieutenant in the Infantry fOr or to their attornev Executo.;s Phone Swa. 2207-J. . : Landscaping thl'ee years, Following his release Morris H. Fussell . 12 South Avenue FOUND-On South Chester road SatContractor and Builder from the Army h.e entered Oregon Media. Pa. • urda.y, pin (circle of rhinestones). ST.3'l University. Oregon. (:all at The Swarthmorean office. Phone Swarthmore 2175-R ESTATE OF GUSTAV Rldle~ Park OB3S-M ; ~'-~~ SCHER. deceased. EA. HECT Letters Testamentary on th b: 104 Comell A~enue • A' e~tate have been granted to thi U~d~~~ S ,8"!led, who request all persons havl~ Swarthmore, Penna. c or demands against the estaJe o e deCedent to make know t~ . 'e;;~d,,;a:ind all persons 2ndebted tq! Expertly Done· '1;:1' to make payment, wlthoQt Plari. now the home you want ~ Meat Laa' ...... a. :. 3Sc ';. THE SWART.HMOR£AN ' Walters' R_ Fancy, Fresh,KlllecI, Young, Grade A Aimb Sli. cat Sh ..leI. .11 Dc Shldr. Chops ., ......... ,. 39' Rib Lamb Chaps '"45L Breast Lamb ,. lOc Shank Lamb '"150 On Friday. March 2·2. the Junpresent theil' annual Prom in the hlgn school gym which bas been gaily decorated tor Ute occasion. The da.ncers wtll trip the light fantastic to th-c tunes of "Johnny Clovor's" band. The dance will be chaperoned by Mr. and lotrs, Morey. Mr: and Mrs. Thompson, Mr. and ~s. Oppenlander. and the parents J01'S of th'e omc.r. of the Junior cl...... . A great deal of myetery surrounds thc work of the committee on decorations, but rumor hIlS It that· picture. of sea life have been 11M Sav. Coo_. Flnn.r, fI..er flavor, TDUII better a.d.ta,_ 'relh lo •••r ENTERTAINS CAPTAINS cy Harper•. Hal'lau Jessup. Fred A]grem; froItl thO eighth grade; April 17-Rldley Township Dana Swan, "Rudlr.n Shaw, J..ouJs Home· Sharpe, Carol1r ..... Del.o"urla, Ja.ne AlAprl1 24-Sprlngneld-Home ien; n.lnth gradflf'i Included, Bruce the south side. April 26.27 - Penn. Relays Peter E. Told and A. P. Smalley Godfrey, Margie Lang, Gwen Wat~ FrankLtri Field, . . w11l soltclt the business dlBtrict. kins n.nd ·Stephen Wolf. Stephen May 1-LAnsdowne-Away 'Wolf was the winner. May 4-Dcfco championship :MI'. Jenny was' the quiz m:BBt'er Measles Spread Lansdowne Newcomers to tne measles Itst aud Miss Mcitie, 'Mr. Udell. Marale May 8-JtJddystone-Home within the last week are: John May 11-Suburm championship Lewis, and John McCandless were Wagnon. LOan:l~ Gwinner. Barry the Judges.· --Norristown Gwinn. SUBan Allen, Mrs. Elizabeth May 15-Medla-Away Roxby. and Richard Gwinn. PHYSICS CLASS TR1P May 18--JDlstrlct I-PlAA-Up-. On Thursday, March 14. Harry Measles Is not th~ only contag. per Darby Oppenlander's physlcs class enJoy- lous disease In the borough. Moy 26-Sto.te championship ed an Interesting fleld trlp to the Dwight Slpler and Patricia.' stua.rt State College physics department ot Swarthmore have chicken pox while Lenore Lee College where they watched the ~as mumps and Tommy Stolper dE'lr(\onstration by Dr. Mllan Gar- haB scarlet lever. include: ~M~.;d;.~~~o;.~r;o;wa~PN~"::":":!~"~I~':.:.:~ Today's Best B"ad Value the Cloisters Gallery. Swarthmore College, Azlo Martinelli, Phlladel-. nounced tbat the date of tbe La:erosse cUillc.· to be hdld In the phla Free-Lance artist, will give ~arthrnore High School Gymnas- a demonstration of thla new ium, bas been· changed to May 25. graphic proceB8 on ThuI1lday evenbecause the Penn ltelaY8 are to be Ing. March 28. at 7:30 In Whittier House. The Gallery hours are held on April 21. Monday through Thursda'Y, G: 30. to 8 p.m.. Saturday and Sund&y. SPELLING BEE ~'EA'rulU!lD . Last Thursday, March 14 the 3to6p.m. Junior High Scbool Assembly was lay); Dick Taylor (880 and Relay); PhU Alden (440. Htgh Jump, and Relay) i Bob McCowan (shot put, Discus a.nd Javlln): Jack Harant (l00. 220. Javlln. Dlecu.>; Bill NelBon (Hurdles nnd High Jump); In charge of Miss Strouse. The Ken Anderson (one mUe and High Junior High GlrlF' Gleo Club sang Jump); and Cornell Archibald "Abtde with Me" 't.nd catherina El(JavUn, Discus, Shot Put, 'and High ston sang the 1:1010. Don Dickinson introduced Ted Jump). nUl Moore, who does the Pole Bogardus, Cat.hdrln.:! .Elston. Edwin Vault. Ruddy Hayes, the 100 ,and Gavettt. MJltou Helmuth, and Elma 220, and CharlJe Elstin, who runa Zebley. members of the BaBic Lanthe ode mile, were all on the team guage class. who gave some word last year, but didn't receive a let- orIgins. Larry Dalton th'Cll presented ~he ter. people who would partll!Ipate in Swarthmore this year wUl have ~ I.. . Faae,. Evaporated Pe...........Ja ~ ~::r :::~e f::~'q:: ;.!~~ :.~. ~::'C:nBl~~~I:::!:':!.:I::: team. They are a8 tolloWs: cap·· tain Andy Kirk (Pole Vault. obe milo and Rela.y); Clinton GoaUn (440. Broad Jump, an'd Relay); John Polk (100.220,440, and Re· lotr. AS 001'&08'. A large crowd ot 8wartbmo~ rott. 01 exporiments on the velocI. expected to attend thle annual .ty and path of prolecUIes, which event. they bG.d been studying previously In cl&88. The group also "antlolpa:tea PRAJriSP.E<..,...rs GOOD FOR T.RAoK a vililt to the Franklin Institute In Coach Jim Miller Is lookfng toOAPrAIN ELEOl'ED wards a dUficult season but believes Blair "Buck" Price was named Philadelphia. later in the year .I-TSc8 Pa • .I THE SWARTHMOREAN 6 BOARD CONSIDERS BUDGET, REPAIRS and calculate the Ta.x Duplicate (or 1946. James Hornaday. chalrm.an of the llDa~cc committee. presented " draft of the budget for 1946-f7 which was dtscU880d and carefully TAKE ACTIVE PART WITH SCHOOLMEN cOlls1dcllCd. the Board noting that Three From He~ to Be Heard in Annual Event , among other provisions It carried Items for Increase of salaries of the school starr. BS well as tor much needed repairs to the gymnasium, School Problems Studied at Meeting , FRIDAY, MARat II. 1146 the auditorium, .and tor grading of Mrs. Charles L. Bolton. ot Cedar llnncheon Ian., .ntertaln.d . Q. . SUPPORr Corner , . , SPOnSOr open Meet On Soviet-U. S. Rei' a"t··I'ons' I ,1/ ARMY $WAR'I1IMORE, PA., FRIDAY, MARCHZ&, 1946 U n t i Iil ely Death Ends Active Interests Mrs. Doris MacIntyre Coleman wlte ot Phlllp E. Coleman. 3rd., of Rose Valley. died Saturday In It you cannot be at home to r e : , . , , ' - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - the Pennsylvania Hospital. PhUa... delphia, tollow.1ng· a lingering celve them w1l1 you consult. the following list to find your'colioctor heart Illness. Sha waa 27. Mrs. Coleman, who lived on and send your contribution to her Harvard avenue before her mar~n advance of the drlv.7 Thus you will save hor time and your own riage, was a graduate ot SwB'rthand speed this drive undertaken more High School where she was Colonel 'Vm. V. Cherry will be with fa.lth In Us cause. Mrs. Ha.r~ tho featured speaker at a jOint an acUve" member of the Black old G. Grlftin and Mrs. ROBS meeting of the SYrurthmore Wo- Friars. Sho also attended the ColPflazgraff are co-chairmen of ,the man's Club and the League ot Wo- lege of Pharmacy and Science, campaign. men Voters on Tuesday, April 2, Philadelphia. She was acUvely inListed below" are the Salvation at 2 p.m. at the club house. He terested in Red CroBS work and Army solicitors: will talk on American-Soviet rela- was the youngest member on the Mrs. J. Paul Brown captain tlons. Board of the Wallingford Chapter .... ot. the Red CroBS. west s Ide 0 f nor tl1 scetl on; .P.lrs. Coloncl Cherry. who led a CosBenjamin S. ColUns, jlrs. Herbert sack rp.giment against Germany .In She Is survived by her husband. T. Bassett, Mrs. Howard P. Blades, the First '''''OrId War. lett RU88la her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Mrs; Walter B. Kelghton. Jr., in 1920. "He attended the Univer- W. MacIntyre ot. the Swarthmore Mrs. William B. Bullock. Mrs. H. slty oC Pennsylyuniu. law Bchoot Apnrtme~s. and two sisters. Mrs. W. Br.tnkmann, Mrs. Roy C. CoQ."l- and If; at present a lawyel' with of _ .Tohn" W. Bowers of Wallingford ley. Mrs. Bruce Harkne88. Mrs. flees In Philadelphia. and Mrs. John Walter Nicholson .. s J of Laredo, Texas. Charles G . Th a t c h er. an d .J.U..r.. He is n member oC the boarfl ot SerVices were held in PhUadel. Albright Jones. dl roc I ot's 0 f 8etVeraI R uss Ian- A me.'Mrs. J. B. West captain east iean organizations, "and Is on the phla, ~ednesday, conducted by the ReV. Dr. David Braun. In..: side of north , section: Mrs. Claude Inter-Cultul'al Committee of the te.rment was private. C. Smith. Mrs. Harold Ogram, United Nations Council. Mrs. Walter R. Shoemaker, Mrs. The meeting is open to all who Nears Top The 1946 Red Cross Fund stands o.t $13,000 today, according to the announcement of Walter A. Schmidt, chairman. This figure Is against the accepted quota ot $15.000. Sollcltors· are pushing hard to get tQ.e drive victoriously completed by the end ot the month. $3.00 PER YEAR IRICHARD RANDALL SERVICES THURS. Chester Rd. Resident Lived in Boro 20 Years Funeral services were held at the Church of the Saviour, 38th and Chestnut Streetu. Philadelphia at 2 p.m. on Thursday for Richard T. Rundall. Jr.• prcsident of R. T Randall Company. 331 North Sec ond Street. Philadelphia. who died at his homo on North Chester toad. Tuesduy morning. He had lived In Swarthmore 20 yoars. He was 55. MI'. HaudaU" wus a member of the Union League, Philadelphia and veHtl'ymnn and necounting warden of the Church of tho Sav lour. Surviving are his wife. .Janet H(!ll.th Randall; a brother Wayne H., of Rivel'view road. and a sister :\trs. Hichard G. Hnig of Riverview 1'G{ld. Intenncnt was made In Woodlnnds Cemetery. MRS. GEO. PILGRIM WAS BURIED WED. Yale A-v-cnue Woman Was III Two Years Funeral services tor" Mrs. Viola. P. Pilgrim who died, Sunda.y at her home, 730 Yale avenue. were beld at 11 a.m., Wedncsday at 1820 Chestnut streetf Philadelphia. Mrs. Pilgrim. a. resident of Phtladelphia before coming to Swarthmore three years ago. suttered a stroke two years ago and in the early part of this year spent two montha in Fitzgerald Mercy Hospital following a heart attack. Shc was 69. She was a memller of the Swarthmore PresbyterIan Church. the Woman's Club, and the Friendly Circle. Survivors are her husband. George D.: a son George D.: a grandson, George D .• 2nd.: and a sister. Mrs. M. P. Bernhard of Santa Monica. Cal. Services were conducted by the Rev. Dr.' David Braun. Interment was made In Westminster Cemetory. Phllad.lphla. OVERSEAS BOXES LEND SPEEDY AID MUSICIAN·S' G'IVE Boro Groups OWer !~w~:. NR:aY'M~r~:.~.~. ~:~ GED. [SILLOWAY DELIGHTFUL HOUR Chance to All to Help =:::A:2:IO:'ei;;:.M~:~~?: DIES WEDNESDAY Pianist, Violinist in burB.Conro:tlv,l'4.rJL-~.1wEI?~"~R:~~-_" Program of . """E'R" -ExWphl1~1 Active iii D-JOct'I'n"C·t-··I'--on·"-FORM ,. '. RE'SIDENT .=... ·Minnesotan N·ear. E·as.t Relief mu~Jclans D'IES'IN SO· U'T·H- Richard G. Halg. Mrs. C. R. m·e Interested. Loughhead, Mrs. Edward W. Furst. II..... Elrlc S. Sproat, Mrs. by STETSON , • Good lines, good looks, from smart cushIon crown to becomIng curved brlm •••a standby with all your tailored thIngs. (light colors slightly higher.) "" " "', ,", _._ awaiting the report of !lent, Herbert whoseresjUd!;ment Ameri.Hoover ~nB !"01'ac·Ine and. Mrs. P.mberton M. _Dickson. .....Yrs. Thomas H . L ue d •••• Be t! cmcJ. Floor-- i! i 0: r boundless" confidence" regarding Raymond· H. Fellows. MI'fJ • .Toseph 'l'wo of Swarthmore's well- ' H. Walter• .Tr.. Mrs. W. Henry , known made a tnemorltvlng conditions among the mU .. Katherine Bronson, l:Ions ot people in devastated Linton. "Iss .-. able occasion ot the first spring "rs. Earl H. Weltz. Ma...u L. Bye George E. ~moway ()f 403 North Europe, the people of thts Borough ,lIn. ~J meeting of the Swarthmore Woand Eieanor Bye. Mrs. Frederick Chester road died Buddeal'Y at hiB man'R Club on" Tuesday. Eleanor 111° will be interested to know of the George C. Saia, home. Wednesday. He Uved for , .. ~.. ~Plendld work going on here R. Lang. "rs. .J.u. Goddard \Vo.rthen. pianist. and Ley~r8 at the Rittenhouse ~t which Is helpin!:." in a small but Beulah G reen. and Mrs. R. J. many Pl~. Philadelphia" and has resided onll Wolson Gold, violinist. prc~ very personal way to brl Id t I:JtUefleld., Bentcd an afternoon of music ng a 0 the ~odles and hearts of as many ( In Swarthmoro about two years. tal "-s. PercJv G,' Gilbert" "ca.p nMO Mr. Sill oway . delighted Il la.rge and ap.D1-l . was b orn I n MI nne- which ...~~ unera I serV1ces ' r or William I r- ot these unfortunate victims as Chandl.r preclutlve •• ud'once. Routh 8 Ide: M 1.,.. • sota. 68 years ago. He was a grad. b h Caton. MQ!!I. Ralph Little. Mrs. ~. uate ot the University of Minne'rhroughout U1Q prograrp' Elea- win, formerly of Rutgers avenue, can e rene ed. Y. Jackson. Mrs. Helen ~aU, !r{rs. sota, and a. meJ;Ilber ot phi Reta nol' Worthen's commnnd of tone will he held this afternoon at 2 Each .. week many eartone leave .T. Francis Taylor, Ml'8. Lloyd icappa and the Beta. Theta Pi "'Ml.- coloring nnd hcr ftne techlilque, p.m.. at 1820 Chestnut Street. our postoffice bound tor F'ranoe. Kauffman. Mrs. Riohard Snyder, ternlttes." nnd Leuna Gold's excellont intcr- Phlladclphta. Holland, Norway. Belgian and a Mrs. Henry I. Hoot. Alice Marriot, He came to Philadelphia 26 PI'elations were n joy to the UsMr. "Itw.tn who lived at 140 st. few to England. !I'hey are being .John Moore. MrS. C. P. Streeter, years ago and was very activo In 'teners, ChQrlcs Street. Baton Rouge, La., sent to .Indlvlduals and groups ·who "Mrs. Frank R. Morey. Ralph Ncar East Rellof work and has The progra'm opened with the died Monday at his office In Baton are not content to sft Idle amidst HaYes. Mrs. Fred N. Bell. Mrs. W. many tributes in his home given to Handel ~uite tn E Minor for violin Rouge. He !,as 49. For "the past our comfortable 8urtoundtnga and J. Blackman. Mrs. David Wisdom. him b'Y eo-workers In that nnd piano. Three selections for pi':' two years he had been assistant accept the bounty which It Is our Mrs. H. Weston Clarke. Mrs. C. E. He was an investment counsellor nno played by MI·R. Worthen fol- plant manager for the Ethyl Cor:- great good fortune to p088es8 when Robb. },{.rs. Charles Fischer, Mrs. and for the past 10 years was asso- lowed; "Sarabande" by Rnmeau. I poration after having been tn the- people all over the world are dyE. P. LB.ppe, and Mrs. Howard elated with Eastman-lJIUon com-I arranged hy Godm... sky. "sonata", f!n~neertng department of E. I. Ing trom starvation, malnutrition pany. 16th and Locust streets. by Scarlatti. and thc Allegro from duPnnt deNemours since \ 1933. and disease and suffering the Dingle. Mrs. John Michael captain of Philadelphia. • the D l\(ajOi' Toccata of Bach, ar· He was 0. veteran of Wot'ld War humiliation nnd discomfort of :tIlsouth side; Mrs. E. Bernard. Mrs. He is survived by his wife Caro- :'nngerl hy Rall('r. A ftnC"'ly balanced 1., n Mason. nnd n member of the thy and inadequate clothing. R. C. Dt8ct.ue. R. Lassiat~ "Mrs. Une sargent SlIloway; two Bons by unity or violin uncI pinHO di::tin- }:p~:;('oJ)nl ("hl reh. Every day the number of ca,rLouts King, Mrs. paul Banks, Mrs. n former ma.rriage, Charles T. S111- .r:. "shed the. well-Io"'t'd Beethovf'n ~1j;'\"i\'ors"' I'e h1~: wife Virginia, tons is increasing and we teel cer.John Hanna.. Mrs. Wil1lam Webb, oway at New York City and Franl< SprIng ~{,nata, and called forth anrl n f;on "~lI1inm of Baton Rouge. tain that, were this project better Mrs. Harlan Jessup. Mrs. Stanley Silloway of P'hiladelphia., and three wm'm applause. Services .wl1l be conducted by publicized, it would still increase "line. M.ra. .Joseph Quinlan, Mrs. grandchildren. In clOSing. Mrs. "\Vorthen chose the Rm·. Wllllum J· Alberts °lt M e- many told. In order to do this .aJ. Fu:aeral services will "be held at two Chopin numbers _ the Noc- din. Intcrment will b e mnde n t he R . .1. Rlnellffe. Mrs. Roger Russell, his latc residence tomorrow at 2 . there .Is need for additional do.. C turnc In G Major and the Mazur... Media Cemetery. vatione of clothing and money. d Mrs. Jobn Thom~son. an .ours. . p • m. ka In A. Minor. and t\"\'o Spanl~h -------The weight of each carton is D. Howard. CHEER VETERAN'S' ' dances; the "FIsherman's Song.• limited to 11 pounds, seven pounf:l9 I P W ' I , L , TO MEET EASTER , Mrs. John Howard Tay or ca d,ind the "MllIe..'s IDo.nce" from tho of which may be food. It had been tain of south side: Mr&. D. Ree. II 11 t S it uTh TIl C d The American Legion Auxiliary found that '5.60 Is needed and all Geer. Mrs. Birney Morse. Mrs. The Swarthmore Rranch of the a cue e ree ornere asks members of the communlt"· to R Hut" of Dc Falla. 'J the clothing donated In order to .Tohn M. Broomall. Uh, Mrs. oY 'Vomen's International League for conSider contributing a small Item W. Delaplaine. Mrs. Robert T. Peace and Freedom will "hold an The enthmnastic audIence de· toward Easter cheer of patients In send a package which wUI be realBair. Mrs. FerrlB W. Mitchell, Informal meeting at the home of numded cncor,!!; of both MI·s. Gold. veterans hospitals. At the Coates- ly adedY". and at g I thl t I t 8 Tu eral thousand mental cases. ma':ay multi-vitamin pUls whJch are beCrosby Black. Mrs. W. W. rner. nu nne a p. m. 8 even n • , Th t I f r "I I will be Mrs. Worthen. who plaued a Cho .. of them curable and from the war Ing supplled at cost by one of Mrs. Howard Adams. Mrs. Frances e op e a u SCUBS on I pin Mazurka. .just ended. a gift of scrap album, our nearby hospitals "through the Lumsden. Mrs; Howard G. Hopson. "Political Implications of t.he ArThe artists were presented by paper napkins Or cuPS. stamps or interest of one of our Nurses' Aid. Mrs. Andrew Robinson, Mrs. Jos- I-rentine Election." ( Special guests Mrs. Anthcn}' Ye-otner, chairman will be Dr. E:arlque de Lasada and stamp album (new or old), paper There are Included such items a..-; e ..... h N. Walton,. and Mrs. Grah am his wife Carmen de Lasada of Bo- of Music. covered books (not my~tery or de- powdered milk (with' the InstrucWentz. Preceding the regular lllecting tective) and small magazines such tions written In the langua:S'e ot livia ,"",bo have been residing at Mrs. A. Robb Cochran captain Pendle Hill the last three years. the American Home Section met in as Readers Digest or Coronet. the country to wbleh 't is being of swarthmore Apartments: Dr. de Lasada is wlth"the.ti. S. Ot- the lounge to h~ar Beatrice Spiker. would aid In raising morale. At sent), salad 011 (whe"n 011t:ainable). Mrs. James R. Bagshaw, .Jr., fice of Inter-American Affairs in Assistant Nutrition Specialist Crom Perry Point where cases are condehydrated soups, vegetables and ~d Mrs. A. B. Gorman. the Extensl~n Service of Pennsyl~ stantly being released and others soups. powdered cotree. tea. pudWashington. Friends are invited to come to (Continued on Page 7) comi;Jg in. a pack of playing cards, dings. BOY beuns, soaps, and med .. ; the meeting. DIRECTORS MEET a small box of candy. or a new i~1 supplles. The quarterly meeting of the stamped F..astcr card would bring TO PLAY LEAD The canons are packed on" a PubUc Llbrkry Board was held Miss Jane :M:cChes:acy of Cornell happiness to a 'Patient. WrapPq>en scales and when the seven pound llonday evening at Borough Hall. The Auxlllal"'y remh.s folk that Swarthm'Oreans fop the local·ser- avenue wl11 play the leading role in point IR t:eached, Item.s ot. cloth ... In the absence of the president. vice men and women were wrapped "Stage Door", the Ferber-Kaufmap nlthough the war Is over the veteing"--. are added." Sweaters. skirts. Vice Prealdent P. E. Jewett pre .. last Thursday evening. March "21. comedy. which will 'be presented ran who has g.ven his best for bis pa"'1ts. underw('8:r. Bocks, entire sided. Reports wera given "by the by VI'S. Ethel. Mosteller. Mrs. today and tCliInOrrow at the Pla}"R coun~rymen wfll continue to ne~d "layettes. etc. One woman hearing treasurer and the librarian. Rou- way,.!> nandan, Mrs. A. E; Long- and Pla'Y.~",. t~~tte. t 714 DelRnCe'Y help. that -th~ -heed for warm sleeping EaSter dona.Uons !lbould be left tine buelnesa was conducted. w'311, J. A. Detietaen, Paul street. Philadelphia. under the The next meeting will occur on WllllalDB, Mr. a:td Mrs. Ferris W. epoD80rship of the_ Sun on Com- with Mrs. J. Gllerest. 208 V8II9Br garments;" was ,very urgent pllrehaspany employeea- 1608 Club. avenue. betore Monday. April 8. (Continued on page 4) Mltehell. ,":Monda.,.. .Tune 24. WI· am E"WI'n WI'II Be Bu' i e'd I n M e d·la OLEO ARE HARD ,TO GET and twice as hard ~o distribute on a fair basis. • H saved for steady customers the cry 18 "Favoritism"• H not the 'plaint is" "Rank Ingratitude" • . Cause.,' SO i I Butter and Oleo will be Rationed / CO-OP At The Beginning Monday,· Ma,rch 25th Patrons-m~mbers and non-members-"-can register for Butter and Oleo' at the Co-op store during shopping hours' on Thursday, Friday and ~aturday of this week. Bring your ration bookS so . we will·know. how many are in your family. • I' ., . r SWARTHMORE COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION Gosed Wednesday Afternoon • 'ing to collect funds for the Salvation 'Army's 1946 Mainhmanc:e Fund ,and War Work Campaign. They lielieve that the Salva~ion Army's record for kindliness and charity st;mds unparalleled m war and in peace. They ask your cooperation in their effort to complete this drive in record time by staying .home on Monday with your contribution-as generous a one as you can make -ready for their collection. '. , IT'S YOU AT YOUR BEST! ATION " Neighbors To Solicit Funds DORIS COLEMAN For Salvatio~ Army Monday MOURNED HERE Swarthmore women will start promptly Monday morn- ... ! !! 403 Dartmouth Avenue TH IWARTM,MO VOL XVIII-No, 13 At tho School men's Week meetthe Riverview Avenue field. Ings to be held o.t U;te University '{'he Swarthmore School Board Th£. Board received w.tfb regret of Pennsylvania from March 27 to met In the high school building the resignation ot Carrie Pierson i8.8t Thursday night with Mr. Lan- who expects to be marrIed next 30. 1946, three of th~ Swarthmore don, 'Vlce~presldent. .tn the chair. sum Oler: Bills aDd contractual ob- Publlc School teachers will have Among the reports recei"Ved was Jigutions for February In the active parts. ::Mr. ,.Harry Oppenlander, teacher one showing that the evening amount of $16.143 were ap'ProYcd of physical science. Is to disCU88 acbooi ehop and the 'Saturday re- and ordered paid. the part played by science and creation progIam conUnue to be 1I-1r. Landon as chairman of the mathomatics in general education --well attended. property committee, presented a at a conference .in Memorial Hall The Board had a visit from a study of urgent repairs needed :for on TburlJday. March 28. He ts: also con1mtttt"e ot fathers consisting of the audJtorlum, prepared by himto speak on science education from Messrs. Frod Lang, John C. Moore, self and Mr. Shay and present.ed B. ihc point ot view of, a' physiCS and Blair Price represcnt.lng the contractor's estimate of ,1900 for teacher at Drexel Institute on FriCommittee of Citizens and prese~t­ making such repairs. Mr. Landon day truJrning, March 29 •. Ing data on the value ot a' fence also presented a report on the Miss Elizabeth McKie, & teacha~ the RutgerS Avenue Field and gradIng (If the Riverview avenue er ot junior high school Englls~ ~rg1ng the Board to Include plans field, to complete tbe work, It POB,Jor the erection of such fenee In sible, during the coming summer. wlU preside as p,resldent ot the the near future. This m~tter was after which the Board authorized Delamont Assoc1atlo&' of EngUSh discussed at considerable length at- o.dve:rtlsements In The Swarthmor- Teachers at a. conterence In the 'tar which the Board planned to can for rece.tvlng such bids accord.: ballroqm at the Hotel Normaodle take the matter under further ad~ Ing to speclftcatlons presented by on Thurad&.y. March 8, wben Lou LeBrant, Professor of Education vlsement. ?rtr. Lnndon. Reports from County superinAuthorization was given for the at N.w York University, will he tendent Dr. earl G. Leech were re- purchase of lumber and needed the speaker. ceived covering blA official visita- materials tor a covered passageMiss Claudia Hancock. teacher tion and observation in the Swarth- way between tho high school and of high school art, will particimore Schools. Dr. Leech Isslted the tho gymnasium and cafeteria en- pate on a. panel dlscusawn at a. official 00.11 tor _the quadrennial. trances. to protect the children meeting In tho ballroom at Con.. convention of the county Dlrec- who must pass back and forth in ventlon Hall on Friday. March 29, t01'6 at Media on AprU; 8 for the times of inclement weather: Au- on a. progrom entitled "The Active election of County Superintendent thor.1zation was given for the ad- Art Class." of Schools for tour years beginning vertising for bids for ~toker coal ThE:' Schoolmen's Week proceet!July f. A letter trom Dr. Leech and fuel oil· supplies tor next year. ings are open' to the public, and also notified the School DlBtrict many parents and School Board The Board adjourned to that it could expect approprlatlon In an adjourned meeting on :&la:rch members annually attend, in adCor the school year 1946-47 in the 25 to receh'e bids for school sup- aitlon to the teachers and prlncl .. amount of ,U,lOO. pals of sohools. The conference is plies for next year. The Board authorized Mr. Jenny attended bY thousands from Penn .. to attend the meeting of the Penn~ sylvania., . -New Jersey, Delaware Help the Services .sylvania Band M8.sters Association and Maryland. Due to the removal of' which he is an official. at Sun .. of travel restrictions this year. thta On Thursday evening Marcb 14, meeting promises to be the lar_gbury on Mat'ch %4, and at Lebanon on 'May' 3 and 4. A rtHlllest was Mrs. A. E. Longw.ll, Mrs. 3. A. est, and moat profttable In years. received from the custodial staff ot Detlefsen. Martha Kelghton. Mr. the school, requesting substantial and Mrs. Ferris Mitchell gave time Miss Eu.,aheth McAvoy ot H&rtsa.lary raises tor next year. needed out of th.lr busy days to wr&P because of the steady inorease in Swarthmoreana for the local ser- tord. Conn.. a student at Smith, the eoSt of lIv.1ng.• Mrs. Elsie Mc .. vIce men and women BUll doing wUl b. the week-end guest of the McCormacks. Wnlle.ms was authorized to prepare their duty. and YOUR wean",,· few frlendll at day. me. " aad bridge on SALVA- ·Swarthmore, Pa. Open 'Friday Evening UntllS:30 , ¥rs. RUDAY, MARCH . . 1948 z PERSONALS . Pvt. Jack TomlloDon Is stationed at Camp Lee.' Va" for a two .. month baalc training period. Lt. Samuel M. Dodd. USNR, who has been stationed on lwo Jlm4 slnce. September, has arrived in the States and 1a now aD terminal leave at his home on Swarthmore ~ch 14, and returned home with bla parents. A student at Temple University prior to enterin.c th~ service three years ago. he will return to school as early as posalble. Lt. Col. Solomon Cutcher has been transferred trom Tampa, FIa., to Camp Springs, Md. Mrs. Cutcher Is viBlUng her parents avenue. Mr. and :Mrs. Louis W. King of lIIr. and Mrs. Roland G. E. tmRutgers, avenue until :they will be 1IlD.D, of Harvard avenue. :ire enable to find llving accommodations tertaining their grandson David nearby. Ulrich Ulhn~, Jr., for tWo weeks Cpl. Jack Beddoe received hl8 while hlB parents are at Coral Ga-discharge trom the Army at Camp bles, Fia. Chafree, Ark., after three years of T-a H. H. Hopkins, Jr., spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. service. He has been stationed and Mrs. Horace H. HopkIns, of with the Medical Corps at the BorCrest lAne, following bls release den General Hospital, Chickasha, from the Army at camp' Grant. Okla.• for the put year. Cpl. Ed ... lli. He 18 now continuing govern- die Grant of ArUngton, Va.. forment work at the University ot merly ot Vassar avenue, who was Chicago as a. clvlUan. Laura. Lee recently discharged from Army Hopkins was home trom Middle .. service after 18 months In HawaU, has returned borne a.tter ependbury COllege for the week-end. MJss Ruth Abbott. of Park ave- lng last week In Swa.rtbmo.re vtsitDue, Is 0. patient at Taylor Hos- Ing w~th Jack. Pte, Jackson F. Blackman. pital. U.S.M.C.Il •• of. Cedar lane who Ensign Harry F. Brown arrived bome Monday from the U. S. Naval left california. In February. has arHospital. Bethesda. Md. He will rived In ChIna and Is nowata.spend a month's leave at bla bome Honed with the Marines In on North Chester road before re w Tientsin. Mrs. C. p, Webstor Is 0. patlont turning there for fUrtber treatat Bryn Mawr Hospital. where shEl ment. Mrs. Aloxander Ewing, at Dartw Is recovering from a recent operw moutb avenue, spent Wednesday in aUon. She expects to return to W68hlngton. 11'. C.. visiting her her home on Ogden avenue within son's wife, Mr8.' Edwin C. Aiken. the next few days. Mr. nn·d Mrs. R. Chester Spen:Mrs. Aiken and young son will cer. at Swarthmore avenue, acleave to.morroW" for their Bummer companied by Mr. Bnd Mrs. John home In Leesburg, Va. Lt. Col. Plumer. of Oberlin avenue. spent Aiken Js now stationed in Guam th'l week-end of March 16 in after an Inspection trJp through Washington. D. C.. visiting their China and J apn.n. daughter. Dr. .ooroth¥ Spencer, Pvt. Robert A. Ewing who spent who snlled Saturday tram San the week-end at March 16 at his home on Dartmouth avenue. has Francisco. Calif., (or Mundas, Inw dia. Dr. Spencer, a. recipient for been detached from Oo.mp Pickett. the second time of a Guggenheim Va. He bas been assigned to ovorw Pellowship, plnns to spend several 8CR8: duty and wlJl probably leave years doing anthropological reon the transport Ernie Pyle in the search work. She haa spent the near future. past three years in the amee ot Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Flaccus Strategic Service In Washington. and ~hlldren spent a tew days of D. C. this week during the holiday recess 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Bhoe w at Westtown School, visiting· Mrs. maker. of Riverview road. onterFla.ccus· parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. talned nt dessertwbrldge so.turday R. Shoemaker. of Riverview road. evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Sue Hopson. ol Rutgers avenue. .1. Do:mld Gibson. ot Ogden· ave w 18 entertalnlng a. group ot Seventh nUD, who leave soon for their sum w Graders at her home this evening. mer home In Bcacll Haven. N. J. Mrs. J. Francis Taylor, ot Park avenue. entertn1ned Informally at STEWART-GORMAN a dessert-bridge at her home, Thursday. The marrlnge of Mba Ann Mrs. Theodore W. Crossen. of Deane Gorman, dnughter of Mr. Columbus. Ohio. formerly or Stmth and MrB. Alan BoweD. Gorman, of Haven avenue, attended the three- thf:J Swarthmore Apartments. and day regional meetings of tho Na- Lt. George Adolph Stewart, Jr •• tional Vocational· Guidance .ABso- USMCR. son or Col. and Mrs. C~t1oD and the National Astioctaw George A. Stewnrt. of Baltimore. tiOD at Deans ot Women in Cin- Md.. took place Saturday. MarC?h cinnati. Ohio. 23, at 3 p. m. In the Swarthmore Jean Holman, br College avenue. Presbyterian Church. entertained a. group of Seventh Tho Rev •. Dr. David Braun per... Graders at her home t~110WiDg the formed the' ceremony. asst!'lted b}' meeUng of the Swarthmore Jun- the Rev. Dr. T. Guthrie Spe81'8, lor Assemblies in the Woman's of Brown Memorial Church. BattiClub, Saturday evening. mOre. EnsIgn Jack CroBs, who arrived The bride. given in marriage by in Boston from Cuba ,on Monday, her father. wore 3. white saUn :March 18. returned to his ship, wedding gown made with a tight the destroyer U.S.S. Warrington, flttIng bodice. square marquisette Thursday atter a lee.ve at his home yoke In the front and back emon Yale avenue. "WIllIe on leave broidered In Reed pearls. long he Hew to Mllledgovll1o. Ga.. and tight sleeves and n full skirt spent a. few days with his fiancee. shirred to the bod lee. She wore .Miss Lucia Bone. .Tack hopes to the tulle veil which was worn by be releasc~ from the Navy In June. the groom's mother. trimmed with In the JDeantime he lB on duty a band of hand-made Dummcin the GuU of Mexico. gudcm lace Imported from India. Hiss linda DeArmond. n tor- and caught at each, side with mer resident at Park avenue. ' .... ho orange blossoms. Her bouquet wa."J haa been wintering In Clearwater, of white violets surrounding a Fla.. will arrive. in Ocean City. white orchid and encircled : by N. J .• April a tor the sprlag and white lilacs and a tuUe frill. It summer season. was tied with satin. streamers to Mr. and Mrs. James Terrela of VOla Nova avenue have returned home from a 10-day trip to ll1l~0la. They visited relatives In Champaign, DI., and their son Cpl. James F. Terrells at Camp Grant, Dt. Cpl. Terrells receIved his dlBcharge at Camp Grant, which violets were caught. MI8.s Dorothy M. Stonaker. of Trenton. N. J .• acted as maid of honor. and Mrs. WllUam D. Gormfln. or Winter Park. Fla., slsterin-Ia.w of the bride. and Mrs. John E. Camp, of Westfleld, N. J., attended as matrons of honor. 'Xhcy wore lime green bengallne dresses made with a tJght-t.ltting bodice, round low nock, buttoned down tho back, cap sleeves and a tull skirt shirred to the bodice with a double dmpe at the tront. They wore yellow ostrich plumes In theIr hair. TheIr bouquets were of yellow freesia. tulips and ger~ bera tied with yellow streamers. The bridesmaids were :M188 Catherine L. Weltz. MI88 Elizabeth A. Freegard, Mrs. William McNnroy, and Miss Elizabeth Garrett, all ot Swarthmore. They wore the same style lime bcngo.llne dresses as -those worn by tfte maid and matronS of honor and wore yellow ostrich plumes in their hair. They carried bouquets ot' yellow spring flowers, centered with vlolets and tied with yellow streamera to which violets were ca.ught. ~ Col. George A. Stewart. M.e., A.U.B .• of Baltimore. Ald •• and Atlanta. - . a.cted as best ma.n for bls BOb. and the ushers Included Mr. A. Samuel Cook. Jr., Lt. G. Ross French. A.U.S .• and Lt Allen C Hopkins. U8MCR. all or Baltimore; Mr. Arthur H. Vinal, South Weymouth. Mass.: Lt. Russell B. Stannard" UBMeR. Med:Oeld, :&10.88•• and -Captain Wllllam D. Gorma.n. USMCR. brother of the bride. Mrs. Gorman chose an aqua crepe gown and a harmonizing hat. Her corsage was ot pink orchids. Mrs. Stewart wore a tUBC~la gown and a black bat trimmed wltb fuschia, flowers. She wore a corsage of white orchids WIth fuschia. lips. A reception followed the c~re­ mony at Stratb Haven Inn. j. SUMMER FIBRE RUGS NOW IN UNITY ASSEMBLY aiOItS· ~o.Sj: 'Jc, z.....,.AiPC .6 III _. t • :c PRINCE RUSSELL'S SERVICE . "plar IIorTI.. WIH MATCH'ABt:l.l.I • Do U. CHANEL The Bouquet en • BEAlTIY SALON • - r- III :z Beaut)' c:atchea April'. :J -i 0 x -< :IS VJ 13 South Chester Road Call Swarthm?n 0476 III :0 r. CHARBERT • SKYLARK • LUCIEN LE LONG. CHEN YU \ THE DEW DROP INN Extended Sunday Hours Special Dinner $1.00 CARNS DELIVERS .BEAUTIFULLY ARRANGED Fresh Flowers When worda seem weak and futile send CARNS FIowen to espreu your sympathies. Their eloquence in boan of IOrrow express your sympathy ... notbinc eIae am. CARNS' Phone Swarthmore· FLOWERS· .. ORCHIDS ALWAYS" Baltimore Pike Springfield Pa_ .PlIBIdUrED E'1iiR11 PRlDAY AT ·8W.&B1'IIIIORE. 'nIB SWA.RI'iDIOBEAlf. INa.. PUBI.ISHER MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Call Mr._ Uoyd E_ Kauffman 1'E'l'Eft E. TOLD. EdItor· MARJORIE TOLD• .u.ocJa1e EdItor Lo....ne Mccarter Rosalie Pelraol . Anne )f; Cochran • DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON II ~=========;======F============:===~" drea Mrs. L. E. Kauffman 8:td Barbara Scott "'111 be In charge. Sunday morning at tho 11 o'clock The Church Board of Education "Service the tourth In a series of will Illeet on Tuesday evening at Lenten sermons will be preached tne hoine ot Major and Mrs. Paul on the 8ubJect uNot With Fears." B. Caldwell, 1113 7tb avenue, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stenley Taylor Grace Park. The Preparatory Membership at • the Harvard ave;1\~e entrance. and Mr. and Mrs. Wa.yne BUerer Class w111 meet With the minister at the driveway-transept entrance on Wednesday afternoon at 4: will asstat the minister In greeting o'clock In the chapel. The Boclal Hall WIll be opened the congregatl4?n after the 'service for recreation of Thursda)!. ovenbg Sunday morning. 1dr. Don Jones !rom 7 to 9:80. will also be at the Harvf'.rd avonue The returning service men and . entra:tce to extend greetings to stuwomen wi]] -be tho guests of the dents and other 'Young people. Miss Helen Taggart who spent The committee to nominate El- congregation at a reception and the winter with Mrs. Louis J. ders. Trustees· and Deacons at toe dinner on Friday evening at 6:30 In Storck. or Cedar lane, has gont"7 to Annual Meeting on April 13. will the Social Hall. AU members of Old LYme. Conn., tor the summt:r. ·~eet Immediately atter the serVice tbe cODgregatlo.::a. are Invited. An Richard Lauterbach of Rutledge Sunday morning. in the Choir room exceUent program has been ar- recently I'eturned from a visit to to receive nomlnatio.::as for church ranged. Including' the philadelphia h,ls brother. Lt. HnrrJd' Y. Lauteroffices. Members at the committee Male Quartette. Tlcketa may be bacb nnd ~rs. Lauterbach at "Hy. are Mrs. H. O. Davidson, Mrs. Secured from Robert A. Detweiler heholde". Coreopplts, Pennn.. prior Cameron P. Hall, George M. Allen, 'John H. Pitman. John C. Spahr: to their leaving for duty on the 30hn C. Moore. and. Frank R. Mrs. Ray L. Harlow. West Coast. Sergeant Lauterbach, Morey. who wos attached to the 36th Members will be received Into Trinity Not ... ApJ.G. on duty in the> Mediterrn.n_ the churcb on Easter Sunday. April ean Area for three years. has en21, bY transfer of church letter or , --tered Drexel EngineerIng SchOOl. on confesalon ot falth. Anyono' Holy Communion will be cele~ontemplatl:tg this decision should hrated on Sunda~ at eight O'clock. Mrs. Gurney WtIkes and two speak with Dr. Braun after the All departments ot the Church chHdren. Gurney. JI." and Linda. Sunday service. or during tho week. School will meet at 9:45.' At the ot Alexandria.. Va. arrived \\·~d­ The Chancel Choir rehearses eleven o'clock service of Morning nesday to .apcnd the rcmatndcl' of Thursday evenings at '7:46 o'clock. Prayer. the rector wlll preach on the spring vacation . VISiting MI's. The High School Choir (Chap~1 the topic "The FI:ldlng of Re- W: Ukcs' cousin. Mrs. T....ouls J. Choir) rehearses Sunday after- 1Ig10UB Truth." Storck. of Cedar I~nc. Denn Rny noons at 6 O'clock. The Junior The Choir School wUI meet on H. Congdon ot Leh.igh University Is Choir rehearses Friday evenl.ngs at Monday and Wednesday a.t 4:30 7 o'clook. p.m. ,and again on, Thuradap at 'The monthlY Woman's Associa- 7:30 p.m. tion Sewing Day will be held Wed w At the next meeting at "Sunday ne8daY, April 3, from 10 to 4 School on Wednesday NI8'ht" which o'clock. The group will be l.:l will be held at 8:15 p.m., the g~n ... charge ot Circle 3. Mrs. Agnes M. eral topic wHI be "The Gospels." Balg Sheldon, chairman. Lunchw ' On Thursday there will be a. eon will be served at 12:30 by Mrs. celebration of Holy Communion at ~. V. 8. Bishop and her committee. 7:30 a.m. and agai.::a at 10:00 a.m. Dr. Braun, win speak· to -the . The- women or the· parish· will· Senior Department at tholr Church hold their regular -Lenten PunchScbool service Sunday morning at eon at 12:30 on Thursday atter 9:46 o'clock. The subject will be which the study class will meet at ·'The Life of Jesus," 1:30 p.m. Methodist Chun:b Notes MEDIA * The best advice is often more than we can bear. It takes courage to face the impact of truth, and firm resolution to form new habits to fit the facts. Your doctor is sometimes confrooted with the stern necessity of advising restrictions in your usual routine. Your favorite dessert or that comforting cigar may be denied YOIL There is a strong temptation to .treat such advice lightly, to feel you know your needs better than your doctOr. . Such self-delusion may be comforting, but it defeats the Tery ends you seek. Carefully follow your doctor's adrice. Your prescriptions baye prompt, ezpert attention at oar store. and Marguerite CHAPMAN Pat O'BRIEN IIIId Ellen DREW "Man Alive" i:'UEBDAY - WEDNESDAY Micha~l's CoUege PharDtaqr Jack·HALEY • ON THE CORNER al80 the guo.t or M roo Storck for a few dQ8 whlle attending the sese10ns of 8choolmen's Week In Philadelphia. Lt. Hnrris Y. Lauterbach, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Lauterbach uf Rutlcdgp. and Mrs. H. Y. Lauterbach have arrived in I.,nnlf lJeH.~h, Cal. where they will r4):jlde while the tormer Is 8tatl!lned at the Army Air Base at thnt pt;IInt. Lt. Lauterbach has been attached to the Ferry Command since his return to the States from England Where he was U lIwllIbcr of the Eighth Air ForCI~. Mrs. Kenneth 1\1, H.eed of North Chester road enterto.ined h e I' bridge club of ZO members at dessert bridge at her home 'r!:ursday. Each member ot the club belong8 to the A.A.U.W. "ReaIlVy" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all ChUrches of Christ. Scientist, on Sunday. March 31. Tho Golden Text Is: "Whatso. ever things are true, whatsoever ~hinga are honest, whatsoever tht:lg8 are just, whatsC?ever things are pure, whatsoever things are Whom.." The Churoh Nursery Is open dur ... lovely, whatsoever things are ot ing the R!0rnlng service and Is pre':': ~od ret!ol't; lr there be any virtue. pared ·to care tor the sma.ller chll- and if there be any praise think on theBe thlnp" (PhlliPPlans CHURCH SERVICES ::1\\ AH.·iU_UV.lt....:: 1.. 11.!!;....,ti'i-.. h:!i.1A.:.- 4: 8). Among Bible oltatlons comprls.. Ing the LessonwSermon Is the fol- TRINITY CHUU.CH School Praper and Aute Communion. Sermon topic: "The Finding ..,r the Religious Truth." '1:10 A. K.-·Holy Communion. 10:00 A. Mo.-Holy Comm'unton. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Bates of Yale avenue were called to East Rochesw t~r, N. H., last week by the death ot Mr. Bates' father Dr. John H. BatV oa March 17. Funeral services were held In East Rochester. Wednesday. Ala.rcli 20. THB RELIGIOUS ROCIF.'TY OF lffllENDS ARRIVED BY PLANE Geo. I 'hrIRtl~n And~l"80n. Hector SUNDAY. MARCH 31 ~~'~II~II~i:~~~II~I!~lt~~"I.!stst~~~......;;~~I~II~II~II"~S~ . qpNp· Forum: "Yearly Letters from friends 111 Lt. Wilson S, Burke son ot Mr. Other Countries." Ethel CO$.tes. IdA. Sta- and Mrs. Rjchard L. Burke of bler and others. Westdale avenue Is a. patient at 11:. A. Y.-MeeUng. Halloran General Hospital: Staten \VEDNESDAY ':30 A. lH. to 3:311 P. 11.--8ewiug aud Island. N. Y.. recovering from a:t . quilting ill Whittier 'Ho'IRe. RoX" lunchpnn. operat\on performed In the General All an cordially Invited. Hospital, Franktort, Germany, In .February, the result of battle F'lRST CHOReR 011" ~RRIST. wounds received in. January. '46. SCIENTIST 0 ...• SWARTHMORE 'Park Avenue Below Harvard Lt. Burke was evacuated from SUNDAY .~ Europe by' hospital· plane and arw 11:" A. M..-8unday School, 11:00 A.. II.--Sullday ,Leason Sermoh. rived a.t Mitchell Field. N. Y., BatWednflsday • eve-nlng mt"eting PRr.h week, • p. m. lleadlng I"OC'm open dany urday. & 18-hour flight from Parexcept SUndaY8 and holidays 12 to i Is. His p~renta visited him at Mit.. p.m. WednYday eveninc. 7 to 7 :f)O chel Field, Sunday. Pft'm. ce. and . 9 to ':30 p.m. Church_ E4iw An :'II", conUal1y Invited to attend. Mrs.. Ellen Terrells ot Oztord -':" A. M.-AduJt'· WB:IILJilYA.M.:B. CHURCH _. -.oml.... 11:t1 A. . . ]I(. H. Jones. """tor Wonohtp. l:tlP."~~· • P&.. week .more. _t1.... apent wi Wedfteecla¥ of reJaU\>"e8 ·In Swart!>- ......_a-...._....,a tAn..,.. ••• '" ., "tunc. - 01' 1M s: II IMrfectJy ........ LUNCH., frotn 60c DINNER, , frotn 85e ' CocI:t.I n.. .......... It... A full College Course for you WITH. EXPEISES PAID Here's importaDt news for young men 18 and over (17 with parents' consent)_ Under the GI BiU of Rights, if you enlist in the U. S. Army before October 6, 1946, for 3 years, upon your discharge you will be entitled to 48 month. of cOllege, trade or business school education_ Tuition up to $500 per ordinary school year will be paid. And you will receive $65 monthly living allowance-$90 jf you are married_ Get the facts at your nearest U_ S. Army Recruiting Station. Masonic Building-9th & Welsh St., Chester a.riatian Science Church Notes The Church School meets on Sundaly morning at 9:46. Classes are provided for children of a.1l ages and ror adults. At the morning service at 11 O'C310~. the minister will preach . on the topic. "Not What, but S :46 A. II. - Church 11:00 A. M.-M,ornlng • II FRIDAY, MARCH 29,1948 ':00 A.M.-Holy Communion. FRIDAY - SATURDAY Now Is the time to get Vlcto,..,. Gardebll In .hape by oleanln&, off pole. a.nd t ..... It Will be neceasary to produce more food this summer thaD ever before. A. large majority or the gardena are alrea,dly taken. A· t~w remain. The!,oat Will be that of preParation of the soli. No fertilizer Will be tur::tlabed by the committee. The plots and chairmen In charge are as follow.: Mrs. George Alston-ogden avenue; Mrs. J. B. West-Benjamin West avenue: Alan C. Wood-Riv_ ep1ew road: J;lr. W. Earl KistlerPark avenue: John H. PltmanDickinson and Vassar avenuea; John Howard Taylor-Rutgel'8 avew ::lue: Frank Butler-Yale avenue and Chester road. , It you want a. plot and have not already made· arrangements, call the chairman who baa charge of the nearest plot. II Entered .... Second Cia. Matter. Januarot 14. Ult. a.t the Post CHrice a1; Swarthmore. Pa.. under the Act ot March a, t87~. k.". Swarthmore 2080 THEATRE GARDENS OONTINUE n. ~~OIOO lowing: "Love not the world, nelth ... er tho thing..". that are la the world, If tlny man love the world. the love 11;00 A. M.-Morning Worship. Sermon . T6plc: "Not '"W'lth Ff'.ars.·· at the Father Is not In him L. , • 6.00 P. H.-FellOwship. And the world passeth away. and the lust thereat: but he that doeth ~!!!'l'HODlST CHUI-tCH Ito, N. Ke1d~;',- O.U.. Minister. the will of God abldeth fa:r ever" . SUNilAY (I John 2: 15. 17). P':45 A. M..-ChuTCh School. 11:00 A. H.-Morning "\\ orshlp. Serw mon topic: "Not What, but "''hom.'' BEREAVED FOR "PeopIeAreFuIIIIY" . 3 NEWS NOTES ...... You c.r Lu' ... D,..,I11<_ Writer and Lecturer Everyone Welcome SUNDAY. IIIONDAY R' 'IIJ' Park 3'176 ~.. t-II Tro.tlt., .nJIrt CAU.t . - Informal Talka ~l:_ ZELIA M. WALTERS Needa NORWooD . Z 0 DO YOU IlXOW Tbe San Cue Inr "'7 A.1ou II . CRUIlCH ltev uavid BraT.n, Minister ':U A.. M.-Cburch. School. . LINOLEUM SHOP s:nAKi -- MARY DUNHILL • Ing congratulated on the birth or a daughter Barbara Ann. on Frld~, Maroh 16 .. The be-by Is a. grandchild ot Mr. and Mrs. Richard L Burke oC Westdale avenue and of Mr. and !4:rs. S. Bernard Andrew. of Sprlnglleld. Pa. THESWARTHMOREAN I Mr. and Mr8. Rlqhard L. Burke. Jr., at Schenectady. N. Y .• are -be- , Lt. and Mrs. na"'id Higgins. ot Mountain Lakes, N. J. are· receiv.. Ing congratulations upon the birth: 0450 Amerfcan LegIon Room Borough Hall 10:90 A.M. Every Wednesday "Pardon My Past" 18 W. WINONA AVE. BIRTHS ' II of a daughter. carolyn MaJ'. on SatuJ"day. March 21. !n All Bour. Hospital. Morrlotown. N. J. The baby iy a. grandchild of Mr.:and Mrs. J. Donald Lodge, formerly of OberlIn avenue. .. 12 Noon until 3.00 P. M. Mr. ,and Mrs. Herbert Foster Taylor ot Worcester, Mass., announc~ the marriage at their daughter ~ Barbara Taylor to Ensign carroll Irving Crawford. son of Mrs. George I. Crawford of Baltimore, Md., and the late Mr. Crawford, on SaturdaYI March %3. Miss Taylor graduated from Swartbmore College In 1946 and Is a personnel assistant with the PO::lnsylvanla. Company in Philadelphia. Ensign CraWford was a member of the V -12 Unit at Swarthmore . College and received his commis_ sion a;nd 1:1.8. degree In mechanical ~ngtneering In February or this year. Since her graduation. l\llsa Taylor has been llvtng in Swarthmore with Dr. and Mrs. Walter Scott ot North Chester road. Floor and Wall Linoleum Spring Housecleaning .IIDEMARKS RAKEr--JONES The marrage of Miss Helen Jon... dau&'hter of Mr. and JIza. Gordon Jones to Dr. Gcottrey Rake. of Milltown, N. J., tool' place at the' GIbbons home, BalUmore pike. saturday at 6:30 p. m. The Rev. Dr. ,Da.v1d Braun per.. formed the ceremony. Mrg. Wl1Unm Allen Jones, of Virginia Beac~, Va., acted as matron ot honor for her el~er ...lnla.w and .Mr. David_ Welas, of New York City, served as best man for tb~ bridegroom. Members at the famlly and a few cloBe friends attended- the wedding and reception which followed. After tl wedding trip, Dr. Rake and his bride wUI llve In Milltown. . Mrs. Rake's mother. Mrs. Jones, is superintendent of the Gibbons Home. CRAWFORD-TAYLOR Fred MacMURRAY Kemtone-Cleanen-Wuea She! win Will..... Paint Powclerene C FRIDAY, MARai 29,1948 THE SWARTHMOREAN THE· SW ARTHMOREAN Once a ~IBell Gi,I", always a Bell Gi,I WuEN YOU STAU your husiness career with the telephone company, you are le~tI in the knowledge that even when circumstances make it n .......... .., to . --, move away f rom your .community, . or ~ty, or Slate, there is usually a job with the telephone company available to you near your new home. This security is but one ol many advantages to Starting your b USUle5S0 • • career W1th Bell. Wages are good right from the start, and a regular system . . . of frequent p ay-mcreases assures your advancement. Workiog CDndmons . .or L • are especiallY attractive, Bell pays particular attention to clean, ltght offices and quiet, well-furnished rest rooms . . 'F' rlendly SUperVISOrs he!p you to get ,ahead as fast as your ability permilS~ Sickness and aCC1dent benefits,· a modern medical department, recreational . programs, vacations with pay, and a pension pl~ are some of the other reasons why a job with Bell is a good bet for anr girl. Interviewers at any of the offices listed below· will be glad to diSCUS8 these opportunities with you in greater detaiL .&U"RUI .. --ge such an IDter• ~ ~n. ~ou will be under_ no obligation 10 sign up with BeD. The lDterv1ewer IS there to help you make the best 'ble busiress Q'teer. pos81 . stan on your THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF,PENNSYLVANIA "A Friendly Ploce to Worlt~' hom 315, McClatchy Iidg. 57-59 E. Penn Street 45 And.. on A_n•• 69th & Mw k-et S"-fa NorrIstown Ardm_ UFper DaZ.w 1631 Arch 511 ... 410 York lOad Philadelphia ....£dntown ••• or call Ii..wprlse 1-0100 THE 4 Mr. and Mrs. J. Archer Turner Tyner Brown. o~ Park a"l'enUe, haa been working in MIami, lI'lL, of White Plain&, N. Y., tormerly Of. slnce October and expects to re- Swarthmore, are having an extend· turn borne about ~be mldcile' of ed vacation at Sunset Po~t Ranch. Orocle, Ariz. April. BIRTHDAY TEA AT FRIENDLY CIRCLE 15-yr llec()rd of Quiet Acts In Local Charity \VATCB THEM GO Wh.n.v.r th.y're hungry_ delicious spread that's good for both young ond old. IISCIJ Delicious PEANUT BUTT E" R . A fin. h.ahhful spread made from No. 1 qUality e pHn.... by perfect roast- Iblar Ing, "rlndlng and blending. Zg w• ......r, a.. r IlIYor, toCIlh ...... allll Ifa". fresh lo.,er. Enriched 5UP~EME BREAD 1ge • larg. . . , loav•• iRiSH DONUTSI:k~nI6~ 8leaded .JulceG!:,;';:,$.~~' Ideal Ol'aDle .Jalce 'A:~ ~. BDI'loek Sweet Pe.. IISCIJ Pancake FloDl' IISaJ Sauer K.r.ut '''or Lon.e", N~2 57c ~. 5'. J'. -.. (j.oI4 ~ Macaroal s,..:,..Hl a ...._a.7c ' ~"':." :;,!.... Z7e N JIh.,Up'. To....to Soup K.ralt Velveeta Claee.. 3'~·Z50 ~ Z5c Evaporated MIlk ~~r. DuR'1 Mbe. G_':~ffi"w- 4 , ::! 55e '~zoe Bob Boy Pure Pluna ......I'VIiI.I:. Z40 - Genuine Ch.sapeak. Bay SHAD ~r:~:. 2ge : w:~::. 3ge Ib Smelts LartI N .. , cau'" 11I25c , Cad FIII.ls -,~ " 33e Ib I Pollock Fillets Mack.rel ...... - "25c "1ge Ji. GENUINE LAMB, GRADES AA OR LAMB ROAST R:'i::I~:.i.. • 3g e Ib ~~~--~=-~~~=-~==~ Lamb .0. OCt ....,... ,. 33e Pork Roll Doll"... ~ ..... "28c Shldr.Chops .,..,,,- "39' Tongu.s ...... "39c, Rib Lamb Chops ,. 45e M.al Loaf ,.,., 2 ..... '.24c B,.ast Lamb "IOe Braunsw.lg.r N. c. ,. 37c Shank Lamb "15c Braunsw.lger A. c. "33c Neck Lamb ,. 19c Mush "'...- _ ..... 2'" 12c Frankfurters Skll.... ,'. 33c Beans H,." Uti H'~:':!:: 17c Long '!:!~~c:., 29.e Pepper Hash ..... 19c .. .,.,,,... • 'USAGE All Pork No.1 FRESB S A . A. Co Dubuque Brand ,; ~--...;.....;;...;...-.;..~ r,eat A Tost. Pre-War flovo, lISCO PURE GRADI A • RIcher Blend HEAT-FLO FRUIT ,COFFEE ~II Z4C JAM , Peach, Currant • ·.,.··· ... $1.52 ·.,.··'· ... $1.93 Z MDy bo repacked in iarl or glaue.. I'" 47C $avo Couponl on Bagl lor Valuable Gifts Fln. for holtl., institutions. etc. FRESH PEAS California Full Podded DOI'I", 1,lma Bea- Z I b s Z 9c P!l:l~ ' ' ......... I. Wah... "rocco" ~ bunCh -~ A favorite Lenten food EGGS -90 .5ILVER SEAL Larg.,G, rod.A, ca,rton Fresh of 12 " 44e Now ......... dated for yo.r ptoleell •• WiIIOft'l Mor ." Clopped a•• I:: 32c Swlft,. Sta,.fa.Hi HurfI·. . falUn ~ '!::'31e ::: lte J'. 'IIC , r VogI'l Scr.p••e If;" lie AIIIIII..i ••~=- ":k:12c cs:.we 1:': IDe _. Beau B.t Z.t Z6c lajsjns GREEN GIANT PEAS.2 '!:: 35c fRIDAY, SWARTHMOREAN. The 16th annlverea.ry of the founding or the Friendly Clrcie was celebrated with a tea. last Thursday at tho home of Mrs. Ot· to Kru.us. Jr. on Benjamin West avenue. Mrs. John H. Pitman, president, Introduced the fonner presidents of the· Circle: Mrs. T. Harry Brown. Mrs. J. Horace Walter. Mrs. A. R. O. Redgrave, and Mrs. Arthur Hughes; who reviewed the" a.ctivitles of tho group during thetr periods of leadership. Mrs. Stuart Brown, a former president was not present. Mrs. T. Harry Brown told of the forming of the Circle to aid thoBU in need In the Central Delaware County district by a group who had been helpi.ng the Ocean City Seashore Home. Included In this group wel"e Mrs. Harvey R. Pierce, Mrs. Hcnry Hanzlik. Mrs. William Downton. Mr8~ Heflry Mock. Mrs. August Cordes, Mrs. B. Isfm-to Mrs. Clarence Clewell. Mrs. Fro.nl\. 'Vlndell and Mrs. Brown. Tbey were joined by Mrs. WII11am Moore. Mrs. A. R. O. Redgrave and Mrs. Walter iCleveland. M,rs, Brown spoke of the help in reach· ing those In need given by Mrs. 'VIUiam Johnson and Mrs. PhUip Jewett. who were on the board of tho Community Health Society. Among the niany nce~B covered by the Circle which could not have been reached by organized char. tty have been coal ·purchases. shoes. glasses, medicine. wooden legs, food for special diets or to tempt convalescents, glass eyes. a wig. layette. a. graduation outfit, families moved, carfare provided. a. cabin at Cnmp Sunshin~ built and equippeod, Each 'of the speak. ers dwel t on different phases of the divcrsUled interesls or the Circle. but through it nil ran the thread of neighborllncss which prompted thts kindness: During most years tca!$, picnIcs or card parties have added to the treasury reserves for usc In giVing ald. Eleanor Goddard Worthen. talented plnnlst,. entertained the tea guests. Mrs. .J. Horace 'Vatter nnd Mrs. T. Harry Brown presided at the flower In.dcn tea table. The executive board memLers 'who were h(lstesses inclutle Mrs. Pitman. Mrs. Kraus, vice president; Mrs. E. H. BI'own and Miss Lilliun Boyt. secretaries. and Mrs. Kendall Sndler, treasurer. flUDAY, lrfARCl.lzt. IIM6 MARDI 29, 1.... /Jongr...man Walter Judd and and the U.S.A. la UNO. Thl8 Is tbe him learn how the Barna chance we have been praying for~ Letters to the Editor could be done tor the long aufter- Now,-let'. work for It too!" TO EVICT OR NOT EVier t'b.roug~ lng and desUtute people of that war weary land. Tbe Friends Service. Presbyterian Board Fede.rat~ ad Council of Churches or Christ. American Legion Awr.lU8rY. and many other agencies. ha.ve Jong Hats ot famll1es with d~talle4 desorlptlon of number. age, and sex of m,embers. People who are Interested In helping with this extensive work by asslsting In the paokIng or baving th~ experience of tlJllng some themselves may get necessary information by phoning Mrs. Daniel R. Goodwin, Swarthmore 4666. It has been suggested that those able io compose notes In French. Dutch. Norwegian or al· most any foreign languago. contact Mrs. Goodwin or M.ni. Robert T. Bair and make this project even more personal by, writing the people that a carton is en r~ute. As" it takes from two to three mnnths In transit It woul4 give to them the pie.a.sure ot anticipation and in many cases undoubte'4ly p.rovi(\e ihe 8park neceBSal'Y to continue what must at, times seem like a useless struggle. Donations ot money and cloth· ing be lett at Whi~tier House or for Mrs. John L. Good at the home ot Urs. Frank Reitzel. There cartons will be packed and mailed at any time. Mrs. Bair pleads, "Think what these things mean to people who for six and a half years have Uved in terror as best they could! America is the most. envied natioD In the world. At this moment we are being given the opportunitY to make it the best loved. Individually we caD help In" making UNO a BUcceaa. a living ;instrumen~ for the eradication ot war. We need not sit by and wonder wby our ropresentaUy.ea don't .do thu8 and 80. We, tbe people. can apeak, in this very personal way. Our volc~ e8 wlll be heard in every corner of tbe eartb. UNO Is tbe U.S.A.. .~ NEWS NOTES To tbe Editor: . .. Cpl. Arthur Dodd who has been stationed as a Weather Observer at the Amarillo Alr Field. Texu has received his discharge. Swart'bmore bas "a new Vet-Housing-Problem. After more than 6 ~ears in . the "Army. Sgt. Harlle Reynard was' discharged Iaat Fall. He secured employment In Philadelphia. and a room on South Chester road to be near the Keenen's and the Tomlinson's. In February. he married Marjorie Tomllnson (Bird) and bought "a. trailer to help solve the housing shortage. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Bird of Dartmouth avenue have moVed Into their newly purcbased ~home at 323 Lafayette avenue, formerly occupied by "Mr. and Mrs. Octavius Narbeth. Mr. and MrS. Narbeth are now residing with their son Mr.' J. D. Narbeth Qnd family of Yale avenue. " The U"lveraity 'be wanted to attend imd lege thls had an overflow of Veterans the Reynards postponed col. plans until September. For reason, they started to decorate {lDd equip their new Trailer tor Swart~more occupancy during the Intervening months. For seve eral weeks they ~ve been e;t.joylug their own tlrst home on the rear drlve~ of the Toml1uon property at 200 Soutb Chester, road. Wednesda.y morning came a. let· ter trom the Borough Secretary: .. . • .' violates Or~lnance 299. Wlll you be so kind as to see that the TraUer Is Dot used whlle being stored 01;1 your property." Here Is a dllema. The lAw BaYB no TraUar In Swarthmore" and we wa..,t to abide by the law. The Law Is breaking up a new home, and America has desperate Deed of real homes." WhIch Is the more basic. more important tun· damental, OrdJnance 299. or one more" SwarCbmore home Tbe writer plana to take tbls problem to Council at the ti~ opportunity, but in. the meantime would deeply appreciate an expres· elon at opblon from neighbors and citizens ot. the communlVy. Willard TomHnson. . ' may SUPPORT THE SALVATION ARMY II r ,THE SWARTHMOIUAN San Francisco, cat Dear Ed.tor: This is a belated thank 'You note In which I want to tell you how much I have truly appreciated receiving The Sw~rthmorean. ' I al. ways enjoy reading every bit o~ It and k~cpl:J.g up with the news of my friends, For the past eight months I have beon. stationed at the Fleet Post in San Francisco and have enjoyed every minute of it--espeo. tally the opportunities of seeing many of my friends who have shipped in and out ~of this porL Before I close, I would also Ilke to thaak the townspeople who ':have so generously given part ot their time in wrapping The Swarthmorean for all the service people. Sincerely yours. Ruth Servais, MAM 3/c Oaice GREEKS SAY THANKS . Dear Editor: Everywbere in Greece today there is sUll a tragic lack of cloth. ing, sboes and bedding•. Eve;]. people who berore the w~r were well· to·do are now in rags and bare· toot. Many cannot leave their homes beca.use their tattered and patched garments do not give t~em decent covering. Many at the refugee settlements sick and' well aUke must sleep 0;). the bare floor "'ithout bedding ot any kind; Village atter village has been burned to the ground. the homeless Greeks are living in make.sbltt ehe\ters and over-crowded barracks. Ragged and barefoot children "ar;,e sutlerlng from mala.rla and tuberculosis. Despite all the hardships the people have undergone, they are making the best ot wbat they have and are eager a;).d anxiOUB to help themselves. The Greek people are deeply grateful for American contributions at food and clothlnS'. O~e letter to me just recentl!y .saId "We thank the American people for all they have done and are doing. When the packages arrived It was 8S though the heavens opened a:ld. showered us wIth clothing, for which we are very grateful." . The Greeks cannot. however. reA gain their self-respect nor their proper place In the famlly of nations. which they so earnestly de. Blre to do, without assistance and support from outside. ~uch more Is needed If Greece Is to survive. The world of tomorrow Deeds the valor, determination a:1d genius which have been Greece·s enduring contribut!ons to OUr civilization. May we take this opportunity to thank you Swarthmorcans tor your generous rt'sponse to belp Greece an~ acknowledge your flne cooper. aUon and efforts in brlngJ,:lg clothing to our store. Paul AI. Paulson. ACCEDE BOMB CONTROL 5 Atomic energy wUI eventuallY ever')~ aspect of our Uves. Do we want to entrust de· clsione involving such enormous power, both In peace a:td In war. to the generals and admlraJs? The recent upsurge of fear and susolclon In tbls country arlBlng from· the Canadian spy seare. Russia's a~tlon in 1mn. and the Churchill E'p<"cches should not stampede U8 Into hnatty action 0:1 so crucial a problem. Apparently very few persons have expressed their opln10-& on this matter to their repre. senlaUves In Congress. Brief I~t­ ters from concerned citizens would be ot help tn clarifying public opinion on the subject. Our Se:J.ators, James F. Guffey and Francis J. Myers, should' be addre8Sed at the Senate Ofrlce Bulld!ng. Washtngton. D. C.. and Delaware County's Congressman. .James Wolfenden, at the House Oltlce Building. Very truly yours, Dr. J ea:lctte P. Nichola, Chairman ot Foreign Atlalrs. Mrs. Margaret P. Bruton, President. Delaware County L. W. V. atreet almoat wlU never taU to be the "hometown" news t01' me. Gratetully yours, Fprd C. Wiggin. Lt. (jg) USNR BUCKS MORE RECREATION Dear Editor: I am so glad you 'PubUshed Mr. Brewster's letter. and I hope that "regimented recreation" can be prevented for Swa.rthmore. .. We do need leaders for scouting In all Its branches, the schools and eollege provide for all other needs. Best Wishes, Mrs. George Zimmer. NEWS NoTES 1\1r8. \Vtlilam H •. Bullock. of Cedal· lane. entertained her bridge club at a luncheon at her homc, Tuesday. Mr~ and Mrs. James P. Faries, formerly of Haverford and Yale a vee., are now settled In their new.. )y purchased home at .16 HawarM den road, Springfield. 1\11'. "and Mrs. Edwin \V. Crosby of Dickinson avenue and Mrs. Sld~ ney Zinn or Swarthmore ave. nue wIll e~tertaln at a cocktail party at the 'Crosby hOme preceding the Series Dance in the Woman's Club tomorrow evening. James Bogardus. QM 2/0 Is spending a lO·day leave" with hie parents Mr. and Mrs. "Jame"s F. Bogardus of Cornell avenue. 'Formel'ly attached to the AJrcmft Carrier, the Shangrl··La. he will transfer to the Philadelphia. Naval Base. April 1. Mrs. Gordon C. Thomas of Old Greenwich, Conn., is vlBiting bel' parents Mr. and Mrs. ·Henry R. Harris of North Swarthmore avenue tor R "fortnight "while her bus. band ts on a business trip to o:rexas. 'V. THANKS FROM CHINA Sha.nghai, China " l.'he Editor Tbe SWARTHMOREAN Sir: ThJs Is a long overdue yote of thunks. on my part, for your work and the town·8 generosity in BendIn"g'me Tho Bwarthmorean, and to the ,"VaT Service Committee for my ChrJstmns parceL The communlt1 Is certainly doing" Its par~ to short· en th~ long hours overseas and lessen the distance from" home. My famIly moved from Swarth· "more's shaded a.v.enucs fiJome fl.·ve years ago. but The Swarthmol'ean ~ 7o'ltJlPl. HEALTH THE NEW B. F. Goodrich Silvertown , Overseas Boxes Lend Speedy Aid . .(Continued from Page 1) ed a bolt of outing flannel and -iB now doing what sbe can to alevi· ate that sltuati{'ln by making w-arm nightgowns and pajamas' in assorted sizes. Many new kilitted garments are being made which will surely bring JOY and comfort to the recipient. Each day the Ust grows. Seeds are being included such as lumps of sugar which people are denying themselves are being brought home trom luncheons and ~Iimers. and old p.tpes, which most housewives are deUghted to see their husbands part wlthi marbles, costume jewelry. a pretty handkerchief, little luxuries' wblch take up little space and weight but add zest to unpacking the gift sent by unknown friends in a. tar off coun· trY. It is the aim of those doing this work to spread out over as great an area as possible, The first cartons packed were aU being sent to France, someone comme~t­ ed that she wished some could also go to Holland and at once her suggestion was followed. A famUy, whose .relatives had reached this country from Holland the very week war . broke, was contacted. From them" names and addresses were obtained and the chain of friendship was etarted . to one more foreign country. An· other woman spoke of lnterest being centered In Europe while our triends in Chlna were betng 1lIn0red. She..... told to write • PROVED OVER 16,800,000 MilES ':;:'emiye laboratory tests oEa.!-:"e:' 16,d800,ooo mile. 11 ........... roa testa-aD tazi G::'~olice cars and B.P. it cb test B.eets_~ aataral rub'b'::::'r-, , WORlD'S BEST. SYNTHETIC RUBBER Develo{Jedby B.P.Goodrich it's far beUu than oxdiaary .,... tbetic .rubber. Help. tire :: :°10:;g,wearbrwsiJlg ~~ttu,aad ..__ J:e. ........ge &olD ac:cideats. You can drink to your health with Springfield Wat« because of the many steps taken to maintain and wh~n you are by imprOve its high quality. Some qUi'et evening I YEARS' EXTRA SYNrHmcnRE EXPm,ENa Storage in impounding reservoirs constitutes ·the yoorseH, give sc>me thought to the qua1ifi- 3 year. before aDJ' othe.r first step, permitting any s\lspended matter, color or .old lira Coataioio . cb thetic .rubber to .Aso~ lDororuu. This head.rarr bacteria to be removed by sedimentation and cationS your Executor through the action of oxygen and sunlight. possess.'J!hen come in and see how well our RUMSEY CHEVROLET You cal'! drink to your health with Spring- services measure up to your Sales - Service field Water with complete confidence. "ROAD lEVEl" liND 35% .tro"Ber tire bod IDit. ueadwith a fI~l:: Contour_i..· Whole widtb to ache. the road. •• rabL-. azor. tbe road to IIwe tb. "--evenly. """ 0" mao~B.! GOodr:i :ii.eage.,'Xl,.. safety. 'xlra 'Ktr4 Yalae. D• Yale and Rugen Swarthmore 1439 an~ , Trustee should ~xpectations. SWARTHMORE NATIONAL·BANK PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN AND TRUST COMPANY WATER. COMPANY , Member Feden,d DepoSit Insuranee CO.,· I SWARTHMOREAN 6 FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1946 . LEGAL NOTICE. I.EGAI. NOTIC". LEGA.L NOTICES Sn..der, Frank.~ Jno. O. BrIck-Lot .JObDeoD. MI'II. Ida M.-Lot I, OsTRKASUREn's SALE OF' SEATED &0" E. .erlon p~ N. from S. carol born. Farm, fl1.0. LAND IN THE COUNTY OF DELAJohnoon. Mrs. Ida. H.-Lot 9 & Boulevard, 40 s 215.t7. sn.88. Secretary of Ba.nJdna-817 An4ereon WARE, PENNSYLVANIA. FOR bouse, Osborne Farm, $'7.44. Johnson, Wm. A.-Lota 18..1.. CoO' Avenue, ,189.63. TAXES DUE THEREON ShLalerL Aqulta-Strlp of ground lumbJa Avenue, $13.4S. FOR YEAR 1941 Jone.. Mary-lAte 12.13, BIlL X. rear on .If088 Avenue from IIarvlne to lSI' N: of Dermond-no (rontase. 16 z III accordance with the Aota of As· Wortb City. '5.40. .JoDe.. Wm. H. &. Mattie-Lola t7- 16;" 'I9.8B. wllllatua. Clifton-Lot t, Blk 11, :;embly 29. May 1931 and JO. June .A. 8-9. bungalow. Worth City, ,1'1.08. Hollrwoo4 Avenue. n.49. D .. 1939, P. L. of tbe Commonwealth Linwood B. Be L. As8n. - Lot 'l'yIJOD. Eateele Mary-House and of Pennsylvania. relatlil. to the sale bWlgalow, ZtO HandaD AVeDue, $4'.46. Sl'9und" Garrett Road &. Darby rov:ek. 1.011&'. Elmer & Eleanor Lot &. ot Seated Land In the County of hOuse. Keyetone Road. ,ff.95. $109.12. ' Bowden. Edward-Lot, S. side Delaware, etc.. for taxes due and un .. Mason, Thos. L.-Lot 41: house. 31 Henry Avenue, 80-96 E. of Burmont lJ&ld. I will offer at public sale at the Taylor Avenue. "'.48. 3'1.'18 x 130 Irreg•• 91. a. Mattlole, Pantholem-Lot .24. Blk Court House in the Borough of Media. LL. Worth City. 11.81. I'4:!nn8ylvania, 011 O'ROU~ Tho~Lote 11..11. Blk. Q. Lin'" Park, $'.ff. APRIL 15, 1946 Oliver. .1oaquln-Lota a-f~ Blk B, Park, $9.00. at 10 o'cloek ..1>-. M., the foUowllllJ Linwood Ricci, Pasquale-Lota 6 to 10. Blk. del5crlbed pleoos of land in said E. $16.11. Boblnson. Wm.-Lot &:. bunKaloW. County or such part thereof as may Booker Avenue. $28.98. ba neoo88al'Y to satisfy the amount of 6SSchenlder. Joaeph - Lot a. Locust the taxes due and unpaid against tbe Street, $5.63. Schenlder. Joseph-Lot 10 :I: 160, same. and continue the sale from day to day as the Mme maY be found Locust Street. $6.75. Tyson. Wm. T. &. Wright-Lot &:; lIecessary. houM. 36 Galbratth Avenue. In.93. Tindal:. Anna Lee-Lot &: bungalow, TERMS OF SALE Hook Road, $26.98. SUU. Ida C.-Lots 11 to 22. Blk. A. The amount of the taxea and costs n •. Rodgers. James J.-Lots .'18·9. Ed· monde Avenue, $4-9.88. Flnt Phlla.· B. & L. Aun.-Lots 2·8. Blk. D. Lombardy Road, $44.88. Harrity. Wm. F.-Ground Pl.' aldo Ith Street. 38' W •• Id. 4th, $149.63. Maguire. Wtn. J. & Mary C.-Lot. E. aiae Bishop Avenue W. of BaIt.. $9.81. McClolkey. J. - Lots ' ..10. Cor. Wayne &; Pennock. $149.63, McKee. Annie J. N.-Lota 120·122. Plumatead Avenue, $29.93. EAST I.ANSDOWNE BOROUGH Murphy. John Estate-Lot, Melrose Avenue. 115.91. Ward. El1zanetJ-l:111 Melrose Ave .. must be paid on the day when th~ W1lsoD. Milton T. & SR.-Lota 46 to nue, 115.91. Butcher. Alonzo Estate-100'1 Pem .. land Is sold. otherwise the property 49 &: bungalow. Wood, Paul L.-Lot and buncato w • broke Avenue. $'1'1.39. wiU again be offered for sale. 42: Randall Road. $49.46. Worre11, Ralph F.-Lota 43-48. Blk. EDDYSTONE BOROUGH GEORGE O. PHILIPS. F. $12.61. Treasurer of Dolaware County. WoodaU. J. Reese-Lot & house, 6 Simpson. William Estate-Ground, Treasurer's 'OCfice. Media. Johnson Avenue. $U.96. N. side 10th Street, $5.28. Decktar. Louis. W. Bide Slm~n C~IFTON, HEIGHTS BOROUOti Street, 113.34. $22.48. ,".96. ALDAN BOROUGH Facciola. SteUa-Lot NE. lawn. 121.16. a Wood.. . McGinnis. John-Bouae. 126 Eo Berk· EDGMONT TOWNSHIP ley Avenue, $61.12. .t\gatone. Orlando - HOUBe. 21 W. Luhy. Margaret-Lots 28-2., BlIt. B. Wynclltfe. $43.4t. Edgmont HIlls. $2.53. ASTON TOWNSHIP LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES . MII'DI.ETOWN TOWNSHIP Da7. SHARON William Elllt.-15 Mohawk Avenue. $66.01. JarvIs, Margaret-Lots 283-4, Hook Road. $%4.04. JarviS, Margaret-Lot 33'1. Cleve .. hUld Avenue, $18.01. PROSPECT PARK BOROUGH B rig h ton. Samuel-Lots 164 .. 5, trame house, _312 Nassau Boulevard, $66.61. Media-69th St; Tr. Co.-26· of Lot n, 2nd Avenue. 14.10. Medla.. 69th St. Tr. Co.-Lot 23. 2.36' ot 21, Sec. M:. 14.10. Landreth,. William L.-Lots 419 to 422. Incl., 3rd Avenue ••$9.69. Media-69th St. Tr. Co.-Lot 40. 1.84' of 39, 3rd Avenue. $4.10. Media-69th St. Tr. Co.-25' of Lot 21. K, $f.10. Banks. Henry W. & Emma-641 Chester Road. '12 cents. Banks, Henry W. & Emma-6f3 Chester Road. 72 cents. IrwIn .. Thomas & Isabella-Lot 135. Pt. 116, Sth Avenue. brick house. $60.1'1. Roberts. Mary R. & Anna J. Depue & Mary E. Kp.efer-% of Lot 70, 11th Avenue. frame & stucco houfJe, Ul2.10. Cram. David & Maud Yagle-Lots. 16th Avenue. t20 x 130. 133.07. Brill Conatructlon Company-Lota 19·20. Blk. N, Madison Avenue. sa.2b. Brlll Construction Company-Lota,. 1'1-18. Blk. N, Madison Avenue. SS.20. Brm Cl)natruction Company-Lots, 9 ..10. BU" G, MadIson Avenue. SG.B4. CarE'. PERSONAL . ho,... ".cot *20' -:.- \ ~ .. ~. PERSONAI..-Electl'lc hpatera, Irons. and vacuum cleu.lI~rs repatred. Called for and delivered. Swarthmore 15tS. Call Robert Brooks I~~~;;::;:;~:;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;:~ II I BooIla--KocIak Suppliea I __ "DI' ~BobtJ, Craft G. FOR SALE SIMMONDS SALE-Cho:m.llea.ke Retriever. Danso, Angelo-I2f W. Front Street. FOR . Call Swarthmore 30Gf}-M. SU'. . . KoUl'J". Thoe.-lO'l Franklin Street, 1<"'011., SALE-\Vooden eJ;preB8 wagon, $1.6&. In good condition. ~S.fJO. Cal! Swarth. Kurrla. Cbarlea-Ztf Concord Ave~ hlore 215s-. W. Irene .1.-119-123 Concord FOR SA~Regutation ping I'l)ng Avenue. S3.&5. table. good eondltion. Tel. Swa. 2160. navh!l. Tho". P. & Sara T.-920 Bar· after Frida)". clay Street. $n.26. Baron, Fannie & HarT)"-811 BarFOR SALE-P=ooks In excellent condl.. clay Street, SIO. t9. Uon, suitable for boy :J to 13. Call Del. Co. & Trust Co.-124 Penn Storck. Swa. 08:l7. . Street. 17.30. Harbison. RutJl ReynoldlJ-l28 Penn FOR SALE-Sandbox, carpente..... made, Street, 'T.6L . Baaa, .A., Benry-139 W. 3ni Street. 6~ x fI', $7. Excellent condition. Call Swa. 1678. $1.60. Broad, SPRINGFIEI.D TOWNSHIP FOR SALE-Ice Seventh Ward 1181...1. Wleaand. HaUIe-3rd Street, S. side Land extendIng to Ulrich Street. 2 x 19& x S.26. 16 cenl& Gaetona. Faaone-624 W. 3rd Street. lAnd N. aide 3rd Street. 40.S4 E. Ker· Un Street, ".34. :paisy. .John-Rear 98f ..6 W. 8th Street, 28.33 " 28.85. $1.83. Ellkay, loIOUY-88 Park Vllla Drive. 46 oenla. EBJtay. Molly-89 Park Villa DrIve. f6 cents. .. McCuUouah. Clara M.-34 Park Villa DrIve 48 cents. Eakay, MoDY-14 Park Vllla Drive. 75 cents. .. Fryer. Jame....Shedwtck Street, 306 S. 6tb stre.t, land. '1.06. Baumgarden. Philips-Lot 176' S. 5th Rtreet. S.W•. Shedwlck, '1S5' E. aide Bunet Street. 15.16. Ro., Jame&-Between Ulrick Street & Shedwlck. W. Union Street & 6th Street. Eo efde Butler Street. 16 centL GoodWin, Clara B.-Lot 66, Henry Street, fI cents.· . DI:MedJo, Phllomena--825 W. 3rd Street, $10.11. Elahth Ward Cbt>Hter Lodge Np. 55 Amcrican Order tJons of Italy-l009-11 W. 8rd Street, $18.2f. ZO~ FJorenee-1028 W. 3rd Street. U.&9. . Tesborrl. Lulgl-ll09 W. 9th Street. $19.00. Iron Worken B. &; L. Assn.-.Ot Ivy Street. U.Sf, W. S. Bittle '" Son 8 ..... 0111-.1 Real Etltate Notarr Publl<>-lDsuraDce ~IAN01UNING ~ ''The I - a Obood Is _~ oob _ can be .. oil tbe out",,'·tuDe Phone A- L. box. $12. Call Swa. , Didio, Frank Mannie Concetto, et. IlL--lIla W. Ird Street, '6S.2L LOST LOST BJack Persian grown. Reward. TeL a",""..,rr UBUDp. SoUcited nue, $6.48. Franks. William K. & CatherineLot. Elmwood Avenue, $33.10. Donaghy, Donald & Cbarlotle-5!o! Florence Avenue. $56.61. 8ta~ PJocure FramIng PERSONAI--We buy furnituTfl. hou,*,dl h"old goodsPh ' anl' article In good cono_n_._ _0_'_'.:....C:.:h.:..:.:•.:.t.:.:r-.:2.:..6:.:2:.:•.:3.:...._ _ Sixth Ward 11. ,6.7.. .. , .. FIHh 'Ward ~ lortbe !!! kitten, half.. Swa. 1898. ELECTRICAL LOSTk, Top coat. Ught gray. at Ingleneu last Thursday. Harked Col. Elliot: Dark gray coa.t was lett marked Jacob Reed and t;on • T-' Swa' 45S9~J. 'W. • 'l'ho Executive Board of the Woman's Club will meet on Tuesday. April 2 at 10 u.m. at the club house. and at g p.lII. the Junior Boa~d will meet. 'rhe Litel'ature Section will re .. turn to the clubhouse CtJr meeUngs In Apl·lI. 'l'ho first of these will present Mrs. Harold Goodwin In a review of "Friendly Peraul181on" IJ}~ . JCBaLmyn West on Friday, April 6. at 10 a.m. Polll'l will be open at the clubhouse on April 9 for the election oC Directors of Dramll, Education. Health und \Yelfnre, and Property. Nominees nre .AIrs. A. W. Bass. Jr., Mrs. R. '1', Bates, Mrs. Wm. DeCalndry. 1\Irs. F. H, Forsythe. Mrs, Carl Jeglum. Mrs. Geo. Scl1oblnger. Mrs. George Warren. und Mrs. E. P. Yerkes. lIolr&. Anthony Ventner calls the attention of club members to the rehearsal of the club chorus on Wednesday. Aprl1 3. at 8 p.m. all kind New or Old MORTON REFRIGERATION L/JST-"Camouflage"-young female ('.&t, gray and orango mottled, with FrF~~~ white tummy and paws. Orange true foh on lace. Call Swa. 084'1-J.. I 0992 FOUND Van Hom & Sons FOUND-May -HosJerY MUis payroll voucher on Walnut lane. Call at The S~arthmorean ,Office. Trees II!ld Stumps ·Da,... , I~ ~ 'VANTED-Whlte girl for-- g"neral housework, Pollah preferred. age between 20 and 30. • Platn cooldng. Reterenctls required. Pleasant working conditions. Tel. MedJa 2675. HARRY W. LANG ADVERTI8EMEN~ The School District of Swarthmore wllI receive bids at the School ,Dis trJct office. College Avenue BuUdiDgup to t. p. m., Thursday. April 19f6, and open the bids at & meeting of the Board at the School DfBtrlct offlce on ApDI ll. 1946. at 8 p. m., or at: an atlJoumed meeting of the School Board. for coal. fuel oUt and grading the Riverview Avenue fteJd Speclllcattons can be secured betwe&~ 9 a. m., and- 4 p. m" dally except Saturday, Sunday and hoUdaya at the School Dll:Itrict office. The Bo'a.r4 resen.-es the right to reject any or aU bIds In whole or In part and to a.ward contracts on any Item or Items making up any bid. Hilda Lang Denworth 3T..3-&2 Secretary 888 Dartmoutb Awe. .ram 11: Swarthmore ,' Asphalt Driveways Concrete Work ~======::==::=::=~ Beautify Your Home With an Asphalt Driveway Peter Di Nicola ESTATE OF LYDIA BIDDLE WlLLIAAlS. deceased. Letters Telltamentnry on the aboVe estate have been granted to th, under.. signed. whodemands request against all persons claims or the 'having estate 01 the decedent to make known the Bame. and all persons indebted to the decedcnt to make payment, without deJay to Richard Norris Williams, 2nd Orchard Way~ Wayne. Pa. Executor or ~o his attorney Clarence Q. Myers, of Duane. Morris & Heckacher 1617 Land Title DulIdlng PhiladtlJphla 10. Pa. ''1"-3_1 Phone: Swa 2526 ~:::::==::======::=::~, "TREES" Prof....ODal and tImelT care of 70ur trees ,,111 give Iastbtg pleasure throughout tile ;rears. OoDBUlt us obllgaUon ooncenWIg or tree JOur i~';.~~~~~ii~.~~';'~~'~~'~.;.~.a. tree.surger'J'. Wilson, Samuel K.-2315 W. 2nd Street•. $1.&3. Buckley• .Jnu. J.-3rd Street, S. side• 43' 100', SI.I4. Kennedy. .fohn M.-9th Street. N. side, ISO .s: 15'1. 18.36. Anderson, Hannah R.--309 Yaman Str..t, $0.99. Tholenfeld. Isndore--EDBle Street, W. sfde. 200.t8 ][ 100, $9.89. Lyon. Samuel-N.E. Front & Town .. ~eni. 2(1 x 140, $1.53. DAVE WOOl? , '8.~ CUlillntdq, EdWin &: Cath.-Z834 W. 6tb Street, SU&. Dlclr:ln80D. Oliver B.-N: side 9tb Street. 16.1& B. of Hayes. $:lUit-. Che8ter eaDlbridge B. '" Tr. CO.E. side Wnson. 213.6 N. of 4th Street. '7.6L r..bodyIlVJkt, Wrn. '&' Anna-to! Hay.. Street, ,S.u. . B&er. Loullt-W. stde Lewt8 Street. 104' N. of FroBt, fl.S9. Bow",",--_ek IL '" Hugb H. Want-S..w. Col'. 4th a: 'l:burlow, SIILM. I Bes ...... ow..otI,ld ......... '" . J _ ~ -N.1I. Cor. Fr<>at & Ra.... _ ... lIS.... Tree Smgety and Phone Swarthmore 2253 Lsncbcsping , BELL-TWIN GRINDER Lawn Mowers ~by MaChine Other tools also sharpened Saw.Set and FiIecI Quick Service I , Phone Swarthmore 2175-R 104 Cornell Avenue MORTON REFRIGERATION ~ and Swarthmore, PennB. Commercial and Domestic- .Prompt Service--Refrigerators, Washers, Vacuum aeaners, Radios 10M-10th At_we RU'I1.EDGE, PA- eaD and Deliver Phone Swarthmore Ot28-M '1"_ .. fh!"e";" Pa.. m.r !,,~::~a~W::7::~.~ ... . . . . . "1] um 8.1_ _. • P"'_ .. U'I~ O!• .'~USTAVE A. HECKSCEHESTRATEd • ece~. I ~US~!I~ Appliance Service ESTATE OF JOSEPHINE TALLEY deceased. late cif Concord Tow-nshln' Penna.. ... Letters Testamentary In the above estate. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to satd ,estate are requested to make pay_ ment, and those having claims to sent same to Howard W. TaJley Elizabeth Courtney Executors or to their attorney Morris H. Fussell 12 South Avenue Media, Pa. Walters' Builder Media 0755. mov .. Whaley and Lsncaater Co., Glenolden, Pa. Ridley Park 0180 OALL Eleventh Ward Delaware River Steel-N.W. Cor. Frnnt .,. WI180n, 140 :I: If0, $4.41. Del. Cp. Trust Co.. U/'W of P. H. MoW1'Y-251& W. 3rd Street. '4.4L IrYIDb. .las. Eat. &: ThOlL LeI~1'8. !llele fth Street, 40' W. Thurlow, without spraJing Jog problems. Charles E. Fischer Expertly Done at Petei' E. Told INSUMANCE WANTED--Garage. Vicinity ~t ChesRYan, .John- S. J. &; MarY-1S04 W, ter Rd. and Ogden Ave., $6 month. Swarthmore 0764 2nd Street, 1&.16. Tel. Swa. 0193. Pendersaat. Thos., Jr., Rd 1-1705 Mary Street, ,2.89. . W AN'l'ED-A Bellows camera.. Good Ridley Park 3238 Betta, Chna.. et. ux.-1500 W. Sth condition. 'Cali Swa. 06n-M. Street. 11.34. Da.'fma. lrIyron-150f W. 8th Street, \V AN'J'ED-Room for ooItege graduate $8.34. workIng In Philadelphia. Willing to ~'carpet makes it home" Laughlin, Edw. D.-1501 &: rear 9th care f(·r children In hom~ occasionally. Street. $18.24. Valzone. Vlncenso &:: Annle-N.W. Tel. Swa. 0200 and ask for Nancy Cor. 12th & -NolTla Streets. '16 cents. BOYBr1 Walter-Eo S. Tllshman, 160' N. of 10th, $1.06. Dod"". WANTED-Stenographer. part time. ~' , Dyer. Stewart. et. us.-W. sid. Dictation and typing author's manu· _ wwu Until Spring Lockaley Street. 69.42 S. of 2nd Street, scrIpt. Tel. Media 0363..R. ,1.63. . ,The tIlDe to do In_or pa1ntmg DeL Co.. Bids. Aa8n.~,E. side '\'ANTED-Laundry to do at borne. is DOW. I am DOW URlag exter· Central Avenue. '13.06. References. ·Write to Mrs. Blacbblre. Nichola, Jas. M.-401 Central AVG. lor work lor 8pr1Dg. 13 Baker St.• Morton* . nue, U,30. Bow".... Fredrick & NaomI T.-E. t , QualIl7 side Central to Tllghman. $181.68. W ANTED-Spinet or sma.ll type piano: Federman, Louls--905'!''1-9 B a k e r also flat-top kneehole .deBk. Reply to ~eDced_C8 Street, cents: Box A. The Swarthmorean. Federman. Louls-911 Bakel' Street, :10 C8nl& WALTER V. UNTON Harris. Wm. H.-:-W. side Baker 100' WANTED-Woman for general housework and plain cooking. Day "work N. 01 lib _ t , $1.06. Dickson. AUqe &; Mary-9n Edwards now-live In after .June 1. Referellces. Telephone Media 2841. " Street. $l.u.. ' Contractor and Bailder Broomall, .las. M.-E. aide Edwards 80' N .. of 11th, ,1.6S. ' 'VAN"rED--Cars to slmonbe. Will call IUdIeT Park OS33-1I1 Loulll, Lucretta &: Thea1a-E. IIlde fQr and denver. Reasonable rate. ~Tr1ardo, lSO' N. of 11th, $1.06. Phone Swa. 2979~W·. p.,ett. John E. & Daisy D.-224 Edwards Street. $2.89. ;;.:. Baer, Loule--226 Edward4 Street. WAr.."rED-Ex_Navy Medical offtcer.: ~ wite a.nd school age child w1Bh to lit "'11 SO cents. Ryan. John Est.-318 Edwards rent furnished or unfurnished house. Phone Dr. Vincent T. Latbbury. Swa. Street, n.9'. Smith, Clarence M.-W. side Ed.. 0605. Plan now the bome you want warf,,, Street. 100' S, ot 11th. 46 ccnu. WlgglnB. Edw. &: Amanda-W. side WANTED - Two-bedroom apartment Desirable Iota available Edw~ 120' N. of 12th. 46 cents. for three adults in Swarthmore. Ma&Jox, .lames-U6:-B Abbott- Street: Permanent occupancy. Good reter,2.69 BeU. Andrew-Lot. E. side Law ences. Phone Mrs~ Spatz. Swn. 3113. Street, Sa' N. Delaware Avenue. $1.06. Ryan, .fohn J.-E. ahle ReaneJ' Street. 114.3.8 N. of 4th' Street, $•. 41. Tenth Ward Dr. and Mrs. J. Albright Jones of Crest lane entertained a sroup ot internes ot the Philadelphia General Hospital at a dlnnor party at their home, Friday. evening, Murch 22. Dr. and Mrs. Jones will entertain at dinner at their homo before the Series Dance In the WOO' rnen's Club tomorrow evening. members at a dinner-bridge their home. Saturday evening. 'Vorkers. with good rerel'Nlces Oall AIJoEGHENY 4305 Rugs and Carpets PAINTING Susan Thatcher Qf College ave .. nue. Helen Kraus of Benjamin West avenue. Dixie Hetzel of Thayer road and. Mary we Hartzell of Wallingford will arrive home today to spend a 10-day spring vacation. ROGF..R RUSSEU. 'VANTEI)..:;.Day's work for Friday or \Vednesda.y. Reply to Box p. The! Swarthmorean. ' 7' . Barbara Thatcher arrived at ber home on College avenue y-esterda,r to spend a spring vucatton until Tuesday. ESTATE OF F. JOSEPH SCHWEIZEit. deceased. late of the Borough of Collingdale. Delaware County Pen:lsylvania. • LeUl}rB ot AdminIstration having Maker- of rme Photoarapha been gr~nted to the undereJgned, aU peraons naving claims or demande are BIoJc. requested to make known the same _&Ito A _ _ S _ Stll'i) and all persons Indebted to the ea1d , estate are requ68ted to make p&¥ment Media lI118 Media, _ without delay to • ••• :I Sarah 1.. Schweizer '110 AndJ'e'WS Avenue CoUlngdale:. Pa.. Administratrix or hE"I' attorney Guy G. deFurla Crozer Building GENERAL· Chester, Fa. IaDd 0 1 _ and Graded TeL M""'a 15'IS." or 0588-W WANTED-Baby carrla,ge. play pen with floor. Tel. Swa. 0'l9O""'-. Mr. and Mrs. F. Van tlero.racbt of Ha.rvard avenue spent a tew days of Jast week In Atlantic City • Mrs. William H. Dietz. 01 River" view road, entertained at a 8Uppei' party Sunday evening In honor of Mif:ls -Dorothy Elklnton. of MooreE." town, N, J .• who will be married in the neur future. The guestA included former clasamatea o( Westtown School. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Roberts and 80ns Thomns nnd Steven of Chc~t .. nut avenue wtJI move April first to 2024 TcwkBbury road, Upper Arllngton. Columbus, Ohio. whero Mr. Roberts wUI be director of survey with the United States Forrest Servicc. WILLIAMS DOMESTIO SERVIOE Mr .and Mrs. Henry R. Harris 206 N. S2nd ·Street of 'North Swarthmore avenue enPhlladelpltia, Pa. tertained their bridge club ot 12 For Week or Pa.l1-time RemotJed WANTED Ninth Ward • NEWS· NOTES (Conllnued from Page 1) ...b,.. .. Robbfsb RemOYed v~\.lIla Stat£' College In u lecture.. 1&...... Mowed General DauJIDg .dcmonstl·utton of "Spring Tonlc of lIS8 Harding Aye. Morton. I ..... Sandwiches and SaI1l9 S," 8110 WIUt ,,;""'''''~ assisted by Mrs. Pauline S. WU.. Itll:"n f .. om the Agrlculttu'ul BxEDWIN B. KEf. EY, Jr. tcn~i(jn Hen·lec at l\IClUU. Mayonyou, .JEWELER nau;e..f:luvlng ~lnliB. nnd unusual U _ 7t11 St. 011_ sa.ndwlch filllngf:l wel'c sumpled by ·an al>prcclath'c group u(ter the (OpposIte New State Theatre) demonstration. 'Pbooe Chester 870 .. WWiaaB, Charlea-4::" W. 2nd Street, SUI. . DeL Co.. Trust Co.-lt W. Graham Street, 'Ui. . PERSONAI-ImRlp.dlnt'!! service and repatr on aU types of automatlc Davlw, SolOmon-230..2 Bevan Street. washers (Bendix included). Iron~l'8. S1.83. WB.7erekow8kl, Antonlo-G%5 E. 4th vacuum cleanera, elf:ctric rangeRS. Irons Street. 1'.f8. . and lamps. AIRO wlrln,;-. repAIrs, servIce. Double outlets Crom S·I up. ]nataU chimed and bell buzzer Iystema. All Fourth Ward work In campHanee with Fire Under.. requlremenu. Call E.·leb Hanis, Jos. T.-'109 Deshong Street. writer's I{a.wren. Swa. 3"37. . $:1.89. Taylor!. 100 x I'll'. .Jdahua. $14.90. C.-E. 9th Street, McCaIn, .10& E.-411 E. 10th Street, ''1~!edleJ'~ Ulnae. O. a:. Lillie A.-U1 . 1.:;. 11th Street. $5.48. Robeck&,. Ant 0 n·~"20 Mcillvalnc f;treet. $1.48. Musici«nB Give Delig/ltful Hour WILLIAM BROOKS Third Ward HILL BOROUGH COLLINGDALE BOROUGH FOLCROFT BOROUGH Graham, John W. Est.-13.0S Acres N. ,Ide Baltimore Pike. 691.43 W. from Cox. Lawrence-Lota 19-20. B1k. 10. ,91.33. Parsons. Anna-US HlUslde 'A venue. Swarthmore Avenue, $1S1.S9. . HarrIson. William H. Es:t.-Meadow Chester Pla%&, $11.6S. 6th Nat'. Bank-Lot 237. N.W. Bide Hertzler. John B. _ Lot. Jackson Land. $26.5S. Erny. Leo-%: of 13~lt to 19. Sec. C. Brookside, Sec. 4, S131t09. Avenue. 40 x 107. $28.26. C, $1.16. Fremont. Robert F.-~ acre rear, Herble!1. .John B. - Lot, Jackson GLENOLDEN BOROUGH ErnY. Lefr-Lots 28.. 27 D. 39 centa. S.W. sillie llardwlcke Road, ,11.60. l!:rny. Leo-Lots 1-10.. 16, 20 to .31 Avenue. Z5 x 10'1 $19.96. Eggleston, Charles F.-14 ·of 67, ShlndeU. OneIda N. _ House. 334 Rines, Frank J. & Florence--48 N. Inc.. !:lee. F. $6.79. S.W. side Orchard Road. Springfield Bonsall Avenue. St4.U. Erny, L~LotR 11 to 18. S4-6-8. Clitton Avenue. 1132.8'1. Farms Annex. $10.08. Shore, Morris-Lot., MacDade. S.W. Em e ric k. Harry-36 HiUcrest. Sec. G, 12.3'1. Innes, WlUlam T.-Innes Tract. $14.61. Latshaw, Albert A. & Edna. M.- Cor.. 64 s 111 ... $89.68. Lots 8-10. E. plde Maple. $15.'10. Whlterow, ::5. MacklIn-Lot, Spruce Munce, Annie J.-Dwg.• W. Knowles l..ots 27-8 ..!2~6. Sec. C. Beechwood Street. 21'1.63 x 114.60. 199.66. Avenue, '68.62. Park, $12.46. THORNBURY TOWNSHIP Jones. Wm. & Mary-630 MacDade Ludwig. Bettie J.-Lot 100 11: 39.S1. Lotvin, EmDe-Lot & lis. 100 x 200. Boulevard, $173.66. ' Ash1aJld. $8.78. . Chester Hgts., $12....36. Law Catherine &. HaIT7-Frame Michaels• .1osepb-Lots %26 ..'1. Spruce· LudWig, Bettie J.-Lot. 136 11: 221, Leonard. James E.-Lots 39 to 49. bun~~ow. $27.16. Ashland. $23.40. Sec. J, Beecbwood PArk Annu, $3.32. Street. $23.26. Law. Catherine & Harry-Land, Nlelds.l Cheyney-Lots 60S~5, Spruce Bonsail & Forbes-Coal yard. office Leonard. Sarah B.-Lots 60. Sec. J, Street. ,68.16. & garage. $418.S9. '6.0'. Beechwood Park Annex, 39 cents. O'Hara. Patrick & Bea.trlce-Lote TINICUM TOWNSHIP cONCORD TOWNSHIP HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP !a-3-f. 48-'1~R .. 9. Seo. Baud houa&VlUage Green, $22.@0. • Barnett, Edg. G. - Land &: shop. First Ward O'Hara, Patrick & BeatrJc~Lot 21. Zack. Paul-39/10 Essingtoo. '6.65. Concord Road. $23.28. Flanagan. Annle-26.25 Essington. Sec. B, Beeehwood Park, '1.03. Lucas, Stlas T. Est.-Lota 65-6 .. '1. Bullock, Isaac-Rouae &: lot. Booths $4.46,. Reynolds. Walter J. & Lillian-Lots . Bon Air Road. $'13.'12. Graham, Hugh~5/16 Essington, 8-t-l0, Sec. C. Beechwood Park Annex, Corner Road. $11.66. NeDda, W. Cheyney-Lots 248·9. Reinhold, John G. " Sallie-Lot & ,6.66. ,2.8L Claremont Boulevard, US •••• Wright. Raymond-Lots 16. Sec. D, bldga., Concord & Thornbury LIne Langa,r, Wlll~m C.-1/14 Esslngton, Sbannon. James--l.321 A., Furlong Road, $66.86. 112.20. , Beechwood Park .Annex. '19 cents. SlaWier. HUbert-Land & bungalow. Avenue. $59.90. Yeager, Wm. L.-Lot 2S-29-30. -Bik. Horne, Elizabeth P.-I01i E. ot Armetrong. Imeld&. B.-6 North Ms. .. Bethel Hill Road. 113.91. • Wanamaker Avenue. $6.85. 1:', Cheater Piasa,. $18.64. noa Road. $32.25. McConnell. WJlllam-SecL 64. 160 :I: YeagerL Wm. L.-Lot 31-21 Blk. 18. NETHER PROVIDENCE DARBY BOROUGH Gallagher. Anthony-4-5-6 ... '1.· Blk. 134, Lester. IS.81. Chf'l'>ter t"lasa, $12.46. TOWNSHIP C. Maryland. In.63. Delaney. John P.-3J/f2 Lester. Homer. John N. &; Mlnnle-90'1' For.. ,6.63. BETHEL TOWNSHIP Barrett. Royden N.-Lots 8 to rester Avenue. 19.07. McCeUan. Rev. B. T., Truatee for Third Ward Incl•• Z Garden City~ $18.06. Porter, George W. &; Clara-901 Carson. PbUlp Est.-190 A. 2 & 3 Summit DlAngelu, Emldlo-Lots 31 .. 2 W. Varnck A. M. Church-l0/j3 Leeter. Street. $17.63. Baumann. Dorothy Van AJlen-Lots Garden CitY. $1.24. liIty. stone hse.• Faulk Road. $1'1'1.38. '6.63. Armstrong. Ethel E. - 830.. 2 Main 434-5·6. Rockland Road. $5&.89. Wblte. Olga-26-21/40· frame house. carson, PblUp EsL-2.* sly, 1R0ne Street. Durham. Horace li1.-House. Vernon Lester. $fal.2L ~ $16.60. i boa.. Faulk Road, $10.01. Street. $18.06. First Nat'l Bank. Darby Ground. Stinson. leabelte-20/3J Lester, ,6.53. Currte. Ralph A. & Jan~Lot 81 :a: ChMter Pike & Pine. 1292.93. Flftn Ward Holmes, Emma-Lot 2:8' X. Garden McCauley. WDUam-3f/30 Lester, 100. Oid Hook Roac! '8.&0. CIty. ,3.63. Cox. Walter-Ground 263' from N.W. _ •• Franc1lt-Za Acre.. '39.96. Sllvert. David &. Hannah-House. Hamet, Nettle-Lot 14 D. Garden ,6.66. Cor. 4th & Colwyn. 111.16. Mazzaroba. -Albert &: Emma-45/30 844 Dayton Road. $100.22. CIty. '$14.44. . Harrison. Hottle-Rear 652 Dayton. BIRMINOHAM TOWNSHIP Jackson. Elizabeth-Lots 8-9 ...10 J, Lester. $6.66. DARBY TOWNSHIP McParland. Jam e s-18/1S Lester Z'l.6 x 1'1. 19.22. , Garden City, $10.S4. ' Dougherty. Dennis-Rear 860 Mar· Stockweu.. Da.vld H.-Land & Blq. Nolan. Eda Est.-Lots 6-'1 L, Gar.. 18.65. Alexander. Jay Cooke-House. au- tin. R & mad en. Barton-18/19 ·Leater, Rear L. of 68, 26 :I: 54.6. 12.32. 15-:154 A .• Smith Bridge Road, $62.92den City. $2.00. ' 218-210 Hook. barn and frame honae. Pacific. Rosario-Lot '19 'L. Garden '6.03. $101.89. McKenna. Brldget-19/1D L e II t e r, CHESTER TOWNSHIP Sixth Ward City. S3.63. Chambers. WllUam S.-1 Acres, Cal~ '6.63. Pavloch•. John-Land. Brookhaven com & Hook, $1'1S.86. . McKenna, Brldget-20/19 Lea t e r • Coleman. Jas. H.-IGI0 Verdun Tuck, Loulse-830 Aubrey Avenue, Road. $18.06. Delaware Count)' Trust & John S. Avenue & frame house, 2 sty•• 166.0'1. Pew-49.. 50 Cook &. Bartram. frame $87.66. Peterson, Charies--2 Houses. Wash· S6.03. Hunter. James EsL-lI Acres, flt.n. Ford. Richard-Lots 108-9. Cheater bungalow. '80~03. Ollviere. Frances A.-G62-665 Del- ington Avenue, $10.28. MaJseed. John-135 x 87& E. Eld8l'Terrace ,16.03. Rutr. Stephen E.-Lots 21-2-3-j-5 Fooks. Andrew-12'l-8-9 Brennan " mont Avenue. 155.29. berry Lane. $4.46. HeiHi. Roy deo'd Sallle-lI8e.. Up.. BonB8l1, fram& house 146.73. M'Ontague. ;Harry - Lots 616~620. M. Garden City. $18.06. Kelter. Harry .1.-18/11 Bartram laDd Road. I sty. frame house. car. . Geary. A. R-Lots '1-8 v, $'1.24-. Farrell, Rlchartt-si... 6 CUfton Ave- Kingsley Road. $6'1.60. Avenue. Essington. $6.63. & b1dgs.. $100.10. Bean, Charles L. & Pearl H.-Lots nue, frame houae. 346 CIUton Avenue. Maddock, Alfred Metal-Lote 1 ..2-1. '67.16. 6'19·80. Lawndale Avenue. $23.06. UPPER PROVIOENCE TOWNSHIP Sec. Q. 1 fl'&lDe hoWle" $lO.1&' . TRAINER BOROUGH Gaither. Andrew-Cllfton S. tram Maddock, Allred-Lots '"5-6. Bee. Q. Linden. barn &. house, $91.48. aeventh Ward Bell, Emily G.-Lots 26-6. Blk. N, houae. $11.18. . Bums, John F.-Lots 1 to 4 Incl.• Linwood B. &. L. Assn.-m Trlbbltt Media Annelt. $7.96. Pt&snlk, SebaBtian - Loca J4-G-8, &: Lincoln, S11.44-. _L,. S13.49. Hamilton, Margaret D.-Lots 21 .. 2, . Cunningham. Eva.-Lots 38-f. mk. Blk. Lee. Valorle--361& W. 3nt Street. Ch68ter Terrace, $1'.&*. . Phlla. Half TIme B. & L. Assn.- Leedom Road, $t5.44. X. :Medld. Annex. ,8.95. Stlnl!K)n.. Robert ~ Lots 61.4:-& ..&2, 308-9 ..10-11 ClItton. frame bungalow, house~ ,4f.02. Dorubluh,. IsaaC-Robin Hill Lot. brick Wk. D. llIdamont V1Ua, $lUI. Moore. Francis J.-l to 5 D, .... n, $61.19. . Eighth Ward $6.07. • People'a Bank & Trust Co.-62-8 Glannltwlt·, John - Lotti 15-16 M, '18.17. LOWER CHICHESTER TOWNSHIP Fisber N. from Linden. Sl1.44. Higgins, 'l'homas F. & Helen U.- MedIa Annex, $6.07. UPLAND BOROUGH Qulckley, CaroUne - 24·6 Matthews '134 Ashurst Road, ,2.91. Grillo. salvado~Lots 34·6 Z. MeStuar~ Robt. M. '" Marct.-1Ul Tract. $11.44. . dia Annex. $3.95. Huddell Avenue. '18.42. Bartholt. ,Vincent· &. Rebooca-16 LANSDOWNE BOROUGH Sharon B. &: L. Assn.-77 Burton Kaupp. Anna A.-Lots 16.. 18 •• Blk. Wood. Paul L.-Green Strest, S23.3S. Street from Linden. barn &: house. Hill Street.- $'l0.19. N, Media Annex, S6.07. Wood, Paul L.-1613 Beal. Street, $74.28. '. Schneider, Frank-Lots nO.2. Bel .. Castle. Augur Est.-Land. S. side Menutella. Antonlo--19-20 Y. Media 191.$7. 8th Street. :I: 100, 65 cents. . Spencer. Abraham-14·16 Tdbbltt, mont Avenue. $110.78. Annox. $3.95. Wood. Pa.ul L.-13'16 Market Street, frame bungalow. $62.89. Penna. Title & Trust Co. and TransRiccardi. John A.-Lot 482. W. side McNamee. Annie 9.-6 Blk. CC. Me~ 1118.22. fer to Agnes Dutry-Common Court. Wayne B. & L. ABlIn.-Lota 8·4 Jackson Street, SI6.82. dla Annex:, '1.9'1. Wood, Paul L.-150' N. ot WorrUow Trlbbltt. frame bouse, $14.31. Schwtz. Emma K.-Lou '11-2. 205 Neuman. GeorBianna-Rock Bouse N. sIde 3rd Street. 26 :I: 68.S3. $6.55. on Beale. $!4.n. Whltesott. Amos & Annll-2e Green .. E. :Marshall noad, $83.21. Rond. '9~.O~. Brown, Mary R.-16'1 Edward Street, hin Road, Cor. of Hook, $17.16. Tladeamen Nat'" Bk. & Tr. Co.YEADON BOROUGH Rankin. Joseph-Lots 12·13. Blk. 160.B9. . Cottman. Lavinia - 28-29 Bartram. K Marshall Road. S. side. X. Media Annex, $3.95. . John H. Gosttlng. Sub. Tr.--Ground. N. from Laurel. frame bungalow. Barclay. Charlotte 114.--130 Elder, Schutt. Bobert W. A.-Lots 6-6-'1.. 8 61.08 x. 46.22 x 81 x '19.24. $44.29. . W. Media. Annex. 11.86. UPPER CHICHESTER TOWNSHIP $30.01. '6.68. Nicholas.,! Paul .H.-38 RunnYDlede Harper, Harold .M.-33 FaIrvIew. Yacklns, Peter-Lot 6, Blk. X. MeUPPER DARBY TOWNSHIP Brown. Mary R.-Lot OBden Ave .. Avenue, $"15.90. 1192.6.. . din Anne:l:. 11.9'1. Rowland. C. H.-Lots 90.. 1. Walnut Due, No. 29. 19.00. Joyce, Raumond T .. et ux-Lota 486Clevenger. 8. F. & M. E .........? Chat· Street. $16.63. Carlson. Oscar N.-Lot 28, Blk G. & 48'1. ~ pf. 488. Longacre lJouleYard. RIDLEY TO~NSHIP bam Road. ,224.t'l. . Murray. Joseph-Willowbrook Ave .. bungalow. $1'1.91.· . ,16.81. Haber, Ida-Ground of B. MarshaU' nue, W. side Plot B. rear of Wlllowcarlson. Oscar N.-Lot 29, B1k B. Cohen, Sy1vla-919 SerrW Avenue. AlIo, Albert-Lots 283-f. Swarth .. Road. 1209.48. . brook between Stratford &: Bryn more Plea.sa.nt View. '6.29. '133.71. Avenue, Folsom. UG. '16. Scott, Wm. J.-Lot, N.W. side Jones Mawr. $147.9Z. Carrol!, James-Lots 10·11·12. BUt. Palmquist, suste W.-Lot, WJ'combe Boy Scouts. J!.'olBom-Lots 2063 to FF. Street, N.E. from Burmont Road. AW'nup, $10.69. . 2066, lncL Lots 2011-2 .. 3 .. t .. 6, 20'1'1-2078, $9.97. . MARPLE TOWNSHIP Carroll. James &; Maraaret-Lot &: 20S0 Manor. Lots 2081·2 .. 3-t. Folsom. Board of' Pensions, Presbyterian house. 4 Pleasant V. Avenue. 153.93. CHESTER CITY American Union Assn. of Phila.- $193.0L Chestnut, Andrew-Lata 2f-6~', Blk. ChO;rch-Lot, 1 Verner Tract, S29.9S. BoYl'l' Club, Folsom-Lots 3 to 14 Borough of Lansdown~Lots 265· Lot 115 .s: U4. West Chester Pike &: incl.. S. $9.41. Firat Ward A. 26 to 27 tncl.. Folsom Onvis, Isaac & A. L.-Lot 9Z. Wash .. 267-269~271-3-f. Plumstead Avenue, Sterner Avenue. Brookthorpe HWIII. Manor.Sec. See. A, including Lota S to flO.17, Lansdowne Heights. S'l4.84. illgtOD Street, $4.9'1. Cancello. Mary-E. Avon Road. S. Borough of Lansdowne-Lots 2'16.. Dor"y. Wm.-l acre &: bldg.• Robin .. 37. Sec. Br. Folsom Manor. Lots 1 to side. Davis, Thomas F. - Lots, house, 46 x 116.32, If.n.• 6. Incl. _ 8":1 .. 10 .. 13 .. 15, Sec. C. 1 to 12 son Tract. Lawrence Road, 146.27. 6 .. '1-8 .. 9, Shadeland Avenue. 163.36. .Tohnson & Hook Avenues, ,112.41. Francis. Frank Band-30C W. 14th 15-16 .. 19-20 .. 21-22. Sec. D. Folsom Incl. Flaherty. Mlcbael-8 .. 9-10. Sec.' R. Flrat_ National Bank-Lota 21·3-4Del. Co. Trust Co.-Lota 108 to 110, Street. ,21.68. Manor $'155.69. Broomall Square. &th Avenue. $6.S0. &..6-7. Sec. B. Vernon Road. 169.84. lie to 118. $!2.f8. Del. Co. Truat Co.-22'l W. lard CaroB. Ch ... F.-Lou 14-16-16-17Hogan.· Patrick Est.-42-1 Broomall AleSSi. Alexander - Lots, S.W.s. DeL Co. ~uat Co.-Lots Johnson Street, $10.96. IS, Blk. F. Berkley Annex, $29.n. Grove. Franklin Avenue, 114.&1.' .AvenlHl &: Galbraith. -S30 x 108, In.48. Winfield Avenue, $137.1'1. Kannonl. John-F.. 21st. S. side Lots Cashner. Grat!e F. & Marie E.-Lots Gallagher. Bridget-Lot &: bldg.• AleBBI. Alexander-Lot. N.E. elde DeL Co. Trust Co.-Lota SW. Cor. 36-'1, $1.63136·13'1-138, Seventh Avenue. Folsom. Anthony Avenue. Brookthorpe lL. Spruce Street, 92 x 98. $137.17. bnldn a: Randall, $4.61. Garthwaite. Jas. H.-E. 19th Street '11.22. .' Printing Crafts B. &. L. Aasn.-.f3f $lUI. DeL .... eo. Trust Co.-Lots entire N. aide, 228 x 190 :I: 234 x 186. SU.80.. Del. Co. Ice Co.-Plant &: grQWld, Landrum. Wm. B.-30 Evergreen. Timberlake Road. 136.99. Block, 230 :i: Z30. $11.lf. Brennan, John A., et. ux.-EJ. 11th Holmes. $787.00. Heckscher. Led g & r d-63'l Long Larchmont, 17.28. Del. Co. Trust Co.-~..:Lots 177 ..1'19 &; Street, N. sIde. $B.07. . Meade. Edward B.-Lota 18-19. See. McCloskey, John Est.-Lob 21 to Lane, 1199.61. 181 to 1tG. $ZO.M. McClaskey. Chaa. B.l.. Jr.-ZO· Alley 19, Oakland Park. 17.88. 26, Sec. B. Broomall, 'lst Avenue Free, Ralph H. & Dorothy-Ground • Del. Co. Trust Co.-Lots 110. 60 x Quinn, Bernard-Lot 2093, Tasker between Lindsay & :t4th, !O :I: 38 & building, Old CaledonJa MIll. Oak .. Square, $12.33. 110. '1.16. 11.83. Avenue. Folsom, '26.55. McCloskey, John Est,-Lots 12 to 15. view. 1448.89. Del. Co. Trust Co.-Lots 121-123. If Cooper, Sarah-1714 Chestnut Street Reese, WiIIlam-IAts 28 .. 29, Lincoln Duffy. Rlchard-Lota, H9 Primos Sec. F. Broomall. let Avenue Square, :t 120. 12.25, $3.34. Street. Blk. O. Berkley, $11.'18. Avenue. $2.50. $8.01. DeL Co. Trust Co.-Lots 148 to 149. Wood, John A.-1720 C h eat nut Reidinger. _John. Boy Scouts of Fol .. Turman. Mrs. Sophia J.-Lota S90-1. McCloskey. J"ohn ESL-Lota 8 to 11. 157 to 166. $21.3&. Street, $1.83.. BOm Lots 16-1'1·18·19-22·23 .. %4-2& .. 26· 406 .. 7, Secane Highlands. $9.97. Sec, F. Broomall. lat Avenue Square. Do1. Co. TrWlt Co.-Lots 160-168. Woo d. J 0 h n A.-1722 Cbestnut 27·28 .. 30. abc. F. Folsom, '70.86. West, Robert H .......... Union Avenue, ,8.01. Galbraith Avenue. $16.73. Slbole. Charlotte-Lota 2123 to 234 Street. $1.83. McCloskey. John Est.-l..ote 19 to Del. Co. Trust Co.-Lots 198 to 10& $49.88. Cummings. Matilda 8r: Frank E. Levine, Robt. T.-Bal. of ground. 30, Sec. F. Broomall. lilt A,·enue. Incl.. Sec. A. Faraday Park. $39.36, (180 z S80>. '9.00. Providence Avenue,· E. I'Ilde. 14.4t. . Thompson, David-Lot If. Holmes, Devon Lane N.E. aide. Eo from FaIr· SQuaTf', $23.20. Del. Co. Truat Co.-Lot 112, GaDArmstrong, Imelda. B.-S.W. Ct. Ressler, Lena. EIrt.-23 Strohm $6.g(). fu next to Lots 1 .. 6%. '49.88. bralth Avenne, $1.15. Worren &: Sunnyside, fl8.01. Del. Co. Ice Mfg. Co.-Coald PockTract, Davia Avenue, $9,4S. Da)"trom. ItF. ,. Loul8e-U Clov· Del. Co. Tru8t. Co.-Lot 91. Oallets.. Holmes. $39.36. Seifert. Martha &; Rose-Lote 3-f. etdale !toad. 189.n. . l1ralth Avenue, '1.16. Walker Howard E.-Lots 1123 .. f, Second Ward Mutual B. &: L. Asm.-!l N. Pen- Sec. G. Brooman Square. '3.6L DeL ('".G. Trut Co.-Lot 4., Ban~ Frank., Realty Co.-201 Greenblll, N. Sec. 29, Ridley Avenu.8, Folsom, $9.8&. nock Avenue. $IU.lf. Avenue. 'I.ts. Rumsey. Cubeirl II. H. Turk-Ill E camnbeU, Edw. E.-Lota f-&. Berk.. Mark"t SL B. & 1.. AIIan.-1S N. Ed"",ont Road. $3.34. Del. Co. Trust Co.-Lots 196 to 200. 17th Street. U.4-1. . ,McQuiston. .Jamea-68·7 Broomall ley. $16.'15. Pennock Avenue. $144.6f. r;.nbntth Avenue. '11.!4. 'Brunke. Henry .. Heme C.-Lot 818, - Flower. Wm. G.-E. 14th Street: J. North Brancb Se4wIcb B. & L. -Pk•• Summit Avenue, $1.46. Ganuch, A. .I.-Lots t'l ..8, Btk.. 1[, Ridley Park Terraee, $:3.95. . aide 69.83 " 100. $1.&2. Assn.-!5 N. Pennock Avenue, $144.". Gardendale, '''.51,. 1 McDermott, Wm. O. A: ElIz.-lJiI& Hasentuss. Oulltave--Lots 489-470.. MaDIA BOROUGH Liberty Ben B. &: L. Assn " Sun.. ODUam. Ruban-Lots IS &: 18 tnc.. 411 .. 4'l1,- Cor. Vir'81nla &: Highland Croab,. Street. $11.15. .~ .hlne Iload. $lH.la; JIIIL r. Sl7.91. Roberts. John 8c Bmma-1Uf Han JUcheIlSlo Frank·Carm~I-:"'"Lot, A~L~ey Plu-k Height., 'SI.f8. Volgtebur.-. II Hew Street, . .lenkins. tsaae .f.-Lot SI. Bile A. N. trom P8inter Street, $8.11. Nleho1u-Lots 17t-ll11. coc1I: Street, ,1.64. $7UO. ,UG. a ...... DanIel F •...,.Lot. N. _ woat Lamb, Lltly-J37' PrO~4ence RoaI1. Belmont Ir. Cheater Avenues. RkDey Bn.n. Wm. J.-l111 Hancock ~t, Job".. 8aJlle R.-Lot 51 • PIIrIt HoI/lbtll, S15.'II. '0.911. Bnok~r Anne. m.K. ~r POut. 1.17 " It, "."'. . $51.12. ,. ~")III i "I ;,,,,,.,, """"'. . ." """ "" LEGAl. NOTICEa Chester Avenue. JUdie,. Park Heigh". . John C.-Lata II-II. Middle- ST.87. KIck., Wm. -E.-Lolli 58-7. S.W. Cor. town H.,.btll, S8.9S. Turner Sup»l7 00.-40 x " ()ak Yate!! .. Grant· Avenues. $126.94. Smithers, Sarah"":"'Lota 602-3~t. ForAvenue, $5.99. hat Avenue. Falniew. '1l.8!. TouchalOne, Eben II. & VeronicaMORTON BOROUGH Lotti 98-9-100. Honey Brook Hill. Blaeublre, Joaeph '" I4a-Houae &: flLl2. VI8k1lewlnnB. Halen - Lola 11-'-6, Lot. E. aide Baker Street, $11.46. Be1I, Robert E.-Lot, 8. 81de. BrIdge "' ..6. n .. 2. Fairview Garoens. 111.81. Pro'Yldent Trust Co.-611 8. Orange Street, '16.33. Ja.oobs, -John-House 4 Lot, N. aide Street, n.36. CorvIno. Michell-Lois 1-1, B1k. Y. Newall Street $59.28. DIckerson. OeollJe-Houee ,. Lot, N. Media Annez. $3.96. 81de School Street. $3I.S2Unknown-Lot, N. aide School RADNOR TOWNSHIP Street. 111.8'1. Franko Realty Company-!6T Black Hlld, He1en-Houee A: Lot. W. ,"de Walnpt Street. $-U.t? . Friar Road. UL21. Harrison. Bernard-36 Eacbus Ave .. nue. $20.65. NEWTOWN TOWNSHIP Sanders. JosePh D. & Mal'J'-l104 Anderson. ThoJUa8 & Anna-LoLB County Line Road, $165.68. Secretary ot Banklng-l Cbamounl IO:!, Blk. 18, Newtown HeIghts. $3;Z9. FUlk, Mary-Lots 13.. 14. Blk. 1'1, Road. 90 x 110. $28.91. Young. George M.-Upper Gulf & North Haven Road. $3.30. Hunt, Joseph &: KarI~Lota 1-2. Pine Roads, 35 A. S5'l'l. '16. RIDI.EY PARK BOROUGH Blk. lk NewtoWil Hghta.• West Ches· Finley, Hazel E.-Lots 21 to %3 Incl., ter PI e, $9.85. ' Harvey. Leo & Margaret-Lot 160. Baldwin. $15.00. Pearl. William A. & J. K.-LOtB S· Larchmont, North Green VaDey Road. 9 E, Chester Road. S39.99. $3.29. Nelson. Edwin K. E8t.~round. W. King, Margaret & Jr[cOaUlgan, Sarah-Lots 5'1 .. 5S, Blk. 9. Chestnut Ridley Avenue. $5.01. Kite. AI. E.-Lota 13-14 ..15, Rodeori, Street. Newtown HeJghts. ,4.93. McGettigan. Belle & Jane-Lots 69- $16.00. 62nd B. & L. A8sn.-Lote. Bile. B. 60. Blk. 9, Chestnut Street. Newtown PartrIdge. ,16.00. Heights, $4.93. Dougherty, . WaUer & MargUerite Pegler, W. G.-Lota 28 .. 29 .. 30. Sec. Lots 4-5, Thayer, $19.99. T. Larchmont Square. $4.93. NORWOOO BOROUGH 7 . Klutebka, Nlcbolu-Lot 11&. Eut . S_l_ CLASSIFIED ' -Letters Testamentary on th bo estnte hn ve been granted to th: u';.de~~ signed, who requcst aU p8f'18Ons havl claims or demands agaIlUIt the eeta~ of the .decedent to make known the same, and all J)ertWw. ~ndebted to the to ma1te payment wlthou, ddecedent elay to ' Florence Allan Heck&cher and Maurice Beckscher Executors or· to thclr attorney. FrankF. Tru ....tt C~ren~ O. Myers, of Duane. Morris' & HeCkscber 1617 Land TiU. BuDding Phllade1phla 10. Fa. ESTATE OF MARY ADAIIB ADAKS, late of SWarthmore, Delaware County. Pa., deceased Letters Testamentary on the above eBtate have been granted to.the under-stgned. who requect aU .,..,na havJq e1a1ms DI'I demanda qalnst tile eatate of the decOOent to make baWD the ..me. and all penona In4ebte4 to ete decedent to make payment. wltltout delq to . . Allee. Adame Weet .1f.!1::l::mlU Weet A..,nuo 01' to her attorne7 Otto ~ .Jr_ till· Cb blut 8t..- PIlDe""JpbJe .. Pa. : " - , . ...... -_....... ~ • FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1148 THE SWARTHMOREAN- 8 LADY REPUBLICANS MARK SILVER YEAR Mrs. Barber Charter Member, Mrs. Ewing Present Head The W9men's Republican Club of Delaware County will celebrate Its twenty-flfth anniversary with a luncheon, at tho Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Ph.iladelphia, on April 4. at 12.30 p.m. Commander Hugh D. Scutt, Jr., U. S. Navy, will be the guest speaker, and Mrs. Alexander Ewing, of Swarthmore, president of the organization for the past three years, wUl preside. Commander Scott served during World War II, in both the Atlantic and Pacific theatres' of operations, and was last in the Phlllppine Islands and Japan, experiences which he will touch upon' tn the course of 'his speech. Mrs. Joseph Hinkson. of Ridley Park, who Is honorary president after serving in the chief ol!lce for thirteen years, w1ll be tn attend'~. anee. The group was organized a. quarter ot a century ago by prom.tnent local women who campaigned actively in behalf of the suft.rage movement and were concerned with the need for participatlon of women in the. political Ute of their community. Invitatlons to a luncheon meeting at the home of Mrs. WllliamWard, Jr., Chllster. were sent to 16 of the women who had been active in the campaign. Plan~ for a permanent organization were made by Mrs. J. Claude Bedford. Media; Mrs. J. Osborne Hopwood, Primos: Helpn Johns, Primos; Mrs. John Kane. Radnor; Mrs. Alice D. P. Koller, Lansdowne; Janet McAllister, Media; Mrs. Harriet Marshall, Springfield; Mrs. James Roberston, Darby; Mrs. George Worrell, Ogden; Mrs. M. MaeCrea Thompson. Aldan; Mrs. Charles G. Worrllow. Chester; and Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Frank Barber, Swarthmore: Mrs. W. Irwin Cheyney, Media; Mrs. Annte Knowles, Holmes: Mrs. S. Pancoast Levis, taking up the dutles of Admlnis-. tration. In nu, with the economlo depression making a sharp cut In the budget necessary, the group gave. up Its club house. Since that tlmo It has been hold.1ng luncheon meetings at Btrath Haven Inn and Media Inn, and general gathl:!rlngs In the Woman's Club ot Swarthmore. In February, 1928, 18 members went to. Harrisburg to dlscUBB with Mrs. Barclay Warburton the formation of a state Councll . of Republlcan Women. Delegates reported at tho March meeting of the County group, and It was voted that the club atrll1ate itself w.lth a State organization. This was' the first group to reply In the atrlrmatlve to the invitation to join, and it has taken an active part since then. ON OOLLEGE COMMITrEE Edlth P. Tbatcher daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Thatcher of Ogden avenue, a sophomore .at Bucknell University, Is a member of one of the major dommlttees for Bucknell's fourth annual RellglonIn-Life Week which will open tomorrow, a feature of the Unlversltty's Centennial observance. Keynote speakers. for the eve:lt will be Dr. Edwin A. Aubrey, pre.sldent of Crozer Theological Seminary, Chester and Dr. Francis Wei, Chinese educator and lecturer, now on leave" from the presidency of Central china Christian College. - t~e Local Shooter. Lose On Thursday, March 21, the Swarthmore Rifle and, Pistol Club was defeated on Ita home range by the West Che~r Rifle Club by a score of 136.5 to 1341. For the second time this club· has nosed t~l' home team from the winning column by a small margin, In spite of the' Improvement shown by our shooters after the first match. A record turnout ot local men was only exceeded by the arrival of visitors. However. the crowd was easlly handled by enlarged range facilities which have recently been provided. It is hoped that a matked improvement . In team scores wUl be noted as a result of the practice Inspired by an Intra-club handicap match which has just bOen starteci. This match win la,st wen Into Kay, and .'W1lI require the firing of at 'least 1800 shots by each entrant, tn order to establish the handicap a.nd record scores. 'Fltteen medals will be awarded to the winners of first. second and third scores In the various positions. To Hear McCowan The Friendly 'Circle wlll sponsor a lecture by :Oan McCowan, F.Z.S., to bo held in the Woman's Club, April 10, at 8 p.m. McCowan has won International Came Cor himself and Canada's LEWIS MEMORIAL wild life with his writlngs and A Mcmcrlal Service for Pfc. talks on nature subjects. Wendell Phillips Lowls, former Director of Music at Wlldcllff Junior Kappa Hostess College and .a member of Trinity ChUl'ch where he served as OrMrs. Daniel S. Morse of Parrish gallilit and Choirmaster, was held road will s.ervo as hoste88 to the In the Tioga Presbyterian Church Kappa Kappa Gamma Sewing on Sundnynlght under the ",aus- Group on Tuesday next. pices of the Sgt. J. Hamilton Fish Post, No. 20, Veteran's of Foreign AIDS AGED 'Val's. 1.'ilc Rev. Robert R. LitteU, D.D .. LL.D., pastor of the Church Joanr} Paul, Wilson College otllciatcd and the Invocation was freshman and daughter of Lt. Col. made by Tho Jtev. J. Jarden Guen- and Mrs. George Hurst Pa~l .of ther. Miss Jean LaRoche. a gradu- Yale avenue has been appointed ate of ,"VlldcUff College, 1943, and to the Old Ladies' Home commita former pupil of Mr. Lewis was tee of the W"llson Social Service tho soloist. The Philadelphia. Association. 'Velsh Chorus also sang. As a. member ot that committee Mr. Lewis received the degree she will help to conduct&. yearof DuchelOl' ot Music from the round recreational program at· the University of Pcnnsylvunia· In Home. The AssocJation also gives 1938 and held a Layr<,ader's Ll- parties, a.rranges hikes, and holds cellse from the Bishop of Pennsyl- handicraft_classes at the Clilldren's vania. He served as 0. chaplain's Home. assistant and was gIven the Purplo Hcart and Presidential Unit CitaHonored tion with Oak Leaf Clust~r whUe John Chlquolne, a student at with the 116th Regiment of the 29th Infantry jDlvlslon. He was Penn-State College was recenUy klilcd In action at St. Lo, Fmnce, tapped to the Phi Eta Sigma and Hono.rary Engtne~ring Society at on June 30, 1944. Penn-State. John who graduated from Swarthmore High School in .June of lU5 is the son of Mr. and Mrs.. June Ullman. of Harvard ave- John E. Chlquolne of Rutgers avenue. nnd Ruth r.ledtQrd. of Strath nue. lAnsdowne. Haven avenue, al'e home from The date for the next meeting Earlham College. Richmond. Ind., RECEivES was set for the first Thursday In tor a week's spring vacation. They December, and Mrs. Koller o~taln­ arrived at the Philadelphia AirAnne H. Boulter, Swarthmore ed the use of the men's Republl- port Monday evening, rllachlng can Club of Lansdowne as a meet- here via plane trom Dayton, Ohio. High School llbrarian, has received a Master of Science degree In Eding plac·e. The following ol!icers Barbara Brown returned to ucation with a major In Guidance were elected, to serve a term of Wheelock College, Boston, Wedone year. president. Mrs. Bedford: nesday aftcr a l2-day spring va- from the University. of Pennsyl~ secretary, Miss Johns. (succeeded cation at her home on Walnut vania. Convocation excerclses were almost Immediately by MI88 Mc- lane. 'Veek-enders at the Brown held on February 28, 1946. Allister): vice president, Mrs. home included Jim Brown, of Hopwood: treasurer, Mrs. Kane: Yale University. and Mr. and Mrs. chairman of membership, Mrs. Richurd Brown. of Baltimore, Md. W.!Ulam Ward, .Jr. '. Mrs. '''alter C. Crouch, of ClayLater by-laws added to this Ust ton. N. Y .• formerly of Par.k aveMrs. Charles Worrtlow and Mrs. nue. has returned to her llOme Humbert Borton powell, vice after spendl:lg the wJnter in St. preslden., and. Mrs. Warren Petersburg, Fin. Marshall, corresponding secretary. 1\Ir. and Mrs. Robert J. Turner. Monthly meetings, from Decem-· of Guernsey road. will entertain ber until May, were held in the 26 gUests at a dance at t!leir home Lansdowne Club rOoms, but at tomorrow evening. that point the growing merpbership 1\11'. and Mrs. C. D. Schloesser demanded a meeting place of its and their daughters Jean. and own. Mrs. Bedford' and a commlt- Karen, former residents of Chico.tee tound a large room over a go, Ill., aro occupying their newly drugstote at state and Ollve st- purchased home at 314 Park avereets, Media, and .it was rented, nue. :Mr. Schloesser recent1y refurnished and ready for the Octo- leased from the NavY after four bel' meeting. After a 'year tn thes.e years of service. hus transferred headquarters 'it was ~nce more from Chicago to the Philadelphia necessary to find larger rooms, office of Halsey Stuart & Company. and a house at Second and Orange Dick McCray, l3-year-old son of streets, Media, was purchased and Mr. and Mrs. Heston D. McCray. equipped for club purposes. Jr., of Cornell avenue. and hi!,' After serving two years, Mrs. cousin P~yllls Smith, daughter of Bedford resigned In order to go Mr_ and Mrs. George A. Smith. to Europe, and was succeeded by Jr., of Haverford avenue. under· Mrs. Humbert Borton powell. went tonsilletctomles at HahneMrs. powell served untll she moved mann Hospital, Philadelphia, on to Chester County In 1928, and Monday. Mra. mnkeon was her successor. John L. Wright has returned to Tn 1941 Mrs. Robert Patterson Hattisburg, Miss .• to join his wife succeeded Mrs. Hinkson, and in and baby aftcr spending some time i9U Mrs. Ewing took over the witd. his parents, Dr. and Mrs. gaYel. An election In May of this Winthrop R. Wright, of Whlttler year will find a new se~ of officers place. as cid~rtisecl in MADEMOISELLE -.1 NEWS NOTES DEGREE Karyl Lee's· wonderful one-size blouse ties to Ilt • • , fore or ah to suit your mood. Rapid reconversion for a tired basic dress, too. Turtle or V-neCk styles, both daintily scalloped and easy to iron beCauSe they opell flat. Washable rayon crepe in White, Pink. Aqua, Maize, Rose. Browf>_ nlack. 1.95 2.95 Street Floor Picture this MENU Recipes .. Be .....DftS. . . . . . III• ....." April 4 l..tI of LGmh-Mtnt.cI Peon Baked PotatOes IroccoII with CheeM Sauce for your own Dinner Table Vegetable Slaw Brown IeHy • Pennpl.. Steak Broiled Potatoes Striftg IeaM Banana Pecan Ice Cream Barbecued Chicken • • • • . • • • • • • • • then see it demonstrated at. . ...••• Honey Cheese PI• Philadelphia Electric's fREE COOKING CLASSES THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR.. Friday. March 29 . . 1:00 p;.r -Cub Pack Meeting .........._._.__ .........-:.... FrIends Parish House ...... Smada),. March 31 . , 11:00 A.M.-MornlDg Worship _..._ .. ~.~ __ ............ __......_ Local Churches . . . . Honda7. Ap.... 1 8:10 A.M_-8pring Va.catton Ends ...._. ___..._ ........................ Local SchOOls . 'l.'Ile8dn),. AJ)I'iI I 2:00 P.iI.--.lolDt Meetbg with LW_V. on "Soviet-American. RelationS'" _____._:.. __ .•_ . __________._.._ Woman's Club .. . . Web iIa),. ADdI I 1:00 P_M..--chorua Rehearsal _ - - - - -......--......- Womsn's Club .'.ltiaraI1a7.- 4bI'Il .. . .:00 P.K.-8wartlunorean Wrapping _. ___.. _.__ Swarllimorean. Offtce . ____ COOKING- MAGIC______.. By MRS. FLORENCE P. HANFORD. tHURSDAYS at 2 P. M. ( ••mpt April 18) , MODEL ELECYRIC KITCHEN 900 Sansom Street, Phlla. Organizations ore· invited to come as a groupl Arrange-for a ~ nOw by writing Mrs. Florence P. HGnford, PhiladalphiQ El8ctrtcCo., 90Q Sansom St., Phlta. 5, or can WALnut .000, Ext. 342. Pa., INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1946 THE SWARTHMOREAN 8 LADY REPUBLICANS MARK SILVER YEAR Mrs. Barber Charter Member, Mrs. Ewing Present Head The \VoJllcn's Hepublican Club of Delawarc Counly will celeumte its twenty-fifth annh'('I':mry with a luncheon. at lhl' Bcllevuc-Hll'atr'II'd Hotd, I'I1i1adcll)hia, on April 'I. at 12.30 )l.tII. Comm:lnuci' Hugh D. Scoll. Jr., l'. H. :-I a \'>', will be the guest spcakcl', and :'oll·s. Alexander Ewing. of S\\,al'II1I1\OI'C, Ill'csident of the ol'ganization for the Ilast thn'l! yea n;, will I) reside. COlllmander Scott sen,.,d during World 'Val' II, in both the Atlantie and Pacific thcatrl's of opel'alions, and was last in the 1'hllipI.illc Isla lids and .Iapan. expl'riencl'S which he will toudl \1)1011 In the course of his spccch, :'1[1'5. .10S('(lh II inl\l-;oll , of Hitlley I'ad,. \\'ho is honoral'Y presidcnt aftc.1" chief orfiee [01' serving in the thirteen years, will Ill' in attf'ndanee. ,![ The grollll was ol'g'anized a '1IIartl'I' of a cpnttll'y ago by !lI'o m jllt'nt local wOlllen who campaigncII acti\'ely in hehalf of Ihe sllffl'agc mo\'emcnt anu \\, .. I·e eon('('riled with til!' need fol' pal·tielpation of \\'0111<'11 in til(' political lift' of theil' (,nt to 1G of the women \\'ho hall IH'en aetive in thf' eampaig'lI. Pia 1115 fOI' a. »~I'­ lII:1ncnt ol'!~anizatiol1 WCI'C made by 1\1.I':-; . .T. Claudc Ikdflll'll. :'Ile(lia; ;\[I·S. J. ()sbOI'ne HOI)WUOtl. I'\'imos; Hd~n .Johns. Primos; ;\ll's. ,J nhn Kane. fladnor; 1\[I'S. ,Alit't' D. P. KoJl.~r, f..anstlownl'; ,J:lIi1't :'IIeAllistel', :\h'(lia; :\11':;. Hal'l'ict :'ITa 1'.TalllC'S Springfield ; shall, I!oherston, Darhy; 1\rl·S. Gcol'~e \Vorrell, Ogden: Mrs. :'If. :'I[acCI'e:t Thompson. Aldan; :'III·s. Ch:lI'l('s G. Worrllow, Clwst('I'; and :'oT.rS. 'Vard, Mrs. Prank HaJ"llP\', Swarthmore; Mrs. \Y. II'wln Cheyney, :'ofedla; Mrs, Anni.. Knowles. Holmes; 1\Irs. R Pancoast l.evi8. taking up the duties of Administl·alion. In 1934, with the economic deIII'ession making a shuI'JI cut in til(' hull,:;-et Iwcesslu'Y, the group ga\'l~ liP its duh hOU!ll>. Since that time it has been holding lunch('on lIIl'elings at Slt'ath Haven Inn and :Media Inn, and general g'atiH'l'in,:;-s in the 'Voman's Cluh of Hw:u·thlllol'l'. In February, 1923, 1 S lIIem hel's went to Harrisburg to discuss with :'III'S. Hal'clay \\-al'lIlIl'lon the formation of a !'tatf' COllncll of RellUblican \\rolI11'n, Delegates I'e)lorted at thc ;\[:u'Ch 1IIf'l'ting' of the COllnty g'1·01l1'. allll it was votcd that the l'IlIh affiliatc Itself ,,~ith a State 01'g'anizatioll. 'I'hIM was the first gl'Olll) to I'eply in the afflrmutlve 10 the invitation to join, alld it hali tal,ell an adivc part since t h('n. ON COLLEGE ICOMMITIEE I';dith P. T'lmtchel' daughter of :'oIl'. amI 1\11'8. Chal'les G. 'rhatcher of Ogden avellue, a sOllhomol'c at Bucl;. 'I'IJI' Hl'\'. Hohet·t H. Littell, /).1>.. LL.I>.. pastol' IIf the Ch IIl'ch ollil'ialt·(\ and the Invocation ".as iliad,' loy 'I'lte nc\'o .J. .Jardcll GIWIItht'I· . .\Ib~ ./('an LaHoehe, a gTauuat .. of \\'i101diff Collf'g-e, 194:1. ,II}(I it 1'01'111\'1' pllpil of :'Ill'. Lewis was tilt' ~f)loi,'t. The I'hilatlclphia \\· ... sh ('hol'us a I"" I;ang'. .\11'. Lt'\\'is n"'t'i\'ctl thc deg ...~e (If 1:,\ehd"I' or :'IIII~ic fl'OIIl tho l~ni\"'I'sity or 1'\,11 IIhyl \'a Ilia in I !I:.\); alld bdd it Layrcader's LI,"'IIS" 1'1'0111 I Iw I :islloll of Pennsyl\·allia. II,' HPI'yeli as aeb entrant. shoWIl by our shootel's after thc ill 01'<1('1 lo establish the handicap tin;t lIIateh. A r('('ord t 11I'llout of a nd I'e(~ord !;('orcs. 1·'lftpcn mec](lls 10('011 lIIen was only exceeded by will be awal'd,,<1 to till' winnel'l) of Ille ,'il'I'I"(11 o.' \'ISI ··t OI'K II owe vel', fit·st. second and third scores In tlw ('I'O\\,<1 was (·aslly handlcd by th" "al'ious Ill'sitioo!'. Local Shooters Lose os advertised in MADEMOISELLE Kappa Hostess ;\\t'I). Valliel H. :'Ilol'se of Parrish I'oat! will sPI'\'e as IlIIstes:-\ to the Kappa KaIJII:t Gamma Sewing GI'OUP on Tuesday next. AIDS AGED Joann l'aul. \\'i1son College fn·shlllan :11}(1 daughter of Lt. Col. and :'111'>;. t:l'OI':;e lIul'st Paul of Yale a\'enue has ueen appointed 10 the Old Ladit:s' Hume c011\mitlee of the \\'ilson Social Sen'ice /u;soeiatioll. AH a Illelllbcl' uf that I'ollllllittee :;he will help to l~oIH)uet It yeal'round n,'cl't'ati:lIIal III'og'l'alll at thc II lillie. The ,\l"soc.iatioll also gives pal'til'~, ,.l'I'all~'·s hil.ps, and holds handicl'a ft elaS;-iPh at the Children's Jlollle. I 19·.... NEWS NOTES .lllIIl' Ullman. of lIal','al'll avf'lillI', 1111(1 !tuth :\Iellfol'd. of Hlnlth 1 M'l nsdowne. . '1lan'lI a\·"IIIH·. art! hUHit' f1'01l1 'fhf' date fOI' the nt-'xt Illeetmg • . 'h d I har)! .. , III Coll'·gl'. Itwhlllond, Ind .. was set for the first 1 UI'S ay n 1'01' a \\'el'k'::, Slll'illg' \'acation. They Decemhe\', and l\h·li. Koller obtaln- al'l'i\'eu at tht' Philadelphia A It·,>d the usc of the men's Hepllhli- JlOI·t :'Ilonday evening', I'eaching can Cluh of Lansdowne as a nlCet- here "ia plallt' fl'om !layton, Ohio. ing place. 'rhe following of(iecl'li Barbnl'a 1:1")\\,11 ...~tul·ned to were elected, to serve a. ternl ot' \\·h .... loek Collt'g't'. Boston, Wedone year. president, 1\I,·s. Bedford; ne",la~' aft"I' :t I :!- nbck. Picture this MENU I for your own Dinner Table Thursday. Avril 4 8:00 P.M.--Swarthmorean Wrapping .................... Swarthmol'ean Ot'Clce Street Floor Recipes to Ie Demonstrated Thursday, April 4 Leg of Lamb-Minted Pears Baked Potatoes Broccall wilh Cheese Sauce Vegelable Slaw Brown Betty Pennywise Steak Siring Banana Pecan Ice Cream • Barbecued Chicken • • .•.•••..... then see it demonstrated at •••••••• Honey Cheese Pie Philadelphia Electric's fREE COOKING CLASSES \AG~I(~ THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR )"rhlay. ~[arl'll 29 7:00 P.M,-Cub Pack :\Ieeting ................................ Friends Parish House Sllntlay. !\!arcb 31 11: 00 A.!\I.-Morning Worshill .......................................... Local Churches l\lontlny. AVril 1 8:30 A.M.-Spring Vacation Ends ........................................ Local Schools Tuesday. April 2 2:00 P.M.-Joint Meetl=tg with L.W.V. on "Soviet-Amerie.'l,n Rela.tions" ..... _....................... _.... _............. _..................... \Voman's Club Wednesday, Avril 3 8:00 P.M.-Cborus Rehearsal _.......... _......... -... _....... _............ Woman's Club 2.95 By MRS. FLORENCE P. HANFORD THURSDAYS at 2 P. M. (except April f8) MODEL ELECTRIC KITCHEN 900 Sansom Street, Phlla. Organizations are invited to come as a groupl Arrange for a date now by writing Mrs. Florence P. Hanford, Philadelphia Eledric Co" 900 Sansom St., Philo, 5, Po" or call WAlnut 4700, Ext. 342. Philadelphia Electric Company