BUY THESWARTHMORE~ VICTORY' BONDS • VOL. XVII-No. 48 , SW~ PA., DECEMBER 7, U~45 LISTS FILM .. LIKES BLOOD DONATIONS TOTALLED 5,042 OF G.I.,CHILDREN. Anticipate Madonna Program Next Tuesday· . 3-Year Achievement Pays Chairmen 'For Work SANTA'S COMING $3.00' PER YEAR Wall You Pia,. Santa Opportunity Is given Swarthmoreans to remember the hosPitalized veterans at Chrlstmaa time. The demand Is greater than ever before lUI the boys return In ever Increasing numbers tor hospltallmtlo~. The war is over but disabled veterans are I$lJll payllll'.:....som,e wUl continue io pay tor the reat of their Uvea. Mrs. JtOf C. Comley, chairman of Camp and Hospital wUl gladly aUPPbr information as how beat you briO&' Holiday Cheer to bO}'1!I, Call her at Swa~more it9Z. Hla-h army omciala and topBight 8ch~lmen see eye to eye SWarthmore blood donors wlll be upon at least one subject-the treInterested In figures compiled by mendous value of visual. education. Santa IUIks The Swarthmorean the BlOOd Donor Chairman ef the Dr. Charles F. Hoban, Jr•• w h 0 lUI to . tell every boy aDd girl who Red Crosa, Mrs. Phelps Bo.ule, tor a Major durJlig the \\rar wa'i Chief wishes to see him that he' II be permanent record. of the Film Dlstributlon Branch of there on ChrlstmlUl Eve. Parent. From April. 1943. when the 8rI!It the Army Pictorial Service and may begin at once to c.ll ~arth- meet WIUI h.ld to Jfaiieh, lUi.. 18 now Specla' Aea1ab\litto the ll1or~ o~oo and give th~ n&q1e. age, when the final meet occurred 6,0'43 rector of Vlaual Educatlob in ~b. ~q4 ~di'eaa of ~ cJ4lld~ Who pinta of blood were coliectec! hero. Phlladelphla Publlc 8choo~ apo~e want Santa ~. aw~~~ ~!1e~,! With Five meeta In "41 yielded 610 pinta. before the Woman's Club on Tuea-. ,the c~eery~!l wlilch :fiaeeehoed The same number of iiieiui hi '48 day tor both army and school. through. Swarthmore tor ~.. past Ploduced un pintS and the Bve At th~ invlt&tio~ of the ~ectQr: Dr. Hoban. who waslntrool1ced 68 years. BnaI' meetli hi '44' throug'l March. of Tnnltr ChiJI'Ch theReveren~ by Mrs. R. M. Iq"'Qfe,c~rmap .Suc:p scurrying as Mrs;' Santa '45 garnered !Sii. Davi~ B~un. ¥listor oftheSwarth~ of Motion Plctureti. fti-st' empha- and Banta;s. other helpers' are more Presbyterian Cb.urch. wlll Mrs. A. L. Clayden was the 1lrfst conduc' the service accor '.' d 108 to abed the Importance of film8 lUI about to get every:':lng r .... du tor m ..... , Blood Donor Chalrman s e r v i n g ' entertainment and morale-blillders Santa·s visit. U.ntll 6 p.m,. on Dethe Episcopal Liturgy on Bund ay throughout the iii'st year of th~:i to the army and then. Qut cember 21 calls inVIting the jolly vital wartime activity. Mrs. Soule at 1 o'olock in Trinity E p IscopaI their educational value both In the old fellow to stop 'will pour i n ' Church. Bwarthmore. army training program and In tha~ tro'm parents. Then Mrs. Sarita w1lJ carried' on from there whUe Mrs. At the same time. the Reverend of the schOOls.' . --rt. "0 ftgure out Santa.s route Clayde'l conti_nued as che.lrman of George C. ·Anderson. rector of Trin.,- a ..Ion·g. winding one 'It ls. ......... SUI'gieal Dre88lngs. The tas~s were Ity Episcopal Church. VII11 con d uc t The major studiOS. ne Bald. per- and . . .....A<. hard. nervewracklng; and often un- the service according to the Presformed a fine and patriotic ser- Santa must plan ve .... carefull.... so . vice in providing the arJUed forces that· Santa wHl get e';el'Vwh'ere'.'!s·o, pOPul~r. but always faithfully per- t.yterlan form hl the Presbyterian -.,,(ree ot . c h arge-wIth til,m ent er- Y.o U see. YOU help Mrs....Santa. ve"" formed. and the record speaks to Chur·ch:. 'Both p'astors wlll 'preach talnment. In theaters pf war. ... the community ot a job well done. on the "Presbyterlan-:Epis~t least three new feature tUmB much when you your father copal Untty." were produced 'per week, .many ot or mother tQ phone your name in Several years ago the General them appearing abroad long be- early. Arid that is why your name . Convention ot the Episcopal 'tore they were shown In this coun- mllBt be called In. . ChUrch authoriZed a Commission cau u.qe *: br~l1g~t all ask toplc~. PLAYERS CLUB 'IN BA·R.RlE· CLASSIC. ' . '. HOUSING EXPERT BURIED THURSDAY John·R. Helms Was Widely KnoWli. Authority John R. Helms. executtYe .'riceprealdent ot the PenlllJ71Yi1.illa· Hou.Jng and Town PlanalDg AasoolaUon and naUonally knOWn autttoriiy on hou8lng. died sUdden., MOilday ot a heart attack at hla 1\0me Swarthmore and ~ceton avenues. He ",as 54. Mr. Helms p~nne4~ l~y. Dext Week for a' tour of South ean,1Ina. studying hOUsing proJ~t& ~e was technical adviser In the de1!'elopment of the U.OOe.080 slum-clearing project In' .chester a tew yeanl ago. He was secretary of the Pennsylvania State HOU8lng Institute. a member 'of the National Assocla- . tlon of HOUSing Officiar. and conlIullont to the Delaware County Housing Authority. He was a grat)uate of Dr~xel Institute ot Technology and of the U.nlversity of Pennsylvania. SurvivIng are hla wife Marie E.: a brother Paul. and two' Iilirters; IIrs. Harry Bates and Mrri. John Schultz. all ot Ridley Park. Services were held Thursday In Philadelphia. CQllduct~d by the Rev. George C. Anderson. rector of Trinity Church. Interment was made In WeSt Laurel Hill Ce~c. tery•. try. \ 'Each year Santa·s calling list is' to enter .tnto negotiauons witli the Most of the theaterS were ot;. the ·new. becillise boys. a!ld' girls do Presbyterian to. examine most primitive kind. On ABcen- grow up (worse luck) or move to the possibilities Ot Ii. un.o.n between slon Island, a strip of vol~nlb rock ,~~w placeBo 'So if yoU wish him to the two churches. The negotlaUonll 10 mnes long by llvewlde. the visit you •. looking ana sounding like have '~een continuing since' that stage consisted of'a pair of posts the jolliest· Cliristmas ever, ask Ume. and other denomln'atlons are with a screen stretched between 'your parents to cali 090'0 soon. 0 S watchiJ)g the developmants with them. while r.ows· saD~b~gs Then on Chr.fstirtlUl Eve. because great interest. placed on shallow terraces dug out you' .know he's a friendly old Bah~t. No 'definlte plans have been . of the hl1ls. formed the seats. On light· your porch so that-his enThe Players Cllib brings' a formulated' fQr the union as the C'-t S~er the Anzlo beachhead. there was a will be a .. welcome..Qne. .T.he..cllan&'t>"ot-faro .to . its . audtences . .,rellmlnary sta.cea Include . slmilai theater. shOWing tllms be- first thing you know. his bells will this month. Atter presenting three the discussion ot the various bases The luncheon-meeting.-'· speaker tween air-raids. ring and he'll be there. It now Sir James M. upon which ·.a union could be as- for the League Of Wome~ Voters Good Vdtlcs But .remember, h'e can·t be ev- Barrie's cllUlstc. "Dear Brutus". tabllshed. on Wednesday. December ~a. will What kind' ot fUms did the G. erywhere all at once, and he hlUl Performances begin on Tuesday. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ be . James A. Perkins,. newly. apI.'s like? No war pictures It was so many boys and girls to see, and r.ecember· 11, and run through SEAL 1lOO11l OPEN paln.ted Vice President of Swarth. often said. but this was 'not true. he 'must follow Mrs. Santa·s route Saturci!l.Y. Mrs. Harry 1.. MUleI'. Chairman more College.· Dr. Hoban asserted. They did not so that he won't miss any of you. Though well known to most ot Health and Welfare Committee His subject . be "United care for the Hollywood ~erslon of Even It yoU hear him In the nelgh- lovers of the thlatre. the play has of Swarthmore Women's Club an- Sta.tes Foreign . Policy in Europe." war-this was t.oo unlike the facts borhood and he' doesn't stop at a refreshing charm· and offers nounces the opening of the booth Mr. Perkins Is. particularly well as the G. 1.'8 knew them-but au- your' house. don't be discouraged. ample opportunity tor good char- sale of .Chr~stmas: Seals this :week. qualified to speak on this topic. then tic war pictures. they llked He'll be there. And then what tun acterizatlon by every. player in the ChrIstmas Seals. which finance tho as he has just served tor' .nearly Immensely. In fact. the weekly you'll have! cast. year round work of the Delaware two war years In the Enemy combat film reports which were " . The play is directed by J. WU- County Tuberculosis and Health Branch ot the Foreign Economic sent to the theate~ Qt war. were llam Simmons. whose cast Includes .\ssoclat(c)n will be sold by local f\,dmlnlstratton Q8 Deputy Director. the most popular of aU' Pictures HOLD. ANNUAL PARTY such famiUar pla.'yera lUI Barbara women who have. volunteered to In the year 1945 alone heJlla,dEf produced. "Westerns" the~ tUrned M. Graves. Martha Kelghton. Nan- assist the aSlloclation' during the three' tr.tps to Europe. .spendlng thumbs down on-"westerns" were The community and friends of cy G. Savelli. Beth Allyn. R:obert ~ampaICD. Booths. wlll be located most of the time in Germ~nf. and not true to Ilte and the Boldler;'l' ths,. Legion Auxiliary are asked to W. Graham and Lewla E. Good- in the Bank. th'e rest of it with the F.E.A.. ~n knew it. But musicals, especially come at 2 p.m. to a Christmas enough. NeW" players are .Joyce "The booth S·aie." according. to WashlngtO&l. with Betty Grable or a row of Bridge Party In the Legion Room Harvey. Albert R. Warrington and Mrs; Griffith G. Leve·rlng. ChristThe luncheon wlJl bebeld ~t 1 bathing beauties. they doted on. oq .?dQ~day, Dece~ber .10 •. A sliver David KaiJler. Jr.. JosephH. Col- l)Ias Selll Education Dir~tor. "Is o'clock, at Strath Haven Inn. and the lf~~~r ~~~fly~~r t~~ l1~ttEtr. Qtrerlng ~d a' ~ocery a!ticle Is IIns returns to players. Cluh after tor the convenience ot any resithose who cannot attend are In. Tralnl~g; w.hlch ~$ght pe asked for: admiSSion. ,Refresh- severai years absence in the Army. dents who may not hav~ received described as educational' In con- ments wlll be served and a table and Patricia Gallagher makes her Seals b mall or who m.~y wish to ,:i~ed. to come In later to hear tho ..v . a.tldltl~nai Seals.". The speaker. trast to those which were solely prize offered. There will be aprons first appearance with an a~ul~ cast: l'urchlUle for entertainment.. ~ere u~ed in and.a few fancy articles.on sale. manager for this produc- Seal campalgn 'opened November large qyq,ntlties aqtl: were an exhibit of gifts for needy tion is Sam Mitchell. Other 19th and wUl continue untll, Christ., COLLEGE HOME BASKETBALL iy valuable in giving men a broad families In our area. stage assistants· are J. Roy Snape. mas. "Funds ralsed." continued GAMES' \Vednesday. Dec. '12 .....:.......... Penn orientation In regard to the wa'1' ·Mrs. L. L. Hedgepath. Mrs. \~al- Joanne Dunbar. Samuel Bigger. Mrs. Levering. "will be used to Saturday. Dec. 15 .................... F.AM. A serl,.es. produced by F'rank capra; ter Thorpe and Mrs. Alban Eaven~ Donald Swan and Irma KeigJ:tton. support such projects ot theassoMonday. Dec. 1'1 .................... LaS~ under the heading. "Why We son attended the AuxlUary County Mrs. John M. Broomall. Mrs. clatlon as the county mass chest WednOllday. Jan. 2 ................ Drexel Saturday. Jan. 12 ................ Urslnus Fight". treated such I$ubjects as: meeting in Cheste~ on Wednesda.y Cha.rles W. Luken~•.Mrs. L~W~~. x-ray. surveys. rehabilitation and Tuesday. Jan: 22 .................... P.M.C. "Prelude to War."· "'The Nazis f I thl fo Goodenough and Mrs. Lee . enSaturday. Jan. 26 ............ Delaware , last taking a box 0 c 0 ng r nett are in charge of properties. soCial service work and assistance Wednesday. Feb. 6.....:... Haverford Strike." ·.·Dlvlde and Conquer.' the child wei !are of overseas' famI tl to tho tuberculous veterans. The Tryouts to aid In the se ec on "The Battle of Britain." ''The ilIes in our state.. of citsts tor the remaining. pla)'s annual sale ot Christmas Seals is FRESHMAN BARN DANCE Battle of Russia." "The Battle of The deniand for stamped Chrlst- ltro to be held at the Club house the sole support of this work." China." mas cards at Coatesville has been on Monday. December 17. at 8 !Mrs. Albert Eavanson and her The ninth grafie pupils. their Another group. the "Fighting satisfied, therefore. thc cards thus n.m. Members and friends of the commUtee will be In the booth. Man" series. written in the G. I. fal' received will be sent to' the Club -are Invited to attend and parents, ana teachers will .hold u vernacular. bolStered the fighting Philadelphia Naval Hospital. where take part. It Is believed this Is square dance on Friday evenlnll'. (Continued on Page 6) condifions are crowded and from $I real oJ)'Portunity for tho.~e wh~ . Kappas Meet December' 7. in the high school which an appeal for these cards .have been overlook.ed in the castgym,naslum. L. C. Hastings will call WELCO-.. VISITORS. The Kappa Kappa Gammas will figures for the dance. There will has come. 'j'hey may be left with ing because their talents or .. desire Mrs. J. Gilcreest.· 209 Vassar ave- to play are not· known to the .hold an annual Christmas tea at be a grand march. ruid somesur~ . Mrs. .Catharine J. Pierc~. ~et­ the horneot Mrs. John M. Broom- prises are In store for all who at. . directors. erence Librarian at Swarthmore nue. . If any store owners or IndiVldAfter the tryouts. the Club will an Sat1;,lrday. Decembe~ 8. at 2:30. tend. College and her son Major Henry .; , uals have posters ot any holiday ('lose until February. when .John 3'. Pierce returned to Durham. occasion and wish to send them to Dolman. :Jr.. is scheduled to direct. N.C .. 'Vednesday after visiting Mr. Coatesville. they may be left with and Mrs. Charles :so Shaw oC Pnrk tho Christmas cards, as they are Friday, December '1 . 8:00 P. M. 9th Grade Square Dance ..............................H.igh ~c!to~l Gym avenue since Friday of last week. freely used at this hospital. OF SERVICE Saturda,., ~fnbel' 8 ... . -!oIajor Pierce arl'ived in this 7:00 & 9:00 P. M. "The Long Voyage Home." ........ Clothler M~morial country in' October atter being Q' , Cpl. Elinor Burgeti•. WAC. ar. Sunda,., December 9 . ' .'. ~ . l,risoner In Japan three and a half ' . rived in the states November 18 11: 00 A. M. Morning Worship ......···..................................... Local Churches years: He spent a month at the Lt. Col•. ,Frederlck. ~trelcher ot Tu3SCla,., December II .~., '. ;. after aerving ,overseas in New 2:00 P. M. Madonnas In Picture and Song ..........:.............Woman·s OlUb Moore Gen.eral HosPital.' neer :As~- .North Cbe8ter'road' 'was decorated 8:00 P. ·M. h. Club Stated Meeting ....................................Woman,.ClUb Ville. N.C.. recuperating prior to November 16 by the French gov- Guinea a!,ld In the Phllippl~es 16 8:20 P. M. "Dear Brutus" · ...... ······'·· .. ···..·....····-.. ~.. ·......:.......Player·8 .Club . .!oinh:g his mother. ,wllo .~.: on .a :·el'n,nen't· WttJ;l tMCiolx d.e Guer~ months. . \Vednesda,., December 12 . year's leave absence from the for his part tn the liberation 0 . She receIved her disCharge. at Ft. 1: 00 P. M. L.VfI. V. LUncJteon · .. ··~···· ..........·~··.; .. :~;.•..•: .~av.en Jnn 8:20'P4 M.· ·~Dear Brutus". ·•····....'··· ..··· ........· ........................ ~ •..~layer s Club ~ollcgf'!. and who Is .'(i:f:lit~ng. ~el' ~,s~ FranIl8. ~4t is an executive officer. Des M«;iiib. IoWa; 'after three years ~ 8: 30 P. M. College Basketball with Penn ···.··.........._ ...'..;...... Fleld House ter ......... C A AndreWs -Of- Dhl-h·am. With' the G-l . Section U.S. Forces ..'1 • ... • • ) I Paris. of sen:fce •. and i8 DOW. ~si~'n~ in' , . ~ December 13 .. , . '. '. •' Major Pierce plans to return to European 'l'heatre (Rear n Swarthmore pr:iOr to enterl~ ,col- 1:00 P. M. Mother's Club DlnDe'r ··· ..· .. ··......·..·.....................Woman s Club North carolloa State College in the In a tew weeks Col. streicher e~8:00 P. M. ~t~orean WrapP.1ns ..~...~.....--:. .,..-;~~rt)lmoreanOftllai!opal Church on Sunday at 6 p.m. Fath9r Mycyk. who is 'pamor of St. Mary'8 Ukralnlan Orthodox Church, Cheater. will be accompanied by the Llsanko ChOir, who wUl be dressed In peaaant cos. tumea. The public 1B cordially Invited B8 this 1s an extraordinary opportunity to wltne.. the ancient Slavic Liturgy of the Eastern Orthodox ChurCh. There will be a procesalon with tbe sacred banners before the service. and the church will be illuminated by candle light In keep. log with the Eastern tradlt.lon. GRUDS ON VIEW Drawlnge In color by Dr. Samuel·C. Pa.lmer of 86 gl'8.lllle8 to be found In Swarthmore and ite 1m. mediate vicinity are on exhibit In the windows Of Tbe Bwarthmorean. Shown in detan are. the flower and Beed of each grass, making them well worth study. ." * * * * * * * * *• ~ UNCN Ir•• 60. * DINNI. Ir•• IS. * coc.-r .. " ro , , ... * * *. * * SUBURBAN CAFE * ** 11I1I11elllll. and Coc1ctalllmmp . * '.LI• •111""111•. * Graaaes have played a promln$nt part In man's survival. being nec. e888.ry for forage even In prehls. torte Umea. They fUllilsh the chief food plants uaed by man and domestic animals. Thle collecUon of Dr. Palmer's drawlnga: Is still Incomplete but Is supplementary to his plates pre. sented to the College by hIB cla88 In J'qne. HOUts I " . . . . . . OO.DI'IIO • • O **- *.* * * * * * * * * Trinity Noles Holy Communion wlll be cele. brated on Sunday at 8 a.m. Church School will hold Ita ....Ione at 9;46. Following a precedent estabIIBhed '1/ast ·year, the Rector will exchange, pulpits with the Reverend David. Braun the Swarth. more Presbyterian Church at the 11 o'clock:'servlce. Dr. Braun will condUct tfi.e service according to the Ep.lscopal rite and will preach on the topiC "Presbyterian.Eplsco_ pal UnitT." At G p.m. the Ultralnian Ortho. dox Liturgy will be Bung by Father Omelan Mycyk, of at. Mary's Ukrainian OrthodoI Church, ebes. ter. He wilt be asalBted by the Llea.nko ChOir. Ukrainian Folk· DancIng wUl follow In the recreation room ot the ·church. Those desiring to attend the 11 o'clock service 01:\ Sunday may leave their ~hlldren at the Nursery School. ·214· Elm Avenue, where they will be cared for until the close of the service. The Nursery School has recently been established and is conducted each Sunday morning durlJ:\g the 11 o'clock servlce. The V88try will meet In the. Par... Ish House on Monday even.lng at 8 o·clock. . Choir School will hold its sea· sians on Monday and Wednesday at 4:30 and again on Thursday night' at 7:30. The Choir Christmas Concert will be he~d on Wednesda.y. Do. cember 26. at 8:16 p.m. oi Methodist Church Notes The Church School will meet on Sunday morning at 9:45. Classes are . provided for children of all ages and tor adults. The Junior Department wilt have a special program ot Christ.. mas BtOJ'Y and ·under the di· rectlon of Mrs. H. T. Hoo~ Buper· Intendent. At the morning worship hour. 11 o'clock. the minister will preach on the Bubject "In a Day of Can· 1'u8Ion." The Church Nursery will be In seBBlon from 11 to 12 o'clock! to care for tbe younger children dur· Ing the worship hour. Mrs. R'ohert Ives and Mary Ann Dickinson will be in charge. The choir rehearsal will be held on Thursday evening at. 8 o'clck. 'At the annual meeting of the School Board held Monda.y evening, December 3, Roy W. Deta.. plaine and F. Norton Landon were reelected ~o the otnce of president and vice prealden~ reapecUvely for the coming year. Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth was inducted as 'director for a six year term. REGARDLESS· OF COST Hold Bridce Party Whatever you may choose to pay for a funeral service you are always assured of the one high standard of service the Oliver H, Bair Company renders to ALL patrons. Non-Sectarian.. Mrs. James B. Cooper of P&riBh road wJll be hostess to the annual ChrIstmas p~rty ot the auxillary of the Delaware County MedJcal 80cl. et)'", Thuraday evening, December 13, at 8;80. Thl8 ·year tile affair wl11 be held in the form of a beneDt brldg~ tor the Camp and Hospital fund. ot the auxiliary. Members and friendB are invited to come. OLIVER H. BAIR CO;. DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET NEWS NOTES Dr. and :HI'S.: J"oseph S. Bates of "Rocky Spring Farm", Media. en. tertalned MIss Sallle Cronkhite of Greenwich, Conn.. as their weekend gueet. Mr. and Mrs. Owen W. Gay of Wall\ngtord HIlI. will entertain In honor of' their son and daughterlo:-Iaw Dr. and Mrs. James R. Gay. tomorrow evening. December 8. Dr. and Mn. Gay leave neIl week for Rochester. Minn., where Dr. Gay wlll resume his work In Neuro-Burgery at the Mayo CUnlc. Mrs. WilUam H •. Dietz and her small son BlUy of Riverview road will spend next week with her pa.rentswln·law Dr. ·and Mrs. Harry F. Dietz ot Wilmington, Del. Her husband Lt. Dleb haa ar'rlved In .Japan where he will serve with the armored forces In the Army of Occupation. Cpt LoUis deMoll Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Carl deMoll of Park avenue. has reached this country according to word reeeived and Is expet!ted to arrive home this, week-end. Cp1. deMoll has been on active servIce In the European theater tor two years. TIBet. Th'omas H. Beddoe and MA.YA...... _ _ Rm....... Ull ."Me •.. I'm. staying in the Army! * IHIIUI AlII PIM. t O • •'.IOIIS ••• AIID HOI IHit AIIII" "'FInt, I keep mY)mIHDt arade. 6 •Any tim. after 20 yean I 1That meana a lot. can retire at half pay increu- 2 KBy reenlbtlng for 3 yean I can pick my own branch of oervice in the' AIr. Gronnd or Service Forces, and can go to aDY overaeas theater I wish. In, year by year to ~ retirement pay after 30 yean of oervice. And the time l~ already aarved In active military or naval oervice counts toward my retirement time. Added u~eenu.t_ incnt aeema pretty ~owullD me!U his wife, who have been visiting for 10 days with Sgt. Beddoe's pe.r .. ents on Yale avtmue bave left to KI get my mustermSoOut pay. spend a week: with h!s uncle. Paul even lhough rm reenlistinl. M. Hershey, ot· Chicago before re.Also, I let 150 a year reenliltlllent bonne for each year been in . turning to Chanute Field, Ill. the Army. My dependants receive Mrs, Beddoe was the former family allowances for lhe fall term Mary Stover daughter ot Mr. and AN IMPORIANY DATI .f my enlIalmenL And rn be Mrs. Frank Stover of Penfield, Ill. 'OR MIN 'N YNI ARMY eligible for GI Bill of Righu beneChristian Science Church Notes and a graduate ot Armstrong High fits when I set out of the Army. "God The Only cause and ere. and eecretarial school of Cha.mMIN .w •• ArMy ........... ator" is the subject ot the Lesson- patgne. Ill. She formerly worked ..,.,.. ........,. 1 wiD .. _Do "My food, ololh.... quuten, 1I_1s ............. _ _ Sermon In all Churches ot Christ, tn the Clvilla.n Department of the medical and dental care are all eraItfy .... dI .... COlI ..... Htt SCientist, on Sunday, December 9. field. supplied to me. And I can learn ...... 2D dap _ dIs.. . . Sgt. Beddoe has reenlisted and The Golden Text Is:· "Thus saith 8lly of 200 akilla or trad.. in lh. AImy echools. ld .. H_.'dla: the Lord that created the bea.ven'9; 1.1:1 to be statlonea 'at ~hanute Field. . . . . ., pnvWed ....,. N. 'E' God -himself that formed the earth He and his wife wllI live In Ran"All of DB who are reenlisting _--,1.1M6. nnd made it: he hath estabUsbed tOUl, Ill. are loing to have hom ao to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lange of ·Y.. _ ..... AT ANY I1MI It, he created It Dot In vain. be 90 days' furlough III 110_ wilh formed It to be Inhabited: I am Cedar lane entertained former let 2 or l'Mr . . ' dE full pay and our travel paid bolh (0 •• an Swarthmoreans Major Paul Strong the Lord: and there Is none else" ways. And _'11 have 80 days' fur. and Mrs. Strong tor a few days of M . . . . . . "-YwMi .. _ (Isaiah 45:18). lough OYer)' year with pay. thls week. Major Strong has· been ............. hE' Among Bible citations comprls. stationed at tb~ England General the LeSeon..:sermon i8 the following: "0 the depth ot the riches Hospital, Atlantic City, N. J., since September following his return PAY PH MONTHboth of the wiadom and knowledge from overseas duty. He Is now on ENLiSrED MIN. of God! how unsearchable are hIa terminal leave and with Mrs. Per IOr...·aor_ judgments, and his wa1B flnd- Stron!! will spend lhe Christmas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ........ ' ...... '*'/1, MaarSa at Ing out! For· who hath known the holidays with the 1atter's parents 010lIIoI ........., or Pint ~ .138.00 ~.70 .1".:u mind ot the Lord? or who hath In Tulsa., Okla. Technical Sora 'It 114.00 74.10 12ll.25 been his counsellor? • • • For In ~ Seta nt. • 96,00 6L4O loa.oo (a)-PIut 20" I for Mr. and )Irs. Marvel WilBon of him. and through him •.and to him. Strath Haven avenue entertained _ 0.." (b)-PIu Sets .,... • • • 78.00 58.70 fD.:J5 SO'l' If 11_ _ of IbIaa are all things: to whom be glory Mrs. Wilson's brother and slstel'"Carpccal. • • • 66..00 42.90. er..., Pa.acb " .... Mc.,' (cj for eftr" (Romans 11:11, Sf, 86). Cmdr. and Mrs. Ma.x Far• Pri.... Pint 54.00 35..10 110..." -PluS'I' T· Mia" fwBacbaY_oflloi;ice. Priva&a • • • • 50..00 .J2.5O SG.2S rlngton and Mary Lynn Pratt all At Adult FOl'IIIIl of Washington, D. c., and cadet At the adult forum sunday, IJeo- .Jack Gayle of West Point. N. Y., cember 9• .Tobn Moore of Swarth- as their weekRend guests, FollowJO. 'HIOUGH more College wUl continue the pre- Ing the Army·Navy game the wnM-aonic "'de lIIentaUoQ and dlscUAion of -'LIfe sona were hosts,~ 10 at ~Inner. SituatiOD8 tia. the Old Testament.... Mrs. OWen W. Gay of Walllng· 9th '" Webh Sta. •• A Thla is Ute fourth of .. Bertes of. forcl. retnMled Thursday front a "GU_DIAN OPVICroIY" .. :Eo. The _me BUbjeet win be eon;,.; mOllth.;. "YIIiIt wtth her soD.ln·)aw : ~ .... _ •••••• v... _ ••. Uaud Docembar II. 0\11.._ lftI-o,'8lld ._llter-)(r.&nd Mra. c..B. com"_ . I AdaJ!18 of 118rt1JU1v\1Ie. Va. : . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _.:.._ _ 3 rYe 'JANUARY 31, 1946 4 'n_· .. 5 ns, a ,OM 2 . . . . . . . _ _ *****************'------------'* - ..... eon. * a... '4.2S *****.************-,************ $" 'H' U••• ARMY. -----.' . _. m.... DIRECTORS. MEET Lists Film Likes Of G.I., Children The quarterly meeting of the Ubrary Board held Monday evenlqg. (Continued from Page 1) December 3. was ma.tnly concerned mania emoUonal confidence and with ... stUdy of the propoaod budhelped to bring about good team- get for 1946 prepared by the finwork. This aeries covered auch ance committee. With the full apsul>Jects 88 "Stop Tha,t Tank." proval' of the board expenditures "Curiosity Killed a Cat," and for services and malntenaQC8 out... "Heroes.'" stripped the book fund. 69 per "VlsuaJ education got a. great cent to 41. boost during the war." said Dr. HoExpe.nees totalUng ,6,458 were b~n. It is sad, l;1e went on. that balnnced to the last penny with we nee~ a war to help us progress, anticipated Inc 0 me. Prealdent but It ofteD. happens that ·way. }t"'or Charles Shaw commented that thls 16 or 20 years. our educators have budget was the most carefully becn dabbling with the Idea or showing films In the scbools' but thought out one to be pres~nted not doing a great deal with It. It in the last three years. Ha.rQld Ogtook a war to show their value. as a ram ,as treasurer was chairman ot medium ot education. In the past tile tlnance committee. The Ilbrarlan's report tor tho five years, the use of films In the three mont'hs November 3 Philadelphia 8cho·ols baR Increased credited the dally opening of the 130 per cent. Library with the increase in circu~ducaUoDal films, Dr. Hoban lation and memberShip. Mrs. H. I. went on, should not be patterned after text books which are too Hoot secreta.ry: brought out the often cold, impersonal and highly Cact that the current epidemic of condensed. Educational films grippe had increased reading time. should be Interesting, drama.tlc, full of detail and should cil.rry ON TIlE SHELF personal appeal. Young children, for example. love pictures of other young children of other countries Hlp Hurrah! Wld Hlp Borray! and of otber times, I1ke the Colon- Put the ration book away. ial children or the' Navajos. They Hide it In a.' deep, dark den, also Uke pictures showlrig the com- So It can't creep out agatn. mon animals of the woods. Cover .It up and close the door, For older children, films can be We don't want it anymore. n. bit more impersonal. Such shorts 'Chops ot lamb, and knuokle joints, from the theaters as "Give Me Lib- Cnn be purchased without pOints. erty" and "The Declaration ot In- Fill the basket and be gay. dependence," all drama and signi- All you have to do Is pay. ficance to history courses, and higli How those mercUess raUon books school Bclence' is made far more Ruled the stomachs and- the cooks. vivid through fUms 8howin! the :Many a luscious roast went by molecular theory, the digestive Just because t.he points wero hig} .. processcs oC hUman beings' or tho Even butter: was roped In· circulatory systems of the frog and Had to spread It very thln. the sunnsh. Dr. Hoban left his audience with We have really sklm{)ed ot late, the feeling that the use of fUms Now, lookout, don·t take on weight. a' in the schools hliLd made promisIng beginning but only a beginning. SALE SUCCESS I The Post War Serviccs Committee reported a very SUCCE'ssful sale In connection with the meeting. T~e profit from candles alone stood' at $27.50, with a tcw sUll lctt for sale. Mrs. Kenneth Reed was In charge of the white elephant table. Mrs. Lewis Cutler and Mrs. George Sweet reported 59 pounds of fruit cake ordered. and regretfully anno~noed that d • , ue to sugar and butter shortages, no further orders could be taken. lUrs. Roy Latimer and her asslstants, who a,re taking orders for Christmas greens reported many sales, to be deUvered about De~ cember 20. Samples will be on display again next Tuesda:y. EspecIally lovely are the centerpieces, arranged in moss. which can brlgpten a table tor many weeks after the holidays. At the stated meeting of the club on 'tuesday, December 11. Mrs. .. Carr Delw~ol1, chairman of the art section. will present Mrs. Grace R. Morris ()f the Education Department of the Philadelphia Mllseum ot Art. Mrs. ;Morrl~ will give an Illustrated taUt on "Madonnas Through the Ages." Mrs. Robert St. Clair Holmes, sopano. will sing traditional luilables and modern cradle songs. A~ting, as hostesses will be Mrs. ~:htte~~:~8.0;t t~:dte~;:ble~M~~~ Car~oll Thayer and Alexander. Miss Nettle DISCHARGED John Seth, son of Mrs. Robert D. 19"ewUn of Rutgers avenue received his discharge from the Marine Corps on Saturday. December I, ai Bainbridge, Md., after being overs~aS . two and one-h~if yea~s. He rec~i:ved three battle,stars~ par. Uclpb.Uo·g. in· the lriv~ion8 ot .the Waliaco Islands. the Marshall' island~, and' Okinawa. COMMENDED L~. Paul K. Pauison, Jr.• was released fro~ the Navy at the Fourth Naval District Separation Center. November 13 and is on terminal leave· at his home on p:ark ~v~nu~. He saw 50 months ot. 8eryic~ In the Atlnntlc and Pacific areap. most, recently as Navigating' Officer on the Aircraft Carrier, the U.S.S. Sol. . omons. . Carnival Aids Local committee members for the 15th Annual Middlebury Winter carnival to be held ~t Middlebury, Vt., .January 18 .. to 20, are Laura Lee Hopkins, Jean G. Huey. Betsy Hornaday, and K~y Thurman. ,- ., . . . , ...• .. ~.- ~, . E. C. W. STILL WRAPPING Last Th ursday e ....ening. the Swartllmorenns tor the servJ.ce m~n nnd women of the town were wrnp~ ped by Mrs. N. W; Speare. l\frs. John A. Detlefsen, Martha Keighton, Rnd Mr. nnd 1\Ira." lferris W. l'lItcheU. It you care' to help. cnll Mrs. lUtchell at Swarthmore 0818. The task Is stili Imperative and, with the latest young men who have entered the services from the borough, still hirge. • NEWS NOTES Mrs. S. B. Brcwste'r of Swarthmore avenue is momentarily expecting her brother, Roger.~. Curtis to arrive after four y;'ears with the Army Engineers- In the Pacific. Mr. and' Mrs. .J. Donald Gibson ot 612 Hillborn avenue have sold their home and will occupy the E. C. Walton home on Ogden avenue while they are winterlng In Florfda. The Gibson home has ,been purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Carlton W. Croco ot WoodstOwn, N . .J., who with their three children will become Swarthmoreans in tlie ncar future. Mr. and 1\Irs. R. Blair Price ot North Chester road entertained a famtly group over the past weekend in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Price's mother, Mrs. .J. P. carroll. BestdCB ]\frs. Carroll were her daughter 1\I1's. J. W. Martin of st. PetersbUrg and son J. W. Martin, Jr.• of N. Y., .and Mrs. Carroll's son, ,J. P. Carroll, of W~hlngton, D. C .. . Beth .Jones and Mimi Wisdom were hOstesses to the little girls of grade 2. Rutgers avenue -school last week In honor of Judy Clark and Ann Stokes who are movtng away from Swarthmore._. Mrs.' Herl?e~~ T. ~ett .ot North Chester roa~ entertained the Eightsome Bridge Club tot'" luncheon ~n Wednesday, ~rr.;. N. Bruee Duffett with her small daughter Anne Christine Duttett who are living with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Roy P. Lingle of Cornen avenue left Tuesday of last 'Week to visit Capt. Duffett·s parents Mr. and Mrs. Norman Duffett of Nlapra Falls. They plan to return here for t~e Christmas holidays. capt. Duffett'is stationed on Leyte. 1·· • Mr. 'and MI"8.· Earl H. Weltz of College ;. a.venue entertained- Mrs. Dean Parker of Grosse Point,. Mich.:"" formerly' of '-Swarthmore-'as their gueat for.••tew .daJ'.8. of this week. ~ ON INACI1VE STAWS capt. E. C. Youmans of lIOn Mrs. O. E. YOUm&D.8 of Elm ave .. nue bas ~eeently ret~rned from the Pacific Theatre and Is now on InacUve statue. capt. Youmans departed tor England August, Uf2. aorved In France In the· early, stagea of occupation and on June 1. 1.46. deployed directly to the waa Philip- pine Islands from wbence he ·par... Uclpated In the Initial landing In Yohobama. Japan. 'WIth elemen18 of the First cavalry Division. Eighth Army. Hls brother Lt. J. M. Youmana served with the Philippine Scouts and received the Purple Heart decol"8:tlon posthumously .f 0 r wounds Inflicted In the defense of Bataan P~nin8ula. umber ot tor a- n t,n9 \0·b s .,nteres . hone Letter to the Editor ID· the Spirit of Christmas Dear Editor: Swarthmore never has lac.ked inItlati\"{J In startLng and oarrying through worth while projects. Can we add another that, it projected here might spread over the entlTe country? This Christmas Is a. good time to start. We are told that more persons will starve a.nd freezl) throughout the world in the next few manths than ever before in hI8t~ry. Why not atart an economy on luxury gifts exchanged and fOrm (\. plan to alleviate real BufferLng? . We recognize that ma.ny are giving through· agencies wready- established for that purpose. We teel that many could a.nd would Like to send articles ot food and new clothing to families in need. Pla.ns ar.e being made to cover transportation, packiQg and dellv;ery of food packn&es at cost by a non-profit phpanthropic association headed by Donald Nelson .. To alleviate suffering by our talents and gifts does seem an approPl'iate observation ot the birthday of the trUcst humanltar.lan the ,,,"orld bas yet seen. Twelve names ot French fam1l1es in dire .necd are before us now. Hundreds more can be obtained and vouched for. The following tentative commlttee asks for those who are Interested to join this group, to contact one or the following. Adeline Strouse (school) 4567, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Harper 0151. ~.. , Mr.' and Mra. .J. Herman Holmes 0805, Myrtle McCallin 0531~M, Mrs. Ida P. Stabler 0856, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Roger Russell 1290. Mr. and J\.lrs. J. V. S. Bishop 0627-J. Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop. the 1e\ep Do you want a pleasant job with a good future? II. job that pays you while you're learning? II. job that carries regular increases in sa1ary? Then, come to one of the Bell Telephone Employment Offices. A friendly interviewer will tell you all about the advantages of working for the Telephone Company. Work is usually near your home. Congenial associares, friendly atmosphere, excellent working condi, tions, clean resr.rooms, and ample opporttinity for advanceiDent combine to make telepholle work unusually desirable. Come in now! Bring your birth-certificate or other proof of citizenship. "Apply at any of the following Employment Offices: • Room 315, McClatchy ~-. • Bui~ding (69th & Mar'.' Sts•• Upper Darby) 6909 Market Street, Upper Darby 57-59 E. Penn St., Norristown 1631 Arch Street, Philadelphia 45 Anderson Avenue, Ardmore 41D York Road, Jenkintown or call Enterprise l-Gl00 THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA "A Friendly Place to Wor.... • • Join Our CHRISTMAS CLUB / • , If Christmas shopping puts a dent in your budget, stop worrying and do something about it. Join our Christmas Savings Club now and next UR selection • 18 wide choosing gifts here There'll be no fatigue when Chris~"1uis • 18 fun shopping is done at· year's gifts will be paid for in advance. * Swarthmore • N~tional & Trust Co. .' ~ " .. . '.. .-,' .. . .-. • YOUNG ARTISTS IN VARIED PROGRAM / R 7, INS Lt. Comdr. John C: Taylor, Jr., pneral ebatrman of the dlDner their nel&lIbOr., the _ hae he. arra.ngementa with M .... "VhItworth U.S,N.R.. 18 on leave after three come a reore8.tloD and & pleaaure. F. Bird aa ~nt chairman. "ears In the South Pacill.. He III rulUng hili wife and chlldr.n at Other membera' of the CUlcl1ng tbe bome of M..... Ta"lor's parente SENIOR BAI.I. commltlee M ..... F. E. ~D8. Mr. and M..... Morrill Potte of Yale In an atmoophere of e v _ n o avenue. covered with mow, and BDOwftakes bUl"l', tables; Mra. Ed Faulkner, falling from tb. Iky. D1n.t,-·four decoration: Mra. GUY De Furia. coupl.. daJ>ce4 at the SeDlar Ball. Mra. Henry Ford, ](1'& Charles W. ,,' SHOP BE Frl4a:r Dl8'ht.' Novemb.r 11. A Lukens, Mrs. Beaton McCray, food. gleaml... red .....h contained Johnny Clover'. orchestra. whioh , ' I I •••• OPEN EVENINGS IUpplled excellent muoio' for the ball. Three' Slant IDOW men and D .........hM 10 to intricate IDOW cl')'1Ite\a adorned the ourtalno surrounding the g:rm. A D ............. 22 Children's Qasses amall 8Dow-acene containlq a pond Saturday Morning, t O·t 2 and a very real-looking little boy HOLSCHUH STUDIO d.ummy puUlnC a sled was another to6 East Plum5tead Avenue teature o( the da.Dce. Blue and white atre8.lI)e,:" added to the at. Lansdowne ruar3' 16. UtlO.UI ThInk of that- with their bande In the company Of day, we bonght at leaat flOO DlOI'8 than lD the nlne week'. we've been In ""hool this "earl I The ""hoo! would be proud to have a BPoDllOrahlp panel on a hospital bed. but to do that will have to be more spirit In the buylns to ra1ee the ,aooo.Oo-thoee wounded veterILU did th.1r lhare. and now tt'. up to 118 to 40 ourafor & laaUDg peaoo and a better The blossoming Junior Music world. Club of Swarthmore held its second meet1Dg ot the season on Sun'l'AKE CENSl1S day, Decemhftr 2. at Andy March's As has been the custom In the apartment. wbh several new mem- past,. ninth graders of Swarthmol'i! High School have been buBY combers preaenL Patty Paul, vice president. pre..- plllng a census of the town of sided at the preliminary bualnesa Swarthmore. This project has In. meeting, due to the llln888 ot tho cluded all ot the bushiessea ot the prea1de.nL Plans were made for the borough plus other Items of 1m .. mosphere.. " Club members to go out carol sing- parlance to the students. One hundred elghty·elght hand· The committee .1n charge In .. some young> plen and charming ing just before Christmas. with Don Dickinson, chairman; ladles attended thlll most Important tails to be announced later. Charles, Bruce Godfrey, and dance of tb,! y~ar. Senior boy., Program chairman for the evening, Robert Fawcett, Intro~ B111 Froebel trom room 103; Avery were present sporting tux and high duced each member who was to Blake. Teddy Bogardus, and Jack Bilk hats and - several lenlor glr18 contribute to the p-rogram with ex- Boyle from room 206j and David could be seen dancing with V-12 cellently chosen information about Smith, Vonny Ryan, and Frances stUdents from the college. the performer and the selections Pearson from room 9. NEED BVllEIIS_. or composers chosen. The program On Tuesday, November 27, the BAND PREPARES included tho foilowlng: high school" ,~tudente kept buying The high school band began to Teel Dunn, who played on the Victory bo~d8 and stamps to help practice' concert music tht8 week plano "Impromptu,"' by Shubert; reach the $3000 goal for the· hosAndrew Ma.rch. whose obOe 8010s In preparation for the annual ba.nd ·'Temple Bells" by Flnden. and concert In the eprIng.. Their expec- pital campaign which ends Friday. "The Campbells are Coming:· a tations for the 1948 concert December 21, 1846! On' the 27th, the pupils' bought a total of Scotch Air. were a.ccompanied by h"b. $269.20; $81,70 In stamps and Mr. Harold March; George Hay, PA11LA SALA SINGS who gave a talk on the most InU87,50 In bonds, This week. on December 4th, the t.restlng !'olnte In the life of MoPaula. Bala, high school graduate zart: Betty Lou Emery. with piano ot. 1944, enterta.1ned students in school bought a total of '91.8'0. rendJUon of "Rustle of Spring" by assembly on Wedn,esdliy, November $37.60 In bonds. and ,64,30 In Slmdlng: and William Patte. whb 28 with her singing of a group of stamps. followlng home rooms played two clarinet Bolos, "Chan- 10 se!ectlOlUl. The songs were "My had 100 per ce~t: 215. 209. 206. Bon Triste, " by Tchalkov8ky, and Johann" by Greig, '"BIrd of the 103. 101. , ·'Llebestraum:· by Uszt, accom- WUdernessu ' by Horsema.n, flDon't The ove~lI total since schOOl panied by Mrs. M. L. Potts. Come In Please, Sir!" by Cyril began, to last,Tuesday'is $1744.06! Atter refres.hments were served Scott. ·'Psyche" by Paldllhe. Schu- $931.26 In" bODds. and $812,81 in BOb Fawcett gave a short talk on bert's "Ave Marla", "Sylvelln" by stamps. The .school now has only "The History of Carols," and It Slndln'g, ·'Where My Caravan Ho.s two more days in which to buy was a well Informed group which Rested" with a violin obligato by bonds and stamps for thls very sInging. accompan.1ed by plano anll Patty Paul ()t the 11th grade, a.nd necessary campaign for which we finished the evening with carol thr-ee popular songs .including al"e short $1265.941 This money "Some Day", "Let My Song Fill an impromptu Instrumental trio. wUl also count in the 8th Victory Your Heart", and ''-Chloe.'' Loan which ends today. MIss Sala received a scholll.rship to continue her musical studies from the chorus when she ~du­ BLAMES PARENTS ated from' hIgh school and 18 .now HOSPITAL (JAMPAIGN ''The pendulum Is swinging Tbe high school's hospital cam- studying vocal music under 'Charles Baker .ot New York. She is also backward In the buslneBB of chUd palp to raise money through the a. soloist and choir member of the rearing. Sparing the rod can spoil we ot VIctory bonds and stamps Second Presbyterian· Church In the chUd," according to the sometor the payment ot hospital equipPhiladelphia. what reactionary opinion of Dr. ment to aas1st In :the recovery of Craig Bell, prominent Philadelphia the veterans of World War II has AD~ SHOP p8)'chiatrlet, speaking at the an· kept going even though there have. A new Idea In inter-community nual di;;.lner meeting of the parents been only nine weeks since the co-operation atrordlng much pleas.. 0-( eighth crade children at the campaign atarted. The money started to add toward tbe $3000.00 ure to the participants Is the adult home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. goal on September 11, 1946, and work shop at Swarthmore High Denworth of Elm avenue. Dr. Bell placed the full responslsince the atudents bought Schooi. Every T~esday and ThursU12.60 In Vlotor:r bonde. and day evenings. thirty-seven men and bUily of ,the problems of childhood fij26.70 In stamps. making a toW women of many professions and equarely upon'- the pa~ents. Dr. Bell of $1038.20. The campaign clos.. o:~atlODS. assembl8 to. prod~ce polnte'd out that- the ·chn~ 'briDgs . ons ot· theIr 0-wrn .deft ha!t.d. no preconceived attitudes tnto the_ on Friday, December 21, 1946, the c . beginning of the school's Chrlatmas ranging trom toys 19 ,.houae... furn-, _01'14. -BehaVior _18 Influenced by Ishlnga In wood. p1a8UcI. and' meta.t' the attitudes-reflected b'y parents in vacation. Before the end of the war, the Many of their products are lngen- the home. Where moral suasion taUs. phyahigh school had a fine average In lous and useful. and many are leal punishment can be used effecbanda and stamps but so far this beaUtiful and artlBtIc. The members ot the class are tively to condition children to year. the students have ·tatled to show as much Inter~L An example supervised by Robert Sauter, the proper behavior, he said. but to be effective It must be Influenced at of this fact: On three sepa.rate days high school sbop lnatructor. The activity increases the spirit the Ume of the misbehavior. It in 1944, the students bought as following: .January 26, $1284.90; of joint Icommunlty effort and mor- must be just; and done in a way FebrU&r3' 8. $1994.06. and on Feb- ale. To those who like to work. that will be 'symbollc to the child. on _ Junior Musicians Plan Holiday Caroling • FRIDAY, D THE S""A~THIIOREAN ww. EVENING ART CLASSES \alice barber, Gifts Telephone Madison o36t THOMAS F. CONWAY Radio FM and Television Phones Swarthmore 0456·W &' 0456·R Prevent TB , WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH AU. 'l1IE COAL YOU NEED PRIMOS ,COAL CO. Near Clifton Heigbb Grade 1 Colliery Anthracite EquaI to Any Coal FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY PHONE MADISON 4902 J. E. LIMEBURNER CO. Diapensing Opticians 1923 Chestnut Street • • Philadelphia 6913 Market Street· Upper D8l'by, Pa. 827 Lancuter Ave., Bryn Mawr, P.. . , " .. SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER $1.00 DEW DRQPINN .' GE· REFRIGERATORS A MIUJON IN SERVICE TEN YEARS OR LONGER General Electric ' We have a sample Refrigerator in stock • Come m and inspect , Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company' Swards-. P - . ANNUAL MEETING '!'be AnDaaI. I C of the otockbok1eft ____ of..-or. and _..a;;;r toe. ~ wID be _ a& _ .. m -Ioe - & WAITE Chester Road and Yale Avenue or _ _ Na· .. cL_ w ...... _ _ ~:![,----h.,--' &8 _ " _ .. ~ ..... ... h"hpm..,.I,.-,11 IN' _ _ or ...... """ ..... P .... ELRIO 8. 8PRO&T, & ., Swarthmore 1250 ."'res. I ~f Your,,$,~lat _~Wl< =' - p' , , ', "'Is'!["£Ii."ty':! "_JI!_ ft",. ,,-- n, Walter V. Linton 1 P. M to 3 P. M. , NEWS NOTES Refricendion .. Expeab ill the Makin. and Fdtiq of SpectacIea aDd E)'e GI-n_ , Eotato of Harr:r Clllton! Camillo,," Tri-DeJt. Meet abo known . . H. CUUord CamTbe Swartbmore Tr\·Delte met 31'., pion. Jr., Jate' of the toWlUlh..lp of Charles Grlel', Ph.M·.2/c who ar'FOR SAlE Wedne04ey tor tea with Mra Pbll. Nether Providence, County of De1arived at bls bomEf dn Dal"tmouth ware, PennsylvanIa. LettenJ Teet&Ip H. Jewett ot KenyoQ avenue. FOR SALE - Seml·anUque mahU81LDY PERSONAI.t-E1ectrlc beaten. Iron. avenue Wednesda:y, November '28. meDtal')" on the above Eetate having and vacuum cleaners reP&1red. Call bookcase, adjustable Ihelves, G feet • been· granted to Tbe Penu"lvanla received his dlBcharge at tbe Naval hlah and tour teet wIde. Call SWArth- Robert Brooks. Swarthtnore 1548. COlI)pany for Inaurances on Lives and Lt. (jg) William R. Walters bas m«,lre 222.. SeparatlDn Center,' Bainbridge, Granting AnnUities, all peraolUl Indebtbeen detacbed from the U.S.S, Ae- ed tl) the aaJd Estate.are requested to ,FOUND Md., atter' at . ·the NaVal FOR BALE-RadIo RCA excellent COntorla after 11 montha cit duty In make paYment, amI those havlnc c1&1ma dltiDn, walnut ftoor model. 126. Phone FOUND-Cha.nge PUI'Be. Saturday CaU Hospital. San Dlego~ CaJ., for 18 to present the same without delay. to the Paclflc and is now stationed at B!warthmore OJ36-J. THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY months. The Swarthmorean otttee. • FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES the Philadelphia Nav:r Yard. Lt. FOR ~F1rewOod. any length all. FOUND-Fountain pen. black In Bank AND GRANTING ANNUITIES He plans to return to .his former and Mrs. Walters. the fOl'Dler . liard wood. Tel. Media. 0313. Executor. ' on Nov. 24. Call :Media 24-63. dutiu at the Swarthmore: Post Of- Dween Lingle 0-' r.ornell avenue. WK. FULTON KURTZ. President. Cce In the near future. FOR SALE - Freah cubed meat for S. E. cor. 16th and Chestnat Ste. arQ making their home In Naryour dDg or cat. Delvered to your PhlladeJphla. PenmylvanJa • berth. Pa. or their attorneys. door. cau Smith, ,Sharon Hill UN. Mrs. Birney K. Morse of Yale A. Sidney Johnson. Jr., Esq. .Greer and Johnson FOR ~Baby grand pianO' '885: avenue was hoateBB to gueels 0""1' 17 South Ave. between 2 and .. 4 at Z08 Eut Ii St. :Media. ST.12-? Pvt. Robert BIrd who fa statton .. the Army-Navy game week-end Media, Fa. 'l.'hey were Mr. and Mrs. Marqul~ FOR BAIsE Small hand·made corner ed with the Medical Unit at InESTATE OF EKAIA CRESSON OG. M. Morse of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., DEN, also known as EMMA C. OG. _ cupboard. Good con.dlllon. Reasondiantown Gap returned there Monable. Tel. Swarthmore 0176-W. and Nancy Evans of Evanston. Ill.• DEN. late of the Borough of Swarthday after spending the week-end more, Delaware County ~ Pennsylvania. her daughter Betty's roommate at Letters Testamentary on the above FOR BALE-Furnlture. both good aod at lils home on Ogden avenue. Wellesley College, Mass. estate have been granted to the underbad Aplllt' au North Cheeter road. , Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Shoe. flgned, "\\Tho ~ueat a,. penone having EBTATE OF HOBART OAKES avl4aon -oaso.-r.r. , luncheon Wednesday ot· last week Execlltr.lx • Greer &; Johnson , 110 Guerll8&Y Road 17 South Avenue FOR SALE-Upright plano In gOOd. UsUDga SoUdted When her guests were. Mrs. Edward . Swarthmore. Penna: Iledla, ,Pa. ST.ll-IO condition. WJll 8&crlftce t.or $50 If L. Con.weU. Mrs. Herbert Michener. or to her Attorneys, sold at once. TeL Media OU9-M. ~,Bittle", Son Jr,. Mrs. Robert Struble' of Swartb. Raymond K. Denworth BSrATlt NOTICE, Drinker. Biddie &: Heath ' BSTATB OP ANNA TJU.TlLU FOR 8ALE-Ceramlc jewelry. pottery. - S:...a. O~11'" more, and Mra. Charles Ingersoll 1429 Walnut Street, • 8PEA.J[J(A.N~ deaa.e4. and novelties. for Chrlatmaa gifts. Real El&ate of Ohio. Philadelphia, Pa. IT-12-7 Letters Testamentary on Ute above Same "Old Min" POttery sold In leadEstate have been .sr&nted to the unEBTATE OF WILLlAM ALLAN dersigned" PrI_ $1 to Notort PnbUo-lDsarance Mrs. Vincent S. Pownall of Ing department who request all penolI8 bavt.soR, Deceued, late ot Borough. of i q claims or dema.nd.l a,p.inat the 16, returned. befDre Cbrlstmaa. Kilns :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ North Chestel' road and be'r' sister Lansdowne. Delaware Count)"; Penn- Estate of the decedent to make knowu SUi. FirIng received. betore December ' claya,. glazes and pottery supplies. M188 Emma Walton of Cedar lane sylvania. same, a.nd dJl penoIUI indebted to Letters of AdminIstration having the Ethel !(cNJeI. Paper MUI road. Bwa. are spending the winter months In the decedent to make PAYment, wllbbeen granted to the under-elsned, all oue dela" to 02,,-.1. , ,PIANO TUNING Wln!er Haven. FI&. persona having clah». or demands are CHARLES F • .JENKINS. and requested to make known the same FOR ~FuIl.11e Maple crib In 11~=~!r:.... (Jbor4 II _ Philip Witham a pilot with East. Provident Trullt Compan),. good condition and mattress. Call tha& he _. __~ and all per"eons Indebted to the eald of Philadelphia. Swarthmore 868f. , caa...-.,~ ern Air Linea ll~w from Miami to Estate are requested to make pa)'J)1ent 17th and Chestnut Streetl, Ihe ou&-ot._ p\8Do" Pblladelphla Saturday and spent without delay, to A.11an M. x.sor NO: Phll&d.elphla J. Pa. ~ 186 WJndaor Avenue. Ut.nsd.ciwne, FOR SALE-Ka1)leton runner llxU2, Phoae A. II. P.4BJDDB the day with hi LOGAN MacCOY, Preeldent. $125. Other acattered rugs. Call for tile ~~~ s pa.rents Mr. and Pennsylvania, Administrator, or his Or to W. Attorney, Swarthmore 01129. ' Mrs, Wllltam E. Witham ot Attorney. Guy G. deFurI~ Crozer CLAUDE C. SMITH. Esquire. BuDding. Cheater, Pennsylvania. 1611 Land TlUe· Bldg., Swarthmore aveBue and Crest Jane: 6T-ll-IO Phlla. 10, Pa. ~~L ~~rt~"P;ny plano bench. The promotion of Pfo. John H. HOME FREEZERS Beddoe to T/6 has recently been Sovn A"aoabl~Inqufre DOW announcd at Borden' General HosWANTED Morton pltal. Cbleasba, Okla.. where Cor. Appliance S e ,.ice poral Beddoe Ia stationed. W ANTED-To buy Ping-poJ1,l' table in taJ.r 01' repairable condition. 'TeL N~ ~~~~1':.~.1 William C. Savina. of Harvard Swarthmore 139&-.1. -.- -:J)aT Phone Swa. Oft. avenue l"ecelved his dlscha.J'lge from WANTED-Ca.:pable wblte woinim 1 to -:~':";i~:;;:'~==::'t~ =====~; .:the·Army at the F:l811l Separation 1. or !lou... to be arranpd, ,Own' ,'" Point. Ft. Sill. Okla., November 17. room and bath. Rep.,. to' Bo~.L. _The - -~: -DUring his" 67 months of service Swarthmorean. ' - A '""~~G .l"1.J..L'·.... ll" he wustatlonedatPateml'o, N. J., WANTED-Toboaan: double decker ~_1three 'Years as Radar. instructor. ; boy's deal<. TeL Swarthmore ........-- D_ He holds three awards. tbe Pre0 "1-a. • 041 '!' • Pearl Harbor ribbon, Good ConWANTED-A tricycle; a boys and a Da ..... WOOD 0755 duct and AmerIcan De'f en.. Rib· girl's bicycle; alao .led, Reply' to Box A. The Swarthmore~ _ _: I bona. Mr. and Mrs. Savina are " residing tempOrarily with the WANTED-TrIcycle for small girl. latter's brother-In-law ft-d aleter can Swarthmore 2806-.J. . --... EDWIN B. JCElI Jr. Mr. and :Mrs. Barton W. Calvert w~ bieide. Tel SwarthYOlJR .JEWELER of Havard avenue. more 2107. Jl5 _ 'fib S&. Mr. and Mrs. John·Mc.A1plne, Jr•• WANTED-Fresh water casUng rod of North Princeton avenue had as (Oppoattc N_ State 'DI 'ITo) and roel Von Half or Flueger. ~plY their week-end guests Mrs. MeBox N. The Swarthmorean. ~m!ltu .,.. AlpJne·s sister. Mra. Danforth WANTED--Good. driver Interested in Harvey of New York City, her shannS' expenses &011\1' to Chicago next week. phone Immedla.te1y. brother and &!ster-in-Iaw, Mr. and Swarthmore 1828..J. Mrs. Robert :McCOmack of Cha. tham. N. J., and another abter and "WANTElD-Furnlshed two bedroom apartment or small home. Couple brother-In_law. Mr. and Mrs. .Amos with twO' young daughters. Short lease Matthews and daughter Anne of to May 16. Phone Wayne 1U7. Evanston, DI. The Matthews' son. WANTED-Junior Writing dealt and Amos Clark a cadet at Annapolis. trumpet both In. good. oondlUon. can Swarthmore 0429. . CUSTOM BUD.T HOMES was a dinner guest Saturday. They all attended the Anily-Navy game. W ANTED;-Old .Dutch cupboard.. any \ Mr. and Mrs. W11l1am' E. Soden old jewelry. can Chester 3169. of Colleg-e avenue were 'the dinner WANTED-ExperIenced woman to A1terationa .. Repein guests last week of Mra. George bell' with general .house work 4 Dr 5 days a. week. 1 to 7. References. Logan of Germantown formerly ot Call Swarthmore 0294-U. RWer Park 01 . . . Swarthmore. Mrs. Logan Is living W ANTED-Second hand Webster's un· In Germantown while her husband • abridged dictionary on stand. No Col. George Logan Is In Korea. Col. phone. please write Mrs. Van ~nnedy, Logan .was one of ~veral officer! Here's good news for the sweet-toothed . Wallingford, Pa. chosen to BIt In On I tbe surrender WANTED-DIStrict manager of na.of Korea. tional organization recenUy trans.. ferred to Philadelphia wiahes to lease folks ~ho like desserts. Philadelphia Electric Mrs. Thomas }If. Murray and deeirable three or tour bedroom h0!186 Plan DOW the home you WaDt daughter Kathie of Cornwall-OnIn suburbs. Will take po88e88lon now' Hudson, N. Y., are staying with or later. TborouShly ~eBpon8lble and DeArabIe Job available best of references. Pennypacker U10 Home Economists have prepared a new set of Mrs. Murray's father. Mr. Mark between 9 and 5. Bittle of Rutgers avenue tor a few WANTED-Maid for general bouaeweeks whUe MJ1J. Bittle Is in work. Hours 1 to' 'I P. M. Referdessert recipes that can be made without a slngt. Springfield. Mo. ences. Phone Swarthmore 0868 mornIngs only. Betty Ellen Llttlefteld a student at William and Mary Col1eog-e spent W ANTED-CoUege boy desires outside grain of sugar, yet have a richness of Ravor that last week-end at the home of her work between 4- and 6 P. M.. dally and Saturday afternoon. Reply to Box parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. LittleK The Swarthmorean. field of Swarthmore ·place. Betty PhOne Swarthmore 2253 pleases all tastes. Among these recipes are such WA.."lTED _ Small portable phonoEllen. Jane Beatty ·of Bowling graph; child's sled In good oon(lllion. Green, and carolyn Henry of WallTel, Media 078S. ingford played In the -hockey game delectable desserts as Nut Crunch Honey Cake, FrIday against Temple. Saturday LOST and Sunday the t.earit- played in the LOST-Green leather wallet conta.lnlng National InvitaUon 'J;'~"9-rnament at Peanut Butterscotch Pie, Chocolate Pudding - ,20' R.R. ticket and papers In Br'YU Mawr. The tHtee: girls made Swarthmore over week·end. Name Anita Dupre No.5 MInette Lane, N.Y. and the All Virginia Hockey team and Return to Iris Mlroy. French House. the Southeastern Reserve team. Cake, and Chocolate Honey Bit Cookies that College or to the above address. . Bob Longwell Bon·~dt. Mrs. A. E. LOST-Man's gray vest on Friday. Longwell Jeft yesteNlay to repDrt Nov. 30 between Lara.yeUe and S. Cheater road. call Swa. 0284.-1. you'll have to keep under lock and keyl Ask for Commercial and Domeslic- to Fort Ogletho~pe.<.~ Later he expects to go to 4~town Gap LOST-In bustn088 II!IeCtion last Friday. Prompt Service-Refriger· for discharge. .~i~. large silver pin,. In shape of flowers Artbur Mi~ p of Dart· and leaves. Tel. Swa. 1181. without your free set of recipes on ators, Washers, Vacuum mouth avenUe .- te"ttatned at lu~ch.eon .SUD· _~:;: w~en her Oeaners, RadiOS, gueata were' Miss and Mrs. Sugar at any of our oflices. FoR :Rml"T-Pleasant second fioar Janet Neal of Trenton;N. J .. and room, lUitable for one or two, bual11 A._ ness people. Tel. SWL. 0592·& MIaS Ourtleman of RoxbOrougb, p~ Mr. and Mra J. F. l:iaIe.. of Elm MaItoa, P.. FoR RENT-One room and bath Ed No)'OB. 8wL aveue "~nte~e4':~I~' ~eek. -"">ent. Call 011t. end' ...._ Mr. Ai't1HI¥. 'GrIift6Il of SwwT . . . . . L01IIBftI ..... ,K" .• &D~r~' R .....rt FOR 'RENT-Cheertul warm room. 88COnd floor, bome like surround.. • 'Ie Waraerot Naeh.m~: 'tenD. Th.,. • boD. eon".oIent to ~... Tel. 8wa. - . " . ' PElRSONAL-SubecriptlOQ to all mag. azln.. .HI'lL Bertha P. Faries, 21. Haverford avenue. TeL 8WL 458t-W. w. OAK LANE AND P. R. R. PRIMOS, PA. PERSONALS tile Is No Longer Rationed ! SCHOOL NEWS will diminish., Dr. Beilla a graduate of SwarU&more College and of the Unlverslty of Pennsylvania Medical School. He Is a member of the staff at Abington Hospital. Mrs. W.· Rodman McHenry, program ch&1rtmLn for the group, Introduced .·Dr.-,· Bell. The meeUng was attended by 81 ot the 118 Eighth Grade parente. Twenty-two Junior High sChool faculty and staff membe11l were guests. Mrs. Walter E. Medford wae • COAL The this formula Is followed. he conI-;====;:;=========;;;===========;;;==~ 'If tlnued, the need for punishment OLD BANK BUILDING CLASSIFIED TRY these sweet-tasting SUGARLESS DESSERTS Charles E. Fischer Builder MORTON REFRIGERATION Appliance Service Mrs. D. _' ',' Desserts wf r.tort- 1.1"" .. -.~., PHilADElPHIA ElECTRIC COMPANY all.~~;d~,~~ ~7~afl'Fe., Write. 01 LiFe In' Manila Wh.n yOU "Iwe food gifts. lliey sove you time, Inconvelil,ene. ond eifort. Dr. Luther Stein w1l1 assist the day, the temperature ranges trom Senior class yOWlg ))'eoplo of the 86 to 96 degre.. with Dearly 100% Swarthmore Presbyterian H I g h humiditY. Mosquitos ·are kept School Fellowship at their meetdown by sPl'll1lng DDT from planes Ing Sunday. December 9. Last Bum·once a week." mer several young people from Swa.rthmore attended the Presby~s MADRID HONOR terian Summer Conterence at Blairstown, N. J. The campUB at Dr. E. Fullerton Cook formerly BIQlr Academy' Is a. beautiful setof Swarthmore was recently elect- ting tor the work and fun of th~ ed to honorary membership ~ the camp. Spanish Roya.l Academy of PharmFrom those who attended. last Bummer the Collowing will report: CaroUne BaldeDSton, Bernice Bromruined, wlndowleea omee bulld- Government by the SpanlBh Am- ley. Peggy Keenen, Jane Matthews, .tugs, which have been blasted and bassador, Juan F. de Cardenas, at Patsy McCahan, Helene Powef!. a dinner at the EmbassY In Wash- Ruth Wagner with Elizabeth BryIngton. about a.nt lUI( 9halrman. Dr. Stein w1ll guests were present. project some colored pictures and quently DO water. The honor Includes a certldcate explain the or,ganlzatlon of the ~so the reclpl.nt chOIl••• aD MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES ~~rDga7: t~:m:u!:io:~~~':ma:; ~: O~!:d~~~ou!:e t~:e'8~~~:':: !::!~~,OY~oS:l:!~in:~Ya!:V~;:~ "Except for marveloualy peralotent f native Ufe In the' ruins and the 0 ql mUitery activity, thla Ia f, & dead &lid partly ,burled clty. _I""" her own 'IIOc!1o Ask our Mrs. Cook' and b rihl' 1::O:"tlo:' d' 20 veO" beaut!- a , There 11 .no electric power outslde full Plldd.d c.m-Ia FRESRPEAS I _ptqnt - - &rlleeoN COI_ ~c Scalllons"- - --2Se "15e Orangeti ........... GR APEnUIT ~= S S'''~9c 11K 3~ • 'olll"ht Virginia Lee "UI.IIIIII '" ramT Z elf!:r!:1 'l,fcr ' ·Ib cake ,..u, ..... $II! Packed in a .... ut.tul ilift ....... 1eIIL· _011..... proof, reuIGble for other purpose.. _ _ _ _Ib_ 3 ' Fresh.Kllled Grad. A FRYING CHICKENS" SHOULDER UD CIIOPS ! ..::. 110 7 ~7' L_n Blade or Ann CBUCK~ ROAST SKINLESS FRANIFURTERS Newly Made 11010', JUoout SEA ' fOOD VALUES GradeB Ib Z lb. CRAINE &'! ........ .... A lit Lu••• Whl.. J "27c "23c Fancy Pollock FIII.ts \ J.rsey Sea 'rout JUST ARRIVED-NEW PACK Ideal Fancy Sweetened Pur.. Grad. A Florida ORANGE· JUICE ~ Nc:.2~7c·~"4~c. '::;,2." Fat ......weet P,.. A _ WIlole GoldeD CtooftI ASCO Cut Bed Beets, ASCO Catsup :TI:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Milk ".:;.2 . . . ' N,:;,2 1~' (Sef.. . , . , . . :::. w.... = .ec .SC sse .......... T., .Iah. Off' '": zoe Clliiiu.... a ~ .,r fj#tIl BJUd 1'1010' S';!!;' Z4G:.. ~ 4k 'w.. G....'. Bean. T~'1:::t.:.::. N;; Larle haaes You ..':. .6c Asic for of military bu.Jldl"lIII lit by port. able generatore, ISO the city Ii: Bwart11.more COllege baa opened without light. ,At night there .. Its second art exhIbit of the BeaDO entert8.1nmont, no . aoclal Ilte son In The CloJoiiei'i! 0s1lery.' Thla above a pig-style level., noWDS'.. month aelectloDB· .from the 43i:4 flThere ia a lot ot lnftatl~ heHl~ Annual Watereqtor a.J).d frint Ex.. G~dB a:re ,-ery aearce a.nd ~P"D'! blblt of The PeitllSy\v",,1a Academy alve. The Filipinos have lo~ Q~ oC Fine ~ 8.;re be'i~ shown. money. Dlor8 th~ we have, but Among ihe pah1.ftDp are two prize-wlimers, pet~r Hutdfa uEven_ no gOO! I Z'SOUP Aaltaour's , ..... 12-ez 1U d-- Lunch Meat A..... 34c ''';:33c Evap. Peaches --:;::t 37c Sun_I I ........ I 5c Chicken ......., - ....." 39c V.I_ta ...... _ ......·2Ic Ch.....::::" li ":Me of Roilert Kelghton a .tud~nt the Phlladel.,hla Conservatory of Musio will be ODe of a grouP. t.o perform at ,the Academy Wednesday evening next. 15 SHePPlliI QAlS. 'TIL CHRISTIAS ' , PleaS. Nate 0IIr MB • •• "hIIIJ,l- .----. _;.:.,....-,.._.... ... .. , ... - BE THANKFUL BUY ,VICTORY BONDS rat". BUCHNER'S B. J. HOY fi AND 10 MARIE DONNELLY THE INGLENEUK DEW DROP IN CO·ED BEAUTY SALON H. B.GREEN HARTEL BROS. RUSSELL'S SEllVlCE STRATa HAVEN INN FRANK'S BARBER SHOP SWARTHMORE CO-OP W. MAUK BITI'LE B4RVAlm TEA,ROOK THE BOUQUET ALlCE ,BARBER. GIFTS Eo" NQYES' PEI'EH BUY VICTORY BONDS THESWARTHMOREAN VOL XVII-No. 49 , ~WARTHMORE, PA., DECEMBER 14, 1945 DEAR BRUTUS" AT ptAYERS CLUB J. William Simmons Directs Barrie Classic r-p-;:-'.-:O:-.-:Il==Q'-U-r-8-- E. HANl'I'UlII ,., WAITE 'l'OLJ).. . A.. P. SM4I,J,EY ~ JIIOR&Wo'S COI.loEGfl pRA-.,j""oy .' BUY X-MAS SEALS . $3.00 PER YEAR PRESIDENT OF SCHOOL BOARD Due to loss of malls by se. vere storm In the Aleutian Arca the local Post O.ffice will accept one (1) additional ChrIstmas parccl for members of the U.S.A,F. statloned·at- A.P.O. 729. The Post Office will remnln opeJl until 3 p.m. on Saturday December 15.,~and December 22~ ,i VilLAGERS TO SING MADONNA IN ART ON CHRISTMAS-EVE CHARM WOMEN' ! Rev. G. C. Anderson I Choirs, Brass Quartet To Lead TROOP 16 MARKS 23rd BIRTHDAY Rose Valley Chorus At 'Open House' Dec. 26 Sir James M. Barrte's clasaic ,'ho first Community Chl'istlllQ.s play "Dear lJrutus" rewcaves its "l"rom the begInning ot thc scc'. I enrol Sing since 1941 will lake ond century artists have been In~. spcll o,f make-believe at the Play~ 1 place ChristmaS E\'c II'om 6 to spired to the greatest manifestation ers Club this week. Undcr the dl • ; 5:30 p.hI. VUlugers will gathc!\ o~ thelr genius by .the simple story rection of J. \VHliam Simmons an !around the brtghtly lighted Christ. of the :Madonna. and Child," Mra. interesting cast interprets· It with tl'eo at the hoad of the under~ Grace R. :Morrls of ·the Education Sincerity and steadily developed Ii nlas puss south of. thc rallroad with Dcpartment of the Phllndelphla cmotional Power. The Play' itself J which the BUslrte~ Aw;o(;:lation has Museum of Art told the .Swarth_ i8 part and parcel of everyman's early ·experiment In dl'amatics and , .:-lhal'ed holiday cheer with the bor- more Woman's, Club on Tuesday. ough and aU who travel through it. IllustraUn;"!{ her talk wJth many has. therefore. the added chu!"m ~ 'rhe Rev. George ChrIstian An- beautltul . lantern slldes from the of remembrancc. \Vhate\"er may dOl'son wilJ lead the caroling. collection of the .Museum, she pre: be your personal reaction to Local Girl Scout Troop 10., Choll's of the local churches havo sonted the story of "Madonnas whimsy,. BanJe roles ·have with which has been reglstercd contlnu. :I lucen Invited to sing. ']'hc School 'rhrough .the Ages." good reason, an eternul lUre for .ously sJnce 1923, will marke it.'i Chorus and a. doulJIe brass quartet Hoy Dcla.llalnc whose a-c.elcc"Tho themc of the Madonna Is actors; a ~arric play is adrnh,A.bly tWenty·thlrd annlverwuy Monday Hon us J-resldent or School BUllrd (rom the high school will particl~ the, most enduring in painting," well ,knit. and following on the aftornoo.n, Deccm.ber 17, when it wns "llIlOUllce" lust nJght. patc. Both the Rev. Dr., David she continued. "The revercnce hecls of several fnrces is wcleome. mects In the museum room of the Braun and the Rev. Dr. Roy N. which the Virgin InspIred. and The· ladles of the cast, wJth one high school at 3:20 p.m..Mrs. M. KeIser will share b.-Jelly in tho ",,"hleb is given expression tn the important exception. set the Mld- \V. Gunett. Troop 10's leader, and service. portraits, had an In-Iportant part WARNS MERCHANTS SUtrlmer Eve atmosphere nicely. hel' llSSistants,Mrs. Robert HUkel.t Ttte highway will blocked off in raiSing woman to higher poslJoyce Harvey as Alice Dearth Is and Mrs. H. S. Fry, have InVited ir: ord,er tn provide quiet and room tion than shc had ever previously Chief of l'oHce 'I'holllus V. Bate. Ideally cast, charming in appear_ Scout mothers and former leaders for carolers. Since the spot is on enjoycd. Interest centered on the ance and manner, nnd uses a low- of th~ troop· to share its bh.thdny man, Sl·., remiuds m~l·chaut.!:; that tho homeward· way of thosc re. mother In the early day. and otten ;.t is during'the ru~h.,ot the holiday . pitched vwca . with real ability. cake and jts investiture ceremony. turning from the city by train. it thc child was forgotten or made '::;CUSOIl when thc check thief and The troop was· organizcd by 1\1Jos. Barbara M. Graves as Mabel Puris hope<.J thc.t thcy will pause to ugly In order to cnhance the die is understandingly reservfild nnd Lawrence Stabler. just bcfore her the fOJ'gel" enjo~ their eas.iQJ;t swelJ UIC Chorus wlilch will carry beauty of the VIrgin." chill at Lob's house but. warm and marriage. She remem bcrs that "pickings." Chlcf llatcman referred Swarthmore's praise and J than..ksThe earliest of thc Madonnas 11. to the cducational campaign con. happy in the Wood. Martha Kelgh- among the orIgInal members were g.iving, its' prayers tor the attain. lustrated was taken from the walls ton's, Mrs. Coade has the wisdom Florence: Hoadley, Arabel Jaquette, JlIcted by the U. S. ~ecl'et Service, ment of peace around the world. of the catacombs in Rome. The and said: "Now js the tlme for and patience with which long life and Co.n.stance Kent. Whcn Mrs. out on tho Christmas night. star, shown In this ~icture over mel'chants to talk these matters the mother's hcad, bccame In time ~s supposed to endow humans: Stabler moved to \Vashtngton a ovcrhvlth their employees, Caution the symbol of the Virgin, and is Nancy G. SavelU as Joanna Trout group ·of Swarthmore .college glrlH .IN HOLLYWOOD them to be more caretul In. accept. found through the centurle8 In makes much ot her opportunity to carried on until Mrs. Frederic , . ' , ("onnection with her 'PQrtrait., Mrs. Child assumed its leadership. Ing eltl'er government Ol' cammer· annex. and lose love. Beth Allyn ~al])h Ashton _ Nixdorf of Yale Morris saId. Various other 'symbols Mrs. Georg9 .. Zlmmer followed C:~l, c~ecks, especIally fro~.l.!~rang_ . as ,Lady Caroline Is haughtlY:'>love",. .avenue ret~ .~?r .<;:allr<:"r.~ia Sunday arose, and early traditional back.~ .t~q.v_e_,.!!!fl.I11.. ~Il!!l{l,l._q,w.x:-.Qh!9-~ lY, 1?u~. tl1e USe she makcs of h~r her and rcmalnl\d 1'ro6p"16's I""th"" 'In~ cttw>BeH "Teie-~-'lneItide--sUu1t,~-~--...l,...-.. ..i sccond chance Is aU the more sur'- for 14 years.'. Mrs. Charle9 Israel they acccpt, and jot down some phone Company, and la in Holly. tic ele~ents as 12 stars In a c~own Illemo as to what was used Cor prlslng for that. They make a assisted· her for several years and Wood superintending .the makJng to indicate the 12 apostles. Ccdar.s pleasing picture. these ladles in then continued na lender until this identification. 'This fixes responsi- of a picture with ,VildiJ;lg Picture, ot Lebanon to Indicate bIlIty and serves to remind one of evening dress, but thcy are a lItUo fall. Emlyn Hodge, now head ot t-he transaction. loIake up your Inc. He plans to return early In ne&8, nn apple In tho hand to repro_ Girl Scouting in Dela\\"arc Cowity. too reUne to be harmonious. sent the Madonna as a second Eve, mind to suve your~clf from IOS9 the new year. Robert W. Graham does an In- was once a.'islstant leader of Troop by knowing your endorscr and re. ),[r. Nixdorf fo.·merly editorial or an apple In the corner of the ter-esting interpretation of Lob, the 16. qU{I'in8" identification. Merchants director of the Bell Telephone plcturc to reprf'.8ent the fall of. Mrs. Zimmer will tell ot early fey, young-old prankstcr who pershould ask themselves this ques. C0lTJ.pany of Pennsylvania, received man. ~coutlng I~ thc borough on MonsUadcs his gucsts·, to venture at Madonnas of the fifth century tlon: 'If. thls check h, returned as appolntmcnt to the staff of the midnight. David Kaigler, Jr., is day. 1\.[rs. Stabler will visit the n. lorgery, do I KNOW whcre 1 ll.S9istant vice president ot the in~ showed stltr figures oC mother nnd . an appealing W,fll Dearth. and the' LJ oop and Sing folk songs to her can locate the forger and recover formation department ot the A.T. child, ah"'ays Cully clothcd and PIQyers Club was fortunate that his own accompaniment on Ule auto- my money?' Unless the answer to and T. Company, New York, in always as members of a group. terminal leave from the Navy Is harp: .Mrs. Israel wIll be in charge' that one is 'yes'-well, it's thetr July. Using Slides of Frn. Angelico's "Flight into Egypt," Raphael's now tn progress. Joseph H. Col- of the investiture ceremony. . 1110ncy_" rf'hc Troop hUs' been.. \\'orklng • "Madonna of the GOldfll,lch," Da Uns Is obviously successful In his Chief Bateman also offered this Service Ends hard all fall on the Foot Travell_ Vinci's "Ma!Jonna. ot the Rocks,". phUanderlngs, Lewis E, Goodener's badge whtch requires 100 miles advice to persons who l'ecelve Gov. works ot Titian. Bellini, EI Greco. D~gh Is tirelcss as Coadc, Albert ~. The SWarthmore .t;:ost Office haS and many others, 1\frB. Morris Ot these they have crnmcnt or other types of checkp. Warrington's Matey is servile and of" hiking. been instructed to· discontinue thc traced the decreaSing rigidity of completcd 26. At prescnt they are b~' mail: smooth. 1. Be sure yOur name Is plainly practice of accepting deposits of thc tlgures. the growing realism following Crum Creek to its heart Margaret, the little glrl who visible on your mailbox: that the any kind to bc used on the tor- the new emphaSis on the Child: and have reached 'Vest Chester might have been, is played by Patbox is protected with a good lock. wardIng of mall "of any class.·' the gradUal wane of the religious Pike in th~ir wcc·kly hikes. Last riCia Gallagher with lightness, sIm2. At the time of uelivery of your Patrons having s~ch deposits at the contcnt ot the pictures, and tho In~ fa~l thcy wa)ked to the John MorpliCity, tcnderness-ull those gcntle 10C'.a1 office arc requested by Post. creasing emphaSis on the cmotional check. a .. range. if pos~jble, to be ton House and enjoyed a nature qualities which nrc 0. part of master A. P. Smalley to can for Ceellng of mother and Child. A at horne. Ask your mallcarricr to hike in Providencc Park. l\Icdla. youth. Tho scene between father their deposiUi at oncc. nutify you by some signal that he Renoir portrait of mother and Mrs. \-Valtcr O. Heinz Is chairman and daughter is, of. course, one of of the Troop Committee. .has your check. child epitomizcd this last stage. the best. (Continued Oil Page 7) 3. H you cash youI' checJ~ at the - ADOLPH YERKES .:mmc I)iace each month you will Second chances arc tun to spec· AWAITS DISCHARGE l1;ne less difficulty in identify~ng ulate about. The Impact of watch~ BRAHMS RECITAL Adolph Yerkes of Collingswood, ,,· .... U1'8011'. Ing people experience theirs hits N. J., a resident ot Swarthmorc for Sgt~ James L. -Jnckson who has Dr. 'V. Ii'. G_ Swann nnd David harder in middle age than In~ 4. Do not endorse y(,ur check many years, died at his home Sun. becn stationed for thc past year youth. until you are in the presence of the dn-y, December 2, after a short ill- Tudor will give a recital compris. with the Search and Rescue Squa- pCl'son who cashes it for you. ing the two Brahms Sonatas for ness, dron as an instructor at Edmonton, LOCAL GROUP TO SING Canadu, covering areas as far north He is survh'cd by his widow, 'cello and piano in Whlttier House, two 80ns, and a daughter: also two on the College Campus, on 1\Ion_ , HOME FROM SAIPJ\N as Nome, Alaska.· ari'ivcd in the Sisters, Miss Margaret Yerkes of day, Dec. 17, at 8: 15 p.m, Professor A group of local women will States·])ccenlbcr 2. Cornell-avenu·e and Mrs. J. C. Sgt. Jackson has reported at the sing at the Christmas program ot It'irst Lieutenant Robert G. Er· A .. Peplnsky wiJI contribute an anHenry of Woodbury, N. J .• and an the Monday Morning Class at the A rmy Separation Centcr at Mit· skine. Jr.• arrived tn this country alYSis o( the works. New Century Club of Philadelphia. chel Field, N.Y_ Following his dis- from Salpan last week uftEJr serv. aunt. Mi8$· Jennie Foster- who This recital win be followed durmakes Jie'r home with ,Mi&8 Yerkes.. Under the direction of Mrs. Leon~ chargc. he and. Mrs. Jackson and ing with the Army Anti-Air Craft SerVices were held Thursday, ing tho Winter months, at dates to ard C. Ashton they win DrCsCont Do thcir small daughter Judith will for the past two ycars. December 6. Inter-ment was made be announced, b~ three othel'S, in group oC .czech carols dnd lead the rcslde In Drexel Hill. He is now on terminal leave. and In. Eastlawn Cemetcry. Swa.rth- which Dr. Swann and Sylvia Swann members in group singing in the with Mrs.. Erskine and their 20 more. son Robin is Hvlng at Chrjstrnas spirit. The group incollaborate in playing the five 410 Harvard avenue. He is enjoycludes Mrs. Herbert Patterson, Mrs. 'cello and plano Sonatas of Beeth. Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Keenen 0 ven. t ogeth er with the ing acquaintance with his son for Laurence J. ·Stabler, Mrs, Margaret the first Umc_ Clark Ncal, Mrs. T. M. Jackson. of Harvard avenue entertained nt Variations. Mrs. Robert Carels, Mrs. Roy G1I· Lt. Erskine plans to cnter the dinner Friday evening in honor of These recitals be Open to the bert. Mrs. Peter E. Told, with Mrs. University of Pennsylvania Law D_r._a_n_d_M-:::rs=,=J_a_m_es_G-,-ay~._ _ _ _~::Pc:Ubuc.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Eyerett L. Hunt at the piano. School in the near futUre. Founder, a Former Leader WiD be Guest ! be laador- " Stock up with Cunnle Voaters is In charge ot the supper which will be IJ6rve~. at ,.Ix o'Clock. It Ia hoped that all im!mbers of Fellowship wUI attend this maeHng. ReaervaUone for next • ~mmer have to be in very early In the new year. Tb.18 prOgTaPl Ia being presented at this tllI\e I!O plan8 can be· made well in advanoe by those' Interested In such a sum... mer experience as Is offered by the Conference. mesS. Night Life bl!tl- conCer~nces. ___ CHRISTMAS STORI: HOURS Enrich_' SUPREME .I...r,. I_r . . . .r, ,---,. ---- Delegates Report Dr. and MI'IL Joseph·S. Bates of "Rocky Spring Farm·', Media, en~ tertatned at "Open House" Sunday The Swarthmorea.n Ia Indebted afternoon In honor oC their 80D to Mrs. Walter H. Robll18Oll ot Fl/Sgt. GU)' C. Bates recently re- Wallingford Cor her permlaaloD to use excerpts from the letters of turned from overseas. Lt. Robinson, UBNR, who Is in ManU.. wltb th.e Judge, Advocate SectJon, War Crimes Branch, as ... signed to legal research tor the prosecution of war criminals. "Every part of this city above the level oC an oriental slum baa been either burned out or utterly demollshed •.• Army officers gener... , ''''5 Ea5fer to Use Our Mr. and Mrs. Edson Harris. Jr.. and three ch'lldren returned Monday to their home in Rose Valley. Mrs. HarrIs and the chlldren been !lYing In Mexico City wltb ber parents while Mr. Barrls was se-rvlng In the Marine Corps. Santas Coming r·· a-t I will llEREAVED captain Charles E_ Hess of Park avenue .r who is now stationed III Fort Devens, Mass.. was called borne 10 days ·ago by the death .ot hJs tather Mr. A. Frank Hess ot Lancas1:er, Pa.. O,fe week later'the death ot his, mother occurred, recalling him to Lan~ter for serVIces and burf:8J:. TO SING BACH ARIAS 8:20 Santa uks The Swarthmorean to again remind the boys and girls of Swarthmore to be sure to call Swa. 8900 betore 5 p.m.• December 21, g.,vlng their name, address, and Qg~·lt they desire a visit fro~ .Jo11Y 5t. Nick on Xmas eve. Veronica Sweigert, noted con ... traito who. has appeared In the Ba~h Festival tn Phtladelphla,. wJ\1 give a brief recital in Trinity Church. Swarthmore on Sunday evening at 6 o·clock. Her- program includes arias from Bach. ' THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR P. M. "near Brutus~~~:-'~~~~__~~.~_. __........~ .... u_Players Club 8:20 p~ M. "Dear Brut ~turda,., December 16 8:80 P. ltf. College Ba.a~s t~i"·;;;'th~F..····· ..-···---···-···~··.. ·..··· .. ·-Players Club e ..& M•... ·.... --... ~............ F1eld House l~~~g ~::: ~~~I~g,- :;~~Ft'ra~:c"e~y=~~~.~~ ..... --...~.~...Loeal ~hu~hes ·········---·-···.......... .... -Frlt!Qds Meeting ~ Monday, December 17 " 1:20 P. M. Troop 16 23rd A.nnlv.rsa~ HI g h SchOOl M'usetl!ll • J ........ _........ To da,., December 18 8:3b P. M. Jr. Club Christmas Party .......- .......................Woman •• ClUb 8:00 P. M. Swart!>mo~UJ=p?;"':.~.. ~.... _...Swartbmore Oftice INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE , • THE 8 "Hocky Hpring Writes of Life In Manila ;\1..:·;, lIards .UlU the chihll'cn hu\'c aftt'I'uoun IIt't'" livillg' in :Mcx.ico City with in hOIlOl' or theil' son ~/Hgt. Guy C. Bales l'ecently re1It'I' pal'cnls while 1\11', Harris was t unh'd fI'oJll o\'('rHeas. )4(·l'\'ill).! in til(" ;\!"rinc Corps. MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES When you give food gifts. They save you time. inconvenience and effort. Also the recipient chooses her own foods. Ask our manager. Ib ... ".,...... .... 5c S'''39c ".. 1.,. FI.,._ 5 lb. 3CJc Also Treat, the family to a Delicious Dessert Tonight with Virginia Lee SUPREME FRUIT CAKE F.~ Old Colonial Recipe 2 $129 -Ib cake Packed in a beaurlful gift box, speciaUy treated.. moisture proof~ reusable for other purposes. cHiceitENS 37 Swarthmorenn Is 1ndebted to 1\11'8, 'Valter 11. Hobinson of 'Yalllngfol'u ror her permission to U!-iC excerpts from the letters of Lt. Houinson, USNH. who Is ill Manilo. with the Judge Advocate Sect.ioll, '\~ar Crimes Branch. ~. signctl to legal research for tho prosecution of war cl"imlunls. "l:;vcry parl of this city above the lC\'cl of an oriental slum has been either hurned out or utterly demolished . . . ArlllY oHicurs generally and somc Navy ofllcara are livin~ in the burned out hulks of ruined, windowless office lmlld,lngs, which have been blasted (lnd tought over us well. They have no ,screens, no cieanlineS5, and frequently no water. Tho -=B::'a-d-=.--Ib Lean Blade or Arm GradeB Ib Ib SKINLESS FRANKFURTERS Z Newly Made Sour Krout SEA J VALUES \ CRABMEAT 15C lb. L~'.:;::'!~;' 95' Ib Fancy Pollock'~F';;iI"le-:t:-s.o.----------­ Jersey Sea Trout "27( "23c ~~~~J~U~S=T~A~R~R~I~V=ED=-~N~E~¥V~P~A~C~K~-J IdeoiAioE juicia rp No.2 can "7 C : 46-oz &. can 4" &. C No.2 c.-~t1"lIcti()n "As the retreated (to one Manlla.'s main strcct.<;) they blew up some of the important Luiitlings and bUl'ned cvorything. All the residential al'ea is burned UU\\'u; the steel aml concrete hullt!Oi of the bigge~t ~Lnu best buildings sUII stanu, but large quantities of gasollne wcre burned in them. as well as all partitions, floors, trim, and also InfiuJlunablc fIles of banks . . . Ele',ators won't I'un, doors are charred. In one steel and concrete building the heut wus so intense all the steel girders in the roof buckled and twisted into a terrible DleSS, BREAD, 19 c Firmer, finer flavor, toasts bet- \.__':.~r~:a~.:d~:.,:a~Y~'~~f~r.~'~h~~I~.~n~g~.~r~~..~..~~~~:-:::::-_______ ..----, S1SZ 81~b~~ 6C:~5 Real delicious peach flavor. It will pay any largo family to buy a can. For convenience, repack in small lars or glasses. 6 O'ClockcwAMIiIliIlMI1I: p'" llc Catsup Prldoot Far. 14'01 bOo' 17c Clapp's .abyc""'I.r:!!.pt:~ 13c Hallmark Beans 10~:: 12c 44'01 2Sc Sno Sheen cPtttlbu..,'1 .... Flour pll. Kellogg's Pep a'OI'''1 9c Olives on.-usw". ~~··"""39c BEINZ SOUP Armour's Treet Lunch Meat 34c 12;:33c 12·01 CIII Allar'l EARNS MADRID HONOR Ilrlze-winners, Peter Hurd's "EvenStar" and Henry Gasser's "Gloucester Street." The gallery is open :\Olonday through Thursclay from 6:30 to 7:30 and on Runday fnHII 3:00 to 5:00. lng :-;('\'('1'31 young' peoplc Evap. Peaches E~~I:~:37c $unmaid ,"dleu R~~I.~~ Dill 15c Chicken SitU', Mlftu:d S'Dl tl .. 39c Velveeta KraUCIIHlla'ND"1 21c Cheese A.~:::r;~1IIf Y2'~24c rrolll BUY THE SWARTHMOREAN VICTORY BONDS SWaI-thmore ath'lI(led the l'l"c:iihy_ terian SumBler Conference at RODert Keighton a student of the Philadelphia Conservatory of Music will be one of a group to perform at the Academy 'Vednesday evening next. -----~--------------------------~----------------------------- 15 SHOPPING DAYS, 'TIL CHRISTMAS Please Nate Our r-:-CHRISTMASr STORE HOURS V=O=L=.=X=V==II==N~O;;.~4;;9~========,===-=.c DEAR BRUTUS AT PLAYERS CLUB P. O. Hours J. William Simmons Directs Barrie Classic SWARJ:HMORE,_ PA., X-MAS SEALS DECEMBER-14~"';-=1";;9=_~~=5~=-=~==~::::'==~-~=~~-~___~=__=.=.=_=_~__ ::::$3::::.:__:::00::_:-: : P"~E~-: : R~:Y: : EAR;: : : PRESIDENT OF SCHOOL BOARD VillAGERS TO SING MADONNA IN ART ON CHRISTMAS EVE CHARM WOMEN UUt' til 10 '" CJf IHails h\' t-le\·pl e StOl'l1i ill t h~' "II .. ",,' ,ln,., It',1, , t !Jo' 10t·;,1 J '0;;1 O!!i(·e \\ ill aen'pl I Olle (I.) add,tll)n·tI (.!tti:;llilas: p,tl"cl'1 tOt Jlll·!lIht'I·S o[ the L'.~,- I Rev. G. C. Anderson Choirs, Brass Quartet 1'0 Lead .\.1-'. :;tatlOlled at ,\.1'.0. 4"!!!J. I' Thc 1'o!-it ()lIke will I.CIiI:lllI OPt'1I until 3 II. Ill. Ol~ Hatllld,IY, 1)1'l'I.;'II1"UI' 15, Hnd Lh'!cl'miu'r .I :!:!.I ~il· ,Jalll(>S ,\1. n,lIllt,'t-l ('Ia"!-HI Illuy . J)('al' J:,·utlls" n'w~'a\l'S Itl-. :"twll of llIal,p-IH·!i("\"(· at thl' Pia\"l"1'S ('IIIIJ this w('el,;. l'ndl'I' thl' n'l,tion of .J. \\·1111<1111 Sillllllons all IlIt('I'psting ('at-lt 1n'_I't'lI/ ds it wi( II siTH'PI'ity and HIl'adjl~' dp\l'IOIH'd 1'!llOtional )"IWl'I·. Tilt" Illay it~l"lf is 1):!l"t anti pal t'I'1 uf l'\·('l"yItJall·~ ('uriy t'XPI'I'i1Jtt'lit in til:lIliatit's and lias. lht''''lol t'. lht, :uhkd ('.'1I'.[l"In tlf I·PIllt·IIlI"·:lII("(' "·hall" ('I' Illay BUY TROOP 16 MARKS 23rd BIRTHDAY Rose VaHey Chorus At 'Ollen House' Dec. 26 TIll' liI"st l'UIIIIIIUIlII.\ \'!Jlh"ll"S "FIOIII th .. lH,t.;llIuilJ;'; of tht, M'C. l-'IIH'I' I:, II \\ ill 111111 I', IItlll \ d r lisl" lia\·,· 1"·"11 ill, " \ ·llI·bullds 1I0ln to Spll.':\\:lI'th,II l1ollti.l':' l'IH'. I· I\Jth tltl' hOI -IIIIUI"I" \\·OIU.tIl·s 1'llIlt 011 Tu" .... day. .<1 .IIIt,1 all \~·lt(J tJ 1\:'1 111I.oUh"h It. IIll1stl.tlln; 1t'·I· lall; \\ilh Itlany "J, I'l'\. t,,'o!..;'.· (hrtsllUIi .\lI_ IIJ .,llllltul ):11110'1·11 :--lid,s IrOlll titl' "II II III il'.ui tIl{' C:lI.lliing-.! ('I,II"dlon of Ih.· .\111'" 11111. :--Ilt 111.(.~·()UI· 1"'1'."1011;[1 I (':ll'tion to 1... oe.1l Uill :-:t·Ollt 'I'loOP 11; .. , '" " 1)1 thc 10l'.1i '·IHlIl'h(,:> ha\~ IS' Ilt, d titl' :-;10/'\ Hr ":\lad()flllaS hat\, whll"h has Ill"'1l 1'(';.:ist('1 ~·tl (·Ollllll1;- J \ 1I11lkd til ~ilo..:. Tit\" K.ltonl TllIolIl.!'h Ihp .\g-.!'," rl'i1l-iOIi. :til Plt'l·llal 111)(' fOI' ou:-;Iy since 1:J:!3, will III,u'ke Its 1;0.', D,·i,lpl,:.tu· \\II"~ 11'_( h.t·""III" anri ,l (/ollid. I'I,(!-i:-; '111,,,·tI"1 ··Th .. th"III1' of lIll :\Iadolltla is :ldOI·s; a J::Il'l"i,' play is adlllll'aloly tW"nty-thinI anllh·t'14,11':' '\IOlltl.l\ tluB 'IS Pn· .. id~ Itl 01 ''''1'1,001 B" uti !:"Jll tIll Ilig-li .<':I·ilool 1\111 p:utH"i- tilt, Illosl 'lIdlll·ln:.:: in 1 1dllltinl!"," 1\"('11 knit. anel follOWing 011 the ,lttt'I·1I001l. JJt'I'l'IUI" .. 17. \\ hpJI J1' ",.i~'. I:otll till' 1:1 I·. HI·. Da\"ld l'OlltinIHiI. ··TIr, 11'lt'll'II("t' h('('1:.; of SI'\"('I',II f'lI·l·t·~ i~ \\('leOIiIl'. 'JI"('ts III tilt, IlIlJ,41'lI11l /"OOIJI of tl'l. 1:1,11111 ,lilt! tIlt' J: 1,\ I II". Hn,\" S. \\ !twit th,' \·11 hIll IIISIJln·d. and The ladi('s of tilt, ('asl, with olle IIlgh St'huo! at :L:!o I'.HI. -'11·s . •\1. I\:,isvi' 11111 slia'·t· loj;"11\ III 11It' I "IrH·1t 1:-; ght'li I"XI,,"!"!"lon ill the illlJlOl'tant t'X(·('])tlOn, "l'l (hp ::'-.Iid- \\-. (;~UT('tt, rllmp 14;·s 11';1<1('1', 0111'1 WARNS MERCHANTS ~'nil·1-'. :1'(Jlllail~;. lid.) an ItIIllOI·tant pa!"t ~Ulliniel' attliosphl.'I·(· nicely. itl'" a~sistant...; .\11 s. Hollll·t 1lllkl'l.t ____ '1'1,11" Ing-/i\\;ty will ill' hloekt.(] ofC in l"alSlll~ \\·"I1.t1l to Iilhlil'l' posi.Joyce llm·n.!y <1:-; ~\Iit-c ikal"th is 11111 -'I,·s. ]1. :..:: FlY, ]Ia\(' itH"itCt] II 1'1·\IC'1 te, ]"·(I\"I!I,· 1lllil"t ,I ltd IOJ}111 Itllll1 than sill' hatl "\·"1' 1)1·"\·iousl~· ( ltu'l 1·1 I'olt< I '1110011101' \ . I!.dl'· I . I "'J" I I I lilpally ('ast. ('hal'ruillg- in apIH'OlI'_ x\'out 'I[Olitt'IS and IOI·'llt·,· Icadt I .., '1 101. l·alf)ll'ls. Sinl·t' thc !"pot L4 Oil t."I. I I ' I·,'st (·I·I\I.·]~'cl (On tlte 'U1<.'e anu IlHlltnel', nnd use:.; a low- of thl' troop tv Shd/"(' it:>,Ja\ ,I .IIL. j .'1 .. ,I' / .. "II/., ill'.t ],atll" llJ:ll I llll' hOlllt.\\.lI.11 11".'- of thost 1.,,_ilJ)()th'l· in th" tady da.\", and oft('Jj .1 I" I UIIII ... lit, Ih', ." ll ••• Itolldav t UI/llIl;.; f 10111 t IU· I'lty I,,:. tntin, It Itllt' t"lliltl \\a;.; ror"'ol,,/, "'_ """,1" l)itehctI vo.icc with rcal ability. {'.lke and .its in\'cstlttll'e {'('I.{'tHOIi\' '" The tl'OOP W:ll'i ol"~alll;':t'li by .\]'I"~. \·,J.'Oll \\1" rt Illv ,h." I, t!llt·t .,IIt! I.'; !Iupt." tltHt 1111 \ \\111 IIaU:;I. to ugly 111 ol·(h',· to pnhalu'l' thc J:al·bal".l.. ::\1. G!"-:(."1 ,·ujo.' lltl·!t· I aSJ.e:-;t htallly of IIII' \-il'gin.",·cll('C Hlahler jllst hl'fOI:C hel" dh~ is untIN'standingly ICli"l'I'\"ed and :-1\1,11 thl' dIUI"I:; \\ltidl \\111 I,II·I·Y Tht' ,. I" I r II I<' .\Iadollllas IlHhf' l"t'III(·mhl'l·s that ··JlIl"lilllh.~'-· ('111(·( H,tlo ,.l.1I1 Il·ll·I"!""" ehill at Loll's hOllse IJllt warlll :tll(l lila I"! iagP. KWanhIlIOlP'!'-i pial:;" anll thaHl~:-;_ 1,1· Il'S I ' to Uli' t'dllc.lllOna! 1'lllIjJoli...!"1l to'" IUstl· th'd I I lIlllong 1he ol'igiliUI 'lI('ll1ht'l s \\ CI'C ilam)Y in the wood. ::\tal'lha Kci/-!h., !.!l\in:.::, its pla~('I~ It)I' lli(' att;lin. ., ,.~ a ~f'n II'orn till' walls ""," ton's 1\11·S. C'oade hus the wh;uom 10'10"('>11('1' Jloadh'y, Amhpl Jaqllt'tie, ,j'H"ll'd IJY tilt' l·. K. ~t{·lt't HL'nleL'. llll'lIt of " .... :1('(' :lI·otllld till' \\111'111, flf till' eata(·olllhs in Boult' and ;',Ild: '.:..; 0 \", II'> liu UUIt· tOl' stal". sho\\I1· II \Vht'll ::\Ii'~. Ollt on the ChI isllllas nig-ht. m lis pictll1"I' O\'l'I' and patience with \\ hit-h iong 1if/.' and Constallce Kent. lilt'I'challts to lulk th(!sp 11I.It!CI·S tlu· Illothl'r's h,ad, lW('HIll{' In tilll(' is SllflPosei.l to Clldow hUlmins. Htahh.'l· 1lI0vl'd to Washington a O\·CI· \1 it It theu' (·IlIj,loyc\':-;. Calilioll tlit' S~lllhol of tli(' \"il',ldn, an (I is Xancy G. f·kll:clii as .Joanna 'I'rout gTOUP of Hwal"thmol·c ColI('gl' gil'ls IN HOLLYWOOD tlwll\ to 10" IIUlle (·an·tul ill a(,Ct'ptfound thl·Olll-:'h th,' ('('nturics in ulltil .:\11's. FI'cderi •. makes Jiluch of hel' oPJlol·tllnity to ('alTjetJ {>II ing('Hhl'l' gU\'l'I'lldll'nt 01' l'OllI1llPI'eOlllleetiou "Ith hpl· {lol·ll·ait. :\11·s. ,lIHlCX and lo!;c lo\·e. BlJth Allyn ('hiJd :lH:-;uJiled its Icadership. clal I. II('d~s, ('.~lh't·i:rlJ.' IIOIll ~tlanh­ H,tlph ~\ShtOIl :\,ix(]ui"f of Yule :'IIOITIS :;aill, '·al·inlls otlrl'l' symhols .\]I·S. {:(,Ol'g(' Zimliwi' follo\\ t'd llt; Lf'lIly Curolin<' b luul/.rhtly lovell."'. lbl\(' tlll·1ll lIlili,ll all\· l'h('t:k '.l\'enUe ~eft 101' ('alifol"nia Ruutlay ,U'OS(', and t'H'·I~.. tl·,ulitional hacl~­ I1t'I' and t"l'llIaill('tl 'I'roOIl 11;'£; I('nil('l' ly but the liSe she make'S of h~1' tlll'y .weepl . •111d Jot do\\ n ~-;UIIIC' IIf the .,lh-r('~;t 01 l1u:· U{'ll 'rclc- ..;',·ollnd:-; 11lddlh' Hueh duo'ach'r'is_ sccond clwucc is all tIll' IHOI'C .su!"- for 1-1 ye;l]·s. :'oll·s. l'h:u'les JSI'acl lllPll\O :tl-i to whal was uSl'.1 fOI· ,.hnn(' l'OIIlP,LIlY, and is in tic ('11'111('111.<: :1:-> I:! stal"s in a {TOWn IlI'isin,; fOI' that. TIt('y illuke u lIl-'''ist('d her (01' se\"eral ycar~ and itl('ntilit:ltion. '1'111:; IlX('S "(':;polIsi- \\."Od .~lIPI']inkntlill).;' the llIakln~ to jndie.ttt' tllO 12 nlJo~ll ..s. ('('dnl'oS plcasing pi!'! UI·(', IIl('se ladies in t!tPIl ('olltlnucd U!'; leati('I' until thi", Idlil,\" and '" I'\"('~ 10 j"(' III IIHI Olle 01 ot a P)('tUI'l' Wll h \\'ildulg" ph-tm'c,/ of 'A'hallOI1 10 indkatt' stt'adfast_ EIlIIYIl Ilodgc, no\\ Itl'ati o( {,\pning" dl·es,..;, but tl!l'Y al'I' a littlo lall. It' tl.ll,:-;,wtWII. .\lakl' up you,. I ilL'. Ilc 1)1,11ll-i lO r('(urn uU'ly in Il<'-"S. an appll' ill til(· 'mnd I,J 1'1'111.,,(;II! XCOIJt.ihg in Uplawill"{' County. too f{'line to hp hal'ulonious. t,lind U, ~H\C ~oul>;l.!lf 1"1·0111 loss tIl(> Ill'\\' yC':u. I s"ut thl' .\Jadol1l\a as a sP('ond E\"(" Hobert \V. OI·aha.tII docs an In- I\as O!H'<' as:O;lst;lIlt lo'd~I('I' of 'J'IOOp ".I 1,110\\ lit:..: YUlu· ellliol!'WI' and l'l'.\fl". :\,ixl1ol"f (OI·IIH'I·ly editOl'ial! o~· un appl .. in III(' ('Onh',· of thp I Ii, ('I'esting interpl"etation of Loh, thc BI'1l T('ll'llllOnc ,Jl~tlll'(' tt) '·'·PI·PSt'nt tht, tall of II Il i.·lll ~ Hit' II t ilicat if))!. :\1 I. 'I·C Ii[ln loS ~~lt·('('t(ll· of the :\1I·s. %in.nH'I· \\'111 t<'ll f('y. young-old pntnli::>lt,l' who }J{'I':-;J.ould ask lht'lH:,' lUIS i I· \\l't"I~ly hil,t's. L,lst I>ox 1:-; IU'()lt'ctl'tJ \\1Ih \l /-iootl lock. \\.II·ding Ilf 11I.lil ·'of .lny da:;s." tltt' gladlloll \\allt' of the religions rida nalIag-ht'I' With It).;'illIH'S:; sim_ . . \t Ih l, tllnc o[·dl·lhl·I·Y 01 yaul' "all·olls ha\lll.!-:" l-illt'h lit IIOSitH at th .. ('onl"llt or th,· I,iejurl's. and 1111> intali Iii,,:.: \\a)lit',1 to thl' .10hl1 .\101'_ ])iil'ity. tendcl·nCl"s-:tll thOHC' g"('ntl(' loea I offkl' ,II'" I. q Ii,':>t .'(1 by I 'O!'lt. CI', .1:-;111..;- ~'ln p h,I""I:> on t h" {'motional a n,ltulT qualltit's \\hich un' H p:u't of tlll.{· ill 1"'0\ itil'lll"t' I'olrl, . .\11'llia. ,tl Illoln • . . \Hk yOUl III tilt-,tJTH'" to lIIa;.;t('1' .\. P. f-;maIlI"Y to ('.!l1 fOl' f.·('ling' (,I' Inoth( I anti ('hild. .\ 'I'h(' s('{'u(> I)ptwl~en f.lthl'l YOllth. Ht'lIn]I' I)Olll'alt of 11l0th('1 and :'I[IS. \\·altpl" O. Ilelll;.: I."i diaillllan 1111111.\ .\ Olt 11\ !"Ol&l, "'1.~llal that ht· Iht'il' {}('IHl"lh at on(',~. lind dau.t:hlf'1 IS, of ('OUI".''W, onl' of or till' 'l'IOOP COIHllli!tCl'. child ··lIltOIlII;':, d thlH Ja!'lt stag-l'. t hn hest. (<"olltinu('d on Page 7) ADOLPH YERKES ,I I, p.lCI' I'dl LI I'J,)lllh IOU \Iill H('I'Ollfi ("haIH'PS :11'1' fun to SIH"CAWAITS DISCHARGE 1:.1\1' I, s'" (ItH:, uU.\ III hit"tl'II.\I!l"; II \ I I I ). _._-_. . BRAHMS RECITAL ul,lte ahout. "I'll!' ilHJl;let 01 watchI.: .~l"I, .. 10 J1 I I'I"I,('S of \ 'olhtlg"\\ ond. in~ lH'opl(' I'XPI'I'jpIWI' theirs hit~; ,:-..;· ,I., a ]"1 :;It!''nl of ~\\al'l IInlO!'.· 101· Ih· \\'. I,'. {; ~\\alln and Ila\"ill :-;gt. .J.II11I'S I .... 1.1,·1,"((11 \\lio 1I.l!-i hardt'l' ill mitidlt' agp Ihan in .1. 1)0 not l"lltiOl:-1" ~()Ul· 'l'IH·I"I.. 1many Yf';II·~, dll'd at hi:-; hOIlI' ~111111('.·u stallOlll'd fOI" till' P.lst ~t'.I1 1'11<101" \\ III J..;'i,I' ,l r"(,ltai CI)lllPI.is_ youth. I:llul ~'Oll .11'(' In t tit' pl"".'Il("I' 0: tilt' d,n. J)"I'I·Jltlll'l· :.:, a ftl I· a shol I 111_ 1\ ,1 h tilt· X. ,II tll and l:ps"ll" :"::4111:1. !l1'1:,on \\ho {··Isil~:-; It 101" you I !11'."iS. 1I1L:" tllp 11\0 BI",llIBlH ~(Inatas for - - - - ------drOll :1.'> an instnH"tol .It 1:t1Ill()lltoll. '('eIIIJ and J)talln in \\'llittH'I' IlollSt', lie Is SIlI·\ 1\"I'd loy hiS "'iolo\\ LOCAL GROUP TO SING (':I'Il;I']..I, ('01 ..'I iug- al·p.!" ,1:-; I,ll· 11011 II on tht' ('olll':';:(' C,IIHI'lls. on :'olon_ HOME FROM SAIPAN 1\\0 SOilS. ;ll1c1 a tlallghtPI·: al!'lo Iwo .IS :\',nH(". .\la .. I,.1 .tJ"Jl\pil ill th" _ _ _ slsti'r:-o. :\11"s :\Idl'gal·pt '\','1'1;:, S of d:tY, Ilt'('. 17, at S: I i'i II. Ill. P,.Of('ssor . \ grollil of lo(,al \\01111"11 will :-;t:ltl'S })('("('IIIIJI'I" 2. I··i'st Lh lilt 11ant HoiJl'rt n. Er- COI"IH'1i a\·I'nu., and :\11':-;. .1. ('. A. I'l'pins].;v Will ('ontriiJllll- an :111~.~t. ,'k.'-ion liaS I'I'POI tl'd at the :-;ing at tIll' l'hl'i~lllla:-; pl"O~lalH ot HI'lll.\" 01 \\"OO(lIHII':'·, :\' .•1., and ,lll ttw :\lmHlay .:\lol·ning- ('I:t~s al tlw ,\Illl':'- :"::I·parat.ion ('('nfL')" at :'oIit- st-int·, .II .. ;llth(',l in this country absis of tIl(' \\ol·ks. atlnt, ::\1I"s .Jt'nnip Fo~t('I·. who N('w C{'lltu,,· Cluh of Pilil:ulf'lpllln. 1"11('1 Fll'/d. X.Y. Follo\\"lIlg' his dis- fl·OIH ~alJllLn last \\'('l'l~ af1t~1" SPI·\·This l'eC'ital will hl~ follo\\cd dlll'_ lnali:('s hl'l' hump with .:\1tss YI"'I .. t's. Under the directioll of :\11·!'l. 1.('011- ch.I!"!.,:'" hl' and .lll·s, ,J:lCl~son and mg with tht' AllllY .\nti-Air C"aft Ill/-;" the \\inter months, at dat('s to Ser\"ic('s wI"re )H~ld Thursday. flrd C. Ashlon they will (l1'l'Sent :l. ;J I'll' ~'lHall dnu/-;"htl'I' Jwlilh will fol' the past two ~·t'al·s. D('(":t'mh('r G. Intf'rl1lf'nt was made ]11' annollnct'd, hy tlll'('{' Othl'I·S, in groun of C7.('ch cal"ols (tnli Icad the I·('sill{' in {)I"'xci Hill. H~' is now on tcrminnl l('a\'('. and f In Eastlawn Cemett'l"Y, Rwal.th_ \\ hk-h 1)1". Rwanll and ,s).'lvia Rwann IIlpmhet·s in g"rOllp slllging in the '\\ith :\Irs. EI'skllle and t11('il' ~o lI101'1'. month-old son J~ohm IS linll/; at Chl'islmas ~pil·it. The group in('ollahol'ate in plaYin~ the 11\'{' 41H Har\"ard avelllil'. II.' i:> (,IlJOY'cpllo and piano Hf)natas of He('th_ C'hHles :1\11'::1.. Het'l)('rt Pattcrson, ~rrs. in.L:' :tcqllaintan('(' \\ilh his son tor L...'l.url'n('(> .r. Rtald('l', ::\frs. ::'.Ial'gar('t o\"en, tOgl·tlWI" With tlw Thirt~ -01\(, till' Ii 1':-;1 tIlH('. of Hal'vrll'd a ....('nlll' 0ntC'l'taioNI at Val·iatlonH. ('J:lI·k Nt'al. ~fl·s. 'I'. ::\1. .Ta('kson, dl- "01 ~IIIJ..;' Founder a Former i Leader Will be Guest ! I i ISh". i c '- ,,',C' • •• 1I0Jly-1 I Japs set fire to everything and retreated west to. where they dug in In the beautiful state lluHdtngs, great Post Office. and tine unIversity to make a last stand. The:::e great flne, granite anll concrete buildings must have looked like wonderful fortresses. In a few cases they are still recognizable a.nd usable . . . The inside of the post otnce Is indescribable. Hundreds and thousands of rifle and ma.chine gun shots have chewed up its walls. pillars. ~talr\Vays. But most of the tlUHdinb~ were taken by demolishing them with 155 rum shells. You cannot possibly lmaglnc the obscenely vile appearanco thcse disembowelled Greek buildings have. "rhey ure still full of dead Japs and unexploded duds, which make them dangerous to enter. Tho JUP!:i tiled at every window, on every tluor, where they hud their machine gUlls and artilJery set up in:-Jide lhe bujJtlings. "FJ·illay night 1 \\cnt back into downtown :'olalllla. to look around. In spite of the ab~cnec of elcctriclty there is IL fevel'ish night Ufe in the I·ums. The town is JlIIH-pac-ked with muny thou::;a.nus of ser .... icemcn \\ ho sun;c up and Ilown the :-;trcct:-;. You can get an jdea. of what it is like if you visualize thcm III South Philadelphia :-treets, mostly t"ll"l' til(> width of ;O-;ollth :-;11"f'f't, \\Ith all til(' stol'es hUrllt'll out. bill !JOll·!-i, t'lll"io :;huJl~, ,Ind lu\\ ST,Hle \ al'll't~ shows under takl' fl'ont~, lean-tn-roots, and oth\"1- makeshifts. You can't drink .Hlythillg'. ~nHI whilc the activity ami "ariety of thc crowd is intcrc!-lUng for .Iwhil<'. ~'Oll :;oon tire or t he endless Oricntial nlth and de),j·,l\·ity. It is hardly WOI th a second trip ilnd I ha\'e noticed that mo~t of the men Ollt :1t the Ph1llppine Rea Frontier ~pend nearly ail of their evenings right there. "The rainy ~cason is coming to an end. :\l('-untime it rains every PEACH JAM 1II1'I' Hir{, :'\ ight I ,j f(, S'ock Up with 'his pure FREESTONE ELBERTA ing ~lImlay. ])cC('IIlIJt-,I' 9. Last SUIIl- once a. wee.k," Enriched SUPREME . . large ~ loaves ,I 1)1'. Luther Stcill will assist lh<.- day, the tempemtul'c ranges (rol11 Hl'nior cJa~H young ,'('oplc of lltt85 to 95 dcgrce!3 with nearly 100% Swat'lhmOlc !','cslJytcrian II i H h humidity. :Mosquitos arc kept HdlOOl 1"('lIowship at their meettlown by spraying DOT from planee uf Dr Arm CHUCK ROAST I• Delegates Report Blain;towll. N. ,J. 'I'he campus at DI·. J';. 1"ullcl'tol1 Cook formerly lHuil' Acad('IllY i~ a I)cautlful setof Swarthmore was ['cccnUy clect- ling fOI" the "ork and fun of till! cd to honol"al'Y lJH'muershi}) 'n the (·aIllJl. Spanish Hoyal Aeadcmy of PharmFrom those who attended last aey of j\laul·id. ')'he PI'c:wntation t-lIlIllIllCI" the following will .. CPOl·t: was made through the Spanish C,II'oline Baldel·ston. Bernice DrOlllGovernment by the Spanish Am- Icy, Pegb"Y Kc("ncn, Jane Matthews, lmssadol', Juan F'. de C ..u·dcnas, at l"':ltSY McCahan. Helene Power~, a dinner at the Embassy in Wash· nuth 'Vagner 'with Elizabeth Bryington. 1\Irs. Cook and about 20 ,lUt as Chairman. Dr. will gnests were present. project some colOred pictures and The honor includes a certificate cXIJlain tile organization of the ., Except for marvelously persistent of membership and a very beauti- conrerences. native UCe In the ruins and the ful decoration, Cunnie Yosters is in charge ot ceaseless military activity, this Is the supper which will be served at a dead and partly burled city. six o'clock. It is hoped that aU There Is .no electric power outside Exhibits Art members oC Fellowship will attend of mnitary btLlldings lit by portable generators, so the elty Is Swarthmore College has opened this meeting. Reservations for next without light. At night there 18 its second art exhibit of the sea- summer have to be in very early no entertainment. DO socIal life son in The Cloisters Gallery. This in the new year. Th.ia program i! above a pig-style level. nothing. month selections from the 43rd being presented at thts time so "There is a lot of infla.tion here. Annual Watercolor and Print Ex- "Ians can be made well in advance Goods are very scarce and expen- hibit of The Pennsylvanta Academy by those interested in such a sum· mer experience as is offered by th~ slve. The Filtplnos have lots of ot Fine Arts arc being shown. Blair Conference. money. more than we have, but Among the paintings are two Ib SHOULDER LAMB CROPS ',,,,,~U rHM(II~r lledia, en- F~lI·IJl". day 10 theil' home in H.ose Valley. tpl'tainl'U at "Olll'n lIomR'" Sunoay fOOD SWARTHMOREAN Dr. and Mrs. Joscl.h S. Dales of M,', and .:\II·~. I'~(}son Hal'l'is, J,'., autl thl'l'c t'llihln.'n rL'lUI'III'U Mon- ~WAnTHM()I~E FRIDAY. DECEMBER 7. 1945 i BE THANKFUL BUY VICTORY i I BONDS Ht;enXEIl'S B. J. 1I0Y 5 AXD to ll.\HIE l)()XXET.T.Y 1l1<;\\' nnop IX II. B.GHERS CO-I:D BKUlTY S,\J.OX ~L\RTEJ, BROS. STH.\'l'1l IU\-EX IXX FIL\NK'S BARBEn. SHOP SW.\R'l'I1~lORE CO-OP Santas Coming ~ll·S. Hoberl Carels, :\Irs. Hoy GiIhCI t, Mrs. Peter E. Told, with ~ll's, E .... erctt L. Hunt at the piano, I Ersldnl' plans to I~nh~l' the I.t. t'ni\'el'sity of Pl~nnsyl\'allla Law Rchool in th(' neal' futul"l'. HARVARD TE..,\ ROOM UEIU·;,\ VI.;}) TilE BOUQUET E. L. NOYF~ ALICE BARBER. GIFTS HANNUM & W_,\ITE Captain Charles ..~. TOIJD SWARTIOIOR]o; NATlOXAL BANII: & TRUST CO. A. P. SMALLEY IlIIOHAEL'S COLLEGE PIIARMACY TO SING BACH ARIAS Hess of Park a\'('\.nuC' who is now stationed Fort Devens, Il!h"T"~R I~. Mass., was aE- ool1ed home 10 days ago by the death of his fathcr Mr. A. Frank Hess Lancasier, Pa. ot One week la.tet the death of his mother occurred, re- Santa asks The Swarthmorcan to again remind the boys and girts Rweigert, notf'd conhas app('ared jn the Duch F('sth"al in Philadelphia. will of ~warthlllore to bc sure to call give a brief rceital Swu, 6!.100 before 5 p.m., December Church, Swarthmore 21, giving their name. address, and calling him to Lancaster for ser- age if they desire a visit from Jolly Ylces and burial. V('roni('n tralto who 8t. Nick on Xmas eVe. in Trinity on Sunda'y evcning at 6 o'clock. Her program includes arias from Bach, llilllh'r )o'rid,l~ eH~l1tllg in honol' of Dr. nlHI ~Irs. James Gay. TIlt's!' r~'citalH Will lw Opl~n to the puhlie. THIS WEEK'S CALENDAR Brutus·I:'~~~~~~~·: ~~.~~.l.~~ ~.~ s: 20 P. M. "Dear .. .. .................... Playcl.s Club .. Saturday, DecembC'r 15 8 . 20 p . ~1. Dear Brutus" ..... . 8:30 P.1\I. College Basketball ~~:ii·h··i.~···&··~i· .. ·······,··· .. ·········· .. P!!,y('rs Club . ~. ······· ...... ·····.- ...... 1, leld House Sundny, IkcembC'1' 16 11 ;00 A.].1. llorning ,',,,o,'·hship,............................................. Locnl Church 7:30 p, M. Lecture, er a .. I"ac(>\· I'" . 'C.,' . ............ . .............. rlends Mccting ~'omln,.. Det'('mber 17 3:20 P. M. Troop 16 23rd Annivers."l.l'v Hi h • . .................. g School ~luseull1 TtlcSf.ln,., i)cnoon A. Bowditch, US-. the Legton of Merit. flowers were appUqued. Her MCR. of Baltimore. Md., oeryed as capt. Bowditch was atatloned In ftngerUp veU with butterfly ot Bel- beat man tor his brother. and the Italy 20 months with the Hletort.. glan lace fell trom a· pearl coronet. ushers included Mr.. Robert l1hlo.W cal DJvlslon of the Fifth Army Sho carried e.. bouquet of white Bowditch ot Wo~cester. Maas. Mr. The couple will llve in Cambridge. Wl1Uts Henry Bowditch of Yor.k- Mass., where Capt. Bowditch will rOS88 and etephonotis with an or.. town. Va., Mr. James P. Bowditch continue work toward' hle Ph.D. chid coraage in the center. of Cedar lane. brothers of the degrea at Harvard University. Miss Anne Brinsfield slater "of the bridegroom. and Dr. F. J. We,1 of bride and maid ot hooor wore a Washington. brother-in-law palo green taffeta gown featuring of the bridegroom. 110 YOU ItN01J A reception was held at the a sweetheart neckline, shirred cap Till • • ue Cue .or All,. ...... aleeves, and full IIIklrt. Mrs. Bowditch home follow.tng the cere. Trulll.' Charles Edward Black ot Rutledge mony. White snapdragons and pink .nnrr OALL_ attending as tna.tron of honor was roses were used in tao decoration's similarlY gowned In yellow. They throughout the house. RUSSEIJ.'S SERVICE The bride. " m~or In the Arm, carried bouquets ot: bronze Chry8: lIaIle You c.r Lu' ... DuaUo anthemuDls and wore tin)" chrysan- Nurse "Corps, served as chief Durso Bonl.. WW Do n. themums tucked In their ribbon of the Fifth Army. She was' overJuliet capo. . Mr. Black acted as best man for MARY DUNHILL • PRINCE MATCHABELLI • CHANEL Mr. li'awcett. The ushers were .Mr. ::0 Walter Wagner and Mr. WUUam Z Brtnsfleld. 0 Mra. William BeU of Medl .. oang ::;l preceding the ceremony. A smelll reception was held In ::c U) BEAUTY SALON the church after the ceremony. Mrs. Charles R. Tanguy, Mrs. wli- • lIu.m Bell and Miss Peggy BriosBeauty weaves a Qlrialmas spell field served at the reception. 0 After a short honeymoon. Mr. 13 South Chester Road m and :Mrs. Fawcett wJ.ll reside in 22 ::0 Call Swarthmore 0476 Rutledge until they are perma~ nently located. THE SWARmMOREAN lo~g PERSONALS Lt. and Mrs. Chari.. caldweU ated. Mr. Percival George of west Point, cousin of the bride, ae soarrived on Sunday from San Fran- 1018t "I Love You Truly" and clseo where Lt. Caldwell arrived "BecauSe" preceding the ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by from abroad. His terminal leave her brother Lt. Alexander George will be spent with his" mother. Mrs. of Fort Monroe, wore a gown ot D. D. Rowlands of Harvard avewhite taa'eta, fashioned with sweetnue. Lt. Caldwell served 8 montbB heart neckline. long close tlttlng as skipper of a PT bOat In the Med ... sleeves, :O.nlshed with self rufOe lterranean and 8 months as Squad.. trim. IItted bodice and fuU aklrt. ron Leader for PT boats In the Her fingertlp vell ot illusion fell from a. cap of illusion and orange Paclft\). Dick Delaplaine and Stocky Col- blossoms. She carried an oldlins of Swarthmore. and Arthur fashioned 'no8ex&Y of wblte roses. Jennings of Rutledge spent a. day Mrs. Henri Chase, Jr.. of KIllaBt week visiting their chum of marnock. Va.. acted as matron of Swarthmore High School days. En- honor and only attendant for bel' sign Harry F. Brown, Jr., who is alster. Her gown wa3 of Ught blue undergoing treatment for burno at saUn and net fashioned with satin the U. B. Na.val Hospital, Bethesda. bodice and full skirt of net. She wore white lace mitts, and a Juliet :Md. Cpl. WIlUam C. Spencer who has cap of gold mesh. She carried an been in the Pan&mQ. Canal Zone old_fashioned. nosegay of yellow for 20 months received his dis- roses. charge at Indiantown Gap last Mr. P. C. Belfield. Jr.. of Villa Friday. He went to Pittsburgh to Nova ·avenue served as best man, join his w~fO and 18 month old Bon, and the usbers Inc::luded Lt. Wilwhom be saw for the first time. liam Wolt and Lt. Fred Daley of They will arrive here today to :£I'ort Monroe. spend the Chrlstma.s holidays with A reception was held at the caseCpl. Spencer's parents, Mr. and mate Club following the ceremony. Mrs. R. Chester Spencer of Swarth- The sword at the late Capt. George was used in cutting the wedding more avenue. Ensign Carotlne D. Underwood. cake. Li Comdr. Andrew MacPherson, Mrs. George, mother of the bride BOWDITCH-WHARTON and Lt. and Mrs. Roscoe Ray Her- wore black crepe and h~r corsage Miss Helen Ernestine Wharton shey came from Dablgreen. Va., for was at gardenias. Mrs. Youmans, daughter ot Mr. and. Mrs. Harry the Army-Navy game and spent the mother of the bridegroom, wore B. Wharton ot Iowa City. Iowa," week-end with Carolyn Cresson ot (or the oc~ion greY" crepe.' Her became the bride of Capt. John corsage was of prdenlas. Riverview road. Bowditch, 3rd. son ot Mr. and Mrs. Following a wedding trip to _Hot LL and Mrs. samuel L. Cresson John Bowditch, Jr., of Cedar lane and little daughter Betsy have been Springs, Va., Capt. and Mrs. You- on Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m., ~n spending a few da.ys with Mr. and mans wUl make their home In the S wart h m 0 r e Presbyterian Mrs. G. Warder Gresson of River- Swarthmore. Church. The Rev. Dr. David BmUD view road. Lt. Creason reported offlclated. Tuesday to the Naval Hospital at WED TOMORROW The ceremony was performed beBethsada, ~d. fore a background of evergreen M.iss Nancy' B. McCurdy will act Midge Brown of North Chester trees, white glo.dloU. white Snaproad entertained a few trlends at as maid ot honor for her sister dragons, while, chrysanthemums, dinner" TUeHday evening in honor at the marriage ot MJBB Emily and lighted tapers. Mr. Benjamin of S 1/e Ruth Servais who is Towllsend Mc.Curdy daughter of Kneedler, church organist presentspending a two-week leave at her Mr. and MI'B. Wallace Maca.fee Mced favorite numbers preceding the home on Dickinson avenue trom .Curdy ot "Bluebird MeadOW,"' her statton at San FranciSCO. Cal. Westtown. formerly of Swarth- ceremony. The bride, given tn marriage bl' S/Sgt. Ja.mes Paxson has re- more, to Mr. Donald .MacLear Sut:' her father. wore a g'bwn at white ceived his honorable dtsoharg~ ton son df Mr. \ aod Mrs. Stanley from the Army at Indiantown Gap, E. Sutton ot G~o;ge School which sa.tln tashioned on classic 11nes. and has joined hlB parents Mr. and will take plac.e tomorroW, Decem- featuring a. long bodice, net yoke Mrs. J. Warren paxson of vaSsar ber 15, at 4 p. m. In the ~warth­ and . . off-the-shoulder neckUne edged avenue. Sgl. Paxson spent 11 more Presbyterian Church. The with a fold of saUn, long pointed months overseas with the 15th All' Rev. Dr. David Braun will perform sleeves and full skirt w.ith· short train. Her fingor-lip veil ot tulle Force. the ceremony. fell from a cap ot Brussels lace, Albert G. Thatcher, S lIe has Mrs. Edmund ~. Lawrence of which the bride brought home received his discharge from the Buffalo, N. Y., will attend as mafrom Florence, Italy. She carried Navy. and bas joined his parents tron of honor. Q.. loose bouquet ot white camelUas. Mr. and Mra. Charles G. Thatcher The bridesmaids will be Miss bouvardla, and stevia, from which of Ogden avenue. Margaret J. Harris. Cleveland. 0., Lt. Comdr. T. E. Hinkson who Miss Cornelia H. ThoIhas, Sandy tell 0. shower ot white sweet peas .Mrs. Artts Wharton. matron crt has be"en in the service more than Spring, Md., Mrs. RoY Metcalf, three years, has arrived from the Trenton. N . .T., and Mrs. Stanley honor and only attendant, wore a gown of corn-flowered blue, feaPhilippines and has joined Mrs. E. Sutton, Jr., ot Newtown, Pa. Hinkson and their young Bon who turing a bodl~e of taffeta and full Mr. "Eobert B. Conroy wlll servo have been residing at Rehoboth as best man, ~and the ushers will skirt of tulle. Her shoulder length Beach. Del. Mrs: Hinkson is the J.nclude Pfa. Henry B. puff, En- headdress of tulle was held by p. former carol Cross daughter ot sign Herbert W. Fraser, Lt. (jg) braided coronet of multi-colored Dr. and Mrs. George H. Cross of John J. Grim. USNR. Lt. (jg) tulle. She carded a round bouquet Elm avenue. Charles C. Waugh, USNR, and Capt. Raymond W. Goodnoe. US- FOR ENGAGEMENT • AAI!. A reception wlll tollow the cereMr. and Mrs. Albert Nicholso~ mony at "Bluebird MeadOW:' Garrett ot Garrett avenue announc- Call FAWCETI'-BRINSFIELD Miss Elizabeth Brinsfield daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. John L Brinsfield of Girard avenue became the bride of Mr. Wllllam Selby Fawcett Bon" of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Fawcett of Ridley park, formerly of Swarthmore, on Weddesday evening, December 12. at 6 o'clock. The Rev. Dr. ROY N. Keiser performed the ceremony in the Swarthmore Methodist Church. which was aUght w.tth candles. The bride. glven.ln marriage by her father, wore a white saUn YOUMANS - GEORGE The marriage of Miss Mildred N. gown with sweetheart necktlne. George daughter of Mrs. Edwin Thomas George ot Phoebus, Va., and the late capt. George. USNR.. to capt. Edgar G. Youmans of Fort Monroe. Va., son ot Mrs. Gilbert Edgar Youmans of Elm avenue and the late Mr. Youmans, was solemnized Sunday at 6 p.m. at the of Swarthmore Church of tho Centurlan. Fort Monroe. Chaplain GOOI'g'O JohDson omci- The Players Club • DEAR BRUTUS c-dy by J. M. Barrie Director STEAKS - CHOPS 0 . Spnb't, C 1'1 b'A.irC D·II. SEAR)()D J. w;m.m Sib" ana Dec. n, i2, 13, 14 ad 1S atZOP.M. The Bouquet ~• §::c 5 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS ed the engagement of their daughter Elizabeth Nicholson Garrett. 2nd, and LL James Stoddard Hayes, U.S.N.R., Bon of Mrs. James A. Hayes of WaUingtord. and the late. Mr. Hayes, at a tea at the Garrett home from 4 to 7 Saturday afternoon. Miss Garrett is a. graduate of Bradford Junior College. Bradford. Mass. Lt. Hayes attended Haverford School and the Maritime Academy. FL Schuyler. N. Y. He is"now serving on the U.S.S. O'Hara in the Mariannes and Japan areas. Mrs. Uoyd E.,KauffmaD Swarthmore 2080 UNITY ASSEMBLY Anlertca.n LegIon Room Borough HaU 10:30 A.l\r. Every WedneedaY ZEIJA M. WALTERS Unit, Writer condncts the c1.....,.. :e FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1945 ~::::::::::~==~~::::::::::::~~~~~;;~:::§.·~·::::::~H TOWARD 1lIE CHRISTMAS IDEAL Without benet}t of Christ.mas Carol· or symbol there was last Su~day abroad m the borough the spirit of goodwill. It was short hved. It was not genetal enough. Nevertheless for an ~our or two Swarthn~o'reans took. a long step forward toward peace on earth among men of goodwill." MEDIA THEATRE Friday and Saturday GENE KEI,J,Y in "Anchors Aweigh" ; Surely, there is nothing so very revolutionary about a Simple exch! of pulpits. Certainly there should not be, not a~~ng Chnstlans. But to exchange them in order to discuss umtmg them, that is revolutionary in essence. Alas, it is easy for us t~ s.ay must sheath their swords but to say that ~hnstlal! de~ommabon~ must. give up their dividing walls, that IS hard, In thiS commumty, thiS state, this nation. Yet .the Rev. G~orge Christian Anderson addressing the Presby.tenan congregat~on on. the subject of Presbyterian-Episcopal umty Sunday mornmg said that his "loyalty to the teachings of Jesus .concerning .br~the.rhood and. (ellowship" made his presence !n that pulpit inevitable and Imperative. He told of the foundmg of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America in. 1908 and of its growth until today it "comprises representatives of .a.1I the large :rotestant denominations except t]le l?outh;m Baptist Convention and the Evangelical Synod of Mlssoun." '$1. 00 We're General Headquarters for Christmas gifts for everyone on your list. See our vast collection of toiletries, smokers' needs, and gifts for those in service. Plan to. do all your. shopping in one store .•• your favorite drug store ••• Michael's College Pharmacy! Cosmetic Sets Matched toiletries appeal to every woman. ••• STATIONERY .COLOGNE DUSTING POWDER COMPACTS THBI RELIGIOUS ~OCIETY OF CHURCH SERVICES 8WARTHMOKli! PH 1~8BYTERlAN CHURCH Rev. David Braun. Minister WHITMAN'S SAMPLER 9 :45 A. J\f. -f"'hureh School. 11,:46 A. "!.I.-Morning Worship. METHODIST CHURCH Ray N. Kelst::L......,.D•• Minister. FRIENDS SUNDAY 9 :45 A. :r.i.-First Day School. 9 :45 A.1tI.--John Moore of Swarth- more College win discuss ·'Life in the Old Testament." All are welcome. 11 :00 A. !rL-MeeUng. WEDNESDAY 9 :30 A. .M. to 3:30 P. M.-Sewlng ana qul1Ung SU", ...AY Michael's College . Pharmacy . nm CORNER· ,VhltUer , vent Question. '1:00 P. M.,-Youth Fellowship. Men', compact kit with ShaviDg Deeds ••• ON In House. Box luncheon. All are cordially Invited. 9 :45 A. M.-Church School. 11:00 A. M.-8ermon Topic: nAn Ad- Toilet Kits the Harvard avenue entrance and Mr. and MJ'?I. WllUam C. Campbell at the driveway tranoept entrance \vll1 a88lst the minister In extendIng tho greetings of the churCh to the confrrcgation after the Bervlc~ on Sunday morning. The Church Hour Nursery meets each Sunday morning from 11 to ] 2 o'clock In the Parish House for children ages 1 to 7. New members will be received into the church by transfer ot church letter or on confeSSion ot faith on Communion Sunday, January 6. Anyone contemplating this decision should Bee Mr. Braun atter the &ervice or during the week. The High School Fellowship has been discollllnued until the first Sunday in January. The Junior Choir rehearses Friday evening at 7 o'clock. The Chapel Choir rehearses on Thuraday evening at 7:46 o·clock. The Girls Choir rehearses Sundayafternoon at 6 o'clock. New members are welcome In any ot these choirs. The Church Committee on Over.. seas Relief is conl1nuing to gather cleaned and usable clothing and bedding. All arl1cles may be left at "the Church Office or if you wiBh some one to caU for them please phone the church office. Gifts at money for the ChUrch Christmas present to the CoVing.. tons. its mlseJonary tamily in Tennessee, may still be turned in to the church olrice until Monday, December 17. F~. D.A. R. ' Membero of the D.A.R. of the Delaware County Chapter will hold their hollday metlting at the Wo~ man's Club o~ December 1 T at 2.80. The gueot speaker will be State Chal':""l" Mrs. Ioaac H. Shell, of • Norrlotown. She will talk on the D.A.R. schoo.t8 which the organl.. zaUon sponsors throughout the country. Christmas music under the : chal"rmanshlp ot Mrlt. Samuel. D. c'lyde will augment the progt-am. CO-hostess tor" the afternoon will be ¥"rs. WlllJam B. Harvey, Mrs. Gardiner Richardson, :Mrs. E. C. Burton, Mrs. C. Russell PhUlJps • and Mt88 Lucy Hathaway. • * * •• •• * * * , * • LUNCH fr •• 60, . DIHNER fr •• ISc coc«.,." HOUIS , TO • , ... '1' • • 40: OOMDI'IIOM.D CHURCR OF CHltIST. SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue BeloW" Harvard SUNDAY 9 :46 A.. M.-...~urch School. 1t:OO A. M.-Sunday SchooL n:oo ~ M.-Morning Prayer and Lit- 11:00 A. )(.-Sunday LeB80n Sermon. any Senn6n. Topic; "-rhe Wednes4ay evening meeting each False Worship of Llberweek. • p. m. Reading room open 4aI1" allsm..·· SUndal'll and holldal'll 12 to I i :"00 P. :u;.":-Veronlca Sweigert. Con· ""copt p.m. Wedneed&:r eveiaJna 7 to I p.m. tralto. • .. . FrIday (St. 'lbomao). CIl~~~ invited to .ueDd 10:00 A. Jl..'..Boly· Co_~ TRrnITY CHURCH Rev. OHI. Christian Ande1'1'On. Rector ,. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 16 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. FIRST • IUIIII ...III. P.LL mllUllIllllI • ALL DENOMINATIONS Our patrons always find a helpful expression of friendship, sympathy and kindly understanding here. plus dignified complete services for all denominations. OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET arr..nhou •• 1581 MARY A. BAl., "..lcI... • You can step right inti> one of many, interesting jobs with the Telephone Company and start earning a good salary at once, with assurance of regu- lar iucreases. You will work in an atmosphere that's warm and friendly' with helpful supervisors to traio you in work with .. .future. You will be proud to tell yoW' friends that you're working for Bell Telephone, for the company has a reputation as a good place to work. Arrange to drop in-real soon-at the nearest Bell Telephone employment office, where an interviewer will be glad to answer your questions and tell you the complete story about the opportunities with Bell Telephone. Visit any of these offices: Room 315, McClatchy Bldg. Christian Science Notes (69th & Market St••, Upper Darby) "God The Preserver ot Man" Is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches or Christ, SCientist., on Sunday. December 16. The Golden Text Is: ··The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy 80ul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and ths coming In from this time forth, and even for evermore (Psalnia 121: 7. 8). 6909 Market Street, Upper Darby 57·59 E. Penn St., Norristown 1631 Arch Street, Philadelphia 45.Anderson Avenue, Ardmore . . 410 York Road, Jenkintown or call Enterprise ·1.0 100 tl F ....t Day Notes At the adult forum Sunday. DeC!ember 16, John Moore of Swarthmore College will continue the presentation and dlscUSSloq of "Life SltuaUono !n the Old Te~ ment." This Is the fltth of a aerieit of SIx. All are,welcome.. •• •* : SUBURBAN CAFE •• and Cocktail .loom", * * ** .,.* *'* * * * • by~erian PERFUME TOBACCO POUCH Sunday morning the regular service at 11 otclock. Rev. Braun The organ prelUde begln at 10:46 o'clock and members of the con grega tl on are urged to be there at that time. All departments of the Church School wtll meet at 9:4& o'clock on Sunday morning. The Women's Bible CI.... will meet at 10 o'clock In the Church Transept. Lt. and Mra Robert Eroklne at Rev. !Anderson listed the union of the Cumberland PresChurch with the Presbyterian Church in· 1906' the Trinity Notes uniting o~ the Free Baptist with the Northern Baptist in 1'911; Holy Communion ~ill" be cl!llethe mergmg of three Lutheran Churches into the Norwegi:Jn brated at 8. a.m. At 9:45 the Church of America in 1917 and the union of three others into Church School wUl meet, and at the United Lutheran Church in 1918; the Welsh Calvinist\c 11 o'clock there will be a service Methodist Episcopal Church union with the Presbyterian Church ot Morning Prayer and Litany. :USA i~ 1920; the ~euniting of the Evangelical Association with The Rector wlll preach the final the Umted Evangehcal to form the Evangelical Church in 1922' sormon in the sorlea on modern the uniting of the Congregational Church with the Evangelicai hereales. The topic witl be "The Protestant in 1924 and with the Christian Church in 1931· the. False Worship of Liberatlsm." At 6 p.m. Veronica Sweigert, not~ forming of the American Lutheran Church from three sep~rate synods in the same year; the union of the Methodist Episcopal ed contralto, wHl be heard .in a the Methodist Episcopal South, and the Methodist Protestant t~ recital at reUgious music. Rector's Club w111 roeet in form the Methodist Church in 1939; the current preparatory theThe recreation room of the church steps toward rellniting the Northern and Southern Baptists which at 6:30 p.m. . separated in 1845; the present considerations toward the uniting "Choir School will meet on Monof the Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian Church (South- day (uid Wednesday at 4:30· p.m. ~rn), the Evangelical Church and the Church of the United Friday (SL ".J:homas· Day) there Brethren, and the Congregational Church with tlie Evangelical •will be a celebration of Holy Com~ munion at 10 a.m. and Reformed Church. . The Men's Club will have a Rev. Anderson cited also the tenth anniversary recently Christmas dtcner party at 6: SOp. marked by the United Church of canada which was formed by m. to which the boys ot the parish the union of the Congregational, Methodist, and PreSbyterian have been invited. The Christmas Eve setvice wlll Churches; and the South India Plan, a proposal to unite the begin at 11: 16. same three churches in southern India with the Church of England. "The forces of Christ are coming together because world Methodist Church Notes conditions cry out for ~ United Christendom. Ecclesiastical isolationalism like political isolation is surely doomed." The Ch urch School meets on Sunday morning at 9:45. You are SlInday night another eXChange of pulpits occurred in invited to join us In studying the Swarthmore when the Ukrainian Liturgy was sung by the Lis- Scriptur-e Lesson for the week. anko Choir of SI. Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Chnrch of Chester Classes are provided tor children and its Father Mycyk spoke with sorrow of the persecution of of all ages and for adults. Christians by Christians through the history of his people. At the morning worship o..t ·11 ., o·clock, the mtnlster will prcach on Now the Christmas season is a time of bl~ssed miracles. the topic "An Advent Question." Wouldn't it be a miraculous, Christlike wonder if Swarthmore The Church Nursery will be open minds could stay stretched and gen~rous through the holiday? dur.1ng the worship hour to care Then we might someday hope to understand the fanatical obses- for the younger children. Miss sion of the Norwegian pastor of whom the Rev. David Braun Blanche Wiley, Nancy Pftman, and told Trinity members Sunday morning. "As we follow him we Betty .Jane Hedgepeth will be in find that after all his wasn't such a strange or fanatical idea. charge. The Wesleyan Service Gulld will You see, 'all he wanted to do was to bllild 'a church big enough meet on Tuesday evening at 8 o'/ for God'." clock at the home of .loll'S. Grace Only men of goodwill can hope to achieve that, for that Lovekin. 408 Haverford Place. is peace, and brotherly love. . FRANK SINATRA KATHRYN GRAYSON • SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER PIPES LAST 2 DAYS! Moreover, for once, we were trying to learn the right path f.or ourselves, rather than deciding glibly what Europe has done m err~r and 'Yhat it must do to right it. Swarthmoreans were searchmg their own souls to exorcize petty prejudices !hey were stretching their minds to hear and welcome ne~ Ideas. As the Presbyterian minister speaking in Trinity Church declared "~e. start out to change the world and we find out we have to begin In Swarthmore; we make great plans to evangelize the whole earth and we find we must begin here at home." , DEW DROP INN PhyiUa Neuman DEADLINE-WEDNP;SDAY NOON CHARBERT • SKYLARK • LUCIEN LE LONG • CHEN YU 1 P. M to 3 P. M. arl"Y· Entered as Second C _ Matter J 011'108 at Swarthmore Pa. UDder a~:earyA 2t 4. f19Ma 29. at the Post ., C 0 rch 3. 1879. fi < Everyone Welcome in Teehnieolor ..u.a. Be_ !:i PA. PETERMccarter. E. TOLD, Editor Irma..... MARJORIE TOLD, Aaaociate Editor Lorene P I~~~~~~;~~;~;~;;~ ~.C.. PI ·b)'leriaa Church Notes PUB'IIIl,TS-IIHDEi:I:ID· E\l'1i1Ri FRIDAY A.T 8WARTllMOR& THE SWARTIDIOREAN. INO., PUBLISHER Phone, sWlll'thnio.... 0100 3 S WAR T HMO REA N Please bring your birth-certificate or other proof of citi2enship THE. BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANI. "A 'rlendly P..... to Work" 4 THE SWARTHMOREAN NEWS NOTES Warren Bernard, )'.C.• 3/0 who has been serving Sn the Paciftc for nine months, arrived homo· Tuesday last ~nd is spending a' leavo over the nolldays with his wife and children Carolyn and Warren. Jr., of Rutgers avenue. He reports .January 6 to the Philadelphia Naval Base Cor further orders. . 1\Ir. and Mrs. N~rnum C. Mo.ncfll of Wallingford entertained at a ramlly dinner Monday evening last In honor of Mr. Maneill's brother l\lr. Robert F. l\!anctll of Kennett Square. recently returned from the European Theatre. Their guests included Mrs. J. \Varran Marshall ·of Yorklynn. Del., and Mr. and Mrs. Earl N. Baker of Ln.nsdowne, and Mrs. Anna 1\t. Manclll of Kennett Square. Mr. and Mrs. WUltnm C. Abbe and their small daughter Elaine arrived Saturday from San Diego, Cal., and were visiting Mr. Abbe's sister Mrs. 1\1. W. Shellenberger of Kenyon avenue. June Ullman ot: Harvard avenue and Ruth Medford of Strath Haven avenue, both freshmen at Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., will arrive home today for a threeweek hOliday vacat:1on. Mrs. Jcsse H. Holmcs of North Chester road was host~fI.S to the Thursday Reading Group this week. Betty Morse arrived home yesterday from Wellesley College to spend . the Chrh,tmus ho1lday o.t her home on Yale avenue. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1945 Miss Edna Morris ot WashingEnsign Edwin K. Rutherford, fEIE BRIDE EI ECf kitchen shower at the borne of her ton. D. C .• was the week-end guest Supply Corps, U.S.N.R. has reportMI88 EmUy McCurdy da.ughter parents Dr. aDd Mrs. George L. of Mrs. L. J. Storck of Crest lane. ed to New York for further asslgn- of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McCurdy Armitage, of South Chester road Lt. (Jg) George Osburne Ben- ment atter spending a short. leave of Westtown has been guest of Tuesda.y evenIng. nett U. S. N., wUl spend the Christ- with his pa.rents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. honor at 9-- series of partieB premas holidays with Mrs. Bennett It.utherford, of Strath Haven ave- ccdlng her marriago tomorrow, DeRECOGNlZm and Infant son George, Jr.. of nue. cember 16. Mr. and l\~rs. PhlUp ·W. Dr. George L. Armitage of South Cedar lane. Ensign Genevieve Reavis, U.S.N. Kniskern of Riverview road enter- Chcste'r road has been made a FelFlom. Lee left on Tuesday to R. formerly in San Francisco tnlned at dinner In her honor Frl- low In the International COllege of join her sister Elizabeth at Hollins working Petroleum Pool, NAS. duy evening. December 7. Surgeons. The convocation was College. 'Vlnter Park. Fla., for a has completed the work there and Mrs. George H. Troxell, Jr., en .. held 6.t the Mayflower Hotel. week .. Next ,Thursday. both girls been transferred to the Naval All' tertained at 0. supper party and Washington, D. C .• Friday evening, will return to their home on Har- Station at Alameda, Cal. I-------------~--_::_-:__:_:__:___::== .Mrs. Mary S. Grumbles who has rugh School Plans Basketball. The basketb$.11 schedule is tough vard avenue. The Swarthmore High's Basket- but the teams arc looking forward Marlyn McElWee of Mt. Holyoke been Visiting her daughter and sonIn-law Ml·. and l\Irs. A. H. Marsh ball schedule has been posted In to a succesaful Season. The 8chedplnce and Joyce Cochrane of WallII h of Columbia avenue returned on a omcrooms by the coacheB. ule 'fo""- the Beason is as follows: ingford will spend this weck-end Dato OPIN>nenl Time Place at Annapolis and attend the Christ- Monday to hel' home in Jacksonv1lle, Fla. She will be Joined Decembcr 14 Boys Springfield 7: 15 Home· mas hop and festivities. December IS Boys Clifton Heights 3:30 Horr.e b,' her Bon and his wife, :Mr. and Ensign David McIntire, Mer.January 4 Boys Prospect Park 7: 15 Home January 8 Boys Glen-Nor 3:30 Away chant MarIne spending a leave Mrs. William Henry Grumbles, Mr Grumbles has just been discharged January 11 Boys Ridley Township 7:16 Home with his parents Mr. and Mrs. 'VIlfrom the Bel"vice. .January 17 Girls Lansdowne 3:30 Away Uam McIntire ot North Chester .January 18 Boys Eddystone 7:15 Away I'oad until the first of January. He . Mrs. Margaret R. Marsh o·t: Park January 24 Girls Haverford 3:30 Away has been in the South Paclftc on avenue returned on Monday aftel' January 25 Boys Ridley Parlt 7:15 Away Girls Glen-Nor 3:30 Home Janua"y 31 spending n. week In C u Ipepper. V a., the S.S. Sedan for nine months. }l'ebruary 1 Boys Prospect Park 7:15 Away February 6 Boys Glen-Nor 3:30 Home Mrs. Francis G. Lumsden of· visittng her daughter-in-Iaw's parFebruary 7 Girls Media 3:30 Home Kenyon avenue entertained 12 of cnw, Mr. and M)·s. P. A. Jefferies. }..;nsign and Mrs. George 1\[al"sh roli"'C'bruary S Boys Ridley Township 7:15 Away her children and grandchildren at I"'cbruary 12 Girls Ridley Park 3:30 Away 7 16 H a famlly dinner party Saturday .turned with her and will be her February 16 Bo"),s Eddystone : orne guests fo~ the holidays after which (1'ebruary~19 Girls U~per Darby 3:;)0 Home night. It'cbrunry 22 Boys nidley Park 7:15 Home Mr8. Irwin R. McElwee of Mt. they will retUl:n to Asbury Pari<, N. J., where Ensign Marsh is unFebruary 26 Boys Mcdill. 3: 30 Home Holyoke place presented _ haIrdel' obsCl'vation pl'o)laratol'y to beBO)"11 hoUi' plano concm·t at the New Coaches: Mr. George Reimcl' Conches: Mrs. Anne Sullivan, Century Club in Philadelphia last Ing discharged. . A Christmas program at the GlbMr. Wllliam Zlegenfu8 MIBS Virginia Allen Monday prior to the Monday Study MiB8 Virginia Allen bons Home on Baltimore Pike will Captain: Harold Barr Class. ~anagers: Thomas Hill Captain: Minerva Zensen Robert 'Cauthorn Manager: Jane Matthews Cpl. Eugene C. Lappe, Jr., is on include a talk by Mrs. Helen E. Heydrl~k and the singing of ChrlstDavid Shank his way home from China and mas carols. H.~frc8hments will be ----------~------------------_ __ h·opes to be lucky enough to reach scr\'ed to the gucsts at the home here by Christmas. Cpl. Lappe has. and nny othel'S who wish to attend. been in India nnd China since :\11·, and llt·s. Parke Dodd and October '44. attached to the 10th their small daughter Pamela of Weather Squadron as weather obPottstown are visiting Mrs. Samuel server in the Air Corps. :\(. Dodd of Swarthmore avenue, and plan to remain c.ver the Christmas holidays. Pfc. J:t'ranklin S. Robinson sta12 NOON TILL 8,30 P.M. tioned wIth the Ninth Air Corps TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25 In Germany, recently spent a few . 00 days leave visiting his brother PCc. per perlOll Andrew F. Robinson, Jr., who is RESERVATIONS RIT. 4100 In charge ot prisoners of war with the Labor Supervision Company Jlt 1\Ions, Belgium. They arc the sons of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Robinson of Hutgerlf avenue. Babs Sickel a student at the \Valnut Hill School. Natick. Mass., arrived home Wcdncsda)' fOr th!l Christmas holidays. Babs was accompanied by a school chum Ann Bishop of NOJ"th Attleboro, Mass•• • who will visit here (or a. few days. Mrs. 'Lowell R. Steele who has been living with her mother Mrs. Charles E. Brenn of Swarthmore avenue. bas "joined her husband Major Steele of the Medical Corps· at the eriIe General Hospital. Cleveland, Ohio. Col. Brenn who has been overseas 42 months, is I now stationed at the England Gan-.I eral Hospital, Atlantic City. . at ____::-:___ Is £ • t::~. Okl·"';'~ron .i • CHRISTMAS DINNER $3 YULE TIME LOGS Add Warmth and Cheer to .THE HOLIDAY SEASON We Have Both Lo~s and 'Coal H. B. Green IT'S CARNS WONDERFUL •I" "I just had the car inspected and now I am sure that the brakes, lights, tires and motor are all O.K. My car is eight years old-and a going-~ver by an experienced mechanic is a good idea. Now that I am taking longer hips. , . and Sally is doing a lot more driving • , . it's fine to know that the car is SAFE to ,hive. Peace of mind-it's wonderful I" Swa.1234 Christmas Flo'wers are the answer for every name on your Xmas gift list and the name CARNS makes any FLORAL gill' more appreciated. VIOLETS CYCLAMEN POINSETTIAS BEGONIAS ALL SEASONAL Clff FLOWERS v.l.i.u.:lal inspection mdkes certain YOUR car is safe to drive-that it has no mechanical defects' that will cause it to break down just when you need. it most. New oars: are a long way oH. MISTLETOE Have your car inspected today. BAY BERRIES Cars must be inspected by Janucuy 31, 1946. WREATHS There will be no extension of Ihlo period. Natural and Processed You will Dol be allowed 10 drive o.fter Ihlo da'" UDla" you have all official inspection sticker. GRAVE BLANKETS Evergreen Do. . ENGLISH HOLLY (Very Fine) -- DOOR ARRANGEMENTS 27u0agla fAe No." hi Peac.Save Can'••• YOUI' BIi." Car Ws.leCIfi'IJJI 10 Save lJ.",•• WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS '. Baltinwae Pike SprinpeId, P.. * (OMMONWEILTH OF PENNSYLVANIA CARNS FLOWERS "ORCHIPS ALWAYS". i'Itoae Swarthmore 04S0 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1945 • THE SWARTHMOREAN SCHOOL NEWS Ing the basketball game with Springfield. It WB8 a.Iao decided to Umlt the foster parent o.sscmbly WHICH SHALL IT BE? Barrie? Shakespeare? Oalswor_ to only 10 or 15 mlnulee. thy? Rice? Ibsen or Sh.erwood? GFdUfAN DINNER Thirteen lu~ky seniors Rre now On Wednesday evening, Decembusily engaged In the honored task ber 19. at 6:30. the.Oerman stuof cl\oOl1Lng tbe senior play, which dents plan to celebrate tholr trawill be, giv~n early In the spring, ditional German dinner In the under tho capable dlrecLion of cafeteria. This banqUet, which fa H~nna Kirk. At frequent meetings after school the plays which have looked forward to with great pleabeen rood by Individual members flure by all, is In· charge of the of the committee are discussed. tfdrd year stUdents under the di;. The committee consists of the lol- rcc~Ion of Mr. Snyder. After a dinner consisting of the lowing members: Heather Chamusual knackwurst, sauerkl'aut, popion chairman, VirgInia Morse, tatoes. cider, and so forth, served . Richard Taylor, 'Vayne 'Varner, by the first year girls, there 'WJll John Foster, Alice· HJlY, Mar.llyh be entertainment and songs in GerMacElwee, Ann Hal'vey, Jean Gemman. Usually this dJhner Is held mill, Mary MarshalJ. Jean McGlathery, I>at KUne. and Phil Alden. at noon. but this year it will take place in the evening to allow more time (or e.nter(nlnment. TEACliERS CONVENE , At 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 5, the Swarthmore school teachers met at Upper Darby Junior· High School for the annual fail meeting of the Delaware County Teachca's' AssoeiaUo.n. The puplls were ·dtsm1ssed a.t 12:30 p.m. after a half day of school. '£he IH'og-ram of the meeting was as follows: The Star Spangled Bannet" led by.David D. 1\1. Haupt. of thc Upper Darby Schools: 'l'hen thel·O'·was a. buslneSH session which was fol10'.7ed by an 'excellent address by the Honorabl~ Henry Q.. Sweney, Associate Judge, ·Dela~\'aI·e County Courts whose subject was, "Delinquency - Tolerance - Amerlcanism." Next. and last on the program. a movie was presented tit led, ".Assignment; Tomorrow" which wes n. premiere showing In the United States, The picture was . prepared last sum mel" uy the NatIonnl Education AssoclatIon.Many. of the sceneS were filmed in Delaware County and Chester County, and in the picture, were some scenes of Swnt·thmore High School. The movie w.tll be shown throughout the Uniteu States In aU movie theaters during 1946. •• IIARK! THE WHOLE mOll SCHOOL SINGS Some of the hapPIest assembly programs in school arc spent singing tho traditional Christmas carols just betol'e the holiday season. This ~ year that special aBSembly which comes for the JUnior High School on Thursday. December 13, will be especially much fun because of the variety of accompanists. The Junior High orchestra will be the first to lead the singing. Soon after, however, the singing will be accompanied by pianist Alice Hornaday folld'wed by Helen Waro who will play the accordinn. Allen Enders the Very special and added attraction of the assembly. will play a flute solo, "Dance of the Toy Flutes" frem the Nut Cracker Suite. a.ccompanled by Mary Marshall at the piano. In tho SenIor High Assembly Wednesday. December 19, there wlJl also be gay Christmas singing to waken tho yuletide spirit. At this time our famous high-school mUSical trio Choral Director AUce E. Blodgett, Band Director John Jenny and Orchestra leader Charles Izumi, wJlI lead the carOling. The students wtn also sIng several carols with a brass choir from the band, and with the Senior High Orchestra. For Its special surprIse, the it.ssembly w11l hear the orchestra. play "Entranec and Marcl"L of the Peerfi· from Gilbert and Sullivan. Plans CaroUng Chorus members have begun to survey their Singing'" schedule tor the holiday season, and have found it to bc full of Singing, and full of fun. Their first appearance w.llJ be before ~he Christmas play "'Vhy the ChImes Rang," to be given In tho flnal assembly on FrIday. December 21. but they will be heard again during the pia}' as the musi_ cal background. The whohY chorus Is eagerly looking forward to the evening of December .21, -\vhen they will sing carol vespers for the men of the Nava.l annex. Though the vespers will be short, they wiII .be made especially delightful by the vocal solos of Edith Maher and Ann Mcgonigal, and the flute solo by Allen Enders. Stmday evening. December 23. • , • will be anotber big occasion for chorus members, tor it will be their second year of caroling throughout the village. They aro hoping t..., cstabllsh a caroling tradition fol' the chorus cf future )·eal·a. S..., Swarthmorean-keep Ustenlng. ment next Jbne. Januar:y 14 was selected as tho deadline for the 8ubmlsslon ot music or lyrJ.cs for the class SODg. The committee, un .. der the chairmanship of Dick Shelley, ·wlll meet Intermittently throughout the remainder of the Plan Commencement school year. Other members of A group of six student!oJ. nlJl· the committee are John Foster, sentlng the three Beniol' Itu: .. Ann dcFurla. Delphine Murphy, rooms. met Thursday, D(!cernb::'I' ! MarJorie Harrison and Donald to discuss plans for conUllenc'.;- Swan. TO MAKE POSSIBLE WELL EARNED VACATION FOR OUR LOYAL EMPLOYES The Ingleneuk Tea Room • WILL CLOSE December 24-25-26 Open for Lunch December 27th at 12 Noon • • • -RAILROADING IS OUT FOR VARSITY Twenty-five bOys from the 9th to 12th grades arc out for baskctbo.ll this year. Twelve are on the Varsity and 1$ on the .Tun.tor Varsity. Boys on the Varsity squad are H. Barr. A. KIrk. J. Campbell. C. Goslin, K. Anderson, D. Jones, C. Archbold, R. Raymond, C, Melton. P. Alden. D. Campbell. and S Brown;· Boys on the .JUnior Varsity nrc G, Thorbahn, D. ColUns, B. Patton. L. Dalton, B. Huey. T. Oppenlander. R. Hayes, A, McChesney, B. McCO\van, T. Bogardus. G. R. Swan, D. ~Dtcklnson, and B. MacIntyre. • 5 Nothing in this world is as interesting 88people! Nothing is as important as people •.. people who live and grow, love amI get married .•• peol>lc with their habits and manners, their likes and dislikes. 'Nothing really matters hut-people. The city? W" think of it as people. The countryside i. J)~Ol)Ie... Au_d s() is the railroad ••• just folks~all of them! ' S S On Tuesday. December 11, the high school students bought a total of $140.80 In VJetory bonds and stamps. 'l.~hel"C was $47.06 in stamps, and $93.75 in bonds. The (ollowing homerdoms had 100 per cent: 206. 209. 103. 101. The school is still lagging in the hospital campaign which ends on Frfday. December 21. FRENCH PI,AY Members of French III class are attending the performance of "'Vould Be GcntIeman" on December 11, at the Sbut.ert Theater In Philad(llphla. This I:; a translation of "Bourgeois Genlilhomnlc," a fa.mous play by Moliere. RED ()ltOSS CHRIST~IAS The Senior High Red Cros") club, under the direction of Mabel. Ewing, is working at a gl'eat speed putting out articles for OUr boys in the hospitals. Among them are 100 place mats, hundreds of napkins and favor holders. They are ~lso making stutted animals to send to the children in the hospitals. J,EADl!:RS AOl' Four members of Senior Cabinet attended the Student Association Conference Thursday, December 6. LlOYd Everett participated In a discussion of school problems. Carol Van Allen and Jean McOlathery In a discussion' of canteens, and .Don Swo.n In a discussion of school accomplishments. The conference began In the afternoon and .included a. dlr.:ner and evening activities. At the last cabinet meetlD&" It WB8 reported that a dUlce sponsored by the senior Clau would be beld the 14th of December follow- Locomotives, cars, equipment ••• all these have been thought out, designed, engineered, developed and . huilt by people for people, They arc of value only as they serve people. We of tlte Pennsylvania Railroad try to keep in mind always: everything we do i~ measured by how we help people, how we get along with people, how we treat people. Our greatest reward is in having people think well of ns ••• because we have served them well! • PElVlVSYLVAlVIA RAILROAD " ~n~ 7h6 fi'~ • .' BtJT IJI'IIITIED VlCTOllY BONDS A- STAMPS ,., • • 8 ~HE . To Present ~~The WIN RIFLE MEET The Swarthmore Rifle and Putal Club continued Its winning streak on November 28 by defeating an. outnumbered delegation from the Chestnut Hill Rlne Club on the home range by the' decisive score ot 1321 to 1210. A record turnout of 16 shooters competed bl the Swarthmore group. against '1 of tlie 'VIsitors. However. only the five blgh on each team counted In the ·flnal score. The Club was fortunate In having J. R. Sadter. son of K. C. Badler, back atter his release trom the Armed Scrv.lces, to fire as one ot the team members. After the match, cortee and doughnuts were served. and were received so enthusiastically that everything edIble disappeared In no time. Largd\y responsible for the good record to ~ate is the growing enthusiasm ot the local marksmen for competitive shooting. Several of the members have recently acquired rines, and others plan to do 80 when new ones become available. The Club also has four r,lf'tes on loon from the Government for the use at shooters ...... ho have nane. Anyone who Is interested In shooting Is always welcome. and every effort Is made to make the newcomor teel at home and to provide Instruction when desired.' The Club plans to make a special effort to interest women in shooting. because they have a good cbance to excel In this sport. and every yoo.r finds more girls taking up rlne practice. During the InstrucUon courses run by the Club, one class was composed entirely ot gJrls, several of whom made a score In the flnal qualification hlghor than most ot the men students. In extending this invitation to all who are Interested In rJne shooting. the Club Is taking the opportunity of showing ott Its newly remodeled range in the old Prep Scbool bowling alleys. The firing point end of the range has been completely sheathed In, and provided with 0: large go.s heater through the courtesy of 'the college, 80 that it is expected that shooting will contJnue In warmth and comfort durlnllf the wlnter season. Aide at Ball Jean Baird, president of Zeta. Mu Alpba. sorority at Stephens College. Columbia, Mo., participated in the processional which opened the Pan-Hellenic formal ball at 'the college. Saturday, December 1Jean will spend her Christmas holldays from December 13 through January 9 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Bd.ird of Dart~out;tt avenue. , EVENING ART CLASSES Children's Qasses Saturday Morning, 10-12 Arbitration" . Betty Rumble will arrive home from Duke University Wednesday Members of the cap and Bella to spend the CbrJstmas vacaUon Club of Haverford College, &881ated with her parents. Mr. and Mr8. by playere from Bryn Mawr ColWalter Rumble ot Swarthmore lege, wll1 present '"The Arbitration" by Menander (In EngUsh) In avenue. Barbara Ann Crossen Go student Clothier Memorial on Friday evenof Northfield School tor Girls, Ing at 8: 16. There will be no charge tor admission. and the pub- Ma88.• arrived yesterday at the llc Ie cordially Invited. The play borne or Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hopwas given at Havertord week be- kins ot Crest lane to spend a few tore last by the same group wltb d~8 before gotng on to Ohio to great succe88•. and It ls being re- join her mother tor the holldays. The marriage, of Mr. Jqh!l G. peated at Swarthmore under the Wilthoit of Philadelphia and Miss sponsorship of the Little Theater Jean Fisher ot Albany, N. Y., took Club and the Department of place 'In the Swarthmore Methodist ClassicS· 0,Swarthmore College. Though Menander. who Uved Church, Monday; December 10 at 300 B. C., was the most tamous 6 p. m. Dr. Roy N. Keiser officiatwriter of polite comedy\ In the an- ed. Both the bride and ogroom cient world, none oC his plays were are graduates ot Albany Teachers preserved Intact to modern times. College. At present. Mr. Wltthott However. a mutllated manuscript Is a graduate student In the decontaining portions of a few of partment of Anthropology and an them was discovered in Egypt Instructor of Japanese at the Uniabout .(0 years ago. Among the versity of PennsYlvania. plays thus partially rec'overed was Dr. and Mrs. A. F • .fackson of "The Arbitration." one of his fln- Park avenue entertatned at a .dlnest masterpieces. The surviving ner party at their home Tuesday portions of this play have been evening. Twenty-six guests from translated and the missing scenes Central America attended, tnclud-' suppl1ed bY the famous British Ing l\Irs. Rachel Delano Sierre ot scholar and poet. Gilbert Murray. WashJ.ngton. D • .c.. who plana to Murray's version is beihg glven Ita return to her home In Chile In first stage production by the Haverford group. Tho production Is January. Jessie Gilbert a sophomore at under the direction of Professor L. A. Post, one of the forem08t Uvlng the pennsylvania. College for Woauthorities on Menander. men, Pittsburgh, arrived borne Wednesday to spen'd the holidays with her parents on Park avenue. RE-UNITED DOriS Rowand a senior at the some college will spend the Christmas .r;,.t. Robert Shaw Bowditch of vacation with ~er mother 01\ Elm worcester. Mass.• Lt. Comdr. Wllae~ue. . IIts H. BOWditch, Yorktown, Va., Mrs. John Marshall of Lincoln Capt. Benson A. Bowditch, Baltiavenue' is visiting her son4n-law more. Md.. Capt. John Bowditch, 3rd, and Sgt. James P. Bowditch and daughter Dr. a.nd Mrs. .fohn of Cedar lane enjoyed a familY' re- Meneely and family near Boston. union for the first time since Pearl Mass. Harbor at the home of their parMra. Wa.lker· Penfield returned ents Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Bowditch, to her home on Riverview road Jr., ot Cedar lane over the week- Saturday after spending eight end. weeks in California and Tuscon. The three out-of'-town brothers Arizona. accompanied by their tamJ11es were Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Walton of here to attend the wedding of Capt. Ogden avenue lett Wednesday to John Bowditch. 3rd, and Miss winter In Sarasota. Fla. Helen E. Wharton of Iowa CitY, Flora Lee returned Tuesday last Iowa, which took place In the from WUson College to spend the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, Christmas vacation with -her parSunday. ents Mr. and Mrs. William Leo of Dr. nnd Mrs. F. J. Weyl of WashHarvard avenue. Ington, D. C., son-in-law and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bow- . Mr. and Mrs. John Jaquette reditch, also joined the family group tUrned SaturdaY atter spending a week in New York City. While In for the week-end. New York they saw Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison of New York Sgt. David Hannum son' of Mr. City and and Mrs. John W. ,and Mrs. Hannum of Oberlin' ave- McVoy ot Mr. White Plains. N.Y.• all nue received his discharge last week at Atterbury, Ind., after five former Swarthmoreans. Mrs. Solomon Cutcher has joined 'Years of being in the service. He Is rejoining his wife and new baby. her- parents Mr. and Mrs. L. W. King of Rutgers avenue tor a short visit while her husband Lt. Col. Cutcher Is on a mission in SHOP WILL BE Mexico City. Nancy Van Alen will arrive OPEN EVENINGS home from Wellesley College tomorrow to spend the Christmas December 10 to vucation- with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van Alen of Park December 22 avenue. Nancy will attend the V_12 Christmas ball at M.I.T. tonight. . OLD BANK BUILDING COAL Is No Longer Rationed! WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALL THE COAL YOU NEED PRIMOS COAL CO. PRIMOS, OAK LANE AND P. R. R. PA. Near Clifton Heights Grade 1 Colliery Anthracite Equal to Any Coal FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY PHONE MADISON 4902 •• F _R~m:.:A:Y~'D~EC~EMBER~~:1:4~'~1~"~S~~~~~~~ __~T7H~E~~S~W~A~~R~T~H~M~.~O~R~E~A~N~____________~~~~__________~7 Hr. and Hrs. David Jackson and p.M.,. BS'r. c:B$o PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY , , ~ ;.-.~--------------- L . 8 THE SWARTHMOREAN Lt. Charles F. Seymour arrived Monday to spend a: 90 da.y terminal leave with his mother Mrs. Melaine .SeY.II1our of Vassar avenue. Mrs. Arthur W. Kent lert Sat. urday for Park Ridge. Ill .• to .spend tho winter near her daughter. Mrs. Richard D. Scales. The ,Contract-board Bridge Club will meet tomorrow evening at the home ot ),fro aDd. Mrs. George Plowman of Harvard avenue. Mr. Theodore Crossen recently underwent an operation In at. LouIs and Is now recuperating at GabI riel Sanltorl1;lm In Ga.briel. N. Y. ELECT McCOWAN 1946 CAPTAIN Alumni a n d Citizens Honor Football Squad Take Advantage of This Big SPECIAL OFFER --------., .. - - - - - - . - $1 95 Family Pkg.1 ase n P1:':A °Lal~'K ::IW.::tN \I °V " The S,,-nl'thDlOrenn . ('' }o'~11 In D('IO\" " .............. , . . . . I I I •• 1 Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1S 1 Addres. ............... • DAYS ONLY I I CAPSULES Not A«ePlobleb Alrer D_c. 291 5tat•....... , , ~!!no:u:::~fui~ci i~I:.v·I;h·;~~·i=i .::.o~:~~~.11 this coupon I, QICCeptab n ' II yOIJf _ _ _ _ _ ___ _____ - - -- --- \,,";;:::~~~::-:=: .. _ - - - - - Get rid of that tired f ••ling. , Fortify yourseh with this poputar food supplement. Get your family Ilze package today at a 25c saYing with the ahove coupo•• One or More of These Cuts in Each Market C Pork Loa- .·s Fresh Picnics B~::\: 30c Fresh Hams 5~:j,k Ib31c: ::: Ib33c IIlbEnd Ib 2."'"Loin End Ib 2.2. ~. .-- or Chops or Chopi 3~ Ib L aIDb Boast up to ) ( 41bs Square Cut Chuck or Shoulder-Bone In S~ESSFRANKFURTEBS Ib Ib Ib :5~ Ib 7e LONG CUT SOYR KROUT SEA 'OOD VALUES ~ SMEL TS Faa" Codfish Po llock L;a'::':::~ 1 '.35c FIllItI Fa.., ,. Fillets 27c I 3Sc ·34c Ib ZSC Oysters Fu" ..'Ht'U35c J,n;Q' Mackerel ...... '·23c • ._ Farmdale Old Fashion MINCEMEAT •AelDe Whole Golden Cora You'll Enjoy ItI Old lime Flayor nJ"SJUJI FlourEn".hedS ~ family No.2 ~4c: <0. 46e 71{:.;~, :54e 4 canl .all '"'se 3 ·Ib Z4e'~O ·Ib bag bag StuHed Spaailib Olives ~::::J Milk 'a,mdol. I.a.o.... E -aporated ". Vitamin D Content G,ad. A No.2 ~7C:' 46'0' 4~e Oraa.- - Ju.-c:e Pur. flor-Ida can - can -,",IYI Co""ee A.""., BI.nd .. 1·lb 47e C'!I\,J"'" •• Hetft.flD Roasted . , pkljll Ideal Cut Strialless Qe.... N.':;n2 ~8e Fal'mdale Sweet Peas ~~~2 ~4G. g.lIt Setd Cake' Flour ":k:' ZOe atl'Us Marmalade. ~:''T 2 i~~ ~ge lISCO Cut Red Beets N':;.~\12 ~ Ze River BrandRiee Z ;l.~ Z2e Suarise Tomato Jui" ~~' 20e Todays Best Bread Value BREAD Its firmer, finer flavor. toalfs better. stays y - 99 C If lit makes an com Muftlll Milt Dr.1 11 c Sage Frenth', Thyme Frentb', Rellulu 14·02 INIt 17C Catsup ...Ritter Tall:l.seo Fancy Mixed Nuts .. 49c Diamond Walnuts " 43c Soft Shell Almonds ,. 59c Christmas Cards '" 10 35c */.. -u pr.s ........ -oz Pk' Be 6c Marioram Frellelli', Sweet V.-GZ DkG 4c Seasoning Bell" PlKlltry 1-01 pll, lOc Seasoning FreHIl'IP1IUltn' ilA'N lIe , pll Pot Herbs FlWllcbi, V4-U pll, 4c GREEN PEAS I Carrots == Ib •• tr. larYI 25(: LeHuee 2 15(: Potatoes ,Ulk '-Iacll.. c.l1f. IHIMC'I AII~:U-::" iRA=P:=-Z-FR-U-IT--==S;;--lbS .r ORANGES D"Y by w •••t-Wa vp to dolo Watkin's Salt sa_ ... 5c Zu Zu N . . . . . ._ ..... 3 .... 17c Molasse. -_~ '--IBe Apple Juice _ . . .. ... 25c CUDD "-IBe ....dIe. _ ..", .... to 38c _a -. HANDBAGS of Quality and Beauty 3.98 to 44.98 PluB 20%- tax. Styles for Everyone 1'1mbCl' or crystal ch~ar­ Lucitc trIms-A'~nuin~ puts ulUga- tors -leathers -plastic, putents, conle, tuUle nnd tub- rlos. . SPEAKES FOR HANDBAGS-Street Floor hl~a~lf~bn~C~k~;~S~g~t:_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, a dent budget, an d stop do in J i n your 0 u r • Club "13c IO'''49c 3g e now year's g i f t s and next will be p a i d WALTER H, JUDD. COMING JAN. 29 W oman's CI.ub Open House Holiday Highlight t Walter H. oPudd, RepubUco.n CongreMman trom Minnesota and JoDg..dme authority OIl coodUIOII8 In China, will be presented In au open meeting at the High SchOOl Auditorium. January 29. at tr P. M. by the Swarthmore Woman'. Club. -His subject wIll be "ChIna Today."· AmerIcan pOllc), jn China Is one of the· most controvel'8ial lBBues in Which the goV'er.nment is involved today, and tew people ron ftpeak with greater authorIty re. .garding It than Dr. Judd. For 10 years he was a medical mlsslonary In Nanking, Shaowu_ Fulden, Fenchow-Shanal. China. Upo.n his return he toured the coun I ry speaking GIl J\,merlcan polley In Ihe Paclflc. He was 1945 "With Heart and Soul. and Voice" .f. The Christmas Eve Co~~un. ty Carol serVice Monday I eve~ n ng from 6 to 6:30 wJ11 bring alltrht the borough Chrlstm tre, around WhIch the caro':: are to be 8UnB'. The Rev. George C. Ander. son will lead the Carols with the aid of choirs trom all churches, the Blgh School Chorus and Q. double brass qUartet trom ·the school. A group ot the Trinity }3oya Choir will .1 I th I ng n e r vestments. Mlmeo_ graphed carol sheets wJll be I oaned by the 8chool. Tbe Rev. Dr. Braun will ofter prayer and the Rev. Dr. Rby N. KeIser proDounce the benediction. One of the happleat ot Bwa~thmore'a community cust oms, the caroling ta the merrler. the mor~ resounding, tor every family group and every individual who pauses to share Ch 1st E r mas ve with friends and nelghbor.s. CHRISTMAS PLAY OPENS HOLIDAY "Why Chimes Rang," Carols in L a s t Assembly On I.... rlday. December 21, belore closing tOi '/acation, the school will give In a&,,·mbJy an Impressive prodUctlon o~ "Why the Chimes Rang," a traditional Christmas I .J p &,y by Eflabeth M.cFadden. Tbe cast ut the play directed by Hanna Kirk will Include Bruce Godfrey of tlltll ninth grade, as the Peasant boy -w-hoae shnple sacrJflee brings the. miracle, Warren Gold of the Beve,lth grade. taking the part of Steen. the younger brother, George Warren of the Santa's Ready -Are You? SING HERE TONIGHT Santa's almost ready for his' tong rest before "t:hrlstmas Eve a.nd his vltdts with all good Swarthmore boys and' girls who Handel's rat 0 rio have asked hIm to come see them. Anticipated Mrs. Santa Is dOing a bit or Eagerly worrying OVer the Youngatel'8 Whose paronts haven't found Five arUste are a.asIsUng the coltltne ~o call her yet. Remem .. lege chorus and orchestra In its ber, her Jlat has to close at 5 P. M. tonight. presentation at Handel's "MeSSiah" So find out quIckly, boys and tonight at 8 P. M. In ClothJer Meb-ir18. Js YOur name sately morial. The event. t.he ftl'Jll ora. called .1n to Swarthmore 0900? torlo presented at Swarthmo~ ColIf not. can you manage it by lege, is under the· sponsorship of 5 O'clOCk 1 Santa doesn't want to ml88 anyone of you. the Wl1l1am J. Cooper FGundatlon and residents ot the 'ommunlty and friends ot the col~ege are J.n. vlted to attend. 0 REVIVE BOAR'S HEAD CEREMONY Assisting artlsts include Adele Addison, soprano; LlUlall Hall. I contralto; James Montgomery, e eventh grade. who will be Bertel, tcnor; Honry Faust, baas. and thc· children's uncie. and EmIly DaVid Tudor. organist.. Both 80. PritChard of the tenth trrade. Im-11:'ril1lij~y Men's Club ])ran~_ and alto are .tram the Westminster ChoIr School, PrJliceton, one ~t the early advocates of sus_ personating the old WOman. The ~ t as fs Mr. Faust, who tor the secpendIng .hlpments of war matelord. and ladl •• whose extmvagant es oys o f Ond year .Is director of mUffic at rials to Japan. Pan'sh gUts fall to make the chimes rJng the Swarthmore . Presbyter.Ian Since 1943 he has been a Conwill be played by members of the Mr. Montgomery is a gt'esarnan from Minnesota. . ReThe anchmt Boar's Head traSOphomore class. • cently he revltdted schools and dlUon will be' solemnized at a well-known concert artist of Phllhospitals ,where he had served in The faculty group producing the Christmas d.inner In Trinity adelp}Jla. play promises to make It a mem_ James D. Sorber. director of exChina and was able while In that Husbands Guests a t omble event. Church. Swarthmore. on FrIday. bountry to oblJerve the .internal December 21, at 6:30 P. M. The tra-curricular music at Swarth. political situation at first hand. Pre-Holl'day The Job of costumIng thl. play Men's Club. whIch Is giving the more College, will direct the ot the medieval period, is being A full a.ecOunt ot his report was managed by Dorothy Adams, while dinner, haa invited all the boys chorus or 126 VOices. Mr. Borber hM been at the college for four -glven·-In Time MagazIne in June. the make-up lB under the. direction of the parish to be their guests. Every one who is Interested 18 With members' husbands as of LibrarIan Anne 14. Boulter. RobThe Boar's Head ceremony. al- 3'ears and ....vaa prior to that at the Invited to attend. The meeting ort Sa t d C though orlg:lnally' ot Scandinavian I?avtd Mannes MUSiC School. New guests, the· Swarthmore- Mothers U er an laudla Hancock will beBin prompUy at 8 o;clock 'Ollub tI origin, is observed each year at 'ork City. Students._ faculty morn. I' held a dinner meetl' ng -t the are crea ng the dU't1cuJt scenery, so that Dr. J"tidd can make;SOhedand th BI kfrJa Queen'S" College, England. The bere arid a tew of the administra_ Woman's Club on December 18. ~ ac I'B committee of uled train. connections.. I tri I . teast goes back beyond Christian tive sta1f ~ COIDPrlae the collep The. Reverend· Dr. DavId Braun. e ec c ana under the management , . - NeIIIh_··a.o.a.· '. of Mary ~~~t':ons: ..~l.._a!I'!'!'.!!.'!I.:t1~m:::,:"'~I.ntol'tlmQte paganism .... d chorua, which has been In t8bes.rThe annual Ohrlstmas Open - or the PtesbyterllUl--Chtrrch- -the-·lightlng. . the- saorUlca_-Of_. th. __boar aal.t~r_lDany weeks tor- lut night's . .f II In Swarthmore. wn.a guest speaker B f to Frlg- the wlte of OdIn. kIng iutd tcin.!g&t's· Perfoniie.ncea. . Hou.e f r m b o em era 0 a sec- at the evening. e ore the actual- performance e-. Dr. - Peter van de Ramp directs U!lnB ot the Woman's Club and 'Speaking on the brotherhood of 88 well as c;turing the church scene. ::id~lwl/, at the fftBtival at the orchestra. His mUSical train_ their -guesta, will' be held at the muatcal atmosphere Will be created clubhouse on Wednesday evenIng. man aa a prime requisite for at- by 'h h d The be(l.d will be carried In pro- Ing was secured In Holland. He talnment ot the brotherhood ot .....,e c orus un er the direction December 26. at 8 P. M. Itatlona, Dr. Braun malnWned that of Alice E. Blodgett. They w1l1 c888ion and wilt he born by tour formerly dIrected the University at Swarthmore The· Rose .Valley Chorus, under sing be for e the performance men dressed In forma.l clothing. VIrginia orchestra. kno~s him best as the head of the the direction ot Philip Warren this coUntry and the rest ot the CbrlstJanson's melOdious "Cradle The head will he adorned with a Astronomy Dopartment at the colCooke, wJll pre:mnt a program of world are in a deplorable state In Hymn." a German Christmas crown of gold and jeweis &.nd will regard to International. political h b dod Ith b I lege. holiday music which Is eagerly ymn, the Austrian "Shepherds' e 8urrOUD W ay eaves anticipated, since the beauty ot and economic relationshIps as well. Christmas Carol," and "We Three dipped in gold and rosemary. The the Chorus' ChrJstJnas Singing has 8.8 the recenUy added horror of Kings." of the French. processIon wUJ begin wIth &. fanbecome traditional. The club. weaponlJ. A number of remThe chorus accompanist Virginia rare of trumpets, and the chOir house wUl be bright with holly, edles, the speaker stated, have Feddeman wlU play for the solo- will follow the huge platter slngand Mrs. George Karn's able com- been trIed without success. Edu- Ists Edith Maher and -Ann MeGonl.. Lng the ancient Boar's Head Carol. will be A brass quartet from the SwartbmUtee will be in charge of ro- oo.tlon, psychology and torce each gal and a flute obll;;"to <=0 .... treshments. In turn have been unsuccessful. played by Allen Enders• more..,HI~h School will provide the PresIding over the entire pro- music for the fanfare and for the , The Junior Sectlon held Its The only possible hope for the fuIt gram will be Lloyd E,·erett. presl_ singing of the carols which Christmas party In the form of ture lies w.1thln each of us. is futtle to strive tor good will dent of chorus. True Holiday Spirit tollow the turkey dinner. Q. covered dish supper on TuesI alnong nations unless there Is good A sound cartoon will be shown day, December 18~ Seventeen Pervades Mon. toJlowed by the fuU-length tea.~ members attended. Alice Marlott will among men. Guests ot honor Included Mrs. Session ture, "The Adventures of had charge ot _the supper where , Frank 'Morey, president of the Tom SawYer." The Pageant the Natlvlty many "covered dishes" a,.nd three The Friendly Circle met at the Swarthmore Woman's ·Club, and large layer cakes combined to Is postponed untll next Christhome of Mrs. Antonica U. FairMrs. Peter E. Told. Mother's Club mas. It's memory sUlI deepens make a. true hoUday feast. NAME JOHNSON banks on Park Avenue, Thursday, ropresentatlve of the Woman's the praise ot the people of After . the supper the girls December 11, with Mrs. Cecil Club. The dinner arrangements At a recent meeting, the board Swarthmore who "entered Into" packed a large basket ot canned Howard as co-hostess. 'rhere were were under the dIrection of Mrs. at the. Swarthmore Branch of the 23 members present. Us past presentations and leads goods and gifts and 17 s.tockings Herman Bloom. Serving on the United Nations Counci1 of Philato theh' richer participation In of candy and toys, which they gave The president, Mrs. John H. Pitcommittee were Mrs. Eldon HolUs, delphia .:!ilected A. Sidney Johnson, the future. to the Community Health Assoman, presided. Mrs. EUza.beth Mrs. Robert Turner. Mrs. D. Mace Jr., chairman to succeed Ralph ~ ciation for distribution. Betty Plummer. retiring supervisor of GowIng. Mrs. L. C. Van' Dyke. Nixdorf whQ had resigned by reaJean Pitman as jolly old St. Nlch... nursos at the Community Health Mrs. Samuel Carpenter and Mrs. WAY OVER son or his removal to New York. olas, arrived with a sack of gifts Center, was welcomed as a.n actlv& John J. Jaquette. At the same meeting. Mrs. Waldo for the members, and the meetEric S. Sproat chairman of the E. Flshor was elected a. member ot member __ fng closed with carol Victory Loan Committee, Swarth- the Executive Committee. The Circle voted to give th('lo Mrs. Frank R. Morey, pr-eslANNOUNCE CHAPERONS more, Morton, and Rutledge DisHealth Center $50 to help meet dent ot the senior Woman's Club. trict, announces with appreciation the needs of 18 fa1Ullies at ChristDATES CHANGED and Mrs. John Pitman were guests Chaperons tor the Junior As- for the splendid work of his commas. Also contributed were an of the grouP. semblies December 21 will be Mr. mittee. that the drive totaled $710.Dates for the Junior Assemblies afghan made by Mrs. Warren Pax~ nnd Mrs. S. R. Thorbahn. Mr. and 203.26 from Ocober 29 to Decem- makeup dance for those mi88ed and Mrs. Charles· Thatcherj 0: Improving Mrs" Gordon Lange and ber 8. durlnS' the polio quarantine In sweater, cap and mittens made by The committee's quota was October will be March 23 tor the MIBB I.J1Uan Hoyt, a pair of BOcks and Mrs. C. B. Worth tOr the Dr. Frederick W. Luehring. or seventh grade_ $400,000. and the sale -of bonds was 7th, 9th and 10th .grades. The by Mrs. Percy Webster and a Elm avenue, had the mlsfortune Those for the nlnth grade will 177 per cent. All E. F and G bonds October· dance for grades 8. II, cap by Mrs. William Boyd. to receive a fractured. skull when be Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Froebel, sold until December 81 will be and 12 will be made up April 20. Another contrIbUtion of ,10 was he sUpped·o.n the icy roads while Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Barnes and counted In the drive and therefore The February ninth class for ~Iven to the Red Cross Camp and turther increase the total. Final 11th and 12th grades will be post- Hospital Fund to help meet the taking a walk Sunday Mrs. M. H. Fussell. Dr. Luehring was taken by amThe tenth grade will be chap- report will be made after the first poned to April 6 due to the Black- Chrlstmns needs of the men at bulance to the University Hospital, eroned by Mrs. George Davisson, of the year, friars play at the high school. the Naval Annex. Phlladelphla. a.nd although his Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reed and condition was pronounced serious. Mr. and Mrs. WIlliam Patton. CANDLELIGHT CAROLS he Is ~ow showing improvement. Chaperons for the eighth grade on December 28 will be Mr. and FrIda:r. December 11 A Candlelight Carol service "44 Mrs. W. F. BIrd and Mr. and Mrs. 8:15 l'. 111. "The Messiah" ..........................•• ClothIer Memorial will be held Sunday afternoon at The class of of swarth... C. W. Lukens. - : r , December lIS 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship _..... _....._.~ __._.._.._... Local Churches • p.m. In the Methodist Church more Hfgh School will hold a 4:00 P.M. Christmas Vespers •............ __.........MethodIBt Church to which the entire community Chrlstmas tea Sunday, December Mrs. A.. E. Longwell of Lafayette 1II"-:r. December 14 . is tn,,1.ted. Christmas numbers 11:15 P. M. Holy Communion ................_....._ ......Trinlly Church II. from 4 to 8 l'. ·M. at the Ia'70.,ue e""ects her CbrtstmllB will be sung by the choir and &:00 P. 111. Community Carol Service __ ....... _. P. R. R. Slatlon home of Mrs. William H. Thatcher, to arrive today. They wUl 11:30 P. III. c&hdlellght Vesper Service .. __ Presbyterlan Church the lovely tamlllar carols will on College Avenue. Many ot the Include her mother. Mrs. H. F. WerlE "'7, December 28 be BUng by the entire congrega_ class members are expected to at- Roberson and her Bunt-Miss MarIe 8:00 P. M. Woman's Club Open House ......___ Woman's Club tlon. A brief meMage will be 'lb_:r. December lilT . tend regardless of the number of L. True of Albany, N. Y., and her 8: 00 P. III. Swarthmorean WrappIng ._ Swarthmorean Office . given b:r the Pastor. the Rev. boya now In uniform both here Miss Lillian III. Roberson of Dr. Roy N. Keiser. and abroad. Rochelle. N. Y. MOTHERS CLUB HEARS BRAUN e B . FRIENDLY CIRCLE IN CHRISTMAS AID REUNION for i n advance. 19.' . Noodles ..... _En 1·.....·14c Peanut Butter - - to - 30c Currants ....-.. .... ..·17c I - . . . . .- Ral-.... ....... IOe DI_dary -~":':..11c S_lhDart Soap 2 - 13c 50 ot worrying 0 VOL THE SWARTHMORE In Anticipation something it. BUY VICfORY BONDS Dinner Christmas . S a v i n g s ..:::..t:"~3~3c~~W~t~.~I~d~D~I~I.!D~CI~~D~_~.~D~r~:":"'::~Ic:!_ -. !1~.~.~I~Co~~II~,,:':F:: - OPEN FRIDAY and SATURDAY NITES 'TILL 9 Christmas shopping about Tender Full Podded Celery ::!!i \ With any $1.00 purchase Pac:ked in a beautiful re-ulable gift box, excellent Chrlstmal gift; • cUtre of, Strath Haven a.venue. Dr. and Mrs. ·John W. Nason or Cedar lane were hosts over the "Army-Navy" week.end to Chinese Naval Otticers, Admiral Ten-Fu Liur Comdr. Lin, Col. Wang, and Comdr. Chen. Dr. and Mrs. ChlngTung Llu who were married at the Nason homo last Januaray were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn G. Bartle ot Elm avenue.' Mrs. Llu, the former Pin Pin Tan. taught English to the Chinese Na.val Of-· fieers at the college. They joined the Nason's guests for breakfast before attending the Arm)'-NavY game. In the evening they attended the play "The First Wlfo" by Pearl Buck given In Phi1adelphla by the Chinese Theatre of New York. The Phnadelphia performance was sponsored by tho United Nations Council. PvL Gordon Bierman was at his home on South Chester road over the week-end en~oute from Sheppard Field, Tex., to the New castle Air base in Del. Fu1l2-quart-Glass, Excellent Christmas GIft_ iRiiiTUPCAKE 2c~~e 6 O'Clock parents Mr. and Mrs.' R. G. Rln- Join Our CHRISTMAS CLUB Regular $1.39 yalue !:r Loyal Joseph Marant, 44th Infantry; Sgt. Henry Saulnier of the Second Air Wing, U.S.M.C. H., and n former end; Jack Welhausen, who lett school In '43 tor the servfcc; and Jimmy DUnn .who served with the Seventh Army In Italy. Franco and Germany were the OUIers present. This year's team though badly handicapped at' times by injuries .to some ot their key men, and by the 11Ine88 ot others. piled up a record of sIx. vlctorlcs, a tie. and two deCents. - - -_ _ _ __ Mrs. Oliver Rodgers of River. view avenue spent last week-end in Belmont, Mass.. where she vIslted with her brother and sister-ln. law, Dr. and Mrs. Claude E. Welch. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Reed of College avenue spent last week-end in Chicago w:t1ere Mr. Reed went In tho Interesl of the Country Gentleman at which he Is editor. They visltC::'d friends In nearby suburbs. Clnire Rlncllffe arrives ,home to..;. morrow from. Stephens College, Mo., to spend the holidays with her .~ TEA KETTLE Z'~:~:s~ge fr.,h longer. Army,.and former Genuine Range-Tee WHISTLING ENRICHED SUPREME Tho ~Iectlon of "Bob" McCowan as captain of the 1946 football toom was announced a~ the football banquet last Thursday evcning ' .... hen the High School Gym WWi a settlng for thc coralling of grid heroes past and proscnt. Thc Citizens committe which sponsored the dinner receIved a generous ovation tor planning both palatable cuisine and a program wIth a "punt." Josh Christian, back on thc tncu)ty aftor service on a submarine, was toastmaster. His well placed wit, for he is tamed, has lost none of ita punch by being so long submerged under water. Charlie Caldwell. former .star of IJr.inceton and now head' coach of hj~ Alma Moter was the guest speaker. His audience was enthusl~ asUc In its response, for hls gklll on the platf«?1'1ll plays no second to his prowess on the football field. Coach Caldwell attracted national attention as coach at \ Coll~ge to a series of Little Three Ghampiohs. He has also won recot;:niUon by his .-c-building job on the Princeton 11 as demonstrated tn spectacular "football" with tho Yale team this yenr. The committee was Corlunate in being able to bring Coach Caldwell to Swarthmore. The S.H.S. Boys' Quartette, p(lpuhl.r with any audience, wus gc·nerous with its talents. Moving pictures were an added attraction. It l'\."aS Home-coming Nite tOl' :,:"cven returning service men--exf(,otball stars ot SWarthmOl'e High, who were given the places at hon01' at the hend table. There was Lt. Vic Troxell: former All-County GUard and Urslnus College star, Navy tlyer. VIc was twIce captain of the Garnet team. Another cxcaptain wus GU. Widdowson, AllCounty. He flew 31 miKSions over Europe In n· B-2~, "'as recipient of the Ah' Medal with four Clu8· tel'S and three Battle Stars, amI narrowly escaped capture after being· shot down twice In enemy territory. GU expects to onter Penn State in the tall. Lt. Ralph Shelly, U.S.N.R., captain of Swnrthmoro's '36 baseball team and later a Trinity Collego star; Lt. Ernie Lange. U.S.A.A.P., who served on the dinner committee: Lt. Harvey Whitaker, Q.M. Department of the U.S. FRIDAY, DECEMBER' 14, 1945 * Swarthmore National Bank & Trust COe Member 01 _ D o p o o I l _ (Jon>. • • Z______________~____________________~T~H~E~S~~~A~R~T~H~M~O~R~E~A~N~----/--___________F_R_m~~_y~.~~-----Z-l~.~l~I4~S~ CHRISTMAS EYE BRIDE PERSONALS On ChrlBlmas Eve ..t balf-put seven "In the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. Ml88 Gertrude EmUy Schobinger will be married to Mr. Walton Ford Batterehall son ot ~rs. Samuel E. Newton of Cedarhurst. L. 1," and the late Mr. Fletcher B8.ttershal1 of A1hany, N. Y. The Rev. Dr. Davld Bra~n will perform the ceremony. The bride whose..sister Barbara Ann will be her only at~nda~t, will wear her mother"s wedding gown and will carry a pra:yerbo~k belonging in Mr. BattershaU's fa.m- Stanley E. SUtton. Jr., Newtown, Grimm, U.s.N.R .. Lt. Ug) Charl_ P.a. . They' wore the · ,lII;yle C. Waugh, U.8.N.R., and Capt&in those worn by tbe ~den RaYJllon4 W. Goodn08, USAAF. . A reception followed the Cereand matron of honor of American Beauty bengaline and carried bou- mony at "Blueblrd_ Meadow". Mrs. McCurdy wore> a goWn of quets of loops of silver balls. BUver lenvea and Oregon Holly Ued wIth wine and pink ere'pe with a wine sliver streamers (Which matched colored hat trimmed with pink Detrich plumes. Her conage was theIr headdreseea. Mr. Robert B. Conroy served as of pink orchids. ¥~. Sutton, 'Wo;re a.. best man, and the ushers Included gown of Powder blue with a harPtc. Henry B. Puff, AUS.. EnBlB"!' monizing hat and & corsage of purHerbert W. FnBer, Lt. Oil'> John J. ple orchIds. . , Dr,. and Mrs. .1. Robert KUno of Lt. and Mrs. W. Henry Linton. .Jr•• ot Columbia, S. C," will arrive Riverview road entertained at a tomorrow to spend a. week over the tea Sunday afternoon from • to G. holidays with their parents Mr. The guesta included , group ot and Mrs. Frank V. Brewster ot mathematicians and their wives Dickinson a.venue and Mr. and Mrs. from Swarthmore College, the W. Henry Linton ,of Benja.mln University of Pennsylvania, Bryn Mawr College, Haverford College, West avenue. Hayes .Penfield, R.T. 2/c, sta- and the University of Delaware. Mr. and. Mrs. WlIl1am Thatcher tioned at Quincy, Mass., will arrl""Ve home tomorrow to spend a. feW of College avenue journled to Bos· days at his home oil Riverview ton last Friday .here their daughter Barbara a student of connecti- Ill'. road. Lt. and Mrs. Edward H. Cooley cut College for Women. met them, Mr. John Schoblnger will se;rve of Portsmouth. N. H., spent last to week-end with Susan Thatcher, as best man. and the ushers will Inweek visiting thetr parents Mr. and and attend the Christmas pageant c)ude "JUr. James P. Brown, Ll Mrs. Dwight Cooley ot Columbia at Bradford Junior College. Mr. John S. Kistler, Mr. George T. Heravenue and Mr..and Mrs. Wade B. and Mrs. Thatcher and Barbara sche1, and cpi. William J. SchobDavison of Vassar avenue. I.J:. returned -home Sunday even'ng. inger. Cooley was on a special assignment Another daughter, Mrs. William H. Following the ceremony a small McInroy arrived home yestreday reception will be held at tho home to the Philadelphia. Naval Base. T/6 Samuel H. A'yers, Mrs. Ayers from Dickinson College. ot the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. and their son Rlddy of Harvard George Schoblnger. of Swarthmore Mr. and Mrs. "'"illlam J. Kindley avenu~ left Monday tor Shaker ot Baltimore. Md., will arrive Sun- avenue. HetglA, Ohio, where they wilt day to spend the Christmas holispend tile Christmas holidays with days with Mr. and l\'Irs. Peter E. SU"IToN-McCURDY the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Told ot Park a.venue. Mrs. Told's parents the Rev. and Mrs. George The marriage of Miss Eml1y A. R. Ayres. Capt. ~enry H. Alderfer, U.S. H. Turner of Wilmington. De1., w11) Townsend McCurdy daughter of M.C., Is expected Sunday the be guests over Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Macafee home of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph David Webb a student ot the McCurdy of "Bluebird Meadow", H. Banks of Columbia aveilUc to Japanese language at the Unlvers- Westtown to Mr. Donald MacLear spend a scven-day leave with bis Ity of Chicago will arrive .home to- Sutton son of l\lr. and Mrs. Stanley wife and chlld who are living with morrow to' spend a week's vaca- E. Sutton of George Scbool took Uon with his parents Lt. and Mr~. place Saturday. December 15. at the Banks. Ensign .J. David Weiland, U.S.N. William Webb, of South: Chester 4 p.m. in the Swarthmore PresbyR .• who is serving on the cruiser road. His stster Ruth Webb a terlan Church. The Rev. Dr. Da.vid U.S.S. Little Rock, Is expecting to sophomore at Drew University ar- Braun performed the ceremony. The bride. given In marriage by spend the holldays In Rio de Janei- rives today tor a holiday vacation of a week. her father wore .8. gown of Ugbt ro. Brazil. Mr. and "Mrs. William C. Camp- ivory satin made with a long. tight Pfc. George F. Corse, Jr.• U.S. oft-the-shoulder :tt1.C.R., stationed at the Patuxent bell of Yale avenue will entertain fitting bodice, River Naval Air Base Station. Md., Sunday afternoon at n. cocktail neckUne edged with seed pearls and a yoke or marquisette, lone· arrived Thursday to spend a week·s party. Mr. and Mrs. George l\f. Karns tight sleeves, and a. full skirt leave with his parents Mr. and will entertain informally on New shlrr.ed to the bodice. Her 10ng Mrs. George F. Corse of Yale a:veYear's afternoon with an "Open vell was of old family lace. She nue. His brothcr Ensign .John M. House" at their home on Wellesley carried a. round loose bouquet ot . Corse who Is attached to the U.S.S. road. gurdenins surrounded by silVer Warrington, Boston, Mass.. Is exMr. and Mrs. D. Mace Gowing of leaves and a tulle trill tied with pected home Sunday for a few days. :TOWERING ABOVE A CARE-BOUND WORLD IS THE Parrish r~ad will entertain at silver streamers. Jim Pitman arrived home Sunday evening from the Spartan ·"Open House" from " to G Satur- ":'j. Miss Nancy n. McCurdy acted as CAREFREE SPIRIT 01' CHRISTMAS. INDEPENDENT OF maiden of Donor for her sister School of Aeronautics, Tulsa, day afterntJon, December 29. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Penfleld of and l\lrs. Edmund P. Lawrence of Ok1a., to spend the holidays with TIME, INDEPENDENT OF PLACE, INDEPENDENT OF Rlvel'vlew road will hold "Open Buffalo, N. Y •• attended as matron his parents' Burgcss and Mrs. House" on Christmas Eve. ot honor. They wore dresses of .John H. Pitman ot ,Va8!b.r avenue. CIRCUMSTANCE, IT EMBRACES ALL NONE CAN Marjorie Lewis, Gail· Hpdgc and American Beauty bengaline made FlO Stephen F. Spencer. staBlyth Barnes will entertain their with tight fitting bodices,· high tioned at Walla Walla, Wash., wUl ESCAPE ITS MAGIC SPELL. NPcnd ·tho Christmas holidays at classmates of the 9th grade at a. necks, and cap sleeves. The full party In the recreation room of sk.1rt was draped in the frMt. They thc home of his parents, Mr. and 1\1 1'8. R. Chester Spencer, of Trinity Church tomorrow evening. carried bouquets of Oregon Holly. FOR YOUR MANY EVIDENCES O~ GOOD WILL 'IN Jane HIIles of the Swarthmore silver leaves, and loops ot tiny Swarthtnore 9.venue. Apartments entertained at a buffet sHver Christmas balls tied with slI• Cpl. Arthur Dodd has been trans- supper and shower Sunday eVi:lning yer streamers. Their headdresses 1945 WE SINCERELY THANK YOU. ferred from l~t. sm, Okla .• to the tn honor of Miss Frances Gillette were of Oregon Holly and tiny 811Army AI .. :b"lcld at AmarillO. Texas. Forsythe ot Thayer road whose en- ver balls. where he is serving as Weather gagement to Lt. (jg) Arthur L. The bridesmaids were Miss Obser.ver. Seh" rt, Jr., of Tacoma, Wash., has ... { Major Bickiey Stevens and Mrs. heen"" announced. The guests In- .1'" argaret J. lfarris of Cleveland, Phone 0440 Stevens visited friends In Swarth- eluded Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Forsythe Ohio, MI.. COO'nella H. Thom"s; DARTMOUTfl & LAFAYETrE AVES. more Sunday en route to, t~elr nnd Miss Ann ·Forsythe of Tha'yer Sandy Spring. Md.. Mrs. Roy '1 G o~i> where Major ~ Metcalf. Trenton. N. J., and Mrs..................................................... hom~ n e 10 1 • .• road. Mrs. William Harvey. and 1-;:;;;;===;;::;::====:-.:==--:-_....::~'::iII>==· =~· ~·=~· ~·..-=::~ =-~=::==-=~=~ Stevens will have his 'first glimpse Mrs. Dorothy Lueders Kay of I:t; of his I;>aby son. Major Stevens Swarthmore. Miss Polly. Graham, who 18 on termtn-al leave after Downingtown,. Mrs. Albert Mace. ser-ving as an' Army engineer ~n Wallingford. Miss Virginia Pike, the C.B.I. Theatre, formesrl Yh 80 1"- Lansdowne, and Miss Ruth McCoy. tended the Swar-thmore c 00 s whllc his father the Rov. William I Haddonfleld. N . .J. Steven.8 was pastor of the Swarthmore Methodist Church. ~'il~~'il)t Capt. and Mrs. C. M. HuntingThe Season's Greeting ton and their daughters Chloe and Mickle of Princeton avenue wlll to leave by car for Miami, Fla.• DeYou All cember 26 where they plan to va· thiS cation for Heveral weaks. Happy Christmas are the answer for every name on' your Xmu gift list and the name CARNS Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Buxbaum 01 makes any FLORAL gift more app~ted. . and Bons Robert and Richard of , 1 9-45 Wallingford will spend the Christmas holidays with relatives in MilMrs. Uoyd E. Kauffman waukee. Wis. Subscriptions for aU ~[agazlnes Clare Cochran of South Chester swarthmore 2080 road is home from Chevy .Junior Conege to remain over the . holidays. ALL SEASONAL CUT FLOWERS &'Merrp C!Cbristma~ The Bouquet Beauty Salon 13 S. Clwster Rood at RUSSELL'S SERVICE ...=:·...""&c-.-.-.-.----............... :::.-==:::::==.. ...................... ... :::·....=·......=·.. .~ Christmas .t.Z . ,Fj owers VIOLETS CYCLAMEN POINSETTIAS BEGONIAS . _-_.---: ! as tr AN ENT GIFT for the entire FAMILY and especially MOTHER··wlll be a Jlewiy painted kitchen or EXCEl I bath to be done after CHRISTMAS Dave Wood Media 0755 MEDIA MISTLETOE THEATRE BAY BERRIES .SATURDAY FRIDAY & Ginny Simms Robert Paige Charles Coburn WREATHS Natural and ProcessecI ENGLISH HOLLY III "Shady Lady" (Very Fine) DOOR ARRANGEMENTS SUNDAY ONLY Roy Rogen WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS III 'Don't Fence Me In' MODday - Taesda)' Wedn~Bd'A'" Margaret O"BrieD EdwardG. Rohin_ • III "Oarflles 1m Ten'. CraJlS" GRAVE BLANKETS BalIinMe Pike s.,. inafieIcI, P.. CARNS FLO~ERS "ORCHIDS ALWAYS'· .... .... .... .... .. - '" ' '.. .. ' Phone Swarthmore 04&0 T E SWAR . PlIBI.J"ft"" 'l!wERi' FlUDAtHMOREAN AT SWARTJDI:OBE, ' A TIlE SWABTIDIORlilAN. INO.. PlIBusIIER PA. ~ S_ _ 0100 PETER \ E. TOLD, Edltor I MMARpJ'ORIE TOLD, AaocIa.ta EdItor' Lo rene McCarter rma.. arl")' Anne M C· ... . • OCuran Entered ... Second C1aas Matter J Office at Swartbmore Pa. und'erRtnhUlU'Y at the Poet e A' cJt 4,0 tl'~.9! . •• _reh 3, 1879. DEADLINE--~DNE8DAY NOON FRIDAY be "J'eaua •• P:30 P. M.-candlellght. Vespe", ServIce. Th8 GIrl.' Cbolr and the Chapel Ct,olr wUl Ilng. Mr. and Mrs. Marvel WI180n at the H.arvard A¥enue entrance and Mrs L. T J d d . . • an a an Mi88 Dorothy Janda at the drlveway-trans_ ept entrance, wlll assist the minister In extendLng the greeUnga of the chureh to the congrega- IJ8rmon DI:."I"'I:'aftII~1'III ARRIVES HOME, wtu came~_ CoJ. Birney K. Morse of Yale avenue arrived homo Wedneeday evening atter spending 27 months In India China Burma Section where he was chief engtneer In charge of la)1og pipe UDell for the Al11ed NaUone In that area. He will report to Camp Dlx tor discharge after which he will re .. Burne his duties ,as Chief Engineer of the Suaquehanna Pipe Llno with olrlce In PhIladelphia. tlon aftcr the o'elock ....vlce JUorolng. ~~========='=:_=.===~2~1~,~1~94~5~===:!:=~1 Sunday The Church Hour Nursery meets I---::;::===:-::-:::=====--11 C PAlTERN OF afRISTMAS I'po,"h Sunday mornIng from 11 to .' In the misce!la,ny which pa,sses aCfOSS the des~ of the 12 o'clock In the Parl8h House editor of even a vtllage newspaper many item~ are found that for children ages 1 to 7. compel th,?ught. Just the other day came the following fragNew member. will be receIved ment of eVidently modern verse, without title and wiUtout credit·lnto the church by traJUlfer ot '.'Only the children clasp His hand" • church letter or on confesolon ot Hi$ voice sneaks low to the~ faith oh CommunIon Sunday, JanA d fll f l'I • uary. G. Anyone c.ontemplating or them the shining band this decisIon should see Pro Braun n S I Win£s over Bethlehem. Sunday after cburch or 80me time during the week. The ultimate laws alO\le we know The HIgh .Scbool FellowshIp has The ledger and the sword-' been dlBConLlnued until the first So far away, so long ago Sunday In January. The Benlor \Ve lost the infant Lord." CI ..... will not meet Sunday eveOn the same day that bit of floated to us the daily Ding until January 6. papers a d th d' t 11' ,. J The ChUrch Committee on Overn e ra 10 were e mg of President Truman's warning seas ReUef 18 continuIng to gather an~ appeal to the police officers of the land 'concerning juvenile clea.ned and usable clothIng and dehnquency. (Swarthmore has its own problems with ado- beddIng. All articles may be left lescents.) Now no two things could seem more widely unre- at the Church omee or It you wish lat.ed than that bit of verse and that appeal, yet we found them 80me one to call for them please bemg woven into figures in a pattern in the loom' of ou'r' mind. phone the church' Office•. The background of the pattern was the Christmas observSurgical dressIngs ar. made ances of yester-years. Then Christmas was a high religious festi. Tue8day m'ornlng from 10 to 12 val. 0, there was much gaiety and mirth, there were merry o'clock at the church. shouts and ha.ppy salutations, there were carols.:-carols of praise The Jun.lor ChoIr will rehearse d f h Th Friday afternoo!l at 5 o'clock· in ~n a wors Ip. ey were happy days, those Christmases; and the Parish House. The GIrls' m the heart of them was the Christ-the infant Lord adored ChoIr will not rehears. Bunday aftThat infant Lord was more than a symbol, He was, ~ery real: ernoOf!. The Beginners' Deportment And that reality set the tone and the tempo of our observance. !At the heart of today's Christmas we still have the symbol ChrIstmas party wl1I be held Sat.. of a child, but is it always the infant Lord? Do some of us-- urday afternoon from 3 to 6 we oldsters--forget the Christ' of Christmas? Is it true that o·clock. in tho Parish House. "only the children clasp His hand?" Trirdly Notes Recently a gentleman was heard to remark "No we will On Sunday there wUl be a celenot be celebrating Christmas this year. You see, our' children bration of. Holy Communion at 8 !Ire all groy.'n up." Is, then, Christmas only for children? Has A. M. The Church School will It no meanmg for maturity? Have the Christ of Christmas and hold ita sessions at 9:4&. At the the mature thought of men gone separate paths? ' 11 o'clock service I of Morning It has been said that "Youth is the time for hailing the Prayer, the Rector ~1I1 preach on vision and coming to love the light; the religious task of the the topic, "The Incarnation." great middle years is to live and act in the light that has been Bup.dles ot clothing and toods will be brought to the church on seen." Without Christ Christmas is a misnomer, an empty form Sunday morning und placed at the without a heart. It ceases to be a high festival and becomes just AI~ar and In the chancel. The another holiday. Without Christ the Christmas images and {"ongregation has bce~ asked to assiat in the program of the Chrispage;mtries lose their meaning and become bizarre make-believe. tian Churches .In their effort to . . Here i.s where meditations became woven into pattern. provide the needs of those In the If Christ and human maturity have a lessening affinity may not war-torn ·areas of Europe and that be an explanation of the increaSing tide of juvenile de- AsIa. Iinquency? The Christmas story is not a myth. It is fact. No Evcning Prayer wlll be held at other single event has so profundly affected human history as 6 o'clock.~ did the birth of the infant Lord. If we treat that story as a On Monday (Christmas Eve) myth; if we allow our children to think of it as a beautiful folk- the midnight scrvtce wIll begin by tale and nothing more, then humanity has lost" a quickening and a .·ccttal of .c~llo and organ mUBic at 11: 15 P. 1\[. Holy Communion an elevating force of mightiest potency. Leaving Christ out of Christmas may be the first step in wiII follow and the choir will sing such a loss. A rampant commercialism and a high-pressure cam- a comm union mass by Oldroyd. paign of advertising have well-nigh made a tradesman's holiday The Rector wJi be assisted by the Reverend Walter 'V. Ware. of the of Christmas. We become almost evangelistic when we plead- Philadelphia City Mission. for the sake of the children of the land, let's keep Christ in On Christmas Day theee will he Christmas--and in our lives. a celebration of Holy Commenion at 1 () A. 1\1. The service will be -:aid. Methodist Church Noles The l"casl; of St. Stephen will S\VAHTH"\10Itl!.. l·hl •. -101 _hHI.\ .... A special Christmas progl'am be observed on i.Vednesday by a t.:HUHCH will be presented in thc Church celcbration of the Holy CommunHj~V flHVlI,.I B.';,',!,. Millhol ... 9 :45 A.. M.-Youth Carol Service in School nt 9:45 A White Ion tit 10· A. 1\1. Church. The· Feast of 8t. John EVan11 :00 A. M.-8ermon Topic; "Jesus Gift scn-ice ~vi1l be included and the gifts I:eceive~ ·will be sent to ;eIist wUI be celebrated on ThursCame." DECEMBER· 24 the Fifth Street Center und the day with u. service of Holy COUl11 :30 P. M.-Candlelight Vesper Serv Oractlnes.<; Home ,in Philadclphia. .ll!n!on at 10 A. :\1. Ice. At thE.' 1ll0rnillg s('t·yicc at 11 1.'he Concert of Christ.METHODiST CHUltc.H Roy N. Kels(. • l>.1)•• Mlnitllt:l". o'clock the choir will render .:a~ music wllt l)c glvcn on Sun~ln"-'A 'i Christmas music and the minister lay. December 30. at 8 P. M. 9 :45 A. M.-Church School. .11 :00 A. M.--Sermon Topic: "The Mir- \\"111 pl'each on the suhJect. "The aclo at the Manger." :'oi il'acll:' at the Manger." Christian Science Church 7 :00 P. M,-Youth }t'ellows!u(l. 'l'hc ellUl'ell Nursery will be 'CJUNITY CHUItL'H . Hey. Oeo. Christian Anderson. Rector apcned during the worship hour to "Is The Universe, Including l\Ia"n. SUNDAY, DECEMJlER 23 cnI'e for the younger cbildren. Evolved by Atomic Force?" Is the 8 :00 A.M.-HOlY Communion. :\[1'5. Richard Snyder and 1\11'8. subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all 9 :j5 A. M.-Church School. 11:00 A. M.-Mornlng Prayer and Ser- George Dunn will be tn charge . Churches of Christ. Scientist, on mon Topic: ""The IncarSunday. December 23. The Golden ~ nation." Text is: "Sing unto the Lord, all MONDAY, CHRISTMAS EVE Presbyterian Church Notes 11 :16 P. M.-CeUo. Haly Communion. the earth; shew forth from day to Choir. day his salvation. Declare his Christmas Day. SERVlCt::S FoR THE ~HRIST­ glory among the heathen; his 10:00- A. M.-Holy Communion. )IAS SEASON Wednesday (St. Stephen). marvellous works among all na10 :Oo-A~ M.~HoIY Communion. December 23 tions" (I Chronicles 16:23.24). Thursday (St. John Evan· 9:45 A.M.-youth Carol Service gelist). Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Wetland in the Church. The Junior of South Chester road will enterI'HE kb:LIGIOUS SOCIETY 010' FRIENDS ChOir will sing. "The Christ- tain Dr. and Mrs. Paul Baldwin SUNnA" mas Story" will be told in and their daughter Barbara of 9 :45 A. M.-Flrst Day School. Forum: No meeting of the group pictures with Stephen Spen- Rose Vailey. and 1\[rs. Baldwin's until further notice. eN' as readcr. Parents are parents Mr. and Mrs. B. Fargo of 11 :00 A. M.-lIeettng. \VEDNESDAY invited to attend this serv- Kaukauna, Wis.. as their din ncr 9 :30 A. )I. to 3:30 P. M.--Sewtng and. tce. The .members of the guests on Christmas Eve. • Quilting in Whittier Church School are to report House. Box luncheon. Miss Elsie Reuning a freshman An are cordially invited. to theJr own c"!assrooms at at the University of Maine, Orono, FIRST CHURCB. OF '=HRTST. 9:30 and will return to their Me., is spending the Christmas vaSCtENTrST OF SWARTHMORE departments after the serv- cation at the home of her parents Park Avenue Below Harvard SUNDAY ce tor a 0' ic[ meeting. Dr. and Mrs. Kal'l Reuntng ot 11 :00 A. M.-Sunday School. 10;45 A. M. - Morning worship South Swarthmore avenue. . 11:00 A. Il.-Sunday Lesson Sermon. Wednesday evening meeting each with special music by Mr. Mardy Jean Crosby arrives at week. B p. m. R~ding rwm open dansKneed·ler and the Girls' o.nd her home o~ Dickinson avenue toexcept Sund~Y8 .,," holl~ays 12 to· 5 Chapel Choirs, under the dl- morrow from Tufts College tor the p.m. WednCflday evening 'I to B p.m. Church Edlnett. holiday., .rect\on oJ: Mr. Faust. The Christmas . , . 41l are eonflall7' Invited. to atteM THE • UNITY -no",:::.u ASSEMBLY Room 10:80 A.M. ETerF Wed_..,. lEI IA M. Unit)' Writer 00Dd":U.~ w.... ....,..... _ EYeI70ae ~e1_ DUI'.' THE MIIllDAU 1""1 .ver ••r....... cooked II , .. IIU II . .. p.rt.cU, ........ L----'--~' III lll.CII.IIIIIE. SUIVI14N OAP. lind CodttllU Loung. !~~~;.;:: I * .24 HOUR SERVICE We have a complete 'staff on duty 24 hours a day. Please feel free to call us at any hour. ,OLIVER H. lAIR CO. DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS \ 1820 CHESTNUT STREET Im.nltou•• 1S11 MARY A. BAIR, _ , ...... . • a: CHURCH SERVICES a 'b e r of anum f or -10 bs -interesting ' hone \ P ,-th the 1e e w' . . . company Do you want a ~leasant job with a good fnture? A job that pays you while you're learning? A job that carries regular increases in salary?· Then, come~to.otie of the B~ll Telephone Employment Offices. A friendly inter- viewer will tell you all about the advantages of working for the Telephone Company. Work is usually near your home. Congenial ass0ciates, friendly atmosphere, excellent working conditions, clean rest·rooms, and ample opportunity for advancement combine to make telephone work unusually desirable. Come ;n now! Bring your birth-certificate or other proof of citizenship. Apply at any of the following Employment Offices: Roo", 315, McClatchy Building' (69th &. Mark•• Sh., Upper Darfly) 6909 Market Street, Upper Darby 57·59 E. Penn St., Norristow!! 1631 Arch Street, Philadelphia 45 Anderson Avenu., Ardmore 410 York Road, Jenkintown or call Enterprls. l..olCM» THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Of PENNSRIANIA "A Friendly Place to Work" • NEWS NOTES MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL , CELIA SHOE SHOP for you Happineas Prosperity Good Health Lasting Peace Joseph's BarberShop Best wishes to you and youn for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Turner and daughters Basan and Holly have moved from 611. Cornell avenue to their newly purchased home at 606 Btrath Haven avenue. Mr. Turner's brother Mr. J. A. Turner. Jr., and famUy formerly of Clarks- burg, W. Va.. are occupying the hOUBO at 611 Cornell avenuo. Dr. and Mra. Henry J. Weiland and their daughter Patricia of South Cheater road will spend Christmas Day as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert SL Clair of Wl1:mlngton, Del., at the Hotel Dennis, Atlantic· City, where they are spending the holtdays. Edith. Thatcher a student at Bucknell University will reach her home on Ogden avenue today to vacation over the holidays. Mi88 Anne Lingle of Cornen avenue entertained MIBB Betty MOBely of Nell·port. R. I., formerly of Swarthmore 8.8 her week-end guest. Elaine Kite, arrived home fl'om Goucher College last· Friday to spend the Christmas holidays wJth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kite of Ogden avenue. Betty Ann .Klte returns from Swart;tImore College tomorrow for her vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Horace H. Hopkins of Crest lane will. have as their house guests over the hol1days T/4 Horace H. Hopklno, Jr.• and Mrs. Hopkins ot Chicago. 111'1 and Mr. and Mrs. Freeman O. Peterson nnd son Wendel, of Warren. Pa. Betty Ellen Littlefield arrived at her home on Swarthmore place, Wednesday. from William and Mary College to spend the holidays. Dr. Dorothy Spencer ot' Washington. D. C., will spend the holl .. days with. her parents., Mr. and Mrs. R. Chester Spencer of Swarthmore avenue. Laura Lee Hopkins. Beuw Hornaday, Anne Myers, Bonnie Morse. Molly Harper, Jean· Huey and Bob· by Ann Schobinger arrive at their home trom Middlebury College toda~ . Dr. and Joseph WilUtts of Armonk Village, N.Y., tormer Swarthmoreans were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thatcher ot Ogden avenue. Priscilla Giles. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Giles of Rutgers avenue arrived home yesterday from Vermont Junior College for the Christmas vacation. Edith Thatcher will arrive home tomorrow from_ Bucknell University to spend the Christmas vacation at her home on Ogden avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley ~ Milne ot Cornell avenue will entertail'l. Mrs. Michael Frye ot Philadelphia As- Holiday How. ' NEWS NOTES The Swarthmore Public LIbrary will be "closed on Chrl8tmaa and New Y~r·. Day_ On Monday. December 24. It will be open trom 2 until 4: P.~. and, on" Monday. December 81 t the houra will be" 2 UDtil 5:30. . The Ingleneuk Tea Room 80elate Editor of the Army Times and Mr. Smith Daile.. of WashIngton, D. C., during the \loliday BeMon. Mrs. A. M. BOBBhardt ot Park avenue accompanied by her young.. est SOll ·Dick will spend Christmas with her oldest Bon and daughterIn-law Navigator Rene Bosshardt and -Mrs. BOBBhardt ot Little Neck, L. I .• and will get acquainted wtth her new little grandson. I Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown ot Walnut Jane will have as their guests over the Christmas holidays their . daughter Barbara who Is home from Wheelock College-, their BOn Jim who 18 home from Yale University, their 'ton and daughterIn-law. Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Brown of Baltimore, ~d., and Mr. Brown's sisters, Mrs. Helen Hope and Mrs. Mabel Virture both of Wyoming, Del. On Monday, Mrs~. .Brown's stster Mrs. Hope W. Jennings and daughter BeverlY from Westfield. N. J.. will arrive. Mrs. Roy Comley ot Walnut lane , entertained her brt4ge club at luncheon and a Christmas party Wednesday. Mr. and Mre. M. W. Garrett of North ·Prlnceton avenue will entertaIn tonight at a birthday dinner party In honor of Mrs. Garrett's brother-In-law. Dr. J. F. McClendon of Norristown. Mrs. WUUam F. Lee of Lafayette avenue received a cablegram from her husband Lt. Lee last week Informing her that his ship was saUIng tor CaUfornia. Lt. Lee Is attached to the U.S.S. Appalachian which has been In the JB:pan area for the past several months. Mr. and Mrs. D. Mace Gowing of Parrish road are entertaining Mr. GOWing's brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Gowing and their daughter Anne on an overnight viSit today. The'Y are enroute to their home in Nortolk, Va., trom Milford, Conn., where Mr. Gowing has been on a special assignment. Mary Lee Hartzell of Walling_ tord arrived hom'e Wednesday eve .. nlng trom Bradford Junior Col .. lege to enjoy a three ... week vacation over the hoUdays. Open for Lunch December . . 27th . at 12.Noon December 24, 25, 26 • I mERRY CHRISTIllJIS ~TOOnEJlnDAlLa , IUnselbsh interest in others is the key-! "note of happiness at Christmastime. i May each gift you receive breathe love and devotion and bind the ties of home and friendship more securely. As for ourselves, we desire to express our appreciation for your loyalty to us in 1945. and wish you a Merry Christmas. BUCHNER'S VICTOR D. SHIRER a HAPPY CHRISTMAS ~ H·ANNUM & WAITE I -------CLOSED HOLLYHOCK SHOP VAN ALEN BROS. " I Barbara Brown. daugbter ot Mr. and M.... William H. Brown ot eon and daughter-In_law Mr. and Riverview road arrived home from M .... Porter Reid Wray and their Bryn Mawr College WedDeoday. 0 ... BOna RObert and David at PittsWednesday next ahe will Join a burgh Over the hOlidays. Their Bon-In_law .Mr. Robert S. Str·uble group of friends to go to Montreal, who Is connected with the Safety canada, on a skIIng party tor a week. May the joy that COmeS. from giving. CarH.allng and LIghting Com_ LouisD and Mary Jane Servais, pany. New Haven, CODD., will jOin be yours this Christmas season Mrs. Struble and their daughter daughter of Mrs. L J. Servata of Dickinson avenue arrived home Nancy Who are living here tempor_ Wednesda.y fro m Millersburg arily. durIng the hoUdaya. Teaohers College for 'the vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Shoe_ Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heath ot maker of Riverview road wlll enCedar lane entertained Informally tertaIn a ~amUy group at a Christ_ Sunday for a. tew out-of-town mas Eve party When theIr '8llests guests and neighbors. will Include Mr. and Mrs. 'Davld W. Mrs. R. W. TUcker and sons Shoemaker Rnd small. daughter Robert and David of Cornell aveCarol of Chestnut Hill. Mr. and nue leave tomorrow to spond the Mrs. Louis W. Fln-ceua, Jr., and Christmas vacation with Mr. and children Margaret, DaVid and Mrs. Albert Yatcs Tucker In New Laurie of Westtown. and Mr8. 'Vil- York Cit)". lIam H. Dietz and son ::amy of 1IIrs. DeWitt A. Hillis Of Elm Riverview road. avenue left yesterday to spend the Mr. and Mrs. A. H. VanAlen of Christmas hol1daY8 with her sonPark avenue will entertain at a In-Ialv and daughter, Mr. and Mra. ((imUy dinner pal'ty on Christmas A. O. McVay of ·Front Royal. Va.~ iSanta Claul would nev.., get. when their guests will be Mr. Van- Mrs. HUlts and Mrs. MdVay and Alen's mother and brother. lIrs. children will return to Swarthmot-e .down the chimney with our Oeor;Je VanAl.en and Mr. Oakly tor New Years. load of good wishes for a VtLnAlen ot Park avenue, and his Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Mattis and Merry Christmas to the brother-tn-Iaw and Sister Mr. and their young Don Jay William Mattis Mrs. Fred N. Bell and Bons of formerly of Vassar avenue are now people of thii community, Harvard avenue. living at 202 University TerracE.. because he just couldn't Mr. ~nd Mrs. Albert Behenna of Galnesv1lle, Fla. Dr. MatUs has squeeze through. Princeton avenue will entertain at taken· a position as Head of the a. tamUy party on Christmas Day. Department of Pharmacology In You've been mighty good Their guests will Include their Bon- the School of Pharmacy of the to us and we IIppreciate it in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. University of Florida. beyond word •• We want you Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. TUrner Carl Rydell and children of BrOOklyn, N. Y., who are here on a visit of Strath Havon avenue entertained to enjoy Christmas this sell,WTHENwe see little boys and girls shak-· ot a few weeks. and thetr son Mr. Mrs. Turner's brother-in_law and son of 1945 as never before. sister Mr. and Mrs. Wallace CreelCarl Behenns. and famtJy of Aldan, Wing hands with Santa Claus this' Pa. man of Melrose. l\1asa., as their thought comes to mind: :r.rra. Laurence M. Smith ot week-end guests. Rosalyn Bromley daughter of Jamestown, R. 1'0 will arrive toWe would like our expression of appreMr. and Mrs. F. Bromley of Harmorrow to spend the holidays with ciation for your patr~nage to be a hearty her qIother Mrs. Charles de Hart vard avenue arrived home yesterBrower. Jr., of Crest Lane. SlBg!. day from Pratt Institute. Brooklyn, shake of the hand for each of you. As we Smith who Is being released at the N. Y' I tor the ho1tdays. seem to be denied this opportunity, please Mrs. Harold Ogram of Riverview Separation Canter. Ft. Devens, So. Chester Rd. Mass.. Is hoping to bo able to join road entertained guests fOr a desaccept this, while a substitute for a handsert bridge at her home last Monthem tor Christmas. shake, as no less sincere in wishing you day. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Anthony ~!C!W of Haverford avenue will enter_ OUT OF SERVICE tain Mrs. Anthony's parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Perry of RahSgt. Henry Saulnier arrived way. N. J •• who will arrive this home early December after re~ week-end to remain over the holt- celvlng his discharge at the Sepa.days.. ration Center, Miramar, CaUf• John Storck a student at Lehigh Sgt. SaUlnier, who has he&ll In University will spend a few da:ys in the service two and a halt years, WashIngton, D. C .• enrouta to his was Overseas one year, and for the home on Crest lane on Christmas PB8t five months haa been staEve for a hoUday vacation. tioned on Okinawa. Trudl Schoblnger reac'hed home He plans to return to COllege. Thursday from Oberlin College to CHESTER ROAD and YALE AVE. Swarthmore 1250 . spend the hol.ldays at her home on SYlarthmore avenue. John Scho- _tC~, binger will arrive tomorrow from Penn State and Barbara Ann Schobinger trom Middlebury College, Mlddleb~ry, Vt.. tor the Christmas I holidays. Mra. George A. Hoadley of Walnut lane lB entertaining her son and daughther-In-Iaw, Mr. and II'hls is the season of qood f Mrs. Henry Hoadley and daughters .Jean and. Janet ot Manchester. will, and. looking down the: Conn .• over the hoUdays. long list of names of those Mr. and Mrs. JDseph H. ·Walter who have shown' their of Benjamin West avenue will entertain at a tamlly dinner .party on good wtII towards us in Christmas Day. 1945. we come 10 yours. Carol Mau·de Froebel reached PEACE ON EAR.TH-GOOD WILL We want to thank YOU for home Thursday morning from Hol···TOWAR.DALL MEN". Uns College. Va.• to spend Chrl~t­ thls good wlll your part. mas vacation at her home on I and to send just the friendSwarthmore avenue. liest of wishes for your Mr. and Mrs. David Ullman and baby son Ricky ot Newport News, happiness and cheer at Va., will. arrive tomorrow for a Cluistmastime. two-week holiday visit with the former'S parents Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. E. IDlman of Harvard avenue. year Mrs. A. 1tf. BOB8bardt of Park avenue accompanl&d at the plano by Mrs. Herbert Fraser of Wailing... ford. sang at a Christmas program are to a Presbyterian group In Philadelphia. Wednesday evening. David GlIc.....t arrived home Thursday trom Colorado Bprlngo to spend the holidays. It Ie hie IIrst Chriatma.8 home for five yea~ . WILL CLOSE Men')' Christmas Mr. - and M.... Le. P. Wray ot Wal~ut lane will entertain. their DECEMBER 31st JANUARY 1st Open January 2nd LENT-NIGHT Celia Shoe Shop on EVERY A Very Merry w. S. Bittle a Christmas B.J.Hoy 5 & lOe Store PARK AVENlJE THOMAS F. CONWAY Radio FM and Television Phones Swarthmore 0456-W & 0456-R ! 1\ S the light of Christmas again brightens If i our faces and lightens our hearts, we turn our thoughts from ourselves to help others. For this is the spirit that first saw the light of day in a stable at Bethlehem, two thousand.years ago, and which has endured eveI since. May God bless and protect you and your dear ones and bring happiness to your home this Christmas season. I ~ ~-. "Keep Chriatmu with all of ib beauty As Never y"'ve kept it before, Keep it with pride aDd rejoicing, With garlanda of g. un OIl your door Keep it with Iovilqr rememhrance, Keep it with songs - and a prayer That the world will find kindness and comfort And Peace will bring Joy- Everywhere I" has its significance, but none can compare with Christmas. It is the one time of the when self-seeking gives way to selflessness, and all united in one common attitude of good will towards our fellowmen. Our entire personnel joins in wish-· 'ing Christmas joy to those whom we have served,· and to others as well. Accept our sincere thanks for the privilege of being of h~lp in making this Christmas of 1945 truly merry. alice barber Gifts * EDWARD L. NOYES 23 S. CHESTER ROAD and Son SWARTHMORE ~_lCIIlIN1C_ ~oliday I Old B-nk Bdding Opea toaight and tomorrow night nntil nine.. Monday nntil 7 Closed w· _d the day after. a.n.. ~~. , , Lt. LtDton, U.B.II.C.R., who clay l.ave wltb bIB parente Mr. and III otatloned at Great Lak.....lll., M..... Henry .LtDton of Benjamin TOPPERS AT BRIDGE \ . . Laat week, Swarthmore&D8 were wi\[ arrive toclay to spend a three. Weet avenue: wrapped for the service men and women by. Mra. N. W. 8~are. Mrs. John Detlefsen, Mrs. A. E. Longwell and Mr. and Mrs. Ferris W. At the 'weekly duplicate of the Swarthmore BrlcIBe Club beld Wed~ i' nesday evening, December 12. Mr. C LAS S IF lED Oyous~ Christmas Th_', a jo,. ill the heart That .... CIuUtmu apart, To melee it a clay of all ~. And may ita tne peace And I(OC!d will DtlVef =,,, To bless you ia manifold way.. Harris & Co. TAILORS & FURRIERS PARK AVENUE Mrs. Herscbel G. Smith of Wall· Ingford chaired the meeting of the Delaware County Chaptet' of the D.A.R., In the Woman's Club Monday. During the buslnesa se88lon voted . to appropriate money tor various organizations. namely. the Child Health Center of Delaware County, Home Service of the American Red Cro88 of Delaware County. Public Health Nursing, Boys Club of Chester and the Sal.. vation A~y ot Chester. Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde, music chairman, sketched the develop- buck. Milton M. Hobbs a student at the carnegie Institute of Technolqgy arrives tomorrow for a holiday vacat~on ot 11 da.ys at biB home on Park avenue. Pfe. William D. Mlt"hell arrived at bls home Tue8day night ~rom Ban :Plego, cal., t9r a furlough. He haa been servinI' aboard the WichIta, former tJageblp ",bleh III now bolo, UBi!d ~'a. trQolI ship. Pvt. M!tUQUET ALlOE BARDER. GIFTS E. L. NOYES HANNUM '" WAITE A.. P. SMATJ.EY PEI'ER E. TOLD . SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. MlOIIAEIlS ()OLLEGE PHARMACY • • Mary Morse reached home Wed· nesday fJ'om Duke University to spend the holidays at her home on Parrish road. She was nccompan_ fed by her 8~hoolmate Sally BeH of Scarsdale, N. Y .• who Is visiting here for a few days. This is our brightest Christmas in a long, dark time. Every light on every tree-every window that greets night with cheerful.challenge-is a . shining symbol of the passin!'; of war's shadow. Mr. Albert Thatcher ot· Ogden recently discharged tro~ the Nav.y will return to his former I POS tlon with the Wright Aero_ nautical Company Paterson N j . ' • • ., avenue after the holidays. . There is radian t happiness in family gatherings this year. Men are coming home froq! war. And those who .hear their Christmas carols under strange skies are closer, nearer to home than they have been in a grea t while. ESTATE OF HOBART OAKES DAVIDSO~. Deceased, ( Late of Swarthmore, Delaware County Po.) th~ sylvania. For many, this will be a wistful Christmas-but a Christmas brave and strong in the knowledge that those who. bought victory so dearly will make tomorrow's world a brigh ter place for us aU. , Letters of Administration having been granted to the under..slgned, all persons having claims or demands are requested to make known the S8mt'. and all persons indebted to the said Estate are reqUested to make payment. without delay, to Allan M. LaBor, No. 136 Windsor Avenue, lBnsdowne. Pennsylvania, Administrator; or his Attorney. Guy G. deFurla. Crozer BuildIng, Chester, Pennsylvania. . 6T-U-30 . Estate of Harry Clifford. Campion, Jr., also known as H. Clifford Campion, .Jr., late ot the township of Nether Providence, County of Delaware, Pennsylvania. Letters Testa. mentary on the above Estate having been granted to The. PennsylvanIa Company for Insurances on Lives and Granting' Annuities, all penwns indebted to the said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to }lresent the same without delay, to THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES, Executor. WM. FULTON KURTZ, President, S. E. COT. 15th and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania or their attorneys. and Reservations Should Be Made by Slmday VICTORY BONDS N. ESTATE OF WILLIAM ALLAN LaBOR, Deceased, late of Borough of Lansdowne, Delaware County, Penn- ll5 FoaM 7tb St. Obester (opposite New State 'lbeatrel PERSONALS B·UY BACK to COLLEGE Morton Refrigeration & Appliance Service AvaUabl~Inqtdre DOW FOUND-By RusseU's Service, girl's lIghtwelJht ~blcycle. Call Swa. 0900. a pair of sandal ru1)bers. Tho Swarthmorean office. his enUre bUSiness; career. Born Bnd educated in Philadelphia, he was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania as a mechanical engineer in 1901, when he entered the employ of The United Gas Improvement Company. He is president of the American Standards Assoclation, a. vlce-pres_ Idcnt of the Edison Electric Instl~ute, and a past-president of the Pennsylvania Electric AsBoclation. Mr. Bryans has also been active in civic affairs. He Is now serving or .tn recent yearS has served as chairman of one of the Finance .and Industry Sections of the United 'Var Chest; trustee, University ot Pennsylvania,: chalrma.n of the Managing Committee of the UnlvarsIty or Pennsylvania CounCil on Development; and as chairman of the Frederick Douglass Memorial HOfJpltal campaign. HOME FREEZERS PIANO TUNING "The Lost Chord.· Is tile selection tha' can be Pla7ed the out-of-tuDe plano" Phone A. L. PABKEB for the l'CIIlOd7 , Mr. Bryans nas been Identified with the public' uUlIty Industry tpr Estate have been granted unLetters Testamentary on to theab'ove dersfgned, who request aU persons haVing claims or demands against the- Estate of the decedent to make knuwn the same, and all persona in. debted to the decedent to make payment, without delay, to Augusta Moulton Davidson Executrix . ' 110 Guernsey Road, Swarthmore, Penna. or. to her Attorneys, Raymond K. Denworth Drinker•. BJddle & Reath 1429 Wfllnut Street, ' Philadelphia, Fa. 6T-12-7 Soon THANKFUL He' succeeds . ~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i. glasses. FOUNO-Gold ldentlflcatton bracelet, Mary Ann Bauman, on Chester roa!L Last week. Call Swa. 0900. Swarthmore 1274 Chesler ~~==,=p=h:o:n:.=Ch=..:..=r:!:'i:l:8:1==~~- - FOUND AD.OLP'H'S , SW ARTHMORE 1093 714 SIMMONDS welsh Street ,1\IedIa 0450·)1 v CHRISTMAS DAY -1 to5P.M. N. I. STAPLES Book&-][oiIaJr BuppUea Greeting (Ja.r(Is.-.UobbJ' Craft Notaq PubUc--lnsuranoo LOST-Monday, In vl1lage, roll of money. Reward. Call Swa. 1956 J. J .~ PictUre Fr8J:lllnA'--StatiODe17 FOR RENT-Qne or two warm sunny rooms, third floor, private bath. Near transportation. Call Swa. 2806·J. LOST-Goid-rimmed child's Call Swa. 1174. Reward. Traditional Seasonal Dinner will be served THE COMINC Y.EAA. • FOR RENT morean. Baltimore Pike- opposite Riverview Road IN ;==============; LOST-In vicinity of Ingleneuk. Flat shoe red rubber. About two weeks ago. Reply to Box T, The Swarth- wEST I NGH0US E Chester Road Media, Pa. LOST Refrigerator Now on :Display / organization. He has ro-registered at Penn State where he had complet.ed his freshman year 'at the time of his enlistment three years ago. Media 21'16 FOn. REN'1'-I..a.rge warm furnished room. Private tile bath, private en·. trance. Garage. Reply to Box P, The Swarthtnorean. • t Howard L. MUler. Penn State Blilc. South Ave. and State Street) ...,;"._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.... .& ' day of the Board of Governors of tha has been siatloned at the Naval Air Station, WhIdbey Island. Wash.. for thod past severn} months. ......... BE :;D~:'~~:l~h~!ec:~~ =~Ut~~ ROGER RUSSEIJ. Maker of Fine Pboto-..... Swa. 0111-1 Real Esta~ FOR RENT - Unfurnished 3-room apartment; aval1able February 1. Garage. \VrUe to Box Y The Swarthmorean. Home Electric Appliances and RacJios South or with wlt~out track. Call 0832-"\V. WANTED-Pair of girl's brown dreS'S leggings, size 8 to 10. Tel. Swa. . 2822-W. \VANTED-Folding baby carriage or stroller. Tel. Swa. 20191.' . WANTED-Young woman artist de· . Hires studio apartment or room with .Coming Your Way 7 train "\VANTED-Wind-up ·WINDY HILL And good health and happiaess tbe week ..end of December "& as the Henry B. BI'YBDB, executivA vlc~guests o~ Mr. and Mrs. Marvln K. Y Pallister of Muneey Park. L. I. Pl'Wdent of the Pblladelpbla ElooRuth Frances Gay arrives tomor- trio Company, was elected presl- WANTED ~4!€~~tI - '. IIPOnt ot Member Fedetal Deposit IDaurance CorporatioD FIREMEN ELEer To wish you all the joys of a REAL AMERICAN CHRIsTMAS road ot Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company Mr. and Mrs. ftichard P. Griffln and young son David of Ramsey. N. J., Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Griffin and small daughtcr Charlotte Ann of Bayside, L. I., and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoegorman of Philadelphia will arrive tomorrow' to spend the Christmas holldays with the Harold G. GrIffins of Rutgers avenue. Sw!ll'lhmore, Penna. $1.00 pleasure. " Til you who have stood by lIS 10 faitbfu1ly during the YeI!l' 1945 we Chester road. Swarthmore Nation~.1 Bank and Trus.t Company SPECIAL .SUNDAY DINNER ing here afFords BUCh gell'!ine holidays. Mrs. Leigh A. Neeper of Hannibal. Mo., Is spending some time with her daughtel' and son-In-law. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. HolUf;I of South' PHONE MADISON 4902 The Annual }Ieeting of the stockholder& of the Swarthmore National Bank and Tnlst VOmpany, Swarthmure~ Pa., tor the election or d1redors and such other business 88 may come, before the mootIng will be held at the bonking house In Swartbnlore, Pa.., on Tu~7' Janual'J' 8, 1946, between the ho~ of three and livc P.")I. ELRIO S. SPROAT, cashier ODe wo caD. Tbia, wo believe, is the spirit o£this comm\Dlity ••• one' of tho important ~DI why liv- Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Hemenway of Strath Haven avenue are entertainIng Mrs. Hemenway's parents Mr. and Mrs.' C. P. McKown ot Tunkhannock, Pa., over the Christmas Grade 1 Colliery Anthracite , " GOODWIl.Ytokeep Cbriatmaa , ft ..ellis to brinS joy .to everY. : McCarthy of Philadelphia. Mrs. J. Harvey Bonine of Lafayette avenue entertained at tea on Sunday when the honor guest was WE CAN SUPPLY YOU Cbeater t EI F:cr-BR;. r I ;;V~'.&HI!;:-=-=~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-i ......,.. Dr. and M .... Jobn R. Batea of Unlve~t)r happy to return from a day's hunt In the woods near Medford Lakes, N. J., on Monday with a four point COAL ...2T~k~E~S..!W~·ART8"'OREA.N· FOR SA.LE-224 South Chester road Swarthmore, Bingle property, 6 bed~ rooms. 2 baths. bot-water heat with to oil; 2~car' garage; $11,000. Sweeney row from BUCknell and Lukens, 623 Welsh street Chea- spend the l;lolfdaY8 with her parter 7183. ' ents Mr. and Mrs. Owen W. Ga.y of Avonbrook road, Wallingtord.· FOR SALE-;-Brown genuine leather D coat with wool plaid lining, Bize 14 r. and Mrs. Joseph 8torlazzl ot to 16, little worn. Tel. Swa. t)786.R. Park avenue entertained Dr. and FOR S~lrrs blcycie, 26'·, good Mrs. Max M. Strumta. and 80n Paul condition; snack server never used: of Penn Valley as their dinner Ridley Park 3621. gueBfs Saturday evening. Mr. and ·Mrs. Joseph N;' Walton FOR SALE-Davenport; rug, .. ' x ·1. . radio. Tel. Swa. 0860-M. and Mrs. Walton"s mother Mrs FOR SALE-Girl's blue English style R. F. Peach an~ ~ohn Campbell of bicycle, adult size. Like new. Fully Kenyon avenue leave Saturday to eQ.ulpped. $37.50. Tel. Swa. 2212. spend the holidays with Jrtrs. WatFOR SALE-A complete Lionel elec- ton's Sister and brothe.I:'-ln_law, )fr. _ tric train set, 14 care: two engines; and Mrs. John. Campbell of Baltl_' four transformers: large amount of track and switches: accC8sorles and more, Md. handmade scale. model buildings. Tel. Nancy Loughaad of Thayer road Swa. 1035-M for appointment. spent last week-end Visiting friends FOR SALE-Girl's shoe skates, size i~ New York City. f, $5. Tet. Swa. 2186. .. Marla Hanzlik, a student at F"OR SALE-American OrIental rug. Penn State and Bob Hanzl1k at . 9x12; Walnut bed, springs and mat- the University of MichJgun will artI~, excellent condition: dreBBlng table; odd chairs; flood lights; outside rive at their home on Cornell aveChristmas bulbs. 'Also other Items. nue this week-cnd to spend the Tel. Meoia 1731 atter 6 ;30. Christmas vacation. Carolyn Morse daughter of Mr. ""'OR SAJ...E--9 x 12 ChlnelSe, $375; 6 x 9 Chinese. $200; 9 x 12 LlUhon, $400. and Mrs. Daniel S. Morse of Par. Runners and scatters: All excellent nah road and Richard 'Jones son condition. Call Swa. 0529. Mr. and MrS. R. Lloyd Joncs FOR SALE-2 sets electric Lionel of Parrish road wUI entertain at a traIn "0" gauge and· streamline Silver' Meteor. Including 9 x 9 table, Christmas dance at the Aronomlnk accessories and 2 transformers. Call Country Club, Wednesday cvening, SWa. 1889. December 26. FOR SAL~Flrewood, any length, all Margaret campbell arrived home hard wo,od. Tel. MedIa 0833. Wednesday .from Smith College, FOR SALE-Fresh cubed meat for Northampton, Mass. to spend the your dog or cat. Delivered to your Christmas holidays with her pardoor. Call Smith, Sharon Hill 1493. enw Dr. and Mrs. E. Fay Campbell FOR SALE - Fireplace 'wood,' all C'~rnetl avenue. lengths. Call Swarthmore 2078. Deerhunlers Robert Balr, Walter O. Heinze, and hIB 80n Donald were DAR•. VOTES AID ______ North FOR SALE and Mrs. Raymond Gemmill played an uDusual1)r good game to win with a 16 % score. John Maerker Mlt'"bell. It you care to help, 00.11 Mn. and Robert Walters finished secMitchell at Swarthmore 0818. on4. wlth Halsey Jones and Mrs. A. Snavely coming In third. bECEMBER 21, i941 FRIDAY, ::':-~====7 .IU~ Phoae . . . . . . . . 'te al8 oJ.. I A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., Esq. Greer and Johnson 11 South Ave. 6T-12-7 !-Iedla, Pa. ESTATE OF EMMA CRESSON OGDEN, also known as EMMA C. OGDEN, late of the Borough of Swarthmore, Dela.ware County. Pennsylvania. Letters Testamentary on the above estate have been granted to the. underrlgned, who request all persons having claims or demands agalnst the estate Qf the decedent. to make known the same, and all p:!rsollS Indebted to the decedent to make payment without de- t. .r. Ezra T. Cresson, William J. Cresson and Eva I. Cresson. El:oouton 222 DIckinson Avenue Swarthmore. Pa. or to their attorneys A. Sidney Johnson, Sr. ia)' Greer '" Johnson swuthmoie 2253 I 6t~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~PIa.Avenue . 17 lIedIa, 1 IT-n-lO • PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY r r I 77 i >i '-'3 'P '-. ".' DI!;t ,I. :,t. I i .. Vanity "L" R nue. "'" one of 14 Loh"h Uolver· Ie E.• Weltz. of College Ave· ad.ty eoccer' to ""aeon. receive tbe Robert va....lty I.ttorplayere "L" tbls FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. SATURDAY TILL 6 PoM. MONDAY TILL 6 PoM. aod B. Thunday. .lanuary 11. Both of th.... club. will probal>ly fumlah The local riflemen are looklll8" the Swarthmore ahoote ... with the forward to & tentative da.te with toughest compeUtlon to date. Howthe Frankford Arsenal Rifle Club ever~ the matchea will be Ilred on on Thursday. Ja.nuary 3, a.nd a the home range which _tenda to match with Upland Rifl. Club on give the hosta a 811ght advanlaSe. I Th. Harold AiD8worth Post. American Leaton, at itll meeUng on December 11 paaaed & resolution 10viUng all ...rvtce peroono.r. both men and women, to join the poet., Commander Thomaa Merryweather emphasized eBpeclally that members of the Wacs, Waves. Spars and Marines will be welcome, World War II veterans or Bervice men recently elected to member· ship include Harlan R. Jessup. Davis B. Hopson, John C. Balr. Steen L. Merryweather, Harvey Whitaker, Stanley Bachman, David C. ParrllJb, Alban E. Rogers, and, Robert J. Thorpe. The _post is anxious to have all "Ju.s& bad to Ba7__ '~eUo." World War II personnel join up becauae tbe work that Ilea ahead We couldn't let thte holiday season go for th~ Leglon wl.ll Involve. to a ~ by without wtahlng you all a v.ry large degree, men and women of Merry Christmas and a New Year of this war. It Is the polley of the post. Commander Merryw~ther happiness: explained, to put World War' II men and women In important P08~­ tiona in the organlZQ.tion. Committees appointed by the Commander were MemberBhlp: Frank Markley, Edward Gillespie, George Warren. Frank R. Morey. Waiter Thorpe, Frank Masaeill. lI.,~~'''~, ~,. ~~,_,.~'''''''''. WlIltam H. Collins. Stanley Bach. OPEN TONIGHT 'TIL 9 man. Harvey Whitaker and Har· Ian Jesaup. The County Committee consists of Robert T. Balr delegate; Harvey Whitaker and Stanley Bachman alternates. " CLOSED ALL DAY CHRISTMAS ~'. a S i~ All the good things you'll need In larger assortment await you In your nearest Acm•• ------ , PORK LOINS ~~-:: .. 3.: !:~=. 42c lit 37e: lit 33e: , . ••. COI ...... "34c ChUckRoast".:":26'1":':':27'/.Lam b R00.t _ I I 'I' 'F kfurters .......... '"33c Rib Lamb Chops 42c ran ... ""' ..... "27c Sau.r Kraut ....... II 7c Veal Roa.t _" .. Tongu........ II 39c IIlb Veal Chop. 39c •SELECT OYSTERS J:::: dOli: 3Se: "27c :J~ Sage'-" ' " ...... 8c Thyme ""'" "...... 6c Marlaram - - ":' 4c Seasoning ..... _ · .....·IOe Seasonlng-· ....... ·~ l1c Catsup · - - " " :... 17c Fancy Mixed Nuts II 49c Diamond Walnuts II 43c Ral..n....- .. ......·IOe Currants ...-.. -"'17c Christmas Cards ". lo 35c Old Fas"o. MINCE .IEAT lIe Ib ~ The Ingleneuk Tea Room lit TIMELY GD'T SUGGESTIONS . .. LOSE The Swarthmore Rifle and PIstol Club was defeated Wednesday. December 12, by the West Ches· tar Rifle and Platol Club on the latter's home range in the State Armory. The acore of laa.2 to 1286 was a close one. and holda prftmlse of a keen competition when a return match is arranged with the local team as hoirta. High man of tho evening 'was Weat Chea.ter's H. Worthlngton wJth a. 213 out of a. pOBBlble 300. Second high total waa seored by A. Faul, of the Swarthmore Club, who turned In a very nice 269. Others whose Bcores counted In the home town total were R. Engle, 262; W. Hale, • A DelIcious D._If AIIytlm. VIrginia Lee SUPREMI FRUIT CAKE A Last-Minute SuglrestioD -Give a Speare Gift Certificate AII the hurry and worry D' diffi. 0':;:' Me: with any " ••00 iN' I a.. . . . . . : . ... o':[y 1 Me: I Pall, IIIIIItrateL lattrntl ••• C.."...I'N. SD,ooo ..,.. h ,...,.,. flMl .....nd . . .IIL Acme WIIole GoldeD eo.. Nc:;.' S40 Farmdale Sweet Pea. ".:n' S40 Del Moate Diced C .....ot. 11;' 1:Jc RoMol'd WIIole Beet. 11;' S-SC FaaeJ' Stulled OUv.. ~:;;:: 7ft.:' S4C Fl'eDoh Svle StriD& Be.... GJ••wood N,:-n' . . . Evapol'ated Milk foomdal. "'S. 4 ../a.11. ~ IlS(l) POl'k .., Bea... ~!r I:: 8c OI'all8• .Juice 't:!r'~:aA '::;.2 S7. : ~~. 4:1. ) I FaaeJ' Sauel' Itr~a~uit~~~u~;;;;:-~N~~~.'~~~Sii3:e;;'l Todcrys Best Bread Value I (jIIIIl;f1lll l.rlclJed .amlly BREAD FLOUR 5..:24c 41=~:s ~9c" ., Its firmer, fiMr flavor. fooIta be...... ator· ""... I....... 25··~$1.D9 10·,...i46c Try It unci., our uwal gvcwantH .. ... 2Se Van Camp'. Boa... NLz'-12c Apple Juice _ . u .................. 4Oc ,.... 1 Appl.Julce· .... White Rice . - - 1 c P_nut Butter ASCO , . . . . 30e Lay.r Figs ,...... .... ... 24c ....... 41 c Popcorn aM • • Min. ... IOc M hrooms '"... us A!CO HI. 2Va'" 12c Spam H.,...,. I2-M cu 34c ~C~~ut~B~e~e~t!s~~~~~__;:~::::~~______~~-:~_, Juicy Florida 8 S3 ORANGES I ......_.. lb. FANCY APPLa * - - . . . . . or Delldow .... IIIn ............, If _ • _ _.... _at ............. _ CI II.s . . . . . . fer ......... yow .... YIIIt. CHRISTMAS IS THE TIME 1 .. --- ilt is the time, too, for; us to greet our friends, to thank them for, their consideration of us, and to wish them all a very Happy Christmas. C Lettuce caJ,_",_ "13c Celery H_rts ...... - : 29c "'He. SwHtPatat_ Tomatoel - .... I Velttw 3 29c at tIJa ~t."" BONDS . THE SWARTHMOREAN ,._ VOL. XVII-No. 81 CLOTHING DRIVE SET IN JANUARY New Year , .. . OUT OF SERVICE Michael's College Pharmacy , '- SW~ PA., DECEMBER 28, 1948 Burgess Pitman to Head Clothes Colledion , Happy TRINITY CHOIR.IN ANNUAL CONCERT $3.00 PER YEAR IN HOLIDAY RECITAL VILLAGE CAROLS SET TREE ALIGHT Capt. C. Brook~ Worth of Elm avenue liaS been di8cha~gf)d from The December .recltal by plano the Service a.nd aUer a few weeks puplla of· Dorothy Paul featured wlll reaume bis dUUea as instructor Chrl8tmas carols 8ung and PIa.Y~d In Zoology at the college. by the chlld,ren, and an anginal For three and a half years CapL c~mpOaltion on the life of Johann ~orth was stationed In Washing_ ton, D. C.• with the Army Medical Sebastian Bach, wrJtten and read Corp8, Where he taught tropical by Edwin !farr... ', medicines. sPring, families throughout The program '!U held at the The annual program of Christ. the countrY gave 150,000,000 A truly old-tashloned Chr.latrhas mas music will be given by the men home of Mrs. RWJBeIl Snyder. an.tJ pounds of clothing tor overseas reand boys choir of Trinity Church. listed 8010B and duets by Kathleen Eve Ushered in the merriest day lief. This was collected In ware Swarthmore. on Sunday. December JessuP. Lynn Purnell, Betty Spen. at Swarthmore's year. Sorne aoo hOu~eB", baled, shlpved aDd dlstrlb. te Approximately .6,600 people wlU 30, at 8 p.m. In tbe church. cer, Noel Snyder, Susan Cochran, carolers gathered on the atatlon u d to some 26,000,000 peOPle. On have an opportunity for tree chest the baSis at an average of six The choir ot 30 voices will be Christine Ford, Suzanne &rrar. platform pl;omptly at 6 for a brJef x.rays trom Janu.o.ry 28 through by D&.v1d T1,ldor, organlat. RuaseU SnYder, EdWin Harris and service and the lighting ot the bor. Pounds per IndiVidual helped. February 8, when the Delaware assisted who wlll play ""Taccata, Adagio and Swarthmore aJded every man. wo- County Tubercul6als and Health Fugue In C major" by J. S. Bach &ndy Ford. Ruasell Snyder, a pu. ough Christmas tree. There were man nnd chlld in a town as large AssOCiation In cooperation With the and "Pastorale" by caesar Franck. pll of LUcius Cole. plaYed a viOlin tamny groups and schOOl groupa. as OUr OWn. That clottiing 80 Dolaware County -Medical SoCiety J. HarrIson Eastwood, tenor, wll1 s~lo to close the program. There Were youngsters lucky cheerfully given has helped many will x.ray In various communities be beard In an aria from Handel's enough to be pulled On sJeda The group hAIl Voted to under. and perhaps saved Uves. . In Delaware County. This work through the snow·covered .l:rtreets. Messiah. Masters Bruce Godfrey take the parUal_ sponsorship ot a othera were held blgh in their In January. UNRRA seeks 100,_ which Is financedi solely through and Richard Danforth will be tbe C.OO,OOO garmentS plus shoes. bed. the sale Of Christmas Seals ia part boy soloists. Compositions to be C,hUd in France, under the "Save daddy's arms to watch tbe vested ding. and piece goods. There of the TUberculO~8 Association's heard inc'lude: "Joseph, Dearest the ChUdren Federation" of New chOir boys: send their clear voices out on the chilly, winter night, and wUl be very little tJf\le lag between program of preve.nUon and con- Joseph Mine" by R. Vaughn wn. York. the giving of clothing and the re- tro!. This Year they hope to raise IIams; "Virgin Slumber Song" by to Join their own When fanlillar BOngs gave them coumge. celving of It by the needl; and des. an additional $16,000 to purchase Reger; "A Shepherd's Story" by t11ute overseas. Warehouse tacUI- their own MObile X·Ray Unit. At Dickinson; ""The Virgin by the Some tots stOod qUietly on park. Manger" by Caesar Franck; "And ties Which once baled one mUllon preacnt the equlpmEmt Is rented. ed cars, looking trom the Christ. pounds of clothing a month have According to Robert w. Bern- the Glory of the Lord" from Hanmasy scene on the stationmaster's been stepved up to bale two mll- hardt, executive seeretary of the del's Measiah; a carol from the colporch to the tree once Its lights. . 110n pounds So day. Shipping of re· Association. an x.ray unit will visit lection of John Jacob Niles; a too, shone brightly. Adulta In the Hef supplies Is no longer a. problem. the following high schools and group of German and French car. ~rowd had laid asJde their Christ_ mas preparatJons to join In the Trousers, coats, and yest count communities, Me.dla' on January 28, ols, and the "Slumbor Song, ot singing led by the Rev. George C. as three pieces and Should be tied 8t. James High School. Chester, on .Jeaus" by Gaevert. The ChUrch will -be illuminated ~ together, or skirt and jacket as two January. 29, Upper:-Chlchester And Anders!?n, Trinity ChUrch chOir chOir boys, the High School chorus pieces. Shoes .. shOUld be mated Marcus Hook on January 30, Darby by candle light. The Swarthmore which sang heartU:t In the audiheel·to-toe ·and tied' together. We on January 81, Ridley Park on Music Club will attend as this mU8. ence, and the school's double brasa did a pretty thorough job ot col. February 4 and Ridley Township leal Is the regular December proChrlctmas celebration ran o.n to I qua,r"'t led by .lohn .lenny. A on February 5. Ju'nlor and s6nlor gram of tbe Club. The public la ]ectlng these last spring but there high school students, athletes. cordially invited. a fine Post-Chrl8tmas climax lor Christmas Prayer offered by the are Borne more .~lothe8 which are I 'te.'c~Ler8 metnbers at the ~warthmore Worn. Rev. DavId Braun centered and and school perBoIl-nel will outgrown or which no longer de. an's Club and their guests When deepened the occasion. sire. Then there are old drapes have chest x-ra.ys In the mornings, TO ENTER YALE the Rose Valley Ohorus presented which have faded Or black out cur- afternoons w.tU be reserved for Burgess John H. Pitman gave . 'adults over 18 years ot age who Richard Davis received his dis- a hOliday »roKram at the club_ the signal for the lights to shine - talus from which clothing e&n be reSide or work In the vicinity. Most cho.rge trom the Army Ft. Mon. house on Wednesday evening the on the tree, atter the dearly loved made. Style and color are not Im- x.ray units will be set up In the mouth, N, J.. In early December 26th. The oCcasion was the Worn. "SIlent Night. Holy Night" was portant. And 40n't forget to in· high school audltor-Jum&. and- has joined biB parents Mr. and an's Club annUal Chr18tmo.s Open by Bruce Godfrey and Rich ... House. -, '. ·(:i,,'rltr:[ridUstr!e. 'Wlli' 'jIIrll;-'ClatkW. ·tmiil"Of Walllng7 :Itabie tOr farmerS participate In the 8d~ey' _dur-; rord for ~he holidays.. . "'I'D. ~t Philip , COOke. Is work-in the field. and· barns tn all Ing this same penod. Although tho' Dick who graduated from Lawknown· for 1181 Christmas recJ.taJa in8'. then villagers wound their way dates have not, been determined, renc8ville SchOOl in 19.3 prior. to weather and for their' t~mnles who jOint labor-management commlt- entering- the service, plans to enter and tor' Its ~prlng pres~titatlons of home echoing over and over again must trudge I~ng dJsta.nces to mar· tee8 have been working o~t detalls. Yale University March 1 . Gilbert and Sullivan. ~o Anderson's flnal --Merry ttons from GJlbert a~d Chrlstmaa.i'·grateful to ~11 ~bo had ket. The x.ray films wHI be; read and An·d there la:. one more th~pg were InclUded· In the flrst helped with the service. . interpreted by a commlttE!& of pbyON •TERMINAL LEAVE Burge88 Pitman. who will h~d -the slcians from tlle Medical SocIety. the 'program on Later, midnight ~hurch services .. drive suggests to you e.~.d the chn· and the results will be torwarded. Poetry," from .uP.lrates . of flUed to capacity, as the spir• dren, "perhaps" h,e adds, especlall~ to each person's family ~physlclan. slgnlftcance ot'the Christmas. Lt. Robert S. Meyer, U.B.N.R., zance," and a Me.drlgaJ from to the· children. "W.tth each gardrew.> Swartbmore&n8 away formerly of North Swarthmore dig-ore." "Carmena." by Wilsonment send a friendly lette:r•• In avenue has received hllJ discharge Biles, tho loved "LUllaby and trom thelr'bomes to the houses, of moat villages and towna where from the Navy at .the Na"\-al Sep. GoodnJght" of Brahms. and "I~ God.' _, Thus--Swar.tbmore entered tha"se goods .will go, some one ca.u Christmas, 1946. aratioit Center In New York, and Picardie," by Osgood, were well resounding reaci· Engliah, A kindly wor~ w\l.l 1s now on terminal leave with Mrs. I-ecelved, and' the , keep. a heart warm." Meyer aild tnelr young Bon Lynn "Heavens Are Telling." trom HOLIDAY who have been living ·with her par- Haydn's "Creation." Was given 10J;lg TJie date of qoUecUons· will be applause, Solo parts in these numMrs. F. V.. Warren of Walnut ents In PhUade.lphta during his announced later. The cloth.1ng will bera were taken by Mrs. WllUam entertained tor tb:e twenty. absenae. bo assembled and packed In the sol\(cGI8,thery, soprano: Sally Mcsixth year a Christmas reuriloD ot cial room ot the Method,1st ~hurch. Lt. Meyer who entered thE! Mrv· addeo, alto; Ralph Leety, tenor; hel" famny-. They Includ,d Mr. and Ice on September 1, '42. served with Barron Helmuth and Ray Hoff. Mrs. -Hugh St~n~ of ~~.erford, the Fleet Air _Wing No. 6 and was Christmas Wrappers' Mr. and Mrs. Gibson McIlva.-tne and overseas five months with the Fleet man, bass. ' children of Downlngton, Mrt a.nd Air Wing No, 18. Perdue Clea,"er delighted the Helen SCfott and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. David Sensenig and da~ghter audience .with "Spanish Gold," by Fer r Is W. - Mitchell wrapped and Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Coles FJsher, and the "Nightmare Song" Swarthmorean& for the Servlc.emen RECEIVES DISCHARGE and four children ot awarthmore. from Iolanthe. and women last Thursday. Her d~ughters Mrs. Coies, and Mrs. Mrs. Mitchell, Swarthmore 0818, The second part of the program Senaenig gave a surprise 'dinner Lt. John Craemer arrived home will gladly conta~t any persons was given over entirely to Christ• party In honor ot their mother's Sunday. December l~. after two willing to aid In this task which Is mas carols. Especially well liked birthday on Sunday evening. y~rs ot ove~eas service with the far from: glamorous but a mUch was "No CandJe Was There and Seventh Armored Division of Pat· appreciated aervlce. No Fire," by Lehman. where· fine ton'~ Third Army. Mr. and Mrs. Carl de Moll of choral work set off Mrs. McGlath. LL Craemer has received his dis· Park avenue entertained their son· Pledged charge from the Army at the Sep~ cry's soprano 8010. Sally l\fcFad. in-law and daughter Major and aratlon Center. Indiantown Gap, den Reger's "The Virgin's Mrs. James D. Nelson of Cleveland, Delta.Delta Delta announces the and Is spending hlB terminal leav,\ Slumber Song" with sympathy and Ohio., Who were here on a tour· . Pledglng of Ruth Gay. daughter_ot with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wil- charm, and Barron Helm uth 's day leave over Christmas. Mr. and Mra Owen W. Gay of liam Craemer of Harvard avenue. presentation of "The Birthday of a King,,' by Neidlinger, was loudly Wallingford at Bucknell UniversMr. and Mrs. Arthur ~ Robinson applauded. Accompan.tst tor the Ity aod of carol Hetz.l. daughter of Ogden· avenue were -bosts at TO LEAVE NAVY JOHN H. PITMAN program was S. Francia Nicholson. of Mr. and :Mrs. W. E. Hetze~, Jr., Christmas dinner when members of 'I'hayer road at the University Who next week begins his fon_ A crackling hearth tire, a. Christ. of their family were present. They Lt. John S. KIstler. U.S.N.R.. of Pennsylvania. mas tree, pOinsettia and evergreen included Mr. a.nd MrS. Elam Bitch· u.-m as the Bu~ 01 Swarth· who served In the Navy four years, ,'. decorated the clubhouse, and cof- ner of Phlladelphla.,_ -Mrs. Clara· P. more with 32 months of duty In the Pafee and' Christmas cookies were Newport of New York, and Mr. and HOME ON LEAVE elfic, Is on terminal leave which served by the hospitality commit- Mrs. Ralph RoadS. J"r., of Swarth. he 18 spending with 'Ills parents Dr. Ellis Speaks Lt. Edward H. Pyle. U.S.N,R., of tee, Mrs. George Karns. chairman. more. D~. and Mrs. Wm. Earl Kistler of Vassar avenue arrived hom e Park avenue. Dr. WilHam T. E!ll1s ot Walnut Christmas Day after serving In New Following the termination ot his lane spoke at a Christmas Day ce\. ~ulIloa and the Phlllppinee. leave on January 17, Lt. KlaUer Pyl. l.ttBwarthmore In S.P- ebratlon of Stelghto~ Farm, 88 h~ will be .....oclat.d with the Bames tember· '44 for. the Paclftc area bas done' every Christmas tor more Foundation, Merlon, Pa. , Frlda7. December 28 , than 30 years. where he baa been attached to tbe 7:00 to ~:IO P. M. 8th Grad. ~UDlor AMembly ......._.......Woman'. Club _ _ of the Commander of the 8:U to li:45 P. M. Eleventh and TweltthGrade .Junior , Motor Torpeclo BOat Squadron. of Mr. and Mrs. Lovett li'reacoln of AlllJembly ....................., ...........- ...... T.Woman·. Club the Seventh Fleet as CommunlcaHarvard avenue entertained at a StmdaJ", J)eopm'hep 30 OOM omcer. The Swarthmore Serie. Dapce dlnn.r party 00 the evening of 11: 00 A. M. IIornlD8' WOl'flhlp - _..._ ..- .._ .._.....- .......,.....Loeal Chur.;hes He Ia spending a leav. with Mrs. wnl be held In the Woman's dub Christmas Day when their guesto .:00 l>. Jl. TrInIty ChOir Recital ""-"'--_..- .. -_",,,,Trlnlty Church PyI. and two amall danghto.... AI!,n on New Year's Eve. Included Dr. Leonard D. Freaeoln.· December al XI'. -·and Jlr8. Henry Coles and and Gay, and reports to the PhllaDr. and M ..... Henry /!Qngree~. Of/ 11 : 30 l>.)L Watch Servlce._· ' _ _,'--.-PreSbYt.rlan Church , , delp_ Na"7 Yard the latter part Mr. and Mrs. David Benoen.. will Phltad.lphla, and IIr. and _rs. h w: Freaeoln of Swarth· ......-,.. ~.......,. a of -J"abua.r,.. . 4'Nedl t aa,.. -"He's aarve 8lI co--cbalrmen OD. arrange. .l more. ooep • 8:00 l>. M. Swarthmo....... WrapPIng ---........lIwarthmorean Omoe manta. awful be home.": fhirty Voices Will Sing Christmas Music Voices Ring Across Snowy Streets Lustily Mass X-Rays WOMEN'S CLUB AT HOME FESTIVAL '';i;[~':'.~~~!~:~~~;~:l~~ ITEMS ------- Lt. ON THE CORNER . . PJol. Our Burgess for friendliness, for the open house and the open heart IlS(l) ENRICHED SUPREME ' • VlCfORY • 5WAHT.,HMOHE ~:::~~d' . _ BUY , a~ cult Gift Drobleml eel1 be ."sily \ and hoppily lolved by qivinq the molt personal of 011 gifts, 81 Sp6ar. ,Brothers' Gift C8Irfifiee'e And . remombor noxt to 0 Vicl ... · ;. ....",t if. the fin~t qift of them .IL -""~,,~ , , Rose Valley Chorus Sings Holiday Program n Corner $Z:1; 1 Z9 TEA wr·"TLE wt!':Il:;::::.~ ~'::.. COOK. BOOKS ..::r... I ~ § ;~~~48c ' I I~, ~ Let's Help You Make it a Iteal DINNER • Z60, . ChesrtP OPEN 1 CHRIST LEGION POST BIDS V[fS WELCOME 26P: c. Ru_lI. Kneedler, 24 I. TillS WEEKS CALENDAA 11_,. ,. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ;)L I VI:. a THE V'ty . Recelvea ani "L" Hue, w~ SWARTHMOREAN one of 14 Lehigh UnIver- sity soccer playors to receive the Uobcrt E. \Veltz. of College Ave- vul"sity letter "L" this season. LEGION POST BIDS VETS WELCOME FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1945 ~59: C. Russell, 260. and B. Kneedler, 246. The local rlnemon are looking forward to a tentative date with the I"rankford Arsenal IUne Club 'm Thursda~~, January 3, nnd ~ match with Upland Rifle Club on a ~ Junuary 17. Doth ot these club .. will probably furnish the Swarthmore shooters with the toughest competition to date. Howl'\·cr. the matcheH will be fired on tile home range which tends to ~h'e the hosts a 8light advantagE". Thursda~r, BUY VICTORY BONDS ~, OPE N l The Harold Ainsworth Post. American Legion, at its meeting on December 17 passcd a resolutlon Inviting all scrvlce personnel. both men and women, to joIn the post. Commander Thomas MCl'ryweather emphasized especIally that memuers of the \Vacs, WaveM, 81ntl·S and ~ Mal'ines will ue welcome. \Vorld \Var II veterans or service men rccently elected to membership Include Harlan H. Jessup, Davit; B. Hopson, John C. Bair. Steen L. 1\.lcrt"yweather. Harvey Whitaker, Stanley Bachman, DavId C. Parrish. Alban J<-:. Ho,gcl"s, and Robert J. Thol·pe. 'rhe Ilost is anxious to hl1\'e all \Vorld \Val' II porsonncl Join up ~ because the work that lies ahead (or tho Legion will Involve, to a large dl~g'rce, men and women ot ~ this war. It is the policy of the ~ post, Commander Merryweather r.1. cxp)alned, to put \Vorld \Var II men and women in important positions in the organi7.ation. Committees appointed by the Commander WCI·C Membership: F'runk Marklcy. Ed\\'urd Gillespie, GeOl'ge \Varren. J,'rank R. Morey, 'Valter Thorpe, Frank !l.lassclli, William H. Cullins, Stanley Bachman, Harvey 'Vhitaker and Harlan Jes,,'mp. '1'ho County Committce consists of Hobert T. Dair delegate; Harvey \Vhitakor and Stanley Bachman alternates. fRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. SATURDAY TILL 6 P.M. MONDAY TILL 6 P.M. Let's Help You T'u'. :,vrbs c 2 ;& I~s 48c ROASTING CHICKENS F~':~':~!·~If~it.~· STEWING CHICKENS F:,-,:~:~~'~;it.~. PORK LOINS 4Zc 37c 110 Ib Canldl." ID 25c I Pollock Saga 1/.., " pl. Be v ..·ez pkl 6c FHltll" ",..ttl" s.... l/..;:~ 4c Seasoning "U" Peuluy l·u Ilk' 10c Seasoning Fn.'..·.hUltry l~;:: 11 c Catsup IIltt,r 1t1,lIlarlf' T~~~:: IMt 17c Fancy MIxed Nuts "49c Diamond Walnuts .. 43c Raisins C&lIflfftl.S..dl ... 11.IIPIl:I 10c Currants C.IIf...... •..z Pil:I 17c Christmas Cards ... 1035c Marioram MINCE MEAT IBc You'll II... It, old time flayor, .sn,._ 4fHeIlo." We couldn·t let thte holiday BeaBon go b)' without wishing )·ou aH a very Merry Christmas and a Ne'''' Y(>ar of happiness. TIMELY GIFT SUGGESTIONS A Delicious Dessert Anytime Virginia Lee SUPREME box TEA KE'J!TLE COOK. BOOKS Corner A Last,Minute Suggestion -Give a Speare Gift Certificate AII the hurry and worry of diffi. cult Gift Droblems can be ee~ily \ Md ho!!lDCily solved by qivinq t!1e most persoMt of ell qifts. II S[lt~r& Brothers' Gift CerHficllte And remembsr ned to a Vid~ - :'~--i. it's tha fin~t qift of them oil. .!':;",. "c 1 ::r 99c y Full, IIIUltral.d. Illterestini. Comprehen"". 50.000 ••,.. to ,,,,a,. food balaneed menus. Acme Wbole Golden Corn ,!:~2 14c Farmdale Sweet Peas ,!:~214c Del Monte Diced (:arrots 'f~~' 13C Robford Wbole Beets 'f~~z 1SC Fancy Stulfed Olives ~!~~d 7'\~:" 34c Frencb Style String Beans Glonwood ,!:~2 19c Evaporated Milk F.,md.l. 4 :::~~ 35c lISCO Pork U Beans ~:'k '~~~Z 8c G ••d. A No.' .70 •• ...·az 41C O range J u i ce ,doal Pure florida can'" (an lISCO Fancy Sauer Kraut l~~~ N~~~'h13c BREAD FLOUR 5.;!: 24C 21~;;:sI9c Its flrmer, flner f1ovor. toasts beller, ftays fresh longer. :It is the time, too, for; us to greet our friends, to thank them for their consideration of us, ~.uti Enriched Family ENRICHED SUPREME 1 O·lb lNIa 46c 25·'··.. $1.09 Try it under our usual gualontee , lit bot 25c Van Camp's Beans No.2ean 12c A Ie Juice Mott', PPI J . Repp·U·Tation 1/.l·III' 40c Wh I'te R·Ice River Brand III pkt 11 C App e Ulce JUI Peanut B" u er ASCO Ib jlr 30c Layer Figs Imr-orted Mushrooms Sileed 4·0Z u.n 41 c Popcorn Red and wnlh Cut Beets ASCO NO. 21/.1 ean 12c Sparn Horfllcl'l CHRISTMAS. IS THE TIME for friendliness, for the open house and the open heart gJlld. Today. Best Bread Value ',W..IH rHMI)I~r \'.01 ~ ~ a~ Happy New Year , • sprlnS". famiUeM throughout the countl'Y ga\'e 150,000,000 pounds of clothing fOI' o\·e'·:;oas I-elIer. 'rlils was collected in ware hou~cs, baled. shipped und distributed to 80nte 25.000,000 people. On the busi:; of all a\·el·Hge of ~ix Pounds J)er indiVidual helped, Swnl·thmore a.lded every man. womun und child in a town as as OUl· Own. That clothing so cheerfully gh'en hus helped many anti POI'haI)s saved lives. OUT OF SERVICE Capt. C. u\·enuc hus the Ser\'lce will n'sutne III Zoology Brooke \Vorth o( Elm been discharged from and aftci' a {c-w weeks his dUties as instructol' at the college. three and a half yeal·s Capt. \Vorth was stationed in \Vashlng_ ton. D. C., with the AI'my ,Medicnl Corps, Where he taught tl'OPieal mediclne1j. 10"01' $3.00 PER YEAR TRINITY CHOIR IN ANNUAL CONCERT IN HOLIDAY RECITAL The December recital by piano pupils o( J>orothy Puul featUred Christmas carols Sung and 1)laY~d rhirty Voices Will Sing Christmas Music by the children, und an original COlllllOsltion on the lIfe of Johann Sebastian Bach. written and rl'ad h.r gdwin lIarris. VILLAGE CAROLS SET TREE ALIGHT Voices Ring Across Snowy Streets Lustily The program was held at the The annual IlI"ogram of ChristA truly old.rnHhlon('d Chr.lstlllas home of llrs. HU.!J.Sell Snyder, and mas music will bc gh'en In' the 1Ill'1l and boys choir' of Trinity Church, listed solos and ducts by Kathlclm }o;\·o u~hered In the moniest da}' 8wal·thmol·0. 011 Sunday. Dcc('lIlb<."r JesHup, LYnn Purnf'II, Betty Spen- or SW:U·UlIIIOre·s yelU.• Sorne 300 Approximately 6,500 people will :W. at S II.In. in the church . ccr, Noel Snyder, Susan Cochran. c.u·oll'l·H gathl'l"ed on the station The choil' of :10 ,"oic('1'1 will be hll\'e nn opportUnity fOI' (ree chest Chri!.tinc J;'ord, Suzanne Hu·rrar. platform PI·OIIIJltly at 5 for a brief aSHisted by David Tudor, ol'ganil:lt, x~ra}'s from Januar}' !!8 through !-;f>,·\·ke and the lightfnS' of the borl"cbruary 8, w·hen the Dclaware who will play "·raccata. Adagio and Husscll Snyder, Edwin Hanis and County Tubcrculosls and Health Fugue in C majol·" by J. H. Bach Sandy "'~ord. Hus.sell SnYder, a pu- ollgh Chri~tlllas Ire£'. There Wcre f;:Hllil}' g.·oup~ and s{'hool groups. Association In Cooperation with thl' and "Pastorale" h}' Ca('S3.r Franek. pil o( LUciuH Cole. JllaYt!d a \'IOl1n There W(>I'e youngsterM lucky I)('laware Count)· l\ledical SOCiety .t. Hart-Ison Eastwood. ton or, wlll so)o to close the progl.lun . Ilo (! ugh to ve Ilullt'ti on sleds win x-ray in various conulluniti('s be ·heard in an aria from Handel's 'rhe group has votcd to undera thl·ough the snow-covel·cd strl'et~. ':\I(lssiah. l\last(ll"s Druce Qodfl'ey In Delaware County. This work tuke the partial sponsorship of a othe,·s were held high in their ]n January, UNRHA seek:.; 100,which is financed sol£')y through :Ind Hicha"d Danforth will he thc (.100.000 g':lI"lUents plus shoes, bed- the sale of Christmas Seals is part hoy soloil:!ts. Compositions to be ('hUd In France, under the "Save daddy's arJllH to wutch the vested ding, and piece gOOds. Thel'e of the Tuberculosis Association's helU'd indud(': "Joseph, nearest the ChiJdren Federation" of New chOir boys S(>nd th(>lr clcar Yoices will he very little Unte lag between progl·am of pre\'ention and con- J()seph lline" by R. Vaughn 'Vil- York. out on the chilly. wint{'r night, nnd to join their own wlll'1l familiar the gIvIng of clothing and the re- trol. This "Year the~' hope to raisc 1I1UIIS: "Vil"~in RllImb.:}r Song" by sOngs ga'·c them (,OUI'Ug"e. celvin,; of it by the needy and desa an additional $15.000 to purchase He:;l'l": "A Shepherd's Story" by tltute overseas. \\~UI'ehouse facili_ their own Mobile X-Rny Vnlt. At DickinHon: "The VII-gin hy the Home tot~ ~tood quietly on park.:\langcl·" by Caesar Ii"ranck; ".And ties which once baled one million preBent the equipment is rented. C'd ("al"s. lookln/-:" f.·om the Ch"istth!' GIOI·y of the LOI·d" from Hanpounds of clothing n month h:u-e masy ,se{'ne 1')11 ttl(' station hlastel.',s According to Hobel·t 'v. Bernl'een :.;tcpped up to bale two mil- hardt, exeClItivo secretal'y of the (h-I's .:\fl'HSiah: a cal'ol from the col~ liorch to til{' tl'l'e OI1l'e it:; Ughts. lion pounds a day. Hhipping of re- ASSOCiation, an X-I"3S unit will visit led ion or John Jacoh Niles; a too, shone hrightly. .Adults in the lief suppUes Is no longer a problem. the following high s~hools and gl'oup of Gl'I·lIlan and l,'rcnch (,:1.1'. ('I·owd hat! laid aside their Chl.l~t_ ols. :tnu the "Slumhel' Song of lHas I))·ella"'lt.iol1~ to join in the Trousers, coats. and vest count communities, Media on Ja.nuar:: 28. J ('SUI">" by Gacvert. sin~ing I('"d hy the H('\,. Georg·l1 C. as three picces and should be tied Rt. James High SchOOl, Chcstcr. on 'rhe Church will he illuminated Andel·son. Tl'inHy Chul'ch choir together', or skirt and jacket us two Janua.l..,.· 29, tipper Chichester and b~· <'andle light. The Swarthmore ('hoil' hoy!'!. thc Hlf.;"h ~chool choru.q ]llcces. Shoes, should be muted Marcus Hook on January 30, Darby which sang" IwurtHy in the audla hecl-to-toc Hnd tieu· togethel·. \Ve on JanUlll'~' 31, Ridley Park on ~Iusie Club will attend as thl:,I mU8· ical is the regular Decembt'l· pl·Oenee, anll the s('hool's douhle bl'uf:8 February 4 and Ridley Township did no pretty thorough job of col.!;"I"aJll of the Club. The public is a Christmas celeh"ntion I'an on to quartet led hy John Jenny. A un J"ebrunry 5. JUnior and s~nior lecting thc!'!e Ia:::;t spring but there Hne J)ost-Chri:::;tmu8 Climax fOI' Chri!o>hHos Pmyer offered h}" the school students, nthleteH, cordially invited. are some tnore clothes which nre high membe,'s of the Swarthmol'e \Vom~ He\·. IIa\·ld HI·nlln centernd and tenchcrs and school personnel will outgrown or which no longer dean'H Cluh and their b"uests when deepen('ri the o('£'.(~lon. have chest x-rays in the mOI·ning-B. sire. Then there arc old drapes TO ENTER YALE the H.oHe VaUey ehol'us prejo;ented artel'noons w.i11 be "cscl-vcd f01" Burges~ John H. Pitman gave which have faded or black out cura hoJida~' program at the clubndult.q over 1 R ;\'enrs of ugO who the signal fOI· the lights to shIne tains from which clothing' can be Richard Davis rec('iveu his diH- house on ""Nlnesday e"ening the I·eside or work in the vicinity. Most chal'go fl'om the Army at Ft. Mon- 26th. The occasion was the \Vom_ on the tree, artci' the dearl~,. loved made. Style and color are not 1m. portant. And don't forget to in- X-I'ny untt~ will be set up in the mouth, N. J., in ea.·ll' Deccmber an's Clno illHlual Chl"istmus Open "Rilcnt Night, Holy Night" was sung by BI'lI(,~ Godfl'ey and Rlchnnd has joined his parents Mr. and 1I0use. clude o,"eralls, boots, work ahil"ts, high !-lehool audlt.oriums. aJ·d VanCol·th of the choir. Another jeans and rough warm clothing Delawu-l'e County industries will .\ll"s. Clark \V. Lr..lxlH of \ValUng~ The Chorus. under the dtrectfol1 carol s\\·cet ancI elenr on the night suitable for farmers who must also participate in the survey dur- fot·d fOI" the holidays. of Philip \Val'ren COOke, is widely fr·OIU the crowd's full hearted singwor.k in the fields and barns in all ing this same pertod. Although the Dick who graduated from Lnw- know!1 for its Chl'istrnas recitals weather and for their fam11l£'s who dates have not been determined. I'enceviile School in ] 943 prior to and for it,. sPI-lng pl'csentntioll!'! of ing, then villagers wound their way must trudge long distances to mar- jotnt labor-management commit- entering the 5el·\'lce. plans to cnter Gllhm·t and Sullivan. Two ~clec­ home echOing over and o\"cr again Mr. Andel'son's l1nnl "Merry tees have been working out details. Yale University :\(arch 1. ket. tlons from GIlbert and SulliVan Christmas," J;'·ateful to all who had The x-ray films will be read and And there is one more thing were included in the first half of helped with the service. Burgel:!s PItman, who will head the Interpreted by a committee of phythe {ll'ogl'am on \Vednesday-"Hail ON TERMINAL LEAVE Later. midnight church sOI'vices drive sugg-csts to you nnd the chil- sicians from tI:te Medical Society Poetry," from "P.iI·ates of Pe-nwero fined to capacity, as the spir~ dren, "pel-haps" he adds, especially a nd the results will be forwarded z8nce." and a ::'ol(ldrigal from "RudLt. Robcrt R ~(eyer, U.RN.R., .itunl significance of the Christmas"Carlllena." hy \\'ilsonto the children. "'V.lth each gar- to each pel-son's family phYsician. formerly of North Swarthmore <1ig-ol·c." tide drew Rwarthmol·eans away ment send a fl'iendly letter. In avenue has received his discharge IlII:::;s, the loved "Lullahy and from their homes to the houses of most villages and towns where from the Navy at the Naval Scp- Goodnight" or B'·ahms. and "In God. Thus-Rwn.·thmore entered these goods will go, SOIll.€! one can aratlon Center in New York, and l'icanlie." hy O~good, were well lIpon Christmas, 1945. and the resounding read English. A. kindly word wHl is now on terminal leave with :Mrs. lecel\'ed, "Hen\'('ns AI'e '1'clling." from keep a heart warln." Mcyer and their young son Lynn HOLIDAY ITEMS Haydn's "C,·eation," was gi\·cn long who have been living with her parTho date of collections will be ::'oIl'S. 1..•. V:. \Varren of 'Valnut ent:, in Philadelphia during his applause. Halo parts in tll(l~e nUIllnnnounc(>u later. The cloth.lng wtII her!'! wel·c taken hy ::\11·s. "'iIliam lane ('ntel·taincd for the twent}·absense. I:-c assemhled and pacli:ed in the so:\(cGluthery. _",opmno; Hally llc- sixth year a Christmas relluion of Lt ..Meyer who entered th(' S('I·\·cial room of the :Methodist Ch urch. adden. alto; Halph Leoty, t('nor: h('I' family. 'I'hey inclucled ~(r. and icc on September I. '4:?, seT\'ed with Barron H('hnuth :Lnd Hay lIoff- :''S. HIl~h Stone of Ha.verford, tlw 1'~leet Air \Ving No. G and was Christmas Wrappers :'1.1,·. and :\[1'8. Gihson McIl\'ulne and ilia n, bass. 1O\'CI·HNlS five monthH with the Fleet .:ohildl·en of Downington, Mr. nnd Perdue CI£'avel' deli,;hh'll thl' Ail' 'Ving No. 1 S. Helen Scott and Mr. and Mrs. ::\1I·!i. David Sensenig and daughter alHli('nce with "Rpanlsh Gold," hy Fer l' i s "\V. Mitchell wrappcd and :'1.11-. and :\fI·s. Henry B. Coles Fishcl" and the '·i'\ightllll\l'e ~ong" Swarthmorea.ns for the Servicemen RECEIVES DISCHARGE ntHl fOllr chHdnm of Swarthmore. fl'OIll Iolanthe. and women last Thursday. Her daug-htC'!·s ::'I.lr8_ Coles, and 1\[1·S. The second part of the PI·o.~.:Ta1ll Mrs. :MitcheH, Swarthmore 0818, Rensenig g-a\·,-~ a surprisc dinner Lt. John Cra.£'IlWI· arrived home was g"i\'en onJ.· entirely to t'hl"islwill gladly contact any pel'sons p:u-ty in honolof their· mother's Sunday. Decemhel' 16. after two 1Il1iS eat·oIH. 1·;Hpecially well liked ·willing to aid in thts task which is hirthday on ~undny p.\·enin~. rt:'nts Dr. Ellis Speaks tcC', MI·R. Georgt~ Karns, cliairman. mor('. Lt. Edward H. Pyle, Lf.S.N.R., Ilr. and Mrs. \VIll. I~arl Kistler of<'1.r avenue arrived h 0 III C Park avcnu('. Dr. \VilIiam T. Ellis of 'Valnut Christmas Day after serving in New [.'ollowing the termination of his lane spoke at a Christmas Day cc)Guinea and the Philippines. leave on January 17. Lt. Kistler ebration of Sieighton Farm, as he Lt. Pyle left Swarthmore in Sepwili be a~ociatc:d with the Barnes hn.s done every Christmas for more tember -44 for the Pacific area FrIday, December 28 Foundation, Merion, Pa. than 30 )'ears. where he has been attached to the 7:00 to 8:30 P. M. 8th Grade .Junior Assembly ................Woman·s Club staff of the Commandcr of the 8:45 to 11:45 P. M. Eleventh and Twelfth Grade .Junior }\lotor Torpedo Boat Squa.drons of Mr. and 1\Irs. Lovett Frp.scoln of To Hold Dance Assembly ··········._···················.................\·s Club the Seventb Fleet as CommuntcaHarvard avenue entertained at a SundaT, December 30 tions Officer. The Swarthmore ::;erics Dapce dinner party on the evening of 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship ····.···········•·· ...........................Local Churches He Is spending a leave with l\.-Irs. will be held In the 'Voman's Club Christmas Day when their guests 8:00 P. M. Trinity Choir Recital ········ ..•.............................Trlnity Church included Dr, Leonard D. Frescoln. Pyle and two small daughters Ann on New Year's Eve. l\londaJ'", December 31 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Coles and Dr. and 1\Irs. Henry Sangree, o( and Gay. and reports to the Phtla~ 11:30 P. M. Watch Sarvlee · .. ··········· ...... _ ....................Presbyterian ChUrch 'Irs. David Scnsenig will Philadelphia. and Mr. and Mrs. "l r. an d ~1 delphia Navy Yard the latter part 'r 'V. Frescoln of Swartha Thursday, January 3 of .January. "'Ned" says "He's serve as co~chairmen on arrange- Joseph more. 8:00 p, M. Swarthmorean Wrapping ........ _ ............Swartbmorcan Office awful glad to be home." menta. Mass X-Rays Rose Valley Chorus Sings Holiday Program I IZ' G~u; ••••• go-TK. for \I!Ihil.linQ. 2...qt.• glan. Dnly wllh any $1.00 purcha,. ~ " FRUIT CAKE $Z'lb gift .... ",r ,., WOMEN'S CLUB AT HOME FESTIVAL The Swurthmore Hif1c and I>istol Club was defeated \Vedne:sday, Dccember 12, by the "Ve~t Chel:1tel' RUle and Pistol Club on the laUer's home I'unge in the State Armor)'. The score of 1302 to 1286 was n close one, and holds pl'omlse of a keen competition when a return match is arrangef1 with the local team ns hosts. High lIIun DC th(; e\'ening \\'a~ 'Vest ChesIe-r's H. 'Vorthington with Q. 273 out of a posHible 300. Second high total was scored by A. Faul, ot the Swarthmore Club, who turned In a very nice 269. Others whose scores counted In the home town f1ngle, 262: 'V. Hale, "27c FrelUb', Thyme Old Fashion Ib FMC,. FIII,t ~ LOSE 35c do", Burgess Pitman to Head Clothes Collection ~ ~ ; .Just had to ~ Ib _ _ _ _ _ _ _I_b_ _ _ Smelts uri' ..... 1 i~ ~ Young, i e y S 44c l ~, ~.. All the good things you'll need In larger assortment await you in your nearest Acme. SWAI?THM()I?E THE SWARTHMOREAN CLOTHING DRIVE SET IN JANUARY , ~ DINNER ~ I T VOL. XVII-No. 51 ~~ e~ CHRISTMAS • I , Make it a Rea' ~ ~ 't~e6rid· ,~ CLOSED ALL DAY CHRISTMAS n and to wish them all a very Happy Christmas. Dkl24c Dill Oc 12·01 can 34c B'1Il Our Burgess ---- THIS WEEKS CALENDAR Michael's College Pharmacy FANCY APPLES * Northwestem Romes or Delic:iou. Z Ib> Z9c Some items are still In Iimit£1I supply. therefore, H any of the above items are out of stock in your local market, plea .. continue to ask for them upon your ..ext vls1t. ON THE CORNER . \ THE IWAItTHIlOItEAR ) . . . :.t ....n, "their _ n d ch1Id, Oil FrIDIana Brewster of Dlclt\DlDn a.AI- daY, ~oemhe.. n, to the UlIIlve..... Due will PreMlnt orp,n· ·DUQlbel'lL 117 of Pennsylvania HOspital, PbIlaA """,II """pUon win follow the delphia. MaJor· McKeag' 1.0 _flone4 ceremony at the home of the Mr. and I4rL Em..t R. La_ bride's mother. at Dav1a-IIODthan Field, TuClOD, l'reoedIIls . the oeremoo}, - PERSO·NALS Lt. .• :,- II, INS n PIJBI··8HC" Pba at MEDIA . . Happy New Year Last 2 Days Applications are acted upon promplly. Repayment is made monthly. For ell:ample: ' FRIDAY -SATURDAY LLOYD NOLAN SIGNEHASSO Amount ...... of The House on 92d Street" "Orchids Always" BaIt- Pike, Sprinafielcl, P •• Phone Swa. 0450 500 lOG foe $6.2' 12.S2 18.7S 24.98 31.20 We take this water through 43.93 drink to your health with Springfield ..... 'l!~M~«)) "Dangerous Partners" DISCOUNT COMPANY Suile 413-15 Center Building 111& Muket stAee Upp.~ Duby, Pa. ""UESDAY (New Y ...... DaJ') and WEDNESDAY "Abbott and Costello in Hollywood" Phone-Boulevard 5020 Allegheny 0707 I water might be considered sotisfcicl~ry by some it is for from ollrhigh standards. 18 monlu paymenllol 800 4'.70 Apply 10 penon 01" JAMES CRAIG SIGNEHASSO I lOIlD. $'" . SUNDAY-~IONDAY c~s to 0 series of purifying steps in order that you can Water. !!. Opal McKray, coloratura 80praDO, Ethel McKray, Violla, and Cle.. McKray, plano win give a concert at Strath Haven Inn Sunday evenln8", DecemlHtr 10 at '1.46 p.m. PUB~BIi1. PA. ~ otoo • ~c Mr. McKray was mUSic director at George School tor several years. The town folk are cord1a.lIy in. vlted to attend. 8, 1879. 'J Presbyterian Church Notes Trinity Notes A celebration . ot • DATES CHANGED Dates lor the .Junior .A8semblles makeup dance tor those missed during tho polio quarantine in October will be March 23 tor the 7th, 9th and 10th grades. The OctOber dance tor grades 8, 11, and 12 will be made up April 20. The February ninth clasa for 11th and 12th grades will be postponed to April 6 due to the Blackfriars play at tho high Bchool. Holy ComSunday morning at the 11 o'clock munion will be held at 8 a "U. on service the sermon will be tiThe s unda)·. The Church School wlJl Next SteP." Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Sadler at the hold its Christmas Carol SerVice Harvard avenue entrance and Dr. In the chUrch at 9:46: Morning and Mrs. George P. Warren at the Prayer wJII tallow at 11 O'clock. driveway-transept entrance will as- The. Rector w1l1 proeach. The annual chOir service· of sist the minister 'in extending the Christmas music will be given at 8 greetings of the chUrch to the conp.m. Members of the Swarthmoro gregation after the 11 o'clock serMustc Club will aUend the servIce. vice Sunday morni.hg. RElEASED On Tuesday, the Feast of the The ChUrch Hour Nursery meets Lt. Robert H. Wllaon< U.S.N.R., each Sunday morning tram 11 to CJrcumcision ot ChrIst, there will 12 o'clock .in the Parish House tor be a celebration ot the Holy·Com_ ts on terminal leave at hls home on Harvard av~nu_e after two years of mUnlon at 10 a.m. children ages 1 to 7. service. The Womcn's AmcJ.Uary will meet New members will be received Lt. Wilson served as Convoy Into the church by. transfer of on Thursday for an all day sew, Communications Liaison o.fficer on chUrch letter or on contession ot IncludIng n. box lunch. At the a transport In the Atlantic and faith on Communion Sunday, Jan- meeting at 2 p.m. Mrs.· Frank V. Mediterranean areas until V -J Day. uary 6. Anyone contemplating Burton, chairman ot the Devo- Since then he has been stationed in this decision should see Dr. Braun tional Committee or the Diocese, Washington, D. C., as Public ReSunday after church or during the will 'address the meeting. lations Officer in the ofrlce of the week. Assistant Secretary ot Navy. .The High S¢hool. Fellowship wlll Christian Science Church Notes He will return to his former not meet. until Sunday, .January 6. "Christian Science" Is the sub- POSition as assistant secretary ot The Senior Class will not meet un- ject of the Lesson-Sermon In all the Girard Trust Company. Philatil Sunday ovenlng. January 6. ChUrches of ChrJst, Se1eI}tlst. on delphia. The ChUrch School will meet at Sunday, December 30. The Golden 9:46 o'clock Sunday morning. Text Is: "The ransomed ot the ~here will be a special Watch- Lord shall return, and come to night Service on New Year's Eve., Zion with songs and everlasting Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. Davis or at 11:30 o'clock In the church. joy upon their heada: they shall WalUngford er..tertalned Lt: Emery All contributions ot clean and obtain Joy and gladness, and SOr"Swede" Larsen. U.S.M.C.R .• who is mended clothing and bedding may row and sighing Rball flee away" attached to the Carrier the U.S.S. be left at the church ottice. where (Isaiah 36: \0). Princeton at the Philadelphia Navy they will be packed and sent to Yard, as theJr guest tor a few days the overseas distribution center. Dr. and Mrs. WilHam T. Ellis over the holidays.. There Is a great need tor any ar- leave Swarthmore Monday tor Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Ryan of ticles you can spare. Winter Park. Fla.• where they will Westdale avenue entertained Mrs. The Monthly SewJng Day of the spend threc months at the Lincoln Ryan's alster nnd brother-in_law. Woman's ABSoclaUon will be held Apartments. During their absence Mr. and Mrs. W. Shaffer Smith of on Wednesday, January 2. Lunch- their horne on Walnut lane will be Ventnor. N • .J., tor a few days last' f;'Qn _)Y1l1 be served by the group In occupied by General and Mrs. Wila week. charge ot Mrs. J. V. S·. Bishop. lIam McCulloch. Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. H)'an cnThe ·Choirs will not rehearse this Lt. (jg) Phtlfp Banta Is expected ~ertained Saturday evening in week. to arrive home tomorrow for a honor of Mr. Ryan's brother and week's leave from Portsmouth, No' stster-tn-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Carson W. Ryan of New Mextco. Methodist Church Notes H .• where he is a member of the Ensign WilUam David Mclntlre, The Church School meets on U.S.S. Dace. U.S.N.R., ot North Chester road, Sunday morning at 9:46. Classes Dr. and Mrs. 'VIlUam T. Ellis home on leave, entertained at Open are provided for ohlldren of all of Walnut lane spent qbrJetmas House· at his home on Christmas ages and for adults. Eve with their Bon Lt. Comdr. Eve. The morning serv.tce at 11 o'ciock Macklmmon Ellis .. and famUy of Mr. and Mrs. La Rue Hendrlx_ will be a Student Recognition Ser- Bryn Mawr. son of ~orth Chester road w1l1 envice. A number of returp.tng stu- ;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:- tertaln at a cocktaU party Sunday dents will partiCipate In the ~erafternoon from 4 to ·6 In honor of vice, and the minister w.lll preach. Mr. and""Mrs. 'Va-taon Pedlow of The Church Nursery Is open Chester Heights. ." Mr. Pedlow who during the. morning worship hour served as a lieutenant In the U. S. Navy has recently been dls~ and will care for the younger chilcharged. NEWS NOTES day rrom Northfteld Sehool, 14&ee., with her mother and &raJidmother III .Ohlo. )lisa Frances Gillette Forsythe ot Thayer road will entertain at an "at home" trom 4 to 7 tomorrow afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson of Walnut lane entertained Mrs. WUBon's brother-in_law and sister ]\Olr. and Mrs. William D. Sizer ot Glen Ridge, N. J., as their guests over the Chrl8tmne holiday.. MiBB Frances Gillette Forsythe ot Thayer road who will be married in the near future wUl be guest of honor at a luncheon and shower at the V/arwlck In Philadelphia tomorrow when Miss Ruth McCoy ot Haddonfleld, N. J., wl)l entertain In her honor. DUll.' TIE I'LiIAYI 1.111 .Vlr • If'" .... clakd •• 'u Ilk. It ••• ,.rfactl,'. Til III-CIIIIlIIIII SUBVIB41 C4P. I and Coc:ktafl lounge till '.CIIII[ .P. ~L 11111111 IT'nli I Loci! fmIl8c , Blatr "'••5c • I KEEPING FAITH For over 66 years Philadelphians .have placed their confldence in the Oliver H, Bair Company. Thai trust we have always carefully guarded and today~ as in the past, we are giving the highest type of service to all, OLIVER H. BAIR CO. DIRECTORS .OF FUNERALS 1 1 1 1 1820 CHESTNUT STREET 1ITIe....... 15i1 MARY ~ ~ Pa. "1 Fn'ed Ch.'cken D.'nner Saturdav, dren. \\IrS: Lloyd E. Kau(fman and Barbara Scott will be in ~ J8D".~ -~ 3, 1946 at ('harge. The Official Board will have the WESLE'" A• M• E. CHURCH, ,& monthly meeting on Friday, .lanui h ary 4, at ~ o'c I oc k I n t h e cape. The white . gifts received last . Sunday were sent to the Fifth Dining-room opens at 5.30 P.3(. Price $1..00 For Reservations, call S~rtIunorc 2043-J or 2643-R Bodine Avenue Mr. Theodore· W. Crossen, formerly of Strath Haven avenue, has retUrned to Gabriels Sanatorium. Gabriels, N. Y.. after having! been In a St. Louis hos-'tal ('or .everal ... months. Barbara Ann ·Crossen. who has recently been visiting friends in li~~~~~~~~~~~ii~·~'~~~·\~va~r~t~h~m~or~e~.~I~s~s~p~e~n~d~ln~g~~a~h~O~II~- Home Street in Center PhtlQ~lphla and theforDeaconess dtstribu- , .... tlon. ;l' ::1\\ AH'I"HMU.H.~ i-tf". On Its Sixth Birthday . .. PltJ-:.";H ,TI·au.-\.'" CHURCH M.I!}THOD18'l' CHUltCH H.ey N. Kal.,. D.O .• Minil:;1tIBl". SUN4AY The Bouquet Beauty Salon 7 :00 P. M.-Youth FeUo"!ovahtp. . TRINITY CHURcH th~y. no:>n C"hrlstlon Andftrppn Rector train you in wor" will be glad to answer your questions and tell you the complete story about the opportunities with Bell Tele- . phone. Visit any of these offices: W"ulies you a ve..,. happy New One Room 315, MCClatchy Bldg. (69th & Market Sh., Upper Dai"byJ mas Music. TUESDAY (CIRCUMCrSION) 10 :00 A. M.-Holy Communion. THE!] ltELIGIOlTS I'(}CIl<1TY l'to Call 0476 6909 Market Street, Upper Darby 57·59 E. Penn St., Norristown 1631 Arch Street, Phil~delr-hia 45 Anderson. Avenue, Ardmore 410 York Road, Jenkintown or call Enterprise 1-0100 13 S. Chester Road FRIENDS SUNDAY Day School. Forum: No meeting 9f the group until further noUce. 9 :45 A. M.-Flrst Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company M.-~leeUng. 9 :30 A. M. to 3:30 P. M.-8ewlng and Quilting in Whittier House. Box luncheon. An are cordially Invited. FIRST CHURCa OF 0HIUST. SCTENTrST OF SWARTHMORE . Park Avenue Below Harvard SUNDAY to Telephone employment office, where an interviewer Thanks you for. ve..,. Happy Year SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 9 :4-5 A. M. - Church School· Carol Service.. 11 :00 A. M.-Morntng Prayer and Sernwn. 8 :00 P. M.--Cholr Service of Christ- 11:00 A. M.--Sunday SchooL 11:00 A. Il.-Sunday LeBSOn Sermon. Wednesday ev-entng meeting eacb week, I p. m. Readln&, 1'O(Inl open dall)' u.cept Bunda" and holidays 12 to G p.m. Wedneada,. evening· 7 to • p.m. Church ZdlftGot. ..\11 &t'e oordlal1,. Invited. to atten4 friendly with helpful supervisors Arrange to drop in-real soon-at the nearest Bell r :09 A. You will work'in an atmosphere that's warm and pany has a reputation as a good place to work. 9:45 A.IM.-Church Schllot. 11:00 A. H-Morning Worship. n earning a good salary at once, with assurance of regular increases. that you're working for Bell Telephone, for the com- DRvid Rro>,". Mlnl!'l!tp.r 11:00 A. 1\.I.-Serl:l1on Topic: "The Next Step." • You can step right into one of many varied. interesting jobs with the Telephone Company and stare wilh II lUlU'•• You will be proud to tell your friends CHURCH SERVICES • ANNU AL MEETING The Annual Meeting or the stockholders 0' the Swarthmore NaUooaJ. Sank and. Trost; OomJNlll7, Swm'thmore, PR., for the election or ~rs·and. such oaber bnslness as may come before the meetbig, WIll be held a& the hmklng hoo.oe to Swarthmore, Pa., on ~}', Jan......,. 8, IH41, _ ..eon the homs or three and live P.III. ELRIO S. SPROAT, CasIIIer •• • Please bring your birth-certificate or other proof of Citizenship Swarthmore, Penna. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA "" Friendly PIcKe to Work" .' I COCI:TAIl HOUI. 3 to , P. M. l ___.._~.-.-...............__.____..J COMING WEDNESDAY ,PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY SW: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28,1946' MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS' , AT . Lafayette Aves. Phone 0440 ·LOANS; 'TO PRUENT CONCERT DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY NOON , .. RUSSELL'S 'SERVICE . PBlDAY 1ct ---- delco 2T~H~E-!S.!W~A R T H .. 0 REA N Pl!l'l'ER E. TOLD, EclItor I4AI1.TORIE TOLD • __ ~_ ' Lorene McCarter Irma 14. Parry An' _ _ _te EclItor De M. Cochran Entered . . SecoDd' Cla8a Matter Janua Z4 OJrtce at Swarthmore, Pa., under the 'Of18:!~_ Bht the Poet I , Et&BY TBB 8W4B'nlHOREAN, lNo., road here. - _ -- Dartmouth _________ THE SWARTHMOREAN .' to return to their .home OD P.arrI.oIl Comdr. .Tohn A. J41n.r of Thayer roa.d, home on & 110 da}' of Park avenue announce {be en!!III lUI II II IIIIIIS! """" !Ii!Ii """" IUIi II gM"" II(IIJI: II !Ii!Ii",,"g I illll3(: iJlli" terminal Ie&ve and Mr. Albert gagement of their daughter J4&rion GORTON - BEfiINE'IT Elizabeth LaW8 to Mr • .Tohn R. 'l'hatcher of Open avenue, recentThe ma.rria&"e of J4I.oe Mary RanlY dl.och&r«ed from the Navy, left Bluer, BOn of Mr. and M ..... Frank W. Blner of Pr08pect Park. nella Bennett daughter of CoL Wedneeday for North Claredon, J4I.u Law. 1.0 & sra.4U&te of Floyd W. Bennett, ·U:B.M.C.. and Vt., wher~ tbey plan to, ski on Plco Swarthmore High School and atMrs. BeDnett of San Diego, cal, to MountalQ. tended the University of PenD8Yl- Enelp Robert .T. Gorton, U.S.N., Lt. Wllllam Craemer stationed at vania where sbe is a member of son of Mr. and Mr&. MacArtbur J etrersoDv111e. ,Ind., and Mrs. Crae- the Zet& Tau A1ph& fmternlt)'. Gorton of San Diego, took place Mr. BIgger is a. graduate of ProB- Saturday, December 22, at 8 p.m., mer new to Philadelphia Fr:Iday and IJpent a few -days b1 Swarth- pect Park High School and at.. at the NavY Ch&pel, Philadelphia more with the former's pa~ents,Mr. tended West Chester St&te Te&ch- Naval Base. The bride, given in marriage by and Mrs. WUllam Craemer of Har- eni College. No date has been Bet for the Mr. John Bowditch. Jr., ot Cedar vard avenUe. wedding". lane, W&8 attended bY Mias' Nancy S llc Lafayette Austin arrived In Frick and MiBs Cbarlotte SlmmoDs New York aboard the U. S. Ran'Mr.( Harris Sirulnlk, proprietor of Ardmore. Lt. Walker Bennett . dolph and surprised his mother. ot and Company, and Mrs. of the Merchant Marine, Baltimore. Mrs. Anne B. Austin of Park·Sirulnik of 6616 Woodcrest avenue, Due Christmas night when he came PhUadelpnia, announce the en- Md., served as best man. Mr.· and Mrs. Bowditch, and Lt.. home on a 48 ..hour furlough. A gagement of their daughter, Bea- (Jg") George Bennett. U.S.N., and ... .•. .. .---.------.--.-~---.carrier during t.he war, the U.S.S. trice B. to Lt.· Herman Rubenstein, Mrs. Bennett ot Cl!dar lane, and I Randolph, 1s now doing duty as ~ Medical Corps United States Army. Capt. Benson A. Bowditch of BaltiSYMBOL OF STRENGTH IS THE OAK, WHICH. EXTENDS troop transport. 80n or Abraham Rubenstein of more. Md .• attended the small rePvt. Edward O. Walton, Bon ot 1764 North Peach street, Philadel- cepUon which f~llowed the cereITS UMBS HORIZONTALLY IN DEFIANCE OF GRAVITY, Mrs. Frances G. Walton ot Amphia. mony at the Navy Officers Club, herst avenue arrived nome on FriPhiladelphia. MAY SUCH STRENGTH AND STURDINESS BE YOURS day for an I l .. day Christmas turTOMORROW'S BRIDE lough after which he wilt report IN 1946 AND IN THE YEARS TO COME-STRENGTH TO BIR'IHS back to Camp Lee, Va.. The marriage of MIBS Jeanne SuWEATHER EVERY STORM_AND CROSs.cURRaU THAT ~PVt. Craig Neal who is stationed Lt. and Mrs. E. Robert Marks ot zanne Fischer daughter of Mr. and at Lowry F.1eJd.. Denver. Colo., UFE MAY BRING. Mrs. Charles E. FIscher of Dickin- Princeton avenue are· receiving wbere he is attending the School son avenue to Ensign Raymond con'&Tat{iI~t1ons on the birth of a ot Photography, 1s spending a 10- Frank Winch, U.S.N.R., son of Mr. Bon Rotiert Lewis Marks' on De6000 LUCK TO YOU, .GOOD FftIENDS, AND MANY day furl!lugh with his x.nother Mrs. and Mrs. Earl A. Wlncb ot Oaklyn, cember 19 at the University of HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DA:YI Margaret C. Neal. of Benjamin N. J., will take pl(t.ce tomorrow at Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadel· West avenue. 3 p.m., In the Swarthmore Pres- phla. . Frederick R. MoreY, A.E.T.M. byterian Church. The Rev. Dt'. The baby Is a grandson of Mrs• 3/e a.rrived in Swarthmore last David BraUD will perform the cere- Myra Doe of Princeton avenue. Monday on an unexpected Christ- mony. JJIQ..B leave. He wlll return' to his .Capt. and Mrs. John F. Wright Miss Natalie Winch, s1ster of the station at Corpus Christi. Tex., on bridegroom will attend as maid ot are being congratulated upon the & December 31 with some friends honor. The bridesmaids wUI in- birth ot a son John Barrington on clude Miss Elizabeth Hornaday December 18 at Kissimmee, Fla. from New York City. Lt. Robert C. Messmer who ts and Mi88 Lois lAndon ot Swarth- The new baby is the grandson of cargo security officer aboard the more, Miss Norma."Harrls, ot Wash- Dr. and Mrs. Winthrop R. Wright U. S. Durant has arrived in New Ington. D. C.. and Miss Dorothy of Whittier place. York where he wUl remain for a Winch. another aister at the bride.. Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Chambers of week before making hiB next trip. groom. Mrs. Messmer, the former Evelyn Mr. Thomas Allts of Phlladel .. Dickinson avenue announce the WherrY, wnt spend the Hme with phla. will serve as best man. The birth of a daughter named Mary her husband at a New York hotel. ushers wi)l be Ensign Norman Mor- Constance on November 28 In the AlS Bill Ward arrived at hiS ton, U.S.N.R., at Westfield, N. J. t Lying-In Hosplt&I, Philadelphia. home on Soutb Chester road in Ensign Jack Wexler, U.S.N.R., of time for Christmas after complet... Philadelphia, CpI. Harry Martin ot Mr. and Mrs. Johnatban Elmer. ing his boot training at Camp Houston. Texas, Pte. Martln Duus o! Wayne announce the birth of Pearry, Va. anff Mr. Conway. Judd of Oaklyn. a daughter Holly on December ~. First Lt. Richard F. Barnes who, N. :r., and E""lgn Marah&1\ Scho- In the Union Memorial Hospital, is with the Air Transport Com- bf!lr, U.S.N.R., ·ot Monroevil~, N. J., Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Elmer was formerly MIBB mand .is flying Army PerBonnel beA small reception tor the bridal tween Hawaii and Japan. Lt. party and the famlUas ot the bride Kela Brower, daughter of Mrs. Barnes Is the son of Mr. and Mr&. 'and brIdegroom w1l1 be held tol- Charles de Hart Brower ot Crest Lane. Clarence H. Barnes ot HUlborn lOwing the ceremony. avenue, and thiB Is the fourth Major George Wilson McKeag Christmas he has been away from HOLIpAY BRIDE and.- Mrs. McKeag are receiving home. congratulations upon the birth ot A group ot Service Wives enThe marriage ot Mlsa Betty Elieii tertained at a progre891ve dinner Saturday evening and those at- Broa.dbent daughter of Mrs. George FOR tending included Major and Mrs. C. Broadbent and the late Mr. Stanton S. von GrabUt. Lt. and Broadbent ot Vassar .avenue to Mr. Mrs. James H. Connor. Lt. and .Joseph S. Cartor son of Mrs. WilMrs. Cyrus Harvey. Lt. John S. Ham Garter of Moylan will take CalI Kistler, Mr. o.nd Mrs. .Joseph W. place tomorrow. December 29. at Mn. Uoyd E. Kauffman Frescoln, Mrs. Leroy Wilson. Mrs. 2.30 p.m .• in the Swarthmore l\feth- Swarthmore 2080 • M. W. Shellenbarger. Mrs.. Boyd W. odlst Church. The Rev. Dr. Roy N. Keiser will offiCiate at the cereStauffer, Mrs. Edward H. Pyle, II., UNITY ASSEMBLY Yes, you can drink to your health at all· Mrs. Howard D. Sipler, and Mrs. mony. American ~on Room The bIide who will be given in Robert E. Moist Borough '. Ball times with Springfield Water. marriage by her uncle Mr. Frank 10:30 A.M. Evel'J' WednesdR), H. Broadbent ot lJywood. Pa•• ~lll ENGAGEMENTS wear her mother's wedding veil. ZEliA M. WALTERS Miss Barbara Anne Broadbent will Unity Writer oonducta the cI ........ . You may take your water supply and Its . Everyone Welcome Mr. and ~lrs. Willard P. Tom- attend her sister as maid or honor. health qualities as a matter of course linson, of· South Chester road, held. Mr. Evans carter of Mpylan will serve as best man for his brother, open house Christmas Day to an'because we never do. There are reasons nounce the engagement ot their t'l.nd the ushers will include andaughter. Mrs. MUI'Jorie Tomlln- other brother Mr. Henry Carter of for,the outstanding quality of your son Bird, to Mr. Harlte David Moylan and Mr. Eric Van dcr Reynard, of Erie. Pa., son of Mrs. \Vater of Philadelpnta. water. . '. Harlfe A. Reynard and the late Mr. Reynard, of Burbank, Calif. $100 $1000 In the first place the basic sources of Mr. Reynard was aerial photog6% DISCOUNT l'a.pher and gunner ...vUh Chen~ plus fees your water are small streams free from n3ult's Flying Tigers and we.s shot If you need money lor any down o .... er Hnnkm'w·. purpose, take advantage 01 the impurities commonly found nearer THEATRE The wedding will take place in this less expensive plan 01 the middle of February: boqowing. larger population centers. While this -~ ==::::====~-=:::""' ArIL, 8IId lire. IICX_· 81101 ~.etr chUd..... wID .remalll.lIlf.ltlluul. N • .T., unUI aprIDS ..heD the,. hope . THE SWARTH.Moa~A·lf. RElEASED AlTEND OPERA Ginny Wilson of Ogden avenu., bome attend the performance 9t- Bizet's opera. "Carmen" at the Academy of MUBlc In PbUadelphla. Several of the pupUs will read the libretto, HAPPY IIEW YEAR and samoa ot the most tamlll8.r arias will be sung In elaaa. This pracUcaJ way of teaching French h. much appreciated by the student&. TO ALL NEWS NOTES 1 6 9 iAgain glad. b~lIs I II are ringing out Their message loud and ,clear: Best wishes, friends, to all of you, To all 'a bright New Yearl Prot. and Mrs. Eo C. Lange of "Langewood". Baltimore PIke, entertained Major Donald E. Lange, Mrs. Lange and their young son, Donald, Jr., of Charlottesville. Va•• and Mr. Ernest E. Lange. Jr.. ft8 their guests on Christmas Day. The latter recently dlscharged from the Army after &erving as a lieutenant In the Air Corps, returns to Franklin- & Marshai C~llege March 1. Dr. and Mrs. Fol'ank G. Keenenand Peggy Charles Keenen of Harvard avenue returned home Thursday after a hoiida-y visit with Dr. Keenen's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Keenen at Newark. Oblo, and with Mrs. Keenen's parents Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin O. Largent of Sprlngfteld. Ohio, since Friday ot last week. Ml~ Margaret Little a student in Physical Therapy at the University ot Minneso.ta Is spending a hollday vacaUon' until 'January 6 at her home on Park avenue. She was accompanied east by her uncle Major J. F. Druar ot Mlnneapolts, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Little ot Secane were additional guests at the Little home on Christ- and Boston, Maaa., December 11. He entered the Naval Air Corps upon his graduation from Springfield College, Maaa., In 1HZ, and has served 4:2 months in the American and European Theatres of War. He is now on terminal leave until February. Lt. and Mrs. Dryden and their small daugbter Deborah arrive today from Sprlngfteld. Maas.. and will reside temporarilY with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs.. Alexander Dryden of Swarthmore avenue and wltb his brother-in-law and' elster, Mr. and Mrs. Henry APelnol, Jr.. of Latayette avenue. , Lt. Dryden later plans to take a course in physlotberapy at the University of Pennsylvania. CAsT CHOSEN ~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~g' F .. ======~~~~~~~ SPEC-IAL SUNDAY DINNER $1.00 1 P. M to 3 P. M. DEW DROP INN , YULE TIME· LOGS Add Warmth and Cheer to THE HOLIDAY SEASON We Have Both Logs and Coal H. B. Green Swa. 1234 HOLIDAY GRf£TlnGS HAPPY NEW YEAR. F Letter to the Editor INEW YEAR'S bellsi We hereby proclaim that we are resolved to give oUr friends and patrons the superior kind of service that will keep them wearing a path to our door. We furthermore proclaim that. our . friends are the linesl in all the world, and we wish them loads of good luck, good cheer and good health for the year 1946, , HANNUM & WAITE Harris & CO.' "cHESTER. ROAD and YALE AYE. at SWARTHMORE 1250 ARROW LI N E5 __ 10_ . '" AWARDID 10 ..ILA'liPRIII IUIU.IIIII '11111.01'"'1011 Co. u•••• DA.IYp """SYLVANIA tlAl'fIC AND PASSIN. . IAfITY ~ taANAI COMPAJ.s O' 1HI UNITID srAm A. . CANADA sav. utlAN AMt suau.aAN POPULAtiONS O' SO,OOO AND OVi. It" ......" ......." ftANIII AlIOCIAnON :N111\l1D.'G'~".'18 ;~~OY8, TRIP the' GIRL'S BASKE'l'B4LL BEGIN8 Thle year holds a promising sea....n ahead for the girls' basketball te&Dl& Practices have already been atarted, and Mrs. Ann SulUvan. the cqaeh, will choose the Varalty eoon, The 86 girls who were Invited out tor bBsketball will receive &. physi.. cal exam and a bla.ckboard talk this week, With Minerva. Zen~n as captain, the flrst and second teams play their opening game at LanBdown on January 11. The 'g:lrlB anticipate as succeesful and victorious a season as Mrs. Sullivall's lut year's undefeated team. Nineteen girls fr~~ c~, of Home Nursing and Care ot the Sick took & Chartered bue ott December 13. to the Oateopathlc Hospital The enthusiastic group made a comp~ete tour ot the' hospital. It was hoped that they WOUld Bee an operation, but that W8.lI imp08ld'ble this time. However, the claaa 88.W the surgery and the surgical ward. Many .of the irtrls found til. babies nurse!?' and maternity ward very InteresUng. They .wenL . through tbe laboratory and saw tbe techni_ cians working. The girls al studied the blood counts, th~ tree: log tissue, and sedementatlon test. The group co~mented favorably on the ·trlp, stating that they had acquired many new and Interesting facts. DANOE AFTER GAME Immediately atter Swarthmore's vlcton· over Springfield Friday night. December 14, couples were ·invlted to attend a dance sponsored by the senior class. The gym was divided by the mOving panels and the I1ghts were dimmed as couvles paid their 40c admission and danced to the music ot a jukebox. The basketball team was admitted without charge and the boys certainly felt the mood to dance atter a highly successful game. MOST LIKELY Calvert Melton, Richard Taylor, Myron Sharpe. and Dick Shell)' were voted ..the Iilo:at llkely to succeed" by thel~ f.allow members of the senior class last week. after much thoughtful deliberation. Theile tour boys will ~e the examinations for the Pep81-Cola. Scholarship which consists of four years tuition and Transportation expenses to any college of the re .. ciplents chOice. ""l'Ials fIqan 00Yeft the lllllOAib. pedod ~ No, Th. meta .peak for them..lve•. Thit ,.markabl. Safet,- Recorcl it Cl tribute to YOUI' Neighbon-th. m.n cmd women who ma.intuin cmd opo ero.te the rclil can cmd butet of the Reel AIrow Lin... And _ cue firmly retOlved to make the N.... Year the .aIMt yecu' of in tpit. of _ _ hClSClldoUl CIOnditi_ heyoncl our control.· Your help will be Clppz.aia.tecl. MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, TUESDAY, JANUARY 1 OPEN WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2 AND WAITE In I. $26,487.90! On the last sale, there was $206.26 In bonds, and $89.40 In stamps. The follOwing home rooms had 100 per cent: 206, 209, 208. • • * ... a year relieved of the tensions and wor'---ries that have marked the past few twelvemonths ... a year in which you will know again the unfettered freedom and the "will to do" of the good old days-c-that is our wish for you as we are about to l:llter 1946. May it be, indeed, a glorious year for you. BUCHNER'S .' NEW YEAR While the schuol tell short $1,867.10 of the $3,000 goal In the hospital campaign which ended 'on Tuesday, nevertheless, it has received two citations from the United States Treasury Department In which is stated that the students have bought enough bonds and stamps In 194:3 and 1944 to flnance the purchasing of two "jeeps." Phones Swarthmore 0456-W & 0456-R INEW •• - ---_. - ~----- YEAR 1946 will put on his show at I the midnight hour, as always in the I past. As the show-boat disappears round the bend in the river and we get back into the old routine we hope tor you that there was more to it than the fleeting Joys of the New Year holiday, that "something has been added"-something of permanent stature--and that 1946 will really make a b~q diHerence to you. * • EDWARD L. NOYES 23 S. CHESTER ROAD· ., • 101, 102. Radio FM and Television an. "Glorious the year that for you waits, Bayond Tomorrow's mystic gates" On Tuesday. December 18. high school students bought a total of $296.66 In Victory bonds a~d stamps, In the last sale In which the school wUI partiCipate. During the past three years, the school has shown flne spirit in wartime by purchasing these lasting investments In peace, and the overall total for' theBe past three years THOMASF.CONWAY br 30,. INS. . " CLOSED LAST SALE "1943 "1944 " 1946 .h., 'neddut' 01' .mar bapodculca. - - . o..roctinv 1.o.r.G.D)\o IIdDQ' Iba.l aGY paaIb1Y ..... IlL a. ill lcpoakul .,. GJI a.ocIduI. ' .. ; . , .' ', .. , .: '.' R One Reportable Accident· in every 10,321 mile. opero.ted in 1942 " " " S~J~ the TOP senior high _mbly . ;'n Wednesday, .December 12, 18 aluden... representing the 10th, 11th,. and 12th' grades partiCipated In a spelllng bee to select a team to batUe ~~D8hohoc~en high school at radio Blatlon KYW on the Geutlng'a spelling bee. These 18 students were the high scorers in an ellmt .. caUon contest held recently. The· program ~aa conduct~d by Dorothy Adame,' high Bchool EngUsh Instructor, and the judges were Dr. Jam~ F. Irwin, LaUD Instructor. and Harry E. Oppenlander. teacher ot Qhemlatry. . FRANK the BARBER 10,870" 12,907" 13,338**" ' 'i~ • r'----~--~----------~--------~------------------..,. There were tour wi~ners, three to parUclpate in tbe "bee" and one as an alternate. The tour lucky OABINEI' IIIEFl'Il people are Patsy McCahan, Gra.. The last Senior Cabinet meeting ham Foster, Steven Spencer. and ot 1946 was beld on December 13. alternate, Robin' Harper. T~e main business enacted was a Every Mond~y morning the girls' dec.1slon by the students to· ask gym cJa.ases are greeted by a poster Thls program will be broadcast t1l:e teachers, If they may send rep- whtcJ:a. assigns to some girl' in each on January 10, 1946, at 7:30 p.m. resentatives to faculty meetings' of c1a88 a Job Buch as' exerciBe leader over station KYW. Interest. This idea emanated tram taking the balls or plnnles out o~ dlscU88ion at the etudent Associa- ·the field. inspecting the locker DIsplay TalenlB A talent program under the BUtion meetings In Haverford. which room~ or taking charge of the towel were attended the previous week room. Also some girls in each claM pervtfJlon ot Ellzal,)eth McKie was by Jean MacGlathery, Carol Van from V.arslty or Second Squad are given by the Junior Htg'h School. Thursday, December 6, In the asAlen, Don Swan,_ and Lloyd Ev- chosen to coach ,the class teams 8~mbly. .Jane Allen opened the erett. STUDENTS FEAST program by reading the Bible. A Wednesday evening, December monologue. "ShillY-Shally" was' WINS FIRST GAME The Swarthmore High School 19. was &. gala occasion for the first. given by ·Paullne Beneke. Vaude_ COurtsters ushered: In the '46-'46 sccond, and third year German stu- vUle acts Included the "Oriental season on their own court with a dents who attended the German Snake Charmer" given by Harold 39 2.8 win over the tOBBers from Banquet sponsored by language Ogram, and "George" recited by teacher RUBBell Snyder. A total of Cynthia Homlre. 8prlngfleld. Those who contributed musically The Little Quakers took tlie lead ,86 persons attended including five in the early moments ot' the con.. faculty members-Frank Morey, G. were Marilyn Achutr wbo played test. and' although they were tied Baker Thompson. Dr. James It.. the piano selection, "Stardust, .. Momtre who sang several times; they were never .win and Adeline Strouse. German -Cynthia headed. The Garnet outpla.yed the was spoken exclusively. German '"The Yo:unger Generation'" and CougarS\ In every period but the food .eaten, and a tarce on Schlll- He.1en Ware who played three acthird. The; visitors. tJghtln;K' upblll. ers. "Wilhelm Tell" was enacted by cordlan select1~ns. "The Navaho OVercame a 9 p,olnt lead held by way ot entertainment in hybrld TraU," ·'Acheson Topeka and the Santa Fe," and "Some Sunday Swarthmore at 24-19 and tied the German-English. Bcore at 28 all. The period ended Three c9mmlttees of third year Morning.'" "'The Killed Cow," a at tbat point. and at the beginning' students operated the banquet: a play written by Sandy Ford. W8.B of the fourth "Goose" Goslin sent to~d committee headed by Jean given .bY- Dick Bullock, Barry the winners ahead by sinking a Gemmlll, an ente~lnment com-I Jones. Louis Sharpe, and Dana pair of tree tbrows. It was on thiB mlttee under Allen Enders and a Swan. The program ended with play that Dick Hogg, a 6 ~ footer decoration committee whos~ chalr- the presentation ot the play. "The Hick with the Telephone," written from Sprlngfteid, committed his ma~ was Heather Champion. by J'er'Y1 Faulkner. Henry Hot}: fltth personal and was sent from mann was the pianist for tbe the game. From then on, SwarthHELP FRENVH group. It was a 8'ood show and more held the losers 8coreless Five of A deli n e Strouse·s wblle plling on 11 more markers French pupils have, under her In- proved that Swarthmore has a betore the final whistle. spiration an<\ direction, sent vack- great deal of hidden artistic talent. "Reds" Barr dUilked the ball ages containing' food, warm clothAmy Jane DaVidson a sentor at hoop the grea.te$t number ot times. Ing, and shoes to French children. coming up with 6 field goals and These contrlbutors are Patsy Mc- Wellesley College reached home cahan. Joan Eynon, .Toan Faulk- December 13 to vacation at her ... toule for a 16 point total. The .TV overcame tbe Springfield ner, Marlon Ransburg, and Blcky home on Guernsey road UDtU January 7. courtsters 27-8. - ThompiJon. Season's Greetings £el's £ook. al Ille Seeord REO SCHOOL· NEW$: "trom , Aviator on the cruiser U.S.S. MemYork over ,the Christmas boUda.ys. brother-ID-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ver.. p:tlls was released from Naval duty non Wright of BaJa-Cynwyd. at the Navy Separation Center. Ginny returns to Yale January Z. The cast has been chosen for the Blacktrlar's I'roductloll.t which will be given In February. It is as tolIowa: Hunk iiyat -Cornell Archbold or George Warren; Old Grod-WIlliam Moore: Dr. Reeber-John Foster; Dutch !\iUler-Bill Huoy; Chester Bll11nga--Waldo Fisher: Profe8Bor Lloyd-Robert Hulme or Paul Williams: Chuck Green-Bob Thorbahn: Satchel Moyer-G~orge Warren or George Hay; BudCharles Keenen: Jack .HoggeJ:1.yCharles Andes: Minerva-Jane Penftold: Ethel-Virginia Bagshaw; Mias Delaware Water Go~ PhyU. Smith: Blind Date-Jean Diana mas Day.Brewster, a student at the Gavett1; Gale Joy-Jean McGlath~ Julllard School of Music .Is home e~; Helen-Lois Booth. and Miss tor the Christmas holidays. Smith-Dorcas Reeves. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Bauer of Park ~venue spent Christmas with their daughter and Bon-in-law. Mr. and Mrs.· Robert E. Davis and three chlldreIl' of ~lentown. SAYS THANKS MarJne Corps Dlv. of Pub. Inf. Mr. and Mrs. WIlUam J. Blackl']fontgorner,y Street man and daughter Lora ot Cedar San Francisco 4, CaUt. tane 'were dinner guests on ChristDecember 7, 1945. mas at the ho'hte of Mrs. Blackman's mother, Mrs. A. P. Robinson The Swartbmorean of C~estnut Hill. Swarthmore, Pa. GentJemen: Mrs. Frances G. Walton of Am .. Please convey to the members herst avenue entertained Mrs. Ge9rge Gillespie and her sons of the Swarthmore War Service ,Charles and George, Jr., and Miss Committee my sincere appreciaEleanor Gillespie for Christmas tion of the very welcome Christmas gift package recently sent to dinner. The box was certainly chuck!Jr. and Mrs. Wlll1am Earl Kist- me. full of a number of useful articles ler of "Open Doors", Park avenue I are ringing-rin~ I tor any serviceman or woman. entertained as their week-end Through the caples ot The ing out the old, ringguests their son-In-law and daugh- Swarthmorean which have been ter Lt. James fl. ConDor. U.S.N.. reaching me. I have also' enjoyed ing in the new. We Mrs. Connor and their baby son keeping in touch with local news Jimmy at Arlington. Va., their events. lookforward hopefully, son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and It gives ODO a gOod feellng to with you, to the future, Mrs. Ollver G. Browne and SODS recall such warm-hearted gestures Ricky and Geoffrey of Media, MI88 on the part ot the homefolk&-::and wish you all the Martha Connor of MJ.llvl1le, N. J., such as the sending ot qhrlstma.s and Miss Elizabeth ConnQr ot Leb- boxes and local newssbeets to all blessings the bright anon. Pa. Joining them for dinner its service people. All ot which New Year can bring. on Christmas Day were Mrs. KIst- goes to prove that Swarthmore Is ler·s mother Mrs. Frank Flanagan, a. great place to be from! Sincerely Yours. and her brother and sister-In-law Pfc. Dorothy Witham, MCW-R. Mr. Bnd Mrs. Harold ....PenDock of Roxborough. Lt. John S. Kistler. Mr. end Mrs. Percy Gilbert of U.S.N.R., on terminal leave after Pa'rk avenue and Mr. and Mrs. H. TAILORS F1.JRRIERS 32 months of acUve duty In the Weston Clarke at Vassar avenue Paciftc, enjoyed his first Christmas will entertain at a dessert bridge PARK AVENUE dinner at home since he entered New Year's eve at the Gilbert's the four years ago. home. W. S. Bittle and Son vacalloD Mr. and MfO. Fred A1JDl1ren of yaie 'Benjamin West avenue 8ntei1a1ned Lt. James M. Dryden of SWarlhOn Januat-y 8, about 60 oOt AdeDmme. School entertained her at Sunday dinner when tbelr peate . line StrOUBe's FnSnch pupils wUl more a.venuo who Berved as ,Junior roommate Thelma Ryan of New were 141'8. Almgren's alater and flO SWARTHMORE • . THE SWARTHMOR~AN FRIDAY, • • to: • =-' IlUDAY,· za, INca , '" _, • JI ' ,,1'" CLASSIFIED .NEWS NOTES PI!ItSONALS I I PERSONAI--Subacrlptiona to aU mac. uln... 11::.., Bertha P. Far.... 239 Haverford avenue. Tel. Swarthmore ....9-W. WANTED-Flat-top knee-hole desk; also sled. Reply to Box H, The Swarthmorean. WANTED-Furniture, household .0Dds : any article In pneraL Phone Chester 2-621 .. WANTED-By returning I16rvlce man, furnlahed or unfurnlBhed, apartment or Jlouse .In Swarthmore or vlcinlty. Reply to Box L. The Bwarthmorean, or Tel. Jdlm ltu. V1ANTmo-Mapie bureau or che8t of drawers suitable for child. Phone BW8. 079O-W. FOUND FQUND-On Elm Avenue. near Book LOST UJST-Bix-atrand twlst.ed' pearl choker Sunday evening. December 23. In Swarthmore apartments or parki:1g lot adjoining. Please call Swa. 0116 for ~Wl1rd. LO~T-A ber Swa. • receIve the annual notice will next few days you the During • of dues of the Swarthmore Fire and Protective ·Association. The Swarthmore Fire· and Protective Association is a volunteer organization working for the benefit of our community. • low Fire Support of the Fire Company is an investment m Insurance rates. .It takes the cooperation of the entire com- Mr. aDd Il... 11:11.. Rob......D of Walllnl!ford .pent the ChrlBtmaa hoUda)'O at Buck HlU Inn. Mr. and ill'lL cturord' Banta .. entertalnlnl' Mr. Banta·. motber. II..... Tbomao Banta ot _robaD. Indiana, for aD extended vlalt. Mr. and II .... William H. Ward will entertain at a cocktail part)' at their hom,e on Strath Haven avenu~ precedlng'the New Year's Eve dance a.t the Woman's Clu.b. Dr. .Jobn R. Bates ot North Chester road was guest of honor Baturday evening when Mrs. Bates ebtertained at a dinner party In celebration of bIB blrtbday aDnl. versary. Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. BlUes of the Swarthmore Apartments wUl entertain at Open House from & to 8 Qn New Year's Day. . PERSONAL-EIeotrIe . beaten Irooa, and y&CUum cle&ller8 ~ Called for and delivered. Ilall IIobert Broo.... sw,arthmore 1M" and Key, car keys In brown leat.her Call at. Swarthmorean Office. 12, silver chain bracelet, DecemIn village. Reward. Tel. u·n. LOST-Red Cocker Spaniel. Answers to name Topper. Br8.88 st.udded collar. Strayed Saturday. Rew~. Call SWL OS88. LOST-lJong-haired full-grown Maltese cat. Strayed over week-end In vi.. clnity of Elm aml Walnut lane. Call penr.ock, Swa. 2201-."[. ... d ...... DclDald Il. U'riDptoD aDd daU&"bter of PIn. lUcIce.· 1le4!&, IIr.....d Il.... Nathan W. DaYle ....d dauabter of Upper Darby. and M1M IIlIdred Reynolds of Pblladelpbla. lira. LeWI8 FuaeeU ot BeDjamlD West avenue baa been entertalnln8 ber IIOD ....d daugbter.ln.Ja.w Dr. and II..... Lewl8 FuaoeU. Jr.. and their SOD George who were here OD a two-week visit while en route to Concord. )(8.8B., from Loa A_moe. N. M.. where they have been Ilvlng for the past two years. Mr. and Mrs. George Plowman of Harvard avenue will entertain for their friendS at Open House on New Year'8 eve. Mr. and Mre. E. Neal Tburman of Cedar lane entertained friends at a Christmas party SUDcia-r eve- giv~ ing your property, are you not wilJing to $5.00 a year • your. own interest? as an associate member m I ~;;;;;;;;;;i5!~!;i;;;~;;;;;; sons gold and green earring on ;~~S"'N~ Swartbmore avenue at dinner on Dartmouth AVe. between Latay. and Swartlunore 1448 Cbristmas day. Princeton last w~k. Rew. SWL 0169. WILLIAM Pauline Deacon of Lafayette aveBROOKS nue was hostess Saturday nlgbt to FOR SALE Ashes & Rubbish Removed a few of her friends who are home FOR SALE-TrIcycle; youth bed. TeL Lawns Mowed Geneml HanUng from various colleges for the holl, SWL 0657-W. 2138 Harding Ave. ' l\-{ortoo. Pa. days. FOR SATsE Sturdy new metal skooter, 1._~"~~:ss5 Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wetlaufer of rubber tires. ElectriC tOMter, good Cornell avenue are entertalnlno condition, non-automatic. Call Swa. , a 0847. Mrs. WetIaufer's aunts, MllI8es Ida FOR-:S-AL-::-:E-':::"".=FI::-r-ep-:l::ac-:-e::-'::W=OO:::;d,~';;1:;;O-;tru=ck:;:-. ROGER RUSSELL and Cora Riebel and ber uncle. Mr. load delivered. Phone Swa. 07~o.W. M.ker of F"me Pboto-...... Otho Riebel ot Toledo. Ohio for .a....... the holidays. Mr. Thomas W. AnF'OH. SALE-l cap and gown, $3.50; Pf!DIl SlUe BIlle. drew of North Cheater road joined maid's uniforms. 3 white, size U; 2 Soaib AftJ. _ Su. ... _ ) them tor Chrl8tmaa dinner. blue and white stripe, size 88; 6 black, sl~ 40; .. black. size 3f ~ 16 cents each; Media S178 MeM- Pa. Margaret Anderson, daughter of 8 VIIhlte bib aprons. 60 oents each. call lIedlo. 0689. Yale Mr. and avenue C. home A. for Anderson the holl. of FOR SALE-Fresh cubed meat for days from Chicago where ahe J8 your dog or cat. Dellvered t.o your Pldare .......mC Bta'· , doing Medical Social work in Chldeer. Call Smith. Sharon Htu 1493. 'Boa.. Sqpp1Iee cago clinics. FOR SAT,E Firewood, any lengtb. all GI 21ag CJarda-.HobII:r oat& Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Webster hard 'wood. Tel. Media. 03a8. SIMMONDS arc entertaining Mrs. Webster's fnther Mr. E. Van. B. Knlcker~ a hr 'pa.ou CIt"ter 1 .. 1111 bocker of New York City for tbe ~=============~ •• • Real Estaie Notal')' l'UbUo-lDs1U'alloo Alt~ '" Repain ~~~~~'~~.~~~~~~~~~. JUdi.., Park 0II1II PIANO TUNING "The IDst Obord .. lila selection that can be pJa;red the out--ol-tune plaDo" Phone A. L. PARKER for tI>e remedJ' Media Mli9-M Plan nOW the home you want HOME FREEZERS Soon now Morton Refrigeration & Appliance Service Phone wart more Ire • • rotective SSOClabon • SWARTHMORE, PA. Sw~re and Appliance Service I COITlmlerc:ial and DomesticPrompt Service-Refriger. ators, Wash'ers, Vacuum Cleaners, Radios 11 Morton Avea.ue Morton, Pa. Da:r~ ~n Day Phone SWU4 0902 EDWIN B. KErr EY, Jr, 2253 MORTON REFRIGERATION N .... 11 MORTON AVENUE Night Phone Media 818-J-3 , Bailder _ ......104 eo FOR INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES. Executor. WI(. FULTON KURTZ, !'Jul_t. 8. E. cor. 15th and Cbeetnat 8ta. Philadelphia, Pen..,.lvanla ' or their attome7& A. Sidney .Johneon, Jr., 1DIq. Greer And Johnson 17 South Ave. Media. Pa. DEN, late of the Borough of Swarthmore, Delaware County. Pennaylvanla. Letters Teetamentary On the above estate have been granted to the under.. I'laned, who request au pereou having claims or demands aaalnst the eatate of the decedent,. to make imown the S:~ and all persons Indebted to the d e n t to make paYMent without delay to " Ezra T. Creaon. Jr.• WIlliam J. CreIJson &Del / EYa I. Creuon. ElEecutoJ. 223 Dlclduon Avenue Swarthmore, Pa. or to their attorne,.. A. Sidney JohD80n, Jr. Greer 4:: J'ohneon 17 South Avenue Media. Pa. IT-ll-IO Donny and Jack ot North YOUR JEWELER 25 East 7th. st. Ohester (Opposite New State Theatre) 'Phone Ohester 3714 • NEW YEAR • NEW PLANS After the whistles and bells announce the arrival of the new year, there comes a day for review, readjustment and resolution. It's a good time for men and women to re'read their Wills and plan revisions, such as naming this experienced institution as Execu· ·tor and Trustee. We'll gladly discuss this with you and your aHorney. Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company Member Federal. WID'aIlC8 Corporaaioa Mr. and Mrs. Vernon M. Parry oCCUPYing their home at "Shady BE PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, on June n. 19f1, I did appoint Mrs. J. Paul Brown, Charles E. Fisoher, Dr. Paul F. Gemmill, Dr. George B. Heckman, A. Sidney John- JOHN H. PITl\.L\N Burgess of the Borough • THANKFUL BUY VICTORY BONDS B •. J. HOY 5 AND 10 BUCHNER'S of Swarthmore. COAL Is No Longer Rationed! WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH AU. mE COAL YOU NEED PRIMOS COAL· CO. OAK LANE AND P. R. R. PRIMOS, PA. , holidays . formerlY of Moylan, are and family son, Jr., Howard ESQ., Dr. J. Captain AlbrightJ.Jones Captain Kirk. Kirk McCurdy. Frank R. Morey and John A. Rumsey, as and for a Council of Defense for the Borough of Swarthmore, to serve under the Chairmanship or the Burgess of said Borough, pursuant to the authority of the Act of March 19. 1941, P.L. 6: and _ WHEREAS. the emergency which furnisbed the occasion for the establishment of such Councll of Defense has now ceased; NO\V, THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority in me vested, I do hereby proclaim the termination of the duties and functions of $aid Council of Defense, and in behalf of the eitlzens or this Borough, extend the thanks of the community to the aforesaid individuals and the larger group of citizens who co·operated so loyally In preparing for emergencies which happily did not materialize. As of the date of publication hereof, said CounCil of Defense shall f'nd Its official existence, and any equipment remaIning subject to, its control shall be delivered to the Undersigned for disposition in accordance wIth law. IN WITNESS 'WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this 17th day of December. 1945. Near Clifton Heights Grade 1 Colliery Anthracite Equal to Any CoalFOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY PHONE MADISON 4902 baYiac 'I'M ~_ CUnpeIJll' tfW 1 _ OR Una and Granun&' Annultl... &1\ JIOI_ 1n