and Vole. • SWARTHMO~' PA.. _AY, NOVDawt 3, SERVICES MONDAY' i..u __~~_~__--:--+f3.-:--00_'_. BOROdGH ASSISTS ENJOY REUNION IN HAWAll FOR IM~ s. BITTLE~ DISTRICT MEET Swarthmoi-e Residenf For 37 Years Succumbs W.tlllam s. Blttie of i26 Rutgers avenue died Thursday. October ZS In the Grandview HOIIPIt8.J, SellusvUle, where he had been under o~ lIervation for several weeks. Death was caulled by a cerebral hemorrhage. , I i Mr. Bittle w.ho was 78, had !>eeIi a resident of Swarthmore for 8'1 years, was ~ngaged in the Mercantile, buslnesa for 10 yars and was a prominent Real Estate and insurance Broker' for the past 27 Years. " II", .."/ !Ill ~ He was born in Chester County, the son of John and Frances Blttie. Later he became· prin'cipal of Ingleside School, Queen Anne's County, Md., and assistant superintende.nt of schools in' Queen Anne's County. In 1889 he married Emily Gertrude Smith ot Ingleside, who' died In August 1940. Mr. Bittle was an active member of thl! Swarthmore MethOdist Church, and of the Swarthmore Rotary Club. Surviving; are a son W. Mark Bittle ot Sellersville, two granddaughters and one great 'granddaughter. Funeral services were held from his late re&ldence Monday with Interment at Church Hlll, Md. Special, Sei'vi~es Today With Local' Donors ori' ~. , PboWgraphed at their Paclflo get-together are :;pl. John Ball' of tlw Marines, Major Clh'ford RUIIlSeJ Lt. WllUam PIpe!!' and Pvt. George L. Earnshaw, Jr.;, all of the Army. Their families are here and their talk was of Swtvthmore, too. Health Bulletin There have been no further cases ot pollomylltis wlthln t~e two weeks. It Is felt by the Health Offtcer that the danger of contag.lon Is not very" great at , 't:, , ... _ "present. ":T11e" bans on Sunday Schools. scout, meetln~, etc., are hereby lifted. Occasional cases are still occurring in some arena, and It would be wise, if unnece88ar,y traveling, and crowding be avoided. When teaslble, It would be better to postpone children's parties for Mrs. Ch,arles Israel represented several weaks. the local GIrl Scouts. Mrs. James Evans '1rlnlty Church. MrN. George Davisson the Legion AuxtUary Mrs. Frank G. Keenen the P.resbyterlan Church and the Woman's Club, Mrs. Roy W. Delaplaine the Music Club, Mrs. A. R. O. Redgrave the Friendly ,Circle, Mrs. W. E. Tetzel. Jr.. the Navy League, John H. PItman the Rotary Club, Mrs. Robert Erskine the Servicemen's wives, and Mrs; E. L. Mercer the Friends Meeting at the meeting of the Red Cross Camp and Hospital Council on September 26 at tha home of the chaJrman Mrs. Roy C. Comley. Mrs. .Tohn W. Nason Is cha.trman Reports were given by Mrs. WaI- of arransements for a meeting ter A. SChDJtdt treasurer, Kather- of Independent voters tonight at 8 Ine Bassett" secretary, Mrs. Theo p.m. in the Woman's Club, which Saulnier vice-president; Keen- w11l hear Earl G. Harrison speak en chairman ot the ,Colfee Hours for Vernon O"Rourke Democratic at the Convalescent Annex for the candidate for Congress. The' presimonth of October. dent of the college will intr!,duce The group was most Interested the speaker, whose announced topic In meeting Miss McGowan the Red Is "Our Man In ,Congress." Cross recreational director at the Harrison who Is a member of the Annex who told of Christmas O'Rourke-for-Congress committee plans for patients and attendants promises to present the relative there and explained needs which merits of the opponents for Conthe community organizations wflI gress from Delaware County, James Work to fill.' Wolfenden incumbent and Lt. A plea was extended to the com- O~Rourke. The latter has enthusimunity tor rooms for relatives of astic backing trom local residents patie.nts who have great dlt- who feel that his three-year resiflculty In seCUring accommodat~ons dence here, his poUtioo.l science When here. Any person who has tra.1n.lng and experience and his SUch rooms available is asked to service In the Navy 9uaUfy him call Miss McGowan Sw. 2833. There for unusually wise representation is a great need for rooms which of Delaware County in the House Will ucconll11odate children also. of Representatives, Games and mater.iais to fill Sea The committee expects therefore a Chests are greatly in demand and 1 ge gathering and desires It since ShOUld be lcft with Mrs. Saulnier although ar Lt. ,O'Rourk e me this who asks that magazines with car- workers in the count¥ last week. toons be saved for Sea Chest scrap- Naval regulations prevent his debOOks. Uverlng any campaign speeches. The Council will meet next on " Members of the local O'Rourke the evening of November 24. committee include Mrs. , Thomas Lueders. M~S., Sewell W. . Hodge. Charles B. Moore son of Mr. and Mrs wnUa.m T. Hull, Mrs. John W. Mrs. John C. Moore of Amh~rst N~n, 'Wal~er A. Sch~ldt. Harry avenue Is home for ~ week-end L. Miller, and John R. Marshall. from Haverford College. HOSPITAL COUNCIL ,,WORKS FOR MANY' Lo~al Organizations Plan to Share Christmas. ~' JiEit_' ;-:Yi:AR----;" ::-:- ' O~ROURKE GROUP MEET TONIGHT Harrison to Address Independents At Club ROTARY SPEAKER' VIEWS CAMPAIGN , 'Braille Class Opens A Red Cross class In' Braille opens Manday, November 6, on the ninth fioor ot the Red CroM headquarters ,at 511 North Broad street." Philadelphia. .'. :Meetlmr'''-i'rom "two 'to four the class wiU continue tor 12 Monday sessions. Mrs. George" P~ ,Warren Swarthmore's chairman of Braille announces that tbree E. H. Taylor of the editorial titan of the Saturday Evening Post, .residents have already enrolled Ln the class. She will iJe glad was the speaker at the Swarthto talk with any' other persOllS more Rotary Club at its recent interested. , meeting. Hia subJect' was an anMrs. Warren has two Brame alay&ls of the presidential camsla.tes which she can place with paign. Individuals eager to share in The speaker pointed out that this .important phase of rehabllthere are some 30 factors that are itatlon, and aid to the bUnd. All new In this campaign tbat make others are in active use. it ODe of the most difficUlt to analIze since 1916~ For one thing, this campaign is one of the most scientiftcally conducted, by both parties, in recent years. The service men's vote is a great uncertain factor, although from InformaUon .received, it appears that this vote wlII be inftuenced more by letters from home than by any oth~r factor. The trend IOf the negro vote is not known, although It appears to vary according to the negro leadership In the virious commWl.itles. The Political Action Committee 1s another pronounced infiuence "Ingathering Day." Wednesday. whose force Is not yet known. The OctOber 6 was a real day of .redegree to which people wlIl be InjolcLng for the Swarthmore B.{-anch fluenced by their opinion and conof the Needlework Guild. Oyer cern for the President's health 2470" garments were turned In, cannot at this, time be measured. more than 200 more than last "There are three possible out- year. The quality was remarkably comes," said the speaker. "'1lhere fine. They "were dIstributed subcould be Roosevelt victory with a stantially as' follows: landslide of 200 or more plurality; Community health, Swarthmore or a Roosevelt victory by a narrow nUrsing d.ivlslon-715; Family Somargin or 100 or less plurallty; or, ciety, Medla-349; Home Missionthird. a Dewey victo.ry. While a ary SOCiety, Philadelphia-74; Taycreeping Dewey trend has developlor HOSPltal-140; .T. Crozier ed, it appears that Roosevelt seems Home--89; Kensington Hospltalto have enough edge today to _win, 92; Babies Hospltal-81; Protesalthough some people thin.k the tant Episcopal ,City Mi8Slon~83; p.icture may change before election Friends' Home for Ch.lldren-87; and Dewey w.ill squeeze through." ChlIdren's Bureau and Philadelphia Home for Infants-189; Sunny Crest Farm-S9; State Clinic Missing In Action No. 12, Ch'ester--134; Cbester Day Mr. and Ml'J3. Henry J. HanzUk Nursery-l02; Lovers of Chlldren America, of Cornell avenue have received -'-87; Volunteers ot PhlIadelphla-99; and Gospel Misword that their son Lt. John Robert Hanzlik has been inlssing In ac- sion, Cheste~80. tion ove'r Germany since October Mrs. Walter has retired as president after years Of faithful and ef15th. ficient service.' Mrs. S. S. RutherHa~llk who ' had : been a: lord' sucoeeas her, In oftlce and, Pilot on a B~U JAberator; was prothus. thIs quiet work of' service moted to the rank of First Lieu·~o~ on. tenant in September. . Member, of· the:,,;:Post, Staff Says Anything Can Happen MRS. RUTHERFORD HEADS GUILD Mrs. J. H'. Walter Ends Long Years of Service Ii Eight hundred and thirty nine blood donors I'egilltered for the v~t ot the Red CrollS moblJe unit which completes Its final thh·d day at the Ridley Township School today. Mrt!I. Phelps Soule Blood Donor chairman tor 'Swarthmore and Ridley Township directed the meet. Mrs. it. P. Kroon booking chairman for Ridley Townllhip, Mrs. Robert M. Walker actin~ for Mrs. Everett 1.. Hunt as chalrman tor SWarthmore. Mrs. A. M. Lackey, and Mrs. Margaret C. Neal assisted her. MOtor Corps members who drove the unit to and from Philadelphia wer'e Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge and Mrs. Clarke Davis on Wednesday. Mrs . .Tohn Fulmer and Mrs. Wl11lam Rhodes'on Thursday, Mrs. John R. Bates and Mrs. J. Francis Taylor today. 'Others on duty tor the three days were Mrs. Walter Schmidt, Mrs. Thomas Sheridan, Doreen McConechy and Captain Elizabeth Bassett. Swarthmore has cbarge ot the special services today with the following volunteer personnel: Gray Ladles Mrs. Edwin 1.. Harer, Mrs. Harry C. Barnes, Mrs. Norman- Kraae, Mrs. Richard Halg, Mrs. George 1.. Earnshaw, Mrs. Leonard C. Ashton, Mrs. Hervey Schumacher, M~'8. Charles D. Mitchell and Mrs. E. L. Mercer, local Gray Ladles cl1alrman. Nurses Aides Mrs. H. S. Toole. Mrs. Wayne Randall, and, Mrs. Horace Hopkins. Mrs. George Sw.eet .. and--,eommunlty, "Health" Nurses wlll assist the n1.lrslng staff. Under the day's chairmanship of Mrs. Lewis Goodenough canteen workers Mrs. Charles Israel, Mrs. D. Curry Armstrong, Mrs. Martin A. Singer, Mrs. Agnes H. Sheldon, (Contlnued on Page 7) I Destruction Reigns SWarthmore bad Its wildest Hallowe'en In 20 years. The activities started on Saturday night,., continued on Sunday night and reached a cUmax on Monday evening when tour regular and two special police responded to more than 90 complaints. The activities wer3 not confined to removing signs and furn.lture. soaping store windows and automobiles, festoon.lng poles.-trees and cars with eDough tissue to enable Scott paP1!r to declare an extra dividend, but took on many more serious aspects. Rocking ch'alrs were smashec.: to kindling, a concrete bench was upset an4 broken, an attempt was to .remove a foot br.idge over the creek along Lafayette avenue. and the coal loading conveyor at Green's coal yard was damaged. At three homes, apples were thrown through the HVing room WIndows, in a fourth home a ~arge stone c'ro.shed ~hrough the living r'oom window and landed on the davenport. In one of these cases 111. clothes line cut from another yard ,was stretched acro~ the front steps to trip the householder who might , rush out to Investigate. Parked automobiles were pushed into the center of the highway and seats thrown out of the ~. Others found pleasure in throwing milk bottles in front of passIng cars and even milk crutes. Not content with pulling the pltfntlful suppiy of leaves cross the highway and setting them on fire, one or more indlvidtiais Set fire to ~h l)ox alongside of one of the business houses. This was fortunately 4Iscove..ed before it made much headway. Tuesday evening ~as quiet. Eight poUce were on duty. Fun is fun b\lt the 'borough haa' had enough of that .kInd to lest another 20 years. a: , Get Out and Vote L1 ......•......•• THE swIiiTHMOREAN VOL XVI-No. 43 War Ches~ SWAR11IMORE, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1944 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _$3_._00_P_ER_YEAR __ SERVICES MONDAY ENJOY REUNION IN HAWAII BOROUGH ASSISTS DISTRICT MEET FOR WM. S. BITTLE Swarthmore Resident For 37 Years Succumbs On Special Services Today With Local Donors W.llllam S. Bittle ot 126 Rutgers avenue died Thursday, October 26 In the Grandview Hospital. SellersvllJe, where he had been under observation for severol weeks, Death was caused by a cerebral hemor- i i rhage. , Mr. Bittle who was 78. had been a resident of Swarthmore for 37 years, was engaged In the Mercantile business for 10 years and was a prominent Real Estate and Insurance Broker for the past 21 years. : ; ~·I He was born in Chester .County, the son of John and Frances Bittle, Later he became· principal of Ingleside School, Queen Anne's County, Md" and as/.18tant superintendent of schools in' Queen Anne's County. In 1889 he married Emily Gertrud!! Smith of ingleside. who died In August 1940. Mr. Bittle was an active member of the Swarthmore Methodist Church, and of the Swarthmore Rotary Club. Surviving are a BOn 'V, Mark Dittle of Sellersville, two granddaughters and one great 'granddaughter. Funeml services were held from his late residence Monday with interment at Church HllI, Md. tel HOSPITAL COUNCIL WORKS FOR MANY' Lo~al Organizations Plan to Share Christmas Mrs. Charles Israel represented the local Girl Scouts, Mrs. James Evans 'Jrlnlty Chm'ch, Mrs. George T)avlsson the Legion Auxillary Mrs. Frank G. Keenen the P.resbyterian Church and the Woman's Club. Mrs. Roy W. Delaplaine the Music Club, lUrs. A. R. O. Redgrave the Friendly Circle, Mrs. W. E. Tetzel, Jr., the Navy League, John H. Pitman the Rotary Club, Mrs. Robert Erskine the Servicemen's wives, and Mrs. E. L. Mercer the F,'lends Meeting at the meeting of the Red C.'oss Camp and Hospital Council on September 26 at the home ot the chairman Mrs. Roy C. Comley, Reports were given by :!'IIrs, "Tal_ ter A. Schmidt treasurer, Katho.rine Bassett sccretary, Mrs, Theo Saulnier vi('c-presidcnt; Mrs, Keenen chah'man of the Coffee Hours at the Convalescent Annex for the month of October. The group was most intel'csted in meeting Miss McGowan the Red Cross recreational director at the Annex who told of Christma.'I plans for patients and attendants there and explained needs which the community organizations will Work to flll. A pica was extended to thc community fOl' rooms fOl' relatives of patients who have great difficulty in seCUring accommodations \vhen here. Any person who has !;uch rooms available Is a..,ked to ('all Miss ~fcGowan S\\'o 2833. There i~ a gJ"{'at need for I'ooms which \\'ill nCf'ommlHiatc chilaley who h .... been t!J the' BOn of Mr• •nd· )lira.. H. Mrs. William' I. Hull of Walnut instructor In advanced fly1llg at Wella ot Park avenue.- .'. . lane 1a here 'no leave trom V·11 Napier Field, Ala. t . visited hili par- an training In NQ.rth CaroUna. He haa entll Mr. and 'Mrs. John Daley of been 8.BBlgned to' Midshipman's Cedar lane and Elm avenue wblle ENGAGEMENTS Aahton of Elm .,venue.:" i "c..',ata,I:IC.i"eelat, , rIl.1 Notre Dame. Hill, are visiting In SWarthmore . ,! 2nd Lt. Hugh J. Lumsden son of for a tew weeka. and plan to return Zarbonnes of Jel'Sey Clty•. N. J., and Lt. William Craemer, Jr., has been Mrs. Frances G. Lumsden of Ken- here permanently after May 1. Phone: Swarthmore 0450 announced. , Lt. Criicmer. 80n of yon avenue has reported to AmarMajor James IV. Nelson of tbe 1110 Army Ah' Field for duty. He Medical Corps of the U. S. Army M~.-and Mrs. Wm. Craemer or Bar. yard avenue. Is at present stationed - - - - - - - - - , . . - , , . . . . . . . . ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - was commissioned O_D December 6, wbo recently returned atter two CHANEL at the QuartermaSter Depot. Jersey MARY DUNHILL • P.RINCE MATCH~BELLI • 1943 and betore entering the ser.. years of oversaaS' duty. has just City. vice was eQl.ployed as a. Corpora- been assigned to the General ArmY tion Tax Accountant. Hospital at Cambridge, Obio and BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. George F. Corse with Mrs. Nelson 'lett Sunday for is new po~. Mrs. Nelson bas been h of Yale avenue attended tbe gradULt. (jg) Samuel L. Cresson. M. C.• ation ceremonies at Muhlenberg living with her parents Mr. and U.S.N.R., and Mrs. Cresson an" Mrs. Carl de Moll or Park avvnue. college Sunday. Their SOD J erry nounce the blrtl). ot a daughter BEAUTY SALON completed a four-term course In 2nd Lieutenant MUton H. Fus- Elizabeth Keay Cresson on Novem· • • Hell, 3rd. son of Mr. and Mrs. MttI Tral rn preparation for Officers' n ng ber 1, In the Lying-In Hospital, _ Beauty vc)tes for her man in. the Marine Corps. Jerry Is nOW ton H. Fussell, Jr., ot Vassar ave:J -I nue has just returned to Camp Le Philadelphia. undergoing observaUon on a pos- Jeune, North Carolina, a.fter spend The new baby is a granddaughter 0 ::c rn sible knee operation at the PhII aof Mr. and Mrs. G. Ward CreSSon en 13 South Chester Road delphia Naval Hospital. lng a 10-day leave. Lt. FUBS~n Is of Riverview road. LL Cresson Is ::0 serving In the U. S. Marine Corp Call Swarthmore 0476 serving i,n the Mediterranean -area. Ensign Richard R. Haig who Reserve. completed his Indoctrination Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Crosby Lt. (j.g.) and Mrs. John M, CHARBERT • SKYLARK. LUCIEN LE LONG • CHEN YU Course at Hollywood, Fla., spent a week's leave at hts home on Rlv- of Princeton avenue enterta.ined JacksOJl are receivIng congradulaervlew road before reporting Mon- their nephew QM .. ·2/c C. Russell tiona on the birth of a SOD. Andrew day for advanced training at MI~ Cl"osby. who was guest 80101st at Francis in the Bryn Mawr Hospttal t . the Presbyterian Church Sunday on Sunday. October 29. ami. Fla. t morutng, as thetl" week-en d -gues. The ne\v baby Is the grandE}Dn of Jay Daugherty who completed a four-term course in Marine train- QUal'termnster Crosby ,who recent- Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Jackson of Pal'k Ing at Muhlenberg college left ly rf'lturned- from overseas wh.ere avenue. , Monday for Parris Island. S. C., ho participated tn the invasion of . after spendnlg a few days at hIs Normany on an L.F.T., has been Pharmacist·s Mate 2/c Wl1llam home on Dickinson aveuue. Hla assigned to the V-12 Vnlt at Potter Ashton, USNR.; Medical brother David Daugh.erty who is Bloomsburg State Teachers College. Corps and 1\Ir8. Ashton are receivtaking the A.S.T.R.'P. at the VlrMr. a.nd Mrs. .T. H. Waiter, Jr., ing congratulations on the bIrth or glnm Military Institute, Lexington, of Benjamin West avenue wll1 en- a daughter Susan Payne ABhttJn on Va.> returns there Sunday after a tertatn ,Mrs. Walter's brother-In- october 30 In the woman's Hosw week's furlough· at his home here. laW amI slster Lt. William Boone. pital, 1/htJadelph i a . 1\1rs. James 1\1. Dryden n.nd hel" U.s.N.R., nnd Mrs. Boone and Ph.M. Ashtop ,i9 on duty in baby daughter of Key West, Fla.> their small son of Charleston, W. South Pacific> and Mrs. Aslltor. has arrived here· "vednesdn)" Inst to Va., who will arrive tomorroW for a. • visit her pnrents-in-lww !\Ir. and wce.k>s visit. Lt. Boone Is en ~oute Mrs. Alexander 1\1. Dryden of to his new assignment a.t Boston. Swarthmore avenue. Lt. (j.g.) Mass. Swarthmore Branch of James :'\1. Dryden has been called AIC William S. Spiller has been Navy League Service to Norfolk, va., for further assign- appo.inted fllght lieutena.nt of his nIcnt, squauron in the Advanced Navlgo.TRINITY CHURCH 1\.-11'. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bates of Uon School of tho Army Air Forces BASEMENT "RockY Spring Farm," :Media re- Training _Command at Ellington \\'ednesduy, November 15, 17 p.m. celved a. letter dated October 11 Field. Texas. Cadet SplUe.r, son of Thursday, November 19 from their son Sgt. Guy C. Batcs Mr. and :\lrs. Robert E. Spiller of 9 A.M. to 4 P. 1\1. IntormJng them that .he Is with the ,"Vh.ittler place, forn\erl~' attended Infantry In Germany.. Their othcr Massachusetts Institute of Techson Pfe. William R. Bates writes nology. Cambridge, -Muss. from the Netherlands East Indies • Leonard C. Ashton, Jr., son of FOR t.hat he has rejoined his company Mr. and :Mrs. L. C. Ashton, Sr., of nfter an attack of malaria and Elm avenue "\YaM recently promoted jaundice. from the rank of second Lleuten- Call Mr. and 1\Irs. James C. Callahan ant to that of First lJeutena.nt. Lt. Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman of Garrett avenue have had their Ashton Is a co_pUot of 0. B~17 Fly~ son, Jame:s H. Callahan of Mid- ing F01.tre~ a.nd is stationed at an Swarthmore 20.80. shipmen's School Notre Dame, Ind.. 'Eighth Air Force bomber station ,L I FE"";' 2 yrs_ $7.00. home on a five day leave before In E·ngIan d . (Renewals) 3 yrs. - $10..0.0 reporting to Brunswick. Me.. for P Well s c. radio T ISgt. William. Until Nov. 10., only further tralnlng. n operator-gunner 0 the EIghth Air Haines Dickinson son of Mr. and Force B-17 Flying Fortress "That's Mrs. Walter H. Dickinson of Mt. All J k" has recently returned GOOD HOUSEKEEPING and Holyoke place, has enlisted In the ac 'L d AAF three-way shutfl'om a th r COSMOPOLITAN Subscriptions l\Ierchant Marine and is being tIe bomb.1ng attack against Nazi AgaIn Available. given spccial training at the United . installations. Proceeding from Its , nu~ Order Them NOWI States Maritime Service Training base in E.ngland. the b,omber f or,mStation. Sheepshead Bay. Brooklyn, N. Y. Chuten MOI& DbtIn~ 'l'bfttnl Thomas Randan son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Randall ot Riverview road was graduated as an Ensign from the U. S. Naval Reserve THEATRE Midshipmen's School at the University of Notre Dame on October 26. I THE tunity for advancement ., Congenial associates • No experience necessary • Considerate, helpful lupervision wbiIe learning. CHANCE TO GET AHEAD Call our Chief Operator. or come in and talk it over with one of our friendly interviewers. VISit any of the three Bell Telephone Employment Offices: R_m 31S, McClatchy Pullding 69th ... Market Sb., Upper D....y 57-5. E. PeM St., Norrl._ '1831 Arch _ _ to. Philadelphia IRE IELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA "A Friendl, Place to Wori" IL, , r , . Chapklin Austin Writes of Work -- .. ,' - .' '. ~'.' ./ " "~"~'. , ' " .. . ,', ~ ,/" , .\ ., \', e The then .undeteated swart_ore . • t. By RAY o ~i¥' • , DUDLEY .. . .' '. -'~ tlie AS I"Iieara • fG..... Jane Vache when the ,balll1ow ,up Into the air following a 'lis01'OWI1I1t by some _ r ~er.but '",m then on It atsyOd u:c1uolvely on 1I1e ground",peedlng from one eIi4.. 4If the 1I_ld to the Other. being much battered about In the flght;1bat .... aned. and entering Swrthmore'& eoa1 three tlm... At the half. when the score stood 1.. 0 In Westtown'. favor, coa.ctl V1rg1l1ta. Allen told that ~~e -rwaa oot' II' III .. •• • ~ :loot = .•• ,.0' ' ,(It ~ z nothill8' ahe could .,.. to help them. that "WeattOWll' fa lnat & better teamt~' bUt that -with aD effort Swarthmore could· sUll an exdtln&' ElUDe with .. 40U7' • oerv1ng victory for the brilliant . Weettown teama. with ~a dereat men at Ellington, I could· not but, remember theremarkawhich'have \aun of 8warthmore for-theftrat.tIa.i In . . tour yean, and with the. :ROre-:2 ..1. made about it by AmericaDsof' foreign· birth who would :aeekto' destroy. it •. ~ : ' llret. for. the a..ond team and .·0 fu.the . . ' , . • , Two year. ago his motlier and I had seen a similar group file into tH. chapel at Ellington to receive their wings, and our second boy was among th~.. Today he and his elder brother, who had chosen Navy Air, are memories, precious memoriel, it is true,but boys to be spoken of in hushed tones aI boy. who would have made good citizens, two boys whose memories will . never be dimmed in the eyes of their father and mother. ·They, with thou· .ands of other., have made the supreme ..erifice for America as they knew. 0& "a scrap of-paper-. ~ • an outmoded document. ~. a billofpropa tlOrighta ra~ . ., TO '1'BEE WE.surG than a bnI of·human rights". Andthe.. are :the .men , who .... ·elrjntr that The High School CIl_' after , ~e tn:at our country '. . to them. weeks of hard praeUceJll14er the direcUon of Allee .E. Bl~t.· .....~ prlaed the Teache.. lnatltute afttir lunch on October "0 at the lIIedl& Theatre with an old raabloMC1 eorn I ,. The sitUation under which the COMMUNIST FRONT., In .Amadea II trying to wield control over our country through the capture of one of our sr-t political parties, is so preposterous as to be almost incredible. But It and loyed it.; abucklng The:. -el1lIrIn&' . party. ~p'eeta" Pa~tyn of "JobDeon·•. 8hucklq. sauntered tbe dR • .&MID. vartOU. parte of the· theatre "'d saDS' '~ShucklD' companied by of the Cora'·· ·actiddter Sharpe an4 pfanfat C~l" Myron Brad... beer. - hla way lnto oUlce with ·"'rhe Farmer." After much Indu.trloUli aelend tile Constitution of tile United States against all enemies, foreign or do· • qualms on Thursday attel'llOOD . . the chin tor: SwarthmOl"fl'. eeater t1ielr being, the efforb which arehelntrmadebytheHILLMANS,theBRC)WDERS, the MURRAYS and other!!, including OUR PRESIDENT, to nullif7. the aacriice. of thou.and. of American.boy•• Istooa In the blazing sun at Ellington Field, In Texas, last Monday and watched the cadets file by, fine manly chaps, watched them come into the hall in whicll they were to receive their wings as commissioned officers in the United States Army Air Force. My third and last boy, a lad of 19, waa _varsity" hockey team auffered ...aome they watched ·&core against the aecoDd :seam. They fervently hoped lUI they sat on the aide 1111.. that the opponenta' lint team WIUI not 80 their 110ond. However. as they took their poeltlona on the flald I'4a4y to.apt tor another . victory, they Uttle knew that W _ _ ''WaII to trl· umph with ..: a· ..... The game atarted .,.Ith alliow on • '! P-lon8~em. • " b~Rt and Publisher 01 The Gulf PulJliBhlnll Co., BOUltOll, T.... ..: .-SVF'i'EBS, _ _ _ • '. { memc, that I will bear true laith and allegiance to the same; that I take thi, obligation Ireely, without any mental reservation or purpose of . .e"asion; and that I will well and faitla/ully discharge the dutie, 01 the oIIiceupon which I ,.". aboutto ent.,.: SO HELP ME GOD." .. . Tliat'he anel his fellowsliave openly boasted tliat tlielr organization, die CIO, is raising niillions as a war chest to help keep Roosevelt in power, indicates a blatant confidence in their "Victory. That thia money .hould-be extracted from hundrecla of thousands of members whose memberlhip was forced on them, is aidisgrace. That they get away'with It il a ..lhameful tribute:to the .' olole u.ociationthey have with our Department of Justic~ • , For a moment my dioughts driEted from tlie son who~e hurned body 11.. Jomewhere in France and from the other son who lie. in native soil ••• ahucklng. Phebe Luk.... fGUlld the red' earl Tbe choma sang with har ' "The Rich Old Mlaer Courted Me" aa .he claimed Andy Kirk her pr1a8 and relected "old, and _ y " Alden. .1o_n·o party lacked nothlnr. It ,wiut .comptete 'eVen to'lIIIuare dancl.... to the tune ot "SOllrwood Mountain." The end ;ot· the pia. ocea:aIon eame wtth the cHinaz- !;, • alnain.. of "Oh What a, Beautl..;-- ,jII . Merry CluUtmur *" "i- • Dnl..... "'88h.c1o~ Ol'8Fooa. planes., paints.. toolb· b......... _ . paper .dolla. and. toy .hor.... bav. been ,packed by "tu4entll bt,u,. .two elementary acIloola .to .""Ip ,malte . ChrlatmlUl ba1>pler for ebUdren Who was It wIio climbed the stairs, hat in hanel, to Hillman'••ulte.m a· Chicago hotel to learn the wilhe. of the boa. as to who would be Democratic . . candidate for the Vice-Presidency? It wu our United States Deparlment of at home ADd abroad. .Jean Me.. Cr_lght. 2nd grade teacltar.. of the Justice head-the man .wom to uphold our lawl (including the Smith.Con, . COllege Avenue·Schooi. and M..... Ko.ore. "Who- teaches the Itll nally Act which makes it a felony for a labor party, ora corporation, tOCOIl- garet nade. at Rutaere A.venue. aupervtatbe cOlleoUon and packing 11f tribute to a political party) • Yes, it was AHorney Gener81 Biddle,'and til. maD ed the' eltta. The -- boxes wUl -be c:IM... by the American Red with him wu the person who later was. named by HILLMAN .. the Demo- ·trJbuted C.o... oratic Vic.Presidential nominee, HARRY TRUMAN. TealL QnuIe MotllllaMeet Our forefathers wIio wrote the Constitution knew that they were givin, to future generations a document so precious that it would be worth the lOll of American lives to preserve • ~ • and they knew that there would ari.e enemies to it, domatic u well al foreign. • Then my mind went back to a time nearly three years ago, when my first ~o boy. volunteered, and the pledge I made thel1l thenl A meeUnc With HILLMAN and BROWDER and their ilk as arro,ant as they are now, what will their attitude be if they .succeedin re-electing Franklin D. .u.c_ Roosevelt? Where will their power end? What wiil happen .to. the.righta . dlacuaalon. auarant. under our Constitution?' If our interests mould .u1timately claali . - , - . M,4r 1.,Meet with tho•• of Russia at what point will! these men make,up their mind. &I ,to . A .meel1Drr for 'tile 8th grade mothe .. will Ita .held Tllurodq. wherethe:lrfirstloyaltyshouldlie? If England'. interests should clas~ with November.16 ..I 1:16 p .. m. hi _ Hlrrh School .cafeterla. Tbe ninth those of ~USlia, will our country's armed forces be thrown apinst a nation grade teache.. will 'dl8<>uea' Ibe techntqUeII ot Itudy. lira.' MaJsare.t )yule kin.hip to us derives from a common parenthood7 C. Neal lathe chairman of the "To tlie best of my meagre ability.l.hall do alII can to defend agamsl foe. at home the institutions you ~ys have enlisted to uphold ••• and I .hall do that without fear oE sacrifice if it costs me everything I have, includine my liie, so help me God." ~ It was not necessary tliat I pledge tliem my fullest e{foris to help pro.ecute the war •" • they could have expected no lesl of me &I an American and a father, o!I I: ot the Tentb Grade Jdotbera will ,be .hold 'on' Tbundq. Noyember" :at·oJ ,,'cIock In the hlSb Icboot cafeteria. Mr. Thompaon wilJ.lead'tbe d'" cUN10n on ".Are we eXPeOtlD6 too much from tbe papUa," and-oMn. I..ewlll ..Ill '''Ho... the 'Cara CurrJoulum Wow" fOll"_'lI), • . , .... 11'1 .~ ~ lit' oot :11: Il :0 ," 'lit ,~ Z: group• ...,jpth .Motb • T_ TIl. ca.ualty Usb over tlie ~ountry name tliousands of parents wJios. boy. have been lost and whose sons are as precious to them as mine were to me. I claim no distinction as the parent of boys who have died in theserviee. I can only claim to be among those to wh~m thi,war i, a deadly seriou thing, _d I ~ my claim to be listed amon8 tho.e who reaent with every atom of ' , , , ' ,'I: • But it fa not a 10118 way from the pled,e I made my boy•• • " n. This·I. a long way from the ceremony at EIHn2toD II!-.t Monda,.; .... fteldbaa widened until the lives of a lar.earoup of fine boy. teem but a'drop in a areat ocean. a Please Read and Hand to Some One EI.e _re Mothere ot,puplt. In the eighth grade entertailled at tea ,....:.. terelay a.fternoon at the ,ConieU avenue home ot their chal....... 11[ .... E. FIQ' Campllell. ' - . ·ADo. drew 8lm_n hoaplta1lty ..._ for the grade .... In cbU'lre of arrangementa To Addiwa Ma'. C1ub On BundlQ' evOlllng L. L. Hectp. peth will apeak to Ibe lI[ethodiat. Men'. Club on ":nuorlne In drink-. Ing water tolntprove .the.ellta!·, health ot ohlldreD-lta praio aM . co...." ·Mr. Hedgepeth bU_ many yea.. of ""lImen.. In tU. fteld of public _tor auppll-. All'mell In tba community ... invited to attoad aDd join In the d.1acualon aDd· aocIal bour whlab tallon. Tbe meetlq' w.1U be lle14 In the chapel aIartInc at t 1I.m. • '. Momlnc" and "OJcaahoma." Forty.four hoxee ot~ ... bar- , ~ . ' • GIRLSCOUTS _ THE SWARTH.MOREAN 'l'I'OoP •• Brownie Troop 11 will meet next Wednll8day. November 8, at the Frlende Keetlnll' Ho.... at I: 10 o'clock. All prl8 from 7 to 10 attendJq the College Avenue SChool who wleh to J'Iln the Brownl.. will be welcome. TrtMN •• Lacs' P_.ltoMeet Opens Troop 16. lin. Charles Israel leader will meet at the Presbyter· Ian Church immediately &fter 8chool Monday afternoon. November 6. Work on the Foot Traveler'1I badge will be started and It IB hoped all members .-111 attend. Brownlee Pack No. tI ...U1 hold their tim meeUnc of the --..on on Kon"d8.Y nen at 1.10 at the Rutgers avenue fJCbool. MI'II. !d. R. Haupt of VBM8.t' avenue ill Troop leader. Berea...ect WC4 wi 10 THE WEEK'S CALENDAR AMI FridaJ'. XUi' . . . K.... RolHIrt C. Dlaque of Btrath 10:00 A. 1II.-Uter&ture Bectlon ........................... _ .............. Woma.n'. Club Haven avenue, Kn. E. O. l£DI'e of BalUmore -pIke. and Mn. Jame. DavJs of Amhreat avenue ar8 aervInc on the buaar committee of the Drexel Women·. Club. The Bp-ee r tc> be held November 16 In the Btudent .BuUdlnc ..t DreXel 10 tor the benefit ot the Drexel Nen letter wbich la belac sent to alumnI, .Btudents and faculty of the Drexel Institute ot Technology now .ervlng In the Armed Forces. • Mr•. Roy P. Uncle of CQrnwell 7:00 '" ':00 P. ~,~--~ K.-Kovle-"Prlnc... O'Rourke" ........__...... Clotbler BIIIlCI.,., 1'1'_ _ 1\ 11:00 A. 1II.-Kornlnc Worahlp .......................... _ ............... Local Church.. 8:00 P. K.-Evenlng Pr&yer ..................;.... _ ........._ .......... 'rrlnlty Church _ _,., 1'1'""...,_ • 1:10 P. K.-Brownlee Keet ....................._ ............... _ .. Rutpra School Word haa been received o~ the Tar '.7, Nmember , death of Helen Magill White, 7:00 A. K. to 8:00 P:M................................................. .Election Poll. Open widow • ot Andrew D. WhIte of 10:00 A. M.-Executive Board MeeUn..... _..........__•. _ ...•.. __ •• Woman's Club Ithaca, N. Y .• on saturday. October 2:00 P. Y._Musical .••...•..•...••• h_ ••••••••.• _ ••••••••••••••••• _.~····_.. • Woman'a Club 8:00 P. 1II.-Junlor JJrldce Club ................................ 160 V ........ Avenu. 28 at Kittery Point, Me. K .... 8:00 P. K._I0:00 P. K.-lJadmlnton .................................... High S"hool White WBS the dal'ghter of the late Wednesd',., Ncnember 8 Edward H. Masi.ll former president 10:00 A. M. to 4:00 P. K.-Red Cl'Ol!lI Burgical Dr....lnge-Borou..h Hall of Swarthmore College and a slater nalmMlay, 1'1'0_ _ • of Mrs. Beatrice Robinson of avenue is treasurer of the 'Drexel 10:00 A. K. to 4:00 P. K.-Red Cro.. Surgical Dre..lnge-Boro"gh Hall Women°. Club. Strath Haven Inn. • • REPUBUCANS· of DELAWARE COUNTY YOU HAVE. A CHOICE! O'ROURKE or WO,LFENDEN . , • CONGRESS 'SPEAKS i FOR YOU O'ROURKE says "YES" • " ..• , our greatest s;'lgle purpose is to U'i11the war-to put all the lor~e we ~an muster ;1110 it so the job ~an be finished 'with no u"due loss of time or lives." . . ; " .. , . the nature of the present day world has killild isolati01lism as a poli~y and as a fact.'" . " ...• and our nation must accept responsibility and leadership in whatever league or organizati011 of nations is created to prevent further armed aggression!' . " ...• the things lor which millions of our young men are fighting are easy enough to understand, They want se~tlrity and the right to live as free men. They want a chance to work at a job of their own choosing, to 'detJelop their own talents_nd they want a world lorever deansed of the filth, degradation and suffering of war!' and Congress must express and defend these aims alld princiPles of American voters!' , . • WOLFENDEN said UNO" VERNON O'ROURKE , •• to the demand for strengthenillg the Army, Navy naJ Air Force, • , . 'to conscription and the extension of the draft law, Democratic Candidate lor Conlfl'Bs. . , • to aid for Britain 411d China. • •• to Lend·Lease. • •• to strengthening the Panama Canal. · . , to fortifyillg Pacific outposts. , .. to bills designed to curb inflation. · •. to giving 01lr soldiers a vote. • . , to domestic legislati01I necessary to victory. REPUBLICANS: Here's How to Split Your Ticket for O'ROURKE .. - omas PAm LIvas ........ }l ?I ~cratic I)em .mow if..... .,.. «....... Ow) e. 4 .......... IIOOSUII.T DDioounc ' . Ii. _... "iiiCi ........... "'.ok 11• ........... TDiWEi ) ....• Cf."'014 C U 1A 'DDlOCILlne I RI(.'Wjeen -•"'" • I 1 ·_WIII IA - .v..TAoIE • Repu;:~ WHICH IS YOUR VOICE? W~R. DRIVE PROGRESSING Workers Will Call On AIl In Boro FJ...,.t reports on the progress of the United War Chest Campaign which was launched Sunday have . encouraged the leaders to feel that the $16.'100 .gOClI will be achieved with a. margin to spare, Chairman · Frank R. Markley said.· yesterday. "There are more than 100 so.1. 11c ItorB a t wor.n. on th1a year's · campaign .... said . Markley•. "In or. ' . ' d er t 0 reach the quota.' each S w&lIt h more resident will have to be called on, and I know our work.. ere are going to make those calls."' The Onanclal needs of the health , ~eltare and youth IUidanc6 agen. cles In ph.11adelphia and Delaware CountY are dependent' upon the • funds raised' by' the U~lted War Chest. In addition a. portion of the money raised in Swarthmore wUI go to help the USO. the War Prisoners' .AJd. the Un,lted Sea.-'men.s Service. and.Allied Relief organizations. PersOns desIring to specify which · agencY shall receive their subscription rather than making a general g1tt to all the agencies parttclpatlng in the fund. may. do so by ma.rking the card with the nam~ of the orgB.n.tzation. Chairman Markley · ""Id. Mrs. Donald E. Glb.son. secretary 01 the Swarthmore campaign orga.nization. Is In charge of' the Un1ted War Chest Headquarters. which are open each day In the Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Comp8.ny• PLAN GET-1'OGE'I1IFB The Legion and AUxll!ati will have a get~together card party a.t the Legion Room, Borough Hall FrIday: evenlng. November 10 at o·clock. M:embol"8,are asked to reply to Mre. George B. Bickel,8U Strath Haven avenue by Monday. .November 6 •. The commltWe In.. .cludes H.r8. George Armlta••• lIrs. George Sickel, and Krs. WIl1IaIn Bullock. Members are requested to bring playing cards. Ther€t 'wUl'.be a day at apron 8ew~ ng . a t ttl e h ome of Mrs. Harvey J)lerce on Prln t· . b g\ 1 ,ce on avenue .. e na. t 10: 30 a.m. Mon4ay. ~.ovem~ n.nrgs· b Coatcsv1l1e, ·the Veterans' HOB. pital for mental and nervous cases has now 1900 patients. 700'·· over .last year. Of this.. number there are a few hundr,ed uncompeusate "A • Ther~tore •. the responstblllh""Of the "3 Auxiliary is to lighten their depres· sian. One suggested gift has been new postage stamps. It each in~ terested. member of Swa*ino),6 WDuld leave with Mrs. Oscf~ 011· creest, 2.08 Vassar avenue tw.,o or three stamps. these unfortunate veterans would be able to send out their Christmas cards to famlly and friends.. It Is hoped that a -large envelo~e ot. DEm' .st,9.mps may be sent a$ a 'chrlstmBB·Ofterln~ ~om this unit and the community. ~.." i I.: PUll THIS lEVER (all levers in t•• ; , , , , .•ap . : ) 2.: NOW PUSH THE LEVER ABOVE 8 B UP ~"JJ,.e'im;nates Wolfendell} 3: THEN PULL POWN THE LEVER ABOVE 8A-'{tIJa, tasts yourvot. for Ver.on o'i.";Ir. for C••".ss) WE ARE REPUBLICANS-BUT • •• WE ARE GOIN G TO VOTE FOR VERNON O'ROURKE EARL HARRISON Rose Valley MRS. S. P. FELIX Lansdowne THOMAS B. HARVEY Radnor FREAS SNYDER Upper Darby CYRIL G. FOX Media ANTHONY GEYELIN Villanova 'cUAUDE SMITH, Esq Swarthmore MRS. JOHN W. NASON Swarthmore , • , • 12 " ~ .j i :I "I ;! FBI CooIde Jan K· ., . ~ Arthur ;S.. ;Sonee 18 the ':'ee an. ot the COOkie bakel'll thl8 i.' lug ~theThaaaooee ~WlnsSOOdlh.. er Intorma.kthe. convalescent. are' . ' Mrs. Carroll Robb Hr8. Walter -Thorpe, ...... Toseph 'W.~er, ~_ .111... 6 -...-.-.. E. A.. Lappe, Mrs. R. 1.. Wnklnaon, Mrs. William. HanDy. Krs. Donald Jones. Mrs. Schumacher, Krs. WIl-. Ham. P. Rusy. Mrs. Henry A. Piper, Mrs. ' Friend, lint. Jam_ Hornaday, Ilre. William Zlegentu.. .... .IUra. Charles Fischer,. and. lt1ra. 'T•. E. Heesenbrucb. ~ _ _ _ _ _ __ Madame Cb\l to Lectwe Chu Shlh-KInC, wit. 0% General Chu, KllItarY Attache at the Chinese Legation in Washing.. ton, D. C., wlll give the annual lecture sPonsored by the EducaUon Commltte-e of the Friends Keeting at the .M.eeUng House on the cam.. pus, Sunday eV!lnlng. November. 12. at 8:15 P. Il. Clear the wire. for them fro... Wal~ tnut lane and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Movies at the college rwlll be resumed after several Weeks absence between the summer and fall, ~rm. Tomorrow evening· "PrlilceSs O'Rourke" starring Olivia de Haviland and Robert Cumtnings will be presented at two shOwings. 7 p. m. and 9 p. m. The shorts 'Will Include "Under t~e Big Top" and "Swooner Crooner". ,.,1 '1 Mr. and Mrs. C. C. West 01 Movie at Clothier . J. Jones ·Of Dickinson ave. returned Tuesday, October 24 from BUCk. Hill Falls where they spent & delightful week. Mrs. F. ·G. Sweeney and her daughter Mls& Sarah Sweeney tormerly of Cornell avenue are no. residing at 308 Elm avenue. Mr. Norman W. !Crase of Har.. Yard avenue is on a week's business trip to Richmond. Va. ~.'d 7 to 10 P.M. Ilk. to ask a favor of you-for tho •• In the cam,.. Whenever you can, give the service men' and women' fIrIt chance at Lons .Istanee betWeen 7 and 10 _eh night. Ihey'll appreciate It a lot, •. TH. BILL TELiPHONE COMPANY Of PENNSYLVANIA , TAlKS AT KEYSTONE . SCHOOL Mrs. Bessie Churchill a' department store manager in Ip.d.ianapolla. Indiana gave a stimulating talk on the personal characterlsUCB which contribute to the success ot women in business at the regular assembly or the Keystone Secretarial Scbool last Monday. Speaking from long experience as 'an e:rnpl~yer, Mrs. Churchill counseled yo~ng women who plan. bmdneSB careers to acquire an understanding of the personal qualities which. no less than technlc:e.l training. a1'O Important in getting a job a.nd in securing advancement in the job. "Getting·o. job," 8he said, "IS often the result ?t favorable 'first .lmp't~ession· whereas advancement in the job is generally the .result of favorable longterm appraisal of tbe employee's performance and p~rsonal Q.uali- , I j ! ). ,I i ties." In concluding her talk, she. eDcouraged young women enter1n~ on business CRreers to take stock. from tlm~ to time. of their personal characteristics if they are interested in successful achievement. Mrs. Churchill was the wee.k·end guest of her brother-tn· law a.nd alster. Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Luehring. of Elm avenue. ' enroute to New York on a busln'i!SH Jtl.lssion. I '1, I I "I I' Borough Assists District Meet Old Ch.stnut Tr••••• trom an erlglnalwoodcu# by H.rb." 'fllfI..... OF MILK AND . WINTBR " it from your Supplee milk man er PastUres gone, the air turned chin . for cream ••• we do take pride in being able t.o bring yOu the milk • woman, or ask for it at your neiah• • • nature doesn't com< the flow of borhood store. Supplee Sea1test Milk for you in' that's extra rich and extra nourishing-Supplee Sealtest Homogenized winter as she does in summer. H.,p WI. f •• W.r-Jo'. fie WAYIS Now, the Supplee farmer has to . Vitamin D MiIk. This is the milk that has a rich, • SUPPtEE brill" you. tIt.. <: 6L SHOW do all the coaxing himself • • • and .... llYW. ~_ at .,30 P.IL TIllIE 1111 wonderful flavor on cereals and with the crops in his barn and silos, fruita, adds body and goodness to he's feeding and working to keep your creamed soups and desserts. the pioduction at the highest pos. Actua11y, there's cream in every sible level during the lower producdrop, from the first to the last ••• tion months ahead . • • doing his best to meet the war-made needs that means the whole bottle is . equally hi&h in vital food element. for milk at home and abroad. or course, every drop of fine, •• , in mjnerals, vitamins, proteins. Supplee Sealtest Homogenized rich milk produced today is preVitamin D Milk is next: best to cious. While we can't increase your cream •• ; try it ••• taste the extra milk order just nOW • • • and We HOIlO.EIIUD VlTAMII D IIILI loodness for youraeIf. You can let may not be able to fill your order * . Bpeckll services on Wednesday were 1n charge ot Ridley park. Mrs. Medford Hazel chalrIIlan. On Thursda.y Mrs. Sussex Morris directed the volunteers from Prospect Park. Cooperating boroughs In the meet are Ridley Park, Morton. Rutledge. Prospect Park, Norwood. and Glen~ olden. headed by :Mrs. Howard Mcnvalne for Glenolden and ],Ira. Hazel and Mrs. MorrIS for their own commun1t1es. -Sara Cook ot Thayer' roe.d whO returned Monday alter two monthS tralnlng at the ChIldren'S Hospital, Buffalo, N. Y .. bogan her second year at the Pb1ladelphle. School of Occupa.t1onal TheraPY. on ThUrs-: SUPPLEE ot doI¥. .. . i;. i. I ' (Continued :from Page 1) . Mrs. W11llam H~ Brawn. Mrs. William Y. Harvey. Mn. Norlllan HUlme, and Mrs. G. L. Armitage tOGal chairman of canteen will be on duty. High Scbool boys assisting the canteen are Je..rry Jordan. Don Rutherford and Richard Hook. Mrs. E. N. Bay has charge of the kindergarten group with one assist- ant. The Republican candidate for Congress, James Wolfenden, has consistently obstructed every measure intended to help our nation prepare for and win the war. (We fee) sure that be would stand in the way of winning the peace, too~) Therefore, putting good government ahead of party loyalty, we sincerely ask your support in sending a man of principle and intelligence to represent us in Congress-VERNON O'ROURKE•. The Coll....e reQ.ueeta tlia.t parare .~ot ~ bring t h . phU4ren to either performance.·On Ba.turda.Y November 18. h"owever. ohildren wUl acaln be alIo_to attend aCcompanied by their parenUo ...heD a westera desperado fUm will be shawn. ~,,~ , .. • an "at hom." on 8U":~ aftel'lloon .».'l1:li4 M:r.. Jei_1i .01 p.n.... ~ .Com- eororI\F. A en· from' to ., In. hon.... of their Hth, "Roe" spring ru:m." )a.ld TU...s8¥· rolled In the College of L4beral ~ h ..... w84dlng &Dot.........,.. one hun-I",",IIoIIl,84 Dr. lin. J. CI'QII1I7 loft Monclq Mlclablpman CoII n S. . .c_• .,. 4r84 of tbelr frlencla includIng a ;Bruno Of. SummJt.,N. J~ 0...... ~I~. ~~.~~. ArI& v n """ ...ho baa been a V-lI stu4ent .. ___ at Dumber of gdeete hOD,,: week-en4 aad wL~ theJl'" ....oatIlj ......_ ..- h- e e.b .... -She-al The &en. Danae bel4 In the SWarthmore CoIIaee. was waoua'" - . . ... _a-'" a ____ , , .... ferred to Duke Unlverolt7 an4 I.ft ore4 them :wIth theIr preeence. &tten484 tile Berl.. ne_ at . .""':'pudecI I>l" .... father IIr. Woman's Club BaturcIaY evening Aleo p ....... nt ....ere their eon·ln·law Woman'. Club B&tll~av .--n- ~'_ .W. ............ of ~--ton ..... atten4e4 by appro_atel,. 10~ TUescla" for R.O.T.C. training at an4 daughter . W'. Mr. ...,4 Mrs. Herbert Ing. avenue whO .III~-. an alu ........C~~ of Tufte. couples. Mra. E4w1n W. Crosby Duke. Pvt. 'WillIam D. Mltcbell. U.S.M. E. Michener. "Jr., Iand .. Small Ba1gra.nd.. Jane Kllles daulbter of Mr. _ . El\SIIl>eth .LOII< Wu.o". was g_1'f'I ohaIr_ with IIr. and daushter Jemm e of umore C .• of North Cheeter road who hal Plk•• their daughter Barbara. an4 M... AotIoRt HUIeIi of .tlle 4a1l8hter of Mr. an4·Mn. RIqIIlond M.... C. Irwin Galbreath an4 Mr. been .. atudent of tbe V.12 program their nephew Ensign John Kraae more Apart......ts 1'ece!ve4 the P. Wlloon of Park ..venue b&IJ bean an4 Mrs. Han7 W. lAng _latIng. at Franklin 8< 14a....hall College. of Dayton. Oblo. who Is of Baohelor of Belenoe at the ptedg84 b)' the B;vrac- .UDtveralt:r s NEWS NOTES ~ -p. .V_ was home last week on & lO-daY on the U.S.S. Prairie State. New furlOUgh. During that time he York. apent . a. few days in Washington. D. 0 .. and a1ao visited his brotherMra. Margaret C. Freedle)' of in-law and stater Mr. and MJ'8. C. swartmore avenue entertalned at ~.I •• '. tea lut saturday In honor of Mrs. Lealle ".P100r. J r., 0 t Salem, .. .w.ass. Pvt. Mitchell 18 now enroute to his George - E. Silloway. training camp In ~an Diego. oat.. Mra. WIlliam R. Walta.. of Cor· nell. avenue 1a vlslUng her brotherIn.l_ and alater Capt. N. Bruce Duffett and Mrs. Duffett or Pola•• W It I e I08, T exas. ,wr8. a era 8 returning from the west coast where her hUBband Ensign Watters bas beeD statloned. Mrs. Walters will reside with her parents Mr. and Mr. and Mrs.. Paul J. Furnas of Media are visiting C.P.S. campa In North carolina and Tennessee. On the wa)' home they will vIaIt their daughter Deborah who Is attend· lng Earlham College, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Haupt of vaaaar a~enue entertalned. 'at a Hallowe'en party at their home Saturday evening. Your rep.e.entative in the .next Co,...,e•• willl10te on WORLD ORGANIZATION FOR PEACE WOLFENDEN"-:'though an isolationist before Pearl H~r-':"might P08sib~y vote yes•. ",,"r I • 0 O'ROURKE-a convinced intemationalist-would certainly vote yes. If Roosevelt is President: Sat. Hannum who Is stationed at ot SWarthmore: ave~ue were week... Fort l;ewl8. Sgt. Hannum fa end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee P. WOLFENDEN....:- a persistent obstructionist-would probably vote no. .O'ROU~woulcl PERSONAI-lrone.·. washer. tout4ln and HWIQ.. machlnee repaired. Called f'or and dellverecl. Telephone 8warthmure 164.8.' .~ . . PEIUkJN"AI-Reglitered. SPen~r coreetlere.· Jan. Elsie H. McW1111ams. Telephone Swarthmore. 4.'83·,v Lor apo-. ])OIntment. EDWIN B. kfll EY, Jr. , Y_.J_eIer ,&b P ERSONAL-'Vll1 give room and breaktut to employed woman or coUep ~1 In ptlvate .home In ~"'arth­ mure In exchange for part Ume help with children. Further details refer Box D, 1'IIe Swarthmo("e8n. .... Eu& 8L a.(Oppoelte 111 _ _te - l 'Ph""" ~ 17•• PERSONAl-Youn.s lady wish" to care lor .;:hUtlren tram as .m. to " p.m. or Ught housework. l.'olephone s~arthmol"'l 3106-J. Picture Fnm~... .euouWJ _ _BOO •• SUppUee. CkeeUDc PERSOl\AL-Lady wishes pIeuant room and board, or ("oom "ear tearoom with private family. Heply to Bolr.. W. 'I'he Swarthmorean. 1l~ vote yes. CAN YOU AffORD TO TAKE ACHANCE? VOTE FOR O'ROURKE Swarthmore Demoeratk Committee the. BOn of 'Mr. and 'Mrs. C. E. H;vneB of Haddonfl.ld. N. J. Hannum of Oberlin avenue. 1&r. and Mra. Oliver Rodgerl!l ot IIr. and Mrs. Norman W. Krase Riverview road vacationed a few of Harvard· avenue entertained at d8.)""8 last week l'n New York City. / , Election Wolfenden Asks Honorable James Wolfenden House of Representatives Washington, D. C. Dear Jim: Your renomination is a cJeserved tribute for the I1n~ work you have performed as a Member of Congress. . You have faithfully served your own eonstitllents and, at the same time, have been a stalwart champion of Constitutional government. Because of your constant effort against waste and extravagance, the. tax burden of the Ameri~an people is lighter than it would otherwise have been. Your vigilance has aided in checking somewhat the growth of bureaucracy and unnecessary regimentati8l1. The election of a Republican Congress will save Constitutional gQvernmentin the United States and it will save tJ,.~ American waY of Iif~. lam Sllre ~arousedpeople will make your reelection certain and that your experienee and abm~ will be of great value to the country in these two important years that are ahead. Fon SALE-UnlVeIlJal etectric range 1938 table top model. Excellent con~ dUton "60. Telephone' Sw,\rthmore 0460. • w....... streeo 'l'hlllPe U& .. t.,. , ,,_ Vh_ I-II'. • ARDMORE WINDOW CL llA...'ING COMPANY SW~_ . ,... .&&D.I.ORE BRANCH All DraDebeli ot House CleaDlll'8". Known In ..the TerrIwQ" for 10 Yean J!ree Phoue CaUl-}o'or Customers (Formerl7 8,... 11) Ardmore !I!I FOR SALE FOR SA.I..JoJ-Boy's ;Sandy Craig overcoat, size 12. $8; three sPOrt coats 14 to 16, ,3.50 each. Telephone lt1edt~ 2563. ~Kubb, SIMMONDS PERSON..:\.L-l"rench taught by French college graduate. Call Swatthmore 1671. FOR SALE-Baby coach, splendid con. dltiolL 'l'dephone Swarthmore 1229-J. If Dewey is President:· :Mrs. Roy P. Lingle of Cornell aveMr. and Mrs. Fred.arick Anthony, nue whlle compleUng her junior their four-year old son Perry. and year at the University ot Penneyl- 1 baby twin sons B()ger and vania. Malcolm, formerly or Dickinson Midshipma.n Thomas Marshall avenue are noW realdlntt at 250 Jaakson, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Haverford avenue. Thomas M. Jackson of Park and Danny KIrk Bon or lira. Howard Yale a.venue was commissioned as Kirk of south Cheater road wbo Is an Ensign. USNR In cer~monieB a sophomore at the Unive1'81ty of Thursday. October 26 In the Ca'. Penneylvanla. placed thIr4 ru,.nlolr In the Junior Middle Atli.ntlc aththedral of SL John the Dlvlne. leUe cross country' race on Sunday New Yo.rk. The group was the twenUeth class to be graduated last In Thlrmont Park. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rutherford from the U. S. Naval Reserve Mld- of Westdale avenue were at home • hlpn:u~n's School, N. y. • to a. group of their trlen4a on Sun"; Sg1:. Lewis A. Estes, Jr., SOD of day a f terrtoon . Mr. and Mrs. L .. A. Estes, R.F.D. Mr. and Mrs. George Plowman No.8, Media is n: tenor sax pla.yer of HarVard avenue are etertalning In the popular Bomb Rangers at a. dinner party tomorrow 'evendance band at Avon Park ArmY lng. Thltlr ,gueatB will include Mr. Air Field. a ftnal phase traJ.nlng and Mrs. H. Cha.n41ee Turner of base for B-17 Flying FortreBB com- Haverford; Mr. and Mrs. Robert bat crews. The Bomb RlUlgers, Greer and Mrs. J. Edward Clyde up from personnel ot the of M.edla.. and Mr. and George 7tOth A.AF Bank, were placed In M~ Allen of Swarthmore. the llrst 10 top..ftlght dance bands The Sewing Group of Trinity in a na.tlon-wlde G.I. popularity Church 'WIll meet at tht.'t home of poll conducted' ~ot1y by Bill· 101... W. M. Harvey. Columbia ave· board magazine. nue, and will busy tbemselves mak.·Mrs. D, A, Hannum of Leach- lng a.rticles tor the church talr. burg, Pa., Is now with her husband. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Fenno Ruth V. Diamond of Herbert slreth EXecutors of deceased. . E!}NST-oct. 26. LeIB"hton P. Stradley, ed;astee of Charles A.. .Ernet, deceaa- __ I HARRY W. LANG 'I Carpets and Rugs I Sincerely YOlU.'S, ,.tat. ' . . ,.Ing. 'hln... "Derbe. Dot from the Romaa P1lD7t bat trem tile Greek Poet, Pinder, 01 ..... Flrtll CeatarT, B. C.." o.nd ...., "PHa,. U• tile laller part 01 ..... F.... Coal...,. A. D .. all 01 SOO ,...... after Pinder." . We adml' oar antamlll'rla,. wltII .earq Greek poetry, bu ••lI1I .." llSE SPRINGFIELD WATER CAREl'IJLLY .,..1n PililaJ."bi. 5uhurhsn • IRVINE-Oct. 27, The Wayne Title & Trust Company. Admlnl.trator.C.T.A. ot James Irvine. deceased JAMES--Oct. 27-lnter-bora' Bank & Trust Executor of Clar' ence M.Company. James, deceBBed· JONES-Oct. 31. R. Lloyd Jones and Mildred J. TaylQr; Executors Agnee M. Jones, late of the Borough ot '. FOR SALE-Lally's . i!:in8lish bike' SWARniMORE 0764 ot lady's desk, dark Walnut tintah; day~ I bed couch. Duncan-Phyie. dlnett6 KELLEY-oct. 31, John Francis DuAldan, deceased.. table, lour chairs; small dInIng ("oom gan, GuardIan of Ailene Gibbs Keltable, five chairs; tea-wagon; massive ley, (ormerly Allene Marie Glbbe. mirror-backed console table' card and ESTATE NOTICE Jate a minor. .;:uttlng tables: ironing' board; odds ESTATE OF ABEY TALBOT WIL.. and ends of Chilla and glasaware' 8"alLIAMS, -a1110 known MABEY TAL· KLINE-OCL 31, Girard Trust Company. Trustee dId of Trust of .rennie Ion Ju,gs; picture 1 rame~; small ';ugs i BOT BRONSON, of Swarthmore. !l. !Ct. 31. Mld-Clty Bank & FOR RENT-Furnished. apartment In Trust Company, Executor of Alexan13,. .Josephine Stewart Moylan; sitting room with ftreplace, der Collins. also known as Alex Col~;~';~to;;;"~f and WtlUam B. Linn. day-bed, and communtcaUng shower Un8, deceo.sed, .J:l T. Stewart Wood. and lavatory. Bedroom., twin bedS, COX-Oet. If, Edith D. Cox. AdmlnlSand additional bath. Kitchen, modem tnLtlix of Robert Miller COX, I~te ot equipment, separate entrance. Carage the ToWnship of Ridley, deCeaSed. space. Everythlq Included in attraC- DANOWSKI--OCt. 21, Delaware Countlve home beautiful surroundings. ty National Bank. Administrator of Convenient 'to P.lLR. and buses to war' Helen nanoWBkJ,.late of the.City of Dlan~ TelephoDe Media 458'7-W. Chester, deceaHd. ~::::::=:::=:::==:::::=:::==! ' "WA;rER IS THE BEST OF ALL THINGS, . WATER IS UFE ITSELF." ODe or 0_ ruden. aa emlaeat _olar, eo""! ltecl .... ad. .ln.....1 tIIe ... Willer Ia tile bat of all G1TLLEN-oct. 27, The Wafne Title & rust Company, Administrator C.' T. BAA.NBot Joaeph Gillen. deceased. . Yc-Oe~ 30. Iva M. BlaIr. Ad· minlstratrlx of _Frances Hanby deceased. . ' HARKNES~ct. 30, Mld-CUy Bank B& Trust Co., Executor of John M. arkness, deceased. HODGE-Oct. 11, Victor M. Hodge. Administrator of John Victor Hodge deceased. mlnlstrator ot S. Hodge, Hodge Ad· deHODGE-Ocl. 11, Valette Victor M. ~ -c:u.''PA,u, PolIUml A d _ t ,15. LOST I """",03,O, Again, my heartiestcongratulatioDs. . ODe k a war to provide jobs Must we have war to make jobs? Maintain jobs? • ~ sane government, a government that cooperates wnh Industry, 1,abor and capital" will m~e this,dle lend of sound trosp!'rny •.. ~e land to whiCh YOUR boy can retur~ . nowIDg he WIll partake of that prosperity and security under free government. N?! If you w~nt that, kind 0,( government ..• if you want 'your boy to eOJoy the Just fruits of his gallant sacrifices • 0 'JOSEPH W. l\IARTIN, JR., Minority Leader aouse of Representatives WaShington, Do C. .VOTE REPUBLICAN d~ NOVEMBER 7 REPUBLICAN STATE COMMITTEI .......... ~ c .• ,., • _'._ ~_.....:. .~ __ itS Musical HoUr Tues.i. day Anticipated By Members The PreN and Publicity Ground Com- of the Woman's Club pre""nled Billie Wbeei"ck, newapape~ woman and feature w.rlter as ~ speaker on TUe"y afternoon. 11, 18". 4Sc 1b3& Rump Veal Roast Fresh Hamburg Ib Ib Chocolate P.ppermints Deticiobs.· .pkg SSe Del Monte Coffee Ib 3le Hams CRABMEAT tin liom.e ot II .... 45e The United War Cboet _c. Ia 1aeJ.fi4 ib th. 8w....tbm..... NaUonai Bank . BU!ldl.... The omcit houl'll· are from • a.m. to I p.m. on weekday, and t a.m. to i2 nOon on saturdcl.YII. The telephone numbior Ie 2121. * " P••••• STATION Open Every Saturday Evening Until 9:30 P. M. e pkg • Gorton's CHOCOLATE pkg 1ge Codfish Geffen Tea Bags 3ge 48 Baga of the Choicest T_--8rewa the BeatT_ you ever drank. RecuJar 44c vallie. No Poinb! Kornlet CORN No com sheBa makes the beat Com Puddings and Chowder. 2 no 2 tin 3ge pkg For These Brisk ~. Aunt Jemuna Pancake Flour Serve them for . pkg 12e Breakfast For Pancakes or Waffles Log Cabin Syrup Grand with bot 25e Com Fritters • CHOCOLATE MALTED ••• FORTIFIED WITH VITAMINS! TOOTSIE V-M Ib jar 3ge Children will drink more milk with this Tootsie Like Chocolate Flavor. Good for you, too. MacTavish Strawberry Japl. Jar S5c MARTEL' ALL-YEARAROUND COATS -'---- Friendly Circle Meeb •WITH , REMOVABLE The Frtendly Circle met at the home of Mrs. Charles G. Thatcher of Ogden avenue, October 19. MrS. B. W. Collins was assisting hostess. Twenty-one members were present. and several of the Circle's worthwhile projects 'Were encouragingly reported upon by the varlous committee beads. The November meeting. which will be the Silver Tea, wlll bo held at the bome of Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes of Princeton avenue on November 16. Each member Is privileged to bring a guest. Each member Is alsO asked to bring several cans vegetables tor the ThanksgivIng baskets, If unable to attend or to send their contribuUon9, they are asked to contact Mrs. F. C. Vostel;"s, Secane. Swarthmore 0846, chairman of thls basket committee. ZIP-IN-LINING 98 100 PerCent of All-Wool Coats • Black • Green FIrSt W.I.L. Meet • Blue The first W.I.L. event of the sea- son tonk place on Friday eve· ning, October 27 with Mrs. Theodore Paullin as hostess at her home on Baltimore pike. Following dessert at 7:30, the group 'YaB ~ddrcsscd ~Y .James Fleming chairman ·for Philadelphia. of the Falr Employment Practices Th·ls committee was active 'durlng the recent. P.T.C. strike Mr. Fleming related his experiences. Tbe .W.!.L. will· hold regular meetinirs tor members and ·i'rtends an the second Th'l1l"1Mlay 8.ffem.oon of each month. ana: SELF-SERVICE FOOD MARKET Buy Mo"; ••• Eat Better ••• Pay Leu at Martel', . _, . .e: - - ' ... -. , (orner 1ge ; '- .... W? :-! H T .1 !' ..;", :\Yf!r:~~e8t "'. • Brown • Fuschia • Toast In the poplllar Boy Coat and Button-Up Balmaccan. Open Vent Back. Sizes 10 to 20. , ..',' . ., .. ' ...... .' SWARTHMORE, PA... FRIDAY, NOV&mER lQ, 1944 .. PLAYERS CLUB PRESENTS COMEDY ~'Rilig Arou~d lleth~' tQ Open ElizaTues. Novemller 14 j.. To· Cl6se Thursday· !I'be Red Crose SuI'g1cal Dr_. Ing room in Borough Hall wlll be open'on Wedne84aY8 only be- ginning ·November 16 unUI fur_ lber nOtice. The houl'lJ wUJ be from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. swarthmore Wltj> tbe elecUon paet, Ibe Players .club of Swarthmore hopes ·to, get talks away trom their radios , n·ext week to enjoy the· refreshl~g coinedy of 'iRing Around Elizab:eth." a play by· Chari Armstrong lJDQer the direction of' John Dol.. man, Jr. Tbe play deals with the familiar and ever-popular subject ot tam.. 'I, life, but in a way that Is, enUrely new. To reveal how Eltza... beth BolvesJ ber family troubles • . . would give the key to the entire plot. and whlle, as Mr. Dolman aaY8. we mtght envy ber solution hope it does no~ sfJ;'8a.d .8:~ ~p~­ demlc of shnllar cases In the comin:unlty. The solution :r;nysUOee B8 weU as we gave Thomas E. ~ewey 1467 .~. of BooIIOn, the dwll on lb. dB)' of th." t~ ~e reNter Statlt 'reacber. ,i (} ~j, H. r.'1 _._ Tu_oY, Ask, ¥ol[rUtifeeirs Ginger Bread Mix 18 Be • • _ _ >04 . . . . . . . _ HID, • CQII... avenue on Hovembei; 'i at 10 IL m. Plana will be made tor tbe Ram· _ e Sale to be beld In tbe ban·· ment of tbe Trlnlq, churcb. 01 swarthmore on· Noyember 16 ..n,d 18. Proceed. w1l1 be used to carry oil work or the SwarthmoH Branch, Immediate needa belDe to purchase wool 'and carry. ou~ Dean Everett Hunt. Swarthmore Cbrlatmaa plan. for tbe ""mce College repreaentatlve for the 'men. Amer.tca.n Field Service atreBBeB the Donations may be .taken to th" areat need tor volUnteer" to work Church baaement. any Ume W64. wltb the Brltleh and Fl'encb forces nesdo.y. November 16. In eaae of In Italy, France, 8..D.d Indla.-'Burma. no transportation facillUea. call The Field Service Is continuing to Mrs. William E. Hetzel, . Swartb. aCcept certaJ,n men cla..seIOed 88 4· more 4615, or. Mra. WUllam H. F, 1·AI. or l·c. Collins, Media. 0161. ''The Uvea of plenty of fellow. like me caD be saved it medical Mr. and Ill",. George T. AIIhton aid gets to them In time". saJd ot W&.tUngford were In WasliliiSton Charles White, 21-year-old veteran lut week-end to attend the El!zaof Ta.rawa who hdsJgned up 8.8 & beth Sprague CO(Jolldge concerts to volunteer ambulaDce dr.tver wltb whtch they were Invited guestl. the American/Field Service. Hos· vitalized for ~ven long montha at San Diego, Wblte bad plenty of time to think and remembering a .... ·,.Goodfoocl few things about Tarawa where be .... ,'. Quldl S*,.,kI jost the sight of his right eye a~d ,,!1Jtrered a. fractUred ja.w, he came to biB de:clslon. In order to quaUfy for the du.. · .~ 'I' 111·lllllIIlill- , blous privilege of being shot .kt while evacuating wounded. Dean Hunt further states that AFS should be between the ages of 1-8 and 40. be able to .pay a. share of their equipment expen· 1M frHIlic IIIIIr ltal5c S88, and must enlist for an .lnitia.l Coc.tall Hou,. :I to II P.M, period. of 18 months trom the date of embarkation. M1M Wheelock. who in private Ilte Is )(1'11. Bradford Hawes and makets hoine In Swarthmore haa been FOr DeIiCiiJu. aher.8peclal 8.88lgn~ent writer for r&atLolif the CbeSter Times alnce In II. deilgbtfully .Informal talk .ob~ told of her student day8' at ColoJust rado 8tate .college when a reqUIred. assignment In a course In Journal10m resulted In ber firat publlsbed feature arUcle. and & job wtU:L the Fort CoJUns ExpresS courter. / The 8peaker's second poBltlon was with the Wyom1ng state Tribune In Cheyenne, Wyoming. a city located at the crossroad ot travel of the Union Paclflc R. R. II.Ild the ..... For After Ohmer NibliDpl International Air Lines. Here sh~ was aJrorded the opportunity of Interviews with SUM celebrltle8 e.s percy Grainger. Alexande,r WoUcott. Andre Kostelanatz, Lily Pons and Donald Nelson. "The three mlleatones of llfe, birth, marriage and death are the Creamy Pattie. hereabouts of a newspaper," safd Mi88 Wheelock, as she told of the AmericaIi way Dews Is gathel"ed. Each reporter .is given a special whlc.h he covers dally, amateur reporters send In their news letters, and trlends give tips aD neW8. For Salada The war has brought a. great 'Sandwicbea responslblllty to the reporter as he Dromedary--JlUt Add Water ••• Mix ••• bake wdtes of the boys \II the servIce. Miss Wheelock stated that personal post-war plan was to jo:ln with her busband Sgt. Ha.wes on his return from overseas and pubUsh 8. small newspaper founded on Tender Fluffy Ginger Bread-Yours for the principles ot community servthe As~-Simple to Prepue and Ice. falr play and the right to EeonoDllcaL stand up for what they be11eved was right. a post-war plan for which she believed worth working. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. 30hn L. Cornog a.nd Mrs. W.tl11am R. Huey. Mrs. 3esse Holmes and Mrs. Samuel G. Harrl!! were at the teatable. Tuesday afternoon, November 7, Mrs. R. Chester Spencer chairman Just ....po abd of Music will present a. trio from BAKER'S .COOKING fry a tp'IIild the Matinee Musical· Club; Carla. Shepley Outlst, Carol York coloraluncheon dUb. tura soprano. and Alyce BiancO ptan.1st. The program will consist of soprano Bol08 with flute ob .. Makes Delicious llgato, and flute 80108. and lcinp ensemble work. These artiste are well known tn club circles and the FANCY TEA - FOR DELIGHTFUL CUP! prog.ram ts one no club member should mlBB. !n+:r ,. . Skirt Steak Vaal Chops &.ni~ • ~ PRo Each AnW' .,.1_ ,"0 of a I:: to me.wbe... an !:' 623 BLED LAST '. Library Exhibits . WEEK, IN MEET· Many from Borough Give Blood and .. SerYice '. Swarthmore·. day at the Blood Donor meet lat week In the Ridley Township School evidenced the borough's active cooperation as 60 residents worked long hours glv.. lng VOlu.n~eer ,se~ic~ a~~ 12: boroughltes and 90 coUege stu. dents and' BIaft gave Ibelr blood. the whole event ~an with eftlclent smoothness under the capable dl.. J;"~cUon of Mrs. Phelp~ Soule. D.oDors were lD;atte.~ of 16~t b~~ l.helr promptne8S•. thelr eag~rJl~ to serve was impreB8lve a.nd greatly apprecla.ted. 'Six hundred and twenty-tht'" persoos were bled In the tbree .. day meet. If every· man. or woman in 1We services from this dlBtrlct ; could only stand at the. receiving deak and·hear the quiet replies to the question uHow many times }lave you g!ven?"-"Flve tlmes.'~ I Ib ~'Ten timear UI've. tr ed ree tlines, I'm hoping they'll. take· Die today."' From every kind ot occupatlon they poured In to give thel~ boys a chance to· come Four members ot· tite· Gallon Club appeared again; Guy Mc; CorkIer E;· M. Rowland, Frank. U. Ro"", an~ iferiion S.~\?~. ~hur Bass was··a. ninth time donor~ Mrs.. Edwin CroHby tenth', Robert Balr Q thlrt~entb, ??u:D. .R. Hltohma.U a to!u~~~•..." .. _i The· borough owes a t~em~ndou8 vote of ihanke to all Sw8.rtlnD.oreana who repreBen~ them at th~ Blood. Donor meet; Donors, Gray Ladles. Nurses Aides, Motor Corps. Canteen workers, nursery a.ssls~­ ants. boys. trom the high school,. com.munlty nurses, the ttreleas Blood Donor committee. Tbey· deserve a. communtty salute. .. • :, r' : 'J SIXTH WAR LOAN BEQINS' NOV. 20 tAn UnUsually a.ttracUve exhibit of the most recently pub. llshed books for younger readel1l wUl be on exhibit ai th~ Swarthmore Public Llbra.,. ~~ ~pro~t ff~41d throughout next week. ChUdren's Book Weeki Eap'rJy an. , tlclpated by all the library's enterprising young readers exhl~lt otters parents an,I young Under the leadership of Elrlc S to l~ok over the cl pttered field Sprpat Ihls borough will undertake ot: .ch.rlstmas books at lelsure, on ·Monday, November 20 Its sbare "Al~ough not· eJ(ci~8IveJY juin· ·the· naUon's $14.000,000.000 v~nl1e the recently· ~onated 61 Sixth War Loan campaign. Penn volume" C.hronlcIes of America" 8.n4 the 16 volume :~·pageant. of sylvaDla's part In tbls undertaking will be to 'ralBe ,938,000,000. America" will .also be on ex... Although the drive offlcially be Wblt In order that JlbraQ' readglne on November 20 and ends on era may familiarize themselves December 16.· all eates of isa.vln8'8 wUh '. ~em. These grea.tly debonds. ·aerles E. F. and G and BaV sJred and autboratatlVe reterlogs note.tJ; BarJes C trom Novem ence volumes are tbe gift to the ber 1· to December 31 wlli be Library of Joseph Pew through credited to the Drive. The other the Yale University Pre88. securities which will be 80Id In this drive Include 2 % % f:Jonda of 1966 71, 2% bonds of 1952·64, 1%% S, to Committee in Push· T(, Goal' . the Tea For New ¥~~~rl? • :;~~d:!t!~~~~nd 1i T cerUncatea Mr. Sproa.t remln~s the boro~gh The Swarthmore Leagu~ ot Women Vo.ters Is having a tea. for reSlden'tB that th~ Bucce88 of the new membe:ra on FrldI\Y, Novetn- drive 'in o1;lr' c?~munity wlU de-· ber ·17 trom 3 to 6 the ~e~ u.p.~n eB;C~ an~ every ~ Wo~an'8 Club. Mrs. Walter H. de~t. i'lVestlng t~elr savl~ In Robinson •. ·pr'esJden~ ot 1-he . local W~r. Bonqs G.Il~ jJ1lNing tor "VIctory league cordlQ.lly 'nvttes all ·Interest- and ·t.hat 15,01;10.009.000. th18 Na ed women ~ attend. tiona! gp~l :m~t be. ra~d through . Mrs.' R~lph YOUng, the regional aaJeti to: IndlvJduals. ,. director of the Eastern· DIstrict ot .'Untll Victory 1B ours. we must the. LeagUe of Women· Voters wlll keep on doing our part for the be the guest speaker: Mrs. Young boys who ~re continuing relentleBli... ot Moylan has· chosen for her Bub.. ly tn our behalt. Aiid" dotD.g .our ject. ~'ThB· Purpose aJ:1d OrlI&D1za... ~art fa giving, whole-heB.rted SUp. Uon of the La>ia." ~o.rt to the Sixth We;; 00&0 The . league' . 'makes a· pat8n:' BayS ' Sproat. st~dT· of . the n8:tlo~aJ and state ~~~~:..' .cq~\ll;ittee. ....WJ,W,~.~i-:p~.~ ..... ,';..<. ·legJiiatlon;·"l"ntervltiw1ng candt4at'H' the d·rlve un~1 December 16 for the arid ·oince holders, .i.D.formlng l"nem· ~ut1edge, Morton, ~d bel'S of its flndings and advising Dlstdct are: them o·t pending ·legislatton. . Mrs. Frank H. Holman's memGeorge L. A.lstQD. Dr. ~. C. Am. . Ittee consUl . '"tin· g 0 f merm.aD. Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop bershlp comm E. M. Buchne.r. Roland L. Eaton Mrs . MacDonald Swan, Mrs. Thomas Hopper. ltLrs. La ~ue Hen- W. B. Bullock. Albert N. Gar., drlXson, MrS.·Henry Piper 8..nd Mra. ratt. A. Sldn(:ty Johnson, Dr. WIl William R Huey are In ~harge of llatli : {Rep,) ' •• :;.'-_ ..... . 615:· cra...tkd (1~m.) ....... - .. .. 193. Representative In Gen . .Armem" Turner (Rep.) ............ . 614 James (Rep.) .......•. ; •••• 50S MIIII.ken (Rep,); .•..••••••••• 506 GOu,!.,y. (I~I1l'), , ......•.... , 19& . Turner d'e';'.)· : •.•••••••••• . Sltlpberd fDa... )·': ........ .. 198 I" . . 364 U3 686 1465 176. '414 266 450 t31 834 IOU 9U. ; sea .58' 116. 186 au 594 360 856 5.87 1472 -1460 1441 'ii. tii 582 ii' ui i'l 600 101 11,'11 107 , Present Madame Chli Madame Cbu··Shlh-Mlng, Wt~e ot General CbU,' MUit.4.ry Attache. at·· the Ohineae.LogittioD 1D. .•Wa.obtnc ton, l?C.•, al'd 01}<;' .~F Mi~ame <;haln.-" ~dvilM1':J' Commlt~~ In the: New ~fe ·.Hor.",ont III Ch)n.;, will dellver ·the 'FrIend'. Anll1ial·iEdu- ca\I~D; ~1/r. i!l, ~~.. ¥ee~." BOWIe on .sunday evenmc, Novem· ber '}2 at -.i&. .. .. . Madame Chu.. a Wellesley trradu.. .ata ~f'l,n4.,:,aa, chO,'!"~ "'\ \te~lI,u~ ~t "Women;, Wor~ 1.n War-tlnie China·'. The ·vH18.We ftilk are oor- dl.!l.ti. 1};l.l.1!~~~ ~: ~~~ll~' '. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1144 THE SWARTHMOREAN 2 aIete.... 14.... Frederick Herbert or .:.~~ will.~ PERSONAL.S Lt. W. H. Unton. Jr., hU return- avenue h&a returned to hie dutl.. In .. ed to camp Orub~r, Okla., after the South Paclllo. Captain Edith Morp.n Winant of .pendlnc a week's )eave at his the Women'. Army COrp8, daughter of IIr. and 141'& Gilbert B, Winant Pft. J LIilton, U.s.M.C.a., haa of Sproul road. who has been stacompleted the VlJ tralnlDg pro· ttoned in Pittsburg, b.aa been tran8cram &t Princeton University. and ferred to the Custom Houae. PhDaafter & leave at his bome on Ben.. delphia., and will be on duty In jamln West avenue baa reported for home on Benjamin west avenue. Opnlll and II.... CharI.. Spieker "f Pa. Dr. N. 0 •. Taylor, of V ...... "venue. left on Wednead&y for & bual· neee trip to Waahlngton, D.C, Mlaa Jane Dickey of Lewleburl', P&., hGa been vlBlting her aloter and, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. ward F. Hitchcock of North Chea· ter roa.d. Mrs. Crosby Black and d"1IIrhters, M ..rjorle and Dorle of S. Cheoter road and ber mother, JIll'lL L S. Habbetaett of' Hedl.. spent the paat week.end vlBlting In New York CIty. . ".j ";':~ d Mlaa sar..h H ..r1e Disque and Mias Charlotte GrUHn entertained at a pereonal and linen shower in ho'nor or Mlss Karen Kniskern on ~edne8d&¥ at the lCnwkern on Riverview road. Several ot & ah~'Werof. ,bo~- .__ II.... IIargarOt L. B&tti' 01 N_ York C117, a slater of the brld.e, w\lI act lUI her matron of honor. Mlaa Bette Morrie and Hlaa Jane Hyere ~ be h.r brldeamalda, All the attendante wl\l be Bowned In, d r _ of mOM green fallle with arrance.. mente of frsah vlolelll and velllnS In their lIaret& ADn Batty, & niece ot J4l811 lA1ea.n, will be her lltUe t1awer sir) and w1ll wear a Kate 'Oreen_y frock of white damask. and carry violets and sweetheart r~e bucla. Mr. Richard H. Parry of 1I0ylan will be best man and the ushers are Lt. (j.B,) Jack J. O'Leary of Berkeley. California, and Bradford Dsl'llng, U.B.C.G:.R.. at Wlncheater. A re"pUoD at Haroum Junior Can. will toUo";' the. ceromo.".. After & .hort ....edd!na' trip the yoqDc couple will make their home In Baltimore, 1Iat)'land, Hlaa Lafee.ll· attended Haroum Junior 00\1.... and Lt. Durham, Harvard '.1, Ie an Instruotor In chemical 'Warfare at Eclcewood Ar.enal Naval Unit, Ilar)'land•. DEADLlNE-WEDNEilDAY NOON OOYOV_OW fto .... c... t... MI)' ...... 'FRlDAY,NOVEMBER 10,'1944 TIft'''' 's hOUlel;;;;;;;;:;:;:;:;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;; D_ a.-gue . 2 l 5:c The, Bouquet a. Ar~;' ~::= ~r::,d:f ::~'n~~l:: ~ ~ 6500 BRANCHES • $340,000 CARNS FLOWERS MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Ka..u-a • • • MEDIA ammo -- o . I . LAST 2 DAYS FRIDAY'" SATURDAY THE PtAYERS CLUB Red SKELTON Esther WILLIAMS Of Swarthmore NOW! Alan MARSHAL c ~ ,"Bathing Beauty" Bride By RING AROUND She'II teII JOU ".stance 'M1istake Long D when ELIZABETH . Comedy by Chari Armstrong Dir~tor, J~hn Dolman, Jr. '6. N!>v,.t4, 15, 17,and18 ·8:20 P.- M. '.' ' " -- willi JoYc:lfREYNOLDS . RallClt HUlTON .~ARNOLD 'l'friDlty .Church Notes Holy Communion wlll be ce!abr4tdd at eIght o'clock. All the de6artments 'of -the .chul"ch will bold sessions at 9:45. At the eleven o'clock f ilervlce of Morning Prayt>l', the rector wUl preach on the topic Th:e Vahle Of Ritualism. At thl.a &e~ce' two sll v~r CGndlesticks will be '~edlcate(l 'a8(i'ne'Dlortai&. EveD~ ing Pmyer will be J58,td at' 6:00 . .. •. .' . . .. times there's a rush on certain circuits. When -Ihat ha ppe . ns,. t~e operator . olms to be helpful by SClY'ng - "Please limit your call to 5 minutes." . this request h not made on 011 Long '. '. Imes are-crowded', .. _ - Olstance calls, It's on .peak·hour calls to and from _-busy centefS. - • I -. - THE ·COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA, . . - BELL TELEPItONE . - .. ; ' ..... ' -.- Mr. BenJamlh L. Kneedlor will i)re~e.nt a series ot organ recltals each Sunday morning from 10:46 Christian , CHURCH SERVICES ! . School MoreSweeb ':45 A. !rI.-First Day Mrs. Percy Gilbert is the cap",: 9 :015 A. !.I.-Adult Forum. The second of the series on "The tain of the cookle~Bakers this First Three Gospels." Dora "Villson ot the fac- week. Those who are o.ssisUng in ulty ot Pendle HUl. turning out the Bweets for the 11:00 A. K.-U::~~ ~~ W!r:~~tetD saUors are: I ,the MeeUng House. WEDNESDAY Mrs. Ambrose Van Alen, Mrs. A. 1(. to 1 ;10 P. M.-8ewinl Charles Black, Hrs. H. E. wen .. and quUun. In Whittier Howse. Bos luricll.~ia. ':All -:Mrs. David Mc.Cann. Mrs. WlI~am _ . are cordlally Invited. Hobbs, Mrs. Alban Rogers, and lI'IttsT CHURCH OF CHRIST. Mrs. W. B. Burlingame. SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE Park Annae Balow Harvard RepubJiCllil Tea iltiNbAY Mrs. Alexander Ewif:1g ot Dartn;oo A. M.-Sunday lJehooL mouth avenue entertained mem.01 A. K.-8and8.7 Lesson-Sermon. bers of tbe Repubttca.n Party of ...!ted-iT oveal!lc _UI' 'oac\I ~t • jI. i!>. _lUI' 1'OOID _ dailJ' the Eastern Precinct and 'a. fr!W '-II>. IUI4 bolk\a71l 1J to , friends 'at & tea Thunoda.y. Among Cb.... nom. , .01 p.m. the guests were Senator Weldon B. BeyDurn and lira. Heyburn. """:...:::..cor4IaIly Invlte4 to .._ ,,,t 1here are hundreds of Ihousands of Long Distance calls every clay. Some- i>resbyterian Church Notes to 1-1 o'clock on the William Plumer Pottet.' Memorial Organ. The recital will be t\ prelude to the morning worship. You are invited to share thla new prog~m in our ministry at music each Sunday. p.m. eholr • School will' hold services The sermon this Sunday mornon ~onday and -Wednesday at 4:30 ing at the 11 o'clock service will P~ JJ4. and again on Thursda.y at be "God and This War." .. 7;3'0 P. H. All departments _of •the Church A \Unn.r Will . be held In the School and the Women's Bible PatJ.8b House on Monday night at Claas meet each Sunday morning 6:16 for those ot the Evermember at 9:45 o'<:lock. ~ Vlsltatlon·epniDllttee. . The Churc.h Hour Nursery f01' The 'Vestry' will me!tt On Tues~ chlldren ages 1-1 meets each Sunday night at eight o'clock In the da.y morning tram 11 to 12 o·clock. PaHah House. :bls Sunday morning the group On Thursday. the second meet- will be in charge ot RosaUn BromIng 01 ~e Parish .counell wlll be ley, bela at 8:30 p.m. T"hls Sunday morning the fOI..' lowing persons will assist the minScieDce Notes ister in extending greetings of the '~Mort8lB and Ihlmortals" Is the chu-reh and the pastor to the COD'sutiject - at the Lesson-Sermon in gregation: center front door, Dr. all -Churches of Christ, Sclent:1st. an'd Mrs. Glen R. Morrow; driveon Sunday. November 12. The way-transept door, Mr. and :Mrs. Gol'den TeXt 1s: "As_ ifl the earthYI CQrl P. Vogt. such ~e t):tey also that are earthy: The High School Fellowship will nnd as -is the' heavenly, Buch are meet Sunday evening tram 6 to they also that are heavenly" (I 7:30 o'clock In the Parish House. Corinthians 16; 48). The Board of Trustees will meet Tuesday evening, November 14. at Methocliat Church Notes 6:30 o'clock at th~ Manse. The Church School ViOl meet The chUdren's choir rehearses on SUnday morning at 9:4:6. Classes each Saturday at 2 o'clock In the tor child,ren of all ages and tor Parish 'Ho'uSe. 'Th'e High ' Scbool adulte. ChoLf reh~anies Sun. afternoon, The morning worship service ~1I1 boys at 4 o·clock. boys and girls at be at 11 o'clock, at wbich time the 4:30 o·clock. The Chapel Choir r-e~ minister wiil· preach. The small chlldren may be placed hearses Friday evenings at 7 :30 in the -hursery during the worship o'olock (.not tonight). Anyone Intereste.,d In sln'glng- with any of hour. The youth Fellawshlp wUl meet these choirs please see Henry In the evenIng 8.t '1 in the chap'el. Faust betord or after rehearsals or The annual Turkey Dinner and o.Cter U1e church service on Sun~ Ba>.aar will be held In the Social day morning. Hall on 'Thuts(tay under the auCircle 1, Mrs. c. MacDonald spices of ~the Woman's Society of Swan, chairman. will meet at the Chrlstian'S6t'vlce. home of the chairman, 910 Mt. The' ·COmmunlty Thanksgiving Holyoke Place on Wednesday, NoService 'w11l- be held in this church vember 16, at 1:30 o'clock tor on Thll\\ks'glVlng'Day at 9;30 A.M. de$ert followed by the meeting. This "~rVlde -Ie ·liponsored by the Circle 4, MI'8. Earle P. Yer,kes, chu'J'Ch-.s . ot th'e :b'orough. \~halrma.n, wlll meet on We_dnesday, November 15, at 10:30 o'clock at l. ~,'a to Me6t The J:.T:S'fuet October 28 at, the tho home of Mrs. .J. R. Hoover, home at Carolyn Morse on Parrish Brookhaven rond and Rabbit Run road. Their next meeting villi 'be road, Wal11ngford. The bus leaves held November 11. at 8 o'clock, at at 10:25 o'clock from the corner the home of Joan Faulkner of of Yale and ,Cheater roads. Mrs. J. Maxwell Adams will start the re~ Dickinson avenue. vie\v of "Speaking of Indians" at this meeting. Please bring sand~ BWARTHMORE. PRESBYTERIAN wlches. . CHURCH . Thursday evening, Noveniber 16, Rev. DaVid Braun, Minister at '1: 30 o'clock the Philadelphia. SUNDAY Be' I Presbytery "Christian 'World Or9 :45 A. M:..:..Church SChool 11 :00 A.. M;"':"Mor'ritrig Worship. a:ci der Con terence" wIll be he}(J in the trion Topic: "God Academy of Mut31c in Philadelphia. This War." Tlc.kets of admission may be ob~ METHQDlST Cm;IRCH taihed without cost -by ca\Ung the ltoy N. KelIte!:'i 'D.O•• 'Minister. SU",DAY church omce. The Reverend John »:f6 A. M.~hurch J;chooL Sutherland Donnell, D.D. of New 11 :00 A. M.-Mornlng WOr$lp Service. York City and Elder Wilbur La TrumTY'CHti'ltCB Roe of WWlhlngton, D. C., will be Rev. Geo. ChtlsJIan Anderson Rector the speakers. Dr. 'J. F. wnUamSUNDA~, 'f(O'VE~'-12 ~ :00 A. :M.-Holy· Communion. son of the Westminlster Choir ,,:45 A. ·M.-Church School School will lead Do massed choir ot 11:00 A.. Y.-Mornlng Pra.y~r and Sermon Topic: '"Toho Value three hundred voices. Members of ot Rttual1sm." the clergy will partiCipate In the 6:00: P. :rd.-Evening ~er. robed procession. TH\!I RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF Wlf~~ , Laraine D*,Y "JANIE" The story in last week'. Swarthmorean regarding the recent Hallowe'en destructlon "did not surprise me sa our nelghborhoo.d was : : . a 'victim at the seasonal .van- i!!!!ii!!!!ii!!!!ii2!!!i!i!!E5i~a~ii!iiiii_ ~ ' '''boot tralnlng....t Parrla IIila.nd, B. eastern Pennaylvaui&. Lt. Reed Whitney, U.S.N.R. and C. bis wife' recen~ly made an unexpectPvt. John Horsey of tbe ArmY ed visit to Lt. Whitney. father. Medical 'Department, lB 8pendlng Philp R. Whitney of the Swarth· RUSSE" SERVICE leave with bIB parents, Mr. and _ _ Year c- Laol _ Jh_I\oI.. more apartments. Lt. Whitney will :Mrs. Roy K. Horsey ot Thayer road be remembered by many friends . . . . - 8inJeo 1'1''' De ... and wlll return to Fort LeWis, here, ha.ving graduated t rom ,waa)rtngton for further-assignment. Swarthmore High School In lQ24. Pfc. Howard Pennell, a graduate Lt. Whitney entered the U. S. N ..vY of' Swarthmore High School cl&.S8 oct 3. 194%. served as CommuniRUMMAGE SAl E ot '4:. 18 noW a paratrooper wltb cation Officer on the Flagabtp of Karen'8 closest friends were guesta.. ANNUAL DESSERT given 1m! tile the 504:th Parachute Infantry in the SleUlan invasion and since his BRIDGE Swarthmore Braach, England. NOVEMBER BRIDE return to thta country has been U_ of _ t i l , Wel· . NaV'Y Service Robert Hugh Raymond, son ot stationed ..t the S.C.T.C. In Hlaml. rare _ Edu...Uon Se<:IiOD8 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Raymond Florida.. For siX months he served to be - . J ID. The marriage ot Ensign Karen TrinIty Oburda Be ,,_t of' Walnut lane, recenUy graduated as Commander on a P .C. and l8 Edith KnIskern, U.s.C.O.R. (w) WOMAN'S CLUB from the Aviation Radio school, DO'W Executive Officer on e. D.E.. Wednesday, Nov, 1&, lit 1 P.H. daughter of Hr. and ·lIrs. Philip Novem_ 28, 1:00 P. lIL and . Jacksonville, Florida. Entering the Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Brauns of Wheeler Kniskern ot RivervlCW '.lbure4a),. Nov. 18, , A. lIL . Navy April 1, 1944, he received bis Vassar avenue entertained Lt. Col. ro ..d to Lt. (jg) Robert Elder (AJI ..... _ ) to 4 P.M. '" recruit training at Bainbridge, Md., A. N. Bowes and Mrs; Bowes of White, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. betore being transtered to Jack- Radburn, N.J., as their week-end Robert Elder WhIte ot Honolulu, BonvIlle. Raymond Is now a quail .. Ha.wail, will take place tomorrow MARY DUNHILL • PRINCE MATCHIABELLI •. CHANEL gueats. fied Avlatlon RadioI;Jlan and Is Mr. and Mrs. steven SpenceI' of afternoon at 4.30 o'clock in the scheduled tor Operational ,Training. Rutt'ers avenue will entertain Mrs. swarthmore Presbyterian Church. Z Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. McCorkle Robert Bruskin and her chlldren The Rev. David Braun will oltlclate of Swarthmore entertained Miss Tanga and,Spences of Falls:Church, at the ceremony. rJ4ary Dickerman of Stone Ridge, The·be will be .. ttended Va. &8 their week-end guests. and :Miss Mary Dorothy Dickerman Mrs. Fra.nk H, McCowan of Vas- bY III... El\ln White of HonolulU, BEAUTY SALON _ot Thembcrvllle. sar avenue returned to ber home sister of the bridegroom' as maid 6f U) Ph. M. 3/c G. Wl\lIa.m Sickel haa Friday trom the Chester Hospital, honor, and the brldesmaids will be • tlnished bls course at the Phila- where she had been 'confined for Miss Mary B"fle Lee of Quantico, _ Beauty voles for her man delphia. Naval Hospital and is noW two weeks following ma.jor oper- Va., and Miss Anne Woods _or :J a LaboratorY Medical Technlcla.n. Bromtv\lle, N. Y. 0 He spent last week-end with his a.tion. 13 South Chealel' Road Frank H. Mccowan, Jr., returnparents, Dr. and Mrs. George B. ed Thursday to the Naval Air Call Swarthmore 0478 Sickel of Strath Haven avenue. Statlon at Ottumwa, Iowa. follow- will serve as best man. The ushers WIlII..m C. Abbe, A.M.M. 2/c who ing a. leave which he spent at his w\ll Include Philip KnIskern, A/T, CHARBERT • SKYLARK. LUCIEN I.E LONG • CHBNYU haa been stationed In tb.e Soutb U. S. Army Air Corps. brother or borne on Vassar avenue. Pacific for 18 months has reached Mrs. George C. Corse ot Yale tb,e bride, Pfc. Robert P. Masland, San F1'1l.ocisco, Callf., and will ar.. avenue entertained liThe Elght- U.S. Army Medlca.l Corps. pre. rIve in swartbmore Sunday. He and some" at a luncheon and bridge at Laird Hyers. U.B. Army· Medical Mrs. Abbe, 'Who has been residing Corps, bOth students at Columbia with her pa.rents Mr. and Mrs. Allen her home Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Bassett University. and Mr. Alexa.I\der EwYoung at Goshenv111e. Cheater ing ot columbia. avenue. , ' County. will vlBlt the f'ormerts par- ot North Chester road are enterents Mr. and Mrs. George C. Abbe taining D. Bassett's mother Mrs. TO WED TOMORROW Frank L. Bassett. of Ventnor. N.J., ot Dickinson avenue. The marriage ot ldlse Marcia. lAwho arrived Wednesda.y .for 8. PrIvates George F. Corse anc} fean, daughter of Mrs. Wilbur LeJa.m~ G. DDngherty- who have week's vlslt. Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told en- roy Lafean ot BrY,D Ma.wr and Lt. completed their training as prostertained at an election dinner (jg) Willard Bchenck DUrha.m, U. pective' officer candidates In the Protecting YOIII' flowers By-WueOrder S.N.R .• Bon of Mr. and Mr•. Willard Navy V-12 unit at Muhlenburg Col- party on Tuesday evening a.t their Conklin Durham ot Wlncbester. ........Our membership In tJw FIJORISTS' TELEGILtU'R DEIilV· lege been assigned to the "'Mar- home on Park avenue. Mrs. A.. Ludlow Clayden ot River- Mass., will take place Sat. aftERY AIlS'N•• ooabl... us to ~ FR.E8H fiowers by wire 10 ine base at Parris !sle.nd. S. C. Both ....T part 01 the U, S. aid na_dB and man,. tordgn COUIltries. ernoon, Novem'oer 11, at 3 o'clock view road returned to her home on , boys were graduated trom SwarthWe are asflOClated with 8500 fioriste _ are BONDED mem· bers with a total 01' over $S4O,OOO on DEPOSIT In Detroit our F. more High School in 194:3 and '"\vere Tuesday of last week atter So 10- in the Church at The Redeemer, Bryn Mawr. 'Canon Ernest Part, T. D. Headquarters. - I <:alled to active duty In the Marine day visit with relatives in Evanston, This melnbersbip :represents the Top-Illgbt florlsts 01' the rector at the churCh, will officlate. COrps on July 1. lV4S. PVt. Corse Dl. CotUltry, bandUng over 70 per cent 01' the annual ftltail 'VOlume or The bride who will be given in Joan Thatcher ot College avenue, is the son qt Mr. and Mrs. George nowe. ""I. ., vtrtual17 our brand> sbops ready to serve TOO taith· marriage by her brotber, Major Corse of :Yale avenue. and ;pvt. a senior at Dickinson College, was tully. . Wllbur LeroY Lafean ot Ha.verford. Dougherty is the son of Mr. and home Tuesday to east her vote. Barbara Thatcher and. Connie will wear a wedding gown of 'White Mrs. J. p, Dougherty ot Dickinson Sptller, Swarthmore Hlgh School satin wIth a yoke ot Illusion. Her avenue. ·nuane F. Taylor, son of Dr. and seniors who played hockey a.t veil will be held in place by orange Mrs. Norris Taylor of Vassar ave.. George School on Saturday, spent blossoms. She will carry a prayer nue has just completed three sem- the week~end at the guests of Gerry book covered with gardenias from esters at the college, and bas been Dana, a senior at·George School. 'Phone Bal't, Pk transferred to Naval Air Station, , 'Mr. and Mrs. Horace H. Hopkins: Swarthmore 04-50 Springfield, P.. Patuent River Branch. WashlnK'- of' Crest lane entertained Mr. and FOR Mrs. Atwood B. oatman of New ton, D.C., tor tarmac duty. AlS David Weiland and AlB Ken· York City ~or a few days ot this neth De Gasper, students of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Brad- CaD V-12 program s.t Villanova College, spent the week-end with David's shaw of "Stone House", swarth- Mn.. Uoyd E. parents, Dr. and Mrs. HenrY J. more, and Mr. and Mrs. Palmer L. SwmtIuaore 2080 Skoglund of' Swarthmore place reWeiland of Rutges avenue. Mrs. A.. B. Reavis ot University turned Sunday trom a. 10-day visit Xme.s Gift Rates on place returned Monday trom Wash .. a.t- Split 'Rock Lodge in the Poconos. Mrs. Hugh Wagnon and her Bons !I tor $5,00. ington, D.C., where she spent 10 II .. 8.00 Jobn and Drew of Rutgers avenue days with her sister Miss Genevieve 1I .. '.25 Thomas 'who waS aerlousl:"r Injured returned Saturday from a visit of II .. 5.00 when struck by an automobile. MI'. six weeks with Mrs. Wagnon's pat'- Coronet 1I .. :a.1I0 American HoOle Reavis and their da.ughter Ensign ents in Kansas City, Mo. :a .. 4.00 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Starr of I Genevieve Rea.vis. statloned at In4.110 Dartmouth avenue bad as J&ck &: In 1I .. Popular HecbanlCS dian Head, Md .• joined the tam-tty theIr house guests, Mrs. Starr's party over the week-end. • Lt. WUUam D. Gorman and Mrs. Gorman lett Thursday ot last week for the JacksonVille Base ~or Operationel Training' in Jacksonvlllet Fla., atter visiting relatives in 'fHEAoTRE Swarthmore. Lt. Gorman was re.. cently transferred from PensacoIat Lt. COlOr. K. E. Read of park rr BE SEASONAL? Dear Editor: MUST FA.. :'1f,,'\t" IUI4 _ tho _ ' U I ' - ' The Central Delaware County 'Wellesley Ciub will hOld a meeUne at ttie home of :Mrs. Earle p~ Yer.. kes of 11 Princeton avenue on MOD~ay a~ernoon, November II, at 2 o'clock. At the buBlness sesBion, slides of Wellesley College will be shown, and. curreDt Dews of the college will be dlaoussed. IIrs. "elen Hall of Park avenue w~lI be the speaker for the afternoon, and her talk will be on Chinese pbilosophy. Tea will be served. The activities on Saturday night preceding Hallowe'en became so ~~lng that when Mond'ay nl&'ht arrived one of our neighbors patrolled the block to try to prevent turther destrucUon, he hS:ving-' COble Saturday night to ftnd the garbage can gone and garba.scattere.d over his lawn and drl;:~ MtSa Lenore Perkins ot Cedar way. Also on thls night another lane vlslted her aunt Mrs. R. K. one or our neighbors WQ8 In can. Levering at New Ca.atle, Del., over ........ .... • • GIIIIiI foIIII •• Qufdr s.,,1IlI eM.tit""t LoCa"'" 'f - f l l .'.·Il•• III"IJ~ .11111141 car. ..." Cod,,,,, lo .... g' '-IINI....... filii lie Coc.t.d' Hour, 3 to 6 '.M, " P. R, •• STATION B~t tear tbat the battering on a ;tJhl·er·~wieieiki·~einid~·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~:;:::::::;·;:::=~ large and expensive storm door would bring it down In pieces. On Monday night a large can ot red paint was dumped In the middle of Chester road at Strath Haven ave~ nue and more was poured on the sidewalk at the bUB stoP. Had some one stepPed into this when getting oft t~e bus, he could cully !3poUed a. pair ot shoes or could have carried the paint into his bouse and' ruined hie floors andrugs. The seriouaneSB of ·thl.a year's Hallowe'en pranks Ues not only 1"n the violation ot the rights ot the property owners. but In the wastefulness ot It all. During these war times we are all obllge'd to take goo,d oare of everything we own, because 80 many things 'nre not replacable. In addition, it is almost impossible to get any repair work done. 80 that unnecessary dainage to property shOUld not oc~ cur. There Is, as all adults know a point when fWl ot thlB sort ce~es to be fun. Our community is not equipped to han-dIe such a sltu~ o.Uon by policing, and ! tim. we that no taxpayer would enjoy payIng increased taxes tor an augmented ,police force. Perhaps the cure Is not In policing. but in some more constructive solution. If Borough Councll, the police department, the school authorlUes and some of the town parents would get together discU89 the matter, I beHeve that Borne plan could be worked out to prevent a. relJeUUOn ot: th& 1944 Hallowe'en . Very truly yours. HELEN E. HAYDAY. PROVIDI,-..G PROIECrlON Make provision In advance of adual ~eed for your funeral. Our Advisory Oepartm.,t Is always ready 10 help ycu with the preenrangemerits. Why not com. In and discuss this vital problem with us-there Is no obligation. OLIVER H. lAIR CO~ DiliCTOti O ........ ALI 1820 CHESTNUT STRI.T am-a........ M.A."," ltd ,. IMPORTANT INFORMATION and FOR • WAR STAMP:HOLllERS What Price Hallowe'en. Dear Editor: The writer wonders If the recent exhibition ot boodlumlsm attending the celebration ot Hallowe'en night be due to the 'theOry often expounded that chlldren should be allowed to express themselves as they desIre without being curbed by their ehlers. If thIs be the case it looks as if this thcol'Y is due for an overha<>J.ling before our properties are entirely I·ulned. S~ould the authors : oC this theory like to see it carried to its logical conclusion, why not • devote a full week to vandalism Instead of four nigbts as is now the p.ra<:Uce? It could be made official by proclamation. and might be called "Deface our honles -week." If this be done It could be further proclaimed that no citizen be allowed In any way to come to Ole defense of his property. Very truly yours, J. :T. GOULD. I .. _ - - - - PAPER SHORTAGE Novmber 3. 1944 Deat' Editor: It is too bad my Republican friends thought -they had to pay you for the ad in today's paper entitled "So Help Me God." I be~ Ueve every registered voter got one or more In the mall from New York. In two days we got over 15 at this house mailed In New York Grand Central Station all 3c postage. This when we are short ot paper. As this halls trom Texas on center It smells a llttle oUy Uke- our town .meeting. When tblB ,,'as published In tbe Inquirer it was rightly and ably crltlclzed in that vaper "Letters to the Eilltor." It got by aod was publlsbed. It's a new low In polltlcs. To use a. famlly's grief tor pollUca1 PUrposes Beems loathsome to me. Very tru_1f, J. V. S.BUlHOP. P. s.~The copies .received bere were anonymous. : .' - *'WIlea :rou huy me-Wliethor I'm. 111; W.. Sa.;_ SWap, worth 25¢. SOf. $1. or 01' ·0.... ,5--7"U do • palrioll,,·"""· ICe. A'ad "your lION ... work'lor' Uocle Sam imJII4dl. moll..,. --T. "BUT....:, ;""'" Poe ,.... -T _llrIM'- Oa your money undI ~ eonfiUI 11M . . . . . F.,. -., _ RIle pice to ,""", (or Uncla StuD SWARTHMORE STUDEBAKER SALES &: SERVICES Get,. ""d yow.--lJo,"- eOer:r IS ~eenl for jOg ' p i l l ' _ 'SS'" mere-Me OD jour .... .._ _ .m-·the Bond mao -. The ..,_, _ _ fa .". ",.;,u1 "Do It by ~ .P7"ar W .. Stomp Boob quitild,.-nd . - .....-..·~lnIo !J>. '--1iA1InII 'War Itdadat'" 'ilia .dllerd Is. il lll:ol.................A. .p, SIIALLEY 1DiIr m' .." ..... II TlIE BOUQUET -; Eo L. NOYES PETER Eo TOLD 1. BUCBNEIl'S B. J. BOY 5 AND MAIUE DONNELLY TIlE INGLENEUK DEW DaOPJNlII a'usSEU.'S swAirlmlORB lfA110NAL IW'Q AND mUST COIIPANY OO-BD BtitlTY SALON -ALICE BARBm, GO IS .{I"- ftEIN S'l'RATBI'uVktfitWt sWAitlidim·to.c)p .1IANPft.III a'"A1TE SBa\'la HAR'i'BL ··altos. B. B. . 4 THE SWARTHMOREAN· FRlDAY.I!fOVEItmER 10.19+1 ~----------~------------~~~~~~=-~~~----------~~~------~-Elm avenue are entertaining their TUesday: w,hen the high achool BtU'" two ~ame8 It played. one on Thurs- Party" at their home Tueeda.y eve- daughter-In Mrs. New J I n SCHOOL NEWS I VIV'l'ORY OVER YEADON Swarthmore Hlgb came. up with the old "Ralph Henry Barbor" ftght last Friday when after being held seorele88 by a stubborn Yeadon High team, they came In the second halt to score neat 20.0 victory. Coach Bill ZlegenfuB gave the Garnet a real fine and brimstone pep talk between ha1\'es and they really must have taken it to heart. In the third period they Iuunched a. 70 ..yard drive that finally culminated Ln a fifteen-yar.d run around left end by Jim Price for the second score. The Garnet sUIl had plenty of scoring punch left. In tbe fourth period after Swarthmore had driven to th.e Yeadon 23 by virtue of a. 29-yard pass to end Dick Helmuth. Junle Cham~ bera took the 0011 on a later!,!.l ~rom Jaclt. Harant, and hot footed 1t around his own rip-ht end to score standing up. Jim Taylor \Vh.ose previous try for extra point had been blocked, booted the ball perfectly between the uprights to make the score 13-0. The Garnet ,vas still not t\nI8b~ ed and in the closin·g minutes. of the fourth period. Quarterback Vince Gallagher, starting tn tlrst game. heaved a 10-yard aerial to Ken Houtz· who with .the aid of several beautiful blocks thrown downfteld negoUated the .remaining 15 yards the goal Une. Jbn praylor also ,kicked the extra point. Toda.j the plays Its last game of the year when it meets Ridley Township High School's un~ defeated ball club on the Rutgers Avenue field. DEWEY WI.NSI An unusual example of practicIng democracy was .demonstl'ated a. to I STEAKS - CHOPS SEAFOOD Our Specialty Completel,. Air·eoaditioned Jewelry Corner 5 South Cheater Rei. WATCHES and JEWELRY Repaired Engraving FOR SALE UNINSPECTED JWJ'F FOR DOGS 2Sc per lb. No ration points One Delivery a week in Swarthmore 15 S. Olive St., Media Telephone MedIa 1478 KIrkman Octal!on Products Rmnfonl's Biek1ng Powder Borden'. Evaporated Milk Gold Medal. PIlIBbury. and Swan's Down Flour Asoo (Jorr"", 1IIlIk and Rice Oleomargarine ProdOctB PleaBe send coupons of the above to Mrs. Herbert T. Bassett 500 North Chester Rood Dr. J. YARNELL Scaa-n OUropodist Foot Specialist _Plke_ Room 201 Ieppdowne venter BuIlding 'fU'IdowDb A..-enue ~Pa. ......... by~ Mem.... 1181 Their Mrs. E. O. Lange of Baltimore pike has returned from a visit with relatives and friends in Wisconsin. Mrs. W. H. Nason ot Cornell aveR nue has recently returned from a visit with friends tn Titusville, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Sauter of Park avenue have been visttlng Mrs. Sauter's parents. Mr. and M~s. R. F. Klntzer. of Wyomissing, Pa. Bonnie DOnnelly. daughter of Mrs. Marie Donnelly of Yale avenue, 'Was home over the past weekend from Centennary COllege, Hacketstown. N. J., where she Is a QUIET. SENIORS AT WORKl As the .deadline for the tities of freshman. Mrs.. Lydia Gl'cen Mitchell at the Senim' themos approached. North Chester road left Wedne4ay many n. frantic twelfth grader for an extended visit with her soncould be found hurriedly searching In-law and daughter Mr~ and Mrs. the pages or the Readers' Guide C. Leslie Moor, 3rd. and ·G. Justice tor ideas. The'time honored rule Moor of Salem, Mass. that each of the nlnety-nLne senlO-,,8 Mr. and Mrs. George Schobinger must write on a separate topic ot SWarthmore avenue are enteroo.used Ute list of titles to run the talnlp.g Mrs. Schobinger's mother gamut fl'om Modern Al't to the Mrs. E. D. Johnson of Chicago, Ill., Kinetic ,.. Molecule Theory. The who arrived Tuesday to spend the seniors. off to an early start this winter months in SWnrtbmore. year, completed the first step toDonald T. Ogram, Bon .of Mr. and ward their themes last week. when Mrs. Harold Ogram of RiverVieW: the titles and bibliography were road celebrated his tenth birthda,y due. on Saturday last.· He was host to According to the learned predic- 12 ot his young friends at luncheon. tions of Hanna Kirk, English in.. followed by movias and a football structor. the seniors haven't seen game at his home. anything yet. "Just wait until you Gertrude Schoblnger of start taking notes." chuckled Miss Swarthmore avenue left for Obarlln Kirk. "T.hat's when the headaches College where she will teach In the begin:' The notes, which average .Art Department of tbe coll~ge.· a.bout sixty to a ·senlor, are kept Doris Lackey has returned to the on small filing cards. to. be tab~- New Jersey College for Women aflated and written up when the ter spending a few days at her theme becomes due around Chrlst- home on Ogden avenue and casting her vote on Tuesday. mM time. . Mr. and Mra. William E. Hetzel. ONE OF EAOH The blgh echool hockey team Jr.• ot Thayer road entertained a both WOn and lost this week In the group ot trtenda at an "Election the United States Naval Reserve to be stationed In the U. S. (that Is. moriths away from· Swarthmore makes ~me of my afllllatlons be .. reInote. Your gUt to me ot The SW8l1thmorean haa meant closing the gap between tlle Swarthmore community and IDl"self. In my travels, I have met people who either lived In Swarthmore or who have lived in nearby boroughs to Swarthmore. ] find that they are just· as lnterested in the newa and comments ot The Swart.hlllorea.n, and therefore,' we vave aomethlng in common to taUr e.bout. .1 have taken the llbertY of pas&lng. The .S·warthmoreao along to other people who have not the right to rc;ceive It directly from yon. . Be Prepared and bookkeeper. be dependable. of. oftloo work.. ApHealth Soc1~ty of .County. 'Borough Have Your Car Checked NOW for Winter Driving. . Raator and Heater HOM Cheek Cooliq System foIo I e.k • I. Your Battery in good shape? New Batteriea will be limited Stock of Grade I Monday . WOO~;'l~~ai:"Ph"" IlHEJlIIT'S OJl'P'lCII Btewart . Wood Linn and WIlliam B. LInn. COURT HOUSE, IIIiIDJA. PlilNNA. _~ of T. Stew."t Wood,. O{.... #. Frlt'-y. December 1.~ 11" ,_. . YACZTSYHYN--Oct. 11. Cheater-Cam· ':10 A.H. War 'l'Imo brldp BanJc. a: Truat CO.. Guard1&D CondlUona: ,150.00 cub or cerW1e4 of Sallie Yacsyeyhyo,·l&t.e .. · minor. ;~ cheek at time of ....e (un1ua otherARTHUR P. BRETHERICK. wl8e -ate4 I .. a4vertl.llement) be"nc:e Hepler of WlIle and in ten day.. Other eondiUOba iKl d..,::-_-::::-::::,-~Cl.::e::r.::k:..o::f:....:O.::rp::.h:.:n:rt':...:Co=U:rt.~ o f_ . IN THill COURT OF CO_ON . Levari Faclae No. "1 PLEAS _m O:E::s'Yt;~EA COUNTY. No. 112. SePtember Term, It'S IN . RE: ESTATE OF EKILY H. PRlCl!J. a person of Incompetent mind. THIRD TRIENNIAL ACCOUNT OF" BWAR'l'HMORE N·· I N .ro.T 0 AL BANK AND'TRUST COMPANY. "the abovo account haa GUARDIAN" been Died In the Oftlce. at. the Prothonotary and· will be conflrmed. by said Court on December lat ;-18tf, unlees. exceptioJUI are m~ th to. ERNST-oct. 26, Leighton P. Stradley. . OBERT ;r ~ Trustee of Charles A. Ernst. deceal-· 3t-h..tO' , 'P;;~:!!?~: i E~ANS-O -J 01 All tha.t certain lot or piece sround with the bulldlnp and improvements thereon erected. altuate III the Borough ot Cotlln~a1e•.County of Delaware and State cf Pennaylvanla, bounded and described a.coordinc to a surveyor plan thereot. dated October 2nd, 19.24. tnade by Alonzo II. Yocum. Borough EnClneer, aa follows: Beslnnlnc at point on the Jlortll· & =~Si:; ::.3~1~!:r ~:itn~ea~:::..: :::~atrlx ,0 .. m~~o~r6~Oi16~8~'~0~~~~~~~~~~'1 ~~ons;·· ~o , • Drew a. s*' Jewel. a. • ___ B:. .... C!!!.-:..» _r...-- 1 1S4 We!~ut:!lmS ";U. ,I to. doesn't stop adding weiqht to else starts using a heavier cable. , -.-- • .osoria_ . i supervision while learning. . f CHANCE TO Gn AHEAD in and talk it over with one of our friendly interviewers. VISit any of the three Bell Telephone Employment Oftic:ee: t.~~ Roolft 315, McClatchy aulldlns ~ Da..,. .7••8 E. Pa_ St., Nomsto_ takes the right kind of wiring .•. modem wiring ... to bring you the comforts of elec. •• '. especially the kin4 you'll wc:int the' Pian NOW to bring your'home wiring up to d(lte THEN. , . .. . war. PATTERSON-' 1631 Arch S_t, Philadelphia act, or the same token, we shouldn't overload our home electrical. wiling systems, either. Play safe by having large enough wires coming into yo:ur· . home, plus plenty of circuits to take care of lights and appli· ances. And by all means, have lots of con· venience outlets so you won't have un· sightly extension cords and wires running all over your hOUse. . I HARRY W. LANG I Carpetil and Rugs Conaiderate, helpful' Upper YES, Sam is headed for ci fall if he BraDChe. ings • Good wages with regular "ea· Oppo~ tunity for advancement • Congenial Chi.f Operator, or come ,pAINTING , Steady wode • Clean, safe work • Ideal surro1lllll- ~ ~. .. THE IELl TELEPHONE (OMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA ".4 Friendl., Place a I .sune Term, 194' 19U'I'r====~==========1:1/:2:3====R: Swarthmore 1250 GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN , .1 t!J.:'. CheSter Rd and Yale Ave. 69th .. Martcet Sb., . • COX-oet. If. ·E4lth D. C~ Admlnlatratrlx of Robert Kiner ~. late of the Towl1lhip ot .Rldley, deo'l'ed. DANOWSKl-OcL .21. Del..rire ,CQuntv· NaUon&l Bank. AdminIStrator of Helen DanoWlllkl. late of the Clty of Cheater. deceaaed. DAVI8-Oct. 10. Herbert H. Orlmth,' Admlnlatrator of Earl C.· Davia, deD~ND--OCL 27. Ruth V. Dlamond RoblllIIOn. Adtnlniatratrlx: of Herbert V. Diamond. dec~ DOUGLA8-0cL 11. George J. Dou.claa and .lames S. DouglB.II, Executors of Margaret Douglas, late of the Township of Upper Darby, deceaaecL DREER-ocL 30. Florence "Bry D-r .IlL • ....,;, Henenbruch, William Chu~h Long.... .treth aad Frederick 1L S. :Morrl60n, ~-:s of Anna Wlilla.mtl Dreer, .. HannU1n & Waite No experience necessary JmoJW.. .. Alu Col. town of r_ OIl der Coll..,.. aIIIo Ilna. dece.=ed. ct. 27. Loulse Jardine. Ad- IN THE COURT OF COMMON corner of CUlton Avenue and Bartram of John S. EV&Il8. de- PLEAS OF DELAW,ARE COUNTY. Avenuej thence extendln. Nortb 62 deF PENNSYLVANIA crees. 27 minutes Eaat 1·U.2() feet to AULtK-Oct. 26-Kenneth Snyder, Ex- . In Re: ESTATE OF EDITH L. a point; thence extonding .South 30 de3<98. . ecutor of .Jean S. Faulk, decea.sedoo) DIENER, a. weak·mlnded penon. grees 69 minutes East, G,".91 feet to the FRANK-Oct. 27. Laurette E. Frank. No. 128, December Term. 1'13. northweet aide of· a Dtt.ten feet wide Executrb. of Clarence Paul Frank, FIRST AND FINAL ACCOUNT OF alley extending lSOuthweatwardly Into also known as Clarence P. Frank. MARGARET H. MacGARRIGLE Cllfton Avenue; thence· ~ utendlng deceased. GUARDIAN· ... ,'along the northwest 81de of aald 16 FUSSELL-Ocl. 31. First NaUonal The above account haa been flied In teet wide alle'y South 'OS .degrees, 68 Bank of Medla. Executor of Robert the office of the Prothonotary and wtn minutes Weat f4.26 feet to a point. nlngs a Fussell. deceased. be connrmed by said Court on No- thGnce extending North 30 d.e1(fee8; 69 l1S~ .. GILLEN-Oct. 27. The Wayne TiUe &; vernber: 17th 19«, unless excepUons tninutes West aOo.1S ft. to a point; Trust Compa.ny. Administrator C. T. are tiled. thereto. thence extending along a course South WAN'rED-Warm housekeeping apartA. of Joseph Gillen,· deceased.. 62 d egreea, 21 mlnutea· West a.nd·Pa-ment, ~ond' floor. centrally loca.ted HANBY-Oct. 80, Iva. M.... lJlalr, AdS.10.21 ROBERT J. Ma.cBRIDE. for womd,n· by .. about December 26: mlnlslratrlx. of Franc.. Hanby. d..... vProihonotary. Ing through the cente'r of a party ·wall ceased...... between .the premlses ,hereby conveyed Telelthone Swarthmore 04.9L . Again,· I want to thank you for and the preml8C8 adjoining on the HARKN WA~'l·ED-l.leaponslble pa.rty to drive ESS-Oct. SO, Mld-Clty Bank ESTA.TE NOTICE lIOutheut 100.18 ft. to the northeasterthis connection with the good old famtly to Ml8.lDi. Fla.. in exchange & Trust Co., Executor of John M. ESTATE OF A.JIEY TALBOT WIL· 1), side of said CUlton Ave.: thence exSwarthmore.' . for transportation.' TeL Swarthmore '.t. Harkness, deceased. LIA.JISt alsO DOWD as AllEY T.A.Lo t dl aI .. 81&8. S.lncerely youHOD~&-Oct. 11, Victor M. Hodge. BOT B1l0lf80N. ·01 8wartllm0 1'es en ng ong the eame ".. orth de• ..., Administrator of John Victor Hodge ]telaware Couat7. l"eD.D.t7h·aaJa., grees. 69 minutes West 2f leet to the WANTED-PracUcal nurse or house~ CHARLES R. GERNER, deceased. .. Letters Teetamentry on the above point and place of beginning.', keeper to care for two small chilE I UBNR HODGE-Oct. 11, Victor M. HocIge. Ad- Estate have been., granted to the lUITogether with the rlaht and .ubJect dren. Mother working. Live in. Ref~ ;". '. DB gn, ' . ministrator of Valette S. Hodge. de- deraigned, who ·requests all persona to a.. corresponding· rIght tn th& owners erences. Telephone Swa.l'lthmore 2981. ('C!ased.. '. having claims or demands a,gaInst the. or occupiers of the adjoining property IRVINE--Oet. 27, The Wayne Title & Estate of the decedent, to make known on the northwest of USing as ancl·for & PERSoNAL Trust Company. Admlnlstra.tor C.T.A. the same, and all persons havln.- paasageway and .drlveway forever, a GLAD FOR NEWS of James Irvine, deceased. claims or demanda against the EiJtate certain 7 feet drlvew&y laid out onePERSONAL-Young man,: 21, wishea JA~S-OcL 27-I~terboro Bl\nk &: of the decedent. to make known the hall on the property hereinabove deroom with musical family in SwarthTrust COmpany. Executor of Clar. aame. and all persol18 Indebted to the scribed and one-.halt on .the property more. Reply to Box D, .The .SW#Ll"·"- Dear. Editor: ence M. James, deceased. decedent to make payment without ·de- on the northwest for' the common use morean. . ~. . . . . . .. and benefit of. 'of the said propI am ·glad indeed to receive The JONES-Oct. 31. R. Lloyd Jones and lay to. Mildred J. Taylor, ExeCutors of AgKATHARINE TAINTOR BRONSON. ertlea. j S~arili.more~ ai~n~ ~ am· now in LOST nes M. Jones. la.te of the Borough of Ex ecu.u..'bl~h tr'Improvements cOnsist of two story . . Aid an, d ecease. d 78f .:Y.a1e . .Av~ue:, . r c'" ouse. porch front 16::r.40 leet; LOST-Coat, on Thursday, Dark !I&\Va1ia.n Islands. What beau.. KELLEY""';"OCt. 31, John Francis DuSwaitlmioi'e. Pa.. ooncrete block garage. 9x18 feet. Brown Timmie Tuft. with natural tliul .8cep.ery it. has. I only want . gall,. GU8.l'dlan of· ADene Glbbij Kel~ Or to her Attorneys. . Sold as the property of Andrew 3. wool ui.m. Please wI 0837. . ."W .. thank. ::the friends who hLve ley. formerly A1le!le Marie Gibbs. A. SIDNEY .JOHNSON, Jr•• Eaq.. Schroder and Mary lone Hannum, late a minor.' . . GREER & JOHNSON. real owners. . LOST-About 3 p.m. It ,poiJslble ':for me to receIve KLINE-OcL 31, Girard Trust COm11' So th A pany, Trustee uld of. Trust of Jennie Medla.u Pa. venue. et-1G-S GREER &. JOHNSON. Attorneys. ber 6 between Strath the pa.per all through. We P.R.R. atation. a brown the newS··ot the world but to get R. Kline, setUor, dater Jan. 20, Com~ =S:.:K=U:N:S:O:N=':S:h:er:IIf;' . 31, Girard. Trust ~!-~~orea~e~%~e. Return .a'. pape~,.t'rOm home, it ·JUst makes KLlNE-Oc.t. patty. Executor of Jennie R. Kline, \ a 'ion'esome soldJer feel swell. :My · deceased. LOST-A gold ·rlng, red; "White and .. LE:H-oct. 13. Anna F. Leh. Adminisblue stones.'. ·Sentlmental value. Re- j~b·., calla ·for." wo.rk being a. tratrix C.T.A. of John F. Lah, de-' ceft.8ed. . ward. Call Swarthmore 16f7. mechanic to an Amphibious Truck ouUlt··iLnd I don't mind· It at all. . LEWlS-C>et. 19, Joseph Harvey, Executor of C. Freemont LewIs, de.. FORRENT 1 ~o h op~ I can read of wliat my ceased. ' . 'FOR RENT--Cti.eerful second' door i LEWlS-Oct. 20, Charles R. Lewis, room and bath. Telephone Swarth- high ~ho~l is .dolng in the tall Guardian ot Ross C. Lewis. Jr., and Clare E. Lewis. minors. as 'stated by Lllllan C.. Lewis." Executrix of the -tellow&· and luck to all ,... thanks • •• c••.• Charles R. Lewis, decea.aed. MacINTYRE. Oct. 31. Mae H. MacYriilrs ~r~lY. Intyre executrix of WllUa.m M. MacHarrison Robinson. Intyre late ot the Clty of Cheater deFOR1:~~NT-Garage located.a.t.739 ~ , ceased. Yale'" Avenue.; QiJI. Swai:thmore· 2.J9.f. MARTIN-oct. 23, Ethel lrt. Steinmetz and Helen M. Scott,. ExecutrIces ot: Yeoman Recoven Robert T. Martin. deceased • Debo~ Drew. Yeoman·· Third MASON-Oct. 26. Fldelity-Phila. Trust A.J. QUINBY' SO Co., Trustee U/W of .Joseph Mason Class. who Is stationed .tn WashJr., deceased. A.. HBReBB QUINBY.' J"R. Ington, D.C. with Naval Comm.uDR lttASSEY-Oct. 31, James C. Baker, Executor of Mary L. Massey, late of FUNERAL DIRE.CTOR icaUons has returned to .her duties the City of Chester. deceased. after an· appendectomy In the MERCER-Oct. 27. Wllllam H. Mercer. 1101 & OraD.., 'PJaorDe ·Medl. '.&50. Executor ot :Mary E. Mercer. deBrooklyn Na.val Hospital, N. Y .• ceased. where she was a patient for three MESSICK-Oct. 24, Delaware County Trust Co.. Te~tamentary Guardian weeks. of Hannah Jane Messick. late a minor U/W of Jose~ MessiCk. de-Yeoman Drew W1l8 returning by EDWINB. ICEII J',Y. Jr. ceased. tnJn from the Navy Ba.ll held in MILLER--Qct. 31. Cha-r:les F. MUleI'. YoUr, , Administrator of Joseph Frederick HOly Cross College. Wooster, Mass.• • _ 'J~ <1''' also known as Joseph F. Mil~ when stricken and hurried to the MIller. ler. deceased. . (Oppoolte Ji'_ _ _ .... 0·_) hospital. Before returning to her MOORE-Ocl 27, Anna. Moore, Admin'PIloDe ~ 0' rtez • .,•• Istratrix of Clyde AusUn Moore, depost, she spent another week·, receased • cuperaUng at the home of her par~ MORDlNE--Oct. 30, PhlUp Mascla.ntonlo. Executor of Dominick Mordine, also ·known 88 Dominick Mor~ • Pl._ _ ~ ents, :tormer Swarthmoreans. Mr. ~ and Mrs. La.were~~e E. Drew. who dlnl, deceaaed. McGRANN~ct. 16, PJrlllp A. Mc0iectb::C 0II'4a DobbJ' 0Mft n~w reside iil W~h1ngton, D. C. Grann, Admln{strator d.b.1L .of PhWp , McGrann. decea.aea. . . PARRY~ct., 30. Samuel D. Parry. '" Executor of Michener Parry. deceased.· .. 'Plio. . ;OIM8&er *.5111. _ RODDY-Oct. 31. Margaret R. Mcllv~ne, Administratrix of Loretta 1rL &:p.tly~ Roddy. deceased. ROGERS-Oct. ·11, Eva Rose Rogers, OALL ARDMORE WINDOW CLEoUIING Executrix of Edward V. Rogers, deCOMPA.NY ceased. DAVEWOOD Media075s . SWARTIDIORE BRANCH ROWLES-Oct. 18. Earl E. Rowles and his James L. Rankin, J!!xecutors of WilA.ll of Bouse CleaniDW'. liam E. Rowles. late of the Clty of KDown In. the TerrItory for Chester. deceased. .~. Years RUBENSTEIN-Oct. 31., Anna. .RubenFree Phone CalI .....For Customers stein. Administratrix ot Max Rubenstein, deceased. (FormerJ7 8w~ 11) Ardmore 2120 By RYAN-oct. 27. First National Bank of Fonner RCA·Vlctor EogIueer and Media. Guardian of Da.vid IgnaUus ,AM;' RodIo .lDstructor Ryan, late a minor. • 26. Chester-Cambridge Music no.. 4011 Dartmouth Ave. SCHMIDT-()ct. I . Bank & Trust Co., Guardian of AnS,,'al'Ihmore 1410 thony Schmidt, Jr.• late a. minor. STELLWAGEN-OCt. 31. Paul B. Wendler and Nancy Wilson Wend. ORPHANS' COURT ler, Guardians of Thomas Cooke or Delaware CoUD'l', Pen..... Stellwagen, 8rd. la.te· a minor. SWARTHMORE 0764'· NOTICE o.,~ ~~~gN~D AUD1T SWEENEY - Oct. 21, James T. Sweeney, . Executor of Tillie J. Sweeney. deceased. . . ~;;;;~;;;;~;;;;~~;;;;~~~;;;;~~: tees. Notice creditors Is hereby and given all persons to .helrs, ln interlega.- TAlTT-Oct. , 31. George Wharton Pepest that accounts In the following per and Samuel F. Houstpn. Execuestates have been fiied In the otllce of tors of Francis M. Taitt, deceased. (,he Register of WUls and Clerk of the. THO:MAS-Oct. 31, Girard .Trust ComOrphans' Court as the case may be ROGER RUSSELL pany, Trustee U/W of Benjamin A and that the same will be presented deceased. for Margaret J. of Fane Photopoaphl on Monda.y, December 4. 19U. at 1(10 Thomas Thomas' and Eleanor G. Thomas. o'clock A. M .• E. W. T., for confirma- TORCHIANA-Oct. 31, The Pennsyl_ State Dlilg. tion. a.t which time the sald Court, vania Company for Insurance on will audit said accounts, Lives and Granting Annuties Guard(South A ..... aDd State Street) It tions to and Ian of' Donal(l T. Torchlan&.. & minor 1 I l _ S1'11 lIledla, by appointment of. the Orphans' of Court, dated. Nov. 2.2, 1926. . VEDERMAN-Oct. 3~ Violet Lachman. Administratrix of Harry Vederm&o, deceased. . to IIee& B.a, WATERS-ocL 21. The First Na.Uona.I aft~ Ji'_ Bank Of Kedla, Guardian of Virginia. Waters. late a minor. . WILKES--OC-L at. Louisa. Emmlck, '~':' ... AdministratriX c.t.a. of Mary EmUy .. VB fil8 ali BOJIID .' -: · Wlnn,s. dece........ . . . lVIIIIam T. WILLtA!lS .Oct. ao, John. Pershing SIJ:_ y __ , , WlUlams. executor of Raymond Ne1TBLEPRONE .,n wtlltame.. &liJo known lIB tta.y.... !. •. · mOhd N. WlUlama, deceased. "OILI "j': .. , WILLIAJISON-OO<1-. m,R::$DYlCt: JOQD MARK~ BIIF Mora ••• E.t B ~ ~ at * t.I'. .. --_ ...... .................. - 399 . boina .. o;o 'tv'84Ji.;.a..'y MA , " , Mr. and M... WIlliam Jenks 80nd (am,Uy b.~ve ~entlx iA~ ~ i!~~ON . :and, ~ llviDS on hftr' . 1'1 AJ).-Wool Park avenue.. . M.... Peter E, '1'old euteqa1De4 forty of' iI.r De~h.b~ JCII' _ at f'~"'" , \ .----_.. AA~~~~::R .. ,,·.~/'·""'· ·.\/~ ~_R THE SWARTHMOR L~r t .•• ~;.:'d;j v~OLi.~~~~No~.44SS---------~------~~==~~~----~----~----~-~~--------------------------~'~<" SWAR'lHMoRE, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$3.00 -.,..,... PER YEAR 1";94~4" DOLMAN -~IREC' COMEDY DELIGHT DetulUne, Tuesday Noon! . Players Club in Its Second Success of Season ~ the Players Club November vehicle "RI~g Arol¥1d E1loabeth" contlnues throughout the week to spread. ita contagious escape 1()rm... "I.. plenty ot trapped Swarthmore egos may be taking the easy way Since the ThankegivlDg holiday falls on The Swartbmorean'. normal »re88 day Dext week, It will be necessary to print the paper on Wednesday. tho moving the deadUne on news and adve~a1ng copy up to Tuesday noon. _ R'UDDICK RITES H'EL'(). LAST WEEK . out of the maze of maldl... bouse. hOlds. and constant meetlngs. C e r . . ' talDl)' the feminine contingent ot Tuesday ftratnlghte'ra' wore a "something new has been .added" took which the heads' of house...bolds observed warily. Perhaps a be80VY rUn_ on rOIJeB land p1Bta.chio nuto can wood ott the epidemIc. Funeral services for Girard' B. -Ruddick. 38. manager ot the un. Under the always competent. derwrltlng department of Lazar'd direction of John Dolman. Jr., the Frere"; New York banking house ourrent f.amlly eomed ted b ' y enac y wbo died Monday. November e, "at ~ strong cast has the town guesa- Hospital, were held ing. la.ughing, and praising. The November 8 at Central Presb-+erclubhouse rocks with fun as each .ian Church, Montclair, N. J."'~e f8.mlly ,greeta its pet foibleS 'Wlth pastor, ~.h:e Rev. Dr. :Horpn ahrelks ot recogn~Uon. TuesdB.)" Phelps Noyes, officiated. Interment night'. loudest gutta fro ... :ws came m. was on November 9 tn Old Mlddle.. 'papas present wh h d Ellzab t.b. - . 0 ear e town. Cem~tuy, Middletown. Pa. . oxplaI n that her husband would Ruddlak was born In New:" ·not talk hi. chIld ren' 8 8Ch 00I prob - ton,Mr.Mass. He was graduated from with th I t ' lems ":" Vyer " . e r ..eaol1&rs. Swarthmore College in 1927 with "Ra.I"'h" h cal I .... . , B e .says _ m"'l. i'~tee1s honors wher&..he was editor ot the that "ifithe' r'ubUc S~ool sYstem college year bonk and the School _. h e to him ~one e et it,alone." paper. and was a member o't the N ewcomer H oward W.. Witt and Delta Upsilon traternlhP and Book ..'" Mariam. D. Brill ft8 heads- o~.the Bnd" ~ey Senior Society. He reCher.ry menage have a. great deal celV~d his M.A. degree at Duke 'to do with· lta·- appeallq Datqi'al- .Untve~ty' fit' 1.939. He bas been nesa. Mr. Witt Is ~ 1(nd ~fl' a wel~' coiniect~d -wJtb>::t8zard.,Frerea for come one. Miss Brill js vl-vaclOUIi the· Peat year, ana p~VJoUB-'to~'thaf and personable•. They make a good was assoclat~d With Smith. Bar.ney team" & 90" New York inv:estinent bank.. John David :Narbeth 8.8 ()rand.. ers. Mr. Ruddick was a member of po. Cherry and Mary Ryan O'Brien the Bona Club of New York, the aa Gr&IIdmaStyles, nee Catpen- LUncheon Club of New York, and ter try their bands at managliig was a fonner member ot the Montthe' Cherry household. too, each In clair Athletic Club. H.iB home was bis own .unlque way and each with at 360 HIghland avenue, Upper long proven skJll. They embelUah Montclair. the Cherry scene enormously. Surviving are bl8 wlte Mrs. MarThe daUghters Cherry, Jennifer cle. Perry Ruddick, daughter ot Mr. played by Dorothy Wilson Andrews an,d M.:r8. J. A. Perry of Swarth· and Mercedes by Marilyn ],facEI.. more Apartments. and a· Bon Perry · wee. dedicated to the search Ruddick; his parents, Mr. and for romance and truth respectively, Mrs. Herschel B. Rud " ~ E~e..,. Saturday Ev.....i;nl Until 9:30 P- ~ Complete Project . .ie_ooa; for Candying. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pearson. and Mr. and Mrs. D. Malcolm Hodge w111 cbapero:Q. the 8th grade 'ot ,the Junior .Assemblies In the Woman's Club tomorrow evening. M. and ·Mrs. James Lukens and Mr. and Mrs.' Charles Israel will cha.peron-the 11th and 12th grades. Mrs. George M. Kama, general chairman announces the appomtment or Mrs. John' Broomall, 4th as 8th grade chairman for 194'-'6; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Krae8 and Mr. and Mrs. Whitworth Bird hav~ been "I'med 11th and 12th grade chairmen tor 1"'-45. • ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:~;:.~;:;:;::;~ TINY SUGAR " To Chaperone ~Iembliet the 2'1 c Blenclecl with Mapl~ Spup tin port. .. Pancake SY{Q.p' taib- th-, TH'E WEEK'S CALENDAR New England, for Shrimp Final plano were, drawn up for the rumm~ge sale which· will be held on Wedneoday and ThUrsd~ ~t next--we~k. ~nt~ was created In knitting and In the. Xmas glfto for the service men, funda for whlch will come from rummage sale With community sup- Carol York. coloratura soprano, then ......g four solos: "Mldoummer'; : . ~ ,,;, ,. , . - -' - . .. , . .. A by Worth; uThe Little Shepherd's F·r1_Y - ' .•. . ~ . . ••.ovem-.... ·0' £ , \. Song" b), Watts; "To a M ....n- 8:16 P.M,-Footbell with RIdley Townshtp ........... Rutgers Avenue Field ger" by LaForge and "Polonnaise'" . s'i.DdAJ", November 12 . . from Mignon by Thomas. 11:00. A.M.-~ornlng Worsiilp ............ . ....••.:................... l.£Ical Churches The afternoon's lovely concert 6:0'0' P.M.-·-Evening-Prayer ................................................ Trlnlty C.h\lI"ch 8:16 p.M.-Madame Chu Shlh-mlng lectUre ........._.•....•.!r{eeUng ~o.1}~~ was conc,luded by two numbers .,' Toesd.R.)" November .4 from the triO: HLo Here Gen2:00 P.M.---Btated MeeUng- ................_ ......••...•••.•....••. _..... woman·. CIu b tie Lark" by Bleh'llI and "'~be ~,OO P"M. ~\> 10:00 1'.r,l,-~..dmlDton .................................... High ,Bohool Rose a.nd, the NlghuDgBle" by Rlm~:'6 f.M.;tat;ed ~,:etl~g (Jv)~or Section) ...........•••_ ~oma~ B et:';lb sky Kqrsakow. -_. . W«fn hI'. November 15 The hostesses for the afternoon 10:00. A.M. to 4:0.0 P.M.":::B:~ ~Cro8S surateQ.l D.l'esslngs. Borough Hall 7,00 P.M.-'Navy LeagUe ·Ruinlnag. Sale .............................Trtnlty Hall were Mr8. C. MacDonald S.wan a,ud ' 'Thnrsday, November 16 Mrs. Walter H. DlcklD8on, wblle 1:0.0 A.M. to 4:00 ~p.M.--Navy'Le8.gue Iiummage Sale .. Trinity ChUrch Mrs. 1... C. Ho.stlngs and Mrs. ~:QG P~ld'.-Frlendly Circle Stlver Tea ..•.......•.......- 19 Princeton AVenue j 2pkg33c For 'Th_ Brisk Cool Tender PiDk Mor- _ .' .' 10 20 at 2 o'clook. TWeJJ.ty new 3e stamps tor the use of uncompensated veterans at coatesville Hospital have been receh'ed .. There 18. stll~ oppurtunity to share in this wortPy cause. Interested peQplQ may Bend or bMng The progra~ began With th& trio stamps to 206 yassar avenue. presenting "Invitation to the Dance" by, Von Weber. with fJ. Wamen at Bricla. Oute obligato. The Swarthmore Bridge Club. The four flute BOl08 Carla Ship ... which m'et in 'BoroUgh lkll Wedley then played were:" by nesday evening report the following Telemann; Scene from "Orpheus" hlgh_ s~res: by Gluck: "So!.r Sur La. Plaine" by ADdreW' F~ Robinson and WIlUam Gaubert; and "Allegretto" hy God- Craemer first, Mrs. Raymond Gentard. mlll and Mrs. Richard Randall tied Tbls was followed by a. a plano wlth H. L. Bauder and Richard solo by Alyce Bianco, "8cherz:o ill Sellers for pecC)nd place. B-II"t MInor" by Chopin: PILLS.,·BURY. Pancake Flour . , !;::,a.m. d;)'o,:~!:~: ~":'~~~.!:": thecom-, The roun<1-Up date for the AuxlIlary, membership for the department of Pennsylvania. 16 N,ovem,ber 1 and It 10 hoped that the 10cal u.nlt may reach lUi quota.. The next regular meeting of the A,ulllarY will be held at. the home ot Mrs. Herbert T. Bassett. 600 North Chester road on November Chairman of Music. The three guest artlstB, from the Matinee Musical Club or Phlladelphla.. were: Carol, York, coloratura soprano; .ca.rla. Shipley, lluUst. and !Alyce Blanco, planlst. Ib Fresh Hamll\lrg Martel's - the War Chest •..1 Meet in Belgium Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. MattheWS of Elm avenue received word from their son MIS Donald Mattbews and Robert Matthews telling them Knitters are Deeded for 60 T lopg aleeve sweaters for the ot their recent happy meetin&, In boast guard at )lIIIIIlngtOD. Any- Sel.jam. ~obert h.. been_ overseas alnce ode who to help..nth tb'Februa.ry and Do~ald atnce July, tt~t ca.ii the Na.vy ~e . c.e or _contact Jin. Albert and wh'en Donald found that hi•. brother". company WILlI on17 ... tew Bill of Colle... a .....nue. Iiilles &w&7. he Immediately lOoked ·11... ~ of BI....- 111m up an4' they epeDt two 1I0un ' VI.w _ wi.. ll...... 1'1 eJttlt tolstll....: ~~ 'J'ltlmble Gro., at lI,r 110m. WM!lIfIIiIaY. Thil kt01I\I lin. 'Thomu H. In ....m, of th~ Wui .._ wttli Ill... Claal'1M It. _rthm..... Apartmentll \I. ~d­ liltell.en of ~1fI>r4 on X.oI\UJ IU tlte wtllteP III lit. ~II"", of next ....k. ..... Asks KniUers 16 wIIIh" $:_ ,...,..11. "),......,.... u.,,, GUILD BENEFITS HEALTH SOCIETY Thanksgiving Service A ThankeglYing eemce will be held In the lIethodlot CIIu....h on ITbureeJay, November 21· at 8: 10 a.m. ThIo 10 IPOD_ed by all the .hurch.... of the borougb. All reoldento of the communllY are Invited to attend. Other Societies And Individuals Help Fill Shelves The high light of the contrlbutiona to this agency during October was the lovely garments supplied b¥ the Needlework Guild of Swarthmore and Sprlngfleld. There were n4 artI.l... ID ..U, 719 from the Swarthmore Branch and 16 from tbe Springfield Branch.' The chairman ot supplies a.nd the offlce chairman re - arranged the close.ts and placed all these &rUcles on the shelves. An afghan, child's cap. and two awe t Ie 8 . a era, a 0 pair of pajam8.9 were prese;nted by the Friendl,Circle. Members gf this Organiza.-. Uon are maJdng deltcaci.. an'd .he ~ nurses are ta.klng them to two of our patients who are greatly in need of extra nout:1shlng toOd. Tho Ridley Park ~Needlewo.z:k Guild sent t~ree c~omplete layettes:. the Woman's AS8ociaUon . cif ·...... e· UJ. Presbyterian Church and 'presented 4:4 dlseUe m--1 ·s. "_. G,.IlA .u.. .. .,. Joseph Greer. knltted and presented oIle pair ot inlttena,' m' Oneywas donated by Mrs. H. B~ Cookplan. Caroline E. G9.ak1lJ and'F'lorencs Wolverton, and used clothing, . . bottles- and eanes were aleo received. MAKE FINAL "ALADDIN" PLANS To Be Junior Players First Production This Season WAR CHEST IS SHORT OF GOAL Soiicitors In Drive To Reach Quota By Sunday With only 58862,76 reported at nODD on Wednesday, November 16 on a U6,700 quota. Swarthmore was lagging In the .)946 Un.lted W ..r Cheet Campaign and the local "leadel'll and the lI011cltors bave been making all" effort tbt~ week to reach the goal before Sunday. Frank R. Me.rkley, chairman of the Swarthmore campatp committee states th'at he hoped all the 10caJ. donora would be caUed on be... fore the ~nd ot the week and re~lndB the borough residents that the succeB8 of this campalp de ... pendl upon each and ever, individual to do hlo part to help the many organlzaUODB wbJch must ~ontinue to function to their fuUest exte.nt dw-ing ~ls time ot war4 A nOon last Wednesday only, a8' 8ub4lCriptioDB had been reported f~r Swarthmore. In the prevJou8 cam~ palgn more than 80.0 persona In the borough gave to th6 fund. ·'The need tor help from the· War FUnd 1& equal, It not greater. this year than in previous' years." said Mr• Markley. "and it will, conUnu& to be so until our present war emergency has. pasSed. A few days' remalnltlg to consider this . need: and in those few days everyone It they have not already done 80, should prepare to support It aa llberally as-~~,.. poSatblY ean:'u Funds tor the United War Chest help to support the .health, -weltare. and youth guidance agencies 10 the PhUadelphla area, '!Dd they· RIse> help to ~ance the USO. WatPrisoners· Aid and United StateB Seamen's Service. 8.8 well as the Allied ReUet organizations. "Aladdin an" the Wonderful Lampo whtch Is the llrst Junlot- oftering of the p.layera' Club thI. ~eason wUl go into Its ftnal rehears&18 next week In preparation for Its performance Sa.turday afternoon and, -evening, November 26. A Junior crew, under- the superviB10n ot JOhn. M. Broom8.l1, wJ11 be "setting uP" back stage the atmple but tantastlo settin ..... and prepa·rlng the DD amazing illusions which belon· gIn' the storY ot Aladdin. 'r. operll I ,- ... r es are b'eng assembled or created bY, an able and enthualae'tl Itt· In c comm ee c udtng Mrs. Cb I A d " G· , ar es n es• .w.rB. . eorge Earnb' .. J ., saw,.LUra. o~n C.' 'Brandt. and Others' whO' contributed were Mrs. Stewart R. Thorbahn. ThCl Mrs. ·WllIa.i-d 'tiomllnaon, :Mrs.' Anne costume' comni!tt~ beaded by AuStin. Mrs. Ji,sePh Seal. Mrs. Da. ... Stanley A.,' Milne. Mra. Louts p. ·VJd McCi"iian.. Mrs. B.- -&-·:.(Jreen~ €· and: MI'Ik"Hettry- -<3:'. jloM' fa and Mrs. Paul Rutan. really a cooperative workshop In which every mother or grandL........ mother ot the chUdren 1n the cast bas equelly. Bharod the reaponalbllIty (pleaoant, we hope) of ma.klng the coatumea. The play la. under the direction of Mrs. Paul Atkinson. a graduate It is widely acknowledged that ot the American Academy ot Drathe. best way to appreciate poetry matte Art. ably asalsted' by Mrs. is to hear it rea,d aloud. All wbo L. C. Hastings and they are putshare this vJew and .who are there- Ung ,forth their best eftorte to tore interested in hearing and make thiB a pleasing o.nd lovely occussing poetry are' Invited to meet caslon. Junior members of the with Henry F. Pommer of the Col- Playe~' Club are .reminded to be By a naUonwlde canvass of min .. lege English depnrtment In Lodge be out In full tqrce on tho latera and chaplains conducted by 6 of Bond Memorial on Monday afternoon or evening ot Novemthe American Bible Society 3& evenings from 1:30 to 9 o'clock. ber 25. ' passages have been selected to be The first meeting was held -on read in the 32 days from ThanksFea_ Westerner Monday, November 13 and .It Is giving "'to .Chrlstma.s. The Btllle "'The Despera.does" with Ran.. planned. to hold meetings on Nch chapters 'chosen are considered to of the succeeding twelve Monday dolph Scott will be the college be most helpful in times lLke these. nights. The subject matter pre~ movie to be presented at 'Clothler The reading ot these by people at sen ted will not be so closely in' tomorrow evening. The short selec- home unitedly w.ith men and b!grated that anyone ~ould feei tions wtll Include "Screen Snap- women In service In all parts ot obliged to attend all evenings or Shots." "AU Salls Set," and "South the world will bring strength ani none; ~ach person should come a8 American Front." Th'ere wlJl be two shows, one 80t comfort to mllUons. regularly or infrequently as he deThose who are now interested .In stres. The poets .who will be .re~d 7 p. ~ .. and one at 9 p •. m. Th-e a progra"Q1 ot dally reading w.111 children ot the borough are Inand dlapussed will be Keats. find this a. great opportqnlty to enBrowning. and Arnold, with per':' vited to attend it accompanied by courage larger numbers to adopt haps four evenings devoted to their parents. more extended plans ot reading ready In use. Togetller with thousKappa Gamma l to Meet No preparation J9 required, alands of pastors, leading magazines, though it is suggestM-.'that everyTh~ Kappa. Kappa' Gamma Sew-' the press, re.dto and commercial one bring a copy ot the poet under Ing group wllI meet Thursd~y. No- firms are' aaslaUng in the promoconsidera~on. The atmosphere will vember 21 at the home of Mrs. Uon ot tllI~ 'Bible reading. be Informal.' and tree dlBcuastoll Palmer L. Skoglund ot SWarthmore A Joint Resolution has been inplace. will be encouraged. troduced lnto the House and Senate of the United States Congress designating the per.tod from. Than.kaglving Day to Chrlstma. each year for Nationwide Bible Frlda"'t·November 17 Reading. This resolution has been Woman·s Club 10:00 A.M.-Lttera~ure and Drama Section Introduced .in order that uln God Bond Memorial 8:15 P.M.-Lecture on "Delphi" we trust" as e.'n: expression of o~r saturday, November 18 national Ufe may hold new and Clothier 7:00 P.M. & 9:00 P.M.-Movie '"The Desperadoes" vital meaning tor all our cltizens. Sanday, November 19 11 :00 A.M.-Morning Worship Local Churches 6:00 ~.M.-Eve~lnX" Prayer TrInity C:hurch GERMAN PRISoNER 8:16 P.M.-Lecture on IIEtruscan Sculpture a.nd Painting" Keetlng House Mr. and 14... Clark W. Davia of ~J'.N_lIl atmth -a&.ven &'9"enue hllLve receiv2:.0.0 P.M.-Leota .... and Colored Film "Sjrla to Inal_" , ' Woman'. Club ed word tbronah the faclll~.. i)f 8:0.0 P.M. to 10:00 p,M.-Badmlnton HIBb School the American Red erolB that their " WwI +uJft)', No...ember $S son, Pvt. Richard B. DaN .. a 10:00 'A.M. to .: •• p.M,-Red Cross Bu~ Dt-eoainaa prloC)'ler or the Q.~ gove....,. Borough Hall ....-..... lI_ _ber JIll ~ h~ been I are sreat. -Mn.. P tr E oe y ntnUl5U18ts To Hold Monday Gath.e • nngs Nationwide Bible 'Reading To Be Observed > : THE WEEK'S CALENDAR t:.'O 1l.-'-CommUaI.ty Th ... aDkozlvilll",~,,*' lIetb04l8t ell""".. . .1~:oo A.1l.-~" SchO!!IFOCIthIllI Glline ,.. . ' ....0 . . . . . . .. i1:06 LM•......rbu.Jcctrjnt Cbr!st\an SOIence Cburel> • ,,-. . . sembe A-. .. ,' - ment. ' Davhl who' ovt'rant .DeM April. wail reltort'!d mt.ln& Ia action, In J'ranoe lut' September. eo1lthet. , " , . z. _____________ :. --------------~-----T~H~E~~~'~h~R~T~q~M~ . O~,.~R~E~,~~~~'~~~~:::::;:::F~R~.ID~~:Y:.:NO~,;~:EM:.;ER~1:7:,:1:.4~~ •• ~ "''''18''-''' ."',..... Buicat oj rl"'n&·~IW' PERSONALS 1Ir....d lire. 080'" C. , C&ptaiD Eahl,r III otatIQIled d Ifn.stanle7 nelc18 ·of the , _ Chemlw JhcDlU __ ;0' tlIlICe. .... ....e.................. .' of Mra Carl S. Cleav" of Park Ch..ter road entertalne.d Mlall DorBlanding. F1a; . ollly IIherry of New York .cIty &e Braun omCietinc. Me.rJ.e, to Horace Herbert Hopkins avenu.e. Precedlng the -ceremony the Jr.. lion ~f Dr. and "!drs. Horace Robert E. Weltz son of Jlr. aDd bel' week.. end guest and a church organ.tst presented a musl- HopkiD8 ot Crest on )(ond&.J". Mrs. Earl H. Weltz of College ave- small tea in her honor DO -r~ IDfOW afternoon. cal program.. The al81e .ot t~. November 11. at their home In nue baa recently been promoted f t • •_ Oue for _ A ... Miae Anne Jllller of Ridley Park church WBB alight with candl"" Warren. from the rank of second Ueutenant _11101 The bride Is a graduate of Warto firBt lleutenant. Lt. Weltz who spent the week-end ~ the guest of while cybotlum ferns. tall lighted tlUft' o6 '6i .... IB a pilot on an Eighth LAir For~e Mr. and Mrs. Waldo B. Da~n of candles and white cbrysanthemum. ren High School .!n '41. and OJ).. RUSSEll'S SERVICE The , B-l7 F1ylnc Fortr.... W't8 & stu· V8I!II&1' avenue. 'Miae JlUler "pent a form,d the background for the erlln College, claaa of '44. recent week-end with the Dav1cererqony. _ _ Yo.., Oor Laal .... Dl....IIeo... groom graduated from Swarthmore dent at Lehigh University betore The bride. given In marr.tari by High In' '40 and, from Oberlin In . . . - Bent.. wm D. n. enliStIng In the Army Air Forees In son'a aon-In-law and daugh,ter Ensign an:d Mrs. Edward H.. Cooley ot her father, wore a gown ot Ivory '4a a member ot the Phi Beta March. 19U. Rye Beach, N. H. satin wblch teatured & cloae-llttlng KaPpa Fraternity. He baa bean T/S ThoJllas H. Beddoe_ Aeflal Mr. Andrew Myers, ataUoned at bodIce a~d a. full sklrt. Rosepoln\ connected t9l' the paSt year wltb. Engineer a.nd Top-Turret Gunner Langley Field, Va., apent the week~ lace tr.1mmed the square necklJne the Unlvendty of .chicago &e a on a' Liberator with the 16th Air end at bis home on Cornell avenue. of the bodice and alaa formed the chemist. The coupl~ will take a Force Ia home after completing 60 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Furst' of panel extending the full length. of ahort, wedding trip prior to Jlr. ·mtsBlons over Italy. He has been I have just published a neat Guernaey road are retuming home her skirt. The bricl:e wore her Hop.k!ne· Induction Into the army. cloth 'bound book "Just spending a few 'days with h1B par.. today after spending & week at mother's wedding vell ot tulle, Among Ourselves" contain'ents on Yale avenue and 18 noW Wad. Park Manor. Cleveland. Ohio. which was f...tened to a band of in1\: my poems and essays "in Atlantic CItY for a rest and reBIRTIIS written through the years. E. LeRoY' Mercer, Jr., haa re- pearl. and orange bloSlJOms. ~he clasBlficaUOn. Captain and Mra. Erwyn John Dr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Jon88 ot turned to Wooster. Ohio after carried a. bridal bouQ.uet of ga,rdePRICE $1.00 Kahler ot Tampa, Fla., are being 'Dickinson avenue entertained Dr. sPe'l1dlng a. week at his home on nlas and atephanoUs. JlIIIe Eilln White of Honolulu. congratulated upon the birth ot Jones' nephew Dr. Robert Broad- North Ch ..ter road and attandln8 a meeting for camp Direotors at sister ot the bridegroom, who at- a son ErWYll John Kahler. Jr•• on dus and Mrs. Broadd"l18 ot Stock.. Pendle B1lL tended the bride as maid of honor, November 1 In the StaUon Boa.. Sw-1'more, PL ton, Caut., who were here on a Mrs. Fred R. Wllson, Mrs. Clark wore a gown of sea-foam. green p.ltal, MacOOl Field, Tampa. brief v.lslt. Dr. Broaddus who I. a First Lieutenant In the ArmY W. Davis, Mrs. Tbo;mas Ruther- brocaded satin, with titted bod.lce Medical Corps Is on leave whlle ford. Mrs. Edith' Cusk&den, and and sklrt.1 MARY DUNHILL • PRINCE MATCHtABELLI • CHANEL completing his Interueblp at the Mrs. Dav.ld Cramp of Swarthmore Bridesmaids Jllss Mary' Bell Lee ::II are members of" a bridge club ot Quantico, Va., Hlsa Anne Woodll Delaware H08pltal. Wilmington. George W. COllins.' seaman 1st group who IIPent TUesday e.nrI of Bronxvllie. N. Y., and Pvt. Janet class, son ot Mr. and Mnli. Benja,.- Wednesday as guests of !drs. Jamel Staples, WAC, stationed !n BalUmin W. ColUns of North Chester Thoma. of Pompton Lakes, N. J.t more. Md., as brldesmalds wore BlmUar gowns. Jdiss Lee in yellow ::c' road whO haa been s1aUoned in formerly of vaaaar avenue. u)' BEAUTY SALON Jlre. Lyle A. Whltalt of Elm and JlIee Wood. and Pvt.' Slapl" Texas. is now In WuhlngtOD. D. • C. for & secondary course of tr~­ a.venue was hoatellS to the rug- In pale green brocaded saUn. booking group at a lunoheon at ber Pte. Charles 8. Judd • .Jr •• U. s. !ng as Radio TechulcI&D. Army Medical Corps, of Honol'illu 0 J4ldshlpdlan Thomas B. McCabe. home Wednesday. Jlrs. LeWis FW!8ell of Benjamin I .. ,rv.!d &e beat man. The uhers In· m Jr., whc has complete"'d his basiC 13 SNrth 0.. . . . .eI !a ::II training at P&88 ChriBU&n, KIsa., west avenue was hoaM to a eluded: c.u~0478 philip W. XnIokern. Jr.. AlT. ~ o 8p~nt & week's leave at hia home Reading Club pilUP at her home on North Chester road before re.. Thursday. The club Is reading U .. S. ArmY AIr Corpa, brother of bookS on india. the bride, Mr. Alexander EwIng ot CHARBERT • SKYLARK • LUCIEN I.E LONG. CHEN YU porUng tOl' sea duty. Mr. and Mrs. Louts W. Xlng of IC'ol,o...bla. avenue, Robert DelaPvt. Gordon lAnge haa been Rutgers· avenue ue entertaining platne, U.S,N.R., a medical student tra.neteued from ·advanced tralnlnC in Ille Medical Corps to Spectal Mra. Klng'8 sister lIollsB Elisabeth at Temple University. and Bernee DlvlBlon .!n New York City. Dougal of lIUton, PL. who arrived Sanford, formerly of swarthmore, a student of the A.B.T.P~ at,Tem· Pvt. Lange 18 wor.ki11&' on the or- Wednuday for an extended ~\t. ganization ot Little Theatre sroupa Mr. and :Mrs. William' Morrow ot pie. A small reception followed at tor the acUve pa.rt1clpaUon. ot the Harvard avenue have ~etu.rned the llome ot the bride. After a tram a two~week vacation In ,,:wouQ.~ed in hoapltal& short trip the young couple will AT Lt. Guenther He Froebel, Jr •• aa MiamI, Fill. return to the west cqaat wherer the & Bomp Disposal Otllcer in the Mrs. ABua Bale Evans ot Peorla. Strath Ibvea.the 11m with peraoadty bride Is stationed In Seattle. Wash., Ordnance Dlvta10n ba.B been tre.ns- Ill., 1a the houae guest ot Mr. and and the bridegroom will 8hortly IN SWARTHMORE, PA. ferred from Italy to southern Mr... William B. Hobbs of Park leave for sea duty. For JIeoervIUiOD8. TeIepboae _ 0 " , oeao a.venue thta week.. France. Out-of-town guests Included Mr. , as early as pooIIIlble Gloria. Jea.n Ward, creat-grand- J"obn s. Coonley, Honolulu, T. H .• Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Soden ot F. M. EY, Owner-Man••• .college avenue spent the past daughter ot Mrs. Gen€\vo D. Ho- Hr. Harry Haakell. Wllmlngton, week-end with col. and 14rs. Oeo. hney of Park a.venue, was the D,cl., Mr. and MTS. E. B. Whitman, Logan, fo'rmer Swartblnore real.. guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, o't GG.lriaoD Md., Mr. and Mra. dents and now livtng on Lone WJlllam S. Hobbs and Mrs. ,Mo- Josepb V. - White, .cockeYl!ville. Island. Col. Logan .i8 1n command hney of Park avenuo over leBt or the Suffolk AIr Field in west week-end whUe the baby's parente Ha.m"ptou, L. L Mr. and Mrs. Soden Capt. and Mrs. Albert N. Ward ot briuB- greetings from. the Logans to Tyler. Texas, attended the Army.. Notre Dame game In New York their many Swarthmore friends. City Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.. R. G. RlnclUte at Strath Haven avenue are leaving Mrs. Melville Smith has .return- Can FrIday of next week tor Jackson- ed to her home Ie. Boston. Mass.• Mn. Uoycl E. ICaaffmaD ville. Fla., where they will spend a atter vls.l.tlng Mrs. MargarBt Freed- Swartluaore 2080 ley ot Swarthmore avenue tor the week. with triends. Dr. and Mrs. WUllam Sterlcker past two month&. Mrs. Frank H. Robbins ~f Vas. Xmaa Gift Rates on ot Riverview road entertaining jhelr daughter a.nd son-in-law, Lt., oar avenue and Miss Nancy Faw. Read.,.... DIgeH II2for JAte " 8.00 I\. and Mrs. Robert Huahebec.k as cett ot Ridley Park spent the TI:me ~" 8.2150 bouse-guests tor 10 days. Lt. and week-end In W ....hlngton. D. Coo ChII,4 LIfe lI" 11.00 Mrs. Hushebeck arr.tved here Wed- visiting MIB8 Mary Gemmill, a 0hrIstIu::at Herald S·" 3.00 former classmate at Mary Wash- parents S fl. S.OO nesday. II II 7.00 Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Turner Ington College, Fredericksburg, Va. House &:: ~ • of Cornell avenue left Thursday to BOD Announcement • "E. C. WALTON ~ The Bouquet ~• i '"' = 5 - •• Fresh Killed Pennsylvania Turkey , -from PeTry County for . THANKSGIVING DINNER sau:nu OPEN WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22 CLQSED MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS THANKSGIVING- DAY November 23 INN DEW'DROP - • • • ~.oo ~=============================~ • spend a week In New York CIt.J'. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!' The,. w.lll visit Mr. and Mrs. J. ~. Archer Turner of White Plains, N. Y' J over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. samuel Dyer Clyde 'IlIEATRE of Swarthmore and Ogden avenue. spent several dqs of this week in MEDIA THE PLAYERS CLUB PAULEITE GODDARD SONNY T1IFl.'S In Of Swarthmore iC , s.ialor Pro4u_ "I Love ASoldier" RING AROUND ELIZABETH SUNDAY .. lIONDAY Clom !!' ....... ~~ll , ..to_Me.·..,. .....' ...... PJ.ililJ·/Pl,ia:5ulRu"", .' .,' .. .' : For Cookie CIudn ASOUll10N ..,."wee" aiLLY. PlUDAY AT IWARla.oU, PoL 'DIE SWABTbOBli:All, Da.. rmu,........ PBTER B. TOLD E41ter .f.'" LEI lEkS TO 'J'HE'EDttoR THE S\VAR'I'HMOREAN ED8\sIl".JW"en, Edith, ICnlok""'.I~lttl'b"...I~; lire. Oll.... r Do,~ l'Seld. , , aDd Peter CbePIIl&Il of 'SaIl FraIlu.S.C.G.R. (w). dauehter of JIr. capWn and lire. Samuel Dyer FIrat Lt. wuuam ~; CI ....v .. hal WuI1tnct, ,of Lt. Ue) ;Robert Elder T. H. Ird on November 11. " "\ Wb1te. ~r" BOn ot )Ir. and II.rL played on bombiDg ,.ttacka over Mitchell. Mr. MltcheU. now retired. capt. Clyde. the eon of Mr. anil Wblte of Honolulu, Hawall on OermanY. The lIyer Is a pilot In war founder and former ecl.ltor of Saturday, November 11, at .:10 Mr. aDd Mra FreeJll&n O. Peter- Jlre. Clyde of SWarthmore and the Eighth AIr Foree B-17F1y1ne the palllllnder In Waehlncton: Miae Francis Hunter of North o~oloak tn the swarthmore Presby- SOD ot Warren. PL, announce the Ogden avenu.... ill an lnstrUotor at Fortreu &-rouP. Lt. Clea.... ill the terian Church, with the Rev. David of their daughter, .Joyce the MIUt&ry Tralulnc Center at Ft. f:' TH'ESWA:R'i'H'*OREAN ~~.' KARJORDI TOLD. • I.t. _ _ , PlIrIUaN_ Dear Editor: The eoluUo" to Ille mlachle" night damace eeeme 80 Blmple to me· that I wonder wb,. no one baa a~ted Any membel'll ot the cookie chain or ""yone wlehlnc to make cookl.. for the &'oeplWa may have oleo and ra.1slDa Without price and without pointe by callInc the chairman, Mn. 3 •. V. S. Bishop. llwarthmlre 0617 3. It. JIWIior M Ii i _ Meet There will be a meelntc of the Junior KUBio Club on Sundq e:yenInc. November 1t at 1:10 o'c1ock at Ille home of Dick Hook, .01 Westdale avenue. Dick.le the presIdent of the crout> thla year.' Th"ere will be a ahort m...tcal pro~ . toll owed" by refreahmenfa. AD. friends and Diembere are moat .cordlsn, invited. Parente could spend thOM four DIehm wllll their chUdren at home. '=~at"~:,~,:-=,:an....,. ... Itlt. at the Post 'fb9 cOillll, y.,~ ,cam"" topther ",' , . . ,UI. Act 'fit ~h I. 11ft. &'!II' hecome better acquainted.They might bake cookl.. or make candy. Dnma Group Mula The children could teach their FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1944 ..: " parents some IBmes they would .., Good fOIIII The bl-monthly meeting' of the never learn otherwi.e. The deatrucMethocIiat Cbarch iNotes Uve atUtude must be overcomo by IJterature-Drama Section of' ~the .. QuId Smllee conatructive Ideaa. Is anything Woman's·Club will meet thla morn.. TlUa SundllY morning at the I I The Church Scbool meets on more Important than thlsT ing at 10 o·clock. Tbe drama (~ o'cl~ck sernce the sermon wlll be Sunday morning at Claaaes Marlon M. Linton chairman. Mrs. Vernon Me Parry "When GoUd Thlnp 00 Wrong'·. are provided for chUdren of all --tlllll.lllllllln._ will preSent Mrs. Roy Andrews. The combined choirs will sing for ages and for adulia. ~ 5HAU. IT BE "CURFEW"? drama chairman ot the Cheater tbla service. At the morning worship at 11 the Dear Editor: New Century Club; In a. reView of All departmente of the Church mlnlster wlll preach on the topic The article on the front page of "Jacobowsky and the Colonel," the Setio~land·the Women'l!I Bible Claaa "The' Great Alternative." COC.t,," The SWarthmorean ot November 1 Gu,ld play by Frank Werfel and meet each Sunday mormnl' at The Youth FellOw.hlp meets In 'and th~ two letters in the current Mrs. Charles lamel In a preview ot o·clock.. thld chapel 'In .the evenIng at '1 lasue sbould provoke a discussion the current Phlladelpbla pla.y l.cIi tn.lle ..... Tb,,· Ohuroh Hour Nursery ·for o'cl~ ot the Hallowe'en nulaance and re- '"The Streets Are Guarded:' by Coc.tall HOUri J to II chl~dren ages 1-~ meets each SunThe Communlty Thanksgiving 8ult In the necell88.ry action to put Laurence Sta1llng. day .mornlng.from 11 to 12 o'clock. service will be held' in thlB church a stoP to It for all time. This Sunday morning the follow- on Thursda.y mornlnc at ':10. Rev. Other current playa wUt" be I. was a boy once' and took part Ing persons will assist the mlnLster Mattbew .Jones of the A.M.E. In many at the pranks' which are touched upon and arrangements In . extending greetinp Of the Church will bring the Thank.glv_ still current, but I can not rememwill be dJscU88ed tor a theatre P..... STATION lu.ter ·thla w""k: .• -Wife of d,neral Chn. Military At, DIstance mU3C1J88 goover..the Iin_ in·th.·aver; All Bo..... Bo$ Iu.ncheo.. ~ 7·0; ......... , .. ' " 'N'., . . , .... oo~;·,n"t'" .' North anti aouth-Mra. Waltel'" :tache at the .chinese Legation 1n age bu.inesa day. (That·. in additlOll to more ~ ~CH OP' CIlRlST. 'Shoemaker, and Mrs. Frederick Wublngton, D. C. Madame ~u than 100.000.000 daily local convaraationa.) acn:NTIBT 0" BWARTRJIORB streicher dntj J(n. H. Budwell delivered the Swarthmore FrIendIS' We appreciate your help. eapedolly wh_ Park . A~~':W Hit.rYar4 Lincoln and Un. WIlUam' Brown annual educational lecture' on Sunyou're OIl a line to a war·busy center cmd the LoIllJ ' Il :N A. M.-8undar _1>01. Senm'" _ond; and' J(ra. Albert Hill and <\.... evening. Distance Op61at.x ICit6 ''Pleaue limit 1t:GII A. M.-8und&:I'u=: )Ire. Ka:r Kennedy Illird. East and ------THANKS ft~ , __ and Jln. Jlary Yat.. GUcreeot .om be In Il :ee A. M.-TI.....lcacIvllI.. _..... west-M..... Bamuel ~-, to 5minut..... ,W",. eftn.... mM~ Samuel Hanna ftl'8tj M1'8.. RUMeJl the· Unlvel'8lt7 Hoapltal, 14th and. ;O::;1'la:!&":'IIC~ Kent ....d)lre. A. :L-CiaYI!en ..... S..ruce streets. ,Room ... for lI"e THI BELL TILEPHONI COMPANY O. PENNSYLVAN.A ·.r ... . W" ...... ,.. ..~ _""--d' ~.... A. B. a-an ...., 'iDore' 'weeks. after I\D OperililOD on 'Cll.urelt "'I':-u.... ... '-- ·N·ovembe'F.. ) ..... . All an _llaII:I' tovItet .. at.... J(. Co Kennedy t\IIrd• '. i . , c,""".... ':'6. SUDUIIII alrl "nd .:'6 loun,e rn.JSc '.M. .... OLIVER H. BAIR CO. 'The I MakeYourTHANKS GIVING Table COM P L ET E With CARNS FLOWERS ChriatLm CHURCH SERVICES , "WE HAVE U, .. , ... _.Il! . . . . . . tlIea-llM:...... DO TODAY" your can =; 8',,1', 4,300,000 JOBS TO ' , . ...::::: ........................................... ,••~.~.~.~.~·H.HHHHHHHH~~ta ....................... ......... .. ............................................•..•. ..................... .......................................... . : ............................................ ! ' I '. !, ., .r ':. L ~ , , .' ,:" d I, • ~ ., .' • " i -- • I , " W ,A • "" , ' I S s .~ =. • • • $ 4 0•· R "( ; .; • I • , #' • • • " .. H M , ., • , " ... .~ . o , . o T A • ., '. :-' ',;-:.::;-/' ::-~ : • o ; '1Jte Std4 10M LfJall * * * u h ,,'- ;'8 Q .- 4 . " , ... . ' •. "'_ :.... 1"; 0' ' , '. , -. . T , PICK THE SECURITY THArs tID ...................... of eisbI 10-': To Win A CfJ1IIjJlete Victory ••• : ...... c ....... - ,,_,..,.__ : 0/.;Ceo" ..... iii' .Ii' ... 1kiIuI_,,.FJjlJtiq . . . . . . . . 1966-7' . _N D ".1IIIJY ... $IGO ·SIXTH WAR LOAI. ov.,.-puf ".. SIxth War LOGn . To ~how What We. Can _ :~"",,,'''''4 Yf'-_ .. ,9OI1 To Help Bring The BO}fS Back To An Amwkan Life • ••. .f . o fIeIp set " onr-J,uy an Extra ,roo War aondNowl Do;••• 1M' ~ ,.. .,., ••., , . . , , . l1li111 "., , . , . - j , - -- • , • p- • ._. ' • • • •_ . _ ••••• L ·L _ . _ - - ,'. Van Alen Brothers . Tlle·Bouquet. Dew Drop lnn r·' Russell's Service , , Harvard TeaRoom . ... R S The Ingleneuk. . .-- A . '~ • -- ..ped.nfc\ell,:' ":• lteaa"'" _lA4. D Swarthmore· National .. Bank & Trust Co. A. P. Smaney .... s- vr_ fir- nee (:.1.:~'1do . Weapons of Victory ••• "'.11 "., ~ ••• ,,., .... ~ • o ~ ... ,./ :II' . '1'1 . ;~ .ai-; .,. '. . " I: .' Celia's Shoe Shop '.;I'~ z , H. B. Green Marie Donnelly , Strath Haven Inn E. L. Noyes1-, • Harris and Company' . Frank's Barber Shop Peter E. Told " .,:~ ..., . ., , ,~ ,; Alice M. Baird .> •• . Martel Bros. Hannum & .Waite .'- . o· ~ Joseph's Barber· Shop Swarthmore Studebaker Sales & Service B. J. Hoy Sand 10 . Swarthmore Co-op Bucber's Michael's College Pharmacy Adolph's Barber Shop ' . ' ., ., ..: ~:- ~ .", ,... .-' .-: ' ... .. .................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. ....••.. ~ " ....._~_ •.. __ . __ .__ ..,_._ . ... ;:: _.~,"" _._...:...:::::.., •• f~_ ..:...:...~"¥"' •...:..."""';, ;f~,':,:..;,"'.-w~'"' .......'" '. , .' , .' '. :II t Co-ed Beauty Salon Alice Barber; 'Gifts . .,'" . " .. .___' -"'.. _~. __ ,-:~~.__ .... _ ,;~:":";'-7.,-~""",,,_, __,;,- ',.' . -"~"'. J.' :" .,.: ,,', • e THE. SWAIU'HMO'REAH J.'R'IBBNT V4IIDIl'1'Y BBOwam PIIY-1II' ". , I'fOVI!'MIER 17,1944 ',. FRIDAY, NoViJdBER 17, 1944 Jr. CIuIt Malll Tbero will be a Brodie t1,..tlP K... Helen K. Hall. .. put A Tariety wu held yeeterda,.ln on WedD_. NOTembor II at tbe epealplfl at _ ... selected ling who ran 30 yards tor a touch ... b;, a oanV1188 of pas- down. Garllng alsO converted a will play o.n the team. Mr. and M1'II. WIllIIUD H. Lee of tAm!'- chap1aiD8 .... the lightning stroke again In the llret Harvard and Cornell avenues en... helpful'" _ Ulack.. field jn motion. The The BeD Telephone 9'mpanyoffen you steadf Mr. and Mrs. George 1:;. Corae o~ saturdaJ' ............... Psalm !I'l bright spot in the game as far as YaJ.e avenue entertained a. groUP Smula7, Dec. 10 ........ , Jeala,b 55 swarthmore was concerned was the worlc, often near yoUr i!ome, with good pay and Kooda;' ... ; ........., .... Psalm 111 kicking of Blll Nelson. of t:rlends at .brea.kfaat on Sunday regular and .. ~ . . inc" ..eo. Congenial. Tue.da7 ............ , PbII1pp\all8. Bill who in previous gameS bad morning. been ha.ving trouble with his klck .. Pfc. JackSon F. Blackman. U~ .S. \Vedcasd-., ......... BewJa~m1 Sl me"..., for No apetieace ne<:eaaryl ~., •• ".0'.' ••••••.•.• )Joke 15 lng go oft several 45-yard boots. M.C.R., stationed 9t "Bainbridge. ~__ E);&:pqlld'1!8 II ~ Township scored Its last touch- Md .• will lea.,ve the Naval Hospital r·..·....., . . . . . . . . . . . '.. --~II .ur .Cblot Op.rat.r, or come in and talk . down with but ftve"·minute& ot the today after being conflned with BatUrda7 .,. • ...... • ....... Jolm 17 ' it 0Vel' with one of our frieDdly Bring 8unda7, Dec. 17. t . . . . . . ]salah 58 game. let( to play, ··'Mat Kelly.leap- larYng.lUB "tor ·two weekS. ed high into the aJr to Intercept Mr .. and Mrs. Joseph Reynolds of M_1' .......... I~111 .. girl friend aloDg if you wish. Maybe roa caD one of Bill Nelson's pB88e8 on the "Half Acre," Oberlin avenue en'I' da1' .................. Jot. 10 Garnet 40 yard Une and daehed tor te~ed a group of boys convalWedn 1&., ••••••••••• :p 1m 11 worlc together. VUiI: the 0'llKe youTbursda.,- ••••..••• u;.•••• Psa'hr 8'1 a touchdown, speared to go all the escing at the Hospital Annex at .~,. ••...., •••••••...•••••• 801m 1 way for the Raiders third touch- dinner at their bo~e on TUesday I_I An" .tnet, Pbl.....lpb.. _ _;, •••••••• Reye]at1..... IS down. evening. Swarthmore will have a. 'Week'8 R.... 315, McClatcby Build. . . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bates of 8 _ ; ' . I)ec. 14 •..... PSalm 80 layoff before It journeys to Lans" "Rocky Spring Farm Of PaxaoD ...... M."'et Sta., Upper Darby ( l b r - ' )lee. 15 •.••.• ~ I downe for Us annual Thanksgiving Hollow road. Media.. who enPraJ' 1hat dlll :ncaing of these game. 57••• Eo P _ ~t., N......tertainIng Mra. William A. Banp,r" w bJ' tbe people . . bDm8 ford. ot North Haven, Mua., as ...anpeftll _ IIIIIl tbolr -&11nt. 11>r .. feW daJIO, PTe a ta _ _wi... or _ - world CHQ~YS.~'1'I'!PIWG~ ",.., Tbe Senior Bleil Chol'Ull repeated am.&1l lUDcbeon In: her honor ~-. tbe .xceUent pro\rl'&1D glvell at IllTburallaY. atltute 1ut montb, IIlnKlD.l' "Oklada1' by -,.. Sblrley Karle, omall danchW of homa." '"Ob. What a BeautlfUl Dr. aDd ..... samtlel oarpenter Of ,-" -to ClIp 010 ..... ta,..,.... Bible. BeaI1 a Morning:' an~ .. tew corn .bucklnC WbltUer place celebrated her BODP. Tbe regular Mnior high as0DI1f the ...noe. fourtb birth.,., on Baturda7 taet by 8Ombl,. Wedn_aY afternoon. enterta\n1DC _ of' her ntU_ Mr. Morey 4edlcated the flair. Mend. at a blrtbtia'J' partr. liar uarbar& Lou Kline .... tbe new. . . . - ..... llarbar& Heatb. con(LoWi" F..- Chwclo) '. commentatQ.r, and :sean lIcGlathentil. _ I L J'eaD Ileal.. ~\e led tbe 4e-voUo1UL oarraJian AlII'; Walll:er 1ID4 'fOlD" \ Patty l'&ul plued • \'loUD 0010. 1117 StOpller• . . . . . . II •••• 11 •••••• II •• accompanied by her motber. SCHOOL NEWS ROTARIANS HEAR .CITY COLUMNIST At"'" Jones Comments on Pan-American Status -' .can - ,. ~: I \ .I ",I ~~~~ ttJ, ·,du./ld? DIItECI'OIt so much for so little these days electricity. ; We're qlad that electricity able to WQrk around the clock war plants and still stay . on the job your home. We're proud that you low pre-war waqes for tts servicesl ,. . intervi_. nearest r .. ' _-' 1BARRY W LANG ,. CarpetS and Bugs. i SWAllTHMORE 07'. . I PAl. . . ING .' UIC' DA.... WOOD' G e.e wi~~·oct. 21, The First N ..Uonoi Bank of Media. Guardian of Vir- 0755 ....~ -wt~ ~===~~;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;; ......... IF 'YIOU W Ii I I THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Of PENNSYLVANIA i •• ') (r OBVIOUSLY, the only servant who will do _u Baltimore Pike, Springfield "l NEWS NOTES PUNERAL 8kiIl "A Frf....,' PIoct to Work" ." QUINBY .. • • • Learn Telephone Work THE BLUE CHURCH I _____ .', ----- m_ 10.· . ... 0' '. .~ , FOUND Christinas . _i'1idDi .•--_.... ol o,,,,•• '. of dIk'~it<'.'· J"une Term. llf. ,15. Hannum & Waite ·on . .~' ... .' unt"'" _rn"'0 th. the ... .~ 6j'''.?~tfc.1# . or"~ -. • =;trl1 NEWS NOTES ..1,,_' ' an4 Pod ..,.utes' I·"···." All that certain lot or piece &rOund wlt.b lb.e buUdlnp anel improvements thereon erected. sltuale In the uorou,ah of CoIu~e. County of Delaware and State of Pennaylv~ bounded and descrIbed accordln& to a 8Urvey or plan thereof, dated October 2nd, 192'f. Plade by Alonzo H. yocum, J. MacBRIDE. BorouPl EnJrlneer. as follows: . deceased. prothonotary. Beglnnlnc at a point on the north... E~NST-OCt. 28. Lelchlon P. Stradley. 3t-11-10 ~:.::::::::::=:!: eaat side of CUlton Avenue at the dlsed~tee Charles A. ·Ernst, 4eeeu· ::...:::.~=tance of 97.12 feet from the IOUtheaat corner of Clifton Avenue and Bartram. ESTATE NOTICB EVANS-Oct. 27. Louise Jardine. AdAvenue; thence extending North 62 demlnlBtratrl:r. of John S. Evans d~ BSTATE OF WILLLAJl S. BITTLE, grees. 21 minutes East 144.20 feet to late of ttl Batpn A.,.y.e, 81fmll- a. point; thence extenillnl" South 10 dec~~ • more, PeDUJ'I,.aala, deeea.ea. FAULK-Oct. 26-Kenneth Snyder Ex&9 mlnutel!l Eut 68.91 feet to the Notice Is hereby k1.ven· that Lettel'll crees ecutor of Jean S. Faulk. deceUed. northweet side of a. fifteen feet wtde of Administration have been granted to FRANK-OeL 21, lAi.urette E. Fra.nk. e:r.tendlng southwestwardly Into the underaignoo, who requesbl all per... aIley EX8ClltrlK of Clarence Paul Fra.nk. CUfton Avenue. thence exteOOiDs 1 BOna having claims or demands ap.lnat also/known as Clarenee/P F--- • deceased. • nIoUA. the Estate of the satd decedent to alone the northwest side of said 15 feet ."lde alley South IS del'l'ee., 68 FUSBELL-Oct. 31,. Finst National make known the same, and all persona mlnutt;S Weat 4.f.26 feet to a point. . Bank of Media, Executor of Robert Indebted to the decedent to make pay- thence extending North 30 degrees. &9 writing desk. new WANTED-Junlor ment Immediately to ~'"u8sell. deceased. W. MARK BITrLE. minutes Weat 80.19 ft. to 80 point; or second band. Telephone SwarthGILLEN-OCt. 21. Tho Wayne TIUe • Admlnlatrator Estate o~ thenee extendln& along a course SOUth more Of29•. Trust Company, Admlntatr&tor C. T. Mrs. A~ M. Bosshardt of Park William S. Bittle. deceased. EZ degrees. '21 minutes Weat and paaa... A. of JOlM!ph Oillen. deceued.. W ANTED-Boy'e bicycle for xmas avenue recently spent a few days HANBY-Oct. 125 Rutgers Avenue, Ing tht'oUl'h. the center "of a party wall ao, Iva !4.. Blair, Ad1IPft. One needing repairs would be Swarthmore. Penna. betwMn the J)remlleS k\ereb)' conveyed of Frances Hanby. d&and the premise8 adjoining on the coMldered. Telephone swarthmore In Washington. D. 'C., as the guest Or to his Attorney. 80utheaat 100.18 ft. to the northeasterSOIf. ot D"r. Marc Peter, American dele- HARKNESS-Oot. 10, Mid-City Bank AJ...BERT N. GARRE'rl', ly .ld6 of sald Clifton Ave.; thenCe ez.WANTED-Warm housekeeping: apart- ge.te ot the InternaU!)nal Red CroBS " Trust Co., Executor of John M.. 228 Garret AVfmue, tending alona the same North aO deSwarthmore. Penna.. 6t-ll-11 ment eeoond floor. centrally located Harkne88. deceased. . grees. 69 minutes Weat 2f feet to the for ..-oman by about December 26. Committee in Geneva and Mrs. HODGE--OcL 11. Vietor J4. Hodge. DEUAWARE COUNTY INBTlTUpoint and place "of beldnnln&. Telephone swarthmon Of9l. Admln18trator of John Vietor Hodge TION DISTRICT Together with the right and .ubJeet Pew. Wblle tbere obe had aD Sealed propoaala will be reeeived at to .. corresponding right In the ownen deceased. . interview wltb Dr. :Max Habicht. HODGE-OcL 11, Victor M. Bodg'e. Ad- the County Controller's Office, Court or occupiers of the adJoining property FOR S.UE \. ministrator of Valette S. Hodge, d&- House. Kedia, PL, unbl 1 p:m. and on lbe northwest of csln. as and for a .Asa\8taDt DlplomaUc Advl8er to publlcly opened at 2 p.rn. on Wednea· pusageway and· drivewa.y forever, ... FOR !lALE-28" bOy'a bicycle with UNRR.A. and met Mrs. Charles "C4l&l!ed. mVIN&--Oct. 27, The wayne TIUe & day. December 6, IB.f, for turnlahln. certain 1 teet driveway Ia.fd out onepre... war tires. Call swarthmore 8691. Trust Company, Admlnlstra..tor C.T.A. and ~eUverln& to Delaware County half on the property hereinabove d~ Bruggmann." w.tte ot the SwiM Home. Lima. Pa.. gaaoUne and 011 for acribeci and one,balf on the property ot James Irvine, deceased. FOR SALE-DAvenport and chair. up- Mlillater to tbe U.S.A. and the wife the use of the Delawaro County IMU- on the northweet for the common Wla JAMES-Oct. 27-lnterboro Bank hol8tered tuU..sprin& constrUction. Trust Company. Executor of Clar- tutlon DlBtrict,.· and benefit ot each ot the sald propNeeds new coverS. Call Swarthmore of the Y·ugoslavlan SpeclftcaUOIUI and blddln. sheet may enee Y. James. deceased. Mr. an4 Mrs. 1., P. Wra.y. Walnut JONE&-Oct. erUea. GlZ3. be obla1ned at the Oftlce of the County 31. R.. Lloyd .Tones and Improvements constat of two etory -- I XUdred J. Taylor. Executors of Aa'- Controller, and no bid will be enter.. brick house. porch front llXfO teet; lan~ lett Wednesday for Pensa.cola., FOR SAT$ -Quality white p.III ran talned unlesu made out on aaJd bid .. nes Jd. Jones. late of the Borough of concrete block prace. IxlS feet. Telephone swarthmOre 3062.. Fla.. to 8pend the Thanksgiving Aldan. deceased. SOld &8 the . property 01 Andrew .1. din&' ob..t. Each bid must bo accompa.nled by a Behroder and)4ary lone Hannum, 'FOR SALE-Glrl's pre-war 26· bt... hoUdaY wltb their da;,gbter an4 KELLEY-Oct. 31, John Franc1l!l Dusan. Guardian of Allene Gibbs Kel- cerUfled dleck of One Hundred real owners. cycle. TlreIJ almost new. Call son-in-laW. EnBlgn and Yrs. Robley. fonnerly Allene Marle Glbbe. oo,OO) Dol1a.ra. drawn to the order GREER A JOHNSON. Attomeys. Frld&y or Sunday. 501 Yale avenue. o the Delaware County IllBtltuUon ert B. Struble. They will be joliled late .. minor. 11. Girard Truat ComFOR EmeraQn en route by their 80n. Lt. Richard KLINE-OcL pany. Trustee U/d of TruIIt of Jennie Radio. walnut console recetver. ahort B. Wray now etaUoned at CIUDP R. Kline. setUor. dater .T&n. 20. lIf.. wave and phonograph connection. Sel81. Girard Trust Com.dom uaecl.. Exeellent condlUop- Call Butner. N. C., who will spend iL 10- KLlNE-OcL pany, Executor of Jennie R.. Kline, Swarthm~ 0241. day furlougl1 wltb his famll;, In 4eceaaed. LEH-OCL 11, Anna F. Leb, AdmlnlaFOB BATiE Studio couch a.nd cover. pensacola. tratrlx C.T.A. of John J!'. Leh, de.,1; twlil Iron be4 and opriDn. ~O; Arthur S. Jennings. SWarthmore ceased pnner"e outfit, slso 42.. ,5; hand blockLEWIS-Oct. UI. J"08eph Jla,rVey, E:r.-· ed Unen material for c.urtains. ,12; Bleh School. Claos Of '41 haa ;reecutor of C. Freemont. Lewis, detwo lawn rollers. nand$&. Telephone ceived his wings and comml.alon d. Swarthmore 1981...J4. . . as ena\cD at pensacola. FJa. En- LEWl8-Oct. 20, Charles R. !Awl!, Guardian of Roes C. LewlB. Jr.• and FOR SALE-Maple clInette ..t of 6 algn J"ennlnp 18 expected "home on Clare E. Lewls. minora. lUI stated plecea, reasonable; lo..ya.rd piece. by LIllian C. LeWD. Executrls of leave by h18 parente. :Mr. and Mrs. prewar Damuk, sapJ;llb1re blue. 116 Charle. R. Lewis. deceuect. M. J. JenningS of Faraday Park, MacINTYRE. Oct. 31, Mae H. MacDlcklDIIon Avenue. . Intyre executrix of WUllam. H. ::r.tac.. Mort~n, Pa. lntyr6- late ot the City at Cheater d~ Katllle FWI88II. daughter· ~ . . . ceased. . FOR RENT::SlnSle room_&nd ~rlV&te 23, Ethel M. Stelnme'ls bath, near (Ollege. Telephone an4 Mrs. Mlltnn 1'.......11 of vaeear MARTlN-DCt. and Helen M. Scott. Executrices of Swarthmore 120•• avenue, who Ie undergoLng the Robert T. )(a.r1ln, deceased. Kenny Treatment at the J .. Lew1a. MASON-OcL 26. Fldellty-Phila. Trust LOST Co., Trustee U/W of .Joseph Jlason CrOzer Hosp.1ta1. WB8 able to .reJr•• deceased. LOST-Year-old male Reward... turn to ber homB o~ Election Da.v },$ASSEY......()cL 81. .James C. Baker. Telephone swarthmore 0108. E:r.ecutor of :Mary L. Massey. late ot to vote, Immediately returning to the City Qt CheBtert deceased. the hOllPltal for furtber treat- MERCER-OCL 21, William H. Mercer. Executor of J(ary Eo :Mercer, deFOUND-Pune containing money on mente. ceased. Mrs.:a:arry Seymour and her JdESSICK-OcL 24, Delaware County O,Cden avenue and Ches~r road.. Trust Co.. TeatamenlarY Guardian Telephone SWarthmore 2122. children Jane, Carol, and Ba.rbara of Hannah Jane Messlck. late a FOUND-7 key. on ring and chain. on have resumed their re,sldence at minor U/W of .Joseph Messick. deLataye~t& avenue. Call at The n ceased. . their former home 316 Dick.\n80 Swarthmorean Ofllce. MILLER-Oct. 31. Charles F. MUler. a.venue e.tte.r 8pendlng siX months Administrator of .Joseph Frederick Maller, alBo known as Joseph F. M.ll': PERSONAL, with Mrs. Seymour's father Mr. ler. deceased. PERSONAlr-Reglakired ~pencer cor- Alexander Adams of Sharon BIll. :MOORE-Oct. 21, Anno. Moore, AdminseUere. Mrs. Elate JL 14cWllllamB. Seaman l/e Harry Seymour is an Istratrix of Clyde Austin Moore. d&o Telephone SWarthmOJ'>8 46A-W for ap.. ceased. instructor 1n the Qu~rtermaater MORDINE-Oct. pointment. 80. Phlllp !daaclantonlo, EKeCutor ot Dominick MorSchool in Gulfport. 'MJB8. dine. also known &8 Dominick Mor-· Mr•• C.M.C. LewiS of the Swart\ldInt. deceased. A.. J. mor~ APartme.nts is entertaining at MeGRANN-Oc'. 16, Philip A. McGrann, Adminltltrator d.b.n. of PhUlp A. . .a~ QunraY, .JL a .dlnner partY t~ls evening, Among McGrann., deceased. 'the gueats will be Mr. and, Mrs. PARRY-QCt. ~O, Samuel D. parry, Executor of Michener Farry. deceMWill.... . Hart'ey. Mra. WIlUam B. ed. . Harvey, ReV; George C. ~nderaon, RODDY-OcL 3:1. Marcaret R. Mcilvaine, Admlnlstratri:r. of Loretta M. Major and ]lira. W. Sproul Lewis ROddy. deceased. of swarthmore. and Dr. and M.r& ROGERS-OCt. 1.,., Eva. Rose Rogers. ExecutriX of Edward V. Rogers, de· GrOver Noetzel ot W¥J1Dewo~dEDWIN B. KE" £Y, Jr. ceased. ROWLES-OCL 18, Ea1"1 E. 'Rowles and James La. Rankin, Executors oJ WUYoarhwehr Uam E. Rowle8, 1&10 of the City of _ _ 7"'& ct. IlId.C!t7 Bad • 0lIl ..... Trul-t Company. )CKecutor of Ale~ WOOD-()et. U, J_IIhI... Swwart Count,. InatltutlOJl Di8trtct """,,6 the der Colltne. abo known . . Alez. CoIWood Linn and WIlllam B. LInn, rlPt to rWoct IUU' or oil 1101. deceue4. . JL WALTER W1!lAVBR. EseeutoN ot T. Stewart Wood. 4 .... It-U-l1 -count7 COntroUer. COX-OcL 14. EdIth D. Cox. Admlnlatratrtx. of Robert Jlliler Cox. 1&te of YACZYBYHYN-Oct. 11. Cheoter-Camthe Towrwblp of Rldley. de-:enwA. brld... Bad • TrUat co.. GuardIaD COURT HOUSB, KBDIA. p\DNNA. .:10 A.JL W.. TIaM of 8al11e T&(:syayhyn, late a minor. DANOWBKI-Oct. U. Delaware ARTHUR P. BRETHERICK. t,. Natlonal Bank. Admlnlatrator COndIUo... : ~lio.oO cull or ~ n.tater of WUlI and chock at time of Helen Danowakl. late of the Cit,. (unIeM'Clerk of Orphaba" Court. wIN Chyler. 4ece· ....... alated lD. a4vertlMment) b&JanC8 In ten cl&,... Other condl.Uone on 4a7 10. Herbert H. Urlmtb. 01 Earl. C. Davia, deof_ . "Levari Faclaa No...61 " KIM VlrclnJa. Hatb wll1. head tbe EKecutlve Board of the swarthmore wANTED . Recreation AIeo.ciaUon tor the com.. WANTED-blrl. H .... SchOOl an4u- Iilg ;,ear. M .... Robert Spiller. outate for ·olllce work. COmmen:lal train" _ not neeel"""• Telephone Swarth- going prestdent of the bOard,. anmore till. nounced today. other otflcere ",111 W ANTED-ResPOrLllble pany to 4rive be: Berman BI"".... vice prt!llldent· ' ' famlly to Miami, Fl&.. In excban&:e M l'II. Joaellh Reynolda. t.reU1lrerfor U'aDlportatlon. TeL 8warthDwre lira. Fred Anthony. 8JJIJl8tant t~: liP. urer. Mrs. Frank Keenen" WANTEJ}.;...Smtll ala, two wheeler. IICOOter. or waaon-XmU sift for boy pondtJ?-C aecrem.ry; and 'Sj:.even of 5. Telephone Media 2&68. . Spencer, recording secretary. Mrs. Frank Keenen, Mrs. MarW ANTED-Rockl~ horae for child to garet !-leal. ~eorge Xarnl, Her',It In. Al80 electrlo razor 10 perfect cop4ltlon. Telephone swa.rtJuilore 199t. man Bloom. new members oJ. ..the WANTED-Metal ~n for cbUd. board, were preeented at the" Irieet... J4ra. Jenny. swartbtn~ 199!..J. Ing. beld recenUy in Borough Hall. WANTED-To rent Jar." flah aquar- They will aerve on the board' unUl lum.· 10 plI0DB or more. cau 1147. ME!mb,ers whose terms. end swarthmore 1676. ' in 1148 Include Mrs. Anthony.. lIrs. W ANTED-Chlld's arlcycle, 1'" or 2OW; Reynolds. Fred. Morey and :Mrs. portable' viCtrol&. Telephone Media. Spencer. whUe Mrs. Spiller. ·MlM 0'181. . Bath. M .... Wllliam DeCalndry and W.ANTED-2 .men's eults. 01.. 88·4.4:. Mrs, George Allen will complete AJ.Bo rug Ix10. Reply to Box A. their. three years In 11Ui. Tlle swarthmorean. "eD· Nor . CLASS IF lED Be Prepared • I.' 7 THE. SWARTHMOREAN TO IU~ & . . BUY._ SELL _ RENT ___ or'INSURE .....-, . . ._. '. wn !lW s. Brm.E .. SON slnl.. Waters, late a minor. . AdministratrIX e.La. of MarY EmIl~ 81, Louisa Emmick. ~j'Wl~f~~ ,WILLI ' to. 10• .lohn PerBhlnc ~ esecutor of Raymond Net.. 80n W1lUam~ also known'" Raymood N. Williams. ,.1. 48CNW WILLlAMSON-QcL William L. wmtamaon • ~ecutor of wnuam B. ,~Iate of tbo _ ....b of .' ....-gr.;m~L .~ cb~'j,rld... ~.'.•! __..__...._.~.... ;.~ .I I:~., ;R: U;.,;ro~; :ERB:"~,;,;./Ji;v..~;~~,:;.U;,";·;',,,,,""11".,'!'.,!II:."......_._._;.,.~ .'!'. "BUJt . ' TriH' 00.; •. ~ ofI That's news wartime. poS'"ole only because of sound business manaqementand because your friends and neiqhbors this company know their business. *** .. • :.HIL",PEL.iIA ELEElIIE ' ......nt·· ~. HoI WtllfO ~ .', . '. .," "chlclty JusI.8oc- It fa Not lalMI." " '" , . , ." ~ ,.:"". . ,'. I Ii ,I I .!,, , . " , .r E SWARTHMOREAN T F EE! WOMEN ENJOY yogr copy HOME LECTURE .f til......... NEW look of John Robbins Hart Gives Timely Talk At Club B-VPRIZE RECIPE ; LOcal war PrIce ....i1 RaUOtl Boo.rd 1111.' baT. proc-.1 ....d xnallod out all of tho DO" "A!' boOluI III whlob. appUeaUOD8 were reeeivod up to Novembor 11. Thoy could QIl\y , have done thla thro....h the oplendld cooperation of tho varIous volunteera. The blgh 1ICh001 students were excepUobBlly helpfUl as well 88 the manY volunteers of the conllnunlty. and both the Board and the The Noyember m ...U.... 0 f the was held on Thursday, Novembor I In WhltUer HoUle with 1\[.... WIlliam T. JoIudoD preel4lDc• The opeekers wo.. Betsy Job_· and Thoodore PaullID who told' about the conference on con.acrlpUon whloh they atteDded at Richmond, lnd .. on Noyember 1-4. Both oId_ of tho question of coDllCl'lp- 1n p-.cetlme were prMented, and the al'lrUmenta against It seem: to outwe16h Ute argumente for It. Home Relationships was the theme of .. timely te1k by JOhD Robbins. Hart, clergyman.' psycholpubllo owa them a. debt of graU.. oglat and lecturer ..t ·the Womtude. .Anyone not haYIng rean·s Club on Tueadq afternoon, ceived hlB "AU book- 8hould take N!>v.mb.r 14. Rev. M~. Hart, ~eo­ Jt up promptly with the Po.t tor of .the WaahJn~D Memorial For Making Delicious Hot BouUioa-addiDg New m~t to Chapel at Vansy Forge rmd Pro- omee and the board. Moat DUbes Gravies, Meat Loaf, etc-Try it. F.coIlomical too. fessor of PqcholoU. at the Junto .. WAHlEn 3cSTAMPS PhiladelphIa's AdUlt School. showed that relaUanBhipa In the home The regular meeting of the have much to 40 with relationships In the world. "Personal relation- Lelgon AwtlllILry will be held at the T. :Bassett, abJps. demand the acCUracy of eol- home .ot lW'8. Herbert . ·ence and the technique of art 600 North Chester road oil Monthe greatest enemy of harmony 1s day, November 20, at 2 o'clook in jealouq.u he safd. "Competltion the afternoon, MrL Alben Eavenand co.. ordlnaUon are neceua.ry In all human relaUona. I\[en will light Bon. the pre8ldent will preside. The Round-up date .tor this dIso for ·homes women mako worth trlet was Novemb.r 11. and it Ie :D.ghUng for." •:t~i:JC: HI. dlacuBBlon on ma.rrlqe re- hOPed that. members Mth unpaid vealed that one ;marrlee the whole du"" will heaten to get theirs to the famUy for generatione before. Attreasurer, Mrs. Howard Hopaon. tltudes toward mone7• careera. Uving ~e'a own lite not Rutgers avenue, BOon. Coupons are being collec"t:ed by one's chUdrens. courtelllY, humor, treating those nearest f&irly, not Mr,.. Herbert Baaaett, who hopes taking advantage ot loved ones. for a subStantial inoreaSe· In ·the coDBlderatlon and gratitude are all Dum:ber brought in th~ month. esoenUals of .. happy fa.mUy lite. FortY new three· cent sU,inP~ \ It .is importa.nt the speaker conhave been received .tor use by the tinued, to alwaY8' try to be pos[Coatesville Hospltai· uncompensated Uve Instead of negaUve, cultivatveterans· on ihelr Christmas car~. log the Ucan and dO" rather than The AUxiliary would like to ••nd a the "oa.n't and don't.n It these gift of 100 .tamp;'. Will yoU help traits were universal there wow,d by sendhig o'r· bringing. stampi!t to HEINZ CREAM OF be no wars.. Mr. .Hart said that b.fore we 208 vwiBar avenue. crUlolze a P8l'sc:W. whj:) Deeds our help •. we shou~d consider the· tol. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-,.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \llo.,.'lnill' ton pomt.: Being one's be.t Wilson B. V. POINT FREE MEATS! Ib 38e Skirt Steak Ib47e ,Veal Cutlets Ib I Veal Chops Fresh Hamburg Ib28e Ib 35e Ducklings and . Tha,nksgiving Dinner $3.00 PER PERSON 12 Nooa till 8:30 P. M. Thursday. Nov. 23nl F0' 'lISeroatlOft!, t.I,pAon.JBITtciJ,olJ3~' 4800 .reuBton, . MARTEL'S FANCY 19c 29 c 29c 39 c [N~n F_ gr~../ TIN> II"oIU_ 19tb ud WALNUT. Riucabouae Squan F.J.Pow•• Jr. . ROSSElli . .. '" .. .,. . . . .,' ........ kindly .plrlt~ .harlngour own faults. being natural, having a. program. bolng prep for reacUons wbJ.le taking ·a person's life into account ..nd being constructive aJways. "People Interested In reform should not go to bed too early" was . the speakel"". concluding jar' 3lc th:~:rt.the regular monthly stated jar 29c meeUng. Mrs. John C. Moore, the qt. 35c gal 59c American Home Chairman pre... .ented the speaker nal All-American ree.. ,:renney of the mathematics departCh.ina Alpellne which secretly has first contest In 1.01. opltion. He .now Is compleung ment will dl8cuS8 somB. ot the bean under way :for two years. Carded directly to the hospital his se~lor year at the I'Pol"t" ~a.nd schdols aims In the development of ":lr.§lldy: . th",,,,_.~nj;'est military .Is In ~ un~s.n.,l~~a:paclty CUI a stu- .frqm tlJe field JJ,e. was accompanied clel\r. thlnklug .. ,.throUg~ reading., olre.rattonal. ptpeUn~ In the" w·o)·ld. by Dr. Harold R01by and·llls'·fath .. dent serving on the coaching AtaU writing and BPes.klng, ot clv.!c reAllied torces In North BUrma are er who remained with him until of what naijonal sports writers Insponsibility, a.nd the parents; valnow being supplied gasoline by it. op~ration. Ie.te that bight removed dicate Is the out-standing footban uo as related' to the students' the ruptured lett kld·ney. TransfuWhen crnnpleted it .will have at team In the country and probably Bions were given by teammates who achievements, suggesting ways for least double the capacity ot the in the history of the Aca.derny. w.ith Coach· Dettmut~ went to; the parents to help young people reach Ledo road which It was buUt to "JJud'· w.tll be on hiB way to at- h08pltal Immediately after the their potentfal level ot' attainment. supplement. It will tree muoh of tend the ArmY',Navy game in Bal- ~ame. At 7 :10 p.m. denert and corree the air transport and Ledo road thnore the next day. will be served In the high school tonnage fer carry;1ng guns and ChaJiman C. MacDonald swan audltot-Ium. Tills will be the time, 'other war essentials to the ·Chlnese announces that the program Is rather than after the meeting, and General Claire Chennault's nearing completion and it is hoped when parents wUl bave an opUnited States 14th Air Force In that many outstanding members of portunity to visit with the faoulty "'.,fust Among Ourselves" a likeCbina. thlB year's University of Pennsyland to taLk with the certain teachCol. Morae who graduated trom able volume ot vene by E. Clayvania football team will ·attend. ers they w.ish to ~e. west point In 1923 re-entered the The committee as usual to to~ Walton just published reflects A' 8: 16 the general meetlng wltl . Army 001 October 19. ·1943 and was reward the boys by the presenta- friendly. humorous philosophy of a begin, and tollowlng the talks. an 8.88igned immed.tately· to the .Chlna- tion of, silver footballs which will long time resld~t who helped to open forum· will take place. Burma-India theater of war. Let· be made on the committee·s behalf shape borough 1.1!e. It 1s. mo'reMr. Hllkert'a Program Committers have been reoeived regularly by Coach "BiU" Ziegenfus, al- over. the record ot a happy man tee CGDsista of the following memby bls wife and three daughters though. this yeu the varsity school wltose Interests are wJdBBlJread and bers: :MJsB Margaret Price. WUma Bonny now a sophomore at Mid .. 'letters will not be awarded at the whose friendS :range from the very Stern Lewis, Mias Nell L. Wisedlebury. Betty a. freshman at Honor Night but at a later 'date In young to those already IJaased "Inman. Mrs. John M. Moore and to the infinite qUietude of death."' Well¥ley. and Virginia. a. Junior 10 a School Assembly Program. the high school. At the time he Swartbmoreans w.ltl welcome the Hen~ J. Hoot. The evening will conclude with left to re .. enter the service he was t~e ,.howtP!J ot outatand!n$' foot- ::omments on the vU1&8'e scene and ReCOVERING chief engineer tor the SUBQ.ueban • bt~.l~ Pictures of giLn;tes ot ~e year Ufe. Older readers and young will na Plpelhies and a member of its as well 'as picture:. of University ·flnd variety In the more general Capt. Geoffrey Dolmll-n Is recov.f' observation8 on human qulr.ks and board of directors. of Pennsylvania. games. ering from a. ·knee opera.tlon perFIRE IS COS'R.Y TMs event marks the omclal the modern scene, all done with the formed November 1 In a. hospttal conclusion of a football season in twinkle which Is a part of the au- in England. The SWarthmore Fire Company whIch the high schQol· foot.b!lll thor's friendly greeting. In point Capt. Dolman w:Jlo had been with was called :Monday at 11:15 a.m. to ,sQ.uad haa ~ven townspeople mueh there Is "Cellophane"· "Crooning," the Second Armored Division In Mrs. Ralph Yo~ngt ,Eastern Ree.nd "Conserving Tin!' fight a fire In the apartment of AlGQrmany received his promotion to ptea.sure. The -usual crowde'd atbert L. HlJie8, Jr.• on the· top 'floor gional Director ot the League of tendance A close attenUon to and love for captaincy l.,at month. of the audJ.torlum .rellects of the Swarthmore AparUIients. Women Voten,. ad.4ressed the not only the town's appreciation of nature, faith in today's youth, love The fire ~wb1ch waS discovered by Swarthmore group at a tea tor .neW the work being done tor the youth for fatnlUar plaCes which vies w.tth Movie at Clothier another occJlPQ.nt oC the apal'tlD~nts membeTS at the Woman's Club on Interest in new scenes, gra~ttude Friday. Mrs. Young spoke of the of the community "u~ the enthusl· when smoke. ahd fla.mes poured asM tor the beneflts to character for an America "uncontrolled an" The movte at Clotbler tbls Satfrom the: wlnd WA I~ T HM ()lU:: tt.pOtt GIl CoDKliptk- Thank VollllltNJ'8' Get _- FRIDAY; NOve_. 17, 1...... THE. . aDd. .' . ........3'. CALENDAR .. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE .. _.-. -_._-- .. -.---.--,._---- --... .. -.-. _.. ~ ~--"~---- A, TAIl' S WA I~THM() I~E FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1944 THE SWARTHMOREAN 8 E E! WOMEN ENJOY F ,. G.t your copy HOME LECTURE of this unique NEW Book of John Robbins Hart Gives Timely Talk At Club M PRIZE RECIPES,; Wilson B. V. 25c pkg For Making Delicious Hot BouUion--adding New Interest to Most Disbes-Gravies, Meat Loaf, etc-Try it. Economical too. POINT FREE MEATS! Ib 38c Skirt Steak Ib47c Veal Cutlets Ib45c Veal Chops Thanksgiving Poultry! HEINZ CREAM OF Ritz Green Turtle Soup · .. , ........ tin jar · . ... . ... . Delmonte Apricots . . .. . .... lb. pkg. Martel's Coffee ' pkg. Geffen Tea Balls, . , . , , • Local War Price and RaUon Boa.rd 2611.1 • • L. • have proc...ed and mailed out aU of the new "A" books In which appUcaUona were received up to November 11. They could only have dona this through the splendid cooperation of the varIous volunteers. The high school students were excepUonal1y helpful as well as the many volunteers of the community, and both the Board and the public owe them a debt ot gratitude. Anyone not havLng received his lOA'· boo~ should take it up promptiy with the Post Office and the Board. The November meatin.. 0 t: the W.I.L was beld on ThurBday, No- vember , In Whittier House 'WIth Mrs. WUllam T. J'ohnllon presidio... The speakera were Betsy Johnson and 'l'heodore Paullin who told about the conference on C:OIllliCrlP- Uon which they attended at Richmond, Ind •• on November 1-4. Both sides of the question ot conscription In peacetime were presented and the argumentB against It 8eem to outweigh the arguments tor It. Home Relationships was the theme of a. timely talk by John Robbins Ha.rt. clergyman. Psychologist and lecturer at the Woman's Club on Tuesday afternoon. N9vember 14, Rev. Mr. Hart. rector of the Washington Memorial Chapel at Valley Forge and Professor ot Psychology at the JuntoWANTED-3c STAMPS PhUadelphla.'s Adult School. showed that relatiOJ1shlps In the home The regular meettng of the have much to do with relationships In the world. "Personel relation .. Lelgon AuxiUary will be held at the ships demand the accuracy of sci- homo , of Mrs. Herbert T. Bassett, ence and the technique of art and 500 North Cbeftter road on Monthe greatest enemy ot harmony Is day. November 20. at 2 o·clock in $3.00 PER PERSON jealousy:' he said. .4Competltlon the afternoon. Mrs. Alben Eavenand co_ordination are necessary In 12 Noon till 8:30 P. M. &11 human relations. Men will fight son. the president will preside. The Round-up date for this dis· for homes women worth Thursday. Nov. 23rd trlct was November 11. and It is flghUng for." His discussion on marriage re- hoped that members with unpaid For; Teseroatlons, vealed that one marries the whole dues will basten to get theirS to the t,'ephone RITtenhouse 4800 family for generations before. Attreasurer. Mrs. Howard Hopson. titudes toward money, .religion, careers. Uvlng one's own Ute not Rutgers avenue. soon. Coupons are being collected by one's chlldreDs, courtesy. bumor, treating those nearest fairly. not Mrs. Herbert Bassett. who bopes taking advantage ot loved ones, for a substantial Increase ·In the consideration and gratitude are all number brought in this month. essentials of a happy famUy Ufe. Fort)~ new three-cent stamps It .is important the speaker conhave been received for use by the tinued, to always try to be posif'JJnfW!rly Til. WJl'ngIMI Coatesville Hospital uncompensat~d 19tb .ad WALNUT. tive Instead ot negative, cultivatveterans on their Christmas cards. Ritte.DltOt1N Square ing the "can and do" rather than F.J. Po,,/er. Jr. The AuxlUary would llke to Bend a the Uonn't and don't!' It these c-..AlV· gift of 100 stamps. Will you help traits were universal there would by Bending or bringing stamps to be no wars. 208 Vassar avenue. Mr. Hart said that before we criticize a person who needs our help,. we shOUld consider the tolOpen Every Saturday Evening Until 9:30 P. M. lowing ten· points: Being one's best self, knowing thoroughly the subject, choosing the right time. saving the right amount, ha.ving a. kindly spirit. sharing our own taults. being natural, having 0. program, being prepared for reactions while taking a. person's Ufe Into account and being constructive always. "People interested In reform should not go to bed too early" concluding was the speaker's Tha.nksgiving Dinner 3tin29c Tomato Soup • Thank Volunteers CoDsc:riptioB Ib28c Ib 35c Fresh Hamburg Ducklings • Report _ • ====!:-:: 19c 29c 29c 39c l't1ARTEL'S FANCY Grapefruit Juice oztin29c 46 Jumbo Ripe Olives, " Budlong Pickle Chips Mott's Apple Juice . , Repp-U-Tation Cider, jar jar .,. ',' qt. , , . , . ' ...... gal. ROSSELLI COOKED Spaghetti 3lc 29c 35c 59c 2jar29c Red Bow Fancy Mixed Nuts ...... ' ,lb. California Fresh Dates , .......... pkg. White Meat Tuna Fish ., .. tin Waxtcx Wax Paper , . , , , .. , , , . . 2 pks. >0 HAPPY JACK BRANDIED Mince Meat 2 • S9c 6Se 47c 29c thought. After the regular monthly stated meeting, Mrs. John C. Moore. the American Home Chairman presented the speaker of the day. The hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. O. M. Hook lLDd Mrs. Melvin R. Haupt, while Mrs. WJIUam Kraemer and Mrs, Robert· L. Coatee presided at the tea table. Anyone wishing to donate new garments for Russian ReUet, will please contact Mora. Henry R. Harris of Swarthmore o.venuo. who Is in charge of this pro~ect. On Tuesday. NoveDlber 21. 1944. Mrs. JClsephine R. Hopwood will talk on Current Events and shoW the colored firm. " to India .. at the regular afternoon meetlng at the Woman's Club. Ibjar 59c Conway Cranberry Sauce ., .... , ... tin L & S Pure Currant Jelly. . .,. . jar Durkee Poultry Seasoning tin Sunmaid Seedless Raisins ,.... pkg. 19c 24c 12c 15c FRESH·UKE FRENCH STYLE Green Beans 3tin49c Fresh-Like Salad Vegetables ...... ' Monarch Golden Sweet Corn . " ..... Burry's Plum Pudding . , . . . ... Minot All Green Asparagus Stuffed Olives tin tin jar tin lSc 18c 98c 39c jar25c MARTEL' BQ More ••• Eat Batter ••• Pay ~ at Martel', STORE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY Buy Speare's Gucr ranteed Perfect Quality HOSIERY Bereaved Nathan T. Duff, husband of Hannah Gettz Dut'l, of Elizabeth. N. J .• died Friday, November 10. In the Alexian Brothers Hospital, Eliza... beth after an illness of three weeks. He was 56. Mr. Duff who was Transfer Agent ot the Pennsylvania R. R .• In New York City, was the brotherIn-law ot Frank L. Gettz of Dickinson avenue. In a.ddition to his wife he is survived by a daughter Mrs. William De Cindls of Concordville. Pa-, and a son Frank Duff of Elizabeth. Funeral services were held Monda.y In Philadelphia with Interment in Arlington Cemetery. Lansdowne. "KAYSER" FIT-ALL-TOP Rayon Hosiery Represents Swarthmore 88 e . paIr Below OPA ceiling price. Perfect quality rayon hose with mercerized cotton foot. New fall shades. Sizes 9 to t t M..... John C. Moore of AJnh,01'1ot I cel.,-ra.tloD. Support the War Chest THE' SWARTHMOREAN VOL XVI-No. 46 Expected Home Commit~e cU. A questionnaire, one of the moat realistic and searchlng ever presented on this issue, has been wor,ked out with the aid of Professor Richard CrutchfIeld, of the college, who has had extensive experience in public opinion poll-taking. The questions wel'e shaped and selected after long and arduous diBCUSion and testing. They go straight into the debatu~le points that are certain to be .raised when the iB~ sue reaches Congress. Until the poll is taken they are being kept a close sepret. But those who have seen t.hem say they conmln 80me sharp sUrprises even for people who may fcel they are well informed on the matter. Because of the dJ.fference~provoking nature of the questions, the committee expects the poll-takers to find some disagreement among Dlembers of many households. NCr particular pian Is presented and there Is no Intention to sell the idea. of .international cooperation. The object is to bring out the actual beliefs of Swarthmore people and to develop some poslttve thinkIng on the Issue and discussion o~ it; As one member of the committee remarked: "We aren't trying to get what we would like to have people say. but what they actually thin.k when confronted with BOrne of the contingencies that' are involved:' The poll wilt be taken within the next several weeks. In the meantime approximately one hundred pollsters are be.1ng selected by th9 committee, headed by Howard G. Hopson, 218 Rutgers Avenue. They will be given some Intensive trainIng by Professor Crutchfield, so they will be well prepared when they appear at the doors of s~a.rth­ more homes. ," HOME AND SCHOOL MEETS MONDAY Cpl. J. Paul Brown, Jr.• of the Marine Corps Is expected to arrive here in Swarthmore the first part of next week according to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown of "~alnut lane, who talked with him from the west coast severol days ago. "Jimmy" (as he Is known to Swarthmoreans) received his marine training at New River, N. C., and has been serving in the Paclftc area for 31 months and this is his flrst leave In the states In that time. Howard G. Hopson Gathers Poll Swarthmore, first among all the communltles In the United States, win have the opportunity for a complete rmddential pan of opinion on whether tWs country shall join an J.nternation:tl organization to keep peace and just what OUr part In it should be. Preparations for such a poll are now being made by a committee of the Swarthmore branch at the United Nations Coun- $3.00 PER YEAR SWARTIlMORE, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1944 PLAN PUBLIC OPINION POLL TROXELL SPARKS GRIDIRON EVENT Lt. Col. BIRNEY K. MORSE Courtesy of Evening Bulletin MORSE DIRECTS BURMA PIPELINE Swan Al\nounces Big Rally to Toast H. S. Squad Support the War Chest Three Local Speakers To Discuss Youth Standards [GEORGE OPPENLANDER Courtesy of Evclling Bulletin OPPENLANDER GAINS George (Pixie) Oppenlander sUIl on the critical list at Princeton Hospital 'Where he was taken after injury in the Swarthmore-Princeton game Saturday was reported 'Vednesday night to be holding his own with each satisfactory day improvIng his chance for recovery. His parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Oppenlander of Yale avenue are with him. Pixie, 17 year Swarthmore guard, was hurt while blocking Prlncetoc men in their post kick-off charge In the second half of the game which the college won 3-0, its first victory over the Tigers since their first contest in 1902. Carried directly to the hospital from the fleld he was accompanied by Dr. Harold Roxby and hIs father who remained with him until operation late that night removed the ruptured left kidney. Transfusions were given by teammates who with Coach· Dellmuth went to the hospital immediately after the game. The next meeting of the Home a.nd SchOOl AssocJation, Monday, November 27. wnI he featured by three spea.kers: the Reverend George Christian Anderson, Hannah Kirk and :Mrs. John Jenney. They will discuss standards for S\\u.rthmorc·s young people as they are related to conduct and beha\"ior, scholastic achievement" and the development of responsible citizenship. In planning this meeting Robert N. Hllkert's program com~nittee was anxious to give an oPPol·tunIty to parents and teachers to exchange opinions on home and school opportunities specifically related to the Swarthmore envIronmcnt. If Swarthmore really does offer exceptional ad\'antages to youth, how much more then ought to be expected of our young peo~ pie? Are they mceting these expectations? Rev. Anderson. neither a parent nor a native Swnrthmorean, is In a position to offer objective observations on the standards of conduct and behavior of Swarthmore's young people. Miss Kirk, head of the English depc.rtmcnt and .Jenney of the mathematics department will discuss some of the ~ch6ol.s aims in the development of clcnr thinking through reading, writing nnd speaking, of civ.ic responsIbility, and the parents' valueS' as related to the students' achievements, suggesting ways for parents to helP young people reach their potenUal level of attainment. At 7:30 p.m. dessert and coft'ee will be served In the high school auditorium. This w1U be the time. rather than after the meeting, when parents w1l1 have an opportunity to visit with the faculty and to talk with the certain teachers they wJsh to see. A 8:15 the general meeting will begin, and following the talks, an open forum wUl take plnce. Mr. Htlkert's Program Committee co.n9ists of the following members: Moiss Margaret Price, "Vilma Stern Lewis, Miss Nell L. 'Vlseman, Mrs. John M. Moore and HenrY I. Hoot. George H. "Bud" Troxell wlll be the principal guest speaker as well as guest of honor along with the High School football squad and coaching staff at the Annual Football Honor Night to be held in the HIgh School Auditorium, Friday night, December 1 at 8 o'clock. Every resident of the commun.lty Is invited to attend. "Bud" starred in football .in the Lt. Colonel Birney K. Morse of High School and continued to BulYale avenue has been disclosed by lis Acndemy In Md.. Dartmouth Army headquarters as being in charge of construction of the College and the United States Military Academy at 'Yest POint, reDUrma section ot the Calcutta to ceiving National Ail-American recChina. pipeline which secretly has ognition. He now Is completing been under way for two years. his senior year at the "Point·, and Already the, longest military J80 in an unu8!1~1 caraclty (\9 11 stuoperational ptpeU'ne In the wol'ld. dent serving on the coaching statt Allled forces in North BUrma. are of what national sports writers Inn(\W being supplied ,gasoline by it. dicate is the out-standing football When completed It will have at tcam in the country and probably least double the capacity at the in the history at' the Academy. Ledo road which It was buHt to "Bud" w.tll be on his way to atsupplement. It will free much of tend the Arm~avy game In Balthe air transport and Ledo road timore th.o next day. tonnage for carry,tng gUns and Chairman C. MacDonald Swan other war essentials to the Chinese announces that the program is and Gene.ral Claire Chennault's nearing completion and It Is hoped United States 14th Air Force In that many outstanding members of China. this year's University of pennsyl"Just Among Ourselves" a. likeCol. Morse who graduated from vania football team will -attend. able volume or verse by E. ClayWest Point in 1923 re-entered the The committee plans as usual to ton Walton just published reflects Army 0.0 October 19. ·1943 and was reward the boys by tho presenta- friendly, humorous philosophy of 11 assigned Immed.iately to the .Chlna- tlon of sliver footballs which will long time resident who helped to Burma-India theater of war, Let- be made on the committee's behalf shape borough LIfe. It is, moreters have been received regularly by Coach "Bill" Zlegenfus. 0.1- over, the record of a happy man by his wife and three daughters though, this year the varsity school \vhose intercsts are widespread and Bonny now a sophomore at Mid- letters wl1l not be awarded at the whose friends ronge from the very dlebury, Betty a. freshman at Honor Night but at a later date in young to those already passed '·in,Vellesley, and Virg.inia a junior in a School Assembly Program. to the Infinite quietude of death." the high schOOl. At the time he The evening will conclude with Swarthmo.reans wJIl welcome the iett to re-enter the service he was the showing of outstanding foot- ;!omments on the village scene and ReCOVERING chief engineer tor the Susquehan- ball pJctures of games of the year Ufe. Older readers and young wili na PipeUne.;i and a. member of Its as well as pictures of University find variety in the more general Capt. Geoffrey Dolman Is recovboard at directors. of Pennsylvania games. observations on human quir.ks and ering from a knee operation perFIRE IS COSTLY This event marks the official the modern scene, all done with the formed November 1 In a hospital conclusIon of a football season in twinkle which is a pnrt of the auin England, FETES MEMBERS The Swarthmore Fire Company which the hlgh school foot-ball thor's friendly greeting, In point Capt. Dolman who had been with "Was called Monday at 11: Ib !' .m. to squad has given townspeople much there Is "Cellophane," "Crooning," the Second Armored Division in l\[rs. Ralph Young, Eastern Re- pleasure. fight a tire in the apartment ot -~ 1The usual crowded at- and "Conserving TIn." Germany received his promotion to bert L. Hllles, Jr.• on the· top tloor g. ")nal Director of the Lengue of tendance of the auditorium .refiects A close attention to and love for captaincy lQ.!lt month. of the Swarthmore Apartments, Women Voters, addressed the not only the town's appreciation ot nature, faith in today's youth, love The fire ·which was discovered by swarthmore group at a tea for new the work being done for the youth fOr familiar places which vies w.lth Movie at Clothier another occupant of the apartments members at the Woman's Club on of the community but the enthusi- interest in new scenes, gratitude when smoke and flames pour~d Friday. Mrs. Young spoke of the asm for the benefits to character for an America "uncontrolled and The movie P.t Clothier this Satfrom the windows bad gained con- growth of the league noW having and body of competith'e sports. free," understanding of old friends urday evening wtl1 be "Topper" siderable headway before the siren 60,000 members and 600 local these are the wn.rp of the pattern. with Constance :Bennett and Roland was sounded. That it is n. happy pattern .Is evi- Young. The two short features to units. Through the quick and efficient The chairman reported on the dent. be presented are "Leathernecks" "Work of the local firemen the fire elecUon work done In SWarthmore and "Three Sisters of the Moors." was confined to the one apartment by the local league. Three- hunThere will be two features, one Receives Honor To meet the crying need for wire where it did approximately $3000 dred broadsides on Congressmen coat hangers at the Valley Forge at 'l p.m. and the other at i p.m. damage to the contents. A pet and important Issues were distrlb· Hospital Girl Scouts will collect Laura.. Lee Hopkins daughter of canary belonging to Mrs. HlUes uted bY students to swarthmore from who contact them Dr. and Mrs. Hdrace H. H~pkins of E. H. Tayl&r of Harvard avenue residents. In addition many calls any such hangers avO. liable. They Crest lane has been elected presi- has returned from Atlanta. Ga., died in the blaze. were made by league members urgwill deliver them to :Mrs. Carroll dent of the ~ophomore class at Mid- where he was one of the speakers ing citizens to vote. at a conferen~e held by the newly ROBBED P. Streeter from whose home the dlebury College. Middlebury. vt. The audience was invited to at- Red Cross Motor Corps will tra.ns~ Laura is a graduate of Swarth- organized Georgia Agricultural and Industrial Development Board. The homes of Charles L. Andes tend a meeting on NoV. 28 at 2 port the hangers. more High School, class of '43. or Rutgers avenue and Grn-ham o'clock at the Bellevue to hear Dr. Will you o~ : the first team and all the sec- families represented In her class:r: and Mrs. E. O. Lange QU9, team seniors spent the even- room. Programs for schoool child... of Profeasor BEAUTY SALON uLangewood." Baltimore pike en ren will be held in the high sQbool .1n.~ ufter the game at coach Virwel'e week-end gue8ts ot protessor g1qln. Allen's home where they dis· auditorium on several of thf!Se af- and Mrs. F. C. DIsQue ot the Unl- Bea.,.ty is • holiday t~t'noon.,. AflnOUllcements ot the c~lfSed hockey \n "e~erf\.~ avor laf~ ·versity of Virginia. They were programs will be made to the pu:I: pl"tee of ice ·:Cream and decided joined there by theIr daughter·lnthQ.t the seniors wo\.\l4 ~cha.n\UlC~ pilS. en 13 South Cheater . . . . la-OW Mrs. Donald 10. Lange and jwliors .in hockey before· the Call SwartbmoN 0478 Mrs. Dwllht Qooley w~1\ bo ho.. small BOD Donald, Jr .•of St. Peterseri~ of tHe year. . burg, Fla., who will make an exteSs to her Boo·it .Club oJ! Monday tended visit with her parents Pro8venlna flt. )leI' b~nJl.e on .ColuJllbla CHARBERT • SKYLARK· LUCIEN LE LONG. CH6N YU NO,~.I,',. fessor and Mrs, Dlsque. avenue• . ~~hICken sho.rtake and molded cranberl'y salad were enjoyed bY lp~ students, a.t lunch 18.8t Tuesday. the schOOl's· anl\qal er~a.n)f.~­ meal. because Mrs. Plewees. ca.feterla hea.d, was ·unable to procure turkey. Other delicacies served were: Buttered peas. fruit and 'nut pudding, hot roUs and butt..... and Ice cream. 'this Is tit-e Ar&t ·time ·in );lany years thet turkey 'has' ri~ot "b~en· served. TIIl4M VI01'ORlOl1S 'The hockey team ended ita sea,. lIOn -rejoicing and triumphant after 'defeating Media o.n Thurad&)' with a score of 2-0 tor both first an4 second teamH. Never Bluc. the be- 411ant member of the Swarthmorean etaft, left with I1er familY for Shaker Hellrbte, Ohio, where Mr. O'Kane 18 employed. Bally, a atudent of the tenth ..-ada, WB8 also an active member ot the Garnet .taft, I -..eM •rii "must" 5 ~ -:e u\8 ~ < WE'VE GOT THE PEPI ..Jr.. pep rally to enliven student · ·support :for· the Thansglv.tng DaY me at Lansdowne will be held ·ga. Wednesday morning, John neher. Lansdowne High. will .. b& ·welcomed to the Bchool. With · him· "Will. come coach carlton Abhnt. F.. S. UnderhUl. Bcbool board · dh'sctol., and .the captain Qf the I,.an8d~Wn~ football squad. · ·princlpal ot PluruKES ARRIVE . Recently a,. large crowd collected ~ in ffont ot the bulletin b.o~rd and such. words 6S "I· don't look llke .that!" "l! that's the hockey where am I?" were beard. · T·he occasion for all thiS excitew.e~t ·was the arrl~al at. achool of the group pictures for the yearbook. The pictures of a.t. tearnBt the band, pape:r and Indlvoldua.\ classes .were ·posted In the upper hall :~nd orders tor duplicates were " , or SENIORS ]IIEE7r The sentor cl8.Sft bad its tlrst Q'leeting of the year in the high :scbool ·cafeterla Thursday. the 16. The cla88, who had been kept from m",eting by the poliO epidemic had heretofore conducted all ita business through communities. The most important business, , that ot the Senior Ball, was reported on by the heads of the various commi(teeB; ·Kathleen Scott. class treasurer, reported the results ot the hot dog and candy concesalona operated bY senior girls at football FOR BAI'E-16-tube Emerson radio walnut cabinet. Receives MOrt. waves; Baa phonocraPh connectlona. Seldom used-in excellent condition. Telephone Swarthmore 0248 ::Un. A. F. Wickham. ' cellent Condition. '26. Telephone Swarthmore 0606. FOR SALE-lce 8kates attached to black shoes, size 2, 12. Telephone Swarthmore 2628. . FOR SALE-Bedroom furniture, springs and mattress, pair u.tra long coU springe for twin bed", maple chairs. two vanities,. end tables. andIrons. silver plated flat sliver vIolin lamps. Telephone Swarthmore' 2236. ' BYet;Nx:;;;r~L 30. Bertha M.. BumExecuto." o:r~ariarker Burnley. ~R SALE-Double pop-up automatic toaster, ttS; bolla chemlslry out- C °Uhe Township of iia:~~:ea!~ 1lt, ,,.: electric vlb~or ouUlt, '5. All '?ru.:rg;oct. 31. M1d~CitY Bank 6; ltems brand new: also used. clBb8lca1 der COIl1:P~~ =cutor of Alexanphonograph records. TelephOne SwarthUIUI. deceUect.. Wn aa Alex Colmore 1648. COX-Oct. 14 Edith D C FOR S~lIB.p8lble baby carriage EnBllsh springs. Reasonable. Tela: phone Swarthmore 0882-J. DANOWSKI~eL 23, Del;"wae:~otin­ ty National Bank" Administrator of FOR SAVE-One small-size boy's twoHehelen, Danowski. late of the City ot wheel bicycle; one chain-drlven trie.s er, deceased. cycle. Reply to Box Y, The Swarth:' ct. 30. Herbert H. Grlftlth morean. " ". m n strator of EarJ C. Davis de! ceased. . , FOR SALE-Girl:S pretty tatreta. and 27, Ruth V. Diamond net evening dress. size U. P..euon- DIAMOND-'-Oet. RVobDlnson, AdmlniBtratrlx 0.( Herbert able. 209 Park avenUe. . lamond. decea.e~'" DOUGLAS-Oct. 11., George J. Doug. FOR SALE-7 cu. ft. .Kelvlnator Relas and James S. Douglu. Executors frJgerator, almost .new; White Star . of Margar&t DoUBlu, late of the table top model gas range. A-l cond1Township Qf Upper Darby deceased Uon: kitchen cabinet; a piece break- DREER-Oct. 30. Florence .Mary Dree; fast set: 7 piece Whitney "maple dining Heseenbruch, 'vnUam Church Longroom suite. 8 .plece mohair Hvlng room streth and li'rederlck H. S. Morrison suite, rugs. lamps, and tables; 3 piece Executors of Anna Willlama Dreer' mahogany bedroom sulta with con deceased.. I springs and Innersprlng 'mattress, al- ERNST-Qct. 26. t..elghton P. StradleY most· new; 7 pIece SOlid. ,-walnut twin Tedr.Witee of Charles. A. Ernst, deceaa~ bedroom suite. with coil springs and pre-war innerspring mattress a.)m08t EVANS-O ct. 27, Louise Jardine. Adnew; electric washing machine A 1 m lnlstratrlx of JQhn 8 Evans de cond1t1on. Other Items. Arvel Hlek~ ceased. ., 47-2 Maplewood Avenue, Springfield: FAULK.-oct. 26-Kenneth Snyder, ExTEllephone Swarthmore 2286-J. ecutor of .Jean S. FaUlk, deceased. FRANX-OCt. 27. Laurette E. ftank. Executrix of Clarence Paul Frank WANTED also known as Clarence P Frank' deceased. " W ANTED--Cheap boI camera. to send FUSSELL--Oct. 31, First National overseas.. Have you one you are not Ba.nk of Media. Ei.'ecutor of Robert using? "l'slephone Swarthmore OUL li·'uB8ell, deceased. 27•. The Wayne Title &: WANTED-Portable typewriter. Re- GILLEN-Oct. Truet Company. Administrator C T: ply to Box Z. The Swarthmorean. A. ot 'Joseph GUle~ deceased. • • 30, Iva. )L Blair Ad.. WANTED-Furnished. one or two HANBY--OCt. mlnll!ltTatrix of Frances Hanby derooms .with bath for two adults and ceased. • one child by December 1. Cooking HARKNRSS-Oct. :SO. lOd-CltY'. Bank &Dhd gQ.race fac1Utiea. desired. Tete,& Trust Co.. Executor of John .Y. p one Swarthmore 8894. Harkness. deceased. WANTED-Furnished apartment; 2 HODGE-OcL 11, Victor M. Hodge, rooms. with bath. private entrance A~lnl8trator of John VIctor Hodge preferred; by a bachelor working deceased. nights, lived at present· addrees HODGE-OeL 11, Victor M. Hodge, Adfor 6 years. Call Swarthmore 0790-R mlnl8t~tor of Valette S. Hodge debetween 9 &om.. and a p.m. Ct!~ed. • IRVINE-Oct. 27, The wayne TIUe ,& WANTED-Chlld'-II_desk .tor . Christmas . Trqat Company. Admlniatrator C.T.A. gift.· TelQiilforie Swartnmore-Ol~:·- -.. ot .. -!amea-Irvlno, dec"Bld.. . WANTED-Used 8bume-board In good JAMES-Oct. 27-lnterborO Bank & condiUon.. '""ele-phone Swarthmore Truet Company, Executor of. Clar1777-& t"" ence M. James. deceased. . .JONES--Oct. 31. R. Lloyd Jonea and Mildred J. Taylor. Executors of Agnea M. Jones. late 'of the Borough of. :~t~~!S:'~1 :.:i:~ ~x~~~~ D1:XlfrIO ~~~ ~., 13, Anna. F. Loh, Admlnl.. LOST-Black. elbow-length C.T.A. John F. Leh. ExdeFriday night ·in the village. gloves. Tele- LEWI8-0ot. til ofJoseph Harvey, ;p~h~o;;n.~;;sw:;:a~nh~m~ore=~1~9;69~.:-::-:-_-,::-:ecutor of C. Freemont Lewis. deLOST-Football marked A.S.A. on ColM ceaaed. Ieee Avenut school ground. Tuesday. LEWI&-Oct. 20, Charles R. Lewis. November U. Terry Dellmut.h TeleGuardian of Ro1!l8 C. Lewis. ·Jr•• and phone Swarthmore 1 0 . 4 L · ' Clare E. Lewis, minors. as stated by Lillian C. Lewia. Exeeutrlx of LOST-Umbrella.. reddish brown plaid Charles R. Lewis, deceased. }fFrld8.Y. November 10 In the vllIage. MaciNTYRE. Oct. 11, Mae H. Maceo 1'9. Fred R. Wilson. Telephone Intyre executrix ot WilUam M. Mac<3-warthmore HOG. • Intyre late .of the Clly ot Chester de- . ceased. WILLIAMSON-oct. 31, William L :;m:atnaon. Executor of WIlHam Ii amaon. late of the Borough of Up Iand. deceased.. Wg~KI--ocL 24. Chester-Cambridge an & Trust Co., Guardian of Flored,noe Wolski. a minor. now deC e... WW00odD--OeL 13, Joaephlne Stewart o Linn and WilHam. BLinn of T. Stewart W~. de: 01 PAINTING =:.tors Doae oau. YACZySYHYN-Oet. 13, Cheater-Cambridge Bank &: TrUBt Co., Guardlau 0.( Sallie Yaczyayhyn. late a minor. ARTHUR P. BRETHERICK, Register of Wills and Clerk of OrphanS' C_ Plioa .... _.. • ....-.. ....For calto.en ~l'fUaUl.F 8w~ I') Al'dJeore " I t • -- ' G' I BARRy w. LAN I ri' ',,~-ta I ---' ,n••' ;,_ cu.. .......... ~wA1l11D(()llE 07'. r- . Grann, Administrator d.b.n. 0.( PhlUp McGrann. deceuecL McGRANN-Oct. 16. Philip A.. McPARRy-ocL 30. Samuel D. PUTY~ E.."X8CUtor of MIchener Parl7. deceaa- RODDY-Qc~ 31. Margaret R. McIlvalna. AdmInistratrix of :M. Roddy, deceased. ROGERS-Oet. 11, Eva RO$e Rogers, Lotetta. Executrix of Edward V. Rogers. deROWLEs-<1ct. 18. Earl E. Rowles and James of Wilceased. L. Rankin. Executol"B . Uam E. Rowles, late of the City of Chester, deceaied . RUBENSTEIN-Oct. 11. Arma RubenAdmInLotratrix ot Max RubenB'ein, deceaeed. RYAN-Oct. 27. Finrt. National Bank of Media, Guardian of David IgnatiUS Ryan. late a minor. SCHMlDT-OcL 26. Chuter..cambrldge Bank & Trust Co., Guardian of AnthOny Schmidt, Jr., late a minor.. STELLWAGEN-Oct. It.. Paul B. Wendler and Nancy WDaon Wendler. Gua.rdla1U!J of Thomas Cooke Stellwagen. Ird. late a minor. _Do ....AliT SWA1llI'lllllOBE BRANCR I Philadelphia Transportation Company f _, =t& l (11__ '.Phon Vbe.ter 1.5111 , l...- ____________...JJ_ , . SWEENEY - OCt. :n, .Jam.. , T. Sweeney, Elteeutor or ,TIWe .1. SWeeM)'. 48'OI!!teed TAI'I"l'-Oc1. 1I."Qeorp Wharton P0l>per and Samuel F. Houoton, Esecutom of Franc1a K. Taltt. dee!.BeN. THOMAS-Oct. at, Girard TI'WIt Com- , \ . men and women. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY .' OF PENNSYLVANIA ~3t~-:lrl~-~l'~=~~~~~~~~~~b~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DON'T .M.ARTIN-OCL 23, .·Ethel lrL Steinmetz and Helen M. Scott; ExecutrIces of PERSONAL President ·John Chicquoine asked j ex- -;;;=-;;:=:-.:L::=O:-:S:'~=:-_:--___ ILEH-QC" for nominations of teacbere to whom the year book shoulll be ded- . 'rhe seniors then adjourned their quite 8Ucceaaful flrat meeting and departed to the serlous bualn8118 of d~oratlng the nm· for the Benlor Ball. c: lIOutheut 100.11 fL to the no~euterw Iy aide of aa14 Clifton Ave.: thence ext8)14In.. alon&" the aame North 10 4e&neB, a9 minutes Welt· U feet to the point and place of be~nnlnf Tosetber with the rlpt an .ubJect to & corresponding rlaht In the owne... or. occupiers of the adjolnlnc property on the northweet of UBln.... and for ., J"une Term, IIU paaqeway and driveway forever. a certain 7 feet driveway lald out oneAll tha.t certain lot or piece halt: on the pJ'6l)erty hereinabove decround with the bul1dlnp and im- ICribed and. one.,half on the property provements thereon erected. alluatlll In on the northwest for the common UI6 the Borough of Colllnadale. CoUDty of and benedt of each of the eald proP'" Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. ertlee. . . _ bounded and de!lcrlbed according to a Improvements conalst of two story SUT.vey or plan thereof. dated October brIck house. porch front 16x40 feet· 2nd. 1924, made by AJonzo H. Yocum concrete block garage.. 9x18 feet. • Boro"U,l"h Engineer. as follow.: • Sold a.a the property of Andrew J Beginning at a poInt on the north- Schroder and Mary lone Hannum· • east side of Clifton Avenue at the dis- real owners.· tance of 97.S2 feet from the southeast GREER &; JOHNSON, Attorneys. corner of CIlfton Avenu& and Bartram Avenue; thence extending North 62 degrees, 27 minutes East 141.20 feet to Mrs. E. ~rk Harris ot'go. a point. thence extending South 30 de- nl .• spent the past 'Week-end with greeI!l 59 mlnules East 68.91 feet to the h a t .. northwest side of a flfteen feet wble er cou n • .PIor8. F. V. Warren ot alley extending lSOuthwestwardly Into Walnut lane. Clifton Avenue: thence extending -::,;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;:;;:;;;;;;:;:;;:;;::; along the northwest Bide of said 16 : feet wide alley South 66 degrees 68 minutes West 44.26 fetlt to a point, thence extending- North SO degrees, 69 minutes Weat 30.19 ft. to a point: E'pMdy thence extendIng along a couree South 62 degrees, 27 minutes Wt"st and passIng through the center of a party wall DAVE WOOD Media 0755 between the premise8 hereby conveyed and the premises adjoining on the COURT HOUSE, 'MEDIA, PIliNNA. . , • :10 A..J(. Eutern W.. Time COndltlone: P60.00 eaIb or certthlS check at time of we (unl.. otherwiH alated In advertlaement) balance In ten daY8, Other concUUOD.l on d&y of aaJe. . Levari F~ No. 451 KLINE-Oet. 11. Girard Trust Com0165-.1. pany, Trustee U/d of. Trust 0.( Jennie FOR RENT-8lngle room and private R. KlIne. settlor, dater Jan. 20, 1944. bath. near colJecre. Telephone KLINE-Oct. 31, Girard Trust ComS~artbmore 1203. S~.;.;'or ot Jennl. R. KIln., games. lcated~ pany. Tru.etee U/., ot Benjamin Ii. ....wan Cobl7. 1'---. Thornaa deceased t .... Thomas and EI ' or _arearM J. WOTICB OP PILUla &IfD AUDIT eanor G. Thomaa N OP ACCOUlI'T8 ~~~A-oct. 31. The Pe_lteee~~41l11tohereby c:lven to heJ.n. 1.,.. Ll mpany tor InlfUrance. on est that . ra and all pereolW In Inler_ and Granting AnnuUee Guard. IanV08 of Donald T, Torchlan In estates hav~ntatu In the followlnc y appoIntment of the a, O~~ the Regtate n ed In the omce of f WJlla and Clerk of tho, u~ dated· Nov. 22. 1928. Orphans' ti, °rt u as the caee may be d th Vlf>~1 N--OCt. 10. Violet I.cllmau" an at the 18Jne wul' be on Monday D be presented d~tra.trlx of Harry Vedennan, o'clock A- M: :e~ r .... 19t.f. at to Uon at whiCh.·lI • T •• for.conflnn .... W~~Rs.-:.oct. 21, 'l:he First National will' aU41't said me the said Court. n of Jledla, Gu&rdlan of VlrtJons to th accoun~ hea.r u:cepstnla. Waters, late a minor. tion of the III = e and make dlatrlbuIn the handa of ~es 8JtCertalned to be WILKES-oct. at, Lou1ea Emmick e acc:ounlanta. . ti~~~tdratrlz ALLEN-Q , _aae d.c,t.a. of :M.aIy Emily K. G ft' I Executor ct.of 20CRobert 1 )( reen e 0, WI~IA.MS-Oct. 80. .fohn Pershing Allen. deceased a.r acnus Wilhelm WlillaDUl. executor of Raymond NelBRUNNER_pi. If G BOn WIlHams.. also known !US RayAdministrator of Ii eOBJ"ge A- Gaul. !lIond N. Williams. deceased.. cenaed. osa. runner, de- I Aldan. deceued.. )l.ED (JROSS SUCCESSFllL TO HONOR 'Bl4M The annual footbjl.t.1 bonor progr~ will be :lleld for all the pl&.Yera '. in Junior and· sentor high 'on Friday .December 1. These programs have beell enjoyed for a number of years. a.t Which Urnes, fathers and· friends of the boys PaY honor to· the team. C. MacDonald Swan •. parents' chairmp,n, plane to have a ver~ Interest_ng program. OfDO~PBAW~'COUBT FOR SAL! FOR SA I.E.......C-Melody· Saxaphone. THE SWART,HMOREAN FOR RENT-One sunny room. home~ KELLEY-Qct. 81, John Francia Dusan. Guardian of Aneno Gibbs Kellik& IlUrroundings. cqnvenlent to ley, formerly Allene Karle Gibbs, transportation. Reasonable. Breaklate a minor. fast optional. Telephone Swarthmore taken. swarthmore schools are to be highly commended tor their success'.in the Annual Red Cross .drive in whlcb 'they almost reached laBt yea.r.·s bolgh of $218.36, with the. sum:. ot $206.36. F.rou\. the tb.lrty homerooms twenty-t~ur ~eaChed 100 per cent. The president of the drive,· Marjorie He.rrl-· BOn and the perslBtent hom.eroom workers deserve much credit tor \ their successful effo~. CLASSIFIED 'I The Bouquet • ,FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24,'1944 Straiqhtjaekd ...;::-:;. .or • " " READY . 'K,LOWATT .'. 'fl. ;.....:: ,1 Itith POOR W,R,NG Lighling was considered the flrst and foremoSt service when electricity was installed in most homes years ago, Today, that picture has changed because of the great number of elec· tric appliances .in use in everyday house· keeping. So, wiring' th~t 'was adequate just twenty years ago has now become anliquated. If we are to enjoy the all-electric home of the future, our homes must have modem wiring. 'And il isn't too soon to be thinking obout the esse~lials of a well-wired home after the WGra hom~ that includes I .J. 2. I. • Adequate Entrance S.rvlce . • Enoush WIring Circuits . "'.nty of Swlldt.. and COIIv.nlMce Outlet. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY Do "., W.... ¥Jdly htt ••1411.__111. ,It I. Not ItaIf•••• I ,', ~AY, NOViMIER 14, 1844 THE Iy/AoRTHMORIAN 6 redempUon ~r coupo.ns from varlous food produots. Anyone lnterested' In supplying coupons taken from food packages and wrappers AUXILIARY TO AID CLUBMOBILE UNIT NEWS,NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Molstad' and their ,daughter Katherine may aend them to Hr8. Herbert former residents of Cornell avenue Bassett. 100 North Chester roa4, are ocoupy.lng their newly purch88Swarthmore. ,ed home at 680 Riverview road. 8421 new three-cent stamps have Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Mlchbeen reeetved for the uncompen- ener,\ Jr., of BalUmore Pike will sated veterans at Coateavllle Hoa- entertain 'Mias Mary Ann Paton of pita!. The deadJ.tne for more Hartford, Conn., as their week-end stamps 18 December 1. Please get guest. your contrlbutlon to Mrs. Oscar Dr. and Mrs. George M. Karoa Thls year the American Legion Gllcreest. 208 Vaasa.r avenue. of Wellesley road entertained Dr. Aux\llary wanta to continue the Is there anyone in the commun· and Mrs. Preston Hoft and son Clubmoblle Unit which is stationed lty w'lo has an outgrown red dreBS Robert of Wilmington,' Del., as at the front lines and which costs In good condition, 8fze 14, who their guests on Thanksgiving nay. $2100 per month to operate. Three Mrs. Vlocent B. Pownall of North Red CroBS girls and one mechanic would Uke to give it to the Auxillary's adQpted orphan. She is Chester road entertained at a :fwDare In oharge of the unit. Which supplies coffee, doughnuts, ciga- asking &l.nta. Claus for this article By dinner party at Strath Haven by way of Mrs. Gllcreest. Inn. on Tha.nksglv.lng Day. Her rettes, life savers. chewing guests include~ Mr. and Mrs. candy bars, matches. books, newsCharles R. Russell and their papers. magaZines. and w'hlch has & Mr: and Mrs. Robert L. Coates victrola and r~cords. and a moving ot Harvard avenue had & family daughter Joan of Ogden avenue. picture machine and film. dinner on Thanksgiving. Their Mr. and Mrs. Ja.mes Tierney and The dally need for the $S.920 guests were Mrs. Eugene S. Farley their son David of Sproul road. doughnuts are a burel of vitamin- and BOn. Gene. Dr. Farley who 19 Mrs. Isaac Walton of Oxford. Pa., ized ftour and filty pounds of short- attending the Junior College Con- Miss Emma Walton of Cedar lane, ewng. The maintenance of the ference In New York, jolued them and Mrs. Robert Walton of Rochester, N. y.. clubmoblle Is accompllshed by the here for the day. Mr. Melvin 'C. Molstad of RiverMrs. R. 'V. Little of Park avenue had Mrs.' Arthur Millnowskl of v.lew road and Mr. Norme.nKrase Washington. D. C., as her house- of Harvard avenue attended the guest a few days laa~ week. semi-annual meetlng of the American Institute of Chemical EnginNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. pur- eers at st. Louis. Mo., from Sunsuant to the provlBlons or the Act of Assembly of June 28. 1917, P. L. 646. day to Wednesday of this wpek. and Its amendments and SUPplements, Mr. and Mrs. Rob~rt ;Engle and of intention to flle In, the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth ot their baby Bon Robert of Oberlin Pennsylvania, at Harrlsburg. Pa., and avenue spent Thanksglv.lng Day In the office of the Prothonotary of the Courts of Common Pleas of Dela- with Mrs. Engle's parents Mr. and ware County, on Tuesday, the 28th Mrs. Leo MacFariand of Overday of November,' 19i4, a. Certificate for the conduct of a business tn Dela- brook. ware County. Pennsylvania, under the , Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Jones of assumed or fictlUous name. style or deslgnaUon of WII..oUIAM B. BITTLE Haverford avenue are entertalnlng , '& SON. wlt.h Us prinCiPal place of Mrs. Jones' brother-in-law and slabusiness at 126' Rutpl'a Avenue, A~ Swarthmore. Delaware County. Pa. ter Dr. and Mrs. W. K. Baer of The names and address of the persons Lancaster' over the Tho.nksgiving owning or Inter8llted in said business are Walter R. Johns and E;d'ward J. holidays. Johns. 18 South Olive Street, Aledia. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. West of WalPa.. entertalnlng Mrs. WILLIAM TAYLOR. Jr., SolICitor, nut lane are OLD BANK BUILDING 202 County Building. West's brother-ln-Iaw and sister Media. Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Ward. Mlas Ruth Ward and Hr. John Ward of Roselle Park, N. j., over the TmnksgJ.vlng holidays. Gerrie Dana a student at George School Is vacationing at her home 'on Elm avenue until Monday· of next week. Spin~h Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Dana of Elm avenue entertained at, a family dinner party a.t the RolUng Green Country Club on ThanksgivIng Day. Mr. and MrS. Herbert Bassett of N. Chester road. Mrs. Bassett's \ mother, Mrs. J. E. Ramsey and aunt, Mig Nettie Alexande.r apent 'l'hanksg1v1ng day with, Mrs. Baasett's alater. Mrs. Crawford Twaddell of Westtown, Po.. Mr. and Mrs. William Cl'ftAlmer of Harvard avenue spent the weekend visiting relatives 10 New 'fork Disinfec~t City. Their daugl1ter Mias ~ice Craemer of New York City spent Tbankaglvtng ~ Jler home here. No Points C,C Three lOcal 'bOys were inducted into the service on November 17. They are: Jobn Watson Delaplaine, Army volunteer, son of Mr. and qt Mrs; Roy W. Delapla1n~ of Cornell avenue; Horace Herbert Hopjdns. Jr., Army, son of Mr. and Hnf. H. Jr. Hopkins of Crest lane; and Robert James Kerr. Navy volunteer, son ot Mr. and Hrs. O. W. Kerr of Fairview road. Costs $2100 To Keep One Unit In Operation 11188 Carol GOoctwin ..ho Is an occUpational' Tberaplat at.' the FJbslmmoDII General Ho.pltal. Denver. Colo•• arrived ThankaBtvtng mornlng to spend 10 4ays wltll her mother, lIlre. Daniel R. Goodwin of Walnut lane. The MlB8ee JIary and Ellnor Bye of College avenue entertained at an informal Sunday 8upper: Their guests included Mias Jane Wtng9r, Hr. and lin. Daniel W'lnger, In-' diana. Pa., and 14188 Helen Btu of Elizabeth City, N. C. i:J\ooop .1 Troop ,18 enjoyed a five.hour ouUng Saturday wben Ita leader. ~rs. CbarleBI larael and Mrs. RObert Hllkert &ccornpanled membens on a hlke to the blatorlc Girl Scout eabin 001 Darby Creek where th8J' coD.ked thelr lunch: Troop Commtttee Chairman 'Mrs. W. O. Heinze sha.:red the trip which! counts to.ward the foot traveler badge. Group singing added to the fun. On Monday the troop meetlng in the Preabyter.ian Church worked on lUG calendars for Sea Cheats. gum. OPEN----Tonight and December landS 7 P. M.-9 P.M. , December II to 23 9 M.· 9 P. M. alice barber, Gifts Qu~ck Frozen Foods , .pkg. S5e Ford Hook Lima Beans .pkg.27c Prime Frozen .pkg. 12c Boston Baked Beans .pkg. 19c Sweet Potatoes . .pkg. 23c Vegetable Soup 125 ft. Roll Wax Paper DYN,O Dextrose SUGAR Ib pkg,12c WAXTEX 2 pa 29c GIRLS' AND BOYS' ALL-WOOL ·Bleach and .. 33" Bleach 12c A Delicious and Easy Meal to Prepare SPAGHETTI DINNER pk 2ge PEA COATS 10 98 SIZES 6 to 18 " Our rugged regulation wool. lined with bright red, flannel. Pretty smooth aalllng witb their four large pockets and real navy ancbor buttons! Fully double-breasted and reverse buttoned, ~ the girls (lucky!) can 'Wear them, too. SPEARE'S DOWN8TAms,~ . , . . Roselli Brand-Takes but Five Minutes tb Prepare. 1 Red Point. Premier Brand " / I• C&EPure M~ICORN GRAPE tin 17c ., JELLY Mott's Delicious Apple Juice Ib jar IDe Ql bot 20c 80 without and do without if neecl b. to help spe.d, the pace' of victory You'll like it T !iEanyoung man in this picture obviously IS extreme example. Our Govern....ent cettai~y doe~ ~ot ex~ auy of us to .., that far In ftstricx1ng OUl' boyiog-nen to put the 6th ~ar Loan o~r the top. But OQr fipUDg force. ceraainly Will leel that th~ sacrifices are appreciated 'if we deny ou,rselves some things and p' the money ipto extra War Bondi instead. ' Remember. War ~nds payoff at ma-' mrity at Jhe rate.of'4 lorntry'3 ill~aed. ., Try to ituy at Je~ one extra '100 Bond, " while chJs 6th War Loan Drive i. on. MAREL' ; TIiI.rU::_-J.;4--..itI an I.' ,Ie . . . u. DriR", • , 1IE S1UDElAKER CORPORAllCIN ",STORE CLOSED ALL DA.Y MONDAY , , . ' ~,_ \ t 4 ~ " ,:. ;~~~1:" INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE .... .. ...._---- -. -....... - ..... -..........-- ... - -... ......... --~ ...-- '-",' THE SWARTHMOREAN 6 AUXILIARY TO AID CLUBMOBILE UNIT Costs $2100 To Keep One Unit In Operation This year the American Legion Auxiliary wants to continue the Clubmobile Unit which Is stationed at the front lines and which costs $2100 per month to operate. Three Rcd Cross girls and one mechanic are in charge of the unit. which supplies coffee, doughnuts, cigarettes, life savers, chewing gum, candy bars, matches, books, newspapers, magazines, and which has & victrola and records, and a moving pictUre machine and film. The daily need for the $3,920 doughnuts are a barrel of vitaminIzed fiour nnd fifty pounds of shortemng. The maintenance of the clubmobile is accomplished by the OPEN-"'- redemption of coupons from various food products. Anyone interested in supplying coupons taken from food packages and wrappers may Bend them to Mrs. Herbert Bassett, 600 North Chester road. Swarthmore. 343 new three-cent stamps have been received for the Wlcompensated veterans o..t Coatesville Hospltal. The deadl.lne for more stamps Is December 1. Please get your contribution to Mrs. Oscar Gllcreest, 208 Vassar avenue. Is there anyone in the communtty who has an outgrown red dress in good condition, &1ze 14, who would Uke to give it to the AuxilIary's adopted orphan. She is asking So.nta Claus for this article by way of Mrs. G1Icreest. Mr: and Mrs. Robcrt 1... Coates of Harvard avenue had a familY dinner on Thanksgiving. Their guests were Mrs. Eugene S. Farley and son, Gene. Dr. Farley who is attending the Junior College Conference in New York. joined them here for the day. Mrs. R. V. Little of Park avenue had Mrs. Arthur Millnowski of 'Vashington, D. C., as her houseguest a few days last week. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Imrsuant to the IJJ"Ovlslons of the Act of Aasembly of June 28. 1917, P. L. 645, . and Its amendments and supplements, of Intention to file in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, Pa., and in the ollice of the ProUlonotary of the Courts of Common Pleas of Delaware County, on Tuesday, the 28th day of November, 1944. a Certilleate for the conduct of a business In Delaware County, Pennsylvania, under the assumed or fictitious name, style or designation of WILUlAM S. BITTLE & SON, wit.h Its prinCipal place of business at 125 Rutgers Avenue, Swarthmore, Delaware County, Pa. The names alld address of the persons owning or Interested in said business arc Walter R. Johns and Edward J. Johns, 18 South Olive Street, bledia, Tonight and December 1 and 8 7 P. M.-9 P. M. December 11 to 23 9 A. M. - 9 P. M. I alice barber, Gifts Pa. OLD BANK BUILDING , 'VILLIAM TAYLOR, .Jr., SOlicitor, 202 County Building, Media, Pa. Quick Frozen Foods .pkg. 35c Ford Hook Lima Beans .pkg. 27c Prime Frozen Spina~h .pkg. 12c Boston Baked Beans .pkg. 19c Sweet Potatoes . .pkg.23c Vegetable Soup 125 ft. Roll Wax Paper DYN·O WAXTEX Dextrose SUGAR 2 pk. 29c Bleach and Disjnfectant ,., 33" Bleach Ib pkg 12c qt 12c No Points A Delicious and Easy Meal to Prepare SPAGHETTI DINNER Roselli Brand-Takes but Five Minutes to Prepare. 1 Red Point. Premier Brand pk NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. l'tlelvln C. Molstad and their . daughter Katherine former residents of Cornell avenue are occupy.lng their newly purchased home at 630 Riverview road. ?tIl". and Mrs. Herbert E. Mlchener, • .Jr., of Baltimore Pike will entertain MiSB Mary Ann Paton of Hartford, Conn., as their week-end guest. Dr. and Mrs. George M. Karns of 'VeUesley road entertained Dr. and Mrs. Preston Han: . and son Robert of Wilmington, Del., as their guests on Than.ksgiving Day. Mrs. Vincent S. Pownall of North Chester road entertained at a fa.mBy dinner party at Strath Haven Inn on Thanksgiv.lng Day. Her guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hussell and their daughter .Joan of Ogden avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Jnmes Tierney and their son David of Spl'oul road, Mrs. Isaac Walton of Oxford, Pa., Miss Emma 'Val ton of Cedar lane, and Mrs. Robert Walton of Rochester, N. Y. Mr. Melvin C. Molstad of Rlverv.\ew road and Mr. Normo..n Krase ot Harvard avenue attended the semi-annual meeUng of the AmerIcan Institute of Chemical Engineers at St. LoUiS, 11010., from Sunday to Wednesday of this w~ek. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Engle and their baby son Robert of Oberlin avenue spent Tho..nksgiv.1ng Day with Mrs. Engle's parents Mr. and Mrs. Leo MacFarland of Overbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Jones of Havel'ford avenue are entertaining Mrs. Jones' brother-in-law and sister Dr. and Mrs. ,Yo K. Baer of Lancaster over the Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. West of Walnut lane are entertaining Mrs. 'Vest's brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Ward, Miss Ruth Ward and Mr. John Ward of Roselle Park, N. J., over the Trunksgiving holidays. Gerrie Dana a student at George School is vacationing at her home on Elm avenue until Monday of next week. ~lr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Dana of Elm avenue entertained at a family dinner party at the Rolling Green .CountrY Club on Thanksgiving DaY. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bassett of N. Chester road, Mrs. Bassett's mother, Mrs. .J. E. Ramsey and aunt, Miss Nettie Alexander spent Thanksgiving day with Mrs. Bassett's sister, Mrs. Crawford Twaddell of Westtown. Pa. Mr. and Mrs. William Craemer of Harvard avenue spent the weekend visiting relatives in New York City. Their daughter Miss Alice Craemer of New York City spent Thanksgiving at her home here. Three local boys were inducted into the service on November 17. They are: John Watson Delaplaine, Army volunteer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Delaplaine of Cornell avenue; Horace Herbert Hopkins, .Jr., Army. son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hopkins of Crest lane; and Robert .James Kerr, Navy volunteer, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Kerr of Fairview road. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1944 MlSB Carol Goodwin ·'Who is an occupational Therapist at the Fitzsimmons General Hospital, Denver, Colo., arrived Thanksgiving morning to spend 10 days with her mother, Mrs. Daniel R. Goodwin of Walnut lane. The MIsSes Mary and Ellnor Bye of College avenue entertained at an Informal Sunday supper. Their guests Included MlSB Jane Winger, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wlnger, In-· diana, Pa., and Mlsa Helen HlIl of Elizabeth City, N. C. GIRLS' AND BOYS' ALL-WOOL PEA COATS SIZES 6 to 18 10 98 Our rugged regulation Meltons-are WOOl, lined with bright red. tlannel. Pretty smooth salling with their four large pockets and· real navy anchor buttons! Fully double-breasted and reverse buttoned, so the girls (lucky!) can 'Wear them, too. SPEARE'S DOWNSTAIRS STORE 29c I• C&EPure M~ICORN GRAPE tIn 17e Mott's Delicious 'l'ftIop 18 Troop 16 enjoyed a tlve-hour outing Saturday when Its leaders Mrs. Charles Israel and Mrs. Robert Hilkert accompanied members On a hike to the historiC Girl Scout cabin on Darby Creek where they conked their lunch. Troop Comm.1ttee .chairman Mrs. W. O. Heinze shared the trip which counts toward the foot traveler badge. Group singing added to the fun. On Monday the troop meeting In the Presbyter.lan Church worked on 1946 calendars for Sea Chests. JELLY You'll like it Apple Juice Ib jar 19c Qt bot 20c M'artel Coffee Ib 29c MARTEL' Buy More ••• Eat Better ••• Pay Leu at Martel'. Go without and do without if need be to help speed the pace of victory man in this picture obviOUSly T IS~Eanyoung extreme example. Our Government certainly does not expect any of us to go that far in restricting our buying-even to put the 6th War Loan over the top. But 0'!1' 6gbt!ng forces certainly win feel that theIr sacnfices are appreciated if we deny ourselves some things and put the money into extra War Bonds instead. ~emember, War Bonds payoff at matuttty at the rate of $4 for every $3 invested. Try to buy at least one extra $100 Bond while this 6th War Loan Drive is on. TIIiI_",*"""'~ tIIIII ~ " 1M 616 W.,. u.. Drift", THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION STORE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY ----