SWAI~THM()I~E ',' BUY WAR BONDS BUY THE SWARTHMOREAN VOL. XVU-No. 30 WAR • BONDS P.oo PER YEAR SWARnIMORE, PA., AUGUST 3,1945 , SUMMERCLU" ENDS SEASON Parents' Day Marks End of Fun For This Year Last Friday marked the end of the Swarthmore Recreation AssoclaHon's summer program. The Summer' Club for children from second gra.de up hild 108 m~mbers. The pre-school and primary gro'Jp bad 109 children enrolled. Nine children enjoyed the horseback ridIng lessons at the college. The Summer Club held a,. parents' day f,or its last speCial FrldaY,event. ~others and fathers arriVing at nine were pressed l~tO a softball tea,m with the sta1r to play against the children. The ad,,!lt team won the one Inning game. Then all the children present were given a turn at bats and a chance to make a run. Some of the mothers could use a bit of that good coaching Ruddy Hayes gave the Sum~er Club team. The ,craft, exhibit drew interest from parents and children. Mrs. Wayland Elsbree, craft teacher, and her assistant, Sally Woodward, spent the mor.ning 'pointing out the fine work done by the children. Not on exhibit were the 62 cups made by tlJe children for the use of the nursery school. In answer to the many Inquiries of the parents about next year It was explained that there 18 no upper age limit for the, SummerCll1b. . ,. Special commendation was given for originality, conslstency and faithful attendance to the following In ceramics, NancY 'Carroll" Elizabeth Gibson, Lynn Mechesney, Nancy Newman, and Mary' Elsbr~ In . the younger group, and Patsy Finnegan, Fred Almgren, Lee Bennett, Bert Kroon, and Robert Hetherington In the older group. Special recognition goes to the following metal workersi' Nancy Newman, Peggy Schumacher, Alice. DeCalndry, David Almgren, Nicky Webster, ~nn Mechesney, Eddie Noyes in the younger group, and' to Fred Almgren. paVid Williams, Lee Bennett, Nancy Grier, Beverly Harlow, . Patsy Finnegan and Jim Bullitt In the older group. The winners of the archery shoot were: at 15 yards. first Eric Bonnet. second Bob Chambers and Donald Plerce;'thtrd Bob .Hetherlngton: at 20 yards. ftrst Nancy Grier, second , David Almgren, third Ed.dle Noyes. fourth Howard Shearer; at 80 yards, first Bog Lang, second Hyde Alden; third :Fred Almgren· and Nancy Grier, Fourth Bob Chambers. , . Canoeing honors w~nt to David Williams and Fred Almgren. Both boys worked up to Admiral which means abllltl' to handle a canoe alone. The canoeing program' was "made possible through the kindness of Mr.' Sheibley of the Strath Haven Inn who generously donated the use of the canoes to the Summer Club. Candy fiJr the winners of the special ,mentions and honors, and peaches for ali Summer Club members ended the six weeks of fun " and, good-fellowship. Will it Come Out? Saturday afternoon at .8:00 p.m. the ; "MarI-Elln" 19 foot satlboat built by the Karns farilll,Y in the basement of their home on Wellesley road, will come out through the door. All skeptics are welcome in their old clothes. The laUnching will take place about August 20 at Esslngu,n. ._------ LOCAL ATHLETES DISPlAY SPIRIT Schedule Is Planned F~r August Games Swarthmore's boys baseball team continues to show steady improvement as It moyes into Its August schedule. Playing almost 'llterally between the rain drops, the local nine, was able to complete eight games. Only two of these were won. but the team spirit fatied to, sag and In not one of the six losses did the opponents carry 01r the honors without a hard fight. The team now counts an even dozen men sponsors and has played before inCreasingly large crowds both at home and away. On July 16; the Swarthmoreans traveled to Upper Darby where thel' bowed 6 to 4 to Upland, a team composed of Upper Darby and Lansdowne players. The boys themselves and those who traveled along feel they should have won that one and are anxiously waitIng for next Monday,whel\ Upland visits Swarthmore . for a return game. ' : ' , 'Manoa brougIit~it3 'league-leadlng veteran nlue to 'Swarthmore on July 18 and went back the winner by a 10 to' 5 scare. Larchmont won on the 26th at home, 6 to 6. 00 the 21th., the local team traveled to Ardmore and before several hundred fans, lost 11 to 4. HerE>.. a~though up' against one of the better boys baseball teams of the suburban areas, the younger Swarthniore boys put up a great scrap. They threatened every inniag and. played some of their: best defensive ball of the season. Ardmore will villit Swarthmore on August .13. Rutledge returned to the local diamond. and grabbed a 7 to 0 decision last Monday. Beslde . Upland and Ardmore, teams that will be met during August, are Springfield, Llanerch, Larchmont. Wallingford, Marple Newtown, and Rutledge. Receives ASs~t f;\econd Lt. William Scott Splller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Splller of Whittier Place; lias been assIgned as Navigator aboard a B-17 Flying Fortress in tra,lnlng at the Army Tenn. Air Field. Book. Nee4ed * GEORGE F. FENNO DIES SUDDENLY Phila. Engineer Was. 17..¥ear Boro Resident Another move In the game of real estate chess Is about to be made-:-thls time in the heart of the business ~ectlon. Dr. R. C. ·Ammer" man, who has purchased the buildIng at 6 South Chester road Is remodeling it to suit his professional needs and will move his office to this address when the work Is complet'ed. Adolph's Barber Shop will move into the present office of the American Rallway ExpresS, which In turn will' occupy the present' B. J. Hoy Five and Ten Cent Store site. Renovations are In progress in the building previously occupied by tli~ .A:inerlcan Stores conipaity' on Park avenue' which wi1l be the new location of the Five and Ten Cent Store. • In Marianas ~:~ O~g:~Mn.~' LT. 1M. L. THORPE E. Longwell, Mr. and' Mrs. Ferris W. Mitchell, Martha Kelghton, and Mrs. Nathan Speare were IUt Thursday's helpers at the Swarthmorean o1rice where they wrapped Swarthmoreans tor the ]ocal serVicemen and women. Anyone wishing to help with this project Is urged to call Mrs. Ferris W. Mitchell, Swarthmore 0818. Real Estate Rotates George F. Fenno, 60, ot Swarthmore avenue died suddenly Monday monnlng as he was leaVing the, Commercial Trust Building, Philadelphia. Mr. Fenno, a partner in the engineering fu'm of Fenno-Fischer and Company, Philadelphia, was a graduate !>f the College ot the Qlty of New York in 1'903 and received his M.E. at Cornell University in 1906. . Mr. Fenno, w~o served as a captain In, the .Army Air Corps dtirlng World War I, was formerly a test inspector for the Bell Telephone Company and an Insurance inspector for th'e Middle States Inspection Bureau. He served. as Vice-president of the Kisalck!<'enno Company from 1919 to 198,2 before ,forming the firm of Fenno and Fl8che.r. He WM a member of the American Institute Qt.Electrlcal EDgineers. ,the Enthieet'a Club, the'RollIng Green 'Golf Club.' and the Cornell ClUb. A resident of Swarthmore tor 17 years, Mr. Fenno was an active member Of . the Players" .c]ub. He Is survived by his wlte, Ada a/sgt. Norman H. Borden Is now located on Tlnian in the Marianas Islands with the 58th Bombardment Wing, pioneer SuJ)er-fortress unit which' was transferred recently from the India-China Theaters to the Pacific to join with the XXI Bomber Command In the Intensified aerial blows at the Japanese m~:~::.d~orden V. FelloDo. Funeral services were held on Wednesday trom his late residence. Burial was in Arlington. Cemetery. The services were conducted by the Rev. J . .JardIn Guenther, former mf.nlster of the Episcopal Church. REPORTED KILLED Air Corps Navigator Missing Since M~rch, 1944 The War Department has adv.lsed Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Thorpe of Dickinson avenue that the absence ot their son, Lt. Wll liam L. Thorpe, reported missing In action on March 8, 1944, has been terminated by a presumptive finding of death. Lt. Thorpe graduated from the Swarthmore High School in the class of ·1940 and completed h1a freshman year at the Wharton SchOOl ot the Unlve~lty of Penn toylvan.la, where he was a member ot .the Alpha chi' Rho Fraternity He enlisted in the Army Air Corps and was inducted July 2'1 1.942. He reported f~r duty Feb ruary 8, 1943, and on September' 25 of that year was commissloned a Second Lieutenant at Selman Field. Monroe, La. In January ot the followLng year, Lt. Thorpe was sent overseas from Tonopah, Nev•• with the 755th Bombardment Squadron. 458~h Bomb Group and arrived at the Eighth .Air Corps base In England, February 2. Lt. Thorpe was the,nav.fgator ot aB-24 (Liberator) bomber which the adjutant general, In his letter states "departed its base, 3 March 1941. on a combat mission to Bel' lin, Germany, .and was Hurt. seen going dowJlover the English Channel." \ In &4(1ltlon to his parents he is survived by his brother, Lt (jg) Robert J. Thorpe. U.S.N.R. .'., , '-',- " . ., Vacation Hoar. . Tho Swarthmore Public Ltbrary wlll c:ont~nue Its usua!· hours during the month of AUgust. except on ~turday a~r­ noon when. the Library will be closed. The hours are as follows: MClDdaY-2-6:30. 7-9:30. VVednesday--2-5:30~ 7-9:80, Frlday-2-5:30. Saturd~y-9:30-12:30. * Defense Councll Bulletins * is a bombsight mechanic in one of the all' s e r - , ' New Ration fkJoks for Food aDd Gas Betore ChrfstmaB vice· groups which performs the Before ChrIstmas rolls around you will have your,new VVar Ration maintenance and supply work nec- Book Five and the new "AU gasoline ration book. Distribution of these books will take place at school houses or other public bulldlngs throughessary to keep' the big bombers in out the nation from December 3 through December 15. Actual dates perfect condition for their long' to be announced later. The new "A'·'gasollne book will go Into use Derange operations. He has been cember 22 but War Ration Book Five w1llnot be used before January serving overseas with the 68th Wing, formerly a unit of the XX Bomber Command. since the B-29's went Into action against Japan more than a year ago. His wife. three children, and parants. Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Bor- dan reside Dyersburg, avenue. Dyersburg Army' Air Field Is an installation which trains heavY bomber crews. Battle-wise veterans whC? have retUrned from every "" I ti t maj or \var f ron t ...ve nstruc ons 0 each member of the training creWS from pilot to taU gunner. Lt -- Spiller was gra.duated trom . High School In 1842. AVlAroR·LANGE HOME Swarthmore He attended Massachuaetts Institute of Technology at Cambridge Lt. Ernest O. Lange, Jr.• who before his entry Intothe~ervlce. piloted an A-26 Invader Bomber of the Ninth All' Force from Laon. His previous military experience France, arrived at Hunter Field, and training have been at Maxwell Savannah, Ga., July 16. The group Field, Ala.. Ft., Myers. Fla., Ellof 78 planes ma.de the trIp In about ington Field. Texas. 'and Alexana week, reaching this, couqtry by drla .Army ~r Fleld. Alexandria, the southern route. La.. , Lt. Lange reached home ,July 11 and Is spending a 30-day leave with Mrs. Edward Rust of Amherst bls parents Prof. and ~ra. E. O. avenue, Mrs. Ernest Federoff of Lange ot "Langewood," Baltimore KenYon apenue, and Miss Mary pike before repo~ to, Indlan- Wood ot Cornell a.venue•. are vacatown Gap tor' fUrther.ol'd8n1. ' . tlonlD&' at 'Shore 'P1ttes. HarwichLt. l!.ange is the bOlder of .the pOrt, Cape COd. Air Medal with one elI'Yer Oak Lt. &unuel M. Iiodd. u.s.N.R~" Leaf, f~ .~I.'O• .~ ~"~",,,~,~ ~,~~Oll~. _~ Peat'! tara. ,an4 f01ll' JMatOe:: .... : _~, r tot tile ~'ll mo~tluI, hu tached to the (Buropeu TIa_tre tr&DBrerre4 to a Ilew poIIt III the of Operatlou :P.acUIo. " .Bib..... . ",.., . ,' Mrs. The lDsular and Foreign Operatlons at the national headquarters of the American Red Cross baa requested the Camp and Hospital Coun,cU Service to collect 160.090 used books for use in American Red Cross clubs and hospitals overseas. Theretore the local Camp and Hospital Committee is urging all resldents to search· their bookshelves for suitable books to send overseas.' These books should be sent to Mrs. Theophile Salunier, 8S0 Princeton avenue. The national headquarters has Issued the following instructions whbh they request be followed explicitly: 1. Books must be in excellent condition. 2. The selection of books should consist of novels, detective stories, travel, biographies, and a few scientific books. 3. . The books must not contain any written material or notes from the' donors, on South Princeton F' cis Rare S · m ' pec:JeS .. In his studies of the fiora of S~'arthmore. Dr. Samuel .C. ,palm.. er, emer.ltus of the Col!ege. has found among the plantings aroWld the college bulldings a small pink and white morning glory. This plil.nt almost duplicates a somewhat larger native species, but it can readily be Identified by its small size and somewhat different leaves. Not being able to find a description ot this plant in his books. Dr. Pa!mer too.k a. specime::a to the ACademy . of Natural Sclences in Philadelphia. F~m there it was forwarded to the Gray Herbarium In Boston. The ,plant w8.6 there' Identified . lis ConvolvulUS Walllchiana; a. nati'Ye. of China. The staiement frGm the GraY'Her'barlum was to the effect that this was theftrst time this plant bad been collected i~ AmeriCa. The obaraCt8r of the plant Is that of a iroublelM)me ,wee,l, ~d th~refOre 'nIT."17 un4ecllrable tor ~ plal)t1Q 1l1t~ ~. o~e~ lILtr'ocluceel pulL 19'::~ Ration Book Five will be smaller than a dollar bUl, containing half as many stamps as the last book Issued. it wlll be as long as Book Four but only halt as wide. The stamps will carry a number but not a letter. .... The Department of Agriculture and the War Production Board has told OPA that meats and fats. canned goods, sugar and shoes all will be in tight supply for some months to come and so it looks as it a ration book will be needed through'out most of next year. To be on the safe side and avoid the expense of haVing to get out still another book later, OPA has set up Book Five so that It can last from 10 to 15 months 'it it is needed. War Ration Book Five Is expected to be the last'in the series of wartime ration' b o o k s . · , The last full set of five blue stamps in War Ration Book Four will become good on September 1. The final set of five red stamps wlll be validated a month later. on October 1. Since War Ration Book Five. containing the new red and blue stamps, wm not go Into use betore January 1. it will be, necessary to use other stamps in Book Four as substitutes for ..processed (ood and meat-fats stamps during the interim period use of shoe and sugar stamps will not be necessary. since sumclent stamps are provided tor these items in Books Three and Four. The new "A" gasoUne book. the third Issued under ral1oning. will dUferfrom the present book only in color. The book wl11 contain five sets of coupons, six coupons to a set numbered A-18 through A-23 • Each set of six coupons will cover a dUferent vandlty period. The first set-the coupons numbered A-18-becomes good December 22. . Gas OooklDg' and Heating Stoves Now RaUon-Free Gas cooking and gas heating stoves inCluding combination ranges, except oil-gas types, may now be purchased without a ration certificate. Oil cooking, heating, combination oil-gas stoves and -oil conversion burners for stoves remain. YOIU' RadOlling OaJendar MEATS ANl.) FATS-QZ through U2 are Invalid atter August U. V2 through Z2 are valid through September 30. Al ihrouR'h EI are Valid through October 11. F1 through K1 are valid thro!lR'h November 30. ' . PROCESsED FOODS-Y2', ~, At, B~, C1 are invalid after A~ 31. Dl through HI are valid through September SO. Jl through· Nt are valid through OctobC\r 11~ PI throug1:t Tl are valid through N~ veDlber 30. ' . SUGAR-stamp 38 Is valid through August 31 for five pounds. GASOLJNE.-;Stamp 16 in the ··A" book ..111 valid ,lor 6 gallollB through September 21. . , SHOES-Airplane stamps 1, Z. I. and 4 are fttld Indeflnltely; , FUEL· Oil_All lIft-lU6 period BtamPs and UtG-46 Period 1 staafpe are now valid. The Uilit ~ue Is 10 PItons." '; , time m1l8t' redstar withla . . ftBN'l'S.,-L&ndtorda rentiDC f~'t the I. ~ wlth the Ana ReJltOtftce, Suburban Btatlon BuUdlq, Phi....;, delphia. of' ' . . . • 1. I . ' :anst 2 TH. SWAaTHMOREAIf fRiDAY, AUG~ ~ INa PERSO·NALS • A.U.S., BOn ot IIr. and lira R ....U too. loot.. will act as maid or II:r. ""d lin. Stanley TholDPIIOI> H. Kent or Riverview road, took EUaabetb J8.D8 Blesa1er. Akrcip. of Cornen avenue ~nOUDce the place Saturday, July sa at a Ohio; III.. Vlncenaa ColatemJ..... Lt. Dick Sadler. Company A. Misa. tor combat crSw duty aboard candleltght weddlnc' at 8 O'clOCk III LIma, Pa .. coWlln'of the bride; and birth of a .on. Stephen, at the Lylnl'-In Hoepllal,. Pbll&de1phla. 810th Blgnal Service BattaUon has the B-zt Supertortress.... . the FIrSt P .....byterlan Church of MUs Caroline Hallowell Spackman, been transferred from Le Havre, Lt. Robert Struble who has been Pulaaki, Tenn., with the Rev. J. PL, Biater of the groom. France to Brussels, Belgium as tn- stationed at Pensacola. Fla.. 1& VV. Bry80n. pastor, ofticiaUng. Mr. Charles Townsend Spackman side pl....t ollicer at this base. He spending a leave: with Mrs. Struble The church wu decorated with act .. beat man tor his brother. has been oveneas tor \ three and and theIr hshy d ..ughter Nancy white lIIadloll. lDB&'DolIa leaves and The Wlhers .wllJ be Mr. WIlliam Nancy ReId struble amall da...h. one-halt yean. who are living with Mn. struble'. Jackson vine. JrIl'111. Marya WOOd Penn Worth, 2nd, West Cheater, Ensign Thomas nandall. U.S.N. paren:ts .lb. and lira. L. P. W.r&.¥ OVerton. chUrch orgaolat, presented Pa... Hr. Edward Hallowell Worth; ter of Lt. Rohert· Struhle an.d Mra. R., aon of Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Ran- of .Walnut lane. Lt. Struble re.. a pro&ram. of music preceding the Jr., Wnmington. Delaware: Lt. Struhle wa.o christened on Sunda¥ dall of Riverview road 8pent a day porta to Jacksonville, Fla.• Au.. ceremony. Hugh Kenworthy. CoateBVIlle, Pa.; morning In the Swarthmore Pres. with his tamlly recenUy before re- gtl8t~ 6. I The bride. given In marriage by and Mr. Eugene 8. Farley, Jr.• hyterlan Chu.rch. The Rev. David joInIng his destroyer UfUlsport at Lt. Thomas Pierce Hunter. U.S. her father, wore a gown of marQul... brother of the bride. . Braun o.t:rlcla.ted. N ortolk. V a . ' . N.R., Bon of Mrs. Maurice Grieat sette, featuring a yoke ot Illusion A reception win follow the cere. S llc William Clarkson McDow- at South Cheater road arrived home Mrs. struble I. the former MUs --w"lth seed pearls and many at the Heeting House. ell. SOD of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mc- Monday on a IO·day leave atter 21 orange blOssoms. tull sleeves, and Irlfas Farley Is the granddaugh~ Anne Wray, da.ughter of Mr. and Dowell of Rutledge h.o.8 completed months of service with P. T. boats long train. Her finger-Up vell tell ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Mr& L. P. Wray ot Walnut lane a preparatory course In Aviatlon In the South Paclflc.. from a ~ara of orange blo8Boma IC'oates of Harvard &V61lue. with Whom' ahe Is Hvlng whUe her OrdDaDCe at the Naval Air Technl... Ensign Benjamin S. Colli"". U. and stephanotis. Her hrldal boucal Training Center. Norman. Okla- S.N.R.• who .has been stationed at quet was a t"an.-shaped arrangehuaband Is 111 the service. homa., and Is now ready to be the GlenView Air Field. Chicago Is ment of white orc)J.ldB. stephanotis transferred to a Nav~ Unit afloat spending a 21-day leave with his and white roses. Major and Mra .John T. Hand.,.. or to another shore station tor fur- parents the Benjamin W. Collins Crisfield, K~., are .l,"8Celvtns Mrs. W. J. Yancey, Jr., of PUI- Jr•• ther Instruction and work. Seaman of North Cheater road be·t.ore re... &.IJkJ. who attended as matron of congratulaUotl8 on· the· birth ot. & McDowell Is a graduate of Swarth- parUng to Grosa6 lie, Michigan. honor wore a gown of white mar- son John Thomas Handy, Ird. on more High School, class ot 1144. George W.· CollIns. R. T.-a. st&- qulsette and carried a basket of ye]_ July 26. Sgt. Loyal, J. Harant, ,son of Mr. tIoned at Washington, D. C.. re- iow tea. roses. w~lte asters. stepMrs. Han4y IS the former lrIlB8 and lilrs. J. J. Harant ot RutgerS tur~ there Sunday after a nine-day banotla, and Jackson vine. Hannah Smith daughter of :Mrs. avenue arrived home last week tor leave at hls home on North Ch"es~ The bridesmaids. Mlu Barbara Henry L. Smith and the J8.te Hr. a 30-day leave after 10 monUla bi ter rOad. ITr.• ~. of Riverview r4., siater at the Smith, former r_iden"ts of WallingFrance. Germany, and Austria. He Mrs. John J. Jaquette •• d her bridegroom, and Miss Marguerite ford mils. Mrs. Smith Ia living lett Gl8Bcow, Scotland with thhe sons David and Stratton of Park "'Woodward of Pu1aski, WOre gowns with her dauchter whlle Major Hth Infantry Division on the avenue lett Tuaaday to Join friends of white marquisette and carried Handy Is stationed In China. ~een Elizabeth. Befng one of in Ocean City. N. J., for the month leghorn hats tI.lled with yellow 15.000 passengerS, Sgt. Harant says of August. :Mr. and :Mo. George at. Ger: gladJoU, white asters, white chrya. he had visions ot UK" rations Mrs. Richard M. Snyder and stephanotlB, and Jack- main ot Springtleld, tormerly of. aboard, but they were served two three chlldren Dick, Doris, and 80n vine. They Wore coronets of SwarthmQre ~re receivIng cong'ratgood meals a day, and despite the Janet returned last Sunday to their small white asters in their hair. u!aUons on the birth of a da.ughter large passenger llBt, felt DO sense !Dartmouth avenue home a.tter Margaret Yancey. small daughter Suzanne on July 26 In the. Delaot being In crowded quarters. After spending the month of July in of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Yancey, Jr., ware County Hospital. hlB military reCeBB, he will report Avalon. N. J. acted as flower girl. She carried to Indiantown Gap, then to Camp Marta Hanzllk a sophomore at a basket of rose petals. FLOWERS . Chaffee, Ark•• for further training. Penn State has been elected presiLt. Laurence S. Kent serVed as DO 1IOV &HOW Bobby BlaklBton ot Elm a.venue dent of Grange Dormitory. best man tor his brother. and the 'ft. _ .... lOr ..... .A.tadvance. In the high Rchool which credited. an. industrial concern .with which many borouglJ be releaeed on a lage scale In an the. 6868th RehahllltaUon Deta.ch. this neceesltat.. attention. to each residents are associated,. the dll POll! de Nemours Company, with atomic bom.h raises. the que.Uon of ment, attached to the Ba6ih :Conindividual chlld's neeols ..rid plana designing, constructing, and operating theJlanford, Washington, the prospect of using thla energy valesce.nt Center p,.ev.1ously sta.~ as reflected in t~e ele~Uve high installations. .: . for peacetime induatrll\l purposes. tloDed In F':ngland and asslated in school courses. Throughout the . "'At the present stage," the statement continues, "of devel- Already In the course of producing directing rem'e4lal exercJses, tor blgh s~hool It Is the .intention to opment of .the science of atomic. fission uranium is the ore essen- one of the elemente mUch energy other wounded men. Th.f8 assign.. make certain tha t c1····is being released, not exPloslvely ment was. largely due to·,the fact . ~ are no t tial to the production of the weapon." . too I"-e and that a place Is but in regulated amounts. This en- that he ho.d majored III 'Ph:valca1 . -af hll . . reNews· ot U{e atomic bomb sent ma.tely equal pieces. and two :Or served or each c d. . ergy. however, 1B In the form of education during IUs three years at The.·school calendar calla tor all the thoushts ot Swarthmoreana and more faster neutrorus ,~re di8C j harg~ heat at a t\,mperature too low to East Stroudsburg State Teachers c18.88e& to ·begln· on Thursday 9thers In this vJcln.~ to~th~ Frank- ed at t~e same Urne, the ournal make practicable the operation ot a COllege before entering the Army mor.nlll$'. September 8, at the wrua.J. lin Institute's Bartol Foundation stated. ~e8e faster neutrons gO conventional power plant. It Will In 1942. h OUl'S. w hieha r e8.'30'...or th e high bere where experiments In atomlo on to otherI uranium, be a matter . of much turther reI I disintegrate .. d th It' Sgt. Meryweather wll1 spend school and 9 tor the elementary energy have been ~rrled stead.. neuc e An e process a " ... ac- search and development to desf&'n most of hlB furlough at Ocean arades. The County ,Institute va- Uy Bince Its establlshment 21 years celerating." machines for the conversion ot City. N. J .•. wlth his parente the cation twin 'be observed October 22 ago. Dr. W. F. G. Swann director Uranium depo81ta In their natural atomic energy Into useful powel'8." Rev. and Mrs. ·T. A. Mer,weather. and 23. the Thankaglvlng vaca.. 0 f t· h e F ound a tl·1 on s- a note d ex~ state d" .. lnte.....-te vea~ slowly tak. tion November 22 and 23. and the p~rts In the field ot cosmic energy. tng thousands of years he explained Steps Up Aid Semceri.en Christmas vac&tlo.n vacatlon DeIn 1937 a cyclotrt?n, Rowton atom and some activating torce, such as First Lieutenant WllUam D. Thoso who wrapped Swarth. smasher was buUt at the labora- a cyclotron, is needed to provide a cembe'r 21 to January 1. Gorman has been promoted to the moreans for the local serVicemen Any quesUon about school p!ans tortes through the collaboration of high-voltage barrage on the sub~ rank of Captatn In the U. S Mu- and women last week were Martha can receive immediate attenUon by the Blo-Che'mlca.l Research Foun~ :stance Itself. lne Coaat . Reserve. Captaln and Kelghtom.· IIIrs. A. E. LOngwell, calling the ech.,.,1 c.lllce, Swarth- dation or. New....k. Del., and -the The sclentlet aald that uranlum lira.' Gorman are now ata.t1oned In Mrs. Nathan Spe,are, IIrs. A.. R. o. more 4687, during the II8U&1 hWll- Bart!)J. first discovered In 1 '18'. but Dot Sail Diego. Cal .. having. motored Redg:rave, Mr. and M,ra. Ferria W. ness houl'& ~" Stephen Forbes. of the Bartot: Isolated until 18041 from pltch- there three weeks ago. .Mitchell, Mrs. Jobn :peUetaeD, statr reealle4 Mopday that back In blende sends out rap ot great tn. and sam IIIUeh.lI. 1tll. great progreee In the Rudy te",lIty which are more penetr&Ung AnyoDe wlehlng.to help wrap Filla PaIpiI ot the element came wIth the apllt- that X-raya. Radium luelf. be safd. Th. Rev. . Tho_ A. lIIery- papa .. Thul'3day ev6n1nllB Ie Urge4 '"Mutlny on the BoUDtJ'." "(...... tins' ot the uranium atom, which was tBolated later trom uranium. weather. Auoclate Rector' ot· th~ to call III..... Ferris. W. lllitohel!, turing the IIW&8hbue1r.ltDg "Charle. demonBtra~ that enormous Uranium •.wblch"eo~etlmes allIO Cburch of 8t. Luke ....d the Eplph- SWarthmor> 0818. I.eqhJ'OD and the auaYe teobnlque amounts of energy could be re Is obtained from earnaUte. .. yel-. &nY. . Phltadelph.... WI1I h&TO of ClaitiI·GabIij, ·wtll· t;e th. tea.· 1 _ : \h.reby. . .. low minerai fouftd In aandetone, Is charge of 8t. Paul'.. the RoY. ture pleture at Clothier tomorrow In 1.tO,_ ~Te?,~. _~. ~Iefttttic a I~u. white metal. 1118 mi~:­ 1Itap1. V. Wlloaz and Mr. KarY. - , '. Summer. cJubJ;teI'8._ who qaull_nlng. Aqua 11. The 1IIl_ joumaJ. up_ell tile proc_ eralafrom which 1& lor obtained are we.ther.both aene4 ia· iIIe ..til lied fOl" .....,h-.." pi"" are nou_ WI1I t;e "air:' Pnferre4" &Del which occun when a uranium atom :found In AatrIa,., AnRralIa. EDIr- DlvtJdon "iuiq World W ... I. &114 iIed hy V1r81nl& aath that Info~ Ial& of~-Rom·til;" ." ... ~do· ! . ; ' . ·la.Iid. Porblc&l. ]fu 7 ; SWedea, bve ~ ~ _ In mllIl8IT mation a~. the. pine· ca.· be TIIetti ~ .......... lIIlo* oab',"'" .. "A. . .slaw ........boa ·1cDocb a ura- ·No""", &114 80IDe _ of the Unlt- &84 ..... D, atI'aIra alIl_ tJaat ,........ ~om M .... A~.,.. Blald to her 5tation at the Northington General Hospital, Tuscaloosa, Tenn .• Thursday after spendIng a to-day leave with her parents-in-law 1\Ir. and Mrs. .James E. Da"is of Amherst avenue.' Enroute there she will visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. S. McKlnney of Minor Hill. Tenn. Her husband Lt. David James Da ... vis Is on .duty in the Philippines. e ~'=::~~::~::=::=::::::::::~~===========~~=~~; , styles Sketched Smart styles in _ tiro - Piastlo- Water-proof plastic - Greese· proof - w_· ablel Will _ crack, stick or .-L --""800_ VOraer - Se FIooI'- l1li11 BONDS THE U r HM n In· I' .. ~RTHMOREAN Tuus. to begin tt'unsltlon training in B-29 8uperfortl'esses. Mrs. Thomas Simpers and her sister Mrs. E. Marshall Har\'ey of opCI'ation Qf the giant super-bombthe Swarthmore Apat"tments arc ers preparatory to comLmt assignvisiUng 1\Ir. and Mrs. J."red 1\1un- ment. sell of Dorcaster, Easton, Md. 1\I1·S. John O. Nessen of HiverI"lora Lce, daughtcr of Mr. and }.II·S. Peyton Uray, her children 1\["8. '''1Iliam Lee of Cornell avenue view road is Visiting friends in MeHodncy. Peyton. JI'" and Lucinda who has been spending the sum- dina, N. Y. have returned to their home on mer at "Les Dunes" Avalon, N. J., Houth Chester road. aftcr" vacationIs now visiting In l\It. Gretna, Pa. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Ing at Hehoboth Beach, Dcl., for uA good lime was had by aU" six wcelo;. Capt. Bray who is staFIRST ISSUE ARRIVES when through the mall. servIce, tioned at Baltimore, Md., spent a. three Swarthmore Marines met on Dear Editor: week with his family at Uehoboth • I shOuld like to take this opporOkinawa Sunday, July 20. They and Is continuing [1 short leave at were Cpl. John C. Bah'. p,.t. John tunlty to thanl< you for sending the his home here. The paper glvcs H. Seth, and Cpl. Henry Saulnier. SWarthmorean. much ncws of intel'cst which is Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bates of nccessarily missing In letters from Media spent a few days last week home, and fills a ,'cal need. 'rhls as the gucs~. o[ Dr. and Mrs. Braun was brought home to me this evenof Summit, N. J. ing when the first Jssue caught up Lt. TheophHe Saulnier. Jr.• who with me. and I realiz.ed I hadn't You can 'orget .... Heal has lJeen stationed at Camp Shelby, seen n home-town paper for over a When you Lunch at the l\Iiss .. with Mrs. Saulnier lulS been month. spending a 10-day leave with Lt. SIncerely. AIR-CONDITIONED Saulnier's parents, MI'. and Mrs. Dick Cordray. Theophile Saulnier of Princeton avenue. J...t. Saulnier left Thursand COCKTAil lOUNGE day for Ft. Ord, Cal., to await furthcr ordel's. It's reaRy cool and comfort_ able ••• food is of the best ••• Ll. (jg) S. S. Ruthcl'ford. U.S. N.H., who spent 18 months in the and cooked as you like It. Pacific. has completed a. six-weeks LUNCH ,",m 60c coul'se at the Aviation Supply Of9 fUccr Special School, Jacksonville, r"ln.. and has now been assigned to the Naval SUI>I>I,. Station al Nor- WAR Mr. and l\Irs. Louis 'V. Agnew or South Chc.!Jter road has reported as a student at Han dolph Field. installation. 11-2~ comlnanders, pilots and flight engineer's nUlStcr N. J. MI'. and Mrs ..John GRAPEFRUIT JUICE J~~J~Qi .l:::'~) BLENDED JUICE .,~"::.;) 'I>::,':.~,~7~ lISCO TOMATO CATSUP .,<:::,~) lISCO CHILI SAUCE .,c::;.;) A Flavor TreCit "HEAT·FLO" Roasted BUY BeginsB-29Training 8UBURB!N C!FE 10C 10c 11c Ib Si~$ ., oN". FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1945 AI" T S VOL XVlJ-..-No. 31 SWARlHMORE, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1945 MRS. BRANNAN BURIED MONDAY They Work For You Death Came to 60 Year Resident August 2 $3.00 PER YEAR SERVICE BALLOTS AVAILABLE NOW KUled in Action WILL REGISTER ALL NEW PUPILS Lt. Floyd WJthrow, Chaplain. U.S.N,H., who lived In Swarth_ more during the summer or 1943 while on duty as Chaplain at the Phlladelph!a Nu\")" Yard, was .kIlled near o.klnawa on June 6 by a Japa.nese suicide piane which struck the battleship on which he was serving. He was burled on Okinawa Island . I.A. and ~1rs. 'VJtbrow and their two children made many warm friends during their residence here. Mrs. Wtthrow and chi!drc.n are now living tn their former home In St. Louts, Mo. Parents Urged To Comply With Dates Set Registration for new pupils entering Swarthmore Schools tor the first time has been set for the weeks of August 13 to 17 and August 20 to 24, inclusive, betwee.n the hours of 9 a.m. and 12 noon, at the school office in the high school bulldlng at the co.rner of College and Princeton a.venues. It is especially urged that parents ot children who have just moved In~ to Swarthmore complete reglstra~ tlon as soon as possible. Ul-Iutlny on the Bounty,'· featuring the swashbuckling Charles Laughton and the suave technique of Clarke Gab1e, wilt be the feature pictUre at Clothier tomor-row evenIng. August 11. The shorts Will be "'Gir:a Preferred" and Isle of Romance." Thore win be one show only, be .. Binning at 8 p.m. BONDS The Delaware County Election DUI'eau, Media, Pa.. w111 send military ballots for use in the November 6 election to all servicemen and women who request such ballots by Ictter. The request may be written bl"' the person In scr"ice or by anyone else who can attest to his or her voting Qualifications. Information must include the name, home address. military address with rank and scrIal numher. age, and "otlng precinct of the person in service. No formal application is necessary tor a ballot. It does not have to be sworn. The provisions apply to all mlHtary per. sonnel. Hed Cross, and civilian services attached to the armed forces and to members of the Merchant Marine. Tho Commonwealth will not make an official drive this faU to persuade Pennsylvanians In the armed forces to vote for local or statewide candidates in the Novem_ ber election. Ballots for the election wJII be forwarded but must be requested b)' letters on or before September 29. 'V. Movie at Clothier WAR Applications Must Be Sent Before Sept. 29 Mrs. Mary McVicker Brannan died August 2 at the home of her daughter Mr6. Frank H. Waltz. Sprroul road, Sprlngtlcld after an illness of five weeks from a heart ailment. Born 79 years ago In Belfast. Ireland, Mrs. Brannan spent 60 years of her Ufe in Swarthmore. She was marrJed 58 years ago to WlIHam H. Brannan, who survives. Mr. Brannan was employed by the Borough of Swarthmore for the past 11 years until 1I1ne85 forced him to rctire. AIrs. Brannan was a member of the Trinity Church of Swarthmore. Besides her husband. she Is Burvlved by three daughters, Mrs. William Abernathy of East Lansdowne, Mrs. John L. Patterson of Har-rtsonvlllc, N. J., and Mrs. Waltz; one son. Clarence Brannan or Darby; 16 grandchildren. and one great grandchild Funeral services were held Mone!l.y at a funeral home in ClIfton Heights, Pa., with the Rev. George Barnes. pastor of the Episcopal Church, CUtton Heights, in charge • Interment was made tn the Eastlawn Cemetery. Swarthmore. Parents are requested to bring with them at the time ot reglstra_ tion the child's vaccinatlo.n certlfIcate. birth certificate. and trans_ fer from previous school, together -"t~ w, n any rep or t s I n dlcatl ng IJ..ne it courses or wor k comp e c d a t th 0 previous school. Bocause ot the IndIvidual attentlon accorded each Pupil. it Is necessary that' .ehool plans be mado wen In advance, In the high school this nece~sitates attention to eacll IndIvidual chlld·s needs and pIa". as reflected in the elective high S hool C OUt·Bes. Th rough ou t th e c high S h I It · th . t ti c 00 IS e m en on t 0 make certain that cla.q.ses are not too large and that a place is resen'cd for each child. The school calendar caUs for aU classes to begin on Thursday mor.ning. September 6, at tho usual hours, which are 8:30 for the high school and 9 for the elementary grades. The County InsUtute vacatton will be observed October 22 and 23, the Thanksgiving vacation November 22 and 23, and th~ ChrIstmas vacatian vacation De~ cember 21 to January 1. An~' qu{'stion about school p!anli can receive immediate attention by calling the school offlce, SwarthnU,re 4561, duri.ng the usual bust. ness hours. BUY . . , .' Photo by Ernest R. La~ Top. left to right, F"errls 'V. MttehefT. Mrs. A. ~ ~.rtwel(. Mrs. A. R. O. Redgrave, .l'.lartha Keighton. Betty Laws" :Mrs. Mitchell, and Mrs. Nathan Speare In varied stages ot completing the wrapping or tne August 3 issue of The Swarthmorear.. Absent on that evening was a faithful wrapper Mrs. John A, DetlesARRIVES HOME sen who has seen many an issue to bed. Caught below by the camera ot Ernest R. Laws i8 the fruit of Sgt. T. Arthur Meryweather ot their labor bUndles of homey cheer which carry the greetings of your townstolks. readied for the }'ost Of 410 Haverfo.rd place hIlS returned flee. In the rear. Jt you look carefully. you'lI see a map of the Borough of Swarthmore, strictl}. without ___________________________________________ ___ to this country tor a 30-day fur_ military__________ value but a focal point, nevertheless. lough after two years overlleas In Africa and Europe, As a mach.tne The element has becn used for gu.nner in the famous 39th Infanyears In certala coloring pigments. try Regiment, Ninth Division. he for purifying steel, and uranium partiCipated in the campaigns in salts have been used widely in Sicily and France, beJng decorater} photogra.phy. with the Bronzo Star for gallantry Secretary Stimson fUrther stated, Swarthmoreans confident that some few borough residents in action. He also received the were "in the know" from the beginning of the actual work on ". • . • Atomic fission holds great Purple Hp.al't meda! for Injuries promise for sweeping development the alomlc bomb whIch has pushed other news mto the back- by which our civilization may be receh'cd near Enlanges, France. Stnce being discharged from the ground since Monday night have studied with careful att~nlion enriched when peace com •• , , ,The hospital he was assigned as RQ 1n_ the official statement of Secretary of War Henry L, Shmson tact that a.lomie energy can now structor in physical traLnlng with which credited an industrial concern with which many borough be released on a lage scale In an the 6868th Rehabilitation Detach. residents are associated. the du Pont de Nemours Company, with atomic bom.b raises the question of tnent, attached to the 826th Condesigning, constructing, and operating the Hanford, Washington, the prospect ot usIng this energy valesce.nt Center p.revJously sta .. installations. for peacetime industrial purposes. tloned in F;ngland and assisted in , "At the present stage,' Ih e s t a t emen I continues, I Already in the course of producing directing remedial exercises ,for ' " 0 f d eve. opmcnt of the science of atomic fission uranium is the ore essen- one of the elements much energy other wounded men. This assignf " Is being released. not explosively ment was largely duo to the fact tial to the production 0 the weapon. but in regulated amounts. This enthat he had majored in physical News of the atomic bomb sent mately equal pieces, and two or ergy, however, is in the form of education dUring rus three years at the thOUghts of SWarthmoreans and more faster neutrons are dtscharg_ heat at a temperature too low to East Stroudsburg State Teachers others in thi3 vicinity to the l'''rank- cd at the same time," the journal make practicablf! the operation of a Collego before entering the Army ltn Institute's Bartoi Foundation lJtated. "These faster neutrons go conventional po,vcr plnnt. It will I.n 1942. here where experiments in atomic on to disintegrate other uranium be a matter of much further reSgt. Ateryweather will spend energy have been carried on stead- neuclei and the process Is self-ac- search and development to design most of his furlough at Ocean "1 ~ s celeraling." tty since its estn b I Is Inllen t ~ ye;u. machines for the conversion of City. N. J., with his parents the ago. Dr. \V. ~". G. Swann dkector LTranium deposits in their natural atomic energy tnto Useful powers." RC\·~. and Mrs, T. A. Meryweather. of the Foundation is a noted ex- state disintegrate very slowly tak®r-~ ~ B orough H as Specla · linterest In AtolDl·c Bomb Success I" pcrt.~ in the field of cosmic cnergy. In 1937 a cyclotron. 80-ton atom smasher was built at the lahoratories through the cotl:i1IOI'ation of the Bio-Chemlcal Research FOlln9 dation of Newark, Del.. and the Bartol. Stephen Forbes, of t he Bartol staff' recalled Monday that back in 1939. great progrcRS tn the study of the element came with the splitting of the uranium atom. ",.hlch demonstrated that enormous amounts ot energy could be released thereby. In 1'40. Discovery, a sc(entlfic Journal. explained the proce.'IS which occurs when a uranium atom ta bombarded. uA. slow neutron knocks a uranium neucleus into two approxl- . ing thousands of years he explained Steps Up and some activating force, such as First LleutcNlnt William D. a cyclotron, is needed to pro\'ide a Gorman has been promoted to the high-voltage harrage on the subrank of CaptaLn in the U. S Marstance itself. ine Coast Reserve. Captain and The scientist said that uranium Mrs. Gorman are now stationed in lirs.t discovered in 1789. but not San Diego, Cal.. having motored isolated until 1841 from pitch- there three weeks ago. blende sends out rays of great in. tensity which are more penetrating Fills Pulpit that X-rays. Radium itselt, he said. The Rcv. Thomas A. Mery _ was isolated later from uranium. weather, Associate Rector or the Uranium. which sometimes ruso Church of St. Luke and the EpiphIs obtained from cnrnatite. a yel. any" Philadelphia.. win have low minerat found In aandstone. Is charge of St. Paul"s, the Rev. a lustrous white metal. The min- Stanl~)" V. Wilcox and Mr. Meryerals from whlcb it is obtained are weather both served in the 28th found In Austria., Australia. Eng- Division during World War I, and land, Portugal. Russia. Sweden, have both bean active in military Norway and some parts of the Unit ... and ve-tera.n.s atra.1ra since that ed States in greater quantities. time, Aid Servicemen Thoso who wrapped Swarth_ morcans for the local servicemen nnd women last week were Martha. Ketghto.n, Mrs. A. E. Longwell, Mrs. Nathan Speare. Mrs. A. R. 0, Redgrave, AIr. and Mrs. Ferris W. Mitchell. Mrs. John Detletse:l. and Sam Mitchell. Anyone wishing to help wrap papers Thursday evenlngoi Is urged to call Mrs. Ferris W. Mitchel!. Swarthmor} 0818. She Knows Summer clubbers who qauUfled for a.rchery pins are nott. fled by Virginia Rath that Infor_ mation about the pins can be secured from Mrs. Avery Blake. . .' . 1 "po. ~ T H. S W A. T H. 0 • E A It ft.'.:'; •. . .t::; ft",,· '. . .. ' . 'p' rl ,'Ar".I,'"" ·.··.'0' .. ·l'9.;l l.rs.· ,'!"i'/.,,;; pll4C~o';IlDiifllli''''_t.etti!\''''.,.. ,.,It.;"'I.( .rac:'••8~G ..·• . ' ::.)rt~ '.' .• ;: Wl~lIlrl~. ~_o~ '.,.. . ' . . .. • Dr: alia' if';': EDsen6 8. "Farley entertained at dinner at Strath Haven Inn Tbur&aay evenlDJt Pore .. cedlD&' the Wedding reheareaL The gu"!lb .. included members of the bridal party. and tbe _edlate of Pa.. , oIiII ......... ELECTRICAL REPAIRS and MAINTENANCE COMMERCIAL F.meq.ey hi vice Suburban Engineering· Company 4213 F _ BouIevarcl. Drexel Hill, Pa. Su"..t 2355 J C' lMoak 898& . 0 , . .-"" ' MEDIA LAST 2 DAYS \ ! !, . IT'S DIFFERENT y. . - ......... H... w... _ ......... .. AII·CO"£! tT.ONI!D SUBURBAN CArl .0IId COCkTAIL LOUNGE r • ....., ........ II foal• ...... _ .. 01 ... _ ; __ --.. - - " - _ . . IL l •• ca_ .. DAFFY DELICIOUS! Fred MaeMURRAY •• _en' .....,... _ww4-. • nrrlll of ~ _ . " opm tiD amhId (II JIl . . They _ jobI ill whiGh you will be __ TJ,wt are jo1II witbo ..... .., • , • r~"IMII• ••• IIDCIII=_.~lllpfl"aMt:_''';., . • ..... t • Yoa eana • JOIl I...a. 'J'hMe fa • naI ~ - . in - - . Jc!Ia Bell Te'erb-' oJIW. poddOAl ill wbida.)'OII wiD ... • d iag fA • clan, ..&. mel pl.. nac.-ph-. No • e·· .. II _ ry. Friend" su.-vUon train)'Oll -r .. II1waja ....tr 10 Jeod ..a...-. Quiet .... , aIIer ClDmfon &ad mezerioD. You may cite ,. ' - . ftdety of in...... ·.;obIMelee aama-u 10 dmp iIl--ftal_ 'ad _ _ .u abou m- oppommitieL Ala m.'9iewer ;, ftIldr tiD -·w_:Ill,-rquesdoM. VUlt 1lIIY of tbeIe ali-I FrL &: Sat. Spencer TRACY Katharine HEPBURN in 45 And....on Aven.... AldmoN 1631 ArcIt III ............ " ••• I. tim 311, "Without Love" McCIaI." ..... .................... ...,.).. Ia "MURDER D-59 L .... II.. " I . . . . . . . 410 YGi'k lib" w cd IBI_pi I 10100 wtII!a; II ...... ' ........ ,a. .'.'....._!IdIIf. . . . . . . ..... .. I' .... I... ""1._ lae says" ,H.I. WAfJlER. Msaiuaie' MAIN .. ~.~'iioa Pw ... ···'Ii "Belle Of The YUkon" iII 111' , niDi • • un ... 'or•• lIo<:arWr ...tond U "-"d a- Ilatlv":,,....1IU)' I', Itlt. at u.. . . . ."Iv til. . . . • t IIa.rQ It la". 0". at Ihrarthmore. PLt .. DIDADLINJD-WBDN_DAT NOON .-.-~ .... ~ l1li. ' . . . . . . . PD. ., . oil• • , -'Jln ; ....... ,w • , .' ..... Mni. Elwood Garrett and her 4allChter lira. Flo","nce Garwood MARY DUNHILL • PRINCE MATCIfABELLI-. ot Princeton avenue . returned Sund~ after vlalting Mra Garrstt's brother-in_la.. and .oIster Mr. and lira. S. B. TraIn.r and other relativea of Toronto. Canada. Dr. and M... John McKernan of urchaa.d home at 10J Ogden The Church Hour Nursery will avenue. be held from 11 to 11 o'olock on Mr. and Mra Stanley 1.. MacSUIl~ mo..-nlnc. Millan of V ....... avenue entertainlira. Sothle Uthotf· ~ be the ed at a famUy dinner party at 10101at thlB SUDd~ moM\ng. MIaa Strath Baven Tu..day evening In DIana Breweter .Ia the cueat or. honor of the 81th birthday annlpnIat for the month of AU&'WIL versa!,)," ot Mn. MacMillan's father Mr. and M.... Alvah W. stuart Mr. Henry W. SoheU who resides wU1 _ t the paator by utendln&, ..Ith the MacMliians. ....tInp after the .ervloe at tlle Mr. and M .... F. F. Roblnaon and Harvard entrance. their 10D Jimmy of W ..tdale aveThe Suralcal DreBSlnn Group n",e returlled Jut week from a . will me.t each Tu..d~ ano....ln&' three-week vllit wltb rela.tlveB In durlne Aucnat at 10 o'olook III tbe Llnooln and Omaha, Neb. Pariah HOUle. Marjorie MacMillan who haa 'Durll1&' Aucust U the mlnlater II been In Ocean City for the put two needed or In oaae of emercenoy montbo haa returned to her home p l _ call the ohuroh olll.e, on Vauar avenue to remaln unW· SWarthmore OBU or Elder H. early S.ptember when she returns Lindley Peel. Swarthmore lTU. to !!lImlr.. College to begin her senlor ,eu. Methodiat Church Not. Mrs. Robert C. Meaam.r who has The Churob Sohool meeta on Sunday morning at 10 o·clook. The b.en living with her parente Dr. Sohool wJlJ be In ....Ion throllCh· and Mr.. W. N. Wberry of Cedar out the Bummer month. &8 ulual. lane, haa taken an apartment at - At themornln&, wor.hlp at 11. Penn Hill., Crum Lynne,· Pa. Lt. Dr. W. P. ElllnJlllworth of Aldan Mehamer lB with the Army ot Occupation In GermaDy. -... will pr.....h. The Church Nurs.ry I. pr.pared MIBB Miriam B. Watson of Watto care for tbe amaller ohlldr.n erPl'oof IL, arrived Tue.d~ to visit C1urlne the worsblp B.rvlc•• b.r coulln M.... Roland O. E. Ullman ot ~arvafd avenue. Mrs. Geoftrey Dolman and -lier . Triaity Not.. small daughter Kathy of Yale aveHoly Co';'munlon will b. cele- nue ha.ve Joined Capt. Dolman at brated on Sunda)' at 8 a.m. At tbe Camp Wolter., Tuaa, where Capt. 11 o'clock 8ervice . of Morning Dolman was re-Uslgned upon ar~ Prayer, Canon CUtford ~. French rIVing la tbIB country atter27 months avereea.a. He haa been atawill preao!:l. tioned tber. with the Infantry Training Battalion .Ince April. Mr. and Mr•• Robert W. Wood of "Spirit" II the lubject of the Loa" Yale avenue had as their gueat this Bon-Sermon in all Churohes of we~k, MrB. Wood'. brother ~gt. Chrl.t, SolentlBt, on Sunday, Au- Karl de Sobwelnlbo. Jr.. and bl. guat 12. Tbe GoldBn Text I., bride ot Germantown. S8-t. de "Wbat m ..n knoweth tbe tblnS. of Scbwelnltz hu 1u.t retUrned from a man, lave 'the BPlrlt of man which OVer88B11 where he: has been' on duty Is In him? ev.n SO the thlnJIII of since D~Day. Qod khoweth no ma.n, but the Mr, and Mrs. H. Stephen Plum~ Spirit of God" (I. Corinthian. mer 'of Dickinson avenue are enterZ, 11). .' taining Mrs. Plummer's daughter, AmonII' Bible oltatlon. comprlB- Mrs. George H. Well burn and her Inll' the Le..on-Bermon I. tb. fol- small daughter Belay at Charleston, 10Wlq: uFor In him we ltve, and W. Va., for the month of August. move, and ha.ve our baln..; as cer- Mr. Wel!burn will join hIB family tain &110 of your own poets ba.ve the latter part of August tor a twoeald, For we aro 0.180 hlB otr~ week vacatlon. .prlnc'· (Acts 17: IS). "Ood II The Rev. and Mrs. J. Jarden a Spirit: and thoy tbat worahlp him must worship him In Bplrlt and In GUenther of "Friendship HJn Farm," Paoli, formerly at Swarthtruth" (Jobn 4: 24). more, are spendln .. a three-week vacation at Islestord, Me. Their ·daughter MI.. Dorotby Gu.nther Is at Magill University, Montreal. 8WAR'J:JDI:OlUll PRmsaYTJllBlAN , where she 18 taking the French CHURCH summer course'. Rev. D&vld'Braan. IIlnll~r Mrs. R. O. Witman ot Harvard 11:00 A. .~.-M.ornl. . Worsblp. Quest preacher-Tho Rev. Dr. avenue left Augult 1 for Round William C. Lamott. Mountain Camp near Portland. Me. • Dr. Witman will join 110r about AuIOITHODIBT CHURCH ..,. N, x.tHr, D.D., KJnlater. gust 19 and tbey will remain until SUNDAY October 1. I' :.a A. II.-Churcb IIchooL . 11:00 A. M.-Mornlq Wor.... lpJ Guest Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Walton of r ....h.r-Dr. W. P. lllll- Ogden avenue were hosts to several Cns-worth ot Aldan. relatlves on Sunday when their T1\INl'l"f CHUROB guests were their daus-htera-In-lsw ....... CleO. Cb....tIaD AndsrMa, _ Mrs. Edward H. Walton and chilBUNDAY. AUGUST ~ dren lAnds and Ted ot Hamden, • ,H A. M.-HoI)" C.a"'.....I..... Conn" and Mrs. Jo..ph H. Walton • 11:00 A. M.-Mornln. Prayel' and. Sermon. canon Clifford W. of Kelton, Pa, Frenoh of St. Slephen'. Mra. A. E. Longwell of lafayette Cathed ...~ Hurl.bur.. avenue baa her mother Hrs. H. F. will preach. Roberson ot Albany, N. Y .• and her 'ftIlII 1lIl!LtOrOUSeOClB:!!' OJ' stster MilS Lillian M. Roberson at J'RIB:NDS New Rochelle, N. Y., with her for IUNDAY 1t ,M A. K.-_U... for WOI'Ihip In the summer mont~8.. Seven mombel'8 of the Thursday WBDNlllBDAT Reading Oroup met for luncheon. ':M A. II. tou~;10 P. 101. _ n s fIIIoJ cull... In Wllittlel' the home of M.... J. B. Walton of Houle. Dn lune1Non. .. All ..... cordIaII, 1".1t.4. O..4~D avenue Jut week. Mr. anel M.... Barol" Ogram and their OIOno Harold. Jr.• and Donald ot Riverview road have returned home after vacatloDlnll' at Lake _AT WaJleapaapaek In the PoconOll Jut U • .L Jr.-.W_y ~ U ~.. A... • n 8maon. "eek. M .... Jobll Howard Taylor. Jr.• of Wi' "3."'~ ~_ BaIUlllon pIke .... returned home open II 3. uri 1IoU4&,.. lJ to after _dine _ '!took with her OYnIa&' 7 to . . . . . h_and LL I. H. Taylor. Ir.• who . . . . . oN. Shu,. 1IIYI&e4 to au.I lao _tloaecl at GulfllOl't. II..... ",feD.ue AIR-CONDITIONED Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Las. tlDd their 80D R8.ymOnd Rutgers avenue are spending two weeks at Spray Beach, N. J . . Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wagnon of Rutgers avenUe are entertaJnfng Mr& Wagnon's mother Mrs. A. lrL Etchen ot Kanaas City, Mo. Their young son Drew preViously Visited his. g;.andparente in MisSOUri and re~urned here with her. 81at of OLIVER H. BAIR CO. o •• UN.IALI 1820 CHESTNUT STREIT .llIero •• lIT.......... 1581 It'. nice to Imow that even though you can't enJoy the ocean breezes G$ olIen a. you like this summer, you can refreJh yourself with the ic. cream that's creamy-rich and mellow. War IImltotIona on ingredienls mean there'. ,_, of caune, but it's a fin .. ice cream you'" find at sto.... cmd restaurants where the red Sealteot symbol II displayed. CHUR(}H SERVICES __11.,._ ,.,.! .... 's=;n ... room_ ... rz.'S .... ",'.-. -." ..... _ SUPPLEE 8ealte4t ICE CREAM a Bouquet ----- MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPDONS • I .... .anaa .. TOLD E«I.tor - ,.n, .. , . . . T .....AW" . . " A h MO• •Ae . . . . .W~ TOR·· •• lIfO., PUJII+ n ....... .......... -,."'.. '"chaIa FOR ear,., THE SWARI'HMOBBA.)J ...... :.... WEDs5:' NOW! i\r eo..,; tho.u:..t IB D"'l"r ~ ,..1I~ ~. duq,''''\b6 PaoJao:. • ~ '&0 Del ••: '. : ••.. i.t. d·r_... They wI,Il.w.·~I""rii ~'., lIi>InedlateJi foUowl~.,the ioiIre: J ....~·!rior matching do..e ... ·ln their hair. . molly a reception wu betel' at the The bridesmaids will be MIllO home of the bride's mother. M .... Ell.u.beth Jane BleMler. Akron. HelDl8 wore & blUe and white crepe _·sov _ (._ Ohio. Illy Vlncensa. Colafemlna, goWD, a large Davy blue straw hat. fte _ _ ........ ~ .. Lima, Pa., cousin of .the bride and anda. corsaa..... of orchl.d&. Mra. ,_ .: ·F RIP' ;::~'::.:~~, •.:; ~... 11Il10 caroline Hallowell SJlll,Ckmon. qrtest·wo"," a light blUe gown. with ' -~. Coatesville. 81eter of the groom. matchtnS' hat trimmed with They will wear the ~me at¥le roses. Her coraace was of orchids. gowna ... thoee .worn by the maid The bride waa ....aduated trom and matron of honor In . peach, Harcum Junior College. Lt. Hunt. aqua, and gold talmo taffeta and er attended Friends' Central SChool will carry the same bouquet. of Merceraburg Academi, and was mixed flowers Ued- with streamers graduated from' Franklin _lid Mar.. to ma.tch their dresses.. Their head- 8hall College. He haa aerved 21 dre&8e8 will be of matching flowers. months In the Southwest PaelDc Hr. Charla. Townsend S~kman and Is now awaltlng further' orders. wUl act as ~est man tor his broth .. er~ The ushers wlll be Mr. WI1l1am . B1RlHS '. ~ "ret SHIIaJ. CaKerb Penn Worth. 2nd. West Chester. SYLVAN HAL1.4.IS, 45 LL Richard H. Willis, U.S.N.R.. Pa.• Mr. Edward' Hallowell Worth. GENE STRAUB, "'llm..... and !In. W'Ulla of Nortolk. Va., Jr.. WUmlogton. Del.. Lt. Hugh with The Maxine. tormerly ot Puk avenue. are beKenworthy, CoateavUle, PL, and Ing congratulated on the bIrth of Pcdricia 'Bach .. Oth.rs Mr. Eugene S. Farley, Jr., brother a nlne .. pou.ud. 11 and one .. half ..... St .... ·.IQoIdIes· _ 2 P_IL ot the bride. . OUllce 80n named (Je~i-ge LulIe ,Ire.._ £"*7 '""" Mrs. Farley will wear an aqua WilLIs on August z. , crepe COwn with & br~n tulle hat. Lt. and Un. R. Boone. DinamON Her eoraage will be of brown. orO. chld& Mrs. Spackman wlll wear are'receIVlng-congratuJadons on the & variegated print· with & white blrtb of a daughter. Catherine Ruth backgroub.d and a harmonIZIng hat. on .August 8 In the Temple Unlver.. Her corsage will be ot White or.. Ity HoapltaJ. Ph!ladelph\a.Un. chlds with purple lips. Dlnemore Is Uvlog with. her parente. Mr. and Un. E. W. _ _ Jr.. A reception will follow thf'l cereof Rutledge while Ii.r hnaband.1B mony at the Friends Meeting ; ILL Curtis S. Jones "ho Jiu beeD ,pendiq. :';'·.O-!!i'Y I. .ve with hIa Parenta Mr. and lira. Fred P. Jones of 8trath Haven avenue following. hlB releue from a German Prison camP. lert lIonda¥ for Ashville. N. C., to recelv,e orders tor re-asalCD.. tamtUea. .1": .. -. menL CpL Btuart Jones 80n of Mr. and SEl"l'E'blBER BRIDE lIrs. Fred 'Po Jones of Btrath Haven avenue who Is Btatloned in M .....ellThe marriage of ·MIM LuclJla lalae. France with the 66th lntan- Jonea daughter of Mr~ and 1I4n. try Dlmlon recently spent a. week'. Lawrence M. Jones of Dlckin.aoD furlough on the Riviera. avenue and Mr. Harold Sutton While en route to Sheppard Green son ot Mr. and Mrs. Roy s. Field, Tex.,. Lt. Ralph Dinsmore Green of We.et Chester will take who baa been ata.tloned with the place on Wedn~da.y, September 6 Army Air Corps at A~nta, Gs... is .at eight o'clock In the SwarQlmore spending an 18·day leave with Mrs. Presbyterian Church. The Rev. DJnsmore who 1& living with her David Braun will perlorm the cereparents Mr. and Mn. E. W. Egee. mony. Jr., of Rutledge. Mrs. Walter Hannum of Park,.. Lt. (jg) J. Stanley Taylor, U.S. side Chester, will attend as m&tron N.R:, accompanied by Mrs. Taylor of honor, and Misa Rosemarie lelt Monday for Squantum. Mass.. Flech81g of Ridley Park will act . . where Lt. Taylor reports for re·88~ maid or honor. The brldesma.lda aignment -after a lO-day· leave. will Include Miss Marjorie MacMll .. Their children. Charles Mitchell Ian of Vasaar avenue, Mrs. Robert Taylor and Rothwell Taylor re.. Marka of Lafayette avenue, Mlss mained for the present with their PatriCia. Doyle .La.n8downe. and 8'randm'other Mrs. C~arles D. 1II1t- Miss Dorothy Lelberman of Ger... chell ot Wallingford. mantow.a. Lt.. John Murrell, a tormer Pfc. Wayne Hyde, Paratrooper, Swarthmorean now stationed at stationed. at the Winter General camp Hood. Texas was the recent Hoepltal Topeka. Kans., wUI h'ouee guest of the William. Crae- serve as best man, and the usherS Houae. mere of Harvard avenue. will be Mr.· Rusaell Kneedler ot James 1... lCaurrman~ T.M 2/e son Springfield, Mr. Jamea Cassidy of ot Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman New York City. Pfc. Thomas Sunday afternoon at •. o'clock of ·Dartmouth aVenUe Is spending Yemm. Paratrooper; and Sgt. Don In St. Martln·s Church, Radnor: a 30..d:ay leave at his home atter Caawell. Paratrooper. Miss Joan Elisabeth Helma daugbserving 20 months tn Panama. A reception wlll follow the cere. ter or Mrs. George .A. Helms and DaVis B. Hopson, ARM. a/c, mony In the reception room of the the late Mr. Helm of Comer Cot.. who has been BPending a leave with chure.... tage, Stratford, became the bride blS parents the Howard G. HOP801l8 The ~ brlde-to-be will receive, the of Rutgers avenue left Thursday degree ot B.B. In Secondary ~u ... of Lt. Thomas Pierce Hunter. U.S. from the N:orth Ea8t Airport for cation trom the Weat Cheater State 'N.R., 80n ot Mrs. Maurice Griest ('It the west coast where het reports Teachers' College on August 24. Mr. South CheiJter road. ·The Rev. fo~ a4vanced training at the San Green completed two years at the Richard H. Gurley oalclated. The bride, who was alven In marDieco Naval Air Base. ·Pennsylvanla MDltary College beriage by Mr. Galloway C. :MorriS, Cpl. E;US"en~· C. Lappe, 3r•• 80n fore entering the service. He waa wore a gown ot White saUn. lea:of M... anil Mrs. E. C. Lappe at attacbed to the P .....trooP Infantry turing a heart-shaped neckI'lne and Yale avenue who baa been attached D1v1Bion a.t Camp Forrest,. Tenn., lone sleeves trlmme:d with roseto ." ~ air squadron ae a. weather befor" recelvmll' his honorable dis ... point lace at the wrlats. . The full obaQrver in India. baa been trans.. charge· June.-ltt4. skirt ended In a train. Her veil ot felTed :to Chlna.~ His brother cadet rose point and point applique lace, Richard. A. Lappe IB tallIn&, a twoTODAY . Wllicb bslonged to her ....eatglTaud_ ~ek course of tralnlia... at the The marria'· _Of. Mlu Ethel mother, was held by a. tiara of Bp ....ry Sch<\ol. Brooklyn, N. Y.. In Shoemaker '. ey. daughter ot Dr~ orange bloesoms,' and she. canled cO.DnecUon With bla tra..tnlng In the and Mrs. Eucene Shed4en Farley, gardenias and bouva..rdla. lIerchaDt ldarlne. Mlu M. Pa.trlcia Helms. slater of Lt. and Mrs. W. H. LInton, .Jr., ftFairlea. I f Beaumont, Pa., and Wlikes ... :aarre, Pa.. to Mr. John the bride, as maid of honor wore a left Tuesday tor Indiantown Gap Worth SPackman, son of ·Mr. and gown ot pale pink mOWieUne de where the tormer reported tor reMrs. G. DonaldSpackman. uHUI 80ie with bOuffant aklrt._ Mrs. Sey888lgnment after a aO .. day leave fol .. · Farm." Coatesville. Pa.. takes --place mour L. Green. alster ot the bridelowing his return from the Eurotoday at 4:30 o'clock in 'the groom, ,,!,ho attended as matron at pean Tbeatre of War. Swarthmore Friends Mee.ting. Hi88 honor wore clel blue net. also with· Lt. Charles 8. Brown of the Farley Is the granddaughter of :Mr. bouffant sklrL Both attendants EIghth Army Air Foree returned and Mrs.. Robert L. Coates of Har.. Wore wreaths In their hair to match home July 20 after B1x months of Yard avenue.· the pJnk roses and larkspur of their oversea.H service, completing 12 The bride will be escorted by her bouQ.uets. misslon. over enemy territory be~ fa.ther and will wear ~ white talUe Mr.- MaurIce Griest served as best fore V .. E Day. Lt. Brown i8 spend .. taffeta wedding gown made with a man tor his stepson. ing, a. IO-day leave with his broth.. long· tight ftWng bodice, heart The ushers inclUded Lt. James B. sr-in.. law and aister Mr. and lira. shaped low neck. short cap aleeves R dUB N R. Lt . Thomu E. 8ernant B. Brewster.· Jr.. or and a tull skirt shirred to the on!.ee . 'J .d '" ' 9pringfteld'·and his parents Yr. and bodice ending In .& short trahi. She ~... n U.B.N.R.• and LL (Jg) Mrs. F. S. Brown of Burlington, N. wlll wear an old taml1y lace vell C., formerly ot Vasaar avenue. be .. and will carry a- loose round boufore reporting to Goldsboro. N. C•• quet ot gardenf8.l:' and stephanotis, for re-aaslgnment. surrounded by a tulle trill and tied with tulle streamers to which step .. Fete Bride-fo-be hanot1s 18 caught. .Miss Phyllis Ann Nelson, Newton, Mr. and Mra. G. Donald Spack- Iowa. wUf act 8a meld ot honor and CD&n of "mn Farm:' Coatenlle. Mre; Wm. Altor~. Sellersville. will entertamed the members ot the act as matron of honor for her cous~ party of MI.. Ethel S. tn. Miss Nelson wlH we~ a helltrope ~nd thelr eon Mr. John W. fallie taJteta gown made with !I. 11~ UatQ Wednesde, 8epL Ii, Spackman at a swimnHng 'PNty at tight fitting bodice, heart sha.ped 10:SO A. M. their ~e Wednesaay a_noon low neck. short sleeves arad a tull followed by dinner at the ,Coates· skirt. Mrs. Altork will wear faille U' IA M. WALTERS UPlty WrI_ condllctlo doe 'VIne Country Club on Wedn'esi!ay taffeta. gown similarly styled 1n ct·s I!!B evening" The wedding of Miss rose. They will bouquets of beryone Weleome Farley daughter of Dr. and Vrs. variegated summer flowers with Eugene S. Farley ot uFalr!ea, H Beaumont, and Wllkes-Barre. and granddaughter ot Mr. and Mrs. ,Robe ..t L. Coatsa ot Harvatrd a.ve· nue to Mr. Spackman will take THEATRE place. today at 4:30 o'clock in the THB SWARTHMOREAN PRlDAy.tAUGtiSiio.i." 1 ~~) .• • ~ III R YU '. ." ,! I•• vo; --. - . -- '. - '-, -- " THIE SWA.THIIO.EAK ~. : i~,:..r D Hi, ri,.,••.,'0',_:''''~_A' -, .'~:'L'"("", .(":.,-,, :)" Plldt pNi!"AAlfI........i.e ~ n D ·'9" i/J'~ '.. ~' Wl'Uaet-ine... :;;O QtOio: u.ea~ • ! ..-. &~I,( i~,.".Ii~G. ~<~ ~ "i;.. Al'iD7' A1r tho CorpJ, "b:..oDy a reception wu hent' at' the bome of the bride's mother. 11(1'& Helma wore a blUe and white crepe gown, a large navy blue atraw bat, an~.a COl1l8C'e .. of o~4L. Jlra. ~..t·'f(ore"a lJsht blue gOWD. with matchlnc hat trimmed with t9c1Wa rose& Her corsage was of orchids. The bride W88 8Taduated trom Harcum Junior College. Lt. Hunt.. er attended Frlencle" Central School Mercersb:Jrg Academy. aDd. was graduated from Franklin and Marshall Colle... He haa ""rved 21 months in the Southwest Pac1flc and Is now aWaiting further' orders. [ • ~ ". : ... ~ 'A, ~. " DO ]IOU IDJ_ B e " , ev.~....., ..AIde- _". . , .."\,S" N'"';;.._".::::.. "~",_-." ~'"-eett.eiiiW;_: _. -. -- - - - ---~--. - - - -- ~- --~ - - - Lt. Richard H. Willis. U.S.N.R. and Mrs. .WIIlIs of NorfoJ.k. Va., formerly of Park Avenue. are beIng congratulated 011. the hlrth of a nlne,polIDd..11 and one-half ounce 80n namecl (Jeoi-ge LealIe WUI.I& on Augnet Z. IYLYAN ""LL,. ••IS. 7.1S•. 9:45 GENEStlAua,"r.mr with ,... Ma~lne. P....lda Bach & Oth.r•. ... it...·.IIH4'r· _ Z PolL " Lt.' and Mrs. R. Boone. DInsmore are· receiving cqngratuJatloDB on the birth of a daughter. Catherine Ruth on August. 8: In the Temple UnlverIty HOIpltal. Philadelphia. Mrs. Dinsmore Ja liVIng with, her 11&1'onte, Hr, and Mrs. Eo W. EPe, Jr•• of Rutledge while ber hWlb&nd.1s ~ ~ Far ELECTRICAl REPAIRS and· MAINTENANCE F.merc-cy S. vb Suburban Enginee~g Company 4213 F _ BoaII!Vanf, Drexel HiD,. P.. So'l et 2355 J aeuIIiook 8989 , , • MEDIA THEATRE LAST 2 DAYS NOW! rrs T•• _ ,.,.., . . " _ Wh.. rou L••4 . . . . AII.CONDITIONID SIJBIJRBU VAFB crrrd -COCICTAlllC)UNGE ... Net., ... eft4III be. _.......... ··" . . ... . .,.. .. -...._1101 r __ •••c.... .. fl' Ie i'~3 .. 6.~~ DIFFERENT \ !I " in DAFFY D£LiClOUSI Fred MacMlJRRAy III "MURDER he says" ....., ,HeI.WMJCFR a_" ' M • • ,' _ ..... .~ ".~ .~'"'l'''iIiiia''''''' """.A',, s.m., A mm':., 01 ~ _ . . apeD 1D ambhl • J'I"'. _mea They IInI joIJI ia wlaJab 701l will he OlIO.....,.. ., ...~ '11iaey _ joIJI widr .... ,., • , • rqtlltrirur_ .... MCI . . . . .ppare I ; T. • lOll 'l: -. Y- eam - 70U ...~ n- ... mtl ~ - . in --.JoIIa. Bell Nerh _ , 0&. poUdOll.l ia whida .)'OR will ... • 4'08 ill ad.", safe. ud p ....ot ~ No ,,'. - it _ r ~. J.lriendl, supervisors traia )'OU ..;. ue m..;. ....ty to lead ..astaace. Quicc .... " oller CIOIIIfort 8I1cI nlnprio'll. You may de , . fmm a wriecy of Intel [Mi. . jobI. •• om SII, Md:hddry 1aHdh. ..... a. , ............. ...." . D-59 L •••• It.. Nawlll••• ~ &:T_ "'0 Yn R.iiIOIDIa SCOTr lou ......I ""'_ - call Iai•.,.i.. 10100 Gn-Y'ROSE lD: Ia .. Ir....' t I , • • , . . .. ILII ·S "I' i "Belle Of The YUkon" ia To.' • alar . 45 And•••on Aven.... ArcIm_ 1631 ArcII Sbu, PIIIlad...... "Without Love" _. •••, .. ·.........1'" . • "A.-.opa ... ~ The ".1' ... _ ~ Bouquet 6 Sw..a., AIR-CONDITIONED Our funeral p~rlors are air-conditioned .and at large gatherings the services. can be heard distinctly throughout the many parlors over our amplifying system. must •• .. _'w_ Kat:='~7Wa H _ Dr. and M .... John HcKernan of BEAt1JT SALON Rutgers avenue are spending their • . .tend .. Second en- _ter..Janll&l7 If, 1 .... at ... l'_ vacatlon at Ea.&les Jlere. Pe.nnL CIfIIee at llwarthmore, I'a.. under the Ael of ~ t. '1". Beauty'. ca- OD the bI.cbes Lt. Col. Edwin C. Aiken and Dl!lADLINE-WlmNIlSDAT NOOH family spent the put week with the former'8 mother lira. Alezander S2 FRIDAY, ,AUGUST 10, 1946 13 So ., a..t.. Hold liIwlDg of DartmoUth avenue. Col. Aiken baa been' detached from the :Ii CaD OION 0478 PJ •• byterian Church Notes post graduate Behool at Annapol18, The Rev. Dr. WHUatn C. Lamott, Md.• and Is leaving for Pearl Har- CHARBERT 0 SKYLARK. LUCIEN I.E LONG 0 CHEN YU Dlrecto.r of Hlaelnnary EduceUoo. bor Where he wID be re-aaaigned to tor the PresbyterJan Board ot Mr. and ·Mra. Steven 14. Spencer Pacillc dutl... ChrlBtlan Educetlon will be the and· their BODS Steven. Douclail, and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Gorman of Pest preacher a.t the morning- 'David, former residents of Rutcers the Swarthmore APat'tments h,ave aemce at- 11 o·clock on Sunday, avenue are occupying their newly retUrned from a business trip to Auaust n. purchased b'Ome at aoz Ogden Booton. Mass. While there they The Church 'Hour Nursery will avenue. apent a," week-end witb their daughbe held from 11 to 12 o'clock on Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 1.. Mac. ter Ann GonnB.D. who Is the dleU_ BUDda¥ mo..-nIng. 14lIlan of Vaaaar Avenue entertain... tJan at Camp Merestead, eamden, Hro. 8ctllle Utholf' WIll be the ed Itt a family dinner party .at Maine. oololat thIs'Sunday mom1ng. _ Strath Haven Tueaday evening In Patricia Weiland of Rutgers aveDIana Brewster ~ the poet or· honor ot the 8.th birthday annlnUe left Thurad8¥ to spend a tew ganIst for the ",onth of A.ugust. veraary of Mra. MacJl1llan'a father day. with frlencla IJi Ocean City. lIIr. and lira. Alvah W. Stuart Hr. Henry W. !!Ichell Who resides N. J. will _ the pastor by extending with the MacHlI1ane. Mrs. F. V. Warren of Walnut p.eeUnp after the" semca at t~e Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Robl08on and lane is the guest of Mr.. and Mrs~ liarvard avenue entrance. their 80n JimmY of W<dale ave- Arthur' C • .tackeon of North Chester The Surgical . Dressings Group nue returned ,last week from a road at" their cottage at Buck Hili " will meet eaoh Tuesday mor.n.L-lS' three-week visit with reJaUvea In this week. durtng AullDBt at 10 o'clock In the LIncoln and Omaha, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Laa~ ParIeh Houee. . _ HarJorlii lIIacHlllan who has slat and their son Raymond of 'During A.ugust U the minister 18 needed or In case of emergency been In Ocean City for the Past two Rutgers avenue are spending two please cal! the church omce, months has returned to her" home weeks at Spray Beach, N. J. OII.CIOII 0' 'UNU"U Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wagnon of Swarthmore 0672 o.r Elder H. on Vassar avenUe to remain until early September when abe retUJ'DS Rutgers avenue are entertaining LIndley Peel. Swarthmore 1729. 1820 CHESTNUT STREIT to Elmira College to begin her Mrs. Wagnon's mother Mrs. A. M. RIT_I5I1 senior year. Etchen of Kansas City, Mo. Their Methocliat Church NOles Young 80n Drew preViously vJstted Mrs. Robert c.. MeB8mer who has The Church School meets on Sunday mornIng at 10 o'clock. The been llvlng with her parents Dr. his" gt-andparents in MlssourJ and School wlll be In aeeeloD through- and Mrs. W. N. Wherry of Cedar "returned hera with her. out tht)o aummer months as usual. lane, haa taken an apartment at At the 'morning worship at 11, Penon HUls, Crum !qnne.· Pa. Lt. llr. W. P. ElllnllOworth of Aldan MeSsmer is wIth the Army ot Occupation In GermaDy'. __ will preach. The Church Nur.aery Is prepared MIss Miriam B. Watson of Watto care for the smaller chUdroan erproof Ia.. arrived Tuesday to visit during the worship service. her cOl1sin Mrs:. Roland G. E. Ullman of ~arvard avel\ue. Trinity Noles Mrs. ,Geoffrey Dolman and -Per smaU da.ughter Katby of Yale aveHoly Co~munlon wUl be cele- nue have joIned CapL Dolman at brated on Sunday at 8 a.m; At the camp WolterS. T~. 'Where Capt. 11 o'clock service "of Morning Dolman was re-a&slgned upon arPrayer. Canon CUJrord V(. French riVing in this country after 27 will preac~.months overseas. He has beflD statIoned there with the Infantry Chrietian Science Church 'Notes Tralulng Battalion since April. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wood of I'Spirlt" la' the subject of the Les- Yale avenue had as their guest this fa bow son-Sermon In all Churches of week. Mrs. Wood's brother Sgt. that even though you Chrtst. Scientist, on Sunday, Au- Karl de SchwelnJtz, Jl·., and his gust 12. The Golden Tert is: bride of Germantown. sit. de can't en/oy the ocean "What man knoweth the things of SchwelnJtz haa -just returned from breezes as often al you a man • .ave "'the spirit of man which overseas where he has been' on duty fllc. this sum",.r, you Is in" him? even so the things of sInce D ..Day. can refresh younelf God knoweth no man, but the Mr. and Mrs. H. Stephen PlumSpirit of God" (L Corinthians merlo! Dickinson avenue are enterwith the I.. cream 2: 11). .. talnlng Mr~ .. " Plummer·s daughter. that'. creamy-rich ond Among Bible citations comprls- Mrs. George H. Well burn and her mellow. War IlmltatJoIII Ing the Lesson-Sermon is the f'olw small daughter Betsy of Charleston, on Ingredlenb mean lowln&': "For in him we live. and W. Va.• tor the month of AugusL move. and bave our beln&"; as car- Mr. Wei!burn will join his famUy there's less, of coune, taln also of your own poets have the latter part of August for a twobut It's a fine Ice cream saJd, ·For we are also his off- week vacation. you'll find at otol'8$ spring" (Acts 17: .28). HGod i9 The Rev. and Mrs. J. Jarden and restaurants where & Spirit: and they tha.t worship him, Guenther of "Friendship HJlI worshIp him In spirit and In Farm," Paoli, formerly of Swarth. the red Seoltut symbol truth.. (John t: ,2~). more, are spending a. three-week Is disployed. vacatIon at Islesford, Me. Their daughter M1ss Dorothy Guenther is at Magill University, Montreal, 8WAR'l2DIONl: PRIilSBYTIllNAN , where she Is taking" the French OHtIRCH summer course. :Rev. D ..~, Braun, Klnlater Mrs. B. G. Witman of Harvard 11:00 ~ :rd.-Morning worship. Guest preaonel'-The Rev. Dr. avenue left August 1 for Round William C. Lamott. Mountain Camp near Portland, Me. • KBTHODIBT CHURCH Dr. Witman will join Jler about AuBey N. DoD•• Mlnlater. gust 19 and they will remain unttl StmDAY October 1. II '10 It.. H.-Church SchooL . 11 A. M.-Morntng Worship.- Guest Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Walton of preacher-Dr. W. P. Ell~ Ogden avenue were hoats to several IOKaworth of Aldan. relatlves on Sunday when theIr TRINITY CIIURCH guests were their daughters-In-law Rn. Goo. ChrioUan An_... a.cto.r Hra. Edward H. Walton and chllSUNDAY. AUGUST ~ dran Linda and Ted ot Hamden, a:OI A. IL-Holy ComDumlon. Conn .• and :Mrs. Joseph H. Walton, ICE CREAM 11:00 A. M.-Mornlng Prayer and Ser- of Kelton. Pa. mono Canon Cmford W. French of St. Stephen'a Mrs. A. E. Longwell of Lafayette Cathedral. will preach. Harrisburg, avenue has her mother Mrs. H. F • - - - - - - . . : . . - - - - - - - - , Roberson of Albany, N. Y .• and her TJDa RELIGIOUS '$sOClETY OF sister Miss LilJian M. RoberSon of FRlElND New Rochelle, N. Y., with her for . Sll'NDAY 11:00 A. ••-MeeHq for Worship In the summer mont~s.. the, IIr.,.Ung House. Seven members of the Thursday t :.t A. H. ::"f:~:.n~~Wing and Reading Group met for luncheon. quUtlnlr In Wblttler the home of Hro. J. B. Walton of HoUle. Box lUncheon. Ogden avenue last week. \. AU ...... ccrdIaI1,. Invited. Hr. and Mrs: Harold Ogram and FIIIIIT GIlURCII OF CHRIST. their 8ODO Harold. Jr.. and Donald ~ OJ' SWARTHMORE of Riverview road have returned Park Avklue Below lIa.r!&rd borne after vacationing at Lake SlrNDAT U'" A. IL-SImday SehooL . WaUenpallpack In the pocon~ last U:" A." Baeday Leaeon Sermon. Week.. . evenlDa "meetlq eaeh :Mrs. John Howard Taylor. Jr., of 1" room open ~ BalUmo:re pIke haa returned "home IIIId hollda"" to after ,~ftd'ftweek with her _- ~ eveam. 7 to U• ....... , _ ..... _ QaaN ._a.. huball4" Lt. 3. H. TAylor. :Jr.• who . . .... Wi "a,..,. invited to -tread fs atationGd at Gultpo.rt. KJaa.. .. . .. . . . ~ I AZMl_ tbe "'!4'. Room. . ~el Mn. ~ THE SWAR'tHMOBE.4.N NEWSN9TES • J ~ree StII111ay. CGllCllts . B1R11fS -. < - Inf~try 1.... THE SWARTHMOREAN FRlDAY,I""'-UST 10, I " .. ".' .. t.t. ~o~ Ja n~i""'.lLlI~ " , ' , ' ;' ,'.-,:' ~:- da. ';";"Oy w\llwe.Y:·:olUte~ ~t .R.;"I'~,..Del.j; ~t8ri i:ollowl .... ,~e '*e! leavt._Prlor fo, dn17,!b·thePaalllci. ; 'Lt. CurU. S. Jones who Ii.. been Dr; ahd' Mrio. ~en6 S. Fartt7 matching tlowenl-ln th~ir _ . . ,pendiM :.'.O-~y I.,.ve with his entertaJned at dinner at Strath The brldeomalda will be H .... Parents Mr. and Ml'IJ. Fred P. Jones HaV61l Inn Th~ay eveuiDJt me- Elizabeth Jane Ble81ler. Akron, of Strath Haven avenue following. cedinc the Wedding rehearsaL The Ohio, MiA Vlncenza. Colafemina, his rel .... from a German Prl.oon gu....ta, Included membe... of, the LIma. Pa.,. coualn of the bride and Camp, left Monday for Aahvllle, N. bridal party and the inuDecll&te H .... caroline, Hallowell S~IUn_ C.. to recelv.e orders for re-B88lgn- fa.Uillie& .l.oJ .... '. Coatesville. Pa., elater of the lP'oom. ment. They wUI wear, the ~me style . Cpl. Stuart J onea 80n of IIr. and SEPTE'lttBER BRIDE gowns &8 those ...orn by the maid Mrs. Fred P • .Jones of Strath Haven and matron of honor In ·peacb. avenue who Is stationed In HansellThe marrtage of H'" Lucma aqua. and IIOld fellle talfeta 6II1d lalae. France with the 66th lnfan- Jones cta.ughter of Mr~ and )(1'11. will carry the Ame bouqueta of try DiVision recenUy spent a week'. Lawrence M. Jones of DlckJDaOD mixed flowers tled with streamers furlough on the Riviera.. avenue and Mr. Harold Sutton to match their dreaaea.. Their headWhlle en route to Sheppard Green SOD of Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. dresses will be of matcbJrig flowers. Fklld, TeL, _Lt. Ralph Dlnemore Green of Weat Cheater will take Hr. Charlaa TownBOnd Si>&Ckman who bas been stationed with the place on Wednesday, September 6 wUI act as .best man for hla brothArmy AIr Corps at A:Uanta. Ga.. Is at eight o'clock in tb"e Swartpmore er. The ushers wUI be Mr. William spending an la-day leave with .Mrs. 'PreSbyterian ChUrch. . The Rev. Penn Worth. 2nd, West Chester. DInsmore wbo Is Ilvlng with her David Braun will pertorm the cere- Pa., Mr. Edward' Hallowell Worth, par~nts Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Egee. many. _ . Jr., Wilmington. Del.. Lt. Hugh Jr., of RuUedge. Mrs. Walter Hannum of Park,- Kenworthy, Coatesville, Pa.. and Lt. (Jg) J. Stanley Taylor, U.S. side Chester, will attend as matron Mr.. Eilgene S. Farley, Jr., brothe~ N .R:, accompanied by Mrs. Taylor of honor. and Miss Rosemarie ot the bride. left Monday for Squantum, Mass.. Flecb81g of Ridley Park will act aa Mra. Farley wlll wear an aqua where Lt. Taylor reports for re-as- maJd. of honor. The brideamaJ.ds crepe cown with a br~n tulle hat. aignment after a 10.·day 'leave. will include Miss Marjorie lIacMllw Her corsage will be of brown orTbeir chUdren Charles :Mitchell Ian of Vassar avenue. Mrs. Robert chids. Mrs. Spackman wUI wear Taylor and Rothwell Taylor re- Marks of Lafayette avenue, Miss a variegated prInt. with a white mained for the present with their Patricia Doyle of T.anWowne, and backgrou.ad and a harmonizlng hat. Brandmother Mrs. Charles D. Mit- MiBa Dorothy Lelberman ot Oer· Her coreage wUI be of wblte 01"-: chell of Walllngtord. mantowu. cbJde with purple lips. Lt. Sohn Murrell. & former Pfe. Wayne Hyde. Paratrooper. A recepUon will follow the cereSwarthmorean DOW stationed at stationed at th;) WInter General Camp Hood. Texas W8.B the recent Hospital Topeka, Kans.. wUl mony' at the Frlenda Meeting houae guest of the William Crae- serve as beat man. and the UBhel'll House. mers of Harvard avenue. wUI be Mr. Russell Kneedler of " James L. Kautrma.n, TH 2/c Bon Sprlngfleld, .Mr. James CUaldy Of HUNTEP.f-IF.UI o'f Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman New York City." Pfc. Thomas Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock of "Dartmouth avenue is spending Yemm. Paratrooper; and Sgt. Don In St.' Martin's ChUrch, Radnor: a aO-day leave at his home after Caswell.' Paratrooper. Mias Joan Elizabeth Belms daughserving 20 montbB In Panama. A reception will follow the cere- ter ot Mrs. Geofge 'A. Helms and Davis B. HOPSOD, ARM. 3/c. mony In the reception room of the the late Mr. Helm of Comer Cotwho haa been 8p"endlng a leave with. churcl!.. . tage, Straft'ord. ,became the bride hbi parents the Howard G. Hopaoos The brlde-to-be will receive the of LA:. Thomas Fierce Hunt~r. U.S. of Rutgers avenue left Thursday degree of B.S. In SC3condary ~u- ·N.R •• eon of Mrs. Maurice Grleat of t'roln the North EIUIt Airport for cation from the Weet Cheater State South Cheater roa.cl. 'The Rev. the west cOast where has. reports Teachers' College on August 24-. Mr. RIchard H. Gurlq officiated. tor advanced training' at the San Green completed two years at the The bride. whD was liven in DlarDleco Naval Air Base. ·Pennsylvanla. Military College be.. r!age by Mr. Galloway 0. Morrls, Cpl. E1lI'ene C. Lappe. .Jr., son for~ entering the aerv.lce. He waa wore a gown of white saUn. tea:of'l(r. &od Mre. E. C. Lappe of attached to the Parntroop turtng a heart.';haped neckline and Yale avenue wbo hu been attached D,vlalon at Camp Forrest,," Tenn.. lonc sleeves trlDlIl\ed with roset,o an air 8Q.uadron &.8 &. weather before recelvinc bis honorabl~ dis- pOint lace at the wrJata. . The full o __ rver In India. hall been trans- charge" June. aklrt ended in a train. Her veO ot fei-red to China.. HIs brother Cedet " . rose point and point apPlique lace. IUchard,A, Lappe Ia taklnC a twoWEDS:!'·TODAY , which belonged to her grea~grand_ courae of tralnh11l'. at the The marrl _ " MiA mother, was held by a tiara of Sperry" 8chQol, Brooklyn. "N. Y., in Shoemaker ey. daughter ot Dr. oran(;e bloeaoms•. and ahe. carried oonnecUon WIth bla training In the and Mrs. Eupna Shed4en li\i.rley. gardenias and bouvardla. Merchant MarlDe. "Fairlea." Beaumont, Pa., an~ Miaa M. Patricia Helms. alBter of Lt. and ]l(rs. W. H. LInton. Jr.. WUkea-J;!arre. PL. to Mr. Jo~n the bride, as m&td of honor wore a lett Tuesday for Indiantown Gap Worth SPackman. son" ot Mr.. and K'own ot pale pink mouaellna de where the former reported for 1"8- Mrs. O. Donald Spackman. "Hilt BOle With bouffant skirt. M:rs. Se)'8.aat.gnment after a a~-day lea.ve fol_ Farm:· Coateavl1le. Pa., takes -place mour L. Green. alster of the brldeloWing ,hJa return from the Euro- today at 4:30 o'clock In the groom, who attended as matron of pean Theatre of War." Swarthmore Frlehds Mep.Ung. Mi88 honor w~re clel blue net, also with Lt. Charles S. Brown of the Farley Is the granddaughter of ~r. bouJ!'ant skirt. Both attendants Eighth Army All' Force returned and Mrs. Rohert L. Coates ot Bar- wore Wreaths In their hair to match home July 20 after six months ot vard avenue. the pink rm,es and larkspur of their ove.rse8.a . eemee. completing 12 The bride wUI be e8corted by her bouquets. m1uion. over enemy territory be- fathel" and wUl wear a,. "white faille Mr." MaUrice Griest served as beat fore V-E Day. Lt. Brown Is spend w tatreta. wedding gown made with a man for his stepson. jiJg a. .sO-day leave with hIB broth- long" tight fttting bodice, heart The Ushers Included Lt. Jamea B. el'-ln-l&w and stater Mr. and Mra. shaped low neck.' &hort cap sleeves Reed. U.S.N.R.. Lt. Thomas E. BertreaDt B. Brewster," .Jr.. of and a full skirt sbirred to the"D':' J dUB N R. d Lt (J < . . . , an . g, Bprlngftetd and his parents Mr. and bodice ending In ·a short trabi. She .~.., n lIi·a. F. S. Brown of Burlington. N. will wear an Old tamUy lace ven C., formerly of Vasaar avenue, be~ and will carry a loose round boutore reporting to Goldsboro. N. C., quet of gardenias and stephanotls. tor re-aaelgnment. surrounded by a tulle trlU and tied with tulle streamers to which stepFete Bride-fo-be banotJs loB caught. Uoyd·E. Kau6 e" Miss Phyllis Ann Nelson. Newton. ~Z080 Mr. and Mrs. G. Donald Spack- Iowa,. will" act lUI inald of honor and of "Hill Farm," Coates\1ll.lle, Mrs.. Wm. Altorlt;. Sellersvllle. will entertained the members of the act as matron of honor for her CoUB~ UNJTy·.AS8EMBLY party of Mias Ethel S. In. Miss Nelson wlH we~ a heJltrope , ~-1IAn theLr son Mr-. John W. faUle tatreta goWn made with a . ::toeed u..tIl Wedn_J 8ep.. Ii, Spackman at a swimnHng 'PNty a.t tight fUting bodice, heart shaped 10:30 A. lII. their h4ne Wednesday a~oon low neck, short sleeves aQll a full f'ollowed by dinner at the .Coates- $kirt. Mrs. Altork will 'Wear falUe ZE'IA M. WALTERS 'Vtlle Country Club on Wednesday taffeta gown similarly styled 1n UJII17 Writer aI'p'eB evenIng": The wedding of Mtsa ro8e. They win ~rrY bouquets of Everyone Weleome Farley daughter of Dr. and Mrs. variegated summer flowers with Eugene 8. Farley of uFalr!ea," BeaumoQt. and WUkes~Barre. 8Jld granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1... Coates of Harvard ave~ue "to Mr. Spackman will take place today at 4:30 o'clock In the ,\ fldPAY, AUGUST 10; IMS , 1 14 '. " , • t CHU:R-oH SERVICES 1UtM'. too SUPPI.EE 8eahe.st W·" £ ••_":;'4 .-."a • , ..... '. NEWSNOTEB LL and 141'8. 'John J'ackepD were hoata to two blind boys at Ocean City over the past week·end. Mra. O. M. Hook of Westdale ave. nue entertained 12 guests at a luncheon and porch party at her home Thuraday. IIr. a~d Mrs. Hugh Wagnon and their 80n Drew of Rutgera avenue are spending th18 week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Laaslat at Spray Beach, N. J. Barbara Knabb of Princeton avenue returned Mond~ atter vlalUng a camp friend at Rehoboth Beach, and the James Lukens9 ot Maple avenue w h 0 are summerIng a t PI ne Water, N. J. Anna. Mary Fussell or Vassar avenue, Ann Broomall ot Cornell , avenue, V1rginia o( FUverview road, and Brandt Gayle Hodge of Strath Haven avenue a.e at Camp Oneka In the Poconos tor the month of August. Dr. and M'I's. A. F. Jackson ot Park avenue entertained !.Irf!, Ar. tho Sierra ot Santiago. ChUe, at theIr Ocean City cottage OVer the put week-end. The Ja.cksons will vacation at the ahore unUI after Labor Day. Charles Keenen ot Harvard avenue returned home Wednesday atter a visit with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Keenen of New. ark. Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Benj&mln O. Largent of Bprlngfteld, OhIo. The Art CIrcle met Friday at the home ot Mrs. J. B. Walton of Og. den avenue. Nine members were present. Frances Evans daughter of Mrs. Charles Israel of College avenue lett Tuesday to serve as Junior Counselor at the College Settlement Farm ~amp near W11l0w Grove, Pa. Her aiater, Taddy Evans baa . been a Junior Counselor there tor two weeks and both girls will remaln tor the reat of the season. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Kerr of Fair. view road. entertained Mr. and Mrs. :S. P. Grlmn of Milford, Conn.. for the week .. end. Mr.. and Mrs. Carroll Frey' ot Ogden. avenue lett Wednesday tor North .....t. Md., where they will spend three weeks at their cottage. Bobby Lang son ot Mr. and Mrs. FrederIck R. Lang or Maple ave .. nue win entertain several young friends tomorrow In celebration ot hie 11th birthday. Mrs. Go'rdon C. Thomas daul'hter. of :Mr. Henry R. Harris ot North Swarthmore avenue Is vlaltIng Major Thomas' famIly In Old Gre~nwich, Conn'. MajOr T,bomaa wbo bas been 8tatloned in'the Pan.;. ama. Canal Zone. Is returning to the States. :Mra HarrIs' , daughter Mr& Samuel G. M. Maule 18 visitIng In Little Rock, Ark., whore Pvt. Maute Is stationed I\t Camp J osaph T. Robinson. Mrs. Harrla Is entertaining her young granddaughter Dona:aa. Maule wbUe bel" mother 18 away. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. _Garrett and their daughters Sadie. ~d Ruth of North Princeton avenue will return th~8 week-ond trom two months .at Lake Rainy, Min:n. POny Told of Park avenue who has been theIr gueat wUI return wIth them. Mrs. iohn P. Htlferty of West. dale avenue and South Chester road. was hoste88 to a group of servtce wives Friday evening. Dr. and Mrs. A. Norman Hixson and children ot Hillborn avenue are spending the Bummer at Mt. Gretna, Pa. Dr. and Mrs. A. Ralph Thompson of PhHadelphla are occupYing the Binon residenCe durIng their absence. Jane HJIlea of WhitHer place lett Thursday tor a week's vlalt wIth Mrs.. Rlcha.rd Howson or Peconic L. I. ' ::Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas Bauer ot Kenyon avenue had a.a their gueat over the week-end. Mr. Bau.. er-& stater Mrs. Dorothy Knox of Glendale, Col. Mra. KJiox '18 at present In Washington, D. C.• prior to going overseas wIth the Red Cross Entertainment Group. Mr. and Mrs. Percy O. Gilbert and their daughter HarrIet of Park avenue, accOmpanied by Mrs. Ethel W~terbury ot SWarthmore Collep, spent the week...end in 8chnenet C~unty, PR., vIaIUng loire. GIlbert'. brClther and hie family Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wllcolt. HarrIet Will remain on her uncle'. fann and lend a helping hand for the reel of the aummer. IIr. and Ml'Bo Herbert '1'. Glbean ot Park avenue are entertalnlll8' Mr•. Olbeon'. mother JI.... Ed_ GI.....n otlltatee9m.. N. C., who fa , he... on an extended viall.. THE SWARTHMORBAN Mr. and Ml'Bo Fred Lang of Maple avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Jamea H. :Hornaday ot Dloklnson avenue attended George School Parenta' Da.y -on Sunday. Eben Lang and Jim Hornaday are work.... era on tl::\e George School Farm Camp. MaJ or an d M ra. Fl umer.Le • It an d . h I Be t e r son otty of North Chester d h t f k d roa ave re urne rom a Wee ' 8 vacation at Ocean City, N.,,J. Major Flumertelt will leave Monday for Washington. D. C., where he has been' appointed Chief of the ProteBBlonal Superv18lon Sectlon of the Neuropsychiatric DiVisIon in the Surgeon General's Omee. John Foster of Crest lane Is a Mr. and Mrs. Edward 1. No)'ell and oono ot Riverview road and Ogden aVenue ielt tor a vacation of a month at Ocean City, N. J. Mr. Noyea will return after a ahort stay and join the tamlly over the weekends. Mr. Laurence S. Kent or River.. I vew road has b een re Ieased trom the Army and has accepted a podton I w It h the Eaatern AlrUnea, headquarters In New York Olty. Mrs. Kent and their young BOn CUr. tis will join him there In the Dear tuture. Mrs. George Plowman and her daughter Ellis ot Harvard avenue returned Monday after vacationing at Avalon, N . .I., tor three weeks. , FRIDAY, AUGUIT 10, I . . .. Lt. and Mrs. Olenn O. Bartle and family, former reeldenta of 10' ~_ :den avenue are now located at 101 :Nortb Ohnt.9t r0a4. Mr. and Mr.. Clarke AlU.aoD ot !MIchigan avenue had as their hOU8e ~~ lut. week, Mrs. AJllBon's 8la.. iter Mrs. Philip Opp and ber cblt.... ~. n Philip and ~Tean of Akron, [O·hlo. . FranceePea"";n daqhter of IIr. and loin. :Sohn Peanon of Cornell 'avenUe left Satun1ay to .pend' Bome time with her ,uncle and aunt. 'Mr. and Mrs. Hen..,. Peal'BOn ot,' lanahorne, tormerly ot B,;artbmore. Mrs. Roy C. Comley or WalQut I ane -entertained her brllq.1I!' A _ club . ~t luncheon at ber home TuM4a¥. I' . Mr. and M-. ... .-u ~w:ln W. Cr08bv"Mr. an d JlI'L. Robert HI'~ ..ert 0 f ~f North Princeton avenue left,yea- RIverview road returned Saturday ~rda;v to spend the week·end &.8 from a week'a vacation apent at. ~e guellt ot Mr. and Mra. Joseph Buck HUI Falls. Walter of Benjamin WJ'lBt avenue Mr. and M.... J. A. Beacle of :who are summering at their cottage Princeton avenue and Mrs. Beac'l••• In Avalon, N. J. sister Mrs. C. W. Baylor and daUch .. Mr. and' Mrs. Ellwood Chapman ter Betty of Danville, Pa., -apent the of Harvard avenue returned lut week a t 0 cea.n CI'" h "I, N • Twere. week atter a month's vacation they Joined Ellis Mae and EIIsaguest at the cottage of the John Mr. Plowman spent two weeks ~th t ..... _1 B spen a't ~ as M,re and uak beth Beagle who are there tor the MarshaUs In Cape May, N. J. his tamUy in Avalon. Hill Falla. season. . ... WANTED-To buy Electric Refrl...... &tor, urpntly nMded. Telephone Klsa ..etvllle, KllQJ81ey 1800 before & P.M., or ~arthmore 2118 after 6 P.M. W ANTED-Faeulty cOuple wauta :hOUM '01' apa..rtDlent, not later than Oct. 1,. turnlehed or unfumlsh6d.. Preterabl, neal" coUep, for a Ion. or abort term. No ChUdren. Reply to Box T, The Swarthmore&n or phone Swarthmore 0948-.1. Four Swarthmore ,II" Ca.lI • fDO.....· wIth three school attending WANTED--Rellable woma.n tochlldrEln. live- In tember 16. Write Mrs. Herman ld. Bloom, 120 CoJumbla "avenue. ape 1-7-8 tor week begtnnlnc Sep- W ANTED-Small, etD.clency apartment by reflned lady t.ea.cher, lmmedlat.. b' or by Sept. 1. tat or 2nd tloor-party :tUmlahed. Qr furnlBhed. Viclnlty of JledIa, Walllngtord, Swarthmore, Chesler. or Providence Roads. Ex.. o8lleilt refereoce& Swart.bmorean. Reply BQx C, The WANTED-BaQh.lo1'~ ChrlaU..... , per.. manenUy located, de.lree·"&$"&cUve unfurnished. three to four room apartmeaL Electrlc rlfrl.gerator and prace. Conve~nt to tatn. _Vicinity SWarthmore, WaUhlgtord or Rose Valley.. ' Call..x.e.- Franke between '1 and 8 P.M., Cynwyd ·SlIe. . WANTED-To buy; small. upri8ht pl.anor or willing tQ Btore. plano tem. poranly. Reply Box B, The 8wart.b. morean. FOR 5." F FOR SALE - Hartman Wardrobe trutIk, medium Call S........thmore usa-R. .Ize. .FOR used.BAL»-Flne only twice:'Electrlc handsome cryatal JOxmaater, OOandeller; solieS walnut . antique double bed. with aprinp; aU -items hard to ftnd and reasoilabl,. prleed. Phone Swarthmore If. 061a.:u Auauat 12- FOR SALE--Dlnette eet. five pieces, AUnwood top.. Cost ~&. Hlling for $II. Silver fox cape. p6. Telephone , Kedla 2488. :FoR S~a.a .tove; uprIght plano: couch; bathroom '8ca1ea; Taylor Tot: wardrobe trunk. Mrs. C. H. Stock:. dale, lit _.CIA>I,ler ro.&d,.8warthmore. FOR 8A.LE-New Home, drop.otop , treadle sewing nutdtlne. Perf~t coF dlUon. Call Swarthmore 4-683-W. FOR S./tI·E.......Conaole ,,-,e, QualIty gas ramre. Therm08taUc control i In.. sulated: properly prIced.. Call Swarthmore 1162. 101'" . . , .. . . . . . IIObIt, a.u Mr. and Mrs. Graeme G. Whyt... law of Cornell avenUe Bpent the '1. . . . . . . 81& I 1e. . Past week....end at the Beta Theta PI _ . ~ m ..... 101111 House at Stevena In8tJtute of Tech ... • nology as gueata of their son AIS Graeme G. Whytlaw. Jr. ANTIQUESRES1'ORED Mrs. Peter E. Told of Park ave .. Ran! (Jh!".,. GIaee .. Tole W_ Due returned Mond8,y evening trom For &Ie " ~ week's visit with lIr. and Mrs. V_ ~ &: Wonell William :S. Kindley of Roland Park, 1_ B> woci!l ATe., U . - Darb, ~Umore, Md. Mr. Told apent the w~ek..end as guest of the K1nd8410.W leys. IIatIuda.7 .. _Inp Mr. and Mrs. John D. Maerker of Swarthmore avenue are enterHOME taining .Mrs. Maerker'a mother Mra. 8000 AvaIIaI>le-IDqDlre now ~ M. Curry ot Xnoxvut~. Tenn., Morton ~ &: Who fa here on, a ,two-week vialt and Appliance Sa-vice who fa having the firat' gUmpse of 11 HORTON AVENlJE lilpt .l"be i>bQ'ed out-of-tuDe piano" J>IIcme f oA.. r _L.,..:*~R r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ROBERT J. MAC BRIDE, 3t-7-10 Prothonota.ry. Walter V. Linton CUSTOM BUll.T HOMES .beD. I! tao..". . . . are lifted. HERHAN w. POWERS. 1311 Fourth Avenue, Lester, Pennlylvanla, . Or to bis Attomey, OUY G deFeRJA, . 1IIdle7 Park O'I'K Orozer Building, Chester,~PennQ.. pen near The Swarthmoreari offlce. Tburaday last.: Apply Mason Build.. Supply Co., Dartmouth avenue. Charles E.· Fischer Building and Contracting oJJ . It-7-10 • 4 Try something' differentI Cheese dishes are both l10urlsb jnq and w~1P.roper1y .: .... ljIrepcired ••. kieal for suln. Your and famlly will pass their plortes for a s~ond Appliance Seroice helping when you serve these delicioUs lC;:omm.ercial and Don~estj,c-I Prompt service-Refrigerators, Washers, Vacuum aeaners, Radios ~varl Facia No. 230 June Term, 19f15 Da7 J"Il(JW! 8.&::: r cheese recipes: Cheese tomatoes on toast. • cottage cheese peanut loaf, macaroni and • cheese scallop, deviled eqqs in cheese 11 Mortoa A_Q8 Mortoa, P.. sauce, macaroni patties,- fluffy tomato rabbit, and macaroni with frankfurters .•• All 7- 'HII'e , . these r~pes are yours for the asking at ..... ftc, e • ..".· all "-I any of our offices. COAL cX)lfSERVE MOD"H, COUl!lrEOUS SlaVIC. SERS! Y_ , . )I,HDDed F1IeI ·.,aoIIT BUBli ~. IilIIIdeatI7 '" • WI. the ... of • ';1- Ruue) aceO ~ . iC .TaaHor. 1 L..S.~~~N 1iII*~ CHEESE .It MORTON REFRIGERATION l'IMIa~ Swarthmore 2'253 PLEASE.lt• Bxecul.Qr'. FOUND-Fountain ft - COUNTY. vJllage.I~==~==~5ii~~==~ .LOST-Sprlnger S~anleJ, brown and white, 2 mont.bB ol~ In the vicinity of T!l:ayer rdad. Reward. Telephone Swarthmore 3085. - - .. a: LOS'l'-EAE pin In Return to Fraternity T.he Swarthmo:rean oflice. ..• .. Esp_lIIn- LOST ":35 train from PhiJladel:Phla. PHILADELPHIA TRANSPORTATION COMPANY ' PAINTING LOST-:r...dy·s red Buxton wallet on We at PTC are proud to serve Philadelphia and' its citizens. In 'keeping with the Philadelphi~ aim of intelligently preparing for the future, PTe's plans are already in operation--by the end of this year 100 new buses will be in service with 220 more buses to come ••• 300 new Streamliners are called for in this plan, 100 will be delivered early next year ••• 250 new trackless trolleys, plus many added service improvements highlight PTC's program to bring Philadelphia the finest transpor. tation system in the country, fully adequate for the needs of its citizens in the new world now forming. . ..... PIANO TUNING PERSONAL-Lady and OOtld driving to MiaslsslppJ, desire passenger to share on bUBlneM basts. Lea.vlng .A.uB\let 11 or 12.. Pbone SWarthmore 17(6·W. ~ore 1~~:~~~~~~~~~;=1 Grunn. 0. III '. . PERSONALS One of the cultural centets of the world, Philadelphia's great universities and colleges are known' ~ve~here. Center ofmedical training and research" it has more medical colleges and students than any other city, Here museums and galleries house many· truly fine works of an, as well as historical collections thattell the story of man's accomplishments. . Mr. and' Mn.Octavtlll· N ....beth . F10were tor hoopltaU....d memof· lAfayette avenue, celebrated 'bere of the armed forees are Fe. their flttleth wed41ng aDDlverear;v queete4 to be lott at the Woo oh July '1 at the home ot their eon or residence of E. the Rev. Benjamin Narbeth and hie iii· Guern8ey road fa.mlly at the Method~ ParoODage, late each. W"e4/leedllli afternoon Bethany, Wayne County, Pa. during the month ot Augua.t. Another· lIOn J. David Narbeib R,aldenta ot the Boro are urged ot Yale avenue traveled to be with to help theee deoervlng men. hie parenta but their daughter Mr. and 111[1"8. Charlea'"Kurtzhalz Gwendollne Narbeth a mlaalonary of Park avenue re~urned last week In Conetantlne. Aleena, whose tur .... from a 'Vacation ot a tortnlght a.t lough Is long overdue was not able to join them because no transporLookout Hotel, Ogunquit, Maine. tation was available. Her early arrival Is eagerly anticipated. howAT ever. Two cra.nddaughtera Joan. ot Swarthmore 8.nd Gwendollne of Bethany shared the celebration. .', . The Narberth's many friends in TYPEWRITlNG-,-ADDRESSING the borough showered them with MIMEOGRAPHING congratulatory oards and the pas .. At My Home on Beatty lload. CALL MEDIA 1070 tor and con«regaUon of the Method18t ChUrch presented them with dozen goldbanded service Pk4ua9, J'renehi. 8' M » one plates. B. oIhs 'J" . ',' . • dS ~~P':!'==L h'l:.'W~ i= nee ecretarial lease. - Permanent residents. A adult.. ~y, 8sistance ? ~7f.-w. WANTlDD-To rent, or, purchase WANTED-MaD'. lI..htwel..ht ral'n. coat, Bize ·ff. Also Ic&-cream 'freeser. : Reply to' Box ~ The Swazth- Philadelphia is today a great city of opportunity and accomplishment. A city whose citizens successfully employ the knowledge and experience of the past to build for the future ••. not in industrial achievement alone, but in the realm of full home life and cultural advancement as well. Philadelphia has more actual plans for the future now under way than any other .city we know of, $100 million has been allocated by private business for improvements and developments. The City Plan- . ning Commission has under considerati!ln $385 million in public improvements of which $205'million are recommended projects. The reputation of Philadelphia as a home city is well ·deserved. 39% of Philadelphia'S homes are owned, by their OCcupants, nearly one-quaner more than the· national average of all other cities having more than 50,000 inhabitants, Philadelphia leads all cities in diversification of industry-and needed skills, whether it's making hats or -building ships. Perhaps for this reason, families have been satisfied to settle down, buy a home and feel secure in their' plans for the future. <.-" ".;1';-,;;'7_. " .Mark Golden. YeGJ'8 /letJue8t FloWers WANTED-Lart/e chaln-drlven' cIiUd'. tricycle: Rel>ly 10 Mn.. F. 10'; Bob~D, 108 Westdale aveDue, 8WU1b"" more. ' . ,. ". .,.. WANTED _.f -Jr:::;::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::~::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;~-. . CLASSIFIED I 1." i ., s:W~A'lft'lhld R I! Aj -. '.. .. '." 6.: tic iiJ ilL; 'ri' ;1" ". p <.. y, ii'lilil'i.,......~'1IMl'.H Mrin.i' la ,r ~·I.50 '9Y ·n" III ~,_~.. ~._., .Ii EMGIN.Jp.,,\!G CO. 4213 ft'RNF BLYD:""Di . .. aEAR;<11I1 : ' . ftlLL' ..,' .. PHiLADILPHIA ELECfRIC "COMPANt . -'-'- ." . . • ...:' ,.. ••.·.A Ie,,. ...- . . . . . I! ....... . NM.;Hti~I" • • , • Pa • . TIt&,.S:'I'A.·aT • • qREAK I Ie. . . . . SAVE WAR BONDS THE SWARTHMO ·EAN I ENTIRE STORE AIR COOLED VOL. XVU-No. 32 o. K. ULTRAVIOLET Don" MI.. Th'. BIG LIGHTS FOR H.S. POTATO ture 0: OmngheIm.... SAtI·E ...... 800d1y supply and will be abl. . . Yes, _ NEWS NOTES tab . , . cit your requl,......nts at thl. most alII ac .. "- prf--;;dN;;;;;;;;N;'-;---;;iia~ POTATOES' 1 Criqt ........ I.eUace 10~· 35 c ...... Qe oJ....,. c ......aIa "".....-e. u..s" .JaIQ' c.U'_aIa ......,. ... . ';;:!~ SNAP BEAN, .!t:'.:. ~ ~ Spend Your PO''''' WI..Iy, Ivy the '0_ 1"""4-'" BOTtER":" ~ S-.t Cream A•• Is.'............. WIIuier NO POINT. MOOED On rh.. ..,......,... J",eu Pu,.. eonfollli. LEMON .......r....... _1fI. "!:":a.. JUICE F. . . . . . . . . II. ( . . . . . . . flo. . . . .orl. . ........ Gn•• halt Jal •• HoMo! 8111 d ........ CInderella's famous Jfaglo Touch are st.alldou.ta tor &tJ'Ie, -1JIIiI>y .............D'Np, LoWIT ..._ colora lD. _ 8 ... 14. -'-SPE4B1!l's DOWl!iID'AIR8 STORE- i:;;~;;;;;;':;;:=:;====;;;:;====~==========';;1 1", ,.. , DON'T STOR NOW BONDS A. P. SII.UIU TIlE BOUQ1lBT SWARi1iIH)U ftIIDEIIADIB SALBS a SDVJaIS B. L NOnlS B. J. BOY • AND 1. '" 'i1IB INCI.aInJ[ . . . . . DOIIINIIU.Y az. 1'.01' .... ....au....' IlAftDlUL . . . 00...' .um NUIII .vat' TAW. « ••'1 . . . . . . ._ , CDli .... I ., as. aYAia naA_ _. . . . '-.11 • 'i 'n IUIlTIIL ..... n ,. • Registration Facts! Request Flowers I ----- PETER B. TOLD BlICIIiGB'S • • • BUYWAR TBB Jil&BVARD INN • the - .1 95 . lIP 'BONDS DELMUTH ON ATHLETIC MISSION To Teach Army's Sport School In Europe The Garden Section ot the Carl K. DeUmutb, director of Swarthmore Woman's Club ",m athletics and tormer bead football SPODBor an informal flower show coach of the college 1.$ one of 1a 'ruesdQ. October 16 at .2: 21 0 P.m. Entries wlU be received trom 1 athletic leaders selected to assist to 11 a.m. All residents ot in administering the Army's vast Swarthmore are invited to send athletic program tor troops In :Eu In ezhlhlta. ropo, the Special Service Dlv1Blon. , Arrange!pents be entered In Army Service Forces, an~ounced These lights were installed In the' following classes: 1. Mb:ed flowers not over 12 litO as a. scientific experiment, today. 'rhe group will serve as Incarrying on the 'work begun In the Inches In height • structors in Army athletic schoole 2. Chrysanthemuma contaln.lng Germantown Friend School some Buzz Blundin and the Navy atop on the conUnent and will remain three or four years eartter. The other" tollage, not over 18 tnches tke main mast ot Borough Hall In Europe for appro.x1mately 60 work wu directly in charge at Dr. In height. pounding out Victory on the bl.. days. 3. . Berries and foliage (no Klldreh F. Wells and her husband bell. Boy! What work! W. F. Wells, cooperating with the flowers) not over 12 inches In The Army's post VE-Day athleUc helghL University of Pennsylvania ·School program, already well u"nderway • 4-. Miniature arrangement not of ~edlclne, the Commonwealth The bor01,lgh's clanging, panting at the German surrender, was deover..4 inch,es in any dimension. Fund, and the General ElectrJc fire trucks sprouting jubilant Sail- signed to brJng mass participation 6. Large zinnias, not more than Company. The purpose ot the ex~ ors, Marines, Waves, Nurses from to the hundreds ot thousands ot perfment was to test the hypothe- 12 blooms. Mrs. Mary Myors Hessenbruch, the Annex plus aU the borough troops who would remain In EuE. Small zinnias not over 8 wife of T. E. H.essenbruch of Yale youns who could find toe and rope a.a members of the occupation als that these llghts. Installed in aVenue died FrIday. August 10, at hand holct. They worked off a. lot forces or awaiting shipment home. clft.88rooms would materially re- inches In height. 1. Large marigolds. • for rldets and Virtually every type ot sport fa... 4:30 p.m. In the Lankenau Hospital of pent .. up Suspense duce the spread of air-borne Infec8. Small variety marigolds. tloos among chUdren In classrooms. Philadelphia, . after a long Illness. watchers alike! mUlar to Americans 18 provided. t. Josephine marJ.-oldS. Mrs. Hessenbruch waa born jn espeetaJ.ly in the diseases of Instructors have been tratn-ed, fa... 10." Mlzed chrysanthemums. Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. on measles, mumps, and chicken pox. clUtieR made available. and more Burgetls Pltma.n leading tho vic- than $7.600.000 worth ot equipment June 8, 1812. She was a graduate Careful studt&lf have been made at Friends' Central School &n.'Il wae tory snake dance on tbe north Bta- purchased and sent to Europe for by the cooperating agenCies with WrapPapen For a lot ot the UBe ot the troops. a. tormer captain of the All-Phila_ tlon parking lot. conUnu&1 teats of -the adequaCy youngsters that was their celebra.delphia Hockey team. The Army AthleUc Stan: School of the lamp Installations. SeVeral Thursday evening helpers at. the tion. Mrs.. liesaenbruch. who had lIv.. was organli:ed at the UniversIty of times durin.. this' Ave year' period SWai"thmroean ofrlce laSt week Paris early In the year under the there have' been e&;Jldemlca of one were Mrs. Herman Holmes, Mar- ed In SWarthmore 26 years, was Patty Campbell saving the cele- direction ot Lt. Col. Frank MCCor... or another of the diseases men- th. Keighton, Mr. and Mrs. Hor- a. member ot the Swarthmore tioned, and in each case the rec.. ace ~Q.I!I8-:no.re, Mrs. A. E. Longwell Pre8byterian Church, and an active bratloll ,wIth her recorder a.nd rec- mlck of the -p"nlveralty ot MlnDeworker in the Woman's Association ords when no 80ng leader. tUrned sota. A sl_mUar school was alllO ords mantained by the scbool nurse and Mra." John, DeUetsen. o-t the church. She was keenly in- up, U~ts taUed, and the am.. "et up In Rome. Prominent ath ... and the teachers for the study Anyone wishinc to help wrap terested in and was' one ot the or .. pUfylng System had ita man-made leUe leaders in' the United States have ehown that in the Irradiated papers for the local servicemen eccentriCities. pnfsers of the Swarthmore .Junior were asked to serve as tnstruetol'8 r09ma the spreAd of :lnfectlon' has and wom.en on Thurada.y evenlnp Assembllell'.. (\, former m~mber', of" In these schools to auure the high "en much low'or than in the' Jioti- Is urged to calI' Mrs. Ferris W. - ;. the Woman's Club, and ot the 6SC"posatbJe -caltbei'" ot leadel'8hlp. irradIated rooms. This haa led to Mitchel •• Swarthmore OilS. Two absorbed pajama,..clad PlayerB Club of Swarthmore. She Toul'8 of duty tor these i ctvWan the definite conclusion that these youngsters. parents In haild, Whoa8' was active in Gray lAdy work at con.ultante. worklnc under the dilamps do kill the germs of these bed-Ume clashed with the celebra.. Flyer Reachel " the Lankenau Hospital. rection ot the Special Service Dtdiseases and p_reve.nt the spread Uon-wlth the latter winning out. i . In addition to her huaband, ahe vialon, were from 60 to 10 days within the range ot the C'ermicldal Lt. Richard P. Delaplaine reIII survIved by a daughter, Mrs. when replacements were sent to' JamJIII, turned home Monday to spend a. Mary Corse with a h~rn as big I ",lIeva thema Robert G. Erskine. Jr.. and a. To date more than 30 daY leave with hl.s puents Mr. In recent years It has been evi .. aa Mary! grandson, Robert H. ErskIne. 60 men have made their profesdent that the YOUD«er children and Mrs. Roy W. Delaplaine of Funeral services were beld at her sional skills available to the Army • have caugbt dlsoasea from old.. Cornell avenue. Lt. Delaplaine late home R.t 2 p.m. Tuesday. with In "the European and MediterraTwo gobs. one called "Berlin," er brothers and B1.aters who attend- served as pllot-fighter with the the Rev. David Braun in cha.rge. :c.ean theatre of operatloDli. Over ed classea in the high school whore tth Army Air Force In France. Interment was made In St. John's help~ng a WAVl!: over the P.R.R. 1,&00 officers and enlisted men tence head first. these Ia.mP8 were not in operation.. Belgium, Holland. and Germany. Ce~etery. Whitemarsh. ha.ve been graduated from tbe Hence. the experiment is being' .lIe haa been awarded the Dialing.. Paris School 8lnce it waa opened. broadened to discover Whether It ulahed Flying Ct'088, the Air Medal Three Delaplalnea--.John. Bob, Recent plana call for the estabis possibly to virtually wipe out with six cluBters, and the P"resland Dick-all home at once for Jlshment ot two additional branch dentlal Citation. Upon completon these diseases by having aU the the first time In three yea.rs what schools outside of ~ar1s, both In ot his leave he will report to Golds8chooIs--cI8.Bses, auditorium, catewith .John a.t 0.C.8. a.t Fort 13elSeptember 6 Is the last date German ZOIlBB occupied by Ameri.. boro, N. C., for ·reaB8lgnment. .terla., corrldqrB. all places where vfdere. Bob a U.S.N.R. junior Inan elector mar move trom one can troops. The conUngent of children gather In groups in the terne at Franktord Hospital. and election district to another In which Mr. Dellmuth Is a member, 8ChoOI":;:""'tihject to theile' Ughts; Dick a "Lieutenant back with the order to be permitted to vote at D.F.C. and six oak leaf cluate1'8 will work with the 8th Air Force Tliis exp~rlment 1B r~ce~vlng ,conthe November election. and the 12th Army. from Europe. Thanks boy&. siderable national attention and tnSeptember 15 Is the last day Flowers for hospltallzed mem~ These men, aside trm instructqulrles are coming In almost daily • • all electors may register to vote bers of the armed torces are re. Lively jitterbUggIng InC' In the sports school, wUl' serve from schools In other parts ot the on hoth at the Nove'nlber election. This quested to be lett at the Wo .. railroad platforms. as officials at the Army's Eur-opean United States, where interest Is includes electors who will beman'" Club or residence of E. athletic champlonshipe scheduled rapidly growing in the idea ot • • come of age on or before NoW. F'urst, 111 Guernsey road A proud grandmother_widowed for late August. Most of .these eliminating tbe spread' of dlseaJJe vember 7. Ia::te each Wednesday aftemopn In the last war--telllng her young events will be centered in Duaael.. 10 school rooms, through use of September 15 Is the last day during the month ot August. grandson "'This Is a day you must dorl and Nurenberg, Germa.ny. speclal Ught tlxtures. .for any ele.ctor who has removResidents of the Boro are urged always remember." Others who will make the trip ed into & new election district to help these deserving men. • to Europe in the same group as CITED to give notice to the Registra_ SWarthmoreans walking the Mr. Dellmuth Include Floyd Eatrt• tion Commission In order to be BOOKS WANT:ED streets--too fun of gratitude, re- wood, Purdue University: George First Lt. Richard E. Brown. son pe'rmitted to vote at the Novem_ lIet, excitement to do anything but White, Univer~lty of New Mexico; of Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown ot ber election. The removal card The Legion Auxiliary reminds sha.re their emotion with their Forreat Cox, University of ColoraWalnut lane, recently was awardthe people ot the community that must Bet fortli a removal date neighbors. do;: Adolph Rupp. \ University ot ed a.n ~ak leat cluster ~o hla air this Is their first opportunity to into the new district which canmedal. .Kentucky; Wendell Mansfield, help in raising the morale of not be later than September 5. To Change Address Pomfret Prep; kay Rider, Cue The awud Citation read Utor an Occupation Army on tOl~elgn Registration will be held "in School of Applied Science; Mike meritorious achievement In ac. shores.. This army representing SWarthmore at Borougb Hall "On Dr. R. C. Ammerman Who 1s CarpenJer, Culver· Military Acade .. compl1shl~g with distinction a the United States in Europe and August 21, 10 a.m. to. 3 p.m., moVing to No. 6 South Cheater by: Ralph Coleman, Oregon State: number of photOgraDhlc recon ... Asia. fs comprised ot several' and 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Local road in the near tuture, wllI see John Bunn, Stanford: William Ornalssance operations oVer EurQPe. Swarthmore boys. Therefore It Is voters may also register at Me ... hls pa.tlents at his home 45 Am- wing. Big Ten to~tball otrlclal: ~. Despite the ever present danger most fittng that Swarthmore tam ... dia. Court HoU84!l up to and In .. herst avenue, durtng alterations to Walter Coffee, EaB;tern Inter-Colof Interception by enemy fighters 11I~ should look upon their book cfudlng Saturday, September 1116 ~Is ofrice. leglate Official Association; Lealie and fire from ground installations shelves and select some Interesting at the following times: Monday Edmonds. Paclftc Coast Conference tlieae hazards were overcome and books to send to these occupation • Com" through Friday. , a.m. to 4 p.m. Rae Olllclal; Donald Minnegan, Maryelves J1P,,1CXl excellent pictures taken of the as ... troops.• Saturday , a.m. to 12 noon. land Stato Teachers Col!ege; Thom_ signed targets... • Remember. the Auxiliary asks. Edward 1£. Bassett. Jr., of as Campagna. tormerly of the tIntLt. Brown Is a member of one ot what theee boys have done fOr us North Chester rnad haa been comHome verslty ot Maryland: and J. W. the photoBTaphic reconnaissance by preserving the American· mode mlBBloned a second lieutenant after Hutton. HamUne UniversitY. Two BQuadrons which comprise the sev': of Ufe. The sacrifice of some pet Major Paul T., Strong ot cempletlng an eight week"s coune men, specialists, in the recondltlon_ enth group. He.jJ)aa flown a large books It iD8ists Is little enough by Swa.rthmore'· has ,,"rrlved at the of specialised training at the In .. Jng ot athlet;lc equiPDlent. will also number of_ cot&t Photo misalons way ot apprecaUoD. Paper eov- Army Ground and Service· Forces fantry- Ofrtcer Catidlda-te School. &ccompaIl7 the group. They are over, the enemy oCCUPied tel"rltory. ered books ot careful. eelecUon ma.y Redlstrlbution StaUon. AahevUle, located· at Fontaln6bleau, France. John H. Hagerstrom and E. r.. which: covered enemy activity on also be, added to the contribution. N. C., whel'e he will enjoy approxNinety aeven men 'were commls- Kelley. land and" aea.. The phot(liBl1Lpha The Legion AUXIliary 18 aiding, Imatell" two weeks of tun and re.. moned at this echGol, which Ja optaken by him and other pilots DeUmuth graduated from the during this month of August. in lautlon While awaltlng reaaign- erated 88 part of the Ground college In· 1t31. He haa been the grOUP Provided Information on coUectlnc these artict811. meut to duty• Foreee Tralntn&' Center under the Alumni Executive Secretary mnce 'Which heavy bomber operations ContrlbuUone may be lett within Major stronc. who fa iii the Jledwere baaed, and the reeulta of the next two weekS at th--e home of ieal Corpe. baa retu,rnad from f 1 command of Col. Harold E.. Potter. lias and slnce,lIU haa &lao been of New York. Ken 'Who originally Director of AthteUca. Durin.. the th08e operaUons. ..... 08Ca.r" GUct"eMt. :08 V--... montbe In the 80uthwest PacUlc came from infantry and armored 1.43 and llU _ D S he ..... head PrIor to entering the 1lI1DY. 1>'1 averiue. or' with Theodore ~hl're be participAted In cam- unite an returned to their oaUlle football coach.·· Feb.......,.. I .... he was a student saulnier, 110· Princeton avenue. palp of New GulDea. and tboae, from ather arms- a.Qd. at Bwartluno... Colle,", cl_ of The commUnity ,18 urpd to m&!<. 'He Ie rnan1ed tQ the tOrnier Durl.... hla stu In Alhevllie he se"rvi.- &reo BeDt' to nlDforcement ItU. He .... iftd..- from a _ _rt In raIaIng the' qnota WIll be' Joined by h" wife. HIa ldargaret Ball and they hay. two 4epou.. iI llpon K1'8duatlOD, for &It8warthIllO... Hleh 8chool ... un. for lbl8 _ I'f 1&0.000 boo.... paTents, Mr. and MN, :r. P. Strone aJcnment . " lnfautl7 platoon :chlldren TeITJ" and Nancy. The tlellmllth·. II"" at lit &Uth Ch_ NOlde ... ".......4, N. J. , leaden. fer rd&d~ the Cams delivers RESHER LOWERS .OR ·ANYEVENT Fall Flo~r Show , Swarthmore Victory Rally • • r....,.., FI_ '''''or EnrIched SUPRIMI COFFEE BREAD Atter flve years ot experience with ultraviolet germicidal Ughta In the elementary ciB.B8rooma at the College and Rutgers Avenue Schools. tho School Board has finally authOrized the extension of these lights Into the hfgh school classrooms. . Saturday -- all day _ the !:lometa and their lathers will collQct paper. Plea..ae tie In bundles and plilce In slght of the street. WAR $3.00 PER YEAR ,. • • • A ,Javor Treat ,. Paper _d Tm Can Collectioo .. , 26 Year Resident Help Start Jr. Assemblies Nancy Smith of Ba1tlm~re Plke'wlli- y- ~_"' ::~-,.?"'/~ ~, al.Ii' jolft thef&milj< part¥ at..~u~!<_ " vu.... ________, 5 Year Test Wins Extension For Efficiency SWARTHMORE, PA., 'AUGUsr 17, 1945 SAVE ot .1'8. the 2 THE PERSONALS Mr. 8Ild Mrs. Clark W. Da.v1a of Rogers lane. Wallingford. tormerly ot Swarthmore are enter.. taining 20 guests this evening In honor ot the 218t birthday annlversary ot their son Pvt. Richard B. Davis. Pvt. Davis who returned to the States June 16 after elgbt months In a Germa.n prison camp, reports August 30 at the St. Den0l.8. Atla.ntic City where he will spend two weelUl tor checkup pre.. ceding re8.881gnment. Thomas K. Simpson. A.S.R., son of Mrs. David Allen Simpson of Rutgers avenue wbo wrut IndUcted Into the Na.vy August 4, has been assigned to the Manhattan Beach TrD.1nlng S1ation. Broo.k!yn. N. Y. He previously attended the Swarthmore Publ1c Schools and was graduated from Girard College In Junc. Major and Mrs. John M. Flumerfelt of North Chester road Were the guests of honor at a dinner for 12 given this week by Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Harlow at their home on' North ~hester road. Major Flumerfelt has just returned after servlog for three yeara in Cairo. Egypt. He next reports to Washington. Jean Gehring ot Unlveralty place who is acting as a counselor at Lower Camp. Ely. Va.. and her 8la. ter Virginia. who Is a camper there are leaving camp next week and en route home will vlalt relatives In New York State until after Le.bor Day. Ross Bl1lstetn ot South Cheater road. spent last week In Atlantic City as the guest ot hLs grandmother Mrs. Margaret Allen ot Chester. Mr: and Mra. Hf,rry 1. Bernard of Union avenue annou~ce tbe en .. gqement of' their daughter, Dorothy Loul8e Bernard to Mr. Raymond A. Guyer. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. R. ·A. Guyer of Cheater. MlBs l3ernard Is a graduate ot Swarthmore High School and is at present employed by the Brown Instrument Company of PhUadelphla. Mr. Guyer graduated from Chester High School and is connected with the engilieerlng department ot the Scott Paper Company. No date has been set tor the wedding. LAST 2 DAYS Friday and Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Reyzon Floyd Plank of Blacksburg, Va., announce the marriage ot their daughter Lucy Bartram Plank to Second Lieutenant WUI'am James Forrestel. U.S.A.A.F., son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Forrestel ot Waynesboro. Va., on August 11 in the Presbyterian Church. Blacksburg. The brJde is a granddaughter of Mr. Edward B. Temple ot Mapl., avenue. She attended the Mary Lyon Sabaol here, was graduated from Fairtax Hall, Waynesboro, and attended Shorter College. Rome, Ga, Lt. Forrestel attended Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va.. and has recently returned from the European Theater of Operations where he was a Get:'man prisoner of war. He reports A~­ gust 23 to Miami Beach, Fla., tor reassignment. Mr. and Mrs. Temple attended th~ marrJage ceremony and reception which followed at the home of the brlde's parents. -_ .. ... --... 1ft ftMIIy cooI.ad I bel ••..... _ .. 01 ........... ,.. ltIIICII_ . . 'if' " ( ;e.,..u.~ t1!.A --~ Sua_ aad Monda,. OlSEN &: JOHNSON "See My Lawyer':' -BopJar _ _ lie 0. , Cams delivers RESHER LOWERS OR ANY EVENT C~olia~S "Orchids Always" , PhOBe SWL 0450 120 PARK AVENUE C L.O SED August 2()th until September 4th Becaus~ of the very serious labor shortage, it is n~essary for the Tea House to close over this period as it is impossible to solve the vacation probled for our force in any other way. .IIIIY wit. . . . . .r l ' •• PICAL I ••DI Joel ...... Mlde,,' _ 2 P.IL .1. . . . . . . .V••Y •• IIAY . ....... _._0.00.0 aNyer Day. • De.IIr,., .......... hW --- ~e storEnY cLwngor of ' • PIaIIc "' ........ / Wild war's havoc O'er the earth· hath ceased. NOW! A Bell for Adano StarrinJ(' Gene TIERNEY .John HODIAK . Willial11 ·PJIlTJIIR JII, TOLl> lCtUtor Lo..... · McCarter til. Poet •• UTI. Came the townafolu. flrat the elden, Then tho hO ....wlv.. and the chil- dren. ~The ; ' . FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1945 MATCH1ABELLI • CHANEL Bouqu.et lI:I ~ i •hi Ne%t ofUclala on a m1aaIoD Full of hopes that tbey sball aee-Swarthmore's aorgeous Keyser.. Prab:rt.ian Church Notea Visit. Holland OIl beautiful the path. of peacel Caused by well tilled drains and 0 sewers The Rev. Roy J. McCorkel, sec.. Lt. James B. Vosters Bon of Mrs. retary of the Peace Section, V. A. C. Vosters of Swarthmore Aa they hurry toward the , .... 13 Solllla CIt utee· Road 111 ~ lI:I Friends Service Committee will be avenue who has been overseas with the peat preacher at the morning the 16th Infantry DIVision a1nce 1 England. Durin•. hIa two y _ In Europe. be colla.borated wlU. other PBYChlatrlata on the publJah .. lng of several pap.rs d.a1l... Wltb tbe treatment ot batU. abockecl avlaton. Capt. Erb and hla wU. are visiting locally during baa •• day leave before taking up medtcal dulles in this country. • STEAKS - CHOPS SEAFOOD Oar Spd".,. Completely Air-Con " ..... COMMERCIAL-RESIDENTIAL Emergency Service • SubUrban Engineering Company 4213 Ferne Boulevard. Drexel Hill, Pa. SUll8et 2355 J CIeaikvok 898& 0......... fiIIItI FLOURF·~. IO ~~ 4Sc .!'. Z4c ~::::::?,-;Y~o;.U~.ii"~II~lce Enriched by Addition of Vllarnlna 11 and 12. Niacin and Iron Fresh, Lorge CROAKERS ZIc Ib Roseflsh FlIIe,. "33c '"25c ''''silly Ground BAMBURG ., (4", Flat ........... B ••I _ l n (lptl .~. . . . .Inef Uv...........IIC "I:') . 5" '" SAUSAGE.:r::., (MI.!r.rl.....) , Fall. Mrs. M. L. Hicks and two children of University place returned on Sunday after three weeks at the Avalon cottage of her mother ·,Mrs. Hervey· Schumacher of HB:vertord avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John Schumacher and three children are spending two weeks at the cottage. Betty Anne Hulme of. Westdale avenue had her classmate, Anne Btonmetz of New .Orleans. La., as week... end houseguest. B9th Blrla are studl!nta at the Unlvel'8lty of Delaware. Mra. H. F. Brown. her daughter:a Midge and· Jean and son Billy of North Chester road have returned from a two-week vacation spent at stone Harbor, N. J. • G_ of For meal PAINTING SlJrrlJ . • • clarInet. ley. can Media 24167. Rose Val- SUMMER SALADS FOR SALE-Raleigh ,bicYcle. mr..nts 2iJio size; 3-lJl)eed gear; chain case: generator . and lamp; ha.ndl&-bar brakes: carrier i first class condition; tires new. Phone Swarthmore 2UG. Summer time is salad time. And there's' no RADIOS and electrIcal appliances repalred. Called, for and. delIvered. Call Robert Brooks, Swarthmore 1548. ALt.EN S. OLMSTED, 2d. Attorney for Petltoner. Tel Swa. 1984 Grace Park OALI. DAVE WOOD , Media075S EDWIN B. JCEf f FY, .&. Yo-UR JEWELER III East -7U> S': (OpposIte New Slate ' - " " - , 'Pt>ooe a-ter 871& a._ PERSONALS For a world at peace •• EARNED BY PERSONAL-Mrs. M. C. Garwood of Calico Cottage, Baltimore ]lIke, Swarthmore ,will ta.ke a trip to New England on or .bout August 20· to£!~ main until Septern~r 8. The CotlAl50 will be closed· during this period.. denying a good salad makes good eating. MIMEOGRAPHING. At My Home on Beatty Road CALL MEDIA 1070 Harry A. Brehl Esp ertl,. Done pUR SALE-R8.dlo-Natlonal 100; lady's bicycle; ~lng B-fla.t sliver try making some palate.pleasing salads. ....D Whltl....... "17c , ..sh La.... Macke...1 • Iblar~ZC • • ''fJ,l\ du' ..... . 0' Radios Repaired FOR SALE-Stepo.ladder; table: kU~ eben cabinet i tndn table 4x7; fruit ja.rs; electrio motor 16 h.p. Tele]lhone Swarthmore 0608-J. SACRIFICE PERSONAL-Registered Spencer coriJetiere. Mrs.. ElSie McWilliams. Tele]lhone Swart:.hmore 4683-W for ap.pointment.. 1- I,. P.USllY..... . CondlUons: PGO.OO cub or eerWlecJ check at Ume of 8a1e (unleo Othe..... Mr· and Mrs. W. H. Lovekin of wise atated. in advertiaement) balanoe In ten 4..,... Other condtUOD8 on day Haverford place bad as their house of 11&1•• gueats this week Mrs. Lovekin's THE SWARTHMORE NATIONAL aunt Mrs. Loll Read of Sykesville. WANTED BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Levari FacIas No. 210 Pa., and their nephew. M. M. tic Admlnlstt1ltor of E8tate 01 --='~~~~--~~ WANTED-Young lad)' tcacher· deIrma Sala Steinfeld. Deceased, Clinton Fllckerlnger who has been June Term, 19ti . sires room about September 4. Swarthmore, Penna. Boant opUOnal. Near transportation. 21 months In Europe. All that tract of ground altuate In Or to Its· Attorney, Te.Jephone. Cynwyd 3120 (collect) after 6 p.rn !.Ir. and Mrs. J. Roy Snape ot Springfield Twp., Del. Co.• Pa., bound- ALBERT N. GARRETT, and described as follows: begin- 228 Garrett Avenue. J\~ANTED-To rent house or apartHarvard avenue returned last Sun~ ed ning. at & poJnt In middle of Wood- SWarthinore, Penna. ment with two bedrooms In SwarthlI4 Bour Senice day after vislUng their children land Ave., a cor. 01' Janda conveyed more. Preferably all Ileat. Telephone WILLIAI A.. "AQUETTE, Wayne 23M (reverse charge). who are attending camps In Pllte to Charles Evans. thence along said Eltate Woodland Ave. In a northerly dlrecJlol deeeu_. late of .., Elm A.:t"e.... County. Mrs. Snape lett Immedi- UOD 1050 ft. more or leaa to a poll.t Rwartlallll)nt, PeDD..;rlyaaJa. WANTED-Typist part or full time. Robert C. Bl-ooka, Jr. ately tor Brooklyn, N. Y., to visit & cor. of landa conveyed to Ellis and temporary or permanent. Experl· Lett~ra testamentary on the above eastow, thence along Bame N. 680 30' Estate ence. Call Swarthmore 0908 tor deher parents. have been granted to the unE. fIB.9 ft. to a pofnt thence by a line talto. who request aU persons N. 31° 30' W. 30L45 it. to volnt in dersigned. having claims or demands a,gatnat the , IIno of Jands conveyed to Charles F. WAl'r-"TED-HaU-time secretary, reEstate of the decedent to make known IN THE COURT OF COMMON Eggleston, tnence by 8ame N. 68° 80' the 'siding In Swarthm,ore (or four hours same, and all perSons Indebted to E. '535.4.7 fL to a point in middle of PLEAS OF DELAWARE COUNTY, a day, five days a week. beginning the decedent to make payment without Leamy Ave.: thence along middle of delay, to PENNSYLVANIA Ia.te In September. Shorthand un-:aaate southwardly 1360 ft. more or leg neoeBSJary j we uee dlctaphone. College IN HE: JOHN DOUGHERTY. an AlHENRIETTA G. S • .TAQUETrE. to point " cor. of Jands conveyed to grad,uate preferred. Box D, The legel! 'Veak-mlnded person. December F. Executl'tz:, A. Harris. thence by eame westTerm, 1944. No. 51ft. . ' Swatthmorean. 606 Elm Ave., Swarthmore, Fa. wardly 295.6 ft. to a point: thence by FIRST AND FINAL ACCOUNT OF Or to her Attorneys, uf F. A. Harris and A. Harris R. K. DE)lWORTH, JOSEPH E. DOUGHERTY, GUARD- lands "\VANTED-Reliablo and experienced on Une parallel with Leamy Rd. ex~ IAN. woman for laundry and c1ea.nlng. 16 han!ls weiJ("ht carrier extending 8Duthwardly 300 ft. to points DRINKER, BIDDLE &; RmATH, $6 and car lare a day. Re]lly Box 0, The above account has been flied In in Une of lands now or late of Rich- 14..!9 Walnut Sireet. The Swarthmorean.. periences chestnut mare the OfH'::e of the Prothonotary and wlU ard Young. thence by 8ame and lands Philadelphia., 2. Pa.·~ 6t-7-20 bo confirmed by said Court on Sep- now or late of J. J. Judge westward_ sound stand, Veterinari'an in- tember 7th, 194.5, unless exceptions are ly 947 ft. to place of beginning. Un- ESTATE OP "A.IlES CAlfFlBLD WANTED-Anyone interesfed In roomIng. rooming and board, or In havflied thereto. •• spection $1,000. del' and 8ubJect to certain condltlons LOGA!'i", de-eeased, late 01 Bldle7 ing a Keystone School student asshfl ROBERT J. MAC BRIDE, and restrlcUoDS. Townsrultt Delaware COuDtT, Peowith light hous~old duties or mind. , .ylyaula. Tel. T. Morris, Plumstead- 3t-7-l0 Prothonotary. Ing children evenings In return tor No improvements, vacant Kround. '/ Lettere Teetament.8:rY ha.vlng been room and board. pleaae call M'rs granted to the under-signed, ail per.. , ville 2671 after 7 Greene, Swarthmore 1747. I Sold 8.8 the' property of Secrfltary sons having claims or demands are reR. F, D. 2, Perkasie, Pa, Eatate 01 NELLIE L. POWERS, . . of Banking of the Commonwea.1th of queste~ to make known tha same, and WANTED-HoUfiie or large apartment I (!eaaed, late 01 'l'lnlcum TOWlIBhl.p, Penn.IJylvania., Receiver of Suburban aU persons Indebted to the said Beto rent or 8ub-let, furnished or un.Delaware eouDI,., PeDDIJ'JyanJa~ Title and Trust Company real owner' tate are requested to make payment. turnlahed. minimum three months. Letters Testamentary havIng been MedJa COTJ)('lratJon and Anthony La.z~ without delay, to Will waive government regulaUona. granted to the under-signed, all per'.. zaro, reputed owners, with noUce to RAYMOND A. HOOD. Phone P. E. Jacob, RlL 9372. sons having claims or demands are re~ terre tenants, if any. Chester Pike & Price Sta. quested to make known the same, a.nd Ridley Park, PenlU!lylvanla,. W ANTED-To rent or Purcbase sis all persons Indebted to the said Estate Hand MoneY-$1500.00. B:xeeutor. room unturnlahed house Dot later are requested' to make ])8.Yment, Withthan September flrat. Oil heat. Year. Or hlB attorney. out delay. to Plan DOW the home you want Guy 'v. Davis, Attorney. Iy lease. Permanent reeldenta. Four GUY G. deFurla, ~ adults. Call Lackey, Swarthmore HER1IfAN W. POWERS, Crozer Building, 1874-W. . Desirable ·lota available 1311 Fourth Avenue, Chester, Penna. No. 670 Lester, Pennsylvania, Levari Facias WANTED-Man'lI lightweight rain. Executor. Mrs: W. S. Blakeley of· ·the .June Term, 1932 Or to hla Attome,.. 'coa.t size 44. AJgo Ice cream freezer. Swarthmore Apartments left 'Pues· GUY G.d.FURIA, lawnmower. Reply Box A. The Crozer Building, . Swarth!Jlorean. AU that certain Jot or piece of land day for Bay Head, N. J .• to spend Chester, Penna. 6t-7·10 with the improvements thereon erect- some time with her famlly. ed. altuate In the Township of TinlLOST Mr. and Mrs. No. Walter Suplee cum, County ot Delaware and' State IN THE COURT OF COMMON of Pennsylva.nia., and bounded and de- of South Chester road were vacaLOST Tennis racket with COver and PLEAS OF DELAWARE COUNTY, scribed as 101lGW8: tra.me at College avenue courts Suntioning tn Ocean City last week. PENNSYLVANIA day. Write Box P, The S-.lVartlunorRE: Begtnnlng at a point on the westJane Seymour. 10 year-Old Phone ean. erly side of Jansen Avenue at the Approval of Compromise ot Taxes, distance of four hundred seventy-ftve daughter of Harry C. Seymour. Q. Penalties, Interest and Costs on Prem- feet northwardly trom the northwest- M. 3/c and Mrs. Seymour lias FOR SALE Jses 303 P;-.rk Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa.. arly corner ot Second Street and Ja.n- joined her mother at their home Number 628, .June Tenn, 19'5 sen Avenue. Containing In front ori ANTIQUES RESTORED FOR SALE-Two-plece upholstered NOTICE Is hereby· "given that Harry said Jansen Avenue measured north- on Dickinson avenue after Visltlng living room suite: 10'piece French Rare Cldoa, &: Tole w ...... L. Johnson has made ,an agreement wardly' flfh~ teet and extending In oak dining room Suite i lUll-sized ber aunt :Mrs. John J. Hellewell with the Borough 'of Swarthmore, the length or depth of that width one Sa1e hogany bedroom 8ulte. odd chairs. Sanderslown, L. I., since ,September School District ot the Borough of hundred It!let. • Telephone Swarthmore 1164. Swarthmore and the County of Dela.of laBt yea.r. Van Ambargh &: Worrell ware to· compromise taxes, penaJ.tles, No Improvements, vacant ground. FOR SALE-Pressure cooker, complete a\tachments. Good condition. 1400 B;rwood Ave., Upper Darb>, Interest and costs due on No. 303 Park Avenue. Swarthmore, for the Sold as the property of PhUlp AmHolds four quart jars. Telephone BIro. 34\O-W 8um of $2600. The saId property ,is sterdam, Simon H. Adeltnan and Anna .SwarUtmol"8 061;l-W. located on Park Avenue beginning: K. Amsterdam. owners, reputed own,SaturIIaY &; Evenlnlrs 63.85 feet southeastWardly from Yale era or whOever .the owners may be. FOR SAL&.:.-Llke new, professional Avenue having a frontage on Park model, P08t, card projector. R. Avenue of 135.45 teet and a. depth of Wm. B. McClen.acban, Jr., Attorney. Brooke, Swarthmore 1648. 169.66 feet and Is Improved with a HOME FREEZERS Appliance Repairs and Elecsemi-detached dwelling house. The 3t--s-ta R. S. MUNSON. Sherift. Soon Aval1able--Inqulre now FOR SALE-Largf; size tricycle, reWtring total amount ot taxes, penaltIes, Incently reconditioned and painted. terest, costs, and municipal claims Refrigeration &: Goo(l condltlon~ $15. Call Friday b&j amount to $"3416.03 as of June 30. We Have Those Hard to Get fore noon or evenings beginning Mon. Appliance Service 1946. . The caid Harry L. Johnson has . 11JBES day. Swarthmore O~32-W. petitioned the Court ot Common Pleas' 11 HORTON AVENUE of Delaware County for the approval Night Phone Media 618-J-S ·FOR SALE-Lionel electrio' train, au ... of said agreement and the Court has Day Phone Swa. 0fit2 thentlc scale model. complete with fixed a hearing on said petition at transiormer, automatic smtahes. extra the Court. House, Media on Wednestrack and cars. $SO. Phone Media TYPEWRITING-ADDRESSING 711 Fairview Road day, August 22, 1946 at 10 o'clock 14&4. , A. M. for a quick meal that's cool and comforting, A'II'.. aon. NoUce IB hereby glveu that letters of AdmlnlatraUon have been panted to the undel'81,gned. who requMta all PBI'8On8 bavtng claJms or 4emancla acaJnat tho Eot&te of the 1&14 4_ent to make known the same, and aU persona Indebted to the decedent to make payment i01medlately to ':111 A.JI. E&ai1orn War Tim. Need Secretarial Assistance? COFFEE a "" 47e COURT B'oUSE, MEDIA,PENNA. Morton (16"' ) 4-" GII~~_~ BUTTER "~ft cr COFFEE RENT-owner will rent hOlM two blocks from Wallingford _tatlon reserving one room for ,ou Bve. EnJoy 1& ' fl"ODI all H~ worrIea Sboold you die.. It to your filiiiii)' Hortcago ' . " In~ No _ ........., cJJariIee SWARTHMORE NATIONAL L S. KILvINGTON BANK & TRUST CO. _ r-v.. wIIiea __ eDsdDg ~ &1'8 convened - J-a SORROW We give thanks Appliance Seroice cole slaw. Ask for your free set of Summer ,. Alterations &: Repain and and cabbage toss-up, and green and SUFFERING Walter V. Linton - '··_11M ' lSI 8. a.-d IlL, PIdJa. ;~:.' bdnI!I, I I, .110-- 1U4Ie, I'UtC .... ·more, ·~--------------------------~~~~.~==~~~------------~~t--~----~~~ THE Deaplte yacatlOI18 tbe Swartbmore Bridge Club bae bad & good turnout each week. Wednesday nlBht, August 8, toP. honol'8 went to Prudence Hyde and I .C. Root who turned In a 66 % game. Mr. aDd lrll'll. J OhD E. Dever were Bec and with Robert M. Waitel'8 and Joseph Galaterrl comIng In third. w NEWS NOTES Midshipman J. Francis Taylor, Jr., U.S.N.R., son Mr. and M1'8. J. Francis Taylor Park avenue was home for a short stopover on his way to Join his ship. He has been attending' the Pennsylvania. Maritime Academy. Mr. James 'H. Hornaday and daughter Alice Dickinson aVenue are leaving tomorrow to spend a week with relatives In Ridgewood, N. J. Second Lieutenant Stephen Ha1' is now in Germany with the Military IntelU.,ence to serve with the Army Occupation. Mrs. D. D. Rowlands Harvard avenue and Mrs. Charles D. Mitchen Wallingtord will spend the week-end u the guests the J. Archer Turners ot New York who are summering at their cottage at A.von-by-tbe.Sea, N. :1. Pvt. Ethel Hay daughter of the Edward Hays of Ogden avenue, formerly stationed at the Bronx Area Station H08pltal •.N. Y., haa transterred to camp Upton General Hospital, L '1., a. rewcpndltloninl' center. 0'0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' M .... W. Sproul Lewla of Swarthmore avenue lett Tuesday to v.talt her aunt, MI'8. W. S. Lapham ot Wilson Point, S. Norwalk. Conn. Pvt. W. Russell .Frank bas completed bl.o '·boot tralnlnC-· at Parris Island, S. C., and bas transferred to Camp Lejeune. N. C. He arrives tomorrow to spend a twowweek leave at his home on Vassar aVenup and then returns to Camp Le· Jeune for further training. Marla Hanzlik' daughter at Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hanzlik of Cornell avenue has been elected to the House of Representatives ot the Women's Student Government AssocIation at the Pennsylvania state College. Marla is a sophomore at the college. Harry C. Seymour, Q.M. S/e ,,,:ho haa been an instructor a~ the Quartermasters' School, Gulfport, Miss., has arrived on the west coast where he reports to the Na.val ReDistrIbUtion Center at Shoemaker, Cal. Chief Boatswain Henry L. Peirw sol. Jr.• who bas been on sea duty for 18 months, has been &.88lgned to temporary shore duty In San FranCiSCO, Cal. Mrs. Piersol, and small daughter Gloria. Ann torm.erly of Fetters Hot Springs, Cal., have joined him there. Mrs. H. W. Huse ~d daughters Molly and Sally Vassar avenue with their sister-In-law Mra. H. 8. Stanley and daughter Pamela are vacationing In New IAndon, N. H. They will be Joined later by Mr. Huse. Lt. Stanley l8 In the Navy Submarine Service In the Pacific. 0" OUR THANKS TO ALL SWARTHMOREAN . F1UDAY,AUGUST i7, 1941 M..... F ...... C08 G. Lumeden wbl bas been vacatlonlng on· Cape Cod, returned to Swarthmore laat Wed.. nesda.y night to see her lion, 'Lt. H. John LUmsden who was home on leave~ Lt. Lumsden's Blste~ REPORT SCHOOL'S ANANCE RECORD • Expenditures Merit . Study by Tax Payers also came here to see him before .SAVE be left for forelgh duty. Mrs. Ralph V. LIttle,· Jr., and. children Shirley and Don&1d are 8p~~dtng the week tn Ocean City. WAR VICTORY . , EDWARD L. NOYES VOL XVII-No. 33 been completed aDd reported to the Department of' Publlc Instruction at Harrisburg by the Secretary, HJIda. Lang Denworth, as r&qu.1red by law. This report summarizes the complete financial condition of tbe Scbool Dletrlct for the IIsool year 1944146. Mrs. Denwortb's report shows that the total expendltur68 by the SchOOl Dlstrlct for the year just closed amounted to $Z13.161.'18, of which $186,661.47 wet"e for CUrrent expenses Involved In the operatton ot schools, ,28.033.19 tor debt· semee. and ,3,467.i2 tor capital outlay. The current expense costs include sf% .Items: A. General control $6,999.88; B. InstrUction $142,924.36; C. p,uxUlary agencies and co-ordlna!ed acUvlUea 'S,800: D. operation of plant 120,668.'18: E. maintenanco school. plant 14,. 388.62; F. lIxed cbarges '6,961.93. Considered tram the percentage polnt ot ,view It is noted that the school dollar was spent in the fol10wJ.ng proporUo.na dUMa- the past year: For general control 2.7c; instrucUon GGc; aux1llary agencies 3c; oFeratllJn 0' school plant JO.4c: maintenance ot school plant 2.1 c: ftxed charges 2.70; debt service 10.30: and ca-pital outlay :.20. or current income only 6&c ot the dollar Is derived from local taxes, both cUlTent and deUnquent. From State approprJatlon 1Ei.ge are received, non-resident tuiUon 10.8c. balance from :previous year Maa. T-. Wed. 4: Than. 9:30 to 8:30 --I1UDAY. 9:30 to ~ • 9 ..m. to 9 p.m.- The "WAVE" Mighty hand Hath made our country free; From all her broad and happy land May worship rise to thee. HENRY VAN DYKE BUCHNER'S SWAR11IMORE, PA., F1UDAY, AUGUST 24, 1945 Ta.'C Periof!"Ends Taxpayers are reminded that the discount period on tho county and borough taxes ends wJth August 31. It ma:' be nece.888.ry for the Tax Collector, M. P. Dodd, t., be away'the first three days .next week. She requests that those planning to pay at her office w111 come at, the "o.tDce 'hours named .on tbe tax bill. 0' Dr. Frank n. Kllle. Associate Professor at Zoology at Swarthmore College has accepted the post of Dean 0' Men and Profes. SOr of Zoology at Carleton College, Northfteld, Minn. A coeduca.. Stucliea in· France tiona] Scht.,:ol, Carleton has an enrollmenf of 800 studente. Dr~ Kille received his M.S. deCpl. Louts deMoll, who Is stagree from the University ot Chi- tioned with the Occupat,lonal cago In 1924. He then held the Forces In Germany has been seposition of, Professor of Zoo!ogy lected to attend tb~ ~rst school at Birmingham Southern until sossion eight weeks at the Army J.931 when he returned to the Uni- University Study Center Number versity ot Chicago and received Two. at Blarrltz, France. hi. Ph.D. Cpl. deMoll Is In the ~Irst EnHe came to Swarthmore College gineer Combat BattaUon of the January :1, 1934. He was acting First DIVision. He went overseas dean at the Swarthmore College in December, 19.3, and was Summef school in 1944 and has wounded in the Invasion ~or­ been taculty advisor for the V -12 mandy and received the Purple pre-medical men. Heart. In December, 1944, he reDr. KlI13 married Frances Hicks turned to active service and was Kerby ot Pittsburgh h~ 1929. Dr. In action continuously until Gerand Mrs. KUle and their Ban J. many's surrender. FranJs,. KUle reside on Whittier Cpl. deMoll Is the son at Mr. and place. ~rs. Carl deMoll of Pa~k avenue. $3.00 PER YEAR SCHOOL DIRECTORS Local Vol~nteers Receive ELECT 3TEACHERS Boro's Warlliest Thanks Name Social Studies, W. H. Ward Presides as Prominent Citizens Math, Cafeteria Review Boro's Real Contributions Instructors to Nation's Fight for Peace The SWarthmore School Board recently met In special 8e88lon to elect new teachers In place of those Ass~mbled "to giv.e recognition and thanks to all in the who had resigned. commumty who had falth.fully and tir~lessly wor1ced for three To t~ach sentor high school 80~n~ a hal! years to help wm the war," 300 Swarthmoreans par clal stUdies. the Board elected Paul AI. Culbertson, of Pottstown, in hClpated I~ the bor?tlgh's victory program at the High School place of Margaret Hamel. whose Monday mght. .Th!rty representatives of local organization; resignation was accepted with re- were on the auditOrIum platform, but as Chairman William H gret. Mr. Culbertson Is a gradu- Ward stated, "Let ther~ be no !Risunderstanding, they might ate of Lafayette College with an as well change places With those m the audience" for each one A,B. degree In historY, with gradu- has borne his share in Swarthmore's war job. ' ate study at the University of With this Wide 'rept-esentatton Pennsylvania. where he ea.rned hiB eager to report such credItable M.8. degree In secondary educaachievements, apprecIation was tion. DurIng his teaching career, widespread tor the chairman's ex Mr. Culbertson has taught at the peditlous and gracious prbsldlng ,Dover Senior HIgh School at Doand to the speakers whose talks ver, Del., and at the Plymouth were not only comprehensIve and Senior High School at Plymouth, Intot-mlng, but brJef. So ihat the Pa. During the recent war he meeting held to its one and a halt served as an officer In the United hour schedule. Community Sing States Army. riSing from the rank ing, led by Professor James Sorber or 2nd lieutenant to that of Ueuot the college, rand accompanied tenant colonel at the time ot his bl' Otto Kraus, Jr., was generally recent discharge. The Swarthmore High' School enjoyed. Square dancing fOllowed To t~ach mathematics In the tootball team, tor the first time the meeUng In the gymnasium un high school in' the classes of Mr. 'In five years, wHl go to a pre-Rea_ der the genial calling ot L. C ChrIstian who Is on m1Utary leave, son training camp next week. Hastings to the obvlol1.6 pleasure the :Soard elected Marjorie L Through the ell'orts of the. Foot~ of the Swarthmoreans ot ages Hughes of Brookltne, Upper Dar- ball Fathers' Committee the use who joined the grand marcl/. led by. Miss Hughes Is' a graduate 0' of Camp Castle at the Y. M. C. A. by BUrgess Pitman and Mrs. Pit In common with humanita.rlans ton-these and other battle- Haverford Township High School camp grounds near Downingtown man, and danced vigorously to the the world over, Swa~thmoreana are grounds saw tiny Clara Barton car- and Gettysburg College, where ahe has been obtained for the period close. marJdng, this week, the Blat an- rying on night and day to prevent was awarded the A.B. degree'wlth August 26 ... 31. Head Coach Ziegen_ Cites Obligation a major in French and a minor In tus, . Assistant Coaches Hofmann niversary 0' the founding ot the unnecessary lOBS at life. Before the final singing ot the International Red Cross on AuAt . the end 0' the Civil '~ar. mathematics and Spanish. She has and, Reimer. ~ r a I n e r J 0 h n "Star Spangled Banner" and the gust 22, 18H. MIss Barton, appointed as Army had graduate study at Temple Unt- "Shorty" Wilmore and 42 members DOXology, Chairman Ward express A Swiss, Henry Dunant, and an nurse superintendent. was known verslty In the teaching at mathe- of the football squad will leave ed the borough's' obUgatlon to com American woman, Clara. Barton; to ,tlte~'Blue and t,he G'raY"{l9 the matics. tor the camp Sunday aeterno'on. Erna AI.' Eckhardt of, 'H.ammon.t\(range.ment.8-· have been IIl'ado' plete the task of peacetuls _recon each with first-hand experience of ··Angel of tbe BattiMeld."· Sbe the horrors of war, possessed th~ received permiSSion from President ton, N. J., was designated teacher far a number of tormer footbaJl stmctlon: "Betoie"cOliciudlng:~ttiiJ!J vision, the heroism. and the de- LIncoln to 1..nsUtute· a bureau for of foods and cookery and manager stars· to Visit the camp and give meeting, which has not been In any Bense a VIctory celebratJon or termination to meet one ot the the finding of miSSing men and of the school cafeteria. Miss Eck- talks to the boys. These InclUde a memorial of any kind, I should w-orld's problems when ot~ers succeeded In communicating. with hardt has her B.S. degree in home Joe Lehecka, Morrie Hicks and like to say just a word about the barely realized such a problem ex- 22,000 famllles--one of the activi- economics and sclenc~ from the Franny Murray. Lehecka, captain men of Swarthll10re In the Armed New Jersey College 'or Women and blOcking back on one ot Latisted. , ties now condUcted by the Red Services who w1l1 never return. and haa had graduate study at ay:ette's greatest teams, Is one of. Five years before the bIrthday Cross Home Service. This Is most diffiCUlt, and, should Drexel Institute and Rutgers Uniw the Eastern Intercollegiate group of International Red Cross, Dunant A phYSical breakdown in 1869 righttully be done by a member saw the plaIns of Lombard~ strewn took Clara Barton to Switzerland versity. Her professional experi- ot officials and will eXplain the of the clergy, but all are out of with 5U,OOO dead and wounded to convalesce. There she was vis- ence includes work as dictitlan in new rules to the boys, In addition. town on wen·eal'ned vacations. from crack French troops of Na- Ited by a delegation from the so- the .Jefferson Hospital and the it Is expected that several members "There !8 little we can say to poleon III and from Italian army ciety known then as the Inter_ Montgomery County Hospital. In ot the Phtladelphln. Eagles, who the families ot the men who gave units, Which, together, had beaten national Convention of Geneva. She additiOn to several yearlJ of teach- wJJl be training In nearby West theIr Uves' that we might ltvean Austrian army. Dunant went was askell why America had not Ing home economics and managing Chester, wllI accept Invitations to gave theIr lives when they wanted about the village ot Castiglione joIned the 9ther nations in adopt_ the cafeteria In the Mt. Holly. the camp and give some expert_ 80 much to !lve-gave their Jives N. J., High School. enced Counsel to the squad. seeking heJp to bring rellet Rnd fng tho Treaty ot Geneva, having This year's squad Is one of the to crush a terrible and ruthl8$5 toe care to the Buttering and to bury as ,Its object the neutrality of the MORE SALVAGE Jar.gest and most }1romising in who would have enslaved us all. the dead. wounded In time of war and proDurIng the past two months, Swarthmore High School history. We cannot honor these men The Ita11ans 'at first held back v:ldlng for their care on an organ- more than 700 garments ha.ve been The ~eam will be heaVier than the enough with words. We can only from giving aid to the AustrIans: Ized basis. .'Miss Barton frankly made from f3alvaged materials and average local eleven' and It has honor them in undYIng memory "We will not help our enemfes." admitted that she had never 'heard sent through the Emergency Aid a nucleus at seasoned players. A and in unending determination not And it was this sentiment, which of the organization, that probably to Holland, France, and Belgium. few spots are still uncertain, but to torget that their courage. their seemed 80 perfectly natUral then. most 0' the American people like- The 'ollowlng Ust gives materials there seems to be plenty of ma- deVotion, and their complete and which 'ertillzed the germ ot Red wise had not. which can he used and which are terial. EnthUSiasm is high among flnal sacrIfice was tor us. It they Cross in the mind of Dunant. Miss Barton returned to the earnestly solicited from residents the members ot the squad and they could send us a message noW, it "An enemy wounded' Is a.n en- United States and. though her 0' the borough. are determined to get orr:.. to a suc- seems to me that this ltttle poem, emy no longer," DUnant declared. health cOntinued. to handicap her, Articles donated can be lett at cessful start by beating Darby In by Jane Dowling Foote, might be ' won his 'point on that ba.ttle- with the support of PreSident Gar- the home 0' Mrs. Percival Armi .. the opening game, which will be It: field, and later' jn "The Souvenir of field in 1881, she established the tage. 314 Harvard avenue. If such played In Swarthmore. "Weep not tor us; we are content, SoUerino," he ,pleaded tor groups American Red Cross and became delivery is impossible, a telephone Members of the squad who will Conserve YOUr strength to work ot trained people ready. in time its first preSident, a post she held can to Swarthmore 1376 can ar- attend the camp are: Kenneth Anand pray of war to offer their services to for 28 years. A year Jater, the range for their collection. Mrs. derson, Cornell Archbold, Carter And raise to Peace that manu .. the armies. These, he asserted. treaty was finally ratified by the Armitage is vlce-chair:r;nan ot the DaVison, Lloyd Everett. Clinton ment should be neutral baJUls 0' mercy Senate and the United States be- Salvage Sewing Committee for the GoSlin, Thomas Hill, Andrew Kirk, Whose corner stone we died to 'prepared to ease the sufferings ot ca~e the 32nd nation to jOin the Liberated Countries. lay. Calvert Melton, Bill Nelson, Blair International Red Cross. tbe- men of either side. The following Bfticles are need- Price, Richard Raymond, Captain Our gift was great, but you must give ed: Old sheets, old draperies, sUp RIchard Shelly, Donald Swan, (Ounant gave himself up to the Richard Taylor, Sinchi Tonooka, covers, bedspreads. woolen gartaak of bringing his plan to the atA greater to complete the plan: ments, cottOIl garments, knitting Edward Whitecar, CasPer Bierw tention of heads 0' governments. W:e died: ,now you must nobly live yarns, knitting cottoni, worn blan- man, Fred Boyce, Jack Na.rant, At the end of five years, Dunant To make man -brother unto . This Is the last call by the man." kets, quilts, remnants or yard Dave Campbell, Sam Nowell, Robhad 80Id the idea to the point that American Legion AuxUiary tor goods, unfinished garments, men's ert Moorhead, William Moore. 26 delegates, representing 16 govPresident John W. Nason ,spoke books tor the Occupation Forces. shirts, wool undergarments or Charles Medford. Robert Mcernments 0' Europe, met at Genfor the educational war contrIbu_ It each member 0' this community eva to adopt 10 articles for the would Vision a homesick boy who scraps ot these, felt hats, em.. Cowan, Don Chaney. Joe Cbtldrey, tions of the community after Roy of the original charter of the Red Cross. must stay a year Or more longer broidery thread. hooks and eyes, Wayne Warner, manager: Eben Delapla:ine.. . president That charter, signed and sealed, on foreign soU, the books would 8na])s, zippers, old velvet, wool In- J.a,ng,· Richard Jones: James Hor- ~chool Board, Frank R. Morey. still Ues at Berne In charge ot the be rolling In to 208 Vassar avenue terlining leather, unflnlshed knit- naday, Robert Hopson, Rutherford superintendent of the schools, and Swiss Federal Government. The to help reach the quota ot 150,000 ted articles, old chintzes and cre- Hayes, John Polk, WIlUam Soden, Lt. Glenn G. Bartle, U.S,N.R., comElijah Baughn, David Collins, Bill mander of the Naval V-12 unit, tonnes. 10 articles are 8Ull, the principles in this area. Buey, Charles Keenan, Harry Mc- had been presented. of the Red Cross. . So far the Auxiliary has tour aUberry. Barry Patton, Howard The following Swarthmore IDgh Dr. Nason's'summary ot the con.. It Is a coIncidence tor which only books with promises of more• Pressman, George Storck. Harry tribUtions by the 'college to the School girls will attend Hockey Providence hBf!: the ~lanatlon­ Camp at Camp Tegawitha.: in the Warren. war .was a revelation to 'most per that a. woman 10 Amerl~ toWly Dr. and, Mrs. Luther E. Stein, Pooon'lS. They will leave Wednessons pt-esent. The entire story. he unknown to Du,nant, was recelving ot Cornell aVenue, retUrned on Mr. and Mrs. Pblllp M. Alden, aald. could not Yet be told for lack day. August 29. to spend a week. dUring the same period like ex- Monday from Lake Geneva,. Wis., of North Chester road, entertaln~ of time and 0'= complete alumni periences with war, experiences where they attended a conf~rence The senior girI9 are Taddy Eva.ns. ed Mrs. Alden's nephew, Philip sfIltlstles, but he listed four det Ann Harvey, Marton Karns, Jean Which led Clara. Barton, a Ma.ssa.-;. on Visual Education. Previous to Wlndrem, 81/c. of Key West, F1a., inlte aid'S to victory Which he gan McGJathery. Marilyn MacElwee, chusetts farm girl. to the founding this,' Mrs. Stein conducted classes Nomns Taylor, Peggy Keenen, over the week-end .. Seaman Wln- erously stated were a part of the of Tbe American Red Cross. In Psychology'-m'Southern Calitor_ Carol VanAlcn, and Heather. dram will receive his release fro.m borough's achievement; first, the In August of IS83 and on nill. Champion. The juniors are Helen· .the U. S. Navy In the near future training of the ~-n unlt,·· with a througb 1864; the very year of the Mrs. George P. Warren, her 8GD, Root, ·.Joan Streeter, CArolyQMorse, and will tben join bIs wife and record ugood enoUgh' to boast founding of International Red Georce Warren, Jr., and 'her morls Black, Virginia Hay, and Infant son In Key West. a,bout," SInce of the 228 trained at Cross, MIsaBarton .... mlnleterlng daugbter, Helon, of South ~Cbester Betty Spencer. Carol Maude Froe-, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ruther.. SWartbmore, only nlne(Ieas than to the wounded or both IIId"" In ,road. leave. Tneeday next to vaca- bel wtll accompany the group as ford, ot We8tc:Jale avenue, bB:ve rethe Civil War. Fnldsrl_urg, tion for a week at Lake Wallen- a repreeentative from Rollins Col- turned an.r two weeka IIPOIlt In four per cent) have failed of their commlsaloD. as _eDlllp, although the Bull Run, Jlarper'. J"err:v, Cbarl_ paupack In the Pi>conos. Ontarlo, Canada", (Contllllled on Pan .) 0' Red Cross Marks 81st Year NORTH STAR'S 4 lb. All Wool In actual figures Mr8. Denworth'8 .report shows that the :year's mcoma was derived as follows: 1944 taxes. ,187,346.68; delinquent tazea ot previous years ,S,886.99; State appropriation $38,807.08: tulUon or DOD-realdent pupHs $29,964.16; balance on hand trom prevtoua years $10.784.78; and miscellaneous sources $1.IGO.43: total Income $148.618.90. The lU(lellent financial CQlldlUou of tbe School Distriot 1.0 shown by the larae margin ot assets over 11.. ablLlUu. The aasets 01' the diatrfct are scbool. buUdlnga and sites ,740,360.62; t""tbooka and equip_ ment '71.123.46; unpaid property taxes ,8,688.28; tuition receivable ,1,912.30; ae.neral tunda balance $33.487.12. Total assets are '880,225.16. ¥&Inst these thore are 'BLANKET • Now m Extra Length Size 12 x 90 inche. • Here are four pounds of the softest, most luxuriolls, lightweight wool that ever hit the hay when y~lU're covered with North Star's "WIAV!E" ••. dyed in ice cream colors of Rose Dust - MOnte Blue - Rust· Green • White •••• bound in matching shimmering rayon satin. --8UE4BE'S FOR DEl'l'ER BLAl!ilDil'l'8-treet Floor-- , DON'T STOP NOW FOOTBALL SQUAD ENCAMPS SUNDAY First Pre.Season 'Training For 5 Years all He IDr. and Mr8. George B. SIckel and daughter Babe of Strath Haven avenue returned Sunday after spending three weeks at the home of Mr•• Sickel's mother Mrs. WIlllam Bittinger of Plymouth, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Rutherford of Strath Haven avenue returned from their vacation on Monday which they spent at their cottage In Waddington, N. Y. They were accompanied by their daughter-Inlaw Mrs. W. W. Rutherford who will spend Borne time In Swarthmore. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Shearer and three chUdren .lune. Howard, and Joanne ot Swarthmore avenue raw turned from & visit to W~hington, their former home. They will leave on Sund~ for a. two weeks vacation In Stone Ha.rbor. N • .T. Ll. (jg) and Mrs. D. E. Morley and children Ann and Dennta. who ca.me to Swarthmore In June, are now occupyIng the Clay home ~t 611 Walnut lane. Ll. Morley 1.0 stationed at tbe Philadelphia Naval Hoopltal In the Rebabllltation DIvtalon. • Dr. and Mrs. E. Neal Thurman and ..,n JObnnY of Cedar lane leave tomorrow for a two week vacation In Jlantaloklng, N. :1. Kay Thurman of Cedar lane _l"'"t _ ....k.end vIoItIq and lin. G. W. Bartmau or 1.0116 .r. Wend. WAR 0' 0' NEWS NOTES Will Also Be· Prof. of Zoology at Minn. Post ~------STOREHOURS ________~ trlbu~ed as follows: bondad.tn.. llabllltie •. of only ,218,844.12. d1s- , debbiilll.... UB7,OOO; accounts payabi.. ,18.844.12. DUring the year the bonded indebtedness of tbo district wae reduced by 000. Lord, our God, Thy· DR. KILLE DEAN OF MEN AT CARLETON I The annual financial report of the Bchool District ot Swarthmore tor the year endIng July. 1946. has ,14,- THE SWARTH.MOREAN BONDS ~:::=::=~===============::=======~ o BONDS ;x I Uo. WHO WON THE • M .... Walter N. Molr of West Point • ENTIRE STORE AIR COOLED • PRo BUY WAR BONDS A. P. _AIIU TUB BOUQ1lET RAIl'l1lll0U: S'l'tmo ..... SAlES a SIIIlVICBII B. L.NOYBS TIll!! IlABV'ABD INN PEI'JUt E. TOLD .. J. BOY S Al'CD It Btlcaaaa'8 ........ DONNa.Ly 'DIK II'fC1.IIIU1JI[ DEW "'OP II'II'f IY.AIL'I'BKOIlB 1U'I'IOl'UL IWQ AD ftuilT COIIPMW AUCII.·....• ClIft Mh W ·'PSCC-lIIL'UIIIII••:t*iII-.I.4+cr1aC1 .......... B'108. B.": cu= , { I..... ".. " .: : " Z THE S WAR TH M 0 R EA N FRIDAY. AUGtlST :14, 1841 ----.--~--------------------------------------------~---------------~----~--~~~~. PERSONALS avenue, to Mr. Adam Davlc1 Me- In the Trinity Ep...... pal Chapel. . M ... anel K.... ArtbUJ' D. KOlICrip Klilat.,. Spe.,..... .on 'of Kr. and (lak Bluffs, II..... of' Dartmouth avenue" _are receivKrs. H,' A. O. Sp...... of Indlan~ The young couple wUl reside hi Ing· congratulations OD the birth apollo, Ind.• will be 8OIelnnl8ed to- Omaha. Neb. of a daughter. Martha ADn .140 .. Lt. Summer Jones who arrived Lt. and Mrs. W1Iltam Ii. Linton, morrow afternoon. Au&'uBt 25, at I acrlp, 00 Saturday, August II, in home from overseas July 20. leaves Jr., who were recently married, p.m•• In the Presbyterian Church. the Woman'. Kedlcal. Hoapl.taI. BIR11fS today to J;'eport to Camp Chaffee. are now stationed at Fort Jackson, The Rev. David Braun wlll perform the ceremony. ,Ark., atier spending a. ao day S. C. Petty Oftlcer A. Stoll Tltua and The bride wUl be given In mar- Mrs. Titus, of South Swarthmore leave at his home on Strath Haven Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Cooley. of avenue. Lt. Curtis Jones who re- Columbia avenue, and Mr. and riage by bel' fatber. Her gown is avenUe, are receiving con$l'8.tula. ported to AshVille, N. C., two weeks Mrs. Waldo B. Davison, of· Vassar: of white watered taffeta made with tiona on the birth of a daughter bodice. sweetheart named Kathleen Elizabeth on Au .. ago. haa been reassigned to Camp avenue, returned home F.r1day at. tight-fitted Croft, S. C. ter spending a week with Lt. (jg) neckline and long-pointed sleevell. gust 7 In tlie Taylor Hospital. 3 Sur', C..HIIs A/S Peter Myers, who Is In train- Edward H. Cooley and Mre. Cooley, ~he full 8~lrt has a bustle and The baby Is a granddaughter InVAN "AU. ••IS. 1:15.. ' enda In a train. The long tulle. Ing at the Worcester Polytechnic of Portsmoqth. N. H. Lt. Cooley Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bastian. IETTJ . 1 ... Institute, Mass., spent an overnight is stationed at the submarine biLse veil wUl tall trom a coronet ot South Swarthmore avenue. PAUl KAHN .... 0tIMrs duchesse lace. The bride win carry Petty Officer Titus Is stationed Uberty at his home on Dickinson at Portsmouth. White roses, gardenias, and steMrs. Henry I. Hoot and her avenue, Wednesday of last week, with the Coast Guard at the Padaughter, Helen. of Lafayette ave- phanotis. trol BilBe at ~sslngton. Itt'erACUIA. to help celebrate V~J Day•. I1t88 Virginia. Peel will act as '111. .0 . . . IV••., •• IDA., nue, spent a few daYI:J of this week Lt. Comdr. ,Villiam H. Collins, maid of honor for her slater. She In New York City. .,••IDA., •• LUI U.S.N.R., of 'Vallingford, at preswill wear D. rose taffeta gown with nd YOU JDli'OW lbeyuDay ent attached to the Fourth Naval tlght bodice. high neckline, cap The 8ue Cure for ......,. .A..to " _ .. All ,.. IIIlII District, has been mad'e Com:' TEA FOR ~CH GUESTS Sleeves, and a full skirt. ,Her threettro.bJer /co en. Il00. . . r.. iii ma~der. Jf1fft' C4LL _ "".". , I r...... Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Enders, quarter length mUs are of matchPvt. Greg Heath, Bon of Mr. and a ..... 'I'IadiJ tiIa ing taffeta· and she will carry a of Elm avenue, entertained a few . . . . .Ib. ....., • Mrs. Russell Heath, of Cedar lane, of the College faculty at tea on bouquet of ll'ln.k rubrum lUtes, RUSSEU.'S SERVICE who has been training at Camp Sunday to meet Mr. Edouard Theis. pink gladloIl, and blUe delphinium. Hake Your c.r L .. & ..... DuaUo Rucker. Ala., Is on his way to the Sen'eo wm Do It, Her headdress will be of matching of France, a recent arrIval. In this west coast where he reports to country. His daughter, Jeanne, tulle with shoulder length veil. Camp Ord, Cal. The bride's three cousins, Mlsa who has been making her home Lt. (jg) Robert J. Thorpe has with the Enders, Is a senior at Betty Van Nest and Miss Jean • been spending a two-week leave the College. Van Nest, of East Orange, N. J., at his home on Dickinson avenue Mr. Theis expects to be here and Miss -Lois IJpplncott, of Plainand leaves tomorrow for the west for three months to raise funds field, N. J.,. will attend her as School Opens September 6 coast to report tor further orders. for a French ~chool, of whl~h maida ot honor. Their gowns wlll Cpl. Richard W. Powell ot the h~ Is director. Another daughter, be of the same style as t.hat worn 782nd Tank Battal1on, who return- Cecile, who has been the war.guest by the maid of honor In Ice blue, SOLVE THE HOME WORK P.ROBLEM WITH ed from the European Theatre in of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stoddard, shell pink, and turquoise. They July, reported to Ft. Bragg. of Riverview avenue, was surpris- will carry slmUar bouquets. Their N. C .• atter spending a aO-day fur_ ed at a party at the Ender's home, headdresses will be caps of tulle lough with his parents. the Robert attended by llttle friends with In shades matching their . gowns. An C. Powells. of Swarthmore avenue. whom she went to school here Mr. Ronald Webster. Jr., of ChiPtc. Franklin E. Robinson. Bon through the fourth and fifth cago, will act as best man for his Call Swarthmore 0138 at: Mr. and l\lrs. Andrew. F. Rob- grades. They included Jean Hol- Harvard Law School roommate. Distributor for FuU Information inson, ot Rutgers avenue. Is with man. Ann Hllkert, Nancy Grier, The ushers will be Mr. John Krout, the 46 8th Headquarters and Base Beverly Harlow, .Tune Kelghton, of Wynnewood, a Harvard classmate of the groom; Mr. John B. Service Squadron and Is stationed and Ruth Garrett. Mrs. Theis and three other Ferguson, Jr., of Jenkintown, and at Beauvais. France. His work haa taken him to Paris, BrusseUe, Ire- daughters, who are American cJU- Mr. Walter Steuber, of Yale aveJand, England. and Germany. His zens, are still in France awattlng nue, both Swarthmore college brother, PCc. Andrew, F .. Robinson. permits to come to this country classmatea of the groom, and DaJr., is In Bad Mergenthelm, Ger- to join their family which they vJd McCahan, Jr., of Btrath Haven many, with the 63rd Division ha.ven't seen for four and a half avenue. nailing further orders. years. It their efforts faU." then Mrs. Peel ~nl wear a sJate_ blUe crepe gown with pink accessories. Mr. Theis and four of his daughDick Hoot. who Is in the l'l.R.O. ters, who have been here during Her corsage will be of sweetheart ·T.C. program at Tulane University, roses. Mrs. Speers wJlI wear Navy the war years, wlIl return to their New Orleans. La., spent the weekhome In France. Jeanne, however, blue sheer with white accessories. end at his home on Lafayette aveHer corsage will be of gardenias. will complete her. college work benue. fore leaving. A reception will tollow the cereLt.· Charles E. Nelson has just mony at the chUrch. Miss E. Sue been promoted to the ra.nk of Lt. ear.r, of Wallingford, Vt.. the FETE BRIDE-ELECT Comdr. - Mrs. Nelson Is the former bride's roommate at Middlebury Miss Betty Hayee of Oberlin avel\Ir. and Mrs. H. Leary Taylor, College, Miss Barbie Jones, of Rutnue. She recently joined Comdr. of Baltimore, Md., wUl entertain ledge, Miss Bonnie Morse, Miss Nelson In CaUfornla aft&r his reat dinner tonight at the Strath Kathy Downing'. Miss Jeanne Fisturn from sea dut;}'. Haven Inn, In honor of l\IiBB Nancy cher, and Miss Betsy Hornaday James Allen Bentley, Q.AI.2/c, Peel, whose marrIage to Mr.'. A. wlll serve. AGAIN the enemies of liberty have been Is on a 30-day leave at his home The young couple will be at David Speers wlU take place to. In- Wallingford, atter a year's acbeaten to their knees. morrow afternoon. Guests" wUl in- home after Labor Day at 601 Yale tive submarine duty In the Paavenue. clude members of the bridal party RIGHT will always triumph, for the will of cific. He reports to San Diego, and of the young couple's ImmeCat.. September 16. people who cherish freedom is a mighty force. diate famUi01J. LaFRANCE CHIlD Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. HitchMr. Taylor" was the roommate EVERY member of the armed forces and cock, formerly of 511 North Ches- and "fraternity brother of the Miss Ruth Cook Child, daughter ter road. are now residing In the bride's father, Mr. H. Lindley Peel, every worker who helped to speed victory of Mrs. Frederic Anthony CbUd Swarthmore Apartments. at Cornell UniverSity. has the thanks of the world's peace-loving and the late Mr. Child, at Oak T/Sgt. EdWard Robinson, nepMrs. }i"'rank G. Keenen and Mrs. people for i:I job well done. hew of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Percy Gilbert will entertain the Bluffs, Mass., formerly ot Vassar Pierce, of Kehyon avenue, recent- bridal party at luncheon at the avenue. became tb.e bride of Lt. IT is the prayer of all of us that this will ly completed a trip over the Sttl- K~enen home on Harvard aVenue J~mes Robinson LaFrance. U.S,A., have been the last war to scourge the earth. well road from India to China as following the wedding rehearsal on Saturday, August 18. at 3 p.m_, a member of a convoy laden with tomorrow. supplie$ for our Chinese ames. Mrs. Franklin S~ Gillespie will FOR Miss Frances Armitage. SPQl/c. entertain the brIdal party, the and her friend, Miss Margaret brJde's and groom's families. and Weber, Y/c, U.S.N.R., spent the out-or-town wedding guests at week-end at the Armitage home on luncheon at her home on Harvard CaD Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Harvard avenue. Both girls are avenue this noon. Mrs. Birney K~ 2080 Morse and Mrs. Vernon M. Parry stationed In Washington, D. C. Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman -:..~ ~fI Second Lieutenant Evelyn DavIs, entertained out-ot-town wedding guests at lunchel')n on Tb ursday In who fs stationed at the Northing'. ton General Hospital, Tuscaloosd. honor of Miss Peel. Ala., has been promoted to futl Jieutenantcy. Lt. Davis Is the daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. The marriage of Miss Nancy James E. Davis. of Amherst aveLouise Pael, daughter of Mr. and nue. Mrs. H. Lindley Peel, of Columbia Free on, • iIew.!rr Bo_ Unsurpassed for Projecls. Reports, Biographies, and Tlme-Cbarts "'as LINCOLN LffiRARY Inexpensive, Authoritative, One-Yolume Reference Wott for Grad" 5-12 HARRY E.O?PENLANDER J * * OUR VICTORY * * MANKIND'S AND MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company *.. .:.-. :.: .,._-.:.-.; :,'-':':"-_': '-.:. ;:' Sw':.rthmore -=-__ ";':'-:'::'-:=;;:-":;""- * SPEERS-PEEL • Drive and Save •rf'• • Delicious • MEDIA THEATRE SAMSON -V -LOAF . LAST 2 DAYS HUMPHREY BOGART ALEXIS SMITH Starts Friday YOU'LL HOWL! "CONFLICT" STAN LAUREL OLIVER HARDY THOS. MlTOIEU.. MARY ANDERSON ''WILDFIRE'' in _'OOIor and CHFSnR MORRIs In • Vegetables e Boneless Shad • Fruita • IceCnuD • All Fah Fmets e.SheD Fah • Best Grades of Meats • Batter, .qp, Rue Cleesn eSelec:tedChid._ "Rough, Tough and Ready" "Within These Walls" , 1U:ADY TO COOK-ECONOMICAL-WHOLESOME SUNDAY and 1Il0NDAY ·1he• BullplasFighters" SbIM.'ng . . It is BX Made of the Finest Beef in -,. ''l'UIiBDAY _ SAMSON LOCKER SERVICE WEDNDDAIY GEORGE SANDERS in -''The Picture of DOrian Gray" f I • THESWARTHMOREAN P1Jw,I•••,- BiBBY FBioAY AT· BW48TJDIOBB, PA. TBB 8W.ABl'JIIIOR.EAl. pte me.. PUBJ.UP-'P z;. L-e.,.. ... PBTBR .. TOLD _to.. IUlUDRIlII TOLD. heOdu. lIIIl1_ LDren... KcCarter Irma K. Put)PbJ1llo Neuman , BOY SCOUTS Kloe KarJorie Peel of East Orana•• N. J'" .. vIolting her brother Mr. H. lindley Peel and hlB family ot Columbia avenue. In lieu of the relf\llar A _ Emily and, Bobby Terry have rePack KeeUng. the Cub Scouts w1l1 take part In the Annual Cub and MARY 'OUNHILL • PRINCE Scout family plcnl. of the BranCl,y- turned from two weeks spent at Camp, CasUe, Dowlngtown; RJabard Terry bas been ep'endln.. two weeks at Camp Dwight, DownlOC'ton •• MATCHlABELLI • The Bouquet CHANBL wine District to beSatul'day, held at Au.. the!:i Westtown School, 0Z gust 16. All CUb. an'd tbelr families are Invited. The picnic will ::I ,----------~~--~----~~~ DEADLINE-WJID)NESD.A.Y NOON run all day anel unUl after .up- :t: " . per. There will b. owImmlntr. boat- W BEAUTY SALON FRIDAY, AUGUST 24. 1945 ng and fIoblng. All Cuba are Urpd • to see their Den Mothers tor de- p. ,byten... Church Notes tallo about Uckelo and tranoporBeauty's alert for her bome-boUlld warrior taUon. It Is hoped that many will Edward G. Walton, who is a stuThe Rev. Dr. Willard Stahl, attenel anel brill&' their parente. ~ 13 South Ollter Road Book Editor, Presbyterian Beard dent at Franklin and Marshall of C~'r18t1an Edu~tton. will be the College, spent the week-end at his :Ii Qall Swmhmore 047S peat preacher at the morning home on Amherst avenue. Edward FIowen service at 11 o'clock on Sunday, bas been pledged to the Alpba. OOAIWERT • SKYLARK • LUCIEN LE LONG. ,CHEN Kappa Pi fraternity at the college. August 28. Flo w e r 8 for hospitalized Miss Mary Wood. of Cornell aveThe Church Hour Nursery will members ot the armed forces nue, spent the week-end on Long be held from 11 to 1% o'clock on are requesteci to be left at the Island visiting Miss Frances NewSunda,ymornJnir. , Woman's Chlb or residence of ton; E. W. Furst. 111 Guermey road, Mra SoWe Utliort will be the Mrs. Frances G. Walton. of Am/JUest Qololst tbls Sunday morning. late each .Wednesday afternoon hers.t avenue, entertained her couduring the month of Auauat. Mias Diana' Brewster 18 the guest Residents of the Borourh are organIst tor the month of Aucus;L aln, 1di88 Eleanor Gillespie, ot urged to help thMe deaervfDg :Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Balr York. Pa.. who has returned to men. wUI extend greetings after the serv- her home atter a two-week visit here. ice at the Harvard avenue enMr. David" Gl1creest has been trance. honorably discharged by the U. B. Loyal HeIpen The Surgical Dre88~ngs Group Army" after serving OVerseas two meets each Tuesday morning durHelpers at the Bwa.rthm.orMn Ing A\llrWlt at 10 o'clock In tbe years and six ,months. Mr. GU .. creest, the son ot Mr. and' Mrs. office last Thursd~ eVening inParlsb House., It the mln1ster _Is needed In any OScar G. Gllcreesl, of Vassar ave~ cluded Marth~ Kelghton, Hrs. A. nue. is now Jocated at camp Car- E. Longwell. Mrs. John DeUefBen. emersency, please call the church son, Colorado Springs, Colo., where Sam Mitchell. aDd Mr. and iMI'8. ottice, Swarthmore 0672, or Elder he has accepted a. Civil Service po- Ferris W. Mltch.lI. H. Lindley Peel, Swarthmore 1'12». siUon. Anyone wlshlng to belp wrap Mr. and Mrs. Morris L. Potts papel's for local service foU, on and 1amUy. formerly of Overbrook, Thursday eveninp 18 urged to call Triuity Notes are now occupying thelr new home Mrs. Ferris W. Mltcbell, Swarthmore 0818. There will be a celebration of at 73.2 Yale avenue. DIIiCToa. 0 • • UNnAU Ann de Furia, of North Chester the Holy" Communion on Sunday at 8 ....a.m. At the 11 o'clock service road, lett Saturday to spend a week Arthur W. Jones, son of Mr. 1820 CHESTNUT STREET of Morntng Prayer, Canon CUt- with friends In Pittsburgh, Pa. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones, of DickMr. and Mrs. W. E. Soden. Bill Inson avenue; celebrated his 11th M. A. lair. _ _ ford W. French. ot St. Stephen's _ ".. 1511 Cathedral, Harrisburg. will preach. and Mary Jane Soden, ot College birthday on Monday by entertain_ avenue, returned home Sunday ing four of his :friends at dinner from Ocean City. N. J., where they followed by a moVie PartY. Methodiat Owrch Notes had been Vacationing sln,ce AuMrs. D. D. Rowland, of Harvard gUElt 3. avenue, lett Thursday to spend a The Church School meets Qn IDr. and Mrs. John .A.. Detlefsen. week with friends in Jamestown, Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. The of Lafayette avenue, entertained R.L School Is in seBBlon throughout the their daughter-in-law and grandDr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Jones, of summer months as usual. son, Mrs. J. D. DeUefsen and Dickinson avenue, left Thursday Dr. Roy l'l. Keiser will preach George Detlefsen for a tew days for Lake Sebec; ::Me.. where they at the Morning Worship at 11. of this week while en route :from plan to spend a. month. The Church NU1'8ery is pt;.epared Hanctver, N, lL, to-.;iheJr home in lIenry J. Hoegerman, U.B.N.R., to care for the smaller chHdren Ba.ton Rouge, lAo and Mrs. Hoegerman, ot PhiladelBonny Morse, ot Yale avenue. during the WOrShip service. phia, wlll spend the week-end _With and Kathy Downing, of Riverview the latter's parents, the Harold O. road. entertained at a breakfast Ot.rUtirm Science Church Notes at the Morse home on Sunday Griffins, of RutccrB avenue. Mr. and Mrs• .A. C} Howland, morning In honor ot Mias Nancy ·'Mlnd" Is the Rubject ot the Peel, ot Columbia. avenue, whose of Guernsey rqad, ·are entertainLesson-Sermon in all ChUrches of marriage to Mr. David Speers will ing their son .and family. Mr. and Christ. Scientist. on Sunday, Au- take place tomorrow In the Mrs. Arthur L. HowJand and Bmall gust 26. The' Golden Text is: Swa.rthmore Presbyterian Church. daughters. Surah an4 Emily, ot "BJessed be the name of God forMr. and Mrs. Frank R. Morey Alexandria, Va., who arrived MODever and ever: for wisdom and and their son. David, ot Yale ave- uay for a week's visit. Mr• .lIow.. might are hIS: .•• he giveth wis- nue, have returned after .a. brief Jand. who had been given a leave dom unto the _wire, and knowledge vacatlon at Belmar, N. J. of absence from Northwestern . to thmn that know understanding" University, Evanston, 111., returns Alan Reeve Hunt of Elm ave(Daniel 2:20, 21). there to assume bls teaching" In nue, returned on FrIday from the Geology Department, after New Hampshire, where he attendserving one and one-halt' J'ef.Ll's In Mrs. Kenneth M. Reed, of North ed 'the summer session at Phllllps the Military Unit of tbe U. II. Chester road, entertained at desert- Exeter Academy. Geological Survey, Wauhlngton. Mrs. Brand Blanshard, of New bridge. Thursday, In honor of Mrs. D. C. Herbert Johnson. a newcomer to Haven, Conn., visited triends on Mr. J. M. CrUey of F10rlda who the campus on Tuesday and WedRose Tree. has been .vislting his daughter and nesday. Mrs. Thomas W. Simpers, Miss" son-in·law Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dean Everett L. Hunt lett on Mildred Simpers, and Mrs" E. MarT. Balr qf Cornell avenue, has left August 16 tor the Teton Valley sball Harvey, of the Swarthmore ApartmeD;ts, leave tomorrow for a Ranch, Jackson Hole, Wyoming. to visit his daughter Mrs. H. P. Boggia of Shaker Heights, Clove .. week's vacation at Cape May, N. J. He will return on September 15. A group of friends and neigh- land. Ohio. bors gathered" at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duane R. Terry of Dean and Mrs. Everett Hunt on North Chester road have returned Elm avenue August 14 to say from a week's motor trip through SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN "good-bye" to Dr. and Mrs. Frank New England. Their daughter, Do you want a pleasant job with a good futwe? A job CHURCH Kille. ot Whittier place. Dr. and Nancy. who has been vacaUonlng :Rev. David Braun. Minister that pays you while you're learning? A job that carrieI Mrs. ;KIlle leave this week for 11:00 A. !d.-Morning Worshlp. Guest Northfield, Minn., where Dr. Iqlle for two weeks at Stanley Farm, regular increases in salary? Then, come to one of die New London, N. H., returned with preachar--The Rev. Dr. will be Dean of Men and Professor them. Willard· Stahl Bell Telephone Employment Offices. A friendl~ interot Biology at Carleton College. Dr. and Mrs. George L. Armitage ~iewer will tell you all about the advantages of JoiJInIODIST CHURCH Mrs. WIUiam E. Danforth and and their son Richard of South ReT N, KelHr. D_D•• Mtnlllter. two children, of Hillborn avenue. working for the Telephone Company. SUNDAY Chester road leave August 31 to returned Sunday after two weeks 10 :00 A. M.-Church School. Work is usually near your home. Congenial assoIn Brant 13each. Next Sunday, Mr. vacation for a week at caP& May. 11 :00 A. H.-Morning Worship_ N. J'. dates, friendly atmosphere, excellent working condiand Mrs. Danforth plan to leave TRINlT'J CHURCH Dr. and Mrs. E. LeRoy Mercer, fo'r two weeks In the Adirondacks. tions, dean rest·rooms, and ample Opportunity ·for adItev. Qeo. €b.rlstlan An4enOD" Rector Richard Taylor, of Harvard ave- ot North Chester road. entertalned Yancement combine to make telephone work unusually SUNDAY. AUGUST 26 nue, who has spent the summer at a family party over the week':01 A. ll.-Boly COmmunion. end. Those enjoying the reunion desirable. 11:00 A. :H.-Morning Prayer and Ser- working on one ot the mechanized Included Lt. Comdr. and Mrs. Ross mon. Canon Clltrord W. farms attached to the big WalkerCo"",'" now! Bring your birth-certificate or other French of" 8t. Stephen's Gordon Dairy Laboratory near G. Allen, Mr. E~ LeRoy Mercer. Jr.. cathedral. HarrIsburg, proof of citi2eoship. Apply at any of the following Plainsboro. N. J., returned home S/Sgt, David A. Mercer, and Mrs. w1l1 preach. Mercer, Second Lt. Thomas A. Employment Offices: Thursday. TBJII RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF Robert Whitworth Bird. son at Mercer and Mrs.· Mercer. :Mrs. ,_8 Mr. and Mrs. Whitworth Bird, ot Theodore Barash and young &on. Room 315, McClatchy Building SUNDAY Ogden aVCl,ue, has enrolled as a Mahton Barash, of HoJicong, Pa., (69th & M.rk.t sts.. Upper ..-,.1 11:00 A. tM.~UD.l' tor Worship In student at Dickinson College, and Joined the tamUy group on Sunday. the Meeting Bouse. Mrs. .John Marshall, of Uncoln / 6909 Market Street. Upper a.by I WEDNESDAY will begin his freshman term, Mon':10 A. M. to ':10 P. lI[.-8ewlng and day. October 8. when the college avenue, entertained her brtdge club 1701' Eo Penn St., Norristown quDUnc In WhltUer at a luncheon ~t her borne on BouBe. Bex luncheon. reopens for its 173rd. academic 1631 Arch Street~ Philadelphia AU are cordla11,. Invited. year. A graduate ot Swarthmore Weelnesday. Miss Jane HiUes, of Whittier atgh School, class at 1945. he was .5 Anderson Avenue, ArcImo... active In musical actlvltics, sports, place, i8 8P~nding a tew dan ot .10 York Road. Jenkintown and draJJ\atlcs. He also served on this week as the guest of Mrs. the High Scbool statr of the William Potte.. Asbton, of 1[000tor call linterpr'" l.Ql00 clair. N. J'. Swarthmorean. " Miss :Marion Wood has returned Miss Mllelred Herrick, of North to her duties as a supervisor in Cbester road. left FrIe18¥ for YpoI- " the Albany Hoepltal. Albany. N. Y •• lantl. Mich.; to 19'1elt relaUvea while . after spending three weeks with en route' to Belllntrham. _ h .• be.. par.nls, Kr. and Kn. A. C. wbere abe baa accepted & pOeIUon "" .rlelNlly Place to Work" Wood, of swarthmore" avenue• as IIbrarlall. 1IIIlt.red aa Beoond Claeo II<er._..JanulU7 U. Ult. at the P_ Om.. at Ihrarthmo.... PL. unele.. the Act of KBl'eh I. 1111. 6 NEWS NOTES 'Reti-t PROTECTION You owe .it to your family to protect them against a positive future need. Why not consult us immediately about making your funeral arrangements in advance' OLIVER H. BAIRCO. , f number 0 for a • 9 • bs interestln hone • h the te\ep "'It Company ,0 CHURCH SERVICES on TIE IELl TEl1PHOHE . CO.PAIIY, OF PEHHmnlill - • ." ~ ,$ Z • !;; Z ;! = (; VU 4 THE 'SWARTHMO'REAN Pfl8Iles State Exam WllUam Dixon Shay, Bon of Mr. and IIIrs. Howell Lewis Shay, of Cornell avenue, haa Passed the state architectural reglB1;ration ex: ami nation. making him the youn~... eet practicing architect in Penn ... IIYlvanla. IIr. Shay 18 a eraduate of Swarthmore High School. claBII ot 1937. where he was president ot the Blacktrlara and a member ot the Natlona! Honor Society. He was awarded hIs bachelor of architecture degree trom the UnIversity at PonDsyh'anla In 1941. At i. their guest for their SchoOl in Vermont thls au.mnter. nephew. Richard Stevena of Gar- and 'Who apent the put week at rett Park. Md. the Writers' Conference. Bread-. Mary Ann DlckinsoD. daughter loaf, Vt.. returns ~o ber nome on of Mr. and MI'II. DOD D. Dlcklnaon D1c~naon avenue today. Mr. and Mrs. Horace H. Hopot Park avenue. returned Wednes .. day after vlalUnc relatiVes In kins, ot Crest lane, will entertain Washington. N. C. Her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer F. WhiteDon. left last Monday to hitch- scarver and theIr daughter. Mlsa hike to North Carolina. In a tele- Luc1e Whitescarver. of Cranford. gram to his parents. Don reports N. J •• as their week-end guests. that he made the trip In "seven The Whltescarvers wlll attend' the rides and three days:' Mr. and wedding or MlBa Nancy Peel and !\.Irs. Dickinson and tholr tour chil- Mr. David Speers, Saturday afterdren expect to leave next week to noon. vIsit Mrs. Dickinson'. mother and Mrs. Thomas W. Hopper and 10 day. her daughter. Helene, of Magill road, are spending the week sa the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Norman Hixson, ot Hlllborn avenue. who are summering at Mt. .Gretna, Po.. Laura Lee Hopkins, of Creat lane, and Elizabeth Pope, of Oberlin avenue, will return home Tuesday next. atter serving as coupaelors at Camp H. John Lumsden and young Bon, Johnny, ot Kenyon avenue, leave tomorrow tor & week's vacation at Beach Haven. N. J. Cam. delive1'll RF,sHER LOWERS OR AII.CONDITIONED ANY EVENT SUBURBAN VUE It'. really cool and _fort. able ••• food Is ofthe best... and cook.d o. you like It. L~NCII_'" e DlNIIa_Uc 'te' M t.3ll%-..1 &.6 ~.L C~S 660rchidB Alwagll" BaIt. PJke, Spaiuafidd, P.. Wawenock, Phoue Sw.. 0410 near Portland, Me., for the summer months. FEW FLAGS DISPLAYED .- .~.. Dt;lQr Editor: SOme ot the finest poetry of aU time has been written on "Love ot Country" and the emblem which symbolizes all that tha.t native land .lands tOl". We thrill at eVG17 reading ot such stirring lines. We thrill at the passing of the colors In any parade. But It seems as though very few at us eet any thrill trom displaying Old Glory on our homes. I am amazed at the small num- A flag is a. long-time Investment; We don't outgrow it. The style doean't change And the colors don't run. Now thenLet's all buy a Bag;: Let's aU display it. -Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman. son at NOl-th Cheater road are home atter several "weeks at stone Harbor. N. J. Claire Henlilrwon arrived home yesterday !.rom cam., WYota, Ely. Vt., where she has been tor eJght week&. Mrs. PaUl Rutan, ot Ogden ave- FOR SAlE • ·OR SALE-Full set SOIf ciullo. 1 mil.tched and registered Bobby Jones Irani, • Jimmy Thompson woods, handsome leather bag. $100. Telephone ·SWarthmore 0387. COURT HOUSE, MEDIA, PA. WANTED }o"riday, September 14, 1945 9 :30 A.M. Eastern \Var Time HERMAN W. POWERS. 1311 Fourth Avenue, CondIUotl8: $'250.00 cash or certlne.l Lester. Pennsylvania, at time at sale (unlesB otherExecutor. check wiSe stated In advertisement) balance WANTED-To buy or borrow, nursery Or to hla Attorney, In ten daYd. OUter conditionS on day chair and twIn stroller. Can Engle. &.~~e:tG B~'~~~~ at sale. Swarthmore 0882·J. Chealer, Penna. 61-7 10 WANTED-HOUDe to buy within few No. 387 blOOD ot college. Medium In size. T ' Fieri FacIas J Modern and ready for Immediate 00· une erm. 19 .. 5 cupancy. Box X. The SWBrthmorean. Lot with brick messuage thereon W ANTElJ-Zlp .....r bag, or any type ot erected situate In Ridley Twp., Del. ..... l:o., Pa., being Lot No. tl7 ·on plan of luSgage. Also breakfast set. Box "LQcksley," made by Robert P. Green, A, The Swarthmorean. SUI veyor, Dec. 22, 18H6, recorded HI Del. Co., Bk. 6 page WANTED-Colored girl desires J)C). 622. Beg. In at Deed a point on CN. No. \V. side 7th sitton as maid five days a week. Ave. as laid out on said plan, 87Z.1.ft. Call between 4 and 6, Chester 26672. N.E, trom Morton Ave.• as laid out on aaid plan. Containing 7th187.12 Ave. ft. DO WANTED-Experienced woman tor ft. and III depth on N.E.onUne cleaning. Telephone Media 0.282. and on S.W. line 19•. 70 n. ~~~~~~~F'~\~~~~~.~ I WANTED-TYPlnj to do at hom", by one with full experience. Call Madi· 69- W . , so 2i WANTED-YOUR HOUSE, aPartment. or space In·home 18 desired, for rent by one ot our executives. SWARTH· MORE community mUM preferred. 2 b.r.. I.r.. d.r. Responsible, Gentile. Swa.rtlunore resident reterence. Box E, . The_SwarthmorealL \ NTED-E I t· • • gI WA xper enC'l or gen· eral housework, 6 days arl week. Call Swarthmore 1068. if', -.-; .' ~~. l '. , ' ....' , ~ ••• Spotted Targets Through Darkness, Smoke or Fog secretary, residing In Swarthmore for ,tour hours a day, five days a- week;' beginning late In September. Shorthand unnecessary; we use dlctaphone. CoHege graduate preferred. Box D. The Swarthmorean. WANTED-Half-time I;;;;;;;;;;2.2;;.....;;;.;;:-..::..;;;;..2,2ic I Improvements scription). Night Phone Media 81B_J_S nay Phone oU! swa.., consist ot PAl·NT·J'NG (Second description): Expertly Done Two story brick house, 16x36 feet, porah front. one story frame addition, 9xG feet. 041.T. Media 0755 YOUR JEWELER, liS ~ '7q. st. _Ohester «()pposif,e New State Theatre) 'FtMme Chester 87f14 ID·day visit. :Donald Saunders of Strath Haven avenue Is spending the month ot August with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Amos T. Saunders ot Clinton, Mass., who are summering at Crescent Lake. Me. Lorraine Saunders has also joined her erandparents at Crescent Lake and will remain there until after Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gordon Me. Conechy of South Chester road entertained Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boland ot East Orange, N. J •• as their wcek·end guests. Mlsa EUmar McConechy of South Chester road Is spending the week at Cresco in the Poconos. Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Grifftn, ot ;Rutgers a.venue, spent & few daYJJ vlslUng "their sons, Mr. Richard Grlffln and tamlly. ot Ramsey, N. :r., and IIIr•. Robert GrUnn and family. of Bayalde. L. I., N. Y. III.... Richard GrIftln ....d young : eon, Davfd. returued with them to 8Pent a week, hve. P. SlIl4l1EY s\vARTBMORE sTvDEBAKEIl SALES a: SERVICES TBI!I HARVARD INN THE BOUQUET Eo L. NOYES 1307 123 S. Broad St., Philo. Phone. PeDDy 9110- .' RIdley ParI( 11647 ot beginning. Un· certain condittons alld If you're waiting for a home telephone, it helps a little to know that Radar is one of the reasons. For years telephone manufactUring pidnts were devoted to these war needs. Desirable Iota available ... C()mmerciai and DomesticPrompt Service--Refrigerators, WasherS, Vacuum, Oeaners. Radios· Bailder PlciNt6 Pi Bt QI " ='. P' " ~'2Z" I «C "" _The oceans are the primary source of moisture taken up into the atmosphere. but this vapor laden air must be moved elsewhere before Iife.giving rain can fall upon the land. Sold as the property of Sec~tary of Banking of the Commonweanh of Pennsylvania, Receiver of Suburban Title and Trust Company. real owner j Media 'Corporation a.nd Anthony Laz. zaro, reputed owners, with notice to terre tenants, .it any. Hand l\!oneY-$1600.00. Levari Facias June Term, 1932 No. 570 . . In a general way air movements, or winds transporting this moisture. are due to temperature differences. heated air rising from equatorial zones and moving north and south to colder ZOJies. Along its path it cools. settles down to the earth and moves back toward the. equator to tak~ the place of air which has, risen. Condensation and precipitation occur during this travel. Your Springfield water owes its good taste and health , '1 and Appliance SerrJice CharlesE. . MORTON REFRIGERATION Air c:urrents and winds play an ~port.r' rart in the· distribution of ninfall. No improvements, vacant ground. Guy W. Davis, Attorney. IIPIan DOW the home yOU wBlnt II WINDS thence by A. HarrIs Rd. ex- •• THE BEll TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA 'Il Walter V. Linton LOST-One blue· lined jacket and one brown suede jacket. Finder please call Swarthmore 4536-W. Reward. LOS'l'_Monday on Wallingford road, smaIl black female Scottie dog. Name Sporran. Reward. Telephone Media 0288. , ~ Qiaft SIMMONDS • I Swarthmorean. WANTED-By single woman employcd In Swarthmore, amall apartment;: bathroom, one large room. cookIng fa.clUlIes. Occupancy .November I. Telephone Swarthmore 243S-J. \V·ANTED-DogQouse for medium size dog. Can Swarthmore H28 mornIngs. WILLlAX ..... IAQUBTTB, B8TATH 01' IAllES CAlfPIBI.D deeeAHll, late 01 .., XI. A ......., LOGAlf '4....H.. lat• •r....." Rwart.anre.......71....... Tow••b/p, Velaware eoU'T, P .... 871 ...11111. J.etwr. teatamentary oq the above Estate have been ,granted. to the UO" ~ucra Tetltamentary hav!n. been de1'8lp-ted, who requeat aU persona BTIUlted to the under-aIaned. all perhaving claims or demands ..... met the sona havln. ClaIma or demanda are .... Rttate ot the decedeDt to make knoWD quea(ed to make known the same and the same, and all penona Indebted to all po .....no Indebted 10 the . .Id Eothe decedent to make payment without tate are requested to make payment. delay, to . without delay. to . HENRIETTA G. 8 • .1AQ'TlUmE"'l"l'l''''"", RAYMOND A. HOOD, EXecutrl~ Cheater Pike 4:: Price St&, 801 Elm Ave., SwarUunore. Pa. Ridley Park, PenMYlv~ 01' to her Attorneys, Executor. R. K. DEarwORTH. Or his attomey. DRINKER. BIDDLE 6: REATH, GUT G. deFurla, B29 Walnut Street" Crozer Building, PhI1a4elphla.,. J, Pa. 6t-7-20 Chester, PennL DON'T STOP NOW Also lot with brick messuage being Lot No. 98 011 said plan of "Locksley.'" Beg. at_ a point ort N. W. side of said 01'. to Ita Attorney; 7th .. 922 ft. N.E. trom said Mor-I ALBERT N. OARRETl". tOil AVe Ave. containing on 7th Ave., 50 228 Garrett Avenue. \ ft. 8.Jld In dePth on S.W. Une 197.12 Swarthmore, Penna. 81-7-:7 tt. aud on line 199.53 ft. ;;:E;;:·;;:e;;:Z;;:·;;:F.;;::as;;:;;.;;::::;;;;::; And also Lot No. 100 on said plan ft\IlJI.I:, ot "Locksley" beg. at polnt on N.W. " _':'1L . side aaid 7th Ave., 1022.1 fL N.E. Soon Aviumble--lnqn1re now from said Morton Ave., containing on .._ .... __ Re....-era.:-- &: 7th Ave., 50 1t. and In depth on S.W. I"fMlrlUll...... IUUU line 202.05 it. and on N. E. line 204.02 App~ce Set-vice feet. WAN"l'ED-To rent by Swarthmor~ _ am; unfurnished· house or apartment, :>. bedrooms. by serviceman's wife and' teen·age desired. ,daughter. Reply Swarthmore or vlclnJty Box K, The , .r , SHERIFFS OFFICE FOR SALE-Metal double bed, complete. Or wlJl excbange for elngie. Call Swarthmore 0460. WA"NTED-Laundre8&-WMh done in or out. but preferably out. Call Swarthmore 1881 alter 13 noon. . nue, baa returned acter vlslUng with relatlves at Lewes Beach, Del. Her niece. Mrs. Charles Kenworthy. of Seaford. Del., spent last week· end with her. FOR SAI&-Ivor Johnson lady'. bicycle 28" adult Blze. Pre-war model with trear shift. Excellent COndltiOiL Call Swarthmore 2199. • SW~RT~MOREAN lIIr. and III.... LaRue Hendrix- B.lalo FOR SALE-flower poll, vase.. wallbrackets: mandolin, ViOlin, aheet muIIlc;: IOU eet: dlahea; two cbal1'll. Telephone Swarthmore 2241-W. Y"-'-"H ... WIt... ,..L......... and COCKTAIL LOUNGE THE CLASSIFIED Letters To the 'Editor ber ot flags waving from hornea and business pla.ces t.D. our tawll. None on the College avenue school. none on the Woman's Club, ne 8ervlce fiaB' at the underpass anymore. I can't help toying with the thought-haS the price ot the good old Red. White and Blue become prohlbltive? Is It too unwieldy a thing to brJng bom~ on the train 1 (I've seen men lugging huge ..arbage paJls and rolls at carpet.)' FRlDAY•. ~. 24, .1.141 P. Daugherty, Ann llJ'era. who haa been atIIIr. and M ..... J'oaeph lIIoran and Jr., of Dlckln.eoa avenue. had as tending the Middlebury La.nguap cbUdreD, Joe and Barbara. Mrs. IIIr. and III... he was president ot spend the Labor Day holiday ~t Phi Kappa Sigrn& fraternity, sec- Mrs. Dickinson's home town of I'etary and vice-presIdent of Hexa- Berkeley Springs, W. Va. gon Senior Honor Society. and Mr. and Mra. James PI. Davlos member of Tau Sigma Delta, no.. and grandson. Stephen, left on tlonal honorary architectUral soWednesday tor Canaan. Conn., to dety. Returning to the University. vlsJt for a week with relatives. he earned his master's degree in 19U. Jessie Gilbert, of Park avenue, Mr. Shay 18 now associated wltn Anne Cochran, at Kenyon avenue. his lather, a Delaware County and Priscllla Giles, at Rutgers avearchitect, and Is also teaching de- nue, returned. Monday after a. 1'1Bien at the University at Pennsyl- day vacation at Cape May, N. J. vania. that time. nuDAY, AUGUST 24, I~ t 1 Morton A,_ Mortoa,h qualities to the fact th.t it originates &om streams doSe to na4lre. "CERTIFIED WATER . Ire .. PElt. GREED STREAMS" I • . Local Volunteers per cent. Thp future ot the unit at Swarthmore cont'nuaa uncer(Continued from Page 1) tatn, he reported. Prior to the re~ord of all 8uob trainees ....ves peace, the college had been notlan academic casualty of 10 to 16 fted that It would continue Our fresh fruits and Vegetable. are ALWAYS JlGAIDEN FRESBJI Rushed to you as fast as .modem trim.ortatlon ;CCln get them to you. That's why you are alway~ au... of completo satI.faction In ou,r Produco Dopartmenb. Home Grown, Fresh Pulled , Ten~r Sugar CORN 6 19 c ean P••d... 1.0" "';.;ndidIIU.lilmilii·;-ja~.".iinii••--;. 1100 .se De........ Elberta a. . . . 1'..,. Waten Pear ..... sse Del.... CelU7 Beuu bund. . . . . Red Malaga Seedleu GR~PES Ib 'I7 C NEW r945 PACK Hurfock Sweet PEAS {~~~)~~~ZC Pack_ a.' lOOn .. plckecl~ with .11 their flavor ...... In. vard.. f ....h \ I:':' .o. New Pack "anndale Peu N.:;,'.4.: do. ".65 Deuflel4 Reed Beets. PhflUp'. TomaloSoap • S,lDaC .~~l~ Marmalade Ritter CATSUP Eva,. Milk (!~:~ :: gc C 1" '0'"' . .-l Tomato Juice ~&2IC Tend... Gr.." • h(NOW Glenwood 01 Every Meal Citrus Furmelal. {NOW \ I THE'SWARTHMOREAN 14-0& . Rabford Grad. A. bot • Eat More fish and Save PoInts Large Boston MACKEREL ._D...... Whiting Croake" ............ "17c "23c I Ib Z~c Fresh Codfish-Rosefish Fillets ------~~~--~~~~ 1>29c "33c Red Stamps Q.2 to K·r Now Valid ii.MBURG(~r,· FlatRlb Bolllni a ••I .... S.oked Over Paddlnl "' ... 1'YPI3 (3 pb)III 30c Bolftftna -_ Natwai CUll' Lar... TDt:l: (3 pta, 33c Bologna ArtIAllal CUll' Ib C_ked Salami (~:,- ';'; lOe • Z8c a. . . . I. (lpI) He ,S. . ." .. Lamb "..... (I ... '.2Oc Fat Bock (lo",,'tJ '·I8c Sharp Ch.... ':!r" "" •• 2Sc 1U1... n.. ('Il!" A Flavor Treat "HEAT.FLO" Roasted Iced llSaJ COFFEE c .:. Z4 :I .... 47. Sav_ Coupon, on logs for Valuabl. Premium. Nabisco Slireddtcl Wflut 12.: 12c Nabisco ....... cnot... .:: 20c He""ay Cacao ....,.... lOe Wheat Pufh ..... -...-:: 5c Dill Pickle. ....... ."" 24c india Relish .... "'IOe PanleyFlako. _.... 9c Raisins ....." - - ..... 15c ... 39c IUc".r, firmer Enrfched SUPREME BREAD ZI:::s~9c, Earlch'" IIF _ _ of _ inI ... a1 ..... 12, Mia. . . . . . I.... Peanut Butter ...co ,. ,,, 26c Apple5auco "';.! 15c Brown Rico - ......·:,9c WlndowCleanar:' .:: lOe Shoo Polish - 8c Plumlto ............. 1441 17c Dazzle Bleach. Of "'15c Speedup 2': 99c Ol - -=-"" , throughout the )lear w,th a quota larger Ulan the original one. Second, Dr. Nason lilted the training of tlte 48 Chin""" Na.val dtflcen. who came in 1848, and for whose warm welcpme by the community he expresaed appreclatlon. In the wake ot thlB training, "and a klnd of cODllequence of manner In which that task wu accompllahed," there has come a. 8teady stream of foreign students to the campus to be ·taught" Eng!loh and helped In their adJustment to American ways of 11te.. Nineteen ot theae were in realdence this lIummer. Third, W8.11 the E.D.T. or E.S.M.T. program for the tralnln& of engjneera. In which the college enrolled laoo men.. Fourth, Dr. Nuon listed the direct contribution made by members of the raoulb'. who are aloo citizens of Swarthmore, by Which 41 out of a normal facDlty of 100, ma'de vI-' tal contrlbutions In posts ot 1mJlortance to victory. In the absence of Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge. head of the Red Croos through the war, Chairman Ward Introduced the vice-chairman, Mrs. W .. H. DicidneoD, to ~elate the actlve part which Swarthmore played. She referred to the 1944 campaignt under Walter A. Schmidt. which raJaed $28,'128.2e and to the over.. 500 residents who have work• ed on the various Red Cross projectA since Pearl Harbor. Some of these engaged In the Prisoners at War packaging and In tbe 13100d Donor Service are now Inactive, but other branches must Increase their work to meet poat-wa." needs. One of these, the Camp and Hos. pitat Red CroBS channel, through which the desires and needs of the armed torces are met. was repre... sen ted capably by Mrs~ Theo. Saulnier for Chairman Mrs. Roy Comley. LIsting the outstanding proj- ects of her that committee, Mrs. Baulnler stated every member ot the borougb had aided them In some way. She reminded Swarthmoreans that all desires of the Convalescent Annex are cared for locally and asked them to remember that though the 'War Is over, tho work of Camp and Hospital must gO on, since boys In hospitals become more discouraged and boys overseas become more homeSick. Mrs ..Phelps Soule was commended In absentia for her valiant work as Blood Donor chairman. Mrs. J. Paul Brown. chairman or Nurses· Aides, took a bow. We Bought Bonds Mrs. Alban Eavenson, chairman of the Woman·s Club War Finance Committee, preseniE,d at the request ot the chairman, a compact report of 35 months manning the war bond desk at the bank. during which time $2.964.676 in war bonds was sold and $S3,534 in war stamps. Postmaster A. P. 8m~J1ey reported a total of 843,862.36 sold at the Swarthmore Bank up to August 1.. He reporte·d also a jump In the gross busJneas at the Post otrJce trom $80.64: In 1t84 to $62,898 In au. with only one more carrier than 10 years ago. RepreJIentlng community servIce groups, Mr. Ward presented Mrs. Frank R. Morey, president of the local Woman's Club; O. J. GUcreest, com~ander of the American Legion, and Mrs. Eaven.. Bon, president of Its Auxiliary; John E. Michael, president of the BUsiness Association. which received public credit for Its steady war hond publicity and its Inaugu_ ration of sending liThe Swarthmorean."· which had· carried the publiCity ot all groups engaged In war work; Mr. and ::Hi'll. Ferris Mitchell. representing the volunteer wrappers of service copies of the paper ("not a glamorous job. but one which needed doing"), A. H. VanAlen, former Scout leader and head of salvage drives In the borough; Mrs. Robert N. Hilkert for the Girl Scouts, and WilHam F. Hanny, head' of the Victory Gar .. deners, Clarence G. Myers. secretary of the Swarthmore War- Service Committee. read. the list of Its members. ·Usted its activities the ServIce Flag. the Honor Roll. the letter of greeting to community personnel In the services, the Christmas packages to each of thE-Be, and the sending of uThe SWarthmorea.nu to all service personnel. The biggest ~k was the raising of funds and In this drive 900 families contributed $5.000. Lawyer Mye.... reported. III Oar Speaking for the Council of CIvilian DefeDle, were Lt. Alan C. FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1945 Wood, of the Swarthmore Military C;>rps and the AuxUlary Poltce Bnd Council' Chairman Pitman·. PreMr. and Mrs. H. A. O. Speare .ented by Chairman Wa.rd In thlll and the1r daughte1'8. M..... Grle. group were Charlea E. Fblcher. M. Shotwell and ldlea Madelaine chief air raid warden: Barry Ham- Speers, at Indlanapotu, arrived In by, Preeldent ot the SwartbmorG Swarthmoro on Sunday morning to Fire and. Protective AMoclatlon: remain ,unUI after the weddlnlf, Kathleen Scott, ot the Ore watch- Baturday afternoon, ot their eon, era: Dr. William E. KlBtler. of the Mr. A. David Spee,.. and IDao medlcai, corps, who was caned to Nancy L. Peel. Mr. and Mra. the hospital just before his pre- Speers are at the 8trath Haven seniatlon; Ml'II. John Broomall, Inn and their daughters are guests IIrst aid: ElIZabeth Baooett, Motor of Mrs. Franklin 8. Gillespie, of Corps; Xl'll. Wl1Uam G. Thatcher. HarvarC:J. avenue. food and houalDg; :Hi'll. James DaMrs. Clarence Franck and aone, vie, ot the oft'lce force: William H. Marty and Larry, of Cornell ave_ Harvey. ot the rescue aq,uad; Roy nue, returned August 10 (rom G .. Rlnclltfe, for the uUIItiee, and Ocean City, N. J •• where they had S. RutbeJ1ord. tor street repairs. been vacationing since the begln_ Bnrceaa Pittman told of the nlng of the oummer. 14r. Franck foundlD8' ot the local counell at a spent week-ends with his family. maoa m ....tlng In the' HIgh Sohool Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Eldredge on December 16, 1.41. Recorda lett lut week for their newly pUr.. .how that 860 citizens worked to- chased home In Ridgefield, Conn. gether· on defen.ae proJect& '~e They tormerly lived on Cornell most vital lesson we learned wu avenue In SWarthmore and North one of neighborly cooperat1on.'" Park avenue. Philadelphia. The flies ot liThe Swartbmorean" Christine Ford. Penny Morrow. tell ot Swarthmore's· record in and Claire Hendrixson,' returned World W .... Z, Burg.... Pltm.... de- Thu...day from camp Wyoda, Ely, cla.red, and stated that these would Vt., were they were campers for be bound and, placed in commun- the 8ummer months. Ity archlevea. Mrs. W. C. Burns, ot Swarthmore Lt. Wood gave the history of avenue, left Monday to visit her the Military Corps from Its found... niece. Mrs. Robert Sp~lnger of Ing on September 16, 1940, and Its Hartford, Conn., tor several weeks. appreciation to the SchOOl Board. .. an d _.... " Rol an d G . E • U11 _ which had loaned the ~n--Ium f H d el...... man 0 arvar avenue, &r& enand athletic field for Its use. The t e rtal n Ing .. .w.ary An n W ensink. who Corps had graduated over 100 men is spending several weeka here Into the armed services, many ot whUe enroute to ·her home in Wauwhom became o:lflcers. Thlrty of watosa, Wis. She haa been vt8Jt... the Corps were sworn In as auxll1- Ing her brother-in_Jaw and alater, ary police to asalBt· durIng atr raids Mr. and Mrs •. Da.vid ffirich pU.. and with the heaVy war workers' man, ot Newport NeWB. Va., for traffIc on Chester road.. The RUle the past, month. Club, now meeting over the Old "I Lilli K 1 C .PI. sa an ese o,t anton, Prep Scbool pool, Is an offshoot of OhIo. arrives toda.y to attend the the Corps... FInally. Lt. Wood pafd wedding tomorrow afternoon ot tribute to Corps captain J. Kirk her Wooster College roommate McCurdy. who had been Its guiding Miss Nancy Peet and Mr•. DaVId spirit and ·mentor. Speers. :,.,. NEWS NOTES _r. cwt '::::::=:::=:::=:::=:::::=:::=::::::::=:::==:::::::::::::::::::::==, t ENTIRE STORE AIR COOLED I -:, .. . ) ¥ ~ .• \. SAVE WAR SWARTHMOREAN BONDS VOL XVII:-No. 34 ~.' J.S. BATESIO HEAD DOMESTIC FARBEN Mon. Tues. Wed. & Thun. 9:30 to 5:30 -FRIDAY. 9:30 to 6 Sallu'day. 9 a.ID. to 9 p.m.- Class Room Classics (or the high school miss and the college co-ed '3.- Siies 34 to 40 You've seen These cardlga,na In leading , magazines. Colors: Cora!. Pink. Fuschia, Grey, Lime, Kelly, Brown, Wh.1te, Black. Mix'em·Match'em to your heart's content with these Smart Pleated Skirts Sizes 298 to 1(}98 34 to 36 \ A fashion "must" for every ~ pl.ids - plain colors - checks _ .wool crepes and flannels. " I • • $3.00 PER YEAR CITE SCIENTISTS FOR.. WAR SERVICE Member of College Faculty Lend Skills _.- E1'al1 PI E.' h'b it lnvl~ed. R. who • BONDS to ·on ne_ Report. To Village WAR next Christ(Ra8 Boxes The SCHOOLS REOPEN NEXT THURSDAY SAVE . Dr. Joseph S. Bat~8. president of the Ba:tes· .Chemlcal Co., Inc., Swarthmore Public S c h 0 0 I In n. recent n.rtlcle In Science ~t Lansdowne, and an authority on classes wUI begin as scheduled on ajllllne dyes, has, been ott:ered ·the Thursday mornlnB'. September 6. magazine the college was the only post of American director of· the The high school classes will assemInstitution listed. on the 'Per~n­ b1"ll~~.-dol1~ I. G. ~.rbenlndU8trleJ ble at 8:'30 a.m. and the elementage of distinguished sc.1entlo.c the German dye trust. "rhe .offer tary school classes, grades kindermen on the faculties of American was made by the War IDepCl-rtment garten to sixth. at 9:0'0 a.m. All Borne time &go. . clasues· will have morning sessions universities. which contributed Dr. Bates who moved from Hav.. only on Thursday an:! bTlday. both Instructors and mecha.nlcal erford avenue to "Rocky Spring PupIls returning to tlie high ilnProvements to the United StateJJ Farm"~ Paxson Hollow road, Me~· ~cbool classes week wUl find inWtary sel·vices. a 'tew years ago, baa· annou.nced ~hG home room assignments ready tha.t be has agreed· conditionallY tor them and posted. conspicuously From ''!xper~ments on seals. to accept' the P08t,· but' that he on bulletin boards hi th~ ·c~~rldor8. whales. and other dIving did." not care at this 'time dlsFor· convenience. the following 118t Swarthmore zoologists close the conditions. Photo by Erneet R. LaWs. may be uBed: Twelfth Grade: Dr. He was recommended for' the iWf.1Uam· 11. WBI'l\. Barath HaYIeQ ~rwln, Room 206. A-F; Miss AdPhoto by Ernest R. lAws. perfected an instrument for messpost by Robert E. McConn8.1I. who a._ , . restdeDt, .. sPDke for' an ama. Room 216. G-M; MlBs Kirk. "D-.. Urlng expired air, used in BtUdytn& . been appOinted by former 8ec- Swartmno.rea.ns their· :reo.I a---. R oom 203. N-Z. Ele"entD Grade: ~ .~Iden, John W. Nason gave lelhad thfl oxygen and carbon dioxide "I88 Armstrong. Room 209, A.-F; low cltbeos a proud recounUn retary ot the· TrGa.a·u woV Ben..-u Mor-. :~~:~ of the falthtUl labors of ..IU _ ... ot ., 'J " the major contributions by s--~_ content of the blood. This analygenthau. Jr., to operate the Genfellow _ "t ' fa 4Uecbp .... c. ..IUr. Oppenlander. Room 202. G.............. ~ " I m,o~e College to tile victorious conzer was .lnvaluab!e during ·the war ~r~l AnUlne and Dy·e Corp.• In th· c . war"~e :f'Ir-t. ...·.• Ib1J1H.- _ his' .l.Q.Oj Mr. CUlbertson. Room 206 j &II ~ ~ &Q elUsion ot tIIle war at last week's tor medical research on masks and country which was seized by the ~Ie of ·chafrmaa· or the cI.iben's Mu-Z. Teoqa Grade: Mr. Duncan. D>eeUog in the high _001 diving helmets, and for the ade4 government after Germany declar- inMs m~ M9'M'",., A'IIgust; 2b. D. . .. Oom ,213, A-HI: Miss Barten, auditorfmn. ed war on the United states. Room 200, Ho-Po: Miss Hughes. quacy of respiratory conditions during Qlght. Bubmarlne diving. At'ter the General AnUine and Room 211, Pr-Z. Ninth Grade: DYe Corporation was seized by the 1.". . Ol.Der X &: Miss Strouse. Roorr 206. A-E: Mi.. and In ,tanks. Ita Use .tn tesuiur tor ReceivesCIU8t~r United S~te8. nr. Bates, ,~as apEngle, Room lOB, F-McH: Mr. sn.v ... carbon monoxide pOisoning in c.lospointed its executive vlce .. presldent Because of ·prevlous conditions. ,der, Room 8, McI-Z. EIghth Grade: ed snow houses or Impervious tents and directed the production of dyes the Garden Section of the Wom- Miss McKie, Room 107. A-K: Mr. Mrs. Jean N. :MllIer of Thayer also Jed to the pedectlon of an,hnfor the At-my and Navy. He re- an'8 Club :lId .not ·;plan tor the old- Mnter, Room 101. L-Z. Seventh road was presented with an Oak proved heaUng system and, con.. turned to Philadelphia. In 1943 to time formal Flower Show this ,Grade: Mr. Bell. Room 100, A-H; Leaf Cluster to the Distinguished sequently. the saVing ot ~any . Mr. Baldwin. Room 10 •". 1-". FlYing Cross In Ueu of a. second resume dl r~ctlon ot h ISOWn com- FalI. ~ lives i.n the ll.['cUc battle areas.. pany, which he founded In 1"2' 4. The .mornlng seB81~n of the high medal tor her husband. FlrlJt LleuIn order to'. Je~ the communlt)' ~c h 001 will begin at 8:30 on Thurs- tenant· Harry L. Miller. Jr •• son of tt Waterproof suits. for ' the protecA. vete~an of World ,.War • I. he f s.e~ what everyone. baa been doing day.. Upon arriVing at the school. Mr, and. Mrs. HarrY' L. MUler of on 0 seamen torpedoed· On ~old ,holds degreea from "'tale Uiiiver_ h d . slty, and was at one time assocl- '!'~t~ flowers .~~i8 Bummer an In- P,upUs shOUld go directly to theJr Th,ayer road, at a, ceremony at. oceans ave 88.vli! t~any Bernce. ated with the NQ.tlonal AI1IUn_~~"~d.I.',oOprmtolalb••,8,hOW ~l.! "e· held Tu~day, new home rooms tor. Middletown ,Air Technical Service men. since e:veu· Ibrlet exposure to Chemical Company, MarcuB" Hook 16 ~t - ·3!3.Q' p.m~.",at· ~. 'flom ·thelr respective how·s· room :~om.mal!d.:~OllJUl.te~~ 1'-:l.el11; 'Ra.,'".laatr ..,:?~~ ,...!V~t?r..l_~~!:' .. ~~ ,~~~~ ~n·. ~., . Hla two SODs,· S/Bgt. Gu~y; c: Won;aan's C.lub. Entries win be re- teachers as to the plans fOr the week." ~res~n~tfon: ·wM·'made'·'bY 'i'eW"-mmJ1~ dua·1f.;~~· ol~·h~t. B t celved from 9 to 11 a.m. day. AU the SUpplies will be dis- Lt. Daniel J. O'Brien, Assistant Dr. Laurence Irving, d:frector of. ar: e:e;:!g R. Bates }''veryone la to enter ex- trlbuted there and pupils will be Service' Otflcer. Martin Illboratary at· the college hlblt;s in the Col:owJng classes: .handed their Individual class Lt. Mtller, Usted as mlBSlng In and a member ot t,hl'ee divisions of' 1. Mixed flowers . not Over 12 schedules which have been prevl- action since June 8. 1944, WB.s at- the National Research COUDcll. Inches In ,hdght,. Ously prepared during the summer ' t o · the Eighth· FJgh'ter .complet~d tests for Introduc.l~g months. The remainder or the Command In England as a pilot of this Norwegian., Invention to the 2. Chrysq.nthemurns containing Ag~n morning will be devoted to classes, Mustang P-61. The original American armed serVIces, and other foliage not over 18 inches l'ecelving books and work assJgn- award ot the DFC 'was made tor SWarthmore zoologists are now In height. With the change In address ot menta. 60 ,fighter miSSions over continen_ tesHng similar ~ulta for poselbl9 3. Berries and fOliage (no The elementary schools wUl be~ tal Europe. The cluster was use ns equipment along northern ~r. and Mrs. R. S. Wick from flowers) ·not over 12 Inches In gin at 9:00 o'clock on Thursday awarded for extraordlna.ryachleve_ all' routes. Str'ath H~en avenue to Dartmouth a...veQue ·last week; tbe exodu of height. morning. Beginning September 10, ment in aerial 1llghts over the Among the Swarthmore .1QstrucsevJ3ral oth.or ~warthmoreans took 4. Mlnla.ture arrangem.ent not the elementary school hours will same area. l;Ie was also awarlled tors Uated as serving In many piace. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. SauD- over 4 !nches·ln any dimenSion. be trom 9:00 to 11:45 a.m. and the Purple Heart and the Air fields of .nlUtary 'science: Dr from 1:00 to 3:16 p.m. Medal "\yith thre.e Oak Leaf ClUB• d.ers have purchased and moved 5. Large ~Jnnias, !lot more than I th ters. Brooke W->rth taught tropical Saturday' Into the :former WIck. n e high scho91. the hours mediCine In the Army Medical Colhpme on Strath Ha.ven avenue. 12 blooms. will be from 8:30 to 12:00 in' the . Lt. Miller enllsted in the army lege; P. F. Scholander. research l~vlng their tormer home oil 6. Small 9..:lnntas not over 8 morning and :from 12:50 to 3:20 before Pearl Harbor at. Chester. associate, served as a captain with In t.jle afternoon. Pa" and was aSSigned to the 28th Rutgers avenue 11\ the ~08sesslon inchea In height. I 7. Large, marigolds.. Teachers Back Early nlantry Division at Indiantown the Air Forces ProvJng Ground Mr.. a.ud Mrs. Stewart ThorGap. In March, 1942. Lt. M1I1er Command at Elgin l1'ield, Fla.: balm. 8. Small varlety marigolds. Teachers ..will raport to school Robert K. Enders served as CHI Mr. and Mrs .. Roy S. Latimer on TueSday. September 4. spending received approval of his appUca- Instructor 'In Indio. f tl 9. Josephine marigolds. lion tor transfer to Aviation Cadets. or opera ons· have moved trom their Wa:nut the day fit conterences. working . In ju I t i D Id 10. Mixed chrysanthemums. and embarked on his colorful flying .. ng e coun r e8i av Bishop, l~e address Into the house vacaton plans. and getting supplies res hit . career at Maxwell Field. Ala. He eare 8lJSOC a e, as aviation ready tor school sessions. Wednesh I I ed ~y tha Thorbahos on Cornell avenue. . 'After extensive re·decor".: LEON PEARSON ABROAD d ay wlll be devoted to varIous received hts wings at Jd:arianna. P YS 0 ogist !lOW on ~uty In Washm:lke-up and placement tests. of Air· Base,· Florida, along with hiB ingtol4; Kaj Strand •. astronomlst. a,UPI'. AJr. a.nd Mrs. William De .. w hi ch notice haa been sent to the commiSSion some nine months as a membtr of a department tot' Calndry WiU be ready by the end Leon Peclrson, well known cor- Indivldual pupils Involved. later. R~ceiving his training In the .testing devices and methods tor of' the month to move Into their respondent and former SwarthP arents are urged to mark and Thunderbolt at Westover Field. navigation a.t Elgin Field. F!a.; neWly purchased home on Walnut more .resident, and graduate ot Ia b e I c h ildren's clothing so that Mass" he then left trom Mitchell Lt. Peter l\!or.ris. astronomist wJth lane, formerly occupied by tha the College. left this country by articles which aro lost or mislaid Field, N. Y., for England. June Knj Strand. at Elgin Field; Lt. (jg) Latlmere. pla.ne the last or .July to take UIJ may be promytly returned to· the 1943. Susan Irving. research assistant.as hJ~ duties with the International owners, At the end of each year Betore his entry into the serv_ a membe,· of the WAVES; and News Service In Paris. He expects a great many valuabJe. unc]n.imed' ice, Lt. Miller worked as a sales¥ Henrietta S:ltrord, with the BUrea'..l to be abroad a mln.tmum of three articles are left at the school. man ?f dairy equipment for his of Budgets. years. w~ich might have been promptly tather s firm, the Chester Dairy _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Send 1.ho addresses of your Mr. Pearson writes that Amerireturned it they had been propComvany. He had attended Pe-nnservtcemen to The SwarthmorIN TOKYO BAY cans in uniform in ParIs are ex- erly labelied and marked with the sylvania Stat~ College ror two years ean by September 16 to Insure children's names. prior to this. periencing c;:omfortable living; prompt arrival of Chrlstmns Undoubtedly there are numerous Final regIstration for the new ~hat the armies of occupation have boxes again being sent before school year mU.!it be completed Swarthmore servicemen serving things wel~· organized and have October 16 by the Swarthmore DECORATED Friday. August 31. Entrance for thIs week with the Third Fleet in taken ove!" hotels for their ocWar Sel·vice Committee. kindergarten is available to chil~ the history Illaking Naval parade cupancy. The members of the dren born prior to January 31, Into :rokyo Bay. • Lt, Col.John H. Benneh, whose Press are guests In a hotel run bl-' PLEAD DAMAGE 1941, and admiSSion to first grade wife resides at the Stntth Haven them Is Marshall the Army. Food and service are is availab1e to Children born priolo Inn, has received the "Commenda ~chmidt who serves on the bridge indic:-ttive of the effiCiency with to ,Januat'Y 31. 1940, A group of citizens ,vas present della Corona d'Italia" from the ot th~ Super Bat.tleship 'Visconsin, which the Army of Occupation is The dividing Une for the ele- Italian govel·nment. The decoraat Borough Council meeting last which has participated at LUzon week and brought to its attentioB stabilizing conditions In Europe. mentary schools goes down Park tion, which came tqrough Gener- Formosa, IndO-China: Mrs. Pea.rson and their two avenue to Harvard and then east ale Adolfo Infante. was awarded Hong KonlC",AUndoro, alleged damages to tht"ir homes Shanghel. Iwo Jima", When storm conditions caused Lit": youngest children are summering on Harvard to Swarthmore avenue. lor "merits acqUired during his various To;:.yo raids. o.kinawa, amf tIe Crum Creek to overfloW'. R. at Kittery Potni.. M~" and' ar'l Those living south of this Une will "tay In Italy." the recent bombardment of the Chester Spencer of SWarthmore hoping to DC abl(> to join Mr. Pear- attend the' :"llutgers Avenue Sehool Lt. Col. Bennett Is .atatloned in .Jnpanese CIties. avenue. Mlss Ethel Rupert, 81).d son by October. Their son Paul Is and thOse liVing north of this line NavIes where he is director ot' Thomas J:t,c.kson ot Park aveMr, and Mrs, George C. Wagner a gunnery o..fJlcer on the ijattle9~ip will attend the, CoUege Avenue ele- :.aupplies. A veteran of World War mentary school. nue is an engineer offlcer RQoard of Benjamin West avenue spoke on Washington· Vhlle another 80n I. he entered the service. October the n~w· bpavy. crutser Sf:.. Paul behalf of the citizens. 21, 19.0, and served two years as Tom. alSo' In the Na.vy, Is attend~hlch recently· jOined the F!eet to.T Post Quartennaster at Camp .PenSeveral suggestions were made Ing pre-flight sehool. Movie at Clothier tl)e .Japanese coastal tiombard. dleton, Va. He was sent to Camp for controlling this condition, menta. Pickett, l!eptember 1. 1112. and &!ptember. 16, a committee· . Jean BJakfston of Elm, avenue• "HollywOod Canteen" will be the was . on~ of a ,-class of .~.- officers Councilmen will tour ihee'b:"'~'!:::~I has· been sPending the BUmmer feature picture at Clothier tomor- over the hatlon chosen" to take Idfooted and 1ilve8t(gate t at·Camp Wblspering WllIo_.Den- row ,venlng. September 1. Mr. T. E: He88enbruch ·of Yale the .first Advanced otrlC1;lrs· Course. Ie. mao that m ....... .;,.·~ can ~VAD .... . . , . . . . . n'1&port,' cape Cd 0 I ret urne d h onte avenue· J:s V'.I8ltlng hla daughter. There will be one ehow only. He haa been ove~ for %. to ....medy. the 81.65 Phillip's Tomato SOUp 3,0v,-oz23c Na.2v.17c Spinach Marmalade ge CATSUP Evap. Milk 1"C: 6 Tomato Juice ~~:z21c can. Tender Green (NOW POINT can fREE) Glenwood or Every Meal Citrul Farmdale Y:z pt. a can) (1 (NOW POINt FREE) 14-001 tan can bot Eat More fish and Save Points Large Boston MACKEREL I Whiting Fancy Dressed Croakers ."..,..,.. 17c " 23c ttl Fresh Codfish Sliud Rosefish Fillets "29c "33c --~~--::-:;-;;------; Red Stamps Q-2 to K-I Now Valid Freshly Ground HAMBURG Flat Rib BoilinC Beel (4 pt. Ib Ib) Bon. 'n Smoked Liver Pudding ur", Tlf'P' 3 (3 pt., 30c Bo logna Naturll eatln, It! Lar." TYpe :a 4:3 It.. 33e Bo Iagna Artificial Ciling Ib Cooked Salami t~:,b "';: 1Oc (1.') He '::.ro v.,. A,II,ln... IISCD 'b 39c BREAD Z I!:-::S ~ 9.: Z4C: 1M (' 011) SUPREME COFFEE Z 20c Ib lSc 2Sc Ib Richer, firmer Enriched A Flovor Treat "HEAT-FLO" Roosted Ib baa S9c Lamb Nuk H .nut (I pO Fat Back 110 pb lin Sharp Cheese T, •• 2 ) ( Artificial CasIng Iced Ib (38,'0) ~9C 47c Save Coupon, 01'1 Bag' rOt' Valuable Premium. , 12c N a b 15CO Shredded WhIM 12·0l pkll Gnham Cracklrl Ib 20c N a b 15eo Pkll Hershey Cocoa lh·lb can 10c Wheat Puffs GOld Seal ".;:: 5c Dill Pickles Lana'S al jar 24c India Relish 8·" ,,, 1 Oe 4 Parsley FIClkes ..""'0,,, 9c •• $unmllCi 5e,d,ul 15·11.! lSc Ralslns pka Enriched by addition of Vi..... mini 81 and 12, NIacin and Iron Peanut Butter ASCO Ib lIT 26c Apple Sauce CI'I\WCIOd NI;.! lSc Brown Rice RlftI' Bralld 12~~~ 9c WindawCleaner~~:' b:: 10c Shoe Polish un 8e Plumite FlIf dralnl, ••• 14~:! 17c Dazzle Bleach 1Sc Dr}' 2·,·199c Spee d up FreJ"" clea"er un ".ot Farmdale Quality Pou, try Feeds (AU mashes now fortified with "Vila ''''....) GrowingMash 100.1. . . . '3.99 : Scratch Grains 100-'· ..··3.88 Laying Mash 100"· ....3.89 : Chick Grains 100·'..•..3.95 Broiler Mash 100·'..•..4.14: Oyster Shells 100'''''''1.10 Mash .....,•• u, 100·'· ... '4 22 I Cattle Sal. cP'' " .50·· ..... 51 C Cattle Sal. ...".., 50"·" 63c ......1.. . ... 'Vood, of the :4wnrthmore Mtlitary C,JI'PH and the AmiHhu'y PoJice nnd Councll Chairman Pitman'. lJre_ scnted by Chairman ,\.rard In this group were Charles E. l''"Ischer, chief air raid warden; Harry Hamby, president of tho Swarthmoro l<'"Irc and l:lrotecUve Anoclatlon; Kathleen Scott, of the fire watchers: Dr. William E. Kistler. of the medical corps. who wus called to the hospital Just before his presentation; Mrs. John Broomall, first aid: Elizabeth Bassett. Motor Corps: Mrs. WlIItam G. Thatchcr, food and housing: Mrs . .James Davis, of the offtce force: Wllliam l\f. Harvey. of the rescue squad; Roy G. Rlncllffe. tor the utilities, and S, Rutherford. for street repairs. Burgess Pittman told of the founding of the local council at a mass meeting in the High School on December 16. 11)41. Records show that 850 cltizens worked together on defense projects. "The most vital lesson we learned was onc of neighborly cooperation. Of To Carry On Tho flies of "The SWarthmorean" In the absence of Mra. Sewell W4 tell ot Swarthmore's record In Hodge, head of tho Red Cross World War 2, BUrgess l?ltrnan dethrough the war, Chairman Ward clared, and stated that these would introduced tho vice-chairman, Mrs. bo bound and placed in communW. H. Dickinson. to relato the ac- lty archleves. tive part which Swarthmore p1ayLt, Wood gave the history ot ed. Sho referred to the 1944 cam- the Mllltary Corps from Its foundpalgn, undcr 'Valter A. Schmidt. ing on September 16, 1940, and its which raiscd $23,728.29 and to the I appreciation to the School Board, over-500 residents who havo work- which bad loaned the gymnasIum ed on the various Red Cross proj- and athletlc field for Its use. The ccts since Pearl Harbor, Some of Corpa had Graduated over 100 men these engaged in the Prisoners of into the armed scrvlces. many of War packaging and in the Blood whom became officers. Thirty ot Donor Service arc now inactive, the Corps were sworn In as auxilibut other branches must increase ary police to assist during all' raids their work to mcet post-war needs. and with the heavy war ''''orkers' One of these. the Camp and Hos- traffic on Chester road. The Rifle pital Red Cross channel, through Club, now meeting over the Old which the desires and neede of tho Prep School pool, is an offshoot of armed forces are Inct. was repre- the Corps. Finally, Lt. Weod paid sented capably by 1\Irs. Theo. Saultribute to Corps Captain .J. Kirk nim' for Chairman Mrs. Roy Com- McCurdy, who had been its guiding ley. Listing the outstanding proj- spirit and mcntor. ects of her cc.mmittee, Mrs. Saulnier stated that every member of the borough had aided them in f.lotne war, ~he rcminded Swarth~ Jl10reans that all desires of tho Convalescent Annex are carcd fOl' locally Hnd a~licd them to rememIwr that though the wal' is over, thl' wUI'k of ('alllp and Hospital llIW,t ~o Oil. sinl"e hoys in IHI~pitals III'l'OIlI(, IHol'e disL"olll'a~{'d and huys (lV('I'SPllS Ilet"onlc IllOI'e hOIHesiclc lll"~. ('helps ~()ule was ('OIllIIH'IUI('d in alJsenti:t for hel' valiant work as Ulood Donol' chail"lJlan. 1\1.l's. ,I. Palll BI'own, chainnan of l'\UI'ses' Aid(>s, took a how. NEWS NOTES MI'. and Mrs. H. A. O. Sl,eers and their daughters, Mrs. Grier 1\1. Shotwell and Miss Madelalnc Speer·s, of Indianapolis, arrived In Swarthmore on :.iunday morning to remain until after the wedding, Haturday afternoon, of their son, ]\.fl'. A. Dav,id Speers and Miss Nancy L. Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Speers al'e at the Strath Haven Inn and their daughters are gUests of Mrs. Franklin S. Gillespie, of Harvard avenue. Mrs. Clarence Franck and santi, Marty and Larr)'. of Cornell ave~ nue, retUrned August 10 trom Ocean City, N . .J., where they had been vacationIng since the begin_ ning of the summer. ..Mr. Franck spent week-ends with his family. Mr. and :Mrs. Curtis Eldredge left last week for their newly purchased home in Ridgefield. Conn. They formerly lived on Cornell avenue In Swarthmore and North Park avenue, Philadelphia. Christine Ford, Penny 1\iorrow, and Claire Hcndrlxson, returncd Thursday from Camp "rYoda, Ely, Vt., were they were campers for the summer months. 1\Irs. W. C. Burns, of Swarthmore avenue, left Monday to visit her niece, Mrs. Robert Springer of Hartford, Conn., for several weeks. Mr. and !\Irs. Roland G. E. Ull~ man of Harvard avenue, are cntertaining Mary Ann Wcnsink, who is spending several weeks here while enroute to her home In Wauwatosa, Wis. She has been visiting her brothcr-in-Iaw and sIster, Mr. and Mrs. David Ulrich Ull~ mun, of NewPort News. Va. •• for tbe past month. Miss LHlian Kesel of Canton, OhiO, arrives today to attcnd the wedding tomorrow afternoon of her 'Vooster College roommate Miss Nancy Peel and Mr. David Speers. ENTIRE STORE AIR COOLED nought BOIuls :'III·s. Alhan Ea\·f>IHion. ehuil'man of the \\Toman's Cluh \Val' Finance Committce, IU'esented at tho I'cqucst of the chairman. a con1pact n~port of 35 months manning the war bond desk at the bank, I dUring whieh time $2,964,575 in war boncls was sold and $33,534 in war stamps. Postmaster A. P. Smalley rcpol·ted a total of $3,313,352.36 sold at the SWarthmore Bank up to August 1. He reportcd alao a jump in the gross business at the Post Officc from $30.543 in 1934 to $52,898 in 1944, with only one more carrier than 10 years ago. Representing community servIce groups, Mr. Ward presentcd !\.II·S, Frank R. Morey, president of the local \Voman's Club; O . .T. Gilcreest, commander of the American Legion, and Mrs. Eavenson, prcsldent of Its Auxiliary; .John E, Michael. presidcnt of the Business Association. which rocei\'(~d public credit for its steady war hond publicity and its inauguration of sending "The Swal'th~ morean," which had carried the publicity of all groups engagt'!d in wal' work; Mr. find Mrs. I,"erris Mitchcll. rePI'csenting the volun_ tccr "Tappers of sel'vice copi, ano the sending of "The SWa.rthmorean" to all sel'\'ice IJcrsonnel. The biggest task was the raising of funds and in this drive 900 families contl"ibuted $5,000, LawYcr Myers reported. In Our Deteno;;e Speaking for the Co un ell of Civilian Defense, wcre Lt, Alan C. Mon. Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 9:30 to 5:30 -FRIDAY. 9:30 to 6--Saturday. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.- Class Room Classics for the high school miss and the college co-ed Make Sweaters Sizes 34 to 40 THE SWARTHMOREAN WAR BONDS VOL_ XVII-No. 34 J.S. BATES TO HEAD DOMESTIC FARBEN Co I'lL:, Pink. l"uschia., Grcy, Litne, Kell)', Brown. \VILite, Dla.ck. Smart Pleated Skirts Sizes 298 to 1098 34 to 36 A fashion t~must" for every missplaids - plain colors - checks _ wool crepes and flannels. SPEAKES FOR SPORTS WEAR Second Floor - • Victory Chairman SCHOOLS REOPEN NEXT THURSDAY $3.00 PER YEAR Reports To Village Give Parents Facts To Simplify Year CITE SCIENTISTS FOR WAR SERVICE Member of College Faculty Lend Skills m Fall Flower Exhibit ".'.ll' Mix'em-Match'em to your heart's content with these WAR Dr. JOHcph S. Bates, Pl'esident of the Bates Ch(>mical Co., Inc., HWaJ·thmore Public Sc h 0 0 I In a l'e{~eJlt article In Scicnce of Lansdowne, and all authority on daHscH will begin as ~cheduled 011 aniline dyes, ha.ij bl)en otrcl'ed the lllul--:"uzine the college was the only TJllll'~day JUol'ning, September ti. post of Amcrican directol' of the The high school classes will asseminstitution li~ted. on the pen:enbillion-dollar I. O. l'~arbenlndustric, bIt, at 8:30 a.lll. and the clementage of distinguished sc.ientillc the Ge .. nHlJ~ d)'e tl'ust. 'rile offer tal".r school classes. gl'acles kintlerIIlcn on the facultics of American was made by the 'Val' IDepartment hil l·tt'll to .Rixth, at ~;oo a.m, All some time ago. uni\"crsities. which contrihuter1 da:;sl's will httYe morning scssions Dr. Bates who mo\·ed from Hav_ (llll~' on 'thursday an-:l Fric.1ay. both instruclol·s and mechanical crford uycnue to "Hocky Slu'iug I'upils retUl'ning to the high illllH·O\·ements tf) the United States Ii'"arm," Paxson Hollow road, Media, !'dLOol daSHes next week will find mi!.itary SOl "'ices, a few ycars ago. has announced the: hUlIlc rOOl1l assignnlCnts ready that he has agreed contlitionally fOI' thelll and Posted conspicuously 1.... I·OHl ·~xllcr;ments on seals, to accept the post, but that he on hulll'tin bo:u'ds in the Corridors. 1H':l\·CI·:';. whales. and. other dl .... ing dJd not care at this time to dis1"01' t·onvenience. the following" list animals, Swarthmol'e zoologist!J Photo by Erllcst H. Law!:!. may lJe used: 'l'wclfth Gnule: Dr. close the condlttons, }lcI'fected an lhstl'ument for meas8 He ·was recommendcd for the \Villfam H. \Vard, Strnth H.u.\"(~n Irwin, Uoom 206, A-I~; :Miss AdPhoto by ]::rnest H. Law!'. post by Robert E. 1\-[cConnell. who lncnuo resident, spoko tor nIl mns, Hoom 215. G-l\I; 1\IIss Kirk. urlng expired air. used iIl studying had been appointed by fOl'luer Sec- SWllrtlunoren1L'; tlleJr rcnl np])J'"Ca [(oom 203, N -Z. ElC\'cnlih GI'ude: I ..·e.... iclcnt John \V. Nason gun' fdthe oxygen and carbon dioxide retary of the Treasury Henry Mor- cJutJOQ of the fatthrul labors of i\Iisl-' Armstrong, Hoolll 209, A-Jo'; luw dtizcw. u IJruu(l 1'"CL'Ountillg of genthau, .Jr., to operate thc Gen- their fellow resfdents dfschulW :'111'. Oppenlander. Room 202, u- UIO nUljm' ('OntributIOiL" ))y Swul"th- content of the 1J100d. This analy~ eral Aniline and DYe Corp., in this of war-Umo I-esponsibllltJes, in hJs· .llo; lfl'. Culhel·tson, J{oom 2013, moro College to the ,"ictOl'}om; ('011- zer was .in\·atuah!e during the war country which was seized by the role ot cJaall"man ot Ute citizen's :\{u.Z. 'I'mlth Gl'ade: ;\11'. J)uncan, ChL<>;ioll of the ,,"u.r nt lust wL"ek's fOI' medkal .research on masks and government after Germany declar- mass meeting Honday, August :w. Hoolll 213. A-Hi: :Miss Barten. "Ictory meeting in t.he high s(')uK.I dl\'ing helmets, and for the adenuditorlWiL ed war on the United States. quncy of respiratorY conditions Hoolll 200. Ho-Po; ::\1iss Hughes. After the General AnIline and Hoom 211. PI·-Z. Ninth Gr~lde: during flight, sUhmarine diving, Dye COI'pnratlon was seized by the 1\Ii!iS Strouse. [{oom 205 • ..1-B; l\Ihts and in tanl{s. Its usc .in tcsting for ~eceives United States, DI·. Bates was apl<;nglc. Hoolll 103, F-.l\IcH; :\11'.811:18 c::u'bon lUont)xide poisoning in clospointcd its executive "Ice-president Because of pre\'Jous conditions, del'. Hoom 8, },[cl-Z. Eighth Grade: ed .snow houses or impervious tents )'11'9. Jean N. Miller' of ~rhayer also led to the perfection of an hn8 and dirccted the prodUction of dyes the Garden Scction Of the 'VOm- Miss 1\lcKie. Hoom 107. A-K: "Ir. road was pl'esented with an Oak for thc Ann,}' and Navy. He re- an's Cluh jid .not plan COl' the old. 1\lilIel·. HooIll 101, L-Z. S~"cnth proved hcating system and, conLeaf Cluster to the Distingulshcll turned to Philadelphia in 1943 to time formal I"lower Show th.i~ (;mt1e: 1\11', Bell. H.oom lOn, A-H; sequently. the saving of many l"IYing CI'OSS in licu of a second resume direction of his own COIII- l'''all. 2\11". Baldwin. Hoom 10.:!, I-Z. lives in the arctic haUle areas. medal fOI' her husband, First Lieu_ pany. which he founded in 1924. The mOI'nin~' se.ssion of the high In order to let the community 'Vaterproof suits fol'" the protec~ A vetcran of \\rorld 'Var I, he Hchool will begin at 8:30 on 'l'hul's- tenant Harr~' L. l\llller• .Jr.• son of see what everyone has been dohtg Unn of seamen torpedoed on cold holds degrees from Yale Univer_ dar. Upun alTi\'ing at the schoul. :\lr. und .Mrs. Han), L. ::'IIlIler of with fiOWeHJ this summel' an inoceans havc saved many service. Thayer road, ut a cCI'emony at sity, and 'vas nt one time associpupils shOUld go directly to t!leir formal show will be held Tuesday. nlen, since even brief oxposure to :\UdtUeto\ .... n .Alt· Technical Service ated with the National AnIlIne and new home rOoms COl' directions October 16.tt 2:30 p.lll. at the cold water ('an causc death In a Curnmand. Olmsted ... ·icld. Pa., last Chemical COIllJJany, Marcus Hook. fl'om their l·esJ.lecth·e hOIlll! room Woman's Club. Entries will be reweek. Presentation was made by few minute.!). tlue to loss ot. h~at. His two sons, S/Sgt. Guy C. teachcl's as to the plans fOr the Lt. Daniel J. O'Bricn, Assistant Dr. L."'l.urence IrVing, director of Bates and Pfe. \VilIiam B.. Bates ceived from 9 to 11 a.ln. day. Ail the SIIPpliNI will he <1isMurtin laboratory at the college are serving overseaH. Evel'yone is invited to cntcH" ex- tl'ibuted thl~I'e and pupils will be Personnel Sen'ice OffJcer. hlbits in the fol:ow,in;; dasses: handed theil' indi\'idual ('lass Lt. MiliCI', listed as missing in and a member of three divisions of Reseal'ch Councll, ~chedules which have heen previa~tion Hinee June 8, ] 944. was nt- the National 1. :Mixed flowcn.; 110t over 12 ously IH·cpal·c(} dUI'ing the SUIIlJUel' completed lests for introducing tached to the Eighth l"'ighter inches in hr:ight. months. 'I'he I·clnaind.er of the Cormnancl in I~ngland as a pilot of this Xonvcgian invention to tho 2. Chl'YS'lntlwllltlllls containinl! morning will be d(>\'otcd to clas~.;('s. .a )1 u:!tang P·51. The original AllIel'jcan armed sen·ices. and other foliagu not Ovel' IS inch('H Il'ceiYing books and wI)rk award of the J >[,'e wns mari(' COl' Swarthmore zoo!ogists are now ussign_ In height. ments. 50 fightel' missiOns ()\'CI' continl'll_ testing similar suits for posslbh With the change in address of 3. Benies and fOliage l<;'u1'0 Jll". The C11l5t(,l' wus use al-l equipment alollg northern (no The ell'lllcnhll'y schools will lJe- tal 1\lr. nnd l\-trs. R. S. 1Vick from nnt 1 ~ inches in g-in at 9:00 u'clock on '('hlll.stlay awarded fOI' cxtl'aol'dinuI'Y achie\'c- air I·outes. Strath Haven avenue to Dartmouth flowers) mOI'nillg-. Bl'ginning SeptclIlIJpr 10. lIlent in aeriul tlights O\'el' the avenue Ia.st week, the exodus ot height. Among the SWaJ'thOlore .instruca the clemental·y school hours wi!1 l'>llm(' al·ea. He was also ;:twal'df"'d several other Swurthmoreans took 4. Miniature :u·.rungcment not tors listed as ~erving in many be fI'om 9:00 to 11:45 a.m. ant! the Purple Hea.rt and till' Ail' place. MI'. find 1\1rs. 'r, S. Saun- over 4 inches in any dilllen:5ion. fields of .llilitary science: Dr. II'OIH 1:00 tu 3;15 P.m. :Medal with thrc~ Oak Leaf Chlsders have purchased and movcd 5. Large Zinnias, l\tJl mOI'e than lkooke \\-o>rth tanght tropical tel's. Satul'day In the high SChool, the hours into tho fonller 'Vicl\. 1:: ulooms. medicine in the Army MedIcal Col. will I.H: fl'om 8::·10 to 12:00 in the Lt. },I1l1el' enlisted in the army horne on Strath Haven avcnue, I('ge: P. P. Scholandel', research 6, Hlllall %innias not O\'CI' 8 1II00'lIln,; and from 12:50 to 3:20 leaving their former home on before Pearl B:lI'bor at Che!'ltel', a~sociate, s('r\'ed as a captain with inf"'he.; in height. ill tlw afternoon. Pit., and was assigned to the 28th Rutgers avenue in the Possession Ground 7. L"U'ge mnl'hwlds. lufantry Di\'jsh,n at Indiantown the Air Forces Pl'o\',lng Tcnt'l)(~t·s Uack J'~al'ly of Mr. and 1\"lr8. Stewart R. Thor('OIll1ll1lnd at Elgin Field, 1"13..; bahn. 'l'eachenf will repol·t tu ~('hnol Ga}). ln ),Ial·('h. 1942. Lt. :\lilJel' S. Hmall Yal'.iety marigolds. Hohel·t K, ";ndel's sen'ed as eBr un 'l'ucsday, f;cPtelll hel' 4, HPclHling I'eech"ed appnJ\·al of his applica. Mr. and ~rl's. Roy S. !1. Josephine marigolds. Latimer instnlctor in India rOI' operations have moved from their 'Va:nut tiw da~.. in COUfl'l·enC(,H. wodiinl{ tion fOI' transfcl' to Aviation Cadets 10. 1\1 ixed chr;n.;anthelllullis. in junl;l~ cOllntries; David Bishop, (0)1 tllans, and getting- !';upplies and elllh:l.I·lwd on hi~ C'olol'fUI flying lane address into the house vaentI'm;eul'ch assoda te, as aviation ('al'eer' at :!\Iaxwell F'ield, Ala. He I'l'a{l~' f()J' sehoul ::;e.!-lsions. "'mlnesed by the Thol'lmhns on eOJ'nell 1"I.·cci\'cd his wings at l\fal'ianlla Jlh;ysiolog-.ist now on duty in 'VashLEON PEARSON ABROAD da~' will iJe devoted to '·al'ious avenue. After extcnsi\'e l'edecOl'make-llp aud placemellt (psIs. of Air Base, 1'~loridH. along with his ing-toll: Kaj ;o;trand. astronomi:.;t. ating. 1\(1'. and Mrs. 'Yilliam Dc('jJllllllisHion 1-WIllP nine months as a. lllemhCI' of a department for Caindry ",i'i he ready hy lhe end Leon Pe,n:':on, \\'('11 l.:nowll eOl'- which notil!C has lJeC'1l s~'nt t(l the latl'I'. Hecf"'i"illg his training in the t~stiru;- de\'kl~)-; and Ilwthod:-:; for indi\'idual Jlupils in\·olw'(1. of the month to move into their I'psponlicnt aull fOI"l)J(>I' ~\\"arth­ I"~a.; Pal'('uts al"(' 1I1·g-('d to mal'k and 1'hllnderholt ;tt "~l'stO\'(,I' Fie'ld. naVigation ;\t Elgin l,'icl Ihen Jt·fI frolll :\lit("Ilt'1I Lt. j'('tt'1" .\Ior.d,.;, 1 ehildl'PIl's duthing- so that lunc, forillerly occupied hy th~ tilt' Collpge kft Ihb cOllntry Il~ al'ticles which HI'P lost 01' lIIi~laid "'if'ld, X. Y., (U!' ";IIg'land, .Jlln(' Kaj HIl'aml at EIg-ill Fil'ld: Lt. (jg) Latimcrs. I.lalle tlw iat1t of ,July to t a !-':I !t>!-;- H(,IlI'i('lta N:IIJ"OI',l. with the DUI·ea·1 to Joe alJl'oatl a lIlin.illIUlIl or tllre~ aI·tides arl~ lprt at the .school, Hlan of flail· ...· "'l1liIHnent fo!' his ()1' Dlltl;,;;'ct.s. yean;. whit"h might han' heen PI'OJllptly father's fil·lIl. tlh' ('hl'stel' Hail·.... Send the adul'('sse:-; of your ,:\11". l'(,:lTSOIl \\Titt'S that AIlle.t·!I·l'tlll·rw(] if thl.'.'· had hp(!n IlI·OJl- COlllpany. III' had attended PPlllIsen'je()lHl"Il to The Swarthnu)J"IN TOKYO BAY ('1'1 .... !ahelll'fl and Illarkl'd with the syh'ania Fitatp (' .. lIeg,' flll· t\\·o yt.":tl.:-< e:LnK in unifol'lll in l'al'ili a]"(~ (>x('an hy ~;tn){l..mlhel' 15 to Insure priol' to this. ('hiltl!,plJ's IWnlt.s, ('Ol;! fOI'tit hlo Il!'olll}lt :lITiv:d of Christm:ll'l living; I,'illal !'t'gi;.;tl·;ltitlll 1'01' tIl(' IIf'W endollht('(II:o.· tlH'I'(' are llUn1l'}'OIlS 111):>':(';'; again In'in:; SPilt bcfore th;lt th~ arnlit's {,f oCl.'upation han:. s('II"oI ~·I.':I/" lllllst N\\" a 1'111: lIon' s(>n·it:I~lll('1l sel"\' in~ Ill' ('olllpl ph ,II things \\"('!: ol".l;Olnized :IIHI have Octohel' 1.5 hy tile ;"'wal'thmor~ DECORATED r·'rid:ty, ..\lIgu:- .in j·:lIl·UjH'. Illt·nl;lr.... st'lltl,)rS goPS down I'ark ti.lll. whkh l'alltt' thl·oug-h (:('nt'l"- F'JI·Jllo.-,;a, ;\Iintlo)"(l, In,III-('hiJ:n. ;\11'.". 1'("'.I·SOIl and their t\\·o '1'·C'llll(> to Il a n·al·11 ailtl tllt'lI t'a~t ale Adolf.) Inia.ltp. was awanlpril)~ 011 Ilnn·anl to NwarthllIon' aY,mlll'. J01' "mel'its :tl'qllil·l'tl during" hili \·;lI·io~l;'; To:;,·o raidli. lIkin:l\\:l, and tle t "nun (~n~('li to O\'(!I'tlOW. n. at KilH'"I'Y Point. ::'lIe., and ~tl·.} Thn:-)e ii\'inK sOllth of this Iill(' will ~Iay in Italy." lifc rt'(·L'ut iH)]llhanlllll'nt of the ClwstC'I' Hlu~ncl..'r of ~wal'thlllol'e hoping to Ill~ ahll'" to join )11'. 1'1..':\1'- attend the HutgPI'S .AYenue ~t'ho(11 I.t. Col. Bt~llllctt is stationed in .LlIJalh'Se ~ltiC:-;. UYl..'nuc, 1\1 is...:; Ethel HUlh·rt. and )-;011 hy Octohl'I·. Their Ron Paul is and tho!';(' lh'ing n{wtll of this line Xal)les when' he is dil'cctOI' of Thomas J:lt'kson of Park an':\11'. and 1\IJ-s, George C. 'Vag-ncr a gUlln(}I'Y o!lit'l'.r on the hattle,!;hin will attf'llfl thc C'ollege .,\ '·('nlll~ l'1t~- SII)lI)lic!'i. A Yl'tt'I'un of \Vol"ld \\'ar mental')· ~chooL InlC' i:-; an eng-inecr ollicer aboard of Benjamin \V('st a\'('nue spoke on \\'ash.jng-ton J, he entpl'(>(I the .service, October while anothel' son thf"' Jl~'W hp:)vy cnLis('r 81. Paul he-half of the citizcns. 21. 1940. and sPr\'('d two Yl~al·.s as 'rom. also in the N1LVY, is attendwhich recC'ntly joined the "~!('et fo:r Post Quarterlll;ll'>tel' at Camp Pen~ Se\"(~ral suggestions werc made ing Jlre-fli~ht s(,hool. Movie et Clothier the .Japanese (~oastal hom bard. dleton, Va. H~ was sent to Camp for contl'olling this condition. On lIlent~. Pickett, Septemhel' 1, 1942, and Septcmber 16. a committee of .Jean Blakiston of Elm avenue. "Hollywood Canteen" will be the Was one of a ·class of 60 officers Councilmen will tour the scctions who has been spending the summer feature picture at Clothier tomor- oYcr the nation chosen to take affectcd a.nd investigate the prob- at Camp 'Vhispering 'VllIow8. Den- row c\"cning, September 1. ~[r. T. E, Hessenbruch of Yale the first Advanced Officers' Course. lem so that measures can he taken nisport. Cape Cod, returned home aVenue is viSiting his daughter. Therc will be one show only. He has been overseas fOr 29 to remedy the condition. on Tuesday. beginning at 8 p.m. :\Irs. Robert Ersliine at her summonths. mer cottage in Avalon, N, J, ~olls .----------.--. You've seen These ca rdigan.e In leading nlagazlnes. SWARTIlMORE, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1945 Authority On Dyes Will Accept Post On Condition Christmas Boxes The Colors: SAVE BONDS Real Estate Again r--------STORE HOURS ________, \\~c ~.;' .. SAVE • Rabford Grado A . FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1945 Cluster • I THE SWAItTHMOItEAN FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, IINS, MRS. A. DAYm SFFFES DUe. to pte. wnUam T. BeJI, 101>. of Dr. and II..... Ralph E. Bell of" lIedla which will take place Baturdal' .venln... September 8 at ., o'clock In the Swarthmore KethodlBt Churoh. PERSONALS IIr. 1.. r ...ch. (whl!om COlonel) of North' Chester road who halo been 1n,000rmanl' ... CODlluJ_ for the office 'of' the QUartel'lll&Bter General for the past three monthe. llew blick from. Pari. Monday night, reacblng home Tuesday. , . Lt. Robert V. Faragher. who 1a Lt. Paul Ie. PaulBon ftew home staUoned In tlie Bureau ot Aero- from Norfolk, Va., on Friday laet nautlea In Wuhlngton. D. C.. 18 and vlslted his parenta, the Paul spending a lZ·day leave with his PaulBons ot Park avenue, for the mother. Mrs. Warren F. Faragher day. Mr. and Mrs. PaullJon alJJo of the Swarthmore 'Apartments. entertained their sOD-In ..law pd Pte. Frank E. Murray. BOD of daughter, Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Kupe .. Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Murray, 11 Ilan. ot Akron, Ohio, for & tew days spending a aO ..day furlough at h~ of last week. Mr. PaUlson'. niece. home on Princeton avenue. 'He baa MIsa Catherine Hider haa returned been overseas with tbe ETO Serv· to her home In Albany, N. Y •• after Ice of Supplies aud arrived home '\"ls,tlng here for the past two shortly after- V-J Day. months. Lt. Col. Edward T. Carvlll has Mr. and Mrs. G. Warder Creason returned from 17 months ovense8.8. of RivervIew road are entertaining He was port signal officer at the at a famUy reunion. Their BOD G. port of Cran. Africa.. He and bls Warder Cresson, Jr., and tamlly of Wife the former Mias Emily Cam .. Ft. Wayne, Ind.. are here for a pion of La.pldea HUls. have gone week. Another son, Lt. samuel 1.,. to New York while Co). carvUl Cr88Bon. M.C., U.S.N.R., Is "pend .. awaits further orders. Ing a short le8.ve trom active duty. T/5 Doug Heath. Bon of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown ot and Mrs. RUBBOll M. Heath of Ce- ~·l.hlUt lan~ en1crtained. their I'on dar lane. who has been In France anJ daughter-In-law, Lt. and Mrs. and Belgium with the U. S. A.. Richard ·Brown and Mrs, Brown's Medical Corps tor the last eight mother. Kra.. Harlan Johnson of Photo by Roger Russell months, arrived In New York Mon. Baltimore, Md •• tor a few d~s of former IIDBB NaDcy LouIse day. He left Ma.rselUes on a Bblp this week. Lt. Brown reported to The Peel. daughter or 1Ir. and _ . bound for ManUa, whIch was redl- Atlantic City. N. J.. Wednesday II. LIDdle, Peel of Oolambta avenue, JDan'Ia&e _ _, verted In mld·Atlantlc for the U. S. lor re&88tgnment after a 60 .. day arternoon drew JlIaIl7 oot-of-town leave following overseas service. after peace was declat"ed. Mao. and Mrs. Walter R. Shoe- visitors &0 the borough. Mr. and FJlgbt Oft'lcer Steven F. Spencer lIIrB. Speers will make - . . home has transferred from the Lemoore maker of Riverview road enter.. on Yale &YEllllle. Army Air Field. Lemoore, Cal •• t:J talned their BOn-ln ..law and daugh.. Tonopah, Nev., for Combat Crew ter, Lt. and Mrs. William H. Dietz George F. BlcsBlng. hiB wlte~ and training. and smlln son, BIlly. as their week.. small son George wUl occupy her Grace A. Brewster, S2/c. Who end guests. Lt. Dietz, formerly borne. Dr, Franklin G. Williams and his has been stationed at Lakewood, stationed at Ft. Knox, Ky., who N. J., 18 bavlng a week's leave at leaves Saturday for the west coast mother, Mrs. Minnie WllUaDl8 re. Jamestown, R. L, following which to report tor foreign service, was turned to their home on University she reports to JacksonvJlle, Fla., guest of honor at a family dinner place Monday after a silt week 80" party Sunday. The guests Included: journ at Rye Beo.cb, N. H. Tbey· for a new assignment. Porc. Gordon S. Bierman, who Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson of Elda plan to 8P~nd several days here and has been stationed at Seymour Farm, Berwyn: Mr. and Mrs, then return to Rye Beach where JohnBon Field, Goldsboro, N. C •• Thomas Duncan, Jr., and Bon, Dr. Williams is headmaster of the Is spending a 'urlough with his Tommy, of Berwyn; Mr. and Mrs. Atlantic Air Academy. Mrs. Duncan G. Foster and her mother, Mrs. H. Vance HoUoway William R. Warner. 3rd, of Norand Mr. H.,Uoway of South Chester ristowp; Mr. Richard Warner Eng- 80n Graham ot Crest lane spent the road before reporting to Sheppard lleh ot Norristown, and Mr. Win- week-end as the gueats of Mr. and field G. Wilson of Riverton. N. J. Mrs. Robert Y. Richmond of BalField, Texas, ~eptember 7. Lt. l!obert S!:taw, U.S.N.R .• who timore, Md., formerly· of 8wartb .. Lt. 'Ug) James R. Powell. U.S. Corrina. Foster ,who has N.R., arrived bome Saturday after recently graduated from the Post more. 18 months duty_ In the Paclflc. Graduate School at Annapolis, Md., been spending the summer at FoUowlnS' a 30-day leave with his with Mrs. Shaw visited his parents, Happy Valley Camp. Port Deposit. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pow- Mr. and~Afrs. Charles B. Shaw of Md.. accompanied them home. Mrs. E. B. VanKirk. daughter of ell of Swarthmore avenue. he re- Park avenue for a week belore ports to the Coast Guard Academy, reporting to the, west coast tor duty Mrs. Martha R. Bless1ng of Elm New London, Conn., for rea.salgn .. In the PACific. Lt. Shaw bas been avenue, who i8 with the American a.sslgned to a heavy. cruiser as Red Cross In Manila, writes about 'Pent. how V-J Day was recelved and how I,.t. John Craemer. stationed In Communications Ofrlcer. Major Conrad G. Schatte of Chi- celebrated In this city on August Rfnchelm. Germany, with the Seventh Armored Division, and Lt. cago, 111., accompanied by Mrs. 14 a~d 16. Mr& VanKirk expect." Louis Dethlotr. stationed about 100 Schatte, spent the week-end as the: her next post to be on the Japanese mlles away In Darmstadt, Ger- guests of Mr~ and Mrs. James Han .. home Islands. John Snape 01 Harvard avenue many. with the First Armored VI- na of Vassar avenue. Capt. and vlBlon, recently enjoyed an over- Mrs. James Lavenson of Denver. returned this week from Camp night Visit together In Rtnehelm~ Colo.. wer~ also· week-end guests Munsee. Pike camper. County. where he a senior Maryellen Lt. Dethloff haa just been made of the Hannas. Mrs. Lavenson was Bo.1taUon Motor Officer with the was tbe tormer MIs:a Marian Is home trom Camp NeUmus. and 13th 'l'ank Battallon. Schatte. Mr. and Mrs. George .Jay, who was a junior counselOr at George W. Collins, R.T.3/e. has Ewing, Jr., of Ardmore entertain .. Camp Munaee, has returned home arrived at the redistribution center ed at a buffet supper Monday eve- and will leave September 16 for in Shoemaker. Cal., and Is awaiting ning In honor of Mrs. Ewing's Mercersburg Academy. Pa., where orders to go to the Pacific. father. Major SchaUe and her sls- he wIll enter as a jUnior. Palsy Told at Park avenue reFirst Lt. Harvey Wbitaker ar- ster, Mrs. Lavenson. Major and tUrned on Tuesday after a month rived home Saturday to spend a Mrs. Schatte later left for the at C~mp Whispering Willows. Den_ SO-day leave atter 16 months ot west coast where Major Schatte nlsport. cape Cod. service overseas. Lt. Whitaker '\Vas will be stationed at Long Beach. on his way to the Pacific when or- Cal. Capt. and Mrs. Lavenson have FOR ders were received to turn back. returned to Denver. At the termination ot his leave he Mr. and Mrs. Hobert O. David .. reports to Camp Beale. Cal., for ~Ql1 ot Guernsey road entertained reassignment. His mother, Mrs. Lt. G. S. Winchell. U.S.N.R.. of c.B P. L. Whitaker and his sister. Mrs. Quonset Point, R. I .• as their week_ SwartIaa.n 2080 Wallace Lippincott, Jr•• who have end guest. &In. UoFCI E. Kauf'-a been spending the Bummer in TaLt. and Mrs. Richard M. Daniel coma, Wash., will join Lt. Whl.. of Ruxton, Md •• wUI spend Labor taker at their Park avenue home Day week .. end with Mrs. Danlel"s this week-end. lJarents. Mr. and Mrs. DaVid T. Ensign James H. Callahan has Shaw of Mt. Holyoke place. completed a course in Radar at the Mrs. Martha R. Blessing of Elm Ma.asachursetta Institute of Technol .. avetjue will leave next week tor ogy. Atter spending a 10 day leave Tuscon. Arizona, where she will re .. with his parents Mr. and Mrs. main for 81x months. During her James C. Callahan of Garrett ave- absence, Mrs. BleSSing's Bon. Mr. nue he lett Thursday last for the Naval Air Station at Miami, Flo.. He later reports to San Diego. Cal. Lt. Comdr. HarIaI'. R. Jessup. stationed at the New York Navy Yard spent last week with his family on Havertord avenue. , w_ MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MEDIA THEATRE M ..... Mlr!am Olmsted Lipman of New York City announces the eDgagement 0(' ber ~ daUghter, Ruth. to Lt. Herbert "Ott of New York Cit,. MI88 Lipman IB a graduate ot SWarthmore High School and the Ethel Traphagen SChool of Art. New York City. She' WIUI _ . 8.Qt art dJrector of the Rlveralde Church. N,ew YOrl<, City. She .10m· ed the WAC and has been en.ga.c-ed in occupaa.onal tberapr work at Camp Lee. Va. Lt. Ott graduated from· Colum, bia. Unlvers'ty. and was aaaoclated with the General Electric Company unt1! he joIned . the para,. troopers .of the'U•. S. Army. He Is now on his way to the South Paeffie. :M1ss Lipman fs the niece ot .Mr, a.nd lI!lrs. J. V. S. Bishop of 'Har. vard avenue. y .. - , . , . . . ... H... WiIeoo poo t.tod. .. . . AII.CONDlfIONED _alol 0"" . . . RlJSllEI1'S SERvIcE JUII'1' . . . You 0.. . . ., _ D~~... JUpJar .....1.. Will JIo I&. Iv. .__ .........-. 3 Free SUBUIBAI CArR IIINI COCICTAlllOUNGE ---_.. . ......., cool .... IE , Ito .w.... _ .. .., ........._ lACK WALDRON "..".., . . ,11 II . . . . 0 ..". ---DUIYJ flPOIIS UNITY ASSEMBLY lIS''''' LAIOI .. -. DAY 'JeIWOIIIS IAQI , ...,n. - ---.............. .. ... .." II., WtlHltlle ' - ' IJoJooUId1 Ball 0.- ill II ' Ie _ ~." Closed UnUl Wed"""da, Sept. Ii, 10:80 Ao1l£ 0y0I0I Pool 0000 w ....... ~..,,. ZElIA M. WALTERS '!Inlt, Writer oolldacts the c1........ EveJ70De WeI_ z· o !-. PRINCE MATCHIABELLI • CKANEI. The Bouquet ..J ::l ::c en : :l' Vegetables Fruits Ice Cream 13 South CbesterRoad CaD~,0476 CHARBERT. SKYLARK. LUCIEN LE LONG. CHBN YU ;============================::; , RESERVATIONS FOR SPECIAL 12:30 to 3:00 P.M.--S to 7 P.M. SPECIAL FEATURE ROAST PERRY COUNTY TURKEY STRATH HAVEN INN Tel. Swartbmcxe 0680 .' I . p..... for Servicemen "Chrlst Jeaua'· Is ih~ subject of Mrs. A. E. Longwell. Mrs. John t~e Leuon·8enhon In aU Churches Detlelsen, Mr. and Mrs. Ferris W. of Christ. 8clentlat. on Sunday. Mitchell. Mrs. S. S. Rutherford, and September Z. lU6. The Golden Anne Coohran gave their tillte to Te:ct Is: "The law was given by Moses, but Kl'ace and truth came by Jesus Christ" (John 1:17). Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wolters, their daughter. Mrs. 1... V. Van Arsdale, and her c~lldren. Suaan and Peter. of Cedar lane. leave the early part of nen week tor Avalon, N. J.,. where they plan to vaeatJon for & few weeks. OLIVER H. lAIR 'CO. Children starting school will like Real Italian Spaghetti with real Italian. Sauce Samson-V-Loaf High grade Meat Selected Chickens Pheapnts and Quail • ·f;~ " Ing room and kitchen into a kitchen of your dreams. CHURCH SERVICES .' Follow the arrow off Baltimore Pike--W"esl ebd of Media. . Claun:b No. . . Joyously we a.re d!opping second letters from designations ~f vIctory days. Fust 11 was "E" from VE Day and now it Is SAl;VACERESULTS "J" from VJ Day. Then therewill.be left just the one glorious , letter "V"-"V" for Victory I .. The Swarthmore boys' 'baseball . . . We have celebrated the dropping of those letters with reo team and their fathers. under the I Jo!cm~s.. Now soi?er second thoughts crowd upon us. What is dlrecUon of Ambrose VanAlen. Is the Foundation of everything th!S victory? Evil forces that threatened destruction of the spent Saturday, Aug. 18 collecting thmgs we count dear-freedom to plan our own lives, think scrap paper and tin cans through_ )Vorthwhile ancf we beli~ve we and speak our own thoughts, worship the·highe.t reality we out the borough. The tesult of know and to be uplifted by that worshiJ>-"-,these evil forces this salvage .coUecUon was five merit your confidence because have themselves been broken and_destroyed; and that is good! tons of Paper and apprOximately. The foe has beell crushed before he could ravage our .Iand and one and a half tons of tin cans. for over 66 years we have ollr homes with the ruin he has brought upon nearly the whole world; and that is good! steadFastly maintained an imCaDoeiats FmJ.e~ ..,,' We rejoice in those accomplishments, but our rejoicings Alvah \\rood Stuart of Vassar partial service For all people. , a~e subdued as we ppnder. Our. joy is not ullconfined. Though avenue wi"l act as trip leader tor vl~tory has come, how c~n we be wholliheartedly glad in the 20 Senior l+;xplorer Scouts from midst of so much destruclion? The excitemellt of battle is over Delaware and Montgomery Coun .. · and the clash of arms is stilled; now we begin more seriously ties who lett on Tuesday by car to count the terrible cost-the millions of graves the .ruined and trailer tor Hancock. N. Y .• Dlllno.. 0' 'UNIIA~' and devastated cities; vast areas once productive n~w trampled where they wlll put their 10 : and made unfit for cultivation;' myriads of people cold un. noes Into the upper Delaware and 1820 CHESTNUT STRIET' · sheltered, famished, dying; the intolerable, burden of' debt start on ·an adventurous trip down 1ITIeaJo.... 1511 binding the race in a gruelling slavery for generatiolls' the mon- the river. ·strous threat of the atomic bomb--can that be vict~ry which The Scouts plan to stop over at ·Port ,1ervl.s. N. Y•• and Easton, Pa•• .' thus terrifies, wounds, and wrecks the world? ,No, that is not ,victory. '1A1I that was but the 'preparation · for victory. Vic*lry is yet to be won! .Brave men and women · on the battlefronts l1a ve, with heroic devotion crushed the immediate threat to our Iiberty·inspired ideals. Now all of us with the help of them as they return to civilian life, must carry those ideafs to the triumph which, alone is. victory. Viclorythe triumph of right and justice and human kindness-is an ideal we believe in bllt have not yet attained to. there comes to memory from early training a dictum of SI. John's, which becomes intelligible only in a setting like " this. "This is 1he victory which overcometh the world," he '. said, "even our faith. "-"This is the victory • • • even our faith. " Because of VE Day and"VJ Day, we can have faith, for the old perils are destroyed. Now we can have faith, 'and 'that is the victory I· Faith: Tliat is what is expressed in the United 'Nations' Charter-faithina juster world and a kindlier world. The realization of that world is the victory for which we all lon{. The heroes who ,have ,beaten: down the barriers which so obvi. ously separated us from that victory are 'naw in process of being discharged after a dread task nobly performed. The struggle, 'however, is a continuing one. "There is no discharge in that w a r . " . . The war goes on--only the battlefields change. Not now are the fields earthen, trodden, and sodden with the blood of martyrs, but fields of human' relations. Here the· principle of cooperation wars against exploitation; here mutual helpfulness contends against the selfish use of power and of wealth. Here the whole system of rewards for human labor cries for rectifica· '9ear~ dItee tJItD"pd ~ ~ ~deN4 tion by_ a Juster and less wasteful process than that of strikes and boycotts. Here a system must be devised whereby the nor· GINGHAM KITCHEN -Tops in altracliveness yet low In cost. A kitchen mally abul\dant supply of natural resources and of food may .that makes Mother feel like a princess. be more fairly distributed. On these fields, victory will be won, if ever it really.is won-the victory for which VE Day and FAMILY KirCHEN-Something new and practical with eallng space, ;ivlng VJ Day hav~ prepared the way. And on these fields, each of space, child's play space and laundry. us is a warrior, either volunteer or drafted, with our personal philosophles, principles, and practices. ROW-HOUSE KirCHEN-Combining a typical Philadelphia row.house dinPresbyterian Church Notes Thltt Sunday morntng at the 11 ('I·clock· s:ervlce Dr. David Braun , ' CHURCH will preach on the subject "Short 'Rf!v. Pavld U·raun. Mlntater Cuts." Mr. Benjamin L. Kneedler 11 :00 A: M.-Mornlng Worahtp. Ser~ · mon Topic: "Short Cuts." wUI be at the organ and Mr. Henry Faust will be the soloist. METHODIST CHURCH The Chapel Choir tor adults will Re)' N. KltlseT. D.D•• Mln18ter. meet tor rehearsal on Thursda.y SU~AY evening, September 6, at 7:30 10 :00 A. M.-Church School. 11 :00 A. Y.-Morning Worship. o'clock, in the Parish House. SWARTHlI!lORE PRESBYTERIAN SheD Fuh Boned Shad Squabs of the Sea S• the wrapplnc of eervicemen's Swat.thmoreans"'Ia.at week. Mrs. Ferrla W. MItchell urges· that &Dyone wishing to help with this: proJect get In touch with her -SWarthmore 0818. ,See ,our new ELECTRIC KITCHEN SHOW LABOR DAY DINNER SAMSO'N LOCKER SERVICE . Tlau I. Our .Victor,y· 1'L~_a.! __ -CU_ ..etU1"1lln.. aeptember 4. Movl. . In color Will be made enroute. Scout honor badges will be awarded for the completion ot the trip. Ruddy Hayes and Nicky Stuart are local boys making the trip. TOMORROW'S LeSt beaaty wane with the ,1IIIIJIIerlime !!? < :s; FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1945 Holy CommunJoD wm be cele. brated on ~uDday at the 8 o·clocle service and &l'8Jn' at 11 O'Clock. Canon Clllfo.rd W. French. of St. Stephen'8 Cathedral, Harrisburg. will offiCiate. • • •• BEAUTY SALON -•o DI!lADLINE--WlDDNEBDAT NOON Tduk, ,Note. ' ea. 2 P." ..... $1NI(• . . . . . . _ AmerI..... LegIon Room Chin-Lee Chow Mein Fuh Fillets MARlA MONTEZ JON HALL II' ,.15. "U Economical - Wholesome - Delicious Stmday, Monday 8c Tuesday "SUDAN" .,,! C.acells InVlta.ttOllB have been lBsued for the wedding of lI!larlan Elizabeth Bernard, dnughter of Mr. and )[ra. Harry L. :Bernard of Union ave .. MARY DUNHILL • 1IIDt.ered .. aec';"d CI_ Matter• ..JanUAI7 ·It. at t1a Offl" • •t ...artbmo.... 1'&.. ",,4;'r tit. Act 0"<11_ "'·'1~ 3 CO NFl DENCE a.... cu. for D7 .A.... .YlYAII HII", "15, TBB SWAIW'IDIORlDAll, Do.. PUJ"",a .... PA. PboDe, 8WL"O'. . . . . . . . . • un . Nowhere else can you get this ready·to.cook authentic Italian dish in tecluUcolor P1JBLJ8HFi'.' at.y PRlDAY AT ArAM'llllo PETJDR iii. TOLD Editor II£R.JORI. TOLD. • no 'late IlCltor Lo...... Moearter Irma JI. PArlT' Ph)'illa N .......... DOYOV_OW 'Do Sp~e-Vee "Son of Lassie'! THE SWARTHMOREAN Mr. and M ..... Herbert T. G1hBo.. ot Park avenue are. receiVing con.. gratulatloDII on the birth of en eight .. pound, four .. and • one .. half" ounce eon named Donald l!J.mer, on Saturday, August 26. In the Woman's Hospital, ~adelphla. SEPTEMBER BRIDE LAST 2 DAYS Frida,. and Saturda,. .~------------~~ BIR'I1I Drive and Save • flRlDAY, AUGUST 31, 184S \ Mr•. aQd Mrs. Jaines H. Hornaday will assist the pastor In greeting the ,members of the congregation SUNDAY, SEPTEMB~lt 2 after the service on Sunday mOrD_ 8 :00 A. :&I.-HOI), Communion. 11:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. canon Ing. Clifford W. French of St. The ChUrch School will 'open on Stephen's Cat.hedral, HarSeptember 16. The ChUrch Hour risburg. will preach. Nursery meets each Sunday from THR RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF 11 to 12 o'clock In the Parish FRIENDS House. for chlldren ages 1 to 7. SUNDAY 11 :00 A. ll.-Mee,tlng fol' Worship In The Surgical Dresalngs Group the MeeUn& House. meets each Tuesday morning from WEDNESDAY 8 :30 A. II. to 1:80 P. M..-8ewlng and 10 to 12 o·clock . In the Parish qulllin.. In Whittier HouRe. Box luncheon. House. .All are cordially Invited. TRINITY CHURCH Rev. Geo. Christian Anderaon. Rector FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST OF BWARTHr.tOREI Park Avenue Below Harvard SUNDAY 11:00 A. ".-"Sunday S W P:: CHARBERT· SKYLARK. LUCIEN LE LONG. CHEN YU r RESERVATIONS FOR SPECIAL reports to Camp Beale. Cul., for reaB!;ignment. His mother. Mrs. P. I... \Vhitnkcl" and his sister, Mrs. 'Vallace Lippincott. Jr., who ha\'~ been spcndlng the summer in Tacoma, Wash" will join Lt. 'Vhi.. taker at their Park avenue home this week·end. Ensign Jame!; H. Callahan has completed a course tn Hadar at the },fa..~<;achusetts Institute of Technology. After spending a 10 day leave with his parents }.[r. and Mrs. James C. Callahan of Garrett ave~ nue he left Thursday last for the Na'\'al Air Station at Miami, Fla. He latcr reports to ~an Diego. Cal. Lt. Comdr. Harlan R. Je:;sup, stationed at the New York Navy Yard spent last week with his famJly on Haverford avenUe. MEDIA 'org., the HNt THEATRE SUBURBAN CAFE and COCKTAIL lOUNGE .... ,.any cool ancl cOlRfo..... abl•••• food ito' the beet ... and cookod as you liko II. lVNCII_No DtN _ _ Uc ~JC-.1 • "6'fJl!.A Tel. Swarthmore 0680 I ~----------------------------------------------'----------·1 Drive and Save Children starting school will like Spee-Vee Sauce Economical - Wholesome - Delicious tecb,nic:olor SWlday, Monday & Tuesday MARIA MONTEZ JON HALL Chin-Lee Chow Mein Fish Fillets Vegetables Shell Fish Fruits Boned Shad Ice Cream Squabs of the Sea Samson-V-Loaf High grade Meat Selected Chickens Pheasants and Quail In SAMSON LOCKER SERVICE "SUDAN" Follow the arrow off Baltimore Pike-West end of Media. in teclmicolor I Christian Science Church Noles DEADLINE--WEDNESD.A.Y NOON "Chl'jst Jesus" Is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon In all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunda,.. September 2. 1915. The Golden Text is: "The law was gh'en h.r .l\[oses. but grace and truth callie by Jesus Christ" (John 1:17). I, 1IT1. -...J \ •_______F_R_ID_A_:y_,:..;.A~U.:.;G;,.U.:.:S:.;T~3:.1:.,:..;1:.:94:.:S:..____ This Is Our Victory , Mr. and llrs. C. I". \\roItel's, their daughter. 1\11"s. L. V. Van Arsdale. and hCI' childl·en. Susan and PctCI'. 1\ll's. A. J";. Longwell, .\Irs. John of Cedal' lane. lca\'c the early Pal·t Detlefsen. M,'. and 1I£,·s. I'~e1'ris ,V. of next weel;: fol' A\·alon. N. J .• l\litchcll. Mrs. S. So Huthel'f(u·d. and where they 1)lan to "acatlon [or a Anne Cochran ga"e theil' tiJJ.l(~ to few weeks. Papers for Servicemen . Joyously we a.re d.ropping second letters from designations ~f ,Ylctory days. FI~st It was "E:' from VE Day, and now it is SALVAGE RESULTS J from VJ Day. fhen there Will be left just the one glorious letter "V"-"V" for Victory! The Swarthmore boys' baseball . . . We have celebrated the dropping of those letters with reo team and their fathers, undcl' the Jo~cm&s. Now so~er second thoughts crowd upon us. What is direction of Ambrose VanAlen. is the foundation of everything th~s vIctory? EVil forces that threatened destruction of the spent SatUl·da)'. Aug. 18 collecting thmgs we count dear-freedom to plan our own lives, think scrap paper and Un cans through_ ;.vorthwhile ancf we believe we and speak our own !houghts, worShip the highest reality we out the borough. The result of know and to be uplifted by that worship-these evil forces this salvage collection WIlS fi\'e merit your confidence because have themselves been broken and destroyed; and that is good! tons of paper nnd apprOXimately The foe has been crushed before he could ravage our land and one and a half ton::l of tin cans. for OVer 66 years we have our homes with the ruin he has brought upon nearly the whole world; and that is good! steadFastly maintained an 1m. Canoeists Embark We rejoice in those accomplishments, but our rejoicings AI"all Wood Stuart of Vassal' partial service for all people. a~e subdued as we ponder. Our .joy is not unconfined. Though avenue w1"1 act as trip leader for vl~tory h~s come, how c~n we. be wh?leheartedly glad in the 20 Scnlor )·:xp)ore... Seouts from nlldst of so much destruchon? fhe excItement of battle is over Delaware dnd Mo.ntgomel·Y Counand the clash of .arms is stilled; n.ow we begin more seriously ties who left on Tuesday by car OLIVER to count the ter:l.ble cost-the millions of graves, the ruined and trailer for Hancock, N. Y., DIRICTORS 0, 'UN •• AU and devastated clites; vast areas once productive now trampled Where they will put their 10 e(L~ and made unfit for cultivation; myriads of people cold un. noes Into the Upper Delaware and 1820 CHESTNUT STREET shellered, famished, dying; the intolerable burden of' debt start on an adventurous trip dOW-II IIT.onhou .. 1581 MARY A. BAIR. Prellden' binding the race in a gruelling slavery for generations' the man. tho river. The Scou13 plan to stop over at strous threat of the atomic bomb---can that be vict~ry which Port .fervis, N. Y., and Easto.n, Pa., thus terrifies, wounds, and wrecks the world? No, that is not victory. IAII that was but the preparation for victory. Victory is yet to be won! )3ra ve men and women on the battlefronts have, with heroic devotion crushed the i"!mediate threat to our liberty.inspired ideals, Now all of us, WIth t~e help of the~ as they r.eturn to ciyili~n life, must carry those Ideals to the tnumph which, alone IS vIctory. Victorythe triumph of right and justice and human kindness--is an ideal we believe in but have not yet attained to. There comes to memory from early training a dictum of Sf. John's, which becomes intelligible only in a setting like .. this. "This is the victory which overcometh the world," he said, "even our faith. "-"This is the victory .• even our faith. " Because of VE Day and VJ Day, we can have faith, for the old perils are destroyed. Now we can have faith, and that is the victory! Faith: Th·at is what is expressed in the United Nations' Charter-faith in a juster world and a kindlier world. The realization of that world is the victory for which we all long. The heroes who have beaten down the barriers which so obvi. ously separated us from that victory are now in process of being discharged after a dread task nobly performed. The struggle, however, is a continuing one. "There is no discharge in that war." The war goes on-only the battlefields change. Not now are the fields earthen, trodden, and sodden with the blood of martyrs, but fields of human relations. Here the principle of cooperation wars against exploitation; here mutual helpfulness contends against the selfish use of power and of weallh. Here the whole system of rewards for human labor cries for rectifica9eatet'Uit9 tion by a juster and less wasteful process than that of strikes and boycotts. Here a system must be devised whereby the norGINGHAM KITCHEN - Tops in allraeliveness yel low in cosl. A kitchen mally abundant supply of natural resources and of food may that makes Mother feel like a princess. be more fairly distributed, On these fields, victory wiII be won, if ever it really.is won-the victory for which VE Day and FAMILY KITCHEN-Somelhing new and praclical with eating space, living VJ Day have prepared the way. And on these fields, each of space, child's ploy space and laundry. us is a warrior, either volunteer or drafted, with our personal philosophies, principles, and practices. ROW·HOUSE Kt!CHEN-Combining a typical Philadelphia row-house din. CONFIDENCE . •••• ' ' TOMORROW'S Ing room and kitchen into a kitchen of your dreams. Presbyterian Church Notes CHURCH SERVICES This Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock service Dr. David Braun will pl'each on the subject "Short Cuts." Mr. Benjamin L. I{needler 11 :00 A. M.-Mol'lIing \Vorshill. Serl,e at the organ "",1 '[,.. Henl'Y mOll ']'Ollic: "Short Cuts." , Faust will be the soloist. l\U~THOD1ST CHURCH "I'he Chapel Choir for adults will Roy N. KI'!;I~er. D.D.. Minister. meet for reheat'sal on Thursday SUNDAY evening. September 6, at 7:30 10 :00 A. l'ol.-Church School. 11 :00 A. ll.-:i\(ornillg 'Vor.ship, o'clock, in the Parish House. TIUNITY CHURCH Rev. Geo. Christian Anderson Rector SU~DA y. Sl<~P1'EMBF.R 2 8 :00 A. M.-lIoly Communion. 11 :00 A. ~I.-Holy Communion. Canon Clifford \V. French ot St. Stephen's Cat.hedral, Har· risburg, will I.reach. "'HE Nowhere else can you gel lhis ready-lo.cook authentic Italian dish PhylIle Neuman Entered 88 Second CI8.811 Matter•• ..JanuaIT 24, 1.21, at Oltlce at SWarthmore, Pa.. under the .Act of lIarcb the Poat SWARTHIoIORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH R"v nRvld Braun. Minister with real Italian "Son of Lassie" Ul Alt·CONDITIONED STRATH HAVEN INN Real Italian Spaghetti Friday and Saturday w...n you lund, ..... CaR Swarthmore 2080 !\frs. Uoyd E. Kauffman ROAST PERRY COUNTY TURKEY r LAST 2 DAYS Y•• gn SPECIAL FEATURE MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MARJORIE TOLD, AuocJate I!l4ltor Irma M. Parry the Wrapping of servicemen's :;';warthmore:lIls last weck. )h·s. Ferris \\'. Mitchell urges that anyone wishing to hell) with this proj('ct ,;ct in touch with her -Swal·thmol·e 0818. three ~ D/ ~ ~ 12:30 to 3:00 P.M.-5 to 7 P.M. FOR PA. J'cturning .3eptcmLer ('ompleUon of the trip. Huddy HayeH and Nicky Stuart nre local boys makIng the tl'lp. See our new ELECTRIC KITCHEN SHOW LABOR DAY DINNER Cal. Capt. and :Mrs. Lavcnson have returned to Denver. 1\Ir. and Mrs. Hobert O. DavldSQn of Guel'nscy road entertained Lt. G. S. 'Vinchcll, U.H-N.R.. of Quonset P'1int, n. I., as their weekend guest. Lt. and Mrs. Richard M. Daniel of Ruxton, Md .• \vUl spend l.a.bo ... Day week-end with Mrs. Daniel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Du.\'id T. Shaw of Mt. Holyolte place, Mrs. Martha R. Blessing of Blm avcnue will leave next week for' Tuscon. Al'izona, where 9h(' \\'i1l remain for six months. During her ahsence, !\.-[rs. Blessing's son. Mr. PUBLISHED EVJ;:ftY FRIDAY AT 8WARTlDlo THE SWARTBlIIOREAN, INO~ P11BLISIIER1m. Phone, SwanbmOl'8 0100 Holy Communion wi!1 be cele. brated on bunday at the 8 o'clock scr\'lce and agaJn at 11 o·clock. Ca.non Cllrcord W·. I"rcllch, of St . Stephen's Cathedral, Harrisburg, will OffiCiate. 3 H. BAIR CO. !he .".,. T_es In Tnvitatiolls have been iasued for the wedding of Maria.n Elizabeth Bernard, daughter of M .... and Mrs. Harry L. Bernard of Union a.ve- • • S WAR TH M 0 REA N Trinity Notes THESWARTHMOREAN Lorene McCarter Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Gibson Mrs. Mh':am Olmsted Lipman of of Park avenue are receiVing conNew York City announces the engratulations on the birth of an gagement of her da'lghter, Ruth. eIght - pound, four - and - ODe .. half to Lt. Herbert Ott of New York ounce Bon named Donald Elmer, City. on Saturday, August 25. in the l\fiss Lipman Is a g.raduate of \Voman's Hospital, Philadelphia. Swarthmore High School and the Ethel Tra.phagen School of Art. New York City. She was assist· DO YOU IDJOll' ant art director of the Riversldo The Sure Cure .or .....7 .a..a. Church, New York City. She joinTro.lt.e' ed the \VAC and lans heen engaged JUST CALL_ in occupa;ional therapy work at RUSSELL'S SERVICE Camp Lec, Va. Lt. ott graduated from Colum .Me Your V.r Lad u.. DuaUo ae.alar 800108 WIU Do ll. bIa UnivCI'slly. nnd was associated with the General Electric Company unll! he joined the :Para. troopers .of the U. S. Army. He is now on his way to the South Pacific. 1Io[1ss Lipman fs the niece of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. S. Bh~hop o( Bu3 Free Suntii\Y Concerts vard avenue. SYlVAN H"U. ',IS. 7,1S, "'5 MARY DUNHILL • r--__________-=====.:T H E PETER E- TOLD Editor ENGAGEMENT Photo by Roger Russell FRIDAY, AUGUST 31,1945 RI~LTGTOUR BOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY II :00 A. M.-l\leeting for \Vorshlp In 10th and Chestnut Streets ,,·,'lI :\Ofr, , and A'frs. James H. Hornaday will assist the pastol' in gl'eeting the members of the congregation after the service on Sunday morn. Visit the JOHN WANAMAKER HOME OF VISION "P'Ie~etttu«; 7hree "[)t4~Het!9 'Z)(~ Set4 '" i!i?tlDH<4 ing. The Chul'eh School will open on September 16. The Church Hour NlIl'sel'Y meets each Sunday fl'om 11 to 12 o'dock in the Parish House. fOl' children ages 1 to 'j, The Hm'glcal DressinKs Group the Meeting House. meets each Tuesday morning from WEDNESDA Y 9 :30 A. 1\1. to 3:30 P. l\L--Sewlng and 10 to 12 o'clock in the Pal'ish quilling in \Vhlttter House. Rox luncheon. House. An are cordIally Invited. ~~l!r~!.~·rf~~u~~~\\~~T:i~~kSJ' PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC SHOWROOM Methodist Church Notes TRADITIONAL STYLE ROOMS-Blending old and new treasures into a setting of studied refinemen't for comfortable living. EARLY AMERICAN ROOMS- Wilh a living room Ihal provides a restful atmosphere. , • MODERN " and plenly of room for the best in living. ROOMS-~urnished wilh a smartness that employs glOWing colors, and new types of lighting. PLUS an all~electric step-soying kitchen and laundry with built.in dinehe and snack bar, presenting the very latest in easier electrical living. Park Aveuue Below Harvard JOHN WANAMAKER STORE SUN[)AY 7th floor cenfral. Juniper Street The Church School wi!l meet on Sunday morning at -10 o'clocl[. II :00 A, M.-Sunday School. 11 :00 A. M.-Sunday Lesson Sermon. The morning worship will be at 11. \Vednesday evcnlng meeting each at wWeh time Dr. Roy N. Keiser. week, R p. In. Reading room open dall)' the pastor, wJII preach. except Sundays and holldnys 12 to 6 I?,.m. Wednesday evening 1 to 8 p.m. PI'ovJslon Is made to care for Church Edinco!. All are cord tally Invited to attend the younger chlldren during the lbe services and use the readln .. Room, worship honr in the nursery. new fabrics, 13th ond Market Streets PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY . , . . . THE SWARTHMOREAN 4 FRIDAY. AUGUST 31, IM5 ed Saturday after three weelUl. at Ledoux'. home &t W&lnut lane and Harlan R. J_UP. of Ha.vertord Mrs. Titus. of South Swartbmore their Cape Hay Point cottage. BUI paden avenue, and will take POB- avenue, spent lut week camping avenue. lett Friday to vacation Ktu Lucllla J ODell, daughter of Nelson and B1l1 Keen were their seMion the Drat of November. Prof. a~ the Delmont Scout Camp, Sum- through the, month. ot September Mr4 and Mrs. Lawnnce Jones of gueets. Cox 18 a member of the faculty at newtown, Pa. at their cottage in Ocean City, Dickinson avenue received the dePetty 'Offlcer A. Stoll Titus and N. J. Edle Thatcher 0' Ogden avenue the University of Pennsylvania. cree of Bachelor 01 Science In has been entertaining Helen Mis ... Mr. and Mrs. Mark 8. Bittle. . I, secondary educatJon at commence- kits of Allentown. Both girls were of Rutgers avenue, have had as .---------------------------:..~ ment exerelsea held Friday at 8:10 counselors at Camp Daddy Allen. their guest their daughter and a.m., In Pblllpa Memorial Chapel. White Haven, Pa.. family, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. West Chester State Teacher'. ColJulie Lange, Blcky Thompson, Murray and daughter, Katherine le.e. Following the graduation. Sally Alden, and Susan Slaugh re- Ann. of Cornwall-on-Hudson. N. Y. Mias Jones was guest of honor at turned Thursday from Camp NettMiss Diana Brewater. of Dlcklna luncheon given by Mrs. Roy mus, Milford, Pa. Bon avenue, will return September Green of West Chester. Mlell Jones Mr. and Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert 8 to resume her musical training and Mrs. Green's Bon, Mr. Har- and Jessie Gilbert of Park avenue at the JullUard School of Music old Green, will be ma.rried Sep- spent the week-end In New York New York. ,tember 6. MI88 Jones was also Cfty as the guests of Mr. GUbert's Mr. and Mrs. Fred Almgren. of &'\lest of honor saturday when Mrs. brother, Lt. Louis GUbert of Green- Benjamin West avenue, entertainWalter Hannum of ParkBlde en- wich, Conn. ed Mr. Almgren's father, Mr. tertained at a luncheon and perLee Swan. Bon of Mr. and Mrs. A.. F. Almgren, ot Birmingham, sonal shower. Mrs. Hannum will OUver. G. Swan ot North Chester Ala.., who returned by lJlane to hls attend as matron of honor at the road, returned last week after vis· home, Sunday, after a two-week wedding. Itlng with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Me· visit here. The Almgren famlly Waldo R. Fisher of Guernsey Henry and 'sons in Ocean City. accompanied ·by their guest. spent road bas returned from Camp MoMr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Carpen- Tuesday. August 21. 1n Ocean City. nomoy, East Brewster, M~., ter of Whittier place will enter- N. J. where he won second place In the tain Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Nau and Mrs. samuel M. DOdd, of SwarthSenior Annual Salllng Ribbon Race 80n of Verone, N. J., as their week- more avenue. entertained her and the cup for "the best camper" end gues~. niece. Mrs. Joseph Lord, or RoseIn the Senior Camp. mlck McCray of Cornell avenue mont. for several days of last week. A. P; SMALLEr;. TJIE BOUQUET Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Reyno~ds who just returned trom Camp WePhlllp 1rI. Alden.·Jr.• who spent Mt. Lebanon, Pa .• has been vis· nonah, Poyntelle, Pa., Is Visiting the summer at Culver Naval SWARTHMORE STUDEBAKER Eo L NOYES lUng Mr. Reynold's mother, Mrs.. his aunt at Ocean City, N. J. School, Culver, Ind., arrived at SALES _. lIERVlCES Frank L. Reynolds of Guemse,. Mr. and Mrs. Heston D. McCray, his home on North Chester road PETER Eo TOLD road. TBE BABVARD INN Jr., of Cornell avenue, were hoats Friday. Dr. and Mrs. Waldo E. Fisher of to Mrs. McCray's brother and famB. J. HOY 5 AND 10 Mr. and Mrs. wnUam F. Hanny, BUCHNER'S , Guernsey road have just returned lly, .Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and or Yale avenue, entertained Miss from vacationing at Three MUe daughter Helene, who stopped over Josephine Airy, ot Merchantville, THE INGLENEUit Island Camp, Center Harbor. N. H. thls week cnrouta from thetr home N. J., as their guest the week-end MARJE DONNELLY Mrs. Robert E. Moist of Park In Buf'falo to Ocean City, N. J. RUSSEu.'S SERVICE of August 13. DEW DROP INN avenue wUI serve as hostess to a Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wick Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Johnson, group or Service Wives this eve- were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ollver or .Moylan. were guests of honor OO-ED BEAUTY SALON SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANI ning. G. Swan on North Chester roa.d Saturday evening, when a group Midge Brown ot North Chester befol'e occupying their new home of their friends entertained at AND TRUST COMPANY· . MARTEL BROS. road entertained at a tea and mis- on .Dartmouth avenue. a. dinner party at Strath Haven H.. B. GREEN cellaneous shower on Wednesday Marla Hanzlik, a sophomore at Inn. Mr. Johnson has been transAUCE BARBER, GIFl'S afternoon tn honor or Amy Jane Pen~ State, wJll spend the week .. ferred by the Otis Elevator ComWAITE STRATB HAVEN INN Davidson of Guernsey road and end at her home on Cornell ave- pany to Washington, D. C., and Mary Yates Gllcreest ot Vassar nuo. with his tamlly will make their S'WARTllJORE Co.oP. MJCHAET.'S COLLEGI!: PHARMACY avenue whose engagements have Professor and' Mrs. Edwin lL home at nearby Bethesda, Md .• In recently been announced. Cox have purchased Mrs. J. W. the near future. . .I .... Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wilson, their daughter Virginia. of Ogden avenue, and their son-In-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bard Millington ot Park avenue. returned Monday after a month's trip to South Weat Harbor, Mt. Desert. Me. Enroute home they visited friends In Rye. N. H., -New Haven, Conn., and New York City. Mr. alld Mrs. H. O. Thayer of North Chester road entertained You might thin·k that a hammock would be the last thing in tlte Mrs. Thayer's cousin. Mrs. Elsie MCCreery of Washington, D. C .• as world our seafaring friend would want to encounter. But when .it's their week-end guest. stretched out under the trees in his own back yard - that's different Jean Brown of North Chester . road spent a. tew days ot this week - just like Supplee Sea/test Homogenized Vitamin D Milk is different as the cuest of Rosemary Argyle of Larchmont, N. Y., formerly of from all the regular milks you've ~ver tasted.••• It's a smoother milk, MILK AND CREAM Swarthmore. richer tasting, better for you because there's cream in every drop. Peggy Thayer of North Chester road leaves Monday tor Bl!tfalo, And a big icy.cool glass of it is mighty tempting and refreshing these N. Y .• where she will begin her senior year at Bennett's High hot summer days. Just say the words "Sealtest Homogenized" to your School. Supplee milk man or woman or your neighborhood storekeeper. .John D. Chlquolne of Rutgers avenue, a. freshman at Pennsylvania State College, has been pledged to the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. Katrina Bogardus of Cornell avenue Is vacationing in Ocean City 1'or two weeks. Virginia Bagshaw of the Swarthmore Apartments. who apent several months In Ocean City, N. J., ts attending Hockey Camp at Camp Tegawltha In the Poconos this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Russell Phtllips Strath Haven avenue spent last week on their farm, Great Hlil Farm, tn South Berwick, Me. Euroute home they stopped at .Camp Winona, Denmark, Me., where their son J obn has been camping for the Bummer. John returned home with his parents. Mra. George Ewing of Columbia avenue enterta1ned at a luncheoil at her home Wednesday In h·Jn,,·r of Mra. Joseph H. Perkins of ~ed2r lane and Mrs. Harold R. GOOl!win ot Rose Valley whose birthday anniVersaries were obBerve~. Mrs. Avery F. Blake, her son. Avery, Jr., and daughter, Patsy. of Amherst avenue, left Wednesday for Avalon. N. J .• vacation until after Labor Day. Mra. John H. Pitman. of Vasear avenue, spent a few days of the week of August 13 as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Flaher, of Consh'ohocken, at their ~bln In the Poconos .... Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Galbreath, Jr., and their daughter, Jean, of Benjamin WeBt avenue, were the gueats of friends In stOlle Harbor. N. J •• over last week-end. Burgesa John H. Pitman and Mr& Pitman. of Vassar avenue, entertained at a tamUy dinner party. Wednesday evening, August 22, In 'bonor of tbe bIrthday annlverIIILI"Y of ~helr d&ughter. Hrs. Robert E. Motat. of Park avenue. Hr. ....d W. F. Bird and ..Wl.....· &I1d .Tack, return. fRIDAY, AUGUST 31, IMI NEWS NOTES DON~'T , , • near PendJe HIlL . FOR SALE-Pre-war c\rl's biCYCle .be 2S.... Little used. Good tlrea.. Tele- phone Swarthmore 973S Friday even- In&,. FOR BALE-VIcinity "The lad Obord I s ' _ aelecuo. tba& eaa be pla7ed the 011&-01-_ pJano'. Phoue 4. L. PARKER lor 1lae 1'eD1ed.7 ... Jars. clau or Un ooee. • Six tlOIeD. ca.u persons havJng claJms or demancbl against the Estate of the 88.14 decedent to make known the same. and all 01 ' " 'Weltdale A:,-e.lle, STEAKS - CHOPS SEAFOOD Oar Spe;.r~ CompleteJ,. Air-Coaditicmed • Alt_tiona &:. Repain morean. oa,ax IUdler Park W ANTED-Colored maJd desIres po-- sidon. Tearoom or ])rlvate--no cookIng. Cbeater 26231. W.A.NTED-Two girla' U· Call Swarthmore 114-1. WANTED-8warthmore famUy' needs 8-4 bedroom bouse to rent In Swarthmore or vicinity by October L One to three year lease. Can Parry, ·8ealLe4t Media 120.5 evenlnp or Swarthmore 0900 days. apartmeJ.t, Avalon. N. 1. Avallable Call Swarthmore atter September 15. 1111. PERSONALS DOW the home you want Deeirable lois available Charles E. Fischer Builder· RADIOS and electriCal appliances repaired. Called for and dellvered. CAll Robert Brooks, Swarthmore 164:8_ PERSONAL-Dlck's Cleanlp&, Service -windows and oftlces. Pltone MadI.. BOn 45Z2-W. sellere. !drs. Elsie " ~one or apace In home is desired. for rent No. a87 Lot with. brick messuaga thereon erected situate In Ridley Twp., Del. Co., Pa., being 'Lot No. 97 on plan of "Locksley," made by Robert Po Green Surveyor. Dec. 22, 1886, recorded Del. Co., In Deed Bk. C No. 6 Pa&e' 622. Beg. at a point on N.W. side 7th Ave. 8B laid out on said plant 872.1 ttN.E. from Morton' Ave., aa J8.1d out on said plan. Containing on 1th Ave. 60 It. and In depth on N.E. 11ne 187.12 It. a.nd on B.W. line 194:.70 ft. tn Also lot with brick lDeuuage helng Lot No. 98 on said plan of "Lockeley." Beg. at a point on N.W. aide of saJd 7th Ave., 922 ft. N.E. from aald Morton Ave. containing on 1th Ave. 60 ft. and In depth on S.W. Une 197.12 YOUR HOME FOREVER While :rou Bve. EnjoT It free fnloQ lilt Horqag" worries Sbou14 TOU die.. ~V8 1& to TOur lam\IJ' Hortpgo free DIOne- w _ _ adsUng are }!::,t Improvements constat bCrJptlon). of (lat de.. Two story bricll; house, 15][36 leet, porch. front, one story frame addJUon 9x' teet. ' OODTel'ted. (Second descrlpUon). L S. KlLVINGTON 'SUtte 1307 IllS s.. Ikoad st... PIdIa. Pbooe, PmmJ' 811_ Bldie1 Park 2114'1 MORTON REFRIGERATION' • Two story brick house, 16x36 feet, porah front. ODe story .frame addiUon 9x6 feet. ' Vacant ground. ot 1ames H. 9·$ with • fUIIII'#!. You will be proud to tell your friends that you're working for Bell Telephone, for the com- R. S. IlUNSON, SheriJr. Responetble, GenWe. b.r.. I.r.. d.r. Swarthmore reeldent reterenee. Box E, The Swarthmorean. Appliance Service FridaY. September 21. 19f& WANTED-Zipper bag, or any type of lunace· Also breakfast seL Box A. ThfJ Swarthmore&1L Commercial and Domestic- FOUND FOUND-Large dog harnesa on school e1nder path. can Swarthm01'& 0410. , pany has a reputation as a good' place Conditione: . $260.00 eaah or cerUftecl abeck at UIDe of aale (unless otherwise atated In adverttAment) balance la. ten days. Other condlUona on 07 of Ml.. . Levar\_ to work.. Arrange to drop in-real Soon-at the nearest Bell • :80 A.H.. Eastern W&I" TIme Prompt Service-Refriger.ators, Washers, Vacuum Oeaners. Radios You will work in an atmosphere that's warm and friendly with helpful supervisors to train you in WOf'II SHBRIFF'S OFFICE COURT HOUSE.. MllIDIA,PENN.A.. ~~~~~=-----~- . interesting jobs with the Telephone Company and start Guy W. Davia, At~rney. and by Ohe at our executives.. 8WARTH~ MORE communJty muc.b preferred. 2 You can step right into one of many wried, earning a good saIary at onCE, with usuraace of regular increases. (Th[nl deaoripUon). So1d aa the property Haula. I!cWUllamfl. WANTED-YOUR HOUSE, apartment, • CondJtlons: f250.00 caeh or cerUfleoJ PabUibed by Order 01 tile Board of 8cbool Dlrecton check at time of sale (unless otherwise stated In advertisement) balance BILDA. I.A.NU DEIfWORTII, S ....1ar;r In ten daYiL OUleJ" condlt1olU! on da)' ROT W. DELAPL.tIlIIE. Pro.lft.t ot we. And alEIo Lot No. 100 on sald plan °ltd· "Lockaley" beg. at point on N. W. a e sald. 7th Ave., 1032.1 It. lq.E. from sa.ld Morton Ave., containlnc on 7th Ave., fiO It. and In dePth on B W 202.05 It. &lid on N. E. line 201.02 No. 819 Telephone employment offiCE, where au interviewer will be glad to answer your questions and tell you the complete story about the opportunities with Bell Te1ephone. Visit any of these offices: June Torm, UC6 to '... A.88ET8 IN 81NKINK FUNDS A.S OF '/I,U »:30 A.M. Eastern War TIme tt. and on N.1!l. line 199.63 ft. ~noor Telephone Swarthmol'el t&8I ..W for a.ppoinbnenL . oi..Llabi·uu·e~ ............ ······-········..·········..·......· .-........................._.... 19.84f.8:I ............................. _ ...................__.............__.. 641,180.83 T.tal L1ablllties ............................................................................ _ ............. _..... $860.Z2&.1I Phone Swarthmore 2253 c% Iu.t. No _ament cIJa;rps PERSONAL-TOHATOES tor canntng. Dry-Clllf Farm, South Cheater road. Telephone Swarthmore 1128-3'•. PERSON~~nd Assew In Excess 1une Term, 19t5 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Thlrd-floor room, attractive house on hlll. On bus Une. Telephone Swarthmore US75. FOR RENT }1jrat ficOr, ocean.;t;O;: LllJIILlTIE8 FrJday, September H, 1946 Fler! Facias WANTED-Furnished houee by couple with Infant and 16·month-old Child, for Blx months or lonser. Telephone Swarthmore 2942-W. WANTED-To buy record player. can Swarthmore 0880-W. ... Receivable ..:~::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::~:::::::::: ~-............................................. 113.9311.n..,7,' 001 Buildings, SUee, Textbooks, EquJ ..........-.. _..................................... , pmen' •...•..•.. _ ............................ 811.488..97 Total ANeta ... _.............._ ............................_.........................:._.•.•_.............."60•••UI .r.-'l-:7 ~:~n~J~a~:.~s .............................:......................................................................... 191,000.00 • bicycles. W AN'.rED-FuU time aaleslady tor local shoJ). Steady position. Rep)y to Box L, The Swarthmorean. SUPPLEE .. COURT HOUSE. MEDIA, PA. CUSTOM BUD.T,HOMES WANTED Smoother and better c:'''·'fi"~,:,,. l<'...' 228 Ganett Avenue, Swarthmore,· Peuna. SHERIFF'S OFFICE 'WtA.NTED-Tralned hobbit hound of two years' hunting. Sta.te age, color, and size. Box G. The Swartil- g:~::,~~er;!u:::nd • ASSETS ....................................... _................................._....................., 33,417.13 THE SWARTHM:ORE NATlONAL TSchultlon BANK AND TRUST COMPANY AdmInlstra.... 01 Eat&te i Irma Saia :=:..~ Or to Ua Attorney, .ALBERT N. GAlUIETT. ~ ASSETS O:l' THE SCHOOL DISTRICT WITH TUE CHAR4VTB.a A.ND VA.Lt:E THEREOF - IULT t. lIU I ..pe:::: to Rl)om 315, McClatchy .ldS. IOU: Remington Street. Cheater. Pa. (69110 • Marte. . Sb., U .....r DarIIp) 71C WelshSIl t Qy 6909 Market Street, Upper Darby 57·59 E. Penn St., Norristown 1631 Arch Street, PhllCldelphla 45 Anderson 'Avenue, Ardm_ 410 York R_d, Jenkintown or call Enterprise 1.0100 DaT P b . . . . -..... 088. N .... PIMv M " C18 1-. lie PAINTER·CARPEN'rER, Etc. lNTERIORS-EXTERIO~ "'lIe bring your binh- FOR BALE-Lam size tricycle. RecenUy reoondlUoned. Call Swarth- lIlare 081%-W. ' BTA.TEDEIiT OF GROBS LU.!'ILlTT, OTTO KRAUS, 1r., ' U23 Cheolnut Street, Philadelphia I. Pa. 'I'IIoae ' 1'._04 pan. . ., 10 • • ad 01 I ... I" IN!, P ...... lit Or to their Attoms;;arthmore, PenD&. IndebtedneN Allowed by Law (1% of 88I5el5l1ed valuaUon) YOVR tfEwli:l,P .5 _ 'Jill 8t. Oil II, (Oppoeite N ..... 8_,.., BCHOOL DI8TRlCT OP THE BOBOUOH 01' 8W.tBTHDOBE ne cla.Ime or 8emanda acafnat the Estate ot the decedent to make knoWD ~e 88me, and aU pereollll Indebted to th e decedent to DI&ko payment; with.. oul delay, to ELEANOR A. SHINN and II. ELIZAII£"rH SHINN. Executrices, au Lata7ette Avenue, EDWIN B. KErr 'Y. Jr. FOR BALE-Medium .\zed Ice box. flli. Mrs. SoupaUlt, Pluab JOll road ~lrOA.L ST.t~JlBlrT OF IlrDBBTBDIIX88 .til OF rill" t Media 07&1 DAVE WOOD ot - "-on, =ee",,, ClAU. ..BONDS , ., EDI711 _. 8BnrIl'. _ .f IItIawan oeu-, d I -#I"~ Lettera Tntamentary 00 the above Eetate bave been sranted. to the unen1cned , who request all peraona bav- Fwr·~Daae BUY VICTORY of E'S- PAINTING STOP NOW • THE SWARTHMOREAN __ , . 'TR~ .Ell TELfPHONE COMPAIIY OF PENNSYLVANIA ., "A fr.....1y .....c. to WarIt" , / .~, ~: .' M .... N. O. ~ylor and daughter lin Iowa City, where th@r vIe1ted Norrlne of V8.88ar avenue returned Mrs. Taylor's mother. Mrs. D. J. Saturday after spendlnl' four weeka Colllns. NEWS NOTES Mr: mDry c. 'Ford of Amherst and Mrs. Ferrla ThoDl88n at their returned FrJd;ay f~ .. 19-4a,. , . . purcbii'..'f camp 1)0711 caUQn, ~D: ~i1~~. '!3o~~~ ~l jol~ on SQuam Lake. Holderoes. N. H. the Ca,Jet 'Nurse Corp. at, Br;yn avenue returned on Mondv after Mr. and lIrs. Char1ee Tbatcher Mawr Hospital. September S. two months aa director of the, . . . " ". '. • ., l 14r • and ~rs. Walter H. DlcklnJunior Camp at Camp Pauumpslc. and daughter Edl~ of ~den avenue. and Mr. and II.... William. s~n .and tJlelr dauJhter. Mary. of Lake Fairlee. Ely. vt. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Gowing of Thatcher and daughters, SU8an, Xl. HolYoke place. lett Sunday for Pan-l8h' road will vl81t friends In Bar~ra, and·~rs. W~Utam H. ~!l- Cape May. :}ll, ;r•• to vacatlonfor Stone Harbor for. tile week-end. Inroy of Co!lege ave. are leaving 10 C\ays., They will 'be 'accomp~nied by their Mom for a week In cape Ji4y, N. J. Mr. and Mrs: 'Alvah Wood Stuhousegue&t. Mls8 Loul8e Watkins Harriett Gilbert of Park avenue art of Vassar avenue are entertain, I ' ',' of Cleveland. Ohio. Who haa Just returned home by plane Monday Ing Mrs. Stuart's mother. Mrs. W. returned from two years' service after spending the past month on H. Shank of Chambersburg.Pa.• with the Red Cro~ In New Zealand the farm of her uncle Mr. L. H. who wlll visit here through . Labor Day. ',- , and Guadalcanal. WIJcol[ of Somerset County. , Mr. and Mrs. William C. F. ZlegDr. and 14111. J. Robert Kllne of Mrs. Wesley V. France Park enfus and children. WUllam DavId Riverview road returned home avenue has returnE!d home a'iter and Barbara. of Dlcklnson avenuo Tuesday after spending 10 weeks spending 10 days at Asbury Park. returned. Friday evening from at their summer home In East. N. J. Camp Passumpsic. Lake Fairlee. Sandwich, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. Carl H., ChaJree of Vt.. where Mr. and Mrs. Zlegenfus Mr. and Mrs. George A. Slaut-, Swarthmore avenue leave Friday were members of the staff.' Craig fer and daughter Anne' of Cornell next for a two-week vacation at Peel and Tommy Hill. who were avenue expect to spend Labor Day Skytop In the ,Poconos. campers at P&88Umpsic. accomwith Mrs. Stauffer's mother. Mrs. ~rs. James R. Gay of Park avepanied them home. John Hlhn of Cynwyd. nue has returned from a two~wcok Mrs. A. U. Fairbanks of Park Mrs. Joseph ,W. Frescoln, Mrs. vl$it with her parents. Mr. and avenue haa been entertaining her Eon. Mr. A. N. Fairbanks and fam. Robert E. Mol8t, Mrs. John lnl- Mrs. R. E. Cabell of' Rlchmon.1, ily of Buffalo, N. Y.. for the past ferf3'. and' Mrs. Boyd, W. Stautrer Va. : three weekS: They are spending joined a group of' Servtcemen's wives In Avalon who have been l!. week in Ocean City, N .. J .• before spending slx weeks~t the resort. • eturning to't4elr home hi Buffalo_ Mrs. Frederick. streIcher ~d M.-s. Fairbanks has also, been entertaining another son and daugh- children Susie and FJ:ed~le of ter-In-law. Comdr. and,Mrs. E. U. North Chester road returned after Fairbanks and their daughter. three weeks' visit with Mr. and Joan. of Cheyenne. Wyo.• who are Mrs. John' R. Batea at their, SUJD, , now spending two weeks In Ocean mer home at Shoreh'am. L. I .• and, City. N. J.• after Which Ume Comdr. Mrs. Strelcher'~ slster-1n.~w. Mrs. . . '.' Fairbanks returns' to his station Wendell H. COWles at the farm in Washingion. D. C. in Westchester County. N. ·Y. Lt. John Davis. son of Mr. and Mrs. Col. Streicher Is stUl on duty over-James E. Davis of Amherst ave- seas. Donald Swan arrived at hl8 home nue celebrated his 11th birthday on Mt. Holyoke place Saturday af'anniversary on Thursday last by ter spendin~ t~e ,~u~p1er With tne entertaining a small group of Government Forest Service in Ogfriends during the afternoon. den Canyon. Utah. His brother, Mrs. Grover C. Green of BaltiGe~rge reached home Friday atter, more pike ent~rtalned Miss Peggy a lO-day v1.slt :wIth Dr. aDd Mrs. yan Horn of Philadelphia as her T. W. Stevenson of Mt. Kisco, week-end ~est. N. Y., ' ' Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Welton of ~ '-, FLOWERS, Mr. B. W. Collins of North ChesOgden avenue. accompanied by Mra. Walton's son., Mr. Powell Cal- ter roaq. ~m b~ hos~ to pine of his bwdness friends· of the Viscose vert and family of Feasterville. Co.. Ma.rcus Hook, who will cruise Pa.. are spending the week in Sea BaIt.. Pike, SpriDafieLl, .... the Colllrui' boa( on the ChEum.Isle. N. J. ' ., peake over the week-end. Richard Armitage of South Mrs. Marie Donnelly and ,her Phone S'-"'- 04S0 Chester road returned home daughter Bonnie of Yale avenue Thursday atter spending the sum• •••• E mer at H1l1 SchOOl Camp at Wolfe•••••• • ••• • •••• ••••• boro, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Webster of Elm avenue entertained Miss Hallie Jameson of New York City as their week-end guest. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartzell and daughter. Mary Lee. of WallIngford. are vacatl~J1lng at their cottage at Cape May. They'entertained Louise McCaU of Bowling Green. Ann Argyle of Scarsdale. N. Y .• formerly of Swarthmore. spent the ~------------STOREHOURS ~ week-end with Kathy Downing of Riverview avenue. MOIl. Tues. Wed. •&: Thun. 9:30 to 5:30 . .' ! Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Worst -FRIDAY. 9:30 to 6-~~y • Q ..m. to 9 p.m.and family are In Cape May at their summer cottage. Mr. Robert Haig and daught~r. Mrs. Agnes Halg Sheldon, of Ogden avenue, are registered at an Atlantic City hotel for the month of September. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Bul; lock and son, Dickie, of Cedar lane, are registered at a Cape May hotel. Mrs. Theodore W. Crossen and daughter. Barbara Ann, will return to Swarthmore for a few days the end of the month. Mrs. Crossen has been in Oberlin, Ohio. for the summer with her mother, Mrs. \V. A. Heusner. Barl?ara Ann has CL ASSIC FOIt FALL been a junior counsellor at Les Chalets Francais in Maine. She has been accepted as a student at Northfield School for Girls, East Northfield. Mass., where she will study this year. Mrs. <;::rossen has accepted a position at Ohio State FROM \;:gItc 'l.:ii late ... for University, in tlie field of stUdent personnel work for the next nine every occasioo ••• you'll months. get around ttin style" in Mrs. George E. Silloway of North !this flattering Betty Chester road Is entertaIning at her home today In honor of the birth:winston Classic. P~d. day anniversary of her granddaughI i oating details io its ter, Caroline Sargent Furnas uf Spring Hollow Fa.rm, Media. cleverly tucked "tulip" Mrs. John O'Fallon of Palm pockets, unique gold•. Beach, Fla:. Is visiting with her mother, Mrs. William I. Hull of ldipped plasdc~ b~ttoos Walnut lane while her husband Is 'anel ~wir1i~. ;12-Bor•• serving overseas. RayoD' :Crepe in Mr. and Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge of Ogden avenue returned Sunday tBI.clt,· Blue. Green, evening after a three-week vacaISrown, Wine aad T~' tion at Vineyard Haven. 'Martha's Vineyard. Mass.: !Sizes 12 to 20r--" Mr. and ,:Mrs. Paul J. Furnas of Spring Hollow FArm. )I~la. 'formerly of Swarthmore. left Wednea" 453' on a 10-day motor trip to New ( EnciaJld. ,They' Will ~ Ill'll. Fur" " .~~!~ for Belter Dre88e~"Dd noor, , nas' brother-la~Iaw aD4 8iate-f .!. ~..e -!'...~.--~, .!,,~~.: :'-~-!...!.~!.!.!.!.! ~. ___ -..._.... ~ _ -'-'!!' J! ... ' . . . !. _._~. ~ A'~'~'" -ior recieDUy or AU OUR MARlCRS WI" 81 CLOSED ALL DAY LABOR DAY flew • • , _ , . 1·1 .. Q.I ' ..14 ,m,II., STEAKS , ,~ ",f:"'3(r BoneI... Top of Round Grall• • Lea., Graci.. ""orAI'M Cams delivers (al~)"6c 11' .. INER RESHER C • Z5 ,---------------- La,... 'ancy DreSMd WhlMng 'Nih Croak.n ' Fancy Ro..ftlh Fllle.. White Crabmeat =~ New Pack HUrlock ' ··17c --27c --.,.,9 ~ --33c , , No.2."C SWEETPEAS ca. . . . . - ........... Sweet .... -";';'2 .... Seal c.. Flakll I~--: Ie ena. CIItn, ~ .... ~ lOc, =- ---=--,Oc 12;:aa. a: 20c W." iiio2=19 Vegeta"'., •• -rr.iBAD c Enrich. addltlQft of Vitam.... 81 and NladIt and.,. , .res. fruits and PRlIGCHIDER H ears or.... Calif. Seedless Grapes 2 lbs. 25c Fancy stringless SNAP BEAN~ 2 lbs. 25c , 'nsur. Ca.... ~ <'$ i'~!;:'\~2; ning S"ccess Ball "Perfect" ~mJEA/ JARS s: 59c 1,4.lb plcg qtl~ Jar Rubbers doz 5c Zinc Jar Cap. , 12 I. pili 25c Genuine Parowax III pili 15c M. C. P. Pectin' 3-ezpkl 9c Pearllarley Qaaker SCebll III IIkI 9c Princess Mustard III JIr lOc Nabisco CIbI ud Cl'Mken 2 IIkI& 21 C m="E=-A""-::L Glall lop Wire Clamp :!67c r.76c A Flavor Treat "HEAT·FLCY' Roasted FARMDALE EVAP. MILK 9c can) can lISCO tall COFFEE Ina.aMd in Vitomln D. J.ONDONDEUY s:.:- .Zc ,For Making Ice CNcun a far~47_ Ia\re CCIUPC.IM . . . . . II........ te.... 1:: ...•• .p. . ....... ,,~ No StIrring, No Cooking, Male.. 2 1~ • •'Cleek Cal. ........ 'I••• IISaJ Bet eat...' _ ••••• ':'-&c;:. ...,c••••Y-IIY'' , ~I . '••1 (1 ~ ptl «10 U. S. P. Units P. Pint .:. Z4c for Vall/CllllM S9C Quality teo for I... money. dOK . .. . . , . Iced " ORANGE PIKa. TEA ~~ ~ ;:;'35c MASON . . IlSt:IJ ,. " ••• .'~ If: ••• ,III. •.... I • Getting around in STYlE ..• New .,....... Cah.,... Ib . _ No•• YeD• • Sweet Po..te •• S I. ale ..~ w ..tera Pe.. 3 Ii.. 3ge C.llionda e. ~:!. 6 Iba so. » , ______________ CORN (NONE) 6 :ltJc NEARBY SUGAR l ,... .. You'll Uk. Hs FIrmer, ".., 'extuN a. a. It. Delldou. Flavor YOU coUld"" Ask'tor CARNS on II.u Ch.... ca'-I.. ":25c Swln Ch.... 1ft 46c Spread •.:."::':~'" ~ 21c LunchMeat~r..., Dill Plclcles L1M1iJ'. ~~~NT "(Jrc"~ ~IWll1l3" d=·1.43 . . . ,d='I.6S ConI.lak........... Ii:: ,9c lnad CrumM Apple Butter 17c IIStD Vlnegar D ':::" .: 12c Peanut 1Iutte;- ASCO /!26c LOWERS OR ~ .8.95 , I !skirt. I . ~. J , .r. " .. ~ .• iIII ' . INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE 6 Mrs. N. 0, Taylor and daughter in Iowa City whcre thcy visited Norrlnc of Vassar avenue returncd Mrs. 'I'aylor's mother. Mrs. D . .J. Satul'day arter spending four wcelts Collins. .~ QUALITY FOOD NEEDS FOB ALL OUR MARKETS WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY LABOR DAY New led Stamps L-' to g-, Valid Saturday STEAKS Boneless Top of Round Grade B CRUCK ROAST ~7::~ -:.-:-:-:.! (3.tts)Z6e Bologna 'TYP.2 Larl' 13 ptl) 33c A. C, Ib Bologna TJ,. Larl. 13 pb) 30.: 3 N. C. Ib Sharp Cheese I~~ Db "';: 25e Asl •• o typ., ) LAMB ROAST ;~'ufdU:;.C~~~:';1. (3/b")36e Larg. Bolton C Z3 MACKEREL --------------------Ita III 17c 11I27c w Ib33c 111$1.19 fancy Dressed Whiting fresh Large Croakers fancy Rosefish Fillets White Crabmeat FrI.b PMUd II... Lump New Pack Hurlock No.211'.C SWEETPEAS F.rm....e Sweet Pe.. Gold Seal Cor. Flakes I!~': 8e Corn Flake. K.llo..·• I!:: 9c Bread Crumbs pkl 10c ae·. 17c App le Butter CUeft. WOOd Jar IISIXJ Vinegar D'f.':II:i.d ~~ 12c Peanut Butter ASCO Jar Ib 26c ~2 can . . . . 4Z dozen canl ' . • de~%:.n ' • • S4e: 65 Cream Cheese 5yl ... s ... 3·0% IOc 11 pH pl., Bleu Cheese Ie ... 1111 ";': 25c Swiss Cheese III 46c Spread Smltllfl.ld to(lay in honol' of till' hil·thday anniven;:lIT of he,' gTandduughtel', C:u'olilll' San.';-Pllt Furnas ,;f ~.pring- Iiollow I,'al"l", .\J..dia, .\II'S, Head!. lIIothel', \\Talnllt. serving ,John O'l"allnn of Pallll 1"la:, is visiting- with he,' i\It's. "'iIIialll I. Hull of lanc while her hmihand is o\'c/'seas, 1\lt', and ;\II'S, Sewcll \\T, Hodgc of Ogdcn avenue retll/'ned Sunday evening aftcr a three-wet~k vacation at Vineyard Havcn, MarUm's Vineyard, Mass, M,'. and Mrs, Paul J, Furnas oC Spring Hollow Farm. Mcdia. formerly of Swarthmore. left Wednesday on a to-day motor trip to New England, They will visit Mrs. Furnas' brother-In-law and slstcr Mr. f r"...· - - - - - - - -...·-·..• ...·-·-·---·- - - - - - -...-.-.-........- .......--...--- !' • • I t ! ~ ________ STOREHOURS ________~ Mon. Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 9 :30 to 5 :30 -FRIDAY - 9 :30 to 6--Saturday - 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.- (Jetting around in STYLE • .. , CLASSIC fOn FA:'!.. FRO;,: "'~O;II: . Lii iatc ... fot every occasion •.. you'll get around "in style" in this flattering Betty Winston Classic. Fascinating details in its cleverly tucked "tulip" .pockets, unique gold. :dipped plastic· buttons and swirling 12-gore fa skirt. Rayon Crepe in Black, Blue, Green, Brown, Wine and Tan. Sizes 12 to 20' t t .. ,) . Speare's for Belter Dresses-Second Floor •• •• • • ••••••••••••• ~------- -.~ a.a e l ••• "