...------...... - . 4' ~42 . ... '._; -IUY THE SWARTHMOREAN ~OL XIV, ,No. . 48 SWARTBMORE, I p~, DECEMBER 4, 19.42 ~ PLANE DRIVE IN .' HOME STRETCH BO.I. . . I2.SOI'Eil, TO ENACT STORY 6 S . . 0 erol,ce Men OF NATIVITY Wi-' C o - Pula on Sp_ for , . Fluh Fmleh 88 Last Week of Bond Sales~-s FIfth Annual Portrayal Will Point Community's Chri8tmas to "Goodwill Among Men" ~ , . Tuesday evening the special U. S. War Bond drive to pay for the plane SWARTHMORE had crossed $65,000. As the last week began, the program' for a climax finish' was Jaunched~ A special mimeographed letter was delivered to every home in the borough, urging, each family to take a share in the plane SWARTHMORE by buying a bond before Monday night, December 7, at which time the plane should .be ready to taXi out to the flight apron "'{or' its financial take-off. ,~ The original allocation made ,to' the Swarthmore c;ommittee headed by Mrs. William H. Thatcher, was to sell enough bon.ds to buy a pursuit ship because it was assumed that $50,000 was all a place of this size could raiSe. The comwttee, with a better knowledge, of the spirit in Swarthmore, raised its bond sights to double this figure and set out to attain its objective. While 'there remains .the substantial sum' of $35,000 to be raised, the committee is sure this challenge will be met by the residents of Swarthmore and that the stream of bond buyers at the bank and post office will be a slip . stream for bond sales in the last five days which wiU let Swarthmore exceed its new goal. . . It is 'pomtedout that those who go to the post office to buy their bonds should specifically' state they want the purchase credited to the special fund for the' plane. : iiAi " .' · , " ,~ . ,., .:. Entertalned',BeTs . ' '.' llh Operetta,' Supper, DartCf,ng . . . '.' WLB MAN TO SPEAK SUNDAY ' "! r e" -. L FI-"~-!::...J Woman's Club and Red Cross Canteen SeeIt; . . . . .....,IPIO Sponsor lor Repetit Pr.ogram OR . Christm(JS Day Enriching the Christmastide with its " on earth peace to men of message goodwill" the portrayal of the Nativity Some" 60 s.ailors sel.eeted by_ Mo.the. r Moore, well-.klio~ Phi .. ·lad. '. e,lp". . . ja,_. . story will be repeated on Sunday, Deh1 h cember 20, in Clothier Memorial. Made seaman s plant roplst, had a wow.of a good t.ime. here i~ ~wanlfuJqre possible by the Donald Darlington last Su~day afternoon and evening through' -l.he COO~Iati.oil··9£·~· Memorial Fund there will be two pres- Woman s Club, the Players Club, ~he Red Cross canteen, ,·the' ·Wagon entations, the first at five and the sec. Wheel Dancers, and five dozen.: of ·the ond at 7 o'clock in the evening. borough's you'ng members' o:! the 'faliThis Christmas when the hope for sex. .. . ...., permanent peace flames brighter as Half of the grDUp originally 8~~ servicemen and civilians work toward it •. .L~ . uled to come was ordered· to board I!hip unitedly is the time to stress the mesSunday morning, so it- required some-. sage of the angels' song; to concen- Economics Authority Who Con· frantic scoutingarO'Und before' Mother trate on the spiritual core of' the dueted Study Group Here Last Moo~~,\Vas;F,ble toreplace them. ~ng Christmas season. The statement on last Year, Return8 thQ;;e she ~th.ered were 10 -from '. the year's program has deepened p e r t i n e n c e . & . o i s e and a nuPi'berof others ~ust hick this Christmas: . Dr. Otto Nathan, professor of Eco- ~mm heavy action. in::recent' battleS:' nomics at Vassar College, will conduct The group -~to'arrive:for a s~ "It was out of a time like our own, an all day institute on Price Contrdl 2 P. M. perfor'mance' ot tlie Players George W. Taylor, vice-chairman of out of a world made black by tlie ty- under the auspices of the Swarthmore Club latest hiti' Oscar' Straus' operetta the War Labor Board and a founder of ranny of the Caesars, out of humble League of Women Voters on Ft:!day, "A Waltz Dream... · Wheit 3:30 came. labor arbitration in the United States people oppressed that the Christian December 11, at the Woman's Club. . 'round with no' sign at'· the serVice whose talk Sunday night at 8 :15 in faidth wadS bi1°I~?' with its ideals of peace Dr. Nathan has taught at New York guests, Mrs. J. Paul BrowU'; preSident' an goo w . • University and at Princeton. ,'He left of. the Woman's Club andiMrs. Wal-r Friends' Meeting House is sponsored The portrayal will be directed . by Mrs. Germany at the time of Hitler's ri5e A. Schmidt, war~ervice chaimiaD:....of. by the economicll' department, ·the Charles D. Mitchell. The Rev. David to power. Formerly a member of the the club, w!Jo we.re waiting ~o' t~c:ei!~ Swarthmore Students' Union' and the Braun will serve as reader'and the Rev. University of Economics in Prussia them at the ,Players Club, .the 60 fair Cooper Foundation of the college. Mr. J. Jarden Guenther will pronounce the during the Weimar regime, he was sent· companions and the entire theatrical' Taylor's topic will be "The National apostolic commandment. Mrs. Leonard to the United States during the Hoover retinue we.e in rather more than War Labor Board's Role in the Demo- C. Ashton Will direct the chorus with administration as a· member of the state of expectancy. ''-' cratic Process" and th~. meeting is open Mrs, Everett L. Hunt serving as chair- Hoover' commission. He was a foreign About this time the "ailors pat U. ~ to aU friends of the college. man of music. Benjamin L. Kneedler expert on ~nemployment. appearance and their app~~ciati9nof will be the organist~ Theodore Widing Swarthmoreans wh'O heard Dr. Na- the performance soon nladethe holt,' For 10 years Mr. Taylor was im- will serve as chairman of ushers. than during his series of lectures here f t ' th .• . d lL . ~ .' .. , e waltmg 'its aP. worlt,' ,~e ~t Partial chairman for the full-fashioned The enactment of the Nativity is.a Ias t year WI'11 rememb er h'1m as a c1ear group glad to orge have contributed ,~ hosiery ifidustry. Since 1935 he has spirtual interpretation of the Christmas speaker and a straight thinker. Next Since the bus$es ,which 4~d conveYed chaired the men's clothing indllstry in Story entered into by the people of Friday he will recapitulate the general the horde from the Ph~delphD. Navy Philadelphia and in 1940 he was named Swarthmore, made possible by the Don- rem~!,ks on Price Control he made Yard departed iinmediately, Mrs.,George to a like post under the collective bar- aid Darlington Memorial Fund. It was ,ear.ller at. the L.W,V. study group and L. Armitage called upon' Mrs. wil1iaai gaining agreement between General first presented on December 18, 1938 tr! 10· br10g mem.bers up to date. He H .. Ward who did a lightning task of Motors and the National Automobile tinder the direction of the late Charles WIll t~ke a practical ~pproach to the securing" m~mbers of the local' Re~ Workers Union. He has taught labor D. Mitchell. Scheduled for only one per- ma~y. p~oblems ,?f p~lce ~ontrol. and Cross Motor Corps and· ()tJter d~ Lt. Com. MlIler, T088tma8te~ relations in th£_Wbar.wn Sthool of the formance the participants graciously re- ratlOnI?g and ~dl gIve hIS audle2 ce with station wagons to transpOrt' . "-~'--BnllB:;i!Mlfti:M1&J t'BcMo---:- niVersiiY;;~f PennsylVania and' is au" peated a S~colldjn 'Order that the ..tvtr- :so~e. J~ea '0.£ wba~ ,~:~ expect. as..~. assemhlag~.. from· the' FatrvieW'- 'road' authoritative writer inthis~field.f1ow crowd;which had been turned aWay!eglslatlonfo.r. the fU\t,! an~ ho,,! It playhouse to the Wpman'~'C.Qb ..ion .... .f the fitst might.DOt bedisappointec:V IS, hoped ,-tf'prevent. Sl"rlOUS lOf!atlon. Park avenue; where"a ,(j o'clock supper . "Citl''''en' From 'h . . presenta- 10There be a mornmg at 'f' awaited, Mr. and· Mrs. Walker:· Peft.. s' Sponsorl·ng. Committee . . or the next tree years two '30'A will M Th b' t' '11meeting be "P' The . h R 'd h S nta" L aI' S h d i e ' f th N t"t t . . . e su Jec m nee leld f Marian Schatte, Maurice Gries" of BOl'oug eSI ents w 0 sponsor a s oc c e u tlons 0 e a IVI y ~ ory were p~e- Control in a War Economy". The aft- Dr. Armitage and Mrs. W. Eo Hetzd IS- Fill,'ng-Better sented precedmg . 1 45 P M thl's year's "Honor Banquet" to the . on the. Sunday . •dtrectly . . ernoon sessIon WI'11 start at: . . were among those who re!lponded' .. members of the Swarthmore High Chn~tmas,. glvmg spIritual enrtc~ment on the subject "Price Control in the (Crnm.-l _ PilI. Sis) School Football Squad and Coach "Bill" Hurry I anr,lmtenstfied beauty to the C4,nstmas United States". There will be time at , Ziegenfus, which will be held Friday season for the 2500 persons wh,o beheld lowed for discussion after each talk. evening, December 4 at 6:30 P. M. in In spite of the changed conditions of them. annually. T~e 19~ and 41 presAll those interested are cordially inthe H;igh School Cafeteria, have an- war time Santa Claus will manage his en.tatlons wer~ given 10 memory, ~f vited to attend. nounced the complete program that will Charles D. MItchell, founder· and dl---._-beprellented under the leadership of the annual trip to Swarthmore again this rector. . Charitable Group of Loeal Rev. David Braun, popular local pastor, year. Here is one place where children Produced in four episodes..the first Women Prepare ChrisbilaB 'as Toastmaster. . never need worry about not seeing portrays the prophecy given by Isaiah; Cheer a~ Happy Soclal . After the very 'surprising victory of Kriss Kringle personally Christma~ Eve. the second, the Annunciation: the third, lhe U. S. Naval Academy over Army He manages to stop. at the home of the Shepherds and the message of the 'Even~ bst Saturday, there is much enthusi- each borough child whose parents re- Heavenly Host; the fourth, the scene Biography of Noted Painter Feaasm over ~he presence as principal fromS the of the Natt·vity. tures Charle8 La,ughton in "R' " quest himI to . fcome. '1' Direct d Old . The annual silver te{L,'of the Fricadly , speaker of ~t. Con:s. Harold E. IP North Po e 10 amllar ress£ h amt The finale of the Pageant shows the . ~d at Coll~e Circle was held at the boll}.c of Mis. Miller, associate coach of football at Nicholas rides fulfillment of the world 'wl'de conquest · .' I'theh streets b II ..0 It e comI)' . . C . C. Brogan at T hayer an d Guernsey Annapolis for the past twelve years. munity with s elg e s aJmg e ca mg oC.~he spirit of Christ as the Light of . The English film "Rembrandt" dl- roads on Thursday, November i9. 't~e "Rip" Miller will be remelllbered as "Merry Christmas to all and to all a tll('\'* . orld. ' rected by Alexander Korda and star- co-hostesses were the offIcers of one of the "Seven Mules" of Notre good-night" as lie stops at the various I • h .. f ring Charles Laughton; Gertrude Law- Circle: Mrs. F. Stuart Brow'n.· pr~;·l·:" Dame and Knute Rockne fame' who homes to waken youngsterS". i I who come m t e SPlrtt 0 rever- rence and Elsa Lancaster be the .h f th f . . d ence and worship are welcome. movl'e feature on Satur' day nl'~ht, De- dent j Mrs. Arthur Hughes, vice-pres... ro . e ,t e pat ways or e amous This year his list will be revIse so d t M C· '1 H d tr" h b k "F H "Th N al A d b • cember' 5, I'n Clothl'er Memorl'al a' t the en; rs. ~CI owar,' eas'll~_ef';, our. or.semen··. . e av cathat. there will be no time waste y M O M H k ~'" • ,. I Sa da . b' h 'college' at 7 and 9 o'clock. On the same rs. . . 00, an d M ar tha .ni.:Vs;. tlemy s VIctOry ast tur y IS eang stopping at former addresses were Home & Sclwol to Present . land, secretaries.' ..,' credited nationally to the strategy ..of youngsters have grown up or moved program wilt be' a. Disney "The China Mrs: Brown' presiding at·the busfutsa Com. Miller, in f;nding the opponent's away. Therefore it will be necessary for Reading Specialist Shop" and a !i,hort,' "Killing the Killer". m~·eting.· ask~d for reports ft'om die weakness and developing a program to every child who wishes to see Santa this Mo-"JINl. As usual both shows are open to resi-, chairman' t)f . ~he committees, carrying take advantage of it. Christmas Eve to ask his parents to call 'U&U3 dents of the b'orough. 'h h' p h'danthropic grout) ' •. "Rembrandt" is a biographical film on t e. wor k 0 f' t'lS In addition, complete motion pictures Swarthmore 0900 before December 20 . Mrs. Earl Taylor' reportfng 'for 'the of the Pennsylvania vs. Army"Football and leave his name and address. "Factors That Influence Growths 10, with little or no story; It is indifferent sewing· committee told of' 'gatine'nts ,. f and Use of Reading" 'is the topic for to romance in the Hollywood sense. Gan,e, featuring the play for Army' 0 Another change' eliminates Santa's Fragments of Rembrandt's life are contributed to 'the "ingathering'" 'of the "Bud" Troxell, probably the gr~test custom of stopping wherever a porch the meeting of the Hom~ and School . h Needlework Guild. Mrs'. J. Warreh football player in the history of light is left on. It will be a help to him Association on Monday evening, De- sh~wn: t~e Pballnter at Y"l.ork onf t SC po~t- Paxson' displayed caps and mittens" g Swarthmore High School, will be pre- if those whose addresses he has will cember 7, in the High School Audi., ~alf °df hlfs ~ o!ed ah"n f ':'Ii. e askhla, made by the knittingcomrnittee.', Mrs. I ti' f the . h torm' m. lOS tea 0 pamtmg teo fleers of ,t e Joh!! Essljn' ger' presented ~a bea'u~~ . h d"l sente d. ,Wit B b" etalQdexp ana on 0 't leave a light, but smce so many omes C·IVI "1 'G uar d at a f ee O,u f 3°00 fl orms; .' una 11 h' U· . I f 1 h k f afghan ,she- ha' d .made to be' donated' ._, action by" o. e • t e niverSI Y must be lighted for the arrlva 0 ate C, De \-Vitt Boney, t e spea er 0 R b d I h d d b k d . I'" d' em rern t at engt persua e to ac- the ,work .·of·· the. Clf'cleo .'. , • , of Pennsylvama s great ac an. holiday guests and other purposes on the evening, is a specJa 1St m rea mg h d . h ' · · 't' coach E h . h f I' h d . . H ' h •. . l' f th cept t e money an pamt t e picture, ·Mr's'. A. ·R.· ,0. Redgrav'e ':"lled 'atten'Christmas ve t e slg t 0 a Ig te diffIculties. e IS t e pnnclpa 0 e burying the faces of the guards in ...... broth er 0 f Y a Ie U mversl ys Howard Odell porch alone will not hail Santa. He will Nassau Elementary School in East shadow. Gradually' from' such {rag- tion, to the donation .of·canned. goods Among the numerous friends of only.stop at the addressts which have Orange N. J. Parents are requested to ments the Amsterdam of the 17th cen •. brougbtby the members ,and told ,of Swarthmore High School who will be been placed on his list before Decem- be prepared to ask questions following tury comes to. life. and a rich historical a: eont"ribtition' from' the Cc>nubunity present, it is with a ~eat ~eal of ber 20. If you really want to see the Mr. Boney's talk. There Will be a panel portrait or'the great painter emerges: c~ning co~mittee of which Mrs; J.V. pleasure tliat the commltt~e Will have, jolly old gentleman ask your mother or composed of Frank R. Morey, sup~rThe acting in. this film is notable. S~. Bishop was. chairman, to go intO. the as guest M"r. F~ S. Underhill, president· father to can soon and give the names vising principal, teachers who are domg Charles Laughton. plays Rembrandt: Thanksgivmg baskets. 'Mrs-.·Elizabeth of the Lansdowne Borough School· and ages of their children who eagerly special work in reading, and Mr. Boney, with extraordinary naturalness. Prob-' P'iummer,~upervising nurs~. ,of the board, and donor of the Mautiful tro- await his visit. to answer these questions. ably his' finest scene is hi~ reading QOmmunity H!!alth Society. told of the phyp~in~rom~titionlast~M~d ~~_ _ _~~~_ _~~_ _~~~-~--~~-~---~~~-ilie~en~-ilikdPs~m.GertrudeLa~~ shuNn~ crippkd ~ildren arid o~r awarded annually to the winner of the rence is superb as Geertje Dine, Re~- patients cared for by her staff, and Thanksgiving morning LansdowneOUnCl". etJ,ns. . brandt's nagging housek~eper who was th,eir ne<:4 for Christmas cheer., A g~nSwarthmore Football game. also his model and mistress. Elsa Lan;.. er,ous sum o.f ·moneywas voted to.be. Mr. Underhill's enthusiasm for the n.m_ •. Boro...h BaD -Telephone 0351 'caster is excellent too as HendrickJt~ u{~ed ,f~r their. needs. . . • • :, ' S~ffels the housemaid' who stii:ceed~d: :A~ mt~r~sting detnons~atto~. ot a.. • h be friendly a.thletic rivalry twoe.en t de n.._ Weekda- 9:30.•.1U30 A. M. ISlt· 0 f . a'''' nu,~~.11'@s lPVen~"7: :L tif ,,~,Geertje Dirx in her triple function. All bedside v two institutions is most gra ymg an • told this picture is one of the m~.~ Mrs. Grof~ of the Health Center., 111~;~.~ . as My. Underhill said, upon accer:tg The black-out drill held last Saturday night. found 295 members members of the Swarthmore High School Football Squad and Coach "Bill" Hurry/ and mtenslfied beauty to the C1!.nstmas United States". There will be time ar.• . Ziegenfus, which will be held Friday season for the 2500 persons wh,o beheld lowed for discussion after each talk. In spite of the changed conditions of them. annually. T~e 19~ and 41 presAll those interested are cordially inevening, December 4 at 6:30 P. M.· in the High School Cafeteria, have an- war time Santa Claus will manage his en~atlons wer~ gt'len 10 me~ory, ~f vited to attend. nounced the complete program that will Charles D. Mitchell, founder and dl----<1_-beprellented under the leadership of the annual trip to Swarthmore again this rector. ' Charit8.ble Group of' Loeal Rev. David Braun, popular local pastor, year. Here is one place where children . Produced in four episodes. the first Women Prepare Chrie~ 'as Toastmaster. ' never need worry about .not seeing portrays the prophecy given by Isaiah; After the very 'surprising victory of Kriss Kringle personally Christmas Eve. the second, the Annunciation; the third, Cheer a~ Happy Soeial the U. S. Naval Academy over Army He manages to stop at the home of the Shepherds and the message of the . Even. last Saturday, there is much enthusi- each borough child whose parents re- Heavenly Host; the fourth, the scene Biography of Noted Painter Fea. asm over the presence as principal quest him to .come. Direct from the of the Nativity. tures C4arles La.ughton in The annual silver tq.·of the Frieadly speaker of J.,t. Com. Harold E. "Rip" North Pole in familiar dress Old Saint The finale of the Pageant shows the ~d at Coll~e Circle was 'held at the hOllJe of Mn. Miller, associate coach of football at Nicholas rides the streets of the com- fulfillment of the world wide conquest . C. C. Brogan at Thayer and CUenl$OJ' Annapolis' for the past. twelve years. munity with sleigh bells. ajingle calling of the si>irit of Christ as the Light of '. The English film "Rembrandt" di- roads. on Thursday, November 19. Th.e "Rip" Miller will be reme~bered as "Merry Christmas to all and to all a the World. rected by Alexand~r Korda and star- co-hostesses were the officers of tIi~ one of the "Seven Mules" of Notre good-night" as lie stops at the various . f ring Charles Laughton, Gertrude Law- Circle: Mrs. F. Stuart BroWD,' p"-~iAll spirit 0 rever- rence and Elsa Lancaster be the dent; Mrs. Arthur Hughes, 'rice-pres. .. - i· Dame and K nute Rockne fame' who homes to waken youngsterS'. . who d come h' in the elcome broke', the pathways for the famous This "'ear his list will De revised so ence an wors Ip are w . movie feature on Saturday ni~ht, D e - · . .I cern' ber' 5, l'n Clothl'er Memorl'al at the dent; Mrs. Cecil Howard, treas'ure~,; "Four .Horsemen". The ..N ava1 Aca- tha~ there will be no time wasted b y · Mrs. O. M. Hook and Martha ·H.;ri~ demy's victory last Saturday is being stopping at former addresses where Home & School to Present college at 7 and 9 o'clock. On the same. land, secretaries. , .. '.., credited nationally to the strategy ..of youngsters have grown up or moved program wiUbe' a, DiSney "The China Mrs: Btown·presidingat·the busiht!!ss. Com. Miller, in fin~ng the opponent's away. Therefore it will be necessary for Reading Specialist Shop" and a s,hort, "Killing the Killer!'. me'eting,asked for reports from'tHe weakness and developing a program to every child who wishes to see Santa this MOIIUUY _..J_ As usual bothb"orough. shows are open to resi-.. . '0.'. f ;t'h e COmuu ~.;..rtt·ees· calT)'Ul8 ; dents of the . ch' airman take advantage of it. Christmas Eve to ask his llarents to caU "Rembrandt" is a biographical film on the work ofthis phnant~ropic groUp. In addition, complete motion pictures Swarthmore 0900 before December 20 . Mrs. Earl Taylor reporting' for ·the of the Pennsylvania vs. Army Football and leave his name and address. "Factors That Influence Growths 10, with little or no story; It is indifferent sewing' committee told of garinents . 'th I f A f . . S ' and Use of Reading" 'is the topic for to romance in the Hollywood sense. contributed to'the "ingathe· rm· ...,. 'of th'e Gall)e, featur10g ~ p ay or rmy 0 Another change eltmmates anta hs the meeting of the H om~. and S ch00I Fragments of Ren'lbrandt's 11'fe are N dl t t Mrs. J • 5 u.r. " B ud" TroxeII, proba bIy t h e grc: a es custom of stopping wherever a porc shown: the painter at work on the port- ee .ewor k GU'Id l, narrell football player in the history of light is left on. It will be a help to him Association on Monday evening, De. .. 'f S k' Paxson . displayed caps and mittens . S h 1, WI'11 be pre- if those whose addresses h e has will cember 7, I'n the HI'gh School Audi~ rait' ofd hIS belO\~ed alhng e as la, made by the knl'ttl'ng ·comnu·tt..... ". .In ''''n. Swarthmore'Htgh . •. h ff'WI, " 1 c 00 I tl· f the h torm' m. mstea 0f pamt10g teo lcers 0 f ,th e Joh'!1 EssI,m' ger' presented ·a . ..... beau~t sented, with detal exp ana on 0 't leave a light, but since so many omes .' UHII h' U' h k f C'IVI'1 G' uar d at a. fee 0 f 3,800 fl orms; afghan.she· had.made to be d·onated·,+-·. action by "Bob" Odell, t e nlverSI Y must be liahted for the arrival of late C. De Witt Boney, t e spea er 0 R b d I h d d ... . I" d' em rmt t at engt persua e to ac- the .-ork ,'of the. CI·rc1e. '.. " ,of Pennsylvania's great b. ack and holiday guests and other purposes on the evening, is a specla 1St 10 rea 109 th d . t ·th . t ... h d ' h •. . 1 f th cept e money an pam epic ure, . ·Mr's.' A. ·R.· .0. Redgrav'e ':"Ued/atten- , • ' .k brother of YaIe U Dlverslt,)'" coac , Christmas Eve the sight of a tighte difficulties. He IS t e prmclpa 0 e burying the faces of the guards in Howard Odell porch alone will not hail Santa. He will Nassau Elementary School in East shadow. Gradually' from' such {rag- tion, to the donation .of·canned goods •. Among the numerous friends of only.stop at the addresses which have Orange N. J. Parents are requested to mentsthe Amsterdam of the 17th cen-. b~0':l~ht.by . the, me~bers,.aod toL:l.of Swarthmore High School who will be been placed on his list before Decem- be pre~ared to ask questions following tury comes· to life' and a rich historical a, c~nfnbutl0~' fr01t1 th7 Co~unity·. present, it is with a ~eat ~eal of ber 20. If you really want to see the Mr. Boney's talk. There will be a panel portrait or' the great painter emerges: c~n~ng cO":l~ltte~ of which M~ , •. pleasure tliat the commltt~e Will pave, jolly old gentleman ask y?ur mother or composed of Frank R. Morey. sup!!rThe acting in. this is notable. S~I Blsho~ ~scha~rma~, to go ~t~ th,e . as guest Yr. F. S. Underhill, president father to call soon and gtve the names vising principal, teachers who are domg C~arles Lau~hton. plays Rembrandt: Tp,!tankSgIVmg b,as~~ts. Mf!., ,Elizabeth, of the Lansdowne Borough School- and ages of their children who eagerly special work in reading, and Mr. Boney, WIth extraordmary naturalness. Prob~' .~ummer! liuperVlStng. nurs~ .of the board, and donor of the beautiful tra- await his visit. to answer these questions. ably his finest scene is hi~ reading ot Q?m~un.lty '!f~alth S~ety. told:of tlte . phy put into competition last year and ________________________________ the Twenty-third Psalm. Gertrude LaWi. s~u.t-ms, crtppled chddrenand. other awarded annually to the winner of the rence is superb as Geertje Dine, Rem- pat~ents cared fo~ by her staff, and Thanksgiving morning LansdowneDe)~ense brandt's nagging housek!!eper who~: th,elr need for Chnstmas cheer.. A g~SWarthmore Football same. . .:/ I I . . . . also his. model and mistress. Elsa ~,.: er,ous f sum 0.£ 'money ·was voted to :be,~ lIr.Underhill's enthusiasm for the "caster IS excellent too as HendnckJl:: uf.~d, ?r their. needs.. . . '.' ,; ~. be th OOiee: .Boroqh HaD-Telephone 0351 Stoffels the housemaid who succeeded i, ~ lUt~r!!sttng de~ons~rati0!l Qt. a:: !:~n:ti:::'C::!cis ri~tr; gratW;i:: an~ OpeD Weekda,.. 9:30·11130 A. II. Geertje Dirx in her triple function. A,it bedSide VISit of ~ n~r!l~,ll'@.S lPVen'~by,; as Mr. Underhill said, 11pon accepting • told this picture is one of the most Mrs. Groff. of the Health Center, di The black-out drill held last Saturday night. found 295 members '?£ the ~rio1lS memorable English historical films. ..' a .bag and lnstrumentspresentecl:bt .~ . the .invitation, "Democracy cannot e, units at their posts. According to Stanley Hibberd, County executIve chairman, " . -, ..... Circle. .. !~ in the World, if such sincere, heartfelt, this was the most successful so far held The signals to the 47 Delaware County Reported 'A 'musical program waS· given py clean good-feUowship as exists between Councils of Defense wete sent 'out more quickly ,than ever before and there ' Jack Beddoe accompanied by John Ur-' . Lansdowne and Swuthmore was were no committees which failed to receive the signals.. . . Mr. and Mrs. Stuart F. Smith of son. Mrs. Roland L. Eatc* &aveu;' worldwide". On Monday evening, December 7, at 7:30 P. M. th~~e WIll. be a meetl~~ 10 Copples Lane, WaUingford, receive," at "Rembrandt" Tops New Filni Bill will v. film * * · Council B u IletlllS 1ISftI' Missing' .. . ' - - ,. ... , ". .. ~~ , .. ,. .'. , ~ ~ . .\ .' - DEC ·1 . ~ L.·, •. ,\ ..~ Y --~ \ 1942 .... -' , .. , J -- " BUY THE SWARTHMOREAN VOL XIV, No. 48 PLANE DRIVE IN HOME STRETCH SWARTHMORE, PA., DECEMBER 4, 1942 WLB MAN TO SPEAK SUNDAY 'TO ENACT STORY OF Committee Puts on Spurt for Flash Fini8h as Last Week of Bond Sales Begin8 WAR BOlDS '2.50 PER YEAa .60 Service Men Entertained ,Here. ~ATIVITY With Operetta, Supper, Dancing Fifth Annual Portraval Will Point CommunitY'8 Cb~istma8 10 "Goodwill Among l\len" Tuesday evening the special U. S. War Bond drive to pay for the plane SWARTHMORE had crossed $65,000. As the last week began, the program for a climax finish was launched. A special mimeographed letter was delivered to every home in the borough, urging each family to take a share. in the plane SWARTHMORE by bUYing a bond before Monday night, December 7, at which time the plane should be ready to taxi out to the flight apron for its financial take-off. The original allocation made to the Swarthmore committee headed by Mrs. William H. Thatcher, was to sell enough bonds to buy a pursuit ship because it was assumed that $50,000 was all a place of this size could raise. The committee with a better knowledge of the spirit 'in Swarthmore, raised its bond sights to double this figure and set out to attain its objective. While there remains the substantial sum of $35,000 to be raised, the committee is sure this challenge will be met by the residents of Swarthmore and that the stream of bond buyers at the bank and post office will be a slip stream for bond sales in the last five days which will let Swarthmore exceed its new goal. It is pointed out that those who go to the post office to buy their bonds should specifically' state they want the purchase credited to the special fund for the plane. Woman's Club and Red Cross Canteen Seek Financial SpollSor lor Repeat Program on CI,ristmas Day Enriching the Christmastide with its message "on earth peace to men of goodwill" the portrayal of the Nativity Some 60 sailors selected by Mother i\Ioore, well-known Philadelph~ story will be repeated on Sunday, De- seamali's philanthropist, had a wo\\' of a good time here in Swar~hmQre cember 20, in Clothier Memorial. Made last Sunday afternoon and evening through the cooperation of the possible by the Donald Darlington Memorial Fund there will be two pres- Woman's Club. the Players Club, the Red Cross canteen, the Wagon .-~--.-------'-\Vheel Dancers, and five dozen of the entations, the first at five and the sec- _.. ond at 7 o'clock in the evening. ~~:~ugh's young members of the fait This Christmas when the hope for Half of the group originally schedpermanent peace flames brighter as • .L'-'... ulcd to come was ordered to board ship servicemen and civilians work toward it Sunday morning, so it required some unitedly is the time to stress the mes- Economics Authority Who Confrantic scouting around before Mother sage of the angels' song; to concen~Ioore was able to replace them. Among ducted Study Group Here Last trate on the spiritual core of the those' she gatlu;red were 10 from the Year, Returns Christmas season. The statement on last Boise and a number of others just back year's program has deepened pertinence Dr. Otto Nathan, professor of Eco- from heavy action in recent battleS:. this Christmas: nomics at Vassar College, will conduct The group was to arrive for a special' "It was out of a time like our own, an all day institute on Price Control 2 P. M. performance of the Players George W. Taylor, vice-chairman of out of a world made black by the ty- under the auspices of the Swarthmore Club latest hit, Oscar Straus' operetta ranny of the Caesars, out of humble the War Labor Board and a founder of people oppressed that the Christian League of \Vomen Voters on Friday, "A \Valt7o Dream". When 3:30 came December 11, at the \Voman's Club. . 'round with no sign of the service I",bor arbitration in the United States faith was born, with its ideals of peace Dr. Nathan has taught at New York guests, Mrs. J. Paul Brown, presiden't whose talk Sunday night at 8 :15 in and goodwill." University and at Princeton. TIc left of the Woman's Club and Mrs. Walter Friends' Meeting House is sponsored The portrayal will be directed by Mrs. Germany at the time of Hitler's rise A. Schmidt, war service chairman of. by the economics department, the Charles D. Mitchell. The Rev. David to power. Formerly a !llem.ber of t~e the club, who were waiting to rf;ceive Swarthmore Students' Vnion and the Braun will serve as reader and the Rev. Universitv of Econonllcs 111 PrussIa them at the Players Club, the 60 fair Cooper Foundation of the college. Mr. J. J arden Gueniher will pronounce the during the \Vcimar regime, he was sent companions and the entire theatrical Taylor's topic will be "The National apostolic commandment. Mrs. Leonard to the United States during the Hoover retinue were in rather more than a War Labor Board's Role in the Demo- C. Ashton will direct the chorus with administration as a member of the state of expectancy. Hoover commission. He was a foreign About this time the sailors put in an cratic Process" and the meeting is open ~hs. Everett L. Hunt serving as chairexpert on unemployment. appearance and their appreciation of man of music. Benjamin L. Kneedler to all friends of the college. Swarthmoreans who heard Dr. Na- the performance soon made the host will be the organist. Theodore Widing For 10 years Mr. Taylor was im- will serve as chairman of ushers. than during his series of lectures here group forget the waiting and t~e' ~st last year will remember him as a clear glad to ~ave contributed its work. partial chairman for the full-fashioned The enactment of the Nativity is a Since the busses which had conveyed hosiery industry. Since 1935 he has spirtual interpretation of the Christmas speaker and a straight thinker. Next Friday he will recapitulate the general the horde from the Philadelphia Navy chaired the men's clothing industry in Story entered into by the people of remarks on Price Control he made Yard departed immediately, Mrs. Georg~ Philadelphia and in 1940 he was named Swarthmore, made possible by the Donearlier at the L.\V.V. study group and L. Armitage called upon Mrs. William to a like post under the collective bar- ald Darlington Memorial Fund. It was try to bring members up to date. He H. \Vard who did a lightning task of gaining agreement between General first presented on December 18, 1938 will t!ike a practical approach to the securing members of the local Red Motors and the National Automobile under the direction of the late Charles many problems. of price control and Cross Motor Corps and other citizens Workers Union. He has taught labor D. Mitchell. Scheduled for only one per- rationing and will give his audience with station wagons to transport· tbe Lt. Com. Miller, Toa8tma8ter relations in the .Wharton Sl:hool of the formance the participants graciously re- SOIJ1e idea of what t,p. expect as' t? assemblagc from the F?irview rOad .-~Im·h ·j,·@ftl1';1n'Dlyrll au .... Uitiversity -of Pennsyivania and is ali peated a secol1d in order that [he "vcr- legislation for the 'fu .I·e and how It playhouse to the \V,oman's Club'on Bftllll' .0 flow crowd which had been turned away is hoped· to prevent s(.rious inflation. Park avenue, where a 6 o'clock supper Spa;k Annual Dinner . authoritative writer in this fidd. hom the first might not be disappointed. There will be a morning meeting at awaited. Mr_ and Mrs. Walker PenFor the next three years two presenta- 10 :30 A. ~L The subject will be "Price field, Marian Schatte, Maurice Griest, The Citizens Sponsoring Committee Santa's Local Schedule tions of the Nativity story were pre- Control in a War Economy". The ait- Dr. Armitage and Mrs. W. E. Hetzel of Borough Residents who sponsor sented on the Sunday directly preceding emoon session will start at 1 :45 P. M. were among those who responded. this year's "Honor Banquet" to !he is Filling - Better Christmas giving spiritual enrichment on the subject "Price Control in the members of the Swarthmore HIgh (Co"/i"Nll 011 Ptl~. Sis) and inten~ified beauty to the Christmas United States". There will be time atersonally Christmas Eve. the second, the AnnuncIation; the thIrd, Event the U. S. Naval Academy over Armx He manages to stop at the home of the Shepherds and the message of the Biograpby of Notc(1 Painter Fealast Saturday, there is much el!th~sl­ each borough child whose parents re- Heavenly Host; the fourth, the scene ture8 Charles Laughton in asm over the presence as prmclpal quest him to come. Direct from t.'le of the Nativity. The annual silver tea of the Friendly Lead at Collcge North Pole in familiar dress Old Samt The finale of the Pageant shows the Circle was held at tl~e home of Mrs. speaker of ~t. Com. Harold E. "Rip" Miller, associate coach of football at Nicholas rides the streets of the com- htlfillmellt of the world wide c~nquest The English film "Rembrandt" di- C. C. Brogan at Thayer and Guernsey Annapolis for the past twelve years. munity with sleigh bells ajingle calling of the spirit of Christ as the 1,lght of rected by Alexander Korda and star- roads 011 Thursday, November 19. The "Rip" Miller will be remembered as "Merry Christmas to all and to a!l a the World. ring Charles Laughton, Gertrude Law- co-hostesses were the officers of the one of the "Seven Mules" of Notre good-night" as he stops at the vanous All who come in the spirit of rever- rence and Elsa Lancaster will be the Circle: Mrs. F. Stuart Brown, presiDame and Knute Rockne fame who homes to waken youngsters. ence and worship are welcome. movie feature on Saturday night, De- dent; Mrs. Arthur Hughes, vice-presibroke the pathways for the famous This year his list will be revised so • cember 5, in Clothier Memorial at the dent; :Mrs. Cecil Howard, treasur;-er; "Four Horsemen". The Nav~l A~a­ that there will be no time wasted by college at 7 and 9 o'clock. On the sa!ne Mrs. O. M. Hook and Martha Havidemy's victory last Saturday IS bemg stopping at former addresses where Home & Scllool to Present program will be a Disney "The Cluna land, secretaries. :Mrs. Brown presiding at the business credited nationally to the strategy~~f youngsters have grown up or moved Readrollt! Specialist Shop" and a ~hort, "Killing the Killer:'. meeting, asked for reports from the Com. Miller, in finding the opponent s away. Therefore it will be necessary f~r As usual both shows are open to reS1chairman of the committees carrying weakness and developing a program to every child who wishes to see Santa thIS Monday dents of the borough. on the work of this philanthropic group. take advantage of it. Christmas Eve to ask his parents to call "Rembrandt" is a biographical film ~Irs. Earl Taylor reporting for the In addition, complete motion pictures Swarthmore 0900 before December 20 "Factors That Inilucnce Growths in, with little or no story. It is indifferent sewing committee told of garments of the Pennsylvania vs. Army Football and leave his name and address. and Use of Heading" is the topic for to romance in the Hollywood sense. contributed to the "ingathering" of the Game, featuring the play for Army of Another change eliminates Santa's the meeting of the Home and. School Fragments of Rembrandt's life are Needlework Guild. Mrs. J. Warren "Bud" Troxell probably the greatest custonl Of stopping wherever a por.ch D shown: the painter at work on th~ po~t- Paxson displayed caps and mittens . ,.ue Iove d al'1'109 WI'f e S as k Ia , football play~r in the h.istory of l'lgllt I·S left on. It will be a help to I un.1 /\ssociation Oil ).[onday evelllng, I \. de.- rait of IllS made by the knitting committee. Mrs. "rlll)er ~" 1'11 the High Schoo r U 1•• 1 0 ff'lcers 0 f th C Swarthmore High School, WIll be pre- if those whose addresses he has WI II ~ instead of pamtlOg tIe . e John Esslinger presented a beautiful Civil Guard at a fee of 3,800 florins; afghan she had made to be donated to sented, with detail explanation. of t.he leave a light, but since so ~any homes torium. C. De \Vitt Boney,. tl~e speaker. of Rembrandt at length persuaded to acaction by "Bob" Odell, the Umvers1ty must be lighted for the arnval of late the work :0£ the Circle. of Pennsylvania's great back and holiday guests and other purposes on the evening, is a specl~h.st .m reading cept the money and paint the pictur~, Mrs; A. R. O. Redgrave called attenbrother of Yale UniversityZs coach, Christmas Eve the sight of a light~d difficulties. He is the pnnclpa.l of the burying the faces of the guards In tion to the donation of canned goods porch alone will not hail Santa. He wdl Nassau Elementary School 111 East shadow. Gradually from such fragHoward Odell. brought by the members and told of Among the numerous friend~ of only stop at the ~dd:esses which have Orange, N. J. Parents are requested. to ments the Amsterdam of the 17th cen- a contribution from' the Community Swarthmore High School who wdl be been placed on hIS Itst before Decem- be prepared to ask questions followmg tury comes to life and a rich historical canning committee of which Mrs. J. V. present, it is with a ~reat ~eal of ber 20. If you really want to see the Mr. BOlley's talk. There will be a panel portrait of the great painter emerges. S~ Bishop was chairman, to go into the The acting in this film is notable. pleasure that the comm1tt~e wtll .have jolly old gentleman ask your mother or composed of Frank R. Morey, sup~rThanksgiving baskets. Mrs. Elizabeth as guest Mr. F. S. Underhtll, preSIdent father to call soon and give the names vising principal, tea~hers who are domg Charles Laughton plays Rembrandt Plummer, supervising nurse of the of the Lansdowne Borough. School- and ages of their children who eagerly special work in readl1l~, and Mr. Boney, with extraordinary· naturalness. Prob- Community Health Society, told of the to answer these questIons. ably his finest scene is hi~ reading of board and donor of the Mautlful troshut-ins, crippled children and other a_l=v=a=~~h~~_V_i_S_U_'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_lthe Twenty-third PsalnL Gertrude Lawphy p'ut into competition last year and paticnts cared for by her staff, and rcnce is superh as Geertje Dil'x, Rem- thcir need for Christmas cheer. A genawarded annually to the winner of the hrandt's nagging housekeeper who was erous sum of money was voted to be Thanksgiving morning LansdowneII also his model and mistress. Elsa LanSwarthmore Football game. used for their needs. caster is excellent too as Hendrickje An interesting demons~ration of. a Mr. Underhill's enthusiasm for the Office: Borongh HaIl- Telephone 0351 Stoffels the housemaid who succeeded bedside visit of a nurse. was given by friendly athletic rivalry be~~en the Open Weekdays 9:30 .11!30 Ao M. Geertje Dirx in her triple function. All Mrs. Groff of the Health Center, US\llg two institutions is most gratlfym~ ~nd told this picture is one of the most • a bag and instruments presented by the . h f d 29~ embers of the vartOUS memorable English historical films. as Mr. Underhill said, upon acceptl~g The black-out drill held la.st saturd::.:ugH~bb~~~ Co~:;y executive chairman, Circle. . the invitation, "Democracy cannot dIe, . musical program was given ,by A units at their posts. Acco!~mg:o ~~ld -;'he signais to the 47 Delaware County in the world if such sincere, heartfelt, Reported Mi8sing this was the most succes~ u so ar 1 • quickly than ever before and there Jack Beddoe accompanied by John 4rclean good-f;llowship as exists between were sent out mo~e h . I Mr. and Mrs. Stuart F. Smith of son. Mrs. Roland L. Eaton gave an Lansdowne and Swarthmore was Councils of Defense h' h filed to receIve t e sIgna s. . . were no commIttees w IC a 7 t 7 '30 P M there will be a meetmg III Copples Lane, Wallingford, . received interesting review of "Green Grass worldwide". On Monday evenin~, De~em~er d ' a h~ads ~f Auxiliary Firemen, Auxiliary official notice Tuesday evel1lng that .Grows .All 'Round" by Marguerjte The dinner will be prepared and Borough Hall of Sentor A!r ar ellS, R scue Squads Communications, Dis- their son, Private First Class Stuart F. Lyon. served by Margarette Schenbacke!', Medical Corps, Drtvers Colrps de it impossible' to be present are asked Smith, Jr., United States Marine Corps, Police, A social hour around the tea table High School Dietition and ~e~ staff, aster Committee and staffs. Any w 10 m is "missing in action". followed. with service by the famO'l1S gtrl s hocto see that they are represente,d. key team and cheerleaders. L.W.V. TO PRESENT DR OTTO N .tTHAN • Gridiron Stars Hear Navy Coach Tonite ""00' ." • • Friendly Circle Holds Annual Tea "Rembrandt" Tops New Film Bill C7 - De{4ense .Counc;l Bulletins * * • i. . / THB I 8WARTHMORBAN I .'tI,J1 •. I~ A reception followed the ceremony A double nuptial ceremony was used, at tbe home of Mrs. Herbert L. PhilMiss Dodd's sister. Miss Lillian Henry Dodd being wed to Mr. Pierson Kirk lip. of Che.tuut Hill After a wedding more than Mer and Mrs. Howard J. DIngle of Miss Doris Eleanor Sheaffer daughter Smith. son o~ Mrs. Alonzo P. Smith trip 'the young couple will live in Pbiladelphia where Mr. Shay' is taking his shopping aY.OJII,e heard this weele that their of .Mrs. Henry R. ~is of .Nortb of Germantown at tbe same time. Dingle who is with the Army Swarthmore avenue and Mr. Samuel The Rev. William H. Aulenbacb. rec- felloWship work in architecture at the in 'crowded etorell University of Pennsylvania. bas arrived oa'eIy in Africa. George Morton Maule wbose engage. tor Christ ChurcbC.and St. Micbael's. and ofDr. Leicester Lewis. minister the Ull,eertainty Frank G. ~ of . ment was recel1t1y announced were of St. Martin-in·the-Fields; officiated entertained at a luncheon at ~ests of bonOS' at. a tea and sbower at the double ceremony. of deliveries ':bo,me on Tueoday. Her guests in- glven by Mr. Maule a aister Miss, ~::d: Dr. Charles Chunning Watt. Jr. gave DO YOU KNOW Mrs. Harry Eo Lockett a memo W. Maule of Bryn Mawr last S Miss Catherine Isabelle Dodd in marGIVE a, MAGAZINE The Ban can t .. ADJ Aa&o TI01I_ . . the Delaware County Consumer afte~oOn.. riage.. for CHRISTMAS . . JUST 0440 ~nit~ who bas been giving courses MISS Sheaffer ~ be honor at .The brides wore ivory satin wedding gowns made with long tight-fitting Consumers' Problems in Upper a. luncb~n to be glven by Mts. • • • • • • and Mrs. Eric G. 'Enderson who G. Erskine. Jr. of Yale avenue on Sat- bodices ending in a petal line. heartRUSSEI,I.'S SERVICE Mr.. Lloyd E. Kanftman I'~:'~~;: secretary of the Delaware orday. December 12. shaped low necks outUned witb Duch_'You Cat Lu& tIJe _ 'Phone Sw. 2080 ::c Consumers Committee. .. esse lace and long sleeves also edged ........ _WWDoI*. : Vrs. P. L. Whitaker of Park avenue Humbert - Poteat with the lace. full skirts shirred to the .: ii recnperating at her home after an bodice and ending in long trains Their .. ,.I>P!'ratiOD performed several weeks ago .The marriage of Miss Priscilla Hale tuUe veils fell from Duchesse lace caps Philadelphia. Poteat. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Gor- and they carried bouquets of miniature don Poteat of Cruzer Theolo"';cal Semi- call 1'11' d h'l . I ts d d '''. P. Yerke. of Prm' ceton nary. Chester. to Ensign Richard o· I 'es an ... rs. "'-rle "'" E. b a.tull d t'w, d e•vIa h e II surruun e To maintain satisfa~tory. service and conserve a.venue is entertainipg 12 guests at a y e Wltcaught tu e small slreamers Humbert; U. S. N. R .• son of Mr. and on wh,'cb an thereIewere I c us· luncheon and bridge at her bome today. Mrs. W. F. Humbert of Reading. was ters . of white violets. . man power our store will be closed from 1 P. M •. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. "'o!,~in8r cember performed on7:30 Thursday evening. DeM is. Eleanor Harriet Dodd. sister . . 3 at o'clock the Upland da hter Car0 I 0 f Benla""" "'!';;;n;;;;ug of the bride•• was maid of honor for to 2 P. M. each day and Wednesday afternoon. '>' left on Monday for an extended Baptist Churcb. Upland,·with the bride's Miss Catherine Dodd and like the other • ,VISit with Mrs. Topping's mother. Mrs. father officiating. honor attendant wore a soft rose faille A. Walker of Galveston. Texas. The' bride. wbo was given in mar- taffeta gown made with a long tightMrs. J. W. Adams. who bas been riage by her uncle. Dr. Douglass Po- fitting bodice. A dubonnet colored band , visiting in. western New York for sev- teat, associate counsel to tbe Boar" 01 encircled the upper part of the bodice Swarthmure 105 ,',. eral months. will return to her home Ecoi,o••ic Warfare. Washington. D. C and ended in a bow at the left corner South Chester Road . 9n Benjamin West aven'Ue recently wore a gown of starched chiffon. The of the square low neckline. Bracelet ,.vacated by tjJe Toppings. tight fitting bodice was buttoned to It,~h'deH:~!~h sleeve. and afull skirt encircled . waist which flared into a full skirt a .' N.~:~ta~ William Sproul I.ewis of long train. A delicate pattern of lace a scalloped dubonnet band ending "1 Swarthmore avenue was home was inserted in the puffed sleeves. and a large bow on the left side. Her the week-encLCapta_in Lewis. who' h •. d ki h • f was of shaded chrysanthemums m t e w~t-·an s rt. and er veil 0 in soft pink to dubonnet in the center . ""::Iti~~!.~the Anny November 2. is tulle was held by a coronet of old fam• . in Newark, N. J. fly' lace. Her small old-fashioned bou- of wh'ch purple anemones clustered · E' Ch I V Th ka J f qu'" was 'of wli,'te sweet peas and was tied with dubonnet colored 'DSlgu or.. . ac ra. r. 0 -, ribbon. She wore a tiara of ml3i,:hirlg I · Yate and Harvard avenues, is spending pom.,~ms surrounding an orchid of flowers. · at home on his way to a new white. Ititi'lD in Miami. Florida: on Monday. The bride was attended by her sisMiss Jeanne Louise Dodd and Miss ter. Mi!}& Anne Carruthers Poteat as Dorothy Dodd, sisters of the bride, Lt. Richard WilUs. l·. g.• who is sta- maid of httnor. who wore an aqua dress MIS' 5 E UDIC . eEl'lzab eth .., "hay, SIS • t er 0 f .' . ,. tioned at the Great Lakes 'rraining of faille and carried orchid chrysan- the bn'degroom, M rs Edward B eth e I · Station. has been at home on Park themums. Seeger and Miss Betty Gottschalk. buth ,aVenue for three days. He returned to . d M'ISS """argaret The bridesmaids 10'cluded two SIS'_ 0 f M oun. t A'lry. an his station on Toesday. Ph'II' f Ch t ters of the bride. Mis. Nida Purefoy I IPS 0 - es nu t H'II I were bn'des, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Myers of Poteat and Miss Eleano" Gordon Po- maids. They wore the same style model MONEY BELTS - SCARFS - SWEATERS .' c;:omell avenue had their family with teat. Miss Reba Mae Booke. and Miss as the other attendants except that !U'fS - WAI.I.ETS :...-. FfnED CASES them over the Thanksgiving Holidays. Louise Ellyson Wiley. both of Rich- their gowns were dubonnet with conBRUSHES - GWVES - SOX-PAJAMAS Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Myers and :~:'~~~e~~~a~n~d~~~~cla.smates of the bride trasting trimming of soft rose.' and family of N. Y.• Pvt. and Mrs. Jobn College. Richmond. their bouquets were tied wilh rose ribMyers of Harrisburg and Mr. Thomas gowns were of gold faille and bon. They all wore tiaras of matching OPEN EVENINGS · Myers of Washington. carried bronze chrysanthemums. flowers. 8 PARK AVENUE · Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Pilgrim of Yale Irvin Robert Humbert Mr. Howell Lewis Shay. Jr. of Wash· avenue had as their week-end guest acted as best man for ington, D. C. was his brother'! best · Miss Margaret Turner of Pbiladelphia. brother and the ushers included Mr. man. Mr. Shay's ushers included Mr. · 'Po. Wallace B. Poteat. brother of the bride. Robert M. Saul and Mr. Edson S. Har. Mr. and Mrs. Richard ~~~E~:~O~f; 1Mr. Jack W. Humbert of Suffolk; Va.• ris. Jr.• both of Rose Valley. Mr. Vasser avenue spent Ensigu Jack W. Lee of Colorado. and ard Fogg of .Moylan. Mr. Mr. Scales' parents m Mr. Charles Battin of Crozer Seminary. Mackay Thomas of ~::~:;nl~~jtil;..~~l ......Io:'''j A musical program was given before Mr. Stephen S. Oliver of the ceremony\ by the organist. Mr: Md.' .' . A buffet supper was given at the Lewis white a~d soloist. the Rev. John Mrs. Dodd chose a soft .blue " home of Yr. and Mrs. Guido Savelli in Parmer Gates. gown with a fuschia hat and fuschila Drexel Hill in honor of Pvt. and Vrs. A rec~ption loUowed at the bome of orchids. Mrs. Shay wore a' light blue Samuel James. Vr8. James is the former the bride, after which the young cou~ gown with a matching hat and a corJane Orum of Media. The gue.ts were pie left on a short wedrung trip. They sage of purple orchids. Mis. Eudora Sproat. Mr. Charle. Ger- wiil leave Sunday evening for Miam~ This Christmas give ner. Miss Elizabeth Krase. Yr. Herbert Fla. where Ensign Humbert will be attractive practical wear. \ Vichener. Miss Patty CampbeU. Miss stationed at Hollywood by the Sea. 'Worth Abbe. Mr. and Mrs. David He has been appointed to the driil Braun. department of the Naval Officers' · Lt. Thomas F. Baird of Oberlin ave- Training School Jlue who has been iu Training School at The bride is a graduate of SwarthPrinceton, N. J. will arrive home on more High School. class of 1939. Many I '·December 5 for a 10 day furlough be- of her Swarthmore friends attended ," fore being transferred to a new station. the wedding. · Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pearson and MeWjlJjams, - Percival family of Cornell avenue were the ,Thanksgiving guests of Mr. Pearson's brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. M. P. Percival of Washington. " Henry 'Pearson of Andalu.ia. N. J. Mr. D. C announces the marriage of her · Pearson's mother Mrs. John Pearson is daughter Margaret Rebecca and Harry spending the winter with tbe H"nr:~ Haney McWilliams. captain. United 104 Park Avenue Pearson.. States Army. son of Mrs. John H. Mc· Lt. Edward J. Jobns of Fort Sill, Williams of Benjamin West avenue and You'll find pk1a. who received his rommission as the late Mr. McWilliams. at tbe First · Second Lieutenant in Field Artillery on Presbyterian Church of Tampa. Florida. Gift November 26, is visiting relatives in on November 2. The young couple is , Swarthmore. Lt. Johns and Mrs. Johns occupying an apartment in Tampa. ""ho bas been making her home with where Captain McWilliams is stationed at · her grandfather Yr. William S. Bittle at Benjamin Field with Headquarters The GOWN SHOP of Rutgers avenue. will leave shortly of the Third Corps Air Force. 6 Park Ave. for Camp Wood, Mo. Shay-Dodd . Mrs. Johns has been assisting in the Alumni o!fice of the college of which The marriage of Miss Catherine Isashe is a graduate. belle Dodd, daughter of Mrs. Harry , Mrs. Margaret R. Marsh of Park ave- Coggeshall Dodd of Chestnut Hill and ,n'i;le has received a letter from her son the late Mr. Dodd to Mr. William Dixon · ·Mr. George R. Marsb saying that be is Shay. son of Mr. and Mrs. Howell in North Africa and spent hi. Lewis Shay of Park and Michigan leave in Cairo. Egypt. Mr. Marsh avenues, took place on Saturday, No~ serving .in the American Field Serv- vember 28 at 4 o'clock in the afternoon EXQUISITE CROSSES at. the Church of St. Martin-ln.the. ," ice, Ambulance Division. Lasl 2 Days Silver, Gold-filled F,elds. Chestuut Hill. 11.50 np Friday -:Sahlrday PERSONALS SWARTHMoaBAN :,,: TIIIS YEAR , THE SW ABTHMOBEAN POBLISSBD BVB,T FR1DAT AT SWARTSIiOR" PA. Avoid .t. . . . . 'tIIa IWAliTBIlOaulf, life., '. :. 80m. ' ....OL ~ I:~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ th~ . ~ OF SWARTHMORE ~ ,! • y .............. at . . S.~ .. m • • l.wllII,....... • ........... D d .. ·.~ ........ LIICI ,.... lie· III lEI _ ISe COCKTAIL TIME' 3 TO 6 r.M. ••• •• ••• • SKYLARK Popular Sophialieated Comedy By SaDlIOn Rapbaelaon • Diredor VIINIFIlED A. MeDOWEIL • DECEMBER 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 ',ID P." Ann Sothem Red Skelton "PANAMA HA'ITlli" I, 2 and 3 S.....nd PEARL NECKLACES $1.75 10 $25 .... • 9:45 A.u..-! 11:00 A.l!l;-.~~iiii Bipg Crosby Fred Astaire ~HOI.IDAY -. INN" n_ ONYX RINGS' With Neatly Monnted DIamond - $35 . t=,~ Y":liI Boo..... DRESSER SETS Gift Packed $16.50 WILTSHIRE BROS.-MEDIA STATE AND ~ONROE S'l1IEETS-TllEATBE OOJl!'O!ll La_ 1'0_ TUB8DAY, DBC""'QP!B • W ' s Club SUdS ........... omBIlCOUeg t.ii~'SProul ~tor¥ Open to PUbUc ............... ,. IO ...Cb_OIld ~ _, . WED_AV. DBCE"""B • BorOWil . . ""E';~"":W ith a e::w 8:1$ P.u.-TaIk on War Sunday -iW';nday Tneeday WIlliam Iteach England • $1.10 lDeladlDc Tu . , ,. ___ FRiDAY. DECBMBEB 4 woman's Club 10:00 A. M._Llteramre-Dram.a ~ •••• ••••••. .•••.••.•.•.. Cb.urch 11:30 to 11:45 A.M.-PeUoW8h1p of Prayer .................. ldethBoodlstro h Ball And Other Patriotie Lapel Pins '. . THIS CUSTOM BUILT HOME· has eVerything.·tho· average family needs. It b stone 00. all fOu~ old..... froiD ground to. .late roof ••• ani! the rear Is· as pI""';'" as· the front. THE FIRST FLOOR' contains wide centre .;;.u and be~udful .tairway; large UvinG Room (15 " 26). DIning Room (15'" 16), efficiency kitchen. cheery brealifui room. Phone Room:(9'x 10). powder room and built-Ii.: double garage. THE SECOND FLOOR has Master Suite. o~ bed~oom, dressiDa, room. ~ardz:os,e and died bath; two airy chUchens· rooms •• , and a· beamed· ceiling . studio bedroom and fireplace • , • with another' bath. . The btg rumpus room also has ~ fireplace. The home Is heated , , with PROPANE GAS·· the ideal fuel. ~ cheaper than coal and not rationed. The lot Is 100 x 150' plus-·Lo.. up-keepl low taxes; eomfortable financing.. The ~~e~ h~ Di.o~ed~ to a dlstant atate.. . . . ~ .. -:. .:--;.. ~. .' ~e 'IDE WEEK'S CALENDAR ,GOLDEN EAGLE '. . ,. Mrs. William T. Clay of Walnut . . is teaching lip-reading in the Deafn.ess Friends of Margar-et Meade and her Prevention Clinic at Jefferson Medtcat ...•c --.- children, Tommy, Cherry and School Philadelphia under Dr. Horace Bridget. will be glad to bear t?at they James' Williams. This is pio~~r work have arrived safety at home to Eng1ip~reading h!1s I!ever ·_befo..re . land. They send greetings to lheir taught. in a/hospital tn connection With friends and hosts in Swarthmore the medical treatment of deafness. through Mrs. William A.. Jaquelte 01 Mrs. Clay addressed an~ ga,!e a ~~m- Elm avenue, who received a cablegram onstration to the' graduattn~ otolb8ists from James and Margaret Meade on at the school last Monday... Thanksgiving morning. "-".iilo":..:m 0for D • MEDIA club • Pioneers With Deaf GIVE JEWELRY The Players IS 011 e " ~" , at VALUES i'; ~.' care .. .'- .. ' -: , Jrom .the tip of the duck's pink bill to I the sbarp ends of its two elongated ChriBtian' Science Chnreh ..ntral tail feathers. Immediately I age 1-7 recognized the animated counterpart of morning from a picture I had recently studied in my of Miss LiIltta IlGod the Only Cause and ,creator" and in a moment or two I arguide, Parish House.' is the .ubject of the Lesson-Sermon in sman cbildren the nursery du,rinlg I Churches of Christ.· Scientist. on rived at the 01d~Squaw's page. the church worship. December 6. The Golden Text 18 the seventh iDStallment • nations whom Thou made ''jJ~!fIJ::i~ Lt. C. Brooke Worth'. un~ It "A Coastal MIgrant... MethodiBt Chnreh Notlia come and worship before H ,....il· and .hall glorify Thy name. The Church School will meet on Sunart great, and doe.t wondrous Chaperons for Dancing day;mt;lrning at 9 : 4 5 . . things:' Thou art God alone" (Psalms Assemblies Tile . minisf~r will preach, at ' morning ,wonliip it o'dock on the 86: 9.10). I Children Aid. Refugees Introductory class chaperons on Desubject. i'Preparation for Christmas". The . ~outh Fellows.hip will be the cember 4 will be Mr. and Mrs. P. Ed· host' to the Youth Fellowships of About 75 'to 80 Swarthmore boys and ward Rollhaus, Mr. and Mrs. Smith W. churches of the Borough on ~u~~~~lgir1s enjoyed the motion pictures Brookhart, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Richard last Friday at the Woman's G. Haili. Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. eveQing at 6 o·dock. This is the of a seri" of meetings being beld by through tbe courtesy of the Phila,lel· Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. George M. the'youq people of the churches. Electric Company for the benefit Karns. For th~ advanced class the The SWarthmore Fellowship of Prayer refugee children in Europe. Total chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. R. G. will me~t in the cliape1 on Monday, receipts for the afternoon were Rincliffe, Dr. and Mrs. Duncan FosWednesday and Friday from 11:30 to The American Committee f:~r~~~~~1 ter. Mr. and ·Mrs. Norman Hulme and 1\ :45; 'The peopfe of the comniunity Reiief feels indebted to the Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Enders. are invited· to come together.iIi prayer COmpany and thanks the '. The chairmen are Mary Cardroy and for guidance and courage and help in Club for the use of its clubhouse. AUen Enders. Junior assembly chapthese critical days. A. M. BOS$hardt, chairman, was as- erons are' Mr. and 1Irs. Paul Rutan. The ChUrch Board otEducation will sisled -by Mrs. John H. Pitman and Any parents of members are most welhold i!smonthly meeting. on Monday Mrs. J. Burris West. <_e to attend. 0--- Dresses, Sportswear, I.ingerie Hosiery, Scarfs, Mittens Handkerchiefs, Accessories ,, .. Hospital. contribute Contributions in dryhabitat clothingwhile . ~~f.o;f~~~~e~~~?.~~H~I~t;~is~~~~t~""~~la~t~e~to to ashore itsThe sub·zero I shivered c:hurchmarkings now stood out plainly.. HER , " THE TONE HOME ,', TF.oRD ROAD" ON S.'tRA .. bef(e .• They Need and Want! -------_.-.•• ~~~r ~I~nth=o~:r!~:~ .i as. t I I ':r_ Friends wiu iounnembe.. in reires.h~ Im"n'ts and cardS at this annual pre\ WOMEN, FRIENDS holiday event _ ..n.artkJe.,oUoo4 ...<1. Each member 01 tbe American Leg- silver offering sbQ\lld be broughlion Auxiliary is asked to bring a coupon ' Those who, bave finished gifts for." envelope conlaining at least one tbe. shop .should at's,; .bring. them to the. ' to the Auxiliary's Christmas party. Tlte deadline on, these gifts: be held at 2 o'clock thiS which members are sewing is Decem... , Friday. December 4. in ber'19. 'They must be in the handS of room. second floor. Borough Mrs. QS,car J. Gilcreest 'by that' date. ". Ceorge Gillespie as coupon ' .j'.rtii:les of novelty jewelry .turned in' will send these contributions along' salvage' are. to 'be ,used as gifts from aid the Christmas gift shop at tt>e Ihe,. ~eterans. to. members of their Coatesville Veterans' Hospital. I.: fa~iJ~es. ,, ' evening at the home of Ray A. ShuI decided the best procedure would . bert. 24 Kedron Avenue. Morton. be to descend to the edge of the water .•;Su~daY morning at 11 o'clock the T.he annual turkey supper and bazaar and hope that one of the birds would ~on'wiIl be'''The Place of the Com. of the Woman's Society of Christian happen to fly past at close range. when qN;nplace". '. ' Service will be beld in the social han could observe the distribution of black "rIJe girls'_ cholr :will meet _SllRday on Thursday evening between the and white areas with accuracy. Such afternOO!)' at' 3 o'clock for rehearia!. hours of 5:30 and 7:30. Many appro· are the vagaries of natural The. ,bOy.' choir will meet Sunday aft· gifts for Christmaa will be for study. I had a brand new experience .....oon at 4 o·clock. Tbe higb sale at the various booths. iust as I reached the margin of the choir will meet Sunday afternoon 1 shore. .'1":30 o · e i o c k . . Trinity Parieh Notes Not more than a hundred yards dis;- 'The Higb' School Fellowship will 'B obs,:rv"rl I tanto where the current of the outgoing " eet Sunday evenm' g at 6 o'clock • ible t'd • CI' h 'Sunday" h E 'will. IbeCb I e swept In ose to the curving m th o. therc.hurches· societies at the roug out t e plScopa urch on beach strip. three Harbor Seals burst e ~"Ct Cbur-f. tbis coming Suriday.• •The "IIRev. J. J. simultaneously . en. G h t b "Th from the ~gitated eth.,.... . AII'c'o'ntri'bu'i,'on's' of m'oriey' for ers wt e IIe l 'bl' od L'f pes, turned belly-side up in perfect I Vuent f hsennon-topIC, ,CoVIR'glons. the church's hO.me mission- a ue 0 t e BI e m M ern - 1 e • d . family o. f eight in Tennessee. should The young people of Parish win i'::? g':::d \Iet1irDe d' m to. Mrs.. F; R. Lang. 3IYl join in a supper-meeting at the Metho- machine. . Mapl~.. avenuer or Mrs. J. P. Daugh- dist Church o·dOck. D. Chi· 'Up to that time my experience with will at be 6one of theJohn representab D erty. S 317 Dickinson avenue. y ecemof the local churches assisting in seals was confined to fur c~ts and zoo ur~ca1, dres~ings group meets the devotional service. animals. the former probably Muskrat, q.cb Tuesday. morning at 10 o'clock All Women of the Parish. are asked the latter sea·lion. though '1 was not at' the Parish House. make up small Christmaa packages aware of either error then. ,I had often ': There will be a Ju,oio,r-][ittenneiiliate I the charity patients of the Phil- heard of trained circus seals and the I'i'.'\rty for the_ .dasses Of. .Mrs •. Luther adelphia General Hospital and to synchronous performance of' this wild Illmmitt. 14r": Harold StO~ aild Avery them to church on December 13. trio immediately made me wonder Blake tbisevening. December 4. at the Leave them at the rectory ibe day these were an escaped troupe of in· -garish House from 5:30 to 7 o'cloCk. fore, The men's packages are due on strueted performers. Probably their ; The_committee on ,missions December 20. suggestion of former cqntact with Man v~lences Will meet' SuricbY. The men and boys· corporate com- created the decisive impression which &, at 4 o'~l~k ~ the•.~,=,.~~h st.udy.~ . munion will be held 'at 8 o'clock on prevented my immediate conversion to ~'. The Board of Trustees will meet Sunday morning, Deceiobe.r 13. mammalogy, in contrast to the Winter *,esday. December 8. at 8 o'clock in Thl! tenth students' Chtlstmaa Wren whieh had once made me sudthe Churcb Stud,.. will be held on December 13 at 11 denly an ornithologist. '.' .There will be no meeting of the o·clock. But .3 I watched them through my Woman's Association this month. The American Friends' Service Com- glasses, emerging arid disappearing in 'TbeBoard of Deacons Wi1I meet Friis asking donations of clothing. their playful course. an Old-Squaw c1Q-~ ~c~tnber 11,. at 8 p. m. in athletic equipment, soap and drake swam into my binocular ken, Church Study_ for use in this country and over- and my interest in seals at once dwin. Circle III will meet. Friday aft~rnonn. seas. There is an especial need in died down to a bedpost. Here again December 11. at2 o'clock 'at the home Casablanca where thoUsands of refu- was a thoroughly untamed. creature. of Mrs. F. Brown. &1 North are quartered. All who wish tl> like the Pied·billed Grebe a denizen of 'G may leave their donations at the the most adverse environment so far Chester. review' 'P. • anc 'a committee I' 0f as humans are concerned, but disportdo"a and students wt11 can {or them. , ing itself witb apparent happiness ,in SUPLEE'S HARDWARE ---- Loun Jlcc,una ~ PARTY TODAY FOR LEGION .: Pregbyterl8n Cbnreh Notee JD' ::-.:::--. , FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1942 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::::::::::::~::~ BUCBNER'S . ......-. c.ui. I I sat on tbe.. frozen ground and turned the' pages of my pocket birdguide witb numbed fingers. As yet I did DOt know that the birds below me were Old·Squaws - tbey were merely black and white ducks. The book was "Ducks with conspicuous patches white in the plumage:" it said, "American Merganser, Redbreasted Merganser. GoJden-llye. OldSqu.,/i. Wbite--winged Scoter," and 50 900 Mu,oua ToLD, .dIlDri..• ErliIDr ,PItTa E. ToLDt &Uuw I I ~UlBU paolla IWBTBIIO•• Avoid ,:In ~ ONE TOUCH . . ~' .' OF NATURE . '".' B. J. HOY 5'& lOeSTOlU1 . .. ";;" . : ~ .- - -!. "".. : -';~P8-! '" ;"'-~ t - • • , . , Beee.fee~N~a'rf~·~.'a..~.d . fiRi ., WAR ROLE Woman'sClob: NOtes'L........ . . QUARTET v.. LOOil ame. T .....y ,. 'ATMUSIC CLUB man, .·The family of Enaign"johil P. Dol· OF HOMEMAKERS U.S.t:l.R., have received word from Th. I.iterature Section • ' .' . bou.e guest for • few day". :Un. BoloD Eo - - . _ o. ..... - - . a:.;;;,,=",: OI>CiIl$Yi' , E1ring'. son CapL Aiken .i. with the WI&b . . - to ~WI'!r'doc' wed. . or wue',.' c,.,.",_ ,.,.,. Cua Armed Forces somewhere In the S o u t h " " " _ No-<. 30 _ Dela_ '~":. Taking the lead in this year', Black. Pacific. 01lARY '" 1IARKDf. A\tome7I. tnuJt.oo U/w' of _ friar Christmas pIa)" "Red and=V,;bt; I Corpd u· Walter I. Scott, Jr. Ion of Mr. _ teo. 51 ,,~ ~::"" °l.n~· :::; Christmas Whoppers", is Dave y an _rs.LW. J. Scott of Chestnut ..... II; p. moud. .. d ,,__. • 1 I e p - _1M2 a. Red Sims a boy who is forced to tell uccn promote to ~"eant m SASON _ Nov. 28 _ MAlt.· •. cn.on.... . the truth until Christmas. Corps which is .tationed 10 .._te . ecutrlz of 0._ _ II. _ , dO' ...... Bon&b rrom TIIlrD C. The members of his worried f a m i l y . ' CboBter•. boq No. rRncO _ Doc. 1 - 0 _ Ttust ~j '. father. mother and .isters, are played Mis. Beatty of :Uu\berry lane, OuardJaD of -.1_ _ _. by. Dave Thayer, Sally Spencer or Nida Bowling entertained at a mis. '. If,te " mIDor. . . ..,; Poteat, Jean Storrs and Helen Kraus ceUaneous shower and bridge on Tae.... I'I8IDR - Nov. 20 - Hannah i PIaher.~·'~ respectively. • day e'Vtning, November 2Z for KisslliiwL executrix Of Samuel O. Pllblf'. decf.rd. 7""" .....' ... F_ Priscilla Poteat wbo was married on IL\NNlIM - Dec. 1 - Jobri R.umUln, The annual pre.Thanksgiving dinner Thursday to Ensign Richard Eo Hum~' ~ Of Jobn B. Bamlum. . of. the Rutgers avenUe kindergarttn bert"U. S. N. R. was cooked over the open hear~h in .~ __ ••• _ __ CaroI GoodWIn • 0 f Walnut Iane waB ,;~~~~~~!!!": BUanNdI~.le !'~: .. _ .!.~~.!""'_ ..01 ,-'l kindergarten room of the the guest of Syl..ia Swann of Wellesley s ....... Bunter. d.., ..eeL Wednesday noon of last week. The Conege over the Thanksgiving holiday.. BOLDEN - Nov. 19 _ Ch_r.cambrldp Sylvia who is a senior at Wellesley o •• _·:r.... Bank and ·'TrUst COD1P1LDJ'. OuarcllaJ) of g roun directed' by its Ie. ader, r~'1 .' h ome on D teember'17 to - 1IARKDf. A-.,.. Anna loI&rIe BoIc1en. ·late •. mIIlor. Price, enjoyed a menu of carrots. VHJ arrIve su- . ,..' en;;:d~·mC~~ngwa~f ""e'.. e.'t '.q': The' No.. the " . 'B'' 0•. ' U. · .·,·U· '. the maintenance of th.home front vital. Honon Speaker evening, the' 24th; with Mrs. ,,, to the winning the war Katherine .' Mrs. Frank R. Morey of Amherst W. F. G. Swann acting as ·chairman. Fisher. Director of Good Hoalekeeping avenue entertained informally. at l\'lnclH The prograin Was as follows: . Institute addressed the Woman's Club eon at the Ingleneuk on Tuesday. Her "The Hunt" a quartet for strings played BEAUTY SAWN Tue54y afternoon. guest of honor was Katherine Fisher of by Lucius Cole (first violin), Dr.' A. • She pictured the American housewife New York City' who addressed the Pepinslei (second' violin),. Mr•. W. F. Z Beauty Jam _pirlt . gJ of 1943 as the foresighled planner of Woman's Club at its first Tuesday of G. Swann (viola) and Dr. W.F. G. 0 balanced meals in order that.she might the month 1,30 meeting. SWann (cello).' , ~. be able to budget ration coupons and : Drama Gro..p Cboooeti Comen' Two 'Norwegian folk songs IS .South .... ed. points; ..¥ an efficient worker whose . Mrs. R. G. E. 'UlIman, chairman of tain Song" and UTwilight -Musing" a'r- p:; CaUS................7~z keynQte IS conservation; as a super- the-drama section, is arranging a the'· ranged .for women's voices by. Arthur latively good cook whose family atre party on Dece,!,ber ·16 for the Ryder and Halfdun *jerulf .were '~::I~;;;;C~H~A~R~B~E~R~T~.~S~K~Y~L~A~R~K~~e;;;;;L~Ti~C~IE~N~·;;;L~E;;;L~'~O~N~·~G~.;.~CH~·~E~N~·=~~ "cleaned its plates"; as a patriot who Wednesday'matineeof Katherine Cor· by Mrs. C. F ••Woltersand Mrs .._Roy watched for Victory 'Specials and nen in uThree Sisters", the committee', W. Delaplaine: (fir:5t soprano). Mrs. FORTUNEunderstood the ,values of Uvari~ty choice. Club members interested in at- Addison S. Wickham, Jane Richardson subscription. '7.75.' meats" and meat alternates;; as a tending with the group are asked to and- Mrs. Owen W., Gay_:{second ~osonable con.umer who insisted that call Mrs. UlIlI\an. . prilno), Mrs. R. Chester Spencer and manufacturers and retailers furnish reo . Holiday Tree Fanel For Soldl_ )Jrs. S. C. Harris . (alto), accompanied TIMEMe'mbers and others interested are by Mildred Spencer Hutcheson and liable information as to uhidden 'values" 1st lubacription .. '. '5.00 in textiles; as a constant guardi;LD requested to brIng gifts or money for directed by Alice Blodgett. each additional ODe '3.50 against accidents in the home which Catr$p Dix. Christmas ·trees to .the Club A piano. d~et ·'Aus Holbergs Zeit" a now cripple Dlanpower; in essence as a nex.t,..Tuesday. , . suite by Edward Grieg was pla,yed .:;~'I. perfect creature. : '. Rhythmie Danc\nll ReOpen. Mrs, C. B, C:i.mpbeU 'P'd lst snbacriptiOD ... t4.50 Yet .Miss Fisher was so practical The ·rhythmic dancing class is resum- Delapla.ine.. ~wo solos uJesu ~",m~!n.('" her explanation of the new point ra· jng Us meetings after the holiday. New by Petro Yon and '~Pilgrim Song" by each additional ODe '3.50 tioning and so helpful in her advice members ,may start any Thursday eve- Tschaikowsky .were sung by Mrs. ~! about homemaking details that the ning af 8 o'clock' at the clubhouse. C. Harris apcompanied .by Mrs. Hutc1!c 'Phone Sw. 2080 MRS. LW'YD E. KAUFFMAN ideal she presented did not appear im• e s o n . . . . .. possible but rather a pa!riotic necessity. Decide Against Christmu The club's string quartet played She warned that rationing would be exC Lighting "Diink to Me. Only With Thine . Eyes" . "SWING" INTO THE tended as more men go overseas and arranged by Alfred Pochon, "Interfood supplies already tested' by ·1..,0<1-1 At its last meeting the swart~h~m,.~0~r~eHIU~;d:iiu~m~~·1i~i:n~~~ModO Antiquo" from ·'Five Lease contracts are further str;~tc.h~. Business Associati.on decip.ed to . by' GlazounQff. and I~Suite' . . the usual Christmas lighting in the 18th Century" by. AI: She asked her audience to accept ra~ business. section of the borough . And Select Your tioning - cheerfully. uThe forthcoIitirtg year,.: and to' put the money. usually meeling ·of the Music ClUb point ration' values are flexible and eX:p~nded on this project into benefits will· he Decemh.er.IS under the chilir"1 democratic," she declared. to local service men. . .. manship of Antonica Fairbanks. Her' talk was interspersed with huThis will--be the first timc ;in 10 or CARDS FOR CHRISTMAS mOrOllS and appropriate literary quota- 15 years that the commercial str~ets E%clwi"e ""he TOT·TA SHOP tions which proved her to be not only here have not been strung with laurel CLOISTERS GALLERY SHOWS 409 Dartmouth Ave. a wise .and practical expert but a per· and gaily colored lights. The change AMERICAN .' . . ARTISTS , 'Phone SW. 2349 son' of wide appreciations and humor. is in keeping with. civilian The pre.... Chris.tmas '. Mrs. Frank R. Morey chairman of the measures and electric power ec'Q~onJy~ American Home Section of the club , . Cloisters Galfe'ry of the presented Miss Fisher a former Bnrgett to Le8ve OD ~5th on. 'rhutsday, D"~emb~r .3 league at Columbia and a friend A Mllec\ioo of dclling and' long standing. Elinor Burgett of Rutie,dge, formerly fi-o m the Amerfcan Artists' Preceding Miss Fisher's talk on of. South Princeton ave'-I'h' ' and. L~fayette .d h II " w,'II . b'e s l." .. own- unti t e 1·ing and the War" Loui.se nues, Swarth more, .4HOmem ..fI-A receive er ca to 't'h ' t " ~, . •" T d -' y ns rna'S vaca t'Ion. Paulson played with skill and artistry. active duly In the W AACs ou ues ay. e b' 11' . . three piano solos: uVariations on will leave December IS' with the nC~!JII~·.I~ej:rgf;:lt·'J;~~f:;'~i~ Abegg" by Schumann. J'~tude in C· first· -contingent of this women'~ ~ sharp minor tl by Scrjabine, uToccal\l-" tary unit to occupy the new by KhatchatoiJrian a contemporary RUB- c'amp'at 'Daytona Beach" J!la. sian-Armenian composer. . ' .. : '" Miss Burgett, who was' ··.: ..~r~:Felo -New'-Neni'" ' nearly a month ago, has :. The luncheon for ne'w' members 'on able''- volunt:-eer .'at the' ~::':."';:~;~I M. • M. Deceniber . 8 win be followed by the Health Certer since graduating . . artiists 'represented will stated meeting, and a program pre· Swa~~hmore High School three yea.r~'1 Benton, Jo)m ..Steuart 'Curry, M",,", yo..r f"mil" re.., .....,,1ionI eao'l, sented by the Garden Section Mrs:' ago. D~hn, 1,uigi LuCiollt. Claude C. Smith chairman. This will S arthm B ·d Club include slides showing Christmas decow ore... ge STRATH HAVEN INN , 'Dr. Mackinnon Ellis of Bryn Mawr, rations, a demonstration of Wreath and On' Wednesday evening, November sOlI of Dr. atid'Mrs~ William 'T; 'Ellis SWARTHMORE,PA. Christmas decor making. and a discos· 25, the Swarthmore Bridge Club met for of W~.I~\tt Ia:n:e·•. fias b.een-hiade-·a LieuSWARTHMORE 680 sian of mantle arrangements and win- the weekly duplicate. Commander' in the United First place was won by Halsey JODes :-it'.t. . Navy. ...., dows with vines by Mrs. Samae1 . Crothers, Jr., and Mrs. James Hayes. and Mrs. John E. Dever; Bayard Mor· rison, Sr. and Richard T .. Randall, Jr., J. J.'8 to Meet Snnday second; third place resulted in a tie beThe J. J.'s will meet at Ihe home of tween Maurice ~Griest and E. C. ~~:~;~ Sally Spencer. ISO Guernsey road this and· Mrs. Maurice Griest and ISunday evening at 8 ~c1ock to report Tomlinson. on their successful Thanksgiving dance The club met again on' Wednesday jn the Woman's Club which cleared over evening, December 2. The winners were $60 and to plan Christmas and other Mrs. Maurice Gdest and R. R. Gemmill first; M. McKinney and Halsey Jones charities with the amount. second; Horace Fry and J aho Hampson third. !' . . a-l-.' . ~ ili .each THE ~~~~~~;e~:~ BIG .3 . '.- grilled meat cakes, raisin spread with butter churned by the pupils dnringthe morning. Fruit arrangements done by the chilo dren decorated the festive table. Each child brought a potato and carrot from home and prepared them for this meat, which was the cuhoioation of a harvest "BROWNIE" jappreciation ,study. ORmlTORB AND ALL ,pm... ~T"~~~;~I:',';"~~l:;e~ . Tar,.,.,. Doy F,.". LooI FamBy Service PIan. Cbrietmu 'ROllS 1IN INTJmBBT TIIA~ ACCOUNTS ~ VUJ.E'R - Nov. 27 - George EdwUd J4I1", ': Lansdowue defeated Swarthmote ler, ftdm1nl"trator. c.t.... ot Qoorge W.-'~on Th~nksgiving Day in the an,oua.1I Because of increased employment FOLLOWING EBTATIIS HAVE BBBN lWIer, De<:e••eeL . ' . '.:. gridiron clash of the two traditiorial and higher wages there are fewerIPlLBDJN"J"JIBOPl"ICBOPTBBBBOIBTEBI""9.!t!fl, _ Kenton.D. -Morpli' rivals. Swarthmore has won this con- families who will need this WILLS AND OLBRK OP TBB os,..) ~ Jr.• eocuton _of: test consistently during recent years assistance with Christmas of the Boro1Jl1l ~ .. but last Thursday was outscored' on a homes where there is no PHANS' cotJBT. AS THB CASE MAY DB. :.... Dee. 1 - Ida Moakowtt15 . wet field by a greatly improved Lans- because there is no THAT TBII 8.AIIB WILL :aB PB&- MOSKOWITZ and, Samuel Moskowitz., executors of_'" downe eleven. The game was played family able to work; the need :~ IIDI""ZD TO TIm OBPBANS' COUBT OP Banet ¥oskowttz. d.eceaaM. Lansdowne. Christmas gifts and Christmas help JU.GUlBS ~ Dee. ,1 _ The Wa,... Title " The teams. played through a scoreless even greater than in previoUs yea.rs COUNTY ON JANUARY 4. 1M3. AT 1Uid. Trust Com~. OuardJan of KalY1ne first half, during which Swarthmore since the increased cost of living leaves 10 O'CLOCK A. M. B. W. T .• FOB CON. Bolle J4agU1re. a mInor. , . . .' twice drove deep into Lansdowne terri- less margin for other things. PIBMATION, AT wmOH TIME'TBB SAID NBLKIN - Dec. 1 - Prema. Ne1k1n. &lao tory but failea to score. Swarthmore's If you know a family that you would ~~wnOfasa:r : : . =t::~ I first touchdown threat came in the like to refer for Christmas help, you COURT, WILL AUDIT SAID ACCO~. 8am.ue.l.~eJson, .... . ' ~.,,;' ", first period after a Lansdowne kick are asked to call Swarthmore 2070 and JDAR BXOBPl'ION8 TO TIIB SANE AND RI~N ~ ~ov. ,.0."";- ~~,;:r_"-I~ had been blocked and recovered by the leave the name and address, or write MAKB DISTBIBUTION OP TRB BALAHCBB . =~~~cUtr1z. of ~~.e B1~. ~,' Garnet deep in scoring position. Lans- the Family Service of Western Deladowne stopped th.rce ground plays and ware County, 100 West Front Street, ASCBRTAINED TO BB IN TUB HANDS OP - Trattemnens Na.t1onai·· gained possession of the ball 'when a Media. TBB ACCOUNTANTB.. ~~l-' ~ ~'_.'., .. at the StrathHaven admJDlstrator. c.t.a. of . on ball around left touchdown. SeniDr Totaling NEWS 'NOTES • A Gadget .. . .. . Mrs. H. D. Whittlesey of College ..** for.. the." :practical avenue spent last week-end'visiting her . $5000.°0' * * alice barber,Gifts husQand at th,e Marine Corps -Training POSTAL SCALES Bas~ at Quantico, Va. new, compact, timely, Lt, Margaret Brace, who IS stationed wjth the W AACs in Washington, D. smartly diff~ent C.• was the recent week·end guest of Mrs. William T. Clay of Walnut lane. Lt. ":Brace was l}1aid of honor at the . OLD BA~. 'SutLD~G wedding last year of Mrs; Clay's son, e =i!!ii!!iiiij Thomas Clay of Philadelphia and = MISS Katharine Tooker of Boulder. Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Israel of North Princeton and College avenues, had as their at a family «tinner. on Mrs. Israel's mother. H. of West Chester', :ALL MAKES her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. 'and QaIclr, Ef/idenI SfII'IIIee . Mrs. 0.' L. Griffith of Philadelphia, Miss Myra Light of l.anghorne, 'and lIadJ' and. unCOlUd.dered amateur ftMr. Willia!D Robinson of Philadelphia. tr1prator repaln often reault In more Dr. Alvin R. Allen of Brattleboro, aerloua damI.p. Paste thIS ltd. on the Vt. is spending a month his lDalde ot )'QUI' refrlcerator door - call son and daughter-in-law, :Mr. and WI tor pa.ranteecl repairs - you"ll be Ge!,rge M. Allen of ~iverview r~d. _tldledl . .' One o'Them May Be Yours IM'r· Su"'ita $I.... Symbolizing "Victory Through 11arift~' REFRIGERATION SERVICE • • • Mrs. Anna Brice of Park avenue presented a film uNurses in the Mak5 - . ' and bath. m..pla"". AtIuIl8 ing" in the senior high assembly on I~~~ onJ:.. Po_on at oa"". 158 Wednesday morning. mOllth. Sidney Smith led devotions and Mardy Jean Crosby was the student WM. S. BI'lTLE chairman. OLD BEFlUGEIlATO~ c.il "&y Par. iU90 ., • . IIIICONDITlONm AMDGU_ 1JIIIID _OBJU.Toas • II'ERIORO· ELUIRII IPPLf.ICE' SOYICE 191. • . '...,..A;ootle JlIDLEY PAlIK, '-- -. y- .- ~. PAo GIVE SOMETHING PRAC'I1CAL . Cooking Utensils Market Carts Toys SUPLEE'S' HARDWARE STORE Soath CII_ R..... "Swar·· - - -~ ~': " .. , . , .... -':- . - . ! ~" ,. ! .. ~;,~. .....i:- .. -".:. -. ,. -,,- . -'~"- - -:;: '.-:- -< •• onn.e r . SolA! 714 S_ KEEP CII_ ~ WARMER -LONGER with < COAt A.ND COKE FUEL OIL w. . Ph,*", CAN vandals who cUmu'b. defaoe or otherwise abuse JIll' PNPWQ. EDWARD T. BIDDLE West Chester, Pa. lies. 5% interest. No. 311 ILe'Vl1IrI _ IIeptem_ Term. 1812 Pnme me.uaae aDd. lot alt;uate nonhwest Bide of 01 I. AV~ue ,'1t.tft.or~· ~ from,''l'b1rd. A'ftDU8• ...,.... =_.p cum, Oouflty or DelaOontAlpJng- N~ on Oeccct, 25 ft. X northwest 125 ft. ... ~.. 8O'' 1 A .. Improvements c:onft!t ot two &to1"J trame house. 15%40 feet; frame prap. l.b2O feet. . ne.~._"""'.t""C-u. There Is II moraage' of fuel and house temperaturell cannot bekeJ>t u this winter as iuuaI. - high Perhaps you ha.... insulated your house, put in weather strips and arranged for double windows and storm doors. But don't forget pipes, which . may freeze if un~teeted ~dwhi!lh can be insulated wi~ moderate trouble andexpeDMe .ter • s.., sllOW TOUHOW AVOID I!r@@z@-ups OBO. T. BlITLBB. Attom.,. Ist Morlgale Funds available on rellidential pro1*'" DIME SAVINGS BANK WEST i :swfP, PA. lctfJ.2 . S1tolllllt. .J"obn Mepnb lll WIth DOUce to For In/ormation Addr_ -.. -:...- .'" . The lane and. cement walk leading south from ...t of 410 Yale AT8Due. Swarthmore. has been wIthdrawn from pubUc use. aa a result of m1IU8e . of IDl" prem'..... one hundred d.olIuI! (fl00) wDl be paid r.. lilt.. 11m le,dlnl' to the arrest auc1 cou:t1ctioD of as the orooert:J of _ rear owner. BaIld lloIlov-esoo.oo. • ' ',' --- ____"';" m.ortp,aOr and. NOTICE VAN·AtEN BRos. .. otller brick '425 MORTON AVENUE, RUTLEDOE 'Phone Swarth.- 2989 '.' '::.' & SON Carpenter & Cabind Maker AI1l11iem'".,... 01 our 1943 Chrillm.. Club now open for m.m~Ip. ~'elJii" to _petp In Ihlll' Cont~. pall.ble 10 milIl_ ., Chrhl_Onb _ben lhioGuPout lhe JII.doD. . : ..... -'. . .. :. Mrs. Martha R. Blessing left Tuesday evening for the west. After a brief A. IIIIKCBIt QUDlBY. h. stay in Arizona, sh~ will join her daughFUNERAL DIRECTORS .. ter, Mrs. E. B. Van Kirk of San Fran· ZIII s. St. Meclia cisco. Together they will spend the ,"PhOlle Me.tJa .. Christmas holidays at the home of Mrs. ~~~~~ .~~~:::::::::::::::::~I Blessing's son, Mr. George F. Blessing iiii and wife in Marshfield, Oregon. Mrs. f!BI!RIpp SALBS OP BBAL .sTATB ARDMORB WINDOW CLEANING co. Blessing plans to return east in May. 8herItt'. OUlce. court Houle. JIedI&. l'WDDa. SWARTHMORE BRANCH the interval her home on Elm av.,nu,,1 SATURDAY, IIBCDIBKB 12. 1M2 ALL BBANCBES OF BOUSB CLBAN.. is being occupied by the Rev. and Mrs. 0:30 A. M. ButerD Wa;r Time ING. ~OWN IN TIIB TI!BBIIvan M. Gould, who moved in Wednes· Conditions: ~.oo IlIIOb or ~ chec\t TO~Y FOB 20 YEAB8 The Goulds have come from at time of aaIe (UDleM otbel'WlM dated. in (::::,.::~e ca:)-Po~ Evanston. Ill. Gould, a Methodist ~:==-::.)~':.I':. teD dQa. clergyman, has been granted a leave Levari PacIu No. 21J I_~===~:;~~::::::::::::::;::;::;::;::;;::;::~:::::::;:"';":"';""';' of absence by the International Council of Religious Education in order September Term. lOG B. KELLEY, Jr. launch a new program for Protestant I ~~~.!'!ii:J~ Your JeweJe,ser~ice men in Philadelphia. I~ 25 &81 :'tth St. Cb.._ Mrs. Alexander Ewing' of Dartmouth entertained her daughter-in-law (Op~te NEW State T I l _ ) Mrs. Clark Aiken of WashingtPh~DO CLt&t!tt!l' 37&1 lmlUovemonta co....t Of _ .tory ton, D. C. and Leesburg, Va. as her house. 2IdO feet. ~,;~. ••••rtf FHant lepnIt 'Iuralce CO.,.eratl.I. .. MRS.~· 'HOIAS _ _17 Dr Swartbmon conep SWARTHMORE' N·ATIONAl BANK -AND TRUST COMPANY Keep telephone 'infts·c.'ear NEWS NOTES w.· ... ·CHRISTMAS CLUB • WE PAY -cASH FOR YOUR _____-=;~~~~~ oax. ....., Loretta C. COs. d&c .t1ed. • Chester Z...stll JOIN THE , • ,.,.....--ed. for KarIoD Baker. - HItI" A ....nabl,. Mr. In War Savings Bonds and Stamps ~ II. "lJaUr. .' FOR RENT , - Den. 08 -eel Ijk;i~raiI~!iiiiii~~!iiii};:~~;;i;;-:f ~pAKB8 - Dec. 1 -:-' Ralph .1. Baker and 1IuKeIl. T. _;tnuJ_· U/W Dr Bmma C I I OllPBANS' COURT Bela...... CoImt7. ......... BoPnrAN _ Dee; 1 ~ MarIe BOff. ,.:,' ID8D and -Tho PeDna,lvanla OomPl'D¥' lor .... NOTICE OF FILING AND AUDIT Inaurancee on·Liv.. and OraD_AIl-. - . Duit1el. ezecutol'B of Ohara FeDDO JIotf. - __:..... OF ACCOUNTS man..also Gown." O. ~l'el>Do il<'tpnq, 'D!Ceued. .- '. : _ :_". ~ NOrIe. 18 !Il'BlIB:r GIVJIN TO 1IlDlIS. KBIOBLl!:B _ Nov. 2'1 ~ BoW..-d V. B:~ '" fourth down passed by Hoot fell 10· ..,_~ Creek R ..... ew ~=~-ofDoroUly L. BUck·I'1;;~f~~~~ 1 - Allee B: Steve... complete. .....UU1 ... ...., 0e0rs:8 Rwaell COunty· 'I"ruat -ComSwarthmore threatened again in the pany, ~ stevenson. de-.. second quarter. Haig, from his own 30, ~he Crum Creek Bridge Club met onIBo~o.!~~,;."_~" Ceaaed.. . • reeled off 2 successive first· downs. A Monday evening,'I'November 23 at ~fii;i~ ~~5:~~~~r::.I'n,;~~-ofDec. 1 - lr'm.& Btlrlln. a.dmln:: ~ :" Marc John 8tlrlln, de' sed'. '. . pass netted another and Bair plunged home 0 f M rs. PhI 'P Kn'IS k ern 0 f River· ~"'iiip&deceased.. ..,. executor of~LoUls JOS"" N tlonal ~ph Servals. . S wartbm ~ powerful defense thwarted 'Kniskern won first prize. Mr. and Mrs. ;;:o~t-~' ~eeu\'r of attempt and again took ~Paln"er Skoglund second, Richard. Sel· A. Boddy, WILLIAMS - Nov. flo - OheBter.Cambt= '... and William Craemer third.· Seated ~~w~ 'l.'W~1I=!TJ'!8=r::r'·J" :~;, east and west. Winners were Bayard H. "81~.W•.~." .. ',- ",...... ~~.; . . . . ,:~~,'. Morrison and 1,. ·.G. Luckie first, Mr. WARD - ' 000.:1 - EIlzabOUl A.· WOJI!, • . John Bowditch second, Mrs. executrix Of Gharl.. ·J.Ward, ~'.,,,' '~t.y(len and Mrs. Russell Kent BOlllIKB -·Dee. 1 - _~ A .Family Christmas • ' _t ----OiiiP~B.~S~.;IIllNSO~~;Ni'~8herIft~~~·~I. :=:;~;;tllf'eiifpcfr}l:ry' Atnetit'ith mill does a livery good. sir" job as of Christmas windows and tables in the Graphic· Art'!;' by····0itl Zigrdss.er.t.:'(!utTheo~ore, the Kenyons'. butler a n d · homes of Providence Garden ·Club atar of P.rihtg,.PhUadelpli~!'M~s€iiiit··qf "favorite snob", ~trtr6r.nt O· ~atibtftt members. ' . Art, in ·theLFTietid~;'M·d!t1n.g- ~House, The play is in four scenes. The ac.-JF'''''~-';" &:9 SI-"~ Prior: to the announced program, Sund..y evening~~.Dec~m~ef···'l~,·atJ 8~15. tion takes place in the Kenyons' living Mrs. E. N. Jones of I\H. Airy, chair- An exhi"bitiori'of Anleriean et.ching~ ami room, for which the stage crew under GIVEN UNDER THE -AUSPICES OF man of the state com-mittee for the lithographs·and·woi:id erigr~vings"is De':.. J, Burriss West and Newell B. West promotion ·of the Resolution on World iug held it, th~ Cloisters'· Gallery ih has executed a setting, in keeping with THE DONALD DARLINGTON FUND Federation authored by Robert 'Lee connection with·tIlis leCture. . . . . the Kenyon scale of living. Hum b ex was prespnted by a for.. Carl Zigrosser has had a: long expert. mer classmate of hers at the cnce in the' field of graphic a·rts as''''a ~arbar.a Graves is assistant director, CLOTIlIER MEMORIAL, SWARTHMORE COLLEGE R. G. E. Ullman, to introduce dealer and critic. For many year,he Jo n Chtquoine electrician. Properties Humber resolution to the club. Two was Director of the famous Weyhe are in the care of Mrs. W.F.G. Swann SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1942 club chairmen, Mrs. A. M. Bosshardt, Gallery in New Yorl< City, where·.ht Mrs. Irwin R. Mac Elwee, Mrs. David who heads the work in International established his reputation as an outDibbell and Carol Goodwin. Relations, and Mrs. Carl de, Moll, who standing conoisscur of. co~temporary AT 5 AND AT 7 O'CLOCK chairs the legislative work of the club, American prints. His knowledge: ·is moved and seconded that the Woman's based on an often intimate acquaintance MUSIC CLUB liSTS Clu'b of Swarthmore support the Hum- with most of the leading, printmakers. PROGRAM (Continued Oft PaDd FOllr) More than -one young Americap. has ~" been brought to the attention of. th~ The program for Tuesday night's ,Ql w!J .. ~!J" • l!'ra;'ce8 Armitage to public by his efforts. Hi.s ,reputa,tion meeting of the Music Ciub as announcLeave Sunday hag also ·been. .made as an important ed by the evening's chairman, Antonica critic, not ollLy through magazine and Fairbanks, will include two Christmas Choral numbers, a Portuguese Christ- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ France.s Amitage, daugl~ter: of Mr. newspaper ~rti.c1es. but by his mostreand Mrs. Percival Armitage of Harvard cent boo~", ',',Six .Centuries of Fitfe mas Carol by Harvey Gaul "The Little avenue, will leave on Sunday for Okla- Prints". In, 1938,.he was offered the }esu of Brags" and "How Far is It to I,Lwto.Am"a'EA.. and It at Stillwater, Okla. important positi.;.n.ofCurator of Prints Bethlehem?" ~y Donovan, to be sung ., where she will begin training as a at ~he Phil~delphia Museum. Sirice.:~ by the club's choral group. A carol Miss Arm ita g e attended has been there the collection "of cosiat the evening's close by members omce: Borotq;h Hall-Telephone 0351 Swarthmore High School and was temporary" ·graphic art 'has growD..~tO guests is planned. Open Weekda,.8 9:30.11:30 A. .N. graduated from Harcum Junior College become one of the most important.in Louise Paulson will play 3 piano • . ' in Bryn Mawr in 1940. The past America." . ..., solos: Debussy's "Danseuse de delphes", Mr. William F. Hanny of 119 Yale avenue has a~cep.ted .the appomtment as months she has been taking a secreBy the very nature of the process Prokofieff's "Prelude in e" and Khatchchairman of the Citizens Service Corps. This or~ntz~uon IS not. a.part of the tariat course -at The' Keystone School. involved in its production,·a print is;a atourian's UToccata". Corps but is giving many hours of serV1cc In other ne~e~sary work. She has spent two summers in stock highly significant art form, since· huli"~ Miss Fairbanks and Dr. Pepinski will Defense Mr. Hanny will have his office in the office of the Defense Counell In Borough companies at Barter Theater in Abing- dreds of impressions of equal value atfd play the Beethoven "Sonata in F" for don, Va, and Stoneycrcek in Connecti- quality can be produced. For this rea':' piano and violin. H~iTENTION is called to the Sixth Registration Period for boys [8 years of cut. son it is less expensive and can reac;lt Hostesses for the evening will include age. The regis~ration will be held from F~iday, D.ecember 11 to Thursday, Miss Armitage is a member of the more people. As a weapon of pro"-':' Mrs. E. O. L3nge, Mrs. Cameron P. December 31. . Junior Woman's Club and acted as ganda it has been found. most effecti. Hall and Mrs. Walter ClevelaJld.. No Oubide Chriotmu Lishb . . drama chairman this fall. She has-·been Zigrosser will speak on its place .iII Tlie Music Club meets at 8 :15 P. M. DIM-DOWN instruction~ for the Philadelphia metn?politan a~eaJ which 10- an active member of the Players Club America today. -.~ in the library of Bartol Foanclit60n. ludes Swarthmore, wiU be received from headqua.rters tn ~ few d~ys. If a.nyone and her work back stage is great1y ~ ti' atcd having lighted Christmas trees o~ any other outside Chrtstmas appreciated by the members. Fonr New Setviee Mea HoBday Vespen on 13th d an •CIP. lving illumination they will not'be allowed after December 21. .' ecoratlons mvo '. ,__ r hts d house decorations Friendly ClreJe on 17th Swarthmore boys who have just left ~ The annual Christmas candlelight The same ruling wilL apply to striogS of outuvvr Ig an . b . h v"pers at Swarthmore College will beil 'riVate homes It will be very impo\'tant fot'our borough to 0 s~~e t ese The Friendly Circle wiil hold it. De- from Draft Board No.3 for New ConIIl'" · held in Clothiel- Memorial at 6 :45 P. M. ~..t'rictions faithf~lI)'. They dwill hbe mUChta·lles~t1dias~ ::::n.!ri~:c'7t:::":o~: cember meeting next Thursday, the 17t1;l, berlan4 inclu~e CyriII A. Bie1ek, 10116 Sunday, December U. in York and Boston an at er COOS C1 os. d' at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Harold Bur.t Murrell. Wayne Maitland aait: ...11 ana Walter Francis Regetf6. :c . The community is cordially invited Itlfro~~~~ is not adequate we wiI\, of c'T'cse, b~.han.de.d.. t!'~ .•.•,me castlC regu- G. GrIffin at it4 Roilier' ,,,enue. to sh4te !«.t1iii C1iiisOiiiS semce. . COi,iiiiijj tliaE dtief. We hope It Will nof &e necessary. < , _ '~', ,,:!; I #r;#. :,\': zi I c6h,mli- ... CLUBWOMEN FETE NEW MEMBERS thue c1ir".·. . . .". . f . .. . fI1.t m'l """0 com" l'n ~ * A..pt'rt't of !\eutttnCe _ I anb Uor5biP, aft _e come ' ;1 Bulletins Deif4ense Counc . * • .. .... ' ,. ~ .' ., Donald> W. Poole of D~~~I1~, ir~1.bIT~~r~l~av~'e~~n::u~;e Point, will leave Mri. R. !I R. I. where view road spent last ...u; "pend two monlhs at officers' Cadet William T. Wells son of Kr·l.o,n-iln-l.aw and daughter Mr. and DO 'IOU DOW" ., ~ining school. Lt. and Mrs. Poole are lind Mrs. H. Elliott Wells of Park ave-I ~~h;;~iW."~.' Flaccus. Jr. 01 Westtown 'ftIIftnc..'fW&a7&"''I'lC ?zr~ enterlained by many of their line left last Friday for Antonio. Texas p t~~~~:i~~~~~~~;:,~r~~ ' .. _,. "JUST 'W" ~'-','" • •• ,.,J "1i'.e"·~ 'before I,;t" Pople leave.. ,wh"'. he is in tralillilg With the Aripy' Mi.s I!h~~;;" A;.;d~ge~o':j't;'~v~~'~! . and Mrs: Mar,vel Wilson 0.1 <;:c?rp.s. , .. '" avenue had as her house sUest I,II>DJ'. .wiII,be..entertained avenue enterained Mr: Birney K. Morse returned from week.. etad M~s ~~ns~nce i~9te~1! of e~~~~~t~~·a~,ppageant in w1)¥:h JllJ~~''''~ !~ER"VI~ 'in honor of Lt. and Ohio where ,he Is working iem\>h....rily New York Gily. ' ......" ,': '''', "'." '.' . iII.b"l'_ CU".- ale _ - ' Pvl. S.am.·uel'.' p, OI.ar1c"OD/of ,Brighlon of . Del~' Gamma. in included Lt. and Mrs. to spend last week-end w\\)l. his wife - ~.F~'er;~wmDO~:.? Mrs. Spronl J,ewis. ~r. and family on Yale avenu": He came avenue IS now'statlOned' at rthe Army wbidin"',; boeil:worki~.as Harrar. Mr. home with Mr: John ·M. Pearson of Air Force bombardment base at Will the O. C. A. at the Mr. and Mrs. Cornell avenue. who had .(jeen in the Rogers. F;!,!4.: Olda,.. ', ..... :. . '.:' 1: . . hC~~t~ their hou.e gUGes~ west on'business. • , .' Harry. Mac.!4i1b!n so.o of lIJ~. ;\n,~ Mrs. th.·I't· w'ork. . Mrs. James H. Hornada.y' '~f, Dr. G. Layton rler , ...DiCkin- Sianley L .. lIJacMjllan of,V 'IS.ar avenue i : son avenue entertained mou...ers oJ the who is attending Drexel 'Institute has more. than Capt. and Mrs. W. Sproul Lewis of girls in the eighth grade Sonday School been made a member of Scabbard and ' Tryon. N. C. have bee\' .visiting· Mr. ",--,-'----.-...;'~."'--'-....;.........'............... 11· of Park avenue." <'~ Mr'.' 'a~.d Mrs. Graham' Wentz of d M W'll' Thatcher of College the imeertaiiaii Mr. and' Mrs. Cliffo'rd Banta of Par- an I lam 'S''trath Haven avenue entertained Lt. avenuers. this week. ' 1 1 enlertal'n as house road wI of deUveriee atid Mrs. Donald Poole at ,dinner Wed- 1'8'oe"t Mr•. Ban .. •• niece Mrs. M r. an d M r sR. .E. Wi!son 0 f .0 g d.en n.·es.day· night. I· ... Bance of Chicago. lb. who avenUe expect th' eJr da ughter V'Jrgl'n'la . a' , ::: Mrs. Sprpul LeWis of Tuesday. Mrs. Bance is enmute to home from Penn Hall," Chambersburg. for CHRISTMAS' . avenue and' Mrs. Marvel husband Ens;g" Bance who is next Tuesday for a month'•. holichly. Strath Haven avenue a a two months' period of indochave just received noUce that . • . . .Tpesday al the for at Dattmouth CoII~ge, Hanmade the honor roll at Penn sister. Mrs. W. H. for ihe Christmas holidays. for the past semester. ' Mrs': ~oy4,' E. Kaijfl'm!'u , Guests . Mrs. Thomas W.,Hopper of Miss Patty, Campbell of Cor,nell 'Phone Sw. 2089 I , 'lIDS'.YEAR ·.!void Avoid Oo GIVE MAGAZINE· . . ~rs., John.Hanna. JrMorse. .• h,as had 'h-r James Mrs. Daniel, v h;'"iher , Shaw. Mrs. lluchanan Hare formerly of ,Park avenue Charott. Mrs. Gr'ah~IJ1'01"',l': guest for t~e "u"'." John Pew.)ren route from •~~~~Wd~;!S, n""_L;':;~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~±~~~~~~~~~i~~ ·M.~~~~~~u~~i~~~!t~~:~ Cal ,Mary's. training with Ihe 1.- " , - • . "Giv~ Her." :'.' " ,-'., ~- , '.'~ ~~ . :.:·* •. -".!"'·,-.r.',~.' •••.••• .~ ,Lil·I' ....·... ~~ , ~~: : . ~~~~~' . .' Md. spent last week-end Dietz's parents Mr. and R. Shoemaker of River- seaJ.red one members of .fatJIr~.r. • nue spenl the ·usin. Mrs. Paulson's Private ing Green. Mrs. A,dI~y B. Nichols terlained al a dessert-bridge and she)w,,, Leonard a1!.d ;Private France. and Mrs: Paul Hertel last Saturday aftemqon for Miss 'ArmiAlden Q. Davis of Springfield Rutledge. The local· guests inCluded Miss I>"me surgical dr.ssbip .'grOUP meetS J)uting the year. the number b.. ~~-.;.,..------:..:-----. . • Hosi~ry', .ScapS".:MitJ~il8! ::' .': - -H~Jitlke'tchief8, Accessories:' .: road entertained Mt.'~~s ont. Mr. l!nd ~,,~., H.;,Qowlng Norfolk•.Y",~~·''iI#e.\·ljr).~eir home fronH1ie ,.,_. " (lU"DJ.t' I_ cis th e wee k ;.-=11 d• • -; ~.-,~~,. ://'_' ~. , THE,II.WAIITHII,OBE4N,. HIe.. PI • 'r, : ·PHONE SW4IlTHMORE 900 m~iI!B ' .. .A..T·, B~~~:;!~I(O.~( l'PIU.I:5.J;iJU{ , '. ~~~~i8~ ~;~. ~~~s . The,.~\.t~r.'.h oOt ..Carol Sem.e Chris·rm:.. Carols;: led by Mis" \vere in the Senior. ~~#.~§~~~~~~~!'b;y~,~ ,~~~U~~~~~I~1-~'1~i~;~~cjl - -:',,-~ ,.. ~ Up' ':';::, .~ : ,,' -"', . ' - ".-N" .,,-."'-~,--- "" ' , and, Mrs' . Clifford ·Banta on ,current a F. Iocal- group wlto Fis.h~rf noted au~ll,or01"0 ~qd,t 1'~.T,.lk on' Pearl at the be'die: keynote speaker. Pollv is the daughter of Mr. and H,&,f : ~ I.;I~QrYl ~oC!" Of. Lafay~tt eavel1uc_ . ,Marie Clark Halllc1toll o( PhiladclTIle faculty "Of the semor phia \'.dll be' the. guc.:t. speake: at th~ of the 'Presbyteria'"n Church Strath Hj\ven~ ~1D Fpdar. ~~·'tmng, Dct~ December 1 at the home of , 11 8 o·d~ckJ." - at . ..,cm.uSTMAS' B~~KFA.ST AT.. '; '. , ~TRATH HAVEN.. INN NEWS ~OTES Hoo~"a. JU!,ior at· Ob.r~in Col;. ,. : ··Take City Course , on- the 'Hostess Committee ot· -~, fOllrtllt.olen,m," Symposium 'on Oc:" Mrs. Arth1J.r E.· O. Redgrave, "~;:~~~6'=:;i~ Women. to '~e G. Griffin, Mrs. 'E.Mrs. D. BF~~~:i;.1 I campus Friday andhe'.!I.~d.tuO~fW~~~~'~ :l W. F. Faragliet;· ~fie.,l~mjl.u"li;": '''~':. ~"$3~95' :, " " ,STATE·AND MONROE'STBEETS"':''11IEATRE CORNER Mrs. Russell Heath of Cedar lane entertained the Delaware County Alumjti group 01 Kappa Alpha Theta at her home December 2. ' . Mr. and. Mrs. Albert N. Garrett of G:trrett -avenue entertained their< son and 'family Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Garrell. Jr. and small dau!!~t~r Ba.'b,,;ra C:;':I~~'~tO~.f~~~ 13. Sund. .on Text is : and soil Alberl al Th~nksgtvmg ·d,"ijer. and glory: Mr. and Mrs. LOllis W·.' King:of Rlltrock of my strength, and lIlY refuge, enTertained . the MIsses is in God" (Psalms ,62 :7). Milton over the Thanksgiving December'4 and 5 . ' ~,' . .~:~:~~~~i~~!;~:: NEWS NOTES SErrs~".r, • , ~ ." • ~ . ',,: . "_ ' ' :.,. '-, ." . ,:, ,'$ls -~< ," ',::".. -,~ PENCIL WI'LTSHIRE.B"RO·S~ ......MEn .. , · Sdll. In,eel; on Siun,daye,:' ~The- fourlh .eries morninii'oj,t'g :45,will :I H'IS, I.·fe "','me'• .. th on" 'J0 hn W ooman~ 1 ;,~ T - he mmister .,reach at e morn- and Influence" wiD, be given by Janet i,ng wors1!lp" Ai l1--On the subject, UIn a Payne Whitney- this' Sunday morning Time of COnfusion," The Youth Fellowship will meet at 9 :45 when the adult forum convenes at 'the Friends' Me~ting House. the young peOple of the other 'churches interested are invited tei attend. of the Borough at a supper meeting at 6. , f' .T~~ J u'nior Fe~owship. vtill !!leet. ~t. 7 ChrisUan Seience Chureb .' ~(God, the' Preserver of Man" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all ·.V'; '. : .. 'Ring".'g' 'vJlmuO""= C -"'- :;;. , has ~D' a v~ry special ";;';;"ion; fo~ more ,th~, a . q;'arter on. c~ntu[y ....; A COMMUNrry, BIlEAKFAS,!, . with ca,r9Is in $e lobby bqforehand, delicious food, a , brief, infor~al ialJcii,?r.,~ie~"'I!Wi.~P.~~: liglited er~ add' perhaps the readtng of some w"n-1!>ve'l.C!tnslrna"Ver'se or short story ilt the breakfas~ table. . 'J{' y~u '\lr~ ';0 5il.\iiled thil" year tliaf'y<1U find it d'ifli~ult: t~ go' back hOllle fof"the US'u~1 'Yuletide ,...! ." ',', reunion, we believe yo~ wi,1 fi,,~ oW .I!'IN ~P¥~!1lj1,~ • ... . ,SREAKFAST a pleasanr-.!;u~iJi.%,ai 8:30 o'clO!l~, on,' , ~ , -" , .,~. ' i _ ..'1-' .'... ,' .. : . ~,- ... -~ -.11 ' .. _ . . ,;..'Ch rlSlIrias-mornmg.. Iree. ,;.~~ . I " :.: .: ~ -We' ,heIfeve':t~.l . i~ti.;'!ViU- .fin!!' 11 _". '," • r"ttt: '1:;ijh~!~~:', . or; -_ 5pi!"ither~ l'tthe In" '!II ~ .lpng ...1'he~e,~~)Jo 1l'l':\1!'5 ... ~,. ""!' ,h' , «k '7i11"liile ~ump.'il'c~.m.yO~ark avenue design· er f FoOd. . 'as tht!'ir guests ovc'r and engineer whose Jlf~ieth a~niversary- ments. .. . Marjorie Black is in charge 0 arrangeC. with th.e comp.~ny ~s c~lebrated last . Swarthmore Mariners have turned N. J. April by tbe Scott Paper plant in Ches- their total of 21 War Savings Stl.mlPsl l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I t e r ~;, its employee of 10ngestL.tandinl!', to swell the nationI'I Girl Scout _._--------------_._, has been nalPed one of two smlor con... for war~stricken children of the, ~~~!t• sultants·· pn a new general staff of t~~ The t?~;ll .was ~nnq'U~c~d on I ' company. . . ber··i, the'anniversary of Pearl Harbor. ..•. Heading the stalf is WiUiam·S. Camp" Crew, leaders, and l'ilot c0!l'.mit~ee . i bell of Wallingford vice-president of contributed. Dinny IJ,!nnet. ",as in lb. loll.nt operations whose return after an charge of collecting the ~tamps. ....' illness is anticipated soon. Mariner TJroPh,. Charles M. Howell a graduate of A committee of crew members is Swar.tbmore College who began as a considering attributes and standards c ~ laborer with the company in 1921 and aitainment, which will qu.aUfy one . • I . . . became general plant .I!)&JIINJ~ i!1 1935 their members to be cbosen next June You'll Rnd oGting at tho Sob..ban a I ....1dolight. Delicious, tot/$IyIna food, I will be' director of the staff engineering as holder of Mariner trophy, It h~. chormlnS _ospho..,por!.d _ . I department under the new set-,up. been decided to set aside a small sum I Harrison F. Dunning yi~o Iiyed in from the ship's treasury 'for such a purc lalCi ",. &Ie ·lllIlllI" I5c I Swartbmore before going to the com· pose. Babsy Sickel is acting as chairpany's Glens· Falls; N. Y. J!liII as man· of· this committee. . ;., ..... COCKTAIL TIME' 3TO 6 P.M, " " I ager several years ago, was promoted "unCI Criabeh 10· Institute THE AI •• CONDiTIONEDo I to asslstant to the ~vice·p.re.ldent in On a recent Saturday, Mariners I NQW 4.T :LASTI CUT·Dr CBtCKEN! charge of· plant· opUiat.iQn. durinir made· their annual .trip to ihe Sea· changes in the manufacturing organiza- men's Institute to deliver 200 attractive Now YGU ean buy BJlY p.\U'l of the cldeken you want';" ....' tion 9f tbe Chester plant. . menu cards they have made for the on W'edne!KIay, Friday or Sat1U'1lay Paul C. Baldwin of Rose Valley for· seamen's Christmas dinner. . t SlIU. merly manager of pulp testi.DB Is now Troop Ad"" :1.4 STEWERS FRYERS bead of tbe Chester te~l~ division. Swarthmore Girt" Scout Troop No. 83 JJBEASTS .lb. 6ge BREASTS .lb. 79,: with Mrs. Melvin Wood leader and Mrs. Philip Alden assistant leader, has .Ib. 65c LEGS . . lb. 75e LEGS .. 14 new members. An investment cereJJ~~ . lb. 20c BACKS . lb. 20C mony was held "Jast week at tbe PresNetD Member. o I • i5 .Bouquet • • n,._ ,. ~~~i~~~~~~~~·~l'~·~·~:·~·· I MARTEL'S .- "BeUer For The Table" FOOD , • MA·RKET Long Island 'Ducks 29c Stewing Chickens Ib·39 Fresh Calf Liver Ib:75 a seamen'. SUBURBAN CArE • • 11,1 d,~Jltlil .t'IIII" .. c..-..... una •• as ~~:~~~~~ ~.....T8-TIE8- ~ SWEATERS - E LLis MEN'S SHOP _JEWELRY_GLOVES - SUSPENDRRS 106 W. STATE STREET, MEDIA .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~ DO YOU TRAVEL? Is a Member 0/ the Family Away at School? Is a member 0/ the Family in Service? • A new Bnrglary Policy is now available to cover the above. For only $15.00, you can get $1000 inside (your home) blanket eoverage and $500 hlanket outside coverage. ~e latter means any place in the world nnd at any time a8 long as anything is stolen. • For Jurther detail., contact EDWARD LI NOYES 23 S. CHESTER RD. Swarthmo~ 0114 • • • • •C: • •, .NC. PRINTERS PHO'1'O-LI'l'HOORAPHERS BOOKBINDERS byterian Church and th.e scouts: following girls tenderfoot Louise become Elkins, Sally Alden, Jane Allen, Pauline B k J I F au. Ik ner, D··G ene e,. ery OrtS reene, Carey Richmond, Leach, Polly Harrison, Ginger Louise St"lllirel, Lynne Bicky Thompson, Joanne Worst Mary Corse. . The Troop is busily engaged making Christmas gifts for tubercular children. They plan to have them finished by December 17 wben Miss Platt of the tubercular assoc·iatIon - will meet the troop and tell them of her work and Illwh,ere the;rgift. will go. New Brownie Leaders Mrs. Robert Hilker! of Riverview road and Alice Marriott of Lafayette avenue have completed a Girl Scouts group lea·c;l.ership course ~nd ~re assisting with the local Brownie troops. Mrs. HiQcert is working with Mrs. Frank Holman's troop 19 and Miss Marriott with Mrs. Samuel G. Trepp and Mrs. Frank Taylor and their newly formed troop. Brownie KnItters Enlel'lained Mrs. Howard Shearer of College aveentertained members of Brownie Pack No. 19 at her borne Tuesday after· for a knitting get·together. Each girl brongbt needles and wool and those who did not !mow how to knit received their first lesson in the art. Witb 50 squares completed from last year tbey bope to bave enongh by spring to make a second afghan. Their first afgban _s made of weavette squares which are now being assembled by Myrtle McCallin fourth grade, Rut· B!'rs avenue s~hoo~ teacher with similar nuide school LE'I'I~ Marcb wiNGS . lb. 25c WINGS Also cldeken giblets . lb. 25e an~ chlekenlivere Juice Oranges >24fo~49c Pink Grapefruit 5f~r 29c Fresh Mushrooms Ib·25 Filet of Flounder Ib·39 c c SeotTissue. . . S rolls :;!Oe Del Monte Coffee. . . lb. S2c Instant Ralston. . . . . lb. 21c R!dston Oats . . . . . . pkg. % Maple Syrup.. . . . . . jar 3ge W~ .:raper ... :2 p~. 25c . Pjtte:d DIlte8.. .2 pkp. 2% JJisqnick . . . . . . . . pq. SOC Knox Gelatin ... 2 pkp. S5e Pure Vanilla, 2 oz. bOlo 25e ~,o~e :r~~f.'\8 .. Jjn 19~ SUDtnVeet Prunes .. Ib. pkJ· 19c For Dessertl UDY JJ4L'J'IMO~ LAYER CAKE A white cake with the frosting loaded with fruit and .!,tuts - serVe with coffee 1~~~.,J::r tbe""!~o~n·e·pP~lio·~":"!'.li.i ~.!: TO . . . EDITOR I t > .....,.. ...._ 'l1Ierli!!! ¥.:¥';..tteN. Women to PrE~lJQJre for War Work at Uue ~_. ~-be ~ ~if· ~~en~· weather. submitted, Respectfully J. V. S. BISHOP. S - AU --..... ld.. tIl•.wrtter ImOWD to tile Belltor-. ''£very girl who has a right to be in tars W'Ui be pUi>IWJ04 0IIlJ .t \he _ _ co\1pge tooay must define fOr berself a or Uue - . job related to the war effort and Appredation .From aJI prep_are b~..elf for tbis job. as as possible," said Donald Shank, Honor RoUer . ant to tbe Pres,'dent of the Amer,'ean Dear Ed,tor: H ave. b een enloytng .. CollDc,'1 on Educat,'on, speaking· a'• ·the rea d'109 The college December 3, on "Shall Women Sw:\rthmorean tremendously and to Fight tbe War?" . really thank you would be to repeat Due to" the aespenlte. n'ted for trained what so many others have written workers h;l ~ngineerlng,.nursing, tea$!~- which can"be summed up.in the ph,rase lni'. :'. government 'I·ob·s,' WAACS, "it's swell to hear about the home town WAVES, SP~RS, and .heavy indu.try, people". .. . ~. Mr. Shank indicated that women must The reason· I'm writing, a.ide from take courses in mathematics and the expressing my appreciation for receipt sciences, whic:h are required for all of the paper, is to give a change of tbese jobs, irl o.rd';' ·to.6,11 jhe places of address effective immediately. men in the servIces. The need for i was very interested to read about trained.ll!9!J!en .is immediate fllr . mili- the Honor Rof!-and" Service Flag ~rY victorY and· for a basic f':"nI~w·orllc being displayed at the underpass, and of civilian economy. feel it a great privilege to be listed on ' r gh' ';l'h~' WAV\>S, will, n.u.mber. aDllto:d.1 t h e ro II as one 01 tl. ,e uO ou s represelitatives taking an active part in this I 33000 b y. t h e··end·of mateIY, year, tbe W AACS .will be increased from war. 25,000 to 150,000 possibly 500,000 and Very si';cerely yours, tli" SPARS will probably be in action. Paul K. .Paulson, Jr. Industrial and executive and profes. Ensign,U.S.N.R. I HO~OR BOURDELAlS The engineering students 01 Swarth. more College gave a testimonial dinner to George Bourdelai. on Monday eve· ning in Whittier House. Mr. Bourdelais is. retiring at the end 01 the year after having taught Shop for many years. Dr. Samuel.Carpenter of the Civil EngiPeering Department presided. at the dinner which was attended by 98 B. S. Devereaux,one of the nurses at· the college, spoke did Bob Trudel for the stud· ents. were '.also given .by. Charles G. Thatcher, formerly of the Mechanical Department and /lcott. Lil.ley, chairman of the Engineering De· partment at the college. . ·Mr. Bourdelais was presente4 with a lovely desk set which was a small token of the great esteem in which he is held by the students and faculty. or Health Center Meet The regnlar meeting of the Commun· .he AmiVE' AT OOIl,F.G~ At Swart~e Is interested Iii ..... tbe Outing Club, the Latln-Amerkan . •LDavid · · Linton, son of Mrs. MargaretliRf.!!ela;;;ti;;on;;.;;;Cl;;ub;;;,;;a;;ll;;d!!b'a;;·;;dm;;;in!!iton!!i·!!i~iii b Inton of Sproul J'oad, is now a mem· er 01 the freshman cla.s at Swarth. more CoUege, where he plans to major in English. Linton graduated from Friends Central School, Overbrook, where.he ·was b 1 th ff h a mem er 0 e newspaper ata ,t e C 't' , Cl b d th d . cl b ru 'c. • ramallc u. lJrAd, Efliderd SfIrtIIee A S hu, an . t wart more he is interested in the _ IoD4 unOOll"_ omateur reo Swarthmore Network and the dr:.m,.ti,,1 repatn otIOn reoult inmoN association. oerIoua _ . Paate thIa ad on the. Robert Gemmill, son of Dr. and lnJ1de of :your refrlgerator door - caD Paul F. Gemmill of Thayer road, is a WI tor II(WU1Ulteed repairs - 7OU'U be sstlallo4l member of the fresbman class at Swarthmore and will major in chem. WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR istry. . ' OLD REFRIGERATOR A graduate of Swarthmore ~:~~I~ Cf!Il lU4ley Parle 8890 School, Gemmill i. interested in il mural softball and basketball and is RECONDmONED candidate for the staff of the Phoenix. AND GUAJlANTBI!D . Miss Doris L. Bye, daughter of Dr. UBIID IUIFBIGm&TOR8 '. nd Mrs. Raymond T. Bye of Moylan, ,s also a member of the freshman class t th ~ co.IIege, were h ~ sh e 'IS planning to malor ID psychology. Dcris graduated from Swarthmore High School, where she was a member 19 E. Hineldey Avenue ·of the French Club, the Spanish· Club RIDLEY PARK. PA. REFRIGERADON . SERVICE ALL MAKES _lor •• • I • INTERBORO• . ELJ.CT.IC APPLIAICE SERVICE sional jobs of many kil\ds be almost ity Health 10, Society was held Hall. Thursday, completely taken oVer by will women. With Clarifia Tin Salvage December in Borough The ;n~d~t~h~e~y~e~a~r-~b~OO~k~s~ta~ff~.~_ _ _ _;'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= these tremendous opportunities there Dear Editor: president, Mrs. A. F. Jackson, presided. are also tremendous responsibilities, for Every resident of Swarthmore has The supervising nurse reported a total which women must fit themselves. received a salvage circular to save TIN of 506 visits made by the sta"ff during . detinn'ing.1 November. : Languages also. ar'e needed for CANS, properly prepared for Plans are underway to assist in the tary and personnel work. It is th·e· obli- Media, Wallingford· and Chester are United Charities Campaign. Following ~tjon of !he college to. c;omptete' .tr~in- also doing this and arranging for col- the meeting the members of the board mg f9 r .Jobs: . f9r .whlch non-college ledion. Some o{ the families here, es- under the leadership of the district and wome~ are uiIfitted. pecially the boys; have been 'saving tin committee chairman, Mrs. D. Mal, Mr. -Shank. ~iio ·has ser;ed on the cans ever since LaGuardia started sav- col~ Hodge and Mrs. J. Donald Gibsoll, American Council of Education for ing them in N~w York City. made up a Community Crusade Tour to e~ht years, is secretary of its commitOur community was under the im- visit several member agencies of the tee on ¥e;u:urement and Guidance and pression that the quantity amounted to Community Fund of Philadelphia. the committee on Student Personnel very; little. Therefore. on behalf of the The board of directors acknowledged appreciation the generous contri.. work. He is-also· executive secretary for War Production Board, I have bad a the Co~iUee on Youth Pro~lems, survey made as to how many tin cans butions received by the agency during wl:tkh is .responsible for the continued come in to Swarthmore - to the stores the month and the .important services use of the findings of the Am~rican and to the institutions that buy ou'tslde rendered by the large group . .pi. vohU.l; Youth Commission. Prior to his work I the town, to show the quantity in num- teers:· ~,..... ... ',',. -...., .. -;'=.' with the council,' he ser"'!ed a year in ber and the tonnage that is subject to the education program of the CCC. Be- collection. . Heads W.S,G.A. ·Committee . • More People are Using Their Fireplaces:,.',: fore that, he was assistant dean of stuBELIEVE IT OR NOT - There are dents at the University of Akron. over 9500 -cans. up to size No.. 10 that Beatrice Brewster, datighte.r of Mr. This ·Winter Than Ever. Before. ., The meeting was sponsored by the our stores receive and sell each mQ:nth. and Mrs. Frank ·V. Brewster of Di.ck:t Vocational Committee' of Swarthmore there are over 2000 No. 10 cans lhat ioson avenue, has been elected cbair~ WE HAVE GRATES AND THE College. Mr. Shank was introduced by are emptied each month by the Insti- man of th'e personnel com~l~tee of t~e· Mrs. Gordon Lange,· Women's voea- tutians bought wholesale. These No. Woman's Student Gove:rnment Assoc18FUEL TO BURN IN THEM . I . ·cans weigh nearly one pound each:and tion of Swarthmore College. . tiona adVisor at the college. the cans that the stores handle, include Beatrice. who is a senior, was aa number of this s~e.. member of th~ personnel committee last . College frofeseorB Join Speakers The' cross section on an average of year, sang in the chorus in her fresJtthe cans that go through the stores will man year. and has been on her class 'l'~lephQ..e. Sw~hmore 1234 ., Eight faculty members from Swarth- run three to four cans per pound. There- basketball and hockey teams. She isa .. '. Ihore College are members of a volun- fore, the tonnage coming to the town psycholOgy major. . '.! teer speakers bureau which has been I a,mounll. to at least 4400 pounds per organized by the Key Center o~. .War month, or approximately two gross Information at the University of Penn· tons: 12 months equal 24 gross .. over 50,000'pounds during the year. sylvania. They are Drs. Robert E. Spiller, pro- amount, notwithstanding, that there is fessor of English j Lucius R. Shero, a definite and heavy reduction in the professor of Greek: Philip M. Hicks, number of cans that can be made durprofessor of El1g1ish; Frank C. Pierson, ing this war period. assistant professor of economics; MaurTo bring it closer to us, it is well to ice Mandelbaum, assistant· professor _of parallel this item with something patent philosophy; Vernon A. O'Rourke, as- to all _ THIS TWELVE MONTH'S sistant professor of political science; SUPPLY to our village would SUllpl:y I Robert K. Enders, associate professor enough roofing tin to place a on of zoology, and Harold C. Goddard, who 62 houses, not over 40 ft. by 40 ft. is Alexander Griswold Cummins Pro- I.·oofing area. . fessor of English. . In our mosquito infested neighborThe list of 26 topic. includes, among hood, the TIN CAN was a veritable others, The Atlantic Charter, The nuisance, yet it contained the best steel Church in the War and After, Hemi- and one and one-half per cent of tin i spheric Solidarity, Medicine and Public from the year 1931 to 1936 all cans that Health. Financing the War, Economics went to dumps were covered up and in Buying Food, Social Problems Oc- lost. casioned by the War, Post War EcoNew,York City's garbage. ashes and nomic Readjustments, Winning the cans were dumped into the Atlantic Peace, and Women in the War. Ocean. At least 200,000 tons per year of this tin and steel was lost to us during these ·years. NEWS NOTES Today this waste must be saved as Among those in the large Swarth- we need the tin acutely and the steel more group w1!ich attended Monday nearly as badly. Our 50,000 Ibs., if most evening's Youth Concert in Philadelphia of it could be salvaged, would produce were: Craig Neal, Lois Landon, Doug- 750 Ibs. of block tin and 49,250 ·Ibs. of las Heath. Betsy Hornaday, Alice Put:- first class No.1 bundles of steel scrap. nam, Jjm ~leaves, Elizabeth Pope, The price of the Block Tin is about 44c Mary Marshall, Marilyn MacElwee, per lb. and the steel $14.00 Ned Rutherfprd. Betty and Barbara ton at the detinning plant; are Krase, - Frederick Morey, Heather ceiling prices. If there was an open Champion. Mrs. J ohit Lumsden. Anne m,.rk.t and there were no ceiling prices. Cochran, Bill and Barbara Sickel, Kay tin might well be $5.00 per lb. al)d I Thurma.n, Helen Kraus, Elaine Kite, am sure the scrap value would be at to mo've great .masses of troo'ps •• ; Above, is shown the uack "~y~ut" of Mary J<.istler. Betty Laws, Betty WiI- least $20.00 per ton, as it was railroads to haul the mOllDtBinS of importa!'t railroad. termiiJal-~e son, Sidney Smith. Frances to that level in January 1941. materials needed for war. With them, Union Station at WashlDgton. Over if, Mrs. ~obert Erskine, Jr., Judy The drain of the TIN CANS (with our military ·command can move and Susan Thatcher. loss) on our National reso~rces . in· a single month, move more than troops to any point in the country ••• , apalling and one not noticed" by' 108,000 locomotives and.~. y~ Maw Ma~Millan is public, but wben we compare this 50,000 get suppliesfiOm anjwhere-'Jwcldy. impressive in size and ~:!11 as this tomorrow from Elmira with the weight of our first drive smoothly, elliciendyl In ~ rfght ~ rraCk Setup is, it is only a part of N: Y. ~o ~pend the Christmas of lbs., it makes lIS Our dar-every dar-more ~aJ) ",Q!l!) the· vast· network of lines that suea:b w,th ber parents Mr. and Mrs. enthusiastically tbrew • aaiIiS are working fOr !;he ~ donI from coast to ~ ••• bo~er to MacMillan of Vassar ave~ue. accumulations of years, yet it Tb~ spirit of private !!Iltu;rprisborder ••• 1inldo.g City. to Ci?, ••• Ethel Hay who i. attending the netted half the weight of what we can American entetprue-builnills great natuml resources to war md~Uies-a of Horticulture at Ambler, Pa. will re· now save. system. And, with the ~ntinued CQoo ,ltIlooth, unified sf!tClll totaling over tum tomorrow to spend the Christmas Our second drive known as the openrjon of the l'ubIic, Office of Devacatim;l with her parents Mr. and Mrs. "Newspaper Drive" ~ edDcate~ mor~ 235000 miles of DiIroad! fODle TDnspoltation, N.", and Wac Edwin N. pay of Ogden avenue.· of us to the importance of raw matersuateif of our milituy . . ents, this Ipidt Will keep Margaret Brown' daughter of Mr. ials and bas prcxluced so far, 48,l;J1) ibs, '. . . ·~andleliglJt. supper on D.ei:e!1!.~,er ._ ,_' ': ~" ! SoJdlen' Gifts Du",·NoW'· .-, :'Mr';W' .... Schmidt,War' Service MeetlnB llOuse IN VILLAGE LIBRARY . •• - ,- - ••, - . t:~::'K"'-'e." "ri~--'~' ~hioFir," Christmas .story; ~.,.. ',! . Shadow' ..· ·...t.. , by Elizabeth ....,un ustrate th~ Lit~e Christmas Eve when all the ani, were_at' peace together under the tree trimmed »y the children; "Why the Chi~es Rang and Other Stories," by RaYInond Alden; "The Book Mirror-backed - Mahogany Maple . of Christmas," by May of ....... _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ ..... Becker, a "must" book it, .... stories, poems, songs OPEN EVBNINGS self, set down for your PROM 7 TP 9,30 ring"-"So the bells lor . ~~~t~&::i ~ or ~~~ ~~~:~~:I~~~~~~~~~:;~;~ of then"baby on Sunday. Mr., .A1exander Ewing Dartmouth Lend ~roY_te w~.. ;=;~~=~=;.Ierii!,g entertain~d :rth~~'(gn~' ::t:W!.:t~ the members of May ~ri~e foursome at lurfchh o~e. o~ Tues d ay. . B ert Kroon, oon 0 f M r. and Mrs, R. ~~~~~~~II~: Kroon of Muhlenberg avenue celebrated his seventh birthda,y last Sunday ne,· ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Re-:eleetDe1ap~e September TenD. 1M3 with near 01 '-"iDe . afternoon by e"ter~g eight of his lInprovementa ccmaIat 01' two storr &tone and ,frame house. 8Ox24 feeti one storr garage_ 22x2Z teet. of I(on·DeIa Cor· Hand money tlOOO.OO. T. B1lTLIIII, Attomel. September Term, 1M2 J. E.,LIl\IEBURNER. of p~ of bea1DD1D8• 8ubJeet to conclltloDB and restrlcllooa. I II . G•Oft a I>lCe· b-arb er.· "-:..==""",,",,,,,",==;;;;;;======11 Brook.....nue and BdgabW Road, theDee bY center line Brooke Ave. SOUth dB- West 381.86 ~t. thence N. 30- 3' W. 242.18 ft. thence N. ea- B. 3H.1'40 ft. to center Une of EdgebW ReI: thence 8. 38' 30' B. ~.oe ft. to ".;:;atlo';:&S real the property OWDel'; . de Angeli, the Polish celebration of. Christmas in America, also ChristW, Delaplaine was re,elected mas chapters in her other books - "resident . M Ca "Elin's AmeriJlllan at time or 001. 1 .. a week with her parents. Mr. COIIcIIIIoDa _ dQ or _, wiU join hi. lamily· over the week:end to be present at the christ. Le...... _ ~ PROM HiU," by Mar- ... ... Wor axes 13 '" ill ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;.;;;:;,;~~;~::~~;.:. ;::;;.~?;;,: II~;:;~~' . . . Town j '''Up the nF _ Go Victorian this Yule. MONDAY, DBCEMBER 14 . - .. 10:00 AsM,-Bed Crw., . ,.' " ~ ........._ .. EDWIN B. KElJ.EY, Jr. Your Jeweler 25 Ball 7t1a St. SBCl'ION 4. Nothlng herelDahaIl betaken to p!Oh1b1t the lawtUl ParkIDII of veblcIes in &ccordance With ex1.it1Dg Dqrough Oldl... Ch_ Hew ltate TIloatn)· . 'Plaoae CL..~ 37M i~~P51c~bu~.~Fn~m~"'~._~Sa~t1~-~~·~~1 Cr , .' nances. or to effect any modlflcation or (Oppodte amendment or any such ordman""".-· HOLIDAY TIME B...... - Kooiok S Ii_ ' ' ! . Cu;Ia-HGW.; Cnft SIMMONDS Academy will arrive home for a month's vacatiOll:bveit mas holidays .. And lucky is the _ _ who CCID coUnt on her QIIB and elec:trIc coolr!i>q aida to help with the hol1cIay meals. ' Make lull use of your qas 01' electric: r::1 l')~'IJl" nOI~e:Nation.lsali·~~~d',Tniat"C~~f~"· Memb~"of, Federid Depo'it"tDI'Ur~e . . 'eo:!:· .' ·'f· ~ .,-;';~: \ : ' ) ' , •. ,' " . IH:"!""n:" ,;.'-' .... . !. . - .... m.LI0Tr mCBABD80N ,Secretary . .- . ~ '. . . "'". i £ ,,- " '. -'Pta..: Media 459-11 - ," - ~. Buy More War Stamps and Bonds lden~ -.-. " Afte P1'l at least ten ~_ ..;ent__ot 6%. or 70/0. or 8o/o-into War Bonds through the. · PayroU Plan. . Do it· f~r that cbi.1d of yours, Isn~ he. worth it7 .. Mrs. Mr. Strath Jerry their g;'e.i~l.tst we.:k~ena Mr. Park York last lectures Mechanical visited friends Tom Ed Alston of North Bob Rosencrans of dents at -the ..n::::::!:11 '---.;'; .~: ."J~ .":,,,,,.,,:~ : . ' ,., . . ISN 'T "It'·E'·: '0.'· RTH : IT'~· \.'., f with her , . ..... S I'D m. ...... laath, fiNplaiie.; Adialto onJy. Pia ••cadoD •• o:oee. IS8 ..Ollda. ....- . ' ~; ' ,.' ,. ....\ '\ ' ...... - ~- _.- ........ • THE·S\yiltTHMOREAN I;;~~;a~!.:to~b:ut~ also showing of don. created by a [rI.lUd (C''' : f \ - , , . . . . 'iii Olio) ..... ~ M.Cm.... eontldered from Mr•. de AqeU's book' Children. hanfaOed to do 10 miserably in the Am1U."Y CbrIebIUII' puty Foi:eo . MODI Witla ...,_ tmd Set-.... 'I :~e:'~~ibo:f.:!the bOard and other friends past.n liwi~ -..r -of B - 'J'Iooee W~ . f~- ",,--,-e;ear" - r -I ,,"isted in the entertainCommander :Mille~ referr~d to many I . of I ' L......-rl.-'"'LU ..__ , .-.-. s' the young guests and eiijoyed prominelit 'naval athletes wliO are ""- - - with the gala occasion which was fl/rh\ltig pr~lnent1y_ tI!i'oughOllt Tbe regular meeting of the IIIIrked by the; display of 160 Ii~ ju- w"rld: n;e' Gilffoi.- 0{ the A!lalib~ . 1.,. ~'st'.~." di!"ecl.c!l:~ of the Swartlmiore vepile .bob., Mn~ QlIeothe.. H._ Froeb_el yoy, Jonas lngrallii Butt BorrIes'i D A association was held at the· and Hn. Harold Griffin were at the American Naval Academy back O{ sev-li~~~~i _,J4c .....·'0-~1 W-'~~ MDlictay - evenirig, December 7. tea table. eral years i'go: Mike Mpran rary andwith all points and(ootbau, Ufe. If or "'''':'v' '=_'-"_"... _.'~",..".,""""'_ .he uctaSlon wai B. Green h,,\1';- . th...~; tlieb _ --_.... 1ftU< informal, but 200 children were present gratitude and appreciation. sPOrts prOilram lias . Iii 10ft COIOri. fiaiM Muteo; to ~ .f!rst dehand ,,!eeting' for the months mO.lder in your life: first'~:;I~~~~:~ ware With tt. Mrs.enjoy. Marguertte Angeli, wn'terwith and ofThe th • • Sep- tember, . aDd _ to fight odds', second; the .tam0 er '~elv' oc:enrio 1942 showed a of ina to give battle: third, tbe heart the high: .chlaOl "'" books, an' 1504 over refuses to give up. , s c l i O o L A doZen ~' . ". '. STEAKS-CHOPs . .ame During these I Gaeeu Tiiilis, arid' uary 25, 1943 at 8 P. M. At .that time . alld SWarthriu;re CoUege foot_II Auy friends donating these may :=~============: , ,s wor k WI'11 b e pre- ball star', Bill Burk, Roy W. Delaplaine, them in the vestibule of Urs. repor ts· 0 f' th"e year .' £ d Gilcree.t'. h' ome on Harvard avesen e . president _of tbe Swarthmore Schoo.I _5' -5:5'==a;;==== ' f t b nue. More J·ewe'''''.coul. d also be usid. The ff ter f moo Ice 0 wo mem ers Board: Fred S. Underhill, president of "¥ _ ...liIt ........ orof the board expire this year: Mrs. the Lansdowne School Board', Christmas baskets for this ~ All' H ,,).< h··· I ' -'- f d It' b ks h distri"ct m'U be packed next ='":~~c~ ~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~I also °UlSIC. -serves C aIrman the community 0 a u excellently 00 w 0 Eaton, IIBob" .and teacher: Gerner, former Henry wishing to contribute an and vitally as head of the local Red George Iieun.i' of the -"•• ,- • or a toy for a family of Men Cross. Organization, an'd President athletic department, and" will help greatly. Clothing and Guenther H. Froebel, who gives his of the Swarthmore College for eight fanimes bave aIserVices in spite of time and energy staff. been collected. - ... :a'. . . ' UI.., n.....-.... G- '-'t- ua.,.... • . P" '''bt' Pottery ,; .. , . u'L~e ~_ B~k ~.Is~nce footbaU~ YOuI~~~~;~~~~l~~~~~~I' .. .I"':~ s.... ..t"_ f' a 1"lce- barb er, G-"1 ..5 M. T. AIlII•• ___ Christmas. Gi/t8 lor GIFTS THAT COUNT! DIAMONDS required by' his important position in At the conclusion of the evening, war industry. "Bob" Odell, University of Pennsy!· All members of thc Library Association afe reminded that nominations for directors muSt be filed witb the librarian not later than Wednesday. December 30; Nomination blanks may be obtained from the librarian and require 10 signatures to place in nomination the chosen person, who must have signified his or her willingness to serve if elected. 'Members of the Library Association who are entitled to take part in tl\e election are limited to those residents of Swarthmore who have already signed the ,roll of members at the library or who will sign it before' December 30, i942. Voting will take place at the I'-~:;~~::;yduri"g .library hours Saturday, I! 23, 1943 and Monday, January until 8 P. M., when the polls close. ELGIN - HAMILTON BULOVA - GRUEN WESTFIELD WATCHES • PARKER- SHEAFFER ·EVERSHARP PENS, PENCILS • LUCIEN LELONG PERFUMES -~ SILVERWARE MOVIE' CAMERAS • Ca." OF 10." I 1MoI.-. ~ ._.~ football star, who had been most signing autographs most of presented and described action motion pictures of the P"nnsyl.val,ia-' Cornell Football game. Coach "Bill" Ziegenfus deli~ered a address, explaining to Commander Miller and the guests the new athletic program that the High School has undertaken in connection with the 80'\ernment's physical fitness pr~gram, then awarded school letters and silver footballs from the sponsoring committee to: 1942 Cal!.tain Alfie Haig: CaPtain-elect Gil Widdowson; John Bair. Dick Bell, Gordy Bi!C'Tman, Al Bullard, Ja,y D.augherty, Bob Helmuth. Dick Hoot. Ted Moore. Jerry Nowell. John Rogeri. Paul Rutan. Phil Shenkle, Bob Sheppllrd, Morris Trimmer, Bob Zenson, and- Doug Heath and Pete Myers, managers. The Junior Auemblits The Junior Assemblies will meet. on Saturday December 12. Chaperotis for t,he Intermediate class will be Dr. ,\nd Mrs. Frederick Patman, Mr. abd Mrs. Robert M. Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. R. Taylor: for the Sophomore Asbe Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Mr. and Mrs. Whitworth and Mrs. J. E. Chiquoine, Permerton M. Dickson. for the Senior ·'AssembJy Mr. and Mrs. Clarence' G. Myers, Parents of the Senior Assembly are welcome to come anytime they wish. Mr. and Mrs. Howell Lewis Shay, Jr. of Washington, D, C, were the guest! last week-end of Mr. Shay's parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Shay of Park and Michigan avenues. .Smoking Jaekets _ .. $8.95 Lollnging Robes $6.95 to $15 Twin Sweater Set $6.50, $6.95 Sweaters . _ , , . $2.95, $6.50 Fur Lined Gloves $2.50 to-$5.00 Arrow Shirts, $2.25 to $3.50 Arrow 'I1es _ . _$1.00, ,1.50 Arrow Handkerchiefs 25eto'I.00 Stetson Hat8 $5.00 to $10.00 HOl:in'8 Hats ____ , .13.95 So . ______ . S5e to 11.00 19 WEST THIRD ST. CHESTER Theodora Hulme daughter of Mr. and The committee's gratitude is P~!::'~~:~I.~.NiRiliiNiN~iiliN~[iEiiNiIii';RiliiNiRiiiiNiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiliiNiRiliiNii Mrs. Norman Hulme of North Chester Dietitian - M;rgaretta Ii 'r.oa.O has b~en honored by the Wilson . directed her school College Athletic Association for pro- staff, ladies of the Red Cross Canteen, ficiency and sportsmanship during the am£" members· qf· the. Girls' Hockey hockey season. Team in their capable preparation of the supp.er. Weekly .Payme .... - - -...--Reading Specialist At Home and GIFTS for every member of the family. iff8~,11)~'-('f;lt!~I.til{(::a"d8 are different. Come ill and see ~c,flol')l (CD1IliInutl /,0lIl PIII_ 0116) private teacher of readingj Theresa Young and Ruth Abbott of the faculty. -. Opinions varied as to methods used in We 8tiU',hiiv¢;~ 'Ii~j~:~iunber of import8. reading. Some children apparently do not learn under the phonetic method the non-phonetic method is a better .....'l'" '.:' ': . , ..-;..!": .1.. one when symbols arc used. The question of the age when a .child shOUld be Ed~gn~o:id';Avenrie introduced to reading, arose from the floor. Mr. Boney's answer was, UIo :;;;;;;;:"=~=~~"===~~~;;;;"==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;9ill my opinion a child should not start to ~ ~eaTn to read until he has reached the fourth grade". .FUEL OIL COUPONS NOW The meeting was adjourned by Dr. Paul F. Gemmill, president, with a "elioil . Couponts Become"oid staternc.nt concerning dues which are First'_ December 16 payable to Mrs. Walter M. Reynolds S~OJ;: month of -=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~=411 November were ·conrpiledthe it was found -tr -tr if if ; if if if -tr -tr -trif if -tr -tr -tr if UNNECESSARY TELEPHONE CALLS that Richard T. R~ndall, Jr. was first with a percentage of 61.55, second place went to Halsey R. Jones with 59.59, followed closely by Harold W. Tomlinson who had 5924 percent. . Wednesday night's play resulted in Mr. and Mrs. R. Gemmill and Harold . Tomlinson and Richard A. Sanders tying for first place. I Crum Creek Scores . tAl;)m IIA"". "'~. _'" .\0'" C~\.\.I' . 'Hi .ILL ,iLl'HOMI COMPAM:r 0' PIMMSYLva .... .....'"-.... Crum .Creek Club met Monday eveNovember 30. The winners seated I n(lrtb and south were John Bowditch and George S. Warren first, Mrs. Alben Hill and Mr•. K. C. Kennedy second, and Mrs. I. R. MacElwee Mrs. William Soden and west, Mrs. Wallace Lnc:1d.- first, MrL Way/te E. E. Keatley *0IId, and 1~~~Willstlt Martip third were l' Oi.a . ' . Toys Cntlery Glassware China Silex pYrex GAlEY'S GIFT BOXES FREE 803 EDGMONT AVENl1& HARDWARE STORE CHESTER- phone Chester 4814 Open Friday and Sat. Until 9:30 SPEARE'$ CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HOURS so NATHAN DOESN'TFEAR INFLATION Desdline Taeeday Noon • Tbe Swarthmorean will be is- t}agtant of lbt j!atibitp MRS. WM. VLAmOS DIES SUDDENLY slJed the day before Christmas. Thill will neces.itate the deadline V II881II' GoUqJe Economist Sad... VIl88IlI' Avenue Resident he GIVEN UNDER THE AUSPICES OF for news and advertising copy . fied AIileriran Program Burled FoUowing Private being IDDved up one day ahead WmWork Service Today of the usual time. Therefore all 'tHE DONALD DARUNGTON FUND matter to be used in next week's Mrs. Rutb Mitchell Vlachos wife of ''The danger of' inflation has issue must be in the office by CLOTHIER MEMORIAL, S1JVARTBMORE COUEGE William Vlachos died suddenly at 8 ayert~d", ,averred Dr. Otto Nathan noon on Tuesday, December 22. A. M. Tuesday, December IS, at her professor of economics and sociology at ' - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _-J home 215 Vassar avenue. She had been Vassar College, before a group of memSUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1942 troubled witb a heart condition for the· bers and friends of the Swanbmore past six months but death came very· Leagne of Women Voters last Friday AT 5 AND AT 7 O'CLOCK unexpectedly. afternoon in the local Woman's Club A resident of Swarthmore since 1911 House. she came here from Pbiladelphia. Sbe Dr•. Nathan wbose subject at the Christmas Program of Rose Val. is a direct descendant Qf th~ first Quakmorning session was "Need for Price ley Group Tomorrow Evel\tbertrut. ers to land in the stale of Delaware. Control in i War Economy" and in the. Quiet and retiring, Mrs. ,Vlachos UVe~.· ning in Media aftern~on IIDevelopment .of Price Con«It. ".,.. Ito only for her home ~n,d famil.yt trol in the U. So", proceeded to trace The Rose Valley Chorus will present _Of»!}1P _ t mt Surviving besides hei husband the steps used to prevent inflation in a war economy. Stating that in war "The Story of Christmas," a musical I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ two sons Lt. j.g. W~Ham: ~.... of . Park' pageant- on Saturday evening, Decem- I: avenue and E~warc:i. of,. -Sec·aite, two times the total amount of money, and ber 19. at 8:30 in the Media Woman's 1~;:::~i~~~'o!l:Mrs. Robert (:onrad of the total amount of goods, and the total Club. Skidding Driver Breaks Pole D. C. and Mr~~ r~ul Mattis' number~ of· people who.want to buy are Wearing gay peasant costumes. the Red Cross Note Sproul road. and three granddaugh~ unequal: and the scarcity .of goods Chorus will present its songs against At 7:30 A. M. 1ast Sunday Harry J. • tcrs Anne and Ruth of· Swarthmore'. tends to lead to rising prices, he quoted a typical Christmas background. O'Donnell of Llanerch driving north on The Surgical Dressing Room in and Claire of Secane. .~ ceiling 1?rices as the first step of pre. The soloists will be Isabel Murdock Park avenue collided with the car of Borough Hall will be closed on Strictly private funeral services will vention. Price movement is good in Price and Barron Helmuth. "Mrs. Price Chandler M. Caton which was parked Chri..tm.. Eve. Thursday, Decembe conducted at the hoine this after-· peace economy but in war times starts will sing thrce well-known compositions 'd h' ber 24. It w,'ll be open on Wednesnoon at outSI e IS apartmcnt at 10 Park aveG h 2 o'clock byf the Rev. l. lardeR a spiral which is hard to stop, accord- by John Jacob Niles, "I Wonder as I · day morning and Wednesday eveuent er r.ector 0 Trinity Church.· ing In the speaker who offered as the Wander," "LucIe Lullay," and "Jesus, nue. The O'Donnell car skidded across B urI a I WI'11 b e In . th e fami'1y Iot at N ewning as usual. second step to prevent inflation, price Jesus, Rest Your Head". She will be the street and broke off a light pole at Regular Day.: Vlednesday, town Square. control such as that started (except accompanied by Rebecca Bradbeen. the corner drugstore. The driver was 10:00 A. M. to 4:00 P. M..; Wedfor agricultural prices) in April 1942. Mr. Helmuth wi1lsing the "Byzantine charged with reckless driving and nesday, 8:00 to 10:00 P. M.; Agricultural prices were controlled since Chant". scheduled for further hearing on the Th d 10:00 t 4:00 P 'I -' _o . '"_ . _-', October by s~aling agricultural prices The-program by the Chorus will be: 19th. 1·_ _urs _ ay, __ _._ _ ~,r.. at 110 parity on prices existing in 1909"Long "years Ago in Bethlehem," a __-'-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.:..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1914, Mauy Resident8 Prepared and Christmas carol from Tyrol; "J esu I IIRationing is the twin sister of price Thou Dear Babe Divine," traditional Anxious for Thi8 Phase control", said Dr. Nathan, "and is the cradle song from Hayti; "Rocking," of War Salvage third step used to prevent inRation. translation of the Czech carol "Hajey om... , Borough Rall-T.Ieph...... 0351. The Tin Can Salvage Committee of Rationing is no reflection on the effi- Nynjej"; "Joseph Came Seeking a Open Weekday. 9,30 -U,30 A. M. Swarthmore has asked the cooperation ciency' of.a country. It is an attempt to Resting Place," American carol for create a just and equitable system when Christmas; "Puer Nobis," from a Trier • of school children and their families in shortages develop". RULES FOR DIM DOWN AREI'S gathering processed tin cans. At the manuscript of the 15th century; '''fouro The· fourth means, according to Dr. Lauro," French carol; "Carol of the ( 1) This rule. shall be observed in the Counties of Philadelphia and Delaware present time citizens who are desirous and certain designated Townships of the surrounding Counties. (Date now of cooperating in this campaign can preNathan, is by taxation. "Price control Sheep Bells," traditional Slovak carol; announced for enforcement is January 1.) pare the tin cans and tie them inlQ neat will break down unless the tax pro- "Oh Mary, My Mother," based on a gram is wise", he stated. He named Norwegian folk song; "While We Go ( 2) This rule shall be observed from one-half, hour after sundown each night bundles. The process of preparing',the . until one-half hour before sunrise the follo~ing morning between the dates ";;'''';;I,,;i. to wash them thoroughly. ti.:. three methods of taxatl"", "the first is to Betblehem," ~faark, Now the ings,'" "When the Infant Jesus," Polish of October·J and Apri130, inclusive; arrd-froD1 one hour after sundown each any food and paper, cut ouf.r'oth to borrow from the people in form of night until ~ one-half hour before sunrise the following morning "between ends, put the ends inside and flatten the loans; the second to tax the people; carols j UPatapan, Burgundian," 17th the dates of May 1 and September 30, inclusive. can. These can then be put into bundles and the third to borrow from the banks century; "The Adoration of the Shepherds," mediaeval catalonian nativity ( 3) Where a boundary line specified is a street, highway, or railroad. both sides or boxes for convenience in transportawhicb i. an Inflation method". of such street, highway or r:oilroad shall be included within the regulated tion. . The measures to inerease taxation song; "0 Fir Tree Dark." Swedish area and the illumination on properties along both sides of such street, School children are t.o cooperate in; carol; --Father Christmas," Russian have been to lower the exemption on highway or railroad shall be subject to these regulations. this campaign by bringing to the school carol personal income taXes through corporThe singing of "Silent Night" will ( 4) "Source of light" as used in this rule shall mean any glass enclosed fila- these cans, collecting them from tbeir ate taxes and to add existing taxes such ment, gas mantle, fmorescent or neon tube, arc light, or other light pro- families or neighbors. Salvage piles will bring the concert to a close. a. the victory 'tax. dueing element operating on an electrical circuit, or operated by ilIumina- be established immediately in back of . Dancing wiU follow. "Other methods being discussed", ting gas ~r an open flame or otherwise, together with aU enclosing the schools, both at the CoUege avenue . • League was advised. "are the sales transparent or translucent material. and at Rutgers avenue school Two Yoang Authors and spending tax."- Dr. Nathan c1aim"d .( 5) All exterior luminous sigus and advertising shall be extinguished. This later date a more thorongh canv.... In One Honse the sales tax puts too heavy a burden shall include the following: probably be made so that each home 00 'the poor. He: prefers tbe spending (a) All forms of luminous advertising signs such as roof and wall signs, be visited. Trudy Enders. daughter of Dr. and tax, since the more a person spends the lighted billboards. outline lighting or light sources in show windows, commitJ;ee has assured the school . higher hla taxes. "This encourages say" Mrs. Robert K. Enders of Elm avenue that as soon as a nasonable if exposed to sky view. ing," he said claiming this tax would and Jeanne Theis, a refugee who is (b) Marquees: no light .hall be visible above the horizontal. (Where glass . is made truck. will convey be diflit:lllt·to aOtl" ~ponded.. holiday ending. ~_ GoNe, Jane Dba" IIIId lone ....w..........~ ~ ............" . Prepare your tin cans and save them for collectIon. IIIukb,. ..... 08idal 0JM"I1q of the booth ..leo throughout DeIa...re CoomI1. wm Ch oms to Present C arols of Nations au tubo tome in tbt .pkit of anb """ art arC; ,-------------.1' * Defense- Council Bulletins * • . ". SCHO'O--L--P-UP--ILS TO COT TT.'CT CANS INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE A. OIRJSrMAS .SEALS THE SlVAKTHMOKEAN of.· children;...'~bi,'i¥t:(~:Mr•. 13'50 ..4celalm '42 lUgIonWomfm Deep .--~----I,mRARY BOARD deillustrator Angell thrilled her audience not only Football Year her .torie. of her well·loved· book In Xmas Charity SCANS QUARTER with characters but also with a surprise (en' "t /_ '.,1 showing of dolls created by a friend have failed to do so miserably in the sw A I~THM() I~E f OT Christmas flaoor s.... alice barber, Gifts -================= 15============== I""" ".U M. T. AIIUN Christmas Gifts o ~~~~~~pe~n~~~~~t~~~~lalso I GIFTS THAT COUNT! DIAMONDS FREE! I WATCHES • PENS, PENCILS • _. I I ---+--- .: .-. BEAUTIFUL GIFTS An a ..r~· ~:i:tli.till"lh·~gifls for every lllelllber of Ihe family. Ollr l\n·d:G~eeliiig· CardB are different. Come in and see Ihem • . Gifts We still have'a ·limit.ed Dumher of imports. . COLONIAL GIF;T SHOP . . 314 EdgmolltAvellue CASH YOUR FUEL OIL COUPONS NOW Pcriml First Second Third Fourth Fiflh COli pons Become Valill Oclober I December 3 January 6 February 7 Mareh 13 Coupons Become f"oifl December 16 Jnnuary 19 I;'ebruary 20 March 26 September 30 • Reading Specialist At Home and School (Co"ti1llled /'0'" Pag_ Olle) private teacher of reading; Theresa Young and Ruth Abbott of the faculty. Opinions varied as to methods used in reading. Some children apparently do not learn under the phonetic method and the non-phonetic method is a better onc when symbols arc used. The question of the age when a child should be introdllced to reading, arose from the floor. 1\Ir. Boney's answer was, "In my opinion a f:hild should not start to ~earn to read until he has rC2.chcd the fourth grade". The meeting was adjourned by Dr. Paul F. Gcmmill, president, with a statemcnt concerning dues which are payable to ""frs. \Valter hI. Reynolds of South Chester road. Following the session, rcircshments werc servcd bv thc eighth grade mothers undcr th~ chairmanship of Mrs. Frederick A. Patman. , VAN ALEN BROS. Phone. Swa. 10412 AVOID UNNECESSARY TELEPHONE CALLS I Swarthmore Bridge Cluh When the scores'· for the month of November were compiled it was found that Richard T. Randall, Jr. was first with a percentage of 61.55, second place went to Halsey R. Jones with 59.59, fol. lowed closely by Harold W. Tomlinson who had 59.24 percent. Wcdnesday night's play rcsulted in Mr. and Mrs. R. Gemmill and Harold \V. Tomlinson and Richard A. Sanders tying for first place. • Crum Creek Scores 'HI BILL TELEPHONE COMPANY O' PENNSYLVANIA Crum Creek Club met Monday eveNovember 30. The winners seated I n"Tt~ and south were John Bowditch and George S. Warren first, Mrs. Albert Hill and Mrs. K. C. Kennedy sec· ond, and Mrs. I. R. MacElwee and Mrs. William Soden third. Seated east and west, Mrs. Wallace McCurdy and L. G. Luckie first, Mrs. Wayne Randall and Mrs. E. E. Keatley second, and Mr. Mrs. Willset Martin third were the vic:toriou. ones. B I~ I iii . II Tricycles _ Wagons _ Sleds - Scooters - Games of All Kinds - Dolls Stuffed Animals _ Ice and RoUer Skates - and a Milllon Other Playthings FERGUSON'S HARDWARE-4 E. State St., Medla-'Phonc Media 630 .... ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ii I- ~~~~~.~ Toys Cutlery Glassware China Silex Pyrex GALEY'S 803 EDGMONT AVENUE HARDWARE STORE CHBSTER Phone Chester 4814 ~~~~c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~••~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~·--·-~ ~ GIFT CHESTER'S FASHION CORNER Open Friday ~ I I BOiEs FREE J1Q#!1;Jj:@)i:lj;~ Bet.er Things for Less alld Sat. Until 9:30 SPEARE'S CHR.STMAS SHOPP.NG HOURS I z S i I I ,tofocI fOUl" Home ltom T.60,..,/osis VOL XIV. No. AI:I T S. THE S\VARTHMOREAN 0-) Amd!!ary Christmas Party Forefrom Mrs. de Angeli'. book' Children. Last Three Months Considered Members of the board and other friends past." of BlUY Three Weeks Along With BlIdget and Set·up of the Library assisted in the entertain· Commander Miller referred to many runner of Cheer Dlelributing for Next Year ment of the young guests and enjoyed prominent naval athletes who are DOW with them the gala occasion which was fighting prominently throughout the The American Legion Auxiliary'. The regular meeting of the board of marked by the display of 160 new ju· world: Ike Griffon of the Atlantic con· Christmas party last Friday aftemoon directors of the Swarthmore Library vepile bok.. Mrs. Guenther H. Froebel voy, Jona. Ingram, Buzz Borrie., All· was a great .ucces•. Twenty·four people as.ociation was held at the Library and Mrs. Harold Griffin were at the American Naval Academy back of sev· with an Old World assembled in the Legion room to play eral years ago; Mike Moran of the now Monday evening, December 7. The tea table. members present were Mrs. Peter E. It was decided to discontinue the famous "Boise", and "Pug" Halsey, the bridge and were served fruit punch and Peasant Linens • • Told, Allee Barber, Mrs. Sewell W. opening of the Library on Tuesday aft· Admiral of the Pacific who will be reo cookies. Table prizes were war stamp • • • made In thls co....trv by Hodge, Mr•. Franklin S. Gillespie, John ernoon, an eight-week experiment of membered by many Swarthmoreans, boutonnieres. refugee craftimet1· F. Spencer, S. S. Rutherford, J. J. which attendance records prove unwar- having attended Swarthmore Prep The local AUXIliary has sent 76 gifts to the Christmas gift shop. at the CoatesGuenther, with President Guenther H. ranted. The board adopted the Library School for many years. ville Veterans' Hospital, 40 of them hav· Gay peasant Pottery •• Froebel in the chair. budget for 1943. In conclusion Commander Miller ing been made from community dona.. • • • oven........ baked In the IdinI Mrs. Told reported as chairman of A motion was passed by the Board said, "MyoId coach, the late Knute of T ....M ...e. the children's committee a most suc- recogniz:ing the many years of volun- Rockne, always stressed three main tion. of salvage. 51 gifts went to Scotland School cessful celebration of Book Week on teer assistance to the Library and all points about football, and life. If yOll • • blghlv glazed fruit desI.... November 12. The occasion was most its Librarian. of Lola B. Green with have lea'rned these, then football, or a among them a walking and talking doll, ln soft c:olon from MelClco. informaJ, but 200 children were present gratitude and appreciation. comprehensive sports program bas been a hairribbon bracelet, and woolen hood for Mary SnydOr the Auxiliary's adopted 10... ware wlth It. to enjoy a first hand meeting with The librarian's report for the months a real molder in your life! first, the orphan. The other gifts will be distri· • • lovely .ceDes. Mr!;. Marguerite de Angeli, writer and of September, October and November, ability to fight odds; second, the stambuted to the high school girls and boy. 1942 showed a total circulation of 8781 ina to give battle; third, the heart that at that school. A dozen of these were books, an increase of 1504 over the refuses to give up. also made from salvage. STEAKS-CHOPS same months in 1941. During these Gnest. Take Bow Ten individual remembrances of cigSEAFOOD Oaw Specialty three months 367 new books have been As special guests of the committee, arettes and chocolate bars were forpurchased of which 186 are adult and all being intrcduced by Toastmaster warded to boys in home camps. Completelv Air-COnditioned 181 juvenile. Braun for a bow or a few words were The Naval Hospital needs soap, wash OLD BANK BUILDING The annual meeting of the Library the Rev. J. Jarden Guenther of Trinity cloths, playing ca,d.,· books, and ash Association will be held Monday, Jan· Church, Ensign At Cox, former Naval e:£S'''fl~ uary 25, 1943 at 8 P. M. At .that time Academy and Swarthmore C"lIege foot- leave trays. Any may _ them friends in thedonating vestibulethese of Mrs. ball star; Bill Burk. Roy W. Delaplaine, reports of the year's work will be pre.. Oscar Gilcreest's home on Harvard ave~ 'sented. president of the Swarthmore School nue. More jewelry could also be used. The term of office of two members Board j Fred S. Underhill, president of Christmas baskets for veterans in this Jlldlll:AI., a~ Ies:;~ of the board expire this year: Mrs. the Lansdowne School Board; Roland district will be packed next week. Any· All Nigh Hodge, chairman of adult books who W. Eaton, "Bob" Gerner, former High one wishing to contribute an article of School coach and teacher; Henry Hoff- underwear or a toy for a family of ten for Men serves as the head community and vitally of the excellently local Red man and George Reime·r of the High children, will help greatly. Clothing and Cross Organization, and President School athletic department, and Ed. presents for eight families have alGuenther H. Froebe1, who gives his Faulkner, of the Swarthmore College ready been collected. . .. services in spite of time and energy Athletic staH. GIFtS BOXED required by his important position in At the conc1usion of the evening, war industry. The Junior Assemblies "Bob" Odell, University of PennsylAll members of the Library Associa- vania football star, who had been most Smoking Jackets . $8.95 The Junior Assemblies will meet. on tion are reminded that nominations for willingly signing autographs most of the Lounging Robes . directors must be filed with the librar- evening, presented and described action Saturday December 12. Chaperons for $6.95 to $15 ELGIN - HAMILTON ian not later than Wednesday, Decem- motion pictures of the Pennsylvania- the Intermediate class will be Dr. and Twin Sweater Set BULOVA - GRUEN Mrs. Frederick Patman, Mr. and Mrs. ber 30. Cornell Football game. $6.50, $6.95 WESTFIELD Robert M. Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Nomination blanks may be obtained Coach "Bill" Ziegenfus delivered a Sweaters. . .. $2.95, $6,50 from thc librarian and require 10 sig- short address, explaining to Commander James R. Taylor. Chaprons for the Sophomore AsFur lined Gloves natures to place in nomination the Miller and the guests the new athletic $2.50 to $5.00 chosen person, who must have signified program that the High School has un- sembly will be Mr. and Mrs. S. 5. Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. Whitworth PARKER - SHEAFFER his or her witHngness to serve if elected. dertaken in connection with the govArrow Shirts, $2.25 to $3.50 EVERSllARP Members of the Library Association ernment's physical fitness program, F. Bird, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Chiquoine, Arrow Ties ... $1.00, $1.50 \vho are cntitled to take part in the then awarded school letters and silver Mr. and Mrs. Perrnerton ld. Dickson. Arrow Handkerchiefs Chaprons for the Senior 'Assembly election are Iimiteu to thosc residents footballs from the sponsoring commit25eto $1.00 of Swarthmore who have already sign- tee to: 1942 Captain Alfie Haig; Cap- will be Mr. and Mrs. Clarence G. Stetson Hals LUCIEN LELONG cd the ro11 of mcmbers at the library or tain-elect Gil Widdowson: John Bair. Myers. Parents of the Senior Assembly $5.00 to $10.00 are welcome to come anytime they wish. who will sign it before December 30, Dick Bell, Gordy Bierman, Al Bullard, PERFUMES Hopkin's Hats .... , . $3.95 i942. Voting wm take place at the Jay Daugherty, Bob Helmuth, Dick Mr. and Mrs. Howell Lewis Shay, Socks . . . . . . . . 35e to $1.00 library during library hours Saturday. Hoot, Ted Moore, Jerry Nowell, John SILVERWARE .January ?~, 1943 and Monday, January Rogeri, Paul Rutan, Phil Shenklc, Bob Jr. of \\'ashington, D. C. were the lUOVIE CA~lEnAS 19 WEST THIRD ST. 25, 1943 until 8 P. M., when the polls Shepp·ard, Morris 'frimmer, Bob Zen- guests last week-end of Mr. Shay's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Shay of CHESTER son, and Doug Heath and Pete Myers, close. Park and :Michigan avenues. managers. The committee's gratitude is extended _ _ICICIC_ICICICIC_tCclC_ _IIIIII_ _ _III- - - - - , Theodora Hulme daughter of Mr. and to· Higl~ School Dietitian Margaretta Mis. Norman Hulme of North Chester 8th ... EO MONT . road has been honored by the Wilson Schenbacher w'ho directed her school CllESTER.PA. College Athletic Association for pro- staff, ladies of the Red Cross Canteen, Cash or Weekly Paymenu ficiency and sportsmanship during the and members of the Girls' Hockey Team in their capable preparation of hockey season. the supper. AIT SO NATHAN DOESN'T FEAR INFLATION V 88881" College Economist Satisfied American Program Will Work SWARTHMORE, PA., DECEMBER 18, 1942 12.50 PER YEAR MRS. WM. VLACHOS Deadline Tuesday Noon • The Swarthmorean will be issued the day before Christmas. This will necessitate the deadline for news and advertising copy being II1Dved up one day •. head of the usual time. Therefore all matter to be used in next week's issue must be in the office by noon on Tuesday, December 22. ~ageant of tbt ~atibitp DIES SUDDENLY Avenue Resident Will Buried Following Private Service Today GIVEN UNDER TIlE AUSPICES OF THE DONALD D~NGTON FUND be Mrs. Ruth Milchell Vlachos wife of 'Vfhe danger of inflation has been William Vlachos died suddenly at 8 CLOTHIER MEMORIAL, SWARTHMORE COLLEGE averted", averred Dr. Otto Nathan A. M. Tuesday, December IS, at her professor of economics and sociology at home 215 Vassar avenue. She had been Vassar College, before a group of memSUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1942 heart condition for the troubled with a bers and friends of the Swarthmore past six months but dcath came very League of Women Voters last Friday AT 5 AND AT 7 O'CLOCK unexpectedly. afternoon in the local Woman's Club A resident of Swarthmore since 1911 House. she camc here from Philadelphia. She Dr. Nathan whose subject at the Christmas Program of Rose Val· is a direct descendant of the first Quakmorning session was "Need for Price ers to land in the state of Delaware. ley Group TOlllorrow Eve· Control in a War Economy" and in the Quiet and retiring, Mrs. Vlachos lived ning in Media afternoon "Development of Price Cononly for hcr home and family. trol in the U. S.", proceeded to trace 'l'he Rose Valley Chorus will prcsent Surviving besides her husband are the steps used to prevent inflation in "The Story of Christmas," a musical two sons Lt. j.g. \Vmiam ~. of Park' a war economy. Stating that in war Saturday DeccmEdward of ,Secane, times the total amount of money, and pageant ber 19. aton8:30 in the evening, Media \Voman's daughtersandMrs. Robert Conrad two of the total amount of goods, and the total Club. Skidding Driver Breaks Pole Washington, D. C. and Mr,. Paul Mattis number of people who want to buy are Wearing gay peasant costumes, the Red Cross Note of Sproul road, and three granddaughunequal; and the scarcity of goods Chorus will present its songs against At 7:30 A. M. last Sunday Harry J. • tcrs Annc and Ruth ('If Swarthmore' tends to lead to rising prices, he quoted a typical Christmas background. O'Donnell of Llancrch driving north on The Surgical Dressing Room in and Claire of Secane. ceiling 1?riccs as thc first step of preThc soloists will be Isabel 'Murdock Park avenue co11idcd with the car of Borough Halt will he closed on Strictly prh·ate funeral serviccs will vention. Price movement is good in Price and Barron Helmuth. hIrs. Price Chandler M. Caton which was parked Christmas Eve, Thursday, Decembe conducted at the home this afterpeace economy but in war times starts \\',·11 51·,lg II,ree \v"ll k" \V" CO"IPOS1'[I' " ber 24. It \,·,·11 be ol>e" 0" \\'ednes,noon at 2 o'clock by the Rev. J. Jarden ~ spiral which is hard to stop, accord- I,y J01III Jacob .."1·1- s 0 ·'1 \Vonder a0 sI outside his apartment at 10 Park 3VCday 1"0Tn,·,,g and \\'c(lllcsd'"y eveI Gucnther rector of Trinity Church. e " s nuc. The O'Donnell car skiddcd across . I will be in thc family lot at New109 to thc speaker who offered as the \Valldcr." "Lucie!'i Lullay," and "Jeslls, ning as usual. 'Burm second step to prevent inflation, price Jcsus, Rest Your Head". She ,.;iIl be strect and broke off a light polc at Regular Days: \Vcdllesday. town Square. control such as that started (except accompanied by Rebecca Bradbeen. Itclh"e"gc,o"fIler drugstorc. The driver was 10:00 A. M. to 4:00 P. M.; \VcdSCHOO--L--- grCa° up M Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ayers of Har- Krase of South Harvard avenue and Y!ere vacatlonmg toget er m pe ay yard avenue- Will leave today to spend M H b E ' ' last summer. h Ch' r. er ert . M,chener, Jr. son of at t e rlStmas h,olidays with Mr. Ayers' Mr. H. E. Michener of Norwood, Pa. .The GOWN SBOP MIss Doris Eleanor Sheaffer, daugh- family in Shaker Heights, Ohio. will take place tomorrow evening in 19 E. AI +1eJ' . A _ 6 Park Ave. ter 01 Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Harris Richard Hill Fairservice who had Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Do,vi,11 IlIDLBY PARK. PAof Swarthmore avenue, will be honor been stationed as A. O. M. 3/e at the Br'au'; will perform the ceremony. guest at a tea and shower to be given Ph . tomorrow afternoon by Miss Eliza.beth iladelphia Navy Yard for the past Barbara Ann Krase sister of will be maid of honor and the • h f W U' f d d M' Sh· several months, left Monday for Chapel S B. mit 0 a log or an ISS If- Hill, N. C. to begin training as a- Navallbrid."m"ids ley Shaw at the home of Mis. Shaw on will be Mis. Billy Ann North Chester road. Miss Sheaffer's Cadet. Richard who made his home Mitchell, Miss Anne C. Wray, Mi.s engagement to Mr. Samuel George his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Mary Paton of Urbana, Ill., and Miss Morton Maule of Bryn Mawr has been M. Nicholas of CorneU avenue and Florence L. Garrett.' . annaunced. attended Swarthmore schools, enlisted Mr. Richard P. Griffin of Ramsay, in the Navy a year or so after finishing N. J" formerly of Swarthmore will act Mr. and Mrs. John Bo..ditc h , Jr. 0 f high school here and for a long while Cedar lane will entertain Midshipman was stationed at Jacksonville, Fla, best man for Mr. Michener, and his George Bennett of Annapolis, Md. and While at Jacksonville he was promoted wiln"clude Mr. Charles R. GerMr. Hugh Bennett of New York City, when the government accepted a device ner, John M. Krase of Princeton who are en Toute to their horne in University, Mr. Thomas A. Garwood of Poland, Ohio, for the Christmas holiday to aerial gonnery which he ,Llanerch, Pa., Mr. Norman W. Shaw of as their week-end guests. designed. Ambler. Pa., who is a brother-in-law of d' Pete Ullman of Harvard avenue, who the groom, Lt. Robert Griffin, and Mr. h B L t. J 0 n ow ,tch, 3rd was home enlisted in the Coast Guard ten days Ellwood Ward of Chester, Pa. ',' childr.e~ who will arrive Saturday (~in ~~;::::::::::::= I ALL MAKES s.,rw --=..---__ --0.4011• ·._t • • . VALUES II'ERIORO ELUDIC IPPLlIICE SERVICE i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gei More Cups of Coffee Per Pound ~~dm !:~vo~~~ ';,~r::t5,sPM~~ l:~~ w:;~~ ~!~' s:~~~~s:~ ~~;::yUi:::i:Sg ::~ John Bowditch, Jr. of Cedar lane. U d M J H B' d _aLr. an rs.. arvey onlne an daughter Anne have returned to their -«Owe on Lafayette avenue after spend. ing the fall at their fann in Pickering Valley, where returning . t k they d 0 areCh' t Dfor WlD er wee -en s. n ns mas ay the Bonines will have a lamily party. 'Guests will be Mrs. -Bonine's sisters, :Miss J. M. Brady of Bryn Mawr, Mrs. 'Fernand Baruch of Philadelphia with :Fernand, Jr., and Mrs. Louis E. Imbert with her husband and daughter Ruth from New York City. Mrs. John Marshall of Lincoln aveis now awaiting call will entertain the bridal party at a buffet supper after the wedding reRalston McLain of Harvard avenue hearsal on Friday evening. received his commission as Second in the Quartermasters Corps, Camp Lee, Va. and is enjoying a 17Fraumann Keatley day fur.lough belore report,'ng for duty T he marriage of Miss Louise Cranat Camp Lee on December 28. Keatley daughter of Colonel and Jimmy Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Edwin E. Keatley of the SwarthJames Davis of Amherst avenue, who more Apartments and Ensign Harlin E. finished his basic training at Camp Fraumann, U. S. N. R. son of Mr. and Eustis, Va., spent a three-day furlough Mrs. Edward J. Fraumann of Pontiac, with his parents and is leaving today Mich., was performed last Saturday, for Camp Davis, N. C. where he will December 12, at 5 o'clock in the Trin- by Using a SIT ,EX Mr. John Helms of Swarthmore and the ceremony. Princeton avenues left on Monday for The bride entered the church on the Washington, D. C., where he will attend of her cousin Ensign Seymour S. a convention on "Better Housing". Rutherford, Jr., U. S. N. R, and was Mrs. Frank McCowan of Vassar ave- given in marriage by her mother in the nue entertained at a luncheon at the absence of her father who is overseas. Ingleneuk on Tuesday. The goests, who She wore a gown of white silk jersey later attended the afternoon program made with a tight bodice and fastened of the Woman's Club, included Mrs. R. with tiny butt,!ns down the back. The . Wilkinson; Mrs. Norris Taylor, Mlrs"1 full skirt ended in a long train and her Alfred Hill, Mrs. Charles Boyle and of Venetian Jace was fashioned in Mrs. Frederick R. Lang. coronet style. Her bridal bouquet was Mrs. William E. Soden of College avenue entertained her br,'dge club at luncheon at the Ingleneuk on Tuesday. THE R08E V ALLI!Y CBORllS Mrs. Fulton C. Hutchison and Mrs. PreseDts ~ In.·in R. MacElwee are the local memFOLK CAROLS OF THE WORLD .:30 P. M. .. 'Mrs. Clifford Banta of Parrish road bers. The 6ut-of-town members in8ATURDAJt~EC. 19 entertained her niece, Mrs. Addington eluded Mrs. William J. Stephani, Mrs. MEDIA WO 8 CLUB Vance of Chicago, III. and Miss Betty Henry Derbyshire, both of Ridley Park, AdmbsloD - 55c Krase of Harvard avenue at a dessert and Mrs. William Boyle of "Moylan. bridge Thursday evening. Yeoman James Powell, son of Mr. The Rev. and Mrs. Ivan M. Gould of and Mrs. Robert C. Powell of Swarth· Elm avenue will leave next marc place, is now stationed at Cape to spend Christmas and the w,:ek-el,dl May, N, J. with Mrs. Gould's parents, Mr. and Miss Billy Ann Mitchell of UniverMrs. James G. Joslin of Long Island. sity place will entertain at a luncheon Mrs. Robert McKinnon of York ar- for' Miss Bet,ty Krase and her bridal rived Tuesday to spend the Christmas attendants on Saturday. Lasl 2 Days holidays with her son-in-law and Friday - Saturday daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Emery of Park avenue. WOOLEY Mrs. Mary Parke Dodd of Swarthmore avenue entertained informally at RODDY McDOWELL OF SWABTBIIOBE a tea last Thursday for her daughterin-law, Mrs. W. Parke Dodd of Potts- Accurate Weight on DETECTO SCALES MEDIA The Players Club • SKYLARK Durin!! the Comins Bu.y ShopplD!! Day" Popular Sophisticaled Comedy By Samson Baphaelaon YoaWm Find I Respite In. Reotfal Atmoop...... 'WIt..... DeUeiou L1meheoD 'a Diredor WINIFRED A. MeDOWEIL a MONTY "TIlE PIED PIPER" Sunday - Monday Tuesday\! "DESPERATE JOURNEY" or DItmer DECEMBER Awa1ta Y_ with ". Yellow Bowl Tea Room 18, 19 :, ••18 P." ERROL FLYNN :' 606 Spaoal 51;, 0. ...... ==== ====ft~;; ...=.=t=a=1J=. IF f:"-' COFFEE DISPENSERS· and OTHER USEFUL ARTICI.ES SUPLEE HARDWARE • SOUTH CHESTER ROAD ------ --- ·PUBLISHED EVEllY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, Pol, Ipswich. Massachusetts, has been mad. famous in ornithology by its namesa~:e, the Ipswich Sparrow. Making PBTER E. TOLD, Editor M.uuOBIB TO'LD, Auoc:iau Edilor eourse across the causway, 1 searchROULIS PEI.SOL Lon... McC&....n unsuccesslully for this pallid bird among the sand dunes 01 the island Entered u Second CIa. Mauer, JIIIUIU7 24, 1929, It the Pool shortly after the ducks' departure, but OtIiee at Swar\hmoJe, Pa., and... the Act of March 1879. it was years later - in New Jersey "that I identified the bird at last. On FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1942 this Thanksgiving, however, I was ~ ~ i;;;;;.J.III~b:;:~~~ lor web-looted birds, and the • of Ipswich Sparrows at Ipswich Presbyteri8n Church Notes dressed at this meeting and presented was of little moment. to the Community Health Center. I have never seen a Cape May WarbMrs. Fred Bell led the devotionals. ler at Cape May, a Nashville Warbler Services for Christmas and New • in Nashville, .flor a Kentucky Warbler Year's Will be: Friends" Forum Program in Kentucky, never having visited that lUNCt n .. &Ie' IIINEI /III lSe I .. : Sunday, December 20 at 11 A. M. NEWS NOTES state. I have never seen a Philadelphia Christmas Worship with special music COCKTAIL TIME' 3 TO 6 P.M. -,,·"1 :"" This Sunday morning, December 20, Vireo at all, though I have spent most by the young people's choir and the Mr..and Mrs. J. H. Breakell and THE hl.I.CONOITI~NEO ": t.": church choir. The sermon theme will at the 9 :45 A.' M. adult forum of 01 my life in or near Philadelphia. daughter Lindsay of Rutgers avenue be "No Dark Night". An ..instrumental Friends' Meeting, Janet Fayne Whitney "But _" suggests some wit _ "what are leaving tomorrow for Roanoke, Va. l will speak on "What Is Prayer?1I about Audubon's Warbler? You saw a prelude will begin at 10:OC) A.. M. AsThe forum will not meet on Sunday, pair of those in Yellowstone Park. Did where. they will spend Christmas with sisting musicians will be Dayton M. C,~JI'il .t'flNII "; you, then, expect to find Audubon in rdalives. Henry, violinist and Emmet Sargent, December 2 7 . ' 1111 IlIelllll· '.1.1. SlIIIIll SliD. Virginia Yerkes, a junior at Wellesley the same vicinity?" To this man I can violincellist, 'both ,~I the Philadelphia • H Trinily P ....ish Noles answer that Audubon earned his name- College, is returning home tomorrow to Orchestra. sake. while cities or states have done Christmas Day, 7 A. M. - Christmas All men of the Parish are asked to ~~:~t~:~:!ott~o deserve theirs. But that conCarol Service. . bring their Christmas boxes for the I detracted nothing from my Sunday, ,December Zl, 11 A. M. - men of the Philadelphia General Hos· enjoyment of Thanksgiving at Ipswich. New Year's Worship with" special music pitat, to church on Sunday or leave by the choir f an instrumental prelude at them ~t the rectory by Saturday night. In those days a small colony of sum10 :45 and sermon on "The Future of The children and young people of mer cottages occupied the central the Parish are also asked to bring their stretch of sea beach on the island, the Church". Sunday, December 27, 4 :45 P. M. - ~oxes to the church on Sunday at the These ~vere now boarded up "for the Frequently people come to us-sur: winter, and I possessed the wind and Candlelight ,Vespers. The young peo: hour of the Church School. The Guild .Auxiliary 'is collecting waves privately for miles in both direcpie's choir, the boys' choir and the tions. prised that they pay no more for girls' choir will sing. , money to be givch 'to the Family Serv· New Year's Eve, 11:45 P. M. - ice of Western Delaware County for There is nothing quite so lone as a Watch"Night Service. Christmas cheer for families under the deserted seashore resort in winter. The service, than elsewhere We have Sunday, J~nuary 3, II A. M, - Holy care oi the Society. The charrman is houses, on one hilnd, attest to the works Communion. Mrs. Walter C. Gites and all donations of l\.lan and even bring fragments of over a hundred price ranges, to Choir rehearsals on Sunday wi1l bc: should be given or sent to her at once, his summer laughter to mind. But the the girls' choir at 3 o'clock, boys' choir On Christmas Day there will be cele. emptiness of these dwellings, like castchoose from, with funerals from $150. at J :45, high school choir at 4 :30 brations of the Holy Communion at 8 oU skins of another me, remove their and 11 o'clock. The full choir will sing tenants further from reality than if the o'clock. The Ch~rch Hour Nursery for chil- at the .later service. strand wcrc totally primeval. An addifionol d1arge for the opening of ,he gra.. on all lunerob dren age 1-7 will be held each, Sunday There wil1 be no Red Cross sewing Authors, motivated to express this morning from 11-12 o'clock in the Par- at the church until Tuesday, January 5. sense of desolation, usually include a • single crying seagull in their qescriplsh House under the care of· Linda DeArmond. All are invited to lea"ve Methodist Church Notes tions. Note that they never invoke a small children in the nursery during flock of gulls, but that they cannot fait DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS the church worship. The service of the Church School on to include the straggling One. For the The beginners' department Christ- Sunday morning at 9 :45 will be a White effect thus produced -speaks to our 1820 CHESTNUT STREET mas party for- pupils, parents and Gift Service. A special program has social sense. Were we 'Utterly alone, we friends will be held Saturday after- been arranged and after the service the would J-ia ... e no comparative measure for M. A. Bal., Presldant RlTtenhDuse 1581 noon,' December 19. at 3 o'clock in the gifts will be sent to the Filth Street our isolation. It is the reminder which impress~s us with the barreWIess of Parish House. Center in Philadelphia. The High School Fellowship will be At the morning worship at 11, Christ~ such ·situations. Empty houses, a lost ::-;~~~~~~~,:",;~~~~~~~;,,;;;~~;;~~~~~~~!.-~.' discontinued until Sunday, January 10. mas music will be rendered by the flapping bird, the hall-buried hull 01 a MARY DUN HILL a PRINCE MATCHABELLI a CHANEL ~: The surgioal dressings grcup has dis- junior and senior choir~. The minister some old wreck - all serve the same 'will preach on the theme I'The Miracle .:ontinued meetings until January S. .,. -, 0:x:i!i poignant purpose. 'There will be a laculty party for the of the Manger", B. - Thts Is the ninth installment J The annual candle-light service wilt ofN.Chapter teachers and officers of the senior deI in Lt. C. Brooke Worth'. uno. be held on Sunday afternoon at 4 pubUshed book "A Coastal MJ,gnmt". ~ partment of the Church School on Wednesday, December· 23,' at 7 :30 o'clock, at which time the choir wilt BEAUTY SALON o'clock at the home of Dr. and Mrs. sing the cantata 'IThe Christ Child" by Christmas Programs at Instiltnl,e! a Hawley. Frank Keenen, 718 Harvard avenue. The Christmas w.orship in the senior Beauty Make6 Chrntm... Merry Each year at Christmas time, the Christian Seienee Chureh department will be held this Sunday of almost two thousand years ago morning. The program will be a carol IS Soatla 0. ...... Iload are shown in the Fels Planetarium of Ills the Universe, Including Man, service under the direction of Alice the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, CaUS~.76 Blodgett and Mrs. William Campbell. Evolved by Atomic Force?" is the sub- showing what stars stood in the heavject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Dr, William T. Ellis, who has traveled a LUCIEN L E a CHEN YU ens at the time of the first Christmas. a ,CHARBERT a extensively' over the widely scattered Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sun- In accordance with a tradition of many landS of the Bible and knows intimately day, December 20. The Golden Text years past a portion of the demonstraBethlehem and Nazareth and the East is : IIKnown unto God are all His works tion is devoted to a portrayal in color, of Ihe WiSe Men, will speak to the Irom the beginning of the world" (Acts music and stagecraft of the meaning of . Men's Bible class on liThe Facts of the 15 :18). Christmas. Christmas Story" at 9 :45 A. M. Sunday. The ninth season of Franklin InstiEarns Boekey Honors Circle 3 of t1,le Presbyterian Church tute Sunday lecture-recitals opened on held a very inter..esting meeting at the November 15. Concerts begin at 4 Naomi Wright a se-nior was one home of Mrs. H. F. Brown of South o'clock sharp. Lecture-recitals are free \ Chester road last Friday. Mrs. A. B. the standout performers on to museum visitors. -University's outstanding girls' Reavis was co-hostess. Sunday, December 131 the Russian Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert reviewed a hockey team which recently completed Chorus and Balalaika Ensemble with season of six victories in seven matches. book on Australia. Naomi, a former Swarthmore High Paul Kovriga directing, sang a se.. Mrs. John Fawcett played a group of athlete, played center halfback on the lection of international Christmas carols piano solos; She also talked on the She was honored with and folk songs. Prior to this concert Owlette team. origin of Christmas carols and led the a place on the aU· college team recently John F. Braun, pianist and teacher, group in singing carols. A doll was also the Curtis Institute, briefly discussed' selected. In addition to her athletic participa- the music listed for the day's program. ==';;:;;H;;UR;;;;;;C;;R;;;;,,,,S;;,;;F~:R;;;,,V1:=,;CES,,;~== tion, Naomi is also prominent in camvus Sir Isaac Newton, one of the greatest 'student organization life. She is a scientists of history, was born 300 years 8W~?¥:!v1Tr:g, B~CBtJBCJI ?tember of the De!ta ~si Kappa soro~- ago this month. Some interesting ex,SUNDAY tty, a representatlve In the women s hibits of Newtoniana are being shown :i~ tli:=W'O:'~e C'laaa; !len'. senate~ and se~re.tary of the Women's in the Planetarium Lobby this month e Blble Cla8I. Athlehc ASSOCiation. to indicate his versatility. 11:00 A. M. -:Momtng Wol'BhlP. B 8 r m 0 n • Sixth annual l00~print Invitation topiC "No Dark Night". Leclures i~ New York Travel SalOli of the Photographic SoCBBI8TMAB DAY 7;00 A. M. - carol Service. ciety of Arne_rica is also being featured. Dr. Edgar T. Wherry 01 Oberlin aveChrbtmas Week LednJoes METHODIST 0lIllRCH nue lectured on ferns and native plants _Roy N. KeISer. n. D •• NlnJBter "Your Place in the World of Tomor• ,Robes - Shirts - Pajamas • McCall1U1l and San Toy Hosiery . SUNDAY before the American Rock Garden Sorow" will be the subject of three lec9:4S A. M. --church Schoo!. • Gloves Ties SUPPCI'8 • Lovely Barbizon and 11:00 A.. M. -Mom1ng WOl'Bhtp. S e r m 0 n ciety -in New York on December 16 and tures' for young people to be delivered • Arrow Shirts - Sweaters Vanity Fair Underwear . theme: "'l'he J4lracle of the before the Philadelphia Botanical Club during Christmas Week by Mr. John Mange~". • Buxton Wallets Jewelry • Fownes Gloves on December 17. The second edition R. Roberts, well-known psychologist. 4:00 P.M.-CQ,Ddlellght Service. • McG-recor Sportswear • Lady BUXlo.., Wallets of his ~IGuide· to Eastern Ferns", an On Monday, December 28, he will talk TRINITY CHURCH ' • Interwoven Socks • Bandkerebief •. illustrated pocket·size handbook, has about UInteUigence - What It Is and Rev~ J. ,Jarden Guenther. B.T.JL, Bector -. SUNDAY , • Fitted /;a""" a Searfs and Squaretl- Sweaters ' just been published. Who Has It? h On Tuesday, December 8:00 A. M. - Men's O;)rporate communion. • Belts and Suspenders _ Evening Ba.gs and CoDlpads • 29, the subject will be "Testing for 9:45 A. M. - Cb:urcb SChOO!. 11:00 A.. '14. _ Morning Prayer and Service. NEWS NOTES Talent", and on Wednesday, December AND VARIOUS OTHER SUGGESTIONS , ~DAY 30, "Choosing a Career". Many experi~ 8:00 A.·M. - HolY Communion. Joan Thatcher will arrive home De- ments and demonstrations will inark the 11:00 A.M.-HolY Communion. TBEBELIGIOtJS SOOIB'1'Y OP PRIBND8 cember 2J from Dickinson College to series which will he given in the LecOpen Every Evening SUNDAY spend the Christmas holidays with her ture Han at J P. 1[, 9:45 A.. M, _ FIrst Day School and Adult Porum. Forum speaker Janet parents, !\.fr. and Mrs. William H. Payne Whltney on "Wbat Is Thatcher of College avenue. WITH GRATEFUL APPRECIATION FOR ALL'OF THE PAST Prayer?" \ . 11:00 A. K. _ YeetIn8 ror Womhlp In. the ·Frank McCowan, Jr., son of Mr. and FAVORS WE !rAKE THIS OPPOR~TY AT. THIS II..""" Bouse. Mrs. Frank McCowan of Vassar aveAre Yon Puzzled Over a Few . TIME TO WISH YOU ALL WBDNBSD&Y 0:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.II. - seW1DAo:: nue came home from Penn State last Last-Minute Gifts? A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS ~""" tD _HIe< luncheon.. All ~ -cor-. wc:k-end to enlist in the Naval Cadet SEND A dWl1 tDvtted. . Corps in Philadelphia, and has successAnd a lully passed the requirements. Frank will arrive home tomorrow, HAPPY NEW YEAR Gift Cords sent DlJeet From Saturday~ for a three-weeks' Christmas swaruunOfe vacation. Mrs.. IJoyd E. KBWIman Mr. David P. Sha';':''of North Chester, road left ori Tuesday'on a four-day business trip to Chicago. TBB SWAIlTBIlORBAN, IIIC., PUBU8BBR . PBOIIB SWARTBIIORB 900 I a. ______________ _____________ • .,,,,bao I, Swarthmore 105 .. , ' , A WIDE PRICE RANGE OLIVER H. BAIR CO. .L 'he .·Bouq''u'et, . .'T1. .~. § Gifts for ALL SUGGESTIONS FOR XMAS AVOID Freeze-ups ne...... Shr,."e . , M.ur''''' If a water pipe freezee in the eellar. or in any other part of the house, shortage of material may prevent or delay repairs for a 10Dg time. Unnecellary work !Day hinder the war eft'ort, and thawing pipes, or repairing them, may require honra or labor and vitaisuppJies needed elsewhere. Now Is the time to protect your pipes ll8ainst fre! Ing. PJ,ililJ.~hi.· Suburhan '7l%.tft.. c.'.pA ,,,, • • MAGAZINE BW._ IL---------------I ' .,' -.'" SUBURBAN CArEt ,nl ., = .".'---~- THE SW ARTHMOREAN spend the Christmas holidap with 'hr. parents, Mr. and Mh. Earle F. Yerkes The Swarthmore Bridge CIob accept- of Princeton avenue. On account of the ed with regret on Wednesday night the fuel shortage the holiday will be exresignation of Andrew F. Robinson as tended until February 12. treasurer. Mr. Robinson, who was treasurer of the club for six years. is now engaged in war work for the duration. E. C. Lappe was 'unanimously elected to fill the unexpired term. ,All, members and guests of the Club are reminded of the annual Chrlstma8 Party to be held on Wednesday, December 23. It is hoped that there will be a large attendance. High scorers for Wednesday night were Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Griest, I ., You'll Gnd eating 01 tho 5• a first; R. A. Sanders and Mrs. W. A. not doUgh!. Dolkiout, ooId/yIng food, Brown, second; and Mr. and Mrs. John ':'. dJorming _osp/Jo... ....,.,,-. E. Dever, third. . 'I' , • '~l;;,*~:e an:!.a~rs~n~;~~=~~· ~~h J~ ~~~~~?~f::;:s~;:s~d:r~~~.s;~ool in the Y:rd~~urG~~;:~::.th::~;:; !~ci!:;· !i ~hristmas buffet supper on Wednesday Cfvening when their guests were Com. Joseph Lawson and Miss Judy Jennings J;l.f Philadelphia, Lt. -Com. and Mrs. James Bethea also of Philadelphia, Lt. ~nd Mrs. Dorsey Blake, Lt. William :M~cy and Lt. J. Bowdie, all of Wilh.ington, Det U Mr. and' Mrs. Daniel J. Boorstin of Walnut lane left Thursday for Wash:ington, D. C. where they will remain through the Christmas holiday. , L . Th F . d U " t. J.g. omas . Balr, .s.N.R., 'of Oberlin avenue has been transferred 'to Harbor Entrance Control Posts ,,'<>chool at Cape Henry, Va. ~ OD TOUCH ~ OFNATURE Bt1CDNE ~S.· YLARK" WINGS'and Newell B. West. Barbara Graves .,.....n.UN HEAilD . assisted with' the direction. John Chi- . HERE FOR WEEK : qu~ine' handled the: lights. and prop- • FATHERS' NIGHT . PBWAT, DBCBMJIBR 11 7:30 P .... -_.tball: H. S. n. S_1014 •••••••••••••••••••••• H. B. 0"" 8:20 P .... - ..Sltylark....... ; ......................................1'1&7.... aub ert.es were assembled by Mrs. W. F. G. Swann, Mrs. Irwin R. MacElwee, Mr•. Annual Event of LoeaI Mothers' David Dibbell, and Carol Goodwin. Club Held With Dinner Red Cross Helps Santa Samuel Rapbaelson's three act com· edy for sophisticates, "Skylark",' is the .' current Players Club olfering. Opening '.: Tuesday under the direction of Wini... fred A. McDowell the production will continue throughout the week. · Catherine G.yle Hodge heads the : .. cast in the role of Lydia Kenyon played _'-:. ~y Gertrude Lawrence three seasons ": ago, and the' list of players indudes · many who have earned general popularity with the Little Theatre group here by their consistently good past performances. J. WiDiam Simmons appears as Tony Kenyon advertising expert whose rapid rise has kept him absorbed in his own. career; D. Malcolm Hodge is seen as Bill Blake (the Players Club News calls him a viDain but his insoudance is too free for vUtainy) . Ruth Boyle continues her worldly rec: ord as Myrtle Valentine whose malice slips its leash several times too often. · Beth Allyn is another Players Club favorite who appears as Charlolle Franklin: James H. Hornaday as George Gorell protests very seriously his "dean life"; Paa! F. GemmiD tries hard as Theodore to control the domestic peace. Arthur S. Yeaw. makes his second appearance with the club as Charlotte's husband uNed" and William THE WEEK'S CALENJ)A1l Despite the roll of war drums, Uncle Sam and tho"Red Cross have J'oined hands to bring holiday cheer to American servicemen at home and abroad, Harry I. Lauer, chairman of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter, revealed. With the American Red Cross acting as the. distributing medium, contents of the immense Christmas sock have SATUJlDAY, DI5CKMBM. U 8:20 P .... - ..Sl be December 22, at the Woman's Club and now moving across seas as another of what goa on; we DlUst house at 6:30 P. M. All members are expression of America's goodwill. not be heedless of 210 bag. 0": Monday were The first concern of the American and we must share; -- .elf Thorbahn, Barbara Schumacher, Jane Red Cross field workers at Christmas not self preservation is the 'Hicbon, Suzanne Hopson, Betsy Enrtime is the welfare of soldiers and salllife." ors in service hospitals. Elaborate progrow. out of self interest, and grams have been planned to supplement the way to prevent wars i. 10 fostcr this the generous celebration Uncle Sam of neighborhood in ourselves first, THE ECHO GLEN provides for his. warriors. Christmas expand it," he stated. carols will echo through hospital wards, Movies of tbe Summer Nursery TEA BOUSE Pl•••• tI• • •, ••• tI . recreation halls will resound with gay- School were shown after dinner. ety, whenever possible traditional holimembers are reminded that next the younger discuslion group B. McClenac:han, Jr., bows as "POochie" day greenery will abound. But, Clad.,.... 8,••" ••• the halls arc decked with holly, Span- will meet at the home of Mrs. William Valentine. Uthe, 223 Park avenue, on I_nnary The set of the Kenyon's cllUntry isb moss, or palm fronds,the ChristII., £ ••• DI.'•• lIol _ YJWl'8 DI!IoI'i" WILL mas spirit will be present. at 3 P. M. Th~ older group wU1 meet hoilse was executed by Burriss West riC aaVIIII noll 11IJI'rIL • jiiiiiiiiii__iRiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiRiiiiii January 13 at 8 P. M. in the home Mrs. Robert Cadigan, 213 Dickinson Clarkia. lYe . . . CIIrbt8IM .." avenue. ....plio. a_ _ .............. * * lake. no ,ho.licl:ayl. . ·n. . . ............._.1.. w....... ,.. ....... ,.... ..... JACK'S TOGGERY CUT FLOWERs MEDIA II W. STATE STREET (Kutto _ _) . DII1'OSIT BUIIIWU .I.lfT ~TlCLII 'TILL - 86 New ADaeIs This Christmas It's Music! Clusical and Popular • THE MUSIC BOX 409 DARTMOUTH AVENUE .. CHRISTMAS. BREAKFAST AT STRATH HAVEN INN has heen a very special occasion for more than a quarter of acenlu!Y ••• A COMMUNITY BREAKFAST, with carols in the lobby beforehand, delicious food, a lighted tree, brief, infonnal talks by interesting speakers and perhaps the reading of some well·loved Cbr~t­ mas verse or short story at the breakfast table. If YOIl are so sitnated th~ year that you find. it difficult to go back home for the llSual Yuletide reunion, we believe you will find our INN COMMUNITY BREAKFAST a pleasant substitute, at 8:30 o'clock, on Chri8tmas morning. We believe too, yon will find a real Chri8tm8B spirit here at the Inn all day long. There will be games in the Rumpus Room for you and your family to take part in - comfortable chairs, books and magazines to enjoy in the lounge and in the .un porch - and from 1:00 o'clock to 7:30 a true, OLD FASHIONED CHRISTMAS DINNER with all the trimmings. We extend a hearty welcome to spend Christmas Day with Ul!. • Breakfast • • • • • • • • • • .. $ .75 Dinner ..... . ••••• . . . . $1.75 Special Combination Breakfast and Dinner .. $2.25 ..__..___..___....__......__...._ - -...._ until Januan' Named7."Mlaute Mai..... Harriet Elliott, director 'of the Woman's Division of the Treasury Department's War Savings Staff, lauds the Girl Scouts for their service in the two wars and calls upon them for cOlnti,.u.,d effort in the present war, in a letter received by Mrs. Clement A. Borton, Llanerch, commissioner of Girl Scouts of Delaware County. tiThe Secretary of the Treas!Jry has Le-. DI.._ .1Ie",-. PttII1i:D PLANTS Girl Scouts of Troop No. 16 held their Christmas party yesterday after completing the making of three dozen angels 'or the Health Center.·ba.kets for shut-ins and 50 little angels for tray favors for Chester Hospital. All arc made with lollipop heads .and are dressed in colored-paper and stars.-· -'. Activities of the Troop will recess Gift Rooord8 and Albums - -,. ... .ak. _ _-Ie ----- ~·DI_ .,..eI..' Il0l. ABBOW 1JIIIL'n-nnIO_ B&TII II. V. D. PU.&11A8 . . . _ .I. .IULL at NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY 0/ - COIIpo... " - _ Yalld . 0et0IIer 1 De miter S ihss . See ..... . Co.po,.. J_aury 6 'iIiW F~ Me ... ·IS . . .. . .' ...... .... UWE For perfeet photop'llphle U~llTS see THAT STAY IJT H. S. Baskelball Schedule I:~~iii~~~~~~l~06~'tV~.~ST~,.~TE~~S~.~R~E;K'~.~.'~ME~~niiilA~~~~~~iS~~ definitely recognized .Scouts as the 41Minute Maidsthe of Girl 1942," 'Miss Etlioit stated. "We have confidence in them because we have faith in their patriotism, in their co-operation, -in their· enthusiastic energy. "Thrift has long been an important Scout law. Today the nation needs to learn this law, needs to practice it as the Girl practice it, quietly and week in and week out. 411n the war the organization then not very old - played an important part in the Liberty Loan Campaigns~ In this war the Girl Scouts are d"ing a splendid job with their war services and War Savings movement.~' Girl Scouts of Delaware County purchased $250 in War Savings Stamps for the Victory Fund campaign in which Girl Scouts all over the country participated. This money will be used for the relief of distress among children the world when it becomes possible for such funds to be disbursed. • . SUPLEE HARDWARE STORE I S".arthmore - 105 -' '. CBE!'TER ROAD ; ,. • •. " " o£ Biowale Pack l'(o. 95 13 old member" were re-registered under the leadership of Mrs. Samuel Trep, Mrs. Frank Taylor and Marriott and three new members were added, June HobbS, Julianne Roes. and Lorain Saunders. The Brownies were happy to receive piclnre postal cards of New Mexico from Mrs. Avila. . Besides knitting squares, the BroWn" .... 1ies are c"lIetting used stamps. l.: ........ 1 J. 13 S, (:"~TEl\ RQJ\D. .1....,. 1'eb. 2 - BDr'ngn·ld ••••• Awq Peb. 4-0lrll-Glen-lfor ••••••• A'ln7 Peb. • Bon - BIdloY _ ••••• A...,. Peb. 8-_-0_-1'10< ..•..•. .1....,. Peb. 1l-01r1o-1Ied1& ••••••••••• .1....,. Peb 12 - _ - RIdleY 'I:'W!! ••••• .1....,. Peb: 18-01r1o-BIdlQ: PaiIt •••• _ Swar. 586 ~ Peb, 18-_ - _ ••.... Peb. 25-0Ir1o- _ _ •••• A_" Feb 28 - B.OP - PI DIIJI eet Park ••• JIom.e Tbne: All ....10· pm.. wID be p_ DIOee at 3:30 P ... All ...,........... at 7:30 With the u.ceptloD of the lenNor on8 whloh wUl be at 3:30. - -8 . Coaches: Mr. Oeorp Relmer, Mr. Wll1IamO.P.Z_ " C&plaln: Hoot. . Manager: RIChard __ 0&10 Coach.. : Mlao VIq1DI& Allon, JeaIUlette )lets. oap1:alD:. AcDeI Lou 'BeDeke. _ : 1!:leauor 1IcOee. In Stepho:n's Holiday Fray More People are Using. T.he.ir Fireplact:'S 'I'bl!I Winter Than ¥ver Before • WE nAVE GRATES AND THE FUEL TO BURN IN THEM • HOWARD B.GREEN Mary Yates Gilcreest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar 1. Gilcreest of Harvard avenue played right fullback in the annual junior-senior game at Stephens College for. Women in Columbia, Mo. This yearly play-olf every ThanksgiY'ing morning is a standing tradition at as is the late brunch ierv-:d dining rooms preceding the game as a sort of pep meeting and last minute rally before the two teams march out on the field. . Anonymo ... But Pointed aunt· ·That Last Minute Wallets And .h.•. clerk aI .h. comer $/Or•. .h. _,)' The air raid warden is only .he chap /T~ ruBS lor /rain, An: d 'he nursing aid. in her crisp blue . 60vm. . ~& only yo~ Co~ $3.50 If mo"'" is It!"e. row and ;ailh is .....k Don't lJome if on. oeD; .nd $5.00 No riuu can. .. . . .For' the heartening Christmas Seasol Yuletide daya offer a lift to the spirit~a respite from cares and won;ies-a chance to relax at home with the family and old friends. . You'll find that delicious Supplee Scaltest Dairy Products can help add to the hospitality of the occasion. Christmas Punch is especially delicious when made with Supplee Scaltest Homogenized Vitamin D Milk. Homogenizing mixes the cream through the milk, makes the punch uniformlY rich. Try the special recipe below. 2 _ _CHRISTMAS . PUNCH 6 tabl.-pooM powdered lUi_ (or 4tablMPOoal granulated. 1UpI'). I quart Supplee Sea1tett HolDOleni.wd Vitamin D U11k. t tabteapooo nolHllcoboUc nun flavorinc· 1 ~ t.J>loopoo... uou-aIcobolic brandy a.vorIac· N_. OeD .. jru. plain folks . And lolks aT' ),OU and m•. Separate the yoIka and whites of the eg" and beat separately. Add l~e ewer its sourceAny flood of co~r.H' and pride . Mw. emanate from .h• ....,. of ru, No. from a prin.ed pid•. Lilu an orplum babe on Ihe cold stone step'. Th ....k /ies ri8.h aI hand, To b. ftnished by folks Uk. you and /Tith. fail" in our own 8'.... hm4. sugar to beaten yolks and beat for one minute. Add cold. milk and flavoring to this and beat for one minute. then stir in Cently beaten whites of __ Serve in punch bowl m. We know you will find it at • Michael's Completely Flued Traveling Cases COLLEGE PHARMACY $5 and $10. ON THE CORNER WILTSHIRE BROS• JEWELERS Slate and Monroe Street MEDIA· our Hleedon of I\odachrome FOms •••••- You-mul,he guy nul door; The .m/e and .h. kids and .h. o!d··",,1id $1.00 prleed, &ad Jan. 22-~ Jon. •••••• J .... 28-01r1o-II&'riIrfOftl :1II-Bon PI _ _ ...- Ci.Uitm D./.... is only ),OUT.el/-'- KEY CASES lifta. _ _11 ~ Pack 1'10. 19 The Brownie Pack under the leadership of Mrs. Frank Holman and Mrs. Frank Hilkert have just re~registered nine old Brownies and six. new ones. Last Wednesday was the last meeting of the Brownies before Christmas. Letters were written to Mrs. Avila in New Mexico and a Christmas story was read. The Brownies are sorry to - lose members, Patty Henry and CecUe Theiss. Brownies of both packs are making stuffed' animals for the toy shop at the Swarthmore Woman's Club and scrap books for the children at the Taylor Hospital, Ridley Park. 12 01IDJ .... :U-OIN- Telephone Swarlhmore 1234 Fine Leath,e.. - EASTMAl'i KODAKS • 18-Bon-E'ld .....I-Bon••.. J .... -Bonor ••••••• J .... l$---m:cn':· ....-Bdd7.toue •••••• A• ., Doo. J .... SWEATERS-SOCKS-BELTS-SUSPENDERS ELLIS MEN'S SHOP CONFECTIONS SMOKING SUPPI.IFS CARDS AND GAY WRAPPINGS AMERICAN' MADE liFr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , ~ . THE 8m TElEPHONf (OMPANY .. OF PENNSYLVANIA • li1JLL LINE OF Plaoue Swa. IMi:ll - SWRTS-TIES-ROBES-SUPPERS-JEWELRY -GLOVES DRllGS • VAN AI.EN BROS. *- IS E.SIutI.·8t.·, MBl)IA.... • -' 'I'IloIu. MedIa 0211 VICTOR D. SOl RER Febru1117 SO Meelal6 llept-mb- SO 1'......,.7 m.. "-me f'014 ..... NowyT. . . . . . - - r....- Pyrex Deii".j!...r- -23 Jan;""" 26 cu_ DAKIN_D'_-'~ su_ WATCH YOUR FUEL On. COUPONS ToW ..., .••• 10. wiD hlp ...... It... fur _ _I .. lis '" . . .- for _ calls loy _ lsi .......,. CORSAGES DbtInedYe WREATHS . 0.1_ l'edero! Deposit I~_ eo;.poralloJ1 Menaber ,w. FOR THE PARTICULAR MAN A Gift From Toya Cudery GlaHware Swarthmore 857 • • • • • • We DeHver • ChJn this t¥l$lin- .".UIr from ,"oar SappIer milltmdll, ),o.r rkigh6mhooJ .torr, or 'rkphofJe 2-57:111 Geiler A GRAND COLLECTION 01' FAVORITE VULETIME 'RECIPES You'll want this booklet for your kitchen. It off'ers a new recipe for Christmas spice cookies -made using rich, mUd Supplee Devon Style Cream. Also .,.clting recipes for Egguog and other Christmas drinks and pun.... es. Ask the Supplee miI_ for your !tee copy. NEWS NOTES' Lucilla Jones, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Lawrence Jones of Rutgers avenue has been named a member of the' s'la£{ of Press Board, a publicity organization on the campus of the State Teachers' College, West Chester. Mrs. W. WJ< Speakman, formerly of Swarthmore, who has been at her h.ome ''The Hemlocks" at Buck Hill Falls, is spending the winter months in Orlando, Fla. . Sgt. 'J. Richard Sadler left December 2 to return to Fort Crowder. Mo. after week's furlough spent with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kendall C. Sadler of Riverview road. Sgt. Sadler had received a' promotion from c~~l technician since he had last see~ hIS parents. and ladle into gle : Sprinkle Dut~ mec ligbtly on top of cac:h &Iasa. SUPPLEE SUPPLEE briDga you th.~.+~ SHOW oyer ltYW• nand...,. ay- Mr. and Mrs. John Schroeder in Har-· ment is made by' the detinning risbllrg. ' the $9.50 or such part as you may n~~~: ;r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;; can and should be used to pay expense of cpllecting and transporting scrap to CALL US I'OB Chester. ' RADIO 'SERVICE Very truly yours, AND ]OHN H. PITMAN, Chairman, APPUANCE PARTS , Swarthmore Council of Defense. Wa.sb.lnJ. MachIne. Copy to The Swarthmorean Vacuum Cleaners-iJ'!mS 'Mr. T. E. Hessenbruch Toasters - WaIDe IrOns MIxers - Boo.. Mr. Hallett B. Hammalt l'ueeday EveuiDg'a, MDllieale Im· bued Me.m-a With Sea· son'sCheer i~i~s~I~~~~~~~~~ I FOO'D 'M AR··K·E.T·' , PRIZE ,SHOW CATTLE'. , In 1\11 is • Cooperatives are on the idealistic side. They are trying to apply it set of lofty principles to the practical concerns of business and economic activity. Mr. ]. V. S. Bishop 736 Harvard Avenue Swarthmore, Pa. Dear Sir: In your letter published in The Swarthmorean under date :0£ December 11th, you state that ZS,5JO pounds of scrap had been collected' in the first drive and 48,130 pounds had been produced so far in the second· drive. This later amount was· the amount for which we had official weights. It did not include, the material in ,the yard of which some .41540 has since been sold nOT, the 30,000 pounds of scrap iton and about a half ton of non-fer~ous scrap metal sent in by Swarthmore College. Nor did include a shipment of scrap rubber I made during. the ·past week by Hannum & \Vaite. The above figures show that SwarthC more has collected to date well over 100,000 pounds whid<:- I reported officially and which was published in The Swarthmorean under date of November 27th. See Defense Council Bultetins. In regards to the salvaging of Tin Cans. 01 the ZOOO No. to cans received by our institutions in Swarthmore, some 1600 are received by Swarthmore College and the empt~es are reclaimed by 'Ihe Coco' Cola' Company for bottle caps., Neither the Strath Haven Inn or Mary Lyon School use many cans. The Inglerieuk junks their cans. , I ~1J.1 working to the limit of my physical capacity and can do no more. You have already told the College that you would get a group of volunteers to take 'care of 'the cans at that place. In Christmas, too, is on the idealistic side; and we are challenged to apply the deeper principles associate~ with it to :the life of our time. , , In days of war, as well as in more peaceful days, there is always the urgent need to make lofty principles of democracy and Christianity real in life. In many countries of the world, and in many fields of business ~d...m. dnstry, Co.ops are at work on this central task. • Swarthmore' Cooperative Association,' 'Inc. 4oi~03' DARTMOUTH .. - AVENUE . -, . - ,-SWARTHMORE, PA. Bell TelepluJfui 1231 " Ib·6Se Letter WilU Appointment , , 'I,~~~~·~to~~p~re~v~e:~nl~t'id~II;~P~I~i~cation of the ofTin efforts; Can ! ·'You can select yout Mr. Hessenbruch a';d I have the fol" (I) Mr. Morey ·WJ1l.'have ,tht School children liaiher;thepresent cans available at the homes and SPEOAtS FOR TRlmsDi't,FRIDAY"ANoSATtIRoAY ~~.-~:.• '_.;.;,..:...;, r;."·:~. :..:.. , . .. ,-;.: r.;-~ :.. , " ' A. 8. PBl:&BSON. ORPHANS' COllRT CoDDtJ, ...... of Delawan NOTICE 01' I'JIJNG AND AtJDlT 0l'ACC01J11lTS ",....,.... party of the Saturday club are Mr. and Mrs.. Wi11iam Buttock,'Mr. and MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON Mrs.]' Paul Brown, Mr. and Mrs. .... ",",CSP 'lOiNDs. Jr. Alben Eavenson, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert pr,arE'" n DI.. .,,,......... ., Bassett; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fussett. un. RAIl ....,.... .,...,. Mr. and Mrs. Sewett W. Hodge and _ S. Onua•• St. M.... Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Turner. 'Pholle Me4Ia .. Nancy Armitag~. daughter of Dr. and· ~~~~~~ Mrs. George L. Armitage of South ;;; IClhester road will arrive home tomorrow EDWJN B, KEf,J,EY, Jr_ from Syracuse University for a two-, Your Jeweler week Christnias holiday. IS East 'lila St. Ch_ Mr. and Mrs. Claude C. Smith of (Oppoute New State Theatre) Baltimore Pike entertained :.. group 'Plume GMt_ 3764 formerly connected with· Swarthmore Chautauqua at dinner on Saturd!-\y evening. The lpcal guests included Mr. and Mrs. H. Elliott Wells and Mr. and WE REPAIR ALL Mrs.. Roland G. E. Ullman. The out-ofto~ guests were Mr. and Mrs. HowElectrical Appliances ard Buckman of George School. Jud!!e EXCEPT RADIO and Mrs. ]. Burnett Holland of NOrriSCall ~warthmore 2413 town Mr and Mrs. Raymond T. Bye of Moyian, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rickert of Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burn of Lapidea Hills, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robinson, and Mr. ~nd Mrs. John Barnard, all of Drexel Hilt. . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schmidt of RIVerview road will entertain Lt. and Mrs. 714 W.1oh S _ Claeot... Donald Poole at a dinner party Friday 'Phone 1-5111 December 18. Dick Davis who is attending LawABDMOU WINDOW CLIIANJNG CO. renceville School, Lawrenceville, N. J. SWARTHMORE BRANCH arrived home Wednesday, D~cember .16 ALL BBAXCIIES OF BOUSII CLUJIING. KNOWN 1M TIIII TBBBlto spend the Christmas hohdays Wlth TOBY I'OB • YBA1I8 his Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. .......... caDI-roc Cad ... I v ... " of Strath Haven avenue. ~ . , 8.... 11) __ Mrs. A. M. Bosshardt of Park ~venue and Mrs. L. A. E.'tes of .Med.a entertained at a Lattn-Amencan. luncheon at the Ingleneuk preceding the IW,om,en', Club program on Sout!> AmerThe lane and. cement walk lea.dln8 Tuesday. Their gne~ts tn~luded eouth. frOm west of 410 Yale Avenue. Dr L. J. Sheridan, Mrs. Ahx Whltaker, swanIlmore. hu been Wlth.dtawn M;s. Roland G. E. Ullman, Mrs. Ge?rge from. pubUC use, aa a result; of m.IsWIe Schobinger, Mrs. Waldo B. DaVison, of _ premllleB. one hundrod dollanl Alexander M. Lackey and Mrs. ("00) will lie patd 1M lilt.. ,E" lead'n. ~ tile II.rT'fJd and. oonvlGUoB Earl Early 01 Drexel Hitl. of vandaIo who dtmJrb, d_ or Danid Jaquette of Elm .ave,nue and _ ....... ab.... _P~· McWilliams of Ben)amm. ~~t EDWARD T. BmDLE av,mue witl spend this week-end VlSlttng , and ,Mrs. Allton Wagner of Read-_ West 0._" P.. ing. A steak 10 smack your Itps ovei' - owner. ~~~~~~~~~ club a Chrisimas _ night.atThe members ' I~~;g~~~~~~~~~~~~i ib,6Se DeImomea Roaa' Sold as the property of the Amer1am. Home BuUdIDS and LOOm AIIOCIa_, ..., Meeting of the 'SALE'"" Rou~d Improvement. COD8Iet of two atorJ b~tk houae, 18:132 feet; frame encloeed po......... one atory frame addltlon. blO teet. ANNUAL MEETING • STEAK Sirloin Rump SUJlIblDe nue returned home Tuesday after avetwo Mrs. L. A. Wetlaufer of Cornell weeks in Toledo, Ohio, where she had been called by the death of her uncle, 'li~;r::~tii 1 Mr. John Riebel. She brought with -rher on her return her two aunts, the Misses Ida and Cora Riebel and her i'~~r~~~: =,...",~ I.other uncle, Mr. Otho Riebel, who will • ''i~~~~ make an extended holiday visit with !!! the Wetlaufers. Mrs. W. Burton Richards, formerly of Cedar lane, has taken an apartment at 21st and Walnut streets, Philadelphia, for the winter. She will be joined over the holidays by "er son ] ohn, a _ MoY. :so - Swarthmore National studenl at Cornett University. and TruIIt oom_, executor of A. :Dodd!'. deceued. Mr. K. W. Gant of Chestnut Hill, _ Kerr. :H - 'Chester-Cambrldge ,,;::co:; and TrUIti Company, tormer~ Camwho has just returned from a year in "l"rUIt company trustee U/W at J. the west, is spending the holidays with BherUI'. emce. coUrt HoUle. IIedIa. I'L Black. 4M'u'ed. tor J. W1.UlaJD 12-t-4t his daughter, Mrs. fohn Flomedelt and 3r. BATUBDAY, 3AN11ABY lI, 1MS her little boy Scotty of the Garrett 9:30 A. U. :Baetom War TIme f..~~~~~~:~' North Chester road. Mrs. ~ and son moved here last CaDdlt1otLl: tuG.OO cub or Cerwied ch_ at time of ...e ( _ othenrtoe dated In September. Captain Flumerfelt is ~Ih a4vertl&emmt) balance In _ 11&10. Qt.her a medical unit in a hospital near Cairo. coud1t1ons OD da., of ale. Their former home was .in Brookline, 1 •••_ .. Paclu No._ Mass. T~eAn~ual stookliordei'a of the Sw8rt1uiio~ Na1IOn~ ·Mrs. SewelfHodge of Ogden avenue Bank and Trust Company, Swarthmore, Pa., for the election of. dientertained her bridge club at a Christmas luncheon party on Wednesday. rectors and such other business 88 may come before the meeting, Other members of the club are Mrs. will be held at the banking house in Swarthmore, Pa., on Tuesday, Milton Fussell, Mrs. William Buttock, ]anua'l'Y 12,1943, between the hours of three and five o'clock P •.M., FOR RENT n:~=~~­ Mrs. George Corse. Mrs. William TurELRIe SPROAT, CruhzeT. 5 roome IIDd bath, fueplaee. Adults ner, Mrs. Allen Brown, Mrs. Roy Com- '=;=--If onIT. POI_sloD at onee_ 'S8 ley and -Mrs. Herbert. Bassett. Subject to cond1t1Oll8 and ratrlcUona. month. , Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bryant of Dick- _~Im~p~JO~v~em~m~to~co~D~"~st~of~'~tw~O~IItOr7~~st~"~D~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ insoR avenue wiH entertain·.their bridge The Ttibie" A'ilrrrg , coddled like to obtain one pound of tenderloin tion extends the Season's Greetings to babies - With the result, it's the finest of beef·you've ever tasted. steak -or .four, poundS:··of hamburger. We are 'glad to be able to offer sucili' exceptional qualltydurlng, (PC?~nt va.tue~ have .1JQt. b~en. set y~t - , its members, patrons, employees, busi. , : thE>. present beef ~hort",ge. '. values used· here are for illustration only). . ness associates, and to the entire com· 7. The, gov.ernment ,will set the point A Limited Quantity I BLUE RIBBON of .eilch item within th.e. gro.up of value munity. t rationed 'products and issue ·au official BLUE RIBBON Jist. Point values will be based on available supplies and will vary as supplies 'of particular items increase' or· decrease. ,'e':j ..',,",~''i'' ... :;~r=:.H:.·;o.f: 8. War ration book two wiJI have four pages' of blue stamps and· four pages of red stamps. The blue stamps will be used for the first group of goods to be rationed by points. The red stamps will lb. be used for Ihe second group of' polr;tOnly once a year can you rationed goods. . get beef like thls - So ·Ien9. The number. on each stamp tells der It wUl melt In your lb. how many points the stamp worth. The letter on each stamp tells what mouth. period it is good in. The .government will announce th~se periods ill advance. I Hand. mOil" .1000,00. 'j - . -- ~:-.~.~._ ... ,.;.."i'o~=~-·-: * * I ffiUIIl1't1m an lfltanWY IRl(cJJ{~danu' the tlaye.t of all nuonol qui....y and thorouOJ.ly ••• wi'" electric It .allo for (estive d ..oratio.... ex- helpe.... Her eleetri. "leaDer ouc". up tLe elm.tm.. i8 .hanginO of tli(b, vi.its from fri~ndo ••• and t of '"-Duree, the time-honored , holiday dinner. Tbee., extra preparation a and aetivitie. mean extra worL. for .omeone ••• u.nally D1otlaer. But o1e ..no.... 1.0.... to do lou joL ....... duot and dirt in jig time. Hu and ironer 110 on dooMe-dulY ...aoLer le!'ed~ ul.. And ele.tri. water heate... oblerve no holidayo. For a happier !.oliday leason, put your eleetrie labor-aaven OD an overtime b..i .. PLiladelpLia DeCide: l:o...pany BUY MORE WAR STAMPS AND BONDS '., ., .lw.lprocessi,OD of ambusadori' of g,',Odwlit, U· OLDS PAJ..,' iii the costume of the South AUter· AMERICAN DAY iean country .he represented as .he carried its map. Berore the ey.. of the . Sheridan Leeture, Map All Ii. . bUq, lllepauic Deneen Made LearnIng Fun Goodwill was the appropriate keynote . of tbe Woman's Club's Christmas program Tuesday, which stressed the tre. mendous potentialities of neighbor countries in South America. The department of International ·Relations Mrs. A. M .. Bosshardt chairman. di: rected and presented the performance. Dr. L. J. Sheridan presented in her discussion of "The Other Half of Soutb America" a sympathetic study of Brazilian history, people and customs. She stressed thl> opportunities for scientists and engineers in this vast country rich in minerals. Fifty million people popu. late the country which has room for three times that number. A knowledge of Portuguese is important since it is the language of 250.000 Germans native Indian's, Dutch and Italian 5ettl~rs who have swelled the Portuguese colonists. Dr. Sheridan spoke of the fine educati.onal institutions of Brazil and the progressive'medicine practiced throughout !he ~pu.ntry. . Mrs. R. G. E. Ullman introduced a Hwulretls of Official GIFTS FOR·MEN IN THE SERVICE The annual Community Christmas intereited audience they ..sembled the Eve Carol Sing will not be held this map of their continent, a map which !yea,r. Upon last week's announcement featured the South American program a dimout in this area, plans for the of the sprh)g State Federation meet1nl,!. annual event were discarded. Although The Hispanic Dance Group directed the ditnout order hu Bince been reby Alix Field Whitaker presented tracted, general defense and power ecoSouth American dances which ranged nomy measures are aided by restricting from the native Indian to the sophiatl. outdoor and unnecessary lighting cated. Tbe gay, colorful number. were wherever possible. enhanced by Mra. Whitaker'8 historical The large lighted cros8(which usually sketcbes. Authentic costumes, masks the Methodist Cburch at Christand accessories worn by the dancers and the lantern which flashes were collected by Mrs. Whitak.er durverses on a screen and further her ,ecent trip to South America. enlightens the scene of the sing. would final "Procession de· lOs Chutos" not be in accordance with this policy r~produced part of the Lima celebr,",,- and therefore, with the large number tlon of The Day o{ Our Lady of Merey. of people away or working odd hours, Ann Myers and Nina Whitaker were it is thought better to forego this one the tw~ dancing chutos and with the community event in this war-time Yule. p~ocesslon brought the program to a • chmax. . AT PARENTHOOD MEET Katharine Warren Coles in costume Among those who attended the Planthe dancers, who also in .. ned ParentHood luncheon meeting in Virginia Brandt, Dorothy DenPhiladelphia on Monday were Mrs. Clair Joan Russell, Louise Elkins, Wilcox,' chairman of the. Delaware Fussell, Nancy Terry, Nina County committee of the Pennsylvania . . Richmond. Mary DimFederation for Planned Parenthood; mitt, Lynn Leach and Eleanor Wolf. Dr. Dorothy Ashton. Mrs. Melvin MolHoste~ses for the afternoon were Mrs. Chfford Banta and Mrs. Owen stead. Mrs. Harold G. Griffin. Mrs. Gay. Mrs. Frederick R. Lang and Mrs. Luther E. Stein, Mrs. D. J. Boorstin Ross M~rriott presided at the tea·table. and Dr_ Marika Lambichi. : Mrs. Curtis Bok of Philadelphia preLOCAL SCHOOLMATES PROUD sided over the Panel, at which time discussion on the contribution of planOF' ADMIRAL HALSEY ned parenthood to family life in wartime was .held. The Rev. Dr. Charles F. Penniman, rector of the Trinity Episcopal Church of Wilmington, spoke of the meaning of the marriage sacrament and stressed the need for planning in family life to maintain it as an enduring institution in times of stress. . Mrs. Stuart Mudd of the marriage councils in Philadelphia gave a plea for more young people to be better informed on all the assets of marriage. Her work now is largely with young people whose lives are complicated by Leading Men's Work store of Cbester Since 191& CANTER'S too little knowledge of each other and too little planning for marriage responsibilities. Dr. Douglas P. Murphy, chief obstetricHm at the University, Hospital,. also spoke. , One of the most interesting facts brought out in the whole conference that in Massachusetts, where all the Planned Parenthood Clinics have been closed by legal action, the birth rate is down 30% below the United States rate.. In North Carolina, where ,birth control is a part of the state public health program, the rate is up 400/'0 above the rate of the. United States. 4BMY & NAVY STORE Cor. 4th & Market St.. Est. 1916 OPEN EVERY I!VENJNG M. T. AIKIII Christmas Gifts for Men GIFl'S FREE! THE The Treasury Department· hu jutt sent a letter to local schools requesting the cooperation of all children. parents and teachers in returning to circulation millions of small coins which lie Idle china pigs, little bauks, glass jars the like in homes in· this community and others, thus tying up strategic metals. . Richard R. ilaig and his roommate. The letter points Oltt that last year Gregory Thomas of Chicago. 111., wilL the mint used four thousand, six hun- spend . tbe Christmas holiday with. tons of copper in the production Richard'. pare.ts, Mr. and Mrs. Ric:hG: Haig of Riverview road. Richard one-cent pieces alone, which totaled one billion. five hundred million pieces. 1.""siitGyrel,!ory are students· at the UniIf men. women and children ean be I' of Rochester in Rochester, N. Y. induced to convert their penny savings I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; into war savings stamps, or eveD into II coins of larger denominations, there will be a greatly reduced future de· mand for critical metals. The import. ant thing is for people to get Ph'::::, L into circulation, through thi of our the corner groceries, or elsewhere in the marketplace. Investigation establishes that all materials adaptable for • • • where cbimes peal out coinage afe now sorely needed for war ., Make Christmas Merry in The Army; Nnvy, Marines · HMO .. a~~~;~~l~::~::::'·~~ porpoi". importatlCe of idle petUl7 to work in.thecbaDDels of trade. All children anll grown-upt too are requested to empty their savings baa.... and put th..e coins back into circ:ula· tion. This is one simple _y in which. all ean take a belpful part in the _ ... effort. . . .. . . . r • '. '''':.. ':,." '.' , ' ' ' .. • S·hare the Warmth I the . Heartn Holiday Ninety-two t: ,·performance will ,~i.e" wh:i~h .is . .~ .0fDebIas~y'. .YlflI!:". j ·"c;:arollers from . and ~ ~.1I-k'l0WJi·-'!)1d: !QY~,!1 "W)}y JIi.; , CP.Wies :~'I!I": •. .. _ .. '- . . . At t"~ ev~.~r['mYl'.'!~eJ"r~e , oiller.jllnior members .and .aduU., Dick,~' ~~A Christmas· Carol" will· be preosented. . . . 'the ;Marionettes of ~m\<.al1ll~' I "qth : l;Iaines are Philadelphia', ·OId•• t ipr4>~,~onal cC!mpmy•. Tq~.f)i!rFrs ~lul:! ·-,,",cle\iPted to be able to pr.. ent·tbu I group to its. iunior membership. ."""I!'II - • Fail nQt ,in Chris.bn88 gladnessl The, 'l'9rst Wat men Can do . ~H.as· wrapped iii. world. ip sadness. ._ .. . ·BuLthe '~tmas Star sh,ines throu,gh. .1,,' :ChristmaB PIJJ'IieI God's coUfl!8e, qp not-falte~ed; . His ~th is in. IU still. I:Iis pr9!DiBe stal\ds .unaltered, . His,"Peace - ,. on earth • • • Goodwill". Se'fJOll'· "" .;k 11 ....... ,io-.4a'aIef1I!,.to.:t.M,oabooribor una&. of North . C"~ter ~f'ad has just received new wool for Army and Navy kUitting. She asks those interested .to call her at Swartlimore 1010. lMiss -Bassett .is __auxious to get ,sW:~ilt~sJ.m\~tey.,s, et~, com· pl~t~d as. soon as ~PSt p!>SSlble. The Red Cross 'Sewing room at ,tbe Woman's, ClUb will be open . "gain.on and ~:~!:':~<\ "Oti ................. 0DlilINr KJMIII Aid. With I'.ageant . I; and the . bel M and Mrs. Robert . Bradford. r. .. Mrs. J. ilaul~Brown~Mr~d ;Mcs. B. CamPl!4:Jl, . .Mr; ifpd cM{s. 1:'!IP.es Taylor iPd, Mr., Md .]!,f.,•• i,H. Cleaver. of ~the The. . wishes bave ' cla.... not form8Jity of e'IJ.ol)ment Christma•. -pattles. are .. gu.st tickets to these affairs. Young people who are home for Christmas apd are graduates of the AssembUes ~re iSllitedJo contact the chair'man, Mrs;!.Pi )I..ponald Swan, be(ore noon on Monday if they ·wish to arrang~ to ,.tfncL ....... ...... : . . Fa iIa l:~~~~~~~~~~?~~~~n;.....cla~_.s chairman ofactivities; the Family Society's " . entire :. rth~ thIa ~. aU I' . . .1IoL"" Wnt ........ CIrDI '. .PrlerullyCtrde ' .........f; Philanth rOPIeB • at . c::~sa:~i:t~h~~e epis·odes. The first grade ... .. Holiday Meet b its teacher. Suzanne The me:etiog of the· Friendly Media schools. by Pendle . workers. and by many residents. including ·th. with. Grallam following: Dr. A. F. Jackson; ;Mrs • leader. The fifth J~mes F. Bogardus. Mrs. J.Warren . singable- Paxson, Mrs. C. 'Russell Phillips, Mrs. CJr~1~11.~~~~'~1~,,~~~;~~~:i it II Efar·old G. Griffin ofl!.utgers aven~e. Alice Blodgett, music 110urth .graders. dressed as a·lovelY carol,"Hark. Baby. as an accompaniment :to ihe Sixth . of Scene. dergartel>1hsfrtiC!or. g· h .Husa·e· d.•·• - rouwsinis l ls Christmas" Mrs. F.Stewart BroWn. president. p~esided. She. told of packing ."bagsof Christmas things for tbe· Mortpn Health Center Christmas party: . Warren Paxson fotY Are a problem and we florists urgently request your CCHll!4!ralion by carrying your purchases when convenient and placing orders for Christmas delivery as early as possible. ]lrtutlt.L .EDWARD'S "fpooDt 04_ anll Uplanll ... MESSMER'S LUPTON'S as EDGMONT AVE. ~. itl W~rn;;J'!r ..,:.cFUr.~· ... .' .-- •. .;00 iss j • . _... ....... 4 ·sriiidii;';'';~'nin1rS-una~cusfo1ri~i~old .. . __ .... '~'<+~> lop .,.: .......... ,., .... ~)IJJl '..... _0- .. J ".,. 'J , " . ' .,' ~; , ,. ~ - . ~ OIIiein B.,...,..... BaB-.Teh.phODfl 0851 .0pMa W ¥~ 9.SO-11jSO.~.,IL .. ..~ .:eo to _.p ...."""~~ IJwS!caU)J. IP .......................... -~ ' . ..,.'.,'.- i~~lM~r1S.~~~~~~~~0~f!.i.~~~ . . :-. TlJB8D&Y:t DBCB*MR 21 1:00 P.JI.-_W. C. T. U. _ _ ••.•••••• , ...... : .... , .•.••.• , ..•• : ••. ,:~l! .~k..~venue. B)IrKIl"o!jDr ~ * Defense council'BulletiRs. *. SVNDAY. DECBMBBB n . 11 tOQ A. JI. _ New y ..... JlQmIng W..;,hlp ••.•.••••....•.........••... : •. Local Churches '. t:O$ P. JI. _ Candlelight v-"" ......•••.••.......•....•.......•.. Pr..bJterl... Church MONlJAY, DECEMBER 28 . __ .lO~.A.)(._Bed crooo Sewing ............................................ wom...·• Club 10:00 ·Eiizabeth B. Smith•. dauiiht,;r of Melanie D_ Seymour. and returned Miss Ma:r'Y V:erle,qden .of I.pnsdqime . Monday to his station -in North 'C#o, e!lt~r!,!i.ned .:1')1" ~igh\liOme.a:tii: ltilicn- ,. lina. eonotl-. -Tl!eSdilyaq;tra:th HavenIiUi. ., .' , . . ,. .... .. _P.~"'"4" ... ~JI.",}Iod"9munJon .............................................- .. \.~;oci &JI....: _ ·ciommUnkm •••••••.••••••......•.••..•.•......•••...•.. 'l'rIIllty Churoh A program of Christmas music will be given by ,the combined Choirs of the Presbyterian Church on Sunday, December 20. Ttie instrumental prelude will begin at 10:40 A. M; with· Dayton M. Henry. violinist and EmQlett Sargent, violin· cellist, assisting artists. ,. .......... ,' .. ' I ~~8, PAY. I'JIIDAY. D _ Z5 . . • Choirs in Christma8 Program WouidHeJpl· ~ ~ , ..'. affectl!d 'ID,m .and beast alike, ·to 5ay. ""thing· of .t)1ose frozen. wheeled tliings·, . navigated on: gas coupons: these· days .. On'e wonders:- if· there"" were not mOte iilstanceS. like seven-year-old Sandra Johnson's experience with her doi!:. Sandra started out from her Park a1(enue home to give her snow-colored . (Pom) a breath of fresli air.:. the pair had gone two blocks··' Porn's feet·became so cold he lay'down .' at his'little miStress' feet' 'and' refused' to budge. ·The child was greatly con- .. cerned - and managed by, tt:J.ggmg .and straining to lift the. animal which· weighs nearly as much "·herselLand sOlpehow.carry- ~im hOQIe, running~:aDd panting until he was safe a.gain. indoors. ~~~;~~t~:1~~~~~~~~!\ ;,;I,t!IIO~Jl."w Under Organist Benjamin L. Kneedler's direction, the combined Churcli Young People's Choir of 50 voices will sing two numbers, "Sing Christmas Bells" by Mathews, "Before the Heavens Were Spread Abroadb by Horatio Parker, and. the earol ''Ye Shepherds. Rise" by Na!rle. Mrs. John M. Pearson. Mrs. Rudolph Banks, Mrs. L. C. Hastings. Mn. L. A.· Wetlaufer. Mrs. Howard G. Hopson. Mrs: ·A. W. Stuart, Mrs. John J. Esslinger. Mrs. H. Lindley Peel. Mrs. •.. . :;. . .w:jt.. ... ' us, -' .... completed for M. Hook reported tlie six I at Thanksgiving time. PYA.1.:y'~~! in the e~~:~~~ George Zimmer told about a . grade's a needy family in·:whicli .the graders' dance interested.· She also told.Q(a . ~d he-r £~niDi~ttee, ~~~fb 'Conwell;, Mrs. Arthur R.··O. Red~",e. Jr., Mrs,,~es Haig J~ssuP, ;Mr.. K; . a&<1" EliZabeth Bassett .. Stewart Brown and ~~ Wickham: ,.,. made to the :~ fn Seh I Health All • Others who gave valuable bac~~s.~ at' the s~1 ~p" .._. . ..," vuement assistance with the production wO!'e made 800 toys. Withr.lhe. apPl'Oach. of the. holiday Mrs .. ' G.!=.orge P. ,W.ar ren, Mrs. J. ~. , Money was voted for coal, m~,k, J\wre tis, a ~crn:tptap.9n to have Koch, .Yrs.dHenry.R. Harris, Mrs. Christinas baskets a'~d repairs on~ a p'e9pl~ tr;l,ve~.~,oll,~4.where they: thtlr R. Dan. and J~n G. Moxey~ .Jr. damaged w,h~el chair:· expose .. ~eDj~e!yes .. 10 .. contagion·· in ~ ~ trains ..~n~-.~~~.~s. W. ith ~he' elimina\tio~ " of famdy cars as means of transporta_,~~. ,.... ,,\\' rfl, tion.·this ·pos.ibility'of picking up a ", ~ cont3;~ous.,disealse~, ~1!ether it be a c~ld or worse, IS much greater. parenlSto· ScliDol bome- .as ..mqch . ..as mingling with DELIVERIES in and •. ~:;~~~,t~~~~~~!t~:~~c~~Onimltt.etold b· e·d ·s· nc·ks·.• c ..... ,...... ___ ••,..... IIIIfa'It ° _ _ CInoII to of Mrs. George W:'Warren of SouthCheoter'~d. P ........ Ie who '-'-..... · ~nIidtm('6 that the .lines .lrill·~ .lI"'!"" .~ ~ the Cbris "'" liltA.-. "''''''' .,.2 .... ..... _.................. . . -,. ,. . .-' .~':~~wtI!tliliWth8x;,...:Dr. W_to~~:f:rUmds ...... r.e.e -•." purpose~ as sub-chairman the club. Mrs. S. H. Hemenway and Mrs. William A. De Caindry as welfare and .health chairmen of the club, a.s .. sisted. Mrs. A. F. Jackson is the head .•tMROLD.~P.'-WAIU\DI. • ..,atN... "'In"'" ACh~t".~ There Will AlwayslJe ,IUJiipr~ SIZ,ENJS KMAS ..... M:' .intil.$" t; 1\4••. s·eVenlb ."at)nua[ welfare toy mart S~ G.,...dee ~i P"y·. by sponsored by the Family Service of· FoUnh Grade Tea~e.r·~. Western Delaware 'COunty and th~ Crowd pi Parents Woman's Club's health and welfare committees, caused a steady stream of ~UI~'~~ Avenue school children ush-I~~~:ff.~dg mothers toting doll high chair., .Christmas seasoIi"with an .animals, mechanical ,and other , ,written 'and directed 'by ioys 'oIJ. Park avenuc·alLday. . . fourth grade teacher The Christnias .toy .hop'.was founded .to par~nts and friends on the theory tha t molhers who were .. December 18. Jolly enabled to select tOYs for needy cbils)mbols Df Christmas dr-en would choose those which re'a.dy ;;'\\1.ta eta:us who' entered quietly answered· their"cbildren~s "desires.- An:, family~s. reading of "~was pther basic principle of the .project· was Before Christmas," joyous that . direct-from mother to child dur:~g pantomined scenes, any child's feeling that his' sh.ining faces.,.-tl!e_after~ is inadequate and thus help to a happy time for: aU as .. protect his sense security. the . school . Only is ¥'~~d able I, ~," :<.- , I I .9. fI- :fr .~, . ,, . . ~i$ . " .' .-~ . "l'~~e. on.Ji;arth '-'"!'..":-~''-'''-''-. , ,. ....,w ;;""' _ _ I' _i..... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... ~ ,..., ..... ' - ~·o ' .. " . ., -.' .' ... . ", J,. ~ patents. Dr. aad· . kobto of Elmer in Wayne. for the Deaf New Br"""r's guests 'at' a. return 10 her dulies on Sunday.' ~~~~:..~diII~·ner will be-her'da'llllbten. IP._~_" i, Bloom and family of Co--.::sz=avellue and Mrs. Laurence M. ·Dr; iJlj"'Mrso William~E:zrI'Kistler of Crest lane. ~ Doors. Park avenue; omtIounce Smith eJltertam with .·.,...... IIhi! .en...·gemellt . of their· dallghler. fei:!~~~~i' bdete1be )jI"",'~ft lGstter ',m4 &sign asseidti17·whII:Ja.iI ,HarOld .000000000.US.Nij.lIt·presfrom '&0 Ii • k'1D whom were the paternal who arrived- last Tuesday Cliicago. IlL and Mr. and Mrs. H. Kiase and son Billy of,Dayton. Oh~o and Mr. ap,I'Mrs. Sidney Kirpatrick or' MiUbour.ne. N. J. who were house guests Saturday night 01 Mr. and Mrs. Julius Unde~cc, of Wallingford.' ", '. . ~W~aslbjinifltoJl~~;~D~';Ci'~'~Tb~ej'~Wje!di-1 Mrs. John Hanna 01 University place entertailted witb a bridge-tea on Tues. . day afternoon of last week in bonor . , ,.'Mr,. Donald W. Poole of North Swarthmore avenue. Guests included Mrs. . Buchanan Harrar, Mrs. Graham Wentz, .. Mrs. Daniel Morse; Mrs. Marvel Wilson and Mrs. Sproul Lewis of Swarthmore; Mrs. John Schoff of Media, and Mrs. John Earley 9f Genoantown. Mr. and Mrs. James Hanna of Vassar avenue will entertain at Christmas dinner iomorrow Mr. and Mrs. John R. and daughter Gayle of UniverMr. and Mrs. George EwinlJ, Marian Scbatte of Parand Mrs. lor the near future. Norman SmithSmith; 01 Ridley' ·Park. forMiss Nancy daugh'ler :bfMrs. is a graduate of tbe merly of Swarthmore, a".tI·the u4 of Smith, the bride':of' r;i"ut~riarlf AIIlIlll't ·RQIIJ>Y. lr:. :BO!\:01 . Mnl •. )r~,e, . Albert, Roneic.· ." '. 'SaturdaY•..n~cember ,~~~:~:.~~ :._ sisler. Mr. 19 at 2 :30 'c\ocl<';n. the' SwartWnore Gorman Browne of Presbyterian Church. Tbe' ceremony .·MIL Media, entertained. witb a family din- was perlonoe,j' by tbe Rev... David ner party in honor of the ,engaged Braun, pastor of the church. couple on Sunday. • The bride, who was given in marriage • by her uncle, Mr. Howard 'SatterMrs. Harlan Johnson of Baltimore, thwaite of Springfield. wore an enMd. bas announced tbe engagement 01 semble 01 ice blue crepe with pale pink her daughter, Mias Ada Wells Johnson accessories. Her corsage was an orchid t9 Aviation Cadet Richard E .. Brown, of the same paste: shade. Miss Virgi.nia Smith, who was her A.A.F., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown of Walnut lane. sister's only attendant, was dressed in Miss Johnson is the niece of Mr. and dusty pink with a corsage of violets Mrs. Fletcber P. Williams 01 Park and pink rosebuds. Mr. Curtis Roney avenue. She is a graduate of the Uni- of Syracuse/ N. Y .. acted as be~t man versity of Delaware. for his brother. • A small reception for the immediate Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Speck 01 Cor- families ·Iollowed at the home of the nell avenue have announced the eD- bride, the young 'couple later leaving of their daughter, Albert on a short trip to Lake Placid, Nt!W Speck to Corp. Harry L. Blank- York. more H~h SchooL She' will, continue --KraBe with" ber work as labc>r:\tory and X-ray , Ite",hlniCian at the Taylor' Hospital. RidE\izabeth Krase, .daallbfer of ley Park ... .,n B1Id Mrs. Norman Krase of HarThe bridegroom. wbo ii a' graduate Mr. CD vard avenue became tbe bride of Mr. of the University of Maryland, BalliHerbert S. Micbener. Jr.••on of Mr. more, Md. and the University of Mary.,cbristntas Day. J. Jarden Guenther. Jr. of Nortb Herbert E. Michener, Sr. of Norwood, land Law Scbool, recently completed a 'course in the Signal Corps at the OfChester road, wbo sailed several months Pa. in a beautilul ago with the American Field Service. Saturday evening. in· :'l:''1i~1ng S~~ool in bas arrived at his destination in Syria, ' ....... . ... N. ana lSe awaltmg as~iide wore a'g9WIJ of·iv.ory .- ..... ~.:.,-.~ "'..~ ... ~ .•.. ~ according to a letter just received bJ his parents. .1he~?¥, and Mrs. J. Jara yoke of. marquisette and a .'. _. ".: . den Guetith.~~.\ .... , I h,>CIi,:e with lull skirt. ending:i)). 'a Birth,. . Dr. and Mrs. Louis N. Robinson will veiL wa. an heirloom of 'Italian . ·M-. ... J' . 'H' dl C' .-' ...... . lace wbich leU to the 'f1oor in soft folds rs. ames In e 01 ornell avenue reopen.. their bollSe at 411 Conego ave- Irom a high crown. She. carrl'ed an old- returned home Tuesday witb her inlant nue for the holidays, endeavoring to see fashioned bouquet of white roses and daugbter Margaret A nn, W b 0 was born far the mighty Yule log can re- Iree.ia clustered about an orch,·d.' MIS' s on Saturday morning, December 19 in oil. Of their cbildren Thatcher Taylor Hospital. .' ' be home from George School and Barbara Krase, si.ter of the bride, was • Mark Robinson witb his wife. the gowned in red velvet as the maid 01 Mr. and Mrs. James H. Miller, Jr. ""'f<;t",',or M' ar t'h" a meCor d r will spen d a honor. while the bridesmaids' -."",,s,-I ~. 0 f P rospect Park are receiving conneeded vacation Irom his dairy farm were of green velvet, all styled with here. Iir. Robinson will be here briefly sweetbeart necklines, tight bodices and as bis task of organizing .tate parole lull skirts. They carried'white chrysanis pressing just now. themums with red berries and ·tied with red ribbons. Tbe church was decorated Dr. and Mrs. William Earl Kistler of in green spruce; wbite chrysanthemums Open Doors, Park avenue, will bave and white candles. The Rev. David as their guests at Christmas dinner to~ Braun performed the ceremony. morrow their son-in-law and daughter, A re.::tption at the Krase home fo1Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gorman Browne lowed the wedding. Mrs. Michener wore and son Ricky of Media, Mrs. Kistler's for her. travelipg costume a green wool . . 1IJdt."" ~ ,~~~~;~iFjr~a~n:k Flanagan andMrs. ber and .ister, Mr. and of Phi1l!d~bia: Harold COii.!Iqc 01 .all Co . , . ., . :Mr. .and Mrs. RuueU N. Heath 'If .·Cedar tane are entertainilll. Mn. . ,Heath's parent•• Mr. and Mrs. Henqan Conrow of Greenwicb. Conn. wbo arrived yesterday to remain through Sun'day as boliday guests. Mr. and Mrs. Heath are entertaining informally at open house on Sunday afternoon to observe tbeir 18th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Gezelitis of North Chester road will entertain informally tonight at a Christma. Eve open house. , . suit with The a matcbing hat andis an orchid corsage, young couple spending Playe~ .~ OF SWARTHMORE RI ..' J1lI'IIOB -PREsENTATiON . Fnnk and Elizabeth Baln'" . 5 ~ MARIONETTES SATURDAY, JANuARY 2. Matinee at 2,80 lit 5 For YOUD&' Cblldren A GAY NEW YEAR' "CfII'ol'",.. From Dlc:k....' ",4 C",",_ I"m'"ale", ,Ioe Cldmu n......• Eveam. at 8,20 for Older CIilldren and Adults "11""" DlckeDs MEDIA ,000 til, TO ALL • ",4 CIarIat...... Carol" : TbJa p _ repla_ play ObI la' I S NltchtlDsale,'" orlgacheo1u1ed. JOSEPH'S Barber. Shop' 14 Park Av~ue .. ...., . . .,. .. ·Happy New Year. ' . : - .;""./ . • ",,:' . . . . . . - . . - - . . . - . , .' "19B DOIt'T.SBLL CABS-wE • - t •• .. ' , t, • • _ • • • , ....~ • • '. _ • • • . . - . t ........,.... • • _ . .- •• , M ~~. • :, a: LAFAYE$!~.·~Y~S~.' .:.~~e·.,O'~40:;;::::.·:.i~:i • ' .. :' ....... B1IX if; s. Boifl1~~U.:sr;",g '.~. ·r~,.~::,,":~~~, •.IW\TMOUTH • • I '''r:''~: - =- ", ....." .. =:-.: ';~<.' . • :... ~~..,I ~ FRANK'S BARBER SHOP "It's Christmas" • • ..,~:,'. • Led, ";7' ..... VI_". • 4.. "S~.'." • •~ • Uta .tEbt lSouqutt' JjtllUtp 6alon ... 13 S. Chester Road f;.. .! . .: ~Scleii;~ ~-,.t,,--:: .... . '.- _.', ." ,0. .;-:. J .'. > • • ~~=~~~=~~~~~~~~ ~ = tv." --:. . CHiusTMAS".lIT' ......., .n. ... STRATH , HAVEN INN· has been a very special occasion for more than a quarter of.a century •• :·A COMMUNITY: BREAKFAST, with carols in the lobby beforehand. delicious food. a lighted tree, brief. informal talks by interesting speakers and perhaps th,e reeding of some,well·loved Christ· mas verse or short story at the breakfast table. .' If you are so situated this year that. you find it difficalt to go back home for the usual Yuletide reunion. we believe you will'find' our INN COMMUNITY BREAKFAST a pleasant .ubslitute, at 8:30 o'clock,' on Christmas morning. . . We 'believe too. you will find a real Christmas spirit here at the Inn all day long. There will be games 'in the Rumpus Room for YIlU lind your family to take. .. . p~rt'in -'comfoitllllle clt~ira..books and II';agazines.to: . .:: . .. .:.::enjoyin the 19u1Ig6~ IUid in' the JlUn p.orch~ II\Id frelD.: ;. ,', .. ·l:()()'o'.,}ock to .7':30. a true, OW- FAliRIONED CliRlST" . ".:.' MAs DINNER.with al1!he trm:.mings. .• ' ...:" : ..:' '.' : We .extend a hear.iy wel"o~e' to'!Peqdqll:istmas:.:, ;.':; Day with ria: " - • .: '.' . • ,:'r ''''.'. Breakfast • • • • • • . - ... $.75 D·j..n.....nLler .... : ._ ..... _.$1.75 Special CombiJUition • v: Pr .. cLyte' ,.; ._... .. Ch' ch'N tee . A Watch Night service will be e8u l'JlIll 0 '. at II :45 P. M. New 'Year's Eve. , On Christmas Day at 7 A. M.. a On Sunday:)anioary 3, at II A. M., Christmas carol service will be. held. Holy ·Communion will be celebrated.· Next Sunday. Decemb"" Zl, at 11 A. M, The Church Hour 'Nursery for chilthe.' New Year's worsiiip will feature dren age 1-7 will be held 'each Sunday special music by the choir, an instrufrom 11-12 o'clock in the Parmen\al,pre!ude,..~-I!!.,40. an~ sermon on under the care of Linda DeIjThe' Future of the Church. All are' invited to leave small On Sunday at 4 :45 ·P. M. at candlein the nursery during the ,nghtxespers. the youitg.peoi>l~s choir.l'dllm:h worship. .tbe boys' .cboir and the girls' choir will The High' School Fellowship will, be sing.' discontinued until Sunday, January 10. The surgical dressings group has dismeetings until January 5. continued cHuRCH SERVICES The senior department of tl1e Church School witt present a.D unusual yo~ng people's program Sunday morning, De:: cember 27, at 9 :45 o'clock. There witt w:: Breakfast and Dinner .. $2.25 ~servtce. MODday SEASON'S GREE'IINGS TO YOU, ALL FROM N. WAL-TER 11 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD .:,j'.' ,~. .4 ~ , "go. ••••• •. ,' •.., .. ' ,r .j.;, .. ' •.~' A.year when Japan sttuck at Pearl Harbor,sometleOi>lc\ had'mis8i~ '. about the railroads. They kneW the 't'ailfuary. 800,000 • ."".. oIIi1ioJly; " . ,.' . ':"'." n, 0' .. ". :~.;.':':;">~~~'::::~::,:,~., .,.~,'lr~ , .c.·-;'··,:", ..."..., 0' "'" SIolp,,",. ...... .11 ~./:;G.d >; 'Yol' Jo.,.;t:; iA" J:Ui,,;' 'lk .:;' ;:'-'. ,: ."' ..., tori'" .. .... , . . _ . .... ' ..::~~' , . 'J: ; J'.' war caa.;e, the railroads '9(~e. ~dy to do~the{f sh8re. {~~,"~eep ~em ro~r .-(-~~ tl "~ -,," '.' ~'. . PENNSYLVAIiIA .... 0" , , '. . . . ' \' . ~~ ~; ~ ' : ~ ~ .t. ,_>; One question still remains unanswered. How could_th¢ railroads do 5() miit;fi· .. with so little? In the "lean" years they replaced'tlle old With nW;"~': when {~ '. ~ .. " ~,. . •. • ,·,tnl BeaD.. • ::.~ tii:i Jolnll ~;,...; ".-, ,.: . -,..1 ._I ....II'I1liI.... .... . . ." '. '.' - ., ., :.. N/IroIJt liel"" '" ./mll..,_ :. 't.,....J. over1!hr~e~elh~u~n~d!r~ed~lzJt~;~~~ 7 ~ ! ·,-w.,., ped ~hristm'as' boxes . llrin ... ~p' .o~ To lce.p .I~"t!~"*'JIt:.-.""""" ','...' ;'..... ,>f" ;.' "'lIteflntfO_Ih .. 'adoo .....· "".<1",; ·~_l"'"·.:Ii.,;I••L .." ~.,'{ Y.;:-...'~. lost w.. -.s.OOO~, ·.~J,dOO,OOC"' .... ~~f .,... ... . , . "',,·c·' ,.;!.. " . ,u'''' ."-;. i~ . ., " ,;;;7I'C~, 110m tI_••••• The Ste. Cecelia Mass will be s~ng. by the Choir at the 11 o'clock service on Christmas morning. The Rev. W~ F; Sbero, D.D., wilt be the .dlebran,t,. sisted by the rector. At o'clock will also be a ·celebratiQ.n 'of the Holy Communion and congregational singing· Christmas hymns. There will be no sessions of the, Church School on Sunday morning but there will be a spe$!.;;LI servicc in afternoon at 3 :30 .o'~ock. The m,:ml,en;j of R. B1:6r Price's clasi>:. will be charge. ,-:. . . Members of the 'Parish ~re invited to the rectory on Sunday" .evening at o'clock, to sing Christmas hymns carols. by tlte Parish .for' D~y ..~o.t"e.p.a.tients.at the .. ·.UeDd tbI' General Hospital.' • .~ Trinity Parish Not~ ,• , .'-. ~{~ be an alumnae panel discussion under the direction of Waldo B. Davison. All graduates and members of the depart:ment ar:e urged to b~ present. 11 "FLYING TIGERS" ~.~ fiu\ SARONG" ,. lohn Wayne ..: .... SUBVBIAI carl "PARDON MY Taeeday .' , Abbott & Costello Sunday - . _1. ~h~stmas. ~~rtamly the most difficult to atthln.\Vi!H~· ~1W ~~om#Y' . ,itbrl~tia~ 'Scient!e"· is ·the . .. i\.~tlt.lfde of J.~r' It ~i~ be.diffic~t indeed to be, .joyfu[;;:llis easy tQ in ~ L~=ii!igry attliestupulJty.-ru.!-9-. tile carelessriess·Qf· men,~.ltJj8~asy':t' . . . '. • • • . . _:'., -•. .... . , Y.OU.. • • ". abic:te Wifh you for ever; 'Yet for many of us Christmils will \;Ie rescued from the depths . 'despair when we remember that the Christmas story' c;ame out of a 01 .truth" (John 14 :15-17). period very like our own. "And it carne to pass in those days that Iq accord with the request of the Presi~ent 01 the United States that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should Ne~ Yea'r's Day be observed in prayer be taxed." Here is a hint at the harsh reality which surrounded the publicly and privately, a special service miracle of Bethlehem. In a world which epitomized the triumph of will be held on Friday. January.l, 1943. . . b~te force Rome bowed at the feet of Augustus, Rome's first undis- in the church. .puted. Fuhrer. Like modern dictato~s Augustus pennitted the fonns Legion Christm88 Se88iOD of republican government t9 suryive. but they were. empty and im. potent shells as Rome.brought the world under a military dictatorship. The i;larold Ainsworth Post No.4Zl, Athens had apparently forgotten her glorious fifth century •. Greece American Legion, held its Christmas was starting down the easy path of her degene~acy. All arqund the meeting in the Legion room on the secMediterranean. as far away as the island of Britain. and the mouths ond floor of Borough Hall Monday of the Tigris and .the Euphrates the whole world acknowledged the evening, At the close of the busineSs session Charles Kurtzhalz of Park averule of Caesar and force. Seen against ·this dark background the Bethlehem story takes on depth and. power. The little ] udean village was an outpost o f l Roman empire .. God looked down.noConlyon a. stlli"filled Bethlehem on that first ·.Christmas. he looked down onimperlat- ROnle as well. TII~'I.. : Bethlehem pageant stirs every heart with hope this Christmas be"atlsl,-j it carne at the darkest ho,!r for'the' C!iiaricipation of the human'~;pil,it .. I·.\ .uu.RllI.$~ T_t\~~.... ." . Led by this star ~ how shall we now' lose heart? .. . Reta~ .ver a i'.iIit:.•'-, All this was in the hearts of .~he itripressfv-e number who having •• oked as Ilk. 1\ b!\lved bi~~er. c,?ldand. dar~d gas rati'lning Su~day night. watched in .. , porteatl, •• ..rev!!ren.ce. atld wors~ip•.tbe·l:'I~i.'!ig:J'ag~!'tmove slowly up theCloTil IIM'illfilili •.. ·thif:T~aisles to kneel ~f~fIl,t!t.e.il1@g~r. They, ~new that ~n the. ·.:·~uty' of ·the living;Jai!iUfu~'stQtr ::f:dp.,~!!·~rtlessness of . t~'.•.llen.. 1 -". !. . ,her,ds. ~e Wonder and 'awe' of the: stately magi! the ecstacy of and CoektaflLoun" angelic chorus. the stilled radiance about the mother and child. all transmuted into spiritual confidence by the beautifully sung music UI cncl~m- •. ':Lnlli"IIIDI" there lay the hope of the wor.l~. ~nthralled by the Light which shone .. . . . , . . . .... ,. .. ! steadily and-'brightly inothe vast darkness. dwy'Stirred finally tocwalk LUDCb trolll &1Ic • Dluer til. lSi: : out into the wintry night. "The people that walked in darkness have COCKTAIL HOUR.3to6P.M seen a great light." . .. . . This' is no Christmas for despair; it is a Christmas for h!1pe and faith al)d wtJrk to'f'ird the light. Inthe midst o~ travail fortunate are 'we who know that in the dark of Roman oppressIOn there was born the Light of the world; fortiInate are we who know th.at the evangelical revival came out of the dissolute England of the seventeenth and eighteenth .centuries ; fortunat!' are we ~ho know that the simpl~c~ty an~ sincerity. of the Franciscan awaken~ng emerged from a st.enhty of lnol)jls~icis'P' . Led. by the star of faith e ,shall not desPrra,ler:s',sagre work unfalteqngly to\yard that !omorrow wHen the long ago of "peace on birth to men of good will" shall become ·reality. n........,. DOl" will ...... : .• -.: . • • . .: : ,~, The~~7are m~i.l\,Ild ,~ried moods cin_:Whi.;h ~iien\ay ~ptfii:1ach i:hi.s Thunday - Friday Saturday Tlaanda7.t 7,00 IIJId 9tOO P_" OnI)o-TIaIs f ..._ 0100_ on ..;.... 1-:=======:::::::1"-11 MAY YOURS BE.A MERRY ONE it THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1942 . ,. . .... . ", on Sunday rn' at 9 :45. . . too morning' worsbip at 11.' the 11)~"is:ter. w.i11 ,preach 00 the subject, "If Not Comef!i . The January meeting of the .ofllcial board will be:held·.on Friday; Jaiwary. at 8 P. M. '. .... - .•,~. . . of &raann'11 ~rtrttng& .. .' .... Too~urrcch~~:f~!~;~~~iLI~~8~~ .. • spVicii.Ta£M.-·.,< .; ... : ' . .... Va res.• o:jt,i:··:i£RvmE~:~ ;RUSSELL'S • . '. ....... • • •: .. .- . .........t. __ .... ·, .. ..' ' . '."• •. uuu .. Cthis Snaw of Wal- dingi'llli' is yesr. IIJSCSI'S until Miss • ."-..- '.' " . ... ~.. , RODey -Smith:· ItatioM.L-wi1b ·the.·Navy·;Depart- ..... .~ ~.'~ '. , ... ' . ...... .. ~ . . . .....- ",'" .. ..; .,~', "' ~.-' " -'. . ....... -.i:'"."':'"' tt .. .;~u~~~~:$~.~.:Eva"s, ,::" entertaiiring the. c!ass at aNew -, ' >- .... , Chari,.... Giilf!9pie nfnc until one .. o'clock WllmeJt'~Clu.b. ' - William. H.' Weat 'of Priinc<,tou avenue left Tuesday week for North Tonawanda, N. spend the Yuletide· with her'!~·~t::~lltll!!'~~~;::~ and· 'd:ifii:hter, Mr. and Mrs. . ,; .·George Gillespie of Yale avenue. : Mrs. Gi)lcspie will entertain at a family:' dinn'cr party on Christmas Day. ' Mr. '1l1Id Mrs. 'LovettFrcscoln of lI'ltitrll _'l.vc.nuc will enl.rtai" at a famib~: <,Iin.!'er.,partyon Ch~is~ma.. D~y. 1'heir guests will 'include.·Dr. Leonard Fr.scoln, ·Dr"""'d :Mys.· all of :fililadelphia, andHenr.), CadetSaa3rce, joseph Iln;'~;'i~~~~~?~~ .W. Fr~coln of Edgewood Arsenal.. Md . . .,,,id' Mr~;. Frescol';. -WE 'PAUSEFOR 1\ M91\1El\f(()N>:',.:~ :. .' ' .. ;. ':..". .,": .... TaIS BUSIEST' -DAY' . OF~' T~: " YEAR - THE DAYBEFQ).{E. . -:~,~__ .~ •. _'.~ .. _': ,., .... ",.;-. . . . • . . , :~_REAL,~--FELT "-:YOU: FRIENDS . , -OUR . ,- ~ .... .·".'-7.~:"'IT-~)~~=':$. .WISK'7'l'O .-'" . ' - .. '. " ' . PARK AVENUE ~ii=~~~~i:i~~~~ii.~i.i~~~ Mrs. Richard Burke of Westdale aven:te and' spent a few days this week with his _. -and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Burke of CapeN. "-';/ , .' ';. Fe.iJ. 'l',,~eh« and' propOl'ty 01 Ilon-Dala Cor- J ~tu::~~-=:5~~R~~i;J~Y;iir Ithe. ..111:0~hers' groupS'ag" ,of l"'l.t..gr.i\de.~. -.' .;' :' h~,;~~"" • 4.h G.rader.· Siir;wlMf"': 66 8 11nsb'ne Avenue. Trul7 Deoorative Last-Mlnute GlI'ts OPEN TILL 9 XMAS BVS:. ir' 'can "Picture Chester l560 for. " . '• .li~ YO'tIr 1IOJDe":' '. .... t FULLER'S - 'y L PlmmoMart 5Z5 EDGMOn AVE. 'Opper their teacher:: Myrtle McCallin a joint birthday a;J Christmas party Monday afternoo~: ~pco..a Each chiI.d in the grade shared the ' "'_0 plaRning and execution of the fun and party menu. 'r.· ~". " , , . !ioi¥>i~~~ NEWS 'NOTES '< .. .. I~~~~ ~~',~:::"".":: :~ Mrs. 'Sa'lluel. T,<,Carpent<'t w;,:~~ will en- 'pests 'Mrs. H •. Bowler of )v,·rh,:nnl<-. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Martin of'South Chest,,. road, and the Martins' '. .c David, who are, :;~~~! ,~ . 1'ciro,otp, Camida .to.arrive ( over the weeknarc,nts. Miss Doreen in honor of '" "1 ., .-,~.,,-,.- '. r '. . ... ' .. ' '-. , , , l. : .~<., ".' i 1'. ';' ,I . ;' , .1.' . Leonard has completed a two . months! training course at Fort Eustis, Va. and while on furlough visited his sister, Mrs. Paul Paulson and family of Park avenue. Mr. and Mrs. PaUl Paulson of Park avenue enter~ained Pvt.'Wesley France , . '. Christ;lJlas, 1942 .. " ~. -- of Camp Kilmer, N. J. over last weekend. . Bonnie Donii~U:" arrived home SunGoiJId Acridemy, 'Bethel Me. the' Christma. hci1idayo' with . Mrs. 'Marie Donnelly of Maybe it's a little oui or order to wish anyone a "Merry" Chtistniiis this year, But it never could be out of order to express the spirit of &-'Sati_-.. .' Boob - Kodak S_IIe.·· . Gr..en,s .Cardo - HoIohT Ct'oft BUCHNER'S --'~-' .' in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON a. IIIlIIi;CBB QVl!NBY, Jr, - 100 ·E. State ·St., Media WILTSmRE BROS. "~'/'. - ~~~~:~:;~:~i;~;:;:~ii::~~~~ IS CLOSED FROM DECEMBER'21st THROUGH DE~ER 28th . .Clae.ter BoIId. it"autpn AVellUe~Route IZI-Swart.hmo~ PL AssocIatiOD. re;al the 'American 5 rooau and bath, fireplla"e~_~d.uIta I gene, S, Farley and !UJ.:F-.~Eugene, oD.Jr. Poueuion al oJice.· per Barre as-their ~ests for a month. ':0' . ~ "" '}\~"(~'..\ ."\ . Farley's mother, Mrs. Sarah WM_ Farley. of Park avenue, ,." -:- Q;lJrouuIJn11t tlJr N tilt Itur Mr·., ana Mrs, )~'obert L. Coates Harvard avenue entertained their 0' .-., Irena 'INTERBORO ELECTRIC . !~~;:~:~:Of of Norlh Swarthmore av,mu:e. . FOR RENT . Wallie no"" MIzen-lite. ,. BIDLBY PABK 3SI8 'roaStOra - are AND ..... Me .... 'n·s Vacuum CleaDers We've all caine clo!iet logether in the last year. whether we members of a family. or friends. or neighbors. You'are oui'neighbor and valued customer. and at this time. we'd like to send you a very heartY'''Thank youP·. for your. business, and' tell you how much' we really 1I1'preciate having you for a customer. .. '.':.. 'MORRIS -.' . APPLIANCE REPAIR . ' AND ~li~~ij~i~~~i~iil~fr~o~m~M~~id~d~l;ebury M(~~~Jle~:~r1 ....- -~. Fnrt '':,,~apn~'. School 'at Randolph 1 Mr, and Mrs. David .; Medical Corps, wife, who Alice Robvisited relaover ~ast 1Veek- -' .... -- -- -- -- --. ..--:~~':',~~ tDau Jnl! at cn~;~~;;~~~::" ~~~-',;~'~E; _night Captain dinnolli Johi! ~-r_'''' ~;~~~~~;;,:;~!~.I.~~~:~~~~p:~Ia~C"'eiitertai"edat . just retlirned fro& lCM'P~k'· Avenue ''lteCoii. . Fourth' grade 'pupils" iii' ib·e··'R(ftger~· Avenue. school gave .ttty Qt~ristntUll hq1iday v:isit to his parents, Mr. and .1>i~;'.'" '" BUY MlJRE WABSTAlIIPS AND BONDS ...,-~~;..~·..r;t;r~·~n'·-:· ,-,' ...... .-;..- . ~' "- .. ~.,=ONJ:=.=7'O=Vi:::'CII=== ~h::ia~:"!":1 Mr. andNEWS Mrs. David Wadleigh of . OF NATURE siD year-?Id played· three piano Jll(J'IES Park avenue will leave the day after selections,. "Tarantelle", "Giddy Girl" c:::~:a~ to visit in Boston and Ar. a·nd '~Minuet Gil by Paderewski. U MILSS. They will he gon~,.bout The il6rtheastwind dtovethe br~llIk··1 .·rmwS·'NOTES will stop at Hastings-on- er. -cIQSe·1n toa1tore. disrupting the in da¥a Wri- lo1/8:'edm\itrliili1tn mef£ectIW 8~ginents. clwrned ~~i~~~~~~~~llll;~;i:~~N' Y. on with their Mr. way,)itime ..lhe)1'1'h",. \)foke in1l\&ny ! . , ...... ,... . . . ;' the backWash ~ ~1iJ.iIt clalDal1ds on. lain _ thbo _ . "'" SB&SOM'80JlEriiNG8 'to l.iJ iny8warttunore frlendo, 'A,. MABIE BOSSHARDT 1~I\.M . and Mn.· of·~tDg wa~·Int:Q deta~hed ,partyon Saturday. Ntb.ur ]. of ma.ses of soapy frolh which nickin"", avenue entei'miriedl/c yeo- themselvhes frh~ e s'eIl alndThrollOd . man Stanley Scott of .Santa Crn., Cat. the beac to Igh tide leve . ere who is stationed at the Philadelphia Iw,ere ·snated by pt'offuding Snags-the. Navy· Yard, as their guest .\ast Sunday. solid castings of ancient storms ~ and They later attended the Pageant of the trcmbled in iridescent fury. against tb. . ~vc- ThecnlanglemenL ducks had· passed .far . beyond 'r...--..,..--....-------...., their ,1~~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~N~a~t~i~vi~t~y~i~n~C~10~t~h~ie~r~M~e~m~O~r~ia~I~.;;';;.;;~ 1·"',n2 •• '01 id~ntilicatlO\l. NOW tll~ fdnil-' THE I! .MUSIC ' BOX long "raft;' parallel to shOre, VwltMh undulated with eath· ftlcotnIng s..ell of th~' ocean. -At the whole II ;~;~~;~i~~ 1 1 . 1birds i thewould sea . ·In~~ Ailw';,';",,; g~ i~ , everyWJutre. CLOSED DECEMBER 2$, 2Ii . .JUNlORS TO SEE MARIONETI'ES ,-' -llIe ..~,~ Swarthmore Cooperative Association, Inc. 401-03 DARTMOUTH AVENUE BeR Telephone 1237 the ",thor: /!lttre;.,te, and the would be··b\;Ii:kt wtth blrds. ·But·."I...., ·at -hand tliere ,swam and d.ived . a tiny' fish-duck with a sleek white-flashing breast. Amongst the breakers almost at my· feet it lifted its inquisitive head, darting nimbly under each wave and bobbing up in' exact!y its Jormer position. Here· was 1DY buz,;. zing bird of the brook - a Pied-billed Grebe. Now the dull penalty 01 St:;~~::::~:~ began 10 rob me 01 the I] My thoughts still dwelt OldSquaws. This little grebe intruded, taking me back suddenly to a liilferen\ dal' and situation. The memory of wooded streams in Spring clashed this Nove~ber seascape, depriving scene of its individual and peculiar harmony. . ·.The grebe, moreover, no longer· stir· red me as it had on that first occasion. ~~~s:;:';~ii~!:ri emotion had already extoday on .old'Squaws, the recolfection that Chad once just ~s ·exalted by a grebe reminded me that the ti~w~eXperience was, .. atl, not unique. . _ . I lifted my binocular - not to the grebe - not to the ducks - but to 01 this wide atniosphere which .~i~~~;.~produte a 'JieW'bircL The'·grebe OId'S<).uaw··Wete· "dead;·,·their burial was r..,ordedin my.notebook. . Thus ,·the "death ·of two "life.listers" ·#:mhlled . the . birth '01 r<:stles.bels. Let me s'ay'l\~lc1yYtrrat lh~1>irds which carried'roe·into this'lIew "ttlllld. have since then had a reincarnation, for thrill••seeking. phase itself gave way last to new approaches in nat'Ur~ study. I HARRIS & CO., SEASON'S . GREETINGS I 600'S PROMISE TO A NATION If l11!J'iltitplt. IitltttIJ iliff rallt'1llqf!tl!l1iliitU; slpdl lpuuhle tl!tUUlfllitll, 8tW prag•. aub .ik !tIy fatt. uuh .sum fntm tfJrir· uritkth UIlIgJI: tlJtnhrtll J lJrar fntm IJtaiItU. aiIb luU1 farp tfJrir _in. IU1b 11rill lJral tl!tlt :liDJl. III c:.HItONIOJ..ES 7:!A1 GOD'S PROMISE TO EACH INDIVIDUAL Jl1I1' ~ iRt ·linIrb 'tftt lII11l'lh•. tIlid .•. ilanr i}iJI Oltlg hrgotlttt ~nu. tlJat M/lnwtbtr bdtmtd.! tn IJbn sl!nulh (.JOHN 3:161 ;_ ptriSlJ. but lJaut tlIfl'la8tbtD Uft, . .,::' ....: .' Clrrt~ittgll l1f :Ute &e~snu PAULSON &. C()~_ Swarthmore· 0504 11 Park Ave EDWARDL.· NOYES· Telephone SwartlmioJ:e 23 South Chester Road ,0 ~ Lo'ttlse. Paulson held··a· Chrlstmas"~­ dtal and··party for her· piano students ·and their· parents on Saturday afternoon, December 19, at her bome on Park avenue. The program opened with a short piano recital in which each student participated, playing several of his favorite compositions studied ·this. year.· Th!os!'i who performed were David Tucker,· Neil Bell, Margaret Healey. Jolin Healey. Beverly Anne Harlow, Robert Tucker and Sue Johnson. Mary Anne Dickinson favored with several delightful Christmas readings. As guest soloist for the program, ~is·s;Paulson presented her cou~ For a "Bubbling," Happy .N,·ew Year's. Eve! Celebrate the New Year ••• dance- to your favorite tunes by The Quartones • • • join :.. the crowd 'in singing Auld -. l,ang Synel We're staging a -" g~a. - ~ '* TO OUR PATRONS ·D1NNER All included for $7.50 per couple of Our Continued • HANNUM· Be WAITE SO. CHESTER ROAD & YALE AVENUE ~* TURKEY , TO YOU IN'43 Woman's FLOOR SHOW· =-~ ·-Girl8! Fun! Music!' ~ DANCING·!! . and a •Special and the Promise . GREETINGS and. ALL BEST WISHES for the NEW YEAR LEGIONWO~ 65 Sailors Spend . BOA'RD 'ON lith Jolly Sunday Here l'HffiTY·NINERS IN GALA REUNION For the Season FINE SERVICE 114 N. B. - Tbls ts the tenth 1Dste1Jm ent of. Cllapter t. lD Lt. 0 •. Brooke ·Wortb'. 1mpublished. .. , . .book . . H A..Ooaatal . ... 1IJ,grant"'. ... . . ~. •. .Qliistmlis ae.iltal ..• ..:.'. SAILORS AND BOROUGH LASSmS ENJOYSERVICE PARTY !Famed ChriJitma8 Numbe.... Form Saturday's,ProlP'am of Haines' .Periormel'8 . ~ 52 ' Rotary·Club Sponaore'OlriB_ Awdlisry to 'Hold 'Early '1943 Party for Navy Men, With Help Session;Cunent S8Ivage of Red Cro88 Cauteen and· Needs Ueted Woman's Club Sixty.five sailors from the Philadel· Officers and chairmen of the AmerJunior members of the Players Club phia Navy Yard were the guests Sunday ican Legion Auxiliary are asked to save ·will be able to boa.t· 01 two Christat a Christmas party financed by the Monday. January 4, on their calendars mases this year - December 2S and Swarthmore Rotary Club, held at the for an important board meeting at 1:30 Woman's Club. and entertained by the P. M. at the home of Mrs. Oscar GilJanuary 2. On Saturday the Haines Marionettes Red Cross Canteen and 6S of the com- creest, 318 Harvard avenue. .The Auxiliary purchased and donated munity's young women. From their arwill bring Christmas to Swarthmore all over again. In the afternoon the perrival at 2:30 P. M. until their departure to the local Family Service's Christmas formance of "A Christmas Fantasie" at 11 sailors and their hostesses enjoy the Toy Shop last week, 33 books ant! 36 "Carollers from Dickens", and nWh; varied program planned for them and wrapped gifts for boys and girls from the Chimes Rang" will be seen at the praised lOUdly the "homey~' atmosphere 12 to 18 years of age. and the "grand" food. Nine baskets containing Christm·as Fairview road clubhouse. In the midst of attractive Christmas dinners and 106 gifts were prepareO,'by In. the evening th'e Ma.rionettes will decorations which included three trees the Legion Auxiliary and distriJ>uted·on present Dickens' II A Christmas Carol", hung with gifts a grand march led off ·Wednesday 'If . last week by Mrs. J. with scene opening. in the counting the afternoon. After that it was sailor's Paul Br9wn and Mrs. Gilcreest. Eight house of Marley and· Scrooge, and conchoice of informal games, dancing to the of them went to veterans' families in tinuing through the nocturnal visits of juke box, or talking and mun.-;hing ap- this district. A box of baby- clothing .the Spirits to the closing picture of the pIes. Many of the guests who came from was sent to the wife of. a soldier~ a regenerated ,Scrooge. . Pn% [,y E,ust R. LIm-, every corner of the United States found young mother wbo is being cared for at These-marionettes are entirely handE mpty platee and Jovial meln of Navy men and their young eompanions to their great delight among the r.ostess th,e Salvation. Army ·Home. Any furtht:.r made· and individuatly created for the for the evening speak loudly for the SUCUo88 of Jast Sunday's event the group folks from their own home terri· help for ·mother or. four-week~ld incharacters they portray. Each figure second of its kind to be held in the local Woman's Club House. ' tories. fant will be gratefully accepted. requires on an average of two weeks At 6 o'clock the Red Cross Canteen, Friends of the Auxiliary are reminded to comp1ete. Mrs. George L. Armitage chairman, Mrs. to save cancelled postage stamps . from · From ·Booth Tarkington comes this Birney K. Morse t:hairman of dinner ar- envelopes of Christmas cards. These high recommendation: "The marion-· rangements and their capable· assistants, ·rn~y be left at Michael's Phannaey, or ettes'made and operated by Mr. and served supper which included chicken a at the Oitcreest vestibule. Dye is 're-_ Mrs. Haines are more than delightful la king with home made biscuit, green moved from tl1em and re~sed in war and entertaining: they are beautiful, peas, potato chips. cranberry mold salad, salvage. enchanting and intelligent. I can imaghot rolls. holiday pudding ice·cream, The· Naval Hospital needs soap, waslJine few higher -pleasures than an eveChristmas cOGkies, mints, coffee. and cloths and ash trays. Bethesda Hospital ni.ng spent in their company." cocoa. Quickly emptied plates attested to can use any number of warm knee robes · The local Players Club feels sure that its goodness and many' seconds were serv· 'therefore all ·materials are acceptable its junior members witt echo Mr. Tarked. A sailor from Alabama said to Mrs. for salvage. ·Harpers, Atlantics, For· . ington's praise after seeing them on Morse with a gtin as she served him his tunes, ~eaders Digests and New Yor~er Saturday. . second pOrtion "but really I don't like magazmes are sought for the U. S. O. my chicken this way, I like bones in it." Pla>:ing yards are always. needed ·for The Wagon Wheelers joined the group servIce men ove~seas and In camps at at 8 P. M. and all succumbed to the spell home. Games and puzzles can easily be of the orchestra and Dave Linton's call~ expressed to hospitals by the Auxi1ia"ry ing as square dances drew them into group salvage commi~tee ·if ·these articles. are action. Before the sailors left ·each one not too large and heavy. . HiP School Cla88 of Three Years was pr·esented with a holiday wrappe:d' .• .1 .. AtJo Held Annual Get-Together pacqge_olcandy.and.~wing:gmn. . WT ..J, T_ 'Among-those who . · .. snared in' ptctnniiig: • ;ft',. &-~.1 ~."",'4-':-. : . ~... , .l.a.\ Week, . , . .. t~e event were Mildred and Kathryn Slmpers who arranged the afternoon of . /The Class of 1939 of Swarthl\lOre . games; Mrs. Robert C. Powell and a Jiigh School held its annual holiday· committee 01 girls headed ~y Elizabeth Loi!al Air Warden Uved'But Two pADID lJy E""st R. L_s reunion ·.in the lounge of thet,Woman's Rutan who wrapped the gilts of which Day8 Mter Tragic Accident .How some people ean eat apples after "a meal like that" is a myetery to Club last Welinesday evening with 30 Mrs. Powell was in charge; Mrs. Walter on Sproul Road otbers. 0 .. is it that tbe others are determined to let nothiilg interfete with m-embers of the class and a large num-. A. !/chmidt who was in charge 01 invitatheir tborough and obvious enjoyment of the dance? Other photos of the her of parents and· guests present. The itons; and Lt. W. K. VanZandt 01 Park 0,110 William Osterlund, Jr. of2J9 club housewa. beautifully decorated party fun appear in ·tbe window of tbe Swarthmorean offiee. avenue who is statfoned at the Navy Yard Kenyon avenue died· December Z4 in in holiday decorations with Charlotte Battling and took charge 01 transportations. Mrs. the Crozer Hospita~ Chester of internal Griffin and Anne Lingle in charge. Aid in Big Media Fire Agnes Dix Ruber who had expected to injuries sustained in a motor accident Bob Thorpe presided in the absence le~d supper singing and Christmas Carol- two days previous. He had been With Members Go Old-Ba. of Jim Brown, ",resident of the class, iog was ill with a cold and unable to be ~he Pennsylvania Company in PhU,,· who is in active service in the Solomon At the first 1 :30· meeting of the New The Swarthmore Fire Company re- present. delphia for 13 years and in the capacity Islands. Cards, giving brief account'i of --~.., - - of banker had been helping with .spe~ the activities of class members, were Yearmembers of the Woman's Club are sponded to three calls for help from NEW STUDY (:ROUP cial work for the Sun Shipbuilding read ... A Christmas letter was sent to asked· to wear their oldest felt hals the M cdia Company in its fight against Tuesday afternoon when Mrs. Dorothy a $125,000 tire which wiped out two The welfare departments of the Company at nights for several weeks~ each one in the service, .of which there Nugent prominent hat designer will stores and a number of apartments in League of Women Voters and the Returning from Chester' between 10 are 16 members includitig one WAAC. present a talk· demonstration "Hats the center of the business district Sun~ Swarthmore Woman's Club will hold aand 11 P. M. TUesday he was wao' of They are Jimmy Brown, Jim Davis, Created-Not Dated." A prize will be of Park will entertain with a breakparty following Ihe Junior Asseln-I on December 26. ,., •• .... H'OWARD., . JOHNSON S . . MEDIA, PA.· 0ste.. un Dies of InJ·uries aub Notes , ., . an~ • George Mitro & Sons~ Inc. "Dance~s 17 S. Chester Road 'Phone swarth. 454'1' * De l,· Counc-., B u et-ns ., *. price" by Deiro. ... Office: Borough Holl- Telepho- 1351 . of Yeadon. Roland· M:1IrII of .l'tospect .. While the group was singing ChrlStOpen Wee'--'-- 1:- _ 3:30 D-lL. . P k Loyal Y 0 rIu d f U mas carols Claus a surprise. --- -7 ; •.. ste n 'D visit and Chnstmas. gIlts were ex• and Robett·crotherof Clifton •. · changed. by members.. Mrs. Jo- . Attention is called to the change in ollice hours. • . seph W;Frescoln had charge 01 the The chairman of the Delaware County Council of· Delense has asked that Navy .I_lIDe S.... lee 'to' MeIIIt program.. each Local Council 01 Defense meet at the local Control from 7 to 8 ' . Jr. Beud Mee. . , 1'. M. on each Monday evening in January. ' . .' The monthly meeting of the total hitIet' The Junior Section of the Woman's. This meeting is for the staff membe;-> an~ hea!'" of V!-nous OrgaJ'lZ:ltions. branch olthe Navy League·Servlce win l..aves besides.ROOert, another son. Club will hold a Boarjl Meeting at tbe. that usnally report at Borough Hall dnnng Air Ra.d pl'aclices. be held ·at 2 o'cloCk nelrt·Tnesdayan·i three grandchikIren, aDd four I!I:'IlIt grand_ home of Helen Craemer ·Uaryard· ...• ,\ViII, be a meeting of. Senior Post WardeDs at Borough Hall on Tues-ernoon at .the home·· of ..Mn. Don",.. . ,~ . avenue. day evening. January 12 at 8 p. M. . Crossett,321 NorthrSwarttnnoreavenlle. Park" a.e.ter. Mrs. Camp was born in Ann Arbor, 1oIich. on April I, 1856. and came to' Swarthmore in 1907; She was a member of the Shorter A.M. E. Church in _ until transferring to the Wesley Chnrch in 1922 and was one of the first to -..e on. the Stewardess Board of the .M. WEINSTEIN Mor~ TAlLQR __ • FURRlER . Cleaning and Repairh)g Sh~ 10 PARK·AVENUE 'P),one Sw. 1727 , .. San~a ~ade ~he a~ ~Center '0 '?C~ Th~[.e .., _ ..1 , .-~ Helli~\ta INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ,. - --"- - .. ""'---_ ................ ~':':'-'-G+~~~~ '~""-L'~~~~~--===::;:~~:;:-~~~~~~~r=~'" ... ... ", ",." ... """" ..... " II, " • -~.,.-... .. .... ~ NEWS NOTES W.C.T.U: to Meet . ' . ",.- ~-., sin ONE TOUCH pianist who played three piano "Tarantelle", "Giddy Girl" and "Minuet in Gtt by Padcrcwski. y' Mr. and Mrs. David WadleIgh of OFNATURE Park avenue will leave the day alter I Christmas to visit in Boston and ArNEWS· NOTES Iington, Mass. They will be go,!e about The northeast wind drove the break10 days and will stop at. Hastmgs-on- ers "dose in to shore, disrupting the Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Innis, Jr. 'avel\lii;. the-Hudson, N. Y. on their way.home lcirig:'cOm!!ers until tbey broke in U\Ilny of Providen"_ Village, will entertain a ~DcktaU .party before the Jun·... spend a few days with Mr. chumed .. :f:U:lI=nt:t:ell:dn=l1i:c:e:is=d:e:BIr=c:Ii:'===:;lto leigh's' parents. . Wad- ineffectUal backWash of -preceding waves into witlt ior Assembly Dance on Saturday eveWC-.W _rtlme dt!ll13nds on time Dr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Jon.•, of 1m:,,,,,. of soapy froth which detached ning, December 26. and budget, I om using this mcd1um Dickinson avenuc enterL,lned l/c Yeo- themselves ironi the sea and rolled up Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Cheyney, 01 to extend the . man Stanley Scott 01 Santa Cruz, Cal. the beach to high tide level. There they Ridley Park will entertain with a breakSEASON'S OREE'I'INGS who is stationed at the Philadelphia were snated by protfuding snags-the fast party {ollowing the Junior Asscm~ 'l'he regular monthly meeting of the W.C.T.U. will be held on Tuesday, De.!;ember 29 at .3 p. M. at the home of Mrs. Ceorge L. Van Alen, 211 Park ,.~A~. A. MARIE BOSSHARDT Navy Yard, as their guest last Sunday. solid castings of ancient storms - IflflliJJfI 'n~tdr ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~N~.~ti~\'~it~y~il~I~C~lo~t~lt~ie~r~M~e~m~o~r~ia~l~.;;;;;;;;~ Again one end of .the flock would. start into 'f1ight, p;1.sing·"QVer-the body-'of . the raft to settle at the other extreme, and the air would be blllck' with birds. Swarthmore Cooperative Association., Inc. 401.03 DARTMOUTH AVENUE Bell Telephone 1237 ~: -:-tr=:>&i GO~'S PROMISE TO A NATION Jf my PfOph>. UJiJttIJ an raUi1l bgmy utimf. sbaU Jpnnblt tIJrltUltinrs. anb pray. aub IItrk my fatr. anh turn from tlJtir 1t1itkrb ways; tltrn will 3J l}.ellf from IltaIlfU. aub 1ui1l fnf~ tltrir snn. aub will l}.eal tl}.eir 1m. m CHRONICLES 7:14) GO~'S PROMISE TO EACI-I INDIVIDUAL .Jfnr CIoil :ao lmIril tl}.e mnrlil. tlJat lJ1' gallr ~i!1 OltitJ br!JlllUn &on, Utat mbol1llrhrr brlirnrtb in ltim B1!oulh un! ptrislJ. but ball" rnrrlaslbqJlifr. WOHN 3:16) (irtdings of t11t &tUSOn But ··close at· hand there swam and dived a tiny fish-duck with a sleek white-flashing breast. Amongst the breakers almost at my feet it lifted its inquisitive head, darting nimbly under each wave and bobbing up in exactly its formcr position. Here was my buz- zing bird of the brook Grebe. Now the dull penalty of sophistication began to rob me of the day's pleasures. My thoughts still dwelt with Old· Squaws. This little grebe intruded. taking me back suddenly to a different day and situation. The memory of wooded streams in Spring clashed with this November seascape, depriving each scene of its individual and peculiar harmony. The grebe, moreover, no longer stirred me as it had on that first occasion. The equivalettt emotion bad already ex~ hausted itself today on Old-Squaws, and the recollection that I ·had once felt just as exalted by a grebe reminded me that the new. experience was, after all, not unique. I lifted my binocular - not to the grebe - not to the ducks - but to any part of this wide atm·osphere which might produce a new bird. The grebe ' HARRIS & CO. Swarthmore 0504 11 Park Ave SEASON'S GREETINGS EDWARD L.. NOYES Telephone Swarthmore 114 23 South Chester Road • •• ~'.". ..- ".~ • carried me into this new attitude have since then had a reincarnation, for the thrilt-;;eeking phase itself gave way at last to new approaches in nature study. Christnlas Recital Bcll, Margaret He;1ley, John For a "Bubbling," Happy New Year's. Eve! Celebrate the New Year ••• dance to your favorite tunes by The Quartones . • • join the crowd in singing Auld Lang Syne! We're staging a gala. ~* FLOOR SHOW Girls! Fun! Music!' DANCING!! TURKEY DINNER All included for $7.50 per couple and the Promise of Our Continued GREETINGS and A.LL BEST WISHES for the NEW YEA.R .JUNlORS TO SEE MARIONETI'ES HOWARD JOHNSON'S MEDIA, PA. • George Mitro & Sons~ Inc. LEGION WOMEN'S BOARD ON 4th SAILORS AND BOROUGH LASSIES ENJOY SERVICE PARTY Rotary Club Sponsors Christmas Auxiliary to HoleI Early 1943 Party for Navy Men, With Help Session; Current Salvage of Red Cross Canteen ami· Needs Listed Woman's Club 'Famed Christmas Numbers Form Saturday's·Program of Haines' Performers Sixty-fin' sailors from the PhiladelOffil'l'rs and chairmcn of the Amerphia Na,'Y Yard were thl! guests Sunday ican Legion Auxiliary are asked to save at a Christmas party financed by the Monday. January -I, on their calendars Swartlullon' Rotary Club, held at the for an important board meeting at 1:30 \Voman's Club. ami entertained by the P. M. at the home of Mrs. Oscar GiIRed Cross Canteen and 6S of the (om- crcest, 318 Han-ard avenue. The Au:o.::iliary purchased and donated I1muity's young WOOlen. F'rom their arri\'al at 2:30 P. M. untit their tll'parture to the local Family Service's Christmas at II sailors and their hostesses I!ujoy the Toy Shop last week, 33 hooks and 36 varkd program planned for them and wralll)ed gifts for boys and girls from praised lOUdly the "homey" aln.lOsphere 12 to 18 years of age. ~ine baskcts containing Christmas ami the "grand" food. I n the midst of attracth-e Christmas dinner!; and J.06 gifts were prepared by dl'coratiol1s which included three trees thc Legion Auxiliar)· and distributed on hung with gifts a grand march led off V./cdnesday of last week by :Mrs. J. the a fternoon. After that it was sailor's Paul Brown and Mrs. Gitcreest. Eight choice of informal games, dancing to the of them went to veterans' famities in juke box, or talking and munching ap- this district. A hox of baby clothing ples. Many of the guests who came from was sent to the wife of a soldier, a E I .., rllot/J by Enusf K. La~I·.s every corner of the United States found young mother who is being cared for at mpty p ales and JOVIal mem of Navy men and their "'OUtl~ ('omlumions to their great delight among the hostess the Salvation Army Home. Any further for the eveninIJ speak loudly for the success of losl Sunday's event the group folks from their own home terri- help for mother or Iour-week-old infant will be gratefully accepted. second al its kind to be held in the local Woman's Club Ho~se. ' tories. Friends of the Auxiliary are reminded At 6 o'clock the Red Cross Canteen, to save cancelled postage stamps from ~I rs. George L. Armitage chairman, Mrs. envelopes of Christmas cards. These Birney K. ~-{orse chairmari. of dinner armay be left at Michael's Pharmacy, or rangements and their capable assistants, at the Gilcreest vestibule. Dye is reserved SUllper which included chicken a moved from them and reqsed in war la king with l~ome made biscuit, green salvage. I)eas. potato c.hips, cranherry mohi ~alad. The Naval Hosl,ital needs soap, washhot rolls. holiday pudding ice-cream, cloths and ash tray!'. Bethesda Hospital Christmas cookies, mints, coffee, and can use any number of warm knee robes cocoa. Quickly emptied plates attested to therefore all materials are acceptable its goodness and many" seconds were sen'- for salvage. Harpers, Atlantics, Fored. A sailor from Alahama said to Mrs. tunes, Readers Digests and New Yorker )..torse with a grin as she sen'ed him his magazines are sought for the U. S. O. Saturday. second portion "hut really I don't like Playing cards are always needed for • my chicken this WCiy, I like bones in it." service men ove,::"seas and in camps at The \Vagon Wheelers joined the group home. Games and puzzles ean easily be at 8 P. ll. and all succumbed to the spell expressed to hospitals by the At..xiliary of the orchestra and Dave Linton's call- oIj,alvage committee if these articles are ing as square dal1ces drew them into gronp 110t too tar~e and heavy. action. Before the sailors left each one High School Class of Three Years ,vas presented with a holiday wrappe~ .. Ago Held Annual Get.Together package of candy and chewing ~. Among those ' . .·110 shared in planning . Laet Week the evellt were Mildred and Kathryn Simpers who arranged the afternoon of The Clas~ of 1939 of Swarthmore games: Mrs. Robert C. PoweU and a High School held its annual holiday committee of girls headed I.)y Elizabeth Loeal Air Wardeu Lived But Two rhoto /Jy Er"t'sl H. La:C'1 Ireunion in the lounge of the,.Woman's Days After Tragic Accident Rutan who wrapped the gifts of which How some people ean eal apples after "0 meal like ,hal" is a mystery 10 Club last Wednesday evening with 30 on Sproul Road Mrs. Powell was in charge; Mrs. 'Valter others. Or is it thai the others are determined to lei nothing interfere wilh members of the class and a large numA. Schmidt who was in charge of invitatheir thorough and obvious cnjoytnent of the dance? Other photos of the her of pal'ents and guests present. The 0110 William Osterlund, Jr. of 239 itons; and Lt. W. K. VanZandt of Park parly fun appear in the window of the Swarthmorean office. club house was beautifuJ1y decorated Kenyon avenue died December 24 in avenue who is stationed at the Navy Yard in ho1iday decorations with Charlotte the Crozer Hospital, Chester of internal and took charge of transportations. Mrs. Griffin and Anne Lingle in charge. Battling injuries sustained in a motor accident In Agnes Dix R-uber who had expected to Aid Bob Thorpe presided in the absence two days previous. He had been with Big Media Fire leild s.upper singing and Christmas Carol· the Pennsylvania Company of Jim Brown, -president of the class, in Philaing was ill with a cold and unahle to be who is in active service in the Solonlon Members Go OId.Hat delphia for 13 years and in the capacity Thc- Swarthmore Fire Company re- present. Islands. Cards, giving brief accounts of At tl lC fi rs t I :30 mee t'mg 0 I IIle N ew of banker had been helping with spethe activities of class members, were Yearmembers of the "'oman's Club are sponded to three calls for help from cial work for the Sun Shipbuilding NEW STUDY GROUP read. A Christmas letter was sent to asked to wear their oldest fc1t hats the ~r ctlia Company in its fight against Company at nights for several weeks. The welfare departments of the each one in the service, of which there· Tuesday afternoon when Mrs. Dorothy a $125,000 fire which wipc-d out two Returning from Chester between 10 are 16 members including olle \VAAC. Nugent prominent hat designer will !"itores and a 1lumber of apartments in League of ""'omen Voters and the and II P. M. Tuesday he was wary of They are Jimmy Brown, Jim Davis, present a talk-demonstration "Hats the center of the husiness district Sun- Swarthmore Woman's Club will hold a the ice-and-rain-covered hill on Sproul joint study group o[ three meetings on Ernest Lange, William Tweed, \Vittiam Created-Not Dated." A prize "",ill be day night. Thursdays, January 7, 14 and 21, in the road nearing Swarthmore, and pulled At 8 :20 Sundar e,'euing the first call Evans, Stuart Jones, \Valter Snyder, offered for the best looking old hat over to the side of the road where a Anthony Tini, WendeU Dunn, Robert worn and also for the most ridiculous. came and the local company sent its \Voman's Club House. 1.feetings on the 7th and 21st will be policeman told him a truckload of cinClay, John Hayes, Allan Smith, Robert Mrs. H. Paul Cleaver and Mrs. Heston ladder tru('k. An hour later ~-ledia ders was soon to arrive. He decided to Spencer, George Ticknor, Philip Banta D. McCray, Jr., wHi welcome members called for the hooster which also was led by Mary Hobson Jones a Public wait until the laying of the cinders who is with the Merchant Marines, and at the door. Mrs. J. Frank Beatty and sent. At 12 :30 the local units returned Charities Association worker in the should improve driving conditions. when the fire was apparently out and Philadelphia district who has been Meanwhile a heavy truck came along, ~~~~ Burgett who is training as a J,..(rs. \VilIiam J. Cresson will pour. their assistance was not needed any workit!g with Helen Glenn Tyson in the skidded and careened into the car establishment of a Children's Bureau in Beatrice Brewster, who was in charge Two Reviews lanuary 8 longer. parked off the side of the road. Flaring up anew at 4 :15 A. M., the the City of Brotherly Love. of entertainment, introduced Dave UJIThe Literature Section of the 'VomMr. Osterlund was 34 years old. He man who showed colored slides, Henry a'n's Club presents a dual program on fire gave ~r cdia and many surrounding . The speaker at the second meeting, was born in Philadelphia and came to Linton performed sleight-of-hand tricks, Friday morning January 8. :Mrs. Ro- companies all they could do to pre"ent the 14th, will be Eleanor :b.·lay super- Swarthmore four years ago with his Janet Lockett gave several accordiOl\ land L. Eaton will review "And Green it from destroying the entire hlock. visol' for the DdawaTe County hranch bride the former Marjorie Crother of numbers, and Louise Paulson entcr- Grass Grows All Around" by Mar~ Called upon for aid again Swarthmore of the Pennsylvania Children's Aid. Clifton Heights. A graduate of Lanstained with piano selections: guerite Lyon and Mrs. Harold G. Grif· sent the same two trucks with a crew downe High· School he attended Drexet At State Edueation Meet The holiday reunion ended with re- fin will give an haH hour study of of ten. They returned at 9 A. M. Institute and the University of PennThis is th~ second city fire in which Frank R. Morey of Amherst avenue sylvania. He was past master of Philafreshments of sandwiches, cookies, hot Francc:s Lester \Varner's "Inner chocolate and doughnuts. Springs". The program promises a re- the borough blaze battlers have figured supervising principal of Swarthmore delphia Lodge No. 72, Free and Acceptfreshing opening to the 1943 survey recently_ They ·were called upon by Public Schools and G. Baker Thompson ed ~.fasons, and a member of the Luthof current literature. Chester which had a very similar fire principal of the local high school were eran Church of the Incarnation, PhilaFridav morning January 22 at 10 two w('('k!'. ag-o. In this latter instance on the program of the Pennsylvania MRS. ISABEILA CURRY CAMP A.On M. ~Irs: Arthur E. Bassett will re- the local truck's mounted lighting sys~ State Education Association's meet in de1phia. He was an air warden under the Swarthmore Council of Defe.nse. Harrisburg from ],.·Ionday to WednesFuneral services were held in the Wes- view Beryl Markham's "'Vest \Vith the tcm ",as of especial use. Surviving besides ·his widow are his day of this week. l-lr. Morey was on a parents Mr. ~nd Mrs. O. W. Osterlund, ley A. M. E. Church, Swarthmore at 2 Night", Juniors in Gay Party Knillcrs Nee,l",l panel discussion Tuesday on UCurrent Sr. of Springfield j three brothers Ralph o'clock Tuesday aftenl00n for Mrs. IsaThe Junior Club held its annual Problems of the Supervising Principal", D. of Ephrata, Jobn N. 01 Wilmington, bella Curry Camp who died Christmas Helmets, watch caps, gloves and bed afternoon at 1 Kenyon avenue the home Christmas party at 6 :30 last Tuesday socks are needed by Army and Navy and Mr. Thompson also on Tuesday's Del., and Robert T. stationed with the of her son Robert sexton of Trinity evening in the Club House. Following men in action. The local Red Cross has program, was on a panel on the topic Army Air Corps at Leesburg, Fla.,· and Church, Swarthmore, Services were con- the candlelight dinner little ·Mary Ann wool available and seeks volunteer knit- "The Impact of the War on the High a sister Mrs. Ruth Doughton of Springducted by the Rev. M. H. Jones rector of Dickinson recited jjA Visit From St. ters to create these articles. Those wil- Schools of Pennsylvania". field. Nicholas" and hThe Duel" by Eugene Roland L. Eaton. of Rutgers avenue the Wesley Church assisted by the Rev. Field. Services were held Monday. . . morning ling to help should telephone Elizabeth Louise Paulson gave two delightalso attended the meetings. S. E. Wilson an old friend 01 the family, of this week in Clifton Heights. Interpiano selections "Dance-.:s of Del- Bassett, Swarthmore 1010. ment followed in Fernwood cemetery. and by the Rev. J. Jarden Guenther of ful phi" by Debussy and "Prelude in e" Pallbearers were Erik Sjostrom of Trinity Church. Clara Cooper read a by ProkofIeff and Dick Hook enterGlenside formerly of Swarthmore, Edresolution passed by the Stewardess Board tained with two accordion numbers, gar Martin of Springfield, Louis Keifer of the church in memory of the deceased. "Trieste" by Rossinni and U\Valtz Caof Yeadon, Roland Mars of Prospect Interment was in Haven Memorial Office: Borough H.ll- Telephone 0351 price" by Deiro. Park, Loyal Y. Osterlund of Morton, Park.. Chester. ,;Vhile the group was Sillging Christ· Open Weekdays \:30 - 3:30 Daity and Robert Crath.r of Clifton Heights. Mrs. Camp was born in Ann Arbor, mas carols Santa Claus made a surprise Mich. on April I, 1856 and came to visit and Christmas gifts were exAttention is called to the change in office llours. Swarthmore in 1907. She was a member changed by ·the members. Mrs. JoNavy League Service to Meet The chairman of the Delaware County Coun~il of. Defense has asked that of the Shorter A. M. E. Church in Mor- seph W, Frescoln had charge of the each Local Council of Defense meet at the local Control Center from 7 to 8 The monthly meeting of the local ton until transferring to the Wesley program. P_ M. on each Monday evening in January. • • . branch 01 the Navy League Service will Church in 1922 and was one of the first Jr. Board to Meet This meeting is fOT the staff members and beads of vanous orga1:llZ a tlOns be held at 2 o'clock next Tuesday aftto serve on the Stewardess Board of the The Junior Section of the Woman's that usually report at Borough Hall during Air Raid practices. ernoon at the home of Mrs. -Donald latter. Club will hold a Board Meeting at the There will be a meeting of Senior Post \Vardens at Borough Hall on Tues- Crossett) 321 North SwaTthmore avenue. She leaves besides Robert, another son, home of Helen Craemer of 422 ·Harvard day evening, Jannary 12 at 8 P. M. three grandchildren. and four great grandavenue. Junior members of the Players Club will be able to hoast of two Christmases this year - December 25 and January 2. On Saturday the Haines Marionettes will bring Christmas to Swarthmore all over again. In the afternoo;; the performanec of UA Christmas Fantasic". "CaroUers from Dickens", and "Why the Chimes Rang" will be seen at the Fairview road clubhouse. In the evening the Marionettes will present Dickens' U A Christmas Carol" with scelle opening· in the counting house of Marley and Scrooge, and continuing through the nocturnal visits of the Spirits to the closing picture of the regenerated Scrooge. These marionettes are entirely handmade and individually created for the characters they portray_ Each figure requires on an average of two weeks to complete. From Booth Tarkington ('omes this high recommendation: "The marionettes made and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Haines are more than delightful and entertaining; they are beautiful, enchantil1g and intelligent. I can imagine few higher pleasures than an c\'C·ning spent in their company." The local Players Cluh feels sure that its junior members will echo Mr. Tarkington's praise after seeing them on mmTY·NINERS IN GALA REUNION Woman's Club Notes . , * Defense Council Bulletins * 17 S. Chester Road 'Phone Swarth. 4541 M. WEINSTEIN TAILOR ••. FURRIER Cleaning and Repairing 10 PARK AVENUE 'Phone Sw. 1727 • children. '. 31, 1942 I and a Special TO OUR PATRONS SWARTH~IORE, PA., DECEMBER VOL. XIV, No. 52 O. W. Osterlund, Jr., Dies of Injuries N. B. - This is the tenth installment or Chapter I In Lt. O. Brooke Worth's unpublished book •• A Co~81 Migrant". For the Season SO. CHESTER ROAD & YALE AVENUE CHiliSTMA5 , , A MEnllY attended - the birth of restlessn..... Let me s'ay quickly tliat the birds which Neil HANNUM & WAITE - -the Old-Sc(u.w-were· delld ; their Healey, Beverly Anl1c Harlow, Robert Tucker and Sue Johnson. Mary Anne Dickinson favored the i "rOI"O with several delightful Christmas rc,adiinB:s. As guest soloist for the program, Paulson presented her cou- • OLD BANK BUILDING burial was recorded in my.notebook. Thus ·the ·death of two ulife.listers" and their parents on Saturday afternoon, December 19) at her home on Park avenue. The program opened with a short piano recital in which each student participated, playing several of his favorite compositions studied this year. Those performed were David Tucker, TO YOU IN'43 alice barber, Gifts 40' Dartmouth Ave. ;1 Pied-billed PAULSON & CO. ,==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::II Louise Christmas· re• cital and Paulson party forheld·a her· piano students FINE SERVICE MUSIC BOX oc""". -At times the whole company,of birds would disappear into a trQugh, as .if the sea had swallowed such an ·infinitesim...l morsel at a gulp. CLOSED DECEMBER 25, 26 THE long uraft/' parallel to shore, Iwhich undulated with ea~h illcomlng "oell of the' " tlwugh' ~J gpod frlentl4 everywMe. Toot',. Chr;s'maa... and bly on December 26. They later .ttended the Pageant 01 the trembled in iridescent fury against The ducks had pas.ed far beyond entanglement. I·rtheir •. n~e,)f identification. NOW they fonn- THE SWARTHMOR "AF~ s~gments.Th'8e to a.ll my Swarthmore friends. 31 1942 "._., .. Sober. talented ·young 12- =--=-=-=J_P~E~R~S---;O~N[AiLS~[-~~:-~.-~---~-~-··-~:-·-~~t~o.~~O(~. aveDnuee_ engagement Mae to Herbert B, -Chrl"~her , a heavy ld IIepIar . .. . - _Do It, day visit. friends who were guests at the dance. the young couple are now living in daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Coman Dr. and Mrs. J. Russell Smith of Elm Scott D. Thayer of North Chester. where Lt. Hoffman is stationed December 22. Comans have one iJf Wallingford diedThe early Tuesday morn-. avenue had as their guests on Saturday road is home from Middlebury Fort Murphy. is 5y.. child a son Richard who Mr. and Mrs. Arthur K. Bonner and Middlebury, Vt. where he graduated on -"---=-->--. Miss Ruth Bonner of Kutztown, and December 16. Scott has enlisted with Engagements Mr. Newlin R. Smith formerly of Buf- the V 7 Specialist Group 01 the U. S. Rnth Dare P&el fato, N. Y. and wife who is the former Navy and is awaiting -call. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey Bonine of The 14-month-<>ld daughter of Mr. and Marion Bonner. The latter are staying Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Hook 01 West- tafayette avenue and Pickering Valley Mrs. Adolph H. Pfiel, Jr- 01 Springfield here temporarily while Mr. Smith com- dale avenue entertained Mr. Ellsworth have announced the engagement of their pletes his dissertation for the degree Backus of Wilmipgton, Del. as daughter Miss Anne BQnine to Mr. died suddenly at her home on Christmas , of doctor of philosophy. Another son guest on Christmas Day. Mr. Backus, Craig Abbot Brower of Philadelphia. Eve. The baby was a grandchild of ~ r. J;. Stewart Smith oi Loudoun County, formerly of Ohio, is now with the Gras- Miss-Bonine who is a graduate of the and Mrs. William A. Hirst of Yale and Virginia was also a recent visitor of ~em Division of the duPont Company Mary Lyon School ·is now at~ending Dickinson avenues, and has one sister, 10. Dr. and Mrs. Smith's. After two years in Wilmington. th'e Pennsylvania Academy of Fine at Swarthmore and Mrs. W. M. Foote of Ogden avenue Arts and the Barnes Foundation, MerB~8 BBAD TBB ~'r BOOKS from the' Cornell is entertaining her daughter, Mrs. D. ·ion. ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~ of Agriculture in 1931. Mr. has B, Hand and children Sylvia and ClifMr_ Brower is the son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brooks Sanbeen engaged in farming near Lincoln, ford of Larchmont, N. Y. who arrived Mrs. Fredrick Ives Brower of Phila- ford, Jr. have announced the birth of a STEAKS-CHOPS Va. and conducting extensive operations on Tuesday for a week's "isit. Dr. Hand I t~:i;~!:'~ A graduate of Valley Forge son Herbert B:rooks Sanford,' 3rd in SEAFOOD Our Specialty in' the production and marketing of will join his {'amity today for the New Academy he is now attending I T:alh,dega, Ala. on December 17. The Completely Air'-Cc'ndi,tloIled food products in that section. The plan Year holiday. Gettysburg College and will soon enter baby is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. he proposes for 1943 crops has caused Mr. and Mrs. 0, M. Hook of West- Naval tiaining. . H. B. Sanford of' Washington Square, government authorities to grant him 16 dale avenue will entertain at a dinner Mr. and Mrs. Bonine entertained on N. Y. until recently Dickinson 'ave "",Ie helpers on the five farms he will party at their home this Saturday from 4_30 until 7.30 _to an- nue. operate. Mrs. Ed,win, C.. ;B\1xbaum of . oounce the engagement. - . ~·Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hornanay of lane, Nether'Providence, • A third d~ughter was ~orn SatDickinson"'~avenue' entertained at lived 'in: Swarthmore, was an . Mr. and Mrs. Wallace M. McCurdy urday, Dece~."er 12. to Mr. and Mrs. neighborhood open house on Christ- automobile accident on Saturday, De': Ogden avenue entertained at lunch- William T. Brown' of Arlington Heights, mas evening from 7 to·9. cember 26 in Clifton Heights. Mrs. at the Union League in Phitadel- Mass. The baby is a granddaughter of - I THE SW ARTHMOREAN , , P:UBLISHE'j) BVERY FR'IDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA. l~i~~~~ZO~r~;!~~~r~gE;~~~;::~~ THB SWARTHMOREAN,' INC., PUBLISHER PHONB SWARTHMORB 900 -0 PBTER Eo· TOLD, Editor MARJORIB TOLD, _ ...... _.iWe ••• ~ Chrflttian SeieneeChurcl1 .: A $peciat service will be held at 11 RUSSEI·I.'S .SERVICE A. M:' New Year's Day in the First ~_. ~:~~~~;~~;~~~~~'. r II of a ~M~r~.~a~n~d:M;rS~'~T:'~'H:a:r:ry~B:r:o:wn:~o~.I~c~o;r;-J~~~~~~~.~Al1~~~~~~~~ . Yeoman R. Powell whoatisCape sta- Buxbaum suffered head injuries and is mentyesterday announce Miss the engagedoned with'ames the Coast Guard being treated at the Fitzgerald-Mercy of their todaughter, Emily· nell avenUe. ' May, N. J. spent Christmas Day at his Hospjital, Lansdowne. Towrisend McCurdy and Mr. Donald home on Swarthmore avenue.· June Ullman of Harvard avenue is MacLear Sutton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Robert W. Powell who is with entertaining Duley Thomas of Pomp- Stanley B. Sutton of George School. the War Production Board in Wash- ton Lakes, N. -]. as her. house guest. Both Miss McCurdy and Mr. ington, D. C. also spent Christmas with Dulcy arrived ·Sunday and will remain are graduates of George over the New Year holiday. now a junior at" Hollins College in his family in Swarthmore. . Our stock of White Goods is still adequate and the> "', .. Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Weiland of Potty Hoot arrived home December 18 Virginia and he graduated this month saine fine quality. Future supply is uncertain. Bur. :,,' ... now at January pr!ces; the same as last March or less. ·Rutgers avenue and David and Patricia from Oberlin' College to spend a week 'at Ithaca College. Weiland spent Christmas Day as the of the holiday seasqn with her parents, • guests of Mr. and Mrs.' Albert· SI. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Y. Hoot of Lafay- . Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph H. Banks of CANNON PEl,{CALE SHEETS C~air of Wilmington, Del. ette avenue. Columbia avenue have announced the 72xl08, Hemmed, 11.70 '. ,9Oxl08, Hemmed, 12.05"'" iP~tricia Weiland of Rutge~s avenue Mr. and Mrs. Hoot : engagement o~ their n~ece, Miss. HeJen 'J"! :45x3814 Cases, Hemmed, SSe . entertained a group of her young Mr. Lewis Lawrence of Louise Skilling, daughter of "Mr. Paul f{i~nds at an informal dance at her as their house guest over the R. 'Skilling of Burlington, Iowa, 'to Mr. ! '~··'" .',~ htmo 9 .. SatuFday-eftfling:-' .. - ....... holidays'_ -- ,. . - . . ' -. Hi/lola"riei'; sdn of Mr."aild Mrs. ',·Mr. and Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan of Miss Ruth Detlefsen of New York B. Alderfer bf Lansdale_ Miss h ia . h d t d' f 1318 Walnut Street Philad. elp ltt. Holyoke place had their next City .spent Christmas week-end with W 0 gra ua e rom dOor neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. David her Dr. and. Mrs. John A. School and Ursinus College, ·is L:..-1:=.!~.!!~_-"!!!!!~!2~B!!!UY~VI~CT'!J0i!'R'.:Y£!!!B!!O!ND!...S.:..!~:,!!,,!!,!!!!!'2~"!:"~'!'·!!"~"~~_ tiibbell and son. David' as; their, gu'ests , of !;afayeYte a'venue'. -, .. ' : . now· a graduate'student at the UnivcrEst. at dinner on Christmas, D~y. ·.Mr.. and,' oM"! 'Donald' P. Jones of Shit}" of fPennfsYhlvanMia and a niem::...er of 'l .. After,I.:taking pa.'rt in the ULittle Dickinson avenue entertained .at. a t e sta f 0 t e ontgomery '-AJunty -. Christmas" activities at Hood CClllege family dinner party on Christmas Day. Children's Aid Society. Mr. Alderfer " .. , which in,duded Christmas vespers, carMr. Albert G. Thatcher, who is .ynth graduated from Ursious College and is ' " ,, . . for orph an o I·mg. cqrnmumon" partu~s Wright Aeronaut!eal Company. of a member of the senior class at Jef-:hildrert.. and a formal dinner, Margaret Paterson," N. J. spent Christmas Day ferson 'Medical College. He is a memAnne Dimmitt, daughter of Dr. and with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles her of Alpha Omega Alpha fraternity. Mrs. Luther M. Dimmitt of Swarth~ G. Thatcl1er of Ogden avenue. Announcement was made at a family dinner on Christmas Day. PI t d I Th d more ~ce, re urne lome urs ay, Mrs. Joseph H. Perkins of Ceaar lane December 17, for the Christmas holi- entertained at a lUllcheon December 22 The' newly affianced couple were ten":, , d' , . ' dered a luncheon at the Union League, - ays. ' at Strath Haven Inn in honor of the Philadelphia, '.on Satuidav by Miss Chester Road at Rutgen A.venU\-Route 3%O-swartbmore, Pa. WId . . eat herlOe e tz, augI lterfa " -"'.LT. and birthday anniversaries of Mrs. A. R. O. .3 Phone - Swarthmore 2100 Mrs. ~rl H. Weltz of College avenue, Redgrave 'of Vassar avenue and Mrs. Skilling's aunt, Miss Susanne Skilling .JS a Iso h'orne f rom H 00d for th e season' S George Ewing of Columbia avenue. In of Hartford. Conn. _ . recess. . addition to the honor guests those atT • J Mrs.-'Joseph J. Geer of The tending were Mrs. Dwight Coole.·y, Mrs. he engagement of MISS anet Anne . Hetzel daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmore A partments ret urn ed h orne,Ch nst- Rudolph Banks and Mrs. J. Warren FROM PRIZE SHOW CATTLE! mas Da.y.. from the Univesity Hospital, Paxson. Ham E. Hetzel, Jr. of Thayer road and h Ph I'ladeI'h' p la were she und erwent an Nancy Goodwin, a freshman at Mt. Coxswain John Philip Espenschade, earl,'er ,'n the month H 1 1 U.S_C.G.R. son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph opera"on u • 0 yoke Co lege, is spending the 'hol,'H. Espenschade of Philadelphia has M rs.'c. D. P ra I er 0 f Nort h Swart hseason with her parents. Mr·.·.. and been announced. more avenue and baby daughter Anne Daniel R. Goodwin of Walnut l~ne. Marie returned December 17 from an Miss Hetzel is a graduate of Ridley Steak that's "naturally" tender because II's cut from gualltyb~f._, extended visit with relatives in TuskeMr_ and Mrs. C_ 1. Galbre'ltn and Park High School and Penn Hall JunSteak wlih the flavor Ihat only quality beef has. Buy your favorite . . I ' daughter Jean of Benjamin West ave- ior College, Chambersburg, and is now gee, A a. ' nue, visited Mrs. Galbreath's parents, the radiology department of the cut any day this week. GammaWilliam group met atThe the'!<:appa homeKappa of Mrs. H. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horner of Bal-I '(1~~::~:;;n Hospital, Philadelphia. Thatcher on Tuesday, December'IS, and timoreJ Md. over Christmas. Espenschil.de is on Coast spent the day sewillg for the American Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Furst of Guard Patrol on the Delaware Rivet". Ib Friends' Service. Guernsey road have returned after No date has been set for the wedding. Announcement has been made by Mrs. K. M. Reed of North Chester .pending the Chrislmas holidays with road entertained with a family din- their son Mr. Edward ;~\Furst and famner party in celebration -of Mr. Reed's ily of 73·Bartlelt Street, Andover, 'Mas" Ib birthday on Monday evening. Guests Mr. Furst and family were former resiincluded Air. Reed's mother" Mrs. dents of Swarthmore avenue. John O. Reed of Prospect Park, his Miss Elizaheth B. Smith of Wallingbrother-in-law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. ford entertained at a tea on Sunday lb Thu,Mlay--Frlday--SDJ .. Albert Mutch and daughters., Shirley afternoon, December 20, prior to her • CONTINUOtJS TlltJRSDAY BVEAnne and Helen of Germantown, and departure for the WAVES. NlNG (New Year'. BYe). Feature his uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. John II"~~~-~ wUl be shown at 7:00, 9:20 and Steaks to smack your lips over - When II's Blue Ribbon Steaks. 12:02 A. M. Sager of Lansdowne.' you have somelhlng extra ... Extra flavor, extra tenderness. The' Rosalind Russell Bill Osler arrived December 17 from . family will give whoops of joy when they see you bringing. a Brian Aherne George School to spend his holiday' OF SWARTHMORE Martel steak, just oozing wlih rich beef juiCe. -- . . '. vacation with his grandmother, Mrs. Janet Blair In William Y. Hull of Walnut lane. Other JUNIOR PRESENTATION George School students are home BONELESS' DELMONICA ROAST.........lb. 65c Frank and Elizabetb Hain.. for their include No waste - A limited quantity. MARIONETTES JANUARY WHITE SALE ··THE LINENSHOP·· .. . . .,' I_M' ... j.,'" L 'S' '555 = COMPLETE FOOD MARKET 8EnERFOOD FOR THE TAiLE • STEAK SALE MEDIA ,dtJ" Io._.., ________ Sirloin Rump Round • • • • 90c • • • • SOc . • • • 75¢ The Players Club • CALL UB FOR- RADIO' SERVICE SATURDAY; JANUARY 2 Matinee at 2.30 AND For Youq Ch1ldren APPUANCE REPAIR "CfIl'OUer. From. DlcIreru" WUllblC "c·"'... .- V*'1hIIIl CleaDen-liou _n-W.melftmo MlDn-Btc. RlDLBli' POI[ 3311 INTERBORO ELECIiuc APPUANCE SERVICE 19 E. JlineIdeT Avenu. IIIDLIIY PARK "~ eM/........ J'anrau." "MY SISTER EILEEN" . .&ddK·. , CARTOON IN COLOR FIRST RtlN WORLD NEWS s........,......,vo......r-T..eMlay ".,.h" ,Joe Ch'...... R ....... Evenlne al 8.20 for Older C1dId...a aad Adult" nt_... ".f C~ ...... . Carol" Nole: This program replaces the plaJ "The ChrIstmaa NltghUngale." InalI7 _eduled. 0J18- Pork Roast .: .- -. . MICKEY ROONEY Whole or half loin'- For a delicious .dlnner. "A YANK· AT ETON" MARTEL lr::.PEAS ~.25c wIth Edmund Gwenn . laa Haalft' FreddIe Barttltokom."..:, .: Exira tender. GWen. Flavorful. 4 servlilg,,:' ;'. ::" Specials For AU This W ee~ " -. , .001f THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3l,lW2 e • ,4uodole Editor '. 808&1.,. P.'BSOL LoUlO& MCCAllTIR Eutenld .. Second CIuI Matter, JonDU7 24, 1929, al the POll 0fIice .t Swutbmore, P.., and.. the Act 01 March 3, 1879. ,- Church' of Christ, Scientist, on Park avenue. AU' are welcome to join in observing the day in prayer in accord with President Roosevelt's request. "God" is the subject of the Lesson~ Sermoncin all Churches of Christ, ScieriilSt,' on.·SundaY, January 3. The GoIdeti":T.e~i ,is: 'uUnto the King eternal, 'irnn{ortal,' invisible, the only wise God, bi'honour and glory for ever and,ever" (I Timothy 1:17). vided for ~dulis and children 01 all a,ges. At the morning worship hour at 11, the Sacrament of The Lord's Supper will be administered. The Bible Study Class will meet at the home of Mrs. Lloyd D. Kauffman, 313 Dartmouth avenue. on T~ursday evening at 8. The 'rehearsal for the Junior Choir will be held on Friday evening at 7 at the home of Mrs. Kauffman. The monthly meeting of the Official Board will be hetel on Friday e\'ening at the parsonage. ,,.. . - Trinity Parish. Notes --=--.>--- Friends Forum Program Mr. Birney K. Morse arrived Wednesday, }Jeeember 23 from Mansfield, Ohio to spend Christmas with his wife and daughters in their Yale avenue home. He returned to Mansfield on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Whitsit of New York City spent the Chrlstmas.holidays with Mr.' Whitsit's parents Mr. and Mrs. Lyle A. Whitsit of Elm avenue. Lt. CoL JOseph B. Pope of Washin ton, D. C. spenl the holiday week-en with his famity on Oberlin avenu Mrs. Pope's nephew, Jobn Dyer a stu dent at Princeton University was week-end guest at the Pope home. Carol Maude Froebel who is attend ing Hollins College, Va. and Guenthe Froebel, Jr. a student at Lehigh Unh'e: sity are spending the holidays with the' parents Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Froebel 0 Nor.th Swarthmore avenue. The Froebel's entertained at the annual open house on Christmas after noon. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Davidson 0 Guernsey road returned last Thursday from a three week stay in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Amy Jane Davidson is home from Wellesley College and Hobart W. Davidson from the Staunton Military Academy. Staunton, Va. for the holiday season. Lt. Duncan G. Kaye and Mrs. Kaye, who will be remembered as Miss Dorothy Lueders of Princeton avenue. are on a tell~day skiing trip to Lake Placid, N. Y. Lt. Kaye is on furlough while stationed with the Air Corps at Dover, Del. Pvt. James F. Odry, \\·ho is stationed at the Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, N. J.. spent last week~end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rex I. Gary of Yale avenue. Miss Worth Abbe of Dickinson and Harvard avenUes will leave Saturday for Fort Des Moines, Iowa, to enter training as a \V AAC: Tomorrow Aliss Ahbe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mrs. Earl Deppich of Ridley Park, who sub.tituted for Mrs. William B. Bullock. Miss Margaret Price 01 Rose Valley had as her guests at a family dinner on Christmas Day her brother Mr. WiIIiam Price of Rose Valley with his wife and son Philip; Denny Kelsey of Charlottesville, Va., Miss Maureen Murdoch 01 Philadelphia, Mr. Julian Rainwater Georgia, and lIr. Kearns Plauche, is staying temporarily at the Price home. As house guests for the Christmas season, Dr. and Mrs. \Villiam T. Ellis of Walnut lane had Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Pierce of Bath, Maine and Mr. and Mrs. E. E, Pierce, Jr. of York, with their two children, "Turk" and Timothy. Dr. Mackinnon Ellis and Mrs, Ellis and their two children Deborah and Dockie, also shared the Christmas dinner and festivities. This is the' first Christmas Day for 33 years that Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ellis have not spent at Sieighton Farm ministering to the girls there. Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ellis left by train on Tuesday for a winterts sojourn in The Lincoln Apartments in Winter Park. Florida. Their home will be OCr cupied by Lieutenant George Addison -On Sunday, January 3, at 9.45 A_ M. On New Year's Day there )ViI1 be a in the Friends' Meeting House the adult celebration of the Holy Communion at forum witt meet with Maurice Mandel10 o'clock in' the morning. baum of the philosophy department of "Eight Thousand Miles By Thumb" Swarthmore College giving the first of whl be ilhistrated by colored movies by a series of three talks on the general Dean Evans at the meeting of the topic "The Problem of Race". The subypung.. People's Fellowship on Sunday. will be divided into the following . All youl\g people of the parish and aliI ~~b:.~~.'i~~: January 3-"The Facts of foimer members of the Fellowship are I" , January 10-u Race Prejudice", invited to the service at 5 :30 and a January 17_"The Plight of the Negro". geri~r.al In\-itati.on ,is given to hear A cordial invitation is extended to all De~n's" ~p~~ch' and see tlte movies at those who might like to attend these 6 ;~. ' -. discussions. __~_-'__ There will'be ·no 'further meetings of NEWS NOTES the Sunday eveniQg song-group at the re:r!tory.·· ~ .. ~. ; Lawrence M. Andres, son of Mr. and The women of. the parish will resume thl: Red Cross sewing on next Tuesday Mrs. Melvin F. Wood of Elm avenue, recently· arrived in Swarthmoi"e to dinner. Others present will be IIC Seam6'm11ig',7A .tated·meeting of the Vestry man William Abbe of Pitcairn Field will b~ hel4 that everting at the rectory spend the holidays. Mr. Andres received and his wife of West Chester, and Mr. his de'gree at the December 17th com- and Mrs. Robert Abbe and daughter at 8 o'clock. The regular meeting of the Guild- mencement at Penn State College. While at college he was a momber Judith of Wallingford. Auxiliary will be held on ne~t Wednes- of the Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Mu Alpha, . Capt. and Mrs. Louis Pierce and childay morning, following the celebration Blue Key, The Blue Band, and the dren Mary tou and Harvey of Brook. of the Holy Communion on the Feast Sigma Nu Fraternity. . . N. Y. were the Christmas guests of the Epiphany. . Pierce's parents, Col. and Mrs. Charles Brogan, Jr., son of Mr. and IHa ..,ev R. Pierce, who have been spendMrs. Charles C. Brogan of Guernsey winter weeks in Philadelphia Presbyterian Church Notes and Thayer roads, came home Decem- but reopened their South Princeton On New Year's Eve a Watch-Night 'ber 23 from Bucknell University to avenue home for the holiday fortnight. the Christmas holidays .with his On Sunday Capt. and Mrs. Pierce left Service will he held at 11 :45 o'clock in the Church. parents.' to spend ~a ten-day _furlough. in. The Holy Communion-will-be QIr- - Mr: and MB.'Frederick Anthony of Orleans, La_and Florida. Mary Lou and served Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. _ Springfield, formerJy of Swarthmore. Harvey are visiting their grandparents The High School Fellowship will be entertained Mrs.' Anthony's mother here meanwhile.: Mr. and Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden discontinued until Sunday. January 10. and father t Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. The surgieal dressings group. will 01 Rahway, N. J. and Mrs. An- ~nd d~ugjlter Miss Priscilla Clayden of meet' TUesday,' January 5, at 10 o'clock brother and sister-5n-law, Major Riverview road were at home Christmas in the Parish House. Arthur C. Perry of Aberdeen, night_ . The Session will meet Sunday momover the Christmas holidays. \ Mr. L, C. Blundin has been confined ing at 10:45 hi.the Church Study. JOhn David de- Moll will return to to bed by illness at his home on Park . The BOard of Deacons will meet 1an- Cornell University on January 3 after avenue for three weeks. uary 8,:;\t' 8 o;C1ock in the Church Study. spending the holidays at his home on On Christmas Day Afr. and Mrs. The Social.· Education and Action Park avenue. James Bacon Douglas of North ChesCommittee wilt meet .Tuesday, January Local students who are enjoying ter road had as dinner gues&s their S, at 10 otc:;tock, ~n the Parish House. Bucknell University's Christmas-New daughter, Mrs. Edward L. Conwell, The" air day sewing day f,?r women of Year's vacations from December 23 to whose husband Lt. Edward L. Conwell the church and congregation will be January 4 include Eunice Eaton daugb- is with the United States Army in Afheld Wednesday, January 6, starting at ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland L. Eaton rica, and Mrs. Conwell of Chester, his 10 o'clock in the morning. There is a of Rutgers avenue and Charlotte Grif- mother; their son and daughter-in-law, great deal of sewing to be done and all fin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Major and Mrs. Robert H. Douglas and are urged to attend this meeting. Griffin also of Rutgers avenue. their children Duryea and Lansing of The executive board of the Woman's Mr. and Mrs. Birney Morgan of Cor- Michigan avenue; Mr. and Mrs. James Association will meet Friday, January pus Christi, Texas who are spending B. Douglas Jr. of Chester, and their 8, at 10 o'clock ill the Parish House-. months ill Philadelphia were the son Gordon W. Douglas; a student at • I 'f.):::;~: of Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Swarthmore College. Major Douglas is Metho.diat Church Not.,. I~ of Riverview and Ogden avenues now stationed at Camp Van Dorn, Miss. on Christmas. _ Miss Eleanor Wright of Ocean City. The Church School will meet on SunPhilip Price of Rose Valley is enter- N. J. former librarian at the Swarthday morning at 9 :45. Classes are pro- taining Denny Kels~y of Charlotte~- more Public Library, was the guest of ville, Va. over the holidays and as hIS Mr. and Mrs. J. Passmore Cheyney of = mCR SERVICES guest at the junior assembly Monday Rutgers avenue at Christmas dinner on CRU evening. Saturday. Mrs. ]. Will Perkins of E1ktoq, Md. Mrs. Samuel M_ Dodd of Swarthmore spent the Christmas holidays with avenue had as her Christmas guests her son, Mr. Joseph H. Perkins and her children, Mr. and. Mrs. Charles family of Cedar lane. Ingersoll and Mr. and Mrs. W. Parke Mr. and Mrs. ,Harry Bernard of Dodd of Pottstown, Mr. and Mrs. J. Union avenue ent'!rtained Brown E. George Brietling of Swarthmore, ArWiggs Seamon llc U. S. N. of Louis- thur who is horne from State College ville, Ky. over the Christmas holidays. until January 6, Lt. j.g. Samuel Dodd Mr. Wiggs is at present stationed at who returned Wednesday night after Norfolk, Va. completing his training at the Cornell Mrs. A. M.· Bosshardt of Park ave- Naval school of indoctrination; and nue received a cable Tuesday Miss Mary ,N. Wilson of Philadelphia. I advisiing her of the death of her Mrs, William E. Hetzel, Jr. of Thayer Zimmerman-Locher of Zue- road was hostess at luncheon~bridge rich Switzerland the day before. Death this week to the mid-holiday meeting foll~wed an operation. The 46-year-old of the Monday Bridge Club. Those ~~~~~::~ I'wolman leaves a daughter, 18 and a son, present were Mrs. Herbert Bassett, ~~ 20. It has been eight years since the sis- Mrs. Roy Comley. Mrs. William M. ~~~~~~i~ ters last saw each other. Harvey, Mrs. George L. Armitage, Mrs. Mrs. Frank L. Reynolds of Guernsey Alben T. Eavenson and Mrs. James road left Saturday for Jacksonville Fla. Bacon Douglas of Swarthmore, and where she will visit her son-in-law and daughter Lt. Com. Gilbert Countryman 11;00 A.M.and Mrs. Countryman. Later she will continue to Bradenton to spend some time with her brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lotspeich after which she will return home in late FebCEUA ruary or early March. SHOE SHOP Mrs. Jesse H. Holmes of North Che~­ ter road entertained her sons .and theIr Wish.. You All a families at Christmas dinner; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse H. Holmes, Jr. and son Jesse Happy' N_ r ...... Holmes 3rd of Haverford place, and Mr. 'a!,d Mrs. Robert S. Holmes with theU', son. and tile daughter from Moyian. --.. . {foAl iI e,,'1 ' DUR'.' Till .aLII"a It" •••__ •k",Irtlctl, I' ,I'""". 'I'll I ........ like 1\ 1114.11111110 SDBDIIII aarl and Cocktail LOlln,' . .I '.111111 ••• L L nlllWl PIn • IIIC' "'. IGc • JIIInr I . l5e COCl!;TAH. HOUR .3to 6 P. M. New Year's Greetings • DEVINE TAXI SERVICE SWARTHMORE 0444 On Its Fourt.h Birthday • •• t!tfJe .ouqud }Seautp ~alon' Thank. you for a very Happy Year Wi.he. you a rJery happy New One • Call 0476 13 S, Chester Road Prices for Suburban Calls are the same as those for the metropolitan area and the same high standards as always prevail. • FUNERALS START AT $150 AND THERE IS A WIDE PRICE RANGE TO CHOOSE FROM. • • AD add"tHona' cIIarge for .... openlng of ". gran on all funeroll. OLIVER H. BAIR CO. ==",=::::==========:==,1 ~ Corcoran of the United Stat.. NavY and his wife and daughter. . ....-___ _ The Men's Bible Cia.. 01 t"~ Pr~"­ byterian Church .ent a gorgeo...· ~e painsettia plant to Dr. William T ..EIl.., who has been teaching them fo~. ~e last two months. DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS 1820 CHESTNUT STREET RITtenhoule 1581 M_ A. Bolr, Prelldent MAY 1943 BRING PEACE AN.D PROSPERITY • • • Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Co. MEMBER OF FBPERAL .DBPOSIT INSURANCB CORP_ '. .' ~ ~ Lt. Robert G. Erskine, Jr. is visiting retatiyes in Swarthmore after completing his officers' training at Camp Davis, N. C. where he received his commission as Second Lieutenant. Lt. Erskine,. accompanied b~. }.{rs. Er~kine. -will, leave_.this week-end for his~new post at Catllp Edwards; Mass. ~eter BraJ1.n1 son of the Rev. and .Mf;S. David Braun of Harvard avenue, ce~ebr.at~~. his eighth birthday on Tuesday afternoon by entertaining eight of his young" friends at a supper party. The g~ests were Bitty Ziegenfuss, Roger ~utts, Johnny Phillips. Neil Bell, Don- MacElwee. Russell Snyder and JacKie Bird. , .CLASSIFIED ..........aurlng the calendar year 1943 and unt.U nioClitkld. or changed Borough cauneU or other au~orlty In cordarice with law. the compensation of following named. appointed officers and , ployea- 01 the Borough of Swarthmore thlB 16th day of Decem_ A, p. , . BOROUOH OP' BWARTHMOim . By P. W. B..MDtt!aD . _ ,Presldent Attest Blliott Rlchardaon AP»rO'fed thts,29th clay ot -December A. D. 1942. .JOHN" R.'-PITIIIAH ~~~~~~~~~~;S~~~~~~ be~..~~~~e~~~~r~H~~~t~~O~rlh~:~~~.~,~.~~~~!Ehug~~em~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ANNUAL MEETING • Education. member of the Department of Missions and secretary of the Retreat AS5ociation. :Mr. Guenther's leaving will be deeply regretted by the. community in general to which he has made generous contri- Bny 12-24-3t butions of service and leadership. up HILDA LANG PBNWOam. . SecretorY The Annual Meeting of the stockholders of the Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company, Swarthmbre, Pa., for the election of di· rectors and such other husiness as:may come ·before the meeting, will be held at thebankirig honse in Swarthmore,Pa., on Tuesday, Jannary 12,1943, between the hoursofihree and live o~clockP.M. . ELRIC S. SPROAT. CQ8/&;.er. THE WEEK'S CALENDAR • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31 11:45 P. M.-. Watch Night Service ....•••....•••.....•.••• Presbyterian Church . . FRlD,,"V, JANUARY 1. NEW PAR'S DAY' ur 10.00 A. M. _ Holy COmmunion ................................. Trinity Ch ch 11:00 A. M. _ special Service of Prayer ....•....•••.. Christlan Science Church . SATURDAY, .JANUARY 2 2:30 and 8:15 P. M. _ Halnes' Martonettes ..............•.......... Players Club SUNDAY,JANUARY-3 . 11:00 A.M.-Morning worship ................................. Local Churches MONDAy,.JANUARY 4 10:00 A. M. _ a.ed Cross sewlng ...................... _.....•..... WOmaD.'s Club TUESDAY, JANUARY 5 1:30 P.M.-Mllllnery Program ................................. Woman·s ClUb 2;00 p.M.-Navy League B.ertlce ..•.•••.•....•..•. 321 N. SwartbDlon AvenUe WEDNESDAY JANUARY 6 10:00 A. M. to 4:00 P. M. _ Red cross surgical Dresstngs ., .•••••. BoroUgh Ball 10:00 A. M. _ Woman's Assoclatlon Sewing ................ Presbyterlan Church 10:00 A.M.-Woman·s GuUd-AuxUlary ..................••.•.. TrlDlty Church 8:00 to 10:00 P. M. _ Red. Cross Surgical Dressings .............. Borough Hall THURSDAY, JANUARY 1 10:00. A.. M. to 4:00 P. M. - Red Cross Surgical Dressmgs .... ~ .... Borough Hall NE of '. the- real joys of the season is the opportunity to. putdside the routine and customs PIANO AND REBUILDING 32 Yean Praetlcal Experience of A. L. PARKER 'Phone Media 459·M and REFRIGERATION SERVICE MAKES QuieJr, ElJiderd Serwke ~ COw,d1. 19tII•.20 per Jeer, each:PaJ'- al THB COUNCIL OF THB BORoUGH OF BWARTlJI(ORB DOES ORDAIN: _0'" ALL ' No. 480. December of 1929 and became rector ough Hall at 7.30 P. M. Monday. Jan011 February 1, 1930. During the past 13 uary 14. It will be appreciated if those Improvements cona1at of two &ton" br1* years the parish bas grown froin a who are able to register in advance will store -frOnt. 15K36 feet, one &tor7 ,brick addition, 15E9 feet; brick garage, 10:1:30 feet. membership of about 20 families to nearly 250 families. Two hundred and . thirty-two members have been added by confirmation - more than the total of such additions during the previoUs his- 12520. a ,.ear. papble 8pee1al PoUcemen - ,1.00 per ,.ear payable, annually 88 authorized. bY Onllnance ;;:======01 in FUNElUL DIRECTORS ~ - Barbar.,a,ainAitn'ln~1 ~r. =_ In.ti-I~~~~~i~~~;;~r;'i~ UthOrlty. at~~t~~~lrr~::&~=:J.~ A. MBBCBR QUINBY. • anel uncotia1dered amateur re- frigerator repaln otten result in more serious damage. Paste tbls ad on the 1ns1d.a of your refrigerator door - eall ua for guaranteed repatra - you'll be satlsfled.1 • WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR OLD REFBlGERATOR. CaD RI4Iey Parle SS90 • 1UICOMDrrlONBD AlID OuAiu>rrBlm tIDD _GE!l.ATOBS • .•ITUIORO ELUTRIC IPPLIIICE SERYICE 19 E. BlDe1der A~lle PARK. PA. - '. IOIIJiO'Urilvenlty speutthe ~;~r:;,:!1 I , -"'--"":;irt; his home on Princeton avenue. able tem1-m.oD:tbl,.. Tbta omcer O11U_ to oompo _ _ - .. has joined the Marine Enlisted Reserves tcCo.. & u t _ for ~orm!DS du_· ... Mari_ Tarn Guides pout ~e:tun's to coIIege J anuary 4' to re- ........uon wttb preparatIOn dupUea" om! aabu1ldll>lr _ of &be Th. "Safety at Sea" exhibit of the sume studies until Caued. ~poc-. ODd oecreIU7 to tile •iii' 1!oJ<>\J8h on tbe Centril Dela...... COUll" U. S. Coast Guard at Franklin I AdJUItmOnt and as l'eJ!_tatl.. of lute' in Philadelphia has been .demon, ... strated to the public by 'Swarthmore Mariners during the pre·sent week. .b'=':~CtAl~ ~ t250. per )'e&I' . .Under the· chairmanship of Charlotte ste~-_l:.Wee\l:. bl.... ,iDd. ODaIP"?":beNWori au... Maas crew members have been on duty thorized :tor perfori:D1D8 dutlel in Mnn .... for each day of the week.' I ;;;~~!:-.:; UOn wtth preparatloD of tile tu: dupUeale and aenina' as eteDQlll'apher to the BoUd The war has depleted the staffs of muof AdJ~ent. seums. so that Girl Scouts of PhUa- Or to her Attomel', BDWlN .... LUOAS. Bllqutre. - SuOh com~tkm delphia are being trained to assist in 1429 Walnut Btrefi. .aenlCI!II naidered. as the exhibitio~ns of these iastitutions. The mar frOm. time to 12-18-6~ Pa. "Safety at Se=l" exhibit was selected as BorOlllh -A retainer· of flOO. r:;~;:::~:r,~ suitable for the nautical Girl Scout News Resigns' 'a8 Pastor· ~Icr ~,arty. The guests we're Billy Ziegellfuss. l{ogcr Butts. Johllny Phillips. Xt..'il Ih-II. D(ll1aid ~r ad~tWl'l·. Ru~s('11 Snyder J'H'kic Bird. Girl Scout News Resign8 a8 Pastor NEWS NOTES . CLASSIFIED 8W:A,RTHMOaEAN University spent the holidays' at his home on Princeton avenue, Henry has joined the Marine Enlisted Reserves but returns to college January 4 to reMariners Turn Guides 'rhe "Safety at Sea" exhibit of the sume his studies until called. U. S,inCoast Guard athasFranklin Insti-\ tutc Philadelphia been ·demonstrated to the public by Swarthmore ~ladners during the present week. euder the chairmanship of Charlotte ~I aas new membcrs have been on duty hlr each day of the week. The war has depicted the staffsofmu~t'mlls. so that Girl Scouts of Phila,\l'lphia arc being trained to assist in thl' exhibitions of these institutions. The "~afct\· at Sea" exhibit was selected as pal"tict~larly suitable for the nautical ill:l'1"l:sb o[ Swarthmor.e Mariners. The 1l111owing girls have served as guides: I.aura Lt'e Hopkins, Charlotte Maas, !:l'tty Ann Hulme, Fiances Jenkins, Barhara Ann Crossen, Marjoty Black. [~ahs Sickel, :Mary Cordray, Patsy MacCahan. Jane Matthews, June Spackman. ~;tllInlay Peggy Kecnell, Frances J enkI ill:; and Barbara Ann Crossen will serve ;llHl on ~l1nday DimlY Bonnet and Betty .!allt· Brownell witt be on duty. Frances Jenkins and Barbara Ann Cro:;sell are enrolled in the training l·Oursc for guides at the Academy of The n·"i.~lIatillll of lhl' !·:n', .I, Jardl'1I ~atural Sciences. ;~~~~1i~~~;i~~~~ IA~ti;~ oorouah Treasurer - $250. per year pay- able quarterly. ""'~d<;;;eci;Dln';1 ,,"""", ,,,,... Or to her Attomey, EDWIN A. LUCAS. FBqulre, 1429 Walilut Street, PhUadelphia. Pa. 12·18·6t SteJU)tp'apher-$28,oo per week. payable bl-weekly and compensation beretofore autbor1zed for performlDg duties In CODJl~ tloll With preparation of the tax dupUcate and serving 88 stenographer to the Board of Adjustment. BoroU&'h ED,lneer - Such compensation and fees for specifiC services rendered &8 the Borough Coullcll may (rom tlme to time approve. ~HBRIFF SALES OF REAL ESTATE SHERIFF'S OFFICE 1 Bor~"Ulh SoUeltor - A retainer of t'lOO. ~~f~f': payable quarterly, and, In addition such fees for speclflc services auby Council as Council may from tlme approve. COURT HOUSE. MEDIA. PKNNA. FRIDAY. JANUARY 22, 1943 ~ Chief of Police - seml~monthly. $2520. a year. payable 9 :30 A. M. Eastern War Time n_ dltl ~~ 00 special policemen - $1.00 per year pay.. lAIn ons:...-.u. cas h or certIf Ied ch eck able annually as authorized by ordinance at time of sale (uiliess otherwise stated In N adVertISement) balance In ten days. Other o. 460. special Pollcemen - conditions all day of sale. All as PIer I Fac Ias whose employment has been authorized by Ordlnance No. 429 No. 638 such compensation from tlme to time 88 authorized or ratified by '"Borough COunell. September Term. 1940 AU that certain brick messuage and piece Patrolmen - $1999.20 per year, each payof land situate on the Northeasterly corner able semi-monthly. of Third and Trainer 8m. In the City of Senior Radio Operator - $1440. per year, Chester, being No. 3132 West Third Street, payabl.e setnl·Olonthly. containing in front measured thence east--=-=--<.>----:-::GIH.'lIthl·j" (I;" H'cinr of Trinity Epi..:.copal Wardly along Third Street 11p.~r~~[~r, Badl0 0 perat 01' - $13 20• per year. A.lvance.) First Aiders' Call fourteen and northerly one-half stde feet, of and extendIng Churdl lta~ hct'll aCCl'ptt'd hy the \·estry in depth northwardly contlnulng the same semi-monthly. of the churdl as of January 31. An advanced class ill First Aid will be- width along the easterly side of Trainer Janitor - $23.00 per week. payable weekly. Sixty feet more or less to lands of M r. Guenther came to Swarthmore gin in the Amcrican Legion room in Bor- Street Mike Lesko and. wife. Bound on East by ~. 1M" 00 I contiguous messuage of nld Mike Lukasevlc. w:eo:..~~n -. per week. payab e in Den'mher of 1929 amI became rector ough Hal1 at 7.30 P. M. Monday, Jan011 Fehruary 1, 1930. During the pa!>t 13 uary 14. It will be appreciated if those of two one storystory brickbrick adgarage, 10X30 feet. WANTED-Young married woman for parttime work In local shop. Replv Box M. years the parish has grown frolll a who are able to register in advance will The Swarthmore an. . memhership oi ahout 20 familics to do 50 hy telephoning Mrs. David Cramp, Lab orers weekly. Co'16 60 per wee k ,each • payab1e ..... Ollll~." - $250. per year. payable addition. for serving as Sold as the property of Mike Luka8evlc. 0563. tIt'arly 250 familics. Two hundred and Swarthmore -,--:::-+'-:---:-: _ $180.00 per year. payable Miss hfartha Taylor of \Vashington, LOUIS A. BLOOM, Attorney. R. S. MUNSON, Sheriff. D. C. who has been the house guest of Assistant Health Oflicer - $175. per yelll'. conlirmation _ mon: than theatltled total hy of IIlCmhcf!' ha'·c heen payable monthly. BOROUOH OF SWARTHMORE hcr brother and sister-in-law Mr. and snch additions during· thc prcyiolls hisORDINANCE NO. 468 S£C'TION 2. The proper officers are hereby tory of the parish. \Vithin this pcrio~, "Irs. J. Stanley Taylor of Yale avenue AN Ordinance fixing the compensaauthorIzed to take such actton In cannee· too. aiJout $180.000 Ita:; becn l·ai:.;cd and over the Christmas holidays will return tion to be paid to viuious a.ppolnted tlon with the annual budget and approofttcers and employes of the Borough of priations to be provtded tbereln. 85 may spcnt for parochial and gCllt'fal church to \Vashington on Sunday. Swarthmore for the year 1943 and unUI be necessary to give effect to the foregoing. Henry Saulnier who is attending further action of the Council, making purpose!". inducling till' cost of the new Passed this 16th day of December A. p. churrh which was finished at the t'm1 ESTATE OF EMMA B. FELSBERO, deceased. appropria.tions therefor. 1942, Letters testamentary on the abOve Estate THE COUNcn. OF THE BOROUGH OF of the n'ctor's second yl"ar. BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE have been granted to the undersigned, who SWARTHMORE DOES ORDAIN: By D, W. R. Morgan requests all persons havlng claims or deLocally ~I r. Guenther has been chair- m3nds against the Estate of the decedent . President Attest Elliott RichardsOn man of thc hoard of lIlana~cr5 of thc to ma.ke known the same, and all persons iO·l"tllC"r UlYcrston ~rhool, prcsident of indebted to the decedent to make payment'I;~:~~; Approved this 29th day the Family Society of Swarthmore and without delay to of December A. D. 1942. 225 Vassar Avenue, JOHN E. OENSEMER, Executor, Pa. ~i~l~:~~j,j~~~~~~~~~~~~f~~[f::~ JOHN H. PITMAN Viduity. it tllelllht.~r of thc Swarthmore Swat1;hmore, Burgess Puhlic Lihrary Board. and chaplain of 12-18-6t the local Firc t·ompany. The School District of swa.rthmore wlllilr'!""'!""'!""'!""'!""'!""'!""'!""'!""'!""'!""!!!"!!!"'!""!!!"!!!"'!""!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"'!""'!""'!""'!""'!""!!!"!!!"'!""'!""'!""!!!"!!!"!!!"!!! In the Diocese hc was a memher of receive quotations at the College Avenue II Bunding up to 4 p. m. Wednesday, JanWlry the Executivc Council of thc Diocese. 13. 1943. for the purchase of grates. shakerS, a iornwr mcmht'r of the cxccuth'c com- and oUler coal-burning equipment for the of two hot air heaters. located mittee of the COIl\'o.:atioll of Chester conversion In the Rutgers Avenue School. BIdders are of the Forward-in-Scrvicc COl1unis- to make own measurements and submit complete Inventory of materlals needed and The Annual Meeling of the stockholders of the Swarthmore National ~doll, :;t'crNary of thc Dcpartment of price per heater. includIng price of ma.terl~cligint1s Education. memher of the lals pnd cost of Installation. SpeCifications Bank and Trust Company, Swarthmore, Pa., for the election of diCPO be secured between 9 a. In. and 4 p. m. DeIlartmcllt of 1\1 iss ions and Hcrctan' dally. except Saturday, Sunday, and holirectors and such other business as :may come before the meeting, of the Retreat Association. ~ days. at the School District Office. The Board reserves the right to reject any Blld will be held at the banking house in Swarthmore, Po., on Tuesday, ~rr. GlH.·ntlu.'1"·s Il..'il\·ing win he deeply all bids In whole or In part and to award r('gretll'{1 1Iy the C01lllllUuity in general contracts on any Item or Items making up January 12,1943, between the hours of three and five o'clock P. M. any bid. ' to whit'h he has m.ule generons contriHILDA LANG DENWORTB, ELRIC S. SPROAT, Cashier. 12-24-3t secretary hutions of st'r\'icc and leadership. ;~~~~~~~~~~~mP~~~~~lthirty-two on nenr Swarthmor- FOR RENT 5 rooms and bath, fireplace. Adults only. Possession at onee. 838 per month. • WM.S.BITI'LE Swarthmore It1·J Estate Notary PubUo-lnsurance--Real MRS. A_ J. QUINBY & SON A. MERCER QUINBY. Jr. FUNERA.L DIRECTORS zoe Media S. Orange St. 'Phone Media 4 EDWIN B. KELLEY, Jr. Your /eloeler 25 Ea.t 7th St. Chester (Opposite New State Theatre) 'Phone Cheater 3764 - Picture Frammg - Sationery ANNUAL MEETING • THE WEEK'S CALENDAR • TIIURSD,\Y, DECEMBER 31 11:45 P. M. _ \Vntch Night Service .•................•••.•. Presbyterlan Church FRIDAY, JANUJ\RV I, NEW YEAR'S DAY 10:00 A. M. _ Holv Communion ................ ~......•........• Trinlty Church 11 :00 A. M. _ Spei:lnl Service of Prayer .....•........ Christian Science Church SATURDAY, JANUARY 2 2 :30 nnd 8 :15 P. M. _ Haines' Marionettes .................•....... Players Club Boob - Kodak Supplies SUNDAY. JANUARY J SIMMONDS 11:00 A. M. _ Mornlug Worship .........•..........•.......•..•. Local Churches MONDAY, JANUARY 4 10:00 A.l\1. _ Red Cross Sewing .................................. Woman's Club Greeting Cards - Hobby Craft 714 Welsh Street Chester 'Phone Chester 2-5161 1:30 P.M. _ MllIlnery Program ................................. Woma.n·s ClUb 2:00 P. M.- Navy League Service .................. 321 N. Swartbmore AvenUe ARDMORE WINDOW CLEANING CO. 10:00 A. M. to 4:00 P. M. _ Red Cross Surgical Dressings ... ··•·· .Borough Hall 10:00 A. M. _ Woman's Association Sewing .............•.. Presbyterian Church }O:OO A.M.-Woman·s Gulld-AuxUlary ............•......•.... Trlnlty Church 8:00 to 10:00 P. M. _ Red Cross Surgical Dressings .•....•..• ··• .Borough Hall lVEDNESDAY JANUARY 6 SWARTHMORE BRANCH ALL BkANCBES OF HOUSE CLEANING. KNOWN IN THE TERRITORY FOR 20 YEARS Free Phone Calls - For Customers (Formerly Sw. 19) Ardtnore 2320 TIIURSDA't". JANUARY 7 10:00 A. M. to 4:00 P. M. _ Red Cros.c; Surgical Dressings •... ···• .Borough Hall AND REBUILDING 32 Ycare Practical Experience A. L. PARKER and REFRIGERATION SERVICE • Hasty and. unconsidered amateur refrigerator repalrs oftell result In more serious damage. Paste thls ad on the Inside of your refrigerator door - call us for gua.ranteed repairs - you'U be sa tl!Jfted I • WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR OLD REFRIGERATOR· Call Ridley Parle 8890 • RECONDlTIONED AND GUABANTEED USED REFRIGERATORS • INTERIORO ELECTRIC APPLIANCE SERVICE 19 E. Hinckley Avenue RIDLEY PARK, PA. IS the opportunity to put aside of 'Phone Media 459-ftl Quick, Eflicienl Semce ioys of the season the routine and customs PIANQ TUNING AIL MAKES NE of the real TUESDAY, JANU,\RY 5 everyday • In business all sincerity wish our friends As we face the new year with its OPllortunilies to work and serve DS usnal I still believe in the future of servicing automobiles. It is a big job ahea.lto keel) thent running - but I am still here, well entrenched wilh a full line of Ford products and I assure you with your cooperation we can continue hilling the ball l!ieven days a 'week witbout worrying for the maintenance of your Ford - Mercury - Lincoln cars and (rucks or any othcr makes. One sure way is to keep them mechanically tit in order 10 attain the bc~1 IruIlsl1Ortation efficiency. If I rio not sce you in the meantime, IJlease accept my sincere good wishes for success in the New Year in which Anterica will make long !!Iridcs toward victory and universal peaee. I have full eonfidence in myseU and all united here to accept full responsibility for doing our part in the task abead to insure the continued freedom of Uvin.- to whi('h we are accustomed in this ~al nation of America. CAPRIOTTY'S SALES YALE AND SYLVAN AVENUES A VeryHappyand Victorious Yeo r Michael's COLLEGE PHARMACY On the Corner SERVICE MORTON •