1942 SWARTBMORE, PA., JULY 3, VOL XIV, No. 26 '2.50 PER YEAR .Community Fourth'Offers Lively Day For Every Person in Villag~ .• War Stamps for Prizes, Incendiary Bomb Demonstration ~ Night Reflect Times in Business Group's ~rogram for Real Old-Time Fourth Swarthmoreans will join in a day of community fun, neighborliness; and friendly compet~tion tomor~ov: as this community under the guidance?f t.he local B,-!smess A~SOCIatlOn observes the I66th anniversaryof the slgnmg of the DeclaratIOn of Independence. Started originally for - . 'G• L VAN AIEN . . ~ FUNERAL TODAY Retired Presbyterian Minister Brought Family Here 22 Years Ago i "O'er ~ £rmJ of the [free" - otnJ flu 3Lme of flu :Brave" > Fe~t GAS· '0 .. ITIONIN·G INSPECTS RIFLES·' Happy ·YOllng --I'-d n ....,ARMY ·W.ILL. BUY... EnJ·oy SWl·nghave~ BE··RE NEXT WL'E,K Compaay·If'Ueutemmr··hl,d. WODran's'Clah HOUBeSpunis V..: Ding Old' 11rearm~ Offered Here for US· Ule Cation, Welcomes New Youth Recreation Feature _ _ _ _e_ _ • S 0 OriS S t' 0 ~ II 0 ow Alphabetical Schedule Closely Over a· hundred enthusiastic young people were present at the second Satur'An announcement from the Office of day evening dance of the new series at Price Administration in Washington has "Swinghaven" (into which the 'Wo~n's just designated Thursday, Friday, and Club House has been turned for the sea- Saturday, July 9, 10, and 11, as the days son by Swarthmore's .one and only dance on which the r.ew gasoline rationing club). Dancing varied from the 1930 fox- 1.._, k be" d F S h trot to the latest collegiate rhtnnba and uuO s are to Issue. or wart more 1 . t he h'Igb everyone present obviously had a grand th IS ratlOnmg WI'II ta ke pace m t· . . school gymnasium during the following Ime. . ' Buddy Roland (Roland L. Eaton, ]r: hours: in the morning 9 to 12; in the af. orch estra t · . 2 t05; and on Th ursday and Qf Rutgers aven~e) and hiS ernoon . b F 'd 'f 7 t 9 provided. the music w~th songs . yother n ay evenmgs rom o. local ~sts Art Jenmngs! Manon Ber- . The following scbedule has been estabn~.rd, .tISo"th Chester road became the bride I roses and white orchids. ristown cousin of the bride: and Miss Mr. Arthur .F. Cole son of Mi. Miss Phyllis H. Berger of RoxborNancy King, Miss Elizabeth Bowditch. Mrs. Frederick" A. Cnle of ough a fellow-student of the bride at and Miss Anne Wrily all' of Swa~thlPoie. Temple University who attended as No formal invitations have been is- Me~ on Wednesday maid of honor wore a graceful model of sued in Swarthmore but all friends are 4 otclock in the First white embroidered batiste. She carried . 'ted t0 WI'IneS5 th e cere- Churcb. Chester. was performed blue delphin,'um and gypsopbila and her ' II y. mVI cord la The ceremony many. headdress of blue flowers matched those Rev. John David Lindsay pastor bellor,e 1in her bouquet. • • To Wed Soon Miss Marjorie Dinsmore sister of the chancel banked with cybotium I",bilte snapdragons. and lighted bridegroom and Mrs. Warren Egee sisThe wedding· 01 Miss Myra Alice delabra. ter-in-Iaw of the "bride as bridesmaids Williams . daughter of Mr." and The bride who was given in marriage were also gowned in white embroidered James Vernon WUliams of .Moylan her father wore a bridal gown of bastiste and their bouquets were of red Mr. Wilmer Tunnell Booth son of organdie and her long veil was and with graceful arRalph Booth and the late' Mr. Booth held in place by a coronet of roses. Her in"their hair. (If j::ortland. N. Y. "will occur on'Saturwasof white roses and ·whit. oHIlCi'brid,,:acted day afternoon· July 11 at J o'clock as flower wearing a dainty Kate the· Wallingford Presbyterian Church. Miss Harriet H, Mendenhall of Greenaway of white ·organdie and. The Revete.nd Edwin Rein pastor ·of Downingtown who was the bride's only a basket of red 'roses, blue the Chu·rch will officiate at the cere- attendant was dressed in whitt': organdie ,d~llp.~lin!~u[•• and gypsophila! I.A €:oronet and carried an arm bouquet of blue fI d h h' · mony Th; bridal attendants will include the delphinium and pink roses. the owers grac,e er air. . f Mr. John Morrell of Swarthmore brl'de's s,'ster Mrs. Charles W. Kane Mr. David R. Hutchison· brother 0 as best man and the ushers inof Upper Darby as matron-ol-honor the bride" acted as best man and the eluded Mr. Warren Egee hrother of the and Miss Margaret Harper of Drexel ushers were Mr. F. Norman Stewart of HiD. Mrs. Arihur G.. Cheyney of Ridley Brunswick, N. J. and Mr. Cnrbin bride. Mr. Bayard Quinn of PhiladelPark. Mrs. Charles Edward Black of Mendenhall of Downingtown. Rutledge as bridesmaids. A small reception followed at the 'The groom's. uncle Dr.- Stephen ,W'lhoime of the bride. After a short trip Tunnell of Philadelphia will act as I,est the bridegroom will enter man, Mr. William Bailey and Mr. Toby States Army.the middle of Greco both 01 Philadelphia. Mr. Charles . the bride and bridegroom E, Black 01 Rutledge. and Mr~ Charles of Bates College, Me. and the W_ Kane of Upper Darby will serve as is also a graduate of the Drexel . School of Library Science. ushers. A reception will be held at Strath Haven Inn immediately following the Baird - Fellows NOW PLAYING ceremony. After a short wedding trip the young couple will be at home in On afternoon, June· 27, at 4 BUD Cortland, N. Y. in Church. Swarthmore . ,-",-"'.• '-.,,-::.,.,..- " , . Mary A. of Haddc)ntiieldl.1 Cheyne;'- Davis N. J. daughter of the late Mr. and Miss Mary Agnes Davis di"~~:~~,~J:[I~!:~I~t E. Fellows of Swarthmore WU Mrs.. Helois'-' Drexel" Davis 01' the "bride 01 Mr. Virgil Baird wood N. J. became· the bride of . Mrs. Laura Baird of Oberlin av,eDtle I' COSTEll.O Arthur Gilbert· Cheyney, son of Mr. and the late Rev: Huen B. Baird. and Mrs, Gilbert Cheyney of College ceremony wa~ performed by the re,:tOl' I in Lane Farm in the Co1lingswoOd Presy- the Rev. J. Garden Guenther4 · terian Church 011 Saturday afternoon, The bride \Vas gowned in a long June 27 at 3 o'clock. sleeved model. QJ -whif~. jersey with V The ceremony was performed the neck line and long skirt.. Her net Juliet Rev. Mr.. Macnabb pastor of the c~~~, before ;·a chancel banked ~·.witli ~ snapdragons roses and cybotium ferns. The bride who was given in' mardstARTS FRIDAY age by her mother wore a gown of ;. white chiffon. with lace yoke and in· serts of lace on the full skirt and" the FRIDAY - SATURDAY .' long tulle lace-edged, veil was held in FOR WRE" I ABBOT[ "RIO RITA" ME·DIA I phia. a"nd' Mr.' Ernest Wurst of Phila~ delphia. '.' The bride's mother was dr.ssedin champagne silk jersey with corsage of purple orchids. The mother of thegroom wore a gown of powder blue chiffon with corsage of yellow orchids. A reception followed at Rutledge Hall for several hundred relatives and friends after which the bridal couple left on a short trip. The bride wore a traveling costume of red and white print silk crepe, a large white hat and white ac,; cessories,· . Mr. and Mrs. Dinsmore will live in Bywood. Mr. Dinsmore is c~nnected with the Ansul Chemical Cnmpany. • Carried a 'bOuqUet of blue hyilrangia and pink carnations. , The bride's mother wore a dress 01 powder blue facone wi'th white., atcessoriesand a shoulder corSage of pink asters. The mother of the groom was dressed in yellow 'crepe With contrasting acc~ ssories and a corsage of gardenias. A wedding breakfast and party at a Virginia Beach hotel followed the ceremony. After a wedding trip through the North Carolina and, Virginia. mountains and qtiter points in the ·-so~th Dr..~nd Mrs. Runkel will make their ,hbme at 415 North Greenfield avenue, Waukesha, Wis. where Dr. Runkel is a member 01 the laculty at Carroll Cnllege. Miss Lydia Olivia Rewis daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Millard. Rewis of Richmond, Va. fonnertyof Swarthmore became the bride of' Dr. Joseph Edwin Rl'nkel son of ·Mr. and Mrs, W, E. Runkel of Waukesha, Wis. on Wednesday !porn· ing. June 24 at IO:30 o'clock in the Oaklette Methodist Church Norfolk. Va. The bride's brother The Reverend Millard Rewis, Jr. pastor performed the ceremony. The church was decorated with cathedral candles and white gladioliagainst a background of palms and ferns. The bride who was given in ·marriage· by her father wore an ensemble of petal pink sheer trimmed· in French blue and WAR DAMAGE INSURANCE ,. • ReprdIeu of where 70i11' coda... .Is written we are prepued lOa_\ appU""tIou f .... IhIa tn>e of poU.".. An ntea ........an... anJI-. 11........ llyHed • ij: ,PIlU',E.:TOLD DARTMOUTH ,!t,!_~" S;.tt'Ii.';.,~ .18ss Carroll "MY FAVORl'I'E BWNI)E" will be given to the individual or organizaiion bringing m the Largest amount of . . , GIFTS THAT BCRO INDBPdDBNCB SCRAP RUBBER Flower.........corM«r.•. T ., • IA......., J...... Lermall·.......... oelb. 110.........." w .... oe... ~::'""au w. a.. 8:,ygberl, 81.q0"~123~8ftl f1~:ba '=l:. ....... w _ IPowdea., Wm. •• , 281 W. Ild B'UscO, V., ' McCrory Storu COrp., 808 Edsmoat Jlcoonru, ,Jolm ~. . lI"razlo, NICola, U8 W. 2Dd ~'" Jam." ..... l"W.... IDe.!'1fl ilsmnat LIoJd·..... - . 801 _oat " " _ C. It. "IDc., 11 &; lith LUptOD-8tevena, 821 BGcmODt. CID4I.., Itt . .McCall'.. Frank. SODa, Ith A: Ilad&on 0 •• 1t1 W. Ird ••",INDY D.·· ...... UItZ ac-ua. W..... 71.,_" W. 7th eua • _ ~ _w.~w. n. EdrDaoa.t Mellli TIn Co.. 818 WeII.h. Meaamer FlOl"blt, no Webh Mmer, J"oha B.. 801 8DIOal KlDgiotle. Ida. 218 E. 7th MontgomtJ7 Wa.rd..!. _lOT Edpnout Motorcar Service '-'00. 80G Sproul Moyer Shoe Store, 8l2: Edsmoat MurpbJi'a, 22 JIl. 8th Murray'., 621 JMpnont National Cull Regtater Co., 810 Sproul Neibert'., 802: E4gm0D:t NeVIll'. Drua Co., IOl. J:4JaDoa.t New QuaUt)' Shoe Co~l E4&mODt Nick'. cat", 80 W. 8m Palnler, Robert:_ ~/_ 821 lI:4ltDlODt Palm GardeA .tWRaurant. tS22 Edsmont Parker, Ka.r7 201 Z. IOtb Pet.k, C. D.. 1m E. 'lUI Penn Jerae7 Auto Stora, 808 Webb "!L Pep So),I, 9th 6: Wellb. Perley'., 810 Jr.dl[ont Pierson. Tbomu 'I. M W. 8th Ploater Cleauen. 'lID til Sproul PJplDO, Steve, 830 E4gmont Price. Ben, 'U8 Wet.]l Quality Market. 722 Welah Rea Drug Ston. 8th 6: yedl""" Reeae·Ba:a:ter Co:: 706 Bdgmont Repetto. PhWp. 'IOS We1ah Rodgers Inc., 808 Edgmont Romo. Charles, SU Ecsgmont Roubert, H. A.. 820 Edgmont Roy'., "lU EcJ.&:tI1!:tDt Royal EUllarda. 32 E. 'lUI Rulb, Han7. 18 W. 'lth Byan'. Keat J4uket, 8S8 UgmoDt Ryser, Theodon IL, 103 lD. 8th Banltar7 P. 4: Heat.. CO.. 1011 Edgmont m W. In! 0 ............ L.auoW. . . . Hau. 8eDut1aa., 18& W. al'd _CUtllatO UtlW. . . . ......... Auto i!J.c: 8err,,~. Hummer ... Green., Gtb 6: IFWtoD _ • Joe'. Coal Yard., SUa .. CODcord Kane. JobD. .. loa. 112 W. 8r'd =~~K=' ~thar: Barela7 Kaltllnl NOOk. 138 W. Ird. 1<>"" Pun> Food ........ '/22 _ Levin, Abraham, 328 W. 2D4 LIdo care, fOB W. lid . To... Itt~ F. GUbert, Oth .. CoDcord 109 W. a.. )lcGianIu, EcIward. 120 Barcl&7 )lCJluUlD. Clarence, oU3 concord Kuller, A.. 216 W. 1M PIke BroI., 101 W. lid PUzzaDcbera, Chari.. 6: BoD, 10 w. am Rlc!JardaoD. Boward. 630 PeD.n Ropn, Laura T.. 612 Pean Rolteablatt, )lorn. E., 220 w. ani Balers Da1rJ' 8tora:, Grut Leopard KrIlt. BanJt&17 Keat J4arket., 333 W. "!Ird. BeJdeo, Abe, 201 WOO4Nw Sbalav:tll .JOftpb. 3Ot: W. 15th Stem. MOnti, 203 W. Srd. Stratie. George, 100 PenD Tauder, :a Inc.. lilb 11: PenD Temple i"lower Shop. 311 W. 3n1 VaienUU., Louis. 6th A Concord· Vanon, DomIDICk" 117 Concord. WIWn.·Bam 130 W, 3nt II. )., .00 w. 8.. WozeaD.JeWBkJ, Matbew, 310 Ta)'lor w_ "oba. c ....la:-WNd 'J Sapovlt.a. MorN M., 6th ,. Wall RUSSELL'S SERVICE 8th SWIMMING COLONY AT TIlE MARY LYON SCHOOL Sapovtlll, Mon1B K.. 7th • EdpJ.ont Bavllle Beauty Bbop, 918 Edgmont Schmick. E. E.. 209 E. 9th Shoemaker. George. 136 y.dl.." S.lmmonda, R. Cbu. 711 WeJah Slater's Shoe Ston in~. 818 Edgmont Smedley BrotbeD, 100 lD. BUt Smoke Sbop. 108 E. 8th Snyder, L. 122 Ngmont Sorcuaa Shop, 10 Eo 8th Speare BI'08•• 'lth AI BdKmont Springer. Lewb L.. 18 W. 'lth 8prou' Book 8bo.. S.roa! Stacy Shoe Repatr Co., 'l01 Wellh Statnlon A BeIUs. 9th AI EdG!l1ont St&.8k1n'• .i'unllture Co.. 1t :m. 'lUI 8tatll Lunell, I) E. 'lth Stein, RJmen Inc. 813 W " Stuber, Adolpb, abi &: SproUl Suburban au ~ Co., 1U m. 1th Sun Ray Drug Co.. 807 Edcmont Sweet 01: Deger. SUi Wellb TermInal RtJItaurant. 801 Welah Thomas Flower Shop, 1001 Edgmont Thompson. Paul ,1•• 608 SproUl Thompson'., 819 Bdsmcmt 82' Tollln'., 616 Edgmont New Filtering System Just Installed U~. Swn, 800 Up~d unton Nen Co•• PRR BtL. ChUter No, J Vane. Owen N •• 115 Edgmon" \ Vic'. Bakery & Rutaurant, 002 EdgIQont .. Opens, June 10th WarwiCk. William..! Children . , , , , ' , , . , . , .11 A. M. to 4 P. M. Adullll ' , , , , , . , , , , , , ,. 5 P. M. to 9 P. M. Sundays . ,,' , , . , , ' , .. 1 P. M. to 7 .... M. Single Member8hip, $15..4)0 Family MemJM,rsbip, $25.00 For In/ormalio~ 'Phone Swarthmore 1164' . 811i~ EdgmoDt Wu, Morrla, 81& Edgmont We18s, Helen, 201 E. 10th Wellington. Walter, 60 W. 8tb Wherry, Dr. W •• 804 .Ed.~t WhLIUer SChool of Kualc. 826 Edgmont Wblte·. Funeral Dome. 9th 4: lIadIeoD Wblte Houae Ll1Deb, 10 E. ~th WlnneDlore. Tbomu, 8th " SproUl Wohlmuth Co.. 828 Edgrnoat WrJght; Elizabeth It. 821 Edgmont Yoder, C. M.. 18 W. 7th ZuCkenna.o, Iaa.ac, 1021 SproUl T~l1nk8 $1.95 -$2.50 Sport Shirts. $1 ~o $2.95 MORRIS T.' AIKIN 19 WEST TBIBD S'l1lEET - CHESTER T~phoDe Cheder 9515 UbeliU-WAIC , CIo_ .oo Acme Market. 6O'l-ll SproUl Adams Ed8lllOllt ADen Tire CO., 08 W. 9th Amerleaq BeatIDg 6: InmIatIDg. ~O SproUl Ame1'fcau Btoru Co.. 1001 Uplaa4 AmerlC8D Btorea Co•• 'lOS J4ortoa ADaatoB. Helen. 833 Edcmont. AntbotlJ"', Lunch, 108 E. 8th Auto ParlII A Radlator Co., 8 &. Itb Bartow, Joe, 43 E. 8th Becker. lIWlDery Corp.!. 803 BdKmont BenUey. J. C •• 12 W. 11th Bonnan. Frank 1Dc., 6U lCdgll101:lt Blmo,.'., 619 EcI.gmont IF yOU HAVE NOT BEEN TO STRATH HAVEN INN Bloom-Bel!!, Dr. . YOU WILL BE PLEASED wITH THE GOOD FOOD AND MODERATE COST • YOU SHOULD INVESTIGATE OJ1R ~w CO-OPERATIVE COOKERY IT WILL SAVE YOU TIME AND HEADACHE • • )I •• 812 Welah Bohrer, L.. IOU Madison Boyd Drup Inc.. 8th I: WeltJl . Drlggs, 'l'nom8.11 L. ,. Bona, 827 WelIIb BroCkweU. P. T. Jr., 106 M. eth Brougbton, Tbomaa B .• 8 W. Till Burley. Thomas, 27 Eo 'Zth But.en, II. .. SoDa, 6H EdgmOD& Butler OU CoIPo W. tth carella, Jaa... Mitta, Richard, 100 JIL Ttb Ca:ruso. ADthDDJ, 8th A EdgDlOD& Central LIght LUDell. m WeJah Cheater Euo Service StaUon, Ith A; Wel8h Cbuter Grill 9th. Sproul Cbeater LIght SUpplJ co., 801 &d.pnon& Cbeater Netgh. ely. Bel'. St&.. 16 w. lUI. Cbeater~PellD 50 &: lOc", 119 Edgmont Cheater RecreaUoD center IDc.. 17 & 8th Cheater BaleI Co...!. 1029 Edgmon' Obeater Salvage \;O'L 10 E. 9th Chester Typewrtter co., 931 JIldgmolit Claney, J"ohn L.. 337 E. 8th Cohen". HoUywood Shop. 706 EdllD01lt COlllDll OlothelL TUl 6: E4gmont Colllna, John, ·,01 Croab)' . Danos, Peter, 23 E. 'lth De Haene, lf~, SUi MadlSOD ea Dehner, Jh.I7 L.. 605 Wellb Delaware Co. Motor Pta. Co.. 8th • Cf'QIib;p Telephone Swarthmore 680 Delco 'l'Jpewrlter & SupplJ' CO., 802 SproUl Donohue'. Bouae of GUm, 811 WelBb. Doubet, carl A., 118 ~t DuIl8Jl. ,lack Il.. 1005 Dt Duncan Stationer,- Co•• 01 Sproul Eagle arm. IDI E. Tth Eaton. Ed., 80i SproUl Eberl, Geol'&fl, 'l0! JMamottt . P1UH'1'ERS :1 ' "., 8_ .... !!!"'P. 1U >:.~_ 'II .... ' " • u..,. SlIoR_. ... JCUen. Sbop IDc.. e18 EdpDont FaetoZ'J' ouUet Hat Store, 600 Sproul hrry, Alezandl1'. m WelBb. Fisher'. Coal Yard. 'lth A: ObeRer HI.,... Furman, Wm.• 7th" Chestu River Galey Hardware Co., 803 Edgmont Guh-BtuU Co.. 9th '" Sprolll Qe:ery• .Jamea W•• 824.\5. EdamoD.& GenenLl Chevrolet CQ., 31 VI. 8t11. General TIre 8alU Inc.. 8th 6: ~ Grubb. 1107. 120 B. ttb O,.IU, Grace Beaul1 Balon. 1001 . . . . . . . ,'. .• 1 Baaa, LoUIJI. 812 MIdi..., H&cJcelt., L. A.. '110 Welah BamDtoD, Da~ Jr.. 1Ot.Il • !hIbut'" n7 .. - .. , ," -.!!."~ Ed GordoD, Doroth;r. 820 Webb Greenberg, samuel. • £. tall GENE AUTRY DIe mGdJe Bh_ ,JG17 _ .:31 A. IL 71b Dubow, "'vrt ........ _ t o Kulp!, _~ 0.. 808 Make Your A)'u Last the DuatioaRegular Service WIll Do It. "WE WERE DANCING" "Slm'drut on the Sage" _t 1I:mIll. _ _•• 1.. W. tItIl I'IeldII lIN. f1a OOIIcord J'ood . . IDe. of PL, Gth .. Wat. J'orchetU. £0, 101 W. Jrd. _ DnlIr 00., at ~... KbiDe1, G. R. 00. lM~. , Edll"'Mt Kl1'd>IleIr, CIW\U, .., • • B.V.D. Bathing IIIt&O.&lIIDI.a D •• ' .......... KtImaD. StD., 11-17 JD. ftb KeUer', &dwla B. .Jr•• 10 .. 'lUI. KeUmaD. WID. K.. 20 B. 7th GET IN THE SCIU.P BOPJP3INDERS The c.wornia JunI_ 'SYmphony ~esm,! Cartoon in titlor :: Firs~Run ",,014.'1 N~ uaz· .. .".. By JuJ-y llth PHOTO-l.ol'11l00RAPHERS ~.4dded Aii· I t WAR STAMPS • .P.NCB., INC. """!lay ..... SatanIa,.. H. m STARTS MONDAY NORMA SHEAIlER MELVYN DOUGLAS M"C' SWARTHMORE AN ou- VERONICA LAKE ROBERT I'RESTON Boh Hope Madeleine THE Runkel- Rewis "THIS GUN AND SUNDAY JULY .3, 1942 .... , " ('4. Med' C 1 • ,. .,. .8th iti Ra-l- NEAR SPROUL. "Cl'l£S:tEfC; P.A.I. , , 3rd .- FroDt 6: PtIUI 3" W.8rd """cord 200 W. atd .MIgmont Hemtck'a OrthoPed1c Lab,. 801 EdpDOll:' Jln, J., ... II. 8th HoffmeD. ~. 6th A "VJtIIAl . 8 0 _ . JORph A., 1003 ~t Horwtta I'ood. 8tore, U8 _ _ .......... RoteI. '/Ill • Webb 1 __ • .JIll IIIIOP. 800 1M ".......... :I'nd, 11 W. 7th ~....... _ m i t . 8th .Jor- . . . . Shop. III ,..., , "'' ' ' ' 'f'.!Oll. Chular-W..... Kalla'. 1De., "Ill Bc1J1D01l& F,b'epne 8lOft • hr. 00.. 8Ib. • Welllt ~ lIaUIInr. . . KaMaII. ... _ .. A.4ele. 8. A.., 101 au Wux W ..... ' w, xar............ I10_ ,. ·. . . . 80_ ClIDer A44. U2 a. Woodla... R 1 ~. Robat C. Woodlawn. MtJlIoa J . . . . J. Walter E.L, PRR 6: SpriD.d.eil1 Alloon _ ....... ........ ..... ;.::::'...... _11&_old .. _ B· L L, 112 N, CUttou CI. I. H oteawood. iI.od .......... n. "'*" WDOdlIDd. • ~. 8. 10. N. CUftoD IIprIDpeld JULY 8, 1M2 THB SWAaTHMOBBAN ~~.. V1lftM. He1PU ....... Amerlc:aa stora Co., 1.& 11:. BalUmoN , American Store. Co.t..~l Baltimore . ' Biven. Store, 18 E. .tJ<lmore , Burna Confect.ltlnery. lOG B. BalUmure C&dwaDader. Eugene. "01 W. Baltimore cuamud•• C•• 210 Penn . CVlUl. J~ J., 33 Baltimore , _ . JOoepb, 3311 B..,..,..... C1atteo. Ralph A... 1&3 Baltlmon ,. CiPOlla. Nick. 112 E. BalUmore . Ollttoll Drui: Co•• 2 E. BalUDlon C1Uton FooC1 Market, 21 E. BalUmore , Clltton orin. Ml Baltimore cuttOD aelahtll Hardware. 10~ £. BalUmol'l . cuttouHeISbt8 New., 203 E. HalUmorl ~.~~.aOE.~Umore lJu...... un JiR(W'IDLII _ (}.)met OU Co., Baltimore .. Maple OommUDlty EDterpn.e. Inc., Baltimore .. Bn... Crawford. C. K.. 62 N. sycamore Dll!1a.Dey, Ann •• 203 B. Sprlngfleld Dl Carto, NlcbolU. Ellt., 201 Bprlnglleld Dorosb. A •• 350 E. Broadway J>uk.u OrJII, 17 E. Baltimore DuvollJn Drug Co .• 127 E. DatUmuN EmlU,'. Sb:)p. 211 E. Baltimore l'ac:clolo. Anna 4: John. 185 SprlngG.eld FaUnl, James, 31 E. WyncUUe J"ut.maa. A.. .. 8oDJI. 28 E. Baltimore Flood. lohD J •• Baltimore A Oak Foigla, Tho •• J., ..14 SalUmon OWeaple Coal Co., Penn III PRR Henry, AnDlo. M E. Baltimore Holberg .. SOot, Baltimore ., Cbu...:: llUl'. Beauty Bbop, 3 N. Penn lon!ab'. Lunch, 1M E. salUmore Kalloowak¥, Ben., 436 E. Balt.lmore Reot. Mfg. CO" CUftoD HKb. KlrChDer, Jolm, 108 E. Baltimore KoDc1r " oaUa&b,er, Broadway &. EdgmODt Long, William••2 Walnut ....belle Beauty Sbop, 68 E. BaIUmon lilac I: Bam Super .serv., 138 S. SprlDgfleld WlUldz.lck, Mike, 603 E. I5ruadway ....reua Sboe Store. " E. Baltimore MaU&ck, W. L.. BalUmote &. Green Vane, )(cGndh'. Market. 6 E. Baltlmore MeQUlre, Wm. ft., 141 E. Baltlmu•• Me1aela Dtu, 8tore, 21U E. Baltimore :Mo~, ToD.)', 500 E. Broadway O'Donnell, Jamu, M6 E. Baltimore Paull., Bruno, 151 ~. Sprlogfield PhUlJpa:, Joaepb. t01 E. Braadwa)" R1D8ldJ, G. I: A.. 68 S. Sycamore lUJko. William. 102 N. Diamond RockweO, E. Benj., 206 N. Sprlngfleld Rudolpb, Sylvester, 32 B. Penn Sacramo, R&ymond. lU E. BnlUmore SChwam DepL store, 38 E. Baltimore Spana:enbere, James. 330 Walnut Steele. George B., Baltimore A: Oak 'l'bomu, Wm •• 38 S. Sycamore TW'Der, Edward, 50 E. BaIUmore UrbaDo. Paul a: Motue, 153 SPrtDgIleld Valentine. Monta:, 61 E. BalUmore' Walt's Steak SlUIdwtch Shop, 329 E. Baltimore WhIte House Inn, t30 Ba.lttmore WllUamJI, N. F •• 33 W. Baltlmore Wolf. Dept. Store, 128 E. salUmon a: JIalD . MacDade Co •• 219 ClIlton Co., 269 llaeDade Co., 1025 CUfton Co.. 94.8 M",cDade -'17 J4acDade System. Inc.. MacDade Acme M.arket, 719 Baltimore Adama, J. W •• 178 Melrose American on CU., Wll~wood It BalUmore B,:verl,- B~auty Shop, 1009 E. Baltimore Bob's Markel., 823 lJalthnore Bradley, J. C., LonK L!lnl! a: ureenwOocl DavIs, Harry M. oIr •• 8Ul l:.:. Baltimort Dresnlck. P., 831 lialUmore Eaeott·. Markel, Union &; .pembroke Femwoud Diner, Ueverly &c Baltimore Fleata, Baltimore A ChurclJ U:J.llagher, Ualpb, J.ll;!on &:. Baltimore Hetherington, Geors:e. 60S BnIUmote Hochman. Sant.. 308 Lone Lane Lamplugh, KtlttJerlne. 134 Le);.ingtoD Leonhardt• .tL W.• 700 Lung Lane Lever. A, W., Pbar••I:l.CY, Lewis a: Ulenn. MacDowell, A. J., 133 Lexington D. K. Shoe RepaJr, 823 Baltimore Petenon, G., Long ane ,. Wndwoo4 Reith, W. lL. riOI E. ·BclUmore Ruth Stewart·s Beauty Shop, 603 BaU. SnivelY. James, BalUmore &. Hint Welioaky, 1., 601 Baltimore Wilson, J •• li23 Baltimore Wlngles Cafe. 101 Baltimore Edd,.lau Bol'Oucb AUen P. W., 1330 Havllle American Stores Co•• 901 Havllle SUnner, Mal')' H., Y20 8tmPSOD Butler, .M1'I. Ro. Chester &. Saville Camu, PaUl, ~316 E. 9tb CbriJtake, Ueorge 1".. 901 Saville COrcoran, A. M., 1200 E. 9th Deana, JohP, 900 Saville Enaon, C •• 1212 Lelpe-r Ever Fast: MID Reul. Lt., 4th &: SavIne }O'l,-nn, Bankey. l!;cJtoy8ttm~ & Cbester Franklin Bottling \/urli:s, 1430 E. 91b Friel, Mrs. Ca1.herme, 12~ 12th GanGloff, Frank. 9tb &: Saville Qenlevez, J., 10th iii: savOIe Ulenn. Joseph, 800 ~Jmpsoo Uold, P., 70$ SaVille Haocox, Charles Henry, 20d 01: Eddy.toDe Hunter. 14. E., 908 SavUle lwaszltiewlez, Peter, 1021 SavJlle Joe's Market. 1011 Saville Kawaucb, H. C., 902 Saville La saville Grille, 1020 Savills LeblScbak. Harry, 1401 E. 11th LlpCIUS, ADthtlny. 1300 .h:. llUl Llppart, John, 933 SaVille Marlon, B. A •• 911 Haville Pbolerlc, D.t, 1131 E. 11th FI4borechl, ..... 103f Saville Pudvan, Leroy J., 9th iii: Allbland Singer, John, Cheater a: Eddystone Merkel, Stanley. 1180 E. 9lb Folero" Boroqb Amer1ean Stores cu.. 1660 Elmwood East, H. D., 613 Chester Volcroft Service Garage, 1M1 Chestel Haller, !.elan K.. Woodland &:. Pl1mos JIa1Da:, TboDUUI J.. ....30 Charmont lIWu. Cbarles, 1MB Cheater Rothe, Harry. IM6 Elmwood UJeDoldea BoJ'Ou.b ~~~~~,;~~~ a: IDe., Woodlawn A: CUfton ':Ol")"n BoIOUp ADdenon, .lOll. 01., lDU S. :lnd Hamilton " Jd.u.raball Meat Markel, 4th .II: Walnut Baw"" E1m~r, ~ Spruce Leech, EdWin .,I •• 32 Cbe8lnut Smith, .1=:., '13 S. 3rd. Strub, Emut, 200 Walnut Saaltalum, Mar"e-lIa, 329 S. Ird ,th.a'bJ' Bonap Abram'. Hardwear Sbt.eal, 13·16 Cbat.:. Acme Ilarket, Che.lter PUt. American un Co •• JolacUa.de • Cbutnut Americ:aa ~toru Cu •• 816 lol&ln. Amer~ean storu Co.. 126 S. 6lb. AmeriC~an Utoru Co .• 60.1 MaID Ba.ebow, Sidne,. 12lt B. 6th Ba.c.luu&D, '.1·UUe, 35 WbltleJ' BaUey, l:t.. t6 Cbeater Banks, Robert, 121 N. lQUI Barone, Orlaado A Joaepb, 8M .IIalD Berger, H., KI3-1J1 .MalD Blatt, M., 1~ N. lowot Bieac.ber. JB.I., 113 UreeDwar BUttw, Ralph E., J.laeU8.l1e 01:: UaLtb,- Cree-.k BIlwe, WdUam. 11th Ie UDlOQ BodeD. PueJ. lI&.cDade Blvd. BoD. ·J.'on Store. 8t2 KalD Brehm. Joaepb 8... 6t3 lIaJll 1lrocIaN. .l"'l'aDk. loaV JIalD lito". BmmhllNdt. "" E., lIaeUade C&Int'. 101 Kaln cur'.. 111 ...... CIAl, CIIar1ea. 101 Uher. w&)' Cloud " 8blDa,. 113 KalD Clover IIarUt. 85:1 JI&ID Cod.)', TbDIDU J •• i f Alain a a: CbMtDat Coben, 8.. 881 Main 00tebaWit. David. lOth 01:: it..•...: 00ID8eI40 .leu, "Ul 01:: Kaiu 001',,,'. Paul. lU So 6th Cl'U'"b'cIr JladeUne. U5 .IIabI Cut PrIOe 8boe &bop. 855 Kala ~ CoverIDb' 8U 1la1b _.-.oar _ 6IhAW_ n..... ,~ H.. 820 MaID Dr Ba., eta .II&Ia Dlmllaw, Ja.epb .I •• 102 II. lUI -"_."'-lib, - . -881 IIaIo. American Btorca co., 101 S. Cbester Aabland l!"ood Market. Ashland. '" Chester Austin, J(. E.. 1 S. Wells BuD, Gus D., Cheater Ie: Ulenol(:Ien Beckett, Palmer. 13'1 E. Cooke BII Jim. 23 9. CbesNr BonaaD a: b"orbea inc., OIlK a: H. a: Q. Bo1188l1 a: .Forbes Oil, Lumber&: InsUiatllJtl Divhllon. Oak A: B at O. caldwell 8t Sparks, Ht N. Llanwellyn Connor. John T •• 3U:; 9. Chester Devenny, A. L.. A8hland a: Elmwl,!Qd J>evries, .M.. D •• 811 N. Chesler ElCblerger. Josepb, 1 lBabel Glen Croft Grill, Oak A: Chester Glenolden .I!;U(; Sta., Chester &: 0&11: Glenolden FoodJJ Inc.. Cheater a: Oak Green, Howard. 110 1d:acDade Lacf:y. Josepb, liOl Urban Leventhal, Harry. A.8bled a: Macua4e Mary Lou'. Beauty Salon, 11 N. Cbestel )latteo, NIck, AsbIand " Academy MeCaualaDd's FUn. Parlor. 202 S. Cbestel McGugaa, DlUlJel, 13 N. Chester Pk. Mink. BenJamin 1.., 3. N. Cheater Kueller, .IL 8., 22i S. SCott Parkway Servo 9la., Chester &. Ulenolden Patterson. B •• It E. Cooke RebaCk. A., 108 W. Oak Reid, George, 9 E. Glenolden Rosen, I. M., 26 IAbe) Sloan, Harl')", J&acDade .I: Ashland Suburban Supply Whse,. Uak " Baltimore Tuohey, William, 10 N. Bonsall Vic's Texaeo Sta., ....01 S. Chester Weber Electric, 229 S. Cbester Wemer"1 Drup, 109 S. Cbeater Williams, WJlUam, Cook • Garfield WlDbemote, Josepb, Chester " Knowles Delaware ()). )folor Sale., 10 E. Baltimore OoWD Vernon: Paul. (tv 8. Orange Warlel4, S ...... 601 lIL State WhIte. A. Clara, e Eo State O...... HaDI:iUm a Waite. Yale &: ~ Ho1l7boct Olft Shop, 40 Park 1107, B. J., 2 Pull. L1llJ ADD ShoP. lQ~ .Darttnot1t11 JIatlIJon DroL. ~ Maa:Utoo. Marguerite Btrath.Dana Ja. Karot Plower Shop. ~18 Dick",.... Manb. C. K., I' Cheater )Urtel DroL. g CbeSur MUOD Sup. Co., Dartb. ., ~ :Mat.theWs. D. M.. 333 Dartmoutb l4edi& Dn18' Stores Inc.. 15 S. CbH\ar Xetro, George A Bon, 1'1 So Cbut.et RuaaeJl, Cbarles, Dart.mout.b • ~ Seal, Josepb. Yale &: CorDell Shirer, VIctor. 13 Chellter Stratb HaYeD (nn Oaraee, Swartamore Swartbmore CO-Op. AU'D. (01 D&rtmoatll SwarthmOre Servo Sta., Cbutu .. htI'"' view, Box 68 Sweet Shop, Old BaDJl 814 Tot.ta Baby 01: GIft Shop, ' " DartmoDUI Vanity Do:.:, Cbeater Rei. Vogue Beaul}t Sboppe, Chuter • pam WJDD, Ethel Wally, 331 UDloQ aD W. &tate Wu.oa, SldDer lI!:-.r. 3b W. BalUmore Wllublre Bros., lw.E. alate woolworth. Jr. W. CQ.... 15 W. Slaw YungWtrtho 10Mpb, illS W. Baltlm.ore -- Bldr.·. American storu 00.• 11 JI'aradaI" Arem Re8taunmt ....th 6; K.edroa Beenle. Santee, Melrose ,. Ke4roD llaft:aa Book 801'0..... Ad&m8, :Mrs. BW, 1023 ilarllet ~erlcan Stona Co., 921 Market ADtonetU, samuel. 821 Green Bunea .. Tbomton, 1 W. Chestnut Barnes, 1.. P., l03U Green Peck. AuRUat F., t23 Jdarltet BegmaD, A.. 16 E. 10th BeUanco, B'raDk, 200 Harket lkluanco, .1osepbJne, 202 :Market BUtz, Rachael )(., 915 Market Communll)' CUt Rate Drug. 15 :m. lOth COIlta1ias, T.. 1001 Market CrollPOve, George IL. 1016 JlarUt Dumel. J. J., sa E. 10th Durso. Nick. T W. 10th Economy Medicine Store, Val Market Ferro, O. G., 21 B. 10th Gallo. Mannie, I Eo 9th Gnes, C. M., NO Market Gordon, T •• 92t Karket Herestora, James, 21,. E. 10th J&oooo, J()I:eph, 218 Market J'a.cono. Nellie. 8 W. 8m JUlel Sboa btore, 93U Market Junto, LuelaD, 38 E. lOth Kalsaws. Gustave, 308 E. 10th KeIser, E. L., 1018 Market LavcUo. PblWp, 2 W. 3rd. Lear)', M. E .. Bos. 191 Leboull2:. lsadore. 94.8 Market Lauch. Mary, 18 N. 7th 'Marcus Hook Auto Service. 10th A GreeD Marcu Hook Taproom. 13-11S W. lou. lIaro Dept. Store, SO E.. 10th !.ladow's, 22 E. lOth Mary Jan's Beaut.)' Shop. 31 E. lotb McLaugbUD. ThOJl., 101'1 Market Mlil's Re.ataurant, 100 E. 10th Moore, Ruth 8'1 Iii Cburch MorrIS. C. L., OM Market Olea. Pedro Jr.. a24 Market Ormanuel. Na.rclDa, 12 Eo Delaware Orpello, Jennie, 19 W. 2nd. Owens, p. of2 E. 10th Fat.rone. DominiCK, 21 14a.f'lhall Quaker Store, 1H& Market Puritan Restaurant, 25 E. 10th Rend, Frank, 600 Msrket Rosenblatt, 14., 811 J.larket BaUeraeld. lL ft.. 9U Market 81lva, Manuel. 801 Market Silvestri, T •• 22-' Market Steinberg. Benl •• 221 E. 10th StealS. L., 9 Eo 10th Sun 011 Co,. S..-v, 8la., 10th ,. WaahlDa:toD Tabak, J.. 31 E. 10th Thawle:y'. Guare, RIdE. ,. Yaw, BoJ[ 331 Tbomton. W. J.. 226 E. 10th Tr1 State Auto SuppIJ, 300 E. 10tb U. S. A. Pool1'oOm, 1001 Ma.rket U. B. A. Restaurant, 100~ Market Vema, catherlDe. 828 Market WIWamsoo. Charles, '12 Market Wood Broa. Co. 1211 Market Worthington. John J., 1018 Marltet 6I.e4Ia Boroncb DlU'e Food Krk1.. a IJnd~D Catlrloll:r, DomiDJck. Yale a: 1I0rtoD Fowler. W. E .. 816 N. lIJgblaDd OrautUlO..t. 0 .• tOl J(edron Oravu, '.1'. Logan, Yale A...... GreeD_ Ida Kay a: Louis, 13 .IlortoD Greim, II. C. 00•• 2 KOrtoD HaIJdl. Thomas J •• 11 Morton Harloer. Margaret. 21 S. Mortoa Kl:.rlAdea ll1e1lael." llorteD LeveiiD4 Farm ADUque.l!l, AuaolaDdi I4a.rtln, E. A. • .{6 S. Morion . MeCulloUdl, Walter. Kedron 01:: wanrlJ Kell&ce, A.. 21 Morlon Palmer'. Store. 308 Morton Pat.cheD, James Kedf'OD AYL PruneaU, R. 100 Morton Roth, S. B., I Horlon Rust, C. )I.. 171 Brldge Rutledge Markt.. Morton " L1Dden Saka, R. L.. '1 MOrtoD Santora. Jo.ph, If. N. Morton Bcba11.scU, Mrs. Howard, 12 MOrtoD Schmidt. Paul, 601 Yale Smith, Paul A., 8 KedroD Stillwell, J. C., 1 Korton Sumoer A: Soa, Kedron &. PRB Teitelbaum, B.. 9lb A WalDut TbompsoD, Philip. 121 PreJlident Tbom.lOD, W. Ro. 9 S. Korton "l'uclr;er, Allee, 38 Jlard.ing WeldDer, Elmer, Mortoa & AlJlebOll Wilson. Mn. MIU'7. 102 Hardlna: TnIDer BolO.... Boatwlell, Boward, 2nd a: 1.rvIDc DeL CO. 8. a: Weld. Wk8., ttb 6; .Prtot KQItoWBkl. 11'•• 3328 W. ant G. JL. Restaurant. Post .II: M.aIn Ol,.nt Tipr Corp., 4th • PrIce Gray. Robert C., 67 Post HarrIs Lunch, e Post Jean'. Bar B Q, 9th a: Chestnut Kaeluban, F., 220 Wllco:l: KeU8f, Thomas, 3429' W. 3rd Karlnoft', D. ....3 Main J.Iar7'II Spagbettl HOWIe, 680 Po.It McOralnu, ADdrew. 6 Peno. MeeIdU, Alfrtd, 10 Sunset Nlcetown Repl. Auto pta. Co.. .Pott RdI. Roaen. Albert, a PoIIt. Rd. Shriver, Jop.Qb ft.. 3201 W. Ith Upltz, lasepb M., 9th A: Kea40w Norwood Boroqli UplaDd Boroqb Acme Market, :H2 Chester Anderson·. Norwood D.Il1er. 81S Chester BelUon. Fierte, 103 Mohawk Carlaon, Otto. 119 Willows Clasen, Howard, 18 W. Wloona Davia. H. T .. 8 W. Winona Deger. Fred !N., ril'2' Welcome ..li'amOIl8, EdDa. 388 Cbester FIlDchbaugh, Charles, 21 \Y. WlDons GaueIa Mar.ket, 223 Trites GrlOllb, Herbert H... 620 CheSter Hamann Bakel1', liZl Cheater Hille, George, 48 Winona KroGh, H. 5'.. 523 Chester )t:acbeUe. L.. to W. WlIwna McGraw, Mrs. B., 816 Bemloole McMeus, John J., 15 E. Winona Muuer. Peter, Cbeater at MeKlDley MybreJl, F. A .. 31 W. WlnoD& Norwood Flomts. 518 Ohester Norwood Hardware Co•• 1'1 W. Winona Park:lnJtlona Market, 1 W. WlnOll& Tomei, A•• 31 W. Winona Wallin, Mn. J., 18 E. CleveiaD4 Bf7&D. JIan', li 8U1 St. Dalton, catbertne, 10th A: Wood8ide Gallen, D. J., 'th III:: UplaDd. Ladder. DaVid, 6 6th st. McCllnlot'k, Margaret, 13 2nd SL McGinley. E. J., g Main lIllier 01:: TomllnsoD, Cbureb ,. New auUe Variety Market, 8th " Church l'eadOQ BolOuab ParlWde BoJoap FraIm, .liowanl W., :l821 Edgmout McEwen. lUrt, Edgmont a: UarrIJIon MUes, M. J.. 2'1M -Edgmont Parlulde Meat Market, 2831 Edgm,ont ParkSlde PharmacY. 2601 EdgtnODt Hayne, W. B. ,. CarrIe, 29 W•. Cbe1leD Simmonds, W. J., 2611 Edgmont smtth, Qeorge. 11 W. Elbon Proapeel Park pan.... American Storea Co•• 110~ LIocoln Clark, Clutrlee. 129 13th Comet OU Co. Sta.. Cftiter ,. Naasau D'E!lpo81lO, M •• 14.6 Lazaretto Dodd, Dr. E. W., 629 Chesler GJ:rarwl Miller Coal Co., 1112 Lincoln Grat Motors, Inc., 146 Chester Great A. .. P .. 1111 Ltncoln JIofIert, PaUl W .. 631 Cbester Hughes:, Paul. IOU LlncolD Interbon. Chevrolet Co.. 609 Chester Jarvl8. Marlon. 103.... LtneolD Joan'. Beauty Shop, 1012 Lincoln Kelley, Lawrence M., 1115 UDcolD KellY, Tlwmaa, 1103 LJJ:r.colD Kitty Cooner Beauty Shop, 903 Lincoln Lincoln Food Market, t23 LtneolD Longfello,,", Margaret, '103 Chester Lunceford, W. 8.. 701 Chellter J,lanklD, Robert 8., M6 Chester Manor Sweet Shop, M9 Che.tter Marshall, C. H., 13th a: Lincoln MeClell&D, Samuel. Cbester a: Waabln&ton Megill, Edward. lil1 Cbester MiChaels Meat Market, 1101 LtDeolD Mlchalk Lunch, 1110 Lincoln Norwood Servlee Sta., 623 Chester Penrose, Joaeph, 511 Cheater Prospect Hotel. 100 Cbester Prospect Park Bakel')". 1111 UDeolD Prospect Plt. E880 Sta., Chester & Llncoln Prospect Park 14rkt., 1101 LlneolD Simpkins. J W•• 8umm1t .. Cbester Snow, Tbomu ,. Catller1oe, 910 Chester SoUder, John, 1008 LIncoln Torelli, lL. li09 Obeater Trotta, Florence, M9 Cheater Vollek, Frank J., 858 Cbester Wash. Servo Sta.. Cbeater &: WIIm1Dgtcn White, B. S. Jr•• 9th A: Lincoln Wnbank, Hardy, MarylaDd & Llncoln WUeutu. Moton: Inc •• Wm. C., 611 CbellteJ Zlmmerm&b, Bam, 1102 Ltncoln RldleJ' Park IIGmqia Amerlean Stores CO., 29 .J!l. Blnckle, Breen, J. P •• 309 H1nk8Oa BucbaDaD. W. fO., 236 Chester FrIedman. b'raDces, 13 mnckle, Guat A. at P.. 11 lDnckle, Harper, Charlea, Swarthmore It. B. a: O. Interboro Electric. 19 BlDeklQ Klotz, Albert, 601 Cbester Lachman, A., 202 E. Seller Lebr. Anne M.. Stony brook Martel Bros.. IT JIlncltley lIIDard, Tboa., 104 mnekley Plerlulgl. Flore, Sellers iii: .I::llnekley RIdley Park Markel, 16 E. Wnekley Slnclr.. r Food Market, 26 E. SeUers Stewart. CA.. 22 Partridge TUrner, Thomas. Cbester .. BiDJtson Van Alen Braa., RIdley A: Lake Victor'- Food Market, tOI Cheater Acme Market, Cburcb ,. Wbltb1 _"'denan, Etta May, 123 Church Barln, Olass Shop. Williams 01:: Balllmol1l BIU a: Frank'a Mrkt, 900 Duncan Bradley, Charles F .. 1026 Bell Crego, Eisye, 619 Chureb Day, lira. J. P., 410 HollJ' Donofrio, Rocco. 421 Church Erwin. George W., 9Q.i BullocJc. OaUagher's &110 ServlceDter, &00 Churell Omt.t. A, " P., 621 Church Hess, George B., Chur@. a: BaJlQ' Holmell, H. W .. '106 Cb1m;b Jordan Bro•• , 6201 Baltimore KaUDen, B •• Phey•• 4S3. Church KaratWI Light Luam, BalUmore Pille Karanlll, Constance. 1048 Bell Keasler, D., 627 S. Wycombe Kllberg. Louis, Cbeater 4: Serrlll Langway, A., 029 B. Wycombe Leetb &- Bon, fit Church Loeper, Richard, 118 Church Logan, W. H. a: Bon, 926 Cobb. Crk. Malloy, Dor. &c Manning, Rutb, 429 Cburch MoIlneuz. T. A., 481 Batley Mower. B'raDk. Church Ie Myra O'Donnell. JOlleph, 531 B. Wycombe Perillteln, .M. S.. Chester ... Yeadoa Prultt, D. R., 122 Church Rodensk)". R. .....36 Church Rudolph Pharmacy, M5 Churcb Bundale Market. 800 BerriO SUngle, C., 611 Church 'l'aney. W. B., liit Church Tbuma Qerme Kitchen, 670 Church Way, ,John B., MlO Cbureb WUll. 0 14•• Church a: Ohester Yeadon Food CeDter. Gun\her .....m Zeitz, HeD.l.. 112 Cburch A.ston Town.allfp BaUey, Clara, Media aD No. :I Chester HelghbJ Food Store, Ohellter .up. Curran, J •• Cbellter Hgts. Fisher's Store, Media. ltD No. :a Furey. 1.J C., Chester Hgta. Green Ridge Groc:er. Cbeste.!:RD No. 1 Oroebowskl. FI'IlDk. Glenn .ruddle Groff, James G., Chester Hgta. Hayes, John T., Media RFD No. I Holefelder Bros•• Media RD No. I Laugbead, Thomas, Aston Mills Llater. Laura, Media RFD No. 2; Murpby, Joseph, Lenni Richards A Schrader, Chester Hgta. Sebnelder. Frank. Cbe.ter RD No.1 Sweigart, H. K., Cbeater RFD No. 1 Tryens, Samuel, Media RlI'D No. :& Van Lear. Orover. Chellter RD No.1 WblUoek, Addle 1.., LenDI MIlls Warth, Howard, CbeJter RD No. 1 Bethel Townshfp Da.vll. C. A., Boothwyn Gay, Cba.rles, Brandywine St. McKIDley. John, Glen MIIII Osowakl, Joseph. BoothW)'n Phillips. Georc:;e, BoothW}'D Philson. Herbert, Boothwyn Pierce, Georce, Cheater no No. 1 Powell. ~ble, BoothwyJI Ramualdl. Ciullo, Boothwyn Reoeeltet', Mrs. JohD, Boothwyn Way. C. L., Sr•• Glen MUls RFD Wright, Elmer, Boothwyn Zebley. BU&lLnaa. Boothwyn BlnnlnCbam Townablp BritUna:btun, L- B. III Co.. Chadd. Bard CbrIsty Restaurant. Olen M11IB Crew, Walter 4. Braod)"wlne St. Fa1rtamb, R. C. A: Soos, Brandywine Sum. GaQagber. B. K., Chadds Ford Oarrett, Albert, BuolhWl'D RD No. 1 Guest, R. W.. Chadds Ford HoftmaD, Wm. A •• Chadds Ford MlUer, Edwin, Chadds Ford Owrey, C. H., Brandywloe Smt. Streeper, C. W •• Brandywine BOlL Villeng1, Berlha, Glen Mllla Hbaron BIU 80rvadl ':III',;teJ' 'CUwnsblp A.delman. Mon• .James, Chester American Storell Co.. Brookba. veo BoDDer Tavera, Chesler RFD No. 1 CroWihel'8 Bros., C~es: -:1" RD No. 1 Cooper, Lee, ChCSL' , No. 1 1';lt.3k, Chest.er, ClJeaUir Dl SCla.SCIO. tiperldio'.L, _ster R1i"D No. Oranger WdllarD. Chesler RatlaD, John, C)lUter Jarinkea, Jean. Cheater Karlin. Frank. Cbelter RD No. 1 Bmlth. Norman, Cheater RFD No. 1 Yank's Poultry B'a.rm, Cheater vaDOOrd ToWllSblp .' Lan&dawne Boroll&b CraIc.lIDbm,n_D De Loea. 'l'bomu, 8 8. UDka DoIlDelb'. lIarIe. 101 Park Sb9P • Park B.B.• I8........- UDloa Nnra Co,a PaR StaUoD Da'ftOD IDe. Shop. 8 Pall< .DO ".,_!"" 'l'alIaferro. John B., 001 N. 011" TermbW Market, 15 W. StatII at". A.c:me lIarltet. :.t.... -28 Lan8downe Amerlc:an 011 co., 25 N. LaDsdown. American Stores co., II S. .La.n8doWDe Amerleao Btores Co., 204 Wycombe All.toD.'. Restaurant. 1 N. Uwldowne AtlanUc Re4nlnl Co.. lAnBdowne ,. Stret Barrow Katon. 100 E. BalU!nOI'O Ba.tt7 Bro&. 2G S. LansdOWDe Blatt. IIabeJ;, 21& N. Wycombe Brown, P. ft., In Wycombe BrumlJaugh, k. Eo. 62 E. BaIU::nof'l Browne " DD1er. 28 S. l..aD.sdowne BGtler on Cort.. W~be ,. Baltimore Comm1l'llt7 CbW. Oo'L UI Eo Baltimore oaI& 1& ~. &I £. Baltlman B_'I,;o.!~'" JlUDtID.. • DUtmoulh eolla, 'oaepb Park Dtw Drop Ian• .w Dattmoutll StokN. Mae 21 II<. Btate . MeGee, Michael, 901 SprtngtLeld Modem Ice 4:: Coal Co., Inb Ie: Bol:O Murray. P. J., 130 N. 'lUI Na.Uonal Reatauraut, SUI • MaID Nevlo·. Drugs, 880 Malo O'Neil. Ka.tbI')'D V., 608 Main Parkway Service Bt&., tth 6: l:I&JD PaJ'SOntt, WUIla.m S.. 201 S, 8th Peon FrUit. ~., 80 Main peoples Service News Co., 918 .MaIn Philadelphia Dairy Prod. Co•• 22 Cbuter Phlltl.. l!;lectrlc tJo., 861 Ma.la Philips', IUt JIa1D RolenOeld, CeUe, 200 .N. 8lb Rost, Herbert A.. 9 .Main Sample FUrniture Sbowroom. 886 I4a.lD Schlack, M, a: BoD, 620 .Main Soott, Gordon. l1tb a: J4aeDade Serve lis Drug Store, I Chester SheahaD'. GreenhoWle, 11th a: .MacDade Siegel, Samuel. 1 Ch..ter SlIvynas. Dommlc.k. a: AppulonlS, 628 .Main Smullen, Elwood W •• MacDade '" Cbestnut Stale,-, Milton, Ridge A: Main Stein, SamHel. 1300 MaiD Sukonlek, Loula. 3nt &. .Main supplee-WilllI.JoDes, 9th A: Summlt TennlnqJ Jqrket, 916 M.aln Ten Beauty ShoP. '25 Main United Service Sta•• 6th &: M&lD Vlzzacbero, A., 436 Main Ward, James H., .to runt & ureenwa,Waahlngton. George, 937 Maple Weber, J. R.. 812 Main Weiner• .M. a: Co., 28 Chester l"K. \,,"eUw,Jrtb Uept. Store, 862 Maln Wm Peon Shoe Rep.. Chester below MaID Wlnaod. F., 6th at Main Wolt, Max, li22 Main Woolworth. If. W •• Co•• 812 Malo Yarborough, Jessie, 1019 Ridge Zlmmennnn.. William. B68 M3.ln Borda, H. w. a 1ioDI. au Park Jto1JqUII BeaulJ' Salon, 18 8, CbIItar Breb:, U. A.. Pr1nCelDD • DartmouUa w_. 'f. Martin'., 9th Be' 'D'. QaaUb 1I,.t., Dl' Yall Barber, AlIce, 014 BaDIl BIdL Starr ......... 28 W, S .... S .... CUt ...... Bton, -L""_~' ...to BUII...u. 128 s. """"'" SUte1er. Ed... st..!.. 1 Pro'YkItDCI WhIte • THE SWARTHIIOREAN ... :·~Uft IIoIItb A.... C&ft. 11' 8oIltIJ. SDoWd.en'l JDc., 111 W. 8t&W BIller, W. R.. Jl&CDacle Ai: Darb1 creu z.)er, W. ft.. MacDade II Sprlalflild. Faab10D Shop. 8'l2 JIAID FeJ.nbeq. Abe, 882: JIaiD Feldman, Vietor, 626 Ka1n FUller a: Adams, 11 Malo Garvin. MOles. 201 N. lOtb Oladnlck, N. L.. 303 Poplar Qolden Market, 106 B. alb Golden star cate, H3 Forrester OfJubali .I: Morgan Co., 7th ,. Jlal" oreat A. 6: P. Tea Co.. 8" JIaln Oreen, H. MaUn. Ilb .t: Columbia Grlmstone. O. A... ttb A MelD Henri Bros•• 3 MaID HID, William P •• ~tb 01:: B A 0 Hopp Ina, t8 Chuter Horn 4:: Hardart Baking Co., 881 MaiD Horwitz, A. Ho. 931 Rldp Uonter, Jobn, 122 S. 6th Hutchins, Euuna Rowles. 101 8. &lb ImprJanu. John, 102 Malo Julleo's Cafe, 600 l4aiD KoellDlan elliS, Co., 88 Cbester Kolocotronia:. T. J., » Cheater La Charme. Paul S •• '10t. MalD Lipton Tire " Batte•.,. Service. J4alD LoU Candy Corp•• Btb 6: MaID Lou Belle Froeka. 874 lIaln Lou.Mar specialty Sbop. 885 !4a1D Mllrket SL Food Co., 8S6 MalD 1'!as& Lansdowne Uoroqb OownaClalo Borvqh Waten, Youn,'. ~ Uft THE SWABTHMOREAN 28 BroderiCk. lL .It., Ulenn M.UlI; Burns, Helen, Conoordv1lle EIllDl. Feed &: Cider Mill, BoolhWJ1l Fulmer, Allee N .. Chester Hgts. GlaeklD ••. J.. BrandywlDe Hmt. Golden Gate ServIce St.. LoeaUob No. 1, Golden Gate Service Sta., PaInter'. X Rd. Golden Gate servo 80&.. LoeatioD No. 2, Palnlen X Rds.. .Harper, James. CilLster Hipple. Wm. M., Coneordvllle lIeDonald. ueorge, CoDcordv1Ut Old lilli, CODcurdvUle Richard. 01:: aehrader. Ward Robinllon. Paul 1.#.. CobCOrdYWe Styer. J. J. a Bon, CODcordviUe WatklD, Wm. J •• Boothwya White. Alltert, Boothwyn' " rb" To'l!l'llalp 8~"ra"" AIItel'k:IaD Stores co.. 1 Putt SoGder. u. A .• b.l:.lf'OD .am COUDc1l, Lunal"" SbaIOII BID Emmett, Samuel, Hb&r'Ia BDl Ledbetter. LaVerne. ShaIuD B1U IlatklD. 8aDluel. SbaroIl _ Pucball. Auto Part.. DI.mQ BIll Frank, ShanD BID Btwnm. W. J, 1m', eoa. PUBLISHED BVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PATHS 8WARTHIlOBBMl', INc., PUBLlSRSR PRONB· SWUTHMOU: 900 E. TOLD. -EdiMlr ToLD. bod." Edilor ~ ." ,JtILY8, ... ,. - 1M2 ONE TOUCH OF NATURE _. Warren Clifton Allen, Jr. son of Mrs. Warren C. Allen of South Chester road received his certificate of graduation a few days ago from Peirce School of Business Administration, Philadelphia. Mr. All... took a special course in advanced accounting and has accepted a positiC'n with the American Viscose Company, Marcus Hook. Miss Frances White of Walnut lane is at her cottage at Buck HiD Falls lor the summer. Library HoDday • Tbb .. _..,.-1_ "'_ . . . 1_ The Swarthmore Public Library wiD be closed Saturday, July the 4th . Contrary to the usual custom the Library will be open from 2-4 Saturday afternoons during July. Vacation privileges of one month loan wiD be extended to any so desiring, with the regular allotment of four books to· adult readers and two to juvenile readers, UIe p.. ebaptehl or a plcpa [« IHM* . , C. Brooke Worth. - BdIC01'. lIote. • Te-arr soon lost fear of us and of our caL Within a week we found that we BOIALI& PaJIIIOL Lo.... McCAn. . could take him with us on our daily trip -BaIend .. s-ad a.. ...... JA!IU17 31, J929. at the POOl to the bathing beach. He seemed to ·find 0IIice at SnrtIuDore, P.., ucIer the Act. of March S. 18'19. the sand a reminder of his natural destiny. and he 'heralded each new- contact KOOIf with that element in unmistakably inFRIDAY. JULY 3. 1942 creased activity. . He would invariably wander away RAISE $406 FOR CAMP from our beach umbrel1a, heading toPresbyteriaD Chnreh· Notes Community Fourth SUNSHINE ward the surf in alrnost every instance. Because of. this trait he became a nuisSunday morning at 11 o'c1ock the pasOfjers' Lively Day ance. for 1 found it' impossible to take The Friendly Circle is deeply grateful '. (C.' __d /,.0. Pllr- 0_) tor will preach ori the subject ,"The an untroubled sun-bath. Whenever r for the splendid cooperation of local Way OuLIJ Ambrose H. Van Alen and his cap- dozed off. some subconscious memory of residents which enabled it to surpass The surgical dressings group will meet my responsibilities would arouse me to Tuesday morning at 10 Q'c1ocJc in the able assistants will be in charge of the an awareness of, dread and apprehension. last year's sum and raise a total of $406 beginners' room of the Parish House. games for boys and members of Mr. to aid Camp Sunshinc during the curHeavens 1 What was it? All women of the community are urged Van Alen's Boy Scout Troop will vouch Then the insi~ificant image of Te-arr rent season. The Circle's house to house for the fun that promises. • to loin t!!is group. Under a competent game comrnittee would resolve itself out of the half- drive which just ended will considerably The second of the summer porch lift the annual load of the county malP1eetings~ of the Women's Association a variety ot games have been planned dream. and like a shot I would be up and after him. Once he. actually had reached nutrition camp and many undernourto delight children of all ages. Mrs. will be held Wednesday, July 8, from 10 I spied him., and on the ocean before William A. DeCaindry, Mrs. H. I. ished and underprivileged children of to 12 o'c1ock at the home of Mrs. Waldo -.au ..... a coctrtall, then enJoy a that day, as ill luck would have it. I had Hoot, ~rs. Donald P. Jones, wHi be in this area will be better citizens neXt fait B. Davison, 730 Harvard avenue. Mrs. 1unch or dinner, promptfy . because of the stay at camp this fund Paul Payne will be in charge of the wor- charge of games for children up to six come to the beach fully clothed. an.~ lWcL I ran into the surf up to my waist makes possible. ship service and Miss Margaret Neal years old, assisted by Nancy Hoot and LUNCH •• from lISe Mrs. Harold G. Griffin of Rotgers will speak on "Peace Thinking of Our Midge Brown. Once more the Stabler and grabbed Te-arr just as a wave broke DINNIR •• from 85e ponies will make possible. pony rides over him. Ever since that day I have avenue headed the large committee of O*n Nationat Leaders." CecIfaII rr.. ••• , ".' to • , ... Each Sunday at 10 :15 until July 26, for this youngest group which is an- had trouble with my wrist-watch. Of a neighborhood workers who are respon. the Iunior Church will be held in the nually envied by its elders. Mrs. Philip delicate make, its wheels have never re- sible for the collection. Church auditorium. The .following M. Alden who has supervised Jhe pony covered from 'their -lubrication with watchurch school departments will have rides with real success for the past ers of the Atlantic Ocean. • MARY DUN HILL • PRINCE MATCHABELLI • CHANEL • When we reached Philadelphia that charge of. the worship: I uly 5 - the several years has consented to do so sc('Jor department; July 12-the pri- again and Betsy Hornaday. and Alice September, I tried to teach Te-arr to eat chopped fish, but he was a poor pupil. mary department·; July 19-,the junior- Putnam will assist her. Mrs. J. Herman . Holmes· and Mrs. and I soon despaired of saving him. intermediate department; July 26-the Frank Holman are planning an unusu- After several days' struggle, I took him primary department. ally jolly time with the seven through to the Philadelphia Zoo and persuaded nine year olds. Mrs. Peter E. Told them to accept him as a gift. Mr. Reagan, BEAUTY SALON wiU have fun with the ten through the bird-house keeper, looked at him TrInity Pariah Notes twelve year old girls. Mrs. Charles Israel sceptically, for a maimed animal makes • Beuu'y lights 'he "American Way" The Rev. Edward H. Bonsall of Cor- and lies. Frank G. Keenen whos'e en- an unaltractive public exhibit, as welt as =r: nell avenue will be in charge of the thusiastic leadership of local Girl Scout causing extra trouble for its care-takers. services during July, except on the 19th troops is much appreciated 'in the borAt last. however. he took Te-arr inIS Soatla ClaOOler Road when the,Rev. Reuel Howe of the Phil- o~gh have planned a lively hour with side, explaining that he had recently reCaD Swutlmaore 476 adelphia Divinity School will officiate. the 13 to 15 year olds. ceived a young Black Skimmer in the • BE T • SK • The many friends of Wallace PenneAnd after the fun of this event is same imperfect condition. arid that these =-~C::!H~A~R==R=_:=---!=Y!.::L:!A~R~K~-=~.:C~·H!!!:E:!N:...:Y~U~-=.~.::C~O~R~D~A~Y~-.:. packer who was leader of 'the Young over there'll be a popsicle for every two cripples might keep each other suf! • Peoples·Fellowship for twoyearswiU be child who has participated in them. ficlentIy cheerful to contribute toward interested to know he was recently or-: Games for grownups while the yOUng- one another's survival. dained a deacon by Bishop Francis Taitt: sters ari'! playing have for years in'troA meeting of the Vestry was helli last duced neighbors in a new light. You •. Skimmers again. They are bound to evening at the residence, of William B. can't guess until yO'U see them what bob up where Tel ns are concerned. I Bullock of Cedar lane, junior warden. expert nail drivers, ~ bottle throwers, looked at the one in Mr. Reagan's care-The women of the parish will continue rolling pin battlers there are hiding it was a pitiable bird, and because of its to meet for Red Cross sewing from 10 their lights under several bushels. naturally undershot upper mandible, it A. M. to 4 P. M. on· Tuesdays-in the There will be all kinds of fun but hair- had to place its head sidewise in order to scrape up the. fish mash that was proP;:rish House. puJling and tooth loosening are barred. vided for it. Burgess Pitman promises that side'fe~arr and the Skirnmer lived until splitting laughter will be the order of Melhodi_,,-t Chureh Noles January. Then both sprQuted unir.jured the day. spiritual wings and soared, unhampered, IO:30A. M.-GOLD DRIVING CONThe Church School will meet at 10 TEST on the front campus of the ·col- into some luminous recess o[ my memory. A. M. At the morning worship service at lege will get underway promptly. In Other than that they no longer exist ex11 o'clock the Holy Communion will be addition to classes for men and wom- cept as entries on the index~fi1e of the celebrated. en of the village this year there will Philadelphia Zoo. The First Quarterly Conference of the be classes for college men and women. church year will b~ held on Tuesday, It is .rumored tJ:aat they can more than NEWS NOTES July 7, at 9 o'clock in the evening. Dr. hold their own, even that they pack a Leon T. Moore district superintendent harder wallop than the village folk. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffin of will preside. All organizations of the John Michael, Sam Eckert, and George church are asked to be present with Corse wilt be present to see that all Cliffside Park, N. J. spent the past two weeks at the Cape May, N. J. cottage of written reports of their work. runs smoothly. I :30 P. Me-BASEBALL GAME Mr_ and Mrs. John Marshall of LincoL, FOR BOYS UNDER 16 on the new avenue. Mr. Griffin's sister Miss CharChristian Seienee Cbnreh School Athletic Field north of the rail- lotte Griffin of Rutgers avenue joined road and east of Swarthmore avenue. them for last week as also did Tommy "God" is the subject of the Lesson- The have been anxious to go for Marshall and his Princeton University Sermon in aU Churches of Christ, weeksboys and weather permitting a fun roommate, and Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Scientist, on Sunday, July 5. The Gol- nine inning game will be played. Wood of New York. den Text is : "There is none holy as Mrs. Alban T. Eavenson of Strath 100. the Lord: for there is none beside thee: 4:00 P. M.-WATER SPORTS ON Haven avenue will entertain the Sum_THE CRUM by the canoe house will neither is there any 'rock like our God" once again challenge all other eveI\ts mer Bridge Club at luncheon and cards ( I Samuel 2 :2). for popularity. Because of the keen next Wednesday afternoon at her home competition it has been necessary this with Mrs. William W. Turner of Yale year to form classes according to age avenue acting as co-hostess. Boys' Baseball Opens' for both boys and girls, fathers and Mr. Octavius Narbeth of Lafayette cities have banned pint daily for adults-a The local boys' baseball teams met sons, and fathers and daughters. All avenue has been in Toronto, Canada for fin:!:rackenl. Today. a less quart for cbildren. You need Tuesday night on the new High School contestants will.return to the boat the past few weeks on duty for Lloyd's landing immedia te1y after completing Register of Shipping. Mrs, Narbeth and athletic field east of Swarthmore avenne visible but even more men- more than milk alone, of the race so that the canoe may be used daughter Miss Doris Narbeth will leave for their first workout of the season. c:ourse-but milk is vital in acing danger is that of HIDThe· regular playing nights will be for the next race in as short a time as this week for Mount Vision, N. Y. to There will be plenty of oppossible. visit the Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Narbeth. Tuesday and Thursday. All boys aged a balanced diet.· DIIIN HUNGER_ You feel under 12 to 15 inclusive are eligible. A league is portunity to upset the canoes in the Mr. Narbeth will join his wife and par. irritable. lack endurance If you want your famUy in the proCess of formation. James Tayw tilting contests which leave the crowd daughter at his sonts home later in the of rooters on the bank 'w~ak and month. lor