5 WA I~ T "'~(~I"t._ • .. , CU~LE'C;£ . L I 13 l:f PlI~ y \ • 1 IT. BRITII• MOREA FIIR 111 RED CROIS' VOL xm, IEIEFII APRIL 18· 1941 APR!) '2.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, P A., APRIL 4., 1941 No. 14 MRS. ROOSEVELT Alice Steps Into OLDEST· BORO HERE APRIL 10 RESIDENT DIES Club Wonderland COLLEGE PRESENTS FIRST LADY 'S.HELLZAPOPPIN' WOWS AUDIENCE Brain Child of Mrs•. R. Chester Spencer Directed by Mrs. R. G. E. Ullman Earn8 ApprovUal. ~f ?a~k.ed Mr8. Joseph Fell Seal, Who Came Audiences Warm to Gretchen Wife of President Spea~ at Here in 1878, Died Monday Van De Boe'8 Skillful Presen. College Under Sponsor8hip in Her 90th Year tation of Beloved Lewis of Student Union Carroll Character Swarthmoreans are eagerly anticipat- . Mrs. Joseph Fell Seal passed away OU8e "S-hellzapoppin," the 1941 Frolic of ing seeing and hearing Eleanor Roose- :, early Monday morning, March 31, at her For children and grown-ups alike the velt when she comes to Swarthmore the Swarthmore Woman's el"l>, dehome, 11 Amherst avenue. after several color, gayety and charm of the two perlighted a capacity audience on April CoJlege next Thursday, April 10, under months' illness. formances last Saturday of "Alice in Fool's Day. As a member of the "Home Born Albertine Stanfield on Sep.t~mber Wonderland" will linger in recurrent the auspices of the Swarthmore Stu-. . Guard" reminded the audience in the dent Union. 2'1 1851 in Rising Sun, Philadelphia she memories. The Junior Plays Committee prologue "it's all of it nutty and none After having supper in· the college· ca~e here with her husband and their of the Players Club of Swarthmore is ; of it true." . . two chi'tdren in. 1878 and oCcupied the to be congratulated Ullon a beautifully dining room witp a group of gu'esU in-, The outstanding impersonations in a old Richard Ogden house at Swarthmore staged, sensitively interpreted, well-timed vite~ by the executive committee of the' cast of many "celebrities" were those of Student Union and including Presiavenue and Cedar lane. After that they production. Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman as "Wh~~11 dent' John Nason, members of the Sturesided in several places in Swarthmore Lewis Carroll's immortal story has Willkie" and Mrs. W. F. G. Swann s 'and their other four children were born the ageless appeal of imaginative non- dent Union executive committee, Dean' . \ Popeye whose asides to the audierlce Frances Blanshard and Dean Everett here. Mr. Seal died in 1924. For the sense, and its lines deepen with the joy always brought gates of laughter. L. Hunt, officers and faculty sponsors past ten years Mrs. Seal has lived at the of recognition. Dramatizations of its adThe other famous guests assembled of the Student Union, Mrs. Roosevelt Amherst avenue address. ventures must stand an unusually· rigorby the club president, portrayed by A member of Trinity Church, Swarth- ous test. The Alice Gerstenberg adapta- is scheduled to speak at 8 :15 P. M. in C,.edl& Philadelphia BulleUn Mrs. E. C. Prescott, and greeted by the more she was active in the Woman's As- tion which the Committee selected for Clothier MemoriaL Her topic as yet has not been an- Eieanor Roosevelt whose talk next impressive burgess, Mrs. Roland G. E. sOciation and Guild for many yeaxs. Saturday's. presentation is very close to nounced but an hour's question period Thursday eveninl in Clothier Memorial Ullman, were Mrs. Rosfeel played by Surviving are a son Joseph S. Seal of the original tale and very charming. wilt follow the lecture. All questions is widely antieipated throughout this Mrs. Lovett Frescoln; Maniba's daughCornell avenue, two daughters Mrs. E. Adding immeasurably to the produc- must be written, and there will be an section. ter, Mrs .. T. Harry Brown; The Duke T. Cresson, Jr. with ",hom she imide her tion's beaUty were the scenes designed and Duchess of Nausea, Mrs. Samuel opportunity at the lecture for memhome and Mrs. J. D. Lodge of Mountain by Barbara Dolman Spencer and exeAyres and Mrs. William F. Boyte; and bers of the audience to submit their Lakes, N. J .• ami four granddattghters cuted with care by the hard working LOCAL ART ON sAtE AT the ambiguous Charlie, Mrs. J. Warren Virginia Seal of Amherst avenue. Mrs. Junior Stage Crew, and the costumes questions to Mrs. Roosevelt directly. BRmSH BRIDGE BENEFIT Paxson. . America's First Lady is an active Paul Startzman of Drexel Hill, and by Mrs. L. J. Koch, Mrs. Paul GemThe committee in charge of the card The welcoming committee was comLydia ¥ay and Peggy Lodge of Moun- mill Mrs. O. M. Hook, Mrs. D. Mal- sponsor of the International Student . h' h posed oJ Mrs. A. R. O. Redgra:veana Service and was the principal speaker tain bikes. for J3ritish War. Relief, .w IC Mrs. Elliott Richardson. Those' indiscol~ Hodge, and Mrs. N. O. Krase. at its New Brunswick conference three party. Services were conducted at the home to be held at the Woma,,'s .club at Under the skillful direction of Gret- months ago when Peter kuh, SWarth- is 2 P. M. Wednesday, April 16, has ar- pensable droopy reporters were norie Wcdnes(lay afternoon at 2 o'clock by the chen Van De DOe who in spite of the .' . other than the club president, Mrs. more College sophomore met her and Rev. J. Jarden Guenther rector of Trin- constant threat of the prevailing measles ranged with three local women artIsts Rolarid L. Eaton and Mrs. Willi~m F. Mrs. Edgar Adams, Mrs. Louis E m - · . ... 1 ity Church. Interment was at Eastlawn worked steadily with afternoon rehearsals asked her to s!)eak here. mons and Mrs.. Stanley MacMillan to Hanny. Mrs. J. Paut Brown as. ,.,Itt e cemetery. Swarthmore. . a cast of twenty four children gave a . . , ... have three of. their paintings on ex- Lulu' caused a riot. . . MRS. DAVISSON BEADS' finished performance. . hibition and sale at this time. There The beauteous school girls who also Uttle Helen Reed was delightful in the EVENING SECTION will also be a display of some of the formed the mail\_ part· of the .shor-'~s title role. She was a i happy choice for knitted garments which have been were Mrs. JohnE. MiChae~;-Mrs:Raythe part even though it is said that Mrs. George E. Davisson was elected mond Perkhts, Mrs. Birney K. Morse, months ago when she heard that the play president of the Everting Section of. the made by Swarthmore women for ship- Mrs. James P. Daugherty, Jr., Mrs. H. Lindley Pee" Mrs. C. Russell Philips, was scheduled she remarked to her Swarthmore Woman's Club and ·Mrs. ment over-seas. Winner of Pulitzer Award in ·ri1othe~"Of cour'se y' couldn't play Alice Edith Simoson was re-elected record- Cakes, cookies, and table prizes have. Mrs •. Howard G•. Hopson, and Mrs. . Composition and Former New because I have such a small voice but ing ·secretary at the annual election been donated by a local tea-room and Charies' Israel. by others interested in the success of The handsome . Home Guards who I" perhaps I could be the dormouse York Philharmonic Soloi8t Tuesday. Each will serve ·a. term of ·two Samuel Evans,. Jr. contributed a beauthe affair. caused such a stir in their' unifbt;rfts years. . in Joint Appearance Anyone wishing to arrange for a table were Mrs. William A. DeCaindry, Mrs. tiful performance as Lewis Carroll so Two detegate~,Mrs. Jan1e$ F. Bogarfor a ticket may call on~ of the coinb C S . Paul Nordoff gifted young composer- realistically that a six year old Paid him dus and' Mrs. DaVisson; ;'vere chosen to or I'nitiee' members: Mrs. William Brown, A. V. Bosshardt, Mrs. Ro ert . penpianist and Ruth Bickford soprano both the sincere tribute of asking one pf the represent the group a! the State Conveneer, Mrs. A. V. B. Orr, Mrs. 4ea . of ~11.<:>~ !~jlr:~~ ·we~k "~n the. ~h~~~-. cO~,~!~tet;. If )le .;~Va~~~~>.;reaJ1y,:-~~~ Hotl· tCj'he: hcJd'ln~PhUadelphia in· May Mrs:' LudlC)w Clayden or Mrs. '?layne Warner,Mrs. ~~,(}.Dower,.Mro}.-Peterdeoli>hia Forum program at the Academy Uncle. ~s ~T1ef app~rantes ~~de~ .!1l,u,ch ·and the National Convention the follow- Randall of Riverview road; Mrs. Theo. Told Mrs. 10hn M. Pearson and Mrs. Saulnier of North Princeton avenue, Dwight Cooley. . of Music will give a joint concert on .to the tenderness and beauty ot the pro- ing week in Atlantic City, N. J. Mrs. H. B. Lincoln of the Swarthmore Flowers were given to Mrs. Robert April 6 in the Woman's Club of Media. duction. Miss Helen Smith of the College gave Tickets may be secured in a<\vance The White and the Red Queens Mary . a mosteiljoyable talk on bulbous spring Apartments, or Mrs. Percival Armitage C. Spencer, author, Mrs. Roland G. E . Ullman director, and Mrs. Harry C. through Franldin' Brewer, telephone Ann Hook and Nena Whitaker were flowers. Miss Smith who is connected of Harvard avenue. Barnes' accompanist, in acknowledgeMedia to-W.· . particularly successful and lovely. The with the Sc'ott Arboretum illustrated her The concert which will sta~t at 8: 15 lighting effects on. the crowned heads talk with colored slides,' which gave the ment for long hours of tedious w?rk Feted on Ninetieth Birthday necessary for the sllccessful production P. ,1M. \vill include the following pro- in the garden of flowers as they in- audience a view of some of the lovely flowers to be found on the college camgram numbers Iiv :Mr. Nordoff: Phan- strltcted Alice was most efjective. Mrs.' Phebe M. Lukens, widow of of the Frolic of 1941. . tasien, Opus 116 hy Brahms (CapricThe olherWondedandcharacterswere pus in the s~ason which is 'low begin- David L. Lukens, was ninety years old The refreshments were served becio, D minor; ·Intermezzo, A minor: played with deft skill and ',humor by the ning. .. on Sunday, March 30. In honor of her tween acts by a committee dressed. in Capriccio, G minor; Intermezzo, E ma- young cast which gave consistent proof As an.added attraction Miss Smith had birthday a family party was held in the keeping with the theme o! the after~ jor; Intermezzo, E minor; Intermezzo, of its careful training throughout. Pat a miniature display of some of the early afternoon, from four to six' at her noon an air raid shetter IJ1 the year E major; Capriccio, D minor) ; Varia- Evans as the Duchess contributed an out- flowers to be found in bloom at the pres- home 306 North Chester road. Among forty:two. Mrs. William Allen Raiman tions on a Bavarian Dance Theme by standing interpretation. The Gryphon ent time. A cordial invitation was issued her immediate family. present at the and Mrs. John F. Spencer assisted back Nordoff; .The Camptown Races and Oh I and the Mock Turtle played in nice by Miss Smith to the residents •of party were her three daughters: Mrs. stage with properties and sound effects. Susanna-Foster:Nordoff; Waltzes from contrClst hy June Ullman ai1d Billy Swarthmore to go to the campus and en- lIarry L. Miller of Thayer road, Miss' Electlonll Tuesday "The Masterpiece" Nordo({'s latest work Moore were very popular with the audi- joy the flowers which will he blooming Alice M. L1Jk~l1s. who r.esides with her The election of all o~cers of the an opera in one act commission~d by the ence whiCh enjoyed the "Soup of the from now until l~te fall. tfroHi~fl at,i~ ~~~:;J~tJ~r1~!iE .. ~ric;e of drUb and four dire~tors Will take place Academy of Vocal Arts and received Evening" song tremendously. Charles ii.foylan. Eight gran(Jchildren, 2 great next Tuesday, Apr~l 8. Mr~. J. B~rnard MOVIES AID WALN FUND with' great success when presented at Keenen as .the White~abbit gave a hapgra~dchildrern, .and . sev~ral nieces and Walton, chairman of elections.. ynll anthe Town Hall in Philadelphia two py impersonation of that beloved charitepliews also helped Mrs. Lukens cele- nounce the successful candldates?-s If you wish to help the Nora Wain brate her birthday. soon after the close of the polls _at months ago. acter. Miss Bickford's wide-ranged and exHelen Reed substituting for meaSles- fund for the aid of British children you Mrs. Lukens, who came to Swarth- 5 o'clock as possible. . quisitely clear voice will be heard in the stricken Jennet Adrian as the ecceritric. are ask~d to buy your movie tickets be- more in the fall of 1898 and has lived Mrs. Rae Biester, County Chairman following songs: Bach's "My Heart Ever beheading Queen of Hearts, enriched fore April 12 from Michael's. the Bou- in the same house at 306 North Chester of Citizenship, will be the speaker of Faithful": Mozart's "Ach, ich. fuhl's- the role with her experienced skill:Rich- quet Shop. or niemlJers of the Swarth- road since then, is in good health, very the stated meeting. Mrs. Alexander from "Die Zauberflote": "Shepherd I ard Adrian played the King of Hearts more branch of the Kappa Kappa Gamma active, and a member of Friends Meet- Ewing, Legislation Chairman has charge Thy Demeanor vary" by Brown; Schu- with a mature poise which was most fraternity. The ticl<('ts wilt be good for ing. the prog~r:...a_m_''''''''I>+"''''''_ _ mann's "ner Nussbaum"; Songs by Nor- effective. Paul Williams as the Knave any show at· the Media Theatre Sunday, April 13 to Friday, April 18, inclusive. • • • j Dancing Class Chaperons doff; John Dryden's "Tell Me Thyrsis", of Hearts was an appealing prisoner. Shows are listed on the backs of the "Time, I Dare Thee to Discover", and The travding tea party scene was Spiller Beads H. &. S. I This week's chaperons for the eighth . "Can Life be a Blessing"; "White Noc- amusing as played by George Froebel, tickets. The newly elected officers of the grade dancing class which me~ltls bSa~~rHelen Jackson, a graduate of Rolllhs turne" by CO.nrad ~!ke~; "Sere~ad:." by Gayle Hodge and Dick Hook as the . rl . g at 7 ·30 P M. WI inr. Swarthmore Home and School Assoctaay evcmn . I. D de Mrs Winter Park, Fla., where she College. Kathleen Millay; Willow River by March Hare the Dormouse, and the /nServais: Marjorie Allen Seiffert; "There Shall Mad Hatter, Barbara Krase as the Chesh- received the Tiedtke Art Award in her tion are: Dr. Robert Spiller, president; I ami Mrs. Jan~ef Tax~, Dr. Paul Gemmill, first vice-president;' J. Howard ~mlt 1, a~ rs. f' 'the tenth senior year is chairman of the 'poster Be More Joy" hy Ford Madox Ford; ire Cat, Barbara Ann Crossen as Frog Walter Reynolds, second viceThose ,,:ctmg as c 1apcr~ns a~~ Dr and Mrs. contest committee in connection with the "I Thought Me Lost" by Walter Prude; Footman Peggy Keenen as the Cater. president; H. O. Davidson, treasurer; grade which meet~ at 9.00 movie benefit. Mrs. Jack De Groot is and .. Siegfried Sass~on's "Everyone pillar. B;inton Medford who as Humpty Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan. recording Mrs. George B. SI~~e!. Sang. Dumpty actually did fall apart, gave co-chairman. Judges assisting the. comLi8ted at Purdue Mr. and Mrs. George T. Ashton of their familiar roles romance and vi- mittee are Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell, secretary; and Mrs. Frances Slaugh, Mrs. Richard Brandt, and Mrs. Carl corresponding secretary. Wallingford; Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. tality. Dwight R. Cooley of Columhia avenue, Harrison and Mr. and :Mrs. Alfred H. Joan Faulkner. Mary Alice West, and deMoll. senior in mechanical engineering at PurThe national organization of Kappa Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ellis after Porter of Moylan: and ~Irs. Arthur Janet Crosby as the cards added a lovely due University, has been placed on the has sent Nora WaIn $17,000 for this aid. three months in Florida are returning Hoyt Scott of Rose Valley will be among touch of fantasy to the Wonderland With this sum she was able to buy blank- north by sea and will be in their Walnut "Distinguished Student" list for scholasthe recital's patron" and patronesses. scenes. tic achievements during the past semester. ets. pots and pans, clothing, and. f~ to lane home next Monday, April 7• Needlework Good Hour Johnny Rassweiler and Billy McHenry supplement relief of larger orgaOlzatlOns. as Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee Most of the money was spent in South You are invited to sew for the Needle- brought down the house with their poet- Hampton, arid the remainder in Lond~n. THE WEEK'S CALENDAR work Guild at the home of Mrs. Benja- ical duet. The two little bewigged JUrors Nora Wain has written four articles Polly Told and Katherine Trepp added min W. Collins, 412 North Chester road for the Saturday Evening Post but these a comical touch to the court scene. FRIDAY. APRIL 4 on Thursday, April to at 1 :30 P. M. have never been received in this country. 8:15 P. M. _ "Mr. Plm Passes By................. ···•• .Htgh School Auditorium She has opened her home outside of PALM SUNDAY. APRIL 6 London for a week-end refuge for the 11:00 A. M. _ Morning Worship ......••.••...•.... ··•·····•••·· . Local Churches tired business and government officials MONDAY. APBri. 7 who are in need ·of rest. 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 p.M.-Red Crolla Sewlng ................... ·Woman·a Club The committee iii charge of this disTUESDAY, APRIL 8 "'. .- . WimNBBDAY trict is: Mrs. T. A. Bradshaw and Mrs. 10:00 A.X. to 0:00;2:00 to 5:00 P.M.-ElectiOn Da., .......... Wom&n·~ Club 8:11 P .... -JUnlors' Supper. Stated 1IeetIn8................... Wom&na Club 8:00 P. Y. - "The Meaning of the eroea" ................ · .. MetbodSst Church Palmer L. Skoglll~d, co..chairm~n, Mrs. 'J,'iioBsDAY A. F. Jackson, JM-.blicity, and MISS Jack. .. :wBDNB8DAV, APRIL 9. i. ': . _ -,-. I • 8:00 P. Y. - Sacrament of the Lord'. Supper............... UethocUat Church son and Mrs. deG~ posters. , 10:00 A. II. to..4:00 P. Red era. sewing ........ ~byterlan I"ar18Il ~use 8:00 P.M.-Ho1¥ COmmunion and Kedltatlon ........... PreebJ1erit,D Church ••• . . 10:00 A.1l. to 4:00 P. II. aect CroIa SUrIlCal ~f ~ Jac1i:BbD St8.. ~ 8:00 P. Y. - Holy Communion .......... · .................. • .. •TrInity Church Mrs. Eleanor Scofield Fawcett and. a , . ... . THURSDAY. APRIL 10 GOOD PRlDAY group of five of her piano s~~~t!. ~II ' . . i:30 P. it. - Needlework 9uUd IIO\J!' ..................... ,!12 NOrUlib~BaM 12:00 NOOIl-COmmunit¥ Service ..............; .................TrInlty Church attend the Children's SymfQfi.lettil con'-'-11:15 P. Y:.-ma. IIOO8ev81t SPeiD ..........................010 iodll 8:10 P.Y.-O'antata "The SeftD. ............ Cburch h' L._ _ __ ______ __ _ _Last _ _Words ___ _ _ _ _PreebJterlm _ _ _ _~---cert presente~ tomorrow in Pttita de IpIa. ,I •I ....•. • •• Nordoff-Bickford Recital Sunday h ••• .... I 10£ - ... t • •• ••• • Jlolp 'IIluk 6ttbm + iI..= SWoll~ L I FJ lilT 1 HMI,UE. I~ ~ I~ r. (H. L r c" r y FOR THE RED CROSS THE SWAlttHMOREAN" APRIL 16 SWARTHMOUE, I-A., APIUL 4, 1941 '2.50 PER YEAR VOL. XIII, No. 14 Alice Steps 111to I MRS. ROOSEVELT OLDEST BORO Club Wonderland HERE APRIL 10 RESIDENT DIES COLLEGE PRESENTS FIRST LADY Mrs. J.OSCI)b Fcll Scal, Who Camc Audicnccs Warm to Grctchen l Wifc of '-rcsidcnt SI)cuki~g at Ht·re in 1878, Dicd Monday Van Dc Boc's Skillful Prcscn- i College Under S"0I~sor81111) in Her 90tl1 Year ,Iation of Beloved Lewis! of Student UllIon ! Carroll Charactcr '. . . . ~ , I j j .i j BENEFIT I'S·HELLZAPOPPIN' WOWS AUDIENCE i Brain Child of Mrs. R. Chcslcr Spcncer Direelcd by l\lrs. R. G. E. Ullman Earns Altprtn'ul of Packed House I \1 , BRITISH f I 1 \Irs. .Iosl·Jlh Fdl St'al l'aSSl'l1 away \ ~\\'arthmorcalls an.' cagerly alltlclpat"S-hellzapoppill," thc II)·H Frolic 0f "trh' ~loJ\(lav lIIorning, ~Iardl .31. at hl'r I' I'll I I'k I illg seeillg alld hearing Ekanor Rouscl, .' . • or r 11 (\'l'1I all( gn)WII-UpS a I 'c Ill' , ! t he Swarthmore \ ,,"oman' s Cluh, dch"lIll' II :\lIIhl'rst a\,elluc. aftcr st'\,emII I I I I 'tl t \'l,1t whclI Shl' cOllies to ~warthlllore ilighted a capacity audil'lICC Oil April llIolltils' illllc,s. If'o or. ).:a)'e IY all<" l'tlanlll 01 r ...'" \\\I·~) I't'~'- C(llll'~l' lIext Thursday, April 10. ltlHkr . .' " I (lrmanrcs ast "a lire a,' 01 .. ICl' III, • I S I ~ · Fool's Day. :\s a lIlel1lhl'r (l.f th .. ':lIomc lIorll :\Ihl'rlllle ~tallhl'ltl Oil Septelll ler \\. I I I" '11 I' . . the allSpices of tIC ,wartllllOre ,:>tu,~' •. ) . . t l i H l'r aIH \\,1 IIIgt'" III rn'lIrrelll .. I Cuard" rl'IIlIlHled thc audlellcl' m thc '7 . Jloh. 1 III' . 1~ISIIIg- SUII. I IlIladdpllla she . 1IIt'11I"\'ICS. '1'1 IC III 111.or I'l a\'". C' "III IIII. tt l'l' I I I' I must Ie wntten, an t Icre WI c an . . .. . s hcau'" were t Ie scenes (eslgnl" . I 1 f and Duchess of N ausea. ~I rs. Samucl hOIlll' •'111<1••~'r,;. . •I. \) . I .oll"e ' D()IIllan •S IX'lIcer alii I exe- opportulllty at tIC ecture b or' lllcm, . .01. .~I()tllltalll h\" I' ~ar I >ara . I' A "res and Mrs. William F. Boyle; alld I..'Ihs. . •:1\. j .. 11 to her Swarthmore \\'om:ln's Cluh and ~lrs. ment over-seas. Cakes, cookies, and table prizcs have' ~'lindll')I'1 Peel'l ~£Grs. HC , ~ulssealll(1 I~ 1,'rlSs' Winner of Puhtzer Award In molhcr "Oi course I l"ouldn't play :\Iice Edith ~il1l,)son was re-c1ectl'(l rerord.\ rs . owan . OPSOI, ., .. hy . a Ioca 1 tea-room all( I I CI lar "1 es I srac.I Composition and Former New herause T have sudl a small \'ukc hut ing selTetal'Y at thc anllual election been donatcd . '1'1 IC . Ilall()nahl Swan, rel'ording i ~I rs. (~l'orgl' B. Sickel. Sallg." . i Ill1ll1pty artually did fall apart. ga\'e co-dlairmall. judAc~ ~Issisting the COIIIListed at Purdue ~I ... and ~I rs, Gt'orgl' T. :\shton Ilt: thcir familiar roles romance and vi- llIittt'l' are ~I rs. Charlcs I). \1 itdll'lI. sccrt'lary: and ~I rs. Frann', Slaugh,: cOITt'spolHling selTl'tary. ~I rs. Richard Brandt. :11111 \1 rs. Carl \Vallingilll'll: \Ir. and ~Ir~. Earl (;.: talit\.. • •• I )wil!ht R. Coolcy oi C,)IUlI1hia aWllue, Iiarrisull allc! ;"Ir. all,1 ~Irs. :\!ircd H.' 1(;all Faulknt'r, ~Iary Alicc \Vest. ami dl')'loll. 1>1'. and ~I rs, \VilIialll T. Ellis aftl'l" ,",ellior' in llIerhani.-al l'lI g ineerin g at PnlrThc natiollal organization 01 I-':appa POI'h'r of ~ll)ylall: allll ~I rs. :\rthur ja~lt't Croshy as thl' canis addcd a ).l\·dy l 011 I Ie . 1"1 . Ia are rcturnlllg' . I (I ' ,.c:'r S.·It\· II'I~ I)"cn Illarn m'e III •• ' .' ,;,. • Hoyt Srott of Ro~l' \'allt'y will hc allltlng touch oi iantasy to thl' \Yonder/and has sellt Nora \Valn $17.0()t) illr this ai,1. thrl't' months 111 •'11on( I III . t IIl'lr ' \\". a Inut,I "I)'IS·t·II Iglll' :s'11l'll Stlulellt hst \Vith this SIIIII sh·· was ahlc to huy hlank- north h\' ~('a alii I WIll' ' • ' lor sdlolasthe !'t'cita!'" patron" amI patnlllt'sses. scelles. · nl'xt .\'I 0111 Iay. :\'1 l'ts. pots allll pans, clothing, a 1111 fued to Ianc IIOlIIl' ..... .I I p n7. .' \It" ae'I'II~'\·('llll'llt·" (Itlrlll ,., the Ilast selllestcr. Needlework Guild Hour johnny J ••• H .,olp Betk APRIL 4, 1961 I ~.t'~ ':,;-~ ~:~,:7:, ' ~,: -'~~·:~c . :..;:,-:-,;._" :'~:~J~,_!-:-E~.~R~-"-~S-:.·:-(_~.,"~·N. . ;. ·_A"':'-·'-'I=_;,S~.·~'",''",'. :.": .'~;':. ''_':J.·u·~._.~"~'4~fM~r~.':K~eU:Y~·I~ t!at.·lten~ .f'f, ~QI,~.'~:'~~~~~:i;~ f.i~A~f~t.~r~tb~e Iif.:~:{~·r=,b;~-= la!td;'M~s. "H;- a~~n~e !drs. -r o. Heavier driving weather is hard on tires. Better trade those old tires for new ones. Today's tires are better than ever. l~r,.De>t!.yeat'.presidentof.the' ,.~pd REAL FLOWER Sel'Va~s;::·.Shirley Na~6n, :Rlitli. Rowan, N~itcy.':~oot: Beverley Doe, CarQI. Brown. MarJqrie' MacMiIJan, Eugene Lap~ Bob Lon II . r~. .' gwe, McCowan Jack .Watd,· Maishall Frank Schmidt, Henry .,':'1 B ~Irkr and ~ Mrs. John W. Gocher 01 roo me, Del,aware County, Pa., an''': nounce the engagement of their daughter Mary.of The Swarlhmore 10 Mr. Ol,'ver A. T alt of Phihidelphia. Queen Anne'. lace, riolet8, larkspur and a hoat of other lovely fiow..s against black or paste I b ackgroundo- ~~ulm~r ... and Bob Windell ente~~i~ne~d~I;~Mf~:i:,~,~~;~cG.~OC:,her is employed in ~. gro~p."p,f.,*,ssmates at a dance . . S,!llege r,ibrary. Mr. Tait Woman's -elub last Saturday evening reSIdent of Swarthmore and T~e cJU? house was gayly' decorated member of the Swarthmore With sprmg' flowers ,and" bright-colored ,M~eting of the Religious Society paper decorations. Fnends. The \vedding will take place in Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Russell and early summer. daught~ Joan will sail from New York o!! Tu.e~day for Charleston. N. C. They Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Brogan of Guernwill. VISit, ~h~ gardens of the Charleston sey and Thayer roads announce the ensbechon _f?T a' week and then, return by gagement of their daughter Carolyn oat ag~ln. ' to Mr. James Arthur Kelly Son of Mr ,The \V. Henry Untons of Benjamin and .Mrs. James Kelly of Delmar, Del: \~ est ~venue will entertain the Double MISS Brogan is a graduate of Ohio S1X bndge club tomorrow evening. Wesleyan University where she was a ?1cmber of Kappa Alpha Theta soror. Mrs. A. B. Chapin of Harvard avenue Ity. entertained with a luncheon' and misce1. la~eous shower on March 27 in honor of MISS Betty Lou Mitchell of University place whose engagement to Ensign CI de ~arless Parmelee, U. S. N. has been ~. nounced. Guests were members of M Chapin's bridge club. 1"8. .Mr..and Mrs. \Vayne H. Rarxlall of RIverView road will entertain their bridge cI~b tomorrow evening for dinner and bridge. Those to be present will be M and Mrs. Joseph Bates Mr a d M r. Th h'l S · ,. n rs. cop Ie aulmer, Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Chaffee. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace M A£cCurdy, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard T' Randall. • Ther're _qulol,e1,. ' ,dllls"",11 '." I: MANOR 0 ~ • BEAUTY SALON til :0 c::: en Pompadoured for the ElUter Parade? IS s.u.do c:&_ . . . . • • ROVA·E • c.u Ihrru'IJam.e "76 CHEN YU "THIS THING .' . STARTS FRIDAY JAMES STEWART DEDY LAMARR " " CALLEDL(i~E'" .' . h, "TIlE TRIAL OF M,~RY DUGAN" BENEFITS OF WATER STORAGE STARTS SATURDAY Some natural waters, after being subjected to prolonged storage, are piped directly to the consumer without further treahnent. CHARLES BOYER SATURDAY MARGARET SULLAVAN The Greatest Picture Ever Madel _ Full ~ehgth - Unchanged In ".GONE WIm .·THE .WIND" "BACK STREET" NOTHING Bur THE PRICE CUT , At 1:31'- P. M. and 8 P. M. Each Da7 (Doors Open at 1 and 1:15) Matinees: Adults 40c - ChUdreD. 2Sc Evening 55c to All (AU Prices Include Defense Tax) "THE WNEWOLF. KEEPS A DATW'" STARTS THURSDAY . with Warren William Our ~ Saturday Kiddie Show Will' Start at 11,30 A. M. Feature PI.hue "RWER'S END" . Wodd Niws :>l. IT.! en FW.... W,.."ER TIME Sted" _eo • MAROT • . "1IOSS SATURDAY'.: or 1IUJ.i'i'0N ~. BBOWIf All ChUa.- 1" ,. .~ : ... ." I II :00 A.ll.-Morning Wors1lip. "The Three Coronations." 7:00 P.M.-Epworth League,,' THE BELIGIOUS SOCIETY SPRINGFIELD WATER 9 :46 9:45 receives all of the benefits of storage. In addition .it is filtered and chlorinated, thus producing the finest water possible. PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER. CO. ,- , :.;.- Sermon theme ---:=-==== OF W'RIBND8 ·11:00 0:30 SUNDAY A. M. -Pint DQ' School. A.M.-Morning Forum. Dalla8 baker, sPeaker. Subject: coIUltructinl' our World." A.M.-J(eet.lDc for Wonhlp In )(ee\11lI' HoUle. WEDNESDAY A. II. to 8:30 P. M.-BewiDC' and qunu~ In WhUtler BO\188. Box lunebeou. AU are cordially invited. Rev. TRI J. jard.:n s:OO=~~~~i~~~~~ 9:45 11:00 -iCiiiimiii ~ ~. , :- , Swarthmore Bridge Club Results e The Swarthmore Bridge Cluh an~ nounces its monthly winners for March as E. Linnard. first; and A. F. Robinson. second. This wcek's winners at the regular Wednesday evening play in the Legion Room, Borough Halt are: Mrs. Samuel \Visdom. Jr. and S. F. Butler ty:' ing B. Morrison and S. Wisdom, Jr. for first place; and H. Tomlinson and L. l.uckie tying ~(r. and ~Irs. M. Griest for the next pl:;:a::.cc:;:._.........._ _ I I • AddTeSS. , , • ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ STARTS TUESDAY ROBERT YOUNG LARAINE DAY MEDIA ",!d FIne _ EASTER • Edgmont Ave. at Welsh St.• CHESTER In Also "GREECE FIGHTS BACK" Z ~ SUBURBAN ---........-_. Mary Anderson '.'2 c~'z-z Serials -------------- • IMPORT~! Mel.".,. Ro...und DOUGLAS • RUSSElL /an •• wIth TBURSDAY -FRmAY -SATlIBDAY r, COOLEY LII.I.EY Salutes OLD BANK. BUDDING Martha Scott-William Gargan LAST 2 DAYSI ,~. I~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ GIF.TS eers for Mias Biahop" FRIDAY - a. m. • alice barber NOW PLAYING "Ch Rosemain Creighto~,I, arriyed_ home from Mr. = CHANEL. "Come Live With Me" Wheaton College, ~orton, Mass.-Iast Fri- day to silelld her -spring vacatio h' I end 1\ '1 8 '~f.'" II W IC 1 S • PrJ ~IHl ::her 'parents and !~rs. H. Jeqna1lt Crcightoll of EI m. ave.... · , , ' " T ues(,ay I n~le. ~nd \Vedllcsday of" this \;.e~~ she spent ,In ,At!antic :City, ,N. J. l!JSItJng her ~ormer roommate qt Westtow. n SchOOl, ,Anne Jones, -who I' now' -, 'a', ,_ '=I . s ~.tuuent at Swarthmore -College. c:I • . beautifully framed ••• andl~::::::~:;;:::::::::~ Mrs. Frederick J. Bogardus daughter Betty Joyce have left for Cut-II ler, Ind. ~\'herc they, will, stay with Mrs, B?gardus uncle whjle Mr. Bogardus is With the army. . f3 PRINCE MATCHABELLI • MatI"". • • SERVICE J3ouquel . . DUNHILL • vacation. Ann Argyle daugbter of Mr. anel Reallnlereet of Members Shown Mrs. William R. Argyle of Nortb Cbes. DurIn8 Dbeuulon; "S-hellza· ter road left Tuesday for WeUe.ley roB" PETER E. TOLD, Editor . MAuORlE TOLD, Auoriiau Edilor . poppin" Well Received Ro8.UJB l'IIuoL College to bring her sister bom" for CERTIFIED ·t;.\UNDRY her spring vacation. SERVICE . Enhnd u Secoad a.. Juaary 24, 1929, at the POOl An exceptionally large number of 01&08 at Swuthmoro, Pa. under the At:! of March 1879. CALL MEDIA <114 ., Miss Grace Green of Walnut Hill members attended the annual business 'Or SaopOuP' ·Driver FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 194.1 meeting 01 the Players Club on Wed- School, Natick, Mass., arrived :Thurs.. ,', .' day, March Zl, for a two, weeks' visii I~::!:~:. evening, participated in the dis-' MEDIA'LAuNDR't and enjoyed the entertainment with her ,i,ter Mrs. H. J. Lumsden of Trinity Pariah Notes Presbyterian Church Notee Kenyon avenue. , ..." which followed. Serv/n.Soom1hmoni S ........ 1. The meeting opened with the reading .' "1900' . . On Sunday, April 6, at 10 :45 A. M. On Palm Sunday an augmented choir of the minutes of last year's meeting. there will be the Palm Sunday Worsbip will sing the Eyre Mass in E Rat. The Reports of the various committees were The Man Who Come. To Dinner . . ' or drop. in for lunch' .. with special music by the choir and lnt!;'oi.t wilJ be "The Palms" b¥ Faure presented through -three general chair~' .... , the SnuJ L1"le guest instrumentalists. The sermon will and the Offertory Anthem will be "The men: James H. Hornaday, in charge of , :r' _ be "The Test of Triumph." King~s Welcome" by Whi~ehead. The business and finance; D. Malcolm Hodge, On Thursday, April 10,' at 8· P. M. organ'. numbers by: Fredetick A: Knapp: in charge of produCtions; and J. 'Vilthe Holy Thursday Communion with organtst and chOIrmaster, will include Ham Simmons, in charge of stage manthe meditation "Death and a Star" will "Prelude and Fugue in F major" by agement and building maintenance. be h e l d . ' Bach and "The Processional March" by anti Cockt/Jill.AJun~. Highlights of these reports were anMillin (~ncounre. On Friday, April 11, at.8 Po, M. the Calkin. nounccmen.ts ~,h~t the club is holding its P.R,R. Suhurban Station Good Friday Cantata "The Seven Last On Sunday afternoon, at 2 :30 o'clock own finl;lnCiaUy, that more members than la lure of an enjoyable me!'ll. ~llhou, Words", by Dubois will be sung by the there will be a meeting in the Church ever before",have taken active part this burry-Itmld pleallanl !lul"nll,ntllnlll' _tlDd at re&nln;lbl. prict!8;, choir and soloists under the direction for aU who are interested in joining yearT;ln' fact'" all or those who appeared Luncheons-from IOe of Benjamin L. Kneedler. the confirmation classes; at (att.'tryouts' 'were invited to take parts Dinners -from .~Sc On Sunday, April 13, at 9 A. M. there . There will be no serv~ces and meet- -and fewer non-members than ever Codttull Houn_J:OO 10 ~:OQ P.M. will be the Youtb Worship for Easter mgs on Monday and Wednesday 01 thus were' asked to fill in. Personal SupervlllllJn of .hll't)' R. Tully with special music by the junior choirs week. On Maundy Thursday eveAn amusing and informative account and guest instrumentalists. The Com- ning there _win be a celebration of the of the work of the Junior Plays Commit- I municant's Class witt be received into Holy Communion at 8 o'clock. tee was presented by the chairman, Mrs. Churcb membership_ The sermon will On . Good Friday there will be tbe C. W. McDowell. . be "God's Cathedrals." usual Community Service beginning at The nominating, committee, composed Sunday, April 13, at 10 :45 A. M. tbe noo". The Rev. David Braun and the 01 Sewell Hodge, Mrs. ~. O. Lange, and Easter Worship with Easter music by ~~v. Roy Norton Keiser, D.D., wilt as- Burris West, chainnan, presented the IS the adult choir and guest instrumental- Slst the rector, the Rev. J. Jarden LAWN RAKES following slate of nominees: ists will be given4 The sermon will be Guenther. For president, John Dolman, Jr.; viceBamboo and "One Small Candle." The annual congregational meeting president. James H. Hornaday; treasuThe installation of modern sound wilt be held on Monday ,evening in rer. Robert C. Disque; assistant treasuc:&oo.., B)'IIIhoUc UU.... beautiful Pruning Shears amplification equipment in the 1~;~:~;;:;~week at 8 o'clock. The terms of rer. James E.'- Davis; secretary, Mrs. ....,.m. "plan,", or a ...1orful and the kindergarten I' L. Cleaves, Samuel D. Clyde Louis J. Koch; assistant 'secretary, ......1 of'i_heat 8ow..... ~. for Eattereuoemblee. . the church will make it for Guenther H. Froebel and J. Burri~ George' \Varren: governors (for two FERTIUZER who 'attend on Palm Sunday and Easter West as vestrymen expire. They are I.ooH.I Prieea years) Andrew F. Jackson. Roland G. Sunday _to hear the entire services and eligible for re-election. E. Ullman, and D. Ma1eolm Hodge; Grass ~d join in the worship. There will be no meetings of the governor (for one year) Philip WhitThe Men's Bible Class will meet Young Peoples' Fellowship on Palm ney. . 'briefly Palm Sunday morning. Roland Sunday nor Easter Day. In addition to these, three persons were Eaton will lead the dass. The final Friday evening service will nominated from the floor: J. Burriss FLOWER SHOP Tbe ~igh School Fellowship will not be held toni!!ht. West and Clarence G. Myers each for 315 Dickinson Avenne meet on Palm Sunday or ~as.ter Sun- The Guild~Auxi1iary has given 'new 2 year terms as governors. Samuel day evenings. for the Chureh School choir. Telephone Orden Now to Sw.554 SUPLEE'S. HARDWARE Evans was nominated for secretary, but "The Church Hour Nursery win be were made by members of the Member P1o~"T ' sr;aph'Del1ftl1 Sw_ lOS 11 S. Chester Rd. ~eld on Palm Sunday and Easter Sundirected by a commit.. he withdrew immediately. ·Ballots wilt be mailed to members day morninJ, as usual. Children from tee consisting of Mrs. William: H. West, shonly. and the voting will take place the ages of 2 to 7 may be entered. The Mrs. Thomas A. Hays, ·Mrs'. Walter dUi,'ing the run of the April production. Nursery will be held in the basemen I C. Giles and Mrs. W. E. Hetzel, Jr. Another important act of the meeting PLAUDITS TO THE EASTER BUNNY rooms of the Parish House. ' I the adoption of an amendment to was WBOBBINGS The Committee on Missions and BeMethodist Chnrch Notee the article on "Guests" in the club's A WALmAM AND ELGIN WATCHI nevolence witt meet Sunday The Official Board will hold its first By-Laws. providing that "no person April 6. at 4 o'dock in the meeting of the new Conference year on shall be honored with a complimentary Time Pieces Priced as Low as $19.75 study. Friday evening at 8 o'clock. guest card oftener than once in a season." The executive board of the Woman's The preparatory membership claSs This excited considerable discussion ,but Wll..TSHIJtE BROTHERS Association wilt meet Friday morning, meets on Sunday morning at 9 :30. passed by mor.e'{th.an the necessary-;,two100 Eo STATE ST_~lIIEDlA April 4. at -10 o'clock 'in the Parish Church' School convenes 'at' 9:45"'with thirds vote. ' ". 'Phone Me4ia . . EASY PAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED II' DERIBBD House. classes for children and adults of all At the adjournment of the business The Woman's Association, will meet ages. -At Morning Worship at 11 the refreshments were served by the We4nesdaYJ April' 9. in the Parish pa·stor, Dr. Roy N. Keiser will preach meeting Hospitality Committee, after which· the House of the Church with sewing at on the subject "Tlie Three Coronations." members were entertained by a repeat 10 A. hL; worship service in charge of The Epworth League meets at 7 F. M. performance of the Woman's Club's Mrs. J. A. Perry at 12, Noon; business Sunday. Frolic-"S-heUzapoppin." The audience meeting at 12:30 P. M. t and luncheon Special services will be held in the responded with· much laughter and' apat 1:00 P. M. A panel Question Period church on Wednesday and Thursday eve- plause to the clever satire, a nonsensical Fresh new stock in a spring garden settingon Social Education and Action in the nings at 8 o'clock. On Wednesday eve- musical commentary on politics (foreign Easter gifts to please the most fastidious I local church will be conducted by Dr. ning Dr. Keiser will preach on "The and domestic) and :society '(national and Cameron P. Hall, Dr. Monroe G. Ever- Meaning of the Cross." On Thursday local)· which' the' al1-- fenlinille cast enactSatisfy yonr color urge in bright, mad ett of Philadelphia, Mrs. Leonard C. evening the ,Sacrament of the LQrd's ed with great gusto. That the mixed- aujewelry from a collection starting at $1.00 Ashton, and the Rev. David Braun, Supper will be observed. dience appreciated the humor and enpastor. •II joyed itself so thoroughly was a tribute Charbert and Mary Dunhill bring new fragranees to the fore-White Th~ annual meetings of the Church Has Role in Rocheeter Play Hyacinth or Lilac (perfume or loUet w.-ler) will add _abe perfeet touch. to, all who were concerned in the proand Corporation will be held Wednesto Easter doth.... TRY TDEi\I- THEY'RE SPRING .1TSEU'1 day evening, April 16, at 8 o'clock. A Susan W"lters. daughter of Mr. and duction. congregational dinner will be served Mrs. C. F. WolteiS.-:lr:... of Cedar Jane Rel,l1e.in.,!er ,ro~r "~'~'i"e. 'and_Friend. Wi,h Eoa,er Card. at 6 :30. Tickets may be secured for has been chosen for a -'r-ple in "You NEWS NOTES the dinner, at the church. Can't Take It With You/' the spring production of the dramatic society at Charming sentiment' we aU love to receive Miss Ruth Kurtzhalz left the Univer• • the University of Rqchester. eSpecially in -'hi~ _8ealO~ ~f ~jc:.-l~g~. sity Hospital, -Pbiladelphia on Tuesday Christian Science Church Miss Wolters, who'-will play the part to spend a week visiting her parents of the ballet-inclined Essie, will be in Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kurtzhalz of a particularlY"fitl)geiiiaf rote, since she Park avenue before 'leaving on April 7 "Unreality!' is the subject of the Lesis. an outstanding member of the Uni- for' a year's volunteer--nursing service son-Sermon jn all Churches of Christ, versity Dan~··Cltib. She plays an im~ Scientist, on Sunday. April 6. The Goldportant p-a:rt 'in the Dance Club recital with the United ·States Army at Fort I en Text is: "Charge them that are rich Belvoir below Alexandria, Va. Ii tonight. in this \\'orld, thnt they he not high- which wilt be presented • I I Mrs. T. A. Bradshaw of the Stone minded. nor trust in uncertain riches. but Measles Hold Their Own House at Yale and Harvard avenue enin the living God, who giveth us richly tertained committee 'members of the all things to enjoy" (I. Timothy 6 :17). The list of new measeles cases quar- approaching Kappa Kappa G;1mma antined since last week ~s as follows: movie benefit" -for British Relief at tea Johnnie Fischer, :Milton Hobbs. Carol at her home on Wednesday afternoon. CHURCH SERVICES SWARTHMORg PRESIlYTERIAN CHURCH Van Alen, George Willburn, Elizabeth Miss Florence Hoadley of Walnut Rev. David Braun. Minister Rumble, Joan Prange~ Charlotte Meade, 9:45 A.l1.-Church School and ~len',; Dible Charles Russell Daniel Clay Robert lane left Saturday, March 2f) by train Class . , 10:00 .-\.ll.-Wom~n's Dible Class. Ashton, Richard Setlow, Kenneth An- for Cambridge to visit her brother, 11:00 .-\.~f.-.~Iornin&' Worshp. Se;!JlOn theme: .derson, Joanna Denison. Eva ,Worst, Henry. She planed home Sunday afterME~~~~~~;r ~~I~;~~ Robert Gemmill. John Piper. William noon, March 30. Ann Myers daughter of Mr. and :Mrs. Ro)' N. Keiser. D.D.• Minister Kerr. Terry Kerr, Roger Russell. 9:45 A.M.-ChufCh School. I • • Clarence G. ~,~,trs of Dickinson aveTHE SWARTHMOBEAl'I, INc., PUBLISHER PHONE SWARTHMORE 900 • DARTMOUTH & LAFAYETI'E AVES•• Phooe 440 ~ke . Y AT SWARTHMOaE, PA. It's Clean-up Time••• ~~ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~ ~nd PUBLISHED' EVERY -- ---- ------- ------ re$tone TUBES rj,e$tOft' UI THE SWAR,' HMOREAM rir,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' Save You Money- Serve you longer Buy Now- Drive in Today We Want Your Old Tires RUSSELL'S Due is recovering itkely,·&t" 1:;;~~~=I~ .daugbter of Yr. and Club' Annw ware County Hospital after Mr.. Howard KIrk of· SoIItb _Cheater appendeetomy Tburoday road returned bome. fro'l' BI'1!I, M,:wr Drew Crowd an last w e e k . , College last Thursday for her, spnng CAFE SPRING HAS ARRIVED TIRESVf •• APBfI,O" 4;'-IMl' . -" C1tt~ --- -- dAt ••< '~~:a!,· ·of Mr. Edward Rawson of were the overseers, . while Mr. and Mn; CampbeU wilt Price, of Rose Vally, 'read. the reside in SW#tbmore. .. I I • certificate. After the ceremony a reception was Creuman-PerldlU held in Whittier House, adjoining the . . A charming wedding took place at the Meeting House. The young people will be at home Swarthmore Friends Meeting House on Saturday March 29 at 12 noon when Miss after April 6 to 16, President avenue, Virginia France Perkins, daughter of Rutledge, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Perkins 01 .............. Sw.a!1hmore, became the wife of Mr. Birth ~hlhp George Cressman, son of Mr. and Mr•. Howard B. Cressman of SwarthA son, Joseph, was born to Mr. and more. Mrs. Irving Steinberg of Stanehurst in The bride wore an afternoon dress of the Lying-In Hospital, Philadelpbia on blue sheer crepe, with a blue turban to Tuesday, April 2. The baby is a grandmatch, and a corsage of yellow and blue son 01 Mrs. Joseph Peckennan 01 Dartflowers. mouth avenue. " ..far: ane' "'d 'joseph. H. Perkl.J of MrS.-Robert K. Enders'of EI"; .• . '.' -" " as the-,r . 5t d •. • ed Mr. 'and Mrs. Charles Sizer '01' Cin, na gue s unng entertam at a tea Wednesday afternoon the past week-end, Mrs. J. Will Per- in honor of· her mother Dr. S. Gertrude cinnati, Ohio have announeed the en· kins of~lkton,..Mrj., Mrs. W. L. Sim- Crandell, M. D. of Wooster, O. gagement of their daughter Miss Mildred a,ons and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Helping to serve at the tea were the Sizer and John Haney 'McWilliams son J?hn A. Hartenstine of Principio Fur- Theis sisters, English relugee. here for 01 Mrs. John Hershberger McWilliams 1IICO Mr and M s M W H . h d 01 South Chester road and the late Mr. ,. r • . • artenstlDe t e utation 01 the war. Jacqueline and of Havre de Grace, Md., Mr. Marion Marguerite arrived from Wooster with McWilliams. Lee Patterson of Aiken, Mrs. R. K. Dr. Crandell and Francois visited from Miss Sizer who is a graduate of the Levering of Newcastle, Del., Mr. and PhiJ~deJphia where she is Jiving. Jeanne Cincinnati Conservatory of Music was J. L. Makinson and Mr. P. R. Mak- :rhe.. has been living with the Enders well-known in Delaware County when mson of Wib"ington, Del_ Evelyn Wal- In Swarthm ore. A filth sIster . Cecile is she was director of music at the Elwyn Iace of New York City, Mr. R. H. Heb- I I" . S h ' , School. She is now connected with the bl a 50 Iv10g 10 wart more but was unable , e of Newport News, Va., and Mr. to attend the party since she is quaran- Department of Music of the School SysMrs. David L. Sloan, and Mr. William tined with measles. tern of Covington, Ky. Another out-of-town visitor among Mr. McWilliams was graduated from Duncan of Narberth, Pa. Mrs. Howard S. Turner of Cornell the forty guests was Mrs. Paul McClan- Swarthmore High School with the class avenue witb ber tbree-year-old da'lIlIllter! ahan and her inlant daughter from New of '32 and four years later from Temple S,usan left Saturday for Melrose, ass. York City. University. He is now engaged in the '11 .• h real estate office of the Sun Oil Company wh h f ere S GVISIwt er parents ProMiss Ruth Abbott of Park avenue will in Philadelphia. No date has been selected rs. . . Swett. On April Ic:>ve t~ay to d~ve to Miami Beach, Fla. for the wedding. essor an. S she will be matron of honor in the With fflends. MISS Abbott will return to wedding party of her sister Hilda to Mr. her duties in the local school system at Ir--------r-------. Wallace Creelman also of Melrose. Mr. the dose of spring vacation. Turner win journey to MelroSe today to Weddings be an usher at the marriage tomorrow. Mrs. Colin C. Brown and son Bruce Miss Nettie,Alexander retunled Thurs-I Tue,;dayat .their Cornell avenu~ hom~ day night of last week to her home on I mght after having spent a three-week vacation in Florida. Mr. N ort h Ch ester road after a three weeks B h h stay in St. Petersburg, Fla. rown woad accompanied them IL________L _ _ _ _ _ _.J returned home last week. I . Constance Heg daughter of Mr. and Campbell-James Mrs. Ernest C. Heg of North Chester Mrs. T. W. Crossen and daughter r?~d is o~e of sixteen students who par- Barbara Ann of Harvard avenue The wedding of Miss)anet Margaret ticlpated In a demonstration of first aid lea~e tomorrow to motor to OI,el,IirI,IJames daughter of Mr~'and Mrs. Wal~ activities presented Saturday evening, Ohl,o where they will visit Cros- ter S. James of Yale avenue and Mr. March 29. by the department of physi' sens mother Mrs'JlVilliam A. H"usne,rlWiUiam Curtiss Campbell son of Mrs. eNa.1 yed.ucation of Elmira College, Elmira, and take ber with them to Berea and Leslie G. Campbell of Haverlord aveMa:nmouth. Cave in Kentucky. The nue was solemnized last Saturday Cros~ens wIll return in time for the re- morning at the Swarthmore PresbyMrs. Frank G. Keenen and Peggy and op~llIng of schoQl after the Easter va- terian Church with Rev. David Braun Ch~rles will .Ieave this week-end to spend cation. pastor presiding. spnng vacat~on with Mrs. Keenen's par. f h ent~ Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Largent in Mrs. Jame~ Hornaday of Di("kitison If,USIC or t e ceremony was pro~prmgfield, O. and Dr. Keenan's par- avenue,. and her children B~tsy, JUrimy vided by Benjamin C. Kneedler at the enls Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Keenan of an~ Ahee I~ave SUl)day to spend' the console of the organ. ~ewark; c '~ , sprmg vacatIon week with Mrs. liorna~ Miss James was attired in a navy day's .mother, Mrs. George Tucker i~ blue and red wool street dress and wore :, lfrs. George M. Allen entertained Washmgton, D. C. ' orchids. Her only attendant 'rhere.. · Yilling, Mr. G. Baker ThomI>Mitchell of Wallingford ~n 0(. th~. sc;hool laculty; Mrs. F. W., ,v,M e:ntr,se' Jack B. Thompson of H"rv,uil wore a navy blue and white silk frock ~ i,\,hunng, retiring president of the Home I' ~1I accompany Mrs. and white orchids. School Association; Dr. R: E. to Washington to visit her mece, Mrs. " " ' A ' ; ; - - - - - - - - - - - . , Charle. Toby. r lj.o".; t1)e grade, chairmen and the - - " ' - '--..: gj§ p!o~m ~h~"mcn at her 110me on RiverEngagemen.· PICTURES ... VIew road last Monday. ." . '" .;. . . ~. :I;' Crnm Creek Winners Crum Creek Bridge Club winners Monday night at the Strath Haven tnn for the evening; North and SouthRichard Cornell and Palmer SI,08:lul,d, first; Mrs. Sewell Hodge and Mrs. ip Kniskern, second; H. J. Glenn M. third; East A nice array Easter Candies Gifts and Greetings You'D enjoy Spring driving more if you know your ear is ready for it! And you'll know your ear is ready if you ,have the neceesnry work done by Rnmsey's. Our work is guaranteed .... and economically priced.: ~~ , RUMSEY C"'~rllJlee. ,!~r,;j. ,'.~j"",: , APRIL " THE SWARTHMOREAK 1941 A. P. •• •• EASTER ~malley APRIL 4, 1941 •• •• 1.941 Strath Haven Inn Bouquet Beauty Salon Hannum & Waite Edward Noyes Harris & Co. Ingleneuk Tea Room E. M. Buchner Joseph Celia Dew Drop Inn Alice Barber Co-Op Store Michael's College Pharmacy Joseph Ciliberto Peter E. Told Swarthmore National Bank & Trust Company N. Walter Suplee Mason-Builders Supply Co. B. J. Hoy Clifford M. Rumsey Victor D. Shirer Music Box A. Wayne Mosteller Alice M. Baird A. Gottlieb Hollyhock Shop Martel Brothers H. B. Green Charles Russell Members of the Swarthmore Business Association Extend An Easter and reeting to You INVITE All Swarthmore Children, 12 years of age and under, to participate in The Annual Children's Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, April 12, at 10 A.M. •.:.... =:.. , ~ i I I This Association also Sponsors the following • • • actIvIties: The July Fourth Games and Entertainment Propam at Inn our occasional gratiAmong its auxiliary interests are th, / Jeanes Hospital, locaied at Fox' Chase; LE'n'ER8TO'TBE EDITOR Elizabeth W. Cornell, gifted and devoted especial1y to the treatment o~ .,. Tn op1Dia. UPi ' below :lit iJlaM; Clothier Hull. chamling dramatic artist, will give a pr0.cancer and the Friends Fellowship Coun- 01 the lDdJ:ridual wrlt.en. AlII.". . to 'l'IIe SwarthmorHD mUll be JIa'DId. f~ gram of monologues and play cuttings at C·,I wh,' ch enrolls a membership of .peo. m~ be ued If the ldeDllt.T 0 pte who are in sympathy with Friends fa known 1.0 the YiGr. L.lt .... will be Two From 'l1lb Seetl.on Attended the Strath Haven lmi, Sunday, April onl7 at the dbCftt,lou of the Mr. and Mrs. David Wadleigh have but Want to retain their membership in pUblJahed Se88iona lUI DeleplN Editor• 6, 1941 at 8:15,' Guests amI' friends of their own denomi~tions. ..J taken an apartment in the Farley Apartments on Park avenue. Mrs. Wadleigh's the Inn are cordially invited. The Meeting approved a rccomtnenda· Among the persons present at the Philmaiden home was in Clannont, Ca1.I ________________ In Memory adelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends in tion that the two Yearly Meetings of After her marriage in December at Session at Fifteenth and Race streets Philadeillhia adjourn to meet in joint In the passing of Elizabeth Clifford, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. she and her husband from this vidnity were Mrs. William A. session next September if Arch Street Swarthmore has lost one of jts rare and lived two months in pjttsburgh. Clarke al'\d ]. Bernard Walton, who Yearly Meeting concurs in this action. Mrs. Charles G. Spieker of Emmaus This marks a new milestone of progress valuable personalities. Her dkp interest were appoint('d representatives. in the direction of the healing of wounds in every phase of life brought her in COIl- is in the midst of a several week's visit The Yearlv Meeting went into high gear on Wednesday, March 26; when resulting from the separation into two tact with groups, old and young, and she to her brother·in-Iaw and sister Mr. was tireless in· her service to th.em. and Mrs. William C. Starr of Dart... representatives from most of the sixty groups more than a century ago. Sunday was a period of great activity. Appreciative of the finest th1l1gs, her mouth avenue. constituent Meetings scattered oyer Large meetings for worship assembled mind was occupied with the beauty ,of Mrs. Herbert Schroeder and chileastern Pennsylvania. western New Jerdally dren Joan and Robert of Brooklyn, ~ey. Delaware and M~ryland assembled in the old Meeting House at Race street the poetry she loved enough to and an overflow meeting at 160 North memorizing it until the last. ThiS qual- N. Y. will arrive this week-end tQ spend in a meeting of Ministry and Counsel. A portion of the sessions were de· Fifteenth street. The children from nur· ity made her a cherished member of the two months with Mrs. Schroeder"s fa· • ther and mother Mr. and Mrs. William \'oted to worship and the reception of sery through high school. ~ere divi~ed "Poet's Circle." into five groups and rehgtous services Those of us who started with her m C. Starr of Dartmouth avenue white spiritual messages. On~ statement made suited to their understanding were car· the "Fortnightly" over twenty years ago, Mr. Schroeder is studying in Rochester in the meeting may be of interest to our ried out. In the afternoon, Rufus M. and others who have joined the group as preparatory to taking a new position. neighbors who are not Friends: liThe The Women's Economic Discussion vear·s experience tends to convince us Jones. Professor Emeritus of Haverford the years went by realize how. much her that a Friends'. Meeting can attract peo- College delivered a lecture at Fourth quiet persistence in encouragmg us to group met for dinner at the Ingleneuk ple now, as in the seventeenth century, and Arch Streets on liThe Vital Cell." accept responsibility has developed our on Monday evening. Mrs. W. A. Clark if it is willing t.o let people know that At Fifteenth and Race streets a pleasant powers, and also our interest in the best of Wallingford was chairman for the its doors are open, its neighbors sincere- interlude in a week of consideration of current literature. She gave the many evening, and President John Nason of ly welcome, and will put forth the effort serious problems was a musical service hours required in guiding that group, for the college the main speaker. He dis~ to insure them something of value when with William A. Schmidt, of the Phila- no personal advancement of her ?WD, but cussed college problems. delphia Orchestra, violincellist; the A always with, the thought of havJng each A supper meeting of parents of . they come." President Thomas E. Jones, of Fisk Capella Choir of Olney High School member active and benefited. Her fol- Rose Valley School was held at lowers will surely "carryon" in mem- school Wednesday evening. The purpose University, Nashville, Tennessee, now in added their contribution. Among the guests present were Irene direct control of Quaker civilian work ory of their leader. . •• of the p1eeting was to discuss the extco· Unique and charmmg hospItality will sion of the school to 7 and 8 grades. camps, addressed the meeting on the Pickard, Gcneva, Switzerland, John W. foundations of religious loyalties. He Copithorne, of Toronto, Canada, Sam- always be remembered in the small groups Mr. and :Mrs. Alden Q. Davis, fonner. referred to work camps already in opera- uel French I zard and Della York Izard, assembled at her. home for tea or bri~ge Iy of Swarthmore, entertained at their There .... so ......, iJlo tion in Maryland, New York and Cali- of Elmira, New York. or the reading of some unusual arttcle home in Springfield at a birthday..dinner terating places At the close of each afternoon session fornia, the purpose of which is a work in a current magazine. party in honor of Mr. Davis' mother, 00 tbe Peoosyh,aoia to the English tea was served according of national importance under civilian di· The hobbies of her various friends were Mrs. H. Davis of Collingswood, N. J. aaUroad. Let ,Ollr custom. reetion for our young men ~ho are conher interests too, as we found when she on Sunday night• ticket agent help. ,011 scientiously oppose4, to war:. plan your holida, trip. frequently slipped us clippings she had Sessions in the days foHowing were saved. . He'll teU youDiana Brewster, daughter of Mr. Always we will f~el her deeply rehgwell attended with many guests present. Mrs. Frank V. Brewster 01 While the meetings followed a fixed ious nature, aDd I sball ever be pateIul agenda. the deep concern and anxiety avenue· and Boyd Stauffer, son of to her for suggested readings, particularly the one she made a few dal's agoover distressing world conditions tended and Mrs. J. Keeler Stauffer 01 Dr. Carrel's UPrayer is Power." to find expression no matter what sub· Dartmouth avenue, are on the honor These are the memories we treasure ject was before the meeting. Friends at the State Teachers -College, West have always felt concern. evidenced in Chester. Miss Brewster is a member of of Elizabetl\ Clifford. You ride in comfort. the past by their attitude toward slavery. the freshman class and is enrolled i~ the N~LLIE MCCRACKEN (MRS. GI\ORG£ L.) JlaiOl" modera ICCOmmod.doas music curriculum. Mr. Stauffer· is a ••• &ir-coDclidoaed trains I war and intemperance. To these earlier • I • areas of action has .1;Jeen added the per· member of the senior class and is enYou ride traUu in safetJ • __ ad plexing field of economic tension. One rolled in the health education curricu~ Prai• .,. Fire Company di«e caafckb'. coo. thought expressed w~s that enforcec;l lum. He is a member of the Soccer and idleness is really more detrimental than Basketball teamS, an officer of the Fellow Citizens: ,~ y.Dua the enforced slavery of earlier days. The Day Student Council, and has just I had turned from Park avenue into ,JS 1I&"r pleted a semester of student teaching. ·meeting was vigorous in urging its memDartmouth and as I was making the "SAY IT 'LOWBRS" • I • bership to use their influence in every Head Into Sprlq with -dllall-' U tum in front of Borough Hall, I c.onp.yeat. hat :Jou can liD at: possible way against political ,cor~ption. Achieves Union College. Honor templated the possibility and !'tt~r ImAnother subject frequently commg to James E. Smith, II, son of Dr. and probability 01 the fire bell nnglRg at MAE STOKES. Media the fore was the interest for increased Mrs. J. Howard Smith of Par.k avenue that particular moment. It is exactly what .1:1. B. STAB 8T.-'Fh0De lIIe4Ia and bf'tter education in our public schools, is among the Union Coliege students did happen within the next few seconds. MATCBING ACCB880RIB8 in our ten Friends' school~, at Pendle who attained high scholastic standing Immediately the quiet scene changed. In Lovely ~lon _ can't: Bun Hill School for Religious and Social for the first semester of the present Study, and in the area of adult educa· academic year and was honored by in- engines were out, and men ran from no time the doors were flung open, the tion. clusion in the Dean's List. every direction. I took my stand on ~he Reports from the field showed a net Smith is a member of the class of opposite corner to observe somethtng increase in membershh during the year 1944 at the Schenectady college where which I had often heard described but of 19.2 p"rsons. This reverses the trend he is majoring in the Division of Social which I had never seen with my own of previous years when losses have been Studies and is a candidate for the eyes .in Swarthmore. As I watched I inore common than gain!>. Bachelor of Science degree. He pre· gave thanks for the efficient organization The increasing work of the American pared to enter Union at the Swarthmore of our borough and chiefly for the loyalty Friends ServiCe Committee that is a een- High Scho.vo::.I._....._ - - of cur citizens who were so quickly.on tcr of special interest, and the problems Mrs. Sargent Walter of North Ches- their errand of mercy not even lmowmg which it is called upon to solve are COIlwhat might await them. stantly increasing. The Yearly Meeting ter road entertained in honor of Mrs. I send this little description to the embraces sixty First·day Schools (Sun- H. W. deForest at a dinner on Tuesday Swarthmoreau to remind us once more day Schools) in which attention is foc- evening. Mrs. deForest, who has been of what would happen if you and I used upon religious education. Special visiting her son and daughter-in.law,. should sound the alarm at any hour of attention is also given to an organization Afr. and Mrs. George W. deForest 01 University place is leaving today for the day or night. for the young people of the Society. Fellow citizens. these men who serve Further reports covered the operations her home in Buffalo. of George School. locate1 at Newtown. Penna., one of the best-k'lown secondary schools in the country; the report of Friends Illfcll(qruccr. the paper. which keeps Friends informed about theIr OWI1 and other religious movements; the Cor· poration Trustees of the Ycarty Meet1 ing who hold sllecialized trusts of approximately fivc million dollars. Friends Boarding Homes located in eight different places werc also an interest of the med Yearly Meeting. YEARLY-MEETING, . PROCEEDINGS IL==:...___________ '?" to.., The Christmas Lighting of the Business Section 0::==============;;; • 1' ,011 ""m =- . I:~~~.~~:c:~pe~H:oderJ'~~~~~~~~~~~::=::::.:::::::::::::~ - House Cleaning .. ! I BUY GIFrS ON EASY CREDIT! I ~l 1 1 I: I 1 I! fi I Diamonm - Watcheo f GUABANTBIID WA.TCH BBPAllWfG Boy! There'll he lois of satisfaction evident after the Easter Bunny leaves B. J. Hoy candy at your house ••• for children and grown-ups alike. B. J. Hoy candy is delicious • • • rich, good and healthful .•• be sure to order plenty now for a joyous Easter Day. And note the thrifty prices. B. J. Hoy candy is hetter, hut it COSt8 no more! 0 CHOCOLATES - • -- - EGG8-chocolate marshmallow Easter errs for the IOc Butter creams, caramels, DOqats, Irnt. and nut centers. 20c kiddies .......•.......•. Baskets, Gra.s. BUllllle, CHOCOLATE bunnleg.....solld m.Uk or dark chocolate. De- Pound~ IVORY FLAKES 2Pkgs39c IVORY SNOW - 2 Pkgs 39c IVORY SOAP - 3 gebara25c IVORY SOAP 5 bars 24c CHIPSO - 2Pkga 35c P&GSOAP - - 6 Bars 19c 2 Pkgs 35c DUZ OXYDOL - - Package 17c CAMAYSOAP 3 Bars 16c CRISCO Ib 17c 3 1bcan45c - - CHOCOLATE CREAM 2~£ EGGS ... I SALE! Proctor & Gamble Fine SOAP Products r-""--'---"'-"-"-"-"-"-"---l 1 The Hallowe'en Parade s 1941 •••• ~ •••••• ~.·· Greetiq Cards WrapplD,p. IUlIIt L'S lIclous. lOe to 25c FroDl ••••••••• Gift • B•. J. HOY 5 & lOc STORE Park Avenne, Swarthmore" --.... -----------"' , ~ _°alaatpn A._lIe-Boate COMPLlTE FOODMAurr _-8__ '" SOMERWiI.E DAY .' " ,PlANS LAID '~,' '~'ONE TOlli,"CH ' '.' ,N..' AT'URE'' o''~;n • , E ;~~n~1e::e -'t'. .. OF at ~ Mrs_ A. F_' JaCIaon olPark avenue en-I .. -Edtand " Mro. Wi1IIam this tertained the bi.weekly all day sewing" with meeting of the !CaPPO; Kappa Gamma on F.-Hanny of' YII\e ·aventie. Yi.. Bel< Tu.esday_ The group which sew. for the i. a teacber at the' Friendll Seminary American Friends Service Committee has in ,New York City. ~n making layettes lor the mount· Mr.; Franklin'S. Gillespie of South a,oeers_ Chester road. wiU return this week. Jim Bassett of North Chester road end from a ten-clay trip to North Mi. son of Dr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Bas- ami ;Beach, FIL, sett is remaining indefinitely in Los __:::___-:"-:---:--_-;:-:;:____Angeles, Cal. where he is working. He , ANrONlCA 8< CAInIu drove west with his mother when she . FAIIIIUND made a trip to Calilornia two months .' q.;.,.... 01 ago. . Cb1lHt'lXUtww of MUio Mr. and Mrs. R. G. E. Ullman accom2M PARK AVENDB panied by their daughter June are teav'Phone 77fJ..J ing tomorrow morning for a trip through I.eIaoDi ID pllUlO. riol1D. 'ADd. the Carolinas and Tenn. harm_ The Robin bu been a good publicity agent-at least we habitually give this Spea\er of College Literary bird credit lor being the mOlt authen, SOdety. on Aprll12 tic of all harbingers of Spring, someone must have taught us that Th~-' aea~' of women at Swarthmore fa',lily belief. The Oaws in luch folklore COlleiJe Fra;lces Blanshard of Ogden are as follows: nue will make the. address at the CQllege's 1_ The p'obin is a permanent winter 70th annwd, telebration 'or' Somerville resident iii the Philadelphia re~~;;;~1 Day on: Saturday,: April 12. This is, the Therefore there can be no such day' ,vilien alumlla. f,om all cla,sses reas a "first" Robin in' Sprin_the turn to the co1lege for a" meeting of thehave been present in small numbers all Somerville Literilry Society of which Winter. I have seen fifty a tim~ on every woman student is a member. THE WOMAN'S CLUB the coldest January days along the COnducting th~ir b1Jsiiless in. the mornDelaware River near Essington, only a ing the alumnae :\\'iIt have luncheon in ciuB ANNUAL few miles from Swarthmore_ Here they 'Mr_ and Mrs. Earl p, Yerkes of Hie. college dining I'?Orn and then, hear MEETING NEXT TUESDAY apparently subsist on frozen berries Princeton avenue will entertain a group ~ital by the 'co/lege glee' club under produced by various kinds of marsh of twelve guests at dinner this evening. I,d;rect,ion of Drew Young who gradThe Junior Club hold its stated bushes. Occasionally a few of these Mrs. Harry Liebeck returned to her . d from the {'ollege in 1937. On the annual meeting' and a covered dish supaway from the winterhome on. Park avenue Tuesday after Robins wander . ,gram \vill be HWagon 'Vhec1s," """'1 per in the Woman's Club House on Park ing flock, and then they may be seen spending over two months in Florida. .ntbary,u. "Dh Bone- "jesu" by avenue at 6:l5 P. M. '(uesday, April 8. Swarthmore-at any time during the Mr. Liebeck is following with their cabin in tnDa; "Jonah" b)· Waring; "Dedication" Election of officers wilt be held that day. lt winter. cruiser uThe Josephine, III." by Franz;, "Hospodi Pomiloi , .by Lvos- Ballots should be placed in the ballot 2. When Robins really begin to apkY,; Gershwin's "I Gpt. Plenty of Noth- box at the Club House which will be Fourteen members of the junior class ink,'; "Deep in My Heart" .by Rom- open from 10 A. M. until the meeting. pear on our lawns in force. they are silentBut in the meantime at least of Swarthmore High School held a party still berg; and a group of Swarthmore 50ngs~ Betty Ellen Broadbelt, Mrs. C. N. Calfour common species of bird~ have in the Woman's Club House last Satur"The Modern Dance Club under the lard, Alice Marriott and Anne Wood come into lull song-the Cardinal, Song day night. Members of the group were dIrection of Alice Gates of the physical will be hostesses of the eveniflg. ReserTitmouse, and MournRuth Servais, Beverly Doe, Marjorie Sparrow, Tuft.ed ed'dcation 4J!partment wilt give a pro- \'ations should be made with the hospiir;:g Dove. Thus the singing of Rol,ins, MacMillan, Shirley Nason, Carol Brown; ~ including IIPrecarious TriHes," tality chairman Antonica Fairbanks, telwhen first heard, is a most tardy pro.. Doris Rowand, Nancy Hoot, Robert '[$~; > in 'Coiltrasts," a suit of court ephone Swarthmore 778-J. Longwell, Eugene Lappe, Edwin Winnouncement of Spring. ~esi .and probably a few numbers Movie Benefit Changed 3. Among true migrants-even if we dell, Marshall Schmidt, Henry Saulnier, frOfu.,"the Alice "in·. Wonderland and the A~.,'A~:·Milne suites. . Members of the Evening Section are count the first "regu1ar'" appearance of Jack Ward, and Frank McCowan. /.In' the afternoon also the Lucretia asked to note ~hange in date of the Robins-Fox Sparrows are the earliest Silvia Swann daughter of Mr. and · ott and' th'e Martha E. Tyson follow- Movie Benefit to be held at Media The- of all appearing in late February_ Rob- Mrs. W. F. G_ Swann of Ogden aveM atre this month. The new dates chosen nUe arrived home from Wellesley Col~hip5 will b~ awarded. Anna Driver, are April 20 to 25 inclusive. All mem- ins arrive fully a week later. C. BROOKit WORTH lege yesterday to spend spring vacation ~d Joati~ Hi,lI; hOIII8. 2nd floor, ..._ porm. _ range, Pl'BBe. P oadon MI.,. 1. Adult& more at George Schoolfor Lehigh University, Bethlehem, pa-,I! William 8. Bittle, owner. e' Dorothy Lueders daughter of Mr. where she attended the Military Ball and Mrs. Thomas H. Lueders of She returned Sunday_ WM..S, B~ Princeton avenue has been visiting her Alan McCorkle,. son of Mr. and Mrs. Hotaq "~.M P=I ..... parents during her spring. vacation from Guy A. McCorkle o£ the NEWBOrn R. VARIAN Russell Sage College_ . IApa,,~'~nt~ has returned to the RecS chool. Pomfrit, Conn. after CEO. G a: 00. Edith Kniskern of Riverview avenue l'p,ri.'g vacation. d B Ell and Shirley Shaw of Chester roa have I' Alteratio_RepaIn reiurned io Sweet Briar College, VirMr_ and Mrs. Earl Anderton 01 MePaintiq ginia after spending their spring vaca- dia will visit Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ev· 1'8Ierves tbe ri ..ht to reject 310 Yale A,.e. !lwuthmon liz!) tions with their families. erett Pierce of York recently_ Both Taketh, out ELLIOTT RIOIlABDSON. 'llJilliam R. Bates son of Mr. and Ic<>up.les are former residents of SwarthBoronab 8ecret8l'1' MRS, A. j, QUINBY &: SON Running Your Home. Mrs. Joseph S. Bates of Haverford ave- more. •I • 3-21·3t J081lPB 11- Cl1llNllY nue has returned home from Blair Coal Academy for hi. spring vacation. No Let.up in W Dr on FUNERAL DIRECl'ORS Of course you like to answer the 8III.L PHon. Mrs. Weston E. Fuller spent last weekteiephone promptly when it Violators end in Frederick, Md. as the guest of her In three instances recently, a ~ay or !~~~~;~; rinls. You don't wanl .to keep RAMQ TO" .... BLGIN W'&'rCBa . brother-in-law and sister Colonel and two in J'ail proved more harrowlDg to S I I in accordance with Mrs. Georg~ R. Hicks. coal truckers than dodgmg ea .ers 0 which ma:v be ohpeople waiting or mbs impor. EDWIN B. KELLEY, Jr. e ,_yODl'_ JetHler__ e Mrs ..A. ·M. Allison of ..vassar avenue 'Weights, and M,ea~res. o~ t!t "o'IP;~e~:n;'li~~~~n'~;:'::::~'I;':;:='b~al'\:~ ta'nt ·tallY;··· .. · .... " .", road-with the result that they p , 2S But 7t1a St. Ch_ (~IIIOW_~) With .exleD&ion telephones up· celebrated her birthday on Monday I:~i~:~tg fines for violations of the ~<~;j~~~::::"~~~; hundred dollars evening, March 31 with her immediate and rega,'ned their freedom. The SUCcellatU) De'a.-S7M stairs and in your kitchen. you family. This fact came to tight this week ~~~f~~~,: lUI required by the reserve. the right ,to reject . Mrs. D. F. Evans, her mother Mrs when the CommiSSioners 0 I 0 elaware can answer quickly Bnd easily Fred J. Weaver, and her daughter Mrs. County summarized activities of ~he ELLIOTT RICHARDSON. from any pari ~f ~.o~ bome. Borotlirh Settelary Albert L. Hartsig, Jr. left yesterday for Weights and Measures Bureau durmg Mrs. Weaver's home in Scranton, Pa. the holiday season. . I~:=:::'-_-:===;:-;=;:-;;;;;:;;Extension telephones lave Electrical Contractor Before returning to their homes at The heaviest penalty .was ~hat lIDSealed·blda~~~~T~:edag;.8lho Borough tjme and steps, give you extra Telephone SWll1'tJiuiore 2295 Youlgrave Farm. South Chester road, posed UPOll Henry R. PlcareJh a Sha- of Swarthmore io CouoeU Chamber. BorOUgh Mrs. Evans and Mrs .. Hartsig will also mokin, Pa. truck~r wh~ pleaded. gu~~y ,'!f:~~' :~~.hToc:eBu~: ~:~ b~~4\O:~ protection and convenience. -....----visit relatives in Pittston, Pa. to not having weight shps covertng IS I cruebed ~k lD ..... ranliDl" from 2~" to Call our BusinesB Office today 1I0.aa. and to failing to return to a scale scr;~n:e to be aUiet.ly In aC(!Orducs with Victor and Bluebird Ernest Lange son of Mr. and Mrs. to reweigh as directed by Sealers who specification!!. a cow at which mQ' be oblind let us tell you how liule an E. O. Lange of Baltimore pike will re- halted h,'m in Mcrwood. Picarelli first taiDed. without dlarn. (rOUl the uoelen h s . . sentence ra ther 110 Couoell Chamber. Park Avenue, war· extension telephone costs. turn home next week for his spring va- elected to serve a lad more. Pa. A csrU1led check for one hundred People's Tire Store cation from Franklin and Marshall than pay the fine but the next day dollar. must. aceomP&D7 eacbh bid. Tbe s_uoZII ___ S _ MedIa • . I cestul bidder must tu.rn1eh ond a.e requ open Ever)" EnIIIDIr College. his $50 fine and the costs m tIe case by 'he Borough Code. . TlE.BELl HUPRDME CaMPIlY were forthcoming. The Borough reserves the right to reJect Mrs. Florence Shaffer returned toAndrew A. Jelinskie of Trevorton any or all bids. ELLIOTT RICHARDSON. IF PEN.SYLVAN .. VAN AI.EN BROS. On March 29 students from the American History and Problems of Democracy classes of the High School a,ttended the final Student Forum of the Foreign Policy Association in Philadelphia. Opening remarks of the For~m were made by Mr. Elliot, a member of the research department of the Foreign Policy Association, who summarized the present international situation and the questions which the students would discuss. Among the questions were: LET US INTRODUCE L Should America assume leadership of the world? YOU 2. To what limits should America go to the sale way of avoidto aid Great Britain? J. What part should America have in ing loss. We'll gladly make making a peace treaty.after the war? a survey of your insur4. Should Great Britain share her ance needs, check your colonies with other European nations to satisfy their economic needs? present protection and The students were organized in give you a complete report groups of approximately ten persons together with our recomunder a student leader, and the discusmendations. sion lasted for an hour and a half. At the end of this time each leader gave summary of the conclusions reached his group during the discussion. This followed by a five minute rebuttal betwj,e" tables_ 417 Dartmouth Aft. David... . .Nelson was the chairman of the Swarthmore group; John SchoSwarthmon 1833 binger 'I~d one of the discussion groups. ()ther s~"dents frolD. Our high school who : attended 'the.' Forum . were Ann Gorman. Amy Jane Davidson, Lois Gray, Ester Schrader. Margaret Me... ~.:. CoII,- Mllrshall- 'Schmidt,' and- William .-. Spiller_ Jim Jackson of Park avenue will arrive April 9 from State College to spend a week's Easter vacation with his parents Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Jackson. Mask and Zany dramatic organization Ii of the State Teachers College, Ea~t Stroudsburg, will arrive ho,!,e o~ April I~~~~~ :=~',.":" 5 to remain over Easter with hiS par- Ij ents the Rev. and Mrs_ T_ A. MeryImprovemento .......t ot two otory brick weather of Haverford place. bouse. 15 :I[ 38 feet; pofCb. front: one ItorJ' frame addttlon, 12 :I[ 3 feet: one story frame Janet Harris and Marjorie Tom1in~ addition, 18 x e teet. son returned Irom Middlebuq Coneg~, Bold . . _ ))I_~ or 000rIe A_ GadeMiddlebury, VI- after spendIng thea mann and JOIlIIIe O. Qe_enn, spring vacations with t~eir par~n~ Mr. WK. TAYLOR. JR., Attorn.,.. and Mrs_ H. R_ Harr.. of D,c~~n WIIoLIAlI W. McKIM, SherI1r_ avenue and Mr. and Mrs. W1 ham Tomlinson of South Chester road. 4-4-31: A. Wayne Mosteller HARRYW.LANG Benefit Nora WaIn Fund for Britbh Refugee Chlldr.... 01 Phjlaolelphia; 'and~r•• 'Don '''',..~''' CrDlsett 01 Media.' Arthur Meryweather who has &een 1;'~-Oii;;';iOiq• .yesterday and ~g~~~~~~~~ 1daughter Dr•. and Sylvia Mro_ D..pent B. Hand and their today as the peab 01 Mrl, Hand's named corresponding secretary of. ~e 11i!",i~~ FOB SALE ~re !I I ~~~:~:~[~~~~~~~~~~V~~ Fresh Boneless CARPETS APRIL 13 TO 18 ~ 1r.,~tillofRidleyPark; Mn_ ~~ttI'~RI:; "BUN'- ".'0 • ' v';'.it-';;'~' WANTED - BaI_ RUGS and -NEWS NOTES ." ".- - . PlaoIogNIpha ,.~l6.,JJA.VEIIJ!OJU) PlACE CAlL SWARTBllOIIB 10TH .:. 8th STREET NEAR ~R0m.. CHES~i}JA, > '.... '. ".j' , .' ,. '. ~ • .1 . SWAI~THMbl~E 8 THE' SWARTBMOREAN L I.HI A'R-'Y' It will be the first ii~ that such an ex- their grahddaughter M"s. C~riij Porter . tensive tour will have been made by any arid' Mr. Port.r. ..... .. . . .. . INDIVIDUAL, SQUAD AND PLATOO,N SCORES AS OF APRIL I, IMI college theatre. Mr. GeOrge Alston will spend this ....... folhwa. • Bill Black spent last week-end with' week-end with his par~nts Mr. and Mrs. P-ntle h,s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Pr-. SIttIq ToIIII G. L. Alston of Westdale avenue. Mr. Meeting April 14 to Conelder I. Private R. L. Summerville ........... 98 93 191 200 Black of Park avenue. Bill is a student Alston is a teacher at the Luscombe Summer Program In Ught 2. Sergeant Jesse R. Penn .............. 95 93 188 200 at Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. School of Ae~onautics in Trenton. N. J. of Citizens' Requesl8 3. Corporal George Hunter ............. 96 90 200 186 Mrs. Joseph H. Perkins of Cedar lane' 4. Sergeant Walter H. Baird ........... 93 92 Janet Harris and Marjorie Tomlinson 200 185 has been confined to her home for the Swarthmoreans are urged to help S. Private Philip Penleton .............. 94 86 180 returned from Middlebury College. Mid200 past week because of illness. ' plan an eXCCI)tional summer recreational 6. Private R. Allen Price ............... 98 78 176 iIIebury. Vt. last Saturday. March 22 to 200 program for Swarthmore. Summer needs 7. Corporal Earl W. Davis .............. 94 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Smalley of sl>end their spring vacations with ..their 81 175 200 for family groups should he expressed 8. Private Jack Blackman .............. 83 Yale a.v~~ue spent Sunday in Baltimore. parents Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Harris qj 91 174 200 in ·lOrder that 3n adequate program may 9. Private Robert T. Bair. Jr............ 88 85 173 200 Md. VISltlllg their son and daughter-jn-. Dickinson avenue and Mr. and Mrs: Wil. JiC pliutned by the Swarthmore Re<:rea- 10. Private Robert Bird ................. law Mr. and }.trs. Everett Smalley and, lard Tomlinson of South Chester road. 86 171 200 tion Association, which will hold its 10. Private 1st Class W. C. CampbelL .•• 91 80 171 200 regular (illarterly meeting on Monday, 10. Private George B. Wellburn ......... 8982 171 200 April 14. at 7 :30 P. M. I Kneeling OlfbaDcI Total Po..ihle The summer vacation recreation prow I. Corporal George Hullter ............. 86 BETTER S5 THINGS FOR LESS/ 141 200 gram should meet the needs of all age 2. Private Philip Penleton .............. 77 63 140 200 levels. Having passed the experimental 3. Sergeant Walter H. Baird ........... 78 S9 137 200 stage with outstanding success, the pro- 4. Private J. Seth ...................... 64 59 123 200 gram is due for expansion during the S. Private Robert Bird ...............". 80 36 116 200 coming season. The committee calls attention to the fact that summer vacations SQUAD AVERAGES, ALL POSITIONS Shot. Fired Aye.....e PO.liblor: for children have outworn their original . };dgmont Avenue-Se,;,enth and Welsh Streets 2nd Platoon 3rd Squad ....................... 1478 116.15 200 intent, to allow youth to assist on the 103.35 200 farm. Youth in Swarthmore can have as 1st Platoon 1st Squad........................ 807 2nd Platoon 1st Squad ....................... I1S3 102.55 200 constructh'e snmmer experiences as those 1st Platoon 3rd Squad ........................ 1575 1002 200 fortunate enough to be sent to summer 1st Platoon 2nd Squad ...................... .. below 100 camps. below 100 The committee believes that well de- 2nd Platoon 2nd Squad ...................... . SPECIALLY PRICED veloped young people are apt to know PLATOON AVERAGES something or musical instruments dancShot. Fired Averaae Pouible ing, dramatics, and language. It believes 1st Platoon .................................. 3491 126.815 200 that summer is ideal as the time to in- 2nd Platoon ................................. 3688 114.4 200 crease a young person's life equipment. A . c1!ild may need handicraft, physica1 Don Lange Finishing ~fr. and Mrs. Carl CIt-aves of Cornell act,ivity, art, cookery. or music to develop Sizes lor Women, Misses ayenue. r TrBIDing Ai ·• a well· rounded personality at a certain Mrs. William T. Johnson will enterandluniors 'age. The aim of the Association is to Donald Lange son of Mr. and Mrs. meet the recreational needs in this com- E. O. Lange of Baltimore pike has re- tain her bridge club this afternoon at her munity, as voiced by its citizens. It eag- cently been transfered from Gunter home on Ogden avenue. Plaids - Twills and Tweeds! Styles ~r1y welcomes~suggestions to Mrs. Birney Field. Montgomery, Ala. to Maxwell Mrs. Earl P. Yerkes entertained twelve are refreshing with full s~~!~:::~ K. Morse, tr~surer, Mrs. J. V. S. Bish- Field, Montgomery, Ala. Previous to guests at luncheon Wednesday noon at and prim boy coats - fitted {lp, chairman, Mrs. Thomas H. Lueders the time he spent at Gunter Field, Don- her home on Princeton avenue. and Mousey shirtwaist eflects vice-chairman. Mrs. J. Burris' West: ald was stationed at Tuscaloosa, Ala. shirred set in belts and sash fronts Jack Corse son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Andrew' Simpson, l'.Irs. Theodore Donald who is a Hying cadet has George F. Corse of Yale avenue has been -Military Covert and Navy Blue W. Crossen, 'Dr. Frederick W. Luehring, undergone much elementary training awarded his freshman numerals for basinject the martial air the season i. Frank R. Morey, Mrs. Howard Turner, and will now start more intensive work so full of. Mrs. Howard McCone. Howard Kirk, in army flying and ground school train- ketball at Swarthmore College. James Smith son of Mr. and Mrs. J. or Dr. John H. Pitman. ing. When he has completed his present Members of the Recreation Commit- ten-week course at Maxwell Field Don- Howard Smith of Park avenue is a mem. tee :·.~~~nded the Spring Conference of a1d will receive his aeronautical rating ber of the Union College Mountebanks the Recreation Division of the Delaware of "Pilot" and will be appointed Second Theatre which has just completed "The County Welfare Council on Monday eve- Lieutenant in the Air Corps Reserve. Inspector General" in its own campus theatre. During the spring vacation the ning at t~e' Twentieth Century Club in I I I wiII be taken on a 600 mile tour play Lansdowne. Exhibits of our Swarthmore Places in State Contest which will cover six New York cities. summer projects .were displayed. Enwood AUen, sllecialist on facilities of ttie Virginia Craemer, daughter of Mr. Nat!~nal ~ecreation Association. spoke and Mrs. \Villiam Craemer. and a memon PJanmng Equipment and Facilities ber of the senior class of Swarthmore to meet Program Needs." 98 98 High School received honorable mento The young mother's group in SwarthHart Schaffner 1'1 Mar" Clo,h.s more 'Sees an opportunity to improve lo- tion in a state wide contest sponsored by the Daughters of the American RevoluPastel Plaids Coverts Glen cal facilities for the care of the nursery tion for the selection of HGood CitizenPlaids - Fleece - Twills and Shet· school age child in OUr community in the ship Pilgrims:' The girl representing lands. . summer program. This group under the each school was chosen for excellence chairmanship of Mrs. Howa~d Turner, Chester SPEARE'S SECOND FLOOR has. earned money to buy nursery school in dependability, service. leadership and patriotism. An .;!xamination in American eqUipment for the coming summer. history and current problems was given to the person on the basis of test results. Since Virginia was on~ of the four girls Palm Sunday Musie selected in the entire State of PennsylA beautifu1 program of music for vania. she wit) be honored by the DelaPalm Sunday has been prepared by Ben- ware County chapter of the D. A. R. I I I jamin L. Kneedler organist and director of music and his excellent choir at the Addre88es Writers Presbyterian Church. OF THE Florence Brewster Wilkinsson author Choir selections to be sung are "Jerusalem" by Henry Parker, "Ride On of "Lissen Sadie." spoke Tuesday mornRide On" by John Prindle Scott, uTh~ ing to the Writer's Club of Delaware Palms" by Faure. County. Her topi: was "How to ProThe assisting artists are Rex Jones. cure Material for Writing." ASSETS LIABIUTIES I I • violoncellist, well known to SwarthmorFirst Mortgages ." ... , .. , ...... ,,8430,300.00 eans and Norman Graham, ,,'HI-known NEWS NOTES Advance Payments: Philadelphia violinist. Stock Loans ., ....... ,.,., ..... ,. 5,700.00 Dues ...... ,.,., .. ,.".,.,",.$ 356.65 Rev. and Mrs. George L. Van Alen ; A fifteen minute instrumenlal prelude Real Estate . , , .. , .. , . , ... , ..... ,. 23,900.00 Interest " " . . . . " " " .. ,,",,. 83.70 \vill be played at 10:45 A. M. Mr. Oakley Van Alen," Mrs. Frederick, Dues Delinquent , .... , ..... ,"'" 3,061.00 The choir will sing "Seven last Bell. and Neil Bell spent last week-end Interest and Fines Delinquent. . , ... , 3,1l3.20 Total Liahilities ". ", .. , ....... , ,$ 440.35 ,\Vords" by Dubois at 8 P. M. on G~d visiting Rev. Van Alen's family in Interest Accrued .,., ... , .. ,.,.... 2,180.00 CAPITAL, Etc. ,Friday. Soloists will be Edward Nyborg. Montgomery, Pa. Cash ... ,.,.,.,., ........ ,.,.... 21,467.35 tenor, George P. Warren, baritone. and Installment Stock - Dues . , . , , , .. , ,8358,572.00 Professor and Mrs. Harry Loberg or .Mary Dolores To11ill. soprano. Profits Apportioned . , , . , , . . . . . . . . . 82,258.13 Cornell University with their sons Paul I •• and Harry were the guests of Mr. and Profits Unapportioned .... ,.,. 7,451.07 ~Irs. R. G. E. Ullman of Harvard aveReserve " " " " " " " " " " " ' " 41,000.00 Legion Bridge Withiu a Month nue yesterday and today c:: their way to Th: American Legion Auxiliary is Ithaca, N. Y. from Williamsburg, Va. $489,721.55 $489,721.55 Charlotte Griffin. Clara Jean Alston 1)lan~l11g an unusual party for Friday evemng. May 2. when the High School Helen Ludwig, Eunice Eaton Carol STOCK ACCOUNT WITH VALUATIONS, APRIL 7, 1941 gym will be made ready for a bridge. ~ood\Vin. and Charles Brogan ~dl1 arbenefit. Several door prizes wilt be be- nv~ home tomorrow for their spring vastowed accordillg to the playing card catton from Bucknell Unh·ersity. DATE WITHDRAWAL NUMBER DuES PAID GAIN VALUE appearing on one side of the admission OF Issm: VALUE Ella Mae Beagle presid:-nt of th~ Day SERIES VALUE SHARES PER SHARE PER SHARE PER SHARE PER SERIES ticket. Refreshments wilt be sold through- Student Council at West Chester State PER SHARE out the evening. Teach~rs College for the coming year, is Oct., 1929 40 62 $53.84 $138.00 Card clubs are urged to attend the attendmg the annual sllring conference $190.34 '191.84 7,673.60 ApI., 1930 63 200 49.28 132.00 181.28 ennt and play in their units. Those who of the Eastern States Association of Pro178.54 36,256.00 OeL, 1930 64 62 44.92 126.00 17D.92 167.18 desire to progress may do so. 10,597.04 fessional Schools for Teachers in New ApI., 1931 65 58 40.76 120.00 160.76 156.23 9,324.08 • The committee in charge of the event York City as a delegate from her organiOc••, 1931 156 66 36.80 114.00 150.80 145.69 23,524.80 IS composed of Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul zation. Ella Mae is the daughter of Mr. ApI., 1932 67 157 33.04 108.00 141.04 135.53 22,143.28 Brown, Mr. and Mrs. George Fenno and Mrs. J. A. Beagle of P,rinceton aveOeL, 1932 68 182 29.49 102.00 131.49 125.76 23,931.18 ApI., 1933 375 69 , 45,802.50 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Brown, Mr. and nue. 26.14 96.00 122.14 Il6.33 OcL, 1933 70 275 Mrs. Herbert Bassett. Dr. and Mrs. 22.99 90.00 112.99 :Mr. R. J. Littlefield of Swarthmore 107.24 31,072.25 ApI., 19M 71 264 20.04 84.00 George Sickel, Mrs. Alexander Ewing ~vel1ue spent last Friday and Saturday 104.04 98.47 27,466.56 72 Oct., 1934 183 17.30 78.00 95.30 Mrs. L. L. Hedgepeth. Mrs. Oscar / 111 New York city on business. 90.01 17,439.90 , 73 Apl., 1935 439 72.00 14.75 86.75 GIJcrcest. George Corse and Ferris Mit81.83 38,083.25 74 Jean Alston will return home from Oct., 1935 442 12.41 66.00 78.41 chelL 73.93 34,657.22 75 168 ApI., 1936 10.27 60.00 70.27 66.27 11,805.36 At the Auxiliary meeting last week Bu~knell. tomorrow to spend spring va76 Oct., 1936 415 54.00 8.34 62.34 58.87 25.871.10 Red Cross sewing began at to :30 A. M. cation With her parents Mr. and Mrs. 77 393 Apt. 1937 48.00 6.60 G. L. Alston of Westdale avenue. 54.60 51.67 21,457.80 and lasted until 6 P .~1. when 28 infanl 78 Dc•., 1937 347 42.00 5.07 47.07 44.68 16.333.29 l[ary Christina Sterickcr will arrive 79 garments had been finished. Apt, 1938 279 36.00 3.74 39.74 37.87 11.os7.46 tomorrow to spend spring vacation with 80 Oc••, 1938 258 30.00 2.61 • I • 32.61 31.23 8,413.l18 81 her parents Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam SterApI., 1939 347 24.00 1.68 25.68 24.75 8,910.96 82 Oct., 1939 3n Fortnightly Meets Monday icker of Riverview road. "M. C." is a 18.00 .96 18.96 18.40 7,U7.92 83 Apl.,l940 129 12.00 .44 student at the University of Delaware. 12.44 12.17 1,604.76 84 Oct., 1940 37 6.00 .12 The Fortnightly will meet at 2 :30 next 6.12 6.04 Billy Anne Mitchell of 630 University 226.44 Monday afternoon, April 7, at the home place returned from Connecticut College S583 . of Mrs. James B.acon Douglas. North New London. Con~. on Thursday. Aprii S440,830.13 Chester road and Swarthmore a venue 3 to spend her -spnng vacation with her Neville Schute's book "An Old Captiv: mother. Mrs. W. W. Mitchell. ity" will be revieWed by Mrs. Arthur E. . ~~cholas. Turkevich of Dartmouth is NORMAN S. PASSMORE, SeaellJry Dassett. VISiting MISS Betty Cleaves, daughter of Recreation Group Wishes Suggestions Company B lWIe Seorw as EASTER COATS • EASTER SUITS MURRAY'S 12 32 621 Edgmont Ave. ., 1899 1941 FORTY. SECOND ANNUAL REPORT SWARTHMORE BIDLDING ASSOCIATION s W '" H ElSTER Ell HU.I lOMORROW ,"f xm, No. 15 WH. V. FISI:OER Young_fer_ to Seek EBg- in 1941 PASSES AWAY ,...... .. APR 1 1 1941; : i. \. • T Kt0.4ll1~ E SWARTBMORE, PA., ~. m WiII~m V. Fischer died early Thursday morning, April iO, at his home at Yale and. Dickinson avenue. where he had been ill several month•• Born' in July 1870 in Brooklyn, N. Y. he brought his family to Swarthmore in 1910 and had remained here ever since. His' wife Anna Moore Fischer passed away in 1936. A member of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, and a Mason Mr. Fischer retired in 1928 from the Autocar Company, Ardmore. Surviving are a son and daughter Charles E. Fischer of the same address, and Mrs. Coates Coleman of Lansdowne; a sister Mrs. Edward Tim! of Englewood. N. J. and five grandchildren Jean Suzanne. Charles William, and John Burton Fischer, and Coates Coleman, 3rd and Peter Coleman. Funeral services will be heJd at the house at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Saturday. The Rev. David Braun pastor of the Presbyterian Church will officiate. Any friends who wi,h to attend are welcome. There will be no viewing. Interment will f01low in Arlington cemetery, Lansdowne. I •• Work 01 American Friends Service Presented at Supper Meeting A Meeting Supper sponsored by the Swarthmore Monthly Meeting for the American Friends -Service Committee gathered Sunday evening April 6 in the main dining room of. the College. Among the 260 present were members of the Swarthmore Meeting, friends of the American Friend~ Se:rvice Work in "-Swartbfu6re' and vicinitY. 'and rilinisters' of the community. President and Mrs. John Nason, Dr. and Mrs. Henry Cadbury. Mr. and Mrs. James Vail. Claren;e ~ickett,. ,and Mr. and Mrs. Ri~hard Miller headed the list of distinguished guests. Dr. Cadbury. Hollis Professor of Religion at Harvard. who very recently returned from a mission, to England described conditions in Britain as he found tbem. particularly among the Friends. James Vail, Director of the Foreign S,cction of the American Friends Service Committee, and Clarence Pickett, Executive Secretary. spoke brieRy and Richard Miller. Clerk of the Yea;ly Meeting Committee for Ministry and Counsel was introduced. ' . The budget of the American Friends Service last year totaled $1.164.473. and was expended with such careful economy that a very swall portion was required for overhead and almost all of it went to the actual purposes for which it was intended. I RED CROSS SEWING MEETS EASTER MONDAY i If Saturday's child is a wise child he will be placing all his eggs in one bas- Joint Sponsonhip by Thimble Group and Players Club of May Prodnction Seeks to Raise Fund for Rolling Kitchen For five nights, from May 27th to May 31st inclusive, the Thimble Group and the Players Club will present a benefit play with the purpose of establishing a fund to purchase a Rolling Kitchen for Britain. Dr. Andrew Francis Jackson has generously agreed to put on "Mr. Antonio," with an all-Swarthmore cast of favorite players. The pJay is one that has an unrivaled appeal and a real treat is in store for everyone. It is hoped that the prospect of an evening's pleasure coupled with a desire to aid the cause. will fill the Club House to capacity at each of the five performances. The need for moblle units, which will carry food and serve it hot to the suffering people in the war..ravaged areas of England cannot be stressed too strongly. Swarthmore can help by supplying one such unit Everyone who attends the play is contributing to it. Tickets are now available from Mrs. Thomas M. Jackson, 238 Park avenue. ket tomorrow morning, and just as fast as he can. When he can find no more little packages of jelly eggs he will take time out to examine what he has picked u~to see if any of the little wax paper packages contain folded slips of paper entitling him to collect a large chocolate prize egg at The Swarthm')rean office. There will be ISO prize eggs. This is the general annual procedure at 10 A. M. the day before Easter in the Borough of Swarthmore. when the local Business Association sponsors an Egg Hunt for local youngsters. This will I • be the tenth such event it has arranged. Eager boys and girls under 13 years of age assemble early at Borough Hall Plaza to await the announcement of the hunt sites. Children seven years old and Postponed Session Hears Comunder witt enjoy their hunt in a separate parative Reports of Librariau place from the eight through twelve-yearfor Three-Month Period olds. Those who come equipped with a bas· The postponed m~ing of the Board ket or paper bag will not risk losing the of Directors of the Swarthmore Public package of eggs as fast as they gather Library AssociatiC'n was held on Mon... them. day. April 7. with the following members present: Alice Barber, Mrs. J. PassContest rules are as follows: 1. Any child living in Swarthmorean more Cheyney, Mrs. Peter E. Told, territory or visiting in Swarthmore is Guenther H. Froebcl, John F. Spencer, welcome to hunt and is eligible for a Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, Walter C. prize: 'Crouch, and S. S. - Rutherfon!' 2. Very small children must be aCInterest was aroused by the librarian's companied by an adult. report which showed circulation during 3. No prizes,will be issued to children the first three months of the year to be over the age 1imit. In order· to secure as follows: January-2865; Februaryequitable'distribution of prizes 'only 'one 2503; March-2422. prize will be awarded to one child. Any For the same three months of 1940 the child finding more than one slip can circulation was: january-2586; Februthrow it back into the hunt field or give ary-2549; March-2628. it to a friend. Each slip is numbered A total of 71 new readers, 62 adults and will be checked off as it is ex- and 9 children, was reported. For the changed and the hunt will continue un- same period last year there were 68 til all slips are accounted for. adults and 13 children. The following local business people I I • are cooperating in this year's Egg Hunt: Award PriHs in Charles Russell, Howard B. Green. A. Gottlieb. Clifford Rumsey, A. P. SmalMovie Benefit Poster Contest ley. Joseph Ciliberto. A. Wayne Mosteller, Joseph Celia. B. J. Hoy. Adolph. Railway Express, N .,\\T. Suplee, .Bouquet Salon, Media Drug Store, Shir.er's. The judges of the poster contest sponGeorge Mitro. Marsh's Utility Shop. sored by the Kappa Kappa Gamma Alum"~ward L . Noves nae Association in connection with its J a ke•s T·I al or Sh opt.c.u ~, · I B ank • Martel current movie benefit for relief of BritS wa rth more N a tlona • Ba rber• A . M Bal'rd, I'sl, Ch,·ldren have announced Marilyn B rothers. AI Ice 1 • Mrs. N . Peckerman , Sweet Shop, Man·e MacEI. wee as first prize winner, FranDonnely, Paulson and Sons, Dr. F. A. ces:tJ~nkins and Karin Koehler second Patman, Dr. R. C. Ammerman. Madison witl~~eir joint poster; an4 Renee Furey Brothers. Tot-ta Shop, Lilly Ann Mil- first Jionorable mention. Othcr honorable tinery, Dew Drop Inn, Co-op. Music mentions 'include Grace Brewster, Mary B M I;iPn Builders Harris & Com Marshall, Heather Champion, Alice ox, DOl,. CI ... B ch • G - Baughn. RO'~II·e Wherry and Marje pany, range C!ln~rs. u ner s, own --. Shop Hol[y'hock Sho'p Travel Bureau Bla.ck. The posters were J·udged for the~r • . ' American, Store, Michael's, Co-ed Beauty originality and for the story they carSalon. Petc'r' 'E. Told, The Swarth· ned. morean, The Ingleneuk, and Strath Receipts from tickets sold here before Haven Inn. tomorrow night for performance.s at)i.te Media Theatre April 13 to 18 mclu,lve _.,....,"":'............._ _ l'enth Grade Mothers' Meellng will swell the sum of $1700 already sent to England by the national organization The tenth grade will hold the last of Kappa Kappa Gamma under its Nora mothers' meeting of the year in the Wain Fund. . school cafeteria, at three o'clock, MonMrs. H. Merle Mulloy and Mrs. Howday, April 21. The subject is "Career ard W. Newnam who are in charge of Opportunities for High School Gradu- tickets thank those who have helped and ates." Speakers will stress careers for urge those who are planning to attend boys and girls not planning to attend the movies next week to buy their tickets college. here before April 12. SERVICES 0000 PRIDAY 12:00 Noon to 3:00 P. M. - Community ServIces •••••••...•.•••• Trlnlty Church 8;00 P.M.-Cantata "The Seven Last Words.............. Presbytertan Church EASTER EVE 4:00 P. M. - Holy Baptism .••.•••.•••••.••••.•••.•.••••.••.•••. TrInity Churcb. LIBRARY BOARD IN LATE MEETING THE WEEK'S CALENDAR Legion Auxiliary Moves Meeting Up 12.50 PER YIWl "MR. ANTONIO" TO AID BRITAIN BASTBR SUNDAY 8:00 9:00 9:45 10:45 11:00 11:00 4:00 SATURDAY. APRIL 12 Somerv1Ile Day •..•••.....••..••.•.••..••...•....•...•.•.... Swarthmore College 10:00 A.M.-ANNUAL EG-G HDNT ••.•••.•••••••••..•••.••• Bol'Olhus,.h ~I~ 7:00 and 9:00 P. M. - )40v1n8 Pictures ...................... Clo er 0 MONDAY. APRIL 14 10:110 A. K. to 4:110 P. M. _ Bed Cmos Sewing .................... Woman'. Club TUESDAY, APRIL 15 2:30 P.M. - Afternoon of Book Reviews ........................ Woman'E 91ub WBDNBBDAY, APlUL 16 10:110 A. M. to 4:00 P. K. - Bed Cmos SewIDg ........Presbyterlan ParIsh Bouse 10:110 A. M. to 4:00 P. M. - Bed crooa Swwtcal _ B Media Prout ck Jacbon t., Hall 11:00 A.II.-LeR1on AlUII1ar1 .................................... Borough Cl b 2:00 P.II.-BriUsh BeUef Brlcfae BeneAt .......................WOIJlU·• 7:45 P.II. - COullcIl 81ta.................................... •••• .Borough Cooperating with the British Relief Benefit Bridge Party to be held in the ?ftemoon of next Wednesday the AmerIcan Legion Auxiliary whic:h usually holds its monthly meeting at that time has moved its meeting up to I I A. M. There will be a business session and box luncheon. Hostesses will serve dessert. A meeting of the committee planning tHURSDAY. APRIL 17 the Legion card party on May 2 will be L-______________________________________________ 2:00 P ..... - PrleD.dl¥ ctrcle ........................... 108 B. PrtncetaIJ Avenue held tonight. .:u A. M. _ Choral Communlon_ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TrInity A. Y. - Youth Worship for Easter ..•....•••.••.•••••• Presbyterlan A. Jrl. - Baster Church School ••••.••••••••••••••••••••• Metbodlat A.M.-"One Bmall candle........................... Presbyterian ~ M. - "l9hat Easter Means............................ Metbodlat A.M.-Easter Worablp ••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Trln1tr P. Jrl. - ChurCh School Easter Service ••.•.•••.•••••••••••• TrInIty Church Church Church Church Church Church Ohurch II!=======================::;::========:!! -================~~===============~ • BRITISH BEIEFII WEIIESDIY APRIL 11, 1941 r- I ,T 'i .' Bunny Day Event 31-year Retlid~t of Borough Former AuloeaJi OfIieial, Bad Been Some Time , - ,·T ,- THE SWARTHMOR VOL I ·t . COLLEGE Legion Card Party to Fete Twenty-first Birthday NEAR TRAGEDY IN BACHMAN HOME Eight-year-old Alan Miracnlously ·Alive This Week After-A ~fit!inG'- celebration of the founding of the Swarthmore Legion Auxiliary Accidental Wound of the Post 427 will take place on Afay 2. at 8 P. M. in the High School gymAlan Bachman. age 8 had a fighting nasium, in the form of a card party chance to live and both physician and as a charity benefit. The Legion and parents were hopeful in view of his exauxiliary will be hosts and hostesses- ceptional condition as this paper's deadCommander Herbert Bassett and Mrs. line approached. Fireman Ellis Rumsey Alexander Ewing sponsoring the oc- donated blood for a transfusion on Monday. Alan was shot through the head with casion. The auxiliary has come of age, for a 39 calibre revolver at 10 o'clock Suntwenty-one years ago this month the day night by his brother Stanley. 16, in charter was received. A lawn fete and the 'bedroom the two boys shared in the card party were held that year at the apartment home over their parents' marhome of Mrs. E. A. Stockton. the pres- ket at 514 Yale avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bachman were ent residence of Dr. and Mrs. George attending a movie and the boys wefe Cross at the juncture of Princeton and Harvard avenues. The sum of $370 was dressed for retiring and listening to the raised. radio in their room when according to In 1922 the post and auxiliary had so Stanley, he heard a noise downstairs in established themselves that the Players the store. The store had been robbed five Club gave its proceeds of a play to or six years ago and in spite of the fact this organization. The next year the that his father had found him with the auxiliary, under Mrs. George W. gun several weeks earlier, taken it from Casey's guidance. held meetings in him and cautioned him never to touch Borough Hall. It gave a Christmas box it again. Stanley was worried and felt he to Mt. Alto, and remembered League should get it. However, he said he decided not to go downstairs but instead returned Island Hospital substantially. .. In 1924. Mrs. 'E. M. Meyers led the to his room and locked the door front the inside." When time passed and nothing auxiliary, which resorted to cake and happened the boy began to play with the rummage sales for charity. Following Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Thomas Downs as gun. He said Alan told him to put the president was responsible for' raising gun away as he was -afraid it might go' money for' a motion picture machine off. Alan sat on the right side of his for. Gray's Ferry Hospital, as wen as twin bed white ..St~n,ley- sat .on the oPPQsite side of the. bed facing J~~m ,~.r:tg,,!~: helping to furnish a room in the Kate moved the slleUs from the. revolver. ApBarrett Home in Washington. parentiy he did not know there were si~ Under Mrs. Joseph S. Malin's le~d- shells•. or else he (ailed to count an~ se(! ership in 1927. Gray's Ferry Hospital he hai. o~.Iy_ r"i."~';edfivF, J:Ie !,.ull¢d .the was visited four times that year, the trigger once, w,lth. only ;:to resultant clIck, auxiliary supplying four Christmas bas"" but th~ second time it went off. The soft kets and entertainment, at which time~ lead bullet entered Alan's head';ust above Mrs. Roy W. Delaplaine and Mrs. Ro- the lert' eye, passed through the brain land G. E. mlman gave their services. narrowly missing vital centers and isSucceeding presidents have been, sued from the side back of the head Mrs. George· P. Warren, in whose ad- lea"ing an aperture about two inches in diameter. A hole of like size was found ministration $25 was given to welfare; $38.90 for rehabilitation. a medal in the in the wall of the room by Patrolman sixth grade to 'Flora Ryan. and $407 Henry A.' Piersol, Jr. but the bullet itcleared for future general charity work. self had apparently dropped down heMrs. Herbert Bassett guided the group tween the partitions. through an even broader campaign in Stanley further related that he put the giving medals to Swarthmore and Mor- gun on his hureau and called Dr. George ton schools, welfare, rehabilitation. ex- B. Heckman. tra party to the boys at Gray's Ferry Alan did not become entirely uncon~ Hospital. The sum of $186.50 was scious for Dr. Heckman found him in a raised that year and Mrs. Charles state of semi-consciousness and he has Dravo wrote and read' a history on the lapsed into a like condition at times Baltimore Pike Arch and the monu- since. although he was left with control ment nt Swarthmore Borough Hall. of all movements except a partial paral.. The public is asked to help this ac- ysis of one side of the face, and was able ••• f th tive orgalllzatlOD to raise money or e to talk with his parents and ask for Red Cross and other charitable needs favorite foods at the hospital. The doctor by attending the card party to be held immediately notified the Taylor Memorial in celebration of the anniversary on Hospital. Ridley Park and the police; -JIMay~ (CO.rlfll¥ftl 0. 1.'G/l.e llltl"') INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE SW.\U1HMIIIH_ 8 THE Recreation Group Wishes Suggestions SW ARTHMOREAN APRIL 4. 1941 tllllC that such all ex. Ihelr ~randdaughlcr Mrs Cyrus Porter lellslH lour \\111 1M\(' hcell made In all) .lIId ~Ir Porter INDIVIDUAL, SQUAD AND PLATOON SCORES AS OF APRIL I, 1941 collegc Ih( ltn.' llr George AI~toli \\111 spend tillS are at follows: Bill Black Spcllt 1.lst \\ t:ck-cnd \\lth \\ I I k cnd With IllS p Irents "I r .l1ul At r~ Prone Sitting Total Po..ible IllS pan.:llts hlr and Mrs Charles'" G I. Alston of \\estd.llt' .I\enuc Mr Meeting April 14 to Consider I Pm>!. H I, SUlIllllerv,lk. 93 191 98 200 I B1.lck of Park avenuc Bill IS .1 student Aistoll IS .1 tt',ldler .It thc I.uscoml," Summer Pro!,(ram in Light I 2 Serge"u! Jesse R Penn 93 188 200 1 .1 1 "1'" 95 rllllty CI 0 lege, Hartford Conl1 SdlOol of At'lOlIaUt1(S 111 1 rt'lltoll N J' of Cilizens' Requesls I 3 Corpor.tI George Iluutcr 20U I ' 186 96 90 200 llrs Josqlla II Perkms of C«I.lr I.Ull J IIlct 1l,lrflS and ::\l.ll"jonc 'romlll1sull ..J S( rgl .lIIt \Valter H Baird 92 185 93 h.ls 11('(11 (unfilled 10 11"r S\\.l1thmUlt III.. m.: 11IJ.!~d to hdp S Prl\.lt4.! PIli lip P(ull.'ton 200 ... I,H '" l' f"r III l I Ittuflted from 11Hldlebury College, Mid 9~ 180 "I:-.t \\l'd, Illl t11:o;e of IIlllc s plan .111 lXlll'tlillll1 -.\111111111 rtll(;Jlumlll () prJ\ Itt I~ AIIl'1I Pnn 200 s dldHln. Vt I.bt S.lturda), ~(.Irch 22 tn 78 176 98 pro}! I 1111 It)1 S\\ IltlUlUllt .... \1111111(1 IIltd .. 7 C'or,Ior,11 Earl \V Da\ls 200 Mr .Hul \lls \lfnd I' SIII.llIll of slllllli th(,lr sl'llII~ \.I(.III(n1s \\Ith thclr 94 81 175 lor f.llluh J,:ll1Up" .. h011111 'll (:'\pH ..... ttl X Pnv.ltc J uk Bl.ICklll ill 200 I \ lit .l\tIlUl Sl)l'nt ~t1ncl" 111 B.llhmorl' IIMlcllts :\Ir .lIul :\Ir, II I~ Ilarrts 01 91 17~ 83 111 ol!itl Ihlt 111 Ifltqlllh 11I ..... rllll rnn 9 Prl\.111.' Robert'!' Bur,)r 20U \111 \1'1I111~ Ihllr ~Oll .mel d.Hl~htt'f lit I J)l(kIlISOIl .1\('111It' .lIul MI IIltl ~frs \VII 85 173 88 It "lllIIlte! II, 111\ S\\ II !lUIIOIl I'HIl I 110 I'rn.lh: Uohcrt Bml 200 111\\ \Ir tTl. I ~Ir ... 1'\1.:1(11 SIIl.lllc\ .lIltl) 1.lld IOllllll1sl1\ of South Chester road 86 171 85 t"11 \ .... , .. Iltl'lI \\hlli. \\111 h"l,1 It ... jf) PTa It..: 1st Class \\ C CoulI))hc!1 171 91 80 ZOO It,.!11111 qllllhll, IIl!ltlllg '11 \hllldl\ 10 I'TI\ Ite Gcorg-c B \Vlllhurn 200 I! I! I! I! I! 1111111 I! I!I! I I! III 89 82 17I III III I!I I! III I! I \plli l-t It i III I' \1 Kneeling Offhand Total Poulble lilt Sllllllll\ 1 \ Il III 11 Il't I \ 't! ,n I'll' (t,rpt)rtl GC(lrgl' Illllltlr 86 55 141 200 t!rllll should IlI(tl l11t !Iud ... 01 III It!t .2 prJ\ Itt Plllhp P(,f111. tOil 77 6.J 140 200 IlHI .. 111\11I,.! !" ..... ll lht' lXPUIIIlll1td 1 SI. rgl.'3nt \\'altcr lJ Baird 78 S9 137 ZOO ... 1 I.!l \\!th 011 hi lIulIl1,., ... tllt l ..... thl' pr' -t J'rl\.llc) Seth 6-1 59 12.1 200 J.!I 1111 I, dtll f" (xi' I1hll II dUring- tIll :; Prl\.ltc i \OIn<1 11\ th UtlZt:lls It ll~ (UltIy been transfcrcd from Gunter crl, \\l'I(OIl1lS su,...:ge . . tllllh to \Ir' Blrnt' FilM, ~rolltgomery, A.la. to Maxwell K :Morsc treasurer, llrs J V S Ihsh J H.:ld, Montgomery, Ala PreVIOUS to OJ) I h 1II11111l ~I r<; '1 hOIll ... II I.lleder" till tUlle he Spcllt ~lt Gunter Field, Don\Htlhllrlllill ~II" J Bl1In~ \\I.'st l'd" as stdtioncu at Tusc.lloosa, Ata lfr" \Iulrt\l !-'IIIIIN111 ~Irs II,to(lore Donald \\ 110 IS a flymg cadct ha~ \\7 (ros ... t.'11 Dr I reciefl( k \\ luehnll!-\: 1I1ldcIgoIIC much elcmentary trainlllg Frank I~ \Ioff.'\ lfrs IIo\\.Ild I mntr lilt! \\111 110\\ start more mtcllsive \\ork ~Irs fI"".lId ~1lC'011t 1I00\lrd I"rk III .Irlll\ fl).lIlg and ground school trainor Or 1.1111 fI I'ltnMIl 1IIg' \\ hell he has complcted hiS present ~1t:ll1h(,ls of the RC(ft ItlOn COl1l1l11t tI.'ll \Htk course at Maxnel1 Field Donh,c .llteJl(llIl the Sprlllg COlllncll(c t)f •11<1 \\ III reee1\ e hiS aeronautical ratlllg tht' Ut'lll !lIon 1}1\ISlOll of the l)l'l.l\\ Irt' of Pilot' and \\ III he appomted Sccond (olln1\ \\ df.ln COUII(lI lin ~I( lid l\ elt' I.ll.'utCIl.Hlt 111 the Air Corps Rescrve IlIlI/-! It Ihe 1\\4.:lltll'lh Ceutlln Cluh 111 I .lI1sdn\\ 111. I xllll)lts ot our Sn Irlhlllon: Place. in State Contest Sl1ll1JllCr ,)ruJtlh "cre (lispla)t'd 111 "flod \lIlIl .. "ttl dlst on f.l(1l1l1es 01 the \1Ig'1I111 lr.lclIIC'r, d.ll1ght(f 01 ~II N.ltlllll.l1 l~l(n.ltHIIl ASSOCiatIon spoke .1Ilt! ~II" \\ 11JI.lIll Craelllt'r .111<1 a 111t:1I1011 Plannlllg I qlllpmcJlt and 1.1(llulls h< r 01 tilt "1.'11Ior (1.IS~ uf ~\\CII SHill .:alem h). IIl111 \ P Irk!" RI(lc On" h\ Juhn Prlll(lIc StOtt lilt: 1Ilg- to Ihl' \\ ntl.'l .. Club of Dela\\are P,tllIl" III I .1l1rc Count' lIer tOl11l "as '110\\ to Pro 1 he as"'slstlllg al tl~b .1I c l{t·x JOllC ... (lIIl ~Iatefl." for \Vntlllg • I I 'Wlo11U!lllst \\1'11 kll0\\n hI S,\ lrtlllllor ~ illS .11ld XOl1l1m Gr.Ihul1 NEWS NOTES \\ (II knc 1\\ n 1)llIlul(:lpln.1 \!Ohm:>.t A fiftet'11 IIllnllte I11Strullllllt" I)rclmlt' R< \ and ~1 rs George L Y.IIl AlII' ,,111 be pla)ed .It JO -IS \ ~I ).[r Oakll v V.1ll \ICII, Mrs Fredenck The dllnr \\111 sIng St.:\t:l1 11,1 Blil and ~lll Bell spent lasl \\eek end \Vords" hy DuhO! .... It ~ P :\[ on GUII(I \ 1~lllllg lh.'\ Van \ll11 ~ fam") 111 1 ruiay SolOists \1111111 I d\\ Ird ~\hOlg \lonlgomen Pa tl I\or Gt.:or~( I' \\ .111 (11 h 1I1hllu IIU\ Prolt ""01 lilt! \11, 1I111\ I "btl ~ of :\Ilf\ !)e.\OIt . . 1.,11111 SII".UlII I L',IIIt:ll llll'tlsih \\ull IlulI . . (, ...... 1'1111 I' IIld IllIn \ t l l l Ihl ~lIlshtlj ::\11 tile I LCD'ion B . I W"t' " l\rI I \11 .. U l, I Lllmall 01 1111\ lIet l\t I e ru ge I un a ont 1 111111.' H .. ltrcll\ lIul Iucln 011 tlHll \\ 1\ to Ithlt I \ '\ 110111 \\J1l!ullsllll1g \ I III I.' \ ml'III.11l I t'glOn \ UXII.II\ I I. . lIi1l11l!ng ill 11Ilu .... uai put\ t.~r I rllll\ I (hoi lit (ollllm (11rl hill \).,hll l\lIl1l1g- :\11\ 2 \\h('11 thl' IIqh Sdllol ltdI'll i l1(hllg illlllll I tllIlI Lalol 1-!'1lI \\111 ht: mule Huh tOI lluulgt (.OCHh\l1l lilt! Chl1ll" IlJo!.!.l1l \\111 II hllllht Se\11 t1 (bll.1 Ilrln:>. \\111 hI lit 111\t: IHunt tClllltHI 1\\ !elr lhllr .. pnng 'I "'1,,\\ ell H~Oldlllg- 10 tht: pla\m,.:( llld t ItJOl1tll'l1l BUlkllt:lll!ll1\u"lt\ I IIJpt Ifll1g III om ... HIl III thc adllll "IOn I 11.1 :\1 at: III tgll )tTl "'HI lit 01 thl D.n tllktt Ht:lllsllll1ellh \\111 hc sold tllrtl1lAh '-;tldt.llt l"lllllli It \\1'" Lltl"tel Statl I ollt thl.' (\llllng Illtht:t" tulll"'!'t III tlll uIIIllIl~ \til lSI Ctnl (Iuh ... III 111~ul to Itttn(1 Ihl. IIh':ll(lmg tht. 1I11111t1 ~prl11s Ulillt.:ll'llt:t.: l\llIt mel pin IIllh!.:" u111h '(hosI.: \\ho llthl' L.tsllill Stlhs \S .. oIJallonof Pro t!t:"'lre tIl pll'~It' . . , 1111, do S(' I h""ltlllal Sl}\(UI)' It)! leuhtr .. 111 Nt.:\\ The (elnlllllttn III lhtr~l' ~It tilt I."t:nt '\ "Ik llt\ t' I dtltg It I Inl1n hCI tlrga11l-j 1S CtlllJpI"td nl ~Ir II HI ~II'" J I'Jul1 ZIt!Oll J'lI,1 :"I.t md I trrh ~111 J \1 II I hell I can ~toll \\ 1 rt'ltu n hOIllt' t!tlm BuckneU tOl11orro\\ to spend spring va- I , t !ht' \":-;:111 If\ lIlu.'llItg ]a . . ! \\l'f'k cation \\Ith her parents Mr and Mrs I IH'(I Cro~ .. st\llIh! llt1!!Il 1110 lo \ ~I C. I \).,tOI1 of \Vestdal 11\11 Ilslu\ ul1tll (I I' \1 \\ htll 2s IIlI lilt (' a' l nue ,..:-anmnl ... h Itl htlll 11I1I:,>hlel :\Iln LlllI,tlllI Stt'n~ktl \\111 arn,l' ! IOlllurro\\ (0 sJlulII sllrlllg ,at.:.tt!OIl \\tlh I II • 1 '1lr Illrt'llb 'I .\ r anti ~Irs \Vtlham Stcr 1 Fortnightly Meet. Monday Icklf ol HI\Cl\lt'\\ road M C IS a I studcnt .It tht' Unl\erslh ul Delman I I he l'ortllIghtl} \\ III 1llt't.:1 at 1 30 ncxt Btl" \1111l ~Ittchell ut 630 t.:nl\cr~lt) I ~fonda\ aftl'nIoon \pnl 7. at thc home pla(l' returned Irom Connectl(ut Collcge 01 ~Irs James Bacon Douglas North Nt'\\ London Conll on 1 hursda) ~Jlnl Chc~tcr ro,ut and S\\arthmore a\ellue J to spend her spnng- \alatllJll \\uh lu.:r ~c\llIe SdHlle's hook • \n Old Call11\ moth('r, ),,1 rs \\ \\ ~htchell It)" will hc rnlc\\ed h) ~Irs \rthur L N,chola, I urke",h "f DartllluUIh " Bassett \lstllOg Bt:th: Clc.nl's, daughtcr of f SPECIALLY PRICED Shob Fired 3m II ~"s~ 200 II4.J 200 \11:-. \\ IIh.ulI I ot Curnell JOlllNUI \1111 cnter 11111 her 11Iul,.!c tlllh tll1" .!fternoull .n ht'f l'01I1t.: 011 Og(ll II .I\l IlUt' lfrs I III P '\l'lklS llltt'rlalllt'(I I\\d\t; gilt .. '" .It Iumhcoll \Vt:llncsda\ 11(1011 at ht.'r hOllll Oil I'nnCltoll .Iventl( J.I(k Corsc son ot ~fr and :\Ir"i Gt'orgt' r Cors( of \ .!It a\CI1Uc h h hcclI a\\.tnlltl 11", Irc.:shman IIll1l1l'l,tls for h.ls kt.,thall It SU.!Tthmore Cnllt'g(' J lIlIlS SlIllth ~Oll 01 :\1r and :\Ir~ r 1[0\\ Iftl Sl1l1th uf Park .lH'nlll b.1 1llt:1ll htr • I tht CIlIOIl Collegc ~11l1l11tehUlks J hl.url.' \\ 1m II lidS Just complete!1 I hI..' IIIS)llltol Gt'lltr tl' III It... 0\\11 lllllJ>US tht'ltrl I )UrllI,L! thc sl.nng \.1( llillll thl' "I.n "Ill Ill. t.lkt'll UI1 .1 (,nO lillie tour "llIcll "III lU\('r SIX Nt'\\ York (lUes Sizes for Women, Misses and Juniors Plaods - T\\ills <1IId Tweeds! 51} les are refreshlllg wilh rull <1IId prim bo} coats - filled rp,>fero m,d blouse} ,hirlwmsl efIeelsshIrred set in belts and sash fronts -Military COlert and Nav} Blue IIlJect the martial ail the season is so full of. • EASTER 12 32 Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes 98 to 98 Paslel Plaod, - COl crts - Glen Pla,ds - Fleece - Twills and Shel lands. 621 Edgmont Ave. Chester SPEARE'S SECOND Fl.OOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11 11111" 1111" II I II II II II 1899 1941 FORTY . SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SWARTHMORE BUILDING ASSOCIATION ASSETS $430,30000 5,700.00 23,90000 306100 3,11320 2,18000 21,46735 Dues Dellllqueni Jnlclcst ~lIHI FilU~" DellllqucIII I nlcresl Act: I Lwd C.,sh 1\"a,! the announcement of Ihe hunl arlluti.lrh among the Fnends adults and 13 c1nldrcn Jatnt's VatI i>lredor of the Foreign ttl all shps are accounted for Thc follmdng 1000ai Imsltlcs:-. pcople • I • Sed lOll ot the ~l1leflc:1I1 Fflends Scn ICC ConlllJlttl'l' and Clarencc PIckett, hxet arc coo)leratlllg III tillS \Car's Egg Hunt ulne Secrelar). spokc brieR}. and H.lch Charle!> Russell Ho\\anl B Grecn, A .lnl ).ltllcr Cluk of the Y ('arl) lfeetl11g Gottlleh Chfford Rult1;.e, \ P SmalCOIlUllIttee tor ).f II1I~tr) and COllllsel \\ as Ic\ Joseph Clllhcrto, \ \Va)ne ~Ios­ teller Joseph Ccloa B J Ho). \dolph. mtroc:lll((1 Ralh"3) l'.xprcss N \V Suplee RouThe hudget of tht' \1lIt'flt:an Friends The Jlldgl's of the poster (Ontc~t spon Scr\lCC last \car lotaled $1 164,473. and quet Salon, ),1 edta Drug Storc, Slnrcr's, sored by the Kappa Kappa Gal1\ma \hun\\ as expcnded \\ tth SII( II careful cconOll1\ Georgl' lfltro, ~farsh's Utlhh: Shop, nae ~s ... octatton 111 conneciu 11 \\ Ith ItS Jakc's 1 . bathrohcs, trousers, 0\ er 1110lhll s' 111eetmg of thc Har 111 the \\ .lln FUlld ails, and all sorts of hables' garments ~tr" II ~Il'rk ).Iullll\ .111<1 )11'" II.", Pcrhaps due to the fact that spr ng IS ~111l1(11 latetena at thrcl' oclock ~1on d.l' \pn121 1111. suhJect 1:-. ·Calet.:r ard \V Nl\\ll- ttlll!lItl" U II.' 0 I ',1 I ~ mone). for a motion pIc-lure mac I1t1l(' I 'F H t I l t as 1\\ 111 hul \\ 1uft' Stanln ....11 on t 1(~ oppo f G ra) s f errYI O~PI a aStl \\e K t "lIt' ~H1r 01 the hul f.lung 111m ami reI o~ 1(' pll1g Hto UTllIS WIa rlo0l111 111 Ie a c 1lI00ed the .. hd).., from the rnolHr \p Rarrctt ome 111 as ling 011 I par('nth he did nol kilO" t lere \,cr(' SIX , Under Mrs Joscph 5 ).,( ahn s Icad "Ildls 01 llsC Itt fallt'd to connt and <;t.:e crslup 10 1927, Grav's Ferry Hospital III h.nlon" fln1O\ecl tHe He Jll111ul the \\as "slteo four tlllles that )c.lr, th( tng).!tr onCi \\lth onl, a rl''''lIltant dick al1xlhan supphlllg four Chnst!l1aS bas- hut tht: "tt ,n(1 t1t111 It ,,('111 off The soft kets and enterlalllment at "Inch tll1HS I( Itl hllJltl IlItlied \lal1's htul Jt"'t ahme )'frs Ro) \V Delal'Ia111c and ~Ir~ H.tl tht Itlt l'l pa" ... t(1 Illnlllgh till 111alll land G 1 Ullman gavc thclr ~el"\ IC('S l!.Ino\\" nl1 ... :-.1I1g \ Ital (llllers ami I'" Sllcceed1l1g: preSidents ha\c heen .. mrl IfI.m tilt: :>.ul( huk 111 tht h(,l.d \fr~ Gtorge P \\arrcll 1Il "hOSl ad Ilnlllg; an I\lllturl Ihout t,,1) mdH':s III 1111111stratlOll $25 "as gl\el1 to "clfart.: (h.t1l1tter \ hole 01 hkt: "IZt.: "as 101ll1d $3890 tor nhahlhtatlOu a medal 111 the 111 tht \\01.11 III thl.' Illom 11\ Patrolman Sixth gradc to Flora Ihan and $407 Ihll" \ Pltl .... 1 lr hilI thl hulkl It cicarul for futnre gcnera1 charth \\urk "til hll 11'Ptllllth (hopplil tIO\,,, h(' ~Jrs Herhlrt nass("lt gUld(o til( grollli (,\(lll tilt Ill1tllll1ll'" through all ( \ t i l hrOHkr t.:1I11palg n til '-'1111ll\ IlIlllltl Illlltd tilt! hI pllt thl SATURDAY APRIL 12 Somervillo Day Swarthmore Colit'RC' gl\lIIg mula!s to S\\arthlllnrl a1ld ~lnr I g1l1l n Ill" hUltau lIUltlllnl 1)1 (,t,nge I~:::g :n:t 900~N:AL ~~vYn~~ures B~r~~I~r H:r'::~~~~ tnn schools \\Chare, rchalllht.llion ex B 11t.:1 kill tra partv to thc hoI'S at Gray's Ferry \1m (1111 Hot h('('ome enllreh unlon MONDAY. APRIL 14 1000 A M. to 4 00 PM-Red Cross Sewing Woman's Club Hospital The St1lll of $lR650 \\as slln\ls for Dr l-1c(kIlMll tOllll.ftemoon of Book Reviews APRIL 16 RaltmlOre Plkc .\reh and thc monu WEDN~DAY. ~ H II ,,111(1 a1l11ouoh ~ hc ua ... 1<'11 \\lth control 1000 A M to 4 00 PM-Red Cr068 Sewing , Presbyterian Parish House 111(111 at Swarthmorc Borough a 01 all mLHcl11111ts ("xccpt a Imrttal paralThe puhhc IS asked to htlll thl!,; ac \"'1" of on(' 'Ide ot tl1l' tacc and lIas ahle 1000 A M to 4 00 PM-Red Cross Surgical Dressings Front & JacksOn at Medl a I 1100 A M -Leglon Au-lliary Borough Hall t1\C or(l'al111.atlOn to ralSc money for t le 10 talk "lIh Ins parcnt-- al1(1 ask for I . . . . Club:-' d 200 P M -Brttlsh ReUef Bridge Benefit WornanS Rld Cros!\ and othcr charitable nee s la,onle ttlods at the ho ... rntal fhe doctor 745 P M CouDcll Sits Borough Hall b I II b\ att("n780 16.33329 11,08746 8.41338 8,91096 7,147.92 1,604.76 226.4\ $440.830.13 NORMAN S. PASSMORE, Sect'elary 11::=====================================================dl --- .... I I • Legion Auxiliar) l\Im e. Meeting VI' ConjJcr.ltmg \\lth the Brlttsh Rthd II('lI('hl Bn. ~li.il~qni'!flcie of ·Mi;~··iieiiyn:~ta.ot 'North Ches-' . to Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. H~nzftM "'1 I .. Front Roya~ Va. arrived Aprl! 4 to .,.. ter road left .T.~.' .. ' a~ifo.1. Williamsburg, Mrs. J. 'll~rvey Wh!t~an o'·T1j'~· lik, Jr. of Cornell avenue on Monday visit Mrs. McVay's parents Mr. and Va. where ~he.,wj\l ;;jlit'Junce(f'!he eut.r&,ec night, April 7, at the Fitzgerald Mercy . RUSSELL'S SERVICE Mrs. D. A. Hills of'Elm averiue through College of ,WilIlatn allit·¥lary.. ment of her danght!,r Miss Margaret Hospital. The baby who bas been n.med the Easter holiday: .. . . . . ,o. . Whiteman to Mi. Paul Heston Mary Arthur weighed pounds 20 ounces DarImoath .... A_ Mr. and 'Mr~;' j. -C. Modeler and Mr. I U1lau Snyder of. Swarthmore. ·avenlle. at birth. Mr. and Mrs. Hills. will celebrate "We ~" IIIlI _ w....... ftft_~announcement was made. at a lunchtlieir 40th wedding' anniversary tonight Ben Sanfoql of KnoxVille, ·Tenn. were wtth a theater and dinner party in the the week-erid gUests of Conimander and eon at Rolling Green Country Club on Mrs. Philip Sell;;:;-formerly of 320 Chester road is the proud grandmother city. !~~u~loyd H'arrison "Of Stnith· Ha.ve,,' Saturday. Mrs. McVay will be hostess to a reMr. Snyder is the nephew of Mrs. of Garrett Houston Baker born Februunion of the girls who graduated from Virginia Hay. daughter :of . Mr. and Margaret C. Free.dley and the son of ary 26t 1941 in New Haven Hospital, Swarthmore High School in '32· on Mrs. Edward Hay of Ogden avenue en- the late Mrs. Gladys Cunningham Hall Easter Monday night. tertained Saturday at luncheon in honor Snyder. His grandfather Mr. William of her eleventh .b~rthd~y. -Her guests"were H. Hall was associated with SwarthMr. and Mrs. Walter S. James of Yale avenue entertained. ~unday after- the girls of the College .avenue sixth more College for many years having been '.. Superintendent from 1887 to 1900. ., nOOn with a tea in honor of their SOD- grade. in...law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ·Mr. and Mrs. James Hanna of Vasliam C. Campbell who were married sar avenue are spending this week-end Mrs. Viola G. Peterson of The March 29. Out-of-town visitors among at their cottage at Ocean City, N. J. Swarthmore announces the engagement . J:' the 125 or so guests were: 01 her daughter Miss Gwladys M. PeterDr. and Mrs. F. H. Murray of PrinceMr. and Mrs. William Dlias, Mrs. ton avenue visited· in New York City son to, Mr. Jack B. Dienna son 'of Mr. CampbeJl's aunt and uocle and their last week-end. and Mrs. Daniel F. Dienna of Jenkindaughter Ruth' from Scranton, Pa.; Mrs. George A. Hoadley of Walnut of Friends' Central 'School, Overbrook, SWARTHMORE 105 Miss Dorothy Reydel of Westfield,N. J.; town, Pa. Miss Peterson is a Ja'ne had as her guests last week-end and is a member -of . the J one graduating Mrs. Pryse Thomas· of. _Elmhurst,. Pa.; and Mr. and' Mrs. Charles Wood,' uncle Arthur G. Hoadley. of Chicago, Ill. class of. Hood College, Frederick, Md. IHDUDlDDDIIDIDIllHlnlDDUHUlHlntUlUnmllllDDlwnnnllllhilldlBDlDmall,llmtUHUfiilddHlBl1IIlIllllDIRUlDDDlIIIIUBDIIIIII and aunt of Mr. Campbell, of Westfield, President of the midwestern division of Mr. Dienna.is a graduate of the Pennthe Atlantic and Pacifi~ Company, and sylvania State College and is a member ill N. J. and formerlyo! Swarthmore. ~t'nd son and daughter-m-!aw Mr. and 01 the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity. The J ' Mr. and Mrs~ WiHiam Freegard of Mrs. Alfred Hoadley and baby Stephen. Swarthmore avenue and Mr. Fteegard's The latter visited from the Agricultural wedding will takei;cein the fall. ;;;. sister Miss ~uth Freegard left ye-ster- Experimental Station, College To Wed April 19 day on a 'trip to Washington, n: C. and Maryland. Williamburg, Va. Upon their ·retum·.Miss The wedding of Miss Josephine KothMr. and Mrs. Frank Fitts and three Freegard win visit with her brother and daughters spent last week-end in Atstein daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 72 X 108 Hemmed-$I·.30 90 X 108 Hem. med...· $1.70 sister:'·in-Iaw for a week before leaving lantic City. They were accompanied by Kothstein of Ottsville, Pa. and Mr. for her home in East Lansing, Mich. 45 X 38 Cases--35c Mr. and Mrs. William E. Shmidheiser Robert C. Ziegler son of Mrs. Mabel . Th,e _..M.iss~s J?:lJa and Marian Tappin and children of Moylan. Holtz of Lancaster, Pa. will be per· SUMMER CO F will arrive today from East Orange, N. formed on Saturday afternoon, April MORTS Dr. and Mrs. Max Hootman of WashJ: to spend the Easter week-end with Dr. 19, in Aldan, Pa. Covered with dainty rosebud batiste 95 and Mrs. Horace ]d. Hopkins of Swarth- ing~on. Pa. arrived Wednesday on their .Miss Kothstein is secretary to Dr. 3: filled with snow..wbite colton. . . . . . • way home from Fla. to spend a few days more Crest. fredrick A. Patman and Dr. Richard C. == with their son-in-law· and daughter Mr. :Miss Frances Burlingame dean of EI· and Mrs. George L. Tone of Wallingford Ammenrian and resides at Dickinson aveThe Original nue. After a week's wedding trip she will == mira College, Elmira. N. Y. and .Miss Hills. . resume her office duties he·re. .. _; ;~_ H. T. PATrERSON'S LINEN SHOP l-fary Scott of Chile, S. A. arrived Tues· , , I day morning to,· be the guests of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horner of 1318 WALNUT STREET ". Barden-Slavera ;; Henry A. Piper of Yale avenue until Baltimore, .Md. will spend the Easter PEN, 0694 PBlLADELPBIA B... 1908 = yesterday. On Tuesday evening the Phila.. week-end with their son-in-law and tlllllRllllllnllllllllllllllllllllnll\lCllUloUe II. McCurdi /a CIlarpJnlllWllOlOnHlIummUllllU On last Saturday afternoon the mardelphia chapter of Elmira alumnae ·enter. re~~m home . In ten. .days. .~ -, ·r.~· . . .• " • ""'l..n 1 '- c.n er•• fo·,,·. c', l«>rn 6 "".7- N'liiF;;~~~~~=::~;;'1 an d re·m·l·rzers N WALTER SUPLEE graduatel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~ p Its a thrt'll to :: PERCALE SHEETS at the pri~ 0/ Muslin $2 !til : ; ~ I"" Mrs. 'Carl,'aeArt Moll' of"on Pa'rk avenue entertail)"~.')h.~ Club Friday afternoon :;t\'Pril.- 4. when the study of contemporarr.an:jsts was continued. Betty :1C~~( of Harvard' avenue and Anne Wtjiy.'.of Walnut lane left Wed· nesday, ~p.ri~'-.9 by train for.. Miami, Fla. where tt(ey ~\.Iil1 spend their ~pi;l,1g vacltion. They . ;,.Y.jll stay with Mi"ss' Krase's· grandfat,!ieci.':Mr. I. H. Kart>er . -,. their ted<~*~~.. vjsit. ~ . '- , ... Nancl',K,ing'slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis W.· King of College avenue. left Tucson,'· Ariz; c·Wednesday for Mexico' City when: she wilL-:witness the Easter fiesta;:~arl~y.and two friends ·are making the trip -dur:iiig- their spring ·vacation from the Univ~rsity of Arizona. " . / F] ~~~.; ; '~~-~~~;~j~'~' I STARTS FRIDA), .. '-In o"Seff"tlce _~f· -Qo9d. FrIda, WI thea~. ~~ be~·,closed- ubtU 3 P .. II. .. -. ' . 8T&RT8 TODAY . Two Acad.elDJ· Awarcl WlImers GINGBR BOGBBS JAMBS STI!W....T '. . bl . .. "J'IYACIOUS LADY" Added Att,.ctloD. -llareh of 'l'Ime uAU8T~1A. AT W.&B.~ ' .. "ANDY HARDY'S PRIVATE SECRETARY" . with MICKEY ROONEY LEWIS STONE .. '. .,.. BY -DONALDSON OF MEDIA WbO brm,s to your veQ doorstep the BEST MODERATELY Pru~ED CLOTHES . . . . MADE IN AMERICA TODAY .. Falht01lJJltOOked simUltaneoUSly with FIfth Avellue Shops· Afternoon' Gown. ,,~ C"Jir'llleCardell - ali Hen in J!o~. ami H~per''' Dell."t/,,' I".nioro ",. A.lray'. illu..rIo... dulpero ' . '. Morni", Prod.. b~ lane Eftn.·· Coat. ami Sult.·bT''''' lamed Ho...., . ol S..an.d........ And JnaIU' othen M'ANOR .. ~ PRlDAY-SATURbAY Co~tbulOUS Saturda:;r l::M-ll:H . ~rlfe ..fnn SH$llD~ • BRENT '~Honeymoo:it for Three~' SUNDAY - MONDAY - TVESDAY Continuous &UDdQ'-2-11:30 P.M. Cary /(atharine. GRANT • . HEPBURN' JAMES STEWART In HI.:Aeadem,. Award' .R.ole· "The Philadelphia ,.,. Story'" '.' ", . MED'fA LAST 2 DAYSr F'IUIIAY - SATURnAY Jame., Sl~art Katharine Hepb~f7 Grant "TUB PHIL.4DBLPIiu STORY" ...._ starts at 2:_':1_:10 PInt RuD. World He... ~ " BoUl' 8h~w Satun\a.J' Afternoon at 1:31 "SKY BANDITS" . 2-Cartoons-z And 1st and 2nd Chapters of Renfew Sertal "i\IYSTBRIOUS DR. SATAN" All ChUdren lOe EASTER "f i . .. .... E AWAlT KITS' '. JIVll' ...._ . IIOW _ daughter Shirley retnrnOd' on Tuesday to Colby -Junior College, New LoiIDOR, N. H. . ' "·mtANtoNlo" .. To date therespOriae to the second PLAYERS·Q.UB appeal for Red Cross kits for· the Mrs. Hervey Schumacher· of Haverwomen 01 England has been nil A May 27 to 31 ford avenue recently returned from ·a number of month. ago Swarthmoreans 1'1.";0 for kiteben prepared 76 kit. "ontai1ting .personal three weeks' trip to California during forilntaln items needed by those who have lost which she visited. her brother and sisterTlCUTln their homes and' equipment suddenly. in· law Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Alrich At Ba .... " 2 .. TGUt" or hOlD in Los Angeles. Recently anothe~ appeal for 20,000 ....ch Mro; T. II. JadrJOD; 1131· ...... A........ kits was issued, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter's share of which will amount 'to 3,000.' ... Appropriate EBster Swarthmore has' always responded STERUNG SILVER CROSS AND CHAIN heartily to the requests of those in <_ Set with _uUtaJ MaJadt4j) stress that it is believed the excitement 8e1Uq _wb_ ulU&h as.... _ of spring vacation and Ejlster is acTIlE WOMAN'S CLUB WILTSHIRE BROTHERS countable for the lack of response EI~;'D RenIta' in this last appeal which appeared in 100 E. STATE STREET, MEDIA 'PROMB IDDU mt· The result" of the bien'nlal elections The Swarthmorean of March 28. Yet held April 8 in the·clubhouse are pres- what more appropriate time than ident" ¥rs. J. Paul Br:own; first vice- Easter is there to invest $1 to equip presidenl;' Mrs. S~ .Murray . Viele; sec- a kit for an English neighbor? It is only because headquarters can ond vi~e presi~ent, Mrs. ·Edward C. Prescott; recordipg secretary, Mrs. T buy in. quantity that the various arK. B'rown; corresponding se,,,etary,1 tieles supplied in the kits can be ag- Doable doors open wide at The S ..·arth' morean office the -day before· Ea.ter Mrs. F. Norton LandOn ~ trea}urer, gregated for that sum per kit. let In aD the holden of.' prize winnl"ll George"· A." ''HOadley; directors, Mrs. Contributions of cash should be sent alipa, eaBer to aeeure th~ir reward. of Arthur W.· Binns, Mrs. .Rofimd L. now to Mrs. Edward M. Bassett. 315 lar .. e ehocoJate Easter ea••• Eaton, Mrs. Peter E.' Told, and Mrs. Chester' road, who will forward Birney K. Morse; Board of admissions, the money to Philadelphia headquarters . W . for conversion into kits to be credited M rs. W . F . H anny, M rs. Be nJ'amm Tommy Marshall son of Mr. and ~rs. Collins, Mr~. William ·Earl Kistler, and Swarthmore branch assistance. John Marshall of Lincoln avenue is trav' I , Mrs. Joseph S. Seal. eling with the Princeton University Glee Tea Reaervation. Needed IDusb-ated AI8skan Lecture Club through Florida and southern cities Mrs. Joseph H. Perkins will give a during his spring vacation. teil at her home from 3 to 5 at 530 The Delaware County Garden Club Cedar lane April 16. for the benefit will close its lecture series with an adMr. and Mrs. William H. Ward and of the Garden Sections Rutgers ave- venturelogue by Cornelius Vanderbreg- their daughter Shirley of Strath Haven nue planting project. Because the gao, Jr. next Thursday eveni!1g, A~ril 17, avenue return~ Sunday from Miami, space is limited it will be necessary to at 8 P. M. ·Mr. Vanderbreggan wtll precaB Mrs. Perkins or Mrs. Ross Mar- sent southeastern Alaska, a breath-takriott for a reservation. ing trip through' a tropical northland Final Co. Federation M~t where beautiful flowers grow near ageold glaciers, berries· thrive on the slopes The third and last meeting of the of snow-capped mountains) and modern Delaware County Federation of Wo- cities dot the wilderness, Th..tecture will be illustrated with natmen's Clubs will be qn .Thur.sday, 24, at the Haveriord Township Hi,ghl School. The Oakmont-South Ardmore ural color slides. Donations of cash for American seeds Llanerch and Manoa Woman"s clubs for British soil will be received at this will be the hostesses. Luncheon will be served in the cafeteria. For reserva- meeting to purchase American vegetables LAWN RAKES tions call Mrs. Roland L. Eaton, before for England. Bamboo flexible leelh for raldq April 20. NEWS NOTES dead leaves, mowed ....... aDd Garden. Go on Dioplay eleandu. la...... Mr. and Mrs. Warren A. Tyson, J r . . The GardeQ ;·Sectioll .is sponsoring· a display Sw'arthmbre Gardens for the have returned from their wedding trip N' w· a\j··'T·'E'R"S"UP'LE'E • ftL month of May. Anyone who would lit-e and are now living at Jackson and Baltito show her gar~en is asked to call more avenues' in Media.Mrs. Tyson was Before her marriage Mrs. J. Warren Paxson. Miss Constance N. Shannon of Ansonia, Brldee Date Ciaaolled Conn. The wedding took place on March Members of the Evening Section please note the change in date for the next the I in Rev. Ansonia Mrs. conducting Tyson's father T, J.with Shannon the rotation bridge party. Due to the movie ceremony. She had her two sisters as benefit to be held . April. 20 to 25, matrons':'of-:-honor; -and Mr. Joseph Jolm-I Media, the briCIge·· party ·""·iil·, ;·be '.. son·of New Haven, ·Conn. was best April 15th, at the home of Mn. George .A small bridat" dinner was given ~y Rev. , 4 , B. Thorn, Blackthorn Road, WallingMrs. Shannon after the wedding. " .,.. P . • .." ford. PJease notify AI rs·. Thorn if you and Mr. Tyson is 'the son of Mr. and Mrs. ••• . O.,..,.O'~ plan. to attend. . Warren A. Tyson of Harvard avenue. . Fetes Mrs. Hiester Dr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Luehring Mrs. Alexander Ewing of Dartmouth and son Davidson of North Chester road avenue entertained a group of 12 guests left We'.' J1S" It .. er"{ oed" t. A very .. a ua . close quarters or . ~ vQUD 1 • yourcarJft " . .. - ~}ten, for nlakteuverlng . . . . lI.g . • • I es' dangeroUS pac • . _',' ~ EVE" :FRIDAY "BEHIND THE NEWS": COMJ! ...., .. ..• ., , . ~"rt Scliaf/nl:rl!l M,me Clo,h •• . . . . . "THE LADY. SUNDAY ONLy Gene AutQ lD. ''lUD1f-n ON A RAINBOW" . CAFE. sfi!1:.~~ ) foitit . ,_ : MESSMIR cm.~ ST VacamatrC HANNUM & WAITE S.Chester Rd. & Yale Ave. -'; , .. Phone Swarthmore' 1250 INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE TBB SW ARTBIIORBAN I PERSONALS Mrs. E. O. Lange and sons Robert and Ernest, Jr. of LanKwood Baltimore pike arc motoring to Montg~mery, Ala. to visit Bob Lange, a flying cadet ill the air corps who is stationed Ht thl' advanced training school at ~[axwcll Field, Ala. They will be accompanied by Miss janncttc Disque of Charlottes- vi1lc, Va. Mr. and lI.lrs. Roy \V. Delaplaine and son Richard of -CorneJl avenue left Saturday to motQr to St. Petersburg, Fla. Robert Delaplaine a student at \\'offord College. Spartanburg~ S. C. will join his parents for his spring vacation. The Delaplaincs will return home in tc~ days. :' , lfrs. A. G. McVay and sou Jackie of Front Royal. Va. arrived April 4 to visit :\[rs. McVay's J)arcnts Mr. and Mr~. D. A. Hills of Elm 3\'CllUC through thc Easter holiday. ~fr. and }"fr~. Hills will ce1cbrate their 40th wedding anniversary tonight with a theater and dinner party in the city. Mrs. McVav will be hostess to a n'union of the girls who graduated from Swarthmore High School in '32 on Easter Monday night. Elizabeth and Jane Nixdurf were hostesses to Mary Corse, Polly Told, ~fildred McCowan. and janic Evans 011 Tuesday. After lundll'OIl the group tlyt..>d Eilstt.'r ('ggs and 1}layed games. \Vhen she- Idt fur home each little girl had a ~:Iy East<:r hasket filled with a dozen hrighlly colored eggs. :\1 rs. Frcuerkk Griest and three- week old daughter )'larian of Ambler are sl'l'lIl1ing a short time with :\lrs. Griest's l)artlllS Mr. and ~frs. N. \Vaht.'r Suplee of Yalc a\·cIlUl'. )'Ir. and 1\[r5. T. R. Sit'inek of Palisade Park, N. J. spent last wee-k-emi with :\Ir:;. Sirinek's parents :\lr. and )'Irs. John ~. I.udwig, Jr. of \Valnut lane. ~1 iss Betty Douglas of North Chestl'r road left Tuesday for Williamsburg, \·a. where she will visit friends at the Collt.'ge of. William and Mary. .llr.•lIHI Mrs. J. ,C. l\londer and Mr. Ul'l1 Sanford of Knuxville, Tenn. were the wel'k-end guests of Commander and ~lrs. 1.10)'d Harrison of Strath Haven avenul'. Virginia I-Ia:r daughter of Mr. and Edward Hay of Ogden a\'enue entl'rtained Saturday at luncheon in honor of hl'r ell-nllth birthday. Her guests were ~h, and ~I r~. \Valter S. Jame~ of Yale avellue entertaincd Sunday aill'r- the girls of till.! College avenue sixth grade. noon \\'ith a h'~1 in honor of their ~on­ in-Ia\\' and daugh1l'r :\Ir. ami ~Irs, \Vil.\Ir. and ~trs. James Hanna of Vasliam C, Caml)hell who Wl're married sar a\,('flUl' are spending this week-end ~lan.:h 29, Out-nf-tow11 \'isitors among at their cottage at Ocean City. N. J. the 125 or so gucsts \nre: Dr. and ~Irs. F. H. ).1urra\· of Prince:\1 r. and 11 rs. \Villialll Dlias, ~I r5, tOil an'lIue visited in Ncw· York City Camphell's aunt and nudc, anti their last \\"et.'k-end. (lal1ghtl'r Ruth fmm Scranton, Pa.; ~I rs. George A. Hoadley of \\Talnut )'Iiss Dorothy Reydcl of \Vestfield, N. j.: ::\,1 rs. Prysc Thomas of Elmhurst, Pa.; lalll' had as her guests last week-cnd ~illd ~rr. and ~Irs. Charles \Vo()(l, uncle Arthur G. Hoadley of Chicago. lit. and 'lIlIlt of )'Ir. Camphell, of \Vcstfit.'ld, Prl'sidcllt of the midwestern division of thl' Atlantic and Pacific Company, and ~. J. and formerly of SW41rthmore. her son and daughter-in-Jaw Mr. and ::\Ir. anel :\Irs. 'Villial11 Freeganl of llrs. Alfred Hoadley and baby Stephen. Swarthmore annul' and ),[r. Freeganl's The latter visitcd from the Agricultural si~tt'r )'Iiss Ruth Freegan! left yesh.'r- EXJll'rilill'n!al Station, College Park, day on a trip to \Vashington, D, C. and :M aryland. \Villiamhurg, Va. UII(ln their return ).(iss 1lr. and Mrs. Frank Fitts and three Freeganl will \'isit with her brother and daughtt'rs spent last wcek-end in At!"istt'r-in-lilw for a wel'k hefore leaving lantic City. They were accompanied b\" for Ill'r home in Ea~t Lansing, :\1 ieh. At r. and ~I rs. \Villiam E. Shlllidhcise'r The ~fisses Ella and Marian Tappin and children of Moylan. will arrive today from East Orange, N. Dr. :md ),Ir~. ),Iax Houtman of \VashJ. to spend the Easter \,·('f.'k-cnd with Dr. ingttlll, Pa, alTi\"cII \\'edlll':-;dav on their and :\Irs. Horacl' U. HOI.kins of Swarthway hOIlll' i rom Fla, to spl'nd ~ iew days more Crest. with thl·ir son-in-law and daughter ::\lr. lliss Fram'l's Burlingallll' (lean of El- and ),1 r~. Gl'nrgl' I.. Tone of \\'allill"iord ~ mira Ct)lIl'gl'. Elmira. N. Y. ilnd Miss Hi)l~. ~"Iry Scott of Chilt-. S. :\. arrived Tut's:\lr. and )'Irs. Chark's Horner of day morning to hl' thl' gnests of l[ rs. Baltimore. :\lcl. will .!Opt.'lId the Easter Henry :\. Pipl'r of Yale m'l'IHIt:' until \\'(;'('k-L'IHI with t1wir SOil-in-law and Yl'skrday. On Tucsday cnning thl' Philadaughter ~[r. and Mrs. C. Irwin Galdelphia chapter of Elmira alumnae l'llterhreath of Benjamin \Vl'St a\·enlll'. taiIH..'d with a dinner at the Penn AthIctic Cluh in honor of )'lis-s Ruriing'l1llC' Gordon \V, Douglas of ;>\orth Cheswho was a Illelllht'l" of the Swarthmon' tn road is spending his Ea~tl'r vacaCollcge fandt)' hcforl' guing to Elmira. tion \'isiting his hrother Captain Roh),tiss ~lary PURl'Y and ).(iss Alicc crt U. Douglas at Fort Devells, Mass. :\yn.'s oi North Cill'stcr road are spcndMr. and ::\Irs. Harold :\Ioltz of \Viling a \\T('k on St. Simons T sland off the Iiams port, Pa. will arrin tomorrow to coa::.t of Gl'orgia hefore going to sl.end \'isit their son-ill-law and daughter Mr. a Wct·k or two in Charleston, S. C. \'iew- and :Mrs. Rer during their ten days' \·i!iit. ' Xanry King daughtl'r of )'Ir. and )'lr5. Louis ,V. King of College avenue left TUl'son, Ariz. \Vt.'dnesday for ).Icxico I City where :ihc will witness the Easter fie.sta. )lancy ami two friends arc making the trip during thcir sl)ring \'acation from I till' L'nivcrsity of :\rizona. ~Irs. •I I I In observance of Good Friday thIs theatre will be closed until 3 P. M. • ST,\RTS TODAY Two Academy Award Winners GINGER ROGERS JAMES STEWART .n "J71J7ACIOUS LAD¥" Added Attraction - March or Time "AUSTRALIA AT WAR"' APRIL 11, 1941 ,-----------------------------~.~- Sunday while Mrs. Moltz will stay with was solemnized at Christ Church. her daughter for part of next week. Media. After the wedding a reception was Mrs. Leonard Ashton of Elm a venue given by the bride's parents at their and Mrs. Hervey Schumacher of Ha\"(~r· home, Mrs. Barden's only attendant ford aVl'l1ue spent Wedncsda)' of last was Miss Emily Campion of Lal,idea wl'ck ill New York attending th·! national I-lills, and the best man Mr. Kenneth Y. \\'. C. A. 11It..'t'tings, Darden brother of the groom. Nancy Lou Alger formcrly of SwarthMrs. Barden is a graduate of Swarthmure is arriving today to spend the more High School in the class of '33, week-end with Jcssie and Harriet Gilbert M t. H~lyoke College, and Northwest· of Park a\'Clluc. Nallcy LOll now lives ill ern Umversity where she reccived her Jlridgcton, N. ]. M.S. degree. Mrs. J, L. Benjamin has returned to Mr. BardclI is an assistant professor her home in Cleveland. Ohio after at Northwestern University and is \'isiting her son and daughter-in~law cornl)leting work on his doctor's de:\orr. and Mrs, Grant E, Benjamin whom gree. she recent1y accompanicd on their rc• I • moval from Swarthmore to Dallas, Births Texas. The first grandchild of :\h. and ~lrs . • I " Engagemenls Henry J. Hanzlik of Cornell a\'enue was '~rn to Mr. and :\1 rs. Henry j. Hanz. :\1 rs. J. I-Ian'ey \Vhiteman or The h~, Jr. of. Cornell a\'enuc on ~Ionday Swarthmore has alllloUlu~ed the engage· IIIght,. April 7, at the Fitzgerald ~fercy 1Ill'lIt of hcr daughter ~fiss Margaret HoslJltal. Thc bahy who has bcell namcd Graham 'Vhitl'llIan to ~Ir. Paul Heston ),Iary Arthur weighed 6 ()ounds 20 ounces .tHan Snyller of Swarthmore aVCIlU.l'. at birth. The a1l1toUIlC('llIel1t was madc at a lunch· Mrs. Philip Sdl~forll1crly of 320 N. CU!1 at Holling GrL'cn COllntry Club on Chc.ster road is the proud grandmother Saturday. of Garrett Houston Bakcr horn Febru::\1 r. Snysses. Luncheon will · If, . F mel·ting to Jll1rch~se American \Tgl,t<~hks I)e 5('[\'('(I II) t 11.' Cil c: ('na. or reseT\'a- f J" I I tions call ::\1 rs. H.oland J.. Eaton, hdOT(' or '.ng: an<--. ...... ~-April 20. NEWS NOTES Gardens Go on Display The Gankn Section is sponsoring a! ~Ir. and :\(r5. \Varrl'n A. Tyson. Jr. clispta~' of Swarthmore Gardens for the ha\'e returned from their w{'(lding trill lIlonth of ~Ii,,'. AI1\'one who would like and are now th'ing a' Jackson and Balli· ,.... BY DONALDSON OF MEDIA BEST Mo~ii~;'i~; ve;;i~i~e CLOTHES MADE IN AMERICA TODAY Fashions booked simultaneously with FlUh Avenue ShOps A/lerlJOOII COlon" by Clair McCardell - as lIeen ;11 "'ogue ami Harper'. f)eligh!/ul J",.iors by Arkay'. Ulu.'riou8 designer. Morning Frock. by }ane Evan. Coal. ami Suit. by the /tuned Ho".e 0/ Swan.downe And many oth... A COLLECTION EVERY INTELLIGENT WOIlIAN SHOULD SEE! Sizes 9 10 42 - PRICES $13.95 10 $29,95 Mrs. Ilen'cy Sdlllt11acher of Ha\'l'rfonl a\'enue- rel'ently returncd {rom a thrf!e wceks' trill to California lturing whkh she \"isilt.'d her brotlH'r :md si:;lcrin-law Mr. and )'Irs. Samul'i D. Alrkh II) I.os Angeles. 100 E. STATE STREET. MEDIA 'PHONE I\ttOIA 2239 Double doors open ""ide "t The Swarlh. morean office the day before Easter to let in all the huldertt of prize winning ttlillttt eoger 10 !!Iccure their rewards of large chocolate Easler eggs. ----------------- with CHARLES STARRETT HARVARD AVENUE TELEPHONE SWARTHl\IORE 680 Visit BONNIE HAT SHOP at 50 South 69th St. LAWN RAKES Bamboo flexible teeth Cor raking dead lea\'cs, mowed graslt and deaning lawns. • • Prices Are From N WALTER SUPLEE • $1.95 to $10 was 1~===S:W=A:R:TH=:M=O:R::E=I:0:5====~~================================~ I I-:-;;;;;:::-;;;;::;:-:;:-:-;;;;;:;:-::;::;-;;;;:----;;;;:;:;;;::~:;;;;:;:~:;:;~;::;:-:;:-;;::-­ I I 11 1 11 I I)" drops in (ur lundJ .. , the Snug I.illlp SUBURBAN CAFE. ana f.'ockrui l """'~II\'aln (:nm:o,.r"., .., R R ~ .. h· rban StaHun The Philadc1phi;:l alumnae chapter of .\11)ha Phi, a national sorority, held its monthly reunion card luudu:-on on \\'edlIl'sday 111' this week at thl' Ingieneuk. ~I n;. Edwin :\. \".o·11all I)f The Harvard attended. fl'l)reSl'I1IL'd hl'r chapter at Hos- tsaurt' of an t'nJ"yahle meal, wJthoUI hUrTy_otO\ld r ...·1uant lIurroundinlll' _8ntl .t' rCafiEOnahh' " .. Ie.... '-uncI L>fJus-frorn ·0, Di,,,,,'rs -from ~jc (;ockwil Ilours-.J:QO 10 11:00 p.1't.1 Persunal Supervlsiun u1 Harry R. ·fully i=~-~~-~-~~-~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~ lon Uni\·cl"sih·. Charl-cs X. Ha1c who has Iwen ~"l'l1(hng the last 1I10nth in ~lialt1i, Fla.: is l'XIll'cted to r('lnn) lIl'xl week to her [' hOllte at The ~warthmol"e. ~Irs. lIale will he al'l'lImpanied hv Ill'r fathl.·r and i mother ),11'. :tIHI ).[rs. i~t'1l,·~t PrBCtol' of [. ,,'limington, Dcl. ., "i'. )'Ir~. If cteustrr .'1 • , ."! . MURRAY'SI .' . toughest-StoP laces where driVing IS at its best. , We'll take yOU ~o the p Fillid Driv;I1g shoWS up . COME ON. enters-that s where out of motoring. You streets. traffic C h Fluid Drive take~ the wort~.ng stopping and start· ou OW pIng s t a r . I '/t' Let uS sh OW y for hours ... stop h I' clllieb or gears" . h ugh tOwn . a can go t rO d 'n never 1]ave to tOIlC t>e .' h right noW Ifi ing again an yOU tomorrow's drlvl0g- e~c it6.re engines - .. ,'" 'd like to shoW .Y,?u with Chrysler's famous ~r yOU want when we fluid Drw",g . h . 'es yoU the pow Chrysler. . . . smission whtC g" \ter on a planel and Vacan~.t:~k~~~e variable.pitch prope . Fluid Drive freed frW' yOU want 1[, I he feel of this new d [1VC :~g' is at its very worst. e . and get t here t h e gm Com~ 10 ' on the byways w. else like itl gcarsh.fung .. ; bsolutely nothtng mise~thcre sa pro usc it .... ery se d ~t 'A "ery valuable ~a erose quarters or . w)len YOfo~'::',a;e;'vering your car In c Hart SchaRner & Marx Clothes WIT H EVENING SECTION PHIL,\NTHROPJC FUND MOVIE BENEFIT I\IEDIA THEATRE APRIL 20 TO 25 Sunday, April 20-"Border Legion" and "Dreaming Out Loud" 21, 22-"Philadelphta story" !3-"Llttle Men" 24, 25-"'The Virginian" Tickets 35c From All Eveninl Section Members SAFETY!. FOR h with f:..id Drivel 1 indudes a Safety (.ut, . oU witt Why Chrys e~ is like a lifeboa~ on a I::r~: have it The Safety C1'1dchm but you're mlght~ guard for park, BE MODERN STRATH HAVEN INN MILLINERY The Chester SATURDAY "TilE I'INTO KID" SMART :\1r. and :\Irs. \VilIiit1l1 H. \Vanl and their daughter Shirley of Stratll Haven a\"enue returlled Sunday front :\1 iami, • with LLOYD NOLAN FOR Tommy :\larshall son of ),1 r. find :\,1 rs. John ).farshall of L.illl"oln a\,enuc is tnweling with the Princeton Uni\"Crsity Glee Cluh through Flurida and southern cities ' Alexander Ewing of Dartmouth and son David!illll of Korth Chester road ;.I\·('ntle entertaincd a group of 12 guests left \Vednesday morning 10 motor to lor luncheon at the Illgtencuk on Tucs- ~c\\' l.()ndoll, COlin. where they will day. The guest-of-honor was ).(rs. Rae visit ~lrs. Luehring's sister :\liss·).[arie ~il'ster who .spokc beforc the \Voman's H. Da\'id50lt st'crl'tary to thc presidl'nt oi Connccticut Collegc inr \VolUl'n, t111# Cluh that afternoon. • I • til after Easter. 203 WEST STATE STREET Last year's innovation proved so popular we are repeating a sea"lIl of these delightful SSc lunch· \'ons heginning n('xt W"dncsday, April ]6. BUY TICKETS NOW FOB The "fan Who Comes To Oinnl'r L~~:'~~~.~~.~~_____:~E:~~~~~~::J 1- s X.l11CY Hcnry. ~Iargie Sheppard. TIll'o Hulme, Barhara ~ason, Libh\' Garrett, Lihhy Rutan, Pete ),1 iller, F'onl \\FiggillS. Harry Brown. nick Brown, Hoh Toole, Jim Bowdih.:h, and :\Iilton Fl1~­ sell l'ntl'rtained ahout 130 guests ilt a dance at the \Voman's Club on \\"'11n('sday c\·enillg. ! i/ I I w NEWS NOTES I "ANDY HARDY'S PRIVATE SECRETARY" E Fla. where they Imd spent the pm;t week. Their daughtt.'r Shir1l'\, rdufI1l'd· on Tuesday to Colby jlllli~r Coll('gt." New 1.0ndo11, N. H. 'I ! STARTS FRIDAY To date thc reSllonse to the second appeal for Red Cross kits for the women or England has been nit. A number of months ago Swarthmoreans prepared 76 kits containing personal items needed hy those who ha\'e lost their homes and equipment suddenly. Rcccntly another appeal for 20,000 such kits was issued. the Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter's share of which will amount to 3,000, Swarthmore has always responded so heartily to the requests of those in stress that it is believed the excitement of spring vacation and Easter is accountable for the lack of response in this last appeal which apl)eared in The Swarthmorean of March 28. Yet what more appropriate time than Easter is thcre to invest $1 to equip a kit for an English neighbor? It is only hecausc headquarters can huy in quantity that the various ar· tieles supp1ied in the kits can be aggrcgated for that sum per kit. Contrihutions of cash should he sent JIO"W to ~(rs. Edward ~1. Bas~l'tt . .115 North Chcster road, who will forward the money to Philadelphia headquarters for conversion into kits to be crc for ... The anyt h'mg t h at may be happening. C;row expresses a wide range of emohon merely by varying its emphasis the traditional word, "Caw." I sumetimes think that a fine Spring day brings out an unfamiliar timbre in the Eoglish SparroWs chirp. Perhaps it is only my ear that i. acted by tbe long-awaited warmth, but small sparrow-note seems sud.. .The Delaware County Choral Society W!th !lr..Cly~e R.· Dengler conduCting will gJv~ ·110 eighth annual Spring Chor· al Festival M~nday evening, April 21, ~t 8:~ P. M., In the Upper Darby Jun'or H,gh School Auditorium, Garrell road and Sherbrook boulevan!. The Kou.tz~n Trio, consisting of Nadia Koutzen vJohn; George Koutzen cello· and I~ez Koutzen piano will be featured on. thIS program. Paulena E. Carter piamst ten,year-old student at the Philadelphia Conservatory of Music will be the soloist. The Misses Koutzen and Car- A"EMIeT' Bouquet Or a timely NOlegayBe iI wlua ilmay. For good {lowe,. jut eay SWAR'fHMORE 554 ~ - ~ _G 1IdI_ _~ • MAROT of til. IIoeJt 01 ~-~ Conapo-Po_l'IaDtI L~':=, ~.'::::w c_ ,. FLOWER SHOP On East~J)ai at It o'c1p.;k the choir Sunday, April 13, at 10 :45 A. M. the I denlv to ring witb a metallic clink, as 'Phone will sing the'Yass'in E-flat bv Wood- Easter Worship with Easter music by somewhere in the bird's ihroat an wan!. The Offertory \"i11 be ,rAlleluial tbe adult choir and guest instrumentaldiscarded percussion instrument Christ is Risen" by Kopolyoff. At the ists win be held. The sermon will be G been rediscovered. - MARY DUN HILL • PRINCE MA. TCHABELLI • CHANEL. 11 o'clock service the Ste. Cecilia Mass "One Small Candle." oing to the woods for a stroD on by Counod will be sung. The Introit will The instaDation of modern sound amsame morning, I hear Blue Jays be "Christ, Out" Passover" by Madar- pHfication equipment in the chapel and Similarly practicing a long-neglected lane and the Offertory Anthem will be the kindergarten room adjoining the song-not the strident "Jay!· Jay I" bat V U£,f; "With Joyful Hearts" by GiI>rza. IcltUl'ch will make it possible for all a peculiar reiterated almo.t-musical At 4 o'clock in the afternoon the attend on Easter Sunday to hear the creaking, like a slowly taming windBEAUTY SALON Church School will bold its Easter Ser- ~ntire servite and join' in the worship. mill that needs oiling. vice with members of the school taking All departments of the church school Even the Crow cannot forget its orpart in the service. :-. will join in the Youth Worship at 9 chestral heritage on such a day. The • Beauty enha,..,u Eater joys All members of the Parish aTe re- o'clock. in . the church on Easter Sun- "Caw" set temporarily aside. each woos minded that the offering on Good Friday day. a prospective mate with lugubrious IOftis for the work of the Church in JeruThe High Sclioot Fellowship will toned gurgles. Somewhere in the evoIS ....... CIa"" ..... salem and on Easter. Day a special appeal meet on Easter Sunday evening. Jutio'nary p"ast.. Crows must have' let is made for a thank-offering for the . Members of ,the Parish are aside their bassoons in favor of the c:.u .76 work in the Parish and general Church. to the three-hour Prayer service at baton, but in Spring they cannot· resist :;;.;;;;;;;C;;H;;;A;;;;R:=;B;:E:;;;R;;;T;;;;;~.;;;;;R~O~V~A~E~~.;;;;;~C~H~E~NbY~U~;;;;;.~~~g;D~A~Y~~. Small, flowering plants are needed for Trinity Episcopal Church at 12 Noon blowing a reminiscent tlote or two be... r the charity patients at the Philadelphia to 3 P. M., Friday, April 11. tween the old warped reeds. The Church Hour Nursery wiU be C. BROOK" .WOR't'H General Hospital. They may be brought to the Parish House on Good Friday held on Easter Sunday morning as usW •• CJe. E on Saturday before noon and will be ual. Children from the ages of 2 to . riling a8S to nd With Picture Stories 'You'll Want to See! used to decorate the Church, may be entered. The Nursery will be The twelfth and final meeting of the The Annual Parish Meeting will be held in the basement rooms of the Par- class in creative writing which has been conducted by Mrs. Claire W. Callahan held on Monday at 8 o'clock. Reports ish House. "S-HETTZAPOPPIN" WOWS SWARTHMOREANS [rom the various organizations will be The annual meetings of the Church will be held at the home of Mrs. John made and the reCtor's warden, George and Corporation will be held Wednes- C. Moore. 30 Amherst avenue, next SWARTHMORE YOUNG REPUBLICANS DANCE Casey, will give a short review of the day evening, April 16, at 8 o'clock. A Wednesday evening, April 16 at 8 outstanding events in· the past year: The congregational dinner win be served at o'clock. Several members of the class CLUB JtJNIORS MODEL SPRING FASHIONS terms of William L. Cleaves, Samuel D. 6 :30. Tickets may be secured for the havc sold material to various magazines, among them Mrs.· Warren' F. Faragher Clyde, Guonther H. Froebel and· J. Bur- dinner at the church. THE SCHOOL IN ROSE VALLEY riss West expire. They are eligible for Ther~ wilt be a prayer meeting, at and Mrs. Moore of Swarthmore; Mrs. How Proqressl..e Education Works re-election to the Vestry. Delegates to Westmmstc. Hall. sponsored by the E. C. Prescott of Rose Valley; and Mrs. the Diocesan Convention will also be four Presbyterial Societies, on Tuesday Leo Wagner of I.ansdowne. GRACE CHAPEL IN OAKMONT elected. April IS, at 10 :45 A. M. The speaker will be Joseph Poncel of the AllisonLocal· Literary Enthusiasts , A Unlted Community Worships God James School, and the leader wi11 be .. Mrs. Russell ~W. Annich. 'ADd Other Picture SloriM of Int......t to Delaware Co\lDIIcma cM rs. Jobn .C. Moore, M••. Robert L. The Sprin'g PresbYterial Meeting MetJiooist Chureh Notes Coates, and Mrs. Oscar J. Gilcreest of Chester Presbyterial will be held Tues~ Swarthmore attended the Delaware ,1.00 by .he Year (12 ' ..UM) Subscribe IVow T~e Church School meets Sunday at day, April. IS, at 10 A, M. in the Dar~· County Writers Club meeting on Tues9 ;·b A. M. and classes are provided for Presbyterian Church. The speakers Will day of this week when Daniel. lounsd1ildren and adults of all ages. The! be Dr. Irvin W. Underhill and Mr. berry of the Germantown Theatre Guild preparatory membership class meets in IJoseph Poncel. A box luncheon should spoke on "Modern Drama \Vriting.'· the study at 9:30. be brought. . At morning worship at 11 o'clock - - - ,... ' .,--Troop 16 News there will be a reception of new memChristian Sf!ienee Chureh FOR A DELICIOUS GOOD FRIDAY DINNER bers. The rector will M preach U onP the riA re S·m. Disease, . Troop 16 WI'11 not meet t I' Saturday subject "What East ' And Death Real.,., liS You Know It's Fresh • • • H It Comes From Martel's . . d ' "h er eans. rOVl- is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in morning. S10n IS rna e In-t e nursery to care for II Ch·· h .. "I'Ch 't-S .'- ".... ·····'5·-·" Last Saturday troop 16 had tl,e second d' I . Ia ure es 01 ns, clentlst, on unII h 'ld s,:"a I ren d···· -"';.;.tll··1-.2. ,~he •Gold_en T ext IS. ' . UTIIe.of its~ lessons in First Aid. The course V ic c e ' Dring. t le mormng- ser- lay, rl.P ,......... O~ Monda even' th Ch I Lord is my light and my sa1"ation' whom IS being taught to the girls by Patrolman y . mg,· e urc t I II I f ' th L d' tl ~~r:l~:~.~~ Henry A. Peirsol, Jr. of the local police forc~. . School Board of Educat~o.n and Wo~k- s la .' ear. e or IS Ie Beauties From the Nearby Chesapeakel ers' Conference will meet at the horne my hfe i of whom shall I be a •• The treat of the year at the lowest price of Elea~or Shinn, 314 Lafayette'ave- (Psalms 27:0. , • 1····R,ec4~ivc;~Sspp;ea:kkii:·n;;gg-lnfu,vitation this season - Have the shad for Friday's nue.· . . Friendly Circlc to Meet cl!nner and the roe for Easter Sunday The Epwor\h League will meet at Dr. Guy S. De",ing of Ehu avenue breakfast. Serve the shad with creamed The Friendly Circle will hold its regbeen invite4 to be. a principal the par~(mage' on TU~$~ay eveliing at new potatoes' and Ford Hook lima BUCi o'clock and the Ushers'-Assoc.iation utar. meeting on Thursday April 17 allspe,ak",'-' befol"c the Technic Section of cotash. in the church at 8. : 2 P. M.· at the home of Mrs. Harvey the forty-fifth anoQal convention of the The junior and senior choirs t will Pierce of Princeton avenue. Mrs. Au- American Ostc!OPilthic Association, meet on Thursllay evening at 7 .aM 8 gust Cordes of Philadelphia will be co- which will be held June 23 to 27 in SPECIAL I hostess with "frs. Pier~e. Atlantic City, N. J. o'clock respectively. ·'The twentieth nual Yq"th Conference will be held in the. Wiftdsor Street Church, Reading, Apfll I~ to 20. A number of the young people of the local churel';. ate planning The shad season Is all but too short - Enjoy It as often as you = n to attend. ~~~~~~F~'T~.D~.A.~~Me;_;::r=:;;;;:;~~~~3~1~5~~Di;.~cIdnso~~;n~A~~;en;;;U~e~~~ ~ke 13 I~uq --_1 ON SALE NOW . '.' , ••• " •• THE DELAWARE COUNTY ADVOCATE FRESH ROE SHAD The house .. , "t THZ SWABTH.OBZAN, INC., I'UIILI8BER PHONB 8WARTB.ORZ!JOO . or PA. ••• " PUBLJ8BBD BVBB·Y I'IlJD"'Y ·AT SW .... TBHOIlB, P .... ~ •• , CoDe"'" -,). " , ' " E SWARTHMORIAM t~at. $165.00 333 DARTMOUTH AVE., SWARTHMORE, Oaoral SoeIety .~;.I . er·wDI'per(.... JlozaR" Sonata in B SpriDs .l '¥j,/or•. Thep\Jbllc ia inYlted. 1b··29~ an- that set itself onfirer* . CinJRCR SERVICES A few oily rags left in the co.:ner of a capital stock fire insurance compallies. has kitchen closet • • • slowly storing up a Study of such causes self-generated heat ••• suddenly bursting motion of better building laws, better fire- fat the fighting facilities, wider public concern into flames. But dog's alarm, this master would have lost his home. led to the pro- 8:00 I' .*.~~GOO~;~D: FRIDAV ~ You Iheme: about fire prevention. This type of fire is not unusual. Plenty Let us protect your home. furnishings, of other "self-starting" fires are among business, automobile and other 3000 losses reported daily to the national "Fire Clinic" established by 200 sions with dependable, economical capi- tal posses- hctor stock company fire insurance. CAPITAL STOCK COMPANY FIRE INSURANCE of 9;45 9;.5 A.A.M'-!~E~~~?1;-~~ M.- 11:00 A.·'•• -- ALICE M. BAIRD...........................:Old Bank B1dg.-'Phone Swarthmore 108 EDWARD L. NOYES...............23 S. Chester Rd. - 'Phone Swaraunore 114 PI';'fER E. 'fOLD..............417 Dartmouth Ave. - 'Phone Swarthmore 1833 Bru· "Be- may never have been inside our bank. Nevertheless, we want you to know that you are always welcome, Let us tell you about our services, ond show you our facilities •.Seefor yourseH how closely we are geared to serve the community's bonkillD needs, in 0 friendly and helpful way. Then, if you feel that we can serve you to advantage, we will be glad to have you as a depositor and a customer. -- MARTEL'S WHITE AND GOLD EASTER DAFFODIL HAMS -CAKE- Feast of feasts Is Easter! And there's no finer choice for this happy occasion than a magnificent Star Ham. Whole or half. Round end of ham ••...• lb. 2ge LUX FLAKES' Here's cr new cake masterpiece as refreshing as spring ItselfSo delicious, It fairly melts In your mouth. ----- • &be Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company M~ ., FcderlJl D ......... , .....r.nc. Cor"""'"""' lb • Bake or bran with bacon. ARMOUR'S STAR SWART~MORE PRESBVTERIAN -CHURCH ,Rev. navirl Braun, Minister . Sermon theme I the - BUCK SHAD -~- i8mER~OOD 'eclce,e t1 c L'S COMPUTE fOOD MAUlT fOR THE TAiLE . Chester Rod at _ _ A....ae-Bollto 3ZO-Swanhm_ Pa. ~:I,g!'t;'!~1.,t;}I-q~D~· .. J;#~t'.Wt" 1'"," !" ,,:- "r. '. ';. ".,,' ONAtS ,- .. ~ . ' ~~~;D,.w ,t.. ::rW;:·~~~·:·~~;~~; ;j~~t:; :IOf .• ;r. ,."" -,'1' !..~~~~~2~ i>r'Presid~nt Soutlt-Ardinorel::~~l~[~~~~~5~§~;J;:~; ~ir!c'·A~s?ltimor.e .pike Dr. Arthur E. Bassett of North Chos, The trend' to McKim' is not alone He began hi. legal career in· 1914 lor Clrelllar or .CoD JI!IOdI'!and Church road a momberof· the soph- ter road and Mr. Roland L.Eaton of confined to:Delaware county but is when he 'was ·admitted to the bar. He omore class 'at' Franklin ahd Marshan Rutgers avenue left .Wednesday mom: state-wide and COlRes from influential practiced 13 years In the Delaware II College, bas -beerf"elected to' 'membership i~g for New· EngJarid. Mr. Eaton will civic, fraternal, paUlica! and patriotic County Courl~ "hii: first case "being in in the newly.formed Junior Class Honor attend them.eetings (!f t~e Eastern Com· 1917. .. . He Society-of the campus. . merical Teacher,a- As.sociaJipp. in BO$ton, gr~:~~g his chief boosters are served four as soJicitor of t e .Delaware County Real Estate 'Lange will represent the.Chi Phi nat- April 10 to 12 inclusive and then continue sheriffs of the several counties who iObal social fiaternity in the society. to Bath, Me. with Dr. Bassett They 1M' 'd h Board when tbe local' real estate boom to , M da . h year e eeted. cKlm presl ent, ,of t e was in progress and for another four .D~1ia· Milrshall daughter of' Mr. and expect to ret)lrn on y DIg. t. state Sheriff's Association. He has AID BRI'l'ISB CBlLDBBN Tb.rcnqII -, I · Mrs. John Marshall of Lincoln avenue ~Irs. Lydia Green Mitchell ·of North proved to be a popular leader and his he acted as Special Attorney is. at lhe. present', time in quarantine at Chester road and h~r son Billy are spend- colleagues would like to see him eleunder AUorney Gener'al 'Wm. KAPPA·KAPPA G&MM& th.e City Hospital, Providence, R. I. for iog the Easter ,~ca.tion visiting friends to the bench. Schnader. '", ' . : ' .. "NORA. WALN' I'UND" . I f 'When' 'he 'resigned from· ·the latter B7 ParcIuuIDa 1'I....t ... lor sar et ever. in New York with whom they spent last Of course his principal support comes post, State Secretary of Banlting WiIIMEDIA THEATRE MOVIES I)r. H'lTace, H; Hopkins_ left Sunday summer, and' also j' Vi~lting ~rs. Mit- from his home county where voters iam D. Gordon wrote him a letter ex.. . 35e' for :3 week's busmess trip to St. Louis, chell's daughter Mrs. C. -Leslie Moor, continbe' to sign petitions' in his behalf. pressing regret -and say'iog "I want to AT MlCII&BI/S&ND Mo.- and Detroit,' Mich. . Jr. and famiJy of Laconia, N. H. Mrs; McKim, at the start of the campaign, I h I h express to you my: sincere appreeia. i . Ii f· BOUQUBT 8&LOM Henry Hoadley is expected home "{?Or' s t e-- orine~:, ~~ s~ Sally S arp es m'ade the statement t at he would like tion for YObr ·legal opinions and advice to have' 5,000 signatures to present and your wholeheartetl cooperation in frool . the Massachusetts Institute of Mitchell. Technology 'to spend 'Easter .vacation " Mr~. -Roy' W.. ~ Harkness: and daughter the governor but he has more than pressing to a conclusion various claims with .his mother Mrs. George A. Hoad- qaJ1l Lynne .'re!u~~ to their .heme in. twice that" amount and additional names ley' of Walnut Jane. Dr. George B ..Rutledge on Saturday after ,3 three are still coming in although there haslr------.,....,...-------., Hoadley 'of Sea Cliff, L. I. will also monlh~: &t.ay jn Miaini. Fla. no effort made to get any more SPECIAL . speqd the week-erid with Mrs. Hoadley. for the past two weeks. . Miss Mary" ·E. Luehring' oLGirard Col, M~... Jrene;c.y.~ 9f Park avenue en· The same condition is true of the EASTER DINNER . I pe t't'o . ed b y th e R ep ub leae:is spcooiilg her Easter vacation at the tertamed the Book Club on'd~::~~;~:~'1 specla I I ns Sign SERVED SUNDAY L:ehring home .on North Chester' road. :v::i~:e.~~~~~:.s. -~~nry ~~a~en~o~n:~:::;;:~ a;~dm~~;~~!~ee; 1 to 8 P. M. . • As new factories 8pring Miss Ruth Mattern moved Jast week Mrs. Henry. .deCourtenay. of H;an:ard I:~~.~~;:reeof the 484 members of the from' Swarthmore,. avenue" Rutledge to avenue. returned WedneSday from Mont. had committed themselves up throughout Penn8ylvaSTRATH HAVEN INN the Terrells hoose at 343 Dartmoutl1_ ave- cJair,' N.}. wherf~ she visited her brotllCr-1 to the McKim candidacy. Their"'number IlABVARD AVBN11B nia, 88 mlll8 .and munition ' i n . l a w and sister Dr. and Mrs. Jenl!i~gs has increased so steadily that today nue. 'Plr:one' 8.-... _, Mrs. Percival Armitage and daughter Uncoln over the week-end. more than 300 of 'them have signed the plant8 roar with activity, Peggy _Anni_tage of. Harvard.' a~enue Mr. and M~s. c. B. Story witi come Sheriff's judgeship- petitions. . -1;r,;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~~1 demands fiir telephone spent Wednesday in New York .City. from Atlantic Citj~ N; J. on ·Sunday to' In his civic work he held the offices' I Miss Priscilla Clayden of Riverview spend Easter .and· 'Easter. Monday with lIerv.iee ~ar. ,....' road has accepted a position as secretary llr. Storyts.sister Mrs. RoJand L. Eaton Bursting With a In an all-out drive to to the principal 0"£ the Media Secretarial of Rutgers avenue. ..A. Larco Assortment of ' .. '. , School. l·{ Novel, Inexpensive keep P~nn8ylvilD~'8 teleDa'nny ~iTk son of Mr... and ~rs: EASTER GIFI'S Mrs.. Russell. H. Kent of Riverview Howard Kirk"6f\S. Chester road enterphone se~vfce up :.to the road \vas ... hostess _to her eightsome 'for tained J6 guests' at a bridge party on Chester Light Supply Co. luncheon and bridge on Tuesday after- Wednesday ev~,ni~g. unprecedented telephone., 801 Edamont Avenue noon. The following Swarthmoreans have 'Phone Chester 2-152:2 needs, we .are constructing . Mrs. 'William Sproul Lewis and places 'on-spring athletic teams 'at I rr;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ new switchboards, 'new CD;' daughters Nancy and Marjorie of th~' '(:olle~e: Morris' Bassett and· Dick II .North Swarthmore avenue have returned SPiith iii golf, .Bob Shaw in baseball, and bles, offici.iii~d' . to their horne after a short visit to Wash~ Ted' Hannum ·in lacrosse. .'. other equipment at a~te : ington, D. C. , Mrs">dliver- ,C'. Swan of' Sproul road of SIOO.~a day! Virginia Peel, Dorothy Bernard, MaT- returned Wednesday from· a three days' . . lys l,indgren, Kathleen Scott, and Mil· inp't"Atlantic City, N. J , . .Fast, dependable tele. dred Pierce spent all day Tuesday on a ·Mr. and Mrg. John Schroeder of Har· SPRING PLANTING phone .' service is 8peeding bicycle hike. Their trip took them out risburg visited their son-in-law and PIe.ue CaD for ........ beyond Media. daughter Mr. and Mrs. Alvin J. Herr 01 • -and niust continue to WM. J. STEPHANI, Jr. lliss Frances Armitage returned Mon- Michigan avenue last Sunday taking speed-the prog~ ..... f. day from New York to spend several to vjsit until Saturday morning. Upon home with them young Alvin Herr I national p.repllredness. weeks at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Percival Armitage of Harvard his return Alvin will have as his weekend guest Scott Peck of Ridley Park. avenue. OUTDOOR SKETCH CLASS Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall of 1,in. . Miss Doreen McConechy of Strath coIn ave.nue are expectipg a week-end CONDUCTED BY CYRIL GARDNER Ha~n ;lven~e left on Tuesday bY.lJlotor visit from their son John Marsh'all, Jr. A group .18 now forming to atart' TbUl'8day. Aprll 17th. Classes wUl meet out\V.~~i:I Mrs. Bruc:;c M"urray. Don ~urray. who ~s a graduate student in physics -at doors except In bad Weather. when a portrait model WUl pose In Mr. GaniUer's and Mr. David Anderson to visit Camp the University of Rochester. studio at Wawa. Shelby, Miss. and New Orleans. They For further information address MRS. Rl,CIlABD L. STODD&BD, Bwartb. 1113 Ella Mae Beagle, Diana Brewster, expect to be away for a week. Doris Polk,. Boyd Stauffer, and Evely~ Mr. and Mrs. H. l,indley Peel of Dyke Van de Boe returned home April Columbia avenue will have as their guests 5 for -the Easter vacation of the West for the next week Mr. Peel's· sisters Chester State Teachers College which Miss Margery Peel, Mrs. Wallace Van- they will spend at their parents' homes Nest, and -Mrs. Van Nest's two children in Swarthmore. Their vacation ,ends April of East Orange, N. J. 15. Mr. and' Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan of Mt. Holyoke place and sons Don and Robert. ate planning to spend the week~nd with"old':friends in Princeton, N. J. , Mrs. CJaude Smith and daughter Nancy of Baltimore Pike drove to Charleston, S. C. on- Marc~ 'Z!. Nancy came home by plane, and. -Gene Smith Hew down to Charleston to .drive back with Mrs. Smith on April 3.· . . ·Mr. and I.eonard A. Peck of Yale a\:enue a::rr~ved home Wednesday from a . visit at _.Sljlphur Springs, Va, They ",' . were accompanied on their return by .thc:t~ "~aughtfr who had been visiting 'liie,nds at the Springs. i .. I NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVaN, that. -P'!r.uut . to Ad J80 of A"e ...... ~' . ·J~r II, :1935. P. J;. ·119•• the • bad ..t for the School Dlatriet of the· roqb of Swarthmore lor the school JUr July 'T. 1941-July 6, 19(', r~~~ wUl be: avaUable lor public iDlpoctiOD at the Collele Amlut School BuUdlD. otISc:e of the School Diatrlct from April' 18. 1941 to Mar u. 1941. 8 p. IlL. at whkb time at • repl.r meet· tal' of the Board of School Dlrecton. after' :'-;;-'=""_ further co.kleratioD the School Dlstrkt a tiDal I ~~~~~i'l! budpt .ill be ado~ted. I~ HtLDA LANG DEN WORTH, Ih;:;d!w Secretary. NOTICE IS HEltEBY GIVEN that AridJ. Durkin bu lilte! his -petltiOJli la the Court of I=~;: Commoa Plus for Delaware Coullt, u of March Term. 1,,,1, No. ~.s. miDI( that hla aame bt . , . chund to AYidis GaiN: Dolbrl&D. The Collrt 8014 . . . . Pi~tJ' of a..:civ A.: a.dehas 'laed May a6th. 1941 at 10 o'clock .; m. U14 JtIIiI1I8 O. OC1=,"n. ' .. .. the time tor heam.. OD.· aid .. petldOll•. at whleb time any perIOD bam, lawful· objec:t,lOD TA~ ~: A~. to' wcb chure m.,. a~ar aocI be heard •. ' ,. . HOWARD KIRK.. . ,·WOrT.T4V w. Va,"" I';:==============:::! Write h LAST years Two Days 1 ALL-OUT DRIVE • ~~ won. new drat Garden Needs II~='~'Pho:~I1O~·~CII~·~·_;~r~B;OI&';·;_~·~l~"~~U;·~·=~~~===~~~~~~~~===~~ "BUT THAT ANTIQUE ISN'T . WORTH F!XING!"' wM. AttorDe~ Improvements constat of two and balfetoJ'f brick bOUHI, UI :x 40 teet: DOrCh' one atory frame addition. feet. stucco praa:e. 18 :x 18 teet. ESTATE of MAY' ROTHWELL TAYLOR. 'de..ceased. Letten teataJDeDtary OD the aboYe es- IN· TilE ORPHANS' COURT OF DELAWARE tate have bet1S an.nted t,o, the uDde.ni~. who Delawarc County March Term. 1941 No._ 63. Sold as the propertJ or Edwin VI. Page request all penoDS bavinl' claimS or d~~ Estate of Karl M. Meuler~· deceased. T.o"1.he and. KatherlDe 8. Page', hJs wite. real own- apillst the cttate 01 the decedent to DI6Ml 'heln, le'tpteeB1 crcdhon aJK1 other pe,.Otl5 In' known the same. and all pe...oas iDd.ebled· to terested 1ft said estate: Notice .~' herebY c1ven en. the decedeDt· to make payment, without dela1. that Elsie J. Jackman. Executrix of the above to . MALCOLM HODGE, Attorney. estate has fi~ed in the office. ~f the ~lerk ,!,f JOHN STANLEY TAVLORlo . PERSONAl:- 7' W~-iY for d~arded clothinl', the OrphaDll' Court her petition \praYlnl. for housdunushlbP. II James tOdar-Chester leave 10 sell to HaroIe:. R. Goodwm at· private ~~tt'ALMT~Xy~k. No. 2·2573. J41 Weat ird Street.. . sale for the sum (If "70Q0. ",lain ~al., estat~ Or their attorney. of decedent described ;u follo'lll'&: "'-_ ber' ~.rm 140... '" WALTER·H. ROBINSON, Esq., AU that certain lot (lr piece of ... roulld with ~m ... • -... 2617 Fidelit,-Philadelpbia Trust Bid ... , the . buildinls and improvements thereoD erected Situate in' the Oor'oul'h of Swarth. :~.r-· !4-~~~6~t ____ ~~~ more aim bouoded atld described at fql~owa: Philadelphia, Pa. Situate on the S. W. ,ide of Swarthmore DJlLAWA.BlI AVenue' 307.37 feet more or leu S. E. from LoaII8 and dttcounto (blat........ ~::~~~=====~~~==~ 000 I~!;:~~(~tiii~ii.~:.;;.:.;i::~~ li'l:~~lrfiS~~' A. Wayne M08teller ....,..::::=:.: ===I~~~~~I~~ ~'. __~_ TOta1 cap.tol Aecounto ..... :..... Total LlabUltlea and CaPital ACCOunts. • .•. t2.544.761.7 Summary of Borough, Auditor's Report . . .._, .' .- .. ,,', ..- .--. -........, Electr.ical-. Contractor ~~··t March 27, 1"1 Telephone Swarthmore :!295 Counell and. Burgess. _S ................. FOR PROMPT SERVICE REFRIGERATORS -RADIOS WASBBR'_&LL 339.089.7 The Borough AUcUtol'& hereby cert1ty that they have completed their examtnatloD : d . records 0 f the ....,....... a.:......ta...... TreaSurer and TU Collector for the year en 'm :ftnanctal &-1' .............. 339.089.7 PEOPLE'S TIRE STORE 'Phone MedIa ZOS necem'ber 31 UNO and preSent herewith an Itemized. Statement or Recelpts ~d BxpeD. - 199.456.27 ....21~.=~.=e.,.~re:~dIa (d) Total .................... , tures 199.~.2. .• / ~ "U~f,.r • f , AS WELL FACE THE FACTS '."" . Give a Pail' of. I. at.. EV!1ry year thousands of '" EASTER , Beautiful PI~ma"~ " J '- Only $5.98' " Finest C.aes and Stands . ~: i • La ....e A880rtment Plant Novelties • .,. FRANK & SED.ER· ~SHOP - '. -~. ... ' '. LOVEBffinS . . .' named COALfmd COKE FUEL OIL 's';r&~~ OF RBC-E~S AND' DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECBMBI!R SI, 111<0 . ~ COllected .•••••• ~ ~ ..•.•••. ,•••.••••• ~ •..•••••••••••••.•.••• ; ••.••• $59.~:: As&e8Bments on street-Improvements and Llens •••••••••• •••··•••••••• 61Mt.42 Oem'er. VAN AI.EN BROS. to and eubBcr1be4 before me ~ of AprU. l~JJAM S. BlT'l'LB. Phone S". 10412 Notary l'ubllr. -EASTER SHOES 69th S1'RBI!T for THE KIDDIES • Celia Shoe Shop 102 Park Avenue '., persons are killed and Dilllions are injured· in acddents: What ifyort were one· of them? " '.. ACCIDENT PETER E. TOLD Insurance 417 Dartmouth Ave. 1833 ,.. GIVES . TROUBLE-FREE·~.WORK-FREE -. . . ' '. '. . : ; 1 , . , ., of blanket washing ••• wh·en pfffftl goes the old-time washing mac:hine. Enter Mr. Fix-It, her husband, with his bag of tools.' We only hope he'll soon discover that it isn't worth fiXing; that his Better-Half deserves trouble-free, work~free washdays. When he does, he'll rush right out and get her an Automatic SeetHe ~aundry'••• the kind that washes, ril)ses and damp dries without a speck of attention. We wish the same good fortune for you, too. DI8BlJRBlWEN'l'II TUNING 1~~~~rr.~~~:~~~~~:.l~~~ AND REBuri.DiNG '. ~ '-.::'''''=-=:. .'¥:"!1£~ PIANO . 32 Yean Pnec(calj ~etl"" A. L'PARK;m 'PIione 'Medla . '459.11 0/ Fine Photograph. YE Window; Cleuaer . A. ~UGER , • s........_ i9 ;;::====~=====~=====; It~s' housecleaning time. Alld the. little lady is right in the midst ; SherUr's Omce, 'Cowt House', Mec1la, Penna. . '·,~turctay. Yay 3. 1~1 , ., Levari Facias No. U. ~ B. to condo and bldg. rest. asjMO.TO~ AVRMVII, atrrLBiIGB' ~., ... ' I BI)W. LJAB1LITIE~ AND ~URPLUS IG~~~~~~AB8BTB' r Special . CURRl: spring vacatiQtl with his parents at errors will be valuable to the Rcpubli... " • meeting. their home on Dartmouth avenue. T can party - in the campaign .of 1944. Mrs. Hinkson named three tellers f o r ' '~ This plan has received many comBill Gorman returned Sunday to Lemendations. It interests the students the annual election in May: Mrs. Elsie high University after spending his spring who are the future voters, as well as vacation with his parents Mr. and Mrs. R. O~DonaId, Mrs. Amos Miller and Mrs. Alexander Calhoun. IB:e~ie'w of W. I. L. Pamphlet on refreshing the listeners in their respon- Alan B. Gorman of Princeton avenue. World Organb",tion Pointed sibilities of citizenship. Mrs. Alice Koller chainnan of the T dR· ed Lea Mrs. Biester reminded the audience William R. Bates a freshman at Blair owar of Na::ons gue of the historic date, April 6, 1917, on Academy, Blairstown, N. J. has returned nominating committee named the folio\\'ing nominees for the offices to be filled: which President Wilson declared war. for the spring vacation to visit his parpresident-Mrs. Robert Patterson; viceI Dr. Frances Reinhold F u sse II, Now that we are ab e to look back on ents Air. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bates, HavpreS!'dent (three to be' elected)-Mrs. Le R Qy Dou, b Mrs. Frank Kerna- speaker at the W. I. L. meeting held the war, we as d prudent hardheaded Friday, April 4, in Bond HaU, reviewed won er why wars as such ghan, Mrs. Robert Zarro r,lrs. J. Claude Bedford, Mrs .. Walter. Weaver, Mrs. a pamphlet uWorld Organization:' as should ever be or be allowed to happen. BETTER 'fHINGS FOR LESS Perhaps the answer lies in a reW I'II'lam M·· mgm, Mrs. Abram Johnson, the basis of her talk. This pamphlet Mrs. Arthur Bretherkk, Mrs. H. Murty; by Olive Reddick, professor of econ- mark made by a Belgian guide to a · correspond mg secretary-Mrs. L. M. omics at Hood College, Frederick, Md., group with whom Mrs. Biester was · G reenway; aSSistant recording sccre- was written for and published by the viewing the battlefields, "We caD never taI)"--=-Mrs. William Wallace and Mrs. national W. I. L.• and was called by Dr. forget what the Germans did to Us in Joseph Raibley; recording s~cretary- Fussell one of the most excellent treat- 1914." The realization of this inability Mrs. Charles Uhler and Mrs. Gertrude ments that she has seen of the subject. to forget or forgive past wrongs makes Edgmont Avenue-Seventh and Welsh Streets Shubert; treasurer-Mrs. William WohIn seeking the fundamental aim the European situation understandable nus:' assistant treasurer-Mrs. John M. World Organization, of peace, to Americans. Understanding this, said Brooman, 4th. The voting time was an- justice, democracy, we must have Mrs. Biester, we should not send men to fight in Europe although we should nouitced ~s 11 A. M. to 1 :30 P. M. on combination of these four, was one the next meeting date. Thursday, May 1. the points brought out by Dr. Fussell. aid Great Britain with materials to the Decorated EASTER EGG M r.. J . 0 . Hopwood was appointed Practice of free tariff is one solu- limit. with each pUrChase of chairman of a committee to arrange a tion of the difference in point of view The responsibility of the United Boys' or Girls' pnnent, party for Mrs. Joseph Hinkson on June between the Nationalist and the In- States is to legislate the profits out of $1.88 and up. 5. Mrs. Hinkson has served the club as t~"natiio~~lis~: In the political organiza- war declared Airs. Biester, citing the president for 14 years arid has withof World Government there should defeated McSwain Bill as an effort in a union o£ peoples rather than of this direction. drawn her name as a candidate this year Girls' and Teen Age although she led the list of candidates states, with an international police Mrs. Biester urged clubwomen to for the office. force. As international law must take actively identify themselves with their Mrs. Bessie Everett gave a \'ery inter- the place of absolute sovereignty of the club and to realize that through united esting legislative report. The next meet. individual state~ Dr. Fussell said, there effort there are no limits to what jng will be in charge of the legislative should be a revised League of Nations women may accomplish. Sizes 3 to 6X-7 to 14 committee of which Mrs. Everett is in authority. Book Review. Tue&day chairman, to discuss present legislative. Mrs. Katherine Warren Coles gave On April 15 Mrs. Ralph Ashton NixI • a fine rendition of two selections on the dorf, chairman of literature will prepiano, and finished with flAmerica thc.> sent an afternoon of book reviews by /arabe Dancers Bring Beautiful." Mrs. Patrick M. Malin, club members. Mrs. I. R. MacElwee Mexican Culture president of W. I. L. presided. and Mrs. Robert L. Coates will review The Peace Chest Campaign is draw- the books which won such favorable And Up to $10.98 to Swarthmore ing to an end, and it is still possible comments at the Lansdowne New Cenfor those to contribute who want a tury Club. Mrs. Peter E. Told will give -The Jarabe Dancers, a group of young part in the planning for the peace brief comments on several of the new FRENCH CREPE PRINTS people of the Mexican colony of Pasa- which goes hand in hand with the war's books. LAMSKIN PRINTS dena, Californja, will re-create the na· end. On Saturday, April S, the second I IC RAYON SPUNS tive dances of early California and south Peace Chest Luncheon was held in Three Ties at Crum Creek Club and central Mexico in a performance Philadelphia at the Ritz Carlton. The: New print. and solid- eolon. Some sponsored by the Somerville Forum of speakers' subjects were "Hunger in Mrs. J. K. McDonald won the March havo eeparate boleros. Swartlnnore College and the American Europe'" and "Hunger at Home," and toumament of the Crum Creek Bridge Laee yoke - FIIIl"Y botton trIma Friends Service Committee, in Clothier the foJlowing W. I. L. members were Club, having the least number of zeros on - Pleated or fnIqored skirtsMemorial on the' coltege campus, Thurs-I p,res"ent: Mrs. Frank Reynolds, Miss her score. Prlneeos Iin_ Olive Cleaves. Mrs. David Braun, Mrs. day evening, May 8. Regular weekly winners Monday eveChosen to represent the Southwest in W. L. EI.bree, and Mrs. Harold March. ning at the Strath Haven Inn were: the National Folk Dance Festival in At the National Peace Council meet- North and South-Mrs. Wallace M. McGirls' 3 and 4-Pc. Military Washington early in May, the Iarabe ings in New York City recently Mrs. Curdy and Richard Carvell tied Mrs. Dancers have been invited to dance in William Hull and Mrs. Louis Robinson J. K. McDonald and Mrs. Philip W. Swarthmore by ·the American Friends were delegates from W. I. L. Kniskern for first; Mrs. Richard CarService Committee as part of its proMrs. Louis Robinson and Mrs. Har- vell and Wallace M. McCurdy, second; In navy and .old trim - na'fy gram of developing better understanding old March were representatives at the Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Griest tied H. J. and red trim - eadet and • navy trimmed with pink. 5 _ between the people of the United States Federal Union luncheon-meeting in Berry and T. L. Lingg for third place; 4 to 6X with hats to matdaand Mexico. The program will be a bene- Philadelphia April 2 where President East and West-Mrs. Joseph Blakiston abo 7tD 14fit for the Committee's Service Semi- John Nason of the college spoke and and L. G. Luckie, first i., Mrs. Jay KenOIlier Coat. nars in Mexico. For the past two sumnedy and Bayard H. Morrison, second; $4.98 - $6.98 - $8.98 mers college boys and girls in the MexiMrs. William Hull and Mrs. Harold Mary Verlenden and Mrs. &l.ith Pas~ can S~rvice Seminars or Work Ca~ps Boys' 2-Pants have hved for several weeks with their March went as delega~es from W. I. L. chan tied Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rantrained leaders in a small village of the to the meetings in Philadelphia on dall for third. I I state of Durango, working with the in- April 4 and 5 of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences. Sprlfig Vacations End habitants in building the town's first SIZESschoolhouse, sharing community activiRed Cross to Open 10 to 18 Ruth Detlefsen of Lafayette avenue r~­ ties, and studying the achievements, First Aid Center turned to Wheaton College, Norton, problems and needs of their· neighbors made to .ell up American Red Cross first aid classes Mass. on Tuesday April 8 after spending south of the border. The Seminars have to $15 ;." n ~uch ~ti~ulating and creative pro. will begin next Monday, April 14, and her spring holidays with her parents, Dr. ' Jeets 10 buddmg Pan-American under- run for ten consecutive :Monday evenings and Mrs" J. A. Detlefsen. Pat Wi~son of New York City arstanding that two such work camps wilt from 7 :30 to 9:30 P. M. at the regional office at Front and Jackson sfreets. rived in Swarthmore, Friday night, April be held this coming summer. ' The Jarabe Dancers will bring to Media. Anyone interested in 3ttending 4 to spend the \~eek-end with her aunt, Swarthmoreans better acquaintance with the classes should register now with Mrs. ~{rs. P. H. Brigham, of Swarthmore Double and oln.le-breasted suits of the various Mexican dances - social Theo Saulnier. telephone Swarthmore Crest. Miss Wilson is a former member brown, .....,.., green and blue in hrand 1004, or by calling the Media headquarof the class of '38 at Swarthmore High courtship, comic and ccremonial- s~ new fabri~. Two pairs of Ion,lies. School. deeply rooted in the country's folk cul- ters Media 2079. ture. Boys' Regular $10.95 ~he local committee arranging the benefit includes Mrs. Patrick M. Malin "Jefferson" 2.Knicker hospitality; Mrs. J. Roland Pennock and M~s. Samuel F. Ashelman. publicity: and MISS Charlotte Salmon, Miss ~lary Capehan, chaimlan of the Co1lege. Romen'ine Lecture Fund. :\Irs. Charles Shaw and Single- or doubleMrs. N. O. Pittenger. breaoted modei., plain or aport baek. Smooth Honor Studenlll ~~~:;;:";"-~Coodoo-l-:-~'!'tler~ .rta:rl':rlr'~':'~ Jefferson fabri ... o-W... R4.-'l'rip o...w... JI4..Trip Joan Carpenter whc arrived Friday of SIzes 8 to 15. last week to remain until Easter Mon~ W1lllamob_ I~: RlcluD.on4 '" . . N. Y. CItJ' •••• 1.1S day enjoying the spring vacation of W...... D. c. 7S BOYS' WOOL LO~GEES Norfolk ...... .ss P1ttob_ _....., ....... .. _ Beaver College, Jenkintown with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Allan W. CarpenSWARTHMORE TRAVEL BUREAU ter of North Chester road was on the PARK AV£NllB sw.... 171-W dean's ~ooor I!st at for superior scholastic achievement during the first Sizes 10 to 20 semester. TO G.O~. LADIES 5 WAI:tTHMql~E \ L 1131:t;.\ I~ y , (e.,,.,.,,..,.,... r----..,..---------.., • I L. HEARD DR FUSSET FRIDAY l FREE! I DRESSES 2.88 3.88 CAPE SUITS 98 7 TO 12. 98 SUITS •• ,. ?ee 10. 98 . , . ..-url ti Bea\'e; SUITS -= 7. 98 _" . . . . . . IH".It . REYHDUND I 1.88 2.88 ,3.88 , OPEIS VOL. TUESDAY AT WOIAI'S THE' SWARTHMOREA EXHIBIT honor on S W AI~ T HM()J~E LOCAL' ARTISTS'· swimmiug CULLE€7E SW~THMORE, PA., XID, No. 16 ONE·TIlIRD PARTICIPANTS IN EGG HUNT WIN LARGE PRIZE EGGS .. APRIL 18, 1941 Warning to Local Boys • CLUB Elmer Rice Play at MUSICIANS HEAR Players Club Tues. OWN COMPOSERS On April 10, Duncan Chiquoine fired a .22 calibre rifle at a canoe Recreation Committee Large Caot Under Direction of Loeal Musicians Dividing April heing paddled on Crum Creek by Lincoln Atkios Will Presenl Program Between American C01l8iders Hikes and J. Francis Taylor. Jr. The bullet Broadway SUcce80 Works and Original Pieces Garde1l8 in Program I' from the rifle ricochetted from the water and struck Taylor in " Next Week An ambitious and elaborate program the neck, breaking the skin and Marked by exceptionally auspicious The Borough's sunnner play program causing. a slight wound. Next week brings to the Players' has been planned by two chairmen of the Swarthmore Music Club Mrs. Samweather and nearly double the number !~~mth:t ~~:n~:gu~:s~~ri~ga~e:~n;a~f The Police Department does not Club stage Elmer Rice's Broadway uel D. Clyde and Mrs. Anthony of prizes ever given before last Satur- the Swarthmore Recreation Association want to place criminal charges comedy success of last year "Two on Ventner, for the April meeting which day morning's Easter Egg Hunt ended on Monday April 14 at Borough Hall. 'against any of the boys of the an Island." The production is under the will ,take place in Mrs. Clyde's music town. However, the reckless haood"IrectlOn of LincoIn Atkiss. Since it . thOIS sp r,'ng event sponsored a decade 10 The following three committees have studio at her Swarthmore avenue by the Swarthmore Business Association been organized, with the understanding I ling of firearms and BB guns necincludes a cast of forty-five people and home next Tuesday evening at 8:30 P. essitates control of the situation. for IocaI cIII'Id reno that the committees will appoint their eleven scenes, it will be one of the M. As far as Swarthmore youngsters and Borough Ordinance No. 142 forWhile the first part of the program 11 own chairmen, who will act together as bids the discharge of firearms most ambitious undertakings of the their holi day· guests were concerned a an executive board to attend to matters year. will feature. American composers the streets led. to· Borough Hall from early within the Borough limits, and second part wilt be made up entirely morning uniir 10 A. M. whe'n the as- of organization sudch as thcf emtJ10yment provides penalties. "Two on an Island" is a story of of original compositions by members sembled mass scattered to search fran- of instructors an care 0 college and Section 62S of the State Penal Mary Ward and John Thompson who of the Club. tica11y. for as many little packages of school property to be used. Code provides :-Whoever discome from the hinterlands to New Selections by American composers . Id b f d' tl t The athletic committee is composed of charges on the streets or alleys. York to crack the r,'veted shell of the II je y'·eggs as cou . e QUI;' ·m· 1e wo Mrs. Thomas Lueders, Mrs. Howard will be as follows: of any city or borough, a :Robert Big City and find their places in the sites which were announced' at that time. McCone, Dr. Frederick Luehring and Piano solos by MacDowell played by Children under eight years of age had Burgess John Pitman. Frank R. Morey, rifle, air gun, spring gun, or any theatrical world. It is a good story told Mrs. Everett Hunt and including their eggs placed in the secluded spot be- Mrs. 'How~rd S. Turner, Mrs. Birney K. implement which impels with force with keen understanding of characters, HCzardas," "By the Light of the Moou," hind the Woman's Club house. Those Morse, and Howard Kirk will serve on a metal pellet of any kind shall, tenderness, and rare good humor. In and "March Vlind"; violin solos played between eight and the Hunt age limit of the finance committee. The arts. and upon conviction thereof in a sumthe course of the story New York City by Lucius Cole accompanied by Dor12. covered the plot between Boroug4 c.ra.fts. program .will be organized by mary proceeding, be sentenced to and its endless variety of people are othy Paul and including "Romance" Hall and the Methodist Church, prob- Mrs. J. Burris West, Mrs. Andrew Simp4. pay a fine not exceeding fifty dolunfolded before the audience in a de- by Timmings, "Jerusalem" by Hill, ably for the last time since present build- son, Mrs. Theodore W. Crossen and Mrs. lars ($50); and in default of the lightEul and absorbing kaleidoscope of "Impressions Lointains" by Joel Belov, ing plans will make use of that property payment of such fine, and costs. life. The eleven scenes take us from "Indian Snake Dance·' by Burleigh; piJ. V. S. Bishop. ' s h a l l be sentenced to imprisonment G d CIS' h B soon. David LiviIlgston,' botanist from ran entta tatlon to t e attery ano solos played by Antonica Fairbanks Then all other business was tempor- Swarthmore College, spoke to the ReerenG~ne~~~e::::: :~!rt~e C:e'!tl~:s~se and very little is missed between. We of "Three Preludes" by George Gersharity discontinued at The Swarthmorean ation Committee concerning the possi4 see atl of New York in a hasty "onr.e win. office in order to take care of about 150 bility of having miniature gardens, of firearms and air rifles, we are over" from the top of a sightseeing bus, Original compositions by the follow.. children who luckily found l)rize slips watcll,'ng seed germination. and nature confronted with a series of acts of as astounding and fascinating a scene ing members are: Peggy James Camp. th' . II yeggs and came walks to study local flora as part of the vandalism. There is no excuse for a s couId b e dr eame. d Th e pay I ID eu pack ages 0 f Je t h en bell-"Three little pieces for Piano," here to redeem them for large chocolate summer program this year. some of the acts which have been settles down to ep.isodes in the subway, "Sarabande," "Song without Words" Edwin Faulkner will instruct in groups committed. a restaurant, the Metropolitan Museum, (a contrapuntaj study), also three songs and cocoanut eggs. At no other time during the year is it brought home so force- as well as conduct individual lessons, as I ask that the parents give their a night club entrance, a director's office, -"FarewelJ/' "Prayer/' and "Disap.. fully to The Swarthmorean that its quarchildren prompt and proper inan artist's studio, the Statue of Liberty, pointment"; Antonica Fairbanks--2 Pi.. tars are a bit too small. However, last previously. Schools close the 19th so the struction along these lines in orand two taxi cabs. ano pieces-"Puck," and liNocturne"; der that we may be spared the The unique sets that reach for a new Mrs. A. M. Bosshardt-"Resurrection'" week's crowd although larger by far than recreational program will open 01) June 23. However, tJJethetennis-, project Col. will necessity of sending someone behigh in amateur stagecraft have been three-part song for women's voices · one was a very pat'len t start as soon as Swarthmore any preeedmg aOd courteous group of children so the fore the Juvenile Court. designed by Theodore W. Crossen and sung by Mrs. C. K. Wolters, Mrs. E. distribution of the prize eggs went very lege courts are available. ,". JOHN H. PITMAN, Webster Allyn who with their stage C. Heg, Mrs. Bosshardt (first sopranos) smoothly and was over in a short while. Stuart Jones hrought to" ,the aUenhon Burgess. crew~ Burris West, Newell West, Rus .. Mrs. Lloyd Kaufmann, Mrs. A. Rog· I of the Recreation Committee the.' possi''-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '1 sell, Ph,·II,·p. and Dave Seymour exeI fi However ve s IPS apparent y were never. . . D' Co ,. ers, (second sopranos), Mrs. C. R. found for that many eggs await the re- bihty of jOlDlI1g the elaware unty LEGION AUXILIARY cuted them as welL The excellent paint- Laws, Mrs. D. Cooley (altos); Edmund tum of sli~ bearing certain numhers Softball Le"{;"e Ithis .eh·son. so that local CAMPAIGNS FOR ing'of the sets has been done by Jean Souler-"Minuet in E minor" for string which weren·t'ttirned in after the Hunt. ,rP_la_y_e_r_S_m_ig_t_p_a_y_o_t_er....:I..~_am_s_.___ BRIDGE BENEFIT Prosch, SaJly McFadden and Keta quartet, played by A{rs. Samuel Hayes One group of girls searched and research. II Brower. ~Scere ~hifting has- ·been .50 (first violin), Virginia Rath ·(.~Wllol· ed the locitl6'fi and returned to the office Seventh Annual E~ition .. The American Legio"n 'AuxiIi~ry is skiJIfuliy planned that lightning changes violin), Mrs. W. Danforth (viola), W. with the report that there were no more 'of Swarthmore Painters asking Swal,1.hmore friends to attend its will be .possible. Danforth (ceJlo); songs - "I dreamt jetly egg packages there. The five pack• May:2 bridge benefit in the High School The cast includes some of the club's that I Wandered" and "A Wish" renag~s must have fallen in s.pots. where The Seventh Ann.ual :gxhibition cafeteria at 8 P. M. since attendance at best and most seasoned players. Rob- dered by Mrs. Allan Carpenter; Conthey have remained well hidden. or else of Swarthmore Painters, spon'thiS. festive' event means larger proceeds ert Graham, noted for his humorous nie Wiltiams-"Reverie" for vioUn and they were· picked' up by 'someone not sored by the Art Committee of the to\v~r!1 lt13:ny ~eedy projects including: characterizations of adolescents, essays piano (Antonica Fairbanks, violin), V\,Toman's Club, will open Tuesday, the' Swarthmore Rolling Kitchen for a new role as Laurence Ormont, the "Fantasy," Allegro" (first movement of eligible for the hunt or who failed to collect prizes for them. ,April 22, and will be open to the Ellgland, Kits' for Engiand through the cynical wise cracking producer of plays. Sonata) for piano: songs-UStars," 'The five eggs wilt be held at The ~ public Tuesday, Wednesday, and Red 'Cross, Community Service work, Mary Ward, the girl from New Hamp- "Let it be Forgotten,'" "The Coin" sung Swarthmorean office untit tomorrow Thursday evenings, April 22, 23, .Rehabilitation, Child Welfare, and sev- shire who would rather be Helen Hayes by Peggy James Campbell; Mrs. Samnoon so if you're.under 12 and you feel a and 24 from 7:30 to 9:30, and eral other causes. than president, is played by Elsie Win- uel D. Clyde-Two piano pieces "Noc_ spring urge to walk· around you 'might Wednesday, Thursday and Friday The Auxiliary ~rges bridge enthusiasts ocour. John Thompson who from Iowa turne," "Beside lovely Waters";: four profitably choose one of the Egg Hunt a.fternoons, April 23, 24 and 25 to come a~d play in their own units or comes to Broadway to sell his plays is songs sung by Mrs. Robert Carelslots to do it in today .or Saturday monlfrom 2"':30 to S :30. progress as desired. One side of your enacted by James Rennie Powell. These "At Evening," "A Maiden's Way," ing. If someone over~age has found the The guest exhibitor this year is admission ticket may be called up for a three. are supported by a splendid cast "Would that I, too," and "The Day slips he could give them to some child John J. Dull, the well-known door' prize :as t~ere will be several given of favorite character actors and some You Went Away." ---'~-\vho attended the Hunt but didn't have Philadelpl,lia Wa.tcrcolorist. His away. Table prizes have been donated. personalities new to our' stage among the good fortune io"firid prize v:rimiillg work has been shown in all the Refreshments will he served from the whom arc James A. G. Campbel~ WilI- "HARVEST," FRENCH FILM slips in the packages he gathered. leading exhibitions and galleries counter when and as desired. Everyone iam B. Edwards, William Turner, Irwin LAST PICTURE AT COLLEGE (Continued on Paoe .Six) throughout the country. Mr. Dull is asked to help to make this a success- MacElwee, Julietta Powers, Ronald The French picture "Harvest" selected. I • is teacher of watercolor at the ful annual occasion. Porter, Ruth Boyle, Nancy Savelli, by New York critics as the best foreign Pennsylvania Museum School of The Auxiliary wishes to thank the Teresa Tomai, Ethel Simpson, Stafford picture of the year, 1939, will be the last Industrial Art. interested people who have brought mag- Parker, Walter Fogg, Mary Ann West, of the series of motion pictures to be On Friday evening, April 25 the azines. books. etc. to the Legion room Robin Atkiss, Martha Keighton, given at Clothier Memorial this year. 'exhibition will close with an i.. for the Army camps. Thomas Leuders, Sally McFadden, "Harvest," along with a Walt Disney formal reception for the exhibi~ , • Florence Hoadley, Charles Seymour, cartoon, IlGoofy and WHbur," and a short tors, their friends, club members Community Health Center Marguerite Gettz. and Marina Roos. "To New Horizons" will be shown toNeedlework Organization's Anand the general public. This will Plans Rummage Sale The mood of the play is gentle and morrow night, Saturday. April 19, at 7 nual Meeting Set for Early take the place of the Sunday afterromantic abounding in humorous colorThe Community Health Center asks ful characters such as only Elmer Rice o'clock and again at 9 o'clock. May in Philadelphia The feature produced by Marcd pagnoon tea held for the past two you to wait before throwing out old can create from the stuff of Manhattan. years. Mr. Dull wilt be our guest . I h 1101 and based on Jean Giono's novel is The 56th annual meeting of the that evening. hats, shoes. and suits which per laps ave a simple. poetic picture about tlte resAll residents of Swarthmore, b"'-en· cluttering up your attic for a year Needlework Guild of America will be toration of a village through a peasant's Dr. Palmer D. C. H. S. Speaker held at the Bellevue-Stratford in Philaover 18 years of age may exhibit now and arc long out-dated. The com· labor and love. a PhlacIde delphia on May 7, 8, and 9. The opentwo framed pictures. All pictures munity Health Center will have be Dr. Samuel C. Palmer of the Swarthmeet,'ng on Wednesday morn,'ng W ' for thrm in its rummage sale to . I address ng Bnsincss Association Seeolon " ' must be delivered at the oman s 1 eI more biological department wtl at 11 o'clock w,'11 be a bus,'ness meet'1 21 011 the last day of April and May . t Club, Monda)' afternoon, Apn d I h the Delaware County Historical Society's ·The S\varthmore Business Association ing for delegates only. guara.ntees to utilize any 01 C otC es, sprmg . . meeting next Th ursday evening, will hold its month Iy dinner meeting at from 2:00 to 5 :30 o'clock. . Dr. John W. Nason president of IL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--' 1bric-a-bac, or china presented to the en- April. 24. in Chester on the subject :45 on Monday evening, April 21, at Swarthmore College will be the printcr. cal Spring Birds." the Strath Haven Inn. JUNIOR CLUB ELECTS A preview of the sale will be held on cipal speaker at the Wednesday afterMRS., HEATON April 30 ahd on May 1 the rummage sale I noon meeting. Preceding it is a lunchcon open to members and friends. will' last all day at the Woman's Club. Ii THE WEEK'S CALENDAR Those wishing to attend it are asked At the April meeting of the Junior As rummage sales are the chief way to contact Mrs. J. Horace Walter, tele- Club on Tuesday evening of last week that the Connnunity Health Center is FRIDAY. APRIL 18 phone Swarthmore 2587, president of Mrs. Wallace Heaton was selected to able to raise funds, all townfolk are 2:45 P. M. - Mother's Club ............................... FIt=rlan Church the Swarthmore Branch as she must succe~d Virginia Seal as president of urged to cooperate in this salc by con7:30 P.M.-Roller Skattns ..............................Me 1st Soc1al Ball '1:30 P. M. - SChool Board. Meeting ••.•••.••••••••••..•••.•..•••••• Hlgh Scb.ool make the reservations by April 24. the Junior Club and Kitty Pitman to tacting Mrs. Harold G. Griffin, telephone • SATURDAY. APRIL 19 The Junior Drama will be presented sueceed Eleanor Shorey as recording sec- Swarthmore 579-W; Mrs. L. P. Wray, 7:00 and 9:00 P. M. -Moving Pictures ...................... Clothler Memorial on Wednesday evening. retary. Their terms will expire in 1943. J18; or Mrs. J. Warren Paxson, IS8-R, 7:45 P.M.-Televlsion Lecture .••••.••.••••••••..•••..•..•• mek& Hall, CoUese SUNDAY, APRIL 20 On Thursday the meetings will be The other officers elected on alternate in reference to any articles that they 11:00 A. M. - Morning worship .••....•.•..•••.•....•..•.•..•... Loeal Churches for the delegates. In the evening there years, remain Doreen McConcchy, \'ice- would he willing to contribute. MONDAY, APlUL 21 will be a reception and musical for the president and Jane Lumsden, correspond, I , 10:00 A. M. to 4:00 P.M.-Red Cross Sewing ••••••.••••.••.••••. Woman's Club 6:45 P. M. - Business Assoclation ••..•..•.••..••••••••••.•.• Strath Haven Inn national officers, Guild members and ing secretary. Trinity Rummage Sale 8:00 P.M.-Legion Post Meetlng ................................ 1I<>louBh Hall friends. Upon the resignation of Ann Voder Next Week TUESDAY, APRIL 22 Friday morning at 9:30 A. M. there as publicity chairnlan Anna Woods was 2:30 P. lot. to 5:00 P. M. - Art Rhlblt 0pentna:"Tea ••••••••••••• Woman's mub 7:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M.-Art Bxh1blt Open to PubUc •••••.•••• Woman·s Club The annual spring rummage sale of ~he wiU be a junior conference open to any named to fill the unexpired tenn. 8:15 P. M. - '"Two on au Island" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ Club Woman's Auxiliary and Guild of Tnnrnembers especially interested in jun· On Tuesday April 22 the last philan8:30 P. M. - Music Club .••••••.••.•••.••••.. SWartbmore and. 0KcleD Aven.... WEDNESDAY. APIUL 23 ior work. thropic bridge of the Club year win be ity Church, Swarthmore will be held in 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P .... -Bed Croos SeWIng •••••••• _ _ Parfah_ The Needlework Guild was estab~ l1eld at the home of Betty Treu in the church basement next week. A pre10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.-Bed Cross Surgical Dressings view will take place Wednesday evening lished in Philadelphia in 1885. Branches Springfield. Pront '" Jackson 81a.. _ '1:30 P. M. to 9:30 P.II. - Art Bxh1blt Open to Publlc •••••..••. WOD18D'S Club April 23, from 7 until 9:30 o'clock and IlOW exist in 42 states, the District of - - -......,...._ - 7:00 P. M. to 9:30 P. K. - Rnmmage Sale PreView.............TrInIt.y Church the sate will be open the next day, ThursColumbia and the Hawaiian Islands. ftJothers' Club Today 8:15 P. M. - ~"I"Wo on an IBlaDd" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• P1Iyera Club day . from 8:30 A. M. until 4:30 P. M. TH1lII8DAY, APIUL 24 The Swarthmore Branch is about 30 8:30 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. - RJJ~ Sale.. TrfDlty Church Mrs. Joseph S. Seal of Cornell aveyears old. The Guild slogan expresses The April meeting of the Swarth7:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M.-Art It ORen to PubllC •••••••••• WOD1&D·. Club the far reaching work of the organiza- more Mother's Club will be held at the nue is the sale chairman with Mrs. R. 8:00 P. M. - FreDell ClreJe •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 410 Part:: Aven.ue 8:15 P. M. - "'l"wo on an Ialand." ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• P1Qera Club tion: "The Charity which Helps AU Presbyterian Church today, Friday, at Blair Ppce and. Olive Cleaves serving on her committ~ T" .. Charities.» 2 :45 P. M, t, Nearly 500 Children Enjoyed Tenth Annwd Easler Frolic Here LIst ~aturday .Mol'lllDg· ~ .- I I ....... NASON MAIN GIDID SPEAKER , . ___.,4'.......__ "Lo-16 ================:'::==============::; h .................. '" TBB I 19401 SlV ARTBMORBAN Miss Nancy R. Duer and Mi.s Joan P. The ceremony was perfonned by Dr. Duer sisters of the bride. ~~~::'I Frauk O. Erb before au altar banked M. Albert. Miss Harriet F with white lilies. snapdragoos palms Mrs. James Aubrey Green, and and rerns and lighted by tw~ sevenDr. and Mrs. Joseph Willits of Onnonk, I ~~;~~~!.,~A:.~.Barden. Jr. sister of branched candeJab.a. N. Y. 11 ~iven in marriage by her father the In addition to the above attendants ~nde was gowned in ivory brocaded sat· Mrs. R. Chester Spencer of Swarthmore avenue left yesterday for Wash- Miss Davis will bave Caroline Davis as 10. Her dress had a short train and her ington, D. C. where she will visit her her flower girl and Edward L. Duer nI an~que lace veil of all-over point d'espnt fell from a coronet of rose point daughter Mrs. John D. Muskat. After a as page. Mrs. Stavers' best man is to be Mr~ lace. She carried a bouquet of Madonna week's visit in 'Washington she will travel to Pittsburgh where she will visit William Bosley Manges. The usbers lilies. As maid of honor Miss Sylvia Swann her son William Spencer who is a stu- will be Mr. Edward L. Duer, Mr. Aubrey Green, Mr. George West sister of the bridegroom wore a gown of dent at Carnegie Institute of Technology. Mrs. Arthur W. Binns of Binnsbrook, Mr. Paul H. H. Snyder. blue marquisette fasbioned with bishop Rutledge entertained yesterday with a W. Tucker. and Mr. John sleeves. She carried a colonial bouquet luncheon in honor of Mrs. Jesse H. of yellow daisies, forget-me~nots and Holmes. Guests included Mrs. Harold the wedding ceremony Mr. and delphinium tied with yellow satin ribG. Griffin of Swarthmore, Mrs. Frank Mrs. Davis wiu hold a family reception bon. Miss Jean Mayberry of Wooster L. Martin, Mrs. S. Clayton Wicks, and for the bridal couple at their home in Ohio .was bridesmaid wearing yello'; Mrs. Charles H. Zensen of Rutledge and Ithan. marquIsette and carrying flowers simiMrs. J. Frank Beatty. Jr. of Morton. Mr. Stavers is a graduate of Swarth- lar to thos. of the honor attendant Mr. and Mrs. Ross Guerard Allen more High School in the class of 1935 tied with blue ribbon. ' will arrive Sunday morning to spend and of Lehigh University in 1939 and Mr. Charles P. Swann of Cambridge aoout ten days with Mrs. Allen's parents is now connected with the American !dass. was his brother's best man. Usher~ •• Viscose Company. Miss Davis gradu- ,nduded M essers. Frederick Zwick, Jr., Dr. and Mrs.E. • L M ercer 0 f Norul School Ch es ter roa. d M r. an d M rs. A lien are ated from Miss Irwins • •• and B ernard A. Hutchin of Rochester returning from Evanston, III. to live Schmitt-A"'and Mr. Donald Fiske of Cambridge' in the vicinity of Philadelphia. 'J-Mass. ' Pi Phi sewing for Friends Service will Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ayres of MiIIMrs. Zwick wore a costume suit of be held at the home of Mrs. Edward ville, N. J. announce the marriage of po,,:der blue wool and a corsage of garClyde, "Winding Lane" in Media on tI,eir daughter, Janice Elaine of South demas. Friday, April 18. • Princeton avenue to Mr. Carl H. Mrs. Swann with a powder blue silk ,Mrs. Arthur J. Jones of Dickinson Schmitt of South Chester road on Sat- ensemble wore a corsage of talisman a.\·cnuc will entertain today, Friday, Ap- urday, April 12, at the Second Metha- roses. nl 18, at luncheon and sewing. dist Episcopal Church, Millville, N. J. A wedding breakfast at the University •• I Miss Ayres is a graduate of Columbia Club followed tbe wedding rite. Mr. and Mrs. Swann will reside at 181 Valley View Crescent, Rochester. The bride i. a graduate of Wooster College and the bridegroom of Harvard University. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Gilereest of Harvard avenue entertained witb two tables of dessert-bridge Tuesday evening in honor of Mrs. Harold R. Sanson of Binningham. Ala. who arrived last Fri· day, for several days' visit to her sister MrS. Albert S. Johnson of South Ches· ter road. Mrs. Alfred E. LongweD and son Bob of Lafayette avenue spent three days during the Easter vacation in Washington, D. C. with Mrs. Longwell's sister Miss Lillian M. Roberson of New Rochelle, N. Y. who is spending her Easter vacation in the capitol city. While in Washington, Mrs. Longwell called on Mrs. J. E. Grant formerly of Vassar avenue who is now residing in Arlington, Va. and has been very ill since January 1940 with double pneumonia. She is slowly recovering but the doctor says it will be many months before she will have regained her strength. "Rinky" McCurdy of Ogden avcnuC is a member of the choral club of Hollins College which will broadcast a program on April 19 from 2:30 to 3:00 over the NBC Red Network originating in Station WMBG. Richmond, Va. She will be one of the seventy students from the college to go to Richmond next Saturday to participate in the broadcast. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Wagner of Benjamin West avenue are entertaining a group of guests at an informal buffet supper on Sunday evening. Mr. Albert H. Tomlinson fonnerly of South Chester road a director of the Standard Vacuum Oil Company has made arrangements to return to New York from Palembang, Sumatra, Nethj erland East Iudies by the middle of next i, July. Mrs. Tomlinson and Teddy will I visit Mr. Tomlinson's mother at her Swarthmore home early next week. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Vlacllos of Vassar avenue entertained with a family party last Saturday in celebration of the wedding anniversaries of their sons. Mr. and Mrs. William N. Vlachos of Park avenue had been married seven years on April 7 and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vlachos of Secane observed their first anniversary on the latter's birthday, April 6. In addition to members of the family Mrs. Frederick Morton. niece of Mrs. Vlachos, Sr., aIlfl Mr. Morton of Oakmont were guests. Mrs. Arthur J. Jones will be hostess to her cousin Miss Frances Davis of , ---, --Bridgeton, Me. who arrives today, Friday. April 18, at the Jones' home on Dickinson avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Brewster of Dickinson avenue are entertaining Mr. Louis van Dyck and son Bevier of Cortland, N. Y. who plan to stay until the end of the week. Mrs. Birney K. Morse of Yale avenue was hostess on Monday morning to 22 guests at a spring breakfast and bridge. Mrs. R. K. Enders of Elm avenue has been called to Wooster, Ohio by the illness of her mother. Mr. Arthur B. Lawrenc"!, Jr. returned home from New York City to spend Easter week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Lawence of Cornell avenue before being drafted into FRIDAY - SATURDAY (Continuous Saturday 1:30-11:30 P. Mo) Rober. Randolph YOUNG • SCOTT "WESTERN UNION" DeaD. Jager _ VIqbl1a Gilmore ftlII8DAY - WEDNESDAY TBtJRSDAY "VIRGINIA" ID. '.fedIDJeoIor MADELEINE CAIUlOLL FIlED lbeMUlUlA.Y Ir---------------. Do Y_ J[ • .,.r•••o.. . . De - ... CIIN , . a . . ID 10M c.n ~.. • I -- - "".7- In a wedding of simplicity and charm performed in the chapel of ColgateRochester Divinity School at Rochester, N. Y. on Saturday, April 12, Miss Caroline Zwick daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Daniel Zwick of Rochester became the bride of Mr. William L. Swann son of Dr. and Mrs. William F. G. Swann of Ogden avenUe. Dutmoalh IUld "We _ " leD _ A.... .. • .... ----co. -=-_ - - ~ _~_ At high noon tomorrow Miss Elizabeth Jayne Davis daughter of Mr. Mrs. Robert Hare Davis of Ithan become the bride of Mr. William Appleton Stavers son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Stavers of Moylan. T~e ceremony will take place Ch"'t Church, Media with the Rev. D. Butterfield former rector ~ the parish ~onducting the ceremony. MISS DaVIS who will be given ,;".v I by her father will wear' a white salm I gown and a veil of heirloom lace sister Miss Kate Furness Davis . dre.ssed in pink marquiseite mald-of-honor. The six b~;~~~:~i.:~~,: who will be dressed in blue n are to be: HARBERT • ROV AE CALL MEDIA. 174 Or Slop 0lIl' Dftnr • MEDIA LAUNDRY s..-..m. s--d'omore So.. 8m- 1900 ./alI,. • s.r....- CHEN YU • 476 CORDA Y ,$3. SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Bank and Trust Company Mem...... FecJ.a) DeposIt .............. Corporation STARTS FRIDAY "Strawberry Blonde" OUR NEW FOUNTAIN * It's Handsome • • • It's Efficient * Drop in to see it and-- TRY OUR SIXTEEN FLAVORS OF ZANE GREY'S . ABBOTT'S DE LUXE ICE CREAM "WESTERN llNION" "Free and Easy" STARTS THURSDAY 'The Mad Doctor' wtth BUlL RAUIBONE RLLBN DRBW MONDAY -TURSDAY "The Philadelphia Story" with JAMES SlEwART KA.TJIAIUNE HEPBURN * This Week's Specials FRESH STRAWBERRY * FRESH PEACH * EGG NOG iC STRAWBERRY VANILLA They're Simply Elegant! "DREAMING OUT WOO" a SAT. CENEAllTRY FRI. In "BACit IN THE SADDLE" * Is Installed! while you're here FRIDAY - SATURDAY aDd ROY ROGRR8 III Enhnd • Second a.. Me. . . . lID....,. a., 19l19. altho Poot 0IIice aI Swarthmore, Pa., under the Ad of MUch 3, 1879. FRIDAY APRIL 8 194 II ; ;_-::::~;:::-;::::_._i;::l:,:::l::::::::~ some them monosyllabic, much The crying others of various more of complex. TriDily Parish. Noles Gulls is little more than a single cracked falsetto note. The Bittern, by contrast. On Sunday morning the Choir will IN VILLAGE LIBRARy voices a guttural message that sounds repeat part of the Easter music. . .II like a distant pump. A large fresh-water W.illiam O. Foust publicity director marsh early on a summer's morning reNew non-fiction in the Public Li- sounds with the eerie calls of Rails, Galof die ~l>iOcese will be the speaker at the meeting of the Young P.eoples' Fel- brary includes: "All Gaul is Divided" tinules, and Coots. a little book of letters from .individuals But the non·vocal sounds of birds are lowship at 5:30 P. M. Sunday. A1i.-'-in;canbers ·of the Church School are in o.ccupied Francej "Union Now With even more remarkable. Woodpeckers, as asked to return ,their Lenten Mite Boxes Britain'" by Clarence Streit, a new ptan already mentioned, substitute drumming on Sunday morning. The -'boat-race" for "Union Now" brought in line with for singing. The birds, although incapwill end Qn Sunday and the Lenten offer- the changing map of Europe whic:h would able of producing music with their . :iog will· cOlUlt for Umileage." win the war and then be replaced by the throats, have an ear that must be sensiThe Rev.-'Edward, H. Bonsall assisted pennanent world union: HMansion House live to harmony. They select well-scasthe rector at the services on Easter Day. of Liberty" based on Phyllis Bottome's oned hollow stubs as resonators, and the On Sunday afternoon a group of young own experiences in beleaguered Britain; tones produced on such sounding boards people took tlle contributed Easter plants "Finland Forever" in which Hudson lend the performers almost all the qualito the Philadelphia Hospital for the pa- Strode writes his impressions of that ties of true musicianship. .tients there. country as it was immediately before the Other non-"ocai bird-sounds are ones Reports at the congregational meeting war, conveying to the rc;ader a feeling, such as the whistling of Woodcocks and on Monday night showed a year of prog- of the mre, fresh, and ever-changing the "booming" of Nighthawks. The for~ ress. George W. Casey senior warden beauty of .,Finland as it was and he mer, produced in flight, is definitely promade the report for the ~Vestry. This hopes it will be again-forever; ·'The vided for by a narrowing of the first three, -'-is' the ..thirty-sixth annual.; report pre- Battle for Asia," in which Edgar Snow feathers of Woodcocks' wings. The: pare.d by Mr. Casey. . I deals with the communist movement in ·'booming" is a result of Nighthawks' There 'will be a meeting of the con- China ·and the new world which must diving-they spread their wings suddenly firmatioll class at 2:30 this Sunday after- come about after the conflict ends. after plunging from great heights, and noon at the Church. .. "Exit Laughing" is an informal auto.. their abrupt halt creates a strange holI I Mographyof Irvin 'Cobb, filled with Cobb low sound that is carried for a long disMethodist Church Noles anecdotes ·-and Cobb friendliness j ilCru_ tance through the still evening air. The church ;ho'~eets Sunday at sader in Crinoline" by Forrest Wilson Even Owls' bill-snapping must be, 9 :45 A. M. with classes for children is the biography .of Harriet Beecher: classed as a form of avian inter-comStowe of "Uncle Toni's Cabin" fame;: muuication, for some of these birds fre~ and adults of all ages. "Wh W lk Al ". h t . f . quently punctuate their hootings with The preparatory membership class 0 a on,e IS t e s ory an meets in the pastors study at 9 :30. American's years in a leper colony; rapid clicking of their beaks. At the morning worship at 11 o'clock "Dream In Her Hand" is the life of D r . . ' -.~.•BRooKF. WOR1'Ji. the minister will preach on the subject Cornelia Chase Brant by Alice Ross TWIN LECTURES AT COLLEGE ~'God's Mandate For ,Today.'" The an- Colver and Helen Brant Birdsall. ' g for the Women's "Born in Paradise" by Armine von TIle department 0 f economics . an d th e "ual thank offerlD iety of Christian Service will be reTempski is the story of life on a great W'II' J CI h' F ' 1 Soc ranch in Hawaii j "Hawaii, Restless RamI lam . ot ter ound aUon 0 ceived. . . J B be J Swarthmore ·College are presenting two The Epworth League will meet In 'part" by oseph ar r, r., presents lectures by Federal Government officials. the chapel at 7 P. M. the real everyday Hawaii and its people; The first by Milo Perkins administrator, The junior and senior choirs meet on "Kabloona" by Gontran de Poncins is surplus marketing administration, Departthe adventures of a white man among fA· I I' Thursday at 7 and 8 P. M. . ·1' ed E k' f h 1 th ment gncu ture was heard ast Dlght I unCJVIIZ 'at,'on w,'11 hold a tIe S Imos 0 tear nor . . h F' d' . m t e flen s Meetmg House. Mr. PerThe ushers assoc, "Food and T otal Desu 'jcct was' skat,'ng party th,'s Fr,'day n,'ght ,'n the "My Own Four Walls" is Don Rose's k'1115' b social hall at 7 :30. efforts toward establishing a home. fense." • 1 • Newest fiction includes: EHen GtasOn Sunday night at 8 :15 in the MeetPresbyterian Church Nole. gow's "In This Our Lile" a compelling novel of our times by an author well- ing House Corwin D. Edwards ecoSunday morning at 11 o'clock the known for "Vein of Iron," "Romantic nomi.c consultant, Department of Jus.. 3E.rmon .topic wlll be "The Nature and Comedians" and other: 'novelsi "Mount- ,tice wHl speak on .. ','Allti::::Trust and the Destiny of Man." ain Meadow" is the absorbing last novel Output of Industry." ' The High School Fe.tlowship wilt of John Buchan. Lord Tweedsmuir whose Friends of the college are cordially inresume meetings Sunday evening at autobiography UPilgrim's Way" is an vited to attend. ••• 6 o'clock with a program of motion pic- outstanding contribution to literature; F -I. C I tures· and speakers on summer confer.. "The Earth Is Ours" by Vilhelm Mo- rencu ire e in Swiss Program ~ WBDBLIVER * -* * * * * Swarthmore 857 a:: MICH' A EL' S COLLEGE PHARMACY ______________________________________J:: III * * * * * * * o 01 THE o to the soil; "Mill Stream" by Hortense Lion is the recreation of Providence and the Blackstone Valley during post-Rev- olutionary years. In UBetween Two Worlds" Upton Sinclair continues the story of Lanny Budd begun in "World's morning, April 20. at 11 o'clock. The Session will meet Friday evening, April 25. at 'the home of Elder End." "Long Meadows" by Minnie Hite Joseph A. Perry 410 Thayer road at Moody is the story of a family carried through war and peace for a century 8 o'clock. and a half. . I I _ . New Subject at Friend.' Forum "The Countess to Boot" takes the reader travelling in an entertaining story Edward Anderson of a large chain by Jack lams; "The Ship. and -The market - will discUss "J...abor Relations Shore" is Vicki Baum's tale of tropical from the' --Viewpoint of Management" nights; "Forsaking all Others" a novel this Sunday morning at 9 :45 when the in verse by Alice Duer Miller author of weekly session of the adult forum con- "The White Cliffs." venes at Swarthmore Friends' Meeting. Newest mysteries for detective story Christian Sd.:nce Cb1irch~ fans 'are: ··Spill the Jackpot" by A. A. Fair, "Counterpoint Murder"" by 'G .. D. Han~ and Mar.garet. Cole:. The Rlg~t H. "Doctrine of Atone;ueiit'" is the subMur~er by Craig Rice, Murders m· ject of the Lesson-Sermon in all yolu!De. 2" by" Elizabeth Daly, .and Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunrraltor s purse by Margery Alhngday, April 20. The GoI~en Text is: "All ham. things are of God, who hath reconciled I I us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath Cr d Club W· B Cr um eek ri ge mners given to us the ministry of reconciliaThe Crum Creek Bridge Club's viction" (II. Corinthians 5:18). torious members after Monday evening's regular weekly play at the CHURCH SERVICES Strath Haven Inn were: North and South-Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carvell, first ; William Craemer and Richard Seller, second; Mrs. William Soden and Mrs. R. G. Witman, third; East II :00 ,0,00:5~~themeof and West-Dr. and Mrs. John R. Bates, first; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, second; Mrs. Maurice Griest and Mrs. Walter R. Shoemaker tying Mrs. \ValSermon theme lace M. McCurdy and Mrs. H. Bardwell Lincoln for third. Rector Rev. J. 8-:00 9:45 11:00 'r;i:':;i:::;'o~andAUquiltare " Le Cerc1e Francais of Swarthmore will meet April 24 at 8 P. M. at the home 01 Mrs. A. M. Bosshardt, 410 Park avenue with Mrs. Wallach and Mlle. Ade!ine Strouss as co-hostesses. The Swiss Consul of Philadelphia, Maurice Rohrbach, will present two Swiss films: "Les trois langues de la Suisse"·'· and "Les sports d'hiver en Suisse," which will be followed by a talk on UInstitutions et Unions Internationales a Berne et Geneve" given by Mrs. Bosshardt. I Th~ Man Who Co"",, To Dlnner dro,.. in for lunch 4, ,II. Snu. u",. SUBURBAN CAFE ana Cocktail LouRge Main Coocoune., P R ,R Suburban Station .. lure o' tin enjoyable meal. wlthou. hurry- atnlld I"leaaant lurroundlnltll _and a. r-t'S.IOnable prieee tunc/wow-from 40< Dinner< -from SSe t:OC'.,ail Houu-3:OO to 6:00 P.M. PeRunal Supt!r-vlstoo of Harry R. Tull, ------------ The 8u1pbur and molasse8 grandma used to concoct was kind or rouah but it did tbe work. Today sbe uses tbe more ticienti6.c methods. Your ear needs a Spring tonic expertly administered by Factory trained men and tbe proper Equipment. THIS IS THE TONIC WE'LL GIVE YOUR CAR: Test and Adjust: Spark Plugs - Fuel System Distributor-Timing Generator Drain, Flush and Refill Radiator Lubricate Car Drain and Refill Crankcase The Cost of this Tonic is................. ,................ $J.85 SUNOCO GAS HANNUM' & WAITE SWARTBMORE, PA. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH Discover New Beauty in Your Own Home! 'aint Walls and Woodwork with <[UPON!) -- ....-... INTERIOR. GLOSS and SEMI-GLOSS Especially formulated for kilchens and bathrooms, you can use these fine enamels on walls and woodwork auywhere in the bouse! The Gloss is full and rich; the Semi·Gloss has tbe popular satiny lustre. Both are easy to apply, and easier ti) keep dean. SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY 98 C SUPLEE'S HARDWARE STORE t t SOUTH CHESTER RD. SWARTHMORE t 05 I" Soph Hop Next Friday The class of '43 of Swarthmore High School wUl give its Soph Hop on April 2S at 8:30 o'clock in the High School gymnasium. Many committees have bl;:en working for weeks to make this a: gala occasion. The cJtairmen of the cQmmittees are' hospitality Douglas Heath; finance: Duane Ta;lor: program, Elizabeth Pope: refreshments. Jean Fischer j decoration, Alice Putnam j orchestra, George Armitage; pubIicity, Duncan Chiquoine; lighting Howard Pennell j clean-up. Lewis Knebe1. It is hoped that a large attendance will make the efforts of these committees worth while. ••• Dancing Class Chaperon. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Knebel and Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Taylor will be chapcrans for the tenth grade assembly to be held at the Woman's Club Saturday evening. Since this week's assembly is to be in the form of a barn dance it is requested that costumes be worn by those attending. ' I. I Mr. and Mrs. R. G. E. Ullman and To Talk on Television Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Van Alen will An address on television will be given chaperon the eighth grade assembly by John S. Donal, Jr. of R. C. A. in to be held at the Woman's Club on Hicks Hall, Swarthmore College to- Saturday e,"v:.:e::;n::;in~g~ ......... __ I. I morrow evening, Saturday, April 19, at 7 :45 P. M. under the auspices of the Nu Aid. Guidance Service Chapter Sigma rau Fraternity, NatExpansion ional Engineering Society. The public is 'Villard Tomlinson director of the invited. Swarthmore Career Counselors Bureau Tax Deadlj~e Nears has recently returned to his South Chester road home from a series of vocaThe attention of property owners is tional testing programs at nearby schools. called to April being the last month that Next week, the Bureau is returning to real estate taxes can be paid to the tpcal the YMCA in Wilmington for a second tax collector. On the first Monday in conference in 1941. Announcement will Mayall uncollected real estate taxes are soon he made of a special opportunity returned to the County Treasurer and -foro. students and young people, schedsix per cent a year interest is added to ule<) . to \iI~ place in Philadelphia im· the and pOnilti"~ ... - . . . . ineeglnnlng. Belng lot No. 138 on eaid pIa •. and known as No. 646 Hazelwood Avenue. a!Jle. WANTED All you do is add water '" this amaioS miJ<, place it in ,0.,. .et oven and you !he world'. linen Singerbread I So flavory and teader if mel" your :~~;;;~~;~ mouth! Double yourinmoney back if you don't oay it', the ~® best you ever a'e!--~- WAN'l'EIJ iuroishcd {Illid. Hox WANTEV general !'warthmore Woman commutl!r wishea small apartment near atadoD. Must be W. The Swarthl2lorean. Colored woman•. e%perienced. for housework, references. Telephone 614. LOST DROMEDARY DATE AND NUT BREAD - 2 for 25c KEN-L-RATION . The do. load thac coata.Ios edft Jeu uesb meat: u4 a n rilamfa 8t. 3~· Cans 25'~ STEER-O BOUILLON CUBES TNat your family to thefiDeot. Pkg.25c LUX FLAKES Burnett's FOUND Saturday mornios- during Egl" Hunt. Small pearl bracelet. Can at The Swarth· lIlorc~aD office. FOUNll Green parrakeet, Sunday aflernoon. AIrs. C. F. Wolters, 521 Cedar lane. Pure Vanilla Extract WM. S. BlTTLE LaotiDs pure ftavop..d_'t eooi: out. C OZ·29C 40Z.55 Bot. 2 Bot. -- L1Il< yoar dainty .hlnp at m.&t - with I - . L'S I •• • NEWS NOTES 8wartbmoreW4 NOtary Pabllc-lD8n&aDco-Beal_ NEWBOLD R. VARlAN GEO. '~~of irvii:D'& a co. A1teratlo_Bepaira Paintiq Total Capital Accounts ...... Swuthm_ lU9 3l!_ Y.... Aye. Pkg.21c Under and subJeot to certain conetltlolls and restrictions of record. APT. FOR RENT 112 Park Ave., $80. second. floor--8 rms., enClosed ~. electrlc refrigerator. twc entrances, private oU burner. sarace. Accounts ••••••.•••••••••••••• t2.544.761.7( MEMORANDA Pledged BSSeta (lLDd securities lOaned) (book value): . United. states Gov'erniDeut obl1pt10D8~ dJrect and guaranteed, pledged to 80cure deposits and other nELL PRONE .. Total ••.••••••...•••••••• $ 339.089.7 Secured 11abllltles: Deposita secured by pledged asseta pursuant to requirements of law ............. $ 199.456.27 Total Electrical Contractor Telephone Swarthmore 2295 FOR PROMPT SERVICE REPBlGBR&TOas -RAD108 WASBBBS-ALL VIKM :~~a:i.~TORE COAL and COKE FUEL 011;. VAN Al,EN BROS. Phone Sw. 10412 Connie Heg daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernesl C. Heg of North Chester road returned to Elmira College, N. Y. on Monday. April 14, after spending her Easter holidays at home. Miss Martha Taylor of Yale avenue entertained on Easter Sunday with a family party. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Lawrence of Cornell avenue had 'as' their guest last week-end Mrs. Lawrence·s cousin Miss Alice Sanborne of St. Petersburg, Fla. Dr. Helen South spent her Easter vacation as the guest of her brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Binns of. Binnsbrook, Rutledge. Dr. is a member of the faculty of New York University. Mr. and Mrs. Girard B. Rudick and son Perry are stopping this week-end to spend a few days with Mrs. Rudick's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Perry of Thayer road. The Rudicks are en route to their home in Upper Montclair, N. J. after vacationing at Miami Beach, Fla. w. J. THOMAS Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER o ~i!;:- ..... .7 1941, WILLIAM B. BITTLE. NOtary PUbllr.. Correct - Attest: E_ B. TEMPLE, CLAUDE C. SMITH. JOSEPH E. HAINE2. Directors. $50U,000 A WEEK! • As Penusylvania swings full speed ahead into the national preparedness pro· gram, this company is tackling the biggest job in its hi8tory. Day by day the de- mands for service mount. A year ago we lanncbed a huge con8truction program to enlarge our plant. This year an even greater program is under way. Right now in Pennsylvania we are spending half . ~~ a million a week on new construction! Be sure your um_ Is In good repatr. Waslters " Cleaners We are making an alI- Serviced CHESTER LIGHT . SUPPLY CO. 801 BclpDoDt; &.ven_ out drive-with D1an- power, material. and money-to keep telephone service fatlt, adequate and dependable to 8peed Pennsylvania's production. ~I rr FUEL OIL ~~~~ 1I'w..l W MORroN AVBNVB. B1J'l'I.IIDG1I 'PhoneSwuUl._ . I S~·, Add..... . . . ~ ....t::: of to Aprll. It. WOOD, KOPPERS ! COKE ! PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY B. B. SPROAT. C8ahler. anel subscribed before me thIS Carpenter & Cabina 1Ifa1cer ~ SELL US YOUR USELESS DISCARDS 141 knowledge and. beUef. 1'onIIKb" of swutblllDr'e CoUep YE AU Those Clothes, Shoes. BousefurIllshlnrs,. £te. You DO lonp:r want. JUST TIILEPIIOIIB CBBSTI!R 2-25'13 199,456.2~ .•••.•..•.•••••.•.•. , State of Penna.• COunty of Dela.WU8. 88: I, B. 8. 8proat. cashier of the above named bank. do 80lelDll11 &wear that the above statement 18 true to the best of my Road SWuthm.... 19 2m 339,089.7, ltabWtIes ............... .. COMPLETE BEnERFOOD fOOD MARKET fOR THE rAiLE ClIl_ at-Rutpn A_o-Route 3111-8 _ _ Po. If you are suffering from the no-place-to-plug_in curse, don't delay another day. Investigate how easily and economically you can effect a cure through using electric "plug-in" strips. They come in packages of varying lengths to meet your needs-4, 6, Sor IOoutletsto a strip. Quicldyinstalled-nollle8tl or bother-just clipped to your baseboard. See your electrical contractor or contractor dealer for these or other type outlets. Together with the free and common use right, Uberty and prIvilege of the a,bov· mentioned. eight feet wide driveway as and lor a passageway and drIveway at all ttmes hereafter forever In common \ow •• the owners. tenants Dnd occupJers of til premises adjoinIng to the northeast, reserving thereout. nevcrtheleas, to the said murtgagor her heIrs and 858lgns, for the benettt of the owners. tenants and ocHOWI\RD KIRK. Attorney for IJetitioner. cupiers of the premlsoo adjolnlng to th~ northeo.st, the free and uninterrupted us~. right. lIberty and privllege of the above mentioned driveway os and for passageway 8BERlFP SALm of REAL 1!5TATE and driveway. SherlO"s Office. Court HoUBe, Media. Penna. Improvements consJst of two and oneSaturday, May 3, 1941 half story atone and shingle house. 16 x 4 .... Leet; rear addition. 6 x 9 feet; stucco gar8:30 A. M. Eastern Standard Tlme age, 18 x 18 feet, CondltJons: 1250.00 cash or certWed check at time of sale (unless otherwIse· stated in Sold as the property ot Gladys H. Rutter. advert1sement) balance In ten days. Othel mortgagor and Paul H. Marrow and Janet 351.067.92 conditions on etay of sale. . L. Marrow, his wife. Total Llab1lltles and. capital MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON A. Wayne Mosteller No. 750 December Term, 194D WORK \'r'ANTED Geneva Watts, 20 Morton avenue, Morton desires day's work or part· liDl~; or full time: position for man and wife. Local refercnus. Call (or interview in eVeDlnl". WORK WANTED Refined colored woman wishes work by day or week. Excellent ref.:renCC:5. TeruMa Pemaley. Dox. liS. Marcus CURED THIS NO-PLACE-TO~PLUG-IN CURSE CONTRACTOR 4217 R"lIent St.Philadelphia P .. EVE'I&een 8316 S............... MAIL COUPON NOW Roofi... 0 F.B.A. Flnandn. 0 Palntlns. Paperluoft';n. o on Burner 0 Ah_llon8 0 SIcIiq ~.-Rln • ..Iation 0 Balhrooms 0 Wea!her Strippin. 0 0 epa.... 0 Beau... 0 Addilio... NO DOWN PAYMENT- SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS Name tweeu paralle[ JInes at rJght angles to the said Radbourno Bead (formerly Berkelt· Road) elght.y feet to the middle of a certain sixteen feet wide driveway extendlus west.ward trom oak Avenue to Ashby Road. WOU WANTED »UG-INS#l By THE YARD B. E. BENEYFIELD Road) sateen feet. and ex:tend.Jnl of that width 1D length or depth southward be- SPORTS REVIEW ELECTRIC How Little It Would Take 10 ft.lodernize Your Property? For Free Information, Telephone or Write 5 $::8. Cal L Swarthmore 12:59· ---- DO YOU KNOW SWABTHMOBEAN FOR RJ::.NT Huted garage. "5.00 per month. 73 6 Harvard avenue. TeieplioDe Swarthmore 627-J. P. NUl THE~· 18, 1941 ~~~------------.---------------------------~-------,------------------.------------~~- Mrs. L Rankin, second; and H. Tomlinson and J. Moore, third. • OF I APRIL c.u... . . JI Levar.l Facias December Term, 1940 Le\'ari Facias No.4 ProP. sIt, in Haverford Twp. Del. Co., Fa. December Term, 1940 on the 6. W. s. of Haverford. Rd. 87.25 ft. S. E. of Buck. Lane; In front 21.5 ft. ano All that certain lot or piece of ground in dpth. 176.04 ft. m. or 1. Known as 642 with the bulldtngs and improvements Haverford Road. thereon erected situate In the Township U. & S. to ·cond. and bldg. rest. ~f Upper Darby. County of Delaware and .itate of Pennsylvania. as appears by plan Improvements consist of two story stucco recorded in the Office for the Recordln house, 12 x 33 feet; porch front; one story of Deeds. etc., at Media In and for the frame addltlon, 9 x 6 teet. County of Delaware In Deed Book No. ~. page GOD &C. Sold as the property of Bryn Mawr Loan and Building ABsoclatlon, real owner. Beglnnlug at a. point In the easterly sid, of the Center Line of Kenmore Roaet (fortdY ED~ARD F. HITCHCOCK. Attorney. Ieet wide) at the dlstance of two hundre and twelve feet northward. from the center Une of Lennox Road (forty feet wia. Levari Facias No. 814 thence extending northward along said l!enter line of Kenmore Road th1rty~eJghi,. December Term 1940 and forty one-hu~dredths feet to. a point; thence extending eastward on a line at Prop. sit. In Twp. of Springfield. Del. Co.• right angles to the said Kenmore Road one Po .• on the S. W. 8. of Harwick Rd. 331.72 Imnctred and fifteen feet to a point; thence ft. S. E. ot Powell Ave .• In tront 26.28 ft . extending southWard on a line parallel and In dpth. 100 ft. Known as 226 Harwick with the said center Une of Kenmore Road Rd. thirty-eight and forty one-hundredths feet a point; thence extending westward on u. & S. to condo bldg. rest. rJghts & ato line at right angles to the said Kenmore privileges. Together with use of dwy. Road one hundred. and Mteen feet to the Improvements consIst of two story stucco first mentioned point and pltlC6 of beginhouse, 16 x 36 feet; porch front; one storl nIng. stucco garage, 10 X 18 feet. Under and subject to certain restrictions Solet as the property of LUdwJg E. Ben- and agreements. d.itt e.nd Anna M. Bendltt. his wife. mortImprovements consist. of two story stone gagors and WUUwn J. Klinger. Ch8.I'les A. stucco house. 26 x 20 feet: porch front; Joline and Michael Sammartino. LlqUldat- and Ing TrUstees ot New Energetic BuIlding basement garage. AssocIation, real owners. Sold as the property of Anna. Marle Torre mortgagor and real owner. EDW. F. HITCHCOCK, Attorney.. ROBERT W. BEATTY. Attorney. Levari FRclftS No. 748 WILLIAM W. MCKIM, Sheriff December Term. 1940 All that cei"tain lot or piece of ground with the messuage or tenement thereon erected. Situate In the Township of Uppet" Darby, County and State aforesaid, designated and known as lot numbered three hundred and eighty-four In a certain plan of lots called "Observatory Hill" surveyed by Joseph W. Hunter. C. E., Jenkintown. Pa .• In April 1903. which Is recorded In the Office for recording of Deeds &c., In and (or Delaware County aforesaid In Deee Book T. No. 10 page 640 &0., and described as follows, to wit: Situate on the southerl~ side of Ardmore Avenue at the distance of two hundred and seventy·five feet west· wardl,. from the west side 01 Lukens Avenue, as shown on said pian. Containing h: front or breadth on the said Ardmore Avenue twenty·o.ve feet and extending of that width In length or depth southwardly OD{ hundred and twenty feet to the rcar line of lot numbered three hundred and fifty· seven as shown on sald plan. Subject tc. any existing restrJctions which DOW appea. of record.. Being 227 Ardmore Avenue. Improvements consJ.s.t of two and onehalfstory brick house, 16 x 40 feet; enclose",porch; one story frame addition. 10 x ]{ feet; stucco garage. 18 x 18 feet. Sold as the property of Edwin W. Pagr and Katherine S. Page. his wife. real own· ers_ D. MALCOLM HODGE, Attorney. Levari Facias - ________-Ji~i Il=~--:::jl:-~ClIl~=':ot:,:r~B:'.:.:"~':"::... Ic.~.------ No. 74~ SHEPJFP ShLES of REAL ESTATE Sherlfl's Otnce. Court House. Mfdla. Penna Saturday, Aprll 26, 1941 9 :30 A. M. Eastern Standard. Time Conditions: $250.00 cash or certl1led. check at time oJ: sale (unless otherw1se stated In advertisement) balance In ten days. Other conditions on day of tlale. FIeri Fac1as No. 198 March Term, 1941 All that certain lot or piece of grOund with the buUdlngs and Improvements thereon erected. Situate 1D the Borough of ColwYn. In the County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania: Beginning at a POint at the northwesterly corner of Front Street and Frances Street, thence extending by the northerly slde of the said Prances Street north slxty~elght degrees. twenty-seven minutes west twenty.flve feet to a point a corner of lands of John Mehaffey and wife, thence by the same passIng through the middle of the party wall between. the said messuage and the messuage adjoining on the west north twenty-one degreee twenty-eight minutes east nLDety feet to a corner of lands of WilHam H. Ltpplncott. thence by the same south al.xty-elgh1i de-grees. twenty...seven minutes east twenty five feet to the westerly stde of the wei Front Street and thence by the side of same south twenty-one ctegreea twent.y-e1ght minutes west ninety feet -to the place of beglnn1.Dg. wester., Improvements oonsist of two story brlck house, ·15 x 36 feet; porch front.; one atoll' frame addition. 12 x 3 feet; one story frame addition. 16 x 8 feet. the Sold as property of George A. Gademann and Jennie O. Oademann. SPRING PLANTING • WM. J. STEPIIANI, Jr. No. 694 ..). MALCOLM HODGE. Attorney. __------- sa::;rI'~~,£~~1n II said WM. TAYLOR, JR.. At.tomey. WILLIA!! W. MoItIM, _ front or breadth on the Boad (formerly _keley 4+3t SIl\l~I~THMql~E THB SWABTHMOBBAN 6 CURRENT BOOKS VIEWED AT CLUB Triumvirate of Member Review· ers Presented 15 Current Books to Potential Reade.... J The Swarthmore Woman's Ctub enjoyed an afternoon of book reviews by club members on Tuesday. The program was presented by the literature section, Mrs. Ralph Ashton Nixdorf, chairman. Mrs. Irwin R. :MacElwee reviewed the novel "To Sing With the Angels" by Maurice Hindus in such a fascin:J.tiog way that interest to read the book was immediately aroused. The author, Maurice Hindus, is a Russian Jew who received a Litt.D. at both Cornell and Harvard Universities. Due to his command of languages he was sent abroad to RussiR and Czechoslovakia by noted magazines. Mr. Hindus gives the real feeling of the Czechs and brings in authentic history. His story, in consequence, deals with a small village of peasants and their reactions to the German invasion. The peasants had lived on their land for generations and were happy people who loved music. One of the first laws imposed by the invaders was on music. "This book was a tragedy,'~ stated Mrs. MacElwee, "depicting as it does the suffering of these once happy people. Descriptions of the Czech customs and traditions are delightful." The author selected his title from a sentence of a Czech editor-UWe have wanted to sing with the angels, instead we have had to howl with the wolves." KEEP A lUMP AHEAD OF THE BURGLAR by protecting against loss. yourself STOREKEEPERS BURGLARY AND ROBBERY INSURANCE issued by The JEtna Casualty and Surety Company of Hartford, Conn. is designed especially for the merchant. Broad prote("tion -low cost. PEfER E. TOLD Insurance ... Mrs. Robert L. Coates presented a delightful review of "The Vanishing Virginian" by Rebecca Yancey Williams. The book is a true story of the author's family who lived in Lynchburg, Va. where her father was the Commonwealth's attorney. Written in a light and jolly vein it portrays a type of American family which is fast vanishing. Rare and exciting episodes in the life of her parents enliven the book. Mrs. Peter E. Told briefly reviewed the following books: "Battle for Asia," by Edgar Snow, a worthy successor to his "Red Star Over China," which gives intimate glimpses of the heroic, uncompromising Chinese and their leaders; UInto China" by Eileen BigIand. a fascinating travelogue of the author~s journey into China over the Burma road in an ammunition convoy; two volumes of poetry, "Time For A Quick Oneil by Margaret Fishback and "The Glass Blower" by Jan Struther; the unusual book "Who Walk Alone" by Perry Burgess which deals with the useful life of a brave man stricken with leprosy; James Hilton's uRandom Harvest" the escapist story of a successful Englishman whose loss of memory from shell shock provides material for an unusual plot; "Mr. and Mrs. Cugat" the fascinating record of a happy marriage. Short excerpts read by Mrs. Told aroused great interest and amusement. Mentioned for good reading were the two war books-"The Wounded Don't Cry" by Quentin Reynolds and Edward R. Murrow's "This Is London." Listed as companion books were Robert Nathan's ·'They Went On Together" and Dirk van der Heide's "MySister and I." Both books give graphically the impact" of war on children's minds. Also recommended were: "Cheerfulness Breaks In" by Angela Thirkell, a gallant story to have come from war-torn England and Eric Knight's "This Above All," the story of 3n English soldier who having been through the battle of Dunkirk honestly faced the problematical social future of England. Tea was served by the hospitality committee, Mrs. Charles R. Russell, chairman. The hostesses for the after1I00n were Mrs. Leslie M. Clarke and Mrs. Robert L. Coates. Mrs. Samuel Harris and Mrs. J. A. Davies were at the tea table. 417 Dartmouth Ave. Swarthmore 1833 • I • Fire Fighting One.ThiTd ParlicipanU Wm Large Prize Eggs As a change from the numerous field fires which have been calling local firemen from their various business duties recently, two fires on Wednesday of this week called for their more expert attention. In the morning the POUCE NEWS chimney of the Calvert house at 313 Harvard avenue was ablaze, while in If Eugene Barbetta of Pottsville had the afternoon Swarthmore responded, forgotten his right name after much along with over half the other com- illegal change of it, he was straightened panies in this section, to a severe roof out by local police at a hearing Monday bla2c on a frame house in the 200 night. When Barbelta was stoPl.ed at block 011 Linden avenue, Rutledge. Chester road and Baltimore pike hy a 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 1 Swarthmore officer on March 26 he produced a 1939 operator's license. Ensuing ••• Rummage Sale Woman'. Auxiliary. CuRd TRINITY CHURCH Preview: Wedneoday, April 23 7 to 9:30 P. M. (Admbalon So> THURSDAY, APRIL 24 8:30 A.IIL to 4:30 P. M. APRIL 18, 1941 Dellmuthto Direct College Athletics (Coatl,,1N4 Jrom ".., OM) The fifty I>ounds of jelly eggs used this year were donated by B. J. Hoy and The Swarthmorean and wrapped by Martels. The following list of winners indicates that families turned out intact for Sat~ unlay's proceedings: Allen Lindgren, Alan Hunt, Ray Linton Raffield, Mary Lou Hodge, David Brown, Richard Taylor, Susanne Hopson, Neal Gallagher, Sandy Heath, Helen Hoot, Stewart Brown, Marilyn MacElwee, Charles Keighton, Jim Thomas, Harold Johnson, Johnny Avila, Helen Warren, Cornell Archbold, Jeanna Denison, Clifford Rumsey, Guy Henry, Joan Schroeder, earl Perkins Jeglum, John Rassweiler, Billy Sanborn, Robin Colquhoun, Billy Moore, Bob Talley, John Cornog, Caroline Flaherty, Dick Linton, Roger livingston, David Smith. Mildred McCowan, Fred Schoff, Cornelia McKernan, Alice Brinsfield. Virginia Morse, Dicky Bosshardt, Virginia Gehring, Jane Reynolds, Bobby Allison, Vivian Herndon, Vir· ginia Hay, Richard Raymond, Robert McCowan, Barbara Krase, Billy Froebel. George Froebel, Mildred Bernard. Doris Black, Jimmy Minich, Ann Neal, Bobby Terry, Donald Dickinson, Billy Hoot, Patsy Blake, Carol Van Alen, Charles Grier, Joan Davisson, Eric Sharpless, Wayne Warner, Edward Medford, Avery Blake, Billy Frauenfelder, Patty Paul, Barbara Heath, Kevin Cadigan, John Reynolds, Helen Disque, Caspar Bierman, Jodie Whitehair, Peggy Minich, Bob Malin, John Bernard, Ann Denworth. Joan Pennock, Jane Nixdorf, Robert Hopson, David Bitler Reynolds, Gordon Smith, Jimmy Logan, Alfred Grover, Bobby Keighton, Sally Alden, Jane Evans, Ann Broomall, Teel Dunn, Walter Johnson, Fred Behenna. Jenifer Colquhoun, Lois Linton, Kenneth Anderson, Robert Swan, George Allison, Ruth Davis, Edward Whitecar, Mary Ann Dickinson, Billy Ziegenfus, Bobby Lang, Janice Thompson, Bobby Peters, Jack Pittenger, Joan Thompson, Chucky Rogers, Nancy Grier I Carol Ann Mostel1er, Patricia Giles, Jim Bullitt, Johnny MacAlpine, Michael Reynolds, Carey Richmond, Billy Minich, Lawton Bercae, Jenifer McCone, Charles Laws, Joan Butts, Patty Henry, Judy .Cart~r Pennock, Robert Hopson, Arthur Grover, Walter Dickinson, Polly Told, and Ann Vlachos all of Swarthmore; Ruth Kimsky of Yeadon who was visiting the Trevethi~ks on Dartmouth avenue; Ann and David Dunn of Chester who were visiting their cousin Mildred McCowan; and John Carter of Philadelphia a former Swarthmorcan visiting George Frocbel. Named to Post Whieh Dr. Samuel C. Palmer Baa Temporarily F'illed for Two Years Following the recent board of managers meeting at Swarthmore College President John Nason announced the appointment of Carl K. Dellmuth of Phoenixville to the directorship of athletics for the college. Dr. Samuel Copeland Palmer of North Chester road professor of botany and graduate manager of athletics at the college for many years, was given the temporary directorship of athletics in 1939 until such a time as a successor should be named to Mark Mac .. Intosh who resigned in that year. After graduating from the college in 1931 Carl Dellmuth went into insurance work until 1938 when he became alumni secretary for the college~ He played football, baseball, and basketball for the college all four years of his attendance. and was a member of the Men's Student Government Association for two years and president of the Men's Athletic Association as a senior. He is a member of Kappa Sigma fraternity. •• VOL ••• May The total net receipts of the recent Home and School sc~olarship fund card party surpassed $200. The AssociatiOiI voted an additional sum to make up a $300 scholarship, the first in three years, to be presented in consideration of a "four-year college course or some other comparable goal of attainment" within the highest ranking third of the graduating class. ROLLER SKATIIG TONITE AT 7:30 Soclal Ball, METIIODISr CIIUBCII Sponsored by U.hen' AssocIatioa Whole Families in Quarantine 25c Spring to most children has meant baseball, flying of kites and getting out of doors but old man quarantine still confines a group of Swarthmore's youngsters behind closed doors. Elizabeth Ann Lueders, Nancy Anderson, Frances E. Thompson, Doris Lackey, Vivien Young, Eugene Ackerman, G. D. Harcourt, Teddy Bogardus, Esther Worst, Joanne Worst, Bobby Worst, Helen Worst, Laura Hobbs, Barbara Harlow, Reba Cooper, and Clara Cooper 'have measles; Donald Ograrn has whooping cough; and Polly Told and Clarence Franck are in with German measles. STEAKS- CHOPS SEAFOOD Our Specialty Completely Air.Conditioned e£ST. ~:~U I~!t"~ Open All Night !l!IllllllllRllRlBlDDDllmUlUmDlllllUlDIInlDlllnBIlRlmlUWmmllnnmullnllUlRJImlmllllIHUUmUUUUlmOllUll111UUUIUllUUOllllmmnmnlllnmuunJDDg; = BETTER THINGS FOR LESS I - We Carry RODS REELS LINES FLIES BAITS HOOKS THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT IN mE COUNTY THE FISHERMAN'S STORE REESE-BAXTER CO. 706 EDGMONT AVE., CHESTER Phone Chester 6814 I II Edgmont Avenue-Seventh and Welsh Streets == Sheets, Pillow Cases, Lingerie .. Aud Men's Shirts = MONOGRAMED . FREE ALL NEXT WEEK ~qH~7 All next week we'll put mono· grams on lingerie 8Sc and upin practically any color - The very same monograms you've seen in expensive apparel onlynot pasted, not chain·stitched, but actually embroidered by a newly perfected process that makes them look hand·done. investigation brought out that as Barbetti he had his license revoked !n 1934 for stealing cars in Schuylkill County,. In 1936 he applied for a license as BarSEE THE MACHINE AT betto, giving a different address. He is being held under $300 bail for June term WORK ON THE FIRST of court at which it is reported he plans FLOOR. to plead guilty. Arrested by state motor police for robWe Will Monogram Free All beries in Chester, Springfield and Ridley Township Cha.-Ies Thomas of Ridley Township was questioned by Sergeant ~I1lUJIIUIlllUllDllDlDlmUUUlmOUDlllDllU1lR1Dm1l1unuuuuulululURlDlDll1llllllllllllillliIlluwlllnIUllUUUU1l1UDllllnWllDlumuUlDlUilUllUDIWUI~ Thomas Bateman of the Swarthmore Police Department with the result that two local mysteries were cleared up and a third seems probable of solution. A small overnight bag which was snatched from Mabel Gihon as she waited at Harvard avenue and Chester road for a bus early one Saturday evening about a month ago, was discovered among the youth's loot with at least some of its contents intact. Go up and down hills, under rivers, Another bag, a zipper one with gold initials F. C., the boy said he thought he across railroad tracks, through had taken near Swarthmore College. He also confessed to stf"aling from Chester, congested streets and with another youth, a truck which was found deep in the College woods here in country roads. on March 30. With a third youth, Sydney Smith of Milmont Park his accomplice on most of his thieving jaunts, Charles is being held without bail in the Media jail. ~n" SPRINGFIELD WATER •• I Fortnightly in Mitchell Garden The Fortnightly will enjoy its annual spring meeting in the garden of Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell's home in Wallingford next Monday afternoon, April 21 at 2 :30 o'clock. Mrs. Burton Alv~ Konkle of South Chester road will give readings and Mrs. Mitchell wilt show colored pictures of her recent trip to California. ---........--Drafted Robert Spiller Bird of Dartmouth avenue is the latest local draftee and is scheduled to report to the induction station in Philadelphia this after,looo. Is thus carried by nearly 1,200 miles of pipe to almost every part of the 300 square miles of territory supplied by PHILADELPIDA SUBURBAN WATEJl CO. Y xm, No. Sv.'AH " i'w·;',n: ell!,; .. ·.• L I il l: .\ II Y . ... .. ....... 1:1 A . SUIDAY APRIL 27 THE SWARTHMO IAIII. BEI.IS The Woman's Roosevelt Club of Swarthmore presented Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt with a corsage of gardenias and African daisies which she wore dur~ iog her address at Swarthmore College last Thursday evening. A "thank-you" from the Whi~e House was received by the Club. Mrs. John H. Pitman president of the Club attended the reception for Mrs. Roosevelt in Collection Halt which preceded her talk in Clothier Memorial. H. &. S. Seholarship Set I~ S,.W,~.I~THMUI'E • "LlGHT M..... Rooeevelt's Co~e Gift of Club . OUR PIPES ANGLERS L I IJ I~ Il C ULLF fiE \ 17 Dr. Wood to Discuss Planned Parenthood 7 Set for Public Addrese at Maternal Health Center'. Annual Gathering An unusual opportunjty for the pub.. tic, both men and women, to learn more about the expanding movement of Planned Parenthood will be afforded On Wednesday evening. May i, when Dr. SWARTHMORE, Urge Swarlhmoreans 10 Propose Worthy Name lor Soroptimist A.U1Ql'd PA., APRIL 25, 194.1 NOMINATIONS AT LEGION POST " The Soroptimist Club Award Com- April Session Monday Evening A1so Planned Entertainment mittee asks for nominations for its for Veterans and Other Service Award until April 28. which Bnslness !s t~e dead I£oe. Individuals and organazatlons are asked to send nominations of women they wish to see honored to The regular monthly meeting of the Josephine L. R. Hopwood, Primos, Po. Harold Ainsworth Post was held Monby mail, with a record of the woman'~ diY evening in the American Legion public services over a period. of years, Room in Borough Hall. or during any specific year. The following officers were nominAlready several outstanding names ated for the coming year: post comhave been received by the Committee mander-Ferris W. Mitchell; senior which will make its selection from the vice-commander-Rex. I. Gary; junior nominations on Tuesday, April 29th. vice-commander-Roland Dunn; adjuThe award dinner will be on May tant and finance officer-Stewart 12 at 6:30 P. M... at the clubhouse of Brown; sergea?t-at-arms-Alexander the Philadelphia Electric Athletic As- Dryden; chaplam-Thomas A. Mery. sociation, McCall Field, Highland Park, weather; delegates to the county com· Upper Darby. This is a beautiful place mittee-Robert T. Rair and Roland and the dinner, which will be forma~ Dunn. promises to be a brilliant, social affair Reports on the card party he£og as all the outgoing Presidents of Dela- planned for May 2 indicated that there ware County Federated Clubs, as well would be at least fifty tables taken. as the previous winners of the Award It was decided to send an entertainhave been invited as Guests of the Sor- ment to the veteran's hospital at optimist Club, and aU other women in Perry Point on Sunday, July 13. the county who are interested are corThe adjutant now has a new suppply dialty invited to attend. Reservations of blanks for national emergency quesmay be made through any Club Presi- tionnaires and these may be procured dent of the Delaware County Federa- by any ex-service man who will call tion of Women's Clubs, or to the mem- Swarthmore 2296. The response on this bers of the Soroptimist Committee, project has been gratifying so far. Josephine L. R. Hopwood, Primos, The Post membership is now at an Chairman. all-time high of 88 and a couple of adThere will be a program of fine music ditional members are expected to be and other interesting numbers using the added. outstanding talents of the Soroptimist • I Club members, which are many and varied, and an interesting evening is assured. • '2.50 PER YEAR "BEAUTY AND THE BEAST" COMING MAY 17 "Beauty and the Beast", a three act dramatization of the familiar and beloved fairy tale, will close the current season of the Junior Players of the' Players Club on May 17. Elizabeth Pope as Beauty and Dr. Paul A. Mallis as the Beast head the east which has been in rehearsal for over two weeks. Mrs. Robert H. Reed is directing the production. Mrs. J. R. Pope of Oberlin avenue may be contacted for special party reserva~ vations. MANY AT WCAL ART EXHIBIT TEA Annual Show at Woman's C1nb Featuring Work of 31 Artists Drew Large Opening Thirty-one local artists, submitting fifty-eight pictures, again showed their amazing talent and versatility in the colorful seventh annual exhibition of Swarthmore painters, April 22 to 25, at the Woman's Club. The Art committee of the Woman~s Club, sponsors of this exhibit, feel more than repaid by the response on the part of the art· ists in sending their work, and by the appreciative audiences, both so essential in contributing to a successful ex... Elmer Rice Vehicle Given Well hibition. Beginning with a tea for club memBalanced Presentation by bers, April 22, the exhibition has been Good Cast open to the public the afternoons and Players Club audiences are audibly evenings of April 22, 23 and 24t and will be open today, closing this evefi d' n wg the ambitious production of ning with an informal reception to Ewer Rice's "Two on an Island" wbich the general pUblic is cordially invited. heartily to their liking this week. The harmonious hanging oi the many It marks a definite achievement in the Club's history. Directed by L£ocoln types of pictures, commented on by Atkiss the very large cast Works many attending the exhibition, is due to smoothly to produce the disconnected the thoughtful work of Mr•• Carl de scenes which recreate that strangest Moll, chairman of the hanging commit of all places, the Island of Manhattan. tee, assisted by the other members of On the Players Club stage this week the Art committee. Adding greatly to may be seen the odd contrasts which the attractiveness of the club house were the lovely flowers arranged by are New York and hold so peculiar and Mrs. Roy S. Latimer and the garden powerful a fascination for the city's committee. John J. Dull, the guest exhibitor, ex devotees. "Two on an Island" requires more hibited a colorful panel of the water than good direction and a capable cast. colors for which he ~s so wen known. At the opening tea on Tuesday af It is a kind of antiphonal arrangement in which stage manager Theodore W. ternoon, Miss Florence Tricker gave an Crossen wh 0 deSlgued . and helped to informal talk, telling what sbe found of build the sets and the stage crew play interest in some of the pictures. This a c.rucial role in the superbly balanced analysis by a professional artist was produi:tion. The gamut of the physical so helpful in aiding the lay audience aspects of Manhattan is £oterestingly, in an understanding of the pictures that :0 imaginatively, realistically presented ::l .;;.hOl"t l"AviQVI b~ 11":.... T ..i .. and since that includes not only sight- printed On the editorial page. Miss H. Curtis Wood, Jr., will address the annual meeting of the Maternal Health Center of Southern Delaware County at 8 P. M. in Bond Memorial. All who wish to hear a stimulating speaker discuss a subject of vital importance will be welcomed. There will be no admission charge. Dr. Wood has for many years been the medical director of the Maternal Health Centers in PhDadelphia, and he is the recently elected President of the Pennsylvania Federation for Planned Parenthood. It may be tha t some residents of Swarthmore have not been infonned that a clinic has been established. to which the underprivileged of this area may go for scientific advice on family planning.· This clinic, entitled the Maternal Health Center, is under the direction of Dr. Marika Lambichi and is supported and sponsored chiefly by Swarthmore women. Mrs. Arthur R. Dana is Chainnan of the Board and Mrs. S. Murray Viele is in charge of the interviews with parents, keeping of records, and making of reports to the national organization, the Birth Control Federation of America. Mrs. Viele is assisted by Mrs. Harold G. Griffin and several other volunteer workers. The clinic is located at 1014 West Sec~ ond Street, Chester, and sessions are held 0 "Pirates of Penzance" to he Given each Wednesday from 3:00 to 5:00 and from 7:00 to 9 :00. At the evening sesances 0 eXlCO May 2 and 3 in Clothier MeJIl. orial by Rose Valley Group sions Dr. Florence E. Kraker of Media is the physician. Any married woman is Jarabe Dance.... Will Dance for eligible to become a patient if she is finanAmerlean Friends Service The Little Theatre Club of Swarth· ciRlly unable to go to a private physician. M more presents the Rose Valley Chorus Ay H in the "Plr~te$ of Penzanceu or 'Ufhe Redd-ellta Give ~Dpport B .•:_ Slave of DUl.)'" 1I"y 0111111;.... · AULI OuJu- ~~pro ':rnu"t." J,.ow" ..!-...:- _ .......... _& ._ .. - .. This form of preventive social work is ecause they SpeCUlJJLe in the folk van. This, the thirty-fifth annual pro- portabon. ~ well, It presents no small .. the fulfillment of a hope often expressed dances of Mexico, it was natural for duction of the group, will be held at task.. by many thoughtful residents of Swarth- the Jarabe Dancers, who will present Clothier Hall Friday and Saturday, May On thIS Island ElSIe Wm?cour as more who have generously .nven of their a program of folk songs and dances Mary Ward and James Rennie Powell ~. for the benefit of the American Friends 2 and 3. Phillip Warren Cooke is musi· . time and their money to aid those in this Service Committee in Clothier Auditor- cal director, J. William Simmons is a;; John.~homps~D pur~ue thetr dramaarea less fortunate than themselves. They stage director. tic ambl~ons. ~ISS ~mocOlJr has dehave felt that, both from a humanitarian ium on May 8, to choose "Jarabe" as The cast will include: W. Donald veloped mterestlngiy smce her last a~and from an economic point of view, their name, The IfJarabe" is popu1arly Macrostic: as Richard, a pirate chief; pe.aranee and Mr. Powell proves hiS something fundamental should be· done regarded as the national folk dance of Phillip Morgan as Samuel, his lieuten- real value to the club. . . to remove the cause of much social dis· Mexico. Literally. translated, the word ant. William Wallace as Frederic a Robert W. Graham IS nIcely cast as , 'L 0 t th B d means syruP. but to thousands of young t ress. Mexicans it means the colorful dance pirate apprentice; Perdue Cleaver as awrence rmon . e roa way proIl was apparent that overcrowded Major-General Stanley of the British ~ucer. The ease whIch has characterhomes and too frequent childbearing ~~~~ ~~~~~r:~~t~~~umerable vil1ages all Army; Barron Helmuth as Edward. a !Zed ~r. Gra.ham's ps dress was found by the vey, Kathryn Boone, Barbara Williams, ~ncyclopedlac memory'· adds the lQfamily would permit. They were glad natives among the many articles washed Mildred Rife, Eloise Holmes, Alene dispensable New "york ~ouch. Ronald when the leading churches of the country ashore, and immediately it was adapted Edgerton, Geraldine Putt, Virmnia Porter as the radical Wlt~ a Harvard . . I I ed by them as a ceremonial headdress. e" backgrou d N S Iii th St endorsed the pnnclp e of p ann parent- The "Chilena" is a Mexican version of Thompson, Marjorie Hoffman. Ruth . n , . ancy ave as e . hood-the Protestant rlenominations and Miller, Estelle J arden. Alice Sharpless, LOUIS yearnmg ~rs. O.a.;nont, Ruth the Jewish Cllllrch being in accord with a dance brought from Chile to Mex- Jean Morton Caroline Shero Anne Boyle as the thrdl huntmg Dorothy the establishment of clillics under the di· ieo on the early sailing vessels~ Part of W 'M h' R th Clark, Grace Everest Yeaw as the rection of trained physicians and the its inheritance traces back to Spain. H a~lace, ~nne cDOn~Ug~ nU 1 "homey" Mrs. Levy add credence to the Catholic Church differing only in tht" Several of the dances originated as 0 m~n! pirates and po tce • hU '" Manhattan picture. appeals to ancient Mexican deities· the· ver Wilhams, Frank Rapp, J. Art ur Dth h k bI b· f uTehuana" may be a prayer for ~ain, Stavrum, Cyril Harvey, George Jarden, ers w 0 rna e. capa erie apmethod which it advocates. Those who are active in this work in while the uSandunga" suggests thank- George Clapp, Raymond Wright, Percy pearances are Irwin R. MacElwee, Southern Delaware County today are fulness for bounties received. Walton, Wr~y Hoffman, Harry O~man. Stafford Parker, Alexander Dryden. eager that the opportunity to attend the As they were handed down from gen- Samuel Wh.lteIy. Jr., Barclay WhItson, Harry v.,. ~onner, Jr:, J. Parker Bo!,,clinic be extended to all who need its eration to generation, the dances some- Edward SWisher, A!an Olmsted, George den, Wt1h~m J. RIehle, Marguerite services, many of whom are probably un- times changed their character. In the Taylo~, Scott Brodie, Harold ~oppock, Gettz, Marina R:oos, Mary Ann West, aware of the existence of the clinic. They "Chihuahuena." now accepted as a so- FranCIS Calseed, Edward Wright, and Roland K. Harnson, Loretta Sullavan, will welcome the co-operation of Swarth- cial dance one figure bears marks of Neal Wynkoop. John P. Dolman, Martha Keighton, more women who have any contacts with (COftllfUUd 0Jt ~ row) The curtain wi1l rise at 8 :15 o'clock. Walter S. Fogg, Teresa Tomei, Edith mothers who would be eligible as patients, 1 L. Simpson, Thomas H. Lueders, PaTransportation to and from the clinic is I. tricia Evans, Charles Seymour, Sally provided when necessary by workers and THE WEEK'S CALENDAR McFadden, Florence Hoadley. friends of the Center. The address by Dr. 'rhe play contin'1es tonight and toWood on May 7 will describe the work morrow. as carried. on locally as well as the larger PlUDAY. APRIL 25 . I , 2:30 P. M. to 5:30 P. M. - Art Exhibit Open ••••••••••••••••••.• Woman's Club programs of the state and natiorral organi7:30 P. M. - Roller Skating .••.••••••••••.•••.....••••••• Methodist 8oC1&1 Hall zations. Following the talk the meeting 7:30 P. M. to 9:30 P. M. -Art ExIUblt Reception ................ Woman's Club Peasant Theme Will Prevail 8:15 P. M. - '"Two on an Island'" •••.••.•••••••••.•••.••.•...•.... Players Club will be opened for questions. A box will at College May Day be placed by the door to receive written SATUBDAY. APRIL 26 I' T P .. ortray H lstonc D fM • CHORUS IN SPRIN"G G. & S. OPERE1TA •• NEW YORK IDYL AT PLA"YERS CLUB ===============================,1 • I • b '1' .. ; ... 1•.." ......... hih; ....t'"'O 'W~ll-~.G'I.I'.cI LoeaI Inductions Trevor Roy Roberts, Jr. of North Swarthmore aven'lle and John Harold Clewell of Benjamin West avenue have een selected for induction into the United States Army through the local draft board and to report to Armory No. I, Philadelphia, on AptD 23. I~ May Day at Swarthmore College this SUNDAY, APRIL 27 year wiU be celebrated in the morning, 11:00 A.II. -llornlng WMlh1p •••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••• Local Churehes 8:45 P.II. - Coli..., Chorus, Ord1eotra ...................... Clothler Ilemorlal start£og at 6 :30. Traditionally the fresh1I0NDAY. APRIL 28 •••••• .. ................. . man women win hang bouquets of 10:00 A.II. to 4:00 P.II.-Bed Crolla BewIng .................... woman·. Club flowers on the doors of the senior woTU1I8DAY. APRIL 29 men before the crowning of the May 2:30 P. Y. - Welfare Program., •••••••••••••••••••.••.•••••••••• Woman's Club Queen. Alice Robinson, '-41. WBDN1!BDAY, APBIL 30 This year's May Day theme will be 10:00 A.X. to 4:00 P.·iI.-Bed Crolla _ ........ PreobJterIaD ParIah a peasant one, the girls being dressed in 10:00 A. II. to 4:00 P.iI.-Bed Crolla s1Jl8\Cil.l D. 'np.. to_' •• peasant costomes. A May pole will be ,:00 P.II. to 8:00 P ..... -Commun1~. Cen~ Rummage Bale ... WQIIWl'S Club wound by each .Iass and folk dancing TROlISDAY, KAY 1 8~:30~~A~.II::.~to::4~:30::P:.~II:::.:..:Com:=m:un1:=ty~Cen:Ie:r~B>:'m:m::.~"":.:BaI:.:..::..w=OID=.:D~·.~Cl=U:b~_ will be done by a mixed group from all Il__ . _~_L_ four .Iu.... eta-, HAn Italian Girl" and '·Hudson River." The following is a list of the ex hibitors: Marjorie Nickles Adams, Betty Brandt, Edith S. Binns, Harriet Butler, Mabel N. Blake, Isahel Buntiog, Dorothy Chambers, Mary Hitchner de Moll, Charles Davison, Alice Emmons, J. W. Faulkner, Florence Foote Gard nero Fannie B. Hoadley, Norris Jones, Stuart Jones, Eleanor P: KeightOn, Mary Alice Lilly, Dorothy Lackey, Nellie B. McCracken, Dorothy ScheU MacMillan, Alice Hall Paxson, Gene vieve Peck, Trudi Schobinger, Char lotte A. Stoddard, Mary E. Taylor, Florence Tricker, Robert C. Turner, Otis Walter, Mary Jane Walters, and Sue U. D. Wolters. The Art committee, of which Mrs. Alexander M. Lackey is chairman, con sists of Mrs. J. Frank Beatty, Jr.. Mrs. Arthur W. Binns, Mrs. Carl de Moll, Mrs. William Hanny, Mrs. F. Norton Landon, Mrs. A. E. Longwell, Mrs. J. Warren Paxson, and Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee, and Mrs. Robert Taylor. Welfare Program Ta....r.,. On Tuesday, April 29, Mrs. Elizabeth H. Plummer supervising nurse of the Community Health Society of Central Delaware County will demonstrate for the members of the Swarthmore Wo-man's Club several types of services offered by the society. Maria C. Shellmire of the Family Service of Western Delaware County will give a brief resume of the work done in the Swarthmore area. Colored movies of the 1940 season in the four Delaware County Parks will be shown by Carl Schmitt, Executive Secretary of the Delaware County Park and Recreation Board. Mrs. T. Harry Brown, a Chairman of Welfare, and Mrs. S. Murray Viele, Chairman of Health, are in charge of the program. Many members of the Swarthmore Woman's Club give much time and effort to these societies although the Club's direct aid is given from the proceeds of the annual phi1an. thropic card party. • I' 8:15 P.II. - "Two on an lDlaDd" ••.••••.•••.••• , ••••••••••••••••• PIAJ'ers Club questions, which may be anonymous if desired, and others will be collected during the question period. Additioual Jr.... At R. P. I. Forum Dorothy Lueders daughter of Mr. and Mds. Thomas H. Lueders of North Princeton avenue who is a sophomore at Russell Sage College, Tr_oy, N. Y. was one of the Sage sludeniS selected to be present at a recent forum discussion at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute club house. The subject of the forum was ''The E:collOmic Security of Democracy". APRIL 25, 1941 THE SWAnTHMOREAN PERSONALS. Mrs. George Thomas 01 Fort Worth, Tex. arrived yesterday to spend about two weeks as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Marvel Wilson of Strath Haven avenue. Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Wilson were schoolmates at Miss Spencer·s School in New York City. A number of Swarthmoreans will be hostesses in honor of Mrs. Thomas during her visit. Mrs. Daniel S. Morse of South Chester road will entertain guests at luncheon today. Mrs. Wilson will be hostess at a cocktail tomorrow afternoon and a luncheon the Ingleneuk on Monday. Next Wednesday Mrs. \Villiam Sproul Lewis wiH entertain for Mrs. Thomas at a luncheon in her home on North Swarthmore avenue .. Following the luncheon on Wednesday will be a dinner-bridge par.ty given by Mr. and Mrs. James Corhrane 01 Wallingford. On Saturday May 3 Mrs. James Lukens 01 Maple avenue will present a cocktail party in Mrs. Thomas' honor. Dr. and Mrs. William A. Jaquette 01 Elm avenue and M iss Ruth E. Moore of Chicago, Ill. have returned Sw"3rthmore after a trip to New Bern, N. C. and Williamsburg, Va. Miss Moore will visit with Dr. and Mrs. Jacquette for about a wcek before .returning home. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Argyle 01 North Chester road arc leaving Tuesday to spent next week in \Vashingtol1, D. C. Mr. Argyle will be a delegate to the National Chamber of Commerce Convel1ti~n ·during their stay. Mr. John J. Dull, guest exhibitor (or this year's Annual Art Exhibit of the \Voman's Club, and Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M. Lackey wilt be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl deMolI 01 Park ave· nue for dinner this evening. Miss Ruth Davison of Washington, D. C. spent last week-end as the guest of her brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Waldo B. Davison of Harvard avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Bolton witt entertain twelve guests at a dinner party tomorrow evening at their home on Cedar Lane. Mrs. J. Barnard Walton entertained a few friends Thursday afternron at her home on Ogden avenue. Alice Redgrave daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. O. Rcdgrave of Vassar avenue has been chosen senior May Queen attendant for the May Day ceremonies .. , l.t~ ..d ..... II ..ll. Mi~.. ,. . ~ i Mildred R. Simncrs of Thf' Swarthmore spent last week-end with Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. Ralph Hayes, former Swarthmoreans now living in Alexandria, Va. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Hedgepeth and children Betty Jane and Mins of Bowlling Green have returned home from a trip to Raleigh, N. C. where they visited Mrs. Hedgepeth's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mills. On their return trip they stopped at Virginia Beach, Va. Mrs. J. H. Jessup has returned to her home on Haverford avenue after spending some time helping her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Jessup settle in their new home in Beloit, Wis. Mrs. Jessup visited with relatives in Chicago before returning home. Mrs. R. L. Wilkinson entertained a group of 10 guests at luncheon at the Ingleneuk on Wednesday afternoon. After luncheon they returned to Mrs. \Vilkinson's home on Dickinson avenue (or bridge. Mrs. William I. Hull 01 Walnut lane is planning to be in Washington, D. C. next week for the national meeting of the \Vomen's International League for Peace and Freedom. Miss Mary Kistler of Open Doors, Park avenue left Monday to visit her " uncle and aunt Mr. and_M;r~i William Ressler of Shamokin untit tomorrow, She will return lor th~ wedding of Miss Holly Hanson 01 Mt. Airy and Mr. Joseph Coors 01 Wilmington, Del which will be solemnized in Mt. Airy Saturday afternoon. Miss Hanson and M iss Kistler were classmates at Wildcliff Junior College, graduating last June. ' The monthly sewing meeting 01 the Swarthmore alumnae of Kappa Alpha 'fheta will be held in Baltimore, Md. on Friday. The members will be guests 01 Mrs. PhilipE. Lamb and Mrs. John Harper and will be entertained at the J\.faryland Hunt on Saturday, returning to Swarthmore that evening. Mrs. Ar· thur E. Bassett and Mrs. Sargent Waiter are driving carloads of ·members to Baltimore. . . Miss Dorothy Dana, daughter of Mr. <:lIId Mrs. Arthur R. Dana of Elm avenue is now able to go out driving and to walk about. l\.{iss Dana has been confined to her home by illness since last October. Mrs. Albert S. Johnson of South Chester road entertained members of her dup1icat~ bridge dub at luncheon and cards on Wednesday. Patricia Corya daughter of Mrs. L. Davis Corya of Park avenue wilt be one of two May Queen attendants from the junior class at the annual May Day celebration to be held at the college May J. :Mr. and Mrs. George M. Anen and children Jane and George returned Sunday to their home on Riverview road after a 17-day vacation in PassA-Grille Beach, Fla. Miss Marietta Nield Vlill arrive today (rom Baltimore, Md. to visit her hrother-in-Iaw. and sister Mr. and Mrs. Avery Blake of Amherst avenue. Mr. and 1-1rs. Blake and children Avery, Jr. and Patricia will return to Baltimore with M iss Nield to visit for the weekcnd. Mr. Louis N. Robinson of College avenue is able to be about again after being confined to his home for some time with a broken hip as the result of a hunting accident. "Rinky" McCurdy daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace M. McCurdy of Ogden and Thayer roads attended the Easter dances at the University of Virginia last week-end. Rinky is a stu· dent at Hollins College, Va . Mrs. Donald W. Poolc and son DonalU lid \It: I C\.UIIICU ~U un:u sey College lor Women. She has also been awarded "Group I" rating this year lor high scholastic achievemenL Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden of Riverview road entertained the. EightS~l!le at lunch at Strath Haven Inn and for bridge at her home on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Jones of Dickinson avenue will entertain at a lamily dinner on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Driehaus and daughter Anne- of Media; Mr. and Mrs. J. Sheldon Turner and children Terrence, Stephen, .and Allison of WitmingloD; Mr. and Mrs. George H. Turner of Wilmington; and Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told and d~ughter Polly· of Swarthmore will be present. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pearson of Cornell avenue had as their guests last week-end Mrs. Hugh Henry and Miss Edith Fitzgerald. Both Mrs. Henry and 1\1 iss Fitzgerald arc connected with the well-known children's home, Sheltering Arms, in New York City. Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Holmes and son David of Washington, D. C. returned home \Vednesday morning after a week's visit to Dr. Holmes' parents Dr. and Mrs. JesseH. Holmes 01 Moy- lecturer from University of Pennsylvanta. 8 P. M. TUESDAY, APRIL 29 . METHODIST CHURCH Auspices Woman's Soelety of Christian Service and for Greek War RelIef ADMISSION 25e MANOR FRIDAY - SATURDAY ROBERT TAYLOR "Flight Command" Roth Ho•..". • Walter Pldpon "CHEERS FOR MISS BISHOP" MarthaSeott • Wm. G.....n Mrs. Charles W. Mellor and inlant daughter Virginia Ann returned home last week Irom the Fiugerald Mercy .. Hospital, Lansdowne where the baby was . born on April 7. The Mellors make their home with the baby's grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Borden 01 Park a\'enue. YOUR BEST DEFENSE Is to Equip Your Car NowWith the New "re$'.ae CHAMPION TIRES DrirJe in Today-Get Ready for Spring RUSSELL'S Ti,e$,fon~ SERVICE DARTMOUTH & LAFAYETI'E AVES• • Phone J.I IiIIiI·."I'"II"I" I" ,-,-,".1" II, Announces nay and' EwmlRlf Write for CIre1I1u or CaD Me4Ia 1131 Billy College Annc Mitchell returned Conn- r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g ectieut for Women, NewtoLondon Conn. after spending her spring vaca~ ............-------..-------..------....tion with her mother Mrs. W. W. Mitchell of Uaiversity place. Billy Anne was recently appointed to the dean's list as a result of her scholastic achievement this year. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo S. Cross 01 Guilford, Me. have announced the engage- Many thjng!l can happen that, would prove vel") costly to you as a homeowner;" COMBINATION RESIDENCE I. STARTS FRIDAY •I I Uncle Sam's FIrst Comedy of Army Life! BUD ABBOTI' INSUIt- ANCE, issued by The ..£tna Casualty and Suret}' Company of Hartford, Conn. takes man" of the risks of financilil loss out of home owner- ship. It's dangerous to fit tender feet PETER E. TOLD :aft bo~~~ ::J'.~~ plIantwarning muscle pain give no when compressed Insurance ~~ 8h~~~~l.st~~ 417 Dartmouth Ave. seeing that shoes Y for norfit rroPerl ma development. Swarthmore 1833 Agents for Edwards Correct & Corrective Shoes. BUDGET SHOE SHOP , 212 W. STATE ST. Phone Media 990 Open Evenings -·---------------------------___________ ~I LOU COSTELLO And the "THAT NIGHT IN RIO" !\NDREWS SISTERS in Teehnlcolor In wtth "BUCK PRIVATES" DON AMECHE ALICE FAYE CARMEN MIRANDA • MARY DUNHILL • PRINCE MATCHABELLI • CHANEL. f:-ke 130uquet • BEAUTY SALON Beallty is as refresldng as an A.pril shower, LAST TWO DAYS FRIDAY - SATURDAY "VIRGINIA" TeehnIcolor Starring Madeleine Fred CARROLL • MacMURRAY in Extra Added Features for Sat. Matinee - A Big 3 % Hour Show Starting t :30 ALL KIDDIES - tOe SUNDAY - MONDAY - 13 South Ch_ ROIId STARTS SATURDAY Errol Flynn Call Swudun...... 476 CHARBERT· • ROVAE • In CHEN YU • CORD.AY "Foo,.reps in ,he Dark" with BRENDA MARSIIAlJ. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY "Blonde Inspiration" with ,John Shelton. Virginia Gre,. THURSDAY & FRIIMY "THE "WILD MAN OF BOlfIVEO" ---- _. gown eflwp ~" ,~'i. . cio~\.~ \ with Frank Morgan-Billie Burke TUESDAY For All ROBERT TAYLOR "FUGHT COMMAND" WIth RUTH HUSSEY WALTER PIDGEON FRIDAY & SATURDAY BIu.. BOYD In "BORDBR VIGILANTBS" : . Populate Old Orebard The small flower "Sketch" of Dorothi, is !re~h a!ld g.,,?d in design, an~ Mr. and Mrs. ,William L. Medford ., In Its SunpliClty. ! Among the watercolors. Dorothy formerly of Chester have moved into Chambers in her Rower studies shows their newly completed home in the Old The native spring flora of Swarth-I ~;':~~II:I colors, softly run together to Orchard develol,ment on Strath Have-n :~~~~iin=CIUdes a number of rather un.. 14 a rich luminous effect. Florence avenue. The Medfords live at S06 and bloom.. Part of their rarity Foote Gardner in ·Sunset - St. Malo Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Miles of Philon the extent to which they Har~or,n shows warm grays, flowed on adelphia are moving into the second been disturbed by .man in the past. to gIVe a sense of restfulness in spite of house to be completed there, 509. The another part on the .....city of suitable sunlit sky. transactions were negotiated by the locations for their growth. "Wyoming Sunshine" by Edith S. office 01 Edward L. Noyes. Species such as the Common Eastern Binns shows a sky with windblown I I • Violet, May Apple, Dutchman's Breeches, clouds in which the weight 01 the Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Hartsig, Jr. Bluets, and Yellow Adder's Tongue grow holds them up and does not of South Chester road motored to from their light. profusely almost everywhere. But I have Hampton. Va. over the week-end. found the Bird's-foot Violet on only The only piece of sculpture is a a certain sandy bank near Springfield charmingly youthlul head 01 David SE~~~~~~:;~~~ Reservoir. Wild Ginger grows in a Iit- Morey by Mary Alice LiII~'. It is under- i ' tie colony along Crum Creek on the standingly carved in wood - a most difWallingford side 01 the railroad trestle. ficult medium. The yellow Lady's Slipper and the Showy • I I Orchids are found in a nearby ravine PnYlew Measles Still Rampant 7",1 whose exact whereabouts is a secret beP.M. longing to the person who showed me W ..... In the spring young faces brightly AprU~ their loCation. Even Arbutus grows spor· 5c adically in the hemlock groves of Crom's bum with sPOts of red as the measles northward-lacing slopes, the plants heing stitt invade the borough. June Hobbs is less rare than one would expect from holding out with the only case of mumps the propaganda regarding this Rower's while Donald Swan, Anne Bradford, David Brown, Lois Camp, John Duncan threatened extinctioIL Foster, J. Francis Taylor, Jr., Gilbert Several years ago I thonght that I had Davies, Thomas Davies, RobeTt Thompfound a new species of violet within a son, George Thompson, Wilbur Phillips, mile 01 the College's woods. The blooms Nancy Goodwin, Jane Polk, Stephen B. resembled those of the Common Violet Smith, Clement Malin, and Alberta Speck in shape. and the piants· leaves also bore are confined with measles. a close likeness to the familiar variety. German measles have taken over RusBut each blossom was pied in color, some being conspicuously striped with purple sell White, Jr., William Bradshaw, and and white, others almost pure white with Russell Kneedler. Even the college students h:tve not 608 Edgmont Ave fine purplepencillings along the veins been able to avoid children's diseases for of the petals. Chester Only recently I learned that I had not the Health Society reports that Ira J. made a discovery at all. They were noth- Greenhill has the measles and Courtner ing but diseased Violets. The blanchiug Weymss and Hugo Brandstetter have was produced by a virus, and the degree German measles. 01 whiteness depended on the severity of disease in each plant. Therefore our list of rare native flora must stand without the addition of my Ireak species.C. BROOKE WOKrH Value. to ,19.95 I day, April Zl. The Golden Text is: "God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power" (I The Ushers' Association will hold a - ' skatiug party in the Social Hall on Fri- Corinthians 6 :14). "1 dayeveniug at 7 o'clock. The Church School meets on Sunday Presbyterian Church Note& at 9 :45 A. M. with classes for cbUdren Sunday morning at 11 o'clock the and adults of al) ages. At the morning worship at 11 o'c:Iock, sermon topic will be "The Destiny of the minister will preacb on the subject Man." The High School Fellowship will "Our Stronghold of Hope." Provision is made for the care' 01 small children meet Sunday evenings at 6 o'clock in in the nursery during the worsbip ser- the Parish House. The Church Hour Nursery for chilvice. The Young Women's Association dren ages Z to 7 wiu be held at 11 o'clock on Sunday morning. meets on Monday evening. The Session wiu meet Friday eveOn Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock Dr. Michael Dorizas of the University of ning, April ZS, at the home of Elder l'ennsylvania will give an illustrated Joseph A. Perry, 410 Thayer road at lecture under the auspices of the Wo- H o·clock. At the annual meeting of the conman's Society of Christian Service on 06Greece, Italy and the Mediterranean." gregation April 16 the following were The proceeds from the nominal admis- elected to serve as trustees: T. Eo sion price wiu be shared with the Greek Hessenbrucb, W. Stanley Kite, Frank 1<. Markley, and George L. Tone. War Relief. The ruling elders elected at the anThe Official Board wiu meet on Frinual meeting are Dr. E. Fullerton Cook day evening at 8 o·clock. On Sunday, May 4, the new memorial and R. A. McCarvJ. Tht" board of trustees announces the windows will be dedicated at tbe morning service. Bishop E. G. Richardson election of the following officers of the board for the church year 1941-42: will be present and preach. president, Leonard C. Ashton j vice president, George W. McKeag; secreTrinity Pariah Notes tary, Walter A. Schmidt; treasurer, On Sunday morning the rector will Carlos F. Noyes; financial secretary, speak about the work of the Philadel- W. Henry Linton. phia Divinity School April 27 has been The Church School Cabinet will meet designated by the presiding bishop as Sunday evening at 7:30 at the bome 01 ··Seminary Day" and a collection will Dr. David McCahan, fJJ7 Strath Haven Swarthmore Artists be taken in all Churches and Missions avenue. for the work 01 educating young men There wiu be an opportunity for Red Exl,ibU Cross Sewing every Wednesday from for the ministry. The classes in the Church School 10 o'clock to 4 o'clock in the Parisb By FLORENCE TRICKER taught by Charles R. Tanguy and Bill House until further notice. The AmerVan De Boe tied for first place in t:1e ican Red Cross has appealed for help Swarthmore is to be congratulated on "boat..race." The l.,enten offering was in this important work. All are urged able to assemble the excellent exlarger than last year and will be pre- to lend ;1ssistance, bringing a box lunch. of local paintings on view at the sented at a special service in May to Coffee will be served. A cordial invitaClub this week. There is a be held on the grounds 01 the Episco- tion is extended to all the women of harmonious effect gained the community. very effective hanging, and it is pal Academy. The Young Peoples' Fellowship is The Women's Committee for War most evident that each picture was p1anning a "progressive games party" Relief asks help in money or c10thitlglcarefully placed, not only to fill a given to be held in the near future to help for the aid of English children. space, but in relation to the pictures see'Urc· "fdmls for the· delegates· to the tributions of money can be sent to Mrs. about it. Summer Conference. Mr. Guenther was J. Francis Taylor, 233 Dickinson aveHaving John J. Dull as the guest exrecently elected to the Board of Di- nue. Clothing may be left at the church. hibitor was a happy choice of the com· rectors of the Conference which witt There will be an annual meeting of mittee in charge. His group of waterbe held in June at Ursinus College. the Fourth District of Chester Presby- colors represents the nnest type of work The Church Periodical Club, of which terial Missionary Society on in this medium - sparkling use of color, Mrs. Allan W. Carpenter is Chairman, April 29, at Highland Park with clever distribution of the white pacollected and distributed just under 12,- West Chester pike and State road, Up- per to enhance the effect of briUiance 000 magazines. This is the second per Darby. All women are urged to at- and light. The large canvas of "Dunes at Cape among the 74 clubs in the Dioces .. In tend. the collection of music it had first • I • Henry" by Cyril Gardner produces eflectively the leeling 01 rest and quiet· place. J • J.'s Plan Season's Wm'd.up ness in the close harmony of its lovely The United Thank Offering is due Future dates set by the J. J.'s at color scheme. Equal1y effective is the and should be sent to Mrs. H. Clifford Campion by Tuesday of next week. their meeting Scnday evening at Jane darker and more dramatic aspect 01 The confirmation class will meet at Anne Williams. Amherst avenue home dunes and sky in Otis \Valler's "Rehothe Church on Sunday afternoon at include a meeting on 4 at the both Beach." 2:30. home of Nancy Henry in ~~:~~:~:~~I~!I~;n~~th~e~, charming study I'Doris" Mary • I I the annualMay picnic Smedley on Moll has the inde·a Friends Forum Ends Sunday Saturday. 17. inand an election and and de relaxed pose caught o( youth closing session at Florence Whitsit·s composition rich in color. Another porEdward Anderson who was unable to on Elm avenue May 18. Members are trait "Rosemary" by Genevieve Peck is give his talk on flLabor Relations from urged to bring their dues to the May successful in its sculpturesque Quality the Viewpoint of Management" at last 4 meeting. New members wilt be in- and strength. Marjorie Nickles Adams' Sunday morning's adult lorum of the vited to attend the picnic and are portrait of Allan Goodwin shows youth-. Friends· meeting as scheduled, is ex- needed to replace the high school sen- ful boyishness directly painted. pected to address the last session 01 the iors who will be away at college next "Rub rum Lilies" by Harriet Butler forum this season at 9 :45 A. M. this year. Anyone interested in joining the shows a vigorous and free handling of local high school girls' charitable group with a most pleasing tine com· Sunday. is advi3ed to notify President Whitsit.1 ~::~~!,o~~, Another stilt life is "Mexi•,• Ic by Sue Wolters, brilliant in its Christian Science Chureh 1 «mt,,;,st 01 copper and Iruit. and elFriends' Central Art Exhibit fective in its feeling for texture. In the "Probation After Death" is the rubOpens "Interior" of Alice Emmons, there is ject of the Lesson-Sermon in al1 Churches of Christ, Scientist, on SunThe tenth annual exhibition of paint- I g()OQ composition, quiet feeling, the figure well placed, with nice action. ings and sculpture of Philadelphia art- Though the figure is not named, it is CHURCH SERVICES ists opened Wednesday at the Art readily recognized as Mrs. Lemon in a Studio of the Friends' Central School, characteristic pose. Dorothy Macmillan 63th and City Line avenues, Overbrook. shows a marine entitled ULate AfterThe exhibition wilt be open to the public noon," freely developed and remarkable through May 20th. for the luminosity of sky and water. The The following will be among the art- warmth carried up into the sky colors ists who will have paintings and sculp- centers the attention. ture in the exhibition: Grace GemberMary Jane Walters shows a landscape ling, Virginia McCall, Leon Kelly, of high Quality, harmonious in color, Arthur Carles, Ernlen Etting, Mary with good lighting and a feeling for disTownsend :Mason, Paul Westcott, Giov- lance. "The Automat" of Trudi Schoanni Martino, Joseph Presser, Cora binger is a study in line composition, the Purviance, Vera White, Boris Blai, figures leading back from the change Margaret ChTystie. Furman Fink, Mar- booth in the foreground to the shining food center in the rear. garet Gest. and Sarah Blakeslee. • I I "The Old Shed in Winter" by Nellie B. McCr:acken is charming in its quiet Swarlhmoreans Eleeted hy color and feeling for a snow-clad world. Writers' Club Melhodial Chureh Note& I • • RODGERS 11----------------.1 •• '"~ :ll MEDIA FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1941 ONE TOUCII OF NATURE • YOU CAN'T kEEP YOUR HOUSE IN A GILDED CAGE Engagements their M.uuOBlB TOLD, ,,4,.oci4le &lilor ROSALD l'aDsoL ~ • S1VARTHMOREAN AFTER EASTER REDUCTIONS COATS $7 and 10.95 •• =---...,.......-- sister-in-law Dr. and Mrs. Roy N.I:==~~~~::~~~===: Keiser of Park avenue. Robert Shaw Bowditch of Worchester, Mass. spent last week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John B. Bowditch, Jr. o( Cedar lane. Margaret van Dyke daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander S. van Dyke of Rutgers avenue has been chosen chairman of her dormitory at the New Jer- THB SWABTHMORIAIf, lKC. . .UBLl8HIR .HOI'I1: SWARTHMORE 900 •• SUMMER CLASSES BEGINNING NOWAY. nJNB 11 IIUIIU:;; Most 440 1~===============J-;::::::=:-::7:~"7:::::::':':-:-I Secretarial School PUBLISHBD EVERT FRIDAY AT SWARTHIIORE, PA- PITEIl E. ToUl, Etlilor r Media THE SWARTHMOREAN I • Birth North Swarthmore avenue after a week's visit with Mrs. Poole's father Dr. G. Layton Grier 01 Milford, Del. Mr. and Mrs. S. Torriey of Wooster, Mass. arrived Tuesday to spend a few days with Mrs. Torriey's brother and In SUNDAY -MONDA.Y (Continuous 8111ldq-Z-ll P. M. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;; Mr. Oakley Van Alen of Park avenue is doing nicely a succesful dectomy at the after Delaware CountyappenHos- II pitat last Saturday. Mrs. Peter E. Told 01 Park avenue entertained a group of friends for luncheon at the Ingleneuk before the \Vomen's Club on Tuesday. "Greece. llaly and Ihe Mediterranean" Dlustrated lecture by Dr. MIchael Dorlzas, internationally known travel ment 01 their daughter Florence May to Julius E. Underwood, Jr. 50n of Mr. and Mrs. Julius E. Underwood of Wallinglord, Pa. Miss Cross "is ~ graduate of Guilford His:h'School and.attended University of Maille. At present she is a student at Northampton Commercial College, Northampton, Mass. Mr. Underwood graduated from Swarthmore High School. He attended Franklin and Marshall College and Pennsylvania State College and is a member of Chi Phi fraternity. He is at present employed in the research de.. partment of United Gas Improvements. No date has been set ,for the wedding. lan. Mrs. Joseph H. Perkins, Jr. of Rutledge who is accompanying her husband on an extended business trip in the west broke her ankle recently while skiing on Mt. Hood with her cousins. The injury is mending and the cast it necessitated has been removed. The engagement of Miss Annette Schmid of Philadelphia and Mr. Barton W; Calvert 01 Harvard avenue son of Mrs. E. Clayton Walton of' Rit~rview road has been announced. . THE APRIL 25, 19401 Occasions :J: trJ rn • The Writers' Club of Delaware County at its annual election in Tuesday named Mrs. John C. Moore 01 Amherst avenue recording secretary and Mrs. Oscar J. Gilcreest 01 Harvard avenue second vice-presidenL M n. Moore was also placed on the auditing committee. Park ATeIl1l8 11'00 A.X'--J~;~;~~~ The dub voted to heeome affiliated ~':= with ~he county and state Woman's Club P. Ill. ReaNnr 1'OOIIl OpeD. . ~~~~~~ Federation, and also that its officers _ _1_ andAIIhoUdari &0 4._p...... ~ from now on would remain in office for rices aad __ tbe P two consecutive years· service. ll::':'::... 8 'I, I IN TBI MCONOS! (An I_U) BoJB On BeauUlul ..... one_ BetweeD. MIUont aa4 B ....IQ, .... DIrecton: Howard II. O8lvln. A.B. and CecIl T. _ , s.s.. II.A. For circulars. . - . . _ aDd local . ; referenCM applJ' 10: MR8. A. ... II08m,wP.r 41ePul< A_ue (AdJolnln. Girls' comp ~ (Dh'. carl A. BmomeJ Value. to 17.95 Skirts, . . . . , . . . . $1.69 Blouse_59c and $1.29 Jackets. $2.50 and $3.50 LAWN RAKES Bamboo flexible teeth for rakintr dead leaves, mowed sran and cleaning Iawos. • Savings of 113 and 112 Throughout Store N. WALTER SUPLEE . SWARTHMORE 105 ~~~~;~;,~ '!~:.!~:;;~-l! r ...... for service. more O"'WQ :R4,-Tdp D' cbmonllorc ... :;l111amsh Wult.. C. ti 00 E' lO N. Y. Clo ... .1M .20 Bolton .........00 i e .15 Plttsburch .. ..... Norfolk •••••• 11.55 Banlsbura •. tIUt SWARTHMORE TRAVEL BUREAU Z pAJU( AVBNDB aWL 17I-W' D. .75 ,obtc by 0rerh0u1lAl S__ IlahtledDC. O"'WQ atr. uvin,s. Rd ••Trip R EY H a UNa f~!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!;;~; FIRST CHURCH OJt' CHRIST. SCIENTIST SWARTHMORE, PA. ANNOUNCES A FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Entitled "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, HOW TO APPLY IT" BY PETER B. BIGGINS, C. S. B. OF SEATI'LE, WASWNGTON Member of the Board of lectureship of the Mother Church Church of Christ, Selenttst; In Boston, Massachusetts The First IN THE MEDIA THEATRE MEDIA, PA. SUNDAY AFI'ERNOON. APRIL 27. 1941 AT 5: 15 O'CLOCK, D. S. T. DOORS OPEN AT 5 O'CLOCK THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED CHANGE IN BANKING HOURS For the period beginning Monday, April 28, and ending Saturday, September 27, this bank WILL OPEN AT 7:00 A. M. WILL CLOSE AT 2,00 P. M. Eastern Standard TIme, except Saturdays when the elosing hour will be 11:00 A. M. CAMP SHOHOLA Grade "AQ 811JD1DerwoCUDp for DRESSES $1.90 and $3.80 B.s.. 11.8.) SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK. AND TRUST CO. Member Federal DepoaU lruurance Corporatwn TBE Defeme Bonde at P. O. May I • E SWARTBMOREAN • OF THE WOMAN'S CLUB Counly Mollon Plea...., Day Members of the Woman's Club of Swarthmore who attended the Delaware County Motion Picture Day, April 16, reported an interesting time. A preview of one of the latest pictures was given at 69th Street in the morning. A luncheon followed with a talk by Dr. Beaumont Bruesde motion picture critic. A pageant of impersonation of various actresses was presented by Mrs. Elsie MacDonald and Mrs. L. R. Hopwood Mrs. Charles Andes representing Swarthmore, posed as JeaDette MacDonald in the "Parade of Actresses:' Those attending wefe: Mrs. John C. Moore, 'chairman of the motior. picture department of the Swarthmore Club; Mrs. Roland L. Eaton, Mrs. A. W. Stu- art, Mrs. John Pitman, Mrs. E. H. Tay· lor. At Weot Chesler Club Mrs. Roland L. Eaton represented the Swarthmore Woman's Club at the reciprocity luncheon given by the West Chester New Century Club on Wednesday. Man,. Attend Federallon The final meeting of the Delaware County Federation of Women's Cluhs at Haverford Township High School Thursday was attended by Mrs. Roland L. Eaton, Mrs. George Hoadley. Mrs. John Michael, Mrs. S. Murray Viele, Mrs. Martin B. Young, Mrs. Harold G. Griffln, Mrs. Jesses H. Holmes. Mrs. Joseph Walton. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown. I 1I Given Coveted Appointment Dr. J. Albright Jones has been appointed Chief in Pediatrics at The Philadelphia General Hospital. Dr. Jones is on the teaching staff of the University of Pennsylvania Undergraduate and Postgraduate School of Medicine, in the Pediatric Department, and is a licentiate of the American Academy of Pediatrit;:s. GO WEST THIS SUMMER Independent and Eaeorted Ton... All Rou,.. No Se,..,iee Charge • Swarthmore Travel Bureau Phone Swa_ 179-W Day or NllIht i,' 2 PARK AVENUE $100,000 A DAY! • That's what this coml'nr,-i is .pending on .ome 700 separate construction' jo"s in this State. With Penn8ylvania playing its Vilal part in the preparednese program, we are making an all-out drive- lIummoning manpower, material. and million. of doUars-to provide Ihe , kbid' of telephone Service .. To Portray Hutoric Dancer. 01 Me%ico The United States Defense Savings Bonds and Postal Savings Stamps will be placed on sale in the Post Office on OM} Thursday, May I. as part of tbe na- its : the young tional effort to make America impreg"sarape" about the nable according to an annO'Uncement his protection for by Postmaster A. P. Smalley. the of his choice and recalls the A Defense Bond may be purchased use .this gesture by certain primitive May I, or thereafter, for $18.75. In ten peoples as part of their wedding cereyears, this bond will be worth $25. mony. , To spread investments widely among Several dances remind the observer al1 the people in America~ a limit of that Mexican culture and the culture $5,000 has been set on the amount of of the southwestern United States have these bonds to be bought by anyone frequently intermixed. The spirited person in one year. The bonds are in "Cuadritta" is simply the Mexican form denominations of $25, $SO, $100, of the familiar Quadrille, and "}esusita.." and $1,000, aU of which are sold for "Little Jesus," is often danced in the 75 per cent of their maturity va1ue and Southwest as well as in northern Mexall of which mature in ten years. ico. For the smaller investor who w'IDt:.1 The Jarabe Dancers will be assisted to buy a Government Bond on an easy by Maria Bustos, naturalized Mexican payment plan, the post office will have soprano, who has done a great deal a new series of Postal Saving Stamps. of research in the field of LatinAmerican music. .11 • I I Mothen'QubPbmsDinnu m.n·. w APRIL CaterpUlar Elimination Week -, . ,.' If Swarthmoreans will dedicate t~is week to caterpillar elimina- 25, 194.1 T9MTE AT 7.30 tIoeIal Ball, METHODI8T CIItlBCII 8polllOl'ed b7 UIhen' • ......tloD Keiser's Mr.Farm, and South Mrs. D. F'I;~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~ Evans of parents Youlgrave Chester road. FOB Miss Anne Rothwell returned last CER'I'fii'IED LAUNDRY week-end to her home in Lewisburg, W. SERVICE Va. after a month's visit with her cousin ~,~l& 174 Miss Martha Taylor of Yale avenue. Or Stop Oar Ibh-er Dr. Layton Grier of Milford, Del. will arrive tomorrow to spend the weekMEDIA LAUNDRY end with his son-in-Jaw and daughter Send ... s..-thmore Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Poole of N. SInee 1900 Chester road. The Swarthmore Mothers Club meet-I R.et~lI'IIls From Seeing the World iUg was held April 18 at 2 :45 P. M. in Michael George Manata retur-ned to the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. home on Fairview road at 10 o'clock During the business meeting it was announced that the annual dinner meet- Wednesday night. to visit his parents Patrolman Charles Manata of the local ing will be held May 14 at 6:30 at thel~()lic:e force and Mrs. Manata until May Strath Haven Inn. II Dr. Steinberg, psychiatrist, connected This is the first time since he enlisted with the Norristown State Hospital, will in the Navy in December 1938 that he speak on "The Importance of the For- has seen any member of his family. mative Years." Elizabeth Bowditch daughter of Mr. After two years at Ridley High School Following the business meeting Mrs. Michael. who is now 19, felt an uncon- and Mrs. John B. Bowditch of Cedar Reavis Cox, child psychologist, dis- trollable urge to join his country's serv- lane spent her spring vacation with her cussed "The Child and His Adjustment ice. His father who did active service for brother-in-law and sister Dr. and Mrs. the United States in the last World War F. J. Weyl of Bloomington, Ind. to Society." Refreshments were served. and is commander of John F. McDevitt ••• Post, V etcrans 0 f Foreign Wars. CltesBrann Speake to Parents ter and a member of the Chester Pup Let'. Know Mexleo Better Tent, Order of the Cootie, was sympaSEE THE JARABE DANCERS In order that the fathers might ac- thetic and signed the necessary papers sponsored by the Alnerlean Friends CL~ ~tn;:;:.~~ tively participate in parents activities for the boy. After a year with the Nathe mothers of the Rutgers n.a,v.,e,tnli,Unleg 1 tional Guard Infantry Company K in Swarthmore College third grade held an evening Chester Michael joined the Navy. MAY 8,. lHI-8:15 P. M. . ht a t W h'Ie h th e T he elder Manatas and their other Tickets SOc and 11.00 OD Sale at on '" vve d Iles d ;Jy mg Swarthmore College Bookstore of the famities were especially invited. children have been receiving newspaper I':=.:;::;;;:::=:::~;;:;:;:=:;:~:::::::::=I Dr. David Braun who was .the clippings from all over the world. His speaker of the evening addressed the ship the U. S. Cruiser St. Louis carried large and interested group on "Youth members of the President's Board of or droIn in Jor lunch in the Adult World." Naval Experts to Newfoundland in .4, ,ha8nu,LI,,'. In addition to the third grade parents preparation for its becoming an outer ERE is your garden headquar.. those of the Rutgers avenue second bulwark in the Western Atlantic Seatent We carry a full 8upply of garden 8Upplies, the best seed, grade and the College avenue third board Defense. The St. Louis also carand Vigoro, the complete plant grade were also invited and any others ried the American Commission heads food. . who were interes~ed. B.ermuda to inspect proposed American Mrs. Clarence C. Frank chairman of air bases. the Rutgers avenue third grade presided over the meeting. NEWS NOTES • I Swarthmorean. Are Invited Mr. and Mrs. Carl deMolI of Park A PRODUCT OF SWIs:T " . . had 'as' thejr 'guests' last' week Residents of Swarthmore are invited deMolI's cousin Mr. and Mrs Edgar N. WALTER SUPLEE to be the guests of The Evening SecHitchner of W. Pittston, Pa. . ; tion of the Woman's Club at a movie SWARTHMORE lOS Mr. and Mrs. C. Irwin Galbreath next Tuesday, April 29th, at 8 P. M. of Benjamin West avenue entertained in the clubhouse. Through the courtesy of The Swarth- some thir~y guests last Sunday aftermore Travel Bureau a representative of noon, Aprd 20. when they were at hom'e the Burlington Railroad will show mov- from 4 until 6 o'clock. ing pictures of the Colorado Rockies. Mrs. James H. Hornaday of DickinThese pictures which have never' been son avenue and ~rs. Peter E. Told of shown before are in sound and' techni- Park avenue will attend a joint meetcolor. ing of Oberlin College alumni and the There will be no admission charge Women"s University Club in PhiladelII.: cans and all members of the club and their phia today in honor of Dr. Mildred friends are invited to attend. Helen McAfee president of Wellesley I 1• College. Martel'. Fine Bartlett Pear. - Large No. 2V! Cans Crum Creek Bridge Club Results Mrs. Roland G. Porter of Park av~­ Cate. Fancy Sweet Mixed Piekles. . . . jar 23e nue has been visiting for a few days Mrs. William Soden and Mrs. Walter this week with her sister Mrs. Helen Dromedary Fudge and Fro.ting Mix, .2 pkgs. 2ge Steuber headed the winners North and Porter Lowe of Princeton, N. J. Kix Cereal . . . . . . . . . 2 pkg•• 2lc South when the Crum Creek Bridge Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hanny of Club held its weekly play at the Strath Yale avenue returned yesterday hom a Morton Salt . . . . . . . . . 2 pkgs. 13c Haven Inn Monday evening. Mrs. John short trip to Williamsburg, Va. Lux Flakes . . . . . . . . . . . pkg_ 1ge R. Bates and Mrs. Philip W. Kniskern Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Lang and were second and Mrs. Richard Carvell Marshmallow F1nft . . . . . . tin IOe and Dr. John R. Bates were third. East daughter' Marjorie of Dickinson avenue Easter. week-end as the guests of spent and West victors were Mrs. Fred Wilson Ri~er Brand Rice, ... 3 pkg8_ 25c 'Kitchen Tested' and Richard Carvell, first; ·Mr. and Mrs. Mr.' Lang's brother and sister.in-law Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Lang of Harris Crab Meat . . . . . 2 tins 53c John Bowditch, Jr.• second: and Mrs. Vitanten Wallace M. McCurdy and L. G. Luckie, Pa. Wilson's Whole Tongue •.. tin 99c third. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fleetwood Smith of Enriched • LI Bush River, Md. and daughter PaKeystone Cherry Juice. 4 cans 45e Swarthmore Bridge Re8ult. Suzanne were the guests of Mrs Rosselli Spaghetti Dinner pkg_ 29c Smith's parents Mr. and Mrs. E. J: Results of this week's Swarthmore Roche of Park avenue over the Easter 'I'ak-A-Ta.te Preserved Fig. Bridge Club which met in -the Legion week-end. Mrs. Smith and Patricia Suroom of Borough HaJ1 on Wednesday zanne remained for a week's visit. 2 jars 29c ' evening ended in a triple tie between Mr. and Mrs. Octavius Narbeth of LaKeUy'. Sweet Potatoes, 2 eans 29c N. Frick and J. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. fayette avenue had as their guests reSamuel C. Wisdom, Jr., and H. TomDawn Fresh Cream of Mushroom Soup . . . . . . . . 3 cans 35c cently their son and daughter Rev. Benlinson and Samuel C Wisdom. Sr. jamin Narbeth and ~diss Doris Narbeth •• I Roberston'. Scotch Orange Marmalade .. ' . . . . . . crock- ..29';. of North Fenton, N. Y. NEWS NO~ Mrs., Van L. Bohnson and Mrs. BerMart,el'iI GoI"en Bantam Corn, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 cans 35c Mr. and Mrs. William A. Vlachos of nard ·L. Keiser of Waynesboro, Va. left Fre.h Country Table Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . doz. 75e Vassar avenue entertained a few friends informally at tea last Sunday evening Floor Sander & Slewing Chicken•.. . lb. 2ge April 20. ' Leg. of Lamb . . . . . .lb_ 2ge Jane Bateman daughter of Patrolman Edger For Rent Thomas Bateman of the Swarthmore Rib. of Beef ... ,lb. 33e CHESTER LIGHT Police Force is recovering after an apSpring Broilers, SUPPLY CO_ ,3 for 95c pellde~tomy performed Tuesday afterFresh noon In the Taylor Memorial Hospital 801 Ed.... ont Avenue New Potatoes . . . . .. can 15e Caught 'Phone Chester ~-15U Ridley Park. ' Birdseye Pea• . . . . . . . pkg. 23e • CA FE Sa., .jaIl,. We carry VIGORO! r;;:;;;".- w"h:-eo""";;; ToDi;;;;;' SUBURBAN H •I' ---------- ~ WEEK -END ,,,=,_ 25e STERN'S 24 :.'~'l:~t'~ SPECIALS! ~ Bartlett Pears - ·3 65c GOLD MEDAL FLOUR ------------------~----------------~ ESTATE of MAY ROTHWELL TAYLOR. decealed. 'Lelters tntalDtDtary on the abo", a· tatc have beeo ITUled to the uade~iaued, who req~t an per.a... havial' claims or dema..da p. Robert W. Bernhardt executive sec- agalDit the dtale of the decedcot to make Colle«e Opens Jr_ HIP La~ retary of the Delaware County Tuber- baWD the PDk:, aDd all pe1'lODS iDdebted to Monda,: was a red letter_ day in the culosis and Health Association has an- the decedcat to make pa)'DHot. WitbOUl dela,. sports history of Penn:~ylvania. The nounced plans for an increased activity '0 JOHN STANLEY TAYLOR, GODFRKY NUTTALL TAYLOR, first lacrosse game betweeti' junior high tuberculosis case-finding work in the WILLIAM DOWNHAM TAVLOK. school teams was played on the Swarth- County. Or their aUome,.. WALT1:R H. ROBINSON. Esq•• "With the addition to our staff of more College field that afternoon. The 261' Fiddily.Philadelpbia Trust Bid .... Philadc:lphia, Pa. participants 'were Chester's Smedley a full-time public bealth nurse in the 4·4·6t High and Swarthmore Junior 10,,...>0 of Mary Plait we feel that we can increase our effectiveness in the Sllledley won 5 goals to 3. field of case-finding" he said. "As in Howard Starkey, Smedley's second the past, our policy will be to cooperate defense, scored the first goal only fif- to the fullest with the State Departteen seconds after the opening of the ment of Health as well as other official I",,,.. initial period. ' to avol'd over.. an d voI un aryt agencies . ~~rovementa consJat of two and oneThe game' was the idea of Henry lapping and duplication of effect. With Il~~~~]~f~~~[ ~ brick house, 10 " 40 feet: oDeiooed (Hank) Ford~ former Swarthmore the increased emphasis being placed on Ct?~t~:' 8:::'~x 10 x 16 ROLLER SKATII. TO HIRE TUXEDOS •• FULL DRESS CUTAWAY ••• SHIRTS Inereaeed Tnberculosis Service SPORTS REVIEW Mrs. J. Pas3more Cheyney who has 1I·Ii>e:er, . now a teacher at the Chester public health National i~~~i~l"J-~'I~:~~i.~i I and Institution. f d 'ash a part of l b 'deSold 88 the property of Bdwlu W. Page ense an Wit our peop e ecommg Katherine 8. Page. h1a wlte. real OWD. R:':~'?: ............ 1....... ~~~~bY more health conscious, we feel certain u' en. -.;= IBums •..•..••..•.••.• p ••.••...•..•.. IIeoth that the expansion of our program of HILDA LANG DENWORTH, D. MALCOLM BODGE. Attom"y. =LocJtarc:l •••••••••••••• cp ..••••••• Dlckl.naoD I w.nr!' • t f d .. iC~llijie 1Wood ................fd .............. Price IS a s ep orwar. Secretary. IStarkey .............. 8(1. ........... Bogen Miss Platt, R.N., A.B .• comes to Del- 4-25-3t Levari Pa.cI8B No. 749 DBLAWARB COUNTY INS111UIION ~~~==!~I:!~ ::::::::::::::~:::::::::::.~ County well recommended after DISTP.ICT Deeembel" Term. 1940 ~~~~~~ i BeImlUl ••••..••..•.. fa ...•••..•... BeUleld a number of years experience with the Sealed proposata will be received. at the NOWtI •••••••••••••••• In .......... G _ r City Health Department in Philadel- County Controller's omce. Court House, of Venerables .......... oh •••••••••••.•• Ward Media. Pa.. until 12 o'cloell; noon (EastI Smed.le), ...................... 1 2 0 ~ phia. em Standard. Time) and publiCly opened 1 p. m. (Eastern Standard Time) on ~~~~~~~~~~~ I'swartbmore .................. 0 0 TLme 1 2-3 The X-ray is one of the most pow- at· Referee&-BelfleJ.d and Gatcbell. of Wednesday. May 14. 1941. for furnIshIng, ·~~~~~J'.:'I i peri0ds--8 mlnutes. erful weapons 'this country has avait- delivering and 11l8ta1J.1Jur transformer «tulpp H. S. WIn. Track M... able for civil defense, acco~ding to Dr. ment at the Delawarn County Home. Lima. Pa. . Swarthmore High School wOn a td- Charles S. Aitken, Chairman of the netaned pIano. BpeeUleo.1ouo and bidding angular track meet last Wednesday. Tuberculosis Committee, County Medi-; sheet may be obtalned at the omce of the Controller, and no bid wUl be enThe score was Swarthmore 56%; Rid- cal Society who announced furthe~ County tertained unless made out on said blddlng ., ley Township.3I):i; and Glen-Nor 44~. pians for the Early Diaguosis Cam- sheet. Conta1nlng in frOnt or breadth aD the Each bid mU8t be accompanied by a eer- said Rad.bourne Road (fmmerly Berkeley Haig and Bair finished one-two in paign which has just opened. : tUled check of One Hundred ($100'(lO) DoI- Road) siateen teet. and extencl.li1s of that !the 120·yard low hurdles; Haig won the This educational campaign, wbicli Ians. drawn to the order of the Delaware width In length or dePth southward beInstitution Dllltrict. tween parallel lines at r1Rbt angles to the IOO-yard dash and Kirk won the mile serves as the spearhead of the year.. County The AdmtnlStrattve and Executive DI- saId BaClbourne Boad. (formerly Berkeh run with Saulnier taking second place. round activities of the Tuberculosis So ... rectors of the Delaware County Institution Boad) e1ghty feet to the middle of a cerDtstrict reserve the right to reject. any or tain siXteen feet wide drtvewa:r extending Robinson won the Quarter mile with deties affiliated with the National Tu- all bids. westward. from. oak Avenue to Ashby Road. Roach in fourth place; Kirk wOn the berClllosis Association, is a concenH. WALTER WEAVER. County Controller. half niile and Longwell and Haig co- trated effort to emphasize the necessity Tocetber with the tree and common use right. Uberty and prlv11ese of the &aId ~i~~;~g operated for first and second places in and economy of early diagnosis and IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF DELAWARE driveway at all times hereafter forever. Ddawan:: County March Tenn. 1941 No. 63. ~~~~~~5~~~~~ the ZlO-yard dash. prompt and· proper tF~ainient of tuberImprovements cona1at of two 8tol'J' briCk I In the field events, Johnson placed culosis. . =< :..:.' l Estale of Karl M. MetzKer, deceased. To the and stucco house. 18 x 40 feet; porCh front· legatHs. credilors and other penoDS in- baaement garage. • third in the shot-put; Miller and Gary "For years~ in this cilIDPAign we 'have heirs. terested in said eslate! Notice is hereby given participated in a quadruple tie for first stressed the chest X~ray' ··as .. ~he cor- that Ellie J. Jackmaa. Executrix of the' abovc Sold. as the property of Woodlawn Homes. has filed in. the office of the Clerk of place in the pole vault and Kirk reet diagnostic methOd for finding tuber; estate. . the Orphans' Court her petitiOI1 prayil1B" for Inc.• real owner. the high jump with Johnson tieing culosis in its early stages," said Dr. leave. to sell 10 Harold R. Goodwin a.t priva.te D. MALCOLM HODGE. Attorney. for the sum of '7000. certain real catate second. Kirk placed fourth in the Aitken. 41But this year the X-ray looms sale LOST of decedent described as follows: LOST - Dog'S collar with last four ),ea.r". cus throw and Johnson fourth in the as a great defense weapon for it is the All that certain lot or piece of ground with llcenaes. Reward. 403 Park avenue. the buildinp and improvements thereon Levari PRclas javelin throw. means of insuring national health No. 'l5O erected, Situate in tbe Borough of Swarthmore and bounded aoo' desctibed -as follows: Swarthmore High School one of war's most active allies FOUND December Term. 1940 Situate on the S. W. side of Swarthmore: Crowded iiving cond,FOUND - PaIr gJ..assea In front of 8tratb second in team score 'in the Avenue 20131 fHt Jilore or Jess S. E. hom All that certain lot or piece of ground Haven Inn Saturday morning. Apply at track and field meet. last Saturday, in tions, increased mental and physidl1 Chester Road. a cotner 01 liItlds of Edward with the bulldlDgs aud. lmprovem.e.nts Inn desk. . F. Hitchcock; extt:nding thence by Hitcha field of fifteen teams. Media's win- strain-byproducts oLdefe:use activities about erected theJ'OOn Situate near Ardcock's laM et al. S. 9 degrees I' miD· more. in the Townah1p of HaVerford. utcs W. '34.23 feet to a comer of land of 23 points, Swarthmore -are factors dangerously favorable to ning score was APr. FOR RENT County of Delaware. State of PenuaYIvanla. Margare:t Sellen Brown; thence by aame S. 112 Park Ave., teO, aeeond tI.oor--6 nDB•• had 1 7 * . . the- spread of tuberculosis." bounded and described accordlng to a cer80 degrees 49 minutes E. 60 feet to a point enclosed ~. e1ectrto refr1prator. two tain surveyor plan made for Prank iD Ulle of laods of 9th Ward Building- a: Swarthmore won t\le Roy H. Browne In a message to the Tuberculosis Soentrances. private On bUl'lUtr. aaraa8. Shriver. dated AprU 30th. 1929. by Alva' i.. Loao Associalion No.2: thence by same 9 Memorial Trophy ~y turning in _.Dr. Thomas Parran surgec;m genRogers • .a. L. S. Ardmore. Penna. as follows. degrees I I minutes E. 88.14 feet to the S. to wit: 1 W. side of Swarthmore Avenue; thence score of 16 points in the track of VS. Public Health Service WM. S. BITl'LE North ,\6 de&'rt:es 4;J minutes E. 16.S feet Individual point winners were: the value of the Early Diag8 _.. W~ the to a POlDt in bed of said Swarthmote Avenue; thence wilhin the bed of sa.id Avenue NOta.....,. PubUc-ID.Iul'aDCe-Bea1 Bdate first in the lIO-yard low hurdles nosis Campaign and said that "no more Nott!).··43 de ....ea ., minutes W. 75.66 feel: second in the 100-yard ~ propitious time could be selected to Ih~ '5. 46 dep-ctS. +3 minutes W. 16.S fCct 10" the plaee of be&UUliol'. MRS. A.. J~ QUINBY &: SON first in the quarter. mile;. D. America to guard her national Said ·petltiolt"'thel'· for S.leaft to :lit sell 10 ond and Saulnier fifth in the " W. Mark Billie and pn.~ William. Bittle pri. I "!",.- ~::~~~~;;;~ lOS. . . . . QUIHBi sale. for the sum of .2000•• cerla'n cUlel ,,,,', ...,, and Johnson tieing for fourth in the "Physical examinations of thousands vate real estate of decec'tent deaqibesl as folio .... : FUNERAL DIRECTORS I All that certain Jot OJ' pitH: of croUDd with high jump; . of· young mcn offer the b~~t,.li.~~~~::':' the huildinp and lmprovemeats thereoD CoUea-e Twice Victorion. ity this country has had to MEDIA. P&' erected. Situate in said Boroadl aad boutKIed ULL PHONE. During the past week the Swarth- large part of that vast reservoir of un~ and described ~ lollows: 8e&iDniDC at a on the S. W. side of Yale Avet!uc at ;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mor>! College lacrosse team won twice, known, untreated cases of tuberculosis point the dlslance of J55.5 feet S. E. from the P'MDTON .... BLGIN WATCIIIUI defeating Washington and Lee 12-4 which· keeps the White Plague on the point of intersection of the said side of Yale AyeDue and the S. E. side oC Chesler Road: EDWIN B. KEf,JEY, Jr. afnd Penn State 8-k6: Th7eOt S6 rack hteam . march. Yet in only a few fortunate 10thence extendinlr along the said side of Your ]-'er eated Johns Hop II}S - ; t e tenms ealities are chest X-rays being included Yale Avenue S. 8.2 decrees 40 minutes E. 4~.o8 feet 10 a point in the wcstel'ly sine .... D _ _ 7th St. a.-lei> team divided winning. 9-0 from Union in the examination. . of a 17 IHt wide alley whic'h' oPtos into ~ -=-u and losing 4-5 to Muhlenberg. The ••• the said Yale Avenuei thcftCt! along" the said' side or said alley S. 3 de ....ees 49 minutes (~ft'!:"NC'h=: baseball team lost to Stevens and Human Interest Rewarded E.' !,O.93 feet to a point a comer of land. _ oC Waher Oscar Flood i thence by the said ":::::::::==========~ the golfers lost to Lehigh 9-0. lands N. 82 degrees, 40 minutes W. !'4.92 IIJuminating gas escaping accidentally .. The freshmen baseball team lost to fed to a poiot a comer of lands of (korse Hill School 10-0 and the College JV was fast taking the. .life of a man alone J. Jones and Alma Blanche Jones his wife. and theDCC by lut meDlioned lands North t~nnis team lost to Pel!n Charter ~-l . in a back room of What appeared to be 7 degrees. 20 minutes E. 49.97 feet to the I I • ... , a vacant house in··'Chester. With his Saidplacesal.ofs beg:noin are for the 'purpose of paym,·nt of last bit of strength,' he took the re- decedent's dtbu. If DO exceptions are filed to NEWS NOTES Electrical Contractor. ceiver from a telephone and dialed for said petilion or objectioDS made to granting the same, the Court 'will be asked to take action Peggy Armitage daughter of Mr. and an operator. Telephone Swarthmore 2295 thereon, on Monday. May 12, 1941. at 10 Mrs. Percival Armitage of Harvard aveAs a result of the operator's aid o'clock a. rn. HOWARD KIRK. nue spent last week-end in New York which resulted in the.; saving of the vicAttorney for Petitioner. City as the guest of her sister Mrs. Don- tim's life. that operator Elizabeth P. 4·11·4t FOR PROMPT SERVICE aid B. Chidsey. ., Lukens of Chester "has been selected I------------'----~ BBFBIGI!B&'rO-" - ~108 . to re·c.eive the cov";,..i:d Vail Medal, the 'SIIBRIPP SALES .Of. BBAL ESTATE W4SRBJI8_ALL M4KU ' Mr. and Mrs. Michael S.· Koalen1co "" formerly of Wallingford have left their ~~11 ~~;!!::.:sh:a:~~·O';f hpounwic a:e~~1:: I.S !IOrlll·. om~'. Court; House,. Media. PeJDDJo·1 New Smyrna. Fla. winter quarters for· Miss Lukens is :night . Sat1ll1laJ'. Kay 3. 1941 Improvements consist of _alva and oneOld Lyme. Conn. charge at the Chester exchange. 8:30 A. M. Eastern Standard TIme baU story stone and ahJ.ngle 'Aouae 18 x 40 Tom Littlefield son of Mr. and Mrs. A Committee of Award for the Bell caoh or certUled check feet; rear ad.ditlon. 6 x 9 tee"t:· stucco garR. J. Littiffield of Swarthmore place re- Telephone' Company of Pennsylvania otherwise-stated In age. 18 x 18 feet. COAL and COKE turned from Dartmouth College, Han-' selected Miss Lukens as worthy of. th~ In ten clayS. other Sold as the property of Gladys B. Rutter, mortgagor and PaUl H. Marrow and Janet over, N. H. on Wednesday, .April 9, ·ior Vail Medal named"ln honor of Theosa;le•. 'FVEL OIL No. 694- L. Marrow. h.I.s wife. his spring vacatjon. His holiday ended dare N. Vail. The Vail Medal named Levari Paclas D. MALCOLM HODGE. Attorney. on Tuesday, April 22. for the former presiaent of the ArnerDecember Term, 1940 Jean Gehring daughter of Mr. and ican Telephone ani( Telegraph Com- ProP. alt. In Haverford. Twp. Del,' Co., Pa. Phone Sw. 104.12 Mrs. W. H. Gehring of University place pany was awarded .to. Miss Lukens "for on the S. W. 8. or Haverford Bel. 8'1.25 ft. Leva I Fa las No. 4 recently visited her grandmother Mrs. her unusual initiativ.e. excep·tional re;' SIn•..B. of Buck 21.5 ft. r c dpth. 176.04 Lane; ft. m. In01'front 1. Known as and 642 O. H. I.;ucc oL.Riverhead, Long Island sourcefulness and p4rsistent e~orts in Haverford. Road.. I'iekue Ji'rounInIr - Soadon...,. for a week. securing assistance which resulted. in v. &: S. to cond. and bldg. :rest. ~;::~:.; ~ ~ ! iOi"""i 4-25-3'==-===::-:==___==- ~ ~ • I II n:."'" 15-5; I A. Wayne Mosteller ' . VAN AT,EN BROS. Book. -Kocliok Sapplleo Grert'"« Carda-JIoW,7 Cnft SIMMONDS 71~ W'eIah Slnet ." _ Cbetteo Ch_' I-IlD ' ' ave-lt~h~e~sa~v~i:n~g:0~f~a~~~~~li~fe~.':'~~8t:~:I~Imep:rovements consist of two atory 12 x 33 feet; porch front; onestucco atory M·r.visited Carl his Ryanparents of Swarthmore nue Dr. and Mrs. Carson Ryan and his daughter at Chapel Hill, N. C. recently; x 6 feet. .1 ~.-". property of Bryn Mawr r.o.n I c:,u't;t;'~ ·asoclatl.on._.rea!. owner. ~ -",,"" addti10D, 9 ~ 2 Buck'Shad lb. 15c • . u_ BrIDe Your OWD cardS AQMlSSION SSe Counter BefrellmleD.t 8eniee Fo......b' of 8 _ o n CoUop Carpenter &: Cabinet Malcer 425 MORTON AVBNUB. RUTLEDGB 'Pbone SwartIi. Z8D PIANO TUNING AM) REBUILDING 'Pta_ Media 459-M 8 P. M_ ftllDAY, MAY 2 Ploue w. J. THOMAS A. L PARKER CIIariu.. of _ a AI1lsworth _ aDd AuIJJar)o HlOB SCHOOL Cn.laRL\. Door aJUI Tablr: I'IUes ,,' 31 Yean 'Praodcal Bxpe.oI..... PLAY CARDS 1IO""lIt _ _ lteUef sad Other PetlDlIy.-vania need. today_ . ~Il SPRING PLAN'nNG ' _CoD".I; d. ' , ~ J.,STEPHANI, 'ftoM ~ F : Me Jr. HID ,mER lOR THE COMPLETE FOODMAAKET EDWARD P. HITcHCOCK, Attorney. ROGER J.lUSSEI.I,'· DR. M. BLOOMFlBJ.D Complete E,e !lerriee 611 WELSH STREET CaD n III "I~ Poetao oj Fine Photograph. ~16 No. December Term 1940 HAVERFORD PLACE Prop. alt. In Twp. of Springfield. DeL Co., 8. W. 8. of· Barwtck Rd. 337.72 SWARTHMORE 2075-8 , RBQ=' FOR BIDII . Pa .•S.ODE.the _ _ CALL of Powell Ave •• in tront 26.28 ft. -:-:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J_."'~~,btdo w\1,l.bo:.ree"".Wlui.pee1- ;;~~tn:,~cii ~I~j ,WOOD. .i>.~~~ -...t8. ..to ,' '.', ,. UbdeJ: &lid oubjeet and Improvements COBBlet of two story atone anel stucco house. 28 K 20 teet· porch rrcm~· ItO~ERS ~en' CC*F.. _ No. saraae..- .. w. . _. -- ... '-.'--" -" ~.""'--' ... _""..... - - ' BBA'1TY. Attorney. WILLIAM .. , Sold . . the p.,;p.~ of AlUla MarIe 'lWre ;.. .-. .• mortaeBor ud ..... owner. ROBERT ..-' """-In _ n o '~'-'<." w. VeRDI 8herltr. TBB SWARTBMORBAN 6 cmCLE PLANNING NEW CHARITIES I "Song of Evening" by Swan, "MagGATHER PRIZES FOR Sueeeeeful Event Aida Brltaln MRS. HOLMES, mSPANIC nificat" by Gabrieli, "Light Eternal" by LEGION CARD PARTY DANCERS AT RUTLEDGE Attendance at the card party sponsored Kastalsky, and the chorus from the WOMAN'S CLUB Local merchants and stores in the for British relief last Wednesday April opera "Hercules" by Handel will be Aid to Many Admlni8tered by Mrs. Jesse H. Holmes of Moylan, formerly of Swarthmore entertained the Friendly Group of Local Rutledge Woman's Club Tuesday with Women; Annual an account of the unusual experiences Picnic Set shared by Dr. Holmes and herself on Mrs. Harvey R. Pierce of South Princeton avenue with Mrs. August Cordes of Philadell>hia, as co-hostesses . entertained The Friendly Circle on Thursday afternoon of last week. The president Mrs. F. Stuart Brown presided. Reports were given on sewing for the Health Center; sweaters and other knitted articles completed; a stove, coal and house furnishings secured for a family living in a barn and a newspaper daily for an invalid. In reply to requests from the Health Center and Family Society it was voted to give needed drugs and supplies to pay for glasses for a woman of 70 whose old age Ilension could not be stretched to pay for them, and money for carfare for a woman needing to take her children to a clinic. It was voted to pay for a housekeeper in a home where the mother is ill and to pay for milk for a boy needing it. In all $47.70 was given. The president announced the following chairmen: Sewing, Mrs. Harvey R. Pierce; shoe box, Mrs. Arthur Jones and Mrs. John Pitman; knitting, Mrs. J. Warren Paxson; admissions, Mrs. T. Harry Brown; hospitality, MiS. Kendall Sadler; visiting, Mrs. Harold Griffin. The annual picnic was discussed and the invitation to use the. grounds of Mrs. Joseph S. Seal's home was accepted. June 10 was selected as a teotative date. Mrs. Sadler will head the committee in charge of food. Mrs. George Troxall will take charge of the tickets; Mrs. John Esslinger will have the cake and candy table; Mrs. Harvey R. Pierce will have the White Elephant table. Mrs. Pierce will also head the committee in charge of the annual collection for Camp Sunshine. Mrs. Ross Marriott of the Garden Section of the Woman's Club came to the meeting with the blue print showing ilie ~~ned ~mti~~ ilieclu~~~ and to decide upon the location of th~ tree given by the Circle. Tea and a sodal hour followed. a trip to India some years ago. She apI)eared in native costume and jewelry. As a second part of the program for the day which was inauguration as well as art day Aleja Campo (Alix Field Whitaker of Elm avenue) presented her Hispanic Dance Group of local girls in gorgeously colored Spanish costumes. Introduced by Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullmall of Harvard avenue and accompanied by the Hispanic String Group those who performed dances of old Spain included: Elizabeth Pope. June Ullman Nena Whitaker and Eleanor Wolf ~ho did solo work, and Lora Blackman, Margaret Conover, Barbara Ann Crossen, Mary Frances Dimmitt, Barbara Sickel and .Virginia Wilson. The String Group consists of Martha Fesmire, Leona Fitzgerald, Katherine Flaherty, Geraldine Kalebaugh, Winifred Park, Katharine Richards, Dorothy Seltzer, and Mrs. Whitaker. The program was arranged and introduced by the art chairman Mrs. Arthur W. Binns. Mrs. Robert E. Zensen was inaugaurated president. The Hispanic Dancers also pre.sented a program Saturday morning in the Snellenburg Auditorium before the Music Teachers' Forum of Philadelphia. On that occasion they were accompanied by Katherine Warren Coles of Walnut lane. vicinity are contributing prizes for tbe !>enefit bridge party of tbe American Legion and Auxiliary on May 2. Many door prizes will be given and there will be a prize for every table. The ticket committee headed by Mrs. }. Paul Brown who is in charge of entertainment for the auxiliary and Commander Herbert T. Bassett and Mrs. Bassett urges early purchases of tickets• Swarthmore so far has shown a great interest in the benefit which provide funds for English relief as well as for other needs at home. Auxiliary members are reminded to save the third Wednesday of next month, May 21, for a business meeting at 2 P. M. This will be the last business meeting of the season. They are also asked to save rummage. for a prospective sale in the late spring or fall. 16, in the Woman's Club House filled 38 sung by the chorus. tables and raised $150 to be sent to England for direct war relief there. . A British flag lent by L. M. Robinson British consul in Philadelphia adorned an appropriate spot. We've Old World . Mrs. Albert Hill won the floral paintBells mg donated by Mrs. Louis Cole Emfor mons, Mrs. David Shaw won a portraait by Mrs. Edgar Adams and will have New World-Ueel her daughter pose for it, and Mrs. OsHawkers' bells, cow bell8, temple t~rson won the garden gate landscape bells from Jayagiven by Mrs. Stanley I.. MacMillan. Buffalo bells from BaliElephant bells from IndiaChina bells and miniatures carved Joint Concert Sunday from wood. A concert will be presented jointly by the College Chorus and Orchestra at 6 :45 P. M. Sunday, to close the Vespers season for this year. OLD BANK BUILDING Mr. W. R. Argyle and daughters Ann and Rosemary motored to Boston, Mass., last week-end to bring Mrs. Argyle home from Wellesley College where she had been visiting her daughter Jane. Ii Hear Yel will ••• • alice barber, gifts ••• . Edgmont Avenue-Seventh and Welsh Streebl Sheets, Pillow Cases, Lingerie And Men's Shirts MONOGRAMED FREE SATURDAY LAST DAY V Gets Union College Honors ~B6.... Tho MarkQf g Good MowGr N. WALTER SUPLEE J~ S'WARTBMORE lOS Ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ BETTER THINGS FOR LESS 1 PROTE CT YOUR FURS II) Our Modern, Sale. Air-Conditioned Cold Saora.e Vaalt8 • •• $2.00 MInimum Charre or 2% on Your Own Evaluatlon I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Jackson of North Chester road spent last week-end at Buck Hitl Falls. CLENO .. BE • NU .IT CO. § CLEANBJl.S AND DYERS -11C-18 WELSH STREET, CHESTER ! \\\1" CHINE AT WORK ON THE FIRST FLOOR. We Will Monogram F~ee All GYM SmTS NOW thrill-brother, it's because you haven't tried Fluid Drive in a Chrysler! You know, Fluid Drive must be something pretty un.. usual to attract as much attention as it has. Wouldn't you like to try it yourself? Drive around town, pick the worst traffic and gei the feel of stopping and starting withoul shifting gears. It's really fascinating! WHY SHIFT GEARS? Nobody wants to shift gears. That's why Fluid Drive with Vacamatic transmission is such a thrill. It takes all the work out of driving ••• makes it seem like something that's too good to be true. But it is true .•• and we'd like to prove it to you. Let's set a date to go Fluid Driving. Call up now and tell uS when we may come for you. * ~ :I SWARTHMORE THERE'S A THRILL FOR YOU IN * Wh, Chrysler Incl"'. a 5.,.', Clutch with fluid DrIvel The Safety Clutch is like a lifeboat on a ship. You will use it very seldom, but you're mighty glad to have it when you need it. A very valuable safeguard for parking ••• for maneuvering your car in dose quarters .or dangerous places! wi'" Fluid DWN BE MODERN 11M #ftr:ll1IIrIIM: 'l1liI1I1II"" BUY CHRYSLER! HANNUM & WAITE s. Chester Rd. &: Yale Ave. == I ! i = = I m § Ie ;;: ! § 5 ~ ; .....1I111.".UdBilUU-(IIIIIllIIDDIIIUlmIlUDIUHI.lm• •Hu"nDIUDOtnUlUlnllll.nl~ IF YOU think driving has lost its * = I E We'll put monograms on lingerie SSc and up- in practically any color - The very same monograms you've seen in expensive apparel only - not pasted, not chain-stitched, but actually embroidered by a newly perfected process that makes them look hand-done. SEE THE MA- ------_.--- FOR SAFml I !ii' ••• James E. Smith, II son of Dr. and Mrs. J. Howard Smith of Park avenue is among the Union College students who attained high scholastic standing during the third quarter and was honored by inclusion on the Dean's List issued this week. Smith, a freshman, is majoring in the division of science. ~1H"'lDIDIJIIJJ8lIlIm··1 • ~_WiiiieiiiiiiiiiCiiiialliiiiiaiiiiniiiid~D;;;iell~ve~riiiiiiiiiiiii"~S~ul~ts~Ma~diiiieiito~Y~o~uiir~Miiieasure~~'iii'iiii~'P~h~o~D~e~C~b~e~8te~r~"~1~8_!J E ______________~_i '---- APRIL 25, 1M! Phone Sw8rthmore 1250 INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE SWARTBMOREAN 6 APRIL 25, 1941 I GATHER PRIZES FOR I Successful Event Aids Britain MRS. HOLMES, HISPANIC LEGION CARD PARTY! DANCERS AT RUTLEDGE Attl'nclanre at the card lJarty sponsored WOMAN'S CLUB Local merchants and stores in the for British relief last Wednesday, April "Song of Evening" by Swan, "Magnilicat" by Gabrieli, "Light Eternal" by Kastalsky, and the chorus from the lo"era "Hercules" by Handel will be vicinity are contributing prizes for the 16, in the \V~mlan's Club House lille~ 3K sung by the chorus. lIenefit bridge party of the American tahll's and raised $150 to be sent to I'.ngland for din,:t't war relief there. I: I.egion and Auxiliary 011 May 2. Many A British flag Il'nl hy I.. M. I{obinson door prizes will be given and there will British consul in PhiladelJlhia adorned bc a prizc for every table. The ticket an all,lrollriate sJlot. We've Old World cOlllmittee headed by Mrs. J. Paul Mrs. Alhert Hill Woll the floral paintBells Brown who is in charge of entertain- ing donated hv ~I rs. I.ouis Cole Emment for the auxiliary and Commander muns, M rs. I>a~'id Shaw won a portraait for Herbcrt T. Bassett and Mrs. Bassett hy Mrs. Edgar Adams and will have New World Use! t her daughter Jlose for it, amI ]'lrs. OsurS~es etalrly purchafseshof tihckets. • war Itnore so ar as s own a g r e a , I Ilawkers' bells, cuw hells, tempI .. . . tl b fit I' I '11 terson WOI1 I IC garden gate lallllsl'a"e IIlterest III Ie ene w lIC I WI pro- I " I '1 S I I '1'11 hells from Java. Ie f un d s for' Engl'IS II r ell'ef as we II as glvl'n IY .~ rs. tan ey •. :\Iac" I an. \'I( Buffalo hells from Balifor other needs at home. Elephant bells frum India-Auxiliarv members are reminded to Joint Concert Sunday China hells amI miniatun~s carveel save the' third Wednesday of next f rUIII WCl"t1. month, May 21, for a business meeting I at 2 P. M. This will be the last business A cOI!cert will bc presented jointly: meeting of the season. They are also ~~4t~ Colleg~ Ch.o~·ls and Orchestra at asked to save rummage for a pros-' . M. SUl1da~, to close the VesOLD BANK BUILDING pective sale in the late spring or faIt. Jlers season for tIllS year. CIRCLE PLANNING NEW CHARITIES I -===============-_ Hear Yel ~J r~. )l'SSl' II. Hohnl's of :\(oylan, forIlIl'r1y of Swarthmore l'ntl'rtained the Rutledge \\'oman's Club Tuesday with an an'ount of the unusual eXJleriences shared hy Dr. I~loltnes and hersdf 011 a trip to India SUIlIC years ago. She apIIl'ared in nati\'l' l'ostumc and jewelry. As a sCl'onll Jlart of the program fur thl' day \\'hirh was inauguration as well as art Ilay .-\ leja Call1ll() (Alix Field \Vhitakl'r of Elm avcnue) Jlresented her IlisJlanit- Dallcc Gruul' of lucal girls in gorgeonsly colored S"anish costumes. Intr