S WA l:f T HMO I~E L I 13 I~ A I~ Y \. s w;.\ I~ t CULLEGE H M () I~ E "..---, 3> "',\ ~ SWAIn .), f; \"''''1 . J C! , L •. ;: ~ ~ ;" ,,, :. Id h i, "\ R. Y AID ROLLIII KITCHEl THE SWARTHMO SWARTHMORE, PA., MAY 2, 1941 VOL. XDI, No. 18 BARNSTORMERS "France Forever" to Preat Woman's EXCHANGE PLAY sent Program Club May 8 MEDICAL DIRECTOR TO DISCUSS MATERNAL HEALTH LEIIO. BEIEFIT TOIllHT '2.50 PER YEAR DEDICATE NEW CHURCH WINDOWS Annual Presentation of Ridley Parkers on Swarthmore Stage . The "Free French" are continually 10 the news, but usually sensationally May 8, 9, 10 to be "Her and disconnectedly. An excellent opporMaster's Voice" tunity to hear an informative, con- Methodist Bishop to Speak as Series Is Completed This Sunday Morning Bishop E. G. Richardson will deliver the sermon at Sunday morning worship The Players Club will present The nected account of the activities and at 11 o'clock on May 4 in the SwarthBarnstormers of Ridley Park in their purposes of the "French who have not given up" will be available to this com~ore Methodist Church, at the dedicaannual exchange performance 011 the on Thursday, May 8, at 8 :15 munity tion of three stained glass windows to evenings of May 8, 9, and 10, three P. M., at the \\Toman's Club, admission complete a series of eight in the church evenings only. . free. .Bishop Richardson is the Resident The plot of the Barnstormers' proThe progrnm comprises an address Bishop of the Philadelphia Area of the duction has to do with the marital life Methodist Church. He has supervision of Ned Farrar and his wife Queena- (in English) on ''The Free French of the Philadelphia, New Jersey Wyomthese two with Ned's mother-in-law Fighting with the British," by Philippe !ng and Porto Rico Conferences' numbermaking up the household. The fun Magdelain, a former Lieutenant in the 109 over .eleven hundred churches. starts when Queena's aunt comes to French Army, who served in World The wmdows take their basic design visit them, tries to rearrange their lives War II; a motion-sound film, "The from t.he early windows of the twelfth for them, and tries to hire their butler. Battle of France" {25 min.}; a short and thirteenth centuries. They have been The complications caused by these talk in French; and a question period. Philadelphia leader will speak at annual open meetMr. Magdelain will give personal excreated to be in ha~mony with the archithings tend to make up this famous in& of Maternal Health Center of Southern Delaware periences during the present war, and te~ture of the church and are in accord comedy "Her Master's Voice" by Clare County in Bond Memoria~ Swarthmore College at 8 will describe conditions in France on WIth th~ highest traditions of the craft. Kummer. P. M. next Wednesday, May 7. the basis of the most accurate inforE~ch .plece of glass is painted and the A Baxter Bright, who will direct the reaching this countrythat mation pamt IS then burnt into the glass to inplay, has a capable cast some of whom su.r~ absolute permanency. The multihave been seen on the Swarthmore which comes to "France Forever." This ~hclty of small pieces creates a jewelstage in previous productions: Phyllis association is made up of Frenchmen hke effect. The glass used in these winFetzer, Mary Muldoon, Douglas Seiv- and friends of France in the United do,!s is principally of imported English wright, Mildred Rice, Betty Newton, States. It is a corporation of the United States, and is affiliated with similar antique and Norman slab glass which are and James Platt make up the cast. groups in many free countries of the the finest raw materials obtainable. The F1II!~8 for Work ,!f POlt and AuxDramatized Work of CommUnity The Barnstormers have given locals world. executing artists have been responsible iliary 10 be Raised hy ComHealth Society Made Learning many a good laugh and promise anThe film to be shown is vivid and infor many of the most important stained munity Event Fleasant; 2 Co. Unil8 Shown other evening of good fun to conclude "There will always be a structive. glass windows in this country. the regular season here with an "exit France - or in paraphrase, there must ~ach window is unique in design to laughing." In celebration ot 21 years of service The meeting of the Woman's Club on always be a free France. All can beaVOid '!l0notony. The focal point of inMembers are urged to come Thurs- Iieve this motto and work for it with- in Post 427, the Legion and Auxiliary Tuesday was both interesting and enIS 31 ~gure me.dallion which porterest day and Friday if they possibly can a! out altruism; the same post-war organ- will hold a benefit card party at 8 P. M. lightening. The prOgram was arranged Saturday has usually standing room ization that will insure a free France this evening in the High School cafe- by Mrs. T. Harry Brown, Chairman of tray~ a slgmficant episode in the life of Christ. These medallions are so aronly. is essential to the continuation of a teria. Guests are urged to be present \Velfare, and covered the work done by ranged chronologkally as to illustrate free United States,'~ declares Dr. W. F. and play whatever card game they three Delaware County agencies. Mrs. the Life and .Ministry of Jesus, and with DOLMAN REELECTED Faragher, chairman of the meeting. choose. This will be a gay occasion at S. M. Viele, Chairman of Health in- these newly mstalled ones the series of PLAYERS CLUB HEAD The program is sponsored by "France troduced the speakers and took th~ op" (France Q uand - M } which time articles contributed by the portunity of thanking Swarthmore wom- the eight windows costing about $9600 is ore v e r erne F now complete. Results of the annual election held through local members: Swarthmore or Philadelphia merchants en for their services so loyally given in AI~hough the medallions have been crelast week at the Players Club have been Professor Brand Blanshard, Mme. will be given as table or door prizes transpoiting patients to doctors and ated 10 the manner and spirit of the early announced as follows: Chauvez, James Evans, Mrs. W. T. or auctioned. Candy, refreshments and c1inic;s. craf!, ~he figures ha,'e been drawn more John Dolman, Jr.-president, James . J r., M r. an d M r sR. .C. Las- smoking needs will be sold. Mrs Elizabeth H Plum . FI emmg, reahstlcally to avoid the extreme archaic H. Hornaday-vice-president, Mrs. Hal- siat, W. D. Mason, John Pew, Mlle. I. Th.e proceeds will meet the many ob-"109 nurse of the . Community mer SUpervISHealth sty~e of the early masterpieces. This is lie Koch-secretary, Dr. George P. War- Aline Richard, Mrs. Philip Snow, Miss Igatlons undertaken by these organiz- Society of Central Delaware County ren-assistant secretary, Robert C. Adele Stt:ouse, Clarence Thayer, "Mt'lI. ,.ations. Fpr ~e; lal!t21 ye;lrs•.t~~Jve spoke of the work of the'- societY'. It beheved .to he more appropriate for a modern church, especially when the winDisque-trCdSurer, James A. Davies- A. Young, and Dr. Faragher. months of actIVity 111 the aUxiliary has was organized and affiliated with the dows are as intimate as they are in the assistant treasturer, Phillip R. 'Nhitney meant the setting aside of various Red Cross twenty years ago in Swarth- local church. -director for one year, and Dr. A. F. funds. A prominent project has been .Pr~vision through memorials and conthat of child welfare, turning attention more, to pr?vide for individual family Jackson, D. Makolm Hodge, and J. and commumty needs. Nurses are avail- tnbutlOns has been made for the entire Young Friends' Bird Walk Burris West-directors for two years. to child delinquency in this country as able at all times to give skilled service cost of the windows. well as maternal and child health. Subh'l\ The First Day School will enjoy a stantial Th subjects of the windows arranged donations in the past were to tel at a nominal fee and providing Occupy New Home for care, for those unable to pay. The chronologically are as follows: No. 1bird walk led by Walter Keighton' on Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M. Lackey Sunday morning, meeting at Whittier made to this cause. Parallel with this headquarters of the organization are in Announcement to the Angels Adoration muved \Vednesday from their residence House at 6 o'clock and returning there goal was rehabilitation, including com- Swarthmore,. Ridley Park, Morton, Rut- of the Ma~, Flight into ~Pt; No. 2 forts and luxuries for disabled veterans ledg.e, and ~Idley Township. Short pan- {to be dedlcated}-The Boy Christ at on Cornell avenue to their newly com- for breakfast at the completion of the such as candy, tobacco, magazines, silk !ommes depicted very concisely the var- ~Iay, Boy Christ and the Doctors, Bapwalk. pleted home on Ogden avenue. pieces for occupational therapy, Christ- 10US types of aSSurance the agency so tism of St. John; No.3 (to be dedicated) mas lighting, decorations and Christ- ably gives. -Walking on the Sea, Healing the Sick mas M' . h boxes. A fund was set aside during arlae C. Sh eII mire, FRIENDS SPONSOR mSTORIC MEXICAN DANCES executive secre- Raising the Dead; No.4-Woman of t e past five years for Camp Sunshine. tary of the Family Service of Western Samaria, The Consoling Christ Christ Up to last year $40 a year was given Delaware Co~nty described the type of and the Rich Young Ruler; No.' 5--The to this recreational plan. Many other work accom~hshed by this organization. L~st Supper, Gethsemane, Christ before reqUests are made of the auxiliary by Mrs. Shell mIre explained that the en- Pdate; No.6-Sealed and Guarded community service or other units of deavor "of the society was, in simple Tomb, Jesus breaking Bread at Simon's activity. terms,. to help people help themselves." House, Woman at the Tomb; No. 7Jam e s Goddard, the auxiliary's Sometimes the aid needed is material but Chri.st 011 Shore with fire and fish, Asadopted leper, has received a gift for frequently· it is the intangible taings of ce.nston. Appearance to Saul; vestibule each holiday for several years. Totally life with which people need help. ~mdow {to be dedicated)-Jesus KnockMrs. Shellmire gave as an example a 109 at the Door, Christ "Come unto Me" blind, and finally deprived of the use of his arms, this past winter he died. Con- family not far from Swarthmore who The Good Shepherd. ' sequently the might-be remembrances h~d been rehabilitated by this type of for him will be used for other benefits. aid: The support of this agency comes BRITAIN EAGER FOR Plan Aid for England entlrely from volunteer co~tributions. MOBILE UNIT At present the urge to bestow more Swarthmore was thanked for its past aid kits for shelter victims in England, and and continued help was requested., An interesting incident has occurred to help toward the Swarthmore Rolling Carl H. Schmitt, executive director in connection with Swarthmore's effort Kitchen for this suffering country has of t~e Delaware County Park and Rec- t~ provide a Rolling Kitchen for Britmade the effort toward a successful reatlon Board, told of the work of this am. Mrs. A. F. Jackson of Park avebenefit even greater on the part of the agency, a public organization supported nue wrote to a friend of Dr. Jackson's committee. Swarthmore is asked to pa- ?y. tax payer~. Rendering many services, ~vho I!ves in Birmingham, England asktronize as well as buy tickets for this It .IS the eleanng house for trained recre- II1g him to find out whether a Rolling event, thereby showing their interest atlOn leaders, providing supervision for Kitchen could be purchased for less in these would be contributions. Upon programs and a central library for rec- money in England than it would cost to h reational planning. (ConUfWed on PCllle Four) t e patronage this evening rests the buy it here and ship it. amounts to be given for the various • •• Evidently the friend took the query causes. BENEFIT GARDEN SALE to head9uarters immediately, for in record tune Mrs. Jackson received a Keystone Camp for girls, a training in United States Citizenship, is dear to Plants and old vases are being soIic- cable reading as follows: ."Your generous offer to hand. Birthe heart of the auxiliary. Also the ited from local gardeners for the Marpromotion of true Americanism and the iner Garden Sale on Friday, May 9, ~tngham gratefully accepts. Am inquirpassage of good legislature are large from 3 to 5 P. M. at the home of Mrs. m~ p!"ocedure."-signed "Lord Mayor of points in the auxiliary program. C.harles L. Maas, Yale and Park ave- Blrmmgham." It is rather touching to have accepted Speakers from the county come reg- nues. "Sea Foam, Sand Tarts, and Seed- as accOl:npli~hed fact that which was ularly to the auxiliary meetings to acquaint members with current biJIs under lings" will he sold, with a vase exchange only, an mqUlry, showing as it does EngI consideration: of defense methods and booth for the benefit of the Swarthmore land s c~gerness to turn even a prospect needs: and to stimulate a progressive Scnio~ Girl Scout Mariner Ship, by the of help IOta a reality. Day ~Y day the need increases. Is it American spirit, always with possibil- committee of sponsoring mothers, Mrs. ities of peace ahead. No citizen de- Charles L. Maas, chainnan, Mrs. Luther not poss!ble to justify Birmingham's consires peace and is more active toward M. Dimmitt, Mrs. F. T. Flaherty Mrs fidence 111 Swarthmore by doubling the projects that will produce it in the fu- Edwin N. Hay, Mrs. Norman Hulme' efforts to r~isc the necessary money? ture than the earnest legionnaire or Mrs. William H. Lee, Mrs. Allen L: Have you. given as generously as you tuxiliary member. Putnam, Mrs. George H. Troxell as- can to thiS cause? Red Cross sewing has been a monthly sisted by the Pitot Committee, which inlabor, meeting some times from ten to eludes Mrs. Horace H. Hopkins, chairAt Fathers' Day Fele six o'clock once a month. Many gar- man, and Mrs. Howard Jenkins. 9J,\ ments have been finished and some Flower holders, plants, or small shrubs Dr. George L. Armitage of South '.'~ .;;... , . . J for last touches. will be called for and potted for the sale taken home Chester road was a guest at the annual' ,--~,,_,,---_ _.J_., ...J~~~.~"---1'" Past presidents and present officers if generous gardeners telephone Swarth~ Fat~er's Day celebration on Saturda One of the enl!emble of the Jarabe DanC!e1'8t who will pve a propoam of early appeal to friends for their interest and more J082-W. The public is invited. Blue April 26, at Bradford Junior Colle~ C.Ufornlan and Mexiean dances in Clothier Auditorium on May 8 for the hen- help in this campaign toward a great uniformed Girl Scout Mariners will Br:-ddford, Mass., where his. daughter M . 'serve refreshments. , ISS Nancy Armitage is a senior. . ,efit of the Amerit'Jln Friends ServiC!e Committee~1I Mexican ServiC!e Seminars. goat. Woman's Club Sees Agencies at Work TONIGHT AT 8P.M. LEGION BENEF1'I' ••• • •• ••• ••• ---.......--- SW~I~IHMIIUL L I 111~ ~ ~W.lI~ r. 'll. l. r (.. E ny T HMtJl?1:. P"\ ,, AID ROLLIIS KITCHEN THE 5WARTHMOR·EAN LEGION BENEFIT TONIGHT VOL. XIII, No. 18 SWARTHMORE, PA., MAY 2, 1941 '2.50 PER YEAR - BARNSTORMERS EXCHANGE PLAY MEDICAL DIRECTOR TO DISCUSS MATERNAL HEALTH "France Forever" to Presellt Progranl at Woman's Club May 8 DEDICATE NEW CHURCH WINDOWS Mt!tbodist BisllOlt to Speak as Series Is Completed This Sunday l\Iorning Annual Presentation of Ridley The "Free French" arc continually Parkers on Swarthmore Stage ill the news, hut usually sensationally l\lay 8, 9,10 to he ·-Her and discollnectcdly. An excellent opporMaster's Voice" tUllity to hear an informative, con- Bi,;hop E. G. Hichanlson will dcli\'er thl' Sl'rlllon at Sunday morning worship 'fhe Players Cluu will present The nected account of the activities and at II "dlll'k on ~la\' 4 in the SwarthUarnstormers of Wdley Park in their purposes of the "French who have not more ~ll-th()(list Clll;rch, at thc dedicaannual exchange pcrformance on the givell u,," will he availahk to this community on Thursday, May 8, at 8 :15 tion of tInT ~taillf:d glass windows to evenings of May 8, 9, and 10, three 1'. ~I., at the \Voman's Club, admission l'ompkte a series "f eight in thc church. evenings only. free. Bishop l~idlaris'~IUl' -tr'e:_~lIrl'r, J ::III:!S A. Da ..·iesmonths of activi~y in t1~e auxiliary .has was organized and affiliatcd witl; the do\\"s arc itS intimate as they are in thc A. Young, and Dr. Faragher. assistant treastllrer, Phillip R. \Vhitney meant the settmg aSIde of vartous Red Cross twenty years ago in Swartll- local church. -director for one year, and Dr. A. F. funds. A prominent project has been more, to provide for individual famil\' Pro\'isiol1 through memorials and conJackson. D. ~Ialcolm Hodgl', and J. that of child welfare, turning attention and community needs. Nurses are avaii- t ributiolls has bel'li made for the entire Young Friends' Bird Walk Burris \Vest-directors for two years, to child delinquency in this cO'.mtry as able at all times to give skilled service cost of the windo\\'s . well as maternal and child health, Sub- to the ill at a nominal fee and providing The First Day School will enjoy a Th suhjects of the winclows arranged Occupy New Home stantial dOl~ations in the pas~ we~e for care for those unable to pay. The chrollologically arc as follows: No. 1hinl walk led hy \Valter Keightun on made to tillS causc. Parallel With thiS headquarters of the organization are in Annollllcellll'nt to the :\ngc1s, Adoration ~Ir. and :\Irs. Alexander ~1. Lackey Sllnda" morning, meeting at \Vhittier goal was rehabilitation, including com- Swarthmore. Wdley Park, ~forton, Rut- of the ~ragi. Flight into Egypt; No. 2 lIloved \Vednl'sday from their residence HOllse' at 6 o'dock al1(1 returning there forts and luxuries for disabled .vetera.ns ledge, and Ridlcy Township. Short pan- (to he dedicated)-The Boy Christ at on Corndl ""l'nlle to their newly com- for hreakfast at the completion of the s~ch as candy, to~acco, magazmes, ~t1k tomines depicted very concisely the \'ar- Play, Boy Chl'ist and thc Doctors, Bapwal k. Illeteli home on Ogden a venue. pIeces for occupational therapy, Chrlst- ious types of assurance the agency so tism of St. John; ~o. ,) (to be dedicated) mas lighting, decorations and Christ- ahly gives. -\Valkillg oil thl! Sea, Ilcaling- the Sick, mas boxes. A fund was set aside during Mariae C. Shellmirc, executive secre- I~aising tIll' Deat!; Nu. -1-\Voman of FRIENDS SPONSOR HISTORIC MEXICAN DANCES the past five years for Camp Sunshine. tary of the Familv Service of \Vestern Samaria, TIll! COllsoling Christ, Christ Up to last year $40 a year was given Delaware COllnty 'descrihed the tyl'c of alHl thl! Rich \' olJng Ruler; No. 5-The to this recreational plan. Many other work accomplished by this organization. Last Supper, Ccthsemane, Christ beiore requests arc made of the auxiliary by }.frs. Shellmire explained that the en- Pilate; No. 6--Sealed and Guarded community scrvice or other units of deavor of tire society was, in simple Tomo, Jeslls hreaking Bread at Simon's activity. terms, "to help people help themselves." House. \Voman at the Tomb; No. 7J a III e s Goddard, the auxiliary's Sometimes thc aid needed is matcrial but Christ on Shol'e with fire and fish, Asadopted leper, has received a gift for freqllently it is the intangihle things of n~nsion. Appearance to Salll; vestibule each holiday for several ycars. Totally life with which pcoplc need help, \\'indo\\' (to he dcdicatcd)-Jesus Knockblind, and finally dcprived of the usc of Mrs. Shellmire ga\'e as an example a illR at th:: Door, Christ "Come IInto ~[e", his arms, this past winter he died, Con- family not far from Swarthmore who The (;00<1 Shepherd. sequently the might-be remembrances had heen rehabilitated by this type of for him wil1 be uscd for other benefits. aid. The sUIIPort of this agency comes BRITAIN EAGER FOR entirely from \'olunteer contributions. Plan Aid for Englullll MOBILE UNIT Swarthmorc was thanked for {ts past aid At present the urge to bestow more and continlled hell) was requested. kits ior shelter victims in England, and An inten:,ting incident has occurred Carl H. Schmitt, executive director to help toward the Swarthmore Rolling uf thc Delaware County Park and Rec- in connection with Swarthmore's effort Kitchen for this suffering country has reation Board, told of the work of this to wO\'ide a Rolling- Kitchen for Britmade the effort toward a successful agency, a puhlic organization supported ain. :\Ir-,.;. :\. F. J acbon of Park a\'chenefit e\'en greater on the part of the hy tax payers. Rendering Illany services. IIue \\Toll' to :l friend oi Dr. Jackson's committee. Swarthmore is asked to pa- it is the clearing house for trained recre- wh" liws in Birmingham, England asktronize as well as buy tickets ior this ation leaders, providing sUller\'ision for ing him to find Ollt whether a Rolling e\'cnt, thereby showing their interest programs and a central lihrary fur rec- Kitchl'n could he purchased for less ! in these would be contributions. Upon reational planning. money in England than it \\,ould cost to huy it here and ship it. i the patronage this evening rests. the (Continued on Page FOur) Evidl'IItly the iril'nd took the qllery amounts to he given for the vanollS to headquarters immediately, for in : causes. BENEFIT GARDEN SALE rerord tillle ~Irs. Jackson l'eccived a KeystOlll' Camp for girls, a training Plants and old vases arc heing solicl'ahle reading as follows: in United States Citizl'nship, is dear to "Your generous oller to hand. Birited from local gankners for the ~Iar­ the Iwart of the auxiliary. Also the lIIillgham gratefnlly accepts. Am inquiriner Canlen Sale on Fridav, ~ra\' 9 . ! prolllotion of true Americanism and the passage of good legislature are large from J to 5 1'. ~1. at the hor;!e of ~I rs: ing proredure:'-signed "Lord ~Iayor of Charles L. ~Iaas, Yak and Park a\'e- I Ji rming halll." points in the auxiliary program. It is rather touching to have accepted I Speakl'rs from the county come reg- IlIles. Servl('e ComnllUee s l\1"xlcan Service Seminars. goal. LEGION BENEFIT WOlnan'Js Club Sees Agencies at Work TONIGHT ATSP.M. •1. I ••• ••• ••• ..... 'I 1\. , I I I . ••• THE 2 SWARTHMOREAN MAY 2. 1941 .-----~--------~--------~~~-~ and aunt, two years ago when he was daughter Elizabeth Ann on Sunday, stationed at Edgewood Arsenal for a April Zl, at 2 :34 A. M., in the Temple month's training for his first 1ieuten~ University Hospital antcy. Last November he returned to On April 23 at the Fitzgerald Mercy the Arsenal for a year's duty with the Chemical Warfare Service. '. PERSONALS - The Writers Club of Swarthmore will he entertained by Mrs. Claire W. Callahan at luncheon at her summer home near Pottstown on \Vednesday, May 7. Memhers of the class who will partake of their fonner instructor's hospitality are Mrs. Edward Hay, Mrs. W. F. Faragher, Mrs. Laurence Drew, Mrs. Oscar. J. Gilcreest, Mrs. John C. Moore, Mrs. George Krennikoff, Miss Emma Walton and Miss Elimar McConechy of Swarthmore; Mrs. Edward C. Prescott of Rose Valley and Mrs. Leo ·Wagner of I I Hospital J. Donald Gibson II was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Dayton Gibson of Media. The baby is a grandson of Mr.: and Mrs. J. Donald Gibson of Hil!born avenue. I Lansdowne. Mrs. Patrick Murphy Malin of North Princeton avenue spent Tuesday and Wednesday of this week visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bittle of Bronxville, N. Y. Mrs. William W. Mitchell of University place was hostess to the Gabby Bridges at luncheon and cards on Wednesday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. George M. Karns and ALL MOTHERS ARE WOMEN (And There'. No Indication of a Change) A NEW BONNET ON MOTHER'S DAY Will Delight Each Heart As No Other Gift May The variety in mothers' ••ee and tastes is equaled only by Ihe diversified fashions or lovely headwear priced from $1.95 to $10 -AT- THE SWARTHMOREA~ PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA. ONE TOUCH' . Y'===='=o::IJ'::N.:=r.4::TURE= They may also enda~ger human life and welfare, and it is no consolation to re·, fleet that the physical injuries they inflict are invariably accidental. Should '. they, theo, he forbidden to possess, 'or to use, such weapons? This seems a harsh restriction to impose up'on them since al1 the world is now occupied' with the use of arms in their most lethal: , form t and it is quite natural that oue... . youth should be eager to acquaint itself, with the practices of an older and wiser. generation. One possible solution, favorable to both sides of the dislJUte, is to institute a civic class in marksmanship, to which young and old are equally welcome. \Vho knows what potential Wilhelm Tells may . reside in our midst? But in the meantime our children and other native fauna should be saved from the careless attentions of these, our redblooded neighbors. FOR YOUR Porch urniture .The recent discussion of popgun. and rifle. in the hands of Swarthmore boys reminds me of the several times I have PETER E. Tow, Edilor MARJORIE Tow, .d660cUrte EditOr been almost shot while looking for. _ _ _"i~;;di;;:s;;;;~a;;R~oii·A~J~n:;;;PBi~m;SO;L;;'~~~~ih;P;;;-.;.....,;., .. birds. Eaound .. Second a.. )Lu_, JIIl1WJ' II, 1929, It the pOn three occasions in the Tinicum 0IIice It SwutluDore, Pa., under the Aet of MUch I, 1879. marshes 1 have heard the peculiar long FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1941 of a .22 bullet close to my ear. Once 1 had just stooped to pick up a Cecropia. cocoon - otherwise the bullet Christian Science Church ptesbyterian . Church Notes would probably .have entered my back. "Everlasting Punishment" is 'f1ie' sub- The rille in this case was fired by a S\llll!a~ ~oming at 11 o'clock the se~­ ject of the Lesson-Sermon in all boy hunting squirrels in some woods mon will be "Can We Know Godl" TIllS Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sun- on the other side of Darby Creek. js the first of a series of sermons on day, May 4. The Golden Text is: "He In another instance a man was shoot'tQue§tions Men Are Asking About Re- that covereth his sins shall not prosper: ing at floating bottles in a small pond. ;ligion Today." but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them One of the bullets skipped over the , The High School Fellowship will meet shall have mercy" (Proverbs 28:13). water, hit a stone on the opposite bank, 'Sunday evening 'at .6. o'clock in the Par- ,..._______________... 1and bounced screeching over my head. C. BROOKE WORTH. "ish Hous(\ Henry L. Smith will show Such incidents, amusing in retrospect, lltloving pictures of South America today. LEtTERS TO THE EDITOR nevertheless bring up seriou~ problems Mrs. Philip W. Kniskern returned to the MWoman·s . The Executive Board of for consideration. Suppose 1 had been her Riverview road home on Tuesday ·da 9 The oplDlona a~ below are ,boa Association will meet F ny, ay ,at of the IndITldual .rUen. All le1.\ers 1.0 '!be shot - the consequences for me might after several days' visit to Mr. 'and Mrs. '10- o'dock hi the morning at the Parish SwarthmOl'eaD mIMI. be siaDed. PleudOIJ7lll8 have been oblivion, when 1 would no Arthur V. Lee, Jr. of Bronxville, N. Y. may be uaed if lhe ldenUl,J' of \be writer ;House. is known to the Edi,or. LeUera wW be longer have been concerned with the The Church Hour Nursery for chitpubl1eheol onb' 81. 1.he ~IOD of ,he case. But as for the person who inno-I Edl1.or. dren ages two to seven will be held at Il_______________ ...J eenUy pulled the trigger, he might SPORTS SLAcks 11 o'clock on Sunday morning. I have found himself unexpectedly fac$3.45--$4.95--$6.45 Check.up on Dog Licemes There will he an opportunity for Red ing charges of manslaughter. And he GabarcUnes, Tweeds, Plaids Cross Sewing every Wednesday from 10 would have been indignant about Iny Alterations Free To the Editor: o'clock to 4 o'clock in the Parish House, carelessness in blocking the range of ELUS MEN'S SHOP Will you kindly print in The Swarth· until further notice. The American Red morean a message to all dog owners, his gun~ for one of my witless assail~ 106 W. STATE ST., MEDIA 'Phone Media 122 Cross has appealed for help in this im- that the State Representative of The ants said, when I cautioned him to portant work. All are urged to lend as· watch where he was shooting, "Well, Dog License Bureau is now in the sistance, bringing a box lunch. Coffee County and is fining the owners of un- you picked a pretty dumb place to take will be served. A cordial invitation is HApril a walk yourself." licensed dogs $5.00 and costs. extended to all the women of the com· .hOlDer. Why, then, do these boys and young Licenses can be procured at the County bring .he l11un1ty. Treasurer's Office. Court House, Media: men carry guns of various description The Women's Committee for War Re- male dogs, $1.10 j females $2.10; 3 cents ill their walks through the woods 1 I!! power••ha. lief .asks help in money or clothing for the additional if mailed. bloom in it merely to shoot at bottles and tin aid of English children. Contributions of MaT" cans? Very Truly Yours, money can be sent to Mrs. J. Francis I can answer with certainty that such WALTER B. RmD£LL Taylor, 233 Dickinson avenue. Clothing But ••• County Treasurer. is not true. They may intend to conmay be left at the church. fine themselves to inanimate targets, The junior-intermediate department of but the first sight of a living and movMAROT /arabe Dancers to be' ing organism incites them at once to Be Sure the Church School will meet at 7 A. M. Sunday in Chapel for its annual walk the primitive sport of killing. A week Bring. the FLOWERS Entertained Here and breakfast and Sunday School service ago I saw three young men shooting in the woods. Breakfast will be cooked For MOTHER'S DAY The J arabe Dancers, who will give Red-winged Blackbirds - again at Tinover a campfire and both food and transicum. 1 came upon them unexpectedly, Dellvery and Telegraph Service tlortation will be provided. The depart- a program of Mexican and early Cali- and the guilt on their faces was .no ment wilt return between 9 and 9 :30 fornja dances in Clothier Auditorium less incriminating than the scattermg 'PHONE SWARTH. 554 A. M. In the event of rain the breakfast on the college campus on May 8 for of birds as the shot disturbed their o FOOLING! With just one the benefit of the American Friends Vlslt Our will be held in the basement of the Parpresumed sanctuary among the catcoat of this enamel, you can Service Committee's Mexican Service Greenhouse and Flower ShOp ish House at the same time. tails. Seminars, wilt stay at the homes of accomplish wonders on old fur315 DICKINSON AVBNUE I • A Swarthmore resident called me several Swarthmoreans during their niture, walls a..'ld woodwork!And visit to Swarthmore. frantically several weeks ago to re-I~===============~ Trinity Parish Notes you'd never imagine how easy In the. East to perform at the Na- port that a child had just fired upon I, and killed a Cardinal in her back yard. DUCOistousetillyou'vetried it! George W. Casey, A. B. Chapin and tional Folk Dance Festival in WashThis Spring I found a rusty air-gun ington, D. C., May 1, 2, and 3, the DanLouis W. King will represent the ParDUCO flows smoothly off your ish at the annual convention of the Di- cers wiU come to Swarthmore Tuesday• under a log in Crum Woods-undoubtedly a boy's weapon forbidden at May 6 to visit here until their performbrush. It leaves no brush marks ocese next week. On Sunday, May 11, the Young ance Thursday. The Washington - home, but kept secretly in this remote --dries to a sparkling, flawless Peoples' Fellowship will hold a. special Philadelphia tour will be the group's spot. I remember concealing a similar surface that's as durable as it is meeting at 7 o'clock to which the par- first trip to the East and the "Nation's contraband article in the garret of our handsome. And there are 18 ents of all members will be invited. This Birthplace," for the young Mexican- stable when I was about fourteen years Americans of the ensemble live in Pasold. will be the final meeting of the year. On modern colors to choose from. 10 ~{arch of this year a Barn Owl Friday, May 23 the Fellowship will adena, California. The group will visit the historic spots was discovered by one of Swarthmore's Try DUCO today! Now pnlv hold a progressive supper to raise funds foremost scientists, roosting in a quarry of Philadelphia on Wednesday, May 7 See why everyone for the Summer Conf erence. The confirmation class will meet on _ the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall. on the outskirts of the borough. This calls this easiest-tothis Sunday afternoon at 2 :30 o'clock. the Betsy Ross House, Christ Church, species of owl is a relatively rare bird useenamel"One Coat Th Bishop of the Diocese will make Ws and other landmarks of American his- in our area. Since then it has disapPER PINT National BABY WEEK peared from its niche in the diff's. wall, ,·Magic." annual visitation on Sunday evening, tory. On Thursday the dancers wilt see MAY 1-7 Swarthmore and its environs, and be although there have been no recent exMay 25. " entertained at a luncheon picnic at the cavating or drilling operations in that 8U1I1Ui..--$.65, $1.00, $1.25 part of tht::: quarry. Se"cral people have home of Mrs. Patrick M. Malin. Sun Bonnets Methodist Church Note" The hospitality committee entertain- heen seen shooting in the vicinity, how11 So, Chesler Rd. Swarthmore 105 Handmade Dresse. ing the group includes: Mrs. Patrick ever. Again, these individuals have been The preparatory membership class M. Malin, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Wilcox, merely "target-shooting," but one of Romper3 - Diaper. meets in the pastor's study at 9 :30 Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cox, Mr. and them was sure to spot the conspicuous day morning. TOT-TA BABY Mrs. William H. Thatcher, Mr. and owl and what layman knows that such The Church School meets at 9 :45. Pro- Mrs. Charles G. Thatcher, and Mrs. an 'ugly beast is really a beneficial exvision is' made for classes for children Margaret Neal. terminator .of noxious rodents? Such AND GIFT SHOP seems to be no more than a duH profesand adults of all ages. The Agricultural Attache of the Lotta ]. Baird At 11" o'clock the recently installed Mexican Einbassy - - -i",_o~=W-ashington, sorial p'ronouncement, whereas the bird409 DARTMOUTH AVENUE stained glass windows will be dedicated. Senor Gonzalo Blanc':) .MacIRs;·has been weB, there is an interesting shot. Bang I the owl c1escends uselessly into the pool Telephone Swarthmore 2349 Bishop ,Ernest G. Richardson will be invited as a special guest to the perpresent and will preach. formance of the dancers on Thursday at the foot of the cliff. The huntsman The Nursery department has complete evening. Senor Bla;ic(f""~M.Qcias, as an congratulates himself on his improving I facilities to care for small children dur- official of the Banco Nacional de Cred-' marKsmariship. What can be done-what .should be ing the morning service. ito Eiidal, in Torreon, ,Mexico, worked The Young Women's Association will with the American ·Friends Service done-about these budding and flowerhold a covered·dish supper on Thursday Committee's Mexican Ser.Vice Seminars ing nimrods? They are certain to shoot evening at 6 o'clock in the church. held near Torreon for the summers of at legally protected birds and mammals, The Epworth League will mer.t at 7 1939 and 1940, thus showing his interest in and out of season, {or it is only !1Uo'clock in the chapel. in the Mexican-American goodwill pro~ man nature to. yield to the temptahon. gram of the American Friends Servic~ Committee.____.......i..._ _ Water is heavy and a column 100 feet hif!h CHURCH SERVICES WE CAN PLACE THE SWARTHMOREAII, IIIC.. PUBLISHER PHOIIE SWARTHMORE 900 50 SOUTH 69th STREET HAS A FREAK APRIL ••• WITH NO SHOWERS ••• CAUSED PARCHED CRACKS IN YOUR GARDEN •.• AND FURROWS IN YOUR BROW? Outside faueet connections cost little and are veritable life savers. Underground piping to lily pools and spriukling systems also greatly inerease garden enjoyment i I Mrs.I~;;;:::::::~~::;~ • AI.BERT J. VOLLMER Sueces80r to William S. Hotrman, Swarthmore PLUMBING - SUNDAY ONLY BASIL RATHBONE and ELLEN DREW Tbunday'9 Friday, Saturday Carole Robert "THE MAD DOCTOR" WMBARD • MONTGOMERY Gene Krupa & Hb Orchestra "MR. AND l\ms. SMITH" MONDAY & TUESDAY CHESTER MORRIS ROCHELLE HUDSON STARTS THURSDAY BOB CROSBY And His Bobeats TONIGHT AND SATURDAY, 8:15 n Swarthmore Student Union Presents .'5;1 The Rose Valley Chorus ~ in Gilbert & Sullivan'. Gay Opere"a Clothier Extra "CHEERS FOR MISS BISHOP" with MARTHA SCOOT WEDNESDAY ONLY ne Aldrioh Famll:r In "LIFE WITH HENRY" "Slaado",. on 'he Stairs" PAUL CAVANAGH SATURDAY .TIM HOLT "TD F1:G(j KID" PEN~CE PIRATES THE 50c and 75c ~emBorial CERTIFIED COLD STORAGE Insured Against Fire, Theft Dirt PAY IN FALL A. GOTI'IJEB CLEA.NING TA.IWIUNG 10 PARK AVENUE Phone Sw. 1727 pry 90 c .1. Suplee's Hardware Store PRESSURE ZONES 4%% R""ital. Sociai F. H_ A. MORTGAGE on 8. 25 yr. term basts on your home. Sound interesting? Ca.1l us for pa.r· tlcula.rs NOW. We wUl sell your property a.nd finance the transaction. too. The fourth recital i by piano p'Upils of Bible ~. 10:00 A. M. - Women's Bible Class. Dorothy Paul was held on Saturday 11:00 A. M.. - Mornlng Worshlp. Sermon theme: "can We Know 004?" afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jame? Taylor on Harvard avenue. Features of the afternoon were firs,t appearances of Beatrice Carpenter, age five years, and Bobby Lange, six years:; and the reading of essays by Jack PitTRINrl'Y CHOBCH tenger who wrote on the life of WagBev. J. Jarden Guenther, a.T.M•• Rector ner, and Graeme Taylor whose subject SUNDAY 8:00 A. M. - HolY communion. was Liszt, For Fryinfl.80lciny. Biscuits, Pies Ith.con 19 ¢ 3th eCffJsmy 49 ¢ - - -- • :METHODIST CHOBCH lloy N. Keiser, 0.0.. MinIster 8:45 A. M. - Church School. 11:00 A. M. _ Morntng Worship. Bishop E. O. RlchardsoD Will preach. '1:00 P.M.-Epworth League. SHORTENING LUX TOILET SOAP LIFE BUOY SOAP a brush could swish for! N SWABTHMOBB PBEllBYTBRIAN CHURCH Bev.. David Braun. M1n1ster 8:45 A. M. - Church School aDd Men's THENEWpuRERALL RINSO ~.~.~.o------ I~::============::==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Call For Summer Rates on Fur Alterations and Free storage III "Let'. Make M ...ic" HEATING 'Phun~ Ridley Park 388. SwarthmOreDI18 Call Enterprise 10388 (Free) MEDIA A BIG 3Uz HOUR SHOW SATURDAY AFTERNOON STARTING AT 1:30 ROOFING - -I0-ISI ______ THE BONNIE HAT SHOP ••• "BACK STREET" ~.'. r---------------..... As Long As sy and Jerry for Billy. Mrs. Morrow's brother Corporal Wit· Ham Cadman left Swarthmore March 22 for Fort Riley, Kansas where he was called for a year's training in the United States Cavalry. Mrs. A. U. Fairbanks of Park avenue· left Wednesday of last week to spend a month visiting her son and daughter-inlaw Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Neligan Fairbanks and their son Charles in Atlanta, Ga. "Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ventncr are moving today into their new home on Births Cornell avenue. The Ventners have previously lived on Linden avenue in RutMr. and Mrs. Roy J. McCorkel of ledge. Cornell avenue announce the birth of a Mr. and Mrs. Milton H. Fussell, Jr. and son Milton of Vassar avenue and .Mr. and .Mrs. J. Paul Brown and son Dick of Walnut lane spent last Sunday at the Guest Day of Dickinson College. Mary Sell Dickinson daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,"Vatter H. Dickinson of Mt. Engagement Holyoke place is to spend this week-end with relatives in Washington, D. C. At a large reception and buffet supMrs. Theodore Crossen and daughter per in celebration of their tv/enty-fifth Barbara Ann of Princeton avenue and wedding anniversary on Tuesday eve~frs. E. P. Yerkes of Princeton avenue ning, April 29, Colonel and Mrs. Alex- READ THE NEwEST BOOKS • outstanding Mother'S Day Cards, Gifts attended the tea held last Friday after- ander Wilson of Edgewood Arsenal, 1I00n in Philadelphia for Dr. Mildred Md. announced the engagement of their Helen McAfee president of Wellesley niece Miss Jane Catherine Alvey to College. First Lieutenant Leonard Davis FresMr. and Mrs. Elric S. Sproat of Og- coIn son of Mr. and Mrs. Lovett Fresden avenue entertained their bridge club coin of Harvard and Rutgers avenues, at a dessert-bridge on last Saturday eve- Swarthmore. The couple expect to be married in June. ning. Lieutenant Frescoln met Miss Alvey Ralph L. Brown, Jr. of Crest lane entertained in. celebration of his eleventh who makes her home with her 'mele birthday on Tuesday afternoon. His START'S FRIDAY guests were Alan Hall, Gilbert Davies, Most Quentin Vose, and his brother Dugald JACK LONDON'S Brown of Swarthmore, and Arthur Pennell of Wawa. "THE SEA Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ellis of Walnut lane spent last week-end on the York WOLF" famI of their son·in-Iaw and daughter . with Mr. and Mrs.' E. Everett 'Pierce, Jr. HELD OVER EDWARD G. Mrs. Samuel Crothers of Wallingford "THAT NIGHT IN RIO" will entertain members of a bridge club in TechDlcolor ROBINSON at dessert and cards today at her home. with IDA LUPINO Other memhers of the club are Mrs. DON AMECHE ALICE FAYE Charles E. Fischer, Mrs. Charles Wilde JOHN GAR.....ELD CARMEN MIRANDA Lukens, Mrs. James H. Hornaday, and Mrs. Harry Lang of Swarthmore; Paul Hertel of Rutledge; Mrs. Adley II Nichols of Lansdowne; and Mrs. Merle Mulloy of Media. STAR'I'Sf.SATURDAY Mrs. Paul III. Pearson formerly of Swarthmore who is now visiting a week GEORGE MURPHY LAST TWO DAYS LUCILLE BALL in with her son and daughter-in-law Mr. FRIDAY & SATURDAY and Mrs. Leon Pearson in Washing"AGmL,AGUY, ROBERT MONTGOMERY and ton, D. C. has taken a room on ManAND A GOB" CAROLE WMBARD chester road, Moylan temporarily preSTARTS TUESDAY "MR. & MRS. SMITH" liminary to settling· in this section "Meet Boston Blackie" again. with Taeoda:r - Wedneoda:r Claar'e. Mar«aret BOYER. SULLAVAN MAY 2, 1941 ••• two daughters Marian amI EHnor have moved into the Cadman wing of the Morrow home at Riverview road and Ogden avenue. Dr. Karns is a duPont man and has brought his family from Buffalo, N. Y. He will be at the company's Wilmington, Del. plant. On July I the Karns expect to move into 635 North Chester road when the Allen W. Carpenters go to Cleveland, Ohio to be nearer Mr. Carpenter's new work. Mr. and Mrs. William Morrow and children Billy, Patsy and Penny re· turned last week to their Rh'erview road home after nearly four months at their Florida home in Orlando. They brought home with them in a horse trailer two Tennessee saddle horses, Prince for Pat- MANOR 3 9:45 A. M. - Church School. 11.00 A. M. - HolY communion. 5:30 P. M. - YPl' supper Meeting. Paclcage - 19c 3 Itar. I Itan 19c 19c .• MA R TEL' 5 • COMPLETE FOOD MARKET SWARTHMORE 1100 THB RIilLIOI01JB SocmrY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY 8:45 A.M.-First Day School. 11:00 A. M. _ MeetlDg tor WorshiP In the MeetblK Bouse. WEDIIBBDAY 9:30 A. :u. to 3:30 P. Y.-SeWIng and qUll~inK In WhIttier House. Box luncheon. AU are cord1a1ly invited. . PlRST CHUBCH OF ClllUBT. SCIENTIST OF swABTBMOBB Park Avenue Below ~ 11:00 A. M. - Sunday SObool. '. 11:00 A.M.-SundAy Lessoll-sermon. Wectnesda,., ~venlDI meeting each· week, 8 p. m. Ree"\td·room. ~ 'daIlJ'. except SunClaJa and hOIldQB 1 to 4 p. m., Church edillco• . All are cordIallY Invlted to attend the 86i vlces and use' tile Bndlns BooDL 4 Mayll Ma:r 18 May May 25 /. D. DURNALL, Broker 239 KENYON AVENUE We Need Listings-Sale or Rent PBO~_~3_ '.' ,, . AT 6,30 A. M. Brina,oars if possible. Proposed destinations: May 4. Crum Wood. at Swarthmore. .May 11. Springfield Dam. "May 18. Cram Wood•. at Swarthmore. . Mar 25•. Tinieum and Hog Island. Man"'" Retorn to Swarthmore 8:30 to 9:00 A. M. ,'. '. '.. '.. '. ..' C. BROOKE WORTH -Swartbm,,", ...... ; '..~ - ... - ' , . -~.573-J - '. ' 43 pounds to the square inch at its base. SPRINGFIELD WATER Is delivered at elevations ranging from tide level to 600 feet above it, requiring the estahlishment of many intricate .pressure zones. SUNDAY MORNING NATURE WALKS 5& per walk; '11.50 for the series of four 'Walks. Meet in front of the Martin BioJogiC!81 Laboratory" . -Swarthmore Cotlea:e, . gives a pressure of about . PIllLADELPHIA ~UBURBAN WATER CO. ........ " THB SWARTSMORBAN Woman'. ClUb Sua Agenme. at Work • • • Girl Scout News "Knots" and "Danger of Sunburn." AmoNICA _ ,.. _I p_ -- OF THE WOMAN'S CLUB Jrs. to Fete Mothe1'8 The annual Mother and Daughter Banquet of Ihe Junior Club will b~ held this year on Tuesday, May 13, 10 the Woman's Club House. The program for the meeting is under the direction of Mrs. Wallace Heaton drama chairman. Mrs. Heaton wilt present two one-ad plays acted by members of the drama section. During the meeting the new officers for next year will be inducted. Antonica Fairbanks has made arrangements with the women of the Methodist Church to cater the banquet. Each girl is urged to attend and to bring her mother or a friend. Each mother and officer will be presented with a corsage as'"3 re'membrance. All reservations must be made with Miss Fairbanks MUBic Seelion Clo8e8 The final meeting of the Junior Club music section W3!i held on Tuesday night at Helen eraerner's house on Har· vard avenue. Miss Craemer entertained the section by playing Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, UDance of the Flowers" and other popular classic and semi-classic recordings. Throughout the program Kitty·. Pitman acted as commentator. See Colorado in Picture8 M"embers of the Evening Section en· tertained friends and guests with a movie Travelogue. at the Clubhouse on Tuesday April 29. Representatives of the Burlington Railroad through the courtesy of the Swarthmore Travel Bureau showed colored pictures with sound of the scenic beauties to be found in Colorado. Anne Burkhardt, chairman of the Travel section, deserves a word of praise for the splendid programs she ·has presented during the past club year. Evenin« Board Meetin« All officers and chairmen of the Evening Section are requested to attend the board meeling 10 be held May 5 al 8 P. M .. 'Plan CandleU.bt Supper On Tuesday evening May 5 members of the Evening Section will entertain theii".·.mothers and guests at their second annual candlelight supper. Following the supper, Mrs. J. O. Hopwood will show mo;vies of: Williamsburg, Va. and Pennsylvania shrines and old meeting houses. Reservations must be made with Mrs. Charles Kimmel. Swarthmore 465 by May 2. Floor Sander & Edger For. Rent Also small machine for stairs CHESTER LIGHT SUPPLY CO. 801 EdamoDt Avenue 'Pholle Chester 2-15%2 • ·CLASSIFIED ---.......--- Junior Foods MAR TEL'S Hllrb School Vletori... Swarthmore High School's track team enjoyed ilself thorougl·ly last Wednesday afternoon. It defeated Darby High School 70 10 38. in a meet held at Swarthmore. BENT v';!tit<:;':;ii more College opened the season with Tully-Secane Counlry Club. lasl Thursday. The first team won 5 matches to 2, while the second team was defeated 3-4. Close Traek Win Over Cadet. P. M. C.'s first track team under Coach Frank ·Fitts gave Swartlnnore CQllege a scare' in the meet held at Swarthmore, Tuesday. Swarthmore won but by the narrow margin of 2}1 points. The final score was Swarthmore 59% io 57% and' Swarlhmore . I I ~~~j~~~W~ANTED~m~~~~~~~ BY 700! 10;00 A. N. to 4:00 • All over Pennsylvania, demands for telephone servi,ce, are surging up· ward. . Allover Pennsylvania, week after week, we are building more and more telephone plant to meet these challenging demand.. PIOn, In aU. we are now at sand up to a million dol. • MARY DUNHILL • PRINCE MA TCHABELLI • CHABEL. Weare making an all-out driveto keep Bell telephone aervice f881, adequate and dependahle-to help Penn8ylvania, "the al'8ellal of America," deliver the good. this nation need. today. Richard Jennings, Arthur JohnsOrJ; to .juniors: Roy Fahl and Marshall Sch1)1idt; to APT. FOR RENT sophomores: John Beddoe. James Daugh\12 Park A.... too. second 1I'D LAUNDRY man. Mrs. William A. Raiman and Mrs. she will be tied down too much at and has now been officially registered SERVICE W. N. Wherry were at Ihe tea table. home to be able to attend this year'. at National Girl Scout Headquarters CAlL MEDIA. 11. Chonu in Spriq Coneert show. You see she became the mother in New York City, as '''Mariner Ship Or Stop Oar om. On Tuesday. May 6th. the annual of three maltese kittens last Saturday. Trade Winds." (No. 378 Girl Scout spring concert by the Club chorus under She heartily hopes however that some Troop). Girls now attend their weekly Ihe direction of Mr. Henry Hotz will be local children will adopt them as pets Thursday meetings in blue uniforms. MEDIA LAUNDRY given. Among other numbers the·chorus and give then fi ne h omes near by. M'155 , , The spring program of the Mariners. s.n.m" s..rt'-«e 800. '''''' will sing ItH ymn to the S un by Rimsky~ lad t . t SInee 19tHI Walker will be g to ac as In er- is working seriously toward June 5th. Korsakoff. "L'Heure Exquise" by Hahn mediary in disposmg . f b b ood •t sot the official J'launching" date when th,'s arranged by Nicholas Douty, and -'The .. k'0 t e r Swan" by Griog. any child deslOng a Itty may con ac Ship will be sent down the ways with Robert Grooters, baritone, will be guest her. ceremony, attended by Girl Scout MarFERGUSSON'S s010ist, and will sing "Vision Fugitive" ' •, iner Ships from Elkins Park. Lans~ Special from Herodiadeby Massanet and INJURED IN ACCIDENT AT downe. Drexel Hill, and Wilmington. "Vielle Chanson Espagnate" by Aubert. BOROUGH INTERSECTION Working toward passing Midshipmite Spring .Mr. Grooters. four years ago. was requirements, Mariners passed on Comawarded a scholarship at the Curtis InMrs. Marjorie R. Pegram wife of pass under Alice Blodgett on April SALE! .tilute in Philadelphia where he was a William Pegram. Hillborn avenue. was 17th. On April 25th.' Dr. Ralph L. Complete studenl of Emilia De Gogarza. Last year improving this week in the Taylor Hos- Dodge of Wilmington instructed and he was graduated and this May will re- pital. Ridley Park from a severe con· passed them on UBuoys. beacons. H.pleee ceive his Mus. B. degree from Curtis cussion of the brain, a broken collar bone lights." Last evening, "Bell Time and Lawn Outfit Institute. and bruises and discoloration of thf en- Watches" reached the advanced stage 110 Mrs. Roland L. Eaton at the annual tire body, sustained in an automobile col- of playing games in those terms under Including meeting will give a digest of the yearly lision at Cedar lane and Ogden avenue Mrs. Harold C. Stott. Next Thursday Pennsylvania Lawn Mower. '7.50 reports of chainnen. ThursdaY of last week. evening. Mariners will pass tests on (Value ~e.z5) Mrs. Pegram was driving west of OgThe delightful and unusual one act play "Rehearsal" by Christopher Morley, den avenue when the collision occurred. 25 ft. Goodyear 0 .....'--_'1.50 BENEFIT GARDEN SALE (Value $2) directed by Mrs. Samuel Ayres. will be E. Morris Bassett. Jr. of North Chester BY SPONSORING M0THBR8 FOR LAUNCHING repeated. road was driving the other vehicle his Grass Sbears, Weeder. Gardell Bet, NEW MARINER smp •• , station wagon uHellzapoppin" south on Mower On, Bose Nozzle, Bamboo Rake Friday, May 9 LOCAL DIRECTOR AND LEAD. Cedar lane. Bassett sustained an ab4, East State Streel, MEDIA 3 to 5 P. M. ING MAN AT LANSDOWNE rasion of the forehead and two fellow Swarthmore College student. Bill SloYALE & PARK AVE. TELEPHONE MEDIA 830 Under the direction of Gretchen Van cum and Bill Broomall who were pasDe Boe of College avenue the Lans- sengers in the station wagon respectively downe Children'"s Theatre will give its received a broken nose and scratches. DR. O. CURTIS WOOD. Jr. second annual production on Saturday, They were treated later at the office of Will Speak on May J. at 2 o'clock in the Lansdowne Dr. William Earl Kistler. High School auditorium. The Taylor Hospital ambu\ance came THE NEED FOR PLANNED PARENTHOOD This project is sponsored by the for Mrs. Pegram. Her five year old son MAY 7, 1941- 8 P. MLansdowne Branch of the American and Marjorie Berger of Collingdale who Association of University Women, but were riding in Mrs. Pegram's car were BOND MEMORIAL the theatre reany belongs to the boys taken to the Wherry home on Cedar and girls, who are the actors and the lane and examined by Dr. George B. workers, make their scenery and their Hackman for injuries. They were approperties, help to design their cos- parentiy unhurt. . .. tumes and are stage hands, too. Collilion on Ru'-eft Ayenue When, just a week before the play, Charles C. Bowser colored of 318 UnRelnz Prowl d.. the leading man was forced to suc- ion avenue driving the automobile of Uns!nlned, IIItItIr cumb to measles, Dick Hook who is Herbert P. Willits of Park avenue on "atrill •• J •• lor well known to Swarthmore juniors Rutgers avenue toward the Yale avenue F_ stepped in to fill the gap. Dick learned garage of C. M. Rumsey where both are the part letter perfect in forty-eight employed, collided with a parked autohours and the whole organization com· mobile causing about $300 worth of dammends him on his fine example of age. The automobile of John E. Worthtltrooping." inglon of Upper Darby was parked facing west on the correct side of the Weeldy Bridge Winnen at Inn street about 174 feet east of Cornell avenue. The, other car struck the left front 12 KINDS Crum Creek Bridge Club winners fenders bounced into a tree and back into Monday evening of this week at the the street again. As a result of the inStrath Haven Inn were North and vestigation following the accident BowSouth-Mrs. David Cramp and Mrs. ser, who had been arrested in Glenolden I. R. MacElwee. first; Mrs. A. L. Clay- last June for driving while intoxicated den and L. G. Luckie tying Mrs. Wal- and after serving 90 days in jail was COMPLETE FOOD MARKET lace M. McCurdy and Mrs. Joseph B1ak- placed on parole for the balance of a Swarthmore 2100 iston for second place i and Richard Car- three-year sentence, was found to be a vell and Dr. John Bales tying Mrs. Wil- parole violator and is now in the Media liam Soden and Mrs. J. K. McDonald jail. I I • for third. East and West-Mrs. Lucille John Longwell of Lafayette avenue is Rankin and B. H. Morrison, first; Mrs. Sargent Walter and Mrs. William J ac- recuperating in the Taylor Memorial quette, second; Mrs. Walter Shoemaker Hospital. Ridley Park followiug an operation performed there on Friday last. and Mrs. Sewell Hodge. third. (C"' _ E HORSES AND KITI'ENS ON DISPLAY MAY 2, 1941 MAY • .. ;,:". . i..' are pushing a heaV)',?I~f~sh!on~d; hi,!-a:~d-miss e~triccleaner~ ~k~ " heedl What you na,d;t~,~; ~P;,t~th,e,IIH""ute VacuuS?;'. . . ~ .. . ,'. , You'll find today's"".del$·1i"HNondrously'lig~, and ealiytohand~:' you merely guide 'e",,;.' ~,d lieSt -01, all; -they l~O alhoroug'-: iob~ .Get . one now and keep ahead of summer dust! . . .""'t ., . ~YM$tPH;IA- ELECTRI( (OMP~,N~(',':'-, -~-.- .. --~------.-,!s~.~_~r~~~.~.•~~I~'~.~~~~.N: ,~ t;;iIiIiiIIiiI ·".r· '"'" SWAI~THMql~E ,• L I 13 ,~ A I~ y \ MAY THE SlVARTHMOREAN 6 "BEAUTY AND rmE BEAST" FOR CLUB Maternal Health Group in Open Meeting Wednuday IN VILLAGE LIBRARY I't W. 16=========____===;;o,! I. L. ENTERTAINS MASS. HEAD AT LUNCHEON The Women's International League gave a luncheon at the Strath Haven Iun 011 Wednesday, April 30, in honor of Mrs. Martha Elliot of Broadline, Mass., former president of the Massa· chusetts' branch. After an informal talk by Mrs. Elliot, a discussion was held on W. L I.. policy. Mrs. Edwin C, Johnson of Germantown, the president of the Pennsylvania branch, was also a guest. A number of women from the !"llliadelphia and Delaware County groups were present. The national conference of the W. 1. L. is being held in Washington May I to 4. 'fhe Swarthmore delegates attending are Mrs. William I. Hull, Mrs. Philip Jewett, Mrs. Frank Key· nolds, Olive Cleaves, Mrs. David Braull, and Mrs. Louis Robinson. Mrs. Frances Reinhold Fussell has been asked to contribute to the discussion ou Saiur· day on the study of World government. At the board meeting on April 28 Mrs. March reported on the Peace Chest Drive. She considered it very successful and was pleased with the spirit of cooperation of the workers and contributors. It was announced that the state annual meeting will be held in Norristown May 19 and 20. The regular monthly meeting of the W, L I., will be held in Bond Hall on May 9. Mrs. Mildred Scott Olmstead of the national board will talk on "What America Faces." The annual reports wilt be given and the election of officers for next year will take place. Dancing Aaaembly Chaperons Dancing class chaperons for tomorrow evening's sessions in the Woman's Club House will be: for the seventh grade at 6 o'clock-Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Simp. son. Mr, and Mrs. Wolfgang Koehler. Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Wright, Mr. and IIIrs, E. T. Pittock, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Moor, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Spackman; for the ninth grade at 7:30Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thatcher, Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Smith, Mr. and Mrs, A. A Simpler, Mrs. Robert Powell, Mrs. Ann B. Austill, and Mrs. William A. Brown. The senior assembly will meet from 9:30 to 11:30. New books which have been added to Junior Playe1'8 Ardently at Work the Public Library include the followDr, H. Curtis Wood, Jr., will speak on Production to Cio"" Season on "The Need for Planned Parent- ing fiction: "This Above All" by Eric Knight, a hood" at the annual meeting of the This Month story of a British soldier and Britain Maternal Health Center of Southern With the final production of "Beauty Delaware County to be held in Bond under the bombs; "Flotsam" by Erich and the Beast" just three weeks aro~nd Memorial at 8 P. M. on Wednesday, Maria Remarque, an important new the corner, the cast which includes Ehza- May 7. Dr, Wood is the President of novel of those "men without a country" beth Pope as Deauty, Dr. Paul A. Mat- the Pellnsylvania Federation for Plan- the refugees from Germany. Remarque tis as the Beast. Margaret Vlachos M~t­ ned Parenthood, the Chief of Staff of is already famous for his novels "All tis as the Queen, Eliza Katherme the Philadelphia Maternal Health Cen- Quiet on the Western Front" and "The Ullman as the Duchess of Avarice, Jean ters, and a member of the obstetrical Road Back"; "Manhold" is the last in Dickinson as Clarinda her daughter, Ann staffs of Chestnut Hill and Episcopal Phyllis Bentley's series of books about Yorkshire; "They Went on Together," Bradford and l.aura Lee Hopkins as Joy Hospitals. and Gay Beauty's sisters, Paul It is expected that Dr. Wood wilt by Robert Nathan, a story of a boy Thayrr as Nickic Beauty's brother. Cyrus depict the need for child-spacing infor- and a girl during an invasion. Mr. N~. K. Harvey as Mr. Merchant Beauty's mation in families on the lower econ~ than's style is as good as ever, but thiS father. Lewis M. Young as l.ord Wag- omie levels, particularly in the large is more realistic than "Portrait of Jen· . A pfl·t" · ycrjaws. Helen MacElwee as the Nurse, group with annual incomes of less than nie" or"W mter III I..cwis Knebel as the Footman, Jerry $1,000 into whose homes come half of UThe Earth is Ours" by Vilhelm Moyou need the aapport o. Dana as Coquelte, the dancer, Jack the babies born in this country each berg is a satisfying tale of a city man I pel.atlc slocldop. here .. q welcomenewll.BaueraBlaek Blackman as t.he Jailer, and John Ch.i • year. He wiH also describe the facilities who returns to his farm. Not a gaudy haa perf«ted a cew el. .tID uoinc as thc Clown has been workll1g which have thus far been developed story, but completely engrossing. "The atoc:klns:thatlscoolandcomdiligently to produce a grand climax to to meet this need, consisting chiefly Good Shepherd," by Gunnar Gunnarsfortable. and lI.ht ill welKbt. They caD be washed 1fe... the junior club year at the Players Club. of more than 600 privately supported SOil is the story of an Iceland shepherd Queutly. too, wfthotat JOIIDc The particular version of "Beauty and cHnics throughout the country. who sets out on the first day of Advent their shape. Ask:roW' 4ootoI' about Bauer the Beast" heing used br Mrs. Rohert to round up the lost sheep. every year 'fhe :Maternal Health Center in Chesa SiaekEla. H. nCl'd, thc director, treats this famoys ter, concerning which a statement ap- "Up At The Villa" hy So'."ers~t tic StocidnP fairy-talc in a lovely allegorical \'e1l1. peared in The Swarthmorean for April Maugham, is a masterly narratIOn til The forcl's of ('viI, represented hy the 25, is one of these clinics. While the which the dramatic situation springs haughty, scheming queen. wage constant number of clinics now established is fro m the characters themselves. warfare with the forces of good repre- impressive in the light of the compara- "Reckon With the River" is a rousing sented by the old family nurse and of tive youthfulness of the movement, this lale of pioneers who travelled down beauty as seen in Beauty hersclf so that expansion is but a step in the progress the Ohio in their clumsy boats and the Beast's heart is torn and worn hy planned by the Birth Control Federa- opened up the rich lands of Kentucky, thc struggle. It is a timely allegory ill tion of America. Dr. Wood will outline by Clark McMeekin author of "Show spitc of its gentleness and tenderness. the present objectives of the national Me A I.and." I I I "City of Illusion" by Vardis Fisher and state programs which are designed who wrote "Children of God" is a vivid to make scientific information on planRobert B. Honeyford parenthood available to every mar~ story of colorful Virginia City and the Say r ou s.... i& in The s-ra""""Hn ned The Bouquet Beauty Salon on South Comstock Lode; "Benjamin Blake" by Chester road was closed all day yester· ried couple as their natural right and Edison Marshall is the story of eigh- ..-- ..-.--.--....--...-..-. privilege in a democracy. day when Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. HonI t1 case the audience of men and teenth century adventures. The Best evford attended the funeral services of "Where Beauty Dwells" is Emilie wishing to hear Dr. Wood overwomen SWEETS ~-lr. Honeyford's father Mr. Robert B. taxes the capacity of Bond Memorial, Loring's latest contribution to light for the Honcyford of East Lansdowne. the meeting will be moved to Whittier fiction and "The Blue Cloakt l is by ~Ir. Honeyford, Sr. died suddenly of SWEETEST a heart attack ~fonday while working on House. There will be no admission Temple Bailey. "The Tragedy of Y" MOTHER a new building at the naval academy at charge. Following the talk Dr. Wood by Ellery Queen is for detective story will reply to as many written questions readers. SPECIAL I AnnapoHs, Md. He was 63 years old and I • I permits. as time MOTHER'S DAY Assortment an expert granite cutter. , SUMMER RECREATION TO From 60. Lb. Surviving besides his only child is his Tha Mark of g W!9. ~ Alan Bachman Home INCLUDE FOLK DANCING wklow Mrs. Ethel Honeyford. Services From Hospital ROHLFING CANDY were held in Lansdowne and followed hy Successor to M. A. KERR Attractivc opportunities for older interment in Arlington cemetery. SWARTHMORE lOS Alan Bachman returned to his home on young people and adults will be offe~cd CHESTER 508 Edgmont Ave, Yalc avenue Sunday having been released on the Swarthmore summer recreation from the Thylor Memorial HosWtal, program this year. When You Take Friends or Ridlev Park where he achieved a remark .. Old fashioned square dancing is having Family to Lunch or Dinner ahle ~ecuvery from the head injury he a spontaneous revival in many communi~ PROTECT YOUR FURS Take thern to tile sustained thr~e weeks earlier. Alan is ties. Swarthmore hoasts of one group of In Our Modern, Safe, Ai ....Conditioned Cold Storaae VaalU coml)letely his old self with the excep- high school age, which has won laurels $2.00 Minimum Charge or 2% on Your Own Evaluation tion of the impairment of the sight of for itself. It is possible that the contaCLENO - RE - NU - IT CO. his right eye which it is hoped will im· gion of swinging partners and promc· CLEANERS ANP DYERS _614_18 WELSH STREET, CBES'l'BR I· tl bo h "SuIts Made to Your Measure"' 'Phone Chester 8116 II ·11 prove with. .;;ti:::m:::e:::,............_ _ and Cocktail Lounge I •• .nading a WIBoys sprea( til Ie roug 11~~W~.~C~aII~~an~d~D~.~u~.~.~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ this summer. and men seem to fall Main Concourse, Tennis Club Reorganizing P.R.R. Submban Station '\.'\0'( .", for the fun of these cowboy figures, so Swarthmore may try them out too. a.a..'(\lV" • dde-Lunch -from 40e The Swarthmore Tennis Club will Country dancing is a thing apart from -;J"P ae%"u.-.. Dinner -from 85e hold its annual meeting at 8 o'clock the old fashioned square variety. Swarth~ '\11 e V ~-, CodzrlJU Hour6 3:00 to 6:00 P.M. Wednesday evening, May 7, at the moreans who t.:long to folk dancing ~\e ~~O ~ peraottal Supentlalon of Harry R. Tully home of E. H. Taylor, 300 Harvard groups in and about our village arc C1:~ will perform in minuet and other num8:15 P: M: _ "Her Master's Voice.... _.... _......................... Players Club cr, Atkinson, and Miss McGarvey's sisRoy H. Faulconcr bers. In addition to Virginia and Bcth SUNDAY, NAY 11 ter Hannah sat in the parked car headed Huey who perform solo parts the group SECOND LOCAL GARDEN VISITING SA.TURDAY east on Yale avenue on the right side ;s composed of Mary Margaret Marsl., 11:00 A.M.-Mommg Worship .......... ~ ...................... Local Churches, Roy Haynes Faulconer of Newtown, of the street white Margaret and Rita . S MONDAY, NAY 12 H Bucks County, Pa. who was lrilled aeAn.. Pepper Neal, Cynthia OOllre, u10:00 A. M. to 4:00 P. M. _ Red CroBs SeVll7ing.................... Woman's Club crossed the street toward the falls. Jane zanne cidently by one of the fireanns he colSlaugh, Lois Unton, Nancy Terry, 7:00 P.M.-8ehool Board Meets ............................ B1Bh School otIlce Messick of Park avenue and Doris Judy Dickson, Dorothy Denworth, .Mil'1:30 P.M.-Recreation AssoC. Meeting._ .........................BoI'Ougb. Ball lected, was buried on Saturday, May 3. Whitecar of Dartmouth avenue were dred McCowan, Joanne Worst and BarHe is survived by his widow the former TUESDAY, HAY 13 1:00 P.M.-Inaugural Luncheon, "song Weavers·· ............. woman·s ~b also in the Williamson car" Miss Mary Fullerton daughter of Mr. WEDNESDAY. MAY 14 Following the death of the child a bara Rollhaus. and Mrs. A, W. Fullerton of Harvard In the prologue Doris Black takes th~ 10:00 A II _ Woman's Association ........................ PresbyterIan Church hearing was held under Magistrate Moravenue. .10:-00 &'M:"to-4,oo P.M':T::: :e~ln:'Ynress=byterlan ParIsh House ris E. Smith and charged with involun- (l3rt of a child who is having a birthday • I • party and requests her moth~r (Mary 10:00 A.M. to 4!OO P.'lI.Prout &: Jackson Sm., Media tary manslaughter Miss Williams ,,!as Ann Hook) to teU her guests a story, Recreation Assoc. to Meet 10:30 A.M.-Woman'. Gulld-Auxt\larY.- ....... , .. , ........... ,Trlntty Churoll CORUllitted in the custody of Probabon 12'30 P II Woman's Society .......... .................... MeUl.odIst Church Inn develop,·ng tl,e theme of the evening. Pat 0:30 P'M' -Mothers' Club DInner..... _ .................... 8tratb Haven Officer Louis Palmer of the Delaware Gallagher, Tootsie Lewis, Rosemary Ar· The board of directors of the Swarth8:00 J?;M:~~byter1an YoUJ]g Womara"s Oulld ........... 421 Cornell Avenue County Juvenile Court without bail. Palmore Summer RCJ:reation Association and Helen Hoot are other SwarthTHUBSDAY,.. MAY 15 mer took her to Media where a writ of gyle will meet in Borough Hall at 7 :45 P. M.; more girls who appear in the. prologue. ..._.Jl:1S P. 111:. - "CInderella" .•••••••••••••• - •••.••••••••• Blgh School Audltartum habeas corpus wa~. filed with the court They are members of a tap group. next Monday, May 12. IL;,.·__.,;.'-:.;,..;;. ..:,.".;.;-;,;-.~-...:.....':';";;':':""--------------------"'" f()r her release on $2500 bail. IL--------------: H. S. Band in State Band Convention L~gion Charity Card Party Nets $140 ••• For Safe Summer Driving Crankcaae _ Tranamia.ion - DiDel'ential Drained • Flu.hed • Refilled .Chassis-thoroughly lubricated • Front wheels-pulled, cleaned, repacked eRadiator-drained, l'everse, pressure, Rushed Chevrolets Fords eSpark Plug~leaned and adjusted Plymouths eBattery checked and tested . , All greascs and oils included for the one prIce. Other Cars SIlghtly Higher Opaline Oil used LOU'S SERVICE STATION Dealer in Sinclair Products Chesler & Fairview Rds. PETER E. TOLD Sw.~ I~.T HII!fUII£ 2. 19401 cO:,I.j',(a~ 13 = 2 ~ ________________________ TBE SW ARTBMOREAN . -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-.,.-_ _ _ _ _-=MA::.:Y_9~,:....I:;.;M~1 r==-~-- __ Miss Bacon was graduated from The Knox School with the class of 1938 and is a senior at the Philadelphia School of Occupational Therapy. Dr. Smith was graduated fr.>m the CoIlege 01 Wooster, Ohio, with the class of 1936 and from Jefferson Medical College in 1940. He is at present resident physician at the Pennsylvania Hospital. He is a member of the Kappa Phi Sigma and Sigma Nu fraternities. PERSONALS , ~~ Vision, N. Y. to which church Mr. Narbeth was appointed at the annual conference of tbe Methodi.t Church recently. .:-t_ TBE MAY 9,19401 ~ Swarthmore and ~ose Valley for seVeDi years until last summer when Dr. Montgomery who had been at the Bartol Foundation at Swarthmore College joined the physics department at Yale Univer-, sify. Mrs. Joseph A. Perry 01 Thayer road Mrs. C. F. Noyes of Parrish road and ...,...... entertained a group of friends at luncllMr'. Hervey Schumacher of Haverford eon on Wednesday afternoon. A seven pound, 13 ounce son was born 1..- - - - - - - - - -.....- - - - " \ avenue are entertaining, today in honor Mrs. Birney K. Morse will entertain a to Mr. and Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson, Jr. of: Miss Doreen Mitchell. The hostesses of Lafayette avenue at :45 A. M. Tues· !rIIe._ _ " _ _ ~ will take their guests to Hershey, Pa. group of friends at an informal1uncheon on Yale avenue on Monday at her home day, May 6, in the Bryn Mawr Hospital. where they will have luncheon. Others 440 The baby is the grandson of Mr. and afternoon. to ,b:e present .are:. • I • Mrs. Albert S. Johnson of South Chester 'rIreI . , . ,• • • • • • •u . . . Mrs~ MQrris L. Hicks, Mrs. Charles D. . Miss Doris Narbeth has returned to Narbeth Davis road and Mr. and Mrs. H. Clifford Cam· her home on Lafayette avenue after two Mitchell Miss Peggy Noyes, Miss Mar· pian of Wynnefield, Lapidea Manor. RUSSELL'S SERVICE years in North Fenton, N. Y .. tha 1ayior, Miss Anna. Rothwell, Miss On Tuesday, April 29, Miss Dorothy A daughter Ka\Jierine Abigail Mont· Mr. and Mrs. George L. Van Alen Elizabeth Bassett, Miss Betty Lou Mit· N. Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. gomery was bom in New Haven, Conn. cb~ll, Miss Cynthia Wickham, Mrs. Wil·. of Park avenue had as their guests last George L. Davis of Chenango Forks, N. to Dr. and Mrs. Carol G. Montgomery "We Doa'& BeD - - • Mrs.· Van Alen's brother and week-end lis J. Stetson, and Mrs. Jack B. Thomp· sistcr-in~law Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Y., formerly of Binghamton, N. Y., and .::;.: . ... son. the Rev. ArUmr Benjamin Narheth 01 :Hend~rson and her sister Miss Gertrude Mrs. Barton W. Rope of Park avenue North Fenton, N. Y. son 01 Mr. and - MARY DUN HILL _ PRINCE MA TCHABELLI - CHANEL • was the guest of honor at a bridge party Henderson all of Montgomery, Pa. Miss Mrs. Octavius Narbeth of Lafayette given by Miss Virlinia Findlay on Mon- Henderson continued her visit for a avenue were married. day evening at her home in Rose Valley. few days of this week. The double ring ceremony was used Mr. and Mrs. Alban E. Rogers of The twelve guests showered Mrs. Rope and was perfonned by the Rev. Dr. Joswith many lovely going-away gifts. On Park avenue are entertaining relatives eph H. Smith superintendent of the May 16 Mr. and Mrs. Rope will leave from Waynesboro this week. Binghamton District of the Wyoming Mrs. William P. Hayes of Swarthmore COlllerellce 01 the Methodist Church, in r:I Swarthmore for their new home in MulBEAUTY SAWN avenue returned Saturday from Venice, a church tastelully decorated with palms _ lica Hill, N. J. Fla. where she has spent the past three AI rs. E. Z. Dimitrnan has returned to and gladioli. months. The heart remember. Mother. beauty The bride, given in marriage by her ::z: her home on North Swarthmore avenue Mr. Russell H. Kent, Jr. speut last father, wore a gown of white mousseline o~ after spending the winter in St. PetersIS ...... CIa...• ..... burg, Fla. Her new daughter~jn-law Mrs. week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. de soie made with tight bodice, long c.u ~ .76 Trevor R. Roberts, Jr. is with her while Russell H. Kent of Riverview road. Mr. sleeves and long bouffant skirt. Her Mr. Roberts is at Camp Lee in Virginia. Kent is now stationed at Langley Field, fingertip length veil was attached to a Va. tiara "f orange blossoms. The bridal bou. - CHARBER T - ROVAE - CHEN YU - CORDA Y • Friends'of Mr. and Mrs. Ross G. Allen Mrs. Philip W. Kniskern and her quet was formed of white roses, sweet- F""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''=''''''''''=='''''''''''''''=='''''~ will be glad to know that soon they will be moving into their new home at Copley mother Mrs. John O. Nes3en entertained peas, and gypsophila. Miss Louise Davis as her sister's maid Manor, '121 West Tulpehocken street in yesterday at luncheon and bridge at Mrs. Kniskern's home on Riverview road. of honor was dressed in yellow mousseline Gennantown. Mrs. Allen was formerly by Mrs. Arthur R. Dana entertained de soie. The bridesmaids Miss Mary , Miss Mary Ellen Mercer of North Chester road and since her marriage last fall \Vcdnesday afternoon in honor of Dr. Francis of \Vatertown, N. Y. and Miss SWARTHMQRE SYMPHONY OR(:UESTRA has lived in Chicago and Evanston, 111. and Mrs. H. Curtis Wood, Jr. Dr. Wood Doris Narbeth of Swarthmore sister of was the speaker that evening at the the bridegroom wore gowns of delphin~ Assisled by Lucius Cole, Violinisl - High School Chorus Mrs. ,William E. Danforth and daugh- i\[aternai Health Group meeting. ium blue. The attendants dresses copied ter Mrs. Robert G. Severance of Buffalo, Clothier Memorial ~l rs. R. W. Dowell 01 Rockville Cen· the fashion 01 the bridal gown. The at· N. Y. arrived Friday at the 5trath Haven tendants wore flowered tiaras to match tre, L. 1. spent last week as the guest of Inn for a several days visit to Mrs. Dan~ their gowns and carried bouquets of daffFRIDAY EVENING, MAY 9-8:15 forth's son arid daughter-in-law Mr. and her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and odils and cornflowers. Mrs. J. E. Underwood 01 Wallingford. Mrs. William E. Danforth, Jr. 01 Cor· Beuefit Scholarship Fund Mr. Narbeth was attended by his Admission 50c The mothers of the ninth grade will nell avenue. brother Mr. David Narbeth of Cornell meet next Wednesday afternoon for tea Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Faulkner of at the home of Mrs. Charles G. That- avenue, Swarthmore. Ushers were the Dickinson avenue will entertain at dinRev. Wayne Archer of Cortland, N. cher on Ogden avenue. ner tomorrow evening in honor of Mr. and the Rev. Lowell Atkinson of ChurchMr. and Mrs. E. P. Yerkes will enterand Mrs. Lester T. Jones of Chatham, ville, Md. tain twelve guests this evening at a dinN. J. Mr. and Mrs. Jones will be the The bride's mother wore a gown of ner party in their home on Princeton week-end guests of the Faulkners. blue and white sheer, a navy blue hat avenue. Mrs. G. P.Tucker of Washington, D. Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Jones of Hav- and white accessories with a corsage of C. arrived Tuesday to visit her son-in- erford place will entertain at a bridge~ yellow roses. Mrs. Narbeth wore light law and daughter ·Mr. and Mrs. James dinner at their home tomorrow evening. blue ensemble with harmonizing accessories and corsage of talisman roses. H. Hornaday of Dickinson avenue for a Mrs. J. H. Jessup and Mrs. C. Wahl Following the ceremony there was a week or so. GImes entertained a group of friends reception at the horne of the bride's parMrs. J. Albright Jones entertained yesterday at luncheon at Glen Echo and twelve guests Monday afternoon for bridge later at Mrs. Jessup's home on ents. After a motor tour of the south the luncheon at the Ingleneuk and bridge at Haverford place. bridal couple will be at home at Mount her home on Cedar lane. At $1 Give Her a Choice of a Becoming Mrs. Arthul- H. Dana of Elm avenue Mrs. Henry_R._Harric;;.anrt Mrs. Allan halt gone to New Yark City where he c. Hale, -Jr., of Dickinson avenue· spent BROOCH, BRACELET,NECKLACE, RING receive a health check-up. last week·end in Middlebury, Vermont Lieutenant Edwin Aiken USM C visiting Janet Harris who is a student Quantico, Va. and his fiancee Mis~ at Middlebury College. Peggy Wilmer of Stone House Faon, Mrs. C. McDonald Swan is entertain- Leesburg, Va. will visit Lieutenant 100 East State Street MEDIA ing this .afternoon at a luncheon at the Aiken's mother Mrs. Alexander Ewing Ingleneuk and bridge later at her home of Dartmouth avenue this week-end. Telephone Media 2239 on Mt. Holyoke place. The marriage of Miss Wilmer and Mr. and ~lrs. L. A. Wellaufer of Cor- Lieutenant Aiken will take place Saturnell avenue have as their guests Mrs. day, June 7 at :Miss \\Filmer's home in Wetlaufer's aunts Miss Cora and Miss Leesburg. Ida Riebel 01 Toledo, Ohio. The Misses Engagemenl Riebel will visit in Swarthmore for a few weeks. The engagement of Miss Juliet Seeley Miss Hanna Wilcox Smith of \ValBacon, -daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John tingford Hills is entertaining at tea to.R. Bacon, of Danbury, Conn., and Dr. morrow afternoon for Miss Juliet Seeley Henry l.awrence Smith, Jr. son of Mr. Bacon of Danbury, Conn. whose engage~ and Mrs. Henry Lawrence Smith Walmcnt to Dr. Henry L. Smith was just lingford, was announced at a td given annoWlced. by Mrs. Bacon in Danbury on May 3. Mrs. Frank Perce of Arlington, Mass. STARTS FRIDAY arrived Monday to visit her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. MY MOTHER'S HANDS SPENCER TRACY Griffin of Rutgers avenue. Mrs. Perce will remain in Swarthmore until the end MICKEY ROONEY My mother's hands are cool and fair, . 01 June. Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Gibson of In They can do anything. Hillborn avenue had as their guests at Delicate mercies hide them there their summer home, Shangri-La, last :Uarts Saturday Like flowers in the spring week·end Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. MarkDEANNA DURBIN ley, Mr. and Mrs. R. Chestcl' Spencer, In Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Yerkes, and Mr. "NICE GIRL" When I was small and could /Wt sleep, Charles Bro\ver, Jr. wtth She used to come to me, Franchot Tone-Walter Brennan Mr. and Mrs. George F. Fenno of Rqbert Stack-Robert Benchley Swarthmore avenue entertained at a sup~ And with my cheek upon her hand Helen Broderick per party last Sunday evening. • How sure my rest would be. Carol Lincoln of Philadelphia was the guest last week-end of her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jessup of Haverford For everything she ever touched STARTS SATURDAY place. Of beall.tiful or fine, Mrs. C. C. West will entertain a few LAST TWO J>AYS "CITY OF Their memories living in her hands friends at tea this afternoon at her home FRIDAY & SATURDay MISSING GIRLS" Would warm tlua sleep of mine. on Walnut lane. wtth B. ~ warner, Astrld AJlwyn Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gordon McCon· TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY echy entertained at a dinner dance in A II this was very long ago "BWNDIE their home on Strath Haven avenue last GOES LA.TIN" And I am grown; but yet Saturday evening. wtth Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parsons of New The hand tlua lured my slumber so Wltb Penny Singlelon York City will be the house-guests of Arthur Lake I never can forget. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gordon McConcchy MICKEY ROONEY THURSDAY & FRIDAY of Strath Haven avenue this week-end. And "LITTLE MEN" ANNA HEMPSTEAD BRANCH JACK OAKIE LEWIS STONE KAY FRANCIS s SWARTBMOREAN Blaze in Lumber Yard ONETOUCH : on Wednesday afternoon. After the meet· Having responded to a District 5 gen- i ing a supper party was held at the erat alarm in a barber shop at Sharon . Scout House. )V=====O::IF'::NA=TURE= 10:34 10 c.o ou)n~M~ar~ch;;6.~T;he~M~on~tg~0~m~e~r!:y~S~I~iv~ed~i~n~:_;:~:;;:~:;~~:We=: I t3 ~ke ::;~ft~"'~..~.;~ 13'Of1L/uel CONCERT II_:::=:=::::::::::::=====,. -When - -You - -Take - -Frien~J - - or-- Hill at Thursday night of last week the engines of the Swarthmore Fire Company were on their way home when! at John Schobinger of Swarthmore avenue was walking by the Mason Builders Supply Company yard on Darbnouth avenue at Lafayette and discovered a fire in the extreme rear, second floor, near the railroad. He reported the conRagra· tion to J OSC1)h Reynolds at the drug store who proceeded to turn in the alarm. Chief Jesse Hipple of the Upper Providence police who happened to be in the horough attacked the blazing lum"er shed with an Indian pump gun. Local Patrol· man Henry A. Piersol, Jr. with the extinguisher from the police car and Mr. Reynolds proceeded to combat the Hames until the return of the fire fighters. The lOO·gallon booster on the ladder truck saved the day, preventing the fire's spread to the highly combustible surroundings, and finally extinguished it in the store- 10.52 Trinily Chureh Notes The Young Peoples' Fellow~hip will hold its final meeting on Sunday evening. There will be a short service in the Church for all members and their parents, follpwed by a supper and a mee~­ ing at which the work of the Fellowship will be explained and plans made lor next year. The election of officers will also take place. Young people of the Parish who will he eligible for membership next year are invited. The Confirmation Class will meet on ~{onday night at 7 o'clock in the Church. ., The Church School choir will meet at .the same hour in the Parish House. The May meeting of the Vestry will he held on Monday evening' at" 8 o'clock at the rectory. Betty Ann Hulme and Molly Jeffords represented the Fellowship at a Diocesan Conference last week, held at Christ Church, Philadelphia. The regular meeting of the Guild·Auxiliary will he held on Wednesday morn· ing, May at 14, IMary Louise Thayer, and Phyllis Smith phant table will be there. The proceeds are to be used for special equipmeqt and decorations in the Sunday SchoOi room for worship, and also to assist in sending some of the young people to summer conferences. Friends and neighbors of the church are urged to have their dessert with the young people on that night. The Young Woman's Guild will meet Thursday evening, May 15, at 8 o'clock at the home 01 Mrs. C. C. Franck, Cornell avenue. John Thompson of Swarthmore College will speak on modern China. The Men's Bible Class will hold its last meeting of the year Sunday morning at 9 :45. The pastor will be the speak· 421 room of window and door frames where it began. The estimated damage was Fdmlly to Lunch or Dinner Tdke tlunn to 1m SUBURBAN CAFE ond Cocktail Loun,. Main Concourse.. P.R.R. Suburban StadOD Lunch -from 4Dc Dinner -from 8Se Coclrtall Houn 3:00 to 6:«1 P.M. Penonal Supenlalon of Han7 R. TuIIT -----------..., ORDER Your Flowers NOW lor MOTHER'S DAY small • CALL • I • News of Girl Scouls Swarthmore 554 And 10 :30. • I • Methodist Church Noles Y.III~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ WILTSHIRE BROS. ---:=--........--- Mother's Day 1941 "MEN OF BOYS TOWN" * DAY • I • Christian Science Church "Adam and Fallen Mall" is the sub~ ject of the Lesson~Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, May 11. The Golden Text is: IIIf by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ" (Romans 5 :17). ---......._-- Presbylerian Church Noles Sunday morning at 11 o'clock the ser~ man will be "The Family and the Future." This is the second of a serics of sermons on "Questions Men Are Asking About Religion Today." The High School Fellowship will meet Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock for its annual spring picnic. The Church Hour Nursery will be discontinued during the spring and sum~ mer months. The senior or High School department of the Churdl School will hold an old· fashioned lawn festival on the grounds of the church on Friday evening, May 23, irom 6 to 8 P. M. lee cream l strawberries, and cake will be served. Booths for candy, cakes, fish pond, and a white ele- Frida,. - Sat....tay MICKEY ROONEY "Andy Hardy's Private Secretary" LEWIS STONE _ FAY HOLDEN ANN RUTHERFORD - COlllING MONDAY", TUESDAY "TOBACCO ROAD" Frank M. Sch.eibley The Great Train Robbery With BOB STBBLII STRATH HAVEN INN..................Swarthmore, Pa. SATURDAY 'BeyoruJ .he Saercrmen.o' THE WIII'ITIER..............................Philadelphia, Pa. With BILL ELLIOTT REMEMBER * * THIS SUNDAY * In Slale Police Chiefs' Conference * * MAY 11TH MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY 1 l ~~~~~M~~11 speak on the life of Foster. Mr. Paul Nordoll will play some of SteL}hcn Foster's melodies in variation form, and a singer will give a few songs. 1 There will also he some lantern slides. The lecture will be given at 8 :30 P. ),1.. at the Art Alliance ill Philadelphia. Rev. J. •• Crum Creek Club Winners In And FIRST RUN WORLD NEWS A DAY TO ••• . 'Andy Hardy's Private Secretary' A WALT DISNEY CARTOON The Swarthmore Mothers' Club will close this season with its second annual dinner at the Strath Haven Inn at 6 :30 next \Vednesday evening, May 14. Fathers will be guests and Dr. Saul Steinberg of the Norristown State Hos{Iital will be the speaker of the evening. The Mothers' Club regular meeting takes place this afternoon, Friday, May 9, at 2 :45 o'clock at the Presbyterian Church. Captain Alvin J. Herr of the Swarth~ more Police Department with Chief Raymond Sakers of Ridley Park and Chester Glisson of Downington, the three delegates from the eastern section 01 the state picked by the State Police Chiefs' Association, attended conferences Swarthmore 857 WE DELIVER in Harrisburg on Tuesday of last week. One conference of police chiefs dealt with police education and training, and the other was on police civil service bills for first I I dass townships and boroughs in Pennsylvania which have passed the House Extend. Invitation of Representatives and are to come up be· Mr. Fletcher Hodges, Jr., curator of fore the Senate shortly. the Stephen Foster Collection at Me~ morial Hall, University of Pittsburgh, -r-·-...--.-..·~.--..-.··- . - - . - - . - . . . - . c - - - ' - - ' ' ' - ' ' - - - ' - ' ' ' - ' ' · - - ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' - ' - ' - ' - - - - - ' - - - - ' - - ' ' - ' ' ' - - - ' - ' ' - - - ' - ' ' ' ' - - ' ' ' - - ' - ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' - ' ' - ' ' - ' ' " l will give an address on ?vIay 13 at the t Art Alliance on "Stephcn Foster, the first l/ 11 musician to enter the Hall of Fame." Men's As guests are permitted to members, Mrs. George Ashton of Wallingford takes this opportunity to invite anyone MEDIA MANOR The pupils of Blanche Hunter Nelson will appear in a piano recital in the Swarthmore Woman's Club House at 7 :45 next Thursday evening, May 15. Ensemble numbers, quartettes and three numbers with orchestral accompaniment will be on the program. Patsy McCahan and Jean Iliff will be the pianists in Haydn's "ChHdren's' Toy Symphonyu with the orchestra. Alice Hornaday wilt play a concerto with the orchestra and Gloria Rienerth a rhapsodie for piano and orchestra. Swarthmore pupils include George AlIen, Hyde Alden, Anne Lukens, Mary Lou Hndge, Jane Allen, Sally Alden, Mary Lou Thayer, Joan Hertel, Betty McCahan, Gayle Hodge, Lora Blackman, Barbara Lukens, Harriet Gilbert, Jean Gemmill, Jean Iliff, Amy Jane Davidson, AHce Hornaday, and Patsy McCahan. Swarthmorcans playing in the 14-piece orchestra ensemble will be }.{abel Swann, Mary Helen Danforth, Robert C. Disque. and Alix Field Whitaker. The public is cordially invited. * * Mothers' Annual Banquet Next Week Pupil Recital • • $ * * * l 1 l 1 I * * * * * * ON THE Sunday May 11th Is ' MOmEH'5 Dilf~ Mother's Day was originated by Miss Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia in 1907. She and her friends dedicated the seeond Sunday in May to her mother's memory. Iu 1913, Congress 1 1l 111 1 1 l ~ Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden and Mrs. 1 the Russell H. Kent were tops North and South at Monday evening's session of the 1 1 Cruon Creek Bridge Club at Strath Haven Inn. Mr>. Harry Armitage and made it a national holiday-"dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Philip W. Kniskern were second the best mother in the world, your mother." and Mrs. Wallace M. McCurdy and Mrs. ~ Richard Carvell, third. East and West winners were: H. J. Berry and G. M. Curry, first; Mrs. Martel's joins you in observing the celebration 01 this day Sewell W. Hndge and Mrs. Walter Shoe· 1 maker, second; and Mr. and Mrs. Rich~ l! ~~_ _~_....,....--~--'w_~ 'r~~_._r'_~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . - - . - ----~~--' I i.......--. _, I_" *":",r'O .,.......... • the ard Randall, third. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~iTl I ~ __ THE SWARTHMOREAN and all belongs whatever suc:<:ess thi~ administration may have achieved!' Listing 3Z afternoon programs which, have been regularly attended by three MAY 9, 194.1 conventions of Woman's Clubs. Mrs. To s Discuu ''The Junior College" H. L. Stevens the vice-president was CINDEREJ.J,A chosen as a delegate to replace Mrs. ....... ted 1/7 Marl! 8e11ater . President Frank Baldwin will tell paraDd Bel' PDplll . George E. Davisson who wiU be unents and their sons about new opportuniPItlD&r IlVEHlNG, III&Y II, ':15 quarters of the club's members and by able to attend. SwarthrDore Blah 8ehool & . d 1 _ The meeting was then turned over ties at Harrisburg Academy and Junior 113 paying guests exclusive of the Frolic General Adm''''on Me For the- Benel.t of the and luncheon meetings, Mrs. Eaton listed to the new president Mrs. George E. College this Sunday afternoon, May 11, Commualt7 Health 1Iodet7 Davisson who spoke briefly, after at 4 P. M. at 200 South Chester road. the varied activities of each section, the philanthropies of the club which in addi- which chairmen were appointed for the tion to money gifts has' included the free coming year. Mrs. Leroy T. Wolf and rental of local philanthropic groups dur- Mrs. L. L. Hedgepeth were appointed KEYSTONE SECRETARIAL SCHOOL ing the year to the amount of $450. co-chairmen of programs, Caroline AT BALTDIOBE PlU AND LJNCOLN AVBN1JE, SWARrBMOBB OF clubs in the county and state convince me C. Hastings of hospitality, Mr•• James Ihat the Swarthmore club is particularly F. Bogardus and Miss F10reuce Ellis • E W She concluded liMy contacts with other Wilson of press and publicity. Mrs. L. THE WOMAN'S CLUB Retiring President's Report ~Mrs. Roland L. Eaton summarized the reports of chairmen of al1 departments of the Club in her comprehensive annual report presented at the Annual M~eting Wednesday. Sustained applause which followed her report testified to its con· structive thoroughness and spirit. Although she forecast future needs Mrs. Eaton reported at the cnd of her administration a Clubhouse ·'in the main in excellent condition," three sections of the club in thriving, healthy, active state; and extended to chairmen, officers and mcmhc.fs her gratitude for their loyal support in these words "to you each Media Secretarial School AlUlounces SUM\IIER CLASSES BBGINNJlriG MONDAY. J1J1tfII 18 Dar and E""nl,.. Write tor CIre1IlU or CaD _ lJIf The MEDIA fortunate in many ways. We own a beau· tiful club house and we have an unusu· ally talented group in our own membership. These facts place a great responsibility on us as a club and 1 know that the standards of program and county participation will be maintained as the years go on," Earn Fine Arts Awards Swarthmore Club women carried off a number of tbe honors presented at the of the book section. Mrs. John Denison of bridge. Mrs. Charles Kimmel of Call Media 17-1 or Stop Our Driver r===~~1 Methodist Church. membership with Miss Dorothy Under- hill, Mrs. Bogardus and Mrs. L. L. Hedgepeth as assistants. A short but delightful program brought the evening to a close. Mrs. J. O. Hopwood presented movies of For , b • Jarabe Dancers Give Colorful Program in Clothier Ceremonial and social dances, ancient ritual and modern vernacular songs were combined to make a colorful and Regardless of the Price You Pay for Coffee M A RT E L•5 203 West State Street Complete Food Market Open Telephone who an evening Mexican folk variedgave program by the of Jarabe Dancers, songs and dances in Clothier Auditorium last Thursday evening for the benefit of the American Friends Service Committee's Mexican Service Seminars. The program was divided into four parts. each presenting a selection of dances and songs from a particular region. The first group, dances of the early days of California. b~gan with "Afananitas," a greeting song. and included uCuadritla," a Spanish form of the quadrille; "California Serenade." an old song from Santa Barbara, by Maria Bustos. soprano i "Jesusita," a very familiar dance in the Southwest and northern Mexico; a Mexican form of the schottische i and the group song "Que lite," a very old Mexican folksong called the "Spinach Song." The second section, dances from northern and central Mexico, began with lILa Cucaracha," a song of the Revolution of 1910. and continued with "Los Viejitos," dance of the little men; 4'Chilena," the Mexican version of a dance brought from Chile to Mexico by the early sailing vessels; "Camin- Evenings Media 2153 ante" hy Maria Bustos, soprano, a pil- For MARTEL EVERY DAY COFFEE Remember Fresher or Better Coffee is Simply Not to be Had DONALDSON lb. OF !6ft MEDIA Martel coffee compares with the best because it ranks amongst the best - The only difference 15 the difference In price. Marlei coffee is lower priced than the coffees that par with il. Freshly roasted. Ground fresh for your own method of brewing coffee. Economv Bleml .. .Ib. 19c Coffee Martel. .Ib. 3Ic When Looking For BETTER CLOTHES at MODERATE PRICES E~du.i"e Agenta lor NELLY DON~ Frelthie Play Clorhelt, Arkay Juniors, Catalina Ba,hing Sui", Spurgeoni:.ed Hosiery BERKSHIRE HOSIERY SILK AND NYLON, • B. 69c to $1.35 J. HOY ~ Almounces the Open.ar of Its 0:'= !: Jr. College Talk at calteco." a version of the uJarabe." the national folk dance, as it is done with Tlaxcala. A trio concluded this group with the song '4Marimba." The second half of the program presented dances from southern Mexico. uMatianchines," danced in the authen~ tic costume of the ancient ritual, was possibly an invocation for rain among the Indians of the state of Michoacan. uJicaras," part of a longer ceremony of greeting offered an .honored guest, and "Huapango,'" a SOCIal dance from eastern and central Mexico, were followed by the mysterious and unusual HHumpictock," an ancient Alayan ceremonial dance in which the Mayan prince, dressed for this special ritual, makes the invocation while the Mayan priest performs the dance. Two ritual dances from southern Mexico in elaborate costume concluded the program - "Tehuana,n a ceremon- ial dance from the state of Oaxaca, and the "Zandunga." . - , , Eight of the awards in the County Fine Arts Day were given to members of the Writer's Club of Delaware County. Mrs. l{or;ert L. Coates of Harvard avenue re~ ceived first award for her poem "Divided Loyalty." Another Swarthmorean Mrs. Oscar J. Gi1creest won honorable mention for a play HAmerican Symbol" and honorable mention for _a IJatriotic essay At the County Federation meeting honorable mention was given for the WEST ClIESTEB, PENNSYLV&NI& Announces a FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE By CHAIILES V. WINN. C. S. B. or PASADENA CALIFORNIA Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church The F1rst Chureh of Christ, ScIentist, In Bosto~ Jlassachusetts . . . .-- TUESDAY EVENIl'!G, MAY 13th, 1941 ~--=-.,- At 8:15 O·ClOCK. D. S. T. TUB PUBLIC 18 CORDL\LLY INVITBD TO &TTEND Keeps Singing Engagements Mrs. A. M. Bosshardt of Park ave- The Co-Ed Beauty Salon nue was the guest of the French and German dCI)artments of the Media High School at a banquet Friday night at which she rendered songs in French and German and also showed the Swiss Announcing films she showed at the last meeting of Le Cerc1e Francais. On Tuesday night of last week Mrs. APT. FOR RENT l12 Park Ave.. ~, 1!JCCODd. ltoor-6 l'ID8., Bosshardt sang at the banquet given enclosed ~, electrlc retrJgerator, wo by the Swiss Helvetic Society in Camentrances, private oll burner~ sarale. WM. S. •BITfLE CALL SW&RTBMORE 595 FOR Al'PODITMENT PREPARE NOW! For Safe Summer Driving Cran'eae - Trannnn.ion - DiDerenttal Drained • Flu,hed • Refilled .Cha••la--thoro1llihlyluhrl""ted eFront wheell!l--pulled,.cleaned, repaeked eRadiator--cirained, reverse, pre881ll'e, :flushed 5·00 Chomolets • Spark Plullo--eleaaed aad adju8ted "orlll p_tho • Ballery eheeked aad tested All ....,....,. and 0110 included for the one price I Other Cars Opaline OIl used SU,htly IIIgher LOU'S SERVICE ST' 'TION • Dealel· in Sindair Produets A Phone Sw. 9'793 Chester & Fairview Rds. i~============~~~~~~~============~~ To Salute MOTHER'S DAY May We Suggest The Ever Welcome BARBIZON LINGERIE HOSIERY GLOVES .:. PURSES -:- HANKIES AND NOVELTIES ROHLFING (oq;:e A. Wayne Mosteller FRED A. FISH, Jeweler 'Phone Me41a 1916-W Open Saturday EveniDgs VAN AI.EN 1'Iet..... I'ramfq: - Boob - VICTOR D. SHIRER ROAD We Deliver FIESTA DISHES lor MOTHER'S DAY Marty Other GUts Approprlate and Rea.sonable CHESTER UGHT SUPPLY CO. 801 BDGMONT AVBN1IE 'Phone Chester 2-1522 Stadon"'T Kodiok Supplieo Gftetiq Cudo 7I~ BROS. 10412 Phone Sw. Phone 586 A GRUEN WATCH WIlL PLEASE MOTHER MOST 7 E. STATE ST., MEDIA OPEN EVENINGS COAL and COKE FUEL OIL (:0 ESTER NEWS NOTES MOTHER RBFBIGJIR&TOU -BAnIOS SOUTH ---..,..........-- "An Ameriean FfUlhion Fir.'" See Our Grand Selection of Appropriate Mother's Day Gifts • PERFUMES • CA.NDlES • POWDER • COSMETICS is a tale of two girls who loved horses. "Aprilly Weather" by Margaret Thomsen Raymond is the story of a typical high school girl; "Happy Landings" i~ an amusing story of the McGrail fam· ily by Lenora M. Webber. A good mystery jtory is "Mystery of the Seven Murals" by Enid and Margaret ] ohnson. Some stories that older boys will especially like are the new Howard Pease "The Black Tanker," "The In- field Twins" a baseball story by Ralph a deserted coal-mine by L. A. Wadsworth. "Courage Over the Andes" h. ' d a fictional story 0 f one b oy 5 a ventures in South America during the war "For Cross F ,A o f 181Z b y . K ummer, and King" is an earlier period in South C. D ' American history by AI Ice esmond. '4Ports of the Past" are sea stor,'es by Grace Norton Rose. uThe Secret of Blennerhassett" by Rupert .. h' t . Sargent HoI Iand is an exciting IS orlcal novel of the Ohio River settlements. "b El' and "A C arne I f or a Th rone y Dlse Lownsbery takes the reader back to conditions on day of sale. Levari Facias No. 348 March Term. 1941 All that certain lot or pIece ot ground Situate 10. the ToWllSblp of Upper Darby, County of Delaware. and State ot Pennsylvania, and designated and. known 88 lot numbered. Ave hundred forb-four on a plan of lote called Blgbland Park, which Is duly recorded in the omce for the ReESTATE NOTICE of Deed8, etc.. in and for the EstaCe or Robert C. IJroob, late or the Dor- cording aforesaid, 1n Plan Caae No.1, page ough or Swarthmore, Del. Co., Pa., Deceased. County Leners testamentary on the above estate having 13. and accordlng to a survey thereof made May been granted the unde:-signeci, all pel"lOns in- by Joseph W. Bunter, ClvU EnJj~8'eer. to said debted to said estate are requested to make pay- 19th, 1904, and. described accor ment, and those having claims to present the plan as follows, to wit: same wi.thout delay to Elizabeth HeQrieua Situate on the southeasterly aide of FaIrBrooks, Executrix. 410 N. Swarthmore Ave •• Avenue (flfty feet wide) at the disSwarthmore, Pa •• or to her 2.UOrnty Guy W. view tance of one hundred twenty-flve feet Davis, Esq •• 25 E. 5th Street. Chcster. Pa. nortbea&twarcUy from the northea8terly side 4- 18.61 . of Hazel Avenue (forty feet wide). ADVERTlSEMENT Containing In front 01' bread.th aD said The Schoe)l District at Swarthmore wUl receive bids at the omee of the School Dis- Palrview Avenue mence northeastwardly trict In the HIgh School BuUdlDB, comer twent.y-flve feet and extending of that of College and Princeton Avenues, Swarth- widtb in length or depth southeastwardly more, Pennsylvan1a, up to 4 p. m., Mon- between panillel lines at right angles to day. May 12, 1941, and open the bids at a said Fairview Avenue one hundred flfteen Ir.eetlng of the SChool Board at the Behool feet. District omce on Ma7 12, 1941. at ., p. m .. Under and subject to certain conditions Cor fumlture and eqUipment. SpeclftcatIons can be .secured betweent 9 a. m. and 4 and. restrictions as now appear of record. p. m., dally except Saturday. Sunday, and Also. all that certain lot or piece of hollClaJ'8, at' the School District ofllce. The Board reserves the right to reject aDJ' or ground with the bu11dlngs and lmproveall bids In whole or in part, and to award ments tbereon erected Situate In the contracts on any Item or items molting UJ Township of Upper Darby. County of Delaany bid. ware and State of Pennsylvania, and designated and known as lot numbered flv( HILDA LANG DENWORTH, Secretary. hundred rorty~dve on a certain plan of 4-25-3t lots called Highland Park:, said plan being duly recorded in the Omce for the Q,ecordNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all per- Ina: of Deeds etc., In and for the County sons interested 01' who may be arrected, aforesaid In plan case number 1, page 13, by George Wtro and Sons, Inc., 17 South and described according to said plan as Chester Road, Swarthmore, Pa .. a business tollows, to wit: corporation, that it 1l1ed with the DepartSituate on the southeasterly side of Fairment of State ot the Commonwealth 01 Pennsylvania at Harrlsburg, Pa., on the view Avenue (flfty feet Vtlde) at the dis6th day of May, 1941, a cerWlcate of elec- tance at one hundred fifty feet northeasttlon by its shareholders to d1sso1ve the wardly from the northeasterly side of Razel . said corporation, and that the board of Avenue (forty feet wide). dIrectors Is' now engaged in winding UJ: Containing in front or breadth on the and settUng tbe aflalra of said corporation. 80 that Its corporate existence shall be sald Fairview Avenue thence northeastended by issuance ot a cerWlcate 01 dis- wardly twenty~o.ve feet and extencUng- of solution by the DePartment of State of that width In length or depth southeaatthe Commonwealth of PeDDSJ'lvanla, under wardly between parallei llnes at right the provisions of the Business Corporat10n angles to said Fairview Avenuec one hun~ ~ Law of the Commonwealth of PeDllSYI- dred fifteen feet. vania, approved May 5, 1933. Itnprovements consist of two story stucco J. KIRK McCURDY, Ballc1tor, house, 18 x 33 feet: porch front; one story lOS Cornell Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. stucco garage, 18 x 20 feet. 5~9-2t 1218 Chestnut Street, PhUa., Pa. Sold as the property of 'l'homas H. Brickley and Cora A. Brickley. his wlfe, mort, REQUEST FOR BIDI! Sealed" bids wlll be received by the Bor- gagors and Cora A. Brickley and Samuel ougb ot Swarthmore In CounCU Chamber, W. Harr1son, Charles T. Wakefield and WilBorougli Hall, Park Avenue, Swmhmore, liam L. Beck, Llquidatlng Trustees of PR. on May 21, UMt at '1:45 P_ M. DayUght Stonehurst Building and Loan Assoclatton, Saving TIme for fumlsll1n2 and applJ'lng real owners and Mrs. Anna McKenna. tenapproXlmateIy 50 tonsT of b1tum1noUB ron- ant·in poaseeelonr-------, --.~crete and for surface treating appro][lmately 10,000 square yards of Borough HAROLD L. ERVIN. Attorney. streets to be· designated by the HIghway WD...LlAM W. McKIM, Sberlfl'. Commtttee. Bids Bre to be in accordance with II])ecl- 5-9-3t ficatlona, a copy of whlCh may be procured from the undel'81gned In COunCll Chamber. Park Avenue, Swarthmore. Fa . A certlfled check in the Bum of $200 must accompany each b1d and the person 01' tlrm to whom the Contract Is awarded w1ll be required to tumlah bonds lD the form and. the amount approved by the Borough Solleitor coverlng completion of the work and payment for all materlal and labor. The Borough eltPrt!IB8ly :reserves the right to rejeet any and all bids. 1====--=-;::=:==-===...,.-...".-- anel'ent Egypt. The following books are for boys and girls from ten to fourteen - "Along The Erie Towpath" by Enid Meadow--;::;:--~~~;-:! Margaret Van Dyck of Rutgers croft, "Buttonwood Island" an advenavenue, was heard in Constanza's ture and mystery story by Lavinia R. SWEETS from "Die Entfuhrung aus dem Serail," Davis. "Peter and Cynthia" a large lor the by Mozart at the New Jersey College for family story by Grace Irwin. and "The SWEETEST Women, where she···is' a sl!Jd<"",I:":'!~ ..Big Six" a new adventure by Arthur Thursday evening, May 1. Ransome. Mrs. John C. Moore will entertain this For "seven to elevens" there are SPECIALI afternoon at a bridge-luncheon in her these books: "So Sailors Say" by MOTHER'S DAY AolOrtment home on Amherst avenue. Charles M. Daugherty. "The Travels of }'rom 60e Lb • Mr. William F. Lee of Lafaeytte ave- Mr. TroU" by Elsie Hart. uCaptain Due returned Saturday from attending Kidd's Cow" by Phil Stong, "A Name CA,,~DY Suceessor to M. A. KBBB an Insurance Convention held April 15~ for Obed" by Ethel Calvert Phillips, 19 in Del Monte. Cal. Mr. Lee spent a "Mr. Sweeny'~ by Helen Hoke, "Time 508 Ed_ont Ave. CHESTER month making the trip going by way of Was" by Hildegard Woodward, and the Canad·ian Rockies, Banff and Lake "Fun on Chitdien's Street" by Maud MRS. A. J. QUINBY &: SON Louise and returning through the Ameri- Lindsey. Picture books for younger children can southwest. .rOSBPB L Q1llKB'I!' Mrs. Howard T. McCone of Elm ave- include 'IBarney's Adventure" by Mar~ FUNERAL DIRECfORS nue and Miss Helen Jackson of Park ave- got Austin, "Crybaby Calf" by Helen nue entertained about 40 guests at cock~ and AU Evers. "A Tale for Easter" by MBD.... PA. 8BLL PRon" tails Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Tasha Tudor. "Hello, Judy" by CharGenevieve Maxwell of Gennantown for- lotte Becker. "The Story of Colette" R4M11,TOH aIllll -.ollf WATCIIBS merly of Swarthmore and Mr. Philip by Francois, "Saint George and the EDWIN B. KEllEY, Jr. Pretz of Detroit, Mich. whose marriage Dragon" by Alice Datgliesh, "Honey Y_I_eler will be performed in Swarthmore on on a Raft" by M. Paltenghi, uLouise's 2S EDt 7110 St. CIa_ June 14. Adventure" by Gertrude Blumenthal, NOW StaM TIu1r.UeI Tomorrow aiternoon Miss Gordon uLambert's Bargain" by Clare -rurlay ne Ch_ 5164 Schoff of Media will entertain at tea in Newberry, URaggedy Ann and the Mrs. Maxwell's honor. Golden Butterfly" by Johnny Gruelte. Mrs. John E. Michael who has been "Peter Panda" by Paul C. Walker, and ill with a streptococci infection for the "Flip" by Wesley,., Dennis. Yl k h past two wee s at er home at a e and At Needlework Guild Meet Eleetr~ Contractor Harvard avenues is recovering. Swarthmore W-J Notary PubUc-IasJJraDee-Real- FOR PROMPT SERVICE BUCHNER'S den. N. ] . Telephone Swarthmore 2295 • "The Camp At Westlands" tens of two college girls who spend their summer vacation in a volunteer work camp. "High Hurdles" by Frances Duncombe Henry Barbour, "Renfrew Flies Again" Log Book of the Writer's Club con- adventures with the Royal Canadian taining five years of original work in Mounted Police by Laurie York Erprose and poetry. skine, and "Mystery At The Black Cat" IN TIlE PBILIP'S MEMORIAL &VDITOBnlllr, STATE TEACHER'S COLLEGE South Bleb Street West Chester. Pa. CONSULT MISS E. SILK IN TBE SALON B. LlmOY van RODD, Attorney. The Swarthmore Library wiu display new book. Pub:ic lor boys and girls WlLLL\)( W."JlcKDC. 8berlll. 5-2-3t dUring library hours next week as a part of Children's Spring Book Festi200 Yale Aveuuo. 8"~tUiior.;:8lIBRlPP 8ALB8 of BBAL B8TA~ f b · h or to thelr attorney val Many 0I the new b00k s or III C. Rt1l!8BLL PRlI LIPS ...... SherUf's OfBce. Court Bouse. 1IedJa. Penna. school girls are the popular career I~~':!~J:Udlng, Saturday. _ 31. Illfl books-"Single Stones" by Gertrude 5-2-8t 8:30 A. M. -..n 8tandard TIme MaUette, the story of a medical sut-I·EST~-=-A:':1::·E::-.71-:M7A:CY::-:k-O-T-H-W-E-L-L-T-A-Y-L-O-R-.-d-,. Conditions: t250.00 cub or certlfled check Springfield. Saturday they tied Media for dent, ''"The Middle Button" by Kathryn ftasW. LeucTS h.s'am~n'ary on the above cs . W th .I b anted to be a tatc have b«D granted to the UDdcnillled. will> at time of sale (unleea otberwiee stated In fi rst p Iace In team scoring at 32 3/5 or. a glt WOW request all persons haviog' claims or demands adverUaement) balance in ten daye. other Local Writers Win Awards FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST THE NEW SYSTEM OF BODY CONTOUR Y; ; ; ,J~ ~\J ::ioroptomists and guests. fl' d d The news of Mrs. Coates' honor for any such garments. arlen 5, and the tree donated and Mrs. Howard Turner have worke Company out a plan to reduce fees Drought pleasure to many Delaware The Aid to Britain Committee of the . alld Mrs. A. R. O. Redgrave. shall watch these grow through the J. Archer Turner, a resident ot Swimming, tennis, painting, c1ay- Countians but to her fellow Swarth- Swarthmore College Student Union. Swarthmore for the past 30 years, has modeling, nature study, Nursery School. moreans who have known, admired, under the leadership of Janet Goodrich years as a symbol of the st-rvice of many been elected president of the Turner Kindergarten, folk - dancing, square and loved her during her long resi- recently sent to the British War Relief club women", said Mrs. Marriott in conConstruction ,Company. The Company's dancing, baseball, softball, with varied dence here it gave real joy and opporw Headquarters in Philadelphia a truck cluding the presentation. New President Installed main office is in .New York City. For forms of dancing, including classes in (unity to express to her their gratitude load of clothing, every article cleaned many yean, Mr. Turner was vice presi- tun;blin.g v.;iIl bed offer~d w~h. han~- lOr her generous contribution of talents ~:itor~~esse~. free of charge by local In prelude to the Installation of Offi.dent in charge of the Philadelphia 01- .-:ra ts, Jewe ry an meta wor , In SUI - and self to iliis commuqity. cers Mrs. Eaton introduced the officers h::C, ~ut t"eClQutl,.. ha.s .occupied the "''"Oi-i~ "ble .. combination~ -for -0.11- member.! .0:H·-Mrs. jo.:st:vhill '" L. 1(.- "!lopWOOd w,.,,.:r"--'-'--'-""---'-~-------~ and c·hairnu~n' wno naa serve-a- -during tion of executive vice president in New a lamily with a basic family rate. as chairman of the award committee FAIRY TALE PRINCESS her administration. To Mrs. J. Horace York. Heretofore, a registration fee was made its formal presentation said that Walters 4'in recognition of loyal service The Turner Company one of the paid by each registrant for each sub- ··serving 011 the committee had been a and worthy advice to the club during larger construction companies of the ject or activity. As some were excluded heartemng experience, that as the lether 21 years of service on the board" country is engaged in several vital de- because of expense involved, the Re- ters and tributes came in from people she prescnted flowers. fense projects. The most important at creation Committee has adopted a new all over the county, individuals, officials, Mrs. J. Paul Brown received the gavel l)resent of these is in conn~ction with poJicy for this season, which will allow Girl Scout leaders, and neighbors, they to happiness" from Mrs. Eaton. the large- development of Air Bases for children and parents the privilege of restored her faith in humanity." A log Mrs. Brown thanked the club for the the Navl'" in the Hawaiian and other a six weeks program at a cost compar- of these letters testifying as they do to confidence shown by her election and expressed her hope to justify it during adjacent isladds in the Pacific. In this able to the previous registration of a Mrs. Coates' lasting achievements, was her tenure of officc. undertaking, the Turner Company i~ single child for swimming alone. The presented to her with the award. From these many letters two from Other officers to be installed in imacting jointly with four other construe· orice range for the six-week period follows: "neighbors" of Mrs. Coates, Mrs. pressive dignity were first vice president tion organizations. Mr. and Mrs. Turner are still occupy$5 for Day Camp program for one Jesse H. Holmes and Mrs. \-Valter R. Mrs. S. M. Viele; second vice-president Mrs. Edward C. Prescott; recording their home on Harvard avenue, but ~hild to include enrollment for parents Shoemaker, were quoted by Mrs. Hoplater in the year will take up their ;n any chosen activities. (No child can wood in listing Mrs. Coates' accoming secretary Mrs. T. K. Brown j corresidence in New York. 1)e enrolled in Nursery School or Kin- plishmellts. "When your neighbors love responding secretary Mrs. F. Norton Landon; treasurer Mrs. George A. Mr. Turner is a member of the dergarten for partial registration per- and admire you that is a real tribute," Hoadley; lour directors Mrs. Arthur W. Board of Managers of Swarthmore iod lor less than $2.50); $8 for Day she declared. Service Reeord Binns, Mrs. Roland L. Eaton, Mrs. BirCollege, formerly treasurer of the Col- Camp program for two children. to inA member of the Society of Friends, (Continued 0" Pat/f) Four) lege, resigning this position last De- elude enrollment of parents 10 any tivities' chosen activities; $10 for Day Mrs. Coates was a former superintend~ , , cember4 • I I Camp program for three or more ch~l- ent of its First Day School. She has HIGH SCHOOL PLANS HURT IN AUTO ACCIDENT dren, to include parent enrollment m served her community as a member 01 OPEN HOUSE MAY 23 any chosen activities; $3 for fee for its School Board, taking office in 1922, 'While traveling to Indiantown Gap indi-vidual tennis registration, for sea- and its Library Board, and as president Swarthmore High School students on' Route 322 Thursday, May 8, the son-June 6 to September; $2 for one of its Woman's Club. Elizabeth Pope whose Beauty inS.... teachers are making plans for their automobile of Mrs. Louis Cole Emmons month tn . d"d I t ' . tratl'on h enccs the Beast in tomorrow's Junior 0 pen H ouse an d P arents 'N'Ight IV) ua ennis regis . In County and State services s e of Meadow lane attempting to avoid a edited for four years the official organ Players Club productio.a. Friday evening, May 23. This is an I I • car coming from a side road to the of the State Federation of Woman's affair that has attracted wide atReminder right skidded on the wet road, blew Clubs "The Messenger." She founded LEGION AUXILIARY IN tention and has been enjoyed by parents out a tire and overturned. Mrs. Emmons CRUCIAL MEET and children alike. Once again your attention is called to and conducts the first Press School was bruised and her mother Mrs. Frank for Club Women in the country. It While details are not complete, it is the Benefit play "Mr. Antonio" to be A~' Lemon was knocked unconscious its tenth successive session It is most important that members of likely that the evening will open about 7 will hold and suffered a sprained wrist and right given for five consecutive nights begin- next fall. She teaches a Scribe School the Legion Auxiliary arrange to be o'clock with a Band Concert on the shoulder. Mrs. Lemon was taken to ning on May Zl, at The Swarthmore for Girl Scouts. Through these classes present on Wednesday, May 21 in the front lawn. After this there will be a the Coatesville Hospital where she re- Players Club. The cause for which this benefit is she has year after year trained the Legion room at 2 P. M. to consider brief and interesting program in the mained until an ambulance brought her planned - the purchase of a Rolling press chairmen of all Delaware County and vote Cor the distribution of funds auditorium, including a brief concert home on Tuesday of this week. org-anizations to interpret their organ w for the summer and fall such as Red by musical organizations with a playlet The two women were making their Kitchen for British relief -grows daily i7.ations to the public. She is now Wo~ Cross work, a rummage sale, and ntl"el.1 by a group from the junior high school. weekly visit to the military reservation more urgent. Every ticket sold is a help · men"s Club Editor of the Ch ester T Imes. activities. A business meeting will be After this the school rooms will be where Mrs. Emmons' son Lt. Louis toward that objective. The time is growTwice president of the Emerson followed by a social time. Certain Aux.. open for displays and demonstrations of Cole Emmons has been a patient in the ing short. . she was presl'den t iliary projects must continue the work of the Shop, the Home EeoIub of Philadelphia, C The committee urges you to get your base hospital for five weeks following nomics Department, the Science De.. I D I of the Writers~ Club 0 e aware the summer months such as an attack of influenza. He is now be· tickets today from Mrs. Thomas M. C artment, and the academic classes of P h N I ing sent to the Walter Reed Hospital Jackson, Park and Yale avenues, oUllty. She is a member 0 t he New tion, child welfare, and the school. Everyone is invited to come Century Club 01 Philadelphia, t e a · work. The girls Keystone Swarthmore. in Washington. D. C. for treatment. . W 0- ten days in June represents and stay as long as he or she cares to. tional Association of PennsyIvanta men, the Business and Prof eSSlona . I for future citizenship and is The House elementary will have Open at a schools later date, to betheir anWomen's Club of Chester, and t h e by this organization throughout . nounced at another time. It is planned to Pennsylvania Women's Press Assocla- country. Camp Sunshine is another THE WEEK'S CALENDAR have the elementary school's Field and tion. h the Auxiliary's program as well as sev~ Sports Day cn May 29, just prior to the In the midst of so active a life s c eral other worthy causes. FRIDAY, MAY 16 II Memorial Day holiday, for the schools 8:1$ P.M.-"C1nderella" Dance Program .•••.•.•••••. Hlgh School Auditorlum has achieved literary triumphs as we. Checks and money have been will be closed on May 30. SAT'tJRDAY, MAY 17 The high school band which appeartd A number of her poems have been pub- ing in since the joint Charity 2:30 P. M. _ "Beauty and the Beast'· ..•.•...••.••...•••.•..••.•.. PIa.yers Club lished in several anthologies. "Homeand the arduo"s efforts of . • u m t h e b'Ig b and parade at Philadelphia 5:30 P. M. _ Greek Drama •.••••..••••••••.••••••• Swarthmore COllege campus spun," "Pennsylvania Poets," and flLts~ Bassett and his committee to make the last Saturday with seventy musicians in 8:15 P. Y. - "Beauty and the Beas+," ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PIayem Club ten, My Children." Last month she re- party a success socially and financially line will have a busy weekend over 8UNDAY, MAY 18 11:00 A. M. - MomlnK Worehlp ......••••••.••.•••.••.•••..••.•. I.ocal Churches ceived the first award for her poem met with great cooperation on the Meinorial Day. The parents will give MONDAY. MAY 19 "Divided Loyalty'" in the Delaware of Swarthmore. Fifty-seven tables were I them the annual dinner on Thursday 10;00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.-Red Cross 8ewlng •••••••••••••••••••• Wom&u'a Club County Literature Contest of the Fed- sold and sixty-seven donors from May 29 and then on Friday 7:00 P.M.-Buelnl!8liJ Assoelat.lon ...•.•••..••.....•.•.•••••••.••••... Jngleneuk 8:00 p. II. - American t.ealon ...................•..••••...••••••• BoroUlh IIalJ. eration of Woman's Clubs. Swarthmore and Philadelphia generMay 30 they will play for the During the World War she was c~P-1 ou.sly made prizes possible. Memorial Day P"rade and WEDNESDAY, KAY 21 10;00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.-Reel Cross Sewlng •••••••• Presbyterlan Par1sh House tain of the Red Cross Canteen Servtce At the above meeting the articles and on Saturday Yay 31 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P. II. - Red Cross SUrgical Dressings S "~ta and during the influenza epidemic she purchased for the Christmas Toy Shop they will provide music for the annual Pront &: J--~~u te .• .-.::u 2:00 P. M. -Legton AusllIarJ ••..•••••.•••••••••.•••••.••••••• "' •• Borough Ball was one of three women who nurs~d will be on ·display, as they wilt be Class Day Exercises at Swarthmore 7:45 P. M. - COuIlcU 8118 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••• ; .Borough Ball L.________________________________________________________ 50 Virginia artillerymen stationed 10 wrapped during the summer~ College. ;================:':================~I mllllllllnlnlllllllllnlinUllUIlIIllIIlIlUllmlmllllllllllllllmlll1iII SI.e""e's First Floor nlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnllnllllDlI1IIIIIIIIUnWlIHllllRliill Why Worry About Your Winter Clothes & Fur COOlS? S W A l:t T H M () l:t E ~I (C~~~,~J • THE MAY 16, 1941 SWARTHMOREAN Mrs. James H. Hornaday entertained Mr. and Mrs. CWarle. E. Black of avenue, Swarthmore will take place to.. Monday afternoon at a lovely tea in Linden avenue, Rutledge entertained morrow at 4:30 at the home of the honor of her mother Mrs. G. P. Tncker Mr. and Mrs. Floyd R. Nickerson and bride. Mrs. Alan Hale' 'and· Miss of Washington J D. C. who is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charle. E. Black of Do'ris Schaffer of Dickinson avenue en .. with the Hornadays for a short time. Swarthmore ata Mother's:Day family tertained with a shower in honor of .;. Miss Mitchell last Friday evening. On Mrs. Winifred H. Butts of Washing- dinner on Sunday afternoon.~ '.. ton, D. C. is spending this week with . Mrs. John E. Gensemer and Mis. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Godher son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Bette Mitchell Dudley of Vassar ave- frey Taylor entertained at dinner in Mrs. Roger C. Butts of Westdale ave- nue are leaving today for a visit of their home in Wilmington, Del. Dr. and Mrs. George P. Warren of South nue. about a week at Cape May, N. J. Mr. Henry I. Hoot of Lafayette and Mrs. Arthur J. Jones will entertain Chester road will be host and hostess Princeton avenue accompanied by his a few friends at luncheon and bridge at a small family dinner this evening. daughters Nancy and Helen and his this afternoon at her home on Dickinmother Mrs. Mary Hoot of Philadelphia solilivefiue. Do Yoa ~ motored to Oberlin College. Oberlin, Joan Carpenter returned from Bea. 'lbe 811111 can ,. ~ &1do ~1III'r Ohio Saturday to visit Polly Hoot who v~r 'College,' Jenk,ntown' recently to Call 440 is a student there. They returned the visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. Allen TIres ~r"$.on" following day. W. Carpenter on North Chester' road. ,.. . . . .. Dik Fairscrvice of Cornell avenue left Joan has been re-elected to the Honor RUSSELL'S SERVICE Wednesday lor Newport. R. I. having Council at Beaver· for -next year. enlisted some time ago for four years . Mrs. L. E. "Putnam of Lafayette aveDartmouth and Lafai_ A.... with the aviation branch of the United ntle was 'seriously ill "this week in the "We sen t;arI-~. . . ,lea ~"' States Navy. Hospital,· Chester where she was 1~===i;;;;;;;;=========:;::==1 Mrs. Jay D. Cooke and daughter Crozer taken Saturday.· I Betty of Westdale avenue spent last •• 1 week-end with Jane Cooke at the Women's College of North Carolina Uni~ versity, Greensboro, N. C. During their A number of lovely parties have been visit Mrs. Cooke and Betty witnessed planned. this week in honor of Miss the Parcnfs Day-May Day acti.vities. Doreen Mitchell daughter of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. D: B. Spangler and Mitch~ll of Brookhill, Wal.Charles D. children William and Mary Jane of lingford and the late Mr. Charles D. Pittsburgh are visiting Mr. Spangler's Mitchell well-known illustrator whose parents Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Spangler to Mr. J. Stanley Taylor son RBAD THE NBWBST BOOKS • ·marriage of Lafayette avenue. After spending of the late Mrs. John N. Taylor of Yale ATTRACTIVE KNITTING BAGS about a month in Swarthmore the Spanglers will leave for San Francisco. Cal. where they will make their home. KEYSTONE SECRETARIAL SCHOOL Mrs. Harold G. Griffin of Rutgers AT BALTIMORE PIKE AND LINCOLN AVBNtJB, SWARTllMOBB avenue was hostess on Monday afterAnnOUDces the 9pen.ln.c of Its noon at a pre··dedication luncheon of SUMMER 'SCHOOL a pyracanthus shrub given by ten ON .JUNE 16 friends of Mrs. Jesse H. Holmes in efKeJdster Now for S1IIIIIQ.er or CUlTent Courses fectionate recognition of her long and Write or 7elepbone s". 1747 for Information Day and Evenlq Classes valued years of service to the Swarthmore Woman's Club. Those present at the luncheon were: ...~.. PROTECT YOUR FURS Mrs. Jessc H. Holmes, Mrs. J. HorV uI ace Walter, Mrs. Peter E. Told, Mrs. ,.. In Our Modern, Sale, AiI-Coaditioned Cold Stora,. a to f2.00 Mlnlmum Chaqe 'or 2% on Your Own EnIuatlon Roland ·L. Eaton. Mrs. George M.. . · '[ . CLENO.·,RE-NU-IT CO. E• WlIlg, 1\ rs. Ro bert L. Coates, M rs. Roland G. E.' Unman, Mrs. William CLEANERS AND DYRR8-6101-1S·WELSH STREET. CBESrER PERSONALS On Monday, May 5, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Johll F. Spellcer of kutgers avenue, Mr. John P. Dolman, Guen ther H. Froebe1 of Swarthmore Mr. Charles Seymour and David Sey- avenue drove Mrs. Earl Weltz of Colmour of Vassar avenue are leaving to- lege avenue and Mrs. James Callahan of day lor Charleston, W. Va.• where they Media both of whom have sons in the wtU attend tne wedding on May l~ sludent body of Lehigh, to attend Militof Miss Helena Kent of Charleston to lary Day at Lehigh University. They had luncheon and dinner at the Chi Phi Mr. Robert Effingham Dolman. fraternity house. John Dolman. Jr., who has spent the past week visitmg iris gardens ill ~e Mr. and Mrs. John N. ·Ludwig, Jr. of south will meet the rest of the famIly Walnut lane, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Broill Charleston and will act as his ·son's gan of Guernsey and Thayer roads, ltest man. Charles Seymour and Jack Mrs. Roland Eaton of Rutgers avenue, Volman will serve as ushers. and Mrs. G: L. Alston of Westdale avenue visited their sons and daughters .Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'I'. Bair returned Mother's Day week-end at over the Monday by train to their home on Cornell avenue. Mrs. Bair had spent three Bucknell University. Mrs. Eaton and months with her father Mr. John M. Mrs. Alston drove up together for the Criley of Terra (;eia, Fla; while re- exercises which included the crowning cuperating from arthritis. She is much of the May Queen. improved. Mr. Bair had gone down a ~Irs. Ralph V. Little of Park avenue week before accompanymg his wife on and Miss Harriet Welsh of Darby her return trip. A llwuber ot large fish traveled to Raleigh, N. C. last Tuesincluding a 75 pound tarpon weI"e landed day, May 6, where they attended a by Mr. Bair in a bit of fishing during )Iay Day celebration at Peace College Ins stay. staged by Mrs. Little's daughter MarEight local girls Bette Ann Kite, garet, physical education instructor at Jean Flaherty, \Vinifred Park, Anly the college. Mrs. Little and Miss Welsh Jane DavidSon, Midge BrownJ (;ar~l returned Sunday, May 11, after visit.Maude .Frocbel, futty Weltz and Lm ing University of North Carolina at Freegard entertained 125 guests at a Chapel Hill and Duke University at dance in the Media Woman s CluiJ Durham, N. C. House last Saturday llight. Frances Turner, Harriet WickhamJ . 'l'be ball room was most cOJlvincingly and Eliot Jeffords were among those promenade deck 01 an decorated as ocean liuer, with dark blue wall hang- participating hl the University of Pennmgs for sky and water, silhouetted stars, syh'ania May Day held at the Morris in Chestnut Hill. Saturday, lile sIZed voyagers ill evening dress ami Arboretum 1[ay 10. sailors with lUl10culars watching water ~Ir. and l\irs. George T. Ashton of spouts against a rail, a Hag blowiug at the stern, gulls following the boat, \Vallillgford entertained at dinner at ships in the distance and just about the Art Alliance for Mr. Fletcher everything else one might glimpse on Hodges, Jr. on Tuesday evening. shipboard. A gangplank led to the or"Irs. H. Lindley Peel will entertain a chestra in the roslrum. small group of friends at a dessertThe party was chaperoned by the parbridge in her home on Columbia a\'eents of the hostesses. Ilue this afternoon. Bette Ann Kite had Harriet Frarer Mr. and Mrs. Clayton M. Albright of W ilruillgtOD, Del as her house guest We Call and Dellver I 'Phone Chester &116 entertained twelve guests at dinner and for the event, Amy Jane Davidson eDbridge on Saturday evening at their Earl Kistler, Mrs. A. Mn. M. Lackey, tertained Mark Kinney of l,awrenccville Joseph N. Walton. HaroldMrs'U'~===::=:;========~E=============~~ G.I~ Academy. N. J. over the week-end of home in Wallingford. Griffin, and Mrs. Griffin's mother Mrs. MAY SUNDAY Mc)RNING· NATURE the event. Nancy Kline of Woodbury. Mr. alld Mrs. George F. Shaw of Franke Perce of Arlington, Mass. 18 N. J was Midge Brown's visitor. and Norwood are moving into one of the '. SOc per walk·.. ..-" .~~ . Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Anthony and. Betsy Barclay of Riverton, N J. visited Bittle apartments on Park avenue. 5011 Perry of 508 North Swarthmore . MAY Meet in front of ithe Marlin Biolccical Laboratory, Carol Maude Froebel. Mrs. John F. Spencer acted as one avenue are leaving today for their new 25 Swarthmore. Colleg~ Mrs. Paul Freedley of SwarUlmore of thrt-e judges at the Junior Drama Feshome on 16 Saxer avenue Springfield. AT 6:30 A. M. avenue had as her guests at her sea- tival of the University of Pennsylvania Mrs. Howard S. Tllrner of Cornell shore cottage at Avalon, N. J. on Sun- Cultural Olympics Friday evening, May Brin, ears II possible. Proposed destinations: avenue entertained number of friends day Mrs. Charles DeHart Brower, Miss 9. May 18. Cram Wood. at Swarthmore. Saturday afternoon, May 3, ata dessert Dorothy Brower and Miss Kcta Browparty and pantry-:-shelf shower in honor Mrs. Alfred E Longwell is recovering May 25. Ti~eum and Ho« Island Marshes .... 0' ~w:lrth'"'""lrI'_.!.._Mr. 1.;ll1rf':nrp ~mith • of Bostoll. Mass. who is now stationed trom all attaCK or- me-gnppe wmcn nas ot Mhs Doreen Mitchell Wh03C marriage Return to Swarthmore 8:30 to 9:00~. M. confined her to bed at her Lafayette will take pla~e on May17. at camp at Baltimore, Md.; Mr. Jonavenue home since Wednesday of last C. BROO~E WORTH - Swarthmore 573-J. athan Elmer and his mother Mrs. Jonathan Ehner of Wayne; and Mrs. week. Media Secretarial School Mrs. John Clarence Lee of Stanford, Whitney Weinrick of Pittsburgh. AIID01DlCeII Miss Harriet Selfridge· of Strath Ha- ·Conn. formerly of Philadelphia has been SllMft1EB CLASSES veD Inn, Mrs. Crawford Twaddell of visiting a week with her son-in-law and BBGDINDIG MONDAY, JUNII II We are proud to aunounee \Vesttown, Mrs. George C. Harvey of daughter Mr. and Mrs. Harold March of Benjamin West House, Swarthmore Day and that we have installed the Wallingford, Mrs. Henry A. Piper of Write for Clmdar or CIIIl _ 1131 College campus Yale avenue, and Mrs. John R. Kline Betsy Barclay of Moorestown, N. J .It""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~~=:! of Riverview road attended the annual luncheon banquet of the Huguenot So- was the week-end guest of Carol Maude ciety of Pennsylvania which was held Froebel of Swarthmore avenue. in Philadelphia last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert L Eltinge arrived B marvelous, scientific achieveMr. and Mrs. Guenther H. Froebel Monday from Sebring, Fla to visit Mrs. and sister Mr. Eltinge's brother-in-law of Swarthmore avenue had as passenment whereby you ean reduce gers on Saturday, May 3. Ann Gorman, and Mrs. Richard T. Randall, Jr. of .easily, safely, and comfortably. Shirley Nason, Jane Schoff, and George North Chester road while en route to Froebel of Swarthmore, and Peter De Twilight Park, N. Y. Come Inl See It! Groot of Media, when they journeyed to STARTS FRIDAY Atlantic City to witness the Swarthmore Moot No Diet No MassBge High School and Agnes Irwin School FOR ONE WEEK exhibition game before the convention No Exercise No Drugs 13 PARK AVENUE of athletic teachers. Carol Maude FroeCHA.RLlE bel traveled with the team on the train. No Heat ·No Discomfort Swarthmore 595 CHA.PLlN Paul Snyder accompanied by Jack Rogers organist of the Episcopal In Starts Friday Church at Steubcnsville, Ohio where "THE GREAT both the boys live, drove east 011 Tues"RIDE ON V AOUERO" wItb CESAR ROMERO day to visit his aunt Mrs. Paul li'reedDICTATOR" ;lnd MARY BETH HUGHES ley of Swarthmore avenue and his fiStarts Tuesday with ancee Miss Margaret Whiteman of "S{.EEPERS WEST" PAULETTE GODDARD The' Swarthmore. The travelers turned with LLOYD NOLAN and LYNN BARI westward again on Wednesday. JACK OAKIE Mrs. P. A. Whitaker of Park and Princeton avenues with her daughter Mrs. C. Russell Phillips of Strath Haven avenue visited her daughter Libby But one drop of water from a polluted well or STARTS SATURDAV at the University of Delaware last Satspring· may contain enough disease producing urday which was the college's May WALLACE BEERY Friday - Saturday LIONEL BARRYMORE Day. tn hacleria to endanger the lives of those Mr. John C. Moore of Amherst ave"THE BAD MAN" who drink it. nue left Sunday, May 4, for a busin.ess STARTS TUESDAY in trip to Miami, Fla. From Miami he "MEET BOSTON took the Clipper to Havana, Cuba, BLACKffl" ":lnd will return to New York by boat. with with Morris WALTER BRENNAN Is 'SAFE wat~r, . teste~ .every hOII1- of the day.·· FRANCHOT TONE 'Flight From Destiny' Never take chan~es with water with THOMAS MITCHELL Sunday Only __ Doll" the wALKs' a B"""'"" Take Inches Off Your ;"SLENDERATOR" Figure The Lazy Way! • Co-Ed Beauty Salon i I Just a Drop • m MAY 16, 1941 THE THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA, THE 5WARTHMOREAN, INC., PUBLISHER PHONE :>WABTHMORE 900 PETER E. TOLD, Editor MARJORIE FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1941 Tuesday evening at the home of Victor Allison. Media. The Epworth League holds ';ts business meeting 011 Tuesday evening at 7 P. M. in the chapel On Saturday evening, May 24 the Church SchOOl class 01 Alice Snyder will give a play in the social hall. "The Skeaming Six." is the name of the sketch. The Social Union of the Philadelphia Annual Conlerence will hold its spring banquet on· Tuesday evening 111 l-'hiladelphia. Dr. Frederick }j. Harris of Washington, D. C., will be the speaker. The pastor will preach at the anlli~ versary servIce of the Providence Avenue Methodist Church, Chester, 011 Sunoay evellJug, May 18. Presbyterian Church Notes Sunday mornillg at 11 o'clock the sermon.,will be "What is the Use o! Religion 7" 'rhis is the third of a senes. of sermons on "Questions Men Are Asking About Religion 1'oday." The Church Hour N ursery will be dis· continued during the spring and summer months. The .nursery will reopen ill the fall . '11 The .Men's Bible Class meetmgs WI also b~ dis·continued. just for the spring and summer months. There will be a tea given on TuesdaYJ May 20 from 3 to 5:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. AKnes M. Haig Sheldon, Indian Hill Ogden avenue, for all the ~ .. members of the Woman's Association ~ ~'arid _. the women of the congregation. Each is cordially invited to attend. J. J. Event This Week-End The Session will meet Friday evening. The allIlual picnic of the J. ).'s will May 16, at 8 o'clock at the hOlne of be held at tllc honie of the president Elder Arthur J. J Olles, 307 Dickinson 1"' lorence VVhitsit on Elm avenue this avenue. 'I'here will ·be an opportunity for Red ,;:,uuday aUernaOH beginning at 5 Cross Sewing· every Wednesday from o·clock. FoUowing the repast a meeting 10 o'clock to 4 o'clock in the Parish for the election of new officers to reHouse until further notice. All are urged place the college-bound members and to attend, bringing a box lunch. Collee carryon the charitable work of this will be served. A cordial invitation is lnterdcnominational high school girls' extended to all the women of the com- group, will be named. u • niunity. MRS. OLMSTED LISTS The Women's Committee for War AMERICAN ISSUES Relief asks help in money or clothing for the aid of English children. Contri"America faces four issues - aid to butions of money should be sent to Mrs. Britain, power of the President, Latin ]. Francis Taylor. 233 Dickinson ave- American friendship, and Far East trade nue. Clothing may be left at the church. and the first two are tied together," 'l'he Presbyterian Home for Aged declared Mrs. Mildred Scott Olmsted Couples and Single Men, at Bata, will at the Women's International League hold. a May Day ori May 22, all day. meeting on Friday, May 9, in Bond Information.may be obtained from Mrs. Memorial. 'fhomas B. McCabe, 007 N. Chester "!{oosevelt is facing a dilemma for he road. Luncheon and dinner will be must break faith with the people or served with Britain," said Mrs. Olmsted, add• I • N ing that she feared that he would break _-'_'P Trinity ...-io.u otes his election pledges trusting that prop' On Sunday afternoon the Church aganda would win him popular supSchool choir will attend the presenta- port even though he faces the danger of tion service of the Lenten offering at I g')ln.g into war without the enthusiasm the athletic field of the Episcopal Acad- of the people. :'" emy. A chartered bus will leave the She stressed the fact that we must church at 2 o'clock. Representatives of prepare ourselves to enter a world orthe different classes will also attend. ganization with both political and ecoOn Thursday of next week, Ascension nomic functions. "We are faced now DaYJ there will be celebrations of the with a crying need for international maHoly Communion at 7 :30 and 10 A. M. chinery for mediation," she said. The final meeting of the confirmation Members were urged to write the class will be held in the church on Mon- President, senators, and representatives day eveni~g at 7 o'clock. The Bishop of in opposition to convoying which is a the Diocese will make his annual visita- step toward Wat. tion on Sunday eveningJ May 25 at 8 The yearly reports were given by o'clock. This occasion will be a service Mrs. Frank Reynolds treasurer, Mrs. of r·ededica·tion -on the part of all mem- Roy Lingle legislative chairman, Olive bers of the Parish and will be held in Cleaves membership chairman, and Mrs. connection with the "Forward in Serv- HowaI"d Smith peace toys chairman. The report of the president, Mrs. Roy ice Program" of the national church. The Young People's Fellowship will McCorkel was read by Mrs. Patrick hold a progressive dinner on Saturday Malin who presided in the absence of evenlng~ May 24. . Mrs. McCorkel. • t • Mrs. David Braun gave a brief acChristian Scienee Church count of the national conference of t'Mortals and Immortals" is the sub- the W. I. L. recently held in Wash· ject of the Lesson-Sermon in all ington. Several members expressed their in· Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Suntention of going to the state meeting to day, May 18. The Golden Text is: in Norristown May 19 and 20. be held "Forsake the foolish, and live; and go Mrs. Harold March is arranging transin the way of understanding" (Proverbs portation. _ _ _...M .... __ 9 :6). • •• • • .. Methodist •Church • the Bucket Notes CHURCH SERVICES 9:45 A. _ 10;00 A.. Bermon 11:00 A. Use of Deanna Durbin ~~~~ MANOR Thursday-Frlda.y-Saturday GERALDINE FITZGERALD DEANNA DURBIN "The Trial oj Mary Dugan" FRANCHOT TONE with ROBERT YOUNG WALTER BRENNAN "NICE GIRL" Banday-Monday-Taesday (Sunday ContiDuous 2-11 P. M. JAME CAGNEY OUVIA DeBAV1LLAND "Strawberry Blonde" RITA HAYWORTH SPRINGFIELD WATER FRIDAY Monday - Tuesday ERROL FLYNN in "FOOTSTEPS IN THE DARK" "Sign 01 'he WolF' with MlCIIABL WIIALBN GRACB BRADLEY SATURDAY DON Q8BD" BARRY tn HTtIJO eR" Slt.ritrt WATER Heard in Piano Guild Patty Patman, Charles Keenan, Barbara Krase. Eddie. Medford and Marilyn MacElwee were among the students playing at the National Guild of Piano Teachers' Recital held in Philadelphia last Saturday. Chari.es, Eddie, and Madly" received the rating of high honor in the district class, while Patty and Barbara receivcd high honor in the state class. WHliam O'Toole a New York musician was this year's judge These Swarthmore children are stu· dents of Afiss Elizabeth Ernst of Ridley Park. ___......._ _ I • French Circle in Musical Program Le Cerc1e Francais of Swarthmore wound up its season last night with a ··Soiree musicale" at the home of Airs. Rector ). C. Bedford of Moylan-Rose Valley. The program was eighteenth century lerme,n·i music Tendered by Mrs. Herbert Frazer, Cyril Gardner and Mrs. Bedford. .,---- ••• from untested sources. pmLADELPBIA SUBURBAN In ,; .", 9 Bewlng Friends Rummage Sale A spring rummage sale for the benethe fit of the Friends' Service Committee will be held n.ext Thursday, May 22, and from 11 A. M. to 6:30 P. M. in Whit· . tier House of-the Swarthmore Friends_' Meeting. ~~:~~~·~~~~~~t~~Bo~,.~l~un~ch~eo~n~ 0lIUBCH OP CHRIST. ~.•• ~ OP SWABTBMOBB Avenue Below Barvar4 11,00 A. II. - Bunday SchooL ~ , • • ._' Dancing Class Mothers to Meet 11:00 A.M.-Sunday Lesson..sermon. The annual mothers' .mceting of th~ evenlDg each :,:~[ dancing classes will be held in the. 8 Wednesclay p. m. Beir.d.1Dg roOmmeeting open da1l¥. SUD.daJB BDd J:lO~ 1 to 4 p. m.. Woman's Club house :Monday evening. -.i¥.!!:"&.IA!'te?_!:> .. ':!!..!."4 May 19 at 8 P. ·M. The .election of N ian .......... _ _ . . . . ,-. ':.::. -..-u. officers will take 'place at 'that lime. Pad!: CO. .. :Hh:' ~ ONE TOUCH OF NATURE nesday, May 21 at 2:30 P. M. in the MOTHERS' CLUB HOLDS school cafeteria. LAST REGULAR MEETING ",. The annual May business meeting of the Swarthmore Mothers' Club was Philosophers have given us mony lee- held at 2 :45 P. M. Friday, May 9, in tures on the danger of bec-oming narrow the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. in our interests. The tendency to fall in· The following officers were elected for to this error is so human, however, that 1941·42: it is scarcely to be avoided by even the Mrs. William F. Lee, president; :Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, vice-president; :Mrs. most conscientious person. G. Moxey, Jr., recording secreRecen tly I spok e t 0 mem b ers of a John '{ J hAd "H . AUr ct tary;.D rs. 0 n . Plumer, correspon ow to a ing secretary' Mrs Th M re local garden club on Birds to Your Garden." 1 had never be- treasurer. Mr~. Ru ~ell JO~:.s ~ir~ f. ore spoken t 0 a gar d.e n club. - s e •lman do 's ems. c of m the membership committee; 10 fact, to any but ornithological groups. Mrs. Herman Bloom h' f the At the end of ~y talk I asked for com- business committee. ' c aJrman 0 ments or questions. . The program of the aftern60n con"What can you do about Mourning sisted of a symposium with the followDoves?" asked one of my listeners. ing members leading discussion: "\Vell, that's rather easy'" I. answered. Mrs. James P. Sill on "Feeding Prob:'Doves a~e membe~s of the pIgeon fa~- lems;" Mrs. William E. Danforth, Jr. Ily, and birds of.thlS c1a:ss are all gra~- on "Problems Arising When the Seceaters. The ordinary pigeon feed mlX- ond Baby Comes ;'. Mrs. Russell J enture. procurable at hardware stor~s. kins on "Enjoying Our Children." During the social time after the shou.ld .attract them to ?,our g:a- rden In gratlfymg numbers. BeSides thIS, Doves meeting 1\.!rs. Robert Cadigan prea~e very fond ?f water an~. respond to sented Mrs. Howard S, Turner the rebird baths particularly well tiring president with a gift from the "Heavens 1" replied the lady, "that's club members. . not what I m~ant to say,- ~ mean, h0'Z: This was the final official meeting can you get rid of Mournmg Doves? of the club vear 1940-41 I could find no words for the moment, '. • . Sixth Grade Mothers to Meet so I stared at her with my mouth open. "Last year," she continued, a pair of Doves built a nest under our bedroom There wilt be a meeting of the moth- LAWN FESTIVAL FRIDAY, MAY 23, 6 to 8 P. M. Presbyterian Churda Benefit Sr. Dept. Cbureh 8ehooJ ICE CREAM-STRAWBERRIES CAKE-BOOTHS THE ANTLERS INN A Pocono Inn with PersonaUty. BI.cellent tood. Good times. Active S\1Dl.. mer sports. Attractive rooms. Modderate rates. Capacity 11m1ted. Selected cl1entele. Three hoUllJ by car trom Swarthmore. Booklet on request. MRS. R.• C, WEBB CRESCO, PA. Phone Mt. Pocono 4521 Or (After 5 P. Mo) 8w. 229-.1 The MEDIA Call Media 174 or Stop Our Driver window. Every By day the theytime began 'coo' ee~rs~o~f~t:h:e~h:.~o~si:x~th~g~r~a~d~e~s~o:n~W~e~d~-.~================ at five o'clock. we to discov_ ered the nest there were young birds in it, and we couldn't bear to destroy them. Anyhow, we thought they might go somewhere else this year. But now they How make any bowl of cereal disappear: are back, building on the very same branch as before. Is there any way we can discourage them; and if so, is it legal ?" "You don't like them?" I said faintly. A chorus of "Noes" resounded through the room. Evidently familiarity with Scabiosa, Ageratum, Calendula and Salpiglossus breeds contempt for Doves, Skimmers, Skuass and Shrikes. "1 guess I oughtn't to say this," volunteered one of the members, "but I grew up with a favorite bird among ornithologists - a bird wh~se song became so monotonous to me that I still can't stand the sound of it: I don't even like Whip-poor-willsl" When I recovered consciousness the members had dispersed. Somewhat stu~ porous, 1 idly snapped the heads off a bed of choice hybrid gladioli, revelling meanwhile in the exquisite phrases of a nearby Brown Thrasher. - C. Brooke Worth. -----------------'0 I I • LOCAL ARTISTS TAKE PHILA. HONOR After appearing in two events during the past season of the Cultural Olympics in Philadelphia the Hispanic Dance Group composed of local school girls directed by Alix Field Whitaker of Elm avenue will be awarded the certificate of honor at the annual exercises in Philadelphia on Saturday, May 24. This exceeds the honor of re~ ceiving the award of merit which the group achieved last l'ear. A half-dozen members dressed in l.-fexican and Spanish costumes will march as a color guard at the commencement event. r---------., moth"", know th~ extra delight the whole family takes in breakfast when there's I Savl-nll 1IJ IfII JIiII- I real fann.style Supplee Cl'e81l"l on the tablel I 26c a pint; 15c a half- I Extra nourislunent - and a big dividend of I pint in Penna. Make I cream vitaminA. You save over 10% when you I Monday, Wednesday I • t. N ' fy your m illanan or call I Bnd cream Saturday ord er b y the pIn oti days. your I Chester 2·5721. L _________ .J MAGICAl. SUPPLEE-s-'~~ I,. SUPPLEE brings you the RUDY VALLEE...,S"'~ SHOW oye, KYW. Thursdays at 10 PM•• D.S.T. TUNE IN! • • CRBaM ~ At the morning service at 11 o'clock Sunday the sermon theme will be "A Persistent Question". The Church School will meet at 9 :45. The Ushers Association will meet on MEDIA "NICE GmL?" TOLD, Auociate Editor R08ALIJI PEmsOL Entered u Second CIua Mauer, JOll...., B, 1929, at the POll 0IIic0 at Swuthmore, Pa., nnder the Act of Much 8, 1879. 3 SWARTHMOREAN I _$ WATCH CHECK UPI Eveo:ywalch should beinspcct. ed at least once a year. This often saves you money on future costly repairs. Let our ~t American watch craftsmen give your walch the "once over'~. This service is offered to our customers absolutely free. If repairs are required, you will find our prices especially _able. While you are in our store, be sure to see the """"isite new Elgin mod· eIs priM l'atIe OM) MAY 16, IMI NEWS NOTES ~~~~'~~~ijg~~~~ I'. "Free France" The program of "France Forever" presented at the Woman's Club on May 8, highlighted the ideal aspirations of the France of yore as well as the courageous ones of the new, the free France I The contribution of the former Swarthmore College professor and minister of the French Church in Philadelphia Marcel Brun in well-styled French, was not only music to the ears of his French-speaking listeners, but a peetic monument to French culture as welL Whereas Lieutenant Philippe Magdelain's charming French accent in a fascinating talk, rendered in English, also he1d the audience spellbound, his subject w~s of a much more practical nature. He also felt that the importance of organizing Army and Navy movements by. the free French under de Gaulle, is underestimated in this country and that American sympathy and help in these movements could be a strong factor in preserving the France we have always known and love~. :~::;J~~ii~;;;;; : ...J, , 800 liant. new beauty DUCO can bring to dingy furniture. walla and woodwork. And with no effort at all! 5 BE.GINNING MAY 19th, 10 A. M. to The Swarthmore Grade Schools will be represented by a number of paintings and ,drawings at the Festival Exhibition Cd the Cultural Olympics program of tile University of Pennsylvania. These drawing-s were selected by a jury from thq~e that had previously been shown in. the Cultural Olympics Elementary Ilxhibit in April. The gallery. P. M. Old maple kltehen ehairs All kind. of old ehina and bric-a-brac PriceIJ RealJOrwble Telephone Sw. 149 ~ron. 1l:~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~=~1 at Woodland open day3425 to Friilay fromavenue 12 to is 6 P. M .. Sat- : urd,\" frdm 9 A. M. to I P. M. The. MARY DUN HILL • exhibit c~ses Saturday. May 24. The public is ~r.vited to all exh~bits. . U) .:. 1.1 0 ~~ Mr·dD,::): Evansof,Haverfh?rdTPlalee ~ .... is un er ng trea.tfnerit at t e ay or Hospital. .: e will reinain_ for. about ten' days. ~ ~ ,.. . Q BEAUTY c?k, 13 PRINCE MA TCHABELLI • I CHANEL • R(JMMAGE SALE 11 A. M. "' 6!liil P. M. , • F~nine frippery demand. THURSDAY, MAY· 22 ,~~:;g~ CHARBERT SRdo a. ... a.d Can Swuduoare "76 • ROV·AE .• CHEN YU • CORDA Y Colors. . . . ... .. ". . PER PINT • 8pe~cer.. 'Ogden Hobert rUle, spring gun, s ot, arrow or implement of any kind w ch Impels aDog object by force 1& bereby declared to be unlawful. The discharge on any private or publlc property of the Borough of any such weapon in sucb manner as tencIB to Imperil the personal security or endanger ~~~~~ar~~~~E~~~~;' clarE'd to be unlawful. andlsto Ukewlse subject. dethe tbe property of citizens "~o~f. guUty of Bny such act, or responsIble for ~ oecurrence. to the penalties a Its person or persona who may behereinafter adjudged provided. avenue. Suplee·· Hardware ;;'~~;;'~~~ at time of sale (unless otherwise stateo gagora and Cora A, BriCKley aDd Sam-uel, balance In ten dayu . W. Harrison, Charles T. Wakefleld 8.D.d WU-. 11am. L. Beck. LtqulclallJlg '1"rIIBteM. of Other condltIons on day of sale. stoneburet Bu11~ and LOe.u Aseoc1at1DD~ Pieri Pac1a8 No. 571 real owners and Mrs. Alma MeRenDa. teD-· In advertisement) ant In poe&esslon. March Term, 1941 . Swarthmore lU~ No""" PubUc-lnoaraDee-_"- QUINBY & lOSRPB I ~!"f;~~~~ I' Penna. Improvements consist of two story cement block. and stucco house. 21 x 30 feet. porch front; one story stueco additIon, : x 3 feet; cement block garage, 8 x 18 feet Sold. as the properi;y of John Donlan. E. LEROY van RODEN. Attorney. SON BOROUGH Of' SWARTHMORE Conditions:. $250.00, Casb~ certUled Check at. time' of sale (unleSs otherwise sta~ In By: W. R. ARGYLE, adverttsement) balance tn. ~n days.·Otber Attest: ELLIOTT RICHARDSON. :ondltlons on day of ~e. Approved this 7th day No. 249 bt May 1941 Levari Facias March Term. UNI JOHN H. PITMAN, Burgess. 5-16-lt :~=~;iORS .,-. 1 i~~~~~~~~;lr~~~f~~~f~ MEDIA, No, 34L Marcb Tenn. 1941 All that certain lot or piece of lP'Ound Situate in the TOWDBhip of Upper Darby. County of DelawBl'e, and State ot Pennsylvan1a. and designated. and known 88 lot nunibered five hundred forty-four on a plan of lots called. Highland Park. which is duly recorded in the amce for the Recording of Deeds, etc.. In and for the County aforesaid. In Plan Case No.1. pagr 13. and according to a survey thereof made by JO&elJh W. Bunter. ctvU Bngtneer. May 19th, 1~, and described. accordlng to said Plan 88 follows, to wit: :.< ••• WILLIA!4 W. IlcKDI. 8herUl. NOW- ," 61/2 MILLION t}ALLS A DAYI .. • In the past few mnnlhs, the number of telephone calli we bandle In Pennsylvania bas mounted to six and one-baH million dally! To handle them is Ii big.. job-but it's only part of the job we're now dolns.·· Add to thia the building of· more than two million dol•. lars' worth of telephone plant each month. To· 8Il)' nothing of the everyday job of maintaining thou88Dd8 of telephones .and . millions of mU... of, ~.l'~ We are making anan~, out drive of manpower,· materials and mon81~. supply the kind of phoneservicePennaylvania needs in thil8eCrttieaItbDe i : .. ... ,. tele. Contalnlng' 1li front or breadth on satd Fairview Avenue thence JlOl'theutwardIy twentY-f'lve feet and extending of that width ·In length or depth southeastwardly between Parallel nnes at right angles to said FairvIew Avenue one hundred flfteen feet. Under and subject to certain conditions and restrlc~lona as now appear of record, Also. all that certain lot or piece of ground with the bUildings and Improve- ra. YOU MIGHT THINK WE WERE MILLIONAIRES, and JlLGIN WA'rCBBII. B.. KELLEY, Jr. Your_Jeweler THECMNG~I ~ a.- BHERIPP BALES of REAL ESTATE SherUl"s Omce, Court Bouse. MedIa._ ~D.Da. Saturday. May 31, 1941 8:30 A. M. Eastern Standard. Time Conditions: $2.50.00 cash or certlfted check at time of sale (unless otherwlPe stated 10 advertisement) balance In ten daJB. other conditions on day of sale. Situate on the southeasterly side of Fair6. All Ordinances or parts ot view Avenue (1l.fty feet wide) at the cUsInconsistent herowlth are, to tanee of one hundred twenty-Ave feet _Of such inconsistency hereby northeastward1;y from the northeaaterlog 81dFt Passed this seventh day ot May 1941. . WILLIAM W. IlcKW. 8herIff. or. HaZel" :Avenue"crofty 'l'~t Witte); " BABOLD L. ERVIN, Attorney. All that certain lot Of ground with tho buUdlngs thereon erected, in Upper Darby Del. Co., PeIlDB., Beglnnlng on the N. w ad of Ashby Rd.. 389.3' B. w. from the S. w ad, of Walilut St., ContalnlDa 111 front on Ashby Rd. 28' aod .xtdg. of that wldtb In length n. w. between :parallel l1nes at ri"~ angles to Ashby Rd. '16.25' to middle of t 10' wide drIveway leadlng 8. w. from Walnut St. to Locust St. Subject to certalD buUdlng restrIctions. Together with the USE of said alley. In 'he unlawful use of • the said weapon Levari Facias confiscate same subject to the turther Burgef3S. SECTION 4. Nothing herein contained shall be taken to forbid a proper we of BUch weapons in ranges or entirely upon private property under pro~r supervlsion In such manner .. no' imperIl tbe " personal security or endanger tlle property of the Inhabitants of this Borough. SECTION 5. Any person adjudged guUty of violating any provisIon of this OrdInance shall be subject to a fine or penalty not exceedIng $10 and to lmprlsonment, subJect to the laws of this Commonwealth not eXceeding ten days. Standarii"TIme or WM. S. •BITTLE MRS. A. J. Swarthmore lOS in the event SHElUFF' SALES of REAL ESTATE 8:30 A. M. _\em ad,- ~;il:~~~:~~~r.~~~~: person re- ~~~~-:~f~~1~~~~~~.;'~~ mm.yln°ber. s::h ::g~ H.,:W~~ty~troller. . bath. $40 a month. Possession' at II South Chester Road .A"~· _p.t the . Sealed 8!()~IB' Wi.lI~~fttefved'· County . ~ Her's Omce, .Co.un ,House, Media, PIi., un,til 9 a. m.--(EaStetn Standard Tlme) and pUbl1cly opened at: 10 a. m. (Eastern ·Standard. Tlme) 'on and Wednesday. June 4, 1941. tor. tum1Bhtng dellverInk F. 0.· B. Broad'Mea.dow Farms, Concord Township. J>e~.•1U"8 County. PR., ODe (1000) thousand -t"t· of fire hose. . Speclflcatlons and blddlng sheet may be obtatned. at ,the Office of the CoWlty Controller, arid_Do·bld··wlll be entertained unlelts -made. ::-Out: on said bidding sheet. Each bid, must be accompanied by a certIfied :cbeck: of ~ftf~ (fSQ.OO) .dollars drawn to·the· order·of·tlie County'of Delaware. C ' __ I t.b rIght The County omm..... era reserve e to reject any or all ,biela. \fER UNUSUAL BARGAIN . Sa.crUI's omce. Cowt HO\1$8, MedIa. Rent .on·. BIll',· llolli/i! 5" mi•• "An.'\i"., - -..... .•.• ..... . Friday, June 6, 1941 once. 37M ROGER RUSSEll. CALGON Maker oj Fine ·Photograph'·I;::;,~;' P.~!fl ~~ Add CaIqon 10 water whenever you batheWash your face and hands-Shampoo your hatr-Wash your hosiery-Or bathe the baby. Makes aU water, silky·soft-Keeps skin soft, free from irritation. Prevents dry, 25c IVORY SOAP Pure white floating soap -Use for Economy 2% lb. size pkg. Chip8~......... u ............. 98c . pk.g. Under and subJebt to cer1a1n covenants and. .re:otrlctlons therein mentioned . . OP'OrruJ.rI•• Improvements co:USlst of two and- onehalf story:atucco hQ4Bfl, ,36, x 16 teet; stucco garage, 10 x 18 feet. I ' : . COAL and COKE FUEL OIL 5-16·3t .y~ VANAI.EN BROS. Yillage Window Cleaner Pbone Sw. 10412 A. HAUGER FOR PROMPT SERVICE IIBFRIGBRA'rOBS - NDtlliog tfJ iI-willi lief MODERN ELECTRIC ·LAUNDRY Dh tlJeJfJ/J Swarthmoft 19· BAllIOS wasmms-ALL VAKBS, PEOPLE'S TIRE STORE Duz ..............................pkg. 21c ---------.-...-....-..._.-..._...-....... COMPLETE FOOD STORE ROBER'1,'.W. BEATTY. Attorney. WILLIAM W. "McKIM, Sheriff. Ivory Snow...............pkg. 23c Camay Soap.........3 bars·2Oc . ,',2' Bold as the property of 'The American Home Building and Loa~ Association and George J. Edwards, 'Jr., LIQuidating Trw;tee. real owner. . ' 612 WELSH :O'TREET Call Ch..ter 8014 Ivory F1akes............pkg. 23c P. & G. Soap ......3 bars 14c . Complete Eye Service 21c:· Oxydol .....................pkg. 21c h,iDd.'e(i-ali'i"tw,enty , "16 HAVERFORD PLACE . CALL SWARTHMORE 1290 DR. M. BLOOMFIElD rough, red, chapped hands due to minerals in water. Doctors, dermatologists and hom.... economists aU endorse (,.algon. MARTEL'S Jre.1anea l~ ,' • J_titliow 90c "ONE COAT MAGIC" today! 18· modern .. ·., LOST .l11e "SOFTER THAN RAIN DROPS" 5 bars 24<: SALON ESTATE op· ·WJlJ[1AM_ v .. PI8OBBB, deceased. Le~ Teatamen'tluy On the above Bstate:. tiavtf been sranted to the unders~::c" Who request·.u '~t80D8 havIng cia Of. dioms.ncla against 111. J!IsIa\e of the decedent to make known the same. and all persona inltebted to the decedent to .. m l1li: .. e. ,pa,ymeil~!1~~t ~lH_~ ..... .....~ .Ilo. ~ . , ELIZA P. COLEMAN, " Eexut0r'8, . 200 Yale Avenue. Swarthmore, Pa. or to theIr attomey C. RUBBBLL pHUJ lPS, Eaq., 1500 Morris BuUdIDC, F..bIladelphla, 5-2-6t LOST-Kerry· Blue· Tenter. female. very 5-16-3t frlendlY.-.Beward for return. J4nJ. Glltilanl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _=:-_ 'PIaoue dishes and laundry. Ouque l-il-n-g way. Try this ACCOMPANis....· ACCOMPANIST-experienced, avallable for • tu<1lO. rec1tal. and private accompall"lng. Mrs. A. S. van Dick. Telephone Swarthmore 651-R. Eut 7th S1;, pkg. • Cherry drop-leaf .ahle Containing In front or _111 on said PaIn1ew Avenue thence nortbeutwardly twenty-4ve teet ADd ezteDcnua of that width in lepgtb. or depth IOUtheut5·9·21 wardly between parallel linea a' rlgbt angles to 18.14 Pairvtew Avenue ODe hUDdred fl1teen feet. SHRRTPP SALES of ltBAL BBTATB Improvement6 coDB1st of two story- Btucco Bbel'lfra omce, Court House, MedIa. .PeDDa. house, 16 x 33 feet; porch front: one story THE COUNCIL OP THE BOROUOH OP Baturday. May 24. 19f1 stucco Barage. 18 x 20 teet. SWARTHMORE DOES ORDAIN: 8:30 A. M. Eastern Standard. Time SOld 88 the property of Thomu -K. Brick.SECl'ION 1. The dlscbarge on tbe streets or alleys of the Borough ofinin alr gun. Condltlons: $250.00 cash or oertlfled. check Jey and Cora A. Brickley,. hIa wife. IDOrtM' (Oppootte Row 81&1e ThOaUo) 11 oz Contents Maine Country House A Rttle goes such a Now Only - 7466. SHADE AND LINOLEUM CO. 717 Edgmont Ave., Chester 'PhoDe Cheater 3724 ONE-WEEK SALE Sch!>ol Art on Exhibit DUCO flOWBsmoothly and easily . off your brush ••• leaves no brush marks ••• and it dries to asparkling. flawless surface! And DUCO is as durable aa it is beautiful! PERSONAL - Bell us clothing, shoes, housefurntshtnga you no longer want. Telephone Chester 2·2573 and we'll call . PERSONAL-Dres&maJdn.g: beautiful ~­ ored dresses made to order $4, $5. Suburban trade a specialty. Telephone Madison HERBERT'S , . ' I,' , _ taDce of one hundrecl dtt7 teet nortbea.R_ , flOm the norlboulerly side of JIuoj. . Avenue (forty teet wide).· , ,. AD OrdJnance prohibiting the dtscb.arge of air rUles or other mechanically poweled. weapons or Implements In any manner tending to imperil the personal security or endanger the property 01 cltlZeDs. and authorlz1ng the Borough POlice to make arrests, and prescriblng penalties for vlolatioDS. ,~llEL/I.WAJIllLI:OmttY Free E.timateal I _.. Situate on tbe aoutbeuterlY e1de of Palrview Avenue (fllty feet. Wide) at the ella· ORDINANCE NO. 446 SEC'l'ION 2. Pursuant to the authority contained in the General Borough Act of 1927, P. L. 519. 88 amended and supplemented. and more partIcularly to Article XII. Section 1201. IX, xvn. XXXIV, LV, Article XXXI. Section 3101 to sectIon 3108 Inclusive, and to the varIous Acts of Assembly In such CRSe made and provided, police of this Borough are hereby authorlzecI without warrant and upon view, to arrest and commIt for hearing. any person guUty of vIOlating thls ordlnance. Persona so arrested shall be entItled to g:ve ball for their appearance accordIng to the practice tn cases of summary convictions. ap- 0tl"LL You can get a better price at Herbert's because we specialize in inlaid linoleum, waIl linoleum, congoleum. carpeting and rugs. We carry complete stocks. Let us suggest helpful ideas to beautify your home. aforesald in plaD c::ue n~1mber 1. pep 13.:· IUld deocrlbed accordJna to aatd plan .. toDows. to wit: ' ... 5-2-3t the chorus of Y provaI.join too! Just the bril" Lowest Prices! Best Workmanship! 1 hUDd.red tom-Gve OD. • certa.I.D plan 01 Iota called High'and Park. sa14 plail be1ns duly ........ted In UIe 0IIIc0 for \be _ lug of Deeda etc., in and tor the County•. BOROUGH OP SWABTIDIIORE .• i_. k..;.. r----------------, tics forwas Aircraft· audience madeConstruction". up entirely ofThe designers· and engineers, from the Glenn L. Martin· Company which makes the famous·Martin· B·U bomber. The lecture was one of; a· series being given weekly in a defense, training C04cse at Hopkins. EASY-m-USEI, =_ . __ pa,- Huey of Benjamin West avenue gave a On' Friday R. lecture before aevenillg, group ofMay about2, 60W. aeronautical ·engineers·at Johns Hopkins in i:...._-O~. Baltimore, Md. His subject was "Plas- 81_.. menla erected ~ tile; 4~~1 TOWnoh1p of Upper qu-bJ, Counl, or·~.;? -are ....a 81a" of PoDlla71n:::::i.o-:: de-· ~ted. and mown u lot n -ft:fe ESTATE NOTICE Estale of Robel"t C. Broob. late of the Bor· ough of Swarthmore, Del. Co.. Pa., Deceased. Letters testamentary OD the above dlale haviq.&" been paDted the uodenianed, all penou indebted to said estate II'fe requested to make ment, aDd thoae haviDI" claims to prncnt the same without delay to Eli.:cabeth Henrietta Brooks. ElI:ea1tdll. 410 N. Swartht.tore Ave., Swarthmore, Pa., or to her attorney Guy W. DaY". Esq., 25 E. 5th Street. Cheater. Pa. 4'18·61 ;i~iii~~~~~~~~~~:' 1_ SWARTB~OREAN 'Phone Media 205 211 West State Street. Media Open Eve...,. Evenlq Huge washings are no problem to this young homemaker. Her up-to-the-minute electric washer takes'em right in its stride ••• washing. rinsing. blueing and damp drying the clothes in jig time. And once fresh-air-dried. the little lady. comfortably FrauaIq - Sladonel')' Kodak SDEplieo 'G= ' •• Cuda - B .... ,. ClSf. . ~ ~Booko - SIMMONDS· 71" 1VeIoh ~ 'ItlOlle e Ch_ . 1= a..UG WOOD KQPJIERS COKE W.". THOMAS FonD.., .r CODe .. Swart1uaor'e Cabl~ Ma1rer .... as lIoaTON AYBN1IBo. aVI'UIDGB _ · 8_ _ PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY C",penter & , ~, . " . . • _,., •.,.~ ,< .•.•.• -..... c-·. seated. whisks through the ironing. thanks to her electric ironer •. _ No wonder she and her family can be extravagant .and change .to fresh. clean ·clothes qften.:En.ioy this electric laundry-luxury yourseU. You'll be amoM at the low cost• . " " , , . 5WA"THM()I~E L 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN MAY 16, 194.1 COIJ,EGE TO GIVE Send 6 Firemen to JUNIORS CLOSE GREEK DRAMA Canadian Meeting CLUB SEASON Appeals to Taxpayers As required by law the unpaid real estate taxes are returned to the County Treasurer for collection on the first Monday in May. This year the amount r ------------ How to Visit Your Soldier at Camp That's easy - Greyhound sorves more training camps than any other travel _¥stem at less cost. Por ezampte: All Next Week at Your • If s fun to be ahead of the crowds -enjoying your favorite vacation spot while it's still fresh and unspoiled -and with hotel and resort accommo· dations assured. And it's fun to be money ahead, t000-3.8 you always are when you go places by Greyhound at only 1/3 the cost of driving a car. If your personal' plans pennit, you'U b~ smart to travel on week-days - anc you'll be saving extra seat space fo:::;o1dic!'G and sailors on leave over the week-ends. Round Trip Fares CAMP LEE Petersburg.. . ... $ 1.10 FORT DIX Trenton .•••' ..••••.•. $ .90 CAMP MEADE Baltimore •••.•.•• , .. , 2.25 CAMP SHELBY Hattiesburg ....••..•. $24.40 'F.'" 1. One-Way Rd••Trlp 10 Williamsburg Richmond ... ..•. ..00 .20 Wash., D. C ...... 1.'15 .15 Norfolk •..•.••.• $4.20 .55 Boston .......... $4.00 .00 N. Y. City ...... $1.45 &.10 Pitt!iburgh .•..•• $t.80 .65 Harrisburg •.••.. $2.30 .15 Swarthmore Travel Bureau Swarthmore Grocers 2 Park Avenue Swa. 179·W Why Worry About Your Winter Clothes & Fur Coatll? CLE • • • FUR S • • Store Them Free REMODELED - GLAZED for the Summer. You MaJ PAJ' for the Work When DeUvered !nth.FaD. ANED - We Are AlwaYIl Here Jor Your Service NOW at Busonable 8DIIUDer Pricea. We win • FUB VOL. xm, THESWARTHMOREA No. 21 LEGION PLANS MEMORIAL DAY AIl 01 Borough Organizations to Join in Annual Exereisetl May 30 SWARTHMORE, Copy Deadline Tuesday • Since Memorial Day May -® a legal holiday, faDs on the regular publishing date of The Swarthmorean next week the paper must be issued a day early and will be delivered in Thursday morning·s mail instead of Friday as customary. This means that the usual Wednesday 3 P. M. deadline will also be moved up one day and all copy for news and advertising must be in the office by the middle of Tuesday afternoon. PA., MAY 23, IEIORIIL DIY 194.1 TIMES ENTRUSTS '2.50 ORIGINAL 1930 CAST OF PER YEAR "MS. ANTONIO" WEST TO DAVIES Hi1Iborn Avenue Man will EstabIi.h San Francisco Burean Next Month At Monday evening"s session of the Lawrence E. Davies of 614 Hillborn Harold Ainsworth Post No. 427, Ameravenue who l4~ years ago opened the ican Legion arrangements were made Philadelphia branch of the New York for the annual Memorial Day exercises Times and has been correspondent here to be held Friday of next week. ever since, will leave the last week in The observation will begin promptly June to establish a San Francisco at 9 A. M. with the Legion Post and branch for that paper. The new branch Auxiliary, Company H, the Red Cross, will cover the far west and the Pacific Boy Scout Troops, Cubs, Girl Scouts, coast. With its inauguration Mr. Davies Brownies, Woman's Club, Rotary C l u b , I L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l will have opened two of the Times' Business Association and Fire Company three stations in this country (excludWashington and the New York ing participating at the memorial tablet at Borough Hall plaza. The firing squad headquarters). The other station is Left to right (ha." row) ComeHa S. Re)'Dold. (nolt' Mrs. Alfred G. Brown), and color guard this year will be furChicago which takes care of the mid- Helen M. Hall, Celia Davis, James H. Hornaday, Caroline Robinson (now nished by Company H which will asMrs. Ems Bishop), Dr. A. F. Jackson, John Brownell, Gertrude M. Buck; Appointment as Director of west. semble at 8:40 A. M. on the college Born in Girard, Kansas Mr. Davies (front row) Ned Prle, GeoJrre,. Dolman, Herbert L Walton, David Narbeth, field behind the railroad station and John....Manville R _ c h Was graduated from WiUamette Univer... Nancy Powell (now Mrs. Charles Innis), Ef6npam Dolman. Announced Thursday proceed in a body to Borough Hall. sity and immediately went to work for The various other units should asthe daily Portland (Oregon) Telegraph. semble at Borough Hall at 8 :45. The Dr. C. F. Rassweiler of Riverview From there he went to Paris where he High School band will again be seen road has been appointed director of re- spent l~ years on the Paris Herald. in action. search of Johns-Manville Corporation Fifteen years ago he became associated Addresses will be made by the Post according to an announcement made at with the New York paper. Chaplain Thomas A. Meryweather and a directors' meeting Thursday in New Mr. and Mrs. Davies and their three Dr. Roy N. Keiser recently appointed York. The announcement was repeated May Meeting Decided to Conduct Mrs. L. E. Putnam Came to children Gilbert, 10; Danny, 8i and minister to the Swarthmore Methodist at a dinner of research engineers at J.lrive For Funds; Annual Lafayette Avenue Residence Church. which Dr. Rasnweiler was the honor Tommy, 2 expect to motor west. AlPicnic June 10 41 Years Ago To the reading of the roll of de- guest in Manville. N. J. later that same though they are loath to leave Swarth· more and the home they have purMrs. Harriet A. Putnam widow of The Friendly Circle met at the home ceased veterans flags will be placed at day. chased here they are looking forward the tablet by Boy Scouts. Three "Appointment of the new research diDr. Leon E. Putnam passed away at 3 of Mrs. D. W. R. Morgan, Strath Ha· to being near the children's grandmothwreaths will be placed by the Legion, rector i:; made in preparation for ino'clock Tuesday afternoon, .May 20, in ven avenue on M~v 15, with Mrs .. S. S. Auxiliary and Company H. creased activity in product improvement ers who live within 100 miles of each Rutherford as co·boste... The presi· the Crozer HOspital, Chester where she After the volley fire and 'ITaps" a and llew development" said Lewis H. other in the west and are eagerly antic- dent, Mrs. F. Stuart Brown presided. bad been a patient for ten days. Mrs. parade wilt form on Park avenue under Brown, president of the company. "New ipa ting the broadened scope of Mr. Mrs. Elizabeth Plummer, supervising Pntnam had not enjoyed good health the marshalship of Mr. Meryweather problems face the research organization Davies' new endeavor. nurSe of the Community Health So- for several months. t daily during the national emergency". Born in Philadelphia on September ciety was guest speaker, telling of the and proceed south on Park to East awn Dr. Rassweiler will terminate his work 17, 1870 she was the daughter of Al· important work of Camp Sunshine and cemetery where exercises will be held at the grave of Charles A. Seymour a as head of the Philadelphia laboratory also of the needs filled by the Day onzo W. Allen machinery manufacturer of E. I. duPont de Nemours Co., on May Camps under the direction of the Dela- and Civil War veteran and Annie E. past commander of the Post. 31. With his wife and two sons he will Culp Allen. ware County Recreation Board. The parade will reform at the close vacation in Florida for the Dext two On July 10, 1890 she was married in A· drive for funds for Camp Sun. of a few remarks at the grave and re- weeks before assuming his new duties Philadelphia to a dentist and dental shine is planned by the Circle, headed turn to Borough Hall by way 01 Park on June 16. His offices will be in New LaBt of Foreign Song Programs manufacturer who practiced not only by M~s. Harvey R. Pierce. Money was avenue to Harvard avenue on Harvard York and in the laboratory in Manville To Feature EngliBh and in that city hut in Swarthmore, and voted for two children to attend the to Chester road ~nd al~ng Chester r~ad N. J. His family hopes to leave with hi~ American CompoBe1'8 day camp, tor prc,eriptiuns; :lhacs :aud later waa a .couuci1m,en. hcre..·.ln··1900 bacl{, to Park, dJsl»apdmg at the pomt 'to be 'situated in niJrtht:rn N. ]. 01 start The voyage through the realms of other needs brought to the attention they came to Swarthmore and pur.. • • 1 • Dr. Rassweiler received his B.S. from music with which the Swarthmore Mu- of the Circle. chased a home at 310 Lafayette avenue the University of Denver, his Ph.D. sic Club launched its season last fall Plans were discussed for the annual which has been the family home ever from the University of IDinois in 1924. and which has taken members through picnic to be held on the lawn of Mrs. since. He joined the duPont company as are· She was a member of Trinity Church, search chemist in 1924. many countries otberwisp; barred from Joseph S. Seal: Cornell and Yale ave· • I • travel, will come to an end next Tuesday nues on June 10. Mrs. Kendall Sadler Swarthmore and devoted her interests Five-Night Production Will Raise Gardens Open This Week-end evening May 27 at 8.30 with a program is in charge of the food assisted by to active work in its organizations until Funds to Purchase Mobile of English-American music at the home Mrs. Harold G. Griffin; Mrs. George a couple of years ago. Surviving are a son and daughter Unit For Britain The Garden Section of the Swarth· of Mrs. S. C. Harris on Wellesley road, Troxell, of tickets; Mrs. John Esslinger has the cake table assisted by Mrs. Allen L. Putnam of Maple avenue and more Woman's Club is happy to an- Swarthmore Hills. uMr. Antonio>t will open a five night nounce in connection with its series of There will however be two exceptions, Arthur Hughes, Mrs. George Smith, Iona G. Putnam who made her home run at the Players Club on Tuesday, garden visiting week-ends the foUow- a Schubert trio and an etude by Scria- Miss Lillian Boyt; Mrs. Arthur R. O. with her mother, and a granddaughter Redgrave has the flower table with Alice Harriet Putnam. May 27. Jointly presented by the Club iug local gardens which will be open bin. Last evening friends and relatives Mrs. Harry Reynolds, Mrs. George and the ThimbJe Group to raise funds to the public this Saturday and Sun- The program is as follows: called at Oliver Bair's in Philadelphia. "Concert Etude" by MacDowell played Zimmer as assistants; Mrs. Harvey R. for the purchase of a Rolling Kitchen day: This afternoon. Friday, at 2 o'clock the That of Sylvia Detweiler at SSO by Diana Brewster; a group of songs Pierce is in charge of the white elefor Britain the production will be diRiverview road, the iris filled yards of sung by Mrs. Allan W. Carpenter so- phant table and Mrs. Samuel M. Dodd Rev. J. Jarden Guenther rector will rected by Dr. A. F. Jackson. The Tarkington play was a great suc- Mr. and Mrs. Jamts H. Hornaday at prano accompanied by Dorothy Paul has charge of the luncheon tables and conduct funeral services in Trinity Church. Interment wiD be in Fernwood cess when produced 11 years ago by the 310 Dickinson avenue and of John Dol- from IIOmar Kahyam Suite First and chairs. cemetery. Players Club. Three of the original man, Jr. at 304 Vassar avenue, and Third Quatrain" by James H. Rogers; ; - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ __ ------~.~.~ Lib Sh Ma 30 cast will be seen in their former roles, the garden of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lappe HI Dreamt that I Wandered" and nA Dr. A. F. Jackson, David Narbeth, and of 117 Yale avenue where 75 lovely Wish" by Edmund Soule; "Lullaby" by rary:t y Red Cross Sewing Now on John Brownell. Helen Reed, Elizabeth peony plants are in bloom. Cyril Scott; a duet "A Day in Aready" The Swarthmore Public Li. Tuesdays May Roberts, Winifred A. McDowetl, The Garden Section wishes to make by Harriet Ware sung by Mrs. Robert brary will be closed all day on Angela Mason, Helen Parker, Mar- clear to people caring to view the Carels and Mrs. E. B. Swisher accomFriday of next week in observaNow that the regular club year acguerite Gettz, Beth Allyn, Stafford beauty spots that there is no obligation panied by Mrs. C. B. Campbetl j "Etude tion of Memorial Day. tivities of Tuesday meetings have ended Parker, J. W. Simons, I. R. MacElwee, to pay a personal call on the host or in C Sharp Minor" by Scriabin and and the Woman's Club House will be William E. Gibson, and Charles F. Sey- hostess who have so generously offered "Scherzo Humoristique (The Cat and I..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . J I available on that day the Red Cross mour complete the additions to the cast. to share their gardens with all, but the Mouse)" by Copland played by Payne to be High School sewing group which has been meeting Attendance at one of the five per- rather they would just stop at the visi- Louise Paulson; a group of songs renCommencement on Mondays will start a summer proformances of IIMr. Antonio" presents tors' convenience and feel absolutely dered by Mrs. S. C. Harris accomgram of Tuesday sessions. It is hoped a most pleasant way to contribute to free to wander through at their leisure panied by Dorothy Paul "The Sleep that Speaker that this change of day will be conthe cause of British Relief. The need enjoying the charm of gardens to the Flits on Baby's Eyes" by John Alden, venient for a larger number of women of mobile units such as the proceeds utmost. "When I Bring You Colored Toys" by The Swarthmore High School Class and that many of those who could not of the play will help to purchase grows I I I Carpenter, uThe Robin Sings in the of 1941 will hold its graduating exer- arrange to be away from home On daily more acute. They are costly but Second Town Meeting to be Held Apple Tree" by MacDowell and two cises in Clothier Memorial on Thurs· Mondays wiD join the faithful ones who their ability to carry sustenance and The town meeting debate on various Negro spirituals, the first movement day evening, June 12, at 8 P. M. The have worked so steadily to date and relief from place to place in the kinds of defense which was first held (Allegro-Moderato) of UTrio in B flat, commencement speaker will be Dr. greatly increase the volume of fine bombed areas makes them vital to on Tuesday night of last week will be Opus 99" by Schubert played by Lucius Paul C. Payne of the Board of Chris· work put out by this group. Britain's program. continued in Whittier House at 8 P. M. Cote, violin, Dr. W. F. G. Swann, cello, tian Education of the Presbyterian The sewing is held between the hours Tickets for the Thursday, Friday and next Wednesday! May 28. At the open- and Dorothy Paul, piano. Church whose subject will be "Meeting of 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. Saturday night performances can still ing meeting representatives of 14 Bar- New officers for the 1941-42 season the Pressure of the Crowd." There will be secured from Mrs. T. M. Jackson.. ough organizations were present. will be elected. be a program provided by the members Junior Club D8!1ee May 24 Since the play is one which children of the class in addition to this address. can enjoy and appreciate it is suggested The baccalaureate services for the The Junior Club Spring Dance win as a Friday or Saturday night treat for class will be community vesper ser- be held tomorrow night, Saturday, May them. TIlE WEEK'S CALENDAR vi_ces as in previous years and will be 24 in the Woman's Club house. It is an If you cannot attend the play hut held on Sunday afternoon, June 8, at open dance and everyone is invited. wish to give to the fund your contriFRIDAY. MAY 23 the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. The music will be by "The Rhythm· bution can be sent directly to Mrs. 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.-Strawberry Festlval ............ Presbyterlan Church The sermon will be delivered by Dr. makers" a popular eight-piece band. Jackson and wilt be gratefully used toSATURDAY, MAY 24 Roy N. Keiser, minister of the Swarth- There also will be a floor show. Anyward the unit's purchase. THIRD LOCAL GARDEN VISITING SATURDAY more :Methodist Church, and the other body who sells five tickets to anyone • I • THIRD LOCAL GABDBN VIBf=A~u:r:iY2S ministers of the community will assist but club members will receive a compliLesion Au:dUary News 11:00 A.M.-MOlIlIu& Won;b!p ................................. Loca1 Churobes at the service. All friends of the class mentary ticket. Tickets can be bought 4:30 P.II.-Vespera Servlce ................................ Mary Lyon SChool are invited to the baccalaureate ser- at the dO(lr or from Alma Trevethick. Members of the Legion Auxiliary are asked to send magazines and silk pieces MONDAY, MAY 26 vices, whi~h are free to the public, but All members are urged to attend and 8:30 p.M._nThe Swan," senior pIaY •.•••••••••.•••••••..•• Mary Lyon SchOOl adm,'ss,'on to the commencement exer bring guests. The dance will be semi· to Mrs. L. L. Servais of Dickinson ave· TOBSDAY. MAY ?:1 nue for the Coatesville Hospital 10:00 A.M, to 4;00 P. M. _ Red Cross seWIng ............. Woman's Club House ~ises will dbef by ticketbonly, fWthhich ~ay formal. Dancing from 9 to 1. • II The attention of wives, daughters, 8:15 P. Y. - "'Mr. Antonio" ••••••.••.••.•••....••••••••••••••••••• PJayer& Club e secure rom m, ~m. ers 0 e c S5. 8:15 P. M.- WUdcUft' Dancers ............................... Mary Lyon School h Bnsin_ Auoclalion Meets mot ers, or sisters of veterans of the 8:30 P.M.-Music Club .................................... B. C. nams' Bome ReIinqnlAhes (Am.p PresIdency World War is called to the need for a WBDNBBDAY. KAY 28 • 10:00 A.IL to ~:OO P.Il. - Reel """'" SOwing ........ ProabyterIan PBr!Sh Bouse Mrs. Laurence J. Stabler of Wal- The Swarthmore Business Associalarger group of Auxiliary members. Formal acceptance of new members 10:00 A. M. to 4;00 P. M. - Bed Croas Surgical ~:; &; Jaclt90n Sta.• Media tingford, who has served as president tion held its regular monthly dinaer will not take place ,mtil September. 8:00 P.IL-ToWn _ ..................................... WhJ"ler House of the Delaware County Day Camp meeting Monday evening at 7 o'clock Until then they will be welcomed in 8:15 P.IL-""'.....to..!o......................................... PIayerB Club since its organization in the spring of at the Ingleneok. The subject for disTJlUBSDAY. KAY 29 1940 . d th • cussion at this May meeting was the any of the summer activities of the 8:15 P. ll. _ ··Mr. Antonlo" •.•••.••••••.•••.••.••••••••••••••••••• Players Club ,restgDe at e camp committee Auxiliary, I'-___________________-----.;...----JI meeting Monday evening of last week credit system. DR. RASSWElLER RESEARCH HEAD Friendly Circle to OLD RESIDENT Aid Camp Sunshine PASSES AWAY •• MUSIC CLUB TO CLOSE SEASON .------ At Boy Scout· Meet in Capitol HELLMANN'S lOUR LIBltA 1I.'Y ...... PA. . I • Rex I. Gary of Yale a,,'enuc and Arthur W. Binns of Binllsbrook, RJ.!tledge will participate in the 31st annual meeting of the National Council of Boy Scouts to be held in Washington, D. C., l\..{ay 16 and 17. During the course of the meeting the council will be the guests of President Roosevelt at the \Vhite House. 00 LLItG J( "MR. ANTONIO" OPENS TUESDAY •• • SUBURBAN CAFE Church School will hold an old-fashioned lawn IllPUl 8"" AR'l'IlKOltK \. SWAI~THM()J~E and any unpaid ones must be paid by. her before the season closes. The tax collector Mrs. Samuel Dodd asks the cooperation of taxpayers in clearing the duplicate jn a>reparation for ending the tax year. Jr. Club Semi·Formal For the fourth successive year the A The Junior Club closed its regular . department an d stu d ents 0 I I ware of the increased importance season on Tuesday evening with a SPRING DANCE c IaSSlcs S th C II t' 0 the most capable fire fighting knowl9 to I o'clock SAT. MAY 24· wa~ ml °dre o. cl!c ar~ prelse II ang a edge ii, v,·ew of present world co"d,.t,.ons mother and daughter banquet at the c I asslca rama In Its orlglll3 language ~oman'. Club Bo-. Woman's Club House. After dinner the w, __ and costumes. The production Aristo- and pOSSible developments in the near . . . ··Peace" willf be C given lumorsofpresented to thegirt, SeDlar 10phanes' . I in coop. futuretheSwarthmoreFireCompanyhas . f stead thcir usual theClub mucll agall1st Ie ax co ector eratlOn with Haver ord 0 lege on the sen~ ~IX 0 jts volunteer members in key Swarthmore campus Saturday after- positions d I t I b' d needcd kitchen supplies for the club .~-noon, May 17, at 5 :30 o'clock. In case conventio: s 01 e t~~a ~atti~nta;e :i~~ ~~:_ kitchen. As is customary at the mother JlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'III1111'III11'III111111111111'IRUlillmUIIIIIIII"'UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIUUIllIIUIIIIIIIIIIUIBIIIIllIUIIIIIIIIRHIIllUIIIUUIIIIIR,nlll!'J! of rain the performance will be post· teet ion Association and the Interna- and daughter banquet prizes for the = :;;;: po ned until the following day. tional Board of Fire Underwriters be- higlt,.est score at the phidlantKhroPicp~ridge = BETTER THINGS-FOR LESS ~ "Peace" was first produced in Athens jug held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada par les wcr.e presente. IUy Itman a = at the Sl)ril1g festival known as the this week. won first prize and Mary Wood, second. _ 5 Great Dionysia in 421 B. C. during the Charles K' I fi I I I I' After the busincss session Virginia Seal, E . ' Immc rc mars la or t liS • • 'd t d h . = § Peloponnes1an War. Its appearance was district, john Rumse chief of the retlrmg preSI en tUTIle t e. meet~ng = followed a few weeks later by an actual Swarthmore Co,npa y dH H over to Mrs. Wallace Heaton mcommg ~ ::;: . I ny, an arry a11l'd t At thO f D M = E I IS peace treaty. TIle pay an allegory 0 by assistant firc chief vice- resid f pres I C l l . . IS. Ime orecn c- == ~ a mortal, Trygaeus, 'who mounts to the Swarthmo F" d P P eut.o Conechy vice-president presented to == !,eahven on fthe back ?I a Zwinged be~t1c 1Association, a~~ te~~he~n in t~~ete~:~~~ bMiss Se~lfton beha}f of theMclub mem- = Edgmont A venne - Seventh and W elsb Str~ts i!il 111 opes 0 persuadmg eus to brmg summer scI I f fi I I ers, a gl -cosmetic casco rs. Heaton == ::: · th en announce d t IIe executIVe . ,mard for =: = h h P eIOpOJllleSlan d af t e a b out teen in order to 100 aU or d:Atremen d ' e t Sunday IT \Var. On his arrival he discO\'crs that ll{ I MAY C a n a d i a n MeetiJl!! (~LUB 16, 1941 ~W"I~ -~-- ... d hdon a'n un"a,d on,'s II,lou Ihe se,lSon A"I.eal. In Taxl>ayer. DISPLAY YOUR FLAG ~Irs I \, SEASON mllsl he I",id loy closes ,u,Uln,1 I" 1,1\, 110, unp,nd re"l, '110, lax ",lIe .Ift IlI.:ttlllll'd to till Count) .I!.k ... th ... (OOIH.:r.ttlOll of tax))a)crs III j ' "01 'I IIt'r- Dat'"I I- I'rt, .... lII (I fOl (011(111011 oH the.: hrst I clc.lrlllg" till' (luplic.ltC 111 pn.:)IcITatloli I , ('r f ornUIIU'('., f Ar.s ' I 0 " I1:.111 t" K I I .o('a I ( .oll...a .. \, AI cra 10 Keel' 'I' lit'., Ia,v N'IgI II. e ~1(ll1d.l\ III ~I.l\ 'I Ins HaT til ...1Illount 1(IT t'1H IIIlg t IIe I.IX \("Ir "I'c",'e" In he Pr".t'II"'" ill Ahrt'a.1 of A'l'l,roved EIIlt'r,\t'r HatHI"el lIe1d ill WOInall'. I ~II "10 ,- I I I k 'I' I 'I. . ! Cluh 110111'1(' n InTII( ( \\.IS.. ,'" "t:J cSs t 1.111 IhlS I" (' ,r('(' onJorro,," I gcn('Y ul"lu.'s H.lrs Dllnn!-:" tillS month the p('rsonal Jr. Club Semi.Formal I I Till lunltll Cll1h llll"4.11 It .. Il!.!ul.tr t.IXl'" 011 tht 19-10 Cillphcdtl' shollld 11(,1 "or th~ fotllth ... UUl .... l\l \lll til: \\\tll 01 thlC mCll.lsed IIIIIHlIt.mu p,II(II01l Oli 'juc .. dl\ t\tlllll.l..:: \\lth.1 k < , < II , 0 1 the 1II0 ... t c.lp.tblc firl' fig"htlllg kfHl\\ \\(.·t 9 10 I o'clo('k SAT. MAY 24 ~\\.llthIllCllt' «(I 19t In Illl .. tll IlIg I Illtltlll.:1 .llld .lmghl4.r h.llllll1lt .It tht.: I' II I I' I "., ,I 1"I"""'l l dgt' 111 \ It \\ of pi I,. "(0 lit \\ Plld lOlllhtulll" OS"I, \ III ,,("ollll r ... 111 t IC .nrong I I I I I Womun's Club 110m", l.I""ll.1 (r.lIlI.lllll ".. tlrl..: • ....... \\('I11II1 .. ("llIhIlOIl"t \filrdlllllt'l till.' CIIlIlOII.II(1\\ ,1111 II,r,o".II t.1Xt' .... lre.11 'r'k "150" C I D I I <' II I II' cis... cr OUI)eut oor " •• ,1 <""'"",t .. 'Ihl Illtllltidlull \rtsto .llItl pO .... lhll dl\c!°PI1lUlh 111 Iltt 1H.lr I 'tIlIIOI"ofl,rtIhtlr "tlllt'( u to 1 Il "llllor J 111- «111 U t l h.lrge .Ig 1111 .. 1 the t.tx collector 11 ph.III(" 1'l.Ht "III he gl\tlllll ((1(lP l'UlllrttIIlS\\.lIthIllOIt'I.IHl'ollllJ.lll\h.I ..... te.lcI .. ud gill. till,. 11lIIud'l " trillull \\Ith 11.I\tTIOTd lullt1.!t 1111 tlu ... t:1lt "0';1111'" \OIUllt(oll IIHlllhtl .. ltlkt\ I I k I I I I I ---I. ,1,1"," \ • """," ". ,ttlrd.1 \ Illl 1 I pn-.llloll-; .1" dlllg Ill" to the c.:olllhllH d l i l t ( lC Hc It'll "UPI'll 11111 1 Ie CIII) I 'JJIII1III1III1I !lllllllllllllllUllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1IIIJIIllIlIllIllllllllllflllU'llllllllIlIlIlIllJlllllIlJllIlIlIlllIlIlIllllIl1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!.= I klltlllil \.. I" tll .. IUIlt.lI\ at tl( 1II0t Il'r,::: == noon. :\11\ I, .il :; m lltltltk III t I~t tllO\tlliiOIl III tltl ~.ltIOIl.11 Fill I'rll .tlltl dlllghhi h. lllt ll1d PI]Zt .. lUI Iht' == ~ of 1.1I]] 1111 ptlh1tllllllU: "III III \11"'1 httlOl1 \ .... oel.tlltlll .1IIt! tilt IlItlflll ]Jlghl .. t"UJlt:.ILlhepllll.lllthn'plllnlclge _ flETTER TIIIN(;S--FOR LESS ~ ptinulllliul Iht' j(IIIO\\lll!-!; ell\ IltllI I l:ol1d (If l'ln Lnt!l,.n\llIlr ... lJe p.lrtll .. \\In 1I1l""lltnl hltt, 1'lln1.lIl ~ III Ht \\ h Ilr .. ! pi (ul\ltlfl ]II \Iblll" III/.:" htld 111 Iplonftl. 011 loll 1(1. l.tlll(ll \\011 111 .. 1 prize 11111 ~LIl) \\ood "t'cond ~ It IIIl ",,11I1g Il .. l" 11 kll(l\\11 I" till 1111" \\tlk \1 II tht IHltll1Il .. S StS"HlII \ Irgllll.1 :-;l.IIl\ .llIclllllnl-rllll I1ll-.,,1<1I1 \1 Ih .... tllnc 1)1I1111l ':\le~ pt.lll tllll\ Thl pl.l\ I",l! .111\":111\ pi I" .1 ...... ",1 lilt IlIl lllllf \Ilt pll",.ltlil of lOIl(Ot!l\ \ltl \lrt .. lI.lclll pll .. t.:llltti to I =_=~ I llH111 II II \!.( Il U" \\ 1.1 lI\ .. TVL& ~ STYLe ~ STYLE a ~ .,1 t IH (I () ,I Ih:r .\ • = = , 1l1t:1l" , , " ".Ir ,I 11111 It I" I 1(111 Itlllcl slll'pited IMllh fnml thl' nhl.'fl , Amlll.11, Sl'rlllg= DUllce Nt'XI = \~reck == ORDER BY NUMBER FROM THE ABOVE SMART STYLES ~ I o f II\l ({par "'" \\1.'11 .1" "'nlhlll" .11111 IHlIlI, IlIl IIlhl I " ""'O{lltlllll .\1lel p.lrth from Itt.:l hllHI 1(1 llio\ule Ihe 111II"1l; ~he == ~ (IIIIIP 11\ IIH.III<; 01 \dmh I nl.: 1(11 ... tlolld d(I~I1"e to \\llIth hoth C,tllld.1 hl~ .Ibu III.ltlg-ed.1 nom ~h()" Tlte BAHBIZONPANTIES $1.95 ~ \\TlI hl lhlt to .I"'nlltl tilt \\.111" 01 lin Illd Illl lnill" St.ltl,.S .lIt Itncll1lg I.'Hn tickets \\]11 hl on ... llc .It tll~ t10111 01 ~ 1 t 1111 I ~I ~ Illllrt.ll 10 lit 1\ t i l l III pi I' II If III I \ 11 till 1.1 Ie st fill mot 11111 )llct lrl <; II.: 11I III pllil h I~ed 110\' hom AIIll.t 'I fl \ e-I BAltBIZON B"~I) JAt:K":TS 82.95 and 84. 95 ~ {I" CII .. IUlllt ... lll "till).!" c1t .. lglltt! IIHlll1Illlldllll! "Ollit fllll.llk,lble pilotoJ.n.lplh llmk 01 1)lrllll(llllh .1\t:IlUt' .\ .. tI!'tll.t1 _ ~ "uptf\l .. td 11\ the dlp.1I1llltllt (II I lilt (If llHt1\~hln 1>ol11h ... drOPPlli {wer l'lll! [tht dlllU.' "Ill hI' !>tlllI 10rll",1 ~ \11 .. \\ Itll tltt 1.... I..,I.ll1lt ot f.leult \ \\ 1\ l" h"h (1111" "III II( .. lit'" II A Volul1tl'll • I .. ==- l,hll'IIJIIlllllll1I1IIJIJJI1l1l1lJllIl1l1l1l1l11ll1IIlIlUl/JII/IUlJIllIlllJllIllIlIlIlIlIllIIIIlJlllllllllll1I11111l11l111111l11111IllII1IlI11IlJIII11IlIlUIIUUllIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlIlIUlIIUIUlJlh IIOIli 1)(lth t {lIlt t.!( S C hor.11 III liS It h t .. ! 1 lit 1111 11 .. I III UIlI \\ III t.lkl pl.lCI,. Thill S I Oltl-FuKhioncd ~Iranhcrry 1>llll (Ollillo .. ulln I 1llt:l1lht I (II S\\ II tl! I d.1\ 1111 n\lll!.! I ht: lll.d,1,. lip of .llIx.11 \I \ Fcsthul 1l101l·:o. 1II11"1t: «IIIMIl1lltllt to hl "lIIlg 1.\ Int IIIW.Hlts \\IIII,e ... tlllht'c1ullci-] Ilill I .1 thurn .. ot I\\lhl IHl\ .. \\ho d .. n 1 tid Itr .. 11(11ll 111.1-("1111(( l,ln.utl .1Iltl \\ .... 11 II" I I I I I I . "lll1or or lIg I S( Il)U (t:1' Ir I) ( ,I I' I I CI I I JlII t 111 thl .lctlOn 0 1 IIH pl.1\ 1I1tllt III Il IC:~)} I,. fIltl JurI.: I Swnrtil1llore Childrell • , SII.""I ,\III holiU(I of Harry R I ully l I • o It s fun to be ahead of the crowds -enJoYing your faVOrite vacation spot while it's SitU fresh and unspoded -and WIth hotel and resort accommodatIOns assured. And it's fun to be money ahead, too-as you always are when you go places by Gceyhound at only 113 the cost of dnvlng a car. I( your personal plans permit~ you'U b:! smart to travel on week-days - an yen'U be saving extra scat space for0'd· ..... ::; . Harnet A Putnam Widow of "eased veterans flag:; Will be pl.lced at .. ",\ ppollltment 0 f t Ile new researc I1 d 1- chasc-d here the\ arc looking {orwar of !lrs D. \\ H.. .Morgan, Strath Ha.- Dr. J..,COIl ~. l'utnam pa:,~cd away at J the tablet by Boy Scouts Three rector IS made III preparation for m- to hcmg ncar thc children's grandmothven aHIlUc.: 011 .May 15, With Mrs. S. S. 0 clock Tuesday aiternoon, ~lay lOt III "rcatl,s ,v,ll bc placed by the Lcglon, credscd aCtlVHy in prouuct .1 unprovclllcnt crs \\ho Ilvc \\ltll1n 100 miles of each U.utherford as co-hostess. The prCSl- the Crozer Hospltal, Chester where she \ •• x,I,' ary an"U Compan)' H d L eWls H lIther 111 the \\('st and arc eagerly antic, :'!Il.. C:' awJ lato.;.l" \\01:. a councl1.114u I.ere IlL 1900 hd( 1( to P"rk, dishamilllg" .It tit{ pomt 10 be sltuatctl III nOI tht:rll N. J. The voyage through the realms of other needs brought to the attention they callie to Swarthmore and purof st.lrt IJr H.asswcIlcr received h,s B 3. from musIc \~Ith which the Swarthmore Mu- of the ClCcle. ch.bl.:d a hume at 310 Lafayette avenue thc Ul1Iverstty of Denver, Ius Ph D . SIC Club launched ItS season last fall • I • Plans were lltscusscc1 for the annual wlncll Ita::; been the family home ever from Ihe UllIverslty of 1111110lS m 1924 and winch has taken members through PICIIIC to be held on the lawn of Mrs. slIlce. He Jouted Ihe "Illor • be Parker. J. \V Simons, I .\ ac~ wee, I,.,",,,," ,,1 •• 1 Ila,'o so gc"ero"sl), offered "Scherzo HUIlIOflSIUIt!c (Ihe Cat and I' a\31lable on that day the Red Cross \Vllham E Glbsoll, and Charlcs Ii' Sey.~ '- " I I b I I I h h b t Ille,r gar.lcns "Ith all, but the Mouse)" hy Copland p aye( y (ly"e t 0 e 19l1. e,IOO sewmg \\ ItlIC t t as een mee 109 mour complcte the additions to t IIe cas t 1.1 ·I.arc .~ 11 group d Attendancc at onc of Ihc fi\c per- r.lthcr the) \\ould Jtbt sto(1 at the VISI- l.oulse Paulson. a group 01 songs rellC01U1Ueneement on • 011 aYR WI s ar a summer pro" < t I.,r·' co",c".e"cc a",1 fcel absolutcly ul'red uy Mrs S C Barns accom gr.tlll sessions ItII isb hoped forlllances of "l\, r Antonlu pre~ell s .• ....1"1 tl I S k it lat t of I Tuesday I f d I frcc to \\ .In{kr through at thclr ICI!mre py Doroth) Pall I ,. .1 IC I'~ eeAPllla lis C lange 0 ay WI e con.l most plcasant ,\a) to cOlltn 11Ite to h FII Pab)' s F, \('I1ICl1t foc a larger number of women ..~ cs",h' . )0111 , ..(en, I f II t I I , I,ef 'l'l,c "cc.1 • "10' Illg the cl,arm ot g eas.y - Greyhound serves more training camps than any other tra.ycl system at less cost CLEANED - All 0' ---- .•. FURS ... MAY MEMORIAL DAY •• I NOW at Reasonable Summer Pnces We Will Store Them free for lhe Summer. '\ou May Pa} (or (he l\ork When Delivered ON " "MR. ANTON10 Ill< lhll1llllll 01 luxl \llr" Iltl! AI nO') ~"uul M"t'l in (,apitul I gl .. !t 1111 hll .. 1!llItIp till luI II .1 II.' q l l t IIlQlnl,.! III l~lX I ( •. I n (If \.tlt: l\llllll .l1ul ~II .. Illllll~ II(lpklll .. ,hl HltholUtll.1II \rtlHII \\ J:l1ln .. lif Bliln .. IHt,ok 1~1I1-1 :\11 .. , 1'11111-." \\l .. 1 progr.11I1 (h.ll1 lildgl \\111 plrtt(1pllt 111 tilt: 3hl 111 III III \\II1T :\It" \ n Shm ~Ir .. 1'lanl'llltl.d llltttlllg lIt tITI.' ;\ Itl1mal l Il1l1~1I 1< ~llIll\ Illd ~il" Ilu".II(1 1...111..... b .I! nll\ Sum'" to hl h(ld III \\ t:o.hlllg llllllllllltl '11l.'lIIhll'" :\11" ;\OI1Jl.IIl h)ll I) l., :\1.1\ 1(, .llld 17 J)urlllg tilt I luhlll , hlhllltdll\ ch.l11 III III :\11 ... II t(lur:o.l ()I tht IIHtllllg tilt c.:011lHII "Ill lei Ih.l)lI,"'lc.:ntll) Ill""'1I1(1 ~1t ... l. h t tht .l("l1nt.. IIi l're . . llhllt 1\I'II .. (\(1t I :\1.1.1-. ttllpITOllt thllrm.lll lit tIll \\Iull limN Wlty Worry Abollt four Willter Clothe,. & FlIr COlltS? • MemOrial Day May 30 a legal holiday, falls 011 the regular puhllshmg date of 'rhe SwartillIIorean next \\cck the paper IIIl1st be issued a day early and \\ III bl' dehvered 111 Thursday lIlornlllg!; mall Instead of Friday J • { SIlICC C, " _-0 = SWARTHMORE, PA" COl'y Deadline Tuesday ~ ~ ... J PA 1 HMIJl?E THE SWARTH 21 I l __ I . THE PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. ,I;;. Clayton Walton 01 k,vervlew road left Monday on a trIP to the west coasL '!'he Walton. wW tallow lIle 1'/atlOnal Highway to ludlan' apobs, lnd. and frum lIlere will go to lIle \.>rand l;anyou. At Arcadia, . they will .pend a sbort time ViS1UDg UJe.&r wll-iD-law and daughter Mr. Jldrs. James !~vine whom theybave seen tor two years. Alter LeavlllB Ar'1 trave I up th e we st Coast c;ad ta they WI! to !Jig. ',frees, YosemIte, .l'~k, ~an Jfranc;co, and l'ortland. 11lclr return ' .~ triP will take the WaltODS up the ....... lumbia H.iver, across the Ureat 1>Jvlde to Glacier National Park, ~ellowstoue 1"ark, and Mmnesota. ,V'rom Minnesota they are contemplating taking the boat trJp down the Great Lakes to Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Walton expect to be gone about live r six weeks on their trip. " Mrs. William A. Jaquette of 400 avenue entertained a group of mutual friends of Mrs. DaVid (';bandler Prmce d hersell at a tea d t li oheld uernscy roa an Tuesday alteruoon in honor ot M.rs. l'rince who leaves ::>wartbmore with her family ill June for tichenectady, N. Y. where Mr. .Prince's business oHice bas been transferred. Mrs. W. P. Elwell of Stralh Haven lun entertained a group of inellds yesterday at a luncheon held in the home of her d aughter Mrs. Charles J•• HoltOll of Cedar lane. Mrs. O. M. Hook entertained a groul' of US Wilmington, llel friends yesterday at brUDchbeld at the Strath Haven Inn and bridge at her home .011 w:estdale aveoue; '£odiy Mrs. Hook will be .. th hostess to 18 gllests from Swar more who will also be entertained for brunch and bridge. Mrs. Samuel C. Harris of Wellesley road entertained a small group of ftlends at a tea laot Friday afternoon in honor of her mother Mrs. Benjamin F. Withers and sister Mrs. Joe il. Elird who were her bouse guests. Mrs. Efird returned to her home in Charlotte, N. C. on Monday. Mrs. Withers will remain with her son-in-law and daughler for several weeks. Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ellis of -lane were host and hostess to Wahtut fifty guests at a dinner party held in their home last Friday evening. After the dinner some very fine colored pictures of the Plain .People of pennS vania were shown by Mr. Milton C. Y1-/ Cooperguests of Germantown. town beside M.r. Other Cooperout-ofwere Mrs. COoper and Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Simons all of Germantown. Members of a local bridge club will hold an anL1ual party tomorrow night at a Wawa tea room where the losers of the year will be hosts to the winners. Members of the group are Mr. and Mrs. William Bullock, Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Daosett, Mr. and Mrs. James Bacon Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Addison S. Wickham. Mr. and Mrs. Guenther H.. Froebel, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hulme, Mr. and Mrs. George Schobinger and Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Noyes. Captain and Mrs. Harry Andrews and baby Lyn of Aberdeen Provjng Grounds. Aberdeen, Md. will be the house guests this week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee of ML Holy- • oke place. Mr. and atMrs. Andrews be guests-of-honor a party given will for 12 guests by the .MacElwees Saturday evening. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Preble of Ridley Park will entertain in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Andrews. Mrs. Henry]. Weiland of Rutgers avenue entertained 18 guests from Wilmington, Del at a dinner party held last Saturday evening in celebration of Dr. Weiland's birthday. Mrs. R. Chester Spencer is entertaining at a tea next Monday afternoon for the members of the cast of "Shellzapoppin'/' the annual Woman's Club Frolic which was held last month. Mrs. "Irvin R. MacElwee will enter-· tain 20 guests at a dessert-bridge this afternoon at her home on M t. Holyoke place. Mrs. George M. AUen of Riverview road will.entertain the Mother"s Group committee at luncheon next Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Thomas H. Ingram of The Swarthmore will leave tomorrow for Honolulu, T. H. to visit her nephew Mr. Jerry Turner and Mrs. Turner. Mrs. Ingram will be gone for two months. MANOR FBlDaY-8&TIJBIlAY BARBARA STANWYCK HENRY FONDA . "THE LADY EVE" Taylor-Mitchell Dr. and Mrs. David Cramp of Park avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. Davis of Strath Haven avenue will be guests this week-end at a house party being given by Mr. and Mrs. Preston . Spofford of Montclalt, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Spoff ord are f ormer residents Swarthmore. Mrs. H. ·C. Darnes of Park avenue recovering from an operation in M ' Hosplta . L Mrs. Barnes is exemorlal peeted to return home some time week. M n. H. Lindley Peel will entertain a small group of friends at a dessertbridge this afternoon at her home on Columbia avenue. Mrs. E. P. Yerkes of Princeton avenue entertained at an out-door luncheon all Wedncsday afternoon. Mrs. Lovett Frescoln of Harvard Rutgers avenue will entertain at tea from 4 until 6 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, Saturday. to introduce Miss Jane Catherine Alvery whose marriage to Lieutenant Leonard Fre~sc;po,~I:n~.~W~i1~I: be performed jn St.Davis Mary's Church, Emmcrton, Md. at \Vednesday evening, June 25. A reception at the Officers' Club at Arsenal, Md. will follow the ceremony. At "Brookhill," Wallingford on Saturday afternoon, May 17. in the presellce of a gathering of relatives and close friends Miss Doreen Claiborne Mitchell daughter of Mr•• Charle. D. MitchelI and the late Mr. Mitchell and John Stanley Taylor son of the Mrs. John N. Taylor of ~=:.~t~~~~d were married, with the Rev. Braun officiating. The marriage was solemnized in the gard"n ... where the bloonn'ng flowers and shrubs formed an ideal setting for the wedding party and the soft JDusic of the harp played by Dorothy John. stone Baessler was a beautiful under.. tone to the simple aDd deeply impressive ceremony. Mjss Mitchell wore a gown of white marquisette with a train, and a finger.. tip veil falling from a Tudor cap trjm.. m d ·tl orange blossoms She car e WI 1 . ried a prayer book and a shower spray . of white orchids and lilies of the valley. Her only attendant was her cousin, M,·ss Doris Dougherty of New York \\'ho wore Rowered organdy and car. ricd an old - fashioned· bouquet of flowers sct in a lace frill. Mrs. Mitchell wore a gown of soft blue crepe with a corsage of mauve orchids. The groom"s brother, Mr. William D. Taylor served as his best man and the ushers were Dr. George P. Warren and .1.1. G df T I r. 0 rey ayor. A very f' . f aI recepnen dly an d worm t'Ion Jmme . d'13 t e Iy f 0 Uowed the cere.. mony aft<::r which Mr. and Mrs. Taylor left by motor for a stay at Sea Island, Georgia. I Tomorrow afternoon Miss Alvey's aunt Mrs. Alexander Wilson of E-fle. ~ wood Arsenal will receive with Mrs. Frescoln. MAY 23, 194.1 SWARTHMOREAN Mr. Dohnan was best man for his son, and the groom's brother John and cousin Charle. Seymour, an of whom traveled to Charleston from Swarthmore for the ceremony, were ushers. The bride's brother George Kent and Robert Ross of Charleston also served a. ushers. Af h ler t e ceremony a reception was held fo b t 50 t t th h f rd a.1.1.au C C gues M Phs a f eK orne h0 r. an rs... arr 0 anaw a Ci¥, Charleston. he young couple are touring New England and plan t k to bstop f in Swarth. more nex wee -end e ore returmng to their apartment at 1630 Franklin avenue, Charleston. , I• I Daisy Hassell Daisy HasselI died Friday niglit at her home on Yale avenue. Funeral services wefe held 00_ Wednesday and interment was on Thursday in her old home in South Carolina. She is survived by her husband George, a daughter Corlissc, and a son George, Jr. 'l'bo I .... ~ Do TOIl X - care ,. &IQ' a _ _ _ CaD 440 ~ lire ••o.e RUSSELL'S SERVICE Dartmouth 1IIld Birth "We DoD't Laf.,._ Ay_ sen OlD- w...... ona..Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dowers of Old Wood, Moylan-Rose Valley are be-I'::::====::::::::~==:::::::::: ing congratulated on the birth of a son I --John W. Bowers, Jr. on Saturday, May Comfortable and Durable 17 at the Lying-In Hospita~ Philadel· phia. The baby is a grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Macintyre of For Wallingford and Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Bowers of Providence road, Chester. The Long Summer DECK. CHAIRS -------------- Evenings - When You Take Friends or Family to Lunch or DinneT Take them to the SUBURBAN CAFE -~ ~... Cocktail r ~un'~ Suplee Hardware Swarthmore 105 ---- --.------~-. ~ &AJ. 0 ---, ,°0°0 ,. P..R:'-~~~rt:n~tloa Laler in the ·day·Mr. amI Mrs. Frescoin will give a buffet supper for memLunch -from 4De bers of their son's w,eddirtg party and Dinner -from ssc rt a few intimate friends of the betrothed Mrs. Taylor is a graduate of Mary Coelttllfl Bour. 3:00 10 6:00P.M. couple. Lyon School and Wildcliffe Junior Col. lege. Mr. Taylor attended Duke Uni- _"':!!!~'='!!!:!!'~!:.:!!.~ Miss Alvey graduated from Goucher vcrsity. College in 1940 and. will receive her I I • secretarial ~chool diploma in Baltimore Dolman -Kent early next month. 'D9/\ -E::':':n-g';'a"'g'"e~m'''-e-n-ts':"" On Sunday afternoon. May 18 at St. lS' . John's Episcopal Church in Charles. and up Mr. and· Mrs. Joh·n E. Michael of ton, \V. Va., Miss Helena Rosalie Kent, Harvard arid Yale avenues, Swarth- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Kent All Sizes more announce the engagement of their of that city was united in marriage by daughter Miss Elizabeth Irene Mi.ch"el a double ring ceremony to Mr. Robert and Mr. Boyd Weaver Stauffer, son of Effingham Dolman, son of John DolMr. and Mrs. J. Keeler Stauffer of mOil, Jr. of Swarthmore. 6 PARK AVE SWARTHMORe .artmout I 1 avenue, wart more. , C n e \Vore a W I e georgNEW IDEAS FOR SHOWER GIFI'S D h of Swarth- eUe Til crepe b'd gown withfittaedtrain, h't a heart.. Miss MichaelS is a graduate more College, class of 1939. Mr. Stauffer shaped coronet and fingertip veil. She is a member of this year's graduating carried a gardenia bouquet with an or- - MARY DUN HILL - PRINCE MATCHABELLI • CHANEL :~;il~~a~~t West Chester State Teachers' chid center. Her two bridesmaids, Miss ~h£ where he ·is a member of the Jf!nnie May and Mrs. C. C. Pharr of ~ Just Arrived Srna COTTON FROCKS $ 9 5 2 Gomn C'l1zop dJ I ~aBAD~~~'1'~_~N~B~W~B~s:r~BO~O~"~B~_~~~~~~~~;~~~~:=:~~s~ 13 1 OllfJU£;C; ---, . Society. Charleston, wore ~:~~1~nl~:ii;:~~;:I~The wedding will take ·place June'27 gowns with matching in the Swarthmore Methodist Church. matron of honor. Mrs. H. H. _ of Richmond, Va., the bride's sister, A BEAUTY SALON . , Mr.· and Mrs. Albert N. Garrett wore green georgette with matching and College avenues halo honnet. All three attendants car- • engagement of their daughter Miss ried bouquets of roses, delphinium and :;!; Beauly is a8 bea~y i. cherished Marcia Gould Garrett and Mr. snapdragons. Five-year-old Ann Wood- ~O Duane Baldwin son of Mr. and rum dressed in a demure ruffled Kate 13 South CheSler Road Roy Baldwin of Fitchburg, Mass. Greenaway gown in a soft lavender Call Swarthmore 476 Philadelphia. shade was the ring-bearer. After ·graduating from St''"::t:'~~,~~I---------------- - CHARBERT - ROVAE - CHEN YU _ CORDAY School Miss Garrett Chester State Teachers' College. )"Ir. Baldwin attended Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and was inducted for a year's military service. No date has been set for the wedding. Mrs. Garrett will entertain about at a tea in honor of her daughter 3;30 until 5 ;30 o'clock t01nolrrow I afternoon, May 24. ~~~:!~~~~;~~~~~~II Fly STARTS FRIDAY to Bee the FOR ONE WEEK MODELS In Suplee's Window BING CROSBY BOB HOPE Starts FrIday JUDY CANOVA rut "SIS HOPKINS" In the Famous .stage . with Bob Crosby - Charles Butterworth Jerry Colonna - Susan Hayward MEDIA 111. "Road to Zanzibar" Saturday . Barbara Stanwyck. Henry Fonda in Monday - "THE DEVIL AND MISS JONES" wtm. Robert Cnmmtnp THURSDAY ONLY "THE WNE WOLF· TAKES A CHANCE" Warren WlUIam. "THE LADY EVE" YALE AVENUE SUNDAY MORNING NATURE WALKS SOc per walk. Meet in front 01 the Martin Biological Laborat0l'f, Swarthmore College, AT 6:30 A. M. Bring ears if possible. Proposed .destlnations. May 25. Tinienm and Hog Island Marshes Relum 10 Swarthmore 8.30 10 9.00 A. M. C. BROOKE WORTH - Swarthmore 573-J AT NIGHT" with Sylvia sttln"7 GREAT VARIETY OF LUNCHEONS SERVED Hot or Cold Wednesday 'BACK. STREET' TBllBSDAY - FBIDAY .. SATUBD&Y with. GENE AUTRY Margaret SuDavan Charles Boyer 111. 'The Singing HU!' THE SWARTHMOREAM PUBLISHED EVEIlY FRIDAY AT SWAIlTHMORE, PA. THE SWARTHMOREAN, INC., PUBUSHER PHONE SWARTHMORE 900 MARJORIE TOLD• .1..,ocUJIe Editor PETER E. TOLD. Editor BOIALIE PEIBSOL Entenci as Socond Cl... Malter, January 24, 1929, al the Poot 0IIic0 al Swarthmore, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1819, ONE7YJUCH P __L Chureh N tea J. J.'s Elect at Pieuic annual picnic of the J. ]/s held ~======O=IF=NA=T=URE= onThe the lawn of the Ehn avenue home of The tent caterpillar season in Swarthmore came to a tremendous puk tbis year, despite "self-extermination" that occurred on some trees durjng the earlier stages of the plague. Although very young caterpillars wen refuse to cbange their diet after the natal tree has been older crawlers are less specific ii:"_:iii:-"=iiii::==F~RI-:D=A=Y~'iiMA-r~Y=:23:'=l:94=l=========~ I stripped, When nearly mature the in their needs. the retiring president Florence Whitsit at 5;30 last Sunday afternoon was followed by election of officers for the coming year. At this closing meeting until the fan there were about 40 present including new members. The following were elected to office and chairmanship: Susan Thatcher, president; Lois Landon, vice ..president ; Sally Spencer, treasurer; Virginia Speck, corresponding secretary; Carolyn Henry, recording secretary; Alice Putnam, ptlblicity chairman; Margaret Sweeney, program chairman; Edit.h Thatcher. welfare chairman. Crnm Creek Bridge Club Winners Crum Creek Bridge Club winner. on Monday evening of last week .if the Strath Haven Inn were: Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden and Mrs. Russell H. Kent tied Mr. and Mrs. William E. Soden for first place. North and South, and Wallace M. McCurdy and Richard Carvell third. East and West-Mrs. H. Bardwell Lincoln and Andrew Robinson, first; Mr. and Mrs. John Bowditch, Jr., second j Mrs. Franklin S. Gillespie and Mrs. Wayne Randall, third. The }"Iay 19 winners were: North and South-Mrs. Harry Armitage and Mrs. Philip Kniskern, first; Mr. and Mrs. William Soden, second; Mrs. David Cramp and Mrs. Fred Wilson, third; East and West-Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Skoglund, first; Mrs. H. Bardwell Lincoln and A. F. Robinson, second; Mrs. Albert Hill and Mrs. Kay Kennedy, third. worms can substitute quite a number of sorts of leaves for their favorite wild cherry. The OPiDI.ODI -'I below 11"8 aha. T oward th e en d a f M ay I saw the of . •.•. .;.~.~ and . BAGS , ·1: :: ~;·~,:~:~!t~' : -:..~ ~-; ,~:!, i ~,,-:~~ ~J-;-Ll ~aAit~ 1JJ i"v ~j ~tQ :;i- r)'~-ii:-ljcq''-~=!~ r .~ . ~ . .:. ~ . :~.~~_ ~. ,~" ~~:~~f··iir· ~-., . .. n; and . to .ward· contracts on an,. UeDi ,u ~ The women's archery teams defeated Temple, Friday', the Varsity score was 1438 to 1403 Stevens defeated Swarthmore at lacrosse, Wednesday, 4-2. The tennis team defeated Haverford 8-1, Wednesday. The Freshman track team defeated George School 62-46, last Wednesday. BIIBJIlJ'P 8ALIIB BIIAL ETATB up an.01btd. Sherl1r'8 0IJIce, Court; _ , _ , l'eDlllO. Saturda•• IIe¥ 31, IM1 1"";;.:;;~~~~~[9j~~;~; NEWS N(fl'BS 110 PAR1t :~~t;~j~~!: ... a'advertloement) time of ..... otbonrtte eta_ In" balan.. tan ....... 0IIler (UDI_ In conclU:lous on day of sale. .. No. Since this is the fiftieth anniversary of the D. A. R. many interestmg triPS an . • thed banquets have been prepared for conventioners by the, officials of Mary- I Term, IIM1 .. ~~~~~~~~ '$~~~:~~Fi~~i£~~;?!i~~~ ~.::.loy.-t· ~ _~t and reetrlct10na .. DOW appear of .record. No. 249 .Also. all that certaln lot or piece of' ground with the bU1ld~ and lm.Pl'Ove-:menta thereon erected in Delathe TOWD8b1p 01 Upper Darb" Situate County of ",are and 8tate of Petmaylvanla. and de- t~~ ~~~~:nonU ~o~~~ ft~~ ='_~.- ',:u;:~~'~;;;c;.;,ul~;;.. "m.;,iillotB ~~~~~~D~~~~~~~ ql caD... _ a d Park, 881d pllln belDS log of Deed& etc., In and for the County dUly recorded In the for the Becordafores&ld lD plan caseOfIloe number 1. page 13. and de8cr1bed accord1ng to ea1d plan 88 . follows, to wit: 'P jjjiCOdei,t , Situate OD the BOUtheaaterlJ' aIde of PaIrview Avenue (llfty feet Wide) at tile dI6~ tance onethe hundred 1I1ty feet northeast-' warcUyoffrom. northeasterly side of Hazel Avenue (torty feet wtde). I,~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~ with '·:Mrs·. Wilson's brother-in-law and Walnut lane will spend this week-end sister Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sizer of Blo!,,,!field,_N. J. . . ~~ I Mrs. Robert W. Kent formerly MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON.' Westdale avenue arrived Tuesday to visit Mrs. Thomas W. Simpers at The 11O,:!.~ido .' JOSEPH E. QUINBY Swarthmore until tonight when she wilt return to her home in Washington, FUNERAL DIRECTORS D.C. MEDlA.. PENNA. BELL PHONB 4 Mrs. Lovett FrescoIn of Harvard avenue will leave Monday to spend a week at Lewes Beach, DeL COAL and COKE Mrs. Arthur J. Jones will entertain a FUEL OIL few friends 'at 'Iuneheon and bridge this afternoon in her home on Dickinson avenue. Peter M. Hay son of Mr. and Mn. Phbne Sw. 10412 Edward N. Hay of Ogden avenue is a member of the Antioch Chorus wllicl~l Picture:"Framing - Stationery gave' its . ann~at . spring ·conc.ert at Bo~ko - Kodak SnppU.. AntiOch-College, Yellow Springs, O. on Greetins Ca.... - Hobby Craft May 15. Pe.ter, a sophomore, recently returned to campus from New York SIMMONDS City where in accordance with Antioch's 714 Welsh Soree. Chester educational plan whereby students al'Phone Chester 2-5161 ternate. ten-week periods of work an~ study he worked with American Airlines. ROGER RUSSEU, Mr. Allan' B; Gorman 'was away from his home' on Princeton avenue on a Mafter of Fine Pliotogra,m. business trip recently~ Mrs•. GofDUUl , 416 HAVERFORD PLACE accompanied ·Mr. Gorinan to P,ttsburgb and Charleston. W. Va. where tbey CALL SWARTBMORE 1290 visited friends. John Lon~ell returned last week to his home on Lafayette avenue and will continue to recuperate there froED: AND REBUILDING an operation performed. in the Taylor 32 Years Praetleel EsperIoa.. Memorial Hospital, Ridl~y Park sevA. L PARKER eral weeks ago. 'Phone MedI- 459-M Mary Lou Pierce of Brooklyn, N. Y; is visiting her grandparents CoL and Mrs. Harvey Pie.fce· of South Princeton avenue for a few weeks. . 'FormaI7 of' 8 _ COIJep Mr. Paul N. Blessing of Ashland. Carpellfer ~ Cabinet M"'-' arrived' Monday afternoon of last ....etc.1 as MOBTON AVII!f1JB, Btl'ft.llDGB _S __ for a ten-day visit to his nephew 'M,:.; Peter E. ToI~a.nd. Mrs: Told of Park avenue. . .... _ Mrs. Georgec. Wagner of Beiijiuniii V~e Window Cleaner West aventle had as. her guests at July 1. .,-..•-:- iiif'~~~r~2:.:~~~:~;:.~: I,~~~~~~~fro~n~t~or~b~.~-~th on'the ~e:ceu::~ h~dn:,~ ~~~i ODe . , ... ,. covenants therein meDt1o~ed.~ Improvements conalst of two and. onehalf story stucco house. 38 :E 16 teetj stucco garage, 10 x 18 feet. Sold 88 the property of The American ~trlctl0I18 Home Bullilda7, June II, U~t1, IUld open the bids at; a IDeetlDa OJ .... IIcIIooI Board at .... _ DJaVtct oIIlce on .JUDe e, lMl. at 8 p. m., 01' at an adjourned m _ 01 _ _ ~ . _ , _and fuel fum1tun1 oindIUPPU.~_ _ __ for coal olf. Mop ..... SPORTS REVIEW phen Foster into the Hall of Fame to be held at New York Uniy,roily ,May 27, Mrs. 'Chester Roberto of, ('.oll~e :,venue and Mr.. Charle. Paxson of Cedar lane last week accompanied Mr•. Berner Nisbent of Philadelphia to Fishkill, N. Y. where they were, the. gne.\! of Mr. and Mrs. J. DeLancey Verplanck. The Veri»lancks are former residents of S~aI:thmore. . Mrs. Warren Marsball of Swarthmore and Yale avenues has recently been re-elected secretary of the Spring. field Town~hip school board. Lois 'l,'ludo,,". Laur,Lee llopkins. Jean l'lorence Tricker has' been' '.';I:ur.ed'i Fischer. E:hzabotb Pope, Douglas to'teach painting to young people H'e~tb. and Jack, Blackman received adult. in Swarthmore tlii. '.Ii_er. iWo a~a,rds at 14e Cultural OI,ompics Groups will be formed after registra- of the University Clf Pennsylvania. The tion to meet· Individual needs. . "Award of Merit" was boTricker is a local SwartluDorean ,excellence in the dance. and has gone far as a 'professional artist Ce~fica~e of Pa~cipateacher. Forth. past five ,years was given for taking Part in two has been the owner and director of events. ,of the" Cultural O\yD\pics. Tricker Art Galleries in New . The Original set,. supplemented by a City. second,wpitp composed of Betsy Horn. Miss Tricker was formerly aday. Nancy Peel, Trudy Enders. J anof the St. Petersburg. Art .School in ice· Wberry, M"rshall Schmidt. Jim EDWARD'S Coned; '" CO_ _ Florida; graduate of the IPhi!"delphia ' ~eorge A,r,mitage. Jerry Corse, 8DOBS FOB 1II!6L'DIY FIIB'r School of Design, Pennsy vama. and Duane .Taylor, will present a series BUDGET SHOE SHOP emy of. Fine Arts; member of Phila.. of -American country' dances at "Chor,2IZ W. Skte 8t., _ delphia Art A.lliance and Plastic eoW" a,~istorifal ,American dance . 'Phone lIrIe4Ia mG Fellowship Pennsylvania I~stival to be given at ConvenX-BAY 'liiiNG the Fine Arts; Ahunni tion HaU Friday eveni"g under, tbe School of Design; Tiffany auspices'Qf the '. Cultu~a:J Olympics. New' Yorkj Westchester A ...t • West Chester County, New IfElVS . N(fl'BS The following awards have been; accorded this popular artist: .Graphic Mrs. ;George T •.Ashton· of WallingSketch Club, gold medal, 1923; silve~ fOrd has been invited to attend the of the Plastic Club, 1924; honor- ceremony., of the official entry of Steable mention for water, cqlor, ,----------..;,..--"'---~IIII Club. Charles Vesen Prize; .. Prize Rower painting and landscape or, ••. , Tampa, Florida. 1927. ·GOWEST In the field of Interior " THIS Miss Tricker has decorated the . SUMMER room of the Philadelphia Art Independent 'and rooms in homes on Long Philadelphia, Swarthmore, as well as Eoeol'lod To..... in Florida. T ' AU Ro,"'" Exhibits of Florence Tric.ker;s~itfu~:!t I No Sontlc" Chars" ings "jay-e' been made at: the G Academy of Design. Anderson allerSW~inore Travel Bureau ies·and'·Art Centre, New York' City; . Phone Swa.·179-W Day or Nlpt Pennsylvania Academy 'of . the ',Fi~e Arts', Annual EXhibition ....Philadelphia .2 PARK AVENVE Art Alliance, Sketch Club, Plastic Club, Print Club, Sallool of Design, Alumni,. ; Fellowship of the Pennsylvarlia Acadelily' of ,the Fine Arts•. Art· Club of Philadelphia; A~brig~~.. M.use,1:lrll, Buf-:falo', Art M. useuin, Memphis" TennesC I Club see; B~ltimore. ;Water· ... ~,9r ...."., Wilmington, .D~laware, St. Petersbu.rg .. 'Tampa Art Clubs,; ,Florida., ",. ,It win be a' rare ·pri.~eBe for i~ults as . weli as' children to enroll in art gro.ups.to ,be :arraJ;lgecl :by. ¥i~s Tricker in the program at th.~..Swarth~.Q.I.:~ Recreation Association. : ... . Weekly articles on various phase' of this summer Playshop .program ,W'IU .IDrlllYou can get a better price at recorded in the Swarthmorean~. .... II . " . ·Herbert's because we specialize jeanne!.[)ickson as ClariIida''Co~tr~b~~~d Bach; in inlaid linoleum, wall linohers hone operators in Pennsylvania are Iiandling millions of important calls every day. Behind the scenes, they smooth the pathways and speed the words that hasten plans, purchases and 'productiOn. So efficient is theIr perfonnance that it's easy to forget the important part they play. . Today switchboards are busier, calls are more important, speed is more essential than ever before.. Yet"the voice with a smile" is as calm and friendly, as courteous, as eager to serve as ever. 'THE BEl.l. 'TEl.EPHONE COMPAKr • OF PE}(}(Snf'ANIA • oN Cotton and Spun-Rayon to - S '" 'I 88 . C I' f ete sIze range or women _ and misses. Fabrics with as much .. omp dash and zest as the young Americans who are buying them! Spir- = ors. Buy them now for their colorful charm • • • for their washability! Solids, Horals, universally wear_ A Glimpse 01 Media 200 Years Aqo smart for summer • SERUM PIONEERS The Sharpe & Dohme Laboratoqo at Glenolden BJU.DWIN WORKS COMPLETES FIRST M.:J MEDIUM TANK ! iii ~ ~Im t: No, 22 $4.88 Speare'. COlton Corner s-,,.tI Floor \'t I~THM()I~E I"A_ Wins First Nighters Revival of "Mr. Antonio" Well Attended to Benefit Rolling Kitel1en for Britain SWARTHMORE, PA., MAY Floral Conlributiona Begin • The Flowers for the Flo";erless program opens on Friday. June 6, and beginning June 5 Mrs. Daniel R. Goodwin would appreciate having donations of flowers Jeft at her home on Thursday evenings during that month. 29, 1941 Finish 1149 Red Cross Garments in 5 Months Plea for Surgical Dressing Mak· er8 Eael1 Wednesday Heard at Board Meeting DISPUY YOUR FUG '2.50 PER YEAR FIElD DAY TODAY The annual Field Day for the Elementary Schools of Swarthmore is being held this morning. 'l'hursday, May 211, at 9 A. M. at the College Avenue 6eld. It will last until approxi· mately 11:30 A. M. The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grades are participating in various types of races and games. All these children are members of either the Garnet team Or the White team. The tearns have a certain amount of com~ petition throughout the year. 'fhe scores of the year to date are totaled with the scores of the Field Day races, and the SUIll total of these. scores determines the winning teain for the year. The name of that tcam is engraved on the loving cup. 'rhus far each team has won the cup a total of six times. The children leave school immedi~ ately following the close of the activi.. ties and do not return to school in the afternoon. Parents and friends are invited if they care to come. In case of inclement weather. Field Day will be held Friday, June 6, at the same time. SOUND ANNUAL TAPS TOMORROW Community Observance of Mem. orial Day Features Addrees at Boro Hall and Parade to Cemetery The long promised revival of "Mr. Antonio" opened auspiciously Tuesday Highlight of the Red Cross board Swarthmore will observe Memorial flight to the acclaim of a friendly audmeeting held Friday morning at the Day tomorrow with the annual exer home of the chairman Mrs. Sewell W. ience which filled the Players Club. cises planlled uy the American l.,egion The presence of a Rolling Kitchen Hodge was the report of production and. participated in by all local organ outside the Clubhouse excited much atchairman Mrs. E. M. Bassett. Jzations. tention and emphasized the earnest Ii· In 1924 hours of knitting and 1675 Tbe Harold Ainsworth Post No. 427 purpose for which the event was given, hours of sewing, garments completed will b. joined at its 9 A. M. service m the raising of funds to purchase a Rollfrom January 23 to May 23 totalled 1149 01 the memorial tablet at Borough front ing Kitchen for Britain. Variety of Art8, Crafts, Outdoor plus two knitted afghans. $18 had been Hall pIau. 00 Friday by Ibe Post Aux Dr. A. F. Jackson directs the produccollected on the second call for kits for Studies and Sports Mapped lliary, Company H, the High School tion and appears in the title role, one English women. Out for Local Youth l(cd l:ross, Boy Scouts, Cubs, Banel, which has been much loved since he Mrs. Bassett reported officially that Girl ~couts and Browni~s, Woman's played uMr. Antonio'~ in 1930 for the High School and intermediate youth only 11 of 369 steamers carrying Red Club, Rotary Club, Business Associa Players Club. Under his deft sympa- will be highlighted in this summer's Cross supplies had been lost at sea and tioll and .Fire Company. thetic interpretation the philosophy of recreation program as they find an at- that no ships flying the Red Cross had - Following dIe invocation and address the kindly hurdy-gurdy mall gathers tractive day-camp schedule On their been touched. by Post l:hapiain Thomas A. Mery Total production of garments in 1940 conviction with each scene. calendars. The new feature wilt be weather and Dr. Roy N. Keiser pastor The village scene in Av...lonia is volley ball, baseball, and games for all was ten times as many as those made of the Swarthmore Methodist Church and sent abroad in 1939. Production staged and when dressed with the 1910 to start off morning activities. and the placing of flags and wreaths interestingly costumes contrives all too • I • After games for all, individual tastes from January 1 to May I, 1941 has. be~n bciore the tablet, a parade will form on brief a glimpse of a day when lHe was wilt be followed. Personal programs will twenty times that of the same penod m CHARLES P. M. JACK .rark avenue and proceed to Eastlawn calm Sundays had leisure, and even civic he in the hands of Dr. Luzern G. Liv- 1940. cemetery where a brief service will be Word has just been received of the Mrs. Addison S. Wickham made a purity was not too remote a possibility, ingston, who proved popular in his held as customary at the grave of Pastsudden death in England of Charles however chilly in actuality. Obviously boy's craft work last summer. Dr. Liv- sub-report as chairman of sewing anCommander Charles ~ Seymour. P. M. Jack, former president and Rolling Kitchens had no unhappy place ingston will dovetail together such in- nouncing Tuesday as the summer week'1 his year the color guard and firing then or was that what June Ramsey terests as craft work, metal work, ly date for Red Cross sewing and urging owner of Thc Chester Shipbuilding squad will be formed of members of and a resident of Swarthmore, Company acquired? painting, nature study, tumbling, or all women to join that day's group. at his home in England, February 25. l:ompany H instead of the Legion and uThere is no cessation of need during The gowns by the way excited so "Round-the-World" dancing into per· much comment from the feminine sonal patterns. In his capacity of Exec- the summer and we are making warm Stricken suddenly with appendicitis at United States Marine Reserve Corp, theatergoers that good tines were lost utive Director of- the Summer program, clothes for fall use as fast as we can. his home in Banbury, Swalclifle Lea. rt:spectively as ill former years. The amid their "where on earth did they he will likewise assist in planning, in~ The 25 faithfuls have accomplished England, he was operated on February Legion colors will be borne by Post . find them II "look at her shoes" and t{;grating and facilitating the progralTJ wonders but we could do so much more 14th, at the hospital in Oxford. Compli- fIlcmbers. Th~! parade's order of formation , G ' with more hetp," she urged. Board mem- cations occurred but he was apparently like sibilant comments. And eorge s as a whole. doing well when a -sudden change came under the direction of Marshall Mery.. shirt-but then what a figure George Tennis and Swimming must be signed bers were reminded that Red Cross and he passed away suddenly. weather will be as follows: garments go to war refugees, British cut! . for early, in order to form related age War Relief production goes to the Post officials and guests, colors and The funeral service held in Swalcliffe David Narbeth plays again the silly, groups in these universally popular guard, firing squad, Band, Post memLea was largely attended. He leaves his half-wilted Joe who liked to have summer sports. The recent success of armed forces of Britain. bers. Post Auxiliary, Company H, Red Helen Mclaren Jack, and one son, wife, Airs. W. W. Turner chairman of his advice valued. A-fr. Narbeth has the Swarthmore high school students in Cross, \.yomau's Club, Business Assowho was born in Swarthmore. Douglas, a gift for losing himself in a part their performance at the University of Home Service reported that two local ciation, Rotary Club, Girl Scouts, Douglas. now married, is excused from and his voice . is particularly nice as Pennsylvania will stir interest in the women had completed the six weeks Browuies, Boy Scouts, Cubs, Fire military service to carryon the work of Home Service Aids course. She stated Joe. John R. Brownell is the. third anticipated Square Dancing one eveCompany. agriculture, so necessary to the welfare that no active local cases exist at presmember of the original cast to repeat ning a week this summer. The line of march will be directly of England, on the great farm conhis former role as the self righteous Nature walks and excursions wilt de- ent. on Park avenue to the cemetery south Mrs. Louis J. Kocl~ .reported. tb~ .ac- ducted for a number of years by his Reverend Walpole. That's a good line velop familiarity. with trees, shrubs. and the return will be by way of Park father who retIred' from' his 'profession which .Tony addressed to him "You and other plants of this region. Natural tive schedule of Public Health Nursing avenue, north to Harvard, left on Haras marine engineer . must be a good friend to the Lord to history of birds, insects, etc. will open supported by the Red Cross and comvard to Chester road, then right on The home of the Jacks in Banbury know what He'd say!" Perhaps that's eyes heretofore b1ind to sights right in mended Mrs. Plummer and the nursing Chester road to Park avenue and thus has, so far, escaped devastation from why we like Tony s~he deflates our own territory. Dr. Livingston has service for their efficiency. .,acK 10 llorough Hall for dispersal although bombs have fallen bombing, Mrs. Phelps Soule. new chairman of people so amiably! And then we "don't had wide experience, in arousing the Deceased ex-service men for whom 'lot far from them and the distress Surgical Dressings, made a moving apwant to be no senator:' either I interest of young people in the field peal for Swarthmore women to help in caused by the war surrounds them on flags will be placed at the monument at Stafford Parker plays a taxing role of Nature Study and may easily make as Major Jorny in his thirty-seventh this part of the day camp program a Media headquarters each Wednesday, all sides, making the work of agricul- Borough Hall are: Harold Ainsworth, Collins Chambers, Frederick Hawture one of the greatest difficulty. Swarthmore's day. Club appearance. unique and deHghtful experience in beI • thorn, M. C. Johnson, Maurice F. Wit.. uTransportation and aprons will be Angela Mason is an appealing June coming more sensitive to one's immedi~ To Launel1 Mariner8 Ship mer (whose names are on the tablet) Ramsey. Helen Reed's Pearl is too real ate environment here and elsewhere. provided; the simple charts we are now and F. A. Brill, Hugh Lumsden, Charies using speed up and make the work It is apt to be a colorful spectacle an East Sider for comfort. She and Having received his Ph.D. in Botany, much easier; we are undertaking a F. Seymour. Norman D. Smith, Max A. when 180 blue uniformed Mariners and Irwin R. MacElwee manage a bar-room at the University of Wisconsin, Dr. Stockton, B. A. Thomas, Armar D. scene of stark reality. Elizabeth May Livingston has spent two summers do~ new type of dressing which is simpler," a Ship of Sea Scouts take pOGsession Young, A. Penrose Robinson, D. Allen Roberts contrlbuted a splendid char- ing field work at the University of said Mrs. Soule. "Reserve surgical of the Woman's Club for the official Simpson, Frank N. Smith, Joseph E. acterization of rigidly staid Mrs. Wal- Michigan Biological Station. The Mar~ dressings were sent abroad during the launching ceremony of Girl Scout Malin, Dr. John A. Murphy, George Greek campaign. A real emergency expole. ine Biological Station at Woods H01e, ists here now and all the dressings we Mariner Ship "Trade Winds" on Thurs- Gillespie~ and Dr. Franklin S. Gillespie. day evening June 5 at eight bells of Winifred A. McDowell was delight- Mass. occupied him another summ~r. •• I fully restrained as Mrs. Jorny. Beth National Research Council Fellow in make are packed for emergency use the first watch. Invitations have been Altyn as Avalonia, hfarguerite Gettz as Botany one year, he also became In- among our own boys encamped here. issued to nearby Mariner Ships, to Girl Elementary Art on E~hibit Scput officials. and to those who have Minnie Riddle, Helen Parker in her structor and Tutor in Biology at Har- They wilt not be sent abroad." Tuesday, /UlW 3 Mrs. Soule quoted a Red Cross exbefriended the new Girl Scout organwalk on as Mrs. Cooder, and little Helen vard University for four years, followed This year"s program of the Elemen. Reed added to the evening's enjoyment. morc recently by three years as As- ecutive's statement that the need for ization in Swarthmore this year. Traditionally each new Ship is tary Art Department will be held in Charles F. Seymour in the spineless sistant Professor of Botany at Swarth- surgical dre'ssings here is so acute that unless more women volunteer work launched by its last predecessor to slip the ColJege avenue Kindergarten room role of Earl was in love with love, Will- more Col1ege. something will have to he done in re~ down the ways. "M. S. Dolphin" of on Tuesday evening. June 3 at 8 P. M. iam E. Gibson as the threatening Chief Added to his skill in the field of na- gard to drafting women. She explained Drexel Hill will sponsor this ceremony, Continuing last year's approach of in.. of PoHce had a way with a baby, and tural science. Dr. Livingston proved his J. W. Simmons received a spontaneous popularity with boys last season in that making such dressings by ma~ white "U. D. Pilot," the Upper Darby terpreting the work of the students to tribute on his brief walk home from craft work. 1£ there are young mascu- chinery makes the expense prohibi- Sea Scouts, will set up its landship, in- the parents, the discussion on Tuesday tive and that appeal for workers is no church. line minds with a yen for puppetry, ruse to incite interest but a genuine cluding its mast, flags~ binnacle, and night will include one pbase of the ele~ white ship's rail. Under a sea captain, mentary art curriculum - the developCapitano deserves mention since ami- building hammering, sawing, this will attempt to meet a real emergency which these Sea Scouts have perfected an ment and use of applied design. ably and po1itely he provided the touch prove a:l opportunity to achieve a curconfronts men in camps now. impressive opening and closing cereExamples of various design projects of conviction to vagabond Tony's role. rent urge for construction. Mrs. Hodge announced the probabi.lmony, which they will perform. will be shown, including a complete Jointly presented by the Thimble ity that first and secondary courses In Sea chanties will be sung by the representation of the fifth and SlXth Group and the Players Club "Mr. AnAt West Chester Reunion First Aid wilt be organized in the fall. Mariners of '1M. S. Sin bad" of Lans- grades of the Coilege and Rutgers avetonio" witt continue tl1Coughout the Any person interested in such a course downe, "}"L S. Welcome," of Jenkin~ nue schools and item from the other week. George L. McCracken of Vassar ave- is asked to contact Mrs. Hodge. Any town, "M. S. Dolphin" of Drexel Hill grades. Some of these examples will • 1 • nue ('94), Raymond. K. Denworth of women who wish to take a Red Cross and Sea Scouts of "U. D. Pilot." Mar· show the current revival of interest in College in Gala Week Elm avenue (,06), Elsie G. Boyt of Motor Transport course are asked to illers of 10M. S. Hesperus" of Frankfort American design and handicraft. The Swarthmore College commence- Park avenue (,06), and Hugh Den- contact Mrs. John R. Bates. will also be present, as they are to be Refreshments will be served by the ment week~end will begin tomorrow worth of Elm avenue (11) attended the The secretary's report was read by launched officially by our local Marin- Mothers Group of the Rutgers avenue morning, Friday, May 30, with the ivy annual alumni meeting held last Sat- Mrs. H. Bardwell Lilleoln and Mrs. ers on June 13th. fourth grade. planting by the class of 1941 at 10 :30 urday at West Chester State Teacher's Walter A. Schmidt read the treasurer's Swarthmore Mariners will be preAll interested persons are invited to A. M. College. report. ' sen ted with Mariner pins as gifts from attend. President John Nason states that al• I I though no invitations were issued this ~ the "Dolphins." Those who have aeDANCING CLASS NOMINEES complished the 6rst Mariner rating as year other than that in the publication Midshipmites, who. have 1earned of The nominating committee announces THE WEEK'S CALENDAR The Garnet Letter, all alumni and knots, bell time, buoys, watercraft. com- the following nominations for the 1941friends of the College are cordially welTHURSDAY. MAY 29 pass, etc. this year aside from "land 42 season of the Swarthmore Junior come at the graduation activities. Ad~ 8'15 P M _ "Mr Antonio" ....................................... Players Clu: cruises" will be presented with anchor Assemblies: mission to the actual commencement 5:30 P: M: to 7:30 P. !i.-Strawberry Festival and Supper.. Methodlst Chure guards for their pins. Chairman-Mrs. \ViIliam R. Huey; in Clothier Memorial at 11 o'clock Mon~ FRIDAY. MAY 30 The Pilot Committee has recently assistant chairman-Mrs. Pemberton day morn,'ng, June 2, will of course 9:00 A. M.-Memorlal Daf. Exercises .......... .................. s::~ ~~ presented "Trade Winds" with its of- Dickson; treasurer-Mrs. James H. 8:15 P. M. - "Mr. Antonio •••.••••••.•••••••.•••••••••••••••••.•• ye be by ticket only. SATURDAY, MAY 31 ficial Mariner blue flag. Mothers of Hornaday; assistant treasurer-Mrs. J. Saturday will be Alumni Day with ALUMNI DAY AT COLLBGE Mariners, under the Chairmanship of Francis Tay10r; hostesses-Mrs. George a 1uncheon served by the young wo~;~ ~:t1:=~~lon~~~~~ ~ Players Club Mrs. Edward N. Hay are acting as L. Armitage (eleventh and twelfth SUNDAY, JUNB 1 men of the Swarthmore Friends' Meet~ hostesses for the launching. Mrs. F. T. grades), Mrs. R. J. Littlefield (tenth), 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worah1p ................................. Loeal ChU: ing for the benefit of the American Flaherty and Mrs. Charles L. Maas Mrs. Daniel Morse (seventh), Mrs. Friends" Service Committee. The many 11:00 A.M.-College Baec:aIaureate ••.•••.••.•.•••.•••.•••.•. Olotbler Memtt.ug are ao;sisting with decorations and in- Robert Reed (ninth), Mrs. C. Mac8:00 P.M.-Phi Beta KaPpa Speaker: Ralph Llnton •.••••.••. Pr1ends uee returning alumni win form a parad e 0 f vitations for the ceremony. Donald Swan (eighth). • I reunion classes at 2 P. M. Ra1ph Lin11:00 A.M.-College commen~':::~=.~ CIOtbler )lemorlal Balance Aida ED_land ton will give the Phi Beta Kappa adTt/ESDAY. JUNE 3 Democrats to Federate The committee for the season just dress in the Meeting House at 8:15 10:00 A.M. to 4:90 P.M.-Red. Cross Sewtnc •••.......... woman·s C1~~2!O... At a recent meeting of the Woman's P • Or Stud 8:00 P.M.-Blementa.ry Art Program ............ COllege Avenue KIn ~&-RooseveIt CI uh 0 f 5 warth more a resoJu _ ended reports a surplus of $100 in the ftl. a ray. treasury $25 of which will be retained The baccalaureate address will be WJmNBSDAY, J'UNB 4 Pnosbyterlan~_ D.o.-Ish Bouse tion was made and passed to have the 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.-lied Croos 8ewiDR ........ d as a reserve for next year. The other d elivered in Clothier Memorial Sun ay 10:00 A. M. to 4:00 P. M. -lied Croos aurglcal .Dl 1'1'::::'6 1118., Modla local club join with the Pennsylvania $75 has been donated toward Swarthmorning at 11 A. M. by Dr. BrandIL_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,;;.,.l.,..:~.~;;;;;.i£·:I.;...·_ _ _ _ _ _ __JIFederation of Democratic Clubs. more's Rolling Kitchen for Britain. I' Blanshard. I'----------------J SlImmer P rogram Of R ecrea on ••• -=================================:;1 .. OTHER DAYTIME DRESSES 88c i= plaids, = checks, plenty of whites • • • all HISTORY OF PROVIDENCE MEETING THE DELAWARE COUNTY ADVOCATE = is = 5= _ ! FlBST LADY SPEAKS AT SWARTHMORE '1.00 by ,lie Y_ (121_) = § ited young casuals with crisp, clean lines, freshly glowing col- .. SWARTHMORE mGH MUSEUM Sab.aibeN_ ;; AT PIN.MONEY PRICES! = See! ADd OIber Picture Stories 01 Interest to Delaware Countlana = 0 aytl-lDe' Frocks : 5 ALE N O W With Picture Stories You'U Want CORNER - = They Also Serve 1,=::::=======================::::;: == Toproduce a battleship, a Heet of bombers or a hundred big guns, thousands of telephone Calla must be made. FASHION = = xm, Y THE SWARTHMOR D A. M. VOL Stunning tiles from FINLAND and small vases with lovely symmetry luncheon table. MEMORIAL EXERCISES Unusual Pottery WHOLE WIDE WORLD chat 5WA I~ C UL LE C;E .......................... ............ J_ u.= INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE SV\l'\I~ I HMIIIH. .' rlll.lrr·r L i n n ... I? Y 6 THE MAY 23, 1941 SWARTHMOREAN IIIGHLIGHTS OF GALA INAUGURATION DAY AT WOMAN'S CLUB SCHOOL BOARD I NAMES NEW STAFF ht· 'j ~\\ rt(tlll jcukllls. Mrs Harold March, Mrs. Will- I Hull, Mrs. Margaret Neal, Mrs JlO\\ .ud Smith, At rs Lucy Kcnned) Bro\\:II, MISS Oh,'c Cleaves, Mrs. Sher"ood Messner, Mrs. \\farren Foote. 13111 II Mrs Cordon Straka, and Mrs. Patrick ,Irtlllllorc Schuol Bo.lrd at Its lIlt.ttlllg tr.llls.Hled S(IIII(' IlU"lIll s'" III .lddltU)11 rotltllll III Ills n'llIlflllg It ,ll till ... tlllll I to thl IUtlltlUIl lh.llld (I.;rllll1 (1111- f( h-r III xl \l If .IS :\Ir .. H 1\!Il1'lul (IJlIl .. II k folio"" ,,(cnt.lf\, Hurdy.Gurdy Man Wins Fit·st Nighters Stullning tiles from FINLAND and small vases with lovely ,ymmetr) l Smith t IX lollldof. )'lr.. ~lan I'lda I)oeltl It Itillptt Ii the huclg<:t lor tllt lisl:.d I \e Ir JC)-II -12 hq. :1II1l11l~ III xl l11h .1IId t ~t lhl1~lu d Iht t IX r ItC tlu.' ..all1r a~ tlt(' \In "( 111 \ I Ir, hH III \ tl1n t 11l1J1~ IIHI.I ]It r { IPlt I t IX of thr\ t t Ikt.11 Uptlll till III rS(II111el TOil righl- JU'W (If tIlt It .1t.:h11lg ... , Iff, fi.'Slgll ItlPl1s In Prc'"id"nl I\lrs. J. 111g rt.u 1\( d from \II~'" ~l.ln OI)l.:rll11 1'.lUl Urolul Ulill \Irs 1'.ll1illH ~It.\lr \(( o\llistn I!HI H"lirilllC 1'rt'ioIiI ).1\ Iii H (;( I III r \\ 110 \\ 111 It nU1I1 Itt dt'lIl 1\Ir!;. RoIlulr l III pJt 1\ IIItllt .It thl llid 01 till 1.1I1f1 I" JIlt ~lllt ~lhllol \1 Ir ~11 ...... \\'llIl11 ~ttrll h IH Ilig 11.1Il..,tt rn II to 1 Ilgh~h III t ... ..,t ... (·h.1l 111 tIlt "'l!llllr 111gh "lhllol .111d to "lIt- lutl( tlt'on I •• hlt·. I I \ Ii 11\ r 111 tl U': IlIlIg JUlllllr high SdH 101 ni~ht-.l seeInglhh tilt 1,c),lnl (I('dld ~lls~ \II Imll nC .he table tlldl 1:.l1lt\ \\hn IS no\\ h,hlllllg III HC gilt sis ""hose (unlrdJutions tn lilt" IIC,", 1.laullug .11 IIH' r('ur of lilt· (Inh lIuusc ("IICHUI in Buttertmlk jars, triangular tea cadd.es, large vase, frolll PERSIA. Lovely bowls from SWEDEN, gay "lales from ITALY. And domeslle pieces from CALI· FonNIA, TENNESSF.E and Ihe MID· DLE WEST -two tOiled, paslel shaded and as IIItereslingl) shaped as any} ou'll sec- u' alice barber, Gifts OLD DANK BUILDING STEAKS- CHOPS SEAFOOD ou,. Specialty Completely Air.Conditioned r •• ngnized at Ihis fill •• 1 lunch. COli lilt cling l'lu:, l:J. I Street • They Also Serve To produce a battleship, a lIeet of liomhcr. or a hundred b.g guns, thousands of telephone calls must be made. The 7,500 Bell telephone operators in Penlls) Ivallla are handlmg lIulhons ofllnportant calls e\ery day. Dehind the scenes, they smooth the pat}l\\ a) s and speed the \lorels that hasten plans, purchases and 'productIOn. So efficient is their performance that it's easy to forget the important part they play. Toda,7 5witchboarJs are busier, calls ~re more important, speed is DlOre essential than e,er before. Yet ~rthc \' oice \\ ith a smile" is as calm and friendly, as courteollS, as eager to serve as ever. • LOCAL WOMEN ON STATE W.I.L. BODY - -- ~ ~ ~ Tho"l' .Itt(,lHhng thl confcTlnce from S\\.lrthmon nere KEYSTONE SECRETARIAL SCHOOL Many Membcrs of Local Brand. Aucnded Norristown Meeting. AT nM,TIMORE PIKE AND LINCOLN AVENUE, SWARTHMORE Announces the Opening of Its SUMMER SCHOOL ON JUNE 16 ~\\.trthmore \\as well representeu at thc ::lIIl1tl.ll Illt.:c lIllg of the l'cllnsylva1l1a! I hr.llldl ut the \\ OHMn s Il1t('rn.\11011her\\oud ,Mes!>lll,;r of COllllllltlCI; Oil cu'1 he !:)\\ IrthllIure ,,\1 others' CJulJ held {'lJt:ratlHs ~lrs i·.nuly COOIJCr Jollll Its aUllll iI dUllltr mcetlng: 011 \Vedlle:;.[ ~OI1 ul (}ermantu\\u \\.15 n.: cleded 1 d.l) C\C 11 IIlg, ~LI) 1-1 .It thr Strath JIa- llresldllit ot the state orgalllz.ltlull \ 1.:11 lUll '1 hI.: dlllllcr \\as attcllucd iJ} 'l he luuclH.'vll Oil ~lOlld.l) ".IS .al.tbuut 5U 1.llilt r~ tllIl mothers tin sscd h) Dr 011\ e j{t.:d(lick 011 ' l'lan..\IIS l1e)\\.tnl lUllltr presldcnt 01 the 1 \V \\ 10" d \V duh fur thl }J I~t 1\\ 0 ) e.lfS g.n e .1 short Illng luI" a "o:.t ar or .tli. .IrI .1 Ik un .1 Ie .tllII::; U • II Ie urgalliza I1011 rt II ~llIl1Cll of the '\.llton.11 Council .tUn \dltd' site IIltruuuccd ~Irs \Vtll- lor PrevcntlOll ot \\ ar \\hosc tOpIC \\ b 101111 I.ce, lilt Ill\\I} c1ccted president . \Vh,1l \\a[' )lc.lIls to L.lbor Iues'1 hc Spl Ikl.l 01 the evelllllg \\ as Vr d,l)'S IUIH he on :;pe.lker \Va:-- ~ltldrcd S.utl Stullhl rg \\ hu I!> l:OIlIlt.:ctcd \o;Ith ~t.:ott Ulmsh d of H.u:;e \ aile) \\ ho I:; thc :\urfl~to\\lt St Ite lJospltal and who the cxc:cutl\e ::;et.:rct.lrj. 01 the l'cnll!>}1 Is P~)t.:hlllrisl III dl.Lrge of mcntal h}- \.U1t.l Brandl $he slJoke 011 Pt:.lce glcllc III Ihl.: 111ll1l':~ ul l)cl.Hvare Count) Prohlenb and Pruspects." Dr ~tul!lH rg tilst.:tlssrd It1 genu.tl 111ss Charlutte S,llmoll of S\\arth-! Illhl Ih\ (holoJ.n ot llrc-sellOul cllIldrcn wure \\ ho IS un the stan ot thc Pt ICC If( 1I1111111111ld the II10lJlir pn,bhms of ~ecthlll of tile FnelHls' SCi\IU COIIIth It III nut! lIul the t:llIotlOliS that anse 1I11ttce told of It::; CI\lltall tralililig milt [rom IIIl III lit .t!..,o g.He some lIlterest- 101" \\olllen to he held 011 thl farm of I Illg I.:.t~l hhl()ril'" of cluldrcll \\hose Dr 1.00ett LJe\Vct.:~ at Glen ~lllb thl~ jlrt)hlllih h Itl Illlll hrought to thc c1l1llC "11111111lr Twcnt}-Jl\c glib \\111 be I lor soll1tllHl \ gt Ilt. ral (h~CUSSIOll fol- t.lUght llubht.: health, hrst .lId, dldeltts, 110\\tll IJr StlltilHrgs t.tlk the 11IaJont) 111(1 i.lrIIUllg ,0 .IS tu h(' nad\ for \\()fk PI tilt IJt1l~tHiIIS hllllg' askcd b) fathers of soc!.d 1I11portallt.:e 1Il thllr COlilmUIll • • I tit..., ~Irs ).[.Irgarct :--':e.tI 01 S\\ Irlh).Ir,.., H Chtstl.:I' Splllo.:r cntertamed 1II0rl IS \\(lrklllg- \\Ith thc Ctllllllllthe of II I hlllfd-llilldllOIl .1IIt! hrtdge 011 .lrr,llIgelllt:llts She \\111 hc gild to .Il 111e:--da\ aft( rnuon III hlr home on t.:t.:pt dOll,illOlIS 01 kltdu.'n c(}UJpmt.lJt or S\\ lrthmore a\( nne olt! fnrllltilre for the usc of till girls Ilcgister Now for Summer or CUrrent Courses Write ur Telephone Sw 1747 for Information Day and Evening Classes PROTECT YOUR FURS In Our Modern, Safe. Air-Conditioned Cold Storaae Vaults $'lOO Minimum Charge or 2% on Your OWD Evaluation CLENO • RE • NU • IT CO. CLEANERS AND DYERS - 6"-18 WELSH STREET. CHESTER We Call and Deliver II 1111 'Phone Chester 6116 III '" II II II CHESTER'S '" 11111 11111 '" "'" FASHION II '" II '" CORNER II I I MEDIA 'Phone Media 2239 • IdUyht --.---.- •• WILTSlIInE BnOS. ~1.lte ~\ltJuf(;stu'\n Fncntl.:. Sdluol and III the Lauoralory I :-::ichuol 01 lh~ Slippery Rock State I 1 c.LdH.:r.:. Culll.'gc for a permo oi Jive .\0 car:, Pre\ IOU~ to thIS cxpcncllcc she t,llIght 11I !>dlOols of I J cl1u:;ylvallIa amI \\ \:-.t \ Irg11l1.1 She Is a gracJu.Hc of ;"lu:,klllgU1l1 Colh.:gc III UIHU~ \\Ilh a 4\1.I"ln .:. lJl.'grcc }rom 01110 St.lte UUI\ \ r~11), lIIU l Ph V. 1rUIll the Unl\ er:.11) ut 1'Itblmrgh As te.ldler of SCII.' lin: the Do,ln.l elected ,Mr. Eugene Leltll \\lIu has lJcell te.lchlllg the Jutuor lug-II sc hou1 ,Cietll:e dasse:i uunng the J "'lJrlllg !>tlllc:.ler ull a sub!>l1tute basIs l it I~ .1 gl Idll ttt; oi Tcmple Ulllver'''It) I he Buaru .Ibo re-.l1)llOmtcu Vr. (.t:orge e Hel:km.lIl as team physu::mll tor the l:Olll111g school year line-a Lord Elgin sa)s het. ter than "ortIs the tlungs ),011 feel for Iwn on brraeluallon oay. Eaehbcnrs theObserva tory Certificate of l)rOvetl accuracy. Choose one or these masle[' Amcrir.lIl tuncl'ICce,.., from our complele sch cllOn Priced C("om only 550 00 100 E. tJ\I: 11'['"c\ luu:::.l.) Rugged, b.mdsome, museu THE BELl TELEPI/ONE COllfPANY OF PE.\'\SIlIAMA • DISPLAY YOUR FLAG .'Ioral Contribntions Begin • I Finish 1149 Red Cross Garments in5 MontlIs HELl) l)AY 'IOUAY I he allllual ht:lt.1 !J.l) lur thc Elc mel1tary Sdluub 01 ~\\arlillnuic I~ !JclIIg hdd thl!> IIlUrlllltg. 1 hur!>dil) , 11a) .!;t), ott Y A ),1 "t tht: Cullcgc \\it.:nuc held 1t \\111 1.lst unul alJplUXI IIl.1lel) II JU.\ "1 '1 he tllIl U, luurth. ht tit, aud :;I:\:.th graues arc IJ.trlil:l1Mtllll,;" 111 vanou~ typc~ uf race::; awl g.tllle:; All these c.:Illldrcn an: members 01 elthel the Garllt:l [1.;.1111 ur the \\ Illte leam. '1 he teallls h.n e a l:ert.lIli .lInuunt uf COlllpctltu.m throughuut the ~ car. 1 he Sl:ures of the l'ear to <.Idte .Ire totalcd \\ It It the ~curcs of the I'leld Va) r.ll:es, and the :;UIII lutal of thc:.c ::;l:ures detcrlllllll s the \\l1l1l1l1g t('.11ll tur the )e '1 hI; dHJdrcll h .1\ e st.:hool 11llme(h.ltel) follO\\llIg lhe do:--e ot tilt.: actlvItic:; .lud du 1Iot return to !!dlOol In the .lftcrlluoll Parcnb .1Ild li1enus arc m\ Ited If they care to l:UIllC In ca:;e of IlICklllcnt \\t.tthcr l'ldd D.l) Will be lit hi Fnoa} J JUlie (', ~lt the S.lIlle tUllC SOUND ANNUAL TAPS TOl\iORROW 'J he Flo\\(.'rs for the Flo\\ uIDS prugr.tlll opens 011 Fnuay, Ucvival of "!'tir. Antonio" Well c.:ollllllnnily Oh.cnuncc of l\lem· Plea for Snrgical Drcssing Mak. JUlIl' 0, a110 bCglll1l11lg JUTle 5 Allendcd to Bencfit nolling Ol·ial Uay l'cuturc. Addrcss er. Euch Wedne.day Heard ~I rs lJ.lIl1cl I{. GoodWill wuuld Kitchcn for Britain al "oro lIall and Parade .qJpnchite h~lving tlonatlOlI~ of a t Board Meeting lo Cemetery The long prollllsed reVival of "1\lr l!o\\('fS left at her hume on \lItOIlIO" opetlcu auspIciously '1'u~!>day Thursd,l) t:VClllugs dUrtll1{ that Ihghhght of thc H.cd Cross board ~J\\.11 tlll'lUrc \\ III obscrve MemOrial llIg'ht to the al:cialtll or .1 ffl~ll(J1) .lud1II0nth. mectmg held Fnday mornlllg at the lJa) lUlII0I1 U\\ \\ It It the annual cxc['lence willch Idled the PI.I}crs Cluh - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -__'lh01l1c of the chairm.1I1 Mrs Sewell \V u:.es iJlaullcd 1,,) thc Amcrtl:iut Legion The l'reselll:C of ,l I{olllllg Kitchell Hodge \\as the report of productloll anlI palllt.:lvatetl III IJ) all Im:al organoutSide the Clubhouse exeltl'd much atch.urlllan Mrs 1.. M. Uassctt lz:aUUl1S it lit 1011 .md t:l1lph.ISIZld the earnest In 192.f hours of kllltlmg anu 1675 1 he Hill uld .A1Il~\\Orth 1'05t No 427 purposc for \\Iudl the event \\as glvell, hours of SC\\ mg, gartllcnts completed \\ iii be JUllu;d at Its ~ A ~1 5crvlf.::e 1U the ralslIlg of funus to purc.:1J.lse a RolIfrom j.lI111ary 23 to May 23 totalled 1149 II UIlL ul the lILellwnaltaiJlet at Borough lilt{ Kltchcn for Bnt.ulI Varicty of Art., Crafts, Oultloor plus two kll1tt~d afghans. $18 hau hcen 11all pl anu JJIO\\lIle:io, \\oman s ])l.l).ld "~Ir AlltonlO" 111 l~.lO tor thc only 11 of 369 ste.tlncrs c.lrrylllg Red Lluh, l{ot.lI..} Cluo, Dmllle:;s Assot.:la1 ftgh School and mternlc(ilale yout,h Cross supphes had oecn lost at sea and PI,I)crs Clnh Ulltler IllS ddt symp,LIII ht IlIghltghteu 111 thts summer s I I Jl' tl l~eu Cross hau UUlL anti l'ue Cumpany. th('Ue IIIterl'retcltlOlI thc lJll1losupllY of \\ rnre.lllUn program as they hnd an at- tl tat no sll'''ds ymg Ie l'ol1u\\ IlIg lhe JII\-Ol:aUUll and address the kllldh hurd) -gurdy man g.lthers I d I I Jcen touc Ie IJ) I'I):;t l,:henlce WIll ue Ot: 1\1 the hauds ot Dr Lt1zcrn G LtvMrs AtldlSOll S 'Vlckham made .1 \Vord has Ju!>t bcen received ot thc IHlfll\ \\as 1I0t tou remote a llOSSliJlhty, IIIgston. who proved popular In IllS sub-report as chairman of scwing ansuduen death 111 England of !:harles hdd as l:l1stulllal} at the grave of Pastho\\c\cr dull) 111 acttMht) OhvHJUsly tl M Jack. former preSident and C01111Il.uHlcr Charlcs A !::'iC} mour Rolhng Kttchens had no unh.IPPY plan.' h ) \; cr 1ft \\ork Jast sUlnmer Dr LI\- Ilollnclllg 'l'UCSd.lY as the summer weck- P 1111:; ) cal the l:vlul guard and. hnllg IIIgslllll Will dovetatl together such lllly date for Red Cross se\\lIIg and urgmg O\\lIer of The Chestcr ShlpbUlldmg thln or \\as tlMt \\h.lt JUlIC l~at1lst) , all \\Olllen to Jom that uay's group COlJlp.lII) and .1 rt:slde.:l1t o[ :::Jw.lrlhmore, !>(juau \\ 111 he formcd. ot lIlcmlJcrs of tert:sts itS cr.lft work. mctal work .lcqulrc,l? The gO\\ liS 1Iy the \\ .lY (: xClted so pallltlt1!-t', nature stuu}, tumbling, or "There IS ItO ccssatlOll of lIecu dU['1ng at JIlS home III Euglallu, l' ebrllar} 25. LOIllV til) 11 1II:.1caU 01 the Legion and lIluch comment from the [cllunlllc . Round the-\Vorld" dancing IOtO Jlcr- the summer and \\e arc makmg wa[,m Strlckcn suddcnly \\ Ith appendiCitiS at vllltl..!U ::it.1te:. ~lalillc l{eserve Corp, lhc.ltergoers that good 111Ics \\ere lost sUIl.1I patterns In IllS capacity of Exec- clothes for f.lll usc as fa!)t as wc can IllS home III 1l.tIIbury, S\\.tlchHe Lca, I t::.peCU\ cI) a!> 111 lorlllcr years The J,CgIOIl l:OIVl ~ \\ III ve iJorne lJy Post 1111Id thl'lr "Wltl H' Oil ('artlt til(l thl.'\ uti\{' Dlrcctor of the SUIIUl1Cr program The 25 falthfuls have accotllphshed J·.llgtuuJ, he \\as opcrated on February t \'ll1 hk(:\\lse assist III planlllllg, 111- \\ont!crs hilt \\c could do so much more l.ftlt, at the hospital 11l Oxford Comph- IlIelUiJer:. h IlI'd thelll" 'look .It I)('r shoes" .l1ld , comllltllb Ani I (',eorge" , lc~r.ltmg .1Ild f.lcilltatlllg tin program \\ Ith more help," she urged Board mem- cattons OCL:tlll ed. but he \\as appa['cntly 1 he p.lI adc::; 01 der of formation IIkc sllnlant tllulcr thtc dlrct.:iJOII ut Marshall Mcrydomg \\ell \\hell a sudden change callie hus wue rCllundcd that Red Cross ..,llIrt-hut ti1('n \\h.lt I fiJ..,run Gl'orgc .,s .t \\ hole \\c, JJoy Scouts, CuiJs, Fire Jot John R Rro\\ll(lI Is tll(' tilml Pi.:lIlls\h.lll1.t \\111 stIr Intenst in the Home Service Aids course. She statcu Iluhtar:> scn ICC to carry 011 the work of lel0\\ Olllpall). lIltlCIJlltc:d SqU.lfC Dancing one evcthat tlO actl\'c local cases eXist at pr~sagflcuitUl e, so IIcl:cs:>ary to the ,\ clfarc IIItllliHr of the (IrIglllll cast Itl npl'.lt tllug .l \\cc.:k tIllS SlIlIIlnef ent. The hne of ilia! ch \\ 111 bc directly 01 lingland, on the gl cat farm COIIIlls lorna r ro1< <1~ the sdf righteous !>ulIth 011 l'.trk a\ltllle to the It.·meter) X.Hure \\.llks and l'XCll['SIOIlS \\111 dcMIS LOlliS J Koch reported the acducted for .1 1Il111lber of ) cars by Ius Rt \ (n lid \ValIlOlt, That's ;'l good hne .1IH..l the 1 etulll \\111 VI.' oy \\ ay of Park \ t hlp f,1I HII:trlty \\ltl1 trees, shrub .. live ~chcdule of Public Hl'alth Nursing fathel who retlrec..l from hiS pro1c:,slon \\ Illch 1'011) addrcss( t! to hUll "YOII .IHllue, north to llanaru, lett 011 Har must he .t good fTlt lid to th(' Lord to .111(\ other plants of thiS regIOn. Natural supported b} the Red Cross and cOm- as manne cngmcer \ .Lr<.1 to Che!> tICr 10.lU, thcn right on Illstol"\ of hlrds, lIlsects, etc Will op~n mended Mrs Plummer and the nurslllg The houte of the Jacks 111 U.111bury I\l1ow \\hat He'd sa) I PUh.lpS that'" Chester 10.1(..1 10 P.lrk .1.\ enuc and thus c: \ \ s Iwrctoforc blmd to Sights fight In service fo[, their cfficlcncy. has, so r.ll, e:;caped devastation from \\hy "e hke '1'011\ so-----he fl( flatl's Ilk U UUI ullyh 1Iall for dbpcrsal otlr 0\\'1 tt'TTltory Dr I..ivlIIgston has Mrs Phelps Soule, ncw ch31rman of uomLnng, although bombs Ihlve laBell pcople so ami Ihl) , And thcn \\e "doll't lJne.Lsed ex ~erVlce men for whom h.lIl \\Id( cxpcril'llce in arousmg the Surgical Drcssmgs, made a moving ap1 ot far frolll thc11l and the dlstres!> \\ ant to he tlo sCllator," either' IIltCHst of \oung pcople 11l the field pcal for S\\arthmore women to help J11 causcd oy the \\ar SUl[,OUlltlS them all H.I!:;':-- \\ tIl he placcu at the monument at Stafford Parh r pla\ s> a t.IXltlg rolc as ~Ldor Jorn} 111 IllS tlllrtv-s(:venth o[ :"\ tture Study and may easily make Medta headquarters each \Vcdncsday, all SIUC:', Uldktng the work of agncul- Durough 11all ar~ lld['old i\l11sworth, tlus IMrt of the uay calTlp program a Swarthmore's day Collin!> Cham,ber::;, Fl cdcrlck Hawture OIlC of the.: greatest dlJllculty Club apl)( arance • I • utllCl1H and delightful ~xpertence III behTransportation and aprons ,,111 be lhorn, 11 C JOhU:'Oll, Maunce F. \..vitAngela Mason IS an apileallllg- June To Luunch Mariners Ship !lIel (\\ host: HalUt:s arc on the tablet) lOIllJIIg more sCl1slhve to OIlC'S Intmedlpro\ldcd, thc sllllple ch.lrts "e ale now l~ams('\ Helen Reed's> Pcarl IS too n al and l' .{\ Dnll, Hugh Lumsden, Charles .Itt (I1vironmcnt here and elsewhere USl11g specd up and ll1.1kc thc work It IS apt to oe a l:olorlul spcct.ldc III East Sldt r for comfort. She and I~C),lIluur, .:\Ulllldil D Smtth, Max A. 11.l\l1Ig recelvld IllS Ph D III Botany, mudl e.lSI('r, "e arc ulldertakmg a \\hcn l,sO blue uIl110rmcu .. \lanncrs antl rn\11l R MacElwee m,ttlagc a har-room \ 1 homa~, Annar D s('"( ne or st.uk rcaJ.h F.hzaheth i\1a\ .. t thc LTmverslt) of \Vlsconslll, Dr ne\\ type of dress1l1g \\!lIch I!> sllnpler," ,1 Ship of Sca Scouts Like pOSSCS~IOII StUl:ktoll, II \ UHlig, • \ l'enru:.e l{oVItlSfJll, D Allen I,I\1Ilgston has SP(:lIt t\\O summers dosaul M[';o, Souk "Rescne surgical ot the \VUIll,tIl':. Club for the onlclal I~ol}t rts contnlmll',1 a spl( ndtd ch;'lrSlIlIP:;OIl, hslon on Tuesday tribute on IllS hrll f \\.dt hOllle from craft \\ork If tlll're arc )oung maSCtltne anu that .1JlPc,ll fOI \\Orktb Is no dtHhng Ib llI.bt, n.lgs. bllmacle, and night \\ III IlIclude olle phase of the cledlUrch Capitano ot the ColJege and Rutgers avetOlllO" \\ ill contlllnc thronghont the \n\ per~on mtcf('sted 111 sllch .1 course do\\n(', '~I S \Vclconll.' of Jcnkm- nile . . t:hools .tlld Itcm from thc other \\ \'('k Ctorgl' L ~fl:Crackell ot Vassar ave- IS askt'd to contad Me:; Ilodge .. \11) It)\\n, "i\f S Dolplun" of Drexel HIli gl.tdl s SOlllc ul tllc!>e examples win • • •G• 1 W k litH (s . Clothier Memorial Dento('rats to Feflerate Dnlnnc£" Aids England ton Will ghc the Phi Heta Kappa adTUESDAY. JUNE 3 Tilt, committee tor the season just dress 11l the 'Mecting HOllse at 8 15 1000 A M to 4 00 PM-Red Cross Sewing .. Woman's Club House At a recent meetlllg of the \Voman's P 11.{ Saturday 8 00 P M - Elementary Art Program ... ... College Avenue Kindergarten Rouse, cit Club of S\\ arthmore a rcsolu- t 11(1((1 reports a surplus of $100 in the trta . . ur) $25 of which will be retained T ·11 I WEDNESDAY. JUNE 4 h I I I he laccalaurcatc a d (r('s" "1)(' 10 00 A. hi to 4'00 P M _ Red Cross Sewtng .. Presbyterlan Parish House tlon \\ as madc and passed to at e t Ie a.., .l rt.'scn e for next yea. Thc other 10:00 A M to 4 00 PM-Red cross surgtcal Dresstngs kso Sts Media local club Jom \\lth the Pel1ns:)lvania $i5 has been donated toward Swarthd<'1l\cred in Clothlrr ).(("tnorJ;'lJ Sunda\ nlOrtung at 11 A M hy Dr Brand Fro_D.t_&_J.a.c_.p___ • _ _ _ _-'1 Federation of Democ['atic Clubs more's Rolling Kitchen for Britain. Blanshard Summer Program Of Recreation •• Elemelltary Art on Exhibit Tuesday, JUlle 3 Cotton and Spun-Rayoll DaytilDe Frocks AT PIN-MONEY PRICES! fl· 88 Complele size range for women STARTS THURSDAY ALLAN JONES MARGARET LINDSAY Do You Remember the Last War? TBINITY 0HUBCll Rev. J. Jard.en Guenther, S.T.M., Rector SUNDAY '-=.~g Oommunkm. :. commun1oD. and &!r- let". go UAII Out" for SAfETY Memorial Day Coal Dumped in the Street (H You Could GetIt?) Labor is leavin&, many coal yaMS lor defense industries and lor the armed services.. Our foree is stili inlad. and we urae you 10 lay in ~~~~~~YDAY Ray ComR"an HIGHWAY SAFETY COUNCIL • SATURDAY 3 MES,\~liBER8 "PALS OF TIll: PECOS" PENNSYLVANIA'S your fllel supply durinll Ihe summer months. SaI1e Money No., find Headac1te. Loter "TUMBLE DOWN RANCH IN ARIZONA" Can VAN ALEN BROS. Enterprise 10412 RIDLEY PARK alice barber, gifts ** * The Church School meets on Sunday at 9:45. At morning worship at 11 A. M., the Next Winters HUMPHREY BOGART _00 * * * Memorial * Day * * * * * * Highway Safety * ** * * * Methodist Church Nole8 STARTS FRIDAY MEMORIAL DAY In Editor • I • Buy "There'. Magie in Mu.Ac" TOLD. the with In "BUCK. PRIVATES" BROS. * 00_ THE SWAIlTHMOREAN. INC., PUBUSHER PHONE SW&RTHMORE 900 E. tbere's no stopping Hitler; better STAR IN CBOREON give up before we get hurt, and anyway, if we don't watch out, this man RooseThe Swarthmore Square Dance Set, The oplnlOIQl 01, is below .,.. ,bOIl velt will ruin us. with supplementary set, who danced in of the indlY1dual writer.. AU Jet. . to 'l'be 8wanhmorean. mue& be Iipod. PA IdoumI Whatever his peace-time sins, this "Choreon" at Convention Hall last FrimaT be ueed. U &he Iden1l&, 01 &he wIMer h i. known So the lIkUtor. Let.'-'- wU1 be man RooseveIt has sown t ha t: he does day night gave one of the outstanding onIT a. .be of tile not intend to fight Hitler with an um. performances of the evening. The intri,L_Edt_-_·____________JI brella. He stands for Action Now by the cate "Wagon Wheel" figure, the grace" combined air and naval fleets of Britain ful "Russian Grapevine", and the draReplie. to Mr.U,.,le and the United States just as fast as the matic "Swing Like Thunder" brought sit· down strike tactics· of the funda· spontaneous cheers from the five thouEditor mentalists of your America First Com- sand spectators and inspired a flurry of Swarthmorean mittee will permit. Your implied sugges· camera action. David Linton is to be congratulated Dear Mr. Lingle: tion that he should be impeaebed would I agree with that part of your letter apply to a majority of the members of upon the training and directing of the in the May 23rd Swarthmorean wherein the Congress of the United States, for group, and the members themselves deyou opine, "There is much uninformed it was they who enacted the Lease Lend serve high praise for their finished and thinking on the issue of foreign policy." Bill into law (with the isolationists and interesting performance. David Linton The kind illustrated in your letter is appeasers contesting every inch of the also organized and directed the Square Dance Band composed of Bill Stecher, based on the premise, "Nothing could be ground). leader and guitarist; Christian Sanderworse than Roosevelt I" Like the "Before our personal freedom and nason, one of the best known old time fidFrenchmen of 1939, local affairs seem to tional independence are both gone," I dlers in the East, substituting for the obsess you more than foreign affairs; suggest that you consult again the fundregular fiddler who has been drafted; you fear the possible dictatorship of an amental documents, including the dicJack Bruner, able accordionist; and elected President more than you fear tionary and the recent history of the inDick Mumma, baso player. vaded countries of Europe. It would be the big four who are trying to divide up Last Saturday afternoon the original Europe, Asia, Africa, South America well also to review the Constitution of the United States to find out what per. set accompanied David Linton in to and points North. the impressive Cultural Olympics Award I don't want a self-perpetuating Ex- sons are constitutionally entitled to diService to receive the "Award of Merit" ecutive any more than you do and I rect foreign affairs of this country. for excellence in the dance and the spoke and voted accordingly when that Granting that you still have the precious "Honor Certificate of Participation" for issue was before us last fall, but a ma- right of freedom of speech, it does not taking part in two Cultural Olympics jority of our fellow citizens preferred follow that you have the right to rock programs. Mr. Roosevelt, and that's that. What- the boat in a storm like this. Through an error last week the names ever the fundamental documents say CI.AJUlN~ G. My>)ls. of Daniel Kirk and Duncan Chiquoine , I I the man is President, also Commanderwere omitted from the list of the origin-Chief, and the latter office just now Feell School Seutiment inal set. is rather significant. I am less concerned , I • with the UtreasonabJe implications" of To the Editor of The Swarthmorean: Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ellis of the proposed union with Great Britain Since that moment when the grades Walnut lane, their uncle Rev. William than I am with the treasonable impli- all moved up a row in Assembly, and A. Ellis, and Mr. George A. Bretz of cations of pressure groups which are to the tunc of Auld Lang Syne, we senPrinceton avenue were the guests last seeking to hamstring the administration iors of Swarthmore High School left week·end of Captain T. E. McDaniels in the present crisis. Prating about the our honored seats with the best dignity at a fishing party held off Little Creek, fundamental documents when a huri- we could muster, I had not experienced Del. aboard his boat "The Thomas E." cane is all about us strikes me as slightly tho lump·in.my·throat loyalty to my irrelevant, incompetent and immaterial. Alma Mater, until the recent Friday We can't protect ourselves against the evening when the High School Chorus HAVE YOU HEARD Panzer Divisions by quoting the Dec- sang. laration of Independence, or even ABOUT OUR Before the members gave their beauWashington's Farewell Address. tiful rendition. of Purcell-Krane's IIIn SERVICE FOR Of course, you would answer, as have, Praise of Music" under the expert diBRIDESP unfortunately, 24% of our citizens who recting of Miss Alice E. Blodgett, many adopted the Lindbergh pattern, that there of the audience had read the verses with We Invite each brIde to come and choose is no national peril even though we face deep appreciation. Then as the poetry what she WOUld like for WeddJng preaents. an unholy alliance of Germany, Italy, came alive in song, we, the audience, We keep a record of these 80 we can help Japan, Russia and France. You will ap- responded in thought ilHail, Blessed you glve her the thing she most wants. It works beautifully for giver and. 8ivee prove, in principle, of national defense, Muse, All Hail to Thee." but will assure us if only we will mind There wer~ many parents that praised alike I Our own business as Belgium, Holland, the performance. As an alumnus I wish Denmark and Norway did, nothing will to express my appreciation. happen to us i it's not our war; and anyA member of the Class of '36. OLD BANK BUILDING LE'fi'ERS TO. THE EDITOR PUBLISBED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTBMORE, PA. 'PETER 8 p. a TBES'WARTBMOREAN ARTHUR H. JAMES, Governor" WIllIAM J. HAMILTON, .JR.. Secrelary of Rev_ ~iiiOru.;,:Pi ~~_- S~ .. AD. are Wi I J1y ID.~ to ~ 8W'floM ADd . . . . p " . _ • THE SYABTHMOBEAN KNlTI'ING NEED CON11NUES Elected to L W. V. OfIiees Lesion Auxiliary News Mrs. David Chandler Prince of At any time knitters wish to return The last regular meeting of the LeGuernsey road prominent for years in articles finished for Britain or to get gion Auxiliary was held in the Legion more wool and are unable to do so state and county leagues, was guest of room as usual on last Wednesday, ten honor at the annual meeting of the from Mrs. John R. Bates of North Chester road-those south of the railroad should contact Mrs. Percival Armitage (telephone Swarthmore 1376) and those living on the Hill Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden (Swarthmore 753). This borough now has a Swarthmore British War Relief Committee of which Mrs. Bates is chairman, Mrs. Armitage vice-chairman and Mrs. Clayden secretary. Swarthmore has to date contributed over 1000 knitted garments through the work of 400 knitters. Tht': knitting will continue throughout the summer as the need for woolen garments is ever increasing and the. season's heat docs not change the cold of aviation and sea service. --------When You Take Prien"t or Family to Lunch or Dinner Take them to the SUBURBAN CAFE ; • tmd Cocktail Lounge . Main Concourse. P.R.R. Suburban Stadoa Lunch -from 40c Dinner -from 85<: Cocltlall Bour.I:OO 106M P.M. .PenonaJ SupenlaJon of IIan7 R. TuO,. ~ :-~~-~-~~-~~-~-;~-~-~~-~-~-~~-~=il • Special Dinner MEMORIAL DAY . Served Friday 1 to 8 P. M. Make Re~,..,adoJU EaTt,. • Delaware County League of Women members being present. Plans were made for cooperation Voters on Monday. Mrs. Prince who is with the Legion on Decoration Day. to move to Schenectady, N. Y. in June At 9 A. M., Borough Hall, the assemdiscussed future contributions by the blage will form preparatory to the trip League in the battle of production. to the cemetery. Auxiliary members Mrs. James F. Davis of Amherst should be prompt. A hundred poppies avenUe was elected to the position of have been purchased and wiD be sold corresponding secretary on the County on Memorial Day. Board. Mrs. George W. Clapp of MeAnnual medals will be presented in dia will head the organization. June to Rutledge and Swarthmore Two former Swarthtnoreans Mrs. eighth and ninth school grades to the Frederick Anthony of Springfield and outstanding girl to be fudged on live Mrs. Harold Goodwin of Rose Valley points: were elected third vice-president and Scholarship, fifteen percent as also corresponding secretary respectively of service, leadership and courage. On the Media League at its annual meetAmericanism twenty percent is allowed. ing on the same day. Last week Mrs. L. J. Servais drove t I • to Coatesville Hospital taking with her H. S. Students Win Awards five hundred magazines, silk pieces, and fifty pounds of candy from the AwalWord has just been received frQm the offices of the Delaware County Histori- iary. It was voted to contribute from the cal Society in Chester that two pupils present budget to: of the Swarthmore High School were Keystone Camp, State junior baseawarded first and second prizes in the ball Camp Sunshine, the Naval Hosrecent county historical essay contest. pita'l, and the Swarthmore Rolling First prize in this contest was won Kitchen. by Martha Austin Baldwin, of SieighAn exhibition of the girls for the tan Farms, Dar1ing Post Office, Penn- Christmas Toy Shop was on hand comsylvania. Second prize in the county prised of eight adult and two children's contest was won by Peggy-Lou Chapbooks, two head scarfs, four men's and man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis thirteen women's handkerchiefs. R. Chapman of 121 East Fourth street, At a previous meeting it was decided Media, Pennsylvania. Both these girls to join the Red Cross sewing group are members of the junior class in the for the summer. high school and prepared their essays After housecleaning put aside the and made the historical studies in con- 'throw-away material' in a box, sprinkle nection with their work in the history it with camphor, and seat it with and EngHsh classes. stickum tape. Then either store it away until fall for the Auxiliary Rummage sale or send it to one of two addresses: Mrs. Norman Hulme of 503 North Chester road - telephone 609-W, or Mrs. Oscar Gilcreest, 318 Harvard avenue - telephone 1638-J. • 1 • STRATH HAYEN HARVARD AVENUEINN Active in Vocational Work !=====~;;;~~~:::::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~I 'Phone Sw. 680 STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL AND BAKED HAM SUPPER . Thursday, June 5, 5 :30 to 7 :30 P. M. METHODIST CHURCH - PARK AVENUE Supper Tickets '.60- Children '.35 MAY 29, 1941 the appointment, "Carroll's art department next year will offer a major in line arts. This i. made possible through the appointment of Miss Lydia O. Rewis of Swarthmore, Pa. as instructor in the art department. She will teach in addition to most of the courses that are now offered in the 3rt department courses in the history and appreciation of the fine arts and will devote all her time to the building of her depalrt,nent. Miss Rewis has her degree the University of Pennsylvania and has studied in the Moore Institute of Art and the Philadelphia School of Design for Women as welJ as the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. In the spring of 1935, just before her graduation from Swarthmore high school, Miss Rewis was awarded the four-year scholarship offered by the Delaware County Federation of Woman's Clubs to a student OIltstanding in art. In 1939 she was the recipient of a European traveling fellowship, studying in France, Italy and Switzerland. Miss Rewis comes to Carroll with the highest recommendations, inc luding a very fine tetter from Josephus Daniels. ambassador to Mexico. ••• • • SPEEDING PENNSYLVAJIA'S PRODuaJON FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE Gruen Watch.. $24.75 *A NEW HIGH I W........... dliDe more thaD 6li milnOD t.l.phon. can• • da,,-th. ~teet volume in our h"t I. *** *ANEWHIGHI W. . . . _ .. nine 1,400,000 B.1I tel.. phon_In Penna"lv....._ _ than_bef....... FRED A. *In.A NEW HIGHI W..... buILlnew telephone plant. providin&, new telephone equipment, at a recotd-~ Inc rate of $100,000 • cJa,. * up FISH Jeweler 7 East State Street IT'S AN ALL-OUT DRIVE'" man-power, materl.l. and money to h.lp Penn.,.IYIIDia d.II".r the .ood. AID.rlca muatha..1 1HB IIIU 1ElEPHONI COMPANr MEDIA O. PENNSYlVANIA Mrs. William A. Jacquette and Mr•. Theodore W.Council Crossenon were presentEmat Ihe National Household ployment's luncheon recently at the Institute of Household Occupations' Practice House in Philadelphia. Council members from New Haven, Cincinnati, Cleve' land and other cities attended the conference. Mrs. Herbert F. Fraser of Wal- of· 10. ~~ • - '. GRILLS. CHARCOAL SUPLEE HARDWARE • Etc. Swarthmore 105 Indeed we do. We have learned that public ccnndence is the best foundalion for a bank to build an_ We know that the best way to creote confldence is by rendering useful services and by following a policy of complete frankness in all of our relations with the general public. We welcome, and invite, suggestions thatwill help us to serve mo.·e effectively. Our goal is to gain, and rr.~rit. your full cooperation and confldence.- • Swarthmore National Bank and.Tru~t Company Membn of Felkral D..fHulc I _ r _ Co., •••"... •• Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Curran have! arrived from St. Petersburg, Fla. to stay with their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and ".mrs. N . H . B orden of South Princeton avenue. Mr. and . III . S war th Mrs. Curran will remain more until next October. BOROUGH OF SWARTBMORR ORDINANCE No. 447 An Ordinance establ1shlng the eleva.. tiona and of grades ot the curb from 1Ine8 the on both sides Amherst Avenue feet to • summlt 1n ..lei curb at an elevation of 115.3 feet: thence extend1nl further 80UtheaatwarclJr b7 a unlformlj' eIescencl1nJt grade of .0 84 the cII8t&nce of 38t.23 toel to the Northwesterly exI d The members of T roop 283 case tremity of the e&1atJng curb at an eletheir scout year last Friday evelni"g Southeasterl, c:urb Une of Dartmouth vation of 108.2 teet. · Avenue to the Northwesterly Htrem.ltJ with an over-night h Ike to t he G'IrI of tbe (xlstlng curbs on Amherst AveSBCTION 4. IMPBOVBIIBNTS. The above described. eectloll8 of Amherst Avenue eball Scout House on Cresson lane. After nue, in the Borough 01 Swarthmore. be Improved at sucb time 811 Counou may . f rom varIOus . • county of Delaware: for the Itiking to the cabm pomts lmprovement tbereof provldlns by the setting of by the eetttng of ~nlte curbs determine. of interest 011 the outskirts of the borSBBBIPP 8ALB8 ot REAL ESTATE curbs, prOVldlng of tbe n~ drainconformlrut to Borough 1Q»8C1Ilcatlons. at · d'lOner Sberi..-- a "edla age, the on paving 2~~of feet the elevatloDB above d.escr1~;~efIDotallaW"_­ ough the girls prepare d t helr No omce, Court H 0........,-, t . . Penna • tlonaland width each of side the addlearttlon of any n8Ce aT)" dra e ac _ . and spent the night under the chapcrPrlday, June 20. 1941 way to complete the pavJng of thls por- and the pavtna- ot an addJtlolial wJd.th of approxlm8tely '}~!z feet on each aide of the A venue: . tlon of Amherst onage of Miss Helen E'vans and MISS 8:30 A. M. Eastern Satndard Time the proper Borough omcen author1Z1ng to execute exJ.atlD« cart~l,:t Amhent Avenue wJib Betty Krase, troop leaders, Mrs. CondJt.101l8: $250.00 casb or certifted check the ncoes&ary contracts for same; pro- standard ma , tlnlshed wJth penetraI Ch I I d M P I B Id ' tion asphalt, In accordance with BolO Warh\', 'will Sl'r\'(' 11l1I. I C(llIl'ge in 1921 and years hefore Di- Hastiug, Mrs, Joseph H. Perkins, Mrs. as phy,il"iall for th l' ~I ()~t(lll ] kalth Thi~ lIIarh the tWl'lIticth allllivcrsary I"l'ctllr of ~llIsic at CIc\'c1alld ~llIseUIII J. \ Varren Paxson, 1\1 rs. E. C. Prescott. ('l'IIl1-r. in plal'l' (If Dr. McKnight, who oj thl' c1uh and will hI' a rl'('('ption to of AI,t. He was appointed stall lecturer ~Irs. Rudolph H, Banks, and Mrs, Rayh;IS rl'Signl'll. thl' outgl,ing presidl'lIt ~Jrs. josq)h II. 1111 ;\Ius!c, Oxford Uni\'l'I"sity ill 1907. mund \V. Perkins. 1I11 Stl "FI,urkl'n pati(,IIts were rderred to illinkson of Ridley Park to whum trib~I r. Surctte was a dos(' friend of oth .... a.I!;I'nl'il's alld seVl'n had correc-Iuk will hi' paid for thirh'('IJ Yl'ars of many faculty IIIl'mhl'rs of the colll'gl' tioJls l'olllpll'll'll. Thirty-fi\'(' volunte('rs lo\·al. ahll' sl'n'in' as the cluh's chief an<1 t o wIISPl'lIp!t-, havillg kcturnl a SllIltTS wOrkl'd 118 hours. As thl' work of till' lllhlic:ltl ("ol1l1nitt(-(1 ••• thl' I klawan' COllnty \Vl,lfare COllneil. \\'Ollll'1I ~JlJioinh'd ill 11)20 for thl'ir pre- To See Parents lIonored at Buker We deliver them, too, anywhere in .\Vushuhle ....\t thl' n'quest of }'lrs. T, Harry ("in"" 11\' Frank ~[athucs, chairman of Swarthmore or if your gift has a long • \Veatlt.,.. Pl"(wf ~J I'S. R. D. Fl'Iherolf of Park of IIIcllllwrs of the c1uh, liean ('Iuh \I(I\\'n through the )'l'ars. t!li- board, one of uur patiellts and hl'r Thl' (Iriginal Clwrtl'r no\\, hallgil~g in l\larkhalll of \Vashillgton, D. C. and hlT ·Of course, we mean a birthday present or "hilcln'n, we presellll'd a delllonstratioll thl' (lId ('ourt J rOUSl' in Chester. will hi' brothl'rs ~I aurin' \V. and ]~alph H. an anniversary present, too. In fact we ~1;II'khallt (If \'an Nm's, Cal. for a fam- mean any kind of a present at all. oi \'arions phases of the health sen'ices n'ad. ily reunioll. Thl' Ol"C;;Si(1I1 is to witness OpCII Tlnm;;(lay Nih~, tltis societv." :\1 a 11\' It an' , alread\" ac('('ph'd amon/.! I I ,r"\'iclnl h\' . , . :\( r. awl l\1 rs. l\1 ark ham each rccei .... e I\lay 29-Till 9::~() ~I r~. II III IT :'pokl' of the gClll'ros- thl'lII, :\1 rs, Hum!>ert B. Powcll (If fiftieth graduation annin'rsary medal ily (If the Eight Cluh ill providing two 1ll'\'(11I fs for 1Jl(>Il, JFomell (IIIti Chi/,iren RIDING HABITS LAHIES' Jom ... tJICS IJ()OTS............................................................ .. LADIES' HlJ)IN(; JODIII'lJUS................................................. .. MEN'S (UOIN(; JIICEECIIES.................................................. . MEN'S AND LADIES' HIDJN(; nUOT!-I.................................... .. CANTER'S . . '~"'" ..-. . $3.45 $1.98 $2.49 $4,.98 lilt til lilt 111t At'my & Navy Store Cor. 4,th & :l\Iarket Sts. Open Every Evening C HE S T E R' S , ton E\'ans of Brookline ha\'e arranged == I"'PI'Y I\IlIsic. snappy doings and a gen- § ~1~\lI~:.l l":'( I~:ln~ :~<;e,rl,\.a I'r lIot I ah-r t lall h~ t iOllls II lIIS t 1Il:t.(tlle tles( ay, .J\llll' ". WI I FA S H ION ~ == ~ COR N E R i=_- ~=_~ ~rrs. \\Tillialll :\1('x:-.n<1c:r, 305 :'Ilnllrol' strr('t, (~.MecIia. tekphoJl(' i= =_- = ~ North' § ':\rl'c1ia ~ I·Uj7. as a large a tt(,lIdaIH'(' i, :tlltiei- ~ '''~',::~~::~!~!~:~::, "'-II~ I t;on of the Wo ... "n', Clnh '"'' he'" :\Ionda\" at the hOllle of the chairman § :\(rs. lio\" S. Latimer of Walllllt lalle. § Co III 111 II lIit\· represl"ntati\'es of FI"\\'('rs § for th£" Fio\\"rrless were ("1Ih-rtailll'll at, § tlH' garden tea. The gardell s(.rtionl§ sponsors thr sumnll'r schl'duJc. (If shar- ~ illg- flo\\'l'rs with those less fnrItJllatl'. § ).rrs. D. R. Goodwin oi 510 \\'alllllt ~ IalH' wilI take charge of flo,\'(' I' ("01- § Jt.ctiolls for Friend's ).f ('dillg (11\ Fri- § cia\' June (j and Frielay 11111(' 13. )'Irs. § , CI;;lIil' c. Smith of Baitil;lM(' \like will ~ cOlllpll'le tIll' Fl"iellcl's ~f l'l'Iill g mOllth I ~ 011 Frid~y.J lilli', 20 all~1 Fricla~' Jtill\, 27./ ~ :\r rs. \VII"alll ]'.arl KIstler of I~-t Park ~ I :1\'(,11111' will take ("arr of ("(llll'l"\ions § dll~ing the month of July for th(' :\I ... h- ~ II whst Chllrch. ~ The llIonth of August will Ill' ill ~ char/.!(' of ,:\f rs. Harold G. Gri t1ill IIf 21-t ~ ~ Store Open Thursday Evening CLOSED ALI, DAY FRIDAY (MEMORIAL DAY) NOW REA D Y' • WOMEN'S AND I\IISSES' BATHING SUITS $1 79 $2 79 $7 95 ,u. ~I •• $j~ 9~ J ~ /' j §====_ .. -toO· VI" - • \VI ... tlll'r yuu tuke your swimming seriously - or with 11 grain of sand - wc'Vt! lht! figure-IIt'rfed swinl suit for you! Everything from clllssic mnillols to snrong-Ilrallcd bellutics , , • in I~lasticized coltons, rayon jt·rst·ys, ('olton knits! Havc yours for the wt,t!k-cnd. All sizt!s. S'II'(,rt!'S Second FlfltlT - ~ ~ i J~ II tgl.' r;; a VI.' II !Ie for tIle Prl' s.h)' t ('r i~ n ~1I1111111111J11I1I1I1I11I1I11I1I1I11IIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJII/lIIIIJJlIIIIIIIIIIIIII/l1I1II1I1II1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJJlllllllllllillllllllllllU:IIJ1l1l1l1l11llJ1l1l1l1l11lJlllllllllllllllllh~ Church, and Septemhcr eollr,tIOl]'; Will ~~~ !ii~iiii~~ iiiii~:iiiiii!i'iii~~~iiiiii~~!ii~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiii~~~~=~ra . 1)(' III a d I' Il\' the F. pi scopa 1 eh nr(" h \\' i t h ,:\f rs. S. TIrl'wster of 420 S\\,arth-I lIIore avenue as chairman. 1 The garden section will 011;;0 sponmr I a fall garden contest, tlte clates of \"hich I will 1)(' announ("ecl at a lakr timr. AnY-I 0111' who \\'i~l\('s earh' information ma\' gd ill tOllch with :\f ;s. Roy S. Latillll'~, Swarthmore ISI8. n. i WATER The Universal Firefighter WaleI' functions in two ways in "(lulling out'" fires: First, by its cooling effect, it so rcdtwes the lemllerulnre of comlmslible materials thaI they can no longcl' burn. Second., it exc1mles the necessary oxygen frolll the air. "SPRINGFIELD WATER" Is "on tup" at lU'at'ly 300() fire hydrants rcally at all times 10 lll'olccl yonI' life and pt·ollerty. PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER CO. I .... --~--~.~ --~-- FIVE LOC.AL GRADUATES AT MARY LYON Seven local graduates, five of thelll from Swarthmore, r(,ceived diplomas at I thl' IIn'nty-eighth annua I comml'nceml'nt exer~ises of \Vildcliff JUllior Col1l'ge and 'fhe Mary Lyon School last night. Twenty-nine graduates ht:'ard ])r. i I Donglas V, Steere, Associate Professor! Of Philosophy at Haverford Cnl1('ge his' ,{'xperil'lIl'('s in Germany, I ).faryana K"lfT of Harwich Port, :\1 it'll. wh" ha; ~leen ,rl'sid.illg with her. sister ~rrs. \VIlham ]',. Trtckk of Va!\-; sar avenue this y(,ar \\'on the Schnlar- i ship Cup for ~r ary Lynn graduat('s. Her: English essav received honorahll' m('ntion in competition for thl' \Varwick James Price English Awarcl. Dorothy Anne Evans daughter of I ).Ir. and Mrs. D. F. Evans of South Chester ro:\(1 \\"on t hI' T.cnor(' Granger II :\ward for the hest all-aroulld athlete in Mary Lyol1. Th(' local grallllates were: Anile nOlline, Dorothy AlIl1e F.vanc;, Betty Jalle Schat\C', Shirley \vinant. an" ':\r aryalta KoIIl. I THESE LOCAL STORES Will Be Closed Every WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON at 1 P. M. DURING JUNE -JULY -AUGUST • SUPLEE HARD\VARE PAULSON AND CO. HARRIS AND CO. JAI(E THE TAILOR A. GOTfLIEB {~ ;1 ·1 " \ I