Commencements Commencements Next Week Next Week SWARTHMORE, PA., JUNE 3, 1938 VOL X, No. 22 '2.50 PER YEAR : HIGH SCHOOL BACCALAUREATE GEORGE WATSON COLLINS ,. I ~~n~~~::ff\;'J~;i ~,-:j, ~ d ' :' ': ~ '," -., y:' "" "- ,:., , '~ ,-, ' The annual Baccalaureate service of the .. , . , Swarthmore High School will be held Sunday afternoon, June 5, at 4 :30 P. M. \ in the Swarthmore Methodist Episcopal \ ,Church. The High School Chorus of forty members will occupy the choir loft and sing- the service. The Anthem will be "Now let every tongue adore thee" from the cantata "Sleepers Awake" by Bach. The choir will also sing Lutkins "The Lord Bless Thee and Keep Thee" for the Benediction. Rev. Thomas Meryweather of the Episcopal Church will offer the prayer: Rev. David Braun of the Presbyterian Church will read the Scripture, Rev. Clarence Carter pastor of the host Church will address the graduates. On Thursday, June 9, at 8 :15 P. M. the 43rd annual Commencement will be held in Clothier Memorial Hall, when the largest class, 84, in the history of the school will be graduated. Admission will be by ticket only. The graduating class will wear caps and gowns for the first time, the boys wearing black, the girls white. The Commencement program is as President of Swarthmore HiSh School follows: Senior Clsss. Organ Processional, Bible Selections Romans 12 :10-21, Musical selection by the entire class "Under the Silver Star" BILLY ANNE MITCHELL a Cuban Folk song, Commencement address--Dr. Rex Clements, Awards, Diplomas-Roland L. Eaton, Pres. of School Board, Class Song-Composed by Sylvia Swann-sung by class, Organ Recessional. r Commencement Activities Swarthmore College Friday, June 310:30 A.M . Ivy Planting; Alfred Frank Ash, Ivy Orator 11 :00 A.M. Class Day Exercises, President's Lawn 12:15 P.M. College Luncheon 2 :30 P.M. Meeting of the Board of Managers 5:00 P.M. Annual Business Meeting of the Swarthmore Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, Bond Memorial 6:00 P.M. College Dinner 9:00 P.M. Senior Dance, Collection Hall Saturday, June 4Alumni Day, Richard W. Slocum, '22, President of Alumni Association, Master of Ceremonies 10 :45 A.M. Annual Meeting of the Alumni Association, Meeting House 12:30 P.M. Alumni Luncheon. Address by Detlev Wolf Bronk,"20 2 :30 P.M. Parade of Reunion Classes to the Alumni Field 3 :15 P.M. Award of Prizes 4:00 P.M. Baseball Game; Alumni vs. Varsity 6:00 P.M. College Dinner 6 :30 P.M. Class Reunion Suppers 8 :15 P.M. Commencement Play, "Pride and Prejudice", Clothier Memorial 9:00 P.M. Dancing, Dining Room and Collection Hall Sunday, June S11 :00 A.M. Baccalaureate Sermon, Clothier Memorial, Frederick R. Griffin, First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia 1:00 P.M. College Dinner 4:00 P.M. Members of Faculty at home to Alumni, Seniors and friends in Clothier Cloisters , , 6:00 P.M. College Supper 7:00 P.M. Last Collection, Clothier Memorial 8:00 P.M. Phi Beta Kappa Address, Meeting House, MarjorIe Hope Nicolson, Dean of Smith College Monday, June &- . 11 :00 A.M. Commencement Exercises, Clothier Memorial. Address by Albert Einstein, Professor of Mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N. J. Conferring of Degrees by the President12 :00-1:00 College Luncheon BOBO OBSERVES MEMORIAL DAY Exceplionally Large Turn Out at Annual Parade and Services This Week The increased attendance Monday morning when Swarthmore honored her war dead at the annual Memorial Day services was thought by many to be due to the wide spread interest in the recently organized High School Band, which was participating in its first community event. Surpassing all expectations as to their newly acquired accomplishmeni, the Band marched west on Park avenue, instruments ablare, to the Borough green, where the members took their stand. Not only parents and friends, but everyone felt high enthusiasm and pride in these youngsters. The Rev. Thomas A. Meryweather, Chaplain of the Harold Ainsworth Post, gave the prayer at the Memorial Tablet. Scoutmaster A. P. Willis called the roll of those who have passed on. As each name was sounded a Boy Scout came forward and placed a flag at one of the Legion markers before the Tablet. After the setting of the memorial wreath by ex-Commander Robert T. Bair, a salu'te by a firing squad of United States Marines, and "Taps", the High School Band struck up "America" and citizens joined in singing. Commander J, Paul Brown turned the exercises over to the chairman of the Memorial Day committee, Guenther H.Froebel, and Mr. Froebel directed the formation of the parade to Eastlawn Cemetery. Here, at the grave of Charles F. Seymour, the Rev. J. Jarden Guenther made the invocation and led During the week when all games wt're rained out, it seems that the Hornets Class of '28 Gives Memorial in prayer. STUDENT PATROL LEADERS . . Burgess John H. Pitman delivered spent the time reading Commander EllsENJOY CIRCUS T~e class of 1928 will hold Its tenth the address of the day, leading up to a berg's book, On the Bottom, and resolved On Thursday afternoon, May 26, six- ~eul~lon at. Swa~hmore College tomorr?w quotation of -an esteemed associate "a to do something to rectify matters. Until conl1ec!lon With the annu~l celebratlOll man's life is not measured by- how Memorial Day, their standing was none teen el'ghth grade boys left the Swarth- In of AlumOl Day. As a memonal to Charles h' b won. four lost, and their position was more school at noon and headed for Bar- Th b (T b) M 11 d Lo' many years e hves, but y what he 0 urn·' 0 y • axwe all UIS d d hII hd ." Th' - ---eighth- ill lhe Delco League. num, -Bailey and Ringling Brothers great- K e tt erI'mus Cl 0 thOler, '28, w h 0 were k'll does an ow we e. oes It. IS I e . Monday, the Hornets staged a knockguests of the . . I h' 1931 th I '11 declaratIOn, made durmg the World est show 011 earth , as the .. m an aup ane cras to e c ass WI . down and drag-ollt slug fest with LeiperHome and School Assoclatton. Torrents dedicate a stone bench between Clothier War by a man With two sons at t~e ville and emerged on top, score Hornets of rain were bucketing dow,n all day but Memorial' and the Observatory, to the fron!, formed t.he them~, of Mr. PltII, Leiperville 10. aIthoug~ the bearded !~dy s beard was south _of the buildings -and overlooking man s constructive talk. ~I! of 'Us are The highest light of the game came in well mtldewed the spmts of the boys the wide sweep of front campus adjoining ~ske~ to se~ve now by hvmg orde.rly the eighth inning when with the score could not be drenched. Magill Walk totelhgent hves. What are we domg tied Burke walked and advanced to secAfter the last lion had jumped through ' .•• to make our community, our state. ond on Dotts' sacrifice. He worked a the flaming circle, and the last clown had Rutledge Show Winners our nation a better place in which to double steal with McWilliams who also fallen from the flying trape::e only to be live? What are we doing to train the presented with a pass, and then stole home Editor of The Gamet, Swarthmore rescued by his parasol parachute, and the Harry W~od: of Cornell av~nue, was coming generation to avoid the misHigh School publication. with the winning marker. last bear had roller skated, white the edu- one of the s~x Judge~ c:'f. the Eighteenth takes of our generation? Peace has Wagner, the starting pitcher, was incated seals cavorted and balanced and Annual SP~tog Exhlbltl.on of the. Rut- its trials and battles as well as war. jured and, retired. Cheney relieved him danced, a vote was taken between the led~e I;I0rhcultural Society h~ld to the 'Eternal vigilance is the price of liband had the honor of pitching the Hor- EDMOND CRAWFORD FETTER wild west show or the side show. The auditorIUm of the Rutledge Fire House erty' is still a verity. net!; into the win column. result resembled a Nazi election, for the last Saturday. Many Swa~thmore~ns "Patriotism is not a feeling to be combined sideshows won 15 to 1. attend.ed the show and th.e Itst of wm- aroused only in times of great national Runs were scored by; Shelly (2), Anyone who says the side shows aren't ners mcludes the followmg. local en- emergencies. It is not confined to lines Wolf, Henderson (2), Burke (2), Dotts, worth two bits must be the world's worst trants: Mr~. ~enry A. Pelrs,?l, who drawn upon a map. Nor is it bounded McWilliams, Wagner and Cheney. Hits grouch. The lightning calculator alone was W~)ll ~rst pTlze m c1<1:ss 28, Section C- by the ages." were made by Shelly (3), Wolf (2), worth the price of admission. "Golly, I'd cltmbmg roses ~ first 10 class 38, forgetCommander Brown spoke on the Henderson (2) one a home run, Dotts, McWilliams (3), Dingle, Wagner and like to have him in arithmetic class I" me-nots, SectlC~n ~-garden flo~ers; Legion's stand for Peace. Charles F. Cheney. said Jack Linton. If you're still uncon- hono~a?le mention 10 classes 60 and 61 Seymour, Jr., placed the wreath at the vinced, just ask Russ Kneedler about the ~, mlOlature re~eptacle of flowers, Sec- grave on behalf of the Post. There RHE Leiperville 0 4 0 2 1 1 2 0 0 10 14 1 human bellows, or ask Marshall Schmidt tlon E; seco.nd 10 c1a~s 64, arrangement was a repeated volley and "Taps", then Hornets 3 1 0 1 1 4 0 1 x 1) 146 about the Lone Star Giant or ask Paul o~ flowers 111 one or more sh~des of Mr. Guenther pronounced the benedicCleaver about the sword swallower. p111k, salmon or rose; s~cond In c1a~s tion, and the assembled throng started Tuesday, the 'Hornets traveled to ProsTired, hungry, and convinced that the 67,. arrange?Ient of white flowers m homeward. A large number followed pect Park where they showed the same job of being a student patrol leader has white contall~er. M~s. ~1fred E. Long- the parade as it retraced the length fighting spirit. Innis and Harris hooked its compensations, the gang started for well won third. prl~e m class 59. a!1 d of Park avenue to Harvard, turned left up in a pitchers' battle and ended all even home in the cars of Mrs. Walter Sch1l!idt, honorable mention 10 class 61A, .mlma- to Chester road and proceeded along at the end of sc:ven innings. The final Henry Linton and Willard Tomlinson, ture ~eceptacle of fl~we!"s, Section E; that thoroughfare to the railroad and score was 2-2. Innis struck out 6 and president of the Home and School Asso- ~rst 10 cla~s 122, chmbmg. roses, Sec- down Park avenue, disbanding again Harris 7 but the latter gave up two bases ciation. One half the expensl! of the ex- tton I, NOVIce, and second 10 class 1.29, at the starting point. on balls. Innis allowed five hits and HarThe High School Band, having withpedition was borne by the treasury of the vase or basket a.rrangement, SeCtl.un ris three. Association; for the balance Mr. TomlinMrs. S. MacM.Illan W?~l first prtze drawn in lieu of the more experienced Hornet tallies were scored by Shelly son _ and Horace Hopkins are receiving 111. cIas~ 59; and 10 Section I-secon~ marching musicians hired by the Leand Burke. Hits were made by this same voluntary contributions of one dollar from pnze m class 121,· k'roses; second d as th e pair and McWilliams. fI f i 'In. glon, wal't e d a t th e Ban k an, citizens interested in the safety of Swarth- c Iass 124, vase 0 f .. pm fi owers; rst 111 d fil d b l d ' t I e . I 128 para e e y, p aye I s C OSI'ng sRHE more highways. c Iass 127, vase 0 { ITlS; rst 10 c ass ' I t' Hornets 10 0 1 0 0 0 2 3 2 • •• peonies; and first in class 129. Mrs. A. eCTlhon. L · A '1' R d C UXI lary, e ross, . d h bl e eglOn Prospect Park 0 0 10 10 0 2 5 1 R. O. R e dgrave receive onora e C HOld G d W ' d' . bl t ompany uar , oman s . . I 66 Local Merchants Head League Scheduled games for next week are: _______" ______ ,_, ___i _ mention 111 c ass , mmg ta e cen er- CI b B '. A . t' R t P' 1 u, us mess ssocla lon, 0 ary . R d d M Tuesday, Glenolden at home and ThurspIece. Mrs. e grave an rs. elrso CI b G·lr1 S t B . B day, Lester, away. The bowling team of the MarteI were members of the exhibition com- S u, C b cou s'F. rOCwmes, °IYI President of Student Association of d Brothers Store in Swarthmore has car'tt couts, u s an Ire ompany a Swarthmore Wgh School. h' . t th d . mlAmon ee. I ried away the championship trophy to ••• g the new officers of the Soci- ent t elr re~resentatton 0 .e para e . To Attend Regional Conference, Woman's Club Board 10 Meet the Delaware County Food Purveyors' ety Mr. Redgrave is one of the vice- Borc:'ugh pohce officers st~ndlng at atBowling League for the 1937-1938 sea- presidents and an a~sistant show man- tentlon guarde.d the crosslOgs and s~Mrs. J. Passmore Cheyney, of Rutgers The first meeting of the new board of son. There are 12 teams in the League a er and Harr Wood, a member of luted the passlOg colo~s. . avenue, will represent the Woman's Re- the Swarthmore Woman'~ Club will b~ and competition is always very keen tl~e i)Oard of di~ectors. Thus ended !he offiCial exerCises, alIlublican Club of Delaware County at held next Tuesday mOl"lllllg, June 7, at and Martel's is justly proud of its • •• though the FIre Company was busy :30 at the Club House. prowess in annexing the trophy. Gets League of Nations' Prize all hour or so longer gratifying the . f f 9 G roup 1 of the RegIOnal Con erence G Word has just been received at Swarth- cherished wish of each Swarthmore the Southeastern District of the Pennsylmore High School that William S. Me- youngste.r whose heart y~arns for the vania Council of Republican Women at the gonigal, son of Mr. and Mrs.W. S. Me- annual TIde on a fire engme. Ritz Carlton Hotel, Philadelphia, on THE WEEK'S CALENDAR gonigal, of Chester, and a member of ••• Wednesday, June 8, at 11 A. M. The sub'gh J . Club Cruise D ject which the conference will consider is SATURDAY, JUNE 4 the Junior Class of Swarthmore HI UDlor ance "The Republican Party and the Novem-' School, is the recipient of the first PennJune 11 ALUMNI DAY AT COLLEGE sylvania prize of $25 for his paper subher Election." Group topics will be "GovSUNDAY. JUNE 5 mitted in the High School Examination The Mazda Lane Orchestra will enemment in Education," "Government in 4:30 P. II. - High SChool Baccalaureate Service ............ Methodlst Church C f h Lea f N . . hiS' C' ontest 0 t e gue 0 atlOns, spon- tertalO at t e annua prtog rlllse Business" "Government and UnemployTUESDAY, JUNE 7 ment," "Government _in Politics." 6:30 P. II. _ Baseball: Hornets n. Glenolden ........... Ru_en Avenue Field sored by the League of .Nations Asso- Dance of the Swarthmore Junior CIJ,lb, Reservations for Delaware County Club ciation. which will be held at 9 o'clock S"turTHURSDAY, IUNE 9 orlal Miss Margaret B. Hamel, head of the day evening, June 11, in the Woman's members are to be sent as soon as pos8:15 P. II. - H. s. COmmencement ......................... Clothier lIem h' d f S rth H' h Club H La B' d' h' sible to Mrs. Alexander Ewing, of DartI IStOry epartment 0 wa more Ig ouse. tta air IS c aU'man mouth avenue. L ______________________________..... School, supervised the Swarthmore pupils. of the dance committee. ••• HORNETS BAG FIRST WIN, 'fiE !. ••• ......... --,... 8WAKTHM(,)n~~ COLLE<;g LIB }{ A r~ -.:, Commencements Commencements Next Week Next Week VOL. X, No. 22 SW ARTHMORE, PA., JUNE 3, 1938 '2.50 PER YEAR ==========~================~======~============================~================= GEORGE WATSON COLLINS \ , - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 BORO OBSERVES I COlnmencenlent Activities MEMORIAL DAY HIGH SCHOOL BACCALAUREATE Ii Swarthmorc Collegc The anllllal Baccalaureate sen'il'e of the Swarthmore II igh School win he heH Sunday afternoon. June 5, at 4 :30 P. ~I. ill the Swarthmo"e ~lt-th(Klist Episro\lal Churl'll. The lIigh School Chorus of forty Illelllix:rs will occupy the dloir loft an<1 sing the se -v ire. The A nthem wi 11 he "1\ ow let l'yery tongue adore tlll'e" from the cantata "Sleepers A wake" hy Bach. Thc rhoir will abo sill!!; Lutkills "The Lord Bless Thel' a\H1 Keep Thee" for the Benedirtion. He\·. Thomas Mery: wl:athl'r of the Episrupal Church will oifel' thl' prayer: He\,. David Braun of the Preshyterian Church will re;1I1 the Srrip' ture. l{e\,. Clan'nl'e Carter pastor of th.: bost Church will address the gradllate,. On TIllIrs(lay, June y, at 8 :15 P.).1. the 4Jrd annual C0111mCI1l'etllent will he held in Clothier ).Iemorial 1·lall, when the largest class, MoJ, in the hi~:tory of the sl'hool will he graduated. Admission will he hy tkket only. The graduatill!!; dass will wear caps an<1 gowns for thc first time, the hoys wearing hlack, the girls white. 'fhe COlllmencement program is as .'rcsidcnt of Swarthmore High School follows: Senior Class, Organ Proressional, Bihle Selections Romans 12 :10-21, ).Iusical selection by BILLY ANNE MITCHELL the entire class "Under the Silver Star" a Cuhan Fdk son!!;, Commencement addre~s-Dr. Rex Clements. Awards, Diplomas-Roland L. Eaton, Pres. of School noanl. Class SonR-Composed hy Syh'ia Swann-sling hy class, Organ h~eccssional. I Ex('cl)tionally Large Turn Out at Annual Parade and Services This Week Friday, June 3- 111 :.10 11 :00 12:15 2 :30 5:00 A.~r. h'y Planting; Alfred Frank Ash. I\'y Orator A. ~1. Class Day Exercises. President's Lawn 'J'hl' increased attl'l1(lance :Monday morning when Swarthmore honored her war dead at the annual ~r emorial Day services was thought I", man\' to he dm' to the widl' spre;~d int~rest in the recently organized High School I Band. which was participating in its Saturday, June 4first cOllununitv e\·enl. Alumni f);I.y, I~ichanl \Y. Slocum. '22, President of Surpassing ~II expectations as to Alumni Ass~)ciation. ).( aster of Ceremonies their newly acquired accomplishment, 10 :oJ5 A.)'I. Annual ),1 eetin/o{ of the Alumni As~ociation, ~I eeting the Band marched west on Park a\'e1·louse nUl', instruments ahlare, to the Borough 12:311 P.).!. Alumni Luncheon. Address hy Delle\' \\'off Bronk, "20 green. \\:here the memhers took. their 2 :3() P.~I. Parade of I~eunion Classes to the Alumni Field stand. :\ot only parents and fnends. 3 :15 P.~1. Award of Prizes hut everyone felt high enthusiasm and .. :(X) 1'.),1. Basehall Game; Alumni \'s. Varsity pride in these youngsters. (j :()O P.)'I. College Dinner The Rl'\'. Thomas A. ).r eryweather, (, :30 P. ~I. Class Reunion Suppers Chaplain of the Harold Ainsworth Post. ~ :15 P.~1. Commencement Play ... Pride and Prejudice", Clothier "::;I\'e the prayer at the ).r emorial Tab),1 emorial let. Scoutmaster A. P. \Villis called <):00 P.~1. Dancing, Dining Room and Collection Hall the roll of those who have passed on. As each name was sounded a Boy Sunday, June SScout came forward and placed a flag II :00 A.).1. Baccalaureate Sermon, Clothicr ).Iemorial, Frederick at one of the Legion markers before R. Griffin. First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia the Tablet. I :()O P.~1. College Dinner After the setting oi the memorial ":00 P.~L ~I emhcrs of Faculty at home to Alumni, Seniors and wreath by ex-Commander Robert T. friends in Clothier Cloisters Bair, a ~:alute hy a firing squad of 6 :()O P.).I. College Supper United States )'Iarines, and "Taps", the 7 :00 1'.),1. Last Cullection, Clothier ).(emorial High Schoul Band struck up "America" g :00 P.).I. Phi Heta Kappa Address. ).(ecting House, 1\larjone and cit izens joined in singing. Hope Nicolsoll, Dean of Smith Co\1ege Commander J. Paul Brown turned the Monday, June 6- ' exercises lwer to the chairman of the 11 :(X) A.)'1. Commencement Exercises, Clothier ~I emoria\. Ad~I emorial Day committee, Guenther dress hy Alhert Einstein, Professor of ~r athematics at H. Froehc1, and ~I r. Froehel directed the Institute for Advanced Study. Princeton, N. J. the formation of the !Iaradc to 1£astConferring of Degrees hy the President lawn Ce111l'tery. Here. at the grave of q 12 :00-1 :o() College Luncheon Charles F. Seymour, the Re\,. J. Jarden Guent her made the invocat ion and led During' the weck whcn all games were Class of '28 Givcs Memorial ill praycr. STUDENT PATROL LEADERS rained out. it secms that the Hornct ~ , ( ). . I 1 Burgess Johll H. Pitman delivcred ~pent the timc reading Commander EJI,-ENJOY CIRCUS li~e e1a 5!I. of 19_8 WIll hold Its h:II\,1 the address of the day, leading up to a hcr!!;'s hook. On the Bottom. and rcsoln·!l . ~eullton at. swar.thmore Col\ege tomorr?w quotation of an esteemed associate, "a On Thursday afternoon, ~Iay 26 ,!lI~- 111 COllllet'tllltl WIth the annual celehratton • I'f . I to do something to rectify matters. Until teen eighth !!;rade hllvs left the Swart.lf \1 . D A . I CI I man SIC I!I 1I0t measurel bv ).Icmorial Day, their standing was none , . 0 f UI1lIlt ay. s a memorta to tar es . I I ' how I ,more school at noon and heade(1 for Bar- 1'1" 1 (1' ,.) 'I '. 'II I I " many years he It\'es, jut »)' what Ie won, four lost, ami their position was 1 lIlrn . Oil) " ax\." all( .0Ub I I I II I I ." TI' I, num , Raile\' tl . '28,W I10 were k'll Ie. (oes It. liS ,'i~lllJ. ill lh~ i )eko League. " and Ri'lgling Hrothers grear- L' .... e tterI'IIII1S CI Oller, '1 e(I loes I ani ' lOW we I cst show 011 earth as the guests of the . . I 1 . 1931 tl I '11 I eclaratllll1, made durttlg the \Vor )'IOIl Harry \Vood, of Cornell avenue, waS cOllling generation to avoid the misIlresented with a pass, and then stole home Editor of The, Gnrncl. Swarthmore re!lcucd hy his parasol parachute, and thc High School IHlblication. last hear had roller skated, while the edl1- olle of the six judge.> of the Eightecllth takes of our generation? Peace has with the winning marker. cated seals cavorted anll halanced and Annual Spring Exhihitiun of the Rut- its trials and hattIe;; as well as war. \Vagncr. the starting pitcher, was in· jurell and retired. Chene\' relie\'cd hilll EDIUOND CRAWFORD FETTER danced, a vote was taken betwccn the ledge Horticultural Society held in the 'Eternal vigilance is the price oi libwild west show or the side sho\\'. The auditorium of the Rutledge Fire House crt v' is still a verih'. and had the honor of Jlit~hing the Horl' I' for t IIe last Saturday. ')'Iany Swarthmoreans ' ., . not' a f ee I'II1g to I)e resu It rescm ilIed a NaZI I.' cellon, I I ' .. "PatriotIsm IS l1ets into thc win column. cOluhined sideshows won IS to 1. attell< .e( the show and th.e hst ot wm- arollsed only in times oi great national I~uns were scored hy; Shelly (2), Anyone who says the side shows arcn't Iners mcludes the followlIIg. local en- emergencies. It is not confined to lines \Volf. Henderson (2), Burke (2), Dolts. worth tw~ hit~ n1U~t he the world's worst t~ants: 1\[ r~~ ~enry ~\. Pelrs~I, who drawn upon a map. Xor is it bounded ~1c\Villia1l1s, \Vagtlcr atld Chency. Hils I grouch. 1 he hghtml1g calculator alonc was \\?n ~rst prtze 111 c1a,ss 28, Sectton C- hy the ages." were made hy Shelly (3). \\'off (2), worth the price of admission. "Golly, ]'(1 c1nl1hll1g roses: first 11\ class 38, forgetCOlllmander Brown spoke on the Hel1der,;on (2) one a home rlln, Dutts. 1 like to have him in arithmetic class!" me-nots, SectIOn D-garden flowers; Legioll's stand for Peace. Charles F. ~lcWilliams (3), Ditlgle, \Vagner and said Jack Linton. Ii you're still IInconhono~a!)lc mention in cla~ses 60 and 61 Scymour, Jr., placed the wreath at the Cht'ney. vinced, just ask Russ Kneedler about the :~, nl1~l1ature re~eptaclc ot Ilowers, Secgra\'e 011 behalf oi the Post. There RilE human hcl1ows, or ask Marshall Schmidt lIolI E; seco.lld 11\ class 6oJ, arrangement was a repeated \'ollcy and "Taps", then O..J0211200 I01..JI I.eillen'ille ahout the Lone Star Giant or a~k Paul Iof flowers 111 one or more shades of ),1 r. Guenther pronounced thc benedic31011..JOlx 111411 Hornets Cleaver ahout the sword swallower. I pink. salmon or rose; s~'cond in cJa~s tion, and the assemhled throng started Tuesday, the Hornets tran'led to ProsTired. hungry, and convinccd that the I 67,. arrange~lIent of wlllte flo,wers 1:1 homcward. A large number followed pcel Park where the v showed the same joh of heing a student patrol leadcr has wllIte contan~er. ~r :s. ~\lfred l... Long- the parade as it retraced the length fighting spirit. Innis 'and HalTis hooked it~. compensations, the gang started ior well WOIl tlllrd. \lrt~e III class 59. a!HI[ oi Park avenue to Harvard, turned leit IlJl in a pitchers' hattIe a1ll1 ended all e\'ell home. in the cars of ,~Irs . \V'llter Schmid. honorable menllon Jt1 class 61A, . nl1lllat 0 CI les t er roa( I allkins are recei\'inO' til class 59; and 111 Section I-second, . . . I' "'.. I 1]1 I . I marc Iling mUSICians llre(I I)y tl Ie I ,e. . , ;11111 Bnrkc. Hits were lIlade hy ihis sam'c voluntarv contrihutions of one dollar frol11 pnze 111 c ass -, roses; seCOI1( 111. • I I I' , , ' I I)' f ' k fl f i ' glon, walte( at tIe )an k- am,I as tl Ie pair all1l ~k\villiams. citizens. intcrested in the safctv oi Swartllc ass _ .. , vase 0 pll1' owcrs; 111 paral Ie fiI Ie( I In', p Iaye(1'\ . , " I 1)7 f .. fi . I Irst128 I 5 CIoS1l1g semore highways. c ass -, vasc 0 Ins; Irst III c ass 'I' ' RilE . I Ii . I 129 '[ \ ectlon. peol\1es; f . '1'1 Ie I ' Hornets I 0 () 1 0 () 0 2 3 2 . I - I.•\ rs. II ,eglon ..\ IIXI'1'lar\', RIC ,e( ross, , 0 RantI Irst 111 c ass ". . e( gravc recelve( lonora ) I.' - , , I Prosperi Park 0 () I 0 I () 0 2 5 1 Local l\Icrchants Head Lcaguc I ~/. I" t II t COlllpan\' H Old Guard, \\1 oman s mentIon 111 c ass 1M', (l111ng ale cen er-, ' . . . Scheduled games fOI' next weck are: ,),1 R I I ~r P' I Cluh. RIIsmess ASSOCIation, Rotary Tuesday, Glellolden at home and ThursThe howling tcam of the 1\[ artel pIece .. rS' e( grfa't'le an( I ~I .r :· clrso Cluh, Girl Scout,;. Brownies, Boy I»resident of Studcnt Association of I were mel1l 1)ers 0 Ie ex 11 )\ t Ion com- , . day, Lester, away. Swarthmore High Sehool. Brothers Store in Swarthmore has car- mittee. Scouts, Cuhs and Fire Company all ril'd away the championship trophy in Among the ncw onicers of the Soci- lent their representation to the paradc . ••• ' CI I B I M t the Delaware Count v Food Purveyors' t 'I R I . f tl ,'I'ce Borough police officers standing at at' e \. .\ r. "e( grave IS one 0 11.' • • T o Attend R cgiona1 Confercnce. W oluan s U) oar( to ce Bowling League for J the 1937-1938 sea- pr'esidents and an assistant show l1Ian- tentlon guarde.d the cross1l1gs and sa~It.s. J. Pa~sm()rc Cheyney, oi Rutgl'rs The first mceting of the new hoard of son. There ~r~ 12 -,cams in the Leaguc ager, and Harry 'N~od, a member of lut~d the passll1g col~~s. . '" aWllue, wil1 reprl'sent the \\'olllan',; Rl'-' the Swarthmore \Volllan's Clnh will hus , 111 pllhlican l I ~,( • . III g, e, . ' g the •. ICluh ' I oiI' I klawill'e . I " Counl\, . at. Y:30 atl.,the Cluh I lOlbe. I Pfll\\'l'SS 11\ annexlllg the trophy. ,Gets Lcaguc of Natlous P.'IZC 1an I.H.lur !lr. so longer gr,l,tllym ( .loUIl 01 I 1l' ,egl()ua Conlcrencc "I _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I I I WISI I 0 f caCl I 0war c:tl Inlore ~ordhas J'u~ heen ~cei\'ed at Swartll- clerl~~( tIll' Southeastern Districl of lhe Pel1nsyl- .more High School that \Villiam S. ).[e- youngste.r W h osc Ileart y~arns f or tl Ie va!lia Council of Rcpuhlican \Vomen at thel THE WEEK'S CALENDAR gonigal, son of Mr. and ~{rs. \V. S. l\Ie- annual ndc on a fire engme. Hitl Carlton Hotel. PhiladcJllhia, Oil I \Vednesday. June 8, at II A. ~L The suh, of Chester, and a memher of . Igonigal, the Junior Class of Swarthmore High Junior Club,. •• Cruise Dance Jed which the conference will consider is SATURDAY, .lUNE 4 J 11 "The Relmhlican Party and the Novem-\ ALUMNI DAY AT COLLEGE School, is the recipient of thc first Pennune I~cr Elel'tion." Group topics will he "Go\'SUNDAY, JUNE 5 sylvania prize of $25 for his paper suh~IIIIIICllt I'll ]'~(lllcatl·oll." "G(I"erlllll"llt 1' 1 11 M adl t Ch rch mitt(."(1 ill thc High School TExamination The ~I azda Lane Orchestra ~ • • ~ 4:30 P. M. - High School Baccalaureate Service ....... ,.... eth s u S ' will enBusiness" "Go\'ernmcnt and UnemployTUESDAY, JUNE '7 Contest of the League of Nations, spon- tertain at the annual prmg Cruise \11ent," "Govcrnment in Politil's." 6:30 P. M. _ Baseball: Hornets vs. Glenolden ........... Rutgers Avenue Field sored hy the League of Nations Asso- Dance of the Swarthmore Junior Club, u ciation. which will hc held at 9 o'clock Satur"escrmtions for Delaware County Cluh THURSDAY, JUNE 9 1 ~Iiss Margaret B. Hamel, head of thc day evening, June II, ill the \Voman's I11cm Ilers are to he sent as soon as p058:15 P. M. - H. S. Commencement ....... " .... ······,···· .Clothler Memoria f I H' I history department 0 Swart U110rc Ig I Club House. Lotta Baird is chairman sible to ~[rs. Alexander Ewing, of Dart11I0~h avenu~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sch~,su~r~s~ilie Swart~l1orepu~IL of the dance comm~k~ P.M. College Luncheoll P.).1. ~I eel iug of t he Board of ),1 :l11agers P.~1. Annual Business ),1 eeting (If the Swarthmore Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. Bond ).( emorial (j :110 P.~1. College Dinller <);00 P.~1. Senior Dance, Collection Hall · I I I ••• HORNETS BAG FIRST WIN TIE , I .. I I I ••• I I ••• I I I I I l . ., JUNE 3, 1938 THE SWARTHMOREAN 2 noon, May 29. 'Her guests were members evening in honor 01 Dr. and Mr.~ J. H. Professor H. Donaldson Jordan, Clark Do You KIlow of her class at Bryn Mawr, 1914, which Bruun, of Riverview road, who will sail Universily, Prolessor Walter C. Langi. holding a reunion Ihi. year. , June 11 aboard Ihe S. S. Champlain to sam Columbia Universily Professor • • • Oslo, Norway to visit Dr. Bruun's par- C ' R d U· . 'f P I Anne I,lroomall daughler of Mr and N . Co I Ka 1 B d onyers ea, OJvefSlly 0 eoosy Call 440 Mrs John M Broomall 41h of South Borwegtan w1;,u ;. I r;unAft' vania. Professor Caroline Wa~e, Am'11ft: New8 of Three Engagemeota of Che~ler road, ~nlertained 'the ';'embers of I rs: ~un, al. ~ ;,g, B 10 an . ill er erican University, (also examiner in eeen State rthuuns '!I re-I onomies); and Professor Roger H. Loeal Intereet in 'I'hi8 Ihe first grade Rul~ers avenue school lounntg the CUOnl!lned RUSSELL'S SERVICE . . ' ' u m o e O J e s e mddl ,eoWllB M CII (1 Week's hsue at a plcmc luncheon at her home on Wed. August ~ s, .rYI1 . ~wr ~ egc, a so. exDartmouth aDd Laf.rette A.••• assar avenesday, June 1. . Other farewell parties being held for amUler m political sCiences); phtlos"We Doft'. Sell ~-Jr., 01 V Mr. John Dolman, . • • • . , . ophy: Professor Milton J. Nahm, Bryn .... "tu_ n'!e, w!ll give daughler, Barbara CarShirley Sbaw, daughler 01 Mr. and them lhis. week mclude a luncheon on Mawr College, Prolessor W. P. Mon-I obne' In marnage to Mr. John Fulton AI Mr.a and . f M d M R Ch st rs. D aVI'd T • ShaW, 0I Harvard avenue, Sunday Bate fgIven Ha byf rd eDueMrs. and Joseph a tea Iague, C0 Ium b'la U· hlverslty, an d Pro---.....----..-.--.--------------... S pencer, son 0 r. an n.. e er won first prize for fancy diving in Sweet s, 0 ver 0 v, fessor D. Elton Trueblood, Stanford , SunpdaYfiallldernoof M,r. and Menruse' Walk- University; psychology: prolessorl! Spencelr, of SwaSarthmodare aVJenue'4tomtor2- Briar's annual "Lake'Day" lasl week. row a temoon, tur y, une er en e ,overview a v . Sham' . ! . P b, a . mal F eId man, Corne11 U' llIverslty o'clock III the Swarthmore res ytenan Mr. Thomas K. Brown, 3rd, son of Mr. • • • Professor Donald W Ma K' B' I Church. and Mrs. Thomas K. Brown, Jr., 01 Dick- Mr. and Mrs. Henry I. Hool, of Mawr Colle e . c lOnon, ryn ! Mrs. John A. Plumer, of South Ches- inson avenue, will be graduated from New Lalayette avenue, enlerlained Thursday D'" ~ . h S . IS' E Better Food for the Tallie ter road, sister of the bridegroom, will York University Graduate School, New evening at a barbecue supper on their Iv~sl~n 0p If e oClaK Clcnces- cbe matron of honor and Mr. Pll1mer, York City, next Wednesday, June 8, with lawn in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Dana onomlcs. ro essor arl An~erso?, ~st man. Bridesmaids wilt be Miss Mar- the degree of Master of Arts. H. Bigelow, of Park avenue, before Bryn Mawr College, Dr. CorwlI~_ ~agaret Cresson, of Swarthmore, and Mrs. their departure for Scarsdale, N. Y., wards! Federal Trade ..Comm!SSIOn, Glenn A. Pope of Philadelphia. Ushers Mrs. Elmer Schofield, of Soulh Che,' on Monday Washmgloll, D. C.; pohtlcal sCIence: STRAWBERRY witt include th~ brothers of the bridal ter road, is entertaining a number of . . Professor Phillips Bradley, Amherst pair, Robert Chester Spencer, John Phil- Iriends al luncheon on Tuesday, June 7. Ralph Rhoads will relurn nexl week College. lips Dolm!n, Effingham and GeofIr~y Mrs. R. M. Ki~o~e, ~f Baltimore 'ke from Yal~ University to his home on Division ?f Mathematics and the Dolman; L:harles Floyd Seymour, COUSlO is entertaining at luncheon too. PI I North Pnnceton avenue. Natural SCiences-botany: Professor of the bride, and Peter E. Told, all of * * ay. Wesley G. Hutchinson, University of A rival of the homE>-made Swarthmore. Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ellis. of Tom Littlefield, a freshman at Dart- Pennsylvania, and Dr. Anna Young Walnut lane, are to be the week-end mouth College. spent last week-end with Whiting, University of Pennsylvania; and no mistake -It's so Mr. and Mrs. David Sanford Pack- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Alger his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Littlefield, chemistry: Professor Victor K. Lamer, qood. ard, of Southern Pines, N. C.• have an- at their cabin at Bridgeton, N. ]. of Swarthmore place. He will r~turn Columbia University, and Professor Arnounced the engagement of their *~ home for the summer on June 11. thur Hill, Yale University; physics: each daughter, Helen Elizabeth, to Walter . Mr. and Mrs. DaVid T. Shaw are movProfessor Lee A. DuBridge, University Feather, Ilqht - Rich with Jerome Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. IDg today from 544 Walnut lane to 754 Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Storrs, of Swarth- of Rochester; zoology: Professor S. A. butter and "9q5. The kind Walter J. Smith, formerly of Swarth- Harvard avenue. The Walnut lane house more place, were the week-end guests of Matthews Williams College; Professor more, now of Norwood, Pa. Miss has been p~rchased by Mr. ~nd Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. V\'illiam Roembke, of A. C. R~dfieJd, Harvard University, of cake you often drewned Packard is an alumnae of Swarthmore Fred R. Wilson, of. ,!mell avenue. Fleetwood, N. Y. ar.d Professor Benjamin It. Willier, of maklnq-Here It is with College and Ihe Universily 01 Norlh The Ihird grade of the Rulgers avenue M M *Ca* tE A d University 01 Rochesler. no trouble on your part Carolina. Mr. Smith is a graduate of h i t rta' d th . t) . h r. and rs. r . n erson, of Division of Engineering-dvil engif sc.oo en e ,:ne el~ paren.s ~,t mg t Benjamin West avenue, will leave June I .. For a mere 33 cents. Swarthmore College and a member O With a play A Day In MeXICO neering: Pro essor Harry L. Bowman. '. * * . 10 to spend a ten-day -vacation in Con- Drexel Institute of T echnology; eleeIhe Kappa S,' gma fralernl·ly. He I'S asANGEL FOOD Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Glenn, of Harris- nec.ticut and Verm~nt. They will visit trical engineering: Professor Chester sociated with the General Electric Company in Schenectady, N. Y. burg, will arrive tonight to attend the th~r alma mater, M.lddlebury Co1t~ge, at L. Dawes, Harvard University; mech-" • * • Spencer-Dolman wedding tomorrow and ~Iddlebury, Vt. dunng part of their stay anical engineering: Professor M. C. • Mr. and Mrs. David Martel, of Phila- spend the week-end wilh Mr. and Mrs. In New England. Sluart, Lehigh University. Dr. Edgar T. With a fresh pinedelphia, have announced the engagement Edward O'Brien, of Rose Valley. , , Wherry, of Oberlin avenue, professor apple icing of their daughter, Hilda, and Benjamin **• . at the University of Pennsylvania, was Steiner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mrs.. H. Weston Clarke ent~rtalDed a HONORS EXAMINERS each Steiner, of Philadelphia. lew lnends al dessert and sewing WedIN BOROUGH an examiner in botany, Dr. J. R. Kline, The marriage ceremony will be per- nesday afternoon at her home on Yale of Riverview road, also of the UniverYou CWI imaqlne how llqht sity of Pennsylvania, examined for and fluffy WId rich and formed Sunday evening, June lZ, at the avenue. * * • Among the 1938 Honors Examiners at honors in mathematics and astronomy. home of the bride. The young c o u p l e . "Swarthmore College who have been qood Martel Anqel Food Is. plan to live at 954 North Randolph street. Mrs. !uhan L .. ~o~ruff, of CorneJI the house guests of various faculty You'll be deUqhled with It. Miss Martel, the sister of Jerry and avenue! IS entertairung mfonnally at des- members and special guests at many '{ . M I 'IS k nown to resl'dents 0 £ sert-brldge loday.• • . I unctions f' . t h e coII ege group .I." orns arte, socia 10 Barbara Dolman To Wed Tomorrow :15, n",,,.,••'••t ~IS PUBLlIIDD BVIIJIY nuDAY 8W....TBMO. . . .A. - *** * MARTEL'S nRi~y CAKE ! *•* * SQUARES 35c HARVARD TEA ROOM * IlhlisBseclt'h'on througkh her work al the MarMrs. Arthur E. Bye, 01 Lalayette ave- arDe:.. f h H . . I' e ro ers mar et. nue will ...... 1 Salurda Jun 11 f IVlSlOn 0 t e umanltles--c asslcs: • * * G eorge D epue H a d ' U' . New,..,.,.. York aboard th y,S S e N J Arom P ro I essor zSltS, n1Mr. and Mrs. Frank MeVaugh, of t d I h H II end 'A' . ew ?'- versity of Pennsylvania' English: ProHk'Dl th tseramoteoa-merlcanLlOe . ' . oc ~ssldn, hel" anMnouncJe e elngaHgeWmenl for Amsterdam and Oosterbeek Nether- fess~r Wtllard Thorp, Princeton Unll lh o elr aug er, ary ean, a . a-I ds Sh '11" h '. verslty' Professor William C DeVane .. . t on M1'chener, son 0 f M r. and M rs. M aur- an. . V e WI E VISit er.aunt, . MISS Cath- Cornell'Umverslty and Professor Su-, .Ice. HAl' h f WIG P M erme an eghen while m Holland. ' . . . . lC ~er, 0 es rove, a. rs. ** * sanne H .. Nobbe, Columbia Umverslty; Michener Will De remembered as Mary Mi K ta B d ht f M d Frendl' Professor Louis Cons HarWalton, neice of E. C. Walton, of River- Mrs sSChaerl rDowHer rtaugB er 0 .r· an yard U·niversilY: IGerman' Pr~fessor . d d I 'd f' esea r o w ellr w l r e - ' . view roa an a ormer reSI ent 0 tu t h h G d John C Blankenagel Wesleyan UniSwarthm e m 0 er orne on uernsey raa next .' • or . Thursday after graduating from The verslty, and Professor Roland G. Kent, Principia, St. Louis. Mo. University of Pennsylvania; history: Mrs. Lincoln Barker, of Salt Lake * ** City, Utah, who drove east to attend the sessions of the Presbyterian General AsMr. and Mrs. Waiker Penfield, (,f Annual ~embly in Philadelphia visited Dr. and Riverview road, had as their guest last Mrs. Luther M. Dimmitt, of Swarthmor~ week-end Mr. Penfield's mother, Mrs. CRUISE DANCE place, on Sunday, May 29. On Memorial Edward Penfield, of Pelham Manor, N. Y. Day the Dimmitt's had as their guests, The Penfields will entertain Mr. and of the Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Green, of Short Hills, Mrs. Sidney Fisher, of New York City Swarthmore Junior Club this week-end. ' N. J. and Miss Josephine Grant, of East 9 to I o'Clock Orange, N. J. These guests were all formerly 01 Fulton, Mo., Mrs. Dimmitt's home Dr. and Mrs. David Cramp, 01 Park SATURDAY, JUNE 11 town. ,avenue, will have as Iheir guest this weekWOMAN'S CLUB HOUSE end Mr. George Hayes, of Cleveland • • • Oh' ' Mazda Lane Orchestra Bonnie Morse, daughter of Mr. and JO. Mrs. Birney K. Morse of Yale avenue, and • • • ,2.00 Per Couple Nancy Peel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. and. Mrs. A .. P. Whitaker, of Elm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ H. Lindley Peel, of Columbia avenue, avenue, W111 entertaIn at supper tomorrow ": entertained a few of their friends at a picnic supper and canoeing party along the Crum last Tuesday evening. Harvard & Rutgers Avenue LUNCHEONS 12 Noon to 2 P. M. 35 and' 50 Conla *.. DINNERS 6 to 7.30 P. M. 50-60-75 Cenla Special Attention Given to Cord Parties, Dinners, Etc. For Reservations Phone Mr. Lippiueotl Swarthmore 149 I **• Mrs. John Marshall, of Lincoln avenue, entertained at tea last Sunday after- - Che... r Pile. Plnyin.r Friday and Saturday NOIII BETI'E DAVIS "JEZEBEL" III Last 2 Daysl-Frlday-Saturday The Complete Roadshow Now at Popular Pricesl' "IN OLD CHICAGO·· with Tyro"e Power-Alice Faye Don Ameche-Alice Brady Irene Dunne Sunday-Double Featurel "Joy of Living" Monday-Tuesday Wedneoday OIIIy-JUDe 8 ·'DOUBLE OR NOTHING·· "In Old Chicago" 2 for 37C DINNER ROLLS Clover Leaf, Pocket Book, Flnqer and Twists. doz. 23e • I I • ,_._----_·-------------------------_____.1 • • lIIn'l Wednesday-Thursday Irene Dwane ·10Y OF LIVlNGu with DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, Jr. WIDP -POOR -WILL * *•* HANNUM & WAITE . cat~rs ~::::::::::::::~t:=============: .or.. N IPBNCBB, INC. ki Philadelphia Upper Darby, Pa. • MAJUOruE WEAVER SLIM SUMMERvu,LE Monday and Tueeday Jone 6, 7 Th........y, Friday, SahUday A nice cake to slice and bever ages. CAMP % ORANGE BUITER SPONGE LOAF JOSEPH E. HAINES Predderi, with Feature at 2:45, 7: 15. 9:20 P. M. Saturday Afternoon 1:30, 3:30 Exlral 1 R H E I of Park avenue. was graduated from ourselves and our fellow-men. at home L~ron School honorable f The1M Rbeand Haway, R dunder Th the b direction of r S war th more .... 0 I 0 0 0 0 0-1 8 5' the . Mary . · with ·· h coTurhses. ech·Ie f purposes 0 f th e courses WI·11 . llluraIs d 0 110 t pretend to give a actua I r. 0 .rt I . ee. e aseball league Nor d 4 0 0 I 3 0 -8 12 2 mention for loyalty m conncchon Wit be t , t he work d one In . th e f uII aca£ 10-15 woo ....... x h L G " . I A d o cover accoun t 0 f th ose e ffec I5, nor t e II a f or boys to t Ie age group 0 years j Th H t d II GI t e enore rangt!r J.uemona war. d ' ·tl th . £ . f·1 story. Rather they arc a dramatization i wiJI get under way shortly with a full tide e or~e s sw;rmed a ove.r len- Mary received the swimming cup at emtc y~ar ~I e am~1 0 ~~OVI~g ~I­ of the human values involved, of the summer schedule. ~ n f ~es a~ an ~a; r~ns fil11 c uS I the school last year when she also won :.rc. ~r 0 g~yc . e P~PI a d er k o~n apeople. of our times in the struggles The college has offered the committee t~r:d ~ .our It" e~c .0 t. e r£stGlan I! a goJd medal as champion fencer in the }0111 or con 1I1Utltl g ~llvabnce wdor£. petCand aspirations that constitute the the use of the College avenue tennis courts olde ,lnbl1.lI1g~ 0 wln·lltO. sPllte o. tl ebn- novice class of the Philadelphia dis- dla larrdan?~men S d w. d e md~t e or s u£ . ·1·· ·d h . . . n s Ig six-run ra y 111 t IC SIX 1, Y • en s eslflllg a vance cre I . · . £un danten t a I rea IItles 0 a eivi 12atIOn provi ed t e committee .wIll superVise the th £ 8 t 6 B k d D ; t r l c t . . S II I . d··d . . e score 0 o . ur e an otis' . ma c asses WI·Ih III IVI ua I·rle d mand a cuIture. . use of the same and mal11tam them ?urmg tallied twice each, and Shell • HenderAll three Swarthmore girts were struction will be conducted. Well quaJiMural !lrt has ~ twofold functl?n. that part of the summer they are 10 use. son. Dingle and McWilliam; each lug- me~be:s of the. school glee <:Iubs and fied student teachers from the senior claB Its esthett(;. one, as clvThe ged a coun t er t 0 th e pen t agon. Sh e IIy'l,acllve 10 dramatIcs athletiCS. f Ihe W es' t Ches t er Sta te T each ers'c0 I.1.' . tn allhages and II I . School b d Board £ has . set up 150 dollars . ' I and • 0 1. I 12ahons, IS to give to t e wa co ors 111 tis u get or tlus work. It will be Dott d B k h d h· . I ·11 ·11 b I . . . s an ur e a Iwo Its apIece D Sh· W- h U f P 50 Y ege WI cons t·t I u t e Ihe £acu Ity. an d patterns· that WI e p easmg to necessary to Talse another sum of like h·1 H d D· I d I . I r. Inn It • 0 a. ears D B · . .h h . . . W Ie en erson, mg e an nms r. enJamm D·I al y, 0 f W es t CI les ter tl Ie eye an d m h armony wIt t e suramount from all those mterested If thiS chcck d . ·th h· h 0 £ 1 St t T h ' C . h· A h· . e 111 Wi one It eac. oe 0 \11" h h I flU . a e eac ers 0 II ege, WI·11 supervise . roun arc Itecture. II ds we ave In work IS to be successful. Burgess John H. B k' h·t £ h b d ~v It tee osc 0 t Ie current Ill\'er·. t t· Alb t S th f S tl p. . ur e S I S went or tree ases an . £ I· D 0 lOS ruc ton. er pae. 0 war lmore Amertca no long or we eve10ped tra- Itman. Roy W. Delaplame and Charles D It' It· hI· d f h sity 0 Pennsy vama term, r. wen H· ISh 1 ·It be • • I f th dition of decorative art, the painter is G. Thatcher are on this comctittee. The j 0 : .ou to t e t llr was or tel Louis Shinn, professor of Applied Chem- S tg 1 C Soc;.' 1'\.... 1 prmclpa 0 e inescapably a voyager.' seeking by in· committee would be very glad to receive roun np. R H E istry in the Graduate and Towne schools, lUS'huner ckofo. b d· I ·11 _. d b t· th I· ·b . ' ·11 h I e d 45 f l O P wor or oys an glr s WI cover tUllton an 0 serva ton ose co ors your contn utlOn now. GIld 0 0 000 6--6 9 l' WI ave comp et years as a acu ty d 6 t 12 d· c1 d d k· and .. patterns and densities that have the i s en~h en ... ······40400 -8 12 2 member and 50 with the University. gra~s t ~ an u ~.woo wor I~g, capacity for growing to seem right and Mrs. Disque Entertaining ~~ ~ore h Dr. Shinn, whose home is on Lafayette '~o f un~ngd. me;: w~r IO g cerarn~cs, rne S familiar to our eyes. The work at W. I. L. Board N e do d aLrc . m a .I~np e£ tie \~lth avenue, Swarthmore, entered the univer- sP as ICS, . anbaldcra atk, Bar~ ler:·' C °kY kl . orwoo an elperVI Ie or Slxt . . 1888 d b · . cout merIt ge wor. enJamm 00 . £ S wart h more IS ran y an experiment Mrs Robert C DI·sq e p es·dent o£ pI ·th t d fi I t slty 111 an ecame an lIlstructor 111 ·11 be tl . t t . h. h b h h . d h h . . u, r I ace, WI wo games won an ve as. 1"93 H d· d h h I · WI Ie 1I1S ruc or. I,! W I~ ot t e artIst an t ose W 0 the Swarthmore branch of the WomJune 14, Sun Village will appear on C • e Irecte t e summer sc 00 m Classes will be held from 8:30 to 12:30, hve With the work, the faculty, stu- en's International League is entertain- the local diamol d d h 16th the 1916 an~ 1917. He w~s.a member of th.e Monda to Frida inclusive. dents and workmen of the college are . b f h ' . d £I 1 ~n '?" t e U. S. Assay ComnllSSlOll under Prest Y y, . . . II d r 'I mg mem ers 0 t e executIve boar 0 Hornets play at Lelpervdle. d t Th d R I T f d W·I Fees for Swarthmore reslaents are as partIcipants. mutua y, an Ime a one the local branch at luncheon at her , , en s eo Ore . ooseve t, a. t an 1 - follows: academic classes, charge $1.00, can determme of the . work home on Strath H aven avenue a l i s o n. andI at limeRh was FpreSident . . the stature . Palmer Chosen Presl-dent AI one h CI· . ofI thel tobe r et urn ed w h en b00 k s are re t urne d . as a contnbUl1on to a genu me!}' Amerl- o'clock today. Other 1!lembers of the •• nall~na p a. 11 .0 rater11l.ty: oca shop-$2.S0 for six weeks, $1.00 for tw~ call culture. ...1_ board are.• .D'J.. H rs Ed war d A . J en kl·ns • Of SIglUa Xi Chapter I pres,dent SIgma · h rth d'· ~~7 50 per h PI·I do£I h· S ·XI, and £ hchaIrman A . 01 week· s, typmg and soan~. (Con\oU-Ooued on Page Ten) honorary presid t. M J R i d Samuel C Palmer of the botany det e 11 a e p la ecllon 0 t e mencan F ·d • I • en. rs. . 0 an .• I Chern' I S · t course. or 11on·reSI ents fees WI·11 b e.. Pennock. vice-president; Mrs. Philip partment of Swarthmore College, was j H f ocle y. £ I S I academic c1asses-$3.00 per course· $l.00 C rum Creek Club Annual Jewett, corresponding secretary and elected president of the Swarthmore. e ISS ah °lrmBer trdeasudrer 0 tIe WIarthl- will be refunded when books are ret~rned· Dinner 13th 0 hve . ~ more oar . an . a trustee 0 t e typmg . treasurer; "U' -IniSS Cleaves. ·u· .l"J.ISS c hap t er 0 f S·Jgma X·1 at a mee t·109 0 £ i S h C 00 and shorthand-$4.00 per course;' The C C k CI b Caroline Crew, Mrs. Elliott Richardson, the chapter on May 17. Peter van de. wart more Methc:hs: EpIscopal Church. shot>-$4.00 for six weeks, $1.50 for two rum. rfee hBridfige . u ~etl Mrs. Edwin A. Yarnall, Mrs. Patrick Kamp, of the College deparlment 0£'1 Did "ou Say Weakfish? weeks. M .. ond ay evening or t erst time since·. 'U' • ..... F rancls . Harper, Mrs. Roy ~a th ema.lcs I· and ld .l.' . subjects, . . ~ . . ~ahn, astro~omy,wase ecte For academiC typmg,and sten23. Wm;::l were N~rt~ a~~~1!-th'LlOgle, Mrs. H. E. B. Speight. Mrs. S. vlce·presldent, succeedmg Robert Mac-! Postmaster Alfred P. Smalley, of ography registration will be on Monday. ;- ~ren~eM _ ~r~: Ric~:e~ c:.c I~-II Mitton Bryant, Mrs. Arthur E. Bye. Leod, of the psychology department, Yale avenue, landed the biggest catch. June 20. at 8:30 A. M. at the High School. A rv~d' Mrs. Rodman Shoemaker, and Mrs. and H. Jermain Creighton, of the chem- i a nine-pound weakfish, last Saturday For shop work see Mr Cook at any on, Jst'M r. and Mr. A :~~~n. r.;;.., rs A·h ~o., Roy McCorkle. I istry department, was reelected secre- when he accompanied a group on a time on or befor~ June . lr , ds;.,tn Ed.e~t-.p r~. 11 ~ ur 't.~oAmong the members of the Swarth- tary-treasurer. fishing trip at Lewes. Del. IOson an rs. It asc a I rst; J.nrs. more branch who attended the annual • I• A. L. ~Iayden and Mrs. R.ussell H. Kent. I meeting o£ the Delaware County W.I.L. United Campai an Report second, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Randall, at Slel·ghto F Th d J 2 .,-th·cd n arms urs ay, une , mE WEEK'S CALENDAR I . . ,were Mrs. E. A. Jenkins, Mrs. R. C. In the expectalion of an unusually M Annual troplues. and a'\~'~~ f,?r the Disque. Mrs. Carl Cleaves, l-liss Olive successful outcome, the quota of the ay touma"!ent wlI1ners WI gtven!1t Cleaves, Mrs. Henry Mock. Mrs. WarSA.TURDAY. JUNE 11 .United Campaign was made much larger the annual when the Ap . .• ..mrs. . 9:00 P. Y.-Jr. Club Cruise Dance .................. Woman·s Club House . dmner . . Club ends Its r en F 00t e. M rs. H enry . ·. Iper t h·IS year t h an I ast.d an Swarthmore's ~son With lis annual dll1ner and meet- J. Howard Smith and Mrs. Lewis GoodSUNDAY•• .JUNE 12 share was raised in proportion. While 109 at th~ Strath Haven Inn next Mon- enough. I 10:30 A. M.-Chlldren·s DaY Servtce •••..••.•••.•••.•••••••• M'etbodlst Church the Borough could not reach the ex... day evenmg at 6:30. , • 4:00 P. M.-ChUdreD·s Day 8ervtce ..••••.•.. : .............. Bplsoopal Church • 4:45 P. M.-=-Cb.Udren·s Day 8ervlce ..................... Preebyterlan Church pectations, the result in Delaware Opereu~ 'at Inn All-American Lacrosse Star I MONDAY. JUNE 13 County was proportionately as good as .~. Gary White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ai.. 8:00 P. Y.-School Board ..••••.•.•••••••••••••••••.••••.•.•••••• HIgh School that obtained in Philadelphia. Frank M. Scheibley, of the Strath fred Gary White, o£ College avenue, was TUESDAY, nJNE It In 1937, 475 subscribers in SwarthHaven Inn. has issued a general invita~ notified 'Iast Saturday that he had been 1:00 P. M.-PrlencUY Circle Picnlc ............................ 5OB cedar Lane more· contributed $7764.25. This year . Lacross. 6:30 P. Y.-Baseball; Hornets VB. Sun Vl1lage •••••••••••• Rutgers Ave. FIeld 493 contributed . tl·on t o a II S wa rth morcons an d th· elr e Iectcd to th e All- A mencan $8888.31, with a few friends to attend an operetta "The Belle team. Gary, who is a member of the WEDNESDAY, n1NB 15 cards still to be returned. of Bagdad" which will be given by the class o£ 1939 at Swarthmore College and 1:4~ P. Y.-Borough COUD~DAy:·rnNB·ii···············Boroll8h Han The final report has been delayed Pphl i1adelphia Young Friends' Association the Gamet's star midfielder, is the first 6:30 P. JL.-BasebaU: Horneta VB. Lelpervll1e •••••••••••••••••••••• Lelpervl11e luntil this time through the absence of ayers under the direction o£ Ralph one in several years to bring an AII-Amer~ several large subscribers from their Satterthwaite at 8:15 P. M. next Tuesday.lican award to Swarthmore. IL-'~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..J·homes. I HORNET'·S· BREAK. EVEN SUMMER SCHOOL OPENS JUNE 20 I I I 09c fr;.. d ka M . T d 2L t i····· . . r. . I I l \h I £ I Tender Juicy RIB ROAST, lb... , ..•.• , MOREY The annual Friendly Circle picnic will I• 2 Large No. 20 Cans ALASKA '2.50 PER YEAR 10, 1938 be held at I o'clock next Tuesday a£terof noon, JWle 14, on the lawn of MTS. J. I Del Monte TOMATO JUICE-Tall 14 oz. can Del Monle ASPARAGUS--No- 2 can . . . . . FRANK It. FRIENDLY CIRCLE PICNIC NEXT TUESDAY I FOR QUALITY MARKET HOURS X, I CALIF. PEACHES 2l/z can. _. -. Lge_ No, Under the personal superVISIOn of Mrs. Donato who conducted Donato'. Market in Swarthmore for fifteen years OPENING DAY Saturday, June 4th-8 A. M. to 7 P. M. ~OL. I No Sales Tax at This Store (;DESTER I·'A Congratulations ••• 'Vonders have ceased. The long lane has a turn. The pitcher has gone to the well for ,the last time. In other words· our uWonder Girls" of Swarthmore High School lost a game of lacrosse. Last Wednesday, the previously beaten All-Philadelphia Women's Lacrosse team, played a return match with Swarthmore High School and obMr. and Mrs. Robert C. Powell, o£ tained revenge for the previous week's Swarthmore place, with their sons, Jim Mr. and Mrs. George H. Turner, of defeat. The score: All-Philadelphia 3; and Dick, spent Monday at Linden Hall Wilmington, Del., were the guests of Swarthmore High 1. Junior College, Lititz, Pa .• where their their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and The "Wonder Girls" will pick up and daughter, Nancy. and Dorothy Shiland, of Mrs. Peter E. Told, of Park avenu!!, go on from here, so the next time, we Chester, both graduates of Swarthmore for the week·end and holiday. Mrs. expect to write a lead paragraph in a High School class of '37, were attendants Told's brother·in-Iaw and sister, Mr. similar vein will be seven years hence, to the May Queen. The crowning of the and Mrs. William Driehaus, w~th the~r or about June 1945. May Queen followed a horse show in the infant daughter, Barbara Ann, of MeOn the same day that the seven year morning and a pageant. Miss Powell, dia, joined the party for Memorial Day. reign of the '~'VoJlder Girls" came to an end, the High School track team bowed to Media by the score of 56 to 52. "CHESTER'S FASHION CORNER" Places won by Swarthmore were:loo-yard dash: Troxell, tirst, Gerner, I . third. r 220-yard dash: Gerner, second j Troxell, Ihird. 440-yard run: Richards, third. 88O-yard run: Richards, second; SanEDGMONT AVENUE-SEVENTH AND WELSH STREETS ford, third. Mile run: Saulnier, first. 110-yard hur dies: Clarkson, first; Thorpe, third. Shot-put: Craemer, first; Troxell, second. Discus throw: Craemer, first, Long, Parrish Hall, the focal point of campus activities during comnteneernent second. week ot Swarthmore College. Specially Priced Javelin throw: Richards. first, Craemer, 1---------------------------------second, Sanford. third. Salvation Army Plea County College Women Broad jump: Evans. third. Delightfully Bold Garden Party High jump: Evans tied for first. The Salvation Army requests that Pole vault: No place. Gay Print~ Several local members wilt attend the if you have any discarded old clothing, , I , Delaware County College Women's Club':; broken down or outmoded chairs. a Sizes 14 to 20Burgi to Entertain Ladies garden party and social evening Tue:i- box of outgrown toys, old newspapers day, Junc 7, at 8 P.M. at Ihe home of and rags. you send a card to the Social 38 to 46 The Delaware County Association of Mrs. W. A. Myers. 42 North Hillcrest Service Center. Krams avenue and Burgesses and Township Commissioner5, road, Springfield. Pechin street, Roxboro'ugh. A truck ....... Wear it Over of which Burgess John H. Pitman, of or wagon will call for your cast-offs 4th Gra,le Mothers Elect Swarthmore. is president, will holci its at any time you designate. The Center Your Pajamas annual Ladies Night banquet on Tues· Mrs. McCone is dependent upon the materials which day, June 7, in Yeadon. Following the it receives now to carry it through the or banquet and an hour's entertainment the The fourth grade mother's group . . . f summer. guests will attend a moving picture show the College avenue school met May 23 Last fall the Center moved into -larBathing Suit while the members of the Association C0l1 in the class room and elected Mrs. Ho- ger and more modern quarters in Roxduct their regular business meeting. The ward }"fcCone chainnan for next year. borough in order that it might give Honorable Ellwood J. Turner, solicitor of Mrs. G. Hurst Paul and Mrs. Clar- empJoyment to a greater number of the Central Delaware County Sewer Au- ence F. Carter gave reviews of current handicapped craftsmen. The staff thority, wilt discuss "River PoHution" and magazine articles on the subject of tht! already increased from 100 to 200 f25.oo worth 01 merchand1se every week in our Boys' and the Honorable Thomas J. Logue, secre- meeting "Children and Music." Miss Mary there are facilities to double it again Girls' Dept_ Downstairs store. tary of Internal Affairs, will present the Kiser. teacher of the grade, gave a resume topic "Home Rule." of the year's work. if forsufficient salvage. materials can be obtained COLLi':(; l': LIB itA lt Y Ir i 20. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE L 113U.llt'( .JUN 1 01938 { ( ) I CENTER OF ALUI\INI REUNIONS TOMORROW SPORTS REVIEW who 111lmhers ;:1I11O,1g' her llIany unlccs at th(' College that uf (hairman uf sod.11 adh'lti('~. will return hOlllc Jum' 14. Professor and !o.lrs II. jcrmain Creighttln and t\'.:o children will\'c June 11 ftlr thcir summcr 110IIIC in Novia Sl·otia. Sally \'lrgIllM Baks, of \Vestd;lle 'I'hdr hOlllc at 515 Elm a\'cnuc will he .1\(·l1ue, clltc.:rt;:lined \\ith a garden l t I·\\\ard III I',nghsh to Estellc lh.lptll.lll; .1 pictOrial \\eekly. Ho\\c\cr, cvcn a ,.. I tlllll' the gl.ulllating' clao;s wore caps \\'omall's Cluh .\\\anl III Flellch to superficial and hurricd sun'ey of the COMMITTEE PLANS 1,11111 gO\\ II~. ,lIlil thc I,ngest class C\ er 1Bill) .\nlle, )'l!tch~l1 •.Aml'flcan Legton pancis lI11presscs OIlC \\Ith thc po\\cr, SPORT PROGRAl\1 to III gr,ulu.ltcd In' S\\.lrthmore tllgh I \\\.Inl III SOCial Studlt.'s to lllll, Anne honcsty and vitality of thclr concepSchool· ~lltchel1, Rot.lrv Club A\\anl Itt Scicnce tlon as wcll as their exccution. At a mecting of the Summcr Recreation PIIZCS .lIlil ,l\\.lrds to the grauuatmg to Rol)ert \\'Inte, lJO)'S -;\\\anl for OutForced to le;l\ e the eng'mccring field Comnllttee held on \Vedncsday mght in ' Athlehc cI .1"''' aroU"c, allnualh. 1l11I\'erSaI sus- Istetndmg ' II' I j I Ab,hh' e - to Georgc G' I' after four )ears of \\ork Itt It bccause the COl11lc11 chatl1her~ a most interesting ,~ - " ,,0 illS alH 0 III raemcr, Ir s of eyc trouble, Mr. Eglcson began to IJrogram was planned for the boys and " .. nse 11H:~t tot.dlcd ~72~ I he Home I \\\anl for Ol1tstanci11lg Athletic Ability study frcscoe art at night school III gIrls of all ageo; :w(l School Scholarship of $225 \\as to Elizabeth Douglas xrcw York There hc bccame inter~[rs. ClaJr \Vllcox and ~[rs. Tnin R. .m.lnkd to Cl'il\\ lord Fetter, b) \Yd-! Rot.lIIt! I.., Eaton, President of thc {'~tc I' IT Flot P,lrk avelllle, \\as graduclted from 1 ollr~l'l, cs and 11111 fe1l0\\-meI The at hume anti a\\.I\, 1I1H1l'1 thl' (hn·(tloll 01 IS \\ ar tl 111101 e .. . II I 0 II 0 U " I ' 8 3'thc ::\Ian LHlIl School \\Ith honorable ((J!r"l'" . ~,' v-• • Ie CIlll't' pnq)iJ'iCS III tl It ((1\11 "c ... \\ III I1Il1ra Is dn not prc1end to gn c a f.,ctualill r Rohert \." 01 \\ OO( I "I"_ _ mentum for 1m \\ Ith I I . • II. R(·c(t. I he h rOl1lHhllgarchltccturc As\\cha\'clll\\orkistohesllc('cssittl BI1Ig'C'ssJohnII Il k' I' f I I I' ItllleCtI~('o tlCCtlrl..:nt IlIHI"t III t~ II, ot .... c' I11\111"(' ) lIr·c S llts wcnt or t IfI.'C lases an( I • P I ' I) 0 IIh ludloil. )I:r .1pad ".lrt I Iltma!', Ro\ \V l) and Charles I) , Amcrlca no long or \\cll dcvclopcd tr,lI ' I 1 ... 11\ 01 l'lllh\' \.tlll,1 term, I \\cn II I S I I II I I I . . ...,.. otts ('out in thc th1ld \\.\S 101 tIC I SI \ I I CI Igl liDI.I \\1 Ie 111111('11).1 01 tiC dltlon of deeoratl\'c art, the palllter IS (~ 1 hatchcr arc on thiS COllll1uttl'e Thc I .0Uls . lIl1ll, Jllotes"ol nt JIll 1<:( 1t.:1ll- S S I I ' I ' I round tnp. I' I G I I 'I' I I . 1I1l11l1tr . l 100. lIlescapa 11 )) a \ 0) al-l'l'l, sec k IIlg )y 1Il- c.:Ollll1l1ttte \\ ulIld hc \ en !llad to I cl:eh I.: I'\. 'I 0\\ Ill' ,,( 100 ", '1 ., r" I" ,Istry III I 1e ~r3( natc am Slt~!1 \\olk hlr IlfJ) " .mll glr Is \\1 II (o\ef tuition and oh~cn'ation those cOlors, )otlr contriblltion 110\\ Gl II 0 0 000 6-..(j <) I \\ III ha\e (omplet('d 45 \l,1I'" a ... ,\ fa(lIlt, gr,nll'" (J to 12 .lIul IIldudc \\oo(h\orklll~ eHul pattcrns and dell~itles that ha,e thc • I• I ~ CliO (ell.... •... I I ~ I' ?' lIl(mher allrl 50 \\lth the L'IlIH·r ... lt) , ' I 1 AIrs. Da E t • a S\\arthmore .... () ., 0 ( x-.."'l - -! IJ SI I I I' noml tutlllllg. IIltt,ll \\()Iklllg. It.·ranms, Isquc n el"tauung The Hornets tit tl r . 1II111, \\ IOsC 10ll1C h 011 .al,\H'tk III.lsltl". h.llldllr,ltt ,lIul aldlC'l) Boy c(1 COlll ... e. :.;1 uo " I, t I 'I f I S I ' e Is ,I ormer trea"mcr 0 tit' S\\art 1>; Crum Creek Club Annual .JC\\ctt, corre~l)oll{hng secretar) and c ec C{ prest( Cllt 0 tIe warl Huore _ I I Il I wtll hc refunded when books arc returned' 'I "[ I t f S' X ' f morc Sc 100 (Janl and a trustec ol t,~ , Dinner 13th treasurer, n ISS 011\ C Clca\'es, ~\ ISS clap er 0 Igma I at a 11lcctmg 0 S I 'I I I I' I el I 1\ I'lIlg and shnrthand-$400 Jlcr ("ourse e 'I Ell I" I I thc chal)t>r 0 'I 17 P t I· . \\31tlJllore., etlOflst 'pl"(opa 1l1rc.: 1 ' · 1 " k ' 1 ' ' , The Crum Creek Bridge Cluh met C alo IIIlC rc\\, ~\ rs . lott \.Ie Ian son, K • fe I 11 e" '1 Y . e el \ an ({ I I• s lOJl-$" 00 lor Sl x \\ ce s, :;; .~Il lor 1\\0 )'Irs, Ed\\in A. Yarnall, Mrs. Patrick amp. 0, tIC olcge departmcnt 0 , Did You Say We,,"lisl,?, ,\\l'ck ... ).lol1(la) e\('mllg- for thc hrst time SlIllC ;\lalll1. ;\Irs FranCIS Harper, )'lrs Roy mat Ilemattcs ant1 astronol1l\',\\a s e Iec(c(I .," 'I , FOf a('adell11l" sltl)jC(h, t\lun!-:"llnd "tCI:., ay .I ' S I 2.1 \Vinners . II were: I North \V I all(1 Soutll . k' T.lIlg1c, ;\Irs. H. E B Spclght )'frs S. \ICC-PICSI(Cllt. succecdlllg Robert i\ I ac-' I"Jostmaster r11f red P .mallq, ot ogr.ll'h\' rcglstratlOn \\11t he 011 ~Ionday - -'fiurcllcc, ISta ) elr'Ianl I' '1 ter eDlc 111- ;\[ilton Bryant, Mrs Arthur' E Bye, Leod. of the psychology dcpartment, Yalc a\Clll1C. landed thc 1)I!{gest catch, jUllc 10, at 8 .•10.\.),1 at tltc 1-lIgh SdlO()I' "Oil , I 'I rs R odman Shoemaker and 11rs all( I H J ermaln e rClglton, ' I I I ' I \\ca kfilSI, I Iast .:"IatunaYI ~ I ' , Ir~t;.\ r. all( ~\Mr~. "II.: \ lanl I Aan'ell 'I'~ (l f tleClf'I11a nme-pOUIlI I'or shop \\ork sec ~lr Conk at any ~(CO;I: i~ ~lr. and, rs).. \ ' , ' 1I10~d'ln,oy McCorklc. ' Ibtry department, \\as rcelcctcd sccrc- \\hell he accompamed a gronp on a UllIl' Oil or hctor~ jUllc 20 ~ liT(. !.ast and \,:est-. frs ( rt lIlf RooAmong the mcmhers of the S\\arth- tary-treasurer. 1 fishlllg trip at Lc\\cs, Del I~soln ae~~1 ~II rs Edllt~II PasI;lm l'l lfi1r:lt ; K~I ro;; Imore branch "ho attendcd the annual I I• . .. ay(CIl alit ., rs ,:lI~~C , . cllt'lmcetlng-of the Dela\\arc Connty \VI.T~ i United Can1l)aigu R second, ~rr and ~Iro; Richard Randall. .t SIc,gl,,) F TI 1 'j 1 I el)ort tl _I " ~ l n 'anus mrs( ay, line -, K'S E In tlH' l'xpl'ctatlOn of an Illllbllalh IIru, I,,",c ~Irs E I JCllkins, ~rrs R e THE Wf:E CAL NDAR ~I \l1l1l1al trOJlll1t.'s .md <1\\.lnl ... h~r the I I),""'" ., . . ,.,'Ir s e ar I CI ea'c5, 'I . .' IS~ 01' 1\1.: Slllll'SslUI outLonlt.:. thc qllnt,\ (1t thc • a\' tournamcnt willner .. \\111 he gI\CII:1t Cleavcs, ~lrs Henry Mock, Mrs \\'arSATURDAY, JUNE 11 LllItcd Campaign \\a:i madc much larger thc all11ual dl1ll1cr "hen thc Club cnds Its ren Foote, Mrs. Hcnry A Piper, ~Irs 900 P M -Jr Club Cruise Dance ................ Woman's Club House this )car than last, and S\\arthmore's s('ason \\tth ItS annual (hillier and mcct- J HO\\ard Smith and Mrs Lc\\ is GoodSUNDAY.. JUNE 12 sharc \\as raised 111 proportIOn. \Vhlle IIlg at thc Strath lIa\'cn Illn ncxt ).Ion- c"ourrI" 1030 A M -Chlldren's Day Service ..... Methodlst Church I day c\elling at 6 : 3 0 . . / " l 4 00 PM-Children's Day Service .. Episcopal Church t Ie Borough could not rcach thc ex• I• • •• 4 45 P M - Children's Day Servtce Presbyterian Church pcctatlons, thc rC'mlt in Dcla\\are AII·American La...ros8e Star e olll1t)' was p ro llortl0113tei) . Operetta at Inn MONDAY. JUNE 13 as good as Gary ,,7111te, SOil of )'Ir. and ),(rs. AIS'OO PM-School Board ................................ High School that ohtamcd III Plulaclelpilla. Frank ~L Schelhlcy. of thc Strath fred Gar) \Vhitc. of Collcgc avenue, \\as TUESDAY, JUNE 14 I In 1937. -175 sllhscrihl'rs in S\\arthHavcn [nil, has l~st1cd a gencral lIwita- Ilotified last Saturday that he had becn lOOP M - Friendly Circle PicnIc ........................ 508 Cedar Lane 1110re contnbuted $77(J-l25. This vcal" tion to all S\\al"titmoreans and their clected to the All-American l,across~ 6'30 P M - Baseball Hornets vs Sun VUlage ............ Rutgers Ave Field 1493 contnhuted $8888 31, \\ ith a ~ few fricnds to attcnd an operetta "Thc Bellc tcam Garv. who is a member of the WEDNESDAY. JUNE 15 card~ still to be returned. of . n ag( Ia( I" w 1'1 ' b 7.45 P M.-Borough Council ................... Borough Hall I T hc final report has been dclayed IIC 1 \\ III I>e glVcn y I tiCl l c a~~ 0 f 19-39 at S wart I11I10re e ollegc and THURSDAY. JUNE 16 PpIIl1ladelpllla Young Fricnds' Association the Garnct's star nllclfieldcr, IS the first 6.30 P. M -Baseball: Hornets va LeipervUle .................... Leipervllle luntll lIus time through the abscnce of ayers under the dlrcctlon of Ralph olle in scvcral ).lcars to hring an :\11-..-\merse\ cral large subscribers from their Sattcrthwaite at 8 :15 P. ~L ncxt Tuesday.! ican 3\\ard to S\\arthmore. '-___________________________________.1. homes. I "CHESTER'S FASHION CORNER" PI.ICl'" nOli h) ~\\ .lrthllllIH· \\ l'rc IOft-\ .Inl d.l"h Twx""1. hr .. t. Cl'rIlCr, t1m(1 220-).lnl d.lsh. (;c.:rill r. sHOlld, 'l'wxcll. Il1Ird. -I-tO-).lnl rtlll Rlt han!... thlnl. Rlch.lrd .... sccond: 8H()-\ .Inl rUIi font, tlllrd ~lllc run S,lUlilll'f, IIr"l I 110-) .Inl hurdlcs' Cl.lrksnn, fir ... t 'I Thorpl·. tlurt! ~hot-put Crallllcr, fir .. t; Trnxdl, scc- s'lII-1 EDGI\IONT AVENUE-SEVENTH AND WELSH STREETS Divine Fitting Ulal. HOUSE COATS fot·.11 ,_oint of campU!!j adhilic~ during "ummcnccmcnt IJISCl1" thro\\' Cr.lcllll'r. fir ... t. Long, sl'CtJlld ucck ul S"urthmorc Collcge. J.I\l·ll11 thnm . Richanl .. , fir ... t. Cratlller, sccond. Sanford, Ihlrd 'I Salvation Army Plea County College 'Vomen Bf(l,1(1 jump E\ .ms, third HoM Gard ... n Party Ihgh JUIIlP E\.illl'i IIcd for lir ... t. I Thl' S.lh,ltiOIl .\rlll\ nqucsts that Poll.' \ .lUlt. Xn pl.let IUl.I1 I1Il·mher ... \\111 attcnd thellf )OU h.l\e .1\1\ dlsl:arded old clnthmg, I I •• 1)c1cl\\alt.· Count\ ColleJ!c \V'lllIen's Clull'''lhrokl'Jl dO\\Jl or outmoded chmrs, a I Burgi to Entertain Ladies g.udtll Il.lrh .11111 SOCIal c\'cning T1H~ ... - hox (It 0l1tgf(l\\11 to\S, old ne\\spapt'rs d.u. JUIlC 7, .11 H P.~1. .It thc home ol .lIHI r.lg", \on Wild cl (ard to the SoclCll 'lhc Dc!,m.llt.:: CoUllt) \ .....od.ltion oi :\11" \\. . \ :\I\t.~rs, -12 North Hillcrest SCrlln' Centl:r Krams ,l\t"IIUC elllel Burt~esse ... ,md TO\\ tlslnp COIIIIIUsslollcr;" I n.te!. Sllllllgfic1d 1\:c1l1n street. Ruxhorough A truck of \\IIIc.:h Burgt ... , John II Pitm.l1l, oi •• , or \\.lg'011 \\111 ('atl for )our cast-offs Sn.lrthmore, is \lrt:'ildcllt. \\111 hold Ib 4th Gradl· lUothcrs Elect ,It all) 11I1ll' )OU desil-{lIalc. '1'hl' Center .1I111lJ.l1 L.ldlcs Night h,lllquct on Tiles l\Irs. "McCone IS d('peml(lIt upon the materials which day. JUlie 7, ill '\ eadllil Fol1o\\lIIg th..:It r' 'CI\CS 11\1\\ to C,lrT\' It through the hanquet ?lId an hunr s cniertailllllcnt the The f mrth gl.ule lIlotlwr's g'roup pi sllll~~ler gUtsts \\111 attend a l110VlIIg IIlltll~e show l !he CoHege ,n(IlUe school met )'Iay 2J L.Ist f,!l1 thl' Ccnter IIIm'ed IIItO 1,lrI \\llIle the ll1emhers of thc ASSOCIcIIIUIl ~(,1I1- 111 the d.lSS rOol1l and cledcd )'lrs lit.- gn .lIld morc Illo;. of c.:urrent IMIl( I'Icappel I cra f' Sll1l'll '1'1 1(' ~ I a ff Ilas thortt). \\111 dlsctlSs 'UI\cr PollutIOn andllll.lgaZlIll' arllde-, oil the stthJl'l·t of tht'l1'1 Ired< I\ IIIcr(·a ... c( I f rP11l II") t 0 -11"1 ,(I . . " J\ A .11 the Honor.Lllle 1 hmnas J. Logue, ~l'cre- lIIectlll~ "C1l1ldnn .111d ~Iuslc ~hss )'lal\, ,I H.'re ,In' f .ICI I, I l l It ag.lIl , I I('S t (l (011 J e t.ln' \\111 present thc h,lsCI,1l'aCher 01 kthe gr;:ulc, g. Bra~n, pastor of the church.. George A. W:elsh a!l~ Mrs. Welsh, of Gerald H. Effing, of Lancaster, formerly . Wltne..ed by a church filled WIth rel- Lima and PhIladelphIa, was performed . f Swarthmore. ·atives and friends the ceremony was at 3 o'clock last Friday afternoon, 0 ••• performed against the simple elegance June 3, in the garden of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwa~d O'B~ient of of a background of two tall vases of the bride's parents on Yale avenue. Palmers Corners, entertamed MISS Bar'white gladioli before which burned, in The Rev. Joseph Brownlee, of Forest bara Dolman and Mr. John F. Spencer Gouble candelabra, fourteen lighted City, Pa., brother of the bride's and members of their bridal. party a!ter tapers. Palms and ferns at the altar and mother officiated. the wedding rehearsal last Fnday evemng. ·white gladioli and streamers marking The ~eremony was performed before ·the pew sections completed the artistic an altar of palms, laurel and mock John D. Detlefsen, S"on of Dr. and Mrs. ·eaect bl ·oms A. Detlefsen, of Lafayette avenue. who U • orange oss • . . h Bll TI h : The bride was given in marriage by The bride, who was given in marworkmg 1II t. e . e e ep one her father. The wedding gown, designed riage by her father, wore her mother's search laboratones In New Yo~k by the bride, was fashioned of white wedding gown of fine embroidered summer. spent last. week--end .Wlth silk lace with gathered skirt in two batiste with lace insertions and a parents. John, who ~I11 be a sentor at I 1 tiers, tight bodice, and short pUffedlruffled net train which had been worn Massachusetts Institute o~ sleeved bolero jacket. Her long tulle by her paternal grandmother. She caryear was recentlYou~arumColus y e ecthtf veil was held by a coronet of orange ried lilies of the valley and white or- ed of the utmg ub 0 e blossoms and she carried gardenias and Icllid,•. • 1 • ·white orchids touched wit~ fuchsia. Miss Mary Tomlinson was her sisBirth Mrs. John A. Plumer, of-Swarthmore, maid of honor, wearing a dress of sister of the bridegroom, as matron of medium blue marquisette with Mrs, Herbert B. Harlow and infant honor wore turquoise bh~e pleated ruffle at the bottom and daughter, Margaret Ann, returned Sunde Boie styled like the pink dresses of velvet bows at the puffed sleeves day from the Mercy-Fitzgerald Hospital, the same material worn by the brides- round neck. She wore silver :~~:~;~;·I where the baby was born May 25, to their maids, Miss Margaret Cresson, of Jike the bridesmaids was home on South Chester road. Swarthmore, and Mrs. G~enn A. Pope, and carried an arm bouquet of of Philadelphia. With high waists, summer flowers, The Misses Virginia and Helen Tomslightly flared skirts, and jackets with puffed sleeves the gowns of the attend.. Jinson sisters of the bride, were gowned Just ants were tri~med with matching in pe~ch and aqua o~t'~;;id~~::~~:r.: Arrived horsehair braid. Their natural colored ively and the other two Leghorn hats were trimmed with rib . . Miss' Margaret Welsh, of Lima, sister bon the shade of their dresses and they of the bridegroom, and Miss Anna Practical wore white shoes. Mrs. Plumer carried of Concordville, roommate of yellow roses, salmon gladioli and gyp.. the bride at Westtown School, we.." I Dresses sophila. The bridesmaids' bouquets pale blue and delicate pink. Theil'l of delphinium, pale pink roses and gypwere made on princess lines witli For sophila. pleated ruffles at v necks. Hot Mr. John Plumer acted as best man. Miss Deborah Welsh, eight-year-old Ushers included John Phillips Dolman, sister of the bridegroom, was flower Weather Effingham Dolmw, and Geoffrey Dol~ girl, carrying a tiny round basket of man, brothers of the bride i Robert pansies. Chester Spencer, Jr., brother of the ·Celebrated Philadelphia musicians, Prices bridegroom; Charles Floyd Seymour, friends of the bridegroom's mother, played the bride's cousin; and Peter E. Told, upon the harp, cello, violin and gave sevat of Swarthmore, vocal numbers. The bridegroom's mother wore white Following the ceremony a reception printed chiffon on a pink background for the immediate families and a few and white accesories. Her corsage was intimate friends was held on the lawn All Sizes of orchids. The two grandmothers of until 4 o'clock and later, from 4 until the bride, Mrs. C. P. Schatte and Mrs. 6, a reception for two hundred guests. John Dolman, Sr., both of Swarthmore, On Saturday a group of relatives and wore black lace with black straw hat, journeyed to New York to see and gray chiffon with small purple hat, Mr. and Mrs. Welsh board the Queen PVIILISRBD BVBBY FBmAY AT _ ....TllKOII8, PA. - S'IIB SWABTIDIOBBAN. INC. ..... PETER E. TOLD EtUklr - IJef!in $1.95 respectively, each with a corsage of white Dutch iris. Benjamin L. Kneedler, organist of the church, played selections including "Liebestraume," by Lis2t,:Bach's "Fantasy in G Minor," "The Nocturne," from Mendelssohn's flMidsummer Night's Dream," and uThe Aria· on the G String," by Bach, and Valdes'· UMeditalion." followed hy the Bridal from "Lohengrin" as the entrance dition and Mendelssohn's March for the recessional. The bridal couple received the wedding guests at the church after the ceremony and then devarted for New England on a t~o~weeks' honeymoon. MEDIA Friday and Saturday 'TOUR MEN AND A PRAYER" Loretta YoUng, Richard Greene, George Sander., David Niven, J. Edward Bromberg, John Carradine, Exirco-''March of Time" and First Run News Sunday Double Feature Monday--Tuesday Charles Dlcken·s "'DAVID COPPERFIELD'" W. C. Field., Maureen O'Sulll- Cbrlstian Science Chnrmes THEY oald I. couldn'. be done •ha. dreo eould no' wllhaland .he tortureof the hew high apee d" Yet Floyd Roberto set a new record, at .hlo y . .r'. Indlanapo\ls Race, averapnl 11702 mUos an hour for the SOO mnos on FIrestone Gum-Dipped nres. "KIDNA.PPED" With C. Aubrey Smith. RegInald Owen. John Carra41ne. Nigel Bruce, Ralph Forbes, Montague Lane. • • •• Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gary White. of College avenue, entertained at dinner Wednesday evening, June 8, in honor of M . d M S I A Matthews of r. an rs. amue. , Will' Colle e. Professor Matthews tamhS g . . Zoology was an onors exam.l.ner.ID . The udouble six," Saturday night bridge dub drained the treasury last Saturday night, June 4, when it declared its annual dividend and had dinner at the Hotel D I' gt . W'I . gt n Del arlO onm lllUn 0 , • Redtal at Morrow Home .. . The plano pupIls of Dorothy Paul will . th . ·tal t ft give elr reCI omorrow a ernoon, June 11. at 3 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. William Morrow. 504 Riverview road Among Miss Paul's pupils who are tak!.!Ig part are Joan Russell, Susy Slaugh,. Buly Doyle, Patsy Morr?W, Eben Lang. Ca~oI I • Iyn and ~~rea Wilcox, FX~Rce~. J~ns Trinity Parish Notes and Patnoa Paul. The last named chtld • • f • CI IS a pupil 0 LuCIUS 0 e. The Children's Service held in , I • Miss Barbara Krafft and William Allen Trinity Church, Swarthmore, this Sun- Spring Piano Redtal Tomorrow Brown, III, of Yale avenue and Richard day afternoon at 4 o'clock. Members of Hill Fairservice, Jr., of Cornell avenue, the Church School will take fun charge The annual spring recital of the pu- spent the week-end in Harrisburg atteodand the girls' choir will sing. There will pils of Antonita and Camilla Fairbanks, ing a house party at the home of Miss be no sessions of the Church School in of Park avenue, will be held tomorrow Marilyn Ross, a Mary Lyon School stuthe morning. night June II, at 7:30 p_ m. at the dent. At the 11 o'clock service the choir home' of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Carpenter, • • • will be assisted by Mrs. Allen W. Car- 635 North Chester road. Mo. and Mrs. John E. Michael, of Park penter and Mrs. C. Frederick Wolters. I I I avenue, entertained at dinner Wednesday The offertory solo, "Fear Not Yet 0 Grade Picnies evening in honor of Mr. Boyd Stauffer, Israel," by Dudley Buck, will be sung of Dartmouth avenue, who celebrated his by Mrs. Wolters. The College avenue sixth grade is hav- twenty-first birthday yesterday. .The Vestry members and their wives ing its picnic Monday, June 13, at the wtll be the guests of the Rev. J. Jar- home of Mrs. E. O. Lange, Baltimore Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee, of Mt. Holyde~ Gue.nther. and Mrs. G~enther at pike. oke place, attended the tea the PhiladelFrte~dshlp Htll Farm, Paoh, Tuesday The College avenue third grade held phia Chapter of the Daughters of the evemng. . . its picnic yesterday at the home of Mrs, AmeriCan Revolution gave at the home of . The annual P!cmc for the men and Detlev Bronk, Sycamore Mills. . the Past Regent, Mrs. Frank Kalas, of The College avenue fourth grade mo- Germantown to greet the new Regent, boys of the chOIr and members of the Servers' Guild will be held at Friendship thers group. Mrs. Philip M. Alden, chair- Mrs. Carwithen. on Tuesday. June 7. Hill Farm Saturday, June 18. All those man, is entertaining the fourth grade • •• . who plan to attend should meet ·at the Rutgers avenue group and children today ·The summer bridge club will meet next church at 1:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Mark Willcox, Wednesday, June 15, at the home of Mr,;. I I I Wawa. William Turner, of Lansdowne. Mrs. AI. Methodist Church Notes Members of the Swarthmore kinder- ben Eavenson. of Strath Haven avenue, garten .with their mot~ers will enjoy their will be co-hostess. Tonight,. June 10, at 8 o'clock'th " ·:;jfo~.a~ ...oq~g.' . ~~is'· morning a~ the. Rose :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ will be a meeting of the Official· Bo~.,' , .~~.'. ,~.Wl~I.~g·· Po:o~ foUow~ by a This will be the last" sesslon: bdore f.. ...~n'~.:lu~ch~n at the home of Mlss Mar~ summer rec;. . .:, . ~., . ."p,r~. Pnc~ tp, ~OSl! Valley. The Children!o ·.!.lay program will ta\·;~.:;·.:.r?·grade, .-College avenue school, place ~ '.., ,i.·, 'Co J . "e! 12, ··at· 10 :20 A.~. ....~.!ic~l1f .v.:11t be, .held 'ruesday, June 14, at .~.~ ·'.0··') :-irJ!·. . -p., ~nt,··with over thirl: ::·):~.o~roclc ~t .thel~ome of Mrs. Guenther ). ·J.o~t:.• t'~I..:icipating, will be the' H. Frc.cbef, 425 North S,,:arth~or~ ave~ pd· .!l.Ial. feature of. ,the. program. . ~ue.. The are c~rdl3.lIy lOvlted to 'J tic, Sacral]lent of baptism will be ad~ attend. Th~ children will st.ay and play ministere4 to.· th9se llesiring it for them- "for·. part. of ,th.e aft~~noon, while the mothselves r .their children. !;!rs elect t~C1r chamnan for next year. The· Lhurch School wilt assemble. at The' first grade, Rutgers avenue school, 9 :45 a. m. on Sunday, June 12, for, ,its he~~ its.. f~!lrt.h and last picnic lunch lesson study. . . . o~ the year, Tuesday, Jun~ 7. These puPrayer meeting will be held Wednes- ptls have had a lunc.h 10. the woods day evening, June IS. in the chapel. every cl~r Tuesday thiS spnng, . I I I The mnth grade, Swarthmore JUDlor High School, enjoyed a picnic at the home Presbyterian Church Notes of Nick Wagner, Providence road, Mon· . , day afternoon of this week. Parents of Sunday mo~nmg, June .12, at 11 0 clock Some of the pupils also attended. • • the Rev. DaVid Braun Will preach on the topic "Divided Lives." The Children's Day Vesper will be held Tennis Club Opens Sunday, June 12. at 4:45 P. M. This service is conducted entirely by the members The officers of the Swarthmore Tennis of the various departments of the churdl Club met Tuesday evening, May 31, at TENTH ANNIVERSARY school. The Junior Choirs will sing spec- the home of John Stokes on Park aveial anthems. nue. It was again stressed that former The New The Junior Church Services which witl members of the Club should be urged to replace the departmental meetings of the rejoin immediately by contacting Mr. One Price church school during the summer month'i Stokes, the new secretary~treasurer, since One Quality will begin on Sunday, June 19, at 10:15 the demand for new memberships is so Tire A. M. great it is felt priority cannot be shown The Boy's Choir annual picnic wilt be much longer for the old members. MARATHON held on Saturday afternoon, June n, at The seven men's co~rts at the Colle~e Full Lifetim.e Guarantee the Y. M. C. A. camp near Downingtowl'.. were taken over last mght by thc Tenms 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- , The group will leave the church at I Club. o'clock. I , GOODYEAR ••• $1.0.55 ••• 1.0.85 ••• I.Z.SS ••• I.S.90 ••• 1.5.70 ••• 1.9.S5 ••• ZI..OO 6.00.16 ••• $1.8.60 6.50.16 ••• ZI..S5 7.00--16 ••• Z4.70 T .... TI.....ndO...... .....n. . Cat' SIzM Priced ProporlJo...hIIy Low .,roee.;. Phone 9 to 1 o'e!oek SATURDAY, JUNE 11 WOMAN'S CLUB HOUSE Mazda LaneOrdaestta 440 CHURCH President and Mrs. Frank Aydelotte. of Swarthmore College, entertained at their annual commencement luncheon on SUNDAY 11:00 A.M.-Morning worship. Mr. Braun Monday at their home on Cedar lane. Dr. will preach 011. "Divided Albert Einstein, commencement speaker, LtVE." h f h 4:45 P.M.-91lldren~8 Day Vesper. was t e guest 0 • o~or* . ==t Baltimore and South A..... Summer C",..... - EnroU N_ D.". and E"""'nlJ Cat. on Requeot Call Media 1936 Per Couple Il!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"":"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulatioll8 TO THE CLASS OF 1938 VICTOR D. SHIRER 13 South Chester Road FOR YOUR SUMMER VACATION Electric Fans Badminton Sets as Low as $2.50 Croquet Sets and Deck Chairs N. WALTER SUPLEE .. 11 South Chester Road. Phone Swarthmore 105 Your Friends Have Praised LISETER MILK For the first time in nearly a year the increase in our herd makes it p088ible to serve a few more families. We Produce AU rhe Milk and Cream We Sene A·Grade Guernsey· Raw Milk 1* Visit onr Farm miles north of Newtown Square-Route 252-Compare reports at Borough llall. 4 qts. in sterilized kettle per delivery at 13c qt. A·Grade-in bottles at 15c qt. Cream-it whips-at 20c 1/2 pt. R. J. AUSTIN H. Webster AlIP,l USETER FARM MI'. Mt. Holfoke Plaee Newtown Square, Pa. Swarthmore 252 Phone: MARATHON NEWS NOTES NEWS SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. DavId Braun, MInister STARTING JUNE 8th Swarthmore Barber Shops Will Be Closed Every WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON at 1 P. M. Until October ,2 MEDIA SECRETARIAL SCHOOL ~ . $ 7.90 .$ 8.15 .$ 8.80 .$ 9.25 .$ 9.65 . $10.45 .$11.80 .$13.15 .$14.50 450/21 475/19 500/19 525/17 525/18 550/17 600/16 625/16 650/16 Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Tilompson! oil The Garden Loft, Cedar lane, entertamed, R.e"t". J. Jarden Guenther. S.TJI4., Heeter at breakfast last Sunday morning in hono~1 SUNDAY of Mrs. Michael J. (Margaret Somer~ 8:00 A.M.-HolY CommuniOn. ville) McInerney, of Washington, D. 11:00 A .... -Morning Prayer. h h h f M dM 4:00 P. M. - CHILDREN"S SERVICE. W 0 was t e ouse guest 0 r. an ~. METIIODIST EPISCOPAL CHtJB.OH ,!,heodore Widing, Of. Media, while attenn- ~--- '.B B 0 "'-'-ter mg the tenth reumon of her class at CI ""'nee <. -~AY' ... ~ Swarthmore College. Other guests beSPECIAL 9:45 A.M.-Church School. sides l{rs. McInerney who were members T 10:30 A .... -Chlldren·. nay Program. of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson's wedding A few 18 aud 19 inch ires THE RELIGIOUS SOCIRrY OF FRIENDS party, included Mrs. Randolph Wright, Price SUNDAY Jr., of Norristown; Mrs. Robert Bishop,of While they last. 11:00 A .... - ..eetIng ror WOlBhlp In the Germantown; Mrs. Charles Rickards, of " lF7 u'h ,L_ T,,-.J- Thai , ,,:,~use. Moore; Mr. Walter Studdiford, of Wash- . ". .... UU6 • 8:30 A. . . . to .3:30 P. ~-Se_ and ington. D. C.; Mr. J. Bradley !-.~. £ , -- 1938 '. ---- -, Andrew Pallerson Haig. 2nd Elizabeth Krase Emily Yocum McAllister Doris Eloise Polk Theophile SauJnier. Ir. Elizabeth Campbell Sweney Robert Carleton White Arthur Earl Woodling Paul Calvin Gerner Marguerite Hannah Gettz Clarence Wellington Hariman. Ir. Violet Elizabeth Larson Winthrop Warren Mellen. Ir. Clillord Miller Renshaw Constance Schoff Marjorie lean Tomlinson Harriet Gowdy Wickham Anne Comly Wray • ,--------i , • Congratulations to the -- Class ," Michael's College .. ~.~'''~ of Pharmacy 1938 "ON THE CORNER" ...--.-.I! ..'...... - ....._..:'.::::" ...... l .... HARRIS & CO. ; I '~' ,I :I , " : I: r--, ---- -' Heartiest ...... -, r' - I <. - I' Swarthmore High School Graduating Class of 1938 .--- 7 THE SWARTHMOREAN MAY 27, 1938 --.'. ~- L Carol Crawford Goodwin Margaret lane Helmuth Stanley Lester Lee Marjorie Miller MingiD John Tayior Richards EIIenor losephiDe Smith Margaret PltIdn Van Duser Marianne Jean Wiggins William Dean Gorman Stanley HeDry EUCJene HIlL Ir. William Russell Levis Billy Anne Mitchell Winston Tayior Roberts Mary Chrisline Stericker Ernest Joseph V1guers Ruth Helen WIlson 11 Park Ave. Swarthmore 504 .", . JUNE 10, 1938 THE SW ARTHMOREAN ':8 cises of the Naval Academy at Annapolis. Hospital. Philadelphia. where he under- nue as a farewell party to Jean Gehring. Mrs. H. A. Peirsol. of Lafayette aveNEWS NOTES Md." last week. Her nephew, Norman E. went an operation. Supper was cooked out of doors. Jean nue, is elttertaining the garden committee Mrs. Edwin A. YarnaD. of Kenyon Fryer. Jr.• was' one of the graduates. • •• . and .1 with her mother. Mrs. W. H. Gehring. of of the Woman's Club at luncheon next avenue. will leave next Tuesday to at* • • .Mr. and Mrs. L. J. ServaIS fann y University place. will leave this Sunday Thursday. June 16. tend the reunion of her college class Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gary White. of WIll leave June 19 to spend the summer for California and sail on the S. S. Matwhich wiD be held at Boston Univer- College avenue. have as their house guest in Cape May. N. J. During their absence sonia next Friday for Honolulu. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Schobinger and sity on June 16. She will remain sev- for the College and ~~h School cnm- their ho'."e at 231 Dickinson avenue will Gehring wi\l return after spending nine family. of Swarthmore avenue. are leaving eral weeks with her brother. Mr. Waldo mencements. Mrs. WhIte s aunt. Mrs. J•. be OCCUPIed by ~r. and Mrs. H. G. Kray- days in Honolulu and Jean will remain next weeknn.l838 * .. • CAMP CHICKAGAMI To the v: . Class of '38 P FIeri Facias Narch Term. 1038 Best wishes for future success Descriplion of 911 Yeadon Avenue. Lol. with imps. N. E. II. Yeadon Ave., YeaBora.. Del. Co.. Penna. 128" 8. B. froJIl E. s. Darnell Ave., 25" b,. 100" i ....udlD&" 12' driveway rear. smmU'P SALES 8ber11!"s O1Dce, Court House,; lIedJ.&" .BUCHNER'S CAN'T GET RID OF ATHLETE'S FOOT? *. **• * *• * Mrs. * * A. P. Smalley, Postmaster and of Yale avenue, had as their guest last week~end their niece, Miss Mildred Adams; of Glassboro, N. J. * Mis., V~rginia *M.* Wilson, of Ogden avenue, entertained sixteen boys and girls, classmates of the eigh th grade, at a dancing party in her home last Friday evening from 7 ulltil 10 :30. BEST WISHES FOR 'A SUC~ CESSFUL FUTURE TO THE CLASS OF 1938 • •* Miss Susan Wolters will spend ten days at the Y. W_ C. A. Camp at Silver Bay, N. Y., after the close of her studies at Rochester University on June 13. She will return to her home on Cedar Jane the week-end of JUDe 25. * • • Mrs. Irwin Mr. and D. Wood, of North Chester road, will leave next week to spend part of the summer at Buck Hill Falls. Pa. ••• Phone Swarthmore 1390 AS A MOVER OF GOODS * Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie lang, *son• of Frederick Lang, of Riverview road, is entertaining 'a group of eight friends this afternoon. • * Mrs. •Howard Mr. and G. Hopson, of Harvard avenue, are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Ralph p. Slyvester, of Oaks, Pa.: t~orrow• . ' . ••• Doreen Mitchell, Miss of Avondale road, Wallingford, is entertaining the members of: ~r: cla~s .of' the :primary department of the. PresbY.terian Church at a picnic this afternoon.' I ·.. , Mrs. Henry W. DeCourtenay. o( Ced· ar lane.' attended the com'mencement tier- We agree, both in principle and in action. The bank loap enables merchants to move new goods in and move them off the shelves again. It enables farmers to /ina nee livestock and crops during the growing season. It helps the manufacturer move raw materials to his plant, convert them, and move them along to the jobber or retailer. It srimulates wide business activity in the community. Of course, it is equally necessary for the money itselftokeepmoving. No railroad would anow its cars to be used for shipments unless it was sure of their return after delivery of the merchandise. The same principle applies to a bank in protecting its depositors' interests. woodwork. Dries quickly - won't turn sour. FULLER BIlUSHES LOWIST IN PRICI AGAINST ALL. COMPARISON ORDER Comp'ete Hew Fuller Wet Mop TODAY Inc'uJ'iI, Det.cJ..61eH.,,"'e 89¢ JAMES F.STEWAR'J; 'I P. O. Box 274"Swarthmore ... :'. . I prl-,18,900. Any allent. DOUBLE WOVEN SEATS For R""lie Chair. and CaniDl!l '. Inexpe...lvely- and Expertly Done . Tel. Sw. 2070 .• ' ~ ; . March Term. 1938 Description of 21 Bicb street. Lot with imps. N. E. s. BiB"h St. Boro Sbaron Hill. Del. Co .• Pa .• 630.77" N •. 24- 27# 40" W. from angle In' &aid' s. HIgh R. N. 25- 12' W. 169.61" from N. W. B. Darby " Chester Pike N. OS- 32' 11" E. 83.08 to a driveway: N. 25- 12' W. 13.93' to a curve; on arc of circle; ,ad. 10', 16.66' S. 60- 89# W. 72.91' N. E. s. High st. 23.94' to beI". Description of 33 HIgh street. LOt with lmps. N. Eo s. High St. Sharon : I:,...· '1"., H1ll Bom, Del. Co. Pa. 443.77' N. 24° 27' 49" W. angle ad. 8. High St. 169.50' N. W. s. Darby & Ches2r' PIke 16' to 10' driveway 84.31' 8. B. Une 84.10" N. W. line. , Improvements eonsist 01 two stOl'l' stueco hOUFe, 16:.:36 feet: one story stucco addiUou., OxH Ieet: basement garage. ImProvements consist of two story stucco house. 16K36 feet; one story stucco addltlon. 6x6 feet; basement garage. Sold as the property of Hugh FergUSoD. Sold as the' property of Hugh Ferguson. MRS. A. J. QUINBY &: SON No. 1181. Fieri Fe.clas March Term, 1938 ; -~""fJ.Jn~()In,: Ave., Folsom .. H. L. FUSSELL, Attorne,.. No. 1258 Pieri Paclaa THOMAs IIABPER {'l Sold a8 the property 01 John Walls. Jr. R. L. FUSSELL. Attorney. H. L. FUSSELL, AU,.. H. L. FOSSELL. Attorney. 10SEPH .. QVDIl'Y WILLIAM W. MeKIM. Sheriff. No. Fieri Facias J,larch Term, 1938 Descr1ptlon of 23 Htgh street. Lot with Imps. N. E. s. High st• Sharon Hill. Del. Co. Pa. 523.77' N. 24· .., 49" W. angle sd. IDgh St. N. 25° 12' 169.51' from N. E. 8. Darby & Chester 16' bf 83.28' B. E. line 83.OS' on N. W. to 10 driveway. Electrical Contractor TeI"phone Swarthmore 58 WILUAM E. CLYMER . Contractor and Builder Now Is the time to bave. that repaIr 'Wl'k and painting attended to. Can Swar. 66O-M for E.limate References Furnished PETER E. TOLD General Insurance 417 DARTMOUTH AVE. Swarthmore 1833 .. RACKETS RESTRUNG Measured Tension Strinpng "3tere eOm£s ike 13rWe!" Benjamin L. Kneedler, Jr. 23 S. Prineeton BWL 1625-W If you can't be there in person, send best wishes by telephone. Congratu I a ti ons always seem sincere and cordial when .ent the personal way;... by telephone. Or to Its Atto~iB CLAUDEC. • ....... Swarthmore. Pa., anel 1617 Land Title Bldg., S. W. Cor. Broad &; Chestnut Sta .• PhUadelphla.. Fa. flt-S·O ' . .. She "WORKS WONDERS'" "uiIJ, eJle4 NEW ROPER GAS RANGE! As modem as tomorrow ••• full of improvements that make cooking easier and results more certain! That's what this woman enjoys with her new Roper Gas Range. Best of all, she has and uses the new· super-speed low temperature feature in her oven. This means she can cook the modem slow method, as well as exceptionally last. Prices Subject Come in. and see our complete new line of Roper Gas to Change Ranges and let us show you' how.superior they are. Model . 'Without pictured costs only $69.50 cash. Slightly higher on budget .. Notice p'1. 'U ".' "~""n .. ",,:"''''.- ........ _a~:_· • ....... I'"UUIClIl VJ< "~'b"' ..b d ... UIC hlg(1est rankIng pair durmg the Roland PennQc:k were appomtcfo prugram co·.chairmen, M·rs. Roy McCorkel imponderables and evaluating the in- month. tangibles. Many parents feel that per\Veekly winners were: North and chairman of reJigious contact, Miss sonal contacts and social activities alone South-Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kniskern, CarolinE' Crew publicity chairman, and are sufficient to justify the Home and first; Mrs~ . Sewell Hodge and Mrs. Mrs. ·S. Milton Bryant educational School Association. Nevertheless, the Wallac;e McCurdy, second j Mr. and chairman. Friends of the W. 1. L. will be interofficers feel that their first obligation Mrs. Richard Carvell, third; East and is to promote the welfare of children West-Mr. and Mrs. I. R. MacElwee, ested to know that a permanent Peace and youth in home, school, church and first i lire and Mrs. A. L. Arnoldi sec- Shelf has been established at the community. ond; ltIrs. Charles Morrison and },{rs. Swarthmore Public Library. It is hoped In order to enable everyone COIl- A. Ludlow Clayden, third. Sixteen ex- many will avail themselves of the opcerned to accomplish this objective stilt tra prizes awarded for special features portunity to read the books on the more effectively lIext year, the follow- of Monday evening's play went to Mr. shelf to which the W. I. L. would be ing resume of the activities of 1937-38 and Mrs. Maurice Griest, Mrs. Editn very glad to add any books on Peace is submitted: . Paschall, Miss Mary Verlenden, Mr. that interested friends may care to 1. Series of five lectures on Mental and Mrs. Walter Dickinson, Mr. and give. Those having such books to doHygiene by leading psychiatrists. Mrs. Richard Carvell, Mr. ~nd Mrs. A. nate should communicate with :Mrs. 2. Established Safety Highway Patrols L. Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. RIchard Ran- Disque before July 1. She will also with aid of the school and the Key- dall, Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Kent, take charge of any rummage which stone Motor Club. Mrs. W. Burton Richards and Mrs. may be contributed for the W. I. L. Thrift Sho::p:.:._ _ _- - 3. Formulated new By-laws for the Edith Cusk_a_d_e_n_._ ..._ __ • I Association. I I To Represent Borough at Erie 4. Pre::;ented American Hygiene AsPupils Visit Navy Yard Burgess John H. Pitman, Borough sociation's film, "The Gift of Life." Secretary Elliott Richardson, Borough Compiled material on methods of Johnny Van Patten, of the second Council President T. E. Hessenbruch, sex education in schools. grade, and Amelia Van Patten, of the will leave by train Sunday, June 19, for 5. Ascertained school needs through third grade, Rutgers avenue school. cnErie, Pa., where they will attend the questionnaire to tp.achers.· tertained their classmates Tuesday, 6. Ascertained parents' interests and June 7, with a trip to the Philadelphia convention of the Pennsylvania State skills and needs through question- Navy Yard and Aircraft Factory ar- Association of Boroughs. The Conven .. naire to parents. ranged by their father, Captain E. H. tion sessions wilt be held from June 20 to 23 on board a ship which will cruise 7. Card file being compiled for use of Van Patten, of Rutgers avenue. teachers in locating interesting maMrs. Janet Krait Groff, second grade on Lake- Erie to Mackinac Island. The terial in parents possession for class teacher; Miss Lillian Hewes, third Borough officials witl return on Friday. I I • work. grade teacher; Mrs. Van Patten and Time Awards Made 8. Parents' committee appeared before several of the children's mothers esSchool Board to offer to help pay corted the group which left about 8 :30 ___a=t:....:ffigh School for cost of Mrs. Dorothy Waldo A. M. in two special buses and returned Winners have just been announced in Phillips' conferences with students. shortly after noon. the annual Time Current Affairs Con9. Parents filted Players Club for ben In the Aircraft Factory the pupils test at the Swarthmore lunior-Senior efit performance of "Little Women" were shown different steps in the man- High School The highest scorer in to raise money for initial purchase ufacture of planes and parachutes. La- each grade, 7 to 12, selected a book of of outdoor equipment. $145 was ter they saw the planes on the test- any value up to $5.00 as his prize. cleared. . ing field and witnessed the initial flight Winners, and books selected as an.,. Committee appeared before school of a new plane. Each child was allowed nounced at the Moving-Up Day exerboa~d to ask them to add enough to inspect one of the flying machines. cises this morning were as follows: equipment t? the playgrou.nd of Boarding the new cruiser Nashville Senior Class-Ruth Detlefsen, "The both schools ~n accordance With the and the Olympia, Dewey flagship of Arts" Van Loon; Junior Class-William recommen?atlOI1S of an expert ~om- the vittorious squadron in the battle of Megonigal, "The Nile," Emil Ludwig; n.t ittee which. ~as stu~ied the 2Jslt~a- Manila Bay, the youngsters were also Sophomore Class-Phyllis Boushall, hon. An addItional gift of $1 . or thrilled by the sight of the new cruiser "The Aircraft Yearbook for 1938," the playground fund was received PI·I . d ry doc k . Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce·, . 11 a{I c I p I· ua III from. the School ~ance Comnlltt~e. A treat to ice cream cones at the Freshman Class-Alan Hall. "The Im10. Appomted a committee to study tn- N Y d to ad a completely portance of Living,'~ Lin Yu Lang; 8th teresting curriculum developments Cl;vy bl ar d s re m e G 'f S h 'a . . I hi· h t ell]oya e ay. rade--" arshall c midt, 'uthne III e ementary sc 00 s tn ot er par s of Literature," John Drinkwater; 7th of the country. Grade-Edward Jenkins, "Silver Chief 11. Requested a compilation of bibliogSummer Ho1U'8 to the Rescue,'~ Jack O'Brien. raphy on child study and parent edThose Making the second highest ucation available in the school IiDuring the summer months the scores in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 will brary. This was done and is ready office of the Community Health receive a six.months' subscription to for next year's grade groups. Society in Borough Hall will be Time Magazine. They are: Senioc 12. Started the ball rolling for the first open from 8:30 A. M. until 5 P. M. Class-Herbert Gross; Junior Classsuccessful school band. during the week, and from 8:39 Walter Jones; Sophomore Class-Ric13. Committee visited· Radnor High until 12 noon on Saturdays. hard Haig; and Freshman Class-RicSchool uSchool Night" with its five hard Delaplaine. p 1...----------------\1 ... ~~"j ed' on 'PtJ(1e 'Siz) ' .. " \" .JUNE 17. 1938 THE SWARTHMOREAN I Ge18 Earlham Scholarship Miss Margaret Whiteman, daughter ~oddards Mrs. J. Harvey Whiteman, of The Start on ofSwarthmore, achieved the honor roll Leave of Absence for her freshman year's work at Brad· ford Junior College, Bradford, Mass. • • • of Rutgers ave· and .Mrs. Brand Blanshard Mrs. A. H. Osterwan, DrAlso Begin Sabbatical Year; Soderbergs Entertain Defore Removal . Dr. Harold C. Goddard, professor of English at Swarthmore College, started on a fifteen months leave of absence Wednesday when he left for his COUIltry place in Massachusetts accompanied by IIIrs. Goddard. Mr. and Mrs. Goddard will spend the time in this country visiting various libraries. The Goddard home at 3 Whittier place will be occupied by Mr. and M~s. John Bowditch, Jr., and family who moved in yesterday from 60~ Elm avenue. $100 clothing outfit at the Che.ter Hos- and Mrs. Alb.rt Sidney John.on, of pital May Market held late last month. South Chester road, and Mr. and Mrs. • I I H. Clifford Campion, Jr., of Lapidea Hills. ••• A daughter, Louise Pierson Johnson, was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. Sidney Johnson, Jr., of Park avenue, last Saturday evening in the Bryn Mawr Hospital. The baby isa grandchild of Mr. nue entertained her foursome Wednesday, June 15. ••• Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Markham, of Van Nuys, Cat., will arrive today to spend ten days with Mr. Markham's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Richmond D. Fetherolf, of Park avenue, after a ten-day visit to Mr. Markham'5 parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Markham, of Washington, D. C. ••• If not let us summerize it for you now. • •• Don't take chances this summer with thin tires- ••• ••• •*• * * ** The new Virt$toHf High Speed Tire will give you more miles per dollar DRIVE IN TODAYl RUSSELL'S 111'" ..... j n"_~_ * ".~u :0:::".: .. _. _.~! .. 1........ _ ........ 1.1 .. CAL weeK 10r famtlv '" +..;" n... ... ~....... ~h!,f'n route to .... -- .. c~nt.lIlue next falI when the lll.JVCS to .Mass~chus~t~s .. Mrs. Soder-. berg and the children wtl~ l~ave Swarthmore August 1 and be lomed by Mr. Soderberg at th~ end of September. Mr. ~o~erberg. will have ~ full professorshlp 10 aPl?hed mechamcs at Massachusetts InstItute of Technology, also b.eing retained as consultant by \Vestinghouse. -;n . . .,"" .. Ch.lcago where ~she Will Jam Mr . .l4·rl(~s. They wHI.- be acc;:,·mpanied by Mrs. Frie~: .1Ja~ents;;:1fr,; ,and Mi"s. Fran}< .H, Hoerig, who wdl return to their apart"~ ment on avenue after a short visit and remove "to Chicago itl August: **• Mrs. Walter Mr. and C. Crouch, of Park avenue, left Wednesday morning for their summer home on Grindstone .Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Passmore, Island in the St. Lawrence River. of Avondale, Chester County, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sara Mr. H. E. Starbuck removed WedLewis to Frederic W. Yocum, son of nesday from 219 Swarthmore avenue to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac C. Yocum, of 538 224 Park avenue, where he will occupy Walnut lane. the apartment just vacated by Mr. and Miss Passmore, a graduate of George Mrs. Paul Dugal, who have returned to School and Drexel Institute, is a mem- Canada. ber of the faculty of the Unionville High School. Mr. Yocum is a graduate of 'Swarthmore High School and the University of Pennsylvania. At present he is a member of the ProsBenefit pect Park High School faculty. **• * * * IfF""''''''='''''''''''''''========:; CAKE SALE ••• The class of 1938, Swarthmore High WUl You Pay lOe a S \V I M This Summer? The women's pool at the College will be .yoUrs this summer for only $2.00. If you owim only 3 times a week, tbe cost will be less than lOe a swim. * • • Be sure 10 Bend your pIeda:e for '2.00. to Burgess John Pitman in the Borough Hall today. We must have 250 ptedges before the pool win be available. SUMMER RECREATION COMMITTEE For In/ormation Telephone Grade Group Chairman or 2022 PI""" PIu] Suits Your Friends Have Praised LISETER MILK Made of FiDe W ...hable Materials For the first time in nearly a year the increase in our herd makes it possible to serve a few more families. Polka Do18 Flowers Piques A-Grade Guernsey Raw Milk Visit our Farm l~ miles north of Newtown Square-Roule 252-Compare reports at Borough Hall. $2.95 Special 4 qts. in sterilized kettle per delivery at 13c qt. A-Grade-in bottles at 15c qt. GOWN SHOP ON PARK AVB. Cream-it whips-at20c 112 pt. 10.00 A. M. R. J. AUSTIN Saturday, June 18 USETER FARM Newtown Square, Pa. H. Webster All.,.n JIIgr. Mt. Holyoke Place Phone: Swarthmore 252 Fire House Mrs, Charies Cuthbert left Saturday to return to her home in Petersburg, Va. after a ~veek'3 visit to Captain and Mrs. E. H. Van Patten, of Rutgers II avenue. S. H. Richter ........ 1,500 Don Sweet . . .. ...... 2,000 Jack Turner ...... ., 2,900 Philip Turner . . . . .. . 2.600 Betsy Hornaday .. ... 1,800 Russell C. Kneedler 4,900 Barbara Jones.. .. :.: 1,500 Connie Brown ... ... 1,900 Roberta Haig .._. . ... 2,100 Margie Lang ... ... . 1,700 Jim Kelly . .. .. ... ... 2,800 Ann Broomall. . .. ... 3,900 Jerry Corse .......... 10,500 Roy Bosshardt ... .. 2.300 Betty Jane Hedgepath. 2,200 CONTESTANTS ENTERED Margaret C. Roxey ... . 1,500 Stephen Spencer .. . • 1,500 2,100 Jessie Gilbert . .. .. Joyce Cochrane ..... . 1,500 Joan P. Russell • • • • • • • 1,300 Chester Koszikowski • • 1,600 Jerry Thomas. . .. .. 1,400 Lewis Creskoff ., ..... 3,600 Katherine J. Kirkley .. 2,300 M. J. Stone ......... . 600 Jayne Tercmt. . .... . 1,000 .T. Getz . . . .. ., ••• • • .I.,,,,,,, Danny Clay. . . .. . .. . 1,500. Jane Soden .. . .... . 1,500 • Janet Randall ...... . 1,700 Mary E. Logan .. • • 1,400 Barbara A. Thompson. 1,500 Ned Mundell . .. ... . 1,700 Edith Johnson • • • 1,600 Ellen Veetor • • •• •••• 1,600 1,100 A. S. Righter .. .... 1,500 Norman Robinson • • J. E. Bond _. _. . . .. .. 1,000 Bertram Speare • • • 1,700 OscarNay :... . •... ·1,000 ,.,0 . . . "X:.:-......b .... - . Jack Prichard ...., . • • • 700 Dick Murray: . .. , . · .. · 1,000 "1M . NOT TOO LATE TO' 'ENTER.'..(i< We Pruduce All the Milk and Cream We Serve Swarthmore Fire 'Company School, held a picnic at Lenape Park Tuesday. of this week. M iss Virginia Allen and Mr. Joshua A. Christian, of the faculty, and Mrs. Christian chaperoned the group. Phone 440 "We Don't: Sell Cars-We Sertlice Them" Itr==:!l::!i======:!l::!i==W •• ,.,e.'one SERVICE DARTMOUTH & LAFAYETTE AVES. * A MARTEL'S TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIRES. • •• ~- ..... a.,!"''''J' r....:"' .. Mr. and Mrs. C. Russell Phillips, of Strath Haven avenue, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daugh ... ter, Mary Elizabeth, on June 11, in the Presbyterian HospitaL Is YOUR Car Ready for Summer? Blythe Barnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Barnes, of Park avenue, entertained the girls of the first grade Rutgers avenue school last Saturday afternoon. June 11, in· honor of her Miriam Ann \Valn Barnes, daughter seventh birthday. of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Barnes, of Dr. and Mrs. Brand Blanshard, are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Linton, of Ben- Hiltborn avenue, was graduated from taking a sabbatical year from Swarth- jamin West avenue, arc taking a group Friends' Central School on Friday, more College where Dr. Blanshard is of friends to Longwood Gardens tonight June to. Miss Barnes was awarded an professor of philosophy and Mrs. to witness the Kennett Legion pageant. honor scholarship to Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana. Blallshard is dean of women. After Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Marsh, of trips to Cape May, N. J. and Buck Dr. Thomas H. Johnson, of Magil Hill Falls, Pa. they will spend the University place, with their daughter, Mary Margaret, left Tuesday to visit road, spoke at Massachusetts Institute month of July in Peacham, Vt. At the Mrs. Marsh's parents in Florida. of Technology on cosmic radiation end of August they will sail for England to study in London and Cambridge :Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Brinkmann will Tuesday morning, June 7. and later travel in France and Gcr- leave Monday to spend the summer at Mr. and Mrs. H. ]. Freeman, of The many. Rockport, Mass. During their absence Swarthmore, have gone to their sumMr. and Mrs. C. Richard Soderberg, their home at 405 Walnut lane will be mer place in Ocean City, N. J. of Ogden avenue, will entertain at din- occupied by Mr. and Mrs. W. S. A. * * * ner Friday evening, June 24, in honor Smith, parents of Ml'. Stuart Smith, Mrs. Jesse Herman Holmes, of Manof visitors from Sweden, Dr. Hanna of Wat1ingford, who are returning from chester road, Moylan, i,5 entertaining Rydh, an archeologist and wife of the Florida. a number of friends at luncheon, Tuesgovernor of Jantland Province; and * * day, June 21. Dr. Ulenius and Dr. Bjorkbon, who are Elizabeth Davis has returned to her * arranging exhibits at the Americall- home on Comell avenue from Southern Mrs. J. H, McWBliams, of Benjamin Swedish Historical Museum, Philadel- Seminary in Virginia where she is a stu- West avenue, spent two days this week phia, in connection with the Swedish dent. in Amityville, L. I., on business, returnTercentenary Celebration here next * ing in time to attend the International week. Dr. A. Johnson, curator of the Mr. ~nd Mr:. George Frank Kearnt!y. Convention of Soroptimists being held Museum, will also be a guest of honor. of Phdadelp~13, have rented the Ed- in Atlantic City, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Soderberg will be at ward N. WrIght house on Rose Valley • •• home at 8 o'clock Saturday evening, roa,l, Rose Valley, from July 1 to the J. J. Picnic Held The annual picnic of the J. J.'s was held J tine 25 and from 3 until 6 o'clock end of August. at the Swarthmore avenue home of Ger' * * Sunday, ~une 26. . Mrs. Juliet C. Kent has moved from T~e c~lIdren of the family are 517 Cedar lane to her home at 607 Elm trude Schobinger SatUtday afternoon, June 4. Election of officers was postshartng 10 the round of current SOCial avenue. poned until the first JJleeting of the fall. activities in the Soderberg domicile. * *" * • I I . Barbara entertained members of the .Miss Lydia L. Reinhardt, of LansLucl. Fetherolf. of Park annul.', after a ten-dav visit to )'Ir. ~larkhall1'" I'arellt~, ~t r. 'and ~I rs. \V. C. :\Iarkham, of \Vashingtun, D. C. ** ~I ... and 1\1 rs, C. I{ussell Phillips, of Strath Haven avelluc. are recei\'ing cOI1~r .. tulatjons on the birth o( a dal1gh- h'r, '-Iary Elizabeth, Oil JUlie 11. in the IJn.'sl)ytl'rian llospital. ---~- --.---.---.-~----.- ~--- Is YOUR Car Ready for Summer? If not let us summerize it for you now. • •• Blythe Barlles, daug-hter of Mr. and , :\1 rs. I I. C. Harm's, of Park avenue, ellI tert'lincd thl.;" girls of th . .· first grade L ){utgNs an'nUl..· school last Saturday af ..... rnooll. Junc II. ill hOllor of her :\1 iriam Alln "'aln Banll's, dau~htcr .......·vl'lIth birthday . of ),1 r. and ),1 r:'>. ClarcHet· Barnes, of '* * • :\1 r. and ~I rs. I [enry Linton. of Ben- I-lillborn an'IIUl·. was graduated from jamin \VI.:st an'lIl1l', arc taking it group Fri"-'IHIs' (\'lIlral School tl1l Friday, (If frit'luis 11.1 Longwoud Gardens tonight J1I11(" 10. :\1 i~s Harm's was awarded all to witness the Kt'lIllctt Legion pageant. honor scholarship to Earlham College, H.ichlllond, 11uliana. :\Ir. and )'Irs. Alfred H, 1larsh, of L'llin'rsily place, with their daughter, Dr. Thomas 1-1. Johnson, of Magil :\Iary :\largarl'1, Idt Tuesday to visit roatl. spoke at )1;:I~sachl1setts Institute :\Irs. :\Iarsh's parent:-; ill Florida, of Technology un cosmic radiation Don't take chances this suuuuer with thin tires- J)r_ and ~I rs. Bralltl Blanshard. are taking a sahbatical year from SwarthIllore ClIlkg-e where Dr. Blallshard i~ professor of philosophy and ~lrs. Blanshanl is dean or womell. After trips tll Calle )'Iay, X. j. and Huck lIil1 Falls. Pa. they will spend the 1I1OIlth of lul\' in Peacham. VI. At the end of :\l;g:U~t thl'Y will sail for England to study in Londull and Cambridge ).11'. ,ulostsharing III the rOllnd 0 current SOCial aV(.·Il11e. • ptllleti until the first meeting- of the fan. I acti"ities in thc Soderberg domicile. He sure to !;t~ml your 1.ledge for ),1 iss Lydia I.. Reinhardt, of LansThe women's lJOol nt the Collegt~ Uarharil entertained members of the Lucky at Market 82.00 to Burgess John Pitman will b(~ yours this summer for Kindergartcll at luncheon yesterday. dowlll', a Illl'I11IHir (~r thc Swartimwrc in the iJorough lIall today. We oni).· $2,00. If you swint only 3 John Effll1g, (If Yale a\"eIllU:, won a! Lars had a hoy's party last evening and School" faculty', will 'Iean' this weekmust have 250 pledges before tinw!O u week, the cost will be end for her sUlllmer lliace in Avalon. Richard. Jr., will entertain iniorn.alty the lJOol will be 1l"·llilabIe. less than IOc a swim. :-i. J. tonight. Rlchard will leave July 8 to attend SUMMER RECREATION COMMITTEE 2 and 3 )'Irs. Christian ~. Fries and SOil, the summer session at Phillips Exeter For 'nlt,rullI,ion Te'el,'u)J1(' Gnflle Groftl' 01 2022 Piece I~ ',.. • •. :11 I~ ... '- .... ~,1., .. '- .... l \VCCI\: tor .~,-{~ ........ _•. , 1 •••• ,,~. ,1~. "',.., . . " .... __ ,-_ '1\ .... " .• <>,,,;1' ~," .. ,." .. tl,,·rll rout' t contiuue next fan when the f;lmilv PI"] 1:1'.)\0 tll ~tassachuscltS. ~lrs. Soller- Chicagt) whl're she will join 1fr. J'~le~ hl'rg- a!HI the childrcn will icav'.! Swarth- They wilt ht' accompanied In- 11r5. more August 1 aml be joined by Mr. Fri(':-;' p.arenh, 11 r:, ,and 1lrs. F;.Hlk H. Soderherg- at the end of September. J Inerif.{, wlHl will return to their apartl\ladc of ~Ir. S()(lerbcr~ wilt have a full profes- ment on H.utgers avenue after a short Fine sorship in applied mcchanics at Massa- visit and ft.·move to Chicago in AU~II"it. Washable chusetts Institute of Technology. also If r. and 11 rs. \Valter C. Crouch. or heing retained as consultant bv \Vcstl\(nlcrials For the first tiJl)(~ in nearly a year the incrt~a8c in our her(} Park f..a committee t? st~dy ica which Adamic has observed song by thorne add variety and scope to this new standmg addltH~n to the. ~lbrary s very Crothers, Dorothy Borden, Aggie L,?u I I • :.\fendelssohn-Elizabeth Pope; Wild- grOUI) of hooks. The illustrations of the exceUellt collection of rehglOus hooks for Belleke. Frall~es an~ ~ary LOUIse rider (two pianos) by Schumanll, Son- latter book are by Reginald Birch. young readers. E.vans, Katharme Phllbnck and Jcan Piano Recital at Spencer Home atilla in F by Beethoven-Mary Anne The holidays of regular readers among The list of new books for the youngest Ftscher. Neisser; Minuet by Mozart-Mary the older boys will be gladdened by the readers is long and interesting. 'Scllff, The followit]g pupils of Louise Spen~ Marshall; \Vatchman's Song by Grieg Business Association Meets news that a new Arthur Ransome book Ihe Seal' is another of Pere Castor's decer Plumer (Mrs. John A. Plumer) -David Platt; Chorale (two pianos) by 'We Did,,'t Alcan to Go to Sea' is avail· I1ghtful animal stories this one about a played in a recital at the Spencer home Bach-Paul Kuznets; Allegro by "Moz- able. 'Froll' Page Stors: a vivid tale of little Greenland seal. ~T"e Little Lamb' The June dinner meeting of the on Swarthmore avenue. Tuesday of last art-Jean Richmond; Important Event, relJOrting by Rohert van Gelder, a newS- by Dahris Melm is the springlike story Swarthmore Business Association was' week: Gertrude Schoblllger, Rosemary Knight of the Hobhy Horse, and The IJaper man on one of America's greatest with charming mustrations by Lilly Simp- held Tuesday evening at the Ingleneuk. Arg:rle, Jerry Jordan, Helen. \Vorst, Poet Speaks hy S"chumann-Richard r:.ewspapers is a con1[)anion volume to the pi of a little lamb whose warm white Plans were discussed for the Fourth L~w's Beatty, ~Iary Jane Serval~, S~ott .Hook; Minuet in D minor and hius- vocational story "Bob Gordon, C"b Re- fleece began falling off and of the wise of July program. Lilly, Betty Littlefield John CllIqUOlO C , eUe hy Bach (two pianos)-Wallda porler' by Dean, which has been so popu- Black Sheep who told him what to do. I,---------------------------------, T<:,mmy Ran?all, Janet Randall, Kath- Morgan; Allegretto from trio No.5 by lar. 'TIre Iron Duke,' by John R. Tunis "And), dud Ihc Lion.,' by' James Daughert erllle Dowl11ug, ~ctty J..lorse, Ann Mozart, Ave :Maria (two pianos) by won the Spring Book Festival Award and i~ a funny picture story which young and Fireworks Contributions Argyle, Anne Perkms, Mard~ Cr~sby, I Bach-Connod _ AUlle Krause j Ka1l1- is a noteworthy addition to the J3 sec- old will enjoy as they did 'Fadiumld.' Needed ~r a~'ic Hallquist, Ruth ServaIS I Nancy mellui Ostl'OW by Ruhenstein-Carol tion. Agnes Danforth Hewes, distin' 'Clwodl£'t" the story of an Eskimo boy, ~nllth and Jane Argyle. Maud Froehel; Sonata in G by Mozart, guished as an author of historical tales, hy Naomi Averill, who longs to become Charles Fischer, Charles RusI I Second Piano Part by Grieg-Adele has written her first present day story, a brave whale hunter like his father. The sell, Guenther Froebel, A. PresMorgan; Waltz by Godard, London .. 'Tire Golden Slct!'l.lC: of life in the Col- complete story of Walt Disney's 'Snow cott \Viltis, Roy Delaplaine, Fer.. Former Resident Dies derry Air (two pianos) arranged, Orig- lnnbia river valley in Eastern Washing- rVlrilc aud 'hc Seve" Dux".!s' needs nO ris Mitchell, John Pitman and inal \\'altz by E. Gest-Richard Dela- tou. comment. Inez Hogan portrays NicO-1 Peter E. Told form the commitMrs. Harriet P. Buck, \~do\V of Eight to twelve year oIds will find two demus and Petunia in another quaint and plaine; Clair de Lune by Debussytee for receiving contributions John Buck, Pennsylvania Railroad emappealing animal stories in ~Eac" ill His humorous experience in 'NicodclIUlS and Genevieve Reavis;'· Aufschwung by for the Fourth of July fireworks. ployee-, and great granddaughter of Own Wa~/ by Gall and Crew, tales of fI.e NetcJ Slroes.' 'Hig" Water' is by Phil I Schumann-Sarah Marie Disque. Every interested citizens is Gencral Anthony Wayne, died MonMary Ann and Richard Hook, B=!rbro animals who had a share in making his- Stong whose Honk the Moose is still asked to show his appreciation of day, June 20, at the home of her daughtory, and in 'Mick alld Alac: by Paul very popular. 'Johnny Crow's Party' by this event planned for the cOm.. ter, Mrs. John E. Collins, in Lans- Soderberg, Mary Marshall, Jeanne Brown, the adventures of a Scotty dog Leslie Brooke, "Tire Plump Pig" by Helen Richmond and Kathleen Scott also munity's enjoyment, by making downe, after a month's illness. Mrs. and an Irish wolfhound. They wilt also and AU Ever, the ~W oodcn Bea~ by Edhis contribution early. Buck, who was fifty-nine years old, was played their l1umbers June 11, in the enjoy 'LilIlc Aliss Cappo' by France5 na Potter, 'Zicklc"s Luck" by Edna Tura former resident of Swarthmore. She Ornstein School of Music recital in Gaither, a story of an Alabama girl raised (Collli. .~ OA POl1e POW,.) IL__________________________-1 Philadelphia. Was a member of the D. A. R. M LOSING Y NEW an? d r ' . 7 Standard WHITE CORN-No. 2 Can ..... UCO TOMATO CATSUP ......... . '2.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., JUNE 24, 1938 VOL. X, No. 25 in ••• COIIITRIBUTE TO FIREWORKS COIIITRIBUTE TO FIREWORKS ••• INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE sw s .... A X llHoWftK JUNE 17, 1938 THE SWARTHMOREAN 6 Lists WOl'k of Home & School (Co .tlnued /rol I laue Q .r) ZO SIH 11"0' ell tl t' \xllillt (f \l1tOl1l0 l I liz I s \\01 k III h lI1ther 1ft llld 1Il0 1c111 g III loc II st( fl.: \\ I1IdO\\ s 'I \PP011ltul C01llmlttee to I,;(lOper Ite \\Ith the IUlglSS of the Borough tt 1I11kt.' 1tlllgt.:llItl1ts for sllllllllel s\\1I1111l11g tl'n111S h lsei> 111 and cllsses 111 I I 1St cs 1I1d sketciung 22 \\\ Inkd h oks to the best scholar 111 the SUlI r U ISS I Irttt.'tt S DIC IAwarded Drexel Athletic Honor8 S III J)H:~U to Panama III a home lIlutl' Iii f.)1 helll b) t\\O ad\cntun.:rs frolll I hglu.'sl lthle111.: h HlOTs \ ... ere 3\\ardc.i tc IIdt:n Cr 1~IIIH of II In ud a\(~mle I annual dlllller of the \Vorm,'ll.s Ath1cu \\In 111..:1 t.\e.:n kllld of Hhcnlurt' and IlIlgl r ~I \ \uslrt I In Kurt ~chusch IIlgg I stlHh of the recent ) ears J1l \\Im:h the lUlhor pll)ed so Important I p Irt :\1 \ \mulc I b) I oUlS Adatlllc I I III cOlJ(iltions ImI tillngs III AllIcr I( I \\11Ici. \d 1I111C his ohsencd dur ng tin I Hit tc.:11 H Irs Ire descnbed III tillS hook \\llIch Is p Irt I1ItolJ1ograph) I art Itlston l1ld., Irt t.:cononllcs 1111rd CIlSS ltckl't to lit.: l\el1 In Helen Fol Ithe: [ \ssuOltlOli of the III Ihe schoul I\('nue letters (hucd ~Itss (r rcccl\ed 11','T h()(kcy and tcnlH!'. ~hss Cresson IS a scmor 111 the of HUSlI1css AdlJlIllIstratlon ami :\1 Irgan Is a freshman III the lief ...,..------- ~~--~ Fifth Grade Gives Play On 1 uesda\ e\C1l1l1g JUlle 7 the firth gr 1.11.' of thl.' College A'\enue School SWARTHMonEANS GnADUATE AT OUTSIDE SCHOOLS prcsclltcd I short pia) called A legend of Ihe Grall 111 the S\\artlullore High Arthur B I l\\nl1CC Jr SOli of ~[r C ldt't S..:rgt.: 1111 I Ih:llf\ PJ( l1t:S Pierce L' ('-"lchool ttHitlOrlUItl I ht.' program \\as md ~Irs \ B I a\\Hnee )f1 .f )'Ir" C It It.:nne It.:rcc rl' er [1\111 gradl.' Rutgers 1\ellue.: school \\ere the C I C!c.:\\t:lI (f BCIIJllIIlIl \\est a\c It\ (kgree fr UII Un \\ 1 he\ lOgICal Sem glints of thc Collegc avenue 4th grade lila: reccl\ ed IllS III Islers degree.: m man ~I uh \ Il :\ J lue5>da} June 7 gn til) at the home of )'Irs J r \VII1 hUS1ll( ss Idul1ll1str 111011 It the Um\ er Ce x III \Va\\a Frull) JUlIC 10 I he • * • Sit) 011 \\ t'dneslia\ Illd James II MIl I{utgcrs 1\CIlUC mothers held a short I~( hut I)chHllcr (Ill of ~Ir and ler Ir of Ihe S\\ Irlhmore HIgh School hUSltiCSS lUec.:tmg after IUllch \\lth Mr5> ~lrs (..:orge.: II Dct\\ctle.:r o{ RIver f Iculh I dt'grc.:l.: (f 111 Istl.:r of sCience In 111 R :\lld In ce chairman presl(l \le\\ nlld \\ IS gra(luat..:d from thc 111 edue ItlOIl lUg lnd I hI.' elect 1011 of officers "as U1l1\ erslh of Penns, h 1I1l1 J l\\ School hc.:ld I he Iltllllllliting comnuttce con thiS \\('..:k (.enc 1{ Smith daughter (f ~Ir and slstlllg of )'Irs George Sickel Mrs \11" Claull.' C Snllth B Ihl111 Ire Ink Bmle\ K :\Iorse ,.Irs A ).[ Bosshardt ~Itss J lrharl K \\llhts dau!{hter of S\\artl11~tre "as graduated frollliand ~[rs 1)\\1<1 McCahan presented ~Ir uHI )'Irs Joseph \\ Illtts of Ogden (Ct rge chool 011 June 13 She "Ill ell tht' follo\\1111{ slate chairman Mrs C 3HlIUe \\ \ .. gr Hlu lied from Oherhn tt'l S"arthlllore College III the f LlI I ~llcf)t nald S\\all program chamnan Colh:ge Oberhn 01110 on fuesda) * * * :\1 r XOr111l11 H Krase soc tal chair June 1-t ~ltss \\ Ilhts majored III Ill.. Cu rge I Icerslaffc \\ cliburn son of 111111 11rs A H \ an Alcn secretar} Ion al d has heen Hr) act1\e 111 \\0 \Ir llld :\fr Gt'orge \\ \\ ellburn )'Irs J C :Moore membershlJl chatr I1UII llhlel10 She has also held the 01 J) lrtmollth IH:llue \\ IS gradualed III Ul )'lrs Ro\ Rlllchffc and )'lr5 I fhces of S( cml Class Chairman md I in III PIl1lldcll hI I CoHege l f Pharmac) (rosin ~I Blick magazllle Ciialfliiall \\OI11I.'I1S Rtcprcscntat1\c III the Stu IIld SCIt'lIce Oil \\ednesda) JUlie 8 ~Irs larl 11,}lor expcdtlons hair denl Council I\\lth the degree (f Bachelor of SCIl:ncl.' man 11rs IJ 1\ld ~lcC""han * ••• IIH' annUli pn Ig rt.'cltal h) the tHIll1 pupIl t f \ntOI1ICa and Carmita I urhlllk 1 Park 1\":l1Ue \\as held II t S Itunl1\ e\ellllg June 11 at the h011le of :\Ir and :\Irs \l1ell \\ Car \PPolllted COUlnllttee to stmh thc c1e.:str tlHhh .f reOig 1I1 zlIlg soccer lIt'xt I tIl 1 hc COllllll1ttl.:t' reportcd that tlos..: \\llnng h pII) soccer \\ould he glHIl the opportumh III 193H 39 Ibn PlliS "e.:rc: 01\\ Ir It IH hl!t.:11 ft:euHd It\ the.: Bum ,elllh('f Z-1. 2.)-1 hanksgl\lIIg \ Icattoll tnlr lt ICtl\IOt.'S of the group \\ as a \\ e.: ed SIH \\ 1 ins took Full Standard Evaporated MILK lIutmtl\C and a cert ItIl 11IIOllnt of ar --=~, Ilstlc ")lhl) 111 Irr mgelUl.'lIt 1111 .. \\ as TOMATOES Tall Can No 2 Can 1ul1o\H estnes nllllstrcis III I ht.'raldr) 1 he} made IlIullunattons for theIr Chnstlllis Will he III Our 2 14 oz Bottles gifts \ tnp to thc PlanetarIUm sho\\ed Snappy Popped WHEAT A UCO TOMATO them the Chnstm IS skIes at that tltllC c or RICE Cello Pkg \ later tnp to the \rt ).luseulll ga\c CATSUP [I them 1 glllnpse mlo tl c tapestrlcs DEPT. J IJ stamcd glass fur111tllre and clothes of I tillS pCflod Firm Selected Freestone, Georg.a PEACHES I I hc class pia) '\\ as called \ Da} III SC Texas Beef Steak Lh l the Castle 1 he tnp to the :\llIselllll 14c 3 Ih. TOMATOES---3 Ib.--\\as \Cr} hdpful 111 lllannmg and ,HIt I11g the pia) and pamtll g thcir scelll.'n 11l1'v "Ill he plcased II I I Iud plalllllllg the costumcs 1 he) e\ ell o In model Ih. stylc. [ llluk thl'lr 1'\\ 11 1Il\ It It I HiS ami pro Genuine 1938 Baby Spring Lamb Cut Front Prime Steer Stamped Beef LEGS 0' LAMB ,on ~(let I RIB ROAST gram Lb Lb \IUllg \\ llh the.: n\\ f\ t: xc llllg acll\ 1 IIt.'s the three I{s haH not heen ueg lecte.:d I ach cllIld IS Ilhm cd to go IllS I 0\\ n speed ami Ius progre.: Ss IS Jndged Solid Pound Print Kraft's Assorted Jars - Kay - PI" hJ IllS md1\ Id\1al a(h ancemellt Creamery BUTTER mento-Plneapple-Obve Pimento I As a group t he\ ha\ e \\ orked tlICC h - Limburger Z "ars-29c Lb ~ togcthcr \\111 \\ha\e a class PIC1l1C I Ius \\ eckfhe} \\ Inch II complc.:k their 1 .:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..:..:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.1 . ·;'fO'ii,{ERS'.. CONTRIBUTE TO FIREWORKS CONTRIBUTE TO FIREWORKS Husmcss AdmllllslratlUd (11 mUlzmg Course A" ard. Made at nechal t 011 In (f I lin II Ir (jUOlltlOllS \\ Is gl\1.:1l 11 II 1l1l11ellCClllelll mght 23 \\.\ Ir Il'el scht Ilr hll (f '.2=':'1 to th It Illt'mhc.:r (f St'lllor \..11 s ,oted most hhh to slI(cle.:d l1ld .. dcctcd In \ott: ot the ellss tht f ICUIt\ 1lUI a conlllllttcc t f se\Cll I hc Selllur (iiss Ctntltlmtnl ~:')(J 111 C Ish to \\ I1d IIIIS fllnd U IlIstllUl<: of ............. \\as a\\ardcd a Drexel blazer ~lIss ~Iar) Cresson of Amherst aU! I'ttl: \\ as a\\ arded 11Igh athletic honors and MISS E'Odyn Morgan of Strath HaHn ••• 1t.:llte.:r HI ~ Irtl Chester road Among thos\ \\ho ptrhclplted \\ere Charles \1\dt: "Iis{ I Ch Huhcrs Joan and \hs( n (lfll llt . : r :\lln Durc nonny lJollllc1h ~Iln (In Jean Gehring ).llrll lJallzhk IloI"Cnce.: KUll1llcl Bdl) ~I(l( re :\ l1Ie\ and Carol \ an Alen \\ tlhclulIHa \ 111 Dc Hoc and P LUI \\llhu11 of S\\arthllHre atld Char I.lh Ihc Ind I l IS I11HI~ of Drexel 'I Dnxc1 I ('chnoiog) I hl1rsc:lav CVCllll1g JUl1e 2 Allss Cncmu \\ hu IS a grdduatc ul S" arthll10rc I hgh School and a sCllIor hundred Idults I.: nrolktl \ppol11h:d Dr I-Iur ICI.! Hopkms to st.:f\ e IS chalTlIlan of a conllluttet.: to stmh the pussllnht1es of P Ife.:lI1s ~Ight for S\\ IrthllH re next fill 1~ ~Ia"t: cont u:b \\Ith ~ 111011.1 COli grc.:ss of I'lrl.:llts and 1 e.: lI.:hc.:rs Hili \\lth succc.:ssflli P 1 \ groups IS I hasis for IIllklllg Ollr O\\n \\ork It'lt 111 Irnslst Ihle hook Ihout ad\en mire ""TeetHe IH.'xt H Ir turt III the Pllck Forest thl' peasants b (Otllllllttn of p In Ills Ittelltied \dH ItH Ilu.. n.' lIul the he mUful roman ReI1H.'{h d Ih Idtng I 1e.:lIll:nt In IIIC SCCllen Sc IIltim 1\101 Beckons In SelH ,I (UII CUhl1ll I'h\ ell IIld \111\ Olkle\ :\If!; Olklc) descrllJes lIe Iltl I dll{ 111011 Illd I'uhhc Rdl 1II(1 \Ir Olkln 11I1Istrah:s these lanus til liS I r gl Ull" II Seh olmen S f Imllilt culture.: Itld III den} \\t:lk til I 11111 Id1 1111 I :\e.:\\ II "ds Illtkd 1ft: Great Allier If St:llt I 1t:pns\lItlttH to :\:ltlOnal CllI :\t\\1 In Chde DI\IS lIast) (\)Jlglc", of I lIe.:nt nHI It.: leller ... \\lddlllg 1\ :\llgIHm IIH:rhut fhe III \t1l11lle (Ih I ell Clil ( d 1)\ :\ 101111 lacoh COIlUllg Ii 11011 t.: IHel Sch Jt I npre l'nt IhHS Ir III Iht.' I lIr 1)\ ~orah Hoult Amcr h l\ t.' attended the ~llrflag'e and IC 11I \ I.' Irs h\ Jllrotd SlIIcllIr Corpse I IIHlh Rc.:1It1< IIsh ps course It \\ Ilh tht.' I lue.: (ra\ at In RAJ \\ al 1 t:mplt.: III d..:r h Isnrt lilt ho\\ hug tIllS 'H rk IIHght he useful to :\Iost )f thl h .ks m the school S\\ IrthllH f l pupils Ire.: Id IIg h .. t Irt.' 1\ all ,hie It the 18 I 11 I.:nts IIHI 1 l IC\tus Ittendcd S\\ Irl1l11 n )'uhhe Ilhr In md \\111 be I rt gl I.:"'S1\t.' I due III 11 lI1edlllgs IIl[C )lI\t:1l111 th Irr lIlgcd 011 specml shelves :\:e\\ '\ ork It d re uh f r t:1rCulltlO1l 011 \\ e(hIeS It) SUggl h:d mforlllil I tIlCiIlgIt ItIll }l. lunch he ur I r Iltg\t School stu ml (f Directors of the ""ilts I he SUI)O \1smg I r nop t1 rl I'uhhc 1 Ihr In \\ III mcet alrlllgcd hi I \Icllt II t) he pro \ I(lul \ Il1ght JUIlt.: Z() at 7 15 P 11 COl 1 ~.GK LIIlRA&Y :11\: thtl.: ~ ~!n~ 11'1trl\I~~t~!ltc~:1 ~~tcel thc\ ! ,, ~ glllnOllle det ub Irc: - I, II E .. , Plano P •• rtv Recllal l i t I hur d I' It I ~lpt.'1 \ Ilit.: I fOUl 1a I 1\ thlllg 1":11 \\cHl mil the dl~clld 111 lht.! j uh \\ hc I the home tl.: Ull t dhe I x t lies ll1C tin It h )1111.' I I" c to I S )111h Cht tcr r ul h r her lie I" lilt Ige hpi cd lml l ttl 1.'11 gl lSI 11111 pupil IIHI Ihelr tnu I \"ar b \\111.'11 I ssllgt 1 scmc(1 t.' ght tuncs 11[\\l 1t tt JlIIl I \ I \\111101111 lIlel the h!th Is IcsUIt ot I ll11xtllle olll Ir 1 SIckel ~ lItC\ (ra\ \mclm \ a 1 I rrur:. mel h tsl.'S 011 hall I P IttUI 11I<1 I lhl)\ I l\\C tt I] NEW JUVENILE BOOlzS ADDED BY LIBR \.RY FOR VACA'I'l()N DAY!.! h aser 1'111,,1. Piny m Rcc.tnI 0002200--180 U 0 0 U U 0 x--G 10 2 I, II I o 0 I 8 O--~ 7 6 I 19:tOll 00500-0 ~ 6 \I lleb \1 1 til Cl\ 11Il IImllet I UI1~ Ie I 1)\ \\ shclh I HI ke Ih::IHkt 111 I the lilt I lIItl \\ Igl tl r d 1)\ \\ Sheth D Itt S]t.:I1\ lurk IlelHlcls 11 11 \\ IglIU In tht.: 1 sslllgton g I He k Shdh \\ SIl( 11) \ IUll1 I \II ke lIul {I Hillel C It.:d I nils mel k 8helh I 11 h i ) 1tt l11d (.1 uhkl I 11 g up Illts :\t.xl 1m In :\01\\ od \\111 pn It l I \ I It till C Il c II held and the JI lei \ It (h:noldt'n llH1I5d I) II Il\cb I t.'11 crullI.' Girl Scout Ne" s I IIllh Smllh X IIlC) Hoot \\ 111111 I.:d P Irk Ilid J e 1I1 I lahert) 01 110)1l 16 s\\ Irthmm e Girl Scouts attt.'ner ()f vot~s. SWARTHMORE mGH SCHOOL GIRLS' LACROSSE TEAM IN THIS ISSUE SHOWN AT Media Theatre-Friday and Saturday June 24th and 25th S. H. Richter • • • • • • • • • 1,500 2,000 Don Sweet ..... . Jack Turner .... . ... 2,900 Philip Turner . .. .., 3,800 Betsy Hornaday .. . 3,700 Russell C. Kneedler. .18,600 1,900 Barbara Jones ..... . Connie Brown • •• • • 1,900 Roberta Haig. . . .. . . 3,700 Margie Lang ...... .. 3,200 Jim Kelly. . . . .. ... . 2,800 Ann Broomall . . .. . .10,100 CONTESTANTS ENTERED Katherine J. Kirkley .. 2,900 M. J. Stone. .. . ..... . 600 Jayne Tercuit. . .... . 1,400 J. Getz . . . .. . ....... . 1,000 Danny Clay • • • • • • • • 1,500 Jane Soden ...... .. 1,500 3,300 Janet Randall .. ., Mary E. Logan ... • 2,600 Barbara A. Thompson. 7,900 Ned Mundell . .. ., .. 3,200 Edith Johnson • • 5,400 Ellen Veetor . . ... .. 1,60Q ... , ,;, 1· .§J.Jlight~r . . . . . ... .. 2700 Norman Robinson . . 1,500 ' J. E. Bond _.... _. • • 1,000 Bertram Speare .. . 4,400 1,000 Oscar Nay • • • 500 L. Hauger .... . •• • Jack Prichard ... . • • 700 Dick Murray. .,. • 1,000 Betty Morse .. • • 7,000 4,000 Beth Polk .. • • Billy Soden .. .. . • 9,800 Either give the COUpou to the candidate in whom you are interested or fill in his or her name on the hottom of the slip. CONTEST CLOSES 7 P. M. SATURDAY, JUI.. Y 2 ONLY ONE MORE WEEK! -PRIZES1st BABY BOND or NEW BICYCLE 2nd RADIO 3rd BATHING SUIT or BADMINTON SET 4th BEACH CLOGS or KEDS , JUNE 24., 1938 JUNE ~'I9s8 THE SWARTHMOREAN 'mE· .~~~~~~~~~§~ TOLD E4IWr PETER 13-Meeting at the home of Mrs. E. B. Chapman, 731 Harvard avenu.e. DeS votionals by Mrs. T. W. Impers; speaker, Mrs. S. M. Bryant. July a>Meeting at the home of Mrs. E: P. Yerkes 19 Princeton avenue. Devotlonals J. V. S. Bishop, speaker,' O. Mrs. ]. Gilcreest. A cordial inVItation is extended to ROSALIE DRIDEN all who are interested in these worthHOWl BdIto. while and important' studies in the problems of peace and war. PhoDe 8wartJmlol'e toe EDtered as -Second'CluI Jlatter, .lUllW7 zt. MethodiAt Notes 1m. at the Post OIBce at Swarthmore, PL. Chureh UDder the Act of Mareh 3, 11'78. FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1938 NEW JUVENILE BOOKS AT LIBRARY (Continued' from PQ{J8 One) . pin, and 'Afr. Heille' by Mary Allee and Aldarilla S. Beistle, the story of a dachs· hund who will rival .'Noodle' in popularity are all too attractive to miss reading. Two story col1ections have been added which should be as much fun for mothers as for children. They are 'Till Potatoes , Grow 011 Trees' by Emma Brock, and 'The Princess and Ihe ApPle Tree' by A. A. Milne. The following new and attractive editions of old classics have been added and are in circulation among the reading list books '. "Tire Cou"t 0/ Alonte Cristo/ "Th;! Old Curiosit), SIIop/ 'TIle Adventures 0f Huckleberry F;m,/ 'Tile Crisis/ and 'ArrOfvsmitl,.' • • Christian Science Chnrch "Christian Science" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Christian Science services, on Sunday, June 26. The Golden Text is: liThe ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and . gladness. and sorrow and sighing shall flee away" (Isaiah 35 :10). e • Trinity Parish Notes The Weston E. FulJer, Jr. Memorial Medals were awarded last Sunday. The Attendance },{edal was won by James Cleavcs. The medal for Loyalty was awarded jointly to Alle~ J?~ley and John Chiquoiue. R. Heberton Butler, Librarian of the Choir, received the thanks of the rector and organist for faithful service. When a member of the '~r regular Choir he had received, several .j :awards for attendanc~:"an~ .to.Ya~t,rr ~.'., " D· th ahse'riee ·of' FrederiCK A::-"',.~' ,;J(napp urmgorgal1lst c. an·d ch' Olrmas t e r • Al ·'_r .r:~ , e1 will be in charge of the ~,:~ ,hert. J. Rupp . ;m?;l~~ rector will take his vacation in , P C ' · f Ph 'la erry , .July. .The Rev.]. 'n h 1 rg ox, of 0 the " ser-'d~lphla, WI ave,-c la e 'VIces. erly of S-'arthmore, visited Mr;, and: " Mrs. ].' Jarden Guenther, of North' CI ester road at the Guenthers' S'Um· m;r home, F;iendship Hill Farm, Paoli, last Saturday. The Mitchells ~ere en route from New England to their present home in Virginia. week {110m her. Cornell iavenue hom,.'to, Soude~town, Pa.. . . . Durmg her thirty years residence In Sw~rthmore Mrs. Roxby ha~ been. a~ aC.hve rnem.ber of the Methodist Ladles Aid, of .whJ(~h she was a charter me.mber, and of the Home and ForeIgn AM~i~s~si~o~n~ar~y~~S~o~ci~e~ti~e~s~o~f~t~h~e~C~h~u~r~c:h~'I *•• w" pre,.nted with 'a Ipetit pO,int I Tuesday l;y' the Ladies' She' I db ~~~ ag * • • who with his 'wife the former Harn-: avenue, maintains avenue. ' Clarence P. carter. A.B., B.D., Wnleter SUNDAY 10:00 A. M. Church -11:00 A. N.-MornlngSchool. Worshtp. ~~~::..~==~~;;;;;;;;~--TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Ep....pal Chester ltoad and College Avenue Rev. J. Jarden Guentber. S,T.M., Rector SUNDAY 8'00 A M _ Holy Communion. 11~OO A: M: - Morning Prayer and Sermon. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF PRIENDS 11:00 SUNDAY A.M..-MeetlnR for Worshlp In the *• • TO PARTICIPATE IN THE ANNUAL .j ~?iiY)o~ .. 0, *• .:! I Mrs. Frank Wyeth, with her son, jack, has rcturneq, _Wednesday from a fen days' motor.', frip .. which took them fl'om Lake George to Quebec. Cana~a,' and: returning,'· . through, the' White Mountains to Provincetown, Cape Cod. . • * • Miss habelle B~ol1k, of NQrt~ Ch~s· ter ,rSoad'he~ertal~~d a~asl~n~ri~:~ ~! the trat aven nn. _. honor of -ltfrs~' ~aYmond-.~. DeqworU!, '-h -- -. I '. d of Elm avenue, w 0 recent y mov.e to Swartltmore from Lansdowne, w.lth her family., • • • Mr. and Mrs. 'Albert Engelke and two children, of San Antonio" Texas, arrived unexpectedly on Saturday to spend the day· with Mr. an d M rs. Guenther H. Froebel, of Swarthmore *•• McClure, William J. of Riverview road, sailed Tuesday at midnight aboard the Europa to spend several months in Europe. * * • Mrs. ]. Paul Brown and children, of Walnut lane, left Wednesday to spend the summer in Seaside Park, N. J. Mr. Brown will join them for week-ends. • ••• Hutchinson, of Mrs. Nelson Columbus, M iss., arrived yesterday to spend two days with Mrs. Martha R. Bless· iug of Elm avenuc. Mrs. Hutchinson is ~resident of the Mississippi Educa· tional Association and en route to New Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Sinclai~e York City to attend the National Edu· and family, of Harvard avenue, WIll cational Association meetings, remove Monday to their new home, A surprise party was held by the Boxwood which they recently purLadies' Aid of the Swarthmore Methchased i~ Freehold, N. J. Boxwood is a historical eight-acre estate dating odist Episcopal Church Tuesday after· back to pre-Revoluntionary days and noon at the home of Mrs. William located on the battle field of Mon- Earl Kistler on Park avenue in honor of Mrs. John Byers Roxby. Mrs. Rox· mou tho by, with Dr. Roxby. is moving this Mrs. Ralph S, Hayes and daughter, B etty, 0 f OberI'111 avenue, spent last week·end in Atlantic City, N. J. Mr. Hayes sailed Wednesday of last week Furniture RestoriDg for a two·week c:u~e ~o Havana. In All Ite Branches Dr. and Mrs. Clair Wilcox and children of Ogden avenue, will leave Tuesday 'to attend sessi~l1s of the Friends' N N C~nfercnce at Cape May, N. J. >1 " *• • UPHOLSTERING • • • • • • I A Y Y W T R I E M E E Miss Annie B. Hayes,. of Princeton R OP 8WARTIDIORB and Lafayette avenues, left Monday to . Park Avenue below ~ spend the summer at Watsontown, Pa. , 11:00 11:00 A A. M M. -- SUnday alld complete work for her B.A. degree Sunday Scbool Lesson-8el'mOD. FRED HARLE\r evening meettna each week. ~ at Pennsylvania State College. P. Wecbiesciay m. Beading room open dallY, ezcep • • • Call Swarthmore 1441 . Sundays and hol1dayal. to ~_p._m.,_~~ Mrs. AT~hur· Mjt~hel~ with her .son'l · ed}!h"iaft':connaUYI'"bivtted.::to' attend \be L10yd, imd daugh'ter, ·Rose Lane, form- 1______..;...;.____.;..__.. 'PIRST ClItIRCH OP CIIRIST, SCIIINTIST, J. servtces anel use the Beacl1ng Boom. , i I may produce too much hody·heat for Bummer weather. Eat sparingly 011 hot days. And drink a pint 01 mUk daily (a quart lor children). MUk balcmce. meabl- give. you food-elements you might otherwise miss. You"ll enjoy the creamy richDe~ oIl!upple. Sealteat Premier A Mi\k.. , A1~aya fresh rl'xd IlIsI il ul l' on ~I ollday of this Wl'l'k Wl'fl' IIl,ll'n Craelller and ~I;II" I~. Cn'ssull who n'l'l'in'd dcgrl'es ~f hadll'lor of SciCIICC ill sccrctarial studil'~. alld J.. Johll Bchclllla and Harry II. ~lc\\'iIIiallls who wcrc awardc~1 hachdor of SCiCIICl' dl'grccs ill COIIIIIIcn:l' amI ,.{i\·CII COllllllis~iollS as sccolld liclltl'lIanls ill Ihc Onicers Rcscrvc Corps. t hl' wl,{,k-Clld wilh Mr. iIlHI Mrs. Robl'rt N'l'wlill. of Rulgcrs avcnuc, alld attl'llIl Ihc reullioll of Mr. Beal's class, Ihc class of 1928 of Swarthmorc lIig-h School, which is 10 hc held OIl the BcIlil'ld place Oil ~I ichigan avelllle tOlllorrow c\·cnillg. *** *** •'on SAI_E on UENT I lay. * ** J.• Grover, of Dickillsoll a VCllue, \' isil cd ),1 iss A IIl1a Siehert a I OCl'all Grll\'l', N. J., Oil M ollday l,f I his wCl'k. :\1 r. amI ),1 rs. I~. Chl'stcr Spellcl'r ),1 rs. Jamcs F. Bog-ardus 011111 childrell, alld thH'l' SOliS Idl .vcstl'nlav for Iheir: of Corllcll a\'CIlUC, h.'ft \Vclhll'sdav ' I ' SUllIlIIl'r hOIlll' ill \Vallillg-fnnl, VI. Thcy i lIIornillg- to SI'l'llIl thl' SUllllllcr al ~Ianwcr~ al'l'ol~IJlallied hy Gordoll ~)lIug-las,1 o!"cI, ~Iass. Jil."IIl~ Ilo~ardm; willl'lIler (If Xorlh Chcstcr road, who \\'111 spcnd l alllp :\1 assasOll, Jo.:IsI }·ahllouth, :\Ia~s., tWII wceks :IS thl·ir g-Ul·SI. July 2 for July anll Augusl. Thc SpclICl'rs' hlllllc at 330 Swarl hIIH'rl' . '1\'''111Il' . I tl' ~Ir. allil )'Irs. Josl'ph I',. lIalllcs• rc, w I'll I)C IIl'CUPIC' liS SII1I1- I I . tll'l·r· . I I I I Im'IIl'" ~IIII\( 01\' to Ihl'lr hOlllc 011 Soulh IIll'r 1)\, • t: ~01l-1II- aw alii I aug- Iter, 'I I .f Ii . :\1 r '111 I 'I ' I \ 1'1 I C Il'sll'r roal a Icr a I\'c-wcl'k I rip 10 • •• I ., rs. 0 In : . Ulllcr, w 10 II I I ' IC Wl'S CO'IS . ha n' n'1II0\'l'd from t hdr apartlllclIl 011 .,. • SOUl h ChcsllT road. ~I r. and :\1 rs. Cl'Org-l' I kh\'l'ilcr and 'I'·· 'I \' ·Z I I 'I famih·. ,\ ISS a arv crllOIl .cr lCC alii "r. ' of Rivervicw road. Il,fl Thurs111 I' I 'f I' I 'I I '11 I day of last Wl'l'k 10 SPl'llIl IIIl' sUlmncr JI II ,ca, 0 ~a~ Oil, .\ I., WI SpCIII III . () Cl'all l"t '" J . I y, I'. * I *. , . * * * * * I * ),1 r. Arlhur "CHESTER'S FASHION CORNER" i! ED(;~IONT AVENUE-SEVENTII AND WELSH STREETS i .1 FREE! ' S25.00 worth of merchandise every week in our Boys' and Girls' Dept. - Downstairs Storc, SAVE YOUR SALES SLIPS Improvements consist of two story stuc}o'OR SALE OR RENT-Furnished or unfurnished home on Hill. Attractive grounds. co housc. 16x36 feet; one story stucco adOn bus lines. near College. 011 heat. Avail- dition, 6x6 feet; basement garage. :\1 r. 011111 :\1 rs. Frallk D. \Vindcll and able Scptember 1. Swarthmore National family, (If \\'cstdall' a\'CIIUl', left :\IonSold as the property of Hugh Ferguson, Hank and Trust Compuny. day for thcir SUlIIlllcr cottag-e in A \'011Sla(~ks-Shorts-Culottes H. L. FUSSELL, Attorncy. WORK WANTED llll, 1\. J. WORK WANTED-Part time work by capNo. 1260 able young colored woman. Good local Fieri Facias :\1 r. 011111 ~I rs. \Valdo B. Davisoll, of rcference. Telephone Swarthmore 2061. March Term, 1938 Navy-Brown-Blue-Aqua-Prints Harvard a\'l'nlle, motorl'" 10 ProviWORK WANTED-Middle-aged white womSizes 12 to 20 Description of 23 High street. an desires position as housekeeper or dl'lICl', H, I., Sunday for thc ~radua­ companion, Experienced. Best references. Lot. with Imps. N. E. s. Hlgll St. Baro WIlling to go away. Reply Box G, The Sharon Hili. Del. Co. Pa. 523.77' N. 24° 27' t iOIl of thcir SOli, J. Aldl'lI, at Brown Jm'~cys und Bermuda Shirts Swarthmore an. 49" W. angle sd. High St. N. 25° 12' W. Ulli\'\,rsily wilh a hachl'1or of scicllce WORK WANTED- Young woman desires 169.51' from N. E. 5. Darby & Chester Pike degTl'l' in chl'mistn' on ~lolJ(lay. position aSSisting with children and 16' by 83,28' S. E. line 83,OS' on N. W. Hne housework for summer months. Reply Box to 10' driveway. Beautiful Selection of Colors C. TIle Swarthmore an. Sizes 34 to 40 Richard \\'. ~lcCahl', son of ~Ir. and Improvements consist of two story stuc- :\Irs. Thollla,; I\. ~lcCahc, of North WORK WANTED - Cooking and scrvlng luncheons and dinners or taking cllarge co house, 16x36 feet; one story stucco adPluy Suits aud Farmeretles Clll'stcr road, I'nlcrtaincd melllhcrs of of cottage or house for summer. Excellent dition, 6x6 feet; basement ge.rage. local references. Cull Swarthmore 124-J. his class al Ihc Sprog-I'II School, ).1 edia, WORK WANTED-Collegc student wants Sold as the property of Hugh Ferguson. with a "irt hday party at his hOlllc last slimmer work, secretarial, typing, tul.or- H. L. FUSSELL. Attorney. )'rints and Solid Color-Sizes 12 to 2U lng, Telephone Swarthmore 315-W. Salurday afterllooll. Ill' is six )Tars old. Lc\'arl Facias No. 644 ~I rs. ,\1 cCahl' and ialllily Icrt 'l'ucswonK DESIRED March Term. 1938 artmouth an'nuc. They Wl're accomReferences Furnished and frame house. 16x32 feet; por~~Y fr~nCt- Il'anicd h\' ~I r. SchroedtT who arrivcd onc story frame i I" S 'I ' . f'C\\. IIa),., ..•.sta).. .'I ...... garage, 9xlSframe feet. addition, 4x6 feet'' i ,1St , IIlIl a) lor a \ rs.. : 'Schroedcr accompanied her hrother ;Iud ' RACKETS RESTRUNG Sold as the property of Bernard F. MadI gey (t11d Gertrude M. Madgey, hls wife. sisll'r-in-Iaw. ~I r. 011111 :\1 rs. Chandler l\l.~asllreci Tension Siringing mortgagors and real owners. Starr, oi Chesler, hOIlll' JUIll' 12, after: BALTIMORE PIKE AND HIRST AVE. Benjamin L. Kneedler, Jr. a joinl wl'ck-l'nd and cl'1chrat ion of WM. B. HARVEY, Atorney. 23 S. Prim'Non EAST LANSDOWNE I hI' Srhroedl'rs' s(,\'enth wl'llding anlli- ' Swa, 1625-W WILLIAM W. McKIM, Sheriff. \-ersary and till' Starrs' lirsl. • * * 88e to $4.98 ** • * ;.. * . 69c-88c S8e to $4.98 *• • --~ I .• I I ~~------------- GIANT TIGER * '" • * • 7 • * • 15 ' D 1 l \I n r ~8:~~s ~~~~~~, ... , 27 c * * ., 23c Yz o ----.-.-------~- A. \YaYlle ~losteller * * * '* * * ~~~!.?::d l ..... , 6 t~~~ ~',~~ ...... 23c II I~~?~~ .~~~~ .. ,,.. 3Ic ~W~ ~~~~~ 21 16c