.,. '..... h ., -. -.41 1 STOP STOP FIELD FIELD FIRES FIRES VOL X, No. 13 SPRING CONCER'r ATCLUBTUESDAY Women 10 Sing in Annual Program; Girl Scouts Paid Yearly Visit to Club Last Tuesday The· Woman's Club Chorus will present their anllual spring concert at 2.30 P. M. on 'I'uesday. AprilS. at the Club House. The program is in' charge of Mrs. Lloyd Kauffman. chairman of mu' sic with Henry Hotz. of Philadelphia. director. The chorus will be assisted by Harold Mecklin. violinist. Mrs. R. Chester Spencer will give a brief his· tory of the music section of the Club. The literature section of the Club will meet at 10 o"clock Thursday morning, April 7. Mrs. Clifford Buck will review Kipling's "Something of Myself." The Girl Scouts of Swarthmore held center stage at tpe Woman's Club on Tuesday. March 29. opening their program with a march and the salute to the flag.' The Brownies. under the capable directioll of Mrs. J. Paul Brown. entertained with singing games. which were fol1owed by the Brownie "Fly-Up". By this ceremony three girls. Mary Elizaheth Evans. Frances Evans and Patsy McCahan, were initiated into Troop 16 of the Girl Scouts. They were welcomed by the troop leader. Mrs. George Zimmer. The play. ··Specialities". originally writtcn in Swedish by Charlotte Blensdorf. wa's presented by Troop 16. Those taking part were Betty Ann Kite. Carol Maud Froebel. Lois Landon. Jean Flaherty, Betty Ann Hulme. Jane Schoff. Mary Frances Dimmitt and Barbara Kent. The play was directed by Miss Irma Zimmer and was announced by Nancy Hoot. Troop 2. Mrs. Henry Hanzlik. Captain. presented the playlet, "S. O. S. Girl Scouts", written for the occasion by Mrs. Alan Carpenter. of Swarthmore. Mrs. W. R. Huey assisted Mrs. Carpenter in the production. The cast c6n~iste(r 'oCRuth Lipman, Mary ·Gary. Dulcie Thomas, Betty Moseley. Ann Bradford. Martie Jean Crosby, Jean Gehring. Jean Storrs, Edith Thatcher. June Ullman, Betty Ellen Littlefield. Nancy Van Alen. Patty Tunis and Helen Worst. Troop 6. of which Mrs. Frederick Child is Captain. concluded the pro· gram . with the dramatization of the . ballad, "Auld Robin Gniy." Ruth Child sweetly and effectively sang a solo, which was later pantomimed by the f~lIowing girls: Ruth Child. Betty Broadbent. Dorothy Wilson. Virginia Craemer and Janet Harris. The program was in charge of the Club citiz.eJ}~jp,cbairman, Mrs. E. R. Laws. Mrs. Raymolid Littlefield was the accompanist for all the' musical numhers. Refreshments of punch and pretzels were served. Mrs. Rex Gary and Mrs. Albert Sidney Johnson were hostesses for the day. Among those attending the preview of "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm". held at the Boyd Theatre in Chester 011 Tuesday, March 29, were: Mrs. Alfred Gary White. Mrs. Harold Griffin. Mrs. John Moore. Mrs. Henry Peirsol. Mrs. C. C. West. Mrs. Charles B.olton. Mr5. E. D. Brauns.' Mrs. Robert Sheppard. Mrs. John Brownell. Mrs. An. thony Venturini, Mrs. Roland Eaton. ~frs. J. Warren Paxon. Mrs. M. S. Strieby. Mrs. Arno Viehover. Mrs. R. M.. Richmond. Mrs. Harvey Whittaker, Mrs. T. Harry Brown. Mrs. Ralph Dinsmore, and Mrs. Harold Goodwin. SWARTHMORE, PA., APRIL 1, 1938 BARNSTORMERS PRESENT "ACCENT ON YOUTH" The Ridley Park Barnstomers presented Samson Raphaelson's comedy "Accent on Youth" as this year's exchange performance before Player:; Club audiences. March 24. 25. and 26, _' Produced under the direction of Jane W. Hoffman. the play. woven about a May-December love, was well staged throughout. Frank S. Given's portrayal of Flogdell. the most companionable. sympathetic. and useful of butlers. wai outstanding. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Passmore Playing opposite each other as Stephen Gaye and Linda Brown complemented each other's work nicely. Charles Rickards played the immature juvenile lead. "Dickie Reynolds". with considerable speed and impetuosity, In cO'ntrast. to the slow tempo in which the .wott;lc.-.. tion was geared. Mr. IY9k;lrd's tempes:' tuous exits had the effe~ o~. a ..sudden storm. .' . ~:.. William Asprey as the frartkly middle-aged "Frank Galloway". Ruth Metzler as the glamorous actress "Genevieve Lang," and Helen Mac Elwee as "Miss Darling," contributed consistent .. "B t h" (Hubert V h ~ ar)actedr~~~\lsk" (]u ~ D ) ere~ an uc 0 n empsey were sattsfactoryhstolck ch~racte.:;. 1 . Mr. Rap ae son IS eVI ent y co~: vmced ~hat the ~oughness of love ~ course IS. not vaned by the age of those smlt.t en and that. good comedy can be bUIlt upon so shght a founda· . "Accent on Yout.h'" IS th a t com, tlOn. edy and must carry the burden of proof. • •• SPEAKER FOR W I L AND L W V • • • • LIBRARY BOARD MEETS • - HODGE DffiECTS' The Board of Directors of the SwarthAPRIL· PLAY more Public Library Association held it:; regular meeting Monday. March 28. Member of Editorial SI8ft of New Guenther H. Froebel, President. in the EngUsh Court Play, ''The Un York Times to Discuss Far chair. Miss Alice F. Barber. Mrs. J. guarded Hour" Opens at Play. Easlern Conliet Passmore Cheyney. Mrs. Sewell W. ers Ciub Next Tuesday On Wednesday afternoon. April 6. at 2:30 the Swarth';I10re branches of the Women's InternatIOnal L~gue and ~gue of Women Voters will h?ld a Jomt meeting in the Friends. Meetmg House at which the speaker WIll be Dr. James G. McDonald of the editorial staff of the New York Times. . Dr. McDonald has had a WI de experience in public affairs. H e . g.raduated from Indiana University and..stud Ied a £terwards at Harvard. ,Iq a dd Ihon to teach ing experience he . Traveling Fellow from Harvard University in Spain and F F 1919 1933 h . rance for a year:" rom to e ~as Cha~rf!1an' of ~he. Board of th~ Forelgn Pohcy ASSOCIatIOn. after whIch he s~rved as High COll1~issio!1er. for Refugees under't.he League of Nations. Dr. M~[)oitald'~ s.!lbject will be. the Far Eastern ContIrot> Both ,organizations sponsoring the meeting invite aJIi!fit:F.9t,ed t attend . " f.!iJ;(.~ was Hodge, Mrs, Peter E. Told. John F. Spencer. William R. Argyle. were' in attendance. Following routine reports by the Secr.!tary, Miss Alice F. Barber. and Treasurer. John F. Spencer. Clarence G. MyerSt Attorney. p~esented. the nec~ssary pallCr~ to accomphsh th~ mc?rporahOn of the Swarthmore Public LIbrary Asso. t' Af d .,. at" tl cIa Ion. ter ue conSluer Ion lese · be were approved and SIgned by the mem rs d 0 f tl Ie Boar. • b tl roh' R t f e por s ~ere gIven y Ie" alrmell 0 a lI commIttees, and plans preJented for widening library service. M T I b 11 ted th L'b ians rs· e sCtlefu FPrbesen de MI rarR por or e ruary an arch • showing that a healthy growth continues in the increasing number of readers. • ••• • _ The April production at the Players Club of Swarthmore will be Bernard Merivale's "The Unguarded Hour." a play based on the German "Kopf in Der Schlinge" of Otto Bastian. Produced and directed under the skilful hand of D. Malcolm Hodge this icce is the sec d I I' p. on p ay whose t leme and achon revolves bo t I h' h h h t d a u a awyer. w IC e as presen e t S rth d' Th' o wa more au lences. ere IS ever:, f . h II t reason to o,'ecast t at a most exce en performance will be the outcome of the D' t • . 'th thO t f Irec or s . experience WI hIS ype 0 play. It WIll be remembered t at he por duced "Counsellor-at-Law" three years ago. ':The ~nguarded Hour" ~as originally written to two acts and ~~e scenes. but Takes Part ID Chesler MeetlDg ~r. Hodge ~as a~apted It to four ac~s With t~o. ~ettmgs. III order to better SUIt Rev. Clarence F. Carter. of Park ave- the facilIties of t~e. stage of the Clubnue, pastor of the Swarthmore Metho- house. The play enjoyed a long run at II • • • • . . , dist Episcopal Church will deliver the Daly's Theatre in London and appeared Lenten meditation at the annual meet- under the same name as a moving pic ing of the Minister's Association of ture with Franchot T;>ne. Loretta Young. Chester and vicinity. which is being Lewis Stone and Roland Young heading held today in St. Paul's Protestant the cast, but its appearance as the April Episcopal Church. Chester. Bishop production in Swarthmore will constitute Annual Physieal Edueation Dem- Francis M. Taitt will administer Com- its American debut on the legitimate munion. The Association wl'l1 serve a t !1_ of JUD.·or onsI raIi·on b y P Upue buffet luncheon. which will be followed sage. and Senior mgh Schools by a business meeting' at the church.' With the action taking place in a Court ••• Room of the "Old Bailey," London's fam 'The fathers and mothers of the pupils ous criminal court. and in the presiding Makes Biggest Miami Catm of the Swarthmore High School are being judge's library in Queen Anne's Gate. =--- . . invited to the annual Gym Night. to be and with the participation of characters Mr. and Mrs. H~rry Llebeck will re- held toni ht Frida A rill. at 7 :30 in the . bearing titled names. as well as the head turn Sf unday .to thel r .home ?n ~ar~.ave.- high sch~I' gymn:~iur!. This annual af- CareeChf F:;.rmer CD°}lege Profe8- of Scotland Yard. an entirely authentic au uqua Jree!or. and and suitable English atmosphere will be nue a ter a .SIX weeks vacatIOn 111 laml, fair has come to be looked upon as a de- sor, Fhla. MI r. Llebekck made thedlar~lesfit hcatch lightful evening of games. sports. rhythm GoIverndorEof the "y1rg.n created. There has always bccn an interpoun sal S. • d n t' ork Th chl'l sian s nds QUIetly est-even a fascination-surounding trials t ere ast wee -a• 62 • II exercIses an gym as IC w . e demonstrate what they are learning held at the Old Bailey. and when it is Exhibition Tennis at College I dren in their regular gymnasium classes. rather Dr. Paul Martin Pear~on.' former a murder trial. with the evidence all Next Thursday than attempting to develop special expert- Governor Ceneral of the Vlrglll Island,; circumstantial, and with the prosecuting a,:,d ~war.;thmore Colle~e _~rofessor, attorney suddenly findi.ng himsel{ in th.e. At 8 P. M. Thursday, April 7. Vin- ness for an' .exhibition.. The p'rogra'm for thi~ year is' as fol- dl~d .m th~ .Stan~ord HosPItal•. San Same position as the defendant about cent Richards, former Davis Cup tearn "lows: Games: volleyball. ping pong. and FranCISco, Cahforma, Saturday mght. whom he has woven the chain of conplayer. national doubles champion and badminton-11th and 12th grade boys March 26, where he was taken on Feb- demning circumstances. it is not strange professional singles champion. will play girls; Marching Tactics-8th grade ru:.ry 28 a!t~r .. he suffered a str?ke that a series of extra special thrills awaits and Clifford Sutter. former intercollegiate boys' Folk Dances-7th grade girls' w tie sleepmg m the early morn mg. audiences of "The Unguarded Hour." champion from Tulane University. in Race~ and Games-7th grade boys; Skip~ ~ro~ 19?2 to 1932 D~. Pe~rson .reside" It is not necessary to have a wide ex an exhibition tennis match in the ping Rhythms--8th grade girls; Bicycle III thIS ,:t11ag~ and ~Ith ?IS family ,~as perience of Players' Club productions to Swarthmore College field house. Doubles will follow the singles match Dritl-9th grade boys; Tap and Clog c.losely. Identified WIth Its commumty realize that the casting conunittee has with R. Norris Wiltiams. former United Dances-a. "Eliza ]ane"-7th grade girls. hfe. HIS death bro~ght t? a close a so expertly placed roles in the hands of carable and talented players as to assure States singles champion and doubles b. Waltz Clog-9th grade girls. c. "JUIlC- long career of pUI;>I!c. servIce. . teenth"-I1th and 12th grade girls; Mass ~r .. P.earson was born ncar Litchfield. in advance a most successful performance. champion. playing Richards and Ed Drill-9th 10th and 11th grade boys' IllinOIS on October 22, 1871. the son Allen C. Wood is "Lord Sel£redge," the Faulkner. Swarthmore College tennis Dan'ce (Danish)-9th. 10th grad~ of Samuel Mar~in ~nd Elleh Cameron presiding judge. John David ,Narberth Folk coach. meeting Sutter. girls; Apparatus and Pyramids-Senior P~arso.n. Ear.IY I.n hIS bo!?ood he drove portrays "Metcalf." the defendant on trial There will be 110 charge of admission School boys; Rhythmics-10th, ~Ith hIS fanuly m a pralrte schooner to for his life, and Mr. Hodge. himself. High and friends of the College are cordially w?ere. he securd plays "Sir Francis Dearden. K. C.... the 11th. 12th grade girls. c.herryvale, Kansas, invited to attend. All mo~hers and fathers are invited. h~s elcmentary educahon. ~e ~orked Kings Prosecutor who knows how to ' h d t' hIS way through Baker Umverslty by Creeps Nearer to National . the school ch1'ld r en h avmg a a rna mee .. I . I . . . handle a relentless cross-examination. Ro performance Thursday. The program will glV\ll~ ecture rec.lta s. re~Clv\llg hl,i land G. Harrison will. be "Wyndham Cliampionship ' I d t' A.B. III 1891. After graduatton he conbe I'n charge 0 f th e ph YSlca e uca Ion. d h' k ' P bl' S k' Brown," attorney for the defendant. and IS wor III u IC pea mg. Willard V. Markey has the part of Ruth Wilson. daughter of Mr. and teachers of tha school. Virginia Allen. tlllt~e Mrs. R. E. Wilson, of Ogden avenue. \\Tilliam Ziegenfus and Robert Gerner. tak.lIlg ~raduate work at Northwest~rn "Clerk of the Court." A new-comer to .. • • Umverslty and at Harvard and carnmg came close to capturing' the national h' A M ' 1895 B U ' . Swarthmore audiences. Mr. Markey has Spring Recess at College IS. . . m . aker mverslty hat! considerable' experience with the table tennis championship last Friday awarded him the degree of Litt. D. in Crossroads Players in Washington. D. C. night when she was defeated in the Students at Swarthmore College will 1909. Isabel Briggs Myers plays "Diana semi-finals by Emily Fuller, of Bethle- resume their' studies next Tuesday, Dr. Pearson was among the country's hem. number two player of the United AprilS. after a spring vacation which foremost teachers of speech. He re- Lewis." a witness. and Alexander Dryden States. Ruth' Hughes Aarons, 1937 began last Saturday. March 26. turned to Cherryvale in 1891 and is cast as "Sergeant Atkins," both being champion; not defending the title, Miss • I• taught in the High School there until parts for which they are eminently suit Fuller is now the first lady of table Saturday Evening's Chaperons 1894. On June 11, 1896. he married Edna ed. James B. Douglas, Jr.. interprets tennis III this country. This was th.: Wolfe, of Parsons. Kansas. whom he "Pewsoll," the faithful butler. as his in fourth time Miss Wilson had met Miss Parents who will act as chaperons at had met at Baker University. From itial appearance behind the footlights. In Fuller. tomorrow evening's meetings . of the 1896 to 1901 he taught at Northwestern the capable hands of Robert W. Stabler Ruth Wilson came out of the na- Swarthmore Dancing . Classes are: University and in 1902 he became Pro- will be the part of "Colonel William tionai tournament, held at the Broad- eighth grade-Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. fessor of Public Speaking at Swarth- Mason." the head of Scotland Yard. Mr. woed Hotel, Philadelphia. Tnursday. Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Lap- more College. a position which he held Stabler has also assisted in directing the Friday. and Saturday. rating fourth, pc, Mrs. Harry Baldwin. Dr. and Mrs. until 1919. He edited "The Speaker". play. Catherine Gayle Hodge appears as having defeated two seeded players. Robert Spiller, Mr. and Mrs. Harold "The Lyceum Magazine", wrote "InDolores Keunz, of St. Louis. Mo., 16- 1 Marr. Mr. and Mrs. S. Milton Bryant. tercollegiate Debates" and compiled "Yvonne," the Barrister's wife. a role 21. 21-18. 21-14. 21-12, and Jane Stahl. Mrs. Joseph Peckerman and Mr. and "Extemperaneous Speaking" and "Hu- very similar to others which she has of Providence, R. 1.. who was ranked Mrs. Carl DeMoll; tenth grade-Mr. morous Speaker." handled so successfully. while Stafford eighth, 12-18. 12-15. 21-17. and Mrs. Richard L, Burke, Mr. and Dr. Pearson was known and loved W. Parker as "Sir Thomas Grainger." Giving Play For J. J.'s Swarthmoreans who attended the Mrs. Edward Bretz. Mr. and Mrs. WiI- in thousands of small towns all over the Court Patheologist, and Dr. .A.. Fran The ].J.'s will meet Sunday evening meets were thrilled anew with the re- liam Henderson and Mr. and Mrs. E. the United States as a Chautauqua and cis Jackson as "Lord Henningway." both at 7.30 at the home of Florence Gar- markable ability of the local youngster. C. Kelly. . Lyceum Lecturer. Two of his lecture have parts which will bring out the perct~ ~ South Princcton avenu~ MrL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rec~~~ "Pa~ Lawrence Dunbar" and culiarly inimitable qualities of these two A"; W. Moseley's class of seventh and, "James Whitcomb Riley." were espe· seasoned players. Lilla Herman as "Lady Henningway," and Clarence G. Myers as ci1$hth grade girls. Trinity Church THE WEEK'S CALENDAR cially popular. . SChool, will present a play "EntertainIn two thousand small towns along "Inspector Wallace" of Scotland Yard. the Atlantic seaboard from Canada to will interpret roles which are also similar illg Ed." FRIDAY. APRIL 1 7:30 P. M.-Annual Gym Exhibition ............................... B. S. Gym South Carolina he was known as the to parts which they have taken in the SUNDAY. APRIL 3 organizer and president of the Swarth· past with much distinction. The spirit of Crum Creek Club Winners 5:30 P. M. - Young Friends' Supper Meeting .................. Whittier House more Chautauqua Association. Organ· English Youth will be represented by two TUBS DAY. APRIL 5 ized in 1912. this association operated newcomers, Philippa Herman as "Lillian ~[Crum Creek Bridge Club winners lasdt 2:30 P. M.-Annual Spring COncert •......................•... Woman.s Club until the fall of 1930, serving its towns Berendt," and D. Cameron Bradley as • onday 'evening were: North an 8:15 P. M.-"The UnguiLnfed Hour............................... Playe.., Club honorably. giving livelihood to count- "George Fleming." Miss Herman has had South. Mrs. H. Gilpin Brown and AnWEDNESDAY, AJIIUL 6 less employees. adding to the business experience in broadcasting. and Mr. drew Robinson, first; Mrs. H. Bardwell 2:30 P. IL. - W. I. L. Meeting ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Pr1encls· Mee~ House and reputation of this community. Bradley played with the Mustard and d' 2:30 P. M.-'l;'rlnlt7 Church Woman's GUlld ..................... ParIsI:i. House Lincol and H G'lp' Br ~ n . I III own, secon • 8:15 P. IL.-"The Unguarded Hour............................... Piayera Club From 1921 to 1923 he was Director and Cheese Dramatic Club while attending ;!~~. t~i~~~e~a~:~~~n~!!;s.l:~:~ J::~~ THURSDAY, APRIL 7 President oithe Lyceum and Chau· Lehigh University. 10:00 A. Bl. - Literature Section Meeting ..•..........•...... ~ .. Woman's Club tau qua Association of America. Thus the cast provides an interestin~ ti~e L. Griest and Richard Randall tied 8:00 P. IL. - Bzh1bltlon Tenn1s Matches ....•.....•.•...•. College PIe14 Bouse In 1931 Dr. Pearson was appointed mixture of old and new faces. and should It.. k H tt d C K. S 'ft f fi l 8:00 P.IL. - Young BepubUcan Club Meets ••••••••••••••••• Strath Haven Inn .an a on an .' WI or rs 8:15 P. II.-"The Unguarded Hour............................... l"layera Club by President Hoover to be the first be a sufficient drawing card to pack the al\d second honors. with Mrs. John civilian Governor of the Virgin Islands. clubhouse auditorium on the nights of. Bowditch and Mrs. Fred Wilson, third. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....~_~--~~~.~'o:-'__~~----(COAIiAtucI ott p ... • , AprilS. 6. 7, 8 and 9. GYM ;EXHIBITION AT H. S. TONIGHT DR. PEARSON DIES ••• •••• I ••• . ~;.. .f ~ ,. j' ,~ ',:" ...:a o : .. • • .~,.,.,- . . . . , -..... , .1--:.'\:1'........ ." ........ : I- ;",_ • '.r ___ .,. .1._ , .~":~ .. ~.." ," .~ .. __ • : .~ -..'~ .,:... tr....2 ~t: - --=- ' -- ~ J. .... _ ~,.., p: .~ Y"t- ... . ;."..'".- --.' - . - I'''' ~"". ',,;....,.~.~ .-• • - ...."........ -.... .. . ••••, \ .•• . -. _-... ....•.. J.OO;........ '\i..i;~~-· ".~;';../l," • -.,. ;.~ . .'.'''''''' : .. ,..~ '..L-...... ..,...\ .... ~1 '\ -.., .., .- ... - ..... •••.i • ..:::-._~' •• .,.. :-- '., THE SWARTHMOREAN APRIL 1, 1938 .. AP~R=I=I~.~,,~~'9~38~ - birthday Wednesday by entertammg six classmates of the fifth grade, College avenue school, a1 dinner. • • • William Hill arrived Saturday to spend MlII'I'iage Performed Wedneeday his spdng vacaticn from Wesleyan U~i. Afternoon in Balflmore, versity with his mother, M.rs. Albert H!II, Maryland 01 College avenue. He !s accompanied , ,by a classmate, R~bert MIller, of Bo.to?, Mrs. Florence M, TempI.., of Park, Mass, The boys will return to college thIS a\'enue, ann«?UDces the marriage of her Sunday. daughter, MISS Mary Beaumont Temp/e, • • • and. Edwin B. Newman, instructor in the Mrs. George L. Tone, of Wallingford Mary Temple Wed to Dr. Edwin Newman - ~- -" Dr. ]. Roland Pennock, 01 Elm avenue,. Mr. and Mrs. David Wisdom, of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. WUdom; of returned home Friday from the Taylor Sprillg6eld, are receiving congratula- Vassar avenue. Hos).ital, Ridley Park, where he had tiOIiS upon the birth of a daughter on undergone an appendectomy. Sunday, March Zl, in the Chester HosDoY_~ • •• R pilat. The baby is a granddaughter of Miss Ruth Bradford, of utgers aveTbe .... C1IN . . . . _ D nue, returned Monday evening from New - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CalI London, Conn. where she .pent the weekSWARTHMORE end visiting her sister, Miss Elaine BradNURSERY SCHOOL n- " , .••••• - - ford, a Ireshman at Connecticut College. Chlltben 2~ )'1'80 01 ..e 10 5 )'1'80 Elaine will return April 7 to spend ten 'I 5 RUSSELL'S SERVICE days spring vacation with Ruth and her .7 per "eek Dartmouth and LafIl7_ A... th M ] L Bradford 510 Swarthmore' Ave. Phone 312-W .We DoD'& lIeU -we _~ _ _ __ mo er. rs. .•.• • lW__ _____ ... _ *• • • . . _ . • •--eo- =_..-:-__=~~~=~~""'O.;::= _'._ =- -=-_~==_,,_=_ ____ '_ -'-- ~_. . • FREE !.-FREE ! Novelty • Pencil With Each Parehue _ Our DoWllltaln store !!!!!~U;""';.~G;.~W~.~B:rodh:::ea:d~!!!!!!~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ •• • . Now -.In Progress I psychology 'de~rtmen~ of Swarthmore Hills, returned home Monday after spend· I Mrs. Thomas Downs, of Springfield, College and reSident m Wharton Hall. ing the week--end with her parents, Dr. will be hostess to the Dupticate.Contract The marriage was performed at ~ o'cloc~ and Mrs. Max Hootman, of Washington, Bridge Club today at luncheon at the Ingleneuk. ,"' Tuesday afternoon, March 29, In Baltl- Pa. more, Md. by the Rev. Warren Dunham, * recorded minister of Friends, at the home Birney K. Morse, of Yale ave. Mrs. William H. Brown and daughter. of Mr. and Mrs, James D. Hull. Mr, Hull nue, Mrs. , , . Barbara', of TI,aycr road, left n'{onday is entertammg sixteen guests at a i'i the brother of Dr. William I. Hull. spring breakfast and bridge, Wednesday moming to spend the week visiting friends ill New York City. Barbara is of Swarthmore. and Mrs: Hull, Dr. morning, A)}ril 6. Newman's a u n t . " * enjoying the sprmg 'Vacmon of The Both Miss Temple and Dr. Newman M d M H Id G G'ffi I R Mary tyoll School where she is a student, rs.. aro '. n ~,o . ut~ * * * were unattended. They were accompanied r. an by Miss Temple's sister, Mrs. Thomas gers avenue, will e.ntertam. their bridge Miss Margaret Whiteman. daughter of Whitehair of the Shirer Building club tomorrow evelllng, AI)rd Z. Mrs. J. Harvey Whiteman of the Swarth, ' . * Swarthmore. . , more Apartments, is enjoying the spring Dr. and Mrs. Newman will maKe their M1SS Ehzabeth Mam. returned. late last recess from her studies at Bradford Jun· home in Swarthmore. week to sl'~nd !ler s~rll1g vacation from ior College, Bradford, Mass.., visiting The bride graduated from Swarthmore Cornell Umv~r~lty With he.r parents, Mr' l her aunt, Mrs. J. L. Whiteman, of New College in 1930 and has been secretary and Mrs. Wilham R. MaIO, of Walnut York City. ic ·the office of the College comptroller, lane. Miss Whiteman is 011 the Deans list N. O. Pittenger, for the last seven years. • * * has been spend~ for the ··first semester. She is a member of Pi Beta Phi. Miss Leanore Perkins • • * Dr. Newman received his Bachelor of iug the week visiting her aunt. Mts. R. Miss Henrietta J. Meeteer, professor Arts and Master of Arts degrees at the K. Levering, near New Castle. Del. emeritus ·of Greek and Latin at SwarthUniversity of Kansas and his Ph.D. at ~ *. .. more College. removed Monday from her Harvard. Mr. Paul Blessmg. and Ius Sister, ~{rs. alJartment at 315 Cedar lane to 59 West • *• W. W. Craft, of Hmdman, Ky., arrived 71st street New York City where she Dr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Luehring, Monday for a week's visit with their and her brother. Mr. Sam~el Meeteer. of Riverview road, entertained last nephew. Mr. Peter E. Told, and Mrs. will make their home together. • * * . Sunday evening in 'honor of their Told. of Park avenue. Mrs. Told is fnhouse guest, Dr. Evelene Peters, of tl'rtaining at luncheon tomorrow at the Mrs. George A. Hoadley, of Walnut New York City. Mrs. Luehring also Ingleneuk in hOllor of Mrs. Craft. lane, and Mrs. Arthur W. Warner. of **• Media, left yesterday to motor to Colcntertained at luncheon on Thursday of last week for Dr. Peters, who has Mrs. George Feakins returned Fri_11ege Park, Md. where they will visit a just returned to the United Slates after day to her apartment on Swarthmore few days with Mrs. Hoadley's son and s~ending six years in Germany and re· avenue after having visited her son and Mrs. Warner's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ceiving her doctor's degree at the Uni- daughter-ill~law, Mr. and Mrs. George Alfred D. Hoadley, whose marriage ~as versity of Berlin. Feakins. of Riverton, N. J., since March performed in Media March 19. * * • l. Mrs. Feakins was in Florida irom 1an* * • Mrs. Salty Mitchell Linn. grand- uary 26 to the first of last month. Mrs. Crosby P. Morton, of Lafayette daughter of Mr. Robert P. Green, oi Paul Feakills, a senior at Dartmouth a\'ellue, was stricken critically ill SunNorth Chester road, will be one of College, returned yesterday to spend the day, March 27. ~he and M.r. Mort.on have been spendmg the wmter With six attendants of the Beauty Queen of spring vacation with his mother. Miami. Fla., this week-end. *** Mr. Morton's sister, Mrs. Mabel Stew• * • T. Pierce Hunter returned from Frank- art, of Ove~bro-ok, wher.e. Mr.s ..Morton Mrs. J. Wheeler Allison has been tin and Marshall College to spend last ~as taken 111. Her conditIon IS Improvconfined to her home 011 Rutgers ave- week-end at his home or.. South Chester Illg very ,lowly. nue this week ,:it~ t~e grippe. mad with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. - -..................- Mrs, Roland G, E. Ullman, of Har- Maurice L. Griest. Births vard avenue, entertained a few friends *• * Mrs. Charles Parker, of The Swarth- Mrs. Howard S. Turner and daughat luncheon on Thursday following the drama section meeting at the Woman'& more, ent~rtll.ined with ~ buffet SUPl}er ter, Susan, 3rc exp~cted to ret~rn Club. and bridge: party- Jast Saturaay evenilig Sl1.fl(l~y from the Delaw~re Hospital, • • • in celebration of the birthday anniversary W IImmgto n, Del., where the baby was Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chapin. of Har- of her house guest, Mrs. Franklin Hard- born March ~1. vard avenue, have had their grand- castle, Sr., of Middletown, Del. Among FdorMmer rTcsldents o.fhRo(se "\'ailley , M.rl1 · children, Barbara and Dean Hickox, of the out of town guests was Mrs. Walter an rs.. urncr Wit. t le In ant WI, Binghamton, N. Y., as their guests for Hammett, of Brooklyn, who visited Mrs. make their home With Mr. Turner!i a week. The children's parents, Mr. Parker over the week-end. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Archer Turner, and Mrs. Richard Hickox, left them of Harvard avenue, for a few months here Friday and will stop in Swarth· M d M R Id M H I d until their new home all Cornell avers. ona ' . ug ICS an nue at Strath Havcn avenue is commore again on their return from a h r. an e s c tree sons, formerly of PrOVidence road, ltd . k' wee s motor tr!p !o * amden, . . Wallingford, are moving into 49 Amherst pee . Mrs. Wallace McCurdy, of Ogden avenue which was just vacated by the - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - avenue, was hostess to two duplicate Robert M. Richmonds, PICTORIAL REVIEW bridge clubs to which she belongs this *** 16 Mon,lu--On'y $1.00 week. She entertained one eightsome ~iss Dorothy Moore, of Pittsburgh, 42 Monrha-Only $2.00 at luncheon and bridge on Tuesday and arTives today to be the week-end guest MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN the other yesterday. of Mr. and Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert, of Tel. Sw. 2080 313 Dartmouth Ave. • • • Park avenue. Subscriptions lor ALL Magazine. Mr. and Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge, of - - . ' "CHESTER'S FASHION CORNER" - .uo ________________________________~1~'H=E~S~1V~AR=~I~BM~O~BEAN==~____~____________________________________~' Brift/l 'M Klddi.. and EDGMONT· AVENUE--SEVENTH AND WELSH STREETS Re<:eJ.... a 7 D_I Balloon Free ',~ ** ** ••• Ogden avenue, will entertain this evening at dinner and bridge. • ••• Mrs. Robert Dr. and MacLeod, of \Vhittier place, left ~ullday morning to visit Mrs. MacLeod's brother in Berea, Ky. • * Ewing, * Robert Alexander son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ewing, of Dartmouth avenue, celebrated his eleventh Alice Faye NOW 'fony Martin "Sally, Irene and Mary" Grelory Ratotr - Joan Davis DlarJorie lVeaver We are inviting you to attend MEDIA Last Z DaYs-{Frlday-saturday) MerrUl-on-Chateaugay. FREDRIC MARCH in Cecil B. DeMille's Lake "The Buccaneer" an Adirondack Camp with Franeieka G~al . Akim Tamiroff, Waller Brennan EXTRAI-FIRST RUN NEWS in the Park Avenue Club House SPORTSWEAR DEPARTMENT Club Steaks Extra Tender. STEWING CHICKENS Are the best in town. Ib·31c Ib·49c $1.79 to' $4.98 Take a Tip-Enjoya rib roast while lI·s low priced MARTEL'S RIB Roasts ON PARK AVE. - .. ,. -. . BLOUSES" 88c to $6.98 Chicken Soup First Two Ribs at ___ , _ , __ .. 88c to $3.79 Every favorite type of Dressy and Man Tailored Suits are now being shown in our New Spring collection • • • Fine worsteds, tweeds, soft wool fleeces and gabardine with hand-tailored details . . . Hairline stripes and solid colors ••.Gorgeous Fur Trimmed Styles, also self-trimmed models _ •• Expertly tailored and beautifully lined ••• Spring's popular fabrics - wool mixtures - solid colors -and the loveliest color combinations imaginable! Shmning New Coats TwUlsl Spongy Woolens! Chic, new "ensemble coals"! Choose from filled collarless coats, slim box coats, tuxedo and casual swagger coats. New braid and quilted trims. Taffeta Iined_ Furred, unfurred_ All sizes_ This Easter It's Speare's /orBetter Coats and Suit. For LeBB. Large, meaty. and the Buy a fine Sunday roast at a big saving - The kind that becomes very tender in the roasting best of eating. and requires a minimum of cooking. Considered the finest of all roasts by many people. With rice is made on Saturday. .32c lb. qt·35c , ,, Freel Martel's Clam La m b S2 9 lb. LUX to Lingerie Customers This Week C Lamb will be a treat to appetites fed up with "wlnter rations." Just imagine how delicious this tender, juicy light meat will taste this Sunday to all the folks. Rib or. French Lamb Chops .. , _ ,lb. 39c 6 for $1.00 or Smoked Tongucs _ . , .. , , , , , , .lb. 29c each Broiling Chickens . , , , , , , , .. -, . ea. 59c Il"PP(N£_(;D" Ul.n AWNINGS· WINDOW SH4DU'5L1PCOVfRS ~ VENETIAN BLlND5-UPHOLJTERY PHONE RIDLEY PARK 600 • PROSPECT PARK.PA, 0\1 8E~USE Monday Tuesday SPUN-LO UNDIES PANTIES VESTS STEPINS BLOOMERS 4ge- SBe - 6Be Chemise ... 59c-69c-79c Choose these underthings of SPUN-LO. After you have worn and washed them dozens of times, you will find their original beauty and quality as striking as when you bought them •.• and that is a real test of value. Celanese Satin Slips , , , . , , . , , .88c $1.00 Rogers' Run-Proof Silkcraft Undies, . ' . , , , . , . . , . ,69c Silk Pajamas, . , . _ , ,$1.98 to $4.98 "OJ HIlman Hearts" From the story ("'Benefits Forgot") with James Stewart - Beulah Bondi COAL & FUEL OIL ULY PONS , , ROBERT TAYLOR • ",4, Yank at'fJ:cJord'" HI!A WIlLI. BMOUOH! 0/ Barhizon Lingerie KUPPIN6E!:5 ' Now on Display II'a Speare'. lor BETTER "Hitting a New High" StortiDC Thursday Complete Selection I DOMTKMGW WALTER HUSTON Van AlenBros. Teleplabne Swartluno...lM12 Buy Speare's Guaranteed Hosiery and Save . the Difference (One Paclr.age to a Customer) Large size with lots of fresh crab meat Meaty Loin Lamb Chops. __ , _ , .lb. 47c and not all padding. 20c Freel A Regular Package of THE SHORE! DEVILED CRABS SECOND FLOOR We recommend Lux for all fine washables LIKE A TRIP TO Tuesday afternoon, April 12. GOWN SHOP c- SWEATERS shopped around came in and told us so. Customers who have SKIRTS Two and Three Piece Suits Snnday Only-Double Feature! WecInesclay OnI..v Calhoun Drive , Greenwich Conn.: , the Swarthmore Woman's Club DON'T FAIL TO VISIT OUR NEWLY ENLARGED Belter Food For The Table qt. 35c Fred Allen CAMP CHICKAGAMI Davis W. Shoemaker Swarthmore 105 MARTEL'S Table Quality NEWEST FASHIONS AT OUTSTANDING SAVINGS N. WALTER SUPLEE Tantalizing ocean goodl1essdish~ hearty our fashion show sponsored by A camp whose program is created to meet varied interests of boys from 7 to 17. This is the place to buy your Fertilizer; Seeds, Lawn and Garden Tools. South Chester Road • • • EASTER COATS and SUITS $ .90 S .90 S .90 Spring is here again! CHOWDER Martel's Tender Leg ••• Mrs. James Bacon Douglas, of North Chester road and Swarthmore avenue entertained at luncheon and bridge on Wednesday. SPR1NG'S LINGERIE lor Lea. 85c Full Fashioned Ringless Chiffons 57e The stocking that gives you longer wear-3-Thread Crepe Twist-a stocking that looks like 2-thread and wears like 4-thread. 69c Roxy Chiffons" . ,47c $1.65 Dexdale CrepeTwist Hose - new sparkling shades,. ,9& Other Dexdales 57cto $1.19 " THE THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLl811J11D EVERY rBlDAY AT 8WABTBMOBB, P'&' THB 8WAB'l'BMORBAII, INC. Palt_ !'ETER Eo TOLD &lU4Jr ROSALIE DRYDEN N... Bdltor Pbone Swutbmore lOt Entered .. Second Class Matter• .lanuatJ M, 1929. at the Post; 01llce at swarthmore. Pa•• UDder the Act 01 Hareb. 3., 111.. --FRIDAY, ~RIL I, 1938 Editor Tire S'l('Orll"Ilorcan: It was with dCCI) appreciation and pride that I read Dr. Arthur Bassett's letter in the last issue of Tire Swarllwwrcan. I am sure that if more people in our Bor· ough would feel the same, We, the active firemen, would 110t have to go out at night, after a hard day's work, and ring door bells in order to get contributions to keep ollr Fire Company going. The money that you invest in the Fire ComIJ3.Uy is well spent in securing equipment, accident insurance, etc. l personally had occasion to use the accident insurance when my hands and ears wCl"e frostbitten at Professor Goddard's fire a few years ago. Anyone who is a member of the Fire CompaTly, whethcr active or associate, is privi1eged to attend our meetings. These are I1eld th C second TIlurS( Iay 0 f eacI1 ? nlollt11. W cae tt lId-w Ily (Ion ' t you. We'll hOlle to, see you at out next meeting. T. Sayre and two sons moved Tuesday. have moved from 317 Dickinson avenue The Sayres are living in Springfield. into 323 South Chester road which was • • • vacated last fan by Mr. and Mrs. VinNorman Francis Brubaker, visitor for Mrs. Ethel Stuart moyed this weeki cent Parry. Dr. and' Mrs. Trepp purthe Philadelphia County Board of As· from 211 Rutgers avenue to an apartment chased the house from Mrs. Harold sistance. will present "The Human Side in Sharon HilJ. Calvert, of Harvard avenue through M. of Relief .Administration" at the meet· • • • Parker. ing of the Adult Class of the SwarthMr. and Mrs. Scott Stewart, of Springmore Friends' Meeting (his Sunday field, entertained a duplicate bridge club morning. April 3. at 9.45. last evening.. Among other members of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, of The, Swarthmore, have purchased the lot at Christian Scienee Church t11C club are Mr. and Mrs. David Shaw. the corner of Dartmouth and Oberlin aveMr. and Mrs. Wallace McCurdy and Mr. "Unreality" is the subject of the les- and Mrs. Philip W. Kniskern, of Swarth- nues, with a frontage of I SO feet on each street. They expect to build on the lot son-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, more. soon. Edward L. Noyes negotiated the Scientist, on Sunday, April 3. The Golden Text is: uThe world passeth away, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fitts and children sale. and the lust thereof: but he that doeth returned Tuesday to Locust Knoll Fann, the will of God abideth forever" (I John Middletown road, Media after having HARRIET L. TREAT 2 :17). spent the winter in the home of Mr$. E:cperl Deai.nJ,.. Gnd Pilling 01 Fitts' mother, Mrs. A. G. Thatcher, on Cown. Methodi.t Chureh Notes South Chester road. Mrs. Thatcher is Remodeling expected to return from hcr winter home This evening at 8 o'clock the regular in Miami, Fla. April 13. At Home or by the Da,.. monthly business meeting of the official Sw. 892 • • • The Harvard hoard will be held in the chapel. Mrs. Louis N. Robinson, of College ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: Sunday, April 3, at lQ:15 A. M. the avenue, will entertain a number of local .. Junior church membcrshiJ) class will meet Democrats on the evening of April 9 it~ the church study_ for a discussion of party questions. Monday, April 4, at 7 :30 P. M. the Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Latimer with Senior Epworth League will hold its their daughter, Margaret, and son, J. monthly business and social meeting. Wednesday, April 6, at 1:00 P. M. Harris, are moving today into the Pearthe Ladies' Aid will hold a luncheon foi- son house at 516 Walnut lane. lowed by a business meeting in the chapel. Mr, and Mrs. Clyde D. Bloom, of Thursday, April 7, Prayer Meeting will Chester, are moving into the third floor be held at 8:00 P. M. in the chapel. Fairbanks apartment at 313 Park ave• nue today. PresbyterIan Church Notes Friend.' Adult CIaso Speaker ••• ••• :~~~ l1:00 :::: = ·.'. 'I' TI H I Ie 0 y C . ommu~l1on '11 WI b ~ b 0 - NEWS SUNDAY ~~bi~bl::S~I. A. M. - Morning Worship. Mr. Braun will preach on "Tb~ Cross" 6:00 P. M. - Young People's FellowshiP:. TRINITY CHURCH , Protestant EpIscopal Chester Road and College Avenue Rev. J. Jarden Guenther. S.T.M., Rector TODAY-FRIDAY 3:0D P.M.-ProJect-Work. 4:00 P. M, - Children's Ben-ice. 8:00 P.M.-Evening Prayer: Rev. D. WUmot GAteson, D.D., guest prea~;DAY 8:00 A. M. - Holy Communion. 9:45 A. M. - Church School and Bible 11:00 A.M.-fl=·lng Prayer and Sermon. Mr, Guenther will preaCh. WEDNESDAY :;lO;;;:;;:OO;-,;A;;.;;M,;.~;:H:;O;;ly~Co::~~~m;;;;;;un=lo~n=.::-c==__ THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY 9:45 A, M.--:Flrst Day School. Norman F. Brubaker. speaker. 11:00 A. M. - Meettng for Worship In the Meettng House. 9:30 A. M, ~~~~~-Sewlng and Quilting In Whittier House. Box luncheon. "'II are cordially Invited. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Clarence F. Carter. A.B.• B.D .• Minister SUNDAY 9 :45 A. M. - Cburc'!l School. 11:00 A. M. - Morning Worship. 'l:4S P. !.I.-Evening Worahlp. * * * Dr. and Mrs. D. S. Frederick will remov~ in a week or two from 133 Ogden avenue to a h ouse b eh'111 d the Hedgerow Theatre, on Rose Valley I"oad, Rose Valley. On April 15 Mr. and 1\1rs. A. P. Harrington, of Chicago, Ill, will move . 111to their former apartment in the Sellers house. !.fr. Harrington, who is I -l"aymon D d W hitcomb emp Ioyed Ily tIe Cruise Company, has been transferred to this district. * • ... M r; and 11 rs. H. Lindley Peel. of Columbta avenue, and Dr. and Mrs.1 David Mr:Cahall, of Stratll Haven avenue, are entertaining twenty-four guests tonight at a .progressive dinner and bridge. The main course will be served at the McCahan's and dessert and bridge at the Peel's. ... * * Mrs. William S. Campbell and daughter, l~uth. a student at the Mary Lyon School, IcCt Friday to spend Ruth"s spring vacation at Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, N. J- They will return home this Sunday. • • • and. Mrs. T. W. Ruggie, Mr. formerly of Ge~mantown, have moved into 4-J, OF SWABTIDIORB ' Swarthmore Apartments, recently vacaPark Avenue below Jlarvanl ted when Mr. and Mrs, Robert Wilson 11:00 A. J.f: - S'qnda,:$cb.ool.l 11:00 A. M. - Sund8.y Lesson-Sermon. , Wednesday evening mee\IDB eaCh week 8 moved t9 Philadt;lphia. p.m.. Beadlq'room Open!dal!" ezc=eptsuD.Mrs. N'ary Sweet moved Wednesday da. . "'11 ha!ld&J8 l to J!. 'IL. O h . 8CUftce.., l . from West Chester to 4-H, The SWanhAll are COTdlaU,. tnvlted to attend. the more, fr:om )Yhich Mr. and Mrs. A~ly~ ae~cea and. UN &be Btsdlnl' Boom. "RST CHURCH OF CHR.tsT. SctRNTJaT :* tit. 'tlll~ {,aclc Ittlm. ••• • •• ... ••• Mr. and Mrs. Ewald, Kasten and son, formerly of Princeton. N. J., are moving into the first Hoor apartment in the Gogel house at Swarthmore and Yale avenues. • • • Mrs. Charles Parker was hostess Wednesday evening at buffet supper and bridge to a bridge club to which she belongs. Other members of the club are Mr. and Mrs. William S. Harvey, 2nd, ~Ir. and Mrs. Joseph Seal, of Swarthmore, and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Ervin and Mr. Harvey G. Pennington, of Boothwyn. For Furniture Repair, Upbolsleriq, Awning, Shades, MattreMes and Cbairs Caned CaD EARL L. COLLINS 118 Marple Avenue wltile RATES ARE LOW! * T•• law r.tP•••• Sbno.to-Statioa ......... la • • aad _ena long dlstuce calls In effect ..ery algid after ..... also appIJ thnJagbout Sund.,. At these redaced rat.. JOII OM O3llloo",U•• far 350-188 ..n•• for 55c-30& ..II.. for 75o-OJ wbere III PIIBIIJIyul.. (3-ml.... ute Siotion-fa-Station rateL) • THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA .~~~~!!,M~O!!,R!!,TO~!!,N~,~P!!,A!!,.~~~~ FAsmON SHOW AND BRIDGE • •• Jnnior Seetion - Swarthmore Woma':"s Club Mr. and Mrs. Horace P. DeVoll, of WEDNESDAY, APRH.. 6 - 8 P_ M; The Swarthmore, left last week on a Woman's Club House Tickets 35c five-week motor trip to S1. Louis, Mo. • •• G. E. Ullman, Spring Showing Through Courtesy of LOU8013 Mr. Roland of Harvard avenue, left yesterday to spend two days in New York. . ••• PART AND PARCEL OF THE • •• 'COMMUNITY Mr. and Mrs. Irwin D. Wood are expected to return this week to their home on North Chester road' after having spent the winter in Orlando, Fla. Dr. and'Mrs. S. G. Trepp and family *- One of the countless things you'll like ahollt Chrysler's Two New Beauties for 1938 i. their generous room 'for passengers and driver ••• headroom. _ • shoulder room .. " .. leg room • • • level floor space. Seen 'em yeti Thev're beauties I HANNUM & WAITE Yale Ave. & Chester Rd. Swarthmore 1250 THE APRIL 1, 1938 Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Harlow and two cllildren, of Lakewood, 0., will move into the house at Swarthmore avenue and North Chester road on April 15. CoU"8e Mermaids Break Even 88 Mrs. William S. Harvey, 2nd, of Col- Seaoon 00_; Lacrosse Team Bo... to Mt. Watlhington; lege avenue,' as been confined to he:r H. S. Season Opens home for the past two weeks with a streptococci infection of the throat. I The women's swimmjng team of Swarthmore C ollege spIashed out of the 1938 sJXlrts picture, last Friday, when they submerled M t. S t. Joseph by t he FOR REN'l' the score of 59 to 25. The wearers of the FOB BENT-Large 8unny room, 211 But- Garnet won all o[ the first places as well gen avenue. Telephone Swarthmore 280-11 as the two, relay events in this meet. FOR SALE ' ' .' h fif'h f h' Th IS victory was t e l 0 t e season FOB SATE Swecl1sh data on the Delaware, . Clays "Swed1ah Annals," "Pennaylvanla as against five losses. SoldJers In the Revolutlon." Hazard's AnnaJ.s The S wa rth more C 0 IIege Iacr 0 sse t eam (1609-1683), 8rn1th's "Delaware County:· DaY's Pennsylvanla "BJstortcal Collections'· met a decisive defeat at the hands..of the (1843). John HIll Martin's "Chester VicinLacrosse Club• Iast Sat· gt ity" \aUtograPhed copy with Bonsals notes). M t. W ash In on Bevo utlonary d1ar1es a.nd orderly bookB. urday, on the college field. The final score old resIdence atlases and maps, blatories, etc. Lot of old Quaker data. histories, Jour- was 11 to 3 . ., nals, etc. Box 191 Morton. Pa. Swarthmore High s Lacrosse Team, one FOB SALE ON RENT-Furnished or unfur- of the bes" girls' squads in the country nished home on Hill. Attractlve grounds. ' . . On bus llnea. near COllege. 011 beat. havmg been undefeated, In 6 years of Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Com- competition opens its season on April . ' h'b" . h F' d S m an ex I Ibon game Wit nen s Central. Last year's letter winners who . s houId see action t h'IS year are: CaPtain Mary Bonsall, Eliot Jeffords, Ella M BIN . W . ht B tt D ae eag e, aoml fig, e y ouglas, Harriet Wickham, and Betty Cresson. . The schedule arranged to date IS: April 20 Friends Central Home ' A way A pn'1 22 Agnes I rWIIl April 28 Friends Central Away d A M ay 3 G'ermantown F' nell sway Agnes Irwin Home May 13 Swarthmore. the first public school to PBRSON~Reglstered Spencer Corsetler. have lacrosse in this territory, is undeE1Sle H. MCWllllaDl8. 11 Benjamin West feated in six years of competition. Among avenue. Telephone Swarthmore 83..W. its notable victories last spring was an FOUND 8-3 conquest of the All-Philadelphia woFOUND - String of pearls. Telephone men's team that later won the national Swarthmore 172-3. inter-city team championship in Boston. -Coach Virginia Allen, one of this city's Exceptional Opportunities To 'All-American players, teaches lafour Rent Apartments Away from the Crowds. Near Nature crosse from the seventh grade up at 2nd flOOft 2 bedroams '60 Swarthmore. She has more than 100 girls 3rd floor, 2 bedroom.s-f5(t out for vasity practice although there are 3 bedrooms, near college-f80 only three vacancies on the first team. WM. S. BITfLE Swarthmore 111-8 Notary Public-Insurance-Bell Estate Meeting Postponed SPORTS REVIEW ..'. CALL • •• served Sunday monung at 11 0 clock. irlIe C om mUllion . me d"ItatlOn WI'11 b e t h e fif fL' . II CI th ,? the enten senes on The ross. AN ACTI\'r. MEMBItR. The Church Hour Nursery for children ages I to 7, held each Sunday in • I • the parish house from 11 to 12 o'clock, Dr_ Gat,eson to Preach Tonight will accommodate children on Palm Sunday and Eastl!r Sunday as' usual. Other Trinity Parish Notes The Class in Church Citizenship will meet Sunday morning at 10.15 in the . The Rev. D. Wilmot Gateson, I?D., church study with Mr. Braun. rector ,of The Church of the SaVIour, The Young People's Fellowship will Philadelphia, and fo~e~ Dean of the meet at 6 P. M. on Sunday evening C~thedral of the NatiVity, ~ethleh~, Motion, pictures from the Board of will h~ the guest preacher thiS ev~nlllg Education showing scenes of life in at 8 ocl.ock. Mrs. C. F. Wolters will be China and Japan will be shown as part the soIOls!. . . of the study of foreign cultures and The c1111dr~n wIll meet thiS afte~nool1 religion. ~t 3 hf~r pro~ect Twhork] a~d aGt. 41 'OCcloc•k The newest and most perfect type of .e uOlor Ir s h~tr sound amplification equipment will be or t elr sef\'lc~. h~s been grOWJ~g III n~mbers and ~JlI insta1led and professionally operated in SlOg ~t the evemng servtce next week -,- "the church for Palm Sunday, April 10, MaJof'- D. _.~ .. Van de Boe, of Vass~r and Easter Sunday, April 17. By this a,:enue, has inVited the members of hiS means the entire service will be ex!llble Class to h~eakfast on S~I~~ay ".10~: Itcnded, to, the parish house. where the mg. '_' ,':.;' ,;.-. ~ , • :4" ~ , ,. ',:: .- added seating 'capacity will assure comLast, Sunday . evenmg the YDung' fortable accommodations _ to all who People s Fe1I.owshlp had a most enjoy- may wish to attend~. -. --,' . . abl_e waffle - supper at the residence of' Those who 'wi~'h' to present Easter h!~. and Mrs. Guy _-A .. McCorkle, of lilics"for the Easter decorations ·in the I.rmceton ave~ue, l}recedmg the regular church should inform 1£iss Harriett B. Ill-weekly meetmg. Selfddge at the Strath Haven Inn at Dean Frances Blanshard, of Swarth- once. After the service the lilies will more College, spoke at the Church \Ved- be scnt to the siek and the shut-ins nesday afternoon on 4'World Peace." • I • • The Rev. ]. larden Guenther, rector. NEWS NOTES was guest preacher at the Overbrook Preshyterian Church \Vedncsday evening. 'Miss Lola Green is moving today Next .Wedl~esda~ afterllo~n at 2 :30 the from her apartment at 506 North ChesWoman s GUIld. will meet 10 the Parish tcr road to make her home with her House. There will be a luncheon at 12:30 sister, :hfrs. Frances Lumsden, of Kenand the women who gather each week tll yon avenue. sew will heal" Mrs. William Jefferys, of ... • ... Rosemont, at 1 :30. Mrs. Jefferys, wife of Mr_ and Mrs. E. Sheridan Chase, of Dr. Jefferys former medical missionary Ferrisburg, were the dinner guests of to China, will speak on "What The Dr. and Mrs. George L. Armitage, of Church is Doing to Meet Rural Prob- South Chester road, Tuesday night. Mr. lems~" Chase is the director of Ecole Cham, -, plain, a French camp at Ferrisburg. 'D" R' 'CR Aftcr tlillner, a group of Swarthmore CO ..... ' mothers and children were the guests SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of the Armitagcs, when Mr_ Chase Rev. David Braun. Mlnlster showed interesting l)ictures of the camp. ,',,' APRH.. 1, 1938 SWARTBMOREAN ,IF you need funds for your business, if you have funds you wish safeguarded, if you want information regarding conditions affecting your field of business-whatever form your particular problems take, remember that we're here to help. This Bank is "part and parcel" of this Community. __ has faith in the men and institutions that compose it ... and strives to be useful wherever and whenever it can. SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. CLASSIFIED , FOR RENT The meeting of the Young Republican Club of Swarthmore has been postponed WALLINGFORD until Thursday, April 7, when it will be Furnished or unfurnished, 4 bedrms., 3 held at the Strath Haven Inn at 8 P. M. . baths, 2-car garage, high location wlth Elwood J. Turner will speak. extended view. Convenient to schOOl and • I • statton. ALICE M. BAIRD Supper For Young Friends Sunday Old Bank Building !clephone Swarthmore 108 Th~ Y0!1ng Friends of Swarthiitore Meetmg wIll hold a supper party at 5 :30 FOR SALE AT $7350 Sunday evening in Whittier House this Frame house with 3 bedrooms and bath .. . . . 2nd floor, 2 bedrooms and storage 3rd Mary and Betty TomlInson, Vugmla Perfloor, single car garage. Lot 6'7Il3S. Quiet kins, Margaret Hunn and Alice Marriott street with good shade. . h f h E .are 111 c arge 0 t e supper. veryone interested is invited to attend the meeting George Gillespie, Agent which will follow at 7 o'clock. 310 Yale Avenue • I • SAVE MONEY by buyiug Local W_ I. L. Board Meets SILVER FOX SCARFS DIRECT from tbe PRODUCER The regu1ar monthly meeting of the Visit Our Ranch B.Il:d Bee Our Assortment 'Loard of directors of the Swarthmore Avondale Silver Fox Farm branch of the Women's International Westtown Road, Wesl Chesler League was held at 2 :30 Monday' afterPhone 855ftl noon, March 28, at the home of Mrs. BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME Robert C. Disque on Strath Haven avenue. VENETIAN BLINDS. WINDOW Mrs. Disque, Mrs. Edward A. Jenkins, SHADES ,Mrs. Arthur Bye, Mrs. Roy p, Lingle, instead of war are urged to attend the onds West three hundred and tweut.J·four and ell'bty·ftve one-hundredths teel. to • point. a meeting. corner 01 land.. of Nan C. Patzhr. and thence b.,. the la,' mentioned landl!l North tw("nt)" SHERIPP SALES ellE'bt d("neetI. forty· four minutes and fU\7.four ee.r))' side of the said Parmley Avenue North at the juncture of' the said ahle of West sixty-one degrees. fifteen minutes and IIIX' Cobbs Creek Olive and -the Easterly sido or ,e1XI~[lrru®~[l[f)IXI~rru m[l~~'U'OO~(C '~@mlf>OO[~l't'( . ' , . , At Our Suburban Stores or S... , - You~ Plumber or Heating -Contractor' ' :' . J...rR,WU APRIL 1, 1938 THE SWARTHMOREAN 6 ACTIVE IN PHILA. Police and Fire Department News On Wednesday afternoon of this CONFERENCE week George Johnson . colored workMany SW'lrlhmoreans Taking Part in Schoolmen's Week Programs A number of. Swarthmore rcsiden13 and public school teachers arc scheduled to lead and take part in the Schoolmeu's Week proceedings planned to be held at the University of Pennsylvania Wednesday, Thursday, Frida.y and Saturday of this week. Dr. Arthur Jones is chairman of the generLlJ committee and Roland Eaton, president of the Swarthmore School l!o.Jrd, is s{ rving as a member o[ the sallie cOlllmittee. Mr. Eaton was chair~ JIlall o[ the sehoul directors' program held last \Vedllesday morning in the Houstoll Hall auditorium. Mr. Eaton also served as a member of the panel on "Legitimate Objectives and Functions of Teachers' Organizations" held in thc Irvine auditorium. On 1'hursday afternoon Miss Hanna Kirk, of the Swarthmore High School [acuity, who is president of the Delamont Association of English Teachers, presided at the conference on "The Teaching of \Vriting in the Secondary Schools." For the school nurses' pro gram on Thursday and Friday after· 1l00liS, Miss Anna H. Burkhardt, Swarthmore school nurse, has b~el1 designatcd chairman and will preside at the meetings. On Friday afternoon Professor Jesse Holmes, of Swarthmore College, will act as chairman of the program on "Comparative Educa· tion." Benjamin Cook. teacher of industrial arts in the local high school, is serving as secretary of the industrial arts session III its Saturday morning meeting. I I - CIu b F a8h·Ion Show-B rl·d"oe J UOlor The Junior Woman's Club will hold a fashion show and bridge party at g o'clock next Wednesday evening, April 6, in the Woman's Club House on Park a\'enue. Mrs. George W. McKeag is chairman of the ways and means committee which is hI charge of the event. Tickets may be purchased from any memlKr of the Junior Club and reservations should be made with Mrs. McKeag. There will be table llrizes. Lousols, of Philadelphia, will dis~ play the gowns. Dr. Pearson Dies (Conl'.utl from PtIt/. 0 .. ) The reconstruction program which h..! man at S20 Cedar lane, noticed a rear began is recognized today as the factor window on the west side of the Evans which has changed the Islands into a hou;,c, 518 Cedar lane, was' open and relatively prosperous community. He the window bHnd flapping. Johnson, organized the Virgin Islands Company, knowing the occupants WCfe away, re- which took over the bankrupt 5uga,' ported the matter to the police at 2.10 industry of the Islands and revived th.: P. M. Mrs. William S. Evans having production of St. Croix rum. He startbeen in Florida since early -in Febru- cd handicraft industries, built a Govary, Captain A. J. Herr notified her ernment hotel and greatly improved the companion, Miss Helen Barber, who tourist business of the islands. He in· has been in East Orange, N. J., for traduced the cultivation of winter fruit.; the past two months. Although Captalll and ,'egetables for sale in the American Herr located a key, which Mrs. Evans market. Dr. Pearson remained Gover· had left with a neighbor, and entered Itor of the islands Ipnger than any prethe house for an investigation, the ex- vious American executive. tent of articles which may be missing In 1935 President Roosevelt appointed canllot be judged until Mrs. Barber ar- Dr. Pearson Assistant Director of Fedrives for a check-ul). eral Housing. He was in San Francisco The Police Departmcnt asks that in connection with the California legisbums, traml)S and beggars se~n in the lature's special session to consider the Borough be reported immedmtely by housing act at the time of his death. telephoning Swarthmore 110. During the World War he was diLast Tuesday Charles H. Green and rector of the seat ion on entertainment J. H. Welsh, of Chester, both of whom of the National \Var Council of the were arrested on the 22nd of March for Y. M. C. A. and a member of the thru traffic violation, paid fines. Last Speaker's Bureau of the American Red Friday MOllvert D. Frye, of West Phila- Cross. delphia, paid a fine for having parked Dr. Pearson was a member of the his trllck at a fire hydrant on Princeton Swarthmore Monthly Meeting of the a\-ellue on the 18th of March. John C. Society of Friends, the National Edu· Wisener, Jr., of Philadelphia, also pail1 cation Association and Delta ·Tau Delta. a fine Friday. He was arrested on the He is survived by his wife, Edna IBth for thru traffic violation. Wolfe Pearson, two sons, Drew and J. Harvey Mauger, of Chester, was Leon Pearson, both Washington newsarrested last Sunday for thru traffice papermen; two daugh.ters, Mrs. Gordon violation. He will appear later. Lange of Palo Alto, California, and Two field fires occurred during the Mrs. Lockwood Fogg, Jr., of Phila· past week, one on the College grounds delphia, and eight grandchildren. A near Plush Mill at 4 P. M~ ThurSdaY'lsister, Mrs. Earle Brown, lives in Ar· March 24 and another at South Chester lington, Virginia. and Fairview roads at 1.25 P. M. on The funeral service was held in San Tuesday, the 29th. Francisco on 'Monday, March 28. At • I I • his request the body was cremated and Fortmghtly to Meet the ashes will be scattered in the CaribMrs. Earl Yerkes wilt be hostess to bean Sea off the Virgin Islands. A the Fortnightly on Monday, April 4 at memorial service will be held in Swarth· . ' I more a f ter M rs. P earson returns f rom 2 :30 o'clock at her home on Prmcetoll avenue. Mrs. Arthur Bassett will review the coast. Carolyn bookRichardson "The Rest>f My Life."Well's Mrs. last Elliott will read sketches of a literary nature. I I Girl Scout News Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock Troop 16 will meet at the railroad station to be led 011 a tree detecting hike through the College woods ·by Mrs. Clarence G. Myers. In case of rain the Troop will meet at the Girl Scout House at 9:30 for a regular meeting. No Sales Tax at This Store STORE BOURR: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.-Mon.• Tues. 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. Wed. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.-Thurs. 9 A.II. to 10 P.M. Fri., Sat. March 31 to April 6, Inclusive Carnation. Borden's, or Ever;vda)' Del Monte COFFEE Lb. Can . . . . . . . . . . . . Gold Medal. Ceresota or EVAPORATED MILK ..•.. 3 Tall Cans In Tomato Sauce Del Monte SARDINES 2 Larg~ Oval Cans .... Pillsbury :t?~~g. ........... 22c o 2 Tall Cans ..••....•. Gibb's or UCO Pork and Beans ... 3 I 6-oz. Cans 10 II KeUogg's Whole Wheat BISCUITS. . . . . 2 Pkgs. c In Tomato Sauee g:~~:n~~I: ... Can c· It 1 Schlorer'. SALAD DRESSING-Quart Jar Alaska SALMON 20 19c 19 1:;80 c I 10e ~~bi~t:s. ~.~~~~ 3c Fresh Washed Green SPINACH . . . . . . • . .Ib. Nationally Advertised Brands Large Smoked Sugar" Cured HAMS . . . . . . lb. 3 19 Square WhIte American CHEESE . Sliced .•.••... Ib. BALTIMORE 10: 0 16J8 Authorized by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth, the Governor has issued a proclamation declaring April 8, 1938, a Legal Holiday in Pennsylvaoia, in order to celebrate-with thanksgiving-3CO years of ··Godly Civilization·'. It will be called •·ForefatLers Day·' as part of a three-day celebration-April 7th, 8th and 9th-throughout the State. Three hundred years ago, on April 8th, 1638, a hardy band of pioneers, led by Peter Minuit aboard the good ship Kalmar Nyckel, four months out of Gothenberg, Sweden, landed on thee, I ribbon, second prize, at the Girl John M. Pearson, of Park avenue. n,.. Batt.d.. son 01 Mr. and Mrs. George C. Abbe, Horse Show held at the Four • RUSSELL'S SERVICE Club on April 1st. Mrs. Arthur J. Jones, of Dartmouth and Lafayette A.-ea. Dickinson avenue, were married in resence of their immediate famities· • • avenue, entertained eleven guests at Junior Members of the Players Club o' P Mrs. Raymond E. Wilson, of cheon at her horne yesterday. • uWe Don't Sell CanSaturday evening at 6 o'clock in avenue, entertained at luncheon at the Swarthmore bold guest cards dated April We 8eniee Them" Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. Ingleneuk, Wednesday, when her guests Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bates, of Haver- 16th. L ________________, David Braun performed the were: Mrs. C. C. West, Mrs. William ford avenue, left Saturday, April Z, on a Afternoon and evening performances of RUMMAGE SALE AND Their attendants were Mr. and Mrs. T. Johnson. Mrs. Henry W. Jones, Mrs. motor trip through New England. They the next Junior Play. LITI'LE WOMEN. CAKE SALE . W M't h n f La sdo ne wlll be given at 3:00 P. M. and at 8:15 W1.nd . 1 C e., o.t nd hWt ·f J. R. Kline. Mrs. R. ]. Littlefield, Mrs. will take Guy back to Taft School at P. M. b n e wore a spnng sUt an Whitisr Houae a a Luther M. Dimmitt, Mrs. Harold G. Watertown, Conn., and go from there t3 with matching accessories and a Griffin, Mrs. Arthur R. O. Redgrave and Boston, Mass. THURSDAY, APRIl. 14th of orchids. Mrs. Albert S. Johnson. *• • 12:30 to 6:30 After the wedding a small, • • • Mrs. Alfred Gary White, of L~~:~r======== party was held at the home of the Mrs. Philip M. Alden, of North Ches- avenue, entertained the Executive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii Mrs. Abbe is a graduate of ter road, is in the Hahnemann Hospital. of the Junior section of the Woman's Ii Square High School and Beacom where she is receiving sympathy because Club, Mrs. Clifford Banta, Junior AdCollege. Mr. Abbe was graduated of the death of twin girls. born last week. visor, and Mrs. Roland L. Eaton, Do Your Bankillg With •• * Vice-President at a buffet supper M,on··1 Westtown School and Lehigh After a short wedding trip Mr. Miss :Mary Wood returned Friday April 4, at her home. An exec.lti've I Mrs. Abbe wilt make their her home on Cornell avenue after vi.it-Imeeting followed the supper. Swarthmore. ing Miss Mildred Macturk, of Salem, * • • • • • J. since Monday, March 28. Miss Miss Margaret Tuttle, daughter of Dr Bank and Trust Company Mrs. Harold G. Griffin, of Rutgers turk and Miss Wood were former and Mrs. J. Ellery Tuttle, returned mates at Swartlnnore College. her home Wednesday, April 6, after nue, is entertaining at luncheon, before the recital at Mrs. George *• spending a \\eek at the home of Mr. Ashton's home in Wallingford Hills. Mr. and "Mrs. Charles Kurtzhalz, and Mrs. J. S. Bates, of Haverford aveMember Federal Deposit Inluraace CorporalioD guests will be Mrs. Benjamin the Ingleneuk Tea Room, Park av.,nuIe.lnue. Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan, Mrs. have purchased the residence of • • Coates, Mrs. R. Chester Spencer, Mrs. Sarah E. S. Brill at 114 Park av"nuoe! Elizabeth Schobinger, daughter of Mr. Herbert Sanford, }.ofrs. James Hornaday. which they will use as a residence and Mrs. George Schobinger, of SwarthMrs. Jesse Herman Holmes and ·Mrs. ginning July 15. After the close of more avenue, entertained five guests at J. Harlan Jessup. Mrs. Brill and her daughter, Kitty, an infonnal dinner last Monday night. go to ·their summer home in Ocean M~ss Schobinger and her house guest, to fertilize your lawn arid The reciprocity luncheon of the Greater N. J. MISS Etten Berney, of Baltimore, returned garden Philadelphia Alliance of Delta Delta Del, * • to Wheaton College, Norton, Mass., Tuesta and the Jenkintown club will be Postman J. Wallace Steigelman, day, April 5. Bone Meal Sheep Manure at the Belgravia. in Philadelphia, Media, is recuperating from inRuenza - - -.......- - Bo"ung, and Peat Mo •• Wednesday, April 13. The guests of hn"m, I a streptococcic throat infection with Births ·We will lend you a fertUizer are to be Mrs. Philip Jacob and he has been seriously ill since Grace Godfrey. Swarthmorearas who 24. He expects to resume his Mrs. Bassett Ferguson, Jr. returned spreader to IUake your job route about the middle of this month. recently to her home in Ridley Park with peet to attend the luncheon are: easier. her infant daughter, Ann, who was born, A. Ludlow Clayden, Mrs. J. A. D.,tl<,f-I sen, Mrs. R D. Fetherolf, Mrs. Mrs. A. M. Dryden and daughter. March 13, in the Lying-In Hospital Replant those bare spots in H. Jewitt, Mrs. C. Richard alie, of Dartmouth avenue, left S~t:~:~:.1 Philadelphia. Before her marriage Mrs: your lawn. and Mrs. Earl H. Weltz. for Ventnor, N. J. where Mrs. Ferguson was Miss Elizabeth Chaney, Lawn Roller to Hire who is recuperating from bronchitis, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Newcomb ChaA.ll Kind. oj Lawn and Garden Tooh Mrs. Joseph R. Peters, who has been mained until Wednesday. Miss ney, of Rose Valley, former residents of the house guest of Dr. and Mrs. Fred- will end her vacation tomorrow. South Chester road, Swarthmore. *• • • • • erick W. Luehring, of Riverview for the past two weeks, left Tuesday ?vIr. and Mrs. J. Donald Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. F. Sterling Williamson her . how\: ;" N~n' YOlk \:ity. Hillborn avenue, entertained at oi Rut.ger'ii ~venue, are receiving , Swarthmore 105 last Saturday evening, when their ulations upon the birth of a • • • Jim Powell, son of Mr. and Mrs. were: Mr. and Mrs ..Charles deH. Li~da Hoyt, last Saturday, April at ert Powell, of Swarthmore place, cr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stanley Kite, Lymg-In Hospital, Philadelphia. I in New York Monday. Jim and Jerry and Mrs. Howard W. Newnam, Jr., •• e II Turner went abroad last September and and Mrs. Leveric Woodruff, Mr. School Vacation Begins spent the winter in Paris, London and Mrs. William S. Canning and Mr. RobWednesday Italy. Jerry is not returning yet. ert Coates. The Swarthmore Public Schools Entertain Local Alumni at Tea **• * .• • •• * •*• * * * CHANGE OF DATE ,."t••on. *•* APRIL 23rd ...====="'" SWARTHMORE NATIONAL * * Now Is The Time •• * *• • *• • SUPLEE'S STORE ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ••• • •• Mrs. Russell H. Kent. of Riverview Mrs. Theodore Saulnier, of Princeton avenue, is entertaining her eightsome at a"\·enue. entertained her duplicate bridge luncheon and bridge next Tuesday. club Wednesday night, when her guests .. .. • were Mr~. Philip W. Kniskern, Mrs. 1 Nancy Powell, daughter °Sf:wa r1lr:h·mo,reI Wallace ~cCurdy, Mrs. Sewell Hodge, Mrs. Robert Powell. of Mrs. DaVid Shaw, Mrs. H. B. Lincoln, Place, returns home for her spring Mrs. Wayne Randall and Mrs. Herschel cation today from Linden Hall Junior Smith. College, Lititz, Pa. She is bringing a Miss Caroline Underwood, daughter classmate. Miss Margaret Waters, of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Underwood, of WallQueen, Md., for the week-end. • • • ••• Mrs. O. M. Hook. of Westdale avenul'" is in Jefferson Hospital ' from a mastoid operation, performed on Wednesday, March 30. * • * Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Shaw of Whittier Place, hlst returned fro~ a week in North Carolina where they visit- CAMP CHICKAGAMI MerrUl-on-Chateaugay. Lake an Adirondack Camp A camp whose program is created to meet varied interests of boys from 7 to 17. NOW SHIRLE'l TEMPLE In "RebeccCl 01 SlIDllybrook Fcmn" with Jack Haley. RandOlph Scott, Glona Stuart, Phyllls Brooke, Hel~n MEDIA Last 2 Days le of tbe .aid Cypreu Avenue, and extending 01 that width In leng1.h or depth thcn('e b,. tbe Northeaster..,. BIde of the said Northw(!t'twardly boI.ween paraUel line. at Cyprees AV('lIue Ove hundred and eil"hteen aDd ri .. ht alllrlee to said MaI'Bhall Road. lIlay-three nInety-six OIK>-hundtedths feel. to the place of and sixteen one-hundredths leet to the center bzgbmlng. line of a fourteen feet ""Ide drivewa;y. The Southwellterly line of aald lot pasaing -through TORt her wllb the rll"ht and uee of said tbe middle of an intended party wall of ad· 3110111 or driveways In common with the ownen Joining bulldinp_ of other lands abutting- thereon. Togetber with and subject. to the uee. right, liberty and privilege of aald drlvew37 In comThe serond thereof beginning at.. a point mon with the ownera and tenanta, occupiers of on the Southeaeterl,. IIde of Darnell Avenue oLher Jots adjacent "hereto_ (llfty feei wide) at tbe dlltance of two hun· dred and fllty feel, measured Nortb lIlay·one Under and subject. to certain condition. and deo.,rrees. fifteen minulee and aix: aecond, But restrictions a8 therein mentioned. from the point of Intenectlon o( the said aide 01 Darne11 Avenue and tbe Northeasterly aide ImprovementB eonslst two sto,.,. brick ot Cbur'!b Lane (fifty teet wide): extending" IItore and apartment, 20z60 (eet. thence along the Southeaeterly side of the aalll Soh) a8 the I,roperty of John Walls, mort· Darnell Avenue North slzty-one de~•. filteen gagur and Alexander R. AleMi Co.. Inc.. real mlnutcs and sJx seronds East three bundred and tWenly·foUT and ICventy one-hundredths owner, with notiee to terre tenants, if any. feet -to a point at 8 corner of lands now or son 8t .. Cheater. Pa.. FOR RENT-Large sunny room, 211 Butgers avenue_ Telephone Swarthmore 280-)( All Swarthmore Children, 12 years of age and under, to participate in The Annual Children's Easter Egg Hunt. No. 1072 December Tenn. 1937 NEWS NOTES Swarthmore Business Association INVITES 8.30 A. M. Eastem. Standard Time Conditlor.1I 1260.00 ~aab or certified cheek at time 01 aale (unieM otherwise al"ted In adverUeemeol), balance In ten dayS. Other condJUonll on dIU' of sale. A. Cordes, Mrs. H. Dingle, Mr•. F. Gettz Easter is here again, laden with surprises for all child.. ren in Swarthmore, twelve years old or under. This :Association, which sponsors the following activities: The Children's Easter Egg Hunt The July Fourth Games and Entertainment The Hallowe'en Parade The Christmas Lighting of the Business Section SaturdllJ'. April 30. 103S Mr, Perez, Mrs. Whitaker, Nana Whitaker, and Mary Ann Hook wilt give part of the same program at the Studia and Mrs. Louis Pierce, of Swarthmore; FROM THE s THE SW'AR'1'BMOREAN Oct. Api Oct: Api Oct. Api Oct. Api Oct. 1926 1927 1927 1928 1928 1929 1929 1930 1930 1931 1931 1932 1932 1933 1933 1934 1934 1935 1935 1936 1936 1937 1937 Series 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 Number Shares Dues Paid Per Share Gain Per Share Value Per Share Witlulrawal Value Per Share Value Per Series 288 315 196 195 309 280 124 434 253 371 250 167 223 499 331 $138 132 126 120 114 108 102 96 90 84 78 72 66 60 54 48 42 36 30 24 18 12 $55.57 50.86 46.36 42.06 37.98 34.10 30.44 26.98 23.73 20.68 17.85 15.23 12.81 10.60 8.60 6.81 5.23 .3.86 2.69 1.74 99 45 12 $193.57 182.86 172.36 162.06 151.98 142.10 132.44 122.98 113.73 104.68 95.85 87.23 78.81 70.60 62.60 54.81 47.23 39.86 32.69 25.74 18.99 12.45 6.12 $192.03 180.03 168.50 157.39 146.70 136.41 126.52 116.98 107.80 98.93 90.40 82.15 74.18 66.48 59.01 51.78 44.76 37.92 31.26 24.77 18.41 12.17 6.04 $55,748.16 57,600.90 33,782.56 31,601.70 46,961.82 39,788.00 16,422.56 53,373.32 28,773.69 38,836.28 23,962.50 14,567.41 17,574.63 35,229.40 20,720.60 18,799.83 13,555.01 19,930.00 21,869.61 8,159.58 9,836.82 6,511.35 2,515.32 343 287 500 669 317 518 523 411 7803 6 $616,121.05 Audited by Main & Co., Certified Public Aceoulltants. 79th Series Opens with First Payment Due April 12th 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN BORO COUNCIL IN ROUTINE SESSION APRB.. Students Stage Spectacular Stunts In 1938 Gym Night at High School Daneing Class Chaperons Cmm Creek Club Winners S. 1938 CrulU Creek Bridge Club winners last Parents who will act as chaperons at Monday evening were: North and South, tomorrow evening's meetings of the Interested Citizens Attend Public Mr. and 1IIrs. A. L. Arnold, first; Mr. Swarthmore Dancing Classes are: Sen· The alUlUal Gym Night of the Swarth- Horse vaults were perlonned as lollows: Hiehord Randall and Mr. "I.. G. Luckie, ior-Dr. and Mrs. W. Nivin Wherry, Hearing on Proposed Zon· . second; Mr. Richard Sellers and Mr. B. Mrs. Samuel Dodd, Mr. and Mrs. Abram more Junior and Senior High Sehools, Iront-Crawlord Fetter; straddle-Hering Exceptions LH . Morrison, third; East 3nd West, Mrs. B. Fawcett and Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. held last Friday evening, was an out- bert Gross; squat-Louis Dethloff ;OankLeonard C. Ashton and Ellwood B. Edith Cuskadcn and Mrs. W. Burton Chapman; ninth grade-Mr. and Mrs. stan~ing improv~ment over all previous Kenneth White; tf.ief-Charles Davison. Chapman, members of the Board of Ad- Richards, first;' Mrs. Wallace McCurdy Howard Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. GiI- l)hyslcal education. exhibitions of the Difficult horse leg circles demonstrated . d Rail dall , secon; d M rs. man, 'I II 'I . . J1!stment, al}l>eared IJe Iore B oroogI1 Coun· and Mrs. Rlchar n rs. H eIen H a, J.l' r. alld M rs. school and drew . hvely applause .Irom the strength of John Nalsby and a horse cil assembled for its regular meeting Wed· Se\Vell Hodge and Mrs. Richard Carvcl, J P. Henry and Mr. and Mrs. ~tallds crowde~ with parents and fnenns hand spring with roll brought out Wjnnesday, April 6, and asked Council for third. Charles B. Shaw', seventh grade-Mr. 111 the.. gymnasium. th rol' D 'I eII' . en s agt'I't I y. R 0 bert 0 e Iap I' alOe, suggestions as to the l}rocedure to be The winners of the March tournament. and Mrs. H,oward Kirk, Mrs. Dayid Oflgll~lJty and spectacular effects John Allyn and Robert Thorpe held the followed in making exceptions to the zon- Mrs. Edith Paschall and Mr. H. Gilpil~ i Che\\', Mr. and Mrs. Walter Palmer, Mr. characterized the program. The eleventh audience spellbound with their ability to ing ordinance. Council refused advice on Brown were presented with desk lanw,!, I and Mrs. Fred N. Bell and Mr. a'1d and twelfth grades led off with games. (,erform a variety of feats on the horizongrounds that until the zoning ordinance last night. Mrs. Charles B. Shaw. Ruth. Wilson, state champion and fourth tal bar. \\3S amended it had 110 authority in the The Senior Committee in charge of rankmg player of table tennis in the James Dryden and Richard Fairservice maller and the Board had sole reSlJoll5iI I the Hobo Dance tomorrow night is: Har- United State, was given good singles showed excellent precision and coordinability for decisions made. A large groUI) I riet Wickham, chainnan, Winnie Mellon, competition in ping pong by John Nais- tion with a double combination shoulder of citizens appeared at the meeting to Kenneth White, Anne ¥lray, Bill Gor- by. Ted Dingle ahd Billy Anll Mitchell stand on the parallel bars, each also demhear the discussion. I mall, Bill Megarigal, Jim Smith, Blanche 1}layed doubles with John Richards and onstrated single shoulder stands and a At the close of thc ImbHc hearing a Cheyney and Carol Goodman. Peggy Van Duser. At the same time two double combination again in slow motion. mixed doubles of oadminton were in prodiscussion of the off the street I.arking Lacr.o8se Teams of College and The tumbling team performed in breath HIgh School Play Lone and I • • gress and a game of vo1ley ball. Badminordinance occurred hut no action \Vas taking high and low dives, under and Stellar Roles During LISTS SCHOOL PLAYGROUND tall players were Walton Nason and Bettaken. Borough Solicitor Myers reported I· over, wrestler's bridge (Robert DclaWeek NEEDS ty Douglas "~So Louis Dethloff and Mary on the law suit instituted by Dr. Kistler lJiaine), caterpillar walk (Winthrop Melin regard to the refused motion l}icture I llol1sall; Calvin Gr.rncr and Anna Wood len and George Balsley), arm to arm Lccal 51)orts actiVIties, during the Needed apparatus for body develop- vs. William Gorman and Harriet Wickhouse. stand (Ted Dingle and Jim Dryden), Routine reports were given by the Fi- Ilast week. was limited to the activities ment of children is a challenge to a whole ham. chest rolls and snap-ups and flips (Ted The eighth grade lads appeared next nance, Highway and Public Safety Com- of the lacro~se teams. The Swarthmore community. The fact that sports arc Dingle, George Balsley, Bill Gorman and mittee~ and the meeting adjourned. An College tl-am reJlorted two victories and needed for older children is generally in marching tactics [ollowed by races. Robert Spencer). Councilmen were prescnt except N. . I ' f S I . accepted and educators havc known for Next the girls of the seventh grade 1 Pittenger and \Villiam R. Argyle. tsleI Sir sl' team 0 I '1 . \~art llllore HIgh years that one of the most important facWalter Snyder and Stuart Jones injectI d t gracefully executed a German folk dance, ed a comedy strain with their unewspaper • I ·0 J ~ Cleo p aye an ex 11 JI Ion game. tors in child care is strongly developed after which the boys of the same grade Gard ner Exh i I.it pens Sunday The College team swirled out of March b--1ies. o.."U entertained with more unique races ami walk," humorous but not by any means Paintings anu pastels by Cyril Gardner like a lion, by defeating Williams 011 the Under the Chairmanship of Mrs. Rob- stunts. The eighth grade girls continued "3n easy stunt to perfonn. Balsley, Mellen and Gorman returned will be on exhibition for two weeks be- local field 011 the last day of the month. ert Spiller, a Parent-Teacher committt'e the show by dancing "Skipping Rhythm." ginning April 11 in Collection Hall at The final score was Swarthmore 10, \Vi!-I composed of Miss Lillian Hughes, of TI . I I I for triple rolls j Gerner, Dryden and Din. I. • le Slxt I num }er of t Ie evening-tite Swarthmor'! College. The public is cordially im'ited to visit this exhibition. Iiams 6. The Garnet JlIml)C( mto 3n carly I the Rutgers avenue School, MISS Jane hicycle drill was one of the cleverest alltl gle in spring board fllip5 i and Dingle in lead and was ne\'cr headed. The score Hoffman, of the Collcge avenue School, most unusual parts of the program. h.mdsprings, rolls and snap-ups. ,Mr. Gardncr, who studied at the PellnRousing acclaim met an extensive pyrasylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, is was 3-0 at the end of the first per- and }'Ir. Robert Gerne~, tca~herhof Phys- Mounted on bicycles gaily decorated in '1' 540 0 d ioel' 4-2 at half time' and 6-3 .t tl,e ical Education and SCience In t e Junior r~d and white, boys of the seventh, ~ighth, mid demonstration. Ninth grade boys now resa mg at g en a v e n u e . " - _ • •• three If therc~· :.are any Friends or nonpoundmg• on a rocky coast and F.og and of" birds to Mr. Keighton in recognition Friends who wish to take the opposite vor of Supplee Sealtest Premier YES> IIpriDg is here 1 Biq-league ~pra>::' IS ~ fine eX,7mple of thIS su~ of forty years service in Trinity Mission side and make it a discussion, I shall be A Milk puts it "right over the baseball starts this week. And Jeel. Betty s Garden. must surely be.," and Church. Mr. Keighton has served for .. glad to divide time with them. If there plate" at the table. As a memDB the neighborhood lot near are no volunteers, I shall give a lecture M.onhegan, where M1SS. Cochrane .mam· that length of time on the vestry, as ber company of the SEALTES1' your home. bappy youngster. tams her summer studiO. for a rIOt of treasurer of the Parish and as a teacher on the above topic, at the Swarthmore SYS~ OP LABOBATOBT PaOTECare tossing the ball "right over summer bloom has, for a background, =l in the Church School. nON. Supplee shares in the dis'_.: Friends __¥~~ting ~ouse, May 1, at 8 rocky hillside. Many visitors have enthe plate:, I I - -. coveries of more than 100 clcdry ;,:, P. M. . ~ ~.:-. :-Plenty of milk gives your chil ... joyed particularly her dramatic landscape. Christian Science Church J. RUSSELL SMITH. laboratoril¥l. dren the pep to make good in It is a privilege to have Miss Cochrane • I • Put Supplee Soallesl Premier their sand&lot ,league. Milk also with us but the pride and admiration we uProbation after D(!3th" is the subject nctim In Local "War" A Milk "up to bat" in your home. helps build strong muscles and feel for our lOCal exhibitors is not of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Telephone CHESTER 2-5721 for sound bones. In fact. milk is a Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, April 24. dimmed. To the Editor: courteous. dependable Supplee grand food for all folks - wbcdThe exquisite beauty of Nellie Mc- The Golden Text is: "Verily, verily, I The' recent observation that a local service. eyer their gga. The creamy namovie theatre would result in an in- Cracken's still life with flowers, "The say unto you, The hour is coming, and vasion of the rabble. leads me to won- Blue Dish," is what we have come to ex- now is, when the dead shall hear the voke der if we are not too late. I believe they pect of her. On the olher hand. Florence of the Son of God: and th.. •I• come up on the hill practically any striking oil as a change from her' equally fine watercolors. "The Old Man" by Methodist News Notes , afternoon. Cyril Gardner is a sympathetic and ttrik·W·. A L 5,0 s. L L W A L K E R - Go 0 R DON C E R T I F I I D .. ILK ~i Here the private properties of peaceably inclined citizens are subject to ing likeness of a person fami1iar to many . The candle light communion service on F~r~:e~s~,,~/~I.~,~,S~Y~"~""~·;O~''''~boo~':'I~'';;Y~'''''~'ed~/~O.~.~.~d~I''~M~'''~b~''~C~'''~"~.~I.~'~.'~.~.""~"~'~A~'~So~m~.~Own~~""~'~'~~ Holy ThursdaY'was very impressive. The ~ attacks and counter attacks of a small Swarthmoreans. Dorothy Curtis Kent has given us three sacrament of- baptism preceded the admin-I army of prides and joys of persons interpretations of the swamps of the istration of the Lord's Supper. unknown whose devastations must make south. The Easter service was well attended I the Chinese ""scorched earth" policy Mrs. Ellice McDonald (Ann Heebner) a~d a large class was received into full I seem mild in comparison. Rare is the Warm weather is dangerous to your motor unless it is pro· whose portraits are always interesting has church membership. while others united· property- which is not the scene of sevtected by the proper summer grade of oil. Winter oils and eral engagements in the course of an a particularly charming head of a child. by letters of transfer. The floral decoragreases do not give your motor and gears full protection in warm A joyous note runs through the three tions were most beautiful and the choral afternoon between warring battalions weather. sketches by Susan Darrah Wolters. selections well rendered. of these little ones. Everything moveHarriet Butler, whose The church school meeting at 9 :45 Another painter, ~bl~. :which might serve as weapons is To protect your motor and assure proper warm weather pergrabbed up as the vendetta ebbs and point of view is often expressed by a pi- A. M. will have as its lesson topic, flRe~ formance. drive in and let us perform the following "Spring flows, which is all done with a precis- quant selection of objects for a still life ceiving Vision for Service." Rejuvenation" on your car: ion that a "kfeptomaniac might well is charmingly represented by "Emperor.". "The monthly Junior Church service Drain Winter Oil and Re-fill with Summer Grade; envy. The detachments are usually ac- Her "Zinnias" is also a lovely bit of will be held at 11 o'clock when the "ParChange lubricant~. in Rear End and Transmission; companied by vast herds of sundry color and design. There are flowers paint- able of the Talents"'will be portrayed by Complete Chassis Lubrication; and assort,ed canines who would keep ed with realis.tic beauty by Josephine a group of young people and Holy Week an abbatoir busy for several months Truslow Adams and with a decorative ribbons will be presented. There will be Drain Anti-Freeze from Radiator; an object sermon by the pastor and New at least. And I heartily wish that's formality by Dorothy Lackey. Flush and Re-fill Radiator; One of the outstanding portraits is that Testaments will be presented by the where they were. Inspect and Tighten all Water Hose Connections; Parenthetically, the hand of Commun~ of a young girl by Muriela Cianci John- church and Sunday School to members of Inspect and Clean Battery Terminals and Cables. ist propaganda can be seen in the fact son. It has a quality of arrested movl!- the Easter memership classes. ALL THE ABOVE OPERATIONS PERFORMED FOR $5.85. 'The church nursery was the recipient of that"· when we ask to be allowed to ment throughout the figure which sym(This price includes the necessary oil and grease. Other material, use our little plots for flowers rather bolizes youth. Another portrait of great several gifts. One donor gave twenty i if needed, extra). that Kiddie Kamping grounds, we are charm, although very sir:nple and small dollars for additional nursery equipment. accused of not favoring adequate re- is Alice L. Emmon's "Night Sketch." The nursery functions simultaneously Whether your car needs some minor inexpensive adjustme.nt, Water color is the medium used 50 with morning worship thereby enabling creational facilities for chitdl·en. or whether it needs a major repair job. remember to BRING Our front lawn was so shell marked charmingly in Alice Hall Paxson's four parents to attend church. YOUR CAR HOME FOR SERVICE. where specialized equipment small landsCapes and so forcefully in The Senior and Intermediate Leagues and factory trained mechanics insure a first class job at moderate Ranulph de Bayeux Bye's two studies of will hold their meetings at 7 P. M. Sun' CHUR,CH NEWS -. prices. woods and streams and Margaret God- day in their respective rooms. TBINlTY CHOBCH Evening worship will be at 7 :45 P. 1-[, dard's . UChester Skyline." Mrs. \VilIiam Pi'otestaDt EPlscopal B. Forhush, a new exhibitor, shows her with sermon. At 8 P. M. hlonday, April Chester Road and College Avenue Bev. J. ·Jarden Ouenther, S.T.M.. Hector love of the rich color of autumn woods. 25, the young WQmen's Auxiliary of the SUNDAY Charles D. MitcheH wins one's admira- Ladies Aid Society will hold its business 8:00 A. M. -:- Holy COmmunion. Yale Avenue and Chester Road 9:45 A. M. - Church School and Bible tion for his skillful handling of crayon and social meeting at the home of J..hs Class. SWARTHMORE, PA. 11:00 A. M. -l4ornmg Prayer and Sermon. pencil in representing textures and for Maurice M. Haworth, 811 Westdale ave~ 7:00 P.M.-Y. P. F.-342 N. PrInceton a deeper quality of character delineation nue. one afternoon that I tbought Generalissimo Franco~s bombers had been over l'UBLJ8BBD _ Y ....,AY Alr 8WU'rIDIOIUI, .... and strongly considered asking the American Friends Service Committee to 'DIll 8WAa'rIDIO_. INC. set .. up a relief station on Ogden Ave· nue. We are of course, resigned to the destruction of our shrubs and flower PETER Eo TOLD beds. Next I presume, we will be obliged to quarter the troops in our houses. This will be hard as our property is ROSALIE DRYDEN 11... _ bitterly contested and changes hands sever,l times an afternoon. but in war1L'IIoa. SwaRllmon ... £Dtere4 as Second Clau Matter. "aaaarr 14, time we must be thankful at having 1m, at tile . - 0111.. at 8 _ _", .... escaped with our lives. UIltler tho .let of MarcIl S, m .. Yours under fire, Oscar Fidgett. FRIDAY. APIDL 22. 1938 ______ THE SWARTHMOREAN - ..... ••'or - ~I~'~.e_----- "RIGHT OVER THE PLATE!" I PREMIER A MILK SUPPLEE Danger Ahead! Tops in Quality One of the Most Appetizing of Roasts!. _ .. Martel's RIB ROASTS You only have to eat a slice to apprea date what it meaD8 in flavor. lb. HANNUM & WAITE THE Zge Fresh P~88 or New Potatoes aod Fresh Asparagus with Creamed Mushrooms and a It'. petites For a Delicious Suuday Dhmer. BROa._S each S9c Yo_ Sprins Chlelhoenixville. The sale was negotiated by y a teI eph one eompany t roc k , an intended party wall of ad· SAVE MONEY b,. bu,-lDa M. Parker. m oVedeJ, ~horwardl COIUpl.teIYedc~nf March Term. 1938 and subject to the usc. l"ighl. SILVER FOX SCARFS • • • u •• t .Y0ODgwomanreach, .or AU that certain lot of ground with the privilege of said driveway in eomDIRECT from the PRODUCER Mrs. George M. Allen, of Riverview ~ tripped over the carriage buildings thereon ert'cted. Sltua.te in Uppel' the owners and tenants, occopiers or Darby. Del. Co., Pa. Be&1nning at a point on adjacent 4herelo. Visit our Bauch and See Our AMortmen.t avenue, entertained at luncheon, the Southwesterly Bide of Childs Avenue Avondale Silver Fox Farm day, for Mrs. Ray T. Moock, 01 Fair· 1..~'f.::!:!:d~~'.'Zr"147.48' ·measured NorthwBtrly along Child, '_••lriCilo".;;;nd subject to certaln condltlens and A\'enu~ from 8 point a round corner extendlnl I' 88 therein mentioned. Weot19WD 'Road, 11'_ lawn" N. J,. Mrs. William Rogers, of on. man grabbed the frightened Bloomfield Avenue with a radius 01 30· _ _ _ _ _....:Ph;,::;o:,:... ::.:...:.ISS:.;:.:Bl::.:..______ 1Montclair, N. )., and Mrs. William Mc~ chi1dand guided the nervous mother thence South 66" 69' 30" West 170.61' to a Improvements consist o( two story brick point; thence North 29·.17' 40" Wet 85' to and apartment. 20:z50 feet. WILLIAM E. CLYMER Lean, of Plainfield, N. J, Mrs. Allen's to saf.ty, another picked up the a point; thence North 60" 42' 20" East 142.62' Sold DS the proper-ty of John Walle. morL. Contractor and Builder guests were classmates of the honor wheel and coach and carried them to 1\ point· in the Southwesterly aide of Child, gag-or nnd Alexander R. Aleasi Co .. Inc.. real guests, who were fanner Swarthmore to the sidewalk. Then he turned and Ave(lu,;!, and 1henee along Childs Avenue Soutb 50. 25' ~ast 1.6.10' to beginning-. owner, wUh notice to terre tenanta, if any. Palnti... C.rpenky-Maeo...." College girls. shouted, "Hey, Fred, briag th. truck Now ta the time to have that repair over here." work and. palDtlng attended to. ,p~"~.!n..' .. ~ consist 0(. two and ·.one.half " RANKIN. Atlomeys. Call Sw.... 66O-M for EstImate Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan, of South Th.1r11Ck waa hacked to th. corbo stucco. hooBO, 64x48 feet: WILLIAM W. MclCIM. Sheriff. Refereneeo Fundahecl Chester road, entertained her bridge club 'W"ne' and tools were produced. Then, BIDS FOR SUPPLIES. S.oJd as .the prorer.ty aI,..lohn ,M. Aroviklb. -----,;:;:::==-==-:-"'='":-:-=.,..I.,on :ljVednesday, when her guests w,er~;: ..,Jates a wltn~ th•. crowd which mOJ1jf-a:to:r··lI~d· FlOrerice D. J(inder. ""al owner. WT . Mrs. J. Albright Jones, Mrs. Howard :: ;""b4dl gb.t1i~tdl-watthea·~.rtelephone The SchOOl District of Swarthmore will w. Newnam, Jr., Mrs. John R. Bates, crew repair the broken carriage. Hand money $500.00. receive bids st the High School BuUding up to 4 p. m.. Monday. April 25. 1038. for print· Alibough fixing baby carriages Mrs. J. Francis Taylor, Mrs. Erik L. E. LEROY· VAN RODEN, Attorney. ing and general Instructional supplies, tne1udlnl Eleeh'ieal Conlraelor Sjostrom, Mrs. Albert Nelson and Mrs. h .. nothing to do with good tel•• art. shop and science. and janitor's supplleB. A. Prescott Willis. phone service, this incident well F~n8 No. 72 The School District. reserves the rIght. to reject TeJephone Swarthmore 58 • • • demonstrates th••pirit of service any or all bIde in wbole or In part and/or to Mnrch Term. 1988 award contract to other than tbe low bidder whiCh i.e characteristic of thi~ entire on any item or Items, MRS. A. J; QUINBY SON Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abbe have reorganization_ 'f!1o Bell. Telephone All that cerlaln frame messuage and lot. Spe<:i Ocations may be secured aL the School 1~~~:~:~~~i~fr~om their wedding trip and are Company of Pennsylvania. land SUuate on the Southwesterly sIde of District offioo in the Swarthmore High School . ..0 ....... ClUDIB"W' II their new apartment in the Avenue ~12-' 6" measured SouthELIZABETH A. LUEDERS. from· the Southwesterly earner of Secretary. ho,us,., at 323 Park avenue. Friday and • ~pm., Satnrclay 29-3Q ' , ',,',a", " Iz . evenmg. Cedar lane, entertained with a ph,y-llun'-I,"vc,n.,e, entertained at luncheon on chean party on Monday from Wednesday, April 13, when her guests ~~I~~~J~~~=~~~: ~;I~·~~~i Guests wereMissMargaret Mrs. C. C. West, Mrs. Lee Ray, By Jury" '~Trial tl~h~e~c~u~r~re~n~t~p:r~o:gr~am~o~f~t~h~e~S;ew~e~r~A~u~'~~~~~!B~o~o~t~B~la~c~k~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WE TA U C HT THE FA RM"E R ',H O. W', ".' 1£0 h 5 AP~~R~D;'~~19~38~~in~ ~ CLASSIFIED __~____~~~~~____l:~T:'H:E~S:W~::~:::;~~~============::==:=~::~ the Darby Lions and Kiwanis Clubs MOHPrIm.. A.."u. aDd Sh..,...... Ave" ... ID Darb>' an thority and 'passed ordinance mak~ iog it effective. $6000 was authorized For the period beginning Monday, April bv which you can lead, a more CoilV~nient, comfortable twenty.fifth, and ending Saturday, September home-life ••• the twenty.fourth, this Bank will open at seven A. M. and close at two CAP. RIOTTY'S wil~ replace new tires free of charge at P_ ,ability to use all your 'electrical, servants. Make sure the wiring in, your 'home is adequate to deliver M., Eastern Stand. an ample supply'of electric energy for' present needs ••• ard Time, except on Saturdays, when the and to serve future additions to your electrical "staff of ser. closing hour will be eleven A. M. vants." Next, investigate your convenience outlets. Have any time. enough to accommodate all your needs. Consult with your £APK'OTTY'S EQUIPMENT 4 SUPPLY 00. . ";·0. i ': .... CORNWALL MOTOR CO. FOUR1H &: WELSH STREETS~ ct-iES'l'~ PA. > .' , '" " ,, " "• neighborhood 'electrical dealer ••• or call your neareet ~: 1; ,. 11 r!: The Swarthmore National Bank. and Trust Co. •. ",1 -='ifi~ {-4S PBILADELPIlIA ELECTRIC ·COMPANY lI(ember Federal Depo.it lnaurtinee Corporation 31S.17 WALE AVE., M • •TON" P,A. .>-.. ~.. Phiiadelphia EleCtric Companv office. , • ~- , ~- -~- - ~.: , . ·.£/tlcltic,ill - . --- -- --.---~-----~- :..'::: . ~. 1'~ 'fi;-: ·re·lS'a,,,)" . ~". .: . ;: . ~ t2/atllljfJft ' i,. _9.lIlIlill 'Uf~'1ttC'·a§.~!iijft-; .. ~~ql . '.... . .- . ' .. ... • . ~ '01 ~.' t . , •.. I ." ••.. " , THE 6 ~ SWARTHMOREAN Philadelphia district with an evening of Mo.art music by the Curtis String Quar· tet on Monday. '. ••• who entertained with a small dinner in their honor Tuesday evening. Miss Yates and Mrs. Stewart were returning from a motor trip to Annapolis, Md. where they visited Mrs. Stewart's brother, a senior at the United States Naval Academy, and to Washin~,on, D. C. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Tomlinson, of New York City, who have just returned from a trip to South America, spent Easter with Mr. Tomlinson's mother. Mrs. Arthur H. Tomlinson of South Chester road, 22,1938 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Perry and daug!!· leT, Olive. of Thayer road, ,who have been spending the wiJ;1ter in California, have gone to theit summer home in Cape May, N. J. for the sea'son. ... Dr. and Mrs. J. Russell Smith, of Elm avenue, entertained at tea on Sunday for P08tma8ter Smalley Often Loeal to th.e eli~ibilit.y of the conte.stant, with M r. an d M rs. 0 . J '. G'I .:'" f ••• the IdentificatIOn and locatIOn of the their sons and daughters·in-law who were I qees t ".9 PrlZe8 m Addition to State school and must show contestant', their Eas~er guests. Harvard avehue, entertained at a desand National Awards home address. 'ertbridge Saturday night,' April .9, Studel.lt~ in, th~ Swarth?Iore ,Schools Dealing with the ideas, purposes and when their gu~ts were Mr. and Mrs. Miss Jean Yates and Mrs. Barrett are partIC!pah"~ In two, AIr Mall Week advantages of air transportation as it Stewart, of Schenectady, N. Y., arrived John Mo.ore. Mr.. a.n~f... ~rs. Walt~r contests III w~lch national, state and affects modern communication, essays Monday night to remain until Wednesday Thorpe. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson, local awards will be made. . entered should not exceed 250 words. with Miss Yates' uncle and aunt, Mr. and Sr., Mr. and Mrs: J.Donald Gibs.on and Postmaster .Alfred P. Smalley. 1.5 per· They will be judged 50"/0 on originality, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coates. Mrs. A. B. Lawrence, of Cornell avenue, sonally ofJe~mg the local Prize's of 25% on continuity and construction and five dollars 1.11 the Essay Contest and 25% on spelling, punctuation and neatfive donars 111 the poster Contest to ness. Swarthmore English teachers whl) DIAM~ILEE be divided into three awards of two will "assist those desiring to entcr the 1~:li and a .half, onc, and a half. and one Essay Contest arc: Hanna Kirk and doll3;r In eac~ II1stance. Mary Armstrong, high school; Mary MISS Claudia Hancock, local art su- Oberlin ninth grade junior high' and pervisor, is directing. tho~e entering the Anna Woodward Nathan BeU: scv· Stainl.... the Soper.Lulie Paint, goes on Poster Contest winch IS confined to cnth and eighth grades 80 easily, goes. 80 far and la8ts 80 long students in . grammar, high. school, Th e p . "1 I P or os t ereon t es t 'WI'11 b flog nathalll is e8sylO give your home that well· schools havmg Simi ar curncu ar. ost~ , I ' Ii t . t h d • '1 . tiona WUlners a rs prize rop y an painted and well"C8red~for look that ers are to relate to the air mal service d' 1 d th t t of the present and future and its adapt- a. secon pf1;ze p 3,!ue, an e s a e makes it worth more money. Any auilitv to the needs of the nation. They Willner a trophy gl',:en by the St~te painter who has used Felton.Sibley shouid be ou or mounted on bristol or Headqu.arters Commt~tee. Local Wl~­ paints will tell you this. . '1 ar board t more th an t wen t y ners will be . 'automattcally. entered Slmt and110 . .10 These same punum will also teD yo:~ inches by twenty-five inches in size, stat.e compettho~ .and st~te ,wmners In that Stainl.... tbe Super.Lulie Paint, mounted. Originality of ideas witl count ~lahollal competItion .. WmnlOg PQste~s willl.st y" longer than other fint claM 5(}l'1o, neatness of composition 25%, and III the state and national contests. wdl paints. It will not crack or peel of itaelf. adaptability for usc 25% in judgment of becom~ the property of the National And when time for repainting does como· the posters. Committee... around ..... Stainless Paint does not have Both the posters and essays, which .. Two state prtzes are offered 10 the to be burned 011'. It weathers BO ev~nly will be Gn the subject "Wings Across Essay Contest: first-a nontransferable in all climates that it forme a perfect America" and confined to students in air trip from the winner's nearest air· base for repainting. high sch~ols or schools of equivale~t· port to Washington, D. C .. and return; IT'S EASY TO MAKE YOUR When you paint, it will pay you to be sure curricula. must be postmarked not later second-trophy awarded by the state. than midnight, :May 1, and addresse,t Firs~ natiol~al prize for essays will be you uoe Stainl.... ~e Super.LuIie PainL to the State Chairman National Air a trip by air to Hollywood and return HOUSE WORTH MORE MONEY FELTON, SWLEY & CO., INC. Mail Week (Poster or Essay) Contest, with hotcl accommodations and meals 4~' &; Cberr7 StReb. Philadelphia. P .. in care of the local postmaster, wh.) for five days (if the winner lives east of will forward all entries to the state hlississippi River) or a similar trip to headquarters. Postage must bc fully Miami (if west). Second and third ~. ~) WARNING-ONLY Felton·Sibley prepaid. Each poster and essay must prizes will be a national trophy and a be certified by the school principal as national plaque. ~ dealers sell Stainless, Ihe Svpert **• 1\\."1 . ~ Lastlc house paint.· Ask your dealer for a sample color curd. J fIEILTON-SIBlEY For Sale By N. WALTER SUPLEE Product Phone 105. 11 So. Chester Rd., Swarthmore, Pa. .,: RTORR aDUltS; 9 t\.M. to 9 P.M.-Mon.. Tues. 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. Wed. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.-Thurs. 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. Fri.• Sat. Specials For the Week of April 21st to April 27th, InduMve 45 FLOUR-Gold Medal Kitchen tested, 12.lb. bg. . I c Green Split PEAS 3 lb• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 FANCY "LONG SHRED" My-T -Fine Butterscotch PUDDlNG-3 for . . . . And Other Flavors c n UCO FANCY QUALITY Puffed WHEAT, Quaker Reg. •ize pkg. . . . . . . . . . Golden Bantam CORN 8-oz. c.an . . . . . . . . . . . . 1~~~ ~~':,"~~ ~~I~~. 6! c I Orange and Grapefruit Juice Blended' I II Crisfield, Chesapeake Bay Buck SHAD ... lb. ------1 1c\ 10 UiitUMS E P urpie ' MEATY L arge No. 21/2 can. . . . I c :====r:::::rc:r:::::::1·=scI tl c California Thick Green ASPARAGUS ..•.. lb. '-----.-rrll" - T -_ _I II " ","_ •• ",.y..,..,.-••• Genuine Sp.fing Legs \ 0' LAMB . . . . . . . . . lb. I 10 SOLID POUND PRINT Creemer,. BU1TER ......... lb. 23 ,., -" MILK-FED - c No. JAMES J. DAVIS DOLMAN DIRECTS SEASON'S FINALE 1938-39 '2.50 PER YEAIl APRIL 29, 1938 SWARTHMORE, PA., 17 I 30c ..,........ SQUARE WHITE American CHEESE Ih 25 SNOW WHITE Loin or Rib VEAL CHOPS •.•.. lb. Sliced BASEBAIJ. ASS'N SOLICITS FUNDS DANCING CLASS SAMUEL MORRIS DODD, 2nd COMMITl'EE NAMED The annual meeting of mothers of the Swarthmore Dancing Class children was held Monday evening of this week at 7.30 in the Woman's Club House. Mrs. Robert T. Bair was elected chairman of the committee for next year with Mrs. Guenther H. Froehet. co-chairman; Mrs. Carl Delloll, treasurer; Mrs. J. B. Pope, assistant treasurer; Mrs. Robert A. Sheppard, Mrs. Charles E. Fischer, Mrs. Horace H. Hopkins and Mrs. Walter A. Schmidt, hostesses. Over onc hundred dollars, left in this year's budget, will be turned over to the Swarthmore Playground Equipment; Fund. Playe.... Club Ends Season With RU88ian Comedy "Squaring the Circle" Starring Talented Cast BaU Player8 Begin CanVB88 May 1 For Funds To Support Current Season's Sport In the spring Swartlnnore's fancy, along with the rest of America'S, turns Those interested in the fascinatiug toward baseball. On May I, 2, 3; the problems of love, housing and divorce Swarthmore Baseball Association will under the Soviets will find much to conduct a community drive to secure interest them in "'Squaring the Circle", funds to support the summer season of a Russian comedy written by Valentine the Swarthmore Hornets. The Hornets Kataev, to be present~d as the May are entered. in the Delco l,eague, which offering at the Playcrs Club, under the opens its season May 10. Home games able direction of John Dolman, Jr., will be played on the Rutgers avenue field assisted by Mary Ryan O'Bricn. in the early evening. While the play is about Communist Plans are under way to organize a I I I youth in Soviet Russia, it is far from junior team for boys from 14 to 17 years being Communist propaganda. Bcing Memorial Service for of age. a comedy. it is not an entirely realistic The Association is the permanent body Dr. Pearson picture of life in Russia such as would which supports the baseball team's sum.. excite bespectacled intcllectuals, but A memorial service for the late Dr. mer season and attends to its business incidental to the unfolding of the story Paul M. Pearson will be held in Friertds' affairs. Every family in Swarthmore will the audience does learn a great deal Meeting House on Sunday afternoon, be asked to contribute to the Association about that far-off land and its pcople. SENATOR DAVIS SPEAKS May 8, at 5 P. M. Friends and asso· hy members of the team who will make a Not to disclose too much of the plot, IN SWARTHMORE ciates of Dr. Pearson are welcome to house to house canvass, The goal of the the play concerns the difficulties of the attend the service. drive is two hundred and fifty sponsors hottsing situation in !\{oscow, and th: Pennsylvania's senior United States • who will contribute one dolIlar eaf:h. troubles of two young men, room-mates Senator, James J. Davis, spent a brief However any amount is acceptable and in a municipal lodging house, who both hour in Swarthmore last Tuesday when Joint Debate on Economies any contribution to further this communget marricd on the same day without he made a vigorous campaign speech beity enterprise will be appreci3;ted. Checks telling each other. The embarrassment fHe the Norwood Council of Republican In the Friends' Meeting House, at 8 should be made payable to H. J. Dingle, of the young brides when they find out Women holding its eighth birthday anni· P. M., Sunday, May I, J. Russell Smith Borough Tax CoUector's Death treasurer. Contributions will be received that their husbands have room-mates, versary luncheon at a local tea room. will take the affirmative. and Jack Thornp- Occurs at Bis Home Follow- at the office of The SwarthmoreaPJ, at any and that the room-mates are married, is Senator Davis said his campaign might son, also of Swarthmore, the negative of ing Heart Ailment time. increased when the original tenant of have to be dclegated to such groups as the following question: . .. The officers of the Association are Wilthe room, a half-mad poet, returns from this Councjl, as pressure of public busi':Resolved, that the profit objecbv~ reFollowing several month.s ~f fadmg Ham S. Shelly, president; Robert H. the collective farm where he has been ness owing to his many senatorial com- qUires that goods shall be relatlvely health du.e to a heart C?mphcallon, Sam Reed, vice-president; Howard J. Dingle, d~velopit1g his muscles j and is tllrned to mittee assignments prevented his making scarce. Therefore one of the curses of the uel Morns Dodd, 2d., died Tuesday even~ treasurer' Charles Eo Hess secretary' consternation when their district org~ ali extended state wide canvass for votes. present economic order in the United ing at his home 00 Swarthmore avenUl!, Peter E Told publicity dire:tor· Georg~ Senator Davis arrived at his Phila- States is that the maintenance of scarcity leaving a host of friends gained through L. Ea~shaw' manager The Board of anizer discovers them paired off witJt delphia headquarters from Washington becomes one of the chief objectives of a residence of twenty-five years. Directors co~ists of Porter H Waite the wrong husbands. Born in St. Louis, M~., August 28, Victor D. Shirer, H. B. Coo~n, Wa1~ Translated illto English by Mala- Tuesday m~rning, lunched a~ the Swarth- producers." I • 1882, the son of Marcus Dixon and Har- lace M McCurdy and E C Walt muth' and Lyons, the action is toned more meetmg, addressed an afternoon riet Brigham Dodd, he was educated i n ' .. on. down considerably from that of the Delaware County-' meeting, and r e t u r n e d . I , • original, which contains a fairly large tu Washington for a conference with the MemorIal Gift To Players Club St. Louis at Smith Academy and Washh h k' d f M' F illgton University. He was a member of amount of boisterous nonsense, char- recel!lly appointed T. V. A., committee Th . W . roug ,t e tn ness 0 l~S rances the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. He came acteristic of Russian comedy, which Tuesday night. Mrs. !\1exarnler Ewing, of Swarthmore, 0 hlte a fund h~s been created In ~:mory to Philadelphia in 1907 and became assosometimes develops into mcre roughhousing. The translators, as well as the a fo.r~~"llr~iMu.,':o£ -th~ lSorwood Coun- f Donald Darhngton t~"be admtmst~red ciated witr. the Wagner Electric Company • ---.--~thst- Alm:ril:au'producer, Dmitri Ostroy; c1t; presented Senator Davis. Mrs. Joseph by the Pla.)!ers C~~b of .. warthmo~. and which w:is ,founded by his uncle, Samuel ' Raitley, president of the organization, to be ,~own ~s th~ Donald Darlmgton Morris Dodd. AUracl1ve Stagmg and Talented have deleted here and added there so presided. !"und; !he. ob!ect being to present a serIn 1911, he married Mary Parke, of Cast Delight Large Audiences. as to make the play more in harmony I , • 1~~ld of Int~tl.O~rformances for the Parkesburg. Mrs. Dodd and five children Playground Fund Clears $150 with American reactions. But any tamANNUAL BANQUET AT c I ren 0 wa reo survive, Samuel M, Dndd, Jr., William pering has been carefully done, so as JUNIOR CLUB NEXT WEEK On May 13, at the Club House, Tony Parke Dodd Dorothea Randell Dndd "Little Women," the final production of not to destroy the farcical nature of Sarg's Marionettes will present two per- Grace Wilso~ Dodd and Arthur V. the Junior Plays Committee of the Playthe piece, al1d to keep in clear relief At the Mothers and Daughters Banquet, formances of "Robinson Crusoe." Cards Dodd. Seven brothers and sisters of the ers Club for this season delighted both the fact that Russians have not lost of admission will be sent to the members deceased are living-Mrs. Thomas Rich- afternoon and evening audiences last Sattheir sense of humor, but can still laugh the annual formal dinner of the Junior Of. the Junior Section and as many other ards, Mrs. H. N. Spencer and Randell urday, April 23. The dramatization of at the follies and foibles of Communist Woman's Club, next Tuesday evening at chIldren and young people as can be ac- Dodd, of St. Louis; Mrs. Frank Cleland Louisa M. Alcott's story was particularly conditions without challenging the whys 6 :30 the following officers, who were eleccommodated. of Longmont, Col; Mrs. Charles Ed- popular among the older children and and wherefores of the Revolution. With ted at the April 12 meeting, will be in• • wards of Ben Avon, Pa.; Mrs. Charles those adults for whom it revived a peeumore than 1500 performances to its stalled: Mrs. Raymond Fellows, viceBrewer and Mark D. Dodd of St. Peters- liarly happy phase of their adolescence. credit in Russia before it was trans- president; Leanore Perkins, correspond· Legion Anxiliary Meets burg, Fla. Skillfully cast, authentically and attraclated into English, the play also en- ing secretary; Mildred Bond, treasurer. Mr. Dodd was active in the Swarthmore tively staged, the perfonnance gave proof joyed successful runs in Paris, Vienna, Th~ out-go.ing o~cers are: Martha At the April meeting of the AmeriPresbyterian Church, and served as a of the painstaking direction of Julitta Prague, Rome, Philadelphia. New York K~lghton, vlce-pr~sldent; Mrs Anthony ca-n Legion Auxiliary last Thursday member of its Session. He had completed Powers and Tony Bickley. and Chicago. In G~rmany it was staged Miller, correspondmg secretary j and Mrs. afternoon in Borough Hall forty dollars one term as tax collector for the BorMiss Powers enacted with charm and by Max Reinhart, one of the world's L. C. Hastings, treasure~: . was voted from the treasury to Camp ough, and last fall was re-e1ected for precision a IIJO" familiar and satisfying . Mrs. Alfred Gary White, preSident of Sunshine. greatest producers, now' a refugee from anothe. four ycar term. to everyone who has read and reread her Germany. ' the Senior Woman's Club, and Mrs. Clif· 0 W d d fI k h D I Underneath thc bare facts of an obitu~ story. Margaret H. Latimer's interpret1t.e st Y Banta, senior advisor, will be guests wa en Centes aC 0 ='I . weCe h t t e a.Of the twelve players in the cast of ford f hI· r ouny ounCI m eser was ary natice, ·lie those unrecorded ads tion of "Meg" was adequate and channing. "Squaring the Circlc", only two arc o onor as a so WIll the mothers of the tt d d b th f II . a. en e y e 0 0'Y~ng represcnta- which are summed up in daily, kindly liv- Mary Helen Elton as "Amy." Grace J. Junior Club members. new to club audiences. They are young Uti . h' f th hves of the local Auxdlary: Mrs. Rex ing. \Vith a mind and heart attuned to Heckman as "Beth," contributed in ap'II' Mrs . W Ilam lelsCatrmano -eG M Dickie Hook, who plays the child "Oc- program for the evening and has an- ary, rs. D. G. Van De Boe, Mrs. beauty, as seen in nature, in literature, in pearance as well as acting artistic con.. tobrist" (one of the honored genera noullced that Antonica Fairbanks will W. W. Thompson, Mrs. Alben T. human personalities, in friendliness, Sam~ trasts. Martha H. Keighton perfonned the tion born during the Revolution) and contribute musical entertainment and Eavenson, and Mrs. Robert Sheppard. uel Dodd should be recorded as one of the difficult task of playing the older part of Mary Ryan, niece of the assistant di~ fillest-a Christian Gentleman. "Marmee March" with tenderness and del•l • rector and veteran player, }'.fary Ryan Philip D. Parsons, of Cedar lane, will In his passing. Swarthmore has lost icacy. Eliza1leth May Roberts, as the G. O. P. BALLY MAY 9 O'Brien. A third player, Marian Sup- give a short talk and show colored mo· one of its representative citizens, in the eccentric "Aunt March," contributed her lee, was seen in the little comedy that tion pictures of Norway and Iceland best sense of the term. During his years usual skilled impersonation and Alice F. James or Pinchot? livened up the Annual :Mecting on takcn on his North Cape cruise. of home life here, the town, its people Hoot in tJIe character part of "Hannah Members are asked to make reserva- That is the question that the PennApril 11, but is making her first apand its institutions were always in the Mullett" provided a humorous touch with pearance in a major production. The tions for the dinner through Mrs. Charles sylvania Republicans must answer at forefront of his mind arid heart. A love distinction. careful judgment of th~ casting com- Kimmel, chairman of hospitality, tele- the Polls on May 17. of people, especially of the young people, Robert W. Shackleton in the role of mittee is again rcflected in the assign~ phone Swarthmore 465 by Saturday, With this in mind the Young Repub~ to whom he was a good friend, character- "Laurie" recreated the gay and generous lican Club of Swarthmore invites all ment of parts. Lincoln Atkiss as April 3 0 . ' • • voters to attend the mass meeting to ized his every action. As be turns now to hero of the book. Even the sympathetic "Vasya", Barbara Dolman as uLud~ his long home, that which he gave so free- and skillful portrayal of Professor Bhaer milia" and June Atkiss as "Tonya Kuz- To Appoint New Tax CoUeetor be held Monday evening, May 9, at 8 ly, follows him, in the devotion of his given by William Price could not atone P. M. in the High School auditorium. netzova" have parts that suit them ad~ Mr. Ralph B. Umstead will present family, the respect and effection of his for the early grief of most readers over Borough Council will sit in special mirably. Rohert W. Graham will be friends. Jo's refusal of Laurie's love. John Brooke "Abram", Fraucis Woodroffe plays session this evening to appoint the suc- the qualifications of Judge James, while Services will be held at 2 o'clock Fri- was most successfully played by William "Rabinovitch," Samuel Evans, Jr., "Em- cessor to the late S. M. Dodd, tax- Mr. James Thomas Haviland will speak day afternoon in the Swarthmore Presby- L. Turner as uMeg"s" shy but devoted for Mr. Pinchot. ilian Petrovitch Tonkonogov" and Ben. collector of the Borough. terian Church with interment in the Up- suitor. Tony Bickley's characterization jamin Rothherg has the part of "Boris per Octorara cemetery. of "Mr. Laurence," the March's loyal Novikov". J. Stanley Taylor as "Nikon• I friend was entirely in keeping with the orov" and Edith Cramp as "Stchepkina" Desire Convention Delegate spirit of the production while Rnssell THE WEEK'S CALENDAR Gibson's characterization of "Mr. MarchI! complete the cast with roles which they know exactly how to handle. It will be appreciated if anyone who as a gentle but ineffectual philosopher FRIDAY. APRIL 29 8 :15 P. M. _ Rose Valley Chorus ............................ Clothler Memorial can represent the Swarthmore branch was a perfect background for the heroic Members arc urged not to miss this at any or all of the sessions of the struggles of ·the "little women." SATURDAY. APRIL 30 hilarious bit of nonsense, produced for In accord with the general success of 2:30 P. M.-LacTosse with Pallsades Club ....................... COllege Field fifty~third annual convention of the their amusement at the clubhouse on 8:15 P. M. - nose Valley Chorus ...•..•..•..•.••.....•••••.• Clothier Memorial the production, the announcement of Mrs. Needlework Guild of America to be held the nights of May 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7th. SUNDAY. MAY 1 J. Paul Brown, chairman of· tickets for in Indianapolis, Ind., Thursday, Friday • I • 5:30 P. M. - Young Friends' Supper Meeting .................. Whittier Bouse the evening benefit performance, that and Saturday, May S, 6 and 7, will 8:00 P. M.-Debate on EconomtC8 .•••••.••.•••••••••• Pr1e~ds· Meetlng House communicate with Mrs. J. Horace Wal- over $150 had been cleared by it for the Attend Tri-Post Meeting TUESDA.Y, MAY 3 play equipment of the local schools, comes ter for details. 6:30 P. M. -Mother-Daughter Banquet ................. Junior Woman's Club 8:15 P. M.-"8quartng the Clrcle ................................. Playem Club • • I as a completing note. Members of the Harold 'Ainsworth WEl)NESDAY. MAY .. Circulating Pictures At Media . I , • Post, Yt.merican Legion, who attended 11:00 A. Y.-Trlnlty Woman's GuUd •••••••• Mrs. J. E. Jeffords. Vassar Avenue Named To Office by Magistrates the annual tri-post meeting at Ridley 1:00 P~ Y.-Ladies' Aid Luncheon Meetlng •••.••••••.••••• Uetbodlat Church Paintings by Circulating Pictures ClUb 8:15 P. M. - "Squaring the C1rc1e" •••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••• PIayers mub Park Tuesday evening included: J. Paul artists of th,e Delaware Couo~y Feder:a~ion Clifford M. Rumsey, of Yale avenue, TllURSDAY. MAY 5 ... Brown, Guenther H. Froebel, Ferris ?f Women s Clubs are. hetng exhlbltoo was elected vice-president of the Dela.. 8:1S'P. M.-"8quarlng the C1rcle................................. Players Club Mitchell, Alexander Dryden, L. J, Ser111 t~e loung~ of .the _Media Theatre from ware County Magistrate's Association vais, E. T. Smith, Heston D. McCray L-_......_______________________.....__JIAprd 23 unul May 4. last week. and Walter L. Thorpe. I' SAMUEL M. DODD DIED TUESDAY p o SAUER KRAUT 2 No. 2 liz size cans. . . . X, z: GIANT TIGER uco VOL. j No Sales Tax at This Store can5c TEAM i'LITILE WOMEN" A GREAT SUCCESS DIAM~ILEE .~ • * • Phillip'. TOMATO JUICE-Large 24·oz. TEAM M ••• •** t-' " SUPPORT BASEBALL * • .'.". and NEWS NOTES Miss Shirley Shaw, daughter of Mr. Barnabas and the crusades to Cyprus. and Mrs. David T. Shaw, of Walnut lane, Their next sto1) is Turkey. will be a Puritan woman, and Miss Es- ~h. and Mrs. *Le:n:rd C. Ashton, of tdle Sinc1airc, daughter of Mr. al~d Mrs.. Rim avenue, entertained Mrs. Ashton's Douglas C. Sinclaire, of Harvard ave'11 be I tl . th P uncle aud aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Pot· nue, WI an Dca you 1 10 C a n - . Ea ster week • . F t' ItS t B . S t tcr, of Pittsburgh, ovcr the A mencan es tva a wee rlar on a J urday, May 7. I en<. Morris Bassett, Philip Banta, William The Swarthmorean has reccived wont Ashton and Fred Simons returned from that Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ellis, of George School to spend the Easter week· Walnut lane, are in Larnaca. Cyprus. end with tllcir parents in Swarthmore. After five weeks in Jerusalem and three Dr. and Mrs. Frank Aydelotte, of Cedar weeks on the Lake of Galilee, they followed the water journey of Paul and avenue, . entertained music lovers of the - - _ . _.. -----_._--------_._----- SUPPORT BASEBALL lb.. . . . . . . • • \ c 12 '=:"'_-- , c BALTIMORE PIKE AND HIRST AYE. EAST LANSDOWNE .. ,i \ :;- .., .. ;:-- >..~ ....... '" .,, . INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE APRIL 22, 1938 THE SWARTHI\IOREAN 6 Local Pupils Eligible In Cm"rent Air Mail Contests +--------------------------P08tJna!;ter SlIlnlley Offers Lot'al to Ih.t.: c1igIIHlit.y of the contestant, \\Ith • . A II·t· t St t thl' Idt·utlhe.ltlull .\IId locatiun of the P rlZCSln I "C IHlP I .111(1 lIlust show cUlltcstallt'~ I .((liOn 0 I ae all( . Nahollul Aware 8 • 1 'I '1(lllr,'" • • 11I1It.:· .. Studt'lIls III. till' S\\.lrthlllorc Sdl~III": Ill.thug \\lth till' ide.I". purposcs and arc p.lrltclpatmg III 1\\0 .\tr )'1.1I1 \\l'ek ,Hh.llltagl" of ,lIr tr.lIlsportalioll as :t C(ltlll'st .. 111 "hldl lIatlolMI. "t.lte an.1 ,IJTcl.t ... lIunlt.:rn COIllIIIUlIIC.ltioll. l'SSa)'i \ocal ;I\\,lrds "Ill hI.' IIltlth: ICllh:rt'd :-.hould 110t exceed 25U \\or&,. l'o"t1ll.ast-..r \lfrt·d P ~t1lalle) IS pl'r-1TIII..) \\iIl bl' Judged SO'/t 011 urigtnahty, ~ollall) oiTl'rmg thc 10c,II prizes of 15' ( 011 cOlltinuih' .111<1 construction and lin' doll:trs III tht, Es,,:t) CI~lItcsl and 15'ff Oil "pcllillg", 'IHlIlduatloll .111(.1 Ilcat· 11\ c dl~II.1r:-. III thl Po",tt'r COlltl'",t to m'ss S\\ arthlllore Enghsh teachers witl) he £11\'1(11.-£1 mtn tltTl'1' .man)... of t\\O \\111 ,Issht those deslrlllg to cntcr the .\I1d a half, 0111.' ami ,I h.tIt. .wd one 1..... s;:1\ Contl' ... t arc. 1l.11II1ol Kirk and doll,lr in \.'ach mst.l1ICC )'l.lr; .\rlll"trong, high school; .Mary )'llss Cl.uH1l,1 11.IIICOl~k. Im.:.11 .Irt su- Ohcrllll. ninth gradc, junior lugh; t pnZl'S \\ III hI.' a natlon.11 trophy and a hl' Cl'rtlhcd 1)\ tht" "chool prillclp.ll ,IS l1.ltioll.t1 P1:I(IUL'. ~I Plnlacldphia district with an c\cuing of I \\ he. ciltcrtaim'd with .. smatl dinner in I r. and 10.1 rs. J. A. Perry and daughMozart music hy the CurtiS String: Qu::u"~: thCIT honor Tuesday evening }'Iiss Yates h.'T, Olh'c, of ~rhayer road, who have Ianti ~Irs. StC\\.ut wcre rdurning from .111(.'(,,11 spending the winter in California. tel un )'lol1<1ay. * • * . Il11otor tnp to .\nn.l)Julis, )'hl. \\11I"rc they 11I,I\C golle to their summer h01lle in Calle Dr. awl :\frs. ] l{ussdl SnJllh, of 1<.11II1,i ... lh: 1\1 -:\1on • Tues. 9 A..1\1 to 1 P 1\J. ,,'ed 9 A.M. to 10 ".M. Fri .. S •• t. Specials For the Week of April 21st to April 27t:1, Inclusive ,-------------_.45 I Evaporated MILK 4 tall cans ... , .. f LOUR-Gold Medal K,tchen tested, 12-lb, bg. d 7 EM .rrr t'ANCY "LONG SIiREn" SAUER KRAUT \ 2 No. 2 Y2 sIze cans i I ett .. "Z" I [1 I ---------'--"--'--------, II uco II I ... 13c I My-T-Fine Butterscotch PUDDlNG-3 for .. , And Other Flavors ~======JI==I[I:JI========' i UCO FANCY QUALITY Puffed ,""HEAT, Quaker Reg. size pkg. . , ... , , .. Golden Bantam CORN 8-oz. can . . . . . . . Purple PLUMS Large No. 2 % can _ .. I II I Caltfcrnia Thick Green ASPARAGUS ..... lb, Gen~ine Sp.ing Legs 23c 0' LAMB , , . _ ..... lb. SOLID POUND PRINT Creamery BUTTER . _.. , .. , .lb, 15c ,------~~r-r-------i i II i II 30 c :\lll.K-Fim - ssuw WIIlT .. 1-oin or Rib VEAL CHOPS, , , __ lb, SQUARE WIIITE American CHEESE Sliced 1/2 lb., , . , , , , , _ BALTIMORE PIKE AND HIRST AVE. EAST LANSDOWNE TEAM TEAM SWARTHMORE, PA., APRIL 29, 1938 VOL. X, No. 17 DOLMAN DIRECTS SEASON'S FINALE JAMES J. DAVIS It So. Chester Rd., Swarthmore. P.l. Product Phone 10":;: 2'5c 12c I I ~--------------------~I SAMUEL I\IORRIS DODD, 2nd 1938-39 DANCING CLASS COMMITTEE NAMED 'fhe an1lual meeting of mothers of till' S\\arthmorc Dancing Class childrcn \\as held ~Iollday evening of this wcek at 7.30 in thc \\'oman's Club House. ),1 rs. Rohert 'f. Bair \\ as elected I chairman of the committee [or ncxt yl'ar with ),1 rs. Guenther H. Froehc1. C"o-c1ltlirmall; ~lrs. Cart De)'lolI, treastlrer; ~1r~ J. B. Pope, assistant treastlrcr; ~Irs. Rohcrt A. Shcppard, ),Irs. Charles E. Fischer, ~Jrs. Horace H. lIopkms .uld )'lr5. \Valtcr A. SciUllIdt, hostc"ses . I 0\ cr one hundrcd dollars, Icft in tillS yt'ar'" hudgct. will he turned over to thc Swarthmore Pla)ground Equipment Fund. $2.50 PER YEAR BASEBALL ASS'N SOLICITS FUNDS Ball Players Begin Canvass May I For Funds To Support Current Season'. Sl,ort TIlliSI.' IIltcrt'stl'd 111 the fascinating l'rohlellls of In"\\.', housing" and dl\OrCl' under till' Sm'icts \\ III lind much to IIltcrcst them in "Squaring- thl' Circle", a l{lIssmll COUlcdy \\ rittl'll hy \".llclltIllC loll11.l1I, Jr., a:-.sish·d hy )'Iar) R).Ul O'Unl'n. \Vhlll- the pl.l) IS Clhout CUllltlltllllst \(lutl! in So\lct l{.l1 .... ta. It IS far frolll hcing COlll111UIIIst I'ropag.U1cla Bl'lUg" Memorial Service for ,1 COlIlC..'dv, It is \lot .111 CHurch rea1Jslte Dr. Pearson picture t~f l1f(' 111 I{us:-.la snch' as \\ould excitc hespect,ld~d illtellectl1.1Is, hut .\ mcmorial sen'ice for the late Dr incuicnlal to thc 1111fnldltlg of the story Paul ~f. Pearson WIll he held in Fricnds' thc audicllce dues 1t'.lTl} a great deal )'leet ing House on Sunday aftcrnooll, ahout that far-tilT land and Its pcople SENATOR HAVIS SPEAKS ).Iay 8. at 5 P. M. Fricnds ami assoXot to dlsclosc too much of th~ plot, IN SWARTHMORE ciates of Dr. Pearsoh arc welcome to the pl.IY COIlCeTIIS thc diflicnlties of the attcnd the service. hOllslll!-{ sltuatlOll in )'Iosco\\, .1IId the Pt.'nn"'yh'lIIia's scnior Unitcd State:. • I I t(()llhlcs of t\\O )lltlllg" nlcn, room-mates ~t.:lltltor, James J. )),l\ I". spent a brief ill .l 11Il1ll1UP,11 10dg:lIIg house, \\ ho hoth hour in S\\6t sellsl' of the tClm. Durlllg his \cars1ll:o.lt.l1 skilled impcrsonation and Alice F. .\pni 11. hut i.. m,lklllg her lir:o.t (11))'lllllhcb ale askcd to make resenaThat is the que:-.tion that thc Penl1- of home hfe herc, the to\\n, it:-. l~oJlle! 1I00t in thc character part of j'Hannan pl'arallce in .1 Illajor l)1odtlctlOIi The tlOn . . fOI the (hune1 tll1ol1gh 111s. CharleSjs)'h'anta Republicans must a\ls\\cr at awl It:-. IIlslituliOl1s \\ere always 111 thc ).lulleU" pro\ic1, Fcrris I \\as elccted vice-president of the Dela8 15 P. M _ "squaring the Circle" ............................... Players Club of \Volllcn's Cluhs arc bcing exlulllt('d \llIrhell .• \llxander Dr~(1ctl, I. J. ~cr­ in the lounge of thc llcdia Theatre from \\are County ).Iagistrate's Association 'al .... E. T. Smith, Ikstoll D )'IcCr tell you that Stainless, the Super-Luetic I)aint, "ill last Y3 lunger than other first dass paints. I L \\ iIlliot crack or peel oC itself. And l\ hCIl time for repainting does come around .•• Stainless Paint docs nol have to be burned off. It wcathers 60 evenly in all climates that it forms a perfect base for repainting. When you paint, it will pay you to he sure you use Stainless, the Super-Laetic Paint. 4tb & CherTY Sln:et". Phdadelphia. Pa. -~-------------- !) SUPPORT BASEBALL Players CI"h Ends Season With Russian Comedy "S'luaring the Circle" Starring Tulented Cast I -. SUPPORT BASEBALL ••• ••• "LITILE WOMEN" A GREAT SUCCESS ~. ; I APRIL 29, 1938 THE SWARTBMOREAN I Methodiat Chareh Notes Kistlers Enteriain Park Mr. and Mrs. Dana H. Bigelow, nf 192.4 after 40 years' service' with t~e avenue, left Wednesday afternoon rehef department of the Pennsylvama Guests From Ireland for a week's motor trip to Washington, Railroad. The Van Rodens were resi'. \ViJliamsburg and Virginia Beach. dents of Swarthmore for many years. " With the Cha~e of seasons eertain adjustments are needed on every ear:- .'.. Mr. and Mrs. Malcom H. Merrill and Roden, Gulph Mills; two daughters, Dr. and Mrs. William Earl Kistler, daughter, Louisa, left yesterday for their :Miss Dorothy P. Van Roden and Mrs. Anti·freeze drained, radiator of "Open Doors" Park avenue. have been summer home in Ogunquit, Me. The Katharyn Simms, of Philadelphia, and COOLING SYSTEM entertaining as their house gtles~s M~s. Merrills made a short stop in Drexd six grandchildr.en. . and bloek reverse flushed - Rust preventative George Browne and daughter, MISS H11- Hill while en route from their winter Funeral services were held Monday lary Browne, of Belfast, Ireland, and IJiace at Florence Villa, Fla. and greeted at 2 P. lI. from 718 Swede street, Norinstalled - All for $2.60. Mr. Robert Wilson, of Hamilton, Canada, a few of their many friends in Swarth. ristown. Burial was in Arlington Cemewho arrived last Thursday and will end more and vicinity. tcry. CRANKCASE - Light winter oil drained - Crank* • • I I I their visit tomorrow. Mrs. Browne and Miss Browne landed at Montreal April Mrs. Roland L. Eaton, of Dickinson MRS. CROSBY MORTON . ease Hushed with Hushiug oil to remove sludge 16 and will return for a longer stay in avenue, leaves Tuesday, May 3, for the DIES IN OVERBROOK All ears 60e - plus new oil. Canada before sailing on their home voy- Pennsylvania State Federation of Woage the first of June. men's Clubs convention, which wilt be Mrs. Crosby P. Mortoll, of 214' La• • • held at the William Penn Hotel, May 4, fayette avenue, Swarthmore, died at 10 winter lubMr. and Mrs. L. L. Hedgepeth, of Cor- 5. and 6. Mrs. Eaton will spend Saturday, o'clock Wednesday morning, April 27, TRANSMISSION and DIFFERENTIAL nell avenue, left Friday morning on a May 7, visiting. her brother, Mr: Chester at the home of her husband's sister, Mrs. rieants are too thin for summer driving - Flush motor trip to New Orleans, La. but were B. Story, of Ptttsburgh, and wtll return Mabel Morton Stewart, 6012 Drexel transmission aud differential and refill with sum· road, Overbrook, where she and Mr. recalled by news of their daughter's ilI- home on Sunday. May 8. ness when they reached Balti~ore, M~. Mr. and Mrs. *H~w:rd W. Newnam Morton had lived during the winter. Mr;i. mer lubrieants - All ears $2.85. Mr. Hedgepeth resumed the tnp by train J f l ' . ' Alorton had been bedfast since suffering ' 1 1 M da r., 0 E m avenue. entertatned at dmner a heart attack one month before her ' d S. a t ur day an WI return next .1 011 Y la t Sat d ·..... t after attending the national convention 5 ur ay n10~"'. • death. of the American Water Works Associa- Tom Littlefield, son of Mr. and Mrs. Before her marriage Mrs. Morton was tion .in !'lew Orleans where he is giving R. J. Littlefield, of Swarthmore place, Eleanor B. Thomas, of Philadelphia, acta SCientific talk on the manufacture, safe has just been ele~ted to Cabin and Trait iug as organist of the Forty-third street DARTMOUTH & LAFAYE'ITE AVES. Phone 440 handling and packaging of Chlorine and one of the Dartmouth Outing Clubs. 1'7 Methodist Church, West Philadelphia. IIWe Don't Sell Cars-We Service Them" showing a movie which be personal1y other Freshmen were elected to member- \Vith Mr. Morton she r.ame to live in prepared on the manufacture of that prod.:. ship. Swarthmore in_ 1916. Both she and her uct. He will spend a short while fishing * • • husband have be:n actiV'c members of the ;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ along the Gulf coast of Florida. Mrs. H. Paul Cleaver, of North Ches- Swarthmore Methodist Church. Both * • • ter road. spent several days this week in were members of the official board of the Dr. Alfred M. Brooks, professor eme!"- Middletown, Pa. churc~l and Mrs. Morton t~ok. an active * • • part 10 the work of the MISSIOnary Soitus of fine arts Swarthmore Colle e .I M B k' fit' g. Mrs. C. Wahl Olmes, of Cornell av'!- dety She was also a member of the a It\-'- ~s. Grloo s cameMrom t elr. ~resDent nue, was hostess to a number of friends Sw.a;thmore Woman's Club. ltome In to VISIt 1 r. at I UltC l . . . life Mrs. Morton was d}'{ F oucester, k A d I ttass. fed 1 t yesd er ay and 'IS entertammg Leading a qUiet an rs. ran yeo e, 0 e ar aile, another group at luncheon today h' l t d b II th I k * 19 1 Y estcerne y a ose w 10 n~w and other Swarthmore .friends this week. 15 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD • • • Mrs. Hcnry W. Jones, of Haverford herd for. ~~ rgenero~ :.u~t unch°btruslve Mrs. Everett L. Hunt, of Elm avenue, a\'cnue, entertained at luncheon last Fri- goo n~l~ .r mess an 111 y ~racter. entertained a few friends at tea in honor day April Z2 Survlvmg IS her husband, who IS con~ of Mrs. Alfred M. Brooks on Tuesday.' . * • • nected with the superintendent's officc, • • • Mrs. John R. Bates, of Westdale ave- Philadeit}hia Terminal Division of the Mrs. Frank Aydelotte. of Cedar lane, nue, entertained. Nancy Newnam, and a Pennsylvania Railroad, and for whose left Mondav for Connecticut to be with group of her fnends last Tuesday after- grandfather, Judge Sketchley Morton, We Have Our Owu PHOTO DEPT. her cousin: Mrs. George Gray Barnar..:t, noon. !t was the second birthday of Nancy, our adjoining town \Va~ named ~ two whose husband, the famous sculptor, just who Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. daughters, Esther who IS the. Wife .of Introducing Panel Art Process died. Some time ago Mr. Barnard gave Howard W. Newnam, Jr., of Elm avenut. Dr. Joh.1I D. Herr, of West Pluladelphla, Prints-At No Extra Cost. Swarthmore College many plaster casts • • ~etlu)(hst student ~astor at the UmverAgain Media Drug Stores Lead of his most famous statues. The casts arc Birth slty of PennsylvaOla and pastor of the -with our own modern photo Asbury Methodist. Church, Philadelphia i housed temporarily in the fire-proof plant we are able to give you prints that are different and realty structure in back of the College barn, Mr. and Mrs. Earl N. Stilson, of Helen (Mrs. Mervm ~. Laffer~y, of Lewbeautiful. awaiting a "more fitting museum • Cambr'dg es, Del.);fand a snter, MISS Martha I e, M ass., are recclVlIlg COIl- l'h OG Printed on Velox-the best of J * • • gratul anson tl'O th e b'Irt h a f a son W'I omas, 0 cean 1F . .rove N. ]. papers, at no additional cost. Mrs. John E. Gensemer, of Vassar ave- liam Earl, on April 9. Mrs. StiJsa'n will :uneral . services will be conducted at Sizes 127-620-12Q....Q16-1l6. nue, was bereaved this week by the death be remembered as Miss Ruth Ernestine Dh.ver Ba~rs, 18th and Chestnut street~, Insist on Panel Art Prints with of her brother, Stockwell Dudley, who Cook, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. Ful- ~ll1ladelpll1aJ at 2 P. M. Saturady, Aprd deckled edges. At the Media Drug passed away at midnight Tuesday at his lerton Cook, of Copples lane, \Vatting- .. 0, by the Rev. Clarence F. C~rter. pastor Store, 15 So. Chester Rd. home in Atlanta Ga fo d of the Swarthmore Method19t Church. . r . lutermcnt will be in Media cemetery. , RUSSELL'S m~·.dia *• SERVICE ,'ftttOftt Drug Sto'r~ . Let Us Do Your PHOTO FINISHING • *• "1 Mrs. W. W. Thompson returned to her Mrs. J. C. Van Roden home in Coudersport, Pa. last Saturday after having spent the winter with her Mrs. Kate Jackson Van Roden died son-in-law and daughter, Major and Mrs. last Friday at the Old Point Comlort -D. G. Van de Boc, of Vassar avenue. Rest Home, Mall-ern, ten days after • • • suffering a stroke. She was 84. . Carol Maude Froebel entertained over Mrs. Van Roden was the widow of twenty friends at a lunch wagon party John Condit Van Roden, who died in in her home on North Swarthmore ave-IIi'==============~ nue last Saturday night. Her brother. Guenther H. Froebel, Jr., and Richard M~ Haig, Jr. actcd as chefs and Elaine Kite ~ was "cashier." Friday - Saturday Carol Maude will have another part)· .on May 14 when she will entertain thirty Constance Bennell guests at dessert before the dancing class. Brian Aheme In DIA ''MERRu,y WE UVE" with Alan Mawbray, Billie Burke, Patsy Kelly, Tom Brown, Bonita Granville. MarjOrie Rambeau Our Gang and FIrst Run News starts Today VICTOR MeLA.GLAN LomSE HOVICK BRIAN DONLEVY m "BATTLE OF BHOADIf'AI''' With Raymond Walburn Jane DarweU-Lynn Bayi CAMP CHICKAGAMI Sunday Only - 2 Features "City Girl" - ''Boots & Saddles" Monday and Tuesday Robert Louis Stevenson's "EBB TIDE" with Oscar Homolka, Frances Farmer Ray Milland -In Technlcolor Wednesday "ARSENE LUPIN RETURNS" with Melvyn Douglas, Virginia Bruce, Warren William an Adirondaek Camp STANLEY Starting Friday A camp whose program is created to meet varied interests of boys from 7 to 17. Calhoun' Drive Greenwich • - Conn. F"dty MARTEL'S BETTER FOOD FOB THE TABLB Cents :~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ - MANOR THEATRE Prospeel Parle Chester Pilee i Friday and Saturday April 29 and 30 Aliee Faye Tony Martiu Fred Allen in "SALLY, IRENE AND MARY" LOW PRICED FOR THE WEEK·END Swilt's Premium HAMS \Vholc or half ... A whole week-end of mcals in a Swift Premium Ham. May 2 and 3 Edward G. Robiuson in Ovcnized - It makes parboiling unnecessary. Use the centcr slices for ham 'n' egg dinners ... ends to bake or broil. There's nothing quite as accommodating as a ham - and it makes a whole week-end of meals. IF YOU WANT A SUNDAY ROAST WITH A "COMPANY" AIR •• , SERVE MARTEL'S Standing Rib Roast I ••• WITH OUR COMPLETE CHECK-UP Drive in now for thorough Slimmer conditioning for your car. Lubrication. washing and cleaning. engine tune.up. body tightening. safety inspec· tion-our approved service includes everything needed to keep your car at peak performance. Remember, "Safety through Service." HANNUM & WAITE SAFETY THROUGH SERVICE Be Sweet To Your MOTHER Give Her CANDY ON 'MOTHER'S DA Y Sunday, May 8th RUMMAGE SALE tt:: ~i~~~~:I~;~~.,~J:~~~ I~p~e~n~n:;s~Y~lv~~a~n~ia;~iw: Mr. Guenther w1ll preach TUB BBLJ;GIOUS SOOIBI i OP PRIBNDS SUNDAY 9:45 A. M. - F1r&t Day School. Adult CI'Iass. E. P. Richards. speaker. Topic: "Education for PeAce in the Secondary SChool." 11:00 A. M. - Meeting tor Worablp In the MeetlllB Bouse. WEDNESDAY 9:30 A. M. to 3:30 P. M. - sewtns and Q.uUtlnR in Whlttler House. Box luncheon. All are cord1a1ly invited. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH SUNDAY 11:00 A. U. - MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY Tender Oub Steakl:J. ON THE CORNER Phone 857 WE DELIVER Give Them ]\:NERGIZING MEATS REXALL ONE CENT SALE Friday-Saturday This Week Momtng Wonsblp. 7:45 P.M.-BvOl1lng Wo_. .:,lh.49c Swarthmore 1150 Vale Ave. & Chelter Rd, ••• 9:45 A. M. - Chun:h School. A roast like this sells regularly at 35 cents a pound. Tender, fat veined meat that will drip with rich juices when it's roasted. First two ribs at 3le a pound. should bring a lunch to cook and car fare for a,~rt way t,,!lIey ride. . Troop 2 will hold thelt regular meetmg next Wednesday. May 4, at 3 p, M. at the Girl Seout House. Ipr~~:~~y, May 2, at 7:30 P. M. the Members of the Friend!y Circle met Senior League will hold its regular the home of Mrs. Joseph H. Perkins, _ . 8 _ _' " ... IbllSi,"e,,, and social meeting. dar lane, on the afternoon of EJltere4.. ~=~;~'~~I Wednesday, May 4, at I P. M. the April 21. Mrs. Henry A. Peirsol 1929, at ,t ~~~~='IILadies Aid will hold their monthly ;~~~~;:;.:~~~." ... rs. Arth ur R . 0 . Redltrn''''I ;;;; unc h eon at t h e c h urc h , followed by a presided. business session. This summer Camp Sunshine, DelaFRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1938 Wednesday at 8 P. M. the prayer ware County's Camp at Thornton, for meeting will be held in the chapel. undernourished children, will need an ~tlluh Com/Runity W or.hip Thursday morning, May 5, the electric refrigerator and cementing of Aid will hold their annual spring its pool. Members expressed their will· Editor Swarthmorean: mage sale in the Social Hall. ingness to canvass their streets for donaSir :-Sometimes the most important tions toward these acquirements. news docs not appear in headlines, and A layette will be provided for a new the -deeper, finer, richer events have Trinity Chureh Notes baby whose father, a W. P. A. only casual notice. ,Ill the last issue I had 01 The <:u.. rth_1 George Whitman Casey, William B. was killed. morean I found a paragraph which Bullock and Louis W. King will attend Appreciation was expressed for ::~~~ I and for glasses provided a " stirred my memory deeply. This was the Diocesan Convention next week the item referring to the Easter service delegates from Trinity Parish, last month. Appeals from the local Nursing in which the ministers of the Episcopa1, more. E. O. Lange and William L. Welfare Services were read. It was Methodist and Pre~yterian churches Cleaves are alternates. The May meeting of the cided to give $15 to the Poor Fund of the united. held 'at the Vassar Nursing Service which was exhausted. Guild will be Nearly forty years ago when I came This fund i, kept up by small donations to Swarthmore I thought its finest re.idence 01 Mrs. .John Eliot achievement was the Union Thanksgiv- 011 Wednesday.. The women are asked to and used for prescriptionsJ medical suping service, but then there was not come at 11 o'clock for sewing. Luncheon plies, car fare for clinic patients, etc. It was thought best to continue milk enough brotherly love and community will be served at 12:30 and the business meeting will be held in the afternoon. for undernourished children for another I interest to reach all the churches and In the absence 01 Major D. G. Van de month at a cost of $10.88. one remained isolated. But love is Boe, the leader of the Young A family owning a bungalow in stronger than man"s theology and Bible Class will be R. M. Kilgore. but having no insurance re<:enl~YI brotherhood has no division. Mark Macintosh, director of part of its home destroyed by fire. Such a service as Swarthmore had father can make repairs himself (and many other places) shows that athletics at Swarthmore College, no Ir.oney for lumber. The Circle will humanity is beginning to hear the voice ed the Young People's Fellowship $5 toward the project and hopes of the Son of God, IIA new command- Sunday evening. others in the community may want A group of girls, with the assistance ment I give unto you, that ye love one help by contributing lumber or money. Mrs. A. W. Moseley, Mrs. T. A. another." Shade Simmonds. and Miss Martha Taylor, have Mrs. J. Horace Walter has gCllerou!lly I _ _ _......_ _ _ made another set of altar hangings to be offered the use of her lawn on Cedar lane used on the altar and lectern in the again for the annual picnic luncheon Church School. which will be held on Tuesday, June 14. Presbyterian Church Notes Mrs. Allen W. Carpenter bas been apI I• Sunday morning at 11 o'clock the pointed chainnan of the Church Periodi-I\l'ell.Jjill~~W:D tor will preach on the subje~t "Respect- cal Club to succeed Mrs. Allred S. Lewis I mnstrator Idly Submitted." .' resigned. Under the leadership o f ' Exhibits at Parrish The Church SchoolCabmet will meet Lewis, Trinity Parish has collected Sunday, May 1, at 8 o'clock at the home distributed more magazines books ~r<,.t.,1 Original drawings for Marjorie Ki'lUIlIln of Dr. David McCahan on Strath Haven iog cards and puzzles than an; Rawlings' "The Yearling," and other Parish in the Diocese,. except one cent works of travel and fiction, by avenue. The Young People's Fellowship wilt and wealthy Church. ward Shenton, are on exhibition in meet at 6 o'clock Sunday evening. A prorish Hall, Swarthmore College, this week I ' • and next. Mr. Shenton who directs gram of travel motion pictures will be To Address Friends' Adnlt student Sketch Club of the College, shown. Plans will be announced for the outdoor meeting on May 15. Class recently become prominent among J\nler'-\ A musicale for the benefit of the iean illustrators through bis work HOm';"for~d.collPlu, will be held E. P, Richards, teacher of history in Scribller's Mogasille, novels 01 ~~~;:\ the- residence of Mr. and Mrs. John G, the Media High School, will lead Hemingway and William Faulkner, II Pew, Rose Valley and Woodland roads, Adult Class of the Swarthmore Friends' in South America and Mexico, and OOOKsl Moylan, on Saturday afternoon, May 7, Meeting on Sunday, May 1, at 9 :45 A. M. for children. His style is imaginative and from 2 to 6 o'clock. Members of the con- His topic will be "Educating for Peace distinctive, being characterized by sh"111-1 gregation and other friends are cordially in the Secondary School." ness of outline and suggestive depth I I , feeling. invited. The Session will meet this evening, FriChristian Science Chureh Girl Scout News day, April 29, at 8 o'clock at the home of Dr. John R. Kline on Riverview road. "Everlasting Punishment" is thC~:'~~~~! I The annual meeting of the Church of the Lesson-Sermon in all The members of Troop 16 will Saturday, April 30, at 9 :30 A. M. at Congregation, were held in dllle~c:~~~~~ \ f Ch Wednesday evening, April 20. E ~he c:!;jenS~:~is:, . o'~H Sun~YI May home of Mrs. Horace J. Hopkins, 4 cr<,.tl ing and descriptive reports of the s. . ave any lane. They are to bring their lunch work of all the organizations were ur~ at all that the Wicked die? go on a hike. Dr. David McCahan, Dr. Winthrop salth the Lord God: and not that he On Friday May 6 at 2'30 P M (~:~ie~ei~~23~~om his ways and live?" n:emJJc:rs of.' TrD?P '16 ~ilI ~ork Wright were elected as ruling elders the class of 1943. Franklin T. slgnalhng With MISS Frances Brown, of ' •• Lansdowne, at the Girl Scout House on Earle P. Yerkes, Joseph S. Bates, Slate Offices for Two Loeal Cresson lane. Leslie A. Wetlaufer were elected to the Board of Trustees, class 01 1941. The W. I. L. Members Saturday morning, May 7, at 9:30 the Stated Clerk, Pierce G. Gilbert, reported Girl Scout Contest for all troops of a total church communicant membership The regular monthly meeting of the triet 6 will be held at the S~/arthrnol'e of 906. Swarthmore branch of the Women's In- Girl Scout House. ternational League was held Monday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - afternoon at 2 o'clock in the home-of CHURCH NEWS s. Milton Bryant, on Dickinson Iavenue. Social Hall SWA1\THMORE PBESBYTERIAN 0JiUB0B SWARTHMORE METHODIST . Bev. David Braun~ MlnJater A report of the annual meeting of the CHURCH THURSDAY, MAY S 9:45 A. April 7 and 8 showed that two I. L. held at Doyles9:45 A. Open 8:30 A. M. 11:00 A. had been elected chairof state standing committees. Miss _ _ _ _-;;;;;;;;-;;:~;;;;_----I~~~~:~C~.I~eavcs is now state membership TRINITY OHUBCH and Mrs. J. Howard Smith, 8 P. M. TONIGHT-Frida,.. April 29 • ChesterProtestant BoaCl andEpiscopal COllege AvenUe state ch aIrman 0 f ml'1'Itary toys. Swarthmore Methodist Chunh Bel'. J. Jarden Guenther. B.T.Il.. Rector • Miss Cleaves will also take part in lee Cream, Cake, Cand,. for Sale 8:00 A.M.-HO:~~Yun1oD. the International Carnival which the 9:45 A. M. _ ChurCh SChool and. Bible Delaware County branch of the organTICKETS • • • 25. 11:00 A. 1 4 . - = ' CommunlQn and Ser- ization is planning for Saturday. :May mon.. 21. at Sweet Water Farm, Glen ],{ills. ROSAIJE DRYDEN 11.... _ Clarence F. carter. A.B .• B.P., MlIllIter HENRY FONDA Troop 6 will meet at 9 :45 A. M. morrow, Saturday at the home 01 . ' F. A. Child, on Vassar avenue, for' a to Camp Indian Orchard. Members SAMPLE PARTY Monday and Tuesday "A SLIGHT CASE OF MVRDER" The Church School meeting at 9 :45 A. M. Sunday will have a guest missionary speaker. The regular communion service will Women Distribute N~ed Aepostponed 'until May 22 in accordsistanee Among Many Dewith the Aldersgate Commission 8eI'Ving Load Cases =================1 Rated the finest cut of the whole hed ... so tender ... so juicy .•. and low priced. with Davis W. Shoemaker ""101' - PETER E. TOLD Round Eud of Swift Hams, , , .... , ... ,lh. 32e iJ{errUI.on.Chateaugay Lake "The B·I !! M USIC .,' ....., Will Be Held in the PRESIDENT'S GARDEN MAY 7tIL 3 P. M. The Price of Admission Will Be CIRCLE TO AID CAMP SUNSHINE FOR SUMMER DRIVING They lived in the 300 block on Yale • ..., L. L. Hedgepeth Addre8siDg Am· Mr. and Mrs. LewIS Knebel and son avenue ,'for eight years, later moving 'erican Water Works Cooven. have moved from 345 Vassar avenue to to the 300 block on Park avenue. 'tion in New Orleans the N. P. Vlach~s !t !14 Park avenue. Surviving are a son, John J. Van • , THE SWABTIDIOBEAN 1938 APRIL Victor D. Shirer 13 S. Chester Rd. EAT THIS -VOU·YE GOTTA GET BIGGERit'F YOU'RE 10 BELONG TO OUR TEAM WE NEED ANOTHER PLAYER BAD. I'LL TELL YOU HOW-- HAVE YOUR BUY YOUR MEAT AT MARTEL'S APBIL 29, 1938 and Jimmy Hornaday, .~~Ien and c..orge . Warr~ Jr., and ~arJon., Lang. rules seem senseless. why conform when On.e of t":,o extra parties .of the Swa~-. • •• . The girls' lacrosse team of S,,:arth: I The first part of the amateur program there is this m~ of escape !here "\l more Dane,lOg Classes will be held m MISS Martha. R. Blessmg and SOD, more High S