Pay Pay Fire Company Fire Company Dues Dues .. PA~, ~ VOL. X, No.5 SWARTHMORE, FEBRUARY 4, 1938 WILSON REGAINS COUNCIL NAMES TWIN FEATURE AT RUTH STATE CHAMPIONSHIP HOME & SCHOOL Ruth H. Wilson, of Ogden avenue, add- 2 FOR UBRARY Parents 10 Hear Dr. Robert Bookhammer and Mrs. Dorothy Waldo Phillips Next Tuesday Evening ed a gold loving cup to her collection of table tennis trophies by winning the Pennsylvania State Open Tourname';t held in the Commercial Museum, Philadelphia, January V, 28 and 29 defeating Mrs. Mae Spannaus, of New Rochelle, N. Y., in straight games. Mrs. Spannaus is rated about eighth among the best players in this country. Ruth is planning to play this month in the Middle Atlantic States Tourney at Baltimore and the Eastern Open Tournament at \Vashington which will be followed by the national meet in Phil adelphia in Marclt. This is the third time Ruth, who is olle of the youngest girl players in competition, has held the State championship having won it in 1935 and 36 also. • •• Next Tuesday evening, February 10, Swarthmore parents and teachers will lay aside their moving picture emotions long enough to consider a subject which the Swarthmore Home & School Assodation believes to be of even greater urgency. According to this organization it may be relatively easy to prevent dangerous commercial interests from invading the peaceful Borough of Swarthmore but to banish harmful personality tendencies from among the lives of local children i,; much more formidable and perhaps even l~s~ understood by most Borough-loving CitIzens. "Exactly' Which Personality Traits Are Dangerous" is the subject which will be discussed at the February meeting of the local Home & School by Dr. Robert Bookhammer, of the Jefferson Hospital staff and head of the Clinical Division Varied Program Presented by of the State Hospital at Norristown. Such Health and WeUare Departan intimate subject at the hands of a men18 Tuesday well known authority should prove of The Health and Welfare chairmen, unusual value and interest. The second feature of next Tuesday ~rs. Edward Hopkins and Mrs. S. H. emenway, presented three interesting evening's meeting will be directed by Mrs. Dorothy Waldo Phillips, well known psy- speakers at the meeting of the Wochologist and teen age expert. Mrs. m an's Club held on Tuesday, February 1 Phillips will tell parents and teachers . Taking for her subject "How to Grow about her methods and the problems she Lovely, Growing Old", Mrs. John J. H. has solved in helping students reach a Phillips, State Chairman of Health, better understanding of themselves, their pleaded for better care of the human friends and families. Her topic will be body, citing health as the first reelltitled "Emotional Education Dovetailed quisite of loveliness. She spoke parWith Academic Education." Mrs. Phillips ticularly of the strides made in cancer will soon give her course to Swarthmore research during the year 1937, mentionstudents having conducted her llrelimin- ing the million dollar appropriation by ary discussion on January 17-18. Congress for the establishment of a ,.. National Cancer Center, and the Child's L. W. V. TO BEAR Foundation Fund at Yale made possi. ROLLIN POSEY ble by two gifts amounting to ten mil!ioll do!iars.· The Swarthmore League of Women Mrs. Phillips contended that the eduVoters will hold its February )fleeting cational program concerning cancer in Bond Hall on Wednesday, Febru- adopted by Women's Clubs had saved ary 9, at 2 :30 P. M. Rollin B. Posey, hundreds of lives. of Cornell avenue, will discuss "The "To be lovely", said Mrs. Phillips," we City Mll-nager Plan in Operation". Mr. must have health, be busy, have at Posey is a graduate of the University least one hobby, be friendly and graof Kansas, and studied two years at the cious and worry less about growing old Harvard School of Business Adminis- than how we are growing." 'rhe followl'ng poeln was used as all tration. He was connected with the to the talk'. illtroductl'on Cincinnati Bureau of Governmental Re"Let us grow lov"ly growing old', search for Years. He was then ReSo many fine'" thl'ngs do', search Director of the City of Hartford, Conn. In the fall and winter oi 1936 and L aces, and I'vory, alld gold, And silks, need not be new', 1937 he was a member of the staff And there is healing in old trees', which made President Roosevelt's "FisOld streets a glamour hold. cal Relation Survey". Following that Why may not I, as well as these, survey he was connected with J. L. Jacobs & Company, a firm of consultGrow lovely, growing old." Major G. B. Hickman, a member of ants in the field of public administration. Mr. Posey is now in the Institute of the Faculty of the Glen Mills School, Local and State Government of the then spoke on "Crime Prevention". He Wharton School of the University of said his work was fascinating, but not Pennsylvania. His address will be most thrilling and that it would be worth informing and he has declared himself while if one boy or girl could be saved. willing to answer questions which may "Crime has its inception in juvenile delinquency," said Major Hickman, "Chilarise. The meeting is in charge of the dren born of criminal parents are not Chairman of Government and its Oper- necessarily criminals and statistics prove that environment is the principal ation, Mrs. Peter E. Told. Mrs. Thomas H. Johnson, president factor in the lives of children." The Probation and Parole Systems of the Swarthmore League, wil! preside and tea will be served after the meet- were discussed and the serious problems involved if these systems were aboling. The L. W. V. will hold a benefit Val- ished. entine Party at the Woman's Club next Carl Schmidt, new full-time Director Friday afternoon, February 11, at 2 :30 of Recreation in Delaware County, was P. M. Bridge games and refreshments illttodoced and wW ~ ilie ~ ~re will be on the program. Park System to be established in the County which would provide playgrounds in needed places. Picnic spots Alfred Hoadley Receives are to be selected and the natural beauAppointment ties of the county are to be preserved. (Colltillued on Paoe Four) Alfred D. Hoadley, son of Mrs. George A. Hoadley, of Walnut lane, who is • • • completing work for his masters degree Canadian Ski Trip at the University of Maryland has been appointed as agronomist at the Maryland For those interested in skiing, Mr. State Agricultural Experiment Station at Raymond E. Wilson, of Ogden avenue, College Park. }'[d. The appointment is is planning a group skiing trip to the effectivc February L Laurcntian Mountains, some 6S miles • •• north of Monreal, from February 18 to Health Society in Annual February 22, or until February 27, as Meeting Next Thursday desired. The party will stop at a com. fortable inn in Val Morin, Quebec. The annual meetlOg and tea of the There will be instructions for novices Community Healtl~ Society of Central under ideal conditions, where anyone Delaware County wdl be held at 2 :3~ next from 16 to 60 can become acquainted Thursday afternoon, February 10, 111 the with the technique of this exhilarating Woman's Club House. It will be an open sport, which has became so popular meeting to which all friends of the So- in the past few years. For experienced ciety are invited. skiers there will also be cross country Mrs. T. Harry Brown, chairman of trips to several French villages in the the afternoon's program, announces that vicinity. Mr. Wilson will be glad to musicians' from the Elwyn School will explain details to anyone who might entertain and there will be a speaker. like to join the group. THREE SPEAKERS AT WOMAN'S CLUB .1. '2.50 PER YEAR MELODRAMA FOR PLAYERS CLUB Noman Thomas, Socialist party leader, Norman Thomas Here February 10 will speak on "Industrial Democracy" . Mrs•• ~assmore Cheyney and_ next Thursday afternoon, February 10, "Double Door," .Thriller ~ade Wllliam R. Argyle Repreat 4 u'clock in the Friends' Meeting Famous by Sybil Thorndike, sentatives on Board House. All residents of the Borough are Directed by Sam Evans For invited to hear Mr. Thomas who is being February Bill At Wednesday e\'ening's session of Borough Council Mrs. J. Passmore Cheyney was reappointed to the Pub· lic Library Board and William R. Argygle named in place of John E. Gensemer, who resigned after serving six years, as the two representatives of Council on the Board. The petition of Dr. William E. Kistler for a change in the zoning ordinance to permit the sale of his lot adjacent to Borough Hall as the site for a motion picture theatre was refused. Dr. Franklin Gillespie, Borough Health Officer, made a thorough report on the health of the community. Out of 187 contagious diseases here last year 105 were chickenpox cases and most of the others measles. Only two cases of diphtheria have occurred during the past eight years. All stores were reported' inspected, as well as all clerks who handle food. The State Plumbing Code was adopted as the Borough Code by passing Ordinance No. 406. There was a discussion of a zoning ordinance change to take care of parking for any building which might require large gatherings. A committee brought here under the auspices of the Swarthmure College branch of the AmcrVariety is said to be the spice of life ican Student Union. and so for February, beginning Tuesday, , •• the 8th, and running through Saturday, David Stockwell to Speak the 12th, the Players Club of Swarthat Junior Club more will present a melodrama and thril- At 8 o'clock next Tuesday evening, February 8, the Junior Woman's Club will have David R. Stockwell, West Chester antique collector ant! dealer, as guest speaker. Mr. Stockwell's topic will be "Philadelphia Chippendale Furniture'" and he will an~wer questions on furniture, glass and silver. He is the author of numerous articles for periodicals. A cordial invitation is extended to e\'eryune interested. At a meeting of the literature section of the Swarthmore Junior Club held at the home of Mrs. L. C. Hastings. on W est~ale a venue on. Tuesd~y evelllng o.f tins "week AntOlllca F~I:-,banks reviewed Of Men and MUSIC, by Deem~ Taylo~ and Rosamor,td ~ellburn. revIewed The Last Fhght by AmTehha dEarhart. 't' t' f th J . e Crlamba s~c. Ion11 meehlllg 10d f e Ue WundlOr d u on~lIla! StCh e dW ~~ e nes ay evemng In e oman ~ Club House for the casting of a play will be appointed to take care of the to be given in March was postponed matter. until the next everting. Former Councilman J. Paul Brown resigned as a member of the Central ~•• Delaware County Sewer Authority, of which he was chairman, and Jacob F. Meschter was appointed by council to serve on the authority as a member in his place. •• • Many Local Residents Enjoy In· ler ill contrast to the comedies which have been the rule for the past three productions. "Double Dour," a thrilling and lurid talc by llIizabeth McFadden, enjoyed long runs in New York and other American cities, and a most successful era in London where Dame Sybil Thorndike used it as a vehicle for her magnificent dramatit talent. The London press acclaimed her "Victoria Van Bret" as one of her greatest interpretations. This American play by an American authoress is woven about Victoria Van Bret, middle-aged and a spinster, the eldest and head of a dying dynasty of Van Brets in the old brown stone fronts of Fifth Avenue. She rules her domain with an iron will; none must come between her and that which she desires. When someone finally does-but the Club advises you to see the play; it is full of b b' d'" a sor mg an gnppmg mterest. . The fact that Samuel Evans, Jr., IS the director and producer gives advance assurance to Swarthmore audiences of an evening's skillful and entertaining dramatization. A glance at the cast, chosen and assigned with the utmost care, reveals additional guarantees of a worth while and enjoyable performance. The names of some of these players are beginning to stir us with a meaning akin Charity Ball Tonight teresting and Varied Program to that evoked by favorte performers on a~d Report of Expenditure theprofessio.nal stage. The eighth annual Charity Ball given of.. Sum Raised Last Year Jean Mime will be seen in the clifficult J.;y_ the Ha.1"!'lct.•<\Wsw(\rt~ ... Post, . AJ1jnr~... ." ," '~ .• - .. - ' . -:-. and 'extaiiig' -i:ore"ol 'V'ict();'ici' Van Bi'et.......... " can Legion, and Auxiliary will be held Over ~ hun~red ,,:nd thirty. people 10- Mary Ryan O'Brien is Caroline, Victorin the Swarthmore Woman's Club House terested 10 the mfantJle. paralYSIS f~n~ ~at ia's sister. Margaret Latimer as Anne this evening, Friday, February 4, at 9 down to' a B~nefit dmner at W~lttier Darrow has a part which exactly suits o'clock. Hou~e . last Friday. The sale of tickets her loveliness and J. Stanley Taylor is • •• was shg~~y large~ than last year, but handsumer than ever in the part of Rip Expect Salvation Army Returns the ex~ertor donatlOlls were fewer. :r~e Van Bret. Charles Rickards will play Dr.' Soon ?rst thmg on the program was th~ VISlt- John Sully, friend of Anne and Rip, and mg Nurse report on the expenditure of Robert Greer will be seen as Mortimer Mrs. George A. Hoadley, chait'man of 1 t • $42 rtl d' h d S as ye~r s : 0 lope IC s .oes a!1 Neff, the Van Bret family counsel. Marwarth more in the annual Salvation f h t f h d t res al: vaca lo.ns were u~ms e . 0 tha Keighton is Avery, the Van Bret's Army Maintenance Fund Dr:ve, reports th r led h Id f th local t . ree c I!>~ . c I ren 0 IS I y. housekeeper, and Roland K. Harrison is normal progress to date toward the $1000 Some cnttclsm has been heard because Telson their butler. Kate Ivans has the goal set for this Borough. Mrs. Hoadley a severe pol'om ell'tl' case near by but ' . I.y ~. . -, part of Louise, a maid, and Lee Wilson urges all workers to have their returns 0 ut51d d t t d d t be e e our nursmg IS nc, .' no n - plays William, a footman. Edward H. complete and filed by next Monday so fit Under the Ie centrahzed control . . . I 'W Pyle, as Lambert, a detective, and John that a report can be made next week. of the F un d It IS t 0 be h op ed that money R. Brownell as Mr. Chase, fcom TifAnyone who has not been contacted is ca n now be spent t 0 thevery bes t a dvan- fany's, complete the cast. asked to leave his or her contribution at t The Swarthmorean office on Dartmouth age. "Double Door" is a play which, it is The program proceeded with most de. ed '11 d l' h I f d avenue, across from Borough Hall. Iightful music fronl Mrs. Robert E. Carels promls ,WI e Ig t any over 0 • ram.a. A I d be b ed • •• whom !\lrs. Herbert F. Fraser kindly s usua , guest car s may 0 tam 111 Lemon Auxiliary Next Thursday accompanied, and four dances by little a dvance f rom Buc h ner•s T oggery Shop, eNena \Vhitaker which were enthusias- 8 Park avenue, Swarthmore, or at the The monthly meeting of the American tically received. Then 'Dean R. Brimhall, clubhouse 0\1 the evenings of the perfonnLegion Auxiliary will be held in the of the Federal W. P. A. office, gave a ance. Legion Room in Borough Hall next defense of Work Relief which some of Thursday af~ernool1, February 10, at 2 :30 tIle audience felt completely satisfying o'clock. Mrs. George Gillespie and Mrs. while others were much disappointed that Card Party Benefit Walter Thorpe will be hostesses. All no time remained fo~ questioning and deOf Girl Scout House Swarthmoreans who are eligible for mem- hate. Eric Biddle, at one time head of bership in the Legion Auxiliary will be Relief in this state did his best, however, To raise funds necessary for the mainmost welconle at the meeting. to get at some of the issues. tenance of the Girl Scout House on Added to the membership list this year The details of the dinner, cat~red by Cresson lane a card party will be held at are Mrs. John Moore, Mrs. R. G. Wit- the Ingleneuk Tea House, were looked 8 :15 next Monday evening in the Woman, Mrs. Rex Gary, Mrs. Robina Ewing after by Mrs. H. A. Peirsol, Mrs. J. V. S. man's Club House. Not only does it reand Mrs. C. \V. McDowell. Bishop and Mrs. S. M. Bryant. quire considerable money for the upkeep DINNER SWELLS PARALYSIS FUND I I .1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ilieGhlSro~Hourewhichh~~ded THE WEEK'S CALENDAR FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4 7 :15 9:00 P. - Basketball vs. Ridley Park .................... ' ........ H. S. Gym P. M. M.-Legion Charity Ball ........................ Woman·s Club House 7:45 P. M.-J. J's Meeting ........................... 600 North Chester Road 8 :15 P. M. - Girl Scout House Card SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6 MONDAY, FEBRUARY '1 Party .-••.••.•...•.••.... : • Woman's Club TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8 10:00 A. M.-L. W. V. Study Group ..... _................. 600 Harvard Avenue 2 :30 P. M. - Stated Meeting .................................... Woman's Club 7:30 to 9:30 P. M.-Sproul Observatory Open to PubUc .... Swarthmore College 8:00 P. M. - Home & School Meeting ................ High School Auditorium 8:00 P. M.-Davld R. Stockwell. Speaker .............. Junior Woman's Club 8:15 P. M.-"Double Door........................................ Players Club 2:30 2 :30 3:00 7:00 8:15 8:30 P. P. P. P. P. P. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9 M.-League of Women Voters .... Bond Memorial. Swarthmore COllege M. - Methodist Women's Home Missionary Soclety ... 338 Park Avenue M.-Klndergarten Mothers Meet .............. COllege Avenue School M. - COngregational Dinner ........................... Trinity Church M. - "Double Door" ...................................... Players Club M.-Basketball VB. Stevens ....................... COllege Pield House (J. V. game '1 P. M.) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10 COmmunity Health Society Woman's Club 2:30 P. M. - American Legion AuxUlary .......... Legion Room. Borough Hall 4:00 P. M.-Norman Thomas. A. S. U. SppAker ••••••• Friend!· Meeting House 8:15 P. M.-"Double Door........................................ Players Club 2:30 P. M.-Annual Meeting and Tea, so much to the pleasures and benefits of Scouting in Swarthmore, but it is greatly to be desired at this time to be able to line the house against the weather, making it comfortable for the girls in winter, and to build an outdoor fireplace for cooking I purposes. The Girl Scout House Committee is planning next week's card party and hopes to have the support of local residents in maintaining this civic project. Other Girl Scoul News Troop 16 will hold its regular weekly meeting tomorrow morning at 9 :30 in the Girl Scout House. Troop 2 will meet as usual at the Woman's Club House on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Last Saturday morning at the Girl Scout House Troop 16 entertained Troop 2 as its guests. The meeting be- Igan by playing some lively games, so that the girls would get acquainted. Later Irma Zimmer led the girls in Scout songs. Both troops enjoyed the combined meeting very much. The leaders were Mrs. George Zinnner and Mrs. Henry Hanzlik. i 1 1 .1 , ~2__________________. -__________________.-~1~'H~E~S~W~AB~'f~BM~O~REAN~~~__________________- ,______ FEBRUARY~ 1938 Thr E ts Friday morning. Mr•• YOUllg is now able ee ngagemen to receive her friends at the hospital. ••• Just A-nnounced Mrs. Weston E. Fuller, of North ChesMiN "Betty" Bleasing will Wed Saturday, February 12, in Lo8 Angeles, Cal. guests were: Billy Ziegeufus, ~hrnly Maschal' Nancy and Charles Grier, Esther Rumsey, Diana and Penny Carlisle, Valerie Worth, Marilyn Green, Patsy teT road, left yesterday for a week's \'isit McKenna. Mary Elizabeth and Jimmy to Old Point Clmfort, Va. Logan, of Swartlunore; Patti Dewey and Miss Eo B. Giltes:ie:of North Chester Ruth Vance Halloway, of Chester. road, is enjoying a few weeks visit in Mr. and Mrs.- n*avid S. Morse will *•• Mr. and Mrs. Irving L. Reed, of New Bradenton, Fla. York City. announce the engagement of Mr. T. Harry Brown, of Cornell avetheir daughter, Agnes, to Donald C. nue, left Tuesday night for a few days Turner, SOil of Mr. and Mrs. J. Archer trip to \Villiamsburg, Va. He was the Turner, of Harvard avenue, Swarthmore. guest of Mrs. Archibald McCrea, of Car- Peter E. Told, Mrs. Luther M. Dimmitt and Mrs. A. M. Bosshardt. FOR ALL-ROUND WI NTE R SAFETY I , • Birth Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Glaesser, of Aldan, Pa.) announce the birth of a SOil, Allan, at the Delaware County Hospital, on January 20. The baby is entertain at a dinner preceding the Ameri- a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. George can Legion Charity Ball this evening. at W. Glaesser, of Dartmouth avenue, Swarthmore. their home on Chester road. Mrs. Roy C. Comley, of Swarthmore • • t avenue, will entertain at luncheon and Young Republiean Dance bridge today when guests will be memMarch 5 bers of a bridge club to which she belongs. Sel of Four The wedding will be in June. lers Grove Williamsburg. Mr. Turner, who is a graduate of ' Swartlunore College is now with JohnsMiss Mary Pusey, of North Chester A Young Republican Club dance will Manville New York. road, entertained a few friends informally Mrs. Jonathan Prichard, of Michigan he held in the High School Gymnasium at tea on Wednesday of tbis week. avenue. will be hostess at luncheon and , bridge today to a bridge dub to which ou Saturday evening, March 5, from 9 Mr. and Mrs. \Viltiam R. Hunn, of Mrs. L. A. Wctlaufer, of Cornell ave- she is a member. ulltil I o'clock. Jan Savann's orcllCstra Faraday Park, Ridley Township, all- nuc, entertained with a neighborhood tea will furnish music and there will be a Dounce the engagement of their daugh- on \Vednesday aftenJoon. Mr. and Ahs. L. L. Hedgepeth, of Cor- featured exhibition. ter, :Margaret Jenkins Hunn and Joseph nell avenue. left Friday for a ten-day Carey Richmond, daughter of Mr. and trip to Jacksonville, Fla. Hinchliffe Perkins, Jr., son of Mr. and Named Scott Paper Secretary Mrs. Joseph H. Perkins, of Cedar lane. ,Mrs. Robert M. Richmond, of Amherst The announcement was made at a avenue, will entertain in celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Wilson, of CorWilliam S. Campbell, of Wallingford, square dance given in Aiiss HUl1ll's honor her sixth birthday tomorrow. Guests will nell avenue, will have as their overnight has been elected secretary of the Scott by her aunt, Mrs. Joseph R. Karsner, at include Sally Alden, Donald Fetherolf, guests tonight and at the Charity Ball Paper Company to replace Ralph E. her home, Hillcrest, in WesttowJl. Satur- Jane Allen, John H,3$sweiler, Nancy Mc- this evening Mr. and :\Irs. P. D. Van Rhoads, of North Princeton avenue, day, January 29. Curdy Betty Alln Furnas Dick McCray Mater, of Marlboro, N. J. Swarthmore, who recently resigned as Among those from Swarthmore and Barbara Soderbcr.g a.nd.Harold Ogram. Mr. a.nd lirs. Henry I.. Hoot and chilan officer and director to the Company vidnity who attended the square dance d D k I I It f Laf were: Miss Irma Zimmer, Miss Eliza- JoseJJh H. Perkins, Jr., of Cedar lane, rell, ~c, He en am BI , 0 ayette because of ill health. Announcement was beth Soule, Miss Katherine Armstrong, has resumed his studies at the University and ~rU1ceton avenues, returne~ S.atur- made late last week along with the adand Messrs. Robert Little, Edmund Soule, uf Delaware and e:\.pects to graduate this day mght from a several days tnp to vancement of two other senior officers spring. Washington and Virginia during which and the appointment of three new junior John R. Brownell, Jr., and John Arm* they visited Mr. and :Mrs. Henry Reid officers of the Company of which Thomas Neal Durboraw, son of Mr. and Mrs. at Langley Field" Hampton, Va., where strong, of Swarthmore; and l\iiss Rachel B. McCabe. of North Chester road, Merrill, of Rose Valley. I. N. Uurboraw, of Haverford place, Mr. Reid is director of the National Ad- Swarthmore, is president. Miss Huon is a graduate of Colling- was injured Tuesday as he was entering visory Committee for Aeronautics. , I .. dale High School and The Pennsylvania the Swarthmore High School gym and School of Horticulture for Women, Am- another boy pushing the door from the Miss Nancy Hoot, of Lafayette avebier, Pa. Mr. Perkins, who is a graduate oPPOsite "d I' '1 N eaI was carry- nue, will entertain after the Dancing Class Kindergarten Mother8 Sl e lit a penci To Hear Mi88 Hardy of Swarthmore High School, is complet- iug and drove it into his right leg. It tomorrow evening. LldeD. to the Valee of Ftre.taa. . . . . ..7 iog courses for his degree, which because was necessary to probe for the lead nen1D.n O'ftl' N. B. C. Becl Netwulri: The kindergarten mothers are arrangof illness last May he was unable to com- IlOint and Sl)lillters to avoid likelihood of Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge, of Ogden aveplete. at the University of Delaware. nne, entertained at luncheon and bridge ing a meeting for Wednesday, February RUSSELL'S SERVICE infection rcsul!ing. He is a member of the Honorary Society .. yesterday when guests were members of 9, in the College avenue kindergarten Dartmouth and Lafavette Aves. Mrs. Charles Paxson, of Cedar lane, a bridge club to which she belongs and room at 3 o'clock. Miss Marjorie Hardy of the Blue Key. Telephone 440 is entertaining the Art Circle this after- included Mrs. Philip W. Kniskern, Mrs. of the Germantown Friends' School, witl "We Don't Sen Can-We Service TbeJllft Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Costello, of Mich- noon. Wayne Randall, Mrs. Wallace McCurdy, talk to the group on the subject of "Beigan and Milmont avenues, annouced Mrs. H. Bardwell Lincoln, Mrs. David ginning Reading." Miss Hardy is an exthe engagement of their daughter, JosArthur Edwin Bye, Jr. left Monday to Shaw, Mrs. T. Saulnier and Mrs. Her- pert in this field. The first grade mothers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - of both schools are cordially invited to ephine A. Costello, and Charles La Spada, return to Pennsylvania State College after schel G. Smith. attend the meeting. having spent tne mid-year vacation visit• son of Anthony La Spada, of Chester. HARRIET L. TREAT iug his mother, Mrs. Arthur E. Bye, lJf Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bassett, of North The committee of mothers in charge of EJ&per' De.iBmnB and FillinB 01 The marriage of Elizabeth Ann Bless- Lafayette avenue. Chester road, will entertain an evening this meeting is as follows: Mrs. George Go",rq *• bridge club tomorrow evening. Al1en, Mrs. 'C. W. Lukens, Mrs. Heston R od H ing, daughter of Mrs. Martha R. BlessMcCray, Mrs. Harold Ogram, Mrs. em e ng Mr. and Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert will ing, of Elm avenue, to Alden Van Kirk, At Home or by the Day of Oakland, California, will be performed entertain at bridge this evening at their George Logan, Grafton Carlisle, Adolph H. Phie1, Mrs. N. O. Pittenger Harvard Sw. 892 in Los Angeles, on Saturday, February home o!, Park avenue. Among their Clifford Rumsey left yesterday on a and Mrs. Jack Thompson. 12, Mi)!s Blessing is a graduate of guests wilt be Mr. and Mrs. James Homa- four-day training trip of the PennsylSwarthmore High School and Swarth- day, Mr. and Mrs..Ambrose Van Alen, vania National Guat'd, flying to Miami, more College. She is a member of Kappa Mr. and Mrs. H. Lmdley Peel, Mr. and Fla., and back. Kappa Gamma sorority. Mr. Van Kirk M~s. Peter E. Told, and Mr. and Mrs. is a graduate of Leland Stanford Uni- :\lllton Bryant. Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert, of Park avenue, entertained the teachers of the Junior versity and a member of Delta Upsilon fraternity. Mrs. Thomas Whitehair, of the Shirer Intermediate Department of the PresbyAfter their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Building, entertained a group of young terian Church, Tuesday, February 1. Van Kirk will reside in Los Angeles guests at a party yesterday afternoon in Her guests included, Mrs. H. Lindley where Mr. Van Kirk is connected with celebration of the first birthday anniver- Peel, Mrs. Ambrose Van Alcll, Mrs. the Gliden Paint Company. The bride's sary of her daughter, uJodie." Among the mother will visit them in Los Angeles in THE HARVARD the late spring. *** *** *** *•* *** *** - ,.t *• • , , , .... * ** On Our I Budget Plan *• * .. * *• * .. .. *** *• * .. .. * * .. • IThe .,.* * *•• OUR CASH PRICES are DOWN • • * AIr. and Mrs. Walter Dickinson of Mt. Holyoke place, will entertain' an evening dessert~bridge club of ''''hich they are members tomorrow evening. • • * Mrs. }.fartin B. Young, of Cornell avenue, is recuperating nicely in the Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia where she underwent a major operation last STANLEY THEATRE CHESTER, PA. • TEA.ROOM Would you like to give a luncheon, a tea party, or a dinner? WE ARE PREPARED TO SERYE YOU Telephone Swarthmore 149 or 1395. ask for Mia Patterson. She will give you menus and prices. Now Playing (For One Week) 5c "ROSAIJE" with NELSON EDDY NOW I in -MANORFriday - Saturday Ronald Sinelair-Mickey Rooney Judy Garlaud "THOROUGHBREDS DON'T CRY" With C. Aubrey Smith EXira Robert Benchley in "Anita at the Movies" and FIRST RUN NEWS Monday - Tuesday KAY FRANCIS "FIRST LADY" with Preston Foster-Anita Louioe Walter CollDoUy Friday & Saturday - Feb. 4-5 Frank Lloyd'. WELLS FARGO wioh JOEL McCREA BOB BURNS FRANCES DEE Monday & Tuesday-Feb. 7-8 EBB·TIDE Robert Louis Stevenson's Most Amazing Adventure and Ro.. maiJ..ce in Teclud~lor FRANCES FARMER RAY MlLLAND Wednesday Only-Feb. !I It Pa,.. to the Manor at 8:45 P. M. MANHATTAN MERRY-GO.ROVND 10 Die Stan and Five New So... mto lIT Subiect to change COAL CO. Main Office 4th & Allegheny Ave. "CHECKERS" MEDIA Eal STOVE M • THEATRE Chester Pike Prospect Park Free Parking-Rear 0/ Thea're per ton more $1000 (Contlnw from PfJ{J8 OM) A~ the conclusion of the program tea was served. The host~sses were Mrs. A. T. Eavenson and Mrs. F. A. Krafft. Mrs. John Cornog and Mrs. J. Archer Turner presided at the tea-table. The Woman's Club Chorus has resumed rehearsals under the direction of Henry Hotz and will meet at 10 o'clock on Monday mornings, February 7, 14, 21 and 28. Mrs. Lloyd Kauffman, chairman of the music section, welcomes non-members of the Club to joiu UpOIl payment of a small fee. The regular stated meeting of the CJub next Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock will have Mrs. Arthur E. Bye, International Relations Department chairman, in charge of the theme "Modern 'rrends in the \Vorld Today." . There will be a current events talk by Dr. Michael Dorizas, of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Hostesses will be Mrs. George Zimmer and Mrs. H. Lang. At the tea table Mrs. Irvin MacElwee and Mrs. l(alllh Little will preside. Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman, Swarthmore drama section chairman, and Mrs. Oscar j. Gilcreest, of Sv.arthmorc, who is chairman of drama for the Writers Club of Delaware County, will attend a meeting of drama chairmen next Monday morning at 10 o'clock in the SixtyNinth Street Municipal Building to plan the program for the May Festival of all the Delaware County Clubs. a• • Christian Seien~ Church IISpirit" is the subject of the LessonSermon in al1 Churches of Christ Scientist, on Sunday, February 6. Th~ Golden Text is: "Grieve not the hoi S" f y pmt a God, whereby ye have sea.led unto the day of redemption" (Ephesians 4:30). • •• Methodi8t Church Notes This evening at 8 o'clock there will be a regular business meeting of the official Church Board. Sunday morning at 9 :45 o'clock there will be the monthly missionary program before the church school. Sunday morning worship at 11 o'clock will have as its theme "The Path of Jesus". ' 1'he theme of evening worship at 7 :45 ·o'clock will be "Methodist Discipline". The regular business meeting of the Senior Epworth League will he held on A.londay evening at 7:30 o'clock. Wednesday afternoon·at 2.30 o'clock the Women's Home Missionary Society will meet at the home of Mrs. William Hoffman, 338 Park avenue. Thursday evening at 8 o'dock the Prayer Meeting will continue its study of the Gospel of St. Mark. • •• Trinity Church Note8 SAID THE GENERAL Central American bandits recently had good reason to gnash their strong while molars. Thecause was a new use found for old telephone directories. It seems tbat certain railroad cars although built of double steel plates: were proving vulnerable to bullets from the high.powered riDes of the ooballeros of the plains. But someone discovered that when telephone books were placed between theplat~ the death-dealing slugs stopped among the Smiths and Joneses causing a heavy loss in names but not in lives. I Caramba! said the bandit chief as railroad officials made use of more than two tons of telephone books. Your telephone directory will probab1y never save a life, hut it can save time and trouble every day. The Cl888ified Business Section is a real step and timesaverwhenyou'relook.. ing Cor something. And once you've found tbe produet or service you want, you can eave more steps and more time byusing your telephone to tJ'ansact the business. The Bell Tele.. phone Company of Pennsylvania. The Young People's Fellowship wi11 m~et Sunday evemng at 6 ~'clock. This will be the second of a series of lively d' . "R I' . d Y . ISCUS!IOnS on e Iglon an our Life Work. The Committee on Missions and Bellevolences wi11 meet Sunday afternoon at 5 o'dock in the church study. The Women's Association will meet for an an-day nleeting Friday, February 11. beginning at 10 A. AI. Luncheon is served at 1 P. M., and devotionals will be conducted by Mrs. Thomas Simpers. The regular businesf: meeting will be held after the devotional service. Women of the church and congregation are cordially invited. , . New Railway Expre88 Agent John E. Yocum, formerly or the Ardmore agency, has replaced D. H. Eichman as agent of the Swarthmore agency of the Railway Express at its new office 011 South Chester road. Mr. Eichman who had been stationed at Swarthmore since the local branch agency opened here five years ago, has transferred to Conshohocken. I I "In Old Chieago" Coming Soon !,'w ••• The boys intra-mural basketball tourna~ ments, held at the high school gym every ~riday ~fter~ooll,. are proc.e~ding at a hveJy clll) with stIff competition for the leaders in both leagues. The National league leaders arc the boys from Junior I~ome room .209 led by John Ally." and dose all theIr heels arc the combmed 5 or room 102 and 215 under the leadership of Jeff Kirk Wiggins. In A . I and Ford h d f S the r mencan t:ague t e ,un e eat<:<1 enior OO~1 ~3,. last year 5 chan~p1on~, are agam p~~ =~~Week. 8 where," with never another opportun!ty p. m. pe'dlTi~room opeD. ~c\~ to attend one. Consequently, I was 10IIUld h dQa 1 to" . , tensely interested to see just what Evolu~t.n oordlal17 IDvt~. to _~4 '\he tion of Town Meeting had produced, so =lng **** Hunger-K.'lling Meats at Economy Prices THA,. WAS A HUNGER.-KILLI ROAST. WASN'T IT? AN D SO EASY ON THE. BUDG-E.T. TOO. r----------~-~ MEAL TIME IS A FINE TIM£ SINCEYOU SlARTEDTRADI MAI)"JE['S I".. THE SWARTBMOREAN 5 or recent will agree all were settled toad leading from tho Springfield and Darb, area. and extending to and connecting with borough or with any stream or water Uphold. PubUe Meeling to S3mue) G. LevI.' Mm. In the lIne f or the best .'except the first one and that. Road course within the Umlta of said Borough, of land late of Theodore Hawkllllll, them)!! the howse .sewer. The Editort came up too late to change the situation. along the middle of 88id Road and by Auid 17. HOUSE-SEWER. The house-sewer 18 3. To make cr cause to be made, either , • lalld North lour deP"l."Ctt. fifteen minutes part of the main drain or sewer ex.. directly or Indirectly. any connection with The Swarthmorean: I am sorry some complain of our lack olle hwuired and sixteen feet and ftUy.four that tending from a point five feet outsl.e Borough Secretary for the use at the Borough ward the ()urchase of a piece of land from dent of council called for affirmative arCO""'o v. Go•• tz Section 6. QUALITY AND WEIGHTS OF at the time plaQS are filed. a fil1ng and in· • St,h1 11-':1 the IJrOJ>crly o r . . .. MATERIALS. All moterla18 used. In any the college for room to erect and to build gument more than once. I wonder If all ami }o'llIre)lt'C V. Goetz. spectlon fee which shall be computed as drainage or plumbing system or part there- follows; the High School Gym. our people know our councilmen serve H L FUSSELL Attorney. ot shall be free from defeets and shall conform in aU respects to the plumbing laws For each plan approved .............. 12.03 All these issues were sharp. sentiment without pay, devote many nights and . . . of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvanlft ac.d WILLIAM W McKIM, Sheriff. For each rtxture Installed or reset .... , .50 high on both sides- yet settled in the some full days in our service. Some then . 11 not therein specifled to the latest standards of the American Society for Testing Section 17. SEW;ER ENTRANCE FEE. Old Swarthmore way by Public Meetings. ask them to spend more time to dig up Materials or such other standards as Bar. The plumber shall pay to the Borough SecIn the main I think the present resident the facts. That is not thc duty of the BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE ough Councll may designate. retary for the use of the Borough at the tlme appl1catlon is made for permission to of Swarthmore, whether of long stand- judge. It is the duty of the advocates or ORDINANCE NO. 406 Section 'T. LIGHTING OF FIXTURES. connec!; with the ·publlc sewer, the sum 01 lawyers on each side of the issue. An ordinance regUlating plumbing, bouse I All trapped plumbIng fixtures except those $3.50 for each connection. and building drainage, ana the d1sposlt o~ only during dayJlght hours and placed 1. for one, wish to thank and congrat- or sewage. In me Borough of Hwartllmore, used In well Hghted rooms or compartments Section 18. PENALTIES. Any person or . establ1slllng plumb1ng and drainage rules must; be provIded with direct artificial pel'6On~ who shall fall to comply with any d regulations dennlng the powers of light. u Iate M r. Hessenbruch for the fair way of the provisions of thls ordinance. 6hol1 he handled that meeting and I hope many ~~rougn omcla.lB' In relatIon thdere to. prod be Hable, upon conViction for a first off ee8, V1Cllng for permlts, )lcenses an an Section 8. TERMINALS ADJOINING fense. to a flne of not less than ten doUars more can £eeI that way. lor penalties In connection therewith, re. mGH BUILDINGS. In the event that a ($10.00), nor exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00), }. V. S. BISHOI'. pealIng OrdlnaJ:.ce No. 164 and all other new building Is built higher than an exist- lor each and cveo:y aay, and for a seoond , •• ordinances Inconsistent herewith. Ing buUdlng, the owner of the new bulld- oiiense In a like manner t.o a fine of not lng shaU not locate windows w1thln 12 than twenty dolllU'B ($20.00) nor exJ. J's Hold Anuual Supper The Council ot the Bowugh of Swarth- feet of any existing vent stack on the less ceeding one hundred dollars ($100.) for more does ordaln. lower bUilding unless the owner of suCh each and every day. and for a third ofnew bUIlding shall defray the expenses or lense, to a. like fine aa for a second otrense, The annual SUI)per of the J. }.'s, held Section 1. LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY. sholl himself wlth the consent of such or to imprisonment In the county ja11 for That pursuant to the power and authority owner make such new alteratIon a period not exceeding thirty days, or both, I at the Vassar avenue home of Eliot granted by tbe General Borough Act of other thereto as shall contorm wIth this ordI- 1n the discretion of the alderman. justice Jeffords Sunday evening, January 23, was .&\'18.y 4. 192'1, P. L. 519 an~ Its amendments nance. of the peace or magistrate. together with ana supplements, and In general further· attended by nearly fifty members and costa of prosecution In each case. ance 01 the prOVIsions of tbe Act No. 44 of It shall be the duty of the owner of the friends. March 31, 11137 P. L. 168. and Its amend· lower or eXisting bundlng to make such Section 19. REPEAL OF PREVIOUS ORMrs. Harry MiUer, of Thayer road, ments and supplements pertaining to the alteration therein upon the receipt In ad- DINANCES. Ordinance 164, approved. and registration or persons, t1rmS or corpom- vance of money or securIty therefor, sum- all ordinances or parts of ordInances Inwill speak to the girls at their next UODS engaged in the business of plwnblng cient for the purpose, from the owner of consistent with the proVisions of this ormeeting, on Sunday evening, February or house drainage and prescribing certaIn the new or higher bulldlng or to permIt, dinance are hereby repealed. rules and regulations for the construction at the election of the owner of the new or at the homc of Betty Douglas, at of plumbing and house drainage, the fol- higher building, the making of such alter_ Passed this 2nd day of February. 1938. Chester road and Swarthmore lowmg rules and regulations are hereby ation by the owner ot said new or higher building. T. E. HESSENBRUCH, ordained. avenue. Mrs. Miller is in charge of President of Councll. Section 2. STATE REGULATIONS INAttest: the family from the local W,elfare CenSection 9. CONTROL OF SEWAGE AND CORPORATED BY REFERENCE. All the ELLIOTT RICHARDSON, ter, which the J.J.'s have been assist- reguIl;I,tlons of the Act No. 44 of March 31, PUBLIC SEWERS. The Borough CouncIl Borough Secretary. or U.s duly authorized agent shall bave the 100'1. P. L. 168 applicable to. Borough, to- power to stop and precent the discharge ing. gether with the regulations of the Depart- of sewage from any premises In the Bor· I Approved this 2nd day of February, 1938. .11 ment of Health of tlie COmmonwealth of ough into or upon any public h1ghway, Pennsylvania, as amended from time to stream, water course or putllc place, or JOHN H. PITMAN, Danciug Class Chaperons tlIue. are hereby incorporated wlthLn the Into Burgess any private draIn, cess-pool or private provisions of this ordinance and shall sewer; and to order a connection to be .~~~ Tomorrow evening the chaperons at apply to all plumbing and house and butld- made with the public sewer for the reBOROUOH OF SWARTHMORE ;: ~~============Ith,e-tneeting:s.,of the-' Swarthmore Dancing lQC". (lralnage .hereaf~r ~tall~d In the moval ot sewage from any, premises .when_ Borough of SWarthmore. ever In the opinion of said Borough Coun~ BOARDING Classes will he: eighth grade-Mr. and ORDINANCE NO. 404 cll the pubUc Interest shall demand It, and BOARDING - Convalescent. Aged. Invalld. Mrs. Raymond T. Bye. Mr. and Mrs. Section 3. FILING OF PLANS. Before it any person shall neglect or refuse to Chronic. 24 hour nurse's service. Porches. .At:. Ordinance appointing a plumbing any portion of the plumbing system of any comply with the order ot said Borough 9\St aeJ'es ground. Telephone Media 'l9. John F. Daley, Mr. and Mrs. Theophile bulldlng or property may bE! constructed, Council ail above stated, within thirty (30) Inspector, prescribing his duties, and fixIng LOST Saulnier, and Mr. and Mrs. Howell Lewis altered, replaced, or removed a plan must days from the service of notice thereof the hLs salary. be provided accompanied by specifieatlons authorized agent of the said Borough THE COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF L08''''';:;T''''Fu;::;I'I-:gro==wn~,~f;;:.~ma~lC::e-,..... =".'"-=st..r'"lped=..-:ca=t.·1 Shay; tenth grade-Mr. and ~J rs. Waldo on blanks furnished by the Borough. Th~ Councll. shall have authority to enter upon SWA~THMORE DOES ORDAIN: shall meet the requirements of the Com the said premises with bls toolS and work~Re;;;w;,.;rd;;;.=T;;e;le~p;h;0~n;.~s;w;art:;;;hm;;0;r;e::;1;244;;.== I B. Davison, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. monwealth of Pennsylvania and this ord!- oen and prevent the disCharge of sewage 1. In accordance with Act No. Bou,hall, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith. Jr.; nance and shall be placed on file with the as aforesaid or cause connection to be 44 SECTION of the General Assembly, approved Borough Secretary. made with the public sewer or both and and Mr. and Mrs. Allyn T. Sayre. March 31, 1937. Elliott RichardSon is herethe cost thereof shall be collecUble by the by designated. and appointed as Plumbing , I • 206 Harvard Ave. 8 rms., atone. frame, on Section 4. DEFINITION OF TERMS. Bo~ugh from the Gwoer or ownen; of said Inspector of the Borough ot Swarthmore OOxl'lO ft. lot. new 2-car garage. hardwood Wins Major Porlion of Prizes whose duty It shall be to supervise, super; 1. PLUMBING. The art of lnstalUng In premises, as provided by law. floors. $'7500. FInanced. Intend, and Inspect all plumbIng. house Section 10. No owner shall permit, and and Due to a misprint in last week's issue buJldings the pipes, fixtures. and other apbuilding drainage. In conformity with paratus for bringing In the water supply It shall be the duty of Borough COUDcll or WM. S. BITI'LE it was stated that Warren D. Johnson, and removing liquid and water-carried. Its duly authorized agent to stop and pre- the provisions of said Act and the ordl~ nances now enacted, or hereafter to be enSwarthmore Ill-J vent. the disCharge Into the publ1c sewer. acted. son of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Johnson. of wastes. of this Borough. NOtarJ PubUc -lDsurance - Heal 2. PLUMBING SYSTEM. The plumbIng directly or Indirectly. of substances Hable Amherst avenue, had for the third sucter to Injure the sewers or to obstruct the .How SECTION 2. The salary of the sald system ot a buUdlng Includes the wa ot the sewage. and of any substances Which.. Plumbing cessive year won a millor portion of prize supply Inspector shall be $240.00 per dlstrlbutlng pIpes; the fixtures and In Its opinIon are not suitable for trans. year, payable monthly. ribbons in the dressed turkey division at fixture traps; the soll. waste, and vent portation and disposal through the sewer pipes; the house drain and house sewer; system. SECTION 3. The said Elliott RichardModern, Central-baD house. Four bed- the Pennsylvania Farm Show. It was a the stonn water draInage; with thelr de· son sholl serve in said capacity during the vices, appurtenances, and connectlons all Section 11. It shall be unlawful to do pleasure of Borough COuncil. rooms, oil heat, beautiful garden. major portion of prizes which t11C Not- withIn or adjacent to the buUding. or cause to be done any ot the following Owner leaving. Telephone Swarthmore tingh~m lJOultryman WOIl. SECTION 4. All ordinances or parts of 3. WATER-SERVICE PIPE. The pipe acts, except as hereinafter provided, viz.: ordinances Inconsistent herewith are to 176-J Saturday afternoon or Sun"ay. 1. To uncover the pUbliC sewer for any the extent of 8uch Inconsistency, hereby Thursday Night Bridge Cluh from the water main to the building served purpose, or to make connection thereWith, 4. WATER-DISTRIBUTING PIPES or to uncover or open any manhole, fiush- repealed. Wiuners Those which convey water from the lierv· FOR RENT tank. or any other appendage of the pubPassed this 3rd day of November A. D. lic sewer, except with the written consent 193'1. This Monday evening winners at ~he Ice pipe to the plumbing fixtures. A modern second fioor apartment, comer Thursday Night Bridge Club's regular 5. PLUMBING FIXTURES. Are recep- of Borough CounCil or its duly authorized HARRY L. MILLER. agent. or to do or cause to be done any (Seal) property. private entrance. Three large President of Cauncll. tacles intended to receive and dlscharse Injury ot any kind to any part of the pubAttest: rooms. tlIed. bath. hard\Vood fioots. electrlo weekly meeting at the Strath Haven Inn any IIquld water or water carried wastes Hc sewer. ELLIOTT RICHARDSON, refrigerator, garage. Suitable for 2 adults. were: North and South-Mr. and Mrs. Into a drainage system or treatment works Borough Secretary. with whlch they are connected. $50 per month. Includfug everything. 2. To make or cause to be made for the Maurice Griest. first; Andrew Robinson removal of sewage, bath or sink drainage, Approved this 3rd day of November A. D. 6. TRAP A fitting or device so con- or liquids other than water, from any Call Swarthmore l00I-W and William Craemer. second; ~Irs. Wi!- structed as to prevent the passage of air premises, any connections with the public 1937. __________________.Iliam Soden and Mrs. Clarence Blye, or gas through a plpe wIthout materIally JOHN H. PITMAN. gutters or other storm water drains of the Burgess. third; East and \Vest-Mr. and Mrs. affecting the flow of sewage or waste water through It. Fred Wilson, first; Mrs. \Vil1iam Faison 7. TRAP SEAL. The vertical distance and Mrs. N. W. Cady, second; 11r5. between the crown weir and the dip of Electrical Contractor Richard Haig and Walter Dickinson. the trap. third. Mrs. William Faison is the winner 8. VENT PIPE. Any plpe extending Telephone Swarthmore 58 of the January tournament, having bad through the roof. provided to ventUate the of piping, and to prevent trap sinumber of top boards during system phonage and back pressure. MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON the greatest month. 9. LOCAL VENTILATING PIPE. A pipe .-OSBPH B. QUDlBY Last week's winners of the Club were: through which foul air Is removed from North and South-Mrs. Fred Wilson and a room or fixture. FUNERAL DIRECTORS \\'alter Dickinson, first; Mrs. Russell H. 10. SOIL PIPE. Any vertical line of pipe BELL PHOIfB , Kent and W. W. Moss, second; Mrs. extending through the roof. receiving the disCharge of one or more water-closets, with Edith Paschall and Laurence Stabler, or without other fixtures. Telephone Swarlhmore 114 or 130 third; East and West-Mrs. William 11. WASTE PIPE. Any pipe receiving Faison and Mr. tinnard. first; Mrs. Ran9 A. M. to 12 noon kin and Andrew Robinson, second; Mary water-closet. Transportadon Provided the dIscharge from any fixtures except 12. SAFE OR SPECIAL WASTE PIPE _ Verlenden and }.faurice Griest, third. MARGARET IVES HUNTER Any waste pipe receiving the dlschaTge 505 S. Swarthmore Ave. from any fixture or drainage appliance wIth or without water supply. not conTe]ephone Swarthmore 790-M SHERIFF SALES nected directly with the drainage system. Sh(>ri".s Offl('('. Cuurt Housc, ),(('dia. Penna. 13. MAIN. The main of any system of Saturday, February 26. 1938 horizOntal, vertical. or continuous piping is that part of such system which receives Sponsored by Swarthmore L. w. 9 :30 A. M. Eastern Standard Time the wastes, vent or back vents, from fiX· Experts in the Making and Filling ture outlets or traps, direct or through branc;h pipes. of Spectacles and Eye Glasses FRIDAY, WOMAN'S FEBRUARY CLUB11, HOUSE 2130 P. M. of otherwise or certified atated cheek in 14. BRANCH. The branch of any sysCarda Games Refreshmenl8 Prizes on ten days. Other COD& tem or piping Is that part of the system which extends horizontally at a slight Admiaion .5Ik No. 894 grade, with or without lateral or vertical 1923 Chestnut Street Philadelphia extensions or vertical arms, from the maln September Term, 1937 to receive fixture outlets not directly con6913 Market Street Upper Darby, Pa. nected to the main. Benefit of Girl Seout House thereon erect· 15. STACK. Stack" a general term. for MONDAY FEBRUARY 7, 8:15 P. M. Heigbts. any vertical line of soil. waste, or vent JOSEPH E. HAINES State of piping. WOMAN'S CLUB HOUSE described accord. Preaidenl Ing' to a made by George L. Ref....hmenlB 16. HOUSE DRAIN. That part of the •• ~;;-;;;~r.~1886. as folloW8;- main horizontal drain and Its branChes InPennock. AimiNioll . ....... SOc Beginning ... be middle of tbe side the wa:tJ.s of the buUdtng, vault or I MART~L'S whc:: I Iiog Disney has created the characters .of Mickey Mouse and the Silly Symp~onles my friends; It rea1l~ IS.~ tve~ sign habit and .moreov~r, 15 Is:.l Pl:"se :ardon ., that one IS g~owmg o . that it PBTEB.E. TOLD me this one ttme; .1 promise yOU F. J. S. SdlNr witt not occur· agam.. t week, 1 of 'a "Town Meeting/, tbe etiquette of how cultured. (at/orr Lcttrrs all Palle 5) Since the Town M~tlDg las f em- a uTown Meeting" and so much more of The childrens' pictures in which Mr. ROSAUE DRYDEN have flown on the magic carMpet ~ mheld courtesy kindness and consideration for . lfowsElWaO , . 19381 ba k to another Town eetmg Dry, e ". the little town others, than they know In none swarthmore ... Z4 "long ago and far away. m WINDAR. 8:Dtered ... second Clall Matter, .laDuaI'J'...; where I lived, as a child. I I• 19%9 at ..e Post OSee at swartbDlore, Life in the village had for many yea~s Swarthmore b on the Map! . . '.)111- tIut &ct or _ So 1178. "pursued its uneventful way:' su ~ Mira-Monte Hotel, ,~DAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1938 denly an enterprising and. mtrepl ~~u 127 S. El Molino Ave., from a nearby city, concelved ~e 1 ~ Pasadena, California. of interviewing the more pr~re;sIW:t~; Dear Editor: . LETfERS TO THE EDITOR izens in regard to a Mumc pa s the 1\{y Swarthmorean of january ~ Just project, which later became known a arrived and naturally as an old resldent, The oplulqlll ~d bela,f Me Ih~ Chesler Road at RUlgers Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. of '&be·lndh'ldual wri~~~ "Water Wor~~." ., s- I was deeply interested to. know what Swartbmoreaa mUSt. be _....... wrl These pubhc-splnted townsmen po the vote would be concerllmg the proOlay be UJed if ,he ldeDt.U,. of t.hewU1 ' : . . ell as a great deal o£ ltI known w 'be Edit.or. Lellen &ho sessed VIsIon as w . . posed Theatre. publlehed oDlJ' at. the ditereUOIl oJ civic pride and they believed ~at It. was Expecting to wait several days to Edllor. entirely possible for our qUiet Village hear about the decision, when I opened to keep abreast of the times and still re- my evening "Pasadena ~tar News" I .WaJIU CiliaIe.... to Contact CELEBRATING NINE YEARS OF main a thoroughly respectable and law- beheld the enclosed c1ippmg: Council AboUl Lot abiding community. As a result, there Swarthmore, Pa., Jan. Z6.-(AP) BETTER FOOD FOR THE T A.BLE was more excitement than there h~d been -This college town wants no moFRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4th and 5th 'Tathe Editor of The Swartbmorc:'"n:. since the Civil War; the foundatto?s of vies within its limits. A ~ass meetCurrent agitation over the moving PI~- the town rocked and were practtcally ing of townsmen so deCided by a • ar or can't come to the store, telephone us your order. If you don t have.a c t Martel's is as satisfactory as a visit to the store. :tu~theatre question has focussed pubbc torn asunder. . vote of 563 t? ~7. The. boro?gh Te1ephol!e shoppmg a £ th fine anniversary savings on no accountatte~uon on we vacant rark avenue JOt The grey-beards shook their. ~leads council had mdlcated It mlg~t Don't tnlSS out on any 0 ese between the Borough Hall and ~e Me~- dolefully i some of the younger ICdltt~el ns, amend the zonihn g laws to permIt save on quality foods. . d r Phone your order the afternoon before for prompt early mornmg e Ivery. odist Church, and brings to mmd W..t~l probably feeling that they wou. o~e ercction of a t eatre. . So you see S.warthmorc 15 on. the re newed force the possibility of acqulsl- caste" if they did not follow SUtt, did SWARTHMORE 2100-MEDlA 900 · l·k . map I I am sendmg word to PreSident Th tion of this tract by the BoJrough. IS I eWISC. d 1 h .IS one of perlmps only two undeveloped TI roject was especially frowned and Mrs. Frank Ay e oUe, W 0 :rIe b p the older inhabitants, most of rived her~ Tue~day, for I know t ey areas in the center of the village, and 15 upon Y "The Order of the will be Vitally mterested. tbe only one ideally located to. care !or whom lJe1o~ged to h" d were entirely The Aydelottes are beautifully dam .. of civic activitIes which Saturday Night Bat. ~~ . . '1 d t the "Athenauem", the charmenlargement the . fi d ·th th primitive convemences ICI e a 1 . is sure to come in the fut~re. ~:~~~he ha;1 for s~ many years completely ing, hospita~le Guest ~~:~~~ b~ ongmg: The Fire Department Will need m~re fulfilled the needs of their ancestors. to .lns!lt~;d~:ot;e plans ~o spend room to house its apparatus; !he Po ~ce Far be it from me to say that there r~s~.: at the famous Huntington and Highway De'partments w~l1 requ~re were not many conscientious objectors; ri~~ar/ doing research work. Al,read.y more space to house autom~tIVe equlp- it was believed by some, however, that they are charmed over Pasadena s c1~­ ment· the Police and Executtve Depart- the objectiolls of many others were based ate and beauty. For two months It men~ will be lookng for larger quart~rs upon the fact that the sale of the land ~as been uJune in january:'. Mrs. WE GIVE FIRST PLACE TO THIS SPECIAL th ears pass' the welfare and SOCIal would mean a profit to the owner and Thomas A. j cllkins, Mrs. BeatrIce Robas . e y . ~ay well need to expand it was I'against their principles" to see inson and Miss Eudora :Magill are servl~e agencies n' and the phenomenal a fellow-citizen (pardon the vernacular spending several months here. On Suna~ ~e f~~ °library will and should of a modern world) "get a break.': Of day Prof. J. Russel! Smith spent the gro. ? d fie· t I All of these activities course I am sure such narrow-mmded day here with old fnends and attellde~ continue 10 e III e y. . ' , da· tl e species . d 'I t' Mrs Smith JS ·th t h uld be at this location. people do not exIst nowa ys • 1 .Jur Frlen s .L' ee mg. '. el er mus or s o . . • . £ bl ttl d for the wmter at Some day there will be need for facilities is ext1l1ct. com orta y. se e ter for Boy and Girl Scout The battle raged; there were arguments Tuscan, A n z o n a . . I h .. EVERYBODY WILL RECOGNIZE THIS AS at t e C;IVld" c£en m time to time other needs for and again:;t, many of the latter prohAs Dr. Kistler's lot IS. so centrha. troops, an ro . . have heard ld't t be a good Idea for t e. THE BEST MEAT BllY IN TOWNI for space will arise that are not even ably as asmme as some we wou I no . I t 'th the \ , recently. I distinctly recall, one octogen- Borough to purchase 1t a er.. WI thought of now. ., rian redicted that the water tower, call- hope of erecting a Commumty H~!",:se, Our present Borough Hall, 10 sptie of ad. Pth d s "the stand pipe" would thus adding another charm to our ., fo ation which bas been e 10 Dse ay , h" the mterlOr tran: rII.J: ,. ~ .-.. ti\re1ftb«r 'find ftbdH'nm fom.. I daresay beautiful Swart more. . ere those who prophesied that the With best wlshes, ._" -. -. wrougmtMs JiI!t~ctty-a·thfh~. of fbtaUty, th .' f ' c beef goes below 29c a and certainly will not be a JOY orever. e~l:V of the youth of the community, Anna T. Speak~al~. It isn't often that alstdndmg r~:li! ~eg~r~~y 3Sc a pound. Buy the I believe it is the hope of many of our rno ld' me inexplicable way, be corEditors Note :-The same chppmg pound even on a sa e ay an 1 . 11 1 rice Everybody "King of Roasts" for Sunday at thlS u!1usua y 0'Y p . "b. lb. 29c. citjzens~that one fine day we shall have wou 111 sO was sent to us by a reader of the Januwill recognize this as the best meat buy m town. Flrat two n a civic center in Swarthmore that de- rupted. • br feeling soared 7 Houston Post, at Houston, 'd that' adequate in size Be that as It may, pu Ie ary serves 01:l.r pn e, IS. 0 and it was all but necessary to call out Texas. • I I tor our ,:p~s, and that IS arranged~ the militia. Finally. in desperation. they as to permit enlargement as our n s d .ded t hold a "Town Meeting" It Champio .... Movie d eCI 0 " expan . took place in the village "Opera House uTh n me M r Editor: . I COin mend this matter to our citizens and was a colossal event. ey a ca , I·n reference to the public 1.l1eetl11g. of for their earnest consideration with the I d th bl' d" . f eeI- the lame,. the £ha t ant d e m . I was Jalluary 25 in regard to the Ulstallahon thought that they make known their years In splte 0 my en er , o£ a cinema theatre on Park avenue, m~y ing to the members of Council. I am s~re allowed to attend and the meeting made I ask ·1£ the decision against the mov1.e . b bl partly t hat if Council is made aware of consldh a deep impresslon on me, pro a Y because of the increased auto traffic It erable sentiment in fav~r of the B~~ because this was the first time in my uld cause is supposed to make us feel acquiring. this t.rac.t to Insure 0'p~o um y life that I had beo!n allowed to "stay up" wo . l' 1 I for proper expansIOn of ou: CIVIC cente.r untit after eight o'clock. that the present traffic IS myt uca or ess when needed. the member.s of C.ouncll At any rate. I have never forgotten it; haz.ardous? I FOR A GRAND DINNER EVERYBODY WILL ENJOYI h h 1 e b informed by many w 10 ree:f a movie in Swarthmore that wilt attack the prnd°blem. ~It t ~I; ~~i the details are indelibly stamped upon. tomary energy aWls. om, m memory-the simple dignity of the 111 avo d b ood reasons find a way at the proper brne to purchase y h 'ded the serious faces of they were prevente Y g . I . Ii·at b ur- man w 0 presl • be' rescnt at that meetmg. the property Without undue nanci "Th C cil" who occupied the chairs from mg p . t t d that the standl11g yotc was mos e oun , h I Boraug. That will fairly melt in your mouth with its tenderness. Low anmversary den to tIe on the stage. There was an air of sup- con ~n price. ===========E;,;;.=P=.=Y=l!R=K=>:=s·=1 pressed excitement, .for ~veryone realized un!;~:. depreciation of property values in - FEBRUARY 4, 1938 I CLASSIFIED I ==-=::-c=, SALE SALE OR RENT , .. A. Wayne Mosteller BURGLARY INSURANCE Rates Have Been Reduced You can now secure a $500 blanket policy for $9 EDWARD L. NOYES 13 South Chester Road NURSERY SCHOOL I.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J. E. LIME BURNER CO. Dispensing Opticians VALENTINE PARTY v. I;in;C~jofn~d~it~;i~on;·;;'r'~;;~~~:".~Bh CARD PARTY ~~:r:~~:~~,i::~lt:~~o~r~p~i?e~"':~o~t~RTO~und ~th - - - II!.________________________'""_________ ~ THE 6 Capt. E. H. Van Patten, of Rut\!ers a"enue will leave Sunday for Washmg· ton. D: C., where he will remain for tw.o weeks on official business. During hl~ absence his sister, Mrs. Charles Cuthbert, of Petersburg, Va., will be the guest of Mrs. Van Patten. • • E. Mrs. •Ralph Mr. and Rhoads and daughter, Phyllis, of Vale aven.ue, have gone to Florida where they wtll s!~nd four months. ••• David Gilcreest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J, Gilcreest. of Harvard avenue, is among about thirty students CO!I~ned to the infinnary at Carson Long Military Mrs. Benjamin Collins, Mrs. Harold Griffin, and Mrs. Jesse H. Holmes en- Institute, New Bloomfield, Pa., with light tertained at a luncheon in honor of Mrs. cases of the measles. H. A. Pcirsol Wednesday, FebruarY 2, Miss Estelle Sinclaire, accompanied by at Mrs. Holmes's home in Moylan. her roommate, Miss Betty Frantz, of RoMrs. J. Wheeler Allison, of Rutgers anoke, Va., returned 'Vedn~sday from avenue, will entertain at a luncheon at Sweetbriar College. Sweetbnar, Va. to the lngleneuk to be followed by cards at remain until Sunday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doug'las Sinher home. claire of Harvard avenue. Mr: and Mrs. Sinclaire wilt entertain Mr. and ~lrs. Wm. Sproul Lewis, 0 f and Mrs. informally in Miss Frantz's honor toSwarthmore avenue, and Mr. morrow evening at the Arcadia Hotel, Clark W. Davis, of Strath Haven avenue, Philadelphia. entertained at dinner at the Lewis's last Saturday evening. Their guests included Dean Harold E. B. Speight, of E1:u 1ft. and Mrs. Russell Whitc. Mr. and Mrs. William Ward, both 01 Swarth- avenue, left Tuesday for a trip to Nashmore. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson, ville Tenn. to represent Swarthmore Co1J~ge at the inauguration of the new of Doylcsford, Pa. Chancellor of Vanderbilt University, and Mrs. Carroll E. Robb. of Cornell ave- to visit other southern schools. Dean Spdght made an address on nue, entertained at luncheon before the 'Voman's Club meeting Monday, January "Dangers to Democracy Today" on the Occasion of thc "Day of Democracy" 31. spoJisured by the First Unitarian Church. Amelia Van Patten, daughter of Capt. Philadelphia, last Sunday. and ~trs. E. H. Van Patten, of Rutgers On Monday of this weel::: he spoke be· avenuc, will celebrate her ninth birth- fore the Woman's Club of Reading on day Saturday afternoon when she will "\Vhat Are We Educating For?" ••• ••• ••• • •• • •• • •• ••• ~~~~, FEBRUARY I ~eet Miss Leanore Perkins, of Cedar lane, Fortnighdy to • t rtained at luncheon last Saturday Mrs. Horace Avery wtlt entertam ~~ I~onor of Mrs. Ralph V. Little, Jr., of the Fortnightly at her home on Ogden K • klyn the fonner Miss Virginia Bas- avenUe on Monday, February 7th, at If, ,n seU of Swarthmore. Other guests were.' z,JV 0 'Cl ock. Mi;s Caroline Warner, of Media: Miss Miss Josephine Beistle will re!iew th.e Florence Hoadley, Miss Elizabeth Soule "The Citadel:', by A. J. Cronm. Th,s and Mrs. A. G. McVay, of Swarthm?re. novel takes Its place amon~ the. best and Miss Kathryn Price, of Walhng- fiction of today and th.e re~lew will no doubt be one of the hIgh lights of the ford• • • • year. Mrs. A. B. Lawrence entertained at Mrs. Herbert Bassett will sketch her luncheon last Thursday afternoon at her travels of last summer in England and horne on Cornell avenue. Her gqests were Scotland. Mrs. William D. Lewis, of Lansdowne; Members will give reminiscences of Mrs. P. A. Wilson, Mrs. Andrew .F. childhood. Robinson, Mrs. George deForest, MISS • I • Isabelle Bronk. Mrs. Paul Freedley and Mary Bonsall Sends Peace Mrs. Sargent Walter, of Swarthmore. Petition to Washington entertain the members of the third grade of the Rutgers avenue school. NEWS NOTES SWARTBMOREAN 4. 1938 , High School, urging the President to do everything possible to keep the United States out of war. I assure you that the President is making every endeavor to promote good will among the nations of the world. Very truly yours, For the Secretary of State; n FOR Y O U R . NEW COURSE RIIYmM Boys and Girls from S to 10 years old need well coordinated bodies, freedom from self-consciousness, and a stimulus for musital and artistic expression. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a six weeks' motor trip to Mexico. T~ey will travel down the east coast of FI~rlda, visit Mr. Sinclaire's brother and slsterin-law Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sinclaire, who r~ently arrived from their home in Paris to spend the winter in Palm Beach, and proceed along the west coast to Mexico City. I *** Mrs. George Mr. and T. Ashton, of Wallingford, were guests Monday evening at a musical giv.e~ by Professor and Mrs. Safford, of Wllhams College. Professor Safford. i~ director of music and organist of Wdhams College. Last Wednesday in New York Mrs. George Taber Ashton, of Wallingford, was a luncheon guest of a pianist who recently returned from a concert tour to the Pacific Coast. and Senior High Schools. The petition read as follows: 'ITo the President of the United States: We the students of the Swarthmore High School do not want war, as many other young people do not. Since we will be the ones to be involved, and to suffer, we want you to think many times before you take action that might lead to war." Recently Mary received the following reply from the Department of State: liThe receipt is acknowledged, by reference from the White House of a letter dated December IS, 1937, si~ned by you and your fellows students of the Swarthmore Now SUNNY SHADE SHOP .:'H"H"H"H+I*H"'H"H+I~ II!! SCHOOL OF MllSIC Art AlIiancace organizations etter. ay, e ruary .. Slccp to wake. Dr. Dorizas. a world wide traveller. have the Philadelphia area brought tv his audience an instructive to solicit fun']s for their work. In place -Robert Browning. and illuminating survey of conditions of the Emergency Peace Campaign which in all parts of the world. He classed no longer exists, there has been recently Italy, Germany and Japan as the "have- 'organized the Philadelphia Peace Council not" nations, where the greater per· in which are representatives of one huncentage of the population must be sus-, dred church a ..1 peace groups. The other tame ucttve areas. A Ii four orgalllzations w IIIC . d 011 sma II prod ' " . II compose th c an example he cited Japan, wher~ Peace Chest arc the Women's I tlterna-I Co oper F oun d a 1Ion P resen t s seventy million people must be fed on tional l.eague for Peace and Freedom, Choir in Program of Russian twenty-two thousand square miles of the, National Council for Prevention of Church Mnsic and Folk territory. War, the Pennsylvania Committee against Songs Soviet Russia, England, France and ~Iilitarislll in Education, and the Fellow- RUSSIAN CHOm AT COLLEGE FRI. PER $35 Phone Swarthmore 504 Iltlllll"IIIIIII"'IIII'11111111111111111111111111111111111. YEAR "DOUBLE DOOR" THRILLS CROWD of the Delaware County Public Forum'i schcdull!d to be held ill the Swarthmore Involved Set and Period CosHigh School auditorium,' 1'hursday tumes Add to Eerie Atmosnight, February 17, at 8 o'clock. This phere of Successful will begin a serics of Forum meetings Melodrama similar to the vcry interesting and challengi;lg program of last spring. (By Mrs. W. M. Park, Chairman of The leader of this Forum meeting Publidty, Players Clob) will be Dr. Hugh Carler, professor of "Double Door", Elizabeth McFadSociology at the Wharton School, Uni- den's thrilling and exciting melodrama, "ersity of Pennsylvania. Because of the opened at the Players Club on Tuesrestriction of funds a limited program day evening, February 8th to continue is being undertaken this year and each evening through Saturday, the Swarthmore is fortunate to be included. 12th. Samuel Evans, Jr., the producer Many higher educational institutions and ,director, is to be very much conare cooperating in lending voluntary gratulated both on his choice of a play aid to this "orthy program. and on the selection of an admirable TIle Dela,"are COUllty Forulns are cast. d'Following onI the heeJs of three '. h' under expericnced leadership. ueing d' comet' les, It IS meIt' odramath presents '11 'tl a headed again this year as last, by Dr. Iver IIlg c lange. IS a rl er WI 10 t I'm s 'bl 't t' f th Carl G. Leech, County Superintendent u po Sl e Sl ua Ions-some 0 em of Schools, as local administrator for may lean slightly toward the improbDelaware county. able, but none is impossible, and when , , well played are entirely plausible. Vesper Services Resumed The story is woven about Victoria Sunday Van Bret, a middle-aged spinster, the The Swarthmore College vesper ser- e\!destBand 0lf a dlYdingb dynasty of . , . an re ts In t Ie 0 rown stooe . . . rOil 5 0 I avenue. vIces Will resume at 6 :45 P. M. tillS Sun- f t f F'fth She ru Ies h er I February . . 13, 1Jl 'ClotillerF ' WI'11 j noue mus t day, Memonal dom a'10 WI'tl1 an Jron . W len the \V.llham J. Cooper oundaholl come between her and that which she a~d the muSIc department of the College desires. When the charming young wdl present the Swarthmore College Or- wife of her half-brother finally does aschestra conducted by Pro lessor A. J. sert herself, Victoria locks her ,iii the h~ad :~~~~I.' ,~;',~ ~;~;:.::e~v~ici~~1~1~:J~~;:~ the United States with immense areas. ship of neconciliation. The William J. Cooper Foundatiori sfall'ellil!sYaVlmauolsttadnedadk.eeps her there until few peopJe and great rcsources were 'The Swarthmore workers arc: I\fiss and the :Music Department of Swarth- C N Z. B II . H d I referred to as the "have" nations. ' ollcerto I o. Olive Cleaves, lofrs. Edward A. jenkins, more College present the Russian Ca- S IN 3In.' A at .maJor, (I t an e; Yes, the play is lurid, but most acThe situation in China and Japan ymp IOny 0: III lII!nor s ceptably so, and while there is no place was discussed and the Japanese were ,Miss Isabelle Bronk. Mrs. Philip Jewett, thedraI Choir of New York on Friday, n~ent), BorodUl; and Final from S'x for comedy in its lines, its absorbing described as being pathologically pa- Mrs. John Howard Taylor, ~Irs. J. V. S. February 18. at 8:30 P. M. in Clothier pIeces for organ," Franck. and grip~ing interest leaves the auditriolic, fearless of death because of the Bishop, Mrs. Agnes Haig Sheldon, Mrs. ~I emorial, on the College Campus. Any, , ence with a complete sense of the fitconditions under which they live. Dr. Arthur T. Bye. Mrs, S. Milton Bryant, one interested is welcome to attend. ness of things, and quite content to see Dorizas spoke of Communism and the Mrs. Robert C. Disque, Mrs. Roy Me- This is the special choir of His EminVictoria go suddenly and starkly mad, fact that a wealthy country usually has Corkle. Mrs, Walter Rodman Shoemaker. ence The Metropolitan Theophilus, while she inanely fondles a half-million a democratic government, while a pOor ~frrs. ROYEP'BLilslgI~: :\1'lis~I:MarItha !ayFlor, ArchbisilOp of America and Canada. dollar string of choicest pearls. one is controlled by the Fascist. "The 1\' rs. H. '. . pelg It, 1\ rs. ..ewts 'us• The cast is uniformly good. Jeall II 'I I' k R II{5, 'I H owanI The Choir sings regularly at all serv- D W• L uccoc k G nest 0 f I :Millle, well-known in other roles and to United States would be Fascist too if sc l.V rs. r.· E mory H , 1\ rs. M'ranH eyno'1'11 'I L C ices in thc Russian Cathedral at HousS d 8 15 P •M• IHedgerow audiences. plays the diRkult we did not have enough to cat." opson, rs. arry ~\' I er, l.\ rs. . . tu ent G.roup at.: Sweden, N<\rway and Finland were Hastings. Miss Lillian Dixon Biddle Heg. ton St. in New York. It has been in Sunday in Meehng House part of Victoria Van Bret. This is the mentioned as the r"(luntr:es jn tht' hest Mrs. Lewis Goodenough, Mrs. Roland. existence for eight or nine ,.'eal·s. alA .. _ . T~ ipan whcnc;c originate .0£ the thriHs condition today. Pennock, Edwin A. \'arnall. is the nghtful successor of the choir Dr. Emory W. Luccock, pastor of thel and the creeps. Mrs. Milne handles the "All the problems of the world could Francis Harper, Mrs. Patrick Malin, and that used to sing in the big cathedral Commul)i(y Church of Shanghai, China, action and dialogue so deftly that you he solved", said Dr. Dorizas, "by the Mrs. Carl Cleaves, before its confiscation by the Bolshe- will deliver an address in the Friends' are permitted to escape none of these Sermon on the Mount. To live and lct ' • vists. The conductor of the choir is )'-lceting House on Sunday, February lJ, sensations. live is not enough; we must live and 11 r. Simeon Andreyeff. who had hi,; at 8 :15 P. ,M. on the effects of the prcsLatimer is more than help live." training at the Cynodal School :n lIfos- ent Sino-Japanese war on Chinese edu- charming and beautiful in the part of Mrs. Arthur Bye, chairman of Intercow during the best period (1905-1915). cational jnstitutiollS. At the invitation of Anne Darrow, the sister-in-law; she national Relations, introduced the 'I'he program of the chorus will COIl- a group of Swarthmore College studentslgiVCS an artistic finish to her portrayal speaker. The hostesses were Mrs. sist in the hulk of religious music of he will he an unofficial representative of of the character that is genuinely proGeorge Zimmer and Mrs. H. Lang. Mrs. Exciting Play of Old Holland for the Russian chllrch, Ancient chants, and the National Emergency Committee for fessional in scope and feeling. Playing Irvin MacElwee and Mrs. nalph Little Players Clnb Juniors on Feboriginal compositions of Rimsky-Kor- Christian Colleges in China, which is opposite her as Rip Van Bret, her huswere at the tea table. ruary 19, Direcled by sakolT, 'fchaikowsky, Rachmaninofi', attempting to raise $250,000 for twelvc band and of Victoria, J. interest is being shown by the Barl.ara Dolman Kastalsky, and Tchesnokoff. At the end of the largest missionary universities in Stanley 'faylor gives an extraordinarIllembers of the Woman's Club in the of the religious program the choir, that that country. iIy good acconnt of himself in the purchase of new chairs for the Club Next Saturday, February 19, The will be dressed in the ancient costumes Of those dozen c"lIeges, eleven have longest and most exacting role he has House. An initial Grder for fifty chair; Players Club will present for its Junior of the Russian choirs of the 17th cen- heen under fire, and many, their buildings played thus far. has been given by the House chairman, !to[ embers Ilip a dramatization of the fa~ lury, will sing a few secular numbers wholly or partially destro,-",.I, ....u I,ave beell !l.lary nyan O'Brien as Caro!ine, the E. D. Branns. Two chairs have \'orite old story, "Hans Brinker. or the and folk-songs. forced to move to other locations. This sweet and much domineered-over sisheen no Silver Skates." Following "Jack's BeallThe choir consists of 33 voices, and [lind is designed to supplement the tre- Iter ofI Victoria, sways Iyouh' at will with I I donated 'by 11 bclub' lIIembers I ' and I '. H ( ou H morc WI e gwell. t IS panned excels particu1arly in its strong \\'0- mcndously decreased income of these in- ler C laractenzatlOn 0 t 1S part. er to have the new chairs in use at the stalk" and the Red Gate Shadow Play- lIIen's voices and the deep basses that stitutions and to aid those students who yersatility is truly remarkable. Fortieth Anniversary ceIehration, March ers, this will he the third Junior pro- are so frequent among the Russians, are unable to mect the minimum expenses Charles Rickards is the embodiment 15. dllction this season. with one lIIore to ch?ir is not a professional organ- of an education during war time. of Dr. Sulll." fflend of Anne :,"d Mrs. Rola",] G. E. Ullman. Mrs. Har- come on April 23. Izallon m so far as all its members have Dr. Luccock is well qualified to speak n,P. playmg WIth excellent limsh; old Calvert and Mrs, Stanley L. M acM any of you will remelllber the story I work ?n weekdays and, on Ch!"a by virtue of over fifteen years secllling never t? fro,!, his char. Millan were guests in the box o[ the of Hans and Gretje Brinker. who can· partIcIpate", the chOIr on a practIcally o[ reSIdence there. first as a missionary acter tor an .nlStant, while Robert president of the Philadelphia Music nol enter the great race because t(jey voluntary basis, yet finding time to of- under the Presbyterian Board and since Greer, as Morllmer Neff, the Van Club on Tuesday afternoon of this week have only wooden skates, and arc too fic'"te at all the numerous services in 1928 as pastor of an international, inter- family was a most effectlve in the hall room of the Bellevue-Strat_ poor to huy better ones. Their father, the cathedral. denominational church in Shanghai. He and convmclll.g advocate.. ford Hotel. Mrs. MacMillan's play, Raff Brinker. injured in a [all [rom the Mr. Andreyeff is a conductor brought I is on Ic",'e o[ absence for the specific purMartha Kelghton, playmg the part "Candle of Kerchief" was presented dyke, has heen able to rememher noth- up in the hest traditions of Russian pose of presenting China's needs to the, of Avery, the Van BreI's housekeepey, as part of the Junior Program of the ing for ten years, I.ocked in his mem- choir-leading, and his performance IS American public, from the humanitarian, and Roland K .Harmon as Telsen, theIr Club, which also in.e1uded dancing and ory is the secret of the mysterious gold of a high degree of excellence. not [rom the political viewpoint, bllt.ler, were m parts variety nnmbers. Julitta Powers, well watch and the lost thousand guldens. whIch they handled WIth the utmost known to lIIembers of the Players Club How good-hearted Peter and Hilda precision of shade and understanding. of Swarthmore, was in charge of the help the Brinkers in their misfortunes, I Dorothy Brower was excellent in the entire program and ,coached the play. and how gruff old Doctor Boekman has THE WEEK'S CALENDAR ,role of Louise. the maid, as was Clara change of heart, makes a thrilling. i ence G. Myers in the part of Lambert, Yarn, Materials Needed For story. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11 I a detective. Needlework You will recognize many of you:" 10;00 A. M. - Woman's Association All-Day Meeting .••... Presbyterian ChUrch I To Lee Wilson was entrusted the Thc next Needlework Guild Hour will friends in the cast. Stephcn Spencer 2:30 P. M. L. W. V. Benefit BrIdge .................... Woman's Club House Illart of "'I'll' 8:00 P. M. - Cub Parents AssocIation Meeting ...••.... College Avenue SChool vv lam, a footma", and he be held at the home of ~Irs. John l\IcWiI- and Mary Ann Hook play Hans and I 8:15 P. M.-Open MeetIng. Vocational Conference .... Frlends· Meeting House played it with such grace and feeling 8:15 P. M. - ·'Double Door" .....................•...............• PlaYers Club as to reflect even greater credit on the Iiams, 11 Benjamin West a\'enue, at 2 Gretje. The others are Charles Seymour, Ruth Servais, Bonny :Morse, Dick o'clock next :Monday afternoon, February SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12 almost unerring judgment of the cast1:15 P. M.-Open Meeting, Vocational Conference .... Friends· Meeting House ing committee. Davis, Jack Seymour, :Mariall Schattc, 8:15 P. M. - "Double Door" ...................................... Players Club 14.The sewing group is anxious to obtain and Laura Lee Hopkins. The adults in 8;30 P. M. - Basketball: Swarthmore vs. Lehigh .......... College Field House Last, but by no means least, John R. donations of yarn as the sUllpiy donated the cast arc Alexander Dryden, Ethel SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Brownell in the part of Mr. Chase. S. Kauffman, John F. Spencer, and 3:00 P. M.-Lester C. Haworth addresses Young Friends ...... Whlttier House from Tiffany's, demonstrated that even by se\'eral yarn mills has been used al- Irma Keightoll. The play is under the 6:45 P. M. -- Vesper Service ,a 8:15 P. l\{. Dr. Emory W. ................................. Luccock. China ReHef speaker Clothier Memorial , short role, in proper hands, can be ready for the making of garments for direction of Barbara Dolman. I next fall's illgalhl'ring of the Guild. There' There will be two performances of' Friends' Meeting Housel one of the cle\'erest bits of acting in I\IONDAY. FEBRUARY 14 the whole play. are lUauy mothers and shut-ins in thi:;; "Hans Brillker," at J:OO and at 8 :15. 2:00 P. M.-Needlework Guild Hour ..•..........•• l1 Benjamin West Avenue ..:.....:-..._,...._ _ 2:30 P. M. - Woman's Aux1l1ary, Trlnlt:7 Church ................ Parlsh Home section who have signified their willing- A limited number of adults will be ad. 3:00 P. M. - United Peace CampaIgn Tea ............ 918 Strath Haven Avenue ness to knit articles if yarn is supplied. mitted with the younger children at the Bridge Club Winners TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Since money given to the Needlework matinee. Older Juniors and other adults 10:00 A. M.-L. W. V. Study Group············ •.......... 600 Harvard Avenue' I \Villners at last Monday evening's Guild is used for garments needed by Ull- are requested to wait until the evening 2:30 P. M. - Annual ProllC ...............•.....••.••... , •.••... Woman's Club . f I Th d N' h • fortunates in Delaware Connty the· Guild performance. 7:00 P. M.-Buslness Association Meetlng·· ••...................... IngleneUk Jmeetmg 0 tIe urs ay Ig t Bndge is not able to purchase such materials 8:30 P. M.-Slgma Xi Lecture .................. Blologlcal Laboratory. College 'ClUb at the Strath Haven Inn were: , I • and has been dependent upon the conWEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 16 North and South-Dr. and Mrs. John tributions of generous residents and near2:30 P. M. - Presbyterian Women's Missionary Meetlng-603 University Place A. :h,.{urphy tied Mr. and Mrs. Richard 3:00 P. Appreciation Hour········ .409 Elm Carvell for first place', Mrs. W. Burton by factories. Mrs. McWilliams will be Friendly Circle Next Thursday 8:30 P. M.-Muslc M. - Basketball: S~more VB. P. M................ C••••....•. College Fjeldavenue House glad to call for any odds and ends of THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 17 Richards and ),{rs. Edith Cuskaden, yarns and materials. which can be made At 2 o'clock next Thursday afternoon, second·, Captain and Mrs. Charles Mor.. 10:00 A. M. - Literature Sectton M eeting.......... ............. Woma 0's mub 2:00 P. M. - Friendly ClrCle Meeting .....; ...............•.....8 Park Avenue rison, third; East and:- West-A. 11. into suprisingly useful articles, if persons February 17, the regular monthly meetiug of the Friendly Circle will be held al 8'00 P M Presbyterian Young Woman s Guild ............ 322 Park Avenue Robinson and William Craemer, first " having them wiH teicilhone her, Swarth8:00 P: Public Porum. Dr. Hugh ca.rt.ier. leacfer, ••••••• K. S. Auditorium more 83-W. the home of Mrs. E. M. Buchner, 8 Park Mr. and Mrs. H, Gilpin Brown, second; aVenue. L ______________________________-' Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Cramp, third. n;?V~- TO TELL CHINA'S COLLEGE NEEDS ~.frs.'1 _ _ _ _ _ _. _ ~fargarct ~Iuch ~Irs. :I'I'~ hei~ ,ordin~ry Jol~n wavc~ c~unsel, compl~mentary CORN ON THE COB Large Can ..•.••.••• Kraft'. FAMOUS VELVEETA- 2 8-oz. pkgs. Van Alen Bros. . VOL. , (Any Cut You Desire) HARRIS & CO Duell "HANS BRINl7ER" ~ FOR JUNIORS Del Monte COFFEE c Libby'. Seedless Califomia GREEN BROCCOU. Lg. bunch ..•.........•.•....•.. c ~:=====I:::J[[:J======: Telephone Swarthmore 10412 A. HAUGER 4 6 f:~~~ ~~~. ~~ ~~~~ 19 CONSHOHOCKEN, PA. Village Window Cleaner 25 1frs. Jolm B. Smith. of the Swarthmorc Apartments, cntertained at luncheon Wednesday. COAL YE 45 c Fancy Pack Mr. A. B. Sunday his home on Cornell avenue after a RAINEY-WOOD COKE CO. r.,.p.o •• yo"' local ••cAang. 61500 rao fol/ darg.1 or aoy a.f.orlHd dear.r Pillabury'a Beat FLOUR Fire Company Dues ~Irs. STORE BOvaS: to 9 P.M.-Mon .• T~es. 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. Wed. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.-Thurs. 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. FrI., Sat. 9 A.M. Pay Fire Company figh~ $2.50 and $2.75 ORNSTEIN ••• Saturdayentertained evening when their guests were avenue. at dinner and bridge Dr. and AIrs. George L. Armitage, Dr. and ,Mrs. Fred Faragher, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ullman, Mr. and Mrs. H. A I Peirsol, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lang, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Moore and Mr. and ~Irs. C. W. McDowell. Formerly $3 and $4 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Mrs. Roy W. Delaplaine. of Cornell avenue, spent the week-end visiting her aunt, Mrs. Martha Falconer in New York City. Mrs. Falconer was formerly superintendent at Sieighton Fanns near here, and flOW lives in Buffalo, N. Y. • ~h. and :Mrs. 1.• I.•... Nickerson, of Park LAMP SHADES FEB 1 11938 I~A. Pay PJ~NT ~OFPA? Chief, Division of European Affairs." • • P. Yer kes, 0 f Mary Bonsall , daughter 0(,~.. Rev. E. H. price ~issrate Alice special half- ' Mr. and Mrs.• Earle to Kraft schoolgive~ children. College Princeton avenue, will entertain ~t dinner Bonsall, of Cornell. avenue, a senior. In Avenue Kindergarten Room -Thursand bridge for sixteen this evemng. the Swarthmore HIgh School was m- days _ 3:00 to 4 :30. Call Locust 1045. strumental in sending a petition to the Advertisement Mr. and Mrs. will Douglas of by President United States Harvard avenue, leave Sinc1aire, Monday for 300 of of her the schoolmates in the Jsigned uDior *** SWAI~THM[)J~E. . I I' I II »: - I B~et 1938 THE SWARTBMOREAN a L W. V. Hears Rollin Posey Mr. and Mrs. William A. De Caindry, of Haverford place, announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Virginia, at the Fitzgerald Mercy Hospital, February 2. ••• eighth grade with a dessert party before the dancing classes last Saturday even- iug. • PETER E. TOLD NOTHING BUT INSURA.NCE 417 DARTMOUTH AVE. SWARTHMORE 1833 ~.~.------- attended the Fort .llyer Horse Captain llorrison was in charge of cadets from the Pennsylvania Military I College, Chester, who were entered in student jumping class and won the ribbons both nights of the show. • • • Miss Louise Campion, of Lapidea ~"''''I sa,'led Thursday of last week aboard •d h '11'ss Lotta Johnson Balr, W osc S. S. Borinnuen for Porto Rico. She .U "'t to Dnnato Colafemina, of return to this country February 22. IHalrv:ard avenue, Swarthmore, and "The • • • 1~"~::li:I;~~~~~~'d;" L'Ima, was announced last The condition of Mr. Edward • afternoon at a tea glven by Legion Charity Ball last Friday evening included Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sheppard, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. GiIcreest, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Moore, Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Faragher, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lang, an d M r. an d M r sI. .L· Nickerson. • • • A t a ceremony performcd at 6 M"nday evening, February 7, in the . copal Rectory, 011 North Chester ..,.told ~:;~ ~:~l~it:~a: :'ee~is s~!::I~I/ll mother, ~frs. Laura Johnson Baird, by the Rev. J. lardeD Guenther, their home on Oberlin avenue. Miss of Trinity Church, Swarthmore, a\"cnue for the past month, shows sister, Mrs. G. Witts Brodhead. Elizabeth Irene Blounts, daughter of little improvemen!. • * Mrs. ",raIler Means Reynolds, both Mr.. and Mrs. John Joseph Blounts, of S h . 'ded at the tea ta Rose Valley, and Alfred C. Bair, Jr., Dorothy Dana, of Elm avenue, wart more, preSl son of Mrs. Alfred C. Bair, of Park entertain with dancing at her home {",e. . .. d 'In marCIa. . ge At - 7 :30 until 9 :30 tomorrow It is expecteJ that• the wedding win avenue were Jome tendan~ were the brother and sister of lowing the meeting of the i?;:~o.~~~:~;:.I::: place next !'pnng. the bride Stanley Blounts as best man class of the Swarthmore dancing and Miss'Sarah Blounts, maid of honor. The wedding was performed in the Mr. and .Mrs. Edward D. Hitchcock Exquisite Flowers and presence of members ?f the. immediate have removed from 322 llaple avenue an apartment at 306 South Chester famities. After a weddlOg trip Mr. and Plants for Mrs. Bair will occupy an apartment on road. Park avenue. Dr. Luther M. Dimmitt, of S,~alrthmo,r!'1 Major ::Ind Mrs. D. G. Van De IJlacc. returns today from a five and children, formerly oi Harrisburg, tour of colleges and universities have moved into the Simmonds house he has visited as Director of the D"oartNovelty Arrangements! 327 Vassar avenue. ment of Student Aid and Assorted Boxes CUi Flowers Research of the Presbyterian Board Mr. Joshua Christian's home roe,mIEducation. He has spent the 'current Corsage. of Gardenias, senior pupils of Swarthmore High School in Chicago attending the annual medingl held a party la'it Saturday evening at the of the International Council of Religious Orchids, Violel8, elc. home of Elizabeth Bowditch on Elm Educaton at the Hotel Stevens, Chicago. . avenue. *• * *• * Insure Every Hazard ------.. • •• *• • . fayette avenue, are receiving congratulations UI)Q1l the birth of a son, William F. Lee, Jr., on Friday morning, February 4, in the Fitzgerald Mercy Hospital. Lansdowne. The baby is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Morris M. Lee, of Princeton and College avenues. Mr. and Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan Captain and Mrs .. Charles E. M'JrriisOiloi entertained at their home oJD South Ches- of Swarthmore avenuc, returned ter road preceding the American Legion Thursday -evening from \Vashington, Charity Ball last Friday evening. C. where they had spent four days party at the Ingtcllcuk pri,or to .the - • • • • Malcom Hodge, of Strath Haven a.velnu",! k I were among those who entertained Dr. and Mrs. George B. Sic e, {ore the Charity Ban of the "'\rne",ci Boyer, DnnicIlc Darricux French dialogue with Epglish tit1es WedneSday Only pays to visit the l\lanor at 8:45 P. i\1. pic,ture whieh the management is delighted and proud to present It A "}'Oil ,rf~ 0 " I y Young O"e,," with I.t·"i~ Stone - Cecil a Parkcr and ~Iickey Rooney Thursday and FridaY-Feb, 17 & 18 (;Iaudette Colberl, Charles Boycr In ~~TovariclJ." Starting Saturday, February 19 ··'llJIlIlICANE~~ PHOi'rIo; 857 One morning more than thi.ty years ago~ a )'oung Ulall drove oil horse and huggy Ollt of the stahle. It was his first morni1lg on a new joh and he d.-ove thnmgll the city sireets slowly and carefully. lIe" as cOllsiticrate of the righls and safety of others-it was a Imrl of his new job. In the passing years, his horse and huggy was replaced by a U1otoreyde which, in turn, gave way to a motor car. The young man's territory became larger~ the husiness grew aod he hecame busier, lmt he always drovc will. the same care and consideration, lIe has driven night and day over slonn-swept, ice.coated highways. lie has driven for countless hours through the streets of an ever-growing city. In years he bas driven well over 300,000 miles -yet he~s netICr been responsible Jar an accidenl. Recently the once young man was bonored for his splendid driving record. So wcre more than 450 of his fellow telephone employees who have operated Dell vehiclcs more than ten years wilhout an accident. They're charter members of the recently-organized Bell Telephone Hundred Thollsand Mile Club. They have done and will ("ontinne to do their part to make the highways safe. The Dell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania. tak~ a price drop MARTEL'S SandyCove EGGS ==================1 iJloll/l"y Feb. 14 300,000 MILES! 9:45 11:00 A.M.-~~ndny Prayer School and andSermon. Blble hc heldat \Vcuncs' MUST BE MAILED TilE JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB OF SWARTHMORE • PETER E. TOl.D V A LENTINE! * •• Mrs. I~ex Gary, of Yale ,WeIlUl', entertained at a ~lllall tl'a on ).Ionrlay aiternoon uf Ihis wcek. Insure Every Hazard 'I * • .. * - . L ••• * • • shoes were blood-smeared when I L. W. V. Hears Rollin P08ey I~: hd~1 un the 19th ?t 9:3~ I': "I. in the! he nH)kl'd hy SOlUe of thl' Sl'tHitS. The walked through there. '1'1 11.' 1·'c...,ruary I . ' That is why I am asking you today lIIel'tl1lg uf the Swarth- C,lrlI Sl'fHlt I·louse. J'.ach gIrl IS to hrillgJ I)rel)ar.atioll of this l11l'al will 1'1I.'.I,lc .'o"le morc League of \Volllell Voler .. I -II tOtl s. :11111 suaI' tt, do soap l·arving:. E\'cry- of the J.:irls to rUlllph.,te thdr lJIerit haclgc -you and all your fricnds and countryTHE SWARTHMOREllN, INC, . Il I 'I ··1 11 II IV ~ \\as l~ .asked to stay for lolldl whkh will in l'oukillg. PubUsher lIlen :-Hell) us stop this war. 111 Oll( ..\ cmona .a cclllcsday, 1'!c 1.'1>-{ •OIlC _____________________________________ , , Affectionately yours, rllary 9. !I (Signed) Mayli1lg Soong Chiang, PETER E_ TOLD The president :\1 rs. Thomas Juhnson (Madame Chiang Kai-shck)" anllounced thal thl're would Ix: a joiut Edilor JIIt'cting with tlu.! Swarthmore \Voman':,! Christian Science Church ROSALIE DRYDEN Club 011 February 1.2 at which time ~lrs. News Editor J. O. Hopwood wuuld sl)cak 011 Currcnt "sour' is the subject of the Lesson- I.cgislatioll. Phone Swarthmore 900 Sermon in all Churches uf Christ, ScientEDtered as Second Class Matter, January 24, ~Irs. J. Paul Browll announccd thel ist, UII Sunday, February 13. 'rhe Golden 1929. at the Post OIDce at Swarthmore, Pa., Valentine llarty of the Ll'ague to he held under the Act of March 3, 1819. Texl is: "~Iy soul shall he joyful in Oil February 11 to. rai!>c fl1l1(~s ior thel the Lord: it shall rejoice in his sahaNOTHING BUT INSURANCE \\ork thc Lei. Ilcllry J lallzlik, :\h'~, \V. ones that have eXlended to our country the P Jackfarmer. ' ~OI1, Swarthmore 1792, and ~lr:-;. Agnes CHURCH NEWS CONTRAST TillS llETIIOD WITH THE NEW SANDY COVE BATTERY Sllcldl'n, S\\'artllIlU)re 585. METIIOD ••• SEE AND TASTE TilE DIFFERENCE SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH C(lacll l\lark ).Iaclllto.-;h, of Swartl1l11tlre February Rev. DavId Braun, Minister Colkgc, wilt sl)l.~ak to the yuung people, In ? large .~mnilar,.. air conditioncd scienlifically cOlIslructed building, SUNDAY ... I . I 9:45 A. M. _ Sunday School, "llll{ ay Illg It, at G, 011 the topic "Religion e([UII) Wllh Ihe best UPlmralllS Ihat ..... oderll research hilS produced For :Mother, Wife or 9:45 A.M.-Bible Classes. and Your I,ifc \Vork" (~ny-old chieks rUI)il.lly grow In mat!.rity.i ... absohllely dean surroundings: Cnged, fre(~ from diseuse, fcd ~peclal 1I11xl.urC!!i, these chicks devclo(, into 11:00 A, M, -~i~fn~~:ac~O~~I~.I~'iJo~ra\V~ The \\'oman's Association lied:; ToSweetheart lendcr~ full ~avnrcd birds, .Ierfcct for your lable. }'resh laid cggs roll 600 P M ~ust." day, Friday, the lIth, iur :til all (lay down Inlo Wlrt~ Iroughs where thc) cool l)rnlu'rh' and keel. their full : " - oung PeoJple's Fellowsbip. Illeeting with IUIll'ilCOIl at 1 o'durk and 11u,\·or. Her luck c)f cxerdst~ ('nuble!'O the 11('11 to collt'cnlrah~ morc food TRINITY CHURCH dnotiunals at 2 o'do('k h·d I,,' )'lrs \'ulnc in her egg which I1lCml~ \'itamin IHICkt,d Jolks and meaty albumin. Protestant Episcopal TI ." ,. ' . : .. Baltimore Pike, Springfield Chester Road aud College Avenue 101~I,b S,lInl~rs, 1 he regular Imsllless E"cry ('gg i:-; of guarnntet'd ",eight, uufertile, .. ntl \\-huh'somc. Thcy arc Rev. J. Jarden Guenther. S.T.M,. Rector meetIng \\'111 follow the dl'votiunals. unexcelled for ("hildren, ("on\'alcsc('nts, fastidiulls folk, nnd house\'o'i,,'cs Sw.urthmorc 450 who are shrewd judges of Ilualily. 8:00 A. M. _ HOl:~~~~unlon. The \\' omall's :\1 issionary 11ecting will PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDA.Y A.T SWARTHMORE, P .... tiol!" UpOIl the hirth of a SOli, \ViIlialll! F. I.l'l', Jr., 011 Friday lIIorning, February I -I, ill the Fitzgcmld ltcrcy Hospital, l.all5-1 dO\\,IIl'. The haby is a grandson of ~Ir. and * * * unlay evening . • • • THE SWARTHMOREAN TEE SWARTHMOREAN ~I r. and At rs. \Villium A. Dc CaindrY'1 of Haverford place, anllounce the birth of a daughter, Mary Virginia, at the I Fit;>:J{l'rald ". ercy Hospital, February 2. Kcnt Roho, 01 Cornell an'IIU(.', clltcr· tailled abuut twcnty c1assmatcs of the l'ighth grade with a ,Icssert party befure ~Ir. and ~lr:.o. \\'i!liam );1. llan-cy, of thc dancing das:oo.... ~ last Saturday cven· Columbia anllUl', allli 1\1r. ami ~lrs, D. ing, ~[:tlcoll1 Hodge, of Slrath Ila\'cll ;:n'l't1l1t'. I Jr. anti :\ir.s, George B. Sickel, of wcre among those who l'lltl'rtaillcd before the Charity BOlli oi the . \meri...-an Str.111l !layen ayellUe, entertained informally at (Iinllel' and canis last SatLegion last Friday c\el1ing-. • * * ~jr:-.. C. ~lal'J)ollald I Births 1938 BUT ~ON'T WORRY, I'M NEVER LATE TO 1A~f. AOVAN1A<>E FINE SElIYIC.E OFFERED15Y ,HE KUPPINGE.~:S hams. 6().1 University place. De\'otionals will he conducted hy ).Ir:-;. :\ Van Alell. ~r r~, Fn'dcrick.A Child will I)resellt a . " 'lI~)k r~,~'lew of "\Vhat b This ~loslt'l1l \\orld: '1'1 v 1\' ,. . le.l Ol11l?, omall.s Gll1ld will lUeet, Thllr~day, t'ehruary ]7, at ~ o'clock in tl· " . I le e\ellmg:-. at llc homc of llrs. J. J h,ward Smith, 011 Park a\'Cllue. ),1 i':" Cl'l)r~e )'Id-:e:I'~ \\i11 !t-d thl' dc\.c)ti"lh :\!i~~ 1\(lclille Strou!>c \\ill re\il'\\' th~ I I METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH hook ".:\Iccca and Beyond." Clarence F. carter, A.B,. B.D., Minister The Churdl Citizenship Class,l'olHlncted SUNDAY ',by thc pastor will mect in thl' church 9:45 A. M. - ChUrch School. 11:00 A. M. _ Morning Worship. i stll(Iy, Sunday llIorning at 10 :15. 7:45 P.M.-Evening Worship. 1 The Church School Nursery will he PlRaT CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST'I' hdd II to 12 011 Sunday morning SWARTHMORE I for duldrC'Tl, ages olle to Se\'('ll E\,en-. P sr kOAFvenue below Harvard ' , . ..._ 11:00 A. M:, _ Sunday School, lone. IS tUntcd to a \'all himsel f of this 11:00 A, M. -Sunday Lesson-Sermon. : scrVICl'. .... \V 'G . Wednesday eVening meeting each week 8' TI Y p. m. Reading room open dally. except IC OUIl:-oman s 111M hcld a soc· and hOUda" 1 to 4 P. Mo. Church, ml last e\'elHllg at 8 t,'c1ockk at the hOl11l' AlfCare cordially 1nvlted to attend the I of )'frs. Horace Juhnson on ."\mherst i avcnue, services and use the Reading Room. ::ll sun-I, ALWINE'S :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!:::::::::::::::~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~:: ____ ~IARTEL'S - Synonymous wit" Fine Eating MARY ANN. YOU THE WAY SET A FINE TABLE KEEP A MAN CONTENTED,MY ~~ SO I'VE FOUND OUT. WITH THE AID OF MY COOK BOOK, MARTEL'S FEBRUARY 11, 1938 THE SWARTBMOREAN Trudy Enders, Katharine Downing, Ann Myers, Laura Lee Hopkins, Helen Kraus, Pauline Deacon and Shirley MacMillan. • • • • Mr. and Mrs ..Charles Israel, of Prmceto~ ~venue, will leave t.omorro,,! for MIamI, Fla. where they will reOlaln for a week. Mrs. J. Wheeier· Ailison, of Rutgers , W avenue, at luncheon, ednesd F bentertamed 9 ay, e ruary ' . • • I Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank MacElwee. of Wilmington, Del.. are recovering from pneumonia at the home of their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee, of Holyoke place, where they were staying during the latter's trip to Florida. The younger MacElwees just returned home SundFay • kMrM· .tMhalcIElwede'. MsistersW' ran J c e an n. J Uffem I a n, of W,·Im·111gton, came t 0 Swarthmore to be with the patients. NEWS NOTES I , E G E STUDIESlv.n, Conn., will conduct the Round C OI _ L! Table discussion of Interior DecoraDr" and Mrs" Arthur J, Jones, of VOCATIONS tion; Miss Gladys Carlson, of Straw. hridge and Clothier, has agreed to con- Dickinson avenue, spent last week·end ----ti-sider Department Store work; Miss itt Atlantic City, N. J. • • • Ontslantling Speakers in Varied Ruth Waldo, of rhe J. Walter Thom~Mrs. }. Warren Paxon, of Vassar Fields Schedull' Two MeetSOli Advertising Firm, New York, will • 0 • 'Publi lead off the Roumi Table group on avenue, will have as her guests for lugs pen C Advertising; Mrs. Mary C. Cookman, tunch preceding Mrs. Leonard C. AshNew York Manager of the Ladies' tion's concert next Wednesday,• Febru M .. 011 Friday and Sat" day, Ffbruary 11 Home Journal, will discuss Publishing ary 16, Mrs. Harold Goodwln, rs. and 12, a Vocationa Conference for as a Career while Miss Alice Hughes, Joseph Perkins, Mrs. Arthur R. O. Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan, of South t he bene fit of the \ men students is Columnist, ~iIl consider the opportuni- Rcdgrave, Mrs. Jqseph Allison, Mrs. Dwight Cooley, Mrs. Joseph Seal, and Chester road, entertained with luncheon Mrs. ~h:ules ~vans. of Strath Haven to he held at Swarth'lOre College. Fri- tics of Journalism; Miss Mary Pen- Mrs. George Ewing. and. bridge, Monday, February 7. ~venue, IS Impr~VIDg at her home followday evening at 8:1~ in the Meeting Ilington, of New York, will lead a group Mrs. Harold Griffin will also enter• • • mg her recent illness. House, there will be a open meeting, at investigation of Scientific Work; Mjss before the concert, at her home on Mrs. Harold R. Goodwin, of Rose • • • which M iss Dorothy; timson, Dean of Grace Hayward. Placement Director of tain Rutgers avenue. Her guests will in- Valley, entertained at a tea, Wednesday, W. Yarnall Cleaver will return from Goucher College, and' Miss Mary Tol. the Katharine Gibbs School in New elude: Mrs. Henry W. Linton, Mrs. February 9. Perkiomen School this evening to spend man, Placement Dirfctor of the Wo- York will direct the discussion of Sec- Henry A. Peirsol, Mrs. R. Chester the week-end with his parents, Mr. and mcn's Educational, and Industrial rctariat \Vork; and Mrs. Anna Erich- Spencer, Mrs. J. H. Hornaday, Mr~. Dr. A. F, Jackson and son, John, of Mrs. H. Paul Cleaver, of North Chester sen, Catalogue Reviser of the New Jacob F. Meschter, Mrs. J. Wheeler Park avenue, spent part of this week in road. ~;i~~U~f~~yB?;~~~~~s::~~,b~/l:~cSP;::e:~ York Public Library, will add her ex- Allisoll, Mrs. Arno Viehoever, Mrs. Spartansburg, S. C. where Dr. Jackson His ten-year-old sister, Carol, has been cnd Employment Agency of Philadel- pericnce to the consideration of Li- George M. Ewing, Mrs. C. B. Camp- delivered a paper on Tuesday at the meet- ~onfined to bed by illness this week. phia, will address the student body in- brary Service. • • • A spccial student committee consist- bell, Mrs. Sidney Johnson, and Mrs. ing of the Southern Society of Orthodonformally on the subject of Occupational ing of Seniors and Juniors under the Irvin R. McElwee. tists. Dr. Jackson continued his trip to Mr, and Mrs. Horace P. DeVoll are t t d d S auraya Supply an d D eman,on Florida where he will remain four weeks, expected to return tomorrow to their V . lAd' I :15 ill the Meeting Housc, Mrs. D. C. direction of the .ocahona. Visor Nancy Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. stopping at Orlando. and John returned home in The Swarthmore after a month's Prince, President of the Pennsylvania has uc-en at work smce Octo~er \Yitliam Sproul Lewis, of Swarthmore home. motor trip through Florida. . Questionnaires B rane I1 0 f tl Ie L eaguc 0 f \V omen V0 t - iling for the conference. t 11 S nio omen erSt will speak to the Seniors and Ju- were se~lt out o. a e r w fourth grade CotJege classmates avenue school at will entertain of the . t d· t " · tl C I from willch tabutahons were made con- avenue, 11I0rs a· ·a mller-mee mg III le 0 -. . f h· f • a Valentine party tomorrow afternoon. " 0 ~ cernmg the occupatIOns 0 c Ie mterIegc d UHlig-room on C reatmg ne scst Onh · 0 f th ese resuIt s th t:t c baSls O wn C areer. Mrs. Joseph Moran, of Kenyon ave' round-table program has been arrangnue, will entertain on Valentine evenRound-table discussion groups have ed. And individual interviews with Mis5 ing. he en planned for Saturday morning and Tolman have been scheduled for those afternoon on fields of work interesting women "\,,·hose interests are too special:M.iss Mary Francis Dimmitt. oi to college graduates. Miss Amy Philips, ized to be included. Swarthmore Place, celebrated her twelfth of the West Chester Friends School, In order that the discussion may be Miss Ruth V/auger, of the South Phil· as valuable and bcneficial as possible, birthday on February 2 by entertaining adelphia High School for Girls, and the enrollment of the round tables has twelve of her friends at a supper party. Miss M. Eunice Hilton, Dean of Syra- been limited. But all friends of the ),{r. A. Prescott \ViIIis, of Columbia cuse University, will lead the Teaching College arc cordially invited to attend avenue, was called to Avon Park, Florida, and Deanship discussions; Miss He- either of the open meetings in the by the serious illness of his father, Willaine Todd, of the Family Service So- Meeting H:o:;u:;s:.:e:;.'..........._ _ liam E. Willis, who 51)Cnt the month of ciety of Philadelphia, will direct the October 111 Swarthmore with his son and Social Service discussions; l\fiss Mary H. S. Basketeers at family. Tail of League Elizabeth Pidgeon, from the \Vornen's Bureau of the Department of Labor, Mrs. S. T. Carpcnter, of North Chester The High School basketeers lost two at Washington, will discuss the Field of Government Service j Miss Ruth morc games during the past week and road, was welcomed into the Delaware Adams, Interior Furnishings, New Ha- arc now in a tie for last place in league County CoHege Women's Club when it standing with Prospect Park and Darby, held its February meeting Tuesday even· each team has lost eight and won two. ing, February 2, at the home of Mrs. Buy Mason-Heflin's LAUNDERED Tuesday, Glen-Nor topped the Garnet D. J. McLane, of Brookline. coal and gel Famous Reading 30-24 Swarthmore played a steady game Mrs. George L, Armitage entertained Anthracite - all coal. Prompt l,;ut trailed from the first few minutes of informally at luncheon and bridge at her the game. Ridley Park won a thriller, home on South Chester road, Tuesday, delivery from a conveniently last Friday. by scoring in thc cxtra per- February 8. located yard. iod, to finish ahead of a game team that had llulled up and evened the count durMrs. Harold Griffin, of Rutgers aveing the final regular period. nue, entertained at luncheon before the Games, on February 11 with Darby meeting of the Woman's Club on Tuesand on February 15 with Collingdale day. February 8. Her guests included EGG will he played away. COAL CO.M rs. Elwood )..{. Rowand, Mrs. Ben· STOVE • jamin W. Collins. Mrs. Arthur R~ RedMain Office 41h & Allegheny Ave. Mothers Consider Cash Price gra\'e, Mrs. Charles Israel, Mrs. Alfred To order, phone Reading Problems Gary White, all of Swarthmore, Mrs. Miss Marjorie Hardy, Princil>31 of Leslie M. Clarke, of Springfield, and Mrs. the Kindergalten and Primary Depart- Benjamin J. Cook, of Rutledge. ments of the Germantown Friends School Alice Putnam, •of *Maple * avenue, enterOr call your Local Mason-Heflin Yard ·discussed "Reading" with the Kinder- tained with a dinner pitrty last Saturday garten Mothers of Swarthmore Wed- evening in celebration of her twelfth Phone Swarthmore 6 nesday aftemoon. The program was ar- birthday. After dinner the party attended ranged by Mrs. Charles W. Lukens. a movie. Guests were Dorothy Shaw, ,M::; *• • , *•• • *• :================================= *•• *** *•• ••• *•• **• The Best of the Better Coal for only • •• 5C more ••• Mason Heflin NUT NEBraska 9800 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Look the world over for fuelsKOPPERS COKE ;s tops! Regardless of the kind of fuel you're burning and the kind of satisfaction that goes with It. Koppers Colle will give you a NEW IIlnd of heating satisfaction! Here's a fuel that's scientifically manufactured for ONE purpose - to heat your home satisfactorily and ecanomically. Light ••• clean _ _ _ long burning _ _ _ easy banking_ Koppers Coke (the fuel ,hat hardly leaves any ashes at aliI) will give you tons of heating comfort you never dreamed possible_ Phone your order today. jl>PPERS -~Q~J RAINEY-WOOD COKE CO. MAIN OFfiCE c......."...... '01..._ r'" ...... ox' .. 61_ r.. toII ......' , .. _ •• r...bIo~ - . . I .' '. tween early pictured teachingthe of reading in the Missher Hardy difference befirst grade twenty years ago and her reading methods today. "Then. the children sat in rows a!ld read quickly in turn out of the same readers. Now it is known that children vary in their reading abilities and interests. Educational trends have led away from assignment reading, and they focus on "reading ideas"-not words. "The true reading test is not the test of reading ability. but a child's U11constmincd home behavior toward books." Miss Margaret Price said that years ago a Kindergarten was not concerned with reading. but now its chief Concern is to prepare for reading. Reading preparedness consists in giving living experiences since the wider his experience in understanding his world, the greater is the child's capacity for learning to read. It is better for a llarcnt not to help a child learn to read if the attitude is difficult and even though a smal1 child wants to read before he has reached the usual reading time, he should not be encouraged to do so ulltil we know that he has reached the mental testing age of six years and six months, she declared. "It is far more imtlOrtant that he has achieved fine dcvelopment in his large m~scle~ and that he is socially at ease With IllS playmates. than it is to force early reading before his eye muscles are ready for it." :-liss j·la""y was particularly inlerestelt in the corrective reading in a class roOm ior those who might have difficulties. ({("Illcdial reading must he d()ne with a child alone, she said, but a child who has, !1tissed some of the early reading tl"aJl1l1lg. can usual!y go back to early, easy, primer material and be brought up to his reading level. She also spoke of "Reading Clinics for High Schools" that are hecoming popular. uA certain grade does 1I0t mean that children in that grade ha\'e reached the same reading level. They vary widely." ••• Dr. and Mrs. \Villiam T. Johnson, of Ogden avenue, will entertain an evening brid~e club to which they belong, this evemng. s THE SWARTBMOREAN FEBRUARY 11, 1938 Sold as the prope-rt7 of John H. Kramer. I"rees tWeDt;,-·one mlnutel Baal one hundred Mrs. Ashton will follow with two piano IHoes parallel ...ith the aaJd HaTe. Street. one mortg'83or and :Maurice H. Mal.lncer, real aDd elJ'hU'·aeyen and eiJ:b1 hundred &Dd MY· 4th Grade Mothers Find "t· "Ra od ' B ' " d,hundred and tweRt7·.e11: feet. Bounded Eut· owner. enly·ftye thousahdlhs feet to a .&aIle tbeDce composl Ions. ps y In mmor an wardly by landa belonain8' to Prank Szcur· 'Reading' Is Not So Simple "Rapsody .HU by aaid Lonptretb'l land South twent;,-" in G minor," I' 0 .... k1 and James L. PloszaJ. Southwardly b7 eJI: deJ)'ee8. thirt,·nlne minute. Eaat ODe bun· " 'L earmng . t d'· I "M" I· d" .,\ S F· Id" d lands belongjng' to Stlt KmU and wife. and HAROLD L. l:RVIN. Attorney. dred feel to a alalte in the Une o( JaDd of 0 rea IS not mere Y mile Ie • n ummer 'Ie s, an WestwanUy by land" belonrJn8' to Joaeph Fld7k IIBllnah P. Levi. and Sisten. thence a1onl" something to be accomplished in the "Sappic Ode," three Brahms songs for' and wile. WILLIAM W. McKIM, Sheriff. the 8ame South als:t7·three depoee.. twent,-· first grade and let alone." The thirty- a contralto voice, will be sUllg hy Mrs. Improvementa cvnalllt of two .t01'7 brick =========;;;,;;;;;;;:;;,,;;;;;;;;;;= one minutes West two hundred. fol'l7·aeven Bnd seven hundred t.wenl,·ftve thouaanda feet fivc fourth grade mothers and teach- Robert E. Carels. store .ntI houllt!. 2UI:50 feet: one ltor)' frame SHERIFF SALES to the place of beginnill&". Contalnlnl" onl)obalf 'd 1"h I .. addlUvn ~Ox~o fl'et· brick g8l'age 20...21 feet crs Wh () atten d east d I week s We I1("S". esc so os will be followed by a • , • . Sh('rirf'M omcp. Court Houee. Media. Penna. of Bn acre. day afternoon meeting at the Crest I groUI) of waltz songs for two l)ian05 ami Suld JUt ·the I,rol.erty of Michael Mamebln Jmprovemen18 conll18t of (wo .lory brick '\ T W C and Petro Lema. mortgagors and the said Saturday. February 26. 1938 Iane Ilome 0 f n rs. houge. 24x30 leet: purcb front; (rame addI· . . rossen, a vocal quartet. Mrs., ptabler, Mrs. C..arels, Petro Lema, alld Annie Mamcblil. WilUam Hon. JOzllj feel: ·(rame tool abed. 91:20 feet; found out that "all of us vary in our Mrs. MacMillan and Mrs. Jackson com- Mamchin. Nicholaa Mamroin, .Iohn MlUllchln. 0::10 A. M. Eastern Stalldanl Time chicken house. 101:10 feet.; outbuildln ... 6zU . b"I·· d· d . d d . IOlga Manwhln and Walter Mamchtn real OWIl rea d mg a Iity an It oes not epen pose the quartet while Mrs. Hunt and.en. 'CondiUoU8: 121;0.00 eBl:lh or (milled check feel; frame garate. 9xl8 feet.. I th b ' ht t I" M A h ·11 . I at time of lIale (\\nlc8tII otberwille Ilated in on W Ie er we areI very rig or no . rs. s tOil WI preSide at the piano,. I WM.. n. HARVE y , Attorney. adverUl'emellU balance III ten d .... Sold us the proJ)f'rt, of John Bnus and John I • M dll _ s. OIher .-no . BUsh. <-ht p . . . . rs. Hunt and Mrs. Ashton will then I t OilS un day ot sate. M rs. ~ on re&en~ ff' " H d No. 894 EDWARD MeLAUGHLlN. Atty. No. 17 Fil·rl F8('las B ahm R ....:tal 0 er vanatlons on a ay en theme for u,,·arl. Facias 8 "". two pianos. _ _ _ _r_ December Term, 1937 September Term. 1937 No. 6&0 Fieri Facias W The IJrogram will be concJud(d by All that certain lot or piece of ground ...ith ednesday afternoon, February 16, groUI) singing of some of BTah~'s All that certain lot or piece ot land, with tbe buihUngs and Improvementl thereon ereel.· Deeeqi~r Tern" 1937 Mrs. Leonard C. Ashton will present a ar- the buildings and Improvements therel>n erect· ed, situate In tbe Borough of Clifton Belchtl. concert at her home on Elm avenue. rangements of folk• Itunes. situate Southerly side of Broadway in the Counl)' of Delaware and State of Lot with imps. N. E. I. Ardmore Ave.• • Avellue. at on ·the the dl8tanre or flfty teet measured Pellllll)·lvania. bounded and deacribed M'COnI· Lansdowne Boro., Del. Co .. Pa.• 266 ft. S. E. The program, consisting entirely or WC8twanlly from ChertY Street. in the Bor· ,Ug" to u survey th('reof made by George L. from S. E. s. Mart!hall Rd. 27 Ii. by 99.33 ft. Bralnns' COffiI>OS;fiolls, was presented County Gugh or Clifton Heh:bts, in the Cowlty of PelUlo,";k. in November. 1886, as fol!ows:... M Republican Club in Delaware and Slate of Pennsylvania. Conialn· Beginning" at a stake In -the middle of the Impro'·emente !ionsl.t of t.wo story stucco earlier in the winter at the Chester Cenonthly Meeting tlllr in Iront meuured thence Westwardly along road leading from t.he Spring-field and Darby houst·. 18x3a leet: poreb front' stu<..'CO garale tury Club. Mrs. Ashton, who has long the said Broadway Avenue. twent)'"·ftve feet Road to Samuel G. Levis' Milly In the Hne \UX18 feet. ' , Following a tour of inspection of the nnd extending of that width in lel1l0h or of land late of Theodore Hawkins thenoe been known for her interest in classical C . . depth Southwardly bet...een parallel IInell at along the middle or said Road a!ld 'by said Sold as the property of Charles V, Goetz music will be assisted at the piano by QUilty Juvel111e D.etentlon ~orne in rlg-ht 8ngles to the 8ald Broadway Avenue one land North four degrees. fifteen mlllu!.eB Eal.t and Florence V Goetz , Chester, by approxJrnately thIrty wo- hundretl flfteen feet to lands of the Media one hundred and sixteen feet and fifty.four .. Mrs. Everett L. Hunt and vocally by I • • Title and Trust Co. Bounded on the East and hundredths of a foot to a stake a eorner of H. L. FUSSELL, Attorney. Mr R be tEe I M Sta I M men, a reso utlOl1 commendlOg the or-IWest. by lands of Amelia F. Manhml. Being other land late of Benjamin T. Lonptreth .5. 0 r . are s, rs. n ey .L ac- der, cleanliness and sympathetic, com. known and designated 08 Lot No. 170 on Plan thence along the 83JD.e North "lxl7·throo de· WILLIAM W. McKIM. Sheriff. MIlian, Mrs. Thomas Jackson, of pctcnt s p rv's'on g' th I'ld of Cherry Grove, dated May 22. 1923, and reSwarthmore, and Mrs. Laurence J. . u e I liven e ell ren vi~>d August lao 192:J, and revIsed April 30, ~ bl f W II" f d there, was adopted by the Womens Re- 19_6. ~ta . M er,o St bl a lUg'11or if f pu brIcan CI u b 0 f D eIaware County at I Under and Bubject to certain restrictions as • rs. a er WI 0 • er a .group .0 its meeting in Strath Haven Inn, rcoonled in Deed Book No. 564, Page &12 &c., Brahms songs for a lugh vOIce wIndt Swarthmore on TI r d Feb and aillo Under and subject t.o certain rights will include "0 Would 1 Knew Where 3. • lU say, ruary nal. ~~d I,rlvll~es as recorded in Deed Book No. page 3.n. Itc. Lies theDWay," Mrs. J. O. Hopwood ' wh a cond uc ted C ' f f ""At Times I "1'1 MySThoughts d " Together with t.he right of way over a ome n mg, ant le an man. the tour, said that the need seems strh, 01 land three and one-half feet in width to be for a State institution for men- of the Westerly part 01 premises next adjoin· ing on the East, extending from 8ald Broadtally deficient children, if} as much as wny Ayenue Southwardly ,t.o the rear of the Penn hurst and Laurelton are crowded the premises. subjec;!t to a 8imlJar right to ownersand ot premises neJrt ac.ljOining of t.he beyond capacity. East to use Ii IItrlp of land three and one·half Having seen conditions at first hand, I(oct In width over the Ewrlerly part of the Community r.~~~~[j~~~ the women feel that the Home in Ches- eaid premises hereby conveyed. extending from t.he Broadway A,·enue to "he rear of said Deposilor ~t:~r.:~~~~ to 8UD- I ter a p t 0 b e a dequate at t h e logetiu'r premises; making a.nd thea seven Bald two of land Garage pears feet striP8 wide driveway Borrower present time for ,he purpose for which which is to be used in common by the owners, driveway and passageway for pleasure vehicles it exists-the temporary housing of for tenants and occupiers of said subject premiseson8JIthe a children who have rUIl afoul of the all times hereafter forever, law. u11til such time as their cases may cUluers Ilar~ 01 the abutting owners. ·tenants and oeto a. proportionate part or .hare of b e hear d , usually several days at most. the expenl>e of maintaining and keeping' the Committee chairmell made depart. Bllid hereinbefore mentioned driveway in good · h f order and repair at all Umes hereafter forStockholder men t a I repor t s d urmg t e a ternoon ever. session. Mrs. Alexander Ewing and ~~;~~~~[[::::::::::: 'I Improvements (.'Onslalleet: of two st.ory atooe and 1" rs. Homer K. Emmons reported the stu~o house. loxa:J Jlorch front. aims' and activities of the Young Reeach of these five group. of Sold as tbe property of WillllLDl SingleY. pu bl Icans. mortgagor IUld Penn Building and LoaD AS80' FOR SALE people, this Bank has an imporFOR SALE-Young white rats. Make good Mrs. Bessie Everett stressed the fact eiation. teal owner. SlUff pets. 50 cents each. Telephone Bwarth- that the womens job is to build up the HOWARD M. LUTZ, Attorney. tant obligation. In setting our course of more 315·W. Republican party, see that everyone daily action, we adhere closely to those No. 316 is registered by April 16th, the final Levari Facias date, and to send to Harrisburg, five principles of sound banking which will best serve June Term. 1037 All that certain lot or pieee of !rI'ound with all the people in all these groups. And, in tum, each the mee8ullge or t('nement thereon erected sit· the Bor- uate 011 the Southwest side of Drexel Avenue gronp repays the bank with confidence and c0Chamber, (fifty feet wide) at tho distance of three on March hundred and sixty· five teet Southeastward operation-the foundations upon which our conthe Southeast side of St.ate Road (fifty wide) in Upper Darby Townshtp, County tinued growth and prosperity must be ~,.., ,. ,.. Delaware, State of Pennsylvania beingLote Nos. 808·800 on Plan or Drexel Company; eontaining In front or the said Drexel Avenue sixty feet BOARDING - Convalescent. Aged. lDvaUd. of tha.t width in JenK'th or depth Chronic. 24 hour nunse'8 service. PorcheS. bet ween parallel lines at right D\li: acres ground. Telephone Media. '19. said Drexel Avenue, one hun· BOARDING twenty·five feet. Under and subject to eertain conditlonB and restrictions. Improvements conmst 01 three story slone Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation stucco house, 18x30 feet; one story stucco I~'i~"!;';':-DX12 feet: two story stucco addition, stucco garab"C, Ox18 feet. I led. CLASSIFIED ~ i l i~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~!1 I : OUR GUIDING Sta~f{"'::> To l~~~~~~~~~~~~ SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. FOUND-Near station, an oblong gray sIlk searl. Call Swarthmore 335-M after 7 P,M. RENT - AS OF MARCH lat garage .............. ·.·.······ 1 rooms, garage ...••.•............ ······ 8 rooms ........................... , ... . Apartment. 2 bedrooJllS ............... . 6 rooms. WM. S. BITl'LE Swarthmore l11-J Notary PubUc -Insurance - Real Blta.. FOR SALE 12c 23c lb. Carrier (Over I lb.) STRINGLESS GREEN or WAX BEANS, Tender young oues at a bargain price! Iceberg LETTUCE ... hd. 5c 24 FOR 25c Juicy Tender, Yonng FLORIDA ORANGES LEGS OF GENUINE At a real special priceBuy a dollar's worth and save! SPRING LAMB Featured at the lowest Juicy Sunkist price in years! LEMONS doz. 23c 1937 Plymouth 4-dr. Touring Sedan, first class condition, one owner, fully guarantted. IM...,SURE YOU'LL THIS BRAND ... ~~~=­ AS WELL- /' =====;S;;H;;E;;:R:;IF;::F~.A~LE~S;:;;;;;;;;;; Sheriff's Office, Court House, Media, Penna. RADIO REPAIRS Tubes-Washing Machines-Cleaners -INSTALLATIONSSWARTHMORE ELECTRIC SHOP Park and Dartmonth Aves. __ ~~ ____....:._....:.=-=--=.:...__ HARRIET L. TREAT Expel" DelJigning and Filling GO",1Q 0/ September Term. 1037 certain brif'k store ami dwelling lot or piel.'C of land situate on the south"ide 01 Second street at the distance of leet measured Ell8twardLV Irom the I "o~",!~,a".'I:~.comer 01 the said Second Street and State of Pcnnsyl'n 8S No. 2625 West Second I ~:::::: front on the said Second I: EB..!!twardly forty feet ext.ending in Southwardly between All that ~'!~~.;~~~:!:;tn~tbe City of Chester, Remodeling At Home or by the Day Sw. 892 UPHOLSTERING Furniture Restoring Village Window Cleaner REALLY, MADGE, IT'S TH E FINEST GROCERY -_THIS TOWN RICHARDSON, Borough Secretary. 3t-2-11 YE A GROCER WHO TRIES TO GIVE 'Mr~jOTT the right to reo Saturday, :March 5, 1938 HANNUM & WAITE 9::10 A. M. Eastern Standard Time $2IiO.OO Cash or certitled eheck Swarthmore, Pa. at CondUions: Phone 1250 time of sale (unlesl> otberwlse slated in ad\'ertisempnl), bnlanoo in ten dQl.'s. Other 1896 conditionK on day of sale. CALL ELECTRICAl. No. 878. Levari Faeias The Harvard IF THERE'S ANYTHING MAKES ME MAD, IT'S The successful as required by tt~i~~~~::~:hundred dollars ~ A. HAUGER Swarthmore 19 A. Wayne Mosteller Eledrieal COnlraeror Telephone Swarthmore MRS. A. J. QUINBY &: 58 SON • In AIl lIs Branches A N Y W B E R E" The Whale Family Profits by Mo tTler's NEW Gas Rangel A N Y T I M E This and many other suburban families find it pays in many ways to replace the old, tired-ont, hit-anti-miss gas range with ·0 brand new Quality. Mother has more fun cooking- never worries about results. And the whole family profits by grand tasting food. Quality Gas Ranges are styled to bring color and beanty to the kitchen. They're constrncted for cooking ease and no feature is more appreciated than automatic oven lighting. Model pictured costs $18.50 cash. Slightly higher on bndget plan-$2 down, 2 years to pay. Prices Subject to Change Without Notice .OSBl'B B. ClVDIBI FRED J. HARLEY PUILADEtPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Call Swarthmore 1441 At Our Subnrban Stores MD~.~IL- ________________ ~ r.r THE SWARTBMOREAN 6 CUB PARENTS ASSOC. FORMED CHARITY BALL ley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Morey, Mr. BRILLIANT SUCCESS and Mrs. John H. Pitman, Mrs. Thomas S. Safford, Mrs. E. A. Stockton, Mr. and Last Friday night one hundred and Mrs. Elric J. Sproat, Dr. and Mrs. thirty people danced in the Woman's Club George Peirce Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Meeting ToniPt to Complete House to the music by the Mazda Lane Alfred Gary White, Mr. and Mrs. ,:-. Orchestld on the occasion of the annual Prescott Willis and Mr. and Mrs. Edw1I1 Detailed Plans for Iudi Charity Ball of the American Legion and A. Yarnall. vidual Dem On Wednesday evening, Feoruary 2, the scheduled meeting 01 parents interested in planning for a Cub Pack was held at the High School. An enthusiastic group organized as the Swarthmore Cub Parents Association under the guidance of John Foster and Dr. Oscar S. Nelson of the Boy Scouts of America. Officers elected were chainnan, Duncan L. Foster, of North Chester road, and secretary, Mrs. Harold March, of West House, North Chester road. This meeting was the first of a series which will be held by the Association, to receive new members whose sons are eligible for the Cub Pack, an" to take the various steI)S for thorough organizatioll. The next meeting will be held this Friday, February 11, at 8 o'clock at the College avenue school building. Reports will be made of the various neighborhood groups forming into individual dens of five to ten or more boys. The election of the supervising den lJarent, and the leadership of the boy scout for each den's weekly meeting will be discussed and planned. Booklets giving achievement suggestions for each grade of Cub can be prdered, and act;vities for the first meetings of the dens planned. Any parents of interested boys nine and ten years old are welcome. Speaker8 For Adult ClaN and Young Friends Auxiliary. This year's dance was the most successlul one as yet planned, due to Mrs. J. Paul· Brown's management. Under a ceiJing of festooned red, white and blue paller strips and with lights veiled in blue and decorated with hanging gold stars, a patriotic atmosl)here was created through the chairmanship of Mrs. C. \V. McDowell. Refreshments of ice cream, coffee and homemade cakes served during the intermission with Auxiliary members and friends assisting Mrs. Rex Gary, were followed by four final dances and generous encores. The dance cleared aIJI)roximately $]50 for philanthropic work and appreciation is extended to all those who helped to make this particular evening a banner one in the Legion-Auxiliary calendar. - - -........- - - DR BOOKHAMMER '.. 'T HOME & SCHOOL . .n. • • Dorothy Waldo Phillip8. Al80 Guest Speaker on Educational Program Tuesday Dr. Robert Bookhammer, of the J.efferson Hospital and Head of the Clinical Division of the State Hospital at Norristown told the parents of Swarthmore "What Personality Traits are Dangerous?" at the meeting of the Home and School Association Tuesday evening, February 8, and Dorothy Waldo Phillips' "Emotional Education Dovetailed with Academic Educatioll, entertained them. We are in metal health when we are adjusted to the worM and to each other with a maximum of efficiency, Dr. Bookhammer stated. \Ve arc what we an~, because of our ·carly childhood, when our personalities arc in the making; we have only adjusted ourselves to a situation, when the result is satisfactory. The Adult Class 01 the Swarthmore Friends' M<''eting at 9:45 every Sunday morning in the Meeting House, will con· sider during the coming weeks, different fomls of religion. Next Sunday, February 13, Rabbi Herman E. Eisenberg, of Chester, wilt speak on liThe Synagogue in the Past and Present." All are cordially invited to attend. On Sunday afternoon, February 13, at 3 o'clock in Whittier House, Lester C. Haworth, of Wa1tingford, general secretary of the Philadelphia Y. M. C. A., will speak to the Young Friends' Group and their friends on "The Age Long Conflict." A cordial invitation is extended to young l)Cople in the commu;;ity to cottle to this meeting and to remain for a cup of tea and social hour. • Give Free Lecture8 at Academy The sixth in a series of ten free Monuay evening lectures on the "Natural Sciences and Their Applications" sponsored by the Ludwick Institute at the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, will be delivered at 8:15 P. M. next Monday, February 14, by Dr. Francis Harper, of the Academy. Dr. Harper who Jives at South Chester road and Yale avenue, Swarthmore, will speak 011 "Frog :Musicians" telling of vocal and other habits of frogs and toa_ds of the eastern United States and illustrating his lecture with lantern slides. Patrons and patronesses were: Mr. and Mrs. Alhert Ainsworth, Mr. and Mrs, Herbert T. Bassett, Mr. and Mrs. Thcodore W. Crosscn, ~[r. and Mrs. James Bacon Douglas, Dr. and Mrs. Franklin S., Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Griffin, Dr. and Mrs. J. Jarden Guenther, Mr. and :Mrs. \ViIliam M. Haney, Mr. Parents arc warned by Dr. Bookhamand Mrs. T. E. Hessenbruch, Mr. and mer to look out for incipient danger Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge, Mr. and Mr!O. traits in their children's personalities; Albert Sidney Johnson Dr. and Mrs. the quiet, daydreaming, sensitive, or irJohn A :Murphy, Mr. a;ld Mrs. Clarence ritable characteristics are the o~es that G. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Mc- lead to m~ntal trouble. He described the Cabc, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Mose-j healthy nunded person as one who gets along well with many friends, has initiative, ambition, energy, and is alert rather than preoccul)ied. We should be concerned he said over the adolescent who is emotional1y shut-in or over-confident since either one is a defense against a feeling of inferiority and inadequacy. Dr. Bookhammer stated that mental illness is the next great American plague to be coped with; we have tackled tuber-I PRINTERS culosis, we are now engaged in a fight against venereal disease, but we are doPHOTO.LITHOGRAPHERS ing little to l)revent the nearly 20,000 young people now in mental hospitals BOOKBINDERS from getting there. "We spend over $300,000,000 a year on our mental hospitals. There arc now more patients there than in our tuberculosis sanitariums J After outlining the various types of I mental diseases. Dr, Bookhammer said "CHESTER'S FASHION CORNER" EDGMONT AVE.--SEVENTH & WELSH STREETS A THRILLING EVENT IN OUR DOWNSTAIRS STORE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY (Feb. 11 aud 12) I I I - - WITH THIS COUPON - YOU DEDUCT % I I I I L OFF YOUR PURCHASES IN OUR CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT ------- I I I I I I I -I GIRLS' Dresses - Coats - Sweaters Pajamas - Etc. Suits - O'Coats - Knickers Wash Suits - Shirts - Etc. This reduetion means remarkable savings - espeeially sinee we have already redueed hundreds of items. YOU MUST BRING THIS COUPON JUNIORS WILL SEE PLAY TOMORROW Feb., 1928 Stove Nut Pea Buck Feb., 1937 .$13.76 $11.00 .$13.32 $11.00 $ 9.50 .$10.43 $ 8.00 .$ 7.33 It Pays to Use Good Coal Feb., 1938 $10.00 $10.00 $ 8.50 $ 7.75 Phone: Swarthmore 10412 hea1thY.l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GIANT TIGER S.,ORB BOUBS: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.-Mon., Tues. 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. Wed. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.-Thurs. 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. FrI., Sat. Specials For Week of February 10th to February 16th, Incluaive Cereaota 'Not Bleached' FLOUR-12 lb. bag- 45c Full Standard TOMATOES BISQUICK Large 40-oz. Package- 25c CRISCO 2-1 lb. Cans 35c-3 lb. can ...... . ,, Boy Scont New8 In observance of Boy Scout Week the th,:" local Iroo~s 01 Boy Scouis placed th;II'" annual displays in various shop wmdows of the Borough early this week. On Saturday 01 next week, February 19. Troops I, 2, and 3 will go on·a Valley Forge pilgrimage. 5 No. 2 can c Del Monte GRAPEFRUlT-2 No. 2 can&-- Del Monte Sliced PINEAPPLE ....... . Del Monte California SARDINES ........ .. Libby's BABY FOODS 3 c~n8 . . . . . . . • . . . . . Large No. Large Oval Can-In Tomato Sauce 2~ Can 1 19c Gibb's or UCO PORK and BEANS ..... . . . .. UCO Fancy PEANUT BUTfER-16-oz. jar- 10c Pure GRAPE JAM 2-lb. jar ........... . It Carefully Candled EGGS Doz. in Cartons 22 c Large No. ~U~S:~. ~~.~~. It 10 I Sno-White CAUUFLOWER Satisfy 121"2"c YOUNG, WELL-TRIMMED SHOULDERS PORK (6 lb. Average) .. lb. c hd.14c c Can-In Tomato Sauce Each and Every Egg Will Sugar Cured-Cello. Wrapped Sliced BACON liz lb. pkg. ......... 2~ I I It Libby's Home Style PICKI FS 2 16-oz. jars Rich, Creamy, Wisconsin State No.1 Next week local merchants will be asked to display in their windows posters of the United Campaign. . The Community Health Society, located in Borough Hall, is one of the agencies operated through the United Campaign which opens its annual drive for lunds March 1. Tree-Ripened FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT-tO for "Han8 Brinker" Presented at Player8 Club; Many New Aetor8 in Ca8t 29 '2.50 PER YEAR School Half·Holiday Tuesday In observation of Washington's Birthday holiday the Swarthmore Schools will have a morning ses~ sion only, being closed in the after~1oon. The Players Club curtain will rise tomorrow on this season's third production for the Junior Membership-Mary Mapes Dodge's classic tale of old Hoiland, hHans Brinker, or the Silver 11.________________•11 CLUB WOMEN ON "WORLD CRUISE" Hilarity Reigned.Tuesday· a8 Members and Friends Packed "Deck" of Club House in Annual Frolic . The Mid-Winter Cruise on the good LEGION TO ENTERTAIN S. S. Swarthmore terminated Tuesday AT TRI·POST MEETING alternoon in the spirit 01 hilarity on which it was launched to sail the seven sea!. From the port holes, members and friends Dr. Samuel C. Palmer, of the depart01 the Woman's Club gazed at the boundSkates." W. I. L. Program Next ment of biology of Swarthmore College, less blue of the oceanJ while from the Under the direction of Barbara Dol· Wednesday was given a .banquet Satur~y evt;:ning, deck, characteristic scenes were enjoyed man. "Hans Brinker" will bring to the The Swarthmore branch of the Wo- February 12, 111 Bond MemOrial Hall by in each country visited. The picturesque stage ·many who, though well-known to mcn'"s International League for Peace the managers and ex-managers of college officers and crew attended to the slightest fellow Swarthmoreans, will be making and Freedom will hold \ts regular athletic teams. The occasion was the wish of each passanger, making this quite their debut as Players Club actors. One monthly meeting Wednesday afternoon, twenty-fifth anniversary of his service to the most comfortable cruise ever enjoyed of these, Stephen Spencer, will play Fehruary 23, at 2 :30 o'clock in Bond Swarthmore College as graduate manager. by the assembled multitude. The group presented him with a golf bag Hans, a poor Dutch boy whose father ?l.Iemorial, Swarthmore College. Stopping first at San Pedro, the port The program will include a play, "No and clubs, an inscribed scroll, and a h~s fallen from a dyke ten years beof Los Angeles, several world famous fore and lain helpless ever since. His Banners Flying", presented hy the pain!ing. ~here were seventy guests prespersonages joined the party, much to the devoted sister, Gretje, will be played drama section of the Woman's Club ent mcludmg members of the faculty and gratification of Cruise Director (Mrs. Wilunder the direction of Mrs. Roland G. their invitcd guests. Dr. Palmer is shown liam E.) Kistler. Mae West (Mrs. John by Mary Ann Hook, also new to the E. Ullman, and several piano selections above in a characteristic pose while reE. Michael), in all of her seductive club, but experienced in plays else . . given by Miss Mary MacElree, of The producing in art one of the plant subbeauty. turned the full force of her charms where. Recruited from the stage crew Mary Lyon School. jects which provide his hobby. upon Captain (Mrs. Lloyd E.) Kauffman, • I , to play Peter, a kindly friend of Hans, Mrs. James Bacon, acting as hostess, to transfer thein to the redofibtable only is Charles Seymour; and his brother, will be assisted by Mrs. Herbert T. Flutist at Next Vesper Service George Bernard Shaw (Mrs. Roland L. Jack, will appear as Voostenvalbert Bassett and Mrs. Thomas L. Lueders. Eaton) when he ascended the gang' plank. I I • Schimmelpennick, the jolly fat boy who Sunday evening at 6 :45 o'clock, the Glamorous Greta Garbo (Mrs. I. L. J. J'8 to Spon80r Dorothy was "knocked down by the smelt of a Cooper Foundation and the music de- Nickerson) closely followed by Leopold Waldo PhiIliP8 cheese." partment 01 Swarthmore Col1ege will Stokowski (Mrs. T. Harry Brown) Girls in the cast are Ruth Servais, Mrs. Dorothy Waldo Phillips will ad- Mi88 Olive Cleaves, Chairman of present Rene Le Roy with his flute, who plays Hilda, the Burgomaster's dress the J. J.'s and interested lriends Campaign Launched at a accompanied by Professor A. J. Swann escaped from too curious eyes as quickly as lJossible. . daughter; Bonny Morse as Annie, her at 8 :15 Sunday evening, February 20, at Special Meeting of the in Clothier Memorial. At Honolulu, two native maidens, (Mrs. companion; Marian Schaue and Laura the home 01 Elizabeth Bowditch, 607 Elm W. I. L. on Monday The program will include selections A. V. B. Orr a.nd Mrs. J. Paul Brown) Lee Hopkins, who play Rychie and Ka- av:enue. The regular meeting of the J. J.'s by Mozart, Gluck, Bach, Roussel, Wi- greeted the passengers with leis, dancing trinka, two wealthy girls who look will be held at 7 :30 that evening at the At a special meeting of the- Women's dor, Debussy, Honegger and Faure. to the accompaniment of Hawaiian music. clown with disdain on the poor Brin- Bowditch home. All are invited to hear International League for Peace and • I • Here Charles and Anne Lindbergh (Mrs. kers. Dick Davis will be seen as Voost's Mrs. Phillips. There will be a small Freedom held last Monday afternoon, Stanley MacMillan and Mrs. Alexander English cousin, and Alben Eavenson charge for non-members to assist in de- February 14, at the home of Mrs. R. C. Young Republican8 Lackey) embarked, closely pursued by Meet On 23rd as Carl, a rich boy who has no time fraying the expense of the speaker. Disque, the campaign for funds of the indefatigable news hawkS, whom they for Hans and his family. Sunday evening, February 6, the group United Peace Chest of Philadelphia A general meeting of the Young Re· eluded to escape to their cabin never Two -players familiar to club audi- heard Mrs. Harry Miller, of Thayer was launched. This drive is a combined ences are Ethel S. Kauffman and Al- road, tell of the nearby family it is hclp- effort spon.sored. by six. organization.:; publican Club will be held at the Strath to appear again on deck. The D~kc and Haven Inn next Wednesday evening, Duchess of Windsor (Mrs. W. H. Linton exander Dryden, who take the parts of illg under her supervision. The meeting for Peace 111 Philadelphia. February 23, at 8 o'clock. There will be and Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan) accolllHans' mother and father. Doctor Boeck- was held at the North Chester road home Miss Olive Cleaves. chairman of the an opeQ forum, discussion pf the principles panied by much luggage, graciously joined man, the ill-natured but famous physi- of Betty Douglas. Chest for Swarthmore, opened the cian whom Hans induces to aid his meeting with a discussion of the ob~ 01 the Club and 01 the by-laws which the cruise. ,lather. _is . . played .by a n~~~c;omer, John School Board· iii. Session jeclives 01 the dri.e al' Viele, the intrepid explorer being Mrs. • I • aged the Peace workers to pursue their Cub Parents in Fnrther Meeting worthy cause as boldly as the lorces peals to anyone who has not been given J. Francis Taylor. The huge copper caula chance to contribute or who wishc:; dron into which the latter was popped . A meeting of the Swarthmore Cub for rearmament pursue their objectives. to add to his previous contributions to was a newsworthy member of the tribe. Parents Association was held at the Col• ,• The CaptaiIl's table was the cynosure leave that contribution at The Swarthlege avenue school al 8 o'clock Friday MRS. EDGAR J. mTCHNER· morcan office or The Swarthmore Na- of all eyes when the ship was· not in port. evening, February II. Duncan G. Foster Bank and Trust Company im- There the honored guests graciously reHears H. M. Crist, Adopts Bud· presided, and outlined l)rcceedings of the Mrs. Edgar J. Hitchner passed away tional mediately, so that the drive in SwarthM sponded to toasts, G. B. S., still instisting Wednesday afternoon, February 16, get, Order8 Sidewalks and previous meeting in which the Association after several months illness at the home more can reach its quota promptly. that "Life is but a brief torch.1t Mrs. State Dog Catcher8 was formed and officers elected. of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. , I • John Stainton sang a theme song for Mae West "She's more to be censored Borough Council in routine sessio'n Reports 011 organizing the various Dens and Mrs. Carl DeMoll, 221 Park ave- - MRS. FLORA HUMPHREY which compose a Pack showed that much nue, Swarthmore. She was eighty-nine than Pitied." CORSON Wednesday evening, February 16, heard progress IlaS been mad e. A s 50011B as oy years old. Sunny Italy entranced the passengers the appeal of HalUy M. Crist. of The Scouts suitable and willing to serve as Mrs. Hitchner had maintained her Mrs. Flora Humphrey Corson died at from the first note of HSanta Lucia," Mary Lyon School. Inc., for a reduction Den Chiefs have been Ilrocured and train- home in Bridgeton, N. J., where she 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at 227 Park sung by Mrs. \Villiam G. McGlathery on his sewer assessment on the property cd by John Foster, of the Boy Scouts was a member of the Second Presby- a\'enue where she made her home with to the last note of the accordians played owned by the school on the west side oC of ~merica, the Dens wi1l be?in to hold terian Church, but had spent the her daughter, Mrs. Howard E. Young. by Edith Kniskern and Tommy MarHarvard avenue. The matter was taken their regular weekly meetmgs. Such winters in Swarthmore for the last Although in failing health of late she shall. The romance of Spain was relived under advisement. ~C()lIts. wi1I be credited with this activity tcn years. She was born in Deerfield, had been bedfast only since last Saturday. through the beautiful dances of the counThe Budget for 1938 was adOI)tOO. An 111 their Scout work; at the same time N. J. Surviving besides Mrs. DeMoll Mrs. Corson had been able to come and try as interpreted by Alix Field Whiadditional 2 mills was levied on the they arc helping the younger groUI)S in is a son A. E. Hitchner of Los An· go comparatively freely despite her age, taker's, pupils, Dorothy \Vilson, Polly Swarthmorean Estates llroI.erty. their less highly skilled efforts. geles, C~I., and five grandchildren. eighty-seven years. Hoot, and Genevieve Reavis. Mrs. G. Sidewalks were ordered placed on those The next meeting of the Cub Parcnts Funeral services will be held from Born in Athol Mass on February 2 Hurst Paul. was accompanist for the prOllerties on Swarthmore avenue between Association will be held in the College her home in Bridgeton at 2 P. M. 1851 she married'James .J. Corson, Phila~ dances. ~rs;. C. F. Wolters sang "In Yale and Benjamin West avenues and on ?,"cnue school at 7:30 Wednesday even- tomorrow, Saturday. Interment will be delphia merchant, who died in 1909. In Old Ma~nd.. Benjamin \\'est· avenue from Swarth- mg, February 23. in Overlook cemetery. 1911 Mrs. Corson came to Swarthmore. Stoppmg m France was perhaps the more avenue to meet the sidewalk n o w l r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , She was a member of the Colonial Chap- most momentous event o! the c:nt!re c,-:Uise laid on Benjamin West. This was ordered ter, Daughters of the American Revolu- for her~, that controverSIal pamttng The as a safeguard to the Rutledge school THE WEEK'S CALENDAR tion and a descendant of Rev. James Bathers by Cezanne was brought 011 children. V"TPA labor will be furnished. Humphrey Unitarian the first minister board, and the passengers were faced Sidewalks were also ordered laid on \,,;th the question "Arc we worth $110,in Athol ' M a s s ' FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 18 7:15 P. M. - Basketball vs. Ridley Townshlp ......................... R. S. Gym Fairview road from Cornell avenue to .: b:d M y t h OOO.OO?" Before the good S. S. SwarthS urvlVmg eSl es rs. oung are ree 8:30 P. M. - Russian Cathedral Choir •..•.••.••..•.•.....•. Clothler Memorlal . . d t Ile globe, tbe the present parking lot back of the Gash-j dd h . u w·n· E CI more h a d circumnavIgate SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19 gran aug ters. J.urs. I lam . Y- unanimous decision was that "T.he Stull garage. ~;oo P. M. - "Hans Brinker." Junior Play •..•.•..•.........•...•. Players Club mer, of Faraday Park; Mrs. Walter S. B tl " t l1 every penny. 'I a ~er -was wor n I"S Burgess John H. Pitman brought the :15 P. M. - ·'Hans Brinker," Junior Play .....•.••......•..••.... Players Club F ar Iey, 0 I Langhorne; and Mrs. Norman St I 'I '1·11 'I G Z·· an ey ~\' acJ.\ I an, .L\ rs. eorge Iffi~requellt requests made to Borough officSUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20 H unter K eedy, 0 I B eaumont, T exas; an d me" Mrs D ·ght C I 'I J Ials for the freeing of motor law violators· ~, . WI 00 ey, .1\ rs. oseph ~~~ P. M. - Vesper Service. Rene LeRoy, ftutlst ..•..•...•.. Clothier Memor1al Ieve~ great-grandc h 1·ldren: A nna, H ow- Perk·,ns Mrs Fr d . k La M· C e tQ th,e attention of Council and stated 8;15 ~: ~: =iio::'~b':~aid(; Phiitij,;;· Adch·· ·cs·j: ·j'ii ·and·ftiee:'dsElm Avenue rd FI R h w·lr J d J h ,. e eriC ng, rs ut fJf1T Blm Avenue aCI ' OTa, 'Sa' ,am , r ·, anW 01 11 W. McDowell, Mrs. John C. Moore, Mrs: that there is a standing order that all ymer; I J ra, D orothy, a ter J W Wa P M E H V motor law violators must appear before MONDAY. FBBIUJARY 21 and Helen Farley . . rren axson, rs. . . an the magistrate. Practically every request 8:00 P. M. - Tn-Post Meeting •••.••••• American LegIon Room, Borough Ball .. ·11 be h Id t h Patten, and Mrs. Arthur R. O. Redgrave F I TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22 unera serViCes WI e a er . ted th· I . . has come from non-residents of the 10:00 A M L W late home at 2 o'clock th,·s alternoon, aQ1ma . ,IS amous pa~n~tng~ ; Borough in an attempt to bring political . _. ,:. Study Group •.••••••••.••.•••••••.• 600 Barvar'd avenue Th Sh 0 h tr M Jacoh Mes2 :'... 30 P..... .. - Womans Club ....t'IlS ...•••••••.•••••••.•...••.•..• C1ub House F ·d F b 18 Th R CI· t e 'p s rc es a, rs. 30 P M SproUl Oboe nAtory open to v\sttorB ...................... " ....11_. r1 ay, Adams, e maryrector • of ethe ev. on chter,.l.Dal clay modeler of world renown, Will entertain those present. 'There will also be a motion picture and refreshments. All ex-service men are invited to attend whether or not they are members of the Legion. LOCAL PEACE DRIVE OPENS VAN ALEN BROS. that our concern was Parenthood to create is the fun-Ioviug children. only profession which does not demand a training, he declared, and it is hopeful that so many are asking for it. Parents should train without olaxing, scolding, bribing or threatening, he continued, for these methods impair the mental health of the child. "Parental authority, to be respected, Jlms, be rrspcclab/e r' he stated. Incompatibility of parents provides poor soil for child growth. The subtle humor and rich literary quality of Dr. Bookhammer's discussion delighted the large audience of parents who heard him, In closing, he reminded them that "It seems to ::'e the inalienable right of the adolescent to be worried about and the fate of parents to worry about him." Something new has come to tOWIl in lh~ person of .Dorothy Waldo Phillips, \\"lth a fresh mllld for the adolescents of Swarthmore. She spoke once in the High School Assembly where she aroused such enthusiasm that the high school students voluntarily petitioned for her return to discuss their problems with them. She came to the Home and School meeting to ten the parents first what she wants to do with the young people. She expressed her hopes that her discussions will "build a bridge over the gulf between the generations" of parents ~nd youth and stated that "A growing mtellect and a shrinking personality is our greatest problem today." The Youth Conference of which she was Moderator recently at Harrisburg brought out that we need emotional educat.ion along with intellectual education, With great humor she told of the Dale Carnegie stu~ents in New York; and the pathos of highly educated people who lac~ the ability to get along with others. It IS her hope that such work as hers in High Schools wilt give to youth what th~ mature adult misses and wishes he might have had to make him a successful personality. She aims to guide teenage yOllng people to know "How to win parents rather than demand from them." She amused her audience with her talent for mimicry, reminding them that the rest of nature is gradu.aI, "but \ adolescence comes very suddenly!" DR. PALMER FETED United Campaign P08ter8 Soon Dance for Dancing Cla8s The student committee for the Cruise Dance arranged for tommortow evening's meeting of the senior group of the Swarthmore Dancing Classes is as follows: George Collins, chairman; Mary Christine Stericker, Ernest Lange, Ann Lingle, Jim Gary, HIllyard Sweeney, Robert Rowand, Ella Mae Beagle, and Mary Bonsall. Chaperons for the Cruise Dance will be Mr. and Mrs. Roy Delaplaine, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. H. Webster Allyn and :Mr. and Mrs. E. ~L Rowand. Seventh grade chaperons wilt be Mr. and Mrs. Birney K. Morse, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lindley Peel, Mrs. Hugh W. Do\Vniug, Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Putnam and Dr. and Mrs. James F. Bogardus. Chaperons of the ninth grade class will include Mr. and Mrs. Roy Delaplaine, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Percy' Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. George Gillespie. Dues SWARTHMORE, PA., FEBRUARY 18, 1938 VOL X, No.7 Compare These Cash Prices for 2000 Ibs. of Coal (carried in) I' BOYS' UIBe , Duel • Cr • ·+-a;rire ec:;mpaD1 Fire CompaD1 Are You Looking for a BARGAIN'f JOHN SPINCIB, INC. 8th STREET NEAR SPROUL, CHESTER, PA. I • Pay .Another local man who is among those delivering lectures in this series is Dr. Francis W. Pennell, of Moylan, whose lecture all January 31 was entitled "In Search 01 Plants Along the Trail 01 l.ewis and Clark," and who wHl give the tenth and last illustrated lecture of the Sunday afternoon course at 2:30 P. M. ~Iarch 13, 011 "Wild Flowers of Spring near Philadelphia." Dr. Pennell is also connected with the Academy of Natural Sciences. "n~ ;-.' \ ;,' ,?" ~ .... ~Pa1 FEBRUARY 11, 1938 . •.• •• I I . , COUNCIL VIEWS BORO PROBLEMS I I c BALTIMORE PIKE AND HIRST AVE. EAST LANSDOWNE __________ L __________..;;;.;;,;;;..,;;;,;;,;;;;;.,;,;,;,;;;;:. J 'I 1:. 1 0" INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ..., CHARITY BALL IIt') :\otr .1I1d :\Jr ... 1 r IIIk I{ ~Ior(',. Mr I CUB PARENTS BRILLIAN1' SUCCESS lIul :\Irs Jullll II 1'111IJ.l1I :\Ir~ I ASSOC• FORMED I I I rull} IIIglll S,IT.."I ~Ir' I A SIulkl.. ~Ir 111(1 hllmln:d U1d lInt J Dr l1ul ~Ir.. Meeting Tonight to Coml.lete J)ctuiled Pluns for Indi 'iduul Dens ) I I I) tHIIIIlJ!, I t.')rUlI' I O II II t.'(I1(''''( _ tilt.' ..dlt.'duluI11lt:t.'img of I' II I: lit ... IlItl.'rl'sl I:d 111 11111111111" for I Cuh I'llk \\ I'" held "" at tht.' IlIgh Sdluol \n l'lIthuSII . . IIC groUIJ til gam.l.l'd I'" tlu: S\\ trthlllllit L lIh P IrI: Ills \s .. ooallOlI Ulldu till gUHilllle of OIlC IllIrh JlltIlltc .iIlU,('d III the \\ IlIlll11 IlulI"'c to the :\1,17.(1, I me: t1l11"1~ h\ tile s C1uh ()Ilht .. trl 1111 tht.' ~(I.:.I"'1U1I of tht; 11111\111 (hmt, Bill of tilt.: \lIIl.:rllllllt"toll.1I1(1 M \uxlh In 1111 .. \ l Ir ... d Ullt.' \,.IS Iht.' II1~l • ~lIotlll:r loe II mall \\ho IS ,l1llUlig thuse ddl\ulIIg kdufCS 111 tillS .. t.:f1CS IS Dr 1I I r.lIl(l' II 1'<1111<11 .. f ~I ..)I.U\ \\h"" I he \,luit II Ass of Ihe S\\ trlhmurt: In tun: 011 J.lIllt In ~ll \\.IS 4.'lltltlt.:d In :\tr md Mrs I nllUl... :\lu..llIIg It l) -15 lHI \ SUmll\ I St. m.:h of PI.lllls Along the frail of .IUII :\11.. \ III( rlllllg III Illl :\i{l.:illlg Iiolise \\111 f.:UIl It\\IS ~uHI Cldrk .1IId \\II~J \\111 gl'l tilt 11111 )'Ir ... 1(1\\111 .. ult.:r ~llInll~ Iht {Ollllllg \\Hk ... (htTat.'nt 1l'lIth IIId list 1I11I ...1I11t.'d Intun' of lilt,: f n I IJ!,I~II' " I S tllU I l\ I t.') I ~tll1dl\ .tftt.:mooll lourst: It!. JU P:\I 0 rIll s o .'itX ~llnh1'1I JI I011I I \ \ 11~1 J 10\\l'1 s of Spring: rtl.1I \ Ii H Ihl)l IlullI.1ll J 1 Ist.'lIhag • I) I' II I IIllr II tlt.'JllIl r t.'ll1It I'" ISO of Clnstt.'1 \\111 sllt:lk un Iht.' S\1I1 ltlllllt.'ded \\Ith tl1(,' \lul4.l11\ (If Nltural gll .... Ut.' In till' 1'1 . . 1 .llId 1'1 t.'''llli \11 1ft: SIIt.'IICt.' .. ll)nhall, 11I\lIl'd to attt.'nd If • 1938 Speakers For Adult Clu88 and Young Friends hUIII.IS lsi n, FEBRUARY THE SWARTllMOREAN 6 I DR. BOOKHAM1\IER AT HOME & SCHOOL ~Ir ~Ir I PRINTERS PHOTO-LITHOGRAPHERS BOOKBINDERS Pea Blick It II 1 th our t ( lilt rn \\.... I tIl rt.' tit: htIs11111\ tUIlIt 1(J\IlI~ llllhhlll Irtllthol)(l the '~1~~;!Bii~~~~~~~~~~Z2!~~~~~~~~~~~~I~ I __ ~ - -~-- "CHESTER'S FASHION CORNER" [D!.MONI AVE -SEVEN1H & WELSH STREEIS A THRILLING EVENT IN OUR DOWNSTAIRS STORE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY (Feh. 11 ami 12) - I I I II 1111 TillS COUPON - YOU DEDUCT % I I I I OFF YOUR PURCHASES IN OUR CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT L --------GIRLS' Drl'~~I'''' - COllI, - S"".III't·, Pajllllllls - Elc. BOYS' Suits - O'COllts - Knickers Waslt Suits - Sltirts - Etc. Thu; rl fluctlon nlcans remarkable savmgs - cSllcclolI,; ~mce "c ho\c alread" reduced hundreds of items. YOU MUST BRING TillS COUPON -__ , , News Boy Scout allu~ I 3TORE HOURS to 9 P 1\1 -::\Ion Tues 9 A 1\1 to 1 l' l\[ Wed to 9 P i\l-Thurs 91\ l\I to 10 P 1\1 Fri, Sat Specials For Week of February lOth to February 16th, Inclusive BISQUICK Large 40 oz Package- 25c CRISCO 2-1 lb. Cans 350-31b can TOMATOE~No Can II LIbby's BABY FOODS 3 cans Large Oval Can-In Tomato Sauce Gtbb's or UCO PORK and BEANS Libby's Home Style PICKLES--2 16 oz I arge No 2' Can-In Tomato Sauce Rich Cream) I 1 Carefully Candled c EGG~Doz 111 Cartons Each and Jo ven Egg \\ III Sallsh 11 10 Sugar Cured-Cello \\rapped Sliced BACON Y2 Ib pkg It Pure GRAPE JAM 2-lb Jar \llsconsm State No MUENSTER CHEESE Yz Ib YOUNG c WELL-TRIl\tMED SHOULDERS PORK 121 (bib Average) lb 2c :================~;:===============~ i I LEGION TO ENTERTAIN AT TRI·POST MEETING ,LOCAL PEACE I DRIVE OPENS S .. I ,, (,\1.:11111~ I llnUll\ 11 I)UIIlIll (. III tn pn"1Ciul n 11 UCO Fancy PEANUT BUTTER-160z 1ar- iL---------------~i I ~f I 1 J 'I I I 11111 t 1tlllJlui }lICIll:I.:(IIIl,., .. ot thl.' II' I" I( f.{ Ir f rite Iller, pal sse( a\\la6Y e >nla r ). I I I \~mllUcn I e( Ill'S( a,) I to transfer them to the rnluubt Iblt: h Charles Se\ motlr .11Id IllS "rother, \\ III he 1:. . . lstl.'d In ).trs Herbcrt r Flutist at Next Vesper Service (.l'urge Bern lid Sha\\ (~lrs I~ol uJ.(I I J tek \\ III IJlpl.: Ir IS \ oostt 11\ a1hul I I. . set t l1Id ~I rs I hom IS I. Lueders I Iton) \\ hell he a ..ct.'lUbl Ihl.' gang plank Schllnmdpt:t1l1lCk th!; Joll\ i It hO\ \\lto ... Sunday evelllllg at 645 o dock, thc Glamurous Greta ( .. Irbo (~b::. 1 I J. J's to Dorothy \\ IS klloek('(1 dp\\n In the smell of I Cooper FOu1UI~llOn and the musIC de Nlckl.'rsun) dosl'ly fol1o\\e<1 h) leopold Waldo Phillips t:heest.' partmcnt of Swarthmore Collegc \\111 Stok()\\skl ().trs I Harr) Uro\\n} ("ris III the (".lst .Ire l~uth Sl'f\aJs ),1 rs I)oroth) \\ lido Plulhps \\ III all I ~1i8S Olh e Cleaves, Chairman of present Rl.:llc Lc Roy With IllS nute t.'sl.llll'd It om too CUriOllS l'\ l';'; as II111ckh \\ ho pl \\as not 111 I.or t VAN ALEN BROS. I 8th STREET NEAR SPROUL, CHESTER, PA. $ 9.50 $ 8.00 $2.50 PER YEAR SWAU1I1JUORE, PA., FEBRUARY 18, 1938 morro\\ 011 thiS Sl' ISOIt S tll1rd prodttt tum for thl' JUllIor ~[l'lIlbt.'fshlp-"I.lf\ 1 )'1'lI)l's Dodge s c1.ISSIl. t til' of old 1101 Illld Hans Brll1kl'r or tht.' S.hl'r $10.00 $10.00 $ 8.50 $ 7.75 $11.00 $11.00 Dues I hI.! PI U l'rs Cluh curt 1II1 \\ III rlst.: 10- ,.',,1,., $13.76 $13.32 $10.43 $ 7.33 Dues Players Club; Many New Actors in Cast Are Yon Looking for a JOHN SPENCER, INC. Fire Company '''Huns Brinker" Presented I I Fire Company JUNIORS WILL SEE 1 PLAY TOMORROW! III ~ Pay VOL. X, No.7 lIIo<,;t stlln"siul (JIll I" Ht 1,111I1U.:ti elm to ).Ir . . J PUll Hnmll ... 111 UI Igt.' lilt.' lit L'I,1 I f f I 11" I I ",I ,1, I tl a It:llIIg 0 t .. 110.... .. \ I I.' , I • .mel hhlt.' l' lilt: I stflP'" IIlti \\Hh h..,hls HIit'd III him: uul dl.:t or Itt.'(1 \\ Ith h I1Iglllg t Dorothy 'Valdu Pllillitts Also On Sunil l\ .Iftemooll 1 d)1 U In 11 ,..,old sllr.. 1 pltflt til ltlllo"'l'hen.: \\ lsi (;UCl!!it Sltcakcr on Educutional I al 3 0 dock In \\ 11I1t11i lIoUse I 1.:",It.'r Cruisc Dance for Dancing Class I ' l II.n\orth of \\ alhngfol d f·enl' sec I I f P rogranl 'I'UCS(uy lohn I~!-Itu I1Id III O"'l.:lr S :\e!sulIll.:n:"nl thnlU~h thl t I til III II'" 1111 0 :\Ir .. l \\ :\h i)O\\dl let II \ of 11\1.; 1'11I1.uklpllll \ "'" :\1 C \ I h~ .. tul1t.:nt lillllllllttt.'<.: for the <':rms!.' of th(' BO\ SWills of \1I1!;flll f I J IT \\111 !-Ipt.' tk to tilt: \oung 1 fllllds (.10111' I 1'''lr 1"""11 f '" ,r,.m ".IT,,, 1,,1 I}I ir 11111 ~Ir . . JII1H: .... I I,ogmtus I a\('lltIt.' S\\lrthlll.n ~ \\1 II Spt.' 1k 011 I rug den .. \Ht.:kh lIIectmg \\111 hl' eh"ctls~l.:dl)'lr IlId )'11" \\Jihllll:\1 IlllH\ \Ir Plrt.'llbI In \\l1l1lill\ IJr Bookhllll (I I 11K: rOil . . 01 tIt.' I 1111\1 II I-trl( Il' l I I"S \\1 II I I I I kl I I l l' '" II \(11.: 1 1II( ot Il'l lilt lJ{ C ., r .111( WI "Ul1Jl'( 0(1 t:t .. gl\lII.., It.:lllt.:\tllll.:llt 11111 )'Ir", I I 11l' ....l'nbrut.:h :\11 lilt! lIIel ttl ~IC' ~'lIt I,r I1Il lJll'nt (angl.'r :\llI''illllll'" 111,., f I I I I I 'I I .,'I r" I'\U\ I) I.: I 11' I 11111.' .. ug-f.,:estlon . . for t:ldl grult.' of Cuh t:Ul )'Ir .. Sl'\\lll \\ I lodge Mr 111<1 :\11 tilib III 1111:11 lillltlltlls pl'r"'onlhtll'S hlluls of frugs and toads of the eastern ~Ir uut :\Irs I: \\ Colhn .. :\Ir U1d .\ r Ill( I 'I -, rs hI.: urdt:red IIId 1c1I\HII.:S lor tltl.: f,r<;t \Ihtrl SHIIII.:\ luhl1-.011 Dr uul )'Irs tlll' I (Jlllt.'t d l\thlll1l11lg "'tl\slll\t.' or Ir LlIlled St Ill: ... ",,1 11111 I 1.1 I 1II~ IliS Ittiurt.' .,'I r.... I'en\ I .n I(It 1111 I 'I l 1(lm \ \1111)111\ ).Ir 1Il th It rhl' lIll'r oi I arada) Park .\11 s lill I II I 1 I al Ie) ot I angh )rlll' and ~Irs ::\orm:J.n at el \\i1 \\Oltl l\tl\ 1"1111\ :\\r ... Stilnll.:) ~lal ~llllan ~II;'; C.. 01 Ml Zim Illl1lltcr l,ccti) of lll'alllllont 1 exas and mer ),1 rs elc\l.:n greatgrandduldrcn {\Hlla 110\\ I'crkll '11)\\I[~htICO{kllc\1 ).tr""IJosePCh IS _\ r!'. )'Irs re(l'flC lar<1 I lora, Ruth, \Vdham Jr and John \V ~rcDo\\ell jolm C ang.\ lloore IS:\11" CI)mcr, Eh NatIOnal aJuh .... n' D".r L ....1It I 0 f :\(ounl Vernon cemcter,) , Pllliadclpilia '(Conlmu£d on .., POD~ S,zj l I an~lll;cl"SltllS Jla~lltll1g I~____________~____-.__----------------~~1~B~E~S~W~~~~~~~--~--~----------~____~FEBRUARY1~ Van Kirk-Blessing ~%.~:s~~~~e w;:~=/:!~';;;gth:t 'I L School Hites Perf ormed "ary YO.n •.•• fr:~:'~:'n~' H~:'t!I,I;~i1ard·eteulphmiaed,IMII'8. Snow 1938 BWABTUMOIIE, PA. Birth Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reeve Cam" pion, of Rose Valley, have announced the birth of a daughter on February 14 in the Fitzgerald Mercy Hospital, Lansdowne. The baby is a grandchild of Mr. and MrS. H. Clifford Campion, . Jr., of Lapidea Hills. - •• ley, of Walnut lane, Swarthmore, will be performed on Saturday, ~:larch 19. Guests included former classmates of the class of 1932, Swarthmore High School. Miss Florence Hoadley, of Walnut lane, will entertain at teil tomorrow afternoon in Miss Warner's honor. *• * Henrietta \Veber • •• Miss returned There will be a supper meeting of the last week to resume her teaching dulie:sl Parent-Teacher Association at The at the College avenue school after School in Rose Valley this evening at erat months' iilness. During her a~:~:~~:111 o'clock. her sixth grade class had Mrs. I * * Coleman as substitute. Mrs. Arthur W. Kent, of Benjamiu • • • \-Vest avenue, was the week·end guest "1 d M J h B d' h of Mr. and Mrs. Ward D. Kerlin, of Announcement has been made of the l\' r. an rs. 0 n ow Itc , MC'orestown, N. J. marriage of Miss Edith Daughett Lewis. of Elm avenue, had as their guests daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hard. week-end their daughter, Mrs. Martha * * * Mansfield, and Miss Jean Murphy, both Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Peirsol, of ing Lewis, of Norfolk, Va. and William of New York City. L a fayet t e avenue, WI'11 en t er talO ' a t supWard Moss, Jr., of New York, son of • • • per in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mr. and Mrs. William Ward Moss, of Miss Nellie G. Collins, of Park McCowan, of Banff. Canada, next Yale avenue, Swarthmore, at Christ who has been spending part of the Th~rsday evening prece~iing. a lecture St. Luke's Church. Norfolk, at 8 o'c1locl'l ter in Washington, D. C. has gone to which Mr. McCowan will gIVe before Saturday evening, February 5. Miami, Fla. for the month of February. the Rutledge Horticultural Society. After a wedding trip in the south Mr. * * and Mrs. Moss will reside in Nl!w Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wilson, where Mr. Moss is practicing law. Park and Michigan avenues, witl be • • • home tomorrow afternoon from 4 until Mr. and Mrs. A. G. McVay, of North 6 o'clock. Colton CbaUse and Crepe Chester road; Miss Hannah Smith, of * * * Sizes 12 to 18 Wallingford Hills, and Mr. Joseph Susan Wolters, of Cedar lane, a freshRedueed to Youmans. of Elm avenue, will attend man at Rochester University, and Pristhe Alumnae dance of Miss IlIman~s cilia Clayden, of Westdale avenue, a school tomorrow evening at the Belle- U niversity of Pennsylvania student, were THREE DAYS ONLY vue-Stratford H:te~, ;hiladelphia. among those who attended the Mon. Tues. Wed. Feb. 21 Feb. 22 Feb. 23 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ward, of carnival at Dartmouth College last weekStrath Haven avenue, left yesterday end. KITTY McLEAN to spend two weeks in Miami, Fla. * • 1\h. and ~frs. Edward A. Jenkins, 104 Park Ave. - * • * : ~ SALE DRESSES ALICE KRAFT RHYTHMIC DANCING $2.95 *• • * Thursdays - CoUqe Avenue Kindergarten Room. Boy. and Gil''' - 4.10 year. ADULT CLASS Friday Mornings 10.00 A. M. College Avenue 3,00 and 3.30 P. M. Gymnasium Miss Frances Fitts will entertain a North Chester road, left Tuesday to spe""I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ group of her friends at a party in cele- a week at 'Colton Manor, Atlantic City, bration of her seventh birthday at her N. j. ••• Mrs. Gerald Effing, of formerly of Swarthmore, with the president of the Lancaster Woman's Club and three other women from Lancaster cnter· tained at luncheon at the Ingleneuk preceding the annual frolic at the more Woman's Club on Tuesday noon of this week. ••• Miss Mary Kistler, of Park had Miss Dorothy Hudson, of Chester, -MANORTHEATRE Prospecl Park Chester Pike Free Parking JOT Our PalroR$ in Rear 0/ Themre Frlday-L""t Dayl Claudette Colbert Charles Boyer in ~~To,rARICD~~ Saturday, Monday and Tuesday (Continuous show Tuesday, Washinaton's Birthday, staJ1ia. at I P. M.) Half·Price School Rate ~\ , . \~\ii~tib. home on South Chester road tomorrow afternoon. For a Pleasant George Washington's Birthday Come to the Inn - Avoid tbe care and trouble of preparina a large dinner at home. Let U8 8p.rve your family dinner Held OVer Sonja Denic - Don Ameche "Happy Landing" with Jean Hersholt. Ethel Merman, Cesar Romero, Raymond Scott QuIDtet, Leah Ray. MEDIA Frlday-Snturday JACKIE C~OPER in "A BOY OF . THE STREETS" Awarded the Parents' Magazine medal for the best piC::hlre of" the month. Extra! "Inside Nazi Germany 1938" in The New March of Time Also First BUD News Monday - Tuesday "The "VICTORIA. THE HURRICANE" with' GREAT" Anna N""IIIe--AnIOD Wa!brook DINING ROOM and TEA ROOM TELEPHONE DETECTIVE I Open from 1.00 to 8.00 P. M_ The 11:43 ground to a stop and a young man ju.m~ to the station platform. In leu than an hour his brother was to wed and the youth had traveled far to act al beet man. He tipped the Red Cap and strode into a teleJj~e booth to spread the glad ti· of hil arrival. But alas, be Jack a bit of information -the name of his brother's hotel. Nor did he know where the wedding was to be.. Ah, hut he did know the bride's name. Swiftly he thumbed througb the Directory. He found the number, but could get no anawer. The wedding party had already departed for the chUrch. It was a sorely ~lexed young man who confronted the station telephone attendant with his problem. She took it to heart and began to call aU hOlels throu~hout the city. No ... no ... no. "I m 80~. no one by thal name is registered.' Then she got a better' idea ~ •• the marria~e license bureau- There a clerk formshed the name of the cl~an and church. A can revealed that brother was still a bachelor-but DOt for long. "Bey, tasir' A detutive could not have done ,. beltel."wodt than tbatoperator.Such young women. a1er~intelligent,eager' to serve, I:ielp give America the finest, f ..tes~ moet reliable telephone &erv· iee in the worid. The Bell Telephone ~mpany of Pen~"lvania. STRATH HAVEN INN Swarthmore, Pa. F. M. SCHEIBLEY, Management "Mind" is the subj~ct of the Lesson· Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, February 20. The Golden Text is:· j!O Lord, how great arc thy works I and thy thoughts are very deep" (Psalms 9Z :5). ••• Methodist Chureh Notes Class of the Sunday School. Major van de Boe served with the 80Sth Infantry in the ~World War.. He superintendent of the Sunday School and leader of the Bible class in the parish from which he ~nd his family have recently come. Miss Olive Cleaves ",ddressed the Young People's Fellowship last Sunday evening. A vigorous discussion followed. The next meeting will be at the Rectory on Sunday evening, February 27. Twenty-seven College students, rep· resenting twelve foreign countries were the supper guests of the Rev. and Mrs. J. Jarden Guenther last Sunday evening at the Rectory. I .. This evening will mark the ~~::~I:l~ of .the Annual Mid-winter E League Institute. The meetings wHl be ... 11~ld at the Fletcher Methodist Epis. copal Church at 54th and streets, Philadelphia, and will extend through tomorrow. The Women's Foreign Missionary Society will hold its monthly meeting Wednesday afternoon at 2 :30 o'clock. Next Friday evening, February 2~, the church school \vill have ail indoor picnic in the social hall. Various games and contests have been arranged for different age gro~ps. The "program, which is to begin ilt 7 :30, will be concluded at 9 o'clock with refreshments. Last Sunday evening Rev. Clarence F. Carter, pastor of the Swarthmore Methodist Episcopal church, filled the pulpit 'of the Epworth Methodist Episcopal church at 56 Race street, Philadelphia. This service differed slightly from the usual exchange service. Mr. Carter had attended this· church as a boy and his presence there was the occasion of many old pcquaintances renewed. • AWNINGf'WINDOW fH;lDE5'5L1P{OVERS ~ vENETIAN BLlNDf·UPHOLSTERY SVC ... SEA'T5 iT cAN'TSE6 ; 4 TMIHG~! - PROSPECT PARK.PA. ON ME "'''10 LAUGH WHEN 11'0- YOU'LL I • Tomorrow Evening's Chaperons • .. I. :.::=-..,.•.--- MEVER MAva A COMPIoAIMT II' ''ln~'o.,r~n,bl,re The gro.,p 01 S,"arll,mOre alumni who have been meeting at the CoIlege every two weeks for dinner and an economics discussion meeting series heard ,y NEBras'ka 9800 "FAREWELL TO THAT POLAR BEAR FEELING!" No. 318 I================= \ The of the Batter Coal for only Sc more •Levari Pad.. 8HBRlJI'lI' BALES Renew 101 I. ~ Sporle six of their mothers, Mrs. Paul WilJune Term. 1931 SherUr'. Olllce. CoW1 BOUie. lIedla. Penna, Bei.,.g Dietributed liams, Mrs, Jonathan Prichard. Mrs. During the past week, the College Alfred H. Marsh, Mrs. George Dunn, AU that oortaln lot or piece of lJI'ound with Saturd.,.. Jlarch 6. 1038 the mellilual'e or tt"nemenl. thereon erected lit· Delivery of the new Delaware County Mrs. David McCahan. and Mrs, Charles basketball team ran its string of vicuate on the South~. eBt lIide of Dres,,1 Aveuue $1::10 A. )I. Eaetem Standard '11me 11I1Iy teet wide) at tho dietance of three tclephone directory "began yest~rday Andes, rode into Philadelphia. where tories to seven straight. It defeated I5lx,y·Rvt" feet 8outheaetwal'd I~!;O.OO C..b or certified ebeck hund..... and (Thursday, February 17), and will visited the old Broad Street sta- Stevens 48 to 20 on the 9th; Lehigh 42 at CondJtIOIl8: time 4.11 l&Ie (unlrM otherwl., .tated In from the Southeaat Kide of State Road (fift,)' linuc through Saturday~ Fehruary 19. . and saw there an exhibition train to 31 on Ihe 12th, and Earlham 45 10 advertleemt'nt), balance In ten day... Olbef" teet wille) In Upper Darby TownsblP. COunty of Delaware, Btate 01 Penm,.I'f'anla,. beI~ C'OOOltiOllM on d8¥ ot sale. ",as 811110ulIl'ed hy Herbert S, :;howillg various types of Pennsylvania 39 on the 14th. knowil lUI Lotl5 Nos. 808·80D on Plan or No. 878. Hill Realty Company; contalllhlC" In front. or manager for the BeU TeI.ephol1e Company J.ailroad equipment which had been The women's basketball team de- Levari Farias breadth on the aaid Drexel Avt'!Due sixty feet of Pennsylvania, specially arranged for them by R. C. and e][tendlng ot that width til lengtb or depth September Term, 1937 leated New College of New York, Z4 to Morse. Vice President of the PennSoutbwetll\l,'urd betweell parallel Unea at right • I • at Swarthmore on the 12th. All tbat certain brick store ••'d,d,!,'lU~1" BIIlt'll'lf to the Ilaid Dre][el Avenue. one hun· sylvania Railroad. Mr. Morse is the uncle Eleventh Grade' or pleee of land situale dr.i,"'~-; tlI't'd and twenty-live feel. The swimming team was submerged side of Second etred a& tbe Pret!ente Program of David McCahan, one of the 2nd grade by Delaware in the Taylor pool at feet Pteaaured Under and 8ubJed to certain condition, and pupils. restrictions. Newark. Delaware. on the 9th. The Monday, February 14, the eleventh The gnide returned to Swarthmore count was Delaware 53, Swarthmore Impro\'emenls consist of three Itor,. slone graue American Culture Class of Swarth- for lunch and a discussion of and ItUeco houfIC, 18][30 feet: one story stucco Carroll won first place in both the more· High School presented a program morning's visit. Afterwards the childaddition, lJx12 leet: two stu". Jltucco addition 3xD [(!et: stucco garage, 9][18 ' devoted to scenes from the life of Lin· ren enjoyed a birthday party given in 220 and 440 free style events, for th~ Sol') a8 the prollCrly o[ John H. Kramer. only first places won by the Garnet. coIn, aud singing by the Music C!ass and their classroom by David McCahan to mOrll'ONrOr anll Ma.uriee H. Matsinger, real owner. by the Assembly. The scenes they depicted celebrate his eighth birthday. ...' • I HARm.!) L. ERVIN. Attorne,-. from Lincoln's life included: the call I I of the nominating connnittee, a social Girl Seout New8 Addrea8Ca .Lebanon Firemen WILLIAM W. McKIM, Sheriff. gathering in the White House, and the 1· . tl be 01 , d I L I h omorrow mornlllg Ie mem rs surrell cr 0 ee at a arm ouse near T 6 '11 ··t h CI t Times I John Burris West, of Dickinson aveImllrovemenls consist of two slol')" brIck Appomattox. rOOI) WI vlSI ~ e les er. .. SHERIFF SALES houl!e. 20zGO feel: one story frame '1 I ,offices as a l)art of their study of Journal~ nue, was the speaker of the evening. &okUi,,'aud •• 20:1:20 feet: brick garace, 20s.21 feet. 1 Ie cast was as fo lows; Mrs. L1ncoln,. I I J I' 'I 't B d Tuesday, before a meeting of Leb~ SherIO', Omce. Court House, Medlll, Penna. s be Ism or tle J.'Wert age. as the property of Michael )lameWn G erllrul(I~ S CI10 b·mgcer ' tone, Ro rt The Girl Scout House is in u~~:~:I~a:n~o~nrd~county firemen. He told of fire andSoldPetro Saturday, February 20, 1038 Lema, mOl'tgagors and the aald V eat> a1l1e; Mr. u ney, John Hayes; d f h . in industrial plants and the Petro Lema, IlIld Annie Mamchln, William n::JO A. M. Eastern Standartl Time Mr. Lincoln, Walter Jones; Susan, Eliz- nee 0 rugs, t e ones now.on Its keeu, IVi.' played by the local volunteer fire- Mamchln, Nicholas Mamehln • .John )lamchin, 011'0. MamchIn and Waner Mamchin. real own abeth \Vhitaker; Mr. Tucker Hill ard are wo~n through and do httlet10,nllooel Conditions: 1250.00 cash or eertiOed check the cluldren warm underfoot. man. . ' - y at lime 01 sale (ulilesa otberwlse stated 111 S weney; Mr. Prtce, James DaVIS; Mr, I ' "d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WH. B. HARVEY, AUorneJ'. advcrtisemenl) balance in ten days. Other con· · d' R b rt CI M M i t h J 1 contemp atmg castlllg aSI e one or more ditlolls on day of sale. H m, 0 e ay; r. ae n as. 0 m SHERIFF SALES '[ BI' S 1 M ' D' 9 x 12 foot carpets are assured the rugs H orsey; !t rs. ow, ara 1 arle ISbe grateI u II y received . I l' I No. 804 Fieri Facias 'Iue' Mrs Otherl . E ' E t A would at t Ie Itt e Sherln's Office. CourL House, Media. Penna. No. 17 Ir,,..., Facias ' I' A' ICY" umce • a on; n white house on Cresson lane. Seutember Term. 1037 Saturd8¥. March 12, 1038 O r d er y, rt mr 0111115; Mr. Hay, Henry L I ' d I d L' G I oca resl ents are a so rcqueste mton;General enera Meade, Grant, William" ThomasEvans; Mar~ g? t h roug h t h' 0;30 A. M. Eastern Slo.ndard Time DecembeE' Term, 1937 shalt; elf a ld Kodak alb~ms All that certain lot. OE' piece of 11'0und with ""lleral Lee, Stuart' Jon'es. Jllctures of the un. derpas.s d,urmg Conditions: cash or certified check All that certain lot or piece of land, with the bulltllngs thereon erectv, I h hid at time 01 otherwise 8t.aled in the buildings and improvement. t.hereon erect· ~. slmate In anll the improvements Borough of Clifton Heights, I I • process 0 construction IC Girl mc ~~e~:;~~ II :::~~;.::: Jliluate Soutberly sidefeet of Broadway the Countybounded of Delaware and State of tool house from whichw the an in ten days. Other ed. Avenue, at on the the tUltance of nf·ty meaaured III Pennsylvania, and described accord· d A . . 14Il.,. WeetwardJ.y from Cherry Street. in tbe Bor- IIIit' to a. survey thpreo( made by George L. 2 o d G rad e I Dspec18 P • R. R. H Train ouse was evolve . pictOrial Facias No. 380 ougb 01 Clifton Heights. in the County of Pennock, in November, 1888. as lollowa:of the house is being p!anncd in Delaware and Stale of PeDDQ'lvania. Contain- Beginning at a stake in ,tb., middle of tbe Tuesday, Februar,y IS, was a gala I II' . d De be ~ 1937 In ... hi Iron. me.... _· .hence We,'ward'- a1o.g road leading Irom the Springfleld and Darb,. cem r ....::rID. .... W~Avenue, twen17-flve AI day for the pupils of the 2nd grade I lat a vISItors an Scouls may see the said Broadway feet R 0 ad 1 0 S amuet G . Le" v s "'II .... s In the llne it has improved from its modest All that certain lot or piece of 1P'0und with and ez.lendlnl' 01 that widt.h in length or of land late of Theodore B~wklD8, thence of the Rutgers avenue school. On the A . t . II' I' w,'11 buildings and Improvemen18 thereon erect.- depth Southwardly between parallel Unes at alollg- the middle 01 said Road and by said 9 :21 A, M. train twenty-three ",h,ildlren, tty tnc ure 11.1 liS connec Ion Situate at Manoa, In Haverlord Township, right anglell to the laid Broadway Avenue one land North four degrees. fUteen minutes East ... gratefully received, carefully reproduced County, Pennsylvania, and described hundred fifteen feet to lands of the :Media one hundred and sixteen feet and fifty·four their teacher, Mrs. Benjamin Groff, rdl tal I i Title and Trust Co. Bounded on 'the Eaet and hundredths uf a loot to a stue a corner 01 and returned to its owner. It may be sent ::: MI~fe:r'~~1' M!:a:~ :~:n::mo;!ie!id West by lands of Amelia F. Marshall. Being .obther I~~d lathe ut DenNJamln T. Long-streth to The Swarthmorean office or to Mrs. Tingley known andGrove deeignated Lot. 22 No.1023 179 on ence twenty·one .... onl" t e minutes same orlh de~ a f l..iSurveyon, t wit dated November IS, 1927 of Cherry dateda8M8,J' andPlan re- grees Eastsixty-three one hundred Guenther Froebel, 425 North Swarth. s 0 owl!. a :vised Auguat 13' 1923 and revised April 30 and eighty-seven ond eight hundred and IOV· Reinl' Lot No. 48 on the said plan be- 10"0 ,. ' euty-f1ve thousandth" feet to a &take thence _ ,. , ~illlling at a point in the Southwest side ot .... Is~1I1 by said Longstreth's land South twentymore avenue. Country Club Lane at the dilJt.ance of one Under and subject to cerlaln restrictions as I:! x degn~es. thlrty·nlne. minules EasL one hun· take Alumni Study Economics hundred nineteen three-tenths feet sIde South· Deed and Booksubject. No. 664, Pap 612 lic.. 1dred feet to a !l the Unet.hence ot land of pointandwhere South"'est of \ re~;;~. inUnder to certain rll'hts Hannah P. LeVIS andIII Slater8. IIlong '\f The Swarthmore I;lementary Schools hold the second lerie. 01 individual b t e ween t eaeh ers an d parh I f ' 5 SWARTRMOREAN Coll"lle New Telephone Direetorietl Attendance at these activities is vol- and one part time nurse. The Borough Council has approved "The former Welfare Division 01 the School Salety Patrols for and Tea in Woman'a Community Health Society has re, o"ntly The eighth grade boys arc interested CI'''b HOUBe; Thirteen.Month " become a new lamily agency THE 1938 FEBRUARY School C o n f _ auditorium and children and parents -N_t eek are cordially invitell to attend. PARENT COMMIlTEES APPOINTED FOR SCHOOL staff consists of three full time nurses Report Delivered by 1938 , , , SON" JOSl"'B'1I; QUJNBY .: . FUNERAL tIIILL: PHOMB • DIRECTORS' IIDU. PoLl3t-2-111· PBILADEL'B:I'A ELECTRIC COMPANY " . """;,iff'. tic.,..",;" :1 . THE 6 FEBRUARY SWARTBMOREAN NEWS NOTES 18, 1938 Ihere in Ihe capacily of physical educaOn Thursday evening of last week Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zahn entertained tion instructor. a duplicate bridge club, of which Mr. Mrs. J. Burris West. of Dickinson and Mrs. Wallace McCurdy, Mr. and avenue, spent Wednesday in Washington. Mrs. David Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. attending a meeting of the comPhilip Kniskern, of Swarthmore, are mittee planning the Provincial Conference also members. each summer at Orkney SIJrings, Va. held • • • Dr. and Mrs. William T. Johnson, of Pauline Beatty t of Morton, wilt enterOgden avenue, entertained an evening tain Friday evening, February 25. bridge club to which they belong last Friday. Marshall Schmidt, of Elm avenue, will • • '* entertain at a dessert-supper before the Mr. Daniel Goodwin is recovering from pneumonia with which he has been ill dancing classes Saturday evening. h' at IS home on Walnut lane for the past Dorothy Lueders returned from West.. two weeks. Edward Boyd and Mrs. Carroll Thayer presiding at the tca table. There will be a CQUllty trip to the Acadcmy of Fine Arts Oil Exhibit at Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Monoghan, of 10:30 A. M. ncxt Friday, February 25. Park avenue, entertained at dinner lad «('OIdimud /ro", Pao~ One) All interestcd shouhl l'olllmunit-ate with Saturday evening in celebration of Mr. lIome" hy Sihel1us. Mary Ann Hook, Monoghan's birthday anniversary which Mrs. Henry A. Pcirsol, of I.afayette avche observed Sunday. Guests were Mr. who studies under Mrs. Whitaker, was most effcl'tivc in ;t spirited Norwegian nue. and Mrs. Harold McDowell, of Chester; I I iJe Purser ~Irs. Claude Smith reports that orderly conduct and discharged upon Dr. Jones attends the meetings avenue, is spending several months visitJnouraaao Compeny of HadanI. :1 suhstantial al110unt has heen addcd to the payment of ·costs. o[ the National Vocational Guidance ing her mother, Mrs. Clara B. Zitt ill CoJSQOCticat. Miami, Fla. fund for new chairs, all donations (or The Fire Compauy responded to a Association. which are wclcomed by Mrs. E. D. grass fire at 716 Harvard avenue at Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moran, who have :Mrs. Margaret Phillips, of Yale aveBraulls in honor of the Forthieth Anniver- 12.20 P. M. Tuesday of this week. is spending the remainder of the been residing at the home of Mrs. Moran's sary of the \VOInan's Cluh which will mother, Mrs. H. J. Lumsden, of Kenyon winter season in Orlando, Fla. occur on March 15. avenue, left Swarthmore recently for the Mothers Discuss Adolescent 417 Dartmouth Ave. "Story of Geo. Washington" Billy Froebel, of Swarthmore ave- Devereux Farm School outside of DownNext Week nue, entertained a few friends at a ingtown, Pa. Mr. Moran will be employed Swarthmore 1833 The fourth meeting of the year for the Next Tuesday afternoon's meeting will birthday supper Monday afternoon. It Eighth Grade Mothers' Group was held he under the .'f'j ym I sal111g. Swarthmore Young Repnblican Thomas. Vlrgt.n Islands. U. S. A. aboard Mr. Frederick B. Calvert. of Park Club the. Furness Lmer S. S. Fort Towllslund and Michigan avenues. sailed Monday! $2 00 D e l which left New York on February 23. morning from Jersey City, N. ]. aboard • cer onp e She is taking her grandson, Eugene S. the M. S. Summerville for a four months No TIckets at Door Farley, with her !lnd wit.1 visit an 0ld1tril) to improve his health. Captain Axil I Call Frank Lawrence, Sw. 2026 Swarthmorean, MISS Jesste L. Hoopes, Kalckenborne, of Oslo, Norway, who ~;;.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; IS 0: . •"° I III =========""''''''''''''''''=~ I who Mrs. expects to return to Swarthmore ... \\;ith Farley. ~iiss Dorothy ;p::lc:r, of Swarthmore avenue, will remain until the end of Ma'rch with' her hrothcr-in-Iaw and sister, lfr: and Mrs. John B. Muskat, of Mimleapolis, Minn. whom she has been "\'isitjng since the first of the month. * • * ,. Mrs. T. Harry Brown, of Cornell avenue, left Monday to spend two days in v.,r ashington, D. C. WASHINGTON M lD1 D I A ~ Friday - Saturday WALLACE BEERY VIRGINIA BRUCE l "The Bad Man of Brimstone" Extral FIRST RUN NEWS - MAN 0 • • Protection now - later a • Monday - Tuesday The B ••• Foreign Film of 1937 CHARLES BOYER DANNIELLE DARRIEUX "Mayerling" Dia10gue in French with English Ti.les steady, unfailing income for life. "CHARLIE CHAN at MONTE CARW" • with Warner Oland7 Keye Luke, Virginia Field, Sidney Bladuner, Harold Hoher PETER E. TOLD Srart. TUNda,. A Spedal Request Enl'agement Janet Gaynor - Fredri~ Mareh 417 Dartmouth Ave. Swarthmore, Pa. "A STAR IS BORN" IIII;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~::::::::::::: R - THEATRE Chesler Pike Prollpeet Park Free Parking lor Our Patrom in Rear 0/ Theatre INCOME TAX An Internal Revenue Officer will be at this office Friday aDd Saturday "BAD MAN OF BRIMSTONE" during banking hours MARCH 11 Wallace Beery - Virginia Bruce Joseph Calleia - Lewill Stone FRIDAY, Guy Kibbe SATURDAY. Monday and Tuesda.y CAROLE LOMBARD FRED Ma~MURRAY MARCH 12 to assist the residents of this vici!lity in the prepara- Jobn Barrymore "TRUE CONFESSION" STARTS SATURDAY guaranteed security for you * • * * • tion and filing of income tax returns for 1937. Tax may be paid to this officer. with Una Merkel- Edgar Kennedy Wednesday Only IT PAYS TO VISIT THE MANOR Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Co. Thursday Only Ray Milland "WISE GIRL" FRIDAY The roaring story of the II(JPPIN ULn I"_c, 0'( AWNINGS· WINDOW 5HAOES·5I1P(1)/!{R5 ~ VENETIAN BLINDS' UPHOLSTERY PHONE RIDLEY PARK 600 • PROSPECT PARt<..PA. l\ HAVe: '(ou EVER APPEA~ED YlITMESS 8e:FO~E? wi •• . ~a.L 'UR1MORE All. TAIlIROFF liAR GOT GRAHAIIE WAtHR' IRENUN _ .... crC11 I. 1111I1I , AS A INWHAT_- 6U\T!, GO DOWN,.O .. HANNUM WAITE .I. MA_RIE~'S ===5==55 " . ::oC'li.55=5==== iitP-.".' TA6LE~~iil~'~ a' BETTER FOOD. COMPLETE SWARTHMORE 2100 =============== J. J's CHURCH NEWS 9:45 A.M. -Sunday School BIld Bible Claa. 11:00 A. M. - J40mblg Prayer and Sermon. Mr. Guenther wtll preach. 7:00 P.M.-Y. P. P. a~ Rectoq". WEDNF3DAY 10:00 A. M. - Penttentlal Office and Holy Communion. 8:00 P.M.-Litany and Meditation. SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. David Braun. MlnIster SUNDAY 9:45 A.M.-Sunday School. 9:45 A. M. - Bible Classe8. 11:00 A.M.-MOrning Worshlp. Mr. Braun will preach on "The Question.' 6:00 P. M..- Young People·s FelloW8b1p. STARTS CHESTER • SUNDAY Member 01 Federal Depo&i' lruurance Corpora'ion. STANLEY ... 0 8:00 A. M. - "Holy communton. _ _ _-:.. ~T=8:45LM.'---­ In a_._. Rev. J. Jarden Guenther. S.T.IL. ReCtor Allen Jenkins Miriam Hopkins - nesses shown in clay were the three G. 0., organist and choir director of St. Alexander McCurdy. Jr.• who' Iii. pfa.yed post commanders and Lincoln, Paul"s Lutheran Church. Collingswood, at the Swarthmore vesper services for ~_ynm&y_ N. J. Miss Gegenheimer is a graduate the past several years. She will play a IW&&fiDlOu, P&' NeXt Sunday morning the Rev. David ington and Pershing. Refreshments were served at the con· of Oherlin University and will be gradu- SymtH10ny of Viernc, a Pastorale hy Braun will preach on the subject "The elusion of the. entertainment. Question.." ated from the Curtis Institute of Mu~ic, Hoger-Du Casse, ami l'omr.ositions of • I • The Young People will meet Sunday Philadelphia, this year. She is a pupil of Bach and Schumanll this SUllUay. Auxiliary to Memorize Creed PBTEB 8. TOLD evening at (; o'clock. This i. the B4IIor of a series of discussions on "Re"Members of the Swarthmore Amerligion and Your Lif~ Work." ican Legion Auxiliary are urged to 65 cents - CHICKEN DINNER - 65 cents ROSALIE. DRYDEN The Girls' Choir under the direction study the preamble to the Legion Aux· WESLEY A.M.E. CHURCH THURSDAY, MARCH 3 . lfe1rI Bdltcw of Mrs. James H. Hornaday will pre- iliary Constitution with the purpose sent the music for the church service of memorizing it to be used in the DINNER SERVED FROM 5:30 TO 7:30 P.M. l'IlOlUl 8 _ _ lOt ~unday at 11 A. M. .alute '0 the flag before each monthly a _ l t d Claa Matter. lAlt1lU1 24, All b f th h h d or delitleTed to your home - at - tile Post omee at 8wartJullore, ..... mem ers 0 e c urc an con- nleetl·ng. It reads "For God and Coun18H. uad._ the Act of March 3, 117'. I glceg:ation are invited to the World's we associate ourselves together for PLEASE MAKE YOUR RESERVATION EARLY .- . .of Prayer to be held at the following purposes: To uphold and FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1938 Friend,' on Friday. March 4. defend the COllstitution of .he Uni.ed Telephone Sw. 2176 after 4:30 P. M. at 2.30 P. M. States of America i to maintain World Day of Prayer March 4 Dean William H. Power•• of Syraorder; to foster and perpetuate .I'n;;;~~~~~:::::=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ cuse University, Syracuse, N. Y., wIll hundred per cent Americanism; to 011 . the first Fdday in Lent the be the guest preacher Sunday morning I no'"e,," the memories and incidents of World. Day of- Prayer, in which 'women March 6, at 11 A. ~{. Dr. Powers is association during the Great \Var; of all churches throughout the world Dean of the University Chapel and inculcate a sense of individual obliparticipate annually, will be observed Chaplain in the University. A cordial in· to the community, state and naunder the sponsorship of the Interde- vitatioll is extended to all to hear this to comuat the autocracy of both nominaiional .committee. of Swarth- distinguished lecturer and preacher. the classes and masses; to make right · more. of whieh Mrs .. Richard Tunis is The Church Citizenship Class Will the master of might; to promote peace president. This year Friends" :h.leeting lIleet in the church study at 10.15 A. M. and goodwill on earth; to transmit to wilL act as host and Mrs. Chester Rob- Sunday. Mr. Braun. will continue the posterity the principles of justice, free· erts is in _charge of the program. All discussions of the church and the and democracy; to participate in women .are invited to attend the serv- Christian faith. All young people 12 or and contribute to the accomplishment icc at 2.30 .P. ·.M. March 4. . over who are not members of the of the aims and purposes of thc Am. I • i chun:h arc IUvited to become members erican Legion; to consecrate and sallt'the class. tify our association by our devotion Chri~tian Sciellce Chureh The Church HOltr Nursery will meet to mutual helpfulness. The next meeting will be held on UChrist Jesus" is the subject of the Sunday from 11 to 12 o'clock. Parents are invited to bring children ages 1 to the afternoon of Thursday, March 10, Lcsson-SernJOn in all Churches of Christ, 7 to this department during the church in the Legion Room in Borough Halt.; Scientist. on Sunday February 27. I I • I Golden Text is: "We preach not Thill lip> m ..... that you can place complete con1idence in no Studeut Organist for Vespers to give you factory..approvm service on your car. It: means selves, but Christ } esus the Lor~; an~ that: we employ skilled. mechanic:e--that "We have the tools and Methodist Church Notes · ourselves your servants for Jesus sake At the vesper service in Clothier }lemequipment: especially designed for fast, efficient and economical (II Corin.bians 4:5). orial at 6 :45 P. M. Sunday instead of work--and that we. carry genuine parts for 'Chrysler and Last evening, Thursday, members , I I Students' Program of the scheduled Plymouth cars . . . . Drive in now for a free safety check"up. the Senior Choir enjoyed a Wash· Adult Class to Hear Presbyterian ington's birthday party, in the Church chamber music there will be an organ recital by Claribel Gegenheimer, F. A. & On Sunday, February ZI, the AdlultIUl~'" the leadership of Carl Behennaf· F' d' 1{ e. Tonight. Friday. at 7 :30 memIJers 0 TICKETS NOW ON SALE YALE AVE. & CHESTER RD. Swarthmore 1250 Inn · Class of the S~art . o~e 'nen s e ~ the Church School will gather for an for ing will meet 111 Whltl1er House on the . . . . I S ' I I II f h "GOLD IN THE HILLS" CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH I. '45 A M J h lndoor plcmc m t Ie octa la 0 t e or . : 0. n ~hurch. Games and contests for all _ College Campus at.:J. "THE DEAD SISTER'S SECRET" · Maxwell Adams, chalrma!1 of Umve.rstty have been arranged by Virginia Directed by Charles D. Mltehell ,Work for the PresbyterIan EducatIOnal of the junior. department· Alice Sponsored by Presbyterian Church Board, wil~ ~pc~~ on uPro.tes~nt :Evanof the primary department; Aid Committee PLAYERS CLUB HOUSE gelical Rellgton. All arc mVlted to Mrs. L. L. Hedgpeth, for adults; Mrs. QUALITY WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE MARCH 18, 19-AT 8:15 P. M. tend. Ralph Wentzel, for the older group; Tickets $1.0& from Mrs. Thomas Jaekson (8w. 1192) • •• Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman in charge Buchner's (8W. 240) Trinity Parish Notes refreshments and Miss Eleanor Mrs. Agnes Baig Sbeldon (8w. 585) $hinn, superintendent of the The Young People's Fellowship 3chool, as general chairman oi the ~ "~'+:~!J.._{,. meet at the Rectory on Sunday ev.,nilngl event. RefreShments will be served at 7 o'clock. P. M. A most enthusiastic group met at the The pastor will visit the various FOR THE FOOD MARKET _ Rectory last Monday evening as mem- Church School· classes this Sunday lo bers of the Rector's Bible Class. Others enrol1 pupils who desire to join the Che8ter Road at Rutgers Ave., Swarthmor~, Pa. are cordially invited. to come on Monday M"embership Class which when 5: e\·enings at 8 o'clock. -" i. formed wil(· kHe&'··duHng the Church • /.;.~ Friday and Saturday, February 25th amI 26th The Lenten schedule will begin on School Hour. ,/ \Vednesday with the Penitential At Junior Church this Sunday mornTelephone Shopping at Marlel's is as Satisfactory and Holy Communion at 10 illg at 11 o'clock there will be a draTRAINED TO SERVE as a J'isit 10 Ihe Slore · and the Litany, with a Meditation matization, "I'm Keeping Lent", preRev. ]. J. Guenther. a. 8 P. M. by Polly and Nal1cy Hoot. EJA large, beavy ear ru.obed down upon the treacherous curve. Too late the will be no service Friday Bernard, Helen Whitecar and Mayouthful driver appHed tbe brakesnext week but beginning March 11 Troxell. The object sermon theme The car swerved, skidded on the will be visiting preachers every will be "Getting In!' MAKE SUNDAY DINNER A LOOKED-FOR OCCASION soft gravel shoulder and, rocking evening. The Childrens' Lenten At 8 o"clock next Monday evening the crazily ~ cram.ed into a roadside tree. will also begin on the 11th. Young Woman's Association will hold Every \Vednesday in Lent, a business and social meeting at the Twotelepbone men, working nearby, with Ash Wednesday, the women will home of Miss Caroline Evans, 405 were the first to reach the scene. meet in the Parish House after the Church .. averford place. Mrs. L. L. HedgeQuieldy bu. earefully they Ii£1ed the limp youth from th. wreck. While Service for their Lenten sewing. Lun- peth is preslOcnt of this group. someone telephoned (or an ambulance, cheon will be .served after which there On VVednesday at 1 P. M. the Ladies they workedoverthe severeiyinjured will be leaders from the Diocesan Wo- Aid meets at the church for luncheon victim. With swift, sure fingers they man's Auxiliary to lead in a discussion and business meeting under the direcappHeda tourniquet to abadly gaahed of the work of the Church in rural fields. of Mrs. Frank \Vindell, president. leg. Next they straightened and Next Wednesday there will be the All vouchers must be returned to the bound a frac.ured arm. not later than March 3 if proper ular meeting of the Woman's Guild 2 :30 o'clock in the Parish House. credit is to be given in the annual La..... as th. youth w .. being lif.ed into the ambulance, the interne IConference:..:r:.:e::co:::r;,;d;._ _ __ = TRINlT'l' CHURCH with Hugh David - I SWARTBMOBEAN Pre.byterian Cbnreh Notes '111E. SWARTBMOREAN Proteotant Ji;p1BcOpa! Chester Road and COllege Avenue There i. no charge for the service. "THE OCTOPUS" THE 1958 II '0 * FEBRIIMty •• Question Mrs. Phillips An interested group of J. ]:s met day evening at the Elm avenue hOl110 I of Elizabetll Bowditch and after the ular meeting. heard Dorothy W,dd,,1 t'hil.ips who spoke on "Popularity" and answered questions of a widely varied nature. The next meeting will be held on Sunday evening, March 6, when the J. J.'5 expect to have the Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, rector of Trinity Church, Swarthmore, as guest speaker. ••• The Harold Ainsworth Post of the American Legion entertained The City quUtlng In Whittier House. Box. luncheon. Post of Chester and the Ridley Park All are cordially 1nvited. Post in the Legion room at the BorYETHODIBT BPlSCOPAL CHUBCIl ough Hall, Monday, February 21. Clarence P. CaRer. A.B •• D.D., :MInister 8UNDAY Post Commander, J. Paul Brown, 9:45 A.M.-Chutch ~ooL I presided. Past Commander Alben Ea11:00 A. M..i..- Yorta1na: WoI8hlP. venson was in charge of the meeting. '1:45 P. M. - BveIflDa Worsb!p• PIBST OHUBCH OF CBBIST. SCIBNTIST, Brief remarks were made by J. H. OP SWABTBMORB Graber and R. H. McCadden, com. Par~ Banard manders' of City Post of Chester and 11:00 A. U. - 8wI Y School. Ridley 'Park, respectively. n:oo A. II. - Sun . y Lesson-Sermon. Wednesday meetlug _ -. S Sport ·firms . were Shown by H. G. p. m. Read'OI open dallJ". escep\Swi- Straub, Of, the Champion Spark days and hOllda 1 to 4 P. 11.. Cburdl edl4ce. .. Company and then Claymo entertailne 1 Ian cliliU fi I b II School girls' basketball team traveled na e. Eaton. Jeffrey Kirk, James Jackson, Dick :Mrs. Dana H. Bigelow, of Park aveto Haverford to administer a 24-16 de• I I Brown, Hebertoll Butler, David Morgan nue, with her daughter, June, and Mrs. feat to the home team. Sylvia Swann's Dr. Dozier at Rose Valley School and Leston Nickerson. The orchestra William R. Huey, o£ Henjamin West 17 points paved the way for the win. claims Dick Delaplaine and Jeffrey Kirk. avenue, with her daughters, Jean and The second team rolled up a 31-11 Dr. Paul Dozier, M. D. addressed an There is provision made for instruction Beth. leave today lor New York City count against the Haverford rese{ves. interested group of parents at the school in instrumental music during school time. where they will attend the Interlaken Telephone Swarthmore 10412 Scoring its sixth ~traight victory, the in R05~ Valleyd,. l~t Friday night on Although there are no members of the Camp reunion at the Roosevelt Hotel on . "Remedial Rea mg. . th d th I ff f h S warthmore sextet turned m a 24-19 H d h' bel' I th t h I h II ml1 gra e on e regu ar sta 0 t e Saturday. . . ' i e state IS Ie a sc 00 s s ou ( ....... _ " I' kvictory over their arch-rival Glen-Nor be 'bl f rt' t t \.Nrnet., severa PCOP:IC are wor II1g 10 I 'S k" responsl e or repo 109 0 paren 5 very hard to earn a place on the staff. on F e I)ruarJ,', . .~t l?me. ' . 0d 0 yff at the end o£ the second grade any drop Anne Bonine, Ford Wiggins, and Jac.. S th S wa?n an d EIgU! mJ carne. 0 below average in reading ability,' that q uelinc \Valiers have contributed some h onors WI th 12 3nd 8 pomt S . f thO scormg t ' died u nt'l respectively.' I IS repor IS e ay J th e th'rd 1 of the art work you may have seen. June Once again the jay-vees came out on ,?r fourth gr~de or Jater .the tr~~ment Morrison and Doris Lackey have written the long end of the score, topping the IS correspondmgly D1?re difficult.. Mo~t stories which appeared in the January visitor's seconds, 35-25. schools are not equipped for d,~gnoSJS issue. Two of our boys, J obn Schobinger On February 17, the six-game win- but should talk each case over with the and lfilton Fussen, have aided materiaHy ning streak was snapped at Westtown pa~ents al~d help to make c0!1tact for in operating the mimeograph. by a speedy \Vesttown team, 39-36. In skdl~ assistance before the third grade Neal Durboraw. Charles Gillespie, Edspite o( a spirited last haH rally, the level. .. .. \\'ard Mifflin and Edward Alston have Garnet and White was set down to its Dr. DOZier IS wor.kmg m the fields ~f been working with the ches~ club. first defeat that proved to be thrilling neurology and psychiatry ~Ild me'~tal diS· For the first time in their school life to the very cnd. Captain oe.tty, Doug- order:s ,at t~.e Pen~sylvaDla In~htute of class officers, have been chosen. Problems las and "Elgin" led the scoring with ~Iental HYgiene. facing the group as a whole necessitate I I I this organization in addition to the horne 12 markers apiece. The jay-vees turned back the West- Wesley A. M. E. Churcb Dinner room officers. For the first year the 101town second, 42-31. lowing people were chosen as leaders: The third team of Swarthmore High Joseph Quinlan, Trustee of the Wesley President, Gordon Douglas; Vice PresiSchool continued its winning streak A. M. E. Church. is in charge of arrange- dent, Dick BrowII: Secretary, Phyllis 011 Wednesday of last week by defeat· mcnts for the chicken dinner to he given Rhoads; Treasurer, Virginia Craemer. ing Westtown. The fourth team was at the church Thursday night, March The Junior Student Association, the he Church Stcwstu cut government b Q( Iy for t IIe seventh, not so successfpl. hut put up a good •3 f ront 5 :30 to 7 :30 . T i d fight, playing especially well in the last ards headed by John Pierce and the eighth, and ninth grades selects the presi· ('~f~er. k I I W'I' Trustees headed by Joseph Quinlan are dent, vice president, and the treasurer 'Fls. welc t lie teams dl'l ay Illllllg- ::'l!gagcd in a spirited contest to raise (rom the ninth grade. For the first semton onnell< s at lome an lOpe to come ;' ~5 00. £01' the Bulldmg . . . j . out top.' Fund. The dUlIler Olester t IIe to II OWltlg people served: gIVen by the Trustees. President, Alan Hall; Vice President, 8 I , G Dick Brown; Treasurer, Virginia Crae- ••• ================= • • * • * * 1'1"===============-:1 COAL & ••• FUEL OIL Van Alen Bros. TO MEN WHO HATE TO GET UP IN THE MORNING I I liS ~lrs. Raymnnd E. \ViI5011, of Ogden Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Fahl. of Park mer. During the second semester the students avenue, will elHertain at tea this a£ter- avenue. wilt entertain tomorrow evening before the Series dance. have chosen these people as leaders: noon. President, Ford Wiggins; Vice President, Alan Han: Treasurer, Virginia Craemcr. The Junior Cabinet, the executive committee o( the Junior Student Association, (·(lnsists of the clmirman and one other rf'llresentative from each home rOO111. The nintll grade representatives for the first st'meslcr were: Ford ·\ViggillS, Phyllis ,, . Simvsol1, Jeffrey Kirk. Theodora Hulme, Dick Brown and Jim Bowditch. New representatives are heing chosen in the \"arious rooms this week. The Swarthmore High School athletic program provides ample opportunity for I a large numbel' of participants in the var· iOlls activities. During the fait season junior high hockey awards were earned hy the £ollowing people: Anne Bonine, Grace Brewster, Theo Hulme, Rosamond Jones, Florence Whitsit, Joan Thatcher, Libhy Garrett, Barbara Nason, Iris Quinlan. Phyllis Rhoads. Margaret Sheppard. Buy Mason-Hellin's LAUNDEJlEI) and Martha Raymond. Those eanling Junior High Football coal and get Famous Reading awards were: Bob Bair, Stocky Comns, Anthracite - all coal. Prompt Anlold Chiquoine, Dick Brown. Bill delivery from a conveniently Brown, Heberton Butler, Alfred Johnson, Bob Roche, Page Bullock, George located ·yard. Earnshaw, Sam Mitchcll, Jim Bowditch. During the winter season basketball \ claims a great deal of attention. Every boy has an opportunity to participate in 00 intramural competition. A group of boys EGG CO~L from the ninth grade has been organized STOVE , for interscholastic cprnpet.ion with Malli Office 4th & Allegheny Ave. Caslt, Price Boothwyn. and Lansdowne. I Springfield. To order, phone In this group are: Dick Brown, Bud Eaton. Bob Bair. Charles Gillespie. Jeff\ rey ~irk, .P~ter Miller, Elliot Richardson, Robm Wdhts. Page Bullock, Sam MitOr call Local chell. Ford Wiggins and Stocky Collins. Jeffrey Kirk also plays with the junior Pirone SwartlrmoN 6 ' varsity. Grace Brewster, Virginia Craemer, I -- I When your furnaclt is filled with Koppers Coke you really can sleep later! This modern, scientific fuel responds ta draft - instantly! In no time the house Is warm as toast. And there are many other advantages! Koppers Coke is economical to buy -even more economical fo burn. Light and clean ••• long burning ••• hardly any ashes at all. It's almost all pure fuell One ton of Koppers Coke Phone your order taday! Mason Heflin RAINEY.WOOD COKE CO~ co. NUT i' MAIN OFfiCE• • NEBraska 9800 ~ason-Heflin Yard OBDINANCII No. 408 ____ 'Thi!> is their opportunity to secure first'rhe \VOI1lCU'S RepUblican Club of hand accurate information. Delaware County, Mrs. Jo"'eph HinkReservations for the luncheon must 5011, president, will hold its regular be made by 10 a. m .• March 2nd, with monthly luncheon meeting all Thurs-, Mrs. Wm. C. Alexander, 305 N. Monday. March 3rd. at 1 o·c1ock. Strath' roe' St .• Media. Phone Med;a 1462. Haven 11111. Swarthmore. The program, in charge of :Mrs. AlexFOR RENT ander ~WJl1g, club chairman o£ Young 1st floor apartment; 2 bedroome, Republicans. who will IJresent :Mrs. 1 bath - SI00 per month, Howard Stuckert, Jr., of Chestnut Hill, chairman of the Young Republicans of 2nd Boor apartment; 2. bedPennsylvania State Council. Mrs. room., 2 baths - S95. Stuckert will have just returned from Also several houses from SSO a meeting in Chicago o£ Glenn Franks to S150. Committee, of which she is a member. ~he will discuss the "Republican Plat· EDWARD L. NOYES form from the National Outlook." 13 S. CHESTER ROAD There will be a question box at the Telephone Swarthmore 114 door. Members arc asked to bring . W1f. B. HARVEY. AttomQ'. SHERIFI' SALES Sherlff's Omce. Court Ho\18O. Media. Penna.. No. 1'7 I U,.. ••I Fada. Satunla)·. llarch 12. lUBS Derember Term. 1937 ":30 A. lI. Rutern Standard Time 1bereon erectCunditlon.: 1250.00 caah or certified dleek wUh at lime of 1Iale (unlese otberw1ee Itated 10 ,:!Iiu,.." ofland, Broaolw07 feet meuured adnrUaemeDt). balance in ten dR)'lI. Otbel' ",......ill I. .be Bor· conditions on dB7 of sale. Coun17 01 No. 380 Conca1n.· ~~~fu:~~~~~~~:~~Of . ,twen\7' feel. ~~jt.~f~~1~f:~we w~ "0., 1 O:t ])e(!ember Term. 1937 All tha.t. eertain lot or pieoo of ground with buUdlnn and improvements thereon eredSituale at Manoa. In Haverford ToWDIhiP.liii~~,i''';;Cig.;;;~ Pennsylvania. and deacribed I; I:I~;.~,;:; County. to a certain plan designated "..ieher _".,i;,;:.-swTr~~act,~~ ::Manoa:· made by OVer and 11; dated November 18. 1027 .• Platforml~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~III~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~ I . 'j' • or 'Ifor party . management. '11 I 'V 1 '1t C d.." I· written suggestions (orpresen the _, rs. c,wmg WI a so I liam Kraft Jr., attorney 0 ..., e la, 80licitor to the Sheriff. 1'opic: "How wt No. 4.6 on tbe said plan bepoln' In .be SoutbweflL side 01 Club Lane at tbe distanoo of one nlineteen ami three·tenth. feet Soutll· !m[f~j~f:' a IlOlnt where Soutbwest. Bide of Lane produced Interaect. the of Cobbs Streeton produced. in front or breadtb Countr7 twenty·nlne and one·tentb feet and of thnt between width inPdrallel length or deptb line. at Country Club Lane one bunNorthwellt Une thereof ,the cenl('r of a certain whicb i8 laid out for of tbese premJlIe8 onfeet the Soutbwest Northwest fm' the premises deplb of of the Southwe8t Bide Club Lane. :~~~~~~ Under anti subject to certain retllrlctlons as reronled lin Deed Book No. 664. Pap 612 &c.. also Under and subject. to certain rirhtl l)rlvUegea as recorded in Deed Book No. can we encourage young lrtain at dessert-bridge ncxt Friday afternoon, March 4. • '* * Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lappe, of Yale avenue, will entertain at dessert-bridge community fails, no other can make up for that lack," she saiet ., " tected community needs it as much as a city school. There are many parents who could not and would not give infOrll'ation themselves. The school gives a scientific attitude toward the facts of me. Dr. Florence Richards, of the William Penn Girls High School, has done it effectively for many years through her child wdfare course. It should be done quietly, by interested, capable people. .. A community should educate its pa~ents as to how important this is to dllldrcn. School boards act when parellts want s~hool subjects in schools. Teachers' College at Columbia Universitl' gives courses on how to integrate this subject into other school material." Swarthmore WomeD E1ectecI "Hans Brinker," this season's third tomorrow evening. • • • production of the Players Club for its Junior membership, played to a deMrs. William H. West, of North lighted audience of children last SatPrinceton avenue, left Tuesday for,;) urday afternoon and to an enthusiastic week's visit with her sister, Mrs. F W . . house of adults for whom the dramaHadley, of Scarsdale, N. Y., a fomler tization of Mary Mapes Dodge's old resident of Swarthmore. Holland classic resurrected youthful * * •H. Reed, of Cor- Dr. Parker also spoke of the responmemories Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert The presentation was a credit nell avenue, and Dr. and Mrs. Franklin sibility that churches are recognizing throughout to the skilful and sympaGillespie, of South 'Chester road and Hal"- toward the young people they marry, thetic direction of Barbara Dolman. vard avenue, are among those who will and gave as one of the fincst books on Dramatization .of familiar classics ar~ entertain bdore the Series Dance to- this subject: "Men, \Vomen, and God." always threatened by !.I~e imaginary "The matter of sex education is an morrow evening. concepts which they encounter in every emergency measure today! If either the • •• audience. "Hans Brinker", set in the church, the school, the home, or the ' simple but effective scene created for p~~rt~m~t.h~~~n it by Hl'Ien Jackson, heard against th!' raised the theatrical standard of the. MATERNAL HEALTH ASSOC. clank of ice skates, enhanced by the Junior Membership of the Plilyers HJ:<.:ARS D1(. PARKER IN BOND colorful Dutch costumcs, more than Club. "Should Sex Education be Given in satisfied the audicnce. the Public Schools?" was the topic The juvenile members of the cast set which interested a large audience in a new standard. Mary Ann Hook's Bond Memorial, Swarthmore Collegc, Gretje was adult in its shading, natwhere it was presented by Dr. Valeria ural and appealing as a whole. She Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Vlachos, of 314 Parker last Thursday afternoon, Febplayed a gentle role wit h distinction. Park avenue, will leave next Tuesday ruary 17, before the Delaware County making the most of every line. Stephen to occupy an allartment in Philadelphia, Maternal Health Association. Dr. SI)enCer's Hans was a sinccre and satnear Mr. Vlachos work at Temple UniParker is a noted authority on social isfying interpretation, lending much to he is professor of the relationships. For many years she has versity where the play's success. Ruth Servais' classics. Their son, Nicholas, Jr., a sophotraveled throughout the United States Hilda, whose friendship for the more at Franklin and Marshall College, interesting communities in the need for Brinkers proved important at crucial sl:ent the week-end and Washington's sex education to be given by schools, moments, was charming and convincbirthday with Mr. and Mrs. Vlachos. homes, and churches. She maintained ing, while Bonny Morse's Annie was that youth. suffers when anyone of most effective when in a playful momen! thesc three agencies fail, and claimed, * * * she accepted Gretje's dub of "godThe next meeting of the Poet's Circ1l! "In the early days it was thought that mother" and pointed with her poker will be held at the home of Mrs. James sex education belonged entirely in the wand to the hidden treasure. Cochrane on Plush Mill road, Walling- home. Alert parents said: 'But we have Hans' friend, Peter, played by Charles ford, at 3 o'clock next ~1:onday after- no training and no vocabulary to give Seymour, was spontaneous and livel}' noon. Mrs. Robert Coates, of Harvard it. \V c depend on the schools to give and Jack Seymour's Voostenvalbert .lvenue, will review the most recent book it that.' Today, most material is given Schimmelpennick provided a most acceptable comic relief. Dick Davis as by Edna S1. Vincent Millay, "Conversa- in family relationships courses. Young tion at Midnight." -people arc asking for it. One of the Voost's English cousin had few lines, best text-books written at the time of ·the war was: 'High Schools and Sex Education,' by Siclonie Gruenberg. Then it was discovered that high school teaching came too late." The whole matter of the contribution of the elementary school was considered. Ten years ago a review of work done in public schools was made. It is said the best metho~ is to put nature study in the first six grades. It was brought out that there are "Doing the Weekly Wash" The new officers elected by the Delaware County Maternal J;Ieal,th Association include: President, Mrs. Arthur Dana; Vice-President, Mrs. Louis N. Robinson, olr Swarthl1lOrC'; Secre~ry, Mrs. A. W. Warner, of Media; Membership Secretary, Mrs. E. p, Yerkes, and Treasurer, Mrs. William Johnson, both of Swarthmore. .1. Girl Scout New8 Fifteen members of Troop 2 went to the Ice .Skating Aretta at Ardmore last Saturday night. Miss •Gertrude Gold, Delaware County Field Director, was at the Troop. meeting held in the ·Woman's Club House Wednesday afternoon. At the regular Troop meeting last Wednesday Kathryn Philbrick and Barbara Broadbent were invested. Patrol leaders will meet in the Upper Darby Senior High School tomorrow morning, Saturday, February 26, at 10 o'clock:" .1' NEWS NOTES I is undoubtedly the last remaining job of drudgery left in some of our homes of today_ Modernize your method of housework as you would modernize your home. For a very small amount each week you can send your wash to the MEDIA LAUNDRY Stop Our Driver or Call Media 174 "Serving Swarthmore Successfully Since 1900" ~~~=-~_~_;;;;._;;;;_;;;;_;;;;__ ;;;;___~~£__::. ~__~=======~~~~===~~~====~~ threewrongwa~W~9~ts~~~~ I~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tion in the home: Postponement; "not nice" attitude; angel or stork attitude. Coming into every school arc children badly handled at home. The exceptional parents are the ones who have answered every question honestly. No child is harmed by the true story of birth. By the time he comes to school, a child should find there the nature study of birds, fishes, plants, and animals. Properly given dissection is valuable. High school electives are too late. Recommended booksChildren, for the home: "Plant were and two Animal How They Grow," by Ellen Torrell, and "Growing Up," by de Schweinitz. The first of these makes a much more interesting "reader" than the usual lower grade reader. It \vas used in Connecticut schools fifteen years ago. Through nature study- a v.:>cabulary is provided. Children are full of interest. Before adolescence the child should receive knowledge of what is about to take place, as he receives it much more easily then than later. Fifteen years old is too late. For this reason, the hygiene of adolescence should be given in the junior high school. Facts presented at the meeting showed that before the World \Var, Oregon's State Legislature appropriated $60,000 a year for sex education in the schools, from the grammar grade,> up. Due to a committee of citizens who appeared before the school board in Washington, D. C., sex education has been taught there in the junior high school for several years. The subject should never be taught separately, but must be put into school material in subjects already in the school. The pro- UPHOLSTERING Here is an interesting fact. Scientific tests show that your efficiency is related to the sugar in your hlood. and that milksugar sustains your .energy longer. A glassful of milk between meals supp~ie8 this energy without upsetting your diet •. Housework becomes. easiell, afternoons enjoyable. . You will like the creamy flavor of Supplee Seal!l-est Premier A Milk. Every quart has a cup of cream. The purity of this fine dairyoproduct is guarded by the SEALTES'II SYSTEM OF LAlIORATORY PROTEC- Telephone Chester 2-5721 for courteous, dependable Sup- TION. plee service. S'UPPLEE WE ALSO SELL WALKER-GORDON MILK STORR BOl.JBS: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.-Mon" Tues. 9 A;M. to 1 P.M. Wed. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.-Thurs. 9 A.M; to le·p.M. Fri., Sat. Specials For Week of February 24th to March 2nd, Inclusive • Libby's CORNED BEEF I Reg. Size Can . . . . , . . 15 A Y W H E R Y (HALVES ONLY) UCO VACUUM PACK Del Monte Asparagus TIPS , ...... - ....•. GOLDEN G.RANULES - 2 12-oz. Cans PICNIC SIZE CAN DiU or Sour PICKLES NOODLES Full Quart Jar. . • • • , • • , 16-oz. Pkg, I Libby's PINEAPPLE JUICE--T all Can . . .. ,. MY-T -FINE Desserts All Flavors •••. 3 Pkgs. Hershey's Chocolate SYRUP-2 16-0z. Cans II 13 I Hartley's Orange MARMALADE - 16-oz. Jar e Red Ripe Slicing TOMATOES .... 2 lbs. 19 .,....... IDe I 7c UCO Fancy Melting PEAS - .. ,2 No, 2 Cans I---------------~~U~~-----------~ In All Its Branches A N Del Monte PEACHES Large No. 2 liz Can ..• e Furniture Restoring E PREMIER A MILK GIANT TIGER I (I 15 c 25\ l Sunsweet PRUNES 2 lb. Package. . . . . . , _ c 19e Full Pod UMA BEANS - 2 lbs. N Genuine Spring LEGS OF LAMB, .. lh. T I M E FRED J. HARLEY Call Swarthmore 1441 Solid Pound Print \ BUTTER ... , .. , .lh. 33 c- e I Candled EGGS in CartOllS ••••..•. '. doz. BALTIMORE PIKE AND HIRST AVE. EAST LANSDOWNE 15c 23 c 21.\ INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN -I--O---R"···S- -E-'--N'-J"O'y---·-~Jl\t - gave fun valuc to cach "Ya-Ya." Laura Lee Hopkins as Katrinka, JU"HANS BRINKER"" ).larian Schattc as Rychie and Albcn Earl'nsoll as Carl playcd thcir uns)'m- - ~lrs. --- ..... FEBRUARY 25, 1938 ---- .-- - - - - \.. A. Wetlaufcr, of Corlll·\1 a\'C-1 tcctcd cOllllllunity nceds it as much as a cOllllllunity fails, no other can make up nuc, \\'as ho~tess tu a lundll'oll al\ll hritlg.· city school. There arc many parents for that lack," shc said. . fuurson\\: oil I who l'onltl 1I0t and would not givc inSwarthmore Women Elected * * * iormation thcmselves. The school gives Thc ncw officcrs elccted by the Dc1apathctic parts of critical rich childrcn ~Irs. :\tlIhro~l' Van :\ll'II, of Park an'- a s~~cntilic attitude toward the facts \\'are County Maternal Health AssociastfOllgly l'l\(lllgh to prcsl'nt a foil for nile \\'ill cntertain at dessl·rt-hridgl.' lIl'xt of. "!l" Dr. !'Iorencl.' Richards, of the tion include: Presidcnt, Mrs. Arthur Atlultt4 Alt40 Find Lut4t Saturday't4 tlH' heroic charactcrs. Fri:lav aftcrnoon, :'Ilarch ~. \V"hal~1 Pcnn ~irls High School, has Dana; Vicc-Prcsident, Mrs. I.ouis N. Produt'lion at Players Club Thc adult mcmbcrs of thc cast w e r e ' * * * clone It efTectl\'c1y for many years /{ob;nsoll, of Swarthmorc; Secretary, • I . \. I through IIl'r child wclfarc coursc. It ~Jrs. A. W. Warner, of Media', },[emEntertaining cllual in the most part to thcir youngc: ~lr. alld ~I r~. E. C. ,appl·. 01 a l' should hc donc quietly. b,' intcrcstcd, I hcrshil) Secrctar.\', Mrs. E. P. Yerkes, , J1 I' . k " I' • tl'" . I' I I SKIT '11' ,1,,·.··.·.·I·I-I,I·I··I··c anti Trcasurer, ~lrs. \\,illiam Johnson, , . ans )rlll ·cr. t liS Sl'aSOIl S lIru assoclatcs. '.t IC ,. au llIan was avcnUl', WI elllerlalll at ~-'.,. " " capahll' pl'ople. J production of Ihc Playcrs Cluh for ils thc hercft :'Ilothcr Brinker, highly elll- lomorrow c\'clling. Junior IIIclllhnship, playcd to a de- otional, honcst and industrious. John * * * ":\ eOllllllullil \' should educate its hoth of Swarthmorc. lighted audil'nce of childrclI last . SatDoctor /loceklllan was all t in)lrs. \Vi\liam H. \Vest, of North dlil.lren. pan'nts asSchool to important this isI,arto • t' Spcllccr's . I .' f l" hoards :ICt \"llell Girl Scout New8 un Iav a ftcrllooll all( I 10 an cnt I1IISIaS Ie terestlllg c laractCriZallOn 0 tiC Irrl - Princeton a\'cnuc, left TUl'sday ior ; ) ' hOUS'l' of adults for wh(llll thc drallla- ahle l'cccnlric surgcolI, drawing many week's visit \\'ilh hcr sisler, ~I rs. F. \\'. cnb want school suhjects in schools. Fiftecn IIIcmhers of Trool' !. wellt to . f I 'I I) I ' II I. Tl'achers' (,·olll·gl.' at Columhia U lIi\'ertizath'"" ~ ary .\ apcs 01 gc s "( a chucklc :IS hc gloated ovcr liS oper- Iladll'Y, of S(ar~dalc, ~. '1'., a fonlll'r thc ke Skatil'g .-\rcna at Ardmore last I I011 a 1111 dassic rcsurn'ctcd youthful at ions. hut ;lIll'quatl' 10 tl.ll' tet.lsl·, dra- n.'sidl'llt of SwarthllloH'. sity gi\'Cs l'onrscs on how to intcgrate Saturday night. ~Jiss Gertrnde Gold, . ' k II I this suhjcct into othcr school matcrial." IIIl'mories Saturday cn·l11ug. 1 matic momcnt \\'hclI hy IllS S'I Ie re* * * Dc1awan' Coullty Field Dircctor, was at Thl' pn'sl'ntation was a credit: ston's the Fathcr's wits. :\Iexauder Dry~Ir. :11111 :'Ilrs. I{ohcrt H. \{l'l'(I, oi Cor- /)1'. 1':\I'ker also spoke of the rcsllon- Ihc Trool' mccting held in the \\'oman';; through"ut to thl' skilful and s),lIIpa-1 dl'lI's "Fathcr" was l'ft'ditablc and nell ilVCIIUC, al\(I I)r. al\(I )'lr:-. Franklin sihility that churchl's arc rccognizing' Club I·Jousl· \Ve!lncs!lay afternoon. At tlll.tir din'ction oi Barhara Dolman.! l's)ll'cially so ill thc difticult first act. Gillcspil', of South (hl'stel' 1'001.1 aJl(I J 1011'- toward the young' pcople thcy marry, thc regular Troop mccting last \\'cdncsDramatizatioll oi familiar da~sics ar'.': Irllla Kl.ighton plaYl'd thl.' millor rok \'anl avcnuc, arc alllong tho,.e who will a III I ga\'e as one of thl' lincst books on "·.I.lidt thl'Y ~ncol~.ntl'r ill. l'Vl.'ry with tinl'sse. 1I\0rro\\' e\Tlling. "The mattlT (Ii sex l'ducatioll is an: wi\) mect in thc Ull)lCr Darhy Senior audll'Ill'l'. Hans Brlllkl'r. set 111 the "Hans Brinker" W;IS ullllouhtcdly ••• l'lIIl'rgl'IlCY nll':tsun' today! If cithcr the: High Sfhool tomormw morning, Sat~impll' hltt dT(·ct in' SCl'nl' l'fl'atl.'!1 itlr I good l'ntertainnJl'nt. It should have .... •• ~ dlllrch, the school, the hOIllC, or the! Imlay, Fchmarv l(J. at )() o'doek. it lIy Ildl'n Jackson, hcard against tlll'i raiscd the tht'atrical standard of the .l\IATEI{NAL ilEAL J. II ASSOC. I ' l'!ank oi ire skatl's. l·nhanCl'.1 hy the I 11IIIillr ),1 t'lnlll'r:-hi" oi the Play.'r<; lI ..~AnS Dl(. PAItKEU IN BONn --N-'" \\'cdnc~lay. \1 I I I I. h~w I I: I' l'I,loriul I )utch costllllH'S. 1II0rl' than: l·llth. sati:-til'd thc altllil·nCl·. I • I • TIlt' jItH'lIilt' \IIl'lIIhl'rs of thl' cast SCI.! a IIl'W standard. ~I ary Ann II,H.k·,: (~rl'ljl' was adult in its shading. nat· i IIral a!HI al'lll'aling as a whok. Shc: plaYl'.! a IH·ntlt- roll' with distinctioll,: ),11'. and )'Irs, X. P. Vlachos, uf 314 making t Ill' lIIo~t oi cn'ry JiIlC. Stl'phl'n : Park avcnltc. will Icavc ncxt TUl'sday Spelll'l'r', Ilans was a sinCl're and sat- : to on'uJl\' an apartlllcnt in Philadelphia, i,iyillg inll'fprl't atioll. lending milch to i ncar ~J r: \'Iadllls work at Tl'lIIplc Lllitill' play's SItCCl'SS. Rllth Sl'rvais' \'l'rsil\' when.' Ill' is proiessor of thc Hilda. whosc friendship for the dassi~s. Their son. Xidtolas, Jr., a sophoBrinkl'fs pro\'Cd important at crucial lIIorc at Fraaklin a1\(1 :'Ilarshall Colkg~, ~t":ml·,. was c1~armin~ ":'III~I C(~I~\'il~~~ \ s~:cnt the wcck-cJl(I a 1111 \Vashingtoll's 1I1g, ,dllll Bonll) )'Iorse s .\IIII1C \\.IS blrthda,' with ).Ir. aud )'Irs. Vlachos. . lIIost l,tT(·ctin· \\'hl:n ill a playfullllolll l' n : I ~hl' aCl'\'ptl'd Cn'tjl"S dllh of "god* * * lIl(ltlll'r~ and pointl'd with Ill'r Jlokcr Thl.' Ill'xl mceting oi the Pol't's Cirde wall.1 tn the hi.lden trca~urc. will he hl'11! at thl' h"III(' of )'Irs. Jallll''; 'Ialls' iril·lul. I'dl'f. plaYl·d hy Charles (ochrallc on Plush ).Iill road, \\'allingSeYlllour. w;'s sJlontam'ou~ and livcly' ionl. at 3 o'clock lIext ).[onday aftcralld Jack Sl'ymour's \'ollstcll\'alhert nOIlIl. llrs. Rohnt Coates, of Harvard Schilllllldpl'lInil'k provided a 1II0st ac· n'('nuc, will rcview the 1110st reccnt hook cl'ptahh' comic rdil'i. Dick Davis as! Ity Edlla St. Vinccnt ).Iillay. "Collversa\'oost's English cousin had few lines, tion at ~Iidllight.'· NEWS NOTES I "Doing the Weekly W ash" is undoubtedly the last remaining job of drudgery left in some of our homes of today, Modernize your method of housework as you would modernize your home. For a very small amount each week you can send your wash to the MEDIA LAUNDRY StO)>> Our Driver or Call Media 174 "Serving Swarthmore Successfully Since J900" "Should Sl'X Education hc Civl.'lI in thc Pllhlic Schools:-" was the tupic whIch intcrcstcd a lar~e audiellce in BOlld :'Ill'morial, Swarthmorc Cullege, where it was prcsl'ntcd hy Dr. \'alcria P"rkcr last Thursday a£\l.'rIlOOn, Feurllary Ii, beforc thl.' Dclawarc Coullty ),1 atcrnal He'llth :\ssociatioll. Dr. Parkl'f is a noted authority 011 social rclatillllships. FOI' many years she has tr:l\'cled throughout the L'lIitcd States interesting COllllllullitil.'s ill the lIecd ior sex cducation to he gi\'en hy schuols, hOIllCS, and dlllrchl·s. She maintained that \'ollth slitTers whl.'n allY onc of theSl' thn'l' agcllcics iail, ami c1aulled, "III thc carly days it was thollght that scx cducation hl'1ollgell clltirely in the homc. Alert parl'nts said: 'I\ut wc ha,'e 110 training and n,l v(lcahlllal'y to gi\'e it. \Vc Ill-pcnd on thl' schools to gi\'c it that.' Today, 1II0st matl'l'ial is givcn in family rdatillllships Cllllrscs. Young pl'ople arc asking ior it. One oi the hcst text-hooks writtl'lI at the time ui the war was: '1ligh Schools alld Scx Edllcation; hy Sidollie Grucnberg. Thcn it was discovered that high school tcachillg came too late." Thc \\'holl~ mattcr of the eontrihution oi the elelllcntary school was considercd. Ten years agll a l"l'yiew of work done in puhlie schools was madc. It is said the bcst methOlJ is to put naturc study in the first six grades. 1t was brought out that thl.'rc are three wrong ways to presell t scx cducation in thc home: Postponclllent; "not nice" attitude; angcl or stork attitudc. Coming intn e\'cry school arc childrcn hadly handled ilt hOIllI:. The exccptional parents arc the OIll'S who ha\'c answcred every qucstion honestly. No child is harlllcd by the truc story of birth. By the time he cUllles to school, a child should filul there the naturc stndy of hinls, fishes, plallts, and animals. Propcrly given dissect ion is valuable. High school electivcs arc too latc. Rl'commCIHled wcre t\\'o books ior the homc: "Plant and :\nimal Children, How They Grow," hy Elkn Torrctl, and "GI'I>\Yin~ Cp," by de Sclml'iuitz. The lirst of t hesc makl:s a lIIuch more interesting "rcader" than the nsnal lower grade \'l·ader. I t was u~ed in Connecticut schools tiih"'n years ago. Through naturc stUlly a \'ocahulary is I'rtl\'i(II.'(1. l'hihlrcll are iutl oi intl·rest. Bdllrc adolesccnce the child shoul(1 rcceiYe knowkd~c of what is ahout tn take placc, as he rccl'i\'es it mUl'h \\lore easily thell than later. Fiftl'l'u ,-ears old is too late. For this rea sou, th~ 11\'~il'ne of adolcsccnce should be gi\'l'n 'in the juuior high 5chool. Fact s preSl'Il tcc! :i t the ml'l'! iug sho\\'ed that bciorc the \\'orld \\'ar, Orcgon's State Legislaturc appropriatl'd $(iO,OOn a year for Sl'X cducation in the schools, irom till' ~r:lIl11nal' gr;)(h:s n\>. Dne to a committl'e oi l~itizl'ns who appcarcd hch)rc the school hoard in \Vashingtou, D. C., Sl'X l'ducati(lu has becn taught there in thc junior high school for scveral years. Thc subjl'et should nCYCI' he tanght seJlarall'ly, hnt must he put into schod material in suh· jects alreally ill the selwol. The pro- ..- --.------- I GIANT TIGER STORE HOURS: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.-Mon., Tues. 9 A.1\I. to 1 P.M, Wed. 9 A.M. to 9 P.l\I.-Thurs. 9 A.1\I. to 10 P.M .•'ri., Sat. Specials For Week of February 24th to March 2nd, Inclusive Libby's CORNED BEEF Reg. Size Can . . . . . . . ME:: of this fine dairy.product is guar(lc(l by the SJ.:AI.TES1' SYSTK\I OF LA BORA TORY PnoTl-:C:TIO,",. Telephone Chesler 2-5721 for eourte()us, dependable Sup. plee service. SUPPLEE W H E R E PREMIER A MILK WE ALSO SEll WALKER·~ORDON MILK FRED E J. HARLEY Call Swartbnlore 1441 NOODLES Dill or Sour PICKLES Full Quart Jar. .... 10e 16-oz. Pkg. II II 7e Libby's PINEAPPLE JUICE-Tall Can. . . . .. Hershey's Chocolate SYRUP-2 J6-oz. Cans UCO Fancy Melting PEAS. . . . 2 No. 2 Cans MY -T -FINE Desserts All Flavors .... 3 Pkgs, IJ Hartley's Orange MARMALADE - 16-oz. Jar 19c Sunsweet PRUNES 2 lb. Package ..... 19 c Full Pod LIMA BEANS - II Red Ripe Slicing TOMATOES .... 2 Ibs. A N Y T I M u 1 II In All Its B"aI,ches N Y (UALVES ONLY) GOLDEN GRANULES - 2 J 2-oz. Cans PICNIC SIZE CAN Furniture Restoring A Del Monte PEACHES Large No. 2 Yz Can. , UCO VACUUM PACK Del Monte Asparagus TIPS ............ . UPHOLSTERING Herc is an illtCl'csting fact. Sdcnlific l{'sts show that your effieielH'v • is rdated to the surrar 0 in yom' ]']0011, atul that milksugar sustains your energy longer. A ~las!\ful of milk hetween meals su pplies this enel'gy without upsetting your diet. Housework hecomes easier, afternoons enjoyable. You will like the creamy flavor of Supplee Sealtest Premier A )1i1k. Every quart has a eup of cream, The purity 15e Ad' \· SHOULDERS PORK ..... . 2 lbs. 15c Genuine Spring LEGS OF LAMB, .. lb. 23c Candled EGGS in Cartons ., ....... doz. 21 c mE BALTIMORE PIKE AND HIRST AVE. EAST LANSDOWNE I I