, " -, "" 'For 'S;;artbmore . ? TH~ ? VOL X, No.1 XMAS CONTEST PRIZE A WARDS Displays of M08e8 Ewing, Frank S.Reitzel, and R. E. Wilson Win Judges' Deeision . , 12.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., JANUARY 7, 1938 IJbrary Board at 5 P. M. The I:me of lIext Monday's regular meeting of the Swarthmore Public Library Board will be 5 P. M. instead of Ihe usual hour. 7 :15 P. M. Th;' change will· be effective at this particular meeting only. PLAYERS CLUB TO GIVE COMEDY J. William Simmons Direct8 Sidney Howard's Comedy For January Production File Returns by January 15 Saturday of next week. January 15. is Ihe last date for filing of Personal Property Returns, The tax assessor for Swarthmore. Rutledge and Mortoll will be in his office at 417 Dartmouth ave~ nue next Monday, Tuesday· and \Vednesday evenings until 8:30 to receive the returns. Moses Ewing, of Columbia avenue, t The Players Club of Swarthmore will was awarded the first prize of five dolpresent for their January production lars in the Community Christmas DR. GREGORY ZILLBOORG Sidney Howard's delightful three-act Lighting Contest by the decisioll of th.. TO SPEAK SUNDAY comedy "The Late Christopher Bean". _ three judges. Each window of Mr. IN MEETING HOUSE Thi. play was originally a French play MRS. BRINTON TO and Mr. Howard has adopted it from ADDRESS W. I. L Ewing's house and garage. as well as the' surrounding shrubbery, was ilIumThe Adult Class of the Friends' First "Prenez Garde a La Peinture". Under inated with blue lights, which wefe vis- Day School has for its subject during the direction of J. WilHam Simmons, A meeting of the Woman's Internaible from a considerable distance. In the month of January the topic "A Per- who is wen known to Players Club au- tional League will be held on Wednesday, the sun parlor at the south cnd of the sonal Religion for Every Day Use." diences, an able and particularly satisfy- January 12, in Bond Memorial at 2:30 house was a snow covered scene of a Dr. Jesse H. Holmes opened the series iog production is to be anticipated. Last P. M. The guest speaker will be Anna Santa in a toy. filled, reindeer drawn last Sunday and on January 9, Dr. Greg.. year Mr. Simmons produced uAh, Wi1~ Cox Brinton. who will talk on "Current sleigh standing. befQre a house gay ory Zillboorg, outstanding New York derness I" the story of which was built -,:rends in Italy." M~s. Brintpn, who is with Christmas decorations, carefully City pyschiatrist, will continue the dis- around the trials and tribulations of an director at Pendle Hdl and former dean executed in scale. Shining through a cussion of tlle subject. adolescent son. The appeal made by at. .Mills College, Cat, is a traveller of bay window at the North end of the On January 16, Ethel G. Coates will that play will be equalled, jf not SUf- Wide ran~e. . house was a sassafras Chris.tmas tree be the second locc..l speaker to lead the passed, by the play Mr. Simmons hao; Tea Will be served and the League 10glistening with the sparkle of blue discussion and other speakers will be an- chosen this season. \'ites all those who are able to attend. lights on snow covered branches. An nounced later. The class meets at 9:45 It is another "family" play, but the •I • aspect of the Ewing Christmas, which A. M. in the Meeting House and a cordial situations are exactly the reverse of LOCAL AND COUNTY L. W. V. could not possibly sway the judges but invitation is extended to all interested. those in IIAh, Wilderness I" This time TO HOLD A JOINT MEETING which added greatly' to the Christmas Dr. Gregory Zillboorg will speak in the it IS the mother and father whose The Swarthmore ·League of Women joy of countless children were the pep- Meeting House this Sunday evening at troubles are shared by the audience. Voters will cooperate with the County permin! CalleS which- were presented 8 P. M. on the subject "Can We Under- Respected, peaceful and frugal New League in a panel discussion on "Deto those who viewed the exhibit. stand the l-lentally Unsound," England folks, Dr. and Mrs. Haggett tention Homes," Tuesday afternoon, The second prize of three dollars - I .. are suddenly plunged into a turmoil of January 11. Mrs. Alexander H. Frey, of was awarded to Frank E. Reitzel; of grasping greed by the discovery that Radnor, former secretary of the State Harvard and Cornell avenues for his the residue of the estate of an impe- League, wilt lead the discussion. dignified and artistic blue lighting of cunio'lls artist. Christopher Bean. IS A group which visited the Newark two beautiful trees flanking his doorvaluable. Urged on by one daughter, Juvenile Court Detention Home will way, and the illuminated treatment of restrained by the other, father and report. his entrance and blue star overhead. Dr. Jesse H. Holmes Heard Tues- mot h er fi nd t h emseI ves 'In a d'l1 emma This subject is considered particularly R. E. Wilson, of Ogden avell'Ue, was day on "Currenl·Event8"; Pope from which they are rescued only by appropriate by League officials because awar~ed, third place with a prize of Barney Speaker Next Week their Puritan sense of justice and the Delaware County Commissioners two dollars in the contest for a well 5hame. In sharp contrast to the others are proposing plans for a new Detenbalanced' blue illumination of the whole Dr. Jesse Herman Holmes was the is the serene and lovable simplicity of tion Home. house' with ·entrance outlined in blue guest speaker at the first meeting of the Haggett's servant girl, Abby, .The·luncheon will be at 12 :30 P. M. at the Media Woman's Club. Mrs. lights a11 thrown ·into relief .by a green the new year held at the Woman's Club around whom the play revolves. flood light in the shrubbery. on Tuesday. January 4. Introduced by The cast contains some well tried George Linn, of Bow:ing Green, Media, Burris West's use of red indirect the Club president, Mrs. Alfred Gary names from whom the audience will ex- will take reservations, telephone Melighting in the windows and flood lights White. as the "Idol of Delaware pect high type performances. The new.. dia 1447. thrown on his house on Dickinson avc- County", Dr. Holmes spoke of some comers in the cast will surprise you \ All those who desire transportation nu,~ earne«- for him first honorable of. the ~roblems confro~ting the_ Am- with their spelndid work. Flore~ce from Swa:,r1hn'J:or~ are requestc.~d· to nomention on 'the judges' list by virtue of erlcan' people today.' Hoadley will 'play the part of Abby. tify Mrs, Dana H.Bige1ow. 'of Park ages and l-loun the servant gll"1; Edna Hornaday and aven~e. telephone Swarthmore 1824. the, soft. 'eolorful effect. .He dl~cussed th: _, •• _,E. If- "¥.i!!!Pat~.n·,"illu-,ninaliM. c!t\lo:'~!!k.. 'IY»IC)1, .!!.e.~'!.!~,,,!'.~ili.e.atl Mrs. J. O. Hopwood showOd and: COI\l, C1 Ub Th' 'n b h fi 8:00 P. M.-Stated JuaJor Club .1Ieetia& ......... ,................. \Vomap: • . u. C II more 0 ege; 15 WI e t erst '8:00 P. )I.-Rome and. SChool IleeUDa~'...;.'................B. S. Audltorium mented ·on. a film of .Camp Sunshii1e 'bY vesper service of the New Year. All 8:15 P. H.-"TIle Late Obrtatqpbe. 1jftD,';...•.•......: .......:PIayera Clul> courtesy' of- the -Philade1plda Electric friends ot the College ar~ welcome. WBDlfBSDA.Y, JANUARY IZ Company. Mr; McCurdy, who is organist of 2:30 P. M.- W. I. L. MeetlDg ••.. _............... ~ •••..••..••• Bond. uemorlal A . . I ......... S d P b . Ch h 21 t 2:30 P. M.-MeUlodl8t woman', 'Home M"'ooory·'B<>clety ~m___ rousing mUSlea, program arran&~. the econ res yterlan urc, s . . . ' -' ~-.~...._:.. ... U.:.. . _,.)Ins. Alfred "~ d led' Ii H-l Sch S· . ~ and Walnut streets. Philadelphia. is 8:15 P. M.- .. .:.~ Bem.. ;J··· .. ·····~······ .. · - Club ':;eally .~J._::.n by ~:erargelmmgro:p.., of.' ' pi ':~.:.·~DA.Y. ~~.BY U . we II k nown h ere, h avmg_ presented _ "'se'".. . . ~..i..l..-......_ Bean" P1&7en Club Republica. n women who att~ed',tlte 1uq~., ries of organ recitals at· the COlI·g·IIl...,..._8:~15'"""P",._Jl,..':':':':,..'TIle~,.',.La-:.":'te.,...'''.,... ..... -:-:...,...".:-:'':''':'··'"':"~__··_:_··_·'_··_'··_··c·_·_··_·_··_·_··_·:-:-_:-:-_:-:-_llchoon. ':''''., v.esper services in years past. ,' . , .... .: I, ., ',',', . . ; II"!,':I.· .ll! q:,; ,;-, !-. .: ;, .'. ..... ·i!·!·i;, <" •••• , ;1'11;;:'],.!d1ll"!· I n.e'.t.t.... v,_u Mi.. Petra LIngle, of ComeII a:=~lde1p1jia, entertained their frltn4s at Friendly qn,JeLe I.are infoimally at tea on S home of their pareirt., Mr. and Mrs. in honor of Mis. Jane Seely who , V. S. Bishop, on Harvard aVeDue, rl ..T ....h,e,~ Friencl1y Circl. I. lponsOring • lity of Wisconsin. niother,' Mrs. Walter Half Seely, they had ,pent ten days. by Dan McGowan at the WoRobert Ra.field and Howard Hue~'H" Club House on Monday, January nick, of Wisconsin, were here also as Miss Nancy Seely, left , ~. 17, at 8 P. M. "S now Peaks and Flower Jlarriet Kisder Bride of OI~vlM'ldelegat.s and were house guests ofl~~~~~early this week to spend.ix month. Birth Meadows in the Canadian Rocki.... ' Browne al Parenl8' Home and his parents, Professor and I: The Seelys sailed from will be the subject. Ticket. ma.y be obToniPt Mrs. E. O. Lange. Y?rk ?'! The Manhat~ on. Tuesday and Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Abbe, tained from Mrs. Jos.ph Perkin. or at Donald left Sunday to resume his will VISIt London, ParIS and Gen~ be- Titusville, Pa., are being congratulated Buchner's Shop. .. At 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, Sat- studies at the University of Wisconsin. fore Mrs. Seely a~ Jane settle ~n Upon the birth of a daughter, ~. . . . ~iss ~i1dred S. Brewster, wh~r~ the latt~,. WIll be engaged.'n Worlh. Abbe, on Friday, December at. _'«,.Mr. S. B. Brewster, of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph V. Little, of nahsllc work In London and Pans. The little girl is a grandchild of Mr. ~ \¥thue, and Joseph Kahler, son avenue, entertained New Year's night William C. Abbe r!trned Sunday Mrs. George C. Abbe, of Dickin....1&:.ad Mrs. Harry A. Kahler, of honor of their daughter, Miss William and Mary College after 5011 avenue, Swarthmore. DOft ·'\t~nue, wilt be joined in Little, of Tufts, Mass., and their the holidays with his Mr. I I I " in Trlhity Church, Swarthmore, by daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. George C. Abbe, of Fortnightly to J!leet 1tet'~ J. Jarden Guenther, rector of . Little, Jr. ;Kabler-Brewster 'Wedding TOlinOrlr01 ?:l 28 and 29. He i. a member pf Rh'o Delta Ciaapter of the Univ.'- Sundar a!lI! '!t 7 :4$ P. ~. the pastor will conditct even'litg worship. Monda~ ~1(.b!Plf ~t !I o'c1QC;!< the Church School Board will meet at the home of Mrs. Otto Kraus on Benjamin West avenue, for the annual election of officers and teachers. PETER E. TOW Thur.oIay evening at 8 P. M. prayer B.u!lIeetlllg will be led by Miss Clara Illalchley. Prayer meelings, formerly ROSALIE DRYDEN held on Wednesday, will now be held Thurso!ay eyepi!lg. Next Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 ..~ u IIeCOn4· cJaU •• ,. I, IID1IU7 It, 'he Woman's HOlne Missionary Society Uzt, at &he P.t 011108 at s..-on, l'a., aDder &he Act of _cia ~. me. will meet at the home of Mrs. Alfred Williams ill Wallingford. - . Ii. JflUD~Y,JANUARY 7,1938 To Serve PoUce Cldefs Aesoe. . . ' ChrisliaJi Science Church Elliott Richardson as sUperintendent "Sacrament" is the subject of the of Swarthmore Police has been appointed Lesson-Sermon in all Churches ot by the presjdent of the Police Chiefs Christ, Scientist, Sunday, Jafluary Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania to serve op t!t~ .1egisl~tlve committee 9. . ......_ _ ' ____ - I " thro\1gho\11 !/to t:y t ram Fla. and sail for Havana for a two weeks' of Detroit, were holiday guests of Mrs. wedding trip Upon their return Bullis's .parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Mc-' will 'be at ho;ne at 210 President avenue Clung, of Wallingford Hills. ** * ** . Alter several .' months they will Rutledge. return to Swarthmore to ocCUll the h t 25 Obe r Y ouBsetha M' B r m at venued· M Kahl o ISS rews er an r. · erh are graduates a f S war thm ore H Ig School. Miss Brewster al~o attended the Peirce School- of Business Administration. • • • Miss Harriet Wood Kistler will become the bride of Oliver Gorman Browne, of Philadelphia, at 8 o'clock this evening, Friday, january 7, at ··Open Doors'" the Park avenue home of her parents, Dr.' and Mrs. William Earl Kistler. The ceremony will be performed by the Rev. Arthur ,S. Walls, of the Frankford Methodist Episcopal Church, who married Dr. and Mrs. Kistler. Miss Mary Kistler will be her sister's ' majd of hOllor and Mrs. William Hubbard, of Wallingford, will be matron .. 9.£ ppnor. John, Seidel Kistler, 2nd, brother 01 the bride, will act as best man. The bridegroom is the son of Freder~ck -..Browne, of "Beachmont", Cregagh, Belfast, Ireland. A reception will follow the cereceremony. •\-Vard * * has Mond"y-Tuesday-Jan. l()-ll & FUEL OIL * * returned to her Arthur J..*Grover WALTER WINCHELL BEN BERNIE SIMONE SIMON uDR. SYN" MEDIA Van Alen Bros. " " ON PARK AVB, • •••••••••• "Farmers .•• Business Men ••• Housewives .•• Students .•• other Telephone Users !" . RUSS~LL'S S~~VlCE ~~rtmoutli .,nc! l:-afI'Y~~~1' A~... Te~ep~~o -ftO w,,~~,~uc.n-W.8e",C.1'bOJPft , .. ' Friday - Satul"day • I • ~orf' ""'ure's For Ruth Wilson \::!;I D FRANKFURTERS For Sale at the Following Individual Stores • Ask for your copy at yoar BeU 12 Telephone BuSiness Office. • ....... ..... THE ,• 1,-.' B~ T1!I.I!PHONE COMPANY '" 0' PiNNsn"ANlA ' " .I • " -! . S\V48.TIIMORE NA.TIQN'4L PURE ~ SPRINGFIELD WATER ~ * *• **• . SWAltTHMORE PRESBYTEmAN CHURCH Rev. SWARTHMORE, PENNA. OUR CASH 'PRICES . ~r~DO\NNI• Davl:U:;~~ MInister • I' Local ArlisRteioc"taPlhiladelpltia 9:45 A.M.-Sunday School. 10:00 A. M. - BIble Classes. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship. Mr. Bra.un Two New York artists and one from j wIll preach on. "Why Wor- Swarthmore gave a J'oint program or I, ship?" 8:00 P. M.- Young People's Fellowship. music and Spanish dances over the: week-end at the Philadelphia Studio: Protestant Episcopal Club, Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Chester Boad and College A V e n u e . I I Rev. J. Jarden Guenther B.T.M. Rector AleJa Campo, of E m avenue, w 10 I SUNDAY' , is Mrs, A. F. Whitaker in private lile. 9.45 A. A, M.-Sunday Scbool and Bible IJarticipated in the Spanish dances C· 8:00 M. - Class. Holy Communion. Senor Juan Reyes of New York with tty, 11:00 A. M. - Morning Prayer and Sermon. who with Senora Verna Skarie Reyes, i Mr. Guenther ...ll~.preacb. . 'f I b i t f tl te:' 4:00 P. M, - BIBBO;P A. GILMAN. OF hiS WI e, lave een louse gues 5 0 CHINA, WILL SPEAK. Whitakers this week. Senora Reyes i ~ RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIBND8 sang at the dub recital program, giving I one of- her own vocal compositions,! 9:45 A. [:-=!~:~SltUND~:AY S 9:45 A. "Enchanting," a tau$'o number. enor Reyes and Aleja Campo divided the remaindcr of the program with solo dances and paired numbers. Aleja Campo is engaged to give a: dance program in Chester within a few: days. • • i Legion Charity 8,,11 February 41 The annual charity ball 01 the Harold, Ainsworth Post, American Legion and I Auxiliary,_ will be held in the Woman's: 'SiOiiiN'iffirr. Club 'House at 9 o'clock Friday night,! -' February 4. " I Mrs. }. raul Brown is chairman ·?f. SchpoL the committee- in charge 'of arrangements' tt. 8 with Mrs.: C. W., McDowel, in charge, P:;;' :e~~ of decoratio~s; Mrs..Re~. G~rr~ ~ef~esh~.i !~~"::':~I>8b1;:~: ments;'Mts: AUJenT. l!aven$OJlaftd Mrs. , ~" attend ~. R"".' rt ~ Shep~.A ,t'·"0I8.·, . . , •.. " ' i ,.'."l' . 1':"If~ ...,..,.~~. I' MARTEL BROTHERS 413 Dartmouth Avenue , , ' GEO. MITRO &' SONS, .lI,fCORPORATED 17 Sp. Chester ,Road you can buy· a ton of Famous Reading Anthracite (laundered Coal) the best of the better coal for only more per * SALE TRINITY CHURCH MADISON BROTHERS Wi,~ Warren WilUam ,. . ... .......... . . Ruth He'en Wilson, of Ogdf!n avenue, is receiving congratulations on her suc• t 's 1.1 cess Iast wee k · In · winDIng eh women singles flonors in the ·annqal tournament L. W, V. Board Meets 01 the Philadelphia Table Tennis Associatiol1, a titl~ which slle has now held three A meeting of the Executive Board of times. She is the first holder of the new the Swarthmore League of Women Vot~ieff trop~y presente4 ~y Dr. Lewis N. ers was held at the home of Mrs. Thomas Ki~ff in memory of hj;; wife. H. Johnson on Magit road Thursday ~! • ARE BETTER. ••• IY:A.DE ,..:l:TH ~l!t" ijl~o 'won tll~ Ppilade1phia WOo morning, pten's Table T~n~tjs LC!4gue charppions'nip Tripily ~1fl"",hNoJ"'8 • I • last month and gained individual honors Nine' nej!!hborinll par.isbes will havF 1n 'tIle '~eaf!ue ~y contin~ing undefeated representatives at' *fte; special. serric:e throqghopt *he seven~y-slx matches for on ·Sunda., aftl:rm~on, phy awarded for the first time and consequently one of which the students of the school are very proud In the near future the trophy will be on' display in The Swarthmorean window The home games were played on ~he two new tennis courts back of the hIgh schoo. property, prepared by W. P. A. workmen last spring. The courts are well graded and kept so that they were in excellent condition for the use of the tennis teams and their players. Match play can best be carried on with three courts, so that the boys wcre a bit handicapped by being short one court. . The splendid success was achieved by a team consistinlf of the following: Captain, William Shay; Bill Brown, Laurer Jones, John DelaPlaine, John Naisby, Louis Detloff, and Bob Delaplaine. The team was coached -by j. A. Christian, a me~ber of the high school faculty. * • Rutgers Ave. & Chester Rd. Last 2 Days! umnl by Undefeated Gamel Boy. " ,-'. .' Telephone Swarthmore 10412 II'~ii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ ' Alcatraz laland GOWN SHOP . sea New Philadelphu. SublU'haJJ CItampionehip Awam Eam.ed NEWS NOTES UReal Bargc#ns" , • r. GOES ON IN FULL SWING I Allan Jones IT PAYS WED, NITE AT 8:01$ P_ M. January Clearance Sale ** Jeanette MacDonald ~~~~~Only-·Jan_ I COAL Friday-Saturday-J an. 7-8 Second Honeymoon .• Sunday morning at 11 o'clock the Rev. David Braun will preach on the subject, "Why Worship ?". The Yopng' People's Fellowship will meet Surid~y evening from 6 until 7 :30 in the Parish lIouse. The Church School Cabinet will meet Sunday evening at 7 :45 al the hOI1l~ QJ Dr. David McCahan, 007 Strath Haven avenue. The Board of Trustees will hold its regular· monthly meetil1g 011 Tuesday, January 11, at 8 M.' in the cliprch sludy, ' • , The Women's Association will meet Frid-ay, :Ja·nuary 14, at the church, beginning at IQ:OO A. M. LuncheoQ will be served at' 1. o'clock. Devotions will be conducted by Mrs. James Douglas: followed by the regular business meeting. _. . * Next Attraction in * ~ • * * ". GEORGE ARLISS in Tyrone Power Loretta Young SET parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Piper, Green, of ,Atlalltic· ~i~y; Mr. an~I'~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~iiii Yale avenue. Mrs. James McMUllen. of Gennantown: AgI1~s Kelso, Miss Minnie B~'~~~:;:~~ M~s. W!lIia:m J. G~y, 1Il0ther ~f Mrs. Mr.' E~gene Morris, all of ] H~nry ~. '. ~ip'cr, of Vale:; avenue, Wednesday of last week to spend * • of the winter*~t* D:ytona Beach, Fla. On Ne\v Year's night, Mr. and Mr. Raymond Wilson, of Ogden ave- Ellis ~ishqp, of Cranford,· N. )., returned after a week's skiing trip Mr. and Mrs. RQbert Bishop. of Ph,ila-I New· England. His party made its rr=~~~===========at Hanover Inn, Hanover, H. and found an abundance of snow. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haig, 01 Ogden had as their guests over ChristMrs. Haig's brother-in-law and sis,Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wright, of Philadelphia. Mrs. Haig and Mr. and Mrs. \Vright spent several days last week Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, N. j. NOW PLA.YING Prospect Parle •*• Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Brown, Cornell avenue, spent Christmas in Jouel:,1 III. with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Lloyd. Brown to 'Swarthmore d M returned B h h last Fri-I'~ ay. r. rown avmg come ome day of that week. * ••• Chester Pilee 0,. our Mr. Oscar J. Gtlcreest, of M'ISS 1\'I arJorte . are lI!lS k'1 Ie It F' r tavenue - . , returned Tuesda . y f ro m C:ailles-Ill day to return to her home 10 New York ville, Texas, where hiS mother, Mrs. City after having been the house E. 'Gilcreest, o~ Ennis near Dallas, was •. W" b'ed th e day a fter Ch' of her COUSIl1 , MISS jean IgglOS, UTI rls t mas. Vassar avenue. • ,. * On Friday, New Year's Eve, Mr. anoH!! Daniel Piper entertained a group Afrs. ]. V. S. Bishop. of Harvard avenue, fanner classmates of Swarthmore at supper. Guests were memSchool and Hill School at a dinner of an alumni club of Philadelphia New Year's Eve at the home School and included M~. ~nd Mrs. Donald Lange, of Baltimore pike, was a delegate to the national convention of the Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity which was held at the BellevucStratford Hotel, Philadelphia, Deccm- THEATRE *. * * * • CI' . ' CI Miss Sh~rley rct.urncd ~(rs. The Baldwlll School after havmg on Dickinson avenue this week from the Christmas holidays with her the Media Hospital where she had been Mr. and ~lrs. \ViIliam \\lard, of Strath receiving treatment since Christmas Day. Haven avenue. -MANOR- • • * On Monday, !T anuory 10, at 2:30 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schroeder . M., Mrs. Herbert Bassett will en~ , Joan, arrived Friday night to tertain the Fortnightly at her home at Mrs. Schroeder's parents, Mr. and the corner of North Chester road and Mrs. William C. Starr, of Dartmouth Ogden avenue. Mr. Schroeder returned Mrs. Joseph B. Bates will review after the week~nd leaving his wife and "Suns Go Down" by Flannery Lewis. joan to spend two weeks in Swarthmore. This is a most engaging book. Mr. and Mrs. Starr also had as their Readings from "The Country guests at dinner New Year's Day their Kitchen" will be given by Mrs. S. MiIson and daughter-in-Jaw, Mr. and Mrs. ton ·Bryant. Chandler Starr, of Parkside. IIIr.*it;ij;j~t;i~;t~;seit;ij;j~t;i~;w . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman of Dartmouth a\'enue, spent BEGINNING Day with Mrs. Kauffman's mc'th''',1 Mrs. H. Holtzhouse, of Lititz. Pa. THIS MORNING Roger Kauffman returned Sunday Luscombe School of Aeronautics Trenton, N. ]., after having .".,ntl "'I ho1idays with his parents. B. S, GiTS TENNIS l~i\GUE lROPHY I ;,;;:,{i!F".... • ', .., " _ __ RESOLVED:-To shop at Martel's \.-.:'LL INVITE THE GANG MERE AFTER THE TMINK OF THE COST. WHAT Of YOUR NEW lIEAA"5 RESPJ.UTlQJ'I TO C.,T E~PEN WO~RY I ,OUIGHIT "LL TH E- FOODS AT MARTEL'S s,~.,. J\ n 1 rT"'OnE (01 ' I. I I' n \ 1\"¥~L------, _ _ _ . _ _T.HE SWARTHM_OR_E_~._ _---,_ _ _ _ _ __ 4 CLASSIFIED l<~OR HEN r JANUARY FOR 1 wd \ ICC Ch.l1rlll.m of tht' Fanllly DI-I ~::~tj::;:1.8nd Building and Loan Asso 1'. \ of A.... Ch.lrttil'S >Y BOARD 'Ir .. old '" .1 gr.ulu.ltl of ~\\:trth EDWARD F HITCHCOCK, Attorney LIBl{ AI,,1JIgh School .uHI Ohl rIm Collcgl.; No 35 AII.IS Le\ori Faclns -NOl\lll~N~-Al'ED Clvtc 1"'011 OCl.llt:d 'j I'on nENT illl{lrc One small 1111<1 Olle large upartment ill The Han urd Telephone Swarthmore 149 FOR REN1 Four rooms bnth and porcll 25 South Hillcrest road, SI)rIngUeld_ FOR-RENT-Garuge 230 Park UHUlle Tel· CllllOllC Swurthmore 744- W~,-===-.", FOR RENT lIe.tled gamge Terrells. 343 Dartmouth a,euue . N ' 1·1 t U.I'"','11 I•'our (" ...... zcns 1 (JUllna c( \• . . EJ I' , I 'I'J,rcc 'u'allctcS' CC 1011 It(· 'V('ck of Jalluary 7 I .Ilul h.lS done gr.Hluatc \\ork .It the.' lI11Hrs,t, of I'clllls,h·.UlIl'lclI"e .11 II Ihe Oft1CI.11 \V.1rjdl'sk III thc hbr,ln She has BOAltOING I h .. tofltl1J of Pht! \(It Iplll:1 He IS \ ICC hee 11 I1Itercsted III tllIngs 01 .1 ;;;====-;;'::::;:;';::;':;i::""""""''''''''l;;ldI Ch,lIrm.tIl tIl the 10t.:.11 l'amJ!v BOARDING Convalescent Aged Inva . . . Scn ICC,.I 1l.1 t urc Chronic 24 hour nurse's service. Porches I ell Ipl.1I11 of Ihe hical I'lre Comp lin. I I It ct JllIl" "III t.lkt. placl.: dunng 119Mz acres ground Telephone Media "19 hr.lf) hours on :\IOII(},I\, janUdr) 1/ PERSONAL ESTATE OF MARGARET SELLERS BROWN. \\l:dlll' ... cl.I\. j.lIluaq 19 Fnd.I\, JdJlU n ~~: .In' 21 Sat lIrdd \ 1.lIluan 22. and Ull PERSONAL--Subscriptions to all Magazines bdeceasEs'd, t Le'hters Tbee."n·mg~~~~~ °to Mrs Gilbert S Faries 239 Haverford nve- a me n eave nue Telephone Swarthmore 89-W lunden;igned, who request all persons hav- til H P :\1 on ::\Iond,\\ e\elllng. JanuIng claims or demands against the Estate I I of the decedent to make known the same, an 2-1 <\11) olle 1\ mg II) t le COl1l1UULOST and all persons Indebted to the decedent to 1111\ IS enlltll;'d to \ote ,Iccordlllg to thc LOST Lady s rlght~hand pig sktn glove make payment without delay. to f I I I ' SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK (onMltutlon 0 t)(' ~I )rar) ."ssoCJasize 714 Reward Telephone Swarthmore 1901 & TRUST COMPANY. tlnn Ballot blanks ar~ a\allable at the Swarthmore.and Pennsylvania, II ~I I)ran III II orougII II a II FOR RENT I 108 S PRINCETON AVENUE BERTHA SELLERS. The .t1lIllJaI :nectlllg of the Library • Swarthmore, Pennsylvania I J $55 -detached 5 bednns. fireplace Newly 1Or to their Attorney \ssoclatlon \\ ill hc held lion( a), anudecorated Ideal location TWo squares from CLAUDE C SMITH Esq 2-1 II L I \,11 re~mlents of P. R R station 1617 Land Title Bldg, • an ,111 Ie I )ran S W Cor Broad.& Chestnut Sta, the commuJ1Ity arc 111\ lted to attend WM. S. BITTLE Philadelphia, Pa The Board's recommendat1on regard-I SWBl'thmore 111.J 6t·12 10 I1lg alllcudmcnts to the ConstitutIOn NotU)' Publlc -Insurance - Real ..tate . ZONING NOTICE \\111 be conSidered at tIllS meetl11g Dr WilHam Earl Kistler havIng applied to the Swarthmore Borough Councll to SHERIFF sALES amend the Zoning Ordinance of 1928 to I permit the erection and operation of a SherUl 5 Office, Court House, Media, Po. motton picture theatre on hls vacant lot Electrical Contractor on Park Avenue, adjOining the Borough Saturday, January 22, 1938 STORE HOURS: Hall a PUBLIC HEARING thl!reon will be 9 A 1\1. to 9 P M.-Mon • Tues. 9 A M, to 9 P.M._Wed held In the Auditorium of the SwarthTelephone Swarthmore 58 930 A M. Eastern Standard Time 9 A.I\I, to 9 P.M -Thurs, 9 A.M. to 10 P.M.-fti, more HIgh School, College and Princ~ton Avenues Swarthmore, Pa, at 8 00 P. M on Conditions $250 00 cash or certlfled MRS • A • j. QUINBY & SON ITu.. d.y. January 25. '93' The .aId lot Is at time of sale, (unless otherwise .~~_t<'d: Specials For Week of January 6th to January 12th, Inclusive located In the Business District as de- on advertisement). balance In ten scribed In said ordinance but the opera- Other cond! ttOM on day of sale. JOSEPH B QUINBY tion of a motion picture theatre In said I district is not permItted under the ex15t- FIeri Facias No 102 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ing ordinance Libby's PINEAPPLE MAZOLA OIL ELLIO'IT RICHARDSON, December Term. 1937 BELL PHONE" MEDIA, PA. Borough Secretary JUICE Tall Can .. Gallon Can I All that certain lot or plee~~e~:ot~~~~~ with the buildings and thereon erected, situate on SIde of Madison avenue, at of ninety feet eastwardly from UCO Vacuum Pack COFFEE KING'S TASTE COFFEE erly side of Merion avenue. In the Town•. • •.. 21. Lb. Can Pound Bag . .. . ... 19c ship of upper Darby, County of Delaware Coupon Packed In Each Can A Mocha and Java Blend and StClte of Pennsylvania, containing In Pound Can Free for 12 Coupons Ground While You Waft front or breadth on the f;ald Madison aveSlone d\\clling on Possnm Hollo" Rd., Rose Yalle~. j nue, thtrty-five feet nnd e!Ctendlng of that wIdth In length or depth southwardly be5 bedrms., 3 balh., air·condilioned, oil heal. II tween parallel lines at right angles to said I Madison avenue one hundred thirty feet Price rednccd 10 814,000 Being nIl of Lot No 18S aud the easterly Can bc financcd ni' 10 90% Libby'. Chinook Imported Kippered ten feet of Lot No 187 on plan of lab: called "HIghland Park .. SALMON Tall Can SNACKS .. 2 Cans 7c I Under and subject to certain restrictions Iand conditions II I II I 13 S. Chesler Rd. Telcphonc S"arlhmol'e ]]4 or 130 Improvements consist of one nnd oneII half story stucco bungalow, 21x33 fect; en The AU Purpose Shortening closed front porch, one-story stucco addlUCO OAT MEAL SPRY 2-1 Lb Cans 35. Gtant Size 48 Oz. Pkg.14c 3 Lb Can tlon. feet Sold6x12 U!J the ploperty of Edward J Mulllgan, W11llam J. Mulligan. W. Ernest Crane and Allee V.. his wife. Frank M Houck and Margaret M , his wife, Wllilam L Ske- I gog and Eleanor M his wife. Joseph D Kellogg's ALL BRAN IMulligan and John F MulUgau Pillsbury's PANCAKE 2 Large Pkgs.. .• ••.. C "'ith Payment of January Dues FLOUR 20 Oz. Pkg. R WINFIELD BAILE Attorney One Muffin Pan Iree \\ Ith cach purChase I WILLIAM W McKIM Sheriff II Why Not Have YOllr Mortgage Li(luidated Through 12~31-3t I SHERIFF SALE UCO Fancy SAUEROrange Pekoe Ceylon Sherifl s Office Court House Media Saturday Jan 29 1938 KRAUT,2 No.2 Cans TEA-Pound Cello Bag 9 30 A M Eastern Standard Time Conditions $25000 cash or certified check II I at time of sale (unless otherwise stated In advertisement) balance in ten da~s Other Iconditions on day of sale Shamrock SWEET Rosedale STUFFED No 787 I Levari Facias CORN-No. 2 Can OLIVES, 8-oz Net Patl September Term, 1937 Prop sit in Twp of Ha\erford Co of Del PR known as Lots Nos 12 and 13 in 'J he Annual Meeting of the sloe kholdcl s of the Sn arlhmore NaGENUINE SPRING Blk on plan Brookline". Beg at a pt In Tender Juicy Cuts I the N E s of AUston Rd 50 S E of KenSHOULDERS LAMB llOnal Dank and Trust Compau), S\'~:arlhmorc, Pa., for the election RIB ROAST . . . . . . lb. more Rd, th ext S E aig said Allston Iad 50'toapt,th N E on a l1neat r a I Choice Cuts - 25c lb (With Rack) . lb. of dllcctofS and such other buslllcss as llIay COl11£! before the to sold Rd 125' to a pt. then N W on a une parallel with said ReI SO' to a pt. and meellng. \\111 he held at the banking house in Snarlhmore, Pa., on I th S W on a 1 at r a to said Rd 125 to pi of beg NEW SPRING TEXAS DEETS TlIcsd.l\. J,lIIlhll' 11. 1938 l)('t'H'cn the hours of l}lIce and five Super Value Solid Ripe 2 Large Bunches 9c Sub to limitations & rest ,;dock I' i\J TOMATOES . . 2 Ibs c CALIFORNIA LONG SUGAR CARROTS 2 Original Size Bunches .. . 9c Improvements consist of two and onehalf story frame house. 18x36 feet. porch ELRIC S. SPROAT, Cashier front. one-story frame addttlon. 9x30 feet. I BALTIMORE PIKE AND HIRST AVE. frame garage 12x12 feet (J I . - GIANT TIGER A. Wayne Mosteller " .... $1.05 I FOR SALE l! Edward L. Noyes I'7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .H. FIFTY-FIFTH SERIES MATURES 35 n The Swarthmore Building AssO('iation 3Ie Yz ANNUAL MEETING 25 the property of George Clara E Dieter. his wife, W MOrt-! YE Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER Swarlhmore 19 HARRIS & CO. EAST LANSDOWNE TAILORS AND FURRIERS Cleaners and Dyers NO. 11 PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE. PA. TELEPHONE SWARTHMORE 504 ON THE ON THE MOVIES MOVIES X, No.2 Vol.· 10 Be Talmlaled Before Puhli.· Hearing on Tucs.lay, January 25; All Borough Volers Can Send in Signed Ballols I I To g-et .1 more cl1lllpn:hellsl\C \11.'\\ Ihctlrlllt{ 011 tillS '1tlC ... t1ol1 1I.ls hel;ll c.tll-I of thc (uIlIIIIUIIJI) 's re.lctlOll to the pro-Ie.:d for TUl·sd.t) lIIf,{ht. j.ttltMn 25 In pose.:d crcdlol1 of .1 :\lo'illlg Picture Ithe me.:alltllllc petltlOIl'" for .t1Id .Igalllst I Theatre The S\\.lrthl1lorc.l11 IS conduct- I tillS proposal arc uelllg Circulated e gl\ en out pla\ the.: dlsturulllg forces of rumor, INEW POLICE CAPTAIN .lllh.,tl"", Iherc\\,lIbe50meonef,om prqu(hce .lIIeI Illaccurate mformatlOll I ASSUi\IES DUTIES 11t'.Hlqu.lrtl'r:-. "ho \\111 show Illctures of TillS pl.lces the prellllum upon samty \\Ink ot the \rlll} .md anS\\er any qlles- ,\lid f urlll.:s .... and tests the 'iali(lit) of S\\.lrthnHlre S 1Il\\ C.lpt.11Il of Pohce, tlon ... .tbout It ~lls J P..llll Bro\\1l and the pe.tce ... pmt of winch \\ e 111 till.:'> C.tpt.UIl J\hm J Jlerr, assumed IllS dl1- ~Ir", I' rank Gra; \\111 captalll teams of commtJtlth talk so ghl>h Surely pC.ICC Frank Markley To Welcome tiCS j.llltlolr) I 11)38 He \\.IS horn III \\orkers on the north and south s1dcs of IS as nnportant among neighbors as Gucsls, Jim Gallagher Secured .1I1l0tl(,{ nations Honcst convictions are J-I.lrnshurg- JJ ,e.lf'" ~go, IS a graduate thc f.lIlro.ul, rcspectlve" To Ghe Humorons Slleceh ot I dl~OIl High School .lIId Harns:"Irs Gctlfge A lIoadlc}, ~lrs E D nnport.l1lt to mdlvldual and commullIty hurg- Instltutc of TcchnoloR) DUring BI.lllllS \Irs Joscph II Perkins, Mrs ahke, hut a conviction IS not truly The lIarold \Iwmorth Po~t uf thc 1111 ... Illne .1Ild aftcr gr.lduatloll he scrv- R.llph V little, :\Irs } Paul Bro\\t1, honest unless It IS based upon accurate \mcnt.lI1 LeglUll " I l l elltertam the local led III the :\.ltlOl1.tl Gu.lrd III the GO\cr- ~lr .. I'r.lllk !oitts, ~irs j Passmore Chey- mformallon IUstead of hearsay. life CU1ll1l,UI\ on :\londav, }anuar} 17, nClrs Troop C \\Im:h \\as then the IlC\. :\Ir'" Peter b 'rold, and MIS'S COUIICII has offercd to tillS commu.It g PM. IO-Ith Con.tlr) Troop of the XatlOllal bahetle Bronk attended the opell- l1Iil a chance for publiC expressIOn of lOlllm.uuler J P.tUl BrO\\1l ,UIIlOUIlCl': ... Gu.u'd of PClllls)hallla from 1923 to 1IIg' IUllcheoll of the Sahahon Ann) Its COIIYlchons orgatllzed and indiVidual, the progr.lI11 as olle of thc ontst.lIldmg ItJ27 DII\e 111 Bucks. DeI,marc, Chester, 1I0nt- 011 jallll.lry 25 Dnb U) a sane, calm, t Hilts (If thc Ne\\ Year, \\hell the Pmtl In IY27 he cntercd thc PClllls}l\ama gomcn .lIt{I 1'1 11 Ia{II e pI1Ia C oun t les Oll pomtcd dISCUSSion can that hcarlng achupcs to ruullt the l'nllfe lIlembershl1) of I ~t.lte I-Itghva) P.ltro} at H,lrnsburg, :\1011<1.1\ Janur\n f) at the Penll Athlettc comphsh Its purposc tIlt S".lrthmore Fife ami ProtClhvt \\ hcft he att~nded tr.lIl1l1lg school for Club The tcchlllcal Issue before thiS C0111\ssoCl.llion prcsent and accounted for 1.1 penod Ol 10 months. rctnr.lIng to the ••• "'1'H'h ,<: Tlrt "1 1,,tIH'r a ·n ..... t ........ ;- ! ;(, It b lhe thought ot the IJost mcnllJcrs :.ChlJOl 011 l\\-o .:o.cp3rate vce.l!> ons lor Uan Ilj('t...owan '1'0 the,ltre sh.11I be opcr.ltcd herc, but wheth.lt .l ".Irt of their conHlHlIllh SCf\lce Ipcrlocls from -I to () \\eck~ ••IS re(ltllred SI,eak Here ftlonday thcr thc zOlllug ordmance passed iii 1te~ III tilt: cxtenslon of the hand of goml i IJ\ Ih.lt orgal11zatlOn Ill' rCllla111ed in 1928 shatl be amended 111 tIllS manner Idlo\\slllJl and support to the vanous 1 thiS sen'lce untIl Ihcemhcr 31, 1937 D.1Il ~lcCo\\an. ot Banff, Alberta, Thc mtent of thc ZOlll11g ordinance \\as "Hl.:tltleS OI)eratmg fOI the welfare and \\hl.:l1 he kft to t.lke up Ill.:'> duties .1'" C.lIIada. lecturer andf \\f1ter Iloted for Ius to pre\ ent llC I I f resl~ (cprecmhon 0 '1 C ll)t 1111 01 the.: S" Irthmore 110hee ht.lUllll1l I)lciures 0 motJntalll ~cClles and f I 11 I 1 plotedlon u tie oroug 1 lev C O i l ' "- , d~ntlal propert} vah:tes h} the cu,111I1lI.tls m the C.madmn Rockies. Will cfoac1nncnt of the buslIless section I I,'Ire ( Ollllklll) (Ilia Ilfi i e "DurutH ... u Icr t IJ.lt tIC ' ' ' ' ' In ... sen Ice m thc Penlls,1 ~ III the (fCill rlllk £IS such a hoth of 1lIelll\,ltllcl IIll-dm.t) P.ttrol he \\.IS st.ltloned ... peak III the S\\.lrthmofe \Yoman's Club Some resl(lcnts feci that Its effcct has ",mec CHf read\ equtPI)ed .md \\ell .It 1I.lrnshllrg. Ch.lI11hershurg, )'hlton, limbe at 8 o'clock ncxt ~Ionday eHl1Ing, actually beell to frecze the commul11ty o"h"I. Ille 1',rc'Cu"'I)a,,' N't\\c.lstlt, Crcell"hurg-. P.wl! J.II11).1I) 17. under the auspl(c~ of the mto a ~ 11 a, a galla"t Butler, static pattern prevclltmg ' . I I I IIHI (olle<1c\llIe 1~lIl'lIdh Circle Ihs subJcct \\111 be ch.lIlges \duch come from natural aUfl ruDI( 1 01 ,Il l1C\t.:JlIent am sef\lt.:e III t lis • ,.., IllS d'lttt.s H\ tht Stalt P •ltrol , lIkc "Sno\\ Pe.lk!i ,lIlcl Flo\\{'r ~lc.ulO\\s III desirable growth Other resldcnts fcel Borough " th lI ,, C,"""l' ,II I)c ",ark",1 I). II,cl • (ll Ihl St.lte Pohet' , lllciucied not the C.lIla{h,lIl l':ockH~s" II, ".. g \\ ... ~ that tillS ordlllance IS responSible for la)lul file ,,!tHclsm .. 01 • }Ull" Gallagher Itllll} 'frdllc Control. hut gl'ner.11 police ~II ~1t.:Co",1Il h,b delighted audlcllce~, S\\arthmorc's gro\\th as a dcslrable Ihl' Iflsh oralor \\ ho"e (haled stones are "orl" such a~ deallllg "It II Cfll1l1llalS,! huth form,tl and JIllofm.ll, III tIns \ Illll1ty n sillenttai COIHIHUllIty One of the first III CHI \ Itmgue hut that of Auld l:rin i sinh dUl). (Ict et.:f 1\ e \\ort 11l Ippre- III thc llolst Ills lah.:st hook" \nnnals questIOns to bc conSidered b \ .. hcthcr 1 he.: \\c1UJIllllIg address should "sP'lrk'l hllldlllg Crlllllll.d" .wd other mattns I 01 Ihe C.lIl,l(h.tIl Rot.:kle:-." \\as IHlhlt~hed Ihe propert) In que::;holl has any res 1undu tli( gll1dmg eloquenre oi (o111radc cOIllIHonh hall(llcd In POillC depart-ll.lte III 19J6 'rl(kets arc ohtamahle from denttal ... aluc The sccond questton to I rUlk ~1.lrklc} .md thc t\t'lIIng's 11Igh~lll1tllt ... IIlclll(h~g lil~lsltlll to tho~e III .1I1\ IIIcllllu;r of the sponSonllg orgalllz,l- he consHlcred IS \\hat IS a \ahd rcason "pot. thc dUm-\\.lgoll, under the able t:lllergenclcs 0.1 Ill{ s tum .md .It Buchne,'\,Toggcr} Shop for requestmg exccptlons to the zon. LEGION TO FETE FIRE (:OMP_..t\.NY ,, D oIisl Church and Borough Hall .. , - . PER YEAR Noled Slmkc"pcarean Aulhority, A(·tor, Director and Producer, S,ltlllsorcd By Somcrvillc Or ... on \\ eUc:>. succe~sful actor, dl~ rector .tnd producer, slar of the Gate Thc.ltre, Dttblm, and the Irish Abbey 'J heatre Pla\Crs, \\ III speak III the l all Shakcspeare COOPER FOUNDATION TO PRESENT FRENCH CELLIST At S 15 P. ~l next Thursday, January 20, Ihe \V!lltam J Cooper Foundation and the musIc department of S" arthmorc College \\ III present Mauflee ::\I.lrechal, famous French ce1hst, III Clotlncr ),iemonal Brooks Smith Will be at the piano .1IId the \\orks of Vivaldi, Sammartmi, B.... !.. ~.f.,r .. , ~.!,,' ... ..l, i.at .... ""... UJ. D"".....::o \Illhaud, G Faure, Borodme-Marechal, Gr.l1l.ldo-; C.lssado and Sarasate will be mcludeu 111 the program \-. IS clIstomar} the Cooper Foundatum cxtends a cordial IIlVltatJon to all ffll'nds oi the College to attend There 1:-. 110 charge of admiSSion. I I I DR. FRASER TO LEAD L.W.V. STUDY GROUP The League of \Vo1llen Voters announccs lectures to be gJ\Cll by Dr. Herbert F. 1 raser, Professor of Economics of S\\ Irthmore Collegc, on SIX Tuesday l110rtUngs bcg~lI11l1g January 18. at 10 o'clock at thq home of 11rs Waldo E Fbhl r, 600 Harvard avenue. ] he lectures and diSCUSSions wl1l give a general 'IntroductIOn. to Economics." \t the first IUectlllg Dr.' Ftaser wdl consider' Value"-the nature-and Importance 01 suppl) and demal1d, compebtlOll, and 1Il0noilOly The qucstlon wtll be raised a .. to the dcsiralllhty of a "planned scarcity." On the serond and t1urd 1 uesday mornI1lg~ the group \\111 diSCUSS "The DlstnhutlOll of 1ncome under Capitalism" At th.lt tune the) \\111 conSider profits and the' PI ofIt motl\e," "ages, the pOSition of the \\orkcr and unemployment \ Ie x.l1ldel Dr) den. \\ 110 makes Ius hotSurl,risc Tribute to Griffins mg ordm.lIlee Each fair mlllded cltlzcn do,..: ... fl.l1l{( the RIM' \pplc, \\111 climax IUra. Ja~]Uelle Heads Nc,~ IUUSt find IllS 0\\11 ans,\cr to these I lllcctmJ.( wllllh C\Cf) I.tglOnllalre cxCoullty Relief Board I SUllda, e\e111I1g. J.lIlU.lr} 9. fort}-ll\c ttll(!stlOlls, but any except lOll must bc Illlh to he the (xJlrt.: ...... lolI of regard III S".llthmonans thorough I) ~lIrprisoo ),[r ,conSidered from the POillt ot \Iew of \\llllh 11.lIn ~ltll.lIl's ho}s .ttl Iwld 1)\ :\Ir ... \\IIIt.lIll \ j.HjUltlt tit 11m .I\e- .1Ilf! ~Irs Ilamld Gnflm \\ltll.1 p.ut} on hellcht to the commumt} as a wholc thl lllizeill \ of S,\.!rthmore \11 llIelll 111tH \\ '" dllll'(1 (h.lIIlllltl til Ihl Dcla- the O('Ct I,m lrt Counh \\ d 1.lIl ((lUllell J 11, tht II 0\\ 11 home 011 I~utgt'rs .HenllC prone to the same human weakncss of :\Ir ... J.lIl1c", 1I.ICIlIl J)ounlas, (100 NOIthl.~----------------------_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-. nahonal tl ade and the busmess C)'c1e ~ JI promotmg our own mterests? In other Clle~t" ,.",1 \11 "'tc,cor and ~Ir:>. l.ouis J. H.ollse, of Altartments, \Vilmingtoll, Del., daughter Ann Arhor, ~Iich., have almOlllln'c1 the of the late ~Ir. and ,jlrs. I.eroy I-Ian-ey, ~Irs. Fr.ank N. Smith. of Gloucester, ling-ford IliIls, arc rt'l"t'i\ing nlllgratenga"ellll'nt of their daughter, ~Iadcleille •.",,1 ". G.,r.lo,. ·.··I.arl'les··. e.-o,' '.Ir. ~Iass. formerly• of Kenyon . '" '-.....".~.\ (1)1011 I IIe I' Hrt I1 a :-'011. 'j'l lOma .. Oliphant, to Ch.ule:. Haney BnKJks. SOil and ),(rs. Caspar P. Sharpless, of South Swarthmore, wit It her mother, )'Irs. Annil' I.a Ihw. in tht' Jdfersoll Ilospital, Philauf )'lrs. I.uui!'i C. Brooks, of Dickinson Chestl'r road. Swarthmore, were married Thulltll:O:Oll, Idt Tuesday to spend som(' cll'Illhia. on 'ruesday, January 11. ;n-ellllC, Swarthmore. h\' the I{e,·. Delo ... O'Brien in the First tillil' ill I ",td Ban-clona. St. :\ugustine. ~Iiss ROllse wa~ gra \Vlll1a111 S. ~otte.r, the Davisons during' thl' twelve years we lug ,bt Tl( 3) c\el1l1lg at 0 c oc ., hrotht'l"-m-Iaw and ,,,..;ter of the bnde In _ _. . LATEST STYLES NOW The bride Wl10 W·1S given ill marriage I \V·I . ' they lived III BraZIl. l·:Lmc to the Umtl'<1 IN OUR SHOP AT lIy her father wure', ;Irincess guwn of ivorv \~ttugtnll. I l' edd' • States Bc(·emher 29 alltl will study at w cr P satin with full ski:l and lo-ng train Th~ 1. : 1.'l . I" ~t'l\'era 11ll~lllt IS 51 ling tlrl Columhia Unin'rsity i,l till' spring t<-'fin, REASONABLE PRICES. . . -. • • 1111' urI( a .\ r. illI{ 1\ r!i. 18TJI ess I> an * gO\~'JI Wrol>erty returns so if you haven't made yours yet you'd better hurry iary of this D;ocese of tlie "Episcopal and take it to the local tax assessor Church, spoke to the J. j.'s on various at 417 Dartmouth avenue. ph~se5 of t,he interdenominational youth Grieg j "The- Skaters' Waltz", by the movement of which they are a part. I-___________-'"___..J Willard Tomlinson, president, and group; a solo dance by Betty Ann It was decided to send a supply of Girl Scout New8 Horace HOI)kins, program chairman, Howard; and a descriptive Chinese food to a convalescent woman who has vresented a varied program at the Home dance, interpreting China today, by just been discharged from the charity and School meeting Tuesday evening, Miss Schaefer. ward of a nearby hospital f01l0wing an Tuesday morning at 11 :30 ~'clock the when Dr. Kenneth M. Corrin, well· operation and is in straitened circum- mothers of the Swarthmore Gul Scouts known psychiatrist, sl)Oke on stances. met in the Girl Scout House for a box· , "E• xtra• • Curricular Activities. Their Benefits LOCAL W. I. L. HEARS luncheon. They JIIet also to elect a new ...••• ! WARD BRINTON and Dangers'. MRS. Girl Scout House Committee headed by "Why do we choose a (ollege ?", said 'Fire 'Company Hold8 Annual Mrs. Henry R. Harris, of Dickinson Dr. Corrin. 'ProbabJy because we arc Mrs. Howard Brinton spoke Wed· Banquet avenue, as chairman, Mrs. A. H. Van interested in some of its extra-curri· nesday afternoon at the January meet· Alcn, of Park avenue, as secretary, and iug of the Women's International Last evening the annual banquet of the M IJ L' dl P I f C I b' cular ac tivities". . I I n d'ISCUSSH I h I led Swarti,more F,'re and Protectl've Assocl·a. nue l. rs. a .1. tr 111 ey 0 um la ave· He Ilointed out that the three f0 Id League in Bond Memoria. )lurry M~ a e, W 0 was ree ee e ee, 0 lerm a8 Chief of the tion was held in the Fire Company's SJ sd easur .r. purpose of education is to develop men· iug "The Current Trends' In Italy" she 10 a --ODd Q'O.." ' ~tur ay mornmg at 9 :300 clock Troop tal and physical health, intellectual de- drew some interesting comparisons be- Swarthmore Fire Company at the aD- rooms in Borough Hall. Burgess John vclopment, and to acquire a philosophy tween Italy now and as she knew it nual meetin. of active members of' H. Pitman, members of Borough Council, 6 wtll meet at the home of Mrs. Robert of living. best as a student in Rome in 1912. the Company held Thursday eveniDg the Borough Solicitor; Victor D. Shirer L. Coates, Harvard avenue, as the first There are three benefits from extraIn judging the current trends by ex· of la8t week. and Dean H. E. B. Speight were invited of seve.ral gat!teriugs to study for the curricular activities: social experience, amining mally Italian newspapers and to be ~uests of the Association. Journalist Merit Badge. seJf.expression, and athletic activity. magazi!1es Mrs. Brinton pointed out Prior to the dinner the regular meeting' Troop 16 will nieet at the Girl Scout 'rhe dangers in extra·curricular acti· that she was impressed by the s i m i - ' was held including the annual election. House Saturday morning at 9 :30 o'doc~. vities are two-fold; for those who do larity of subject matter of the articles. The ,new officers which were nominated On Thursday afternoon of last week, 1I0t participate, and for those who take The ideas which Mussolini wishes to last ,month arc: Dr. John B. Roxby the Girl Scout House Maintenance Com011 too many. impre~s upon the people are constantly "Th Lat Ch· t her Bea " president; Joseph Reynolds, vice-presi- mittee, a sub-committee of the Girl Scout Dr. Corrin also said that parents and repeated. Ce e . 11 ~~p I PI n Ident; Peter E. Told, secretary and treas- House Committee, which is responsible teachers should be watchful for the The current papers and magazines. urrent B I 0 ca ayers urer. only for the maintenance of the House symptoms of nervous disorders. The are largely treating three subjects. The Group I • and grounds, met at the home of Mrs. G. first and mildest is the exhaustion type, first of these is the recent withdrawal Injured at Mummers Parade H. Froebel 011 Swarthmore avenue. Other or nervous breakdown, typified by los, of Italy from the League of Nations. Using a Jllay which New York, London, ·members of this committee are: Mrs. of sleep. We all need at least eight The articles reiterate that Italy could Paris and ·Berlin audiences had duly An automobile struck and injured Mrs. William CraClner and Mrs. William M. hours sleep. The second type is du'! not longer delay taking such import- marked with their stamp of approval, the j. E. Ward who has been spending the Park, the troop leaders-Mrs. George to a toxic state of infection. Dr. Cor- ant action. Swarthmore 'Players Ctub scored another past few months with her son and daugh. limmer, Mrs. Henry Hanzlik and Mrs. rin discussed the effects of alcohol at The second topic is the development definite triumph with "The Late Christo- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Ward, F'. A. Child; Ruth Marsland, lieutenant some length, as it produces the worst of Italy's colonial policy in Ethiopia. pher Bean" as its January production. of Strath Haven avenue, last Saturday of Troop 2; Emily Smith and Winifred of mental disorders. The third type of 1I.JallY commentators in England and Under the direction of ]. William Sim- afternoon in front of the ,Bellevue-Strat~ Park, members of TrOOi) 16; Elaine Kite mental disorder is called dementia prae- America point out that Ethiopia's nat- mons, and played by a cast chosen with ford Hotel.. . and Edith Thatcher, of Troop 2; 'and Joy cox, or adolescent insanity. ural resources and advantages are lim- extreme care as to fitness of personalities Mrs. \V~~d,. With a party of fnends, Price and Alice Cractucr, of Troop 6. "Certain students shOUld not do work ited. However the Italian press glow- and their suitability to parts, the play had been v~ew1l1g the Mummers Parade Carol Maude Froebel and Betty Ann at night". "No one should attempt to ingly indicates that the resources of ollened Tuesday night at the clubhouse, from the wmdows of the Bellevue-Strat· Kite, sen'ed tea to those p'resent and study with the radio on. Attention Ethiopia wilt solve most of Italy's eco- to continue daily through Saturday. ford. As they left the hotel Mrs. Ward many plans were' made for improvement should not be divided". "The child's day nomic difficulties. Incidentally one arThe story-which in his adaptation the stepped beh~e.en two parked c~rs to gain of the Girl Scout House and grounds. should foHow his own inclinations. The ticle stated that it was Japan's spon· author has laid in New England-is odd, the ~ar waltmg for her. Wlthout any Sugge~tions for projects included a remore fresh air the better". These taneous sympathy in the Ethiopian con- amusing, and at times hilarious in its ~'a~nlllg the parked car facing her, in quest for an outdoor fireplace. Edith l)oints were brought out in the discus- flict which brought the two nations to comedy. Dr. and Mrs. Haggett, their which several !)Crsons were seated, jeJ:ked Thatcher was given charge of finding two daughters and the servant girl Abby forward crushmg Mrs: \Vard's knee be- out about a fire screen and fire tools for sion following Dr. Corrin's talk. Dr. their present entente. Corrin is on the staff of the Philadel· Of third consideration is the Italian OCCUllY the same house in which an im- tween the two bumpers. the fireplace inside the Scout House. phia General Hospital, and is consult- and Spanish relationship. It is apparent pecunious artist lived and painted a decade iog psychiatrist at Jefferson Medical that sympathy and interest definitely before. No one thought aught of the artCollege. center in the insurgent's cause but it ist's work untH other artists and dealers 'Captain Curran, of the Keystone elicits relatively small amount of com- sOllght to acquire, his pictures, by fair Auto Club, reviewed the local school ment. There is for instance little men- means. or foul" by wiles and deceptions, traffic problems as the expert brought ~ion of. the movement of Italian troops ten years after the pain~er's death. Alas! in to advise Swarthmore on its need for, m Spam. . when the H~g~etts discover the .reat l safe traffic for school children. Mrs. Brmton commented upon the value of the pambngs of the Late ChnstoStudent patrol does not interfere: effective international broadcasts of pher Bean, they agonize over the assumpwith vehicular traffic. It simply selects· both Italy and Germany. However, I tion that many 'of thrm were burned STORR' HOURS: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.-Mon., Tues. 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. Wed. the time for children to cross. Patrols both these countries set up equally ef- mereJy to get rid of them. Abby has re9 A.M. to 9 P.M.-Thurs. 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. Fri., Sat. are a visual appeal to use care in ~ross­ fective mechanical interference so that tained the portrait of herself and refuses broadcasts from foreign nations may to part with it for even as much as twenty ing. Spec:ials For Week of January 13th to January 19th, Inclusive not reach nationals of either of these five tho~sand. And then she manages Roland Eaton, president of the Fascist states. . to .produce the pictures which werell·!""--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~---------------., School Board, responding to its inTea ~as served later With Mrs. H. E. destroyed, having rescued them D I PINEAPPLE 21 I pklr. Chocolate Puddinl' •••.•• Ole btructions, presented, an adverse re· B. ~p~lght and Mrs. Sarg.ent Wa!ter thought unknown to the family. Through the en. 0 e ~.pkg•• JELLO, a ••'d Ravon ..• 13c commendation to student safety control. pres~dtng. Mrs. Robert Disque, vlce- tire play Abby has remained faithful to JUICE--2 No. 2 cans c He brought out that the Borough pre~ldcnt of the local. W. I. L., was the memory of the artist plausibly be. 4 .packages for ..••...••.•••••• 14c Council and local police should assume chairman of the meetlOg due to ~he cause of his kindness to her. Actually, responsibility for dangerous traffic absence of. Mrs. Edward A;. ] enkms shc leaves us with a sense of complete points instead of school children. He because of lll~css. M:s. S. Milton Bry· satisfaction when she produces a wed. Libby's Deluxe PLUMS UCO Fancy TOMA· dwelt on the inefficiency of children ant m~de an mter.estmg report for the ding ring in proof that they were really .No. 2 Y2 can ....... . TOES 2 No. 2 cans. in handling these situations. e~ucatlOnal committee and ~~s: Fran- married and that all his pictures and After this, in an informal vote, pa- CIS Harper told of the actiVIties and property belong legally to her. The grasp) rents responded overwhelmingly (37-7). responses to the work of the toy com· ing greed of the New England Haggetts in favor of such work in Swarthmore, rnittee. has placed them in an uncomfortable Heinz BAKED BEANS Heinz BAKED BEANS 15 rr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 dilemllla. but their Puritan sense of jus18 oz. can ......... . 212oz.cans ....... c tice and shame triumph in the end, and Pork & Tomato Sauce or Vegetarian Pork & Tomato Sauce or Vege~arian they rise nobly to the point of admitting that Abby is entitled to everything-when they find they cannot h~lp themselves or Salada TEA-Brown do otherwise. UCO ORANGE MAR. Label-v.. lb. pkg..... :Mt~ Simmons played the part of Dr. MALADE-2 lb. jar .. Half Pound Package 31e Haggett, the village doctor, with keen understanding, and gave an entirely satisfying performanec. ' Florence A. Hoadley as Abby, the HagMAZOLA OIL "unt Jemima Pancake gett's help, handled her first major role Flour-2 20 oz. pkgs. 19c Quart Can ... SC' splendidly as to make the lovable Abby more appealing than ever. Edna T. 'Hornaday injected into the Ildgmont Av...... aad WeIU IkMta role of Mrs. Haggett just the right IVORY SOAP California TOMATO amount of realism to sway her audience A. WONDERFUL SLEEPING GA.RMENT Bar 5c Large Bar 8c; Med. PASTE-6 cans. . . . . . at will, and gave an altogether delightful portrayal. -WOMEN'SWilliam T. Brown, cast as Tallant, an artist, ,ideally suited the part, and un· UCO Whole 'Kernel Questionably added to his already exCRlSC0-2 1.lb. Cans tensi ve reputation as an excellent player. CORN-2 No. 2 cans .. 3·1b. can 48c. ACTUAL $1.00 VALUE Country Gentleman or Golden Bantam Roland G. E. Ullman, as Rosen, an art dealer, gave a performance whir.h Sleep many professionals might envy and carTender, Juicy ROWldSnuglyried the play to heights of delightful ''Tender Juicy" RUMP 25 Bolar'Roasts BEEF, lb. Lighter Weight comedy most difficult to obtain. or ROUND Steaks, tt.. C Pin Bone or Top Muscle I I I "Cu,t from Prime Steer Beef" "Cut From Prime Steer Beet"' Than Flannel no JANUARY PLAY NIGHTS AT CLUB I GIANT TIGER I I It u It "Chester's Fashion Corner" ...... 36c ..ua SNUGFIT PAJAMAS 6ge Warm, cozy 8nugfit8 of better qualityComfortahle long sleeved mo,lelsBlush - blue aDlI CoralSmall - medium - large ... ... .. . .. .. .. .. . . YE Village Window Cleanf!r A. HAUGER It ' J. J.'8 Plan Supper At a meeting of the J. J.'s at Ule home of Nancy Armitage on South Chester road last Sunday evening plans were discusse-doz. VOTE ON THE MOVIES BALTIMORE PIKE AND HIRST AVE. EAST LANSDOWNE SWARTHMORE 504 ,t PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE. PA. .~~~~~~~~"~~~~~~~~~~ NO. V~L X, No.3 SWARTHMORE, PA., JANUARY 21, 1938 '2.5 ER YEAR ATTEND PUBLIC HEARING TUESDAY EVENING, 8 P. M.· BORO FATHERS DINNE~~~P.IER HOUSE CONCERNED CITIZENS MAKE STATEMENTS ABOUT BORO IN SESSION The dinner in aid of the Infanlile Paral- r-;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~1M 0 VIE THEATRE ysis Fund on Friday, the 28th, at 6 :30 • Council Appoints Alben Eaven. P. M. has been transferred from the IOn to Committee of Three to Woman's Club House to Whittier House Study School S.,fety Patrol on the campus of Swarthmore College. Tables for ten wilt have a hostess in charge of each. ~rs. Robe'rt E. Carels has kindly consented to sing. Dean R. Brimhall, Administrative Assistan~, Labor Management of the Works Progress Administration in Washington. will defend Work Relief D. W. R. Morgan, chairman of the very briefly and a number of local lights highway committee, presented a re- are preparing to heckle him on this port indicating p·rogress on the fouryear plan for sidewalk construction highly i~ftammable subject with Dr. L. adopted last year by Council. The grad- N. Robinson, presidjng to see fair play. • Mr. Brimhall is a brother-in-law of Marmg of the west side of Swarthmore riner Eccles, chairman of the Federal avenue and the laying of a cinder walk Reserve Board. as suggested by the School Board have been completed at a cost of $33.01 to I I • I the Borough. . . The regular meeting of Borough Council was held Wednesday evening with President T. E. Hessenbruch in the chair and all members, the burgess and the solicitor present. Council authorized the payment of $6000 10 Ri.jley Township for Borough use of Little Crum Valley Sewer. The desirability of some form of student safety patrol was discussed. Counc!I suggeste!! that further study be gIven this matter by a committee of three, .one member to be appoint~d by Councd, one by the School Board and one hy the Home and School Association. Alben T. Eavenson chairman of the public ~afety commjtt~e, was named as the Borough's representative. The Fire Company"s request for new hose was approved. The Swarthmorean Straw Vote I am in Javor of the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordin"n"e of 1928 80 as to permit the erection Dnd operation of a motion picture theatre on the varant lot on Park Avenue, between the Metho. dist Chnrch and Borough Hall ........... 0 I am not in favor of the above proposal. ·····0 Signed: ...................... . Mail or leave your vote at The Swarthmorean office or at the Swarthmore National Bank and Trwt Co. on or before Monday, January 24. Disclose Reasonable Differences of Opinion in Solicited Statements Uppermost in many minds the past two weeks has been the proposed amendment of the zoning ordinance to permit the erection of a motion picture theatre on the lot on Park avenue between the Methodist Church and Bor· ough Hall .. Carroll Thayer, of Harvard avenue, the first Burgess of Swarthmore, mem.. ber of Council for many years, and the last signer of the zoning ordinance now in force, is opposed to a motion picture theatre in Swarthmore because he feels Ihat this town could not support a first cla •• one. Mrs. George Zimmer, of Ogden ave.. MRS SEAL HEADS I 1:;;;--------------=----~----------------------dJ years, nue, a Girl Scout Leader here for ten feels that a local movie would IfEAL'I'H.. SOCIETY Pledge Fraternitie8 S1'R.AW VO'I'E add another item to the already full program which now occupies Swarth.. Among the local freshman pledging TO CONTINUE more children. O.ther Officer8 Elected at Meet. fraternities at Swarthmo.re College are: Mrs. J. Paul Brown, of Walnut lane, ._. ... . . . mg Last Th1l1"llday; M ..... ILauer Jones, Delta Upsdon; John DeJackson Tendered Tribnte la~laine, Edwar~ Hannu!" and J~hn Those Again8t Movie Proposal Luncheon MIller, Kappa SIgma; RIchard SmIth, in Slight Lead; Margin Phi Delta Theta;. Paul Caldwell and Very Small Mrs. joseph Seal was elected president of the Community Health Society of Central Delaware County at the January meetin.go held Thursday of last week in the Legion Room, Borough Hall, Swarthmore. Mrs. Earl P. Yerkes was elected first vice-president; Mrs. C. E. Rigby, second vice-president; Mrs. Edward M. Boyd, treasurer; Mrs. j. Donald Gibson, secretary. Albert Thatcher, Phi Kappa Psi. • II who through her work with Browniei and her 1937·38 chairmanship of what is generally admitted to be Swarthmore's most successful dancing class season, has a wide acquaintance with Swarthmore's yoanger citizens. feels that a local moving picture theatre would keep young people of High School age in Swarthmore• Lawrence E. Davies, of Hillborn av~ nue, Philadelphia correspondent for the New York Times, authorizes the fonowing statement: liAs one who has lived in other communities in the East, the Middle West and the Far West until four years ago, ! think 1 can fullY appreCiate the' uriique, r<.!stful, hon-' commercial character of this residential suburb. Let's not attempt to convince ourselves in the interests of friendship, perhaps, or in the name of superficial progress that a much needed and bene: fidal zoning law should be amended to permit the erection of a movie house especially when such a step would increase night traffic, fire hazards and parking problems, necessitate added police protection and definitely make Swarthmore a commercial competitor of less desirable communities." Mrs. Henry A. Piper, of Yale avenue, president of the Elmira Club of Philadelphia. constructively states: "I should like to see the borough own all the land between Borough Hall and the Methodist Church. Later, perhaps, a beautiful Borough Hall might be on this site with enough land to make a beautiful spot of this future civic center." Due to the great interest in the straw vote being conducted by The Swarth. . . morean on the proposed cinema in . At the regular monthlr dmner m~t!ng Swarthmore, and because some voters • I • of the Swarthmo~e Busmess ASSOCiatIon have not yet had an opportunity to last ~uesday evemng at the ~trath Haven e?,pres~ themselves, this paper win conI!l n m~mbers wer~ entertained by mo- hnue Its straw vote this week. Every lion P!ctures furmshed ~y the General person twenty-one years of age or ElectrIC ~om~an~ Sh?WlOg. the advan- ?ve.r, who has not sent in a ballot, is R . tages of tllummatlon 111 selbp,g. Follow- II1vlted to express his opinion on whe~rts we~e gwen of '. the happy ing the movies Jerry Martel gave a ther the proposed amen...tment t ". C.hn~tm~~ ~r:!les"at-t1:ae".Hc.<.;.1t~ -Genter-s,· very' intuestiug- ,talk"on' ·'('Merchandis"~ zcining· ordhUi.nce shall' be'" maae 0, ~he Chorus to Begin Fifth Year gIVen WIth the help of the Girl Scouts, jng and Competition" after which there Clip· the d'I' I Under Henry Hotz·; Powers . f bl' .. d h i ' coupon an mal or eave a group? pu IC splrJte sc 00 boys, was a general discussion of the sub· it in th'e ballot b t Th S h Gourand at Luncheon j eets. more iii ox Tah S e wartand very mterested board members. M . • •• an 0 ce or at e warthmore Next Week .L rs. Nelhe P. Cuenco,. s?~rvising National Bank and Trust Company on The art d '. nurse, reported upon the actlvIt1es of a or before· Monday January 24 an musIc sections of the busy month when 633 visits were made This ballot is ~ntirel • d' d ::oman's Club gave a co~~ined pro~ram by the nursing staff. of all petitions and the ~~i~ ~~~l:/~: Tuesday, january 18. IntrOduced by Acknowledgment was made of the many the Woman's Club. Its results will be ~rs. Lloyd K~uffman, chairman of music, gifts which were given to the agency Old Custom Revived Monday counted and reported separately at the Mrs. Herbert Fraser and Miss Helen by friends during the month of December. Evening In Tribute To public hearing next Tuesday evening. ~ehre enter.tai.ned with two de1i&·~~tul Immediately following the meeting a Borough Volunteers B~ sure to express your wishes through ~lano and vlOhn selecti~ns. Mrs. F~a~er luncheon was given at the Ingleneuk in thiS bal.lot. T~e Swarthmorean repeats, 1~. well known in Swarthrytore for her ~o?or of ~rs. A. F. Jackson, the re- Active members' of the Swarthmore emph~tlcally, Its statement o~ last week plano work, both as a soloist and ;111 tlnng preSident. Mrs. Martin B. Young, Fire Company were guests of the Harold th~t signatures are confiden~lal and ~e­ ~ccompanist, and as well as Miss Behre. o?e of th~ fOl!nders of. the Nursing Ser- Ainsworth ~ost, Am~rican L,egion, on ~:~:~d only as a check to IOsure falr1~ a. member of th~ Ornst~!n Schoql of v~~e and a former preSident, talked of the Monda~ evemng of ~hls week 10 accord- The results to date on M, USIC, Philadelphia. Beethoven's F,'fth p~oneer wor~ of the early days of the ance WJth a custom mauguarated a numthe returns Health S t Sh Id f h fi show a small percentage against the ~onata for Violin and Piano and Pagan.' ocle y. e to 0 t erst ber of years ago but allowed to lapse A b K 'I' meeting at the home of Mrs. Thomas S. the last couple of seasons. proposal, but the vote, which is large I'nl's "Praelud'" , lum arrange4 Y relS er Safford foun'd d fi t 'd f R· b ' in volume, is very close. were h . . 'ffi ' • er ~n rs presl ent 0 0 crt T. Balr, a past commander, was I • I I t. e two d. cult numbers played by the S~ry.~e; of MISS Esther Sparhawk, in charge of the meeting and introduced the artists. first vlsltmg nurse, who drove an ambu- Legionnaire Frank Markley who review. J. J. ~8 Change Place of Supper Fol1owh~~ ~~e ~~s~~al program l4r~. ~a!1ce w"'~ch ha4 seen .service abroad, on ed the history of the Fire Company, and The annual supper of the j. J.'s witl ~Iexander Lackey introduced Miss Jo- ~er cal1s, of the hapPllless of the board genial jim Gallagher, of Chester, who be held at 5 :30 this Sunday evening at C~arles Ru~sell, p~es~dent of the sephine Truslow Adams teacher of art embers when a new car could be pur- entertained the gathering with humorous the home of Eliot Jeffords, 223 Vassar Bus~ness Men s A.ssoclahon, says that at Swarthmore College. Miss Adams gave chas;d .f~om the contributions of inter- stories from his highly amusing supply. avenue, instead of at Nancy King's home he ~s personally 111 favor of a local a most comprehensive talk 011 lhe "AP_l este Cltl~~!1S o~ Swart~more. The first After an appropriate repast had been as previously announced movie for two reasons: first-that when • I . his daughter grows up he would prefer proach to Modern Art" illustrating it Health chnlc was held III the basement served the Legion members examined the that she attend a movie in Swarthmore j ~ith pictures depicting the various schools lOf the Woman~s Club and Mrs. Young Fire company apparatus in the Fire Red CrOS8 Branch Elect8 of art. expressed gratitude to the members of House. second-that as an average citizen hI! The chorus of the Swarthmore Wow ~e Borough Council, who making hea~The Harold Ainsworth Post has been Mrs. James Bacon Douglas was IS lazy enough to prefer to go to a show here than drtve to a neighboring man's Club WI'11 resume re . h i· . quarters , earsa s on Bo h for H IIthe Board h of CHealth .111 commended for the highest percentage,reelected chairman of the Swarthmore town. Monday january 24 t 10 AM' h·' roug . a, gave t e ommumty of membership of any post in this di9~ Branch of the American Red Cross at Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop. of Harvard Club H'ouse Henn' ~ t . In t ~ I Health SocIety a permanent home. triet to date due to the efforts of Guenther the annual meeting held at th~ Douglas avenue, objects to the proposed theatre well known' direcio Of z'thPop~~~ ~n 11 Mrs. Cuenco arin Mrs. Philip H. Jew· Froebel. Mr. Froebel urges all Swarth- home on North Chester road Monday owing to tht! complication of borough ~ingers who were °well erecei~e~g:t :tt,~ forJme~ Boa~d m~mber, paid tribute more men eligible for membership in the afternoon of this week. Others elected traffic problem. the New Year's Open House of the o. rs. ac son til brIef addresses. Mrs. Legion but not affiliated with any Post. to the various offices were: vice-chairPlayers Club, wl'll again . conuct d h Gibson addressed to the te r' read 'da poem nd · . to communicate with him or come out man, Mrs. E. M. Bassett; secretary, 1...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . , chorus. This it th fifth th M re Irmg presl ent a , presented her 10 to the meetings at 8 o'clock on the third Mrs. L. A. WetJaufer; treasurer, Mrs. Annual Meeting of Hotz will be wl'th eth I year A at .r. behalf of Board and $taff with an artistic )ronday evening of the month in the J. J. Geer. Elric S. Sproat, Dr. WinLibrary AS80ciation e c lorus. nyone 111 I' I. I " . . h W . h Swarthmore or VI'ct' 'ty . t t d . c Ip on w nc 1 were mscnpttolls mean1l1g Legion Room on the second floor of t rop rIg t, Dr. Harold Roxby, Mrs. III 10 eres e III mus- I rf d I . Th IC is urged to join. Non.members of the ong I e an lappmess. Borough Hall. omas Safford and Mrs. Carlos F. On Monday, January 24, at 8 Woman's Clilb pay a small fee. For fUiNoyes were named on the board of P. hL the Swarthmore Public th directors. Library Association Will hold its er information contact Mrs. Lloyd The sum of $1383.30 was reported ao; annual meeting in the Library on Kauffman. THE WEEK'S CALENDAR the amount of last fall's roll call in the second floor of Borough Hall. At 1 P. M. next Tuesday there will Swarthmore. This does not include the All voting residents of Swarthbe a discussion luncheon with Powers FRIDAY, JANUARY 21 College. Mrs. Wayne Randall will be more are automatically members Gouraud, radio commentator, speaking 7:30 P. M. - young People's Fellowship "SkatIDg ~.tI roll call chairman north of the railroad of the Association and should be on radio broadcasting and the theatre. 8:15 P. M.-o'Recent Developments In Aeronau'tl:.-~ty ChurCh ParIsh House and Miss Helen Jackson, south, next; present to vote on the important Reservations should be made today with Martin Lecture Room. College year. question of the revision of the A-Irs. J. H. Jessup, 243 Haverford aveSATURDAY, JANUARY 22 A request was made for volunteers constitution and by-laws, the in· nue. A special price has been set for 8:30 P. M. - Basketball: Swarthmore vs. DrexeL .......... College Field House to assist at the Health Centers under corporation of the Association, non-members of the Club. ., SUNDA.Y, JANUARY 23 the Community Health Society and Voting for directors will con::30 P. M.-J. J's Supper ............••...... · ...•....•..•. 223 Vassar A"enue anyone able to help in this way should :45 P • .Y.-Organ Recital by Ernest Wllloughby .......... Clothler Memorial communicate with Mrs. Nellie Cuen. tinue during library hours on Friday and Saturday of this week Many At Fire Company Banquet MONDAY, JANUARY 24 co, supervising nurse, at Borough Hall. 8:00 P. M.-Annual MeetIng Publlc Llbrary ............ Ltbrary. Borough Hall Miss Byrd Hagy, of the Philadelphia and on Monday, January 24, un· 8:00 P. Y.-Methodist Young "fomen's Association •••..• 405 Haverford. Place til 8 P. M. There is much interest Frank, the Barber, is being congratheadquarters, related interesting Red TUESDAY, .JANUARY 25 in the selection of three directors ulated upon the success of the 1938 ban10:00 A. Y. - L. W. V. StUdy Or:Qup ....................... 600 Harvard Avenue Cross statistics and commended the from the four candidates named quet of the Swarthmore Fire and Pro1:00 P. Y.-Dlscusslon Luncheon ................. ·..... ·........ Woman.·s Club local branch on its quick growth from on the ballot; Alice F. Barber, 3:15 P. Y.-Basketball: 8~ore VB. CoUlngda,le ..•..... Hlgh School Gym. a unit with only two branches, Home ~ectiv~ Association held Thursday even8.00 P. M.-PublJc Hearing 0ll:.Movte •..•••••••...•.• Hlgh School Auditorium Mrs. Peter E. Told, Richard G. ng of last week under his direction. The Service and Roll Call, to its present TJlURSDAY. JANUARY Z'7 Haig and Rev. J. Jarden Guenargest turllout ever recorded at one of . status which covers as well Disaster 8:00 P. Y.-Presbyterian Young Women's GUUd .••..••••• 533 Riverview Road ther. these annual dinners was in attendance., Relief, Nursing Service, First Aid, Clifford M. Rumsey acted as toastmaster. • . • Braille and Production. I\..--------------~. ~T AND MUSIC, CLUB PROGRAM I Business Association Meets , FffiEMEN GUESTS OF LEGION POS1" I i :0 ••• II ------------------------------------------------------------. --"-" • LI Hit . TELEPHONE I THE I STEWING OYSTERS (Small Size) .... doz. HARRIS&: co. TAILO.!:~~ I j VOTE \ INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE 6 PARENTS FAVOR SAFETY PATROL feeling that tlu tranung til rcspotisl 1,,111\ of the ho) s \\ as vcry \\ orth \\11I1t' ,IS \nll IS makmg dllldrcn safety COIlSCIOUS ~I,n'"Jl Sl:hadcr. a11(1 her groUt) Ilrc'llliul I ell Irmlllg example of ~xtra­ lUrrl(ullr let1\ll\ HI tlu:lr prt.'s(utatlOll (If the.. foUO\\ mg graceful colorful, and 1I1~l11l01lS d IIICt:S • \ \ ahz C,I"f1CC , by (,rng Ihl !-lklh:rs \Vahz h) the I I' A 1111 group .1 solo d,lIIce n lett) Ihl\\lnl and I (llSCrJlltl\e CllIl1e.:Se.. ,Imn tIIterpfltmg Chlll,t tucla\, In ~" ... s Sehacfu JANUARY SWARTIlMOREAN of arrall,R4.:IIu.:nt!'i and .lsked to 11<1111C hu . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , REELECTED FIRE CHIEF Bett) Mostlc) as (OlllllllttCt: \ICC-preSI dellt \\.IS .1sslgm.'d the duties of program 1,1111111111,1.{ nut I'uhhclt) dlalrm,m :"lrs J J)eudlillt· Ncar On Ilelurns VOTE VOTE llllllorro\\ S Itunl" J 1I1U Ir) 15 Is thl' JIst d I) for 1I1111g: pt.:rSOIl 11 IJlClllerh rdllllls SCI II )UU h,'v~1l t 1II111( ,ours \ct \011 d hlltl'r hurr, 11111 Ilkt It to the Ill( II t,IX IS'i!.:ssur It ~17 I),rtlllollih ,1\eHlll ON THE UN THE MOVIES MOVIES B \Vest uf DIl'kll1son .IHIIUC llIt~mh:llt of the JUI1Wf \\Toman s Auxll Tut'Hllay's Home amI SdlOOI I In or thts 1'IO(:CSC of the J 1),scu'JaII Program Also "",h"lell Chunh s)Joke to the J J 's 011 \anous I No ..•.. Psydliatrist "h.lsl.:s of the IIItudcl1ul1unatum 11 )outh IHO\Cllu.'ul of \\11Ich tIll!) arc a p.lr l L ________________...J It \\ IS t1uuit"(l to scud I sUI)pl) 011 \\ .11 Ir,1 I ' 11111111Slll1 lin sult'1I1 ,IIU\ food to a CUII\ descent \\UIII.(I1 \\ ho h h IJorul 110111\111'" Ilnlg:rl1ll lhllrnlolll I ,lIst i/tell (iJsdtargl(1 flom the chant) I'n ..... llhd • \ In,d l,n lgr.'1II ,ttlhe.. Jloll1e.: IIHI Se..hool lIlu,'l1l1g' I lIestll\ e\Cllmg i \\ ani of I Ill.' lrll\ hOSJlJt 11 follo\\ 1111{ III lue.: ... d l\ mOllIIng It II 30 u dock tlil \\IHII I)r ke.:llmth ~I Lorrlll \HlI olH'1 111011 ,mil Is III str.lIh.'lIcd lin 11111 mother ... HI tlit S" 1I1llfllUrc Girl SeoUls • 1 , 1I1t'1 III lhe (,Irl Slollt Huuse for a buxkllO\\1I IIs"lllltnsl sl'okt.' till I xlrl slam cs (UrtIC111II \ctl\IItt:S Ihe.:lr Bencflts LOCAL W. I. L. HEARS It1Utill'OIi J he.:) nul Ibo to dt.'cI a new 1IIe1 J) U1g:c..r ... 1IIRS HOW AnD BnINTON (,lrI SWill J IOlbl' t:ullIlllllh:e hc.tdeu U) I Fire Coml,any H"lds Annual :"1 r... J h~nn J< JJ till.... o{ IJJcklllson \\ In do \\l C1100 .. l I t.:ollo!;t' ... ani ~I p,; 110\\ ant Brlllton spoke \V cd I)r CI rrlll Proh Ihh hlT<.IU'l' \\1.: Ire Banquet l\l'lIm, Is t.:h IIrtlllll ~"s 11 Van 11Itlrtstld 111 "'OIlit of It-; t.'xlr I t.:urn IIC"c!" Ifh rllOOIl It tht.' J 1Il1J.lr) mect\lllI of ])uk a\CIlUt. is "'e(lclary, and I ,1St e.. \(.'1lI11,L:" the alll1l1<.1l hallCjttet ot thl 1111-{ of tilt \\ OIlH:n... International t tllir Icll\ IlIl s :\Ir ... II IlIldll\ Pl'c1 of ColulIllna I\C S\\arthl1l0fl lire lIId Prott.'t tne ,\"'s<)(t.t It IglI( 111 I'mld "Itlllorloll In dlscussHarr, MIllalt, ",ho ",IS r{lltlltd lit pt11llled tilt th It tht thrcduhl 1Il1t' IS Ire.: Isurer I'lIrpo ... t: til utuc ltll 11 10,; to dl HIliI' men IIIg lilt Curnnt Innds In hal) she to a ~e("()nd term U~ (huf Hf the tlOlI ,\as hdt! lit the lire COlIIlI ~Irs \\ Irds knee Ilt lout Ihlut I till.' .,t.:rtt.'11 1Il 9,\ 1\1 to 9 P l't1-Thurs 9,\ 1\1 to 10 I' 1\1 Frl Sit Hctl\l' 1lU't.:h IIIIe1l 11lte..denue:e so that tamcd till pllrtrllt of herself ami rdu<;es In I \ I~II t1 Ippl tI to 11 .. 1.' care 11 cross IIro Hlr.:asts from foreign 11 1II0llS III i' t I Illrl \\ Ith It for e\en IS much Is t\\ cnh Specials For Week of January 13th to January 19th, Inclusive IIIg III( 1 rcach natu11l11s of t.'lthl'r of thesc Ine.: thousatHI \ncl thtll !'ihe mmages Rolilid I atoll presHlelit of Ihe I ISCISt states to Ilroi1l1 t.:e the pictures \\Inch were Selll 01 BOlrd respondlllg to Its 111 ll..'a \\ b st:rHd latcr \\lth :\lr., 11 E thought dt'<;lro\L'(1 ha\lIlg: rl'scllcd thcm 1 pkg Chocolate Puddmg Dole PINEAPPLE strllt.:llons Pll..'sl'lltul. til Hhcrse re- B Spclght IIld ~lrs Sargent \\alter UnkllO\\1I to tile t,m11l) Ihrough Ihe en 3 pkgs JELLO, ass'd flavors JUICE-2 No 2 cans COntlllenti IIHlIl to sludellt S del\ control I prc.:<;lcilll,L:" ~I rs Rohcrt IJISqlll '\ Ice til t' pi I) \bh\ hi'" rc.:m IlIled faithful to 4 package$. for 14c lit hn light Ollt Ih It tht: Borough prl.'sult.:llt of the 101..'.11 \V I. \\ IS tht' lllelllOr) oi thc Irtlst plmslhI) he (011111..'11 and loc d pohce should ,lSSUll1e I e:h lIr11l1ll of the met:illlg duc to ttlC ll11"e of Ins kmtilll..'ss to hl..'r \lln dl) ~!!!!!!!!!~: nspon,,!1J1lit) for dangerous Ir<.lilK lh"'l'llcl' 01 ~Irs I tI".inl A Je.:nkllls shl 1(,1\1.' ... 1'" "lth I sellse of t0111t)lct~ 11)(lIb. IIbtl.'ld 01 school t.:llIldrt.:n Jlellleclt1sl' of dlnl'<;s :\Ir... S 111ltOH Bn "'lllsflltUlII "hell !'ill(: 11Iodu«'s I \\ed LIbby's Deluxe PLUMS UCO Fancy TOMAcl\\elt (Ill the.: IIlCillclellC) ()f cllIldrclll lllt mlde all Illteresting report for till' rilllg rmg III prouf thlt thn \\cre rCell1) No 2Y2 can TOES 2 No 2 cans \II hUHlhng the.:se .. ltUltIOIlS lducltlOllti e:Ollllll1ttel' alIY mg the movies Jerry Martel ga\e a thcr thc proposed amendment to the unttl four \cars ago r thmk I can fully Chorus B·· I Chrl~tma5 !)artlcs at the H ... _ltl Ccn.te.,. \ \ cr) II1tc:rC)tillg' talk on 11 o..:fChanUb- ILunlllg orUllllIlce shall lie made tPI)rCclate the ullIquc. r stiul, nonU I egtn Year given \\Ith the help o( thc Girl Sconts Illg and CompetItIon' after \\Inch therc Chp the coupon and mad or lea,c C0l1l111Crcml charactcr of thiS resldcntlal nt: er enry Hotz, Powers a groul) of puhhc stunted sellool ho\s \\as a general dISCUSSIOn of the sub It 111 the haHot box at lhe S\\arth- suhurb 1 d s ilot attempl to cOll\mcc Gouralld at Luncheon !awl \er) 111terested hoard memhers Jeets • 11 l110rcan office or It 1 he S\\arfhmorc tlursl.'hcs III the mterests 01 frlendslup, and 0 o ••• MRS. SEAL HEADS HEALTH SOCIETY ~cout STRAW VOTE TO CONTINUE I I ART AND MUSIC, CLUB PROGRAM ~ Next ~.flh Week I ! ~fr" FIREMEN GUES"I'S Nellie P Cucnco SUpCn l!'illlg' lurs( rcported u)lon the actl\lttes of a .. hus, month \\hell 6:H \1<;ltS \\crt.' t1lade h\ the nu .... smg staff .r\ckn()\\ledgment \\.IS marie 01 the 1l1am) gilts \\llIch \\erc g-I\CIl to the agcllC) I Old Custom Revived Monday h) fnends dur1l1g the month of DCccl11h('r I Evening In Tribute To II11IlJNtaC) I t I f0 II O\\lI1g tiC I mcctlng al Borough Volunteers luncheon \\as gncn at Ihe Ingleneuk 111 :\atlOllal Bank aud 1 rust Compau) (Ill or bcforl' '-Jonda\ Januan 2-1 Ihc Irt and mUSIC sCctlOliS of tht' l'lIs ballot IS 1'Iltireh mdependcnt \\ oman s Cluh g.l\e t combmed l.rogram ot all pctltlOns and tht.' ~fall Ballot ot 011 Tuesday, J,lIIuary IS Introduced h,) the \Vomans Cluh Its result<; "Ill be llrs L1o)d "-auffman, chalrlllan of musIc cOlillted and rq)orted separ.ltel) tt the Mrs Herbcrt Fraser and 1hss Helen puhltc hearll1g ncxt 1UC!'id l \ C\elllllg Bchrc entertallle(1 ".111 1\'0 ,Iel.glllflli Re lour \\Ishes through I slIre I II to exprt.'ss 11 )113110 and \lohn sclccholls ~Ir ... rra<;er t lIS) l ot Ie S\\ lrthmorcall repeats t.'lIlphatlcall) Its statement of last "eek IS \\cll kIlO\\11 111 S\\arthmore for her honor or ~[r<; \ F Jackson the rc \chvc membcrs of the S"arthmore liloll signatures arc confidcnttal and re tllauo \\ork hoth IS a solOist and an tmng presldcnt ~Irs )'lartl1l B Young Fire COinpan} \\cre gucsts ot tht' Harold (111.r .. ,1 0 •• 1, "" • cl,"ck 10 ".sl.re f'.rI foull( Icr ... (It the !\ursmg Ser \lIIs\\orth Post Amcrlcan LegIOn, on ness... ''''''' .. accollll>al11st. and as "cll as 'I.s" Bel.re onc () r tie .~ ., I f k f IS a memher of the Oillstelll School of \Ice au( a ormcr prc<;ldent tal cd 0 Ihel).londa y e\elllllg o( tillS \\cek III accordIhe results to date 011 the rcturns ~Iuslc Pluladclplua Bcethmcn S Fifth I ~~{)I1~~r ~ork of ~hc l.'a~l; d;,s of lithc allt.:e '\lIh a custom lIIallguaratcd a Ilum sho\\ a small percentage agamst thc S t f V I I PIP I ea t 1 oCleh ~ he to ( 0 thc Irst hcr of )cars ago hut allo\\cd to lapse proposal hut the \otc \\hlch Is large ona a or 10 III all( mno all( agll1 meetmg at the hOllle of ~Irs Thom.ls S tht' list couplc of scasons P I I I I 1< I dose IIlIS rae ll< !lUll 31 range( I) rCls cr Safford. foundcr and first preSident of Robert T Balr a past commandcr, \\as In \OIUIllC, IS 'cr) .1 • I II I fIiICU It 1l111ll I)ers p Ia)ed 11\ tie I Scr\ice of ~hss Esthcr Sparha"\\k III dmrgc of thc Illeetlllg and mtroduced J J ' Ch "erc 1e t\H) (I PI S ange ace of upper • •8 t I1e .Irtists fint \ ISIIIIlg- nurse \\ ho drO\ c an ;ull.hu- l eguJIlnllrc I r.lIlk ~[Irkle\ \\ ho re\ 11.'\\ Fullo\\lIl,L:" the lIIuslCti program ~lrs I lance \\Inch had seen servlcc abroad. on cd thc lustor) of the ]Irc Cnmpall\ and 1he annual supper 01 the J J s "Ill pt:rhaps or 111 the name or superfiCial progre ...... th tt a much necded and benehcml zOlllng 1m should hc amtndcd to pumlt the crecllon of a 1ll00IC house cspecldh "hen such a step \\ould Illcrcase 1l1ght tratlic hn hazards and llolrkmg prohlem<; IHccssltatt.' added police prolcctlon and dehnllel) make S\\arthmorc a e:otlllllucial competitor of Ie.:s~ deSirable COlllmullltles ~lr~ Hcnn :\ Plpcr. ot Yale ave- OF LEGION POS'l' prt.'sldent ot thc I hlllra Cluh of PllIladelplua con ... lnlctl\t'i) statcs I should hke to set.' Ihl.' borough 0\\11 all tht.: land hct"ecn Borough H,dl and the.: ~lt:lhodbt Church Later I)crhaps, IIt1( Ia heautlful Rorou l"o .. h Hall Illlght bc k on t hiS site \\ Ilh enollgh land to ma c a ht.'a1l1111l1 spot 01 thiS futurc cn II..' ccn- ter hcr c II f tl I f II I II I I C I I I I 5 3 Charh... Rus~cll presulcllt of the \Iexander I ackc,) IIltrodllced 1\lJss Jo I a s 0 1C lappme<;s 0 Ie loan gUll I )UI1 Gil aghcr ot hc ... lcr \\ 10 IC lC d at 0 tillS Snuda,) e.elllllg at Sel)llIIlt.' 1ruslo\\ \dUllS tcacher of .'rllmemhers "hcll a ne\\ car could ht' pur- elitcrtalllcd thc gathcrmg \\uh 111l1norou ... the hOlllc 01 I hot Jl'ITords 22J Vassar nusllll.':'>~ ~Ien<; ~ssocmltoll sa)S that .. cl.ase (I Ir0l11 II le COli I n IHI1 tcr- I stonc .. from In<; IlIghh amnsmg ,1lPP Iy !\enuc IIlsttad 01 at Nann h.mg:. II()me hI..' b Ill.:r~ol1al1, III I l\ or of a local "I I lon<; f 0 III •• S \\ar II 11110r c C () II ege 'I ~\ IsS'\ (allis ga,. I f S f i ' I I ' I r I 111'1 "I.e., a t i t Ik I \ leste( Citizens 0 "althmole The rst \fter an Ipprullrmtc rCllast had heen as prevIOus I) lIInoullced 1ll0\11' or \\0 re .. <;oIlS IS .. 1ll0s C01l1J1rc lCIlSI\C a 011 tiC j II H III I I II I I II 1 :, dau"'htl'r gro\\:-. IIJl hc \\oultl prefer 1111 O 'I I \ II ea I c I1lIC \\ as Ie ( III tit.' )aSClllell scncd the I cglon lIIell1hcr~ ('x I1I1111e..1I the • I • ~ I I I)r ac 1 () .\ tI( crn rt I ustratmg I t , ' that she tltcnd a 1110\ II..' III S" arthmorc, \\lth plCtUrc~ dcpl{tlllg thc \anous school lof thc \Voman s Club and ~Irs "\ oung lire (ollll)an\ apparatus III tilt lire Red Cross Branch Elecls I 1 1 an aHrage CttIZt.'1l It of art s I cxprcssed gratitude to thc membcrs ot Ilotlse st:(()11( - t lat a:. II the Rorough CounCil \\homaklnghcadIhc flarolcl \1I1s\\orth Po"t ha ... heen )'Irs James BacclII ))ougla:,> \\asl'" laz\ t:llongh to prcfer In go to I 1(" chorns of the S\\althmort.' \Vo 1\elll1lg of thc month III the J J Gecr Ilrlc S Sproat Dr \Vm- j Librarv Association ~otz \\111 he \\ltlt the chorus \n)onc 111 thp Oil \\llIth "erc IIbt.:nptlOl1s ll1eall1ll~ I eglOn HflO1l1 011 the s(,(olld 0001 of throp \\ right Dr Harold Roxb) Mrs S" arthmorc or VIClllIty mtcrcstcd III tlltls long hfe and happtlless Borough Hall 1 hom3s Safford and ~I rs Carlo.. F j On :\lol1<1a\ Januan l-l- 11 8 IC IS urgcd to Jom Non-members of till :\:0\ es \\ ere named 011 the hoard of I' ),1 the S\\ arthmnrc Publtc \Voman s Club pay a small fcc For fur Idirectors I Ihran \ssnClattoll \\ III hold Its ther mformatlOll contact ~[rs L10Ht I 1he sllll1 of $118330 \\as rl.'porltd ao;; 1 annual meetmg III the tlhrar,) on Kauffman THE WEEK'S CALENDAR Ihe amo"nl of lasl lall 5 roll call '" the s('conti floor of Borough Hall \t 1 P!{ next Tuesday thcrc \\111 Is"arthlllore TillS rioes not IIlcludc thc I \11 \otlllg rc.sl(lcnts of S"arthhl a (hscusslon lum:heon With Powcrs FR[DA. Y JANUAQ,V 21 Collegc ~1 r~ \\ a) ne Randall \\ III he nillre arc. aUlomatlcall) mcmbers Gouraud radiO commentator spcaklllg 730 PM-young Peoples Fellowshtp 'Skating Party" Iroll cal1 chairman 1I0rth 01 thl' railroad I Trinity Church Parish House I 'I II I J k II • 01 the \"SOCJ.ltlOll and should ht on radiO hroadcastmg .111d thc theatre a 15 P M _ Q,ecent Developments 1n Aeronautics ani .\ ISS e til ac ~nn .. ou I !It:x pn ... cnt tn \Otl 1)11 the Imporlant RCSCr\atlollS sllould be Il1a(le toda) \\ult Martin Lecture Room Co1lege i't:ar CJUt~tlllll III tht n\I .. ltlll of thc ~Irs ) II JI.' ...... U)) 2-13 IIlHrfonl ave S\TURDAY J\.NU\RY 22 \ rc.:ql1l t \\ Is madc tor \Ohlllttlr ... uHhtltutlon lIHI 11\-la\\ ... thl.' III nut.' \ spct.:lal lInc~ h lS hel:1l sd tOI 830 PM-Basketball Swarthmore liS Drexel College Field House (11 as ....... t at the Ihalth Ctllter~ U1Hh:r cnrporatU)1I 01 the \ssoclatlOn, non members at the Club SUNDAY JANUARY 23 the lomtnl11l1l\ 1I1'aith SOCieh and j \ otmg' for dlrl'ctors "Ill C011530 P M - J Js Supper 223 Va.c;sar A\enue all\Olle ahlc to hdp 111 thiS \\a) should I • • 645 P M - Organ Recital by E .... nest Willoughby Clothier Memorial COmlllUlIICatc \\ lilt ).( rs ?\elhe Cll<"11 tllllle dllrmg hhran hour.. on FfI(la, and ~aturda) at tllIS ,\cck l\lany At Fire Coml.any Banquet MONDAY JANUARY 24 1((1 <;U]l<"f\Ismg nurse.: at Borough Hall and on ~lnllda\ Januan 2-1 un =~~~~JI::e~~~~gPU~~~e~l~r~latlon LI~~1Ia~~:-?o~hp~~~ 1 )'lIss B)rd Hag, of the Phtlulclllll1a til 8 P ~r Thl'H I.. much IIltcrcst I rank the Barhl.' I h ht:mg ulIlgrat head(IUarters relatcd IIltcnstmg' I-'!ed III tht.' sl'i('Ctt()11 01 three (itn ctors TUESDAY, I Cross stattstlcs alld cOllllllended the' ulatet't:tld II) rl'lUlIi (Ill 1·t.'!Jf1I.II\ 3 ~lr ... * * • Cok' Emlllolh, JI , 01 Balumurl' (lIke. Idt ),1011<1,1) to .. )lend 1\\0 lIIonth~ "itl] lllr IJ.lIl'1I1 .... ),11 ,mel ).11" C Il P,I~(h.tl1. ,It thclr \\lIltn hOllle III LOllI'> ~l 101 III I muml dlatll'pi()J1~hll) of t~IC colh:gc dllrin.g A. G. ).lcVay .1Ilt! :\Jrs H:.l)1Il0 n .aS5la, tilt.' allllual IIllr.lluural \\ IIlter "'ports fe"h* .. * p \.11 111 ).I.lrtl] :\Ir al\(1 )'Irs :\orman \V. h.rase, or \Ir 1.:I\\I<,·IIl"e pIl'll.\\ j""OIl. 1I.lI1g1lter of ),[r and Jalle aud f).lk and Profef>sor and 1I.lr". \11 Ii Ceorgc 1).1\ 1~~OIl, of \'assar a\'C- ~ J. J f)ol.lIId, tor \~holll the\' (lltert.tiu(·;j 11m, \\hl) h.I'" Il.IIl l)lll1llllollia h llllllru\- al .1 dUl11l'r IMrty S.lt\lnla) e\clIIn~. ~Il. mg IlIn h 1 1.... 11 kp.ltri(k. \\ ilo is editor of the ChellllIlal a1J(1 ).kt.llhllgl(.11 ).lagazlIle of the .: ).lcGrol\\ 11111 1)1I1,lislung Comp.,n}, .New J IOtlgl. of ~Ir.lth 11,l\ell , 01 k. .lcldn· ..... lll t I11.' stur I(tit I)] .UI(·1 I 0 , . ! \ ( ntll. h o n e 01 h\e dllntors of the I I <.Ilglllet·r...t" I Ie """cr"it\ of .. I e 1('IIlH a u I Ill,I\\.II<.' Cll1l1lt\ B.lr \ ......OlWtlOll C ct'ied I' (1111"'\ I \.IIIM I.I"t I''r1(I01\ e\ClI ·,ng. Pro.It thl' .1I.nll.ll Illtdlll).! til til(' Uq.:J.IlIlZ.ltlO11, 'I I" I)O.IIl( I I \\ cle ell IUllle Ic"'''or . all( I ., 1]('111 1.I .. t "eck. from the University of IllinOIS to attend :t; .1 (oll\(,lItioll of (I\it l'nglll{'ll" 111 New )'!J .. ~ .\nll.lilt! \[ Clt ..... oll. of IJICklll-i York ('11\, ~011 ."ellllt'. ].. III]PltJ\11l,.: IlH.:ch ill ~hei * '1.1\1(11' Ilo ... plt.ll. 1~1I11t\ 11,1rk. full()\\\Il[,;I, I· d . .11 1 (J)I(I.lti(lll IKrf(lllIllr\llwre 011 \V('dlll.'s-I .~I r ,ltI( I .~I r5 ""II' I t.l11l •\1 c,nhre an < two SOliS \Vllli,llI1, JI . and 1).1\'1<1. fOPH, eI.1\ II I a ..1 \\('e k • 1 I erl) of \Vol\\.l arc ou Ull} 1l1J! the h.o lert),1] s II \Y Brll1klll.1I1II. of \V.lInlit i . . haw hotlse at the COl m'r 01 North Ches1.111('. \\as h()!'te~s to .111 •• It('rIlOOI1 bridge! I('r ro.ld .1Ild Oakd.llc aH'lIue I * '" - • * * '* '" '* * * ).It"s \f.lf). P Do\\. \\ 1m recently re* ,. * I1lmul III \\-.I"lul1l-!toJ]. I} C. returned ).1.1111\11 ),1.1(1 l\Ht: of ~It Ilol)okelto the ~\\arthlll()re \p,lrtllltnt<; Tucsda) pl.u.:e. ('lIll:rt.lIlll'd t\\llIh-elg-ht or herl to Ol'CUJlY 5-1', \\Imh \\01" left \'aeant f· 'I rs 1'1 Ilel1l I~ at I WI( I ItOIl .11]( I .1 II \('(1 I re party I \\ I 1('\1 '1 ~'I. and .\ ,(ller I J . -j' urner 1II 1101101 of htr IIIl1th l)Jrthda) on Jail-I rOllmcd to I~Hl1cy 1'.1r1~ last Saturd,lY •• uar.\ 1-J Jh .1IIl! )'11" .10111' 1{. 1!.lte". 01 \\cstd.lk :lHllUl. \\111 "ptlld the \\l'l·k-l'Ild 11\ New YUlk lit) .\fter .Ittcmhllg the \\cddmg 01 \If'; 1:,lh' .. ' (\0"1.'<,1 II !Cud. )'11"':-" Eliz.lbcth H.l\IllOl1d, of XC\\ 'ork. to Frank lie] ...... ,II ... () of ).1(\\ York, UII Fnd.t\ .tilt.'rnO(lll III the I{nersJ(k Chunh. Dr .1Ild \1 r.. B.I\(':' \\111 \ Islt thl'lr IMI _I ': * "'. . 1),1 r. aTld ~I r.. 1 j Fr.mk Cares re.cently 'I l· I \Ir .. JO~L'ph ~ B.llc~. of II.l\erfoldr reIllO\l't long-at the price! Sincerely, I Inspection by appointment exclusively throughFrank R ),[arkle}. I _ -- _ -- 0MMN.;;:: I willi This Swarthmore Beauty Spot WILLIAM E. WITHAM ••• SWARTHMORE 1000 Lallds Pres ..", "Simplicity" of Borollgh WISELY CHOSEN REAL ESTATI IS TODAY'S SOUNDEST The S\\ olrthmore of th S hill 0, e mem- Handel's oratoriot "The Messiah" on e wart more PresbyW d·' J. 19·' h ' . terian Church' Mr a d M G e nest ay, alluary • In t e Baptist nd Mrs. Cheorge Church, in Lewisburg. Morrison Aile.; , . an rs. arIes 11.1's L d . I . led Brooks, Mrs. Edith A. He d-' ' I S .u Wig, a sop lOmore, IS enrol Iricksol", Mrs Horace M Joh III the BIOlogy course at Bucknell. She . . nson, "r. is affiliated 'th p' B Ph' . I \VI I e~a I socia sorand Mrs. Stanley Kite, Miss Bett Ann' Mrs. Howard W N Y lorlty and the Women S Glee Club. A Mr. and :Mrs. Stuart ~~?t~~'J:~: gr~duate Of. Swarthmore High School, MISS LudWig sang the soprano part of Lowry S. Glenn CreightOli B La CY lHss Elinor ?o.{cC.~nechy • h{r• an'd M rs., uThe Messiah." IT - - -......- - \ ,~alter A. Schmidt, and Mrs. Erik L. • I • Sjostrom. Christian Science Lecture M; JOHN SPENCER, Inc. Bryn Mawr Compliments of WHERE CLEAN HANDS ARE WORTH MONEY I CHAS. E. FISCHER DRUGGIST --~-;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~~~, meeting, January 25. y or!~!,al manuscript, has tried to depict Beginning this Silnd a bigger and better Barnard" as seen Churcn lIour Nurserya;~lt~ai"!I:3fr~~ j ~~~~ugh the eyes of a junior class stu- JUNG Philadelphia Gennanlown ~Iass r notice ;md care to join leave youi:' membership fee at the The Swarthmorean office. J. E. UMEBURNER CO. P.E.TOLD IF IT IS OF ANY VALUE INSURE IT! INSURANCE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR A. WAYNE MOSTELLER Swarthmore 58 YE Village Window Cleaner GEO. GILLESPIE BUILDERS & CO. Showrooms and Office: 310 YALE AVENUE Swarlhmore 1129 Compliments of A, HAUGER Swarlhmore 19 . par~icu1ar ., • Mrs. Frederick Child will lead devotions. I name of MISS Irma Zimmer,. daughter An 0Pt;n meeting will be conducted on of Mr. and Mrs .. George Zimmer, of Ogden avenue, Will. appear ~s a cothe subject, "Missions in China." The Swarthmore Churcl 'II t . authoress. The play IS a mUSical comIWI enertam d dM' Z' the Chester Presbytery at an al1-da e .an ISS ~mmer, who wrote the VAN ALEN BROS. Swarthmore 10412 Ch:~;~r"s: WATCH THIS SPACE IColl~~e, RODNEY MILLS If you do not receive a ~nd m~ny La~ri The Young Women's Guild will meet When. the Junior c1,,:ss of Barnard o~~abo? of the public to aid in Thursday, January 27, at the home of 111 New York City, presents its tam1l1g ItS humane work. show. in March, the Mrs. Harold Ogram, 533 Riverview road. traditIOnal year as an associate member in your own interest? COAL and FUEL OIL St~~ens h~use, ~arned, ne~er '1 Fuel Oil the volunteer firemen are willing to pay mor~' ~urray IlIlg & SUPPLY COMPANY community to maintain these low rates. If we~e Messr~. NEXT WEEK Joseph's Phone 1629 I I a volunteer organization working for the benefit of our comPLUMBING & HEATING ROOFING PI~~s~e:!~~1 Se~mon THE VANITY BOX THE TAILOR The Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association ~amedGold,.,aged -...,;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.. receive the annual notice of dues of the Swarthmore Fire and Protective Asso· Compliments of MOVIE THRILLER ~oy Smi~h Mr~. vlce.preSld~nts, pla~es Bo~ough THE TAILOR' Compliments HANNUM & t~e Ma~Donald Compliments of SUCCESS Borou~h ha~ ~ise of , Compliments of Soci~ty ~rly ri~ing Compliments 104 PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE, PA; i • I • ~warthmore CO. ... KITfY McLEAN SP 9 R'l'SWEAR 1St party leader, will speak in Clothier Memorial, Thursday night, February 10 He has spoken at Swarthm r ~ ~~D RUGS NATIONAL BANK The ASU of Swarthmore College has a. nnounced that Nonnan Thomas, Social- I~t~ EWS RUMSEY Swarthmore 254 SWARTHMORE ~ugUratee FIrat MonibIy Playa Miss Elizabeth Channell, formerly Swarthmore, and a graduate of more High School in the class of was recently awarded a scholarshi study oil painting at th Aca.d P . e emy Art 10 Florence, Italy. , She was on a Mediterranean cruise time 0 e severa wiih "COiieoIation" •.. W-III· 'H Co"'-- D A when, stopp,'ng over ,'n Florence, she toOk s in fonner years. PIaymg composed to an mterested dress sons rehearsal J am , ....... J[" a8_ way the three day examination which gained The ASU is also sponsoring a talk by audience of fathers, and friends on Wednesday evening and to a Funeral services were held last Sat- for her this scholarship. Dr; . Henry Sigerest, of Johns Hopkins large appreciative group on Thusday urday evening at 8 o'clock in Siloam Miss Channell, who before leaving this Med,cal School, who will come to Swarthmorning, the cast of "Consolation" re- Church, and Upland streets, Ches- country resmed in New York City, at- more March II. He will speak in the ceived an enthusiastic ovation. The onefor Wilham H. Collins, colored, who tended North Western ty";'-sity and the Meeting House. . act farce by Charles George under the Wednesday evening, January 12, New York School of Fine and Applied A meeting for the purpose f d' his home on Washington street South Arts, . . . 1SCUSSlOg direction Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman the first of a series of monthly plays tb Media. He had been a patient' in the .' J • SituatIOn m t1.'e South w,th regard to be presented by the drama section of Media Hospital from October 30 when S,P,C,A. IN ANNUAL MEETING share·croppers w,lI be held sometime in A 1i!t1e I... nine, Woman's Club. he was found unconsCious in his home The annual meeting and election of February. oat In a mO.le bo.... arid watehed a until two weeks before his death. Delaware County for I • picture. About" P.M. Goldy 'lell Mrs. J. Paul Brown as Mrs. undergoing a hospitalization for a threatMr. Collins, who was in his seventies, of Gruelty to Animals was held last BOund u1eep. About 5 P.M. the ened nervous breakdown, carried off the had been employed by the Borough of at Media headquarters. Mr. C. M. B"JOIII-1 Books Added to Public Library theatre closed until time for the honors, She was a most attractive and re- Swarthmore as a laborer for about thirty all was re-e1ected president, Mrs, J. eveniog &bow. belli?us patient to whom the hospital years and recently served as foreman and Mrs. A. R. O. Redgrave, New fiction titles on tbe h"b1'alY routme of hours and poor for the durmg the progress of H. A. Peir.sol and shelves are: Long way home, S. C. At 5:15 OJ' thereabouts our little food and n015Y maids and too cheerful W. P'. A. l!rolects; Mrs. Percival Arnlltage, secretanes, and Bates; Merry, merry maidens, H. CarMi.. crept timorously up tha darknurses (who were at the same time too Comms: to Swarthmore as a young Mrs. C. H. Way as treasurer, Managers lisle; Home for Christmas LCD ened aiole, but the doors were t? eat the hospital tood) and worry- man from. Sa1isbury, Md. estate oflelectcd O. H. Spencer, R. las; To sec ourselves, R: Field' ;::: locked! By now alls]eep had van.. IRg friends proved distressing and curing Joseph Gllpm, who later owned La Deane White, J. Kirk McCurdy, W. H. lar's pack E G d . B ' iohed and Goldy was afraid. But Mrs. Paul Cleaver as head nurse and Grange on Fairview road, Mr. Collins West, N. C. Brittain, Dr. M. W. Allam Hill' T 'd' ou ge, rentwood, G. L, then,her mental meehaniom began ues Mrs. C, Swan as private lived on Michigan avenue and several I Mrs. T. J. Quinn, Mrs. D. E. Lindsay: T ay comes, r,. to dick. Out popped tm. thoughtnurse were true to type. Mrs. J. Francis other on the outskirts of Swarth- Mrs. R K. and Miss N. L. Dut- Sio u' omorrow '5 ours, L: R .. PeaUle; There must be a 'phone in the Taylor was a most convincing maid whose more unlll about ten years ago when he ton. A? adv,sory board was also g m M. Sandoz, MISS Bllnmanager's office. pockets held an unbelievable amount of moved t'? South Media. His father, Sam. OJ: winch the following de D. Stevenson; Rumbin candy. Mrs. Lewis Knebel played with uel Colhns, worked on th. construction will serve Mrs. Louis C. Emmons, gallenes, B. Tarkington; Ghosts, E. Sbe put her tbougbtto action and in finesse the too persistent friend who in- of some nf the first streets laid in this L. G. 'Campbell, alld Mrs. Thomas John· Wharton; Imperial city, E. Rice; Tish no time tile police unlocked the door. S d mergencies-the times when you and is remembered by the oldest son. . marches on, M. R; Rhinehart. E sisted on visiting the patient and eating h t d aII her candy and fruit with relish which re51 en s ere now. upermtcn ent C. N. Hayward The following new detectiv t' need the telephone Dlost-aren't aI. was tantalizing, and who bounced on the .are three children: Addie complaints of abuse involved 652 are in circulation: Trial and :r s or';.' bed and Mrs. Andrews' feet with eviErntly and Daniel mals fowl. The .majority Berkeley; Thieves' picnic, L. ways about turning up dent pleasure. Colhns, of South Media; and a brother remedied WIthout prosecutIOn and Death at the inn R A F ,during regular husiness hour•. So A . bl k If Fred Collin f S h ' arrests al d .. b ' 'ed f BI k I • • reemen; your telephone must he, and is, n a"!la e ta e.o of the eccentricities s, a wart more. .. 1 conVictIOns 0 tam or :'C envelope, D. Frome; When of hospitals: the one-act comedy, ably • ;• r.un and other f,?rms of cruelty. thieves fall out, B. Thomson; Mayor ready to help you to reach anyone, played, furnIshed enjoyable entertainment. Interesting Exhibit tlOns and correctIOns were made at on horseback, E. P. Oppenheim' the anywht:reatanytime!Tbe BellTele· The scene was cleverly and accurately at. try markets, piggeries, riding hush-hush murders, M. T. Yates' phone Company of Pennsylvania. staged. Planetarium IJet shops, farms and residences. .-------------_. • l • The Shelter committee headed bv .. Cal~ndars-Old and New", the cur- Q . I , . Christian Science Church rent. demonstration, at the Fels Plane- aniinals Ulnn, s lOwed 7509 unwanted were that rescued, including small P .. " . , tarlU,m, hiladelphia, is arousing in- d 4027 ' Truth IS the subject of the Lesson- terest among loea] residents. It reveals ogs. cats and 32 smaller creatures in all Churches of Christ, Sci- the attempt of calendar makers to com- This is the largest number received in an; entlst, .on Sunday, January 23. The Golden promise various dating systems. All cal- one year, a great advance over the numTe t "Th 0 L ' d ber of 2476 in 1930. 88 lost animals x IS: ou, ord, art a God full en ars are based on various natural ?f compassion, and .gracious, longsuffer- cycles which. do not fit together per- re~tored, and new homes found for 345. 109, and plenteous III mercy and truth" feetly. The a~m of the date-setting cal- Tile ambulance agent, H. T. Dotts, (Psalms 86 :15). endar-makers has been to obtain a s!,?nded to 3?12 calls, traveling ~,/'7" I • system both cQnvenient and reason- ~t1es. Donations received for this ably accurate. The problein has been vice averaged but 16Yz cents per animal, studied in all parts of the world. in as for the sake of these creatures no Presbyterian Churclt Notes "Next Sunday the Rev. David Braun all ages. fixed charge is made. wi!' .l>reach on the topic, "The Second . Also to be explained is the interestMrs. Murray in charge of the humane Wmd." story of how our names of the days education: department, gave The Young People's Fellowship will of the week. pappened to assume their talks to children and adults in meet Sunday evening at 6 'I k f present CUriOUS order. schools and clubs on the subject of kindspecial meeting Mrs W'II'o C oCFI o!- 3. The demonstration will continue ness to animals. • • I lam Mrs. L'IIIdsay, chairman, . the former Miss Mary Crst '11emmg" th . rough January 31 at 3 P. M. and reported sent a program of moving ;ic~u~:1 t ~e. 8 :30 P. M. each day except Saturday grave lots were taken at the animal cemein Europe last summer All h' h s a enI and Sundays, when it takes place a.t tery. fQr burial of pets the year, . Ig SCh00 12 nOOn and 4 P M maktng a total of 148 since ~ . . 0. f that ground, each grave young people of the church and eongre. gation are cordially invited. havi.,g . C II b • I BI d J aU-me. tat marker for name and dates. Th e S esstOn will meet this evening at 0 a orates 10 arnor unior 't~e home of George M. Ewing, at 8 itiay Due tothetheSociety increased work and pe~se~: is aSKing the o clock. Compliments N. O. PITTENGER Adolph's Barber Shop Club Woman's GREEN'S COAL of of Guild on, Wednesday evening, Febr~ry a~ 7 0 c~ock. The pur!'?se of the dm's to gtve an opportun,!y for all pres· ent membe~s ,of. the pamh, and home, those who make ,t their regular Church to meet together informally. 9, of Compliments Compliments ALL LINES OF INSURANCE THE INGLENEUK CO. the p. LAY ~,ri,;-;'~' Compliments TAiLORS of 11 PARK AVENUE Swarthmore 504 CO-ED BEAUTY SALON BELFIELD, Jr. II~~~~s~EiCTI~.~O)jN~li~~~~~~~~~T~HF~;~SW~AR~'I~UM~O~~~;r~~S;~~::::;li=~~~~~==~" given under the auspices of Woman's Former Resident 10 Study in Italy Future Speakers Announced JANUARY 21, 1938 SAMUEL M. OODD Compliments of Thomas F. Conway RADIO ELECTRIC SERVICE Compliments of BOB NEWUN FRESH EGGS & POULTRY Phone 28o.M I I • A free lecture entitled "Christian Scie~ce: The Science o( Christ-Healing" T . . . wdl be given at 3:30 Sunday afternoon ,,' nmty Pansh closed the yea~ ~f 1937 January 30, in the Lansdowne Theatr~ \Ith a ~Ianeed bud.get and paid ItS full Lallsdowne avenue near Baltimore Pike expectatIOn to the Diocese for the general by Colin Rucker Eddison C S f L work f th Ch h D . ' . ., 0 on I1!llmlbero e ure . . urmg 1937 the, don, England, under the sponsorship Ofl I . of regular contributors was large- the First Church of Christ, Scientist Up· Th mcreased. Ipcr D ar1)y. 'I~\ r. Edd" • Ison IS a member • of' e .. You~g Peopl~:s F~l1owship will the Board of Lectureship of The Mother a Skatmg Party to-mght. Members I Church, The First Church of Christ at the at 1 Boston, Mass. You and YOU; The executive committee IS ~n fnends are cordially invited to attend . •I• . Refreshments will be served. Sunday evening, at 7 o'clock, the Japan.",., Student Named . . A. Meryweather, of Rutge~s IniSS Y 0 k a" ~Vlatsou lea,Japanese student wtll show moving pictures of hl's ". "Crime Prevention." He will at Swarthmore College, has been elected describe many of his interesting ex- president of the International Clubs ConI"rien'ces with the young people of Phila- ference to be held at Swarthmore College e as he c~mes ,in .contact with ~hem. in 1938, according to word from unton, ongregatlOnal Dmner, followed by N. Y.• when the 1937 conference was in and other entertainment, wilt be session. • • TrImty Cburcb Notes I ~~~~m~eet P~rish ltou~e Out on the farm, each dairyman producing Abhotts de luxe "A" Milk, never forgets to wash his hands before every milking_ knows that milking with dirt:! hands would keeP him from earning the cash reward we pay him for his extra sanitary care_ He Laboratory test is our assuranceand yours-that his milk supply is constantly pure and SAFE FOR YOUR BABY. Today Abbotts de luxe "A" Milk offers the finest quality in its long history, Is your cbild enjoying its benefits? ~ ? :~o S~ientist. ABBOTTS*MILK -..~'"..,~.. For scrrice. order from the Abbotts Mi1Jc.maa. or telephoDe EVE~ -4-461-62 Or' Camdeo 3451 ASSOTTS DAIRIES, INC. .. DisJri6rdorsolW.,Ikr.Gonl,., Cn1Jfi«l MiA ... PbiLulelpbi., C:wulnIo SoIIIh JtrV1J Setnhtwrt ~~~~~~~Fr;;~~~~~::;:~~~~~:::T=H=B~S=W~AR=='=IHM==~O:REAN~~~~______________________~_______________ THE SWARTHMOREAN 6 JANUARY stars were awarded to: Ella Mae Beagle, sentatives from each home room in the Mary Bonsall. Betty Cresson, IIeti)' COL......... three grades, the chairman of the group Douglas, Eliot Jeffords, SylVia S _ IUl'.u, and a representative elected by the Harriet Wickham and Naomi Wright, This was the third consecutive year class. Junior varsity letters were awarded to: th a t th e magazme . bas won awa rd s. La5t The Seventh Grade I wbat a thrill for T here is no organi""tion involving ~ ult f S d S Carol Goodwin, Emily McAllister, VirBe y or eeon emeeter .Re- year it won second place in its class and the. young people who. bave comple~ed the entire seventh grade as a whole. ginia Morrison, Anna Wood, Blanche eently Announced by Pres.. the !ear "':Iore. received an award from their .e1emen!"ry educatIon I All the m- The two seventh grade home room Cheyney, Edith Kniskern. Nancy Price, dent Aydelotte Lehigh Umverslty. School Press Confer- !crestmg thl?,gs that. happened at. the groups are, however, organized sep. encc. The adviser of the staff is Miss Sample Day last sprlOg when the SlXth arately as follows' Miss Barton - home Blanche Zensen and E1i""beth Whitaker. The appOintment of six faculty members Mary Oberlin, teacher of English. The graders the High School building room teacher; chairman, Mary Garfor the second semes~er has been announc- magazine is supported by the subscriptions and met their future teachers were reU' vice-chairman Jerry Corse' secPresident Frank of of the student body. ing .to be compared to the projects being James treasurer, Laura wa hmore College, followmg approval I • reahzed now. Lee Hopkins; cabinet representative. by the Board 01 Manager~.. . Local H. S. Rate For instance, one small group of sev- Richard Bell. Mr. Miller -home room Jacques Scherer of ,Pans will be )11Leads in Latin Tests cllth graders absorbed the principles of t!eacher; Jdhainnan, Elizabeth Pope; structor of French durmg the absence o f · nutrition by observation of the effect of vice-chairman, Shirley MacMillan; ~:rce! I J . Brun. R~ymond Immerwaht, The American Council on Education, a balanced diet on a family 01 white rats. secretary, Charlotte Maas; treasurer, ,wd replace LydIa of the Ger- through the Cooperative test Service. Another group learned about the body Edwin Rutherford; cabinet representam:n depart,!,ent, who will be on leave of has just sent a letter to the Swarthmore and its care through the health class, tive, Philip Shenkle. a the second sem,,:,ter. High School praising the work of the and still another studied the general prinSeventh grade contributors to "The I . au. 01 th.. Nahonal Ar- Latin DepartmenL Scores by the tenth ciples 01 science. Groups and classes Garnet" so far this term are Alice c I.IV~S m as ."ngton, will ~eplace Fred- grade class showed that this class in change with each twelve week period, Putnam and Mary Garrett. eric t J ~anmnhg, 01 the hIstory depart- S\Varthmore High School ranks well because a small group working together During the fall term, the girls' hocl Len.' unng t e. second semester. ~r. above the average lor the public schools in short intensive courses acquires great- key team had its first competitive game . e~m~n was a~slstalhJt professor of poht- of the United States as a whole and even er familiarity with scientific subjects against the eighth grade team which .at whart Irom 1931 to excels those who have bad an extra balf than would be pOssible lor a large class though hard fought was lost 15-3. , ahu SIl1CC t at time has been with · 'o ' J ' wltd • h the the National Archives. 0 fLahtm.. I h mee f Inkg f or sh art pen s onceo or tWice Hs:rahdef boybs l played h . • n eae section 0 t e test your group a wee . ul110r Ig oat a I team an two .chard S I "Koppers Coke ba. lleen fI RI hIS. . .10.Its average I evel of per. . b oys, Ph·l· Sh en kle an d R·IC h ar d B e, II doctorate t tha oman, U. W• lreceIved B' . IS superior Classes . 111 academiC subjects such as I IP erhn' will formance to t he pu bl·Ie sch IE . . studies won Junior . . h·rg h I 00tb a II Ie tt ers. G·IrIs ' lectur . a h' te DIverSIty J W Ida H 00 norms for ng I·Ish, mathemabcs and SOCial revelaflon to me. '"ave u." oat has classes who have completed two semc5ters must of course cover the entire tenn hockey practice, over the faU, culminbeen e 111. t"dotrY.th. d e on ft 'or 'our years lIecau.e ,t of A eeo-of st ud. . 0 n all sections except MuSIC . and art are not merely lessons in. a t e d m . a game WIt . h t h e elg . hth gra d e, nomicapl'OJD M eH 0t e . epartment d h. M y m latin. ree aSt· ther . U W!5 ..• de- grammar the Swarthmore class also ex- singing and drawing but in appreciation the seventh grade team being Mary g've. me a warmer 1I0me tlla. ghis d t Isconsm' an d ceed s th e average I ' • . arts class the. G a:rre, tt L· t mverslYo t h (T" or students With three as \"ell. In the domestic 01S L andon, J ean F·ISC h er, DC ora e a t e mverslty of Penn- semesters a I . . . ' EI·I"" b e th P ope, Ch ar I0tt e M A l ·Ice , lIave ever lIael lIefore, a'· sylvania. prevIous preparatIOn in this girls are taught to be home makers, while aas, In the department 01 bi 10 W.II. field. The most impo:tmt value 01 these the boys are learning to use tools in wood Shaw, J ef*'oug. my 1I0u.e/. on a corner. D G h. o. gy I lam results doe. not reside, however in these and metal.· . or s, Irgmla Lawrence, Manon Ber. k rey, W 0 ..S dOlllg inter-institutional comparisons but in th nard, and Betty Ann Hulme. • I , " , fI'SO use .'en 'ue', wor at the Umverslty of PennsylvanIa, . • ' e Swarthmore seventh graders enjoy witt give an honors seminar on "Plant use o! these measu.res '" Identifying the supervised athletic activities, not merely flllel my work's cut elow. Clouda Pathology." supef1~r and handlcap~ individuals ill exercise periods in the gym, but real • I a partIcular class and 10 measuring the open air hockey games for the girls and eo.slelerall'y." Beautiful clouds go your way, College Sports Review yp:~~,ess of all students from year to football games for the boys, uniforms In your somber and silver array MRS. OSMUND II. .RE1Z ' coach and everything. Over the moon your shadows cast, 101 Towam•••I. A..... The . '1 detailed tests revealed that the To this privileged class, "Old PhilaD unng the past week, the Swarthmore Only a moment-can they last. p. Upl S are the highest in vocabulary, readI Lanldale, 'a. de phia" is not something to read about Co II ege bas ketba II team won twice in two Beautiful clouds now you are gone, starts. Dickinson was toppled 51-37 and score mg andofgrammar . IS . a great t h nlhng . . the classin01that 58.9order. was The basedtotal· on 1~ book s; It nearby Wither and thither drifting along, • One of the greatest Delaware fell 49-41. cIty .he I I bo d · I first y(:af Latin study. This compared , r e sc 100 ys an glr 5 may and Some are dark. Others are bright. The swimming team traveled to Troy with the average public school no·rm of do visit the revered shrines that make All in moonlight-are lovely to-night. advantages of Koppen N. Y. where it lost to Rensselaer Poly~· 94 history come alive. Beautiful clouds in the sky to-night, tech' I ' b .2 for two semesters of Latin study and Coke is Its convell/ellce. . ,!IIC nstltute y the score of 56-19. 555 f h A Chinese friend who r.ccently spent Drifting lazily in the moonlight, Mawhinney captured the 200-yard breast further . or tests treewill semesters. It is other hopedLat·111 that two days observing methods in our reveal that Some are mountains, others are wings It Is clean, light, and easy t k f s ro Garnet. e or the only first place taken by cIasses rank equally well in their achieve- !'c~ool remarked the kindness of the the Many are only violin strings. to handle. It I. long.bank. E. H. The women's basketball team defeated ment. teachers, and the very personal interesl Ursinus 25 to 17. Ursinus led 16 to 13 • •• they take in each pupil. The Chinese Ingand long·burnlng, And at half time but Swarthmore rallied and Tells Pupils of Narcotic Evil are older in scholarly tradition than h ld h' we are. Cannot we take a lesson from It leave. very few ashes. H. S. Girls Receive Je t e~ 0h~te~s to o~e point during Dr. E. A. Rowen, who has been them in this matter of appreciation? Hockey Awards You'll make fewer trip. rna seco a. eanwhde. the Swarth- working in narcotic education for fourCertainly young people who are re~e 0 team staged spree of teen years, spoke on "The EVI·ls of celvmg .. .m the seventh grade in their n d tt da .scormg fi to the cellar when your . Girls of the hockey teams of Swarthn, potnts • w ,. andrthe an .. ne ##o·~e... e. S.I.~ .. ~l~..goals for bl Narcotics" in the1· 0·· High School Ao:.semS warthmore Schools the preparation more High School were awarded letters •. . , J-_.... . . . " 1 . I bin is full of Kop~rs. . ~ \ Y on anuary • . ' ., Ior t h· •6a'" I • • elr maturer years should be well at a recent school assembly The girls have He mentioned that there are between grounded in academic and cultural atcompleted a season in which they won all And you'U lave money H • S , B oys B rea k Even t wo h un d re d 011·11·Ion to two hundred tainments, they should realize the nebut one game, and in that game were too. Koppen glv.. you I Swarthmore High School's basketball fifty mi1liot~ daily users of narcotics. cessity for keeping their bodies physic- defeated by only one point. The letters team broke into the win column last He als.o saId that ~ore people have ally fit, and should acquire through cOl~sisted of a chenille "S," garnet on more heat per fu.1 dol. Friday evening when it defeated Darby b~en ~1t1ed by sm?kmg. an opium pipo! their daily association in the cafeteria white background. For those who had preby the score of '3 21 . 't" t an ave been kdled 10 all the wars the library and gymnasium an abl·ll·ty' iously been awarded the varsity letter a lar. Phone the nearest _ III an exci mg ovarOp·IU~ comes Irom poppies . that are. to work and share with others. time game. chenille star was presented. Those awa~d­ Koppen dealer today. Swarthmore led 10-8 at the half-way ~;~wn d In Europe and A~ia. Twenty As we study the seventh grade in ed varsity letters were: Kitty Brill, Eleamark but Darby ratJied and led 21-17 ~older f r~gs come !rom !hIS. plant. He Swarthmore, there is one thing w~ nor But'gett and Charlotte Griffin. Varsity eahernly tuinrnedtheonfiltlhale hPeeant·oda.ndS't.l.aedrth'lmt0ure most heartily regret, and that is that all boys and girls of the seventh grades t k I at 21-a1l h H·II P to ten wee s a UStng narcotIcs. If an th h t th .ith I W en • I netted a foul toss addict tries to give it up he has "narroug au e country cannot have '\ on y one m~nute to go. cotic addiction pains", which are ver the same privileges and pleasures. I d The extr~ pcnod had the fans on the bad cramps. It is a disease that is eve~ STUDENT ACTIVITIES OF THE ~g~s s~~h~r :eats for the whole time but worse t~an cancer. Twenty per cent of SEVENTH GRADE e1d goal for the winning the add1cts are made before the age The purpose of the Junior Student coun .. . In t er.h .. af twenty, ' and SlXty per cent between A ssocmtlOn, 0 I which the Junior CabRAINEY-WOOD the t , e prebmmary encounter between fourteen and twenty-four. inet is the executive body, is to proCOKE COMPANY \\.onJis~7 of the two schools Swarthmore Dr. ~owell stated some of the meth-l "!~te ~ppo~tunities for democratic parMaIn Office: A . ; ods which are used in order to smug- I tlclpattOll III the government of the CONSIIOHOCKEN. PA. gams_ Glen-Nor, on Tuesday after- gle the dope. Among these are b school and to encourage good school Telephone your loea) ezeha.Dge 1100n, Swarthmore did not get ~oing and of dead cats, glass eyes, false Yte::~ spirit. . 61-500 (no toll charge) or any All pupils of the seventh eighth and Glen-Nor led all the way to fil1lsh on the and cards. authoriled dealer Telephone Swarlhmore 10412 long end ,of 40-19 score. Most addicts start involuntarily and grades are memhers the o;ganThe JV s \\ellt down to defeat, as well w1thout knowing it. Some young people Izatl.on. T.he membersh1p of the Junior but b~ the closer score of 27-19. are given it)n dance halts and pool- Cabmet IS composed of two repreTO?lght a league game wilt be played rooms, served as headache powde at Ridley Township. make-up, liquor, cigarettes, candy. rs, PRESIDENT'S BIRTHDAY DINNER sponsored by .11 Next Tuc:day afternoon the boys The effects of narcotics are delirium Roosevelt Club of Swarthmore WI meet Collingdale at home. tremens. FRIDAY, JANUARY 28 " ,~ • • . The wo~st of the narcotics is :MariAt 6:30 P. M. The Garnet Earns Awards Janna. TillS weed, which grows everyS where, and is the same as Indian hemp Whittier House, College Campus warthmore High School has come creates a desire in many to comml·t' Benefit for home with three awards and three honol"- murders. SIX CHANGES AT COIJ.EGE ~ ~ PARENT.TEACHERS 01 '40, also was awarded honorable mention for a cartoon, "The Day Dreamer," in the April issue. visi~ed ~ydelotte, noth-, reta~y, Cleav~s; ~aer, ~nc~ fUrl~g ~m:?n, d Ilca933scle.~ce ~ore ye~or Th~ Jsev~nth lIMY. WORK 15 CUT DOWtf ° ~ r~tcelvel n~w ru~naV. I?~rothy graduat~ UNITED "is one of the most vital undertaken by Hollywood are sympathetic with the needs private charitable organizations. It is of youth. CAMPAIGN WORK this work which demandsbeyond upon philanthropy fromkeeps expanding It bas been suggested tbat we aslc D 21, 1938 M~\1y •• the ability of the community to cope with it. Society Here is One of "In that respect it is identical with Many Snpported by Funds Ithe work performed by clinics and disof ADana! Drive pensaries, which in many cases remedy total of 76,169 days of care for ~hiildlren and convalescents and 32,048 Na~coti~Wa:~c~:laU.~ :::~els.a;t~:~:d~ COAL & FUEL OIL Van Alen Bros. ~ ~Iint.h ~f I~~~:rna: ::"~~~UGn rF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;Res;e;rv;a;t;lo;ns~;$l~.;OO~~~~~ able mentions in the Pennsylvania Inter-I scholastic Press Association Contest held II at the state capital TH£ GARNtt, published quarterly, was entered in the class of news magazine section for high schools under 350, the issues from January 1937 to January 1938. In magazine format the second place award was earned. I? the class for the most original cover d~SlgnS, ~steUe. Chapman.look first place wI.th a picture of a dance in front o( her mirror. This· pic-ture .appeared on the front of the February issue of THE GARJ'IOET. Gertrude Schobinger. junior. ~\'alkcd ~\\'ay with honorable mcntion. HC1· dlustratl.on consisted of a toe dancer puppet. Thls was shown on the April issue. Crawford Fetter took the prize in the editorial section of the contest . H·IS . seI ectl?n called "Everyday Art" had to do With people's likes and dislikes of color ilJ ~bjects other than on paper (ties, socks, shirts, etc.) Thompson Littlefield, l ... st year's editor, got an award for his editorial called. ,jDemocratic Drama." Varrell Drew received honorable mention in the essay section of the contest Her essay was entitled "The Decline of Conversation." Roland G. E. Ullman, Jr., 01 the clas. STATE INSPECTION Last Da!-January 31st. Don't be late. Bring your car In now, or we will call by your request if you telephone Swarthmore 1800. CAPRIOTTY SALES SERVICE iF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M~o~r~t~o~n~~~ 315 Yale Avenue Do Your Bonking Wi,h PETER E. TOLD SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Bank and Later years can be years of leisur~ years in which to indulge wholeheartedly in the sports and hobbies you enjoy most-if you provide for them now. During the busy building period of life, when recreation is necessarily taken on the run, it is pleasant to plan for carefree years of retirement to begin at a definite time-and you can provide for them now, conveniently, easily, through an lEtna Life Income Plan. For details, ask • • • 417 Trusl Company Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore .!I L:._____________________________ ..£TNA LI 1833 INSURANCE COMPANY 'l1me1y Sugeetion 7 A community parent brings to The Friday and Saturday Drexel InstiSwarthmorean's attention a radio pro-Boroug" Council in to consider t u t e 0 f T ec h no Iogy played host at its of the property question the to gram "Your Child and Motion Pienon-<:ornmerciat recreational center f a annual "open house" at 3Znd and Chest.. turest ' on Saturday, January 22, at Swarthmore. or nut streets, Philadelphia~ On Friday noon oyer WOR on "The Parents Club (Signed) Verna Denworth the Institute wa. open from 3 to 10 of the Air" hour. P. M. t Saturday from 9 A. M. to 4 NOTICE Henrietta Jacquette M The annual meetlng of the' Swarthmore Mary R. Fisher . Drexel students gave many variLlbrary Association wm be held at Winilred Pope ed and interesting demonstrations in PubUo the Ubrary. Borough Ball. JlODday. JanMarion Crossen fields of electrical engineering, me- \UU'J 24. at 8:00 P. M. for the purpose ot hearing reports of Its omcenl. acting upon Elizabeth S. Johnson b. engineering, civil engineering, the recommendation of the Board of Difor a tevlslon of the COIUItltutlon ·The following are a few of the uSllless administration, home econ- rectors and By·Lawa, the tncorporatlon of the 01 educators and psychologists on this omics, and library science. Besides Assoc1a.tton, and such other business as ject: UMotion Pictures and these there were many other special may properly (.'Ome before &aid meeting. minor ailments before they reach the acute stage where hospital care beby visiting nurses to the sick poor comes necessary and therefore a drain included in a report of last year's upon their fnnds. of the 24 and. social service "The family is not only the fundaoperatmg m Delaware mental unit of the community' it is ~ which obtain funds from the also the source from which spring all Campaign. distress. By reaching into the family 2t REBA O. HODOR, secretary. This report of health, restored and and adjusting its troubles. these s~lal which contains "Getting Ideas from the lectures, demonstrations, and motion hope created through donations service organizations prevent a verit- Movies" by P. W. Holaday and George pictures on liquid air, cooking, type6HERIFP 6ALE last year's United Campaign ha:; able flood of future relief demands D. Stoddard. "The Content of Motion and electrons. Sheriff's OMce, Court House, MedIa been released by the Campaign, which would become a serious drain Pictures and ChHdren's Attendance Saturday. Jan. 29. 1938 provides funds for the 115 insti- upon taxes, Ga.'eroment relief and up- Motion Picturcs," by Edgar Dale. Saturday from \0 to 11 :30 A M. a 9:30 A. M. Eastern Standud TIme of the Community Fund of on private charity." Emotional Responses of Children to of conlerences of high school Vicinity and The FedThe United Campaign agencies operPicture Situation," by W. was held on the following sub- Conditions: $250.00 cash or certlfled check at time of sale (unless otherwise stated In Jewish Charities. This year's ating in Delaware County are: Babies Dysmger and Christian A. Ruckmick Home Room Programs, Musical advertisement), balance·tn ten days other condlt1oD& on day of sale. . for a minimum of Hospital, Llanerch: Boy Scouts Com.. combined with "Motion Pictures and Organizations, School Newspaper, $i March 1. Campaig[1 munity Center of Media and Vicinity: Standards of Morality," by Charles C. cr School Publications, Boys' Athletics Levari FacIas No. 'ltrl operate throughout Delaware Community Health and Civic Associa- Peters. "Motion Pictures ,,,,d Social At- Girls' Athletics, Assembly Programs: except in the sections in and tion, in Ardmore, Bryn Mawr, Manoa, titudes of Children." by Ruth C. Peter- Student Cabinet, Subject Matter Clubs Term, 1937 "l op. sit.September In Twp. of Haverford, Co. of the City of Chester. Narberth, Oakmont and West son Clubs, Dramatl·c Clubs, HI·gh' Pr I and. L ..L. Thurstone. "Relationship 01 the total number of days provided yunk; Community Health Society of 0 to the Character and School Social Functions. Del. Pa., known as Lots Nco. 12 and 13 In All lugh 5 h I t d the N. s. of"Brookline"; Allston Rd. SO'S. E. of Kenby some !of those institutions for the Central Delaware County, in Swarthr Athtudes of Children," by Mark A . May Blk on E.plan Beg. at a pt. In distressed, 58,458 days of care were more, Folsom, Springfield, Holmes, and Frank Shuttle\Vorth. "Movies and c 00 s u ents, parents, to more tho .xt. 6. E. alg. satd AllBto. said!Id.: ReI. 125' to a pt.; then N. W. on a for orphans or neglected children. The Woodlyn, Plush :h,{ills, Morton and Conduct," by Herbert mumer. "Movies.! and tt teachers d E I were cordially invited to Rd. 50 to a pt.• tho N. E. on a Une at r. a. nurses of Lansdowne, Swarth- Ridley Park; Convalescent Hospital, Delinquency, and Crime," by Herbert· a en. • ac I year many local students IIII. pBIBUel with saId Rd. 50' to a pt.: and to Pl. 0 t beg. and Ardmore made Broomall; Children's Aid Society of Blumer and Philip M. Hauser. I attend the Drexel Open House. tho S. w · on a I. at r. B. to &aid Rd. 125' to the sick; and 5694 visits Pennsylvania, in :h,fedia; Delaware· ____________________________________ made to health clinics by infants County Welfare Council, Media; FamSub. to UmltattollS & rest. pre-school children. ily Improvements twofeet: and porch one-t Service F '1 ofW Swarthmore If S . andf VicinE hal! 6tory frame cOIlSIBt house. of 18%36 In addition to that work, thc agen- I y; amI y e are oClety 0 astfront: one-story trame additIon 9x30 f.... des also re.ported they had given many ern DcI;tware Lans.downe; Girl frame garage, 12x12 feet. • • lorms 01 aId, financial and material as Scouts, GoodWIll Industries, Darby: Sold and as Civic the property of oeorge W. gagors BuUcUng and Loan Asaowell as personal, to 1834 families. Haverford Community Centre; HeDteter and Clara E. DIeter, his wHe, MortS b S d "This latter phase 01 work among rew un ay chool, in Darby, Darelation. the unfortunates," the report points out, lington and Glen Mills Schools; EDWARD F. HITCHCOCK. Attorney. No. 35 croft Convalescent Home of Jefferson Hospital, Wayne; Main Line EmergAlias Levari Facias i~~~;'~i~~~ healt~ ~nd I;:~~(;:~~:'n~,e:e:~ff~~olrt, ~Iot!on Oth~ ~~~i'S ~ Mana~ ~Iotlon Plct~res I. 32,~ HELP HER C~unty, to Ivy~ CLASSIFIED HELP I ellcy Committee, B.·yn Mawr, Wayne, Bala-Cynwyd; Orphans' Society, Wal- ling ford ; Pennsylvania Society to ProFOR RENT teet Children from Cruelty, Philadelbicycle, 28 Inch wheel. . IS · E xc h ange, Upper Reason9.ble. Telephone p h·1a S OCla ervlce Darby Township Family Association, Upper Darby; Visiting Nurse Association of Eastern Delaware County, .~;;:'iim;r::::O:;;;-;;;;;;;;,~and;;-;;o;;n:;-;:elarg;;:;;;;e-;;a;;pa;;rt;;;--ILansdowne, Clifton Heights, Darby, i';;';~;;•. Telephone Swnrth- Darby Township, Collingdale, Prospect Park, and Folcroft. • I • porch. Tele- All that certain lot or1937 piece of ground June Term, with the bulldlnge and Improvements thereon erected, situate tn the Borough of East Lansdowne. in the COunty of Dela... WIIle and State of Pennsylvanla, and des· Ignated and known as Lot No. 214 on the plan. of East 14nsdowne. which 1B recorded In the Offtce tor the RecordlDg of Deeda In and for said County of Delaware aforesaid. In Deed Book H No. 10, page 638 .nd described 88 follows, to wit: . Situate on the Easterly "de of Lewis avenue (flfty feet wide) at the distance of three hund.red and seventy-five feet Northwardly from the Northerly side of Baltimore avenue (sixty feet wide) as Bhown on saId Plan and containing In front Of breadth on the said Lewis avenue tweu~­ five feet and extending of that width In length or depth between parallel Unes at right angles to said Lewls avenue Eaatwardly one hundred and twenty teet beIng the said measurements 'and, a,rea..iaore. or less. Under and subject to certain bulldlng restrictions. Impro7ements consist of two and one· halt story stucco house, 15x33 feet· porch front; frame garage. 18K18 feet. • Bold as the property of John HInkle &lad Helen E. Hlnk.1e. hLs wife. Mortgagors and real owners. • W urns A.gaiR8t Block Booking avenue. --- I Annual Open HOIl8e at Drexel 6warth- garage. Terrens, 343 FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT-Furnished or unfurO:1IJhed home on mIl. AttractIve grounds bUB lines. near College. 011 heat: Seowartilmore National Bank and TrUst mpany. rotoRI pBhALE-SPresh eggs. Leal1e Widdowson e ODe wartbmore 287-M. ' Dear Swarthmorean: As a neutral outsider, I have been interested in the arguments for and against motion pictures in Swarthmore. My friends tell me that Swarthmore will have only the best pictures. This witt be true to a certain extent, but as long as block booking and blind selling exist your manager witt be handicapped. Give to the SALVATION ARMY 1938 Metropolitan Philadelphia Maintenance Fund Campaign -:;;==::,-....,-,c-W;;;;AN:::;:=I:-E:.:D::::-:-:-____ Block booking is the trade practice in WANTED-old kitChen dressers or cup- the motion picture ·industry by means boards. Wl1cox and. Gibbs seWing ma- of wh· h th . ch1ne, small electric refr1gerator Telephone IC e prod ucer reqUIres t h e exS warthmore 149. • hibitor to buy his pictures in large WANTED-To Buy anything no longer use- blocks, whether the pictures suit his lUI to you. Telephone Chester 2-25'l3. needs or 110t. .. BOARDING Blind selling forces exhibitors to buy BOARDING _ COnvalescent. Aged.. Invalid . pictures so far ahead of production that t\~c. 24 hour nurse's serv108. Porches: they rarely see the film before they . ground. Telephone Media 'l9. rent it. A manager of one of our nearby LOST thea~res tells me that each year he L08T-:-Whlte ltnen ~ndkerchlef with nama G Lola embroidered In corner: Notify L buys pictures that he never eXhibitS! reen. telephone Swarthmore 405. . in order to get one outstanding production. At times he is forced to run a FOUND series of mediocre pictures. F~~~Old rlmmed IJpectacles Monday sw.......... _oon In underpass. Apply The As voters can we not do something _ ..... .....u.uorean omce. about this? FOUND-PIgskin glove lett la. The Swartb-· The majority of us have seen the momore&n office Wednesday. tion picture develop from a crude beFOR RENT ginning into one of the greatest of .A modem second floor apartment. corner arts, with world wide influence and property,' private entrance. Three large interest ~~. tiled bath, hardwood floors, electric What can you and I do to educate $50 gerstor, garage. Suitable for 2 adults per month, including everything. . for better taste in motion pictures? Hollywood is swayed by box office Call Swarthmore l001-W receipts. At least we can help swell OWN YOUR HOME the box office receipts of the better INSTEAD OF PAYING RENT pictures. 206 Harvard Ave 8 to Responsibility for good pictures rests ·, 8 ne, frame. on IOKI'10 ft. lot 'newrmB 2 -car Cash $2000.' garage. $'1500. directly upon us, the public. WM. S. BITTLE Sincerely yours, Swarthmore lU-J Mary White Goodwin, ;N~.-:~==P:.O~b=Ue=-:::.::I=uran::::ce=.:~R~.~.~'~Bo~Ia~~ 1 Chairman of Motion Pictures, Swarthmore Woman's C!ub~ ..... FOR $200,000 ,"h 1-7-3t BEGINNING JAN. 10 WILLIAM W. McKIM. 8herlll'. £\ectric: Ronge\ . on . b "ef mea\s\ get yoU, Mart, . jun, e Resolved to I d to c:ook for yoU, Re so ve 5"': .. ... SARA o. RAYMOND DRESSMAKING and Quo'es Re8earch A.gaiR8t Movies d~n·t 6tt'l!et- Elel:tril: [aaking is [HElPER I The present motion picture controversy throws light on two situations: Telephone Swarthmore 2096-W first, the great amount of scientific research* which has been made on the influence of motion pictures on children; HARRIET L. TREAT second, the real need which should and Expert Deoiping and Filling 0/ be met in Swarthmore. Co..,n. UMotion pictures are powerful to an Remooelins unexpected degree in affecting the inAt Home or by the Day formation, attitudes, emotional experiHarvard Sw_ 892 ences and conduct patterns of children." ("Our Movie Made Children," by Henry A. J. &: James Forman, Director of Educational . 0 _ .. QUINBY Research in Ohio State University.) We are therefore unwilling to have SwarthFUNERAL DIRECl'ORS more children meet these educational haz-!· ards .~nt~l, the pr~ucers a~ directors in 405 MICHIGAN AVENUE MRS. HAROLD L. ER.VIN, Attorney. Smart youngsters are Jim and Mary. They make New Year's resolutions that will bring them years of contentment. They'll enioy delicious food cooked the easy, fast, perfect way-'-e/ecfrically. And don't forget, new low electric rates mean it costs less than ever to operate an electric range. Ask for full particulars on our rentol plan. offered for limited time only, to our residential customers_ QUINBY SON PHILADELPHIA ELEETRU IOmPAD' ELECTRICITY-CHEAPER -0,.'" , ,. "'" , '·,"'11 ,I. IN I. QUANTITY sw AI~TIBmnE COLLEGJr. JAN 2 81938 THE SWARTBMOREAN 8 Pay Pay Broadbent, Dorothy Wilson, and Alice Craemer. Mrs. Carlos F. Noyes will entertain the On Satu~day, January 22, at 10 A. ~., Fortnightly at her home on Harvard ave- Troop 6 will report to Mrs. F. A. Child, Due on Monday afternoon, January 24, of Vassa,r aven~eJ t~ reh~rse a ballad which WI~t be given 10 March. at 2:30 o'clock. '11' "S Mrs. Leonard Ashton WI review aga . Fortnightly To Meet Francois Couperin; Trumpet Tune To Assist With State Air by Henry Percell; Enigma v,uil.-II Tax FOrDlll tions by Edward Elgar; Chorale Preludes by Johann Pachelbel, C. H. H. Parry and Announcement has been received Harold Darke; Air "Be Thou But Near" that on January 17, 1938 and con· Fint Meeting Well Attended by from the Anna Magdalena Book, "Song Tune" from "Peasant Cantata," tinuing until February 15, 1938, a of American Society" by Dixon Wecter. Reeident JI~~~red lntereeted Group of Women USee What His Love Can Do" staff of examiners will be at the This remarkabh~ book views American . Eager to Understand Mod· . t f . 160) t th resem Thomas B. McCalle, presIdent of the County seat, Media, to assist tax· Cantata Number 85, and Prelude socM,e y W' f Omt,· .a . be P t ' and by Scott Paper Company, a director of the ern Eeonondc Theory Fugu~ in C. Minor all by J. S. Bach; IJayers in the filing of their State r. · ec er . seems l d k h·as been d '· tl ht .. Y na t·.·ureplore this rre era·1 R eserve B an, eSlgThe secolld meeting of the League Berceuse by Armas Jarnefclt; and ToPersonal Property Tax forms. The e• dtuca t Ion le ng person 0 ex 'd d I· . f h B t" It' t Ed· ted' the uni- nate a eputy c ,airman 0 t e oard of Women Voters' study group con- ccata by Theodore Dubois. State Personal PrOllerty Tax con· 111 e~e~ tog su lee" uca In rd of Governors of the Federal Reserve ducted by Dr. Herbert F. Fraser. Pro· I • tinues at the rate of four mills on \'ersltIes of Colorado! Yale and OX,fo S stem Philadel hia, according fessor of Economics at Swar~hmore each donar valuation on certain h~ met ,people. of v~n~ types. lIe vJe~s a~ announcement atPWashington, D., C. !'Irs, McClure Reports Jewel classes of Personal Property made College, who is giving a general "Inhis. subject wIth ,fairness, humor ~nd m· Mr. McCabe, who lives on North Chestraduction to Economies" witt meet on Theft taxable undel"" the Personal Prop· t~lhgence. Amencans ~ye r~e~tt;d ~e ter road, was originally named to the Tuesday morning, January 23, promptly erty Tax Act. This form must be PJctp.~~s of the~se1ves 4rawn by DIckens, board last year. Thackery, Arnold and later, .:>{ many . • I • at ten o'clock. Dr. Fraser will discuss On Monday afternoon of this week filed and the tax paid thereon prior "Distribution of In~ome under Capi. Mrs. Gertrude H. McClure, of Riverto February 15. 1938. Forms filed continental vlsit~rs. beeaqse. t?~y made Wildcliff and Lyon Event too much of theJr eccentnclties. Mr. . talism" at that time. New members view road, rep~rted to local police that after that date arc subject to penal\\'ecter tells of American ·Jtistorr as it A fashion show and tea for the benefit are urged to join the group at this jewelry· valued at about $3.000 had ty' and interesL mceti.ng in order to appreciate and un- been stolen from a closet in a base· \ '-_________________________-' w~nt hand in hand with social develop- of the Alumnae Association of Wildc1iff derstand the four sessions to be held· ment room of her home sometime be· ment . Junior College and The Mary Lyon Dr. Detlefsen Fort This year the literary world IS celeSchool will be held from 3 until 5 o'clock duri.og the month of February. tween last Friday and January 17. Forum Speaker br~ting the one h?l!dredtl) anniversary of tomor~ow afternoon, Saturday, at ·Green The first meeting on last Tuesday Mrs. }'IcClure told Borough officers was attended by twenty·two persons the toot included a jewel box a platiDr. J. A. DnSTO" BOUB8: den, secona; Mrs. D. Cramp and Geor!!e 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.-MOD., Toes. 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. Wed. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.-Thurs. 9 A.M. to 10 P.~. FrI•• Sat. }I'armer, third. GIANT TIGER ••• -----......... v ,... . • ~--- Special. For Week of January 20th to January 26th, Inclusive Plan Senior Assembly RS Fa" Sale qt ~he Followirag Individual Stores SW ARTHMQRE, PENNA. MARTEL BROTHERS Rutgers Ave. & Chester Rd. BACHMAN'S MARKET Yale Avenue MADISON BROTHERS 413 Dartmouth Avenue GEO. MITRO & SONS, INCPRPORATED 17 So. Chester Road YE Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER Swlll'llun..... 19 The committee of high school stt,dents in charge of novelty arrangements Gold Medal FLOUR tomorrow evening's meeting of the Seni'Jr 12 lb. Bag ...... , .. . Assembly is composed of David Ullman, "Kitchen Tested" chairman, Elizabeth Bowditch, W'aliterllll_ Elizabeth Sweeney, Thomas MarBetty Cresson, John Allyn, Stuart Libby'. "Red Alaska" Jones, Jean Arnold and Robert Hanzlik. SALMON-TaU Can .. Those who wilt chaperon this week's dancing classes are; seventh grade-Rev. Mrs. Thomas A. Meryweather, Mr. Mrs.· Seyplop.r Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. Richard· Tunis and Dr. and Heart'. Delight NEe. Robert K. Enders; ninth· gr3.de-Mrs. D. TAR-2 Tall Cans. . . . c A. Simpson, Miss Helen Simpson, Mr. Apricot. Pear. Peach. Plum or Nectarine and Mrs. Lloyd Kauffman, Mr. and Mrs. S. Frank Butler and Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Bvafls i senior· assembly-Mr. and Ralph Dinsmore, Mr. and Mrs. James Davis, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Gorman, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jones and Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Whitaker. 2t 13 ~ . ISs,nf'Drd Bates To Speak In Media Next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock Bates, director of the Boys Clubs of America, will speak in the Court House on "Uniting Recreational Forces to Enrich Life." Mr. Bates was superintendent of Federal Prisons 'until 1929 and then executive Idirect,)! of the United States Bureau of Prisons. He served two years in the House of Representatives and two years as Senator from Massachusetts. For ten years he was commissioner the Department of Correction Massachusetts. Mr. Bates was accorded an enthusiastic audience when he addressed a large meeting in Philalast fall. Carl H. Schmitt, new \ ..,cr·eatio,n director of the county will be presented by Samuel L. Smedley, president of the Delaware County Park Mrs. William A. Jaquette, of Elm avenue, as pres!dent of the Welfare \ C:oulncil, which is sponsoring the meeting, invites aU· interested to attend. HARRIS & CO. .I . ........... 26 ~J;:fb~Hl!~. % UCO pORK & BEANS 3 16-oz. Cans....... In Tomato Sauce UCO TOMATO JUICE Lg. No. 2 19,oz Can .... Hiatol'1's Lowest Price I 7c SUPER SUDS Lge.Pkg. '14c; Small Pkg. 17 Del Monte CORN 217-0z.Cans ........ _ Funds Now Being Solicited For Ballot. Reeeived by '1'his Paper Swarthmore'. Share in Annual Show Public Sentiment of Campaign Interested Citizens Six hundred and f\fty citizens of Next on the list of names which the' Swarthmore, fired with the zeal of eru. chairman had been requested in a letter saders, filled the High School audi- signed by Daniel R. Goodwin for :t torium last Tuesday evening, January "civic group" to caU, was Troyer S. 25, to battle· the proposed zoning ord- Anderson, Associate Professor of Hisinance amendment which would permit tory at Swarthmore College, who adthe erection of a motion picture theatre dressed the meeting upon the disturbing on Park avenue. to the death. The crowd effect of movies upon Dartmouth stuof cu~us and interested citizens be- dents. gan to assemble at an early hour and Daniel R. Goodwin then presented. continued, in Swarthmore's inimitable to Council via Mr. Hessenbruch addifashion, to stream in during the first tiona . I petitions against the movies over 400 signatures, bringing' half hour of the h e a r i n gbearlUg .' Promptly on the stroke of eight T. E. the total signers against it to over 900, Hessenbruch, chairman of the meeting and one petition from two pel""sons askby virtue of his office of president of ing to have signatures withdrawn from Council, asked any proponents of the a petition in favor of the movie which proposed to cur,'ous rise to fell its defense. Guenther H. Froebel, of Swarthmore The heartsmovie of the ,vhen ,', t 1ICY U had previously signed. avenue, who was elected president of beca nle evident that no honest fight d?on the Irequest of someone in the the Swarthmore Public Library Board wou ld be forthcoming but the crusad- au lence,. a ettcr written by Mrs. J. C. upon the resignation of Roland L. brust into' thunderous apapproving the movie wa' Eaton, Monday evening. The drive to raise Swarthmore's quota Undeterred by the immediate pres-ence of $1,000 for the Salvation Anny Great· of overwhelming opposition such as eoner Philadelphia Maintenance fund is now fronted them at the public hearing Tueswell under way. day night a considerable number of resiSwarthmoreans who are working in the dents of this Borough voiced their ac... drive are ~Mrs. G. A. Hoadley, director; quiescence to changing the zoning ordinMrs. J. P. Brown and Mrs. Frank Gray, ance to permit the erection of a movie captains; Mrs. J. W. Allison, Mrs. theatre on Park avenue between Borough G-eorge L. Armitage, Mrs. Percival Al'mi· ·Hall and the Methodist Church. through tage, Elizabeth Bassett, Mrs. Herbert the medium of the straw vote conducted Bassett, Mrs. Charles Boltoll, Lillian by The Swarthmorean during the past B oyt, ~-Irs. E. D. Brauns. Mrs. William two weeks. B ullock. :Mary Bye, Mrs. Samuel Car.. Those who attended the public meeting penter, Mrs. J. Passmore Cheyney, Mrs. and witnessed the small standing vote H. Paul Cleaver, Mrs. B. W. Collins, and lack of speakers in favor of the pro· :Mrs. Roy Comley, Mrs. Dwight Cooley, posal witt be surprised to learn 229 . cd L_II Mrs. J. B. Douglas, Mrs. A. T. Eaven· S wa rth moreans turn ed'In SIgn 1M. ots t th' d I ' th' I 0f son, Jr., Mrs. Frank Fitts, 0 proposed IS paper ec armg ThiS elr. approva G . . }..frs.. Albert • the measure. vate was arrett, l,-Irs. Franklin. Gdlesple, LoiS but slightly over one-third less than the Gray, A.-Irs. Harold G. Griffin, Mrs. Henry vute against the movie 368 Hoadley, Mrs. W. R. The hallot boxes had' been placed uey, Mrs. DaVid Hughes. It,frs. Charles in the Swarthmore National Bank and .In S. D Israel "r TIlomas J 0 h nson, M !"s. TIle Swarthmorean office were the scene ' William Johnson, Mrs. William Kimmel, of almost constant activity and ",.any last Mrs. Lewis M. Knebel, Mrs. Benjamin minute voters rushed in Tuesday asking Kneedler, Mrs. Louis J. Koch, Mrs. Roy that their baUots be considered in spite Lingle, Mrs. Ralph Little, Mrs. R. J.... of the fact that it had been announced Littlefield, Mrs. Art. hur B. Mead, Mrs. last week that the ballots must be cast Dan,'el Morse, 'Irs. Alexander Moseley, 0.11 or before Monday.• January 2.4. Wish" Ed d N.. M A V BOllig to present a fair opportumty to all mrs . war oyes, . rs . . , rr 'who desired to evidence their senti'ment Mrs'.' J W P M arren axso.n, rs. J oseph in the matter by usc of this straw vote Perkms, Mrs. Harvey Pierce, Mrs. Rob.. The Swarthmorean held the vote open ert C. Powell, Mrs. Charles Russell, Mrs. until just before this issue. C I · aude Smith, Mrs. Grace Smith, Mrs. Names on the ballots were checked and ]. H. Smith, Mrs. Edward Stockton, Mrs. although The Swarthmorean realizes that M. Strieby, Mary Temple, Mrs. Peter the percentage of the population representTold; Mrs..S. M. Viele, Mrs. C. Percy ed in its straw vote was not terribly high, Webster, Mfs. S. Wisdom, Jr.• Mrs. L. it does believe it significant that it brought P:·· ",fay; Mrs; E.- ·A:· Ya-rtlall, . Petcr1out. such_.'i\u. anexpecte.dly __._ Told, and A. P. Smalley. of votes for the movie theatre. The Salvation Army has to its credit I • in our c'olintry fifty-eight years of ever· expand'IItg service . t0 tIIe ne cdy an d d'IS. courage.d. The.re are. ten separ.at.e. corp.s are.as m PI • 11 Ia deIp1 and 10 whIch defimtel~ out~m~l com.m~n~y Annual Event Given to Raise g~a~s are con ucte. lese. mc u e F d For American Legion cattonal and character·buddlng work un s and Auxiliary . among youth ?£ all ~gcs, as well ~s sep·1 aratc classes sewmg and fori .F or the benefit of ch.arity the Harold mothers with IIIinstruction in cookmg child carc. A mong their specialized services may be I A IIlswor th P ost,A mencan L eglon, ' an d A .. mentioned the Family Welfare Depart- ux,hary will hold its annual ball at ment which ministers to fam.Hies in d.iS·1 the Swarthmore Woman's Club on Fri· tress an d want; t IlC Translent Service day, February 4, at 9 o'clock. Patrons B wh'ICh'd a, s the l ' poverty- and patronesses arc Mr. and Mrs. Clarstncken group that might easily become a Cl1ce G. Myers, .Mr. and Mrs. Thomas menace; the Missing Persons Depart- B. McCabe, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander ment which locates hundreds of missing W. 110seley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. every year through a nation-wide I Morey. ),,11". and j\hs. John H. Pitman, cham of operatives; the Anti-Sui1,::ide Mrs. Thomas S. Safford, Mrs. E. A. Bureau which by quick action and real Stockton, )...[r. and Mrs. Elric Sproat, help has averted many a tragedy; and Dr. and Mrs. George Pierce Warren, ~;!u:;rces !:~.Iake , . At once the well organized progran' At the couclus,'o" of th,'s Dr W T of the uopposit~on" got under way. Mr. Johnson, a respected resident of I~n~ C I 'IIltroduced Ellwood B. , ,'n thOIS commum'ty. ~gave a Hessenbruch sta"d,"'g l~pman, Chairman of the Board of statement of the two-thirds reduction A~J~stmcn:, dWdho ~ad hrequested the in asssesed real estate value which fol. rlv~,ege.o a r~ss1l1g,~ e audience on lowed the introduction of a moving piethe Zonmg O.rdmance. Mr. Chapman, ture in the exper,'ence of o"e of h,'s I h \V l? was c airman of the committee! famity. h I d W IC I rew up the borough's zon,'ng R . Chester Spencer was then called ordinance in 1928, said that the purpose of that ordinance was to retain the upon by the chair. He made a brief simplicity of the town. statement against the movies. Dr. W. F. Faragher arose at th,'s "We felt," he said, "that it was not required of us to provide gas, oil and point and pleaded for a statement of 'hot dogs' for the motorists who passed facts and a dispassionate considera· through the town, and we didntt want tion of the question, such as he ex~ to disturb the village atmosphere.'t pected from a public meeting. f -.. '·-The Chairman tht:1I cailed .on. W. S. Dr .. Eugene Pik~ as~.e~. the ~.~rough Canning, Traffic Engineer, residing in Solrcltor whether the ·Borough had any Swarthmore, who stated that the erec- means of controlling the kind of piction of a motion picture theatre on the tures a theatre could show if one was proposed lot would .'create an :mpos. crect~d here. Solicitor Myers replied 'f' only enforce State Laws sible traffic s,'tuatl'oll, the only solut,'o" that It. could of I' h ld b If an d that I It became a nuisance the eo the street park- matter co. uld be protested by c,'t,'zens. w lIC wou to he supplied at the expense of iflg the theatre. The enforcement of the Borough Secretary Elliot Richardson village ordinance this would require was instructed by the chairman to read would entail monetary loss to the bor- a letter in favor of the movies written ough, in addition to which would be by 1.-Irs. Sarah Brill. the uncountable cost of accident hazMrs. Elliot Richardson arosc from arcl to vehicular traffic." the. audience and asked if a represellf S. D. Clyde, whose dwelling is inl tatlvc. 0 the moving picture company I Swarthmore, whose business busi_lwould is in was III t Ie audience, and, if toso,put if an he Chester, statedbutthat the proposed \V.hy he wished llldustry III till t I' Id Hess would bring depreciation to pres. pay sown w 11C.l wou not ent realreal estate values andasmentioned . Media estate values an iIIusFollowing the burst of applause ex. ttation. "No business in Swarthmore cited by this question, James F. Mcadds anything to Swarthmore's charm". Donald announced himself as the Upconcluded Mr. Clyde. pcr Darby Real Estate man who had After ilHluiring if anyone had yet ar- a.pproac. hcd Dr. Earl Kistler in connect h h rived who would say something in fa-] Ion wit. t e purchase of the lot for . · vor of the theatre. "Mr. Hessenbruch Ithe I I movie fi t company. He stated that he called UPOll Frank R. Markley, whose I la.( rs mtervlewed Dr.butKistler on remarks were covered in the letter sub. IthlS maUer one year ago, Dr. Kist. mitted by him to The Swarthmorean and! ler had refused his proposal, saying which was published in last week's is. I' he understood that Borough Counell had shown some ,'"terest ,'n tl,e lot. . sue. Mrs. David C. Prince was then asked I Mr. Robert Haig was Ihen called to speak. She stated that she and her 1 upon by the. chairman to sum up the husband were opposed to movies of the uopposition", and fol· of their "deleterious effect upon lowmg hIS summary, the chairman call. children." i ed for a standing vote, which he anAt the request of the authorities of! as approximately thirty for the . I mOVies and the remainder of the audi. S warth.nl0re College, the Chairman '_I,ce aga,'nst. then IIlstructed .. .. Borough Solicitor,Clarence to readG. a Myers,. letter. After expressmg IllS d,sappomtment C Country Gentleman or Golden Bantam Guenther H. Froebel Elected I n t a t B oard R eorgBIlIZ8" Pres'"de · on; ISS ar r ew Ii· M· B be N D·Irect· or,· Mrs .. Told, Mr.. Guenther Re-elecled The annual meeting of the Swarthmore Public Library Association was held Monday night, January 25, in the Library Rooms in Borough Hall. A quorum being present, annual reports were given by t~_.. ,~et;retary, Mrs. Sewell. W. Hodge, the treasurer. Mrs.Passou)re the president, Roland L. Eaton, and the librarian, Mrs. Erwin Tschebult. The re· ports of. ~Irs. Tschebull. and .M~. Eaton . b elsewhere . areTI published m thiS Issue. . Ie maIO usmess before the meetlllg was the proposed amendent of the con. stitution and supplication for legal charter as ~ not~-profit making organization adycrtlzed 10 the Annual Meeting Call. The amended constitution recommended to the association by the directors was read by the Secretary a motion for adoption and for and the petitioning for its a legal charter was duh' ·made an,1 carr,·cd. I st~te t:heyriey~ r ~ and Mrs. Samuel Mr. Sewell W. Hodge l1. Dodd. tellers of the election reported that a total of 205 votes had been cast, Mrs. Peter E. Told, receiving 160, J. Jarden Guenther, 139, Miss Alice F. Barber, 133 and Richard Haig, 108. Mrs. Told, Rev. Mr. Guenther, and Miss Barber, will therefore, fill the three vacancies (Continu~d on Pags Eloli.t) 'I' whic~ , la[ge.....numbe.r~. ~la u~eau CHARITY BALL NEXT FRIDAY V'lCI~ty :0-U-I Slift~ng per~ons PAREN1' MEETING TO DECIDE ABOUT CUB PACK an Employment Agency which co-operates Mr. and 1frs. Alfred Gary White, Mr. fully with other agencies and secures and lob-s. A. Prescott Willis and Mr. and A meeting of parents for final arrange- employment for mallY too poor to pay Mrs. Edwin A. Yarnall. Music will be even the customary fee. supplied by the l-Iazda Lane Orchestra. A1 h ments regarding the formation of a Cub Pack in Swarthmore will be hcld at 7:45 The Salvation Army also has two hO' 11 I w 0 can do convenientnext Wednesday evening, February 7., in tels one for white and one ior colored I y, are as e to wear URI arms to the Room I Swarthmore High School men, where shelter and food are pro., dance. It is I;olled all parents of boys or vided for the ho,?e1ess and friendless and The Auxiliary, .with Herbert Basten years old will attend this meeting on for those temporarily stranded. The n.,en sett as membersh,p cham~l~n, asks to be which will depend the decision as to hedre tpay a sm Itoward IObcilglllgllllotlfil:d ?f ehgllble nl eml all whether or not there shall be a Cub Pack an wo mea s a ay I t ley are a e. )ers lip 111 t C I}XI 13ry w 10 nllg t l~ve I vy H ouse lS . the Ilome for children-~ beell overlooked In tl Ie Jan"ar y'"'" -mpo,gn in the Borougl· 1. I i tI . f M ' This meeting will be addressed by John some are orphans, others from broken 0 Ie orgalllza IOn. ,. eetmgs are h eld the written by an officially com- i no argument been presented Fostcr, of the executive office of the Boy homes or abandoned by their parents. on h T3 .afternoon. of • 111 favor of the m M H Scouts of A . h i d d These children are fitted to lead useful eac mont 1 a[ : 0 0 cock In the Leglon mlttee, stating their arguments oppos- i .. oVles r. essellmenca, \V 0 a so appeare an . . . R . B I H II M B ing the proposal. : d,sm,ssed the meeting and the explained the work of Scouting atthepre- adult hves and kept III Ivy House until ?Olll III orong' a . , rs. assett _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _____ 1 atudlence departed, flushed with vicliminary meetin of rents held at the some provision is made for their future. will be ha.ppy to new names _ g po Th S I . membersll1p. The AUXIliary works for to. I S H 19 I chool last December 13. ory. e a vatlOn Army also conducts a d tl . f . f th f Dinner !....______________________________"""Ilfresh-air camp at Upland, Pennsylvania, alm nd° .carlllg or rna ed"n . , wtar a e an d,e expe Itures are e a°lrtunmost ·Preeident's Birthday fl' thO d' t' n Th at a prison welfare department, a women 5 Tonigbt hospital and clinic, and a settlement and ehll Ir.et Y d m . JS lrec 10b . h.eh annu ·· c art y ance JS one way y \V lC money d ay nursery w Ilere workmg THE WEEK'S CALENDAR mothers may·IS raise . d f . . orlt 'liS purpose. A dinner will be held in Whittier fe Iy leave their children and are taught sa . House, on the College Campus, at 6 :30 A ',""cet.l1lg of the Delaware County homc hygiene and the care of infants. FRIDAY, JANUARY 28 this e"ening in cooperation with the events Last year 50,677 mothers and children! Coullcil will hc held at 8:30 P. M. Tues:i~ ~. ~. esidtebntl·\s Bsirthrthda y Dinner ...................... \Vhlttler House · . .e a : wa. more va. Prospect Park ............ R. S. Gym held throughout the nation on the Presiwere aided and the nursery attendance! day, February I, at Cleveland avenue dent's birthday for the benefit of infantile was 10457. and Chester pike, Norwood. Dr. William SATURDAY.JANUARYU , .. . F. Godson will speak on flAmedcanism." paralysis victims. 9:00 F. M.-Swarthmore Series Danee ...••........•••..•..... Woman·s Club A.t the .rccondltlOnmg depot ~f the All members of the Swarthmore Auxil· Announced for the after~inner proMONllAY, .JANUARY 31 S~lal Service Center employment IS pro- iary desiring to attend should notify Mrs. gram are: Dean R. Brimhall, Adminis~:gg ~. :eeediework Guild Hour ........••••.•..••••.• 'l31 Harvard AVeI\ue Vlded for over two hundred. and. fifty men Robert Sheppard, of Dartmouth avenue, · . .venth Oracle Mothet'8' MeetIng •••••••••••••• R. S. Music Boom trative Assistant, Labor Management of and women who,. because .of their advanc- telephone I 254·J. the \Vorks Progress Administration in TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 1 ed years or phYSical handicaps, are unable Washington, who will propound Work , I , I~;~ ~: ::: ~Pe!"k~ Study Group ..•....•.•.•....•••.•.• 600 Harvard !'venue ••••••••••••••.••.••••••••••••••••••••.••• Woman s Club to secure employment in private indus.R~ief and make way for a discussion of try. These people work on the recondi- No Veeper Service This Week WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY Z lhi;>'.I)'bject by sympathizers and antag-I tioning of discarded furniture and cloth.. 1:00 P. M. - Ladles' Aid Soclety Luneheon Meeting ........ Methodlst Church oOlst/: 4·Mrs. Robert E. Carels of River3:00 College Avenue Fourth Grade Mothers' -... - . . . . • • • • 2 v~ --e 7'45 P. P M. M -_ Cub Pack -.:0... ......._ ... _ .......... iog, as well as on the salvaging of rags The Sunday evening vesper service... view road, who will render se~'eral vocal · . . ....... ~ts Meet .................... Room. I, High 8ehool of Swarthmore College have been dis· and waste paper. It is the objective to selections; and N ;'la Whitaker and Dor'rBtlRSDAY, FEBRUARY 3 continued during the' mid·year exa.mmake this establishment and the workers othy Wilson, two young Swarthmore 1;00 P. M.-Wome~:tt.,~~b.ll~ Club.r ..•.;. ....... ~ ...... ~ ... ,trath Haven Inn ination period of the College, and win self-sustaining and to dispose of the artidancers, who promise a delightful per~-;:. .:' ., , - -: .' . ~. be announced upon resumption. formance. L._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~----.:------..,........:-.,....-.......----1i des where th.ey Will do the most good. vete~,~ be_llarg,!ll1en~s c~use ~Irs. damo~lf't ahnYAwo~l~n I' ap~)ointed King's Taste COFFEE I lb. B!1g ......... . A Mocha & Java Blend Ground Fresh While You Wait ~hat ha~ selco~d2 hU~slday bru~h we1co~e. Ir________________________________ Genuine LEGS OF LAJWB--Lb........ . Crispy Califomia ICE· \ BERG LE'ITUCE-hd. Shoulder of LAMB, with rack . . . . . . . . . • I Fresh Washed Green SPINACH lb ..•..... No Sand Ready BALTIMORE PIKE AND HIRST It I ; to AVE. EAST LANSDOWNE - r.. :. - = OUR PRICES ARE REDUCED ON MEN AND WOMEN'S SUITS COATS AND OVERCOATS NO. II PARK AVENUE ~r" ni~e nOUl~ced c 15c UBRARY AS S'N IN' ANNUAL ME E TING P .I ~anzlik, F1oren~e t~at .lb. Can FREE with Each Pound. Can Purchase UCO C.....,. MALTED MILK-I lb. Can. . . . SALVATION ARMY 229 FAVOR MOVIE WORKERS NAMED IN STRAW VOTE Prominent Residents Insist That Consequent Traffic 'Snarl and In8ux of Outsiders Would Destroy Charm of Cultural Village Life I PALMOLIVE SOAP Cake ............. . NEW LIBRARY PRESIDENT PROTESTING CROWD OVERFLOWS HALL AT MOVIE HEARING to S2.50 PER YEAIl SWARTHMORE, PA., JANUARY 28, 1938 T Phone Swarthmore 504 . .' . :;.. ··1 . .- -.. . .~, .•. : •• "1. • .. ~orh INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE _ _ _ _ _ ~JAN=U::.:.A:.:R~Y THE SW ARTIII\IOREAN 8 JAN 281938 21, 1938 Bro.ulhcnt Dorolln \Vllson, and Alice Forlnightly To I\lccl Cracmer I r 111(0'" loupcrtll I rum pet 1 nile ami To A ••isl Willt Slalc \. ,,\11 11\ Il{nn Percell I mgm3 Varia· :\lls ('trlus 1 Nj.\t~ \\111 cntutllllthc On :-;ltllrd.I' J IIlUIn 22 It 10 A 1\1, Tux Forlns 110rtfllghth It IU..'I homc U1I II In.ml He I roop (, \\111 rt:l'urt to Mrs F A Child, I tUIII" 11\ 1.)\\ Ircllign Chortle Preludes In Jull 11111 P u:hdhd, L II II P.lff\ and I 011 )'Iulld" Ihcmooll J.lll111n 2.f 1of V.Isslr ,I\Clllle, to rchearse a ballad \Illllltlllttlllllli ht ... ht:tll It.'lCl\ltl I lille lllfOld )) tI kc. \11 Be. I hOIl But Ncar I \I ') 30 odu(k \dl1dl \\111 he gl\ell III )'1.lrch th II Oil ),IIII1.ln 17 PHH IIItI LOll I '• • ."jr~l :l\Iccting \" ell Attended hv f 10111 Ilu.' \1II1.l ~I Igd III II I Buok. S()II~ [ )'lrs I cOI1.lrd \"hton \\ 111 n\lcw S.lg II tmul1Ig lInl.l I chru.ln 1; 19~X I Interested Groul' of 'VOlllCII I tlllt.: fro1l\ I'c. '''lilt LUlllt.' \fl.1 1° 1 Amcnl.1ll Sotlt.'h h) DnwlI \Vech:r Resident Honored ... t III uf l X lIl11l1Crs ",11 IJI,; It till: Eager 10 Understand lUud.. Sec \Vh It Ilts Io\(.' C III Do" frolll I IllS nln Irk Ihle book '11.'\\ '0 Amene III I "7 t II I r"sem 1 hom.ls B )'lcCahe, prcsnient of thp (uullh sC,lt )'It'tll I to .IS ........ t t IX ern E('ollolnic Thcor\ L lilt It I ~ulllhn N?i I1Id Prelude and "OCH.' t , , nJln 1(JU (1 Ie I 'I' I £ I 'I \\' I t r "II I,) S((llt Ipt.'r COlUlJ·l1l) I (Irector 0 t te I'I\tls III the fllmg: of tltclr St.lte I uguc III l :\Imor III In I S B Il h .\ r ecter seCIl1S )\ III 11 e I ·'I.I.r" tl'l l+edcr.II Rcsenc Bank, hdS been dcsig I'u SOli II i'roperh I IX forlll s I hI.: I ht' second JIleetlll~ of th(' ] e,lguC' I I:lltU~t 1)\ \11111" J Lrntfdt lIul 10 (( IUt.I1tUIl tl Ie rI~ It I I'cr . . on t 0 Co'' ' (... :, tllli 1I1tul I dq>ut) chamn UI of the Hoard St lte I'~I ~I 11 II Propel h I ax (Oil I t I I t I of \\ omen \ oters' stml) group COli U It I 11\ I hendl rc DuhOl" mh:nstmg: su .JCC ..< m I C( III tl' e f I d I I • f l I I \' I I Oxfor,l () (.0\ unors of the e c ra {eserve tllllltS .It thl.: r.lte or fuur nulls 011 dllltcd b\ Dr lIahcrt] I rasu Pro ,erslhts () 0 ora< 0 I C 1m II I f i t II \11.:" S,stCIll 111 PIli I l(lclplll I ••• ccordll1g to (' Il It 1I01l •• r ,1111 It 1011 on (nt 1111 fe ... Sllr of I COIIOIIIICS It :S" Irthmore I IC IIICt ])COI' c 0 ,.Inc( 'I)C" e I ~ til cl1H10UIICcment at \V.lshmgton D C d IS,,(S of Pcr . . ulIll Propcrh lIlide Colltgl.: "hi) IS gl\mg I gellcrll • In I\lrs. McClure Reporls Jewel Ins suhJect "Ith f urnc .. ~ humor .111( 111 .\'I r .\'I C C I)C I "10 I I N CI 1\ es on ~tori tIes· I t Ix.lhle llmicl tlu.: Pt'r"01111 Prop IrodlletulII to 1 CClIIOIIlU'::S \\111 lIleet 011\ Thefl tclhgt:lIlt: AmerIcans ha\e re!lcnte d tie. IH rOeld ".15 latl" \ 0 o,;elmols :\Irs I d\\ard Crothers, of of 1110,; talk th It the conscquent diS 1111111 \\t.'d Illig rlllg \dl1t:h had belonged III I ort \V 1",lnngloli and '\IClll1t). the (\ISC1I<; . . 1011 of t 1\ IC prohlems ),1 er th~ (hrecholl of ).rrs Hohcrl I)rocess "llICh .lch,('\C:, 1111USll.llh fault VICes to which the pubhc IS cOrn Tc.;tt.-d ~!!!!!!!! 2L Libby's "Red Alaska" SALMON-Tall Can or Lo\\(";,t Cake Italian Cook SALAD OIL---Gal Can SUPER SUDS Lge Pkg 14c, Small Pkg Libby's CORNED BEEF Reg SIze Can 2 Del Monte CORN 17-oz Cans C untr\ {II nih m III 01 (,olt! II 7 c It Bantam ~cxt I uc~d" e,cIIlllg It R oc1o(k Sanford Bah'~ Ihrector of Ihc BO\ s \ Cluhs of \merIca ,\111 speak In the Scot Toilet Tissue 3 rolls 19c BEECHNUT COFFEE ~(cdla Court House 011 CllItlllg ne Waldorf Toilet Tissue I Ib Can [ cre.ltlonal lorccs to Illnch I If I.' ~Ir ' I III Cm ~n.r:1i \\lth Euh Pound 3 TOils c Bates \\as su))crtntcll(knt ot Federal Call Pllrcha'"c Pnsou~ until 1929 and thtn CXl'cutne director of the Ull1ted States Bur~ 1lI of I Pnsons Ill' sened 1\\0 ,ear~ III thc King's Taste COFFEE UCO Choc. MALTED House of Rcpres{,lltatl\es and 1\\0 I Ib Bag c ,e.:ar~ as Sell.ltor from ~1 assachusetts \ ~[oha & In .. a Blend MILK-lIb Can Glaund Frt:' h '\Iull' \nn ,Valt For tell tears he "as commlSSlOller of thc Department ot CorrCC11011 ot :\1 a:-.sachusetts ).1 r Bate~ \\ as ac Shoulder of LAMB, cordl.:d an cnthuslastlc atHlicllce "hell Genuine LEGS OF he.: addressed a large Illct.'tmg III Pluta· wtth rack LAMB-Lb dclillua 1.I . . t f til Carl II SchulItt I1n\ f(crcatloll (hrcctor of the ((lt1lll\ ,,111 hc pn Slutl II In Sallluti 1 Sllllllll\ PH:-.I Fresh Washed Green Crispy California ICEdl'nt of Ihc Dda\\are COllllt\ Park BERG LETIUCE-hd ! ~~I~~CH tb Itt'l.b In Hoard ).(r . . \\llhall1 \ )a(llIt:ttt of 11m "CIIUC as pre,",I dt.'llts of tillS Boroll,..,h 'Ollt't\ their .Ie 1Il1l1(l' IUltmlment \\hlch \\ould pt.'rnut h)n at S"arthmore College, \\ho HI 1111'l tit ).Ir ... (. \ IIOI(IIt\ I Ithou,.dl 1ht S"artlnlloJ( til re.~hzes that lOt (ogsthcorto\\11 t 1C motonsts \\ he passed I through mel "e (hdll~t \\ant I t I ~lfl (IU('stb'loli stich as he ex R()(III1 .... 111 1~(lnll1gh II.tll \ quorum helllg'\'J S tn(')\ ~lln I cmple ~Jrs Peter t Il( PClle.:llt Ige ot the pOpUI.ltlOl1 rcprescntto disturb the 'Illage atmo~l)hcre ~ pt:c t:( rom a pu Ie IllCctlllg pre . . cnt ll1llUll reJlorts "cre ril\en hy\ lold :\Ir'> S ~I Vlek llr . . C Per(v 1.:11 111 It.... strl\\ ,etc "a ... not ternhl) lugh, I Dr lugt.'lle Plk~ .lskul the Borou .. h the ~~trCtll\ llr~ SC\\C1l \V Hodge \\eh~t('r ).[rs. S \VI<;thJIIl Jr ).Irs I ltdo('shdllH It slgmficant that It brought II Ie II Mil III III tllil I t: Ii Icn 011 \V S ~lIhllt(lr \\hcther the Borough hid all\ ~ I lite tr('astlrcr ~lls J I'Iss11101e Lhe\llc\ I' II Jlnr( 11IIItl){,f I \\ra\ \Irs I \ yanl111 Pelel lilt ""11I 11 lIH'XlIllt(f' I Illlllng I ra nI( I ngillet r rcsl 1 r\\1Il Istitthllll Ihe rt: Ihl SlI,.lltOIl \1111\ hlo,; t() I'" tndt • , , Ion 0 I lIIotlOlI Imturt t I1l Itre on thl tn(ttel here Solil.:ltor ~l,er:, rCI)h(d 1 1)01 Is 01 .\'I 1<; I Sl IIt.' Im II lIul llr I ItOIl 111 om uHmtn h11\ t1,..,ht \ l Ir . . ot t.'\crPI(llHbl( I Iot "ouhl cn Ite II 011'0, th It It (oltld onh enforce Stelte I a" I tIt.' Jill)II I .... Ile( I e I"e" Ilell III till'" I. . . . ue (XI.lI1dll1,.., . . t n IU to tilt.' lIt:e,h lIul Ill'" ) II .... 1) t tr IIlc sit 11 tlU11I till: 0111\ solutIOn II 11.' III till I)Usllleo,;s I1(lore t IIl lIlectlll~ II1d that If It hec31l11: \ nUisance ~ the:. , I I (Olllagell Lhl.:ll' .llt tl.:l1 eplratt turll'" II I I) \\ lH.: I \\(HI ( Ie (.Ii the :.treet park math r could he protestl.:li h, • citIzen.... "IS tIe I Ilrolm . . cfl IlIlelH Itilt tit tIC I t ( 11 1 I I lUg 0 .( '>111>)1 It( I It t II~ expt:lIse ot IIl 111011 f or kg II chart('r .llth III PII11ult11lhii lIItl \1(lIut, III Borouuh Seln:t Lr, I Il,ot I' I I . . tlllltlOIl mel SI1I>1> ,I Il ,I I t IITl II II.' lllltlrCtlllt lit ot th~ "hllli (lchmt(l\ (lItlllll.'lI ((llllllllllllt\ lilt e. "IC liT( son " I'" IIlstrllcted In thl Ch IIr11l II' '0 '" I II h .t noll I)ruitt 1lI1klll,.., org IIIIZ Itlo11 III ,..!lallh lit t011dllltcd Ihot lIHludt tdn i\nnucll E,ent Ghcn 10 , ,II, l t nrc I1II111C~ tl liS "Oll II ( re(ltllre ... ( ; Ftll](l~ For Anlcri"cul Legion \\ould (.'lltlll1l10lldln h) . . s to thc hor l htltr III t.nlr {It IIIl IlItl\lts ,\nthll \lrtlzulllI the \nlltlll )'I('tllll~ CLiI Iht: t,ltlOlIll lIld llllrllltllulIldtl\g \\llrk I II t I I II I In )'Irs Slrlh I.nll 111II(,IHtld (Oll'otltutlt II Il(oll1l1umllll I I tht ..111.1 AlIxiliar~ lUg- I 111 l ( (I HIli I ) " H ( I \\llll ( ) l ' I I ltllOt1g '1IlIlh II III I,.::t I .... \\tll h 1:1' thl III1UIllllt lhle lost 01 Illlll"'nt I,oz)'Ir~ Ilhot l~l(:h tn)...oll Irt ..... ' tr,)" I . . 01l111011 1,\ til Illuttll . . "I It Id , ' I tl S I II ItC tllssl'" 111 1\\ Illg lIlil I I klllg 1111 thl' II 1I old II r tht: Inl 10 ,elllculal tlalhc the .IlHhlllCt: IIld hi td II .1 TtllllStll l\ It t.'lill In Ill' L III1tl011 lill Ib lwl lOr Ih(' 1.llltlllllll 'III I lI1othl.:r ... \\Ith u ..... trlZltlllll III llllill ,Ill ullllliiOIl I 1I11"lIl'~ .., ~ I_... II' t It1\l 01 til ........ I I I \1II01l.! thur "1)ctmlli~l'd . . lnlle:. ilia, h(' , I) (1,11, "II", ..... 111, ..... II"I~ t"ltl,r'" (0"'1' 'Ill I " \,.1,,\\01 ,I 1 I',...., \ IIlUIl III I q.~lOn Ill< I ".I~ III tilt lmlltlHI 11'11 " 'I' ,'I't l~l •. 'I llllttr S I \\ h dnh lIlult IIIrl 11Irtui 1lI1.'11111)1lul the I mlll\ \\dlllt 1)111 lit \IIXlll\f\ \\111 h lei It-.. IIIIlUII hilt It S,\ Irthlllll(. !Jill \\h hl llll'oll1e . . 1'> I .... III \\0111«1 ... ttk ,,11\ ht \\I ... hu\ to '1' .\ r C\H 1 \\ Iloti,..!e SlllludI 1ll('llt "huh 11)11I1 .... t('l ... to 11I11Ihe" III (lis tIll ~\\ 1Ithll)!)!t \\ IIIIUI" Cluh III III I lllt!lll'" I (hl.: . . hr st Itul thll th(' proposed bu . . 1 llHln ... l!\ III till" to\\11 "hlth \,otild lIot \1 Il 0(1II Ic II l ..... ot tiC lutlln III Itl.'( thlt I tlill 01 205 \Itl" hul 11:1.:1lll~t In" lIlII \\lllt tht Irll1ltllt Sll'He (Il\ Ilhrlllf\ -I It l) tlliulk PIIIOlb Ill"~ \\l)ultl 1)T1llg d(1)rtllltllll1 h) pre:, ]I" :\11" Petc1 I lold Inl'l\lIl~ IIJ() J Burtm \\Imh lUis the . . lnltlll,., I}O'lIl, Iltllltl Ill" l . . In \11 IIld \11 . . Cllr \Ilt n t1 t~t lIe, 11m . . IIHI lIIelltlOllt:11\ \Vlnt( lh t till d UpOII I r wk R :\1 Irkln, \\ ho . . l11l'o Illlttlr OIlC Har ago hut Dr t...1~t P\CK 111111\ "Ith (llltl.:r 1p;e.:llllt~ md sef."l1rc~ lIld ).11., \ I'lt lilt \\ 1111 . . lIllt ),11 alld DECIDE ABOUT ellB r~mlrk . . \\Crt: ulHrulm the Ictt('r suh It I 11 HI rt 111 . . ul hh prn}llh II . . I) 11l~ (1llIlIo,lIltnt tnr 111111\ It 11»01 to pal :\11'" 111\\111 \ 'UIIIII ).IIISI\ \\111 h(' 1I11th d 11\ hUll to I he S" Irthmof<.>an and Ihlt ht: ullri(.r . . t(lod that I~Ortll1l.dl COUll \ IIlCl.:tlllg 01 1)lltllts II11 IIUd llrlllgt nCll tht: tthtOlllll\ f('l "'II]1l1hul h, till :\Itzdl I lIle Onlu:"tra "lIu:h \\ I" 1Hlhlt ... hld III II . . t \Ht:k ~ I~ cil hili ~11Il\\n :.Ollll IIlt(:rc"t 111 thl lot 111('111 ... le .... lld1l1g t11(' f'llll1ltl,1l III I (un Ihe StI'ltlon \1 Ill' tl I h"", t\\O h, \11 \dt:1 lIh "h) till clo OcOmeilHl1t ~ne ).Ir Hohl.:rt 1I ug "I . . thtn c ,11ulll Ilk III S" IrtllllltlfC "Ill ht hdd It 7 -I:. tcl~ 0111: 101 ,dllte 111(1 111(, 1 H lolUIUl 1\ III I... kcd t I \\lll lllllll)\11h to the ).Ir . . 1).Hull Prime \\ t:. thtll IsJ...('(1 upon 11\ llit cll IIrllllll to ,...11111 lip flit I mxt \\ ednnd 1\ t\1.:1I1ll~ llhlll In 2, III IIlICIl \\l1l.:le . . Iultcl lIHI It 011 Ire PIO 11 IIll , 10 .... pt ik Sht ... t Ilul Ih It . . he tIl(1 l1('r Irgllllltllt!-. (It t IIl I)PPo~ltHln .Iud Illl I"11)111 I S" Irlhnu r~ Illgh Slhl) I lilt \uXIIlII\ \\1111 :\Ir . . lIuhllt I h hush 111<1 "l'f(. OPIHhtd to mo\ les ht 1o" IIIg hh 1I11111lln Ih(' t h II rill 111 L 111 It h hopul III plrellt.. of 1m . . IlIllC 1 I' I ot lilt \ II . . I!HI thc Tlllllllld<.>r ot till ItHh \ hl'thtr 01 Il(ll till Ie ~h 111 he 1 Cuh Pack 11111 t\\O l11tal I dl\ It thu III Ihlt h ll1 0\ I.: I I I k I.: d III I he J 11111 LI' (' lItlp Ilg n 1\\ llou . . c b tilt.' IHllnc fill trnl<1rt:lIS" Irthmon (olllgt Ihe (h IInll,lI1 II( ( agamst 1iI the HOI ough II thl 1,..,IIllZI1HHl ).lutll1,..., . . 11(' hcld IIJlII ilbtnllhl1ter t.'1II1110\ 11Icnt I~ pro lal \ de . . ulllg to attend . . hould nohfv J\lrs glam arc Dcan R Bnmhall \<1n11nl::; I 200 P M - Needlework Guild Hour 731 Harvard Avenue 300 P M - Seventh Grade Mothers Meeting \Ided 10r o\er t\\n hUlUhC'd and htl\ m{'n Rohert Sht Ilpan1 (It 1)011 t1110llth a\cnue, H S Music Room tratl\(' \~~I"tal1t I ahor )'lanag-('Il1<'>lIt ot I and \\Ol1lcn "ho, he(atlsc of their a"1.:' llCOplc \\ork 011 the recomh- No "cSI)er Sen ice This W eck tl b ~lIhJe("t In ~'mpatll11;er:-. ami .1I1Ia~·! WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 lOOP Methodist Church tHlIIltlg- ot discarded fUrlllture and cloth M Lad1es Aid SOCiety Luncheon Meeting Olllst" :\Iro;; nohert 1 Car<.>]o;; 01 RI\Cr 300 P M - College Avenue Fourth Grade Mothers Tea 2 Crest Lane Ill,!; .IS "ell as on the sah ag1l1g of rags lilt Suuda\ {'\ (,,11111~ ,esper sen Ice:. 'IC" road "ho ,,111 IUHlcr st'Hral \lItall Room 1 High School 745 P M - Cub Pack Parents Meet and "asle papcr It IS the ohJ('ctne to 01 S" arthmon C()lIq:~( ha\ e hct:n dlssclCttlOllS ami ~l1la \\ IUlaku and Dor I THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 3 make thl~ e . . tabhshment and tht.' ,,01 ker~ (onlllltll d durl1\~ t h( mid) car examI II" \\ Iboll tno ,oung S"arthmore I lOOP M - Women s Republican Club Strath Haven Inn lIlatlOll pl.:rtod 01 the College, and Will . . C'lf-'>tI~tall1l11g and to dl<;pose ot the artl dancers "ho prOll11"'c .1 dcltghtlul pel 11)1.: alllltlUllc<.>d upon re~l11l1ptlOn fOflnance I db "here thc\ ,\111 do the most good ".n n I \\ lC CHARITY BALL NEXT FRIDAY "1" PrH.'C' NC11a.1H1c • ISanfor(\ Bales To SI)eak In Media: UCO TOMATO JUICE Lg No 2 19-oz Can •• PALMOUVE SOAP Heart's Delight NEC- r\prwul AR-2 Tall Cans PI.' II P adl Plum !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hn;ton: 5 SWARTHMORE, PA., JANUARY l Specials For Week of January 20th to January 26th, Inclusive 111 X, No.4 101: STORE HOURS: 9Al\1 to9PM-Mon Tues 9 AM tolPM Wed 9Al\1 to 9 PM-Thurs 9AM tolOPM Frl,Sat ... VOL. ~$10 Phone Sl4iarthmore 504 -----4-,....--- r----------------------'---------------------, ~------------------------------~ 22 __________________~------------------~J~~.H~E~S~W~AR~'~naM~O~REAN~~~r_------~:,:~------~~~~JANUARY~ 1938 =Birtha Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dale, of AuduMrs. John Marshal~ of Lincoln ~vebon, N. J., are being ~'ODgI"3tulated upon usual the past week jn the interest of nue, entertained at luncheon and brIdge ~<.an the "And Life Goes the Prison Industries Reorganization Mr. and Mrs. Warren D. Johnson, the birth of a son on January '"" on Wednesdpy when guests were rnem. I Camd N J M Administration, the Federal Bureau, bers of a bridge club to which she be- of Nottingham, Pa., '\I"e the proud Cooper HOSPlta, en,.. ro. On As Usual" which was set up to help reorganize the parents of a son, Philip Hale, born Dale was Miss Jane Roberts, formerly industries of the country's prisons, now Even Wid""pread Movie Disturb- largely closed down. He visited t~ree Western states as well as ConnectIcut, ance Unable to Quell Social having long sessions with the goverEvent. of Community nors of both Connecticut and Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. GUY A. McCorkle, of North Princeton avenue, entertained Informally at tea last Saturday after'noon in honor of their week~end guest, Mrs. Richard Jorden, of New York . City. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Mc'Corkle accompanied by their guest motored to ~fiddleto\Vn, Del. to visit their :son, Henry, a student at S1. Andrew's School. ••• Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Jenkins arc recuperating from recent illnesses at their home on North Chester road."Mrs. Jenkins has been confined to her home with bronchitis and Mr. Jenkins has been very ill with inOuenza. " ••• • • • longs. Mrs. Paul J. Furnas, formerly of Swarthmore, will be hostess to her bridge club today at her home in Upper Providence township. Other mem' bers of the club are: Mrs. H. W. Brinkmann, Mrs. Walter Dickinson, Mrs. A. P. Shanklin, Mrs. Clifford F. Rassweiler, of Swarthmore; Mrs. Wayland H. E1sbree, of Wallingford Hills; Mrs. Detlev W. Bronk, of Media; and Mrs. ). W. Cleaveland, of Rose Valley, January 16 in the West Grove Hospital. of Swarthmore. "The baby is a grandson of Mr. andl r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , Mrs. S. W. Johnson, of Amherst aveDo You Know nue, Swarthmore. The Sure Cure 1M aD7 .&11&0 Tic ",'" ----------------Call 440 Lecion IIIld AaxIIi..,. ANNUAL CHARITY DANCE TIr.. Batted_ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4 9 to 1 o'clock RUSSELL'S SERVICE Swarthmore Woinan'. Club Dartmouth and LefaTette Ayelo 13.00 Per Couple "We Don't seU canFor tickets ""ntaet Mrs. J. Paul Brown, W. Benlee TIWIl" Tire.t... 1~~~w~a~ln;u~t~Le~n;e'~lm;;m;ed:la;te:IT~~~~1~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Miss Caroline L. Crew, of Cedar lane, formerly of Swarthmore. will be confined to her home a month Mrs. William H. Thatcher, of Collonger with a fractured ankle she suf~ lege avenue, is recovering from a recent * • • fered two weeks ago. illness. hfrs. R. B. Posey, of Cornell avenue, * SCHOOL OF MUSIC entertained twelve guests at luncheon Norma Hauger, tlaughter of :Mr. and Mrs. William R. Huey and Mrs. Dana and bridge on Tuesday. Mrs. A. Hauger, of Dartmouth aven!1c. H. Bigelow entertained at tea in honor Art AlBance Buildiog, 251 S. 18th Street, Phlla., Pa. was admitted to the Taylor Hospital, of Mrs. Charles H. Dudley, of Han"Dr. F. A. Patman and Dr. R. C. Am- Ridley Park, on Tuesday for a tonsil over, N. H., yesterday afternoon at Swarthmore Branch merman are enjoying a vac~.tion from operation. Mrs. Huey's home on Benjamin West Violin LeUOD8 Given by Helen Hehre their Swartheore offices this week. avenue. Mrs. Dudley is head of InterGronp LeSSODS by Mable W. Fraser, Ellen Delaplaine They left Tuesday to fish for rock fish Mrs. \V. S. Evans, of Cedar Jane, will Piano and laken Camp, Croyden, N. H. at Newburn, N. C. and will be away leave February 4 for the Highland Catalogue on Requ""t Swarthmore 1086-W until next Monday. Park Club, Lake 'Vales, Fla., where she Mr. and Airs. Dana H. Bigelow rePennypacker 1940 will spend February and March. Miss turned Tuesday to their home on Park Swarthmore 1760 l\.ir. Roland G. E. Ullman returned Helen Barber, of the same address on Sunday evening to his home at Har- Cedar lane, will visit her nephew and they avenue where hadfrom been Norwood, called by Mass., the death of : ; : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : vard and Lafayette avenues after a niece, Mr. and Mrs. David Jillson, of Mr. Bigelow's mother. week's business trip to the Carolinas, East Orange, N. J., for the next two Mrs. Edwin A. YarnaH, of Kenyon during which he traveled by airplane months. avenue, left yesterday to spend -the from Greenville, S. C., to Atlanta, Ga. * * * First Church of Christ, Scientist • • • Mr. James W. Laws, formerly of week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. of Upper Darby, Pennsylvania Mr. and Mrs. John F. Daley, of Ce- The Swa~thmoreJ remov~d last. week Yarnall, of Flushing, N. Y. dar lane and Elm avenue, wiH leave to the. Unton League, PhiladelphIa, for announces Jenifer McCone, daughter of Mr. and today to spend the week-end visiting the wmter. •• Mrs. Howard McCone, of Dartmouth A Free Lecture on Christian Science Mr. and Mrs. James Owens, of ScarsMr. and Mrs. George Schobinger are avenue, celebrated her eighth birthday dale, N. Y. expected to return to their home on with a party at her home last Saturday Entitled :-Christian Science: The Science of Christ-Healillg Swarthmore avenue tomorrow after afternoon. She entertained classmates Several Swarthmoreans were among having been away since January 11 on by of the third grade, College avenue the luncheon guests of }.{rs. R. C. Ama motor trip to Williamsburg, Va., and school. merman, fcrrnerly of Swarthmore, at COLIN RUCKER EDDISON, C. S. North Carolina, where Mr. Schobinger her home near Sycamore Mills yesterof London, England attended to business interests. Pierce Hunter will return from ~ay. Franklin and Marshall College to spend Member of the Board of LoclUreship of The Mother Chureb Mrs. Eugene Seybold has arrived this week-end with his parents, Mr. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Mrs. Bayard H. Morrison entertained from Boston, Mass., to join her husband and Mrs. Maurice Griest, of South at luncheon at the Ingleneuk on Tuesin the Lansdowne Theatre day, followed by bridge at her home at the Strath Haven Inn. Mr. Seybold Chester road. has been a resident of the Inn for the Lansdowne Avenue near Baltimore Pike, Lansdowne. Po. on Thayer road. Billy Morrow, son of Mr. and Mrs. last month. Sunday Afternoon, January 30, 1938 William C. Morrow, of Riverview road, Mrs. Harold Calvert, of Harvard Miss Jean Wiggins, of Vassar avenue, will entertain friends in celebration of at Three-Thirty P. M. avenue, was hostess to The Sixteen at was the guest of Miss Rita Coulbourn, his sixth birthday tomorrow. luncheon and bridge 011 Wednesday. of Wilmington, Dela., last Tuesday and You and your friends are cordially invited to attend Other members of this hi-weekly club attended the Senior Prom which was which has been meeting here for about given by the class of January, 1938, of Cornell Mr. andavenue, Mrs. Clarence will en!ertain C. Franck, with twenty years are: Mrs. E. A. Stock- Wilmington High School in the Gold three tablcs of bridge, followed by ton, Mrs. C. 11. C. Lewis, Mrs. Henry Ballroom of the duPont Hotel. buffet supper this evening. Cookman, Mrs. Robert Gilfillan, ',--~-ii_o Thomas Simpers, Mrs. John W. Mrs. J. Wheeler Allison was hostess Mrs. Daniel Goodwin of Walnut lane, LeDoux, Mrs. William R. Landis, Mrs. to a group of friends at luncheon at her was hostess to The Eightsome at lunchJohn Adams, of Swarthmore; Mrs. home on Rutgers avenue, Wednesday, eon and bridge on Tuesday of this Thomas Downs, of Springfield; Mrs. January 26. week. David Ludlum. of Overbrook; Mrs. J. E. Limeburner, of Philadelphia; and Mrs. Horace Hopkins will elltertain:!W~=~==~:~~~;~::~ Mrs. F. M. Sawyer, of Lancaster, until at luilcheon today at her home on Crest Lane. recently a resident of Swarthmore. Mrs. Calvert is entertaining at lun· Mr. and Mrs. A. Robb Cochran, of cheon and bridge today, also, when Kenyon avenue, will have as their guests will be members of another guests for dinner Sunday evening }'b. bridge club to which she belongs: Mrs. and 1hs. Harold Griffin, 1\.-Ir. and ~{rs. I C. A. Stern, Mrs. J. T. Schamel, Mrs. J. Robert T. Bair, Mrs. 1\L J .. Lumsden,' Harvey \Vhiteman, of Swarthmore j of Swarthmore, and Mr; and :Mrs.\, all Mrs. S. C. Wicks and Mrs. Henry Starts Friday Frank N. Baker. of Chester. Bear, of Rutledge j Mrs. LeRoy S. James, of Chester Heights, and Mrs. Mrs. Robert L. Coates, of Harvard Etlar, of Overbrook. avenue, returned Monday from WilkesBarre, Pa., after having spent the Mrs. \V. R. 1\Iuir has been ill with week-end with her daughter, Mrs. Euthe grip at the Strath Haven Inn for gene Farley. the past two weeks. Mrs. Muir has Subject been living at the Inn for the past four I::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: m months with her husband, who is conTHEATRE to change nected with the Sun Ship Company. The CHESTER Muir's home is ill San Francisco, Cal. ~-~~~.~-~..=-~.~-~..-==.=-~-~.''':'-~':==-~ • • • STARTING FRIDAY Dr. Louis N. Robinson, of Cottegl' For a 1 Week Engagement avenue, has done more traveling than with ••• ORNSTEIN *• • •• • *• **• • •• **• ••• ••• * ••• ••• • •• • •• ••• ••• ••• *• • ofll~=::=::==:===:============:========~ • •• " ** ••• are DOWN!• I ••• ••• Jeanette McDonald ••• . STANLEY -==----" - MANOR THEATRE "FIREFLY" Now you can buy a ton of Famous Reading Anthracite (Laundered Coal) the best of the better coal for only per ton more and Saturday "NAVY BLUE AND GOLD" $1000 EaC STOVE In M ason Heflin ALLAN JONES WARREN WILLIAMS COAL co. Main OHice 4th & Allegheny Ave. To order, phone Prospect Parle Chester Pilee Friday - OUR CASH PRICES MEDIA NEBraska 9800 or Call Your Local Mason- Heflin Yard PHONE SWARTHMORE 6 with Robert Young - James Stewart Lionel Barrymore . _-- Monday and Tuesday Carole Lombard Frederic March In Technlcolor 'NOTHING SACRED' Wednesday OnlY-It Pays at 8:45 P.M. On Our Screen "BEG, BORROW OR STEAL" with Frank Morgan - Florence Rice John Beal Thursday Only Grace Moore - Melvyn DoUlllas In "I'LL TAKE ROMANCE" Friday-Saturday Jane Withers In "45 FATHERS" and WALT DISNEY'S IlIIPD(A.."·-fll" AWNIN6S'WINDOIV SHADES'SLlPCOVERS \~ \J (\ ~ VEN£TfAN BLINDS-UPHOLSTERY 0\1 ('" PHONE RIDLEY PARK 600 - PROSPECT PARK.PA. "ACADEMY AWARD REVUE" in Technieolor AIso First Run News tlonday---Tuesday George Arms "DR. SYN" JANUARY 28,1938 THE SWARTBMOREAN ptJRIuam BVBBY I'IIID&Y .W&BTIDlO....... THE SWAR'IHMOREAN 01 Same Opinion ft To the Editor of the Swarthmorean To the Swarthmorean: The meeting held at the High School I am opposed to a movie at the TBB 8WAaTIIMOBlWf. nrc. auditorium last night if' considered as suggested on account of the traffic a citizens protest meeting against a lern and the danger of Sunday moving picture theatre in Swarthmore ances under the law, and suggest PETER Eo TOLD in a particular location, was a perfectl; Borough get this particular lot, for lUltDr proper !lathering, and I personally ough purposes, which they in time agree WIth most of the opinions ex- need. ROSALIE DRYDEN N... _ pressed. Otherwise I would not have J. V. S. BISHOP. been living in Swarthmore for a great ;u _ad CIaa Ma_, if""...." ... many years. Letter Ul1lIigned However, as a called meeting by our 11129, at the . . Olll... at 8 _ _ .... UDder the &ct; of _ 3, UT9. borough council, at which meeting all The Swarthmorean has tried to facts in connection with ·-the matter follow a policy of publishing FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1938 should have been presented by the every Jetter submitted to the members of council, and who should paper during the current movie It'g Your Turn to Volunteer have occupied the empty chairs on the controversy. Therefore it regrets platform, it was the most disgraceful it was forced to withhold a very Annual notices of dues to the Swarth- exhibition of what under other cirwell written and sensible letter more Fire and Protective Association are cumstances they would have called a which came to the office this being received by the citizens of this packed, gang run, organization meetweek without the signature of the community during the current week. iog. author. Swarthmore has an excellent Fire Com- No member of council presented the This letter has been reserved pany. Its financial policy is sound. Its facts in connection with the property and can be pubHshed if the writer equipment is in good condition and .the In question, or enlightened the meeting will communicate his identity to addition of the new booster pump truck as to previous facts which they posthe editor who will hold it in has made it one of the most modern in sesscd. Where were the borough COllnstrict confidence. This is a matthis county. Its active members are on cilmeo who called the meeting? Was ter of well known newspaper call both night and day. Its efficiency the chairman trying to mislead those etiquette required as a protective has given Swarthmore the highest pos- attending the meeting, or was he igmeasure. sible rating (Class A) by the Philadel- norant of the facts, past and present, phia Underwriters Association which I~ con~ection with the property u n d e r l L . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J I dIScusSIon? Christian Science Church means to the citizens of this community thousands of dollars saving on fire in- It was most surprising to me that "Love" is the subject of the Lessonsurance premiums. In Delaware County the citizens addressing the Sermon in all Church of Christ, Scienseemed to be ignorant of the facts in onIy S wart hmore and Media are 50 rated tist, on Sunday, January, 30. The Golden Due to the promptness of the response connection with the calling of the to caIls very few of the numerous alarm!; meeting, the definite facts which should Text is: "We have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is result in disastrous losses. Last fall mem- be presented and the utter lack of co- love; and he that dwelleth in love be operation with the meeting on the part dwelleth in God, and God in him." (I rs of the Fire Company worked from of the elected members of council. 2 A. M. until 1100n of the next day dur~ It is possible that these facts may be John 4 :16). illg the fire at La Grange. ------~ , ~---IIlstrurnerytal in forcing upon the cornEach year the cornmunity'$ support of munity that which the majority do not Methodist Chur"h Notes the Firc Company is slow enough to be want. utterly discouraging to men who pay $2 D~. Charlcs Kitto, Superintendent of A- Swarthmore Home Owner. a year for the privilege of being 011 call South District of Philadelphia Conday and night t~ pr:otect thi_s c9mmimity ference of Methodist Episcopal "Va. Yo" There, Charlie?" 1clhUl:chcs, win be the guest preacher at !ron~ fire hazards. Once more opportunity Sunday morning worship. tS given Swarthmore to admit its need Monday evening at 8 P. M. the of and obligation to its volunteer Fire To the Editor, Fourth Quarterly Conference will, Company. Why 110t' rally round with The Swarthmorean. Dear Sir: the church. The presidents of the 1000/'0- respouse? Nearly five years' residence in Swarthorganizations will present their more. led me to expect a much better reports and there will be an LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ~eetlllg than th~t con~ucted Tuesday election of officials for . the coming I1Ight .on th~ mOVie ~ueshon. And please year. Dr. Kitto wilt preside. The opinions expreued below are tboBe of the Individual writers. All leUel'll to The get thiS stratght-I did not favor a theatre Wednesday afternoon at one o'clock Swarthmorean must. be ail'Ded. PaeudoD7Dl8 at the proposed location. the Ladies' Aid Society will meet for may be USed if tbe Identity 01 tbe writl!lr Is known to tbe Etlitor. r..e,ten will be Anyone entering could sense imm~iateat the church to be followed by oubUahed only at the dlacreUon 01 tbe Iy that the sentiment of those in attentheir stated business ses~ion. ¥=dltol'. dance was better than nint: Jo one against Thursday evening at eight o'c1ock Dr. the Ql0vie. An~ yet, was there any Espenshade, -of Morton, wiIJ conDeplore" Di"collrteBY ance of the views of others? Any attempt the Prayer Meeting in the Chapel. The Swarthmorean: to sound out ,those who might favor the Espenshade was announced as the Last evening I attended the town meet- proposal, to learn if they had any ideas leader for last Thursday evening, but ing ~o he~r some facts ab:o~t the proposed of value? Quite the contrary; altho' the due to a conflict postponed his attend-" mohon picture theatre. While I am def- president did make repeated calls for those ance. initely not in favor of having one in III favor to stand forth, the reception ac- Friday at 8 P. M. there will be an Swarthmore, 'I would like to have heard corded those who had the temerity Official Board meeting at the Church. t speak for the movie was not the sort • • .JO til' e 1gen argument pro and con. Personally the meeting left me unenlightened encourage others. The whole affair Presbyterian Church Noles as to the benefits of a venture but also strongly reminiscent of the "trials" of so· On Sunday morning the pastor will with.a somewhat bad taste in my mouth. called "conspirators" in the U. S. S. R. W I th so muc h talk of culture in Far be it from me to impl)" that there was preach on the subject "What is Man The Young People's Fellowship Swarthmore aile would expect to find a any attempt to "raHroad" the movies out Sunday evening at 6 o'clock. meet more courteous audience-an audience of Swarthmore to those benighted reE. Arthur Whitney, of the Elwyn Trainthat would listen with dignity while the glonS where such plebeian forms of ening School will present the first of speaker for the minority had the floor. tertainment amuse the simple peasantry, series of discussions on "Religion and It was distinctly rude to jeer aloud at but "Vas you there, Charlie?" Your Life Work" He will speak on some comments made in favor of the movies \Vith such an overwhelming majority Ot the many complex phases of the modTh~re may be many evils Or some good opposed to the movie, good sportsmanderIVed from a community picture house ship alone would seem to indicate that ern profession of mooicine. The Church Hour nursery will be held Who can say? . the courtesy of a decent hearing be acheld from 11 to 12 o'clock each Sunday The chief criticism I have to make corded those misguided souls who might in the Parish House. This department and I feel that it is a pertinent one, i~ hold other views than our own. that a Swarthmore audience left its cui. ",ith what immature derision was each is open to children ages 1 to 7. The Church Citizenship Class for all ture at home last night. letter received. while thunderous applause young people in the congregation, ages greeted each remark of those who would 12 or over, who are not members of the ==============,,;H~.,,;H~.= away with the pernicious influences which church will begin meetings on Sunday threatened the sweet, bucolic simplicity of CHURCH NEWS February 6, during the regular morning, our Borough. c1ass~session periods of the Sunday SWARTHM:ORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Think it over: only three, or perhaps School. The pastor will teach the class Rev. David Braun. Minister four, of the many speakers presented any SUNDAY 9:45 A. M. -Sunday School facts. These were, the able gentleman which will meet each Sunday until Easter. The l-fen's Bible Class announces a 9:45 A. M. - Bible Classes. . who told of the resulting traffic conges11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship. Mr. Braun . w1lI preaCh on "What Is tlon, and who spoke with authority; the change in meeting time. The class which formerly met at 10 A. M. will now begin 6:00 P. M. _ =~ People's ~lIOW8bIP' one who told what had happened at '1'BINITY CHURCH Dartmouth; and he who mentionel actual meetings promptly at 9 :45 each Sunday. Protestant Episcopal real estate depreciation as a result of a The class is always open to new members. Chester Road and College Avenue . Rev. J. Jarden Guenther. S.T.M.• Rector movie. NEWS NOTES SUNDAY Swarthmore is supposed to he a Friend8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion ly place. May I suggest that some more of 9:45 A. M. -~~l!..da. "'-'- Y SchOOl' and Blble ,', s inhabitants attend the business meetings ) can H uey, of Benjamin West ave11:00 A.M.-Morning PraYer and Sennon. of our Society of Friends where they,nue, entertained with a supper party Mr. Guenther will preach. ' T d . J THE kELIGIOUS SOCIETY OP F'RIENDS may leanl how to accord the courtesy of ues ay evenmg, .annary 25. in honor SUNDAY silence while others expound views which of her eleventh birthday. Her guests 9:45 A. M. -First Day School may differ from their own. were Alison Carpenter, Edith Thatcher, 9:45 A. M. -Adult Class. Mfa. Paul D Judy Koch, Helen Krause, Paul,'ne Dea;: JoHoPltF'UJ/' Towner. of Prospect Park' Yf1I1 lead the discussion on: I I • con, Jane Beatty,' Bobbie Blakeston, A Personal Religion For I' F N B Betty Ellen Littlefield, Jean Storrs, Eve", Day Use" avors ew orollgh Hall 11:00 A.M.-Meeting tor Worship in the Elaine Kite. Anne Bradford, )'Iart!-" Meeting House. To the Editor: Jean Croshy, June Bigelow, Susan -Sewing and J am very much in favor of having Thatcher. ~~:ti~~i,jl~::,~:it~r~~ B~U::" Dox Iuneheon. a new B orough Hall, wher(" we can have Mr. and Mrs. H Lindley Peel of better accommodations than we no W . . . avenue were called, to BatuB.D., fo~ th.~ Library and other activities that more last Saturda'y to attend the funeral wdl . . . Increase the good reput a t'Ion a nd' of a very close frtend, Mrs. Ralph Tay9:45 A. M. - CbU~OOI 11:00 A. M..-Momlng 'WorabtP dlgmty of our Borough. lor. ':45 P. M. -- Evening WOIBhtp: ELIZABE"I'H N. GARRltTT. * * * I • I Barbara Cleaveland, daughter of Mr. PIRS'1' ur best company meat - think of it in the company cf fluffy mashed potatoes, fresh new peas and strawberry shortcake for dessert. y ....t are 33c Ib. Steaks. .. Ib. .' JANUARY 28, 1938 JANUARY 28, 1938 THE SWARTBMOREAN 5 THE SWARTBMOBEAN MOLARD'S QUAKER CITY AIR.DRIED BEEF Superior in Every Way Sold at MARTEL BROS. J. C.....~ NAMAR FOOD PRODUCTS Have Long Been Recognized By the Discriminating Public as Incomparable in Quality ··.··CO. rted Cheese Progress The Namar Label Your Guarantee AND CO. of FOODS People Choice of ...,."'\ ICce:SS to AUSTIN KARL SEILER AND SONS Fine Sausages Exclusively U. S. No.1 Grade Sold at MARTEL BROS. Quality Market Compliments of HABBERSEn' BROS. I ere Fine Pork Products Sausage and Scrapple "There's No Substitute For Quality" ~~~~~~~~ HIS Neat Appearance of Their Personnel On Their 9th Anniversary . YOUR FAMOUS OlNNERS" • RISSER AND RABINOWITZ OO! A birthday gift of a basket of toys to all children, Satnrday, February 5, wheu accompauied by their parents. WEEK OF FEBRUARY FIRST ----------------------------------HIU'S SEA FOOD Wishes Every Success to • MARTEL BROS. H. J. LLEWELLYN CO. Bakers Supply House • IT'S OUR BIRTHDAY - BUT YOU GET THE PRESENTS . . . . • • IN SAVINGS! Congratulates MARTEL BROS. CELEBRATING NIN£··Y£AR·S OF BETTER FOOD FOR THE TABLE Largest Poultry House in the Country L. RESNICK & SONS Paper Bags, Fruit Baskets of Every Description ACME FISH CO. to announce that this week we are Birthday. For nine years we have had of offering the people of Swarthmore communities "B«:Her Food for the more appropriate service. We have things with a definite consideration and desires. And now on our Ninth reUE~W our pledge to continue to serve nuer ,that won your confidence. TOG-ETHER. ONE OF WE SAID PUT Congratulates MARTEL BROS• • WM. MONTGOMERY AND CO. Philadelphia Montco Canned Foods Quality Wholesale Grocer aVlng Congratulations MARTEL BROS. Congratulates MARTEL'S • Compliments Martel's on the General Congratulates MARTEL BROS. • ~--'-\ CUFFORD RUMSEY Dodge and Plymouth Sales and Service BELL FRUIT CO. Congratulations to MARTEL'S America's Finest Quality Food Store jlLIIIj A FRIEND IMPERIAL LAUNDRY Coat and Apron Supply All Quality Bakers Buy From llewellyn's L'S J. S. IVINS, Inc. A. DUER PIERCE Kennet Square ~r~W'! FOOD. . COMPLETE TAILE ' ,.' ~~-.,--:~~- FOOD MARKET Makers of Ivin's Buffet Wafers Wheathearts Quality Bakers Since 1857 . Packers of Pierce's PURE PORK SAUSAGE COUNTRY SCRAPPLE Pierce's Country Lard ester Road and Rutgers Avenue Swarthmore, Pa. • WOLF PAPER CO. Chester, Pa. Congratulates MARTEL BROS. Compliments From S. & W. FINE FOODS Congratulations MARTEL BROS. On Their "Ninth Anniver~ary" Hearty Congratulations to MARTEL BROS. On Their 9th Anniversary to Wishes Compliments of KEYSTONE CHEESE CO. - WHITE FLASH \ . . Distributors of Shefford Cheese Sodus Cottage Cheese CO. PETER E. TOLD General Insurance GOOD BROTHERS, Inc. Distributors of HELLMAN'S MAYONNAISE Fannings Bread and Butter Pickles . Congratulates MARTEL BROS. - B. J. PRICE CO. Quality VEAL AND LAMB Congratulates MARTEL BROS. Compliments of JOHN CASANI JANUARY 28, 1938 THE SWARTHMOREAN 6 FRIENDLY CmCLE PLANS CHARITY An tbis earnest study is going on In the Junior Cabinet, tbe 8tb Grade Dan McCowan Addres8ee 7th Grade Mothere without neglecting in the least tbe fun is represented by Louis deMoU, Sam rugh Sehool Aeaembly to Meet Monday 01 lile or the counterbalancing effect Gary, Walter Hannum, Maryan Me- Dan McCowan, Scotch lecturer and 01 bodily exercise. As for the social Grew, Henry Saulnier, Jack Ward. Bephotographer of wild liIe in the Cana- liIe there has been, for instance, in the sides, the Secretary of the Junior Cabidian Rockies, spoke before the 35Sem- beginning of the term a picnic where net is a member of the 8th Grade; Loeal Women Review Recent bly of Swarthmore High School on everybody enjoyed outdoor games with Carroll Mand Froebel. Activity and Schedule N_ J~nuary. 2~. He, accompanied .his talk some of the teachers presenti and there Work at January Meeting W.Ith thnll Ing slides 01 mountain peaks .' h ave been Christmas parties in each of Members of the Friendly Circle gathwdd game, and flowers abundant hln the three homerooms, with a little presered for a regular meeting at the home of We~tern Cana~a. He talked of. tel ent arranged for everyone; there even habIts a~d ha~lt~ts of ma~y animals has been an evening party in the High Mrs. Benjamin Collins, of Swarthmore avenue, on the afternoo!l of January 20. now extlDct wlthm the Untted States. School gymnasium on October 29th, I 1• He spoke of the st'Udy and care put where 78 of the 84 class menlbers took Forty dollars was reported spent for six Christmas baskets. Letters 01 apprecFourth Grade Tea into his popular book on "Animals of part most 01 them masked and in cosNorth America" and told of the f:'D1:0us tum~s. Although advised by a group of iation for the baskets and for other gifts were read. The mothers' of the College Avenue artist who had drawn the frontispiece parents, it was decidedly a children'l; The Health Center asked for oil cloth School's Fourth Grade will meet on of the book. party arranged by four committeos ,01 to! animals and the sewing committee Wednesday afternoon, February 2, at Mrs. McCowan, who is living in boys and girls (viz: game, decorating, 3:00 P. M., at the home of Mrs. Theo- Banft', Canada, had painted the slides Hoor, and refreshments). Every memwtll atte"!p: to fill t?e re~uest. . The kmttmg committee IS makmg five dore W Crossen 2 Crest lane for tea so delicately and accurately that the ber of the class was on one of these inch squares of different colored wool for and dis~ussion. ' , beauty of the subjects was apparent. committees. The games were conducted an afghan. The subject for discussion is uRead_ hi r. McCowan plans to travel in three groups, rotating the various The sum of $107.50 was realized from jng: How It Is Learned and How It Is 1 through Canada taking more pictures equipment from group to group. The the. lecture ~y Dan McCowan which the 'faught." Those who will lead the dis- for his lectures and books. automobile tire race seemed to he the Fncndly Circle successfully sponsored cussion are Miss Price, of the KinderI I most popular game. Later on, the lights garten; Miss Abbott, first grade were put out and one of the girls told January 17. . It was deCIded to use lunds Irom the teacher; Miss Hoffman second grade PARENT.TEACHERS a ghost story. When music was protreasury for the following work during teacher; Miss Kiser: third grade COLT TU'1\.T vided through an amplifier. everybody the next month: $3.51) for cod liver oil teacher; and lliss Reinhardt, of th'~ IUiUH joined in a Paul Jones dance. As for bodily exercises in school, for infants who require it but whose Fourth Grade. M ore and more, the boys and girls athletics is a favorite with all of the parents are unable to procure it; $9 for Mrs. Philip M. Alden is Chairman of two one-half tons of coal; $20 for dental the Fourth Grade Group. The Program of the 8th Grade arc growing into real boys and girls. They play football and work greatly needed by a boy in this Committee consists of Mrs. Troyer S. students, grasping here and there the hockey, basketball and lacrosse. But district; $.1.72 for milk for a baby; $8 Anderson, Mrs. Sylvester M. Viele, essential meaning of the life-forming they play these games for practice and for glasses for a boy who needs them; Mrs. Theodore 'V. Crossen, and Mrs. power of history, or of the everlasting for the fun of playing, and it is the laws of mathematics, or the beauty of viewpoint of the teachers that the comThen buy long-burning $22 to pay rent for a lamily whirh will Gitta Zetlin. their own English language. The Jupetitive spirit should be kept out of be evicted otherwise; $5 to supply food Hostesses for the tea will be: Mrs. to another family. Philip M. Alden, Mrs. Barbara Arch- nior High School, meant as an explora- these games as long as they are played The president, Mrs. Arthur R. O. Red- bald, Mrs. Robert Enders, Mrs. John tory stage in otlr school system, is ill J ullior High School. The girls (MarespecialJy fit for allowing glimpses of tha Baldwin, Betty Landon, Emily grave, knows of a widow with four Foster, and Mrs. J. Taney Wilcox. that kind to the open-eyed adolescent. Smith, Ruth Servais, Jane Schoff, Euchildren who would like to help with any , II Under the guidance of the English nice Shay, Beverly Doe, Elizabeth Ami kind of work in the mornings from 9 until Koppers Coke in your fur-' Ninth Grade Committee Tea teacher, he turns slowly away from the Lueders, Barbara Allison, Ann Gorman, 12 o'clock and asked that anyone who adventure type of literature he pre- lfary Gilereest, Mary Lou Humphrey) needs extra help with housework, mendnace requires less attention )'Irs. I. Newton Durboraw, of Havcr- ferred till now, towards the apprecia- won a hockey game in fall against the ing or other chores communicate with ford place. entertained her committee of tiolt of the classics, starting with Mark 7th Grade, 5 to 0, The boys (Sam her. I • the Ninth Grade Mothers' .gro~p at tea Twain and Dickens usually, helped by Gary, Alban Eavenson, Dick Davis, -and that means fewer Ches8 Team Wins on }.{onday afternoon, at winch hme plans all excellent selection of books in the Louis deMoll, Timmy Mercer, Bob Two Out of Three for the lIext meeting were dlsc::ussed. school library. He experiences the Longwell, Roy Fahl, Stanley Bachman, steps I Sclentific:ally man u. . .~n~ong those present we.re: Mrs. S. l-L thrill of self-expression in rhyme or Walter Hannum, Henry Saulnier, and factured, it's an economl· The ~\Varthmore High chess team won 'elle, :\lr5. Roy Delaplame, Mrs. Harry prose am! in some cases finds himself Tommy Beddoe) were in a number of its second match of three this year when ).liller, )'Irs. John Daley, Mrs. A. M., a contributor to the "Garnet" (Gloria football games (as J nnior High Footl;al,lIght,cleanfuel.lndeed, it defeate~ ~o\Ver Merion's campaigners L~ckey, Mrs. Robert T. Bair, Mrs. Elliott de Mas.cio and Martl.la Baldwin). He ball) as follows: 7-3 at the High School last Friday. The Rlchards01!. Mrs. W. H. Nason, Mrs. learns (111 "General SCience") about the October 28 (Lightweight Game) next match will be held with Glen-Nor J. H. BOl1mc, Mrs. J. E. Chi(l1.lOine, Mrs. forces that move the universe-the you will find a new sense of Swarthmorc 6, Lansdowne O. on Friday, January 28. C. E. Morrison, Mrs. Albert N. Garrett. qualities of sun and stars and the de- November 4 (Lightweight Game) I 1I ).r rs. \VilIiam Bullock and Mrs. L. A. veiopment of our earth through milheating satisfaction the Swarthmore 0, Upper Darby 0 D. S. Girls Win 'Vhits)t. lions of years-as well as about the or- November 11 (Lightweight Game) First Two Games I , ganization of his own little body in the first ton of Koppers Coke. I Swarthmore 20, Haverford 6 First Grade Mothers Meet midst 01 it (in "Health"), and as a new ..... ' No~ember .18 (Hea~yw~ig~t Game) I !.Swarthmore High started f)fI its' gitts. ,. z.'" ~ , adventure in the field of scientific exin';" Marple-Newtown 7, Swarthmore 0 This satlsfacflon I basketball season with a bang scoring A meeting of the First Grade Moth-I ploration, he hears for the first time November 24 (Heavyweight Game) two decisive victories in two hon~e games. ers Group of the Rutgers avenue (in "General Language") of the hiscrease as time goes on_ I Springfield 7, Swarthmore 0 On January ,13, "Toby" Wickham tal- school was held Wednesday afternoon tory of his own language, a history tied lied 'fourteen points to pace a 40-19 win at the school. Mrs. Charles Fischer i:; up with war and subjection-of the Koppers Coke Is nearly all over Media. Th~ second team chalked chairman of the group. Celt~ by the Romans, of both by the up an easy 10-6 win. I • I Anglo-Saxons and of the latter by the carbon-and that means ,On January 20 the Garnet and "'h,'te I Normans-who all left their important Furniture Restoring " Enters Business in West emerged victoriolls 25-18 against Upper imprints on the language he uses in his heat without wastel In All Its Branches Darby while the Jay Vees (noted f o r ' daily life. Further, this course, with its their large scores) came out on the tong Robert ~f1ffin, son of Mr. and Mrs. introduction of Roman and Greek myth.An Harold Gnffin. Of. Rutgers avenue, left ology, awakens the interest in ancient d I A A en .0 a ot;\I-S score. "Sooky" Swann, Wed da scoTing ten points and "Totsy" with nine T' nes y morn~ng f or M i1wa~kee, culture and especiaHy in the language N \\ IS. where he Will assume a buslOess of the Romans which will be offered-N I ed the scoring fray for the varsity. .. . uncle, an importer and as well as French-in ihe 9th Grade's I connection Wit I1 1115 Y Y broker of fish products. schedule. W T H. S. Boys Drop Two I TIRED OF BASEMENT STEPS 7 KOPPERS COKE! I I In I will 1'IIt; PRESIDENT GIVES/Ofthe thestatistical !i~rar~n has ,?rovided you with informallon supporting this Counell Approves Amount UBRAR.Y REPORT ~ks statement Suffice for me to say that 9577 have been acquired since our open- A meeting 01 the Seventh Grade Mothers' Group will be held in the music room of the High School next Monday afternoon, January 31, at 3 o'clock. Discussion of the sub)' eel uThe Play and Social Needs of the Junior High School, Child" will be led by. Mrs. Howard Kirk, Mrs. Robert Balr and Mrs. Ellwood Garrett. I - .1' aDKE .........a._ H E Swarthmore High School dropped tw'O basketball games during the past week ~nd no~v is in a triple tie for last place tn. sec.tlOn II of the Suburban League, WIth Darby and Ridley Park. Ridley Township won 33-22 at Woodlyn, last Friday and Collingdale topped Swarthmore at Swarthmore, Tuesday by the count of Hi to S. In the preliminary game, Friday, between the JV's of the two schools, Swarthmore won 24 to 15. Swarthmore has won one game to date but if it can assemble a five that will click, a place in the first division can be grasped. The team plays Prospect Park on the gym floor at 7 :15 tonight and Eddystone away on Tuesday. I R E I M E FRED J. HARLEY Call Swarthmore 1441 RAINEY·WOOD COKE CO. • Tri-Hi Club Speaker Last Wednesday, January 19, the TriHi Club of Swarthmore High School, better known as Girl Reserves enjoyed an lOterestmg talk by Veronica ' Sul1ivan of the Family Welfare Service, Swarth~ more. Miss Sullivan spoke to the girls ira a very informal way of the activities carried on by the association which she represented. After the talk the girls had a business meeting in which they discussed plans for a tea--dance to be given in the gym on Valentine's Day for the benefit of the school. They made further plans lor the year and closed by singing a few songs. .. 76 non-fiction IJBRARIAN'S ANNUAL 48 classics REPORT FOR 1937 30 gifts I. CirenlatlOD-=;;;;"'== The total number of books circulated d~ing the year is 24,589. Tbe circula- 378 adults titles added. lion is made up of the following 245 juvenile titles have been adJed groups: 206 purchased and 39 mfts. ' I fi' h D' n non- cllon t ere was a circulation Periodicals are purchased from 'the of{84 . I . book fund. We now subscribe to nine. tit es In fine arts. House and Garden has just been added. 606 titles in literature (includes plays These magazines are used and enjoyed and poetry). to quite and extent, but'the files of 615 tit~es in. trayel. back numbers on the platform could 1,102 tltle~ 10 bIography. be used more for reference. The five Other miscellaneous books make a most recent issues are kept on the total ~o~-fiction circulation of 3,100. tables, and aU but the current copy . In flctton the total adult circulation may be taken out. During the year 255 IS 13~04: periodicals circulated. ThiS IS made up of 5,822 two week III. Pay Shelf no~ets and.7,982. seve:1.day .novels. . The pay shelf is growing in popular'I he ~chon Circulation IS 13,804 and Ity. Whenever thel..! is a particular de~i~~~~:t~~:'o~·l~J making a total adult mand ior a novel a copy is added to The'u '1 ,904tI'· 7685 ki the. pay shelf, in addition to the free J vem e to a IS , ,ma ng a copies on the regular 5 h eI'I. When t h e grand total of 24,589 books circulated. Th rb demand for the pay copy ceases the th e I rTr~ was open for 49 wee~s in book is either placed on the free sheU e year. hiS makes an average ClfCU- or sold. The rules for the pay sheH latio~ per week of 501. The lowest cir- have been changed to eliminate the .05 culatIon d'''] dad h h' 5 was url'!g .w.ay, .une an ay c ar~e W Ich experience proved Neptember. The highest dunng July, to be too high. Now there is a charge and ;ith a minimum of .10. was 565 the for the m copies in th t :er from the regular Y the lor September They are onf may be lowest for the year. ' e may be reserved. y new novels whIch II. Books IV N R d 378 adult books have been added to The t' t . the library made up 01 the fonowing membership. Last groups: new adult readers' card' d d 7 169 new novels. new children's cards. s Issue ,an 9 55 new detective stories ANNJt JOHNSON TSCHtliULL. ~taloguing ~ks o~ c;e~~ M~~~~b~~he ~~~:::,~e"'rF~~'Ja~y !1h~~ P:~v~l~y highe~t ]ul~ "Th~ av~rage y:S~' ~~ th~ fu~ure ~:mands e~ibr:;'y e:,"~ discu~s s~bstantially reserv~d. ~~:~e:ber~ !~~: l~! NEWS NOTES =================1 CLASSIFIED Mrs~ I ======:===,=,========' I :. ~i~~~garag~~.~'~~iii super~is.ion of ofthethechildren's department. I be mentioned popular?" that It one great things of such uHow Mrs. can Phillips J !,,-n~ .15 tnstltutl~ns as libra.ries that such work ne~er dies. Generations yet unborn will ~nJoy these books and call her blessed, Just as we who know her do. ~=[i~~~~u:;~~:1 Your Board of Directors is unanimous:a ly recommending to you the incorporation of this association. \Ve are advised that a few citizens have made bequests of ";:~~; funds to the library. In order to secure I ~ these monies' and, perhaps, to encourage ~t~i8:"~~ie:'"Widij;;w;;;;n, other similar bequests we should become i.~~~~~ a legal entity. We ask your approval of r this action. Respectively submitted, ROLAND L. EATOX, President. in or-' der to be popular, one must have good manners. In vivid language she said not to be: "a table-diver", u a fork~over­ loader", "a table artist", "a table hog", u~ teller of dreams", lOa yoo-hooer", ".\ Plano-.banger", "a bathroom baritone", wan Ice-box raider", "a dance-floor tank'~, ?r "a dance-floor acrobat." In conet,uslon Mrs. Phillips answered BURGLARY INSURANCE Rates Have Been Reduced You can now secure a $500 blanket policy for $9 EDWARD L. NOYES 13 South Chester Road Telephone Swarthmore 114 or 130 ~:u:e=st:,o:":s~o~n~eit~iq~U~e~tt:e~.:::::::::::::::::::::J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::::~ I Conlhohocken. Pa. T.'a-phone your local eJlchan;. 61500 'no fall chal'9eJ or any Gllfllorlla-d deal.r BOARDING B~~ING I '-'.u.luoic. 24 Convalescent. Aged. InvaUd. hour nurse·s servIce. Porches. 9 Ai acres ground. Telephone Medta 79 ----- OWN, YOUR HOME . INSTEAD OF PAYING RENT 206 Harvard. Ave. 8' rms .• atone, frame on OOxl'lO ft. lot. new 2~car garage hardwood iloors. $'1500. Cash $2000. • Review of College Sports l The approval given by Council at last week's meeting was not for the payment of $6000 to Ridley Township for Barough use of the Littl. Crum Valley Sewer but of th t J e correc ness of the amount in the event the other municipalities concerned should reach an agreement . I 1• a.:. MAIN OFFlI;E I Swarthmore College won two basketball games during the past week. Moravian fell 55-35 and Drexel surrendered 37 to 28. The JV's were not so fortunate. They lost to Pennsylvania's JV's at the Palestra 45 to 22. The swimming team met Villanova in the Swarthmore pool and lost 49 to 26. And the women's basketball team trekked to Jenkintown and dropped a close decisiOll to Beaver College by t he score of 29 to 24. 7 Roland L Eaion Presented Reo JOg! a!,d last year we circulated 24,589. view of Year 1937 Annnal T~I~ mcreased usa!!e ."",:ompanied by .. M mlnlmum.of cO.mpI3l.nt mdicat~ to us genM t. ee mg on y I eral pubhc satisfactIOn for whIch we are grateful To the Members 01 the • Tdhe phenomenal growth, ,popularity, Swarthmore Public Library o behalf Ass~iation: an success of our library project has n .of the Board of Directors, been due not to any individual. We have I have,the honor to report to you on the had an appreciative and considerat bmanagement and the condition of the lic to serve. The names 01 those wh~ :~vc Edits Bibliography, Swarthmore Public Library. had a part in the enterprise are too numh f d The library is approaching its tenth erous to mention here. Without a single _. A b'br birthday. We may correctly claim that exception the members of the board f . I lograp y.o out- oor books, it has passed through i.ts age of infancy directors have been faithful, intereste~ edited by Tom LIttlefield, a member and' is nOw growing up with the coItl- and devoted workers. We have had n~ of the freshman class, of Dartmoutb munity. Our early years were full of internal dissension nor striving for re- Coll~ge, Hanover, N. H., has just been con~em over' finances J quarters, bOoks, ferment. To them I express my appr!ia- publIshed .by. the Dartmouth Outing equipment, and an operating supervision. tion for having made the job f be' Club Publications Committee. Gradual!y, Yc:ar by year, we have met president largely honorary. TOo ~~:. l\.fr. Littlefield, whose home is on these difficulties and attempted to solve Tschebull, our librarian, are due words Swarthmore place was a member ')~ them to . dg_.of pralse?r . f her.tac,t falrness, . • . the best 01 our coIIect'Ive JU and good tl Ie c Iass 0 I 1937 0'f S warthmore High.. ment III Ute order of their importance. Judgment 111 servmg so many customers School. Because of this fact, the past year has with so little friction. It is no sInecure I 1 • seen, few changes in our plans. Our quar- to get along with 3500 t d k ters and equipment while mndest are ade- them 99 44/100 tpeoPti·e caedn Me~.p County L. W. V. at percen sa S:I. I .. S M di N T quate for present needs. We have added Lola Green has again given a lot of h;r e a ext ueaday only the shelving around the stage which time in voluntary seevie t th rb will be developed into a relerence aleove. in books and :there The Delaware County League 01 WoWe bave now a small supply of reler- dulles. Her assistance has Ireed the li- men Voters will hear Dr. Camilla 14 ence and magazines acquired chiel- brarian to serve you better and enabled us Anderson, 01 Philadelphia, speak on Iy, by gIlts. One our concerns to open the library to the public a greater Care 01 the Mentally III in Pennsylvania" will be to add to th,s collecllon as rapidly number of hours. at a luncheon meeting on Tuesday Febas and service requirements will We lost a good Iriend and a valuable ruary I, at the Media Women'; aub. )usb y. . director when Mr. Howard Buckman J?r. Anderson, who will the quesUp to now the board has operated WIth moved from town. To fill his unexpired tlon of State or County care, IS secretary a budget below income in term, the board elected Mr. John Spencer 01 the .Mental ..Hygiene . C?mmittee of order to budd a surplus that will provide who .has already ~ustificd our confidence the P~bhc Chanties Assocl3.tlOn of Pennexpenses between January 1 and October by hiS zeal and mterest in our affairs. sylvaOla. 1, when taxes are received, an~ to be We welcome him as a co-worker and Mrs. Hartwell W. Webb, of Pine able to meet emergencies arising out of appreciate his willingness to give this Ridge, co-chairman of the Department ne~s £~r furniture, shel.ves, files, etc. I public service. of ,?overnment and Child Welfare, will beheve He have now arnved at the plac~ It is frequently said that no (lne person preSide. Mrs. William M. Park of Cornell Mr. and Mrs. ill' ff th . . d' b All h when our finances ndit w JUS l y e ex- IS m Ispensa Ie. In general that is true.. t ose who wish to make reserva- avenue, WI'11 b e hostess ' today at lunch- Cornell avenue. Henry J. Hanzlik, of pc ure of a Iarge.r ~rcentage of our But as one who ,has been connected with tlOns are requested to notify hirs. Daniel eo~ and bridge to a bridge club of • • • ~ncome a~nually. TillS wtll mean another the library since the idea was first pro- R Goodwin, telephone Swarthmore 55 which she is a member. Jim~y Rassweiler, of Riverview road, mcr~ase 10 our book budget and better jected, I am compelled to say that I do I I • • • • entertalUed the three-year-old youngservl.ce for there are. no o!her visible or not Imow how we are going to get alon • • Mrs. Henry J. Hanzlik, ·of Cornell sters of Riverview road at a party in ~:edlctable demands ImmedIately ahead 01 without Edith Griffin. She i. just abot! Mrs. PhllllPHs. RheeSeehnt I avenue, will entertain at dessert-bridge celebration of his third birthday last . the exception which proves the rule Ig 00 Speaker next Monday afternoon. Monday afternoon. Those invited were' ~n growth and po,?ularity the year has Without her, perhaps there would hav; * * * I June Keighton, Ann Stoddard, Bobby n normal and satisfactory. The report been no public library. It was a shock to Mrs. Dorothy Waldo Phi11ips spoke Henry J. Hanzlik returned yesterday Lang, Donald Ogram, Penny Morrow, her. associates when she refused to serve to the High School Assembly on Jan- from College Park, Md., where he is George Allen and Johnny RassweIler. again as a member of the board of di- uary 17, on t!te subject of uIs My Face doing graduate work in argricutture at Mr. and Fred R. Wilson, of r~ctors. Fo~ tC!l years she has worked, Red?" In this talk, Mrs. Phillips gave the U?iversity of Maryland, to spend Cornell avenue, entertained at tea last given, and msplred others to do likewise the students suggestions on how to be I the mtd~year period with his parents, Sunday afternoon. ~~r~~~FO~~R~RENT for the sake of a library. Scarcely a more at case in public. Some of these Ir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:'1 ~~=~;:~ I you.th of the town but has had life suggestions referred to: UWhat should i.E en"lched by what sl.e as done in the I talk about?" uHow is your voice?U UPHOLSTERING pPERS swARTBMOREAN JANUARY 28, 1938 WI\I. S. BITI'LE Swarlhmore 111-J Notary Public - Perhaps the younger family man's most difficult problem is that of providing adequate protection for the family while the children are still in their growing years. That is why the JEtna Life has devised a low-cost policy to pay double for a 10, 15 or 20 year period-that is why the Double Protection Policy is the perfect plan for the family man. Interested? Ask- Milk helps prote(t her from (olds" II Milk is one of the best sources of "itamin A, which helps guard little bodies against respiratory infections. And milk also supplies other food elements for energy and vitality ••• building up resistance in general. A quart of milk a day will help purity. It is produced under the SEALTEST SYSTEM OF LABORATORY PROTECTION. Telephone Chester 2·5721 courteous Supplee Service. fo," PETER E. TOLD 417 Dartmouth Avenue your child to fight off winter infections. And be sure to drink two glassfuls daily yourself. When you order Supplee Seal. test Premier A M:lk you are sure of extra richness and extra Swarthmore 1833 PREMIER AMILK WI! ALSO SIU W A L D I _ HtLl[ - Real Estate SARA O. RAYMOND DRESSMAKING 405 MICHIGAN AVENUE Telephone Swarthmore 2096-W HARRIET L. TREAT Expert Designing and Fitting 0/ GOlf,"S Remodeling At Home or by the Day The Harvard MRS. A. SUPPLEE Insurance - Sw. 892 J. QUINBY & SON 10SEPII B. QuDmY __ F~NERAL DURECTORS BBLL PRONE • Wayne Mosteller AlTNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Eleclrlcal COrdraelor Telephone Swarthmore 58 Just about 1,300 miles, Annie I Annie, the maid, answered the tele~ phone. "Yes'm," her mistress heard her say. uYes'm,'" said the maid for the second time. Then she added, ult sure is, Miss,." and hung up. "What did they want, Annie?" her mistress asked curiously. No wonder,Suburbanites ~am and Sally Snapson are.continually snarling! Their heating system won t do an even lob. They have tropical heat one day-a teeth-chattering chill the nex~. Too bad! But there's an easy solution. It's gas house heat-always even, automatically controlled as you want it. nWII" e • S81'dh t e mal'd"h , 1. e operator girl asked if this is the Joncs' hOllse, so I said. ~yes'm' so thcn she asked if Mrs. Jones is home an' I said, "yes'm;' so then she said, "Long Distance from Miami,' an' I &aid, fIt sure is, Misst / ' Costs Less Than You Think! Let us make a survey and estimnte the cost for you. Choice of Janitrol, Wel.bach or Bryant Conversion Burners as low as $195 cash, installed. Slightly higher on budget plan3 years Ie pay, Also get the facts on our convenient monthly budget plan for operating cost of a heater ••• and our low combination gas rate I But Annie was forgetting that Long Distancespans the miles in secondsmakes most distant points seem near. The reduced rates on Long Distance ealls effective every night after seven and all day Sunday,make it easy (or you to visit distant friends f'requently at little coot. The Ben Tel.. phone Company of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA .ELECTRIC COMPANY ~ At Our Suburban Stores, or See Your Plumber or Heating Contrador JANUARY 28, 1938 THE SWARTHMOREAN 8 Mazda Lane Orchestra will provide the REVIEW OF music. Under the chairmanship of Dr. and CLUB PROGRAM Mrs. Clifford F. Rassweiler the following committee members are in charge Powers Gouraud Spoke to Wom- of arrangements for the event: Mr. en After Tuesday's Luncheon; and Mrs. James Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Two Speakers Next Week Needlework Gulld Hour HELP HER to HELP! • Penfield and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. HopMembers of the Swarthmore Wom- kins. an's Club enjoyed a delicious luncheon on Tuesday, January 25, in the Club Spanish Suitcases Leave Soon I House on Park avenue. Mrs. E. D. Brauns, chairman of the Those who have suitcases to fill for House committee, and her co-workers prepared the luncheon. Mrs. John R Spanish children and would like them Kline and her committee were respon- transported to New York by Mrs. Peter sible for the quick and efficient serv- E. Told when she drives over next month . should be sure that the suitcases are left Ice. Following the luncheon Mrs. Wil- at The Swarthmorean office or at Mrs. Ham Earle Kistler, program chairman, Told's home, 328 Park avenue, before introduced Powers Gouraud, radio Thursday, February 10. commentator, who spoke briefly on his Those who desire to pay postage and work as an announcer and cited sev- mail the suitcases to New York will be eral amusing incidents connected with interested to know that shipments are his work. He referred to Swarthmore leaving this country every ten days or as a theatre-minded community, com- two weeks and are now being distributed plimenting the town on its active Play- by the Friends Service Workers to chilers Club. Many of those present lis- dren among the refugees of the Spanish tened later to Mr. Gouraud's broad- conflict. cast over WCAU at 11 o'clock Tuesday evening when he referred to his delightful visit to the Swarthmore Club. Mrs. Alfred Gary White introduced Mrs. Erik Sjostrom and Mrs. L. L. Hedgepeth who gave interesting talks on the work of the Junior Club. (Continued from PfHI~ OM) Maintenance Fund Campaign The program for next Tuesday will on the hoard, to serve terms of three years be.in the hands of the health chair- each. man of the Club, Mrs. Edward R. HopFollowing thc adjourned meeting of the FOR $200,000 BEGINNING JAN. 10 kins. Major G. B. Hickman, of Glen Library Association, the Board of Direc- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : Mills School, will speak and Mrs. John tors held an organization meeting. At WOMEN REPUBLICANS MEET 3pend the mid-year vacation with her J. H. Phillips, a past pre.sident of the the request of Roland L. Eaton, who has parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Zimmer, Delaware Co,!nty Federation an~ pr~s- been vice-president or president of the The Women's Republican Club of oi Ogden avenue. Last week Troop 194, ent state chairman of health, Will give L·b B df tl t· f ·t _ Delaware County will hold its regu- having disbanded, IJresented Troop 2 wI·th "H t G L 1 I rary oar rom Ie Ime 0 I S organ h er t a lk . on ow 0 row ove y ization nine vears ago he was relieve:l tar monthly IUllcheon meeting at Strath its t:-oop flag and an American flag. Growlllg J , Th I Old" ·"H . r"· of the latter office and Guenther H Froe- Haven Inn. Thurs d ay, F e b ruary 3, at ••• y eS p a L °MsPltaMlt.Yll' wrflttVen by bel was elected president and Rol~nd LIP. hI. The program includes a disM rs. tan ley assar . W. I. L. Board Meets d . d ac d Ib an,h 0 h Eaton was elected Vice-President Upon. cusslOn on th e ques t·Ion "How can W e ro avenue" an Pb uce I y .ellr bat t e taking office Mr Froebel spoke in ~pprec Help Our Party?", based on the work W oman s CIu recent y, WI e re. - f tl Cl b' t d·ng ·tt C A board meeting of the Swarthmore Ie u s s an I comml ees: an- b I f iation of ?Ir Eaton's valuable and un- 0 peat e d on T ues d ay. F ebruary 1,at t he · d'd t d P r ·es L . I f I ranc I 0 the Women's International New Century Club 0 f \17 t Ch t tiring work on behalf of the library. I a es. an 0 ICI '. egIs a lOn, n1 f ,~es es er. . . formatIolI MembershIp and Young .eague or P eace a nd Freedom was held The author and cast Will be enterUpon a SimIlar request from Mrs. R · 'n TI le c I· £ t h eat 2 '1 . the epb ilca a' e O c oc.k M on.day a f ternoon In tained at luncheon before the perform- Sewell Hodge to be relieved of the office u .t teess. WI'Il OllenI Irtm nOb' ebs h f M 01 mm) e su Ject 'I.' orne 0 ISS Ive Cleaves on Ogden h co ance. Those taking part in the play of secretary which she had held since sort h t a Ik s pom . "t·mg ou t tl Ie wor k 0Jf avenue. M rs. Robert C. Disque, viceare: Mrs. C. W. McDowell, Mrs. Lloyd the Association's origin, Miss Alice t Ilelr . ' COlnml·ttees d ()reSI·ent, was·JIl charge in the absence Kauffman, Mrs. I. L. Nickerson, Mrs. Barber was elected secretary of the pres- "'.f 0 f J.M rs. Edward A. J,enkins. mrs J 0 H·0 W d Ch· Elliott Richardson, Mrs. T. Harry ent board and John F. Spencer was elect- I f ' : . pooh' alrmhan 0 e., Give ••• Library Ass'n in Annual Meeting to the SALVATION ARMY 1938 MetropoIitan Phi Iadelphia Mrs. Ellwood B. Chapman, of 731 Harvard avenue, will be hostess to the "Needlework Guild Hour" next Monday afternoon, January 31, at 2 P. M. All those people who are inter-' ested in the work of this "charity that helps all charities" are urged to come. The last meeting was at the home of Mrs. J. Horace Walter, of Cedar lane. .1, L.W.V. to Give Valentine Party The League of Women Voters will hold a benefit Valentine party at the Woman's Club on Friday, February 11, at 2.30 P. M. Bridge and games will be played. Refreshments will be served, and there will be table prizes Tickets will be distributed to Leag'Ue members for sale at a nominal price. Mrs. J. Paul Brown is in charge of the affair. Her committee includes Mrs.· A. P. Willis, Mrs. A. B. Reavis, Mrs. Robert T. Bair, Mrs. Dana H. Bigelow and Mrs. Peter E. Told. Anyone desiring to be placed at a table for bridge is urged to communicate with Mrs. Harold G. Griffin, telephone Swarthmore 579-W. ••• Police and Fire Department News At 8.28 A. M. last Friday an alarm was sounded on notification of an automobile fire at 201 Elm avenue, but at 8.29, before the engines could respond, the fire was reported extinguished. ' At 3.40 P. M. last Saturday Cned Martin, colored, was charged with vagrancy and sentenced to ninety days in the Media jail. J 0 IIII J • SIlevl'm. of Drexe I HI'11 , was apprehended and summoned for thru t ffi . Ia t·Ion at 8 P . "'1 ra c VIO "•. on theZ2 nd. Warnings were given to William ·B. LI·lldsay, of Phl·ladelphl·a, for drl·vl·ng without license cards, at 10.55 A. M. On the Z3rd; Joseph S. McKee, BalaCynwyd, at 5.05 P. M. the same day, for cutting out of line near an intersection· and to David Loch Webb of , Ridley ' Park, for proceeding too soon at a thru traffic sign. Brow~M~.~J.S~"~,Mn.Hu~d ed~a~re~M~Froe~~druct~fue.nMma7~rug~~st a:~~wo~ref~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ n Goodwin, Mrs. William Earle Kistler C M ac D ona ld Ewan. M rs. and M rs.. Roland G. E. Ullman, drama chairman of the Swarthmore Club will accompany the cast and act as ~ake-up artist. Quite a few members of the Swarthmore Club attended an all-day session of the Delaware County Federation held in Norwood yesterday. ••• Series Dance Tomorraw The January dance of the Swarthmore Series will be held in the Woman's Club House tomorrow night, Saturday, from 9 P. M. to I A. M. The present committees to continue their work IHntereste Cll vIsIting ht Ie ehtentLlon .. . orne at lester meet er at t e 0unttl chOIce of new appomtments was K 11 d Sid P 'd received. cust no stan, pr~u an rovl•• • ence roads, at eleven 0 clock Thursday !"?rnin~, February 3. This group will Mrs. Towner To Address Forum JOIn WIth the luncheon group at the Strath Haven Iun and rep?rt to the Mrs. Paul D. Towner, of Prospect Club at the afternoon meetmg. Park, will speak on "A Personal Re- The luncheon is open to the public. Iigion For Every Day Use" at 9:45 A. M. and reservations should be made'with Sunday at the Adult Forum of the Mrs. William C. Alexander, 305 N. Swarthmore Friends' Meeting. Mrs. Monroe street, Media. Phone Media Towner is well-known throughout the 1467 110t later than 10 A. M. WednesPhih.delphia viciqity for her "booko- day, February 3. logues"--dramatized book reviews, and --............- • is the leader of a large class of women Young Republican Board Meellng in the Methodist Church, Prospect Park. An executive meeting of the Young Republicans will be held at the Strath Haven Inn on Wednesday, February 2, at 8 P. M. 5 Responsibilities we have as a Commercial Bank As a commercial bank this institution recognizes its responsibilities to the following groups of people: o To ollr depositors, whoseftmds are elltrllsted to ollr care. €) To ollr borrowers, to wllom we have adva'lced credit. e To ollr stockholders, whose money provides the bank's capital. To ollr commlmily, which benefits by the SOlllld growlh alld capable matlagenlet1t oj this bank. To ollr officers atld ollr employees. e • Though different in many respects our responsibilities to these groups are basically similar. The eternal principle that banking is a trusteeship is the bedrock upon which every policy and action of this bank is founded. It guides us in our daily work of serving the financial needs of the people in this community. Specials For Week of January 27th to February 2nd, inclusiVe! Dole PINEAPPLE JUICE - Tall can ..... . 'The following 'Swarthmoreans are included in the list of jurors drawn to serve in the March and April terms of court at Media: Criminal court, week of March 21-George L. Earnshaw, Mrs. Wilbur B. Conrow, Mrs. George Schobillger, George L Alston; week of March 28-Francis K. Mickle, Lillian Boyt, Mrs. Abram B. Fawcett; Civil court, April I ll-Mrs. Robert C. Disque, Mrs. John I R. Brownell; April 18--Willard P. Tomlinson, Pierce }.[urrell, Edward A. Jenkins. ••• Girl Scout News The regular meetings of Troop 2 arc being held each \Vednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the \Voman's Club House. Last Saturday morning Barbara Brown and Betty Wilson went to Sixty-Ninth street to attend a training course for troop scribes. Troop 2 will meet tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock in the Girl Scout House with Troop 16 to practice songs under the direction of Irma Zimmer who ' IS returlllng from Barnard College to .. DEL MOInE Telephone Swarthmore IM12 YE HARRIS & CO. I Sunaweet PRUNES Early Garden PEAS 2-lb. pkg. . ........ . 2 No.2 cans . . . . . . . . . n II Califomia PRUNES Del Monte "Sun Dried" APRICOTS, t I-oz. pkg. Large size . . . . . . . . . . lb. UCO PATS-Quick or Regular-2 pkgs. . ... Hershey's COCOA 2 lb. cans ..........• "New Fack" 21~ GRAPE JAM 16-oz. jar . . . • • . . . . . CLOROX Pt. Bot.-llc-Qt. Bot 19 c UCO GRAPEFRUIT JUICE-No. 2 can.... . Rib-Pin-Bone--Bolar -Round ROASTS-lb. & Van Alen Bros. 23c o COAL Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Del Monte Asparagus Tips - Square can. . . . Sunmaid SEEDLESS RAISINS, 2 t 5-oz. pkgs. ---.~.~.--- FUEL OIL SWU1Iunore 19 STORE HOvaB: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.-MOD., Toes. 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. Wed. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.-Thurs. 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. Fri., Bat • Drawn For Media Juries SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER GIANT TIGER 10 29 I I c A REAL GIANT TIGER TREAT! Seedless Florida SUGAR PEAS .G_RAP __ EF_R_U_IT _ _ _f_o_r__c....L.L.IFull-Po:~~d-2 Ibs.- BALTIMORE PIKE AND HIRST AVE. EAST LANSDOWNE Special Sale on Men's Suits Made to Order, During lane & Feb. Only. From Woolens We Have in Stock NO. 11 PARK AVENUE 25 15c