JI/ W~nTHM[)I~E. / SW It In i i Fire Prevention Week ober • /:7' '2.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., OCTOBER 1, 1937 VOL. IX, ~o. 40 STATE VOTERS TO CONSIDER AMENDING CONSTITUTION Vote Will Decide Philadelphia Merger, ''Time-Lock'' Removal, Constitutionalized Mother's Aid, Graduated Income Tax, and Bond Issue Pennsylvania voters will decide at the pendent children, and to aged persons November 2 election whether the State without adequate means of supvort." Such Constitution will be amended in the grants now are made by the Legislature but without being authorized by the Confollowing five ways: I-The separate county government in stitution. The purpose of the amendment Philadelphia be abolished and its function is to remove any doubt concerning the transferred to the city administration. The legality of these forms of assistance. City of Philadelphia includes the entire· S-Any amendment to the Constitution count,Y, but the. tW? separate governm~nts may be submitted to voters the first remam. Consohdatlon of the two reqUires election occurring at least three months an amendment of the Constit~tion and after the proposal has been agreed to by must be voted upon by the entire State, two successive Legislatures. The purpose although only Philadelphia is affected by is to pennit submission in any year, and the result. to reverse a Supreme Court ruling in 2-Income, inheritahce, estate and other 1924 that no amendment can be voted excise taxes need not be uniform, but may upon until at least five years after any be graded and provide for exemptions. other amendm~nt had been submitted to Thi~ amen~ent ~lso ~rovides that the the people. legislature, In deahng With. property ~xes, These amendments will appear on the may "exempt from taxation a u111form b gh tal'ta xable vaIuc . ballot test rou t · money 0 f thet o va Iue In ,as a result of a court .. or each person's property or the taxable 10 the Interest. of !he Ph.dadelpilla governvalue of homesteads." mental consohdatlon. S!nce a number of J-A State bond issue of $42,000,000 to ~mendment~ were submitted to the people acquire land and construct buildings' for 111 the election of 1933 no new am~ndment State Welfare Institutions for prisoners, could have been voted ?n .. ~ntil 193~ epileptics. mental defectives and delin- un~er the Supreme Court s time lock' quents; hospitals for sick, injured and ruh~~ of five years.. tuberculosis patients; and to construct and CItizens are urged to notice that a~endequip buildings at State College. Virtually !Dents cannot be voted on b~ affidaVit as all of the projects are included in the Jll former years but reqUire personal $65,000,000 construction program of the registration. General State Authority which the Fed- Independent CIVIC groups such as the ('ral Public, Works Administration is League of Women Voters are actively Ilclping to finance. supporting Amendments nmnbered here +-Appropriation by the Legislature as 1. 4. and 5, but remaining noncom"for assistance to mothers having de· mittal on the others until further study. OPENING TEA AT WOMAN'S _ CLUB NEXT TUESDAY The Swarthmore Woman's Club season will be officially begun next Tuesday afternoon, October 5, with the annual opening tea to be held in the Park avenue clubhouse from 3 until 5 o'clock. Past presidents of the club will preside at the tea table and the club officers will be in the receiving line. Each member of the club is invited to bring a guest. Mrs. Roland L. Eaton, Mrs. John C. JUST A SPARK Moore and Mrs. Oscar J. Gilcreest, of the club, attended the sixth annual A small partical of intense County Press School held Delaware heat. yesterday morning and afternoon at The instigator of m08t fires. the Chester Times, Chester" and a More deadly than germs or at the Ye!low Bowl. Mrs. luncheon disease. Robert L. Coates, of Harvard avenue, Properly fed they are great charge of the Press School. was in destroyers of life and property. Any interested member of the Club Don't keep spark food in your is urged to attend the Public Speaking home or about your property. Class being conducted by Mrs. J. O. Kill all 8parks in seH defense. Hopwood, of Secane, County ChairBe careful. man of Legislation, at the Municipal Make fire your servant but not Building, Upper Darby, every Friday your master_ morning in October from 10 :30 to 12 .1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l,I noon. e •• CAN TEACHERS AND PARENTS COOPERATE? Home and Sehool to Hear McKelvie Monday Evening; Kunstler Will Play When Harry hates Algebra one year and likes it the next under a new instructor, when a grade teacher has thirty-one mothers that are conspicuous by their absence from school affairs and three who continually get in her way. is it any wonder that friction exists between teacher and taught? How can any socializing process function smoothly and effectively without understanding and sympathy between the groups at interest? This question will form the chief topic for consideration at the first Home and School meeting of the year which will be held Tuesday, October 5, at 8 P. M. in the High School Li· brary. Dr. C. L. McKelvie, of West Chester State Teachers College, will speak on "Parent-Teacher Coop era· tion." Every Swarthmore parent and COLLEGE ANNOUNCES teacher is cordially invited to attend OCTOBER LECTURES this meeting. Julius Kunstler, violin teacher in the The ,first of the public lectures of local schools, will play during the evening. Mr. Kunrtler came to Swarththe season at Swarthmore College will more one year ago and is a graduate be a series given by the department of English Literature 011 "Contemporary Beloved Resident Succumbs to of the Zeckwer-Hahn Institute of Heart Attack at Presbyterian Philadelphia. American Attitudes" in the Friends Service Sunday At this meeting, according to WilMeeting House Sunday evenings at lard P. Tomlinson. president, commit8 :15. The dates and topics are as follows: October 3, Professor Robert E. Mrs. Juliette Hanford Hamilton, of tees for the coming year will be an· Spiller, "The Heritage of Optimism"; 735 Yale avenue, passed away sud- nounced and all parents and teachers October 10, Professor F. S. Klees, "The denly Sunday morning, September 26, present will be given an opportunity Certainty of Despair'"; October 17, Pro- when she was stricken with a heart to express their wishes concerning the fessor Everett L. Hunt, "The Challenge attack during an opening hymn at the program, the activities of the Associa· of Humanism"; October 24, Professor service in the Swarthmore Presbyterian tion and other interesting problems. Legion Auxiliary Invitation ••• Philip Hicks, "The Promise of Real- Church, of which she was an active An urgent invitation is extended to the ism." In November the philosophy de- member. Mrs. Hamilton was a woman of unwives, mothers and sisters of American partment will present its annual series. Legion members in this district to join the For the month of October Prince usual' gUts. In conversing with her one Swarthmore High School Opened Auxiliary of the Harold Ainsworth Post. Hubertus zu Loewenstein of Germany soon learned, of her love of the best in Hegisler 'With Opening Soo~on at Home FrIday-With: . • The first fall meeting of the Auxiliary will" be' the gilest of the department of 'music and' literature; -All her life she Can will be held in the American Legion political science. He will give some of studied flowers and trees and birds. Classes Next Tuesday in Shop 13.12 Result Room in Borough Hall at 2.30 P. M. the lectures in courses and meet sem- Her home was a real "Bide a wee" or Secretarial Courses The Swarthmore High School foot- Wednesday, October 6. Plans will be inars. His public lectures ·on interna- cottage, with .its lovely garden and ball season opened on the home field made for the coming season's program. tional affairs will be announced later. tasteful interior. She had travelled During the seven months from OcThe sixty dolls the Auxiliary purchased Any persons who WIsh to receive much and spoke entertainingly of the tober to April inclusive, evening last Friday with a defeat. The team lost to Darby High 13 to 12 the margin in June have been distributed and those announcements of the lectures and en- places she visited-showing human ap- classes for adults will be conducted of one goal after touchdown. dressing them are asked to have them tertainments at the College should send preciation of the people she met. She at Swarthmore High School in school Trailing at half time by the score of rea~y f~r the doll party the date for their names to Professor Everett Hunt, was quick to see the humorous, par- shop activities under the direction of 6-0, the team came out fighting in the which wdl be announced later. E!~ven of chairman, Cooper Foundation, Swarth- ticularly the delicate kind. She made Benjamin Cook and in secretarial subthird period and tied the score. Then the dolls were tak~n by the AUX1~lary of more College. friends everywhere with people of all jects by Miss Gladys Overholt. The Darby forged ahead and the third quar- the Swarthmore Fire and Protective As• ,• classes. These will never forget her classes will meet two evenings each tcr ended with the locals trailing again sociation. • ,• kindness and sympathy. week, Tuesday and Thursday, from 7 13-6. lub Mrs. Hamilton was born in Colum- to 9 P. M. County Republican C Shop and handicraft activities suitThe fourth period provided further Luncheon in Swarthmore bus, 0., being one of six children. She fireworks when the wearers of the is survived by one sister Mrs. Grace able to the experience of those particiGarnet carried the oval over the Darby The Women's Republican Club of Del• V Birdsall, of Baltimore, Md., and a pating will be offered. The selection of ~oal for the second touchdown in the aware County, which numbers many mem- John Spencer Elected to FJlI, a- brother, Albert Hanford. of San Fran- activity and project will be optional. closing minutes of the game. Their bers among Swarthmore women, announ- caney Created by Buckman s cisco, Cal. She was a teacher in her Included in the program are: Art Metal Work - Copper-Brasshopes of a tie score faded as the kick ces a Republican County Candidates' Resignation early life and married Hugh DeCourfor the all-important point was blocked. Luncheon to be held at the Strath Haven sey Hamilton, in South Orange, N. J. Pewter Metal Spinning (elementary), Today, Friday, October 1. the team Inn Thursday, October 7, at 12:30' P. M. A regular meeting of the Library She survived her husband nine years. Hammering-Etching; Ornamental Iron journeys to Springfield to meet SprillgAll of the Republican candidates for Board was held Monday evening, Sep- Coming to Swarthmore from the Main Work: Hot and Cold Forming; Cement field High at its home grounds. county offices expect to attend and as the tember 27, at the Public Library. Those Line eleven years ago, the Hamiltons Craft; Seat Weaving; Rush-Caning; Darby Swarthmore Club is holding its monthly luncheon in present were: Roland L. Eaton, Mrs. named their home here "Dunmovin." Upholstering ; Woodwork; Wood . I f d G C II' Swarthmore for the first time, this is a Peter E. Told, Mrs. Harold Griffin, They maintained a summer home at Carving: Chip, Low Relief, Raised ReI) aVIs ......... e t en ..... . 0 1I1S L N J f n d I £ kl Th golden opportunity for S war t h m 0 r e Mrs. J. Passmore Cheyney, Mrs. Se- ongport, : ., or many years. lief; Wood Turning; Bench Work; ..... '" e £t tac 'de .. (' . ')' C orne Republicans to look over their county well Hodge, Guenther Froebel, and Mrs. Hamtlton was a member of the Machine Work. n?YI IS lOp ....... le t guar. c. raemer F . h I h PI CI b f primary John E. Gensemer. . ortOlg t y. t e a.yers u 0 candidates nominated at the recent Work in the typewriting class will PI as k ( c. ) . ..... center.. ...• H artman Sid t I th I t f . h d G election. The luncheon is open to all who John F. Spem:er, of Swarthmore avewart 1m ore, an, un I e as ew, include keyboard mastery, business De Genova ... rlg t guar ..... orman f h S I W "I G" . h kl J C II' are interested to attenfl. nue, was elected by the board to fill years, 0 t e wart Imore oman s letters, speed practice, tabulated re"c 111I11S •••• rig t rac e... . 0 1I1S CI b ports, rough draft copies, legal docu'K au ff man ...... rtght . d ... , 11 Reservations should be made promptly the unexpired term of Howard M. u. ' en ...... ine en Cheyney, teI S d e- Buckman who recently removed to ' ervlces were h eId a t 2 0 •cIock W ements and individual work. Gregg Leopoldo .... quarterbac k ..... G eruer with Mrs. J. Passmore 590 ' d f t h I t h " H'II phone Swarthmore R. George School, Pa. Mr. Buckman's nes ay a terno?n a er a e ome. shorthand will be offered if there are "link ....... Ieft halfback. . . . . . . . I • •• Itt th D C f . I h Ifb k D' I term expires January 1939. n ermen was tn e e oursey am- sufficient requests. H arc1y ...... rtg 1I1g e J J' S S d Year Sun d ay The Board approved the plans an d '1I Y vauIt'In W 00 dl an d Ce met ery. Interested persons should register at · Ie ...... f uItlIbaac. k ac.... W mter . . . . . . S ny der • start econ . . the High School Tuesday evening OcDarby ................. 0 6 7 0-13 Th J J' (J '0 J'um'or Auxill'ary of programs presented by the Llbra~tan, tober 5, at 7 o'dock, the first meeting S 0 0 6 6-12 ..e . . s um r. Mrs. Irvin Tschebull, for the sessions COLLEGE DEDICATES NEW • warthmore .......... '. Trlmty Church, ~warthmo~e) wIll hold of the Philadelphia District Library LABORATORY TOMORROW night for the classes. For shop classes, Touchdowns - Hardy, Smith, Trox- the first fall meet1l1g of their second year Association which will meet at the register in the shop; for typewriting ell, 2. Goal from touchdown-Smith Sunday, October.3, at 7.30 ~. ~L, at t~e Swarthmore Public Library on TuesThe recently completed $250,000 Ed- and shorthand classes, in Room 104, (placekick). Substitutions: Darby- home of the preSident, MarJorie Tomltn- d 'N b 9 main corridor, opposite the main door ovemreports er . were made by the ward Martin Laboratory of Biology of the High School building. Classes E II d S, S I'Iver, Th ompson; tac kl e, R 0 b - son, 227 Sw~tlnnore ayenue. Th'IS WI'11 be ay, Routine will be dedicated with exercises in inson ; guards, Atwill, Mason; backs, the first meet1l1g at which the new officers. 'ttees and the board ad- Clothier Memorial. Swarthmore Col- will not be held in the event of an enGual,' Smith, Sanutti, Gianoscoli. o f t he 0~ga111~a . f Ion "fIdl'11 preside. Betty G . d various journed comml to meet Monday, November lege, at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, rolment of less than ten. Swarthmore-End, Ticknor; tackles, Moseley IS vice-pres I ent; e r t rue 22 7 '15 P M Rates will be: for classes one night October 2. Lange, Robinson; guard, Brown; Schobinger. secretary; and Ruth Detlefat. . '. , • per week, seven months. $7.00 per President Frank Aydelotte will prehacks, Troxell, Black, Naisby, Polk. sen, treasurer. Red Cross Meeting Next Tuesday side course; two nights per week, seven and Dr. James Rowland Angell, $14.00. For non-residents of months, There will be a committee meeting retiring president of. Yale University DON'T STOP ME! Swarthmore the rates will be $14.00 and of the Swarthmore Chapter, Ameri- and new educational director of the Fortnightly Next Monday $28.00. can Red Cross, at the home of the National Broadcasting Company, will Shop Details are to be paid for in The Fortnightly will resume its meetRoll Call Chairman, :\frs. James Bacon be the principal speaker. to instruction rates. Usual addition ings on Monday afternoon, October 4, Dr. Martin, in tribute of whose enDouglas at Swarthmore avenue and range is from $1.00 to $3.00. at 2.30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. North Chester road. at 10 o'clock next during friendship, Fred M. Kirby, of Bills will be payable monthly in adGeorge Marr on Park avenue. Tuesday morning. October S. Mrs. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., has presented the vance or by the season to the instrucMrs. Thomas Jackson will review Daniel Morse is the new publicity building and the $650,000 endowtllent tors. of a new professorship, will make the Mary Ellen Chase's last novel "Upchairman. __---........ , ---For further information consult the dedicatory address. lands", a beautiful story of certain High School office, telephone SwarthLoc-BI W. I. L. Board Meets Dr. Laurence Irving, formerly of the YOung people, and some not so young, more 67• . University of Toronto, will be director Who worked against all kinds of obThe September b,oard meeting of stacles on a farm in Maine. Their the Swarthmore branch of the Wo- of the new laboratory and will be First Day Sch~l Reopening achievements and even their discourmen's International League was held among the speakers tomorrow. An academic procession will assemThe First Day School of Swarthmore agements are fascinating. on Monday, Sep~ember ~, at the home ble at Parrish Hall at 1.45 and proFriends' Meeting will reopen at 9.45 A. M. Mrs. Sargent Walter wi I! sketch of the chairman. Mrs. Edward A. JenI'm hurryiq to the Media Court Bouse next First Day, October 3. The Adult ceed to Clothier. A number of biolsome of the unusual features of her rekins, of North Chester road, w~en to rePster and it closes at 4 :30. There also reconvene on that day Class will ogists associated with nearby instituCent trip to Europe: plans for the program of the commg are only one and a haH more da,., for the first time aft~ the summer recess. tions have been especially invited. Members are asked to bring dues to season were discussed. you know; Tomorrow is die batS this meeting. MRS. 'HAMILTON DIES SUDDENLY LOSS TO DARBY A CLOSE ONE NIGHT CLASSES FOR ADULTS LIBRARY BOARD HOLDS MEETING ••• '1. ••• .. ------......------- I W ~I~THM( )I~E Fire Prevention Week ober ~~~~==~~=======~-=--~---~=-=--====~=========~-~--~~~ $2.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, (lA., OCTOBER 1, 1937 VOL. IX, No. 40 STATE VOTERS TO CONSIDER AMENDING CONSTITUTION OPENING TEA AT WOMAN'S CLUB NEXT TUESDAY CAN TEACHERS AND PARENTS COOPERATE? The Swarthmore \\'oman's Cluh season will he ollicially hegun next Tues"ole Will Decide Philadell)hia Merger, "Time-Lock" Bei day afternoon, October 5, with thc annual opening" tea to he held ill the lIome al)(1 Sdlool to Hear l\lcIlloval, Conslitulionalized Mother's Aid, Gradnated Park a\"('lIue c1ubhousc frolll 3 unfil 5 Income Tax, and Bond Issne Kel"ic Monday Evening; o'clock. Kunstler 'Vill Play II Past presidents of thc cluh will prePennsylvania voters will decide at the pendent children, and to aged persons side at the tea table and the cluh oflie~ ovelllber 2 election whether the State withuut adequate means of support_" Such \Vlwn Harry hates Algebra one I ers will he in the rcceiving line. Constitution will he amended in the grants now are made hy the Legislature "ear and likes it thc next under a new Each melllher of tlw cluh is invitcd folluwing five ways: hut without heing authorized hy the Coninsl ructor, when a grade tcacher has to hring a guest. I--The separate county government in stitution. The purpose of the amendment thirh'-onc mothcrs that are conspicu:\1 rs. Roland I.. Eaton, ~I rs. John C. Philadelphia be abolished and its function is to remove any douht concerning" the JUST A S/JAIlK ous il\' thl·ir ahsence frolll school affairs ~I oore and ~I rs. Oscar J. Gilcreest, of transferred to the city administration. The legality of these forms of assistance. and three who continually get ill hcr the club, attended the sixth annual City of Philadelphia includes the entire S-Any amendment to the Constitution A smull I,urtieul of intense way, is it any wonder that friction ,Delaware County Press School held (ounty, hut the two separate governments lIlay he submitted to voters the first heat. exists hetween teacher and taught? ycstcrday morning" and afternoon at remain. Consolidation of the t~vo .requiresl election occurring at least three months The im;tigutor of most fircs. How can any socializing process the Chester Times, Chester, -and a :111 amendment of the ConstItutIOn and after the proposal has been ag'reed to hy l\Ior(! deadly than I!;t'rms or function smoothlv and effectively withluncheon at the Yellow Bowl. Mrs. must he voteariJy forged ahead and th" third !Juar••• sociation. kindness and sympathy. week, Tuesday and Thursday, from 7 \,-r cnded with the locals trailing again ••• ~[rs. Hamilton was born in Colum- to (1) Y . .'[ '. County Repuhlican Club hus, 0., bcing ol1e of six children. She Shop and handicraft activitics suitThe fourth period provided further Luncheon in Swarthmore is survivcd by onc sister ~lrs. Grace ahle to the cxperience of thosc particilin'works when the wearers of the Birdsall, of Baltimore, }'[d., and a pating wilt he otTered. The sclcction of (~arnet carried the oval o\'('r thc Darby Th •.! \Volll:::n's Republican Club of DcI• hrothcr, Alhert Hanford, of San Fran- activity and project will he optional. goal for the sccond touchdown in the aware County, which numbers many \1le\1l- John SIlencer Elected to FIll yacisco, Cal. Shc was a teacher in her Inclt)(led in the program are: dosing minutes of the gamc. Their bers among Swarthmorc WOIIICIl, allnouncaney Created by Bucknlan s early lifc and married Hugh DcCourArt ~letal \\'ork - Copper-llrasshopes of a tie score faded as the kick ces a Repuhlican County Candidates' Resignation sey l-h,milton, in South Orangc, N. J. Pewter )1 etal Spinning (elemcntary), for the all-important point was hlockcd. Luncheon to hc held at the Strath Haven She survivcd her hush and ninc years. Hallllllering-Etching; Ornamental Iroll A regular meeting of thc Lihrary 'l'oday, Friday, Ocloher I, the team Inn Thursday, October 7, at 12 :30 P. M. Coming to Swarthmore from thc :Main "Vork: Hot a 1111 Cold Forming; Ccment Hoard was held :\Ionday cvening', Sepjourm'ys to Springfield to lIIect SpringAll of thc Rcpublican candidates for Line devcn years ago, the Hamiitons Craft; Scat \ \" l"a vin/.{ ; Rush-Caning j temhcr 27, at the Puhlic Lihrary. Those lil'lel II igh at its hOllle grounds. county offices expect to attend and as thc nallled t hcir home herc "Dunmovin." Upholstering; \\' ondwork ; \-Vood present wcre: Roland L. Ealoll, ~[rs. Club is holding its monthly luncheon in Darhy Swarthmore 'l'1ll'Y maintained a summer home at Carving: Chip, Low H.elid, Raised ReI)avis ......... left end..... G. Collins Swarthmorc for thc first time, this is a Peta E. Told, ~I rs. Harold Grillin, Longport, N. J., for many years. lid; \Vood Turning; Bench \Vork; ~[rs. J. Passmore Cheyncy, :\[rs. Selloyd ........ Ieft tackle...... Thornc golden opportunity for S war t h m 0 r e ~Irs. Hamilton was a member of thc ~[achine \Vork. wcll Hodgc, Gucnther Froebcl, and 1~CPl1hl icans to look over their county Ilishop ....... leftguard. (c.)Craemer Fortnightly, the Players Club of \Vork in the typewriting class will Plask (c.) ...... ccnter ... '" Hartman candidates nominated at the rccent primary John E. Gensemer. Swarthmore, and, until thc last few include keyboard mastcry, busincss J uhn F. Spencer, of Swarthmore avcelection. Thc luncheon is open to all who I)c( ~eno\'a ... righ t guard. . . .. Gorman nue was elccted In' the board to fill years, of the Swarthmorc \\Toman's letters, specd practice, tabulated rc~I cGinnis .... right tackle. .. J. Collins arc intcrcsted to attend. )lorts, rough draft copies, legal docube made promptly Reservations should thc' unexpircd ter~1I of Howard M. Cluh. Kauffman ...... right t·lI(l. . . . .. ).[ellen Scrviccs wcre held at 2 o'clock vVcd- lIIents and individual work. Gregg with :\lrs. J. Passmorc Cheyney, telcBuckman, who rccently rcmoved to Leopoldo .... quarterhack. . . .. Gerner phonc Swarthmorc 590 R. George School, Pa. 1[r. l3ucklllan's ncsday afternoon at her late home. shorthand will bc offercd if there arc ~I ink ....... left halfhack. . . . . . .. Hill Intcrment was in the DcCourscy fam- sullicient rcquests. expires J auuary 1939. tl'rlll Ilanly ...... right haifhack. . .. Dingle ily vault in \\'oodland Cemetery. Interestcd persons should registcr at The Board approved the p!ans and \\'inh-rle ...... iullhack. . . .... Snyder J. J's Start Second Year Sunday the High School Tucsday evening Ocprograms presented hy thc Lihrarian, \)arhy ................. 0 (j 7 O-lJ The J. J.'s (Junior-junior Auxiliary of ).[ rs. Irvin Tschchull, for the sessions tober 5, at 7 o'clock, the first mceting Swarthmnre ........... 0 0 6 6-12 Trinity Church, Swarthmore) will hold of the Philadelphia District Library COLLEGE DEDICATES NEW LABORATORY TOMORROW night for the classes. For shop classes, Touchdowns - Hard\', Smith, Trox- the first fall mceting of their second year Association which will lIIeet at the register in the shop; for typewriting ell, 2. Goal from to\;chdown-Smith Sunda,', Octohl'r 3, at 7.30 P. ~I., at the Swarthmore Puhlic Lihrary on Tuesand shorthand classes, in Room 104, The recently complctcd $250,000 Ed(placekick). Stlhst itutillns : Darby- hOllle ~f the prcsident, )'Iarjoric Tomlin- day, !\o\'emher 9. lIIain corridor, opposite the main door ward 1\1 artin Laboratory of Biology Ends, Silvcr, Thompson; tackle, Rob- son, 227 Swarthmorc avcnue. This will be Routine reports were made by the will be dedicated with cxcrcises in of thc High School building. Classes inson; h'1Jards, Atwill, :\[ason; hacks, thc first meeting at which I Clothier Memorial, Swarthmore Col- will not bc held in thc cvent of an en.' . the new . officcrs B various committecs and thc I)Oar<1 a(ellal, Smith, Sanlltti, Gianoscoli. of the orgalllzatlOtI wlil preSIde. etty. I t '[ I "ovember . '1 G d JO\Jrnc( to lIIec ., Oil( av, "' lege, at 2 o'clock tOll1orrow afternoon, rolmcnt of less than tcn. Swarthmore-End, Ticknor; tacklcs, :Moseley is vlcc-preSI( cnt; crt rue 72 7 '15 P )[ Ralcs will be: for classes onc night Octoher 2. .•.• , • Lange, Rohinson; guard, Brown; Schobinger, sccretary; and Ruth Detlcf- - a t . per week, scven months, $7.00 per Prcsident Frank Aydelotte will prehacks, Troxell, Black, Xaishy, Polk. sen, treasurer. Red Cross Meeting Next Tuesday side and Dr. Jamcs Rowland Angell, coursc; two nights per week, scvcn Therc will he a committcc mecting retiring prcsident of. Yalc University months, $14.00. For non-residcnts of DON'T STOP l\IE! of the Swarthmore Chapter, Ameri- amI ncw educational director of the Swarthmorc the rates will bc $14.00 and 1 " Fo~tni~htly ~ext Mon~lay can Heel Crctails arc to he paid for in I Ill' l'ortl11ghtl\" WIll resume Its nll'd- I I~ol1 Call Chairman. ~[rs. J alllcs Hawn hl~ thl' principal speaker. addition to instruction ratcs. Usual Dr. )1 artin, in trihute of whose cniugs on ~I onda): afternoon, Octoher 1)ouglas, at Swarthmore avenue and rangc is from $1.00 to $3.00. North Chester road, at 10 o'clock next during friendship, Fred M. Kirby, of :tt 2.,3() o'clock at the homc of :\1 rS'j Bills will he payablc monthly in adTuesday morning, Octohcr 5. ~I:s. \Vilkes-Barre, Pa., has prescnted the Ceorge ~I arr on Park avcnue. vance or by thc season to the instrucDaniel ~I orse is the new pubhclty huilding and the ~50,()()() endowmcnt :\1 rs. Thomas Jackson will rcview tors. of a new professorship, will make thc ~I arv Ellen Chasc's last novel "Up- I chairman. ____--4.~'~•._----For furthcr information consult thc dedicatory addrcss. land~", a heautiful story of ccrtain I High School ollicc, telephone SwarthLocal W. I. L. Boar(l Meets Dr. Laurencc Irving, formerly of thc young peoplc, and somc ;lOt so young. I: morc 67. Who worked against all kinds of obThe Septcmher board meeting of Uninrsity of Toronto, will be director stacles on a farm in ~[aine. Their the Swarthmorc hranch of thc \Vo- of the ncw laboratory and wilt bc First Day School ReolJening achicH'ments and evcn their discourmen's Intcrnational Lcaguc was hcld among the speakcrs tomorrow. Thc First Day School of Swarthmore An acadcmic procession will asscmagcments are fascinating. on )[ol1(lay, SCI)temher 27, at the home Fricnds' Mceting will rcopcn at 9.45 A. M. hie at Parrish Hall at 1.45 and pro~I rs. Sargent \ Valter will sketch of the chairman, ~Irs. Edward A. JcnI'm hurr,ing to the ~Iedia Court House ncxt First Day, Octobcr 3. The Adult cecd to Clothier. A number of biolSome of thc unusual featurcs of her rekins, of North Chcster road, when to register and it closes at 4:30. There Class will also reconvene on that day ogists associatcd with ncarby institucent trip to Europe. are only one and a half more days, plans for lhc program of the coming tions havc been especially invited. timc aft<::r the summer recess, for thc first ~Iemht'rs are asked to bring dues to scason were discussed. "ou know; Tomorrow is the lasl! this meeting. I . ••• MRS. HAMILTON DIES SUDDENLY I LOSS TO DARBY I A CLOSE ()NE • NIGHT CLASSES FOR ADULTS I LIBRARY BOr\RD HOLDS MEETING ••• ••• ••• • •• 4,1 ••• .. 2 THE SW'ARTBMOREAN ocroBm I, 1937 HI.tchcock_Hea-;r~ll~e;---r:~M~iS~5~D~0:rO~th~y~E~m;e~~'~da;u~~~t~er~of~M~~~nU~e%,~an~d!.=M~rs~.~A~lb~e~rt~T~h~a~tc~h~er~,-:of~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a • Is T ' Charles G. Emery, of Maple avenue, and South Chester road. Mr. Malcolm S. Strieby, son of Mrs. J. Albert Thatcher, of Ogden avenue, uptla o m o r r o w P. Strieby, of Rutgers avenue, were has recovered from a recellt attack of married at 8 o'clock last· evening, Thurs· the grippe. day, September.30, at a candleli~t service Mr. William F. Collins, formerly of in the Swarthmore Methodist Episcopal Church by the Rev. <:Ia,'ence F. Carter, Montc1air, N. J., has moved into an rector of the church. The bride was given apartment at 304 Park avenue. Miss Florence Norton Hearne. in marriage by her father. • I • daughter of the late Dr. Charles S. The bridal gown was of pale ivory satin Birth8 Hearne, of Maple avenue, and 11r. Ed- with medium length train, lace yoke and ward D. Hitchcock, son of Mr. and small round standing lace collar at the Mr~. Edward F. Hitchcock, of North ba~k. The bri~e wore a t.u1le cap and Mr. and 1\Irs. Edward L. Love, of Chester road, will be married quietly vc11 to the waist and carried a shower Philadelphia. announce the birth of a in the presence of their families at bouquet. . daughter. Judith, at the Misericordia Trinity Church, Swarthmore. on Sat- . Mrs. Georg€" !:I' Kolb, of Drexel Hill, Hospital on September 22. Mrs. Love urday afternoon, October 2, at 4 sister of t~e bridegroom, was matron of is the daughter of the tate Swarthmore o'clock. The Rev. ]. Jardcn Guenther, l](~nor.wearmg pea~ck bl~ccrushed velvet Chief of Police and Mrs. Walter C. With Silver accessories. MISS Ethel Jeanetta S d f Y I rector of the church, will perform the Young, of Philadelphia, cousin of the bri deoyer a e avenue . ,' 0 * • * ceremony. worebumishedgoldcrushed velvet with gold Miss Hearne .will be given in mar- accessories. Both attendants carried large ~r. and. Mrs. Ch~rles \\Testler, of riage by her brother, Mr. Charles ~. yellow chrysanthemums with fait leaves. Phtlade1plll~, are bemg congratul~tcd Hearne, of Maple avenue. She Will Virginia Kolb, neice of the groom,' was upon the Inrth of a daughter, Marias:'-' flower girl wearing floor length old on September 17. Mr. Westler IS have no attendants. Mr. Donald B. Churchman, of Mor- fashioned child's evening dress with high "Charlie", manager of the fruit de'ton, will act as best man for Mr. waist, and puff sIeves. The canary Jellow partmel!t of Martel Broth~rs, Swarth· Hitchcock. dress was trimmed with bands of peacock more .. 1 he ba.by was. born III St. Agnes M iss Hearne will wear a dress of blue velvet and the little girl carried a Hospital, Pluladelphla. • + • ivory faille taffeta, made on princess lace trinnned old fashioned bouquet of lines and trimmed with old family lace. vari-colorcd flowers. Her hair was bound Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hculings, Her cap will be of tulle and lace and by a band of matching velvet with a of Moylan. are being congratulated You c a n easily avoid a n y cold she wilt carry a bouquet of white roses, yellow button chrysanthemum at each upon the birth of a daughter, Barbara 'lilies of the valley, and gardenias. side. Ann, on Monday, September 21, at the weather trouble if you replace y o u r After a hvo weeks' wedding trip Mr. Mr. George H. Kolb was best man. Presbyterian Hospital, Philadelphia. and Mrs. Hitchcock will live at 322 Mr. Staunton Moylan, of Philadelphia, o l d b a t t e r y with t h e new s u p e r pow1\faple avenue, Swarthmore. cousin of the groom, and Mr. Benjamin * • * L. Kneedler, Jr., of SwarUlmore, nephew e r e d b a t t e r y by · A number of Swarthmore Col1ege of the bride, were ushers. Benjamin L. Kneedler, Sr., organist people of the class of 1936 wilt assem- and choirmaster of the Swarthmore Sure starts b e t t e r lights are ble for the wedding tomorrow,· Satur-· P resbyterlan . ChurcII, presl'dcd at the I f f day, Octol?c~ 2, 0 two 0 their c ass- console. Mrs. Kneedler, sister of the bride, assured if you have a battery with mat~s,. WllhaT? Downham Taylor and wore a gown of burgundy chiffon velvet ~hnstllle Robmsol1,. who Will be mar-I with rose colored slippers satin girdle. ample reserve power. rled ~t (j :30 P. M. III the Swarthmore l Following the ceremony there was a reMe~tmg House. under ~he care of the ception for members of the immediate .Society of Friends, With sermon by families at the home of the bride. Batteries a r e b u i l t to the bridegroom's "former pastor; R~v. Upon their return from ?~ two-week J. Jarden Guenther, rector of Trtn~ wedding trip to Florida Mr. and Mrs. supply m o r e power thall y o u will ever ity Church, Swarthmore. A wedding Strieby will be a home after October IS supper will follow at the home of the at 308 :Maple avenue. need. You'll Enjoy Trying on the 'bride's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Louis N. * • * Robinson. Conege Gate, on College Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ellis, of New Hats in Our Shop avenue. \Valnut lane, spent last week-end in Stop ill today have y o u r b a t t e r y The bride will wear her mother's Ocean City, N. J., attending a house satin wedding dress and will be attend- party. examille~. Don't wait u n t i l y o u r old cd by her twin sister, Alice, in bronzeMiss Virginia Seal, of Washington, · colorcd velvet and by the following battery dies. D. C., has arrived to spend the winter bridesmaids in leaf green: Miss Lydia with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hall Roberts, of Swarthmore; Mrs. Richard Post, of Sparrows Point, Md.; Ezra T. Cresson, Jr., of Arr.herst aveMrs. Roger A. Scholten, of Philadel· nue. on Park Avenue phia j and Miss Virginia Wanvig, of Miss Nancy Hutchison, daughter of Milwaukee, a classmate at,' Stanford Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hutchison, of South University. The best man wilt be the Chester road, has enrolled at Bates t!~=il=:U=U=Il=I~I"'IJ=il=:U;~:U=U=Il=I~~ bridegroom's brother. John Stanley College, Lewiston, Me. Miss HutchiTaylor, of Swarthmore, and the ushers son will be a freshman this year. John :Mark Robinson. Preston Roche. ·Richard Post, of Swarthmore, and Miss Marjorie Mellen, daughter of CHESTER PIKE PROSPECT PARK Thomas B. Taylor, of New York. The Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mellen, of North senior ladies, Mrs. Robinson and ~hs. Chester road, is going to the Moore Now Playing Taylor are to wear old-fashioned bro- Institute, Philadelphia, this fall. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY cade dresses, the one gray and the Mrs. William S. Canning, who reother garnet, one of them having becently underwent an oper&.tion in the longed to a great grandmother. Phone The young people will make their Chester, Hospital, has recovered suffi· DARTMOUTH & LAFAYE'ITE AVES. to return to her home on Ogcient1y home in an old stone farm·housc near Swarthmore, Pa. Coatesville, Pa., where Mr. Taylor is den avenuc. * *.* employed by the Lukens Steel ComMrs. Richard Thatcher, of Lookout "'JF'e Don'e Sell Car. - We Ss",ice Them" pany. They have named it for Mr. Tay· Mountain, Tenn., left Sunday after vislor's grandfather's home in England, iting a week with Mr. and Mrs. · which is near the famous uRochdale" Charles G. Thatcher, of Ogden aveValley and also the home of the Quaker George Fox. The old farm itself prpobably once belonged to some earty Quaker, relative of the bride, for nearly all her maternal ancestors lived along the Brandywine two centuries ago. Her father, Dr~ Robinson, is head Last 2 Days! of the Prison Industries Reorganization Administration of Washington, Fonnerly sold at Friday-Saturday and a descendant of Pastor JOhl1 Robinson, the Pilgrims' leader. Mr. Taylor, MARTEL BROTHERS a son of Mrs. John N. Taylor, of Yale Don Ameche 'avenue, and the late lIr. Taylor, is a member of Kappa Sigma Fraternity Ritz Bros. and of the honorary society "Book and Now on Sale at Key." Alice Faye SWARTHMORE, PA. TBII 8WAKTBMOBBAN, DlC• PETER E. 'TOLD B,usor ~OSALIE PhOne· 8wartbmo1'e 900 snterett as second clasi Matter. ~/JJ'1U"'_.'I) 1929, at the Post Otll~ at 8wartbmore, under the Aca. of March 3, 1819. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1937 Thanks' Voters 'Fil"$tone 'Vi rtftOftt .i I BUY -MANOR- • •• • •• RUSSELL'S'Virtt'Oftt SERVICE MEDIA Shirer Building 9:45 10:00 11:00 6:00 TELEPflONE SWARTflMORE "Now Autumn's fire burns slowly along the woods And day by day the dead leaves fall and melt." Rev. T. A. Meryweather, Dlr. - . Belue. 8:00 A. Mo.-Boly communlon. Mr. JACK. MARKET AND BAKE Protestant Eplscopat Chester Road and COllege Avenue Rev. J. Jarcien Guenther, S.T-¥-l Bector Guenther 634-R Graduates of the Peabody Conservatory of Music, Baltimore Allingham. kida. A. M.-Sunday School. A. M.-Blble ctasses. A. M.-BolY Communion. P.M.-young People's Fellowship. TBINlTY CBtJROB CAMILLA FAIRBANKS Teacher 0/ Piano and J'iolin Teacher 0/ Pumo and Organ 313 PARK AVENUE next Tuesday evening at 8 for the SWARTHMORE pm;:sBYTEBIAN OHUBOB Home & School get·together. You'll meet BeV. Davld Braun, ldlnlater my teachers and the parents of lots of the Service. ORNSTEIN SCHOOL OF MUSIC Ar. Alliance, 251 So. I8.h S.reet, Philodelphia Announces the Opening of the Swarthmore Branch on October lst 235 KENYON AVENUE CLASSES AND INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION For Infonnation, Telephone MRS. M. W. FRASER Media I286-M or Swarthmore I086-W Methodist Social Hall, Park Avenue SATURDAY. OCTOBER 2 Cakes, Pies, candy, .Jams, Rellshes . on sale 3 to ., P. M. BAKED HAM SUPPER-S '07 o'eloek -or- MARGARET DONALDSON, Registrar Pennypaeker 2777 ~;~~~::::::::::::::::::::~; EVENING CLASSES FOR ADULTS in Shop and Handicraft Activities Typewriting and Shorthand 2 Evening8 Each Week - October to April, In('lusive Swarthmore High School Regi8lration is I I:~==============~I 10 be Made in Person, Tuesday Evening, Ot:tober 5, Between 7 - 8 o'dock KIMMEL & SON "BE CAREFUL! MAKE FIRE PREYENTION A HABIT /" nBe Care/"lt Make Fire Prevention a Habit" . SWARTHMORE GARAGE Louis F. Pieree, Proprietor Day a n d Night Storage Expert Meehawc Service Sinclair GlUIOline and Luhrieating Oils Wasbing - LubrieatioD - Battery and Tire Service OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT 401 D a r t m o u t h Ave. Swarth. 411 CAPRIOTTY'S FUEL OIL No.2, 3 and 4 With Building Costs and the Price of Material. Increa8ing Your Insurance Requirements Should be Carefully Cheeked 6 Cents per Gallon Without Obligating You in Any Way We Shall Be Glad to Make a Survey Cpl, Swarthmore 1800 EDWARD L. NOYES 1~:::::::=!p:la:':Se:r~,~2~5:c:!D~ese:rt:,!E:X:Ir:a~==~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=9 GENERAL INSURANCE Swarthmore 114 13 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD wtll preach. Tony Martin FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE, PA. Rubinoff and His Violin ANNOUNCBS A. with THB BELIGIOUS socmrY OJ! PBIBNDS STARTING Mr. FRIDAY 9:45 11:00 William Duncan Kilpatrick, C. S. aUNDAY School. A. !.I.-Adult Cl&S8. ' A. M.-Meettng for Worahlp _tInS BeIl8O. 9:45 A. JL-Flrst Day 1D the WEDNESDAY 9:30 A. M. to 3:30 P. M.--Sewinl and. Q.uUtlng 1n Whittier House. Box luncheOn. AU ant cordlally invited. FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE BY DALLAS" ANTONICA FAIRBANKS C 9:45 A. A. J4.-ANNtTAL M..-sunday SchooL 11:00 HOldE COllINGSEB-VICE. HolY communion and "THIN ICE" STANLEY STUDIO OF ~~======::=:::==::,:=:::;:::==IMother Dear! Be sure to bring Dad to the High School HURCH NEWS 17 S. Chester Road Chas. Winninger Theatre Chester OLD BANK BUILDING 3, at 3 P. M., in the church. The choir Trinity Chureli Notes is open to all girls from the fifth grade The annual Homecoming Service through senior high school. will be held on Sunday, October 3. EvBoys who wish to sing in the boys' ery member of the Church and al\ who choir should see Benjamin L. Kneedler. attend are asked to be present at eiThere witt be a brief meeting of the ther the 8 A. M. or 11 A. M. service. Session Saturday evening at 7 o'clock uHome Coming Day" has become a tradition in Trinity Parish and it is in the church. The staff of the Junior Intermediate hoped that this year the older children Department of the Church School in the Sunday School will come with their parents to the 11 o'clock service. meet in the church study Tuesday ening, October 5, promptly at 7 :30 The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Guild will be held next Wed- P. M. a b Christian Science Church nesday afternoon at 2:30 P. M. at the J. Paul Brown's Dogs Compete Parish Ho'Use. "Unrealitv" is the subject of the The final payments for the United Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Thank Offering should be made by Trial Two of iu theField pointers owned by J. Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, October Monday morning to Mrs. Louis W. Paul Brown. of Walnut lane. com· 3. King, 29 College avenue. I I • peted in the annual field trials of the I I I Methodist Church Notes Presbyterian Church Notes At the meeting of Ministers' Wives The World-Wide Communion to be Zeckwer-Hahn of the Philadelphia Conference last celebrated in churches throughout the week at the Swarthmore Cnui~h .there world will be observed in the church Phila. Musical Academy wer.e about 158 ministers and Sunday morning October 3, at 11 present. o'clock. New members will be received 69th St. Branch At the freshman dinner held Mon~ into the congregation at this service. 44 KENT ROAD day evening there were The Women's Bible Class will open people present, fifteen of them class meetings this Sunday at 10 A. M. UPPER DARBY new students. Clffi,cialj in the Church. Dr. Clarence E. Clewell LUCIUS COLE, Director The regular meeting of the will return to teach the class again Board will be held at the church on this year. Violin - Piano - Voice Friday evening, October 1. The Women's Association witt begin On Saturday, October 2, the Wo- the fall and winter programs by an all man's Bible Class will have a baked day sewing meeting Friday, October I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ham supper from 5 to 7 P. M. 8, beginning at 10.00 A. M. at the I~ The regular meeting of the Senior Church. Luncheon is to be served at . h L '11 b h Id Mon For New Subscribers Ouly Epwort eague WI e e on - I P. M. Devotions will be conducted day, October 4, at the home of Mrs. by Mrs. David Braun and a reading Ameriean Girl ........... 8 Jll05. $1.00 C. F. Carter, of Park avenue, at w,'11 be g,·ven by Mrs. Roland L. Eaton. AmerIcanMonthlY Mercury ••••••• •••••• 65 JllOS. 00 Atlantic J]lOS. 1 ..00 P. M. All women of the church and congreNation ................. 34 wkS. 2.Oft Wednesday, October be gatl'on are heartily invited. Nature .. •••••• •• .. ···z·50mksos. . f 6,h there L d' will , A'd N0Ws Week ••••..•••••••• w. ~.g: . the regular meetmg 0 t e a tes 1 The Estuesti Club of high school Parents Magazine ........ 8 mos. 1.00 Society I h h d Scribners ............... 6 mos. 1.00 • young people in t te c urc an. c~ngreTra"Vel •••.•••••••••••••• 6 mos. I.OG Thursday, October 7, a South Dis- gation wi!1 meet Sunday evenmg III the triet meeting will be held at St. Mat- Pat ish House from 6 to 7.30. Subscriptions for AU Maga:dnes thews' Church, Philadelphia. Rev. AIThe Girls' Choir under the direction Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman bert Day of the Mo'Unt Vernon Place of Mrs. J. H. Hornaday will resume 313 Dartmouth Avenue Church Baltimore, Md., will be the weekly rehearsals on Sunday, October Tel: Sw. 2080 SUNDAY New-ART CRAFt' MINTS Our Famous Chocolate Straws ami Other Excellent Candies Mail and Phone Orders Filled - - Swarthmore 2149 or 956 speake:, meeting witt last League aU day and closeThe with an Epworth MITRO AND SONS SONIA. HENlE-TYRONE POWERIn ArthUr Treaeher-Joan Davis 81g Rumann-Allan Hale Leah Ray 440 Home Baked Products "YOU CAN'T HAVE EVERYTHING" Something ••• BA'ITERY THE BEST SWARTHMORE CANDY SHOP My Dear Editor:: You would grea.tly honor me if you would announce through your valued newspaper that :'the undersigned is greatly indebted to the electors of Delawarc County, including the City of Chester, for'the loyal, splendid support given me and my colleagues on the Bench on both the Republican and the Democratic tickets on Tuesday. September 14, 1937, commonly known a~ the Primaries. It is my earnest wish that such loyal support may be conHnued, together with the support of those who may register to qualify for the November election, provision for which will be made by our County Commissioners from time to time, and if aSs'Ured that the same high standard of ncn-partisan judicial conduct will be maintained in the future as has been our desire to establish in the past, to the end that equal justice will be done to all, ir· respective of race. color and creed. May I thank you too and your staff for the fair and impartial manner in which you presented valuable information to the voters for their guidance and sober judgment. Sincerely, A. D. MacDADE. GOWN SHOP ••• DRYDEN News Ji:tbtor • • •• Keystone Setter and Pointer Club of was a winner in The Open All Age Pennsylvania", held at Laureldale, Pa., Stakes, 26 dogs competing. 011 SelJtember 2S and 26. "Shenandoah r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!iI Misstcl)", one of Mr. Brown's entries, was given special mention in the Shooting Dog Stake in which 16 dogs \JetIlnnen' CI....,. in Bhytlun, coml)eted. This stake was won by Si.ht Sinp... and Rudiments I Tipts Manhattan Rap", owned and of MUlIie. SmaU Group. handled by Dr. Carl Williams, of GerMr. Brown's young pointer "Tunlaw Charlie" ran in the Junior Derby, but was not placed in a field of Dorothy Paul starters. "Morning Glory Farms Bobby Be517 Elm Avenne vans", a five year old pointer from the Telephone Swarthmore 350M kennels of Mr. Brown's brother, Charles R. Brown, of Wyoming, Del., MUSIC . .11l1li_ YOU CAN AVOID THIS This Season is JUST Exquisite , THE CHUM PUBLISBBD BVBBY FRIDAY AT ••• OUR SMART MILLINERY OCTOBm ALONG THE SW'ARTBMOREAN N 3 THE SW'ARTBMOREAN 1937 PRESENT B. DAY.LUXURY AT VERY LlTfLE COST OF DBTROIT,.M1CBIGAN Member of the Board of J.ee1;areship of the Mother Cburcll The f'lrst Church of christ. Scientist. in Boston, M,ssubuse&ts .. ; Sics S ,..... Kcillllu.... eel HIs 0rtMatr0 a"saell eno.·. Judr,_ood-'~- 'a.. . ".,.0••"••- _ " ' ..... w... .Pa ',.. The Medta Laundry saves your health.. saves YOD time and saves you money. Call Media 174 or stop our delivery truelt driver for any of our seven serriees• IN THE SPRINGFIELD mGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM LEAMY AVE.. SP&IMGFIBLD. DELAWABB CO., PBNN8YLVANI& One moek From Woodland Avenue Station on. MedIa Short LIne FRIDAY EVEMNG, OCTOBER 8th, ImTBODlBT BPIBCOPAL 0B0BCIl 1937 O\anmco J!. AT ':15 O'CLOCK '.l'IIE PUBLIC 18 CORDIALLY IN Vlil5D - cuter. A.B. B.D., sUNDAY D:45 A.IL-Church School. 11:0& A.1I.-KOmInII Wonblp. 7:45 P.IL-Bvening WCJI'IdIIP. ---MEDIA LAUNDRY Servl... Swarthmore SuuessruUr Sin"" 1900 WHEN FIRE PREVENTION FAILS You're StiU Protected By a Good Policy!! We sell them through: Fire Association of Philadelphia Robert T. Bair, Agent 211 Cornell Ave. Phone Swarth. 211 INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 2 THE SWARTHMOREAN ~~~;-----~~~~I~iS~5~1~)~0~ro~t~h~Y~V~,"~,c~r~y~,;da~U~g~l~It~cr~O~f~~~{r~'~II~l1~c~,~a~l1~d~~~~lr~s~'~A~I~b~e~rt~~T~h~a~t~c~h~er~'~O:I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ married at 8 o'clock last evening, Thurs- the grippe. day, September 30, at a candlelight service * * • ill the Swarthmorc ~tethoc.list Eiliscopal :\1 r. \ViIliam F. Collins, (oTmcrl)' of Church hy the Rc\'. Clarcnce F. Carter, :\Iontclair, N. J., has moved into an rector o( thc church. The hride was gh'en apartmel1t at 304 Park avenue. ~I iss Flor\'l1ce ~(Jrlolt I-karJll', in marriage by her {ather. • I • daughter of tltl' lat~ Dr, Charles S'I :1'h(' hri~lal gown was , lIitchClIt'k. son o( )[r. and small ~~mlltl s.tandlllg lace coHar at the 1" .\ '.( \... .O\'C, 0 " I" I back. 1 hc brule wore a tulle cap and 'I r. a1l( I .1\ rs. 1'1 •~I . . . ' . .... '1 I . 1 .d I Chesh'r road. will hI.' marricd (juictly ~l'l to tie W31st all( carnc a slower Philaddphia, anllounce the hirth o( a ill the preSt'lIcl' or their families at OU~IUCt., ~ I I I ]1'11 daught{'r, Judith, at the ~Iiscricordia Trinity Church. Swarthmore, on ~at- . ~ rs. (.corge ~.l. Kolh, 0 )rexe . I , Hospital 011 Septemher 22. "trs. Lo\'c unla\.¥ afll'rllll(lll, Octolll'r 2, at "' sister of th.e hrulegrool11, was matrolliot is tht, daug-h1cr of the late Bwarthmorc , I 'I I' I I (' honor \\'l',-lfIng Ill'acock hlue crushed ve vet 01 .'1",1 >1 C, () l' 0('';: . H' \l"" . , . an • 1 ~I vcr at'ccssones. :\llss '.t IeI Jcanctta " .. , 1.'1\ .Ul'lI I e , wit redtlr of the dlUrt'il. Will Jll'rform till' I \' OIlIlA',O 'I 11'I a( e IIUiI, eOIlSIll 0 t lC IIft{ e, Snydcr, of V;:llc aVl'IIUl'. llll \\'on:hurnisiledguld crushed ydvct with gold • • • cef{'lIl y, ~Ii:o;:o; Ill-anI(' .will 1Jl' gin'" in llIar- arce.;sories. Both attendants carril'tl largc Mr. ;:IIHI !\Irs. Charles \Vl'stJcr, of riagt' hy hl'r hnlthl'r. }.ir. Charks S. ydlow dlrysanthl'ltlluns with falllea\'cs, Philiuk'lphia, arc heing C(lllgratulatt'd } h'artll'. of ),Iapll.· :\\'elltll'. SIlt' will Virginia Kolb, neicc of the groom, was upon the hirth of a daughter, M;trian, han' liP altt'lulallb. nower girl wearing floor length old 011 Septemher 17. ~lr. \Vestler is )'Ir. Donald B. Churchman, o( Mor- fashiollcd child's c\'t'ning dress with high "l'h;uli("', managt'r of tilt· fruit dctOil, will ad ,IS best mall for ~lr. waist. and pufT sle\'e:,. The canary yellow partllIellt of ~tartl'l Brotht'rs, SwarthIlitchcock. =lJ;;:t~~=iJ:::;;:::;;:::;;= College, Lewiston, :\Il·. ~Iiss HutchiTaylor, of Swarthmore, and the mhers SOil will he a freshman this year. John ~Iark Robinson, Preston Roche, * * * PROSPECT PARK Richard Po~1, of Swarthmore, and ~Iiss ~1arjorie Mellen, daughter of CIIESTER PIKE Thumas B. Taylor, of ~ew York. '1'he }.Ir. alHI }.trs. \V. \\T. ).[cllen, of North senior ladil's, ~frs. R.ohinson ami ~[rs. Clu'ster road, is going to the Moore Now Playing Tador arc to \\'t'ar old-fashiolled hro- IIl~titl1te, Philadelphia, this (all. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY caeil.' dresses, the (lne gray and the * * * ntl1l'r garnet. OIlC of them having he:\1 rs. \Villiam S. Canning. who relonged to a great grandmother. ('t'utly underwent an operation in the The young penpk will make their 1 Clwskr Hospital, has recovered sufiihome ill an old :.tOlll' farm-house ncar cit'ntly to rdurn to her homc 011 OgCoatl'svilh', Pa., where ~lr. Taylor is dell a\'elllle. * * * l'llIpltl)Taked day sewing ,neeting Friday, October ham supper from 5 to 7 P. 11. 8, beginning at 10.00 A. AI. at the The regular meeting of the Senior Church. Luncheon is to hc served at J':[lworth League will be held on Mon- 1 P. ~,1. Devotions will be conducted I day, October 4, at the home of ~:lrs, hy ~[rs. David Rraun and a reading I C, F. Carter. of Park avellue, at 7 :30 wilt be given by ),[ rs. Roland L. Eaton. All womcn o( the church and congreP. M. \Vetlnesday, October 6, there will be gation arc heartily invited. the regular mecting of the Ladies' Aid The Estllcsti Club of high school young pcople ill the church anu C011grcSociety. Thursday, October 7, a Sonth Dis- gat ion will meet SUllday evening in the trict meeting will hc hcld at St. 'Mat- Parish House frolll 6 to 7.30. The Girls' Choir under the direction thews Church, Philadelphia. Rev, AIhert Day of the ).[O'Ullt Vernon Place of )'Irs. J. H. Hornaday will resume Church, Baltimore, Md., will he the weekly rehearsals 011 Sunday, October speaker. The meeting will last all day and close 'with an Epworth League CHURCH N CAMILLA FAIRBANKS T f!tl(:"a "j PiWIO ami h'uli" l'cm:"er 313 !'AIIK AVENUE ~11I~cc~t~in~g'~=====:==-==IMother Dear!the High School EWS Be sure to bring Dad Formerly sold at MARTEL BROTHERS Shirer Building Our Famous CI .....olale Slraws an" Oth.'r EXt'ellent Cantlie. Mail and Phone Orders FiII"d - Swarthmore 2149 or 956 A, D, MacDADE, RUSSELL'S Virt$tont SERVICE DARTMOUTH & LAFAYETIE AVES. Sonwtl,illg Nt'IV-ART CRAFf lllNTS The annual Homccoming Service will he held on Sunday, October 3. Every memher of the Church and all who attend are asked to be prescnt at either the 8 A. M. or 11 A. ~l. service. "Home Comin", Day" has hccome a tradition in Trinity Parish and it is hoped that this year the older children in the Sunday School will come with their parents to the 11 o'clock service. The rcgular monthly mceting of the I •• \Voman's Guild will be held next WedChristian Science Churl3h nesday afternoon at 2 :30 P. 1\1. at the J. Paul Brown's Dogs Compete Parish House. "Unrealitv" is the subject of the in Fieltl Trial The final payments for the United Lesson-Sermon in all Churchcs of 'fhank Offering should be madc by 'fwo of the pointers owned by J. Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, October )[onday morning to ~Irs. Louis \V. Paul Brown. of \"alnut lane. com· 3, King, 29 College avenue. peted in the annual fie1d trials of the Vi rt$'ont MARKET AND BAKE 1\lcthodist Socinl lIall, Park Avennc Zeekwer-Hahn Pbila. Musical Academy 69th St. Branch 44 KENTltOAD UPPER DARBY on Sale 3 to 7 P. 1\1. BAKED HAM SUPI'ER-5 to 7 o'clock 2 Evcning!oj Elich WI~ck - ()cl()b(~r to A.,riJ, Inclush·c Swarthmore Higb School R('gistralinn is 10 be Madc in Pcrson, Tllcsduy E,'ening, October 5, Dct1\'ccn 7 - 8 o'clu('k LUCIUS COLE, Director Violin - Piano - Voice For New Suhscrihers Only American GIrI ........... 8 mos. $1.00 American Mercury ••.... 6 mos. 1.00 Atlantic Monthly ••••... 5 mos. 1.011 Nation ..•• , •......•.••. 3<1 wks. 2.00 Nature .......•.•.•••••.• 5 mos. 1.01) News Week ............ 20 wks. 1.00 Parents l\lagazine .••..•.. 8 mos. 1.00 Scribners . , .. , .......... 6 mos. 1.00 Travel .... , .....•.•...•. 6 plOS. 1.00 Subscriptions for All Magazines Mrs. Lloyd E. Kuuffman 313 Dartmonth Al'cnue Tel: Sw. 2080 KIMMEL & SON "BE CAREFUL! MAKE FIRE PREVENTION A HABIT!" "Be CareJIll! Itlake Fire I~revelilimi a llab;t" SWARTHMORE GARAGE Louis F. Pierce, Proprietor Day amI Night Storage Expert l\fechanic Service . Sinclair Gasoline and Lubricating Oils Washmg - Lubrication - Battery and Tire Service OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT 401 Dartmouth Ave. Swarth. 411 CAPRIOTTY'S FUEL OIL No.2, 3 and 4 Wilh Building Cosls and the Pri"e of Materials Increasing Your Insurance Retlnircmenls Should he Carefully Checked 6 Cents per Gallon Witllollt Oblig,,'illg Yo" ill Ally W"y We Sh"ll Be CI"" to iU(Ike " Survey Call Swarthmore 1800 EDWARD L. NOYES SATURDAY. OCTOBEIt 2 Cakes, Pies, Candy, Jams, Relishes Shop ami Handicraft Activities Typewriting und Shorthand ,~~=~I':I:a~tl~c:r~,~2~5~c:~D~c~s:cr:l~E:x~'r:n:,,==~:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ CENERAL INSURANCE Swarthmore 114 13 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD preach. Tony Martin FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST OF SWARTH~IORE, I'A. Ruhinoff and His Violin ANNOUNCES A THE RELIOIOUB SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY 9:45 A. M._Flrst Day School. 9:45 A. M.-Adult Class. 11 :00 A. M,-Meetlng for Won;hlp In the Meeting House. WEDNESDAY 9:30 A. M. to 3:30 P. M.-sewlnB a.nd FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE quilting In Whlttter House. All are cordially invIted_ BY STARTING FRIDAY 10:00 A. M.-Bunday School. 11:00 A. M.-8unday Les6on-Serlnon. Wednesday evening meeting each week. 8 Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church p. m. Reading room open dally, eKcept ~~~ days and holida.ys 1 to 4 P. !.L. Chunou OOW~ th All are cordially invlted to attend e IN THE SPRINGFIELD HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Spull'lIe, Russen Pa".no",', -p.rson,ltu·· Judy. Anne and Z.... Corne IosweU Directed by RoouI Wolsh A Paraounl PidurI LEAMY AVE., SPRINGFIELD. DELA.WARE CO., PENNSYLVANIA. One Block From Woodland Avenue Station on Media Short Line services and USB the Reading ROODL METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHUBCH FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 8th, 1937 Clarence F. Carter, A.B.• B.D.• MlDlster SUNDAY AT 8:15 O'CLOCK THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED luncheon. OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue below Harvard. OF DETROIT•. MICHIGAN And... 1C0"elolllll:l. ond His Orckslra BoX FIRST CHURCH OF ClIlUST, SCIENTIST. Mr. William DUllcan Kilpatrick, C. S. B. The First Church of Christ. Scientist. in Boston, Massachusetts DALLAS" I }'ly Dcar Editor: You wOllld greatly honor me ir you would alllloUlln' throug-h your valued lIl'wspaper t ha1 the ulHit-rsigned is ~reatly indehted to the electors of Delaware Coullty, including the City of Chesler, for the loyal, splendid support gh'ell lIle ami my C(Jlleagucs 011 the Belich on hoth the Repuhlican and the DCllwcratic tickets Ull Tuesday, Septcmher 1-1-, P)37. commonly known a:. the Primaries. It is m)' earnest wish that such loyal support may be continued, together with the support of those who Illay register to (Jualify for the l\o\'ember election, provision for which will be made hr our Coullty COlllmissioners (rom time to time, a1l(1 if assured that the same high stanuard of non-partisan judicial conduct will he maintaincd in the future as has been our desire to estab1ish in the past, to the end that eCllial justice will be done to all, irrespective of race, color anu creed. May I thank you too and your staff for the fair and impartial manner in which you presented valuable information to the voters for their guidance and sober judgment. Sincerely, Cllas. Winninger STANLEY Theatre Chester Dorothy Paul Tlwuks Voters MITRO AND SONS "YOU CAN'T HAVE EVERYTHING" I Phone SwarUtmore 900 Entered as Seeond Class Matter, January 24~ I 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore, Pa•• I under the Aca of March 3. Un9. I Don Ameehe Ritz Bros. Alice Faye ur ROSALIE DRYDEN -MANOR- l\'IEDIA MUSIC l'ETER E. TOLD Edilor f I Keystone Setter and Pointer Club of was a WlIllIl'r ill 'rhe Open All Age Pellllsyh'ania". heM ilt Laureldale, PiI., Stilkl'S, 26 dogs COIIIl'ding. 011 St'ptt'ml~er 2S and 2ft. "ShcnalldoD I Miss Ann Orr is teaching English in went a couple of operations for an and bruises sustained Thursday of last Landon, Mrs. Robert A. Sheppard, the senior high school at Royersford, infected jaw. • week in Philadelphia, when she lell on Mrs. Joseph B. Pope, Mrs. Lyle A. Pa. this £all. • • • steps while shopping. Whitsit, Mrs. William R. Argyle. • • • Mrs. A. P. Willis, of Columbia ave• • • • • • Miss Elizabeth Schobinger, of n'Ue, entertained at- a dessert bridge Mr. and Mrs. Paul Genther are Tommy Marshall, of Lincoln avenue, Swarthmore avenue, has returned to on Friday, September 24, to itipying tlte former Allders':>l1 apartment broke his nose· at school on Tuesday, \Vheaton Col1ege, Norton, Mass., which Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan, of in the Elm Apartments 011 Park ave· September 28. opened last Thursday. Miss Schobin- ' Chester road. Her guests were: nue. Mrs. Genther is the dau&i!tcr of • • * ger, who is a senior, social chairman Frank Fitts, of Locust Knoll C II ege, president of the. Art Mr. and Mrs. Ed • war d More Ian d , 0 £ Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hayes, of 0 f the o Mrs. David M. Hunt, of Nar~ Swarthmore avenue, have been enter~ Cl b d h d I . k . . . J I ester. e ore us marnage 111 U Y u ,an ea 0 SWimming, went bac berth; Mrs. J. Paul Brown, Mrs. Peter £ I B Ch Mr. Genther's home was in Villanova. taining as their house guests, a week early in order to attend the E. Told, Mrs. Charles Fischer and .. * * Hayes' mother. Mrs. Rutherford D h ean'souse party for organization Mrs. H. W. Newnam, of Swarthmore. Virginia M. \VitSOI1, of Ogden ave- I-layes, of Clearwater, Fla., and his heads which was held in New Hamp• • • nue, is observing her thirteenth birth- brother's wife, Mrs. Birchard Hayes, shire. Mrs. Barney Anley, of Woking, Engday today. She will entertain fourteen of Chicago, Ill. • * • land, and Mrs. George Taber Ashton, When you can't attend that out-U:o>lain('d Thurs(lav of la!-t Landoll, ),1 rs. Rohert A, Shel)()ard, week in Philmlelphia. Wlll.'11 shoe fdl 011 "Irs. Joseph B. Pope, Mrs. Lyle A. stcps while shopping. \Vhitsit. Airs. 'VilJiam H., Argyle. NEWS NOTES p to the Slrath Haven hll\ after spend-I the Alpines. Shc has made trips to th: illg tht' SUIUIII<-'f in Ocean City, N.]. Swiss Alps and to Japan to collc,:t * • • :sJlccimclIs. Shc will address clubs Oll Mr. ami ~lrs. George EIIJ(wilicr arc ~.ardcllillg while ill this country. ~I'clldillg S(lUle time at thc Strath lIaMrs. Ashton has musical intcre~t'i 111 \'CII ]1111 while en route from Ocean the \Vest. City, N. J., to their winter home at Clermont, Fla. Engleltu" where she spellt the summer \'isilillg friends. is scheduled to arrive hldilY ahoard the S. S. New York. Miss Latimer madc a trip through France and Germany whilc ahroad. * * * ••• ~Irs. A. V. B. Orr Tl'turned Monday evening to her home 011 Mt. Hoi okc plat'c after a two wecks' visit t : relativl's in her former home towlIS, Elizabet~l City and E~lentol1, ~. M ISS ~nn ~rr IS teachmg Lngltsh 111 the Sl'JlIOr lugh school at I{oycrsford. Pa. this fall. 1\1 To H. C. Barnes, o[ Park avenue, has returned to his home aftcr having spent the l)3st two weeks in thc Presbyterian Hospital. Mr. Barnes underwent .. couple of operations for an infl.:'ctl·d jaw. C:. . . * * • • •• • •• Cc-H,!'catufatic-uJ I When you r.an't attend that out,of, town wedding, birthday party or other occasion, a telephone call from you will be greatly appreciated, let your own voice express your good wishes! Rates on all calls of 42 miles or more aTe reduced every night alter 7 and All Day Sunday, THE BelL TElEPHONE COM.PANY OF PENNSYLVANIA nDn~ *.. ... I -_ fOR HEnlTH *** • •• • • * has returned )'l rs. E. A, Stockton I " ?: ~I ~hi~~~ ~lli~~er~l-,- o~ cfPure BROUGHT TO YOUR HOME BY THE PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER CO. i ,\'cek"s ,,~~~~~~~W~AN~T~E~D~~~~~~~i(jugAttOIJlastscore was regular 111ect-. turned inclub by Edwin' . ilml ).Ir, Henry j. llallzhk ~ Corlle~I, Boh. SOli, ~wo 1llU1~ths Vcry Iof :l\'CIlU,C, spent I- rance. Gl'l" Co1c-1 ahroad VISltlllg: blg.land, mall and E. H.. l..innard. Numher three, mally, Czechushwakla. alltl Italy. l.ater position was a draw hetween )(rs. \Val-! they joined ~Irs. Hanzlik at I~l'iloholh: ter R. ~hoel1lakl'r and her partner, Beach, wlll're Ih . .,y st;:\Y~'d ulltll Lalwr I Bayard II. 11orrison, and ~frs. Ilartl-I D a y . . . wel1 Lincoln and her pari ncr. Andrew I • ~t rs. Hanzl,lk spent t~ll' summer. 1111 F. Rohinsoll_ I :'\ew Hampslllrc and "lal11e. later gOI1lJ..{ I I • ito l{dlOilolh Beach. Adult Dancing Grou .. Fornling 1 Henry Hanzlik, Jr., lw'i rctuTlwd to I the University of ~1.lrybl1d, whl"re he ).[r5. E. C. Lappe's idea of forming a1 is ,n:rking for his :\la~lcr's dl"grl'c . dancing class for local married couples 1 *' • * has beel) cordially reccived, COUl,lcs whO! ))r. and ~lrs. J. lL I{oxhy and famwish to brush up on their ballroom Icchniqlle il", of Corm·n avenllc. reccntly reand learn the new steps will now havc an~.~tlrncd from OCC.III City. N. J .. wlll'rcopportunity to get togethcr for an hour's '. '.hey had an apartment for the Sl1l11lesson followed by a social hour putting mer. nOAnDING~Convalcscent. Aged. Inval1d. into I,ractice what thc\! have learned. John B,vers Roxhy. Jr.. who was dU-1 ChroniC. 24 llour nurse's service. Porches. .1 9~? acres ~round, Telephone Media. '19. The class will be taught by 1\Irs. A. i iug post graduate work at 'Vl'sleyan LOST P. 'Vhitakcr at hcr new studio, 104 Elm Univcrsity last year has t'ntered TemLOST-Orange and whIte kitten, partly avcnue. Owing to li!"l1i~ed space. cnroll-ip1e LTni,'crsity ~'cdical School. * * * Angora. Six months old. Reward. Tele- ment nrnst he kept wtthlll a certam num- I ~ne Swarthmore 14!:,W. her. Final arrangements as to time of: ~I r, and ~1 rs. ~I alc\llm H. :Merrill I I FI'om ROSE I ~!~~AI~~~o~I1ts~~~N::or~g~~~n5%)~ ~;~~ti~:7o~::v(:;I~~ ~~:vb~~~r~I~~~pT~;~r~~~ 1 Mrs. Lappe or I .. Tuxes $137.50. Eight rooms. Slone, information telephone frume. Large lot 100x180. ~Irs. \Vhitakcr. WM. S. BITTLE III J h S Notary I I'III 811!II' i ~d U -~ BU18 u~ ~ ~il ~d~ ~ 'Upa 9 ~, " , ' Norwoo(I R epuII' ) Icon Women H ere I wart more • Public - Insurance - Real Estate "OR RENT 1 l\lodern English home with newly decorOn Tues(Iay, S ~ eptemIler 28, 'I . .\ rs. i \1 cx- I , ated interior, 4 bedrms., 3 baths, oU beat, ander Ewing, of Dartmonth avenue, entergarage, Beautiful lawns and gardens. $100 i tained at her home The \Von1en's Rt'In1bli[or immediate occuttancy. I '. i 2. Il-rm. home in Rutledge. Sleam heat'iean Club of Norwood, of winch she has, 3, :1~' HIlI. Available Nov. 1. Fine location. I beel~ preside.nt for several y.cars. 1>.: rs,: 5100, 4 bedrrn., 2~bath home with oU Arhngton Iwans. of IIaycrtorcl, ,'ICCbeat. Garage. Fruit trees. chairman oi the RCJluhlican COHnty Com-, ROBERT T. BAIR. Bonded Realtor 'miltcc rcported 011 the counly committee: 211 Cornell Ave. Phone Swarth. 211. , I meeting held recently at l.ansdowne when I ex-Senator Hastings, of Dclaware, spoke, Check Your Fire Insurance and also on last week's .:;tatc committee: During ~ meeting at Altoona al which Senator I FIRE PREVENTION WEEK 'llridges, of Ncw Hampshire. ga\'c the keynotc address. )'lrs J. Passmore Cheyney I ! discussed the five amendments which willi he vrescntcd to Pennsylvania voters at All Kill/Is of Fire lnsllrance the Novemher election, I HStOl) in (or Your Free School in Rose Valley Bnilds Inventory Booklet" Addition THE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY i The School in Rose Valley opened '., f I' S I I ,• . . . . . . . . . . .a ••••• Ij 20, Its scsslOn or t liS year on • cp cm ler with hl'l wccn fifty and sixty pupils OUR STRICT SANITARY SERVICE Iattending. Localc~1 wcH, hack from SA}o'EGUARDS OUR CLIENTELE UOSl' Valley road III )'ledta, the school Il~nv has two ~deqlla~e huildings: 'rhe J hlg- ('vcnt of thiS year s calelltlar is the TOllsorial Service completion of an addition h~ :'thc I CHESTER ROAD Chip", nnc of the classrooIll h~lI"dlllg~. Built entirciy through the unl1rlllg hnallcial and- physical dforts of the part'nis. there is now a fine room for dramalics and lan~cr spacc for the grnwing kindergartcn. Emphasis has Electrical Contractor heell placed throughout the school on raw material and its fashioning" intn Telephone Swarthmore 58 !'ollldhin~ u"dul and heautiful rather V ALLEY ACRES $12,900 Drive Out To Rose Valley Acres Go ont BaUimo:re Pike to !l[edla. Two blocks west of !\Iedis Inn (at the sign uTo Bose Valley") turn south on &180chester Road. crossInK Penna. R. B. Bridgoe, At Woodward Ave. cross trolley tracks, bearing right at the triangle. torn right Just beyond Into llldIey Creek Road; at next fork go straight ahead on Rose Valley Road Into the property. « Visit the Furnished Sample House, where you will find 0\11' representative, or •••• blaze lands a knockout blow, protect yourself with adequate Fire Insurance. • of In Rose Valley Acres you wUl find the ultimate in fine Uvlng at modest cost. 'There are five homes now completed, one of the~e built on a large comer lot, with three bedrooms. two tile baths and basement recreation rooMt Is priced at only BEFO RE a serious •• the Height You command an extenfilve view of the beautifully wooded Delaware Valley. The air Is clear and fresh. for you Bre far away and high above the source of any sDloke or polluUon. Your lot Is expansive, on high ground sloping gently to the South; even the smallest lot Is nearly " of an acre. Your home Is thoughtfully planned for every convenience and comfort. and DS carefully and soundly constructed BB though you bullt It yourself. . I ADOI PH'S Sules GRAPES Colafemina Vineyard Nextlo Ihe B an k ~APIIIOTTY~S r c 23 S. Chester Roall CORsuit Your Broker A Close-up of ot Hartford. Conn, writes all torms ot Fire and Marine Insurance. Credit PETER E. TOLD 417 Dartmouth Ave. Swarthmore 1833 A. Wayne Mosteller You just can't fool Mrs. Fussbudget! Here's her Ferdie covered with dirt and grime after wrestling with the old heating system. Does she sympathizei! Not much. But she does advise him to put in gas house heat. And all the time, he's worried about the cost. Actually, it's cheaper than he ••• and probably you ••• think. Automatic controls keep down the cost! Let us make a careful survey and estimate what it wi II cost you to heat your home. Choice of Janitrol, Bryant or Welsbach Conversion Bumers-$195 cash for each installed. Slightly higher on budget planthree years to pay, Ask us about our convenient monthly budget plan on operating a heater ..• and our low combination gas rate! At Our' Suburban Stores, or See Your Plumber or Heating Contractor PHilADELPHIA EIEETRIE lamPADV YE "11111111111'1111111' I Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER Swarthmore 19 I 1 JOHN SPENCBR, INC. I MRS, A. J, QUINBY & SON PRINTERS PHOTO-LITHOGRAPHERS BOOKBINDERS JOSEPH E. QUINBY FUNERAL DIRECTORS nELL PHONE 4 MEDIA, pA. RALPH DONATO GENERAL WORK Itllbbish and Ashes Remove«1 Prices Reasonable ! 8th STREET NEAR SPROUL. CHESTER. PA. Estimates Furnished I Phone 1538 L.________________________________________________________________.1 MILMONT AVE. Swa~hrnore Phone Swarthmore 1800 Ogl1n-f~uit.! '1' M.PARKER Let llS n'veal some facls ahout your Automobile luhrication Ihat arc very imporlant. \\'hy do you lei three or fonr luhrication pcriods he answcred by one; \\ hill' therc- is no t'XCllse for your automobile having largc repair hills; why art' you lislcning to incompl'tent ailVl'rtisements about ser\'ICl11g your ear; .it) you kllow that impropt'T Inhrication (Ioes not appcar at once and is oftl'1l not traceahle din·ctly 10 your eyes for somc timc; do you know that lullriealing" tll(' :tull)III(IIJilt' right i:-. hasl"! (1Il !"tound mechanical principles and repair ... 1\"11 j"h,,_ (~a'(llil1t, .... tatioll (or t:alll'd :<;IT\'icc station) pcrsonnel are IlI,t IIll'chanirally lraim.'t1 anti Ihey do not know the elliciency of a gn'asing joh, hut thcy want til Sl'1I you vat-iolls kinds of merchandise instead of sen,icing your car. For ilhtanct' thcn' arc mally kinds of luhricants -light a11<1 heavy; some arc watn soluhle. SOIll(' an water repelll'nt, some arc smooth and some arc ropy, :;()I1Il' han' a high mdtillg point, some medium mdting point, some arc naturally Iluid and SIIIlle arc scmilluid, etc, "'hy not let our mechanics service your car, they han tht' ahility to adjust and tighten all llecessary paris which is indmkd \\ ith (11Ir service, Our shop is equipped with all facilitics to service any make antullIohill-. 'Ve..- also sdl good grade Blue Flash Gasoline-70 to 72 octane. Luhricating oil of all grade:--. Rl'lail al)(l '''holcsale, ~~~:c~~. r I MORTON., PA. b~ ;)~):g;l~TI:~(~- allr. and Mrs. 'ranels Harper amd returne d t Ilis week to their home 'III left for California. The v excl,ec! !o I,c ,'clehratinn of the 0l1l11i,'ersap-". > * * * I falllily. of South Chester road, all J ~Iiriam Uarncs and H.ichanl Barnes,l )'Ir. illld '\lrs. Alhan Rogers and daugh- Gt!rmantowll aftcr spcnding the sum- gene three wceks, childrl"ll of ~I r. ;111<1 ).[rs. Clarencc Barncs of I ter, Priscilla. of Park avenue, spent IIll"r in the Magill road home of Dr. Mrs. Aliley is the cousin of the AshJliJlhorn avcnlle, ha\·crcturlU.."dto Friends'!la:-.t wcek end at Spray Beach, N. j. and Mrs. Thomas (-I. Johnson. Dr. and tons, and is the wifl' of Brigadier GenCcntral School. * * • Mrs. Johnson relurn 10 Swarthmore t-ral Allie)" retired from thc British * * * )'Ir. and ~'rs. C. Hurst Paul and two today, th.: former from a lIorthcrn cx- Army. ~Ir. and ~trs. Kcnneth Sadler and Soil, children. Joanna and Patricia, (orm- peditioll and :1\[r5. Johllson from their Mrs. Anlcy h:15 made a scientific Ridmrd, h;1\'e returned to 311 Park avc-ll'rly of \Va~;llington, D. C., arc Ol:CU· Sl1lllnH'r home at Dcnmark, ~I e. study of plant ami Iree life, especially lIue, ~!r. a!ld )'Irs. L:lIlgdoll, forlllerly of I pying the home of }.Ir. and Mrs. J. * * * Atl;lI1tlC City. N. J .. have ~llso taken an1 Russell IIH\"es on Elm .avenue. .Mr. Dr. alld Mrs. George L. Armitagl',; alJartlllellt at .311 Park a\'enul', and .:\11'·1 Piltll is a ~ memher of thc editorial 'of South Chester road. attended the .11111 .~Ir~. VlIlccnt Gallagher, formerly I statr (If the Philadelphia Imluircr, Allentown Fair on 'Vl'dncsday of last or \\ a!'ollln~lot1, D. C. I The Havcs will leave their summer \vcek. * * * I' CI I I 'Jf hum . .' at Embrceville J in a month or so , ~[r. Robcrt T. Bair, of Cornell ave.\'I r. 0111(1 .\'I rs. \\' a Iter... cve all(, Park a\'(,IIIII". arc ~lJel1dil1g a week dsit- to spcnd Ihe winter in Florida. attended the nalional convention * ~frs, • * J. H.. Kline, 0 I ,1Oe. ing ill New York and Larchmont, N. Y.. of the American Ll'gitln in New York Profcs:;or and he Iore Iea ving- for I 'aim lkac I1 and :'Il iann, Rinrview road. rcturned Tuesday, af- City on Tuesdav anti \\\'clsnesdav of Fla. where the)' will * "*slIl'\l<1 * the winter. ter spending thc SlIlllmer at their cot- last week. Cadet N,clle l1osshardt, of Park avenue, tage at Center l-Iarhor. N. H. Mr ...nd )'Irs. John N. Bates and 1 will return lIext Tlle~da\' aboard the , ~. * * * daughter, Sally Virginia. of \Vestdale ~ I I SI' \ I' 'afl II rcc 1{lchard Smllh, son of Mr. and )'lrs. • 1(' 100 lip I II11al10 IS , er a l e S 'I I I' I ' 'k month cruisc 10 Europe. His graduation is ClaLUIl' ' . !Illt I, 0 ,a tunore P! l', .avenue, havc just return cd to Swarthschcdul('d for ~Iar of 1938. has entercd Swarthmore Collc,?e. Rlch- ,more aftl'r having Spcllt the SUI1\1IIl'r * • * ani returlll'd J tlly 22 from SWitzerland. ~nonths at their summer home "Shore-, nohert Foster, of Buckhannon, 'V. where hc had spl'lIl a year studying ham". Long Island. N. y, Va., spcnt last ~[ollda\' eVl'ning with ,Frellch in La Chataigneraie. ncar Gcn* * * Mr. and :'Ilr5. Clarclu'c- E. Cartl'r and ('\'a, lit' spcnt the winter holidays 1I.-lrs. john \\!imler, of Stratll Haven 1 {amily. of Park a\'Cl1lll'. )'fr. Fostcr skiing al ~Iorgins, a winter resort in Inn. is in the Univcrsity Hospital rewas 011 his wav 10 Yale Univcrsitv, I thc Alps; the Easter vacation travel- 'clIperating nicely after an operation where he i<; a student. ~ illg in Italy, and enjoyed a ten-day stay ,performed thrcl' weeks a~o. Mrs. \Vin* * * ill Paris hefore returning home. cler wcnt to the Hospital from Old Colonel Charles ..\. DraWl. of \Yash* * * Point Comfort. Va" where she spends iugton, I), C.• for:l1crl.\' of Swarthmore, h~ogcr K.lte lIC I1 . ' thl're arc "Irs. Iloward Erskine and ~lr~.illul·. was hostess to the first fall tncctthree rooms with bath. on .,'" ,'cl,",I'II",1 'llJlld.y seven .gradcs al till: ' Ige c Iu)I to w IIIC 'I1 Sit' I Ilet Allsecond floor i T lephone SWBrth-I' ' ''- lor Il,e ."'e",,,1 , \. . scllllol . and each Ih atllnont I' ellnl' II " I I'.ronXVl'II" e. l":. Y .. " I II1g 0 f a I ,n( Ilca . 182. conven ences. e I four II I '[' lIes(Iay 0 f l'ac II mOil II I group IS. pl'lIl1)ed With ' '1 Inrtll'uhr stlh . more all( I Ill' • • .. " - Idt Satllrda,' after a sl'n'ral d.IYs· visit 1' longs on ",('dnl'sdav afteTilOon. ,,'OR RENT-Large bedroom, furnished or I fwm Septl'mher tn 1farch, Jl,(·t of study for thc yt"H. ;\ school hus . unfurnished. semi-prIvate bath. Near I Inforlll'ltioll "IS to Cluh ducs can hc calls for and rcturns childn'lI to tlwir (·ollege. Woman. Telephone Swarthmore 64. •• , " • I . , , CONCORD FOR RENT-Comfortable room for lady.: ohlained by tc1ephoning Ur. John A. honws from n~:"~.Y all( \';mt'~1 IHl1l1h III furnished. or unfurnished. Conveniently "Iurph ..... Swarlhmore 519. the county. 'lsllors an' wl"lcoll1ed at located Home prlvUeges. Reasonable. . F'. l{ohmson ' Ie(I a team 01 .1"'"_ .I'""" ,I,'r'",,, Il,e •,,'1'0,1 ."~-,'",, phone Swarthmore 1~1. evenings. or Telewrite Andrcw . t""o. ( ... l . ., , RIPENED ON THE VINES Uo~ S, The swart;t_~orean. twelve players against the Upper ~\'IHCh If ~rom eight forty-fi\'~ to, two FOil SALE i Darhy 1'e:l1l1 in the first match of thc wrty-fi\'~ III the ar!e~1I0(l1l .. ~~ ISS Gran' I ~'OR SALE-Pair of football shoes. Size 8~2'1 seasoll in The Delawarc County \Vhist i I~otzcl IS thc g'tlldmg' SPIrit of· the! BETWEEN LIMA AND GRADYVILLE WATCH FOR TUE SIGN 316Dartreouthavenue, TClcPhonCSwBrth-1 Association at Rolling Green on Scp- School. ami also teaches thc SIX and: Or Can Be Obtained at Martel's Store lf~~ =LE-Flre WOOd. kindling and heater temhcr 28, whcn the eight cluhs form- seven year oMs. I I • blocks. S. Crocker, Drexel Hill. Telephone 1 iug thc Association usually inauguratc !\ladlson 183'1-W. I the winter matchcs. II NEWS NOTES OcTOBER I T HE baker, the butcher, and the rest of the merchants are ready to sell to all who can pay for their wares, Likewise, this Bank is ready to grant loans for sound purposes to all who can offer unquestionable evidence of ability to repay. Whether you need funds for business purposes or for.-personal needs, come in and tell our (.officers about your credit requirements. It's our business to grant sound loans to qualified borrowers. SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. Memher of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation THE 6 FRIENDLY CIRCLE OPENS SEASON ANNIE HOWELL KIMBER ocroBm SWARTBMOREAN Counlry Siore Today Jenkins' CruiBer Launched Fresh vegetables and fruits; homemade cakes and candies, delicatessen, and useful articles will be on sale at the Country Store to be held in the Assembly Room of Trinity Church. Swarthmore, today, Friday, October 1. The Woman's Guild will be in charge and the store will be open from 2 until 10 P. M. Howard M. Jenkins' forty-foot cruiser which required years to build was launched Tuesday Essington. The craft which was built Swarthmore College by Mr. Jenkins. associate professor of has been painted white and named the "How-I Else" using a combination of parts of Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins' first names. A motor was used in the boat. The Jer,ki,nsl are residents of Ogden avenue. Annie Howell Kimber, residt"nt of Swarthmore for cleven years, died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. A. H. Events for Coming Year An· Van Alen, Park avenue, last Friday. September 24. She had been in poor nouneed; Needy Caaee Ashealth for some time, but was acutely sisted Rep0rled ill for only two weeks. Mrs. Kimber was born in PhiladelThe first fall meeting of the Friendly phia in 1859. the daughter of John ArCircle was held at the home of Mrs. William J. Moore, on South Swarth- thur and Emily Stockton Howell. both more avenue, Thursday afternoon, Sep- deceased. and spent her early life there. Thursday Night Bridge Club She was educated in private schools, tember 23. News A letter was read thanking the groUI) studied at Mrs. Van Kirk's School for Philadelphia. She for $80 contributed to Camp Sun- Kiudergartcncrs. 'Vith the increased attendance of the shine, Delaware County's Malnutrition married Edward B. Kimber, of PhilaCamp at 'I'hornton. during the past delphia, in 1894. His death occurred new season the Thursday Night Bridge in 1912. Club. resumed the Mitchell system summer. Mrs. Kimber had resided in Atlantic play last week at the Wornan"s hlrs. T. Harry Brown will be responsible for the care of any articles City, N. J., for several years before House. Winners were: North and of which members· wish to dispose, but she came to Swarthmore, and she was South-Mrs. Charles Zaho and Mrs. a member, until her death, of a Presby- Scott Stewart, first; Ric-hard Carvell which arc too good to give away. Mrs. Charles C. Thatcher, knitting terian Church in Atlantic City. She and Richard Randall tied Mrs. Howard chairman, reported that another afg- was greatly loved 'by those who knew Erskine and Mrs. Philip Kniskern for han is ready and it was decided to sell her and shared her quiet enthusiasm second place; Lawrence Stabler and Richard Sellers, third. East and West shares for it and have a drawing at for reading and gardening. Mrs. Kimber had the distinction of ' __W'o"'.' Dickinson and Bayard H. the October or November meeting. Dan !-[cCowan, of Banff, Alberta, being a pioneer in the Kindergarten Morrison, first; Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Canada. will show his beautiful pic- field. She· became interested in the l.ukens, second; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel tures of the Northwest and lecture work during the Centennial Exposition R. Goodwin, third. in 1876, when she saw a demonstration Next Thursday the Club will transunder the auspices of the Kindergarten. It was then a new and fer to the Strath Haven Inn, where it Circle On January 17. The annual Silver Tea will be held startling way of teaching children and will meet for the rest of the season. on Wednesday, November 10, at the she took up her studies at Mrs. Van home of Miss :Mac Lynd on South Kirk's School. She taught for many years in a Philadelphia private school Hockey Club Girls Lose Princcton avenue. The Friendly Circle has been able and later at the Cul1ege Settlement, The Swarthmore Hockey Club girls to he]p several cases in which the local now known as the Star Garden Recreation Centre. lost a field hockey match to the 8atwelfare office is concerned: Mrs. Kimber is survived by her urday Morning Club, Saturday at the shoes for a tittle girl who none with which to start school: purchasing daughter, Mrs. Van Alen; two grand- Germantown Friends' Field, at Queen twenty-four bottles of cod liver oil: daughters, Nancy and Carol Van Alen, Lane and Germantown avenue. The sending a quart of milk a day to a of Swarthmore; and one brother, C. H. score was 7-1. family of five which needs aid: help~ S. Howell. of Philadelphia. Playing under the handicap o'f two ing to pay the rent for a family the The funeral services were held at her ~:~:;,~g players, the Swarthmore Club father of which had been struck by an late home on Monday, September 27. Il the first half on even terms Rev. George L. Van Alen officiated at their rivals. The score at the automobile. the services assisted by the Rev. David end of the half was 1-1. Braun, pastor of the Swarthmore PresJOSEPH EARL MALIN byterian Church. Interment was in Mt. In the second half, the Saturday Vernon Cemetery, Philadelphia. Morning Club took advantage of its Dr. Joseph Earl Malin. head of the extra player in the forward line and its Department of Education at Beaver extra halfback to assume the offensive, College, Jenkintown, since 1933, died Back From Eventful Trip Abroad and counted six times. The SwarthTuesday, September 28, at the Presmore Club waged a game battle, but byterian Hospital. Philadelphia, where William E. Witham, of Swarthmore was unable to maintain its first half he had been ill for three weeks fol- Crest, returned to Baltimore, Md., yes- pace. lowing an appendicitis operation. Be- terday aboard the City of Norfolk, of The Swarthmore Club should be able fore going to Beaver Dr. Malin was the Baltimore Mail Line, the same to win a majority of games, if its the head of the Science Department at boat and crossing on which Justice showing under this handicap is any Germantown Academy. He was the Hugo Black and Mrs. Black made their indication of the quality of its game. head of the Science Department much heralded return from abroad. I I • Swarthmore~ High School fOf nine Mr. Witham's rest trip of several years, coming in September, 1920 and weeks was occupied in England by Girl Scout News staying until June, 1929, where he en- visits to the towns of his grandparents joyed the respect and affection of his Witham town and Witham river on pupils and facu~ty associates. He was the paternal side of the family, and Mrs. George Zimmer, leader of an active member of the Swarthmore Eastbourne, a seaside resort of his Troop 16. entertained eight girls of Tennis Club. mother's family name. He also studied the troop who are doing first class Born in 1889 at Frazer, Pa., he was modern English architecture and at- work at supper at her home on Ogden ,R'raduated from \Vest Chester State tended the International Exposition at avenue 'Monday evening of this week: Teachers' College and Bucknell Uni- Paris, France. Martha Baldwin, Betty and Lois Lanvcrsity. He received his master's de- - -........ ,--don, Emily Smith, Pauline Beatty, gree from the University of PennsylBrownie Noles Winifred Park, Jean Flaherty and vania in 1929, and his doctor's degree Margaret Ann Dimmitt. Plans made ••• •• STORE Houas: 9 A.M. to 9 p.M.-Mon., Tues. 9 A.M. to 1 P.M.-Wed. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.-Thurs. 9 A.M. to 10 P.PL-Fri. & 8.1;. Speciala For Week of September 30th to ()c:tober 6th FREE_PARKING SPACE FOR 1500 CARS Kellogg's KAFFEE 35 HAG ••••••• 1 lb. can c New Pack Md. UCO MAYONNAISE Qt.Jar •••••••• : •• · •• TOMATOES ••••••••• No. 2% Can 3Ie Del Monle UCO FRUIT COCKTAIL ••••• No. 2!/z can 19c ASPARAGUS TIPS ••• 23c Libby's PINEAPPLE JUICE, No. S. 46-0z- can 23c Del Monte SUCED PINEAPPLE • '.' ••••• No. 2* Can No.1 can in 1931. His wife, Mrs. Dolly Frey Malin; a hrother, George G., and his mother, ·Mrs. Elizabeth Malin, of Frazer, survive him. Funeral services will be held today at 2:30 P. M. at the Malvern Baptist Church with Dr. Walter Greenway. president of Beaver College, assisting in the service. UCO Fancy Cut Refugee 10 BEANS ••••• No. 2 can c UCO STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 2 lb. jar CERESOTA FLOUR 12 lb. Sack .......•.. OLD DUTCH I CLEANSER •••• 4 can. ------ -- ~'i ~~~~~~ ...... 27 It 29 \ Fancy Salt OYSTERS c c Wa~er 12 ••••.•• doz. c I GENUINE SPRING LAMB Rib .............. 29c lb. c Loin Lamb Chops •••• 39c lb. 11_________...._____..lU_______________oI :Mrs. J. Paul Brown, local Brown Owl, for the coming season -include a tea BALTIMORE PIKE AND HIRST AVE. will be at the College avenue school for mothers during Teachers' InstiCafeteria at 3 P. M. on Monday after- tute Week. noon, October 4, to conduct the openTroop l6's first meeting of the fall ing Brownie meeting of the 1937-38 will be held on Saturday of next week, season. All Brownies are urged to be October 9, at the Girl Scout Hoese on present and those who have not been Cresson lane. Miss Gertrude Gold. field previously registered are urged to "riin.d captain for District 6, is expected to .registration fees. speak to the girls on that date. No. SWARTHMORE, PA., OCTOBER 41 EAST LANSDOWNE EDWARD MARTIN LABORATORY OF BIOLOGY CHESTER'S FASHION CORNER SCORES AGAIN! THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND LARGEST SELECTION OF WE HAVE EVER SHOWN A sJleed limit of twenty-five miles per The first meeting of the 1937-38 seahour in the borough was establislied son of the Swarthmore Home and Wednesday night by an ordinance passed School Association was called by the by Council in regular session. Signs of new president, Willard Tomlinson, and the new sl)ccd law will be placed at once. \'ice-prcsident, Horace Hopkins, on This new ordinance raising the limit 'fuesday evening, October 5, in the from twenty-miles per hour was passed to High School. c(.'mply with the. new state law regarding The season began with great spirit speed limits. as the attendance was so large that Two other ordinances passed by Council the audience had to move from the covered the extension of the Cornell avelIlusic room of the school, where they nue sewer and' the paving of the street had planned to assemble, into the large between University place and Fairview Gift of ""red M. Kirby, of Wilkes-Barre, whieh was .. ('.. icilled Sa.urday 01 Swarthmore College auditorium. Each member wore a badge 1road. The sewer work is to begin imwith his name on it to help get ac~ FIRST JUNIOR PLAY mediately and the paving done next spring. quaintcd. WESLEY A. M. E. CHURCH ON OCTOBER 16 The new Board of Adjnstment will Mr. Tomlinson opened the meeting CELEBRATES ANNIVERSARY have its first case of major importance with a few words of welcome and then The Junior Plays Committee of the to decide in the request of F.1-!. Scheible:rl introduced Julius Kunstlcr, of th~ With the anniversary service to be held Players Club of Swarthmore will offer of the Strath Haven Inn, to Improve ~IS school faculty, who played two bcau- Sunday night at 8 o'clock the Wesley Local Branch of Needlework its first l)resentation of the season on garages along :a~e avel~ue. Mr. Schelbtiful selections ott his violin, accom- African Methodist Episcupal Church will Saturday of next \,,"'eek, October 16, when !ey asked permlss~~n to Improve and put pani('d at the piano by Joseph Allard, close a week of special services in obser- Guild of America to Hold Fall HJack's Beanstalk" by Frances Homer\1Il .a better condition the four ~arages Ingathering October 27 of Philadelphia. vance of the fifteenth anniversary of its will be given under the direction of Mrs. wInch/have been used for some time as Mr. Tomlinson then introduced the founding. living quarters .fo~ some of t~e employccs October 10 to 16 is Needlework Guild Roland G. E. Ullman. speaker of the evening, Dr. Clarence Fifteen years ago the congregation was Membership Week. Dicky Hout will be in the leading role of the Inn, c1alllung that thiS would not L. McKelvie, director of personnel at organized at a meeting in Jones' Hall as Is there anyone in Swarthmol'e who of Jack with Mary Garrett as Jill, be a change from the present use and the \Vest Chester State Normal School. a mission of the First Episcopal Dis- cannot be a member of the Swarth- Clarence G. Myers as the Giant, Mrs. reason for the wo~k was to. make the Mr. McKelvey~s subject was "Parcnt- trict of the Methodist Church. The present more branch of the Needlework Guild Robert H.' Reed as the Giant's Cook, t)~aces more attracttve. Cou~ctl referred Teacher Cooperation''', which he handl- church building, on Bodine avenue, was Elliott Richardson and Jeffery Kirk as hltT~ . to the Board of Adjustment for of America? cd in a most able and interesting man- begun five years later-in October, 1927. "Bossy", the cow. The entire cast numbers deCISion. Membership only means giving two ncr. First he drew a picture of the During this anniversary week the mem- new articles of clothing once a year seven children and five adults. The Rev. J. Jarden Guenther an? M;s. average American parent and followed bcrsoftheA. M. E. Church are inaugurating to those who are not so well endowed The pIa)' has been in rehearsal for A. F. Jackson came before CounCil With with a picture of the average Ameri- a drive to raise $3,000 to complete the build- with earthly goods as those who live several weeks in preparation for the two a requ~st for more room for th~ !Velfare can teacher. He felt that some of the ing which has been in use ten years, and in (his community. IJerformances which will be held at 2.30 office 111 Borough Hall,. ex~lallung that failure of parents of the present day to payoff its mortgage. The drive will and at 8 P. M. on the 16th. the work of the orgamzatlon ha~. exThe yearly collection will be on panded to such an extent that addltlOnal comes from the fact that they take a continue until Christmas. Anyone who Wednesday, October ZI, in the Wospace was necessary. Council took the traditional attitude toward their chil- desires to contribute to this fund can do man's Club House, but your contribumatter under advisement and decided to dren and that they have not realized so by check made out to the Wesley tion can be given any time before investigate the request. the necessity for new thinking in a new A. M. E. Church, Joseph N. Quinlan, then. The budget for next year was taken world. treasurer. The officers of the local branch are: under consideration. "There seems to be an increasing gap Bishop S. H. Sims, D. D., of Phila- Mrs. Thomas S. Safford, honorary Advertisement for bids on a new policc"_ .• hetween adults and youth due largely delphia, will give the main address at president; Mrs. William H. West, to the tendency of parents to believe the service on Sunday evening. Burgess presidcnt; Mrs. Thomas W. Andrew Tuesday Programs Resumed; car was authorized. • I • that their children should conform to John H. Pitman will make an address of and Mrs. J. H. McWilliams, vice-presiDr. D. Montfort Melchoir to adult ways rather than to tie studied welcome early in the evening and local dents; Mrs. Edward H. Cox, secre~.~~y; be' ~peaker Next Week _ ., .... rarllinu tn their own nattern,,", ~tatecl padorc; Rpv. David Brattn, of the Swarth- Mrs. A. W. Preston, assistant st:!crethe' speaker. "Par'ents' concept of dis- more Presbyterian Church; Rev. Clarence tary; Mrs. Charles A. Bunting, treasThe Swarthmore Woman's Club cipline has not changed and they are F. Carter, of the Methodist Episcopal urer; Mrs. J. Horace \Valter, Mrs. A. opened its thirty-ninth season Tuesday, inclined to distrust the ideas of the Church; and Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, of W. Preston, Mrs. A. G. White, execuOctober 5, with a tea for members and child psychologist because these ideas Trinity Church, Swarthmore, will extend tive board; and Mrs. Harold Griffin friends. The clubhouse was most at Large Delegation From Local arc new to them". "Teachers also su£- greetings from their congregations. The and Mrs. B. W. Collins, membership tractive with decorations of fall flowers Company and Two Trucks Repfer from a too traditional conception g.t!lleral public is cordially invited to committee. resenl Swarthmore in Parade which were arranged by Mrs. Arthur of their work." McKelvey stressed es- attend this .s:er:..v:.:i:ce:.:.... ._ __ ~,......... R. O. Redgrave and her committee. of Slate Firemen -. • pecially in thiE, connection that teachChange Bridge Club Night Mrs. Alfred Gary White. Mrs. Roers can learn a lot about a child by Dean Pickens to Addrcss Meeting The Swarthmore Fire and Protective land Eaton, Mrs. Walter Dickinson, listening carefully to the parents' ideas Dean \Villiam H. Pickens, Director The Thursday Night Bridge Club Mrs. '1. L. Nickerson, and Mrs. C. C. Association was represented in the Paahout him and by cooperating with the of Branches of the National Associa- will henceforth bc known as the }.,{on- West, officers of the Club, greeted the rade of State Volunteer Firemen held parent. in Philadelphia on Thursday, October tion for the Advancement of Colored day Night Bridge Club, all meetings guests upon arrival. A. B. Gorman spoke briefly about Mrs. Lovett Frescoln, Mrs. Roland 7. This parade was the grand climax People, outstanding. educator a~d ]ec- after. last night to be held on :Monday the school football team and its exG. E. Ullman, Mrs. Martin Young and of the Pennsylvania State Convention turer, will address a mass meeting at evelltllg at the Strath Haven Inn. cellcnt prospects for the season and the Campbel1 A. M. E. Church, Third !he fi.rst tournament of the season Mrs. William E. Kistler, former presi- of Volunteer Firemen, which was adurged parents to make an effort to dents of the Cluh, presidcd at the tea journed 011 Wednesday night. The local support the team, especially by attend- and Olive streets, }.{edia, Thursday, ·wlll begm ~ctob.er 11. October 14, at 8.30 P. j\f. Last week s wmners were: Mr. a~d table. Other past presidents attending firemen entered two trucks, the big ing the games 011 Friday afternoons I • I Mrs. Maurice Griest, first; Captam werc Mrs. Edwin Yarnall, Mrs. William 1,000 gallon pump and the new booster and by cooperating in keeping their Building Assoc. Meets Wednesday and Mrs. Charles Morrison. second; I. Hull and 'Mrs. Jesse H. Holmes. pump truck, twenty-five volunteer firechildren in throughout the week-day and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Arnold, Mrs. John Michael and her commit- men, and a color guard composed of evenings. tee served dainty sandwiches, tea and Robert Bail', Alex Witmer, Frank Law~ Tuesday, October 12, being a legal third. 8 • I rence, and George Earnshaw. The report of the new treasurer, hot'iday, the regular monthly meeting mints. The fire company was called to a ~{rs. J. Howar~ Smith, was read show- of The Swarthmore Building Associa- Junior Club Resumes Next Week Junior Club members were included in the invitation list and were repre- general alarm fire at the junk warelI~g a, !)aI 13l.,ce 1111 !Sune °lf $242.97C• mll.l.°st~ ti011 will be held 011 the following day ? W lIC 1 IS (ue wart 11l10re 0 cge at the usual time and place in accord- Next Monday evening at 8 o'clock a !>ented by Mrs. James F. Bogardus. house and the house adjoining it, at 111 payment of t!,e alll~t1al Home and ance with the by-laws of the Associa board meeting of the Swarthmore J u- Special attention was given Mrs. Yale and Bridge streets, Morton, early nior Woman's Club witt be held at the Thomas Andrew, who celebrated her Wednesday morning. The Rutledge School Scholarslup, winch' was won by tion. home of the president, Ruth \\' cliburn, eighty-fifth birthday 011 Monday, Oc- Fire Company had broken a pump and l.auer Jones. on Dartmouth avenue. On Tuesday tober 4. the Swarthmore Fire Company was The following chairmen of commitResumes Music Instruction evening, the 12th, the first stated meetbadly needed when it arrived with three The affair was largely attended by tees for this year were appointed by ing of the fall will convene at the \Votrucks and twenty-two members who At rs. Herbert F. Fraser, of Wallingmany new and former members and the president with the idea that each man's Club House, on Park avenue, to had responded to the call just before ford. has resumed her teaching at the presages a happy and successful club chairman would appoint the members hear reports of delegates to the andawn. The fire was speedily checked Media Friends' School in connection year. of his own commillee: Charles Rusnual stat~ convention held in Philaand most of the damage was "water Dr. D. Montfort Melchoir, professor with her work as a member of the sell, memhership; G. H. Frocbcl, room; delphia last May and to discuss plans damage." The officers of the Fire Comof history at Girard College, wilt adfaculty of the Ornstein School of 'MuHenry Davis, hospitality; Howard for this club year. pany consider the response of twentydress local club women at the regular Philadelphia. sic, Kirk, by-laws; Horace Hopkins, prostated meeting next Tuesday at 2.30 two volunteers an especially good em- . gr a Ill-S pea ke rs j Mrs. J. P a u I n row 11, P. M. Dr. Me1choir, who has spoken erg-ellcy turnout for night duty. entertainment; Mrs. J. B. Pope, grade • I • at the Swarthmore Club in former study leader; Frank R. Morcy, rcFire COinpany Auxiliary News THE WEEK'S CALENDAR years, will discuss "What's In the search j hi rs. Theodore W. Crossen, New!>?" Hostesses wilt he j\{cs. F. FarElection of officers will be held next contact. agher and Mrs. S. M. Viele. Mrs. A. Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the 2:30 P. M. Friday-Soccer game: Swarthmore College vs. Gettysburg An anonymous letter to the presiS. Johnson and Mrs. William M. HarOctober meeting of the Ladies' AuxCollege soccer field dent suggesting more social activities vey will preside at the tea table. iliary of the Swarthmore Fire and Profor the children and the purchase of 3 :15 P.1\1. Friday-Football game: Sw"rthmore H. S. v;. Media I Mrs. Alfred Gary White and Mrs. tective Association in the Fire ComCollege football field a moving picture machine for them Roland I~. Eaton attended the seventh pany room in Borough Hall. . was read by the secretary pro tern, 10;00 A. :M. Friday-Presbyterian Woman's Asso.-Presbyterian Church · annual conference sponsored by the Mrs. A. W. Mosteller, Mrs. Charles Mrs. John Marshall, who acted in the 11 :00 A. lL Saturday-Hockey game: Swarthmore College vs. Ursinus · Herald Tribune held. in ;New York Kimmel, ~f rs. Edward Hic!ding and absence of Mrs. T. W. Crossen, the College hockey field Monday and Tuesday, October 4 and 5. Mrs. Violet Powell, of the Swarthnew secretary of the Association. Mr. There were three thousand delegates more AuxiHary, marched with the Dela8:00 P. M. Sunday-15th Anniversary Program ...... A. ~{. E. Church Tomlinson appointed the following · attending the conference, which was wan' County Auxiliary in the State 8 :15 P. 1\£. SUlHlay-Col1cgc English Dept. tecture by F. S. Klees cOlllmittee to consider this suggt'stinn: held in the ballroom of the Waldorf- Firemen's Convention parade in PhilFriends Meeting House Horace Hopkins, chairman; Mrs. P. M. · Astoria Hotel. adelphia yesterday. 7 :30 P. M. Monday-School Board Meeting ... :High School Building Alden, Frank R. Morey, and G. H. ,. • If Froebel. 8:00 P. M. Monday-Fire Company Auxiliary .......... Borough Halt New Fire Company Chaplain To Address Maryland W. I. L. The secretary also read a letter from 8:00 P. M. Monday-Junior Club Board Meeting-301 Dartmouth ave. The Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, rector the County Parent-Teachers Associa8:00 P. M. Monday Junior Auxiliary of Trinity Church Meeting 9f Trinity Church, Swarthmore, is the Dr. Herbert F. Fraser. of Wallingtion urging that the Swarthmore As. 510 North Chester road new chaplain of the Swarthmore Fire ford, head of the economics departsociation become a member of that 2,30 P.l\{. Tuesday-Woman's Club Staied Meeting ••••.• Club House Company, named at the last meeting ment of Swarthmore College, will adhody. The members of the committee 8:00 P.I\I. Tuesday-Junior Club Stated Meeting .•...•.•. Club House dress the Maryland State W. I. L. of the Association to fill the place left appointed to consider the matter are: meeting today and tomorrow at West- vacant following Dr. John Ellery Tut2:30 P. M. Wednesday-Methodist Woman's Home Missionary Society Howard 'Kirk, chairman; Mrs. T. \V. ern Maryland College, Westminster. tle's retirement from the Presbyte10;00 A. M. Thursday-Meeting of Woman's Club Uterature Section. Crossen, Mrs. George Schobinger, Md. Mrs. Fraser has accompanied him rian Church pastorate here over a Frank R. Morey. year ago. for the week-end. The meeting was adjourned until the FIRE CO. IN PHILA.PARADE M ---... -- M Sizes 11 to 17-12 to 20-38 to 44 46 to 52-18% to 24% • • • • • • Sh""r Alpacas and Smart Ribbed Crepes Molded Tunics and Clever Bolero Frocks Lovely Wools or ·Gay Jacquard Crepes I and 2-pc. Styles in Long Sleevee or Shorl Romaine Crepes and New Oalmeal Weavee Embossed Gamza and New Faille Rasba INCLUDING THE NEW SHADES Dark Green-Toddy BrownRust-Black-Stone Blue SPBABB'S SECOND FLOOR 1i"""""""",,""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""iJ No WONDER children Supplee Chocolate has I, love Milk. n richer flavor because it's made from fine choco- late and whole milk. There'a nolbing Hke refreshment months. it for in SUPPI.EE cooling the summer n's healthful too. It safeguarded by the latest discoveries of dairy science. OreIer from your Supplee sal_em. or call Ch_ 2-S721. I ---=. .;.,........-- has all the nourishing elements of whole milk and is Chocolate Milk YEAR COUNCIL RAISES SPEED LIMIT I.' SEVENTH AND WELSH STS. DR'ESSES $10.88 PER Ordinances For Sewer Exlension and Paving Reet of Cornell Avenue Also Passed Wednesday > EDGMONT AVE. - S2.50 8, 1937 •• WOMAN'S CLUB' OPENS WITH TEA 25 -- -- U. S. No.1 Large Size 95 P()TATOES,IOOlb.bag c IX, DRIVE FOR GUILD MEMBERSHIP Libby's Red Alpwa 21 SALMON ••••• tall can c Waldorf Toilet Tinue, 3 rolls-Ilc. Scott Tonet Ti••ue .... 3 roUa--l9c - Saturday Night October 30 Large Attendance at Monday's Meeting Bespeaks a Favorable Sea80n Begun GIANT TIGER - Saturday Night October 30 NEARLY 200 AT HOME & SCHOOL FIRST ANNIVERSARY WEEKI - HAIJ.OWE'EN PARADE VOL. ••• ••• HAUOWE'ENS AJ:lTHMOlUt, PARADE (C4ft,lft" 0" P4(J~ Biz) - _.. - ... ".: :-.,' .... INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ocr 8 THE 6 FIUENDLY CIRCLE OPENS SEASON ANNIE HOWELL KIMBER Country Store Today I. 193i OCTOBER SWARTHMOREAN Jenkins' Cruiser Launehe(l Ilo\\anl M Jcnkllls' fort) -foot cahin crUIser \\hll:h rt'(luirt..'(1 h\o-and-a-haH )e.trs to h1111t1 \\3S launched Tuesday at ESSlIIgtOIi The craft \\llIch \\3S budt at S\\artlullorc Cullege by }'lr. Jcnkms, assooatc professor of cngmccring, has I AUIIIC 1I(1\\cll KIIUbcf, r<.'sldcnl of Fresh Hgctahlcs and fruits; h0111(,for dc\'clI )('ars, died at III Hie c.lkcs .1IId C.lIldH.'S. dehcatessen. I the home of her d.lUghtcr, ~I rs A II and IIsdul ",rhell's \\111 be on ~ate .It E"enls for COining Year An.. \.1Il Akll, ['.Irk aH'I1\1C. lelst Fruj,ty, the CUUlltQ Store to he held III the Iloullced; Needy Cases As.. Septt:mlJl:r 2-1 She had been III poor I' Assembl) Room of Tnmty Church, sisled Rel,orled health for some tllllC. but was aeutd\' S\\arthmorc, today, l<"'rulay, October 1 111 for ollh h\o \\ecks The \Voman's GUild "III he 111 charge heen l)3l1ltcd \dute and named the "HowTIl<. hr:-it f.dl medlllg of th~ Frll'ndh :"1 rs Knnhcr \\as born III PllIladcl- .Ind the store \\111 he open frolll 2 utltll Else" llSlIIg a {omhmation of parts of Mr-. (Irell \\.1'. held .It th(' hOIll(, of ~Irs plll.1 111 1859, the daughter of John Ar- 10 1', M. and 11rs JCllkms' first names A Gray I \\ 1111.1111 J ~Io"n. 011 ~()lIth S\\,lrth- thur and ElIl1lv Stockton JlO\\cll, both motor \\as used III the hoat. The Jcnkllls ell lII(Jn: .n l'I1\1(: '1 hur"d.l\ .Ifternoon, Sl'P- dlce.lsed and sP(,lIt II4.~r early hfe there arc residents of Ogden 3\CnuC Thurs(lay Night Britlge Club h mhl'r 21 I She \\.I!O educ.lted 111 prl\ate schools, \ 1t._IIlr \\.11.; rl.ld th.lI1klll1-(' the gr(.lUJI stul.lVer III the for\\ard hllc and Its JUICE, No.5. 46-oz. can No, 2% Can Dep.lrtment of Lducatlon .It Beaver cxtra h.tlflMck to assumc the offenSive, College, J cnkmtO\\ n, slIIce 1933, died Back From Eventful Trip Abroad and counled SIX tunes The S\\ arth'l'ue .. d.I\, St.'ptt.:mhu 28, .It Ihc Pres more Cluh \\ aged a game hattIe, hut Int\.:n,lIl Hospital Pllliadelphta, \\herc \Vllham I. \Vltham. of S"arthmore \\as unahle to mallltalll Its first half he had he(,11 III for threc \\ecks fot- Crt.:st, returned to Baltll110rC, Md, )1..'5- pacc UCO STRAWBERRY UCO Fancy Cut Refugee 1m\ lUg 3n .lPpendlcltls operation. Be- terd.l) ahoard the Cit} of NorfoJk, of PRESERVES 2 lb. jar c BEANS . . . • . No. 2 can c Thc S\\arthmore Club should he ahle fore gOIng to Bl.IHr Dr ).[al111 "as the Baltullore ).ratl Lmc, thc samc 10 ,,111 a majority of games, If Its tlu. ht.:,1(1 o[ thl SCII:nce Department at hoat all,l crossmg 011 \\llIch Justice slum IIIg under tins hamhcap IS any Germ,ll1tO\\1I Ac,lIicmy He \\as thc lIu~o Black 11I<1 ~rrs Black madc thcir 11ltitC,ltlOIl of the quality of Its game_ hl.HI of the SClencl Dl'Ilolrhllcnt at much heralded return from .Ibroad OLD DUTCH CERESOTA FLOUR • I • S\l lrthmore ]lJgol1 School for nmc ).[r 'Vltham's rest triP of sevcral c CLEANSER . . . .4 cans 12 lb. Sack . . • • . • . • \ c.I'·S, com11lp; III 'Septemhcr, 1920 and \\ccks \.\.IS occuplcd III Englaml h) Girl Scout News . . t .. \1111{ tllIlll Illm 11)29, \\here he ell \1"lls to the to\\I1S of Ill!> grancipar('nts Jtl\ld th(' n "Plct .Hul .lfTt:ctIOIl of Ill:; \Vllham lo\\n and \\'IIIt.lln river 011 ~[rs Gl.'orgc Zimmer, leader o[ pupils ,1IId Ilcuth assoc13tes lIc \\t lllcetmg of the fall ),1 rs 1.1lz.lhllh ~[alm, of Frazer, 5ur- noon, Octoher 4, 10 conduct the open\I\l hUll J'ulllril Slnlct:S \'Ill hc held Illg Bro\\llle tllcctlllg of the 1937-38 \\111 be held on S.lturday of next \\cck, tod I) ,It 2 30 P ~l. at the ).Iahcrn s~asoll -,\11 llro\\llIes arc urged to bc Octohcr 9, at the Girl Scout 1I0U:-iC on B.lptlst Church \\llh Dr \\'a1ter Grecll prest.'ut allti those \\ ho ha\ e not h('en Cresson lane }'11!'>s Gertrude Gold, field \\.1 \ . l)rCSl1tIIIW tins nt1l1Hr"'IP- \\cek the 1I1e111~ltll1her"lllp onl\ IlIt:iIlS gl\lIIg t\\O "Boss\", the (0\\ lhe ~lItlre C.I!Ot 1Il1l11her" , ,., • • .J ( I. r 'II • I II I f I I I he Re\ J. J.tnl('1l (.IIl'lllher amI :Mrs Ix:r ... ofthl \ ~I I, Chm ch arelll.mgl1ratmg III \\ .Ir IC es n c () illig ollce .1 ) t.:ar SC\CIl l II I rl'1I .111( I\C at 1I Is " .' . I t 1l::30()Ot IIlJllt.'tcthChUlld-llltl tlHI~c \\ht> .Ift: nut "0 \\lll clldu\\ed Ihc III.I} IMs Ilcell III reliear(Oal for \ I' ).lck .. Oll calH(' hcfole CounCil With ~ I n\e or.lIse,,!", OlO I \\nh r.lrthl\ goods as thos(' \\IUI It\C c\t.'rll \\l'{k 111 Ilrq}lTltlO1I for thc t\\O·1 rUllle ... t for more room fClr the \Vctfarc Itlg- "Imh h.ls heell 111 use tell )t.lfS, all( s. S • • n B I II II I tl t to 111\ (IT It llIortglge 1hc dn\e \\11I111I thiS COI1l111llll1ty. Jlerfuntt.llllt's "IlIch \\111 hc held .tt 230 (lile 111 orro ngl .1, cXJlalllll"gd J.l . )" . \ 1 The) C lrh collecthHl \\11t be 011 md at 8 P 11.£ on the 16th the \lork 0 the orgalllz.ltlOl1 13 cxcontmlle ulltll Chnstllll(o 1 Il>OIlC W l() I \\' I I' 0 I 27 III III"... \ \ ' 0 - · · . . . . IllIukd to such an extl'lll that addittonll I I f I I CtIlCS{.IY· cloler . ' • d eSlres to lolltnlllte tn tns \III( (.m (el • CI' II I I' I I lit "'llllC \\.I~ lleCC!OSolr" ClIUlICl1 took the hc \VrslcYllIl,11I s 11) Ollse, HI \our COil n HI J I t I I I k so 1 'l,ee m.t(l c JOu I" N Oll1lllan lion can he gl\ell .III}: tl1l1e hdun llhlttl'r tllldcr adVisement atHl deCided to A .\ . CI lun 1, tlselll '.... " Itnl1 I 11l\('sll n...... lte the rC(lncst I D RIVE FOR GUILD MEMBERSHll' :\Ir 'i'omll1lSllll OPlilCd thc mc.:etl1lg \\1th .1 f(" \\on!.. If \\dlOllll .md tll(,11 IIl1rodlJ(ul lul11l1.; I\. 11 nstll r, of tltl ... dlOol Llcnlh, \\ho pl.I\ui t\\O lit Ill!Iful Slkt tlOIlS Oil IllS \lOlIn, .11.: c 0111p tll1lll .11 t h(' PMIIO I" )O"'l ph \1I.lnl of PIIlI Hldphl'l ~Ir 'IOlllllllo.;OIl tht.:n lIItrodUled Ihe .. ))(.Ikl:r tlf thl C\llll1lg. I)r CI.ITl'IlCl ~1{Kd'l(, dlr('ctt)r of l)cr,;olllld .It \\(0.,1 C1H"ta ~t.lh Norm.11 Slhool :\Ir 11l Ke.:hl}·S suhJl.'d \\,1'" P,lrentIt u Illr (,'oopt.:r.IIIClII \\llIch he lIaml1~d 111 .1 most .Ihll alld mlt.restml-{ IllclllIII r Flr"t hc tIre\\ ,I picture of thl' 1\lr,lgl.: ,\Ullfll.IIIIMnnt .llId fllllo\\('d \\lth .1 IHctun (\1 till' .1\er.lge Amt:fIIII tc.:.lchlf lit ielt th.lt some of thc j UIUfl (If IMrt.:llb of tht pnsent d.1\ (IHIIlS from tht.: fact th.lt the) t.lke .1 II Hlttltlll.11 ,Itlundc to\\ Inl thur clul1!rc.1l .IIHI th.11 th(', h.lvc IlUt rl'allzl'd Ihl lIt.:ees"'lh for IIC\\ tlnnkmg 111 a IlC\\ \\orlel trel"l"llfer, S II S 1 I) f) "f Plllla-I The offict'rs o[ the local hral1ch are "I he hlldgci for next )C.lf was takelt I'" lOp ~ III ", , • , • S T I I lIudtr tonstciCrattoll Ilu'f( ~('l1llS to hc .111 IIlCfl.:.tslllg g.lp llre!O at I ~l rs 1 hOllla... ~ • at Of( , 101l0rary II II I s I 'I \\' II II \\r A(" ertJsement for bub 011 .1 ncw police IHt"elll ulult .... 1IIcl )llIIth duc I.trgll) d e Ip I11,1, \\ I gl\ C lC 1nam al s ' 1'11rgcss I pre lI l'lll; J.\ rs I 1cl1l1 e~t, 11111 I.1) eve g ) S I t 1<' sen ICC 011 ,Ull( '1'1 \\' \ d to the leniltlln of parcnts to hchne Tuesday ProgrUlllS Rcslunetl; l.lr "as .1\Ithofized "1 II k all 1(1,lress of prc~Hllllt, ~Irs lomas 1 n rew . I I 'I \\' II th It thnr clnldrclI should eOIl[orm to JoIIII II 1 I man ,,111M C Dr. D. 1\lontfort 1\leldloir to - -.......- - . I "1,1 1",.1 and ,\1 rs J I .\ C I MillS, \ Ice-preSlI \ 111 (I Ie C\ellli g' • . • .ulult ".I\S r.ltlll'r tlt.1II t(l he stmhed \\C1cUlIle car I) H Cl)X, slcrd.lry; f (1 S\\ Irth - IdClIlS, \ .\Irs I.d\\ard he Sl'eak"r Next Week III I' 1 ,r.1UII' tn 1111 Ir 0\\ n n Ittt.'rll!.:' I.;t It I Ii Tl:, ... tor.. , l'\I I I\H CI raunI 0 I' lC Clare'lce:\1 rs, \V Jrl':.IOII, .ISsl"t.lnt scereI I11rl I, \.C\ \ llil "p('.lkl'r Pannts cOllcept of .115- more r('5)Y efl.tll F Carter of thc ).Icthmhst Jo.tnscupalllClrj, ),1 rs Ch.lril S I Buntmg. treas'I hI S" .Irthmorc \V()Ill.tn's Cluh llpl11ll h.I'" 1I0t eh.l1lgt.:d ,mel tht.'Y arc • I I' J J .nlell Gucnther of I lIrCf , ~I r" ) Horace \\'.Ilter, ~(rs .\ OI)(,IH.:d It.. thlrt, -ll1nlh Sl holl Tu('sd,l\, CI I Jilt 11111 el to .h ... trust the ulcas o[ the Hlrc 1, .Ul( \ . c v . ' \ \ ' I' 'I \ (' \\'1 0 1rnl1tv Chunh, S\\arllnllorc, Will extend I rcstoll,.\ rs' ~ lItC, t.:?,ecfl~l- Ocloher~, "ilh a tC.1 lor lIlullhcrs alld t luttl pS\ choloJ.{bt hec.tt1st,; these Ide.ls • r II rcgatlons Thc tl\e ho.lrd, ,tlld ).(r .... Harold bn III ffllllds '1 he cluhhol1se \\ t ... most .tt- Large Ot-I,"galion Froln Local .lrt 111.:\\ tn thull • 'fe.:.lchcrs also suf greetlllgs rom lCIT cong I I 'I I' \\' C II I I 1111 .\ r " , () 1115, tIlcm )ers Ill' Ir.lelIVl' \\lth (ilCor,ll1olls of 1.111 Oo\\(:rs COlulumy nnd T", 0 Trucks Rel)Il r frpm ,I lew tr.uhlumal cOlleq)llOll g'cllcral puhhc IS conhally l11\'itcd to comlluttee resenl S'Warlluunre ill Parade ,\l1lch \\ere arr.lnge.:el 1)\ ~Irs \rlhur ___............._ __ of tIlllr \\ork' .\ld\.t.'!v(·) stressed c.:s- attend tIns sen ICC R 0 Rulgr.lH .111(1 hcr l(lIllllllttec of Slate Fircnlen I pt l:1.t1h III thl" conllect Ion that teachChange Bridge Cluh Night ~Ir, \lIred G,lf\ \Vhllc, lllr, Roc.r. {,III Ie 1m .1 lot ahout a c1uld b} Dean Pit·kens to Address l\Ieeting I hc S\\ lrtitmore Fire and Protectivc I.Wd 1·.lhlll, ~Ir.. \V.IltU D1CklllSOll 1I . . 1t 1l1ug c.lrcfull) to the parcllb' Idcas I)e.:an \Vlllm1l1 II, Plck~lIs, Dlf('ctor The.: Thur:.da) NI~ht Bridge Club )'Ir,; f I. 1\ll::kerSOIl, aud ~tr~ C C \:'~OCl.ltlon "as representul III the PaIhout hun ,11111 h\ cool)('fat11lg \\lth thc of Br.l1lciHS of thl' :-\.lIIOll.il A .... ocla- \\llll11llccforth he kllO\\11 .IS the ~roll- \\c:.l, ofhcers of the Cluh, gret.'ted thc r Idt 01 Stale \'olulltel.:f Flremen held , In Ilt 111 Pll1i.Hldphla on Thursday, Oetoher 1i01l for the \1.1\ .I1ICl11lCnt 01 Colored d.n :;: Ig1lt Brulge Cluh, ,lit mretlllg~ gill ~h UpOIl .Irrl\'al B Corlll.lI1 sill)ke hnefl) about \ Pcoph outst.uHhng edul,ltor .Uld Ice- .llln last lIIJ,{ht to be held on }.Ionday ~Irs Lmelt Frescoln :\[rs H:ol.llld 7 1111" ptrad(' ".\S the grand duuax II, school loothclll te.UII .lIId Its extnrer, \\111 aelrlres" .1 m.I"s lIlect11lg at e\t.:l1ll1g .It Ihe Strath Ha\(,11 Inll, G I. Ullman, ~Irs )'1,lrtll1 Young and 01 the I'llllh}h,.lIua SUite Convention I I IIll1t pro .. pccts for the sc,lson and the l'.111Iphdl A ~I r Church, Tlurd I Tht first tournamcnt ot tht.: sl,I~OIl ~Irs \\ Ilh.1I11 I' Kistler, lorml'r prt.:SI (If \ nhl1llc.:er l'In:mcn, "Inch "as ad,II gt:d llolrcllb to 1ll,lke <1Il l tTort to .tIllt Oh\l strctts ~ll'clla, Thursday, \\111 hl'glll Octoher 11 01 tht.' Cluh, prt.'sldcd at thc tC,1 JOllrnul Ill) \\ ('(itlc .. da) IlIght Thc local "'1I))port thc tl.:.11ll ('spCC! til) b)- .1ttenIHIIg ... on .Ind :\1 r ... \\ Ilham M 1I.lr- O((oh( r mcctmg" of the Ladlcs' AuxCollcge SOCCll hl hi clilit sng-glstmg more "0(1.11 actl\ltll,,1 I!"H \ JollII \\111 pnsule at the t('a tahle Ihan of the ~h\.lrthll1ore Flrc and Prolor thl' dnhlfln .1Ild the purl h.~ ... e nt I S\\;lrtlllilore 11 S \~, ~[edl.l .1 1; I' ~I 10'1 HI 1\ -Footh.IlI game I ~Ir~ \Jfnd C:J.r) \\ Illtc and :\Irs t\lt1\C \s ... ol:mlloll III the Fire Coml'olkge foothall field I IlHl\III!-! plclun IIllchllU ftlr thllll I 1~(llal1c1 I. I.atoll attll1dt.:d the sc\l'llth 110111\ nHlIII III Borough IIal1 \\.Is re.ul In til< ~l'cntar) pro tllll III IH) \ ~I 1'1 1(1.1\ -PI ('sin tU1an \\' oman's Asso -Presb) tCllan Church ,\1 rs \ \V ~I (Ish lIer ~r rs Charles ! .1I111n Ii lonf('rcllCl' spon ... urcd b) the ~II" )111111 llar ... h.11l "ho .Ictl'd III tilt.: S"al thll10lc Collegc \S UrsllHl~ II 1111 \ ~I ~.Itmd.I\-IIocke\ game Illrlld TnIHIIlt.: hl'ld III New York!h,llIIlIIll. llrs l.d\\anl'lllckl11lg and Ihs(,-Illl ()f )'lr ... T \V ('nhslil. till Colll'ge hockl \ field ~ltlllda\ lIul'llIt ... da\ Ol"tohlr -I and 51 )'Irs "Iollt PO\\l'lI of thc Swarth111\\ surt't,ln 01 thl \SSOlllflClll ).Ir Prog-ralll \ .\( I.. Chuflh 'lltlrl \\lTl Ihnl Ihl'I1"'III(\ cll'lq.{ak"'llIlllrl \uxlllln.mardlld\\lththe Dl'I.I!"lI11d I\-I"th \nlll\('f al \ H IW) I' ~I 1~~Illhll ... tln .tPJlolllt{(I thl folll)\\ 11IL! tlllndmg" tilt llll1llfllH( "hllh \\lS "In (cll1l1l\ \11:,\llIlf\ 111 tltl Stltl ilqlt LlI-:hlll h\ F ~ .... It l " <"';"IlCI.I\ l (llh g-I 1, Ilgh~h X 1:; I' ~I tllllllllllll til ltlll ... uitr till'" "'lIgg t ... th,1l IHId III tIll hillrolllll III till \\ tlclOif Ilflllllll,., COll\llltltHl parade III PllIlI'nllltb !\lcd111g-1hllht 11,1I.lll 11111,klll'" lh.1lrlllal1 :\oft:. P ~I I \ ... una 11(ltel .ull'IJlll1a \t.'~t(rda) ]hgh School BUlldIlIg \ldl:l1 Fr.lIlk H .\Ior("\ .lIld G II 7 III I' ~I 1IolHla\-Sclwol Board ~hct1l1g • I iii -.:....:....:;. . . , ...~-I rOllll1 ' BOIOl1gh Jlall H IH) I' ~I :\lolltl,l\-F'lre Compall) Auxlhao New Fire Company Chaplain To A.Mress Maryland W. I. L. Thl scadar) also r('ad I It.: It cr f rOJl1 ~IOIl~la\-JU1l1ol Cluh Bllanl Mec1l11g--30l Dartmouth an ~ (It) P ~I The Rev ) Jarer Bolero Frocks Lovely Wools or Gay Jacquard Crepes 1 and 2-pe. Styles in Long Sleeves or Short Romaine Crepes and New Oatmeal Weaves .:mhossed Gamza ami New Faille Ra.ha INCLUDING THE NEW SHADES Dark Green-Toddy BrolVnRllst - Black - Stone Bille SPEARE'S SECOND FLOOR I No WONDER children love Supplee Chocolate has richer flavor Milk. It because it's made from line chocolate and whole milk. There's SUPPI.EE nothing like it lor cooling relreshment in the summer months. It's healthful too. It all the nourishing ele- has ments of whole milk and is safeguarded by the latest discoveries of dairy science. Order from your Supplee salesman. or call Chesler 2-5721. Chocolate Milk PER YEAR I 11____==__===__============--=====--==--==---!I .. ••• ., ocroBER S. THE SWARTHMOBEAN 2 1937 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Coate., of Teachen to Hear W.I.L. Speaker week. Miss Wanger will speak on "The chaplain and had a church in DoylesNews of Three Teacher's Responsihility for Peact..... town for two years prior to his death. Harvard avenue took advantage of the His mother, who lived for a while with special trip to New York on Tuesday The Swarthmore board of the Wo.1 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _. Weddings This Week a daughter in the Orient has been at which was sponsored by the Delaware 'I . I L I Co t Fed t' f W 'CI b men s ntcrnallon3. cague las ex· Do You K.now Che Strath Haven Inn for some time UenpYroceed eraf 'tohn off' .oman Sbe .U S. tcnded an invitation to the tcachers The Sure Cure tor an,. Auto Trouble? Stuart. Alburger, Scott· Fauit., and has IlOW moved to Washington, Th s 0 e a air are t 0 gIven . 1 T to the scholarship fund. . , of the pubhe sC.hoo .5, he. Mary Lyon D. C. Dougherty.Dougherty Mar· Call 440 The party was admitted to the Queen School and. Wddchff JunIOr C~II~ge, The bridegroom is a graduate of the rlagell Annonneed University of Pennsylvania. With his Mary; they toured through the National to meet M.ss Ruth Wanger, prmclpal TI,.. Ba....I .. Broadcasting System and lunched at the of the South Philadelphia High School, M iss Caroline Adele Alburger, bride he will live in Philadelphia. RUSSELL'S SERVICE Taft Hotel. at Bond Memorial, S\\'arthmore Coldaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dartmouth and Lafayette Aves. At 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, SatAlburger, of Lindcll avenue, Rutledge, There were three hundred people who lege, on Thursday afternoon of next ""We Don't Sell Cars---; and Kenneth Prouse Stuart, son of urday, October 9, the Rev. John L. availed themselves of the unusual opWe ServIce Them" Moore will join in wedlock Miss Mary portunity. Mrs. Ethel E. Stuart, of Rutgers avenue, formerly of South Princeton ave· Dougherty. of Cedar lane, SwarthSPECIAL ATIENTION Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Bazzoni have nue, Swarthmore, and Dr. Hugh Chal- more, and Thomas M. Dougherty, son GIVEN TO CmLDREN mers Stuart, of Huntcr College, New of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Dougherty, returned to their home in Wallingford of Woodlyn, in the Church of Our PerlOnal Supe,..,i.ioft after a trip through the south and a vacaYork City, were joined in marriage at . 1!0~\\.1-"'l tion at the shore. 7 o'clock Saturday evening, October 2, Lady of Perpetual Help, Yorton. Miss Kathleen Bonner, of Crum rt'tOO in Westminster Presbyterian Church, will be the bride's only attendLynne, TONSORIAL SERVICE Philadelphia, by the Rev. Warren P. Word comes from Cambridge, Mass., ant and James Dougherty will be best Ward, pastor. that Eleanor Gawthrop Hayes; daugh-I '----~----------­ Given in marriage by her father, the man for his brother. A wedding break- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Hayes, TO SELECT A GOWN bride wore a gown of white chiffon fast will be held in Crum Lynne at of Elm avenue, is registered for her the home of· Mr. and Mrs. Charles velvet made on Victorian lines with second year at the Cambridge School FOR THAT FIRST a short train, and a white satin lined Bonner. After a wedding trip to New of Architecture· and Landscape Archi· Now is the time for all good parents to FORMAL flared velvet l)anel court train. 'l'he York, Mr. and Mrs. Dougherty will re- tecture, which js 'an affiliated graduate come to the aid ol the Home & School. shirred cap of hcr long tulle bridal side in Chester. Miss Dougherty, who came to this school of Smith College. Miss Hayes Return your questionnaire or see questions veil was trimmed with velvet, as was formerly attended Swarthmore College on page 6 of this paper. Fill in your anOUR NEW her shoulder length face veil. The bri- country seven years ago to be a mem- and the School of Illdustrial Art, PhilaEVENlNG WEAR IS dal hOtUluct was composed of white ber of the household of President and delphia. She is registered in the curri- swers now. DonYt be a slacker. I'm going roscs, lilies 'of the valley and swect ?\.I rs. Frank Aydelotte, of Swarthmore culum of architecture, with emphasis to check up on you! SIMPLY DIVINE College, is the daughter of Mr. and BABE. peas. 011 inte~ior architecture. Mrs. Owen Dougherty, of Dublin, IreThe bride's sister, Miss Jane AlburPRICES BEGIN land. •H.*Gilroy • Damon and ger was maid of hOllor. She wore a THE AMERICAN BOY • * • Mr. and Mrs. AT $14.75 gown of autumn green chiffon velvet, Top Ranking Magazine With All Dr. and Mrs. J. Howard Smith, of daughter, Sally, of Ridley Park, spent Victorian style, with train, and a grecn American Boys Today Park avenue, had as their overnight last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John maline coronet cap with veil. She car• Now guests last Monday Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Broomall, 4th, and daughter, Ann, ried bronze chrysanthemums and roses. Edward Tikiob, of Rehoboth Beach, Del. of South Chester road and Harvard $1 Per Yr.-$2 for 3 Yrs. The bridesmaids, Miss Phyllis Seu1 $: • • avenue, at the Broomalls' summer Afler Nov. 10th + bel, of Rutledge, and Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Griffin, of home The Barn on the Manasquan $1.50 Per Yr.-S3.00 For 3 Yrs_ ' Manz, of Philadelphia, wore rust colRutgers a~enue, will leave Saturday for River: at Herbertsville, N. J. on Park Avenue ored chiffon velvet, also Victorian SUb.criplion. For ALL lfIa,aRnea a weeks trip to Fort Loudon, Pa. This week-end Mr. and Mrs. Broornstyle, with matching caps and veils and MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN 'Irs Har Id ~ ·G··ffi" f R t all will have as their guests at The carried yellow chrysanthemums and 313 Dartmouth Ave_ .LV. 0 '..7. n n, 0 u gers ave- B M d M PI '1' D I f Tel. Sw. 2080 nue,en tert·al'ned a t a Iunceonon h T ues-Marn1 r. danN J rs. 11 Ip 0 sen, 0 talisman roses. Virginia Allen Pratt, four-year-old day, October 5. Her guests were: Mrs. ap ewoo, . . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. San- Mark McIntosh, Mrs. Henry Linton, Mrs. * • Ten Eick, of Mrs. Charles •Watson ford Pt'att, of Royersford, was Jcsse H. Holmes, Mrs. Benjamin Collins, flower girl dressed in an empire frock Mrs. Robert Richmond, Mrs. Cecil How- Hollywood, Fla., and her sons, Bobbie of pale blue flowe:red organdie with ard, Mrs. William Kraft, Mrs. McDonald and Watson, Jr., are the guests this tiny bows of blue ribbon in her hair. Swan, Mrs. David Braun, Mrs. E. H. week of Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. E. APPLES - PRESERVES - JELLIES She carried a basket of rose petals. Van Patten, Mrs. Joseph Nicholas, and Ullman. of Harvard avenue. Mrs. Ten H. Chalmers Stuart, Jr., of Sharon Mrs. Irvin MacElwee, all of Swarthmore. Eick and Mrs. Ultnlan were classmates at Swarthmore College. . Hill, was hest man for his brother. " • * Rohert Gerner and Robert Allison, Dr. James F. Bogardus, Secretary of both of Swarthmore, were ushers. Forests and Waters in Governor Earle's LOCUST KNOLL PRODUCTS Mrs. Alburger wore dark blue chif- Cabinet, wa3 the guest of the Delaware Sproul and Providence Road fon velvet made on Princess Hnes and Ri\'er Pilot Association which met the Art Alliance Bldg., 251 S. 18th St. a matching turban, with a corsage of School Ship Annapolis at the Delaware roses. The mother of the bridegroom breakwater on October 5 and escorted it PEN 1940 PIANO - VOICE - VIOLIN was gowned in hl1rgandy velvet, Vic· to the Philadelphia Navy Yard before Philadelphia Registration Now torian style entrain, and a corsage of going aboard for inspection. Swarthmore Branch: CONQUER FEAR - INC REASE YOUR INCOME roses. OCI'OBER S. - PVBLUBIID BVBBY rBlDAY A'r 'BWABTBMOIUI, PA. .... TJIII SWABTBMOIUlAN, INC. ROSALIE DRYDEN News Ec11to1' •• MARJI SCHAEFER .." Z35 KENYON AVII.. ·. . " Free Parlein« For Our PalrOPA Dr. Frank Aydelotte is representing Rear 0/ Thealre Swarthmore College at the inauguration of Cornell University's fifth president M: iss Matilda Fassitt. daughter of Dr. Edmund Ezra Day, today. October Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fassitt, of 8, at Ithaca, N. Y. Now Playing Chestnut HilI, and William Reese FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Scott, 3rd, of Swarthmore, were marMrs. Henry Bitler, of Rutledge, has ried at 4 o'clock last Saturday after- been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lindnoon, October 2, in 51. Paul's Church, ley Peel, of North Chester road, for two Chestnut Hill, by the Rev. Malcolm weeks. Peabody. Mrs. I~conard Ashton, of Elm avenue, The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of will represent Swarthmore College at ivory satin made on simple lines with the one hundredth anniversary of coeduca-! a tulle veil extending to the end of tion of women to be celebrated at Oberliti. the long train. She carried gardenias College, Oberlin, 0., today, October 8. and lilies of the valley. Miss Constance Reg, of North Chester Miss Margaret Elizabeth Fassitt was ALICE FAYE her sister's maid of honor wearing a road, is a student at Elmira College, RITZ Brothers delphinium blue moire gown, an off- Elmira, N. Y. DonAMECHE the-face hat of dubonnet velvet and Mr. and Mrs. S. Milton Bryant, of __ WINNINGER carrying a bouquet of gladioli. Five other attendants were in pink Dickinson avenue, entertained Mr. and LOUISE HOVICK moire with dl1bonnet velvet hats and Mrs. Frank W. Edwards and their daugh. RUBINOFF :=. tcr, Miss Elizabeth Edwards, of Chicago, carried gladioli and delphinium. TONY MARTIN lITID TIDCII£I fITUlS IIttU Henry D. Mirick, of Ardmore, was 111., last week-end. 'I'. TIP . . TOf • tnD llOIU best man. ltllS mu .. lIS lID Mr. Scott, who is employed by the Scott Paper Company,' Chester, has been living at the home of Dr. and MONDAY, TUESDAY-OCT. 11-12 Mrs. Franklin S. Gillespie, of South sONEYI••• IT'SA YEAR AHEAD! Chester road. His father, the late Rev. Friday-Salurday William Reese Scott, was an army " .. Monday Classes 7 to 9:30 P. M. ••• ••• MEDIA EDWARD ARNOLD FRANCES FAlUfER "The .Toast of New York" with JACK OAKIE-CARY GRANT - Public Speaking ami Personality Development· Monday, Oclober 11, 7 P. M. • Learn how this Course will mold your personality and help YOli to express yourself effectively, develop seH-confidence and leadership. Monday Evening Classes Come and bring your friends - Ihere is no fee or directed by obligation for your attendance at this first Session. Willard P. Tomlinson 401 Dartmouth Ave. PEIRCE SCHOOL ROBERT TAYLOR ELEANOR POWELL . RBLD OVER SONIA BENlE-TYRONB POWEBIII Home Baked Products Formerly sold at MARTEL BROTHERS during the year.• During the summer the organization has supplied ice to a needy family in this vicinity and the welfare chairman was asked to inves'1 • '11' tigate and see if the faml y IS sh 111 a position to need the milk which the group had delivered to it last year. Thi ·next meeting will be held Sunday evening, October 17, at the home 0 f Sarah Fussell, on Ehia avenue. There will be a meeting of the Altar Guild at 10 o'"clock next Tuesday morning in the Parish House. Mrs. A. L. Clayden, chairman, urges the attendance of all members. Now on Sale at MITRO AND SONS 17 S. Chester Road "TIIIN ICW' wlth Arthur Treacher-lou Davis . Leah..,. Sic BIIIIWIII-AUan _ t=h"e=spe=a=e:r:.======:"==;:::~== I CHURCH NEWS SWARTHMORE pRESBYTERIAN CHUl\CB Rev. David Braun, Mlnlster SUNDAY 9:45 A. M.-SundaY School. 10:00 A Y.-Bible cnasses· 11:00 A' M _Morning WorshIp. Mr. Braun on "The Past Bundred years." 6:00 P. M.-Young Pflople's Fellowship. • FIRST UPHOLSTERING FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST . OF SWART~MORE, PA_ Furniture Restoring ANNOUNCES A. In FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE W H E R E IN THE SPRINGFIELD mGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM AT 8:15 O'CLOCK. FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 81h, 1937 T~ PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED N Y T I M Y OF DETROIT•. MICmGAN Member of the Board of· Lectureship of the Mother Church The First ChulCh of Christ., ScIentist., in Boston, Massachusetts with BUDDY EBSEN A A N BY LBAldY AVE •• SPRtNG.,-mLn. DELAWARE CO!' PENNSYLVANIA One mock From Woodland Avenue station on Media S~ort Line All Its Branches FRED - E J. HARLEY Call Swarthmore 1441 '. 1938 deslre to pass along to yoU t..hls slight buying advantage. Not only Is the la.tch-strlng always ou.t for you, but there Is also a plate on for you. Lift the latch and use the plate I COrdlaIly yoW'S, F. M. SCHEIBLEY, MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Hannum & Waite Yale Avenue and Chester Road Swarthmore, Pa. STRATH HAVEN mN. swarthmore, Fa. . . wUl preach ~~Ia~rg~SCIENTI8T• Park. Avenue below Harvard 11:00 A. M.-Sunday School. 11'00 A M..-8unday LessoD-Sermon. Wednesday evening meeting each week, 8 m Readlng room open Sunr - - - - - - - - - - - - - -....II pdays· and hoUdays 1 to dally. 4 P. except 14., Church "Breadway Melody of 1938" NEW I Mr. William Duucan Kilpatrick, C. S. B. Sunday-Monday-Tueaday .Plymouth Chrysler , Shirer Building Swarth. 411 H'I PHILADelPHIA Pine Street West of Broad SWARTHMORE GARAGE Day and Night Storage Thursday Classes 6 10 8:30 P. M. " ••• STANLEY -Chester-~t:I': -to attend the first Monday Evemng ~es­ sion of our new Specialized Course ill -MANOR- MUSIC . We Invite You -------------------------------- + AllCE KRAFf STUDIOS 1!-~;;;;;;;;;;~;~;~;~;~;~~~~~~1 .. Zeckwer-Hahn' ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~;:::::::::::::~ ORNSTEIN ~r: " Fall Days Are Ideal For Cycling! I The monthly meeting of the Ep· worth League was held at the parson· age 011 Monday night. A program for FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1937 enlarged membcrship and increased social activities was adopted. E%plorerB All! The Ladies' Aid monthly meeting ·d . h II p b was held and a splendid group was N tT we s a r a TI' d d b th t tl b k prcsent. IC meetmg was prece e y ·bI ex h ues .ay mornmg a yrus ,as 111 0 eryears, 0 Ie an h II' V . only to stand thunder-struck before t e usua unCt~con. cry encourab"ng closed doors. There, sorting out of a reports wer~ gIVen. Plans were formmental haze that holiday which has u~ated relative to the anl1ual tur~ey brouglit about such a calamity, we real- dmner and bazaar to be held Novem· ize that it is Columbus Day I Perhaps ber 18. . we wonder for a brief moment, about Next Sunday. WIll he Mortgage D~y, that intrepid spirit whose rallying cry a day filled WIth eX[Jectancy and VICuSail on I Sail on I" drove himself and tory. . his discouraged men to new horizons The regular meetmg of the Church and a new land~ School Board will be held at the home For severai years it has been the of Eleanor Shinn, on Lafayette avenue, fashion to cry the end of discovery; to Mc:nday at 8 ~. M. .. also be seated onby theticket platform. Admission will be only. Resclaim that man has. found his last new .1 he ~oman s Home MISSionary So- will horizon .. In recent months a few mod- clety Will meet on Wednesday at 2 :30 ervations can be made by calling the church office, Swarthmore 672. ern and· reckless individuals have P. M. . • I • pointed out scientific and spiritual. The. Wedncsday mght Prayer MeetGirl Seout New8 realms which challenge explorers; they mg will have as guest speaker ~homas have suggested that certain ways of Avesoll, of Park avenue, ,who will t~lk The members of TrOOI) 2 have been thought and living might well be re- about. t.he Cat~edrals of England whIch meeting with Mrs. Don Storrs, of CHILDREN'S CLASSES discovered. he Vlslted thiS summer. Swarthmore place, for the past few weeks In a practical field the recent New· Congratulations arc expressed to the Begin 3 P. M_ Thursday, October 14, College Avenue School sewing infant clothes for their NeedleYork Herald Tribune Conference sug- S\Var~hmore ,:,-. }'1. E. Chur~h upon the work Guild contribution. [..'lst week Mrs. gested in its general title, "The Second ~ccaslOn of It:; fi.fteenth birthday ~e­ ADULTS' CLASSES Discovery of America," a field for a mg celebrated thIS Sunday by speCial Henry Hanzlik entertained the troop at her home on Cornell avenue at an infor1937 Columbus. services. Begin 10 A. M_ Friday, October IS, College Aveuue School mal get-together. Certainly, Columbus Day or DisThe second regular meeting of Troop covery Day, as it is also called, prePresbyterian Church Notes 213,will be Girl Wednesday afternoon, October ~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sents a peculiar challenge this year. !, ~ at the Scout House. The earth and the people thereon are Sun,day Morn.ng at 11 o. c1oc~ Lhe paso. .. I • confused and faint of heart and need tor will preach ~n the subject The Past Le Cercle Francais Reopens some such a leader as he who held to Hundred ':ears. . Thc first faU meeting of Lc Cerc1e his course steadfastly 44S years ago in There will be a. meetIng of th; trustAnnouftee. the Opening 0/ a the face of doubt and despair. ees Tuesday evemng, October 1..., at 8 Francais will he held in Bond Memo'clock in the church. orial, Swarthmore Col1ege, at 8 o'clock SWARTHMORE DANCING CLASS u • • • • • • • Then spoke the mate, The Department of Church Aid of the next Monday evening, October 11. Miss In the Recreation Room of the Fawcett Residen('.e "This mad sea shows il$ teeth tonisht, \V'omen's Association will hold a rum- Isabelle Bronk wilt be hostess. He curls his lip, he lies in wait 400 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD nuige sate on Thursday, October 21. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lj lI'ith lifted teeth, III if to bit •• Classes Every Tuesday Afternoon at 3.30 Clothing· and articles of all kinds arc; Brave Admiral, say but one good word. earnestly solicited. Boxes should be left Beginners and Advance Pupils Accepted What shall we do when· hope is gone? with the sexton at the church or if they; Tap, Ballet Ter.hnique and Toe The words ieaped as a flaming sword, BEGINNERS CLASSES are to be collected telephone Mrs. William "Sail on, sail ·on, sail on and onr" For In/ormado" Telephone Slf1fJr,hmore 228 Argyle, 979, if collection is to be mace: in Rhythm, Sight Singing and , I , north of the railroad. If collection is to Rudiments of Musle_ be made south of the railroad Mrs. J. S. Sman Groups . Trinity Church Notes Bates, Swarthmore 131, should be notified. The class for college age young people· The first fall meeting of the Junior and students of schools in Swarthmore DOROTHY PAUL Woman's Auxiliary will be held at 8 and vicinity meets each Sunirit of life in Christ Jesus hath madc me free from the law of sin and death." (Romails 8:2). PETER E. TOLD B4hor ••• ADOLPH'S Chrietian Science Churm THE SWARTHMOREAN ",t.t••t ••• THE 1937 October 7. 1937. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• - ed~r-are cordiallY Invited. to attend the services and use tJJ.e Reading Boom. TRINITY CBORCB COAL Protestant Episcopal Chester Road and COllege Avenue Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, B.T..M.\lIeetor . Rev. T. A. ·Yeryweather. Dlr. Be • Belue. a:oo A. M.-Holy communton. 9 :45 A. M.-Sunday School. 11:00 A. M.-MorninR Prayer and Sermon. Mr. Guenther will preach. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY 9:45 A. Y.-Flrst Day School. 9:45 A. Y.-Adult Class. 11:00 A. M.-Meettna: for Worsblp 1u .the lleetmc Bouse. WBDNII8DAY 9:30 A. Mo to 3:30 P. Mo-l!eWlng and quilting In Whlttler HoWJ8. SO:.: luncheOn. All are eordlaU7 Invl~ MBTBODIST EPISCOPAL OHUBOH Clarence P. Carter, A.B., B.D•• KlDlBter SUNDAY . 9:45 A.IL-Churcb SchooL l1:OO A. M.-Mamln8" WombJp. '1;45 P. M.-Evenln8" Worshlp. . VAN ALEN BROS. AND FUEL OIL ... _ . _v, You'gelb IDtbo FIlEJ...-Jrlnnlrur al a IJoln1. In cen&er line of Marlin Ave_ 20688 fl. N. 50- IS' E. [i~M~~ he has been receiving treatment for visiting relatives in this country since ner in this vicinity. along au me from center nile of Railroad Ave. May. Their son, Jack, who caml! over the past two weeks. Mr. Hodge won $\0 in the first con- Containinr In front N. E_ along ·the center line' of Martin Ave. 25 ft. and estendlng of in September with his father, wiU re~ test. Ihat width in depth N. W. belween parallel main a month long,er with the Langes. Iinell al rigbt angles to MarUn Ave. 180 n. Mr. and Mrs. Willi.m S. Hobbs, of or Park avenue, are entertaining Mr. ImprovemenlR consist of two and one-balf Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden and Mrs. ~~g Hobbs' parents, Mr. and Mrs. William stOry stuC(o house, 21x42 feel; enclos:!d front A. Hobbs, and her sister, Dr•. Laura Russen H. Kent have returned to their porch: stucco gara~e. 12x12 feel. M. Hobbs, of Miami, Fla.• for ten d~ys. respective homes on Westdale avenue Sold BR thp prolX'rty of MargUerite L, Dunn. Dr. Hobbs is attending the State Memottgagor and Willhtm J. Burke and LUUan U .. his wife. real owners_ and toRiverview after bya week's Chicago, road returning of dical Convention, in session this week trip in Philadelphia. GEORGE T. BUTLER, Attorney. Canada and Niagara Falls. Mrs. Cl'LV-' i~~~~~G den visited her family in Chicago Mr. M. R. Cort, superintendent of No. 1049 Mrs. Kent left her son. Laurence, as !~t~t~:~£~~~~;;~~ Alina Levari Fndaa ~~=! the Philippine Iron Mines, Camarines a freshman at Lake Forest College, I~~~~~~;~'~: March Term, 1937 Norte, P. 1., was the guest of the You- Lake Forest, III. Of" p<.i;'.~ All that cerlaln lot ot' piece of ground wltb mans, of Elm avenue, for the past the buildings and lmprovemenlB thereon erect· Mrs. Philip Kniskern, of week. -During his stay in the Philiped. situate in the Boroulifh of Sharon HUI. Delaware County, Pennsylvania. betr:innlng- al pines Joseph Youmans was office man- road, and' her house guest, Mr. Knisthe 80utheasterly corner of Sharon and Woodager and assistant superintendent of kerli's mother, left Monday for a fourright to reject land avenues; thence along the Routherl, side the Iron Mine. Mr. Cort, who is mak- day trip to Williamsburg, Va. of Woodland avenue one hundred eigbty·flve ELLIOT'!' RICHARDSON, foct to the w~9'lerly side of a fifteen feet wide ing his first vi!!lit to this country in , Borough Secretary, a'I(',: thence alon.. tbe aame soutb lwenU'· Mrs. Brand Blansh.rd, of Ogden ___________ twenty-three years, ftew acros's the -=:...:...::..c:...:...:...:...:..c 1five degTeea three minutes east seventy-seven feet: thence southwester),. one hundred elcbt)'avenue, entertained with a kitchen SHERIFF SALES four and elgbt one-bWldredlha feet to 'be pacifictraveling in the across clipperthe plane' and has shower on Wednesday evening of last been continent cuterly side of Sbaron avenue and thence Sheriff's OMce. Court House. Media, Pa" week for the Misses Kate and Elizaalong the aame seventy-seven feel to the ~~~~~'I easy stages rediscovering America. pln.co of beginning_ Tog-ether with the free Satunlay. October 30, 1937 beth Walker, who will soon move into nsc. right, Uberty and privilege of the above is a now visiting his brother, who the first -floor rear apartment in the professor at John5 Hopkins UniCond~tlona: $26000 caah or certified cbeck mentioned fifteen feet. wide alley in common Celia Building; on Par~.1l,venue, which at lime of MIa (unleaR otherwise stated 1n wllh ilhe owners. tenant. and occupiers of the versity, and will' return to the advertisement), balance In tcn days. Ot.ber \ premises abunin:f tbere"'bn, as and for a was va~ated October 1 when Mr. and eonditl.olU, pines December. on da.y o( sale, passagl)W8Y and driveway III all lIroes bere· .;-.. ***"" Mrs~'.~ H~J;'~ ..Libe;~~o a:e'moved . •after foreve... . No. 7991 Dayton Gibson, of WatetbutY;-oConn., Springfiei,d. 'rhe Misse~ Walker oc.cu- Levari Facias Ondt'r and lIubject to a ,firtlt mortgage of SOn of Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Gibson, piei:l the Bi'shop apartment" on Harvard '10,00000 with interest due Dnd to become June Tenn. 1U37 spent last week-end at his parents' avenue last wi,.ter . due thereon. All tbat certain .lot or piece of ground alton Hil!born avenue. He brought nale in the ·Borough of Darby. Coun-IT of Improvements consist of three-8t01'Y brick him Kenneth Tingley, of Boston, The Misses Anne Whiteman, of The Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. bounded IIltBr,lmenl buUding-. 54x05 feeL; atore lrouls: described aerordlng to a survey ,md plan side and rear porc-hee: three-slory brick addJSwarthmore, and Priscilla Clayden, of and thereof made by Da"!,on and Foster. Civil tlon. 4%20 feet: three-story brick sddllion. Westdale avenue, are resuming their Engineers.. E\haron H!.l and Upper Darby. 9xl0 feel; three-story brick addition. h3D IMass. • • \Vas • given for Mrs. studies at the U.giversity 'of Pennsyl- PennSylv8U1a. on May 25.. 1028. for S. Rappa- feeL: two·story brick. frame and ahlngle 1"&• 206 Harvard A.Ye'. A surprise shower roof. 8 rooms. porL. as follows. to wlt. rage, 2-1x28 feel. and ~pered; ''IiI.IJ'''''' Devoll, -the 10rmer Bertha Chey- vania. Beginning at the point of inter-sation of Sold as the property of Peter Arrltrhl. mort· :~I:':;~;;~;'" n~~al~t")lT)~~he Swarthmore Apartments, the 80utbelUlierly Bide of- Chesler Pike (siEly ga~or and teal owner and John M. Broomall, --. -;O.-S.' o · 1. The guests were: Jallet David Shoemaker, of Riverview leet wide) and the sou,hweBter}Y side of Pine 4th. ,trustee in hankrUllt,,), for Peter Arrighi, ~..:_.:-~ -SWar1.hmore'lll.~J _. M.ary MacDonald, . Elinor Burgett, will attend Haverford College stree\ (fifty feet wide), thence estcnding BOuth real owner. t1i:l:ly-three degreeg, :fIfty-lbree miQute!l eBRl year. along the Bald side of Pine street, ninety-eight H:md money '500.00. ,Mrs_ Gilbert Cheyney, and Blanche. Alice and Mary and :fIfjy·seven one-hundredths feet to a potnt. C. WILFORD CONARD, Attorney. Miss Caroline E. Gaskill has returned thence soutb twenty·slx degrees. seven minutes Snyder, and John Devoll, all of SwarthIIlxly-81:1: and lwo one-hundredths feet (.0 1110re j Ma'ry Lobb, of Morton; Dotty to her Elm avenue apartment after s'pcnd- aweat NATHAN P. PECHIN, point. theOl~e north sixty-three degree.a. fifty· I S~erla. ACKerman, of Sharon Hill, and Feli)'; ing her vacation at the shore and thre~ minuteR west. eighly-four and seveutl'- • ing in New. England. ;Harper, of _Highland Park. CLASSIFIED ..:o. THAT'S THE STORY OF •• . ================= Let our novel ••lOrtmenl of uDdiea, favo~ pumpkin boXell, provide 10n with lois of fun this Hallowe'en. Our prices IDiU add THE SWAIlTBMOREAN OCJ'OBER E~tahlil!hed 19M CAREFUi FITTING';' . . .. . . $200,000 For First . Mortgages on Dwenw~:·" ~J' _Co~~lasjO!,: ~... _~\l.,~. 1941~' ~, , This Guest Ho11UJ, Completely Furnished. 18 Open For Your Inspection at Rose Valley Acres (Moylan-Rose Valley Station. Penna. R. R.) On high ground overlooking the beautifully wooded Rose Valley, here is a home thoughtfully planned for your every convenience and comfort, and soundly and conscientiously constructed as though· you built it yourself.· Three large bedrooms; two baths, maid's bed-· room and bath, twocar garage and basement recreation room - and nearly an acre of land-$15,OOO; other prices begin at $12,900. Drive Oilt to Rose Valley Acres A Rep.........tatlve of the· Owner wlll be In the Sample HoWIe - or CONSULT YOUR BROKER THE 6 SWARTBMOREAN I LAURENCE mVING planation of "The Place of the Junior High School System in the School System". Several of the tcachers were present and took part in the discussion. '(ca was served by the social commitMrs. W. '1'. Spivey Speaker Fri· tee of which 1\1 rs. Paul F. Gemmill is chairmau. Airs. A. E. Bye, chairman day at Opening Meeting of the program· cOlllluittce, outlined the Held in Media program for the year's meetings which will occur every six weeks. 'fhe next Prediction that the forthcoming national census of the unemployed might meeting of the Eighth Grade ~{others' "lead to a new tcclllli(Jue" was voiced group will he held on the evening of by Mrs. \Villis T. Spivey, of Westtown, Fo\'cmbcr J, so that fathers as well as who spoke before the Delaware County mothers can hear the tcachers outHne League of ""omen Voters at the Media t he grade program for the entire year. Woman's Club last Friday afternoon. Rides at Bryn Mawr Mrs. Spivey, who discussed "'Vhcrc docs Pellllsyh'ania Btand on Economic Martha Viele, of Oherlin avenue, Welfare Legislation?", is chairman of rode "Caesar", of the Swarthmore Colthe Department of Government and lege stables, in the children's hunters Economic \Vclfarc of the State I#caguc. class at the Bryn Mawr Horse Show She expressed the Ol)illioll that such a cellsus will show that many unem- on Saturday, Scptcmber 25. 'Phototaken by Philadelphia and ployed are "ullcl1Iployables or marNew York photographers do justice to ginal employables." "The rcsult~ llIay lead to a new tech- Miss Vide's fine lIerformance. Former University of Toronto prole&ni()ue", she said, "but we cannot stand 011 it until we have the tigures." SIJeaker at Red Cross Meeting 801', who will be direelor 01 the new Biology Laboratory of Swarthmore Thc spcaker cmphasized that we At a meeting of the Swarthmore College. must he "eternally watchful" that economic welf111g- h.lS been most encouraglllg to the SdlOol Board. There will be an avcr,1l~C of twentY-lIlne Citizen!! takl11g shop tl\O evelllllgs a \\'eek and tlurty-four Ilklllg :-:;horthand and typmg lesso11:-> (,reat IIlterest III shop has also been ~ho\\ n by the girls III school and there I" IlUW a clas:'> once a \\eek in shop fpr them At the same tunc several hu\ shave lIHhcated a deSire to study c(lokmg and arrangements are bemg made for such a t;our!!c, It was deCIded to close the schools on October 25 and 26 durll1g Tcachers' 111..,lIlute and to close the Grammar ~chool, hut not the High School 011 ()ctober 27th til order th.lt thc grade It.:.lchers may VISit other schools. Speakers at College State Speaker at Business Men's Association GEORGE F. CORSE Automa Brlco, orchestra conductor, lHalllst, and lecturer. Will speak in the Friends' Meeting House at 815 next Thursday e\'ell1ug under the auspice!'! of the Somcrvllie Society of Swarthmore College MISS Bnco's subject Will he "Tn stan and Isolde". At 8 15 thiS evelllllg, Friday, October 15. Prmce Hubertus zu LOeWl'lIstelll, of Germany, Wilt spl.'ak in the Meeting House all "Chnstlal1lty and the Totalitarian Stale" At the 9 o'clock CollectIOn in Clotiller Memorial Ill'xl \Vedllcsda) morning Khalil 'rotah \\: III speak on "ZiOll- The regular month1) lIIcetlllg of the Busllless ~Iell's As"oclallon \\111 be held \\ edllesd.L}, Octobl.'r 20, at the Str.lth lI.n en Jun 'fhe huslIles:; mectmg \\111 heglll .It S o'clock, \\hen a ,speake:r from the Pe:lIl1syha1l1<~ lJep.trtmcnt of He\ ellue Will uuthuc ami eXl'Ia1l1 the reg-ul.ltluns of the lIew 44 Hour 1..1\\ AIl)Ol1e IIItcrcsted in the practIcal .IIlPhc.ltloIiS of thiS la\IO IS Ited 10 allend litis IIlcetlllg eVell though nol .1 memher of the llu:;lIleS5 ~lell:; t\S:;OCIoI11011 It" ....------- -~~~~ CO. REPUBLICAN CLUB AT INN ISlll." • I • DR. MELCHIOR AT WOMAN'S CLUB Large Gathering Assembled to Pledge SUI'loort to County Candidates Speaker From Girard College; Heard on Current Events; Mu· sic Program Next 1Veek The first stated meeting of the IIc,uJIJ ~ommitlee for American Lt·gion S\\arthmore Women's Club for the entertainment Monday c\','ning. current year \las held 011 Tuesday, October 12, at the Park avenue club house Mrs Alfrcd Gary \Vhite presided Re~ ports of chairman \\ere given and 1Ildlcated much activity 111 aU depart~ ments Past Commander Corse to 51.ring The speaker of the afternoon was Surprise Entertainnlcnt on Dr D Montfort Melchior, professor Unsuspecting Guests of history at Girard College. Dr. McIchoir has spoken hefor~ the local club on many occasIOns and a large audlcnce greeted 111111 LEGION HONORS COMMANDERS •• • Entertains School Board Sail ud D. C')d~ •. 'b~· :!IlCC I,roker lor the S\\arthmorc School Board, wIll t ntertalll the members of the board at .1 wcek-end party at his summer home .It Rehoboth Beach, Del., tlus week. • I • Needlework Guihl Meeting Prep Overcoats •• • • $12.94 • I , II Sizes 12 to 20 Boys' Overcoats Sets St \ l r II lIlothlr .. ' group" (11 S\\ IrthllltlH '-'lil"oj,., Ire .1" t .. UIIIIIII! Iltl\lllt.., lor tit( \(.1.1 'Ihl IlIlIrth (,I.uk ~Iothlh CIOUI)I of Ih( 1~lIlg( I ... IH'!H1t ... l hel!>l. ,)f \\ 1m 11 ~lr~ I h~ ~1.lll."\ll I"i lh.111111111 lilt 1 \1011,]1' .IItCllloml ()f thl'" \\(tI. 'It.1 \\ L., . . 11\«1 .It :) P ),1 Illld(r .llt 1\1 rl I 11011 til :\1 r" ~orlll til h. r.I"l. :\11" I 1).1\1(1 :\llC.lhtll ~Il'" ('lCllgl ('IIIt"1 1111 )'Ir" I· 'I Fl.tlurt\ 11111 ~II'" J'''l1l t ~Itlt)n .\1 ~ m \11'-' ~l\ltlt :\1,C.11I1II thl gr.lde tt.Hllll gl'l .1 Idk 1,11 "111l ('Olll"'( 1.1 SIIII" it,r Iht I , 1.11 ~1 r" C :\1 I( \)ull tiel S" III d.,., lll~"'ltl \n,lhzl1lg.1 11\' !·n.iJltlll" lUI I~, Irlllg Pit \c}nlt ... l i l t <.ll1ltlllll ~Ir~ (.lorgt SH kd jlrt'i.lltul tht toplt I \\hlt 1\lll I' '''111 <'hlld ~II'" \ l ),1 B,) ..... h.lIdt t.11J.ld (In Iht I,Jtlltrl ... 1.11 thllg "lIhJ\ (I . \Il I'.lfl 111 . . I' tel I"r (llIlcln II I Itl 11' xl Ill\ (tlllg (II 1hl.., gr"UI) \\111 1)( I JOlllt lIIllllll~ 01 thl'l l'"lhg..: Illel 1~l1tgtr~ 1\(IIUl J.!rtltlps .It I' 1 otllllk. ~ll\lIllh(r I 111 tin I{ulg'lr, ,I\t HUl ItHhlurlll1ll :\Ir 1 \\ I~II! (Il niH 1"( I (II Il1ghl.t1lfl '\Irk "til (IJ ... tu ... " lilt ~lntlt1 .. (I\lld' 'Ih", \,1111, h t .111 IIJllll IIIl t 111I~ It \\ lllth .L1n III hn"lul ".Innt \\111 ht \\tittllll<': IIH ~Itllhl r .. · CrtltlJl 01 Ill( Colhg 1\'"IH "lit cl \\111 I1H(1 111 xl \\Ielnl~ dl\ 111l111,l1\ (1,1 1,,1 HIll \11".,1\ clil Hll1lh,udl" fthct Members are a!>kcd to take 1 tlcular notice of tillS change. As a lute to her past lo}at servIce the (Iresldent, Mrs Alben '1' Eavenson, , gn cn a gold Legion 11111. hose \\ ho havc hcen tires!;'Ulg dolls the \uxlhan should turn the dolls 11\ :"'\t)\emhl.'r 1 Do Your Banking With SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Buuk ami Trust Compauy Member Jo'edcral Deposit )n~uran('c Corporation •• l.egion Auxiliary Get-Together October 25 I Health Society Re.umes Winter Hours Friendly Circle Next Thul'sday 'rhe October l11(!(;\lnJ.{ of the Fnendly On 'l'uesda), Octoher .19, there Willi Circle \\111 be held at 2 o'clock next he given at the \Voman s Club a pro· 1Thursday afternoon at Ihe home of gram of speCial IIlterest to 100er:s of Mrs Harlan Jessnp, 2.J3 Ilaver10ld avegood musIc ~lrs Herbert F Fraser, nue "ell knowll local PJaIllSt, aSSIsted by • I• 11 ISS 1(artha ~lcCord will present vaOpening at Post Office ned piano selections, ~Irs. Ne\\'comh K Chancy will be the vocalist An Postmaster Alfred P Small c) has unusual treat is in storc for all those announced an olh~nlllg ill the IHlSltlo n \\ho attend tins lIleet111g pi substItute charm an at the S\\arlhOn Saturday, Octoher 23, from 2 to more Post Office UllIted Stales CIVil 5 P III the PCllns)lvama Horticultural Sef\lcc Ex.l11unatlOll for the \at:ancy Soclcty \\ III hold an Informal Flower 1 must he on hIe \\ ith the managel, Sholl and Outdoor Display of Hard) ThIrd U S CI\II Service Dlstm t. Old Chrysanthemums, Oil the Swarthmore! Post Ollice Buiidmg', Phdaddpilla, not (Conun"oed on P(JD~ 8~J I later than November I THE WEEK'S CALENDAR FRIDAY. OCTOBER 15 M _ Football Swarthmore H S VS. Sharon Hill • .. • •...•• " home 315 P .. ,. home 345 P M _ Hockey - Swarthmore COllege vs Rosemont 815 P M _ political Science Leeture- Prince Loewenstein Friends' Meeting House SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16 , Players Club 3:0<> P M and 8 15 P. M -Junior Play, "Jack's Beanstalk" SUNDAY. OCTOBER 17 Sarah Fussell s home. Elm A\cnue 730 P M - J J's meet Friends Meeting House 8 15 P M - Engllsh Department Lecture MONDAY. OCTOBER 18 ,Borough Hall 8 00 P M - American Legion Meeting. TUESDAY,OCTOBER19 2 30 P M _ Music Program Thc Commulllty Health Society has 110\\ resumed the wmtcr schedule of office hours Thc office III Borough Hall Will be open from 8 30 a III to 5 p m and on ~aturday from 8,30 to 12 l100n DUring the tnnc that the office IS closed thc nurse on call Illa) be reached by calling Taylor HOsPllal __ Rnllcy Park 103. : $2.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., OCTOBER 15, 1937 ~CHOOL BOYS' AND PREPS' CI-,OTHING SPECIAI-lLY PRICED HAIJ.OWE'EN Saturday Night October 30 \ OL. IX, No. 42 ! LIllJlAHY THI: Saturday Night October 30 •• I l!!IlIlIlIIlIIlIIlIIlIlIIlIlIIlIlIIllIIlIIlIm! = --== --= == = = == == ocr 1G1937 I~~. L' PARADE PARADE •• l I HAlJ.OWI~ HMIlIU: en I I '( "'. ., ... , ..... Woman's Club WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20 9 00 A M - CollectIon Speaker: KhaUl Totah ..• . • . Clothier Memorial 2 30 p, M _ Woman's Assoc Missionary Meeting - Home of Mrs Robert Halg 6 00 P M _ Reception and Victory DInner . , , ... ,MethodISt Church 7 00 P M - (Open Meeting 8 o'clock) - Business AssOciation Strath Haven Inn 7 45 P M _ Borough Councll .. ,. . • . . ... ,.. . . .. . ... .. Borough Hall THURSDAY,OCTOBER21 2 00 P M _ Friendly Circle . . , . ' ... , .. , 243 Haverford Avenue 2 30 P M _ Roosevelt Club Meeting and Tea , ... 918 Strath Ha.ven Avenue 815 P. :M. -Somervllle Lecture. Antonia BrlCO .... Frlemt!;' Meeting House JUNIOR PLAY AT CLUB TOMORROW Afternoon and Evening Perform· ances 1VilI Open Season at Clnbhouse Perh,lps nOlle of the many tales treasured hy clllldren and secure 1U the 1I1et11ones of grm\ nul'S has the same appeal as "Jack's Beanstalk/' winch thl' junior memhersl111' of the Players Club of S"arthmore \\111 present III pl.l) form tomorrow III the clubhouse 011 FairView road "Jack's lleanstalk', directed by Eliza Kathenne Ullman. (1( rs l{oland G, E. Ullman), of llanard avenue, ,10111 be presented at 3 o'clock III the afternoon and at S 15 ttl the evelllllg It IS the tlllrleenth productIon of the Junior ~lell1berslllll and the first of tillS sea· SUIl. JCU"SIOIl rclatl\c to the amcndmcnb occulHed the Board of Directors First Grade l\lothers' Meeting pnceer, J9au, who have been visiting· the Star,rS" for the past two weeks. - * HALLOWE'EN Merchandise $483 ::1 Needle Work Guild Garments Marsh's Utility Shop "NAPOLEONS" Swal,"thmore Candy Shop Home & School Join Please -CIDER • * • John Child, SOil of Mr. and Mrs, Frederic Child, spent last week-end at his home on Vassar avenue. John is a student at :h.-lillersville College, Millersville, Pa. * • * Mrs. Louis Mr. and W. Wheelock, of Park avenue, left Wednesd~~. to spend a week in Norfolk, Va., vlsltmg Mr. Wheelock's daughter, :Mrs. H. L. Jennings, and Lt. Jennings after wh~ch they will go to Williamsburg. returnmg to· Swarthmore about November 1. TJ~e r .•j .i ,: * * * Marquess of Lothian, who is associated with President Frank Aydelotte, of Swarthmore College, in the management of the Rhodes Scholarship Foundation, was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Aydelotte at their home all the College campus as he is nearly every year. The Marquess is an eminent Scotchman, well known for his prominence in world affairs and for his writings. MEDIA Announce. lhe Opening 0/ a SWARTHMORE DANCING CLASS In the Jlecrealion ROODl of the Fawcett Residence 400 SOUTH CHESTER l!OAD Frida. - satuhlay Don Ameche Loretta Young "LOVE UNDER FIRE" Classcs Every Tuesday Afternoon at 3:30 Beginners and Advance Pupils Accep.,ed Tap, Ballet Technique and Toe With Borrah Mlnevltch and IllS Gang EXTRA! FIRS'r RUN NEWS! Sunday Only-Z Featurest zane Grey's nFORLORN RIVER" and Doris Kar]ofl' in "NIGHT KEY" Monday Tuesday Kay Francis "CONFESSION" With IAN HUNTER-BASIL RATHBONE We just unpacked the loveliest dinner dresses, in silks and in velvets. "BORNEO" SPECIAL AF'I'ER SCHOOL SHOWING WEDNESDAY WASHINGTON For In/ormation Telephone Swarthmore 228 SWARTHMORE GARAGE Louis F. Pierce, Proprietor Pricesbeginat$19·75 Wednesday Thursday Mr. and l\1rS. Martin JohnSOn's Narrative by Lowell Thomas STANLEY -Chester-~~"::i! MARJISCHAEFER Day and Night Storage Experl Mechanic Service SineIair GlI80line and Lobrleating Oils Washing - Lubrication - Battery and Tire Service GOWN SHOP OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT ON PARK AVE. 401 Dartmouth Ave. Swarth. 411 STARTS SATURDAY 1 R.I'I'. DAVIS ................. """- • • •BT Home Baked Products Formerly sold at MARTEL BROTHERS ONDa starts StarriDc Lorelta Youq-Warner Baster Vlralnia Brace WIth l.ane Dar-eO - Sidney Blackmer MinDaGom_ moment HERPRIVATE LIFE beeame PUBLIC' PROPERTY THE SWARTBMOREAN MITRO AND SONS Shirer Bullding 17 S. Chester Road s THE SWARTBMOREAN Methodist Chureh Notes tria during that period. Franz Joseph Th. YOWIg People's Fellowship will Assemblies Invitations Out meet Sunday evening at 6 o'c1QCk in the is described as a hard working. conParish House. All high school people 01 Invitations have been issued for the scientious and able ruler. the church and congregation are invited. 1937-38 dancing classes. Replies must be Mrs. Arthur Bassett and Mrs. RobThe fi!st Churo:b Family Dinner of the in by Thursday, October 21, in order that ert Gilfillan will contribute literary year will be given on Friday night, classes may be evened up and finally ar- sketches. October 29, at 6.30 in the Parish House. ed f th Aft 0 t be 21 th Plans are under way to make this a rang or ~ year. er cor e Three new members will be received notable event in the church year. The enrollment will be opened to out-of-town to fill vacancies which occurred reJnoior-Intennediate Department will have members. cently. charge of the decorations which will have Plans for the season have been coma world-wide theme. Good fellowship, pleted by the committee of which Mrs. good food and a good program are antici- J. Paul Brown is chairman; Mrs. Guenpated. Reservations must be in by Tues- ther Forbel, vice-chairman; Mr.. R. G. day October 26 Tickets may be procured E UII ch . f h M Wednesday and Saturday M' I' '. . man, airman 0 ostesses; rs. at arte s, Buchner s, or thechurrhollice F N La d M R be A . . . '. orton n on, r~. 0 rt . 35c Gal. in Your Jug The ~rst M1~SI?I13.ry. meehng of the Sheppard. The treasurer IS .Mrs. J. B. Woman s ASSOCiation wIll be held Wed- Pope; the assistant treasurer Mrs. Lyle 45c Gal. in Our Jug nesday, October 20, at 2.30 P. M. at the A. Whitsit, second assistant treasurer home of Mrs. Robert Haig, "Indian Hill", Mrs. William R. Argyle. Mrs. Irene 301 LAFAYETl'E AVE. on Ogden avenue.. The Rev. John Max- Lingo Tungate will instruct the classes Mrs. H. I. Hoot well Adams. Director of University again this year. Jimmy Daltry's orchestra Work for the Presbyterian Church U. has been secured to furnish the music. Phone Your Order, Swarthmore 2B4--J S..A., .~illtl speak on "Religion in thl; This orchestra is well-known and liked Umverslt1es. Dr. Adams has had a here and will contribute much to a sucgreat deal of experience in University cessful season. work. an~ b~ings a weal~h of infor~tiin There are five dancing classes, divided Art Allianee Bldg., 251 S. 18th St. and I~splratlon concermng the rehgto.us according to grade, starting with the PEN 1940 :no~k ~n l~rger college centers. A cordtal seventh. grade. The enrollment for the Philadelphia PIANO - YOICE - YlOLIN mVltatlon IS ~tended to aU women of the past year was 325. . church and fnends. Recistration Now Swarthmore Branch: The class for college age young people 235 KENYON Aft. and students of schools in Swarthmore Swarthmore l086-W Fortnightly Meels Monday Media_ell: and vincinity meets each Sunday mornSHERWOOD LANE WALLINGFORD, PA. ing at the Manse at 10 o'clock. W. B. Media 1288-M Mrs. Sargent Walter will be the Davison is chainnan of the discussions. College people and othErs are cordially Fortnightly hostess at her home on North Chester road on Monday, Octoinvited. ber 18, at 2 :30 o'clock. • I • "Golden Fleece" is to be reviewed by COAL Roosevelt Club Meets Next Week Mrs. Charles Joyce. This is one of the most entertaining books of the season. Next Thursday afternoon at 2:30 at It is a combination of history, romance and the home of Mrs. Robert C. Disque, of and adventure. It brings to light many Strath Haven avenue. there will be a events which enable the reader to FUEL OIL pre-election meeting of the women of understand the great Austrian Emperor the Roosevelt Club, followed by a tea. Franz Joseph and his beautiful wife. Phone8: Elizabeth. Elizabeth's surprising devel• I I Swarthmore 10412 opment as a woman and a. ruler. her Ridley Park 412 JUNIOR CLUB BEGINS intuitions as to affairs of state all show SEASON why she was the central figure in Aus- I'VBLJ8BBD B'D. F81D&Y AT SWABTBIIOBB, PA. The mortgage goal of $4,250 has been Sunday will be observed with surpassed. 'nIB SWABTIDIOBBAH, DlC. .....1IIIIer a victory worship in the morning and a s~rvice 01 sonl;!' and ~us.ic ~n the. evePETER E. TOLD mng. The penod of Jubilation Will be concluded with a Victory Dinner 00 JUllor Wednesday, at 6 :15 o'clock, October ROSAUE DRYDEN ZO, preceded by a reception at 6 o'clock. N .... lldlior The dinner speake~s will ~e members of the church. ~Id .tlmers will recall the , PIloaeS_1tt BD&ere4 as Second Clua ManUI . . . .1IUJ ZI. past, oth~rs Will view. the present, and 1m, at _ Post 011100 at S - . .... thters ~I~. shlaare tbhlel< ~Irlebams of th~ t UDder' the A.ca of IIareh 3, m •• u ure. ISP y a e WI e arrange in the dining hall containing the origFRIDAY OCTOBER 15 1937 ====='========'====,I inal charter, church pictures, and other mementoes which once had a prominent part in the early church life. . A Newspaper Creed The Chur~h School Board meeting Some years ago the late Rev. E. last Monday evening revealed new puMorris Fergusson, addressed the follow- pits received in three of the departing letter to the Editor of The Swarth- ments and that the attendance for September had exceeded the monthly recmarean, which sets forth a SUbscriber's ord for the previous year. point of view: • I • lilt seems to me a silly caper to critiTrinity Chureh Nolet! cise' the .local paper as if it lived to tell the nation the doings of the whole Miss Mary Wood Sumner addressed creation. Nor should it seem at all sur- the members of the Woman~s Auxiliary prising to find it mainly advertising; on Monday and told of her work when many dodge or fume and ":apor among the mountaineers of western when asked to settle for their paper. North Carolina. Trinity Church has I read the ads in fact with pleasure; for some time taken an interest in the they often give me news to treasure. I Mission Field where Miss Sumner is stationed and as a result of her visit note the skill of their approaches to the women planned to do more work jnterest in motor coaches, good things for her. to eat, new films, Inn dinners, and Mrs. Guy A. McCorkle made a rescats for non-chureh-going sinners. My port on the work of the Colored Comweb of fortune must unravel consid- mittee of the Diocese and Mrs. Alfred erably ere I travel; but friends, who S. Lewis told of the summer's activimake no such refusal, send news for ties of the Church Periodical Club. The Junior Woman's Auxiliary met stay-at-homes' perusal. To dance, or at the Rectory on Monday evening and join at cards, or putting, would win me made final arrangements for donations prompt rebuke for b'Utting; my neighto the Needlework Guild. bors do it smartly, really, and Friday Mrs. J. B. West, of Dickinson avenights I share it freely. The world re- nue, president of the Junior Woman's volving on its axis means less to us Auxiliary of the Diocese of Pennsylthan lower taxes; we turn from tales vania, is an official delegate to the of graft and pillage to scan the doings General Convention in Cincinnati, 0 .• of our village. Bring me each day that this week and next week. The Junior Woman's Club held its able .haper of public thought, my The regular meeting of· the J. J.'s first mt:eting of the season Tuesday, morning paper; but add our borough- will be held at 7.30 Sunday evening October 12, at the Club Hollse. life inspirer to Ledger, Record, or In- at the home 01 Sarah Fussell, on Elm Ruth Wellburn, the president, pre~ quirer." avenue. sided at the business meeting and preA small town newspaper editor's I.e sented the various new chairmen, who creed is in a more serious vein. Presbyterian Church Notes discussed tentative plans for the year. A 'home town weekly paper plays an • t The respective sections and committee active place in the life of a commuS~nday mornl?g at 11 0 clock the ~ev. chairmen are: Program, Mrs. William nity. It stimulates civic pride if in any DaVid Braun will preach on the subJect Uthe' Art Mrs. Erik SJ·ostram· Dra'" " measure it fulfills its opportunity. It is " B ase Lmes. rna . Margaret Latimer' Literature the cohesive element that binds neighThe l?epartme!lt. of Ch.urch Aid of the Ro~amond Wellburn; Philanthropic: borhoods to purpose and development Woman s Assoclal1on wdl hold a rum- Lenore Perkins j Membership, Mrs. with influences of personal sympatby mage sale on Thursdar' Oct?ber 2.1. Gcorge Heckman; Ho:.vitality. Mrs. and interest. It is the community in- Clothing a~. articles 0 all kinds are Charles Kimmel; Bridge, Mrs. Charles tel"locutor. It is the civic forum in earnestly sohclted. Boxes should 1;e left Maschal; Dance, Lotta Baird; Tickets, which every citizen has equal right with the Sexton at the church or If they Mrs John Stokes Jr' Needlework with his neighbor to express his opin- are to b~ collected notify. Mrs. W.i11~ Mrs: L. L. Hedgep;th; Telephone, Ete: ion. It brings into focus the local news Argyle, Swarthmore 979 1£ co~lechoo IS anor Windell j Hostesses, Helen Ingevents which are occasionally allotted to be. rna~e north of the -railroad. ~f raham; Press and Publicity, Mary Kitwo or three lines in the city dailies or collectIOn IS to be made south of the ratl· ser; Ways and Means, Mrs. George overlooked entirely. It offers the mer- road Mrs. J. S. Bates, Swarthmore 131 McKeag; Seeing Eye, Mrs. Carl Anchant a medium of advertising which should be notified. derson' Mrs. Clifford Banta is Senior The Foreign Missions Celebration at Adviso~ is concentrated power for his benefit. ". K h It believes in its community and is the Academy of Music in Philadelphia' . 0c t ber 15 Mrs, L. L, Hedgepeth and ""ss atevenmg o . S' f h constantly driven by the responsibility WI'11 be held .F fIt'daY Ch' 'U furnish ryn tmpers gave a report 0 t e anTh W which it owes to its neighborhood. e. I es~tnSser k Otr wDI r Charles nual State Convention held in Philadel· specla musIc. pea ers a r e . h' 1 11 I I I T. Leber and Dr. Enrique C. Sobrepena. p la ast ay: . A few tickets are still available. Call the A Cover Dish. Supper and mUSical Check.up on Yourself church office 672 for reservations. program are b.emg planned for the The Men's Bible Class meets at 10 November meetl11g at the Club House. To the Editor: May we ask your o'clock Sunday morning in the Parish The date of the first fall dance was paper to propound the following ques- House. The Women's Bible Class meetslset for November 19. tions to the residents of Swarthmore at 10 o'clock Sunday morning in the The social hour at which time pros· who are older than eighteen years. Church. pective new members were we1comed, Are You Satisfied with Yourself? If Girls and Boys Choirs will rehearse followed the business session. At 10 :15 you are, don't read this notice. This is Sunday afternoon at 3 ?'clock in. the Peggy Reed, county chairman for the to interest you who are not pleased church. New members wIll be receIved Seeing Eye, and Edna Hagy. county with yourselves. at this time. vice-president of the organization of You've gotten rusty-mebbe you're =========:::======::,===iiuniors, talked on the drive for the Seeing Eye. This is a Junior Club prostiff and creakyCHURCH NEWS ject and will occur during the week Or there's too much in the wrong of October 15 to 22, SWARTlWORB PRESBYTBlUAN CBUBOB placesBev. David Braun, MlnJster Or your disposition's gotten the best SUNDAY of you and you snap and growl9:45 A. M.--sundaY SChool. A. J4.-Blble 0Iasses. Or you just want to do something 10:00 11:00 A.M.-Morning WorshiP. Mr. ~pn Swarthmore Presbyterian Church will preach on "Base Lines. "different." 6:00 P. M.-Young People's Fellowship. THURSDAY,OCTOBER21 If you show any of these alarming MBTBOOIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH symptoms we've a grand tonic for you9 A. M. to 5 P. M. B.P., IoIlDJata' a weekly dose of badminton-brisk and C1annce P. 9:45 A. JL-Church ScbooL peppy to take. 11:00 A. Y.-Momma Wonhlp. PM-Evening Worship. Would a series of these applications 7 ·'· .~ •• WEDNESDAY interest you for the good of your soul? 6:15 P. J,[.-Vlctory DlDner. Woman's Guild If so, please send a postcard to either PIRST OHUBCH OP OBBIST. SOIBNTI8T. TRINITY CHURCH of the undersigned at Borough Hall, OPBWAaTJDIOll.B giving your name, address, and telePark Avenue below Harvard Swarthmore 11:00 A. M.-Sunday Bchool:senn Vhone number. You will then receive 11:00 A. )(..--8unclay Le88o~ .. __ ... ~.._~ B THURSDAY,OCTOBER21 a postal notifying you of the plans WedD.esdaJ' evening mee..~ ~ --. p. m. PeedinI' room open da1lJ'. ucept SUD- Preview Wednesday Evening which are in progress for weekly bad- _ and holldaya 1 to 4 P. M., 011"minton bouts to be held in the High 7 to 9 (Admission 5c) ~ce..are cord1aIlJ' invited to attend \he School gymnasium. 8ervices and use t.h8 Beading Boom. Lee B1undin TBINITY CHURCH Margaret Allen Protestant EpIScopal = SWEET CIDER ORNSTEIN ~7: ••• Van Alen Bros. I HEATERS Have Your Heater Installed Now Drive in Complete Comfort Defroster Footwurmer Cur Beuter ALL IN ONE HANNUM AND WAITE Yale Ave. and Chester Road Chrysler Plymouth @ne of Ike Binesl 6s1ales in SWARTHMORE With 17 Acres of Ground ON BALTIMORE PIKE AT LlNCOLN.AVE. 'adud'ag 3 Sfre« Fronta, 310.91' on Baltimore Pike 1148.18' on Uncoln Ave., 1201.42' on Church Road And Various Furnishings and Antiques, In Separate Lots (Catalogue senr upon request) WILL BE SOLD AT ABSOLUTE TI N RUMMAGE SALE carrruintAlj." RUMMAGE SALE .,. Christian Science Chureh Now on Sale at "WIFE, DOCTOR and NURSE" ocroBER' IS. '1937 "Doctrine of Atonement" is the ~ub­ jeet of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, October 17. The Golden Text is: "God is faithfu~ by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesns Christ our Lord." (I Corinthians 1 :9). Chester Road and College Avenue Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S.T.M.L JI8c&or Rev. T. A. I(erywe&ther. Dlr. Be Bduc. 8:011 A.J1.-HoI¥ communion. 9:45 A. J1.--BundQ SChool. 11:00 A. J(.-lIIomiDg Prayer and Sermon. • 111'. Guenther WIll preach. ~TBB BBLIGIOUB SOOJBTY OP PBUND8 UOHDAT 9'45 A. M.-Plrst Day School. 9:45 A. Y.--Adult Class. 11:00 A. 11.-=:1 ~orsh1p In "'" WBDlIBiIDAY 9:30 A. II. to 3:30 P. 1I.--8ewIna ODd q,ulltiDa In WhltUer Ho..... BoX 1 = _ All ..... Con:IIII1l7 lnoiCOd. CAPRIOTTY'S FUEL OIL No.2, 3 and 4 67-2 Cts. per Gal. JJ1 Dl4~8eentestate.ltuatl!tdamld the beautiful relldences whIch have made Sw4rthmora the lovelled of Philadelphia'. suburbs. The stone residence slta well back from the I'04d and il lutTOunded by hU9...e old shade trees and oardeDl.lllncludel 8 bedrooms. 3 balhs end a conservatory. There 'a 4 atone gara08 for S can and an almost new concrete bam wltb ,Ialls for 2 horsea and 5 COWl. • W. cordially InYlt~.]"ou 10 "fIsll thU e:r.qutaUe ellat. anT dar. the owner lIvea on the prem.uel. Wander aCJ'Ou the. '.. " ' : : . ' . : ' . ,... broad, ".Inty la~ ..• O"ue ~p at t h e ' . . . ... ,. .' ltalel, old shade trees, .lpeclallT beau· Iifu1 lust now thai the leave. ere b~n· ..' ninO" to turn •.. tute the rlp!o fruit fiam the manT varieHea of huu tree•••• atroll In the baautr of the formal oal'dena with their plciurellque IIlr·pond (pictured 6t rlqht) .. and anlOJ' the traoranC8 &om the many ftrl.U.. of Dowen tn the cuHiDQ' 9"arcieaHere Indeed It ''IJ'fInQ at It. thbooroeo\lll8ltate will be IIOId reqardlau of to aiortficel lnaJ):eCJt It and aHend the 101. prepeNCi to IiWt .d....nlaqe· of the . . . ." opportullity. ... Sale W'm . . Held OD tIa. Pzemlaft Bal. tR 8M•• be.'" SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23 at 1.30 P.M. 18"_ ftlIKS. .. Sale Call SUNlrthmore 1800 ;, ., ,, . THE SWARTBMOREAN ing the Bible selection of- the" morning. Joan Carpenter acted as song leader. College Losee to Union ruGa SCHOOL TIES MEDIA the Media line to block the try for the Prior to the Spanish pl"ogratII the Calvin Gerner and Winston Roberts made IN LAST MINUTE BALLY extra point after its first period touchThe Swarthmore College football regular chapel exercises were ill charge of several important annollOeements about down. team lost to Union College at Schenec- Nancy King wid. Florence ~Ieaves ~ead- student. activities. Swarthmore High School's football . Media started early. in :he third petady last Saturday by the score of 1 0 1 ' - - - - - - - - - - , . - - - - - . : . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , team tied Media High School, last Fri- nod on a 51-yard p~lgnmage to the to 7. day, 011 the College field at 13.13, in a Swarthmore goal for l,tS second touchSaturday, October 16, the team plays last minute rally that might have been do~n. Danner dropklcked the. extra Hampden-Sidney away. lifted bodily from a "Frank Merriwell pomt and the game seemed destined to • I • rfollow the footsteps of those other Me- New Adult Books in Library th n'11er. .. d'la games 0 f unhappy memory, un t'l I I RUTH M. SANBORN Dress Making and Alterations On the short end of a 13·7 sc?re, a the successful uprising in the closing Swarthmore fumble lost the ball In the minutes fading minutes of the Jast quarter. Then, with two minutes to play, Media kicked. On the next play, Stan Hill sent a long pass down the field. It was tipped by a defensive halfback but George Collins gathered the oval in by a leaping catch on Media's 21-yard line. He was unable to regain his balance but stumbled forward to the 6 where he fell. A penalty placed the ball on the three. Gerner smashed to within inches of a touchdown. Media's line rose up to smother Dingle's rush. Troxell raced from the bench into the game and with only seconds to play, his dive over the line for a touchdown evened the count. 'fhe attempt to COllvert the point after touchdown carried victory with it but failed. Media tallied midway in the first period. Play was even until late in the second quarter when Troxell's punt carried 50 yards and went out of bounds on Media's 3-yard line. Troxell made a long return of Media's kick. Aided by a penalty, the wearers of the garnet were soon in the shadows of the Media goal and Troxell carried the bait across the line for a touchdown. He circled Media's end a minute later for the extra point. Swarthmore led at half-time, 7-6, bccause John Collins had bro~en through ••• . . These two tea.ms haye me.l every year SInce 1921. Durln~ thiS se.rtes, ~warth­ more ha.s won t,wlce and tied tWI.ce, ~e­ fore tlus !car s game. T~e Victories --;ere 12-0, an 1~25 and 12-7 an 1929. T~e lies occurred In 1926, 0-0 and 6-6 1R 1932. On Friday, October 15, Sharon Hill High School will be played at Swarthrr.ore. I I I Hockey Club 1.0""" The Swarthmore Hockey Club played the Merion Cricket Club girls' hockey team on the latter's field last Saturday and lost by the score of 8 to O. I College I Defeats Ursinus . Swarthmore College girls' hockey team defeated Ursinus in the. opening game of the season by the score of 3-0 on the college field, last Saturday morniug. Harriet Dana scored in the open· iug period and Anne Loctam and Jane Kellock tallied during the second session. On October 15, the team will meet the Rosemont College aggrcgation at home. AND A BIG COOL DRINK OF C/priny/ieIJ New fiction in the Swarthmore Public Library includes: Canfield, "Fables 401 MICHIGAN , Sw.1967-M AVE. II::=~=============================~= for Parents"; Corbett, "Langworth Family"; Cronin, "Citadel"; Dowdey, I "Bugles Blow no More"'; Drinkwater, "Robinson of England"; Duranty, IIOne Life, One Kopeck"; Giono, "Song of the World"; Holdridge, "Witch in the Wilderness"; Fauconnier, uGlaude". Ertz, "No Hearts to Break"; Kantor, "Romance of Rosy Ridge"; Kempton, "Monday Go To Meeting"; O'Flaherty, "Famine"; Phelan, "Museum" j Pit'grim, "So Great a :Man"; Prokosch, "Seven Who Fled": Sabatini, IILost King"; Salminen, "Katrina'~; Stern, "Oleander River"; Taylor, "Octagon House"; Thane, "Queen's Folly"; Wal· pole, "john Cornelius"; Young, "They Seek a Far Country". Detective stories include: Gardner, "Case of the Lame Canary"; Coffin, "Search for My Great Uncle's Head lt ; Christie, "Poirot Loses a Client." LOIIO J:., NEE DS WTE recognize our obligation to serve the credit needs of W local individuals and business enterprises. Our loan- I We invite you to discuss your loan requircmenL::. ....... th an officer of this bank. SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. Member of Federal Deposit Insura~ce cdrporation avenue and !hi: I f= I :;;-=,,;;;;:;-;r.;;;;-ro;: tion of the fiftieth wedding anniver- I NIGHT AmR SEVEN AND nAY DOWN ALL DAY SUNDAYI -- THllnL 'l'lLEPHONE COMPANYOP ,ItMYLVANIA and rear pOf(.ilCll; tbree·story brick addi· 4x20 feet; tbree·lI1.ory brick addl1.ion. 1~~~~~~: sary of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. One of the best of the new fall feet: thre~Hrtol")'" briclt ndditlol1, 9'1:30 ~ George A. Smith, at their home in books hI the Swarthmore Public Li~ ~;.lB~O~t~riCk. frame and shIngle 1"a.·I~~~~::~E~ I Chester. for older boys and girls is • * * , ,au!:::,~; Sold aa the property of Peter Arrighi. mono OF Dr. Troyer S. Anderson, of Whittier Il{"on Post', by that favorite gaK'or and real owner and John M. Broomall. sm~~~n8~ ~~~UGH place, has resumed his duties with the Ransome. Also for the !~~~~ in ballkrul.t(')" for PeLer Arrigbl, SECTION 1. street Lines. : I -:;:i ;,~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~!departmcnt history at College aftcrofreturning twoSwarthmore weeks group hook, is Richard Halliburton's new travel uThe Book of Marvels." "California Holiday", by Estcourt is about the adventures of an English boy and girl on a camping trip in California. Two of the new stories for girls are IlA Place for Herself" by DeLeeuw, all about a girl who lived in a town without a library and what did about it, and "j ane of Lantern from Germany, where he spent ~~:!i§~~§~""§ summer studying the language. Mrs. ~l Anderson and the children spent the sun.mer at Hanover, N. H. * * * Lois Lohrke, of Ogden avenue, has '7c~~\!i~~~~~~~~~~!S~~ resumed her studies at Westtown VI 'I Schoof this fall. I Spanish Assembly at High School ;~!~~~~~~~:rrr~f~~ ~ Ouj~ -;;;iRSiOi~ F b ·· :Mrs. John Armstrong has returned l"1~nn Gables." the author of Hill", of by Green Montgomery, hi' I G A to er lome m tIe arrett partments "Under Glass" by Nancy Clemens, on North Chester road after two new book for older girts' has been added. I weeks in the Bryn Mawr Hospital (ol- It is a story about a girl who works in a !o,"I"'g '. a., operat,-.,n • "* • greenhouse, and is a worthy addition to From the Height of Rose Valley Acres You command an extensive view of the beautlfuDy wooded Bo"" Valley. The air Is clear and fresh, for you are far away and high above the source of any smoke or pollution. Your lot 18 ezpanslve, on high ground sloping gnty·six degrees. seven minutes the ~________________. I · · west sixty·six and two one·hundredths feel. to THE COONon. OF THE BOROUGH OF i a. point, thence north sixh"·three degrees, 11Uy· SWARTHMORE DOES ORDAIN: c. $12.,900 I See Bepresentatlve of the Owner In Furnished Satnple HOlDe . or OONSULT YOUR BKOKEB Alflfld· II.n fJddln9 Afll.c/'lnfl t~ (!~u.nt W- d ' * colm employedare at occupying the Scott Davis, a new mystery story for boys, PaperPineo, plant all in Chester, ready for circulation. . t tl Fior te III erme d'13 t e group 0 f rea d 606 North Chester road. • * * ers there is "A Pony For jean", by Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hanna, of Cannan, the story of a little English University place, spent the week-end girt, who left London to live in the at Skytol) Lodge, Skytop, Pa. country j "Hester and Timothy, • * * neers", by Holberg, the author of Mr. and Mrs. Mark MacIntosh arc and Mr. Syrup", liThe Farm on occupying the former apartment of the the , by Horn and the "Tik Tok October Edwin j. McKay's, G-2 in The Swart-hof Oz", by Baum. Columbia more, after spending the summer in the Guenther house on North Chester Among the new books for the youogYE road. est readers are "The Pig with I,F.ro.,t Porch''', by Brock j "The Farmer 1 age 10 ow eaoer Miss Thelma Hughes, of Columbia The Dell". by Hader, "Walter the A. HAUGER avenue, spent last week-end in Ocean Lazy Mouse", by Flack, "Bobbie and City, N. J., as the guest of Mrs. Cora Donnie Were Twinsn , by Brann, "The Swarthmore 19 Ryan and her grandson, :Mr. M. BrinNoise", by Gay, "Catherine Catton Page. both of WHmington, Del: ' by"Munro, and "Famous Jim-SALE! * • * my", by Blyton. 206 Harvard Ave. $6500. Stone. frame. Slate Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Noyes, of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ roof. 8 rooms. Hot water beat. Newly painted and papered. Lot 100 by 180. Possession at Riverview road, spent \Vednesday of once. last week in Washington, D. HARRIET L. TREAT V'U Drive Ollt to Rose Valley Acres 1,;::e1sfo::'re~d~~ed,:jrl~~ Hand money $600.00. a publlc street or highway of' the Borough C. WILFORD CONARD, Altorney. ~:w::ehm~~ ~:r:r ~Co~r:~yA-:~:: NATHAN P. PECHIN. Ilahed. as follows: SherUf. BeglnDlng at a POint In the LDtersee~ tlon the the southerly side of of Unlvemity Placeofwith westerly side Cornell Avenue as now opened and dedicated BOROUGH. OF SWARTHMORE for pubUc use IWd extending thence south degrees 25 minutes west 575.51 ORDINANCE No. 403 feet to5 the northerly aide of Palr'Itew ordlnanee =~~ 8O~g~ d:r~~!!~~ . 'lessrs. W,'lliam Alexander, Arthur the''Sk vocational group of " girls' bbooks. .. M Armstrong, Lawrence White and Mal'yscraper ystery y ·flml A. Mosteller _-=-:..:::::::.:::-==-===--=-==------ B If you ever tried to count the number of upand-down steps you take in a week, nursing along a non-automatic water heater, FOR RENT APt.~5.00-Redeeorated you'd certainly need an adding machine HoUSe-$50.00-Seml-detached House-$57.50-5 bedrooms, 1 bath House-.$15.0D-4 bedrooms, 1 bath House-fIOO.~ bedrooms, 2' baths All Properties In Swarthmore ; •• And the results would stagger you. AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER SAVES CELLAR STEPS Let us install an Automatic Gas Water Heater in your basement and end your ceaseless trudging up and down the .cellar stairs. Requires no attention ••• gives all the clean, hot water you'll ever want. RENT-Ask for full details of our easy rental plan offered to residential customers for limited time only. . PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY , At Our Suburban Stores - Autllorlzecl Dealers Can "'so Make Tills OHar The I~~~~~ able funds are available, and adequate, for that purpose. NL'.turally, wheu making loans, we take every precau-' tion to safeguard the funds of our depositors. But qualified local borrowers, who need money for sound and useful purposes, can apply for a loan at this bank with complete assurance that their application will be carefully considered. "de 00 DOWN co FOR LOCAL ~ 1/ "'1"~.r l/~a·d ~ 1931 Norman Powell, of Kenya Colony, All lhM (.'ertaln lot or piece of ground wUh are lIlocL The Friday Luncheon Duplicate British East Africa, and several friends tbe bulldinS". aod ImpTVvemcob tbereon ered· tb..Ls 6th day of octobert A. D. Bridge Club witt meet at the Strath were the dinner guests Tuesday even- ed. .Uuale In Iloe Buroul'h of Sharon Wil. BARBY L. JIILI,BB, ~~~~~~E~~! H aven I nn today with Mrs. Thomas of Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeHart Delawate the &outhea.sterly CounlT. comer PenlUlJ"lnnla. of ShaJ'onbechmtDC' aDd wood· M President 01' oouncll. Downs, former Swarthmorean now Bro",er, of Guernsey road. After din- la.od avenues; tbeDell alOUK' tbe lIOutherl,. A_: BLLIO'l"l' mCBABDSON, living in Springfield, as hostess. ner Mr. Powell talked informally to Woodland avenueaide oneof hundred ..hq.flve to tbe weaterly a afteenelfeel wide Borouch seeretarJ'. • • • a group of about twenty-five on his thence along tbe lI&tIIe BOuth ,weob" (Ileal) Mrs. Frank Wyeth, of Park avenue, . . b" f K three mlnuleS east 88venty·8eVeD ApProved. this 8th day of october. A. D. .IS servmg . h' f t h e CflmlDa • . I expertences In nngmg rom enya 8Oulhwee'er'v~ on. hu-'-' .'-h'-On t e Jury 0 uo.u--. ... J 11m. JOHN II. PITMAN. Colony the largest collection of wild ei"bt one-hwlIlredlha feel Co the BurpI8. r~;~~~~~;~~:~~f~;;~~:::~~[~ court in Media ,:eek. animals every brought to this country.l~i~••aT:~aide of Sharon ,benco l( Mr. J. Colbourn Smith, of Buffalo, Mr. Powell, who is a cousin of Sir o'r\e::::D:v;.-:::::n wf:',n!: BOROUGH OP SWARTHMORE ~~~!f;-:two""Joo,;~~~IN. Y., a graduate of Swarthmore Col- Baden~Powellt founder of Boy Srout- U88. ril'bt, liberty and prlvilep 1)1 lhe Pave . h ing in England, is only twenty-three mentioned ftlleen feel wide alley in common OBDlNANCB No. 401 lege, With his wife and daug ter, with tbe owneT8. tenanLe and OC<."Unlus' of tbe Helene, spent the week-end with his years old. He studies animal life on premises abutting lhereon, 88 and for a . Iaw and SIster, . M r. an d M rs. his ranch in British East Africa and in na!Wll'eway b rol h er-11lafter forever.and driveway at all Umee herel:~:iHeston B. McCray, of Cornell av"nlle,IJune brought eighty large animals and N Y k Uudl"'r and subjccl to a ftrst mortpge of th ree h UII dre d b-Ird stoth remaining until Tuesday, when, c cw or wUh Interest due and t.o become the McCrays and another brother, Mr. Zoo. 1~,·u··JI·~h,uereo,-"uD. I I I Columbus Day was ol~served with most interesting assembly exercises in the Swarthmore High School last Monday morning by members of the Tenth Grade World Culture class. The program was sponsored by Miss Claudia Hancock, Art teacher; Miss Mary Oberlin, English teacher; and Miss Mabel Ewing, teacher of Clothing. A theme taken from Spain was related to Spanish arts and crafts. As the curtains were drawn back they revealed a stage filled with boys and girls of the sophomore class in various Spanish costumes. At one side there were several gypsy women, a Spanish dancer, several Spanish women in their mantillas and several young men dressed in the gay colors of peasants cos~ tumes. For a background many attractive posters of Spain had been ·placed around the walls adding further color and life to this scene. Under the chairmanship of Scott Lilly, talks, songs, and dancers were presented. Horace Hopkins gave a talk on Columbus and his contribution; ,.Polly Hoot on Spanish costumes, Irvana Passmore playet1 SIJalli~h ~iIlKS on the a'-.:!;;OJ dian; Jaue Argyle gave a talk on Spanish art j Marjorie Schaefer presented a beautiful Spanish dance; and Helen l.udwig very interestingly told of our debt to Spain. The general group then sang Spanis.h songs from a large chart made in· the art class, approximately fifteen feet long with words and music large enough to be seen all over the school auditorium. Both English and Spanish words were used. t. WhOre IIeDa ohalI be 1IIed, cost and a"tomer-'s 1'eeB. toptIler ~t~;:~Iha1l (10%) ceot b1 addltloDal as or • be per paJable the DUtY • ...,.... the property ap1Dit whloll N•• 1049 All .. LeTart Pad.. March Term. • IIROUGHI 10 YOUR HOME 8Y tHE PHILADElPHIA SUBURBAN WAlfR CREDIT NEWS NOTES Interesting Speaker -iij,.x,l! George A. Smith, and family, of HavI"."':'::~~:~:~~e;.:; ('Ol18ls, of thretHltory brick ~ \ crford avenue r he attended the celebra- New Juvenile Books in Library bulldln... fi4xor; feet; store tronte; Wain BANK CLASSIFIED Enterlain ~ b,S +C'~ 5 'fOE SWARTBMOREAN 1937 OCTOBER EDWARD L. NOYES 13 S. Chester Road Swarthmore 114 or 130 '-;:================; ..til 3 ACRE FARM $5500 Twenty minutes from Swarthmore on a state road.. Modem four bedroom stucco houee.· Good neating system. Own electric water supply. Garage In basement. Hardwood Doom and 2 stone fireplaces downatalrB. Modem Plumbing. Now rented at $35 per mOnth. can be bought for 10% down. See the pictures at our omce-. M. PARKER 23 S. Cheater Rd. Swarth. 42 h=:: I six one.hundredths feet to a point on the terra cotta pipe sewer be constructed 10 southe8.l!(erly Side of Chester Pike and tbence, Cornell Avenue. Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. alon g the same. north fourteen degrees, In accordance with'standard Borough specl· TO THE COMMISSIONERS OF DELAWARE jeighteen minutes east sixty,se\"cn and forty· ficatloDB. beglnnlng at a manhole In the ,~f~~;~i'! COUNTY: 11\"e one.hundredths feet to the first men- present sewer In Cornell Avenue at or near t' d t d I ee of beginning' the northwest curb comer of Its intersecWHEREAS,Borough. The section of o,f_ highway in 1 lOne )lom an P a Vacant ground.. tion with University Place,Avenue and exteodlng Swarthmore County De~'!!f-,re. No improvements. southwardl.y along Cornell 636 feet I~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Commonwealth Of Pennsylvan ...... 8_.", ng more or less. with the necessary manholes. at a point on Cornell Avenue at southerly So'd"s Ihe pro"""rty of Agostino Papalo, Y branches and acoessorles for house con..,~ nectloDS. side of University Place and extending SECTION 2. That a contract for the said ~~~In;~.·U~p~,d_f:;~ thence SOuthwardly along Cornell Avenue morlgag-or and real owner. to Fairview Avenue (also known as ~iperHand money..-$500.00. work be awarded as required by law and •.c-.C-C:"'O"-'"' ;;;~~i1!"te<~ vllle Road) being about six hundred eet in the proper Borough offi.cers are hereby ~ length Is In need of improvement and Attorney. authorized to es:ecute such oontract and WHEREAS The Borough of Swarthmore WM. K. RHODES. take suCh other steps as may be advised desires to ~ke advantage of the Act apby the SOlicItor. The proper oMcera are proved June 12, 1919. P. L. 450. as amended Levari Faelas No. 788 hereby Authorized to execute such oontracts for State and/or Fe\leraJ aid 10 conby the Acts of March 10. 1921, P. L. 26, May 18 1929 P L 1651 and July 12. 1935. P. L. .Tnne Tcrm. 1937 nectlon withand the appropriate. sald construction, as ma.:y aba, ~rmitting COunties of the COmmon· be available Be: AppUcatton for County Aid, J~aml JI.'\\"Crf~rd ~wp.. J~~3~i'fjTh~a~t~~~~i~~~!~t~~1 ~~~~!?~~~~:~~l~~:~~~~l~~ hoi tb. hlle ofsame Martin A\"e.,... . ~tof.p~;n~J~ '. tho Commonwealth. etc.. along ~. page 184.from beglnDl:go:~ IC:?~ SBCTION 8. Repea)er. center hne Railroad Ave. ~~~~s~~~~~~~~~~~ y UUUl.C8 or~.. th ereot coo1l1eth Co ell th B appropriate and wealth Pennsylvania expend of moneys for the toimprovement a.nd Del_ Co.with Pa ..imllrOVenl(,llts bt"ing N. E. inlh lot No.7. on maintenance of State Highways and Staten. __ '" k 'V N Aid Hlghways or any PubUe Highway In plan recorded at ~ICl~Ia, 10 ~"U Doo . o. therefore be Itof any County ~OLVBD. That he In orou9t ~ Containing" in fronl N E. along- 'he centel' of line of Martin Ave. 25 ft. and extending of ~c:. behalf of said Borough hereby pet!- tbal width in depth N. W'. belween parallel tlon for COunty Aid as hereinbefore stated. lines at right angles to )lamn Ave. 180 ft. HARRY President L. M T of T CouncU. T E RImprovements .' eQmiet of two and one-half ~;J:j~_t~;~~~ story slueeo hou8e 21x42 feet; enclosed front ELLIO'ITBorough RICHARDSON. porch: atucco glU"~ge. 12:1:12 feet. Secretary. Sold as the property of MargUerite L. Dunn. (Seal) mortgagor and William J. Darke and IAlliao I ~~~::,; APproved thts 8th day of october 1937. U.. b.1.$ wife. real owners. Sw:r!r~~~=-~~day Of'~:er9*,n JORN H. PITMAN. . ~_o AU Burgess- GEORGE T. Bu-.l.~. Orney. I~ An Ord'-"--With the provisions hereof be and ute as the same this 6th day of October. A. D. ~~;~~~~;~~r~~f:"~h.:::y~~arr~!e~ _ Attest; (Beal) Approved 1937. HARRY Preside L. YUJE1, t of Co n uncU. ELLlOTr RICRARDSON. BAxough 0 _ _ _ ..,..,... .. tblJl; -.r. 8th day of October. A. D. JOHN H. PiTMAN. Burgess. THE 6 1937 SWARTBMOREAN is understood that for the best interChester before beginning as a bookPollee News MRS. MARGARET F. D. LEIPER ests of group thinking and planning, at Stacy Glauser Company, where Mrs. Margaret Fitzgerald Dale Leiper, advanced until he became a At 7.30 P. M. Tuesday Harry Lelgh- the personnel of the group remain the the firm. ton, of Clifton Heights, arrested Octo- sante throughout the series. widow of Callender Irvine Leiper, died at • I her home on Avondale road on Tuesday. He was a thirty-second degree Mason ber 4 for improper passing in the BorParticipated in OberOn iC..II.u'" /...,.. l'op. 0 .. ) October 12. Mrs. Leiper, who was eighty- and a member of the Chester Blue Lodge. ough, was fined $10. The hearing of College Campus. An invitation to at- six years old, had been ill with pneumonia. Active in the Rotary Club, Knights of G. E. Morrill, of Willow Grove, who Celebrations tend and exhibit was extended to all members of the Woman·s Club. The Mrs. Leiper was born in Rose Valley Pythi~s, Independent Americans, and the was arrcf-ted at almost the same -time M;iss Barbara Kinsey Willit., the the daughter of Dr. James Wilkinson Chamber of Commerce, he was also a for- ior the same offense, has been post .. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilexhibit is in cooperation with the Ar- Dale, founder and first pastor of the mer director of the Y. M. C. A. and of poned. thur Hoyt Scott Horticultural Fo'Undalits, of Ogden avenue, was one of tion. In case of rain the flowers will Media Presbyterian Church. Her mother the First National Bank, in Chester twenty-five Oberlin students who were was the late Mary Gray Dale. She was where he also was active in the Retail Course in Parent Edueation chosen to participate in the pageantry be displayed indoors. direct descendant of Edmund Cantwell, Lumberman's Association, the Real Estate of the dedication of a memorial to CoThe following new members were territoriai governor of the state of Dela- Board, Foreman's Club and the Boys' A . f' I t th' submitted: Mrs. C. M. Albright. Mrs. . h h t '" k C . C A series 0 SIX ec ures on e van- education during the Centennial CeleIn t e seventeent cell ury. nor ommlttee of the Y. M. • 'J and h f "P t Ed t' " . David Braun, Mrs. John M. Bates. Mrs. " M Le' . ous p ases 0 aren uca ton IS SIxty-four years ago rs. Ipcr went, the Boys Scouts of AmerIca. ·b . . d 'th M' La' CI k bration of Coeducation at Oberlin ColWilliam S. Hoffman, Mrs. O. M. Hook, a bride, to Avondale, which was bunt A member of the First B a pt i 5 t ll~: 0{Qa~lzCh ~l T IS~ IS nar , lege, Friday, October 8. A picture of C es Mrs. Cecil D. Howard, Mrs. Fred A. her husband's grandfather, Thomas Church of Chester, Mr. McLean was 0 the d. . es ~r d eacSers Of et~e, Miss Willits, wearing a typical costume Kraft, Mrs. Eugene Clifton Kelly, Mrs. LeJlpelr, and she remained there until her Sunday school superintendent for twenty ats . e t ISbcussdl~m eader. omeb.o t' e of an 1837 co-ed, standing beside the W. Stanley Kite. Mrs. W. Henry Linh' h f '1' OPICS 0 e Iscusse are: 0 Jec Ives newly dedicated gateway, appeared in T e LeIper quarry was t e ami y y~rs, president of the board of !r.ustee~ of parent education: leadership tech- the Evening Public Ledger last FritOil, Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee, Mrs. Howard Wa1ton Newnam, Jr., Mrs. R.lpl:op""ty. an deacon. He also. hcl~ the pos!hOn 0 niques; planning parent education pro- day. Miss Willits is a senior at Oberlin . 'I 0 Id Leiper leaves a daughter, Mar- tr~s~rer of the RIVerSide Baptist As- grams', suggestions of materials' books M. Richmond, Mrs. C. l\ ac ona garet Dale LeitlCT. Swarthmore, a son, soclatlon • Swan. Mrs. Peter E. Told, Mrs. E. H. Callender I. LeilJer, Jr., of Sewickley, '.. and speakers for grade groups and a I VanPatton, Mrs. Clarence F. Carter, He marned BeSSie W. Townsend. of discussion of what other communities· . ed by th ree ch'ld I and Mrs. W. H.· Brown. Reinstated Pa., and two granddaughters. A daugh- Chester, and .IS surV1V t ren have done in parent education. There! members jnclude Mrs. H. W. DeCourte- ter, M.iss Mary Gray Leiper, died on the besides Mrs. Parry, Mrs .. John Butter-- wi1l be a small charge per person for; nay, Mrs. Norman Hulme. Mrs. A. V. 20th of last month. worth, Evanston. Ill.; LoUIS A. M~Lean, the series. It has been planned to hold \' B. Orr, Mrs. Elmer Schofield and Mrs. Funeral services were held yesterday, oi ~hester,. and Mrs. Andrew.Erskme, of these meetings on Thursday afterThursday, at 2 o'clock at her late home Phtiadelpilla. Four grarKIchIldren abo noons in the High School from J :15 P. Franklin Taylor. and followed by interment ;n Middletown survive: . , to 4 :45, beginning October 21 and A henefit performance of "Penny Presbyterian ceme!e,r,y" Delaware County. Servtces wdl be conducted at 2 oclock meeting weekly. Any person who I'S Wise" will be sponsored by the -.h this afternoon, Friday, at the Parry orne interested in parent education and who JOSEPH K. McLEAN County Fine Arts Department next f h Monday evening at the Hedgerow b~ the Rey. Louis Velte, pastor 0 t e wishes to join the class will please Theatre, Moylan-Rose Valley. Mrs. H. Joseph Kershaw McLean, 63, vice- FIrst Baptist Church, Chester. leave her name with Miss Young. It Interment will be private in Chester Peirsol, of Lafayette avenue, president and treasurer of the Stacy '1 Rural cemetery. Ii chairman of county art, which will usc Glauser and Son, Inc., Chester lumber conthe proceeds for a suitable program cern, died at the home of his daughter, next spring in connectiol'~ with the an- Mrs. Vernon M. Parry, 323 South Girl Scout New8 ICI"ester road. Swarthmore, suddenl~r on nual celebration of Fine Arts Day. Tuesday night, October 12. Mr. McLean, , I • All four Swarthmore Girl Scout one of Chester's leaders in industry, had troops and the Brownie Pack are now Two Set8 of Winner8 A8 been compelled to withdraw from his Bridge Club Night Change8 participation in civic and business taking orders for girl scout cookies. STORE HOURS: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.-MOD•• 'rues. 9 A.M. to 1 p.M.-Wed. ,"",atr·< in 'recent years because of failing Orders. will be taken up to the 20th of 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.-Thurs. 9 A..M. to 10 P.M.-Frl. II Sat. The winners at the la~t meeting of Ih"alth. October and the cookies will be dethe 'fhursday Night Bridge Club were: He was born in Chester on October 8, livered after the 2Jrd of the month. Specials For Week of October 14th to October 20th, InclWlive North and South-Mrs. Edith Cuska- 1874, the son of Louis A., and Elizabeth One and one-half cents from the price den and Mrs. W. Burton Richards, McLean. He attended Chester public of each pound of cookies goes to the first; Mrs. John A. Murphy and Mrs. schools and was a graduate of the South individual troop and the rest of the Standard Stringless UCO Fancy APPLE John Kniskern, second; Mrs. J. Hop- Jersey Institute. Bridgeton, N. J. He profit goes to the upkeep of the Girl BEA~No. 2 Can •••• SAUCE-No. 2 Can ..•• kins and Mrs. I. R. MacElwee, third; resided in Chester all his life with the ex- Scout organization. East and West-Mr. and Mrs. WiI- ception of four years, when he was in The first meeting of the season for Ham Soden, first; Mrs. Russell ~ H. Ohio, and he came to Swarthmore three Girl Scout Troop 6 will be held Sat-' Kent and Andrew Robinson, second; years ago when the Parrys moved here. urday, at 10:30 a. m., at the home of Del Monte BARTLE'IT Del Monte Sliced First employed at the Irving and Lei~r the leader, Mrs. Frederic Child, on VasMrs. Fred Wilson and Mrs. David PEA.RS •••••..••••• PINEAPPLE . . . . . . . . Cramp, third. Manufacturing Company, Mr. McLean sar avenue. Luncheon will be cooked No. 2!f Size can No. Z% Size Can At the first meeting on the new club worked for George Baker, broker j outdoors if the weather permits; if nlght, Monday, the Monday Night Irol1 and Steel Company. rainy the meeting will be at 10 a. m. at II Bridge Club winners were: North and Colliery Engineering Company, Scranton, the home of Mrs. William CraemerJ on South-Mrs. John A. Murphy and and the American Steel Casting Company Harvard avenue. Del Monte PEACHES Libby PINEAPPLE Mrs. .Maurice Griest, first; Mrs. H. No. 2 Vz Size Can. .., •. JUICE-No. 2 Can .•• _ Bardwell Lincoln and A. F. Robinson, SUces or Halves second; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Arnold, third; East and West-Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden and Mrs. RusselJ H. Kent, UCO APPLE BU'ITER Libby CORNED BEEF first; AIrs. \Villiam Faison and Mrs. 38 Oz. Jar •..••..••• 12 Oz. Reg. Size Can .• Harry Armitage, second; Mrs. I. R. MacElwee and Mrs. Wmiam Soden, third. Dr. Melchior at Woman's Club ••• A. G. 1'1"----------------.;..--______________ GIANT TIGER • •• 17. UChester's Fashion Corner" , I I Swarthmore Bridge Club News Thirty bridge fans attended the Swarthmore Bridge Club's regular Wednesday evening session in the Legion Room, Borough Hall, on October 6, each pair doing its level best to make life miserable for every other pair. The large attendance made it necessary to use the Mitchell movement where the North-South pair do not move and the East-West pair progress. As it is rather late when the playing ends, the Club will post the scores the fol1owing \Vednesday evening. New talent welcomed last week included: Mrs. William E·. Soden, Mrs. C. E. Blye, :Mrs. William MacAleer, Mrs. Maurice Griest, Mrs. Bardwell Lincoln, and Wilbur Hoff. 1'he evening's leaders were: Nor~h and South-Dr. John Murphy and William Craemer tied with Bayard Morrison and R. J. Knake for top score and E. R. Linnard and Coates Coleman were third. The East-West position showed John C. Moore and L. G. Luckie, first; Mrs. Bardwell Lincoln and W. W. Moss, second; and Mrs. J. P. Rankin and Dr. C. E. Blye, third. Arthur Robinson led a team against the Wilmington Whist Club's blue team at the Dupont Country Club MOllday evening, October 11. The card committee wishes to emphasize that play will begin promptly at 8 o~clock Many players have complained at the lateness of the finishing hour, so everyone is asked to co-operate toward an early start. SPRY 3 lb. Can EDGMONT AVE. "."., ... SEVENTH AND WELSH STREETS :~.,,;.~,. :., ~:.:. .. " .. "."; :: ;.·r::·~:··:i~· ?Zi.~,'1i}:?T~:~;r:0!"~"~::~:~~(;1 The College of Mechanics and Engineering of the University of Wisconsin has informed Frank R. Morey that Brooks Sanford. of Dickinson avenue, was awarded Sophomore High Honors by the faculty of the School of Engineering. Brooks is a graduate of Swarthmore High School and had two years of specialized training on the school ship Annapolis before entering the University of Wisconsin. ...... ,..... 53c UCO PRUNE JUICE Quart Bottle •. •••.•• It Shamrock Sliced PINEAPPLE . . . . . . . . 16 C No. 2% Size Can - Packed by Dole Sunsweet PRUNES 2-lb. BoX: .•. , .•••• Medium. Size ) ~'.:' "MAN.TAILORED" PAJAMAS ....... 25c -- -------25 VEAL Ib. Pure HONEY 2-lb. Jar ••••• MiIk.Fed Boneless ROAST .•.. c Silver Skillet CORNED BF.EF HASH ....... . Regular Size Can -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - Pin-Bone, Boneless X-Cut ROASTS ..•• Ib. 59 Fresh Green SPINACH Lb. . .....•........... 29 A Real Treat! All SoUd Meat! Washed free of sand. Beady to cook U. S. No. 1 Large Size POTATOES, 50 lb. Bag positively the Finest Quality c c EAST LANSDOWNE ARE YOU PREPARED? For The Fall And Winter Seasons LA.DlES We have a fine selection of materials from which you can choose your autumn suits and coats. GENTLEMEN You will like our variety of worsted and woolens for your cold weather wardrobe. Trim, trig and tticky -" Tommies" are man's gift to the ladies! Man-tailored and man-styled in typical "he-male" fashion, these snoozeand-lounge suits are chuck-full of verve and vitality - and set off the female figure to glorious advantage. Come in and look them over! Weare combining excellent material with reasolUlble prices As usual, we are ready to take care of your furs RE.L1NING-HE.MODELING-aml HE·FlNISHING With exceptionally good re-sults guaranteed. HARRIS AND CO. 11 PARK. AVENUE PARADE VOL IX. No. Swarthmore 504 HAUOWE'EN PARADE THIj Saturday Night October 30 43 Saturday Night October 30 SWARTHMORE, PA., OCTOBER HALLOWE'EN PARADE OCT. 30 CHARLES KURTZHALZ Annual Event to Include Adulltl . Thi8 Year For First T'nne' The SwartJtmore Business Association invites all residents of the BoroUgh to join in the annual Hallowe'en Parade, which will occur 0'0 Saturday night, October 30. The parade will form from 6.45 to 7 P. M. in front of the Post Office and the procession will begin to move past the judges stand erected ·on Park avenue promptly at 7 o'clock in order that all performers may be headed for home before 8. The marchers witt be grouped in four sections, according to costume and age. There will be three children's sections: comic, original and fancy. A new group is being added this year for adults and will be called the miscellaneous division. This miscellaneous grotip will form in front of the Old Bank Building under the direction of Mrs. J. Paul Brown. The comic dress division will form on the sidewalk between the Old Bank Building and the Post Office, under the direction of Mrs. Harold G. Griffin, and the original dress division will form in front" of the. Post Swarthmore man, new secretary of Office. The fancy dress division will Philadelphia H-eahh Council and Tu.. berculosis Assodation. form in the driveway between the Post Office and the Bank. \----------------When formed the line of march will be on the sidewalk to Chester road, KURTZHALZ PHILA. HEALTH COUNCIL SECRETARY down Chester road to Park avenue, by the judges stand and back to the Charles Kurtzhalz, chairman of the starting point, where the parade will Health Division of the Pennsylvania disband. Burgess John H. Pitman will be Conference on Social Work and for the past nine years head of the Delamarshal of the parade. Each participant in the parade will ware County Tuberculosis Associatiop, receive a noisemaker and a balloon has been appointed .the new executive from The Swarthmorean and the local director of the Philadelphia Health Business AssoCiation. Three prizes. in Council and Tuberculosis Committee. each division _will be awarded. These Mr. Kurtzhalz, a r~sident of Park prizes are being· donated by local busiavenue, Swarthmore. has had_ ~ t:~chly ness houses and will be on view in the ·varied experience ..n nealth ··and weI:' 'window of The' Swarthmorean office fare activities over a long period of the coming week. Spectators are urged to watch the years, which fits him uniquely ·£or his parade from the curb along Chester new post. During the World War he road and those participating. in the pa... was active in welfare work in Army rade are expected to get in place camps· in this country for the Southpromptly, so that it can get underway ern Military Department, being in as scheduled. The object of the parade is that the whole community can charge. of 2500 subordinate welfare get together in a harmless hour of hi- work~rs for five southern st~tes. Prior larity.· Expensive costumes are out of to the war he served in· Central Africa order and the five hundred children and the West Indies for the American who took part last year vouch for the Friends Board C!f Foreign Missions. fun and excitement of the eve-nt. He is a former chairman of the NaThe parade is sponsored exclusively tional Christmas Seal Advisory Comby the local Business ::Association and mittee. The Health Council, branch of The Swarthmorean. Peter E. Told. the National Tuberculosis Asso.ciation, Mrs. Frank Wyeth and Joseph Reyis supported entirely through funds nolds compose the committee in charge. raised annually between Thanksgiving L. W. BALTIMORE PIKE AND HIRST AVE. 1'1 Sanford Earn8 Honor Rating It PA •. • •• V. Begins Season The Swarthmore branch of the League of Women Voters begins the active seas:m on Tuesday afternoon, Octobt::r 26, at 2 :30, when it joins with the Swarthmore Woman's Club in a pre-election meeting at which candidates of both major parties will be heard. Mrs. Thomas H. Johnson is the newly elected chairman of the local League and Mrs. Dana H. Bigelow the viee.,. c.hairman, A meeting of the executive board was held on Thursday, October 21, at 9,30 A. M. at the home of the treasurer, Mrs. George A. Hoadley. I I Snitea8cs For Spain The Swarthmorean window has been filled for the past few days with an exhibit of suitcases which will be filled by American children with toys and clothing for the children in Spain, with whose forlorn predicam~nt everyone is familiar. These suitcases are furnished by the Committee on World Friendship Among Children, which constantly stresses the belief that those "who desire peace must write it in the hearts of children". At a nominal charge ·they make possible a very prac .. tical expression of the friendship and interest which children of one country have fo·r children of another. Two departments of the Presbyterian Sunday School, several classes of the First Day school, some grades of the ele':' l11entary school. the Brownie pack, two Scout troops, and several families have already undertaken to fill suitcases. Anyone who wishes to share in the I)cace project can secure information from Mrs. Peter E. Told by telephoning Swarthmore 172S-R. f2.50 22, 1937' AFfERNOON OF MUSIC AT CLUB Tell8 of Spain Tonight Patrick Murphy Malin, of the Swarthmore College economics department, will describe conditions in Spain, Pre-election Meeting With L W. V. as he saw them this summer, and his is Program For Next work for the American Friends'· SerTue8day vice Committee in the war area in a talk entitled "Spain" this evening, FriOn Tuesday, October 19, the members day, October 22, at 8.15 in the Friends' of the Swarthmore Woman's Club were Meeting House. delightfully entertained with a gropram Accompanied by T. H. Dudley Perof music. The. artists, Mrs~ Herbert kins, class of '37, Mr. Malin sailed June Fraser and Mrs. ,Newcomb K. Chaney, 9 and spent a month in Spain, making both members of the Swarthmore club, a survey of relief and relief adminisand Miss Martha McCord, a pupil of tration needed in LoyaHst territory and Mrs. Fraser, were introduced by Mrs. investigating condi*ions behind the Lloyd Kauffman, chairman of music. Rebel lines, white supervising the disThe program, consisting of selections tribution of aid from Friends in Amarranged for two pianos and vocal nuOl- erica. bers was entJ.!,usiastically received by Professor Philip Hicks will present a large audience. . "The Promise of Realism" at 8.15 SunMrs. Fraser, who IS a member· of the d .. h M . H h I f M ay evenmg 111 t e eehng ouse, It f acuyo f th e 0 rnsem t · S cooo uI ' . ff kl . I d h If b I c osmg a senes 0 our wee y IecSIC, not. on y pro~e. erse to e an tures on "Contemporary American Ataccomphsh~d mUSlClan but also an un- t' d " bl d h . Itu es ,sponsore d by th e d epart men t . usua IIy capa e an sympat ebc accom- f E r h L't t f th Coli panist. Her ability as a·' teacher was 0 ng IS I era ure 0 e ege. I clearly demonstrated by the work of her pupil: . Mrs. Chaney was most gracious with her songs and gave her audience an unusual treat. The program was as follows: My Heart Ever Faithful, Bach; Spirit Flower, Campbell-Lipton; My Garden, Mallinson; The Owl, Barnes-Weeks, by Mrs. Chaney. Arensky Suite Romance, Waltz; Valse Caprice, Spross; Londonderry Air, arranged by Elizabeth Gestj by Mrs. Fraser and Miss McCord. Love Has Wings, Rogers; Lullaby, Hamilton Harty; Love is on the Highroad, Rogers; Birthday, Woodman, by Mrs. Chaney. Tea was served, Mrs. R. Chester Spencer and Mrs. Joseph Allison presiding at the tea table. The hostesses were Mrs. Robert A. Sheppard and Mrs. William E; Kistler. Next Tuesday, October 26, at 2:30 p. m. there will be a pre-election meeting held at the Woman's Club in conjunction with the local branch of the League· of Women-.:votel's. ·l~· is· open to all citizens and is in 'charge of Mrs. Peter E. 'raid, chairman of legislation. The five proposed Constitutional Amendments wiII be discusl!ied and candidates for election wiJt be present. M~embers are urged not to miss \his opportunity to hear and see their fav?rite can~idates as. well as to show their mterest 111 the Vital problems of the day. • •• 44-HOUR LAW EXPLAINED TO BUSINESS One of the largest and most jnteresting meetings in the history of the Swarthmore Business Association \Vas held at the Strath Haven Inn Wednesday evening. Many visitors from surrounding sections attended. and Christmas by the sale of Christmas The meeting was addressed by V. S. Seals,' Karabasz, of the Pennsylvania DeAt the present time Mr. Kurlzhalz is partment of Labor and Industry and a member of the Executive Committee professor of commerce at the Univerof the National Conference of Tuber- sity of Pennsylvania, whose subject ..:. was the "Forty-Four Hour Law". Mr. 'culosis Secretaries.. Mr. Kurtzhalz has not only been the Karabasz explained. in detail the history of the law and also told how it leading figure in the public hea1th pro- would work in conn~ction with differgram of Delaware County, but he has ent lines of business. He explained that also been active in civic community af- the Department of Labor and Indusfairs. He was president of the Chester try was trying to evolve a plan whereRotary Club hom 1932 to 1933. by the law would work with the least He is a member of the Board and amount of inconvenience to business Chairman of the Committee of Admis- and that the law will be enforced. Afterward the meeting was thrown sions for Camp Sunshine in Delaware County, which cares for· 400 children open to general. discussion and questions were asked by those present as each summer. He is also a member of to the way the law would apply to the the Board of Directors of the Chester particular business of those present. City Missions. He b a former official At the end of the session Charles R. for the Delaware County Welfare Russell. president of the Ass?ciation Council. This is the second time he thanked Mr. Karabasz for cOllllng and has been chairman of the Health Di- explaining the law and also thanked vision of the Penn.sylvania Conference I· Claude C. Smith for his assistance in on Social Work. obtaining the speaker. ================';"===============9\ THE WEEK'S CALENDAR FRIDAY, OCTOBBR 22 8:15 P. M. -Lecture: "Spain" - Patrick M.. Malin ..... Friends' Meeting House SATURDAY.OCTOBBBU 11:00 A. M.-swarthmore CGllege VB. Merion crtcltet Club ............... Home SUNDAY. OCTOIIEB 21 S,lS P. Y.-Last EngtlSh _ e n t Lecture-PhWp mcks B FrIends' Meeting ouse MONDAY. OCTOBBB 25 8:15 P. M.-Leglon Auxlllary Oet-ToKether................. Strath Baven lml TUBSDAY. Oc.rOBBB Z6 .2:30 P. M. - Joint Pre-electioQ Mt"etlDg with L. W. V .•••••••••• Woman"s Club 1VBDNESDAY.OCTOBBRn 2:60 to 4:00 P. M. - NeecneW()rk OuUcl bhlblt................ •Woman's Club .:30 P. II. - W. I. L. YeetlDB .•...•••...•.•..........•.••• ··· •• Bond Memorial 2:30 P. M.-Metbodlst Foreign 1Oss10:Dal'J' SOciety Meet&-110 COrneD Avenue PER YEAR OOES RESEARCH ON ARCTIC TRIP Dr. Thomas Johnson and John Marshall Also Studied Cosmic Radiation in Minnesofa Dr. Thomas H. Johnson, of .Magil road, assistant director of the Bartol Foundation of the Franklin Institute, located on the Swarthmore CoDege Campus, is busily engaged these weeks in deciphering and tabulating for scien-tifie journals the results of the expedition from which he returned September 25. Accompanied by Jobn Marshall, Jr., of Lincoln avenue, Swarthmore College senior and honors student .in physics, Dr. Johnson left Swarthmore July 25 to live in a ranger's cabin (twenty-five miles from the nearest house) on the White Earth Indian Reservation in Minnesota. where he spent a month, assisted by two radio engineers of the Minnesota Depart-• • I ment of Conservation, studying cosmic rays in higher ·ranges of atmdsphere using automatic recording apparatus • •• which sent out results of observations by radio. The men remained on the Addrcs8e8 Local Teacher8 and ground and, in all, sent up tweelve balloons. some ·of which reached a Mini8ter8 on Their "Rcspon. height of over 10,000 feet. Radio sig8ibility fol,' Peace" ,na15 reporting results and measure"If we omit working for peace. we ments were followed as long as four are just as guilty as those who foster hours and fifteen minutes in some war," said Miss Ruth Wanger in an cases. A fire lookout tower was used address to the teachers and ministers for radio reception. Another month was spent as the of Swarthmore, at a tea tendered them guests of the Canadian government at on October 13 by the board of the Women's International League at Bond Churchill. ·Manitoba, the northernmost Memorial. Miss Wanger is principal point accessible by railroad, the mode of the South Philad~lphia High School, of travel used exclusively by the expea former .teacher of .history, and a trav- dition. The port of Churchill was built eler of wide experience. Her topic was about five years ago by the Canadian liThe Responsibility of the Teacher for government to ship wheat from North Peace". !lOur point of view toward Saskatchewan to London and Euro(Conlfllued on P(Jf1e Five) peace work", she continued, "is con. stantly €;hanging. There was a time when we thought it sufficient just to WANGER HEARD AT W I L TEA Ildvertise the h~rron-·""..£-· war, but "We found that' method f\ltile. Then we put our faith in treaties, such as the Pact of Paris, and found such agreements ineffective (a-scrap of paper). We rejected th~ World Court. The League of Nations could not succeed without us and we did as much to wreck it as th~se who are defying it now." Miss Wanger asserted that text books on American history say much that is not true about the causes of war and if we ar~ realists we must give up inherited prejudices and teach our children the real caUses of war, which are usually economic and not questions of honor. "It was the war that opened my eyes", Miss \Vanger admitted, "as evidence piled up showing how misled we had been.'" She warned that each individual can affect only a very few others, so that there must be groups of adults, teachers who feel that no one group is inferior to another. except in opportunity. "If you can't wipe out your own prejudices", she declared, "don't try to teach world fellowship. The task ·is not an. easy one, this forgetting of our own interests and our own partialities. It is a tremendous task, and with it there is a tremendous opportunity." The chairman of the occasion was Mrs. Edward A. Jenkins. president of the Swarthmore branch. She announced that the next rgeular meeting of the W. I. L. would come on October 27 at 2 :30 in Bond Memorial. The speaker will be Mildred Scott Olmsted, who spent last summer in Europe, and will speak on "European Women and Peace." Mrs. Olmsted is executive secretary of the Pennsylvania W. I. L. and is a speaker of outstanding ability. .. I I Needlework Guild Exhibit All residents of Swarthmore are cordially.invited to the annual exhibition of garl)1ents contributed by members of the Swarthmore branch of the Needlework Guild, at the Woman's Club, on Park avenue, Wednesday afternoon, October 27, from 2 until 4 o'cloi::k. Tea will be served. AQ· itr.portant meeting of the directors . of the local branch will be held at the Club House on Monday, October 25, at 2 P . -=M-=.~_..._ _ - .. . ·H~d8 Elmira Freshmen Constance Heg, a member of last year's graduating class at Swarthmore High School and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Beg, of North Chester road. has been elected president of the •freshman class at Elmira College. CHILDREN ENJOY JUNIOR PLAY "Jack and the Bean8ta1k" Open. ing Play of Season at Player8 Club The children of Swarthmore and vicinity who saw "Jack and the Beanstalk," the initial production of ·the Players Club of Swarthmore this sea~on. last Saturday were permitted a credible and satisfying glimpse into the "land of make believe" which consti.. tutes so large a part of a. child's world. From the rising of the curtain to its final lowering the illusion was consistently maintained. The scenes designed and executed by Barbara Dolman contributed much to the effect. The beanstalk, which grew in a most natural manner and for which Mrs. Clarence G. Myers was responsible, was superbly adequate. Bossy, the cow, was most ·well-mannen:d and provided a delightful relief; the cake batter and the real cake were the envy of many a young gourmand. Frances Homer's version of the play received an excellent interpretation from the cast of characters. Dicky Hoot's "Jack" was a most creditable performance, especially in view of the extremely long and involved speaking part which was his. Mary Garrett's uJ ill" was most appealing and JUDe Ullman's "Muffins," an old hand at the "business of starving," who was hungry "all the time she was not eating," was one of the most delightful portrayals of the performance. The Giant's hench .. men. Checko and Grecko, collected taxes in a most violel)t but effective manner. Mrs. Robert H. Reed as the giant's cook and servant had a sympathetic part and developed its full value while Mrs. J. Francis Taylor as Jack's Mother was ideally gentle and affectionate and lovely to watch. As for the Giant he was the least fearsome giant any child could desire, even to his FeeFi-Fo-Fum's, and at the same time he loomed so large and was so realistic that several members of his younger audience could not "Watch the second act, while the larger portion were so enthralled that their suspense was almost audible. Frederic A. Child's "Burgess" was the cagy old rascal the children all expected and James W. Johnstone's "Stranger" the mysteriouS' deus ex machinus the play required. Produced under the capable direction of Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman the play set a high standard for the three remaining junior plays. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE sw oUn'HMCnE...-COU...£(;E, THE 6 OCTOBER SWARTBMOREAN 15, 1937 IS understood that for the best IIlterMRS. MARGARET F. D. LEIPER III Chcster before begilllllllg .5 a hOOk-I csts of groul' thlllklllg .t1Id planlllllM, keeper at Stacy Glauser CUlIlll3IlY, \\ hue ~frs l\I.lrg 0 ~I Hook, I I I b I bClllg orgalllzed \\Jth ~flss LOIS Clark, lege, Frtday, October 8 A picture of •" .1 brule, to 1\\011<11 C, \\ lie 1 \\as Ut t /\ lI1emher of the hrst H.I p t t s t of thc \Vcst Chester Teachers College, MIss \V Ilhts. \\ carmg a tYPical costUllle ~Irs Ceol J) JlO\\.tnl, ~Irs Fnd A hy her hushus, Is busll) engaged these \'reeks IlIght, Octobcr 30 The parade \\ III form hoth members of the S\\,lIthmorc cluh. a :-.ur\('\ of rehef and relIef admulIs- III declphl:rlllg and tabulatmg for SCI enfrom 645 to 7 P M It1 front of the and MISS )'lartha ~[cC()ffl a puptl of tratlOn Hccded III Lo) altst terrttory and tlhc Journ.tls the results of the expcPost Officc and the processIOn Will beMrs "~r.lscr, \\erc Itltruduced b) Mrs lIt\csl1gatlllg cond1tions bchmd the I dltlOn from \\llIch he rcturned Sepgill to move past the Judges stand I.Ioyd Kauffman, Ch.tlfllllll of musIC Hebel 11IIes, \\illic SUl'('T\lSIl1g the d15- tember 25 erected 011 Park avenue promptly at 'I hc I>r05'r.U11, COIlSlstl1lg uf selcctlons tnbutllln of .ud from Frtends 111 AmAccomp.lIllul by John 1Iarshall, Jr, 7 o'clock 111 order that al1 Jlerformers arranged for t\\ 0 pJ.lnos and \ oeal nUII1erlc.l of Lmcolll a\ c llue, S\\ arthmorc Col nt.ly hc hcaded for homc beforc 8 hers \\as cnthushlstlc t1h recclved by Professor Plulip Hicks \\111 prescnt legc SCllu)r and honors student in '1 he marchers \\ III be grouped In four .1 large audlencc 'The Prollllse of Reahsm at 815 SUIl pll\ SICS, Dr Johnson lett Swarthmore sectlOlls, acconhng to costumc and age 1Irs Fraser, \\ho ts .1 Iltl'mhcr H ouse, Juh 25 to Il\e III a rangcr's cabl1l I of f '[the IS te( mUSICian HIt ISS ., he 011 the side\\ alk to Chester road, KURTZHALZ PHILA. HEALTH Has \VlIIgS, Rogcrs, I.ull.lh), Ilannlton address to the tcachers and mmlsters for radiO reccptIon COUNCIL SECRETARY c1O\\J1 Chester road to Park avenue, Hart), J.O\e IS on the 111ghroad, Rog- of S\\,lrthmore, at a tca tcndered them I Anothcr month \\as spent as the hy the Judgcs stand and hack to the Charles Kurtzhalz, chairman of thc ers, lhrthda), \Voodman, by Mrs on Octoher 13 by the board of the guests of the CanadIan government at ~tolrtltlg pOint, \\ hcre the parade Will \Vomcn S International Leaguc at Bond Churchill, Uat1ttoua, the northernmost HCdith DIVISIOn of the Penns) lvanta Chancy disband 'fca \\ as sen cd, :\1 rs R Chester?l.r emorlal M ISS Wanger IS prmclpal pumt accc~::'lble uy railroad, the mode Burgess John H Pitman will be Conference on SOCial Work and {or Spencer out five ycars ago by the Canadian rcce1ve .1 nOIsemaker and a balloon has bcen appomtcd the new executhe Mr:-. \Vllh,un E Kistler "'1 he I{csponslbJllty of the Teacher for gO\crul11ent to SlllP wheat from North from The Swarthmorean and the local director of thc Phlladelplua Health Ncxt Tuesdav, Octobcr 26, at 2 30 Pe.lcc" 'Our pomt of View toward Saskatclle\\au to Londoll and EuroBusllless Association Thrce prtzes III COUIICti and TuberculOSIS Committee I> III therc Will be a pre electIOn meet- peacc \\ork", she cont1l1ued, "IS con(CulI.lmuecl 0" Page. .Ewe) t.lch dl\lslon \\111 be awarded Thcse IIlg hcld at thc \Voman's Club III con- stant I) changmg There was a tnne ••• ).Ir KlIrt;'!!mlz, a rcsldent of Park prtZCS e1\\ ccn Thanksgl\ mg \\ not only becn the IIrc election mectmg at v.;illch canditor) oi thc law and also told how It Olle, tillS forgetlmg of our own mtcr- gourmand Frances Homer's, crSlO1i of the play dates of both major parties Will be Icadl1lg figure III the puhhc health pro \",1I1d \\ork 111 COItlH'ctIOU \\llh (hfTer- c:-.ts and our own lMrhahties. It IS a trcmendous task, and With It there IS recCI\ cd an excellent lIlterpretatton gram of Dcla\\ an Cuunty. hut he has heard Cllt hnes of husllless He expl tllll'd that a tremendous op))ortumty" Iroll1 the cast of ch.lIacter~ Dicky ~Irs 'lhomas H Johnson IS the nc\\ly also heen active III CI\ IC comlllUltlty af thc Dcpartment of Lahor ,I HI IndusI he cha.rtl1an of the occasion was 1Ioot's Jack" was a most creditable elected clMlrnMtl of the local League fairs lIe ".IS presu1cnt of the Chcstcr tr) was .r) IIIg to c\o!\e a piau \\hcrcMrs Ed\\ard A Jenkms, preSident of pcrformance, e:;pectall) Ul View of the Ol.:!atlOll retar) 0 tIe and IS a speaker of outstalldmg a 1 tty thanked ::\Ir Karahasz for cOllllltg and CounCil Thl!:> IS the sccond tllne hc (xl1ll)lt of sUitcases \\lllch Will he filled • I , manner Needlework Guild Exhibit ~Irs Robert H Reed as the Il •• nt's h) AmeTlcan cluldrcn With toys and has heen chatrman of thc Health DI explallll1lg the law and 1bo thanked cook and sen ant had a sympathettc dnthmg for thc chlldrcn III Spam, With VISIOn of thc Pcnns) Iv undertakcn to fill sUitcases High School and daughter of Mr and 2 00 to 4 00 P M - Needlework GuIld Exhibit . " • Woman's Club Produced under the capable direction 2 30 P M - W I L McetLng • Bond Memorial \1I\une who wlshcs to share In the :\r rs hrnest C Heg, o{ North Chester of ~lt s Roland G E Ullman the play 2 30 P M - Methodist Foreign Missionary SOciety Meet.s--110 Cornell Avenue 1 l,ICe.: proJcct can sccure information road, has been electcd president of the sct a lligh standard for the three reI rom ~l rs Peter E Told by telcphonfrcshman class at Elnllra Collegc. mammg JUlllor plays lIig ~\\arth01orc 1725-R I ,1 WANGER HEARD AT W I L TEA ,lr . CHILDREN ENJOY JUNIOR PLAY I , , .. , ;n ·, I 504 HAUOWE'EN ~ . . ocroBER 22. 1937 ., THE SWARTBMOREAN Shower Given For Margaret Vlachos Former Eleanor Ruth Olmes to Visit Parents This Week.End; Married October 7 The bridge club of which Mrs. A. B. Reavis, llrs. A. B. Chapin, Mrs. Nicholas P. Vlachos, Mrs. William Vlachos, Mrs. John A. Murphy, Mrs. Robert H. Reed, Mrs. W. W. Mitchell and Mrs. John E. Jeffords are members entertained for l{iss Margaret Vlachos with a shower at the home of Mrs. Chapin, on Harvard avenue, on Friday, October 15. Mrs. Malcolm K. Hodge, Miss Betty lIfurphy and IIfrs. William W. Vlachos were guests of the club. Smokies· and the Blue. Ridge Mountains. , Tomorrow Dr. and Mrs. Banta will attend the George School-Swarthmore High football game at George School and bring their son, Philip,. a George School student, home with them for the week-end. Mrs. J. W. Floyd, of Kenyon avenue, will entertain three friends from Bridgeton, N. J., at luncheon and bridge next Wednesday, Mrs. George Bauer, Mrs. Richard Sheppard and Mrs. Ralph Rosenthal. . ••• brates his third birthday this afternoon, October 22, with a party from 3 to 5 o'clock. His guests include: June Keighton, Penny Morrow, Ann Stoddard, Polly Told, George Allen, Peter Braun, Bobby Lang, Jimmie Rassweiler, and Harold Ogram, Jr. ••• and Patsy Little Billy Morrow, of Riverview road, are entertaining the members of the first and second grades of the College avenue school with a Hallowe'en party after school on Friday, October 22. • •• ••• Mrs. Howard ney's brother-in-law and oioter, Mr. and Mrs. William S. Ho\>bs, of Park avenue. Mr. Mohney left Monday for Seattle, Wash., where he will embark on the S. S. President Jackson to return to his post in Japan. Mrs. Mohney, with Paul, remained a few days longer before going to her mother's hOme in Hammondsport N Y to spend the ,.., . t r wID e • . B M ·ISS E ml'1Y D 00I ey, 0 f W'1k . I es- arre, Pa., was also a week-end gue,t of the Hobbs. afternoon, Thursday, in the library at the High School. Mrs. Jame, B. Douglas is head of the group. • s• B.irtb Mr. and Mrs. George J. Logan, of Rutgers avenue, are receiving congratulalions upon the birth of a son in the Philadelphia Lyin-In" Hospital on b 14 Thursday, Octo er • • •• • Mrs. H. Weston Clarke, 01 Yale aveMr. and Jenkins and nue, will entertain at dessert-bridge next A meeting of the Senior Mothers' Group was held "t 3 o'clock yesterday son, Edward, II, of Ogden avenue, en- Thursday. joyed their first overnight trip on their Mrs. Ethel McDaniels aod two c h i l d r e n , I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - new cruiser, "The How-Else", last formerly of Blue Ridge Summi4 Pa., are week-end. They ·went as far as Dover, occupying the house at 128 Rutgers aveDel. Their guests on the trip last nue recently vacated by the William Saturday and Sunday were Mr. and "Plese teech me howt"" i'-BewellS Dad· Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Post and daugh- Mrs. Norris Jones and son, Teddy; Blaisdells. to join the Home & School. Also how to ter, Jane, of Rochester, N. Y., and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Irving and two Mrs. Howard W. Newnam, Jr., of Elm make him send that questionare to Mister John G. Hersh, of East Greenville, Pa.• children, and Mr. Duncan Foster, of avenue, entertained at luncheon and bridge will spend the week~nd as guests of Mr. Swarthmore. Hoppkins. Thanx. If you do, I'll bee. yura on Wednesday when her guests were Mrs. and :Mrs. C. Wahl Qlmes, of Cornell avefer life. John Bates and Mrs. A. P. Willis, of MARY_ nu;; and M E R II f IIfrs. Frank Aydelotte, Mrs. William Swarthmore, and Mrs. Lloyd Goman, of .1'o'.lr. rs. i rnest us 1 aw 0 . WhO f k Y I 'cd t r. Hull and MISS Frances Ite, 0 Sara?~c La e, N. ., . are a so expect Swarthmore, attended a luncheon Tues~ Chester. to VISIt the Olmes tillS week-end. IIfrs. \d ay a t tl Ie W oman 'C't s l y CI ub of . Mr. and Mrs. William E. Willis, of Rushlaw before her ma.rnage at Saranac Philadelphia, given by Mrs. John S. C. Arlington, Va., are spending some time on October was MISS Eleanor Ruth. Harvey, of Radnor, for Miss Muriel with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. Olmes. She IS a graduate of The Mary Lester, of England, who· afterward and Mrs. A. P. Willis, of Columbia aveLyon School. .' Ispoke at the Club on "The Fellowship nue. Other guest.s at a famIly dm~er party of Reconciliation"'. on Sunday will be Mrs.) C?lmes ~rother, Othcr Swarthmoreans who heard Helen Worst, of Cornell avenue, will Mr. Elmer J. Hersh, of IluladelphIa; at1~ Miss Lester speak were Mrs. Edward entertain a few friends at a Hallowe'en MATCHED SET M~.. and ~~s. John Hersh Olmes, ot A. Jenkins and Mrs. Robert C. Disque, party at her home next Wednesday afterWllhamson oJcho~, ~e~.ware county. who attended the state meeting of the noon. ~-[rs, T. Harry Brown rcturned MOIl~ ~Vomen's International. Leagu~ earlier There was a meeting of the seventh day to her home on Cornell avcnue III the day at the Phlhdelphla headgrade mothers at the High School on after a ten-day visit to her son-in.law quarters of. the League. Wednesday afternoon of this week. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George . P. Lloyd, of Joliet, Ill. On the way Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. WIlson Mrs. Roy C. Comley entertained the New Dressy Blouses home Mrs. Brown stopped at Dayton, al~d d~ughter, Ruth, o~ Ogden avenue, luncheon bridge club of which she is a 0., to visit an aunt. Mr. Brown, who wtll dnve to B.oston FrIday, Oc!ober 22, and Skirts for afteraccompanied hcr on the trip returned where they will attend a reumon ban- member at her home on Swarthmore noon, tea time, din. earlier ' C l u e t of the Appalachian Mountain Club avenue Jast Friday. October 15. . • • • at the Twentieth Century Club, on Satner, or the theatre. Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Brown, of Mrs. Charles Israel, of Princeton and urday, October 23. . Walnut lane, are entertaining their College avenues, entertained five WelMiss Ruth Wilson will play in the bridge club, which includes five tables, lesley College classmates last week-end. Table Tennis Tournament in Provid~ tonight, October 22. The guests were the Misses Ruth ence, R. I., Saturday night. They will Campbell and Dorothy Beaton, of New stay 'until Tuesday, October 26, visiting The ninth grade mothers held a York City; Mabel Martin, of Flushing, relatives and friends. meeting on Wednesday, October 20, RUSSELL'S SERVICE in the school room. Mrs. Neil 1. DurN. Y. j Margaret Falrbanks, of Passaic, . • • • N. J.; and Margaret Silverman. of East The Kindergarten took its annual borow, of Haverford Place, is chairON PARK AVB. Dartmouth and Lafavette Aves. Orange, N. J. Another member of the trip to the Clark Farm, near West man of the group. class, Miss Grace Farrell, of Brighton, Chester, on Friday, October 15. .Mass., spent three days with Mrs. IsA meeting of the parents of the Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Mohney and racl earJier in the week. Kindergarten children will be held son, Paul Norman, of Osaka, Japan, • * * Monday evening, October 25. Miss Ju~ spent last week-end with Mr. MohMrs. Charles C. Townsend, Jr., sec- lia Wade Abbott will show pictures retary in the offi..:e of the Borour;h at the Rutgers avenuc School. Loul. F. PI-. Proprietor AMBRICAN BOY ,:secretary, was bereaved this week by Mrs. C. Richard Soderberg, of OgAMERICAN HOME the death of her father, M. Clifford den avenue, is recovering nicely from an DEftER BOMBS &: GARDENS Brinton, of Cheyney, Pa., on Monday. appendicitis operation which she underLADIES' HOME .JOURNAL Jh:pert Meeh.nic Seniee Mr. Brinton, who was in his sixtieth went Wednesday, October 13, at the McCALLS MAGAZINE Sinclair GII110Une and LubrieatiDa 0iIa PICTORIAL BBVIBW year was buried yesterday afternoon Delaware County Hospital, Lansdowne. W .. hi ... -Lubri ..tion-B ••.....,. _d "..., Seniee WOMAN'S HOMB COMPANION in the Concord Fricnds' cemetery fol· • • • OPEN UN'l1L MIDNIGHT lowing services at his late home. Donald Ogram, son of Mr. and Mrs. Any of These l\1r. ]. Paxson Unger, of Oak Lane, Harold Ogram, of Riverview road, cele$1 per yr.-$2 for 3 yrs. was the week-end guest of Mr. and '"F=============== subscriptloDJJ lor ALL Map.z1nes ?\,irs. Howard McCone, of Dartmouth 11 avenue. Mr. Unger who is teaching in Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman the Oak Lanc Country Day School, Sw. 2080 313 D_ou.h A~e. was a classmate of :Mr. McCone at Swarthmore College, class of '27. FrIday - Saturday ••• dere teacher! ••• ••• DON'T TAkE CHANCES ••• ••• ?, WITH THE ••• ?leN ••• V' ..·stone ••• BRAIE Lilli. ••• • •• Specially Priced • •• GOWN SHOP ••• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!l~.~~~.~D~o;n;"~s~.~It~c~.;or-~vv~.~s:.;""~c;.~Tb~.;m~'~' SWARTHMORE GARAGE . ... . Day and Night Storage 401 Dartmouth Ave. Swarth. 411 MEDIA ••• Mrs. Clifford Dr. and Banta return· ed late last week to their home on Swarthmore Crest after a fifteen-day motor trip to Crawfordsville, Ind .• where they visited Mrs. Banta's bro_thers-in-Iaw and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Fostcr Fudge and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cougcr. On the home route they traveled throu~h Nashville, Knoxville, the Jane Withers III "Wild and Woolly" With WaIter Brennan (Academy Award Winner and ODe Man Band of "Banjo On My Knee" ExIra! First Run Newa! -MANORTHEATBE CHESTER PIK~PROSPECT CIDER APPLES - PRESERVES - JELLIES PARK Free Parkin" For Our PatroM Rear 01 Theotre Now Playing FRIDAY AND SATURDAY LOCUST KNOLL PRODUCTS Sproul and Providence Road Sunday Only - 2 Features "The La.. Train From Madrid" and "Cali/ornia Straisht Ahead" LEON C. BLUNDIN Monday - Tuesday Dick Powell Fred Waring "WIFE, DOCTOR and NURSE" starring Loretta Young - Warner Barter Virginia Bruce Next I'.ttractlon Ritz Brothers In "LIFE BEGINS I~ COLLEGE" STANLEY' And His Pennsylvanian. SOLICITS YOUR S"PPORT ON NOVEMBER 2, FOR "Varsity Show" TAX COI.I,ECTOR THEATRE CHESTER BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE ON THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET FRIDAY SAT., SUN. ,. MON. W'rth TED HEALY· W,uTER CA.TlETT • PRISCILLA LANE ROSEMARY LANE·JOHNNY DAVIS. BUCK .... IUHUS _ ., WM. KEIGHLEY AW.~"'.Ptctu ... I...,. ".IIIoS. aoaoaftll MK-,.. os. .................... 0.._ .. f . - - 0np.&I Sooon'" ......... 00lI _ :S,. " ' " - .. f .... fIHbky .. M-c c.._ ..... fltnocoroI '" e-., -" L..-..., Dd ~ ... J - - ' ~ MONDAY AND TUESDAY Oetoher 25-26 "STELLA DALLAS" Mat. tOe ,. 25c Eve. AClults 3k .. 48c CbIldren 150 willa Barbara Stanwyck John Boles-Ann Shirley I hate, jealousy, poverty, inharmony, shall lead them." What happiness, Joy, on Friday evening, October 29, at 6.30 f4i,on in October Meetin8 and comfort shall be found in the comdanger, discord, and the like. in the parish house. The decorations • l'UBUBHIID lIVlIBY t'1IIDILY AY "What a boon to be permitted to enpany of those in whom we find no guile, BWAB'r.lMOU. .a. and dinner theme will be "A World- The Harold Ainsworth Post of the the gifts of nature in aU their prisno sin, and no hate, because we see as joy Wide Faith". Members of the Junior- American Legion celebrated Past 1'IIB SWABTBMOllBAll', mo. tine simplicity, without the carnal aCe Jesus saw." Intermediate department will have Commanders' Night at the club room companiments of, danger. harm, andl ________________ PDb_ _ charge of decorations. A quartette un- in Borough Hall Monday evening. AfSeIIooI der the direction of Benjamin L. ter a business meeting at which Com· destruction for which our own wrong PEIEB Eo TOLD of Kneedler, choirmaster. will sing ape- mander J. Paul Brown presided Mem- thinking has ever b~en responsible I &Urer Mule eiat numbers. The speaker of the even- bership Chairman Guenther H. Froe- How beautiful the smile of the goldenArt Alliance BIq., 251 S. 18th St. ROSAUE DRYDEN ing will be the Rev. Dr. Harold MeA. bel reported a total membership of rod without those elements of distress Ne. . B41tot which annually plague the victims of PhDadelphia PEN 1940 Robinson, General Secretary, Board of forty-nine, an unusually large enrol~ hay fever I What happiness and conPl.4NO J'OICE J'IOUN Phone SwartImlore _ Christian Education of the Presby- ment this early in the Legion year and tentment in the world wherein the crea.. Recbll'adoD Now . BDtere4 .. second Claa Ma~.!.!~,!W'... 1I, terian Church, U. S. A. Tickets may be one which is a credit to Mr Froebel's tures of forest and field are free from 1IraDeb.: 11129• at tile Post 0111 .. at Sw _ _ re" h d M I B h th fi k Alb T ' . under the Aea 01 Iblcb I. In'. pure ase at art~ s. uc ners or e De wor . en. Eavenson received the carniverousness and bestiality of ~,.t.~ church office. An tickets and reserva- the past commander's medal from the human imposingt Surely, lithe wolf Media BlJil1eb: tlbns must be secured by Wednesday, hands of Colonel John A. Murphy. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1937 also shall dwell with the lamb, and the 8HBBWOOD LANB WALLINGFORD,.a. October 'Zl. Past Commander George F. Corse leopard shall lie down with the kid; M _ UN-M , The class for college age young was in charge of the entertainment, and the calf and the young lion and Fun or Deviltry people and students of schools in which included "candid camera" scenes the fatling together; and a little child Swarthmore and vidnity meets eaeh of the more informal moments in the To many property owners of Swarth- Sunday at the Manse at 10 A. M. W. early lives of past commanders. more the forthcoming week assumeS B. Davison is chairman of the dis• i COAL the proportions of a reign of terror. cussions. College people and others are Local Church Sponsors Lecture Under the guise of soap night, corn invited. Wednesday and Saturday and night and mischiei night, much real The Young People's Fellowship will A lecture on Christian Science enharm is done and much threatened meet Sunday evening at 6 o'clock in titled "Christian Science: Its Message 35c Gal. in Your Jug FUEL OIL which is prevented by the vigilance of the parish house. of Individual Salvation," was given by 45c Gal. in Our Jug the local police force. It is puzzling Boys and girls choirs will rehearse William Duncan Kilpatrick, C. S. B., of Phones: even for the children themselves to Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Detroit, Mich., member of the Board of 301 LAFAYETfE AVE. Swarthmore 10412 keep track of the various nights and church. Lectureship of The Mother Church, practically impossible for the childless Mrs. B, I. . Hoot Ridley Park 412 ~. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, I who is, therefore defenseless. in Boston. Mass., in the Springfield Phone YOW" Order, Swarthmore 284-J t Trinity Church Notes Hallowe'en itself has been spoiled High School auditorium Friday evenfor many people by the hOl·des of Mrs. Richard Tunis, of Princeton ing, October 8. masked visitors who arrive with large and Lafayette avenue, has been apFLORENCE MORTON 5 E. State St., Media Mrs. H. P. Blades, of North Chester sacks in hand and speedily exhaust any pointed to succeed Mrs. F. W. Hadley road, first reader of The First Church DOMESTIC IMPORTED normal supply of refreshments. To as a representative of the Parish on of Christ, Scientist, Swarthmore, which many the use of a holiday to further the Women's Interdenominational Com- sponsored the lecture, introduced the Needlepoint-Stamped Goods bad manners and a total lack of con- mittee. Mrs. Hadley recently removed lecturer who said in part as follows: sideration seems a pity. To nlany from Swarthmore. "With the understanding thatof the others who see the fault as one of existence is merely a state A Servers' Guild of ·former Choir terial parents rather than children, the cas- boys has been organized under the human consciousness, and that our maual blame which fal1s upon them seems direction of Robert Reed. T. Arthur terial world is the externalized expresNow Mothers As Well As Tois sian of carnal thoughts which come • unjust. Meryweather, Jr., senior Crucifer, will Get Their Fall· Outfits At One solution, of course, is just are· assist the reclor in training the mem- from a so-called carnal mind claiming turn to the old time custom of families hers. The Guild will be divided into existence, we may begin to understand doing things together. Parental dig- three groups-Crucifer, Servers and how the process of individual salvation nity might suffer, but it is possible Acolytes. is to be accomplished. M d 212 W S S M d "Through the carnal in our consciousove to • tale I., e ia that family situations might be defi• I • ness we endow our material universe Ladies Dres,es-Bag,-Gloves at Moderate Prices nitely bettered. Friends' Forum Program . Why not bring the whole "dern" and conditions make those for laws the unhappiness and the family to the community Hallowe"en At the Morning Forum at Friends' with tragedies of human living. parade on Saturday night? You'll have Meeting Sunday at 9.45 A. M. Ray uThe sickness, the poverty, and the a whale of. a time I Wilson, former exchange student at inharmonies of the human body are the University of Tokyo. Japan, will in8icted thereon by the carnal which Christian Science Church give a survey of the Japanese 5itua-- obtains in the consciousness of the Have Your Beater Installed Now tion. possessor of th·e body. The injurious Drive in COl!lplete Comfort UProbation After Death'" is the suband harmful elements of nature are not ject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Karl Grzybowski Dead inherent therein but become a part Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunthereof through the carnal mind in day, October 24. The Golden Text is: Karl Grzybowski, who formerly lived human consciousness. "He that shall endure unto the end, at 221 Harvard avenue, died Thursday, the same shall be saved." (Matthew October 14, at his home at 212 North The carnal mind in human consciousness not only creates our material 24 :13). 34th street, Philadelphia, where he world but it likewise endows that world • I • moved when he left Swarthmore about with those material and harmful qualiMethodist ChurcIi Notes four years ago. Death followed an at- ties which render material existence a tack of bronchial pneumonia. A Phila- most (:trecarious and perilous experiALL IN ONE 'rhe monthly J ullior Church Service delphia advertising man, Mr. Guy- ment. will be held on Sunday, October 24, at bowski was a resident of Swarthmore UThrough the influx of the divine into 11 A. M. at the Swarthmore Methodist ten years or more. the human mind these carnal thoughts Episcopal Church. The Biblical dramaHis widow, Elizabeth Shoemaker which are externalized in our CO\lcept Yale Ave. and Chester Road tization, Jacob and Esau, will be given Grzybowski, and daughters, Sabina, of materiality as sickness., poverty, hate, Plymouth Chrysler by Elsie Bernard, Mills Hedgepeth, Elizabeth and ·Mary, survive. poison. bestiality, danger, and the like Jimmy Pitman, "Billy Hartman,. a.nd • I • are gradually displaced. In following, Harry Hamby. An object sermon will then. divineoforder complete of a be given by the pastor, the Rev. Clar- . J. J's Meet at Sarah Fussell's vation.thl.! instead beingofpossessed ence F. Carter. The J. J.'s rliscussed a cake sale to human mind through which is maniThe Senior Epworth League will obfested a sick, poverty-stricken, material 9ineBI 6Blales in serve the monthly story hour directed be held in, the near future when they body, we shaU find ourselves, as thought met last Sunday evening at the home by Mrs. Carter Sunday evening at 7 becomes more spiritual, possessed of a of Sarah Fussell, on Elm avenue. It consciousness through which is manio'clock. The .meeting of the Foreign Mis- is desired to arrange visits to shut-ins, fested a material body and a material Sarah Fussell and Edith Kniskern besionary Society will be held on Wed- ing in charge of finding work along universe. from which have been eliminated all elements of sin, sickness. nesday, October 27, at 2 :30 P. M., at ON BALTIMORE PIKE AT LINCOLN AVE. the home of Mrs. John B. Roxby, on that line. Indudlng 3 Street F ....ab, 310.91' on Baltimore Piko New members present at the meeting Cornell avenue. 11.... 18' on Uncotn AVO., 1201.42' on Church Road were Anne Lingle and Frances Noyes. ::::':'::';;:"~I"". , - - Since Hallowe'en falls on the next And Varlou. Furnl.hlng. and Antiques, In Separate Lata Presbyteriau Church Notes regular meeting date the session will (Catalogue .ont upon reque.t) At Sunday morning worship zt 11 be held the following Sunday, NovWILL 1111 SOLD AT o'clock the pastor will preach on the ember 7, at the home of Betty Moseley, in The Swarthmore. Members are subject, "A 'United Front." The Men's Bible Class will have as to bring contributions of magazines. its guest speaker on Sunday at 10 A. M. Shoran S. Singha, of India. Mr. CHURCH NEWS Singha is associated with the Indian Student's Union of London and is lec- SWARTHMORE PRl!BBYTERIAN OHUBOH Rev. David BraUD. MlnLster turing in this country for a year. He SUNDAY will speak on "India Today". All men 9:45 A. M.--81,lIldaY SchooL of the church and congregation and 10:00 A. !.I.-Bible CIaase8. A M -Morntng WorshIp. ltlr. Braun friends are invited. The Men's Class 11'00 . . , will piea.ch on "A United. plans a Men's Dinner for Thursday, Pront." November 18. 'l'he golf tournament of 6:00 p. y._young People's FelloVlBb1P. METHODIST EPISCOPAL OHUBCH the class was cancelled this faU .. Cla.Nuce p. carter. A.B •• B.D.• :t4lDJstIr' The Junior-Intermediate and Senior SUNDAY departments of the church ·school will 9:45 A. M._Cll111'cb SchooL A. Y._Morning Worahlp. meet for the opening worship in the 11:00 '1:45 P. u.-Evenlng W01"8hlp. Junior room on Sunday. Prince HuOP CHlUBT. SOIBN'l'llIT, bertus zu Loewenstein, visiting profes- F1RST CHURCH moqnlflcentestatelltu4tedamld the beautltul relldenl."98wh ch tl~ve made OF SWABTIDIOBB Swarthmore the lovell•• t of Phlladeiphia'i luburbl. The IItone residence sor at Swarthmore College, will speak Park Avenue below Harvard 1118 well bael: from the road and It. turrounded by huge old .hade treell and to the combined groups. It is important 11:00 A~ M.-Bundal" ScltOC)l gaM.IUI.It Include, 8badroottl •• 3 batblond yersf,ord.,\ Park avenue, wilt entertain at a Hallowe'cn party in their home tomorrow Miss Marjorie Porter removed Fri- visited her parents last ' * * * afternoon . . day from her apartment at Princeton One or the prize winners in the and Lafayette avenue to a:isumc her Harold amI Donald Ogram, sons of new post as supervisor with the Girls' regular weekly football contest. one Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ogram, of RiverBureau and Western Reserve, at Co- of a series of eight, sponsored through- view road, witt be the week-end gues.ts lumbus, O. Miss Portcr had been with out the season by thc Atlantic Refining of their cousin. Allan Palmer, of WI1~ the Children's Bureau in Philadelphia Company, is Miss Beatrice Hart, of t~lc mington, to attend a Haltowc"e? party for six years. 'Miss Mila Schwartzbach class of 1940, Swarthmore College. MISS given by him on Saturday evemng. who formerly was with the Children's Hart will receive $5 as a reward for The combined kindergarten class will Bureau and lived with M iss Porter is outstanding accuracy in l'retermining winning collegiate football teams that hold its Hallowe'en party Friday morncontinuing her work in the south, played over last week-end. ing at the Rutgers avenue school. Thj~ where she transferred a year or so will include the celebration of ago. Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan, of South birthday of Lyn Leech, daughter Mr. and Mrs. William Knetsche, who Chester road will have as her guests pf Mr. and. Mrs. Lloyd Leech, who are occupicd a second. floor apartment at today at luncheon, Mrs. Harold G. supplying the refreshments. the Princeton avenue address during Griffin. Mrs. George P. \Varren, Mrs. the past summer, wiII return from Irwin R. l\JacEtwee, Mrs. F. A. Kraft, West Philadelphia to make their home and Mrs. A. Prescott Willis, of These Prices Increase in the apartment just vacated by hHss Swarthmore. Porter. After Nov•. 10 Mr. and Mrs. ),,'1. p. Walker and AMERICAN BOY Dr. Frallk Aydelotte, president of son, of Shanghai, and their daughter, 1 ¥r.-$l.OO 3 Yrs.-$2.00 COSMOPOLITAN ....•.•. 2 Yrs.--$3.50 Swarthmore College and American Sec- Elizabeth, who is a sophomore at GOOD HOUSEKBPING .. 2 Yrs.--$4.00 retary for the Rhodes Scholarships, Swarthmore College, and Dr. Charle.s HOUSE &: GARDEN •.••• 2 'YH.-fl.OO E. Beury, president of Temple Umrepresented Swarthmore College at RED BOOK .........•.•• 2 Yrs.-$3.50 the inauguration ceremonies marking versity, were the dinner guests of Dr. subscrlptions for ALL Magazines the installation of Dr. Gordon Keith and Jo.lrs. \Villiam -T. EHis, of Walnut Mrs. Lloyd E. KauJIman Chalmers as sixteenth president of lane on Tuesday. Mr. \Valker, treas~ urer' of the Episcopal Missions in Chi313 Dartmouth Avenue Kenyon College at Gambier, Ohio, O~l Tel. Sw. 2080 Saturday, October 23. Dr. Chalmers IS na. is on his sabbatical year. a graduate of Oxford, 'where he w~s lIes. Sargent Walter, of North Chester ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=I a Rhodes scholar. Dr. Aydelotte Will road, will be hostess to the Friday Lunch~ --= deliver his address at the inauguration con Duplicate Bridge Club today. in the morning, while Dr. \V. F. G. ·.. APPLES - PRESERVES - JELLIES LOCUST KNOLL PRODUCTS Sproul and Providence Road I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HChester's Fashion Corner" • • • I~--------------,\ MEDIA 3 DAYS I FRIDAY SATURDAY-SUNDAY NoW Playing 4 SHOWS FRIDA.Y The Ritz Brothers 2: 3(1-6--3--10 In AMIRACLE OF MUSICAL DELIGHT Tony Ma.rtin - Nat Pendleton Lowest rates are in effect ~IA.NOR THEA.TRE Chester Pike-PrOSPect Park Frlda.y and Saturday-.october 29·30 Bing Crosby-Martba Raye . In In "THIN ICE" Wednesday and Thursday-NOV. 3-01 BANK. NITE (Wed.) Plus Loretta Youug-Warner Baxter Virginia Bruce In "Wile, Doctor & Nur8e" StartinC Friday, November 5 Deanna Dnrbin In "100 Men and a Girl" . EDGMONT AVE. - Earle's Secretary of State, David Lawrence. • Your straight Republican vote on November- 2nd will vOlce your objection to the Earle administration. The local Republican tick~t is pledged to an efficient and econom.. SEVENTH AND WELSH STREETS experience. You pledged your support to them with your vote at the Primary Election. BURGESS: GEORGE FOX CORSE COUNCIL: N. O. PITTENGER D. W. R. MORGAN WM. R. ARGYLE WALLACE M. McCURDY Fur Trimmed and Untrimmed at Exceptional Savings s ~ with Joa.n Da.vls Sonja. Henie, Tyrone Power a vote of confidence in the Earle administration, claims Governor AUDITOR: A. SIDNEY JOHNSON, Jr. SCHOOL DIRECTOR: ROY DELAPLAINE ROLAND EATON .98 f~I;/L "Life Begins in College" Tuesday-November 1-2 Every Democratic candidate elected to a county or local office is • • • ••• Monday and RECOGNIZE THE CHALLENGE! ical administration. Its candidates are men of business ability and •• • "Double or Nothing" REPUBLICANS -CIDER ••• •• • II THE SWARTHMOREAN I * ••• 4?CfOBER 29, 1937 Note" - See a complete performance "before or afler the Hallowe'en Parade. on calls of 42 miles or more every night ."ter seven and all day Sunday I Somewhere there's some one who'd like to hear your voice. Make that call tonight I OUo Kruger Allyn Joslyn "Thev Won't • Forget" Addedl "Gall Mistakes" s .98 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE: MORRIS E. SMITH PULL THE SECOND LEVER SPORTS A.ND DRESS STYLES 3 SHOWS FRIDAY EVENING 6 8 10 Claude R a i n s ' .98 THE BElL mEPHONE COMPANY Of 'ENNSYLVANtA TONIGHT (Friday) MONDAY-TUESDAY s TAX COLLECTOR: SAMUEL M. DODD CAPRIOTTY'S FUEL OIL CALL SW. 1800 Your new cloth coat must be something very special this season! It must be superbly styled of fine fabrics . . , At Speare's you'll find exactly that , . . plus excellent tailoring . . . perfect finishing • . . beautiful linings . , , at prices unbelievably low! Sizes for Juniors, Misses, Women and Larger Women Vote Early Vote Straight THE SWARTHMOREAN POBIoI8BBD BVllBY nmAYAT last year on a world tour. to address the ladies. The Young People's Fellowship will meet Sunday evening at 6 o'clock in Parish House. All people 01 high age are invited. The Presbyterian Home for A~ed Couples and A~eJ Men extends an JRvitation to all mtcrested to tea at the Home, City Line, BaJa, Pa. October 29, from 3 until 6 o'clock. 1937 OCTOBER THE SWARTBMOREAN CBlLDREN DO SCHOOL .. Ii ..-0 ee JUNIOR RED CROSS N address Sunday evening. November 7. Th. ew. following week Mr. Blanshard i. to discuss philoSOPhY. war and peace, and on November 21 John Nason will speak on philosophy and punishment. R. B. Brandt will close the series with a lecture on liberty. _________________ At 2.45 A. M. the local police car School children in Swarthmore chased a zig-zag driver who ended near throughout the county are being the Folsom school leaving his car in the THE 8WAB~OBBAN. mc, Publisher this month in the Junior Red Cross. The woods and escaping. It was discovered the first. w~k of October was set aside ~s was one which had been stolen from PETER Eo TOW the JUllIor roll .ca1l for members, but ID Chester at 2.15 A. M. the same morning Editor many schools thiS work has been extended h h' l e d ' • h the end of the month. t e ve le e was return to Its rig tROSAUE DRYDEN is a membershop of 157 in the ful owner. The case was referred to the News BdItor Our New Method is • I schools. Last year the total Ridley Township police. Phone Swarthmore 900 233. No fee is required for Unsurpassed I I • Entered as Second Class Matter, .JaJluar)' 24, Trinity Chnrch Notes but each year the boys and girls 1929. at the Post omce at Swarthmore, Pa., under the Aca of March 3, 181'. On Monday, All Saints' Day, there will volunteer donations of pennies and nickles. Philosophy Lectures Begin ------- - - - - - - - .. Sunday FRIDAY. OCTOBER 29. 1937 be celebrations of the Holy Communion These contributions go for the purchase =;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;~;;;;;~====== at 7 :30 and 10 A. M. It is hoped that of material, from which garmets arc made thc juniors. Miss LilJian Barton, of . " '11 g_L I Dla ny business men and women will be "The Individual and SOClCty WI be """M0ualOO'" ,..~ L a8 t M·Inu t e PI ea the earlier service. high school faculty, is head 0 1 ,onnerl \Junior R C subject of the. series 01 Sunday . . Following the later service the " ed ross herc. The following letter, COplCS of which of the Parish will meet at the Rectory The money expended 1936-37 by lectures to be given by the philosopny Art Alliance BId,., 251 S. 18th St. have ~een r~ad .by home room teache~.; sew. Those ".,ho come are asked to bring Swarthmore Junior Red Cross totalled department of Swarthmore College dur- Philadelphia PEN 1940 to theIr PlIVds III the local schools thIS a box lunch. Coffee will be served. VO.77 and was made Up as lollows ing November. According to Brand BlanPIANO - VOICE - VIOLIN week, is being published in The Swarth- On Wednesday, at 2 :30 P. M., the Needlework Guild----$5; flannel for shard, chairman of the department, the RecUtratioD Now 8wart~,.:r:nvf: morcan to furthcr the cnd for which it regular monthly meeting of the Woman's wear and pajamas for poor-$lO.66; brace talks will deal with a number of problems aims: Guild will be hcld in the Parrish House. for boy in hospital-$8; repair and paint- aroused by the relations of the individual \ ~ore 10l8-W "We are . nOw approaching The Rev.•11d Mrs. J. Jarden of toys for Christmas-$18.11 j . th e present d ay wor Id , I I Hallowe'en th htl t h e group 10 M...... - W" ··m'G~BD p' and t Ile. tune W lcn mue 1 oug es!. Mr. and Mrs. W. Minton Harvey and spectacles for high school pupils-$6; M aunce . M an delba urn Wi'11' fi SHERWOOD LANE ,..... .V , ..... give t herst Me41a 1ZI8-M ,. da~ge IS done. and Mrs. J. Burris West attended child's board at Camp SUllshine, 'Each. year sc\'eral cars have the sur- dinner at the Penn Athletic Club, week,-$12; Red Cross Journal for school HALLOWE'EN CANDIES ~aces seflous~y marred by hard soap mark- day evening, which was addressed by Mrs. -$11; flood retief-$IO. Large Assortment of Favors and Novellies WALNUT CHERRIES lOgS. OccaSIOnally ~opes a~e strung a- James R. Cain. of South Carolina and I •• ASSORTED BUTIER CREAM NUTS cro~s the streets causmg or h~ely to cause The Bishop of Duluth, Dr. Kemerer. ASSORTED CARAMELS Made With Fresh Cream Repnblican Women Meet Here Mr West is president of the serious trouble [or the motorists. on 4th "The yoOung peol)l.e in the town in AU~iliary of the Diocese; Mrs. H'lrv,ev I SWARTHMORE CANDY SHOP OLD BANK BUILDING general cooperate. It IS only a {ew thought- is [Jrcsident of the Parish Woman's AUX-I 01 the Sw. 2149 or 955 less ones who cause damage. '1 ry The regular monthly 8WAB~OBB, PA. , As For Shaves ADOLPH'S --~--- I ORNSTEIN I aM~s. Albert Hill, of College avenue, Women's Republican Club of 0 f th speakers at the Annual County will be held at the Strath was Ilea Conference e Educational of the Diocesan J nn, TIlUrS day N ovem b er4• at IP. Woman's Auxiliary. The program will feature a talk on "~'"h.,,1 Louie F. Pieree, Proprietor Among the new teachers in the Chur-('j; this Election Mean to PCJlnsylvania?" School this year are: Mrs. E. L. by :Mrs. Edna R. Carroll, president of E W'I M' B tty the Women's Republican Club of I' dine, Miss Carolyne '. I son, ISS e Expert Meehanle Bern"" Moseley, T. Arthur Meryweather Jr .• sy vania. Christian Science Chnreh Sinclair G.....lIne and Luhrieatlug Oils Miss Caroline Shero, Miss Betty Marth, "What docs this Election Mean W aohinll- Lubrication - Batte..,. and 'l1re Sernee hEverlasting Punishment" is the sub- and 1Hss Molly Whitford. Miss Whitford Delaware County?" will be discussed and Miss Mary Roelofs, both three-minute talks by club members. OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT ject of the Lessoll-Se:-mon in all Reservations for luncheon must be made Churches' of Christ, Scientist, on Sun- students, are directing the Church with Mrs. William C. Alexander, day, October 31. The Goldeu Text is: Choir. Trevor Roberts. who was North Monroe street, Media, tel.ephon<1 "Blessed is the man whom thou chast- from Swarthmore last year, is encst, 0 Lord, and teach est him out again as one of the Church Media 1467. No reservations can be sc(:retaries. Mrs. Robert H. Reed is cepted after 10 A. M. Wednesday, Noof thy law." (Psalms 94 :12). sisting in the primary department vember 3. I I Mrs. James H. Thomas and Mrs. A. A board meeting will be held at 11 A. S Methodist Church Notes Miller have charge of the music for ~l. Including Congress and Kemeards I I e N The Junior Church group held a smaller children. skating party last Tuesday evening I I C • N k B d ·ew "Ll'fe Wl·th Mother" onme ic erson on roa way which was attended by twenty-seven To Rev, young people. Attendance at Junior Once more Connie Nickerson, daughChurch service was prerC(luisite for The Fortnightly will meet with Mrs. tcr of Mr. and Mrs.!. L. Nickerson, of D participation in this skating party. James Lamb, of Rose Valley, on Mon- Park avenue, is carrying a responsible Special-One Week Only The Epworth League will hold a day afternoon, November I, at 2.30 part in a Broadway production. Acting E business meeting Monday evening at o·clock. with thc'Surry Players, she' is ol:aviin" N 7:30 o'clock. at the home of Ella Mae Mrs. Horace Avery will review "Life Phoebe in "As You Like Beagle. at Princeton and Dartmouth with Mother" by the Clarence Day who S avenues. wrote "Life with Father". The latter Shakespearean comedy, produced by The Junior and Senior Choirs will hook has been reviewed by the Fort- Samuel Rosen and backed by Dwight '11 Deere Wiman, a well known Broadway $1.25 • meet with their new organist and di- nightly and the memory of it is su Walerproof Card Table Covers I rector Thursda" evening. fresh in the minds of the members. producer, witl open Saturday night, J October 30. Miss Nickerson was with The Epworth League witt give a 11 rs. Avery's review of the mother N skating party Friday evening at 7.30 who lived with 'father' and who bu- the production at Surry, Me., this sumo'clock. mored and loved but also controlled mer. She is understudy for Anne Re~ vere, playing Celia, who will be re, The Ladies' Aid Society will hold its him, \vill tell of her artistry in her membcrcd by many as the co-star with ! ___...1_____________________________~ rcgular meeting \Vednesday, preceded diftlc'uIt position. luncheon at I Preparation F Skctches dwi!lj be IlDive!'d b!11Cir'l'aJllohl1 for thc annual turkey dinner, a' . . ' N 18to be '11 awcett!l.n Th I '.I., .rs. taVI .., ctat' to responSIble part last year. For the past i' served to the 1>11 II} IC l o\'emhcr ,WI ose (,cSlrmg ranspor Ion . . VOice h k d t tele month she has studied M rs. L am)I souse be concluded. arc as e 0 - . • · 1 I I b 1 tl e con,nl'lttee Carolme Welsh, Yale dramattc coach. T he rCbrular month 1y meetl11g 0 t le 1l1OIlC any mem cr 0 1 , r official board is scheduled for Friday before 11 o'clock next Monday mornMr. and Mrs. Nickerson and SOllS, evening at 8 o'clock. ing. David and Leston, Jr., wilt go to The pastor requests that all material I I I York for the Ol)cnillg performance 011 for the monthly church paper be given Media Movie Time Change Broadway tomorrow evening. Miss Begins With the Wave! to him this Sunday. Berna Nickerson is in New York for • I • Because of the Hal1owe~en Parade two weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. WH. F 'd I)'{ liam Brown. Presbyterian Church Notes being held in !\lcdla on rI ay tIe. edia Theatre schcdule will be changed - - -.............- At the Sunday morning worship at on this day, with [caturc pictures be- Health Society Announcement II o'clock the pastor preach on the ginning at 6, 8 and 10 P. M. Swarthmore 595 subject "The Next Hundred Years". The Community Health Society has CHURCH NEWS issued the following announccment from I This is the second of two sermons on 4.09 DARTMOUTH AVENUE Christian Missions presented in the interits Borough Hall offices: for the infor-l .est of the Foreign Missions Board Cen- SWARTHMORE pRESBYTERIAN CHUBCB Ilmation of ncw comers and those not well 1 . I Cele b ' d ' Rev. DavId Braun. Mln1ster tenma ratton urmg t Ile month 0 f SUNDAY acquainted with the function of the I "Every Shampoo A Scalp Treatment" October. 9:45 A. M.-Sunday SchooL Society. The Community Health Society B of Central Delaware County The Men's Bible Class will have as. 10:00 A. N.-Blble Classes. guest spcak er t h IS un ay at . ,\. . . wlll preach on "The Next Hun· S d 10 A 'I 11'00 A M.-Mornlng WOl'8hlp. :Mr. raun three full tlll1e pubhc health nurses Professor Gordon Poteat, newly appoint- 6;00 P. M.-young dred Years" . people·s Fellowship. one part ttme nurse. F our fuII' tIme 1111«." I are needed. ed professor of philoSOI)hy and ethics at Crozer Theological Seminary. Dr. Poteat TRINITY OHUBOH Genera I ' . I treat, Protestant Splscopal tlursmg care" speCI3 wi1l speak on "The Background of the Chester Road and COllege Avenue ments and health instructions are given Present Situation ill China" out of a rich Rev.. J Jarden Guen th e. r ST" ' ly Ph" . ..... Bector under the ordcrs 0{ f amI YSlclans to I experience gained while travelling and 8:00 Rev.A.T.M.-Boly A. Meryweather. Dir. Bel. Edua. 1 h " es CommunIon. all c.lass o. people w 0 arc 111 need of I 1. Flush Cooling System living in the orient. All those interested 9:45 A. M..-8undaJ' School. nurSlIlg service. Check Hose Connection are cordially invited. 11;00 A. Y.-Morning Prayer and se~on. The nurses can be reached from 830 Mr. Guenther wW pteQ\M&. . Check Water Pump TIle Ch urc I1 F'ami'1 y D'mner WI'11 be ALL SAINTS' DAY-N9V. 1st a. m. to 5 p. m. by telephoning Swarthheld this Friday evening, at 6.30 in 7'30 A. !4.-Holy Communion. 2 ffi h R'dl P k 2. Flush Rear and Transmission more 36 j or 0 ce ours- t ey ar the Parish House. Dr. Harold McA. 10:00 A. M.-Boly Communton. 103. Change Oil to Winter Grade Robinson, general secretary of the Presby· J.lBTBODIST BPlSCOPAL CBUBCB . Through contributtons to t he A merican 3. Check Battery Connections terian Board of Christian Education, will Clarence F. CU:MA~· B.D.• M1D1Itet Red Cross the local health agency is 1 Set Generator for Winter Driving be the speaker. A quartet under the 9:45 A. M..-church SchOOl. benefitted. direction of B L Kneedler will furnish 11:00 A.14.-Mornln& WorshIp. Check Starter . ." \ 7 :45 P. M.-Eventng Worship. Materials speCial mUSll·. Decorations constructed hy 4. Cheek Points and Plugs Extra members Ol the junior-intermediate FIRST CHUg~~~iR'1=a.E.SCIBNTIST. Christian Science Lecture Soon Check Carbureter department will have a world-\vide themc. Park Avenue below Harvard Tune Up Motor for Easy Starting The First Church of Christ, Scientist, \ The radio hroadcast of Dr. Robert E. 11:00 A. M.-SundaJ' School. • 11:00 A. M.-8undaJ Lesson-Sermon. Speer Will not be heard at the church due Wednesday evening meeting each week. 8 of Upper Darby, announces a free lecHAVE YOUR BA'ITERY TESTED BY OUR to the lat~ hour. However the dinner will p. m. Reeding room OpeD dally. except Bun· ttlre on Christian Science entitled SHUR.START MACIDNE . hed' . h h h . h daJB and hOlldaJB 1 to t P. JL. Churoh ··Christian Science: Its Practical Availbe fi illS 111 time t at t ose w 0 WIS edUlce. No Charge-Or Maybe it Needs Charging may hear his address on their home radios All are cord.lalJs lnvlted. to a\tend the ability" to be given in the church from 10 to 10.15. . services and use the Belding Boom. buildifig, Chestnut street east of SixtyDr.' and ~Irs. C. E. Clewell will enter· THE RBLIGIOU~~ OP PB1BIIDS ninth street, at 8.15 P. M. Monday, November 8, by Louise Knight \Vheattain the Women's Bi~le Class of the 9:45 A. M.-Pll'8t Day ~OOl. ley Cook, C. S. B., of Kansas City, Swarthmore Presbyterian Church at a 9:45 A. U.-Adult ClaBa. Yale Ave. and Chester Road tea on Thursday, November 4, at their 11:00 A.II.-Ileet1ng for Wotlblp ID. Ute :Mo., a member of the board of lecPlymouth 'd 227 B . . W M_ _ Chrysler tureship of the Mother church, The resl ence enJamm est avenue, at WBDNBBDAY 2.30 P. M. Mrs. Clewell, the hostess, haslQ~W Ain~trW~:30B:Uae."'~': First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass. asked Mrs. Arthur Jones. who spent the lnYlte4. III believe a general appeal will cause them to respect the property of others . '" '1 a ad .. enter mt?, th e festlvltles entire y 'ID a SPIrit of fun. John H. Pitman, Burgess _ _ _.............___ 1 SWARTHMORE GARAGE Day and Night Storage 401 Dartmouth Ave. Swarth. 411 ac-I~===~=============================~ r Playing Cards o - $3.95 to $7.50 CARD TABLES • - - . $1.89- Chairs-set of four C. b)~ o~clock. 59c to $6.50 - - Card Tables W -- - STATE ST. - - - - - - - $11.95 - MEDIA ~at~~'~l~~I~e ~~~ryN~~k'~?~~!~r::~~ ~~~l"~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~:5~;::i~ I A BEAUTIFUL COIFFURE. · · I CO-ED BEAUTY SALON will I I .' ~;~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I 2.50 ..e I All.=acordl&1lJ' WINTER CONDITIONING OPERATION HANNUM AND WAITE OCTOBER 5 THE SWARTBMOREAN 29. 1937 Junior High School boys be looked CO. LW.V. TOHEAR into for another year. Supen'ising Principal Frank R. Morey spoke of the FRANCIS F. KANE report cards and the method 01 grad• ing pupils and of the new system of Attorney Who Received checking pupils behind in their work. Bok Award to Addrel!8 County Three committees were appointed: League in Important Meeting one 01 teachers and parents to arrange for a party for the grade, a transporFrancis Fisher Kane, Philadelphia tation committee, and a committee to Attorney, will discuss "The Functions report on the type of athletic program and Powers of the Grand Jury" before desired by the group. the Delaware County League of Wo- Tea was served by the chairman of Dlen Voters at a luncheon meeting on the refreshment committee, )trs. Friday, November S. Mr. Kane, who George Schobinger, and her assistants. I I received the Bok Award in 1936, is a Dr. Noyes at Family Service former Federal District Attorney. He has always been a liberal in politics and civic enterprises; long a member The Family Service of Swarth';~re of the Pennsylvania Prison Society, and Vicinity had Dr. Arthur P. Noyes, one of the first members of the loca1 head of the State Hospital and State organization of the American Civil Mental Hygiene Clinics, at its second Liberties Union, and the "father" of School Case Conference. He said that the Philadelphia Voluntary Defender in considering child's problems on~ Association, of which he is secretary, must look for possible physical handiThe last-named organization sees that caps and then turn to mental handiprisoners who want counsel and are caps. which Dr. Noyes divides into two types: intellectual and emotiona1. unable to pay for it get it. Mrs. A. B. Geary. of Wallingford, More children, he thinks. fail in school chairman of the Department of Gov- from emotional handicaps than from ernment and the Legal Status of Wo- intellectual ones. These emotional handicaps may be the result of the enmen, wilt preside. The luncheon will be at 1 o'clock at vironment at home or at schooL In the Media Woman's Club. All those considcring the emotional problems he who wish to make reservations are re- suggested three fundamental needs quested to notify Mrs. George Linn, of the child: security, self-evaluation Bowling Green. telephone, Media alld freedom. If a child is handicapped 1447. Swarthmore residents who desire by lack of his e.motional needs he retransportation can secure it by calling acts in onc of two ways, either by deMrs. Lawrence E. Davies, Swarthmore veloping qualities which arc normal or by developing defensive reactions which 910J. result in failure, bad behavior or ilINinth Grade Mothers ness. I I • Discuss School Problems Win at Bridge Monday Night A meeting of the mothers of the ninth grade pupils was held on WedAt last Monday's meeting of the Thursnesday afternoon, October 20. in the day Night Bridge Club the winners were; iibrary of Swarthmore High School. North and South-Richard Carvell and Mrs. I. N. Durb.oraw, }r., chair"!an of Russell H. Kent, first; Mr. and Mrs. W. the group, prestded. Co-operatIOn of L. Luken tied William Craemer and Teacher~1 Parents and Students" was Andrew Robinson for second place: M.rs. t!le subJec.t of the confercl\ce. Qucs- William Soden and Mrs. W. Watson, lions preViously asked by the mothers third; East and 'Vest-Mr. and Mrs. of the grou'! were I?resented by Mrs. Fred Wilson, first; Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Roy Detapl?ll1e, chairman of the pro- Brown, second; Mrs. 1. R. MacElwee and gram commIttee, and discu~sed by those Mrs. John Rankin, third. present. Mrs. Howard Ktrk spoke of I I the athletic program for the younger Swarthmore Bridge Club Note. high school students and suggested The regular Wednesday evening that an assistant for corrective physical education work for girls was needed meeting of the Swarthmore Bridgl! and that the question of soccer for the Club on October 20 was well attend_ed, Phila. 011 over the successful campaign to Iecure $4250.00. The reception committee consisted 01 Mr. and Mrs. Octavius Narbeth, Mr. and Mrs. William Bittle; dinner committee-Mrs. William Earl Kistler. and Ladies' Aid; memento committee-Octavius Narbeth and WUIi am Bittle; mortgage fund committee -John Pitman and finance committee; Two local winners upheld Swarthmore's program committe~Rev. Clarence F. record last weck-end at the annual Carter, Octavius Narbeth, Thomas I I Chrysanthemum Show of the Rutledge Aveson, George H. Detweiler, Mrs. Viehoever Addresses Beta Sigma Horticultural Society. Mrs. Henry A. Kistler, Mrs. George Glaesser • Mrs. Peirsol, of Lafayette avenue, won first Octavius Narbeth and Mrs. Isaac YoDr. Arno Viehoever, of Rutgers avenue, prize in Section "A" (buttons and pom- cunt. A prayer of gratitude was ofdeli\'ered a lecture on Thursday evening pons)-in class 3 (miniature receptacle fered by Mr. Narbeth, which was folof last week on "Biological vcrsus Chemical not over five inches); second prize in lowed uy a most delightful meal served Engineering" before Beta Sigma, the Section liB" (garden varieties) class 18 by thc Ladies" Aid. Three minute hiologkal society at the Philadelphia (yellow, five stems~; first !n class· 24 speeches were given, which proved inCollege of Pharmacy and Science. Dr. (vase, not over eJgh~een mches, two formative and inspirational. The folViehoever is director of the Gross Bio- colors) ;. and was the wumer of a sweep- lowing speakers participated: The chemical Research Laboratory, connected stake prIce. A. P ast· TIle 0" I R. O. Redgrave,t kof Vas. rlgmaI Ch urc h- D f. J • B ywith the College, and his talk included. a sar ayenue,. ~ so won a sweeps a e. pn~~ ers RoxbY William Bittle, Isaac Yodiscussion of some of the work he has and, prize 31 In S t' III additIOn, "E" (d he I won var'second t'e) c1 cum j TIle N' ew eh ure h- D r. EarI Ki s t ... been carrying on there. Progress in the ec Ion up ex Ie I 5 ass ler, John Pitman, S. W. Johnson; field of "Biological Engineering", a rapid- (red, five stems). Breaking the Ground-Miss Eleanor ly developing branch of biology. was •II Shinn' The Present: Ladies' Aid pointed out with the citation of many ex· 131 at Methodist Victory Dinner Greetlug--Mrs. Frank Windell; The amples of its progress. The wetl-known Church of Today-Mr. Walter Fritz; scientist told what has been done and A most inspiring Victory Dinner was Dr. Alfred Williams; Reminiscencewhat remains to be done by pioneer enjoyed \Vednesday, October 20, 'by the Dreams-Mrs. Earl Kistler; The Fuworkers to further the progress of 171 assembled members and friends of ture: The Church of Tomorrowhumanity. the Methodist Episcopal Church. This Thomas Aveson; George Detweiler; The Beta Sigma Society fosters under- event climaxed the period of jubilation Prayer-Charles W. Horn. with seven tables in play. First honors were captured by John Bowditch and Maurice Griest, with second position going to P. B. Evans and R. J. Knake and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Arnold third. The Swarthmore Bridge Club met the Lansdowne Club on Tuesday. October 26, in a duplicate tournament match of the Delaware County Whist Association. ••• graduate ,i' DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES LOCAL ELECTION, NOV. 2, 1937 JUDGE OF COURT OF COMMON PLEAS BURGESS *W. ROGER FRONEFIELD *ALBERT DUTION McDADE SAMUEL A. MONTGOMERY *JOHN H. PITMAN SCHOOL DIRECTOR *ROBERT C. DISQUE JUDGE OF ORPHANS' COURT COUNCILMA.N *JOHN E. McDONOUGH *J. PAUL BROWN SHERIFF TAX COLLECTOR HARRY C. DEAKYNE LEON C. BLUNDIN CONTROLLER JUSTICE OF PEA.CE CARROLL E. OGDEN JULIUS C. KEPPLER CLERK OF COURTS JAMES M. HOLM JURY COMMISSIONER FRANCES D. EBY INSPECTOR OF ELECTION *DOROTHY D. JONES, Northern Precinct *HENRY A. PEIRSOL, Jr., Eastern Precinct *MARGARET DEVINE, Western Precinct CORONER J. EVANS SCHEELE *Incnmbenl Vote "YES'') on the Constitutional Amendments THESE CANDIDATES MERIT YOUR SUPPORT ·)~F : '.;.'.- .(., ."::: THE 6 the latter's field, last Saturday, by the In.Gathering score of 26 to 6. Swarthmore touch.. were scored by Troxell. 2; G. Here This Week downs Collins and Hill, while the latter pair also added points after touchdown. (ConUm~ed lrom Paa~ ocroBER 29, 1937 SWARTBMOREAN erican Legion, will be held from 6 un- service men and their sons. Chairman til 8 o'clock Thursday evening, Nov- Frank R. Morey has on his conunitt•• The annual Father and Son Banquet ember II, in the High School cafe- Robert T. Bair, George Corse, Roy of the Harold Aainsworth Post, Am- teria. The banquet is open to aU ex- Delaplaine, and Alexander M. Dryden. Father and Son Banquet Today, the team plays Glen-Nor on ou) Trinity Church, Mrs. William Evans. the opponent's field. • I Mrs. S. S. Farley, Mrs. Charles E. Fischer, Mrs. H. A. Piersol for the Friendly Circle, Mrs. A. W. Preston for the Friends Meeting, Mrs. Lewis Fus- I H. S. Hockey Team Wallops Lalll!downe Swarthmore High School's hockey sell, Mrs. Ellwood Garrett, Mrs. F. Child for Girl Scollt Troop 6, Mrs. John team defeated the team from LansMartin for Girl Scout Troop 192, Mrs. downe High School, last Thursday afGeorge Zimmer for Girl Scout Troop ternoon, by the score of 7 to O. The 16, Mrs. H. Bloom for Girl Scout Troop Lansdowne girls were unable to stop 194, Mrs. Howard B. Green, Mrs. Har- the Swarthmore offense. Swarthmore old Griffin, Mrs. H. S. Hanzlik, Mrs. led 3-0 at half time. Goals were scored L. C. Hastings, Mrs. Ralph Hayes, by Wright, Wickham. Jeffords and Mrs. Norman Hulme, }.Irs. William T. Douglas, 4~ .• _ _ _....._ __ I •• Johnson, Mrs. William E. Kistler, Mrs. COLLEGE TIES OBERLIN William R. Landis, lIrs. F. N. Landon, M.rs. Morris Lee, Mrs. David Lukens, :Mrs. LeRoy Mcrcer, Mrs. A. Williams Swarthmore College's football team for the Methodist Ladies Aid Society, traveled to Oberlin, Ohio, last SaturMrs. Bayard Morrison, Mrs. H. D. day, and entertained a home-coming Mock, Miss Carol Morrison, ~Irs. Bir- crowd with sparkling football to earn ney Morse, Mrs. Edward Noyes, Mrs. a 13-13 tie. John Fittock, Mrs. George Plowman, Beaten 13 to 0 at half time, the team ·Mrs .. L. Davis for the Woman's Asso- staged rallies to tally touchdowns in ciation of the Presbyterian Church, each of the third and fourth periods. Mrs. A. W. Preston, Miss Barton for The team plays Hamilton at Hamthe Public Schools, Mrs. S. S. Ruther- ilton, New York, on Saturday, October ford, Mrs. L. J. Servais, Mrs. A. H. B. 30. • I • Sheppard, Mrs. C. A. Stern, Mrs. E. A. Soccer Team Stockton, Mrs. Malcolm Strieby, Miss College L08es to Princeton Louise Archer Clyde. New directors will include Mrs. I. R. The soccer team ot Swarthmore ColMacElwee, ~frs. A. B. Reavis, Mrs. lege lost to Princeton last Saturday, Charles Thacher, Mrs. Walter Thorpe, by the score of 2 to 1. The score was Mrs. William Thatcher, Mrs. D. C. deadlocked as the linal whistle blew Storrs and the J. J.s. I I • and two extra periods of five minutes each were required to decide the issue. IDgh. Sch.ool Victorions Next Saturday, the team plays the University of Pennsylvania, at PhilaSwarthmore .High School deleated delphia. George School in a football game on - .oCfQBER 29, 1937 THE LA 8th Grade Parents Meet Nov. 3 GRANGE BURNS '1 SWARTHMOREAN avenue, attended the Yale-Cornell football game at New Haven, Conn. last Saturday. Claims Victory * La Grange, on Fairview road, at Cor.. * • "Delaware County's enviable status as nell avenue, one of the oldest buildings Mrs. E. D. Brauns, of Rutgers avenue, one of Pennsylvania's strongholds must in this section, was left a shell by fire entertained at luncheon last Friday for be maintained." early yesterday morning. About 11:30 the. Worna~'s CI~b House committee of This challenge was issued yesterday p. m. Wednesday local firemen, re- which she JS chaIrman. by George E. Hill, Republican County sponding to an alarm, lought the blaze * * * . D J I R KI· I R·· d Ch airman .•Uur. H·II' IS. t a t emen t r cads·. for several hours and were called back r. 010 . me, 0 IverVlew roa. UA . h ld S b to the site by a second alarm at 8 ·.20 will attend a meeting of the American t the Pnm. ary e on eptcm er 14 h R m. Thursday. Assistant Fire Chief Mathematical Society in New York to. ' t e epu hIIcans 0 f t h e Caun t y no01• I • Wayne llostellcr and Charles Kim- morrow. inated certain candidates for the folreceived injuries white engaged in • • • lowing offices: Judges of the Court of Combined 4t1t Grade Motlters \cclml)at'tin;g the blaze. Mrs. Albert G. Thaether, of South Common Pleas, Judge of the Orphans' Meet The large, old stone and stucco build- Chester road, will celebrate her eighty- Court. Sheriff, Controller. Clerk of Next Monday afternoon at 3 ing ' . .·as originally erected well over a fourth birthday occurring on Tuesday, No- Courts, Coroner and Jury Commisthe fourth grade mothers of both schools half century ago-oldest residents of vember 2, with a dinner on Sunday, Oc- sioner, and also for "arious municipal will meet at the Rutgers avenue building 1the borough remembering it being built tober 31. Her guests, who are all members of ward and precinct offices. to bear Dr. E. W. Rodenheiser, Highland when they were quite young. the family with the exception of Miss Gert"These candidates were all. nomipark child' spedalist, speak on liThe Mrs. Elizabeth Gilpin Moor(', wll(j' , rude Dare, include Mr. and ~lrs. William H. nated in fair. open Primary. You parNervous ChildJl• An invitation is extended lives with her son-in-law and daughter, Thatcher and daughters, Joan. Susan, and ticipated in the Primary at which they to evcryone interested. Mr. and Airs. Julius Keppler. at 116!Barbara; Mr; and Mrs. Charles G. That- were chosen. They come up {or election Cornell avenue. came to the home as a cher and children, Edward, Albert, and 011 November 2. young girl when her parents. Mr. and r<..dith, ()f Swarthmore; and Mr. and Mrs. "Do not think for a m0111ent that there Mr$. Jost:ph, week-end and attend the Harvard~ Princeton football game tomorrow. WARREN D. JOHNSON NO'ITINGHAM, PA. Tel. Oxford 217Rl ESTATE OF JULIETI'E H. HAMILTON. Deceased, late of the Borough of Swarth~or&, County of Delaware, and State of ..-o.:nnsylvanla. Letters Testamentary in the above Estate havIng been granted to the Undersigned. all pusons ha.VIng cIatms or demands against the Estate of the said decedent are requested to make known the &allie, and all persons Indebted. to the said decedent are requested. to make payment. '9llthout delay, to GRACE H. BIRDSALL. Executrix, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Rhoads and Union Memorial Hospital, 33rd & No. Calvert Sta .• daughter, Phyllis, of North Princeton Baltlmore. Md. Or to her attorneys: GREER & JOHNSON, 14 South .Ave,. Media PR. 1) it • •• NATHAN P. PECHIN, Sherlff. ~~~ ~I'" approved byInthe 12 tor the andform to furnIsh bond theBorough sum. of OOOC . guaranteeing the faithful perform.-I ~_of au conditions of the contract. . ~ all bids. .....rves the rtgbt .... or Borough to F REQUENTLY, people who are not customers ask us to cash cbecks. We can oblige tbem only when they are properly identified, or establisb financial responsibility. The reason for this, as any banker will tell you, is simple. A bank, when it cashes a check, must be sure that the money has been paid to th.e right party. It must also prot~t itself against . the cbeck returning unpaid due to insufficient The best way to avoid delay or-;nconvenienoo is to open a checking account in this hank. 102 acres good ~lrearn woodland, old stone house. tenant house (bolb with electricity). Easy d~ive to Wilming~on and ~ivef plant. Two road frontages. Ideal for tarming or dev~lopment. $16,000 AllCE M. BAIRD Real E.tate-'nsur·ance-Noklry Publk Swarthmore 108 reJectl·lbO::L~D~B~A~N~K-B;;U-ILD-;;IN;;G;;'-------------------= BLLIO"I"I' lUCBARDBON. Borough secretary. AT THE BAN K or uncollected funds. A SAFE Investment GARBAGE REMOVAL "",~Ied. bids wUl be received In councl1'r· 'Uuawber Borough Hall,' Swarthmore. Fa., ~:r. We<1nesday, November 17th at '1:45. P. Y.·I tb . ~.!Iectlon an" removal of garbage from. • AU• b-rough during the calendar year 1938. leis shall be in aecordance With specl~ClI.~ns whtch may be seen at tile omoe bt44': ..!\W";:h_~""l; CASHING SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK • AND TRUST CO. Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation . ' .. -- INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE OCTOBER 29, 1937 THE SWARTHMOREAN 6 . the latter's field, last Saturday, by the I n-GatI1erlog score o[ 26 to 6. Swarthmore touch· W k downs scored by 'froxell, 2; G. H ere Tl118 ee. Collills wcre and Hill, while Ihe latter pair also added points after touchdown. 1 Today, the team plays Glen-Nor on (Continutd "om Pogt Ont) Trinih' Church. ~lrs. \Vil1iam Evans, I thc opponent's Cicld. • Mrs. • S. S. Farley, Mrs. Charll's E'i T Fischer, :\Ir_<;. II. A. Pil'r ... ol for the H. S. Hockey com Friendly Circle, ~Irs. A. W. Pr"ston [or Wallol)8 Lan8downe the Friends Uecting, ltrs. Lewis Fus-[ sell. :\Irs. El1wood Garrett, ~lrs. F. Child ~\\"arthmore Hi~h School's hockey (or Girl Scout TrOOI) 6, Mrs. John te:ltll ddeated the h.'aUl from Lans)(artill for Girl Scout Troop 192, ':I.frs. dow1Ie High School, last Thursday afGeorgc Zimmer for Girl Scout Troop teflloOll, by the scorc of 7 to O. Thc 16. ~Ir~. II. Bloom for Girl Scout 'I'roop I.ansdowlle girls were unable to stop 19.t, ).In;. llow;:ml B. Grcl'll, ).[rs. lIar- thl' ~\\'arthtllore offense. Swarthmore old Griflin, ~I rs. H. S. Hanzlik, ~frs. led 3-0 at half time. Goals were scored L. C. I-Ia:-oting:-o. :\1 n, Ualph I-hlyes, fly ,,'right, \Vickhillll, Jeffords and :\Irs. X(lrtn:lIl Ih.l.ln~e, )'I,rs .. ~Villiam I)puglas • .f_.___..._ - - Johnsoll. :\Irs. \\ III'ill1l I'.. I.... lstlcr. )'lr5. I" \Villian, R I.andis, ~Irs. F. N. Landon, COLLEGE TIES OBERLIN ).[rs. :\I()rris Ll'c. ~trs. David I.ukens, ).Ir .... I.d{O\· :.h'rCl'r. :\Irs. A. \\'iIliams Swarthmore Collegc's football team for till' ~I~thodist Ladies Aid Society, tr~l\'eled to Oberlin, Ohio. last Satur).(r:-. Ba\',Hd ~Iorrison, 1\lrs. H. D. day, and entertaitll'd a hOllie-coming ~Iock. ~I'iss Carol ).[orrison, )'lrs. Bir- cr()wd with sparkling football to carn ne\" ),1 (lrSe, :\In:. Edward Noyes, Mrs. a 13-13 til'. joilll Pitlock. :\[r5. George Plowman. Beall'1l 13 to 0 at half time, the teatll )'lrs. I.. Davis for the 'Vomau's Asso- 1 st;tged rallies to tally touchdowlls in ciatil,.ltl of the Preshyt.eriall church'Il'<';.h of the third and ~ourth periods. ).[ rs. :\. ,,'. Preston. ~llss Barton for 1 hl' teaUl plays ]-la111111011 at I1amth.,: Pl1hlic Schools. :\Irs. S. S. Ruther- iltOll, New York, 011 Saturday, Octoher ford. ~l rs. L. ]. Sen'ais, ),1 rs. A. H. B. 30. Sheppard, ~[I'S. C. A_ Stern, Mrs. E. A. • T' Stockton. )'Irs. ).[alcohn Strieuy, Miss College Soccer eanl Loui ... e Archer Clyde. Loses 10 Princelon ?\ ew directors will include hITs. I. R. 1'he S{lcct.'r team 01 Swarthmore Coll-lacElwec, ~(rs. A. n. Reavis, ).(r5. Chades Thacher. ).[rs. \Valtrr Thorpe, icge lost to Princc\oll last Saturday, ~J rs. \ViIliam Thatcher, ).[rs. D. C. In- the scorc of 2 to 1. The scorc was d~adlocked as the final whistle blew Storrs and the J. J.5. and two extra periods o( five millutes each wt.·re re(luired to decide the issue. High School Victoriou8 Xext Saturday, tht.· team plays the defeated Uni\'ersity of PenHsyh'ania, at l'hilaSwarthmore High School game on delphia. Georgc School in a football I erican Legion, will be held from 6 until 8 o'clock Thursday evening. Nov'fhc alll1ual Father and Son Banquet l·tUber ll, in the High School cafcof the Harold Aainsworth Post, Am- h'ria. The banquet is open to all cx- Father and Son Banquet ••• service men and their sons. Chairman )trank R. },{orcy has on his committee Rohert '1', nair, George Corse, Roy Delaplaine, and Alexander It. Dryden, Youb O UR sympathy goes out to both Mr. and Mrs. Neverstop. He grows weary of continual nagging. She grows wrathy wrestling with a temperamental heating system. Our advice to them and to you isturn to Gas House Heat • • . and end all heating troubles. trolled to suit your particular tastes, and you'll pay less than you think! Let us make a careful survey of your home and estimate what it will cost you. JanitIOI, Bryant or Welsbach Conversion Burners at $195 cash, installed. Slightly higher on budget plan-3 years to pay. Ask about our convenient monthly budget plan on operating a heater .•• and our low combination gas rate! At Our Suburban Stores, or See Your Plumber or Heating Contractor PULL OUT McCLUREISM WITH THE TOP LEVER VOTE NO BETTER DRINK THAN••• DEMOCRATIC cJp ri of; elJ Wa ler Jt BROUGHT TO YOUR HOME BY THE PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER CO. IF YOU VOTE REPUBLlCAN* You Indorse and Encourage McClure, Rackets, Graft and WORSE. SAMUEL A. MONTGOMERY The Real Republicans Do Not Control Their Party in This County. Don't Be Duped Into Voting for the Republican Ticket When McClure Controls the Candidates. ATTORNEY·AT·LAW of l\lcdia Republican Candidates Promise You Nothing-They Must Serve McClurel Democratic Candidates Promise You Clean, Economical Government (See Their Platform). They Will Serve Youl FOR eOMl\fON PLEAS JUDGE LEVER No. 3-A att::'cd ~~;~:;I:Cornc~-[ootball game at New l-Ia\'cII, COI1Il. l"st Satllrda}~. 'fhe mothers and fathers of the eighth i La Grange, on Fain·jew road, at Cor~ '\ . * • * gr~lde pupils will have an oPl.ortunily of I ~lcll ~\"cnuc~ olle of the oldest buildings . ).~r~ .. Jo.. l~. BraulI:o', of Hutgt.·~s. a\'enue, -ding the teachers of that grade at a 1m tillS sectlOlI, was left a shell by fire lllt('rtallll'ci .It hmchcol1 last I'mlay for ~:~~:tillg IIcxt 'Vcdncsday, November 3,: carly YlstcnJay morning. About 11 :3U It11<.'. \Voman's Club 1I0llse committee or ~t::; P. ~l. in the music room of the High: p. Ill .. \Vedllcsday local CirCI1ICl1, re~! willdt she is chairman. SdiUOI. Each teacher will speak several' spolldmg to alt alarm, fought the blaze 1 ~. * * Claim. Victory -=================::; Counties." "Delaware COtlutv's enviable status as Pcnl1syl\"alli~l's strongholds II1\1St! r he maintained," Olll:' of 'fhis challenge was issued ye~terclay iJy George E. Hill, 1{I,.'publican County I Chairman. ~[r. Hill's stat(;!lIlcnt reads: i ".-\t the Primary held 011 ScpH'mbcr: 14, the ){l'l>uhlicalls of the County 110111- i illat~d certain l:alldidates for thc fol-: lowing onices: Judges uf thc Court of COllllllon Picas. judge of the Orphans' I Court, Shcdff, Controllcr, Clerk of; Courts. Coroncr 'lIHI J l1ry Commis-' ~iollcr, a11l1 also for \',nious lIlunicipal, ward and preci1ll.:t ofliccs. "Thl'sc candidatl's wcre all lIomiIlated ill fair, Opl'll Primary. YUH partidpatt.·d in the Primm-,:.- at which thl'Y '\"lTe cho-"'l'Il. They come up for cll't.·tioll· on XOYl'lIIhcr 2. "Do 1lot think lor a mOllll'nt that there is no n:latiun hetwcl:n local ,uHI StOlte :lIld Xational elections-Ihl' Xational I'ilrtv is Imilt 011 tlH' State organiz:llions-, which in turn arc huilt 011 the COllllt\· organizations, which in turn arc hu'ilt 011 the mllnicinal Of'T::lllizatiolls: I' .... I '"utes on the subJ'ect he or she tcat:hes! for sc\'cral hours and werc called back i I )r. John R 1,lme, of Ri\'cr\,icw road, . will !Jc a l)Criod for discussiotl.I to the' slle hy a second alarm at 8 :20 "11 WI aUem I a lIlCdlll~ of the American atl( ! a. Ill. Thursday. Assistant F';rc Chief ~lathf!lllatical Society III New York to. [ A. \VaYlle 110stellcr and Charles Kim- morro,,-. (:ollJbincd 41b Grade l\lothcr8 mel reech'ed injuries whilc eng-aged in * * .. Meet com hatting the blaze. ' ~I r". Alhl'rt G. Tlwrthl'r. of South Thc large, old stOIlC ami stucco huild· I Chestl"f ro'HI. witt n."ll"hriltc hel" cig:hlyNext .:\Ionday afternoon at 3 o'dock illg was originally cn'cted \\'ell UHr a! fom·tll hirt1ulay un'lIfring' 011 'l'uestlay, N 0tl1l-" fourth grade mothcrs of both schools half cenlury ago - oldest residcnts of: ,"ember 2, with a dilUll"r 011 Sunday, Ocwill meet at the Rutgers avenlle building the lJorough remcmbering it being built, tc,her 31. I Ier ~l1c ... t~, whn an' all IIll·mh..'rs of to hear Dr. E. \V. Rmlenheiscr, Highland whcll they were (Illite YOllng. :thl' family with the l'X{'I,'ptiullof :\lissGl'rtpark child· sp·ecialist, speak Oil "The II rs. Elizabeth Gilpin .Moore, whO': nule 1 Jan.'. iudude:\1 r.t KIIIIII Farms. .::; FOR RENT {hoille. The Gilpins ran a hoarding house ~Iedia. FI)R RENT Heated garage, Terrclls, 343: on the farm and sold it about thirty * * * Dartmouth avenue. '\"l'ars later. ~Ir. ;l1t(1 :\rrs. :\. B. Ih'a\'i:-i anll flaugh. FUR RENT Good. dry guruge storage room. !. For the past qllarter-c ... ntun· ...... \·l·ral t"r. ~l·II",·,·e\·l'. of Lniversit." Ilia"". "l'! I" \,. .. .. 'felepholle Swarthmore 220·J. ioR""RENT-=i.srge;---comfortu.blc roams; i at (iltlOlIS h'::l\:l' heen llla(\e tll the ~trnc- t·Olllllillliq\ hy )'Iiss Franl"l'''' :\'oyt.·:-i, of Meals. H()me-Hke surroundings. 201 001- tur ... itlld \'anOllS ath-'mpts to operatc it Ilan'anl :l\"t.'lIue. will motor to \\'illialll:-i~ ",ge avenue. Tele~hone Swarthmore 863-J. as a road house have hcen "",.-"····c",[,,I. . I... arc to .:> Imrg thi ... wt.·ek-l'lII I. '1'1 1e two gIl" t FOR RENT Large fiVe-rOOm apart men,: \ f" . ,. - . ~ \" t I) """"~I' sec()nd floor. Garnge, electricity, rCfrlg'l .: e" )e.trs dgO I( .or . , lI\"er. VI"lt \\"illiam :lIld '[ary Cnllt.'.~c in er,\t1on included. $45. 124 Linden avenue \\'dl-knowli loe.1i (Irl1g-gl~t, purchased anticipation o( attl'neling tht.'l"l' Ilext Yl'ar. * * * Rutledge. Telep~one _S~vart~ore _1l53-!V.. i the dwclling' and lint il recenth' a carcFOR SALE I taklT had lind Oil thc Ilrcmis·l"S. 1I0\\,- :\Ir. al\ll ~Ir". 101111 E. :\Iidw 1. of Park' l"oR SALE-Tudor onk dining room suit: cvcr, the place had he en vacant for a jl\l·IlIlt.'. Ilad a ... thl'ir \H'ek-t'wl i?t!c,.,t AlLI lrefectory table. six Ch~lrs); upholstere~: ntllllber of llIonths and unless some Shoran :-;illg-a, a 1Iat1\e oi IlHll.t. now a \ winged chair; Inohogany music cabinet., I I I I I I dressing table. Telephone Swarthmore 1943. ,tramp lel( tl( gC( there ;:nHI \\'as re- asidl'nt uf London, England atul con~ t'O& SALE-Antique Inahogany sideboard,! spGllsihlc for the Cire, local allth{1ritit:~ nt"l"teci with the Eng-lish gmT11ll11CIlt. ).[r.1 perfect condition. ,224 CorJlell a\·CJlue. ;' I ·tn· ·,t ., los~ t" ·,····,""'1 for ·,t·S Ullgill. ." ,.. II I I ' I ' 1"11 I •• ,:< ~ ""'"" ,J Tl'leph one S war th more 119 -. I • •• '. ..." 'U I rc"~e( .: t Ie .\ ell". .1 I L' ('" ass -, j:'OR SALE-Fine old hand carved Birdseye T t'" N F'" f . L.I St11111,1\ TlIofllmg ami till" ... ollllg Peoplc ~ maple wardrobe, plate glass door. Tele-1 CIlIII lug 011- IC 1011 III I .rury llIet.,til1~ in the ~velling at Ihe Prl'~I)\"teriall p~\One Swarthmore 667-J_ I ~ C .1 . .= WOnK WANTED \ If the fall.rns.h has .. Iready madc YUII: hun.: I. * * * \VORK WANTED Houscwork. mornings. i fCI'd that yfon d like to go 011 I(I ' UI ) t-r I)arh)' the 'I n:g Ill .... • , JOSEPH E. QUINBY world IS too much with yon '::ll1d w mt yOll; I . C'I t I) J' "'C' I' I'o"',nlll<; ' . . . . ,ot ler In les cr. r. .l :. . ....... ., ~ era,'e IS a good stt ff hout \\,Ith C('OnOIllIC I -';:' ,tl • St t.e.See,·"t·,r,· ,)f I"orcsts . II I' . 1.,1 .-,\\ar Ullorc. ' a "" , FUNERAL DIRECTORS I,plulosol1hy that yon can rca y nte mt4l.; I \\'. t - 1'1 . 'J 1),,',11,' I )emocratic: . ' " G od alH .l er~. 1(1111.1..... \.... . ' \V PHONE 4 !\lEOlA. PA. then 'a Iter I .Ippman s o' C . (I ' . I tl Ie I )ctllocntic _BEl.L __________________ , . takc " I lalrman, .1II( ' I'. Sunetv off the shcl\"l':> allIl go a Icad and I' 1 f t ' ",I 1')''',1 otlice -. .' ' call( H ate:-i or coun) ,L < , MOVIES SHOWN ,hlte. ,And If. AI:~. ,IS yO\l1" .,mh'rest. tlll'n, ", ... r ... also Slll'aker~ at the mecting. «'OR ANY OCCASION i Il·t Vanl.oon s I hl' Art~ ~tartlc you! WidL' VarielY of Silellt .iUm A,"':liluLll~ into a nCw approach. At least take your I ------S-H-E-R-r-FF--S-A-L-ES-----RCllsonllhlt~ Rates Idesires ,~o :\! rs. Tsch~hull, the librarian,: Sherlff's Omce, Court House. Mcdia. Pa. land she II hell' you saltsfy them. "" 1 there I ill the several municipalities within the I 40:~ MIClIIGAN AVE. SWARTmlORE This fine little home o( livhlg room, dining rOOIll, kitchen, laundry, 3 spacinlls hcdroolJl~. aIHI balh for $.')000. lIuI water hl'at. Garage. Lot (If) lIy 152 (ect. Dri"e past this home thell call liS 10 makc an alilioinlmcnt In in:r Carrett a\·ctll1l' 'fl1l·~'iay of this wcck:, All that certain one-third Intr1"("st of Telephone Sw. 211 . '1" I) :\ I ,Frank Shee, dcceaBed, tn the (ollo'\'lilg de__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ir011l .) untl 0 " '. I scribed property. CASHING I. Warren Johnson's TURKEYS (White lIoUands) . nr. and ~rrs_ John * * R.* Dates, of \Vl'st-!: Beginning on the eastwardly '-.!de, ~~I \ dalc a\·t.'llw·, \\"111 . f P 1 Church avcnue at the distance eg he ;hl' glll'sts () rO-1 hundred thirty-two and clghty·1L':'! one- AT THE (l( ~ fessor i ',- ff and ~rrs I':n'rett \Vallis at! hundredths feet southeast from th~' 111n(' . ' . -. .,. I I' i land of Dr. S. P. Bartleson. cont:.lll ng n 'Prmceton, :\. J. till- \\Cek-CIH am .It- i front or breadth on the said Ch'\l~rh aret Killed to ()rdl~r ilIU. dclh'crl~t1 tl'll(1 thc Jlan'an!·Princctnn foothallinue one hundred and fifty feet, i',:\C~ ~_I \ being of the width of fifty feet). ,.n e An~' size gamc tOl1lorrow. I tending of that width In length ,': depth I * * 'northeastwardly betwcen parallel Hnes at Call Swarthmore 1257 I )r. and ~I n. ,\'iJlinm T. Ellis, of l'lght nnJ:1;ies to th~ suld Churcdh ,_,~~~nd~~ D• I w~t1 . I a (_lIIlle\ I' . one hundred ninety feet to,tllere(J.,. an :'by line n i \\'alnu! laut.', t.'lltl"l"i:tIllC( on the northeastwardly side NOTTIN(;lIAl\I, PA. partv ~lInda\' in cdehratwn 01 Dr. of land now or lute of W. G. Fisch.'" Elli;' hirtlHiay ;':lIlivcrsar;.·. Gl1est~: Improvements consist of two-st,,:~· brick T e. I 0 x'foreI 217Rl 'I a(' k''m11011 I'll'· t· two-story framC' -[:-iT, I wcrc - IJr -uHI \1 . rs. .\ -< IS 'h i ottse, 15 x24 f ee. . ddlt additlon, un 8xl4 TON r"'Io~_ •••• -, r. . 'I . III0X14 feet; one-story (rame a '.. " ATE OF JULIETTE H, HAMIL ,.aJV 100nd i'LIlI11,' (It l-,["\·Il :\ :\\\r . •, r.