12.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., AUGUST 6, 1937 VOL. IX, No. 32 SIDEWALK WORK UNDERWAY SITTING JUDGES 'CONTESTS FOR COUNTY OFFICES Council, Wednesday Evening, Pleased With Response From Property Owners Few Withdraw~ls on Deadline Date Indicate Wide Open Campaign Saturday, July 31, being the last day The August meeting of Council held for withdrawal of candidates from the \Vednesday evening was mostly occuprimary: Jis~s and only two names havpied with routine business. ing been withdrawn in the county race, T. E. Hessenbruch, chairman of highthe list of those who filed in the two ways, reported the satisfactory com..... major parties for the County Row pletion of grading, curbing and gutter offices is as follows: work on Bowdoin and Kenyon avenues. Republican Candidates: Gratification was expressed at the Sheriff: ,William W~ McKim. of Havprompt response from property owners erford Township, a member of the in the matter of advance cash payCounty Prison Board, who is said to be ments in connection with the WPA backed by the organization. Two outpavement repair project. The section of standing rivals are: T. Jay Sproul, of town now being covered by this repair Nether Pro"idence, member of the work includes that part east of Park Legislature, and William T. Wright, avenue and south of the railroad, and BUrgess of Yeadon, who promise an about one-half of this wo9v-hasal- .. active "campaign for independent supready been approved and paid for by port. Other Republicans who filed for Judges John M. Broomall. 3rd, Albert Dutton MaeDade, and W. Roger Fronefield (left to right) who are being urged the property owners and is now being Sheriff are: William Nicholl, Jr., justice for reelection to the Delaware County Court of Common Pleas. done. of the peace in Newtown Township; The recent tree trimming on ChesP. Harvey Rucker, of Chester' and Observatory Open to the Public ter road has again called general attenWilliam H. West, of Nether P~ovidLAST CHANCE . tion to the work that has been carried ence. TO REGISTER LOCALLY Because of .t~e interest of man~ resl- out successfully as a WPA project UnCounty Controller: H. Walter WeaFOR SEPT. PRIMARY dents and VIsitors the Students O?- der definite plans of the Borough Tree ver, Darby Township tax' collector, said servatory at Swarthm?re College Will Committee. to be favored by the organization; and Registry Assessors will sit' at College Courts Now Open for be open to the pubhc o~ Saturdar, The necessary alterations to the baseRobert W. Hackett, of Upper Darby, local polling, places next Tuesday Summer Recrp.ation; Pirates Sunday and Mond~y e"cmngs of thiS ment of Borough Hall to accommodate now a township commissioner. James and Wednesday, August 10 and Lead Youthful Baseball week-end ..In case It should be cloudy the Fire Company's new booster pump T. Stewart, of Lansdowne, the present II, between the hours of 1 and League on these .mghts,. Tuesd~y and Wedn~s- are proceeding rapidly and satisfactC 11 d'd 4 p. m., and again between 7 and day evenmgs wdl be given over to VIS'1 ', °:llt;k e;j Fred Duke of II p. m. Daylight Saving Time. The College avenue tennis courts, itors. The building is just inside the J. Paul Brown, chairman of the 'f H ' A f t e r these dates, necessary East Gate on College Avenue and the S C 'tt t d th t Crum CI I ton . _eights, who is rumored to which have been reconstructed during entrance to the dome is on the side ewer. omml ee, !epor e a have .the. approval of the Republican personal registration under the the past month are now available under towards the Library. The Observatory Creek IS now techlllcally clean.. orgamzatlon; other contenders are new law can only be made at the the direction of the Summer Recrea- will be open from 9 until 11 :30. All the members of FCounMcll Where Robert--.J:- Ma~Bride, justice of the Court House, Media, at the office tion Committee. Tournaments will start Finsler's Comet was discovered by present except Ja,cob . es~ ~er. peace of Collingdale; Jay C. Alexander of the Registration Commission Monday. There will be two tourna- Prof. Finsler,of Zurich, on July 4 of Burgess John H. Patman, and Sobcltor ~f Media; and John Doherty of Colbetween the hours of 9 a. m. and ments, one fqr thos~ under sixteen and this year. This will 'not rank in bril- Clarence G. Myers also attended. · k Jr., the present 4 .-30 p m' h Id er p Iayers. If you h ave lianey with the f amous comets 0 f h~IS• I • . . one f or teo II1lgd a Ie. Ch ar Ies M m, clerk, did not file. The primary election date is not already done so, give your name tory but is nevertheless much brighter Coroner: Dr. John P. Nolan, of ChesSeptember 14 and no registration to John Delaplaine at once. Badminton than the average comet. It is now near ter, said to be the organization's choice can be made after September 1. is available for those who do not wish the North Pole of the sky and can be and George Toppitzer, of Upper Darby: Do not lose YOUR Vote! to chase the ball so far. 'seen throughout the hours of darkness an undertaker. Jnnior Baseball when the sky is sufficiently clear. It Jury Commi••ioner: Mrs. Bessie B. Men's Tennis Tournament The Pirates won over the Tigers 7-4, will be'in good position for observation Lima and Media Surmount Everett, of Springfield who has been and then beat the Cards 7-3. As a result during' the above evenings and wilt be Local Lads· Confusion Rame~ldoued by the ~oard gJ QiT.e,ctors.•o£. -Th M ' S' 1- T" oL~,~_~s~.t}Y.~, ~i~!.,!~iesd~~Y agaJR ]e1\4 .n'!!~L~~~!!!l~.!" _br~}!~1)cy, ",:~', '-"-" -..- pant .Friday. at ,Home the Women's Republican Club of Delae en s mg es ournament of the leag~e. Who i~ going to head them PLAN NOW FOR . w~re County and who it is believed the Swarthmore Tennis Club began off? TheIr game WIth the strongest COI1FLOWER SHOW During the past week, the Hornets wd.1 have the organization's support July 31 and will continue until August tenders, the Eagles, scheduled for last dropped two decisions Friday to Lima owmg .to her effective service as State 14. The 'seeded players are as follows: Friday night was postponed because of Everyone in Swarthmore and vicinity at home bv the coun't of 4 to 3 and CommItteewoman; and James Reed, Jr., Ted Ebur, first; Preston Buckman, sec- the Hornets' game. is welCome to exhibit in the Swarth- Tuesday t~ Media away to the tune of Glenol~en. . ond; William Johnson, third; William 011 Wednesday night the Cards de- more Woman's Club annual fall flower of 7 to 4. " Democ.ratlc CandIdates: Allen Brown, 3rd, fourth; William F. feated the Eagles in a closely contested show, which, sponsored by the Garden Media wasted no time but hopped ShenFff Harry Deakyne, of Chester; Lee fifth' Tom Baird sixth' Bud game. 6-5. Richardson saved the day Section, will be held at the Park ave- On Steige1man's offering; in the first J ames . Dougherty, of Ridley Town S ' h ' " f o r hIS team when he struck out the, nue, club house 011 Tuesday and Wed- inning and piled up five runs. The ship. - pa r, seventh; and Frank Gillingham, I ":,st t ~o b a tt ers. F orgac h an d Sh err~~ n Ilesday, September 14 and 15. Hornets got back in the game in the County,?ontronel': Carroll E. Ogden, eighth. hIt .tnples f?r losers, who ~ere savmg With the large number of lovely gar- second, when they counted four times. present chIef deputy sheriff, said to be A close match is predicted between theIr star pItcher f~r the PIrate ~am~. dens, both large and small, in this sec- Media applied the brakes and from bac~ed. by the Democratic county or- Ted Ebur, defending champion, and On Monday evemng Earnshaw s tion, all gardeners, beginners and ex- this point until the sixth neither team gamzahon, and Charles Weir, of Col- Pres Buckman, who defeated Ebur in ~er~ def~ated the Cards 6-3. In the t~tnl perienced alike, are expected to join was able to push another counter wyn. the 'Fourth of July Tournament. mnmg Eavenson struck out Delaplame, in the show. So don't think your flow- across. In that inning, Media added ~Ierk of Courta: James M. Holm, of Silver cups will be presented to the Hoot grounded out to first, Peckerman ers are not, worth entering. their final counters. Hlghl~nd. Park, Upper Darby, county winner and also the holders of second walked, Richardson singled, Blacl\ was There will be several commercial exThe Hornet runs were scored by orgall1zatlon candidate, no opposition. hit by a pitched ball, filling the bases, hibits and a new class this year will Burke, Henderson, Abrams and Wolfe. C oroner: D r. J. Evans Scheele, pres- and third places. h E ,~.en ave?sonk ~trucE out •' wmg, re- consist of "pictures of the gardens", Abrams paced the stick-smiths with ent .coroner, is backed by the DemoAll members of the tennis club in- tlrmg th~ SIde· WIth out a run. . both photographic and hand done. three safe \vallops, one of which was cratlc organization. Opposing him is terested in the Men's Doubles TournaThe PIrates now lead the league WIth There are so many residents, especially a triple. Henderson had two safe V. M. Kaniefski, of Chester. ment, which will begin August 14,' are four wins and two losse~, closely fol- men, who are doing fine photography knocks and Barry, Sipler, Burke, Wolfe Jury Commi.. ioner: Roman F. Adams, urged to sign up on the bulletin board lowed by the Eagles with three and that the committee hopes they will keep and Abernathy had one safety each. of Prospect Park, believed to be fav- at the Swarthmore College men's three. The Cards and Tigers are close the date of the flower show in mind Wolfe also stole two bases. ored by the county organization; Fran- courts immediately. to the leaders, and it is a good race and take garden pictures during the Last Friday the Hornets lost a heartces D. Eby, of Chester; Joseph B. .... for all. summer. Further information regard- breaker to Lima by the score of 4 to Carney, of Ridley Township; and Vito I . , ••• .' ing this class may be secured by con- 3. Korndoffer pitched hitless ball for J. Greto, also of Ridley Township. Local Photographer Wins New Children s Books In LIbrary suiting Mrs. H. A. Peirsol, chairman, five innings and allowed only two runCANDIDATES FOR JUDGESor Mrs. Charles Russell. ners to reach first via the free tickc!t FILED AT HARRISBURG E The Swarthmore Public Library offers A class which should arouse much route. Meanwhile his teammates had rnest R. Laws, of Columbia " f ' th roug h th e me d'tUm 0 f . f th '11 1'( avenue, to its youngest ,readers several charming .mteres t among women . IS an a ternoon scor ed twlce C ommoa. PIeaa Court: Republl'call w0 n fi rs t prtze 0 e stl I e group b k 'th . t page' and Democratic: John M. Broomall, new 00 s WI a pIC ure on every . tea table for two" in antique setting a hit batter, a single and some daring 3rd, Moylan; Albert Dutton MacDade in last week's Evening Public Ledger -"~opy Kitten" by Evers, "Little Garden" (no flat silver). This class is limited, base running. "Ting-ling and. Mee-too" T rou bl e s t ar t e d WIt . h one away 111 .. ' . " b C by so nott'fy M rs. CIlarIes P ar k er not later Ch ester; W. Roger Fronefield Moylan'' Photograph Contest with a picture of by 'Brett, \ViIliam Taylor, Media.' , a road and farm house near Media. Keto, "My Little Farm Friends y ous- than September 8 if you wish to be the sixth. Barry made a futile try to Democratic only: Samuel A. Mont- Mr. Laws h~d a picture of his son, !~nd.' "John's Dr~~on" by B!:hdolt, among the first ten whose entries will snare Baldwin's fly, which fell in foul gomery, Media; and Allen S. Olmsted, Charles, pubhshed 111 .the first week of I Smppyand Snappy" by Geg, and Shaw- be accepted. Show calendars will be territory. Umpire Tasker ruled it a th.e contest, although It was not a prize neen and the. Gander by Bennett. . available about September 1. Notice fair ball and gave his reason for this Rose Valley. willner. For the gIrls of ten to twelve there IS. . 1 I' h Bid b d h b II Orphana' Court: Republl'Call and th C t' book lIed "Frontl'er rIll be given ater as to where they ru IIlg t at arry la atte t e a • •• e new ur IS ,ca ' . t f I 't . h' ff k D emocratic: John E. McDonough, RidGirl of Pennsylvania," "The Forge in can be procured. til 0 ou terrI ory 1Il IS e ort to rna e Icy Township; Republican only: Harold Peck's Bad Boy at Inn the Forest" by Colum, and "Drusilla" by Gets Sweetb~~; Scholarship'-: ~~~ ~~~chba~,ar;~t S!:!:du~aa~l:et~u~~~~ L. Erwin, Upper Darby Township' Drock. Joh.n A P I L Ch' h ' N k f h Id bo d' I Shirley Shaw, daughter of Mr. and it. This ruling placed Baldwin on third, : ou son, ower IC ester Jackie Coopie Jackie Searle and .1 ew boo s or teo est ys an gtr s from which station he scored on MorT.ownshlp; and Albert J. Williams, Me-I Thomas Meigha~ in the Fox produc- are "Footprints in the Dust" by Bailey, Mrs. David Shaw, of Walnut lane, row's single. Korndoffer had inJ'ured his arm and dla, who is at present county solicitor. tion "Peck's Bad Boy" will be shown "Brown Sails and Silver Guilders" by has received word that she has WOIl the The judges are elected for a term of at the Strath Haven I' nn at 8 :15 to-I Abkonde• "Secret of the Blue Macaw" by freshman competitive scholarship to .. . "b while Cheyney warmed up in a hurry, ten years. Nearly all of the local alld morrow evening, A ugust. 7 Th ose who. Forrester' . Bob Walsefield. ' AVIator" Y Swee!briar College, Sweetbriar, Va., the Lima bench implored their batters county officials elected this year serve I d k d ~ltller "RIders of the RIO Grande by which she will enter September 20. for four years. p an to atten ?re as e . to note the I Balch' "Ballet Shoes" by Streatfield and Shirley, who graduated last spring from 'to ste!) up and take a toehold.' Beltz change from Frtday evellIng to Satur- • B . h' I I d" h R b' I H' I S h I I fouled out for the second out and then \Vith regard to the judgeships it is I I. k N k I I • rtg t san y 0 111S011. Swart 1more Igl ... C 00, where s 1e interesting to note that under the 50- (~y t liS. wee' ... cxt wee t 1C regular The library will he closed from August was active on the basketball and la- Trost hammered a legitimate triple to (Continue!d on PaUe! Four) 1I1ght WIll be resumed. 9 to 23. During the regular Saturday crosse teams, is now assistant swim- center sending ~Iorrow in with the, .. • • • •• hours 9 to 12.30 and 2 to 4 o'clock, ming instructor at Camp Aloha, Fair- tying counter. Spaziani walked and Thursday Night Bridge News Baseball Club Donor tomorrow double the customary number lee, Vt. wel.lt to third when Smith threw low of looks may be taken out. Books may 4. • trymg to catch Trost off third. Trost ~[r. and Mrs. John Bowditch, Jr., be returned in the box outside the library Has Prize-Winning Glads counted on the play and Spaziani also were seco,nd place winners at the July Howard J. Dingle., of Park avenue, door anytime. • •• Titus J. Ewig, of Garden City and scored a moment later when Korn.. 22 meeting of the Thursday Night was, t IIe so Ie contn b uto~ to t h e H o~-I do(fer's pitch went into the dirt. ,Bridge Club instead of Mr. and Mrs.' nets Baseball Club thIS week. TillS Teaches Drexel Astronomy Swarthmore, was the only local winner 'Cheyney replaced Korndoffer, who A. L. Arnold, as was announced last brings the total up to $138. This time listed for the Rutledge Horticultural was unable to control the ball due to 'Week. last year the goal of $150 had, been John H. Pitman, of Vassar avenue, a Society's Oladiolus Exhibition this the pain in his arm. Cheyney walked At last week's meeting Mr. and Mrs. reached. Although it has been neces- member of the Swarthmore College de- year, held last Saturday at the Rutledge Harris. Reed, a pinch hitter, wen.t • $250 f . conducting Fire House. He won a first prize, a \V. L. Lukens were first, with Mrs. A. sary to raise the amount to , not partment 0 astronomy, IS , down swinging, but .was given anQ!her Ludlow Clayden, and Mrs. Russell H. even the respons~ accorded last season for the sixth year, a class in astronomy second, and a third prize j'1 ~he va- chance becabse bne '9f-the ,umpj~eS Kent, second. has been apparent to date. at the summer session of Drexel Institute. rious classes. (Coftliftue!d on Page! Four) TOURNAMENTS START MONDAY ~e ~~~rt~l:e. or~i;. HORNETS DROP 'rwo GAMES I ',u_' _ :1- I . ''\ ,- ,,', ... ':~:. sw ,urrHMORE.._ .etlU-E.GE... 1- r f31~ ~ lit Y ,\\C:\ 1 ' , ~I~THM(H~E. .... ". 52.50 PER YEAR SW AU'I'HMORE, I)A., All(;(IS'I' (), 1937 ~~~============================= VOL. IX, No. 32 'SIDE'VALK 'VORI{ CON1'ESTS FOR COUNTY OFFI(:ESi, Few Withdrawuls on Deadline i UNDERWAY : COllnl'il, \Vednescluy Evening, IJlcnscd \Vhh itcsltonse From Property Owners Dute Indicate Wide Open Camltaign Thl' ;\ugust 11Il'l,ting ,.i Council held Saturday. July .11. heing thc la,;t day \\'edllcsday l'\'l'ning was mostly occuior withdrawal of candidates from th~' i pied wit h rout ine hllsincss. primary lists and only two Ilaml'S h;I\'-I' T, E, Ilcssl·nhruch. dlairman of highing heen withdrawn in the count\' race ways, rcportl'd the satisfac\llry COIl1Ihe list of those who filed in ti,c tw~ 'I pkt ion "f grading, l'urhing and gutter major Ilartics ior the County How work on BIlwdllin and "l'nyon a\'l'nues. IIllin's is as follows: eratilication was l'xpfl'ssed at the Rl'JllIhlican Candidates: pro11lpt ft'SpOlbe inll\l property (IWners Sheriff: William W. ~[cKilll. of Hayin the matter of :uh'ance cash paycrford Township, a memher of the mcnts in connecli'lll with thl' \VPA County Prison Board, who is said to he pa,'c11lent repair projel'l, Thc section of hacked hy the organization. Two outtown now heing covered hy this repair standing riyals arc: T, Ja)' Snroul • • , of II work includes that part cast of Park Xether Proyidencc, lIIember of the' a\'enuc and south ol the railroad. and Legislature. alld William T. \Vright,1 ahout one-half oi this work has alBurg'css of Yeadon, who promise an ready I)eea approved and I;aid for by active campaign for indepl'lHlcnt supthe jlroperty owners and is now bcing port. Othcr ){epuhlicans who filed for JUdgl'S John 1\1. Broomall, :ird, Albert Dulton l\lucDalle, and W. HCll'c'r Frondicld (left to riGhl) ",ho arc being urged clone. SIJ('riff arc: \Villiam ~icholl, Jr., justice fur reelection to lhc' Dt!Ia1..-art! Coullly (:,,"rl of (:ommoll I'lens. Thl' reCl~nt tree trimming 011 Chestlf the peacc in Newtown Township; t':r road has again called general attenObservntory Open to tbe Public p, Harvcy Rucker, of Chester; and LAST CHANCE tion to till' work that has been carried \\'iIIiam H, \Vest, of Nether Providl'ncc. TO REGISTER LOCALLY Because oi the inten'st of man v resi- Ol1t Sllccessfully as a \VPA project unCounty Controller: H. \Valter WeaFOR SEPT. PRIl\IARY dents allli visitors the Ob- der definite "Ialls (.f the Borough Tree sen'aton' at Swarthmore College will Cnml\l itt ee. \·er. Darby Township tax colll-ctor, said College Courts No.v Ol)t!n for l,e (111"11' t(l th .. Illlillic on Sat\lrda~', The necessary alterations to the basct o IIe f avore(I IIy tl Ie orgalllzatlOn; .. J{egistry Assessors will sit at .. ~ oJ and Sund:I\'~ and ~lond;I\' evening'S of this lI1ent of J:orough Hall to accomlllodate Uohert \V. Hackett, of Upper Darby, !tIcal polling places ncxt Tuesda\' Sumnler Recreation; Pirates \\'C"k':'IHI, III C,'ISt' it should hc cloml v the Fin' COl\lpany's lIew hoosier pump now a to wns I' " James a 1111 Wcdnesday, August 10 an~1 Lead Youthful Baseball ~ ni"hts. Tuesday and \Vcdnes-oJ lip commiSSIoner. on ~thl'se are proceeding rapidly and satisfactT.' •St ewar. t (I f I ,anSIIowne, thc prescnt 11, hctween thc hour!' of I and L eag ue " da~' c\'ellings will' heg'iven o\'cr to vis- orih'. 1'1 not iiI 4 p. III" and again between 7 an!1 J I e. itors. The huildill" is J'ust inside the C' on t ro II l'r. (J( :\i r, I. Paul !1wwn. chairman of the I k f h C F ' II p. III. Daylight Saving Time. '1'1 C I I ' ... red Duke of I Ie II ege avenue tl'lIl11S courts, East Gate on Colle"e :\ venue and the Sewer 'Committet', reported that Crum C er 0 t e ourta: [ . IIts, w I10 is rumored ' A . II Ilave I'l'en reconstructed during entranCl' 10 Ihe dome ,... to i l l T thcse dates, n"c"ssar\' ~ W IIlC is on the side Cn'l'k is no", technically clean, CI I'I't 011 )'elg la,'e t I l ' I I ' I R b personal re~istratioll under th'e tl t tl '1 II I . e,.l 'I'rOva 01 t Ie cpu lican Ie pas 11I0n I arc now aY;1\ a ) e UII( l'r towards the Lihrary, The Ohservatory I• :\11 the lIIl'mhers oi Council were I' ' lIew law call onl.v he made at the (I r galllza t Ion: oller contendcrs are t IIe (Irectloll 0 ft l Il' '~lJmml'r ]{ecrea- will he open from CJ until 11 :;'0, I present except Jacoil F, ).[ esehter. ' Court House. ),1 edia, at tIle ()l'.I·lce ' C omllllttee. . '1' ournaments will start }fI( Ie, Justice of the " lIOn Finsler's Comet was discovered hy Burges,; John H, Pitman, and Solicitor I ~,0 Jlert . J.- .\~I ac I>' ' Ia Ie; Jay C. Alexander of the Regist ratioll Conulliss.'I·OII pl'an' 0 f C0 II mg( ,\'I omIay. '1'1 lere WI'II hl' two tourna- Prof. Finskr. of Zurich, ,)n July 4 oi Clarencl' C. :\1 Yl'rs a bo att(~nded, (~i ~J cilia; and John Doherty of Colhetween the hours of 9 a, m, and Illl'nts, olle for thosl' under sixteen and this vear. This will not rank in hrilImgdalc, Charles ~I ink. Jr" the prcsent I 4 :.10 p, m, one for the older players. If yOIl h,l\'e lianc~' with Ihe famous cOJllets of hisThc primary I . IIter c I('r k'. I1\('1 not iiII e, I - election date is 110t a Irl';U IY (one so, give your name ton' ' hut is ne\'ertheless 1IIuch hrlg 14 and no n'''istrati011 (I I) I I' I' I . ' I ' Sep!<'1IIher or~ner: r. 0111 1, Xolan, of Ches-I ... to ,0111 e ap ame at onCl', ,at 1II111ton than the avcrage comet. t IS :IOW near I) J I ) C ter, saul to hc the org;:nization's choice I can he made after Septemher L is ayailahle for tho';l' who do not wish, till' Xorth Pole of thl' sky and can be ;lIJd Gl'llrge Toppitzer, of Upper Darhy: Do not lose YOUR Vote! to chase the hall so far. i seen throlJgllllnt the hours of darkuess an undertaker. I Junior Raseball i when the sky is sulliciently clear. It nnd Media Surmount . Jury Commiasioner: ),1 rs. Bessie Men's Tennis 'l'ournanlent The Pirates won oyer the Tigers 7·4, i will he' in good position for ohsen'alion Lima Loeal Lads; Confusion RamJ·.\·erett, of Springfield who has heen I and then heat the Cards 7-.1. As a rcsult ! during the ahove e"enings and will he punt Friday 31 Home endorsed hy the Hoard of Directors of: ,. '.. •. oi these two victories, they again lead I ncar maximul1I hrilliancy, till' \V01lll'n's Repuhlican Club of Dela-: J he :\Ien s ~mgles lournament of the leagul', \VllO is going to 11l'ad thelll ~ ••• w,~re ~ounty and wh.o i~ is believed: the SW;,lfthm~re Te~111is Ch~h hegan otT? Their game with the stronge,;t con- PLAN NOW FOR During the past week, the Hornets \\ 11,1 h,lve the orgall1zatlOlI's support July 31 ,lIld \\ III contmue until August tenders, the Eagll-s. scheduled for last FLOWER SHOW dropped two decision,;. Friday to Lima n,wmg.'o her effectin' service as State 14. Thc seeded players are as iollows: Friday night was postponed hl'cause of E\'l"ryone ill Swarthmore and \'icinity at home hy Ihe count oi 4 to 3 and C~l\1~lJlJlteew()lIIan; and James Reed, Jr" Ted Ehur, first; Prestoll Buckman. see- the Hornets' game. is we\conll' to exhihit in the Swarth- Tuesday to :\Iedia. away, to the tunc ~~ (.lenoll,len, , ond; \Villiam Johnson. third; \Villiam On \Vednesday night the Cards de· more \\'olllan's Cluh annual fall flower of 7 til -t, CS'lhlloc.rffatl}-c Candidates: Allen Brown, 3rd, iourth; \Villiam F. ieat('d the Eagles ill a closely contested show, which, sponsored hy the Gardcn :\Iedia wastl'd no linH', hut hopped era arf" Deak"II" f CI t gaml' 6·5. Richardson sa\'ed the dOl." S I> k L't' I ' ff' 'tl fi t l 'lllles F 1)'ollgoJrllert', J f ~J',.oll !1~S er:! Lee, fifth; Tom Baird, sixth; Bud • ection. will he held at the ar - a\'e- 011 .-, elg'l' man s 0 erlllgs 111 Ie Irs , " ), 0 , I ( ey OWII-, S I I I " ,. , ior his team whl'n he struck oul the nue c1uh house on Tuesday and \Vedinning and piled UII live runs, Thc '. shill. ,t' .IIaI Ir, I sevenl I; anI .. rank C.llIl1Ighalll, I ast t wo Ila tt l'rs, 1arhy county,' . Clips I I'WI I Ie I prescnte( I I ' to tie wa Ik'l'(,I I",IC IIan Ison s1I1g ' ac k. was, 'TIll're commep'hl exThe Hornl'l runs wefl" scored by " , " \\ 111 ncr .1II( a so t It' HI (ers 01 second I' . Ile( I Ila. II h'II'1I1g ~ IIt' Ila"es, . , class . ~ • . candlliate, no opposition,: I' ." ' lit IIy a I'ltC hihits and a new this vear will Bllrkl', 1·!t'IHlerslln, .-\hra1l1s alld \Yolie. orgaJlJzatlOn Coroner: Dr, J. Evans Scheele, pres-! all( third plans, , , ,\~'I~en Eavl'~lsOII ~truck out I'.wing-, rl" cOllsist of "l'ictllfl'S of the ~anlens". Ahrams pan'(1 Ihe slick-smiths with l'nt .coroner, ,is ~)acked by the Demo- i All me,mhers 01 t,hl' telllus club IJI- tlr,'!lg Ih~ SHIe \\'\th out a rUII, . hOlh photographic and hand dOlle. three safe wallnp", one of which was l'~atlc o~ga~lIzat~on., Opposing him is! tefl'sted I~I the ~I,'n s J)ouhks Totlrna- , ) he ~'Irates now lead the leaguL' \\:Itl: There are so many residents, especially a triple, I-knr "N ' " ctopus 0 " ; Cousins" ' and "Rose "in Bloom", and studying oid colonial houses throughThe following titles have been added T oward N one: orriS, to the Swarthmore High School Summer Poole, "l!;ar!lOr";. Page, "Re1, Rock"; "Old Fashioned Girt": Bachelor, "Man out Virginia. ROSAIJE DRYDEN Ne. . B41tor Reading list material available at the ~Ulv~gT G~anCa~? ,!heT Ea~th I~t0.;re, for the Ages"; Bennett, "Master Sky* The Misses Alice and Mary Snyder, . Swarthmore Public Library. They may be ne e o~ ~'I III A~a1U'd" uc elark'~; Blackmore. "Lorna Doone"; F Phone SwartJuDore 100 be round in the proper place among the B.rry ;nn, nnocen s roa. Bolton "Girls Who Became Famous": daughlers of Mrs. W. ·C. Snyder, of Entered .. Second Clau MaUer, laDUU'J z.t, titles assigned to the various grades for ';(~~P '-r.~ d L d" B k "A • Burneit, "Secret Garden": Church, Yale avenue, spent last week-end at 1929, ~= A~~: ::.:.~o:.e' PL, summer reading:- Boswell, ]., "Life of .n ~f!' n .ro:lls~ u~1 i rd~" G ~er~- "Story of the Iliad": Churchill, "Crisis": Wildwood, N. J. .-~=============-~~~-=- Jonson"; Burroughs, E., "Camping and ~aSmza Ifonth, Byrd' YKWal1 '''Sl ar an f' C01lins, "Book of Stars": Dana, "Two T . . h R I" C fi Id D on 0 e or er, e er, U I" D·ICk·ms, Mary Dure, daughter of Mr. and FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1937 rampmg Wit oosevet: an e , ., M L'f I I . L'-dbe h "W f l . ory P .0 Years Be f ore t h e .I.l.Las; g Mrs. Henry Dure, of Rutgers avenue, Y "Home Fires in France"; Conrad, .... J., "F 'Ie,. lOt t r , I~" Sk' Uptll, "Oliver Twist" and "Child's History of "N' f i N ' " F rd H rom mmlgran 0 l nvell or; miler, '. ,,. D "Co t f M t is spending three weeks at Happy Val"MlggeLr.fo I'de Warckls,~us H; °k , C·' "Footlights and Spotlights"; Twain, uLife ugland; huma!JT ' Bun o. S °li.noel ley Camp near Port Deposit, Md. Betty Citizens, Awake! y I e an or; 3W es, ., h :~r . . 'n d "R I . It" Cristo'" Hug es om rown s c 0 . _., --"Silver Sheen"; Ibsen, H., "Ele~en ~n t, e,.); ISSISSJppl, an ougung . Days";' Jackso:l;, "Ramona"; James, Shanklin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Each-· year, .when politically minded Plays"; Johnson, A., "Rasselas"; Kiplmg, o~ T.) uJ h B 'Bod'" "Smoky" and "Sand"; Kingsley, U\\'est_ A. P. Shanklin, of Amherst avenue, reJleople-9~itr-th~it: active 'work of get- R .. "Puck of Pook's Hill"; Lincoln. J., .. ene 'R' 0 n A ~~wrs" y, Masters' ward H~I'" London, "White Fang"; turned Sunday after spending the ling nominating petitions Atted with the "Captain Erie": Marshall, A., "Honor of PI poono lver n 0 ogy . Looker "\Vhite House Gallg'~; Malot, month or July at the same Camp. neces~~rl.':._ signatures prior to the pri- the CHntons"; Moliere., HComedies": a}'s Y 1 C "Nobed 's Bo " and UNobody's Girl": 0** mary. et~c~i~~ • .-!~~ ordinary citi:ten tthe winning pitcher, struck out seven length of the tree. From nearby it housed at Swarthmore College and two more, three daughterlt, Mrs. John ember 17, the begmnmg of the nabonmen and hit a homer on his first trip appeared to fearful residl!nts that the hundred and fifty will be lodged at Ayrault, Jr., of Tonawanda, N. Y.; wide celebration of the One Hundred and t the plate grand old tree had bee It split down the Haverford College and olle hundred Mrs. F. Norton Landon, of the North Fiftieth Anniversary of the Formation 0, • . center. There was a terrific crash and will be entertained in private homes. Princeton avenue address. and Mrs. of the U,,',ted States Constitution, and flte Cards b~at the Pirates 5-2 on tI,e COIICUSSI'Oll ,vas keenly felt in the Hugh McLean, of North Tonawanda, d I t Rid d CI k 'fhe last World Conference of was signed by members of III on ay a~. IC t~r son an ~r son neighboring houses. Those living along N. Y.; one grandson and nine grand- the date it 'oll to be subnn'tted to the each had eight strikeouts to their creFriends was held in London ti,e cOllventl the south side of Dartmouth avenue W Nin 1920 daughters; and a sister, Mrs. 'rh011l~s dit. Clarkson and Baxtl'r hit triples for following the World ar. ow, as at that point could smell a strong I Id . f db' I deGarcia, of Rutledge. The grandchil- states. In consideration of the difficulty which the losers. odor or smoke. then. t tC wor IS ace y cructa dren living in Swal thmore are Newell would be experienced in any effort to The Eagles and the Cards play on It was also reported that slates had problems and the conference will study Burris West, Mary Alice West, Elizaprel)3re a worthwhile local celebrO'.tion :Wednesday night, while the present been torn from the roof of the First what action Friends, as a religious beth Blanche Landon, and Lois Evelyn in time for that date (with the confusion leaders, the Pirates and Eagles meet Church of Christ Scientist, on Park body, should take in critical situations, Landon. of returning vacationists and the opening Friday night. All are urged to come avenue, whcn the building was struck In many of the grcat countries of the The funeral services will be held from of school) the committee has decided to out and see the boys play. h earth Friends have been studying and his home, 307 North Princeton avenue ' t' fo 0 t by lightning about 1 :40 p. m. t e same I)renaring for the coming conference. bl I mg r k c dThe Summer Rccreation tennis tour· d ay. ,. at 2 P. M. Saturday, August 14. The arrange a arge • pu IIC mee th Among the topics to be discussed at be r an d to give o a p ay on e wee -en nament has been slo\9 •. in getting under I I • Rev. ]. Jarden Guenther, rector of T F FB 'd H the conference will be "The Spiritual · o f D ecem ber 12, th e dat e P ennsy Ivama way due to the wet courts. The season ie. or Irs. rl ge onors Trinity Church, will officiate. 'fi d h C t't t' Message of the Society of Friends"; • I • ra t l e t c ons I.U. ',on. is also drawing rapidly to a close be_ __ 'Irs. A. Norton and 'Mrs. H. C. Gross "The Individual Christian and the cause of lack of funds. The care and ·ed·Mr. U .. E conomtc . J ustlce ... ; Wins Maryland Regatta Cup and Mrs. A. L. Arnold for State";" A cJuevmg tl upkeep of the courts uses about 90% I':rst placc at last week's meeting of 'AcI' .' R . I J ... "A h' . l1C\'lng acta usllce; c levmg pf all funds raised. If those interested 11 • • I J ustlce; . " , "F' Oliver Duke, of Avondale road, was rten d s an d the Thucsday Night Bridge Club. Wal- Internattona • will eith~r make ~ contrihUlion thr cmgl1 I nternatlonaI ' awarded the Governor of Maryland cup and Laurence ~tabler 1 ~ducatlOn'; •• \.:oopera)ickinsoJl ter l (he court attendants or the bank. this , -\v1ic"lt his sailing log canoe won the 'ver~ second. tion of Friends.' . race at the annual Miles River Regatta Local Boosters in Dumps as Bor. iwork can cot1tinue. The ball league will not be affected, as very little money held at St. Michaels, Md., last Friday ough Boys Fail to Make lis required, although there are about and Saturday. Mr. Duke has constructGood in Two Games as many participants as in tennis. ed three log canoes and has been larg :Iy . responsible for the revival of ~lr. and Mrs. John E. l.,{ichael. of aunual Miles river regatta at St. Today, the Hornets hold undisputed their popularity at regattas along the Park avenue, will leave today to spe1~d Michaels, Md, over the week-end: Club Tournament Delayed possession of last place. During the Chesapeake Bay. The log canoe which the week-e'l1d at Skytop. Pa. Dr. and :Mrs.'" •F. • H. Murray, of . dTheyhtWill has been used with sails since 1750, is past week, they lost to Bortondale by Due to the recent wet weather the be J' oined tomorrow by t Itelr aug ers, P . the score of 11 to 7 and were shut out I rmccton avenuc, have retur"ed from a development of both the Indian caMen·s Singles Tournament of the Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, of The Swart t· spending several weeks at Prout's by Bergdoll 5 to O. noe and the sailing craft used by the At two points in last Thursday's Swarthmore Tennis Club has been held more, and Miss Betty ~lichae1. 'Neck, Me. earliest American settlers. game. the Hornets appeared to be up with games now so far hehind sched• I • ... * * Frederick W. Yocum, of Walnut lane, Miss Anna H. Burkhardt, of The headed for victory, but a bad inning ule that the finals will probably be At the Inn Tonight followed each occasion. Bortolldale played Saturday, August 21, instead of will leave tomorrow for Camp Chesa- Swarthmore, left Wednesday morning on the 14th. Most of the seeded play- peake, where hc wlll act as counset1or for Lansing, Mich., where she will at"\Voman's Malt. a story of a pam- scored four times in the third stanza ers are advancing according to form .. of athletics during the boys' Chester tend the wedding of her consin, .Afr. to ruin the Hornet Ie Old of 5 to 2. In pered screen star and a boxing chamAs SOOI1 as the last matches of this County Health Camp period of two Harold Housel, and Miss Ruth Leypion with John Halliday, Marguerite the fifth, they scored five more runs tournament are played the Men's den, both of Lansing, 011 Saturday, Aude La Motte and Wallace Ford is the to clinch victory after the Hornets Doubles and Mixed Doubles will begin. weeks. Mr. Yocum has just completed a gust 14. Miss Burkhardt will return to had taken the lead, by the count of 7 movie at the Strath Haven Inn, at 8 :15 I'. six weeks summer school course at the Swarthmore about September 1. to 6. this evening, Friday. Her hrother, Mr. Philip H. BurkHornet runs were scored by Barry New Express Office Opened Here University of Pennsylvania in work toward hi.s master's d~gree. I1? Septe~- hardt. and Mr. Harry Lampman, of and Sipler, with two each and Burke, Finds Many Rooms Henderson and Smith. Barry had three The Railway Express Agency, Inc., ber he Will assume I11S tea~lttng duties Wayne, will join Pittsburgh friends on week's fishing trip in the interior of hits, one of which was a double and has just opened a new branch office in at the Pro:pect Park .Htgh Scho~l, Available wher.e he wtll teach Latm and SOCial Canada the last part of this month. Henderson hit a triple. Sipler, Burke. the building whieh formerly housed Stud1es. Mr. Yocum has been a teacher Apparently now is a good time Smith and Abr.rnathy accounted for part of the Martel Store at 7 South in the Avon-Grove Consolidated Mrs. G. A. Hoadley and sons, Henry to advertise for a room. Adolph the remaining safeties. Chester road. School, West Grove. for the past two and Alfred. of Walnut lane, spent a Rubin, of Adolph's Barber Shop, Tuesday, the Hornets were helpless D. H. Eichmann, local agent. has been years. week at Tony Hoadley's camp near placcd a classified advertisement before the pitching of Page. Berg- placed in charge of the Swarthmore * • • Corinth, N. Y., recently. in the columns of 'rhe Swarthdoll scorcd three in the third session office which will serve not only this Bobby Door, of Philadelphia, is Mrs. Hoadley and Miss Florence 1l10rean last week on behalf of and two jn the fourth. Abrams had Borough but the entire district comspending two weeks with his uncle and Hoad1ey spent a few days at Ocean Ollr! of his customers. The replies two hits and Shelly, Barry and Wolfe prised also of Mortoll, Media and aUl1t, 1\-1 r. and Mrs. Geo. L. Alston, of City, N. J., last week. one each. 'V("iss stole a base as the Springfield. Formerly conducted by the which the young man received I * • • only other offensive gesture. Swarthmore commission agent at the Westda e avenue. were so numerous that we arc Mr. and :Mrs. Charles Andes and The Horncts play Lloyd in Chester railroad, the business is now divorcing surc he c'ould have located a nice Mr. and Mrs. Fulton C. Hutchinson son, of Westdale avenue, spent last next '''uesday and wind up the season from the railroad and establishing this room not only for himself, but and family, of South Chester road, left Sunday at Ocean City. N. ]. 011 Thursday at Lenni. Both games central office. The same truck will defor several friends, had he de:Monday to spend a week traveling * will be played away. liver to the station in Newtown Square. sired. through the New England states. Mr. Roland L. Eaton, of Dickinson Proving that people will bother and Yale avenues, has joined his famto write as well as to telephone 'Mrs. George L. Alston and sister, it for h\'o weeks at Sebasco Estates, in response to ads (this particular Miss Blanch Wiley, of Westda1e ave- life. LIVE IN SWARTHMORE AND GET YOUR MONEY'S one asked that replies be adnue, left last Thursday to spend a dressed to a box in care of the WORTH OF COMMUNITY LIFE, HAPPINESS week at Ocean City, N. J. Mrs. F. B. Aspinwall and Miss Marpaller) replies arrived at the ofgueritc Aspinwall, of the Strath Haven AND CONTENTMENT Mrs. Lovett Frescoln, of Harvard Inn, have returned from Chalfontefic~~very promptly through the avenue, and her daughter, "irs. Henry Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, N. J., mail, hy messenger, and ov.er the Sangree, of Phil~dc1phia, returned where they spent a week. telephone wire until thcy were all unusually large number of attractive apartAn Monday from Pompton Lakes, N. J., in as early as Monday afternoon. nlents, homes and single rOODI8, are availallle where they had visited 1lrs. Lawrence Not only rooms can be secured The Rev. George Dow and daughter. in Swarthmore tbis faIt Most of them repreManll since Friday. Mrs. Sangree and of \Vashington. D. C., left yesterday through using classified ads ill senl real values in home life. This community l\l rs. Manu were classmates at Swarth- after visiting l\Liss l\Iary Dow, of the this paper; many folks have has everything to offer the person or persons more Co1lege. found them most valuable in Strath Haven Inn, since Tuesday. who want to rent. Tea rooms, acliviti"" of the * •• finding a market for possessions • * • IIIr. and IIlrs. Percy G. Gilbert and M rs. ~lilliam A. Wheatley and they themselves do not need. College, good schools, natnral beauties, corn· daughters, Harriet and Jessie, of Park daughter, Miss Catherine Wheatley, of But then those are only a few of munity life, excellent transportation facilities avenue, left Wednesday, for RidgeThe Swarthmore, have just returned the many varied instances in in all directions, good storetl, qniet stree,". from a three weeks motor trip to Sara- wood, N. J., where they will visit Mr. which these inexpensive little toga Springs and through the White and Mrs. Clarence M. Johnson, until ads bring satisfaction to the cusSunday evening. Mountains to Bar Harbor, Me. tomer. Just telephone SwarthUrge your friends who are looking for some place more 900 whenever you are puzJ essie and Harriet Gilbert returned Miss Elizabeth Channell, of New zled about where to get a maid, near Philadelphia to locate in Swarthmore York City, formerly of Swarthmore, on Wednesday from visiting Nancy Algood second-~tand items. or left Wednesday after a weekI's visit to ger, daughter of Afr. and Mrs. Paul this winter. whatnot, and let one of these lIIiss Ann Orr, of Mt. Holyoke place. K. Alger, of Park avenue, at the Alads relieve your mind. ~{iss Orr and her guest attended the ger~s cottage in Bridgeton, N. ]. HORNETS SEEM FATALLY SUNK NEWS NOTES ••• * * 1937 Lot with imprm'ements In Upper Darby Twp.. Del. Co.. Pa.. beginning al. point on S. W. side Springton Rd. (40 ft. Wide) S.28° 24.' 21" E. 79.22 ft. &: S. along a line curving to the left with a radius of 149.28 ft .. the arc dlstanre of 78.16 ft. &; S. along a line curvinI' to the rj~ht with a radius of 140.28 ft, the arc distance of 78.10 ft. Ie: S. 28 0 24' 21" E. 92.99 ft. from the S. E. side BrruUord Rd. (40 ft. wide). thence extending' along the said side of Springton Rd. S. 28" 24' 21" E. 10 ft. to a point. thence extending of that width between parallel lines S. 81" 35' 39" .: W. 82.50 ft. to a point in eenlef Hne of 10 ft. I I a wJde driveway. together with right m drive. * * .. way. Mr. and De Young of Imllrovcments oonsist o( two·story stone C hicago, 111., were the guests of 'Mr. and stucco bouse. ~6x3a feet; porch front; a nd At rs. Paul M. Paulson, of Park two·glory (rame addItion, 6x16 feet; basement venue, recently before they sailed for garage. otterdam, Holland, on the S. S. StatSold as the property of LeOIl Siekle. mort. gagor. and Harry F. Lambert and Etbel M tdam ('if the Holland-America Line. bis wife. real OWII(>rs. ., I! D"I Monte COFFEE 1 lb. Can ........ e Nationally "Advertised Brands" , The guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wheeler Allison, of Rutgers avenue, when they entertain at bridge tomorThis is a Good Buy---$6850 r ow evening will be; Mr. and Mrs. 41& Haverford Place Modern 7 Roo Harold Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fahl T eeping Porch. Large' Lot, Garage erms. Possession Sept. 1st. • a nd Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Meschter 0 f Swarthmore; Mr. and Mrs. Everett WM. S. BI1TLE Smal1ey, of Catonsville, Md.; Mr. and Swarthmore Ill.J Notary PubUc -Insurance - Beal Estate Mrs. William Bowler, of Overbrook, a nd Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKnight, 01 Prospect Park 810,400 114 Park Avenue Dr. and Mrs. John Rates, of West1 l\lUST SELLll! rooms, 2 baths; has apartment on third d ale avenue, entertained Dr. and Mrs. tJoor. on heat. This home In gOOd condl- Johannes Brunn, of Riverview road on throughout. WID help finance. _ a nd Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rutherford' ROBERT T. BAIR, Realtor 0 f Westdale avenue, at their summe; Exclusive Agent Phone Swa. 211 For Inspection h ome at Shoreham, Long Island. reCenlly. Dr. and Mrs. Bates sailed Wedn esday on the Monarch of Bermuda to s pend ten days in Bermuda. wr' Swarthmore 1833 • •• Telephone Swarth. 101 14., Kellogg's RICE KRISPIES .... 2 417 DARTMOUTH AVE. Carol Maude Froebel. Betty Ann Kite, and Joanna Dickson, all of Swarthmore. Jeit Monday to spend a' week as the guests of Hlizabeth . Ann Leuders, of Princeton avenue. at AvaIon, N. J. ••• 19 Del Monte PEACHES Large Can .......... Del Monte PINEAPPLE JUICE - 2 No. 2 Cans II PETER E. TOLD General Insurance '2.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., AUGUST 13, 1937 VOL. IX, No. 33 o Increase in Police News NEWS NOTES I!::in Dglgh~er.:u::~~ Cloaed Wed. at 1 P. M. Sp,ec:ials For Week of AuguH 5 to August 11 FREE:-PARKING SPACE FOR 1500 CARS ..------ At 12.55 P. M. on Thursday of last week a car driven by Vera Goodenougl]. of Secane, west-bound on Yale avenue, collided with the automobile of John Larson, Rutledge, driven by his son, Roland. at the intersection of Yale and Swarthmore avenues. Roland was east-bound on Yale. Both cars were damaged in the head-on c011ision. Mrs. Goodenough and her son were injured slightly. A hearing set for August 3 was postponed 'Until a later date. THI: WILLIAM H. WEST DIES SUDDENLY ------~.~, 0'. ~~~d C'xest o GIANT TIGER with their son, John, and daughter, Harriet, of Park avenue, will attend the Two Hundreth Anniversary Reunion of SWAI~T"'MmU!: • •• Miss Betty Hayes entE!rtained a group GEORGE T. 'BUTLER, Attorney. 13 S. Chester Rd. 0 f friends at tea on Wednesday afternoon Telephone Swarlhmore 114~ or at her home on Oberlin avenue ~varl. Facias No, 52 evenings 130 Miss Carol Creutzburg, of W;yne. will June Term. 1937 be the guest of Miss Hayes this week-end. • .. * All tbat ('crtain lot or piece of ground with YE M d M R E . the bUIldings and imllrovements thereon creet· r. an rs..·. Wilson and fam- ell situate a~ Spring-field, in the Township of Village Window Cleaner if).l, of Ogden avenue, left last Friday Springfteld. In the .Coun~y of Delaware. and of Pennsylvania. belJlg known and num· to spend hvo weeks at AMC C amp at . State A. HAUGER bered Lot No. 201 on a certain plan and II Q Ha uarry, Me. SUI'\"e)" made by Franklin and Company C E Swarthmore 19 * .. .. . Philadelphia. Pennsylvania., on Febru~ry' 19' M d M H 1023. and recorded in the Offi('(! for (he ltc' r. an rs. orace P. Hayday re- cording of Deeds. &e.. in and for the Conn'; tu roed to their home, on Rutgers ave- of Delaware .in Plan File Case No.2, page d . ht f . 16, and descnbed according thereto as follows n ue , Sat . ur ay O1g a ter spendmg a to wit: Situate on the southeasterly side of Electrical Contractor on onth 111 Cape May, N. J. Forest road (forty·ft,·e feet wide) at the dis. '" " " lance of one hundred forty·seven fee-t and flfty_ 1 ,h'e one·hundredths of a foot meRBured south Telephone Swarthmore 58 llr. and Mrs. :Mervin Burgett Jr fifty-two dCgrceA. IItty-(our nlinlllcF-, tWenty an d chi1dren have returned to Sw~rth~ !'(>('Onds west ~Ion~ the tlaid side of FOl'ClIt I"oad from a flOIll! o( tan~ellt of a drclc (orDl_ MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON 111 ore f.ront S tonehurst Hills, and arc inS' the conWf of Fore"t road and Springlleill OC cupymg the former Folsom apart- avenue. Containing iI. (ront or breadth along' JOSEPH E. QUINBY III ent on the first floor of 101 So'-tl, the said side of Forest road soQthwestwardly u fifty feet. and extending of that width in Pr inceton avenue. length Of depth southeastwardly between pal" FUNERAL DIRECTORS * * • aile) Jines at right Bngles to the said Forest road one hundred thirty feet. I III lIIn at to J Ihlllll,hflt.'s of UIIIOIi aHllue I ...\1 II -15 P I nllch (Ink I' tlls list ~ulldn \\Iull hI. JncSdl) lIarn IY3h 1)\ the PI. 11I1S\" 11111 I t"lsllluft I. IHI.( III til' orgllllZltioll lists f'> I •I• \\ b PI " l I I g \\ Ith olle of her I I \ Ills .IIHI lJ 1\ ~( 1£1 B ] Ia) CS, both 01 (1111\ JIHIgls 1111\ 110\\ rUII Oil ilion ••• pUJI"II.'S III \\ IS t Iken to the 'J I\lor Colllngd.111.' \\I.'re arrcstcd fOf speed tllill tilt Itlrt, tllkc.:t Ih", tXCtlJtlol1 To Attend Kil!ltler R«"union 1.llo . . plttl for trl.'.ltment j"'''O •• \,.1" IS III HII.' to pn \Cllt th<: JlHIg-lS hUlIg I I"> ... IHIIUC Ihc\ are to .tppcar I'IH.:ul ulldtr till.' <1(111111111(111 (If 111\ I)r a ••,I'lr" \t II)() A :\f ]d\\trd for hl.'lrlllg IIC:s:t Mondl\ .l ,. \Vllh lin I ad I'lstier (llIl plrh 11m ... 1lI11111111ZIIIg' the dlllg'lri \\!th thclr John (If I'olltll': II ((mtnll {If thl J1I(IIUII {llhu: II SOli alld danghler, Lp to thl'" 111m III IIlllhlr of Iht: (tantHllIl'd !mlll laue Olle) I lrrld of Plrk 1\I.'II11e \\111 Ittend the II1lj Jr jllTt' trgllltZlt[I[IS hl\<: tht 1 ... 1 Itcd thdt hI.' hul t:t!ltd tUIlC ,,111.'11 1\\0 Ilulldreth \11I1I\1.'1"ln h.CtllllOn 01 It ult P" f( Tilt dh Ippr \ ul 111\ c lIIdld I I <1(Jg rill 011 thl 1'11\ IIlI-{ fil.'ld j lu\\ I tile 1,,!Otlcr f lim" .It Onld III11('t P Irk (1l hUI Ih" ... t III lilt: kllll\' frlllkh It\lr nClther the Ilornds nor tlu hit 1\C\\ Tnl'oh P.I \\ednesdn \ugtlst 11 (( lIud<: til It holh \ IlIIp'" In btl ... , till tlr II'"llrul 10 III 1\\ If(' of II ChC\ I AS<';l.'lllhh at thc IJlrk "Ill he fdlu"c.:d t IIlgllllg II l " "'11 Irl" lIul ... , Ithlllg pt r IH.: \ acres ground Telephone Medin 79 for \ppon lUg R I PnscllIl \\ 111 sj)I:IHI LOST LOST I mOllth \\Ith her gr IlIdl) Ilellts Dr lIul taeles~~thS ~~~~;rl~lledh bIfocal spec- ~Irs Lh.lrks (hflstl':: ~Ir Giles \\1111 nl ht s e ouks Saturday Itturn I(l S\\ Irt IIIlUlrc III 1\\0 \\ceks 20fJ Reward Tclephone Swarthmore ======,Iii~~~iTi'-"====== fOJ ~I r" (,Ill'S .lIld (h Irll'S lIId P Itncil l"EnSON\I~ )\\110 \\11t accompli" hlln hick tu I~ I I P~IJS?~AL-YOUR LOT has \alue becaUSe I to spcnd Ihl fUIIIlIlmg h\o \\ccks o{ should gOll~~~~~r~e~~hbT~s aearlY value \ugu~t I ther taxes Pamphlet ~~ °Jusin~eXaa~h~~ :t: * * 1 ee Bertha Sellers S\\arthmore Po L trol ~llude I roebd Bett\ Ann KII~ Illd Jo IIlIlI Dlchon all of I s" IIthmOH kll ~Iond" In SIH:llcl II "nk IS tIll.: J..{l1C'sls 01 I Itzlhcth \nl1 I 0 .. 2 \t· ..v d,'si ...,hlc Jmilding loIs I a.:uellrs 01 PflllClt(lll I\t.:uue It In dl~\ cloped scction of S"artlt- Ion ~ J BOARDING U7 DARTMOUTH A\E Swarthnlore 1813 Nationally "Advertised Brands' I I c Chocolate or Vanilla It Tender, Jwcy RUMP STEAKS Ib Solid Slicing Jersey TOMATOES 3 Ibs IO e Fresh Picked CLAW CRABMEAT * •• I he gilt ...... t.f :\Ir anti )'lrs J SI lin ~ onl1 CI lUI HUll { :'II lil I I' • \\ hellcr \ll1so11 ot I{llIgers "l.'lIue 1111"hen thl'\ ellterl un dt 11Iulgc tOlllor This i. a Goud Buy-S6850 XIU\~1 f ."'11111 St I 1111 I Tmu I(m l."lll1l1", \\111 he ~Ir .Iud 11rs ~~ 416 Ha"erford Place Modern 1 Rooms Illrold (,flfim :\Ir lI1d :\Irs Ro\ I ~hl eepmg Porch Large Lot Gara E Terms Possession Sept 1st ge asy Illd ::\11 llld ~lls Jacoh I- Mcschter 01 S" II thmorc :\Ir lilt! ~Irs 1 Hrctt 'VIU, S, BITTLE SIl1.I1" u[ C .10"".11, ~Id ~Ir IIld N Swnrlhmore III-J ~I r" \\ Ilh lin I 0\\ ler 01 (h trhrook I.t: \ Ir F I I IS otar) Public -Insurance _ Real E tate -----'--==-----=-::::==::~':""~~s~~_I")(1 ~I r IIld ~ I n. Ro) ~II.: KllIg hi 01 IUII( 'I m 1'118)0,400 PIO"'J1<:Ct P Irk \\lIh Iml I \(illllll .. III UII I IJ n I \ 114 Plrk hcnuc * Ihl C •• I IIS I Is·n I i\Iusr SEI L'1t 1>1 I.Ild:\1I John II IttS 01 \\ cst \\HI 11 lIld :\Ir:s • rooms 2 baths hl.... apartment on third dlll '\CIlUI.' I'IllClt IlIIed I}I oor 011 heat This hom J I tion throughout hel: fi':.a~~~d condl I () 11IlIICs Blunll 01 h.l\ll'IC\\ ROnERI 1 HAIR R I 111(1 ~II uul :\lls Ih(lml~ kuthcrlold I Iht II~hl "lIh 1 EXclusive Agei'.t eUi tor t t \\ esttl lit l\(,llne, II tht::1t summer .~I Ih jt lilt,' ",f Sill f1 & S l'i0 I Phone Sua 211 For I I II I I r. I II I I n Ill< S E Itlt 111 If I , _____________n_s~p~e~c~t~o:n::..__. 11 1111 l' It S 1 II eh lin ] ollg I sluHI rc III t IH ft \\1 h.'J III n 't lXIt n,hll 11 n I Cl'llll) DI 1IIe1 ~hs BIle~ suitt! \\l'd 1111 III HI jf SlIm Ion Uti S :;0 I IIl"r1" nn the ~1()nlrcll of il'rn I I Ii II fl to t lonl III 11'( txltlldu of lilt • IIH I 01\\lIlIh hll\\ jn 11111111 hm S hlQ I. II I~Jll'IHltClldl\~IIlBl:fllltltlt \\ s ' , O f l l 111I111II1"tlhr-llit 111410 * * "" I\\ul thIH\\I.) ltI~ III I \\lIh II""hl II I" \\ n A r.lrl 01'I.nrtunlh 10 In1\ II homt 11r and ~II'" John 1)1.' \ (lung 01 III S" lflhmorc for onh n III,., _'11";1"'1 ,r 1\\. Ill~ ~I II I (hlc Igo III \\1C1t.' th~ gue ... ls of :\Ir 1111]11/10\ I1H't h liN IhX II f,(t II()r h fIlii md ~Ir ... 1'1111::\1 Plulson of Park ,fllmt Ilthlw IXlh fttl II1In I a\lllllt ItCllhh hctorl.' Ihn sull.'d for 108 S. Prill,·cloll A, c. l kotttrrlllll Ilollllld on Ihe S S Stat jf l..tun Sl(kl mil lIuht rl lIul £Ih11I tl1 III,I f I I I II~IIII II II lClllHIlIg the fOrl'llf 1()lsOlIl aJllrt n'l C IllImn " fI 11 UI hl1 dth 11 I JOSEPH E QUINBY mllli 11 Ih (j , II [ 11)1 I tl t \I I "'I II of Fill t I l l 1111h\\\ 1\\ ,"Ih • (lrS oor t) soulh IIftl rill lIul Xllllt!JllJ! jl thll \\llIh 1111 I rllH(tOI1 a\('llue I II Ih .r 1!'llh I1l1th 11\\rtrtlh 1111\\1":11 J'lr FllNERAL DIRECTORS * ~ * JIlt I ll1u" II II hi III I ... I. Ihl lid FOI"( t I Itl lilt hili In."tl IlllrlJ> It:'{ t I BELL PIIONE '" i\IEDIA PA! :\It wfl :\Ir... \\ hlCt.:hr \lh"oll 01 --;:;:;:::;--:===;--:c:--:--------- I-.!utgll" t\ 1111 tiS I' Inlll\tnuill '''1 jr T\\ lUI. II hllf 'Sealed proposa Is w Ill"'A l l rl' Urllt.:( IIJH a\ e,e " •• , '.). , ... I""" .,"" '. x...' I 'tl IJC tecched by the I II School District of Swarthmore up to 4 11 III I..! II lor dnn 11\11114 III S".lfth1ll0ie lrc Ne\\cll III cOII ... lller ItlOn (If the (110Icnl1\ Wlllcll Ihe loscrs I.nrns \\tsl ~1.1f\ Alice \\CSl I hZl- \\()uM he expenellcte(~ll1her 12 thc d Ite 1'1.'1111:-') 1\ UUI • •• r ItIllcd the CIII1 ... t1lultull 1 hi .. ly Yea ..s a Uc~idelll S"a"lhmorc, He Succumbcd W cdncs,lay Evcning lo Hca .. 1 T .... ublc $2.50 PER 1,}37 WANTED-SOME NEW "UMPS" IIAllOLD E. B. SPEIGHT IHORNETS' SEEM Ol"cr I)uh tlf l\\ontillc rOld \\.IS lnled till' (.u\erll{lr of 1llr)lllld cup I FATALLY SUN1,( .I Ma ..yland Regulla CUI' l.... WORLD FRIENDS MEET HERE SOON Slaris Aug. 30 on 1000 Delcgalc~ Will Considcr C .. ucial Prohlems C... nlm~; I Win~ YEAR Confcrcncc .,1 h) Burgess Juhn II Pltllll1l chalrm 111, tu Ehn .IH:UtU r("IfI.III, d. III IIf men al S"'.lrlhmurl Colli gl, Ito "I I hurge of III( h""lnl Ihh (omllllll( ( fur II.. I rll tid",· "orld (ollf. rt 11("t! ",hu-h "'1111 II< hi Id II( re 111 S( pit ml,. r. Lightning Strlkc~ Tl\ice ill Boro 011 Sl.'l'tl.'111ht:r I ollC tholls UHI U1Ctll h<:rs uf tht.: SlJClcI\ of I rlllHh. [rolll 111 0\1: r Ihl' "odd \\ III g.lt her til S\\ IrthllHlre IS .1 foc tl lHunt for a \\urld confl'rt:llt:t \ preillllllllf) con ll'rl.'lIH If ftlf4. :lgn ddegltl.'s \\111 hc hl.'hl \ugu ... l 30 lIld 31 I hI.' gl:lIcr II nmfl.'fl'lICt.' \\111 ltq..~1II 011 Sqltemher I lIId rUII through ~t:"tl.'lIIher 8 AdllllS ~Ioll ttl IIll.:et ScsSl{lIlS of thc conftr eJlcc "Ill lIt h~ tlt:kct (luh hut thrl'C puhllc llI~ht 1Il<:l'lIllf.{S ,\111 he held III thl' S\\ Irthmore (ol1cg:e llchl House t'll I hursd l \ Sl'phlllhcr J :"luud I) Sqltcmhcr:l IIld lllesl'1lI I I IftJld B Spl.'lght, of S( nth SIIIl' of Iltt r lllroul hrtdge lIc.lr S,\ Irthlllllrc (ollegt.: IS cit urm HI of thl (. (llItgl I\lllUI' tU11nel \\ IS Int Ihc 1I""llIt Iltl\ COIll11l1l1ec SIX hUll \ strlJl t I h Irk \\ I'" tur11 dO\\1l the drl:u hot.... l... I host.' 11\ lUg ,along I flllH'" IIcl... I \\ lS III II < III I ~I1H Ion III 1'·20 7 Iha.: "Ollth sule uf D Irtlllouth IVt:llue I fl 1I1\\II1g thc \\ (lrld \V Ir 1\0\\ 1" It th II Plll11t could smell .l ~trotlg IlIllI lllC "'Irld I'" t Iced h) cruclII \Idur .. I . . Illt kl' I I 1 I I'Tt hlolls 11111 tht t:onierencc "III shHly It \\ I'" IIs{ rClorll'tl tilt s ItCS II( \\ hit IcllilIl I.flemls IS I rdlglOus ht:l'1I ttlrn from Ihe ronf of thc !,Ir~ ht (h ... hould t Ikl' 111 crillt: II ... ltU1tl0llS l hurch of (hn ... t SCll.:lltlsl (1II Ir (11 111111\ ot thc g-rc It COlllltnes o[ the "tllltt "hlll th( hmldlllg" ",IS "truck t Irth l-nl:lUl" h l\a.: I,eell st\ld)lll~ IIU\ 1)\ hghllllllg- lilt lit 1 40" 111 thc S.UBC prcp Irlllg for the t:Ollllllg coniercnce d l\ \mon .. th" tOIHCS to hc discussed at • l • !"> Ilc ....01" First Bridge 1I0110rs tht.: nlllllrcnce "III he l)lc SplrltuaJ ~ltss II-{C ll{ thl' St Cld of I rlelltis :\Ir" \ ~tlrton Iml ~Ir ... ]1 C (~n)ss\ I hI.' Indl\Hlull ChristI 111 tud the til (1 :\Ir IIHI ~Ir ... A 1 Arnold for St.ltc \tllll'\lIIg lCIII(l11l1t: Ju ... tt(C upkcl'p of the t:ollrh uses Ihout I)t}fh hrst pi In It "~t \Hek s 11lt:l.'tHig 01 \dllC\ 1111-{ 1\ 1t:111 Jusllt:e \cll1c 111~ .01 all funds r used If th!)~l' mlere:-.tl'd till' 111l1('~fll' :'\:Ight I rulge Cluh \VII IlItlrnllHllll1 JustlcC I Tll'nds 1I1d \\ 111 1111" r 11llkl It' nlnhllltnn thr. lIl,I, tcr J)lcIm 1111 lIHI Ilurellt:e Stlhler I dmil1tItI, IlIlernltl(lllll Looperl the t:tlurt ItlllJ(llIIts Of the h IIIk, tlllti I I lOti of I fit w!s sl (01111 ~'(lrk I.:.tll t:{llItlllm lhl hIll It::lgue \\ e r \\ll1llot hc Itllt:tl'tl IS HT\ httle IllIlIlC~ !I;, rl'(ltlIred Ilthough thne loout \\lttll 11I:s ~l1ll11g Itlg Cillue \\011 thel rIel It the 1111111 tI :\llles I~"cr 1~l.'g Ltl 1 Loud Boosters In DUIl1IJS Ul!l Borheld It St :\11t:h Ie).., :\ld list I nd 1) I B F' 'I I M k I) II k t: IliS t:llllstrllc I Ollg IIHI S Itnn) 1\ 'I .\ r G I I·oysT al Gu a c t.:d tltrl't: log c IIIOI'S IIld his bl'ell nOl III wo anu·s Ilrg 1 responslhlc tor thc rcvll.II of IIICII IH)IJlIllnt\ It rl'~lttl~ llollg- thcl Imll\ Ihc IhlTlIt:ts hold uluitsplltc(1 Cluh lou ..n.uncnl Dcl.tycd (hl'sllll.'llc 1:1\ the log clIloe \\llIchlpnsst ... sloll of list pllct: J)uflng the his ht:ell 11 ... t.:11 \\ Ith S lib SIllCC 17~O IS ]lIst '\l'l.'k tht:) lost tu Bortond Ilc In I dnd n lllll.'lIt of hoth thc Imll til c I tht SUlrt: of II 10 7 IIHI \\ere shut out Due to the.: nC<:lll \\et \\C Ilhu the I1Ill lIul thc slllmg t:r.lft lIst.:d In the h) ).trWloll:l ttl () :\lltlS Sll1glc~ lolllllllllent tl tlta.: llrilt:st \tlItrlt:lll st::ttll'rs \t t\\1 Iloll1t~ III Ibt S\\llthlll~re 1t:llt11~ Lluh III~ IntH held I'. glllle Ihe Ifllrlll.'t~ III] \\lIh glml~ IIt\\ so fll h<:I1I1HIsdicll hClded for 'Ittun hut IIlc thlt tilt: hUlls \\111 lH{lithl) hc At the Inn lonight tolll\\l'd elch Ultl"'l(ll Ihlrtolldllc pll)cd ~ltlll(ll\ \ugust 11 IIItl'.HI ul I shlr) of I p lin '" rc,l [u •• r 1IlIIl'S III tlll' tlllrd ~I till. IIUll tht: 1-Ilh ~Io ... t of the "'(lllt I pll~­ \ \ 0111 til s ~I 111 tu rllll1 thl If(lrlltt Il HI \J{ ~ to 2 In er ... Irc Ith 11l!.:ltIg" lccoldlllg t) t01111 dlltll the hlth Iht) C(lrul ll\t.: Illure filii" \ s soon I" tiC I I 1st lllitl IIt:~ 0 I t I \I~ I ltred scHl'll ~t Ir lIld I hoxlIIl-{ "\. 11111 "Ith Jolm Iltlhdi\ .\llrgUt.:r1te I I I ~I .. I \\ II I I 11 to dl1\dl 'Idun dtl'r thl.: Ilorlll.'h Itltlllltlillellt Ill' p l\l'( III CII!; dt: I I ~Iotte Ill{ I ICC 'Of( IS IC I I) II I 'I I I) II 1I I "III mO\H It thc StJ ltlt 11lVCII lnll at 815 11111 Ilklll thc Il HI In the COllllt of 7 011) CS Ill( .\ IX~ 011 I cs \\! 1.':-, tn (I 11I1s t:,ellll1g- l'nd I) lit IIICI rlills \ltre st:ond h) 1~lrf\ Ncw EXI.rce~ Ofhce 0IU·Iutlllcrc Iml SIJlkr \\ Ith 1\\0 l'.lch lIId I.llrkl' I 1~"lIllls l\1,lllv Hoonls 11{IJ(It.:rslIl1 Illd SUllth 1 Irn hulthrtt: Ihl 1\11)\\1\ IXIIII.'~s \g . . 1 \ Inc, A,.,iI.,hle lilts t lit.: III "Iud] \\ IS I dtluhlt lIul h I~ Ju ... t tlpt:llt.:d t 111.:\\ III Ifll h Iilcl' III Ihlld{'fsOTl 11It I trmlt: SIllier I,urkt Iht: 11l11hlll1~ \\Imh fUfllltlh lit lI~l'd \PI IHlIlh no\\ IS I !!;( od IlInc Smith lIHI \1Il11l1tll\ ICt:OlllltCtl for )lilt of thl' :\Iutd Store It South ttl l(hlrtl:-.e hlr I nltllll \(ltllpll 11111 flllllllllllg "lfl'lils Lhcstl'l rOld h.l1hlll I I \dolph ~ 1.lrh<:r SIll P I lut ... dl\ tht.: 11(lrlltts \\trl: hcl)lll.'~s I) 11 ilChllllll11 Int:" Ig:lllt 1,,!ta.:CIl pllttt! I lll"Slhcd ,,1\ lrtls<:IIH lit Ilttt)rc thl IHllhmg Ilf PIgc Hlrg !pllced III Chllgt: tIl Ihc S" I tlmulc III Iht u.IU1l11b nt I he S" IrthIdlll stlnd thnl: 111 tIll' thlnl ~I'SSInIlI\lllIle "Inch \\111 ~CI\e !lot thiS ilion III II~t "Cl k Oil ht h.ltt {II IIld 1\\0 III III{ ttJurlh \hru"s hid BOlt ugh hut the lllillt: (1I"tll t C{11ll tlllt t I lit" t\l"lolllt:r ... lIlt rlphl'''' lilt... ifill Sht.:lh I.trn lIul \\\lIft: Iliisul "{) 01 ~1()ltoll ~It \ I Illd l' II h \\ .. '" stoll I h ISC IS the SpI1IIghdd I til lilt: I h O)IJ(hH tl 1 h) the "llIdI Ih~ '1Ilng- 111111 ICCtIHd \\lrC so IIl1llllTtll:-. thlt \\C Irt: t Ilh tltlur t.IT(Il ... l\l gl"lure 1 s\\ Iltlllllllll' t:(JlIlIllIS~IOII Iglll II the Iht.: IlnnHts 1'11\ Ilo\d III Ch<:slel 1 IIh 0 III the hllslllt ... S IS 110\\ d 1t.:l1lg sun III cottld h l\l lot Ita.:<1 I 11Ita.: Iltxt 1m tll\ uill \\111<1,,)) the "'lIS()1I fl\11I thc luholtl ultll'~'Ihlt hllg- tillS 1110111 1I0t 0111\ IIlr hllllSt:1t hut Ihnr ... d" II I tlllll I nth ~IIIlCsltcnll d ullin Ihl' Sl11lC tlue.:k \\111 tic I lIr st: \l r II t rll' mb It Id hl' (Ic III IJll\ul l\\ 1\ II\t:t to Ihc ~lltl ,n ttl ?'\t:\\10\\1l . . . III lIC Sind 1'11'1111-: Ih II I'll pit \\111 lit thcr til "ntl' t" \\tll IS to tdlplwtlt. III rcs)ltlll~t to ljOIl or pcrbolls tuuml thl1ll IllO ... t ,lIu Ihll III hntlmg I III Irkt t for p{l~ ... esslolb nho 'HUll to rent. Teu roonl8, ..Icthitic~ of the the, tht:tnst ht:s t1~1 not Incd Collt~ge, good Sdlools, natural IIC..Ullit·S, (tnnlout tht:11 thosc Ire onl) I fl'\\ tl{ nUlllity life, excellcnt Irullsl,ol"tation facilities tha.: III III' \ lnul Illst Hlces 'II in all dit"cctions, good stores, «llIiet tltrcets. \\ ludl tilt "l' tII( "'-I'e lis 1\ t: httlt lib hrlll!!; ... Itl ... t ICtltlll to thc cllS It till r J list tt ICllhullC S" arthUrg(' YOllr fri('lIr1s who are looking for SOIll(' ,,'lll11l of \\ 1'lIl \\r11 Jtl\1l 1'11t ... hurgh fflllHb on I \\llk ~ II"hlllg- Ifll) ]II the Illtertor of C Il1ul, the II~t 11 1ft 01 tll1~ month :\1 r "\ OC\lIll h b JlIst cOlllpll'lt:(1 "IX ,\ t ck~ "unUIll r ~ch{lol t:onrse It thl: t.:III\CI~lt\ of 1'I'IIIls\h.lllIl III \\ork to" Inlills 1Il1slt.:rs dtgrcl III St:ptl'lIl ht r hl \\ III t"SUlltt: Ill" tIC It:hlllg dullc~ \t thl Pro ... pl'ct I'lrk IlIgh Schonl ,,11lrt.' hl' \\111 tl'lch IllIn Illd slCId ~tlUhls :\Ir \OCIIIll hi" htl'lI Itt.: Ich<:r * * * 111 thl' \\llll (.ru\e COIISt)lld Illd ~Irs (, \ Ih I.lll\ lilt! (Ib Ilenry Sth )(11 \\ cst (,Tml.' tor the I) lsi 1\\0 \ltrt:(1 01 \\ Illmt Ilile spent a \ e Ir:-. \\eek It 1 till) lIt ulll}:' C Imll ncar * • * (ormlh :-..: \ rl.'t:cllth Boltln J)(}(lr (It Plula1\\ IIld t1lughtn ~I tIll1 SIlHl 111t1l' :\11 Sll1glt\ 111<1 It \\ t 1]11 gt III I) \. Il:tt 't:sll'TlII) :\11" :\111111 \\t:r... tIIS~mltl.::-' It S\\ trth dtt:r \1"'ltlllg :\11s" :\Ilr~ Do\\ 01 thc llIl rc ColIl'gl.: Str.lth 11"01 Inn slllce lm~da} * • * ••• * * • *** *** :\Irs \\ Ilh llIl \ \\ Ill. ltln and :\Ir "HI :\Irs Pt:rn (. Gllhcrt lIld II mghtl' r ~11~s Catllcnne \Vhl' Itll') of d lUg:htcr~ Illrfll't lIltl JCSSIoC, of Park I he S\\ arthmof(' haH Just returned left \ \ cdllcsda), for RIdge from a tbnl' \\t:a.:b IlInlnr trill to Sara J "hcrc thn \\111 \lsrt ~lr log I Spflngs and through thc \\ lute IIld :\Ir~ Cllrl'nCe :\1 Johnson un1l1 ).h untams to har Harhor ~rc Suuda) e'elllllg I ~II~~ * *Channell * 1 hZlheth of ~e\.. 1\ nrk Oh hlrmerh of S\\arthmorc. ldt \\cdnestll\ alter a \\eeks "'W1!'!lt to :\1 ISS \UII Orr of :\It IIol)oke place :\1 bS Orr and her by\lest attended the l * * *(dhert returned Jcssl<: and Ilarnet on \\ ulnesda, {rom \1sumg Nancv Al g(r daughter of llr and :\fr!'! Paul K \Igcr of Park 3'CIIUC at the AIgt:r s cottage III Bndgeton, N J THE SWARTHMOREAN " --"-----Frescolns' to ter. Miss DorOlhy Brower, went down Miss ESlelle Slilh, of Miami, Fla., Iy. A. M.· Dryden alld daughter, May, N. J. Teel and George have iust Miss Rosalie Dryden, of Dartmouth recovered from the whooping cough. ' avenue', attended a family reunion last. " • I Friday evening at the home of Mrs.. Freder!ck Simons, of Park avenue, Dryden's brother-ill-law and sister, Mr. IS spendmg the month of August at and Mrs. George Saltford, of Collings- Camp Pocono, Lakeville. Upon his rewood, N. J. The birthdays of Mrs. Salt- turn this fall he will enter' George ford and her two daughters, Mrs. ·Sehool. Franklin Makells, of Mortofl, Pa., and dloaed Wecl- at 1 P. M_ hi rs. Henry McDevitt, of Philadelphia, The Misses Lillian, Elsie ·and Ethel 1 • Boyt, of Park avenue, are vacationing were celebrated. . For Week of AUgust 12th to August 18th at the Hotel Baldwin, Beach Haven, FREE~PARKING ~ACE FOR 1500 CARS Dr. Thomas K. Brown, of Dickinson N. J. a"'cnuc, left Sunday for Back Log * * P. Smalley, of Mr. and Mrs. *Alfred Camp in the Adirondacks. Yale avenue, will motor to New York * • • Libby's Deluxe PLUMS Granulated SUGAR state Saturday, August 21, to get their Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lueders, of No. 2 Largest Can. • I 0 lb. Cotton Sack ..•. North Princeton avenue, entertained granddaughter, Miss Jane Smalley, up· the following Swarthmoreans last Sat- on the completion of the six-weeks urday at their cottage at Avalon, N. ].: summcr session of the University of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Kite, Mr. Buffalo. Miss Smatley. a sophomore Dole PINEAPPLE UCO Fancy Melting 25 and Mrs. J. Donald Gibson, Mrs. this fall at the University of Pennsylvania, is studying paleology. PEAS-2 No. 2 Cans. . c GEMS-Tall Can ••••• Lawrence E. Davies, and Air. and Mrs. Charles DeHart Brower. * • Smith, o( Dan-II'!-----..--.."r--.-_ _ _ _ _ _I ' - - - - - - - . - - , n - - r - - - - - - J I I Mr. and Mrs. •Ralph II Mr. and Mrs. Ralph V. Little, Jr., of ville, III., spent a few days this week as the guests of Mr. and }'frs. L. C. HastKirktyn, will spend a week at the home UCO PURE GRAPE JUICE UCO Tiny MELTING of Mr. Little's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ings, of Westdale avenue. Pint Bottle .•.....•..•.....•••. JZc Ralph Little, of Park avenue, arriving PEAS-No. 2 Can. 15cl Quart Bottle ......•.......•... Z3c Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Carets, of August 14, during the .absence of Riverview avenue. have spent several Mr. and Mrs. Little, Sr., on a motor week-ends during the summer at II I II I trip through New England ..Mrs. Little, Lenape Village, an adult camp in the I Kellogg's is the former Miss Virginia Bassett, Poconos. WHOLE WHEAT Swarthmore. BISCUIT&-2 Pkgs•.•. Dr. and Mrs. Louis N. Robinson, of Mrs. John Bowditch, Jr., of Elm ave- College avenue, accompanied by their journeyed to New York last Friday son, Mr. Mark Robinson, were recent bon voyage to her daughter, Mrs. guests at Lenape Village in the PoUCO COFFEE UCO TOMATO JUICE R. Mansfield, Jr., of New York, who conos. Their son, Thatcher, is enrolled Steel Cut or Drip. • • • • C 224 oz. Cans .••••••• sailed on the American Trader, of the at Camp Lenape for boys, 011 Fairview Pound Vacuum Pack Can American Merchants Line, for England. Lake. J olm T. Collins, of Guernsey Mrs. Mansfield will be gone a month. II road, is also enrolled at the camp. I I • James B. Bowditch, of Elm avenue, Huut Club DOG FOOD Hershey's Chocolate left last Friday with Dr. Joseph Willits, Police and Fire Department News 5 lb. Bag ..•.•••..• of Ogden avenue, for the Willits SUIllSYRUP-Large Size Can 7c On Thursday afternoon of last week Iller home in New Hampshire. James at 2 :30 the Fire Company was called to -- ._._wilt he the guest of Robin Wiltits for 6 Ogden avenue where the roof of weeks. Tender Juicy CUBE 35 Charles R. Russell's trailer was dam1937 Genuine Spring STEAKS .•••.. Pound c Miss Mildred Simpers, of The aged by fire. At 5 :40 P. M. Friday, the LEGS LAMB ...... lb. Swarthmore, and Miss Elizabeth Lewis, 6th, another fire alarm was turned in of New York, left Saturday for a ten and the Company sent to a field fire vacation. They arc taking the May- at Yale avenue and Haverford Place. Half Plum and Half Peach No. l-(Large Size) N. Jersey At 10:10 P. M. Sunday John J. Freiflow,,, Tour in New England. NECTARINES 15 muth, of Chester, was warned for imNEW POTATOES $115 Large Size ..••• 6 for c I 00 lb. Bag •••••••• C • proper passing at Chester road and Swarthmore avenue. On Monday at 1 :30 P. M. the car o( Joseph Welsh, Holmes, collided with BALTIMORE PIKE AND HIRST AVE_ Alice Putnam, daughter of Mr. and EAST LANSDOWNE Mrs. Allen L. Putnam, of Maple ave-"Where Quality is Top and Prices Are Bottom" nue, who was riding a bicycle. The bicycle was damaged and the child, who TUESDAY--PROFIT SHARING DAYS--THURSDAY was slightly scratched, taken to her 2nd Award 3rd, 4th, 5th Awards lat Award home by the driver. $10.00 $5.00 $25.00 At. 11 :15and P. James M. Tuesday Linwood 'rownsend White, of Ches.1 * • • •• GIANT TIGER ••• Yz • •• ••• ••• It It ••• 23 3t ••• 21c I=-________________________________ Tele- SHERIFF SALES Shcriff's Offi<.'e. Court HOUBC. Media. Pa. Friday. August 27, 1037. 8::10 A. M .• Eaatl'rn Standard Time JUliO Term, 1937 I..ot \\ ilh imllroycmell's in Upper Darby TWI)., Del. Coo. Pa.. begiul1l11g at, point on s. W. side Sllrlll~loli Rd. (40 ft. wide) S. 28° 24' 21" E. 711.!!~ ft. &: S. along a line curving to tho lell '''Ih a radiu~ of 140.28 ft .• the arc diKlaul-': of 7S.10 ft. &; S. along a line curving to the ril.:-ill wllh a radl.us of 1-:10.28 ft. the are dititilllll! Itf 78.16 fl. &: S. 28 D IH' 21" E. U2_fllI ft. from the S. E. side Bradford Rd. (-10 ft. wide). thenl'O extending along the said side of Springlon Rd. S. 28 D 24' 21" E. 10 ft. 10 II 1I0int. then('C extending of that width be'W(,CIl ['Jarallel lincs 5_ 610 35' 30" W_ 82.50 ft. to a point in center Hne 0,( .10 fL, wHle drh·cway. logether with right in driveway_ This is a Good Buy-$6850 No. 52 All Ihat <.ertalll lut or plele of ground with the buildllltrB anti imllroVemcnhl thereon ered· cd ~ltllatc at Siltiligfieid. in the Township of SpringHehl. in the County of Delaware and State of PCllnl-lYh·ania.. being kuown and' num· bered Lot No. 201 on a certain plan 'and SUM"ey made by J.;'ranklin ami Company. C. E .• ROBERT T. BAIR Philadelphia, Peno8J."IV3I1ia. on FeIJruary 19. Exclusive Agent Phone 211 In:!a, and recorded in the Offioo for the Re· cortling of Deeds, &e.. ill and for the CounLy Delaware in Plan File Case No.2, page MRS. A. QUINBY & SON of 16. and dcscribed aeconling thereto as follows 10 wit: Situate on the southeasterly side of lOSEPB E. QUINBY Forcst I"oad (forb-fivc feet wide) at the dia· t:mce of one hundred forty·seven fret and ftftyRYe one·hundredths of a. fool measured. south FUNERAL DIRECTORS fitly·two de~s, fllty·four O1ioutefl. twenty ~('OI\(I!'I Yo'NI{ alontr the S:lirl "ide of Forest BELL PHONE 4 MEDIA, PA. road (rom a IUllllt of tallJ!clJt IIf :1. ~rcle form., .n;:- the conlt"r of Fore"t road and Springfield I 3'"Cnue. Containing in front or breadth along-: the said side of Forest road I'outhwestwardly flfty feet. and ez:tending of that width in 1[>lIIrtll or dcpth southeastwardly between par. allel lines at right lUlgles to the Mid Fores' road one hundred thiru feet. I I J. I A. Wayne Mosteller Electrical Contractor 58 PETER E. TOLD General Insurance .17 DARTMOUTH AVE. c:ons~st ImprovemcnbJ of two and one.half slory Slone and frame hOUBC. 21z:2-:1 feet; side (Joah; garalre. 18z:18 foet. Sold as the property of Henry B. Hunt, mortgagor, and Jobn H. Acheson and Ella F. A<.beson. bitl Wife, terre tena.nt. and real owners. J. H. WARD HINKSON. Attorney. NATHAN P. PECHIN, Sheriff. DR. CHAS. HEARNE PASSES AWAY • The Swarthmore ludians defeated the Comets, Wednesday night, in an exhibition game of box lacrosse by the score of Lived Here Thirty Years; Re- 6 to 3. The ol}ening game of the regldar tired Philadelphia Physician'8 season will be played on ,"rcdnesday, Practice Three Year8 Ago August 25, when the Indians tangle \\·ith the Philadelphia Lacrosse Club. I Dr. Charles Sheppard Hearne passed Colonel Frank Hyatt of the Pennsylaway shortly after 6 o'clock Tuesday vania Military College has given his evening, August 17, at his home, 322 enthusiastic support to the team. Home Map!e avenue, where he had suffered games will be played "under the lights" a long illness. .t the P. M. C. polo field, 17th and! Born in Laurel, Del., January 8, Chestnut streets, Chester, 1863, Dr. Hearne was educated in the For the past three yea ... s, Porter Waite public and private school~ of Laurel and his team have used Swarthmore as and \Vihningtoll, Del., at \Vilmington a home base. Due to complaints from Conference Academy, Dover, Del.; and s~m~ Swarthmor~ns and the lack.?~ a Jefferson Medical College, Philadel- I playll1g field havmg adequate facilities. "hia. In 1901 he married Ray C. Nor- the team .was moved t? Cheste~. All home ton, of Philadelphia, who died in 1927. games will be play~d ~n that city. 82_50 PER YEAR , FRIENDS TO HEAR NOTED SPEAKERS SITE OF FRIENDS' PUBLIC MEETINGS "Indians" Win Opener II Three Evening Meetings Open to Public During Friends World I Conference !, "The Il1dh'idual Christian and The has been announced as the topic I for discussiQIl at the first open meeting, Thursday night, September 2, 8 :15 p. m. of the Friends World Conference which will convene in Swarthmore and . Ha verford on September I. '1'. Edmund I Harvey, memb~r of the British Parliament, former chairman of Friends Council of International Service, au· . thor and lecturer on religious subjects and Henry]. Cadbury, Hollis Professor of Divinity at Harvard ..Uiliversity. Chairman of American Friends Service Committee from 1928.. 1934, will be Dr. Hearne retired three years ago SCHOOL REGISTRATION the noted speakers at this meeting, from his physician's practice in Philwhich is the first of three which wilt be IS URGED adelphia. For a l1'Umber of years he had held in the Swarthmore College Field offices in The Blenheim. 1632 Chestnut The SW8rtlunore Collel[c Field lIoul-ic where the Ihr"!c publie meetings House, and will be open to the public. Swarthmore Public Schools will street, and later in the Aldine Trust of the appr_o_B_c_hillg ~!~~~~"~~~_rl_d_C_o_n_f~r~_n_ce_~_il_l_b_~.~e:.:l.::d.::._ _ __ Joan M. Fry, of London, England. will open \Vednesday. September 8. The Building, 1930 Chestnut street. preside at this meeting. High School session will begin at 8 :35 No Movies at Inn This Week Coming· to reside in Swarthmore in A.M., Se!'sions of the Grade Schools On Sunday, September 5, at 8 :15 p. 1908 he lived for a \Vhi1~ on Kenyon witl begin at 8:50 A. M., according to m. the conference and interested perOn account of other activities at the avenue before removing to the Maple an announcement made by the Supersons will hear Herbert G. 'N ood, HulStratll Haven Inn this week-end the avenue address. vising Principal, Frank R. Morey. scan Lecturer in the University of regular weekly movie program has Surviving are a son, Charles. Jr., of All pupils who are entering the been cancelled. C.n1bridge, 1933-1934, Director o( StuSchedule Closes This Week; ExMaple avenue. and three daughters, Swarthmore Public Schools for the dies at \Voodbridge Settlement. Birpect Upland Postponement Mrs. \VilHam K. Taft, of Elm avenue', first time are requested to register ·mingham, England, and Elton TruePlayoff Tonight Mrs. Robert C. Witliams, of Berkeley, at the High School office between Au- Has Swelled Feet Instead of Head blood. Chaplain o( I.eland Stanford Cal.; and Miss Florence Norton gust 30 and September 3. AU pupils University, E1itor of The Friend, speak We understand a local preacher was Hearne, of Maple avenue', a brother, registering should bring with them Rain washed out the Hornets' sched- on "The Spiritual Message of The Rerather uncomfortable in the pulpit last Dr. Roland Hearne, of Narberth', and :their vaccination and birth certificates uled game with Upland, Thursday ev- ligious Society of Friends". Charles Sunday. Farm life is great, but then ':l11ug. • Th e I~~Jornets spent t I h a sister, Mrs. T. Jackson \Valler, of and if entering from another school. lC · mg t ~1. \Voodman. of Richmond, Indiana. one should be a little careful to avoid . Laurel, Del. their transfer papers. It is most imin the library reading ancient history. will be the presiding officer at this walking into yeltmv jackets nests. I n t Ile arc Ilives . f 1906 t h ey came upon ortant that new registrations be com, , , 0 :leeting. T he Rev. J. Jardcn Guenther, rector P lit.ted by Se(ltember 3 in order that the story of the "Hitless "ronders", as ( The last open meeting of the Conof Trinity Church, Swarthmore. will 0 n W est ern T np • there may be time for examining erethe \Vhite Sox of that year were called. ference witt be held on Tuesday. SepAi o ciate at the services which will be held at Oliver Bair's, Chestnut street, dcntials presented at the time of reDr David McCahan, of Stratll Haven The lesson sank home. 'I'uesday. at tember 7, at 8 :15 P. M. Seiju HirPhiladelphia, at 2 o'clock this after- g:strati~n s~ t~at new students may be aven~e, leaves today for Denver, Colo., Chester, they compiled six runs on kawa. Clerk of the Japan Yearly Meetnoon. Friday. Interment will be private p a~ed . 1tl t elr proper classes at the where he will attend the annual Conven- five hits and defeated Lloyd by the ing, Khalil Totah. Principal of the at \Ve5t ~iturel Hill. begll1~lIng ?f the seho?l tcrm. I tion of the National Association of Life score of 6 to 1. The Hornets scored Friends School. Ramal1ah, Syria; • I • • It 1S desl.red that Kmuergarten l?u- I Underwriters meeting there August 22 to ~ BC in tI~c first, three in the fourth James G. Douglas, Member of the --'--II CI b D " plis be reglstered at the sam~ period, 'l'7 At the conclusion of the convention :lnd two ttl the fifth. Abernathy held Senate of the Irish Free State from B a...,.... u eliCIt IlUt I·f • I t h at .IS a b soIuteI y ·ImposSI·bl e 1&.1· he will tray.cl to the west coast and visit' the Lloyd. boys to stx hits and kept 1922-1936; Per Sundoerg, Founder ot ' . •• j registr~tion can. b~ "made with. Miss Eortland._Ore. .. Seattle. Wash .• Sa!l~Fran:- "ti!~~_" ~w!.Y.,"""fr'?JI1 t_he p"el\~~"gOl1 until the Progressiv~ ~ducation School at Andrianaiy, W:th tJ,e .-recent contrtbutl~tls Of" M arg~ret I:.. Pncc at the' opellmg of cisco and Los Angeles Cal. and Phoe~ix. !he s~xtl~. ~Ioyd scor·ed it~ 10~le tall,. Viggbyhotin,""~ 'Sweden; Haney ~. PJerce and Rodney Mills the the Kmdergarten term. Arizona, where he will address varIOus 111 thiS mumg, but by thiS time the Teacher at Ambohijatovo in Tananar~~neSts.IIB$als06eban Club fund now t o t a l s ! . • I • insurance groups in his official capacity of game was "i~l" the bag" for the Hor- ive, Madagascar; Shoran Satya Singha, V.M.C.A. Secretary for Indian Students . tI . under the goal ~nd. the LIbrary Beopens Monday dean o( the American College o( Life lIets. se.ason IS practIcally over. Contributions Underwriters. Ul}on his return to Swarth• . in London. England; will contribute to wIll be very weicome-and .can be left at The Swarthmore Public Library will more on September 12 he and Mrs Mc- . Shelly, Henderson, Burke, 1fcWll- a symposium on "What Quakerism Edward L. Noyes' office or at The reopen Monday after a two weeks' va. • k ·Y k hams, Wolfe and Abernathy brought Means To My Country". Henry Van Cahan wlll spend two wee s at or. h B k I d th t Swarthmore~n. cation Those who wish to avoid the C L L k M . bef ur I . amp, oon a e, e. returnmg ore III . t h e counters. ·tl t f t·e e H ed swa Etten, of Paris, France, will preside. I • rush on the opening days can leave • f h Wh t S 1 I f smlt s WI I wo sa e les, en erson. The committee in charge of the ar_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' -_ _ _ _ _. . . . . . . the opcmng 0 t e a r on c 100, 0 Smith and Abernathy had the other .. books 111 the box outstde the Library the University of Pennsylvania where . rangements for the Friends World door . D r. Mc Cahan WI·11 resume h·IS teae h'mg safe wallops. Conference has made formal announceBEWARE OF THE OWL • I • duties. This victory landed the Hornets in ment that these meetings arc open to Club Finals Due TOlDorrow I I • a tie for sixth place with Lloyd, with the general public. The College Field A new Swarthmore saying could be: iour vicotries and eight defeats. House accommodates 3000 people.' "The screech owl will get you if you The two. favorites i!l t~e Swarth-; The Hornets were scheduled to end Loudspeaking equipment wi1l enable all don't watch out!" more Tellllls Club men s smgles tourI season a t L emu. TI lurs d ay. 1'1ley present to hear the speakers. (lC Tc du Ebr . Iast season's h c amd . U Residents of several sections of the narnent, . d P B k 1937 F h' ,lave the postpone game With pI and pion, an res .uc manourt I remaining, which is expected to be town have been awakened nights of late by one of the two calls of locai of ~~ly fi~als fi wJluner j .a~c upp;rmost, Local Players Under Summer !>layed l'·riday, as their concluding c. 11 aBrc ue tod I Recreation Program See Phil.. number for 1937. screech owls. Or it IDay have been awaltmg Bt .ell Jllha s, w 11B 0 nsotl, 1 rown a n . .. C I the food call of the young which is still morrow. I Howard Bonsal1 are still in the runles Meet St. LOUIS ar( 8 Lloyd A. C. different. lIing. Thursday Turk, 2b ............ 1 0 0 1 0 0 Former University of PennsylIf you a~e uneducated in such mat-I All club members who have not as . Levy, Jb ............. 3 1 2 0 0 1 vania Athletes to Train tcrs Y?U w111 ha~e to solicit o!le.of.Dr. yet signed for the men's doub!es al~d, 'rhrough the courtesy. of Pr~sld~n~iC.rielly. If ........... 3 0 1 1 0 0 Swarthmore Teams ~rancls . Harper s excellent lIlutatlons !mixed doubles tournaments, winch wdll Gary Nugent, of the Philadelphia Na : Ashby. ri. . .......... 3 0 1 0 0 0 1State" I I I HORNETS SMACK CHESTER TEAM ---..,...,...,--- n: I $ ., COLLEGE ADDS TO COACHING STAFF If yo~ t11sist on knowing just which follow immediately upon the comple- tiona I League team, the t.lOYs who h~ve I Zclesllick, 55 ••••••••• 3 0 1 1 2 1 Considerable interest has been arou<;ed one .dlsturbed your sleep. Which ever tion of the current matches, are urged been pla~ing baseball 111 the JU)I1I?r \-Vright. cf. . ........ 3 0 1 1 0 0 among local alumni and ardent sports oue It was you probably thought it was to do so before tomorrow neon, Sat-I League Will be the guests of the [hl1> 1Petillo, lb. • •••••..•. 2 0 0 6 1 0 fans by the announced coaching appoilltau unearthly racket if you were kept urday at the bulletill board at the lies as members of the Knot Hole Gau.g Ryan, c. . ........... 2 0 0 6 0 0 t d b 'I k Maclntosh Athletic "'va k e b Y. I·t. B ut you got a ff easy at Swarthmore ., Lom" D ow I·mg, p. .....•.... 2 0 0 2 2 0 men s rna ofe Swarthmore y" ar , College men's courts. I \V h en th e Ph·ll· lies pIa y the St . Sam; Director College. that. caSler anyway than did Mrs., whuc the sixty members of the tennis Cards on Thursday of next wee~. ~ - - - - Three former Penn athletes have been Charles E~les, of Dickinson avenue. She club enjoy the game. The memberShip' automobiles have been p~o~lI~ed r~ Totals ............ 22 1 6 18- 5 2 added to Swarthmore's coaching staff for returned 111 a hurry from the Harvard ~ IS vear has been limited. !transport the boys to the Plulhes Pa_ Swarthmore I the 1937-1938 season according to this avenue corner 0 f l · · · · · . I . A few more are needed. Anyone gOlllg ler street With a In addition to the three trop lies ld b k' I gl Shelly ss ........... 3 1 0 2 2 0 announcement. Lew Elverson, 1936 va!"bump on her head as a result of a which will be awarded in the men's to the game wi~\\~v~~ thee b~1(s e~~~:uk Stauff~r, 3 0 0 2 2 0 sity .llId l"ruIIl 1\(;UlI":'" .Irte \ I..: ltllllllng: .It St{lllt: Illrhllr :\ I unU! ~qlte:lllhir I ~Ir Il'/-.: III h.l . . rcluflll,:tl from thl..' :'\ IUlIIIII {.l1lnt C \IIII' .11 Illth.lIlhm1t (~.Ip • ~h I>UIIII <11111 dllid \'IIII..:,\\c S.ttUl- a\CI1I1I.:, .1H.:tllll .lttcmlcd.1 f.lImh 1.lst (C1I1II01) I \\.11111.11 hU11i .It hltl\\IIIg- * * * f.11 r.lsl dtl\lllg- ',lit.: .llul I}.uk '111(1 1 I\C s * ~Ir cllllllli \\t.ck h.l\c to 1.lh:r t1.1h:s \ 01" IX, on. M. For Week of August 12th to August 18th Libby's Deluxe PLUMS No 2 Largest Can Granulated SUGAR 10 lb. Cotton Sack Yz It I UCO Fancy Melting PEAS-2 No. 2 Cans Dole PINEAPPLE GEMS-- rail Can • •• 1 I * •• • •• It It * 3Ie I 7c • * • • •• $115 15c =======1 1 CLASSIFIED J ~ I'OR RENT F OR RENT-Four ["00015 nnd bath, open porch Insulated lnells apartment Telephone Swarthmore 18:,6~O=.==-.== FOR RENT Two ullfurlllHhed housekeepIng npartment.'i for September occupancy Telephone Pennypacker 4442, evenings Swarthmore 489 FOR RENT-8ulte of rooms In private house lU'Rr collc!-\:e Arran!-\:pd for hOUHekecplnj:; Hvtng room with porch kitchen with electric refrigerator two bedrooms and bath Garage Hp8ce for Olle car Telephone Swartiullorc 64 before 9 A M FOR RENT Large sitting room with connecting bedroom sultuhle for professional mall or teacher Telephone Swarthmore 539-M f'OR RENT-File room alU\rtment on the Hill Sel)temb('r 1 TdellllOllC Swarthmore 806-J c\enings or 412-J'c_co=:::====== SAl liS SlIl-:ltlrl ,Iff,.. 011111 1;h I' Iltll \ Hili \ I'l "'h~hl Cllllri ,"tlill SI ultilltl Ji lUlU (:",,,1111011 S.O Otl , I II 01, \l;rulu tl check 111111 • t ,,11t '"111,,, "lluI\\1 I ..,lllt I 111 Ih,'II,lIItlll) "tim .. lit hu III)" Othe! II till hlll1l1" 011 tl n or !i \Jlh , FOR SALE 1'1 III .. 111111"_ Ifill ltd I lit It ~"IIII .. ;, liEU' W AN'I ED HELP WANTED Experienced mnld geu('ral housework Reference Live In Begin September Rel)ly by letter Box C rhe SwarthllIorean dll\1 IO~tlll(l 1I0AlUlIN'. 1111/110\ >12,000, NEW PRICE No 11-1 I>trk \venu(> Unll resldence and \partment ThiS home lor"ted In J\partment Zone IS to he sold Immediate)} Can Finance to SOr:- 11 rooms With '\llt 3rd flOaT all In good condlhon (ht heat Inspect thru ItOnF.n.T T n\iR Fxclusl\e \J:cnl phone 211 luns • A• J • & QUINBY JOSEPII E SON qUINBY • 'UNERAL DIRECTORS BEll. PIIO~F I l'IEDI\, PI\ A. Wayne Mosteller Electrical C01ltractor Telel.holle S"arllimorc 58 PETEU E. TOLD Gelleral Insurance 117 DARTMOUTII A \ E. S~aI"thmorc 1833 ""Indiant;" '''in 0l,ener PASSES A \11 A Y I COllld" I'he s\\ IIth'1101 \\ lc!lIV.. t 1) 1\ Inch HITE NOTE]) (Illt.: Itld tIll til I.'xll1hl I" thl "'IOf{ (II 1Il" IIIght Here Thirl} 1(1111 .' ~Ie.'tings I'uhli.· J)urilll( Fri"IIII" Cnnl.-..t,u.'c Three E\t'ning Year_; \11 h.I ... 1.1 N., 01 011 1"111111 1,1111 lilt! "'111 \ (' III ItI, In to I 1111,1111 III/ C.,IIII':1I1\ c h i 1'1111 till 11,111 I '"<:nn,,\1\ Hill "II ... hrUlf) 1'1 1'1', \Il,1 'ItOJd.,1 III llit Olll~ (til 1111 H. of lit, tl" ~. III 111'1 (01 til( CUlInl\ ,,( lit I 1\\ II. III 11111 .. lit C 1"1 Nil III~( I I IIld ,/(s'flh(tl \(~ul~llII_ Ih(I(ln hmult, Ith .. ,,( I '" 'I 11)( I IIr.'t1 """lh .1 11 .. '" f1fl\ 111111 UlUl1l1 t", 111\ "It \\'''1 11,11 III IlI ... II• • f ",,' I I It I 11 III I I' '1111 f ' "' 1.1 I II I (,,1111 Ih, ... 1111 01" I. I rOIl>! lilt !-II nil_lui.! '\'11111 (, III 1111111_ III fr 111 " hft "llh dnll .. 1111 suo/ "Ill IIr r"n"! r"I,1 "l\Ilh\\( .. I" Inlh IIfl' f.1 lIul ':>;ltll,111I1: flf Ihal \\lIllh III I II lh OIl .jr l'lh .. IlIlht 11'1\\ Ir,lI\ III I\\I~ n I' If lilt I 1111 s II rl_hl II' II .. I" the l'wl turt"'l ru "I UIII hllnlr,d IllIfl) fl'ct It\ "I, hfl\ 1\\, Inllln\tIlIlUI" '1111" ..1 "' 1\\. Sol .. lII"fl I" Iht ,or \. ht '-un '''''I'lrh nll! hi" lohn II \\ II, II an. I -:lx~1 ,,111,111\ "lit 1(('1 II litH "'ult IInnl \, t\( III Illd f II, ~ rn It IHUI\~ ami IT t1 11\\ lit I" I II \\ \HIJ 'II~K~O;S !I: \TII \!I; I' \tturnt) P.CIII~ FOR YOUR GROUP PICNIC OR EXCURSION ~af,', IlIIII .·.·ullumi.·al "ay fOJ' "hurehes, .d1()OI., "'uhs, alhl,·li .. "'.1111, OJ' olh .. l· I-(I·uul'. 10 11·'\\,cI. \\11 ... 1.. ,\ ,.,Iull 111<1 (rlllli 11 .. 11 .... )ttl. h II I_I ll"xlS ft'Cl CHARTER A BUS h foll" .... s SltUI! till lIlt 1111111( I!'/(II\ "'Itl. u( "'It ... ' lOll' 'f",t, Il\t (I'll \\uh) 111111 .11", 1111" "f"l11 1111111 ... ,1(,11\"'\11 fl'llllldhfl~ It! Slun£{ 0llen to W",1d Ilit I" HIli tI l hn,tl III l1HI 111\ hl"b l lll 11111 unut! I" tlil tUplC I II1->tl1" 1,111.11 till !lr . . 1 (Il't.:l1l11lttlllg 1I1ght Slpltlllhl.:r 2 X 15 \l 111 III till I f1llltl .... \\ orld l tll1ft n ncc \\I11J.;h \,111 t. '11\~l1l III s\' Ir'lllIIOrt: uHI II I\lrlonl 011 Slptl'lIIlJlr I I I dlllulHl 111f\n II1llllhlr til tlil I'TlII .... h I'lrh.l\Ill III lorllli r l h IIIIlJ III 01 I f1llld ... It unlll 01 Inll.T11.11H1Jl11 St:nl":t.: ItIthor 111(1 illtllnr 011 nhl-!I\lu ..,lIhJ..:..:h lIId II(.'lln I l nlhun 111.:)111 . . I'rtlfl.'''...or 01 \)1\11111, It 11.ln.lnl LIli\lrslt\ II h !lrlll III of \1IIt.'Tlt. III I Tit.' 1Hb Scn I n COIllt1lIlIl:l Iron PJ28 lc)H ,,111 he tht.: lIulul . . p..: Iklr.... II till . . lIIl..:tlllg. \\hlt:h 1" Ihc hr..,t (If thrt..: \\Inch \\111 he 1 hi III tht.' S\\,lrlhlllllrc ColIlgl l'ldd I lOll,,": .mll \\111 III OIH 11 to Ihl' pubhc 1(1oI11 ~I (It 1111It!OIl I IIglllld \\ Itt II 111111 Ill' l'oTll 111 ,tUrd I h I J l!ltI In N I Cll'..,l1lUt "tre:ds Cht "tcr i IWd I)r Ilc.tnlt.: "I'" l'dm.lI(.'d III Ihl I (II Ihe: pI.,t thllt: H 11 .... Port(.'1 ".ntt.: 1 IlIIhlu..: Illd nrl\.111.: scllOtll ... (,f 1..llInl lIul III ... 11.: Ill) h1'C u..,cd ~".llttll11t)rC .1'" ilId \\IIIIlIllf.!tOlI 1)(.'1 .It \\Jl11I1IJgtnll ,I hOllle hl..,e: IJm 1" lUlllplll11h fl4l1l11 (1IIIcrcllct.: \l'.HI":III\ )}(l\tr I)ll ,111<1 SOllie S"arthlllor(.'.lIb .11111 th(.' Ilt.k of I Ittr r..,nn ~1((llcti ColI('g..: I'llIil(ld- PII\IIIg- fll'll 1J.l\l1Ig .ukq1Jatl Illlhtl(-' pili I In I ()(}I ht.: 1Il.lrncd ".n C :'\(lr-' tlt(' tl.'.tlll " ..... lIul\cd 10 (hl',tlr \11 lu)Hll 1011 of Plnl.ulc1plll.1 \\ho dlt:d 111 1927 d! 1I11l .... \\111 hc III.nl't! 111 tllli {l1\ II. l)r Ill.lfllt.: rt.:tlrl't1 thrl..'l' \l.lr.., .Igo SCHOOL REGISTRATION [rom his ph\ !>1t.:!.11l S pr.lctlCl III PllIlIS UUGED Ieldphl I For.1 1JullIht.:r (It \ t IT'" ht h.ld ofhct.:s III I hl BIt.:llht.:1l1t lfil? Chestnut 'I h. SunrthlliUrt f nllt:,.::t I It: hi I luu"{' "ht rt. tilt thr. I IllI),lu nit. t IIIIA'''' S\\anhlll 1r.... Puhllc !'ll hUll).., ,,111 stn el .111<1 Iller III Ih(.' \1£1111(.' 'I rtlst of till' "I~I'r(l.IC'hlll~ I rU'tHI",' "urld Cunfert'J)( t' "III lit ht·ld. PCII \\t:dtl('sd.l\ Sl..'pllmhl'r H 'I he BIllIdlllg 19.111 Clasl.tttt sln..:1 Iltgh School "'C""IOII \\111 be.::gl1l It l{ Vi No \Uo\i •• s at Inn Thit; "cck ORNETS I)rtsuil..' .11 till . . lIIe:ltlllg l (1lI1l11g to flsHlc 111 S".lrthlllorc U1 \ St:S . . lllII" of Ihc SCh(lllls ()Il Stlnd 1\ 5 .It N 1:"1 P 1l)OH hI..: lnt.:d for .1 ,,11I1t.: 011 Kt.:II\OIl "III hcgm .It to! SO \ ~I .tct:llnhng to () I (I f ( I II Il'r IC I "Ill" I CHESTER TE til Ihl l(llIf..:rtlJ(e.:: l1ul mttertestnl I'cr I I t I1(' a\('lIt1l hl'fnrc fl'lI1o\l1Ig to tilt: ~llpll..' .lll .1II1l0111lt.:elllt.:Ut Ilhldl I)\ I III..' SUjI('r I S n I .1t.:COUII II I I k I 11,1..... :J "(III . . \\111 h(.' Ir IItrhl'rt (. \\ IIP(t 111,1 , 'I Ir It I "('II Illl t 11'> \'U': llH .n t.: IIU(' ,{(I(.'11 IlIldl1l!.! 01 thc ConOn Wes"'rn Trit. C I I ofh(IIH .It thl Sl..'nlCl:S \\llIt.:h \\111 hc tlerc I1M\ I)1 1I1lIl' lor cxallllllll1g crl..'I I c \\ IIltt.: .,oxoltlll \e.::.lf\\e:n C.l II 1.'( I tlrtllll \\111 hi ht.ld Oil IUl ... d" SlPhilt! Lo("ul Plavers Under SUJluncrlPI l\c(1 }'II(I,I\ Is thl.'lr conduillllg ., J "f, ..: ,I, 0\\ I:-. 0 r II lila \ Ila\c I)I.'CII .1".t.1 11. II (. o l ~I I :\Ic\\ Illt.lIlIS o punt 7(1 \ Iftl.., 10 the l" rl () II1IIlltOll sll1(e.:: lS9..J I)r Ilarpt.:r our Snulh CllIster road dt.:rl'atc(lth(' I Igk ... ~-~ 111 I \\( P I\~f \) 1 o I o CltftOlci I (1'.11) Dum Ul .I,,"'I:-.t lilt >EVI,rE~. BOX' L.\CROSSE <~ llllC 011 I Tld.1\ I • ..,t llal kson 11 thl.' Smith I..' I I n Itura ""t d lJ111:-. to h 1\( hc.lnl I ) ' ' ' ' ." l-o l I I \I \I ) I hm coach II !"10m 111 Ihe d 1\:-. o! I ou PII Ite.., held thc I \~ll.'s to 1\\0 hi I \ IIt.rnat I1\ Jl II 0 \) () I) , \ 01111,..:: IlId Iud \\ fa" \\as n3 3 I 1 11(' announcemcnt ot Director ~lac ; 4;,:; ... Y2 I 111ft ... h e.lltle ,b a great ,urpflse to Itlo:.t (. It... all \ l n 1I1tcrcstmg but. "l Porter Waile, "ell-kno~n Swarlhmore lIumher onc pIa\ er dnseh loI10\\t:d 1)\ erg( (} Han C\ Buckman 'I he :-;e.::llll-finals "till I.,lma ; ,hould thmk nWft.: pleasant to hc told sport!S promoter, ('hampion of the 100000i person!'i hUI hrought great hope ano pka .. 417 5 7 he pla\ 1..'<1 thiS Fnda, and the final-. on Bortolldale ~hnut It 1)\ Dr Harp('r and those" ho IlJornets baseball leam and the Indians 311 r. 1 life.:: to those faithful Garnet rooters "ho 4 8 Satunla\ TillS \\ In mark the clos(' ot LIO\·d tce) It to he a sign that the Col1e:gc sports ~ItHh such thlllg's than to run the risk box laeros!!;e group, "ho has just B3 6 4 8 the tentHs "cason nnda Ihe ~ut11mcr I S\\ arthmorc of pro\1dmg Ilk ..• ~I rs I ale:-. another opened a bit belated Beason oE box 273 60l program b defimteh 011 the "UJl and 111)' 8 3 I t:\)land RecreatIon Comrtuttl..'c ConfirmatIOn to sCience la("roue in thi!'1o t'ection. I ~I Gr~Hlc H SMA(:1£."\. rn ~":IItll1lhlr AM I I) I Is S T() , 1'111 Ihll .111111 1'1 III I"t.( IIf ~lolll1d \\1111 IIIII1.lIn . . 111'\ 11111 11I\,lIIt III tlHf(tlll trl,l ,oJ "'111111< II SPllll_" II III Ih TU\\II"hlll " ( SIIII) h.loI III I II COlli h 01 Ihll\\ lit 11111 SIll. or "11111"'\1\ 11111 hlill lUI \\11 111.11111111 til HEAR SPEAKERS 111 " I." WlU. S. BITTLE I '0 FOR SALE-English Sprillger Spaniel pupplcs fotlr females sacrificed at $20 each for (Iulck sale f IllC hunters Robert T Balf 211 Cornell avenue BOARDING-Convalescent Aged ImaUd Chronlr. 24 hour Ilun;e s sen Ice Porches 9';> acre> J!round Tcleph~le Medin. 79 CHAS. HEARNE BIG LEAGUE GAl\1E III 1Il1lIU\llJltlll~ t:CJ lit I ",,1 21), 19:n 52.50 PElt YEAR ~~~==========~==~~====== OF l'UIENUS' l'IIHLH MEETIN(;S FIUENDS TO HWAUTIlr.lOUI,. I·A •• AIII,ITsT I II hlln Itlm "11. /,t ~ ____ I" I. "'I 3 I tit 1/....11111.: of hox 1100 "C Re. (, 10 J tired '-hiiadell,lIia Phvsi(Oian"t§ Tilt: ()!'l'11II1! ,.!IIIH tl\ tIll Ilglll'll Pradi("c Thre •• Yca;s Ago ..,te 1"011 \' 111 111 pit, ((I 01\ "ulm t1" \ 11,.... lI ... t 1:. \\hlll thl huh Ill .... t.l1Ig1t.: \\uh tilt. PllIIltldllhl I I lei (l"St.: lluh I Ilr l h tll(.., ~hl PJllnl III.: IT\1l: pls!'it.:d «(11011( I I r IIlk I h Itt III Illl Plllll . . \ I 1\\1\ .... llOrh Iftlr (, ot:i('lk lul ... d.l\ \.IIIM ~llhtll\ <..OIlI,..,C hi ... gl\lll III . . t\(.'llllIg \ugu ... t Ii .It h"" IUIlIIl, lZ2 11 thll . . II"'hl . . ul)l Clrt to the tt.: ltJl 110111": \lljJIl."IIIUl. "huc hI hltl ..,nfTe:rul g.nnc" \\111 hI.' III l\ld IIIIt1n thte light-. I 10llg 111t1l. "s \t titt.: P \1 ( polo hd(1 lilh .11111 Lhe" .lIltl ~II" 1'1 I1Ik ~I.ltklt.:\ .HHI II * • \ I.lttk Ir of ,1111..' 111 SP":lIt.1 ft.:\\ d.1\ S thiS \\l'Ck I" II ~Ir .111<1 .i\lrs •1{.l1ph fmuh 01 (,tllIIISc:\ 10111 Idl Jl1h }l 1'-lIkhll \\111 spl'nd.1 \\et.:k It th~ h~llIcllhc glllsts of ~11 .lIul ~IIS L C I1.lst to "1I('lItl .1 month It . . \\ lIllll, N J UCO PURE GRAPE JUICE UCO Tiny MELTING (If ~11 1.ltllt.: s Plrt.:lIls 1\11 .1IIt! Mrs IlIg ... of \V<:std.,lc .1\CIIUC • * * Pmt Bottle 12c ~II ItltI \II s \\ I, \ I g\ Il IIld r lin Rllph 1.lttlt.:, of P.lrk ."Cll\ll', .1f1 1\ IIIg PEAS--No 2 Can ~II .1I1d ~Ir ... !{tll.(rl I. C.ucis III Quart Bottle 23c of t\orth lhl.' . . tt:1 10.H\ Idt Juh 31 \UI..!:Itst l-l, (lurll1g" th~ .lh"":lIce of l~tHnll'\\ I\cllm h.l\( "(Il"lIt SC\ll II to . . I'tnd thc IIHlllth of \Uglbt .It \\.1 7\11 Ilul ~II" 1.lttll SI, ll1l IlIIotor \\cck elHIs tlurll1g" thc sl1l1l11l~1 .It I II II lon, N J. 111p till ollgh Kt.:\\ I'.ngllllt! !\lr . . I.ltlk, I CIJ.l)ll" \ 11I.Ig"l .tII Idult (.1111(1 III Ih..: Kellogg's * • * JI I... thc fOll1lcr :\ltss VIQ{II11I ILI:;sctt POCOIlOS UCO FRUIT COCKTAIL ~Ir lIul ~II'" I) Dllun" (It Uut (If ~\\.llthn.urc WHOLE WHEAT No 1 Tall Can 10e gcr ....1'CIIIIl 1l'11 )'Iull' .lftcTlWUIl Inl, BISCUITS--2 Pkgs 1ge No 2~2 Largest Can IJr .mel l\J fS l':ohlllson of 3U for \ ork s 1,,111 PIIll' llluP It 11.111\11" John Bu\\{\Jh h Jr, (If J 1m ," e l nllq,{(.' aH IIUC .ICt OIllP,l1IlCd 11\ thcli hlJ.lckt.:t ~It.: \\llcr~ thc\ ,,111 IllIIIIII tltll j011l1l( \e(1 to Nt.:\\ '\ ork 1.I"t )·nd.l) son 11.11 l\llrk I{OlllllsOll, \\erc HClnt 1111111 \ugust 15 10 hid hon \ 0\ 19C 10 h..:r d.llIl-{hl(I, :\11 s UCO COFFEE gue.:: ... ts .It I CIlIPC \ III tgc III the Po UCO TOMATO JUICE ,.. * * \ R i\1 tIIshcld, J I • of N~\\ '\ 01 k \\ ho (OlltiS 'l'hllr S(III 'Jhllthlr. Is cIIIOItCdl Steel Cut or Drip 11,.,,1 ,11l1 u..... ht('r of ~II lIut . , ulul (III Ihl..' Amenc III I r.ule:r 01 t!tte 11 .11" 2240z Cans " l'Ollhd Vacuum l'ack Can .11 C.lInp Ll'lI.I)Jl' fOI ho, s on I' lin It:" i\11" 1It.: 11\ \ I 11001 of I 1i.I\lite.:: .I\C- \mcllC.lU ~lerch.lllts LUll, fOI I mdlud I .Ikl' John '1' ((lll1n.., of emiIlSC\ I 11111 I..:fl Slhlllll\ to "pt.:11(1 t\\O \\ltk:-. ~Ir" ~llIIshchl \\111 hi g-UIIC .llIl \Vll1te.::, of t:hes-j ______________________________________ 1" No. I FREE:--PARKING SPACE FOR 1500 CARS • •• Y.tIc sl.ltt: S ,lurd.l\ \ugllsl 21 to gd I he.. Ir ~Ir Illtl ~lfS '11J()Jlhls l.ut.:tkrs, of gr.lIuhl.lughtn, ~llss J.IIII.: ~1II.tlk" up l'\orth IJ rlllcc i • •• • • \HH I I''rCI Icrt( k ..~~Imons. 0 f I' .Ir k .1\(11111 I IS sp(ncilllt{ the 1II0llth of Augllst .11 C.lIl1P POCOIIO L IkC\llIc Lipoll IllS rc-II • tl1rll t IliS f.1 II IJt.' \\ III t.:lllcr Gcorgl.' 1 ~choul 'II,,,'- MbSl:S 1.1111.111. *' *' hlslc IIHI 1.1hc1 II f I' k (), •• (l .Ir .1'CIll1(.'. It. month, wiH not return to Swarthmore pltal to Dr. and Mrs. Francis Harper, oi Mrs. Pitman's sistcr, Lorenc Anden;, Ch~rle.s W. Batt, of Philadelphia, and I Mr. and II rs. Ernest R. Laws ami un~i1 . just. ~f?re school opens. Mr.1 South Chester roa~ and Yale avenue. formerly of Norristown, to Mr. \Vallace their mfant daughter, Florence Ethel. i children, Betty and Charles. of Co-' \Vlggms will J0111 them the latter part of I •• • 'I C ['I \\'-11'I • • * II I-II I next week 1 l.[r. and Mrs. John W. Bowers, 01 "c arter, son 0 ~\ rs. I lam .\ c- . . . . . . um)la avenue. WI eave t o m o r r o w ' ChCart f N . t A t 10 . J he ~l1sscs Dorothy and V IrgIJua for t k . I l[ k k ." * :$ ester, anllounce the birth of a daughter cr, 0 orris own, on ugus III Sloan returned to their home in Philadel-: B 'hvolwee ,sl v'kcaktIOI1Latkl,eC- us 10 a The ~[isscs Kathp'n and Elizal"'II,' Jane Evans Bowers, at the Lying-II; New York City. * .. * I r. I' . I . I cac 1111.\ us *0 . a . a es J I I h113 on. !?'!11( ay a~ter havmg SI)C11t several I ,. ' anat a'Bassett, of North Chester road, ~ left I H os111't a I, PI'I 11 a( e pia: on S at.ur day, Janice \Vherry, daughter of Dr. and days vISltlllg theIr uncle and aUl1t, lIr.' )'lr. and )'1rs. \V. R. Huey and chi!- Tuesda~ "0 1!IO~Or to Paris, ~le. for a' August 1~. The baby s l!lother IS the )'lr~ \V Xivin \Vherr>.' of Cedar lane and lIrs. Horace Passmore, of Cornellidrell Jean Btl dB-II f B . short \'ISlt With Mr. and Mrs. Leollardlformer MISS ~fargaret LOUIse MacIntyre, _ ._ __ " , and St II II ' , c ,an 0 ellJa- C \ It [ EI daughter o[ Mr an I Mr Ge W was the gu('st last week of )'larian ra 1 . 3VCIl'Wt'IlUt'S. ;:Ilin \Vest avenue have just returned . 1 SI O!I, 0 • 111 avenue, and to bring' •...( s, orge . Troxell. of Dartmouth a\'enue at the * * ~ 'I from O · C't: ~ J .1 . . tl • J home theIr brother, Morris, who has been; ~1acIl1tyrc, of RabbIt RUIl, Rose Valley, Til' 1. t I :\1 '. ~lrs. Joseph H. Pcrkms and daughters, 1 I CC.11I 1 ~ J .J,. f' Icre Ie) tI:e guest of the Ashtolls I formerly of Swarthmore. ).[r. and Mrs. rox: ~. C.it >111 a " .CIl~IPC .• a.~JaIi ?c: Virginia, Le3nore and AUlle. of Cedar' layc )cell vacatlOl1111g or five wecks. ... ... *' I Frederic ),1. Bowers, of Providence road, cOl11pa'!I~d Dr. \\hcr~) to Occ~n Cit), lane, and llrs. George Ewing,o(CoJumbia! • .* ' " * I' II \VIf .. lare also grandparents o[ thc child. N. J. I ucsda\' CVCl1l11g of t Ius week, [ d I k I ~ Guests of ~llss ),1 ary ),1 ceoue of 'ussc ute, 0 BellJamm \Vcst ave-! la\ClIlIC, spent a cw al's ast wee as tIe 'r I ' • 'nue is at Can Ccd H-II S to spend a week there with Janice and gUests of .},Ir and .)'l~s D \\.jght Cole' f 1 aryan avenue, 011 Sunday at Cape' 11) ar I, 11l11l1e)'towlI,:' A SOil " lorn to 'I I 'I I.. ... 0 ) . :\I't" 'T J 1 I II Pa., for the summer \,as j.\ r. ant ~\ rs. H Iler [a1l1l-I y. of Columbia avenue at thc coU-,ge oi • < ' " ~,. 'J w lere s Ie IS SPl'11( IIIg tie . J: dl P 1 f N I CI d' Dr. and Mrs. \V. Nivin \Vherry and lIr, and Mrs J \Varren Paxs'oll or ~Ul1Il1ler with her family, were: H. H. 'I 'I * * •~ . . ! ,_..... FCY'd ee A' 0 ~ °lr3t I. lehstcpr rola , -I' I _ I 0 COt _ N J S . . • F· f PI -I d I I- - '[I) .\ r. and . .\ rs. Al£red Gary \V'lIte wlthl,ast fJ av, ugust ,111 t e r e s )y. [ ami) (ro\e 0 ce3n I), . . UI1-( Vassar avenue ncar )'lillillgton 1fd ~\allS, 0 11 a c p 11<1, .\ ISS eggy tl . D' . . H · ' I Ph'l d I 1 . day where ~Irs. \Vherry and the children 1 Lou Hooven, of Lansdowne: and 1\1 iss II~~r son, aV1(I, returned Sunday. to j t('rmn OSl)lta , I a e p 1Ia. will remain for a vacation and be joined 1Irs. John Ayrault, Jr., of 1'onawanda, llo()"en's fiance, Bud )'lurphy of ;.Iclr h?11le on C~lIege ave.nt1e~fterhavlllg, .. * ~ * over Wednesdays and week-ends by Dr.1 N. Y., with her daughters. E\"clYII and i Swarthmore. :\liss HoovclI is spel;ding lVed. 111 Amenc3n U.II1\·erslty Par k,l . Mrs. E. R. Hopkms, of Harvard al1l1 \\'herry. Hope. have been Yisiting )'lrs. Ayrault's! :>omc time ill Come :\1 ay \\rith her ~a:hlll~toll. D. C, t.hl5 summer. :Mr. : C?rnelJ a,:cllucS, returned home Sunday * * * mother ~lrs \VilIiam H \Vest of North! grand 1 tl d).i)'1 I . tl \\ lute Is With the Umted States Bureau With her IIlfant daughter, Dorothy Lee, )'liss Virginia Perkins of Cedar lane Princeto;l a'venue Yesierday' the girls for t I 10 1cr k3n • ~: . ltrp 1)' IS lcre o[ ).lilles. On Sunday they journeyed to who was born August 7 in thc Lying-in leit Saturdav to visit ~t the farm of accompanied their ·cousins , Lo,-s an,l Bet tv I O_,wo \~e~t's \'acat ,Ion.) 1 'I I II Camp to \Vhitc who'i Hospital, Philadelphia. • J . Icr VIS I ers at Ie 0 III ., ars la ha" beeDelmont d ' getI Bob I Mr. and ~lrs. John P. Harvey near Elk- Landon, also oi North Princcton avenue, :.:ollage which ),f r. and Mrs. Howard • 11 octor s on er'y at the BOYI .* :10 * . tOil, ~[d. for a week or ten days. to Caul)) Illnabah on the French Creek! "\.1 C d [ -I [ D I tl Scout caml} fur the last SIX weeks. A daughter, Karen Edwma, was bont , '1.\ C one an allll y, 0 ar mOll 1 T I h II I J I 13 • * * where thev will spend two weeks 'Mrs I 'I' ues( ay mOrJlmg t cy a eft to drive on uy to L-leutenant and ~Irs. -. ..'" . 3\'CIlUC, arc a so occupymg, were .I.\ ISS t· C I N H ... '\V-IIB I ~lr and Mrs. George C" Abbe of AYrault will go to Ocean City N J for I' I' D d d H A P - I v onCOT{, . . for a VISit With 1t.{rs, 1 . I Jam H. rear ey, Jr., of Fort Bel1: .' , k ' .. I '\.053 Ie ry en an enry • Clrso, \Vhite's t d t I' hiG TI .- b d h-II f 'I Dlckmson avenue, recently had as their I' two wee s. f S' I ~ aun, an a mo or rip t raug 1 ' mng, a. le va y IS a gran c I ( 0 u r. gucsts for two week- their SOil and ,.. * ,.. Jrp 0 ~art llnor~. I f 0 New Enghnd and to the Gaspe Pellin- al1d )'lrs. \V. H. Brearley, of Marple daughter-in-law, Mr. a;)(1 Mrs. Richard )'Ir. and Mrs. Robert lIinot Richard '1\1 ~tt~ ~tn~n. (aug l~erS 0 al~ Isula. They will return about September 1. Hills, formerly of Swarthmore. Abbe, of Titusville, Pa. Their younger I with their daughters, Jeanne and Carey,'" rl" 'I - - R- I atmalll~'1 0 ... Pfropul _Irodal' Their other son, Gary, has been work- , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - the- 0 [A m1lersI 'lave returned [ 0 )ert IS lOp 0 I I " C - ,-, \V-IsconslIl. - Wit - I1 t h e A ppleton I lam, spent last week III avenue, rom ' a; .UI( h i '.I.\lrs. I '),1 • H . d 11 _ I g I.n Do You Know son, \V -IIBlack Mountains. \Villiam, a graduate two weeks stay at Bethany Beach, Del. 1 a. WI ~ccompan) rs. I o\.. ar k ~ Cd 1\iachme Company slIlce June 1. He will The Sure Cure tor any Auto Trouble? of Valley Forge :Military School and * * '" . one to ape J\lay or t 1e ,wee -cn return ill time to enter his junior year: Call 440 Friends' Central, will enter William and )[rs .. Robert C. Powell With her daugh- whell she re~urlls after havU1~ spent at Swarthmore College. ! Mary College this fall. Iter, 1hss Nancy Powell, and son. Dicky, severat days 111 Swarthmore tillS week. • • • ! Batte.le. • * :t leturned ),Ionday from Ocean City. N. ,.. * * ~Ir. and Mrs, \Villiam A. \Vilson and Tires Florence \Vh't -t f EI I J. where they had spent ten days Mr. D. R. Terry, of Cornell avenue daughter, Carla, now residing nearby, RUSSELL'S SERVICE I Sl, 0 • m avenue las ,.. ,.. ,.. . I will meet his children, Nancy and J{",h· Darlmouth and Lafayette Aves. rettlr~e.d from Brant. Beach, N. J: where 1 )'liss ~Iary Davis, of Cornell avenue, I ard, in New York today. After a the new owners of the stone builds,.~le vlsn'tdcd,_n a week wIth Anile Bom~e who~ left \Vedncsday for Ocean City, N. J. seeing tour of the city .they will on the Frederic B. Calvert tract,' "We Don't Sell Cars!> spe 'Ig the sMumme]r Hthere wBlth she will visit five days with Missito Swarthmore. The cluldren have Park and )'fiehigan avenues, and I We Service Them" pafreLnt~,.\ r. an d rs.. arvey onme, Ruth Hihn, of South Chester. road who' visiting their grandparents, Dr. and remove to their new residence up-.'-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I o a ayettc avenue. is spending the summer there with her' Percy M. Dawson, at Randolph, N. H. * * * f '1 ,,.. • • Mrs. J. B. Goll, Miss Bertha Goil and anll y. • • I Heberton Butler and Arnold CI;~~~~~~~.~~III A FEW CHOICE APARTMENTS AND Miss Kildaire, of Newark, N. J., are Miss Maria S p i ' d' both of South Chester road, spending some time at the Strath Haven we~ks in Oceall CUI ccN IS] sSpehll hlllg btwoll Saturday from Betterton, h-id. where' Inn I n I y, . . e as een h h ' HOUSES FOR RENT • • ,.. joincd by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. t ey had been t e guests of Mr. and Mrs. . 'I_ R be \V I f TI Walter Suplee of Yale avenue who W. W. Turner, of Yale avenue, for a 1\ ISS e cea a tcr, 0 1e Swarth- . . ' 'week I ALICE M. BAIRD more, and her sister, Mrs. Morris M.\WIII ret~rn thiS .Sunday wit~ her, having' ,.. * * ' , spent thiS week Itt Ocean City. General Insurance Lee, a f C.0II ege a nd P nnr.elon Real Estate Notary Public avenues, Mrs. C. M. C. Lewis of Swarthmore are spendlttg this week visiting Mr. and I • • * Crest was hostess to th~ Morning DupliSWARTHMORE 108 Mrs. Morris M. Lee, Jr., at Darien, Conn.' Mrs.~. F. ).lcKernan returned Mon- cate 'Contract Bridge Club last Friday.' • ,.. * I day evclllllg to her home on Rutgers ave- Tod Ih I b -II b d b ,' MG I I I" ay c C u WI e entertame y BANK .. ISS race Dodd and Arthur Dodd, nne "~Jere SIC IS recuperatJ1~g frrol)erty the Hedgerow Theatre III Moylan-Rose ana'tmaluage d y ol11eo I e a, I lese c I d app au~e to their home in Harnsburg taking with I at 416 Ha\erford place from the Belljamlll Valley will be h\o performances of the! ~oncer:1 lave ra~~n ===================1 them Miss Joy Price who \\i11 be their! "Vcst BUlldlllg and Loan Association cOnJl)any's newest attraction, Jean Fer- rloJJl fil1 'Ie 'Inuslcat Y-IIlC lflue peoP e F FOR RENT AI'Ice M . Hatr ' d was t IIe agent '111t he sa Ie gusoll HI ac.( ....p gue .. t for a week s cnny \V'" ISC, on Ffrl'd ay "I' 0 It ,e c 'a,rs t 0 I over( f OW tl 109,I ' or FOR RENT-8ulte of rooms In private $: * * • * • and Saturday t lOse w 10 come 00 a e or Ie C lairs, house near college Arranged for house· the soft s d f the Park make keeping: I1vIng room with porch. kitchen ~[rs \Vllliam .\. Jaquettc returned Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sanford, of 309 The 1)crform3nce tonight will be a a 0 s an I 1 wIth eIec t r1c re r ge'ator• two bedroom. S... aturd a) to Iler Ilomc on E'I m avenue I) IC k Ulson avenue, Ila\ e purc h ase{I t I Ie second , "ol)elllng" for the lliay Jasper Ideal C Illace to "lax,' 'f d and bath Garage space tor one car Tele- ft d k t tl [ 'I I I I 'I B k t 213 . • oncerts arc gl\ en every ues ay phone Swarthmore 64 belore 9 A M a er spen mg SIX \\ ee s a Ie ann y aware ...\. uc nlolll prol)er Y at Deeter has proYlded the comedy With two I 8 30 'I k (D S 'r) d I FOR RENT-Four rooms and 'bath, open camp on Little Dear Isle, Me Mr. Dickinson avenue and Will take possession Custs each with a different lIltcrpretatlon nll g It at . 1 0 c oc d fif' al~ ast d Ins lis apar t men t Te1e· J.3trustees of the Mothers' Mr Titus J F\\ig of the Parker as11ft tI .. ay 11 s "llresentattOll more pI k c all d St a t e s t rect 111 t ersec. Telephone Pennypacker 4442 or evenings, ASSistance Fund in Delaware County Real 'Estate offi~e ~s spe' ndll1O" this week 'T"I eafture I Ie me ow '11 colmpany I{ccclltly added interest has been lent Swarthmore 489. • 'eo lere a er t Ie two casts WI a ternate b I [ I• d d • • • 111 Wildwood , N J . with Mrs EWlg and d ' th e run 0 f t h e pay I Ydt Ie ta cute ..aR RENT-Modem unturnlshed. seml-deuflng d appearance 0' t " ancersI tached house. tour bedrooms, garage. :\lIss Helen McLain, of Hanard ave- her brother-in-law and Sister, Mr. and .. p ." an ance groups m connec lOll Wit 1 Avatlable september 1 Telephone Swarth- 1I11e left Tuesdav for OgunqUit Me l,Mrs. \Valter C ~[eyer who arc the cuny \\Ise comes to Hedgerow af!er the orchestra concerts. more 511J:"h~re she Will sPclld the remau1tanre of 78 lU It .& S along a hne curVingNotary Public - Insurance - Real Estate to Ihe rl.:ht "!til it radIUM o[ 14D28 It the of traffic code, and two occasions \,hen n.rc dlRt.Hlre uf 78 It! It & S 28° 24' 21' motor VIOlatIOns I11lght have resulted 111 E II.! liD ft frum the S E Slde lJradrord Del Monte PINEAPPJ..E Libby's Red Alaska Rd (40 It "Ide). thenoo extending' along' accidents had the negligence been com(he saul Side of Sllrmglon Rd S 28" 24' 21'" mltted under slightly dIfferent ClrCllmSALMON, , •. Tall Can c JUICE, ,2 No, 2 Cans E HI ft 10 .1 lIoint, thf!nre extending' of that t "hUh bet\\CCIl I) Irallel hnes SOl" 3u' 39" S ances .. W 82;;0 ft to a POlnl in centcr hne of 10 it I Charles T Evans, of Etrath Haven II 119 S. Princelon Ave. II \\ide drl\c\\:lJ. togelher \\Hh tIght 111 drlve- avenue , was dnvmg south on Chester \\ ay Sept. 1 : road at 2 20 P M Monday of this \\ eck Del Monte CALIF. Del Monte TOMATO 101111'0\1 nl{lIb COIlSlst o[ two stor), stonc and as he attempted to cross Yale ave4 bedrooms, 2 balb., SARDINES , . , . ,2 for CATSUP-14 Oz. Bot, amI SIUL't'o house. Ulx33 feet; Iloich frOlll, nue his car \\as struck bv that of Jame Large Oval Cans - In Tomato Sauce t\\O l:!lor.J; frame addition. 6x16 feet; basemenl • S oil heat gnt'a~e A. Wise, colored, of Media, conllng west S oIu" as t 1(' IIrOllerty a , Le au Slck'e. mort-,I on Yale. The latter admitted he had gag-OJ IIU.I Harry F Lambert and Ethel M failed to stop at the mtersectlon \\here Genuine Baby Rolled Genuine Baby Shoulders hiS \\HI l'Cal oUller,.; . ! a thru traffic sign is located and had Fore LEGS LAMB--lb, c • LAMB (With Rack) lb, c GEOUGE T BUTLER. Attorney contmued out 011 to the mam hlghwa) 13 S. Chesler Rd. A Real Treat! : The Evans car \\ as turned over on Its 'Phone Swarthmore 114 or 130 '''' I.e" an Fadas No u.... rIght Side and Mrs Evans, \lho \\as a passenger, suffered an arm Iltjury She U. S. No.1 New Large Our Famous Golden June Term. 1937 I was taken to Dr Franklin S Gillespie It's Time to Plan School White POTATOES c All that (crtalll lot 01' IlIe(e or grollnd ~lIh and to Chester for X-ray examinahon CELERY HEARTS-bu, c 100 lb. Bag Clothes Ihe bUlldmg's and IDlIJI'OVements thereoll erect· Itt default of $300 bond Wise was corned !Hhmte al SIII'In{;"field III the Townshl» o[ I' SlllllI&;rfield. III the County of Delaware. and nutted to await result 0 the InJunes Phone 2096.W Siale of Pcnn ..) h 3ma. bemg known and num Both cars were badly damaged BALTIMORE PIKE AND HIRST AVE, bered Lot 201 011 a certain »Ian and I At 10 10 A :M• last Friday the car •01 SARA G. RAYMOND !'tuney madeNob) Franklm and Company, C E EAST LANSDOWNE PhlladclJ)hI3. Penlls)'lvanla on February 19, A Harman \Vebb, of Drexel Hill, Dressmaker l02:l. and rccol'tll'd ID the Office for the Re driven by Lillian S 'Vebb, sideSWiped "Where Quality is Top and Prices Are Bottom" lordmg of Deeds &c. III and for the Counly 1 R b ' 0 ert I, Ste"art, Chiton TUESDAY---PROFIT SHARING DAYS--THURSDAY MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON or De"~'l'e 'n Plan File Case No 2, page (hat 01 16 and described according thereto as follows, Heights, 011 South Chester road beJOSEPH E. qUINBY to \\It road Situale onfive the feet southeasterly Sided of t tween 1st Award 2nd Award 3rd, 4th, 5th Awards Forest (fortl Wide) at the s .Yale and \Vestdale a\enues ' due tan('C of one hundred forty,se,en [eel and flfty to glaring headhghts $25.00 $10.00 $5.00 FUNERAL DIRECTORS fi\l' Oil£' hllll(iredlhs of :l foot measured south I At 1 15 A M Sunda, the car of '-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..! rln) t\\O .If'~r('(" rill)' four mmulcl> t"Y;enb • • BELL PHONE 4 rtlEDIA, PA : based on and character and the profound senti- nior High School to register. of Haverford College, Dr. Joseph Fort Friends who opposed slavery and other Commission Topics. menu which' find expression in the AU pupils registering should bring Ncwton, Rector Emeritus of St. James forms of economic oppression, modern- I'OO--Lunch, Christian message for the modern with them vaccination and birth certiChurch. Philadelphia, and Dr Rufus day Friends are concerned to discover 2.00.3 .OO--Free time for rest, etc. mind _ these are the interests which ficates. aud if entering from another M. Jones, noted American author of techniques to reconctle opposing fac- 3 'OO-Transportation of Haverford are bringing Friends to Swarthmore school their transcript papers. New religious and historical works, who hons in mdustry. Other sections of group to Swarthmore. from August 29th to September 8th. hIgh school pupils should complete witt serve as presiding clerk through- Commission III seek to apply Quaker 3.30-4 :1S--Tea Time at Swarthmore To none of us are these issues unim- their roster of subjects by September out the week. prinCiples to problems of racial disCollege. portant, and to those who are to devote 7. several days to exploring them and The dividmg line for grade pupil,!i R. Halfdan-Neilson, of Denmark. as crimination and mternational disputes \ 4.00-4·2S--Music. assistant clerk, and Paul D. Sturge, of The reports wilt be presented by Ho- 4 :30-li.OO--Meetin.e fOl!- Regidpred. $ccktng- sald'tions for the individual and will begm at the railroaif station, down England, a... deputy clerk, will serve mer I... l\'[orn s , Phllad~lpl1la, Pa. ~ Members at Clothier Memorial Hall for the Society of Friends, we extend Park avenue ta Harvard, on Harvard with Dr. Jones as officers of the con Comnnssiol1 IV under the chairmanat Swarthmore College. (See order the sincere good WIshes vi the whole to Cresson lane and Swarthmore ave.. f(.fence. MISS Isabel Grubb, of Ireland, ,htp of Mrs. Hadassah M Leeds, Phil· of Presentation of Commission community. nue. Pupils hving south of this line and Mrs. Amy ~. \Valhs, o~ England, adelphia, deals with both re~igiou~ an~ TopICS.) The Friends World Conference is pri- Will attend the Rutgers Avenue School have been apIJomted recordmg clerks, secular education as given m Friends 6 IS-Dinner at Swarthmore for en- mar"y a conference of delegated indi.. and those living north of this line wilt to be assisted by an American com- schools The estabhshment of schools hre Conference. viduals. and in order that its original be assigned to the College Avenue mittee including J. Frankllll Brown, has bcen charactenstic of the Quakers Presentation of Commi..ioD Topic_: purpose may be achieved it has been School. Because of heavy enrollment ~ew Rochelle, N. Y., Mrs. Elizabeth :md their influence in educational Sept. 2, 4.30 P.l\£. Comnussion I necessary to limit attendance at most It may be necessary to reassign some B, Jones. Haverford. Pa., and Mrs fields far-reaching. The conference will Sept 3, 4 30 PM. Commission II of the meetmgs to those who have been of the pupils living near the line. Lyra T. Wolkins, Newton Highlands, .:onslder \\ays of extending Christian 8.15 P.M Commission V selected by Yearly Meetings in differChildren who will be six years of Mass. Arrangements for the confer- education Stress Will bc placed on Sept. 4, 8.15 P.M. Commission IJI-a cut parts of the world. What may seem age by February 1, 1938, are eligible an inhospitable gesture on the part of for admission to the first grade, those ence have been completed by comtmt- Friends' responSibility to State educa- Sept 6, 4 '30 P.M. Commission III-b tees workmg m thIS country and Ion in all effort to deepen spiritual 8 :15 P.M. Commission IlI-c the Conference towards the community children one year younger are eligible abroad under the chairmanship of Jo.{rs. values 111 l)ubhc schools. Sept. 7, 4 30 P M Commission IV is only a precaution to insure the deeper to kllldergarten. Each child must, of Anna GTls~om Elkmtoll, Moylan, Pa "hc mternahonal coopcrahon .ot Three Open Meetill8'-s: success of the Conference. Free and course, be properly vaccinated. Five commissions will report to the fi'nend!O and the1r efforts to work With Sept. 2, 8 :15 P. M.-' The Ind1\'idual full dl~cus'iion ~f the many qu~stions Miss Margaret L. Price will be in conference the result of several years' other rehgIous bodies are topic~ of and the State". that wlll be raised can be carrle.d. on charge of both kindergartens, the one mvestigation into the present-day CommiSSIon V, WIth J. Passmore ~lkT. Edmund Harvey, England only under the controlled ~ondltlons at Rutgers avenue bemg in session !>tate of Quaker faith and practice mton, Moylan, Pa, chairman Under Henry J. Cadbury, Cambridge, provided by a limited attenda!lce. How- from 9;00 to 11.30 A. M. daily, and Representatlvc views of Quaker groups thiS sectIOn the conference Wilt COIlMass. ever. !'t the th~ee open meetIngs to be at College avenue from 1.00 to 3:00 III various parts of the world have been ~Idcr the \lork of the Amcrican Joan 11.1 Fry, England, Presldmg held J!, the Fle!d Hou.se all who are P.M. datiy. For the spring semester (mbodled in the senes of published ,7 n ends Service Committee, which IS Sept. 5, 8.15 P M.-"The Splfltual at all tnterested 10 hearlJ~g of the ~ork begmning February I, there will be a statements which wdl be the baSIS for ~ngaged in many soc131 welfare proMessage of the Religious_ Society of ~nd purposes of the Soclet~ of F~leDds change, with the College kindergarten conference dlscussion. Jccts, notably rehabihtation of un~mFriends." III the: face of the grave dlffi.cultles of in the mornmg and the Rutgers in the The Commission Reports deal With l)loyed coal miners in thc. Ull\t~d Herbert G. Wood, Birmingham, our: time Will ~e. m~st c~rd!~Uy wel- afternoon. It is Miss Pricc·s plan to England corned and prOVISIOn IS bc:m~ '}lade ~or conduct as much of the kindergarten tl,e sl"r ltuaJ message of the Religious Statcs and III adnllnisterlllg lInpartlal • Th a large attendance. No indiVidual In• f d' Socie y, of Friend!O; the resllollsilJllihes rehd to war victims In Spanl . e D. Elton Trueblood, Stanford. .• t' k t U b required for work as pOSSible out-o -doors urmg of the fndlvldual to the State, methods SI)anish rehef and other forms of f~rCalifornia vltattons or. IC e s WI e. I the pJeasant autumn davs. these occaSions. At meetmgs Th e h ours 0 1 the a d:1 of achieving economic, racl3l and 111- ~Ign !>ervlce are III coop~ra t IOn wt tl1 Charles M. Woodman, Rlchh d other It' b dg on y l y sc h 00I ses'd' those w 0 wear e ega es a es can s,'ons are f II I d I b L e ternational justice j Friends' contrl u- Friends Service ounCl, on on. mond, Indiana, Prest 109 . d as 0 ows: H'Igh sch 00, III many lands S 7 8 15 P '{ S m on be admltte. , morning, 8 :35 to 11:40', afternoon ' d F d ' , k d tion to e ucatlon an rlen s ap- Frtends mlSS10n \\or elJt ,. . 1 ' 0 . - ymposlU I t th t th Conference proach to other religIOUS bodies in and rchgious outreach through litera"Quakerism in My Country" t IS appropna e a e 12 '30 to 3.00; elementary grades, spiritual outreach. Although l1umeric- ture and Quaker center!> also will be Sweden-Per Sundberg should be housed at Swarthmore and mornings beginning at 8'SO and afterally small, the Society of Fncnds has discussed. Ireland-James Douglas Haverford Colleges because these two nool1s at 12 :50. Dismissal in the grades ' h t th ge" J S" H' k institutions represent I [,Iayed 1001)ortant ro es 111 t e suppresThree meetlllgs open 0 C apan- elJU Ira awa . ' d th.e t forward f thelooktwo ,,·,·U be staggered ' the smaller ch,'ldren 1IIg mterest 10 e uca. Ion 0 1 h I 5 Ston of slavery, llrJson reform, relie eral public wtll be held in t e war~ 1Madagascar-Alldnanaly prmcipal groups of Friends represented who are . inch ned to loiter along the Syria-Khalil Totah . h' . I .. th Confer.. way bemg excused first, the older ones of war vichms and peace education more Field House. accommodatmg 111 t IS region. n rece1VlI~g . e . The purpose of the conference Will b e approxlmately 3,000 peop Ie. 0 n S epIndia-Shoran S. S mg h a ente the two colleges Untte 111 a frtend- later The dismissal time in the eleto re,'"terpret to Friends throughout (ContinlltlJ on Page Six) Henry Van Etten, France, I'· , th d' any other mentary grades has been set for the y spirit as ey 0 111 so m . 11 35 11 45 d h Presiding ways through the college year. They mornmgs at . to : ; an III t e , .Int i) resl'denc e for a few aiternoons from 2;30 to 2,40, h Sept 2 a"d 4--4 ()() to 4 '25 p, ~!.-The WI'II recelve A' DEPUTY CLERK OF CONF. ASST. CLERK OF CONF. Fisk Jubilee Singers will present a days Friends from many parts of this ny queshons parents may ave program of Negro Spirituals at country and from many otb.¢! lands, about schools may be .answered at the Swarthmore and these Friends do not all ~phasize school office by calhng Swarthmore Sept. 7-4:00 to 4 '25 P. !..L-Organ precisely the same convictions or fol- 67 any week day. Music in Clothier MemOrial Hall, low closely sim11ar customs of church ....,--...~.....~--Swarthmore. organization and worship, but there are Painting on Exhibit Saturday afternoon, Septenlber 4th, fundamental convictions common to all 'he entire Conference will have tea at branches of the Society and there is a During the sessions of the Friends I Haverford College unity of spirit which makes the differ- \Vorld Conference, the painting of I ~iorntng mectmg s are to bc held at ences valuable rather than deplorable. THE QUAKER "VEDDING, by the Swarthmore and Haverford Colleges The Society believes that our commu- famous Quaker artist, the late Percy simultaneously. Lunch wilt be served nities and our nation and the world at Bigland t R A., of London, will be on at each of the colleges. large can find a way of :uttity despite exhibit in the Board Room of Clothier • •• the differences of political .and eco- Memorial Halt, Swarthmore College. Welcome, Frieraih' nomic viewpoint which at present so This will be of special interest to mem, Conlerence sadly issue in violence and strife. bers of the Conference, not only be .. Swarthmore may well be glad to lee the f a causei of its • assembly within its bound anes 0 ' artistic excellence, I f h but ' also , No sound ing trumpets blare for them, th' because 0 ~ts portraya 0 t c lIlterlot . d I h I 1 e1r No streaming war-flags are unfur e . large eompany 0 peop e w a 111 , h ave f ound h OW peace of the historiC Jordans' Meeting House, With hearts of love they gently come, own practices The peaceful Friends, across the \\"'Orld. can be achieved. burial place of William Penn, located To all visiting Friends, whatever about one hour's ride from London, Our Swarthmore warmly welcomes them, language they speak a~>wltiit4!Ver land and of its portraits of well-known High is their quest, their ,!ision c!ear, they represent, SwarthmOre offers a Friends of the past and present generSeeking anew Christ's trutli and light, hearty welcome. ations. PAUL D, STURGE R, HALFDAN LIELSON The kindly Quakers gathered here, Eq:land Demnarl: I I I I I INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE AUG 271937 4 TIlE SWARTHMOREAN :\'Ir NEWS NOTES \\.Ihun ()U11111 1111 flllllh n: I :\11 nul AUGUST ~Irs \\,lhllJl ~hru.:kt:r lIll ,lh\\11Ig 111 tllIllI.:t.'llst.'d drlHf to (I(.'f f h.I\t'f\ll\\ Ih III \(Illth. md :\lllhll JOhll!;OI1 Iiso III I (('lIdl\ I{thtlll f,drl\llIg\\uhHII,hclnst.' tlthl t II till I IIII.! ,\ ,S SdH. dull.: I hi 7 3U P :\1 11 II t.' 2lnl 20, 1937 I Sit Inll\ lII~hl t. Illlll h III~ (11 dllll-ehtu :\111\ lim tlllt IJ \1 Il 1111 II I(h.:1.' l i f l i n l l l l l t ' Ilh. "lllldll~h\I\\llksll(l(1 \\IIII(I\t.' t m l r n \ \ 1.1 1\ I \I l1ul ( "II.' of 1 I \\ 11 h\ ~I ~ I j III II In] Ihrt ugh tit. I l\t. It r tllrl1 I S 1,11\ II )Ill ()(t. II :\11 Bttt, OnulII \\uh :\11 ... n f( tll\ * (It:\ \\hn Ilu hul ltHthllt llill~ t I III IH lilt. Idt 1m: dn :\11 111:\11 IIlr II ( (.nllill f I mflllU :\hh f 1I1l:stu \\ '" II I N. IOrio. 10 8e.ml\ 1 relll \\ I.'l k U(llUllg: hr 1\\ \\ll:k It J lllh IIIHIl 1\lIt,.., IH1HIl \\.11 t.'1I1(rll.ll1 t\\i.:I\('lll ltd It W ..ltl P :\1 011 tlu. Uth hr :\ I It--Il t It 1111k.:f I I h~ltl'"'t til (\(IUlI.! I 11 ~ I 111111 111111(.: sign It ((dill \ II 1I ... lIh.llhl..: lll11l1lH:t (If S" Irlh j) hilI I I 1.1 r • • • I 'III I I II II1It 1111 I t1I1I1(1rt: plkt' lid I... to II> I I I. Ins hl\t Ilttn Ittt.lldlllg tilt. \\I.'tl I I t hl Ii \1 1 \1\11 l I> 1 II k IHlltl /' \Iillklt Illhlt It 111.\ I tr til 111t.1I I till .!lld h tlll(l.:ll ... It ().,:II PIO\ldl.:lIll.' \\hlch \\ til I I ) t Itll k ~ II rthrH\\tlh; ~lIhl I f S\\lrthlllrt. Irt.ltl\III!-!1 'I' II "'"IPhlllgllllbl(ll,h:IUllt l llllil ::-; \ '" * '" t 11\ If I I h\ I \\uk 111 til UII tin u,..,11 llltt' t. ... IIIlh:cl It "'IX IUllillld IIIl 1.11 1 I 11Ih (I :0\1.\\ IgIIi I 1I.(I~.·rn" Ih'"ltr( '-rug-rOllin II "llIud In thl \\ P \ (IIc.:t.:lt Ill 1.11 W~I~THM()I~E I' 1111\ I rt I:lltt' 1 lor III n.·11 • CLASSIFIED It: ~ llll~( ;:1 ~l ~ :gll:~ ~ I 011 liEN I I d bath Ollell I rtnll'nt Tel(' ---:=:'''~=~~-----:-~-- 1 OR HEll< I )o1Il - Irtllll'1 t 011 tlu' phonl' Sw Irlhmo l' J) (h(ll.: ... h I d ru:tl.:(1 11\ II. mud HI \I lid 1.1 r h j.,:t.1 S hll til II! III In,.,hhght I f tla Ill: xt lUI d 1\ ~" 1.11111 til 1I1 Igl.' I I" IH 111\.'(1 ltlla tht' ... \ \ I "'1 l1 tlllllit hill lill\\n IItH.:h lppll1lt' n1 I I It II I I I til 1 41t In II hl IlIU Il Ih IIH.:hllt'tI pI.' ph 11\ \ \ l • Bl11lln g II I I III \ I tl I I II 1\.. lit \\ l t It II let I II II.' III I tr 1111 thl' cI ur ... h (\ U fill\\ IIlg I ,...1Il t 1 r I \\ t"- 1 \11 I. \1 I IInl \\ I tht lilt II tIl III tI II I It k I e.: Ill\ \\ 1 t II I n 11\ th M \\ Ii (( lilt' t I Iitt f( r tlu.: (h 111 •)((Ihllt • * Sill 1(1 f OJI ~I \\llhllll • \* *Illtltlh Idllrtll:1 tht Ilftlt'ltlkllllkl"lI II I I m II n I Ighl \\ II) II ..... It III 11\ t Il r I lilt II I It I Il J IX l i tI I II Pllllllg I r lIt III III If t:r lu<1111 Ix \\l k 21 \ I) till hi II \11l:llthlllll'(h \\lllt,,( l III I III I utlt I I l I h \\ Hh I dltTlrt' It 11Ih:q d Ilu n '1IlIlt \11 I I Il t Iht II lilttl' If Ihl t" I.: 1111 11111 \ I Ulllth II t gn l Igl h I1Id It t nlu ((I :\Ir I)ltlu hi 1111l'1 II l III llltrllHI.: II Illl l mpldl' I 1« I)ln l 1111" Itlllk 1111 tilt mdll\\ I hl IInl 1lt 1111t 1 III 111111 Iht 1.1 , 11I1It:ttl d, lIlt Ilhll 01 ))t'II\\111.' l mlt\ It Iht f nun lit ))11\ ((I IIIl Ii t It rf IlI1l1lll.' 1 IIlul 1\ tht II I ~I mIn 11Id I n I t\ 1 Il 111111 I \\l hili lilt 1 1.1('« l "hul: I tlh" * * * 1lit I lr I :\Jr 1111i )\\1,.... f tht' PUkll \\111 fl.:lhlrt' Ihl 111111 \\ 11111"" til re.: I)lKI' tlul Stilt' .. tll.'l.'l lilt ('I ut IHuut \ Hick II 1II1uni his Il'll1 1l:llt l'l.lll I I ttl' Otllll' I Illlclll,.., till \\l:lk Iht'n: Iftll til' t\\ list .. \\111 litt'11I It I" th..: I t Iltntl'C1 d IIlct'rs * * * I \ \ 11 h\Ol d !I... J \\1lh ~I II I f thl 1'11\ ~II IIdlll 1.ItI II d 1I1nlrfi 1\1.' ilr hrullu.:rlllll\\ II~I I ttr l IIIldl(1l \\1111 lit It'll IIll 11\ t r 0,.,111111 :\ll:\11 \\ dtl.'r C :\I('\lr \\h \ I I I ... ht \\111 "'llllld til lUI Ulfiu I I \\Ig .. Iil'lghh r" II (11I(lllI ll1\ e\ I.'lllllg stroll lit"" HIli :s I t{'mb 1 '1 1 l' \ l 11l,,"."'o"'r----'-.1'-'2'="J~---c_-:-_---:-_-:­ HENT - Unfurnl!o.iled hOllsl'keeping: ullart n(,lIt Ix rooms and bath Porch Tel('pli I (' P HII\ pi ck r 4H2 or e\ elllng:~ S\\nI thm re 489 FOR RENT Moden til f nushed bernl de tached ho se fat r bedrooms garage A\ lIubl September I Telephone Swarth more 511 J FOR RENT Sl'cond Hoar ap utmellt four rOOllls kitchenette bath porch guruge \ II~U t PUrlllsh('d or unfurnlshed Prhntc entrance * • • 608 North Cl ebter road Telephone Swarth \Ir lid 1.Ir I IdHO 11\\ 11111 more 49 10.1 11 I) l \1 Ilul ~Ir ud:\11 I HI I FOR RENT-Large sitting room \,,!th COli I \mhl't t l\lIl11t ll('cllng bedroom sultnble for professional ll( man or tead er Telephone Swarthmore \\t I lll(l BGG J FOR t 11 (: ~:1J II~I~:I\III ~hllll\lI. ~\ I~; I~: t'\~ll ~Jrl'\ ";11 ~:Il ~ "I \ I' 539 M I" * * I•)UIl.,11 Chl' tr \\1 lOll' l 11 till I" 11Ill's • •• FOn SALE :P:::O"R::--'S""A:-:L"E::-----:CH:--o-'l-',,"Oh:---'o'--ld-:--'ru'--rlliLure beds tneliece genuine Stickley llv Ingburc\us room. set three piece Bllti-lO:"'-"a;cu or:--chest 01 drnwcrs \\aluut color Not morc thun three feet wide Telepholle Swarthmore 746 W b~ t\\eeu 6 IIlld 7 P M WANTED TO BUY House In Swarthmore allPlOxlmatel~ $6000 Box B Tne t)\\lIrth morean WANTED September 1 clericul worker Appl~ Box P The S\\ arthmorean WANTED Ol'nticman boarder Hanard a\ellue cOIl\enlent to station Good sized room Bre[lkfast live dal \\cek Luncheons packed If desired Telephone SWllrthmore FOR :\Ir \lIll1 Slt\\ lrl II rll lilt! I ut..:h It r I IlnCI I I flm rJ\ If S\\ I tIm Irl' \11"" I) 11"\ II hl\l nturlld IJ tll'lr hJlIlt II l[ \\1111111 \\111 til 011 \lIg,,' III { 1.1<1 ltl.:r L \ {It n 1Il \ { II lit \ 1\1 t III f r Ilt.'r IIr t \ I :\11 117.lh\.'111 I horn r1'1I111l('d III \1.' ('d St~tl'''' Sht \\111 It I I I ' 11 Ilt I r I \\ I I.' ngel .,11'" I II r 1 I" \ rk SqHemhl'r I tXI tl I t J It.:t.: 1111>111\ htr ... 11 to S\\ rlh I:,te.:r II 11\\ :\Ir II d 11 rt I I 'II III \1"'11 \\1 (.'11 II.' Iltnrn »1.: IC HI If (hl f r tit' )ll.'lll1lg f S\\ II tIm re C Illl"-l' ... 11l \\ 11 \ hit for I I 11 I \\ I fl: 1 \\ I 1\ I 111111 II III I( 1\ h IH Irr 11Igt I 11 I .11 I I' 1 lilt I I' * .. '* III I r tnp thr1ugh Iht III"CIIII lin till .... It lInp " l l k 4 f :\IJ ..... I J<: It.: n "t l\ I m m I 1\ t lit I L \ I lUng ),11 II d .., >f' ..., 1.Ir ( \ \ .... hhllrn l f )\t'\\ '\ ork I 1.1 r ... J "I.:ph 1\ I I.' II I ht'th (t Olulll1 l\UlUt Hc :\1 r Cit IIII.'''' I Irktr I I hI.' S\\ lrth return II lUt S I tl'llI! 1.'1 1 II III 101m l Ii n "Ith ~I r I r IIIkl II 1111 It.: I... tll' 1("" :\111111 \"Her(' tll'\ \\111 s I 1.Iul b} letter Box C The Swarth ),1 ng Ill' ~ I Ilo\tI \\111 Il.:lmn morean :\Ia GIANT TIGER • Sp.':'~i:J.:FFor Closed Wed at 1 P M Week of August 19th to August 25th FREE -PARKING SPACE FOR 1500 CARS ,. , In N r - SelJtember 1st S60 - J bedrooms slecPlIlg Ilurch S.).) - . ) bedrooms guage Sa.) - I bedrooms hot w lter heat shrub ben and frallt trees '1 I uhUe - Insurance _ Real FOR RENT Sepl I • Fl;>iFH\I nIHFCTOIlS ::\IFDI\. P\ A, "aVllc l\Iosteller' • Electrical COlltructor Tel .... hone PETER E. fOLD Gene ral Illsllra lice "I 117 DARTMOUTII A' E S",arlitmore 1833 PI !o.l'lIgl' I \\ 1:-; t lkl:ll HId h Citl':-;tl.:l f X I 1\ I.'X 11ll11l Illlll In ric I lUI 01 :--J(I(J I 011 I \\ be \\ l~ C( III I1l1tll'd to \\ tit 11':-'111t (f IIlI' IIIJ1II II.' P Ilh t.:ar:-; \HII' I Hlh d IIllIg'U\ \1 10 to \ ~I II 1 I rid 1\ tht' c 1I I JllIllIlII \\l'hh 01 Illl.'xd IfIll (h1\ll1 1)\ Illh 11 S \\l'hb sull' ... \\lpll II It 01 I~ Il'l I I Stl:\\ 1I I Chiton IIl'lghl () ~ lit I (hI.' tel f( HI hl r t\\llll , dl' til 1\\ t' t(1111' t\t.nltl' Ii II.' t ) glillt g hl Hlhgl t \1 1 h \ :\1 S I I II Ih { I • 1IIIlh (,lllll1:\ t k 11 mtol11 h Il I I ( III {, hl':-;11'1 II lin 19 ng till Illt Ie.: II ft'ndcl llHI huh t Ip (Illll lr I \\ I P L "lIlg the othll C Ir II ~ll1lh L1i('~tt'1 ~1l(1 I HI \ le\\ loads 1It \\ I:-. ~llt" 1.:(1 fOI dr1\ mg 1I1t Xlt.: Ited ~1I(1 I!> 10 11l)ll'ar jor h('arll1g at 1 P 1.1 I1lxt I hm .. d 1\ \t HI·J:-, \ 1.1 Suuda\ Ila\ld I n \ PllIla(ldpllla h HI IllS ft'!H11'1 (Iallllgcd I J' rl r II" H lIulll \It B~ltllnon IIlkl' ~t (hc ter road In I I II \ I (' I :1I I ¥ lIa F I 11It and nlll drl\('1 \\ho \\a proclld ! "r hrr I I 1I1~ ml N'al mg III the )1>)10 Itl: (hru.:tlOn IIld left I thl.' hlle of car to ~th.'lllpt pa,slIIg 1 III::-';KSO~ \It rile) \\ Ilham II J1nboll 01 (h('~h.'r \\~S ::-.; \Tn \~ P PECHIS She,. If al restcd at :l ~" \ M on th(' l·hh for I S" .. rlhmore 58 I" I II \\ \11)) Green G.ant PEAS Reg Size Can II 4 21 c c 23 c Del Monte PINEAPPLE JUICE 2 No 2 Cans Our Famous Golden CELERY HEARTS-bu Del Monte TOMATO CATSUP-14 Oz Bot Genuine Baby Shoulders LAMB (With Rack) Ib 15 c U S No 1 New Large Wh.te POTATOES 100 Ib Bag BALTIMORE PIKE AND HIRST AVE EAST LANSDOWNE "Where Quahty .s Top and Pnces Are Boltom" TUESDAY-- PROFIT SHARING DAYS - - THURSDAY lst Award $2500 2nd Award $10 (10 3rd, 4th, 5th Awards $500 Do Y ollr Ballklllg W,tI. SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Bank ami Trllst Company ~Iember Federal DepOSit Insurance Corporallon IX, No SWAR1HMORE, PA., AUGUST 35 I WORLD FRIENDS CONVENE Welcome, FrlClIlls CLERK OF THE CONFERENCE Ihe Borough o[ S"arlhmore cXhnds I heart) \\ elcome to" the lIlall) '\ ISltlllg' J fiends \\ho \\111 hc \\Ith us at the COil ferenee 111 the Hl.'xt fe\\ d I)S \Vc hope Ihat \\C shall gol\e )OU 1 \comfortablc reception In sho\\lIIg )Ul1 t I l t ~evtemp her III S\\al thmore can bc cool and I I t tat )our sa) Pleasant anu \\e hope d I I [ I \\llIm e\er) \\a) be elg:lt U I lhe long and close aSSOCiation JC I amI II Ie co II ege t\\C('1l the horougl SUNDA Y IN SWARTHMORE II II l«hu "'I.rcsenlulives of 23 COUnlrll" 10 he in Swarlhmore DnrlIlg COllling Week 1 52.50 27, 1937 II (]u Ika ull' tis 111 \\ II 11,....11 f modt r 1 \\ ,rld IIl'e(l I Il 1 l.'lIt II S l .... practlca goo< \\1 \\1 I WtlCI Iiollor Rollin hL\lIlg tht'lr tnth ex (lItitllt Illt'tlmg's (i tIl' ot.: ll'l \ 0 I X 1111 JIl Jtlg till rtilhlllS II thl' 111 COl1\lctlons arc held and many 111 the aU1l1ltell mel hlled no\\ Ii nel.'ded I rlend" nr OUlkl'n. IS thn Irl' popu tlJ\uiulI lill 1111 t the Stlh Com cOJnmullIt) ha\c learned to feel them S\\ ,rthmore public c1Hol ellS e !Ir" t{rll1('<1 Inl'llds In~ Ill( t uuma 1111 I I II ullder tll.' t:hlrll1l11s1l1p of sehes 'Cf) much at home among \ \\111 heM:1Il \\telinesd,,\ lIIorl1l11g Sep 11" til thl' Ll1h:d StItes \\here the\ Ira Cl'" I PtHlrd of h.ellaced f( r tlll hrst tltlle mdtull1lg thosc IIII \ss(Jllhlu I It CI ot Inl.'r .\'I l'mon I III III I 11,1 r rlll'llll' oCl11 "I'CU"I" alH I G H l\l.'ff( nl I' Colkgt.' ») S\\ Irt I1m on on \\ \.'( IIICS( I t} a I 0" I :'I .I.l '-I' I cr ItI\l Illt \UII\.'tlt In 111 ong r 'I J tina r1scom I,y goo,l \\111 and cooperation, the prob kl1ldugart(,11 Imu~t heI nglstcred I I I ""• I'IC" f r fll cus<;lnn llIH1l'r Com I Ikmton \.u us.\ llll''' Ielll o[ II.e 1•• d.Vluual conSCIence In l thur I an:llts (Urlllg [t Ie aI love lOurs :\1 the ddcgall's \\1 II IH! '\I.' It:( mc(.1 II I Procedure clale .1••IIITerent or hostile to mdlv1dual It I" 1I0t IHCl'S ar) or C S II (reB \\ 10 II Ihelr ollr ling SI.''' I lit In Presuil'nt Ill. '"I'll III \ \\hlch COll"Hlers ml'th Dally I' I)(} II) 30-\\ l'r"I'lll Fello\\"I.ln a •• I .. I '..1' ._" '" I' eOI,vletloll the part "Iuch educatton \\(.'re prc\loll!ih III the "arl Hllorc r rank \HIc1 tte of S\\ Irthmure Col I" ..... it r lchl(,\l1lg l't.:onomlc )\1 II("c J I~( ulHl I ablc Group II.ay 1,la) .11 fostenng enllghtcnmcnt ~r Hit" ~lId \\ ho arc 110\\ entl'rmg u I g:1 Prcsuil'nt \\ Ilham \\ Com [ urt I Ihl.' tr HhtlOIl (If carh I I ):lSC{ on a.Hl char lcter and the profound scntl lit r Iltgh School to register l 1J~\Crford <. .1Itgl: Dr J l "Cl II I ort 1'1) 1.'(\ "I "en and othl.'r 11 0012 OO-Intl'rcst gr mp I II I COIll1ll1"SIOIl I OlllCS ••• euts \\ Illch find expression In the \11 pupils reJ,{lsterll1g dS lOU \:e,\loll Rector I merllu" of St J~I1lC 01'1 rcsslOll lIlodl'rn I (t )rll1g I 00-1 unch ChrlSlml1 message for the modern \\Ith them \accmatlon an )lrt I cert1 Church Phil Idl'1pill I llHI 1>r Ihlf liS IlClC rill d to dlseo\ u 2 ex) 3 OH-rrct IIml' f)r rt'st etc llI11ul-thcsc are the mtcrests which ficatc ... and If ('ntertng from another \1 JOBes 1 ted \merac 111 IlIthor of rec IIC1It: (II osll1g f IC [II [t 300-1 r IIlsJlort thon { avu on are bra 19l1lg Friends to S varthmore school their transcnpt papers ~\.'\\ nil .. " us lIHI hlst ric tI \\olk .. \\h 11,ll' 'r\ Other SlCt IUS of M group 10 S\\ arthmore from Augnst 29th to September 8th }ugh chool pupils should complete \\111 st.'nc a prlCsldmg' ckrl thr I1gh III el.'k to ~1'I,h Qu Lkn S I I :l 30 .J. b--...... fe L IIIlIC It \\ art ItIlore 1. 0 nonc Ol us are these )1lt thc weI.: k i n hlclUs of r lcml {hs I Issues dunlmI tht'lr ro,lcr of snhJects In SqltCIll )cr Collcgt' portant and to those w 10 arc to evo e 7 R Ii ,lfdall Neilson 01 IJt'11I111rk lIId mlcrnatlOH.1 (h"putc s -t (10 -t. 25-).luslc several da)s to explorl11g them and 1 he dtvlslon COI1l1l1UllIt) lUe Pupil 11\ IIIg "outh of tl11s 1mc ~lId 1.1r ... \111'1. I \\alhs ot Ilglllld uklpllla £It t1 \\1111 "tth nligl \1:-. and l fopt.:) rhe FrIcnds \Vorld Confercnce Ispn \\ 111 attend thl' Rutgers AHnnc School ha\l h('el III IIltl'd rl'C rdmg clerks I.'lullr ldnc tl 11 IS gl\('11 III Frlcnds (J l.)-DlIlner at S\\arthmore tor en Illanlva confercnce of dc1cgateu mdl and those hung north of thiS hne \\111 to he lssl"te.:d In an \1lll'tICan com \ d 11 I he . .: .. alit IHl1I.:nt of chO( Is ttrt COlllerl'llce \lul1als and III order that Its ongmal he Isslgncd to the Collcge Avenue mlttt<.' IIIclldlg ) 1 rmkln I~nl\\n ." h 1.:11 t.:hlrlcttrJ tiC £ the UUlkcrs PresentatIon of CommiSSion TopIC. purpose may be ac1l1eved It has been School Recallst' of hea\) cnrollment \:c\\ Uochcllt.' ~ \ ~rr .. IlJzlhl'lh Ind Illllr nOIll:IICe 111 t'dUclll"1nal Sll'l ') 4 ~O P 1.1 ConullI .. slOn I lleccssan to hnnt attendance at most It ma\ he l1CCCssan to n assign some I J mc... JI 1\\ Cdoni P I Illt! I Ir rt 1(: hlllg I he coutut' nee \\ 1111 Sq t J .J. J() P:\I COl1l1ll1SSlOl1 II of the mcetmgs to those \\ ho have bcen of Ihl' pupils 11\!IIg near th hne I \r~ 1 \\olklll I I.:xt(Il l\ I. lUI: hcmg III session I II 1.1 \ I Lll I Lh 1Jr1ll11l Ulldcr Ilclln J C u1bun C l1uhrulg pro\lded by a hnllted attendance How- fro III 9 on t 11 30 \ ~r dad) I and hI l'ell I tilt t: I lUI l' \\111 COil 1 ),11 " e\er at the three open mcetmgs to be It Colkgl' I\l'tllI from 1 00 to 300 I 1 \ tn)1I 11 Irl II I I I' \\ r1 1 thl.' \lI1l'nl.'an Jo 11 :\1 II \ I 19iand Prl g held III the Field House all who arc P).[ dill) 1 r the spr ng semester C Jl mtltt' \\llIch I I Stpl 5 815 P :\1_ lhe SllfIlnal at aU mtelested III hearing of the work hegll1ll1ng Fehru In I fhne \\ 111 hI: a III \\('Iflft' Ir) 1.1<: slgl' ot thl' i'I.\.'hg:IOlb S tt, f and purposes of thc Society of Friends eh IIlge \\lth thl' C llq~c k11ldergarten 111 the face of the gra\e difficulties of I II It n (t t11ll:111 I I fll'IH'" III the montmg: lIIel II e Rutgers m the 1 our tnne \\ III bc most cordially wel I 1 III Ill' CnJlc( II rh(rl (I \ \ Ind Plrtntllgh I lftl'rnOOn It I!> 1.1IS Price s plan to 1II 1 tlrll ~ Illlp IrUl I I nglill \ I comet! and prOVISion IS belllg made for Ct nduct as much ot th<.' kllltlcrg .rten 1 large attendance No I11dtVldual [111 \ 1 tn 11 Sp 1111 1 ht J) I II m 1 rut'hl od Stanl I I \ ItallOns or tickets" III be reqUired or \\ ork a:-. posslhle (ut ( f tllors dunng Ilul tht r It rill )f f( r C Ihf )ntll thcse occ~stOns At other mcctmgs only Ihe pleasant autumn cla\ ... I n II III III C pl'rlttoll \\Ithl lhlrll,,:\1 \\(oclman }{1 h those \\ho \\car delegates badges can fhe hours of the \aluable rathcl than deplorable 1111 UV \KI h. \\ 11)1)1:'\(. In thc \\arthm rl 111<1 1Ia\l:rl ml ()11 gl''''11he Soclet~ behc,cs that our C0111mu lamOlb Quaker art ~t th~ latc PcrC\. Sllilultalll' HI!ih I 1lI1t:h \\111 hl scnul mtles and our nation and the \,orld at Bigland n ~ of 10l1doll "III he on It e.:~eh of the college!o. large can find a way of umty despite exhllut III the Board n.00111 oi Clotlller the dlfferenccs of pollhcal and cco ).rcl1nnal Hall S\\arthmorc College Welca,ue, FrIends nomic 'Ie\\ POll1t winch at prcscnt so Th" \\ III be of specml mterest to mem sad" 1 sue III Violence and strtfe Call erellce I ~ II I 1 I t see the hers of thl' Conft'rcnce not on I) he S\\art 1l1110rC n;a y \\C :c g ~(O f a can e ot Its artlst1c excdlence hut also ~o sonncllllg trumpet... hlare for thun al ssemh) ,\It nn [.15 p.olun la.rolel~ ~hClr hl'call!>e of Ib portra\ al of the mtenor ~o "lrl'~ml1lg "ar l1ags :lre unfuriul arge comtan~ 10 pe~ ue ~\ how pcace of tIll.' hi tone Jordalls ~fe('tH1g House \\ Ith hearts of Ime thc) genti) coml 0\\ Il Prac Ices d1a,e 0 m hunal place of \\ Ilham Pl'1I1l locatcd I hc I)eaceful Fnends acrosS thc \\orld can b c ac l neve [ L I To all VISltll1g Fnends whatevcr alll ut one hour s r:dc rOI11 om 011 Our S\\arthmorr \\armh "e!co11les them languagc thc;) speak and whatever lanu and of Its l10rtral s of "ell kno\\11 High IS their quest their \151011 clear the) represent S\\arthmore offcrs a FntlHb oj the past ilnd pnsl'nt gellt'r ~1'('kl1lg alle\\ Chnst s truth and hght heart) ,,{"1come atu"lll" PAUl D STlJR(.E II HAl F DAN L1ELSON I hc kmdh ~uakcI s ~atht ncl her<.' England Denmark I I Lucky Leaf APPLESAUCE No 2 Can II Genuine Baby Rolled Fore LEGS LAMB-lb A Real Treat JOSEPII E QUINBY BF-II 1110:>.;1' .t _"I 15c & SON QUIN8\ LOOK I - GIANT I'IGER I'rlle FrUIt Flavor BEVERAGES Full Quart Hottle c Plus Deposit \ssorted Flavors Del Monte CALIF. SARDINES 2 for Large Oval Cans - In Tomato Sauce Clolhes Pholle 2096-W S \R \ G. RA Yl\IOND Drpsslllu/; f'r J II II sit r Hd S,\ Irlhnwrt III or l:lO \ II L.bby's Red Alaska SALMON Tall Can I ~ S (I" MUS Kellogg's or Miller's CORN FLAKES G.bb's or UCO PORK & BEANS 160z Can 1 It"" lillie 10 PI.1Il S. hool ~~!!!!!!!! II Edwal'd L. Noves • lit c Pillsbury's "Best" FLOUR-12 Ib Bag I 4 hedroolllS, 2 h.dh!4~ oil II( ",t PIli 5 Campbell s New Pack TOMATO SOUP 4 Reg SI2.e Cans ~ 01 I t lth 111\ 11 Prmcelnn <\ \ t 119 S III hl.:l' the Pist \\ttk It' (leIt.(] lour 11 llIlet. "hl'IC Iccuil' ts CC11II((1 \\hl.:l\ tl \ n1l111 I L\l' 1 ll'lI l I rt.: I I Ihe Oh"l'l \ ce 11111\\ Cl:ll n \\11 It mot.1 \1 ILtlt1 1ll,..IH hl\~ le:-'l1lh I Lt{ Ilill hilI th Il!4ilgt'IKl hct'll 11 1111 ttcd I 1«lll I ~hth d III Ilut CIt: 1111 \\ ill S. BIT1 LE S\Hlrthlllorc III J Nollr~ • I I Full3tandard TOMATO~No 2 Can \ OL. I •I'. I I , , 'IIIIE SWARTBMOUAN: AUGUST 27, 1937' .. THE SWARTBMOREAN Lou H()()ven, oi ; Lansdowne•. We' now undentartd:this W~~ In error since there In a news note In last week S Issue of I Jtas been ·no publtO--atlRouncement of the paper Mr. Francis B. ("BUd")j' the engagement made 'and' the· pre_ Murphy, of Dickin~on averJ:ue, was, re- sumably reliable Jriend who informed ferred to ·as the' fiance ·of· Miss Peggy I us was a bit previous. SWARTHMORE FRIENDS MEE11NG HOUSE Not Engaged . PUBLI81U!D I!ftaY PBlDAY AT • 8W ARTHMOBE. PA. 'DIB SWABTHMOBEAN, INC. PubUsller I ~~~~~~~·';~~"l-1\i~m,~l\UYiT,~I-;~'I'~H~E~.~~~:!!~~:;-;:lF;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;~s:,"•. CLASSIFIED , . PETER E. TOLD G,reeting to Swarthmore Friends Cordial WelcQme to Delegates a~d ROSAUE DRYDEN Ne. . EdItor Phone SwartJu:nore -900 F.ntered as Second Class Matter, laDUU'J' 24, 1129. at tbe POit Olllce at swarthmore, pa· t under the Act of March 3, 1179. ,. ~!~i~~~~~~~aiil t~:it;; FRIDAY. AUGUST 27. 1937 N. WALTER SUPLEE Hardware "And so I lind it well to come . For deeper rest to this still room, For here the habit of the 80ul Feels less the outer world's control; The strength of mntual purpose pleads More earnestly our common needs; And from the silence multiplied By these still forms on either side, The world that time and sense have known Falls off nnd leaves us God alone." CHESTER ROAD Sw. 105 HORNETS WSE TO LENNI Ed Welcome Delegates and Visitors to World Conference The Rexall Store PAXON HOLLOW II 13 South Chester Road Swarthmor.e 586 Welcome, Friends! In All lIs Brimebes A N Y W H A N Y T I M E E It; E fRED J. HA,RLEY ciu S~arthnlore'I441 .. · WEDNESDAY 9:30 A. M. to 3:30 P. M.--Bewlng and quilting In Whittier House.· Box luncheOn. All are cordlally invited. MBTHODIOT KPlSCOPAL 0HIJlWJI Clarence P. parter, ~.B •• B.D., MIn1ater 9:45 A; M.'-'-Cll~m/'~:.IIl: < 11:00 A. M.-lIIo_ WOlBhJp. • • : •• Louis F. Pierce, Proprietor Day and Night Storage PIB8T CIIURCIt OF CBBIBT. IIOIBNTJIIT. . . ~ 8WABTIIKOBI: . . Parll: A ....ue below Barvanl 10:00 A. M..-BundaJ'.8chool. . 11:00 A. M.--8unday Le88on-8ermOil.. Wedn_ e _ _ _ ....k, 8 p. JIL R'AdlnS room o»en ~ ~pt.8U1l. da.Y* and ,hondaya ~ A.".U. ~ 12·:30 1»•• M: Expe..t Mechanic Service Sinclair Gasoline and Lubricating Oils Wllshing-Lubrication....,..Battery and Tir., Servic" :=::=::==::=================:=:::==~ ••• SALUTATIONS To The Friends World Conference .ADOLPH'S BARBER SHOP OPEN. UNTIL MIDNIGHT Swarth.411 401 Dartmouth Ave. A. 'Wayne Mosteller ElettricafContractor Telegb~iie Swarthniore 58 .. . . . ... , . <" '. ~, .. ., 23S: CDEma RD•. (ll/eid'JO l'h';B~"'k)' .. .. TeIil'tii>ne S"Drth. 42 { .. ~ .,' . 8:30 'A. M: East.ern Condi-tions;' $~iiO.OO 'ca.!.h . or certified ·check al time oC 8ille. (un'l.'>;8 otherwise alated in advertisement) balanre in ten days. Other CO!tqltlolls on dny· or "ale. No. 203 8'" E '1 0 50 l' S. 55" 18' 8" E. 549.80'; S. u,' 8"-' E.' 169.5'; N. 80° 27' 62" E. H160': N. 81° 10' 02" E. 51'7.34': N. 72° E 143.27' to Harriet P. Peters !an~: S. 36, ~ ' ....... i: - 102 PARK AVENUE ., ;...' L" -.~ , ... , . ,.,.... , .. ' '.... ! ,. WELCOME DELEGATES AND VISITORS TO FRIENDS WORLD CONFERENCE .. , ' .,., '•. * •. ,. ' , ' ..... ', • '" COvenanlor. ~arkstone_ ...Be~l1'· '~o~II;f.. Thoma. e .. J G .... nfteld co., .lvi}· )lanl G ...Pril'E', IDe., Grantelf"S ~.Cov~,()r· alid L Gordon Petel'8Qn, real owner. ""ah " ,-., ... ", • .. .ge'" '•._E. .. • .••. - , ," ,, ; ·,I • . . ; "-<;..... .< . I • .< ---? * Dean HaroldE.• B.* Speight. of Swarthmore· College, has returned to his home 011 ltlm avenu,e, after a month's vacation in New ·E·ngland. He visited his daughter:it Hanover, N. H. and sPent ten days M at Spruce Point, Boothbay Harbor, e. On the way home .he ~pent a week-end at Buck HiU Falls and' &ave the weekly Foxhowe lecture' at the. Inn there. -·Mrs. Speight sails .foi'home September 1 on the Quee·n· Mary after spending the summer with sisters in Scotland and making a short visit to .France. Charlotte, Coliege, has a sophomore in Swarthmore spent several weeks ~t .Grenoble, France, attending courses at the University. She will join her mot.her at Cherbourf;" for the voyage home. After. the. Friend.s' Conference Mrs. Speight wilt" have as a house guest ~rs. McQregor ;RO~St, ~of -.Swarthmoor Hall, t h' f h' h S th Ulv~rston, ancas Ire, ~r W IC waT-i mote was named and ·whIch was the home I of Margare. t Fell, wife of George Fox, the 'I foUnder' of, the' Sot:.:iety of Friends. JmJilovement8",~DSiB\. of t~lItO.ry fr~~~·i~,Mt5•. ·Richard ,~urke':and son, Wilsbn. d~Jlinl", 30J[27 r~t: frame bam. 15x28 feet.; of Westdale avenue. returned home Tuesthree·story frame dweUing. 27£'3 teet. day August 17 from Ocean City N. ~J., ,- f ~nk J · H o n _ ' ' e e k• . ;'l~'.. I So!d as the proper ..... 0 ......., .. '. .'-- where. they spent a w. • 1· i . M~s. :.H. deC~ Hamilton· Will return to I her home on Yale avenue September:, Ij after a ·'six-weeks visit ',on ,Cape Ann'l Mass. .,nn ng. I " ,t • ij Welcome Members of.the Friends 'World Conference. WHILE : IN SWARTH""QRE VISIT THE 'f.' .. . . . . P'.I.·. --,. . ~ .' <... '" ~ , t t oil Wo.~LD'S· MOST. M, 9D~RN.FOqp M.~RI<:f.r. .;. t·" ~\ : p~,.., ~ . . . . . . r~; .:0.1'»., .~' t·1 ,r.'.'. 'I.' . ~ r.:; • • \. .. ...• -. -. ' . -' .. -. -."'''' ..... - ~ IiI" -,;....--------':'.-"'--"'-.':,':.-.':'.-~-:-.-,:":,..,--.j-,- .-,:-:-.- - - - . _~".' t:·l .;, \ ~ ,:,.,~ • ,.~, :'.'.~l.i,; ,,' - II \ : t: ' ' , ' , ; . . . , . . ~ .. I . ~. '. I :. .~ -\" .. . '. ·MARTE·L BROS ,! !· ~ \ '~ ; '" :.: ~ ; ~ • b:';;;,j_:o'L..2..,,'·'.; .. I!<~ ·).~Mi-s ·.t~.'.· D.a.~.$m.· .: cind'iiaugh~. : 1. ! >, ~ .......~ .".,~ ·!T-di'·W.··' ...~-' Joan, oiikCMrs. DavVisson's mother, M.rst· :~. I.,., ...... _ .. ~ : " .. ,.'._ .'., -.. ~ . '.;'0\[ '~!'.Ja !i: ~ . ~ 1M ear A. M~ AUison, of ~. assar' .avc:~ spell ;~ i ". H.ndmone.~.OO?o~...:.. lasl~eek.mo-'Cit1.'N.'J.'1Krs. D¥',.. ~pAltlt.;~VE"" HEN~Y G.- SWENEY. Atio~ey: . isson and Joan were at their cottagejat, ,,: ! &:;----i;___iijii-'___~~~~. . _:'." ~ __ ~~~"!. ~:~!~~.,;...Slt~~..~*~f.~~er:~,~~:·,t~~IT!~.--...: ",",:" . :-. 1...-:,'.;,'.1;:"'..-'"t..-""'.","-......",..;,."'.."::.."..,.. .,.~.."..-..,.,... .,.•."'."'..". . .,.,...."..",,-=-;...,,-~.-""'."......,...,""''''..,..". ."..;,_..".''.•=e."Ia1.~~~... lD .•n, a '\ _·.-E~W·R_.7&~ Avo; BUCHNER'S .... 7: 0 W~nl si.: s'. 36° 32' 53'" E. 1280.30' 10 M'ic:hal'1 Partnszek land: S. 02° 12' 22" W 118 IS" S. 36° 45' 3S" E,. 476.31' to middle iOth St.; S. 53° ~8' 22" W. 824,97~ to 01. 18S' N. E. Cr. N. E. 8, Highland Av.: N :10" 32' 53" W. 535,105' to N. B. 12th si, S 5Ro 7' 7" W. 20.02': N. 30° 82' 63"" w·· 71' 48" S 63" 27' 7" W. 20.3' to'·een~ Hi~hla;1d N. 30° 32' 53" W. 911.01' to be,rinning, 112.5QO acres. EJ::~pUng 5. cert. IOI~ with· impro"ements N. E. s. Highland A\: 14.;.:I·~' s. an° a'.!' :;3" E, fro S. E, s. 13th St: N. 5:." :!M' :!:!" E. 1";'3' to middle 20' a:ies-' S 31to 32' 5:1" E. 24-2.14': S. 53° 27" yi,. I i7i1o; &: N. 36° 32' 53", W. 24~.2~.' :~~, W e~ome Friends and ,: Visitors to World Conler.-ence Make. our place VQur headq,uart~rs. Cars called . .. for- and .delivered oi ,'; w s I' Gas and Oil, Lubrication, Repain, Information . Sta~dard Time s. . ., Telephone .~ Swiorthmore 114.or 130 DELEQATES AND VISITORS TO FRIENDS CONFERENCE , Lot. with improvem('nls•. Chester, Del. Co., Pa. ne~. center H4rhlam1 Av. ~ Township Rd. S 64" 4' 7" W. 681.06' to Tramel' BaM. line; S: 05" 11' 52" W. 523.04' to mid. ,Keysertown Rd. &: Upper Chichester Twp. line; N. "',..0 HI' 13" "W 2340' to middle Chichester R~I . 7f)~ 44' 'S" E. 201.7': N. 8So 20' 62" E ·iOO.7" N. 85 0 53' 52'" E. 51S.4': S. 77° 13 S. CHESTER RD. Welcomes ·CELIA· SHOES'HOP Miss Eugenia Sammis, of Greenlawn, L [; is the guest of M ro and Mrs. F. M. Jone.s, of. Yal~,.avenue.. " SHERIFF SAU: .. June Term, 1937 ESTATE AlYD INSURANCE Plymouth , ' . " HARRIS &. CO." ' ~EAL . ~. .. • * '., Fieri Fndl1s ' ~ . I '.'.' "*' ' * 'S:i.tur~ar., ~ep~(>n1ber 18, 1037. N;';~;;P;bli~··' WELCOME TO SWARTHMORE FRIENDS . . .. . ' AND .. . DELEGATES TO WORLD CONFERENCE - .; • * • , Real E.'"~eliel'al: lniilran~e ; . ' .... " * - . ..., ,'. _,N,,·, ~ , 14 PARK AVE. Mr. Curtis S. Jones, of Yale· avenue, -Mrs. Albert alid Albert ,. Stamford, Jr. have returned to thei:- spent last week-end 'in Huntington, L. home on Cornell avenue, following a I., the guest of friends. Cleaning and Pressing Europcan trip. . PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE · Miss Rosamond Jones, daughter of Mr. • * • Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Collins, of and Mrs. F. P. Jones, of Yale avenue, Swarthmore a'venuc, entertained friends has returned home from Spring Lake, L........;.______\"'".;.,.;,;·..,._.;....,;.;:,..__,;..__,....""'_;......;.....;.....___........-;...__.J N. J., where .she was th.e:. guest of Missl,_____________________..,-_ _ _ _ _ _-c:-___- . 'SUhday on: their boat "Beneda" at ,Betty. de .. Ganahl, o( Bristol, at the de , ' " : ~:~~Iown,'~_._____ ;.~,--.-'- Ganah!: summer:ih~me••. : M~PARKER '. JOSEPH'S BARBER SHOP ... SherifJ~~ Office', Court" House. Media. Pa,. ,. .' WELCOME FRIENDS AND DELEGATeS TO FRIENDS WORLD CONFERENCE I WEL..,ME,·FRI,ENDS . • ,- '.."<,., '. ()n the Main Street (Chester Rd.) Three blocks below station .;. ,. . .·p'homd250 Swarthmore, Pa., .. South Chester Road ••• • '.Stamford '" * MJ!DIA, llELL PHONE 4 ChurCh edIflce. ; All are corcUal17 lD.vUed to attend the I "'-~"''1!!!!!!'1''!'!~!'!"~.~.~,!'!__!!'l'~''.. ,''.'"' !'-t!'' ' ' '. ~~.~ .~ ~..}!... dl",.~_., *• * Arthur Cheyney, of College lane, and weeks' vacation spent on Deer Isle, Bill Shelly, of South Chester road, .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; will return home S.unday from Ocean Me. • · Mrs. Charles •L. *Bolton returned to City, N. J., where they spent a week. he~r home on Cedar lane the middle of • WELCOME DELEGATES AND VISITORS TO Dr. C. B.' Inglis and daughters, Dr. last week after spending two weeks May, N. J. 'in Cape Helen F. Cramp and Mrs. Edith 1. FRIENDS WORLD CONFERENCE * • * €uskaden.' of Park avenue·,:' returned Friday night after a motor .trip to Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Sawyer will reBerlin, Md. On their way home they move September 1 from 222 Rutgers· 'Cleaning and Pressing' . stopped to visit Mrs. Eugene Kelly, :J.venue to spend a year in Lancaster. Park avenue, at he'r summer home Pa,. where Mr. Sawyer has heen sta- I 21 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD Swarlhmore.40I_W at L·ewes, D e l . · Honed with the Arundel Corporation , Ed\fard L. Noyes -... ,. OLD BANK BUILDING Swarthmore 360 ••• Ul' .,. The Lilly Ann Hat Shop - The Eileen Dress Shop * ,60 "!iit t~~$.*,~:: wi. SWARTHMORE GARAGE , . I B.\ GREETINGS. FRIE"OS . Meeting House. ••• " II:=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ "Christ Jesus" is the subject of .the Lesson-Sermon in all . Churches of CHURCH NEWS t Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, August 29. S~"'W:-A-R-T-HM--O-RE--P-RES-B-YTERlAN------CHU=--RCH- I The Golden Text is: "The Father Rev. David Braun, ldlJ;llster judgeth no man, but hath committed SUNDAY all judgment unto the Son: that all 11:00 A. M.-Mornlng Worship. Rev. Frederick W. Loetscher, Ph.D., D.D. men should' honour the Son. even as they honour the Father" (J abn 5 :22, TRINITY CHURCH 23). Protestant EpisCOpal THE RELIGIOUS BOCIBTY OF F'BIBNDS SUNDAY 11:00 A. M.-Meettnc for Worsh1p In the 108 GREETINGS TO FRlENDS OF THE . WORLD CONFERENCE * .. F. Fraser and of Mrs.' Baltimore since February. Dr. and "Mrs. *Herbert Jolin W. Adams, who has been daughter, ,:,Sara Jean, of Wallingford, Jiving at the Sawye·r home, is planning returned from a week's motor to build a house on Bel1jamin West I trip'to West Virginia. I~!~en,~.e With her daughter, Mrs. J. .• • •. . o{ Dickinson" avenue,' and' Mrs: },{rs. 'William J. Guy has returned chi1drf>n, she ,will leave' soon to 1 beat, .... ""'~~:.::,.:-'her hO,!l1e on Yale avenue after a h.~rp.~,. W!\!~;n~ :r:.T., 'X~.,.A{r. _W~s.l,~wm $60"';'3 '60~' to Tc·r former home in Newburgh, sp-end several wet"ks in her ,former ~, ery N. Y. meet his family there for over. Labor Day and drive _them, home... , . S. BITTLE ... 1-1 r: and }.[rs. J ohli. Plumer,' of ·South • • Swarthmore-Ill-I . Not;y:y PubUc-IIlsurauce-Real Estate Chest~r r,Qad, -have been touriqg the Mr. and Mrs. W. Ross Thomson and Gasp·e: Peninsula and· aie now visiting family will remove tomorrow from M8S. A. J. QUINBY & SON at the Wallingford. Vt. summer home 416 Haverfo:d place to Chambersburg, of Mrs. Plumer's parents. Mr. Pa., where Mr. Th'omson has been JOSEPH I!. QUINBY Mrs. R. Chester Spencer, of Swarth- sales manager of the Wolf Machinery ~ompany since ·April. more av~nue. :~U~ERAL DIRECTQRS. May we have the pleasure of serving your needs while visiting Swarthmore HANNUM & WAITE SWARTHMORE JAKE THE TAILOR w:~=t;o:n~w~..:t~C:h:..:ter~.;p:'lk:e~o:r~Sta:te:'~Ro:.:d~I~.~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~:~~~~:~ . Chryslfr NEXT TO POST OFFICE - • •• !~=~;~~~~~I~~;;;I VICTOR D. SHIRER Youmans Promoted Notary Pubiic General Insura,ice ' OLD BANK BUILDING Real Estate ••• :~~~~!~E~;~~~~~::: Mr.I:;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;: Furniture Restoring • :~i~~~~~~~~~i~~~~ MAKE THIS STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS The Hornets lost their last scheduled Mr. Edgar G. Youmans returned to game in the Delco Valley League to Swarthmore to visit his mother at their Lenni by the score of .13 to 5 011 Thursday, August 19. home on Elm avenue last week-end. 'fhe postponed hOOlC game with Up- Youmans has been promoted to the rank land remains to be playcd. The date of Senior Forester in the Pennsylvania of this event remains uncertain. Wa- Department of Forests and Waters. He ter polo games do not count in the will act as assistant district forester at league st311djng and that was the only Petersburg, Huntington County. sport which had a chanee bf being played on the local field this week. I-------~--------When, as and if the rain lets up, we expect to have this game played. The winner will hold undisputed possession of sixth place in the league standing. GOLF ~OUBSE At present, the two teams are tied with MEDIA Cour games 'hi -'the!" won column and Delaware County ninc in the lost. Local followers of the Hornets should 'l1·ot feel - disappointed at the Come Oul and Try lowly standing of the team. The a Fir.' CIa.. Delco Valley League ranks as the fastCour.el est purely amateur league in the GREENS FEES county. The local hoys have outsteppe(f weekdays ,1.00 the Lloyd team of Chester, which gives Saturday & Sunday ,1.50 an idca of the type of ~ppos~tion w~ich Reasonable Membership they eu(:ountercd. At Lenni, the home team went to work at: once and had the game on See John J. Beadle, Proice by the end of the first inning. /esswnal at Club House. Or Phone Newtown ~ellni scored six nll~s in the first innSquare 143 mg and three more 111 eaeh of the sec: · ·1 I·' . I LOCATED: South of Broomall on Paxon d on am t IIrd stanzas. Thclr last coun- Hollow Road West of Sproul Road Drive · to Sproul JIOad. . I one · terTIcame Ie H ornets in the fifth countc( spann. 111 each I .. ' t ~. • of the third, fourth and ·sixth c:huk: . kers and two in the fifth. The game was lost before the Hornets were able to get into high gear. nut they kept trying and prevented a top-heavy score from turning into a rout. Hornet nms -were scored hy Stauffer, Mc\Villiams, Abernathy, Sipler and Smith. Stauffer led the sock department with two hits and McWilliams smacked a booming triple. Henderson and Smith had the other hits and the latter also stotc a hase. 1 Chester' Road and· CoUead Ave.-us 'Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, B.T.IJ.. Rector Rev. T. A. Meryweather. Dlr. ~. Beluo. 11:00 A. M.-Momlng Prayer anct Sermon. I Mr. Guenther will preach. ALICE M. BAIRD ••• By JOliN GREENLEAF WHITI'IER. UPHOLSTERING .. ••• "The Meeting" .!> • I .' .... so. A WELCOME TO Al:LJlisiTORS !~=:::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::~ Visitors Attending the·.Conference· COLLEGE CHIMES TO. RING AGAIN . " a trip through New Hampshire ."d Miss .1,.",'1 Harvey, of College ave .. Ver,nllnt. On :their return they will nue, has returned from Treasure is- pick tJ~. t.heir daughter, Charl,?ue, who land. off the coast of Rockland, Me., IS spendmg the summer· with, M n. where she spent a month with friends. Annie B. Thompson, at Gloucester. , Mass. Mr. and Mrs. John Howard Miss Sadie Chadwick has re&umed Taylor, of Kenyon avenue are spend-: duties at the Swarthmore liigh ing' a week with Mrs .. Thompson alid·! School office :after spending several ·vacation in Ocean Grove, N. J~ orly her daughter, Mrs. Frank Smith, form- I of Swarthmore. her· mother. Mrs. Marian Chad.. • • 1 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wilson, of Ogden avenue. returned Monday from; Drexel Hill. MissofPolly Hoot; of PrihceWn· aveth~' Appalachian Mountain Camp·' in' mie. has just returned from a Maine, where they spent three weeks .• weeks stay as the guest of Adele Mark·Mrs. J. Wheeler Allison. of Rutgers '~~~~~Iley, : of Guernsey road, who is vac.a... I~ tipn'ng' at ·AvalQn, N. J. . avenue, is' spending this week in' Ocean City, N. J., as 'the guest of her mother .~.:;'~i,~~t;;d11 ,Mr.: Notnry P"IIIic , ~t is~ Eugcnia Sammis, of Grrcnl.awlI'l L. I., IS the guest of ~Ir. and ~lrs, I'. ~l. Jones, of Yalc avellue. II * • • ~t rs, H, deC, Hamilton will r('\ urn to I her home on Y.ale avenue Septl'mber I: ahcr a six-wceks visit on Capl' Ann.; Mass. * • • 23 S. CHESTEU 110. Dean Harold E. B. Speight, of Swarlh· No. !!O:l nl()re Collegc, has rcturned to hi.; hUlIIc (.~l!xt 10 lh,~ Ihmk) Olt Elm avenue, after a month's \'a~'atioll Tcicilhone Swnrlh, ,.2 ,'uw' 'f.']'Ill. 1!1:l7 in Nl'\\, England. He \'isited his datl~h· I.nt wilh illll'!'''''l'llU'lIt:<. Clwst,'r. D('~. Cn., ter at Hanover, N. H. and Silent ten days 1':1 Bl'~, t't'nll'c' lIi;!hlaiul A\,. & TnwlI"lllll _Rtf, :\\ ~,·e;.l0 .1' .... w. mH,OW III Traiu('r ,Hurn. I,me; at Spru(c Point, Buothhay }-Iarhm', . t·, s. lit,~ II' ;,'!" w, ;.'!:U)-I' to nwl. ,l{('~ ~r· On the way home he spent a \\,et'l..:-cnd town nd & l~pl"'C' Chit'llI'"tl'r TWII. I~ne, N. al Iluck Hill Falls and gAVC the weekly ;'~" .J''' 1'1" \\', '!:I,IO' tf) mithile Chu'hci>t!'!· •-,.', . ~,' ~,..~ '.,' S" B, ·!HI."; N. SKo ~tl' r.:!" Foxhowe lecture at the Inn there. fo" 'i(i~. ~,':: 'N'I M:,O .~,a' :1'1" Jo!, :.HU.': S. 77° ~(rs. Speight sails for home Selltcmher ., ,.,. . S' ~ .. P • -1'1 RO" S l!I' W' R I:!:I.I: S, .",0 I., ,.,,~',:~ ...~ ...,' E- 1 011 the Queen ~1ary after spcnding' the til c 14' W' E, lH!I,:": ~,Hoh _. .1-, I IHiin': N. SIC Ili' ;,.!" r:. ;)17_:14'; N. 7~O 7" summer with sistcrs in Scotland 31H H l-Ia:~7' 10 1I:u"1I'1 P. 1'~'h'r;:..h~]~I: S. :~tI: making a short visit to France. Charlotte, 11 .. .. ••• '1" }O' li"U IS" 'X :,a~ '_I , E, 1••0 ~ . S I C II I· '" ;'." \\,: ~I'si,: g, :ui" a'!' :-.a~ E, l':!HO,:IO'1 a sophomore III wart ll11urc u e.!A.e, !ilS REAL ESTATE ANI) Ii til ,\, , . . 1 1 . ",0 1'" ".... I k t G hi I' ·.n 'e to ~11.ha,'1 l'ill'la,~1.,'I, lantl: S. h_ ~spent severa "'ee s a rello C, r. c, INSURANCE 'I:< w: • I ~ :-<,1:1': R,. :'~iQ :-)I~' ,i~~- ;!~~; ~n~!J~ ,H~~ at!('II(!il~g courses at the University. She '.lIItl'I," 11~~.1}1 x~t,,\ x 1-;, s. lIi~hlalltl Av.: wtll Jom her mother at Cherhollrg for 13 S. CHESTER UD. " II, ". •. " .•.. .... 1" I N "l'o a'" ,,:1" w. r,:J:•. H).,· tn .... s, _t I the vovage homc. •.• , • •• 'N 'JU 'I'U -'l" • , Telephone ;~~': i~' ,;:::~ ~~ ;':~o \~~,;:!I~~~\~" ~n;J' t~ -:'(,I~~'er A,fler t~le Fricnds' Conference :"Ir~" S,,'nrlhmore 114 or 130 1i 1Ii~'hla;ltl ;\\',; 'N, :Iti~ :I':!' i'i;l w: !IlI,:Ol' to SpeIght ''''111 havc as a house guest ~lr:"J. :::::::::::::::::~ IIM".illllill~' :' ('('r,.] :\lcGregor Ross, of Swarthmonr ~ ,II,..!,.~"lc; a,'r,'''' I X f4X('('lltlll~ }O' s Jh"hlaml S Hall, 1 Jill" WII h ]mpl,,,\'('Jll~:1 ~"'•••: ,.• ,~ s·· " ; I:•••, Uhel'ston T allcashif(', for which. wart 1-, Co , ____ , _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ ,.. _I \ ' 11- '1'" S '\cF :\'..•. """.,,,, -, • • ;, i ~ ': x· .. ·:-.:I~· ;!~, '!'!" E, I ~:I' (II mh',lh' '!t1' more was named and wluch was the h.lmc I 'F elr.orlle Friends (1I1tl i ;l\':Y:' :I~IO .-,:1"0 ~~,,:!"!..;,!'I·; ~; ,~:~I.O .~!., 01 ~Iargaret Fdl, wifc of George Fox, the 7" W, 17:1'; & ~,:IH ,l'. .101 \\. ,A_, _0 tu founder of the Society of Friends. i ___7 O s. Visit.ors t.o W orII ( ConI erencp BUCHNER'S On the Main Street (Chester Rd.) Three blocks below station Swarthmore, Pa. rl' ,I Welconle Members of .the Friends .World Conference ~ Make our place your headquarters Cars called {or and delivered Park A venue below Harvard "·1 u Gas and Oil, Lubrication, Repairs, Information SUNDAY , , METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 9:45 A. ),f,-Church School, 11:00 A, M,-Mornlng Worship, E Chr'Vsler . DELEGATES AND VISITORS TO FRIENDS CONFERENCE T I WELCOME FRIENDS AND DELEGATES TO FRlENIJS WORLD CONFERENCE " 9:30 A, 1\1. to 3:30 P. M,-5cwing and' {lulltlllg In Whittier House. Box luncheon, All BTQ eordlally Invited. Clarence F. Carter, A.B., B.D,. Minister ~I rs. i Edward L. Noves Welcomes Meeting House. A N SALUTATIONS To Thc F.·iends World Conferencc ADOLPH'S BARBER SHOP GREETINGS, FRIENDS 1 I I 11:00 A. M.-Meet1ng for Worship In the Call Swarthmore 1441 "1 * * * ••• ,:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E:~:;I I "Christ Jesus" is th(' sllh;cct of thc Lc>soll-Scrlllllll 111 all Chllrches of l'hri:-.t, Sciellti"t, tin :-;lIl1d Ile,then serveu th,e OXf01:tl:h'r came in the fiith spanll. I West on West Chester Pike or State Road _ _._. ________________ Prn;h)·tnnn Church of PIlIhdc1[)hl't '1'1 11. I' to sprout R o a d , ] .----~--." .." Ie 1I11lt'ls COlllltt'( Olll' III cach It~r. ~h,n,l' ,Years, r.e~ll?n.lIl¥ to}.~)c~~me of till' third, fourlh and sixth Chllkploll!>o!>our of hOlllllettcs 111 I'lllccloll ker.," ·.,.,1 '\.' 0 II .• [I It' 1',·[1 • . I I. '1'1 Ie gamc ~l'lIIlllar\'. In 11)13 he accepted a caJl '\ ..• ,. 1",·. 1",,' [I II r ' \"l'l'e a III e . (I . (Ire Ie ' l i I1l',~ to the IIrofl'ssol'slllp 0 C lUrch history, , . , 1· 1 I' I k . .. 0'" II J..{l' 11\ n II~ I g-ear. ,l1t t ley ·t'I,1 In thl' Sl'lHlIl'll'), an n ICt' 111 \\'lnch he . , " • t 1'\'1II)., alHI I'fl'\'l'lIh'cl a top-hl"I"V ha,> sl'rn'.1 ever SIl1CC. 11l' holds doclor- , - , , ' ., ' . • , . • • i "CO n' nl1l1 IUI'IIII1g- IIIto a ront. alt'~ 01 three UlIl\Trsltles allel IS ,I ITC- i II (lfllt' , rllllS \\'('J'(' selln'( I hy ~tatlfO~IlIZt,cl :llllhonty III IllS specl:i1 fil'lll llf I i ' :\1 '\\"11' \1 I S' I chl1r('l1 history, Ill' is 11I11ch in clt'llIalul! ~·I, .. l . I H~IIIS, [ ll'rnat ly, • I)) l'r and as a speakl'r Oil special IIC(a~ioIlS as :-;U1I111, ~t;H1irl'r k.cl till' Slick cll~part.. IIU'llt willi t,"j) 11I[s ".,.1 '1"\\','11,··",~ •• · \\'t· I1 as f 01' the 1II0re lI~nal pulpit 111111. . . '. .\, istrations. :>1l1;Jcb'd a htHIlIIlIlg tnl'll', 1lt-lHkrsoll l • • :tnd Smith had !Ill' 0111('1' hits and tlil': Christian Scit~n('c' f:luu"dl lattn alsn stnh~ a lIas(". 1 A N has rl·!'tttlled hl'r dutil's. at till' Swarthmofl' High School ullin' a ftl'r spl'IHling !-'cvcl'al wceks \';lcalioll in Ocean Grm'l', ~, J. with hl'r 1I10thl'r. )'Irs, "Iarian Chadwick, of lJrexl'1 Ililt. () "I r. amI :"1 n, I{aymond \\'ilsol1, of • * • Ogden ",'ellUl', returned ~Ionda\' (rom GREETINGS TO f'RIENDS Of' THE ),1 iss Polly I loot, or Princeton an'- the Apvalachian ~Ioulltain t':;mp in and WORLD CONf'ERENCE IIUt'. has just rcturncci from a two ~I ;dne. whl'rc till')" SPl'lIt thret' wCl·ks. 4442 or wc('ks stay as the gUt'S' or Adt'll' ~fark­ * * * I ley. of Guernsey road. who is "111111. of South son. Rohl'ft .I r" of \Vilming-hlll, Del. 'FOR SALE-Peaches. Picked fresh dally. r:l Rancho Orchards. Providence road one ',·' ... d road. ha\'e fl'turncd homc af- spellt lasl wl'l'k-t'1H1 wilh ~I rs. 'I\'she's mile north of Rose Tree Hunt Club, near spending- live wl'l'ks ahoarcl thdr pan'lIts, ~I r. and M r~, Cl'orgl' Brad· Media, Popular Rumbo apples, lOR, SALE _ Household furniture; beds, 1)( ;at .. I'lon'r" ill Chl'Sapl'aJ.a' 11ay. lidd. (If Yale a\·cllue. * * * buteaus, five-piece genuine Stickley llv~ will return to the crait this wl'l'k~ ?\Irs. Carl Ingraham. of Va~sar an iug room set, three-piece antique mahogto tab, it hal'k frolll ~tolll' HarSOllth Chester Road any bedroom suite; mahogany dining room lIllI.', returlll'(1 last wl'ck fWIII Gici • \"blc. buUet and server, large overstuffed hor. wht,Tl' tIlt·y left it. Summit ~pl'ings, POI .. when' she spell [ (lavenJlQrt and wing chair. 222 Rutgers llve* * * IJlIC, ~Iiss ~Iary IJinglc, of Park an'Hue, t\\'o wl'cks with her mother, ~Irs, E, A I i:, slim - , left 'l'm'sday to spend a wcek as thc ~llIrray, uf \Vilkes-Barn'. WANTED , of ~I iss Beatrice L;llItcrhack, at meTing' then'. 1. ' * • * ~adil.' Chatlwirk "I r. a II d :"1rs, II a rold G r i ill II, 5 The Lilly Ann Hat Shop - The Eileen Dress Shop TO lUNG A(;A]N Th{' ~Iiss I,'n'l lIarn','. of Collc~c an'· IIIH", ha~ rdurlll'd 'froll1 Tn'a,;ufl' !s10111(1. oIT t Iw t'oasl of I~oek"tlul. ),1 ('" ",hl're sill.' SJll'IIt