SWAI~THM[)I~E VOL. IX, No. 14 PA. SWARTHMORE, PA., APRIL 2, 1937 APRIL PRODUCTION OPENS NEXT TUESDAY SULLIVAN KILLED, EXHIBIT OF LOCAL ANN "DICKY" INJURED SUNDAY SIXTEEN SPECIAL PRIZES IN EGG HUNT ART CLOSES TODAY TOASTMASTER Roland G. E. Ullman Directing Rachel Crothers' "As Husband. "Go" for Playen Club It is a pleasure to be able to give a favorable report of Veronica Sullivan's condition and thus relieve the anxiety of many friends already sorrowing ovcr the unhappy fate of her sister, Ann. Last Sunday afternoon while- returning from Housatonic, Mass., the automobile in which the girls were travelng struck a soft shoulder on the road near Oakland, N. J. Ann, who was driving, apparently turned the wheel too suddenly in an attempt to get the car back on the road and the vehicle overturned. Veronica was thrown clear. It is believed Ann succumbed to the severe shock. At first physicians feared Dicky (as Veronica was better known) had broken pelvic and hip bones but it was later announced no bones were broken and although there evidently is some injury in the pelvk region, the exact nature of which has not yet been definitely determined, it is expected she will return to her duties in the office of the Welfare Division of the Community Health Society in Borough Hall about May 1. "Dicky" has been with the Society five. years. Ann was secretary to Andrew Simpson, superintent of buildings and grounds at Swarthmore College, a post she had held for e,ight years. Prior to that she and "Dicky" ran the Faculty Club at the College. Ann was thirty-eight years old. Their parents are dead but the girls had returned to their former home in Housatonic to visit their brother, Joseph, who has been suffering from lobar pneumonia in a hospital there for several months. Josph's wife died last September leaving five children. A sister, Ceil, also lives in H(\usatonic, and a brother, Frank, a traveling musician, returned from the south for the services and interment in Housatonic Wednesday morning. "Dicky" is giving up the apartment which she shared with Ann at the Sel1ers property on Ogden Avenue and upon her return will visit temporarily with Mrs. Helen MlIth, VleIfare Secretary of the Community Health Society. Annual Event Featured This Week at Swarthmore Woman's Club "As Husbands Go," the April production by the Players Club is in the last days of rehearsal before the opening next Tuesday, April 6. This sparkling comedy, by Rachel Crothers, was produced during the depths of the depression and was so cheering and amusing to thousands of people that it ran f01 more than a year. It is being produced for Swarthmore audiences under the direction of Roland G. E. Ullman, who somewhat according to his custom is bringing out several new players. The cast is as follows: Lucile Lingard, Alix F.ield ; Ronald Derbyshire, J. Stephen Shockley; Emmie Sykes, Eliza Katherine Ullman; Hippolitus Lomi, Roland G. E. Ullman; Waiter, Walter S. Fogg; Charles Lingard, Samuel Evans, . Jr.; Wilbur, Roland G. E. Ullman, Jr.; €hristine, Sue Darrach Wolters; Peggy Sykes, Elaine Haynie; Jacke Cannon, Jack PeirsoI. Mrs. Alix Field Whitaker plays .for the first time, although she is well-known for her Spanish dances which she has given professionally in many parts of the On Tuesday, March 30, the Fourth Annual Art Exhibit was opened in the Woman's Club of Swarthmore. When the visitors had gotten themI selves acquainted with the canvases on the walls Mrs. Arthur Bye thanked the chairman, Mrs. Henry A. Peirsol, for her indefatigable efforts to get the pictures together. The co-operation of the flower committee, of which Mrs. Arthur R. O. ..." ~-"f..i. ... ".'.' Redgrave was acting chairman, was greatly appreciated. First prize for ar~ . rangement went to Mrs. W. Earl Kistler, ; second to Mrs. H. A. Peirsol, third to i _ ... - - . . . Mrs. Warren F. Faragher. Judges were It has juat heen announced by the Bu.ine.. A'lociation that Roland Lo Mrs. George W. Zimmer and Mrs. George Eaton, of Dickinlon Avenue, win act .1 F. Fenno. toastmaster at the 1937 celebration of Mrs. Bye emphasized the present attiSwarthmore Nile on Thursday, April tude of the fine arts which lies in the 29. interpretation of ideas. The important thing is to reveal the spirit the artist has about his surroundings, not the material itself which he is painting. This year men were invited as guest exhibitors and it was gratifying to have Over a Hundred Local Workers the response of several professionals as ,. i..·. \ , ~"~. ..•...... . I· .~. •. UNITED CAMPAIGN OPENS NEXT MONDAY country as well as .in Spain where she studied under the country's leading masters. Incidentally she will do several of her Spanish dances as part of the en- :~~a!~~~~t f.1~of::~~~~:y~n~;::1 ~~~t- $2.50 PER YEAR Borough Youngsten Enjoy Fifth Annual Scamper for Jelly Egg Pac:kages Sixteen of the two hundred and fifty children who participated in last Saturday morning's Easter Egg Hunt found packages containing slips of paper which entitled them to a special prize. THE SWARTHMOREAN office is a busy place shortly after 10 o'clock the day before $aster. As soon as a child finds a lucky package he makes ·a bee line to the office where he is told which local merchant will give him his prize. The Swarthmore Business Association and THE SwARTllMOREAN co-operate in arranging the event. So numerous are the packages of jelly beans that every child finds at least one. No one knows until the last minute just where the hunt will be held and this year the procedure was the same as in 1936. Meeting at Borough Hall the boys and girls were led along Park Avenue to Chester Road, around the bank and through the lane by the Woman's Club House, back to the lot next to Borough Hall where in the meantime the eggs had been scattered. As the procession excitedly passed along Chester Road it was joined by children running from the College field across the road-they had been searching there already in the-hope the eggs had been hidden there, and when they saw the others being led in another direction, they were panic stricken for fear they wouldn't catch up and get to the right spot in time. However, we believe all the eligible youngsters ~n the Borough (that is all under cleven years of age) were able to engage in the funo The following received special prizes oi large Easter eggs or some novelty of the season: Frances Brewster, Corlease Hassell, Davis Hopson, Duley Thomas, Norma Hauge., B~llj' Phi\ljp~, Rchb:,' Hulme, Andrew Kirk, Jimmy Price. George Froebel, Andrea Wilcox, Harriet Ann Turner, Rosalie Wherry and Harriet Gilb(;rt, all of Swarthmore; Christian Snevely, of Lititz, Lancaster County, who was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman and family, of Dartmouth Avenue, and Glor.ia Holt, of Philadelphia, the Easter guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hauger, of Dartmouth Avenue. The local business houses which donated prizes this year are :Michael's College Pharmacy, American Store, Joseph's Barber Shop, RusselI's Service, Rodney Mills, Suplee's Store, Hannum and Waite, ~Iartcl Brothers, M. Parker, Harris and Company, Buchner's Toggery Shop, E. 1. Noyes, Victor D. Shirer, Frank the Barber, Eileen Shop and Swarthmore Chocolate Shop. Enlist in Drive for 1937 wel1 as amateurs in the village. Funds The present show will be remembered Another first-timer here is Mr. Shockley who steps off with one of the importespecial1y for its portraits. Outstanding ant roles. Several directors who have among those is Muriela Cianci Johnson's In preparation for the opening of the f A B h . oil 0 Mrs. . M. oss ardt In a Swiss watched his work have commented favorably. United Campaign-1937 Fund on April 5, costume. There is more freedom about Mrs. Ullman returns to active work a meeting was held at the home of the Mrs. Johnson's pictures than was perafter two years during which she was Swarthmore chairman, Ellwood B. Chap- ceptible several years ago and there is too busy as president of the Woman's man, of Harvard Avenue, on Wednesday strength of conception. In pastel we Club to participate in plays. evening of this week. admire the expressionistic rendering of The p::rt wbicb Mr.. Evan~ plays is the I The fcl!owing, captains and teams have, Flor.llnce..Foote G<\rdl1er by her hushaml longest and probably the most exacting organized to carry out the local drive The picture is a harmony in blue, relieved he has attempted. It is a role calling for beginning next Monday: John R. by soft yellow and rose touches; it sugcharm, poise and naturalness. Brownell, captain; Clarence E. Hannum, gests repose and the joy of leisure. Cyril The role of his nephew, .is being taken Edward L. Noyes, L. A. Wetlaufer, Gardner's other portrait is a crayon of oy Roland G. E. Ul1man, Jr., who makes George W. McKeag, Henry I. Hoot, Russell Hayes. It catches the sitter in a his bow to a senior production audience l'Jrs. Roy \V. Delaplaine, L. P. \Vray, meditative mood and is an excel1ent likeand has his first speaking part. W. Stanley Kite, WaIter C. Crouch, John ness. Blue-eyed "Bobbie" by Marjorie Mrs. Wolters will be remembered for "V. Broomall, 4th; Sewell W. Hodge, Nickels Adams has a charming quality, Next Week's Event at College to her' excel1ent work in "The Admirable captain; G. Warder Cresson, Hugh F. and a new exhibitor, Mrs. Ellice MacBe Last Held Until C~eighton,". earlier in the season a~d I Denworth, Richard G. Haig, Edward F. DonalJ, sent in a sensitive portrait of her 1939 ~{ISS Hayrue for her work last season 10 Hitchcock, Norman Hulme, Harold son, Ellice, which has the merit of sinthe Junior Series production of "Cinders Ogram, Arthur S. Robinson, Walter R. cerity. The Engineers Club of Swarthmore and the Cat" and in "Growing Pains." I Shoemaker; M.rs. Charles Fischer, cap- In a different mood from the portraits College will stage its "Open Night" celeThe third newcomer to the footlights is !I tain; Mrs. A. B. Lawrence, Mrs. Frank are the clever caricatures in charcoal by bration on next Thursday, April 8. A Jack Peirsol who plays the part of the Morey, Mrs. Fred Bell, ~lrs. J. Howard Emily Campion, one called "Subway," the new scheme whereby this function will awkward, almost taciturn young swain I' Smith, Mrs. James Hornaday, Mrs. J. F. other "Fancy Dress." There are fine come only every other year means that and fiance of "Emmie's" daughter. Taylor, Mrs. John Burris West, Mrs. W. winter landscapes by Ruth Robinson and this year's show wiU be unusually large Walter S. Fogg, another member who H. Gehrjng, Mrs. C. W. Lukens, Mrs. Eleanor Hayes. The first are more indi- and inclusive. Featured will be numerous makes his first appearance here, is known \Villiam W. Turner; Mrs. P. H. Jewett, vidualistic and the atmosphere holds a student projects explaining the practical as a magician of special ski11 with cards. captain; Mrs. John Howard Taylor, Mrs. mystery, while the latter's picture, "Cold application of recent engineering achieve• Harold Griffin, Mrs. Joseph S. Seal, Mrs. Slope," gives us to understand that for ments with much emphasis placed on how CHARITY DANCE A WEEK George A. Marr, Mrs. J. Archer Turner. this painter, at least, trees are more inter- these discoveries may be used to an adFROM TONIGHT :\.[rs. George L. VanAlen,. Miss Margaret esting to render when they are stripped vant~~e in. t~e improvement of existing The seventh annual Charity Dance Vlachos, Mrs. Thomas Smlpers, Edward of their foliage. Many "pochades" hold conditIOns In II1dustry and the home. In Beard~ley Hall, the machine shop, given by the Swarthmore American Le- H. ~Iye, 2nd, Bu~her Ayres; Mrs. lour attention. The soft summer light on 0-1'0 d A '1' ·11 b h Id f 9 Morns M. Lee, captam, Mrs. Otto Kraus, 'I th h't h t GI R·ddl b 'Iary wood workmg shop and the foundry will b n an UXI lary WI e e rom W I M R 11 e w I e ouses a en l e y .1.\' • • • • ·1 1 ' I k ~ F 'd . ht, A J r., :Mrs. Earl e tz, rs. usse D '" 11 . . II l ' II as be 10 futl sWlllg. Craftmanshlp m wood ullt I 0 c oc nex. rl ay mg prl WI· ~.. A 'lor D d M G e.no IS especta y p easll1g as we . . • th e ur lite, !Urs. ..IV • race..... and metal. workll1g will be represented by Philadelphia Clinic: Representa9,m n oman' s CI ub H ouse. Guests . . ... 1 ry en, T Irs.M !nargaret Godd ard' s summer 1an dscapes.. · cmp e, · rs. Tere h ·IS a sympath e t·IC In . t'Imacy 111 . "TI Ie objects displayed by members of the arts no t dancmg tive Will Be Speaker at may pIay cardS.· JM. Smith, B dMISS.....l\ ary CI 1 M ..... dames ogar us, .1 . . rs. 1ar es orrJson, G d G "b D th "'1 class. Sophomores and freshP a t rons an d pa t rone~ses are: mr. an April Meeting I M W·ll· F ar en ate y oro y .I~ ac '1·11 .. I an and crafts . . ,,. Alb er t A'Inswor, th M r. an d M rs. T:Mrs. Charles rs.Id I lam . . an d J osep h'me T rus Iow Ad ams' sec k t hemen .i.~J.rs. __ .. A Israe, H' Sh sWitl . be mcharge of. the . . shops ' and ... rs.1 M gnes" "iUg Miss Rose Green, of the Philadelphia W I·ll·lam R . A rgy I"{ e, l \ r. and M rs. Leon- L<."C; 1W C d eon, M captall1; Alb rnad e '111 I re Ian d are de I·Ig htf uI b't ISO f there Will be many . .. exhibitions of both ..... B h l'{rs. a lace . mC ur y, rs. ert I class work and mdlvldual projects. Child Guidance Clinic, will speak before ard C . A sIlon, t M r. an d !nrs. UC er H·II"'I TI B M C b M co or. Th A M d M Ed d M B I, l\ rs. lomas . • cae, rs. ... e new student projects this year the Swarthmore League of Women . Massettd' James B. Douglas, Mrs. Joseph S. Bates, Among the flower and stdl hfe pamt- include a sonic oscillator several applica- Voters on Tuesday afternoon on "The yres'dl Mr. an J rS·h SwBar ..M r. an rs. osep ates r an . H· B I ' "Th R D II" , ~{ C I H Ch ff . D 'and·M rs Mrs. Sewell W. Hodge; Mrs. A. R. O. II1gS, arnet ut er s e ag 0 tions of the photoelectric tube a valve Parent, School and Community Respon'M a ede'M r. G W . Redgrave, captain; Mrs. George Gillespie, and Lydia Rewis' "Acacias," a symphony timing device for a gasolene 'ellgl'ne a ·b·l· f h p.' C . · rS:d Car D aVI ramp, r. an rs. eorge .... HEM' L'II' B . bl h't d now, were m o st. ' Sl I Ity or t e nVlleged htld." Miss D F t, M d M J B ..£rs. S. . • vans, ISS I Ian oyt, 111 ue, w I e an ye motor gomg several thousand revolutions Green has worked for eight years with R d tm~ • Miss Helen McLain, Mrs. F. A. Child, attractive color schemes. Among the per minute that can be made to appear economic, social and cultural groups of DeoUgores M r. d ~ an '.r adS, M r. aJn D rSI·d GO·b M' atond, Mrs. John Foster, Mrs. W. Crouch, M.iss flower pictures, Dorothy Lackey has a standing still and many others. In add i- Philadelphia on behavior problems of chil.\ r. an rs.. ona I son, r. an E . h S I 'I." A W M' d r h f' . f f "S d ' AI D M I I Hod D d M hzabet tee e, mrs. . . arnott, e Ig t u. II1terpre,ta Ion 0 nap rag- tion there will be a device which will dren. The meeting, which will be held A r~ J. k a nco; l~ ~ a~ Jlo:s. Mrs. George deForest; Mrs. T. Harry ons" and Alice Emmons and Nellie Mc- register the reaction time of any individ- at 2.30 P. M. at the Woman's Club, is ' .... 'n 'Dac sOd r. aTn rs· H · J'h n- Brown, captain; Mrs. W. Nivin Wherry, Cracken are fortunate in the rendering of llal thus indicatl·ng a safe or reckless' t be f . so , r. an !\'Lrs. homas . 0 nson, ~l J E S d M J h H r d th . fl Impor ant to mem rs 0 a commumty Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. McCabe, Mr. P rs ·. . M' W"Y ler, H rt ffosMep A' tu IpS an 0 er sprmg ~wers. driver.. interested in the normal child. M dM erk lOS, rs. a ter . u, rs. . There is one glazed piece of sculpture The sonic oscillator will curdle milk in The Swarthmore League has protested and M E B M . rs. zra . ernam, r. an rs. Q D . M H J Han rk M L· . h h'b' h' h ·11 . Harry L. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. . aVIS, rs. .. z I, rs. by Mary Alice tlly 10 t e ex I. It, w. IC a glass OSCI atmg 10,000 times a second against provisions of the Over-All Tax ~lorey, Dr. and Mrs. John A. Murphy Howard M. Buck!'"an, Mrs. H. D. Mock, represents a fountain ·figure With a Jug. fo~ the benefit of the spectators, and a Limitation EilI, Senate Bill Number 75, Mr. a nd M rs. 1 N. 0 • p'tt It is delicately executed and has unusual model of the .C'othie'r stage with full light- which proposes to limit the tax 011 real I enger, M r. an d' 1lrs. L. C. Hastmgs; W·\li BLeonard Bilk C.A Ashh . . llrs. John W. Pittock, Mr. and Mrs. ton, capta1O, I am . u oc, rt ur charm. Space does not ~l1ow us to men- mg effects will be on display. estate for school purposes to ten mills. An added feature of the open night The League is, however, in favor of a George Schohinger, Mrs. E. A. Stockton, ' R. . Dana, Everett L. Hunt, Frank ~. tion more names, but thiS does not mean ~I r. and ~lrs. \ViIliam H. Thatcher, I Reitzel, . Mrs. Thomas M. Jackson, LoUIS that there are not other pictures of equal will be a series of tests conducted by the teacher tenure bill. Mr. and Mrs. L W. Wheelock, Mr. and IN. Robmson, Mrs. Hervey Schumacher, merit. Aetna Insurance Company, which will deThe League's executive committee has Mrs. A. S. Wickham and Mr. and Mrs. Jack~. Thompson, Mrs. Sargent ~alter, Today, Friday, is the last day of the termine the reaction times of all auto- suggested that anyone interested in these Edwin A. Yarnall. Fran~ls V. Warren; ~eorge Schobmger, Art Exhibit, which is open to residents mobile drivers tested. bills write to one or all of the members • captam, ~~s. LGlbkson, Mrs. E. L of the borough and friends from 3.30 to More than the usual amount of student of the Legislature from Delaware County, Question Before Home & School Mercer, .,{ISS Ice u ens, Mrs. Earle 3 P M time and effort is being put into the namely, Representatives Thomas WeideP. Yerkes, Mrs. Ralph Rhoads H. 9. 0 . . d· , Li dl P I M Alb • 0 Th sday morning Mrs. Arno ISP Iay thOIS year, an d the stud ents an d mann, Rbi' epu Ican, 209 K ath mere Road, 'Can the School Teach Home Conver- un e)A' Ib ee 'Ea rs. eMrt S. Johnson, V. hn urchalorman of literature pre- faculty of the Engineering Division cor- Brookline; Thomas Jay Sprout, Repuben venson rs Theodore Ie oever, .' I d' II . . . d' r B r G . sation and Home Manners?" This will .l.\lrs Medla ; Elw~ J. I~ ~can, mg . reen'60 be debated at the April meeting of the 'Viding, Daniel Good~in M~s J Paul sented a section meeting of unusual inter- ~a.! m~lte an! p~rso~s .;,ntere~te bl Home and School Assocl'a- B rown, TIlomas L ue d ers, 'M rs °L' t . Mrs t Ie engmeenng an . umer, 2 Crozer ButldS '''arthmore .. awrence es . Frank V . Brewster, who was vlsltmg I d da' ratorles h' Ch epu AIcan, . ' '{ J ames W . J 0 h ns t·one' Stra th born I'n Ch'lna of Missionary parents, gave c assrooms tion at 8 o'clock next Monday evenl'ng, D l\ rs. 'h I b to t' o· so urmg t IS open mg, 183 Ea ester; 18 h S die S.ChRush, Democrat, aVles, st t treet, ester, and SenaApril 5, in the Music Room of the High Haven Inn-Mrs. Thomas Safford, Isaac a comparative study of Pearl B',lck souse ce e ra Ion. School. Howard Kirk, president, will Darlington; colored team captain Joseph biographies of her parents, "The FlghtDemonstrations will continue from 2 tord~lelldon B. Heyburn, Democrat, Conlead the meeting. Quinlan. ' ing Angel" and "The Exile." P. M. until 10 P. M. cor VI e. • BIG OPEN HOUSE FOR ENGINEERS CLUB • CHILD GUIDANCE L.W.V. TOPIC TUES. I '11 7' I .. I lA·,.D· I 0; ,,- ~ ,;., -" . S(ll~I~THM(~I~E " CClLLEC;£ I:> .l. SW~I~THM(JI~E VOL. IX, No. 14 $2.50 PER YEA R SWARTHMORE, PA., APRIL 2,1937 APRIL PRODUCTION OPENS I~EXT TUESDAY EXHIBIT OF LOCAL TOASTMASTER ANN SULLIVAN KILLED, "DICKY" INJURED SUNDAY i~ ART CLOSES TODAY Roland G. E. Ullman Directing Rachel Crothers' U As Husbands "Go" for Players Club It a pit-asun: to hc ahlc to a ia\'ora"lc n'pllrt of \\'rollil'a Sulli\'an\: condition allrl Ihus relil'\'C thc anxid\' oi I - - -lIIany frk'lIlls aln'ady ,orrl)win~ o\'t'r the Bcrough Youngsters Enjoy Fifth unhapp\" fale oi hcr sistcr, Ann, I A I S f J II I.a,t '~lIll(lay aftl'mll"n while r~tllming i nnua camper or e y from llow;ah,nic. ~la~s., thc automohile Egg Packages in which thc girls Wl'rc tranlng struck a soft shouldcr 'Ill thc road near OakSixtcl'll of thc two hundrcd amI fifty land, X. J. ,\nn. who was dri\'ing, ap- dlilclrcn who participatcd in last SaturIlarent\Y turncd thc whcd too suddcnl,\' in day lIIorning's Easter Egg HUllt found ' I. an attcm(lt to gl·t thc car hack on thc p'll'kagl·s containillg slips oi papl'r \\. \lch road and thc \"Chidc m-crt IIrJ1t'(l. V cr- t'llt itlcc1 thl'lII to a special prizc. IInica was thrown dcar. It is helic\"Cd TilE SWAllTll:\lOll~:.\:-; ollicc is a husy :\nn succllmhed to thc SC\'cre shock. At placc shortly aftcr lO o'clock the day helirst physieians fl'arcII Dicky (as Vcron- ior~ $a~tcr. ,\s soon as a child finds ica was hetlcr known) had hrokcn pel- a lucky packagc he makcs a hcc linc to . J . II Iuca I \.it- anrl hip 1011('S hut'It was later an- t III' 0 fl'It"C \\. IIcn' I lC 'IS t I) II ( W IIIC Annual Event Featured This Week at Swarthmore Woman's Club ":\s Husbands Gu," thc April pruduction hy the Playcrs Club is in thc last On Tucsday, ~larch 3(), thc Fourth da\'s of rchcarsal beforc thc opcning ncxt .,, "'';;':;'''''."'' ' :\nnual ,\rt Exhihit was opcncd ill the T~csda_," A(Jril 6, ' " ' ,+ ' \Voman's Cluh of Swarthmorc. This sparkling comedy, by Rachcl -.,,,5'" '.,;.'''-' Crothcrs, was produced during the depths \ \'hcn thc \'isitors had g()t\clI thl'lllof thc dl'prcssion and was so chccring and ,j~,! sd\"cs acquaintcd with the canvascs on the amusing to thousands of peoplc that it-'~ ,~{'t; I walls ~Irs. :\rthur Byc thank~d th.: ran for morc than a ycar, ,',.;' I chairman, ~Irs. Heury :\, I'cirsol, for hcr It is heing produccd for Swarthmore •••,~ . ,~ 11·ll(I"f',lti.!!,'IIJI" to .!.'ct the Ilicturcs I· alldicnn:s under thc (IrcctlOn II f I''1.0 IalllI I ; : . ' " , " " "ff()rt-.·",~ .*.' .',:.. . .". E. Ullman, who sOlllcwhat according ~i\'c SIXTEEN SPECIAL i PRIZES IN EGG HUNT togcthcr. Thc cII,opl'ratilln of thc Howcr nfltlllced 110 hOlll''; wcrc hrokcn amI 011- mlTehant will gi\'c him his prizc. to his custom is bringing out sevcral nC\V'~::L "'''''';':;')~ \'~'" c()lIImitt~c, of which ~I rs. :\rthur I':. O. though thcre I.·~·idcntly i,; ~flnlC injury in '11·h;,'. SW'I:t1ulIOrl' Business Associtati~n f "'f., liE S W",,{TII :'lIJI{EAX co-oJlera C III Ilia.vcrs. -';~ I J{cdgra'''c was acting' chairman, was thc Ildvic re.gll III , thc exact n,'lturc II 'all< Thc cast is as follows: Lucilc Lingard, -" which has n"t yct heen ddinitely dc- arranging thc cvcnt. So numcrolls arc thc . II Y IJcans t!at I Alix Fjeld; Honald Dcrhyshire, J. ~ II ,.!!reatly al llJreciatl'(1. Firsl (Irilc fOl' 011'- lerminc(!. it is cxpcctcd shc will return to pac k'agcs 0 f JC cvcry c I11'11 ( Stcphcn Shockley; Emlllie Sykcs, Eliza rangelllcnt \\ cnt to ~I rs. \\'. Earl Ki!itlcr, hcr (Iutics in the uiliec of thc \Velfare limis at Icast onc, Katherine Ullman; Hip(lolitlls LOIni, I sccond to ~Irs. H ... \. l'eirsol, third to I Diyisillll of Ihc COlIIlll\lnity Hcalth Xo onc knows ulltilthc last minllte j\lst l~olal1d G. E. Ullman; \Vaiter, \\'altcr S, :\Irs. \\'arrcn F. Faraghcr. ItHlgcs wcrc SOl'iety in Borough 11all ahout ~Iay l. whcrc the hunt will hc held and this year Fogg; Charles Lingard, Sallluci Evans, It has just been announced by the ~I G \V Z' I -~I (j "Dicky" has J,cell with thc Suciety Ihc procedt:rc was thc salllc as in 1930. Jr.; \Vilbur, Roland G. E. Ullman, Jr.; • Business Association that Roland L . • rs, corgc ,.lllllnCr all( • rs. cor~c lin' yean, ,\nn was secretary to :\lccting at Borough IIall the hoys and Christinc, Suc Darrach \Vo!tcrs; Pcggy Eaton, of Dickinson Avenue, will act as F. Fenno. :\ntlrcw Silllp~on, sllpcrintcnt of build- ~ir1s were Jed along Park :h'cnuc to Sykcs, Elainc Haynic; .I ackc Cannon, toastmaster at the 1937 celebration of ~l rs. Byc elllphasizcII thc pre,;ellt atl i- ings and grounds at Swarthmorc Colkgc, Chester I~oad, aromHI the hauk and Swarthmore Nite on Thursday, April I I I I I \\'CI I Jack Pcirsol. tndc of thc fine arts whirh lics in thc a post shc had hcld ior cight ycars, t mmg I tiC lanc Iy tIC 'ol1lan SUI ~Irs. :\Iix Ficld \\'hitakcr plays for 29, Prior to that shc and "Dicky" ran thc I·[ousc, hack to the lot ncxt to Borough interpretation of idcas. Thc important thc lirst timc, although shc is wcll-knuwn Faeuity Club at thc Collegc. ..\nn was Iiall wherc in thc mcantimc thc egg;; had for her Spanish . i I:~"wlldl, capt,~ill: C1an'lIcl' E. ~ lanlll!m.: ,-!~'sts n'(:'"'' and tht' joy. oi. it-isurc. "'yri~, ~lDEN [~/UJSE ~ ril'l :\nl1 Tllrllt':'. I~",alil' "'herry and I he roll' (II IllS Ill'phcw, IS helllg takl'lI Eartlllolllh .\n'nllt:, ~I iss H aYllit' ior hcr work last seasoll in • II itchcol'i... :'\orman I I III me, I farolcl ' ",n. EllieI'. whirh has the merit oi ,ill: TIll' 101'011 husinc,;,; housc,; whieh l!tc Jllnior Series proc1uction oi "Cindcrs ()~I'alll. :\rthur S. I~ohinson, \\'alter '':.' rerit\". The Engilll'lT'; Club oi S\\·al·tlllll"n·: donated Iwin's this yeal' an' ~Iichaer,; lI~ Il'l :) res, ." rs. ollr attcnlion. The "oit SUIIIII1er light lin, II .ean;, cy 'a I, thl' 1Il;~("hIllC sho.p, . I ! \ IIXI'1'Ian' \\'1'11 IIe Ile II' 1 ('1 I 'I \\'(111(1 ~IOIl an( ( 11'0111 9 ~llIrns:o.1. Lce, " raplalll, ~Irs. Otto ".ralls, , II 11.' \\. I't II I' IOllses at 'l'lI 1"111 '1.1( C C I" .\ :tn' . '\\'lIrklllg'. shop and the 101llJ(h'y - wIll ,UIIII'1 I 0 'I k ' 1"1 . I \ ' 1 ' II'.. ~Irs. I~arl \\ dtz, ~Irs. Russcll I) 'I II' , " II I ' ' I I ' hc III 11111 SWIlI~. Craftlllanshi(1 ill wood ' . . ~--:-:-c oc' l1ext 'n( ay lIlg It, : PrJ ' ' - ' . .' '..' . , ; C.\ 0 IS eSpt't'la y (l easlll~ a~ wc ; h , . , '. . ') ,111 . tl. , '.S ('1, t II) I-I otlsc. " (j ... \\ IlItl, ~It~ .. \. ~1. DI}dw. ~Ir!i. Glace ~I' , .t (.,0( II' ""llId nlt't.tl Ie \\' C)III,lll IIcsts 'I S .I 'I' " I T I ~I . ,lrg,ln (,Ire I'.. s SlIlllllln.' I',III( I'" '(,lpI~. 1 I' I' \\'lIlklllg I I I Will hl" rcprt'scntcd 11\': . PhiladelphIa Cbmc Representa,\. ,nllt I. ,\ ISS ., ary CIllP 1.', • rs. '1'1 ' , I . ' . . "'1'1 '" IJI'CIs (J,;(l a\'c( )\' 11l1'IlIhers (Ii thc arts tl·ve WI'II Be Speaker at · I I I 1101 I, "'. ,.., . ' " ,. " .. , IIIl 1J( t' .1 !iOIllC OSCI ator, SC\'l'ra app Icaoters on 1ucsd:l\c alternoon 011 "1 he ,\ r. an( .\ I"S. (lsep I ,. .ates, ,\ r. alii I 'I" S" .11 \\' 1,1 II"'.· ~[r~ '\ I' 0 IlInS Ihrnl·t Btllll'r S '1 hc I,a" 1)011 't' 'I I I . I I P . . , .' 0 ,.,l!. " .. ' (j,'. II 'I. • • • , ,","I I I'. I , " ,. arent, SchUIII 011111 COnlll1\l1l1t,\' I~C';IJnl1.\'I rs. {' ~ar I II . ('I" ~ laUc,·, I) r. alii I ~Irs, I'\, I~. I - e\\~ '[ ( \ • ., •• " I ,'."IIII)h 11\, : Ions 01 t 1(' (llotoc cctnc ttl II', a \"a "{' " . 0 ,timing c!C\'ice illr a .o_a~oll'n" "n.!.'I·lll', a sihl·ll·t)· I'or til"~ 1)1·1·\'I·lc'_"e.1 CIII·I(I." ',II· I)a\,id Cramp, ~Ir. and )'Irs. Gcorgc \V. 'l.ec g-ra\·c. captalll: ., rs .. _Ieon.,.'e. I eSlllc,', ',til! .yl la 'l.C.·WIS : caCI.b, I I " -' , " " .-. s DeForest, :\Ir, alii I ~Irs. Jamcs B, ~II's. S. II. E\';ms, ~lIss I.llhan Boyl,' lit hhl~" white an<1 ye ow, Wl'rc 11Iosl' 1II0tllr goin),!; scn'ral tholl"anc! rC\'ollltions Grcen has worked fo~' ci~ht Ycar" wilh ' ~liss lIelcl1_ ~IcLain, ~Ir~. F," A. Chi,ld,l attractl\'~ rolor schelllcs, :\lIIoll,!.r Ih," pcr mill lite that call ht: made to alllll'ar ('conolllic, social and clllt~lral- ",'rllUI)'; oi I )lIlIg Ias, ,\Ir. ami ~Irs. l~olalJ(l L. Eatoll" I I' 'I \\ (. I 'I II I) I I k I ,., 'I I 'I I '\,11.'''' .10 III ,'ostcr..\ rs. '. ~roue I, ". ISS, o\\.·er .(lIcII.lrcs, IIfI.'t Iy :a(.,·'·Y las a "landing' still, and mallY others. In ad ("I' 'I E I :\rt l~xlllllll, \\' lit' I is open til rc,;idl'nl:' m"hilc c1ri\'l'rs tl,,,ted. ; hills writc tn nne or all oi thc IIIclllhers .,~I'rs . . \r ' . I .1 kI!iOIl, -,'Ir,;, E~. I.. : 01. tl1l" h{)rou~h and Irll"l1( ,. I ' l 3() t 0 'I tl Ian tl IC' usua I t' . I;Iturc trom I)I.' Iawarc C nunty, •. - : cal·lalll, 'I S Irol11 ,., .\ orc alllllun 01 s t11lonel and and Mrs. George W. MacIntyre, of Rab- Mrs. Harvey R. Pierce, of Princeton Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. The bridal party was entertained at \Vashington. Holland, of Moylan and Orchard Avebit Run, Rose Valley, formerly of Avenue. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, folMiss Helen Ingraham returned nues, Moylan, at a ceremony performed in lowing Swarthmore. is spending the spring vacaM the ceremony. Upon their return W d d e nes ay from a week's visit in tion with her parents. She is a student the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church last Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. The Rev. from a wedding trip .in the south, Mr. Columbus, O. Miss Ingraham is the at Bouve School of Physical Education, 1)0 Yo.. Know John Ellery Tuttle, D.D., L.L.D., retired and l\.-frs. Holland will occupy their new daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. W. In- Boston, Mass., and is accompanied by home at Idlewild, near Media, where graham, of Vassar Avenue. ne Sure (ure ror ID, Allo TroaLle? pastor of the church, was the officiating they Miss Elizabeth Moody, of Lexington, will be at home after May 1. Call 440 clergyman. Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. GibMrs. T. W. Crossen, of Crest Lane, Mass. The bride, who was given in marriage SOil entertained at an informal open house w.ith her daughter, Barbara Ann, reMrs. A. W. Kent, of Ogden Av~nue, nres BaDeries by her father, had as her matron of for fr.iends and relatives, from 3 until 6 turned Monday from Oberlin, 0., where returned Wednesday evening from a visit honor Mrs, Clement Wood, of Moylan, o'clock. she spent a week visiting her mother, to her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and a sister of the bridegroom, Her bridesRUSSELL'S SERVICE On Thursday evening prcceding the Mrs. \V. A. Heusner. Mrs. Richard D. Scales, and also her maids were Miss Ann Durnall, of wedding Mr. Fogg entertained the men "We Mrs. William T. Clay, of Walnut sister, Mrs. Arthur N. Holcombe, and Swarthmore; Miss Jane Doud, of Drexel of the bridal party at dinner. Mrs. GiblUll, and the Misses Betty and Virginia son and the women were entertained by 011 Sunday. Frank, of Media. Lane, entertained informally with a buffet Mrs. \Valter Durnall, of Kenyon Ave- suppcr Mr. Clay who is v,lsiting his son, . Trimble Kent, of Secane, served as nue, at dinner last Friday. 21" 'ft'"eve 1M,,ae '!In 'PI e@'&9W*&(09'$(nlM""Opi Thomas, at the University of Colorado, aw" HIM 'tel best man. J. Dayton Gibson, brother of )'fr. and Mrs. \ViIliam Vlachos, of Vas- at Boulder, Colo., accompanied him on the bride, and Edward Baker, Jr., of A\'enue, announced the engagement the Hikers Club houseparty at the sar Swarthmore; 'Vister Holland, a brother of thcir daughter, Margaret, to Dr. Paul Hewes Kirkland Inn during spring vacauf the bridegroom, and Clemcnt Wood, of A, Mattis, of Jenkintown, at a dinner tion. :\Ioylan; Jack Hagy, of Lansdownc, and Lockwood Fogg, of Philadelphia, were party in their home last Saturday. :Mr. and Mrs. Randolph H. Brownell, ILLUSTRATION LOST IN THE MAIL the ushers. ~Irs. Grace B. Mecnan, of Chester, has of \Vhite Plains. N. Y., will spend this The bride was gowned in white taffeta, anllounced the engagement of her daugh- wcek-end with Mr. Brownell's parents, -The Swarlhmorean made on princess lines. Her veil was of ter, ]'.Jargaret Grace ~{eenan, and \ViI- ~Ir. and Mrs. John H. Brownell of Park lace. and she wore a nccklace of seed liam Chandler Starr, Jr., son of 1-1r. Avenue. ' Ilearls which had becn the wedding gift and )lr5. \VilJiam Chandler Starr, of of her maternal grandmother from her Dartmouth A,'enlle, Swarlhmore. The ).[r5. ]am("s Fisher and two cluldrell, James, Jr. and Caroline, of Allenwood, grandfather. Her homluet was of roses wedding will takc place in October. --Pa., spcnt Easter vacation with Mrs. and lilies of the valley. The Merriam Home ot Corner of College and Swarthmore Avenues r:;~~;;~;:;;::;::;lll Disque, ~Iiss ..Ernest \nllc Lingle, :Miss Sara ~Iarie Fisher's sister, Miss .-\nna B. Hayes, of Lange and James Davis Princeton A venue. T his Hom e - one of the most picturesque in all gave a dance at Drexel Lodge, Newtown -c---Swarthmore i. for sale or for rent. The interior is a ~,j CHESTER Square, last Saturday e\'cnillg, March 27. Mr. Roland I.. Eaton. of Dicki1lson I I N Among their guests were the :Misses Avenue, spent last week in New Eng!and. dream of convenience and good taste. If you care to con~ PI 0:' Nancy Armitage. Jean Arnold, Betty He attended the convention of the E;:lstern sider it as your future home, please consult us promptly. ~~.... ~. aylng Dealty. Beatrice Ikc\. . ster, ~farjorie COlllmercial Teachers Association in BosBy request of the owner, appointments for inspection may TYRONE POWER Dinsmore, ~ancy Fawcett, Antle Folsom, t~J1l all(~ abo the annual meeting oC his LORETTA YOUNG Charlotte Griffin, Betty Hayes, Edith hrm, GIIUl and Company. be arranged through this office. DON AMECHE Kniskern, Ruth Lipman, ~D~rothy Lue.ucrs. : Elsie I~clll1il1g, daughter of Dr. and in ).fan· AiacDonald ·b11l1y l\[cCunh' 'I I" I I . "LOVE IS NEWS" . , .' .• it&!u vli6m. mit "1")fIU ,,"hfGdan.niH Uir6t1i&,u '*I'6ibt "!r6MWi6,1,, u,,6di&l& "iv,,1ft .:\Iorr.Js Bassett, JIIIl Bruwn, I~(Jhcrt ClarLast Two Days! Friday • Saturday SOli. Ro~>ert ~I~y. ,\r!hllr Collills. Rohert LEGION AND AUXILIARY . Temple University , SARA O. RAYMOND IRVJNG BERLlN·S ~elaJ>laltle,\\ IIlWItI iwalls. Alex Ewing, ANNUAL CHARITY DANCE MEN'S G hohert Hallzhk, Walter JOlle" Thomas LEE CLUB CONCERT "On the Avenue" ).[arshall. \\'illi::11ll ;\[egonigal, Kenneth Friday. April 9, 9.30 to 1 o'cloek Tuesday, April 6 - - - - 8.15 P. M. MADELEINi'hCARROLL Nelson, Hans Nelson. Philip Park. RichSwarthmore Woman·s Club Methodist Sodal Hall . 405 MICHIGAN AVENUE DICK POWELL I ani Parry. Hi11yard SW('·CIl(,Y, Robcrt $3.00 PER COUPLE Adults, 40c Children, 250;: [' RITZ BROS. Thorpe, David Ullman, C1cment \Villits, For tickets, contact Mrs, J. Paul Brown, Tickets for Sale at Buchner's Telephone, Swarthmore 2096 ..W Walnut Lane, immediately ALICE FAYE 'Fi"$,on. 1~~f~r~.~H~o~lc~o~m~b~e~'~i~niciam~biriid~g~e~'~M~a~ss~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~i e" I ~ 'WI . 11 IW . , / " . I] WILLIAM E. WITHAM I MEDIA I I D RES SMA KIN G 1 Sunday ROCHELLE HUDSON MICHAEL WHALEN "WOMAN WISE" Monday DEANNA DURBIN "Three Smart Girls" FILL YOUR BIN NOW AT REDUCED PRICES We believe, and our tonW"~\~~G '\ nage proves, that the people • Tuesday BARBARA STANWYCK JOEL McCREA "Banjo on My Knee" Wednesday WILLIAM POWELL CAROLE LOMBARD "My Man Godfrey" MANOR Chester Pike - SAVE with Prospect Park Free Parking For Our PatroDS_ Rear of the Theatre ;n Irving Berlin's SYLVIA SIDNEY HENRY FONDA ;n "You Only Live Once" ;n "The March of Timll:"" and Garden BONE MEAL, SHEEP MAAND PEAT MOSS. in "The Plough and the Stars" Thursday Only, April 8 "Man of the People" with Joseph Calle•• _ Ted Healy We Will Lend You a Fertilizer Spreader to Make Your Job Easier GRASS SEED -- GARDEN SEEDS -- FLOWER SEEDS Replant Those Bare Spot. in Your Lawn. H ... Utor Pho •• S..artbmOl'O .00 [atered .. SecOIId Claa. Matt., 24. 1921••t the P .. t OEe. at Swutla....... Pa.. FRIDAY. APRIL 2, 1937 A TRIBUTE Lawn Roller to Hire. SUPLEE'S HARDWARE STORE •, .- • Trinity Church Notes At the annual congregational meeting held in the church last Monday evening, A. B. Chapin read the minutes of the 1936 meeting and reports were given by the following representatives of the various departments of the parish: George Casey, senior warden's report; W. B. Keighton, treasurer; William Cleaves, statement of building fund; William B. Bullock, chairman of finance; William M. Harvey, Every Member Canvas; Rev. Tho.mas A. Meryweather, director of the Sunday School; Mrs. F. W. Hadley, for the Altar Guild in the absence of Mrs. A. Ludlow Clayden; Mrs. Richard Tunis, Woman's Guild; Mrs. William M. Harvey, Woman's Auxiliary; Miss Ada Fuller, Junior Woman's Auxiliary; Miss Constance Schoff, J. J:s; Mrs. Hadley, United Thank Offering; Mrs. Alfred Lewis, Church Periodical Club. William B. Bullock, F. P. Byerly, William Minton Harvey and E. O. Lange were rcelected to the Vestry for three year terms. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Guild will be held in the parish house at 2.30 next Wednesday afternoon. The J. ].'s will meet at the home of ~fiss Alice Hadley, on· College Avenue, at 7 P. M. this Sunday. CHURCH NEWS Painting Knives, 4" ...... 25c Linaeed Oil2 on. . . . . . . . . . .. IOe 8 ou. ..... . ......... 25c Linen Canvas, Belgian, 41", per yard ... ......... $1.00 Canvas Boards, 12xI6 ..... 15c 2 for 25c Announcing Swarthmore Chocolates SWARTHMORE CANDY SHOP I Old Bank Building Rutgers Avenue. Swarthmore, Pa. Hand-made Chocolates Finest Ingredients Phone, Swarthmore 108 IF~~~~~~ 'I • "Unreality·' is the subject of the LessOil-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, April 4. It is but natural to expect separation in the course of human affairs, but when there comes to us the experience of giving up a youthful personality, so sweet and winning, sO strong and purposeful as Jack Wickham, we stand appalled, finding comfort only in the fact that he has passed on to the fuller life. His thoughtfulness, his quiet humor, and his warm responsiveness wefC qualities that endeared him to all with whom he came in contact. Last year he attended Washington and Lee University. Its president, Dr. Gaines writes, "Mrs. Gaines and I had the privilege of knowing John intimately, and regarded him as one of the m03t engaging, most promising, noblest of all the boys of our acquaintance." During his school life Jack obtained many honors through his sheer ability, energy and sincerity. Could his short life have lasted to the fullness of years, it would have brought evell greater hapllzness to those by whom he was surrounded, but cut off as it was in the days of his youthful promise, he leaves an example worthy of all youth and one by which we of maturer years well may profit. ---+--THE SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH "He shall 110t grow old as we who arc SUNDAY left grow old. At the going down of the Junior Club Plans Joint Program 9 :45 A. lof.-Dible School. I slIn and in thc morning we wilt remelll11 :00 A. M.~)lorning Won;hip. The ltev. Dr. An interesting joint mceting of the ber him." John Ellery Tuttle, D.D., L.L.D. , Iliterature and music sections of the 7:00 P. M.~Christinn Endeavor. I George T. Joyce J l1nior CluJ) will be held at the homc of Mary Baker \Varrcn METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH M.iss Katherine Bronson, 734 Yale AveCla~nce F. Carter, A.B., B.D., Minuter Mary Parry Joyce 'nue, Tuesday, April 6, at 8 P. :l\.£. SUNDAY ---0---P r d F· D t t N Miss Ann Orr will rcview "Bcloved 9:46 A. H.-Church School. A. M.-Morning Worship. o Ice an Ire epar men ews Friend" by Bowen and Vonmcck, the 117 :00 :00 P. M.-Epworth I.esgue meetings. In S1)it('" of pleas to the contrar)" people story of Tschaikowsky. ~liss Orr will 7:45 P. H.-Evening Worship. ~till insist on lighting grass fires which sing ami ?I.-Irs. Antollica Fairbanks will THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS get out of their control and make it play piano selections for il1ustration. SUNDAY ,,;46 A. M.-First Da,. Schoo1. Ilrccssary to call the Fire Company whcn +---9:45 A. M.~Adult. Class. Subje-ct: "Religion the .QJ ...cs Jhrcat~JII9 'il>r~~d .tohui(dillg,. Freihofer'. New Delivery Plan nnd Life." Spenk<>r, Jeslle H.I Holmes. Thr('c times within s,1ightly more than: (or Worship in the twenty·four hours mcmlJers of thc local; In the interest of .its employcs and 11 :00 A. :H.-Meeting Meeting House. COllll'::IIlY wcr-e ca1Jcd from their various: clistomers Frcihofer's is 3nllol11lcing a WEDNESDAY A. M. to 3.30 P. M.~Sewing nnd quiltbusinesses this ,veek to handle just such! revolutionary change in their home and ing9.30 in Whittier House. Box luncheon. All are I cordially invited. =::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;~ i store del h'ery system. : : I-Iercaiter there will he 110 early morn- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST, I iug dclivcdcs. That means the driverOF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue below Harvard Meng's Pastels I salesman will not have to get to work 11 :00 A. M.-Sunda,. School. hours beforc daybreak. 11 :00 A. M.~Sunds,. LeMon.Sermon. Special I It means, too, that Frcihofer's bread, Wednet5d.,. eveninc meeting e~h week, 8 20 pieces for 75c I rolls and other baked goods will be de- p. m. Reading room open daily. except Suu· days and holida,.. 1 :00 to ,(:00: Church edJ8ee. 35 pieces for $1.35 ! Iivcred hours fresher from the oven. All are eordiall,. invited to .tteno the .en· 50 pieces for $1.70 ICell and uae the ReadinR Room. 100 pieces for $3.25 "For Land's Sakes I" my girl friend said•••"don't you hear enough about telephones at the switchboard all day, without tallring telephone when you're off duty? What's the big idea?" "I am interested in telephone service," 1 told her, "and I'll tell you why. Being an operator 1 know how handy a telephone is in so many ways-and how priceless in emergencies. I've put through hundreds of rush calls for doctors, ambulances, police or fire deparbnents. And 1 can't help thinking how much a telephone means when people need help in a hurry. "When 1 talk telephone, I'm really talking protection, convenience and peace of mind. Why shouldn't I like to do that?" • UPHOLSTERING Furniture Restoring In All Its Branches A' A N Y T I M N' Y W H E R E • • You can have a telephone in your home for less than a dime a day. Any telephone employee will be glad to take Y()!lr._ord~.r • E THE BELL TELEPHON!: COMPANY FRED J. HARLEY Call Swarthmore 1441 OF PENNSYLVANIA • Sharon Hill 2412 If No Answer, Call 1434 Retail Food Stores SPENCER We Create a Design Especially for You Free Figure Analysis ART IMPORTING CO. 1309 S. Lansdowne Ave. Darby, Pa. 6816 Market Street Blvd. 2250 Will CLOSE MRS. MARY McKEEVER Reg. Spencer Corsetfere Roohl 303 1 P. M. Every Wednesday FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE, PA. Starting April 7th announces a FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE All the retail food stores in Swarthmore are co· operating in this movement, which will give every person engaged in the retail distribution of food a half-holiday every week. by MR. JOHN ELUS SEDMAN, C. S. B. of Los Ans-elea. CaL Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church. The First Church of Chri.st, Sdentist. in Boston, Massachusetts This vitally iInportant step in the interest of men and women serving the public with Groceries, Produce, Meals and Sea Foods merits the whole-hearted support of everyone. Every home· keeper who does her shopping before 1 P. M. on Wednesdays will IN THE CLOTHIER MEMORIAL HALL Swarthmore Colles-e Campus SUNDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 4th, 1937 have a part in making this weekly half-holiday possible. Such co· operation will be appreciated by all those engaged in the retail distribution of foods. It means an opportunity for them to get out and enjoy this half-holiday. In starting this movement the undersigned conM fidently believe that other retail food stores throughout Delaware County will follow. at 3.1S o'clock Retail Food Stores and Other Organizations Co-operating in THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED this Important Movement are: ;.......................................................................................... · . .-.. . .-.. . . . . . . . . . ,ot..............___.............._ ................!.........,................_ .................._ _......' "................., ...~._._...........................__..........._ ~ X ~...-.1 I t I Do Your Banking With I SWARTHMORE NATIONAL ALL KINDS OF LAWN AND GARDEN TOOLS SWARTHMORE 105 J_..,.,. UDder the Act of Marcia 3. 18,... SWARTHMORE It means, too, that you'll get Freihofer·s Bread, Rolls and other baked goods, hOIll'S fresher fl'OlIl the avell! They wiII be delivered to you at a time when you can see and talk with your Driver·Salesmen and make your o';Vn choice of what you want. Preaton Foster - • ROSAUE DRYDEN Hereafter, early morning deliveries will be done away with. That means, our Driver.Salesmen will not have to get to work hours before daybreak. Their work day will be shorter_ they will have more time with their families. Wednesday Only. April 7 BARBARA STANWYCK --.. nTUS J. EWiG In the interest of its employes _ and in your interest, too - Freihofer's lead the way in announcing a revolutionary change in their Home and Store delivery system. to Fertilize Your' Lawn BOVUNG MARY T. ERVIN PARKER Editor aad Pa NI" . . I Now Is The Time NURE, SWARTHMORE, PA. •• • for our lnen FresLer Baked Goods ,, o··for you "The Great O'Malley" Added: .. .. Fou.1IM by RoiMrt E. ......... PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT ·SHORTER HOURS e' Tuesday, Only. April 6 PAT HUMPHREY BOGART OLD BANK BUILDING .l;,~;~~~~~~T~HE~~S~W~AR~THM~=O=REAN~~~~~~~~~~~ __~________________~3 Christian Science Church situations. Providilig these occasions may be considered by some to be good MAR.Y'S PET RECIPE practice for the firemen but it seems to Dulch Nul Cake others and mostly to the men themselves, l4 lb. pecans chopped. a Jacking spirit of co-operation. Here is 1 c. seedless raisins. one small way in which residents can 1 c. brown sugar. show appreciation of Swarthmore's 1'014 d. ftour (mix raisins with ftour). IIn/eer Fire Company. Fields should be 4 tsp. baking powder. burnt off but isn't it more considerate Pinch of salt. of these men to accept their offer of a fire company supervised burning than to Mix all together, bake slowly interrupt them at their individual work at in a loaf pan in oven 300 degrees inconvenient times? from 45 to 60 minutes. This week caUs were received to field fires as follows: Tuesday, 1.07 P. M.-I :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Yale Avenue and Haverford Place; WedMen'. Recital Here April 6 nesday, 12.55 P. M.-Fairview Road; 2.57 P. M.-227 Haverford Avenue. The Temple University Men's Glee James Johnson, colored, of UniorCAvenue, eastbound on Yale Avenue, at 2.50 Club will be heard in a song recital in the A. M., Wednesday, collided with a P.R.T. social hall of the Swarthmore Methodist pole on the south side of the street when Church next Tuesday evening, April 6, at attempting to avoid a car he saw ap- 8.15 o'clock. These young men have been proaching just after he had crossed Ches- winners of the intercollegiate glee club ter Road. The automobile was damaged contests for three consecutive years. Mr. but no injury was reported. Charles Long is the director. He also directs the P. M. C. Glee Qub in Chester. Concert Committee Organizes The assisting artists are Lowell Broomall, At the preliminary meeting Tuesday organist of the Swarthmore Church, and afternoon of mothers arranging for this Calvin T. Doussoulas, tenor soloist. year's concert by the Main Line OrchesOther Methodist Church Notes tra, the following committee was named: Mrs. Roy Delaplaine, chairman; Mrs. On Sunday morning, April 4, at 10 George Alston, Mrs. C. A. Bagby, Mrs. A. M. in the Church School, Mrs. W. A. H. Paul Clea"er, Mrs. F. W. Hadley, Schlicter, of Aldan, will teU some of her Mrs. Arthur S. Hughes, ]'1rs. A. F. Jack- experiences as a missionary in China. son, Mrs. John L. Jones, Mrs. Lloyd E. Going to the foreign field as a young Kauffman, l\.~rs. OUo Kraus, Jr., ~{rs'l bdde, she has many interesting stories Joscph Mcsslck, Mrs. Henry A. PIper, to ~ell explaiuing conditions there. l\Irs. Palll Paulson, Mrs. Walter J. Scott, ===:;;;;,~,;;::,:;;:;;;;=;:,;;~~,=,== Mrs. David T. Shaw, Mrs. Howell Lewis Shay, Mrs. Henry L. Smith, 1\.[rs. George TRINITY CHURCH Troxell, ).f rs. Julius E. Underwood and Prot_tant EpllJcopal Cbater Road and College A.-emil!' Mrs. Charles F. 'Volters. Rev. J. Jarden Guenther. S.T.M•• Rector The 1937 concert will bc held as usual Rev. T. A. Meryweather. Dlr. ReL Educ. in Clothier :Mel11orial, Swarthmore Col- 8 :00 A. M.-Holy Communion. A. M.~Sl1nday School anti Bible Class. lege. althollg-h the date is a bit earlier this 119:45 ;00 A. M.--Holy Communion Dnd Sermon. year, April 16, Friday at 8.15 P. 1\[ THE SWARTHMOREAN Exclusive Modes And for Carefree Luxury, Have Us Serve You With ATLANTIC FURNACE OIL Barton Mac Lane _ William Gargan O'BRIEN THE EILEEN SHOP COAL "On the Avenue" Alice Faye • Ritz Brothen; Stephin Fetcbit Monday Only, April 5 for your cordial reception VAN ALEN BROS. Friday and Saturday, April 2-3 DICK POWELL MADELEINE CARROLL of this community will pay a fair price {or coal of a con.istently good quality, backed up by a delivery service on which they can depend. Near the end of each winter many people call here for coal who have been "stung" by the quality or quantity of coal and service of some "bootleg" c 0 a I trucker. Don't let them "sting" you this spring. THANK YOU, SWARTHMORE APRIL 2, 1937 Bank and Trust Company BAKERS OF THE PERFECT LOAF Momber Fedenl Deposit I_.......ee Corporatioll 00 Q a 00.00 a 0 0 a a Q 0 a c a Q Q Q 0 Q a Q a a a aDO a 0" a 00.000 Ca a a a a a a 0 a • Martel Bros. American Stores Co. George Mitro &Sons The Giant Tiger Market Please Co-operate by Doing Your Food Buying Before 1 P. M. on Wednesdays • .. , . -, . :, ' 5WO\I~THM[)l:fE --APRIL 2, 1937 THE SWARTHMOREAN 4 CLASSIFIFD PROMINENT WOMAN TO SPEAK HERE APRIL 9 WANTED At the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church Woman·s Association meeting Friday, April 9, Katherine Silverthorn will speak on "Inter-relationship of the Church and the Women's Membership." All women are invited to attend this meeting at 1.30 o'clock, following the regular sewing and luncheon. Mrs. Silverthorn is chairman of the Committee on International Relations of the Woman's Committee of the Foreign Missions Conference of North America; a member of the Executiye Committee of the National Committee on thc Cause and Cure of War; a member of the CommiSSIOn on International Justice and Goodwill of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America; a member of the Board of Directors of the Missionary Education Movement; and chairman of their Educational Conunittee; is a member of the Expert Advisory Section of Adult Age Group Committees of the International Council of Religious Education. Other Pre.hyterian Church Note. At the service Sunday at 11 o'clock the minister will be the Rev. John Ellery Tuttle, D.O. Holy Communion will be observed with the reception of new members and the baptism of children. Christian Endeavor Service is at 7 o'clock. All young people are urged to attend this service and cnter into the discussion led by Miss Marjorie Dinsmore. The Young Woman's Guild wj)l meet on Wednesday evening, April 7, at 7,45, at the home of Mrs. Frances Walton, 45 Amherst Avenue. Mrs. Frank Horner, of the Travelers Aid Society will be the speakcr. W ANTED-One or two girls to occupy at. tractive room tn private family. Homelike surroundings. Reasonable. Me:ab. It desired. Telephone. Swarthmore 8G8oJ'. 201 CoHeee Avenue. WORK WANTED-Woman wanta housecl..lBu" Jng or Jaund17 work by day or hour. Pc.t Oft'lce Box 184. Morton. W ANTED-Capable young woman to aasut in tea room. bookkeeping. MUllt have .ome knowleda'e of Telephone. Swarthmore 149. WANTED-Lal'8'e furni!lohed room In or near Swarthmore. Write Paul Wick. Folsom. FOR RENT Apartment. $35. 44 S. Morton Ave •• MorNear P. R. R. Adalia. Secoall floor. 5 rooina, electric refrl.eratioD. Gar..... toa. WM. S. BITTLE Swarthmetn III'" Notary PublJe - In.uraDe. - Real Elub MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON JOSEPH E. QUINBY ERNEST G. SNODGRASS, ASS'T. FUNERAL DIRECTORS BELL PHONE .. MEDIA. PA. EDWYN RORKE REGISTERED ARCHITECT 12 Simpson Road, Ardmore, Pa. HOMES DESIGNED. FINANCED AND BUILT PhoDe: Ardmore 4458 YE VI'llage W'Indow CIeaner I A HAUI"!J:D P ~ • FARM FOR SALE Modernized stone house built in 1778. Good barn. IS acrea of ground planted with small fruit and a young pine g:-ove. Excellent roads, I' miJcs from Swarthmore. • M. PARKER 23 South Chester Road Swarthmore 42 VOL IX, No. 15 No. Zv, Can Peaches --- Sliced or Halves Bartlett Pears Crushed Pineapple Pineapple Juice Prune Jnice Grapefruit Juice No. Zv, Can StlU'3 at 1m: This Week 2 No. Z Can Quart Bottle No. Fancy Melting Peas Tiny Melting Peas Large All-Green Asparagus Tomato Catsup Red Alaska Salmon Sardines in Tomato Sauce Z Can No.2 Cans 2 No.2 Can Can 14·oz. Bots. 2 Tall Can Oval Can DCO Apple Butter ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPH WE'RE pic:king no easy marks .•• our challenge includes every one of America"s nine other sixes-lower priced, equal priced or higher priced. We'll convince you that the Dictator is a better buy. See the roomy. comfortable, beautifully appointed Dictator and you11 ... see the ye~"8 best-looking, beat built, uest 6·cylinder car .•• the world's first six offering: the dual economy of the Fram oil cleaner and the gas.saving automatic overdrive ••. the world's first six offering automatic hill holder plus hydraulic brakes ••• the world's only six with new non-slam rotary door latches. See and drive a Dictator and you'll see why it is making sales history. Studebaker's C. I. T. Budget Plan offers low time payments. SWARTHMORE GARAGE J. s. LEES, Manager 401 DARTMOUTH AVE. Pint { Pack{~ {3 DCO Evaporated Milk Tomato Juice GENTLEMAN Fancy Corn COUNTRY COLDEN BANTAM Whole Kernel Com (Granules) Fancy Apple Sauce Fruit Cocktail Fancy Purple Plums Toilet Tissue Bleach Quart No. 2 Cans No. 3 Cans Small Co", 3 3 2 2 3 Tall Ca~s No. 2 Cans No. 2 Cans 12·oz. Cans No.2 Cans No. 2Yz Can 2 No. 2!/z Cans 4 lOCO Sheet Rolls Quart Bottles 2 Open 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Monday and Tuesday 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. Wed..esday-ONLY 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Thursday 9 A. M. to lOP. M. Friday a ..d Saturday Plenty of Free Parkin!l" Space "You Can BuY It For Less at the Giant Tiger" 12c 13c 25c 19c 23c 10c 17e 19c 19c 19c 1ge 19c 19c 19c 19c FORM ROTARY CLUB IN SWARmMORE A well attended meeting of the ConMrs. Roland G. E. Ullman, of Harvard cord Union of Friends Fjrst Day Schools Avenue, '16, chairman of the Somerville Day committee, has been in charge of arwas held in Whittier House. Swarthmore, last Sunday afternoon and evening. rangements for the 1937 celebration which John E. Michael Named Praident Council Reviews Lengthy PetiCharles Supplee, of Lansdowne, ·presided. will be held at Swarthmore College toby Fourteen Other Local lionl and Public Hearings at Reports were read from each of the ten morrow, Saturday, April 10. Organize... Semi-monthly Sesaion schools comprising the Union. An interesting talk on the use of hvmns Somerville day will begin with a busiSteps for the organization of a Rotary Although an increase in the tax rate J • h Id 1045' th '{ 'In First Dav Scltools was gl'ven bv ness meetmg e at . tn e .. eet- club in Swarthmore were taken April 1, J J • H h M P '38 would enable a desirably more extensive . Everett L. Hunt, of Sw"rthmore College, mg ouse, were argaret eter, by a group of fifteen local business and improvements of streets and S I d e w a l k s . . . . I k h h' h' :rt. reviewing. first the hl'storv of hymn sl'ngwit ta e over t e c alrmans Ip of Som- professional men who met at The IngleBorough Council is loawe to raise the ing, then analyzing the Jreason whv the ' '37. The leading lady of the current pro- ervl·11e F orum f rom Betty D enms, neuk with Representatives from the millage at this time and there f ore took J S ' 1 1 F II h' ' etv of Friends had oml'tted musl'e duction at the Players Club is better The omervi e e ows IpS Committee Chester and West Chester Clubs. This Socl action at the Wednesday evening session J from its services and last, suguestl'ng how knowil to Swarthmoreans as Mrs. A. P. will announce the Lucretia Mott and action unites Swarthmore with more than to maintain the present rate namely: for ~ fl' general Borough purposes-8 mills; for and why hymns have come into use in Whitaker, of Riverview Road, than by Martha Tyson elowshlps. Helen Horn- 4,000 cities all over the world where • k' f d First Da" Schools. A sextet composed the name under which she has achieved beck, and Dorwin Cartwright, both '37. Rotary clubs have come to playa leading interest on d eb t an d th e Sill mg un ~ of Mrs. Gair W.ilcox, I\Irs. Ellwood H. considerable renown as a dancer. wjll speak for Mortar Board and part in the progress and development of 2)<\ mills; and library tax Yo mill. The arrett, Mrs. Jesse H. Holmes, Jr., MI'ss MSGA on "Orientation of Freshmen." the life of the community. G S 7Estates mills and special tax on on the the Kimmel warthmore 2 mills tract Ann Orr, Millard Rewis, Jr., and Dana Vocations for women will be discussed The new club is sponsored by the memH. Bigelow sang two groups of hymns by Mrs. Clausine MacNeille, vocational bers of the Rotary Club of Chester, who also remained stationary. selected for their histor-importance as adviser, while Frances Blanshard, dean have been anxious for some time to have Anticipating that Walnut Lane would well as musical content. Mrs. E. L. of women, will close the meeting with a this Borough represented in the worldbe one of the streets where it would be Hunt accompanied. f ew word s on student activIty. . . L unch wide organization. desired to place a sidewalk in connection A panel discussion on "What Is eon will be served at 12.45. Those present at the meeting April 1r with the current proposal, quite a few Quaker Patriotism" for young members Cast of Ten Perform at Playe's wart hmore and S warth mores,.. a when a'll" • it was decided to fOim a Rotary Club ThIS' Week m· April residents of the section appeared to of the Union was lead by Esther Holmes skit written by Holly Ross, '37, will fea- club in Swarthmore are John E. MichaeJ, register their opposition to the steps, Jones with John Wood, Jr. and W. Allen P rogram ture the a f ternoon entertainment pro- who was elected president; Charles R .. among them, Mr. and Mrs. F. V. WarLongshorc, of Swarthmore College, and Bv AUe.. W. Hanl'. 1g.ram in Cloth.ier Memorial on this sixty- Russell, viceO-president; Edward L. ren" Mrs. J. Paul Brown, :Mrs. George · I Good· Charlotte Werner, Edward' Flacc'us, Ann .. \ H b d G .. I PI CI b Sixth Somerville Day. A take-off on the Noyes,_ secretary; F. A. Patman, treas4 H oadl ey, C . C . W est, D ame wm, D aVlson, . . h' and Paul Saxer. of Friends A : '1s ff us. an s 0, t tled ayers IIu G'lbe I rt an d S U II'Ivan operettas, IIle sk't I urer; N. Walter SUplee, sergeant-atTh d I P W and L. . ray. e e egation w Ich prt 0 erlOg was gran e an unusua v Central School, as members of the panel. ' . . J satirizes Swarthmore and Swarthmore arms; John H. Pitman and George B. had secured a petition including other Supper was served to the two hundred warm welcome by the first-flight audt- customs. Heckman, board of directors; Emanuel ence which saw it Tuesday. . , . signers and a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Pearson, appeared of the opinion guests by the Swarthmore Friends after Within the frame of pleasant stage sets Gladys Reichard, 19, assistant profes- M. Buchner, WiHiam S. Hoffman, Richthat if Council, in spite of their prcsenta- which Waldo Hayes, of 'Vest Chester, arranged for the current production, "As 50.r of authropologr al Barnard College, ard C. Ammerman, Elric S. Sproat, Wiltion of the case, felt a sidewalk was introduced the speaker of the evening, Husbands Go" moved along smoothly in Will be tl!e Son~ervdle speaker of the day. liam F. Lee, Harold E. B. Speight, Dr. Charles Swope, president of West . . f h B d Her subject will be "Adventure among Wayne Mosteller and Clarence E. Hannecessary Jt should bc placed on the cast Clle tor Stat T h C II th a style remlluscent 0 t e roa way ver- I N ' " 'I' R' h d '11 side of the street where lcss trees would s .. c eac ers 0 ege, on e sian of 1931 and the touring rcvival of t Ie av3Jos .... .I.\" ISS elc •ar WI .ar- num. be in danger of despoilation and there was subject "Religious Education. How It 1933. The Players Club actors unfolded range an exhlbltlOn of NavajO sand pamtThe new dub will have its regular more depth to the lots. This situation ~fay B~ farrided lOver I~n~o Lifed"· Dr. effectivcly the story of a husband who jngs h~ COI1CctiOl~, to ~e on display at the wcekly meetings at The Ingleneuk. will be considered in connection with a wope e.leve t lat re ;glO~S he ucttors was big enough to UTiderstand his wife's reception tea. which Will follow the afterAs soon as the new club has been adfour vear plan for total sidewalk coverage must convlllce young peop e 0 tree undt · ftC f tl I 1100n entcrtamment. The afternoon pro- mitted to membership in Rotary InternaJ amentals-first that there is a God- momell ary III a ua Ion or ano ler man i "II b ' 2' I k d '11' to be worked out by T. E. Hessenbruch '. . and big enough to convince the other man' gram WJ egtn at 0 c oc ,an WI 111- tional (the central organization of which . d d second, that there >IS a soul-and third, I I I I fi t bit I elude Miss Reichard's speech· Miss all clubs are members) by vote of the • h' h an d h IS Ig way committee an presente th t G d 1 a a I n i t Jat Ie was mue 1 too IlC 0 e mr. 'I ,. ' a 0 1 spa. There was ample zest and heartiness Ross skit j dances performed by the ad- international hoard of directors, its at the next meeting of COWlcil. Several ordinances were passed: one • in the local production, and this sl::rved vanced ~al) class and ~he. ~odern dance charter as a Rotary club will be delivered to heighten the already abundant comedy I cJ~ss •..d1fected by V u'glOla . Rath and by the Chester Club and George E. providing for the acquisition by the Borin the play. It cannot be imputed, how-! '-:lrgllua Greer, of the phYSical educa- Brown, of Ocean CitYJ who is governor ough of the Simons Sewer, serving the southwest section of the townJ at the purI ever, that the stage group neglected the I Uon department; a speech by Robert of the dubs jn this, the fiftieth district chase of $1760; one setting forth the heavie,r parts. Balance. was the keynote Ma?~fod, of the psychology d~~~rtment. of Rotary. Delegations from all the 1in~s and grades of- the ·section of Rivcr(,f- tlfc·llCrf-vnUalil.l.:. Dlr<:Ct6r· Roland- G.· 011 t.:ll!Jc.rgr?:iu?-te Psyo;h"lt:lg) • and a other KOlar.), dubs ~nearhy- are view Avenue which is to be improved E. Ullman has done a splendid job in in- two-pIano arrangement of DeBussy's to attend this e\'ent. The motto of shortly; and another regarding the con- Swarthmore Man Will Begin terpreting the nature of the one-time "Afternoon of a Faun,"' and Chauvrler's Rotary, "Service Above Self He struction of the Crumwald Sewer, now.in August 1 to Direct Business Broadway hit. "Espagna," ,pl.ayed by Barbara Wetzel, Profits Most Who Serves Best" js inof Friends' School Criticism is a difficult proposition when '38, and Roland Ball, '39. progress. terpreted in Rotary in four ways-service lfrs. Louis C. Emmons presented a the critic is faced by such evenness of to the dub to make it strong and active; Howard ~I. Buckman, of Swarthmore. petition signed by approximately half a has been selected to take over the busi- worth and value. Among the older service in one·s own vocation; service to hundred residents of the neighborhood of actors, Roland and Eliza Ullman were the community j and scrvice to the world ness management of George S.chool, outstanding, This is Mrs. Ullman's her real estatc office on Baltimore Pike starting August 1. as a world-citizen. at Riverv.iew Road, asking that she be The Management Committee of George twenty-second role for the Players Club granted permission to rent same as a tea School announced to the Philadelphia and this week's closing night will be her Two Public Forums Here in April room. Believing the question of sufficient Yearly Meeting of Friends at the sessions seventY4sixth performance for the local Two Public Forums of the current importance to require a public hearing which closed April I, that Francis C. group. Mrs. AJix Field Whitaker and Local Women Interested by DisDelawarc County series will be held at the secretary was Jnstructed to ascertain Pyle would retire at the end of this J. Stephen Shockley were competent in cussion of Child GuidSwarthmore High School during the if Mrs. Emmons wished one and if so, school year after serving as superintend- two of the major roles. ance Tuesday month of Aflr.il. to advertise that it should be held Wed- ent and treasurer for over thirty-three In general, however, it was young Next \Vednesday evening, the 14th, at nesday, l-fay S. people's night. Roland Ullman, Jr., was "Some uneasiness" for parents as a 8 o'clock. WiHrid L. Husband, nationally years. Numerous bids on materials for paving )'fr. Buckman graduatcd from Swarth- personable and professional dur.ing the result of "the impetus our day is giving known lecturer,'author, and traveler, will few moments he was on the stage. Riverview Road were received. Conto increasing reading and study of speak on "What We Can Learn From a,"arded the low bidders as more College .in 1914, after which he EI' H . S h C II tracts ' ''ere .. ." taught school at Hightstown, N. J. He ame ayme, a wart more 0 ege psychology and behavior" was t!xpressed Two weeks follows: asphalt, Good Roads Company, was then associated with the Swarthmore junior who has had parts in two previous by Rose Green, of the Philadelphia Child Swedish COo-operatives."' later, on the 28th, Dr. Hugo Wall, chairat 9.875 cents per gallon; granite curbing, Chautauqua Association for tcn years. productions, added much to the young Guidance Clinic, speaking before the man of the political science department North Carolina Granite Corporation, at More recently he has been connected with people's record. Swarthmore League of Women Voters of the University of Wichita, will make 72~. cents per, lineal foot for. straight a PhiJadelphia advertising company. In The triumvirate of young actor's in last Tuesday afternoon at the Woman's his second appearance before a Swarth~urbmg and 8736 cents for radIUS curb- 1918 he married Ethel Harvey, of "As Husbands G·ou was completed by Club. Miss Green discussed "The more audience when he addresses a mg; and crushed stone. Gen~ral Crushed Moorestown N. J. The Buckmans have Jack Peirsol, who did a very neat job Parent, School and Community ResponsiForum on "Local Government Trends Stone Company at $1.68 per oet ton for h Id of his small part. His roll was not exbility for the Privileged Child." . h $173 f 1'/' h $183 f three children; Prestoll. teo est, now . b . d'd d h and Problems." 2 ,/ 72. mc, . o~:2.me, . or a senior at George School, Harvey, Jr., actlllg, ut It 1 present a goo c ance "I have known parents," she said, "so Dr. Wan spoke here ~!arch 10 on ~ lOch, $1.93 for 36 IIlch, and $1.33 for and Mariane. While in college Buck- to display latitude of ability. self-conscious with this knowledge that "The Supreme Court, the Constitution Mrs. Sue Wolters did her role of maid they could not be spontaneous and natural screenings. man was a member of the Phi Delta • Theta fraternity and he was elected to so very well that she was scarcely in their daily living with their children. and the President." Series Dance Postponed the Phi Beta Kappa Socicty. In the noticeable in the phy. Her experience Miss Green asserted that the emotional Fire Company and Auxiliary News town of Swarthmore, he has been both in "The Admirable Crichton" stood by needs and demands of children in one At the regular monthly meeting of thc The last dance of this season's Swarth- secretary and president of the Business her indeed. and lent her smoothness of economic group are pretty much the same Swarthmore Firc and Protective Associamore Series has been lKlstponed from the and Civic Association (now the Swarth- pcrformance and certitude of action. tion held in Borough Hall last evening as in any other. . \Valter S. Fogg appeared all too date scheduled,. April 17, until May. It more Business Association) and treasMiss Green suggested that fltoo often watches were awarded ex-chiefs Charles will probably be held the first week next urer of the Home and School Association. briefly. He was the solc bright spot parcntal responsibility has been thought Kimmel and A. Wayne Mosteller in acmonth. Notices of the exact date will He is now an active member and vicc- in a rather sickly prologue. to mean the giving and doing things cordance with a custom of the Associapresident of the Swarthmore Library It is very nearly paradoxical that be sent all subscribers beforehand. tion. Samuel Evans, Jr., who plays the part for a child. Board. The Apdl meeting of the Fire Comof the understanding husband about "From the experiences of the clinic Mr. and Mrs. Buckman and family whom the play revolves, should have a WIt . I1 Ch'ld f l ' pany A ll.'Ciliary wilt be hc1d in the BorGets Guggenheim Fellowship I ren rom t le supenor social will remove late this summer from their role which calls upon him to be little but an d CllItural groups." she continued, III ough Halt rooms next Monday evening Announcement has been made that· home, at 213 Dickinson Avenue, to a expressionless. Mr. Evans did a credit- can t h'mk 0 f some areas in which they at 8 o'clock. I'k I h Samuel R. M. Reynolds, assistant pro- house on the campus at George School. able J·ob in a part which was innateJy are ley to ave more difficulties than Entertamm· . g •Before Dance fessor of Physiology, Long Island Col- Harvey will trans f er f rom the SwarthI f . the re- more schooI to George S cI100I'III t h e fall. rather flat. the ess ortunate child. For a" healthy \ "mong the dl"nner partl'es whl'ch ,vl'll lege of Medicine, Brooklyn, IS . . " "As Husbands Go" was written by an energetIc psychological growth a child precede the Amerl'ean Leg'lon and Auxcipient of a John Simon Guggenheim Mariane will cnter a near by Friends ~femorial Fellowship for the year 1937- School of pre-high school grades. Rachel Crothers, orie of the leading play- needs t.o meet some limitations, some iliary Charity Dance at the Woman's 38. The award is made to enable Dr. • wrights of today. frustratIOns..." Club House this evening are those given Further performances will be given toThe spe~ker c~}J1c1uded with a plea for· by !\Ir. and Mrs. John S. Daley, of Cedar Reynolds to write a monograph on certain Election at Woman's Club T ues. night and tomorrow night at 8.15 in the some consIderatIOn of parents as human Lanc and Elm Avenue' '{r d 'I phases of endocrine and reproductive. .. . b· It ' .I., • an £\ rs. physiology and to continue research in: The blclll11al electIOn of officers and Fairview Road Club House. cmgs. ". Alben T. Eavenson, of Strath Ha,·en these fields. The year will be spent at: directors for the \-Voman's Club of Annual Meeting Next Monday ~n~e ~~udy group 011 Coll~chve Bar- Avenue; Mr. and :a.-Irs. Robert A. Shepthe University of Rochester Rochester I Swarthmore will be held Tuesday, April On Monday evening, ApriJ 12, the one gammg, under the leadership of Mrs. pard, of Dartmouth Avenue and Mr and N. Y. " ' 13. The polls will be open from 10 business meeting of the year will be held Reavis Cox, of Hillborn Avenue, wilt be Mrs. Oscar J. Gilcreest, of Harvard AveDr. Reynolds is a former resident of A. !{. to 12 M. and from 2 to 4 P. M., at the Players Club. The president, Dr. addressed by Dr. George Taylor of the nue. The Sheppard and Gilcreest parties Swarthmore and the son of Mrs. Walter with Mrs. Stanley MacMillan, chairman A. F. Jackson and all other officers of Bureau of Industrial Research of the will be held at the Ingleneuk. Mr. and D. Reynolds, of College Avenue. He is of elections. in charge. the organization are desirous that as University of Pennsylvania, at its final Mrs. Sheppard will entertain a Swartha graduate of Swarthmore High School The president, Mrs. Roland G. E. utl- many members as possible be in attend- meeting next. Tue.sday m~ming at 10.30 more group. The Gilcreest's guests wilt and Swarthmore College. He received man. will preside at the regular stated ance. at the home of Mrs. Waldo E. Fisher. be Mr. and Mrs. John Dewhurst, of his doctorate in 1931 from the University meeting at 2.30 the same day. URiding There are several important matters to of Harvard Avenue. Dr. Taylor wjll Forest Hills, Long Island; Mr. and Mrs. of Pennsylvania and spent the year fol- the Sky with Amelia Earhart:' a motion be brought before the membership as well speak on "Troubled Areas in Collective John McCoy, of Cranford, N. J., and 10lYjng in the departrnenb of embryology, picture secured by the program chairman, as the nomination of new officers and Bargaining," discussing the role of the Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gibson and Mr. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Mrs. Roland Eaton, will be shown. Mrs. governors. impartial chairman, jurisdictional dispute, and Mrs. John Moore, of Swarthmore. Baltimore, as a Fellow in Medicine of the W. N. Spangler and Mrs. Carl Wolcott The meeting will as usual be followed racketeering in unions,. conRi.ct over Mr. and ~rs. Eavenson. will have guests National Research Council. wi11 be hostesses. by a program of entertainment. . closed shop. and other ddliculties. from Menon and Walhngford. SWARTHMORE 411 I J I I 11 THIRTY-EIGHTH .ANNUAL REPORT BUCKMAN MANAGES I GEORGE' SCHOOL OF THE SWARTHMORE BUILDING ASSOCIATION Stl;lC;:k Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c 15e 23e 17e 17e 7e 38·oz. Jar DCO Grape Juice UCO Fancy Tomatoes·- Solid Hand No. 7.11 Cans SOMERVILLE DAY AT COLLEGE TOMORROW AIix Field 'AS HUSBANDS GO' GAINS HIGH PRAISE ASSETS First Mortgages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $600.850~00 13c 15e 25c 9c He 6c CONCORD UNION MEETS HERE $2.50 PER YEAR I I I Exceptional Values for the Week of April! to April 7, Inclusive, on uea, "The Better Grade" Food Products SWARTHMORE, PA., APRIL 9,1937 TAX RATE REMAINS SAME AS LAST YEAR GirJ Scout News "The Sign of the Cross," featuring four well known stars, Frederic March, Claudette Colbert, Charles Laughton and Elissa Landi, will be the film attraction at the Strath Haven Inn tomorrow evening at 8.15. So many friends of the Inn have been taking advantage of these free weekly programs that it is proposed to change the night from Saturday to Friday in the future. _. sw ~RT.HMlmE __ J? ~_.. EIAKER Troops 6 and 194 will meet in the Woman's Club House tomorrow morning at 9.30. Troop 16 wilt meet at 9.30 Saturday morning at the Girl Scout House. Invitations have been issued for a troop mother and daughter supper to be held at the Scout House at 5.30 next Friday, April 9. The event will furnish an opportunity for several of the girls to complete their work on merit badges for hostess, cooking and homekeeping. The Fortnightly will be entertained by Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes, of Princeton Avenue, on Monday, April 5, at 2.30 P. 1\1. .Mrs. Sargent Walter will revicw liThe Late George Apley," a biography compiled by a lifelong friend of the Apley family. George Apley grew up in Boston in a family which believed in family traditions and their preservation. The Apley family had traditions worthy of preservation. Each member had a mind of his own and thus in the family circle interest never lagged. The book is really a novel in its form and the development of the life of this son. Mrs. Herbert Bassett and Mrs. Joseph A. Perry will contribute readings. Baltimore Pike at East Lansdowne DCO DCO DCO DCO DCO DCO DCO DCO The regular meetmg of the Thursday Night Bridge Qub, postponed during Holy Week; was held Monday evening, March 29. The winners of the evening were: North and South-Captain and Mrs. Charles E. Morrison, first; William Craemer and Andrew Robinson, second; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carvell, third; East and West-Laurence Stabler and Daniel Goodwin, first; Miss Mary Verlenden and Mrs. S. P. Felix. second; Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Swift, third William Craemer was announced as winner of the :March tournament for the highest average score. • Fortnightly Meets April 5 GIANT TIGER UCO UCO UCO UCO UCO DCO I 1================= rop. Swarthmore 19 UCO UCO UCO UCO UCO UCO WlDDers at Weo:kly Bridge Club CClLLEGE Real E.tate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Due. Delinquent ............. . Interest and Fines Delinquent ... . Interest 'Accrued to April 12, 1937 Cash ....................... . 25,400.00 65,500.00 2,792.41 2,902.53 3,131.25 24,488.05 LIABILITIES Advance Payments: Due.. . . . . . . . . . . . .. $513.28 Interest ..... . . . . . . 3.08 T ota) Liabilities $516.36 CAPITAL Installment Stock-Dues . . . . . . . . $533,592.00 Profits Apportioned . . . . . . . . . . . . 145,396.81 Pro6ts Unapportioned . . . . . . . . . . 4,559.07 Reserve ..................... 41,000.00 $725,064.24 $725,064.24 STOCK ACCOUNT WITH VALUATIONS, APRIL 12, 1937 Date Number Series Shares of Issue Dues Paid per Share Cain per Share Value per Share Val. per Share Withdrawal Value per SerIes Oct., 1925 54 577 $136.00 $55.57 $193.57 $192.03 $111.689.09 ApI., 1926 55 240 132.00 50.66 182.86 180.03 43,866.40 Oct., 1926 56 266 126.00 46.36 172.36 166.50 49,639.68 ApI., 1927 57 370 120.00 42.06 162.06 157.39 59,962.20 Oct., 1927 56 201 I 14.00 37.98 151.96 146.70 30,547.96 Api .. 1926 59 220 108.00 34.10 142. I 0 136.41 3 1.262.00 Oct.. 1926 60 309 102.00 30.44 132.44 126.52 40,923.96 ApI., 1929 61 312 96.00 26.98 122.96 I 16.98 38,369.76 Oct., 1929 62 124 90.00 23.73 113.73 107.60 14. I 02.52 ApI., 1930 63 434 84.00 20.68 104.66 98.93 45,43 I • 12 Oct., 1930 64 265 78.00 17.65 95.85 90.40 25,400.25 ApI., 193 I 65 371 72.00 15.23 67.23 82. I 5 32,362.33 Oct., 193 I 66 260 66.00 12.81 76.81 74.18 20,490.60 ApI., 1932 67 162 60.00 10.60 70.60 66.48 12,649.20 Oct., 1932 66 236 54.00 8.60 62.60 59.01 14,898.60 ApI., 1933 69 515 48.00 6.81 54.81 51.78 28,227.15 Oct., 1933 70 371 42.00 5.23 47.23 44.76 17.522.33 ApI., 1934 71 353 36.00 3.86 39.86 37.92 14,070.56 Oct., 1934 72 312 30.00 2.69 32.69 31.26 10. I 99.28 ApI., 1935 73 618 24.00 1.74 25.74 24.77 15,907.32 Oct., 1935 74 685 18.00 .99 16.99 16.4 I 13,008. I 5 ApI., 1936 75 407 12.00 .45 12.45 12. I 7 5,067.15 Oct., 1936 76 518 6.00 • I2 6.12 6.04 3, I 70. I 6 8170 $678,988.81 $24,000.00 Now Available for Invesbnent in Mortgages 77th Series Opens With Firat Payment Due April 13th MISS ROSE GREEN AT APRIL L.W.V. MEETING I • .' • • 'I I INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE S"'~I~THM[mE 4 THE SWARTHMOREAN CLASSIFIED APRIL 2, 1937 C(JLLEGE SW ")'I~THM(JI~E Winners at Weekly Bridge Club I PROMINENT WOMAN TO SPEAK HERE APRIL 9 "' he ngul.lr IIIlctlllg or thc I hurst!,lY I\t the S\\,lrthltlorc Pre<;h)lcri:m :\I~ht Bru(g(· Uuh. 1)() ..1.I)oncd durlllJ.! I \SSOCloI'WIl 1Iu.:ctllJg 11(1) \Vc<:k, ",IS held :\Iond,l\ e\Ullllg, WANn.V Of I!.! or t\\H l'lrlll to UN UI') nt· lhurdl \\'tJlIIcllI\ \prJ! 9. K.lth<:nm.: SIhl'rl 11Orn ~1,1TI.:h 29 'J Ill' \\l1ll1l'TS of thc C"l'UlIlg , trll~tl\~ Tuum In prl\.lh r mill) )lU!lll4 l·ml.1\ IIkt ~urrtlulldllW" Ht.I"ulIlII,ll l\I(ui,. If \\111 Slllolk on "Inter-rciatlOnslu)l of th<: \Hrc l\orth and Sonth-C.II)tam .11II1! dl"'lred lC!ll.hUIH, S\\.lrthlllon.' f'63·J 201 lhunh .1IId thc \Vomcn's l\1emhl'rslllp" ~Irs (h.lrles E :\IornstJn, first, \VJlII.ulI Colltog~ A"!lIue All \\omen .Irc ill\'lted to attcnd tins Cr.lcIlH.:r and Andrew J~ObItlSOIl, second, I wonK WANTLlJ- Womlill \\1111(" IIUUSC(!ll m- IIl(clmg .n 130 o'clock. follU\\lIlg the ~Ir and Mrs. 1~lchard Can cHI thml.! IIW or IlUudr} \\ork h) d.IY or hour, I'o!;l n,.,nd.lr ... ('\\ IIIg ,md ltuH:hcOIl E.lst and \Vcst-Llurence Stabler .md I Office Box 1 i I. Murton :+.Ir<; Slherthorn is chmrmall of Ihe lJalllcl Good\\IIJ, first, :\tiss ~fary Vcr-I \\'ANTf I) ('.nlmhle )"11111-(' \IOmal1 to 1I'!'!\I,.,1 In COll1ll1lltCC UII Intt:rnatumal Hdatlol1s of !cndt.:n ami :\Irs S P. rchx. second. r tNl ruom Mu.;t h!l\~ "orne klumll'dJ.:II.' of thc \Vuman's COlllllllttt.:C of Ihe Forclgn ~Ir••lIld ~Irs C I\. SwJft, tllIrd _1'~_k_k_"_,_,I_ .. _"__T_'_"_"_h_,,_,,,__s_.._.,_,_th_.._,"_'_0_"_'_ _ I :\lls ... 1U1IS lOllfert.:J1(c of X( Irth \mcnc.l, I \V till UII Crallllcr \\ as announced a~ In!"," furllhlwd ruolJI II) ur IIII.' Ir .1 mcmbcr or the I xccutne COlllllllttee of \\ IIIIIt I of the 1I1.1rch tOllrl1,t1IH.:llt for the I !:i" Irtlllll"re '\rlh 1'1111 '\uk, folsum tllt.: K.ltloual COlllllllttec Oil the Causc l11da ... t d\er.lge s(un' ! • I .1Iul (ure of \V,If'" .1 IIIClIlhl r 01 Ihe ComGirl Scout News FOR RENT lll1!ioSIOil Oil Intun.lluJIl,11 lu"tlCC and Aparlm('nt. $35 44 S. Morlon Ave. MorTrO()II~ 6 ami 19-1- \\111 Imel .III the j F'cdl.'ral lUllIle)i of ton Ncar P R R. Adults Second floor. GotKh'll1 uf til(' S rooms, electric refngeratlon Garage. Chunhcs of Christ III Amcm:a. a lItell)- \Voman's CluJ.> I i No , ,",0 llil l '" 14 2 Bots 0 ... Tall (an Ov tl C.n Pant J3 1. 3 2 2 3 Quart ~o 2 ('Ins ~o , C.ns Small Cans 3 "" "" 1" Tall Cms , 2 Cans 07 \:) ~ ( Ins 2 2' ( IllS ( 111 S l .n 2 l'\" 4 1000 Sheet Rol!c; Qllart Bottle.; 2 2' ( Ins 13c 15c 25c ge lIe 6c 25e 15e 23e 17e 17e 7e J.. 38 oz I I UCO Fancy Tomatoes·· Solid Hand Packg Tomato Juice GENTLEMAN Fancy Corn COUNTRY GOLDEN BANTAM Whole Kernel Corn (Granules) Fancy Apple Sauce Fruit Cocktail Fancy Purple Plums Toilet Tissue Bleach ( •• n No 2'. C Ins UCO Grape Juice UCO Evaporated Milk c'm 2~~l ;-';0 UCO Apple Butter UCO UCO UCO UCO UCO UCO UCO UCO SWARTHMORE GARAGE I J. S. LEES, Manager 401 DARTMOUTH AVE. SWARTHMORE 411 12e 13c 25e 1ge 23c tOe 17c 19c 1ge 1ge 19c 19c 1ge 1ge 1ge Open 9 A M. to 9 P. M Monday and Tuesday 9 A. M to 1 P. M WednesdaY-ONLY 9 A M. to 9 P. M. Thursday 9 A. M. to 10 P. M Friday and Saturday Plenty of Free Parking SDace "You Can Buy It For Less at the Giant Tiger" THIRTY·EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT ----.---- Advan.ce Payments' Dues Interest $513.28 3.08 $516.36 CAPITAL Installment Stocli:-Ducs Profits Apporhoned Profits Unapporl1oncd Reserve $533,592.00 145,396.81 4,559.07 41,000.00 $725,064.24 $725,064.24 STOCK ACCOUNT WITH VALUATIONS, APRIL 12, 1937 Sen. s ShClHS OU".:; P lid per Sh Ire C lin per Sh IrC' \ 11m' per Sh,HC \Vlthur Iw.1 VII p. r Share :-':umbcr \ 11m> P' r 51 rlCS Oct, 1925 q 577 $136 00 $55 57 $193 57 $192 03 $111.66969 Api, 1926 55 240 132 00 5086 16266 160 03 43,66640 Oct, 1926 5 I, 266 126 00 4636 172 36 168 50 49.639 66 Api, 1927 57 370 12000 4206 162 06 157 39 59.96220 Oct, 1927 56 201 11400 37 96 151 96 146 70 30.54798 Api, 1920 59 220 10600 34 10 142.10 136 41 31,26200 Oct, 1926 60 309 10200 3044 132 44 126 52 40.923 96 Api, 1929 61 312 9600 2698 12296 11696 36,369 76 Oct, 1929 124 9000 23 73 113 73 107 60 14.10252 Api, 1930 63 434 8400 2066 104 66 9693 45,431.12 Oct, 1930 64 265 76 00 1765 95 65 90 40 25,400 25 Api, 1931 65 371 72 00 15 23 6723 62 15 32,362 33 Oct, 1931 66 260 6600 12 61 7661 74 18 20.490.60 Api, 1932 67 162 6000 1060 7060 66 46 12,649.20 Oct. 1932 66 238 54 00 660 6260 5901 14.69660 Api, 1933 69 515 4600 661 54 61 51.76 28,227 15 Oct, 1933 70 371 4200 523 47 23 44 76 17.522 3J Api, 1934 71 353 3600 386 3986 37 92 14.070 58 Oct, 1934 72 312 30 00 269 32 69 31 26 1019928 '\1'1, 193> 73 618 24 00 74 2> 74 24 77 15.90732 Oct, 1935 74 665 1600 99 1699 1641 13.006 15 Api, 1936 75 407 12 00 45 1245 12 17 5,067 15 Od, 1936 76 518 (, 00 12 6 12 604 3,170 16 6170 I Council Reviews Lengthy Petilions and Public Hearings at Semi-monthly Session SCll~JI~I:ll~~J;:I!~~:;g~l'~aikheIIU"I'IICJII't John E. Michael Named President by Fourleen Other Local Organizers e of Ip.1Il1l I SOllllnll1c d,l) \\111 licglll \\111t a 1)11'-1Stcl)S for the: org.Ullz.ltlOlI oi .1 Rotary \lIhough all lItcrcasc III the tax rate • ~ 0 e s J s lIt.:ss lIlt.:ctlll..! hdd .It 10 .... :; III the '-IedIlr t IJ SCIIOUl Ib'" cluJ. 111 S\\arthmore "erc takcn AI)nl I, \\otlld cnable a dCSlrabl) more extensIve I III s ,I) s \\.IS gnl'l " ""~ IJoU~l, \\hcn..' -"JoIrg ,ret Pele'. 'J" I tt I II I f S tl C 11 1 " > ' 0 It\ \ group IJf hltt.:ell 10c.11 husmc~:, and IIIlpro\e:ll1cnls of slre('ts .md s1dc\\alks ~'cre .... un, 0 ".Ir IllIorc 0 cgc, , \\111 t.lkt.: tJ\t.:r thc ell I1rlll Ulshil) or !'Olll • profc ... sIlJII.11 ll1el! "hu mel at "I he Ing'lcrC\ IC\\ mg hrst the IUslop of h\ 11m slllg I Iloruugh (OUllCI I IS Illolt1Ie to raIse tie J II I I I I f I IT\ l11e Forum frplI1 Beth DUlIns, '37 I1Ul1olgC ,It tIllS tllllC amI therdore took I Illg'. thl'll ::lII,t1)ZIIlJ..:' the rtaSOIl \\11\ the Ie I.'.HIIlg- a<\ 0 IIC cmrcnt I)ro IIl'lIk \\Ith J{q)rt.:"elll,ltl\cs from the S f j 1 I 1 I dllclloll .It the PI,l\crs (lull IS hettcr J hc SUIIU.'I \111l' h.:l1cJ\\"llIps lonllDlttee Lht.: ... tlf .lIul \\ csl Cltcstt.:r LIlIhs ". IllS (dltJll .Il the \Vl'dllcsr".'1 11,1 IleI! II l()UIlClI. III spite of tite:lr prescnta.lrr.lII;..:t.:t1 Ii,r I I~ I UTI t.:ut ]Inn lICtUtH. ~ .. mlrudlll.:t.'(1 thl.' ",pt.:.ll~t.:r 01 tIll t\(l11l1;": II I I I I II \\IIIIJt thl Sl1lllt.:l \ !Ill spt.:.lkcrol thed,1\ 1III'tIli I 1« 11"r,,111 I' I', Sl,e'gl". 1 ]lJll (Ii till l.lst kit a sUie\\,l k \\as Ih )elllI:. lit, IIIII\t.'1 .1 (111)..:' Sl1]~II II \ III l(ltS".IT\)t ... Iwultt III pl,Hl'd 1)11 Ihe t.:,l!';t Dr lhlrlt ... S\\Opt plcsutc.nt 01 \\t.'~t ,I ... 1\lt rt.'IllI11I~llllt 01 Iht.: Broad\\.1\ \ll- 111.'1 "lIhJt.'lt \\111 ht' \(ht.'lltllrc .Ullc)Il~1 \\.1\110.: \lo ... ldlt.:r .md lllrt.:l1(C L Il.m lht ... hl Stdll It.I(II(IS lol1r.:~t III Ihe 1'1 I I tht :'\1\IJlh \II~ ... l~cHh,lTI( "III .Ir '11"1' lilt (I tht.: slr(Cd \\hl.'rt.' II.:"s trt'tS \\ould "'HIIl III 'J, IlIC I tit.' tlOuTing rUI\.1 01 l III c1.tIlg!.'r 01 dl"'lIC1llatlOll ,mel Ihcre \\as ","hJI I I • I~t ill.!ltJtIs I dtlt .ltlOl1 111m It 11)3; I lit 1'11\ ~ I ... l Inh .It tors lIl111Jlcit (I 1.1I1,..:c.m l Xlllilltl~!ll 01 .:\ l\ ,IJO s.1I1<1 Jl IIllt- • Ill( III \\ lluh \\ III h,l\ (C Its rlgul.lr lorc 'I'l:ltlU Il\\ \\tl1t1t \\hlLh IS t.1 he..: IlIlpro\cd W,'II . LI11ll1ll III ... dOl1e 1 ""plt.:11<1111 Joh III 111- t\\~1 pi 1110 .lrr.III-Unu!t 01 DeIhl" ... ,· ... \.) l\tulli 1111'" 1\e:1I1 Ilic mutto 01 ll(rth .1Ilt! .llwtht.:1 Tt!.!,lnitng- Ihe lOll ISwarthmore Ma.n • Begin lllllll.'tm,..: tht.: 1Ic1ll1rc 01 the III]e: till1\.' \lttrn"(ll~ ul ,1 1,11111' ,Uld Lh,mrJl'r!';ll{ltl,"). Slf\llt.: \hu\\.' Sdf Ilt tTUcllCJlltJllhc (llIIn\\ddSe\\cr IH)\\JI1 August 1 to Direct Business 1:IUIl!\\I\ Inl I~PIt:1l1 pInt.:d I" 1.,lIb,lr.t "etzel, PlOllh :\10 ... 1 \\ho Slr\l'S l:Cst' b lfl~ ,Iru,..::nSS • of Friends' School t Tllllhlll I'" ,Ichlllllllt l)ropt sltlOll \\hen ;K ,mel l{oll1HI ];.tll, )C) tt.:rprttc..:d 111 ({IIt.ln III fonr \\.lls-~(,r\lce ~Irs 1001iS (, J 11111101lS I)n: ... enle (J e (Je.: I I( Us lcllJ( 11a11011a II ) , hi ~II I!tlckllllll ;":fl(lultt.'d trom S\\,llth ,., rr.:sut 01 the 111lllelns (Jllr til) IS g-l\1I11-,11 I I J{neT\lc\\ 1~(J.l(1 \\ere reLcl\cd LUll-I le\\ IllUllllll!s hc ".\s 011 Ihe sl.!!... 1.' ,...111)\\11 utlUtr mtlOl, .md tr.nder, \\111 'rad ... \\Lre ,l\\,lr(lc(\ thc !1m hu\ders .1sllllIJrtl Loll kgI.'I "'I IllJ II 4, ' taller ,,~\hJllh jlllC 1 111I1It: 1I1\1I1l I S".lrthmort: Lulll,..,1..' t,) Il1ltl rt.blllg: 1 '1"'lllllllg ,,111<1 stud) OIII"Pl.lk Oil \\lioll \\c L.m Learn From ~ 0\\11, l' • (C l h \ l I~J II~\ .1111 )~ 11'II)r \\ Is cXllrCS~tl . . . I ILl k I t.lll~ ItI Sl100 It I Ig 1till s " ' J \\0 "ee~ l!Jllc)\\" asphalt (,clod Roa \111101lI1l(11(llt h.... ilt.'lll llIal!... th It I((!llll, llh\ :\11 lilt! :\lr ... John I>alc), 01 Ce:dar J{l\II"ltl .. 10 \\Tltl I lll'n~I_1 iph 111\ luI 1111 Election at Woman's Club Tues. 111-111 IIld ! 1111' rrll\\ !luht al "1:'1 II th~ JIllI t· l""lt}tr U 11 I jl;tlllih I.. 11lI1Il1l1 I lilt lid 11111 htlHlt :\11 1m! :\11 I tllcl tllll (l1d l~lll,dlll'l\t lit Illlllllti dulltll .1 ~11l11:1'" ll'd !I\'l" I{. t,] tlllh IIIlIl It I \110(11 j InUI!ll (11 <"';111111 111\\11 1.1_\ Illd I ) , 1I11lliH 1~"llI\il III dl.tl\lr ... 11)\ till \\~Illllll'" lilth III Annual Meeting Next Monday III .. tuth ~1'lIJl ~ll lllhlln, glr \\lIHll :\Jt lilt! :\It .. I,uhlrl \ . . . h~llIt"'l lldc1.. I ht 'l;1r \\l1I ht "pull It p1nI It llll\tf"'ll\ ot l~otht'''hr. ]~odlt"'ltr S\\ lrlhll10Tt \\111 hc hdd l\1cs OF THE ASSETS Baltimore Pike at East Lansdowne UCO UCO UCO UCO UCO UCO first SIX offenng the dual economy of the Frarn od cleaner and the gas savmg or AmerIca's mne other sixes-lower automatic o\,crdnve the world's pnced, equal pnccd or higher pm::ed first SIX offenng automatic hill holder We'll convmce you that the Dictator plus hydrauhc btakes • the \\orld's IS a better buy. only SIX with new non slam rotary S!.:e the roomy, comfortable, beautidoor latches. See and drive a Dictator fully appomted Dictator and you'll ... and you'll s!.'c why It IS makmg saIl'S sec the year's best-Iookmg. best buIlt, history Studebaker's C. J. T. Budget Ifest 6 cyhnder car ••. the world's Plan offe.s low time payments l'lIlHI) ('tOrgl \plt\ gle" up III Roston III a f 1I1l1h "hu h IUcllc'l'd III f.lIl11l) tr.uh t!on ... lilt! thur pnscnatuJI) I he I\pln I.ulllh h.ld Ir.nhtl(l1ls "ortln of prcsen.l11011 I Il h Illt Illilu h HI ,I 11l1lld of Ins (lUll md thth 111 the fllllll\ clrclt.: 1Il1trl'st I I n l r 11,..,I.!t.:d J he llo(Jk IS n.lIl) .1 llo\cI III It .. I~)nll .tIl(1 Ihl dt.:\llcJllIlIlllt of Ihe IlIl ~ I tills sOil \Ir ... Ih:rhllt 1\1" .. dl .11111 :\Irs Jo"e:ph \ !'cln \\l1ll(Jlltllhllte n:adlll~s I <"':011-1 I \ V..JE''RE P1ckmc: no easy marks our challenge mcludes everyone I Irlc P Yerkc<;. of Prmedoll on :\lol1(l.l\, \prJl 5, at 23() I' SOMERVILLE DAY AT COL· LEGE TOMORROW 'AS HUSBANDS GO" GAINS HIGH PRAISE J he SIJ.,:II of th.· eros ... • fc.:.ltllrmf,! four \\tll kno\'11 stirs I re I '"' ,." z THE SWARTHMOREAN APRIL 9, 1937 Senicea Held for Jeaa A. Besides Mr.. Miller a sister, Mias FWleral services were held at 2 ~~~:~ Isabella Craigie, also or the Dartmouth last Friday afternoon for Jean A. C Avenue address, and a brother.. William at the home of her brother.in.law and Craigie, Jr., of West Philadelphia, sister, Mr. and Mrs. James J. MiUer, survive.. 97 Darthmouth Avenue, where she passed away Monday evening, March 29. Swarthmore Nite-April 29 E Miss Craigie was born in dinburgh, Scotland and came to this tountry as a Do Y01l Low child. She was the daughter C . of the late ne Sue Care f.r II, All. lnUle 1 William and Jemima. ralgie. She had CaD 440 been ill almost ever sIDce she moved here with the Millers from Llanerch eleven I years ago and there ore was unable to TII'u Ball,riu take an active part in community affairs. She was a member of the Presbyterian RUSSELL'S SERVICE Church. The Rev. James Feeley, of the Lafayette A....... Grace Chapel, Oakmont, officiated at the Alliances of Local Interest Announced I berth Presbyterian Church on Saturday, sister, Hugll Berry and Miss Sarah March?:l. Mr. and Mrs. Robb will reside Berry, as well as cheir many friends here. in Narberth. . The bride is the granddaughter of the Miss Dorothy Simons, daughter of late Eugene Pratt, for many editor Mrs. Dorothy Simons, of Park Avenue, of the local newspaper in s~;~rt~~~~::d was operated upon for appendicitis last Friday in the Taylor Hospital, Ridley Swarthmore Women Attend and her mother is the former Pratt, of Vassar Avenue. Park. Miss Simons entered Earlham Milia Col/ege Alumnae Concert last fall after graduation from Swarth. In Philadelphia · h S coo. h I Among those from Swarthmore who more H .g ---_ by Harold Bauer M R Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ware Middle- attended the concert . . I Ri C I rs.. W. Roethke, of Milwaukee, held last evemng In t lC tz- ar ton ton, of Bowling Green, have announced Wis., drove east with her younger daughthe engagement of their daughter, Janet, Ball Room, Philadelphia, by Philadelphia ter, Margaret, arriving Monday to visit alumnae of Mills College were Mrs. Ed- M M to Mr. Anthony Lockwood Arnold, of r. and ward Grant, of Vassar Avenue; Mrs. M rs. R. J. Fahl, of Park Avethe Swarthmore Aparbnents, son of Frances G. Lumsden and Mrs. J. H. nue. fS. Roethke's daughter, Doris, i.s Mr. Alfred C. Arnold, of Flushing, Long Taylor, of Kenyon Avenue, and Mrs. A. a freshman at Swarthmore College. Island, and the late Mrs. Arnold. It is Dr. and Mrs. John Ellery Tuttle and expected the wedding will be performed F. Jackson, of Park Avenue. Mrs. Jackthis summer. Miss Middleton is secre~ the dinner at daughter, been the guests Dr. and Tuttle, Mrs. A. F. son and daughter, Miss dance Helen held Jackson, Miss of Margaret tary to the Rhodes Trust, at Swarthmore attended Sherry's, New York City, Wednesday Jackson, of Park Avenue, for the weekCollege. evening by the Mills College Club of cn':!. Mrs. Tuttle and Miss Margaret New York. left Tuesday for Wellesley Hills, Mass., The marriage of Miss Bertha Frick This year, for the first time, a scholar- where they will visit the Tuttle's other Jones, of South Chester Road, and ship has been offered a Swarthm:re High daughter, Mrs. Paul W. Norton, and George William Householder, of Chester, School graduate by Mills College, Oak- Mr. Norton until warmer weather sets In was solemnized in Philadelphia on Saturland, Cal. and then go to their farm at West Sutton, day, March Z7. Although Miss Jones Mass. for the summer. Dr. Tuttle will was employed in Chester she had had an Mr. William F. Bjtler is expected to serve at his former church in York, Pa., apartment in S,varthmQre for the greater return to his home on Cornell Avenue until June 1, before rejoining his family. part of the past few years and was a this week-end after a ten day business _ __ member of the Swarthmore Jtulior trip to Melbourne, Fla. Mrs. George T. Ashton, of Walling. Woman's Club. Mr. and Mr~. Houseford, will be in Washington this week-end holder will now make their home in Barbara Allison, of Rutgers Avenue, for the Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge conChester. will entertain with a dinner party tomor- certs which are given to an invited audirow. ence in the Ubrary of Congress, in a Mr. and Mrs. Carl Axel Thaysen, of chamber music hall built especially for the Mr. and Mrs. William B. Bullock, of concerts by Mrs. Coolidge. Narberth, announce the marriage of their daughter, Ingeborg, to Frederick Mur- Cedar Lane, will be host and hostess Mr. and Mrs. C. MacDonald Swan, ray Robb, Jr., of Narberth, in the Nar· tomorrow evening to The Sixteen Bridge Club at dinner and bridge. of South Chester Road, had as their guests over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Dr. A. F. Jackson, of Park Avenue, is Charles M. Merrill, of Bradley Hills, vacationing in Orlando~ Fla. He left Md. Swarthmore two weeks ago and expects a...t ... POr. - Proepect Puir to remain a month longer. Birth - • ",e.fone havelis~e~rvii~c<~s~~on~F~r~id~a~y~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i '* If' • • • lII' >f( 'If e W' 'F e "!, e. 'e w, T 'P MANOR Frid.y &: Saturday, April 9-10 "LloydS of London" Starring FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW MADELEINE CARROLL SIR GUY STANDING TYRONE POWER Mrs. Sargent Walter entertained a duplicate contract bridge club to which she belongs at luncheon and bridge at her home on North Chester Road, Friday. SATUROAY MATiNEE GEORGE O'BRIEN in "O'Malley of the Mounted" all10 Mr. and Mrs. Irwin D. Wood have returned to their home on North Chester Road from Orlando, Fla., where they spend their winters. Firlt Episode--uDICK TRACY" Monday A: Tuesday. April 12-13 Errol FLYNN • ADita LOUISE Mr. al1d !.Jrs~, Theodore Widing and son, Theodore, Jr. have returned to their home on Ridley Creek Road, Media, Monday after having Jived in the Walnut Lane home of Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ellis this winter while the Ellises were in Florida. In "Green Light" ~1aTg3ret Mrs. Henry C.· Marshall returned to A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. her home on North Chester Road, April W. Ross Thomson, of Haverford Place, 1, aftef having spent the winter at Saturday morning, April 3, in the TayWarburton House, Philadelphia. Mrs. lor Hospital, Ridley Park. Joltn Pearson, who has occupied her hOlne I =;::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::~ in Mrs. Marshall's absence has gone to r stay with her son and daughter-in-law, Swarthmore Chocolates . and Mrs. John Pearson, of Park Avenue, for a while. . Undsay Weda~sday Only, April 14 'Woman of Glamour' Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm H. Merrill and daughter, Harriet Louesa, left their wJnter home at The Florence Villa, Florence Villa, Fla., Saturday. After starring Virginia Bruce : Melvyn Douala, Rel'inald Denny - Pert Kelton I T h i a Hom e - one of the most picturesque in all Swarthmore is for sale or for rent..; The interior is· a dream of convenience and good taste. If you care to consider it as your future home, please consult us promptly. By request of the owner, appointments for inspection may be arranged through this office. WILLIAM E. WITHAM E;JtcluRue Agent Old Bank BuildiDIl SWARTHMORE 1000 DEPENDABLE INFORMATION ABOUT ALL THE BEST REAL ESTATE IN SWARTHMORE. WAWNGFOHD, MOYLAN.ROSE VALLEY, ROSE TREE HUNT AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY WISELY CHOSEN REAL ESTATE IS TODAY'S SOUNDEST INVESTMENT Hand·Dlade Chocolate. Fine.t Ingredient. PhoDe, SwarthmDre 108 WAVERLY Theatrll! Drexel Hin • • FREE CONVENIENT PARKING FOR 500 CARS Casualty Insurance MARY T. ERVIN PARKER Llltor .... PaWI,t tiTUS J. EWiG u.- ROSAUE DRYDEN N .... £cUt_ Pboae Swarthmore NO tAt..,ed . . Secoa.id CI... Matt.r• .J_aary 24, 11128, .t th. PHt ome. at Swarlla. . . ., Pa., wader lb. Act of MarcIa 1878. a. FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1937 WANTS TO FORM CAMERA CLUB OLD BANK BUILDING EDWARD L. NOYES SWARTHMORE Miss Mansfield wishes to announCe that the Eileen Shop i. a separate enterprise and is connected in no manner with any other store. Swarthmore 114' 13 South Chester Road Two infant. were baptized last SUIIday in the Swarthmore Presbyterian Re n - n - Cake Church by the Rev. Dr. John Ellery Mix 1 cup sugar, ~ cup butter Tuttle, former pastor, John Finlay McWltil creamy. Add I cup mashed Cahan, son of Professor and Mrs. David banaJ.as and I egg yolk, I~ cups McCahan, of Strath Haven Avenue., and sifted flour, pinch of salt, 1 tea· John Harvey McVay, son of Mr. and spoonful baking powder and ~ Mrs. Amzi G. McVay, of North Chester teaspoonful baking soda dissolved Road. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ramick in I tablespoonful cold water, 1 Markley and daughter, Adele, and Mrs. teaspoonful vanilla and 1 egg white Markley's mother, Mrs. Ella Spangler beaten stiff.· Baker, all of Guernsey Road, were reBake in layers, use white icing. ceived into membership, transferring (3 bananas, 2 eggs, 2 cups lIour from the First Methodist Episcopal makes large 2 layer cake). Church, in Westfield, N. J. White From... At the service Sunday at II o'clock Put I ~ cups granulated sugar the minister will be the Rev. I?,onald and Yz cup water in sauce pan and MacKenzie, D.D., professor of Bible boil without stirring Wltil it Theology at Princeton Seminary. reaches the soft ball stage, 240 The annual meetings of the church degrees (use a candy thermometer and congregation will be held in che if possible). Remove from fire and church Wednesday evening, April 14, at when bubbling stops add slowly to 8 o'clock. There will be an election of the beaten whites of Z eggs, beat· two ruling elders of the class of 194Z and ing all the time until it will form four trustees of the class of 1940. Rea soft peak. Add vanilla and ports and appropriate business will be spread on cake. If frosting gets transacted. The annual dinner of the too firm add a tablespoon of hot congregation, which .in fonner years has water. preceded theae meetings, will be post-I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ poned Wltil a later date. Speaker at Today'. Meetiolr Norristown,attended who will .!:ememberedby -ihose-who theb_e1935 concert appear again. Dr. W. F. G. Swann, of Ogden Avenue, is assisting the conduc.. tor, Adolph Vogel. Proceeds will go to the Senior class scholarship of the High School. The Concert is being given through the auspices of the Twelfth Grade Mothers' Club. The High School Chorus will sing "The Slaves Dream" by Matthews. 7 MORTON AVENUE MORTON, PA. Over Sako Store LENA SAKS, Proprietor Telephone, Swutlunore 898 keasonable Priees _ No WaJtbll' FEW CENTS II. DAY MORE THAN A LOWEST PRICED , ,-;;8 "Man of the People" with Joseph Calida SUNDAY CONTINUOUS Monday. Tuesday And that's not all ! These "GREEN LIGHT" MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY brand new Gas Ranges have automatic oven Errol Flynn - Anita Louise LLOYO C. DOUGLAS' Wednesday Only "GREEN LIGHT" "John Meade's Woman" with E.rrol Flynn - Anita Loulae , THE BARNSTORMERS present "SPRINGTIME FOR HENRY" a farce in three actl '" BENN W. LEVY with George Evans, Edward Pal.more, Katherine Lewil aad Mary Demp.ey Friday and Saturday Nights, April 9th and 10th THE BARNSTORMERS AUDITORIUM AcImluioD, 50 Cellb Ridl..,. P...1r, Pa. The School District of Swarthmore wUl receive bids at the High School Building up to 4. P. II•• FrIday. Aprll 23, 1937. tor printing and general Instructional Bupplies. including art. shop and. lIeience, and ianiton' aupplies. The School District reserves the right to reject any or aU bidll In whole or in part and/or to award contraeta to other thaD the loW' bidders on any itern or itemp. Specifications may be secured at the Se:hool District office ill. the Swarthmore Blah School. ELIZABETH A. LUEDERS. Secretary. :_:__ Whether you bake once in a while to matches • • • stooping down or every week, you want good ••• or peering into a dark oven. Just turn the key and the oven have a perfectly dependable oven. lights. Model pictured at $104.50 The new Quality Gas Ranges cash. Others as low as $68.50 give you this feature because of cash. Slightly higher on budget improved oven insulation. plan-EASY TERMS! At Our Suburban Stores or See Your Dealer 20 35 50 100 SALESMAN IN A HOLE Special pieces for 75c pieces for $1.35 pieces for $1.70 pieces for $3.25 "I'm a salesman. Sure I am I PaiDtiaa Knives, 4 n • . • . • • . 25c Linoeed Oil2 GB• . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . tOe 8 GQ• • • • • . • • . . • • . . , •• 2Sc Linen Canvas, Belgiau, 41~, per yard ............ $1.00 Canvas Board., 12><16 ..... 15c 2 for 25c Not when I'm down here in a manhole splicing cable, maybe, but I sell a lot of telephone service, just the same. ART IMPORTING CO. "Why just last night a neighbor of mine was telling me he 6816 Market Street Room 303 BIYd. 2250 missed an important call because he was out in the garage and didn't hear the bell ring. So I said, 'Do you know you can have an extension bell put out on your and back porch where you can hear it from your garden or garage?' "He was mighty glad to know about that-and I got a kick out 1 Quart ISn.... in Renew... . of fixing him up." Value ,1.10 1 Can 01 lilly.Namel (enough to do a kitchen chair} VaIue.25 1 Special eoe mcl1i", brush Value .30 He...,.... • • • There are many different kinds of telephone equipment, de- '1,65 signed to meet the varying SALE pmCE • • • • ,1.25 needs of every home, office, 40c Sa"ingl shop and factory. If you have •.•• a price any telephone problem that's '"'.. bothering you, tell us about it. be glad to help. See tbe CHERRY BLOSSOMS IN FELTON-SIBLEY PAINT SPEI:IAJ.S See ,-our dearer NOW I N. W. SUPLEE THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYl.VANIA SUNDAY, APRIL 11 SWARTHMORE 53.35 Ask Us About Stainless Paint TRIP 1 • • M®ll1RI~ oUOW .. ...... . . . . . . . Of 10ll TRINITY CHURCH Prote8tant Epiaeopal Cbe.tel' Road and CoOese Annne Rev. J. Juden Guenther, S.T.M., Rector Rev. T. A. Meryweather. Dir. BeL Edue. B :00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 9 :45 A. M.-8unday School and Bible Class. 11 :00 A. M.-Morning Prayer and Sermon. so MUCB DEPENDS ON TBE HEALTH YOU BUILD FOR THEM TODAY Thousands of mothers of today have, from childhood, enjoyed the health benefits of Abbotts de IRxe UAn Milk:. They know they can depend on its Health Protection. That's why they insist on this fine. pMre mil" for Ih.ir own "hiU...... THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS bars no six built in STUDEBAKER this country from this challenge. Studebaker fearlessly agrees to measure the 1937Dictator against thewhole field of sies-on any basia you name w • PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY Meng's Pastels Any telephone employee will METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH C1al'ftlee F. Cartel', A.B.. B.D., Jlinbter SUNDAY 9 =415 A. M.-Cbarch School. 11 :00 A. :H.-Morning Wonhip. 7 :00 P. M.-Epworth Leagul& meetings. 7:45 P. M.-Evening Worship. lighting. It means an end results. That means you must .. Morris E. Conner, manager of the Waverly Theatre, Drexel Hill, announces a new service for his patrons in the form of a large free parking lot at the rear of the theatre. An attendant is in charge at all times. THE SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY 9:46 A. :H.-Bible School. 11 :00 A. M.-Morning Worship. Dr. Donald MacKenzie, Princeton Seminary. 7:00 P. M.-Christian Endeavor. Sunday FROM 2 TO 11.15 P. M. • CHURCH NEWS TYRONE POWER liIo., I Pennsylvania Railroad CARROLL Freddie BARTHOLOMEW Madeleine CARROLL Tyrone POWER Patron Parking at Waverly Special bus trip to view the cherry trees. Leaves east ROUIldTrip end of Union Station. See Flyers or Consult Agents BARTHOLOMEW SIR GUY STANDING , 25c BETTER BAKING and later enjoy a luncheon hike. Troop 194 will also meet there at 10.30. A first class course i. being given at Swarthmore Nite-April 29 the Girl Scout House for five weeks, ""==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;,~;;;;.;;;,== meeting at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoons. It opened last week. Troop 194 and a Rutledge troop as weU as other local scouts are taking the course. Tomorrow the seniors of Troop 6 will meet at the home of Miss Peggy Little, Park Avenue, at 7 o'clock for a breakfast hike returning for rehearsal at 10 o'clock with Mrs. A. P. Whitaker at the Woman's Club. The junior section of Troop 6 will meet at the Clnb at 10.30 R BAD T D • S EXCURSiON TRAINS means GIrl Scout News is $733.28, over $250 less than last y"""s ~;:~~~~~~~;;;;~~~~; sum of $1000. It is hoped a final report can be made in next week's paper. Lv. Phila. (Penna. Sm., 30th St.) 7.44, 9.10 A. M. rickets good on regular trains to Philadelphia. Madeleine with Peter E. Told and A. P. Smalley are now making the rounds of Swarthmore business houses to gather the closing collections of this year's Salvation Army Campaign. The amount turned in to date ROUND Freddie "LLOYDS of LONDON" Closing Collections Solicited WASHINGTON! BETTER INSULATION "LloydS of London" SUNDAY MAR.Y'S PET RECIPE The Woman's Association Meeting today is at 10 o'clock. This will be an aU day sewjng meeting with luncheon served at IZ.30, business meeting at 1.30. Mrs. Katherine Silverthorn will speak on "Inter-relationship of the Church and the Woman Membership." Mrs. Silverthorn was one of the thirtyChristian Science Church five delegates chosen from the United "Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?1J States and Canada to attend the Jerusalem is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in Meeting of the International Missionary all Churches of Chrlst, Scientist, on Sun- Council held on the Mount of Olives, March Z4 to April 9, 1928. day, April 11. • In October 1933, the Department of Trinity Church Notes Missionary Education of the Presbyterian .Board of Christian Education,. of which The first meeting of the Confirmation Mrs. Silverthorn's General Director, was Class will be held at the church on SWl- moved from New York City to Philadelday at 2.30 o'clock. All candidates for phia so that Mrs. Silverthorn is now a confinnation are asked to attend in order I resident of the City of Brotherly Love. that there may be a proper division of' All women are invited to attend this classes according to age and times ar- meeting. At the Young Peoples Service ranged for future sessions. Sunday at 7 o'clock the leader will be The regular monthly meeting of the Miss Harriet Wickham and the topic, Woman's Auxillary will be held at the "How to Get Along With Other People." Parish House on Monday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Main Line Orchestra Concert 16th The rector's Bible Class and DiscusThe Main Line Symphony Orchestra sion Group was resumed last Monday and will give its annual Swarthmore concert will meet on Monday night at the Rec- on April 16, at 8.30 o'clock in Oothier tory at 8 o'clock. Memorial. Dorothy Seltzer, pianist, of now open at Exclusive Modes Last Two Dayaf Friday _ Saturday 3-DAYS-3 TODAY. SATURDAY AND .. .. .. .. ....... Eo· .,_•• PUBLISHED EVEIlY FalDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA. THE EILEEN SHOP Fire and MEDIA REAR OF THEATRE ....... b will r~4~'9-:8~T=::==. =_:'_======~ C'I!:::=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:~== N. arstopping a few days D. in c., Asheville, and in Washington, they will rive in Swarthmore to be the house guests of Dr. and Mrs. Wiltiam M. Blaisdell, of Rutgers Avenue, for a week or so before continuing to their home at Ogunquit, Me. While in this section they will visit with llrs. Merrill's mother hhs. Mattie G. Berry, and her brothe; Pre.byteriua Cbuid. Noles THE SWARTHMOItEAN 1M The Merriam Home at Corner of College and Swarthmore Avenues SWARTHMORE CANDY SHOP Rutl'era Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. THE SWARTHMOREAN 9, 1937 Dear Editor: I am interested in the formation of a Camera Qub in Swarthmore for the purpose ofI. Establishing a darkroom at a convenient place in Swarthmore, 2. Exchanging ideas wit.h other amateurs to our mutual benefit, 3. Getting better acquainted with others interested in this hobby. I would be very much interested in arranging to meet anyone in Swarthmore with similar inclinations. Anyone interested may write or telephone me (Swarthmore 1683-M) or THE SWARTHMOREAN office (Swarthmore 900). HARRY B. STEVENS. • FREE PARKING REAR OF THE THEATRE with If' APRIL • apec::ifications, perfonnance, econ- 'lttly. safety, worJanancttdp. or styling. But in all fairness let us warn you that the 1937 Dictator i. the wortd'. first six offering the dual economy of the Fram oil cleaner and the gas-saving automatic overdrive ... the world'. first six offering automatic hill holder plus hydraulic brake:! ••• the world'. only six with non-slam doors. - . See it. • . drive it ••• and you'll underatand why Studebaker 80 confidently makes this sweeping challenge. SUNDAY 9 ;45 A. :H.-Firat DBJ' School. 9:4.5 A. M.-Adult Class. E. C. Walton. Subiect. "'LUe of John Burroughs." 11:01 A. IL-MeeUna fol' Wonblp ID &be JIeetIna Boaoe. WEDNESDAY 9.80 A. II. to 3.30 P. II.-8ewlng and quUting in Whittier House. Bol: lanebeon. .AU are cordially invited. ~E~~~i:~~E~ It is moce than 22 years since Abbotts originated Laboratory Control -over the purity of milk - beginning at the farm, Today, as then, this Control is a definite guarantee of clean, sale, healthful milk.; w"" dmo', ~_ ~ dRW.... IN _ ......_0/ A.6&mrkluo"A."MJIi/ PIBST CIIORCB OF CHRIST. SCIBNTIST, OF SWARTIDIORE SWARTHMORE GARAGE J. s. LEES, Manager 401 DARTMOUTH AVE. SWARTHMORE 411 Park Ana" below Hanard 11;00 A.1I.-8ndQ SebooL 11;00 A.1I.-8odQ' I Sena.oa. Walal._ eftIUac meetlnc .ell week. • Po... Bead.1nc I'OCIID ope daib. aeept. SaoIan &lid hoildoJo 1:00 to &'00: CIIarda_ AD aN CiA '1"17 :lo:ri.... to atteDd 1M ~ s..aad_theB I ..... U For len'ice. order from 'he Abbotll Milkman, or phone EVErsreen 4461-62., or Csmdea 3451. A!!!:OTTS DAIRI!:S.INC.. Philadelphia, Camden. South leney. Sealhnre D~tri6UhJN 0/ JJ"alwr-Gonion Outifi«l Mill INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 2 THE SWARTHMOREAN APRIL 9, 1937 ~~~~~~~-~~--~~~~~~~­ Presbyterian Church on Satnrday, ,md sister, HlIg~ !lerry "lid Miss Sarah Services Held for Jean A. Craigie [ nesides Mrs, Mil/er a sisler, Miss ~/arch 27. Mr, and l\Jrs, Roub will reside Berry, as well as 'heir lIIany friends here. Funeral sen-ices were held at 2 o'clock Isabella Craigie, also of the Dart~~uth in .Karberth. . .. last Friday ahernoon for j ....al1 A. Craigie I An,m,le address, and a brother: Wdll~m The bride is thc granddaughter of the MISS Dorothy 511110115, dauJ,;htcr of .. t tl . h nnc or her brother-in-law amI CraigIe, Jr., of \Vest Pluladelplua, late Eugcne Pratt, fur many ycars (.'(litor ~I rs. Dorothy Simons, of Park Av(,.'lluC, i '~. 'I' Ie \/'r '"ul :\1 rs James J. Millcr sUrvh'c. "/ SIS ~r. ., . , . . • qf the loc;:tl JleWSI'::tI)Cr in Swarthmore, '~~l.S ope,rate.. U!)~II £or ''''''''''::'"'::'''O:''''''"~'' ::>"""""""C~--=>I ::>,""'"" "'"""'"I' ----'. Xcw York. ll'it Tuesday for \Vdlcslt,,· Hills. ~Iass.,: The marriagl' (If :\l1ss Bertha Frick This Yl'ar, for the first time, a scholar-I where thc,' will visit the' Tultlc's other J~Jllc"~. o~. ?uuth Chcsll'f HO;l(~. and shil) has bel'n olTereu II Swarthmore High I daughter, . )'Irs. Paul \V. ~orton, and! Gcorge \\'1111<1111 I"llIsdIHlcit-r. of Chester, School g-radllate by ~Iills Collegc, Oak- lCr. Norton ulttil wanner weather sets .in: :lI1d thell !.;o to their farlll :It \Vest Sutton, ! was sokmnized in Philadelphia ~1l Satur- lalld. Cal. day. -'larch 27. .-\!though ~hss jones )'Iass. for the SUlIlIller. Dr. Tuttle willi W;IS t'mpICJ~'cd .in Chl':;tl'r she had had;lll )'Ir. \Villi?11l F. Bitkr ;5 expecll'd to I serve at his formcr church in York, Pa., I apartm~'llt III Swar~hlllore for the g:rl'ater rt.'~llrn to IllS hOllle on Cornell 1h.elluc iUlltii Junc 1. before rejoining his family. part ot tht, past !t'\\. ycars and was a tillS wcek-end after a tcn day bttsUlCSS 1 1tl~llIht:r. the Swarthmore JUlliUl' j trill to )'Iclbuurne, Fla. ).[r5.. Geor~c T. l~shtOIl, o.f \\'alling-: \\ otn;m:; Club. llr. ami )'Irs. lI(Jll~e-1 ford, Will he III \Vashlllgtun thIS week-end IwlY- tne ·.nlJ1mCau . to- "-'In . a ThDia~' kt-d£L1\L) ~t!':..~(\_:uJt~;f;·~~.!t..t,~u"S-v...~'l~t M?tt\lP..w,{O-.. ~_ 'iQ~ _t~._ t~o~e ,who. I:!~lfled ma~~ ~is attic. scholarship. She is the daughter of Dr. The young people have been working amount 'possible, to the Woman's CIuti ==================================================== ANNUAL CONCERT IN CLOTHIER TONIGHT I I OLD RESIDENT DIES IN SEVENTIETH YEAR ·ga~~: recit~l i~ supervisor of the Swarthmore Schools. Members of the Chorus are: sopranosBeth Allyn, Alice Bernard. Elaine Bradford, Kitty Brill, Mary Bonsall, Marjorie Dinsmore, Varrell Drew, Alice Hadley, ·U· PI Mrs• W ,._.am ace, f V I 0 aaaar Avenue, Came to .Borough at Age of Thirteen Mary Burbridge Place, wife of William Place, died Monday evening, April 12, al 326 Vassar Avenue. Mrs. Place had been ill a year last January with cancer of the face. Born .in Philadelphia on November 8, 1867 the daughter of Charles and Mary Burbridge. Mrs. Place came to Swarth· more at the age of thirteen and worked al Ihe College. On December 25, 1895 she was married and started housekeeping On Union Avenue. later. in 1916, removing to Vassar Avenue. Her home and family formed her life interest. She was a member of Trinity Church, Swarthmore, and the rector, the Rev. J. Jarden Guenther. officiated at the services which were held yesterday afternoon at the home and were followed by in· terment in Eastlawn Cemetery. Besides her husband. two children sur· vive; George, a graduate of Swarthmore College, class of 1921, now living .in Rutherford, N. J., is the father of two children, Betty J can and George j Sarah, an unmarried daughter living at home, is a graduate of West Chester State Teachers College and teaches in the Fol· croft Public School. • Next Fortnightly at Mrs. Warren'. Ihe possibility of Bortonda1e and another learn 10 be added before Ihe season opens on May 11. There will be two league. games every week, one home and one away, the home games will be played on Tuesday or Thursday depending on the schedule.. In addilion Ihe Hornets will play ao exhibitive game at home on Friday evenings so the local fans will have two games 10 allend every week. Holiday games will be exhibitive games with other teams· from different leagues. This year the boys have been fortunate in obtaining the services of John W. Powell, Roberl Reed and Ioseph Kahler to assist with the schedule, coaching and playing departmenls of the team. D. L. Hauger will 1,,* afler the equipment and act as trainer for the lads. There will be several new men with the team this year as with a: three or four game schedule each week, plenty of players will be needed. The boys are very anxiow for the season to start as they look forward to a successful summer of baseball and hope the fans who have been so loyal in the past will give them the same support this year. This is· the Hornets first seaSOn in league competition. Your subscriptions to the annual "Base- ball Dollar Oub" may be left with Porter Waite, of Hannum and Waite's ~-:-:r;('-'" .~t.. ~.~~.:. otF~~t<.':'dw~~T:--.. "Jrt..~ ;.:..:r"_:. on South SWARTHMOREAN New York, and played wilh the Roth Thelma Hughes, Mary Lobb, Frances of the Dew Drop Inn). Q t t a ea on Two years ago she Noyes, Doris Polk. Constance Schoff, Downstairs in the Woman's Club lobby more College. Other teams in the League are Media, Lenni, Uma, Bergdoll and Uplaod with Chester Road, or at THE office. Each year it is and necessary to raise $150 or so in this way Door prizes· were won by Dr. David to cover expenses of the project for the Cramp (two pounds of Whitman's candy current season. contributed· by John E. Michael, of the College Pharmacy), and t. L. Nickerson (Pretzel Man donated by Helen Barrow p~e~~~~Si~s p~;:':ra~~~I:en~ !'!:'J~~ ~~r~: S<;a~:'~::'C~~~!~~SO~t~r;;~; ~~:hi~/n~;~!ngc~~::'s~:r ~"::~at :~~~~ ;:;~~~ ~~~~:~~~~d ol;~o~~~ :e~~h:~~ and other reports and was given authority Miss Goddard is a member of the Faculty. to have the duplicate copied and the Music School Settlement. Oeveland, census taken. Ohio, previous to which she taught piano • at Westover School, Middlebury. Conn., studied a winter with Carl Friedberg. in Delco Valley League, a very fast league, and Ihe baseball fans of Swart1unore should see some very good baseball. Collection Hall, Swarth- Alice Snyder, June Stiteler, Sylv.ia two tables of bridge competed for three Swann, Caroline Underwood, l\o!ary Wet· prizes. A box of note paper (given by 1937 SWARTHMORE NITE DRAWS NEAR Miss Goddard, who also paints, has len, Harriet Wickham, lean Wiggins, Vidor D. Shirer) was captured hy Mrs. Tickets Now on Sale for Annual Community Party on Colleges. She graduated from Swarth- los-Clara Jean Alslon, Ella Mae Beagle, came second, receiving a boudoir rabbil April 29 more High School and attended Swarth- Belly ·Brundage, Florence Cleaves, Sara filled wilh colton (given by Mrs. Frank held recitals at Mt. Holyoke and Smith Ellen Williams and Naomi Wrightj al- E. A. Stockton white Mrs. Detlev Bronk more College. Marie Disque; Rulh Egee, Marguerile Wyeth of Ihe Hollyhock Shop). Dr. . HITE ELECTED MRS W WOMAN'S CLUB HEAD I~;';'e:~~~lia~h~~~~a;,or.~:~~e ~;V:I~ he~1 a~~~t'~~:~~ti:rs~f~:r~~::~ E M. Buchner, chairman of Ihe 1937 / Gettz. Anne Lingle, Ruth. Lipman, Roma George Warren won the shaving soap Swarthmore Nite committee. promises a Mead. Morjorie Mingin, Louise Paulson. donated by Rodney Mills. very lively and amusing event for ThursGertrude Schobinger, Betty Smith, Susan day, April 29. • Wolters, Anne Wray and Blanche ZenAuxilial'J" 1937 Elet:tions This year, for the first time different organizations of the community will provide separate skits in the hilarious proman, James Morris, Kenneth Nelson, on Swarthmore Avenue, on the 7th, the gram which follows the dinner at this William Shay, William Tweed and Rob· following officers were elected for the annual Borough get-together. The Oth~r Officers Changed by Tues. ert White; basses-Philip Banta. Hugh coming year: president, .Mrs. Robert Woman's Club, Players Club, Fire Comdays Biennial Event; Concert Berry. James Brown. Yarnall Cleaver. Sheppard j vice-president, Mrs. Alben Next Week Joseph Collins, William Ford, James Eavenson; recording secretary, Mrs. J. pany and American Legion will coJackson, Lauer Jones, Sumner Jones, Paul r Brown; treasurer, Mrs. L. L. operate with the sponsors, the SwarthThe Election Committee composed of Lawrence Kent. Robert Sanford, Walter Hedgepeth; corresponding secretary, Mrs. more Business Association, in presenting Mrs. Stanley MacMi1Ian, chairman j Sanford. \"Valter Scott, Robert Thorpe. Walter Thorpe j chaplain, Mrs. Edwin a more varied evening than ever before. Mrs. Alexander Lackey. Mrs. Howard George· Troxell, Clement Wjltits and A. Yarnall;· sergeant·at·arms, Mrs. Your informer has had a peep at the 1\.1. Buckman. Mrs. R. Chester Spencer, Philip Witham.· The accompanist is Bucher Ayres j historian, 1[rs. Herbert preliminary forms of one or two of the Mrs. Phelps Soule, announced the fol- Mary Ellen Hoot. Bassett, and. pubUcity, Mrs. Oscar J. satirical playlets and heartily supports Mr. Buchner's contention. lowing officers elected at the biennial elec~ Gilcreest. tion of the Swarthmore Woman's Club The orchestra, conducted. by Adolph Roland L. Eaton, who has played an important part in arranging the successful last Tuesday: president, Mrs. Alfred Vogel with Dr. W. F. G. Swann, of Elm Puppets at CoUege Saturday entertainment at previous Swarthmore Gary White; vice-president, Mrs. Roland Avenue, assisting, has arranged an exNites, will act as toastmaster this year. Eaton; recording secretary, Mrs. Walter cep"tionally fine program. Miss Dorothy Walter Wilkinson, English puppeteer, Those who have witnessed these former H. Dickinson·; corresponding secretary, Seltzer, pianist,. heard here with the orchestra several years ago,· will play will give his first American performance programs and those who know Mr. Eaton 1\Irs. I. L. Nickerson; treasurer. M rs. C. t C f P' 0 21 in Clothier l\femorial Saturday night at C. West; directors, Mrs. Clifford Banta. Chopin s oncerto or lano. p. . 8.00, under the auspices of the Little personally will need no explanation of the reason the .committee considers itself Mrs. Harold R. Goodwin. Mrs. J. R. :Miss Seltzer· is the· daughter of AI. Theatre Club and the Cooper Founda· Kline ·and Mrs. John E. Michael. The Eugene Seltzer. a member of the Main tion, of Swarthmore College. He will fortunate in secur.ing him to preside. This year there will be only twentyAdnUssions Committee was also elected Line Orchestra. She as a freshman in the present Punch and Judy scenes, scenes five door prizes but they will be larger and includes Mrs•. Arthur Bye. Mrs. University of Pennsylvania, College of from Shakespeare, and a few original Harold Griffin, Mrs. B. W. Collins and Fine Arts. In 1934 sbe made her first sketches, and will talk on uExneriences and more valuable than the numerous ones that formerly required such a long lfrs. Arthur Redgrave. appearance wi~h the orchestra playing the with. Puppets and People." •\dmission time to distribute. Delegates to the State Federation of ~~zart b,fmor Concert.o. As a w.~­ will be free. • Tickets are now on sale at every Woman's Clubs Convention . which is to tlclpant In !he Pennsylvarua State MUSIC Swarthmore store, at the Bank, and at be held at the Bellevue-Stratford in Phil-! Contest, MISS Seltz~r was award~ first Peace Exhibition at School TUE SWARTHMORF..AN office. You are adelph.ia, from },fay 11 to 14, were ap- place 011 two. occasIOns. In ad~lbon to urged to get yours early as already quite pointed by the president, Mrs. Roland G. her success 111 ••the Penn~yl~anla State At Swarthmore High School during a few have been sold and the demand· is E. Ullman and the Board. The are Contest, her abdl~ as a ptamst has won , G Who M RY her many olher prIZes and awards. She the week of April 19 anti-war posters, always great. There are a lot 'of new.Ie, rs. oland h Id h 01 S ff St k ki the work of stndenls of the Art DeparlMrs. Alf red ary ~ 'i>~':tel h'o o~ menl of Pratt Instilute, Brooklyn, N. Y., comers to the town who will want to be Ealon, Mrs. Clifford Buck, Mrs. Henry has e .1 e initiated into this event to which everyPeirsol. Alternates are Mrs. Jesse Her- ScholarshIp at t. e I apia •n· man Holmes, Mrs. Harol4 Griffin, Mrs. servatory of MUSIC for two consecutive will he displayed. These poslers have one goes, if only in self defense. been exhibiled at Columbia UniversilY Swarthmore Nile will again he held in Elliott Richardson and Mrs. Roland G. years. and other educational institutions. the sod•.I hall of the Methodist Church. Proceeds of Ihe concerl will go 10 the E . Ull man. Mrs: Francis Warren, of Walnut Lane, will entertain the· Fortnightly on Monday, April 19, al 2.30 P. M. The much heralded autobiography of Rudyard Kipling. "Something of My. self" will be reviewed by lIfrs. J. V. S. Bishop. Kipling was never· more entertaining Iltan in lhis book of his own life. There is not a dull moment in the reading of this personal narrative. Stories of his life in England, India and various ·parts of the world abound in humor, pathos, Mrs. Alfred H. Marsh was the only and sometimes, tragedy. This is a re-- new member submitted by the memberview to anticivate with pleasui-e.. ship committee in its current report. Mrs. Ullman presided al the April Mrs. James Bacon Dotiglasand. Mrs. Roy Delaplaine will be in charge of staled meeting on Tuesday in the Oub literary sketches. (Continued on Page 5) • !l • An exhibition of new books lent by Swarlhmore High School Scholarship Fund. Because of the exceptionally fine Ihe W. I. L., books for children from May Visit Sproul Ohau vatory work of the Senior Mothers' Committee kindergarten through the elementary Sproul Observatory, Swarthmore Colin the sale of patron's tickels it is hoped grades, and inclnding a)Jout thirty difIhat a large sum will be realized this ferent titles from fourteen publishers, will lege, will be open 10 visilors from 7.30 10 9.30 P. M. Tuesday, April ?:l. also be on hand. year. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 4 THE SWARTHMOREAN APRIL I\n'l'" SW ~I~TH .... OI~E 9,1937 \n ,.1 trill for a field fin~ 011 South II) the Horour.,:h Code and the IIUIJP)c I mIllis thlr~to Such nSS{'!IlImenta shall be Imy~ Clu.stlr h.( 1(1 helo\\ I cllnIC\\ \,as turned able to thl,' Uorour.:h &.'i.'rt'tary In bebalf of J \\0 t:dut:atlCJnal film" Pro,grcss 011 III .It 11..J0 \ "I Satunla) the Horou. h "Ithout mtcreot \\.thm thlrt) FOR RENT I (J<:IHTal :\Ioton. J,rcscnt.ltlUl1 \ "} I' 'I 1301 d.u)t; ufter the coml"ctaon of the \~ork t "-0 .\ the "lIlll.! tin Charh.s hut lillY /luch n~s('t;"m('nt8 remumlng U"Juue) .. on UI'NT-Aluu'"tmcllt In 1t1oylannosc VI lodl\ ~ J runtu.;r \\111 he Ilrcsllllt:d B I I\\h II or (;Ir.lnl \\CIIlIC, "cst bounu fur mort thon thirty (10, tis)'!; (rum tht Icy tlJrct rooms kitchenette and lJau. Friendly Circle Next Week At the Inn Tonight 1 he Alml l1I(.'ehng of the Frlcndl) Circle \\ III he hcld at 2 o'clock ncxt fhursd.l\ afternOoIl the bth at the home uf the new Ilrcsulellt AI rs A I~ 0 Rl'tl tlus hra\('. 308 V Is!>ar A\enuc 11111 -) CLASSIFIFD .It 815 .It the Str.lth lJa\cn ul1 \ .tl(' \\\1111" III • 1,.11 tOIl Ir ••ck col tmH the \\C rk I~ ('umJllltcd "hall draw mtcrl'S' II arJ,(e ellclU!~ld Ilorch E\l'rylhln!.: melullcd ~ It I til( Tlttl' uf 6 Iler allnum from the date fclqlhonl' Che:;ter 6711 Short suhJ('cts luled \\Ith till.: c tr of Cuthbert Bahpps, of th( "ork 1"'l.:umJllttt.od nnd If not. paid \\Ithm ____ • \\111 be added ~I I I fhl' OH month!! ufter comllldlOn the UorouJ,(h .. on R.. NT-Gurng't ilnd slIIgle (runt room ('ct.1 \\ 10 \\IS 'l.lst I)(lund Oil \ale and Stlhlltur shull cnUli1 IIt'ns to be fill'd against. I (\\111 nnt 1Il'I)SruteJy/ COIl\Ctlnnt to IIlahon Dancing Classes Resumed HTom Sawyer," Next Junior Play IIl.1km,..:-.1 Idt tunl hchmd.1 trolle) 11110 thl' n"IJt'{lnc Jlrt'J'Hhcs. (or their rt"Slll'ctIVl' lund bUsm('5s t;l'CtlOlI AIJply 210 Hanard Saturday , II A U"S(.,.smlll(S \~Ith lI('erued m(ere;t from the I A\ulue or tclellhonc Swnrthmore 19 M ----.... ~Inl(' \ 111t11.: It(Jth c.lrs \\erc d lttl.lge(1 httl' of (OmpletlOll of thl' \\ork togethl'r with _ Chaperulis fur last Saturd 1\ C\ ellllll-(s On S.lturd 1\ \I'nl 2-1 the hUllor hut 110 IIIJurH:s sust ullt:d ,II' \O"t~ ItII f attorney 8 f(~ Thl Borough lOft HI' NT-AUt'llctIH? modern cuttagC f I S t1 D L f I I I (] rt.""l'T\l'S the ru.t:ht to ('ull('Ct tht' snnl 8I1S(>t for mformatiun call IlIl't:tlllg 0 tiC \\ iT IIIlUre ancltlg ()IIlIlJlttec (J tiC ' .ncrs llb \\111 pre \( i I' :\1 Sl1Iull\ Clrolinc Burkc. h,); othtr lIo\(ul meuml III the (ilscretlOn of I Mr:-i' John l'.•ulltluke The Harvard SYoarlhmore CI.iSS \\f.:re IS fll1o\\s Introducton :"Ir Sl:lIt :"llrk 1\\aIIiS old tllm: fl\ontf.: \\11111111,..toll "IS III collision at S\\arth BorouJ,(h Coullcll ;;14;9:;;---;;;;;;:;:;;--:-:-:-::::-:-::---::-____:-_ .md ~l rs HlroM :"1 Irr M rs G('or~c I I (JIll S.l\\ \ er' Cluldrl.:l1 f rom ~Ight I lilt n \ \ e:lltIt Ilid Cf.:(llr Lallc \\ Ith a car Sf C1 JON S Any Ordmnme or IIlIrt thl'reof f OJ{ HI' NT Allllrtmellt 11\ IIIJ! room lJ<.d ~1.lrr ':\Ir and :"Irs Ho\ J Fahl tu el"htv hl\c J)eH'r lelsed tu dtlluht III "\\"",11.\ 1'1. Ie j f 'I I I ('oul1idllJ,( \\dh the l,rO\II'lOns h(reof be und 1""'1 m kltchl'n dlQeUe nnl! hnth Henson tr (III.:" 0 ;\(.'(JI 1m the nm( Ish(t'lbynJlealedsofllr I~tllesllme IIII! 306 South Che;tcr Roml Tl'lCI hOI e \tI\.mced Mr U)(I ~Irs AJll:1l \V Cart) the dlar1ctus uf tins ~ton \\llldl \\111 Olltrltecl I" II I~()bcrt JtJm:s She "as (11101 Is \\Ith Ihls Ordlnnnu S'\tlrthnlOrl' 1191 J Inforc 9 A M (.'lIt~r :.otr mel :"Irs \V.llter B D.I\ISOn I hl hrotl~ht to life 011 the S\\ trlhmun tn.: Itul I" Dr I \ Jc nes, of S\\arth. I'll sell tillS -Ih dll)' of April A D 1'137 I fon IUNT T\\o smnll hf)uj;ek~PInI! alart~Ir ~l1ld .:\Ir ... I ndcrlc B (Iultl, SClllurr Club ... ttgc ulld~r the (hHdwlI of lllzi IIIlrl: Ln.: ... t toJJo\\III"'! the .,ccl,I,,'1 mcnts-~m md $:.10 Th( lIIenhelm 2?f E l' I IJet II 'I I',01JCI b \\ IlU n \\ 1liS t IIC [ tst " HAHH\ A 1'o( 0111 Council I f It I'nrk Au nut AI.I)fJullml;>nt h,); mnll \ ~Selll)11 \ .\'I r III( I .\'I rs j ,\ n I're!Sull'llt ::.olorgtl1 "Ir and :"Ir .. (J H V III Dnscr /111 rclu':lrstl Alltst II-on IUNT-NI('ely furlllshed hJl:ht airy 'I I 'I It c \\' BOROUM. Of SWAUTIIA(Onl!' 1'1 1 10 rr HICHAHDSON (ronl room f I\C mtnutes to .. R n IIr hu~ .\ r all( 1.\ rs l~gUls. T( lel,hOlu 20,7 \V (Ir \\ rite Box PtI Th. Ordlllane'l' No 397 Hurough Scer(t Ir~ ~\\lIrthmurelin • Thursday Night Bridge Winners New Natl Honor SocIety Member AN OHUINANCfi tstnbh hlng the hllt" ami '\lllr \C I thiS 7th d IY of Alml A D I!H7 -"===='--F"'''O''R,.--;S'A . L.E:------. ~rllfhs of Jtl\cnll'\\ A\clluI\.! bl'h\(~11 UJ,((hn last \Heks \\lIIllcrS It the Thursda) :\olr ... I ruu:cs I' BIlIl~hlTd IJClll of AH.'nu~ und II IJ01nt )2315U ft.'1!1 ~outh\\tlrdl,); JOHN 11 PITMAN SAlfi-Autumntll" Im~ "ntcr hent.,. '" I 13 I (I 1 rrOIll the sOllthl't1y slllt' or sill UJ':dl'1l A"'lItit UUrge;" A . l'.lg It rH ge 11)" IIlC.:etlllg" \\ere \\ Ollllll It S" Irtllmon Cullegc spokc It III the Borough uf S\\llrthmore IJro\uhnJ': f(lr 1"2~{ .. rn rnlli:'e Td(nhone S\\nrthmore N'orth and South-fir<;t ~f rs PIuhp lh(' ~ It I( 1111 Honor Soclth ~ IIbt til 111011 tile Iml~rO\t!ml'lIt tht't'l'Of L,); the !ltt!!lI!.: or h111skern and H.lchard Cancll sccond turb hlYIII~ of guttt!r~ l'rO\ldlllJ': fllr tl t' LOST SUBURBAN PROPERTY (It I1C\\ lIIelllhl'rs It the ]Ilgh School 011 1(....':sSlll"y c1rUlllUIll' IIId 1)1\\,"1:' o( till (Irt Larmont Square-eorner house lot I O~T MUll ~ rl~ht IInlld fllr hnNI J!lml on \VIIt~r Dlckm<;oll and J aurcnce Stahler, \\uhl(' ...r(" \\ IliI.1I1l SIl" gl\l: I hnd \\ I). nulhonzlIIl! the l,rOll.'r HOJ'(t1gh ofTltcn; h d d f1' 'L (.(N ,I J rllllY nUlr Che ter It. III H(I\ ar I tllIrd 1\llss Jamt )'1J(ldh."ton and A Iu l'Xt.>(utl.! thl' f1Hl'listry (ontrlt'ls (Ir III} 60 x ]40 • 5h rooms., a r Woo oars, T(I(I)hulI(' S\\ Irthmor(, l'iR J talk shu\\ IIlg the COlllIl'ction of th(' four Stlltl' ur fellernl 1111 that m i\ b~ obt:ullcd III Ie b at. h S ower; garage II Sacrifice \rnold 1 a .. t and \Vest-fir"t Dr ami ll1llls of the SOCll'l\ chlrlltH kltlu {Olllll' Gardt'nlnJ,! Ton 011 A\cIIUt 11l1d the hms Ihl'rt'Of nrc }Ilrd} '"' l l l " S\ IIIpll< 11 1\ mnnllrt slHldlh1! Cement \\/lrk n !>PH'mht) l"tllt.JIShtd IS f"lhlwj; THE BLENHEIM , hM ,Irumlltl). Hcml Ii to Tiltphoill.! Darhy Bl'J!InIIlIlJ: tt I Ilomt III the Illler l'etlUli I 11' j . J APARTMENT HOUSE uf the ",outherl,); 8111(' or OJ!IICII A\llUe \\Ith/ Lecture Here Last Sunday thc \\I\.!stl'rh suit of 11I\('t'\lc\\ A\l:lllh I 224 Park Avenue WANTED nuw 1I11l'lltd Ulld dl'd el,lcd for lub!!l u. \\OIU": WANTf D-Gnrdcnf'r hH>nl) )('nr cx \ Il( tUll' el1tltic(1 Chn .. tt III SC1UICC nnd l'xtl'lldlllJ,: thl'll.:e liuuth 21 d~l-:nl"" II Opcn to Or(er for QUick Sale 1'( rlt n('p 11(>!;lrl'S "(Irk by tin) \\{'{'k or 1st 1'1, ,0 fl~t t J I pUJnt III IIII App0lrJtmcnt by Mall nllIJuh 11\\ 11 Iltl)... \\b ,..,1\l:11 III (l,tlmr m IIlth T(lcllhone S\\ilrthmore 'Jo~,- \\ \\ l.,.tl'rb "'lIll • f HI\ l' n I( \\ A \ (nut tit! II l :\olOlliri Ii ot S" lrtllllinre l( 1I(,..,l: list • n 1<11 ~ " I n l' I "rth I" II I-:rC( HI nlllluh; I \\ AN I I' J) Tn IHJrl hn",( mull l1UlI~1.' or Inll I-:rl (I,.,t h I II )lIIt III the e I It!rl). I(I~ I)f II I Sumll\ I!tUIIII III tllldt:r the IlISI)H;CS of low \\ lih ~r( IIn(1 on tilt! outsklrt", of ~ .... arth 1C1\t!r\II\\ A\ellllc th ICC I rlh !I d J,:r t! m(lr( ~J"OO tn <::,,000 AJlJl!) nox l\I The tht 11r 1 (hunh of Lhn ... t SclUlll .. t () nllnu1(;,. \\( t 1 ''I ,,0 r((t t(J I I H t III s\\ Irthmorl In Offl('c s\\ Irtl1l11 In till tilll I t Ish rb ~I Ie of ItI\( r Il" A II \ll It Its lilt< r I II II \\ Ith thl' 1;1 III nil II I \VANrJ.D-T.. r(nl houl In ~\\nrthm(H' Ir 1111': hltllrl:r I Ills SCfh1l11l (f OJ.: It \\l'lIm (xtt!1l It I th(,lIn t rl IH~ uuntr). I(m Ird I'hllmldJlhl1 ~IO 60 KII II ( ..., I, II I II.. L II "114 kl' In IlhJ( I I e till lid (Utili rly III ( I r • 1J.:lll 11 I ~l\( dctall (,curet Jlur t dO S 11th \\a~h Modernized stone house bUilt 1 Irt I 10110\\:0. \\(!III1t! (xtl'll IlIl n ft( t t thl IlL t (If lIIell II S IlIlr(> I hll t IdJllml Telel h IIll nIt hI gllllllll~ tenhl II ~ 1fino .. XtCIISUln 2 II In 1778 Good barn 15 acres IV'II'" 01 :\lzudh htllld Jll' htalull 1h II \ ( d~ rei!} r III( \\ 1111 h hltl (( t t IlIlh mel Cllbt!lIlll1lh 01 ground planted With smoll (,IICI t I I III III !lui t\ l:f\ turlll ,I ... llkl1l: ..... :1 r l frUit and a young grO'l.e 11 1 ,11"'1 I"''l Excellent roads, I I miles from ( hn ... tlill FOR RENT Apartment. $35 44 S Morton Avtt Mor Swarthmore I ton Ncar P R R Adults Second noor Ifl I II j.!r 1 (r III It J 5 room5 electriC rcrrlgeratlon Caragt rll II (Hl\~nlf\\ A\cltI Ihu\( de>t.-...., C:-:-:-X-:...*-'-:..................:-.."'C+<":--.-..:-:....-..x-:-.~--; I Can HZ BoUie {lZ CI mt Simpson Road, Ardmore, Pa. HOMES DESIGNED FINANCED AND BUILT Ardmore 4456 4Sc 23c C," IOc I ko Sc Pkg 17c po 111 80z TIll 44 oz " 19, and to )'lr5 Hazel 1\1 Schaefcr, uf )'Iortoll for a dance reCital to be pre scnted b) her daughter, MarJOrie, on May 21 George Schobmgcr stated the work on the control of Hood \tater from the Col· lege held onto the school propcrty at College \HllllC "as nearlv complcted and had alre.ldy provcn effcchvc thus dtsPU:o.II1g' of tillS prohlcm wlncIt has long \\ orned the property comnuUee I he Boarel \ oted to send MISS V ITgllua l\lIen and \Vllham C F Zlcgcnfus to thc Kahonal Ph) slcal Education \SSOCla tlOn C011\<.'lItlOll III New York Clty, Apnl Z!. 23 and 2-1 lll{ls 011 shop supplies \\ ere rccclVed .lIul purchascs allthor,lzcu It \\.lS deCided to make appilcahon to \VP \ for a ne\ oroJcct for summer IIltlll(enance worK allU ant:rauon 01 tllC .lttlC SUllen IS1Ilci prmclpat 1 rank R More) prescntcd IllS usual enrollment, twtlOn ~Uld other reports and was glVcn authOrity to h lye the duphc~ltc coplcd and thc census takcn ~___ . _ _ _ The S" arthmorc IIornets, Borough bascball team arc orgamzmg for thc cotnmg season This) e tr the Hornets ha\ e )01lJcd the Dclcu Valle} League a \CT) fast leaguc, and the haseh til fans of 5\\ arthmore should sec SOIllC nr): good baseball Other teams III the League arc ~[cdJa, I el1l11, L1Ina, Bergdoll and Upland "ItIt the posSlbdlt\' of Bortondale and anothcr team to he added before the scason opens on Ala) I I 1 here \\111 be h\ 0 Icague games every week, olle homc and onc a\\a), thc home games \\ III be pia) cd 011 Tuesday or I Imrsdav depelJ(hng on the schedule In .l(ldltJOll th~ Hornets \\ III lliay an exlubltl\c g line at hOllle on FrJday e\emngs so thc local failS '\11l hate two gamcs to attend e\cr) \\eek Holiday g Illlts Will he exhllntl\ c games" Ilh other tcams from (hff(.'rcnt leagucs I h,s \car the ho}s hale bcell fortunate 111 obtalOUlg the sen Ices of John \V Po" ell ]{ohcrt Hl:ed and Jmeph Kahler 10 asslSl \\llh Ihe schedule coachmg .nd pl. ling deparimellis of Ihe leam D L Hauger \\111 Jook tfter the eqUIpment and act ~IS traml'l fur thc lads I here Will be "C\(r tl Hew men With the tcam thiS ,car IS \\ Ith a thrce or tot1r glllle schedule cach \\cek, plenty of pi l)erS \\111 he ml'ueu I he bOb Irl: \Cr) anxIous for the sea "on to st Irt IS the} look fon\ard to a successful Sl1l1HlIcr ul bascb 111 and hope the fans \\ho hme bccn so lo)al 111 thc P lst "Ill sl\ e them the same support thiS \<.'ar lilts IS thc IIornds first Sl'lSOI1 III "_..::..:..::.~_ _~_"'_=___'_ _ _'__'_'___'_'...:..:O'~~.=J - C' Porter Waite's boys begin early this year to carry Swarthmore's hopes in the Delco Valley Lea~ue Left to right they are Back row Charles Wllhams, William Abernathy, Jr, Edward Jennings, Porter Waite, Harry McWllhams, Boyd Stauffer7 front row Arthur Cheyney, John Wolfe, Howard Dmgle, Robert Weiss, Ralph ShellY7 W .... am Shelly, Horace Renshaw. Vernon Henderson. Eleanor Goddard to Play Here ANNUAL CONCERT IN CLOTHIER TONIGHT LEGION 1937 CHARITY DANCE NETS $145 Elcanor Goddard Wlll lIIcllldc numbers trom Bach Craxtoll, Beethuven ChuplIl J Approxlllla\l.;I} :;-l ..h 00 cleared at the l)el>uS5\, R l\cI and Brahms m a spnng 1937 Charth Dance of the local Amencan recital III thc !hJ1er Cnst Audttorlum I eglOli lilt! \l1xlhar) 11St I nday 11I~ IIt ~11r} Lyon School, Swarthmore, next High School Brings Main Line \\111 be U~l'd tow Ird the fullowmg'" \\ortl1\. fhllrsda\ c\emng, April 22 Although Orchestra Here to Build necds (If tilts st Ite c1l1ld "clfarc, re tn\ ItltlOUS hal e been lSSUOO for the affair, I • F d I ha )lilt 1tlOll 11110116 II rl.\ Id.,als fifl; S Ch 0 I ars h Ip .tli reslllcnts of Swarthmorc Will bc conh un IU)l1Itds of caIHh amI clbarettcs to the all) welcome at thiS the first public II II 1 fi I At the anllual 51 1110' concert 01 the Coates\! c oSlllta. tw(;nt) I\C POUlI( S recital here by ::\Jlss Goddard smcc shc ~ I 1 I' 1 )'Ia1l1 Lme Orchestra 111 C10tlllcr ot call(} and cigareth.:s to tiC -JOSPlt.l performed wuh Florence Foote (now 1I,frs P P (P I C) nl Gardner) 111 1933 III the Miller ~Ictllonal S\\,arthmorc College tlus C\C .It err) omt ("nns) \anJa c'aestecr,aoos, llIug thd S\\arthmore Ihgl; School at etch hospital) 1 .1Ild general Cnst amhtornUll welfare concern Ie 19U1' COllltlCtltlO1l 1\1JSS Goddard a former pupil of thc Choru::; allilcarn1d m thclr garnet robcs, \ our ~lIbsCTlJltH I1S to thc annual' BascCurtiS Institute: studlcd two years With Will smg Longfellow's 1 he Slave's J\[cmbers of thc Swarthmore Post and II 111 Dollar Cluh mal hI.: left \\IUl PorIoblas Matthl',) 1Il Loudon, bcmg the first t Drcam JJ 1 Ills mtercstmg poem has becnl Auxlhary \'11511 to CXllre~s thclr apprccla ter \Valtl: of Hannum md \Valte' .. ... ...f'~'/~-"'" 1 \1 ... ~(ll"'\flll(,\'\~ lUJl1 t ho<;;.(" ,,11(0 hdluu malc tlllsl r I .... 1. 1.IJICIILd.11 [U ,\11) a .. vula::; ..U t ~IL) ~.... .... ,."T " scholarslup She]s the daughter of Dr The )Olll1g pcople ha\c OCCll \\orkmg amount l)OSSlblc, tu the \\ uman s UUI) all SOlltll Chester Road, or at 1 JII Harold C Godd Ird, Prolessor of Eng- on thb JIIsplrmg !lumher tinder thc dtrec \\ Inch contnbuted the Usc of Its hall and Sw \UTW\IUIH \:-.: (JOice Each \ car It IS hsh at Swarthmore College At present tlOn of ~hss Clarissa Ualldall, musIc tu the gemroslt) of lucal merchants Ilcccs"ar) to raise $1,,0 or "0 111 thiS \\ay )'11~s Goddard IS a membcr of thc Facult), Sl1Jlef\ISOr of thc Swarthmore Schools Door prizes \\crc \\011 by Dr Da\ld to co\cr expenses of the project for the :Muslc School Settlemcnt, Cleveland, ~Icmbers of the Chorus arc sopranos- Cranw (h\o pounds of \Vlutman's cand) current se Ison OhIO prC\IOllS to \\ll1eh she taught plano Beth Alhn Ahcc Bernard rlalllc Brad- I.:olltnlmted b\ John E )'hchacl of the _ _ _ .' _ __ at \Vcsto\cr School. Mtddlebur), Conn, ford, Kltt) Brill, ~lar) Bonsall, ::\IarJof1e Collede PharmaC), and I L Nickerson studied a \\lOtcr with Carl Frledbcrg 111 Dmslllore Varrcll Drc\\, Ahce Hadlc), (Pretzel ).Ian don.lted by Helen narro\\ Ne\\ \ark and pla}ed With the Roth I hclma I1uJhes :Mary Lobh I ranees ot the Dc\\ Drop Inn) Ouartet a season T\\o )cars ago shc No)cs, Dons Polk Constance Schoff DO\\l1stam, III the \\'oman s Club lobu\ ;'·ne a re·c.tal III Cullectlon Halt, Swarth- \hcc Sn)der, June StIteler, 5)h13 t"o tdblc~ of bnde.e cOIll{Jeted for three llIorc College I S\\ 1IU1 Carol11le Undcrwuod, ::"lan \Vet prlze:-. \ box of note IJaper (gl\CIl h) ::\llss Goddard, \\'ho also pamts has ten. Harriet \Vlckham, Jcan \V,g-gIllS VICtor D Shlrcr) "IS captured by ~Irs Tickets Now on Sale for Annual Mrs. WiUiam Placet of Vassar held recitals .It :11t IIohoke and Smith 1'lIen \Vllllal11s and Naomi \Vnght, al E \ Stockton willie "Irs Detlc\ Bronk Community Party on Avenue, Came to Borough at Colleges She graduated from Swarth- tos-Clara Jean Alston, Ella .Mac Beagle came second rccclVlIlg a boudOir rabbit April 29 Age of Thirteen more High School and attendcd S\\arth- Beth Brundage llorcllce Clea\cs Sara filled \\lth cotton (gl\en b): ::.o[rs 1 rank ).[ar) Burbndge Place "Ife of \VII- more College ~Mane Dls(Juc Ruth Egee, ::\farguentc \\ }eth of thc HolI,) hock Shop) Dr I:\or Buchncr chairman of the 1937 / 113m PI ICC (hed ::\[on<1ay e\ l'l1Ul~. A • Gettz Anne Lmgie, Ruth Lipman, Roma Gcorge \\ arren \\ on the :.h 1\ IIlg so II' S\\ Irllnn( re :\l,te COllllluttee llrOlluses a pnl ::"Icad, )'IurJone )'1111glll, Lomse Paubon douated b) n.odllcy 1\ltlls 12 at 32(! Vassar \\cnue "J\Jrs Place Gertrudc Schobmger, llett) Smith. su ... \en II\c I \ amI 3111tbmg e\cnt for lhur::.had heell III a )car last Januar,) \\lIh j • \Vollers \nllc 'Vray and Blanche Zcn Auxlhary 1937 Elections da), April 29 cancer of thc face SCIl tl'llors-Thomas Copeland Cahml \t thc \llnl meetmg u' the \uxlitaQ Jill:. Har, for the fir:.t tUllC dlfiercnt Born 111 PllIladc1pllla all No\emhcr 8, Ger:ler \Vllham Gorman, Clarcll'ce lIart held at the homc of ::\Irs Gtorgc Fcnno, org 1111zatlons 01 thc Ct IlIllIumt) "III pro 1867 the daughter of Ch Irlcs and Mar} man Jamcs ~lorrls Kcnlleth Nebo11 1011 S"arthmore \\enue, on the 7th, thc \ Hlc separ Itt: :o.klt~ I1i the 11Iianous pro Burhnd,."e )'lrs Place camc to S\\arth \Vllilam Sha\ \V,lltam T"ecd and Rub lollm\lIlg olliccrs "ere elected for the gr lin ,,11I1.:h follm\s thc d1111lCr at tillS more It the age of tll1rtecn and \\orked I Other Officers Changed by Tues- ert \Vlllte h;sse:.-Pluh1) llama Hugh I U 11UI1,., \car 1'resl(lel1t ::\lrs Hobert I a1lnllal I' rou,..,h get tOJl'ther The at thc College On DI't.:clIliJer 2J 189J j days Biennial Event; Concert I1crn James Bro\\ 11 \ arnall Clc 1\ l'l Sheppard, \ lcc-presHlcnt ~lrs Albl II I \\ om III ~ Cluh Pia) er:-. Cluh I Ire Com~hc \\as marned and started hOHsckcepmg I Next Week Joseph CuHms \VIII13m Ford Jatlle~ I Hl'nsOIl recordmg secretan ~Irs J pall) and \lIIl'rIC l1t I eJ101l "Ill co In UllIIll \\enne later , 1111916 remm11lrr j lC k son I alter Jolles S umnl'r J ol1e:o. PIt11 Dro\\n trcI~l1rcr ,~ ).[rs I I operateII \\Ith the\ SplIlS)r thc S"arthI"> I 1 ) \ ISSal "e1lUl' ] Itr home mel farm!} The ElcctHlIl COlllllllttCC cOlllposed of 1 a \\ rcnce h.ent Hohl.:rt Sanford \\ ahel Ilcd,..,epeth corresl'ollchn6" sccretar) ~lrs more USlllt s~ :o.oclatJ m III pre:.cntlllg' I :"Irs Stanley ::\lle:\1IIIall chaIrman Sanford \\altcr Scotti I{ohcrt 1huT{)1.: \\ titer Ilurpe chlplalll ::..rrs ] d\\llll a more \ Ined e\l:I1I11,.., Ihm e\er before lorllled her lite IIltere:-;t She \\ l~ l Illembl.'r (If lrl1ut) C1ltllch, ).[rs \lcxandcr Llcke\ )'lts Ho\\.lnl (Jl'Orde II()xcll Clemcnt \Vtlilb and \ \ lfltall sergeant at arms :\[rs \uur IIIfurlll('T hb had a pl'~p at the S"anh1llorc and the rcctor thc ]{e\ J :\1 Buckman ~Ir!'\ h. Chester Spcncer P11111[1 \\Itham lhe aCCOlll~alllst 1:-; Bm.hel \\res hlstorltlll ::\lrs IIcrbertl prellllllJlU) fUlnb ut Uill.' ur t\\O ot the J tnkn (,Ilt:llthcr, Oi1ICl Itcd at thc serv ),1 rs Phdp:-; S 1lI1l: 1I111ut1l1ccd the fol ::\1 an I 1Il'1I 1 lout P I :.elt and fJuhhclt\ ~I r" O::;car J s Itlfll II 1I1a\ ]ct and hlartlh supporb IcC:-; \dw.:h \\l:r~ held ,c:.tcrda) afkrnooll II \\lIlg "thcl'rs dcdcd It the hlclllllal t:lcc (Jtllrl:('~t I :\Olr I ucll11cI S contcntlon I he ()rche:-;tr 1 conrltlLled b) \dolph It the hOllll' and \\erc fol1O\\('d 1)\ 111 tllll tit the S\\atthmore \ \Tomans Cluh • __ r P,0 I lIl( I I Ia, II \\ I1) IHl:-; p Ia)c d an \ o~d \\lth Dr \\ I (, 5\\al1ll ot 11111 I I 1 tl:rllllilt III I tstll\\11 Lundl'l) Ibt Ine~<1I) l)Je:o.ukllt ::\lrs \lfretl Puppets at College Saturday 1II1()nr alit Jllrt III Irranglllg t lC SlH.:ce~stll '[ R \\C1llle 1"'~I~tl1lg has arr Ul~ed 111 l:X 1.1. S I I Bl:suk ... her hushand, 1\\0 dllidrell sur ('in \\lutc, \11.:(' l're"l{eut .1.\ rs oland rl l'r IlIIlIIl'lI I prC\IOI1:-; \\art11l10rc \I\C (,cur,..,c t ~r1 \ III Llutillcr )'ll'lII11nal Saturtla\ IlIght at II ro "_lams md til l' \\ho kllo\\ ::\Ir 1 11011 I,uth~rll rtt :..; T 1:0. .1 IC f It Ill:r 01 t\\O .\ _,,1(' cr~oll '[ (I T I I C hOII1I1:-; Concertu for PI1II0 Op _I Ill' I 111111\ II I I I f llllldrcll Beth J~lI1 111<1 Gmr:.,..: Slrah C \Vl'~l dlrector~ .\ r:-. lIon 1mta ~llss Scltzl:r Is thc dau,.,htl'r ul :\1 ~()O tinder the aUsll1c<.'s of thc L1ttle s \\1 l1l:e( no expana Ion u 1tl11l1111allltd dm,:dlter 11\lIIg at hOI11<.' IS \In lliioid R llo "Speoial Officer" J. J.'s will he held at the home of Ruth be "The Application of Physical and good character to serve in· a laudable Reserves nndes .......... 11.172.26 much engrossed in work of painJing white ~et1efsen, 215 Lafayette. Avenue,· at 7 Chemical Methods to the Problem of the cause, while Jiving four weeks of life in trallic marks on slreel, with cars whu- a ~Iock n~t Sunday eVelUng.. A fun at- Separation of Isotopes." the open air in Camp surroundings. In Total Capital Aeeount........ 842,286.04 3ing by on both sides. He is startled I tendance. l~ u~ged. as. pJans Will made All member of the Society of Sigma previous years Swarthmore has always Total Liabilities ..••••..... S 1,921,122.56 MEMORA.NDUH by a demure little "Good Morninll' pro- ~~r .pa~tlC1pat10n 10 the W~man 5 Aux- Xi residing in Swarthmore and all otI,erl'l been represented QY local youths. LoaM and Investmeats Pleda"ed to Secure Lla'UUles flounced right in his ear, and looking up 1 Jarl~ Rum.rn:-'ge Sale. Smce the I~t who may be· in'terested are cordially Applicants please communicate with G. States Government obliga_ beholds a dear ULittle Old Lady," who meeting a :efng~ator ha~ ~ supphed. vited to attend. D. Houtman, secretary, Camp Sunshine United UODB. dll'ect and/or fuUy KuarGpparently has just issued from G car to th~ J. J: s family ~ as soon ~s necesCourt House, Media, Pa. ' anteed ••.•.•..... ,....•..••... J 212,94.0.68 O&her bonds, stocks, and seeurl_ wilh a New .York license, parked nearby. sary tee w~1I be proy,ded. The gJ.'l~ ~lan H. S. l1rack and TennIS' -;':h'edul,IlS.!====":':=~';;'~~~~==== tIe. • • . . . . •• . . . . . .• . . • . . • . . . • • 15,460.00 _ • . to sell vanllla to bwld up a fast dimtDlsh• g Llttle Old Lady-••(pomlin across the ing treasury. On Mooday evening of LIBRARy TAX. ..17 Total Pledged (esclueUns rediscounts) : .............. $ 228,890.63 field to the west)- Pardon me, b~t ?W this week the president, Nancy King, acThe track· and tennis teams of the BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE Pledged: you tell me what that domed buddlDg companied by Elaine and Ruth Bradford Swarthmore High School have very ORDINANCE N.. ." Against United States Government Bnd postal savings deis over there lit Barbara Bagby Sarah Fussell and F1()r~ bright prospects for ~ r.orning splrinlg I posita .••••. : .............. ;$ '19,689.08 "Wh tha· t h ' sport seaSOIL Track, under the AN ORDINANCE levying an anuual tax for S 'aI OBi peel cery yes, 1s e ence Garrett went to Oalanont to advise maintalnln8" or a(dlD&" In the maintenance AgaiWlt State, county. and mu. nlcipal depoalta .......... .. Swarthmore College field house.". a similar girls' group which has formed leadership of James Miller as coach and of. Fr-ee Library in the Borouah of Swarth133.261.67 Againat dep06Jts of trust deL 0 L ( tid full Andrew Haig as manager, has a few vet- mo~ partments ••••••..•......•.. _ _'_6.:-460.00 ,,' . .- very sow y ~ aw~.. there. At this week's meeting Miss Mary erans baek from last year: Johnnie BB IT ENACTED AND ORDAINED by the :- Dh I Do you .know I thm!" th". lS Pickerel. of Philadelphia. will speak on of the Boroqh of Swal'thmore and Total Pleda"ed ••••••••••••. 1 228,890.68 Just the dearest httle town, 1m gOlDg her work among the mountaineers of Creamer, who specializes in the weights; CouDcll It .. bereby enackd and ordaJned that in acSlate of Penna., iCounty of Delaware, 88.: to stop and spend half an hour walking Virginia. Robbie Sanford. quarter mile and javelin; cordance with Ordinance No. 888, paged the I. E. S. SPROAT. Cashier 'of tho above· 1. 't'" "Vic" Troxell, 100 and 220 yard dashes. lith day of November. A. D. 1981. there is named bank, do solemnly swear that the above abou t m Th A'I . f h J . hereb~ levied ap,lnat an aaseeaable property statement is true to the best of my knowledge .L N I S h I'k th I e PrJ meetmg 0 t e umor and Leroy Evans. high J·ump. In the wiUdn A ,,*.07 the BOJ'OU8"h of Swarthmore a special and belief. s 0 e- omew at J e e p ay W 'A '1' '11 et 8 ' I k ' E. S. SPROAT, which was given at the Players Club anoman s UXI la~ WI me at 0 c.oc. pole vault, Sam Osgood is coming around lAlU7 Tax of one-balf (~) hlUl for each of a8Besaed valilation for BoroUSh purCashier. Dual meeting last Monday evening (al- next. Monday. evenmg at the home of the in great shape and great things are cx- dollar ~ tor the year 198'1. Sworn to and aubscribed before me this 18th day of April. 1987. though for obviously different reasons) preSldent. M,SS A~a Fuller. 416 North pected from him. Home meets will be PUNd this '1th PETER E. TOLD, "unfortunately this is as far as we ever Chester Road.. Mls~ Marth~ Taylor, of held on the College Fjeld. day of April. A. D. 1987. Notary Public. g(lt." Had the said Special Officer been Yale A,,:enue, u thiS group s Rummage This year's 'tennis team has a great HAR:!at~~n~~L~~ndl. (S~~t-Atteat: able to leave his duty and follow 'the Sale chairman. deal to live up to, for in the previous two A"-i;; WM. EARL KISTLER, -~-+-~th I cal urtm h b .• ' >de.-I ELLIO'lT RICHARDSON, J. EVERTON RAMSEY. other character in this short drama (or years e 0 co en ave een..... Borouah Secretary. JOHN F. MURRAY, had THE SW"RTH>ick, of New York University, will conduct a Motion Picture Forum. Mrs. Embick is not only an authorJty in this line, but a humorous and delightful speaker as well. Swarthmore women are availing themselves in ever increasing numbers of the unique Citizenship School which was inaugurated three years ago by Mrs. J. Osborn Hopwood. Meeting semi.monthly I Mo......... N.- ,~ , , WILLIAM F. C. SWANN Police Departmont was ordered to take special measures to apprehend and. prosecute. the Jaw violators who are dumping cans and trash at the south .nd of Rutgers Avenue, near the school, since the elimination of the Rutgers Avenue trash bin. The secretary was instructed to protest to the Nu Car Carriers) Inc., against the speed of their trucks along aester Road especially when crossing the Yale Avenue trolley tracks. A letter from George]. Jones, of South aester Road, brought to mind the damaging shOck thus caused to buildings in the section. In the last Police report read by Alben T. Eavenson it was shown CaptaiD Rogerihad testified March 16 at the trial of Thomas Murphy and Donald George· son in Wilmington) Del. The former was found guilty of burglary committed in Delaware' and sentenced to three years and ten lashes. Georgeson, alias Chappelle, was. turned over to California where he had escaped from a road camp in 1933 while serving fifteen years to life for two bank and two gas station robberies. A detainer was lodged against Murphy for three robberies perpetrated in this Borough several months ago when the couple lived on, Swarthmor~ Avenue. He will be tried in Delaware County courts at the expiratio~ of his Burgess John H. pitinan reported UpoD inv••tigation following fingerprinting, it had been discovered two nigh~ lodgers, received April 1, were former priaotlers who had served sentences for a number of different offences, one being a parole violator now. A. Wayne Mosteller Electrical Contractor TelephODe SwartIuno..,18 --------------- SUBURBAN PROPERTY LuchmOllt S q _ o m... ho_ lot, 60d401 5 room,; hudwood Boonl tile bath, .hower, ......e. Sacri&ce. $4,100, Iiaallced. Loti for S.le--JOO x 1:lO f•..........s.crific., ,100 Klah, Dry Ground NewtoWII Sq....... 66 Boulevard 2250 ,..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j UPHOLS'TERING Furniture Restoring In AU Its Branches from the legislative aspect alternating ,t=:e::r::m=;.=======::=::=::========== with this study. Pilgrimages will be made during April to the courts for first-hand information. Mrs. J. Passmore Cheyney, REClSTERED of Swarthmore, county chairman of legis· ARCHlTEcr lation, and Mrs. Robert H. Ivy, county 12 S· R _pIOn oed, Ardmore, P .. chairman of international relations have assisted Mrs. Hopwood, county chairman HOMES D~~.fIHANCED of citizenship. Plaoaer Ardm. . 44S8 The Annual Spring Concert will be MRS. A. J. QUINBY &: SON given by the qub aorus under the diJOSEPH E. QUINBY rection of Henry Hob at the Tuesday, ERNEST Co SNODGR US, ASS"T. April 20 meeting. The assisting artists FUNERAL DIRECrORS are Thomas Perkins, baritone soloist at MEDIA. PA. the Baptist Temple, and Constance Wil- III!LL PHONE 4 liams, of Berkeley) Cal. Miss Williams is a resident of Swarthmore while a student at the Philadelphia Conservatory of Music and will playa group of her own piano compositions. Mrs. lloyd Kauffman .is Music chairman, she will be assisted in receiving by Mrs. William Earl Kistler. Tea will be served. EDW YN R0 RK E A N Y W A N Y H E R E I M T E FRED J. HARLEY CaD Swarthmore 1441 . . ,atdoes aBankdo? . , • To AHend Phiia. Conference on Education and Mentai Health Miss Theresa Young, Miss Mary I<;iser, Miss Margaret Price, Frank R. M~rey, Mrs. Th~ore W. Crossen) Mrs. Helen Muth and other members of the local school faculty, Community Health SocietY7·,.and ll!:pti1f!,rs groups plan to attend the Philadelphia Conference on Educarried on this year~ with current events cation, and 'Mental Health at the Hotel and international relations particularly Benjamin . FraitkJin, Philadelphia, on Friday and Saturday, April 23 and 24. DISCARDED CLOTHING The purpose of this conference is to enable teachers, parents and other Jnterested and Rumma.. Purchued-Abo Uled persons to hear nationally known educaHou.. Furnllhln,s tors and psychiatrists, and to learn how JAMES mental hygiene concepts and practices are 141 W.F.ST 3rd STREET. CHESTER strengthening the mental health resources Telephone, ChHter 2 ..2173 We WJU Call of the school. It is hoped many parents of this community will respond. KIMMEL TAX. 1937 Some of the topics Jnc1uded are "Are BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE We Training Our Children for Life?'" "Partnership Between Parents and ORDINANCE No. 3'5 Teachers in ¥ental Health Endeavor'" AN ORDINANCE levyIng an eighth special annual tax or assessment on all assessable "Mental Health Problems of the Gifted property within a certain tract of land aQ_ ne:.:ed to the BoroUgh of Swartbmore by Child"; "Can We Combine Mental virtue of Ordinance No. 310. approved No- Health and Cultural Aims in Educavember 21st, 1929. Situate In the Southeut... tion ?". hin!l': 's~~~tW~j~dic~\~~sevJa: THEN , ;AGAIN "I'm one of the girls who make up your monthly telephone bills. Our aim is to rr.ake every bill correct to the penny. Being human we do make a mistake once in a while. But the chances of it getting on your bill are pretty slim because every item and every operation where there's tha smallest chance for error is checked and doublechecked before your bill is mailed. We use the most modern billing machines to insure accuracy. And even the work of the machines is verified." • • • erb' part of the Borough. sometiml'B known as tbe ~immel Tract, for the purpose of reimbursing the Borough for costs and ex. penses !-ttendant upon said annexation and the adJustment of indebtedness ineurred thereby. BE IT ORDAINED by the Couneil of the Borough of Swarthmore. Bnd It is hereby enacted and ordaiued by authority of the same: SECTION 1. For the Y~r 1931 there shall be levied and asaeased against aU asaessable property within tbe traet of land herein called the Kimmel Treet, more particularly described hereatter, In addition to the general Borough Tax for eurrent expenditures, inte:rest. and sinking fund payments. and in addition to aU other taxes or B5sessments lawfully SSSestled against property within the said tract, an eighth svecial tax or assessment at the rate of two mil1s on each dollar of BBsessed valua. tion for the purpose hereinafter set forth . SECTION' 2. The tract of Isnd in the Borough of Swarthmore on which this speeial tax or assessment is hereby levied for the year 1937 is Situate in the Southeasterly portion of the BoroUgh of Swarthmore. Couuty of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania, having been an. nelted to said Borough by Ordinance No. 810. approved November 21st, 1929. Said tract is described more particularly in said Ordi~ nance No. 3.-0, and also In Ordinance No. 314 approved March 24th. 1930. levying the first of the said annual special assessments. Business men are always on ,the alert for new and better ways to get things done in less time at lower cost. That's why there are more and more long distance calls on telephone bills every day. Thousands of executives are finding new and greater uses for Long Distance. In administration, selling, servicing, credit, collections and many other business functions, long distance saves time and travel, speeds results and lowers costs. Can long distance service help your business? Let's talk it over. Call the Business Office. SECTION 3. The foregoing special tax or assessment' is levied pursuant to the provisions of Section 6 of said Ordinance No. 310, approved November 21st, 1929, and is levied as the eighth of ten snnual Instalhnent& to be collected out of the property in the said tract for the purpose of reimbursing the Borough of Swarthmore for any and all amounts found to be due to tiie Township of Ridley by way of adjustment of indebtedness. and to pay any other person or corporation and all incidental fees and e08ts Involved i~ the annexation proceedings, or pOwlng out of the same. Gouneil reservea the right to determine the time. manner and amount of futare installments over the said period of ten yeah until the total amount of said costs and expenses bas been colle:ted from the present or future owners of properties comprised within said tract. Passed this 7th day 01 April. A. D. 1937. (a) Cnawald A""nlle: ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF MAIN UNE ORCHESTRA FOR RENT-Apartment In Moylan6Roee Valley; three roolllJl. kitcbenette and bath. ....rge endOHd porcb. Everythlna" Included. Telepbone Cheater 6711. Here's proof that SIAlnlES5 PAIDI* is beHer ••• ,.. • Mrs. White Elected Woman's Club Head FOR RENT "d''*. 'IGID oYe THE SWARnlMOREAN lIbld loT HARRY L. MILLER. Presldeat of Councu' W. SUPLEE Attest: ELLIO'M' RICHARDSON, swAR'I1I1IIOiu: Tl{l o Borough Secretary. am mrPHONI COMPANY O' PENNSYLVANIA Approved this 13th day of April, A. D. 1937• c .JOHN H. PITMAN, Burgess. .It Protects Individual and Commercial Interests MORE than anything elae--more, even than the assistance it gives in building an estate a bank protects• Whether it be a dollar deposited in a new saving. account, an estate entrusted to its care, or priceless keepsakes and important documents· placed for safekeeping in its vaults, a bank protects. "Know Your Bank Better" • Police and Fire Department News THE SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BA~K and TRUST CO. When Magistrate Clifford Rumsey held court April 9. Robert H. Martin, Drexel Hill, was found guilty of speeding on March 31. but the $10 fine was suspended. Raymond L. Hinson, Marcus Hook, arrested April. 3, for parking on "Serving Swarthmore Since 1904" withl,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g bright side headlights wasChester discharged wrong of North Road with warning. This Wednesday the truck of Frank W. Hakel Philadelphia rigging concern. ran off North Chester Road at College A venue breaking the inlet. The following arrests were made on the same date; -Frank J. Facciol0, Qifton Heights, speeding and reckless driving (to appear April 19,); Charles H. Lynch. Philadelphia. . through traffic violation; Theodore Dingle. Park Avenue, Swarthmore, reckless driving; and Samuel F. Mullen, Washington D. C. (committed to county jail for vagrancy). At 1.46 P. M. the Fire Company answered an alarm from 514 Yale Avenue caused by a rubbish fire in the back yard. At 5 P. M. the Police Department Plymouth, driven by Captain John Rageri, backed into the Ford of R. Chester Spencer, Swarthmore Avenue, in front I of Ute Bank denting the fender. At last week's Council meeting the I I Enjoy the most popular pleasure vessels aftoat • • • the brilliant "MCIIUU'Ch" and "Queen" • • • plus the golf, beach life and hotel gayety of America's favorite mid-ocean resort! LOW ALL-EXPENSE RATES 7 DAYS, $86 up 13 DAYS, $128 up 9 DAYS, $100 up 16 DAYS, $149 up or .imilar trip. of varying duration including PRIVATE BATH aboard .hip and accommodations at a leading Bermuda IJotel. Round trip, $65 up ('60 egeaive May 15). BOOK EARLY for choice accommodations. Frequent Sailing> from New York CONSULT YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT or Furness Bermuda Line. 34 Whitehall'Street, or 634 Fifth Avenue NeuJ York.. I~ SS LEADS THE WAY FOR VACATION CRUISES ' INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE SWARTHMOREAN 4 TO GIVE RECITAL NAME NEW OFFICERS AT PLAYERS CLUB Crossen Nominated President; Fine Program After Annual Business Session At the 31111ual IIIccL1I1g of the Players Club of Swarthmore held III the Fa1fview noad Clu" Honse, Monday evening, April 12, tlte fol1owlIIg nominations were proposed by Dr Arthur E. Bassett 111 the absence of Dr. Hobert C. Disque, chairman of the nonllnating cumfmttce' (or prc5i(lc11t, Theodore W. Crossen; vice I)resldent, D. Malcolm Hodge J secrctan, George I'CII110 J treasurer, Hobert C Disque, Board of (;overnoTs-for three :) car term, Charles )) Mttchell; 1\\0 ,car~. lohn Dolman, Jr. amI one )car, J Wilham 511111110115 Ballots Will be cast at the May mcctmgs of the Cluh. 1 he suggest.lon that '1 homas \-Vinlcr A.ndrew he n;lIl1cd fin3ncml adViser ami hfe honor an member, met with !;trong UllallllllOl1s appro\al, and was likeWise lla!;secl by motuJIl hv Roland G E U11 JIIan and second of Stafford 'VI' Parker Mf Andrcw, trcasnrer of the ~Iuh fOf twenty five ) C.lfs, Ims durmg the past ) car heen fott cd hv 111 he:llth to retire from thc actl\C h.lI1dhng of thc Cluh's affairs It IS largdv due to Mr Andrew's unlltlllg cfforts that the Club mortgage 11<\5 bcclI reduced to half durUlg" the 130:t ii\ c years I he f(,POl ts of the \ art<)Us officers and comtrlltlccs were J ccelVed and Geofge deFmest, \\ hn prc!'.1(led read a letter the IJf('sldcnt, Dr A 1'. Jackson, had wnttCIl from "Infl(la rcgardlllg the 1936- J7 seaSUIl of the llub Au ,uJJelJdnu:nl o[ the by-laws provuImg that eafh rcltrlllg IHcsulent shall exoffiCIO rem,un a nH'IIILer of the Board of (,O\'erllors for two, cars following Ius reflremcnt, was pao:scd 'I he lugh stall(lard of produclton IS ne\er lessened at the Pla}ers Club-t1ot cven \\ hen a program IS planned for a small pctcentnge of the IIlclIlhcr!>hlp, such as IS usual at the Ne\\ Year's Day open hUllse and at lhe annual mcetmg" ]11 fnet It IS orten 011 one of the<:c occaS1On!> that anal 11Instcq)lcce IS adltcvcd For IIlstnncc the UpCI1IIlg feature of the program which [0110\\ ed the hllslllcSS session last 1\1 ouday was olle of the most COIl1mcmlable bits of actmg- to~cthcr wIth 111111S1lal 'Ightmg and sound eITect that has been presentcd un the Club stage Oni)' two characters held the stage 11t1hl the finale when the author apl)earf'fl, and those h\u were speechless the cnllre [Irst half of the onc act skit, the masterly pantot1ll1ne assisted 111 110 meall drgrcc In: the weml sOUlHI and hghtmg k( r)t the audlcnce 011 edge At first c\ en OIH' ELEANOR GODDARD point DPpq8lte the boundBI'7 property -of Charles G Thatcber from properly of Andrew Simpson. the under the !lupervislon of the BotoUf:h Seere· tary and Engineer. with the aid of labor fur. nlshed by the Works Progress Administration (b) Anon: Private Properlr; or the Federnl Government. And the proper Dorough officers are hereby authorized to arExtending from said last named point In range for the neccgsnrl" materials and enter Crumwald Avenue: thence BOuth 69 drsrrect!l Into all n~eMary contraeta In acC'()rdance With 36 rnlnutftl east alonR'" a common boundary law. to consummate Slime, all actions hereto-line of the properties of the said Thnteher fore taken for tlald purpose being hereby ratland Simpson and olhen:. 2R3 feet. mor(" or ned and approved less, to n point:, a corner of land belollJ:lnlt to William F, G Swnnn (With the right on SECTION 3. The Solicitor is Instrueted to the part of the Borough to proceed n further obtain deem or dedication containing agree-distance of 67.4 fect, more or ll"fl8. along the ments providing for pa)ment by each owner same COUI"III!' acrOB$ a corner of the said of properly i>enentcd, of his eqnitable share Swann property, "nd the further dlstaJlce or of the total cost to the Dorough. nnd the 67 -4 reet. more or less. across a corner of propl!'r Dorough officers nre authorh;ed to exeproperty or J D. Gibson to n point. a cor- cute and cause the recording or same. ner of land of H. C lIull). Following the completion of the 80id im(c) Ogden Avenae: provem('nfs. the Dorough Encineer. under the 8upervlsion of the Sewer Committee. Ahall CommenCing at a point In the abme de- RflSCSS the total costs of !lame against all of scrllted Crumwald Avenue flew('r in the lIed the proJ'lerti~ appurtenant to or benefited of Ogdrn Avenue. ft dlstnnce or 289.6 leet, thereby, on nn equitable bnllis Any O\~ner more or tCIIs, to the wealerly property line feeling aggrlev('d shall have the right of a of M S PRimer (with the right on the pubhc hearing by Council Council resetvl'S tlflrt of thc Bot'oult'h to procl'Cd nlong the the rlRht to amend any allch RS3cssment in some course the furtl-er di~tRnce of liZ lcet. order to correct any hardship (Iemom.trated more or less. to n pOint. opposite the ,.. cster)Y to exillt til the nss('S8ml!'nt as made hy the boundary line of property of Suarthmore Borough Engmwr. and to rcdlstrlbute the costs College). among the ,arlous properties ben('fiwd. n!': to Councll may seem Just nnd ('(IUltablc. or. nt (d) Elm Avt'nue: lb~ option, to DMumc nR}- shortage of the Commenemg at the nforC!!aul pomt. 48G 15 nmount nssl!'S!':l!'d nnd PRY same out or gcnerol fCOl-:S OIU)AIN• SRCTION J Eight inch "ltnfi('11 terra ('otta Il!P(' s('\\ ('r!l shall he constructed as follows' Commencmr:- nt a pomt In the b('d of Elm A\enue :smith lest or lhe IIIteTSechon -o[ Crum_ w:l1d AH'nlle th('J'cwlth. which Ilomt is 4as 11) f{,l't, more or I('AA, northeasterly of n. certnm olltfnll ~e\o;cr rec('ntly eonstructed 10 or 11.10 the IK-d I)r Crnm Creek by the Central Defu~ \\;:lre C"unly S('wer Authority , ~; ev lIere'allow-it workllill _ aochora 10 ti,e ~urfa«l of wo<1I1 nnd 81ays there 10lnnkenfirmloundnliunforthencxt pamt roiU evidence. Each of these tests is cerhficd before a been changed to Friday to aVOId conflict \Vlth the Satnrday e\ enmg aclivitles THEN STAINLLSS PAINT*, the other with a lirst quality regular paint. Examine the Ilhotograph of Ihese panels. Your eyes will tell you that STAINLESS l'AINT* is hetter than Ihe old t) pc ,,·gular paint for your home. Your Felton-Sibley dealer has olher photographic --.--- B, Ite Ih, en ch' ed h.1 rae v \[ ~ e BOWNS Sold by ('omml!'nem~ N. W. SUPLEE I AGAIN • • BUSIness men are always on Ihe alert for new and better ways to get thmgs done m less hme at lower cost. That's why there are more and more long dlslance calls on telephone bdls every day. Thousands of executlves are findlng new and greater uses for Long DIstance. In administration, selhng, ser.. vlclng, credit, collectIOns and many otherbusmess functIOns, long distance saves time and travel, speeds results and lowers costSe Can long distance serVice help your business? Let's talk It over. Call the Busmess Offtce. n Ie - J, r "I'm one of the gIrls who ma'.e up your monthly telet:hone bIlls. Our aim is to make every bill correct to the penny. Bc:ng human we do make a miStake once In a whtle. But the chances of it getting on yo", bIn are pretty shm because every Item and every operation where there's th~ smallest charJce for error IS checked and doublechecked before your bill IS matled. We use the moat modern b,lhng machmes to Insure accuracy. And even the work of the machines is verified," • s' L and B b' bt wbere otbe< GREENS ter longer and. etny ~s:~eTiof' uiJO green Cromwl!.ld Avenal'. nt the aroresaid point nnd I'xh'DdlllR thrn('(> III n general northerly dlr<'e_ tlon I fir. 7 f('col more or I('l';~ hI n point at or nrnr thr w('!:(erly 1\1<1(" of Cnlmwn]d Ave_ TIU(" th('n~e :t1ooJ! the Iwd or Crnm\\nld Ave. nll(o n .hslnnC'e of R2.f 9 f('('t. more or IC'SS. to n WANTED SRCTION 6. Upon eollectlOn of the !laid lil!'ns. nil costs. interest, nnd ntlorncys' f('{"!l. nnd 5% nddlUonai II.!I authorized by Jaw, shall be pnynble by the owners of tile properties In QU('fltion. ,,~ d IIICCS which were I rnre tl cat tn ,ttt present After a {nsiollet 1l11lllhcr her little daughter, ~CIII charmed the alUh(,llcc WIth the I { vclaltoll or a folk II lIlee froll1 the pro "11\( e (If Vah:llcra. With tamhourme A !!:'JI") d.IIHC (If AIIII "usia by Mrs 'VllIt titer ,\.1" Ilcxt mel lIlolhcr and daughter ,tIll! cd tog( ther "1111 castollch as a (loslIlg IIIll1lht'1 11r <: "1 ankltn GIllespie (8.~ }oOH U}o;NT-Al'artmcnt In Moylan·Hose ValIc}. three rooms. kltc.:h(.'nt'tte IIlId bnth. I. IrgC cnc1o~(.'(1 Jlorl h. E\!crythmg Included. Tclll1hone ChC!:>ter 6711. Sw "Ruggles of Red Gap" at Inn SECTION I For the year 1937 there ~hnll he le"'l('d and n<;se"sl!d against nil aflsC!lsnble property wfthlll the tract of land hl!reln rnllerl 1 he welt known plcturc, "Ruggles of the I' rnnk ~mllh Trnct. more partu'ulnrly f!i'_ Red Gap," starrmg Charles Laughton Will sf'rJhi'd h('reaftcr. III alhhhon to the R I lIorongh tax for current expendIture!'!. In~:r::~ he tlus week's feature at the Strath and !lmkmg fund pal'meol<1 Rod III addlhon to nil oth('r tnxe3 or as!O:('ssm('nts lawful! I 1I;1\el1 Inn at R 15 totught. nssess('d ftJ:nlnst propC'rty \\Ithm the !lnid tract llmrhe Ruggles ami Zasu Pitts are a se~cnth specIal tax or aSflCS3ment at the also III the ca~t rate of se',;en nllib on ('a('h dollar of iL<;s(>l;sed HlluntlOn, for the purposes herell1aft.- " I he mgltt of the Inn programs has ~rth • • SF.CTION 2 'The trnd of Innd III tlu' Bor_ oun-h "r S\\ nrthmore on which thl~ :;pedal tax or aBfI~Kmi'nt IS h('r('hy I{'vleri for th{' HI:J7 1<; SITUA rl' 10 the l'iolllh('r1y por~~~I~ or thl' lIorl)l1~h of S\\nrthmorc Cnllnty of ~hln\,nrl! nnll Rtat(> or t'enn~}lvnnm helng Ilund ... d on the North IIY Yale Aveni the \\(';":t h} ('uTiwU Av('nu(' on the l~'OIl~h b:. r I Iflcrvllll! Road. on the ROllthea:;t by IIhchlf!an A'cll11r. nnd on the }o'ast ntul North ('ast h} Inn,rs of lohn R CnmplwJl (It nl "Illd tract ("onl'llRhng of '19 834 acres mol' le'<1'; of ,o;hlf>h II 5R7 tlCre:'; more or 'IPIlR !e~~ former!) "llnnl(' In SfJrln~fielll Towl1!;hl~ and 37 707 ncr~ more or Icsf> were formerl Rlt lInte m Rlllley 10wnRhIP the ('lIlire ~rnct ~no\\n m, the J::rnnk Snllth Tract nnd nlso a~ Sw:trthmore F l'ilnt('l':, hn\ mrr IlIx'n Hnnex(!d to ~:1HI Borough hy Orfimnnc(O No 322 Jlrmed Tnmmry I) 1931 ' ap Fon HF~NT-Altrnctlve modern cottage. lIoothLilY lIurbor. Me Jo"or IIJformahon coil Mni Juhn F.astlukl.'. Thl' Jlar\ord, Swarthmore 149 Interest for Mortgages Funds for Construction Sp !llIsh ,lilt! ll\ IIS\ e 0 FOR RENT I-OR UI-;NT-T\\o amull housch-eIJlnK ol'art e mcnbi $15 and $40 The Dll.'nhclm, 224 Park A, "nue AllllolOtment by mod. FUNDS 4y:! % TO 5 % Filial nrrangelllents for Swarthmore N lJ·dl{ \\ III be made at tlte regular 1II(ll1thh IIl1l11er II1cctmg of the Swarth1II0re nll~lIess ASSOCiatIOn at the Stratl1 n,,~ IT ORDAINED by the Council of the (J !VCII Inn next \Vct1l1esday, April 21, at BorOllJ'!'h (lr Swnr!hmore nml It I!I ht'reb) 7 0 clock f'tilldcd nnd ordained by authority f ,h same CLASSIFIFD SECTION 5. Upon the completion of the work and the comJl'ulation or the DSlIcssmenb by the Engineer aa aroresaid, property ownfn shall have thirty days from such compleboD to pay Ral(1 as8t'Ssrnents: thereafter, the :u5cssments shall draw Interest at the rate of 6% per annum from date of completion of said aen'ers, and I( not paid wilitin n'e months or ftuch completion. the Solicitor shall cause liens to be filed a"nlnat Any such p~ ertf('S, With IIlterest eomputed from dute of completIOn The Borough r~ert('S the rlf:ht to proceed by action In Wl8ump:nt 0 .. other· wise for collectIOn af any such Rssessmcnt ..nsset! tins 7th THE SWARTHMOREAN WM. S. BlTU..E S IIlHlt I 1 ,all", J I , C\ er llOJllllar lIJaster .)f t l rt 11IfllJ1( <;, 11(' xl ,mnollllccd J o"hu:1 A ( 1" I~tllll \\ho<;c' n IImrl(s nllfl <:1,,1(' ,lIustratlon" fJf "Palents' sUlred as mforlll.ltnc IS ,,(II as 1II1l'IISll\ all1l1smg 111 !'ilmts \ValtC'r S 'og"':;, magiCian, complctely 111\ shfl(:d the amhellcc With a selection or dlllic:ult fliCks, mdudmg one of the hest (nlll tm h "ltIlCS!'iC'cl 111 a long wilde I Jr John Dolman, Ir, a dentIst's asSWAnTIIAlOnE RRTATE TAX. 19:t7 Sistant, pulled the wrong tooth uf BenImlcom.1I OF SWARTIII\!ORF. J 1111111 Hothberg (a RUSSian sexton, suffJlUJlN ANCE No. :196 fC'nng With ,I toothache) 111 a "RUSSian AN OHDINANCh le"ym~ n sevenlh ~11f'("lal "arn" wilich closul the program \Ve're .lIlnnnl tax or n"f>(,Sf>ml'nt on all nsse,,:;ahle !~lad lit' dill SII t [mil our tceth "tt1J1crt), 1\ IUlln a ('erhun tract of Inml nn. n('xfli t(l th(' IInrour:-h of S\Hlrthmore hy ',rhl(' of UrdlIlnnce No 322. nppro,ed fan_ llnry ri. 19:n, SITUArF. m thl! Rnuthl!rly part of the Dorough. flometilll(!9 known as the Frank Smith rrnet. nl~o n~ "~ho;nrthrnnre F.stah-s for til!! purpose of rClmhurslng the Borough for CO!'lt~ :mll f'Xpcn<;E'!'I attend :tut lIpon tltlul annexation :u1(1 thl' future adjustment of mdl!htf'(Incs..~ Incurr('d thf'reb3 APRIL 16, 1937 viewers to aS5C8S damages. Ir any, and ~ne­ nbJ apin.t any particular properb'. or all of !laid properties. and the awnrd so IfttJJI. InK, subject to an,. appeal therefrom, shall stond In lieu of the IlIIBeSlIrnent herein ptovided to be made. • \lq \ C UII]lO (thl S])<1IlIsh II1tcrpretatlOtl llf the 1.llIer tltlC) and performed \\Itlt \\;IS APRIL 16, 1937 ~--~~-===~~~~~~-~~~~~--~~--~~­ line sCPRratlnR the SECTION 2. Thc sold work shall be done should the necessity arbe, to petition for B They 1001< bet Nc10 hne ,\as SlbHmson, ~Iarclls Hook, arre:o;t~d Aprtl 3, fOI Illrkmg' on \\ rotl~ sl(le of Nurth Chc~tcr l~oad \\ Ith brlg-ht headhghts "as discharged \\Ith \\:tIllIng 1111s 'Vctim'sda\ the truck of Frank \\ Bake, Phlladdplll!1 ngglllg concern, ran off Norlh Chestcr Road ,Il Colle~e I \ \ el1l1e hreakmg the II1let The foltonm~ arlesb \\cre made 011 the same date -Frank J I acetolo, Clifton HClghb, :-;pcnhng' .11ld rcckle:-;s <1fl\ mg (to appear \pnl 19,) Charll:s II L) nch, Plul.ulcl]lllla, thn)ll~'l traITIl: \ wlallOn, 1 hen dllrc DIII~ Ie Pal k \ \ enue, S\\ arthmore recklc~s dn\ 1I1~ ,mel Samuel I ~fllll('n \Va:-;hlllgtoll D C (cunllllltted to cOllnt\ JaIl tor \ag-ranc) \t 1 46 P ~I the llrc COlllpam ans\Hred an alarm froll1 51-1 lale I\\Cnue caused 11\ a ruhlnsh fire 111 the hack \anl \t 5 P. ),1 the PoiJcc Departt11C'llt PI) mouth dn\U1 h) Cnptam fohn I\Ot!.HI, hit_ked mtll Ihe Fonl (It I~ Llle ... Il:r SIIlIHlr S\\ lrbllllor~ \\(lHll 111 tlnnt SF.( TION:I 1 he for('g'olnJ.!' sllcemi tax or a":;\"",,nH III l~ Ie, 1t.1 II1I~u IUt tn th(' prO\ 1"lOns of Sc< tl,m j or "ml Onlmnnec No 310 nilIJro\ul No\!.'lllhlr .!J"t l·U!). nnd b 1(\le.1 a>l tht! t lJ!:hth nf to n IImual iRstallmenb tu hl I'Olll'" tet! "ut of Ihe IIrnll('rt) In thl! sH,,1 trnl t for the IJlln"J"e nf rt Imhun;lIlJ.! till B Irnl1~h ,r S\\ lrthmorc for In) an,1 all mHtunl f"l n,l 10 I .111< to til I \\ lI> .lttendllnt u(lon "alii lInnex Ihun ami \Vhen l\laglstrate ChtTonI H.UllbC) the :uIJu:;trnl.'nt of uHI~hltdl1e~s Incurre,1 held conrt April 9, ]~obert 11 ~Iartlll tbcrl.'lIY. SECTION I. For the }ear HJ37 th('re shall he Ic\ Icd 8nll i1sse~sHI ,I,nlln;;t III Ilsse;!1ablc IlroJll'rty ,\ Ithm the tract flf I.nul hlrcm (',lIlcII the Klmm('1 Tr \( t mor.., Illrtu ullrl~ dl'Scrlbcll lurl.' IHcr III all,hhull tn thl! gl.'lurll BorollJ!:h 1.lx for ~urrcllt l XllelHhtur('s IIltert'St unll SlllkllH fund )ll}menb 1/H1 111 ullhtlOn to all flth('r t.IXfJ>; or l"~l" mcnt" 11\\ fully IIssl'~scd 1!.! II!lSt IJrOlll rt} \\ Itilln the K:III! lrll('t. nn fJll-!hth "I ell II t IX or ,IS~I:;SmC'nt at lh, ratc of t"o mills un I.' It h dollar ~lf U",...:;HCi! \,lluahun ror tbl IHlrl'o I.' hl.'l('lIluftl.'r "( t forth I Pulice Department \\a5 ordered to take BurJ.':ess John II Pitman reported upon spcCIaI measllres to appreheud and I,rosc· I 1Il\ estlJ,::ahon follu\\ tUg fingerprinting it ctHe the la\\ 'Iolators \\ ho are dUIl1)Jlltg I had been UISCO' ered 1\\0 I1Ight lodgers. (.lIb and trash at the south end of Rutgers 1 reccl\cd AprIl t, \\cre former prisoners A \ ellUL'. ne.lr the sehoul, slllce the e1llt1m-1 \\ ho had ~en cd sentenccs fOI a number ,ltUJIl of the i{utgers A\ eHue trash bill of chfferent uffcnccs, olle helllg a parole 1 he secret.lry \\.l~ IIJstnlctcd to protcst 1\ lulator 110\\. to the Xli lar Carrter~, Inc, agalllst :_=================== the ~I>eed of theIr trucks along Chester! l~u,1C1 especI.llh "hen Ctos:sltlg the \ale J "cnue trolle, track.. .\ letter from J Electrical Contractor GeorJ.':c J JUlIl'S or Suuth Chester l{oad, "rought to IIlllJd the d,lIl1.1~itl~ shock Telephone Swarthmore 58 thus cau<;('d to htt1ldll1gs III the seclifJll I III the last Polu.:e report rc,l(l In' Alben - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T E.,cn,oll ,t \\as shO\\11 Ca"lalll SUBURBAN PROPERTY I~o~erI had testified )'I.lrch 16 at the tflal Larchmont Square--coJ'oer house, of I humas 11mph) and Donald George- lot, 60x140; 5 rooms; hardwood Roors; .. on in \\'tlllllngtoll, Del 'J he furmeT \\as tile bath, shower; garage. Sacrifice. flHllld gmlt) of burglar) CIJl1IlIutted 111 $4,100, 6nanced. IJcI plan to attend the PllIlade1pllla Conference 011 EducatIon amI 11cntal IIcalth at the Hotel BCI1Jamm Frankhn, Pluladeiphia, 011 Frnlay 3ml Saturday, Apnl 23 and 24 DISCARDED CLOTHING I he purpose of tillS confercnce is to enable teachers, parents and other interested and Rummage Purchased_Also Used I,erson:s to hear natlol1all) known educaHouse Furnishinll's tors and psyelnatrlsts, and to learn how JAMES mental h) glelle concepts and practIces arc 141 W.EST 3rd STREET. CHESTER strengthl'11lJlg the mental health resources Telephone. Chester 2~2573 We Wtll Call of the school It IS hoped many parents of tins C0I11111l1tnt) \\ III respond KIMltlEL TAX. 1937 SOllle of the tOPICS lIIc1uded arc ,. \re \Ve TralJltl1~ Our Cillidren tor LIfc"", BOROUGH OF SWARTJ1I\!ORE "PartncrslulJ Beh\ cell Parcnt::; and ORDINANCE No. 395 Teachers III :Mental Health Ende~1\ or" , AN ORDINANCE lev'lIU.\' nn (lghth specml nnnuu.1 t,IX or U"Sls;;ment 1111 uTI n""I.'''!1nbll.' .. ~Ient.11 Health Problems of the Gifted Ilrollert) "Ithm II (crtum tract of IlInd un- Cll1ld", "Can \Ve Combmc ~Iental nCll:(.'d tu Ihe Borough of S\\urthmore b} \11115 III Edm:a'IrtlU! or Orlhulnct' Nt) 3111 llllJlro\ed No. Health and Cultural 1'~1",,(l1 eugge6 ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF MAIN LINE ORCHESTRA the It Protects Individual and Commercial Interests MORE than anything else-more, even than the assistance it gives in building an estate-a bank protects . Whether it be a dollar deposited in a new savings account, an estate entrusted to its care, or priceless keepsakes and important documents placed for safekeeping in its vaults, a bank protects. "Know Your Bank Better" THE SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BMK and TRUST CO. "Serving Swarthmore Since 1904" Enjoy the most popular pleasure vessels afloat ••• the brilliant "Monarch" and "Queen" • • • plus the golf, beach life and hotel gayety of America's favorite mid-ocean resort! LOW ALL.EXPENSE RATES 7 DAYS, $86up 13 DAYS, $128 up 9 DAYS, $100 up 16 DAYS, $149 up or sil1111ar trtps 0/ t tiT) rug ,/uratlOlI mclm/mg PRIVATE RAT!l aboard slup flIu/ accommm/flllOlIS at n lem/rug Rer",mla laotel. ROIUld trIp, $65 lip (S60 cUer/1l e A1(n 15). /lOOK EAnLY lor c1,oice uccommodal lOll s. FrCflllClit Sm/mgs from New York CONSULT YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT or FlIrness Rernuuia l~me, 34 If IUlelwll Sireel. or 63J FIlth AI emil', New lTork. 1~1[J1f1Nl~ S S LEADS THE WAY FOR VACATION CRUISES • • PUlTO-CLOSE JR. SEASON NEXT WEEK Great books and great plays have achieved lasting fame and universal appeal when tbey have been written around some character that is real. The basic human emotions of life, told in an honest, straightforward marmer ; humor that "Tom Sawyer" Will Bnn. Be- contains a bit of philosophy; drama that tugs at the heart-strings; all these go toloved Character of Mark ward making a successful play or book. Twain to Club Mark Twain was a native of Hannibal, Few writers have held the warm spot Missouri. He wrote of the people who in the affections of the American reading live along the banks of the Mississippi, public that was created by the beloved and he knew their joys, sorrows, hopes Mark Twain. None of his characters and dreams. Today one can climb to the ever achieved the wide-spread popularity top of any hill around Hannibal and see of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, Jackson Island, where Tom, Huck and over whom readers have laughed and Joe Harper stayed for days, playing cried for many years. "pirate." The "Becky Thatchertl of t~e The Junior Committee of the Players book also lived in Hannibal, and so dId Club of Swarthmore has selected the play lovable Aunt Polly. These were all real version of "Tom Sawyer" which pre- people and they make a real story. serves the same warmth of feeling that Barbara Dolman is responsible for Mark Twain created in his book. In this the stage sets for this play. Costumes version both favorite characters, Tom are being planned by Martha Keighton. Sawyer and Huckleberry ~inn, appea~. The cast committee has been composed of One of the funniest scenes IR the play 1S the director, Elizabeth May Roberts; Mrs. in the second act. Tom has persuaded Roy Delaplaine, Mrs. Dorothy MacMil· Huck and Joe Harper to run away with Ian and Mrs. C. W. McDowell. Mrs. him to Jackson Island to play pirate. Oarence G. Myers is in charge of propThe towns~people search for them, even erties for the play. dragging the river, and give them up for An afternoon performance will be given dead. Weary, hungry. and homesick, the three youths return just in time for their on Saturday, April 24, for children at the own funeral services I There are lots of Players Oub. An evening performance thrills when Huck ami Tom become the win be given for every age, for the town heroes. Audiences are apt to laugh laughs and tears that enrich Qur human understanding. until they cry over these scenes. GENERAL TAX, 1937 Local Interest in Peace Rally BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORB Fifty Swarthmore College students as Ordlnanee No. 313 well as many from the local High School AN ORD]NANCE fixing the rate of taxation and numerous residents of the Borough flw the year 1937 for borough purposes. for th~ payment of interest on the debt ~f the are expected to attend the huge mass btTough. -and for payments Into the smklng meeting which will be held in Convenfund 81 required by law. tion Halt, Philadelphia. next Thursday, DE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Borough of Swarthmo"". and it ~ hereby April 22, under the auspices of the Em· enacted and oraaiDed by the authonty of the ergency Peace Campaign. 6.8.me: Admiral Richard E. Byrd, honorary SECT]QN I. For general borough purposes chairman of the No-Foreign-War Crusthere shall be levied against all BS$es!able property within the borough. n tax at the ade which was launched on Apnl 6 by rate of eight mills on each dollar of the assessed valuation of all such assessable prop... this nation-wide movement to keep the United States out of war; Dr. Albert E. erly. j and SECTION 2. For the payment of Interest Day, eminent Baltimored minister I I on the oJebt of the borough. and for payments Vito Marcantonio, former c egate-at- arge mto the sinking fund. as required by law. there from New York to the 74th Congress, Bhall be levied agalDst all assessable property . k withm the borough. a tax at the rate of two will be the spea ers. and one.Quarte~ mills on each dollar of such This peace rally will be Admiral 8S82SSed valuation. 1Byrdts only public speaking appearance Pused thlS 7th day of April. A. D. 1937 for the Emergency Peace Campaign outHARRY .L. MILLER. SIde of his broadcast on April 6' when President 01 Council. with AIrs. Eleanor Roosevelt and Dr. Attest: ELLIOTT RICHARDSON. Harry Emerson Fosdick• he helped Borough Secretary. launch the Crusade. Approved this 13th day of April, A. D. 1987. T k b ed tl I '[',SS IC ets may e secur lroug 1 .Ll' JOHN H. PITMAN. Burgess. 01'Ive CI eaves. 0 f 0 g den A venue 1 GIANT TIGER Specials for No.2 Con & Del Monte Grapefruit Del Monte 1·lb. Can Coffee No.2 Can Del Monte Early Carden Asparagus All Quart Jar Tomato or Vegetable Sonp 43e Largest Cans 17e· Package 2%c 2 Chocolate Pudding Celatine Desserts ._- All Package 2Yzc No.2 Can Flavors lSc Fancy Blackberries 15·oz Sunmaid Seedless Raisin. Pkg Lb. Pkg Cal. Black Mission Figs Cal. Prnnes -_. Large Size, 50-60's 2 Lb •. 6e 10e He 3 Lb •. Green Split Peas 10e 2M Cans 2 No. 2Sc Sliced Pineapple 12·Lb. Bag Ceresota Flour S3e Lb. Cello. Pkg. Noodles --- All Varieties 2 Larsen's Veg-AII UCO 17e 3 Cans 20e Varieties Hellman's Real Mayonnaise UCO UCO UCO UCO 1& Tan Can Libby's Red Alaska Salmon Libby'. Baby Food. -- 23e Sardines in Tomato Sauce Reg. Size Cans 2 Oval Cans 17e 13c Sc No.2 Can Fancy Cut Beets (New York State) --'- Dill Tomatoes Quart ja, Sandwich Pickles 16·oz ja, Del Monte Grapefruit Juice ODe Cereal Bowl Free With Wbeaties Eac:h Purchue of Two Pac:k&..u Woodbury'. Facial Soap Pkg8. Ba< Opell 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. MOllclay, Tuesday ...d Thunday 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. WedDesday--ONLY 9 A. M. to lOP. M. Friday ...... SatUrday P1...ty of Free Parldlljf Space "You Can Bay It For Less at the Giant lOc lOe No.2 Can 7e 2 Tiger" THE COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF thl'OU&'h private Pl'OPf'rtY. Ute Borooah _baU likewise aeQutre • richt .of WIo7 or easement OaDAIN. of free m.reu and .reu to and from. . . . ., SECTION I. TIM! proper offlee" are hereb,. authorbed to aoceilt delJve17 of ODe or more Instrument. of conveyanee from the Swarthmore National Bank lind Tru.t Compan,. and/or from Ed.ard Morris Bauett. executor and truatee UDder the last will and tel!Ju.... ment ot Frederick M. Simoftll, _ea-ed. and/or the heir. and beneftclarletf of ..Id _tate. and to Join In any .'If'b Instrument. and to execute such other deedll, eonveYanees, &IIII'-n· mente and other Imtrument., approved by the Borough Solicitor... ma,. be required to vest tiUe In tbe Borough of Swarthmore of: for _nlelnl', repalrina'. 01' same. at all time. hel'e&ftef rec:oIUltnlctiq tou~ver. SECTION t. In lieu of .....1... a alncle axed cbarp ....IWlt the varlo_ properties appurtenant to or mine the ad4 Simoni aew~ lI::v.lem, to repay the total eoat to the Borouab of the ..id S)'lltem and the impt'<'ovement. thereto. the Borouah, at ita option, may im_ pose .n annual rental or charge .. heretofore made and f!harpd by the Simona FAtale, or as Borouah Council may hereafter by orell. nanee prescribe, untn said aDDual rentals .hall ~te the fuU amouot of the Borouah'. costa incurred in 8Cqulrinl' .ald IIJ'8tem. to. ALL THAT CERTAIN prl••te sewer gether witb Intere.t thereon to dale of repa,.. sYlltem laid and eoDlltruc:ted b:r the above ment. Council reserves tbe rlabt to utillle named Grantor, SITUATE In the Southeither method of collection above enumerated. westerly eection of the Borough of either Immediately following completion .. Swarthmore. County of Delaware and aforesaid. or at any later time; and to utilize State ot Penmylvanla. through private one method In collecting from one or more property and along and under the 8treeta of the ..Id owners and the other method In and highwaYII. both private and public. collecting froOl othe", of the sala owner.. of the Borough of Swarthmore. County sbould they deem it advlaable 110 to do, fol_ and Stllte aforesaid. and entering and The United Campaign is well underway lowing old acquisition and completion of the discharging Into Cn:m Creek at a point improvement in Question. Alwan provided in this district. The Saturday afternoon to the South of the bridge leading from however. that no property owner shall be Weaterly termlbU6 of Yale Avenue in the preceding the opening date, April 5, 8Bllessed or c:harged more than his propOr_ said Borough to the Eaaterly terminus of tionate share of the total cost 110 Incurred ~ scouts of Troop 3, Swarthmore, delivered the Avondale Road in the Towmhlp of the Boroqh. Unlen otherwise Indicated ~ Providence, County and State Nether several hundred United Campaign circulIubseQuent Counellmanle action. the method aforesaid, TOGETHER with an and singof collecting prescribed in Sections 5, 6 and 1 lars to nearly every house in Wallingford, ular the manholea. Y-branchea, trunk above IIhall be followed. Nothing herein conlines and laterals as well 811 easementll Moylan and Rose Valley. The boys who tained IIhall limit the BoroUgh'1I ril'bta under and rights of way, Improvementa. ways. general statutes to ImpOH upon the owner. performed this service were Richard streets. allen. Pllll8aCeII. waters. wateraboVe referred to. In common with owners courses, rights. liberties. privileges. heredKeppler. James Jennings. Sam Mitchell throughout the Borough, an Independent genitaments and appurtenances whatsoever eral sewc!' tax rental at such futUre time aa and Ford Wiggi.,s, all of the Eagle thereto beloDglng, or In any wise apperCouncil may determine. taining. patrol. These scouts claim that they each SECT]ON 10. Any notice herein required walked five miles-four and a half miles Togdber with all the right. title and to be given of such assessment or of other interest ot the several parties above menprovisions of tbia ordinance may be served being up hill. Scout Keppler reported tioned In and to said &eWer s)'8tem. inupon the owner or owners personally. or upoQ more dogs per square inch in Wallingcluding the right to collcet an annual their representatives or agents. or may be rental for the use thereof from the owners sent by re&'iatered mail to the bat known ford and Rose Valley than in any other thereunto belonging. or in any wise apaddress of any such OWlIer, or IIl87 be given town in Pennsylvania. Scout Mitchell pertaining. by poaU... the premises in Question. bagged the biggest one which he describes SBCTlON 11. Any property owner or other SBC'1'ION Z. The proper oft'ieen are hereby as "a great Dane, four and one-half feet authOl'bed to pay to the SwartbmOJ'e National penon feeling aggrieved b,. the provisloDII of Bank and Trust Company. to wliom the Aid this ordinance. or any &etion taken pursuant higb, no £oolin'I" sewer sn.tem and all rights therein have thereto. shall have t.he right Qf an appeal to However. it was a real joy to the Jads heretofore heeD conveyed, the sum or $1.760.00 Borough Council, and a public hearing thereon. in fuJI and final payment for said sewer Council hereby reserves the right to amend to be able to aid in this way. the annual system. any original asllessments made hereunder in order to correct any inequitable UIIetJI!lment, campaign for funds which are used as it ahall be demonstrated that the asaesa3. The Borough Engineer. under where made illustrated by photographs of a local theSECTION by the Engineer, &B aforesaid. SUpervISion of tbe Sewer Commtttee. is ment would work a hardship because of the shape physician and Borough Hall welfare hereby authorized to make an appropriate In- ot the property in Question, or the fnaccessi. IIPection of tbe said sewer sys.tem and to cause bUity workers on view in the former Martel appropriate of the portion of the sewer In question repairs or alterations to be made. or because the property fa already serviced store on South Chester Road, and also by If needed. to Insure the proper functioning b:y another suitable sewer or because of an,. thereof. don displays in the window of the Celia other faclual situation which ma,. subllequentl, wbich would make it just that SECTION .t. The proper Borough oitlcen be ascertained building on Park Avenue. relief be afforded. In all such caaea are hereby authori&ed to enter Into such con- such Some dozen or so captains, each with tracte and to take such action as may be Council reserves the right to reapportion the costs to and among all properties benerequildte to cause the outlet of the said sewer total a team of about ten solicitors, are now system fited. or to assume any sbortage of asSe&8mentll to be carried across Crum Creek and so resulting and pay same out of general Dorengaged in covering this Borough under connected mto the existing outfall sewer re- augh lunds. cently constructed under the supervision of the chairmanship again this year of Ell- the Central Deill-ware Caunty Sewer Authority. SECTION lZ. At any time hereafter that wood B. Chapman, of Harvard Avenue. may be permitted by law. the Borough shan SECTION 5. Upon completion of the acMrs. A. F. Jackson, president of the quisition of the aaid sewer system and com- have the option of petitioning for the appoint_ ment of viewers. as provided in the said Gen. Community Health SocietYt is in charge pletion of any necessary alterations and re- eral Borough Act Dr other lltatute applicable pairs and the work of connecting' same Into of the entire district. A resident of Park the aforesaid outfall sewer on the westerly thereto, to assess the benefits. and/or damages. if any. to any or all of the properties Avenue, Mrs. Jackson is a well known lIide of Crum Creek. the Borough Emnneer. serviced by said sewer system or allected by under the supervIsion of the Sewer CommitBorough's acquisition of the same. Such leader in welfare circles. tee shall compute the total cost to the Bor- the by viewers. if and when made. for acquiring. repairing. and connectimt aast!88ment Each member of a team has a certain ough to that extent. and 8ubJect to any apsaid sewer system. and shaH DaIIesa the total shall, peal therefrom, supersede and be in. heu of number of neighbors and others he or she cost thereof. Including fees of officers, upon the assessment of the lot or lota In question among the various owners abutting and must contact for the annual contribution. thereon or using any portion of said Bystem. by the Borough Engineer as above provided. such event the Borough. at Its option. may Funds collected by the United Campaign as authorized by the General Dorough Act of ]n pay any deficiency so resulting. or tnay reMay 4, 1927. P. L. 519. and its amendment.", are returned for relief in this section and supplements. each owner being asseslled a S88ea3 and distribute the deficiency so nsultIng upon and among remaining properties through the Community Health SOCIety, fixed sum, representing an eqUitable apportion- serviced by Bald sewer System. ment of said total coat among the several Borough Hall. Usually the amount re- properties served by said sewer system. SECTION 13. Following ac:qulsltion and turned exceeds the total turned in from conneeUon of the above-described. sewer SYII. SECTION 6. The proper officers shall exethis district. So, remelflber this and do cute a warrant to the Dorough Secretary. au- tem, ft shsll form an integral part of the Dorough's general sanitary sewer system. and not stint an unfortunat(! neighbor when thorizing the col1eetion of such assessment or shall thereafter be operated and maintained fixed sum and/or of the annual rental or you tum in your 1937 pledge. charge hereinafter mentioned. Such otricer as 8uch. Rhall ha\e the authority now vested by law This ordinance IIhan not apply to any priv. for the C(lllecbon of Borough taxes. ate sewers not owned by the above named SECTlON 7. Such fixed aum shall be a grantors. but by approprl8le action hereafter Girls' LaCrosse Schedule lien on the property charged with payment Council reserves the rtght to apply any or all thereof from the date of completion of the of the provisions of this ordinance to any such The week of March 22 saw approxi- acquisition. repair. and connection herein au- privately constructed aewer or part thereof. . . f I tborized. which date ahall be fixed by the Bormately sixty glrJs under the leadership 0 ough Emzlheer. and when so BS$essed. it not SECTION U. Should any section or provisIOn or this ordinance be declared by a court Captam Barbara Bagby prancing around paid Within thirty days of notice to ~he of competent Jurisdiction to be invalid. such . . h' respective property owners given as herem- decision shaH not alleet the validity of the on the high school gym floor trymg t elr after provided. may be colleeted. together as a whole or of any other part hand at the old Indian game of lacrosse. with Interest at 60/0 .from the date ao fixed ordinance by the Borough Er.gmeer. by an action of thereof. The approaching season appears very 888umpsit in the name of the Borough against SECTION 15. AU ordmances or parts of 'the owner of the property charged. or by pronusing since only two 0 f Iast year s distress of personal property on the premises. ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby team have graduated. leaving ten vet- or by licn flied in the nature of a municipal repealed. . . . . t f lien to be prepared by the Dorough Solicitor. SECTION 16. The Borough Secretary sha1l crans. '36ts remammg varsity conslS s 0 Such hen shaH not he filed until the expira~ this ordinance to be published twice in Mary Bonsall, goal; Barbara Bagby. 3d tion of five months after said completion. so cause "The Swarthmorean.·· and slip copies thereof ' , Betty Cresson, left defense wing', f!ertified by the Borough Eng!neer. but shan man to be prepared for distribution to Dny citizen melude interest at 6% from the date of com- or property owner interested therein. Harriet Wickham, left attack wing; pleUon. Nancy Powell, right attack wing j Ella Mae Beagle, center; SylvJa Swann and EI,'ot Jeffords, 3d home', Betty Douglas, 2d home j Shirley Shaw, lst home. Miss Shaw is also manager. Miss Virginia Allen has arranged the fi fullowjng sched u Ie f or t h erst two teams: April IS-Germantown Friends, away. SECTION 8. Private laterals or branches Passed this 7th day of AprU, A. D. 1937. connecting private reSidences or other build· HARRY L. MILLER. lOgs into said sewer system shall remain the President of Council. the private property of the owners of such residences or other buildings, and ground Attest: ELLIOTI' R]CHARDSON. appurtenant thereto. but all hranches of sBid sewer system belonging to the grantors above Borough Secretary. mentioned. necessary to reach and serve any property now or hereafter to be connected Approved this 18th day of April. A. D. 1937 therewith shall become public sewers In ac. cordance 'with the terms of this ordinance; JOHN H. P]TMAN, .. April 20-Friends Central, home.home. 1.;n~d::~W~b~.~re::~.~u'~b::~b~"'~n~'~h~::~p~... ::::a~lO~n~g:::.:':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::B~U:"':::;",' April 30-Germantown Friends, )'fay 6-Friends Central, home. May 8-A 11 Private Sthool Team, CHESTER'S FASHION CORNER away. May ll-Agnes Irwill (3rd and 4ths teams), home. May 14-Agnes Irwlll, away. A game with Westtown t the date of which is still uncertain, is scheduled. Since Westtown is a newcomer to the game, the Garnet girls will play with it Edgmont Avenue, Seventh and Welsh Streets, Chester instead of against it, and try to help the othcrs as much as possible in both tachcs and stickwork. NOW IN PROGRESS .10c 19c 6c SWAI~THM[mE ISWARTHIIIORE DOES • Baltimore Pike at East Lansdowne Week of April 15 to April 21, Inclusive 'APR 231937 APRIL 16, 1937 THE SWARTHMOREAN BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE ORD]NANCE No. 391 AN ORDINANCE providbm tor the acquiSItion by the Borough of Swarthmore of a certam private sewer system beretofore constructed. acquired. and owned by Frederick M. Simons. smee deceased. SItuate 10 th~ southwest sectIOn of th~ Borough of Swarthmore. and now dlschal'snng tnto Crum Creek: pl"ovld1nJ! for payment or the cost of acqulrmg saId se\\ cr. authol"l7.mg the proper Borough officers to execute al1 necessary deeds. as~ sIgtlments. conveyances and other instru_ ments m connection therewtth; proVldmg for any necessary repairs and alterations thereto and the cost of caryying saId sewer outlet across Crum Creek to connect Into aD outfall sewer recently constructed by thc Central Delaware County Sewer Autbor~ ity. and providing lor the assessment and collection of the total cost to the Borough of Swarthmore for acquiring, repairing, and connecting said sewer system as aforesaid. from the owners of properly using said sewer system and/or benefited. thereby. In a fixed sum, apportioned equitably among the several properties served by Aid sewer system; reserving the ngbt of the Borough, at Its option. to collect an annual sewer rental from the users of said aewer system; and reuealing all ordinances inconsistent herrritb. ANNIVERSi\RY I SALE HUNDREDS OF COMPELLING BARGAINS THRUOUT THE STORE VOL IX, No. 17 SWARTHMORE, PA., COUNCIL PONDERS BOROUGH PROBLEMS LOCAL ART STUDENTS OFF MANY PRIZES CARRY $12 Starts APRIL 23, 1937 BasebaH DoUar Club $2.50 PER YEAR ANNUAL BOROUGH DINNER AND 'FUN NIGHT' NEXT THURSDAY IN METHODIST SOCIAL HALL Four public spirited Citizens have Honor IS heaped upon Gertrude E. started this year's Baseball Dollar Club, Schobinger, student in the art class of the Wallace M. McCurdy, Walter Stupka, Swarthmore High School, and upon Mrs. R. G. Witman and Mrs. Charles anything is accepted on "Swarthmore Miss Claudia A. Hancock, art superv.isor. Parker. The first total to report there~ Seven Members Unbelievably t Six Hundred Residents Expected Njght," so if you suddenly feel your face Not only was a painting in frescol (a foret js $12.00. That's almost a tenth of Conscientious in Decisions Gov. at 1937 Celebration of gettins- red you'll excuse it, feel flattered new dry color applied with a felt tipped the $150.00 needed to carry the Swartheming Welfare of Citizenry Swarthmore Nite brush) by this student accepted for the more Hornets through the season which that you are sufficiently a public personexhibition, Young America Paints. re- they open on May 11th. Your contribuage to merit such notice. and that in so Councilmen, policemen, firemen, clergySwarthmore Borough Councilmen will cently shown in the art gallery of Rockebeing you are able to provide some of men (and their ladies) bank officials. continue to rack their brains during the feller Center, New York, but also it was tion may be left at The Swarthmorean that sparkling sunshine that is laughter. office or given to E. L. Noyes or Porter shopkeepers, local celebrities and several for your fellowmen. next two weeks over two matters of out- chosen to be in a traveling exhibition of Waite. residents of renown will mingle with standing lmportance : What is to be done one hundred of these pictures to go on E. M. Buchner, chairman for the numerous less famous Swarthmore citizens, new and old, in the social hall of sponsoring organization, the Swarthmore this year on the sidewalk program, and tour. This exhibition was shown April 14-17 at the annual convention of the the Methodist Church, Park Avenue, at Business Association, is being assisted by whether a Board of Adjustment is to be Western Arts Association in Toledo, the following members in charge of vari6.30 Thursday evening, April 29. named to operate under the zoning or- Ohio. Elrie S. Sproat, One of the distinctions which character- ous arrangements: dinance. Miss Schobinger, fifteen-year-old daughizes this Borough is the y~arly com- financc; Edward L. Noyes, hall; Alfred At Wednesday evening's session T. E. ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Schobinger, mumty get-together when a fine repast P. Smalley, show; John E. Michael, door; Hessenbruch, chairman of the highway of Swarthmore Avenue, also received and good humor add an ever growing N. Walter Suplee. prizes; Titus J. Ewig, committee, presented a tentative four honorable mention for a portrait sketch Rev. David Braun, Thirty-two popularity to the event known as "Swarth- publicity. year program for the construction of entered in the second annual Ledger Years Old, to Lead Presbyterian more Night," an evening's entertainment Roland L. Eaton, School Board Treassidewalks throughout the Borough giving Youth Exposition of Art and Handicraft eagerly anticipated and ~e which you urer, will be toastmaster. Congregation prlority according to the degree of hazard being held April 1.6 to 30, inclusive, in greet your own neighbor and everyone Many of the SIX hundred available caused by lack of sidewalks in particular the Ledger Building, Philadelphia. The Rev. David Braun will arrive in else's in a general spirit of friendliness tickets have already been sold so .if you Marion Kirk, age fourteen, daughter Swarthmore April 28 with his wife and and mirth. areas. A group of three women members don't want to be left out (and you don't) of the League of Women Voters Study of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kirk, of Lafay- two-year-old son, Peter David, to take Noone ever really knows the program. hurry to your nearest local merchant for Group on Local Government, appeared ette Avenue, entered a character study over the pastorate of the Swarthmore You may think you have inside informayour reservations. All Swarthmore conendorsing a sidewalk on at least one side of a young :Mexican girl in Young Presbyter.ian Church left vacant last tion on who is to take a panning in some cerns have secured a supply of tickets of Swarthmore Avenue where the menace America Paints. She, too. exhibited a June by Dr. John Ellery Tuttle's retire- particular skIt-but it .is impossible to for the convenience of their patrons. to pedestrians is great, and concern for portrait sketch in the Ledger show and ment after twenty years of service. Mr. avoid surprises, at the last minute you When the six hundred mark is reached school children makes the situation al- received third prize. Braun will begin his Swarthmore minis- may behold yourself "on the spot." How- no more tJckets will be sold. most drastic. As this is one of the first Frederick M. Simons, fourteen, ex- tryon May and will preach his first ser- ever. educationed in the spontaneous fun The combined wits of the Players Cub. places considered for paving the highway hibited a frescol cartoon of summer ball, mon as pastor on that day. The installa- of these events even the most sensitive Fire Company, Woman's Club. American committee was instructed to have the done with animals, in the New York tion services are planned for Thursday of the local susceptibles has become ac~egion and Business Association will comBorough engineer prepare a sketch of the show, and a political cartoon, again uSIng evening, May 13, at 8 o'clock. customed to "taking it and liking it" for pose this year's program. thoroughfare indicating present property animals as a medium, in the Ledger show. On April 26 the Brauns wm leave lines and the posit;ons of large trees in- He is the son of Mrs. Dorothy L. Simons, Syracuse, N. Y., where Mr. Braun has Interesting Business Asso. Meet terferring with layoing of sidewalks so of Park Avenue. He carried off the sec- served as pastor to Presbyterian students that a plan can be made for the acquisi- ond pnze cartoon ribbon of the Ledger. at Syracuse University and Director of Final plalls for the details of SwarthThe Ledger first prize ribbon in Junior Religious Education in Park Central more nite were arranged at the regular tion of sufficient additional land to provJde pavements. The committee is also to Awards for art metal work and wrought Church since September, 1931. Durlng monthly dinner meeting of the Swarthpresent at the next meeting a further re- iron went to Swarthmore Junior High this time he has also served as a mem- more Business Association which was port indicating exactly what can be laid School. Joe Koch won second prize for ber of the Hendricks Chapel staff at the held Wednesday night at the Strath Mark Twain's Popular Character during the current year. art metal work and William Piper, honor- University. Haven Inn. The heads of the Swarthto Close Junior Players' A lengthy discussion for and against able m~ntion. Mr. Braun was more N lte comrr.ittees reported that all Season the estabhshment of a Board of AdjustFor Boy's Handicraft (Junior Class) called as pastor was ready for the "biggcst and best" ever ment was held and the body is to be the local Junior High won third prize, to the Swarthto be given .in Swarthmore. TJckets are Tomorrow afternoon and evening lfark prepared to discuss and possibly take $5 for class use. The prize was taken more Church at seHing rapidly and it is possible that some Twain's beloved characters, Tom Sawyer action on the -.sl1hier.t :tt the. first May mostly by the pewter work and wOOrl a meetinlt held by last minute buyers may have to be turned and H"cI·] ...l;.~ ..;:: 'P'!"",,", ••"1 .... ,I.;:n •• i;1 away. meeting. carving in the collective display. the local congrejuniors and semors at the Players Club J Paul Brown's motion to apply to the Irvana Passmore, of Glcn Mills, won gation on ~rarch After a talk 011 the probability of better of Swarthmore. Favorite passages and Sanitary Water Board for permission to third ribbon for an illustration in the 23, as its choice baseball games whh stronger teams thiS scenes in this well known classic are connect the Simons and Crumwald Ave- Ledger show, and Emily Jane Noll got of the available year, the association voted to contribute numerous. POSSibly the incident of Tom's twenty-fi\'e dollars to the baseball food nue sewers into the Crum Valley Sewer third prize jn the junior section. drcss- visiting ministers having to stay at home and whitewash the which has supof the Central Delaware County Sewer making. to help defray cxpenses. All holiday fence on a Saturday afternoon, when he games will be at home. Frances Noyes and Estelle Chapman, plied the pulpit A uthority was passed. wants to be with his "gang" is one of New members voted into the SwarthRev. David Braun A letter from John W. Simons offer- Walter Goodwin anc Richard Soderberg here SIllCC last most amusing. the more Business association at Wednesday's ing to sell his sewer on Westdale Ave- are other local students who entered 11- Children's Day. 1Is director, Elizabeth May Roberts has At a meeting of the Chester Presbymeetmg were Joseph Reynolds, Charles nue to the Borough at 36c a foot was con- lust rations in the current exposition securcd the following local actors to proWayne Mosteller. Kimmel and side red and Sohcitor Clarence G. Myers which includes Pennsylvama, Delaware. tery in the Clifton Prcsbyterian Church, duce "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer": Clifton Heights. 011 Apnl 13, Mr. Braun At the close of the meeting Titus Ewig instructed to draw up an ordinance pro- Maryland and New Jersey and the keen Huckleberry Finn, Jefferery Kirk; Tom showed a short movie in c010r of the vidmg for its purchase at the same rate competition therein adds even more to was received and the call successfully Sawycr, Thomas Marshall; Sid Sawyer, Easter Egg hunt. The last children's as that paid for the Simons Sewer just the glory of the young Swarthmore prosec.uted. Mrs. J. E. Ramsey, repEdward Alston; Ben Rogers. Thomas pictures had bcen taken by ).{. Parker. hought-35 239 cents per foot·, and also artists' accomplishments rescntmg the women of the Swarthmore Jackson j Joe Harpcr, Bob Longwell; The Easter Egg hunt was sponsored by " . I Church. spoke regarding the quatificaif after consultation with Albert N. GarThe Swarthmorean in cooperation with Jim, Donald Darlingtoll; Sheriff, Grant rett and his sister, Suzanna G. Sellers, tions of the prospective pastor, the high the Business association. Windsor; Johnnie Miller, Dicky Hoot; hopcs the congregation has placcd 10 him they are willing to accept the same price Aunt Polly, Jessica Folsom; Mary, for the sewer held by them on Strath and pledged the support of the women of Haven Avenue, to provide likewise for it. the Church. Mothers to Plan Next Dancing Elizabeth Pope; Mrs. Harper. Martha Keighton; Susy Harper. Marion Kirk; The new minister is particularly sucClass Season Wednesday Other letters were received from cessful with his work among the young Widow Douglas, Dorothy S. Richardson; Mrs. Thomas Jackson, of Park Ave- Gracie MIller, Charleen Birkett; Amy Claude C. Smith, Baltimore Pike, regard- Carl Van Doren, Noted Writer people. ing Mrs. Louis Cole Emmons request and Literature Student, and Born January 27t 1905. in Hendcrson. nue,.is chairman of the committee for the Lawrence, :Mary Yates Gilcreest; Becky that she be allowed to rent her office Prof Edgar Allen of Yale Neb, of Dutch Mennonite parentagc and nomination of members of the group Thatcher, Mary Garrett; Sally Rogers. property, at Riverview Road and the I, . Scheduled 'ancestry. He graduated from Henderson which will arrange next ycar's meetings Dorothy Dana; 1\famlc Austin. Marian Pike, as a tea room. the Nu Car CarHigh School, 1923; York College, of the Swarthmore Dancing Classes. The Troxell riers, Inc. stating upon the Borough's "How and Why Writers Write" will Nebraska, 1927, and Yale University, annual meeting of mothers to plan for Advance seat sales are the largest of complaint they would try to send as many be the subject of a talk by Carl Van 1930-B.D. degree. next season will be held at 8 o'clock next the Junior Play sefles for the season. of their trucks as possible over some Doren, Thursday evening, April 29, at He served one year as Director of Wednesday eveningt April 28. in the Younger children are requested to be other route than the Chester Road one; 8.1S in the Friends Meeting House under Religious Activities at Lehigh University, \Voman's Club. A large attendance prescnt early for front seats at the afterand Albert R. Granger commending the the sponsorship of Somerville Forum. Bethiehem t Pa, and has also been visit- especially of those whose children wdi noon performance. Older members of the courtesy of local police officers. Swarthmore College. ing preacher and lecturer at Colgate be In the 1937-38 classes, is urged. Junior Plays may use afternoon tickets The request of H. C. Armstrong. Mr. Van Doren is well known in the versity; Syracuse University; Wells ColThe chaperons at last Saturday's meet- in the evening. Due to the request of builder, for a permit to convert the Gerner literary field as associate professor .in lege. Aurora, N. Y.; Elmira College, ing of the Introductory and Advanced small children. mothers are asked to sit rcsidence, at 210 Dartmouth Avenue, into English at Columbia, and author of uThe Elmira, N. Y., and Auburn Seminary. Classes and the Senior Assembly were in the rear. a two family dwelling was refused as the American Novel,'· and has becn, within Auburn. N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Allison, Mr. and Evening Performance a Benefit undertaking is in violation of the zoning the Jast decade. literary editor of uThe For five years he was a member of the Mrs. Louis]. Servais, Mr. and Mrs. Paul ordinance. Nation," "Century Magazine," and the faculty of Presbyterian Summer Con- F. Gemmill, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cleaves The Advisory Committee on Parent George Gillespie and Company having Literary GuIld. ferences for young people at Wells Col- Mrs. D. A. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Wal~ Co.operation in the Public Schools is applIed for permit to enclose the front The Cooper Foundation and the depart- legct Aurora, N. Y., and has been active ter Scott and Mrs. Gertrude McClure. sponsoring the evening performance as a porch and roof over and screen a second mcnt of zoology, of the Coneget will pre- in interdenominational young peoplets benefit to help raise funds for its next floor rear deck at 120 Park Avenue, oper- sent Professor Edgar Allen. of Yale Uni- work and organizations in Syracuse and Local p'ost to Meet in Ridley Park year's program and has taken about a ated by Mrs. Charles Kurtzhalz as a tea versity, School of Medicine, in the vicinity through commlttecs of the Syrahundred tickets. Other tickets are in the room t it was held necessary since the Frlends' Meeting House at 8 o'clock next cuse Council of Churches. The Apnl meeting of the Harold Ains- hands of mothers who are chairmen of He is chairman of the Committee on w?rth Post No. 427, American Legion, Grade Groups in the schools. building is in the residential district that Friday evening. April 30. The subject, the consent of adjoining property owners "Early Stages in Reproduction and their Social Education and Action of the Will be held at the headquarters of the The members of the Advisory Commitbe secured before a permit could be Control by Hormones," will be illustrated Syracuse Presbytery. Ridley Park Post on Tuesday evening, tee are: Mrs. Philip M. Alden, Mrs. iSSUed. by slides and mov.ing pictures. On June 28t 1930 he married Eleanor April 27. This will be a tri-post meet- Theodore W. Crossen, Jt.frs. Roy 'V. DelProfessor Allen is head of the depart-I H. Barker, of New Haven, Conn. ing Council saw no reason why the public aplame, Mrs. Pemberton M. Dickson, :Mr Braun serve.d as vicc-chalrman of I .Thc May meeting wilt be held on the Mrs. Hugh Denworth, )'frs. Robert K. safety commlttce should not grant per-I ment of anatomy at Yale. For many miSSiOn to \Valker Penfield to install a )ears he has studied the function of the I the General COllumttce on .\rrangements tiurd 1fonday evenmg of the month, as Enders, Mrs. Horace H. Hopkins, :Mrs. small outdoor swimming pool for private I mternal secretions in respect to the pro- i for the 1~8th General Assembly of tl!e i usual, 111 the L~gion Room in Bor~ugh James H. Hornaday, Mrs. Howard Kirk, Use on his property. at 430 Riverview cess of reproduction in mammals. Be-I Presbyterian Church, U. S. A. m Hall. The elecb0!l of ne\v officers wdl be Airs. Thomas H. Lueders, Mrs. David Road. sides numerous papers contributed to tillS I S) racuset N. Y. held at that meetmg and plans made for McCahan, Mrs Irwin R. McElwee, Mrs. t t d th F' field he has recently served as the editor • participation under the direction of J. Frank R. MoreYt Miss Margaret Price, J acob F 11 ht . , esc er s a e eire . • • Baseball Paul Brown in th 'ty M •I Company had purchased a new fire truck I for a volume summarJzmg our present Plays Trinity V arslly . e communi emona Mrs. Vernon M. Parry, Mrs. J. B. Pope, which is expected to arrive Within sixty I ~nowledge ~f sex and th.e internal. secre. Day Services. Mrs. Robert E. Spiller, Mrs. Willard P. days and owing to its size calU10t be tlOns. Durmg the sprmg vacation he) Trlmty College has notified Swarth- - -...- - Tomlinson. Miss Theresa Young, Mrs. housed ill' Borough Hall as the doorways presented several papers before the more High School that Ralph Shel~y, of English Puppeteer Gives Program Clair W-ilcox and llrs. J. Burris West. are too narrow. The alteration to ac- Amencan AssOCJ~tion of Anatomists at the High ~chool class of 1936. will be . Mrs. Horace H. Hopkins and Mrs. comtnod t th t' I Toronto FolJowmg these meetings he on the varsity baseball team. Shelly got The Little Theatre Club and the Cooper Philip lor. Alden are acting as co-chairae e appara us mvo ves exI • • h 'th th Foundation of S arth C II pensive changes and the services of an spoke under the allspices of Sigma Xi hiS expenence as catc er WI e , w more 0 ege! pre- men for the evening performance on "The architect are to be secured to advise at Tulane UniversitYt University of Ala- Swarthmore Hornets, town team. At Stnt~? a program by Walter Wdkms?n. Adventures of Tom SaW)er." Council as to what alteration should be hama, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, and Trimty he is third baseman and lead-off ~nghsh puppeteert .last Saturday evenmg The afternoon play will be given at made. Unh ersity of Maine. man. III Clothier Memorial. 2.30 and the evening play at 8.15 P. M. NEW LOCAL PASTOR ARRIVES APRIL 28 10M SAWYER' AT CLUB TOMORROW TWO SPEAKERS AT COLLEGE NEXT WEEK I um-I I I I I I I INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE t PLAY TO CLOSE JR I SEASON NEXT WEEK ~1~;IIIJJ\I1C~~~:t~~~~S ~~a:lf~s t~~~1 • t ;1~l~IU~~S:tC JIl stralghtfur\\ani manner humor that "Tom Sawyer" Will Bnng Be- contallls I bit of plulosoph) drama that tugs at the heart strmgs all these go to loved Character of Mark \\ Ird makmg a successful play or book Twwn to Club AI Irk 1 \\a111 \\as a natn:c of Hanlllbal Fc\\ \\rltcrs hl\e held thc \\arm spot I :r..hssourJ lIc \\rote of the peoll1c \\ho JJ1 the affcctlOns of the American rcadlllg Ia\C along the hanks of the ~hssISSIPI)1 llubhc that \\3S crcated b) the bc10ved ani he kncw their JO)5 sorro\\s hopes ~lark 1\\all1 Nonc of 1115 charactcrs IInl (i1cams 10d3\ onc can c1l1nb to thc eHr acille\ ed the \\ldc spread IOllUlanh I to)) of am 11111 around lIaullIual and st'c of 10m Sa\\\cr and lIucklt'berQ Fum J IcksOIl Island \\hcre 10m Huck and 0\ cr \\ hom rcaders ha\ e laughed and Jue Harper st3\Cd for da\ s .,Ia) lilt.;: cr ed for lIlam )'cars tur lte The Beck} J hatcher of thc 1 he JUlllor Conmllttee of the Pla)ers hook also Ihcd 111 Hanmual and so 1 a ring or In a ) JiU I tl I HI I), of JOliN II GIANT TIGER SpeCIals for Week of AprIl 15 to AprIl 21, SECTION 9 In I eu or nMesslng n No Del Monte Early Garden Asparagus a; Dul , t m '1 Can 18c 17c 3 Libby's Baby Foods -- All VarIeties Hellman's Real Mayonnaise 2 n C[lns 43c eEl"» 17c Large UCO Chocolate Puddmg t UCO Gelatme Desserts --- All Flavors No UCO Fancy Blackberries I he \ et'k (f ~I Irch 22 s IW alii rox I th r Illltd) S xt) gld till Ic:r tl c Ie 1 Iei'" hll) 0 [ g) III t II B Irll 11'"a I H~b} I ra c ng aro IIld I II I the 111,..,h cl 1 ... ,11 11)01'" tr)lIlg tlcr I Iud it tl e uld Imhan Mal1le of Ilero se I All or 1 nanees or parts of Cal ~e Green SplIt Peas 2 SlIced Pmeapple I kg UCO Sardmes m Tomato Sauce U Ap ;-':0 2 2R 2 s 0 ro I th IOc 25c C ns 53c IOc C n 17c 13c 2 C n Del Monte Grapefruit JUice One Cereal Bowl Free With Whealles Each Purchase of Two Packages 5c IOc DIll Tomatoes SandWIch PIckles A D 1937 HARRY I MIl LEn 1 rc lent of Coun RICH \ltnSON ~h S :-eretary 13th I )' of Apr 1 A D 1!l:'l n I ITl\1 \N n ,. tOe No 2 Can 7c 2 Pk., 19c B, 6c 1607: Jar Open 9 A M to 9 P M Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 9 A M to I P M Wednesday-ONLY 9 A M to lOP M Fnday and Saturday Plenty of Free Parkmg Space "You Can Buy It For Less at the Gtant TIger" CHESTER S FASHION CORNER I 11-\ ),I , 1 ),I. \ 14- \ t1 \\1 l:h SlI l:C \\ l a tl llIt I the ther I ita I" e In\11 (lrl 11\\1 a\\l) h HC teams) IOc Lb, I Cans ~o 6c Hc C 110 I kg Fancy Cut Beets (New York State) Woodbury's FaCIal Soap th la]; of AI rll Bora Lb, Ceresota Flour Larsen's Veg-AII th ),1 , J kg 2 3 Cal Prunes --- Large Size, 50-60's Noodles - - All Varieties I Att I l- I I IOTT C n 1I Black MISSIOn Figs h re Ilh are hereby JOlIN 1 J oz SWARTHMORE, PA, APRIL COUNCIL PONDERS BOROUGH PROBLEMS LOCAL ART STUDENTS CARRY OFF MANY PRIZES $12 23, 1937 Starts Baseball Dollar Club • I \\Itl 1111 a I ,1II 1 I \\ l tt \\11 t crtl I 1 a 11 \\ umcr to tl e \\1111)\\111 t t and t l \ t) I ell 11 lIe III both I Edgmont Avenue Seventh and \Velsh Streets Chester tid \\ r1 NOW IN PROGRESS S\\ \IlTIlMOUE ()IUH;\;A~Cf. $250 PER YEAR ANNUAL BOROUGH DINNER AND 'FUN NIGHT' NEXT THURSDAY IN METHODIST SOCIAL HALL lour Ithhc Ilrtcl CtIZt'IlS hne (lrtt."d tlus ) t'ar B Lsd III Dullir Club Sch III glT stt It'llt III the al'"t class of thc \\ III ICC ~I ~lcCur I) \\ alter Stul k 1 S"anhm rc High Schoul and Ul10n :\oJI'"S I{ (. \Vltm Ul lilt ~Ir Charlc.., 1II thlllg I ICHI tc I 11 S\\arthn nre Seven Members Unbelievably MI s Clnltl 1 \ Hanc lck art supen Isor P Irker J he hr t t til t rq ort thue Hundred ReSIdents Expected Xtght ) If \ u ullc:nh feci )Ollr f ICC on I) \\ IS a Imllllmg 111 frescol (a :-\ot f( rt' I ~12 00 I hat s ah lust a tt'nth uf ConscIentious m DeCISIons Govat 1937 Celebration of gt:tt 11,., n: I \( 1111 t'xcnse It fnl flattcrc I new dn color II plJed With a fclt Upped the *1 000 needcd t I carn the S\\ Irth emmg Welfare of CItizenry Swarthmore Nite th It , n Irc ulhoellth a publ C J cr::.OIl hru h) 11\ tIllS stu lent a(.::ccl)ted for thc 11101'"(' lion cts tl ro gh Ihl.: se ISOIl "llIdl 'J.:t' t ment stich 1 UUt:C 11 I tl at III so exlublHulI \ OUIIJ.,:; \n crlca Palllts rc the) OPCII 011 ~II) 11th ), our cuntrrbu COUlJC Imcl1 pol CUI t'll fin.! n C 1 C Ierg, S\\ arlhmore Borough Councllmcn \\! 111 ccutl} sl 0\\ n III the art gallcr) of Uocke Iltl,.,. \ U are ahle to pr J\ dc SOnte of tlOIl ma, be left It I ht.' S\\ilrthnl< reall men (1111 thclr lid c) bank n clII continue t I .-ack their bra 115 dunllg thc feller Celltel'" Ncw '\ )rk but alsu It \\as h Ilkt't'I)Cr local cdc! r tlt:~ lilt! I th It SI Irkhng slIlIshme that IS laughtcr fhce 01'" gl\ en to E L ~0\C~ or Portn sc\Cra f r \our fdIO\\lIIl' 1 ncxt h\o weeks mer two mattcrs of out chusen to be III a tra\ cI ng cxlubll10ll uf \\ "te rc ulcllts of rellO"" \\ 11 11l1l1gie \\ th Ic S fUll HI S\ artll110rc ~I I ud IIU c1 aUIII 111 for tl e standmg JJllpurtance \\ hat IS to be done UIlC hundred of thcsc lucturcs to go on ---~. tour flus t'Xlllblhol1 was .. hown \pnl cltlzel IlC\\ ami uld III thc SOCial h III of lull orll ~ or~ U IZ It I II the S\\ arthmorc tim; ) ear on the sldcwalk program and 14 17 at the annual COII\Clltlon of the thc :\Icth list Church Park \\t'ttll' at lln lilt \sst Clition IS I clIlg ass sted by whcther a Boal'"d o( AdJustmcnt IS to be \\ t' tern Arts Assoc allon 111 Toledo U 11) Th1lrsd3\ C\CllIlg \1 fll 29 tl c foil \\ 1Ig mcml U III chargc of \an named to opcrate undcr thc ZOlllllg or 0111 I Olle f the d Stl cll 1IS \\!lIch t:haracter Irr gtlllcnts I Inc S Sproat dlllance ~[ISS Sel obl1Jgcr fiftecn \Car old daugh Ize thiS Brugh IS tl e ' t Irl co 11 II IICC Ed\\ard I ~o}es hall Alfred At \Vedllcsday cvel1l11g s SCSSIOIl TEter uf J\lr and ~lrs Gcorgc Schobmger 1111111 h get t gcther \\hclI a (inc rei ast r Sn 1111:\ h)w J hn E ~tlcl ael door Hesscnbrl1ch chairman of the hIghway of Swarthmore \ \ Clll1e also rccel\ t'd lIld go xl lumr all an c'\.er gl'"O\\l1Ig X \\ liter Slllcc Irzcs 11tus j E\\lg COlll1l11ttec presentcd a tentatlvc four honorablc IIICIlt.Jon for a portrait sketch Rev. DaVId Braun, T1urty-two lUI ulant) to thc C\CI1t kno\\11 as S\\arth I II hClh } cal'" progl'"am (or thc COllstructlon of cntcre I 111 thc second anuual Lt.'dger Years Old, to Lead PresbyterIan more N ght 1tI e 1.'1111 g S cntcrtammt'ut Rol I L Eatoll Sd 001 Board Trcas sldc\\alks throughout thc Borough glVl1lg \ outh EXlosltlol1 o[ \rt and Handicraft cl.gel'"ly antIc 11 It I.' I and "llIch )ou mer \,111 bc tOlstma::.ter Congregabon pnont) accordlllg to the degrcc of hazard I emg held \IJrlI 16 to 30 I lcluSIVC 111 gn:('t ) ur U\\1l flelgl II r aud e\Cn01C ~Iany o( the SIX hundrcd a\aJlaltc l: lUsed b) lack of Sidewalks III parttcular the Lcdgel'" BlUldlllg Pllliaddiina Thc n.e\ DaVid Drau 1 Will arrn c III elscs III a gcncral simt of fnclldlllcs tlckcts ha\c alrcad) 1J1.:1.'11 sid so If )OU arcas \ group of three womcn mcmbcrs ~I anon Kirk age f Ol1rtecll dal ghtcr Sw Irthmorc \llnl 28 \\lth In Wife and and uurth don t \\ant to be left (ut (and }OU dOll t) f thc Lcague of \V01l1en Voters Study uf ~Ir and ~Irs Howard Kirk of Lafa\ t\\O )Clr old son Peter Da\ld to take No olle CHI'" realh k IO\\S the program hurr) to }our ne lrest local llIcrc1 ant for Group 011 Local Govcrnmcnt appc lrcd eUe \ \ cnuc enlcre I a character stud} ( \ cr the pastoratc o( the S\\arthn OI'"C \ou 11la) tllllJk )Oll Ila\c l!ls.Jde Illforn a )Ollr rcscnatlolS \11 S\\ rthmore con ('lltiurslIlg a s de\\alk 011 at least one sldc t a )Ulmg ~[cxlcan girl 111 Young Prcsl)\ tCTlan Church left \ leal t last tlOn on \\hu I t t Ih a p 1I111111g III some cern ha\e sec Ired I S.1I1>1 h of t ckets f S" arthmore A \ C ltlC whcre thc mcnacc \mcrlca Pal It Shc too exl I ltcd a J line by VI'" J uhn Eller} luttlc s retire particular kIt-I It 1t IS 11111 15sIIIe t fur tl c C 11\ t'IlU.." cc f thclr I atrons to pedestnans IS grcat and conccrn for 1 rtrn t skctch 11 the Lcdgcr show and It cut aftel'" t\\eut) \Cars of scn ICC :\11'" a\oll sllrpn t! It t1 clast 11111 ute )OU "I t'It tl t." x Inll drcd mark IS rcached sell( (I c1l1ldrell makcs thc Situation al recclHd thml pnze fir llln \\ III bcgln h s S\\ arthmore IllIIIIS lIla\ bchold)( nr df (II the spot III lure tlchts \\ II I c sold must dl'"ashe \s tlus IS one o( the fil'"st Fre ler l:k M Sun)JIs fourtcen ex tr} on May al d \\:111 I reach IllS first er c\Cr e Incat lit' I III thc spontaneous (un I he c I hllltd \\ It i thc PIa\ crs Club Jlaccs c Ilsldcred for panng the lughway 11IInted a frc col c Irto It of SUlJll er ball 111011 as I astor 011 that da) 1 he lIIstalla f these C\t'lt e\tll the 1110St seils ll\e lire C II l\ " Illall Cluh \merlcan t.: n1l11lttec \\as IIlstructed to have the d Ie With allllnals. 111 thc New lork lIun sen Ices are planllcd for 1 hursda) uf tl e I c I sust.:q tl It's has bccomc Ole t'gl I 1111 Bu I It'S \ ClltlOU WIll com I or ugh CI1,.., Beer preparc a sketch of the sh( \\ and a pohttcal cartoon aga 1 us IIg C\ clllng ~Ia) 13 at S 0 clock ctlstom I to taklll.., t ani hklllg It f r I (" thiS H Ir ~ pro~r 1111 II Or( l1ghfare IIIdll:atmg prcscnt property 1111111als as In edlUm 111 the Ledger sho" 011 \1 nl 26 the Br lUllS \\111 Ica\c iiiit's and thc POSIt 10115 of large trees III III.' I the (11 of Mrs Doroth) L SI nons Sy.-acu e N \ where Mr Bra II I as Interesttng Busmess Asso Meet tcrfcrrlllg '\Ith la}J1 g of Sidewalks so f f Park \\cIIlIC He carncd off thc scc crvc I as Ilastor to Prcsh) tcrmll st tdents II It I )JllIl can hc made for the aC(IU1SI t nd pr z cartoon nhb n o( the Ledger It S} .-aeuse UII \erslty a HI Director of 1111111111 for tl I.' details o[ Swarth t II f SUfiiCIt'lIt addlhOl al land to pro I he I c I~u fil'"st pnze nhhon 11 JunIOr l,cllglous Education 111 Park (c It.-at 111 1'"1.' 11 te \\crc Irr mge I It tl e regul ir \Idc pa\c1llcnts The eomlluttee IS also to \\\ rd f r art 111etal "ork an I wrought Church 51 Ice Septembe 1931 monthl) dllll er IllCCt JIg of tl c S" Irth pre ent at thc next Illcetlllg a furthcr rc Irt I \Hllt t S\\ Irtlll10rc JUlllor BIg-it th s tllllC he ha 1150 s('n cd as 1 It 1.:111 III re III ICSS \ss ('lltlOI1 \\hell \\as Il rt lI1(hcatlll~ cxacth "hat can bc laid Sch 01 j c h. ch ,\ 1 sccond I nze [or her of tIll: IIcndncks CI al cI staff held \\i t' lr e d I) IUght at thc Strath Mark Twam's Popular Character lurllll!'"> thc cunci t )car Il'"t I etal \\ork and \\ Iham Pillcr honor UI ,el'"slt) HaHn Illn I he lea Is of the 5\\al'"tl to Close JunIor Players' \ len th) d SCII slon for and I Ic 11 C Itl 11 MI'" I raun "a re :N Ite (' mll IttCt rellorted that all Season tl {: e~t Ilitshn cnt of a Board of Adjust I r Do s IIall(hcraft (Jt llIor Class) call cd as I Istar rClCh I r the I J.,:;gcst Illd hl t C\t'r IIlCI t "I held IIld tl c 1.)0 Iy IS. to hc I tl I.' It cal JUII or II ~h "on tlnr I pnze to the S\\ arth Ie gl\ c 1 III S" arthm rc.: Ilcket Ire rrow a Hcrnoon i1.ud c\ c ng :\I:trk I rep lnf! to d SCllS.S an I I s!,;lhly take ~:l 1 r d 1 "USC J he l,nze was takcn morc Churd It dim ralldh an' It IS ) Ihle tl It on c hel \cd chlfactc:r 1 III Sa\\)cr ~l t n It til SI f IC ... t ~t thc first \(av lJ th I) the ne\\ter \\ork ~t d wo r a mect I 1! held b} la t 1111 ute bm er Ia\ hal l 1 I c turtle I tl c loc I r:OI1~ rc lint ng n llg I 1 tllc C( lIcct \ e dl Ila} Pia crs Club n ~llrch Inal a Pa III rc t (.Jlt'n ~Jl1 \\ , Pml I r \\11 IJ tl 11 to alii} t) thc cI c S II It I \\ It r n 11'1 f I' pCrll IS 011 to tlllr I TIl I n I r an IlIustrahOl 111 the 1\ ulablc lied the Sill al I Crllll "aid ',c c I er h \\ alII nul) J Ie ~ 11 ",ot I U C\\ rs I t the Crun \ 11lC) S('\\cr Ilur 1 ) nzc J I the Jtll1 I cet on drcss hc Ccnlr!I D I \\ arc Count} Sc" cr 1111 b 1 \tlll nt\ \\as. lassed Irillce ~ 'c Rev Dav d Bra n \ Icttu fr n john \\ SII 0 IS. ffer 1 \ \ Iher ( »1:1\\ III ~ t sell III se\\er n " t'stdale \\c Ir ther II the Chcstcr lIue t th ... I I' u~h It 161.: a f t \\ II t. cnrrent lrl.'h}tnl IClerl.'fl and S)hcltor lIarclcc ( :\[\cr \111 h 1I1t:1 lcs Jtlll 1\ IIlla \1 nl 13 ~Ir 11 strllcte I to dra\\ up an rhnalce pro ~Iar I I 111:t\c\\ fll c ani the kecn the 111 II e\C I 1 rc t \ Idm f r ts 1 urcl asc at thc s IIC rate 1c I I dJt 11 tl cre 1 r( ecuted J I 1 II Ie a that laul f r tie SI101 Se\\er JU t the ~1 n f II \ 11~ S\\artlumre n t'llt It tl e \\ 1111.'11 ot the S\ rtl 10 loht-35 -:>39 cents per foot and also Il'"t t cc llph 1111 cnt (J Inh I ,[ a[tcr COl suit all 011 ",th "Ibcrt N Gar I 1111 ut tl II I{:ctl\c list r \\ It I rcU and Ius slstel'" Suzanna G Sellers h ) e the C II • g It 011 ha 111 e I n 11111 tl c\ 'll'"c \\ II! ~ t aCHI t thc san c Ire nt! I ledge I tl (! UPI urt t th \\ I t . f r thc sc"cr held I" tl cm 011 Strath I tl c Churcl I Mothers to Plan Next Dancmg IIa\en A\CllUe to prOVIde likeWise for It 1 C 11e\\ mllli ter 1:-; II rtlcularl l t: Class Season Wednesday Othcr Ictters \\crr rcccl\cd fl'"oml ces 1111 \\lth Ills "ork a1110 g the Claulc C S mtl Halt I orc Plkc rcganl Carl Van Doren t Noted WrJter pe pIc ~Ir Ilol11as J Ick on of P Irk \, c II )'frs. LoUIS Cole EI Ull0llS request and Literature Student, and Born j Ul Ir) ?7 190.) III lIell Icr~ II I IS cl urlUan or the COlllllll ttce for the that she Ie aItO\\C I to rCllt 1 er office Prof Edgar Allen, of Yale, G Irrctt Ncb of Dutch :\[t'l nomtc pare Ita e I II n Il mati It of n cmbus (f thc or up pl'"opcrl) at RI\ cn cw Rna I an 1 the Scheduled Ih la :\1 II e \u::.t 11 lCt.:Stl'") lIe graduated fl'"olll HendCl'" U II "hi I \\111 arrange next e r s 1 cct I gs PII (' as a tea room thc ~ u Car Car 7 III h Seh I 19 3 \ ork C 11 ge I t tl e S" arthmurc D lIlClllg Clas.:-.e:-. 1 he r crs J 1C statmg upon the BOl'"Ough s How and \\11\ \\rter \Vntc \\111 Ncb.-a ka 1927 al I \alc "Clmc:r::'lt) 11I11t1al 1 cctlllg of Ilothers to pial f r \ h alice scat sale Ire tl c Iargcst of o Ipla1llt thc\ \\ould tn to se 1 I as many I I.' the subject I a talk by Cad \ an 193f)-ll D dcgrct: lext ca 0 I \\ III be held at 8 0 clock next thc JUIlI r PI I) sCrle or tl e season ( theIr trucks as pos5Jblc ovcr some D rCI Thursla\ e\CllIng' \ln119 at lie sl.'nel ne )ear a Dlrcctor \\('(hc dlY "HIlllg \pnl 28 \ ( IIf{Cr clllllrul ar r(' I csted to be othcr route than the Cht'stc.- Road one H b III thc I r c I 1 ~Ic Img' Holt c undcr nellg lis \ct \It e at Ldllgh L I \Cr \\ U I a s C ub \ large attcudal cc Ilrc cnt e rl) for tr I t scat at tl e aftcr a I \1I)f~rt R Granger commendmg the the S.IOIl urshll I So 1 c \llIe Forum Bcthlchelll I a alld hi al u I t'1.: l ' II C I cClall) 01 tho!';c \\hose cl111drc I \\111 n on pcrt< rlllaJ ce Older mcnd cr~ of the ('0 IrteS\ of local pol cc officcrs S\\ lrtlm Irc C lIegc mg IHcat.:hcl'" a I Ie tUl'"er It Coig te Ull Ie 11 the 193738 classcs IS urged JUII r Pla\s lIla\ U C afternoon tlckct::. 11 e I cqucst (II C \rmstrong ~Ir \ an 0 r 11 I \\cll kIlO\\11 II thc \erslt} S\raCl1 c L Hrslt) \\ ell Col II c chaperol}s at last Saturday s mcct 111 th C\Cllmg D Ie to the requcst 01 111 I leI' for a I t'n1l1t t) COII\ ert the Gl.:nu!1'" htcral'") tiel I a~ ate profc sor JII legt. \ur r I ::-..1 ... I Inllr I C 11 gc 11 01 th... Introductory and \ h altce I lIa11 cI I ken 1lI( thcr are asked to Sit I Ilcncc at 210 Dal'"tn outh Alellllc mto I ngh h at C hUlII11 al I autl or of 1 he I h111m ::'\ \ 11 I \uhur 1 S III 11 \ U 1 C and tl e SClIlor \sscrnbly were tl crear I t \\ ) f am I) d\\ cllmg \\ as I'"efuscd as the \Illcrcan N \c1 lIId has. bl.:Cl \\Ithm \l1hurn N \ ~II'" all :\Irs Joseph \lhsOll ~rr and till iertaJ.... 11"" IS I I VIOlation of thc z( mng tl c list cleca Ie 1 h:ral) editor of The I I or 11\ C ) car I c \\ as a melt I er t tl c :\1 r LoUJ~ J Scn als. :\1 r ami ~r I'"S Paul Evemng Performance a Benefit I dlllance Nat (('1tlln ~II azme al I tl c flculh (f I re I \termn SUllln cr L I F Gcmn 111 :\Ir and ).fI'"S Carl Clcmcs \(h 1 on Call n Ittec all Parcnt c.c rgc Glllespic al I C npam hal ng I Jlcran GUIll ICTl.'ncc f r \ tlllM [C lIe at "dl L I ~Ir D \ SUI I SOil )'II'" ami ).[rs \\ al II tl c Pull c SdlOOb IS al plied for penlllt to enclosc the front II e C I r I u11Iliati 1 ani tl e ICllart \ur ra ~ \ and I a I C( 1 tl\ It'! Swtt 31 1 llrs Gertnldc ~[CC11 rc t Ich a ld rOJf O\t'r and scrCCI a s cond I g) f the C Ilc c \\ II pl'"C l1al )U 1 Ie )Ie .~ _ __ n r I car dcck at 1)0 Park h ellUC OpCI'" fc rid ar \lIclI of '\ ale UI I liZ It I 1lS. I S, mcn e ami Local Post to Meet In Ridley Park tt'l In :\[1'" Charles h.urtzhalz as I tea \cr h Sdl t I ~lc(hCIllC , I th thr ( h c lin Htec~ of the S ra r 111 It \\ as held IlC e aT} SIllCc the I rI(' I I ~Iectll HI e C lIIlt.:II f eh rei es lie \) II III ctm of the Harold \IIIS 11111 tm IS III tl c rc I(lelltmi dlstnct that Hc I c1 alrlll Ul ot the COlllUlttCC 011 \\ rth P t ~o 427 the t: 1 t.: t f atiJolIllllg pr perh \\ IICI'" S t.:I II I du atl 11 an I \ct u I 01 thc \\ 11 I e hcl i at Ie sCt.:ured hcf rc a pcmHt could be S\ ract1 e I rc 1)\ ter} kull \ I Irk P I I cd o 1 J Ie )N 1910 he I 1 al r \lrl'7 pictures 11::. 1,0) II J arker t h HI of the depart I 11 1 crt 11 ).[ thc pUhllc ),Ir I t ... It. I 1 It J) II I:\f r 1 I crt k g , I ~Ir IIl1jkn),[r t r tl ( l I .al I 1llall lal 1ll tl I.' I e 1011 JU) 11 II ,\:Ir I h.nk I r I \ tena 1 U t rd \ l II II I ht." elect nul nc\\ Illccr~ \\1111 e 1 r 1 t'rt l\.l\ el \ IC\\ J It IeI' Mrs Da\ld Srul':\\ I d I at tl It n et II,." a 1 I pIa Is 11 a II.! for Ir\\ III R ~rcl h\ce ~Irs I al tit: I tl I Ilcl'" II e dlrt."ctl011 t j J. ~[rc :\IJ :\Ial"garet Price tatcd the llrc ( I a" I r \\ II 11 the co 111111 111\ :\[c or al Plays TrlDlly Varstty Baseball \ crn n :\1 Parr :\Irs J n Pope a IlCW I rl" truck D Scnlt.:c al ccrt. I I crt I Spiller ~Ir \VlIlal'"d P arfl\t: \\ tim s x1\ t , 1 tlhe I S\\arll ha , ac al + I c mil 1 ~I! I hc.-esa \ 0 ng- ),[rs I l(, calUlot I I.' I all h SI Ih ot English Puppeteer GIves Program <.. I r " It. x a I ~Ir J RUI'"("Js \Ve:.t I ct I tl r I h IIall as. II c door\\a) s 1 rc t 19 ( \\ III Ie \n ~Ir II r I I.' II II Ilk S aJ d :\[1'"::; r n lrr \\ 1 ht.' altu al 11 t a I he little Thcatrc Clnh a )(1 tI C 1 cr Pllhl :\1 \llc 1 al'"c a t g as e c11alr SI Ih a t I t II n Illl tl e l1\ h c l X h 1 lat 11 I S" artl re C 11 ret.: 1 rc I 1 I I'" thc t'\ 11111 1 crt rll allCC on The a cat her "lth the t "I enci c Ill1\t'll. f\1 fl a x. Ilt I a I ra I 1\ \\aIt r \\Ilk , n \ h I1tur~ \t t n t aI [ \1. S \ arlllll rl." Hilt.'! rhllt.:tar let.:llr ahle t T 111 Sa\\ tr I I 1 III t cr la t 1111 c I 1 tltnic all 1 r h ht: I tlnr I I a ('II an 111('aloft l till II I t \\1 t alt rat h nhl I c lie altcrn 11 Ila\ \\111 Ic ,g\cn at 1) I 1(' I ( I til I'" \11:11 rial n , 0 an I tl c 1.'\ tllIIl \1, at S b P :\I II nur IS I cal t'd ullon Gcrtrude E I i NEW LOCAL PASTOR ARRIVES APRIL 28 .t ITWO SPEAK" ERS AT m Sunmald Seedless RaISIns I1t g ? 17 II k " P ck No I 20c Quart Jar IX, 'TOM SAWYER' AT CLUB TOMORROW 8e 23c VOL. I Girls' LaCrosse Schedule rt rile Libby's Red Alaska Salmon UCO Tomato or Vegetable Soup C I 11 Del Monte Collee Can -~ or the InclUSive No 2 SW')'I~THM( I~E h InlltrumenlH Dnd to exc ncons st Del Monte GrapefrUit \ 1\1 h \ Il'l lixed ehtU·Kt! aguln!!t the "arloua propert es ap I urtenal t to or using the said Simons :sewer sYlitem to rq ay th(" total cost to the Borough -+--- Balbmore Pike at East Lansdowne \ t. , rt.'Conlitructlng I 1I00\c\l"1'" It \\ IS a real JO\ to the lads to I c tble tu atd 111 tlus \\ a, the anllual Local Interest In Peace Rally C IllIp 1 gn for funds \\ h ch arc used as Illustrated b) phot( graphs of I loc II ph) SIC III a Id Borough HIli \\ orkcrs 011 \ IC\\ III t1 e formcr t re II Suuth Chester h.oad and II doll dlspla\ s 111 the \\ lulo\\ of tl c Cel a hlllldl11 (n Pari \,ellUC S lIlle d ze 1 r S) c Iptam ead \\ Ith a tc nil (f ahollt tCIl sol c tors arc now enga cd n cm cr 11,.., tillS Buro lJ.:h under tht' chairman lUll Ig \111 tIllS ) t' lr til II \\ ood B Chalm an of I I In Ir I \ \ ellllC ~lrs \ I Jackson pn: de It of the Co ntlUllh llealth Socleh IS 1II charge ( f the cntlfe dlStflct \ rcsulcnt o( I al'"k \\t' lIC ~Ir jld:-;Oll IS a \\ 11 ir I I :\ C\\ ... leader 11 "drlre clrclc'i \\ 111 I c the I akers Itch 11 eml cr of a tcam hi 1111 1 cacc rail} \\111 be I ulIIl cr f lClghbors and oth r J I \ rei s ani} luI he I caklllg al I t'ura I e must cunt Ict for tlu ann al conlflhut on f r tl e I lller~ellC \ Pc cc Can I I gn out I 1 I I c Heeled h) the U lute I C I III alg'll Idc (f It hr adca t 11 \pnl 6 \\1 CII are returncd {or rel cf 111 tillS sect lOll \\Ith ~Ir 1 klll r I\. 0 c\clt lid Dr thr lI~h the COll1111Un ty I1t'alth Soc ct) Illrr) I II crs)II I sd ck I e hell cd Bo 1 h IIall Usualh 11lIIIch tl eCru ade 1 ckct I I \ I c t lIred thro Igi ~hss turnc I eX-lCC Is tl t' tot II tl1rne I III from tillS d str t So I'"cn eml cr th Oll\c Cle l\e of Ogdcn \\C1l C n t (lilt m IIlltortullate lIclgl hor , 11 h n III \our 19)7 {Icdgc ( 1 at. all lime; hereaUer f'ore\:(!r tiaid tI),st m and the Iml rmemen1l; therdo the BoroUJ.:h at 11.8 opiJon may itn pose an am ual t'cntnl or ch Itll:e as htretof'or ute KU h olh r Ie '()II con\(~yal ce:; ussl,m made and chan.:: d by the S mOl s Estate or n nts lh I olh r mstrumenttl- opprov,-'tl by the m; Borough Counc I rna), hert!orter by onh II rOUI h Sol Itor us mlly be J"e(lulroo to VL'51 nance I res r Ol.' until S8 d IInnual r("ntnl shall title u the Borough of S"urthmorc oC ugJfr(!J.:ate th full I mount o( the Borough s osts n urrcd in a IUlrlng "nil 8ys~m IQ... All Til AT ct. HTAIN prlVftte sewer J.:cther "Ith Interest thertoon to d lte o( r. . pay !'»st("m In I al d onstructed by Ihe above menl C unell res(r~es the r ght to utlhze I nml I Gn ntor SITUArt. m tht! Soulh CIt! cr n thod of coli oct on above enumerated ('l:1 rly ~C(:hon of the Borough of t Ilher IrnrnMlDtely (0110\ hJ.: eomplctnm a~ S urll n or Cuunty of Ddn" ar(" un I lI(ort>;;ml or at any lat("r lime an I to util U' SI Ie of I m !lyl an a through 1 rlvate ne m tho 1 n coUt.-dlnJ.: (n m one or more I r J rb and alol g and under the streets of th smd 0\ ncrK and tI e other melho I n I IIJ.:II uy both 1 rlvate and I ubi c 011 '("I nJ.: froOt others (the sa d 0'111 n('1'lI of He Boro J.:h of S"8rthmore Count)' "hould th~y lCl"m It ad\ Isobr 1>0 to do (01 I ~tnt nfor'tl d nnd ntt!rlnj.! lind 10 tnJ.( fltml DC lUll tlOn and coml lei on of th I I aTJ!m~ Into Crum Creek ut a lot mil"O ement m lueshon AI"ays provld d to 11 eo South of the hr dge lcudlng trom ho e t r thnt no I rOI rty owner shall be 11 e W I>lerly I rmll u~ of Yale A .. enue '" se;; ed or charu<,d blore than hiS I ropor 1 UorouJ.:1I I the" nst rly termmus of honnte share of tit total cost so neurr I by til A 0 dul Ilond tn the To"ntllllP of th II rougl Unlcs!! ollt r Vise mdlcated by Neth("r 1 ro I I n ~ COUI ty lin I State suk eo'lUeht Cotlncllmamc nctlOn the metho I If res d TOGf TilER With all and SlOg of coli 'ChnJ.: I reser bed In Sechon~ I) 6 an I 7 ullir th~ manholes Y brllnehcs trunk noo\e !!hall be- folio ed Nothing herein con h os nn J laterals a wen as easements tn ned 81 all I mit the lloroug:h s rlJl!his under an I rights of '\I:ay Iml r .. ementa ways general ~tututcs to Imlose upon the ownerg tr L.. all~];s pas n~e; waters water aoo c re(erretl to In common with owners (' ur ClI r J.:ht;; hhertl'S 1 r It'1!:cs here I throuuhout th HorouJ.:h nn Independent gCh Itam("1 (s an I nPI urtenances whatsoever er I sl'wt'r t.'lX rental at such future t me D! tht!r to belonging or many w se a) per Council may determine tal ng SECTION 10 Any notice here n reqUIre I T J.: ther \ th all the r Jfhl btle and to be g en uf such a s~ smeht or of other I terest of th se eral part es above men I ro !lIOns of thiS or hnance may be ser cd t nt'l n nit Ie III n Idl'< of any !luch 0 n r or may be given I rt Inl g hy Io:;t g the Jlrem s os In luest on SECTION 2 Th e prop~r 0 If1('ern nre h ere}l b nuth rn!e I to I ay to the S il:arlhmore Nallonal Hnnk an I Trust Comlnn), t '\I:h m the sa I !Ie ver syslem and all r chts therem hav~ I r t for been comey d the urn of 51 76000 n full and final 1 a) ment for said to JUI J he UlIIted Call1lJaI''n IS \\clt umler\\ a) >!" III tlus dlstnct 1 he Saturday afternoon 11Tt'Cedlllt> thc 01)C11Ing date Apnl 5 ~ ~t;0 Its of 1 ruup 3 S\\arthn orc dc1nercd SCHr II hundred Umted Call1l)algn clrcu lal'"s to nearly e\er) house III \Valhl1gford Mo) Ian and I~osc Vallcy 1 hc bo) s who pcrformed thIS servIce \\ere Richard KCI'I)lcr Jamcs )elllllllgs Sam :r..htchell alld lord \Vlggms all or tl e Eagle patrol 11 csc scouts clann that the) each \\alkcd five nllles-(our and a half null'S bemg til) 11111 Scout KCI)plcl'" report cd more dugs per square mell III \\ aIling ford and h.t se \ alle'- than III a Iy other .1 to\\1I III Pcnns) Ivanm Scout ~l tchcll ba,,;J~ed the lnggcst 0111.' winch he dcscnbcs as a great Dane foul'" and one half f eet lugh no foolll1 I (or 0 IT ueh \lto:> t through Jlrl\ote pru)K'rty the Dorough shall I kew se acquire a right or way or cDscm('nt of fr(."t' ""rcstS and egrt'l>S to and rrom Imme m re Nut unal Hank an I Trullt Compuny I I or from ....0:1'" ani M rr II IJrun;l'tt ex(."C I tor 81 I tr ISlet' under the IUllt will an I «-'Sta n lit of I'redcri k M S muns dt.'Ccosed and or th hCIrl~ u I ben lielBr t.'Ii of said e;tote and ~-+.~- HOnOUr-II OF THE COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF SWAHTJlMOUE DOl'S OHDAIN I Great books and grcat pl.) 5 h3\e aduC\cd iastmg famc and ulll\crsal ap pcal \\hcn tht) hale bcen wnttcn around Ar:'''' ? ' 1937 APRIL 16, 1937 THE SWARTHMOREAN 6 ;; ,\ No :191 ANNIVERSl\RY SALE HUNDREDS COMPELLING OF BARGAINS THRUOUT THE STORE COLLEGE NEXT WEEK I • .. THE 2 Ray Farringer to Marry Mae Eliz. MacLaochlan and Mrs. Frederic B. Calvert, of Park and Michigan Avenues. Mr. and Mrs. H. Weston Clarke, of Morton Avenue, Rutledge, will entertain at bridge tomorrow evening, Saturday. Mr.. Herbert Fruer's Senior Miss Estelle Foster Sinclaire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Sinc1aire, of Pupils to Give Piano Recital Harvard Avenue, is one of twenty-fou!' Tonight Pennsylvania girls who will take part in the Elizabethan May Day Festival at Mr. and Mrs. John S. MacLauchlan, Sweet Briar College on May 1. Miss of Germantown, announce the engageSincla.ire, who is a member of the freshment of their daughter, Mae Elizabeth, man class, is busy making her costume to Raymond F. Farringer, son of Dr. (or the event. }.frs. Howard R. Farringer, of South Harvard Avenue, Swarthmore. No Mrs. Charles N. Hale recently returned has been set for the wedding. to her home in the Swarthmore ApartThe senior piano pupils of Mrs. Her- ments accompanied by her parents, Mr. bert F. Fraser will give a recital this eve- and Mrs. Ernest Vv". Proctor, whom she ning at her home on Sherwood Lane, had joined in Miami Beach, Fla., for a Wallingford. Among those who will play (our weeks' vjsit. Mr. and Mrs. Proctor and their daughare Sarah Marie Disque, Adele Morgan, ter-in-law, Mrs. Charles Proctor, who Robert Piper, Caroline Underwood, Betty to spend a few days with Mr. came here Smith and Martha McCord, the latter a ~frs. Hall, left Friday to return and freshman at Swarthmore College. to their home in Detroit, Mich. Dr. Charles R. Erdman, professor Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ellis, of Walemeritus of Bible at Princeton University, nut Lane, returned to Philadelphia, who filled the pulpit of the SwarUlmore Wednesday aboard the S. S. Chatham, Presbyterian Church last Sunday. was of the Merchants and Miners Line, from the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edwjn Miami, Fla. They spent the winter at A. Yarnall, of Kenyon Avenue, his former Pompano. Fla. parishioners when Dr. Erdman was pastor of the Chelten Avenue Presbyterian Mrs. Paul Alger, of Park Avenue, was Church of Germantown. called to her former home in :Mill Creek, Mrs. A. Ludlow C1ayden returned to Pa., 011 Monday by the death of her her home on Westdale Avenue, Tuesday father, Mr. I. N. Faust. Mr. Faust, who after a week's visit with her parents, Mr. was eighty years old, had been in the hospital for several weeks having undergone and Mrs. John Tredwell, in Chi.cago. an operation. Dealth resulted from a Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Scott, of heart attack. Frankford, Philadelphia, will move into 1Hss Margaret North, of Washington, their new home at 910 Strath Haven C, is spending a month as the guest D. A venue about May 1. Finishing touches Dr. and Mrs. David McCahan, of of are just being given to the house by Strath Haven Avenue. George Gillespie Company. Mr. Scott is purchasing agent for the Sun ShipbuildMrs. Charles Parker, of The Swarthing Company. Chester. more, returned Fdday from Schen(.'Ctady, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chapin returned N. Y., where she was called last week by to their home on Harvard Avenue last the death of her aunt, Miss Caroline Tate, week after having spent ten days visiting who was one of the few surviving mem~ their daughters and families, Mr. and bers of the South Shaker family, of AlMrs. Richard D. Hickox, of Bjngham- bany. Miss Tate was well known in ton, N. Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Swarthmore having been entertained by many of Mrs. Parkers' frjends when she Melt, of Schenectady. came to visit here in former years. Caroline Flaherty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Kent has returned to Mrs. F. T. Flaherty, of University Place, her horne on Riverview Road from has recovered from the chicken pox and Florida, where she spent the winter. returned to school. Her sister, Jean, is still confined to her home with the dis1Uss Veronica (Dicky) Sullivan reease and Franklin, 1r. has just contracted turned to her duties in the Welfare office .. ..it.' of the Community Health Society in Dorough Hall on Monday of this week. Her Mrs. Howard Farringer will return to many friends arc happy to know she has her home on South Harvard Avenue at sufficiently recovered from injur.ies rethe end of this month from Miami, ltla., ceived in a recer.t automobile accident to where she has spent the winter. be able to resume her work. Her two brothers, Joseph and Frank, accompanied Mr. Charles Wilcox, of Pittsburgh, was her from her home in Housatonic, Mass. the week-end guest of his son-in-law and Joseph js recuperating from a severe case daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce G. Gil- of lobar pneumonia. bert, of Park Avenue. On Sunday Mr. and l-Irs. Gilbert and children and Mr. \Vilcox were entertained at tea by Mr. looked forward to as a musical treat to singers and audience alike. Members of the Chorus who partidpated in the concert were: first sopranos -Mrs J. Warren Paxson, Mrs. Frank Local Club Enjoys Well Rendered Davis, Mrs. C. F. Wolters, Mrs. Robert Sheppard, Mrs. William W. Turner, Mrs. Program at Tuesday AfterJohn Stainton, Mrs. T. Harry Brown, noon Meeting Mrs. G. L. Tone, Mrs. R. H. Banks, Mrs. L. A. McDowell, Mrs. J. Donald Gibson, Mrs. A. B. Lawrence, Mrs. W. G. McGlathery and Mrs. W. Niven Wherry; second sopranos-Mrs. Ralph Little, Mrs. Thomas Jackson, Mrs. Gilbert S. Faries, Mrs. Lloyd Kauffman, Mrs. L. J. Servais, and Mrs. E. B. Hollis; first altos-Mrs. William Danner, Mrs. Anthony L. Venturini, Mrs. Dwjght Cooley, Mrs. F. A. Child; second altos-Mrs. Horace Johnson, Mrs. Charles Morrison, Mrs. R. Chester Spencer, Mrs. Roland Eaton and Mrs. K. T. Sorenson. . WOMEN'S CHORUS IN ANNUAL CONCERT hlany Swarthmore teachers and parents are attcnding scssions of the Philadelphia Conference on Education and Mental Healtll at the Hotel Benjamin Franklin, Phiiaddphia, today and tomorrow. Now Playing , JESSE MATTHEWS In "Swarthmore Nite" A GALA EVENING OF ENTERTAINMENT Ellwood B. Chapman, secretary of the Swarthmore division of the United Campaign, states that in the first report to division headquarters, Swarthmore has raised about one-third of its total. This comprises returns from only a limited number of the team workers. Mr. Chapman said many of the subscribers are increasing their pledges, thus making the outlook more encouraging for reaching the inc'reased amount for which our community has been asked. Next Attraction GEORGE ARUSS 'n "A Man of Affairs" WAVERLY Th....tre Drexel Hill "Where It'. Always Convenient to Park" • FREE PARKING MANOR FOR FREE PARKINC REAR OF THE THEATRE Reliable Attendant in Charge 500 CARS Rear of Theatre Friday and SatuTday. April 23-24 GRACE MOORE in • TODAY Ilnd SATURDAY "When You're in Love" GRACE 'nMOORE 'WHEN YOU'RE IN LOVE' with Cary GTant - Aline MacMahon Monday and Tuesday. April 26-27 CLAUDETTE COLBERT FRED MacMURRAY I with Cary CTant I SUNDAY and MONDAY Social Hall, Methodist Episcopal Church I RUBY KEElER LEE DIXON ME-N-U SOUR GRAPES DUCK SOUP APPLE SAUCE A LA BOLOGYN LOCAL CELEBRITIES TOASTED AND ROASTED RAZZBERRY PARFAIT CAFE NOIR NERTZ SPONSORED BY SWARTHMORE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION Co-operatin.. : The Woman'. Cluh. The Player. Club, The Fire Company and The American LegiOD TICKETS --- 'n Hats by Remodeling Miss Eileen Mansfield Lilly Ann MARJ.t!; ~"a!!'blteKER .. -.. ROSAUE DRYDEN swZ.... Do n.._ • nTUS J. EWlG ",...,.lion :II: Spelling bees and question boxes have been very popular features of radio this Shrino p • Ia A Creole I tbsp. butter. 1 tbsp. lIour. c. milk. 1 egg. ~ c. onion, grated. ~ c. canned tomatoes. ·1 can shrimp. Salt and pepper. 1 . meeting Y of the Delaware County Branch of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom will be held in the Swarthmore Friends' Meeting House, Thursday, May 6, at 2.30 P. M. Miss Gertrude Baer, international cochairman of the W. I. 1., will speak "Europe Today." Miss Baer, who was formerly . executive secretary of the -i~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~ past winter. "Adults and children have 2 pimientoes. organization and is now a' German been thrilled by listening in, minds all Bit of garlic. refugee, has recently come to America Eat.red u Secoa.d Cia. . Matter. J_....;..... alert, trying to, spell the word or answer ' Papr.ika and parsley. to attend the national conference of the .e29. at lb. POilt Of&ce at S.artII..... Pa.. the question before the answer came over Melt butter, add flour, stir until W. I. L. in Washington, D. C., April 30 . ....d.. lb. Act .1 Morcb 3, • .,... Ule air. Thence a spelling bee and questhoroughly blended in a double to May 3, at which Mrs. William 1. Hull, tiOD box will be given in the StUlday boiler Over hot water. Add milk, of Walnut Lane, as national chairman, FRIDAY, APRIL ·23, 1937 School room of the Swarthmore Presbystir until smooth and cook until will preside. thickened. Add egg, slightly -::::-:-'>=:--:-_. terian Church at 8 o'clock Wednesday In Appreciation evening, April 28, men and boys on one beaten, salt and pepper and cook Garnet Girls Going Strong Mr. William Place,andfamily wish to side and women and girls on the other. three minutes. Add chopped The High School Girls' Garnet Lacrospitnientoes, grated onion, drained sers opened their season-with a bang last express iheir sincerest ·appreciation to' Mrs. H. Miller Crist and Allen Wood tomatoes, sLrimp and garlic. Serve Thursday,' the 15th, 'by ,swamping Gertheir friends andneighbors.for the many will pronounce the . words to be spelled in large clean shells, sprinkle with mantown Friends 12-3, on the loser's kindnesses in their recent bereavement. and Charles D. Mitchell will ask the ' . 1 questions. Dr.. E. Fullerton Cook ·will parsley and paprika. Serves·six. field. Betty .Douglas, 2nd home, led.the :LocaIYV;I.·L, Opposes Conaerip- act as .u.mpire30urbon ra .....) It's obvious that electricity is cheaper in quantity; that adding electric comforts lowers the average cost ••• saves you money. Be thrifty-use more electricity I PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY Electricity-Cheaper in Qunntity / ,-" ,,! , i ., I ,I ,It! .- INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE APRIL 23, 1937 • FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1937 THE SWARTHMOREAN HARRIS & CO. SWARTHMORE'S QUALITY Men's and Women's TAILORS Everything for Y ou~ Car "Service Included" Phone 440 TiresJ"'; r~$toneBalleriss REAL ESTATE Quick Service MACKEREL CASUALTY Bake or Broil One Seed. 19c lb. Fertilizer. You'll welcome them 80 temptingly good. A favorite 6sh of Springtime because of it. l1ne flavor. T oates almost like chicken. A baked mackerel is a treat to the eye as well os the palate. Lawn and Garden Tools Russell's Service Dartmouth and Lafayette Avenues Swarthmore 504 Fresh Caught FIRE AND INSURANCE Dry Cleaning Pressing First of the Season • • • ••• From Cape May Waters "We Don't Sell Cars We Service Them" Edward L. Noyes 13 South Chester Road SUPLEE'S Hardware Store Swarthmore 105 • MARTEL'S Swarthmore 2100 - THE SWARTHMOREAN CLASSIFIED FOR RENT fon nJo;NT-Communlenting. furnished sit. til1~ room and b('droom In 'Iuiet home. Rer" cn'l1l't'~' 4 I5 Yale A"enue. T .... h~'I.hone Swarth'"or .... 53~-M. 5 BOROUGH HEALTH SYSTEM OUTLlNE~D-~--A:--:-t BY LOCAL LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS· -:-:--the-:=W:=--ave-=-rly- - :-'--N-an-c-yS-ee-Iy-He-ads-W-om-en~ I Editors I \\"UIII(II edilors mel l:cst Salllrday I : 'lftl'rIlOOIi at the Bell Franklin Hotd, Ntunbl'r III in a series or articles on study ami consideratiulI, to assure our: Philadelphia. and org:lIlizcd the PennsylFOR SALE 1\oroug: II Gm'erllll1en t preparcd by II IC se I\'es II la I lIIaXllnUIII ' protectIOn . IS . ginn ! \'ania \\'OIIll'II'S Press :\s!'()(,"·iatiol1." At ron SAL(o;-1Jnby enrring<" thrre I/iL'Cc bedi thc call oi X'IIIC), Scely, ~.'llitur of womell's roORl set, anticluc mohoKony sideboard. Swarthmore L\?ague o£ \Volllell Voters, to JII comlllunitics. It\';l~o)):lbll" Telephone Sworthmol'(! 836, is on "norough Health": I II I II U fil i intcrl':;ts for the J/ain Linl.,' /)ai/)' Ti",rs, . ('" a \' F,~n !o'ALg-Mahogany dr~sing tnble--tri).lex The Board of. Health is cot1lposed or .\s t;:~xI,a}'ing Cltl7.t.'I1", wt.' arc £a"ing WUIllt.'1I tle\\'sl'ilper representath'es came ;uUustable mirror., white enum('1 bed with ~I,rinl! mattn,.oss. hair muitr('Ss, small stuffed two memhers 111 Swarthmorc: Dr, II"" "I I ,... . : fmm ci.g.ht counties of the State-Blair, ~h:lir. ('ombinntiun bookl·uSt.' ond desk. Tele. [ ' " and 1\[ rs, J ose()I1 S • .m' IIIcreaSIIIg' )liT< cn, I' Chl'!'t('r, Delaware. Huntingdon, LU7.erne, kl"111 ("'11 ·ran' JI esplc f Iduc " to thc " lIIenl' ' I,holl(" Swnrthmorc 520·W, "-, I I J' I I ' clcnt management u tie IIIcreasmg 1I11111:\lontgoIllcr",", l'lliladelllhia and Schu"vlkill. I 5 ca, appulIltcu cae I year n' Joroug I I £ " I I F(IH SA[~f~-B('(ldinJ: Planh.-annuRls nntl I.er'J"I II II n'"' . ! Jcr 0 rCSlt ellts w 10 ;ue una hie to 1)U1l I t'nnilll~. Also tomnto Jdnnts. Mnrot FJower COlillel"I . I e ' ea (I 0 lecr receives I " " I ' I ;\ II W 10 callie .Irc engaged in editing Shrll'. :H5 Dickinson Avenue. ~})" £ ' £" " £' tlelr own \\'clg It cconolllicalk. This . ·i'--.) a y('ar or Il('r orllllllg sen',lCes 0 ' I" I "I I I' '. : w(llIlcn ~ pagcs or C011l111ll5. An informal WANTED'----- II I SI80 II"" I f '["Ik Stl IJect Ilee( s carelu sill( y alii consullTa£ I" I I [I I " Ie 0 nICC ;UII a( ( Ittuna or 1\ I ' . 51 [d (Inuit \\' He 1 reslI te( )rullg It out lIlallY •• ' '1'1'" - " . . I tlUlI. IOU wc protcct our tax hudget .I I I I f WANTED-To huy a ('hilll's crib, pluy pen, JIL<.: lied 1011. officer 'IS II,e 1',"e',I'" ","gill sl",I' I" I I" I I( ('.b·, am t'{ to the urmation of definitc alHI high chair. Tl'1ellhone Swarthmore "" 7 " Ie aSSistant health " ·1" .,.rSM\'e(U!lCWlIl'l If ~~c~'~\'~s . y I ~ .:10 :mllllally, fhe. work. IS i already have.! sterilizatiun laws? Pelllls\'l11 'Uls ur the organization. :!:l:,·W. \\ OI(K W ANTED-Loui!! Mangano. gardener. (I\'n c( IIllt~II"'I'k'() I"arts: . ContaglOlIs DI5-; \'ania has had a sierlizatioll bill hci~re ).[iss Sl'cJy. a residcllt of Xorth Chester twenty year's (,xlwrienre, desirl'S work by eases all( .\ I ' IISlle I I'\.0;1(.I •S wart IllIlun', was c1('cted Jlresi~ . . • C 1011. I its Icg-islaturc since 1&-;9. pectioll for tIll' Borough, I It is thc opinion of the local League of I \\'"olll('n \'I)t<--'rs that the whnle lI1:llter of! milk inspcrtioll in the Commoll\\'ealth of i PCl1llsyh-ania is nile which 11(,<--,<1:;:; careful • ELIZABETH A. CHRYSLER " 151 District otTice :n the Swarthmore High School. GEORGE MICHELL _ BEATING BOOMS Manager, Grocery Department Chester Road It is very relaxing on our new +" Swarthmore 1932 THE I ° BARBER SHOP Everything in Drugs ! ================== FRANK'S ---.------ ~I,lte~ch;.I!I:~. I ----+---- on the Comer ~~ 'J" SWARTHMORE 42 MICHAEL'S College Pharmacy Ilre\,(~l1tion. The School District or Swarthmore will rec('h't" bids at the High School nuildinS! up to .. P. :M., Friday. May 7, 1937, for printing and seit.nce supplies, cool ani) rue) oil. The School District r('s('n'es the right to reject any or all bid .. in whole or in part and/or to aword contracts to othl'r than the low bidders on any item or items. Sp('Cification~ may be liccured at the School Districl office in the Swarthmore High School. BUCHNER'S Haberdashers Ladies' Wear IHE BELL nLEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA OPEN EVENINGS • • ELIZABETH A. LUEDERS, Secretary. ••• and so it • I,S with ELECTB.lCITY "'hen yon hlly a carton of cigarcttes you know you reduce the avcrage cost of ('aeh pa('kage ... ~a\'c m(JIlCY ... So it is wilh e!('{·tricity-quantily usc ml~ ..1Il8 low('rt·d an'rage C08t, IIl're~s how it actually work:-5- 50 kilowatt-hmus monthly cost • • • "2.86 Twicc as much (100 Klk.'!&H"?;JI)OUIIS costs only 84.46 instead of $5.72 . 5 limes as muc I1 (250 KIWW""I'I'_1I0U\'s MONTlILY) costs on Iy "7 •71 inslcadof$14.30 (abot-ejigurcs llUscfl 011 exis,i"g Suburban rates) It's obvious that electricity is cheaper in quantity; that adding electric comrorts lowers the average cost ••• saves you money. De thrifty-usc more electricity! PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY ElectririlJ-C/If'Ul'er ill Quu"lil"y C THE SWARTHMOREAN 6 HODGE DIRECTING MAY PRODUCTION "Penonal Appearance" Will Close 1936-1937 Season of ,Swarthmore Playen Club Lawrence Riley's three act comedy, uPersonal Appearance" is now in rehearsal for presentation by Director D. Malcolm Hodge during the first week of next month at the Players Club. A comedy in three acts, the scene of the entire play .is the living room of a house between Scranton and WilkesBarre on Route 6. The play which gained immense popularity s~veral years ago ~jn New York and since has been a favorite among summer theatre groups, revolves about a motion picture celebrity, Carole Arden, who due to motor trouble s~d­ denly finds herself and her entourag.e Injected into the midst of th~ ordmary and routine existence of a tYPical Pennsylvania family which has be~ forced by circumstances to run a tOUrIst accommodating home. Those who enj oyed Mr. Hodges productions, HCounsellor at Law" and "One Sunday Afternoon" are looking forward with great interest to h.is next presentation which incidentally Will close the current season at the Club. Mr. Hodge has selected new talent from the Club membership to play the motion picture star and the young man with whom she becomes enamoured. Polly Ann Daly and Edward A. O'Neill make their debut here as Carole Arden and Chester Norton (Bud), respectively although Miss Daly is a graduate of the Emilie Krider Norris Dramatic School, Philadelphia, and has appeared in productions elsewhere. Amon D. Sibole and Ruth Lewis also make their first appearances as Johnson and Jessie. Miss Lewis has done dramatic work at Swarthmore High School an~ Swarthmore College. The others .in the cast are all old Club favorites; Carol Cleaver, Mary Ryan O'Brien, Angela Mason, Helen Clark Reed and D. Malcolm Hodge, and John S. Taylor who witl be remembered for his work in "Ah! Wilderness." , At The Inn "Wonderlands of the North," covering Icdand, Greenland and Scandinavia, will be the feature film presentation at the Strath Haven Inn, at 8.15 this evening. , Aid Camp Sunshine Next Wednesday An opportunity for this community to aid Camp Sunshine will be offered next Wednesday afternoon, April 28, when the local American Legion Auxiliary will sponsor a benefit card party. The event will be held .in the Woman's Club House, on Park Avenue, and it is hoped those who cannot come at 2 o'clock to play bridge will drop in at 4 o'clock for a vis.it and refreshments wherever possible. The committee of three in charge of the card party is composed of Mrs. Alben T. Eavenson, Mrs. J. Paul Brown and Mrs. Oscar J. Gilcreest. Swarthmore has always shown a considerable Jnterest in Delaware County's lIalnutritiotl Camp, at Thornton, several Borough residents having been on the various committees of the project, boys and gids of the town going as volunteer councillors eai:h year, and children from the lists 01 the Community Health Society, of Borough Halt, having been among those who have enjoyed a week's health promotion there. Each $4.00 means one more child can reap the benefits of a sojourn at Camp Sunshine. Colonel Harvey R. Pierce, of Princeton Avenue, is a member of the administrative committee whieh was formed at a recent meeting of the Board of Directors of the Camp. The Legion Auxiliary has reported the contribution of $20 toward the recent Chadty Ball from Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ainsworth in memory of whose son the Swarthmore Post bears the name Harold Ainsworth Post. PETER Eo TOLD All Line. of Insurance Illcludinl' Life Notary Public •• 7 DARTMOUTH AVE. SW. lUll :.:::...:::::..::==:.:.:...=.:.::....--....::.::::..:= MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON JOSEPH E. QUINBY ERNEST G. SNODCRASS. "-SS'T. FUNERAL DIREC rORS _B_E_L_L_P_"_O_N_E_._ _ _ _ _ _.. _E_D_I.... __P_.... _ A. Wayne Mosteller \ •\ Electrical Contractor Telephone Swarthmore 58 Friendly Circle Holds April Meeting Over thirty members of the Frlendly Circle met at the Vassar Avenue home of the new president, Mrs. Arthur R. O. Redgrave Thursday afternoon, April 15. Last meeting's minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Arthur Hughes, and the treasurer's report given by Mrs. Dwight Cooley, the new treasurer. Mrs. Henry A. Peirsol. chairman of sewing, distributed garments which ,,:ere made for the Community Health Society and reported other garments had been made during the month. The knitting committee announced that another afghan is almost finished but decision as to its disposal was postponed until fall. There was a discussion as to the extent of financial help to be rendered to Camp Sunshine this coming summer and decision wlll be made at the June meeting after the proceeds from the picnic are known. The annual picnic wHl be held June IS on the lawn of Mrs. J. Horace Walter's home, on Cedar Lane. Mrs. W. Niv.in Wherry wilt have charge of tickets. A letter of appreciation was read from a shut-in to whom a plant was sent at Easter with a box of candy and a year's subscription to a magazine. An appropriation was made for the purchase of an air cushion for the Community Health Society, to be lent by the visiting nurses to patients in the district. It was voted to pay $25 to a family which has been served an eviction notice. This will help with mov.ing and rent. The father has been ill for a long period of time, the reason for this family getting behind in rent and being in desperate situation. Mrs. Herbert White froOl the Welfare Office told of two adolescent boys who necd occupation on a farm for the summer. If anyone knows of such a .place, please call her, Swarthmore 2070. It was voted to give $5 for materials for a group of children in this district doing occupational therapy work. The meeting adjourned for a social time and refreshments. • Softball Replaces Baseball at H,S. At 8.30 A. M. Wednesd~y, William Madison, of Madison Brothers, Dartmouth Avenue, driving south on Park Avenue, while crossing Michigan Avenue, figured in an accident w.ith a car driven by a man named Kovac. Ridley Township, west bound on Michigan. Slight damage resulted. ---+--- HOLD APRIL MEETING OF HEALm SOCIETY Mr,. E. L. Mercer Named Transportation Chairman Upon Retirement of Mrs. W. T. Ellis The April meeting of the Board of Directors of the Nursing Division of the Community Health Society was held on Thursday morning, April IS, in Borough Hall, with the president, Mrs. A. F. Jackson, presiding. Mrs. William T. Ellis, because of absences from Swarthmore, the Swarthmore Schools prepared the been formulated by representatives 01 display: Virginia Craemer, chairman; health agencies and were answered by Jane Anne Williams, Phyllis Simpson, representatives of the following agencies: Barbara Blondin, Iris Quintan. Doris Delaware County Emergency Relief Lackey, Dween Lingle, Edith Fredericks, Board, Private Family Agency, Chil~ Emily Knoll. In the background, mounted dren's Aid Society, Directors of the Poor, on a white screec. the United Campaign Mothers' Assistance Fund, Mental Health "Torch Poster" is seen in the center panel. Clinic and National Youth AdministratiolL On either side of the poster there appears Mr. Charles Kurtzhalz, of the Delaware a chart; one represents an analysis of County Tuberculosis Society, acted as field time spent by the nurses, the other chairman of the panel. Mrs. Paxson, represents the pay status of visits. board member; Miss Mary Myers, Miss "On March 18 five health agency work- Margaret Allan and Mrs. Nellie Cuenco, ers met with Mrs. Emilie Myers in the of the Community Health Society, at. office of the Delaware County Welfare tended the meeting. Council in Media to plan a program to be "Miss Mary Myers and Mrs. Geraldine held later in the month. Mrs. Cuenco Nickle attended the Silver Jubilee Cele. represented visiting nurse services; child bration of the N. O. P. H. N. in New health centcr work, school nursing serv-I York City March 18." ice, tuberculosis nursing and hospital social Miss Myers gave a most interesting service were represented by other nurses. report of the meeting in New York, which "On March 30 the Delaware County was held to celebrate the 25th birthday Welfare Council held a supper meeting of the National Organization of Public in Chester. The program was presented Health Nursing. Prominent speakers in the form of a panel discussion: What praised the work of 20,000 public health Our Agencies can and Cannot Offer to I nurses throughout the United States. I :===============~================~ resigned of Transportation and Mrs. as E. chairman Leroy Mercer was appointed ~ chairman of that committee. Volwtteers to help in conveying patients to hospitals and clinics are greatly desired, Mrs. Nellie P. Cuenco, supervising nurse, reported. Her account of the nursing work during March was as follows: UDuring the past month 560 visits were made to patients who desired nursing care and health supervision. Three home de-I liveries were attended by our nurses in March. In reviewing statistical reports for March, 1935, 1936 and 1937, it was interesting to note the fo1towing visits in our maternity program: March, 1935, total 97; March, 1936, total 58; March, 937, total 185. These visits included those made to antepartum, delivery, postpartum and newborn patients. uDue to our heavy maternity program and morbidity visits which totaled 214 it was again neces~ary to postpone health supervision work which we had hoped to do in March. Our chronic patients were remembered with potted plants during the Easter holidays. "Eighty babies and preschool children attended conferences in six communities in An Intramural Softball league has been The new scales are now in use March. drawn up and successfully run by William C. F. Ziegenfus, high school athletic in Folsom. The greater part of the fund director, in place of a school baseball toward the scales was contributed by the team. The group consists of two leagues, Swarthmore Friendly Circle. one loop for the Junior High boys, of the UBcginning in AprH the Springfield and seventh to eighth grades and a separate Plush Mills Conferences will be combined. The attendance at these two centers has league for the boys of the ninth to twelfth been low and due to the locations the two grades. In the $enior loop the Browns, under "Fjtz" Jennings, easily captured can easily be combined. "The part-time school nursing service the first round; in the other grollp, the Cardinals, captaip.ed by Ford Wiggins, has been continued in Springfield and WOIl. There are three more rounds as Morton. The regular Springfield School yet to be played. The winner of the Nurse will probably be unable to resume whole tournament is slated to meet the her work in the schools for an indefinite undefeated faculty ten. period. I "We are pleased with tIle continued 1937 Main Line Concert a Success co-operation of parents who are cndeavoring to provide needed corrections. for the A report is expected next week on the children with remedial defects. receipts of the well attended Main Line "We are grateful to Mrs. Paxson for Concert held in Clothier Memorial, making possible a window display which Swarthmore College, last Friday night for presents, in miniature, the services of the the scholarship fund of the High School. nursing division of our agency. In a The High School Chorus beautifully ren- vacant shop window opposite our office dered "The Slave's Dream" and Dorothy a day's program in the Hfe of a Red Cross Seltzer, soloist, charmed the audience with Public Health Nurse is pictured. A I Chopin's Concerto for Piano, Gp. 21. health center physician, two nurses, a bed eluded Overture u.Maritana," Wallace j patient, a mother and two children arc Brahms, by the Main Line Orchestra. represented by dolls. Two "doll house I size" rooms furnished with doll Police News furniture picture the patient's home Next Monday evening, the 26th, a and the health center. The extenumber of motorists witl appear for hear- rior of a school building suggests school ings, having been given summons this nursing service. Mrs. Paxson contacted past week for traffic violation while pass- Miss Alabel Ewing regarding the project. ing through this Borough. They include \Valter C. Becker, Bala-Cynwyd, arrested 9.45 P. M. last Friday for speeding and improper passing on Chester Road; Everet Carnichael, of Chester, and Wilson S. Carmichael, Philadelphia, arrested at 3.05 and 320 P. M. respectively on Sunday for thru traffic violation; William Horsey, Philadelphia, arrested at 3.35 P. A-I., and William James Madden, Lansdowne, also for thru traffic violation at Swarthmore Avenue and North Chester Road; Edward Burnshaw, Yeadon, arrested at 8.30 P. M. Monday for the same offense. James Beck, no home, was picked up at 4.45 P. M. Friday for drunkeness and disorderly conduct and committed to the Media jail for thirty days. Appearing for hearing on !fonday of this week Charles Lynch, 01 Philadelphia, arrested on the 11th, was fined $5 for thru traffic violation; Frank J. Facciolo, Clifton Heights, arrested on the 14th lor speeding, was fined $10, and Theodore Dingle, of Park Avenue, Swarthmore, summoned on the 11th for reckless driving was discharged with warning. H. L. Johnson, of 330 Park Avenue, will join the group to appear on the 26,1 , GIANT TIGER Baltimore Pike at East Lansdowne Specials for Week of April 22 to April 28, Inclusive Libby's Deep Brown Beans Libby's Seedless Raisin. Del Monte Sun ~ried Apricots Del Monte Euly Guden Peas Dole Pineapple Juice UCO UCO UCO UCO UCO Lb. Can Flako Pie Crust Lifebuoy Soap 14-oz. BoUles 2 12-oz. Jar No. I Tun Can 10 ~ Brown Label No.2 Cans 14-0%. Bottle lb. Cotton Bag FOR SALE Village Window Cleaner llen~W!:n~;~::.in ~h;e!~~:;;:I=~ne , M. PARKER Swarthmore 42 in excel- 19c Be 10e 45e { 65e 15e ~1·1b. Pkg. 2ge 2 Pkgs. 1ge Bar 5e y. ·lb. Pkg. 15 Lb •. 2ge U. S. Maine Potatoes Sugar Loaf Pines Fresh-Killed Stewing Chickens Prime Rib Roast Each Lb. Lb. 5e 23e 27e Open 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. Wednesday-ONLY 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. Friday and Saturday Plenty of Free ParkinR Space "You Can Buy It For Less at the Giant Tiger" CHESTER'S FASHION CORNER SWAI~THMm~E VOL. IX, No. 18 SWARTHMORE. PA.. APRIL MAY PLAY WILL END SEASON NEXT WEEK New Dancing Class Committee Elected at Annual Meeting ALFRED PA, 30, 1937 $2.50 Gertru~:.~~~;~ to P. SMALLEY TUESDAY PROGRAM The annual meeting of the Delaware, County Branch of the Women's Inter- I national League for Peace and Freedom I will be held in the Swarthmore Friends', Local Troops Entertain Woman's D. Malcolm Hodge Direct. "PerMeeting House next Thursday, .May 6, Club on 25th Scouting sonal Appearance" for at 2 :30 p. m. Anniversary Players Club Miss Gertrude Baer, international cochairman of the W. I. L., will speak on I The Swarthmore Woman's Club was The final play of the Players Club of u Europe Today." the scene of the celebration of the twentySwarthmore 1936-1937 season will be prejs making only one other fift~ anniversary of Girl Scouting ~n the Miss Baer sented during the coming week. D. Maladdress in FelUlsylvania, that at PittsUmted ~tates last Tuesday, Apnl 27. colm Hodge is the director in charge of burgh, so Swartlunoreans may feel priviThe. meetmg was brought to order by the the prodUction and it will be Lawrence leged to hear an international speaker of preSident, Mrs. Roland G.. E. Ullman, Riley's comedy hit, "Personal Appearsuch wide reputation. who then turlle? the proceedlng~ o ....er to ance." The opening performance will be All are invited to attend the meeting Mrs. George Zimmer, Club chairman of Tu.!sday evening, May 4. Swarthmore postmaster, headed tbe -.. , . Otizenship. Mrs. Zimmer introduced Gladys George, one of this country's c.ommittee in charge of the show arMrs. Ernest R. Laws, committee chairfinest comediennes, starred in ~IPcrsona[ rangement.. for uSwarthmore Nile." • • , . man of Troop 6, who presided over the Appearance" during the p!ay's more than An account of the evellt which oc" afternoon's entertainment. five hundred performances on Broadway curred Ia.t night, too late for a review Mrs. Gunther Frocbcl, chairman of the in this week"s i.sue, will be given in three seasons ago. Since then the play Girl Scout House committee, portrayed The Swarthmoreaa ne,..t week. has been taken to evp.ry part of the couninterestingly the history of the Girl Scout try. In brief resume, "Personal A ppearA Resident of This Section for House in Swarthmore, telling how the ance" is set in the tourist home of Addie EVENTS AT COLLEGE THIS Twenty-four Years, She Had troop having taken a trip to Washington Struthers on the road between WitkesWEEK-END on twenty-two cents conceived the idea Been DI Two Barre and Scranton, where Mrs. Struthof needing a house in Swarthmore. Edgar Allen, chairman of the anatomy Ethel Schatte Dolman, wife of Dr. John there ers lives with her Aunt Kate and her Miss Hughes, Philadelphia Director department of the Yale University School daughter Joyce. There is also Bud NorDolmau, Jr., professor of English at the of Girl Scouts, followed with an interestof Medicine, will deliver a lecture tonight, University of Pennsylvania and director ing talk on the scout movement, eOlton, the young filling station attendant, Friday, at 8 o'clock in the Friends' Meetwho is engaged to Joyce. Into this quiet of its summer school, died of a heart ail- phasizing the jnternational aspect of ing House. He will discuss uEarJy setting is dropped Carole Arden, a moment about 9 o'clock },{onday morning, scouting and pointing out that the history Stages in Reproduction and Their Contion picture star who .is making a series April 26, at her home, 304 Vassar Ave- of the Swarthmore Scout House paralltrol by Hormones." Robert K. Enders, nue. She was forty-seven years old. of personal appearances in connection elled in a small way the entire history of of the zoology department, of Swarthwith her latest picture. Miss Arden's Mrs. Dolman was born and educated scouting founded in this country twentymore College, but recently returned from in Philadelphia. She was a resident of five years ago by J utiet Lowe. automobile breaks down in front of the an expedition to Panama, will introduce Struthers home and she, her maid. chaufSwarthmore for twenty-four years and At this point the three Swarthmore the speaker. feur and publicity man are forced to spend was always actively interested in com- i troops marched juto the clubhouse with The address, which JS under the the night in; the tourist home. The sudmunity affairs. She shared in her fam-I their leaders and opened their part of the auspices of the Cooper Foundation and den injection of the star actress into the ily's interest in the. Players Club of entertainment by illedging allegiance to the zoology department, will be nonordinary and routine existence of this Swarthmore where Dr. Dolman, in addi- I the flag. Troop 16~ led by Margery Mactechnical and open to all. It will be iltypical up·state Pennsylvania family Excitingly Amusing Days From tion to being a director of many years' :AlilJan, sang two songs, "EI Capitan" and lustrated by slides and motion pictures standing was vice-president for the past "Shusti Sidli", the latter in most interforms the background story of the play. Life of "Tom Sawyer" showing ovulation in the rabbit. two seasons and chairman of the cast esting fashion accented by gestures. Following the cast committee's policy of Dramatized The next feature of the afternoon was presenting new players whenever possible, Patty Morris, '37, will be crowned committee, their sons Geoffrey and Efl\fr. Hodge wilt introduce three new playThe fine opportunity offered young Queen of the Mayan the green at the fingham, serve on the stage committee, and folk songs of various lands sung by the ing members. They are PolLie Ann Daly, people of this vicinity to exercise their east end of Parrish Hal1, at 6 A. M. daughter Barbara is invaluable to the art girls of Trocp 194, who were admirably Edward A. O'Neill and Amon Sibole. dramatic ability was strongly apparent at Saturday, and the women of the college and junior plays committees. Mrs. Dol-] trained, directed and accompanied by Mrs. Miss Daly, an attractive young blonde, the Players Club of Swarthmore last will dance and sing in the annual May rna": has been a member of the hospitality I~' L. Ventudni. The following girls won her part of Carole Arden, the· ma.vie Saturday. The afternoon and evening per- Day exercises. and junior plays committees of the Club. d. res,sed in. native costumes announced the ~.~~r._ln.~Q~~titiv~_try-outs from a large formanccs. of the la;t junior play for this "!,.,l;:i..1.:r t~:i=' ·':;f'v"':... ~·~!s;:V uf tilt., ~i~tl..; She handled the 1935 Red Cross Roll songs for the particular countries: Enggroup O f cand,'dates' '0- r the role. M' ,'ss .:)t!a'sun,· ···To\n "'~aWyee-: 'a:elighte\\(,(,11 Il11gle 1 ,11th Iredcncks Buml Pr1\lll' lalllll) \gene) Clill hgllred III II ICClduit \\Jth 1 Cll drl\U1 IlIlIh 1,,11(11 111 the bickgroulld Illuunted drells \ulSlClch IJlrcc.:torsofthcPo r I" I III III II IIl1ed Ko, II; I to a fanui) lIIadcto I)atlcnts"hudeslredUlIrSI11 elrc! Baltimore Pike at East Lansdowne "hit h h IS heell sen cd an e\ IcllUll I oUce and health Sill cn lsi )II 1 hree home dt.: I hiS \\111 help \\Ith 1I10\mg: and rent Il\eTles \\erc attended I" our Ilur lS II Specials for Week of April 22 to April 28, Inclusive I ht f Ith r 11 Is bccn III for a long period ~I Irch In re\ Icn mg statistical reI (rts (f 111111.: Ihe n ISOI1 for tll1s f lIluh octtmg for March 1935 1936 md 1937 t \\as) ReG Size Can LIbby's Deep Brown Beans 7c hdulld III rent and helll o 111 desperate IIIterestlllg to note the folio" IIIg \ I It I Pkg ... UtI ItlOIl OUI materllll\ program 11arch 19h Libby's Seedless RaislDs Sc ~I r Herhcrt \\ Illte from the \\ eHare total 97 llarch 1936 tot II 58 ),Imh I II oz Pkg Del Monte Sun Dried Apncots 12c Oll1le told uf 1\\0 adolescent bo\S \\ho j 931 tot II 18:-. Ihese \I"ltS lIldull'dl 2 No 2 Cans l1l't.:d (ecUI ,Won un a farm for Ihc "UIIl I th se III I(le to Illtepartultl dell\ cn It I t 1 Del Monte Early Garden Peas 2Sc lIl('r II all\onc kno\\s of such a .. llllce par tum fllld IIc\\born patlcnts I Tall Can Dole PlDeapple JUIce 6c 111.:1 l t III her SnarlhllH re 2070 Duc to ollr hea\\ Illatermh pr rami It \\1 "ted to gl\c~:> hr mater lIs and Illorhlhh \ISlls \\1l1ch t tilt' I '1-11 2 No 2 Cans 19c for a ""ronp ot clllidren III thiS (hstnct It "as ag 1111 nece san to))( st) II.' hcalth I UCO Golden Bantam Corn I III cup Itl lIal therapv \\orl Sill en ISH I nark \\ Illch \\C I Id hOI ul t, No 2 Can UCO Grapefruit Juice 6c I he l1Ieellll"" I(IJollrned for a SOCial d I 111 ::\rarch Our chn IIlC patients \\tre No 3 Can tiC IIld refrcshments relllcmbl'red "lIh I ottcd pili t dllrlll/.: the UCO Tomatoes --- Solid Pack 10c + I Istcr holt Ia\ s 2 No 2 Cans UCO Jumbo Natural Peas 2Sc Softball Replaces Baseball at H S 1 ,...,hh hahlts and prc ... d I clildren I Quart Bottle UCO Prune Juice Iitt IIded e IIfuCIlCt.:S 111 SIX C 11111 unities III \11 Intr III lIr II S fth III Ie 19UC 11 ls hecn Ir m I LIp I I slIcce sfllih nUl I" \\ lIlt 1111 ~Ilrch 1 he I1C\\ "calc~ Irc lIt \\ II ISC 14 oz Bottle <.. Z l mfu 11I,...,h school III I {I II J I e gnater I rt t thc fUl1d I HelDz Ketchup 16c r 111 111(t t a :,cho( I 1)\\ If(I tl I..' Sl tics \\as c ntnl uted I" the I Lb Crm Kellogg's Kaffee Hag 33c J he ... n up c n IS .... of t\\( It.: I tiC" S\\ Irtllll re ] rlen Ih Luck 2 14 oz Bottles «Ill' I pi r th Imll r IlIgh I \ f the J 1.',...,1111111 1lI \1 nl Ihc Spr n,...,ficll IIId Ritter's Catsup 19c I.:\tllill t el hll ,...,rldes Hul I selllrlte Plush :\"Il~ L Ulcrllices \\ III e cOlllhl1lt.:d 12 oz Mott's Jellies --- Assorted Flavors 8c I I the I the IIl1th t h\Cllth I he Ittenillll(t' It tht.: e t\\. ce ller I No I T II ("fll1 Illt I c II liS II C h\ Calif. Fruit CocktaIl 10c GIANT TIGER lIc GRANULATED SUGAR 10 Bil~ lb Cotton 100's lBags Salada Tea /Brown Label { " Ib 2 Flako PIe Crust LIfebuoy Soap Pk~s 29c Lb Lb Sc 23c 27c Open 9 A M to 9 P M Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 9 A M to I P M Wednesday-ONLY 9 A M to 10 P M Friday and Saturday Plenty of Free Parking Space "You Can Buy It For Less at the Giant Tiger" - CHESTER S FASHION CORNER IS Notary Pubhe 417 DARTMOUTH AVE S\\ InlHIl re \\l'me 1::\ rth Chc ter h. HI I h\ ani I un h" \ ca I 11 ar f l tul It X JO P ~r ~1 Il 11\ fIr thc S IIllC otten e J atlle Pctk ,,~ Illlkcd 111l al-t..J:'II ~I I r elrtlllke le~s ami SW 1833 Edgmon! Avenue Sevenlh and Welsh Streets JOSEPH E QUINBY ERNEST G SNODGRASS ",S5 T FUNERAL NOW D1REC fORS MEDIA Electrical Contractor Telephone Swarthmore 58 YE Village Window Cleaner A HAUGER Prop Swarthmore 19 IN PROGRESS ANNIVERS/\RY SALE A. Wayne Mosteller \\ SPECIAL FOR SALE T~m hOIl!>(> In the Il!l n(>55 7.one lent cond tlon n excel EVERY REDUCTIONS IN DEPARTMENT A rl' I I Il I I tI\ III Iiullll(" \ trn~ I 19 r "l of cana~f Su Ie II If))(.' 1 eh rlcl.:l1 Flrkelt :\Ian + tlCl1 ant f) r tin \\ II I '0' Pnce ale ("lcr:1 Stroke Seven Weeks Ago; \ Ir,...., Iia LrtCllll \It c Craullcr Rar ),1 r dr IIll ttlC takm ot 10lal \ out It III tI e fol Came Here In 1923 11 ar:1 a 11 ]\ uth Cil1ld n I Dorotl) I II l I. \\ II re pc t1\ (' plrt -<..ir ICle :\IJllcr - - __ ~I II I \\ I he t'L lid t1l1 1 er \\ a~ a ( I I II II rq rt III t \\e hale more \111\ I a\\leIlCl :\Iam e \u till Sallie I l I B \t I I e I a\\a :\ltXIl In 11 I \ the I II \\ II l lit th Tl pa ttl the I aU \p.\ llark to\\ard k ....,('r 1Il1 J I lie ~rlller' h 11 C 210 tit thl.: 111 lrum nt II I I c I ~'hO{) the reteillt t) la). ex CI aC'1I r I I Dorothl lIure If n ct ~ In "-1/00 )\Cl a \\ luta! er \\t.:le It.: ~I{ I ~:1 ~I (JajlllUJ lprt tilt lIUfrl1 IIrlllgn,., 11)) 'till Stir TIdell I er r I f • Ie r t\\ (f III I\r_tr lell I L IL W V N (Lklllkl ., I II I r I rh tin k en HIS \ It 11 I: oca ews Ii I hl.:r I \l' I I l 11111 elle I In I )rt:e lit 111 relLllcthe IIllul1tof Iltzlldh I Ie l Hill ::\1 a' \ \\h I III :\11\ mntl I til(' S\\lrlll c t1ntn t:h 1I1 II It I tl t.: 1Il C 1II ller "h{' I I t.: I tI t \\ IIltll \ ter "tI! 11.: I cll n 1:1 maklllg It necessary t \ II lIllie \1 I th I j'\.cI",ht 11 I t1 e l l I \ I tl e part of (lIcl 1111 h I II I l' I ~lr 11 Lf( l'1 Dur 11) S \ er He thiS 1 amlic II and to I I) (' \ latl II rq rle el1tm,..., It kit h Ir I n Ihle \ leI I\V oU""las \\ 110 h tl e d IruI amount mt nsls here \\ hCIl I e cattle to the Villi I fill a1h t k til'l mele,,] lick under ht.:r 101l1e SI tt I 1 I hl1 1Il( II cd 1 1 lItre hnc htell mam I11crea C anollg \\11 111 lirant \\1I1d or as thc Shentl 111,: In \\ lilt III J C Ir 11 1 t II Ilhr Jlnl e \\llIch hne beelllllost \\11 IllIIh tt the I )~ 10 cOHhcle t) \\ Ith h s lall Ih ::\Ir I s\\ Ilhm re III 19)3 md \\lf~ (Ill lIra . . . lI1g hill 11 II h en It II 11 thc J..!,r I\('\ald Dcll\\are C mllt\ \ til I h tl e t lip I Il \\ as schcduled lie III I t \\ ht I a murder" as COllllllltted III I nlltr I II"llcth Gardllll I Xc \la tic till Ian I \\ I III I marne I 111 l~i2 I lit 1 lie 11\ ::\Ir \ I Jack I d thenl \ 01 tallied the e\ldellt,;e he \\ mUI \ tcr \\ III hear a I IC)JQ C lIetint I Ir all 1Il!-\ :1t II c i t Iree III IlInoccnl pnsollcr ami \ II 11),[ 1\ I I thc :\1 d:1 \\ nail Sun \ 111,.., an t\\O I I lilt \ I tl I h( tr 111\\11111 \1(" 11 I 11:\ \I, II II 11\ I..: III th lItu Illlr :\1 ( I I k 0 Illd I I Ie C. 5 :\ I r I" 11 II I Inch a thc) In: thn \\ere ( limn I 11r 1.. III \\ rkl r I L\ 111 I thcl amI Lillian all ot S"arlhmore I' 1\\ \\Ue h Ie e f r thc alternoon Ill' Lluh lIonse I die\! I,..., the make their retnrns I \\hl ( rull I I SIX g-randclnldrcn I • sl \\ \ r \dllell tht 11:1 I t I he rt' allcd 11rgc as) <;Ihle thai IH7 "r nO\ t has he n retlrcd f)r <; lIIe Mother-Daughter Banquet Mav 4 I r 111 It lxuteme It an I the real cndlll:-, h \\ 111 \\ II J c 1Il(n.:a cd \ e Ir and \\ as pre\ e Ited 1)\ age 1r III 111 (tile SIX Ir 1 I lit of the,..., al to an 1I1lount nhl1.:h Shirley Temple at Inn Tonight 1 el Itl \e 111 the (.'1\ I..' 1 Ie of the com Thl :111IlUal ~r 1h('r~ ami D:1l1 hters I hz II dh ~la, 1\ 1 nls Is t~ he (' III (all I It r 1 { c 1Il1 ared \\Ith la tHai s1111l1t\ lit.: \\as a munber ot Ihe S"arth In UJ(ltlcl (I tl e S\\arthmore JUIll)r Club 11(1Ic1( I (.r tht.: IKrl rllll1ll('~ (I t:111lul \d Iph Z lkor ~ pr t1HatH II I Dam n 11 1 q a cd the ..... al I rl: Prl.: In t('nan Churcl "111 Ie Ilil III tt e \\ 111m Chlh 1I0 I e thr 11 I her (hnetl) 1 I arhara Dolman ".1111\ n I ttle:\[ lfark("r \\Itl • 1)1 loh I I Tuttlt I rmci pa<;t r ot ).1;1\ -I It (j jO P ).[ I I \<1 Ipl c ~lcllJ 11 amI (Il 111.: I :1 I tXC utl:d tl e sccllcn the Slnrll\ 1 CI I Ie Children to Entertain Parents tht church :1nd the Re\ Gl'0r ..... e L \:1li d ck as tated III notices lUI I f the thlnl r ulc hut c S Ir It \anl I \Ul1t P 11\ h mc IJor tIn t h:1rlt Illkl rl \\ II he Ihe Itaturl' at I ParI "enn rl1lClatcd at the hale IItcl I uul 1\ enatl l~ I enl ed tl e c s II t \\e kh II \It I tl c.::;tr:1tl IJa\ It \1111 \\ 11 S I 1 \\111 tlkrt II 11(,lr l:1r "d II ~lll :\l1llm lnll "I h \\cr hdt al the h l1IClllt I 1:11 \\ tl ).rr (( roe TJ k tun I" I I ~I cr \\a" 111 char ..... c [nil th \(11 I r la at ~ h It I {ll \\ t'l I l:1t III (' part at t1 c "dl 01 Punalll 11 h:1 mall thc d IlIIcr hClue and lUll IJ \ dCIl pr pared trl (" I II at :111 ('h Idrc I I t1 t III at II S:1tl1r 11\ after 00 I at ) 0 cI (k I xt I t1 11\ l \ UIlI ~I \ -I ~It I II \\ 11 \11 11 0 t II C( metcn ~r l\ 1 I t It 1 1 I I I \ :1 ltllt II nlcr t) I e a In lte(1 1 ]1 \ tt.;1.c It th( dl ~ , MRS A J QUINBY & SON BELL PHONE 4 Dancmg Class Committee MAY PLAY WILL END NewElected at Annual Meeting SEASON NEXT WEEK $2.50 PER YEA R , 1~~/\I~ I}I \~llle 11:/ \\/I~II~~\!,lI~l~;I1~a~I:~~~tl~l~n~t All Lines of Insurance Including Lire SWARTHMORE, PA, APRIL 30,1937 'c· Sc Each VOL. IX, No. 18 Illu \ 29c 19c B" U S MalDe Potatoes Sugar Loaf PlDes Fresh-KIlled Stewmg ChIckens PrIme RIb Roast 4Sc 6Sc lSc • II " PETER E. TOLD SWool.l~THM(mE --~.---- ul ~Iulld 1\ .. \ (.;11111,.. f( r pus ~!iS I he.: fc,lIo\\ III,... ~Irls III the eighth gr uk of IIIg 1111 III \\lIIg It 1 IrJ.! { I \ICIOIl dog the.: S" Irlhl1l no. Schools pHplrnl the \1 H 1U \ ~I \\ldl1t.'sdl\ \'11111111 dls]I.\ \ .rgllill (rl(,III1.T ChUTlIl1II ~I nil II f:\1 uilslJlI Brotla:r Dlrl J un \nl1l.' \\ .Ihulls Pll\lh~ SlIllPSl1l \ 1 I Irttlllih fl r tl I cu IIllltll It \ IL I Sun hlll~ \\111 bc t fh'lC I Ill'"t t r UI I III tl t.: 11\ lite n 11 \1 nl 2K \\hm tl e , I c I I llIlC I 1\ \, I I I I t 1 \ux I In \\ ,II I j I til Irt.: thne r I llellellt lllllllt\ r IIl1e II.: I I Hd I he "11111 r (I II e t:H:nl \\ 11 Il IIdd 111 thc \\ IllI11 Is f( r HI uuldl lite t urlllllll It I slltnl to meet the I I.: I \\ (lui Huu e (n P Id h elllil and It I Ulldt.:lt lui t tllllt\ ICII Il n " I II, I 1 I tl It 2 (I \\Ith the c till lI:d d k I d cI r the \\ hl'rl'Hr I ht.: lOll Ilultec 01 thrl'c II dill I tl I..: C Ir I )llrt\ I::; I I I ~Ir \!lell 1 I I\elb 11 I Illi Br\\11 IHI ~Ir Oscar J lrn t "'\ irl} 1 I It I all, I\S shO\\lI a 01 lu II lie lilt rt.: t 1Il Dell" Ire COllnt) II I e I J It Sin e Dre:11l1 1111 D( r tin :\lllIlllnt 1 LllllP It 1 horntu 1 se\eril Scltzcr I It lhlllllul thc lIUhCIlCe \\Ith IHltilrle I \ I r I h n: uknb hal mg been 011 Ihe C1 JllIl L IICcrtu h r I Im( Op 21 I Il:d he Itl cellter Jlh\ SIClan il\ 0 nur l \ trI I l nun ttel (f the IlroJcct 10) du lcd 0\ I.:rtllre ~I tnt 11I I \ \ til ICC patient a II Ihel anel 1\\0 cllIllr I rl ntl ~lrI I the t)\\ 1l g( I11g as \oit11ltcer the :\1 1111 I lIIe Orchestr I rei n:scllted h) {Ii lis T" 0 d II hut. II 11 r clCh \elr ani cllllilrcn IrJlll + r III f rlllshed \\ Ith d It Pohce News tlle I t I the COll1l11lUlIt) II 11th pIcture the patll'lll s I n c ~ Ilt I I rtllgh Hill ha\1ll leel i\cxt ~1 nd,-" C\Clng the 26th I health CCllttr I he \.:Xtl III 11 11 se" h ha\ e en] Hd I \\l:t:k s Illl1l1her 01 III It fI I "III 11>1)car f( r hear school htnldll1~ "u~ges"" eh I ! l Itl pr moltun therc E leh s;-t 00 1 1 s 11 l\ Ill!.: hecn ,...,1\ Cll ~111ll1l OilS tillS n1ll slllg :,cn ICC II r" Pax son C( t:1ftul 1('11 e III re ch hi cm nap tie hene JlI t "e(k f r trlnlC \)(llt1(1I \\Iule p ss ~II s l[al cI I \\ Ill!.: rq~a (hng thc I r leet It I a CJ llIrll at C l.Il P Sun lillie II!!: t mJIIgh till I r ugh 1 he) lIIc1ude I Prll1cc \\ alter C Bcckt.:r Bill L) 11\\ HI arre ted l I lid If In e\ h, PlerH t II he 1IIe IS a mcmher of III: atimtlllS <) -t~ P ~I Il:'>t I nll\ t r spet'.i~·:-n-:ed-;-:a-:-t-;l:::un-::c-:;h:-:eo-:n·~~le:-:g:-:e-,-:un--:d;~e-:r-:th:;-e-I;-ea-:-dership nue, accompanied by Mrs. Bogardus'S. Western World of the Munson Line, and tea in her honor. Haun, from Venezuela. He has been traveling Miss ArJje Parkerson, of St. Peters- Cabin in the PocaDOS. burg, Fla., is spending several weeks in Mrs. J. Horace Walter, of Cedar Lane, Swarthmore as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. will entertain at hineheon and bridge next Joseph ]. Geer, of Harvard Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. D. Reed Geer, of Twin Thursday. Chimneys, entertained at dinner In honor Mrs. Sargent Walter, of North Chesof l\Hss Parkerson, a party of friends tcr Road, has been entertaining Mr. and ·among whom were llr. and Mrs. Joseph is a Dutch olle called Curacao Trading Chester Township. on Saturday after Company. noon, April 10, at 4 o'clock in Our Lady of rerl>etual Help Church, Morton, by Mrs. Roy Harkness has returned the Rev. John L. Moore. The couple to her home on Rutgers Avenue from was attended by Mrs. George Dougherty, Miami, Fla., where she spent the winter of Chester, the" bride's sister, and Robert \Velsh, brother of the bridegroom. Mr. visiting her mother, Mrs. C. B. Zitt. and Mrs. \Velsh arc now residing on UpM Mrs. Wales Buell, of Lynbrook, Long land Road. Island, formerly of Swarthmore, was the Mrs. 'Velsh is known in Swarthmore house guest of :Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore, Iha\'ing been a member of tI.le household of of Vassar Avenue, last week. During her :Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller, of Thayer "':;::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~ noad, since she came here from Ireland, eight years ago. Her mother is still liv- Minn., and the latter's sister, :A.{iss Amelia Cutler, also of St. Paul. deren, of Wilmington. Mrs. Robert T. Bair has been ill at Mrs. Earl H. Weltz, of College Aveher home, on Cornell Avenue, for the nue, entertained at luncheon and bridge past two weeks. on Tuesday of this week. --Mrs. Irvin R. MacElwee, of Mt. HolMiss Marcia Garrett has returned to yoke Place, returned Saturday from her home, on Garrett Avenue, after a \Vashington, D. C, where she spent last visit to her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. weck attending the national congress of Mrs. Gordon Powers, of Baltimore, and the Daughters of the American RevoMd. lution. Her mother, Mrs. Albert N. Garrett, :Miss Peggy Little, oi Park Avenue, and she will leave :Monday for Cape Cod, spcnt last week end in New York City where they will supervise improvements attending thc National Physical Educa- 011 their farm at East Harwich. tion Association convention. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hanna lert TuesMr. and Mrs. F. Norton Landon and day for FIbsrung, L. I., where they wiII daughters, Lois and Betty, of North make their home. Mr. Hanna will engage Princeton Avenue, visited Mr. Lando:1's in business in New York City. Their parents jn Syracllse, N. Y., last week end. house at 232 Benjamin West Avenue, will be occupied Saturday, May 1, by Mr. Dr. and Mrs. James F. Bogardus and and Mrs. Lloyd L. Leech and daughter, formerly of New York City. Mr. Leech CHESTER In compli· ance to the request of our regular patrons, we are presentingIn "THREE SMART GIRLS" In view of the picture havinr a prior presentation in Chester, the pre_ vaiUnl' reduced prices for this en_ .alement are adult. 26c, Children. 11c. lncludins state tax, matinee and evenin•• M E D • A I ==-_ __ _ Friday - Saturday TYRONE POWER LORE'ITA YOUNG DON AMECHE u Love Is News" with SUm SummervIlle EX~~! Times 8S L.ong Bnd Funny a"" Any Other Popeye (Ewer) No. 219 S. Chester Road. Swarthmore. to W. M. Reynolds, of Bell Telephone Co. lowing intermediate pupils played: Dick Delaplaine. Philip Murphy, Lewis Knebel, David Platt, and Robert Kirk. (DeVoy Estate) No. 20 Benjamin West Ave •• Swarthmore, to W. H. Linton, of Sun Sbip Company The Sailor The Salloe. in Three Dimension Color! Sunday Only! DOUBLE FEATURE I The make-up unit of the play production work shop of Wildcliff Junior Col- The Jones Family in "Off to the Races" and Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Gibson, of • SUll- llr. and Mrs. Fred P. Jones, of Dick- SOLD SOLD SOLD (Adams) No. 323 N. Swarthmore Ave •• Swarthmore, to W. P. Hayes, 01 Atlantic Hefinln. Co. Cesar Romero in "She's Dangerous" SOLD Do You Know (New House) "Byburn," WalUnaford UIUs, to M. L. Byron, of Du Pont Company The Sure Cure (or aoy Aulo Trouble? Call 440 George Bancro& in "A Doctor's Diary" 'Fir••'One Batteries Tires "ROMEO and JULIET" RENTED MANY of the BEST to MOST of the BEST NEXT RUSSELL'S SERVICE NORMA SHEARER LESLIE HOWARD ·YOUR HOUSE? to a "GOOD NEiGHBOR"1II AT~•• ''We Don't Sell CanW. Service Tbem·' Dartmouth and lAfayette A V AILABLE --- H.illborn Avenue, ~nte~tained with a per party on Sunday. . -.'-- ... ,- The players included Lars Soderberg, Barbo Soderberg, Dan Clay, George Frohel, Carolyn Furnas, David Morey, Jean ,Richmond. Kathleen Scott, Nancy Snow 'and 'Yanda Morgan. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon the fol- "POPEYE Meets SINBAD" Wednesday _ Thursday At Popular Pricesr ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS OUR recent sales include these ing in Ireland. The moat complete listing of desirahle END OF MONTH CLEARANCE Real Estate in Central Delaware County Every dress in stock suhstantially reduced to make way for a lovely collection of early summer styles. inson Avenue, had as their guests over the past week-end Mr. and Mrs. Prescott Smith and son, Donal, of Huntington, L. I. THE EILEEN SHOP WILLIAM E. WITHAM SWARTHMORE 1000 Old Bauk Buildiulr "We like to sen any real estate--anywhere--PROVIDED it has hObest value. Swarthmore 360 O. Gerard Heldring-Bye, son of Mrs. Arthur E. Bye, of North Chester Road, MANOR Friday III: Saturday, April 30-May I TYRONE POWER LORETTA YOUNG DON AMECHE In "I'M CAREFUL OF CHRYSANTHEMUMS" "LOVE IS NEWS" with Slim 5ummervllle .. Stepin Fetc:hlt "I've been doing telephone work in this part of town for fifteen WE BUY Discarded CI.o~hj!l,l_ ~Dd House • Furnishings JAMES 141 West 3rd Street Telephone 2 ..2573 CHESTER CALL ust MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON . JOSEPH E. QUINBY ERNEST Go SNODGRASS. ASS"T. FUNERAL DIREC rORS BELL PHONE" Do Your Banking With • t ~ I l MEDIA. PA. ;. 0 , ;..; SWARTHMORE NATIONAL . Bank and Trust Company Member Federal Deposit lusurauee Corporatiou eGO = G:--x-:-.....'<.......:-:-......--:-:+X+X-:-:-:-:-:-:-:..,..:-:-:..-:-:-:-x..:->:..-.-..c.: Monday &: Tuesday, May 3-4 ... ... ... ... -- Ne•• Editor Pbone Swarthmore 800 Eatared .. S.cond CI... Matt..... Jaauary 24, 1829, at the "aat Office at Swarthmore. P .... under tbe Act of Marcb I. 1878. FRIDAY, APRIL 3D, 1937 Library Board in April Session Routine business marked the April meeting of the Swarthmore Public Library Board held Monday evening, April 19, in the Library rooms in Borough Hall. Reports were received from the treasurer, Mrs. J. Passmore Cheyney, and the librarian, Mrs. Irwin Tschebull. About twenty new readers are added to the Library's list of patrons each month and the total circulation continues around two thousand for each four week period, according to 1t.frs. Tschebull's report know they can trust me to be teaspoonful butter, mix well and pour jnto pudding dish. Make a meringue of egg whites if desired. in the world today. The first of these den, As I was leaving she said, 'Thanks for being so careful of my • • • This kind of personal interest is • typical of telephone employees -both men and women. For instance, we rum to handle every telephone call as though it were marked "Emergency I" Try a long distance call tonight and see how quickly and accurately your connection will be made •• , how clearly that distant voice spans the miles. And see how inexpensive it isespecially at the reduced rates in effect every night after seven and aU day Sunday. CHURCH NEWS REDUCTIONS! there will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 10 A. M. SUNDAY 9 :45 A. M.-Bible School. The final meeting of the Rector's Bible Class was held on Monday night. Plans are already made for the resumption of CAMP WHIP -POOR -WILL . Camp for girls, age 8 to 14 years, on Cape Cod, will open the 1937 season on July 1. A lim.. ited number of girls may still be accepted. Rates reasonable. For further detaila and folder-address Mrs. Albert N. Garrett 228 Garrett Avenue or Phone Swarthmore 489 11 :00 A. M.-Mornlng Worship. Rev. David Braun. '1:00 P. M.-Christian Endeavor. METHODIST BPISCOPAL CIIUIlCR Clarence F. Caner. LB.. B.D., HlnIater SUNDAY 9 :415 A. IL-Church School. 11 :00 A. !d.-Morning Worship. 7 :00 P. H.-Epworth League meetings. 'i :46 P. H.-Evening Worship. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY g:45 A.M.-FIrst DO>' School. 9 :45 A. M.-Adult Clus. John R. Brownell.Subject- Report of commission II of the ~oming "Friends World Conferellce." 11 :00 A.II..-M.eeti~ for Wonhlp in the Meetlna HOUP. WEDNESDAY 9.80 A. M. to 8.30 P. M.-Sewing and quUting in Whittier House. Box luncheon. All are cordially invited. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST, OF SWARTHMORE Parll; Avenue below Hanard 11 :00 A. M.-Sund&7 School. 11 :00 A. M..-SundQ' I..eMon.seI'lDOilo Wednesday eveninc meetinK" each week. 8 p. m. Readin~ room OpeD daib'. exeept Sun· dlQ'll and holldQI 1 :00 to ",;00: Chuch edidee. All are cordiaU,. invited to attend· &be "n· lee. and 1IH the a-dlu Room. • In "LOVE IS NEWS" SUNDAY CONTINUOUS FROM 2 TO 11.15 P. M. MONDAY AND TUESDAY Far be it from us to show partiolity, but when we tell you the bockground of the above bit of husbandly sarcasm we think all of you-men and women-will agree that Mr. Borkitis has logic on his side. He wants to prepare for perfect indoor temperature all next winter. He wants to change over to clean gas house heat right now while basement housecleaning is being done. He's right - with .. • nil BElL TILII'IIONE COMPANY O. P&NNSYLVANIA FLORA ROBSON LAURENCE OUVIER VIVIEN LEIGH • Candies of Excellence GOWN SHOPPE Moderately Priced --- OLD BANK BUILDING ON PARK AVENUE Swarthmore 108 SWARTHMORE, PA. And Now .. "On The Hill" In Beautiful Swarthmore UP • serious business J The First Floor Contains a Spacious Living Room, Large Dining Room. Step-Saving Kitchen and Breakfast Room •. it's not extravagant. It's sensible! We'll install Janitrol, Bryant or Welsbach Conversion Burners immediately on a small down payment. Price $195 cash for each, installed. Slightly higher on budget plan3 years to pay. Come in and let us explain our convenient monthly budget payment plan on gas house heating ••• and our low combination gas rate. little rellow is enjoying a solcmn moment .. • • but Mother knows Ibal growing up is really serious business - a 24-hour job! In a baby's diet, so much depends upon milk.. THIS Supplee Milk is sareguarded by the SEALTEST S\-STE~I OF LABORATORY PROTECTION. Supplee Milk is richer, too. Telephone your order to Chester 2-5721 SUPPLEE Ale:u.nder Korda Present. "FIRE OVER ENGLAND" CLEARANCE This Beautiful Home Is the Last Word in Modern Planning and Comfort in a Residential Community of Charming Environment. The Elevation Here [s Among the Higbest in the County the Neigbhorhood Restricted. Easy of Access, It [s Close to Transportation. It Hat a Frontage of 8S Feet on Parrisb Road. 500 CARS TYRONE POWER LORETTA YOUNG DONAMECHE SWARTHMORE CANDY SHOP CROWING •IS FOR SUNDAY FOR QUICK STONE AND FRAME CONSTRUCTION Drexel Hill FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND DRASTICALLY "REDUCED" MOTHER'S DAY GIFTS Colonial Farm House -'Where It's Always Convenient to Park"' 3-DAYS-3 WHERE TO GO FOR THE HOME FOR WHICH YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING AND LOOKING WAVERLY Rear of Theatre a ••urea a real cleaning of your rug on both sidea. DUlt, grease. grit and grime Bre .all removed by a special scouring procesl that will restore the original freahoe .. of the colon and give the MEDIA LAUNDRY With a Tremendous Cast FREE PARKING OUR RUG CLEANING SERVICE • "Fire Over England" • you feel about it.'" from Swarthmore Avenue into Benjamin West Avenue, struck a tree damaging The Committee on Missions and Be- at 11.20 P. M. Ferdinand Motley, colored, Wednesday Only, May 5 A New Glory for the Screen Alexander Korda Presents Theatre MRS. MARY McKEEVER R... Spencer Conetiere rug new life. nevolence will hold its regular meeting of Chester, was warned for parking withHoward M. Buckman, who will shortly at the .home of Mrs. Frank Morey, 18 out lights on Nortb Chester Road. STOP OUR DRIVER OR CALL MEDIA 174 remove from Swarthmore to take up his Amherst Avenue, on Sunday afternoon at Captain John Rogeri through clever detective work recovered two pillows new pOst on the management of George 5 o'clock. which had been taken from the rear of 1 School, presented his resignation from the Park Avenue. Board which was accepted with much reCbristian Science Church On Monday Magistrate Clifford M. gret by the other directors. His succes"Everlasting Punishment" is the sub"Serving Swarthmore Successfully Since 1900" sor will be appointed later. Mrs. Peter ject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches Rumsey held court. William J. Madden, E. Told, of the publicity committee, will of Chdst, Scientist, on Sunday, May 2, Lansdowne, was fined $5 for through I'--------------------------------. traffic violation on the 18th. W. S. Carassume his duties jn that direction for the present. President Roland L. Eaton premichael, Philadelphia; E. Carmichael, TRINITY CBURCB Chester, and William Horsey, Philadelsided at the meeting which adjourned to Protataut Eplaeopal phia, all summoned on the 18th for thru meet in ] une. Chelter Road and Collesa Ayenue - - -...--Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S.T.M., Reetor traffic violation, were discharged with R ..... T. A. M'eryweather. Dlr. ReI. Edue. Trinity Cb,.rcb Notes warnings. Edward Bumshaw, of Yeadon, :00 A. M.-Hot, Communion. Miss Eleanor Dean will address the 89:46 A. M.-Sunda, School and Bible CIasa:. was also warned for the same offense on Junior and Senior Departments of the 11 :00 A. M.-Holy Communion and Sermon. the 19th. H. L. Johnson, of Park AveIN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM Mr. GUenther wnt Streach. Church School on Sunday morning. Miss nue, agreed to pay 3.00 to Fred Borden, FOR OUR SUMMER CLOTHES Dean is Diocesan Worker among the ASCENSION DAY - Thursday, also cA Park A venue, for damage to the May 6. Italians of Philadelphia and will tell some 10 :00 A. )f.-Holy Communion. latter's clothing caused by Johnson's dog. ALL SPRING DRESSES, of her interesting experlences. TBB::------ This Tuesday at 10.25 p. M., E. H. On Ascension Day, Thursday, May 6, SWARTIDIOIIE PRESBYTERIAN CRUIIOB COATS, SUITS "'Do~'t mc;:ntion it, ma'm,' I careful. Besides I got a garden at home myself, so I know how Free Pi,....., Aaai,..i. 1309 S. lansdowne Ave. Darby, Pa. speeding. At 10.30 P. M. the same day Michael Halligan, Glen MiDs, turning o'clock Ellen Williams will take as her Garbey, of Upper Darby, was warned for speeding on Chester Road. On Saturday subject "Choosing Our Ideals." chrysanthemums.' said, 'That'S part of my job to be \l'e Create a DesigD E8pecially for You A. A. Alexander, of Upper Darby, was warned April 21 for passing on a hill, Church." slightly both the tree and his automobile. At the young people's service at 7 At 11.50 A. M. last Friday M. J. Mc- Added-POPEYE "One day last Fall I was fixing a wire over a lady's flower gar- . SPENCER r-------------------------------_ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Police News sermons wllt be May 2, on the subject, "If I Were Pastor of This Church." Sunday, May 9, the subject will be, "If I Were an Officer of This Church," and ~Iay 16, "If I Were a Member of This "ROMEO and JULIET" careful of their property. on spoon. Remove from heat, add one teaspoonful vanilla and one who retired last June. Mr. Braun is planning a series of three sermons to acquaint the congregation with his convictions and views concerning the church, its ministry and its people, and it..- task Sharon Hill 2412 If No An.wer, Call 1434 A son, Roger Sidwell Russell, Jr. was born last Friday, April 23, in the Woman's Hospital, West Philadelphia, to Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Russell, of Vassar Avenue. MA. -Ru...ll is the former Miss Inez Coulter, of Bellwood, graduate of Swarthmore College class of 1925• Mr. Russell graduated from the College in 1924. " boiler), mix together and return ceeding the Rev. Dr. John Ellery Tuttle, I Birtla to double boiler. Stir slowly (but do not let water boil under custard or it will curdle) until it thickens manse. on Harvard Avenue. At the service at 11 o'clock Sunday Mr. Braun will preach his first sermon as pastor, sue- 3 , Beat the yolks of three eggs, add one heaping tablespoonful Kingsford cornstarch, add one pint scalded milk (heated in double Braun and their small son, Peter David, have this week taken up residence in the to appear for thru traffic violation at Chester Road and Swarthmore Avenoe. Deliciou Conu.tarcb Custard Presbyterian Church Notes The Re,·. David Braun with Mrs. nTUS J. EWlG Benjamin, Chester, was summoned MARY'S PET RECIPE o'clock. MARY T. ERVIN PARKER EdItor and p ..blIsher NORMA SHEARER LESLIE HOWARD In years. Most everybody knowsI'm the telephone man. I hope they the Class in the early Autumn. The regular meeting of the Woman'. Guild will be held at the Parish House next Wednesday afternoon, at 2.30 F_........ R ..... Eo ...."... PUBLISHED EVERY FlUDAY AT SWAltTHMORE, PA. ROSALIE DRYDEN Last Saturay morning at 10.30 o'clock LARGE and small ,the junior piano pupils of Mrs. Herbert ,. I QJH band NEW properties: 'raser, 0 f \Va11·IJIg f ord, gave a reclta. Last Two Days! Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Clarke have moved jnto Mrs. George Speirs estate, on Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeHart Brower, of Guernsey Road, entertained at bridge Saturday evening. -================ 'V. Monday _ Tuesday is also connected wjth DuPont's. DEANNA DURBIN M is employed by the DuPont plant at Wilmington. Saxer Avenue, Springfield. Mr. Clarke went to the Springfield High School on Thursday, April 29, to do the for the . last two years, but has now bee,n Announcement has been made of the make-up work for the cast of uHCiUor transferred to the New York office of hIS marriage of Miss Elizabeth J. Foley, to Bright" by Kenyon Nicholson, which was company where he will be 11 reprcsenta- George F. Welsh, Jr., son of Mr. and produced there under the direction of tive for the shipping interests. The firm Mrs. George Welsh, of Upland Road, David Henderson. Dr. A. F. Jackson, of Park Avenue, brothers, Mr. Daniel C. Longst..th, is expected to return home this Sunday Melrose, and !rlr. ~hornas. C. Longstreth, from Orlando Jo1a. where he has been of Oak Lane; Mrs. Damel Longstreth, resting for si~ weeks. and Miss Katherine Willard, of Mt. Airy, will spend this week end .t the State Stuart and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hen- Mrs. Howard H. Sargent, of St. Paul, of Miss Ruth THE SWARTHMOREAN APRIL 30, 1937 THE SWARTHMOREAN The Second Floor Has Four Large Bed Rooms and Three Ultra-Modern Baths. The Unfinished Third Floor Insures a Cool House in Hot Weather and Provides for a Future Bed Room and Bath. All Copper Flashings and Rain Spouts Garwood AirConliti.cned Heat $15,900 All Copper Plumbing Two-Car Garage Sample House Open Daily and Sundays w. Percival Johnson Building Better Homes for 35 Yelll'll l.h,.-n '0 ,A. ShLTEST PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY At Our Suburban Stores, or See Your Plumber or Heating Contractor MUSICAL PA.RTY Nell' SG.flrfIay . , B P. II. (D. S. T.) owr Srad.,,, Err DlS'l'R1BVrOIt.-. ...41.l(ER.CORDON .,£" MILK 211 WEST BALTIMORE AVENUE Telephones: Madison 2401 and 2402 LANSDOWNE THE SWARTHMoREAN' .. Fortniahtly at Mn. Ashton's 4 the dramatic critics of New York City. Mrs. Leonard C. Ashton will entertain The play is cal1e4 a comedy-fantasy. High Tor is a high hitl or mountain on the Fortnightly at her home on Elm the Hudson River. Mrs. Ashton will play Caesar Franck's Avenue hext Monday afternoon, May 3, at 2.30 o'clock. Prelude, Chorale and FUgUe and Chopin's The play "HIgh. To. r" will be read by B II d .. G • ae a e 10 r mmor. Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell, assisted by h .. daughter, Doreen MiicheU. Mrs. Cliild'sfather Palles "High Tor" written by Maxwell Anderson received the prize awarded by Harry C. Bleecker, father of Mrs. F. IA. Child, of Vassar Avenue, passed away Thursd;ay, Aprj] 22, at Oak Bluffs, Mass. Mrs. Child was with her father when death cam(', havJng been cal,ed to Massachusetts several weeks ago tiy his illness. • I Parent-School' Co-o-tio·D to Be n !_____ ~;_- APRIL 30, 1937 ----.---- CLASSIFIED Pa., will meet with the Advisory Commit· t~ on Parent Co-operation in the SwarthFOR RENT more Public Schools on Friday,. May 7, FOR RENT-Communlcatlng, furnllbed _lttiDg at 8 P. M. in the library of the College room and bedroom In quiet home. Reference.. 41& Yale Avenue. Telephone Swarthmore Avenue School. 1589-11. FOR SALE PARKER HERBEX SCALP THEATMENT C. L. McKelvIe, Director of Personnel, ~=~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::=;::;::;;========;::====i State Teachers College, West Chester, GIANT TIGER Baltimore Pike at East Lansdowne WEEKLY SPECIALS 3 Cans 17c Evaporated Milk 3 No. Z Cans 19c UCO Tomatoes ._. Hand Packed No.5 23c Dole Pineapple Juice 046 oz. Can Tall Can 5c Del Monte Tomato Juice 20·oz. Can 5c Phillip's Tomato Juice Large Size Can Wacco Brand Corn on Cob UCO Tiny Melting Peas UCO Fruit Cocktail UCO Fancy Melting Peas UCO Diced Carrots ~ No. No. 2 Reg. Can 25c 14c 11 C 12-oz. Can 10c Lb. Can 12·oz. Can Jmpro..-ed Sanitary Serrice FOR RENT Six-room house, two-car garace. able May 1. $45.00. Avail- • A. M. BAIRD OLD BANK BUILDING Swarthmore 108 FUNDS 4Y2% T05% INTEREST FOR MORTGAGES Fund. for Construction J. W. JEFFERIS Swarthmore 179 PERS=O=N~A~L~------- PERSONAL-Landscape Gardening. Topsoil, manure. sodding. Cement work a specialty. Jobs· promptly attended to. Telephone Darb, I 877..J. PERSONAL-Young girl desires work caring for children anytime during day or eveninc. Telephone Swarthmore 1826.J. FOR RENT Apartment. t35. 44 5. Morton Ave., Morton. Near P. R. R. Adults. Second floor. S rooms, electric refrlCeraUon. Garace. WM. S. BITTLE Swarthmore III·J Notary Public - Insurance - Real Ealate 5c Can KeIlOgg's Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuits 2 { Kellogg'l Shredded Whole Wheat Krumbles 2 Excluaively at 6c No.2 Can 1 Will Cure Dandruff 15c 19c 25c ZVz Can No. Z Cans Beechnut Coffee Libby Corned Beef Libby Corned Beef Hash Davis Baking Powder Imported Sardines in Pure Olive Oil The School Dlatrict ot Swarthmore will receive bids at the High School Building up to 4 P. M•• Friday. May 7, 1937. for printing and science lupplles, coal and fuel oil. The School District reserves the right to reject Bny or all bids In whole or in part and/or to award contracts to other than the low bidders on any item or Items. Specifications may be secured at the School District office In the Swarthmore High School. ELIZABETH A. LUEDERS, Seeretar)'. 17c Can FOR SALE-Boy's blcyC!le, 28 Inch wbed. Elgin. In good condition. Reasonable. Telephone Swarthmore 1776. FOR SALE-Bedding Plante-annuals and perennlala. Also tomato plants. Marot Flower Shop, lUG DlckllUlOn Avenue. FoR SALE-Low. four-post maple bed for boy'_ room. Quaint, complete. old. Stone House Shop. Afternoons. FOR SALE-Smooth top g8& range. Used very little. Oven control. Reasonable. Telephone Swarthmore 422. . FOR SALE-Mahogany dressing table-triplex adjustable mirror. white enamel. bed with spring mattress, hair mattress, small atuffed chair. combination bookcaae and deak. Telephone Swarthmore 62()"W. UIMaIUCCI 17c 17c Pkgs. Pkgs. One Beautiful Glass Tumbler Free With Each Purchase of 2 Pkgs. Spry Swansdown Cake Flour 3 53c 24c Lb. Can Reg. Size Pkg. *-Ib. Can Baker's S. S. Cocoanut Free in Each Package Bunch Radishes Rhubarb Paramount Fresh-Killed Ducks Cudahy's Puritan Ham Bunch Lb. Lb. 2c 2c 19c 21c Whole or Shank Half STAINLESS PAINT* t i • Open 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. Wednesday-ONLY 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. Friday and Saturday Plenty of Free Parking Space "You Can Buy It For Less at the Giant Tiger" S'ItlDIBAll1lt 1 Dlt'lA10B. CEN'lS A DAY MOBE 'ftlAN A FEW pft~C£D CABl ALOWEST AI. , I i wiD not Blain or become un· Ii.btly during ils enlire life cov"" more .urface l>er gaUon • •• IoeII on easier •i i • •i colon are hiSbly permanent a,ainat radius will Dot crack durins it. laD, liCo ."il::~ODger..ooalwa,aloob Here's Proof thai STAinlESS 'I.nl* is BeHer ••• One look at these test panels is worth a thousand words. Your eyes will convince you that Felton -Sibley STAINLESS P AINT* is hetter. Your Felton.Sibley dealer will gladly show you more detailed photographic proof. All photographs ce~tified hefore a Notary Public. Use Felton-Sibley STAINLESSPAINT* and PREP PRIMER make your paint joh look hetter - longer. The foundation coat that malces jobs last longer Paint Now ••• Pay Later to tbe surface ~ ofancbors wood and otay. there ~.~ Here'. bow it worbl It to make a 6."111 foundalion for the n""t paint ClIIIlt. PREP PRIPoIER ia tho finlt-ooat paint dot staPl PUI! On new wood PREP aud STAINLESS PAINT4' make a perfect twoClIIIl t job. ~l~~'l:.~ .!a'7w~~ a:ooi~: ~ -:::!!Jt!A make-ahiCt pnmen be- III" C8uao tbe oIla that give life to your painla sink into tbe grain of tbo wood liko leavio, only a tbin covering on the Burfsce. fE~8N-5IB~~ STUDEBAKER has no criticism to make of any other 6-cylinder car Studebaker simply makes the unqual: itied assertion that no other six built in America, regardless of price, compareswiththe1937Dic:tatorinmoney's worth I , . I . Tha Stu ., t debaker chalIengelncludea sixes that cost more than the Dictator as well as sixes that cost the same CJC' Jessi Put no money down on any six un- til you see and drive the Dictator .•. world's first six to offer the triple safety of a steel-reinforced·bY-steel body automatic hill holder and hydrauli~ brakes ••• world'8 first six offering the dual. economy i.DSUrance of the .... ". ~88VlDg automatic overdrive plus the Fram oil c:Jeaner ••• world's only six ~th non-slam doors that close lightly, tightly and silently I Studebaker's C.I. T. Budget Plan offers low time payments. SWARTHMOlRE GARAGE J. S. LEES, Manager 401 DARTMOUTH AVE. SWARTHMORE 411 Sold by N. W. SUPLEE SWARTHMORE The Felton-Sibley dealer will tell you how to finance the painting of your home or other huildings on an easy monthly payment plan. See him-or write us! Felton, Sibley & Co., Inc., 4th & Cherry Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Have a Master Painter do your paintinq STAIR lESS PAIDT INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE APRIL 30, 1937 THE SWARTHMOREAN 4 CLASSIFIED tht: .dramatic ~ritjcs of New York City. I~' Child, of V~ssar Avenul', Ilassed away I Pa., willmt:et ~\'ith the ~\dv!sory Commit-, \ It '11 t t ' 'I he pIa\' IS called a comedy-fantasy. 1 hursday, April 22, at Oak Bluffs, Mass. 1 tee 011 Parellt Co-operatlOlI III the Swarth1\ rs. ~naru . , S I 011 WI ell er alll ,.', I' I I '11 -. . 'I C'I '1 I . I I f I I : FOR RENT ' . I I I I EI High lor IS a IIg I II or 1110ulltall1 011 "rs. II ( was Wit I ler at ler W lell more Puhlic Schools 011 Frida,' May 7 : ~;-;;-~=;;;--;;"-:--__-'-::';::-::--;-:~=::::;--::-;:;-;;:I I tie 'orllllg It y at ler lome 011 • m II ' Hudsoll Hivcr dealh c:lIne havillg beell called to Massa-, . _. C I ' Jo'OIt JU-:NT-Communicatinlt. rurnishl'CI sitting Avenue next ~Ionday afternoon, ~Iay J ' l l e . : . " .. at 8 P. ~1. ill the library of the 01 ege room IIl1d ix.'(lroom ill cluil't home. Hererences. •1 k :\/ r~ .. \shtoll Will play Caesar Franck s chusetts several weeks ago by 1115 IlIlIess. \ S) I I 415 Yale Avcllul' Tcll'llholle Swarthmore at •2, .30 0 c oc...• ' ' 1 I I I' .• CI " ,,'cnue c 100 • 539 M • .,., . Prdude. C lora t· :111( 'ugue allu 10/1111 S _ _. _ . _ _ _ _ :..:...;~_:..:.:.._ _ ___;=~~;-;-;---_--I he play High lor Will he read by Ballade in G minor. I FOR SALE )'Irs. Charles U. :\Iitchdl, assistcd by her ----. Parent-School Co-operation to Be PARKER HERBEX Jo'o~( . SAL":-lIo)"s bicycl~... 2H inch wheel. daughter Doreell :\1 itchell. Mrs. Ch.old's Father Passes Discussed ".II!III. III I!ood l'Olllhholl. Itcasonable. , ... SCALP TREATMENT ' Telephune Swarthmorc 17i6. "High Tor" written hy ~Iaxwdl SAI.":-lIl'dclinl! Plants-annual,; and ] Ia r rC "I rs. F • C. L McKcI\'ll" Director of Personnel, II Fon . I t IIe "rlze . :\nderson rccel\'C( awar d C(I •.lIY y . ]'1 ) eec k cr, f a tl ler 0 f 1\ Ill'rennillls. AI~o tomllto 1111I1Its. Marot State Teachers College, \Vest Chcster, Will Cure Dandruff "'Iower ShUll. :n;; Dic,kinson AV('IIUl'. i FOn SAI. ..:-Low, (our-post maple bed tor Exclusively at The School Distri,'t or Swarthmore will reI bo)",; room. Quaint. comllielc, old. Stone I'c'i"" hids lit the lIil!h S"hool Jluildinlt UtI to I Jlum", Sh"JI. Afternoon ... ·1 1'_ 1\1 .. "'riclny, I\tIlY 7, 111:17, ror I.rilltilll! and I FOn SALE Smoolh tOI' I!as rallln·. U~ .... ~dl'l1c'e sUI'Jllies, "oal ancl ruel oil. The School " \'I'ry little. O\'CII l'ontrol. Ueasollablc:, Dislri<"l rl'Serves the ril!ht to reject IIny or all T(OI(-I.hc)lu! SW:lrthnlore 422 .. biols ill whole or ill ,.art and/or to mvord COIIFon SAI.Jo:-II1"hog,,"y dr.",,;illl! tahle-tripll'x Ira"'s to .. thl'r Iholl the low biddcr.; on ony Improved Sanitary Service ,uljustub'" mirror, white c,","II"I. bl'd with it,'m or items. I sl.rillJ.: mutt r"ss. hllir nurttrl"'S, small stufTc'cJ S)I"('itieati,,"s may h" l'I.'c'ur('d at Ihe SrIlOol "'",ir. " ..mhill"tiOIl bouk,,:rse "lid d('sk. Tel,,Dislrid OfTicl' in the Swarthmore Hil!h Sehool. FOR RENT . I,h