SW ~1:fTHM( 11:fE , VoL VIU. No. 27 $2.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., JULY 3, 1938 Parade, Speed Contest, Games for Chjldren and Adults, Two Baseball Games, Quoit Tournament, Fancy Diving and Sw:mming Races at Emmons' Pool, Water Sports on Crum Creek, Tennis Tournament, Fire Works Display, Among Events Excellent Twelve-Hour Program Planned by Burgess John H. Pitman and Committee for independence Day Celebration in Swarthmore Exceeds All Former Years I POUCENEWS On June 25 Alfred C. Ryan, of Upper Darby. figured in an accident at Sproul Bridge, when he struck the side of the viaduct and damaged his car. The case was turned over to the Nether Providence police. At 12.58 P. M. on Monday, the 29th, an oil truck crashed into the road guard at Swarthmore Avenue and North Chester Road. At 1.50 P. M. the same day an automobile was reported on fire in front of the Swarthmore Apartments. The police car responded, but found the fire was out when it arrived. BOROUGH AFFAIRS HANDLED WED. Council Sits in July Meeting to Settle Community Matters Howard W. Borden applied to Council at the July meeting on Wednesday for a permit to erect a four-car garage at the IX 'the big day is here, again I A day full IV rear of his property on Park Avenue at 4.00 P. M.-WATER SPORTS on the of fun for the kiddies and the grown-ups. 10.15 A. M.-BASEBALL GAME on ColDrexel Road. The proposed building to be Crum Creek at the Strath Haven Inn. More than twelve hours of fun has been lege grounds in back of railroad station. forty feet long by twenty-four feet, and Canoe races, singles and doubles, boys arranged by the committee appointed by The Congoleum Crescents will be the about eighteen feet high at 'the peak, to and girls. Tilting contests. John H. the Swarthmore Business Association in a visiting team. John E. Michael and be constructed of concrete block or brick, Pitman in charge. program which will start with the ChilPorter Waite will be in charge of this and to be placed in such a position on his dren's Parade at 9.00 A. M. and end with game and an afternoon game. X lot that it would conform with the zoning a display of fireworks at 9.00 P. M. at the All Day-TENNIS. The Swarthmore Tenordinance. Since by Borough regulation Rutgers Avenue School. V nis Club will hold contests al1 day no garage exceeding a three-car capacity· is The general committee consists of John' 10.30 A. M.-QUOIT TOURNAMENT in On the College courts at Wharton Hall. permitted, the matter was referred to the H. Pitman, chairman, Charles Russell, N. back of old Bank building on Rutgers Junior and senior tournamenls-tlingles public safety committee to study and to Avenue. Get your arm limbered up. Walter Suplee, Charles Greer, Elric Sproat, and doubles. William Brown and Borough Beginning Preparations report a recommendation at a future sclJedand Peter E. Told. The program is as Victor Allison, Richard Snyder and Thomas Baird in charge. For those uled or special meeting of Council. For Forty-sixth Annual follows: William Madison will be on hand to who want to play a set or two, the A letter from Charles F. Eggleston, atI keep the contcnders for the singles and College Avenue courts will be availEvent torney for the W.H. G. Gould Estate, was 9.00 A. M.-CHILDREN'S PARADE doubles quoit championships of Swarthable. Harvey R. Pierce, chairman of the an- received requesting the zoning restriction forming at Borough Hall under the dimore in line. XI nual Country Week Picnic, has announced on the lot at the northeast side of Cornell rection of Burgess Pitman. Prizes for 9.00 P. M.-FIREWORKS DISPLAY. As VI the date for this year's event, the forly- Avenue one hundred feet northwest of the' best velocipede, best girl's bicycle, a fitting climax to the day the followsixth to be held in Swarthmore. Although Straih Haven Avenue be removed. Upon best boy's' bicycle, prettiest costume, 11.00 A. M.-GAMES FOR MOM AND ing committee is arranging a display Wednesday, August 5. is still a month away consideration the matter was held for the POP at the Prep School grounds. most original costume, best comic cosof fireworks to be held on the athletic the chairman and their committees are a1- attention of Solicitor Myers when he reThrowing the rolling pin, nail driving tume, neatest Brownie, neatest Cub, field behind the Rutgers Avenue School. 'th r ·ti turns from his vacation. ' b contest, women; sewing contest, men; best Boy Scout, best Girl Scout, best John H. Pitman Charles Greer Alben rea d y ge tti ng usy on e so 10 ng. M Mill d th b d f h tax paper race, mixed teams; hi-Ii contest. T. Eavenson, P;ter E. Told, Edward Numerous contributions of money. homer. e~ rea e on o. t e Troop, best Float. Judges: Mrs. Stanand rice puddings collector which was presented 10 person made cakes and cookies Peter E. Told, Mrs. Walter H. Dickley, L. MacMillan, Mrs. A. R. O. RedGillespie, Mrs. J. Paul Brown, Elrie are needed for the day 'when five hundred by Mr.' Dodd and it was the opinion of inson, Mrs. James F. Bogardus, Mrs. grave, Titus J. Ewig. C I th t th b d t bl Th Sproat, N. Walter Suplee. This is an J. Paul Brown and Edward Gillespie innovation which it is hoped will grow children and mothers from Philadelpbia ouno a e on was accep a e. e II come out to Emmons Grove to spend one warrant for the collection of taxes was t.hen will help you enjoy a good laugh. in years to come. Give the commit- very enjoyable day in the country. 10.00 A. M.-SPEED CONTEST FOR rea d a?d t h e ~roper b orough 0 fficers gIven VII THE FIRE COMPANY. Fast tee your prompt support. If you are leaving early on a vacation authonty. to SIgn same. The warrant and year the Business Association and t d ltd d d Furious-Wet. Rutgers Avenue, Yale 2.00 P. M.-FANCY DIVING CONTEST theEach Swarthmore National Bank contribute it is earnestly requested that you contact ax up Ica e were or ere turne over to Avenue to School. Judges: Charles AND SWIMMING RACES at Emmons funds to purchase prizes and favors for the solicitor of your district so that the Mr. Dodd. • Kimmel, chairman, Victor D. Shirer, Swimming Pool. Boys and girls, here the kiddies. The merchants in Swarth- picnic will not be deprived of your donaMr. Hessenbruch reported the completion H. B. Cookman, Elliott Richardson, is~..QYr chance t9 mak~. ,l! ~ig.sp.Jasq. mote' ioritriDutei:n~' priies' glven ill tiG:I. . .' . of. ,Lafayette A'lenu~.at,.a _lnli\!,.(',(I!l. of George 'Giltespie.::~: ~ ~' - . " G. H. Froebel in charge. After a lapse the various contests. Charles Russell is Mrs. J. Paul Brown and Mrs. Charles $3.?1l.65 ($1,12~.80 below the onglD~1 of two years this event should be more Thatcher are captains of the Hill teams estimate) of which th(; borough share. 15III in charge of securing prizes. $40208 AI d ~"l01 21 f th t h ds than ever welcome. .. rea Y 'i'" • 0 e wo-t Jr The fireworks 'committee is asking dona- which are laid out as foUows: Misses 10.DC A. M.-CHILDREN'S GAMES at Catherine and Sarah Fussell Elm Avenue due from property owners has been reold Prep School grounds, under direcVIII lions to make an enjoyable display. It , . d ttl t t hIS b from Chester Road to Swarthmore Avenue, celve • . tion of Mrs. Peter E. Told and William Rutherford. Mrs. H. A. Peirsol is 3.00 P. M.-BASEBALL GAME. Messrs. IS no 00 a. e a e p. ee any mem er and 'Maple and Chestnut Avenues; Doro- Mr. Hessenbruch also reported the rethea Dodd, Swarthmore Avenue from rail- surfacing of streets unde~ the contrac~ Michael and Waite have arranged of the comMlttee. in charge of the prizes for the kiddies. another good game for the enjoyment Stay in Swarthmore and have c real road to Emmons; Mildred Brewster, awarded at the last meetIng would cost Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman js general of the grandstand athletes. day 0/ safe fun_ Swarthmore Avenue from Emmons to between $1,300 and $1,400 and would be chairman of the games. Chester Road; Olive Cleaves, Ogden Ave- done this month. He also stated that cellent work on the initial and keystone nue from Chester to Riverview Road' Haverford Place had been regraded by borsacks. . Belly and Caroline Cresson, Riverviev.: ough workmen and rolled. The ceiling of Road from Baltimore Pike; Nancy King, ~he h~1I on the first flo~r of Borough Hall Tuesday's Brookhaven tie was called in College Avenue 'from Chester Road to IS bemg repla~tered thIS .week by WPA the sixth because of rain, but the Swarthmore team was obviously the superior and Swarthmore Avenue' Rebecca Robinson labor. Later ID the meetIng Mr. Hessen: Ogden Avenue bet\Ve~n Chester Road and bruch brought up the subject of the con~ would have won in .,all probability had I more time been available... Ralph Shelly I Many Non-Residents Also At- Woods; Virginia Perkins, Swarthmore versat~on of old houses i~to apartments Beat Collingdale 3-0, Media Elks again led the batting with two nice singles.' tending Classc-.s in Academic, Crest; Elizabeth Bassett and Mrs. Herbert here 10 t~e borough. ,Th~,J~~)e,~n 11' 3-2, Tie Brookhaven 5-5 in Abernathy pounded out ·two good ones Commercial and Shop T. Bassett, Chester Road from College to ~atter d~liberated ~y Counol for some Unfinished Game; to Play Work Swarthmore Avenue; Mrs. Harry L. Mil- time and It w~ deCIded that the member.. also. All future games will be held on the Ier, Guernsey and Thayer Roads; Mrs. Wil- shou~d stu~y It carefully an~ be prepared on College Field college athletic field opposite the under-I Enrollment of the Swarthmore High liam B. Bullock, Cedar Lane; Mrs. to discuss It at a .Iater meeti~g. By Allen W. Hani. pass and the business district' of town. School summer school far exceeds expecta- Charles Israel, Princeton Avenue from Col- . Mr. Meschter S31~ t~e q~estJO? of formSwarthmore CoIlege has kindly permitted tions. To date the figure is 136. lIege to Swarthmore Avenue; Miss Florence 109 a Park CommlSSIo~, 10 his opinion, The Hornets' 3-0 win last Friday against In the academic classes 62 pupils are en- Hoadley, Walnut Lane and Hillborn Ave- sh~u~d be ~ostpo?ed. until the return of the the experienced Collingdale Club topped a the Hornets to use the field on the confine week in which the local boys added dition that the property be protected, and rolled. Of these 35 are residents of I nue; Mrs. J. Donald Gibson, Elm Avenue sollCltor, smce It mvolved certain legal points and he was not ready to take any a shut-out, a 3-2 victory, and a 5-5 tie that the shrubs and plants be unharmed., ~":arthmore and 27 non-residents. This from Chester Road to Woods. Coach Porter Waite requests that visitors instruction is in charge of a faculty from The territory on the south of the rail(Continued on Paee 4) to the year's tally: at the games be careful of the College the West Chester State Teachers College road is under the direction of Mrs. Harold • With Ted Smith returning to pitch the with Mr. Albert D. Spae~h, of the ~e&:ular Griffin and Miss Sarah Barr. The former's fast Collingdale game, the Hornetmen grounds. • high school faculty, acting as pnnopal. solicitors are: Misses Ella Beagle, Dartseemed to get renewed vigor and pep, and Mrs. Eliza J. Moore IThe teachers are: Miss Ella Sutliff, La~n, ,mouth Avenue; Jane Richardson, South played, on the whole the best ball of the English and General Language; MISS Princeton and Lafayette Avenues; Alice season. Particularly good was Ralph M:s. Eliz? J. Moore, mother of William Sophia Wa~, Latin, History a~d Frenc~; Marriott, Oberlin Avenue; ~rs. Edward Shelly's slugging which led to a total of J, Moore With whom she made her home at Miss Harnet Clayton, English; MISS Walton, Amherst and Columbia Avenues; six hits in the week's contests. 213 South Swarthmore Avenue, passed Augusta Spickler, English and History; Caroline Underwood, Harvard Avenue Organization to Hold Open The Hornets began the week l'ith a 3-2 away Monday night, June 29, after an Miss Helen Centrell.a, English and. History; from Swarthmore to Park and Vassar from Nights for Men and Women victory against the Media Elks, which ness of five months. She was sixty-eight I Miss Muriel Orthp,. Mathematics; ~r., Harvard to Yale; Mrs. Arthur Grover, Each Monday Evening proved the Swarthmore team to be conyears old on December 23. IEarl Davis, Mathematics, and Mr. Daruel\DickinSon from Harvard to Yale; Mrs. sistently expert in both batting and field Mrs. Moore, who was an active member Reichey, Science. Dr. Benjamin Daily of William Fischer, Dickinson from Yale; The Swarthmore Bridge Club announces work. Abernathy's twirling showed a of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church the West Chester State Teachers Co~lege IMildred Hirst, Yale Avenue from Swarth- the following summer plan. Beginning marked improvement, and was smoother and the Friendly Circle was highly es- faculty is providing the supervisory dlrec-"more to Park; Doris Pitman, Vassar from Monday evening, July 13, at 8. P. M., and faster than in previous games. teem.ed by a host of friends in thLs com- tion. . Yale on; Mary Dingle, Park from Celia's sharp and each Monday thereafter until The Media club had a fast, hard-pitch- mumty •. H~r. outstanding cheerful and In the Shop ther~ are 48 ~upds en~oIl~d Istore to Harvard Avenue; Elsie Boyt, Park Labor Day. Open Night will be held for:' ing southpaw .lor moundsman, and kept happy dispoSItion endeared her to all who of whom 6 are gIr~. .ThIS work IS In from Harvard to Yale i Mrs. Howard men and women bridge players of Swarth.' . the Hornets working hard to gain the met her.. Al~ough born in Philadelphia, charge o! Mr. Ben}anun Cook of the,' Smith, Park from Yale to Borough Lane; more and vicinity. Note change from': final slim victory. With some keen field- she had lived here for many years. regular hIgh school faculty. Mrs. Percy Gilbert, Park between Borough \ Wednesday to Monday. . ing, and some clever hitting, however, the Services were held at 2 o'clock yesterday In the.Secretarial cout;es 26 are.e.nrolled, Lane aod town limit. .. . You are invited to bring a partner Swarthmoreans came through with the tra- afternoon, Thursday, at the funeral parlor constitutmg two classes 10 Typewnting and Miss Barr's workers follow: MISseS with you for an evening of pleasure and ditional flying colors. of Rowland and Son, Philadelphia. Iri- one in Shorthand. A number of these Alice Barber, Harvard Avenue . between good bridge. Competition will be keen The Collingdale game was another clear terment was in the German Lutheran people are regular winter students who are I Park Avenue and Chester Road; Patricia and sportsmanlike. taking ad,:ant~ge of. this opportunity ~o; Campbell, Yale Avenue between Park a.nd A smaIl entry fee is in force and prizes victory for the Hornets. With Ralph Cemetery, Philadelphia. (Slugger) Shelly and Weiss each batting • develop skill 10 TYPlOg. The teacher 10 I Chester Road and Haverford Place; Justine will be awarded each night to the three top two good hits and Dingle and McWilMovies . t Inn July 4th charge of this work is Miss M. EiI~! Garwood, Harvard Avenue from Chester scores by the play director. Crowl, the new teacher for Commeraal. Road to Strath Haven Avenue, and Yale Play will take place in the Legion room liams knocking out one 'each, the' local men gained a shut-out and a real win. "Sucker Money," a weird mystery story subjects in the high school. 'Ibetween Chester Road and Harvard Ave- in Borotigh Hall and will start promptly • Inue ; Elaine Bradford, Rutgers and Kenyon at 8 P. M .• and the Club cordially invites Weiss alone was responsible for a double involving a criminal who utilizes pseudoand a triple. spiritual seances to gain riches and a young Loc:aI Group Goes F....... \Avenues; Katherine· Simpers, Westdale; you to join it in a pleasurable eve$g each Petra Lingle, Cornell-Rutgers to Yale; week. '. ' The "hero of the day" was undoubtedly reporter who uncovers the "racltet ring" is Smith whose return was the occasion for the feature picture at a motion picture Postmaster Alfred ~. Smalley, G~rge Mrs. H. B. Passmore, Cornell-Yale to The Club is looking forward to an ensome fast, keen, intelligent pitching which show to be ~ven at Strath Haven Inn at Bretz, ~oy W. DelaplalDe,. Bob .Delaplaine, IStra~ Haven; Evelyn Morgan and Mary tertaining season next Fall and Winter and Was closely reflected in the shut-out victory 8.15 P. M. on July 4. In addition to this Ed Whltecar, Jr." FranCIS Witmer, and! DaVIS, Chester Road from Harvard to planS are in process to broaden the Club's gained by the Hornetmen. The Colling- thrilling. feature, short subjects of various Samuel Raymond were ,members of a fish-IVale, Strath Haven Av~Jiue, and Mt. activities. Club events and match play in dale team got only five hits, all short types .wIll also be shown. ing party off Tilghman s Island, Md., ~t i Holyoke Place; Anne Whiteman, ~w~- tournaments will deman~ real bridge skill singles which were easily taken care of Re5Idents of Swarthmore are cordiaIlY Saturday and returned to Swarthmore WIth I more Apartments; Mrs. A. B. ReaVIS, UDI- and the program should attract aD wh fifty-nine fish. I versity Place. enjoy an eveuing at bridge. 0 by the Hornets' smooth fielding and 6 - invited to attend. • COUNTRY. WEEK PICNIC AUGUST 5 ower I HORNETS IN TWO WINS AND ONE TIE ENROLLMEN'TOF 136 IN SUMMER SCHO'OL I I I ill-I i I I ! I BRIDGE CLU'B' P'LANS SUMMER PROGRAM· 1936 SW~I~THM()'~E SW ~1:fTHM[)I~E C:ClLLE(,;E P~. $2.50 PER YEA R SWARTHMORE, PA., JULY 3, 1936 Vol. VIII, No. 27 J LY PROG 4 H 0 POLICE NEWS Parade, Speed Contest, Games for ChJdren and Adults, Two Baseball Games, Quoit BOROUGH AFFAIRS On J unc 25 :\ffrcd C. Ryan. of Uppcr Ii!,:urcd in an accident at Sproul Tournament, Fancy Diving and Sw:mming Races at Emmons' Pool, Water Sports Darby, HANDLED WED. Brid!!e, whcn he thc of the ,viaduct and damagcd hIs car. The ca5e on Crum Creek, Tennis Tournament, Fire Works Display, Among Events : was turned over to the Nethcr Providence, Council Sits in July Meeting to I ~truck, ' I ~ide Settle Community Matters police. At 12.58 P. M. on Monday, the 29th, an oil truck cra5hed into the road guard at Swarthmore Av(nue and Korth Chester Road. At 1.50 P. M. the ~ame day an IX I Ii . f ·LOO 1'. l\1.-WATER SPORTS on thl' automobile was rcporte( 011 Ire In ront i of the Swarthmore Apartments. Thc poC rum C ree'k a t th e St rat h Haven I nn. f I I . I J d hI b lice car rcsponded, but oum t Ie IiIrc was C anoe. races. :I~!! es anf ou e5, oys out when it arrivcd. and !!lrlS. TJltmg contc5ts. John H. Excellent Twelve-Hour Program Planned by Burgess John H. Pitman and Committee for Independence Day Celebration in Swarthmore Exceeds All Former Years Howan\ W. Borden :Ipplied to Council at the July meeting on Wednr5day for a permit to erect a four-car garage at the The big day is hl're again! A day full IV rear of his property on Park A,·cnue at of fun for thc kiddies and the grown-ups. JO.l5 A. l\1.-BASEBALL GAME on ColDrcxel Road. The propo;:ed building to oe b ;\Iorc than twelve hours of fun has een le:.:c grounds in back of railroad station. forty fect long by twenty-four feet, 2.nd b arranged by the committee appointcd y The Congoleum Crescents will be the about eighteen feet hig:h at the peak. to the Swarthmore Business Association in a 1 visiting team. John E. Michael and bc constructed of concrete block or brick, and to be placed in such a position on his t::d of this I'itmall in , lot that it would conform with the zoning a di!;play of fireworks at 9,00 P. M. at the All Day-TE~NIS .• The Swarthmore Tenordinance, Sinn' by Borough regulation no garage exceeding a threc-car ca~acity is consists of John: 10.30 A. M.-QUOl; TOURNAMENT in permittcd, the matter was referred to the H. Pitman, chairman, Charles R.usse)), N· back of old Bank building on Rutgers Junior and senior tournaments-singles public safety committee to study and to Walter Suplcc, Charles Greer, Elnc Sproat" Avenue. Get your arm limbered up. and doubles. William Brown and Beginning Preparations report a rccommendation at a future sched· and Peter E. Told. The program is as i Victor Allison Richard Snvdcr and Thomas Baird in charge. For those Borough uled or spccial meeting of Council. follows: 1 William Madi;on will be o~ hand to who want to play a set or two, the For Forty-sixth Annual A letter from Charlcs F. Eg!:leston, atI keep the contenders for the singles and College Avenue courts will be availEvent torney for the W. H. G. Gould Estatc. was 9.00 A. M.-CHILDREN·S PARADE doubles quoit championships of Swarthable. received requesting the zoning restriction forming at Borough Hall under the dimore in line. XI Harvey R. Pierce, chairman of thc anon the lot at the northeast side of Cornell rection of Burgess Pitman. Prizes for VI 9.00 1'. l\L-FIREWORKS DISI'LAY.•~s nual Country Wcek Picnic, ha5 announced A\'enue one hundred feet northwest of the best velocipede, best girl's bicyclc, a fitting climax to the day the folio\\'- the date for this year's event. the iortyStrath Haven Avenuc be removed. Upon prettiest costume, 1 11.00 A. l\J.-GAMES FOR MOM AND.109 committee . .IS arrangmg . I' Iay sixth to be held in Swarthmore. Although hr -~t boy's bic"cIe, ~ a (ISP consideration the matter was held for the most original costume, best comic COS-I POP at thc Prep School grounds. of fireworks to be held on the athletic WCdnl'5day, August 5, is still a month away attention of Solicitor Mycrs when he retume, neatl'st Brownie, neatest Cub, Throwing the rolling pin, nail driving tield behind the Rutgers Avenuc School. the chairman and their committees arc alturns from his vacation. best Bov Scout, best Girl Scout, best! contest, women; sewing contest, men; John H. Pitman, Charles Greer. ,Alben ready getting busy on the mliciting. Mr. ;\Iiller read the bond of the tax Troop, best Float. Judges: Mrs. Stanpaper race, mixed teams; hi·1i contcst. T. Eavenson, Pcter E. Told, Ecl\rard I ::'\umerow: contributi~ns of m~ney, ho~ecollector which was prescnted ill per50n Icy L. MacMillan. Mrs. A. R. O. Red-I ~ctcr E. Told, Mrs .. Walter H. DickGillespie. Mr5. J. Paul Brown, Elrie I made cakes ami cookle~, and r~ce puddmgs hy l\Ir, Dodd amI it \\'as the opinion of gravc, Titus J. Ewig. mson. Mrs. James I'. Bogardus, Mrs. Sproat.~. Walter Suplee. This is an i ar: needed for tht, day when IIvc, hundr~d Council that the bond \\'as acceptable. The J. Paul Brown and Edward Gillespie innovation which it is hoped will grow i c1l1ldrcn and •mothers from PhIladelphia warrant for the collection of taxes was then II CO'.' TEST FOR will hell) you enjoy a good laugh. in .,"ears to comc. Gh'e the commit· come ou.t to Emmon.s Gro\'c to spend one rl'ad and the proper borough oflic'!rs [!iven 10,00 A. M.-SPEED.'\j 1 bl I I t THE FIRE COl\,IPA~Y. Fast _ VII tee your prompt :u J1P ort. . , I \'Cr~ ~nJo~:a l' (,~~. ,!n ,t Ie. coun r y ;. . authority to ;;ign same. The warrant and Furious-Wct. Rutgers Avenue, Yale: 2.00 P. l\1.-FA~CY DI\'I:\G CONTEST I Each ycar the Hu;:mess .-\ssoClallon and I. 1.1 ~ ou .He len m<- carl) on a '\ .Icahon tax duplicate werc onlt-red turned onr to Avenue to School. Judgl·s: Charles i AND SWIMl\II~G R.\CES at Emmons I thc Swarthmore Xational Bank contribute i It ]5 earne,.t1y requcsted that you contact ;\Ir. Dodd. ,.. I I' \" t D Sh' I .", .~.I funds to purchase prizes and favors ior: the solicitor of your district so that the 1m me , c lalrman, 'IC or . Ircr, I S\\lmmmg Pool. UO)" and ~lrls, herc ." 's TI' h . s' h-I picnic will not be deprived of your donaMr. l-1<'5senbruch reported the completion II B. Cookman, Elliott Richardwn,! is your_chance to make a bur splash. Ithe. ,kuldle .. , ,le .mer~ ,ants I~ ,\~ ~rt, . Ii,,,;. I pf Lafayette AVl'nuc a' a to.a1 ro<,,' b I 'I is not tuo latc to help. See any mcmber \ from Che;:ter Road to Swarthmore Avenue, I and l\laille and Chestnut Avenues; Doro- l\lr. Ie_til ruc I also reported the reliam Rutherford. Mr~, H. A. Peirsol is i 3.00 P. M.-BASEBALL GAME. Messrs., of the committee. in charge of the prizes for the kiddies.1 l\lichael and Waite have arranged thea Dodd. Swarthmore A\'cnue from rail- ~urfarillg of streets under the contracts Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman is generall another good game for thc enjoyment I SillY ill SWllrlhmore IIllcl hat'l! (l rcal, road to Emmons; Mildred Brewster, awardl'd at the last ml'eting wouid cos't chairman of the games. of thc grandstand athletes. 'tillY of safe filII. I Swarthmore Avcnue from Emmons to hetween $1.300 and $1 .... 00 and would be Chester Road; Oli\'e Clea\'es, O~den A\'e- done thi~ mOllth. Ht' al50 stated that 'cellent work on the initial and keystone nue from Chester to Ri\"Crview Road; Jla\"Crfon.l Placc had ht'(,11 regradcd by uor5ack;:. Hetty and Carolinc Cn';:;:on, Riverview ou~h worknwn and rolled. Thc ccilinr: of Tue5day's Brookhaven tic was cailed in Road from Baltimore Pike; ).;ancy King, !he h~II on the lirst flo~r of Borough Hall Colle~c Avenue irom Chestl'r Road to IS hemg rt'plastered tillS \\'eek by WPA the sixth bccausc of rain, but thc Swarth-, I hhor . Later in the meeting,' llr. HessenS\\'arthmOl·e :""cnue; R(' IJl'CGI R 0 b ·JOson,' more team \\"as ol.IViously thc sUJlcrior a1 n r l ' _.-__ Ogden An'nue bel\n't'll Che;:t('r Road and I bruch . brought up the suh~cct of the conwould ha\'e won in all probability had 1 more time been available. Ralph Shelly: Many Non-Residents Also At-I \V ood~ ; Yirginia Perkin::, Swarthmore i \'I'r;:at~on of old homes I~to apartments Beat Collingdale 3-0, Media Elks al!aill Icel the batting with two nicc singles. 'I tending Classes in Academic, I Cn'::t; Elizabeth Ba;:;:ett and Mrs. Herbert i h(,rt~ In /~I.~ boroul!h. TIllS .has. been a 3-2, Tie Brookhaven 5-5 in Ahernathy pounded out two good ones Commercial and Shop IT. Bas;:ett. Chcster Road irol\l Collegc to I n.latter (~I crated !)y CounCil lor some Unfinished Game; to Play also. W k S\\'arthmorc A\'enue; )'Ir;. Harry L. MiI- tllIle and It w~s dCCldl'd that thc membcrs :\11 future games will bc held on the. ___ or _ ler, Guernsey and Thayer Road;:; !\1rs, WiI- ';:h()u~d 5tU(~y It carefully an(~ be prepared on College Field collel!e athletic field opposite the unt time in all his sojourns in the in order to utilize .its Library of Natural ducts. But we must provide them some 1924; American Painters, 1927; List of Swamp that Dr. Harper had seen an otter. History, which is one of the finest of its for and deliver your car. Books for College Libraries, 1931. Contbr. It is not at an a common experience eyen kind, he is preparing a report on the ex- ESTATE OF GEORGE A. HOADLEY. deto lit. and professional jours. Home: S for the natives as the species, of which Dr. tinct and vanishing mammals of the world. ceased, late of the Borough of Swarthmore, County of Dela.ware. and State of PennsylHarper saw two, is unusually shy. • Whittier Pl., Swarthmore, Pa." vania. LETrERS Testamentary in tbe above ~­ It is a source of great rejoicing among Lone ContnDutor tate bavlng been granted to the undersigned. naturalists throughout the country that the all persona baving claims or demands ogainat Christian Science Church United States government has at last taken Samuel D. Clyde was tbe sole contribu- the Eatate ot tbe Bald decedent are requested to make known the same, and aU persons In"God" is the subject of the Lesson-Ser- definite steps to acquire the Swamp as a tor to tbe Baseball Dollar Club this week. debted to the saId decedent· are requested to 4th & WELSH STREETS mon in ali Churches of Christ, Scientist, on wild life refuge to preserve especially the At that rate it will require twenty more make payment. wttbout delay. to FANNIE B. HOADLEY, Sunday, July S. The Golden Text Is: wild life facing extinction elsewhere, pre- weeks to reach the goal. Chesler 7258·7259 618 Walnut Lane, sumably the Florida bear, Florida cougar, Swartbmore. Pa. "Thou shalt have no other gods before Exeeutrix. Sandhill crane, Ivory-billed woodpeckr.r, me" (Exodus 20:3). and the alligator. Conservationists have Summer Sports in Progre88 been earnestly striving toward this end for Need. of Camp Sunshine more than a quarter of a century and The CoJIege Avenue tennis courts are often the outlook has been quite dis- being enjoyed every clear day by groups Bathing suits (sizes 7 to 12 years) and CQ,JJraging. Tbe.• dcsired..res\l11 was finally f players. If you have Dot used them yet outdoor gam'eg-"1lft! l1tstre.:rrol' use-at Camp brought about through the direct personal do so now. During the past week the Sunshine, Delaware County's Malnutrition interest of President Roosevelt. One of the committee purchased two new nets. John Camp at Thornton, wbid;t opened its sea- finest wilderness areas of the country the Longwell and William Fawcett are keeping son on June 29. Anyone having the above Okefenokee covers over six hundred square the courts in good shape. articles for donation may leave them at the SWARTIWOREAN office or with Mrs. T. miles and is still more than half virgin The boys baseball teams have been havHarry Brown, of Cornell Avenue. Mrs. wilderness. It is one of the chief strong- ing a grand time. A few more boys beholds of the alligator in the United States. tween the ages of ten and fifteen are Brown will also gladly receive any conAlthough this year in mid-winter the needed to complete a fourth team. tributions of money which may be offered. !emperatu~e fell as l~w as twenty degrees. Games were played on Monday, Thursday Remember $4.00 keeps a child at the camp It often climbed to SIXty degrees the same and Friday evenings last week. On MonQne week during which time much can be day. !he cold spells held for an unusually day night of this week Michaels Sluggers attained toward reviving health. long time. . Dr.. Harper made a study of led until the last inning when the Union the frog VOlCes In the Swamp and has to Avenue Pirates tied the score at 16. The his credit the record for a call at low game was called because I)f darkness. temperat~re-twenty-seven degrees. On Wednesday evening the Sluggers met FOURTH OF JULY In Apnt ~r. Harper and Mr. Arthur N. Coach Dunn's l\.fichigan Avenue Eagles b th ey won Ias t wee. k Th e Leeds, botaDlst d of kthe Academy of . Natural f rom worn . S oences, un ertoo to trace some of the Ja d R t A .• games are p ye on u gers venue IieId r?utes ta k~n t hrough GeorgIa 10 pre-revolu- at 6.30 P. M. bonary times by the famous Quaker naturalists, J obn and William Bartram. Mr. Loeb, Recreational Director, is On a similar trip in 1934 these two men re- ready to start volley ball. Those interested 9.45 A. M. Droughts have amicted the Philadelphia area many located in the northern part of Georgia are asked to communicate with him or Patriotic Exercises - in Exchange with Burgess Pitman. times in the past. We find interesting records of what is in all probability the buffalo lick 10.00 Where are these soft ball enthusiasts it which William Bartram mentioned in his them in one of our oldest weather books. Informal Address by William W. The game can be played by boys and "Travels" and which he visited in 1773. "The severest drought ever experienced in Anaeriea Price. of the Hedgerow Theatre girls-no age limit. The Methodist boys This year they started at Kings Ferry was in the summer of 1762. Scarcely a sprinkle of on Saint Marys River at the southern and girls have lots of fun at it and would 10.45 rain fell for nearly four month•• Vegetables of other like some real competition from boundary of the state and followed that Minute Portrait Sketches by cburch teams. every description perished." I trail north to Augusta. On the way they Miss Evelyn Copelan located many places of special interest deAn entry made in September, 1793, reads: "The SPECIAL HOLIDAY DINNER scrihed by the Bartrams and also found a drought was very distressing; very little rain had SERVED large proportion of the plants which the 'f1UNITr CHURCH fallen since July. Lakes, streams, springe and welle 1:00 10 8:00 P. M. latter had noted at various places along Protel!ltant Elllecopal $ 1.00 per person that had never been known to be were then their route. As far as is known no other Ch.ter Road and CoDen A".nue I without water. While inhabitants of this city and naturalists have ever tried to cover the Rector: S.T.M •• .Reetor 6.45·8.00 Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, Bartrams' routes in this way in the one Rev. T. A. MeryWeather. Dlr. Ret. Edue. vieinity could send to the Delaware and the Informal Piano Music hundred and sixty years since the BartSUNDAY Mrs. Lena Blanche Jones Schuylkill. the inhabitants in many parts of the rams were there. Dr. Harper and Mr. 8 :00 A. :H.-Holy Co~unlon. country were compelled to haul their water from 8.30·9.45 Leeds found where the Bartrams had 9 :eG A••.-Bund.,. Sehool and Bible Class. I • 11 :00 A. M.-Morning Prayer and Sermon. Mr. 10 to 20 miles in casks." ·'Talking Pictures' I crossed vanous streams such as Saint Meryweather will preacb. Man has no control over these caprices of Nature. IMarys, the Satilla, Altamaha, and the .8.:00p.M.--Confirmation. tSa~annah River, by comparing manu- ~:::~::::::.::::::::.:=:::::~-----They come irregularly and without warning. Just lscnpts the father and son had left OD SWARTHMORE PR~YTERIAN cllUBOH as they have occurred in the past, they will continue record. ..~ Jobn ElIer7 TuWe. lIinillter to occur in the future. At the place where the Bartrams crossed sUNDAY F. H_ Seheibly Management Your water company is prepared for emergencies the Savannah River and which they called lO:oo-Bible Scbool. SWARTHMORE 680 11 :oo-Morning WorshIp_ Rev •. Edward H. such as these. The Philadelphia Suburban Water Shell Blufis,. twenty miles below Augusta, Roberts. Registrar of Princeton Theo.ASSOCIATED HOTELS and found giant fossil oyster shells as long Company lias available enough water to provide logical SeminarY. as two feet and a couple of inches thicli for your needs for three. quarters of a year, even SWAIlnutOItE, PA. OKEFENOKEE SmDY . CADILLAC LA SALLE • Professor and Mrs. Lange and family leave today for Avalon where they will spend several weeks. _ _ __ Miss Frances 'Vhite, of 'Valnut Lane, yesterday to spend the summer at Hill Falls, Pa. -- - - Miss Isabelle Bronk, of North Chester Tired of planning meal. to tempt Bultry 8ummer appetitea) Let Marter. take over the jobl Fre.h. cool· meal. are easy if you serve these llemal You'll Need These For Your Vacation AND FOURTH OF JULY PICNIC NEEDS Sun Oil Golf Balls POTATO CHIPS PRETZELS GINGER ALE Late.t Cameras Tennis .. ............. .. ....... ~ aoltert It. . ' . ,... PUBLISHED BVEIlY PRlDAY AT 3 TIiE SWARTHMOREAN 1m; Miss Virginia Bassett, of North Chester Road, has gone to Camp Blue Mountain, "'amburg, Pa., where she will act as councitlor and remain until August 25. of Magill University. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Valentine, formerly The marriage of Miss Katharine S\lI; WIth at least on July 5. sports on Crum Creek at the Strath Haven three games a week ·pIaYed. Many of. the Conducted under the auspices of the Boat House. players have Jobs B.nd. other occupations. American Friends Service Committee this The winning teams in the canoe race! Perhaps the team would do \Yell to ease up convention had become a recognized center consisted of (younger group) Burton a bit on its schedule 'untll it regained a for the discussion of radal problems, dealChilclreD'a Camu Peckerman and Peter Miller and (older measure of its former pep and stamina. ing especially with negro-white relations. Immediately following the parade the group) John Delaplaine and Williarlll That this would do the trick is reasonThe course of study is to be carried on crowd divided, some going to Rutgers Ave- Rutherford. The last two named also won ably probable. For the Hornets can play by means of lectures, discussions, and nue to witness the yearly contest of the the tilting contest for their age group. excelIent ball. Even in the Congo Crescent seminars, which will be conducted every One of the most exciting parts of the fiasco when the Hornets suffered a stinging day except Sunday. Round table discuslocal Fire Company and others traveling to the old Prep School grounds to watch or entire day came when Burton Peckerman defeat, such men as Ralph (Slugger) Shelly Mons will be organized in Collection Hall to and Tom Beddoe, last year's tinting win- and Renshaw knocked out some long ones, suit the demands of the students. participate in the children's games. At Rutgers· Avenue the Borough fire ners, were again opposed by Timmy and. showed real atiillty. In past years there have been about fighters fonned two teams, the Soda team Mercer and Guenther Froebel. There was Pitching has improved somewhat, but thirty regu]ar students, whl1 bave received and the Beer team. The former defeated a fight to the death I-although it did not leaves much to be desired. Innis sUII their room and board at Parrish Hall. the latter in the speed contest by 5~ sec- last quite so long as last year when the tosses the best game, but Abernathy and Nearly twenty-five others have come only onds J the \Vinning time being 1 minute l¥.i battle continued almost 'till darkness Cheyney are far from bad. Practice and to attend the lectures and discussions which seconds and meriting the $2.50 cash award. threatened but those on tbe hank dared Dot training is needed all around. were of particular interest to them. The exciting water fight resulted in a tie leave and miss the final result. In spite The games on the college field have been The directors of the 1936 session of the for 5 minutes 21~ seconds when the Beer of the fact that Beddoe's pole was broken well attended, and show clearly the in- institute will be Ralph Bunche, of Howard team dropped its hose and nursed some short in the skirmish and even Beddoe, terest taken in the Hornets' work. University; George Simpson, of Temple very sore eyes. The Soda team consisted judging from his expression, considered his University. and Miss Ethel Stilz, of Swarthof Harry McHale, Frank Pierce, Alec outlook a black one, the foe was capitulated more College. The lecturers and discus\Vitmcr, Joseph O'Brien, B. Blundin and I into the waters of the Crum and the title sions leaders will corne from tbe major Ellis Rumsey. The Beer barons were I was saved. • eastern colleges and universities and imporEdward HickJing, Frank Terrells, All Tenm. tant centers in social science research. The Thompson, Victor Allison, A. Hauger, Wal-I "?nder !he direction of Thomas F. institute will close on July 25. lace Steigelman and Charles Kimmel. H. Baud tenms tournaments were held on the Three evening lectures, which will be B. Cookman timed the event. college cou~ts througho?t the day. Three Friday Evening Talks by open to the public for a small fee of admisMeanwhile the children separated and On Wednesday everung, Ed E.hur dcsion, have been scheduled. This series will Prominent Authorities Open the girls, in age groups, under the super-:-. feated Preston B~ckma~ to achIeve ~he be held· in the Friends' Meeting House on To Public vision of Mrs. Peter E. Told, Mrs. MacMiI- ; belated close. Rain dunng the preceding the college campus and will begin at 8.15. lan, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hastings, Mrs. week interfered with the progress of play. A series of three free lectures by mem- On Monday, July 16, John P. Davis, execuDavid McCahan, Mrs. S. M. Viele, Mrs. The score of the match sets. were 7-5, hers of the Summer School staff is the tive secretary of tbe National Negro Con· Vernon Parry and Miss Leanore Perkins, 3-, 7-5, 6-4 in favor of Ed Ebur. current bill at Pendle HiO, Wallingford. gress, Washington, D. C., will speak on were entertained with dodge ball, dizzy Ed Ebur, a newcomer to the Swarth- Last Friday evening, Rabbi Abraham Cron- "The Negro and the New pea]," The -izzy, over and under relays, skipping re- more Tennis Club, proved to be the dark bach of Cincinnati, opened the series with following Monday, Mary VanKleeck, dilays. jump the shot, three deep, Farmer- horse of the tournament. Ed swept every "Th~ Religious Side of Religion" as bis rector- of the Industrial Studies, Russen in-the-Dell, Lassie..a·lassie and Piggie. The match he played to reach the finals with- subjed. Sage Foundation, New York City, wi11 boys played similar games with William out dropping a set. Preston Buckman At 8 o'clock this evening, Friday, July address the assembly on "Professional and Seymour Rutherford and Victor maintained the standard set for him when 10 Fritz Kunkel. M. D., the well-known \Vorkers' Relation to Fascist Trends in the Troxell as leaders. At the close of the he was seeded number one in the seedings. G~rman psychotherapist and author) will U~ted States," and on July 20, Melville games each child was given a Dixie cup of Pres gained the finals by defeating William speak on "The Normal Personality." Herskovits, professor of anthropology at Dr. Mark Dawber, of the Board of I Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., ice cream and the adult games began at 11 Lee in a bard contested match, while Ed o'clock. won over William A. Brown to enter the Home Missions of the Methodist Episcopal will speak on the subject, "The American Church, will conclude the series oJ'. July 17. Negro." Gam... for Adults last round. After the end of play, Thomas Baird, His subject win be nThe Co-operative Mrs. E. R. Laws took first place in the $12 More ·Needed paddle-throw with Mrs. John Broomall, the tournament chairman, presented tbe Movement-A Way of Life." On each of the three Fridays at 4 o'clock Percy Belfield, Wi1lliim. 'l1Iatcher, J. E . 4th, and Miss Irma Keighton, second and winner, Ed Ebur, with a case of ginger third. Mrs. Broomall won the ever amus- ale, and Pres Buckman the runner-up, readings have heen planned illustrating the Davis, Harvey Pierce, Herbert Bassett, H. Prizes were use of drama and poetry as sources of B. LincolD, C. F. Noyes ·and an ftonymous ing nail-driving contest. Mrs. Harry with three tennis· balJ~. Bernard placed sec:ond. Mrs. Broomall also awarded by the Swarthmore Business social and religious insight, by Douglas V. donor 'have contributed to· the Baseball Won the Hi-Ii contest with the creditab!e Men's Association in conjunction with the Steere, of Haverford College, director of Dollar Club this week.· If one and a half the summer session. Everyone is cordially times that . mabY thip in ·this week, the number of successive bits at 53. In thIS July Fourth Celehration. goal·winbe reached 01 Idsl. . invited. Picnic suppers are encouraged. (ConUnued on Pace of) event Mrs. Stewart Thom and Mrs. Laws Betsy Hornaday and Jean Fischer, who carried Alice Hornaday in a patriotic sedan chair' neatest Brownie, Nancy VanAh:u; best Boy Scout Troop-Troop 3, complete wiUl, Scoutmaster Ambrose Van Alell, in uniform and. including the following members: C1ifIord Bryant, Harvey Buckman, Alben Eavenson, Jellery Kirk, James Jen~ings, John Delaplaine and Bobby LongweDj Troop 2 was represented by Jimmy Smith and Jim Davis; Kathleen Brown, best Girl Scout. Each child in the parade received a new American flag. Fire Company CODteat and SHERIFF SALES Sheriff's Office. Court House. Medis, PR. Friday. Jul)' 24th. 19M 8.80 A. M.., Eastern Standard Time No. 539 December Term, 1929 All that certain lot Ol' piece of grpense of the Swarthmore Eagles, by takiDg an exciting, well played game by the score of 11-8. The game was expertly played hy the future-greats. Dick Hoot, Elliott Richardson and Clayton stood. out for the D\."i'.9• ....mJi...b·3cit tfjil£~iB'; oae-tea' itij}k;' .. and played a line game at short. Cerrachi, Eagles' catcher, was best for the losers. He had two clean hits and his excellent throwing nipped three imitators of Pepper Martin at second base. Both teams are priming for the league which ~pens on Monday I July 6, and is creating considerable .interest· among. the youngsters, giving our prospective bigleaguers a fine objective in their play. On July combining a hit by Peekerman, a walk to Corse and a homer by Ewing, the Cubs scored three runs in the first, then put together three more hits in the last inning hy Black, Davis and McCauley, sandwiched in with an error, a stolen hase and·a wild throw by the Sluggers' pitcher, Clayton, to squeeze out a victory over the SIugers, 7-6. Corse, Cubs' pitcher, undoubtedly vis.. • ualizes being Athletic pitcher some future day, for he contrived to limit the opposition to four hits while issuing twelve Walks. On July 6, after much fanfare and haUoboloo, the Swarthmore Junior Baseball League opened with the refreshing Pirates surprising by blasting the favorite Sluggers with a 12-7 licking. After the first inning, when the Sluggers went ahead by scoring five runs, the Pirates had things their own way. Polk starred at the bat with a single, triple and a homer, while Dickinson was the fielding hero of the game. The colored boys' antics reminded one of the carrying on of the older teams of their race. Tennis News Over a period of two weeks 390 people have enjoyed playing at the borough managed tennis courts. This is at the average of 25 persons a day. The courts are capable of carrying a larger load. Persons playing are permitted unlimited time, except when there are people waiting, then they are restricted to two sets. 3, • Bible School Closes Next Friday The guest speaker at the morning Worship of the Bible School held in the Wesley A. M. E. Church last Friday was Miss Mabel Blunt, of the Anneville Institute Life Sc:hool, at Anneville, Ky. On Wednesday of this week Mrs. C. W. McDowell spoke to the youngsters, on Thursday Mrs. J. Passmore Cheyney made the address. and this morning Dr. David McCahan. Next Monday Mrs. Arthur W. Kent will teU of the life of·Dr. Anna Howard Shaw. The children are hlL'Y preparirog interesting dramtizations of Bible stories for presentation at the commenc:ement exercises to he held in the church on Bowdoin Avenue, .at 8 o'clock next Friday evening, July 17. Mrs. Peter E. Told, who· Is SlIpervL'Iing the project, urges the attendance of Borongh residents at the closing exercises. • JULy 10, 1936· THE SWARTHMOREAN duri11g wbleh they will att...d·\he· Friends ---';~M;:':"::::C~'::::::(='Y~nk:::=-;N:;-;Y:;-:~L;-:t:-.-;:C;-:O;-I.-;C:;-.:-A-;.:-B;;ag:::i:b:y-;w:iaithh.M:t.,,;:;;.---n.Bagby . Mr _ and Mrs. Irvin Sieinberg, o( West Miss argarel urran, 0 0 ers, . .• Conference to be held from July 6 to -13. . ri .L'_· d th e and their (amily, of Princeton Avenue, Jell Ph',ladelphia, spent the holidays with MI'!!. _ill ar ve = eveD111g to spen I S,unliay for Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Mn. Davis remained until Wednesday of (Th mother, Mrs. Joseph Pecker end wIt h M 1'3. Ch arIe5 P arker 0 e I' Ste,'nbera's thds week when she returned to Phlladel. •• S rth to stay until the first week in August. man and family, of Dartmouth Avenue. wa more. Miss Ba;bara Bagby returned Saturday pbla. Dr. and Mrs. Franklin GllIespie, from Eaglesmt!re, Pa., where she had Mrs. Benjamin I. Mather bas returned to Mr. and Mrs. Howark Kirk, of Lafayvisited a week with her aunt, Miss Harher home on Haverford Avenue. after South Chesler Road, lelt lasl week-end ette Avenue, entertained with a neighbor. Mias Grace C. JoblOD and Dr. spending a month in I~wa City, low,a, and Canada. where they will remain until riet Wickham, of North Chester Road. hood picnic on the Fourth o( July, al tbeir Geol'8e B. Heckman Will The Wickhams are now occupying their a week with Mrs. Gilbert S. Faries, or the middle o( the month. farm on Ridge Road, near Tylersport, summer borne at Eaglesmere. Marry Tomorrow Haverford Avenue, at Mrs. Faries' home in The Misses Margaret and Lillian Roxby, Pa. Beach Haven, N. J. Miss Melissa McGowan was married to of Cornell Avenue, left Monday to spend Mr. Clinton H. Sawyer, Jr., of the Jack H_ Peach, son o( MI>. EmUy Peach, Strath Haven Inn, will leave tomorrow by Mrs. E. L. Noyes, of Riverview Road, i~ a \"'eck in Ocean City, N. J. Birth of Syracuse, N. Y., at Q.JO last Saturday the guest this week of Mrs. Hervey Professor and Mrs. \Villiam M. ElJaisd"Il,1 motor to meet bis mother in Canada. He morning. July 4, at the home of Mrs. Schumacher and Miss Marjorie Schumacher, will drive her to the Sawyer summer home Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Jenkins, 2nd, George A. Marr and Miss Helen C. Marr, of Haverford Avenue, at Avalon, N. J. of West House. are being congratulated on Park Avenue, the Rev. George L. Van~ Mr. Noyes was a member of the p:uty upon the birth of a son, David Foulke, on H. Merrill, of Ogunquit, Me. New Hampshire until fall. Alen, offidating. ' over the week~end. Thursday, July 2, at the Woman's Hos~ The bride who was given in marriage by On Wednesday Mrs. Schumacher enterMr. and Mrs. George Plowman leave Mr. and Mrs. Alton Hawkes and family, pital, Philadelphia. Miss Marr wore a white silk crepe dress tained with a picnic attended by severn I their apartment in The Swarthmore who with the Sawyers recently removed and carried roses and lilies of the valley. other Swarthmore residents. week end to spend the month of July with [rom the home they occupied on DartThe maid of honor was the bride's Mr. Plowman's mother, Mrs. Garrett mouth Avenue, have located in Luceme~ Mrs. Helen Muth, Welfare Secretary of man, of Ridley Park. sister, Miss Frances McGowan, of Philade!PROTECT YOUR in-Maine, Me., in order to be near Mr. phia. The groom was attended by hIS the Community Health Society of Central Hawkes' business. GARDEN Delaware County, is taking an advancctl brother, Robert Peach, of Syracuse. Richard Keppler i of Cornell Avenue, left ---After the wedding breakfast the young course in social service administration at last week for Birch Rock Camp, ncar Dr. and Mrs. James F. Bogardus and couple leCt for a two weeks vac~tion on the University of Chicago this summer. Norway, Me., where he wi1l spend eight family, of Cornell Avenue, enjoyed a picnic Lake Ontario. after which they will locate She is working for her M. S. degree. Mrs. weeks. in southern Pennsylvania on the Fourth of Hubert White, of Springfield, is acting July. Jimmy Bogardus has been inconat Wadsworth, Ohio. Mr.and Mrs. William C. Starr and son, venienced by a slight injury to his back secretary in Mrs. Muth's absence. The marriage of Miss Grace C. Jobson, Mrs. Nellie P. Cuenco, supervising nurst Chandler, of Dartmouth Avenue, motored received when he fell from a gymnastic bar daughter of Mrs. Pearl Jobson Kauffman, of the Nursing Service, is motoring to .her to Brooklyn, N. Y., Friday evening and I",t week. I of South Orange Street, Media, and Dr. home in Arkansas. where she will spentl returned Saturday evening with Mr. and George B. Heckman, of Park Avenue, son her vacation during t,he month of July. Mrs. Herbert Schroeder and daughter, Mrs. Elmer E. Melick, of the Strath of Mrs. S. Heckman, of Carlisle, Pa., will Joan Katherine. Mrs. Schroeder, with the Haven Inn, has gone to Bronxville, N. Y., . be performed In the Walling(ord PresbyHoward Dingle, Jr., of Park Avenue, baby, will be the guest of her parents for to spend the summer with her son-In-law terian Church at 4 o'clock tomorrow left Tuesday for Fort Monroe, where he the month· o( July. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Chandlee Tur~ afternoon, Saturday, July 11. will train at the Citizens' Military Camp :-:------:c nero Miss Mabel Blunt, of AnDeville, Ky., Miss Jobson will wear a - gown of while until the 61h of August_ left this week after spending some time embroidered organza, made on princess Mrs. Margaret S. Brown and Miss THE JAPANESE BEETLE lines and a tiny tuUe turban with veil. Mrs. Mattie G. Berry, of PhiJadclphhi. visiLinJ! her brother-in-law and sister, Dr. Bertha S~ners, of North Chester Road, acIS HERE She 'will carry white roses and lliics of left Wednesday for Ogunquit, Me., wbere and Mrs. J. Howard Smith, of Park companied by MrS. Mae Davis left Frithe valley surrounding a center corsage of shr will visit her son-in-law and daughter, Avenue. day for Windsor Hotel, Cape May, N. J., Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm H. Merrill, until gardenias. BEETLE TRAPS Mr. A. B. Chapin, of Harvard Avenue, where they will remain for several weeks The maid of honor and only a~tendallt September. Mrs. Merrill's sister, Miss returned his granddaughter, Barbara BEETLE BAIT of tbe bride, Miss Arlen Courter, of Media, Sarah Berry, of Drexel Hill, will go to Hickox, to her home in Binghamton, N. Y., BEETLE SPRAYS will be dressed in blue organza with match- Ogunquit a little later and her brother, this week. ing accessories. Sbe will wear a large leg- Hugh Berry, of Swarthmore, will drive up He will stop in Schenectady before reo horn hat with a blue velvet ribbon and on September 1 to bring his mother and turning to Swarthmore. carry white daisies and blue delphinium. si!=ler home. The groom and the best mao, Merle Mrs. Virginia Fries and son, Buddy•. of Successor to Mr. anti Mrs. T. Harry Brown and Mr. Haverford Place, are in Chicago visiting Coover, of Carlisle, will wear white flannel CHESTER ROAD E. C. WALTON suits and white silk ties. TIle ushers, William Brown, of Cornell Avenue, spenL friends. Buddy is recovering nicely after a SWARTHMORE 105 Cbarles A. Limbulll and B. Levis Pyle, the Fourth o( July week-end at Cape tonsil operation performed there last week. Swarthmore 114 both of Media, will wear similar suits with May, N. J. They will visit in Pittsburgh before returnbIlie tics. ing to Swarthmore in another week or so. Mrs. Mary Pownall Willis recently en. Following the ceremony a small rt:cepMr. and Mrs_ R. F. Blundin and bahy, tion for the members of the wedding party tertained at her home, "Sunset View," on North Sproul Road, in honor of Mrs. Morof Buffalo, N. Y., visited Mr. Blundin's and a few intimate friends and near rela~ parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Blundin, of ris Paschal, of Wilmington, Del. Other tlves will he held at Rose Tree Inn. ~uests were Mrs. Frank Fitts, Miss MarVassar Avenue, over the holidays. After a short wedding trip, Dr. and Mrs. jorie Sellers, Mrs. Ross Thompson, Mrs_ Heckman will be at home at 132 Park Little Anne Vlachos, eight months old John Fricke and Mrs. William Blaisdell. Avenue until August It when they will daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Vlachos, on a three-weeks' cruise to Jamaica. Mr. and Mrs. William W. Turner and of Park Avenue, enjoyed ber first party The engagement was announced in May. family, of Yale Avenue, left Tuesday for last Thursday afternoon. Her seven little lI,QitertQJlt.M~.",.where;they wi1l:spend the guests were: . Janel' J oneS, of Wasl'inlJ:tc"'''I' n.' C.; Marie Angstadt and Patricia Anne remainder of the month. Dunn, both of Prospect Park; Kathleeri Mrs. Mary. P. Willis and son, David Callaghan. of Chester; John Krieg, Pownall \ViUis, of Sproul Road. spent the Norwood. and Francis and Edward McTHEATRE pa!;t week at Hotel MortoR, Atlantic City, Laughlin, o( Ridley Park. he.C:=:. al'l Ocean Breezel Fa.t-as the Queen Maryl. nl all our 6ne N. J. Mr. and MI>. J. Kirk McCurdy have Mr. William Campbell, of Harvard Ave- removed to apartment 2G at The SwarthCaroJ. Fred nue. recently entertained in honor of his more. Lombard MacMurray twenty-first birthday. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Wilson, whQ AUson Sldpworth DDuEt... Dumbrille Walter and William Hickm~n, Charles have been living in the home of Mr. and Popey& - Our Ganl - New. Gerner, Preston Roche, William Taylor, Mrs. Thomas Rutherford, on Westdate btr_' Saturday MatillH! REDUCED TO ''FLASH GORDON" Norman Wilhelmy, Hugh Calhoun, James Avenue. during the past five weeks while SUNOAV - MONDAY Finley and Rlehard Redgrave_ the Rutherfords were in Europe will move EDW. G. ROBINSON Miss Dorothy Tunis, of Princeton and into the_ )f(:Curdy home at lOS CorneD "Bullets or Ballots" Lafayette Avenues, Jelt Monday .~~~E~ Avenue on July _1_5._ __ VERY MUCH LESS THAN HALF PRICE with her aunt. Mrs. Charles Stewart Mrs. Buchanan Harrar, mother of of Blue Bell, Pa., to motor to Buchanan' Harrar, Jr., of Yale Avenue, ALL SALES FINAL Nova Scotia, stopping several days at is visiting at the Strath Haven Inn for the ROBERT TAYLOR Jamestown, R. I., en route. They summer months.· ~ ELEANOR POWELL JACK BENNY remain at Chester until fall. 'I , -... - id~ McGowan 'Wed to Jack Peach - w --- • ~:n ~~~e~i~':?t~\:,:.v:~~et~~~drl:~::lm ~wa~;':o~~m=~esat;!:~ w~I%~~fn ~~ Generallnaurance EDWARD L. NOYES SUPLEE'S STORE so. NOTICE! PRIOR TO AUGUST CLOSING ? MEDIA CLEARANCE oFriday. degrees Il!8IIt forty-two and fortyofleYen one1928. Mem. Am. Philol. Assn., Classical it raised for the purpose last year. hundredths percbes to a point a comer of • lands late of Geora:e P. DUnlap, now of A]bert Assn. Atlantic States, Am. Archaeol. Inst., Mr. and Mrs. J. B. West and family, Bryant: then~ b,. said Sryant Janda aonth Am. Assn. Vniv. Profs., Phi Beta Kappa. formerly of Riverview Road have gone to eigbty-flve and three-quartera degrees. east , . . nineteen percbes to a point a corner of lanth Dr. Wilcox Lead. Summer Episcopalian. Contbr. on classical subjects. Harvey Cedars, N. J., to remam untd late of Bernard Hammell estate; thence b,. - Institute Home: 651 N. Chester Rd., Swarthmore, September 8. uid Hammell estate and lanfts of the estate of James Mahoney south SIX decrees west Pa." forb'-one and four..tentha perches to the nortbDr. CJair Wilcox, chairman of the Betty and Lois Landon, daughters of Mr. erl,. Une of the lane of James Maboney estate; eronomics depal1ment of Swarthmore Col~ Pre.byterian Church Notes and Mr- F Norton Landon of PrinC"c- tbence along tbl" northerly line nt lnne leadhur :t. • , to Dl'Operty of James Mahoney. tlecensed, north lege, is one of the four Dew leaders on- the ton Avenue, are spending several weeks elghty.nlne and one.quarter degrt·~ west nineThe Rev. Edward H. Roberts, regislr.ar faculty of the Summer Institute for Social perebes. to the plnce of beg-inntng. Con- .rha woman who has of Princeton Theological Seminary, gave Progress, which is attracting men and visiting their paternal granr,clarcnts in I teen tslnfm:: five aerea more or less. I Exceptinlr therdrom and ther . . out tho two the sermon at the Swarthmore Presbyterian women from many \'ccations and different Syracuse, N. Y. following pal't:ela of land with Improvements: Church last Sunday and will be the speaker parts of the country to Wellesley College, ~===============', No.1. All that certain ])ar«1 of land with SHERIFF SALES the messuage thereon ereCted,. situate on the again this Sunday. July 4-18. northeasterty side of Convent road. kton Sheriff's Office, Court House. Media. Fa. Upon the request of 'the Sess:'on Mrs. Friday. July 24th. 1986 Professor_ Wilcox, well known as former 8.30 A. M •• Eastern Standard Time Townsblp Delaware County~ PeDUSy)v"nla. Samuel M. Dodd, of Swarthmore Avenue, director of research of the Wickersham and bounded and described .. follows: Be. doe.n't IIave to go has taken charge of the church publicity. Commission, and as a member of the alnnina at a stake distant one hundred twentyConditions--$250.00 eaah or certified cb.eek :four and 15eyenb-elaht hundredths feet meg... General Code Authority o( Ihe N.R.A., has to the .tore..She time of lillie (unlt'1J8 otherwlse stated ia ured southwestwardly from a point In the Charter No. 7198 Reserve DistrIct No.3 taught at Ohio Wesleyan and the Uni- at advertisement). balanee In ten da:rs. Other divldin., line between the land of A. B. REP 0 It T OF COND]T]ON OF THE conditions on day of sale. ' Sryant and the land of the grantors. said can .tay home when SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND versity of Pennsylvania. He is a frequent beginning point being abo In the divldinR' TRUST COM.PANY. SWARTHMORE, IN contributor to periodicals, and recently sS line between lots numbered 2 and 8 on map THE STATE OF PENNSYLVAN]A.. AT conducted an economics discussion group Fieri Fac:las No. 9 of "Orchard Knoll"; tbenee extending along the weattuJlr'. bad THE CLOSE OF BUS]NESS ON JUNE 30. December Term. 1929 said dlvldJng line between lots numbered 2 among business and professional men living 1936. All that certain lot or plec:e of ground with and 3 south elghty·three deerees forty~eight (Published in response to call made by in Swarthmore. and let the telephone the buildings and Improvements thereon minutes east one hundred ninety-three feet Comptroller of tile Currency. under Sec:tiOl1 to stake fa Une of land of .rr;~~;' t:=;~. ' .C"""'~'''''''',.W tl!ll.llp",,",~ pf s"gnhbJff!y._ . 5211. U. S. Reylsed Statutes.)· " , "';'. ttI'rir' ••• ountY 'ot" l1elaware, ana-S(fte aT ~enllllY • :exUnafiirAl6HITlIn.....ot ·n..~f do tlie -footwork f . A8SETIJ vania, described ac:c:ordlng to ·a survey therof six degrees twelve minutes weet one hundred fifty feet to stake In line of land of grantors; Loans and disc:ount5 ............. S 621.164.76 made Jul,. 24. 1922, by Robert P. Green, Civil thence estendilQf along said last mentioned Overdrafts .... ·.................. 447.47 Engineer. as· follows. to wit: United States Government oblltraBeginning at a point on the aoutbwester'" line of land of In'8J1ton. being alllo the dividYou, lao, "an have a le/ephona Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, o( The side of Swarthmore avenue (forty.one and Ing line between. loti numbered -4 and 6 nortb UOnB, direet and/or fully guar-o ftnteed •••••••••••••••• •••••.• 4&7,546.07 Swarthmore, transferred from apartment one.half feet wide) at the distance of two eighty-three degrees :foriy.eigbt minutes weat in your home for leu Other bonds. stocks and securities 4",866.96 hundred seven and thirty-Beven on~buDdredtbl5 one hundred ninety.three feet to stake in SE to 2B yesterday. Tomorrow Mr. and feet southeastwardly from the southeasterly northeasterly side of Convent road: thence Banking bouse .••.... $107,828.00 than a dime a day. aide of Cheater road (sixty feet wide); ex- extending along northeasterly side of .ald road Furniture and t\xtures. 7.941.91 116.784.91 Mrs. Reynolds will sail on the S. S. Town- tending thence south nine degt'eell. eleven north six degrees twelve minutes east one send for a cruise to Nova Scotia, Saint- minutes weat one hundred thlrty.four and hundred Afty feet to the point and plaeB of Real estate owned other th"n THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY banking bouse . . . . . .. . . . • . . . . 28.·4.58.34 Pierre, and Newfoundland. twenty-tbree one-hundredths feet to a point: beginning. BeIng all of lots numbered 3 and thenee extending BOuth el..hty depees, forty... .f. as shown on map of "Orehard Knoll:· DeJa~ Reserve with Federal Beeerve I OF PENNSYLVANtA 9B.171.43 nine minutes east six:ty feet; thence north ware County. Pennaylvania. made by George bank ........................ W. Drumbeller, C. E .. and bearing date of Caah. balances with other banks Mrs. Frank E. Williams returned last nine decrees eleven minutes east elghty-ef8ht and casb items in proces15 of week-end from the University Hospital, and fourteen one-hundredths feet to tbe south- December 17. 1926. collection . . . . . . . . . . •. • . . ... • . 106,688.62 Cash items not In process of colPhiladelphia, and is convalescing nicely at lectlon .........•.•.........•. 209.76 her home on Amherst Avenue. Otber assets .................... _ _8_._85-,8_.,_"., Total Anets .........•.••.• ],986.166.87 Samuel M. Dodd, Jr., of Swarthmore LIABILITIES Avenue, left last Friday aboard the Demand deposita of individuals, uPacific Sun" of the Sun Oil Company partnerships and corporations .. $ 817.734.80 bound for Texas. He will visit the CenTime deposits of Individuals, partnerships and corporations..... 600.926.16 lennial Exposition at DaUas and return S~:i~o~~~: ~~? .~~.~i~~~~~ •.d.e: 158.699.26 via St. Louis, where he will stop with. United States Government and relatives. postal aavinp depoeits......... 122,117.94 Deposits of other banks. including Mrs. Harold Ogram and children will certified and cuhter's checks outstanding ... .. .. ... . .. . .. .. 12.896.64 return to their home on Riverview Road Total of above Items: on Sunday after a three weeks stay at ReSec:ured by pledge hoboth Beach, Del. of loans and/or investments •.... $ 177.230.13 --Not secured by Mr. John Mills and (amily, o[ Glenside, pledge of loans were the holiday. guests of Mr. George M. and /01' investments ...•..•..... 1,435.364.61 Mills, at Strath Haven InD. Total Deposits .. $ 1.612,594.80 512.n Other liabilities .............. .. Capital account: Mrs. Harold Barnes, of Princeton AveCommon stoek, 1250 nue, was the guest of Mrs. P. H. Jewett, shares, par $100 per ahare ........ $126.000.00 of Kenyon Avenue, at Beach Haven, N. J., Surplus ... , ........ 160,000.00 this week. Undivided profits net .............. 42.960.55 Reserves for contingencies •.. . .. .... 5.104.41 Cbriatiaa Science Church .. .......... .... Needl_orkGuiIcI lIewin, MARY'S PET RECIPll I I • I .' . I I • 0' I • I I I A TELEPHONE NEWS NOTES • .. IT TAKES Plenty OF HOT WATER TO KEEP HER CLEAN Mon., Tues.; '. Wed.. Thurs. in his greatest performance "THE PRINCESS COMES ACROSS" MONDAY Alice Faye ...-in- HERBERT MARSHALL GERTRUDE MICHAEL WILUAM POWELL JEAN ARTHUR EDW. G. ROBINSON JOAN BLONDELL , t. ... CAROLE LOMBARD FRED MacMURRAY SUNDAY EVENING and Ceorae R.ft "Every N;ght at Eight" "FURY" WAVERLY SWARTHMORE PARK AVENUE Picture S.turday. Sunday, Monda,., Tuesday SYLVIA SIDNEY SPENCER TRACY GOWN SHOP JULY 10, 1936 THE SWARTHMOREo\N SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANI and TrEl Company AND COOL! CHURCH NEWS Summer days are vacation days-a time when all children are past masters at the art of getting dirty many times a day. The only cure is to bathe them often. And this requires plenty of hot water. An Automatic Gas Water Heater is the solution. TRINITY cmmCH Protestant EpbcOltal Cb.ter Road and Collea. A-venue Rector: Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S.T.M .. Rec:tor Rev. T. A. lIel'J'Weather. Dlr. Rei. Edue. SUNDAY 216.600.00 11 :00 A. M.-Morning Prayer Bnd Sermon. 19,580.00 :::;'eh~r. J. Albert Weagle will ----~--nm--------I Total Pledged (excluding rediscounts) ................ $ 236.080.00 SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Pledged: ReT. John Ellel7 Thtlle. Minister Against U niled States Govern· ment Bnd postal savings deSUNDAY I »osits ...........••.••••..•. S 119.500.00 lO:Oo--Blble School. . Alraiost State. county and mu97.000.00 11 :OO-MorninR' \Vorship. Rev. EdwBrd H. I nicipal depo..o;its ........... . Roberts. Registrar o[ Princeton Thea--' Alrainst deposit.!3 of trust depart. 19.580.00 logi~al Seminary. meTlts •••••••••• , .•••••••••• I Total Pledged .•............ $ 286,080.00 THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS I Plate of Penna .. County of Delaware. ss.: 1. E. S. SPROAT, cashier ot tbG above--I SUNDAY named bank. do solemnly swear that the above First Day School dosed tor the summer. ~~~e~~~t.is true to the best of my knowledge 11:00 A.•.-Meedn., for Worship In the E. S. SPROAT. Meetf!l2' RoQH. Cashier. S ....·orn to and subscribed before me this 8th FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST" day of July. 1986. OF SWARTHMORE WILLIAM: S. BI'lTLE. Park Avenne below IIanard Notary Public. 11 :00 A. M.--suudQ SehooL . (SEAL) 11:00 A.. ".-Sun_ Leuon-&rmoa. lily Commission expires March 2, 19117. Co:rrec:t-Attest: Wednsday evenlrur meetlq ~b week, II E. B. TEMPLE. p. m. ReadlnR' 1'OO1D QpnI dal.,.. e:a:cept SUIIICLAUDE C. SMITH. days and holidays ~.80 to 12.30; Churcb edifice., WM. EARL KISTLER. All are eordiaIb' invited to aue.d Ute -"" Directors. IeeI allld ue the Re.dlq Boola. , I I Why not rent one' You can pay just 75c to 90c monthly rent, depending on the heater selected, for first 6 months, $110 $1.15 monthly thereaher. This does not include the low cost of gas consumed. Your deposit of $5 will be returned after using the heater a year. And if you buy it within a year, all rentals will be applied to purchase price. Choice of Penfield, Welsbach, Ruud. Offer made for limited time only I All Our Suburban Stores Aut"orizeJ De.len AI.o C.n Maire Tlti. Oller PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY - 4 SW~I~THM()I:aE JULy 10, 1936 THE SWARTHMOREAN ~~N~l1~WBT.S~jNJ,OfYT~'~~S~--~--~~~.td~~L'.;n;wd.o;.;ne~----~~::=~~~;onu~~DQp~~~~~---------'p~o~~;;~N~ew;.;-----~~~~d~U~Uw~~~C.'b~CuPR~~'" z;:, mortcaaor. .a4 ~ owaer. ra; Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Wiggins and family, formerly of .wI Cornell Avenue, bave moved inlo the bouse at 307 Vassar AveDue, which untn recently was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Mack Payne Storm and family. The Storms bave gone to rellde in Syracuse, N. Y. ---Stephen Smith, 50n of Dr. aDd Mrs. J. . Howard Smith, of Park Avenue, is recovering from a fall which be suffered a couple of weeks ago, when he broke bls left arm at the elbow. Mrs. F. W. Hadley and daughler, Miss Alice Hadley, of College Avenue, have gone to their summer home in Ocean City, N. J. CLASSIFIED FOR RENT FOR RENT-Garage apace• .(01 Cornell Avenue. Telephone: Swarthmore 127O.J. FOR RENT-Apartment. furnished or unfur· nlshed five rooms. bath. pragea. Flnt or second ftoor. 218 President Avenue, RutJeda:e. Telephone: Swarthmore 14o-W. Gillespie. and Jean Arthur in FOR RENT-"'lWo large comfortable rooms in "The Ex-Mra. Bradford, I t playing at private family. 201 College Avenue. T~ the'! LallSClowne Theatre Friday and phone Swarthmore 86a.J. =~====':""= =-_ISaturdal"_ WANTED ==~========= WANTED-General Housework. cooking and WilliaDI Powell ___ 1II0wnstain work. Sleep out. Local references. Write 888 Uunlon Avenue. swarthmore. WANTED-Part time Swarthmore 1776. ' . . > maid. Telephone: PERSONAL Residents Enjoy 4th Of July Program PERSONAL-Seash~ August. more 190 Vacation. Month or Girls 8 to 16. Telephone: Swarth· (Continued from Page 1) for partieulars. A doubles tournament for men will be eld during the coming week at the SwarthConvenient 10caUon. Aupat tat, $70. reconmore Tennis Club. Those doubles teams ditioned. 4 bedrooms. b ..rdwood floon. larBc porch, .arale. wishing to compete should enter their WM. S. BITTLE names on the club bulletin board at once. Swarthmore 111-.1 Not • ..,., Public InsuraDcB Real Estate Play will start this Saturday and continue for one week. RENT MRS_ A_ J. QUINBY &: SON ADVERTISEMENT Sealed. bim will be received. by the Swarthmore Board or School Directors up to 8 P. M •• Daylight Saving Time. Friday. July 17. 1986. DIREC ror school furniture. Including biology tables. MEDIA. PA. school desks. anll chairs. Specifications Dl87 be had at the ofl'iee of the &hool Distrl~t, corner of College and Princeton Avenues. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. ELIZABETH A. LUEDERS. 7.8--3t Secretary. JOSEPH £. QUINBY ERNEST Go SNODGRASS, ASS'T. FUNERAL BELL PHONE 4 rORS PETER E. TOLD AU Linea of Illiurance lacladi"ll We ESTATE OF GEORGE A. HOADLEY, deeeued, Jate of the Borough of Swarthmore. County of Delaware. and State of Penns::vl.. SW. 1833 vania. 417 DARTMOUTH AVE. LETTERS Testamentary in the above Ea· tate haring been KnnW f.('o the undersigned. all persons baving elaima or demands apillat the Esliate of the Bald decedent dre reque,teC1 to make known the same. and all penona In· de-bted to tbe aaid decedent are requested to make pqment, without delay. to Electrical Contractor FANNIE B. HOADLEY. 618 Walnut Lane. Notary Public A. Wayne Mosteller Telephone Swarthmore 58 6.19-6t tern toaDt " At 9 o'clOck a· lurprislDgly large tumoul proved the drawing power of the inauguration of a commuDity fireWorks display in Swarthmore. The athletic field at the Ru~ers Avenue School was lined on both oIdes by aulomobUes and the banks at the rear of the scbool buDding were packed with chDdren and grown-ups to investigate Ihls new contribution to an annual celebration. Needless to say the impressions received were very favorable. One fUn bour of skyrockets, red, green and other colored ligbts, fountains, Roman candles, huge firecrackers, pinwheel, squealen and various other types of fireworks' satisfied the most noise and glare thirsty. The sensible and capable manner in which the project was controlled is a credit to . Burgess Pitman and bls assistants Charles Greer, Alben T. Eavenson, Peter E. Told, Mrs. J. Paul Brown, Elric S. Sproat, N. Walter Suplee and Edward Swarthmore. Pa. Executrix. HARDwicEvCREAM ABBOTTS DELUXE - MICHAEL'S COlL£CE PHARMACY . CALL SWARTHMORE 857 ------------- 1H' /I ......... everything." So 'he Used Cat' you buy is no bdl.r lhon Ihe firm whit,. sold it to you. The IUJfIJU "F,ancW' and "Packard" have bun .synony- mous lor ove, a decade. your used car guarantee! No. 868 March Term, 1986 All that certain tract or pleee of land with the manston house thereon l!reeted altuate on the northeast aide of Main street in tAe Borough of Darby. Cdunty of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. Beginning at a stone In the middle of said Main Btreet. a earner of land. now or late ot Joel J. Bailey; thenee by the same norbh seventy degrees flve minutes flftyaflve seconds east &even hundred feet and twenty one-bun· dredths of a foot to a stone In a line of land how or late of Joseph Bunting: thenee by the same BOUth fifteen degrees twenty·two minutes west two hundred eighty-aeven feet and &eVa ent;:v.three one-hundredths of a foot to a gum tree; thence BOuth seventY" degreea ttve minutes ft£t;:v.t\ve seconds weat five hundred and ten feet to a point in the center line of Baid Main street; tbence along the aatd eenter line of Main street north twentyanine degrem west fifty-two feet and five-tenths of a foot 10 a spike and thence continuing along the eenter line of Main street north twenty·ab::: degrees west one bundred eighty.. two feet Bnd twenty .. eight one-hundredths of a foot to the first ment'oned polot Bnd plaee of beglnninlt. Impmvements consist of two and one-half story !>tncco house. 42:11;85 feet; poreh; two-story brick and frame addition, 18dS feet; one-story frame Bnd addition. 6x18 feet; onestory stone ..nd frame building. 12s21 feet; two-story atone ·and frame barn and wagon Rhed. 24x40 feet: frame chIcken honse. 6:x.9 feet. Sold 8S the properly of John B. Simpson. mortgagor and Matilda Terhune. wife of Rus· sell Terhune. real owner. Hand Money-$500.00. ROBERT W. BEATTY. Attorney. Levari Facias Mr. Pitman wishes to thank the members of the Fourth of July Committee for their fine work in developing this year's program, and the merchants and individuals who contributed prizes and cash for the events. It is hoped to have more time to canvass the ·community next year so that an improved fireworks display can be ar· ranged and private displays may join. This year individual citizens of the Borough contributed funds for the purchase of the fireworks. The prizes awarded in the events were contributed by Ihe following: Cash for prizes from- Mason Builders Supply ComI pany, Swarthmore Garage, Dew Drop Inn, E.L. Noyes, Woodward Jackson & Black, THE SWARTHMOREAN; prizes George Mitro & Sons, Bretz Newstand, N. \Va1ter Suplee, Victor D. Shirer, Buchner's Tog· gery Shop, American Store, Hollyhock Shop, ·Miss Marsh, Gown Shop, Michael's College PhanDacy, A. & P. Store, Martel Brothers, Madison Brothers, Pec!{erman's 'failor Stiop, J.ok. the Tailor, Harris & Company, ·Paulsbn, J. Celia, Swarthmore Levari Fadaa No. 1043 Ford Service, ~ussell's Garage, Hannum & March Term. 1936 Waite, Adolph's Sanitary Barber Shop, AU that certain lot or piece of around with Frank the Barber, Joe's Barber Shop. the bulldlnRS and improvement8 thereon. altu.. ate In the Borough of t:lwarthmore. County at , Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. and more ..................... P~. particularly bounded and described as followa: Beginning on the southwesterly aide of Strath Haven avenue at the diatance of one hundred twenty-alx and ninety-two hundredths feet (126.92') north seventy.three degrees forty.fonr minutes (73 0 .014') weat from Cornell avenne. Containing in front sixty..three feet (68') and extending in depth southwestwardly between panltel linea at richt anglea one hundred twelve and ftve-tentha feet (112.6'). Bounded on the southeast, southwest and northwest . by lanm, now or Jate of George Gillespie. Improvements conaist of two and one-half atory brlek and stucco hOWle. 80x86 feet: brJck garage. 10x20 feet. That,'s Ask the man who has bought herel THE FELLOW WHO LIKES Pontiacs Can find hla dream come true fa • 4 ..Door Sedan here at $750 120 Packard 4-Door Sedan CAN BE HAD AT THE BARGAIN PRICE OF $925 Cadillac 5 Sedan $1185 LIKE NEW, YOU STEAL IT AT 1935 Packard Sedan $1785 BIG SAVING AT F. B. Francis Packard Sales and Service 12th and Crosby Si8• CHESTER 9131 An Announcement New Homes to be Built by W. Percival Johnson for Early Occupancy "On~The~Hill" . . in Swarthmore VOL VIU, No. 29 MONDAY WAS DOGS' DAY IN SWARTHMORE $11.&0 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., JULY 17, 1936 . PrizeWinners At Swarthmorean Dog Sh(lflJ Local Canines Drop Sbaekles of Quarantme and Meet Friend. at Show Coming from aU directions with their masters and mistresses, some on foot and rome arriving in large automobUes, the canines of Swarthmore and vidnlty pro· ceded to the Dog Sbow held on the grounds behind the loeal High School at 3 o'dock Monday .Itemoon, July 13 by the SWARTIDIOltEAN. A more fitting close to the 100 day quaranUoe which expired lasl week could not be imagined. In 1931 at a similar &how there were thirty-five dogs entered. On Monday there were well over fifty. Perhaps it would have been ea..~er for the judges had pedigree counted. As it was there were so maoy dogs who, although their histories were more or less dubious, were so appeal.. ing in a Dumber of ways that the judges, dog-lovers themselves, found it very difficult to discriminate sufficiently to award tbe prizes. Postmaster Alfred P. Smalley, Elric S. Sproat, cashier of the Swarthmore MOST ARISTOCRATIC UGLIEST PRETflEST National Bank and Trust Company, aud --Courtesy Phlladelphia Evening Bulletin Mrs. George Plowman had an unenviable "Ban.u (left) i •• three-year-olcl monl(l"eJ and heloDfs to Vir. ' &.e-year-old Peter Edmin Edmi.ton. of ROle Valley, i. with him. These do.a were among the nineteen prize winner. at the dog ..how task that afttmoon. However, judges must aim. Perkins, of 530 Cedar Lane; uRip" (center) i •• three-,.ear.old on Monda,. which marked the end of the 100...,. quarantine in make some decision so they finally awarded cocker spaniel belongioa to Emily Smith, of 322 Park Avenue, and Swarthmore. the nineteen prizes as follows: "Sherwood" (right) is a two ..year-old fawn great dane. Hi.. muter, "Lucky," harlequin great dane, owned by I=========="';;~~==="';;====="';;~==========~================================== E. Z. Dimitman, of Elm Avenue, was the Some of the other dogs at the show POUCE NEWS .'Spot," Guenther Frobel's part winner in two classes, 'Iargest' and 'most were: At 11.30 P. M. July II, John Yakovls, spotted.' "Diogenes," seven weeks old Boston terrier, owned by Mary Alice Lilly, terrier and pointer; "Morty," Neil Currie's of Chester, \'"las arrested for improper pas· of Elm Avenue, was undisputedly the wire-haired terrier; "Nipper," Betty Ann sing at the south end of the underpass. He 'smallest'dog. His brother, "Monte," took Kite's cocker spaniel; Mrs. W. H. Lovekin's Camp was scheduled to appear for bearing on the Slump Seems Ended .. the prize for the 'youngest' dog in the wire-haired terrier; "Buoky", also a wire. Local Club Morlon, iabed Children of County 16th. show. The honey·brown cocker spaniel, haired, owned by Dick Lappe; "Boots," Requests Donations At 4.28 A. M. on Sunday Maron J. MU"Rip," belonging to Etnily Smith, of Park 4-2; 9-0 Avenue, was adjudged the 'pretUest,'-hls Germ~ spitz, owned by Mrs. E. Fullerton Ier. of Ardmore, collided with the guard lovely color brought out even more by a Cook; "Shadow," Albert S. johnson's The second week of the third year of fence at Swarthmore Avenue and North B,. ADen W. Hani. pale green ribbon bow on his harness. scottie; "Sandy," Shirley MacMillan's Camp Sunshine has passed, and ninety- Chester Road .with ~t damage to his The Morton Republican Club aDd the "Bang," pet of Virginia Perkins, of Cedar cacker ·spaniel; "Palt" brown and. white six little .girls (ages between 7.and 12 !ears) ear and the ran resulting. At.,.8.30 ~ ._ M. Ncrwood A. C. were added this week to the . r;"nc,Q:'md'i~h\'!tIt eainr.lerrier.theP"""' i!IIft - .l!~-~" -A..,M.of -",,"' ~ _ ..-.~JI!':flI!.!~"'nl~~"~,,,~!.-.,~;!'l ~. '!'l!'.".-W..-~YJ!I'!'likA!l t I w¢iH'lJf_...~'Of. ;rlmr.•..JI!!:.oo..s ..._mo.... dominating strain, was awarded the prize Shenkle; Lois Gray's wire-haired fox ter~ Delaware County s MRlnutntiun· L:amp at ~hester, was arrested for t ru traffic viola- ,club·played g~od ball, and seemed to have for the ·ugliest' dog. Betty Morse's four rier, "Brownie"; Mrs. C. E. Clewell's Thornton. Mrs. T. Harry Brown and the tion at Swarthmore Avenue. and North recovered from its temporary slump. months old Boston terrier, "Cricket," "Judy," Boston terrier; George Dickson's committee ask that you please help to keep Chester Road~ .Upon appeanog on the Last Thursday's game with the Morton another resident of Elm Avenue, was ac- scottie "Yarrow"; "Mac," German police the new group, ,which has just arrived, 14th, he was discharged by Magistrate team stands as tl.e only real Hornet baltle claimed the ·cutest.' A mongrel with the dog, owned by Mrs. J. Donald Gibson; there another week, and the boys who will Rumsey. with a reprimand. lof the week. Won by a score of 4-Z, the descriptive name of uRiff_raff" received the Nancy and Carol VanAIens "Shadow," follow them for their two week vacations. At 2.00 P. M. Wednesday .a Iigbt de1iv-1 contest was hard and cailed for good ba' These little ones are undernourished and ery truck beloDging to the Aulo Gear aud ling and keen pitching. Twirler Smlth prize for the 'friendliest' dog. "&iff_raft" mixed collie and shepherd; "Rap," wireis owned by Caroline SiDcJaire, of Har- haired pet of Jaelt Thompson; Pauline underprivileged. You can help bring some Parts Compat;ay;of Lansdowne, and driven hurled a dean game, and did much to win vard Avenue. Honors for the 'best trained' Deacon's '·Bob," mongrel; the Lingle sunshine into their hearts by sending a by H. A. Kimmey, of Philadelphia. was the victory for the local boys. caRine went to "Happy," German police pet family's pet "Puncb," also a mongrel; donation. Four dollars will keep a child in collisilJn with a Hudson sedan owned All four Hornet runs came in a of Betty Douglas, of North Chester Road. "Tuffy," wire·haired of Alice Craemer; il,1 Camp for one week, and eight dollars and operated by Alfred Randolph Johnson, miraculously fast second inning when the Nell Durboraw's cocker spaniel appro- "Miss Otis," Allen Daley's scottie; Vir- for their allotted time of two weeks. A of Morton, at Rutgers and Yale Avenues., Swarthmore club used five long singles to priatcly called "Jet" was the 'blackest' dog. glma Morrison's Kerry blue terrier, considerable sum of money is needed to The truck was proceeding south on Rut~ good advantage. Ralph Shelly played his Neil lives on Haverford Place. There also "Kerry"; Alex Ewing's "Bob," a police meet tbe expenses of the Camp and carry gers Avenue· and the Hudson eastbound I Jast game with the Hornets, and made his was no doubt as to the 'whitest' dog- dog; "Rex," Norman H. Borden's police it through this season. on Yale. Both -cars were badly damaged. usual fine record. "The Swarthmore "Muggy," Eskimo.spitz, owned by Richard dog; uMme," Elric S. Sproat's Irish terrier; Next Wednesday, July 22, will be Swarth- Kimmey was treated by Dr. George B.' Slugger" knocked out two nice hits, and Tunis, of Princeton and Lafayette Avenues. ",Jack," Mrs. Walter H. Luff's pet, a more Day at the Camp. You are urged Hec.kman, of P~rlt Avenue, for cuts about did some excellent work as catcher. "Sport" a mongrel was declared the mongrel; "Bob," B. Gwinn's English set- to .go out and see for yourscU the wonder· the head. No charges were made. • Ralph has gone to Baltimore for the 'faues;' dog. He w~ accompanied by his ter; and "Booge," Mary Dure's black and ful work which has been and will be ac: summer, and his lively playing and real owner, Mrs. Walter H. Luff, of Haverford tan Manchester terrier. complished by the. interested and more I enthusiasm will be greatly missed by the Place. To "Sherwood Anderson" of the Although the quarantine is over and it is fortunate ones in this c~unty. I Hornets. Shelly was a founder of the Hedgerow Theatre, went the distinction of no longer required by the law that owners The Counsellors' ~abin h~ jus~ bCf!n Hornets, and shared with uBun" Manning, being the 'most aristocratic.' "Sherwood" keep dogs on leash or muzzled, it is sug- completed-to make It att~actively 1ivea~le, ~Bi~ Shelly. and Art Cbeyney tbe bonor ~f is a beautiful fawn great dane and com- gested that proper restraint be exercised pOSSIbly you and your .fnends would like. bemg on the team for the five years of Its peted with "Lucky" for the 'largest' dog. at all times in keeping your dog off your to take out some cushions, books, lamps existence. An Irish setter "Rex" at the ripe old age ne;nhbor's property or from being a I and tables, and such-that have been It was Renshaw who was chosen to take , was, - ase " ddt" by new acq~ . ·tions.I N 0 of fourteen years very dignified his nuisance to anyone. It is not good for a crow e ou Lo.,..) Women Canvassing Bo.... Ralph's place in Tuesday's Norwood game. owner, Dorothy Hoopes, of Rutgers Ave- dog to be allowed to run at large. You, ~atter ~ow modest the .donation! a lot of ougb for Dollar Certificate Con- IRenshaw did a good job, but lime alone nue, collected his prlz.e for the 'oldest' dog. he, and the commuDity in general will them will make a pleasmg total-7-an~ !he t Cam - F d i will show whether he can match his pretri-bU lj-' ons 0 p81g11 un decessor's ability. "FJash/' six months old-part greyhound, benefit if you practice proper care in the fine young women and me~, who are gtvmg owned by John Delaplaine, of Cornell handling of your dog. so ~uch of themselves, will find ~,he b~sy Certain it is that the Norwood game was The sale of Dollar Certificates for the no test of Hornet skill. The local club Avenue appeared to be the 'most day s finale more restful. T~ese furrushFinance ·Committee of the Republican Na· romped through the A. C. boys without thorou~hIY mongrel.' ULady Kitty • iogs" may be ~ken at any time. O'brien." lovely red.brown Irish setter, COtmtry Week Assoc. to Meet Swarthm.ore ~ exp~ted to have a fine tional Committee has opened in Swarth· apparent effort, and settled the opposing owned by Jack. and Katharine Walters, of represent~tion Sl?Ce It h~ a1wa~ shown more. team's fate early by running up four runs On Tuesday of last week a small group in the first two innings. The final tally of ComeIl Avenue, was adjudged the ·chamA meeting of the members of the Coun. such an Inter~t 10 the project. SlX of th~ pion' (best all around dog in the show) try Week Association will be held at 8 twenty·five dir~tors of the Camp a.re of local- women met at the home of Mrs. 9-0 for the Hornets indicates the marked and the runner-up in this class, who also o'clock next Monday evening, July 20, inlswarthmore rCS1d~nts: R~bertG Ban, Howard J. Dingle, on Park Avenue, and superiority of the Hornets. Art Cheyney pitched bls best game in received a prize, was "Bob," a cross be- Borough Hall. Everyone interested is in. Mrs. T. Harry . rolwn'Ch r'l ;jlrgehH. made plans to interest Republican women tween a Chesapeake Ba.y retriever and a vited to attend. Cross, Howard Dl~ e, ar es 1\.urtz aIz workers in carrying out this important weeks. The Norwood club got only one party service. hit-and that a single. Cheyney struck pointer, belonging to Gordon Bierman, of and Col. Harvey P,erce. them out regularly and quietly. He had It is proposed to raise the campaign fund South Chester Road. "Firecracker," so • excellent ~ntrol, and seemed unruUled by Monday by smaU contributions from many innamed belcIJhulI(>: Swarthmore 1270·J. K Told. Mrs. J, Paul Urown, Elric S. the northeast side or Mllin 6tr(>('t Irl the no;. I d (1II1!h of Darby County of Delaware nnd Sto.e· S N \ ",~alter 5up Iec am1 Ed Fon HENT-AJlurtmt'ot. furnbhed or unfur; w.u Io£ l'elln~Yh'nni'n. 1 • proal. •. nil'hl'ci. ,h(' ruom~, hath. g-aral!('';. Fin;t or Gille5pic. . . !'('cond fluur. 21~ i're!'hkut An·nuc. Hutlcllge. , )I('!!!lIInIR!!! nl n stone .iR th c mil",dl",,() r';;014'11, William Powell and Jean Arthur in Tl'Il'l,hone: Swarthmore 7,JO-\V. Mr. Pitman \\'i~he5 to thank the mem· ;\tain "lr('t't. a corner uf land now or latl' (If 1 . . .Iud .J. Jlnikr: theJ1('e by the same n~rt.h I "The Ex-Mrs. Bradford," playing at IH'rs. of the Fourth of July Committee FOH HENT-'two ttlrl!e comforhlhll' ru()m~ in fOl se\'enh' d('j.!rl'l'S live minutt.'S fifty-fa\'C s('cllmls I Jlrinlh~ fumily. 201 Culh.'!!" Avcnul'. Tcl~­ the Lansdowne Theatre Friday and Iheir fine work in de\'eloping: this year's C:lst 1'l'\'en hllodfl,,1 fe(,t Dnd .twenty one-hun· I Ilhnne SWilrthmuf(' 863-J. · d··d I ,Irpdlhs of n foot to n stunc 10 a hne of hmd I Saturday. program. an d t h e mere h ants an d In 1\'1 ua S; now o~ late of JOSt'ph Buoting: thenee by the, who contributcd prizcs and cash for thc ,..:lIl1e suuth fifteen d'-:,I!rce» tw(·nty·two minutp,; I WANTED \\'('s.l tWit hllnflr('d ClghtY-j;('\''''II £eet anti S('\'t It •IS h opecI to Ila\'e more t'Ime t 0 1'lItl-.• \\' AN'fED-G('I1l'rnl HOlll'('wClr'k, "o4,kinl! and ('\'Cll 5. three onc.hundfl.'dth~ of a foot. to a gum, dlJwnl't:lirl' work. SIe('11 (lilt. Lot'al re[('r· (,:In,':I5oS the community next year 50 that Iret'; tlwnce ""uth sC\'enty degree;; Ih'e minut(", ~ ('!H'('!'. \\'ritt" 333 Uunion A\'enue, SwartilnlOre. an impron'd fircworks displa)' c:m be ilr- lirty·fh'l' s('(:onci;" west 'h'e h.untlretl ~ntl h: o .. . . . ft.'(.t to a JlOlnt III the cpnter .lIne of snn~ MaUl m:lid. \\' ANTED-Pnrt time ranc:t'd and pnvate displays may JOln. TIllS strc-et: thcoec nlonj.! the "u~d "enter hne of :-;wartilmllf(' 1776. ,'(-'ar individual citizens oi the noroul!h !'.Iain street north twenty-mne degrees wes.t . . tiny-two f('('t ancl five-tenths or a foot to .1 PERSONAL contributed funds for the purchase of the "pike anll thence continuing nlon~ the center lin'works. line u£ Main street north twenty-six d(~reps ]'EHSONAI..--S('ashore Vncntion. :Month or (Continued £rom Page 1) W('St (Inc hlln4lr('d eighty-two feet nnd twenty- I Auj.!Ul't. Girl" ~ to 16. Telephone: Swarth· "i!!!ht (1Ill'.ll1IlIdredths o£ n foot tu the first, Thc prizes award('ti in the e\'cnts were mort' 1!IO fllr particulars. m('ntionNI point and 1)llIce o£ beginning. I A doubh's tournament for men wHl be contributed by the followinf,:: Cas;h for Illlflrun'mf'nts consist of two ntHI one·hall t'1t! durin~ the comin!! \\'('("k at the Swarth- priu's from- Mason Build('rs Supply COOl- ,;Iflry 1'tm'('o hOllse, 42x35 (pel: porch: twoRENT . pam', Swarthmore Garage, Dew Drop Inn, story I,rick and frnm(' addition. lRxlR feet:' Convenient location, August 1st, $70, recon\" d d J ac k'son ~'( ,. HI ac·. k "lIe-stnry frame nnd additit)n. (ixiS (('l't; oncditioned, 4 bedrooms, hardwood noors. large more Tenllls Club. Tho5l' doubles teams . ! [''.. I•.' " ~",oyes, ,\ 00 war ,;tory "tuoe and fram .., Imildinl!. 12x21 f('(,l; porch, garage. \\'i~hing to comJlcte should enter thcIr I Tm: SWARTIDIORE,\;S; prizes Gcorl!e iwo_"tllT\' ston(' nOli frnmc hnrn and wngon' WM. S. BITTLE name:: on the club bulletin boald at once. I :\Iitro & Son5, Bretz Xcwsland. X. Waller "h(',I. 24l1>40 £t.'(-'t; frame chickcn hous('. 6x!l, feet. Swarthmore 1I1-J ' Notary Public _ Insurance _ Real Estate 1 Play will start this Saturday and continu(-" Supl('c, Victor D. Shirer, Buchner's TU1!Sold as the properb' IIf John U. Simp~on. ' __~_________________ for one week. ~ery Shop, American Store. Hollyhock mortgagor ami Matildn Terhune, wire o£ HilS· I Shop. Mis!' Marsh. Gown Shop. Michael's sell Tl·rhune. renl owner. I MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON College Pharmacy, A. & P. Store, Martel lIanei 1\Ioney-$500.00. ADVERTISEMENT JOSEPH E. QUINBY Brothers. Madison Brothers, Peckerman's UOBBRT W. nEATTY, Attorney. Sealed hids will be rpcci\'cd by the SWRrth- M • tI. ERNEST C. SNODGRASS. ASS'T. more BUlIl'lI o£ Srhool Directors til' to S P. M.. 1 ailor Shop, Jake the Tailor, Harns L~ DIIl-'light Sn\'ing Tim{': Fritl.ay. J,!-Ily 17. HI36, Compan\". Paulson, J. Celia, Swarthmore No. 1013 FUNERAL DIRECrORS Levari Fncia~ ror schllol furn:turl'. mdudtn!!! hlOlo):y tables. I -. , MEDIA. PA. ~('hool Ilellk~, nnd chnirl'l. Sppcifications may Ford Sen'lce, Ru~el1 s Garagc, Hannum & March Term. 1936 BELL PHONE " ue had at the olTice of the School District. Waite J\dolph'5 Sanitarv Barber Shop. All thl_t cprtain lot 01' pi('('e of ~round with ("orn('r of ColIl'ge anti Prinl'eton Avcnues. The F' k' h Il b J . O' b Sh op. the huiMinJ!'s and imprm'pments thercon. l;itU. , Board r(-'5er\'(,s the ril!:ht to ft.ject nn).' nnd ulll r.. n· t e a r cr, oe s ar er nt•• in the llorough of Swarthmore, County of I bid". PETER E. TOLD J)plnwnr,' nnd Stotl' of l'cnnllyh·allin. nnd more , IJRrticulnrly ELIZABETH A. LUEDERS. boumled nnd described as follows: ' 17-3-3t Secretary, n(.,;dnning on the l'louthwe~terly I;irle o£ All Lines of Insurance Strath IIn\'en avenue at the distance o( one WE DELIVER Including Life ESTATE OF GEORGE A. HOADLEY. dehundrell twpnty-six nnd ninety-two hunclredth!l e('ased, lah· o£ the Borough of Swarthmorp, feet (]26.!l2') north f;('\'4mty.threc ,leg-ree;; Notary Public County of Delaware, and Stnte of l'ennsyl£orh·.four minules (73° 44') WCf;t from Cornell aVf'nup. Contnining in front sixty-three feet ABBOTTS DELUXE SW. 1833 ,"'anin. 417 DARTMOUTH AVE. (63', and extf'mliog in depth southwl"'l'twarilly LETTERS Telltamentary in the nhO\'e Esbetween parallel lines at right anrdes one hun- , tnte having h(·t.on grantl'd to the uncien;iJ:med, MICHAEL'S ,lr(',1 tweh'e an(1 fi"'e_tenths rcct (112.5'). nil persons having claims or demands against the Estate of tht> said decedenl tire r~lue5ted Boundcd on the southeast. southwest nnd to make known the sume. Imd nil I,(-'rsons innorthw('st by Innds now or Inte o[ George deh1(>d to the !'aill del'edenl nrc r('{lu(-'stt'd to CALL GilIl'Sl,ie. mflke payment, without delay. to Electrical Contractor FANNIE It HOADLEY. SWARTHMORE 857 II Impro\'em('nts consist of two allli one-half _ 518 Walnut Lane. _ _ story hrirk anel stuceo house, 30x3G I('(-'t; brick 'I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ garngp, 10x20 [pet. Swarthmore. I'R. Telephone Swarthmore 58 EXl'cutrix. 16-19-6t Residents Enjoy 4th Of July Program I I I A. Wayne Mosteller THE FELLOW WHO LIKES Coming from aU directions with their ma~ters and mistrcsses, some on foot and :;ome arriving in large automobilc5, the ranincs of Swarthmore and vicinity prol'cded to the Dog' Show held on the grounds behind the local High School at 3 o'clock )londay afternoon, July 13 by the S\\,,'RTII~fOREAX. A more filling close to the 100 day quarantine which expired last wel'k could not be imagined. In 1931 at a similar show there wcre thirty-five dogs entered. On Monday there! were well over fifty. Perhaps it would ha\'e been ea~ier for the judges had, pedigree counted. As it was thcre were so many dogs who, although their historics werc more or les.s dubious, were so appealin),! in a number of ways that the judges, dOf,:.]overs themselves, found it very diflieult to discriminate sufficiently to award the prizes. Postmaster AHred P. Smalley, Elric S. Sproat, cashier of the Swarthmore Xational Bank and Trust Company, and ,Mrs. George Plowman had an unenviable task that afternoon. However, jud!!:es must make some decision so they finally awarded the nineteen prizes as follows: "Lucky," harlequin grcat dane, owncd by Pontiacs Can find his dream come true in a 4-Door Sedan bere at $750 120 Packard 4-Door Sedan CAN BE HAD AT THE BARGAIN PRICE OF $925 Cadillac 5 Sedan $1185 LIKE NEW, YOU STEAL IT AT 1935 Packard Sedan $1785 BIG SAVING AT COLLEGE PHARMACY Packard Sales and Service 12th and Crosby StS. CHESTER 9131 An Announcement $2.50 PER YEA R SWARTHMORE, PA., JULY 17, 1936 MONDAY WAS DOGS' I DAY IN SWARTHMORE F. B. Francis CREA VOL. VIII, No. 29 /fA name ;s like a /lag; ill itself it is notlt;"g-for wltat it stalld$> it means evcryJl,i"g." So JI,e Used Car you buy ;S "0 bellcr tlra" Ille firm 'wlridt sold it to >,ou, The names UFra"cis" a"d "Packard" /rave ball S)'''OIl)'motls for over a decade. Thai's your used car guara,Jtl'l'! Ask the nltm 'i~'JIO Iw::. bough' hrre! .................. M HARD ICE Prize Winners At Swarthmorean Dog Show Local Canines Drop Shackles of Quarantine and Meet Friends at Show I I MOST ARISTOCRATIC PRETTIEST UGLIEST -Courtesy Philadelphia Evening Bulletin five-year-old Peter Edmin Edmiston, of Rose Vaney, i. with him. These dogs were among the nineteen prize winners at the dog show on Monday which marked the end of the IOO-day quarantine in Swarthmore. "Bang" (left) is a three-year· old mongrel and helongs to Virginia Perkins, of 530 Cedar Lane; "Rip" (center) is a three-year-old cocker spaniel belonging to Emily Smith, of 322 Park Avenue, and "Sherwood" (right) is a two-year-oJd fawn great dane. His master, ~:~~:;I~::i;.~~:£~:;:I~~~;:~~,u'A~~rm~l ::~:~::~,~:~~~:tc:~~;:;::;'s/;::~~u:;;;'~ SAWTARCATMHpMNOERxETDwAEYEK :O~I~~Y~~:~n HWOIRNNNEINTGS TRwALoLGYABMYES At 11..10 YakO"i.,11 Boston tcrrier, owned U)' Mary lice Lilly, I CI I I . r (Ii Elm Avenue, was undisputcdly the wire-haired terrierj "Nipper," Betty Ann th: II '"mallest' dog. His brother, "Montc," took Kitc's cocker spaniel; Mrs. W. H. Lm'ckin's I thc prize for the 'youngest' dog in the wire-haired terrier; "Bunky," also a wire- Thornton Camp for Undernour_'l was scheduled to appear for hearing on the Hometsr Slump Seems Ended as 5how. The honey-brown cocker spaniel, haired. owned by Dick Lappe; "Boots," ished Children of County 16th. Local Club Defeats Morton, "Rip," belongiug to Emily Smith, of Park Requests Donations At 4.28 A. 1\1. on Sunday Maron J. Mil4 .. 2" Norwood g .. O Avenue, was adjudged the 'pretticst,'-his German spitz, owned by Mrs, E. FuJterton Iler, of Ardmorc, collided with the guard ' , )o\'ely color brought out even more by a Cookj "Shadow," Albcrt S. Johmon's The second week of the third year of, fence at Swarthmore Avenue and North By Allen W. Harris pIc green ribbon bow on his harness. scottie j "S?ndy," Shirley MacMiI1a?'s ~a~p Su.nshine has passe(!, and ninety- Chester Road with slight damage to his The Morton Republican Club and the "Uang/' pet of Virginia Perkins, of Ccdar cocker spamel; "Pal," brown and white ~IX htUe ~Irls (ages betwecn , and 12 years) car and the rail resulting. At 8.30 P. M. "". d A Cere dded Ihis week to the .... r O~!!Pel h ~ A,t1.h . Ii h h' . • norWoO.. W a i,ltm;, ,. m...:.:.,:;re! ...·;.th catrn tC'rrirr the -pre p:1r t _ "f'!1.r h rnllp ...... rtt an'" CDln...·1!: "~I'" muc tell vacatlDn;lt th(> same rlay. "R:a.ymnnd Zubvw. nf'l" <-,1<,'·, ,. ,jf .~I;J-, TJ..· c'.· .. rtl-rnor.. dominalin~ strain, was awarded the prize Shenklc; Lois Gray's wire· haired fox tcr- j [)elaware County's Malnutritiun Camp at Chester, was arrested for thru traffic \'iola-/ I'"brr.-'I"' I•·• d '",II d ··-em-ed·- to" h'ave. "0 roWnIe; ... 'I C" CI II' ITh ornton. l''[ rs. T . H arry B rown an d t h e tion at Swarthmore Avenue and North •cup"' e, goo u , an se 1~ rs. ior the 'ugliest' dog. Betty Morse's four ncr, " 0 . G . J.:., D' ewe •s . k h h k . recoveree:1 I rom 'tts temporar)• slump . months old Hoston terrier, "Cricket," "J ud~', oston terner j ,eorge Ickson s committee as' t at y?U please. clp to . 'eep Chester Road. Upon appeann~ on the Last Thursday's game with the :Morton another resident of Elm Avenue, was ac- scottie "Yarrow"; "Mac,' German police the new group, which has Just arnved, 14th, he was discharp:ed by IVlagistrate team stands as the only real Hornet battle claimed the 'cutesl.' A mongrel with the dog, owned by Mrs. J. Donald Gibson; there another week, and the boys who will Rum!Oey with a reprimand. I0 f II1e nee. ' k \" n b f 4-2 the N 1 C I V \1 (ISh " f II h f h' k' ,,0 y a score 0 , de5cripth'c name of "Riff-mff" received the ~ ~ncy OlInI' adrD h han'den~'R ,ado~\', °Tohw t I~ml or t elf twoJwee· ~ah(adtlOnsd' At 2.00 P. 1\1. \Vednesday a light deltV-lcontl'!'t was hard and caIled for g:ood bat prit."c for the 'friendliest' dog. "Riff-ran" ml~ed co Ie an s ep Cr; ap, I \"\"I~Cesc. ~tt e ones arc un ernourI: e an ery truck belonging to the Auto Gear and' ting and kCt'n pitching. Twirler Smith is owned by Caroline Sindaire, of Har- haired pet of Jack Thompsonj Pa~lme undcr!)fl\'l~e~ed, \:ou can hcIp brmg,some Parts Company, of Lansdowne, and drivcn IhurIed a dean g-ame, and did much to win yard Avenuc. Honors for the 'best trained' Deacon's "Bob," monf..:: r c1; the LIOf!;le sunsh~ne mto thclr heart~ by sendm g . a I by H. A. Kimmey I of Philadelphia, was 1the victory for the local bo)'s. canine \\ll'nt to ., Happy," German police pet ;,amiIY"~, p~~ "P~nch," also. a mongrel: I~lonatlOn, Four dol.lar~ will k~ep a child in collision with a Hudson sedan owned All four Hornet runs came in a of Betty Dou~las, of ~orth Chester Road, Tuff). \\lre-halred of Ahce Craemer, In Camp for one \\eek, and eight dollar:: and operatcd b)' Alfred Randolph Johnson in,' cuI u'l fa't 'O( d ,'n"in'" ''''hen the • . 0" All D I' . .' . ' II I I ' f k \ I 'I Ira 0:. y ., - on ... Xl'il Durboraw's corker spanicl aJlpro- '~.ISS tIs, '. •en ~ a ey s scottie i i lor ~ Il(,Ir a ot el tlmc 0 h\'? ",ice ·S. J 'of Morton, at RUt~cr5 and Yale Avenues.! Swarthmore club used five long Rin~les to priately nilled "Jt,t" was the 'blackest' dog. glOm .1\lornsons, .Kerry blue terrl:r'lconslderablc sum of money IS n(-'eded to The truck was proccedinl! ::outh on Rut- good adv3ntaAc. Ralph Shelly played his N('i1 lives on Haverford Place. There also "Kerry' j Alex Ewmg's "Bob," a pohce ~eet the exp~mt''; of the Camp and carry gers Avenue and the Hudson eastbound I last game with the Hornets and made his was no doubt as to the 'whitest' dog- dog; "R~x," Z\o~man H. Bord~n's pO,lice ~ It ~hrough tlu,; s;eason., on Yale. Both cars were hadly damaged, I usual fmc record. uTh~ Swarthmore ,. )'Juggy," Eskimo-spitz, owned by Richard cluJ,\:; "~hkc," Elrlc S. Sproat's IrIsh tcrner; i .Nc.... t W..-dne..,.r1ay, July 22, \\;111 he Swarth- Kimmey was treated by Dr. George B.' Slugger" knocked out two nice hits, and Tunis, of Princeton and Lafayette Avenues.l "Jack,' Mrs, Walter H, Luff's pet, a' morc Day at the Camp. '\: .ou arc urged Heckman, of Park Avcnue, for cuts about I did some excellent work as catcher. ""Sport," a mongrel, was dec.lared tI~elmo~g:rel; ,:'Uob," "B. Gwinn's ,English sct- ~o go. ou.t a.nl.I.~ce f~r yourseh th~. wonder- the head, No charge;:. were made, ! Ralph has gone to Baltimorc for the 'laLtest' dog. He; was accompamed by hiS ter, and Booge, ~fary Dures black and lui \\?rk ,dmh ha:. ?een and \\111 be ac:summer, and his lively playing and real ~omph~hcd il~·. the. mteresll'd and more Ienthmiasm will be greatly mis-sed by the owner, Mrs. Walter H. Luff, of Haverford Itan Manchester terrier. Placc. To "Sherwood Anderson," of the Although the quarantine is over and it is : 10rtunatl~ OIH':o m t,hlS co~nty.. I Hornets. Shelly was a founder of the Hedgerow Theatre, wcnt thc distinction of no longci' required by the law that owners The Luun~el1ors .Cabm h?s JlIS.t been Hornets, and shared with "Hun" Manning, ~)cing the ~~ost aristocratic.' "Sherwood" keep dogs on leash or m~zzled, it is sug- j com!)lrt.('d-to mak~ It att~actt~.el).: hvea~l~, I Bill Shelly. and Art Cheyney the honor of I:" a beaulitul fawn great dane and com- gested that proper r('sL:amt be exerci::ed' pm:slhb ) IlU and). our .frlemb \\ ould hke I being on the Icam for the fi\'e \"f.'ars of its petcd with "Lucky" for the 'largest' dog:. at all tirn(-'s in kccping your dog ofi your to t'lke out ~ome cushIOns, book~, lamps ! c:xistence. . :\n Irish setter, "Rex," at the ripe old age Ineighbor's propcrty or from being a' and tailll':". such-that.. ~a\'e be~n I It was Rcnshaw who was chosen to take oi fourteen yenrs was vcry dignitied as his nui::ancc to anyone, It is not good for a I"cro'~'(bl ~t1t by new acqUl~ltlOns! ~o Local Women Canvassing Bor-! Ralph's place in Tuesday's Norwood game. owner, Dorothy Hoopes, of Rutgers Avc- dog to be allowed to run at large. You" matter I~o\" m.od~st the .donatlon, a lot of ougb for Dollar Certificate Con- IRenshaw did a good job, but lime alone • e • j will show whether he can match his preflue, collected his prize for the 'oldest' dog. hc, and the community in general willll~hem \\ ill make .1 pleasmg total-an~ !he "Flash," six months old-part greyhound, benefit if you practice proper carc in the, hne yOllll'.! ~"omen and me~, \\',ho are glvmg trlbubons to Campaign Fund decessor's ability. ~o ~llu~h 01 themselves, wll~ Imd ~,~e b.usy ., J Certain it is that the Norwood game was owned by John Delaplaine, of Cornell I handling of your dog. :\venue, appeared to be the 'most' day:: Imall' more restful. r~ese lurmshThe sale of Dollar Ccrllilcatcs. for ~hc ~ no te5t of Hornet skill. The local club thoroughly mon~rcl.' "Lad\" Kitty! .--in~s" may be t?kcn at any time. Finance Committee of the Rep~bhcan Na- I romped throu~h the A. C. boys without ()'Jnien." lovely rcd-brown Irish ~etter, I Country Week Assoc. to Meet Swarthm.OI't' l'xp,ecled to have a fine! tional Committee ha:" opened Swarth-: apparent effort, and settled the opposing owned by Jack and Katharine \Valters, of' I rcpre::l'lll~tlOn sl~ce It has. al\\'ay~ s~own i more. ,team's f3te early by running up four runs Corncll Avenue, was adjudged the 'cham- i A meetin~ of the members of the Coun-I !Ouch an .mtcr('~t m the project. SIX 01 thc ~ On Tuesday of last wc('k a ::mall ,l!roup! in the fIrst two innings, The ftnal tally of pion' (best all around dog in the show) 'try \Vcck As!"ociation will be held at 8 twcnty-i1"e lhr~ctor5 of the Camp a,re 'I of local women met at the home of rwlrs.' 9-0 for the Hornets indicates the marked and the runner-up in this class, who also,o'clock n('xt Monday evening, July 20, in!S\\'artl~?10re rc:ulents:, Robcrt. T." Ban, Howard J. Din.glc, on Pnrk .~vcnue. and superiority of the Hornets. received a prize, was "Bob," a cross be- Borough Hall. Everyone interested is in- \ ).frs, I. Harr) ~ro\\n, Dr. Ge.?r~e H, I made plans to mterest Republu:an women Art Cheyney pitched his best game in t \\"~en a Chcsapeake Bay Tetric~'er and a' vited to attend. ! Cros£=., Ho\\~ar~l ..DI~f.!~e, Charl(-'s Kurtzhalz I workers i~ carrying out this important w.eeks. The Non,,?od club got only one Ilomter, belongmg to Gordon Bierman, of, land Col. Hanc) ric ce. party servlcc. lut-and that a smgle. Chcyney struck ~outh Chester Road. "Firecracker,"::o' •.--------+ It is proposed to rai::e thc eampai!!n fund them out regularly and quietly. Hc had named because his birthday is on thc 4th' Working on Country Week Picnic I Race Relations Lecture Monday by small contributions from many in- excellent control, and seemed unruffled by of July, was exhibited by his little mistress, I tcrested homcholders rather than throu~h any grandstand noise or field problems. Patricia Ann Edmiston, of Rose Valley, and: Under the supervision of Mrs. J. Paull Xext )'I~nday c\'eni?)!;, July 20, at 8.15' the backin~ of OJ. few important individuals: Prettiest play in many a game was the took the prize for the 'most forlorn look-I Bmwn and Mrs. Charles Thatcher on the I in the Friends' Meeting House the last I and corporations, 'double out in the second. With docking:.' "Firecracker" is a ~ealyham. The! Hill, and Mrs. Harold Griffin a~d Miss! public I('(ture ?f thc fourth annu~1 mee~-I The eastern precinct is in charp:e of l\Jrs. : like precision the Hornets' fielders and J,lst prize was awarded to the do~ with the, Sarah Barr, on the south of the railroad. i in~ of the Instil ute of Race .Relatlons \\']11 ~ Harvey Pierce and MrS'. Richard Tunnis, : b3semen handled the baJJ, and nailed two ::-hortes;t tail,. "Si55Y:: owned and !Ohown by 'over f~rty women have already started Ib~ held .. !h(' two week scsslon ~f the In- Ithe northern prccinct is headed by Mrs, !Ourprised Nom'oo(1 men. on first base and John SchohIn~('r, ot Swarthmore A\'('nue, ('am.'as~m!! thc Borough for the neCl,s:::HYI:-lltute \\h.](h has b('('n held.at S\\arthmore!Agn('5- Hai~ Shrldon. ~fr5. Elsie )lc- the keY5tone plalC', Thl~ play ended the . :-;'i~ ...y" had le5-5- than Jill tail. contrihutions for this year's Counly Week, Cnlk!'!l' \\111 close on July 2;:" : 'Villiam::. :\1r5. E. Smith Paul. '-Irs. J. Xorwood tlm'at of loaded base::. Th(' priz(-'s weTe all thinl!s which thc dog Picnic to be held at Emmons Gro,'c on I 'Paul Brown and Mrs. Samuel ::\1. Dodd;, The Hornets showed improvement in him5e1{ could enjoy, Therc were collars. \Vcdnesday, August 5. i Papers Sent to Vacationists i while the westcrn precinrt is under the pcp and spirit this week after having relea~h('~. chain::, doJ,:. food of various kinds, ~ Among the food requirements arc I ! direction of l\lr:::. Howard Din~lc, j\Irs. \ co\'ered from the .~efeats of the Holiday llia)thmg!;, sllccial soaps and powders, dog numerous rice puddings, and homemade Don't for~('t the SW,\RTIDoIOREAX i Pcter E. Told. Mr::, W. Earl Kistler and games and the Elks game of the 7th. ~(,l'ding dishe!;. etc., donated by the folio\\'- i cakes and cookies. Cash donations arc i will he !;ent free of any extra charge 'I Mrs. J. Passmore Cheyney. I • l~g local ~u5ine5s .firms: Michael's C~n(-'~e! always needed to. d~fray the many other! for posta!!e to your summer addrcss. ~frs. Barclay ~Varburton is chairman I $6_00 Is All I harmac). 1\Ia(hson Brothers, Shlfer s, expenses of the Plcmc. If you plan to !!o I Just notify the ofli("e oi the change of the eastern district of the Dollar Ccr-' J~rug. Store, Suplee's Hardw?re Store,; away and h:we not been contacted by the: In' po!'t canl. or telephone, Swarthtificate Committee. Mrs. J. Passmore The contributions of Leonard Ashton, H. (.eorg:e Mitro and Sons. American Store. workl"r in charge of your district. you arc ~ ~ore 900, and you may han the I Cheyney. as one of the vice-pr(-'sidents of i E. H. Speight, RotK'rt Reed, 'Vallace Mc.\. & P. Store, l\far5h':: Utility Shop, Martell urg:ed to cu'mmunicatc with either oi the! fHld('d enjoyment of reading oi your 1the \Voman'5 Republican Club of De1- I Curdy and James Hanna have rcduced the Hroth('n:. and M. Parker. abo\'e named captains of your territory so: friend~ doings hack home while you aware County, is workin!! \'ery actively to: amount nceded to reach the !!,oal of the Each dot! entered in thc show recch'ed'that the Picnic ",ill not suffer thc 10S5 of' :\re .'lway, I::.ecure the success of the campaign in I Ha5e1Jall Cluh to $6.00. Six morc contribua dog bi::.cuit as a comolation prize. ; your contribution. j ,Swarthmorc. I tor~ this week will do the job! ~~in!!: ~:Stt~:'s::;h~~~s~; ::~:;~:;. p;:~ I I I I I ':Jr- New Homes to be Built by W. Percival Johnson for Early Occupancy " On-The-Hill" III Swarthmore REPUBLICAN WOMEN ! BEGIN WORK HERE I ::",1 I I: 10 J SINGLE STONE CENTRE HALL 3 BATHS w. COPPER PIPING OIL HEAT MAIDS QUARTERS HARDWOOD FLOORS WELL LOCATED LOTS 3 and 4 BEDROOMS I PERCIVAL JOHNSON I:I' l OWNER AND BUILDER 211 W. BALTIMORE AVE., LANSDOWNE P ... Sold a8 the properb' of Cupar P. Sharpless, mortgagor, terre tenant and rea) owner. Police New. Firework. Display At 9 o'clock a surprisingly large turnout proved the drawing power of the inaugura- At the Lansdowne SW"I~THM(JI~E L1HRARY JULY 10, 1936 THE SWARTHMOREAN 4 MADISON 3022 ' ,L.. JULY 17, 1936 THE SWARTHMOREAN Miss Margaret Paxson To Wed Here Tomorrow Miis Gladys Smith A. Christian AnnolDleecl Marriage of and Joailla Miss Margaret Paxson, daughter of Mrs. Charles Paxson,· o[ Cedar Lane, and Ellis Lewis Jacob, son of Mr. W. W. Jacob, of Moylan, will be married by a Friends' tomorrow, "Saturday, ceremony at July 18, at the home of the bride's mother. The wedding will be a small one with only ncar relatives and a few intimate friends present. Dr. and MrS. Jesse H. Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Robinson will be the overseers. Following a wedding trip the couple will reside in Moylan. Miss Paxson is a graduate of George School and Swarthmore College. Mr. Jacoh graduated from New York University. 'noon The marriage of Miss Gladys Smith, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Carl Smith, of West Philadelphia, and Joshua Allen Chrio:;tian, son o[ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew \Vesley Christian, of Germantown, was performed on Saturday afternoon, June 27, in Gloria Dei (Old Swedes) Church, Philadelphia. Following a wedding trip spent motoring through the south, the couple arc planning to move into their new home which is nearing completion on Middletown Road, Elwyn, and expect to be at home after October 1. The bride g:raduated [rom Temple versity in June, 1930, with a degree B. S. in Education. While teaching Southampton, Pa., she earned' her M. in Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania. After two years of teaching at Southampton, she taught in Westfield, N. J. She Is a member of Theta Upsilon sorority. Mr. Christian' graduated in 1927 from the University 'of Pennsylvania as a mechanical engineer, later returning to secure his M. A. in Education after which he taught two years at Norristown, and in Westfield. He is now instructor of mathematics at Swarthmore High School. He is a member of Theta Chi fraternity. of Mr!. Thomas H. Lueders, also of Princt-I Indiana, during which a visit was made to motored through the Green Mountains and , Miss Marjorie,Tomlill!On, of. Swarthmore relatlv.. In Munde. the White Mountains and are now at their Avenu~, is spending the summer at Ecole ton Avenue, at Avalon, N. J. . , I Ralph, Jr. left Friday hy motor with Champlain, a. French camp, n~r FerJis... summer borne at Woods Hole, Mass. Dr. and 'MrS. Michael S. ,Kovalenko, of George Alston, of Westdale Avenue, for burg, Vt. left this week lor Beaumar\s, Dallas Texas, to attend the ExposlUoh Wallingford, , , Lois and Jim Lohrke, of North Chester there. The boys arrived In Dallas on MonMr. and Mn. Charles T. Deacon and Ontario, Canada. Road are spending the summer at Westday and will shortly ·go to Yellowstone town: Mrs. Claire Lohrke will leave by daughter, Pauline, of Chestnut Avenue, motor soon for Halifax, Nova Scotia, where will leave tomorrow for a two weeks vaca- Mrs. Isaac Bromley Smith and son, Mr. National Park where they will remain Ronald Smith, who are spending the sum- several weeks. They are camping en she will spend a month or Sti with her tion on Cape Cod. mer in the Ogden Avenue home of Mrs. route. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis K. Payzant. Miss Duane Jester, of \Vilmington, Del., Thomas Jenkins, have as their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Lee, of HarMrs. Sargent WaJter, o( North Chester is spending the summer as the guest of Mr. Mr.;. Frank Miller and daughters, the Misses Evelyn and Barbara MUler, of and Mrs. Frank Gray, of Vassar Avenue. vard Avenue, sailed yesterday on a Penn Road, has motored from Pasadena, Cal. to The engagement of Grand Rapids, Mich. Mutual Life Insurance Bermuda cruise. Glenwood Springs, Colo., where she has Miss Evelyn Miller and Mr. Ronald Smith Mr. E. C. Lappe, of Yale Avenue, reThey will return on July 25. visited her son, Mr. David Walter, in his mountain cabin. She will motor from there turned to business on Monday after an was announced last January. It is expected that the wedding will be, late this summer. via Yellowstone National Park to Glacier illness of three wccks. Mrs. Smith entertained at tea on MonBirths National Park, where she has taken a cabin day in honor of her guests. at Lake McDonald, Montana, for the sumMr. and Mrs. F. B. Rankin have closed Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam G. Breeser, Jr., mer. Her daughter, Mrs. Ferris Thomsen their home on Haverford Avenue and Commander Isaac B. Smith, o[ San of Mansion Road, Springfield are being Francisco, CaJ., left last week for a business and two children arc with Mrs. Waller. motored to their summer home in Maine. congratulated on the birth of a daughter, after having visited his wife trip abroad Mr. Thomsen rcccntJy spent a week with Mrs. Lucille Bond Rankin is recuperat· on Monday, June 29, at Dorothy Ann, them in Pasadena. ing from an appendix operation at the Bryn and son [or two weeks. the Fitzgerald-Mercy Hospital. Mrs. Mawr Hospital. T. Clay, of Walnut Lane, Mrs. William Warder Cresson,' o[ Riverview Road. ElizaBrceser will be remembered as Miss -is a life-guard at Stone Harbor, N. J., Bob and John Bair, sons of Mr. and entertained a few friends at a surprise des- beth Taney, of Swarthmore. this summer. Mrs. Robert T. Bair, of Cornell Avenue, sert birthday party in honor of Mr. Clay A daughter Harriet l,ouesa, was born to left July 1 for Terra Cda, Fla., where they last week. Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. McCorkel and will visit their grandfather, Mr. J obn M. Mr. and Mrs. Clay wiII entertain this Mr. and Mr.;. Malcolm H, Merrill, 01 two sons, Alan and Henry, formerly of Criley, until the first of August. Mr. Crilcy Sunday with a breakfast party ior thdr Ogunquit, Me., and Florence Villa, Fla., at Montclair, N. J., ha\'e just moved into will accompany them on the return trip. son, Thomas, who will return next week the Maine General Hospital, Portland, Me., the house at 342' North Princeton Avenue, to the University of Colorado, where he on Saturday, July 11. Mrs. Merrill will recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Dean Mrs, E. A. Siockton, of the Strath Haven will take a course in summer study after be remembered by many in Swarthmore Parker and family. Mr. McCorkel is con- Inn, bas left for Ocean City, N. J., where having spent a couple of weeks at borne and vicinity as the former Mrs. Robert E. nected with the DuPont Company. she will spend the summer at the Flanders. with his parents. Sharples. -- , --- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ramsey and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Bassett, o[ North Chester Road, have returned [rom Ventnor', N. J., where they have spent the past two months. Mrs. Ramsey's si'itcr, Miss Nettie Alexander, of Atlantic City, is visiting here (or several weeks. --- Mrs. Roy Lingle and daughter, Petra, o( Cornell Avenue, have returned from Niagara Falls, where they have been vacationing. Dean Harold E. B. Speight, of Swarth· more College, left this week for Maine, where he joined Mrs. Speight and their daughter, Charlotte, at Spruce Point, ncar Boothbay Harbor. Their Elm Avenue home has been rented to Dr. and Mrs. William F. Geigle, of Buffalo, N. Y., who are new residents of Swarthmore. Dr. Geigle is connected with the Sun Oil Company. Mr. Franklin W. Heath, o[ the Strath Haven Inn, has gone to visit his daughter, Mrs. Albert La Rue Eltinge, the former Mr. and Mrs. William S. Hobbs and Miss Charlotte Heath, at Caldwell, N. J., family, of Yale Avenue, spent the week-end [or the Sl,.lmmer. at Shipbottom Beach, N. J., where they Mrs. Richard D. Scales, of Park Avenue, were the guests of Mrs. Hobb's brother, Ralph Shelly, of South Chester Road, entertained with a shower on Saturday Paul R. Mohney, and Mrs. Mohney. left Monday for Baltimore, where he will afternoon in honor of Miss Ellen Lord Gilchrist, daughter of Mrs. William Walwork for the remainder of the summer. Mr. Joseph Youmans, son of Mrs. Gillace Gilchrist, of Philadelphia, whose marbert E. Yo.-mans, of Elm Avenue, who bas Mrs. T. Edward Clyde is at the Strath riage to J ohn Burbank~ of Brunswick, Me., been stationed in the Philippine Islands for Haven Inn recovering from a severe ill- is expected to take place this (all. Miss the past two' years, is leaving Manilla on ness. Gilchrist and her mother are former resiAugust 1 for Swarthmore. He will come dents of Swarthmore. The former has home through the Suez Canal and arrive Miss Betty Palmer, o[ Mount Vernon, been living on Elm Avenue since last about the middle of September. N. Y., visited Miss Priscilla Clayden, of spring. Westdale Avenue, this week. Mrs. S. S. Farley, of Park Avenue, and Miss Majorie Porter has returned to her Mrs. Amanda Geyer, of South Chester Mr. Bickerstaff \Vellburn returned to his home at Princeton and Lafayette Avenues Road, returned Monday from Cape May, home on Dartmouth Avenue last week after after a six weeks trip through the west Dr. and Mrs. C. E. McClung, of Wal- N. J., where they attended the Friends'lh;aviing worked several weeks on a steam- when she motored to Portland, Oregon, with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. James P. lingford, attended the Sigma Xi convenUon Porter, of Athens, Ohio. . at Cornell UniveTSity after which they On Tuesday Mrs. Farley left for WilkesMr. and Mr.;. Louis W. King, of College MIss Mila Schwartzbach has lust reI ~~.¥:~~w~b~ere she will yisit ber ~nJ 1)1:., _~.' t\y.Il!!\lel~llPc .. ]t ~~lWi"WJ~""i",,¥i\~1 lI.med from'''_ '""!ftI!nd!v4n"1!lIIital:1f. Ii ~r""Il!~,~!.!\u~~,,~\\ Jun,iqr,G,Q\, Pa. On their return they were accom· Mrs. Ralph Rhoads, of North Princeton panied by their daughter, Miss Nancy Mrs. Arthur E. Bassett and daughter, King, who had visited her aunts, the Misses Avenue, with her children, Ralph, Jr. and Friday. Saturc1ay. Sun.daY'. Mon.daY' Barbara Bassett, of North Chester Eliza and Margaret Dougal, of Milton, for Phyllis, has returned from a motor trip to KAY FRANCIS have gone to Canada. They will a week. 8S Florence Nightingale Miss King will leave tomorrow for Pittsthe Thousand I~lands and remain -InMRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON I,"",v until the middle of August. burgh, where she will visit her uncle and JOSEPH E. QUINBY "The White Angel" aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Dougal, ERNEST Co SNODGRASS. ASS'T. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Servais and family, [or a week. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday of Dickinson Avenue, have gone to Capitol Bobby Breen Mrs. Albert N. Garrett and daughter, FUNERAL DIRECrORS Island, Boothbay Harbor, Me" to spend -inthe remainder of the summer. Miss Marcia Garrett, of Garrettt Avenue, are spending the summer at their place on "Let'a Sing Again" Cape Cod, near Chatham. Mr.removed and Mrs.from E. L.319 Matlack family, Park and Avenue, to The Summer Bridge Club will meet at He)ust:on, Texas. the home of Mrs. J. Paul Brown, of WalPositivel,. ---Lane, next Wednesday. Mrs. Robert nut Her Be.t Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Johnson, Jr. have T. Bair will be co-hostess. Last week the Picture from their wedding trip in New met at Mrs. E. L. Mercer's, on group England and are now occupying their North Chester Road, and Mrs. Ellwood at 110 Park Avenue. Garrett was assisting hostess. Mrs. J. E. Snyder, of Rutgers Avenue, Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam Arthur Thompson has gone to New Iberia, La., where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. James ·W. Wyche and children, formerly of The Swarthmore, (the former Miss Arlene Snyder), for six have moved into the Underwood house on weeks. During her absence Mrs. Synder's Dickinson Avenue. r~;;;~~;:;:~::=~l ~ I -- . Drexel Hill "- OPEN EVERY SUNDAY EVENING 2 Complete Shows 7 and 9 P. M. (Doors open at 6.30 P. M.) to spend two weeks in Wilwood, Mrs. James F. Bogardus and children, N. J. Sergeant Steigelman will spend the Jimmy, Katrina and Teddy, of Cornell two weeks at Indiantown Gap with ComIAve",ue, left this week for Manomet, Mass., will remain until the end of pany M, of Mew_·a_._ __ where August. Dr. Bogardus will join his family Mrs. P. M. Dickson and children, of for the month of August. Avenue, were the guests this week LANSDOWNE Sunday Matinee Discontinued Delaware County's Finest. Theatre Lan.down_ Ave. abo Baltimore Pika Mad. 720 FRIDA.Y and SATURDAY aIId SUNDAY EVENING Friday and Saturday Robert TAYLOR Loretta YOUNG PRIVATE NUMBER JOEE.BROWN -in- MONDAY aDd TUESDAY "SONS 0' GUNS" "SHOW BOAT" of 1936 with IRENE DUNNE Allan Jon.es Paul Robeson Helen Morgan Helen Westley Cast of 3S00--Chorus of 2000 Voices 48 Sensational Danceu ANN HARDING "THE WITNESS CHAIR" Enjoy It at th. MEDIA THEATRE LAST TWO DAYS FRIDAY _ SATURDAY ROBERT TAYLOR "Private Number" Monela,. aad Tuesday BEl IE DAVIS Academy Award Winner in Michael Arlen's Romantic Comedy.Drama "THE GOLDEN ARROW" with GEORGE BRENT with JOAN BLONDELL WEDNESDAY, ONE DAY ONLYI =;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r Bob's Road Stand MacDade and Fairview Delicious Hamburgers and Hot Dogs Breyers lee Cream Sodas and Sundaes Martel's Meats Huber'. Rolls Open 'Til t 2 and Later ROBERT C. BROOKS, JR. THE SECOND ANNIVERSARY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'I sister, Mrs. Minerva Berry, of Harrisburg, Mrs. J. \Vallace Steigelman and daughter, 1~~~~~~~.~Of Dartmouth Avenue, will leave will stay in the Snyder home. Theatre A canopy recently added to the solarium on the roof of The Swarthmore has greatly increased the enjoyment of the tenants who visit the spot. From the high point of vantage there is a glorious view of the Crum Vaney and Woods and other surrounding landscapes. We Are Celebrating "Poor Lilde Rich Girl" WAVERLY Solarium Now Shaded raa~E~LL~~P~H~0~N~E~4;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~M~F~D~IA.~~P~A.~~===============~ SHIRLEY TEMPLE : A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Wyche, of New Iberia, La., on Saturday, July 11. Mrs. Wyche is the former bliss Arlene Snyder, daughter of Mrs. J. E. Snyder, o[ Rutgers Avenue. The baby will probably be named Barbara Frances. Weclaesda,. aad Thursday ·'BUlJ.ETS OR BAllOTS" Starring EDWARD Co ROBINSON .rOAN' BLONDELL Hamplarey ao.art Barton MacLu.e Fruk McHaab ROBERT of MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY We have enjoyed two wonderful years of co-operation and good feeling with our customers and friends. Two years of prosperity and pleasant relations. The first year was good and the second year better. We thank you • • • • Our Store, Our Stock and Our Employees are ready to serve you day and night. Fresh stocks of drugs always on hand and a competent graduate pharmacist, always on duty insure prescriptions aa your doctor prescribes them. nu: SW.\RTHMOREAN r' JULY 17, 1938 COlJlDl8llCeD8Dt Tonisbt commn. of Phlla. Home Defense Com., t917; opl trade expert, Wor Trade Bd., MARY'S PET RECIPE r .....cIocI "" ....... E. ......... Mrs. J. Paul Brown addressed the local pUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT Washington, D. C., 1918; geoll, field work, Bluebe..,. M"m... SWAJlTHMORE, PA. Bible School at the Wesley A. M. E. Church, Asia, 1925-26. Mem. Soc. of Frien.... 2 cups sifted pastry flour. on TUOsday moming. Clubs: Cosmos (Washington); Franklin MARY T. ERVIN PARKER 4 level teaspoons haking powder. EdItor aacI PabU.her Inn. Rolling Green Golf (Philo); Columbia Swarthmore Post to Retain Spon. Dr. David McCahan will present th. 1 cup sugar. Faculty (New York); Loudoun Golf and sored Nuel_ for Better diplomas at the commenccment exercises, Y. teaspoon salt. nTUSJ. EWiG y. cup milk. Country (Purcellville, Va.). Aulhor: The 1937 Nine at the church this evening at 8 o'clock. 2 tablespoons melted butter• I Everyone Interested Is urged to attend and Organization of Ocean Commerce, 1905 j ROSAUE DRYDEN 1 cup blueberries dredged with I The Swarthmore American Legion Post witness the program the children have pre-, The Story of Iron and Steel, 1908; The New. EdJ.t.. little flour. baseball team fiulshed its season In third Ocean Carrier, 1908; Industrial and Com1 egg beaten light. iplace by slapping the Yeadon Post to the p=ar=ed=.============= PhODe Swarthmore 900 mercial Geography, 1913; Commerce and Sift together the dry ingredients i tune of 8-3 on July 10, the. final game of .: EDtered •• Second Clu. Matlet', Jaauuy 24. SHERIFF SALES 1929. at th. ~ost Oftic. at Swartbmo.... P.., Industry, 1915; Elements of Industrial and mix with egg and milk. Add I a season shortened by the loss of a couple UDder the Act of Marcb 3. '87St. Management) 1916i Influence of the Greatl flour and berries. Bake at 3SOoF Sheriff's Ollice. Court House, Kedla. Pa.. i of key-players, whose services were badly War on Shipping, 1918; The World's Food FrIday ~a17 31st, ,.IS 20 minutes in paper baking cups needed if the team was to retain its FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1936 Resources, 1919; Human Georgraphy.-(a Ioriginal lead-off, the first two games hav8.110 A. M.• Eastern Standard Time placed in muffin pans. Very good grammar school text) Book I, Peoples and reheated in a slow oven next day. I ing resulted in victories over Chester and FROM OUT OF THE NORTH Countries, 1921, Book II, Regions and Oakmont. These latter teams played of! Condillons-$200.0o cuh or eertl8ed eheck Trade, 1922; North America) 1925; Home ~----------______' a single elimination contest, being tied for at time of Bale (unless ot.herwise atated in Written at the \Vhiteborse Inn, White- Folks, a Geography for Beginners, 1926 i first place in county. Oakmont won and advertisement). balance in ten days. Ot.her hofSC, Yukon, the following letter addressed Tree Crops, a Permanent Agriculture, 1929; has subsequently whipped Kennett Square conditions on day of sale. to the SWARTHMOREAN' will be of interest Countries, Regions and Trade, a sixth grade Post, Chester County, for t.he. plaY-~ff to many readers as well as to the friends geography, 1930j World Folks, an elemenagainst teams from the 1st DlStnct, Phil· No. 861 Levarl FBc:lu o[ E. C, Walton, of Riverview Road, who tary geography, 1931 j American Lands and adelphia, and the 9th District, Montgomery is enjoying a trip through Alaska. March Term, 1936 Peoples, 193Z j Foreign Lands and Peoples, _ County. By winning the 8th District, a uDear Swarthmorea.ns: 1933; Our Industrial World. Editor of a Artides of Every Kind Wait m handsome cup award was won by OakAll that eertaln tract or piece of laud with the mansion house thereon erected .Ituate 012 ':1 am here for the night, my farthest spl. vol. of Ann.1s of Am. Acad. Polito and Lost and Found Collection mont. the northeast side of Main street in the Borpoint north for this trip. If I go much Social Science. Conthr. to mags. and agrl., As there is to be a fine nucleus of a 1937 ough of Darby. County of De1aware and State at High School farther I will be looking south to ECe the econ. and geog. jours.. Awarded Harmon learn held over because of the age-limit, of PeDnE'ylvania. Foundation prize, 1927. HOr.le: SwarthNorth Star. Upon a recent visit to the High School available next season, Manager Balr and Beginning at a stone in the middle of said Main street. a corner ot land now or late of "We came here today from Skagway. more, Pa., (June-Sept.) Round Hill, Va." almost unbelievable sight was observed. Coach Ziegenfus are expecting the Swarth- Joel ~. Bailey: thence by the same north There in a room opposite the office on the more Legion to sponsor a winning organiza- seventy degrees flve minutes 81'b'-five seconds A rough ride through a rough country. east seven hundr"M feet and twenty one-hun.. From Skagway to White Pass Summit the first floor of the building was what ap- tion in future seasons. dredtba of a loot to a stone in a line of land Christian Science Church train climbs about 2800 feet In 17 miles. peared to be a very well stocked rummage Financially, Junior baseball is not profit- now or late of Josevh Bunting; thence b,. the aame south fifteen degrees tW'enb..two mmute8 This is t1ie kiUIng grade that the gold "Life" is the subject of the Lesson·Ser- sale. On four large tables, on cbairs, and able, but to quote the Post Athletic west two hundred eiahty.8even feet and sevseekerS started to take in '98 and the mon in aU Churches o[ Christ, Scientist, on even on the Ooor were articles of .:lathing Officer, Commander, and others: "Those enty-three on~hundredths of a foot to a g1IDl tree; thence south seventy degrees five minute. bardest grade is Dead Horse Gulch, right Sunday, July 19. The Golden Text Is: of every description and a few other items. boys who came out and played the game fUty-ftve seconds west five hundred Rnd ten up a creek bed between high, rocky moun- "This Is life eternal, that they might know It can hardly be credited that all these for all there was in it, have learned a useful feet to a point in the center line of said Main thent~e along the Bald center line of tains. The views are grand along this part thee the only true God, and Jos.,. Christ, things merely embody the Lost and Found life's lesson and have developed a sporting atTeet: Main street north twenty-nine degrees weet attitude and a respect for fair, fast play fifty-two feet and five-tenths of a foot to • Department of the school. of the road and at places one can easily whom thou hast sent" (John 17:3). and thence contlnuirut along the center trace the old trail. We stopped at CarCan it be true that one who lost a which is the Legion ideal in such sponsor- spike line of Main street north twenty-alx: degrees cross for lunch-the, big, item was moose west one hundred elgbty-two f~t and twenty.. perfectly good winter overcoat, a pair of ship. eigbt one-hundredths of a loot to the first steak-not bad tasted. The hoat ride from or even one of The services of John Rogeri, Bunny white gold rimmed glasses, Presbyterian Church Notes mentioned point Bnd plaee of beginning. Vancouver to Skagway is fine an the way. the minor articles of apparel would not Servais and Ferris Mitchell, are grate.. Improvements conaist of two and one-half Nearly the wbolf} way is lined by tall green Rev~ Park Hays Miller, D. D., Secretary stop at the office and try to locate it. It fully acknowledged hy the Baseball Comatory stucco house. 4hSS feet.: porch: twOe mountains on either side. We stopped of the Presbyterian Board of Christian must be, for there is evidence galore-a mittcc, Comrades Alvan Eavenson, J. P. story brick and frame addition. 1SxlS feet; yrsterday afternoon in front of Taku Education, Philadelphia, will be the couple of dozen pairs of rubbers (girls' and' Brown and R. T. Bair. The expert, in- one-story frame and addition. 6xlS feet; onestory stone and frame bulldlnB'. 12x21 feet; Glacier, a gigantic cold storage plant over preacher at the Sunday morning service of boys' and seeming to be of all sizes), about i tensive coaching by Bill Ziegengus was re- two-story stone and frame barn and WBIrOn a mile in width and with a breast of 200 the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. ten fine raincoats, over twenty sweaters, isponsible for the boys' enjoyment and the shed. 24x40 feet: frame ehleken bOWie. 62:9 feet in height. It is truly a wonderful Benjamin F. Kneedler, will be at the organ numerous and varied berets, mittens, gloves, ;sparklicg "inside" baseball displayed in feet. Sold as the properly of John B. Simpson. sight. The ice is deep blue in color. Just and Philip Hipple will be the soloist. belts, neckties, scarfs, etc. i six umbrellas'l every game. mortJ!'Qor and MaUida Terhune. wife of Rus-o turned my watch back another hour. It The weekly summer porch meeting of several leather jackets and coats, gym suits, : A post season game with Merchantville, sell Terhune. reo' owner. has been turned back. so much it bardly the \Vomen's Association of the Presby- sweat shirts, over a' dozen scbool bags, i N. J. was played here Monday evening of Hand MoneY-loOO.OO. knows which way the hands should tum. terian Church will be held 'with Mrs. a jumping rope, one skateJ a lunchbox, and I this week. The Swarthmore team won 11 "My baggage has been inspected so much George Marr, 143 Park Avenue, at 10 goodness knows what else!! I to 4, the same score which resulted in an RODERT W. BEATTY. Attorney. earlier game with Merchantville. it is getting frayed from the clawing. The o'clock this morning. Sewing will be Perhaps those whose property forms a sntcbels just open automatically now llke furnished. Readings will be from the very part of the collection have not as yet missed No. Ion Levari Facias birds in a nest, when an official comes near. interesting study book, "Men and Women tht! articles. It would be advisable t(l I Inn Features Travelogues The weather is pleasant although there is of Far Horizons." March Term. 1936 check up on your belongings now for any much drizzly weather." All that certain lot or pleee of ground with Trav~logue pictures of the West and of On Friday morning, July 24, the meet- of these articles not claimed by the end of the buUdinRS and improvement.a thereon. situ.. ing will be with Mrs. Morris E. Fergusson, July',wllI-.be turned ovel" to 'the WeUare. Yellowstone and Rainer National Parks in ate_In. ihe.lkIrouh"ot'SwarthmOl'e. County of " :u.... Sm:rtIrtSWllrtiutlOI'C AYm"c.n'''~ I 11-"..", OtIteiWise"9()mltOlle:~. . going :to-rIBet "nthet p'artfcuJat'" 1tift- btr'1eaturli!d'" fa ·;the '"DIO~eS J»'"'IW •••·.ul.sau.,af~l~·nd'-Mre FROM "WHO'S WHO IN paJtleuluJy. bounded I}I1d s1es~ribed as follows: an unpleasant surprise when· he goes to to be given at Strath Haven Inn this SaturAMERICA" Beginning on the southwesterly side of look for his overcoat next winter, and day night at 8.1S. 8trath Haven avenue at. the distance of one A separate, section of the show will be hundred twenty.ab:: and ninety-two hundredths The following Is the thirty.sixth in our Needlework Group Sew Tuesday many children are going to be urtable to find certain parts of their wardrobes. An I devoted to bird and animal life in the teet (128.92') north seventy-three degrees alpbabetical series q-f articles on Swarthlorty.fonr minutes ('13- 44') west from Comell The meeting of the Needlework Guild Containing in front aixty.. three feet moreans as they appear in "Who's Who" Sewing Group will be held at the home of easy way to be sure you will not be among Yellowstone Park, and another part will avenue. (68') and extending in depth southweatwardly which we reproduce with the publishers' Mrs. William T. Johnson, 512 Ogden Ave- these is to stop at the High Smool some be given to a reel concerning the West of between parallel lines at riaht anglel one hun. day during the ne.'!:t week or tel. days and long ago. Short comedies will also be dred twelve and five-tenths teet (112.5'). permission, nue, at 10.00 A. M. next Tuesday morning, inspect the collection to be surf; it includes shown. "SMITH, J(oseph) Russell, geographer; Bounded on the IIOUtheast. southwest and July 21. Those interested are invited to ' All Swarthmore residents are cordially in- northwest by lands now or lata of GeofB'e b. nr. Lincoln, Va., Feb. 3, 1874; s. Thomas attend and bring their own sewing equip- nothing of yours. Gillespie. vited 'to attend. R. and Ellen H. Smith; B. S., University ment. Improvements consist of two and one-halt of Pa., 1898, P.o..D., 1903; Sc. D. from Cet Awards at Camp Delmont story brlek and stucco house. 80x86 feet; briek YE Columbia University, 1929; U. of Leipzig, garage, lOx20 feet. 1901-02; fellow in economics, U. of Pa., Sidewalk Egg-Fry Proves Heat Seven Swarthmore Boy Scouts earned II Sold .. the property of Cupar P. Sh.rpl.... 1902-03; m. Henrietta Stewart, of Green. awards at Camp Delmont last week. John mortgagor. tel'l'e tenant and real owner. The College Pharmacy SIdewalk w~ the Allyn, Neil Currie, Neal Durboraw, Walter wich, N. J., June 16, 1898; children-Newlin Russe1l (fames Stewart Thomas Rus- scene on Saturday of an old-fashioned Jones, Horace Hopkins, Alben Eavenson A. HAUGER, Prop. I;T. DeHAVEN LEDWARD. Attorney. sell. Instr: history, George'Sch., Newtown J "egg-fry.". The occasion was !he hot~t and David Ullman received their camp Swarthmore 19 NATHAN P. PECHIN, Attorney... Pa., 1896-99; assisted with ceon. invcstiga-IJUly day 10 years, and t~e ~ctive parliCl- letters. Walter Jones and Neil Currie won tions Isthmian Canal Commn. 1899-1901' pants were a very hot Sldewalk and the merit badges, and John AUyn, the Junior instr: commerce, 1903-06, asst.' prof. geog: official egg·breaker, A. W. Harris. American Red. Cross award. raphy and industry, 1906-09, prof. industry, Mr. Harris E. B. E. (Egg-breaker Ex1909-19, Wharton Sch. of Finance and traordinary) seemed to want to prove that .11:.", Commerce, U. of Pa.; prof. economic ge- Swarthmore could vie with all other towns Girl Scout News ography, Columbia, 1919-. Lecturer in matters of sidewalk cooking. The speed U. S. War. Call. Pres. geog. sect. World with which the eggs hardened and assumed An opportunity for girls to continue their Fed. of Edn. assns., 1929-33. Investigations a tasty hue seemed to fulfill amply the scout work during the summer is given by for U. of Pa. in North Africa and Southern egg-breaker's desires. A temperature of the Media Girl Scout Day Camp where Europe as to extent and possibilities of a 130 degrees is needed to fry eggs, and many from this vicinity are now enjoying tree crop agriculture, 1913. Pres. Northern evidence points to the local sidewalks as a Girl Scout program every Thurseay from 10 A. M. until 4 P. M. Swarthmore Scouts Nut Growers' Assn., 1916·17. Chmn. food I being about 145. are also invited to the Day Camps at Glenolden Park and Naylors Run. For further information telephone Mrs. George Zimmer, 675-M, at 6 o'clock Wednesday LOCAL LEGION TEAM FINISHES THIRD THE SWARTHMOREAN • , --...... • I I MAYBE SOMETHING OF YOURS IS HERE , , I , I I , , , , V."llage Window Cleaner I , JI.fJJMEBillJJRlfR t~ " DISPENSING OPTICIANS e=v=e=n=in~g=s.=========================1 IlJI., CHURCH NEWS -, ~Ilma TJlINtTY CHURCH MAKING Pt'Otestant Episcopal Cbel'lter Road and (".ollce Avenue CHESTNUT ST•• PHILADEL.PHIA. Rev. J. Jarden GU~II~I""l'. S.T.M•• Ree.tor Rev. T. A. MeQ'wenthpr. Dlr. BeL Edue. SUNDAY Specialists in the making and fitting of Eyeglasses and Spectacles. JOSEPH E. HAINES. 11 :00 A. M.-Momlng Prayer and Sermon. Mr. ){eryweather will preaeh. I THE SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I Rev. lobn E11el'J' Tuttle. Minister SUNDAY 1 10 :OO-Bible School. I President. . Miller Secretary the I I;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~;;;;;;;;;~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ Ill,oo-Morning Worship. of Rev. !OOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOCO'C.OOO Presbyterian Park Hays Board' of Chrutian Edueation. ••• I • I ;;; ;OOOOCOOOOOODOD'OOOO Do Your Banking With SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BIIDk and Truat Company Me....... Federal Deposit I ..........ce Corporatioll i THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY First. Du School dosed for the summer. 11'00 A. K.-JlHliu tor Worship In • I(eeti». Hoae. the FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIBNTlST, OF SWABTHIIlORE Pad: Aft!Due below :B.anVd 11:00 A. lL-8onc1ar School.. 11:00 A. JI.-S1mday x-on.serm..... Weill Mel,,. eftIliU meeth:lar scb week. • Po IIlo Ra d, haw I dlarned from a trip to teen PercheS to the pJace of hqinnlnl'. Conhardwood flaors. private entrance. Fri"d. of Swarthmore, wh., ,11C iDten:51.('"~ Irt i.. '"al\, 1\ Y. On their homeward route· talnlng flve &eree more or 1.... alre, .arace. $60, bcludlDa 011 h~t. • .. and ele:ctrldty. tennis, to participatt ~n the louru.t(Dl t they. ~toiJiH~'1 to visit Mrs. A. .• S Wickham, Excepting therefrom -aud· thereout the two d h tEl following puceb ot land with Improvements; I ;.N·ort h '\.. 0' lc:.stcr R oa, which will be heJd 0]. ' , h.::: J~oroul1 .. f liiH! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hamby and son, ADVERTISEMENT Sealed bids will be received by the Swartb.. Faucett, signing at an}1 01 llu.· p::,r:',; "hich I Harry,. of Dart!Houth Avenue, ret~med this more Boe.rd of School I)lrecto~ up to 8 P. II.• will be. designated. ,by pl.l':t{'rh 01' !'i(.' "eek 'rom 'Ylldwood, N. J., were they DayUsrht SaVin.. Time. Frida,.. Jnl,. 17, 1986. t(.J )'lr, Lo.!h. 1 i..~~ s... ~ril :erl~, to .the Borough Hall ror school furniture. IncludIng biology tabl.. , school desks. al1d chain. Specifications may The last day for registration will he ~1\r,---be had at the office of the School District. Mrs. John Trcvethick and daughter, corner of College and Prineeton Avenues. The Alma, of Dartmouth Avenue. returned last Board reaervm the risht to reject an,. and aU day, July 19. The J UDior Baseball League is now in Thursday aiter having visited Mrs. Trevebids. fuIl stride, with the Pirates out in front thick's motht'r, 1\1 r:;. John CotUe, of Pitts.. ELIZABETH A. LUEDERS. '1.8-St Secretary. by virtue of victories owr the CuL;, 4·1. burgh, fOJ two wc('-ks. and the Sluggers, 12-7 j the Slll~Kcr:. :.nd the ESTATE OF GEORGE A. HOADLE1!'. 11e- Eagles are tied for second with the highly Dr. and Mrs. Arno Viehoever, of Rutgers ceased. late of the Borough of Swarthmore. rated Cubs holding down the cellar posi~re called to Atlantic City, N. J., Avenue, Count:v. ot Delaware, and State of Penney]. tion. vania. last Frida)' when their daughter, Miss Ellen The high lights of the /irst week 01 play LETl'ERS Testamentary in the above Ea· tate havina: been Rranted to the undenfgned~ '"1f'rt lhe excellent pitching of Dickson for Viehoever, who was spending two weeks at the resort was stricken with appendicitis all }lenDns Lavina clalma or demands against the Estate of the said decedent are requested the Pirates, who issued four walks, struck and rushed to the hospital. Miss Vieto make known the aame, and all persons fu.. out nine batters and gave one hit, that a hoever was discharged without an operadebted to the sald decedent are requested to single, in defeating the Cubs, 4-1. make. payment, ",ithout delay. to tion and with her parents returned to . FANNIE B. HOADLEY. The hitting of Polk, of the Pirates, had Swarthmore on Saturday. 518 Walnnt Lane. five hits out of six times at bat, two Swarthmore, Pa. 6-1g.~t ExecutriL homers, a triple, a double and a single, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Johnson, of driving in four runs and scoring five himMagil Road, lelt Wednesday morning for self. The good fielding of the Sluggers in de- their summer home The Elms, Denmark, Me. Dr. Johnson will return to Swarth· feating the Eagles, 9-2, made three double plays in addition to playing flawless ball more on August 27. Two weeks later, with Alexander McKenzie, of Harvard Uniafield. versity, he will go to Mt. Washington. Th~re is a schedule game played Every Monday , Wednesday and Friday evenings, N. H., to spend two weeks making cosmic beginning at 6.45 P. M. at the Rutgers ray observations. En route to Maine Dr. and Mrs. Johnson Avenue school grounds. All boys between will stop in New York, where a boat carrythe ages of 12 and 15 are invited to sign ing ship recording appartus has just reup with one of these teams. At the present time the Cubs have a few positions vacant turned from the Caribbean. due to members leaving for summer resorts. Mr. J. B. West joined Mrs. West and their family at Harvey Cedars, N. J. on Tuesday for his two weeks vacation. His An Antidote For Boredom father, Mr. William H. West, of Princeton Have you ever tried this antidote for Avenue, is spending this week with him. boredom ?-Throw yourself wholeheartedly Mrs. Bayard Barnes and Miss Helena into your work, whatever it is. You'll be Post Barnes, of New Haven, Conn., were surprised at how interesting you will find the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. it. Then, at the end of the day, when Johnson, of Magil Road, last week-end. you are pleasantly fatigued, dash iDto your Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. McLain and chil· bath, close your mind to the.day and its dren, of North Tonawanda, N. Y., will problems, dress for the eyening, get out arrive tomorrow. Mr. McLain will spend and enjoy every minute of it. And when the week-end and the others some time bedtime comes, you'll sleep like a child! longer, with Mrs. McLain's parents, Mr. If you are a women, bere's another sure and Mrs. William H. West, of Princeton way of avoiding boredom: ~ways be in Avenue. love! There are so many places to go and Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. White, formerly people to know and things. to do-the of Providence Road, Wallingford, have world is filled with them. Why Dot get moved ~nto an apartment at 224 Park Ave· your share of all this enjoyment? nue. Make a point of surrounding your.;e\f with clever and amusing people. They're Mrs. Charles Parker, of The Swarthmore, 'just everywhere. Refuse to he surrounded entertained with a buffet supper and bridge on Saturday evening in honor of her weekby hores. Cultivate restlessness. When you are end guest, Miss Margaret Curran, of restless. you are· contiJ\uaIly seeking new Yonkers, N. Y., and the seveDtieth birthoutlets for your vitality anc$ ideas; you day anniversary of Mrs. Rosalie Mergy, of are always chaUengmg1Ii. myStery of some Chester.. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. baBling new art or distance or adveDture. William S. Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. "'lULL mmlDl1i In a word, if your life is dralJ, if it J osepb Seal, 01 Swarthmore, and the Misses COMPANY Of ....U.LVAIIIA lacks color or sparkle-get busy and bid Georgette and Helen Mergy and Mr. boredom goodbye forever I Eugene Mel"$)', of Chester. tendl" alona aide of: ...d road north alx de-twelve minutes eat ftfty.ftve feet to the point and place of becinnm.. BeIDA' all of Lot No.1 .. ebown On "Map of Orchard KnoU:' made by George W. Drumheller. C. E.. and bearing- date Deeember 17, A. D. 1928. lmprovemenla eons..t of (let deBeriptiDJl) h • • Two-etol'7, s iQle house. SOd6 f~. eoncrete b]oe.E and shlnale &'8l'Qe. 1WB feeL (2nd description). Two story atone and frame house•. ShlS feet: p~h front;: one-tltory frame addition •. 8dO feet, on....to17 frame ou"tbuUd.. grees irur. 18xl2 feeL Sol~ 88 the property of Sarah R. Chamben. RAYMON E. LARSON. Attornl!7. NATHAN P. PECHIN. Sheriff. SWARTHMORE 1600 TWO RIEKELS A DAY • WaterWorks ConlJuered Yellow Fever During the 8ummer of 1793, Yellow Fever ravag~d the city of Philadel(!hia. Spreading terror and oIi.. tre88 throughout the eity, the dreaded di8ease wiped out nearly one - sixth of dIe populalion. That Willi a 8ummer of intense heat and drought. People had to go lo~ distances for water, 8toring their 8canty 8upplie8 10 bu~ket .... cask8 and ci8terns. It was not then Known that these open water containers furn.iohed breeding place8 ror moDg ~d lunch room reports. . department, under the leadership of Mrs. scores between 70 and 80. Marvel Wilson well·directed, but sagged off pItIfully 10 Helen Beundick, presented a play entitled C B e d B kh Treasurer Eaton made the statement of "David in the Cave of Adullam"j and the had the low gross score of 83 and L. the . . . an roo aven c~ntests. the budget for 1935-36, presented current Open Meetings Held Every Mon- Intermediate department. directed by Mrs. Agnew was high scorer with 124. The week started hopefully WJth a hardbills p.ayment of which was authorized, re· fought 3-2 win against a good South Media day Night in Legion Rooms ported the rece!pt of the tax·collectors Mildred Camp, contributed a dramatiza• team. Smith's lovely homer and Stauffer's at Borough Hall bond which' had been approved by the tion of the story of the Good Samaritan. long hits combined with Abernathy's Solicitor and following which the new The newly arraDged "open meeting" of Dr. David McCahan, chairman of the smooth pitching to make a both interesting duplicate and warrant had been delivered the Swarthmore Brjdge Club, which meets Community Bible School Committee, pre~ and well-played game. Batting was about to Mr. Dodd. He also gave a resume of each Monday evening in the Legion rooms sented the diplomas, the awards for perequal on both sides with the Media boys the report of the Student Treasury which at Borough Hall, has met with enthusiastic fect attendance, and the special awards rating five singles and a two-bagger, and he bad ~verified as chairman of the fin- favor from the local bridge fans. earned by attitude and work accomplished. the Hornetmen knocking out eight singles ance committee. Anyone interested in duplicate bridge is These awards were won by Jane Polk and Undefeated Piralea Score 8-4 and a homer. Mr. Hornaday discussed some insurance welcome, a small fee being charged to meet Helen Johnson in the Primary department, on Bun Manning played part of the game, expenses. Cora Warren and Jacqueline Moore in the Reorganized Eagles in and seemed to have recovered considerably matters and prese.nted certain policies. The report of the property committee On Monday, July 20, another interesting Junior group, and Thelma Thompson aDd Ball Series from the serious illness which had prewas heJd over until Mr. Schobinger's re- session was held, the three top pairs who Vivian Baxter of the Intermediate. Mrs. viously kept him out o[ the Hornet plays, The champion Swarthmore Pirates ad- Whether or not he will return to the Hor": were awarded prizes were Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told, superintendent of tbe school, turn. . Richard Carvel, Dr. and Mrs. John A. presented the award for the greatest pro·gministered a surprise beatiDg, 8--4, to the nets is still unsettled, but it is fair to say Mr. Eatc.n, as chairman of a specially Murphy, Mrs. William Soden and Mrs. rcss during the school to Alice Maddox. reurganized Eagles in Friday's junior base- that his excellent teamwork, his long exappointed rules committee, recommended Irvin R. MacElwee. The Primary department presented a ball game at tbe Rutgers Avenue field. perience, and his good spirits would be in· several changes.in the present rules, to be Other pairs who participated were S. very beautiful pillow which it bad made Twirler Dickson and batters Voughters valuable to the local club. acted uporl·, at the next regular meeting. Frank Butler and Andrew F. Robinson, to their pastor, Mr. Kinney, and a pottery and Clarkson fonned a hard-fighting trin.. The tum of tbe tide for the Hometmen The pu~ch8SE: of' a used Ford coupe E. W. Crosby and Mr. Guido Henry, Harduck filled with flowers to Mrs. Told. ity which carried the undefeated Pirates to came in Friday's 2-2 tie with the Chester from Gash-StuII, to be converted into a A. B. Chapin, Mrs. The attention of the audience was called an easy victory over the experienced Eagleclub. An uninspired local club played weak old Tomlinson and small truck for the transportation of ball, . and presented the opponents with a materials from one school to the other, Ludlow Clayden and Mrs. Russell Kent, to the Jovely glass curtains which the girls men. was authorized at a cost of $150 plus the Mr. and Mrs. John Bowditch, Mrs. Har- of the Junior and Int.ermediate depart- .With his teammates running up runs for gift tie. Smith pitched a fine game-probold Barnes and Mrs. Wesley Clifford, Mrs. ments had made and given to the church. the Pirates, Dickson concentrated on hurl- ably one of the best in Hornet annals, but cost of registration and title. Mr. Morey gave the report of the super. Arthur Robinson and Richard Sellers. to the potted plaDts which the Primary ing a fast game, and succeeded so well that the team. didn't click.. For information telephone Dr. John A. children had planted in pots they had the Eagles rated only four hits. The eleven Although the local men outbatted, outvising principal including the enrolment Murphy, president of the club, who urges painted, and to the excellent notebooks kept strike-outs of the Pirates' pitcher stands pitched, outplayed the Chester men in report, the tuition r('port, Summer School Y.o.tt to fimJ·ycnmelf.;_ Ptul:tttt't.·~ C'Ol'De"""·bY""itt the· stlld'ents.·, . ·as·!Om~thing of a record for jDDiorbMe~· nearly.:"cvcry game something was lackiDlt ,.~.,and... ~ d~o!aiICJ1 repo~ on ..SpD11II ed ball.' from the Hornets which led them to the sports:· Tuition rates· for 1936-37, caIeul· to the meets. The children repeat several Bible ated in accordance with section 1716 of the • passages from memory and song "1 Would Savanna led the defeated Eagles' stick- unsatisfactory final tally. The team's lack School Code, were set as follows: $7.00 Be True For There Are Those Who Trust men with ·two long bits. Williams of the of men is probably mainly to blame. An per month. kindergarten; $9.00, grades 1 Me," and Mr. Kinney pronounced the bene- same club scored. a homer when he slugged outfield of pitchers is not likely to be worth to 6; $12.00, grades 7 to 8, and $15.00. didion, after which the school sang the tbe pill far out over right field. very mucb, and substitutes in other posi" The· game was we]] played by both tions are likewise unequal to the usual . h M F higb school. This constitutes a reduction response, "GUide T ou y eet. teams, and promised well for the future hard-fought Hornet fights. on all but the 9th and 12th grades. This weakness showed up again in the The Community Bible School Commit· of the practically new Eagles. Once the The estimate of $60 for repairing the tee wishes to acknowledge the gift of a ton new Eaglemen become accustomed to· team- mournful and lamentable Brookhaven game. high school roof, received frlim W. S. Two Points Ahead of Other Two of sand from Mason Builders Supply Com· work they will probably be well toward In ad FOR RENT-A))arlment (urmshee) or unfur nllihed fhe rooms bath f,(Brag(.'S First or ~~cond floor 218 Pregldent A\(>nue Rutledgt! Telephone Swarthmore 740-W J r has Just opened tne cooking dC\ICCS arc part of hIS equip ment Martel 5 meats arc used CXdUSlVCh The l \ hole group of bulldmgs follow the modern "'yle of architecture They were budl b} George Gillespie & Co dCSlred FOR SALE • FOIt SALF..-Smlth Corona hpewrlter port lllt IIk( ne'\ Co t $60 "I1J :sell for $25 NEWS NOTES AI ply Snf\rthmorean Offlet I'EItSONAl-~enshore VR('ntion 'Month of Au~t1st GlrI~ t\ to 16 Tclt"hulle Swarth more IClO II r I articular" WANTED WORK WANTFD-((Il(ral hom;(\\ork by day or hour Elll" SlIb) 114 'loll' A\enue Morton Tele AnXIOUS to Sell-$9S00 Modern 4 bedroom cottage Lot 1\0 '< 175 $8000 can remam Rent $60 a month AIr..o $8500 seven rooms only Ten per cent cash required 1\Ir" Clarence Th l\er of Lapldca .hll~ \\ a.. the \\ mncr of the senr~ of bruJJ!c matchcs held here rccenth b\ the Chcslcr Ladlls Brldge Club The last mcetIng \\ a" held at the home of Mrs W E Sodcn on WM S BITTLE Swarthmore ttt·J Notary Pubhc - Insurance Real Estate Colle~e A~enue All LInes of Insurance Including Life Notary Public SW 1833 417 DARTMOUTH AVE A. Wayne Mosteller Electrical Contractor Telephone Swarthmore 58 Robert Taylor and Loretta Young as they appear In "Private Number,'· play 109 today, Saturday and Sunday eve mng at the Waverly Theatre, Drexel H.lI TENNIS TOURNAMENT BEGINS NEXT MONDAY Junior Recreatic vances With RENT F SWARTHMORE 1600 ADVERTISEMENT Seale 1 blds \\111 bc Tecel\("(] by the Swnrth more Hoard or Srhool Directors up to 8 r M Daj;hcht Sa~lDg Tlm{' friday July 17 1'936 r( r :>t:h)()1 fUrDlture mclulhng Inology tables s{'hool desk~ an I chairs Spcclncailonr; may be had ut the ofTl e or the School DIStrict corner of College ao I I rlDeelon Avenues The Hoard rescnciS the Tu:thl tv rt>Ject nny and nil in Is ELIZABETH A LUEDERS Secretary , 3 at F STATE OF GEORGJo A HOADLEY dereused Inte or the fi( mUll of S .... nrthmore County oC Deln\ are a. \ gtllW tlr I ennsyl \ HIm I ETTERS Tcstamcnt:lry HI the 01, \ Es tate ha, Ing bc-cn J:rnnted to the Imder"umell otl pcrsons haVing claims or demand" a~ nst the Fstote of the !;all dfXldent are rt IUtsted to m:.kc kno" n the Rume and all I n;( ns in debt.,d to the sBul dc('cden\. nrc re(jU tt'd to n1Oki' payment Without delay to FANNIE It HOADI t y 5UI ,\ nlnut lane Swarthm re J a 6 t9 6t E:asterly lade of Convent road thence hundr~ se\en and thirty seven one-hundredths extendmg" along northeasterly Side of said road fed southeastwardly from the southeasterly north SIX degrees twelve minutes east one Side of Chester road (sidy feet Wide) ex hundred fifty feet to the pofnt and place of tendlllg thence south DIne degrees. eleven begmnlng Bemg all ot lola numbered 3 and mmuteS west one hundred thirty four and 4 as shown on map of • Orchard Knoll' Dela_ t"enlJ; three one-hundredths feet to a pomt ware Count)' l~ennsylvama made by George thence extendmg south eighty degrees forty w Drumh~1Ier C E and bearmg date of rune mmuws cast sixty (eet thence north December 17 1926 nUle degrees eleH~n mmutes east eighty eight No 2 All that certain lot piece or parcel and Courteen one-hundredths feet to the south of land I.. tuate on the easterly Side of Con w('~terly sitle of said S"arthmore avenue and thence north forty-slx degrees lorty-three \ent road 10 Aston Township Delaware County mmulel! f2ast sixteen and one half feet to a Pennsylvama and more particularly described ) omt m the bed oC Swarthmore avenue thence as follows to Wit Begmnmg at a pOInt WIUlln the bed of said avenue north forty thne degrees seventeen mmutes west seventy formed by the mtersectIon of the eB!lterly Side the and tHxty SIX one-hundredths feet to a of Convcnt road (thirty-three feet Wide) With IlOmt thnce south forty SIX degrees forty the southerly Side of a lane (said mtersectlOn three mwutes west tnxteen and one-half teet pOint belDg distant lourteen and seventy eight to the south" eslerly Side of said Swarthmore one-hundredths feet) measured southwestmenue and place o( begmmng wardl)" (rom the southerly Side of a concrete gnte IlOst III the dlvldmg hne between land AIl>O nil that ccrtnm tract or piece of land! or these grantors and land of A R Bryant "Ith the Improvements thereon erected situate I thence exiendlDg along the southerly Side of in the TownshlJl o( Aston m the County or I 831(1 Jane south eighty three degrees forty Delaware and State of Pennsylvania hegin eight mlDutes east one hundred nmety three nm!.! at a stone In the middle of the pubhc feet to a corner of other land of grantors ro:.d lemtlng from Rockdale to the Convent thence extendmg along other land of said or the Sisters oC SL Francis said pomt of grantors south SIX degrees twelve mmutes hcgmnlng being III hne of lands of the Slste1'5 west fifty five Ceet to a corner of Lot No 2 of St 1 rnncls and where the northerly lme thence extendmg along dlvldmg hne betwccn of lane of James Mahoney estate wtll Inter Lot No 1 hereby bemg conveyed nnd Lot No sect same thence along the middle of said 2 north eighty three degrees forty eight min public road north five and three quarters utcs nest one hundrcd ninety-three teet to degre('S cast forty two and forty seven one- the easterly Side of Convent road thence ex hun Iredths perches to a point a corner of tendmg along side of said road north RIX de_ Innds late ot George P Dunlap now of Albert gl"Ci.'l:> twelve mlDutes east fifty-live feet to Bryant thence by slud Dryant londs south the IlOmt and plaee of begmmng Bemg all eighty fhe and three quarters d.-.gree!l east of Lot No 1 as shown on Mal' of Orchard nlnet~n perches to a pomt a corner of lands Knoll mafIc by Goorge W Drumheller C E Inte of lIerne.rd Hammell estate thence by and bMrlng date December 17. A D 1926 saul Hammell estate and lands of the estate of James Mahoney south SIX degrees west Improvements consist of (1st descrlPiton) forty one and four tenths perches to the north-j Two-story ahmglc house 30x45 feet con crb hne of the lane o( James Mahoney estnte crete block and shingle garage 12xl8 feet thence along the northerly hne oC lane JeadmJ!' I (2nd descrIPtion) Two story stone and frame to nroperty oC James Mahoney deceased north house 33x18 feet por h front one-story frame eight): IIlIle and one quarter degrees west nme I additIOn 8xlO feet one-slory (rame outbulld teen perches to the place oC begmnmg Can IDg t8x12 feet tnlRlnl:: five acres more or less Sold as the property of Sarah R Chambers Excepting therefrom and thereout thc two HAYMON E LARSON Attorney fc,lIowmg parcels of Innd With lmproYemenis NATHAN P PECHIN Sheriff No 1 All that certam parcel of land With I I I I r rn Hamb\ and son returned thl" J \\ here the) and daughter, returned lac;,t n,., vtsItcd Mrs Tre\ l' John Cottle, o( PItts s ~henue I SWARTHMORE, PA., JULY $2.50 24, 1936 PER YEA R HOLD BIBLE SCHOOL IMEDIOCRE WEEK FORS SCHOOL BOARD IN COMMENCEMENT ~~\~r!h~:r~rth~l:~~l)\ ~;~~~ (~~~~Jrcl; uur:: UNINSPIRED HORNET ANNUAL MEETING op/~rnt~~n~nc~~:l~~lt!~~" :fee7hlm~~~ Ir~I~m~:;~ j LIBRARY TO CLOSE AUGUST 3 TO 17 MEN'S GOLF RESULTS Splln"ored In the l\h:n s (I t"" of the I IS : nll nt \\ I" II" U"U II "'\I{tt"'" 1eelllg off III Iftunoon of Thur..d 1\ Juh III the II ul\ \, I lJ!am held on the :\lln ] \on Golf Cour..(! ;\lI1e IlnZl \\ere 1\\ mltd In I kllker .. hlIHIIlIP The fulhmInI! "h()~e mt COrtS l\t ragui In the 70 ... \\l rc "Innu \nhur J June.. \ H \\llIlInt liroh I :.\1\ dlhr \\ Ii (,OOd\\11l \\ B Bulltek (Jcnr,...e \\ dIC forc ... t 1\1 Ind \\ II t n John fncke Inti \ B 1{(:1\1 I'rlZt "lft dnnlhd h\ H Innum mtl \\ lilt Buchlllr lo ... ,.en Shop Shirer .. Drill! StOT( Rum t \ " Glrl .... ( RollOd 1 1 It un Elnc S Spro It J l' :\It"l.:hter R (ht II r Sp neer 111<1 lin S" \RTII ~1O\S the reporl of the Studcnt Trea~un \\huh It Borou!-!h Hlil has md "nh enthu~mstlc fl.'ct ,ttendmre md the Il III 1\\ anI rllm_ h'l "m ... lt anel I l\\() IJI ... ger ancl he had \Cnfl('d '" chllrmm of the flO I"or from the 10lt! bndgc flO" Iclrned b\ Itlttude nul \\nrk Itc()m)lh~hcd the HorlHtl1lln kn)ckm.., out clg:ht qn,.::les mCc commlttce \mone mten ..tul 10 duplicate bndgc IS The"e a\\ ml .. \\ue ,\on h' J me Polk Inti U d f d PS 84 anel I homtr l\1r Hornada\ dl"cu~"ed ~ome m"urance \\clcome I "mill fcc bean", char~cd to meet Helen John .. on 10 the Pnrnu, d~plrtment I n e eate .lradleEas Clore • • on Hun ::\Imnlll!J; pll\ed plrt of the game matter" and pr(' ented certam pohCle~ expcne;;es or t \\ Irren mil J UqUdlnl :\Ioore m the Reorganize g es In and .. cemed to ha\ e reco\ ered con ... u.lcrabh The rcport of the properl\ commlttec On Mooch" Juh "0 mother mtercstmg JUDlor g:rUU]l mel lhclml Ih(lmp~tn mdl Ball Series )from the "'cnott" 111m ~ \\Inch hid pre \\a" hdd o,er unttl 1\Ir Schobm,..,ers re "C" Ion \\ IS held the three top pairs \\ho \1\110 Blxter of thl IntenlHchlte Mr"l l \IOU"-I\ kept hlln out 01 the Hornet pb\c:. turn \\ere a\\ lrded pnze .. \\cre l\Ir and 1\'Ir.. Peter E Told ,,"ptrmtmdent of the "chool Thl chtmplon S\\ Irthmorc IUlte" Id "hether or not he \\111 rdurn to the Hor :\Ir Elton I" lltalrman o( a "PC(tali) Richard CarHI Dr md Mrs John \ IIJfc .. cnted the 1\\ Ird (()r tht: ,..rc Ite"t Jlro~ I mml"'tered l .. urpn .. c heatm .. 8" to thc nel" I ~tllI un"'etlled but It IS 1 nr to "a, rc"s" apPOInted rule~ commlttcc recommended :\.IurIJh\ 1\lr. \",II.am SOllen anll UlH rs I dunn' 19:ksR In hui" ," " the duml to ~hce Maddox Ircor,...lDlzed II tE th \ '" Jumor Ii Idba e II tlat h 1" exce II ent t llm\\()r k IliS Ion ... ex "c\cml chang:c .. m ttl{ pre"ent rules to bCIInm R MacEI"ee The Pnmln department Iwe"ented al}a ... tme I e ut).!:er \enue Ie penencc md Ius J!oml "pints \\ould be m ICtt d upon al the next rCJ!ular mcetmg Other pairS \\ ho partICIpated \\ ere S '\ en he luuful plllm\ \\ hleh It h ul m Hie f\\ Irll r Dlck"on and h ,tter" 'oug:hter \ 111I IlJle to the loc tl c1uh The Jlureha~c o( a u"cd Ford coupe frank Butler and t\ndrc\\ f Robmson I to their p I"lor Mr Kmne\ and a potten and Cllrk"on (ormed I h tnl flghtmg tnn The turn of the tide for the Hornetmen (rom G I.. h Stull '0 he convertcd mto a E \V Crosh\ and Mr GUido Henr) Har duck filled \\ Ith flo\\ c ~ lo ::\Ir" 1 old I ttl ,\ luch earned the Un(lele Itcd Plratc:. to c Imc 10 F nd" .. 2 2 tiC \\ Ith the Chc"ter c::mall truck for the transportahon o( old Tomhn .. on md A B Chapm Mrs 1he attentIOn of thl IUdlence \\as called! lD el . . ' \Icton over lhe expt:ncnced Eagle dub -\n umn"pIred lucal club ph\ed "eak matenal", frum onc "chool to the other, Ludlo\\ Cia) den and Mr'" Russell Kent, to the 10\ eh ).!:Ia s curtam .. \\hleh the g:lrls I mw h \11 and pre~ented the opponents \\ Ith a "a" authoflzed at a co"t of $bO plus thclMr and Mrs John B{mdltch Mr.. Har IO( the Jumor and Intermedllte deptrt With Ill".; telmmate" runmn~ up run:. for f!llt tie Smith pitched a fine g:amc-prob (O"t oi re~I"trallon and hUe I old B lrnes and Mrs \Vl'c:.le\ Chfford Mrs ment5 had made md J'l\en to the church the PIT Itt!; Dlck~on concentrated on hurl Ihh one Ol the best In Hornet annal:. but 1\lr Morn ~a\e the report o( the ~uper I ~rthur Robln"on and Richard Scllers 1 to the pottcd plants "hlch the Pnman In.... I fa .. t glml lOll "ucceeded so \\ell that the learn dHlnt chck \I~mj.!' pnnClpal mc1udm~ the enrolment for m(ormatlOn telephone Dr John A I children had planted 10 pots lhe) had the I agll's rated onh four hits The cleven A1thou~h the local mcn outb ,Ued out report the tUitIOn rcport Summer School 1 Murph\ pre~ulent of the dub who ur~es 1 pamted and lo thc excellent notebooks kCllt "tnke outs of the Pirates pitcher stands pltched outpla\ ed the Che~ter men In t ports anti a detailed report on sprmg ) ou to find YOUr!it'U a partner, and come t h\ all the 5tudenls a" .. omcthmg of a record for JUnJor bu ..{' nearh even g tme !'iUmetllln~ \\ IS bckmrr port" Tmtton rates for 193637, calcul to the meets The c h III(ren repeatl(I ~C\ era I BI bl e ball from the Hornet" \\hlch led them to tr.o.; Itcd In accordance \\Ith "('cllOn 171601 the ----+ I I II' II Sa\unnt led the defeated Ea,...Ie~ slick un"ahs(acton final tall\ The teams lack pa""aj.!es rom memory lUI "on~ ou c 7 00 h I C ode \\cre ~et as [ 0 II 0"" Scoo ~I I He True For Thcre Are Tho~e \Vho Tru~t men \\Ith t\\() lon~ hit" \\llhams o( the of men IS probabh mamh to blame I\n 900 per month kmderj:!arten ::; an(glr~~~~O Me and l\lr Kmne, pronounced the bene ~amt club "corce! a horner "hen he slu~g:cd outfield of pltcher~ 15 not hkeh to be \\orth to 6, S1200 ).!:radc" 7 to 8 dictIOn after \\ hlch the school "'ang th(' the Pl1l (Ir out over right field \ en much md ~lIb tltutes 10 other PO"I JUj.!h "chool ThIS con"'htutes a rcduchon re~pon"e GUide Thou M) Feet The g Ime "as \\ell pI l\cd b) both tlOD" an hke" l'-e uncQual to the u 1111 on all but the 9th and 12th gradt:" te 1m,; and promised \\CII for the (uture hard (uug:ht Hornet fl).!:ht" fhc Commumh Bible School Commit 01 Ihe practJc.: Ilh ne\\ Eaj.!l{ The e"tlmate 01 ~60 [ or repamn!! t h e Once the ThiS \\ c Ikm:;.5 "ho\\ rd up a/!am In the hl,..h "chool roof rccel\ed from \V S I Two Points Ahead of Other Two! tee \\l~hes to ackno\\ ledl-:c the gIft of a ton nc\\ E II-:Iemen become accu"tomed to team mournful md Ilmentable Brookhn en game T eamSj G ames H ere Every 1 ()( qnd (rom 1\I1"on BUilder Supph Com \\ork the\ \\111 prolllhl\ In "ell to\\ tnl In adchtum to Fruh\" hck 01 team\\ork Hoffman \\a" lcccpted an d t h e \\or k I I b W d d N' ht pam and the f I1thlul ~en ICC~ o( l\Jr" \ h [ I I b II I the Horllets \\ l re f Iced \\ Ith I'oor pltchm_ urc erc( e,.,un e nes ay 19 Pr{'~cott \VIIh \\ ho dlrectcd much of the t e top 0 tie JUQlor H"e a eague lD .. l\lr More\ \\ a~ authOrized to enter mto te til uf nexl to I "t jllz\ fieldlDg: and madequatc battm \, I.h a Iloctor [or c, .m.n' \lthuu ... h thl hrst ~"ame o( thc "t: I~on 1110chcraft Ch C\ ne\ • 11 Ie( I a( II \ as pi t cIler The an a "r"cment '" ~ \\ ulne.. da .. " un~chl(llllrcl Smul! ... ler Slu Iton of !l0\ and !!lfls parttopatm,., 10 10 \\as po ..tpuncd on tccount o( rain th I +--,..er ,...ame pro\ld to bl lOt ere lmg IOd Brookhaven team ran up P Ion..!: lilts on tC'r ~chola .. IIC and mter clac:;s sporb Illxt Sn trthmon Inrhans I tcw""e te 1m his hlw hard fou,.,ht So mour 01 thc Slu~l!er" I 111m and "~cmccJ to hit \\ Ith ea .. c hb he . . t term and lor the (,arc of routme mJUrles I,.,OIn,., tron ... cur o:mce until at pno:t:nt It 11Ilthed md IHttul 111" 111m (0 It <) fi \11' cune and <;moothe"t droll \hernath\ I urmturc Ind" \\ere a\\ ar (llo \ tahl(" at ~:19 ,0 each and four ~C\ en n t le nc lans t\\ 0 pomts or e IC \\ m I I Ch • h B arc no\\ Sn1lth o( the Slu er" \\ lth hl~ tr Irk Ihlht' hl ~llrtr(1 (rom thml to home IOO~ tables at S46 QO a table and the lat 1 lOd onc lor C llh he) Thc othrr 1\\0 Annua amllons I~S e.. (,00 battm,!; n l rI_C Polk 01 the Pink "Ith lhe fa~l fh In,., pilI ... m .... 111m a h:lnch Icr ....ellm,... the contr let for 1\\ent~ eight te 1m" 10 the I eague the Phd tdelphIa I a glnnmg ugust \\ Ilh 1 fine :1"1"1 1\ er I,..e md Dlck~on of the c Ip 01 about t\\ 0 mche In the COttr " 01 poture chm.. at qlO each Other Iud lro"'''e Club and the Phlladelplua Comet... lit Sltmcil\ afternoon Tcd Ibur lnd Plrat{ \\hoe hurhn hi" lated a 1000 the race the blll ra ... h o\crt()(1k lurc cler "ere Jehn \Vanamaker and the \llIed ha\e re Ilecll\e tmdln,..s of fl\e pom!:. 1I1Se Club mel the (0] I ..ubnnttIn ... to (lcfeat a" "luJ\\ n bv the "core the Ba"eball Dolltr Cluh "mee la"t \\ cck "tr\ (or the double ~core Get Awards at Camp Delmont 11)\\1Il~ \\eek the, \\111 meet the Comet .. 1of thl: 11"t ~cl HO\\lc\Cr thc EhttrhS \\erl<, the .. 0\1 of !:,1:lO no\\ "twei onh S\ a\\a\ ~II HI all hO\\c\cr II I~ to the credit of 'u"u-t ..'nll Scplember ....... "anI'" ".11 1 I hill too h uh all( \\ on out In teem II a" m tn\ contnhuh Ihl next \\cek the t I1e IDca I rI u b t h a • It tnes "0 h ar( I amI ~o I),.r.n ~_ ~.... Tin S\\ uthmore Tenm~ Cluh annual announcement "0 10n_ eld 1\ ed \\ 111 be at 0[ 0 I.: T\,o marc S\, .rthnlllr... bO\s h I\e re I."" 111.,ell ",th the four t"am" ..... o[ tho'- Ilal tcn to \\b m agam ..t etler teams (el\ t:1l a\\ trd~ at C Imp Delmont tlH fio' tJmorc I (' 19ue The Ilo"tponed game he h nm ch mlPltm~hlps \\ III h~ h,l<1 dunn,., la"t po~~tblr I c I wnal" the Hornetmt:'n pla\ as thouc:h Scout Camplocatecl on the Untnll Crcek t\\cen the Imhans and the Comcts \\.11 be tht: (lmtn~ date 1\1en" SIn1!hs \u~u~t flCUptratm~ from a ra~e 01 "Iecpml:!; Sick Jcffen KIrk "on of :;\.11 lOll !\Ir" HIl\\anl ph\ed off later ito h ::\.1t:n,; Doubl".. \u u~t 14 to ?J ne'" but !!eneralh the\ can be counted on Kirk of L Ifa\CUe \\ enue recclH'd thc • :\.ilxul Doubll ~ug:u"t 14 t{ :n In the Needed: One Cook Stove to pin a fllle g: irue ~t am rate s\\ arth C Imp Delmont 1\\ an) lUll the J umor Police News (' I l 01 the mixed double .. "omen non mem morcans are as.. urpd of mam J:!ame.. o( \mencan Rcd Cro"" LI(e Sa\m" a\\anl hn 01 tla Sn Hlhmore Tenm<;; Cluh \\1]) Do \OU ha\c an old cook "to\C or de.n cut honrst hard fO\l~ht haH ])1\)(1 Ul1mtn "on of Mr and 1\1r Roland On Juh 16 John \ako\I" of Ch"ster hl Itto\\ecllo pll\ do \OU kno\\ \\hw: thc Countn -G E UlImm o( Hlnard \\emle "('cured arre~ted on the 11th appelred (or heann,..j \11 cluh membcrs Intere~ted 10 am or Week PICniC committee could ~et Captain Rogen at Convention I ment bad,...e m plOnerrm and bird "'huh hdore M 1,...lstrate Rum"e, and \\01" hned III 01 the ahO\e tournament~l<:.hould "If!n nne;' J( \OU do plla e lommumcate and al~o the Pwnecr Clmp a\\ard slO and co<;ts for Imlltoper pa<:."tn,., Sam thor name to Ihc cntrancc "leet" posted \\Ilh Ch(~ter Rohert.. telephone, Captam John ROJ!en 01 the S\\arthmore uri Hor,..es alsn oi Che.. ter and I\.hlton on thc dub hullchn hoard ]Jand" lme S" Irthmor{' 1206 for an outdoor Pollcc Dcpartment attcnded the con~pn ---+ Cohen of Phllaciclphla both trrc~tlll on trophiC" ,,111 be a\\arderl the \\mncr" of ~lO\e t.. hadh O(uiul tn ke{'p the tlon of the Prnn"" h ama Clucfs of Pohee ('offee hot 11 thl \ear" IHtmc on Flowers for the Flowerless tl1e 6.h \\ ere eac h fi10('( I s;,) an( I co..t.... [or I th( (' tlOm tournc\~ n ('nter ,our naml \ .. oClll1on held Tur cia, \Vednl'"da,\ and I , \u~u .. t :1 ::\1 r J n hn B Roxln of Cornell \\ e I throug:hT traftlc \ lolalton nO\\ Thur~cla\ 01 thl "eck m Phlindelplll:l I r IIIformat)()n con nnme: the tomna \t I mlltm on :\.Iondn l\el11np: nur I ncm 10 ('hlr_l 01 the coBtcOnn of On ue"cla\ Juh "')1 tht 111f\\111 '\ Hl I Il(n (l II I IHI I 111 nthlf tl111 ... I\tn tit tlu \\uk tIlt I "\\10 lomnutt('e Ilt\\tr jlr llm'tr I)r tht: II \\llll till ,I J ( S UIl\\rll ::\oInt 11 (olhdui \\Itl mI 1 Il(lorhlphonl: [I1111'" I Burl hlllmlll\\tlt 1l11lld I :\1 BUlh Operetta Soon at Longwood I month htln Illotted t) tht :\ltlhotll 1 jlml!.' nn S\\arthmnre "tnut \t Cu]1 II'rolll , S\\IIIuthm )re ~) R nel tr III )lort Ittlln::\11 ,. (hurch It Imone haHn!! tlo\\er" to con :-1.,("nUe at 4 30 m thc Ifh:rnnon The \ In 'Ir Pmafon \\111 be '"n"... I., Ti,e °r'nd, • Grlftm :\1 r I P III I II ro\\ n ., D " ~:~~1,lhS6\~)1l tl.r~t[o(lrh,o~e~lr~h~;:!:\ (~~~~~~: I \\a" damlJ!cd hut no.one \\a" lDJur('d Chlrle Thltchcr and :Ml" Sarah \\lDer.. I thclr htth annual Gilbert and ~ Alaskan Movie at Strath Haven I Harr "'ohnlln :\.1r I \ Jrnkm" jSuUnan opcrC'tta at lon ... "ood Gardens ~he ,\111 ~ce that th~\ are called for and At R b i ' R • "nll\, If I. J I F I unl \" the P S duPont (, ..talc on the ('\emnnS -'nt ". Ph,I'II,II.h ••.. "h"re .he, Irc dl" epu lean ecepbon ., m neat g:ro (... I .. .. Klonehke a thnlhn..! mo\ Ie of the u"llal the \\0 nmm the Fnend lof :\u ... u.. t 6 '7 and 8 Thc ea"t, numberItnhuted to ho~pltal and to tho e \\ho~e :\lr J Pa....morc Che\nc\ ot Rut cr trOlrn :'\orth ~tarnm.! thc acc fl\Cr Com :\1eehn!! \\llIllnp H the "amh\lche m!! 110 1<; ('oml)o~ecl of talcnted \\llmmg: htart" are o\Cf\\helnwf! h\ the ~I_ht and "('nur anti :\1r and l\Ir" Peter I Tolel mancler Frmk Ha\\k(' anti I \Ie Talhot ThC're \'111 he ponH (or the clulclren !ton (o]k" \\Ith Fredeflck \V \V\att (l1r('c ira ranc(' 01 the hloom" \\hlCh the .. "0 01 Park \\rnue \\ere gu(' t nt thl ~a ,\111 1)( lIlt It Iture pre"entatlnn at the al!lIn till 'tar Itor and \\ \\ I amI Jr manager r Ireh Jl(l~ e tlOn ,1 Rt puhhlan Comnultc( la t \\cl.'k {ml nun II pre tnted tomorro\\ nt,..!ht at :0:; 1:;: \ mlctm to make the ]a"t mInute DI pla\ of Ihe lamed elt:Ctnc \\ ater In June the Friend ::\hdll1.! "a" 10 at the l-Itl he\ !-Intel Hrr h(\ PI to at at Strath Ha\l:n Inn \d(htlOnal "hort arrm_tm{'nt \\111 he held at S Iiountam follo\\ the open air mU"lcal rhlr ... ( 01 thc cnlhttulU \u U t \\111 h( hocl t]ll r('{("ptlon md hanqlHt 1\rn lor uhJC'CI "III he ~h()\\n odock :\IOlldl\ (\{nmfY \U"II~t 3 la ... mfl' Th( ciouhle fC'aturl' proO'ram ban tht PIC'l)\llrtm Church turn lu(i SlP John H .. mllton chauman 01 thc Commit \11 ~\\arthm()nan arc conhllh m\1trd m Borou_h llaJJ I mnuII hem lit 1m th(" BO'. Cluh \VI]m t( mllf tlu.: f 11 cop II trt t 1 attend 1._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.1 In_ton 611NTEREST ---.-IN LOCAL I BRIDGE CLUB MEETS [ I PIRATES HIT EAGLES IN JUNIOR BASEBALL I I( I I I I I [ TED AND CLIFF EBUR I WIN MEN'S DOUBLt'S I I j 30 I Dr and Mrs ~rno Vlehoc\{'r, o( Rutgers h('nue, \\ rc c llled to \lIantll: Cit} ~ J b ...t Frida) \\ hen Ihor daughtcr 1\11"S Ellen , It hoc\ er \\ ho \\ IS "pendmg; t\\ 0 \\ ceks at thl rr~ort \\ a~ tncken \\ Ith appendicilis and ru~hed to the hosplta] MI"'5 VIC hoe\er \\[lS dl"chlrged "Ithout an opera lion and \\Ith hcr parcnts returned to S" uthmore nn S Iturda\ • No. LOeALINDIANSLEAD LACROSSE LEAGUE ethlck Th( hlJ!h hl!hb of the fir"t \\nk of 111\ 1 (xcdkm pltchmg of Dlcksun for tht Jllr 11{ s \\ ho I!-... ued four \\ alks .. truck out nlnl lJatt~rs and ga\C onc hit that a "lnl!l( In dcfealmg: the Cubs .. 1 I he luttmg o( Polk o( thc Puates had tl\e hltS out of SIX hmes It bal, 1\\0 homers, a tnple a double and a "lOgIc h cJrl\lD.... ID four runs and .. cormg fl\e 111m Dr and Mr" Thomas H Jo nson of .. elf :\1 tgll Road, left Wedncsda\ morntrl~ for 1 he J!ood fleldmg o( the Slugg<'r trI dr 1their summcr h( me The Elm" Dcnmark featm,.! the Eagles 92 made thr<'e (louhlr Me Dr John on \\111 return to S\\arth pll\ s m addition to pIa) m,.. fla" lc"s hall more on \u..,u"t "7 T\\ 0 \\ ('('ks latcr. \U\ Ith \Ic:..:ander McKenZie of Han ard nI I •Ie II ( There I" a "chedule game planci ('Hr\ hc ,\ III ).!:O to 1\.It \Va ..hmgton Monda\ \Vedne"da\ and Fnda\ (,Hnmg" tn "'pC'nd l\\ 0 \\ceks makmg co"mlc nep:mnm,.! at 6 4~ P !II at the Rulgns r 1\ oh"cn IlIOn" \\('nuc "chool p;round:. AU 110\S bel\Hcn Ln route to Mame Dr and Mrs John~on thl tg:e:; o( 12 and 15 arc m\lted to "'I ... n I \\111 stop m Ne\\ \ ork \\here a boat carn up \\ Ilh onc o( the..e tcame;; At the ph "ent I mJ! "hip recordm!! apparlus has Ju"t re tlllle Ih(" Cubs ha'\ c a {e\\ pO~ltlOns \ amnt turncd from thc C mbbc m dIU to members lea'\mg for "ummer re ort~ Mr ] B \\e~t JOined Mrs \Vc"t mil their {almh at HarH\ Cedar.. ~ J on Tuc~da\ for In 1\\0 \\ccks \acatlOn HIS An Antidote For Boredom lither :\lr \\ 1111 1m H West of Pnnceton ! II I\e \OU e'\er tned thiS anl1(10te (or 1 \\cnue I" "pendmg thIS \\eek \\lth hml bOfeclom?~ThTO\\ )our"elf \\holeheartedh i 1\1r" Hnard Barne" and MI~" Helena mto \ our \\ ork whatever It I~ You II he Po"t B Irne" of ~e\\ Ha\ en Conn \\ ere ~urJln"ed at ho\\ mtercstmg )OU "In fand I the g:uc"t~ of Dr mtl Mr~ Thomas H fhen at the clId of the £la\ "hen J ohn"on o( ::\laj!11 Road II~t \\ cek end It \OU arc pleasant!) (atlgued dash mto \our Mr anel ::\.1r.. Hugh A McLam and rhll bath dose )our mmd to the cla\ and tts cltln of :\:orth Tona,\anda ~ Y \\111 Jlroblem~ dres.'" (or the e\ cnmg l t ont trfl\ c lnmorro\\ Mr McL lin \\111 "pend and cnJO) eler) nllnute o( It -\IHI \\htn the \\uk end md the othcr.. ~ome hme bedtime come" )OU 11 slecp hke a dull longn \\11h ::\Ir" Mel am'" parcnt" Mr If )OU are a \\omen, heres anothcr "lire and ::\tr "Ilharn H We"t of Pnnceton \\a\ of a'\Oldmg horedom ah\ t\~ bt m hcnue 100e' Then are "0 III m, plu(' to go Illil :\11 lIlel ::\.lr HlroM f \\hlll formeri\ )llopl ... to kno\\ and thm!! lo H GQI QQ QGQQQQ :0 Q" 00 b ass and pi ere. ontinue from here to ••••••••••. Order Tickets Now ••••••• ••• Tobyhanna on Route 50'1 and 611 for cat- THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS ~ fish and trout in nearby. streams. Also SUNDAY : "THE BRANDYWINEIlS" : down through the heart of the Pocono First Day School closed for the l!Iunamer. Do Your Banking : 5th Gilbert a: SuW....n : Mountain districts with aU its fine and 11 zOO A. JI._M:eethul' fM Worship III. the famous trout fishing, to Stroudsburg. The lIeetin1' Bouae. ~ trout season closes July 31, with the lake FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. sctENTtST, : ·'PINAFORE" :• and salmon trout season closing Septcmber OF SWARTHMORE THE SWARTHMOREAN • $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 July 27, 28 In That Famous Musical Stage Hit ROSAUND RUSSELL 01 all our July 24, 25 ROBERT TAYLOR LORETTA YOUNG FRANCIS LEDERER MONTGOMERY CLEARANCE ---- DICK POWELL 'THE KING STEPS OUT' ROBERT ABSOLUTE SHIRLEY TEMPLE ~~~~~~~~~THE~~~~AR~THM~~O~~~·~-~~~------------~~-~~~--~--~3 JULY 24, 1936 - ...... 8eDefit-Bo,.' CIu..., WiImIDwtO. . . . .~ 29. C reek are bass and trout. lan rl SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Bank and Trust Company Member Federal Depo.it ~ iJl,9fted to atIiIDd. . . . . . . ~O.-!I~I)OOI~looJl!+1OI-llooJl~Ho<-O ~ IeeI ami .e tbe Peedin.. - . AU are In.u~ce 0 Q : :-:-..~,<..:-»>: CorporatioD : : : ~ e a Q a Q, Ga Q CI Ga : Q a 0 e D.t JULy 24, 1936 'DIE SWARTHMOREAN At the J an sd_ NEWS NOTES LawreDce A. Woodruff, 01 the Home New,; Scoop Glaser, 01 the New York Mirror, and Philip Krugman, of TranlRadio Press, visited Swarthmore last week as part 01 a press survey 01 leading college The story of "The Good Fairy" concerns a young lady of Vienna whose ODe aim ID life is to make people happy, aDd who lets DO moral scruples interfere with her goodnatured plans. Her efforts to bring people good fortune involve a very ethical lawyer, a very unethical business man and a very handsome head-waiter In a series 01 ludicrous situations. Duley Cooper will play the name role, originated by Helen Hayes. As the lawyer whose immoral wife she pretends to be, Charles Francis will play a part which he has already done in New York with great succeES. Others 01 the Robin Hood Theatre troupe in the cast will bc Robert C. Schnitzer, Virginia Reilly, Brant Gorman and Alva Brixey. Mr. Francis will play the male lead and direct as well. The program for July 29, 30, 31 and August 1 will feature "Her Cardboard Lover!' repairs and equipment, these donations were opportuDe and much appredated. To raise funds, coin card& are being distributed in an effort to secure aid for needed purposes. • Shaw Festival at H q _ Sherii'. Olflee. Court H"- _ Pa. Prido>- luIT Ilot. IOU 8.10"- II.. ~ S _ TIme Con4it1ou--f250.00 cuh or cerU8ed check at time of nle (unJeN, otherwise .tatec! iD. uverillemeDt). balance In ten Other eondlUoM on dQ' of .ale.. daJ'.. Continuing the annual Shaw Festival the presentation at the Hedgerow rfheatre, towns 01 the East. Moylan-Rose Valley, OD Friday, July 24, is '·Candida," first play in the Hedgerow Levari Facia No. 861 Mrs. John Fritz, of Douglas, A~ona, repertory. This year"s cast has Miriam IIareh Term, 1,a6 will leave today after stopping for a week Phillips (in the role formerly essayed by All that eertaln tract or piece of laDd with with her nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Ann Harding), supported by Harry Shepthe manalon bOUM thereon erected .Itoat. OIl pard, David Metcalf and Robert HaDley. the nortbeast aide of Msln .treet la the Bor. Robert T. Bair, of Cornell Avenue, while The thirty-filth perlormance 01 "Saint oUlrh of Darby. County of Delaware and State on an extended trip through the East. ]oan" closes the first week of the Third of Pennsylvania. Shaw Festival on Saturday night. Shaw's Miss Eleanor Olmcs, daughter of Mr. official biographer, Archibald Henderson, Bea"lnnlng at a atone in the middle of said and Mrs. C. Wahl Olmes, 01 Cornell AveM.in atreet, a corner of land now or late of proclaims it lithe greatest play in English Joel J. Balle)!': thence b:r the same north nue, is recovering nicely from an operation since Shakespeare." It has been in Hedge- aevent)' degrees 8ve minute. flfty-Bve aeconds performed recently at Saranac, N. Y. She row's repertory since its introduction in eaat seven hundred feet and twenty one-bun_ wiD soon undergo another operation which 1934. Catherine Rieser now plays Saint dredtb8 of • foot to a atone In • line of land it is hoped will effect a cure. now or late of J'oeepb Buntinlr: thence by the Joan. Mrs. Olmes is spending the summer in aaJDe .outh fifteen decrees twenty-two minutes Monday, ] uly 27, sees the opening of New York State in order to be near her weat two bundred eigbt:r-aeven feet and ae'V_ "Getting Married," seventh Shaw play in daughtfr. Mr. Olmes recently returned enty-three one-bl!ndredths of a foot to a gum thE: festival (eleventh in the entire reper- tree; thence 50Uth seventy degreea five minutes after a two-weeks' visit there. tory). The action of the play is continu- 8fty-Ove aeeonda west five hundred and teD ous for two and a half hours; but Direc- feel. to a point In the center line of said Main Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Snyder removed tor Deeter has arranged for one audience street;: thence along the said center line of last week from their apartment on Dartintermission. The marriageable couples are Main street north twenty-nine degreea west Rescue Deparbnent Removed and played by Eleanor Wilson and Harvey Ofty-two feet and five-tenths of a toot to a mouth Avenue, Mr. Snyder is spending the summer at the home of his mother, and thene!! continuing aJonlr the center Cared for 747 Unwanted Welch. Rose Henley and Harry Shep- IIplke line of Main .treet north twenb'..tx detrftea Mrs. W. C. Snyder, on Yale Avenue, while Fred MacMurray and Carole Lompard j while spice is added by the presence weat one hundred elghb'-two feet and twentyAnimals in One Month his wife is employed at the Philadelphia bard. favorite .creen sweetheart team one-hundredtha of a foot to the first of a marital triangle in which Betty Fuller eight mentioned point aud place of beglnLlng. General Hospital for the summer months. .ince uHands Acroa. the Table," are There being no Board meetings of the plays the divorcee, Alfred Rowe being the co-starred acain in "The Prince•• Improvements consist of two and one.hall County Society for Prevention of ex-husband and David Metcalf, the new atory Delaware atueco houae. 42x8G feet; porcb; twoMr. and Mrs. Theodore Widing, of Comea Acro••." openinl' Friday at the in principal roles are attachment. Others Cruelty to Animals at Media during July story brlek and frame addition. 18x18 feet; ~Icdia, spent last week and this week in Lansdowne Theatre. frame and addition. 6x18 teet: oneand August, reports of activities and work Mahel Sheppard and Ferd Noler, Jay one-story story atone and frame bulldine. 12x21 feet· Maine. During their absence Mrs. W. C. David and Miriam Phillips. The play will two-story atone and frame bam and w~~ accomplished in ] une were submitted to Snyder, of Yale Avenue, is remaining in flhe-l. 24x4.0 feet; frame ehlcken botllle 6x9 the department chairmen by the Superin- be repeated Tuesday night. teet. • their home with Theodore Widing, Jr. tendent. It was shown 26 complaints of ·'Heartbreak Houseu-Shaw's story on Sold as the property or John B. Simpson cruelty were rccf'ived, investigated and ad- English themes in the Russian manner, is mortJ!'Qor and Matilda Terhune. wife of Mrs. ]. Paul Brown and sons, Jim and justed according to conditions found. in- the attraction Wednesday night. Jasper sell Terhune. real owner. Dick, of Walnut Lane, spent Monday and volving 7 horses, 3 cows, 4 calves, 13 dogs, Deeter plays Captain Shotover. The time Hand MoneY-$500.00. 'fuesday at Island Heights, N. J., where 8 cats, 10 rabbits, 4 birds. and coops of is during the late Wor1d War in England. they visited Mrs. Brown's aunt, Mrs. The- Large and Varied Program Be- poultry. Inspections were made at 9 ridRODEnT W. BEATrY. Attorney. Thursday's offering is Shaw's satire on odore Beck. gins Next Thursday and Con- ing academies, where horses found with war and service, "Arms and the Man." sore backs or thin were ordered not to be Original Strauss music from "The Choctinues Until August 2 Levari Facias No. lOU used. Poultry markets were visited, reSprightly French folk ballads, mournful lieving overcrowding and lack of fresh olate Soldier" is being introduced in this Much Term. 1936 spirituals of the Negroes, strangely beau- water. Aid was given in several cases of new production of an old comedy favorite that has been in the schedule since July, FOR REm All that certain lot or piece of ground with tiful prayer songs of the Seneca Indians, fallen horses, in one case requiring the the buildings and Improvements thereon eitu. 1927. Helen Alexander, Mary Esherick, FOR RENT-Portion of house with UBe or ballads of the Scotch, Pennsylvania Ger- humane disposal of a horse. A fine of ate in the DoroURh of Swarthmore. Cou;"ty of Harry Sheppard and ] asper Deeter are the DeJaware and State of Penll8:rlvaala. and more kitchen. Partially furniabed if desired. mans, Conestoga wagoners, and hymns $10.00 and costs was paid by a man who particularly bounded aud described III rolJowa: Telephone: Swarthmore 680. comedians of this production. composed in Pennsylvania wiIl all be heard ill-treated a dog. FOR RENT-Inglis' apartment. second floor. in the Pennsylvania Folk Festival at BuckThe second performance of "The Devil's Beginning on the soutbweaterlY .Ide of In the Rescue Department 747 unwanted Haven avenue at the distanee of one six rooma, bath. porch. garage. Telephone: Disciple" closes the festival on Friday Strath nell University which opens at Lewisburg, animals were removed and cared for, inhundred twenty-six and ninety-two hundredths Swarthmore 779. (126.92·) north aeventy-three deareea Pa., next Thursday, July 30, and continues cluding 483 cats, 261 dogs and 3 birds. night, July 31. This stirring play 01 early feet forty-four minutes ('l8° "4') west from Cornell FOR RENT-At The Harvard, housekeeping American patriots and tories, has in its cast avenue. Containing in front eb:ty-tbree feet apartment with fireplace and two porches. until Sunday evening, August 2. New flomes were secured for 20, and 4 Alfred Rowe as Minister Anderson, Rose (68') and alendlng in deptb aouthweatwardlJ Telephone: Swarthmore 149-W. Pennsylvania's greatest tournament of lost dogs restored to owners. The ambubetweeu parallel lines at right anala one hunHenley as his wife; Ferd Nofer as the dred twelve and ftve.tentha feet (112.5'). traditional lore and minstrelsy will include lance responded to 317 calls, travelling 1499 WANTED radical, ne'er-do-well i others in the cast of twenty-five Indians from the a tribe At the cemetery several new grave miles. WANTED-26 in. or 28 in. elrl's bieye1e. Telebeing Catherine Rieser, Betty Fuller, Her- Bounded on the aoutheaat. lIOuthwe!lt and State's only reservation, numerous choral lots were procured by owners for burial of northwest by Janda now or late of Geome phone: Swarthmore 271-.T. bert Walton, Walter Williams, and Mar- Gillespie. of the early trades groups, representatives pets. New photos of the Shelter buildings, WANTED-A home for a wen-behaved tiger shall Gatchell. Improvements eonslst of two and one-halt kitten found on North Chester Road several and occupations of the Commonwealth, and grounds and cemetery were taken, to be On Saturday night, August 1, UKit Mar- story brick Bnd stucco bouse. 30:z:3& :feet; briek weeks ago. Telephone: Swarthmore 476-W. of the various races and peoples which used in making slides for the Humane Edgarage. 10x20 feet. WANTED TO BUY-In Wallingford, Rose make up a cross-section of Pennsylvania. ucation Department in its fan school work. lowe," by Maria Coxe. a modem dramaSold as the property of Casp.r P. Sbarpleu, Valley or Moylan-a modern six or eight More than eight hundred will participate The Society was greatly heartened by tization of Elizabethan England, whose room house in nice location. Box 307. Swarthmortgagor. terre tenant and real owner. characters include Queen Elizabeth, Sir in the four-day Fete. the receipt of several unexpected contribumore. Walter Raleigh, Lord Francis Bacon and J. DeRAVEN LEDWARD, Attomey. The Indians will open the program tions from animal lovers in Philadelphia PERSONAL the Ear} of Essex, will be given with all Thursday evening, after which folk songs and Delaware State. Owing to recent NATHAN P. PECHIN. Attorney. PERSONAL-Seashore Vacation. Month of of the Pennsylvania races will be sung. heavy expenses in ambulance and Sheller its romance, intrigue and mystery. AugusL Girls 8 to 16. Telephone: Swarth· Ukrainian coat miners will perform native more 190 for particulars. dances, 50 Clearfield County Negroes will LOST sing spirituals, French folk from the sa.me LOST-ThuhJday. July 16, white silk change county will sing folk tunes. Pennsylvania purse containing about $25.00. Reward. Germans will portray games and dances, Notify the Swarthmorean. and will sing ballads and lullabies of the LOST-Tuesday. blaek kitten with white mark- race. ings. Reward. Telephone: Swarthmore 1244. On Friday afternoon, mountain tunes will be played, and ballads of the Pelltlsyh'ania Anxious to Sell-$9500 Germans, English, Scotch, and \Vestern Modem. 4 bedroom coUage. Lot 80 x 175. $SOOO can remain. Rent $60 a month. Pennsylvanians will be sung by seventyAlao $860o-aeven rooms Daly. Ten per four-year-old Mrs. Hannah Sayre, of Pittscent. calb requlr-ed. burgh, a descendant of witch doctors. Indians will perform two more danccs, folWM. S. BITTLE Swarthmore Ill-J lowed by pioneer Pennsylvania lumberjacks, Notary Public - Inaurance - Real Estat. river raftmen, and bituminous coal miners, led by lOO-year-old George Kirk, a river raftsman. Jig dancers and fiddlers, none PETER E. TOLD under 7S years of age, will perform. Three more Indian dances, songs of the AU Line. of Insurance Conestoga wagoners and bal1ads of the Inciudiull Life Pennsylvania canal boatmen and early railNotary Publlc roaders are on the Friday evening program. SW.I833 Pennsylvania German occupations are to be 417 DARTMOUTH AVE. depicted, and sea chanteys of old Philadelphia sung. Stephen Foster's works will be sung by a close friend of his family Saturday afternoon, and river rafting tunes will be Electrical Contractor played. German folk songs are to be heard, Telephone Swarthmore 58 after which more than 100 Boy and Girl Scouts and Campfire Girls of the Susquehanna Valley area will be admitted into the Indian tribe, receiving real Indian ESTATE OF GEORGE A. HOADLEY, deceased. late of the Borough of Swarthmore. names. Saturday evening will feature a County of Delawan. and State of Pennsyl- contest for the square dancing championvania. LETTERS Testamentary in the above Es- ship of the state, and numerous other statetate having been Kranted. to the undersigned. wide competitions. A great hymn sing all persons having dalms or demands apinat Sunday afternoon will close the festival. the Estate of the said deeedent are requested to make known the same. and all persona InAll of the events will be held in the debted to the said decedent are requested to Stadium. Bucknell make paflDent, without delay, to REPORT SHOWS ACTMTY OF S. P. C. A. PA. FOLK FESTIVAL AT BUCKNELL UNIY. Bus:. CLASSIFIED --- A. Wayne Mosteller ---+-.-Group to Sew at Mrs. Waller's FANNIE B. HOADLEY, 518 Walnut Lane, Swarthmore. Pa. Executrix. MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON JOSEPH Eo QUINBY ERNEST Go SNODCRASS, ASS·T. FUNERAL DlRECrORS MEDIA. P.... BELL PHONE 4 YE Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER, Prop. Swarthmore 19 $2.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., JULY 31. 1936 , UBRARY TO CLOSE AFfER TOMORROW FORTY-SIXTH ANNUAL COUNTRY WEEK PICNIC TO BE HELD HE~ NEXT WEDNESDAY Mothers and Children of Philadelphia Poor Diatrieta Once liPiD Fine Sixth Inning Rally Ranks as Will Enjoy Hospitality of Borough Residents Who Still Keep Tune-Honored Custom Good End to Triple-Win Kates,. ~I Sal~m, N. J., .was .appreheDded Special Leniencies in for dnvlDg Without a rCgIStratlon card and I having a license tag hanging loose. He was! Cover Recess from i Effect to August At 9.05 next Wednesday morning, August \preciatiOn of the mothers and children for Hornet Week warned and released. 3 to 17 5, a special train will leave the Broad Street the brief holiday, they are amply repaid • On Saturday at 1.40 A. M. Clarence Station of the Pennsylvania Railroad in and ready to start out on the next year's By Allen W. Harna Hyland Smith, of Betterton, Md., was arTomorrow morning and aHernoon, SaturThe Hornets' sensational sixth inning 6-3 rested for speeding and improper passing day, August 1, will be the last times the Philadelphia, laden with five hundred plans. And, after forty-six years, it is mothers and children bound for a holiday only the very newest residents of the win over Lin,,~ood on Tuesday brought to and fined $10 and costs on the former Swarthmore Public Library will be open in Swarthmore. Borough who do not look fonvard to mak- a close a highly successful week in which charge. }. Sidney Altshuler, of Chester, until the regular afternoon and evening Arriving here about 9.30 the visitors will ing their contribution as part of the routine the local club defeated Morton 3-2 and who was arrested at the same time for hours of Monday, August 17. be welcomed at the local station by Chair- of each summer. Those who go away Chester 14-0. speeding, was scheduled to appear next The issuance of double the number of man E. M. Buchner and the members of and are therefore unable to donate home~ The Linwood battle probably ranks as Monday. . books ordinarily permitted on one card is his transportation committee who will con- made ricc puddings, cakes or cookies, send the hest Hornet playing of the season, and At 8.50 Saturday everung C. W. Reh~ being allowed this week. duct them in automobiles to the picnic cash to help defray the many expenses its sixth inning rally in which the local ~ann. of UpJ?Cr Darby, was ar.rested for Books taken out this week may be kept • until the last day on which the Library grounds at Emmons Grove where the eve'lt necessarily incurred. Mr. Pierce will be men hit four singles, two two-baggers, and Improper passmg.. has been held for some years past. Here happy to receive any delinquent ca!:h con- a triple stands out as the finest example of At 8.30 ~unday evemng, ] o:;eph DerrIck- has hours during the week of the 17th they will be served with fresh milk and tributions or they may be Jeft at the Hornet ability and courage. son, a resident of Upland,. \~as ar.rested without penalty, or in the case of payamuse themselves in various ways-the SWARTIIMOREAN Office. W·th th e t aII y 3 _I agamst . th em, thewarned, and released for dn\'mg Without 5 heII b 00 ks Wit . h out add·11IonaI • I l' c harge being women and some children reclining in hamThe of many persons are alro H ornet men raII·Ied su dd enly, and started a At Icense. . d when the Library is 'd d services h 9.30 P M S d W·llia C F rna d e I or t he peno mocks stretched between trees, others play- nee e at t e grounds each year. However, pounding out long one after long one until . . un ay 1 m . ore- clo~d. iog games or riding the poni~ which will Sw.arthmore mothers are urged to keep five men bad come I·n over home plate. man, Not only js this a good opportunity to rr Stanley t d I Johnson, th t ffiof Edd of t Media. and h Id be available. cfrom J ren undo cr. two elve years of age away., Smith's triple was the highlight of the ys one, was a es e or ru ra IC the p d 'd d violation at Chester and Fairview Roads. have plenty of time to enjoy that book I' ICDlC 10 or er to aVOI un ue Igame, and proved vastly encouraging to B th t ppear f h · A t you have been wanting to get, but it will At noon the many sandwiches, rice pud. k con USlon. the Hornet club. 0 are 0 a or eanng on ugus dmgs, ca est ice cream, and coffee, for M 3 also be of great advantage to the school ~. Edward A. !enkins is in cha~ge o! Cheyney deserved much credit for the . 0 W d ' children of the Borou"h who are now which the committee has engaged in earnest at the Fnends LI·nwood wl·n. He pl·tched good ball and n e nesday everung Edward Fitz~ reading lists and . makmg the sandWIches solicitation these last few weeks, will be M . H ' m· I R·dl P k . k d t working on their summer ng . ouse and desires volunteers to allowed the visitors only three hits. In aunce, 0 disposed of with great rapidity and zest. . I ey ar " was pIC e up a who will find the many books contained additl·on, he was respon..·ble lor a tn·ple Chester Road and Park Avenue for drunkaid JD thiS branch. of the work. Of the five hundred guests, sclected each M H d ·tt d t M di ··1 f therein especially separated on the shelves 0 e a J31 or rs. arold Goffin, Mrs. J. Paul Brown, and a two-bagger hl·msell and did some enneSS:in comml e "car by the Philadelph,·a Country Week M Ch I T ' thO t d ys h Mag.. •t I R 01 the local Library as published ,·n the J rs. ar es hatcher and Miss Sarah Barr good base running for the local team. It y a y ra e umsey. SWARTIIMOREAN last week. Other batters of note were Renshaw At 6.05 P. M., \Vednesday, the Fire Association to attend the picnic given by h~ve di~ected thc soliciting. John Friel whose neat double popped high out into Company. responded to a call from 317 \Vhether your taste in summer reading the Swarthmore Country Week Picnic As- wdl be In charge of the grounds. sociation, about four hundred are childen. A final meeting for last minute changes th t d d ht L' d Brighton Avenue, where a fire in a closet runs to light or heavy fiction, the detective They come from the various poorer ~I'':- and the arrangement of details will be held :fla~ ~u ~rdgarMe~~~. caug 'th lD~~O m l en was easily extinguished with slight prop· story or something like the "Tragedy of tions of Philadelphia to enjoy a valuabl'" t 8 • I k M . - 00 e, c 1 lams WI \\0 C ean erty damage. NiJ'insky," you can satisfy it at the Swarth"I a 0 c oc next onday evemng August . I d S · t h h I I . th . day in the country with rest fresh air and, 3 • th C ·1 Ch h ' h smg es, an ml w ose ove y SIX In• more Public Library. So close is the J·udgd h I f d b 10 e ounCI am er at Boroug ning triple has been mentioned goo .w 0 esome 00 a oun ng. Hall. The Hometmen had a mournful start in ment of the book committee to that Qf It IS always a lot of work for the local The train conveying the people back to the Linwood game The first four innings popular approval as registered by book C~airman, Harvey R. Pierce, and the com-I Philade1phia is scheduled to leave Swarth- were scoreless for' them, and in the fifth s:ales throughout the ~ountry, that the local mltte~ h~ads and members to prepare for ~or~ at.5.11 P. M. In case of rain the they rated only one run. Their opponents,· library shelves have nmeteen of the twentythe plcmc but, each year, when t?e day I PIC~IC wdl be held the first clear day fol- however, had batted out two runs in the one novels currently listed as best sellers. comes at last and they see the genwne ap-. JOWIng. second, and one in the fourth. Buckman Beats Brown· Lingle That is pretty near to a perfect score and Then came the sixth in which Hornet Loses to Tomlin.c::n. if you haven't read the new hooks listed Around the World Movie at Inn balters walked away with the Linwood Ewing WInS' below, youto have two one chaDces, today and withdraw or more to hold Saturday, , moundsman, and pounded over the initial B AU W H • th '~oyage of Your Dreams," a travel and keystone sacks and the hot corner in y eD • ama you over e next two weeks when the mOVIe of.a trip a~und"the world, wiT! be. rapid' succ~on. Wolfe"pounded out a SwaEt,~orets..mid-summa. temDi. touma- Library will he clOied for the sUmmer refeatured m the pIcture show to be gIVen single, Renshaw a double, McWilliams, ments under the direction of Fawcett and ceSS. Recently acquired' titles are: .at the ,S.trath Haven Inn tomorrow at 8.15 Weiss, and Abernathy hit singles, and Longwell came to a dose this week when Light Fiction: Pirates Defeat Sluggers and P. M. Cheyney and Smith a double and triple Pres Buckman. deleat.d Bill Brown 6-4, Baidwin, Private Duty; HoltoD, Stormy Eagles to Rank Tops in "On the Air and Off," uGoing Places with respectively. 6-2, 5-7 1 6-.l to gain the junior tennis Weather; Loring, Give Me One Summer· • Ball L h prize) Helen Tomlinson beat Petra Lingle Ri h D ' JUDlor owell Tomas," and a cartoon, "The The Linwood VictOIY came merely as a 6-3, 6~2 for the girl's award, and Ewing ne art, octorj Rosman, Mother of the Bride; TickeU, Fly A,iay Blackbird; \Vith a golden opportunity before them Happy Pilgrims," will be shown in addi- conclusion to an already successful week. Th H ts 14 I . h won over H. Buckman 6-4, 2-6, 7-5 in Wheatley, Saturday at Hazeldines. tion to the main feature. to hand out a smarting defeat to the e orne -0 c ean-up agamst t e the boy's contest. Detective Stories: Pirates and thus tie the unbeaten club, the Swarthmoreans are cordially invited to Smedley team of Chester was indicatory Hard-fought semi-finals led up to the Allingham, Flowers for the Judge; Child Sluggers muffed their chance 'last week attend. of the trend of renewed vigor and ability. championship matches which were held Diamond Ransom Murders; Dyer, Catalyst Abernathy pitched a nice game in which Sunday under a warm sun and with a and handed the Pirates the game by tl:.eir :lubj Goldman, Judge Robinson Murdered' foolish base running and poor fielding. the Chester boys rated only three singles. strong breeze fanning the College Avenue King, Profile of a Murderer i Queen, Ha1f~ Because of this win, The Pirates won the Shelly and Weiss added their support by courts. Johnny Nasby played good tennis way House; Sanborn, Murder on the first half-championship of the league. knocking outwas two the hits si'tth each. innin.,. which m • h·l!i fi rst set, an d saw one or two of his Again it Aphroditej Shanks, Dark Green Circle' .o,e opponent's balls in the final rounds. Although defeated, the Sluggers have the TeiIhet, Feather Cloak Murders; Vander~ distinction of being the only team to knock marked th~ Horn.ets' highpoi~t of achieveUpete" Lingle played Ellen Viehoever in cook. l\furder in Fiji; Walling, Corpse with twirler Dickson out of the box. Led by ment. Smith agaID rated a tnple and Ren- the semi-finals and won after a well-played a Dirty Face. Thorpe, the Sluggers' centerfielder, the dcshaw hit out a lovely double. Jennings, t h B D I I t "H ." Will Play "Nightmare" Game whose playing shows distinct improvement, m .. c. etty DUg as oS to enme Tomlinson 2-6, 1·6 to givc Helen her Serious Novels and Non-Fiction: feated team managtd to roll up a fonnidable tally of hits. Thorpe alone rated a With Former BaD Players pounded a single. chance in the finals. Boileau, Clansman j Bourman, Tragedy of fine triple and a long single. Next Tuesday Evening The Morton game was hard-fought in Thus it was that the finals came about Nijinsky; Brace, Islands; DeKalb, Far Clayton, Sluggers' pitcher, did a good every way. It called for the best in Hor- with Brown against Buchman, Lingle Enough; Frost, Further Range; Godcbaux, By Allen W. Harri. net hurling, fielding, and slugging. Smith against Tomlinson, and Ewing pitted Stubborn Roots; Jacob, Honor Come Back; job. His fast ban and his sharp breaking "My team will certainly w' " em I hurled a nice game although the Morton against Harvey Buckman. • I]arrett, Strange Houses; Johnson, Spring hook did serious damage to Pirate batting. ·d • game b ctween t h e Eages I and p h asJ7e . d nva . I coaches P orter WID, and F nays aite and men slammed out 'bl scven of his twirls, I' The junior matches held Sunday showed Storm; K ~IIey, S0 Fair a House; Lehmann, the Pirates saw the Pirates rating another Bill Shelly in referring to the famous Ih~ was resP;~1 c,. too,. fO: two ong hits. Pres Buckman and Bill Brown evenly !eather III .the Streets; McConnaughey, tI b b 11 b I d ~ BIll Shelly a a mce slOg c. matched. After a slow start, Brown picked Illage Chromcle i Malraux, Days of Wrath· dose call. Going into the sixth inning they " ight n mare ase a game to e p aye The past week rates definitely as one of M ' trailed the Eagles 4-2, but managed to at 6.30 next Tuesday evening, August 4. tI b t f th s R h S 'th up and played beautiful tennis in the third ann, Stories of Three Decades; MitchelJ, scrape together four runs on the basis of The combatu. t th d Ie es 0 • e e~n. ens aw, mi.' set to win over Buckman '1-5. Where Gone with the Windj Niles, Day of ImI and Shel1y did partIcularly fine work With B . . net game. meDSe S un; P hillips, House in Vienna' are I e mo ern one h it, three walks, and an error to nose H t d ng Sh IIearns ' h I . . rown .slipped up was on hIS out the Eagles 6-4. orne s un er e y s contro, and t e the other Hornetmen domg theu part well. H' d' I B ck Roberts, Vo!cano j Rothery, Finland, th; Uoldsters," a group of former baseball The "nightmare" game, . August 4, b IS ~ve and serve were equa to u man, N Gillian fcatured with a homer and a players under Coach Waite's th .ty . t h I th ' t ut hIS net game was weak and lazy and ew Nation; Sheean, Sanfelicc; Stevens, double to lead his team, the Eagles, in Waite states that he is sure that~. o~ . prom!ses 0 teto ne 0 e years mos in- undoubtcdly Jost several gamC5 for him. Nantucketj Untermeyer, Modern American h,·tt,.ng. CIa r ks on, the E a gles' t Wit . Ier, d·d IS ex- terestmg con es s. The st rong WID . d·Imped ed b 0 th Bro~n Poetry·' Vollard , Recollo·c Iions 0 I a p.IC t Ule 1 perienced" team will wipe up the field, and a finc job and limited the opponents to Shelly is equally positive that th H ts and Buckman, and kept them from playmg Dealer i Warbasse, Co-operative Demothree hits. Although their fielding was ex- witt "lick the panls off th th e or~~ Wanted: One Lone Contributor their best games. The same wind was cracYi \Vallace, So Long to Learn. · h·IDg good, t h Emissed ' e •0 er gang. m uch t 0 hiarne 10 . t h e T omI·IOson Win . over , ceIIent an d pItc eagles . . . . their chance in batting and thus lost the In a.ddillon to then promlSCS of VIctOry, If onh' one more public spirited citizen Lingle. Petra's hard drive seemed uncer- \ • ame. both SIdes charge that their opponents have had J·oi';ed Frank E. Williams and W. S. ta·,n d th h·!U· . ds did I·ttl t F.H.A. to Open Office m 69th SI. g b ht' ". " ,an eSI ngwin 1 eo On Monday, August 3, the second half of h~~Ug. ~n b°allngerst toI help them in this James in contributing to the Bascball Dol- aid it. The girls' finals were well-played by At a luncheon given by the FH A the J·um·or baseball sen·es opens, and 15 onc ase s rugg e. Jar Club last week the goal of $150 would both Tomll· . on .. nso n a nd .L·Ingle, an d sh owed IWednesday to prominent business. .execuBe that as it may, spirit runs high in now be attained instead of just $1.00 away. keen ability on both sldes. tives of Delaware County J Griffith promises to be a hard-fought contest with Cubs, Eagles, and Sluggers doing their best both camps, and all concerned are making Who will be the last contributor to the The hoy's contest between H. Buckman Boardman Eastern District Director f th to wipe up the Pirates. furious preparations for the coming seven fund to support the local Hornets team and Ewing were particularly interesting and I F. H. A. ~uggested the opening of : "P:--fore" --'d Fo.-tam·s at inning free-for-all. through this ~eason? u7n5usU~ltlY halrd-fOEug~t .. Tdh.e final h6-4'12-6, Street office and exhibition of building sup...-..an.... Bucky Harris, pitcher for the oldsters, • - \1IC ory or wmg 10 Icates tee ose- plies and materials. Longwood Gardens threatens to hurl a no-hit game, but other Renovale Borough Han Interior ness 01 the contest. Tb ·d . . E\'er since 1932 a midsummer musical members of his team, it is said, have Ewing had a smoother drive and a e I. ea w.as Im~ediately accepted and highlight at Longwood Gardens, the P. S. pleaded with him to allow the Hornets at A great improvement can already be slightly faster serve wliich gained him his la co!"mlttee mcludmg the following were 5('(:n as a. r~ult of the la5t three weeks' win. Buckman on the other hand played I,appomted. James Gal1agher, W. Harrison duPont estate, ncar Kennett Square, has least one short bunt. He may give in. . . B·II Z· I I " Patton John H McClatchy M tli B t been t he appearance of The Brandywmers' I legen us in the oldsters' left field is pro::!rcss on the interior of Borough Hall. a keen net game and showed remarkable j •• ' • • 0 e U en, group of Wilmington singers in a Gilbert doing his part to gain a.great victorv over \Vith about se\'('D \VPA workers on the speed on the courts W~II!am J. Devitt,]. \Valter Stubbs and J. . " Milton Lutz. and Sullivan revival. Thousands recall t h e young Hornets. He has, it is definitely job the upper and lower floor h:tlls have Considerable crowds of Swarthmore,\ns wth pleasure the presentations of "The stated, been practicing hundred yard dashes received new plaster ceilings and tbe walls watched the various tennis matches, and The new office will be in charge of Pirates of Penzance," "Iolanthe;' "The the last few weeks in case the Hornets have been cleaned and painted. New seemed well satisfied with the playing of George Barker and Mr. Griffith "ill be in Gondoliers" and "Princess Ida." accidentally hit one out his way. Which, doors were a we1come addition to the the contestants. Ithe field territory. The office will be open "Pinafore,'" considered the most popular he declares emphatically. is mo£t unlikely. garage next to thc Fire House. To date over a thousand names are Ifor a period of four months and will be Gilhert and Sullivan classic, bas been anThe line-up for the Hornets in this winIn another two weeks' time the work signed up as having played on the Swarth- Iopen for public use from 9 A. M. to 9 nounced for August 6, 7 and 8 with a chorus ner-take-all contest will be the same as in will be complete, oak floors will have been more courts, Fawcett and Longwell an- P. M. on weekdays. • of one hundred voices. Frederick \V. usual Hornet games. The oldsters have installed in both halls, the Council chamber nounced yesterday. This shows the popu· \~yatt is m~cal director and W. \V. Laird, enlisted th~ following experts: E. McCall, and the police department; oak treads larity of the local courts, and their imIndians Win J '! productIon manager. short-stop; Nick Carterl center field; placed on the stairS, and the woodwork re- portance in sportS' life. -Ba.ua beTh~ fam.ed duPont electric fou~tains ~iJIlHarriS, pitcher; A. Gwinn, third base; Bob finished. The entir~ renovation~ will ac- A doubles tournament was announced 'I The Swarthmore Indians Lacrosse t <:ta ~lspJa)e~ after the open-au mUSIcal ~eed, first base; Prent Manning, second compIish a most decided turn fbr the bet- for next week. Application for admittance strengthened its lead this Wednesda ~a;: a.,gain a benefit for the I base i Zicgcnfus. left field; Hayes, right ter in the appearance of the inside of the to the tournament should be made to Bill twith a 6-3 victory over the •~ u 0 I mmgton. i field, and Joe Kahler, catcher. building. Fawcett. ILacro5-~ Club. I I ee!1 ill HARD FOUGHT SETS MARK TENNIS MEET I. PIRATES CHAMPIONS .. -OF JUNlOR'·LEAGUE HORNETS TO MEET OLDSTERS IN GAME I I -I I' I I ' I 69J:. I I I Next week's meeting of the Needlework • Robin Hood Theatre BiU "The Good Fairy," one of the greatest comedy hits of both stage and screen, will be the bill at the Robin Hood Theatre, Arden, Del.. on the evenings of July 22, 23, 24 and 25. The author, Ferenc ~folnar, is famous as Europe's cleverest writer of slyly humorous farce. VOL. VUI, No. 31 'I Guild Sewing Group will be held at the usual time, 10 o'clock Tuesday morning, at the home of Mrs. J. Horace \Valter, on Cedar Lane. I PA. AB'ERwp 8ALI!'.S .Penn T/Je L.r.esl Fleet 01 Air.Conditioned Tr.iris lri tbe World A_=- Bo~~~gtl ~hlC!h Wa~el Phil~e~a INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE .. 1"1 \ JUL 311936 I SW~I~THM[)I~E CL ... _,_'iE. .... Ilm ... n lllllll.~ JULy 24, 1936 THE SWARTIlMOREAN 4 At the Lansdowne NEWS NOTES La\\ rence A \ \ 0( druff of the II omo \ Scoop GII~t r d the ~fU lork Nt'LS ,flrror ami l'hlhp K ru,.1ll In of 1 rfU'S RadIO Press \1"ltul S\\arthmore la ...t \\('('k I" part of I pn ~ "un t \ (f le"dmg: colll/!e The o;ton of The Good Fain' concuns }oun~ lad\ of \J(~nna "ho"c one 31m In hfe I" ttl makt! people hapJl\ and uho lets no moral "cruplc<;, Inlerfere \\ Ith her good n Ilund plan'" Hu d(orts to bnnJ,! pt:oplc goud fortune 1000l\C l '\(n l'thlea) 1.1\\ \U I \I'r\ undillc II hU"'ID("s m lD and a \( n h md"oml he Id \\ altt'f In a "cnes of a to\\ n~ oi the E I<:t Uuln COO)JU \\111 plt\ the nlme roll' rcpalr<:' and lqUl()mt'ol the"e donations "crc o()Jlortunr and much appreCIated To ralo;.c fund" rom card" arc bun/-: dl"tnlmlcd In an dfort to "'l'Cure aid for needcd purpo~~s SherlJr. Otllee. Court House Media Pa Friday July 31st. 1936 8 30 A M Ea!ltern Standard Time ----+ CondlllonB-f260 00 raBh or certified check nt time 01 flale (unl~8 otherwise stated in ndvertlseruent) balance ID ten days Other (onhnumJ.:; the annual Sha\\ Festl\ at the conditions on day of 80le pn"('ntallOn It the lIcd!!cro\\ Theatre Shaw Festival at Hedgerow :\lo\Jm Ro"c \alln on "nda) Juh 7", I REPORT SHOWS AC· TlVITY OF S. P. C. A. (I I CLASSIFIED lJ On 1'11111' littrntH n 011 lint nn tum I (1l11\((1 mel htllld (t Ihe P('nn \1\ AnXIOUS to Sell-$9500 I n/!h"h Scotch lOll Modern 4 bedroom cottage Lot SO " 175 (,erm ttl $8000 can remn n Renl $60 a month Ptnn \ h tnlan \\ III he <:un h\ Also $8500 seven rooms only Ten per luur \ t Ir old::\1r H nn Ih S \\ rr I I cent ci!sh required hUT h 1 cle Ct nriorm t\\ n mure (Ian l ill WM S BITTLE Swarthmore lit J 11\\ ul IJ\ Illoneer Pl nn"'\ 1\ tnll luml rJ rk Notary Public - Insurance - Real Estate rl\er raHm(n mel 1)llummo\l ('( Ii mm r It rI In 100 \ I If old (.eUf!!e Kirk rl\ l r r lit III In Jl,... d lOHr mcl 1)(1111 r nun und( r CI \ l ar of tI-!C \\ III pi rlorm j Thne more Imh 10 dann c n t I thl AU Lines of Insuran<:e ('Onl"l1 I \\a,...omr'" lOeI hllll! I the I Including Life Itnn \I\ama cmll hoatnllil lIlflllTh rnl Notary Pubhc Ire un tlu Fnd 1\ ('\ (mn I r I rim SW 1833 I t nn~\ h 1013 G('rman o,cupatH n r t III 417 DARTMOUTH AVE dquclul lOci ct 1 chantn 01 (Id Phlb. d{'lphl' 5;un~ Stq hen Fo<:ter" \\ork \\111 I {' <:unc h\ a clo"e frund of hi" famlh S ItUrcla, alt('r noon and n\ er raftm hm( \\111 I (' Electrical Contractor pll\ul German folk "ong" In tl ht hranl \ Telephone Swarthmore 58 attn \\ I11Ch more than 100 BO\ n I (trl Scout" and Campflfe Girl of th(' SI qu(' h mna \ alit \ are t \\ 111 he admlttul mto the Inchan trlhe reCl'I\ln_ r('al Imilan 'l-ST\TE OF GfORC,F. \ HOADlEY de. Saturda\ e\emnc \\111 Il:ltllTe a HI e I late of th{' II r J.':"h of S"arthmore name<: C I h of D In are an 1 State of I cnns:,:l conte"t for the "quarc d mnn I hampi n 'an a LETTERS Te tnm('ntnrl' In th(-' nl){)\(' Es "hip of the "tate and numrrou oth r t t(' \ J!:rt at h\ Illn <:m~ tate ha\mg hc.;>n J1rantl I to th un ler Ij!nl'd \\ ul(' competition" all p<'rs ns ha\ ng ('la ms or I n'lnn I a~amst Suncia\ litcrnoon \\ III rIo ( III Il t\\ JI the f stat of th" 11 I('('clicnt nr(' requested \11 of thl ('\cnt c \\ III 1)( h 11 111 Ihe to mak(' kno n the am'" an 1 1\ II rs ns in lit I t th ... a I l .. c lent Irc rellue lld to Buckm 11 Sla If' S\\ Irthmore Bur ll",h \\ ho C I \Jtl h I I I I tl SI I tl ,.nn I \\ I ')1'llOncnl ~ h III III thl 1m I r un( I' Irc e I tlll(l~~:n n~ CIJ~I~ e( the l~nhu t;~~l t:~~en(}cl~ m Irkl lSI" IIIormt In III Oint 01 Ichlel.e I ttl I III Ie 1111 \«(\ 1III'n \ lehue\cr m I fCllhct fe Ither Clu Ik :\lU1dtrs \ ander \\lflel Dick on out (f the box Lcd Il\ \l11l'llt Illit I I UI1 rlted 1 tn)lle and Ren the s nn 1i1111 lilt! \\1 n Illl'r I \\ell pll\ed I tl ok l\ll11der HI IIJI \\ dhn_ COlP C \\Ith II I SI I II tile ,I" h1\\ Ilit 100cl\ dmhll' Jenmn,...~ mltch Ilell, 1)'1,11 I I Il Irl R D t tR d d The m trna~eah1c couples arc MaID .street north h\cnty mnc degrees \lest mouth \\Cnm i\lr S",d r I I'(luhn,... 1 escue epar men emove an I'It'anor \\ lI~on and H In C\ fift} 1\\0 fc('t nn I fhe-tenths 01 a loot to a thl umnu,:r at the h( 1111' (If III III tlu r Cared for 747 Unwanted \\ deh Ro"c Henle) and Harr) SheI) IlIke an I thencc continuing along the center 1 elL hne of l'tf:un street north twcnt)' SIX d{'grees :\lr<:. \\ C SD\dcr on \ Ih hlntH \dllie Fred MacMurray and aro e om I Animals in One Month 11Irct "llIle ~PICC IS Idded b\ the ilre"cnce \\est cne hUntlr{'d eighty two feet and ben!} hi \\Ifl' I'" (mpl()\ed It lhl' 1llIlld(lpllll bard, favorite screen sweetheart team f tit 1 I I n tt F i l e J!ht on(,-hundredths of a (oot to the first "H d A h T bl " II I III lrI I n 109 e In \\ lIC 1 e \ u er mentlOncd pomt and place of b{'gmnmg Gl'ntrll lIo~Jlltll fur til' "'lmnHr m nth" SlP<:e dan 50 cross tlOTh a.;' are !litre unn .... no BOlrd ll1utm1.! of lht' ph\~ the dl\OTCCe \I£red RO\\c bcm~ the ceo starrAe ag"!:n In Fe.dayralRtcteh".5 lJell\\ Ire Count\ SOCld\ for Pn\lntlUn of1lx hu~hlnd and Da\J(l Metedf thc nc\\ Impro\cments consl!~t 01 h\o ami one half of omes cross, openmg r 1 story "Ill ('co house 42x3) feet porch h~Cl fheotion \\ ulm lOd ~Ir ~Ir m Lansdowne Theatre (rUllt\ to \mmll" It ;'\.leelll dunn juh Ittlchm('nt Others m pnnclpal roles arc st ry brick ani framl" alhton 18x.18 feet -;\Iecha pt'nt Ilcl ,\<'tk and tlJl~ \\uk ( and Augu"t report ... of actnUle" Inti \fork Mlb~1 Shepllard Ind lc:rd ThNorcr ja\II jonest ry frnme adhhon Gx18 feet on(' ______ ~ , st.,r)' stol e and ani frame bulldmg 12x21 leet 1\1 lint IJuTln thur Ib~l'nce i\1r " In Icc(Jmph"'hed m June \\rrc "uhnlllttd to Dl'\ul 1011 MlTIlm IllIlhll'" e Jlla~ \\1 t\~""l:ell Terhune re:llo\\n{'r Dick ()f \\ Iinut I ne "Ill nt 1\Ionda' md \ohmJ,! i l1Or<:.( l ()\\" -l elhl 1, do....... Dceter pl!\" Captnn Shuto\er fhe tmu Hand ~lone;!:-!::50000 fUt'''d 1\ It I<:lmtl HCI ht... N J \\ ht n g cII'" 10 rlhlllt" .. hml" mil 1001 or I dunn the late World \\ lr In I'nJ!ltod thn \1 Itld ~lr Bru\\I1" IUnt 1\1r ... Thl' Large and Varied Program Be· Jluultn In"plctlOn'" \\ere m lilt II Q rul I Thur II 1\ " offerln~ I'" Sh 1\\ .. "aUre (n HOHf nT W IJEATTY Attorney ouore Bl'ck Ill,... Icullmll.' \\her(' hort ... found \\Ith \\ U· 1011 <;,cr\:lce gms Next Thursday and Cont\rm<;, mel the !\lin ort' hIck or tlnn \u:re orcln((1 nol 10 be On,...m II Strau s rnu"lc from tinues Unhl August 2 1 he Choc No 1(lt3 Poultn mnkct" \\lre \lltHl rr ollte Soldier 10; heIDg Introduced In thl" J e\ nrl I nCiRs hlh fr(,l1(h r(llk liliul March T{'rm 1936 O'\CTen \\dm .... md lick of ff(· ... h ne\'\ production of mold ("omul\ fa\ontc tr m ...eh bl'1lI ~1<1 \\ 1<:' 1\ en 10 "e\l:r II C 1"l'S of th 1t h IS been In thc ...chcclule "mcc ]uh All that ("'ertmn lot or piece of ground \~ Ith FOR RENT S('Dt'C I huh Hi hor"c 10 om CI e reqUirtnt.!; the lQ2, Helcn :\Iex Imler Min E ... henck thu I tIIldll ~ nnd )mpNl\emenis thereon Sltu In tI e HOrf IIgh of S\'iarthmore Counly of Penn"'\ h 1m I Ger hum me (h<:'Pl '" II of a hor l \ tme of H trT\ Sheppard md J a~per Deeter arc the nil Ddn\\ar{' anti State 011 ennsyhanm and more m \11'" C'om"'to,..1 \\ I,.oner md 11\ mn~ ~10 00 md co~t" \\ IS paid b) 1 man \\ ho partlellllrly boun led ami tlescrlb{'d as follo\\5 conudl illS or thiS productIon « 011 "I'd In Penn"'\ h 1m I \\111 III bl' heard III tnated I do H{'glhning on the south\~cslcrly sule of Th(' ~c«)nd prrrormanct of The De\ II ... 10 the Pcnn"\ him 1 fnlk h"h\ 11 at Huck In the Rl lUI.' Dqllrtment 4- un\\ IIlt('d Stratli IIn\en 8\ enue at the distance of one DI<:'(,lple c1o"es the fc"'hl. ,Ion Frlda\ hundre I " {'nty Sl:'!: nnd mnely two hundredths orll tmHr"lt\ \\In(h open at le\\I"bur,... Imm II" \\ cre H mo\ cd ancl CITt'ci lor In nt,...ht Juh 11 Thl<:' <:tlrnnp; pla\ of earh feet (I "692) north sevent} three degrees Pa next Thur d 1\ Juh ~o and contmue c1udm 4S~ c Its '161 do ...s and 3 bird" ( 3° 41 ) "cst from Cornell 1 ( usel(("epln~ :\merlcan p It note; and tone'" has mils ca"'t furty rourCmlhu(es tammg III front sixty three feet until Sund 1\ e\ en1l1,... \u~u"t ? l\\ 0 1)OrCl1l5 :\:('\\ homc \\ en "c,ured for 20 and 4 ~lfred Ro\\ e as I\hmster \ndcr"on Rose n\unue «(;3) nnd cxhm I hJ.t: In depth southwcstuardly Penn \ 1\ am I" .... rt.' III ~I tourn Imcnt 01 lo"'t dl~" n ~t( nd to 0\\ nl'rs The arnhu be""een parallel hnes at right angles one hun Henle\ I'" hi" \\Ih Ferd Nofer IS the !Ire I twehc and fhe-tcnths fel't (1125) truhtwil I hue md mm Ire!, \\111 Include lancl' ..-e~pondt{l to H I call ... tra'\ c1hn~ llQ9 rachral nc {T do \\ell other!'; m thc c 1st \t thl nmltl'n "c\crll nc\\ gran Ie I on the southeast south\\cst an I Tel£' a tnht f h\Cnl\ h\t Indmn" from tIl{ mill" hem~ Cathenne Rle"er Beth Fuller Her n Boun rth\Hst. by lands now or late of George St It(''' onh re-I'T\ atl( n nnnll rou" choral lot" \\rre pHI ured In o\\nen, for hurml of hert \\ IIton \\ liter \\i Itham" and Mar GdleHplf.' roup~ rt'pH tot Itl\t' of the t Irh trl(ll'~ pet~ ).;(\\, hoto" 01 the Shrlt('r t 1IIIdm ...<:. ~hall G Itche1l Iml.rO\emunl!; consl:od on AugM rs. H er1)er I T . Ba«"11 of No·th Ches Chester Road, and Mrs. Elsie H. McWiI- ,'s ',n Nl"W York over tbe week-end. Cap- manner that will permit the enlarging of usl 22 .t tl,. I,o me of the bride's parents. d B [ Iiams, 0 Benjamin West Avenue, spent last ... Y ouIgrave Farm, on S ou t h Chl."5 t er R oa. teT' Road, and Mrs. S. :Milton ryant, 0 tain Smith is returning on the Bremen almost every department. The work of Both M,'s'_ Chaney and Mr. Fergusoll are D'IC k''lOson Avenue. we.-c the t".ucsts of Mrs • week-end at A\'alon, N. J. from a lmsincss tril) abroad and will spend remodeling has already heFtun, and in :tn H arry M cWil1iams, of Benjamin West a few days wIt . I1 his family In • S wart h more. interview, Nathan Speare, proprietor . g •raduates of Swarthmore College. Miss C raw[ord T \\'a dd eII a nd M~ ,.... Dctlev \" 'l. of the Chaney studied at Bryn Mawr last year. Bronk, of Westtown. on Monday. Avenue. and George Ewin~. of Columbia well known local department store, said '1_. and Mrs. Joseph K. '{eLnan, of A\'enue, will motor to New Hampshire this Mrs. L. L. Hedgepeth and daughte.r, that ',t will take at least two to three " • ". Mrs. William B. Bullock will b. ho,'te,~ I II J t ed I t k t th South Chester Road, announce the engage- to the Summer Brid"e Club next \Vednes. week-end to visit friends at Singing Ealtle I ktty anp.' kreAurn afst whee. o .• te'dr months to complete all the operations 'ld "" Ladue. lOme on ar' venue a er avmg V151 e h' h '11 I f h' t . t astl "" ' Mrs. H cd gcpct I'I 5 parents, M r. an d M rs.. lC WI rans ormt' 15 5 oret 10 0 V Y ment of their dau~hter, IJetty Ch· I rey[ day at her home on Cedar Lane. d d tt 11.1 d M Ch I' k J I '1'11 [R I . INC [ I Improve an a rac Ive quar ers. McLean, to Andre\\' H ammon d E. rs k·mc, 0 \ViIliam Allen Brown. Jr. wil1 act as co1. r. an rs. aries Hess, of ar· o,".:.t I S, 0 a elg 1, • ., or severa! p I' . - k [ •. d b Philadelphia. hostess. \ \'enue, 5j)cnt last Sunday in Oceron Cl~Yl . 1 \\'reks. On Saturday t Iley Ie[t [ or a camp,I b rc ImID3ry wor·. 0 one Jim, II egan : II h Miss McLean was gra d uale d from G eorge K. J. in the Pocono Mountains where they vis- I a ~ut two mon IS ago, w en .3 we was School, Bucks County, in 1930. Mrs. \V. W. Turner. of y .. lc Avenue, '1 1 '1'11 H d tl dnlled on Welsh Street to provide a source , .. ,t.,t.io<'" I ,. B I el II loSe gepe I. t Mr. Erskine, a graduate of the Uni- I' her bridl::c C Uu at etterton. Mrs. Ricbmond D. Fetherolf, of Park 0 f water [ or h t e ' au-con d't" I lonlng sys em versity of Pennsylvania, class of '33, is a Md., on Tuesday. Avenue, entertained tcn guests at dinner I Donald Fetherolf, son of Mr. and Mrs. to be installed in the renovated store. This ---and bridge last evening in honor of Mr. Richmond D. Fetherolf, is recovering nicely 'coolin~ system will provide a comfortable member of Theta Xi fraternity and the Clifford Br\"ant. 50n of lI.'Ir. and Mrs. I Left and Right Fencers Association. S. Milton B;.\,ant. of Dickinson Avenue., Fetherolf's birthday anniversary. at his home on Park Avenue following a, temperature in summer weather, said Mr. No dat> has been sct for the weddinrr tonsil operation IlCrformed at the Wnsl I Speare, without the clammy chill of cere • • o· has reco\"cred [rom a recent tonsil operaM r. an d M rs. Philip M. Alden, of North Jersey Homeopathic Hospital, Camden, • tain other air-cooled systems. The entire Chester Road. spent last Frida\' and Satur· N. J., last week. i store will be air-cooled by this process. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Wentz, of Dickin- tion. son A\'enue, will spend the week-end in Mr. and Mrs. Paul Campbell and son, day in New York City. ~ In addition to the general remodeling Ocean City, N. J., as the guests of Mrs. John Paul, of Harrisburg. were the guests Miss Sarah Barr. of Harvard Avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pl!,tnam ,and daughte~, throughout both floors, a new basement \Ventz' parents, Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. of Mr. Campbell's mother., Mrs. Edgar '11 of Maple Avenue Mr Putnam s will be constructed ,and certain . d epartd thO k d h . With " , Schoff, of Mt'dia. Mrs. Wentz will remain Campbell, of Prinenlon Avenue, on Satur- WIt thspenS IS wee' en on a ousc party th a d SlSt Mrs L E Putn m d f Md I d [rno er n c r , ... a an menls will be moved there .where they will through next week. .. a e assa ras, ., summer 0 ge 0 Miss Iona Putnam of Lafayette Avenue day. Miss Adelaide Rudisill, of Coatesville. ' . ' enjoy larger quarters. Ne,v rest rooms for ---____ retur.ned. Saturday after spending a week the convenience of shoppers. children. and Mr. E. L. Noyes, of Riverview Road, N E I d returned on Tl.esday of this week from a Mrs. Charles D. joyce, of :Korth ChcsMrs. \V. H. Tomlinson returned to her touring: In ew ng an . store employes also will be provided in the ter Road, left yesterday with her daughter, home on Yale Avenue Sunday after a James Dryden, of Dartmouth Avenue,lnewly built basement. Ex~ra s.teel girders two weeks trip to Dallas, Texas. Mrs. Fred Dickson, or Torrcsdale, to spend week's motor trip through West Virginia left Monday for Camp Sunshine, where he and ether supports are being Ins~alled to Mrs. Edwin A. Yarnall, of Kenyon Avetime at the Dickson summer place in with her brother and sister·in-Iaw, Mr. will be a councillor for four weeks. 1take care of the new construction, and an nue, returned late last week after a five Ocean City, N. J. and Mrs. Louis Brownlee, of Germantown. extra new basement has been made at the weeks trip through New England. After :...---;f~:;;=~~5~~~=:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;l Mary Elizabeth and Frances Evans, of Welsh Street side of the store to take care "isiting her old home in Auburnrlale, Mass., Mrs. George A. Hoadley, of Walnut Princeton and College Avenues, have spent of the electrical transformer which will the past three weeks at Camp Blue Moun- provide the store with the power for its she motored down the Maine coast to Mt'IFLla,,,n,ed':leyWith her son and daughter, Henry and Kennebunk Beach, and later and Miss Florence Hoadley, reFri., Sat. ., tain, near H amburg, Pa., where t hey will increased electricity needs. D ..-ert Sun .• MDn. remain one week longer. . Last week workmen removed the old visited her sister, Mrs. John Taylor Slack, turned Wednesday after a two weeks motor of Springfield, vt. through Maine and New Hampshire. GEORGE O'BRIEN Miss Elizabeth Bowditch, of Elm Ave- eonugated iron awning over the Edgmont also stopped at the home of Mr. and 'u Avenue entrance, and began boarding up Mrs. Elsie H. McWilliams, of Benjamin Mrs. George Hoadley in Cambridge, Mass., "The Border Patrolman" nue, left Saturday for New xork City, to the windows preparatory to remodeling the West Avenue, will leave ne~t week for and brought the latters' son, Peter, home Add.' "Th. Ma-ch .1 T'me" No. 15 spend a week or ten days as the guest of extenor . 0[h ' d ows an d 0• t e store. N ew WID Buck Hill Falls and Skytop, Pa, to Swarthmore with them. Peter will reher brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday . new entrances will be installed. The winmain here while his parents take a trip to "The Fl'rat Baby" Mr.;. A. R. Mansfield, Jr. b f •• d ' . dows will e 0 artistic CSJgn, tnmmed Mrs. A. W. Preston, of Rutl,;ers Avenue, Montreal. Shirley Deane Johnny Downs Mr. and Mr.;. John C. Moore. of Vassar with vari-colored marble, and the two new will leave tomorrow to spend the month Don't be by this Utle, the Avenue, arrived home on Saturday from a entrances will be on Edgmont Avenue and Schoff, of Swarthmore Avenue, Jane of August at Buck Hill Falls, Pa. picture pleasant enter· trip in the west during which they visited facing Seventh Street. Joan Thatcher, of College Avenue, and Mrs. John R. Whiteley returned to Barbara Brown, o[ Walnut Lane, returned the Centennial at Dallas, Texas. They were ~~~~;:~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;, Niagara Falls last week after having spent Wednesday after spending a month at called home earlier than planned on account , of the illness of their sons, Cbarles and I Albert N. Garrett's· at EaSt H"rwich.1 FOR·SAJ:.E BiliYl,,,,,,Iu>, bad ,boen:,Je[t ,at, camp. The ,~~ Ca~~,··~~"'-~'~~~'=.~~~~.~~~~ ~-.-: .~. Attractive bargain for a quick sale. children are now recovering at tbeir home. Three •• tory frame modern dwclUng, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fischer and chilideal location. Startln&, Friday Mr. and Mrs. I. L. NickerSon, Miss drcn, Jean and Billy, of Yale and DickinChe.ter Pike - PrA.pee:t Pule Price $13,750 Berna Nickerson, and Leston Nickerson, son Avenue, 'returned Sunday from Harvey CLARK GABLE Can be seen only by appointment Fri. and Sat. July 31. AuI'. 1 Jr., of Park and Harvard Avenues, will Cedars, N. J., where they had spent a week JEANE1TE MacDONALD leave today to spend the remainder of the summer at Cape Newagon, Me. -in-InMiss Constance Nickerson is with the I Real Estate & Insurance Playshop Theatre at Point Pleasant, N. J., with Franchot Tone 23 So. Che.ter Road this summer. She is cast in "Post Road," Delaware County's Finest Theatre Ted Healy Spencer Tracy Swartbmore 42 Monday and Tuesday Aug. 3. 4 LBnsdaWlloe Ave. ab. Baltimore Pike "Bury the Dead," and "Personal AppearJack Holt Mad. 720 ance." ROBERT MONTGOMERY , .;>..... , • - [ 'I \ \ ' I! ... GRACE MOORE 'The King Steps Out' ROSALIND RUSSELL -In- "Trouble for Two" LANSDOWNE Friday and Saturday M.PARKER 'SAN FRANCISCO' Last 2 Days ROBERT TAYLOR LORE'ITA YOUNG -- JULY 31, 1936 THE ~~b~yt;enan~'::~Crib:ur::cb~N~o&hs~--~~~~~;;~~;;~;;~~~~~E"d~w:a~r~d-'G~.-'R"o~bd.in~oo~n:.-'Dnu:ill~ey;-ID);qg;;'es~.~p;'ro~v~id~e~fi~w~-;'re~a~riinng;-po;;n~~~f~o;r-ttlh~e-;'te;rnri'- THE SWARTHMOREAN .. .. .. MAR.Y'S PET R.ECIPE tory. Along with the actual physical work of One Crult Peach Pie improving the soil, the volunteer campers 6 medium sized peaches. are working in close co-operation with the MARY T. ERVIN PARKER ~ cup butter. T. V. A. Study of co-operatives, rehabilitaEditor ADd PubU.her 1 cupful sugar. lion projects and methods of carrying them YJ cup flour. out adopted by the T. -V. A. are under CGDTITUS J. EWIG 4 tbsp water sideration. Many of the Authority officials Man..... Few g~ains n~tmeg. II are helping in teaching their particular Flaky pastry. Il fields of work. ROSAUE DRYDEN NI~. Edhor Line a deep pie·plate with pastry, j The campers at the Tennessee projects sprinkle tbe bottom with one-haH are assembled from thirteen states, from Pbone S.artblllore 900 Oregon to New York. Collecti\'ely, they of the crumb-like mi"ture made by Entered . . SeCADd ctaaa Matter, Juau • ..,. Z4. rubbing together Ihe butter. sugar ! Jobn Wr:Gbt IIDd John Jaquette attend thirty-three colleges, several located 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore. P ... under the Act of March 3. 1879. The Rev. William M. Sharp, rector of and Hour. Lay on this the halved -0 abroad; and they represent twelve religious 51. Paul's Church, Arimingo, will be in peacht's, cut-side down, add the nut! Working at Friend.' Volunteer denominations. FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1!136 meg and water. sprinkle on the Camp in Tennessee The Volunteer Work Camps are now in charge of the services on the first and: second. Sundays in August at Trinity remaining crumbs. Bake thirty John Fisher \Vright, son of Mr. and their third season. The purpose of the Mrs. Rubin Wright, o[ Whittier Place, 'is Camps is to provide actual experience in Church, Swarthmore. minutes in a quick oven. FROM "WHO'S WHO IN On August 2 there will be celebration of I a member of the Clinch River Friends practical meLhods of world change by nonAMEIUCA" the Holy Communion at 8 A. M. and 11 Robin Hood Theatre' SIX'th V I t C ,·iolenee. Instead of academic study in a m ,Service Committee 0 unMeer \V' amp The follow,'ng represents the tbirty- A M Se I h 'ncar classroom far removed from the subject, ,'n our alphabetical series of articles 'M' ason I'Tazewell in Tennessee. r.C II ng t L IS at t hemergency E P ' , ',-.hth ,. r. Sharp is an active member of the S h eace C ampalgn an d t he ' S,,'arthmore men and women in U\Vho's Th R b' H d Th sophomore at ""art more 0 ege. as A • C . on Diocesan Commission on Social Service and e~, In 00 eatre at A~?en, D~l., year he was active on the Freshman Soccer merican Friends Scn.'lce omrruttee h 0Id Who," which ,\'e reproduce with the pub- of the Church League for Industrial De- prestnt~ ~er Ca~dboard Lonr, 01?en~ng team .. He graduated from Westtown School their camps as near the actual problems as tisher'S permission. mocracy. We?ne.:.da) of thiS wee~ and conhnumg in 1935. At Westtown he was on the possible. If the subject in question is coal "SPEIGHT, Harold Edwin Balme, coIl. • tomght and tomorrow mght . II d mining, the camp is conducted in the This will be the sixth p 1" f th varsity basketball, bascba an soccer team. Ohio-\Vcst Virginia coal mining region dean; b. Bradford, Eng., Apr. 21, 1887; Suggests New Automobile Deal .,'n and Charlottn (Hall) S .•· M.A., A "S f S . . ro UC Ion 0 e John Joseph Jaquette, of Elm Avenue, .., Ed" ... a ety peedometer" on the cover of Sixth season of !ummer stock at Arden.. ne f the forty-five volunteer workers where Friends have carried on rehabilitaU. of Aberdeen, 1909; studied Exeter CoIl. this month's Keystone A{olorist, official The ten-week season will be complete just ::I°ctedO to attend the Emergency Peace tion work for 50me years past. Camps (oxford); D.D., Tufts College, 1925; hon. publication of the Keystone Automobile before Labor Day. e . Cli h R' studying the rehabilitation of stranded in'I .• Dartmouth, 1927 (Phi Beta Kappa) i Club. is attracting wide attent,'on and A • few 0, [I ' seas~n's .,features are a Campaign's T. who V. A.has camp at in camp nc since Iver. dustrial populations are located near SubA.!' t liS Mr. ]aquette, been m. Mabel Grant, of Ballater, Scotland, already suggestion has been made that the leadmg lad} famous In New Yor~ and June 26, is a sophomore at Haverford CoI- sistence Homestead communities. Discus1911; children-Christine Ray Grant, Char- \ idea be incorporated in speedometcrs of Hollywood . (~Ulcy ~ooper); a dueclor lege. He graduated from Westtown School sion classes after working hours, are held lotte Frances. Asst. prof. logic and meta-I motor vehide~. from Amenca s leading repertory com- in 1935. with the campers, owners, and Union physics, U. of Aberdeen, 1909-10; fellow, The speedometer facsimile reveals at a ~any (Th.cJma Chandler); a full profesAt Haverford Mr. Jaquette is active in officials. By these methods the student is Manchester Coli. (Oxford), 1910·12; or- glance. the distance covered in feet per sec- SlOnal reSIdent cast; ten or the best .of soccer and cricket. He also belongs to the given a chancc to work in his field and daincd Unitarian ministry, 1912; jr. min- ond, at various speeds, tbe average braking recent Broa.dway plays; an apprenllce Haverford Liberal Club and Glee Club. receive first-hand information of its comi~ter, Essex Ch., Kensington, London, 1912-, distance at those speeds, the reaction time grou? of prIZe, drama stude~ts. • Sarah Sargent, one of the workers for plexities. 14; minister, 1st Ch., Victoria, B. C., 1914- in terms of feet per second, and tbe average MISS Coopers .name, both. In !\ew York the peace committee American Friends The studento; as well as the leaders are IS; 1st Ch., Berkeley, Calif., 1915-21; stopping distance. a~d on the ~acdic ~oast, IS synonymous Service Committee, is at. present active in paying whatever they can afford for the Kings Chapel, Boston, 1921-27; prof. phi..: "It should be emphasized," said Howard wIth all that IS best I~ her cr~£t. the Clinch River Volunteer \Vork Camp. privilege of working in the camp. This is I050phy, Dartmouth, 1927-29; prof. biog· Gallagher, Manager of the Delaware Her Ne\\' York tnumphs mclude out- Miss Sargent is a graduate of Swarthmore the first time in American educational raph)' and chron. dept., 1929-33; dean of County Division of the Club, "that the t eli • "L'ttl S' Ii " ,- th t h I I . ts men, Swarthmore College, since 1033. 'stopping distance' is the braking distance, ~,an ng ,,~uccesses ~n. 1 e Plt"re, College in the class of 1932. She was a annal!> a sue arge-sca e expenmen Trustee Bradford Acad, and Jr. Chaplain; plus the reaction distance. This vital fac- Courage, the thnlling mystery, The teacher at the International School in in field work have been conducted. Clutching Claw," and the uproarious farce, Geneva Switzerland. U. S. A. overseas, 1918-19; memo commD~ tor is almost universally overlooked by "Married and H.ow," .in. all of which she The Volunteer 'Vork Camps arc one •••••••••• Order Ticket. Now •••••••••• investigating religious minorities in Trans- I motorists, who regard braking distance a3 carrI ed th e Ie~di ng f emlmne roIes. I n stoek.\ many synchronized peace activities being 0[: • sylvania, 1922. Fellow Am. G eog. S oc.; the most important consideration in con- she was leading lady for Henry P D ff : . liTHE BRANDYWINERS" :. u y, maintained by the Emergency Peace Cam• mem., Am. Philos. Assn., Am. Acad. Polito trolling a car. Reaction time is really master of Pacific Coast producers. . Under' b .• k th U't d • 5th Gilbert &: SullivaD : and Social Sciences. Resigned from • Uni- 'thinking distance'-that is' theU distance D ffY's management, M'ISS Cooper appeared pmgn, S t fW ose aim . t IS to eepd ' e rut e f • tarian ministry to join Soc. of Fnends. traveled before the body translates into f ' h I H n ta es rom gomg 0 war, an \\ar ou 0 : • L'[ d W·' . . or an entire season at t e g amorous 0 y- the world "P I N A FOR E" • Club: Faculty. Author: 1 e an nt- action the first mental Impulse to stop. wood Theatre in Los Angeles and prior to :. . : ings o[ John Bunyan. 1928. Editor of Some drivers react more quickly than t h ' Iady o[ his • ' Seattle stock The Clinch at, asI eading '1 River t CampU isd the largest h . of • Week Day Sermons in King's Chapel, 1925. others but the average as shown on the . seven Slml ar ven ures. n er t e active • S d t' h b d t . d company. Her West Coast expenence also leadership of Wilhelm and- Maria Hubben 8.45 P. M •• D.9.T., Open-Air Theatra : Cantbr. to Best Sermons, Book IV, and to ISa ft' e y pee orne er as een e ermme includes leading roles opposite the wen· . ., Tickets. $1 - Reserved $I.SO : Bodon Preachers. Editor Creative Lives accurately through many scientific tests." ' . . students Interested 10 SOCial problems of: Address LONGWOOD-BOX 488 • Th K t eli I sh th t 20 '1 known Edward Everett Horton. With him our national life from schools all over the : KelUlett Square Pa, Phone 294 : (ser,'es of b,'ographies), Literary editor, ws nu es we appeared at the Majestic Theatre in continent have :""mbled at CUnch River ••• e eys one a._ 209 [ t a Christian Leader since 1927. .Rome: per hour a car travel!3 ee per second . L A' I . "0 t dB d" d nTh Th brak' di t • 28 feet b t os nge es 10 u war oun an e to build dams for erosion control and to •••• Benefit-Boys· Club. Wilmln.ton".:i Swarthmore, Pa." e aver~ge . mg. s ance 15 . ' u First Year:' The "movies," too, are no the r~acho~ distance IS 22 feet, makmg the strange medium to Miss Cooper, hel' most -; CbristillD Sc:ience Church stoppmg dis~ance SO feet. recent one -beiitg· "The Mask" with 'the At 40 mdes per hour, or S9 feet per '. ' • dist • 109 f t th young English-born st"" Bramwell Fletcher. "Love" is the subject of the Lesson- seeon, d Ihe b ra k mg ance 15 ee, e Th I ChaDd) f t·'h lv... Se.r;:mon in all Chtll~!t~Jl£..Cbpst, Scientist, ~atti6n distancClc45;,feetuand Ithe stoppiDg' H "ulfiatmda 'th Eer o~ ~.!l:IWJ, tiM T.:ti'~ .' . . assoc e WI ve r.e -Cd Renrte-m t e on Sunday, August 2. The Golden Text distance 154 feet. At 60 mtles per hour C·· R t Th t is: "He that loveth not knoweth not God; a vehicle covers 38 feet per second, and IVl~ eper ory ea reo for God is love." (I John 4:8.) the stopping distance is 312 feet-made MlSS Chan~ler has stag~ managed. and =:~~~~~~~~~~~~:::~~~I up of 248 feet braking distance and 66 ~cted as co-director for M~ Le Gallienn~ I • f t t' dist 10 such notable plays as Cradle Song, ee reac Ion ance. "R d J li" d "Ali . W Beyond 60, it's aU guesswork. As exomeo" an u e.t an ce 10 onWe Have Money For plained by the Club: "Human frailty is derl;n~,. al~ngth\Vllh th~ d~ze,ns of ot?er Fou.... It,. RolMrt £. SIaarp", PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA. ..... I! "PRIVATE NUMBER" l J]. ================: I • MORTGAGES 5% 5%% 6% Straigbt Mortgages 3 lind 5 yean with Brian Donlevy Together for the First Time In M.PARKER Aug. 8 "Arizona Raiders" Larry Crabbe Raymond Hatton Manha Hunt Grant Wither. "Sons 0' Guns" Eric Blore Winifred Shaw Wednesday One Day Only ROBERT MONTGOMERY ROSALIND RUSSELL -In- "Trouble For Two" WAVERLY Theatre Drexel Hill • OPEN EVERY • SUNDAY EVENING 2 Complete Shows 7 and 9 P. M. (Doors open at 6.30 P.M.) Sunday Matinee Discontinued FRIDAY, SATURDAY "FURY" SYLVIA SIDNEY SPENCER TRACY SUNDAY NITE and MONDAY "The CASE Against MRS. AMES" MADELEINE CARROL GEORGE BRENT TUESDAY, ONE DAY ONLY ROBERT TAYLOR "Times Square Lady" with VIr.lnla Bruce WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Dancing Musical in Color I "DANCING PIRATE" . STEFFIDUNA (The Girl of ··La Cucarache") FRANK MORGAN Frank Morgan Reginald Owen Thursday One Day Only ANN HARDING -in- ow you can budget your gas house heating bills! "The Witness Cbair" Real E.lale and lnourance 23 S. CHESTER ROAD (Next W Bank) Swarthmore 42 too great, physical materials too imper[ect to permit science to measure with accuracy your stopping distance and braking distance at such a terrific speed." The reaction distances alone at speeds in exce~s of 60 arc shown to be n feet at 65 M. P. H.j 79 at 70, 83 at 75, 88 at 80. 94 at 85 and 98 at 90. S ggestions for the incorporation of the ideau in motor vehicle speedometers comes from Emanuel Gorfine Speaker of the Maryland House of Del'egatcs, who wrote to the Club: "! think that if manufacturers of automobiles do not adopt thc use of a dial of this kind for future automobiles. that an attempt should be made to have legislation enacted in the various states making it compulsory to usc such ,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~d~ia~l~s.~"______________ • THIS MANY-SIDED SERVANT DDuglas Dumbrille Walter Abel Good news for every householder! You can now Enjoy It at the MEDIA THEATRE Friday and Saturday Sylvia Sp~ncer Sidney Tracy "FURY' Extra! Saturday Matinee! "FLASH GORDON" Sunday Only 3 Shows--2.30, 7, 9 Johnny Downs Dixie Dunbar "The First Baby" Monday - Tuesday Madrleine Carroll George Brent "The Case Against Mrs. Ames" Wedne*day - enjoy ideal house heating by gas and pay for it on the budget idea-equal monthly payments extending over a period of nine months-from September to May, inclusive. All you do is-request a survey. A gas house beating expert will estimate your needs and explain the budget plan in detail. Why not beat the cold weather by being well prepared? Convert your present heating system to clean. controllable. efficient and healthful gas. We'll install either Janitrol or Welsbach Conversion Burners immediately on a small down payment. Funher payments will not start until October. Both Burners at $195 cash, installed. Slightly higher on installment plan, 3 years to pay. Thursday James SteWart Wendy Barrie "SPEED" PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY At Our Suburbarl Stores or See Your Plumber or Heatirlg Contractor : 0 PER E T T A . AUG. 6-7-8 . I F 0 U N T A INS :. -========================,;",======"'==::: "The Half Angel" Thursday Only ZANE GREY·s . LON G WOO D I Monday and Tuesday -in- . d JOEE. BROWN Joan Blondell FRANCES DEE LOCAL BOYS A'TrEND CLINCH RIVER CAMP I Builders' Mortgages Construction or Permanent Aug. 5 Wednesday Only Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne. To reach Arden from Swarthmore. take U. S .13 south to Claymont, Del., turn right at sign on Harvey Road, proceed about one and a quarter miles, over a bridge, and tUrD "right at Robin Hood Theatre sign. Performances begin at 8.45. • I F.H.A. Mortgages 10. 15. 20 years -in- 3 SWARTHMOREAN YCl\JJ~SS W- YOUR check is an errand boy for you. admitted immediately to any company. It is an "effi· ciency .expert'· which saves yO;! time and money. It is an accountant which provides you with statements and rccods--and is a legal receipt for the payment of yuur bills. All of these services are yours-when you have .a cbecking account in this bank. pro uc Ions 10 e orgamzation s repe~o~re. ID_ past summers she has held slmllar p~st;:o at the Westchester Playhouse, Mt. KLSco, and at the Westport Country Playhouse, where La\~rence Langner, of the N. Y. !heatre Guild, holds forth .. ~dwln Ross and Robert C. ~chmtzer are agam co· managers. at the Robm Hoo~. Mr. Ross has Just completed a tnumphal tour of "Cyrano de Bergcrac" with Walter Hampden. During his six years' association with that distinguished actormanager, Mr. Ross has played dozens of parts from "carriage waits" bits to major roles and has trod the boards in every important city in the United States and Canada. The coming sca50n will he his sixth at THE INDIANS ••• WHO LIVED DERE Arden also,completion as he founded Robin upon the of histhefirst yearHood as a professional actor. Mr. Schnitzer has been continuously busy in the legitimate theatre since his graduation from Columbia Unh'ersity in 1927. For sc,"cn seasons he has been Assistant Stage Manager as well as actor for \VaJt('r Hampden. He has also stage managed such stars as Henry Hull, Katherine Hepburn, I Blanch Yurka. Mrs. Patrick Campbell, I Z\orma Terris, Edith Barrett. As an actor I he has appeared with Katharine Cornell, I I I CHURCH NEWS TRINITY CHURCH protestant Episcopal Chester Road and ColleRe Avenue Rectoor: Rev. J. Jarrlen Guenther. S.T.M•• Rector Rl'V. T. A. Meryweather. Dir. ReI. Edue. I SUNDAY I S:OO A. lIt.-Holy Communion. 11 :00 A. M.-Holy Communion nnd Sermon: ' The Re\·. William M. Shn.rp will' preach. I . THE ., SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1 Rev. John EII(>ry Tuttle, Minister I SUNDAY 10 :OO-Bible School. 11 :oO-MorninK V:orship. Rev. Beale. D.O., Oak Lane. I W. T. N. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS the I FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST, OF SWARTHMORE Park Aveline below BU'ftrd A. M.-8unda, Sebool. 11 :00 A.. M.-Sund.,. LeMon-8ennon. Wednesday eveninc meetlnlr eacb week. 8 II. m. Reading room open dally. o::cept ~un. days and hO, lidass 9.30 to 12.30; Chur~b edlflee. All are cordially invited to .tteDd me 1f:F'I'. Ieea snd DIM! the ReadinC Room. I Indian relics, sucb a8 arrow-heads., axes., tomahawks, and crude domestic implements, bave been found here in great numbers. Even arrow-heads of ohsid· ian, a hard, glass-like stone tbat is found onl)' west of the Rocky Mountains., have been discovered. The presence of such arrow-heads in this locality indio cates that the Indians traded with remote tribes., or else brougbt these slones with them at the time of their original migration. During the construction of Springton Reservoir the remains of two very interesting Tndisn camps were found. Arotmd one,crude arrow-heads and roughly wrouaht axes and tomahawks pointed to an early settle~ent. Improved impletnents together with some Euglish peuni..s in tlle second camp showed a more receut habitation. Some say these later Indians intermarried with the English settlers. PEDIGREED STREA.MS" i ________~______~=== I In:oo I The Indians of this region called themselves the Lenni Lena lIe, or "original people". According to tradition they had Come from the west beyond the I\lississirpi. Later tbey assumed the name of "Delawares' in compliment to Lord de Ie Warr, wbo was to them a grcat chief. «fJERTIFIED WATER SUNDAY , First Day School closed (or the summer. 11 :00 A. M.-Meeting for Worship in 1 Meetins House. Tbe rivers and streams ofthis locality abound in Indian tradition. Teeming with fish, these water courses furnished the Red Man with a staple supply of food. 1 JULY 31, 1936 THE SWARTHMOREAN ... ;;."~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'-;-A"UTimiAOM"'oAiBrn;ILE~c;;qLmUB~'laa;;tind t·he camp. Leaving the camp, fonow Waquirt, Mass., on Cape COd, where his U. S. 22 to Harrisburg and take U. S. family is spending the summer. More and more Hedgerow Theatre is · Sa Route 11 and State Route to LewisMr. and Mrs. Shaeffer M. Glauser will making use of musical and other soubd OIJTIJNES ROUTES burg. 94ThismOesroute is somewhat longer, it F•B.Franas ys: to Harpers Tavern and 176 leave their apartment in The Swarthmore interpolations during its play productions. 404 being ttIn Daniel Boone's day the careful 11UIn always kept his powder dry, regardless of what else got wet. Our reputation has taken years to build • • • it must ever be comidered in the pricing of our USED CARS • . • or, like· the neglected powder, it would S0011 be rendered useless." That family which has always wanted a new car. y~t has felt the price a bit high ... will be tickled skinny with the 1935 Deluxe DeSoto Touring Sedan, which we traded in on a new 120 a day or so ago. VVe have a 1935 S~­ Cylinder Chrysler Convertible Coupe that will make some young fellow's eyes pop I Very few miles are on it • • • it can' t be told from new . . . and is anxious to get back on the open highway again.· I During its Shaw Festival tb.\i has been. on September 1 and reside in Chester. miles to Lewisburg. Cites Best Road. to National Three afternoons and evenings were set The Misses Katherine Grier and Jane especialIy noticed with the introduction of aside for the presentation of folk-lore ma- Lounsbury are expected to return today to records of Oscar Straus' music composed Guard Camp and Peaasyl. terial. Thursday evening was devoted to their home on Elm Avenue. They have for "The Chocolate Soldier," the musical vania Folk Festival racial folk-lore, such as that of the Com- been motoring through Canada, visiting version of Shaw's "Arms and the Man." planter Indians, the Pennsylvania Germans, Quebec and the Gaspe Peninsula since July On Thursday, July 30, and Friday, july Pennsylvania's National Guard in camp 31, the final performances of the Third 20. the Welsh, Scotch, the French pioneers and at Indiantown Gap and the Pennsylvania Annual and Ukranians. Shaw Festival take place, when Negroes Folk Festival wiII attract many motorists Mrs. Paul A]ger and· daughter, Nancy, Hedgerow presents "Arms and the Man" Occupational folk-lore will be presented from this area, said Walter N. White, manof Park Avenue, were the luncheon guests ager of the Travel Bureau of the Auto- tonight, Friday. The legends and ballads, of Mrs. James Bullitt, Jr., of Media, last and "The Devil's Discip]e" respectively. tunes and dances of the coal miners, river On Saturday, August 1, "Kit Marlowe," mobile Club of Philadelphia, A.A.A. raftsmen, lumberjacks, canal boatmen, week. Coxe drama of Elizabethan times, will be Songs, dances and other amusements of stage coath drivers, oil welI drillers and shown with Walter Williams in the title Mr. Roland G. E. Ullman, of Harvard the pioneer settlers of Pennsylvania will be Conestoga wagoners will be revived by old- Avenue, left Wednesday on a business trip role. Others in the large cast are Catherine presented at the Folk Festival being held timers in these almost forgotten occupa- to High Point, N. C. Corcoran, Miriam Phillips, Eleanor WilJu]y 30 to August 2 on the campus of tions. Nearly all of this material is native son, Rose Schulman, Ferd Nofer, Herbert Bucknell University. This festival, planned Mr. and Mrs. Amzi G. McVay, of The Walton, Alfred Rowe apd Helen Alexto Pennsylvania. as an educational event, will furnish its Saturday will be contest night when jig Swarthmore, left Wednesday on a two ander. visitors with a variety of entertainment and clog dancers, figure callers for square weeks vacation. Shaw's "Arms and the Man" will be rethat can be seen nowhere else and is exdances, auctioneers, street criers and balIad pected to revive many old arts that are fast Mr. and Mrs. Charles Israel returned peated for the fifty-fifth time on Monday, singers will compete for medals. The feabecoming forgotten. Five regional folk latc last Friday night to their home at August 3. In the cast are Mary Esherick, ture will be a competition by five teams of Princeton and College Avenues, after a two Ferd Nofer, Alfred Rowe, Helen Alexander, festivals were held in Philadelphia, Pittssquare dancers from the various regional burgh, Wilkes-Barre, Altoona and Allenweeks cruise on the Caribbean Sea. Ports Harry Sheppard, Miriam Phillips and J a.... festivals for the State championship and a town and from these has been assembled cash prize. at which they stopped were Kingston, per Deeter. Jamaica; Cartagena, British Columbia; the the best ballad singers, old-time fiddlers On Tuesday, August 4, Anderson's On Saturday afternoon there will be reand jig dancers and square dancers in the Canal Zone, and Havana, Cuba. drama of smalI-town folks, "Winesburg, unions of veteran miners, raftsmen, lumState to appear at Lewisburg. will be played . Ohio," berjacks, railroaders, canal boatmen and The best route to Lewisburg at the presOn Wednesday, August 5, the newest other survivors of early occupations. ent time is U. S. Route 30 to Lancaster, Shaw addition to the Hedgerow repertory In connection with the Festival there U. S. Route 230 to Harrisburg, U. S. Route of 118 plays, the comedy-drama, "Getting wiII be an exhibition of native Pennsylvania 11 along the Susquehanna River to a will be repeated with Eleanor Married," folk arts. The outstanding feature wiII be short distance north of Shamokin Dam, Wilson, Harvey Welch, RGse Henley, Harry an authentic Indian village erected by the where State Route 404 is taken to LewisSheppard, Betty Fuller, Alfred Rowe, Jay Cornplanter Indians of Warren County. burg, 161 miles. and Ferd Nofer, Davis, Mabe] Sheppard They will wear their traditional costumes Museum and Fels Planetarium Another route passing the Indiantown J oim Bartram and Miriam Phillips in the and practice their native arts and crafts Educational As Well As Gap Military Reservation where the 28th cast. This play, which more than satisfied just as they do on their reservation. This Fascinating Division of the Pennsylvania Nationa] full houses on two nights last week, Mon· may be the last chance to see these Indians Guard wiII be encamped until July 31 is An interesting and beneficial trip these day's premiere and again Tuesday, is really together as a proposed PWA flood control to take U. S. Route 422 out Germantown project will, if carried out, flood their summer days may be made to the Museum worthwhile. Avenue through Norristown, Pottstown, "An American Tragedy" (Dreiser-Pisca· at the Franklin Institute, Parkway and reservation and scatter the Indians. Reading and Lebanon. Here take State tor), the stylized drama of modern times, Twentieth Street, Philadelphia. The next Route 72 north to U. S. Route 22, turntime you are in town a delightfu] interval in the Greek· manner, having a speaker Needlework Group Tuesday ing west on U. S. 22 to Harpers Tavern from shopping or a restful filler for some (Harry Sheppard) interpolate explanatory The Needlework Guild Sewing Group unoccupied period of the day, will be lines, will be given on Thursday, August 6. wiII meet at the home of Mrs. Charles yours if you plan to visit this "Wonderland Friday, August 7, sees the fifth presentaBunting, College and Maple Avenues, at of Science" which is too vast for brief de- tion of the new play introdur.ed on June 10 o'clock next Tuesday morning, August scription. Its many sections provide fas- 29, "The Lonesome West," by Lynn Rigg!. FOR RENT 4. Everyone interested is cordially invited cinating demonstrations and experiments in In the cast are Cele McLaughlin, Jay Davis, FOR RENT-IngUs apartments: One. six to attend bringing her own thimble and physics, chemistry, engineering, graphic Hugh Graham, Mabel Sheppard, Helen rooms. bath. porch: one. four rooms, bath. other sewing equipment. po.reh. Telephone. Swarthmore 779. arts, aviation, astronomy, and other Laird, Adrienne Bancker, Harry Sheppard branches. Most exhibits arc operated by and Jasper Deeter. FOR RENT-8lx-room house. 813 Westdale On Saturday, August 8, Shaw's comedyAvenue. Telephone. Davis, Swarthmore the visitors themselves at the turn of a 149-W. handle or touch of a button i others by debate, "Misalliance," revised for the FesMiss June Ullman, daughter of Mr. and competent guides. tiva], will be repeated, with Catherine FOR RENT-Wallingford, partly furnished second floor apartment, four exposures. lawn, Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman, of Harvard Rieser, Harry Sheppard, Mabel Sheppard, it entertains, instructs Unique in America, private entrance. sun deck. sleeping porches. electric refrigerator. garage, oil heat. Avail- Avenue, wiII return tomorrow after a two and fascinates young and old. To see it Maria· Coxe, Harvey Welch and Ed Pettit. able September 1. Near railroad station. weeks stay at Camp Chesapeake. Mr. and is to enjoy and to learn science in everyTelephone. Media 176 or 650-W. Mrs. Ullman and family wiII then leave nay life. FOR RENT--Two large comfortable rooms In for Wright's Pond ncar. Honeybrook, Pa. r~~r!! ~r!! sJle~fal fle~onstration lectures FOR SALE private ,family •.. Ureakfasts If desired.. 201 College Avenue. Telephone. Swarthmore·S63-J. in the WelSh Motiriiliins, \\,here they wiil every day. fhe subjects are changed at '33 Chevrolet Coupe. under 24.000 spend the first two weeks in August. miles-$240. f~e(luent intervals. FOR RENT-Portion of house with use of Schnauzer dog, five years old, pedigreed. kitchen. Partially furnished If desired. TeleOpen from 2 P. M. until 10 P. M. on male. Good watch dog: likes chilAmong those from the Borough who phone. Swarthmore 680. dren-$lO. Fridey and sun-I Wednesday, Thursday, visited Camp Sunshine, Thornton, on Best quality tarred tennis net, prac· FOR RENT-At The Harvard. housekeeping day, the schedllle of hours for Saturday tlcally new-$6. Swarthmore Day, Wednesday, July 22, apartment with fireplace. and two porches. Croquet Set--$l. and holidays is 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. The Telephone, Swarthmore 149-W. were: Mrs. Ralph Hayes, Miss Betty Large library orchestra music. fully Museum is not open on Monday and Tuesinstrumented and catalogued. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Stauffer, Mr. FOR SALE Encyclopedia Britannica, XIII edltionday. Boyd Stauffer, Mrs. J. Harlan Jessup, Mrs. ~26. And then there is The Fels Planetarium, FOR SALE-Six-foot Empire· sofa. Uphol- T. Harry Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawn roller, flower and vegetable garstery in excellent condltion- $50. Post den tools, boys' work bench and reached from the entrance on the ParkKurtzhalz and Mrs. Otto Kraus, Jr. Office Box 147, Swarthl1}ore. tools. way. Demonstrations lasting about fortyLarge electric refrigerator and gll8 WANTED stove. Miss Martha C. Huber, of Louisville, five minutes are given at 3 P. M. and 8.30 Eight piece mahogany bedroom set. inWANTED-In Swarthmore or vicinity, four Ky., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. P. M. every day except Monday and Tuescluding twin beds. box springs and or more rooms with bath. Suitable for light Morris Fergusson, of Swarthmore Avenue, day. On Saturday there are also demonmattresses: antique walnut double housekeeping. Telepnone, Swarthmore 887-R. bed with box springs: walnut chest. strations at 12 M. and 4 P. M. and on for a few weeks. two single iron beds and mattresses, LOST two painted bureaus. Miss Barbara Davis, of Ridgewood, N. Sunday at 4 P. M. Upholstered fireside chalr-$lO. The demonstrations are accompanied by J., celebrated her seventh birthday at The Mahogany gateleg table-$4. ~OST-Keys in case Thursday afternoon. July 23. Reward. Return to Swarthmorean Harvard, the home of her grandmother, explanatory talks. During July the sub214 ELM AVENUE Office. ject has been "Evening Skies of Summer." Mrs. John Eastlake. Telephone: Swarthmore 668 AUgU8t's topic will be ·'The Moon." Anxious to Sell-$9500 Mr. T. W. Crossen, of Crest Lane, i~ in • EXHIBITS OF MERIT AT FRANKLIN INST. • CLASSIFIED • NEWS NOTES A 1935 120 Sedan wants a new home. It' 8 worthy of it . . . and will go thousands of miles to prov~ j~. ... ' . A 1932 Nash Sedan will fit the needs and pocketbook of some deserving family. VV e have it here for your inspection. A 1931 Hudson Sedan with plenty of carefree miles can be had at a very low price. A 1931 Hupmobile Sedan awaits the early buyer. Modern, 4 bedroom cottage. Lot 80 x 175. $8000 can remain. Rent $60 a month. Also $8500--seven rooms only. Ten per cent. cash required. WM. S. BITTLE ~otary There's a 1931 Packard Sedan ready to go anywhere in the United States. At a price which will gIve you fire sale ideas. Swarthmore 11l·J Public Insurance - Real Eatate PETER E. TOLD • All Lines of Insurance Including Life Notary Public SW. 1833 417 DARTMOUTH AVE. _________________ A. Wayne Mosteller ttThese cars are all i11. fine c01lditi01I, a1ld can be seen at our place anytime. All prices are plainly marked ••• price mistakes are impossible!" F. B. FRANCIS PACKARD Sales &Senice 12th & Crosby Streets CHESTER, PA. Chester 9131 ,________________.1 Electrical Contractor Telephone Swarthmore 58 Estate of FRANK N. SMITH, Deceased. LE'M'ERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the above Estate have been granted to the undersigned. who request all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of the decedent to make known the same. and all persons indebted to the decedent to make payment. without delay, to CHARLOTTE THOMPSON SMITH. Administratrix. 221 Kenyon Avenue. Swarthmore. Pa. i-31-6t MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON JOSEPH E. QUINBY ERNEST Go SNODGRASS. ASS'T. FUNERAL DIREcroRS MEDIA. PA. BELL PHONE 4 _________________ YE SHERIFF SALES Sheritt·s OtTice. Court House. Media. Pa. Friday. August 21. 1936 8 :30 A. M.. Eastern Stsndard Time Conditions: $250.00 cash or certified check at time of sale (unless otherwise ststed in advertisement), balance in ten days. Other conditions on day of sale. No. 612 . JUn(! Term, 1936 All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the Borough of Swarthmore, County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania, bounded nnd described according to a plan made by Robert P. Green. C. E .• on May 6th, 1922. for F. M. Scheibley (being a portion of Lot No. 47 on the plan of Strath Haven Tract of the Swarthmore Construction Company re corded in Delaware County in Deed Book C. No.7, Page 43) as follows: Beginning at a point on the northeasterly side of Westdale Avenue (fifty feet wide) at the distance of two hundred and eight feet northwestwardly from the northwesterly comer of said West dale avenue and Cornell avenue (forty-efght feet wide) a corner of Lot No. 46 on said plan: thence extending along the said north easterly side of Westdale avenue north seventy three degrees forty-four minutes west seventy five feet to a stone at the southeast corner of Lot No. 48 or, the aforesaid plans: thence extending along said Lot No. 48 north sixtee degrees sixteen minutes east one hundred an fifteen and one-tenth feet to a point. th southeasterly corner of Lot No. 49 on sai plans; thence extending along said Lot No.4. north nine d~grec~ thlrty-one minutes ('a~ thirty-five and fourteen one-hundredths fee to a stone: extending across said Lot No.4, parallel with the northeasterly side of West dale avenue south seventy-three degrees forty four minutcs east seventy-nine and fourteen one-hundredths feet to a point in line of Lot No. 46 on said plans; thence extending along said Lot No. 46 south sixteen degrees sixteen minutes west one hundred fifty feet to the first mentioned ToOint and place of beginning. Subject to certain conditions and restrictions: also under and subject to the payment of a certain mortgage debt or principal sum of nine thousand dollars with the interest doe and to grow due thereon. Impro\-ement-o; consist of two and one-half 5tOry stucco house, 33 x 33 feet; porch front; Fieri Facias Village Window Cleaner ~::'~~.n;.R:~~c~:!..t.addition. A. HAUGER, Prop. Swarthmore 19 9:0<9 feet: stucco Sold as the property of George W. Gregory I and Mae T. Gregory. EDWARD H. P. FRONEFIELD, Attorney. } NATHAN P_ PECHIN. Attorney. THE ENTIRE NOW STORE IS COMPLETELY ::j l ., Imagine the joy of coming in from the sun-baked streets to a paradise of coolness throughout our whole store. No more trying on dresses in stifling fitting rooms. No more suffering the exhaustion of shopping on scorching days. You·1I find our salespeople alert and cool all day . . . ready to serve you pleas. anlly and efficiently. .11;