SW~I~TMM()I~E VOL VII, No. 40 SWARTHMORE, PA., ocrOBER 4, 1935 DEAN H. E. B. SPEIGHT Police and Fare Company News NEXT WEEK IS FIRE ADDRESSES L W. V. PREVENTION WEEK R. M. Ramey, of Upper Darby, who was arrested on September 28 for speeding on Chester Road, was fined $10.00 and costs upon appearing for hearing Wednesday evening. Discusses International Questions At 1.35 Tuesday afternoon the Fire Deat Opening Meeting ~f partment answered a caD to 129 Ogden Local Branch Avenue, where they extinguished a grass If this country sent out a call for a fire. world economic conference to discuss "how the world ought to be fed and clothed and housed" we should be doing "something the world could rejoice in," Dean . Harold E. B. Speight of Swarthmore College told the Swarthmore League of Women Voters at its opening faU meeting at the "Radio Night'· to Follow Buainees Woman's Club on Tuesday afternoon. Meeting in rant Fall "If we do not, what have we before Sessioa us?" he added. Dean Speight asserted that much of our The first fall meeting of the Junior Club own domestic difficulty was the result of will be held next Tuesday evening, October "our inability to enter intelligently into 8, at 8 o'clock and begin with a business . the common life of the world." meeting. The president, Mrs. James F. "We have political sense but not eco- Bogardus, will give a report on the Pennnomic sense," he said, suggesting incident- sylvania State Women's Clubs Convention ally that if from Washington were directed which she is attending this week in Erie, efforts to "make the United States a moral Pa. force to promote good will and intelliThe other part of the program will be gence," President Roosevelt would be re- supplied by a elRadio Night." elected next year. The year's achievements of the club will The neutrality legislation passed by the be under the direction of the following last session of Congress at least represented officers and chairmen: President, Mrs. a determination "to let the world know James F. Bogardus; vice-president, that the American people desired to be on Martha Keightoni recording secretary, Mrs. the side of peace," the speaker went on. William Ziegenfus; corresponding secretary, lt was a direct repudiation of "forces Miss Virginia Bassetti treasurer, Miss Ruth which might involve us in war before we Wellburn; hostess, Mrs. L. L. Hedgepeth; knew we were in it," he said, but felt it literature, Mrs. F. Norton Landon; art, was possible that its framing was "un- Mrs. Henry D. Mock i drama, Miss Connie fortunate," partly because of the speed Nickerson; civics, Miss Katherine Booth i with which it was enacted. program, Miss Mildred Simpers i bridge, Discussing the present Italo-Ethiopian Miss Kathryn Simpers; hospitality. ~. situation, Dean Speight said that Premier Virginia Fries i philanthropic, Miss Olive MussoIini was "almost driven by the ne- Cleaves; decoration, Mrs. Wills Brodhead; cessity of giving his' people something to publicity, Miss Katharine BrolJSOn; dance, think about than how to feed his people Mrs. Raymond Fellows; telephoning, Miss a year from now." Edith Miller: He said that the nineteenth century problem of how to insure that an energetic people will have a legitimate outlet for their energies had not yet been solved. Such an outlet, he said, was what Italy was fundamcnHllly asking' for, and the situation was complicated_ by the character Oehm&nn Expects Much of Mussolini. "People of explosive character," he of Team in Contest with added, "will not consent to be hemmed Franklin and· Marshall in. He warned at the same time that "the Captain Paul Oehmann, chief of tJ:!e last thing a dictator should do is to go Swarthmore College soccer squad, expects to war." Dean Speight called attention to what to lead a victorious team· this fall and he termed a "growing resentment" on the has good reason for his·opinion. Eiglit part of the black and yellow races against lettermen have returned and the quartet "the arrogance with which the white people lost by graduation will have been satishave taken it upon themselves to rule." It factorily replaced by October 11, when the might be that such a racial conOict could referee'S whistle will herald in the 1935 not be avoided, he said, advising that we period at the start of an opening battle "should be intelligent in trying to under- with Franklin and Marshall on the South . stand the underlying causes." This coun- Chester Road lot.' The graduation of Herb Harlow leaves try, he declared, could not escape its responsibility for the future and "cannot a hole that will be filled with great difficulty. Harlow, a graduate of Swarthmore afford isolation." Dean Speight was introduced by Mrs. High, has. been the brightest cog in the Waldo E. Fisher, chairman of the Depart- College soccer machine for several years ment of Government and International Re- and his excellent attack work was directly lations. Mrs. John Marshall, chairman of responsible for numerous conquests. The lettermen now back in the outfit the Economic Welfare Department, an~ounced that the November meeting would include Captain Oehmann, who plays on be addressed by Mrs. T. Judson Myers, -the front row; Mac Falconer, goal guard; executive secretary of the Delaware County Jack Beck, fullback i Paynie Pearson, Leo Welfare Council. Mrs. J. Passmore Chey- Gburski, Ray Schroeder, Tommy Halloney, president of the League, presided. Tea well and Paul PeterS, while a hos~ of a~­ letes yet to win letters will prOVIde a list • was served. of substitutes to back up the veteran group. JUNIOR CLUB WILL OPEN NEXT TUESDAY COLLEG-E-+-'-SOC-CER SEASON OPENSJ4TH Captaut LOCAL GIRL SCOUTS RESUME ACTIVITIES Troop M e e tin g I Scheduled; Cookie Sale for Benefit 01 Camp Indian Run in Progress Troop No. 16 will meet each Saturday beginning tomorrow at 9.30 A. M. at the Girl Scout House. New patrol leaders are: Pauline Beatty, Kathleen Brown and Betty Landon; corporals, Evelyn Wherry, Virginia. WiIso.n and Barbara Allison i song leaders, Phyllis • Storm and Barbara Nason. Martha Viele is in charge of first aid, Ruth Servais is scribe~"~raceEvelyn Brown and Margaret Ann Dimmitt, color guards. Mrs. George Zimmer, 'of Ogden· captain of Troop No. 16, and Bassett, of North Chester The scouts are until October 12. defraying expenses oi -the. g i r l . camp, _Camp Indian Ru~.~'·. • , Troop No. 6, ~hj~~ res,-!me Its meetiOgs at 9.30 Saturoay mornmg, October 12, at the home of the troop leader, Mrs. F. A. Child, 314 Vassar Avenue, has almost completed' the sale of their allotment of 300 cookies. The assistants in ,Troop 6 are Miss Margaret Little, of Park Avenue, and Mrs. Henry Hanzlik, of Cornell Avenue. This troop will take a week-end hike to Camp Indian Run on October 26. • H. S. Football Game Today The first contest of this season for tJ;te Swarthmore High School football team will be with Springfield at 3.15 this afternoon . on the Rutgers A",enue field. Another home game will be played With Media next Friday. ----<.--- .. , Dr. Holmes to Open Citizens FOI'UDl Dr. Jesse H. Holmes, Emeritus Profess?r of Philosophy at Swarthmore College, ~ open the third season of the Chester Citizens' Forum, at the Chester Y. M. C. A., next Thursday night, October 10, at 8.15 o'clock. Dr. Holmes' topic wiII be "Power -God or Devil?" --~.~-----: Series of Litel'&ture Lectmes The French and English Departments of Swarthmore College announce a series of four lectures in literature to be held on evenings during October at the Meeting House. The first lecture will be at 8 o'clock ~n October 6 when Norman L. Torrey will speak. on "Voltaire and Modem Thought:" On October 13 Harold C. Goddard will be heard on "William Blake and the Imagination"; on October 20 Elisabeth Cox Wright on "Matthew Arnold and the Study r Poetry" and at the final lecture on ~ober 27, Edith Philips on "Andre Gide and the Communist Movement." All friends of the college are cordially invited to attend these lectures. Charles Kimmel, Local r..-e Chief, Remind. Residents of a Few Precautions In commemoration of Fire Prevention Week, October 7 to 12, Charles Kimmel, chief of the Swarthmore Fire Department, lists a few DONT'S which, if applied, will go far toward avoiding fires, which most always, after all, can be avoided by carefulness and common sense methods: "Do not put hot ashes in wooden or cardboard containel'S-1lSe metal. "Do not bum rubbish outside on windy days. "Do not use matches or candles in closets; be very careful of open flames at aU times. "Do not carelessly dispose of cigarette butts. "Be CiJre/ul 0/ matches. "Do not store oily mops or rags used for waxing; put them in a metal container, where, if spontaneous combustion occurs, it can be quickly curbed. "Inspect your smoke pipe and chimney. Soot wiU burn. "Thaw frozen pipes with hot water, not P~. $2.10 PER YEAr. RICHARD T. RANDALL Richard T. Randall, founder and head of R. T. Randall Company, 331 North 2nd Street, Philadelphia, packers' machinery and supplies, died Wednesday at his home, 406 Thayer Road, Swarthmore, after several months' illness. He was 75. He was born in Philadelphia and in 1883 established the concern which bears his name. For many years he served as vestryman of the Episcopal Church of the Saviour, 38th Street above Chestnut, Philadelphia. His wife, Mrs. Flcrence F. Randall; two sons, Richard T., Jr., and Wayne H., and a daughter, Mrs. Richard G. Haig, all of Swarthmore, survive. Services were conducted at 1 P. M. Saturday from the family residence by Rev. Wilmot Gateson, rector of the Church of the Saviour. Interment was in Woodlands Cemetery. • FIRST DAY SCHOOL OPENS THIS SUNDAY Swarthmore Friends Plan Suaday School Program. for All Ages BOROUGH PLANS TO ADD NEW SEWERS Residents May Have Sidewalks and Curb. Built by Paying COlt of Materials A letter to Burgess Pitman contained the information that free labor may be obtained for building sidewalks if the property owners will pay the cost of materials, which amounts to about 12 cents per square foot and 45c per lineal foot for curb and gutter. Anyone wishing to make application should get in touch with the Borough Secretary, Elliott Richardson. The solicitor was authorized to draw an ordinance extending the business zone to include the lot belonging to Victor D. Shirer to which the old bank building was moved. A new street light, which was requested by Charles Andes, was ordered placed at the corner of Rutgers and Westdale Avenues., . . . The borough officers were authorized to enter into a new depository agreement with the Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Com!)any, by which the bank can deposit government bonds in place of surety bonds with the Federal Reserve Bank to protect the balance which the borough carries at the bank. A new sewer for the use of residents on lower Park Avenue, Haverford Place and Girard Avenue was discussed at length. The plans contemplate the Borough and Ridley Township joining together and making an application to the WPA for free labor, which would greatly decrease the cost of the project. One hundred and, fifteen feet would be laid on Haverford Place, 575 feet on Park Avenue, 721 feet on Michigan Avenue, 1519 feet on Girard Avenue and 540 feet to the exisUng outfall sewer. Of this amount 1511 feet would be in Swarthmore and 540 feet would be used_I~~~ with Ridley Township. If the E The Swarthmore Friends' Meeting starts its Sunday School program next Sunday at "When you bum leaves be sure you have 9.45. Peter E. Told is to be the superthem far enough away from any buildings. intendent ~Mrs. Roy Delaplain is to be "Remember, fire is one of our most dan- in charge of the primary department. A gerous and costly public enemies, and a committee of twenty-seven member.t of the little prevention is worth a pound of cure. Meeting have arranged a very interesting "Above aU, do not hesitate to call the program for the va~ous groups in the Fire Department." school. From the beginners on up there will be graded Bible study, combined with study in other fieldS which contribute to a more thorough understanding of religious history and the present work of Christianity. A class !or all int~rested a~uIts w!ll be led by vanous promlOent Fnends, 10 turn, in a year's study of the theory and Children'. Book. to Be luued practice of Quakerism. This course has Saturday Aftemoon. at Tempo- been o.utlined by Janet Payne Whitney, a rary Headquarters young. English Quaker of note, who will lead the class for the first four consecu- sUJ)pli~,rf6'~';J~'~~i As the Swarthmore ,Public Lib::u:..Boar~I.Yve.~eS. College stud~ts ~d.anY(.0t!~~ ~~~~~~l'11 metolcMoudayevehlng, --resWUU'It;'l·1Oc Eating Apples 3 lb. 10c N. Y. Cabbage 3 Ib> 5c !:F!!la!:.•..!C~r~a!Ep!!e!!fr~u!!;it~~3:!..:.:fo:::r~1:::4c;;:'-!:S~tri~n2!L!B~e~a~n:!!s:...._2 lb. 15c Long Island Snow White headlSC Cauliflower Rink and Trust Company Meat Ma ..'kets In" . . . . . . . a.n - 15e ?:~~ 2 Victor Bread ; ···tisaJ Sliced ·-·Bread' Woodward, Jackson .and -Black,-Inc.·· . All Co"j1al17 Iantod WALTER. SUPLEE mbspkg 0 'r::':'Mr 2 pi,,15c Corned BeeE 1 cans 19C Pastor Consult your telephone dIrectory or your local Koppers dealer .. 18c Armour'. Cooked Let us put on a new roof for you. A fire-proof roof of asbestos shingles, tin, copper or strip Bhingles can be applied right over your old roof. FHA Term. Ea.ilr A ......ec1 9 :46-Sunday School. 11 :oo-Loyaity to the Church. October 8th at E. meal. A full half pound of the tlnen aplcu at a ••vlng of Ie. SWARTHMORE ME"mODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH REV. WAYNE CHANNELL. D. D. Announces the Opening of its Seventy-fourth Series of Shares, with first payment due E. Black Pepper or Cinnamon '. Mary Lyon Sehool. FRIDAY 10:0o-Woman's Association. 12:45. THE SWARTHMORE BUILDING ASSOCIATION E. IlSaJ Tapioca 8 :OQ--Dr. and Mrs. TtltUe's evening at home for all yOUllS" people of the conRregatlon "an~ lltudenta of the College and WITH JOSEPH llSaJ Bread MONDAY C. Walton's office, 13 So. Chester Road. The dues are $1.00 per share per month with no entrance fee. Matured value $200.00. Ib IbS. SUNDAY SERVICE Ali-Brazilian Sa.nt08 blend with smooth flavor. Michigan THE SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BeY. John Ellel'J' Tuttle, MIDlster become effective Monday. Oct. 7 Ib zest to Swarthmore 43 Co-ed Beauty Salon LOWER IN PRICE -HIGHER IN QUAUTY lSc lISCO' 17c Mother's Joy!. 21c Victor 333 Dartmouth Avenue ALL BEAUTY AIDS "Fire.,one The.e famous coffees are ruahed our store. frashly roasted in bean form. They are really frBsh when ground to your order. Speclall, Priced far Thl. W~ A superb blend with full :flavor and al"oma. Church Notes vs. TIRES, BAITERIES, . CAR HEATERS WILL HELP TO MAKE YOUR WEATHER DRIVING SAFER AND EASIER. 25c DREXEL HILL SYLVIA SIDNEY HERBERT MARSHALL "ACCENT ON YOUTH" CIDER Mile W ...t of =;;;=============;I Next Monday evening Dr. and Mrs. Tuttle wiD have tbe lirst of tbelr evenings at . home, at the manse, for all young people of the congregation, and for stu· dents from the CoDese and Mary Lyon School. The Woman's Bible Class Will reopen next. Sunday with Dr..Clewell as teacher. Tbe class meets in the thurth transept at 10 o'clock. and is for ali women not in Bible classes In other thurthes. At morning worship next Sunday .t 11 o'clock, the Holy Communion will be celebrated. The pastor's meditation, "Remem.. bering His Words." The young people will meet at 7 n'rlr~l, I Sunday evening with Rev. Donald McGarrah .as leader, speaking on the of "Prayer," FOR FAU.. AND WINTER TUNE UP Haircub THEATRE "DANTE'S ·INFERNO" -- lind D~ciou.. I , LAUGH AT Saturday Matinee Only 'IDe Year'. Hlaheat Comedy Prea~yterian COME IN TODAY AND SEE THE NEW UNE OF CAR HEATERS• Opportunitr Sale 01 "BRIGHT LIGHTS" ·'The Moat Accommodating Theatre in Delaware County" _d ------------- -- -In- EXTRA w .....day DrexelofHill, Wednesday eve· honor MissonFrances Maxwell, or" Lansdowne, were: Mrs. Charles T.batcher. Mrs. Paul Alger. Mrs. Claude C. SmitIJ. Mrs. Peter E. Told. Mrs. William Turn~r, Mrs. Roy Delaplaine and Mrs. Frank Fitts. Miss Maxwell and Mr. Thomas Atkinson, of Germantown, both of whom are graduates of Swarthmore Col- A alight increase in price will WAVERLY Mond.y and Tuesda,. . DRIVE IN NOW Tuuday-For Three Day.! plu. A Musical in Color "Memories and Melodl"" and a Popeye Cartoon TARZAN APPLES Cold, experiences will be given by lOme ·of the are cordla1ly Invited. Last Sunday evening the young people had· their first supper confeieDce of the season with a splendid attendance. The committee of mothers In charge of th. supper was Mrs Carlos Noyes thalrman· Mn. D. W. R.' Morgan. Mrs.' A. r. Mc: Garrab and Mrs. A. Q. Davis. Last Tueoday afternoon the sewing commiUee for the Bazaar to be held under the auspices of the Woman's ABlsoc:i"U,Dn I on November 7, met at the home of Joseph S. Bates. Next Friday the Woman', ":,~=~: wiD bold its lint meeting of the and aD women of the congresation most cordlaUy invited. Morning sewing lor the Needlework GuUd will be under the thairmansbip of Mrs. T. H ......bruth. Luncheon hostess is Mrs. A. Q. Davis. In the afternoon there will be a short busi.. ness meeting and program. Next Sunday· afternoon at 3 o'clock there will be a mass meeting of the girls' and boys' thoirs in the thapel. with the directors and pastor, .Tbe choir rebearsals will at be 7beld on Friday evening, ] unior Choir o'clock. and .. the seOior at 8 o·clock. . WASHINGTON COLLEGE Among those from Swarthmore who attended a sbower at the home of Mrs. John Saturday, October 5th "Steamboat 'Round the Bend" The New Adventures of I FOOTBALL returned Wedriesday from Dayton, Ohio, 1";';~~lsh:::"for ha4avisile!l'''''#'h·).4rs. R. ~. I] week. "ANNA KARENINA" -In- _nd- .. ........- ~ "SNAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN, A WELL·TUNED MOTOR· HELPS YOU WHEN THE DAYS ~COLD AND NIGHTS ARE LONG, AND THE OLD BUS SINGS A MERRY SONG-" of otes The Young Women's GuUd will hol.rru-·· - . _. - Grst supper meetJng of the IO&IOn at tbe . home of Mrs. Horac:. Johnson. 30 Amberst Avenue. Dr. Tuttle speaIcs and .umm~ rector for this Sunday. Mr. BroomaUwIIl an ?rgan recital In the evening servTltUS J. KWIC Ice. plaYlDl!:: c....J ........ 1. PrtJude, "Largo"-New World 8ym... ROSALIE DRYDEN pbony-Dvorak. 2. "Alr"-Bath. 3. "Cradle Song"-Djlnaky. Pk... s ........... eGO 4. OiIertory. "Noctume"--Cbopin. ~~:Pa::. 5. Postlude. "Festival Marth"-Kinder. ="..;;;;;;;;;",;;;;;,,;,;;;;,,;;.;;;;;;;;;;;,,;;,,;:,;;;,== Dr. Wayne ChanneD will preach in :: moming service at 11 o'clock on ULoyalty =....;FRI;;;;;;D;;;A;;;;Y,;,.,,;OC;,;T;;,O;;;;B,;,E;;,R;,,4,;';,,;;1;;,9;;,35;;"==1 to the Cburth ... and in the evening at-' .45 on "The Seat of the Scornful." Trinity Church Notes Tbe recently elected Epworth League Tbe Annual Home-Coming Service will officers are as foDows: President. Doris be beld at 11 o'clock Sunday morrdng. Fol. Pitman; treasurer, pon~ Hoot; secretary. lowing the custom of former years the Mary SnYder;· fi~t Vice-president, Ella Vestry will. as far as possible. telepbone to Beagle; ",:"ond. vlce·presldent. Marjory every faml1y In the parish askfng every ; thud ~ce-pr...dent. Don Thomas; member to attend one of the two services vice.presJ.dents, Warren Bernard and on Sunday. Snyd~r. • Suggestions bave recently appeared In .Founde.. Day WIll be celebrated at the the thurcb papers suggesting that there Methodist Orpbanage on Saturday, 0 the college eletted Sergeant-at-Arms of the American Wa t ers. N . I • tm;> wee -end. athleU< field. No purpose has been deMn. Troyer Andenob. of Swarthmore. M F auk S'th I K A Legion County Comndtlee at a m.... aod Mrs W land H Ebb f Walling orlant meetln!! in the interest of of ...~. Ebbree. D1.. week or 80. adJull!nt of the Harold Ainsworth Post, peate \VIII be held Monday. October 14. at Col1ins ~aD'l the aUditorium 01 Sleighton Mr. aod Mril. Louis W. Wheelock, of SwatUlIDore. has served on the county F Park aod Harvard Avenues, sailed WednesMr. and Mrs. Ambrose Van A1en. of comndlt.. lor three yean. artn 9...bO for GIrls, Darlington, DeIaday oil the "Noniiandie" for a two months' Park Avenue, had as their guests last • ware Counly. Dortlthy Detzer, execuUve secretary of trip abroad. Visitln!! among other 1,, Your Cboi .. " W I I Standard QUd.liLy Tomatoes Red Ripe I.rg•••• Grapefruit ~.=:~ No.2 c.art IO~ Post Bran Flakes 2 Pkgs 19c Post Toasties 2 Pkga 13c .17c Hostess Marshmallows Ib pk& 14c 33c Stuffed Queen Olives jar 29c Rumford's Baking Powder G oz caD 13c 90 California lin Tom5to Sauce) Sard i "eS 2. I::~! 15~ Beans % I~ 9~ .Iumbo N. Y. State Marrowf.t Ib, Serve IIS(J) Meat_There Is a DIfference! 4.&;; Home Dressed Fresh Pork Shoulder• .. 27c ,..:..:Al:pl:pl:;:e;..;S::;a::;u::;c:.:e;.....;:3_can_•...;2::;5::;c~I.......;S:;.;a::;u:;.;e;.;.r..;K_r_R;.:ut;;.;;..........;2"-lb_B......: 0 27 Legs Lamb 1b C I.Loin Lamb Chops lb 39c lISa} Mint Jill tumbler 120 Swift's Premium Smoked (2 to 4 lbs) Beef Tongues Ib 29c Pure Pork Sauage lb 390 Fresh Country SRusae;e lb 33c Celery-fed. Tender Long Island Ducklings Ib 21 C White American Sandwich Cheese Y4 lb 70 Finest Domestic Sweitzer Cheese ~ lb 90 Sylvan Seal Cottage Cheese 2 12-0' cups 250 Pepper Hash lb 100 \ Fish Cakes 6 tor 250 Cornmeal Mush 2 lbs 120 Deviled Crabs 2 for 250 C 2 Ths15 Porgies Je~:~ do015c Fresh Select Oysters (Opened) FRncy Sea Scallops Fresh Cleaned CroRkers or Sea Trout Ib 29c (heads on) tb '. w..,. Q.",1ty C...ts & r ••, M••.,. h •• F.rt.... These Prices Effective 10 Our StOI'ft and Meat Markets tn BwutIuHn and Vlclnl 9c 1 . ; • " , ; SWAI~THM()I~E 6 mE ANNUAL FLOWER -SUOWA1 SCHOOLS a.- Riit. " pf: CoIlea-e A.yeaae. d 'R"'~ A lID ' ....- . . venue iDp fill~ with Build - Blooms grade, the medal goi1!8 10 FQrd W/aI!Is aud· honorable Jlll!ntlon \0 John Daley. . The~ ",,"I displays in each room were as follet"': \hird grad~, ClIDermoatat maintains the right degree of temperature at an times. No maUer what kind of heating plant you have now Automatic Oil Burner will operate it satisfactorily: EconomIcal • • • burns low priced oil. Quiet... has only one moving part. And once installed your heating worries are over for the winter. Change to clean, automatic oil heat today I Hercul~ r·S~;;;;;~R~b;;-~k~dC';., AVAILABLE UNDER THE N.H.A. PLAN With No Down Payment 3 Yeara to Pay ................. 522 Edgmont Ave" Cheater, Pa. Gentlemen: me detaila of your Automatic Oil Burner. '" .. Please ..send Hercules ~ Name .... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ Street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t. ~.i.~~....:..:. :..:. :..:.:..:.:..:. :..:.:..:.:..:. :..:.:.. :..:.:.:.. :. :.. :..~ .. J. $f:lors, Roebuck and c;~. 522 EDGMONT AVE. OCT 1 B ltidS .. CHESTER, PA. PHONE 9111 ( VoL VII, No. 42 SWARTHMORE, COUNCIL OBJECTS TO UQUOR STORE JOSEPH E. HAINES PA., OCTOBER 18, 1935 moMASC. SHAFFER . PIO PER YEA" JOHN H. PITMAN . AT WOMAN'S CLUB awn- Lafayette A v _ Pro,.ny en Seek Informati!)n at. Public HeuiDg MASS MEETING PRO· . mrs UQUOR STORE ' . Townspeople Gather in MetLodiat Church; TeltoSJUDS SeiJt to H ..... rUb ...., Petiti~ Circulated A mass meetiog of the townspeople ill protesl againsl Ibe propoSed Stale Liquor At the regular. meeting of Borough The firsl slaled meeting of \he currenl Store in Swarthmore which was announced year was held by the Swarthmore Woman's ·Council Wednesday eveJilng the propoSed . in last Thursday's papers, was held in the liquor-store for Swarthmore was discussed. Club at the clubhouse on Park Avenue on Swarthmore Me\hodist Church al Z.JO last ~I great length. J. Archer 'furner, pres!. 1\Ieoday, Octobj!r IS. Mr. Thomas C. Sunday afternoon. dent of Cou"dJ, read a telegram which he Shaler, well-known writer, traveler and The meeting. at which there were mor, had oent to Governor Earle prolesting ledurer on economic subjects delivered a than a hundred and twenty-five P........ establisbment of a store here. SolidtoJ" most interesting and iDltructive discourse on was called by Burgess John H. Pibnan at Meyers quo\ed the slale act which said "The Ethiopian in Ih. European Wood. the request of many citizens 'of the Bor'that afler the advertisement of the locapUe." Introduced by Mrs. Roland Eaton, ough. Uon of a siate store the - citizens had five chairman of the program committee. Mr. Chester Roberts acted as secrelary of the days in which 10 present petitions to the Shafter described in clear and forceful meeting, al which Mr. Pitman presIded, court aga.inst the location of a store on style the C&II!CS 1I'1aidl Aave mall",t"" the and informed the assembly of \he s\epa the propoSed slle. presenl conllicl belween Itoly and EthiopiL which had already been \akOn III Ihe matA close studenl of world aftalrs, he was ler. Presidenl Frank Ayde1olle, of SwarthIt was felt thaI the petltlODS'WIJId.I w_ able 10 paint a vivid picture of conditions more College, as well as the School Board in Ethiopia and ouUine \he I\allan posicircuialOd ~ ~in Ihe' Borough . displayed the and many individuals of the town, upon ....tlmenls of an overwhelming majorilY of Preoldeat of Rollia.. GreeD Golf C...... tion in its activities in Ethiopian territory. learning of the proposition, sent te1egramath, ciw.ens. Therefore, Council requesled who, witla Mr.. H.iaae.. w .. feted ..,. Mr. Shafter took \he poslUon thaI no no. 10 Harrisburg requesting an opportunity \0 Burgess Pitman to deliver the petitions in member. of the club Weda-td.,. eYe- tion goes to war from a purely altruistic SwUthmore Bur.en Leads FiaLt present objections. penon and explain the great opposition to ailll'_ motive; that aside from Italy's desire to see Aa.m.t State Liquor Store. The foUowing letter, which was writtea suclt a store, and au\homed paymenl of slavery abolished in E\hiopia, \he IIaIian to Governor Earle by Dr. J. Russell Smith, of Elm Avenue, is an example of the inhis expenses 10 Harrisburg on this mIsnation was viWly concerned with the quossian. lion of territorial expansion. He further tense feeling of SwarthmOreaJIS relative \0 the establishing of a liquor store iu. the &veral residents of Lafayette Avenue explained in detail the interest of other Borough: countries, notably Great Brjtain and France, were present asking information from COQncil on how the assessment for the in protecting their integrill rights in con"This community was shocked to read in the newspapers recently tbat the Pennsyl.. paving of LafayeUe Avenue was to be Portrait .of Prominent Local Man nection with Ihe Italo-Ethiopian conllict, made. Some of the property owners have and dosed his remarks with the statement vania Liquor Control Board proposed to comer 10tsJ others have triangular lots and PreseDtecl to Rollina Green that the surest way to prevent or avert Public School Enrollment Shows establish a large number of new liquor Increase of Twenty-three Golf Club by Members war is to aholish economic and political stores, including one in Swtuthmore, a resia relaining wail is to be used along the dential borough and educational center, ties nationalism. f 'h f Over Last Year Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Haines, of South Another featm'e of the meeting was n stream in front 0 two 0 L e proper • "I am sure many of the citizens of that They also asked information on how the Chester Road. were tendered an informal borough in addition to myself would like to It was decided at the regular meeting of payments could be financed. over a period reception on Wednesday evening at the report by the president, Mrs. Roland G. know your attitude in this matter. Is it G G CI b S fi Ullman, of the Fortieth Annual Conven- the School Board, held Monday evening. of time. The members of conndl stated R iii necessary that the Liquor Control Board a ng reen olf u, pring eld, by tion of the State Federation of Pennsylthat adjustments would' be made in the the members of the club and their wives. to petition the Court of Common P1eas to push the alcohol business, and in so doing cases of cl"'t~':i·-a:nd irregular lots, the cost At the same time a portrait of Mr. vania Women, which ~he attended at Erie have John Wolf, janitor at the Rutgers docs it have your support or is it going S; tlie' 'retaining wall will be allocated be- Haines, painted by Frederic Roscher, was September 30 to October 4. In her own against your efforts? tween all of the property owners. Clarence presented to the club by the members. vivid and inimitable style, Mrs. Ullman Avenue School, appointed a school officer "The recent action of the American G. Meyers, soliciter, explained that ae- The occasion was in appreciation of Mr. imparted to the club. members .her enthusi- with full· authority to make arrests on the peop1e in removing the Prohibition Amend~ cording to law that the owners had 6 Haines' ten years of service as president of ~m .for the conventIon, stres51ng the h?s- school property when advisable. This ment from the Constitution is, as I see it, months in which to pay their assessed costs, the club He is also an active club memo pltality, promptness and harmony which measure se~med advisable because of the a permission for the people to' again do" as after that llens would h:->.:Je:ried, ·but, 'Rr-: b~~d·~,.·-.y~W.:._~tJ~·. ~-r-.aJ:l ardlmt 'p~v;Wcd.~,.t" ~ f..rie ~~ting," I;lS w~ as mlschlei, -petty thievetj''.an'd Damage which they please'in =t:hIs.·hDtttut'''·b~·lIctlon rangements could be made to pay them off golfer. the valu~ of ad~resses made by Rabbi of the State in pushing \he sale of this in installments. The presentation of the portrait was Joseph FlOk, DaVId Seabury, M.rs: Thomas have taken place !it the schools. maker of automobile accidents and other made by Mr. Paul Freeman. Mr. Milton N: Hepburn, Dr. R. A. ~. Gillts, KathFrank R. 'Morey, supervising principal, trouble is quite another matter. It cerIt was explained that the material and Reinhold, vice-president, ofliciaIIy received enne I:e~r~ot and the pre5ldent, Mrs. John repo,rted. that the school enroJiment as of tainly puts \he State in \he position of equipment would cost about $4,705 which the gift on .behalf of the club. . M. Phillips. debaucher and destroyer. What can the would make the cost between $2 and $2.50 Mr. Haines; who is very popular with Club business consisted of a reading of October 1 shows an increase of 23 over dtizens do to stop this action on the part per lineal foot. This does not include the his associates, both business and social, is the minutes of the last meeting by the last year. The junior and senior high of Ibe Slale? ~ $5,000 of free labor granted by the W. P. one of the older residentS of the Borough, recording secretary, Mrs. Mabel Fisher schools and the Rutgers Avenue School liAs I remember the campaign against having, lived here thirty-eight years. He Williams; a report by the treasurer, Mrs. show. increases in enrollment while the the Eighteenth Amendment, it was repeated. A. Henry Hoot, of the Tree Committee, re- has for the past two years been vice-presi- C. C; West, and the following announce- College Avenue Elementary School shows over and over again that the movement to ported SO trees in the borough DUrsey were dent of the Swarthmore National Bank and ments by chairmen of sections: a decrease. The music daMes show that restore the sale of alcohol was a movelal'ge enough to be transplanted this winter Trust Company, of which he was made a Mrs. Joseph Seal, chairman of the ment toward temperance, that it was done and would be placed on Sou\tl Chester diredor on August 2, 1921. He is also health and welfare seeUon. A card party 21 pupils are taking viollD; 8, the wood to reduce the use of alcohol, which was Road. The borough secretary was author- president of the Swarthmore Building As- and fashion show to be held by the sec- winds and brass instruments, Qd IS, piano said to be very great because of illicit sale." ized to petition the W. P. A. for labor for sodation, having held the post for about tion on Monday, November 4, at 2 P. M. and voice. Although Swarthmore voted 812 yes to Reports of the summer high pool, sum- 480 no on Prohibition Repeal in the Nopruning shade trees on the borough streets fifteen years, prior to which he served for at the clubhouse. this winter. some time as vice-president of the AssoMrs. H. A. Peirsol, chairman, art sec- mer recreation committee anc:l high 1Ch001 vember election of 1933, it is estimated that 'd .~.. clation. He has been a director since it don. A barge party on the New Hope stuqent treasury funds were read and fiJed. only one out of every ten would not sign Other routine business was enac\.e ,WlIoU 1\e flooding of the girls' locker room Ibe petitioJJt~wbjch )lad been prepared and til t mg.ht was incorporated in 1899. Canal on Wednesday, October 23. Cars d \he meeting being adjourne un 0 Mr. Hu'nes has held his present poslUon N the last bad storm was discussed were' circulated aft~r the meeting. Burduring rials t b leave the clubhouse at 9 A. M. for ew at 7.45, when the bids forfmatt~ A 0 ee as president of J. E. Limeburner, Philadel- Hope. Anyone desiring to go should and It was decided to lay a drain of field gess Pitman divided the town into 39 disused in the paving of La aye venu , phia, dispensing opticians. since the death communicate with Mrs. Peirsol. tile along the front of the building and tricts, each of which averaged around 36 will be opened. of Mr. Limebumer in 1916. He had beel) signers, making a total of about 1500 Mrs. C. A. McDowell, chairman, drama connect it with an existing open drain opposed to the establishing of a liquor vice~presideDt for some years before, suc- section. The first meeting of that sec- nearby. The labor will be furnished by ceeding to the presidency. He was also tion will take place on Thursday, October the Works Progress Administration and store here. It is probable that the result of the president of the Spr,inghaven Club for a 31, at 10 A. M. at the clubhouse; partici- the cost is not to exceed $50. aforementioned election is the reason for A letter from the Pennsylvania Railnumber of years. pants will study the English Renaissance Swarthmore be-ing ~eld a fair prosptCt for Period and meetings will thereafter be held road indicated they would furnish the a liquor store, even though most people POUCE NEWS regularly on \he 2nd and 4th Thursdays of labor in building Ihe fence aloDg the rail- when questioned reply that they voted. for road track from the school to the station. repeal simply because they felt that proClarence Triol, of Media. was stricken each month. One of First Residents of BorThe School Board authorized the purchase Soule, chairman, literary Mrs. Phelps hibition was" not' the proper method to with a heart attack on Whittier Field, of of $66 worth of supplies to build the fence cope with the situation. ough and Former Poetsection. First meeting, November 7, 10 Swarthmore College, while attending last to the boundary of the school property. Not only have people been willing to master Friday afternoon's football contest between A. M. Subsequent meetings, 1st and ,"lrd Boro Council will pay for the' fence from sign the petitions, but some who were not Swarthmore and Media Higb Schools. Mr. Thursdays of each month. Many inter- the station to the school line. contacted have gone to the trouble to locate Edward W. Hannum, one of the oldest Triol, who was 65 years old~ was examined esting book reviews as well as biographies The bid on the Lyon Metal Products a petition and sign it. For the conresidents of Swarthmore, died on Tuesday, by Dr. Franklin Gillespie, of Swarthmore, will be covered during the year. Odober 15, after a protracted illness at the who was present and who, after adminMrs. Jacob Meschter, chairman, music Co.! of $172.50 was accepted for 28 new venience of those who are not as yet repage of 77 years. istering first aid, had the victim taken in section. The club's chorus will hold re- lockers at the Rutgers Avenue School. The resented on a petition, BurgeSs Pitman has Board eXpressed their gratitude for the placed a blank in· the SWARTHMOREAN . the Swarthmore police car to the dMedia d d hearsals each Monday morning at 10 two 6 feet rubber gym mats donated by office where we will. be. glad to have resiMr. Hannum conducted a grocery b USlness in Swarthmore when SwartQmore Hospital, where he was pronounce, ea o'clock. Mrs. David C. Prince. dent... stop and sign. Those. who circulated Mrs. Katharine H. Brownell, chairman f S 'hmOTe could boast of about ten houses. and at" 3.45. B I d the petitions in the 39 districts were: BurDr. Leech announced the dates of the } ohn rown, co are , 0 war" , served as postmaster here during tbe Mc- upon arrest and appearing before Magis- of the admissions committee, announced Teachers' County Institute as the after· gess ,Pitman, MisS Eliiabeth Steel, Miss Kinley and Roosevelt administrations. His trate Rumsey on October 9, was placed the following new members: Mrs. Stuart noons of October 28 to 31, inclusive. The Mae Lynd, Mrs. Harvey Pierce, T. Baird. Smith, Mrs. C. F. Wolcott, Mrs. John R. original home was on the site now occu- under bond to keep the peace. Board decided to dismiss school at noon Crosby Mo'rton, Mrs. Dwight Cooley, Mrs. George Van .Al~n, William Downton, J, Mark E. Hellmer, of Concordville, who Ludwig, Jr., Mrs. Duane. R. Terry and those days. pied by the post office. He tater lived OD Miss Nellie G. Collins, and as reinstated Warren Paxton, Sa~uel Wisdom, Mrs. Yale Avenue. was arrested here on July 3 for drunken Stanley MacMillan, Paul Paulson, Mrs. EdMr. and Mrs. Hannum ce1ebrated their driving was diScharged upon paymr.nt of members, Mrs. Helen M. Han and Mrs. Home and School Meeting, 23rd ward Boyd, Mrs. William Hoffman, Mrs. B. C. Wiggins. fiftieth wedding anniversary last spring. costs ~hen he 'appeared before the court Mrs. James Bogardus, president of the George W. Warren, Mrs. Roy Lingle, Mrs. Mr. Hannum was the son of the late at Media on October 11. \VilIiam Craemcr) president of the Home Edwin A. Yama1J! Benjamin A. Kneedler. Joseph and EUzabeth Worrell Hannum, of ;:.:..:.::.:.::_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.., Junior Club, made a special talk on her impressions of the Erie Convention! and and School Association, has announced that Jr., Mrs. Alfred Fassitt, Haldy M. Crist, Media and was a descendant of an old announced a junior dance for Oct~ber 26. the opening meeting of the association will George Flood, Rev. Thomas Meryweather, Delaw~re County family. He is survived Hallowe'en Parade on 31st be held 'in: the High School auditorium on Mrs. William H. West, Louis W. K1rig, Mrs. Horace Walter had with her the by his widow, Martha E. H'annum j three Wednesday evening, October 23, at 8 Charles Deacon, Chester Roberts, Samuel At a meeting of the Swarthmore petition which Swartbmore residents are sons, Clarence E., of Oberlin Avenue. o'clock. All parents of pup~1s i~ Swarth- M. Dodd, Mrs.· J. Donald Gibson, Mrs. Business Association on Tuesday aslted to sign to prevent the establisbment Swarthmore; Henry, of Collingswood, more schools are cordially· invited to' be Arthur Kenl, Mrs. L. C. Shero, MISS Olive evening it was decided that the of a State Liquor Store in Swarthmore N. J.; and Thomas, of Media; two daughpresent. Cleaves. ]. Russell Smilh, Mrs. .Harold Association and the SWARTHMOREAN and gave opportunity for members to ters, Mrs. Adolph Weiss, of Rutledge, and Barnes, Carl Cleaves, Mrs. Edward H. Bon~ The program will consist of brief talks will gain sponsor a HalJo~e'en enter their names thereon. Mrs. J. Robert Anderson, of Over~rook; sail, Jr., Alfred Fassitt. Mr. and Mrs. Parade for the' children of \h!! BorThe next stated meeting win be held by several members of the teaching staff, four brothers, \Vilson, } ames, Albe~ and Chester Roberts· took charge of three 'disough. This will be the fiftb annual on Tuesday, October 22, at which Miss outlining the new features of "the work Howard; and a sister, Mrs. Wesley tricts. . . parade and will be held on HallowM. Geraldine McConnack will ledure on being presented this year. Some special Mooney. For obvious reasoll3 it is held that such e'en, Thursday evening, October 31. old glass and china. She will have with music is being planned for the occasion. Funeral services will be held at the most undesirable as an invasion would ',be After the meeting there wiD be an opporWatch next week's SWARTHMOREAN her interesting specimens from ber cotGriffith Chapel, Norwood, this af~ernoon, well as detrimental to the assured safety for deWIs. lection and members are assured of an tunity to greet the new teachers, fonow- of Friday, at 2 o'clock. Interment will be at residenl families and the charader '-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~, instructive and worth-while meeting. ing which refreshments wiD be served. (COIlUaUe4 OD Pap 4) Arlington Cemetery. Planned for "'Near Future Reported by .Section Chairmell InteJedjng EVellts u.. JOSEPH E. HAINES FETE'D BY CLUB =============== SCHOOLS TO HAVE SPECIAL OmCER • EDWARB H. HANNUM DIES AT AGE OF 77 , • u.. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE SW 041~TH M~ 6 TIlE SWARTHMOREAN ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW AT SCHOOLS Class Rooms of College Avenue and Rutgers Avenue Buildings Filled with Blooms ._==_O_CTOBER II, 1935 grade, the medal gomg to Ford \Vlggins Observatory Open Nights No. 872 BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE ...... and honorable mention to John Daley. ORDINANCE No. 373 June Term. 1935 The best dlspla) 5 In each room \\ crc as The Sproul Observatory '" III be open to AN ORDINANCE providing (or the ~On8tr All that certain Jot or piece or land With foIl0\\5 third grade, (:ollcge first place. \ ISltOrs on the second and fourth Tuesday hun of an eight lDch Vitrified terra co~~· Pipe 8ew~r un KutKen; Avenue In the IS " Helen Ha" kt:5, second. Emily Rumble hlghts of each month while the college IS the two-story bru:k slol'(! and apartment bulld_ ough of Swarthmore, to extend from W~~ Third grade, RutJ,::crs first place, Charles ID sessIOn Tuesday, September 24th, was IIIg ther('On erected. situate on the- northwestdale Avenue In a 8uuthcrl)' direchon I~Q uly tilde 01 I<":irth street at the dlatance Jsorl('II lor house connections c· 10ming on the northeast Bounded on the Harton's room first place, 10hn Daley, SECTION 2 That a contract for the s,ud northeast lind southwest by other lands of the nork be a\\arded as reiluirE'd by Jaw, and th~ s('cond Robert Half Mr Hell's room first said Wilham F Delehanty and on the north_ proper Borough officers are her('by 8uthorlZtof pllct' Ford WIJ,!l!:ins, second Joan Thatcher Mr and Mrs Thom.ls Bant.:, of Mar- \\est by lands of Nell A Ma) Plush Cum. to e;xceulc such controct and take such olher IJany Heilig known and dcslgnatt'd a8 130 1\1) ..... ElIzabeth Barten, sCience teacher in shall Ind! ~pent last \\ eek vl"lhng theIr West Plfth Street. IIteps as mny be ad\' ISed by the SoliCitor 111(' proller offlc~rs are hereby empowered to tikI' the High School, \\ as In chnr~e of thiS very son and daughtcr-m la", Mr and Mrs advantage of ony co-operoilon With llur('t1us Improvements COhSlst of twOo-story brick mt('re.. tm~ and hlghlv ~ucce.."ful Oo\\er Chfford Hanta. of 5" arthmore Crest, "ho houll'(" It1xCi4 fcct. store front Dcpartml'nts or AgenCies of the Jo'eileral Or .. ho\\ Stute Go\ernments as may be available also had as their ~uests over the \\ eek.end Sold as the property of Wilham F. DeJeSECTION 3 That Upon the complehon of Mr and Mrs Paul Marns, of \Vashmgton, hanty, mortgagor and I"('al owner, the work, and the ascertamment or the ~ntlle I • NEWS NOTES , FIVE-COUNTY CONFERENCE FOR L.W.V. I DID YOU KNOW KINGSLEY MONTGOMERY, Attorney, I evan .'nclas No 892 June Term, 1935 Prop 81t ID Boro of Sharon HIli, Del Co. 1'0 on the S W. s of Ridley Ave 26367' W fr the N. W. s of Chester pike, tho ext. S W. partly passing thru the party wall of l)I"Crn erected UPOII the herein dcsc Jot and premises erected on lot adj. to the S 90' to a tit th ext N W_ 27.5' to a pt • th ext N E partly passing thru the party wall of 2 cert garages and alg the cen of a cert. 7' w dwy. 90 to a pt. In the S W. s of Ridley Ave., th alg same S E. 275' to place of beg Tog. with use of dwy. U & S to condo Bnd rest Improvcments consISt of two-story brick and shmgle house, 15x36 tcct. porch front. cement block and trame garage, 9xlt1 feet Sold as the property of Clifford R mortgagor and real owner. EDWARD F Mohn, HITCHCOCK, Attorney. Bethlehem (Doe) Burners , WILSON Coal and Supply Co. Walhnaford. Pa Largest Independent Dlstnbutors of Fuel Od and Aulomolic Jllfahnc F(Hl pment m ThiS County MISS Esther I Short, an outstandlDJ!: figure In the mUSical \\orld and a resu.1ent of Dcl.m ..tre Count), \\ III aPI)ear on the program of the Broadmeado\\ s Pnson I farm heneflt \\hlCh '\Ill be gl\en at the Smedle) J UDlor High School in Chester n('xt Thur"da) evemng October 17, .It 8 30 The RroadmeadO\\s bemfit, the uRox)" "ho\\, conslstmg of numcrous stage and radlO .utlsts IS oem~ "pan ored b\ the Chcstel Scr\ ICC Clubs to rat"e a muslc.ll fund for Hruadme ldo\\s Pnson Farm PREPARE YOUR CAR FOR WINTER DRIVING This Is the Way We Check Your Car to Prevent Winter Troubles I-Before servlcmg With anti-freeze, thoroughly clean coolmg system, block and radIator, removmg thermo:stat be- fore flushing 2-See that drain cock is light and all other leaks are elimInated 3-Rubber hoses must be free of cracks and flakIng Replace If defectIve 6-Flush out gear cases and refill transmiSSion and dIfferential WIt h Wmter lubncant 7-Check battery for voltage and water; replace battery cables .f needed. 8-Lubncate generator and Increase chargIng rate for WInter dnving. 9-Clean fuel pump bowl 4-Fan belts that are worn and check carburetor. I O-Draln crankcase and re- or greasy should be replaced to prevent slip pmg or obViate break- fill WIth Wmter oil. I-Inspect for leakage at Ing 5-Lubnciltc water punlp and be sure entIre as senlbly IS leak proof Check pump packing heat IndJcator connection 11-lnspcct all water connectlOn gaskets and tighten or replace If leaking. $1.95 Plus Material HANNUM & WAITE Alcohol - SWARTHMORE 1250 DuPont 5 Star Anti-Freeze Exide Batteries Prestone D 1935 J. ARCHER TURNER, Prandent of Council Attest ELLIOTT RICHARDSON. (Seal) Borough Secretary Approved thIS 10th day of Oct. A D 1935 JOHN H PITMAN. BUrgess 30X 4.40-21 4.75-19 $6.05 7.05 OeherSIJJC8tn.Propu,hon .1I~,~I,_t:~,ch.nge wIthout tar; additional notice Over 20,000,000 GOODYEAR Pathfinders sold-that's how good it is. Guaranteed in writing against road injuries and defects. A better tire than moat dealers sell at highest prices. Imllrovl'mcnb ('onslllt of h"o story stone nnd :.hllll-!'Il hou;,('. 15x27 flct, porch front one_ stm:y shml-!'Il! nddltlUn 6x9 feet, stucco /-:urngl 12xlS felt SoM as the IJroperty of Joscph Derman I,wr, lind Hobl'rt fullmer. l1:'al owner HANNUM & WAITE morl~ C Passed this 9th day of Oct, A PATHFINDER $ 25 3! TOl-!'ether with Ihe free nnd ("ommon use, r".:-ht hherty flllt! PrI\ liege of the nbo~c menlIoned drl\,e\HIY ns nnd fur a passage"ay and \~ntere()urse at nil times hcrealter forever. "Roxy" Show to Benefit Prison costa thereof aSSt'tSsment shnll be made tlllOn all alls{'!Jsable property for the E'nilre cost of the said sewer and accessorl(!8 mcludmg the expeWJt'S of enacting thiS Ordmance, (!tlually ncconhng to the foot frontage. by the liar. ough Ensnnt'Cr, as proVided by Jaw SUcb aSSl"SSrnl'nts shall not be ... harged With Ihter~st if paid Within thltty (30) days afler the completion of the work. any such assessment rcmammg Unpaid thirty (30) daY8 from the hme the work II! completed, !;Ihall draw mtf.'r_ cst at the rate of SIX (6%) per cent per annum from date of completIOn and If not paid wlthm five (5) months after such com. pletlOn, the Sohcltor shaJl cause liens to be filed agamst the various pr01Jerty tor said assCElsmenls With Interest computed from lhe date <01 complehon SECTION 4. Where hens shall be filed nil of the cost and attorney's lees, together With ten (lOlA) per eent additional Oil a penalty shall be payable by the party or partlC8 O\1;n lng the property agaln:!t which such henl! are filed. NATHAN P. PECHIN, Sheriff. $265 l-Sales 3-Service 2-lnstallation 4-FuelOil E SW~I~THM( 'I~E I' ,), • The class rooms of the t\\O grade school bUlldmgs were com ertcd 1010 flo\\ er I!ardens Tuesday, o<:tober 8 \\lth lovel) dlSpia) s of fall flo\\ efS The occa~Jon \\ as the annual flo\\ er .. how conducted b\ the children of the third, Iourth, fifth, !ilxth and seventh grades Each child In the room \\as m\lted to bnng a dlSplav of f.11I Oo\\Cr.. to hiS or her room The dlspla) 5 "( re judl!ed on arrangement, condition of Oo\\('r.. and appropnateness of bo\\ I or va"'e The judges of the dlSphys \\ ere.Mrs n.o ..s Marnott Mrs Alfred SmrlllC) Sr .md Mr~ George Zlmmer The committee of }U(IJ!es had dlftlcult) In sclectln~ the be... t room dl"pla\ ID each bUlldm~, but finalh :1\\ arded an D C Amencan flag to 1\11"S Moore s fifth grade room m the Rutgers A\enuc buddmv: and MI"s Anne 'Varrcn, of \Valnut Lane, has to MISS Weber's Sixth grade room and Mr entercd S\\ arthmore Colle~e thiS ran as a Hell'" seventh grade room m the College sophomore, after havIngl prcvIously atA\Cnue bUlldmv; tended Earlham College, RIchmond, IndiThe followmg mdl\ Idual a\\ ards \\ ere ana made Helen Ha\\ke" r('cened a bronze Mrs_ D_ C. Prince, President, Holds Pennsylvania League medal for the best mdl\ Idual dl"pla\ 10 j SHERIFF SALES Meeting the two third grade room" honorable menSheriff s OfTICt!, Court House MedlD P. tIOn go1Og to Charles Moore In the Saturday, November 2 1935 9.30 o'clock A M The Leav;uc of Women Voters-state, Iourth grade Eleanor B\C recelHd the (Easlern Stundard Time) county and local-has mterestlng and inbronze medal and Ed,\ ard Belfield, honorable menlion The medal 3\\ard 10 the formative programs for the month of Oc fifth grade was \\ on b} HIIlv Sickle, \\Ith tober ComhtlOns $25000 cash or certllied check Mary Frances DImmitt reC(,lvm~ honorable The Penns)lvama Lea~ue, Mrs Dand at lIml' of sale (unless othenVJ8c slaled In advertisement), balance In ten days Other menhon In the Sixth grade, Harry Scho- Chandler Pnnce, of Swarthmore, president, ('omhtlon~ un day of sale. field won tbe bronze medal and David beld a five-county conference at the Spaeth received honorable mention Simi- home of Mrs Allan D Walhs, "Annan Jar awards \\ere made 10 the seventh dale," Kmg Road, Malvern, on Friday, Le,;arl FaCiaS No 1428 ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ October 4, at 1030 A. M The program June Term, 1935 ~ \\ as 10.10 11 3O-"FI"e Objectives for All that certam lot or piece of ~round 1935 36" speaker, Mrs DaVid C Pr1Oce, With the bulldlngS and Improvements thereon itA Look1OJ?,: Glass Vle\\' of the League in erected. situate In the TownshiP of Upper THAT FI\ e Countnes," presented b} the chair- iJarby County ot Delaware Bnd State of Pennsylvania, amI described aeeording to a ('erlmn men of the counties, nameh, Delaware, 1,Ion ami survey thereof made by Damon Bnd Chester, Phtladelphla, Bucks and Mont- fo·osll'r. C E dated February 2ith, 1925, as (0110\\;8. to Wit Situate at the lnten;ectlOn HEAT MORE HOMES IN gomer) uf the southeasterly SIde of Dermond road SWARTHMORE 1130-12 30-"~e\\ Neutrahty Laws," (fOrty feet "'Ide) With the northeasterly aide of Wllsun drnc (Corty feet ",.tIe), thence Than Any Other Individual speaker, Mrs MaUrIce N \Veyl l:xtl!nthng along the snul Side of Dermond Make of Oil Burner? 1230 I 45-Box luncheon rond north sixty-three degrees thirty SIX mmAsk Concermng OUf Special 145-"\Vork of the CIVil Service Com- ut<'S four seconds eDst one hundred eleven and F mance Plan fortY-!'Ieven one-hundredth!! feet to the southmiSSIOn 10 Phlladelphm," speaker, Charl~s "esterly Side of n certam thuteen feet wide Your Completely Installed PrIce S Sh.lughness\ Cillef E:mmmer of CI\ II drlvc\\ay v.;huh extends northwestwardly from May Be as L..,w as MnrvlPe avenue to Dermond road and thenee Scn ICC CommissIOn 10 PhIladelphIa extendmg along SQld Side of drIVeway south Mrs J Passmore Cheyne)' \\ho I!; chair 1"( nlY-SlX d~re("S cight minutes elev('n sec. (Cash) man of the Countv Lea~uc and the Swarth- nnds eD!>t twenh: t" 0 und seventy one-hun. drcdth!l feet to a pomt nnd thence t"xtendmg more Lea/-tuc, gave a report of the 3Ctl"l- south sixty t\\O degret"s twenty five mmutes west one hundred ten and cmhty eu:ht onetil'S of the ])ela\\ are Count} League hundredths feet to the emd northl'nsterly Side Tho"e \\ho attended from S\\arthmore of Wdson drive nnt! thence eXk'ndtng along \\ere Mrs Ed\\tn A Yarnall :Mrs the snul sule of Wd!>on drive north h\enty_ .Iegrec>! thut) fhc millutc.s "cst twenly_ namel Gooch\ln Mrs J I)aul Bronn, Mrs "eVtn th ( fHt to the fiMit mentioned ).omt anti place Wilham Middleton Fmc Mrs Theodore of bel-flnnllU: Crus~cn Mrs Thomas Johnson, Mrs AI Under nnd subject to cerhun bUlldmg rcfred GaQ 'Vhltc and Mrs Charles Bunt "trlctlOns and COhlhtlOns mg Complete Burner &Fuel Service I~ WILFRED CONARD Attorne) CHESTER ROAD AND YALE AVENUE Swarthmore 1250 I c\nrl fUel IS No March Term 241 1935 All that certam traet or l)Jecp. of the hUlldlngs lIllIl Imllro\emenl!i l!re( teel sdunte lIartiy In the Burough o( S\\ Irthmore lind l'lrtly III thl' To\\ nshlll uf SI,rmghdcl III the County of DlIa\\ are ami louuded IInll dC':lcrlbed Wi (oIlO\\s, to \\It B~gIllIlIlU!!' It 11 pOlUl III the middle of HlVl'r ';Jew lI\enUe ,fifty f~d \\ltl~, .It the {hs(nnce of 12!GO or. fl'C1 southenst\\urdly from the pomt .. f IIIter>;l'Ctmn til the Haul mltldle hne of 1t1\e;r\I~\\ u\ellue nnd the mulllle hne of Ogdell IIllnue extendllll-!' thence by the muldie Iln~ of tile slUd Unenww ;nenuc Bouth .!I tkl-!'rClS 50 mwutes elst tn 79 fcct to an Ingle III s 1111 Uner\iew lI\,ellUC, thence m the berl o( Ul\ervle\\ IIvenue suuth 17 degr("('s 1 mlRuh (list GH 21 f(.!et to n pomt In the middle IIf Sliid Ih\~r\lew II"cnue nhcre the sime IS 10 fed W Idl', thence stdl b) the 1m Idle of Jtl\et\le\\ l\\elHle (forty feet wule, south 17 dCJ.':re;'(':; I ramulc ellst 7809iJ feel to n stone III the muldlc uf saul Rncrvlew avcnu~ thence cro:-;slng s uti avenue dmgQnalh south 17 d(>~ r~'S 1 mllllltlC cast 11565 feet to a pomt In the northerly right of \\ ay hlle of th(> Phi Indelphlll B Iltlmore nnd \Va!>hmgton Railroad Com pan:,; thellCe:! by saul right of \~ay hlle north 6n dlgr~CS 42 hunutes east 131 75 feci to an alUde thence shll by sau) rlJ..(ht uf way hne north 'i-i del-l'rees 15 mmutl"s (,.list lOR 85 f(> of (he sllul mtlrtgal-l'ors thence by the "nul lands north 21 dcg("(.'('S 10 minutes \\est nil) 55 fed to a pomt at II corner of the s81d Innds thence stili by saul ];mds south 54 d('grccs ~6 mlllut('s '\e!>t 342 G fC('t to Il POlDt Illothlr corn('r of saul lands then('e stilI by ~ul{l I mIls north IH del-!'IX'CS \\cst 671!l5 fC('t to a Ilnllll another ('orner of saul lands thence shll hy saul I mils north i6 dl'J:rt't":; 57 mmlilt" liSt ( 1)0\ 04 f('Ct to n }lOmt III the middle "f l\f Ir"h III l i l t nut tht Ilce h) the nit Idle o( IIItI I\1Ir:;h III alentlt n"rth 22 tlel-!'rC('!> 21 nHIIH11" \\lst 3nl fiH rl'Ci ttl I Ilfllnt a ('I rner f llurJIIHI of \h. I IRlm., U1lth.llt I I I m 1111 'IIt I Jill.),. 11" I' 01111111." 1,11.. I) th, uuth 111111:-: ('{'lIlb r f h"~llInlng \\( I ,1'\ Ilt)..:h'('< I"'~'II, fe;... 1 Imprcnlmt'llis '(lI"lt of il\o alul om half ,.tOl~ frlnlt h"u"t ..!h!s rllt pnrth rront (\'" ",I. r~ frlme ullhtlttn IOx!1 rHI fr:mu IxlS ftel "mhllf "tor:,; frlnw hUll (' 2!I:o.:':-. ft{1 p'rlh front t\\O Ion fr Ime ,,!thl1 n tux!1 fl'Ct .lIlt"ll1 I.u. 1S.2!..! fld J-:lrt ... t ~ 11111 I" J" \11. l 11 ( I t f & Illfl l'r'l (rl) tlf I 1ll1II' II IIlfl AI. t limon I'> tX'lutrl" (If "mm.ll !\\" Ilt,<.Il.tI Anlt rI , 111-. f mmnllS morl~ tg r 10m" ( \, If. IIldl\l,llI:o.lI~ IIld ."IIi( oi' 1"'111" (II£" "mnlO"'" tilt tI "'\ntr h. n, r r JOIINSO~ and Uilltul I I Do Away with Winter Drudgery SWARTHMORE, PA., OCTOBER 18, 1935 COUNCIL OBJECTS TO LIQUOR STORE JOSEPH E. HAINES awn- Lafayette Avenue Property ers Seek Information at Public Hearing THOMAS C. SHAFFER AT WOMAN'S CLUB $2.50 PER YEAII: = MASS MEETING PROTESTS LIQUOR STORE JOHN H. PITMAN Townspeople Gather in Methodist Church; Telegram. Sent to Harrishurg, Petitions Circulated Interesting Events Planned for Near Future Reported by Section Chairmen A mass meetmg uf the L\l'" nspeople In protest agamst the proposed State Liquor At the regular meetmg of Borough The rust stated mectIn~ of the current Store In Swarthmore "hleh "as announced CounrIl Wedncsday evening thc proposed )ear \\as held 0\ the S\\arlhmore Woman's 10 last Thursda) s papers, was held JD the liquor store for Swarthmore was dlscusscd Club at the clubhou ...e on Park Avcnue on S\\arthmore Methodist Church at 2..30 last at great length J Archer Turner t presITucsda) , October IS Mr Thomas C Sunday afternoon dent of Coundl, read a telegram whIch he Shaffer, "en kno\\n \\ntcr, traveler and The meetmg, at \\ hleh there \\ ere moro had sent to Governor Earle protcshng the lecturer on economic subjects deh'\ered a than a hundn:d and t\\ent}-fi\C present, l"stabhshment of a store here SoliCitor most mterestmg and instructive diSCOUrse on \\ as called IJ) liurgess John 11 Pitman at Me) ers quoted the state act which said "The EthIOpian m thc European Woodthe request of many clllzens of the Borthat after the advertIsement of thc locapile" Introduced by Mrs Roland Eaton, ough tion of a state store the cItizens had flo,; e chalrlnan of the program committee, Mr Chester Robcrts acted as secretary of the da). s m which to present petIhons to the Shaffer deSCrIbed 10 clear and forceful me('tmg, at which Mr Pitman prcslded, court against the locahon of a store on st}le the causes whIch have motivated the and informed the assembly of the steps present conOlct beh\ cen Italy and Ethiopia the proposed stte which had atread} been taken In the matA close student of \\ orld affairs he was ter ]lresldent F rank Aydelotte, of SwarthIt was felt tbat the petitions which were able to pamt a VJ\ Id picture of condlttons more College, as \\ ell as the School Board Circulated in the Borough displayed the in Eth10I)J3 and outlme the Italian po .. i and man) mdlvlduals of the town, upon sentiments of an overwhelmmg majority of Pre.ident of Rolling Green Golf Club tion m Its actiVIties in EthIOpIan tcrnton learnmg of the proposillon, sent telegrams the Citizens Therefore, Councd requested who, with Mrs. Haines, Wa& feted b; Mr Shaffcr took the posItion that no na to Harnsburg request10g an opportumty to Burgess Pitman to dchver the petlhons 10 member. of the club Wednesday eve. Swarthmore Burges. Leads Fight lion ~o('s to \\ ar from a purcIv altrUistic present objectIons niDI. person and cxplam the great opposition tv motive, that aSide from Italy's deSire to ~ee Against State Liquor Store. The foHowmg letter, which \\ as \\ ntteD such a store, and authOrized payment .of .. Ia\ en abolIshed m Ethloilla the Hahan to Governor Earle by Dr J Russell Smith, hIS expenses to Harnsburg on thiS mls nahon was Vitally concerned \\llh the quesof Elm Avcnue. IS an example of the 10Slon lIon of temtonal expansion He further tense feehng of S\\ arthmoreans rclallve to Several reSidents of Lafa)eUe Avenue c~plamcd m detad the 10terest of othl:r the estabhshmg of a hquor store In the \\ ere present askmg mformatlon from Horough COU!ltnes notab!) Grcat Hntam and France Council on ho\\ the asscssment for the In protectmg their mte~ral nghts In con • ThiS commumh \\ as shocked to read m paVlOJ!; of Lafayctte Avenue \\as 10 be Portrait of Prominent Local Man nectlOn with the ltalo-EtinopJan conllll.:1 the ne" sp tpers recentl) that the Pennsylmade Some of the properh owners have md closcd hiS remark" \\ Ith the statement Public School EnroUment Shows \ aOll Liquor Control Hoard I)roposed to Presented to Rolling Green th.lt the ~urest \\ 1\ to prc\cnt or alert corner lots, others ha\c tnan~ular lots and e"t lbh"h .1 IlfJ,!C numiJer ot DC" liquor Golf Club by Members \\ ar IS to abf)h~h economic and pohtlcal Increase of Twenty-three a rctaJDm~ \\ all IS to be uscd alon~ the "ton:" mduum~ one In S\\ arthmon:, a rCSl(knll •• ] borough .tntl educatIOnal center I II Illonah"m slre.lm 10 front of h\o of the properlles Over Last Year Mr and Mrs joseph E Hamcs of South ! , I .lm "ure man) of the cItizens of that Tht'\ also asked lniOrm.ltlon on ho\\ the eh I R l t d I f II \nothcr featurl' 01 the meehnt. \\ IS .1 es er oa(, \\erc en ere( an ID orml 1 I tl I I ~fr~ Rolmd G burou,.!!1 10 .uldltton to rn\ seIt \\ ould like to )la\ ments could be flO mced o\Cr a penod It \\ I~ (Ieuded It the rt'Lmllr mectm;:.{ of receptIOn on Wednesda\ e\emn~ .It the IeI'm )\ Ie Ilrt"l( en kno\\ \tlur .lttUude In thiS m Iller Is It 01 tlmc The members of council stated R II Comen thl' S(hool Board held :\ll1ncll\ eHDlll1! o m~ G rcen G 0 If CI u IJ, S pnn~ •Ie IIe I)\ Ullllan, of the fortieth ~nnull l' th It adjustments \\ould be made In the thc members of the club and thclr \\1\e:.1 1um til the Stile I'ederlhon (It Inn ... , I to ptlllinn tilt C(lurt nl Common rielS to nu.:e ...... lrl th It the Liquor Control Board pu'qmprncnt \\ ould cost about $4,70:'1 "hlch Remhnld, \ICC prc"'ldent, ofl1clIlI\ reCl1\ed erme Lenroot and the pre"ldent Mr.. John f('porhd th It the ~chuul enrollment .IS of taml) puts the St.lte In the pO~llton of i\I Phillip" OCtubl r I :;hU\b an mcre.lse 01 n 0\ er debauchcr and destro\ cr What can the \\ould make the cost bet\\een $2 and $250 the !-:11l on bch!lf of the dub Club hU5m('~s conSIsted of a readm~ of Iht \C~r M r H ame~ \\ h 0 IS \en popu Iar \\1 th The JUOIor and seDlor hlf.~h cItizens do to stop thIS action on the part per hncal foot ThiS docs not Include the h the mmute" 01 the ll"t meetm,..\" h\ the ~:: 000 of free labor granted b) the 'V P IS assocla t ('s b 0 th IlUsme5S an d SOCI3I IS schools .lOd the Rutgers A\ enue School of the State? ,-, one of the older re;,ulents of the Borou~h recordm~ .. ecretan l\.1r~ Mabel Fisher 'As I remember the campaign against A havm~ b\cd here thlrt).-elght years He WJlhams, a report b\ the treasurer, Mrs :.ho\\ mcreases In enrollment \\ hIle thc the Eighteenth Amendment, It was repeated Henry Hoot, of the Tree Committee, re has for the past t\\O )cars been Vlce-prCSI C C West and the follo\\lOg announcc ColIc~e A venue Elementary School sho\\ s ovcr and (NCr agam that the movement to ported 50 trees m the borough nursc) were dent of the S\\arthmore National Bank and ments b\ chairmen of sections I d~crc.lsc The musIc classes sho\\ that restore the sale of alcohol \\as a movelarge enough to be transplantcd thiS \\ mter Trust Compa", of \\hlch he \\35 made a Mrs Joseph Seal, chalfman of the ment toward temperance, that It \\ as done and \\ ould be placed on South Chester director on August 2 1921 He IS also health and \\elfare section A card part) 21 pupIls arc takmg VIOlin, 8, the \\ood to reduce the usc of alcohol, \\hlch was Road The borough secretary was author- preSident of the S\\ arthmore Buddmg A5- and fashIOn sholl to be held b) the sec \\lOds and brass Instruments, and 15, J>lano said to be \cr} great because of IIhClt sale" Ized to petition the W P A for labor for SOCIatIon ha\'in~ held the post for about tlOn on Monda), ~ovember 4, at 2 P M and VOIce t\lthou~h Swarthmore voted 812 ) es to Report:> of thc summer high school. sum 480 no on Prohlblhon Repeal In the Noprumng shade trees on thc borough streets fifteen) ears, pnor to \\ hlch he scn cd for at the clubhouse some tIme as \ Icc-preSIdent 01 the Asso Mr~ H r\ Peuso] chalfman, art "ec- mer recreation commIttee and high schoo] \ember electton of 1933, It IS esumated that thiS wmter He has been a director SInCC It lIon A barge party on the Ne\\ Hope student treasur) funds \\erc read and filed only one out of ever) ten \\ould not sign clatlon Other routme busmcss \\as enacted, With The floodmg of the girls' locker room the pctthons which had becn prepared and Canal on 'Vedncsda), October 23 Cars the mecting bemg adjourncd until tomght was mcorporated 10 1899 durmg thc last bad storm \\ as dlscus"ed wcre Circulated after thc meetmg BurMr Haines has held hiS prescnt pOSitIOn lea\C the clubhouse at 9 :\ 1\1 for Ne\\ at i 45, when the bids for materIals to be and It "as deCided to la\ a dram of field gess PItman diVided the to\\n mto 39 dls~ as preSident of J E Llmeburner, PhlladeI Hope r\n\one deslfln~ to go should used In the pavmg of Lafa). ctte Avenue, hie along the front of the bUlldmg and tnets. each of which averaged around 36 phIa, dlspensmg optiCIans smce the death commUD1cate \\ Ith Mrs I)elfsol \\ III be opened of Mr Llmeburner In 1916 He had been Mrs C A McDO\\CII, chairman drama connect It \\ Ith an extstmg open dram signers, rnakmg- a total 01 about 1500 The lahor \\111 be furmshed by om)osed to the e~tabhshmg of a hquor vIce-president for some }cars before, suc- seclton The fir~t meeting of that -cc- nearb\ (eedmg to the presIdent) He was also lIOn \\ III take place on Thur~da\ October the \Vorks Progress Admmlo:;tratIon and store here It IS probable that the result of the prcsldent of the Spnngha\en Club for a H .it 10 :\ M at the clubhouse, partlCl- the cost IS not to exceed $50 number of )ears h P I R'I aforementIOned electIon IS the reason for pants \\ III "'tudy the Enghsh Renals'iance :\ letter from t e enns\ vama al S"arthmore bl'mg held a fllr prospect for ~~~.. Penod and meetmgs \\ III thereafter bc held road mdlcated the\ \\ould furmsh the a hquor store, even though most people POLICE NEWS regularh on .he 2nd and ~th Th"rsdal, lahar 10 bUlldm~ thc fence alonJ! the tall hcn questIOned rcph. that they \ oted for road track from the school to the each month station I repeal 51mph hecaus~ thc\ felt that proOne of First Residents of Bor- Clarence Tnol, of Media \\ as "tncken :\frs Phe]p:. Soule, (h urman hter~f\ The School Board a,lthoflled the Jlurcha~c hlbltlOn \\as not the proper method to \\ Ith a he.lft aHack on WhIttIer FIeld of ough and Former Post.. celton Flr.. t mcetlhl! ~O\ember 7, 10 of s66 \\ orth ot ~upphes to hUild the (cnce I CO)lC \\ Ith the "ltuatIon S\\ arthmore Collel!e, \\ htle attendmg last ~ot onh hal e people been \\ Ilhng to master frlda\ afternoon s football contest het\\ecn \ l\I Sub equent meelm~s bt md ltd 10 th( bound 1[\ 01 the school Ilroperh Born CounCil \\ III pal lor the fence tro!.l I sl~n the petItions but ~ome \\ ho "ere not fhur"r!a\ ~ oj each month MaD\ InterS\\ arthrnore and Media HI~h Schools Mr I contactl'd ha\ e ~one to the troublc to locate I d\\ ani \V Hannum one of the oldc~1 Trlol, \\ho \\as 65 \ cars old \\ IS (x.lmIned (~Ung hook re\ Ie" s a:. \\ ell .I~ blOJ!raphlc Ihl "t Ilton to the "chool hne The hul on thc L\on Metal Products!.l IHtltlon and ~1J:!:n It lor Ihe conre"ldents of S\\ arthmor~, (hed on Tuc..,da\ h\ Dr f r mklm Gillespie of S\\ arthmore "II! 1)(' (0\ ('red dunn)! the 'e.n Co 01 ;:;1 i 2:;0 "a~ accepted tor 28 ne\\ \ l nIlnCl' of tho ... e \\ ho .lIe not as \ et rep\\ ho \\ as present anel \\ ho after admm October 15, after a protr lctcd 11Iue!>S at thc ~Ir~ Jacob 1\.1e"'cht('r chalrm III musIc l~terlDA' lir:.t lIfl hid the \ letlm taken m . . uUnn Thl' dub'.. choru'> \\IP hold re lockcr:-, \t the Rut1!er", \'\cnlle School The n~ent((1 on I pt'hhon Rur):!e"'s Pitman has Ol:!C ol 77 \ cars Board eX)lre~ ...ed their ~rahtude for the lliaced a blank 10 the S\\ \RTH"IORE,\:-; Mr H.mnum coniluctc(1 I g:focen hU"'1 the S\\ arthmore pollc(' car to the Me{ita hear"lb each Monda\ mornmg at 10 t\\O b fed rubber J!\m mab donat('cl In ofllce \\here \\e \\111 he glad to have resl_ HO"llltal \\ herc he \\ as pronounced dead o clock ne~~ 10 S\\arthmorc \\hen S\\arthmore Mr'" D 1\ Id C Prmcc dcnb stOll md slg:n Those \\ ho Circulated at :1 45 :\1r... K lthanne H Bra" neJl chairman (ould ho 14 of .lbout h'n hou"'e:o. and Dr I et'ch announced thc dates 01 the the l)clltlOns In the N dlstnct:. \\ere Burj 0110 Bro" n colored of S\\ arthmorc, of the adml~lOns committee announced "en cd a" pustmaster here durmg the Mc Tcacher", Counh Institute as the after gess Pitman MISS Elizabeth Steel 1\IISS upon arrC'''t and .IPI)('anng: bel ore MagiS the 1011imJn,..r ne\\ memher'" l\Ir~ Stuart KlOle, and Roo"e\dt adnu0I5tratIOns HIS nOOlls ul October 28 to n, mclU"I\e The Mac L,nd Mrs Har\'e) Pierce, T Ralrd, trth Rum"'c\ on October Q \\a~ pl:!ced Snuth Mr... C F \Volcott Mr,; John R onglnal home \\ as on the 51le nOll OCCll under bond to keep the peace Board eleculcd to dl"'ml"S ~t;hool at noon Crusb\ Morton Mr'" D\\Ight Coole\, Mrs Lud\\lg Jr, Mr" Du.me. R Tern and Illed b\ the Jlo ... t o£flce He later It\ ed on George Van ~Ien Wilham Do\\nton, J Mark E Hetlmer, 01 Conconhll1e \\ho :\11,,-, ~c1he G COlllD", md a ... relD~tated thoec dl\<;; \ ale \\enue \Varren Paxton Samuel 'VI~dom, 1\Irs \\ a .. arrested here on j uh J for drunken -StanJe\ Mac1\hllan Paul P IlII~on, :\[r~ Ed Mr and :\olr" Hannum celehrated their dn\ m~ \\ .l~ dl"charg:ed upon pal ment of mcmher~ :\Ir~ Hclen :\1 H.III and l\tr'" B C WU!l!ms Home and School Meeting, 23rd \\ard Ro)d Mr~ \Vllham Hoffman, Mr" fiftieth \\edclmJ,! anm\cr"'lf\ II~t "'prln,..! cn .. t" \\ hen he :lp]l('arul hclore the (ourt ::\.Ir ... J lmc ... Br).-!ardu~ prt.:~ldlnt ul tht Ge{)tj:!(' \V Warren Mr~ Rm I mde I\.lr" :\1r llmnum \\a" the ~on of til(' I~tc It :\luli I nn Octoha 11 \\llhwl (I Hm{r pn I(!tnt 01 the H0I1H I I <1\\10 \ \ !lniH BenJtnun \ KnCC{\Jel JUnior (lui) mutt I "'ll(111 t 11k on Illr 10 lJlh Inll I hZlhtth Wonrl! 1III11lum (It md Sllh)ul \ ..... OllltlOll hI'" mnnunu.~d thll Jr :\Ir.., \Ifled 11""IH IIII(h :\( Cnst, lI11pn "'I\)n... ul till I I I~ (011\ l nhun md ~Ildll and \\ I'" I dl ... tendlnt ot an old thl OIH nmc m(t tmg 01 Ihe 1"'~tlct.ltIon \\ III Gl()r~e I'lood Re\: Thorn 1S Men \\ cather :J.nnoufllC'd a JUnior d tOn lor Octoher 26 H{ IS ~Uf\ IHd Dela\\ If{ Counh CaruIh Hallowe'en Parade on 31st he hcld II'!; the Hlllh School aUf\JtOriUm on Mr.. Wilham H 'Ve~t LOlliS \V Km!! In In . . "1<10\\ Marlha L Hannum three :\lr... Horacc "'alter had \\Ith her the it S Charles Deacon CI\(~ .. ter Roberts, Samuel \t a meetmg: of the S" arthmore pelitIon \\hlch S\\arthmnr~ rC~Hlcnt ... are \\ l'dnC'.. da\ c\ emng Octoher 2:; "on"'. Clarence E 01 Oherlln 1\Hnuc o c1m.:k \11 parent" of pupll~ m S\\ arth ;\1 Dodd Mrs J Donald Glb"on Mrs Ihl"'ID('!'." ,\ .. oCiatlOn on TuC'~d 1\ a4ed to ~H!D to l1fe\ ent the e"lahh~hment S,\ arlhmore Henn of Colhn"!"-\\ ood more ~('h()ol<.; are cordialh m\ilted to be \rthur Kcnt 1\t.-s 1. C Shero 1\1155 Obve CHnm[! II \\ a~ ciecuild that the .t a State Ilqunr Store ID S,\ arthmore :\ J and Thoma~ ot Medm, t\\ 0 dau~h Clla\e~ 1 RlI"'~lll Smlth t Mr.. Harold \~"'O()atlOn and the S\\ 'RTlBUJlU ,=" md 12 1\(' opportumt\ for memher ... to prc~('nt ler" Mr... \dolph \\ CI"" of Rutledl!{ and The program \\111 ('on"l~t 01 bnet talk" HarDt''' Carl C1ea\c~ Mr~ Ed"anl H Ron \\In gam "poll~or a Hallo"e'en l nl('r Ih(,1f namc .. tht reon :\lr" J Rohert \nder~on of OHrhrook, \Hred I a~~ltt 1\[r and Mrs P.n~de lor the children 01 the Bor Thl next ... tated nl('ctm1:! \\ III h~ hcld 1)\ ~c\('ral m~mber ... of th(' te Ichmg "taU ~an Jr four hrother"', 'VII"'on jame... \Ibert and the ne\\ {eaturC's of the "ork Chc~tcr Rohlrt" took chH~e of three dl'" nuthnlngouch Th", \\ III IIC' 1h(' hlth annual on Tu('~da\ October 21 at \\ hlch ::\11"" Ho\\ ani and "I~tcr l\1r" \Ve..lr\ hemf,! Ilre~('nted thl" '\car Some "peoal trteto:. paraele ami \\ III he held on HaIlO\' :;\1 GeraldlnC' llc( ormack \\ III lecture on ;\loone\ For oh\lou" rca"'on~ it 1" held that ~uch e en ThuNla\ ('\ enID!! Octoher ') 1 old !!Ia~~ and chma Shc \\ dl ha\ e \\ Ith mU~lc 1<:' helll!!, planned lor the occa"lon f uneral "~f\ ICC'' ' \\ III h(" held at til(' an Ima~lOn \\ould he mo"t undcslrable ao:. \\ralch next \\eek ... S" \Rnn(OlnA~ r\lter thc mcetm~ th('re \\Ill be an oppor Ilet mterr ..tmg ")lrclmen" Hom her col Cnfflth Chapd :'\Of\\ I)od tln<: afternoon \\ ell a" detnmental to the assured safet} lor detall~ IC(tion and member'" are a ..... ured of an tumh to ):!rcet the ne\\ teachers foIlo\\ - of the r('Sldent families and the character Fnda, at 2 0 clock Interment \\!l1 be at lD"'tnictl\ e and \\ orth "htle meelm!! 1112 "hlch rcfre ..hmt·nts \\111 be scf\ed (Continued on Paee 4) Arhng:ton Cemetef\ JOSEPH E. HAINES FETED BY CLUB SCHOOLS TO HAVE SPECIAL OFFICER • Buy a 'Hercules' Automatic OIL BURNER CASH INSTALLED Complete WIth 275-Gallon Tank and all Controls No more worry or furnace tending and the "Hercules" thermostat maintains the right degree of temperature at all times_ No matter what kmd of heating plant you have now, Hercules Automatic 0.1 Burner will operate It sahsfactonly, burns low pnced oil Economical QUIet. has only one moving part And once installed your heating worries are over for the winter Change to dean, automatic 011 heat today' .. , A~AILA8L1 UNDER THE N.H.A. PLAN Sears, Roebuck and Co., 522 Edgmont Ave, Chester, Pa. Gentlemen Please send me del:lIls of your . Hercules" AutomatIc all Burner Name !\\ 0' ---.- I Clly ~.l'~ CHESTER, PA_ EDWARD H. HANNUM DIES AT AGE OF 77 I Street \Vllh No Do'Wn Payment 3 Years to Pay 522 EDGMONT AVE Atturne)" Vol. VII, No. 42 PHONE 9111 2·.. THE~ARnD=~IO~R~F~A~~~~~~__~~~'F'__~__~"~"__~~~~OC~_IO~B7ER __1~87.'~I~~~ ~ lsther L Miller to Wed James E. Crocker Brewer, Ir., of Moylan-Rose Valley, daughter of Mn. EDen C. Van SchoonMr. West Butler, of Suffolk. hoven, of Park Av"'!ue,and Mr.,~~ Miss Miller was graduated from the F. Doyle, of Atlantic City, N. J., were Swarthmore HIgh School and attended married on Friday, Octo".r 11, !n WashHood CoDeg. and the School 'of Industrial ington, D. C. i' • J Arts. Mr. Crocker is a graduate ofVlrMrs. Doyle, ~th ~er .other, b.. spent Frllllc:es H. MaxWell and ginia Military Institute. the last four wlDten ID Miami, Fla., whe,e Atkin"", Married Here on Mr. and Mrs. Crocker will be at hO'De Ishe was deeply inte~tql in singing '\lid . Satiirday ' a f t e r the 15th of November at Wayncs- sang over Radio Station WIOD of )bat saug at thCel Mlami C1·tlyb Shde ath1so b, IWd~:'ti~n'. At four o'clock tomorrow afternoon in boro, MissVa. Jean E.-Harvey, daughter of Mr. C u · an e Mercury u. n a UI on nIOllDal'1 !n, Dr. Wolfgang Koehler, nOted,'~ PllYcboJoslst, who ,~-vI8ItIng,-prof.....r ill the Psychology Departfent "1NEOR s,'ons and experiences of those attending. Protestant Episcopal Chester Road and Collea-e Avenue Co-nvention ·songs.· ··Ann Orr is the leader Rector: QUIlUty at Medfum .-nee Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S.T.M., Rector Perfect HeatID.. at Low Co.t of the music. T. A. Meryweather, Dfr. BeL Edue. o'clock SundaJv evening the 8Rev. At .I.ht WM_ S. HOBBS """0 -00 A. M.-Holy Communion. Church School Cabinet will meet at the 9 ;,Ui A. M.-Sunday School and Bible Claas. Swarthmore 1666 -===-__=:::==_ AND PLAY SAFE Russell's OCT __~O~B~ER~~1~8~'~1~93~S~~~~__~~~~~~~______~THE~~SW~ARTHMOREAN THE SWARTHMOREAN Methodist Churcb Note. bome of the General Superintendent, LAWSON SHEPARD COMPANY I HOW. IS YOUR BATI'ERY-Will IT START YOUR CAR ON THE COLD MORNINGS TO COME? TRADE IT Mrs. Virginia Fries, of Haverford Place, left last week end for "Pittsburgh where she will spend a week or so. : Mr. Orville C. Mann and Miss Muriel I ~~~~daO;'f Union and Yale Avenues, left I: for Hollywood, Cal., where they will spend the winter. .re.t.... • PHONE 595 F 0 0 T B ALL DICKINSON COLLEGE 3 -OD-Autumn Social of the Woman's Bible • C1ass at the home of Mrs. CW. Bron_ son 754 Yale Ave. • THURSDAY 7-41)-Young Women's Guild at the home of , Miss Charlotte Lederle, 226 So. 44th St., Philadelphia. FRIDAY '1 :So--Boy Scouts, Troop 3. SWARTHMORE METHODIST EPmCOPAL CHURCH REV_ WAYNE CHANNELL. D. D_ Putor 9 '45-Sunda:v School. 11 :OO--Annllal Missionary Sunda,. Address by Miss Gwendolyn Narbeth. 7 :OO--Epworth League. 7-41i---Organ Recital by :Mr. Broomall. Briel • sermon by Dr. Channell on "Invisible EnvironmenL •• THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY 9:46 A. M.-Firat Day Scbool in Whittier Forum--1anet P&71le WhitneJ' will lead dlscuasion. Wonblp I. tho 9:(6~.M.-::~itg JJ'OOA.JL-~= J:!... WEDNESDAY ,'10 A. JL Ie !,IO P. JL-llnrinc .... Q1dlt. _ ID Whittier Houe. Box luncheon. VS. SWARTHMORE COl lEGE ON SWARTHMORE FIELD Sa~"-y, October 19th, 2:30 P. M. u.uua Ad • 'I0Il $1 00 Plus Tax mua • Next Home Gam~obns-Hopkim, October 26th L ___ .:.:=:..::.:::::..:=::._:..:.:;;;:.._.:.._..:.__________-' All Cordial", I.vlted FIRST ~~~rg~SCIENTlST, Park A'ftDue below Hanard 11:00 A.. IL-Sundq Seboot.. J1,OOA.JL-sundU I 'OS....... • We4nada7 nalnc meetiD.&' eaeb week. m Readinc room. opm dan,.. ezeeDt 8uJl.. d.". -and holl.... I to • P. JL; Church edlftee. AD an .....1_ l.vIted to .............lea and 11M the a"MDC Room. [Po THE SERVICE THAT NEVER CEASES the Roods of summer and the bUzzards of winter. Supplee Milk is delivered to your home on time every morning. Upon this service depends the health of thousands of mothers and babies. It must not fail I 365 days of the year. Supplee Milk is rushed from farms 10 pasteurizing plants to your door-step. AlwayS pure. Extra rich. Extra palatable. THROUGH SUPPLEE SUPPLIES VITALITY It·s as delicious as the service is dependable. Have it deliv. ered to your home every morning. Order by phone: Chester 2·5721. SUPPLEE MILK BACKED BY A CENTURY OF CONFIDENCE W • • '.0 cll.tr/ht. W.Itc.r.Gorcln .. Proclucts ~,"0000000000000; . ."~~~~>i~~;i~~~~~;i~~~~oi~~~~~"+C~Mt 0 0 0 000,. •• CI .00 0000 0 OOOOtO. Do YO.itt Banking With , .' , .. - SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Bank and Trult Company :to.!> 00000000000000000000000000000000001000"000000000000' ·1801935 ,_9CTOBER . • 4 THE SWARTHMOREAN Mass Meeting Protests Liquor Store (Continued from Pqe 1) of the town which is remarkable now in its absence of a movie house and its restriction against the sale of beer and alco- holic liquors. Many believe t4at sqch a store wou1d also be a total failure here as those resi- dents wbo do buy liquor would still go the group. Mr. Pennock took a course in the work this summer at Pendle Hill. Each person present contributed toward the purchase of Peace Bonds for which a campaign of $1,000,000 is DOW being waged in the United States. Others who were invited, but did not attend, sent contribu(ions. ' Tbe guests included: Mrs. Roland PenDOck, Mrs. Grist Brainard, Miss Venters Brainard, Mrs. \Villiam Paxson, Mrs. George Plowman, Mrs. Jack Thompson, Mrs. Herman Holmes, ]r., Mrs. Raymond Hunt, Mrs. H(iward McCone, Mrs. Patrick Malin, Mrs. Eugene Stallings, Miss Constance Kent, Miss Arabel Jaquette, Miss Ada Fuller, Miss Katharine Palmer and Lane, entertained. at tea on Sunday for the 40 teet wide: thence .un by the middle of same group. Miss Gertrude Schobinger, of Swarthmore Avenue, entertained with an outdoor picnic at White Oaks, near WesttOWD, OD Saturday evening. There were eighteen &>resent. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dyer Clyde, of Swarthmore and Ogden Avenues, spent the week-end in Washington, D. C., as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Riebberg. Mr. Clyde returned on Monday morning. Mrs. Clyde remained with friends until Improvement. CODllat of two-tlto1'7 brtek RivervIew avenue (forb feet wide) IIOUtb 17 houae, 18&64 feet~ lltore fronL decrees 1 minute eat 180.96 feet. to a .tone Sold aa the property of WilIlaIn F DeleIn the middle of .aId Riverview avenue ~ thence hantJ" mortaaaor and rnl 0 • crouln&' said avenue, dlaaonally BOUth 17 d e - ' wner. cree. 1 minute east 14&.6& feet to a point in KINGSLEY MONTGOMERY Attorney. the norther))' rlsht of way Une of the Phil&' delphia. Baltlm.ore and W&.JhingWn Rafiroad Company; the nee by Aid right of way line north 65 degrees 42 minutes eat 111.75 teet Levari Facia No. 892 to an angle: thence .UII by eald ri&'ht of way line north 74 dearees 16 minutes eut 108.86 June Term.. 1986 feet to another angle. thence still by ..Id r.lsbt. of way line, north 73 dearees 9 mlnuta Prop. sit. in Bora. of Sharon Hili. Del. Co.. east 894.96 teet to a point in line ot other Pa., on the S. W. II. ot Ridley Ave. 288.87' W. lands of the said mortea&,ors; thence by the fr. the N. W. e. of Cbest4!r pike;: til. ext.. said lancb. north 21 degrees 10 minutes west S. W, partly passin&, thru the pari7 wall of 546.55 teet to a point at a corner of the saId premo erected upon the herein delle. lot and landa: thenee still by said Iancb. &Guth 154 premises erected on lot adj. to the S. 90' to a deerees 86 minutes west 842.6 teet to a point pt.;: tho ext. N. W. 2'l.li' to apt.;: th. ext. another corner of said landa;: then<~e stUJ by N. E. partly paaaing thru the party wall of said landa. north 18 degrees west 671.95 feet 12• cerL garagt;' and als'. the cen. of a cert. to a point aLother comer of IBid lands; thence 7 w. dvryo. 90 to a pt. In the S. W. B. of stUl by eald landa, north 46 degrees 157 min. Ridley Ave.: tho "Ig. nme S. E. 27.6' to utes eut 98.04 feet to a point in the middle place of beg. of Marshall aVenue;: thence by the middle ot Tog. with use of dwy.. said Manhall avenue. north 22 degrees 25 U. A. S. to eond. and rest. minute.. west 854.68 feet to a point a cornel' Improvements eonallt of two-stol7 brick a:qd of other lands of Alice L. Emmons and thence ehingle house. 16x86 feet: porch front;: cement by the lut mentioned lancb. south 58 degreee block and fnune garage, 9x18 teeL 42 minutes and 18 seconds west 383.96 feet Sold 88 the property of Clifford R. Mohn. to the place of beginning. mortga&or and real owner.. Thursday. elsewhere to purchase it, and while some Miss Louise Archer Clyde spent the few from neigbboring communities might week-end in New York, where she visited come here to buy, the sales would be comparatively small, since Swarthmore is 011 Mrs. Edward Passmore, of Swarthmore; Mrs. W. Frank Mathue5, formerly of Moythe main highway and could not depend Mrs. Theodore Widing and Mr>. Richard D. Clyde, Jr., entertained a party upon traveling patronage, the local merTurner, of Media; Mrs. George Clapp, of of friends at the Clyde summer home, chants being supported practically entirely Wa1lingfo~d; Mrs. Arthur Baker, Mrs. The- "Wahnfried,1J at Rehoboth, Del., on 5atby resident trade. o~ore SmIthers an~ Mrs. W. T. As.kew, of urday and Sunday. All churches of the community, the col- Ridley Park j MlSS Jane CampIon, of _ _ __ lege, tbe local branch of the W. C. T. U., Lapidea Hills; Mrs. Henry Ford, of Chcs-I Mr. and Mrs. Paul Furnas and daughter, Improvements consist of two and one-half EDWARD F. HITCHCOCK. Attorn87. other local organizations and townspeople ter; Mrs. Thobum Maxwell, of German- Caroline, of North Chester Road, will leave .!tOl")" frame hou.e, 24x28 feet; porch front: tWCMItol7 frame additlon. 10x24 feet; frame NATHAN P. PECHIN. arc co-operating in an effort to prevent town, and Mrs. Linda Chandler Paton, of today on a ten-day trip to Indiana, where garage. 9x18 teet; two and one-hall story Sheriff. the store being set up. frame house, 24x28 feet: porch front: tw~ ,==================,.. New Jersey. they will visit Mr. Furnas' parents and at- story frame addition. 10:1.24 feet: frame The State Liquor Control Board has • tend the sessions of the Five Years' Meet- chicken hoU5e. 6:11:22 feet. promised a public hearing, at which time H. S. Girls' Group Meets Tonight ing, a large gathering of friends in the Sold u the property ot Louia C. Emmons the signed petitions will be presented. and AUce L. Emmons, his wife, mortgagors, west. An interesting fact is the understanding A reorganization of the Standard Bearand Alice Lemon Emmons. individually and &.II executrix of the estate of Louis Cole that only one section of the business zone ers Society for High School girls will take Mrs. Robert E. Sharples, of Sharberry Emmona. deceaaed, real owners. lind United is not covered in the deed by a restriction place at the Swarthmore M. E. Church ~n Farm, Thornton, entertained friends in a States of America. lienor. prohibiting the sale of liquor on the prem- Friday, October 18, at eight o'clock. Miss sewing group at her home on Monday Hand money. ,1000.00. ises. This section extends on South Ches- I Gwendolyn Narbeth,' of Constantine, afternoon. GREER &: JOHNSON. Attoroeye. ter Road from the alley between Shirer's Algeria, will be a guest of the group. Drug Store and the Post Office to the rail• ESTATE OF WILLIAM S. KELLY. DEC'D road, and back on the south side of Park Lettera of Administration on the above ('State have been granted to the undersigned. Levari FaeIall Avenue I0 tb e 0 tb er end 0 f th e a IIey. No. 872 who request all per",ons having claimB or Although at present this area is fully demands agalnat the Estate ot the decedent June Term. 1935 occupied there is a possibility of it conDr. and Mrs. J. ~Ibright Jones, of to make known the same. and all penon, .• th • . tb· f t Swarthmore Crest, wIll return Sunday Indebted to the decedent to make payment, All that certain lot or piece of land with I t aIrung ree vacanoes 10 e near u ure, f without delay, to the tW()o.stol7 brIck store and apartment buildone as early as the 11th of November rom Boston, where Dr. Jones has been HELEN T. GUETTER. ing thereon erected•• ituate on tbe northwest. tall th e P os t Oflic' eattending clinics at the Children's Hos-I Chureh Lane and Pa. Cedar Ave•• erly side of Filth street at the dlatance ot w b en I't'IS P1anned t 0 Ins . Yeadon, three hundred ten and eia'hty bundredths feet in the new building on Rutgers Avenue,l pltal, of the Harvard Medical School. for or her Attorney. measured southwestwardly trom the northwesterly eorner of tbe .aid Fifth street and Edg. leaving empty the old. At some later qate the past week. J~~J: ~;;'xG~iT~~g~R, mont avenue, in the Clb' of Chester. County perhaps Martel Brothers will vacate their Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pitman, of Vas- 10.1:':¥~delphla, Pa. of Delaware and Slate of Pennsylvania. Condouble store on Chester Road, when their sar Avenue, attended on Saturday the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ taining In tront along the northwesterly side of the said Fifth street measured thence new one is completed next to the Swarth· funeral of Mrs. Pitman's father, Mr. ESTATE OF FLORENCE S. ZIMMERMAN • outh BixtY·nine degrees. twenty-elght minutes, (late of Swarthmore, Delaware County. Pa.) thlrty·aeven aeconds west seventeen and sevmore Apartments. Also Dr. George Heck- Daniel M. Anders, of Norristown, Pa. deceased. enty-one hundredthe teet and extending in man, whose office on Park Avenue is LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION enm depth of that width north twenty degrees. bordered by the alley) has recently purAmong those who attended the reception testamento annexo on the above Estate have thlrty-one minutes, twenty-three seconds west heen granted to the .undersigned, who request ninety-two and aixty-tour hundredths teet. The chased the former home of Mr. and Mrs. and hop which was given Friday evening all persons havinll claims or demandlll aKainet northeasterly Une of said lob paaeing through A. B. Lawrence, further down the same by Colonel and Mrs. Frank K. Hyatt in the Estate of the decedent to make known the and along the party waIJ between the messtreet, and may possibly move his office the Charles E. Hyatt Armory on the Col- same. and aU persons Indebted to tbe decedent suage herein described and the messuage adto make payment, without delay, to Marion joining on the northeast. Bounded on the there. lege grounds for the Freshman Class of Allyn. Administratrix e. t. 8., 310 South northeast and .outhwest by other lands ot the A1though it is acknowledged that the the Pennsylvania Military Academy, Ches- Cheater Road. Swarthmore. Pa. said William F. Delehanty and on the north_ to her Attorney., west hy lands of Nell-A-May Plush Comstate could easily overcome these bound- ter, were: the Misses Ellen Williams Vir- 01'John Stokes AdamB, Esq. pany. Being known and deslgnated u 180 John B. Miller, Esq. ~ries sho~1d it persis~ i~ wanting to estab- ginia Morrison, Nancy Armitage, Shirley West Fltth Street. 1434 Land Tit1e Buildin&'. S. W. (}.)rner llsh the liquor store, It.15 hopefully thought Ward, Barbara Baghy, Shirley Shaw, Broad and Chestnut Sta.. PbUadelphfa, by many that the WIShes of the towns- Nancy Powell Catherine Fussell Constance Pa. 9-Z7-6T p~opl.e. will be respected and the inad- Heg, Edith Cramp and Peg~ Ford, of ESTATE OF H. DENNETT HIGGINS, DEC'D VlsahIlity of the step be. seen. and. Swarth- Swarthmore, and Miss Elizabeth Brown, Letters Testamentary on the above estate At the Niqhi Rates (after been granted to tbe undershrned. wbo more he allo~ed t~ ~ontmue In thIS respect of Bowling Gr~.·"·Miss Crarp;p, -who -is have h:quest aU, ,penolls' ·havlng."clalms - Or-delft_biLl AND ICE COMPANY, INO.·· the commuruty orIgInally founded by the a student at St:' Mary's Hall, Burlington, against the Estate ot the Decedent to make 7P.M.)youcancQulOOmiles No C. MICHENER. Pree. Quakers years ago. N. J., came home for the week-end to known the same, and all persons indebted to the decedent to make payment, without delay. for 35 cents. (Station 10 Slaattend the event and to visit ber parents, 10 Entertains with Peace Party NELLIE V. HIGGINS. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Cramp, of the or to b~1' Attorney, 7.f6 Concord Ave., lion-3-miDulecoDDection.) JOHN E. GENSEMER Drexel Hill. Pa. Miss Lydia Turner, of Yale Avenue, was Swarthmore Apartments. 1604 Fox Building hostess at a Peace Party on Saturday after. Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. George L. Armitage. of South 10-18-6T :loon for the benefit of the National Chester Road, entertained with a supper THE BELL TELEPHONE ~ouncil for the Prevention of War. party Friday evening in honor of Mrs. Paul There were six tables of bridge and SHERIFF SALES COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA SW Berry, of Chester, who with Mr. Berry Sheriff's Office, Court House, Media. Pa. 'itoland Pennock, Instructor in the Social will leave soon to make her home in HarSaturday. November 2, 1935 'Science Department of Swarthmore Col9.30 o'clock A. M. risburg, where Mr. Berry is engaged ill (Eastern Standard Time) lege, who is making a special study of business. peace and non-violent resistance, addressed la~amuel ===============__ NEWS NOTES lfI~w~ CI#IIJ, w~ I wltur. it'8 86 ea..s~ 1:6 kMw? MEDIA COAL • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:;I r FRESH KILLED MARYLAND POULTRY Roasting Frying Stewing DUCKS TURKEYS GUINEAS EGGS ROBl D. NEWUN EASTON, MD. Phone for Pric;ee and Place Your Order with My Swarth~ more Repre.entative for Delivery Saturday. Swarthmore 844-R Dr. and Mrs. William I. Hull, of Wal- Conditions: $250.00 cash or certified ehec:k nut Lane, entertained at dinner on Satur- at time of sale (unless othenvise stated in balance in ten days. Other day evening in honor of the members of advertisement). conditions on day of sale. the National Executive Board of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom of which Mrs. Hull is ba- Levari Facias No. 1428 tional president. June Term. 1935 Dr. and Mrs. Frank Aydelotte, of Cedar All that certain lot or piece of ground with the bulldinea and impr-Rtpresentative to look after our magazine &ubecription illtet"ellts in Swarthmore and vicinity. Our plan en'ables you to secure a good part of the hundreds of dollars spent in thi9 vicinity each tan and winter tor magazines. Oldest agency in U. S. Guaranteed lowest rates on all periodicals, domestic and foreign. Instructions and eQulpmellt free. Stan. a growing and permanent business in whole or spare time. Address MOOR:g.. COTI'RELL. Inc.. Wayland Road, North Cohocton. N. Y. INSURANCE ROOFING SPOUTING SHEET METAL REPAIR WORK A provision in Section 1 of Act No. 211 establishes the six day week for all persons employed in motion picture houses and would operate so as to provide additional employment opportunities where moving picture houses operate seven days per week. - N AM[~tUC.,R. ",1\ favorably in tbe fall election. TAXATION For Sale ~""". An effort is being made by the opponents of Sunday motion pictures to create the impres.c;ion that persons employed in that industrY may be required to work seven days per week in municipalities that vote AUDITOR'S ANNUAL REPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT OF. THE BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE DELAWARE COUNTY, STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA for the SCHOOL YEAR ENDING JULY I, 1935· WANTED FUNERAL DIREcrORS '-,\,.,.~ No Increase in Hours Legion Card Party Next Friday Jo'OR RENT-Attractive suite. also bachelor Ainsworth Post and AuliUary J which will apartment, wann. sunny. Private family. be held ~t· Friday evening, October 25, Telephone: Swarthmore. 5a9-W~ . at the Strath Haven Inn. Iii .ad(ijtion to the·, ttl-ble prizes. there will be a door prize, crmtributed by Martel Brothers, and special prizes donated by FOR SALE oth~~ I~cal merchants. A $25 Delco radio FOR SALE-Player piano with filty eholce will be raffled off during the evening. Reroll.. Good eondition. Very realSOnable. freshments will be served. Telephone: Swarthmore 2052. . i935_ . ....... • • Mrs. J. _Pal!l Brown and committee are 124·M between 6 and husy completing the plans for the anbual "Certified Laundry" Methods for Your Protection " . .- - - . , - .·OR RENT-Attraetlve modern apartment: living room, bedrooM. kitchenette, batb. MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON ' " . ' I· Mrs. S_ Hayden' RENT Grunow Refrigerators and Radios Garwood Oil Bum... CERTIFIED 'LeaiOa Mee& Moauy· The October meeting of the Harold Mn. Susan Hayden, of Hayden Hall, Ainsworth Post No. ·4Z7 will be held I. Providence Road, Wallingford, died sud;OR ~T-VJ17 weU turDil,bed llvlD. room. . - be4ioom. Jlnd prIvate ba~!or 9De or two Borough HaD Monday evening, October hja A .... ., i I i tw'USi[jjJiJiiiGiiAiMS~::=~:;;:.:~~~:r~~.:I=Im::."~iw.~~ ·tU~:::TI~-IU~;~ID~R~)'::·"-~".:. . ."lli:Fl:SZ~~~~~~~~~oCrOBER 18.t.ia UNUSUAL PROGRAMS .!!';!erl=~':n~=dsn~=W.!~~~!e·;'I. ! 110M .(m.k iM9...; :w,1e ..-rti ~ ~ eo..... sh...dd ~.). ~~ ~!o" _odbl~g.~ ~O COLLEGE Saller,GIad~ JIow~ 85~1. "Sd>ooJ for HuW,nd." OD 1Ian:h 19 Sir Arthur Joim Goa' I' LoudOD sm,en and Mm.. Sc:to_nn Firat on C0oper FOUIldation Liat TIae WUIiam 1. Cooper FouncisUolI brings The Swarthmore Braach 01 the Wt6J>m': InlematioDai League for Peaoo aDd ·FrJ. stoDO Prof.... r ofUDlvenity. PoliUcaI Theory IDItilatiott, Oxford will give the finst of his five lectures. Since 1932 he has been a member of the Ecollomlc Adviaof\' CoWtdJ. DuriDg the World War he was .5et:uIuy . of . AWed .l4arItimeTfIDIIPOri Council. In May. 1918. be was sent tQ America on a spedpl shipping :~:::;,..~: '(len,ial ~reiauobip of the Commission from 1920 to 1922 was by Sir Artbur Salter. Unlli 1930 be Was director of the Econol!lic and Finance Sectlon of the Lea&l\e of N.UoDS. . • llie student body of Swarthmore Col, lege I and the College ?>mmumly tb4. year Job, Goi' and the l.Qndon Singers; Mme. Ellzjbetli, Schumann ••Ger!I!", Lirder soPI'llllO; Cl!arles Weidman' and, :POris Hwilpbrey. and SIr AJthur Saller. o.ford Professor. . . Tl!e first Cooper FoundsUon program will 'be 16hll Goso aiuI the London Singers. ., ~ who wll"giv~ •. ~~ bere on Fri~y evelllnf< ; D.........r 13. 'Ads group of artisIJ aPf"":"" lIere tItree years ago and are very ....ej) known. The second of the programs to be Employm...t Provided for 25. brought here Ijy tbe gift of William 1. Mea in Imp rovem on Cooper is Mme. E~beth SchumaniJ, acLOcal .Bllildln.. knowledged one of the fo .....olt q,lerpreters of Germsn classical composers. This Word bas jusl beell received by Dr recital will be given in Clothier Memorial Arthur E. Bassett. president of the Scbool on Jan~ 18. Board, from J abo H. Rankin, director of The Staalspper in Vienna claims Mme. the Works Progress Administration office SchumsDD as its leading lyric soprano. It in Philadelphia. of the approval of project is in Vienna that she DOW makes her home, No; -1460--for' painting and -miscelianeous but her IJirthplace was a little town In work on the Swarthmore school buildings. renlra! GermSllY •. The noted lieder singer Work began in accordance with tbe was nol t ....enly when she made her debut approval on Wednesday morning· of this as leading· soprano of the Hamburg Opera week. CompanY".Here Dr. Richard Strauss heard Tbe projecl includes such items as the .following: at the higb school. painting the ber. and In 1921 he inlrnduced her to country with her first perfo:mance at the music room• the fire• tower and other Ii Metropo tan. . class rooms, together with varnishing of ~me. Schumann h~ sung In all the tables and chairs in the library and certain leading opera ~ouses ?I Europe, at COVellt class rooms; painting of all window sills; ~ar~en In Lo~don, ID B~enos Aires ~d caulking of the windows, also plumbing, JD Rio de Janeiro. Follow~ng her operatic plaster patching, carpentry work, and gradand con~ert engagements m. Cope~agen, ing of the tennis courts. The project inwe receIved from ~he Danish King the eludes the construction of two bicycle d~oraUon of the High Order for Art aod racks al Ihe bigh school and a pipe horiSCIence. • . zonta1 ladder for the playgrounds at each The dance reotal to b~ gIven on Feb~- grade school building. At the Rutgers ary 14 by <:.harles Weidman and Dons Avenue School, painting of all exterior Humphrey.bnngs to Swarthmore the fore- window sills and construction of tables most. Amencan exponents of contemporary and benches for use of the children at danclDg. Both of tbem are not only ex- lunch II'm . I d d • IIy gl'fled soI0 dancers, bl Iso earelDcue. ceptiona u a At th C II ASh I Ih ework ·• iii ch oreograph ers 0 f onglDa y and"Imagma- . J d e th oege . ti venue f cooI lass d tion. These two were born in the middle ID~ u es e pam ng ~ severa. c. an west-Miss Humphrey in Chicago and Mr. toilet ro?ms, ro~f rep~rs and. pamting, and the plaCing of hIe draInage lines along the Wel'dman •m N eb rask a. isid lis . They received their preliminary training au . e wa !o carry away water which with the Denisbawns, travelling with them has Deen entenng the basement .rooms. In summary, employment Will be proon an extensive tour of the Orient. On their return tbey were ready to start off vided for skilled and unskilled workers :IS by t~emselves and joined forces in open- fonows: laborers, three laborers for two ing a;' school in New' York. Breaking away months; ~ne plumber's ~elper for one from. the idea of having ·the -dance ten a month; s~lIed.worke~: one plasterer, one story, they evolved a choreography which m~nth j SlX palilters, one month, and seven put the emphasis on purely rhythmic mo- pamters, one month; two carpenters for tion. They grew rapidly in imporlance two months, two plumbers for one month, and have appeared with the New York one electrician for one-half month, and 'Phill¥1rmonic Symphony Orchestra, the a cement finisber fo~ one-quarter month. Clev~nd Symphony, and the PhiJadel- The superintendence will be in charge of phia Symphony. In Ihe thestricsl lield a Works Progress Admlnislration skilled foreman for two months, The work will be in charge of the property committee of the School Board, Dr. Arthur E. Bassett, chairman. tQ l", of' for • BEGIN WPA· WOnl[ ON SCHOOLS eD" dom•.will hold Its lintCol1ege fall .....011· !Iog Mondai at Bond Hall Swarthmore aftel1lOOlI. October 28. al 3 o·clock. .• DICDlatm. j. I the Swarthmore Womsn's Club. beginNng Wednesday. November 6. at 9AS A. M. Tbe cou,,", Win include: furniture. kino! and arrange!!!e!>!; wall, Idnd and selecUol\ of wall paper. Floors and coverings (inc1uding the making 01 hooked or braid'" rugs). ColQr in Ibe bom. .. Window cur~ tains and drapes (those ta!dng the cou.... may bring msterials and make their cur~ tains in the c~. if they 110 desire). Acces• H. S. 1.0_ to Media, 19.0 Swarlbmore ....._~ School -"~ered. the; ..-..... second defeat of this season wben Media' scored 19-0 against the loesl eleven last Friday o.n the Swarlbmore CoDege Field. This afternoon the contest will be withSbaron HIlI 011 the Rutgers Ave".ue Field. ~rff.fli That 'I'.....nltq· Are Not .Ia "l"our Do...e It', importllDt to know tlurt JOU 41".", hive Termite•. Unfortuaately YOU can't tell. Fortunately WE can. ROBERT C. BROOKS, JR. Claeater Road &lid Faimew Road .._______-.1 $tore i 7 0U • FREE INSPECTION b7 .Impb' telephoDIn. this dice. A .talb' of 70ap home I. made b7 relIabl. aDd experleDred Inspectors. There Ie _ iroaM. for )'Qu. You Eet a detaUed report UPOII which 700 call ad 01' not, .s )'OD ue. fit. We cep..oat_ there IA no oblla-nUoD but there Ie ..-reat: II~UI'~t7 In knowln ... PRONE TODAY I.O~. 1828 - .. .. Cor 0111' Needlework Display Next Week "On Wednesday. October 23, at 2 o'clock the Swarthmore Branch of the Needlework Guild will have a display of garments in the \Voman's Club House. The dircctors will scn'c tea from 2 until 4 o'clock and extend the most cordial invitation to the . public. All garments should be in the hands of the directors by Monday, October 21, if possible. VERY LOW FOR QUICK REMOVAL FQr8et the New Packard 120B . Delivered. fully equipped, in aU body .lyla, $1200 to $1300 Don't , Uth and Cro,by. Chester Phone Cheder 9131 • - -------- .. - STs. '. The Right Clothes Give an Extra Cheer to Happy School Day.! Choose from our wide ....ortment of charming Wash Frocks. Modestly priced and fully guaranteed to wash 'and wear. Sizes 3 to 16. SUITS-__ "TEENS" . Two-piece effect., Talon Zipper, wl\nted colon. . brown. 8'l'een. navy ~ubODn,et. Size. I 0 to and$2 • 88 Size. I O!t2 to IQVz 16. $4.94 GIRLS' WINTER Kiddies' Smart COAT AND LEGGING, SETS $4.98 $6,98 $8.98 COATS From O ..e of America's Finest MakersBringing You Savin..s of 25% to 40% Cute selectidn of styles. Fur trimmed and sports styles. Sizes 2 to 6!/z. Divided Into 3 BiC Croups SPEARE'S SECOND FLOOR Very New I Dress and sport styles hats and muffs to ALYCE JANE McHENRY match. Detachable fur eape collars •.• com: plete selection. of colors-Rust BroWt1. Dark Green, Dubonnet. Iris. Skipper Blue and Cold. COAT SETS $12.98 $14.98 Sizes 7 to 10--11 to 16lj& I SPEARE'S SECOND FLOOR I nlllill .... IF 'HILA. LWO. . 110t CHUTIlUT aT. 00000' HARRIS & co. Cleaners and Dyers NO. 11 PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE, PA • F"'_ Company Notes !'is trip. TELEPHONE SWARTHMORE 504 ••••• 0000 •••••• 00 ••••• 0000 •••••• 00000 •••• 000000 ••••••••••••••••• 000000000.'.0000000000000000 ••• 0 •••• 00000'0 PLAYERS CLUB BUSY PLANNING SEASON There were three fire alarms this week, none resulting in any serious damage. At 1.40 P. M. on Sunday Ihe department answered a calI to 904 Westdale Avenue, where an automobile was on fire. The To Open in November with Refire was extinguished before the lire truck vival of "Entwbile arrived. The following day a lield lire Fint JUDior Play Nov. 16 on Fairview Road, was finally put out The Players Club of Swarthmore this after two alarms, one at 12.15 and another year celebrates its twenty-fifth anniversary. al 2.50 P. M. when the smouldering bush Under Ihe leadersbip of Dr. Aodrew F. had again burst into flame. Jackson, this outstanding amateur dramatic organization will again present a series of Police Ne_ eight senior productions and four junior John F. Wolfenden, of Grant Avenue, plays. As in the past the productioDS will Woodlyn, the reported owner of a car be directed by the men wbo have belped driven recklessly here on at ~.oo P.. M., raise Ihe club 10 its present bIgb position among the little theatre organizations of October 13, has been summoned to appear the country. The roster of players will for hearing at 8 o'clock this evening. include those men and women of the community and surrounding towns who have At 12.40 A. M. OD October 20, James contributed so ,much to the success of past McComb Sinclair. of Claymonl. Del .• was also summoned to appesr at 8.00 P. M. performances. Swarthmore's Players Club has grown on October 25. for driving at the speed from an unpretentious beginning of a few ot411.mUes.per bour on Yale Avenue and townspeople who stage minstrel shows and r-.... --··to- ~_c· .&.d... --,.. one-act sketches to its present organization. At 2.15 P. M...OI):.the 2bt;. a.. mJIIsjon now owning its own theatre. To com.... otturred at WaInu/. Laue :.nd Osdea. Ave- metl!orate this progress the Board of nue. between the csr of Dr. W. F. G. Governors has voted this year to issue an Swann, of Ogden Avenue, driven. by John anniversary year book. This volume will A. Kohl, and the car of Mil. C. C. West, contain a short but comprehensive history of Walnut Lane. who was driving. Both of the club otnce its inception in 1911. a can were damaged but no oDl>-was injured. list of present officers and committees, a s-n"; Chl·ldren's Hallowe'en Parade Thursday., PrlZes • Offered for Rest·Coslumes Swarthmore's ruth annual HaI1owe'en parade is 10 be held this year on Thursday evening. October 31, at 7 o·c1ock. The affair is being sponsored by the Swartbmore Business Association and the SWA1tlH, " , 0 _ and prires .will be given to the first. second and tblrd winners in each of the four clas6UicaUons. Each yea. the size of the parade bas grown. unlli there were over live bundred children boot year. The parade will for.n on RaiImad Ave. Due just behind the American Siore. The route of·the parade will be from· the staUon platform along the underpass to the B8I1k then back to Park Avenue and along the first block of Park Avenue SlId back to the pojat of departure. Borough are invited to join in the evening's fun. The Borough AssociaUon. which is sponsoring the parade with the SWAlm.MOREAN, has provided a Hallowe'en favor for each child who enters the parade. The prires. which are donaled by the Borough merchants. are on display in the SWAlml. . _ window. The judges this "year are MIs. Roland G. E.· Ullman. Mrs. Harold Griffin. Frank R. Morey and Howard B. Green. 'president of the Swarthmore. Business AssocIaUOII. Those in charge of the different divisiODS are as follows: Fan - - Monday, October 28th, at 3.00 P. M. Vesper Service Mrs. Philip Kind. a member of tbe Na· tional Board. will speak on "What We Can . An o~an .recil.~I. by Al"",!,,~er.:¥rCurdy Do to Maintain Peace." Everyone ·Who is will be ·the feature of the Vesper-Service interested in peace is urged to attend. Tea at 6.30,' Sunday evening· iii Clothie.r Memorial, Swarthmore College. will be served. RECORDER OF DEEDS om·CE PRAISED LEGION HOLDS PAST COMMANDERS' NIGHT .- ,1., 2 11fE SWARTHMOREAN \-\ '. :.- OCTOBER 25, • • fC" An~ E. Seltzer Engaged To Caspar S. Garrett Harvey R. Pierce, of South Princeton Ave- Chatterbox in banot of Mi". and Mrs. -Me· in the Augustana HO$pltaJ. Chle8g<>. Ill. Mis. Seibold will be remembered as Miss nue, Swarthmore. , Cone :and Miss Chalmers. Clara Bond Taylor, 'of Rivervi'ew Road. The wedding will take place on Saltur'·1 . , , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Seal. of Cornen day, November 9. -- Avenue, have as their guest for ten days Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Blue and family tbeir niece, Miss Esther Siner, of Riegleshave removed from Haverford Place to viDe, Pa. Two Other LocaJ E.1oglll!relntmila I AnnolD1ced Here n. . ..:__ Rochester. N. Y •• where Mr. Blue has been P..tWeek .,......... transferred. -,----:: Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Osterman, of Rutgers Avenue. announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Spsan Elizabeth · Osterman, and Mr. George Humphrey · Bunyan, of San Francisco, Cal. Mr. Bunyan the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Crccrar Bunyan, of San Francisco and New - York. ' is Mrs. Robert Greenfield, of Forestview · Road, Parkside, announces the engagement of her sister, Miss Mary C. Ryan, and L~uis F. Pierce, son of Colonel and Mrs. C!tnmmuntty &40p; ~ ehdtterbox Luncheon. Tea. Dinner Mrs. Ellen C. Van Schoonhoven of Park Aver.ue. left Tuesday on a tour of the Mrs. Edwin A. Yarnall, of Kenyon Ave~ The engagement of Miss Ann Elizabeth nue, left Wednesday for a week end visit Seltzer. daughter of Mrs. Charles J. Sell- \\'itb Mr... and M;rs. Russell A. Yarnall, of zer. of Moylan-Rose Valley, and Caspar Maplewood, N. 1. Sharpless Garrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. ---Albert Nicholson Garrett, of College and Mrs. David Chandler Prince, Mrs. ]. · Garrett Avenues, was announced on Satur- Passmore Cheyney, and Mrs. Edwin A. day at a bridge tea at the Seltzer borne. Yarnall, all of Swarthmore, acted as Miss Seltzer graduated from Friends Central hostess last Tuesday at the Rodman School and attended Swarthmore College. Griscom estate, Gladwyn, in thf: series of Mr. Garrett is a graduate of George I"lEiouse and Garden Days" visits sponsored School, and Swarthmore College and at- by the State League of Women Voters. tended the Law School of the University Mrs. Vincent Cianci, of Yale and Haverof Pennsylvania. No date has been selected rord Avenues, has been ill at her home for for the wedding. &wurtllmrtrt. ,.\ , mountain region of Pennsylvania. Mrs, Van Schoonhoven will stop in Wellsboro to visit Mr. and Mrs. H. Webster and in about two weeks she will continue to Florida, where she will spend the winter. AJIIN ·8. SHARPlU Cookie. TITUS J. EWIG .................. ROSAUE DRYDEN 8ocIaI1WCer .. Folks. you'd better st~p an' lissin Or there's 8Omethin' y,ou'lI be missin' Since the Presbyterian wimmin Hev a givin' up their ~wimmin' They've been giltin' up ·a big. bang-up bazaar It's the seventh of November . And the day you'd b";'t remember Fer that time ain't really olf so very far. There'lI be heaps o· tljings to buy And a supper. too. Oh. my I My mouth is jest a-waterin' I can't wait till that bazaar. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Johnson, of Scudder, Jrd, of Thayer Road, were among those who entertained before the Senior Assembly, Saturday evening. Miss Elizabeth Douglas and Miss Harriet Wickham, both of North Chester Road, will entertain with a Hallowe'en dance at the American Legion Hall in the past week or so. Her condition was Media, on Saturday evening, November 2. somewhat improved this week. Dr. and MT$. William Johnson, of Ogden Mrs. Elrie S. Sproat, of Ogden Avenue, Avenue, and Mr. anrJ Mrs'. Earle P. Yerkfsj has been confined to her home tbis week of Princeto3 Avenue, will leave next Friby illness. day on a mo~or ,'trip to Wellesley, Mass., Mr. and Mrs. Ira Beadle, of Seattte; where ~hey ~ilI ,'visit Dr. and Mrs. JohnWashington, were the guests of Mr. and son's daughter, ~lizabeth, and continue to Mrs. Neil Currie, Jr., of North Chestc': Boston, t~ \attei4d a reunion of the Ap. palachian Mountain Club. Road, the .first of this week. Mrs. I. Newton Durboraw, Jr., of AmMr. and Mrs. Howard McCone, of Dart~ herst Avenue, 'with her infant son, returned mouth Avenue, had as their guest from home on' Sunday from the Chester Hos·' Monday until Wednesday, MisS Georgii c. v. Pb_ _ ~t ~:-:=td ." I ' . One Week-5tartlnc Friday "BROADWAY MELODY OF 1936" WASHINGTON THEATRE CHESTER Friday and Saturday Enjoy,.:•.'•• _:"" ME , A "Men of the Night" Bruce Cab·ot· Judith Allen Charles Sabin Monday and Tueday THEATRE GEORGE BURNS Today (Friday) and Saturday . LAUREL ""d HARDY -In"Bonnie Scotland" Wednesday and Thursday EDMUND LOWE 'King Solomon of Broadway' Cheater's Moat DIstinctive Theatre -ADDEDA. Walt Disney Silly Symphony in Color George O'Brien "Broadway High1iahb" "New Adventure. of'. Tarzan" ana Free -FOreign '.Stamp.· , NI ·-inZane Crey·. latcst 1935 novel .Mountain' -withBARBARA FRITCHIE Monday and Tuesday TED LEWIS -ADDEDClaude Rain. Fay Wray -In- -10- "Here GRACIE ALLEN "Here Comes Cookie" Comes the Band" "The Clairvoyant" Wednesday and Thursday PAT O'BRIEN FRANK McHUGH JAMES CAGNEY Next Attraction WARNER BAXTER HELEN VINSON -in- Our -in- "The Irish in Us" "As Husbands Go" ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:: ~ .r:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;1 . LANSDOWNE MANOR Delaware County'. FlnelJt Theatre Cheater Piko - Prospect Park Friday, and Saturday JOEE. BROWN JOEE. BROWN "BRIGHT UGHTS" Ann Dvorak Monday . Wm. Carlan One Day Only SYBIL JASON "THE UTTLE BIG SHOT" 'rueaday One Oay Only NORMA SHEARER Frcdric: MARCH LesUe HOWARD "SMILIN THROUGH" Wednesdlly-One Day Only FRANCIS LEDERER FRANCES DEE A Foz Production "THE GAY DECEP110N" Thursday-one Day Only "Here Comes the Band" LEWIS and His Band WARNER BROS. 69th Sf. Theatre Garrett Road & Wcst Chester PIke U!;,per Darby, Pa. Friday and Saturday "BRIGHT UGHTS" Ann Dvorak PatricIa Ellis William Gargan Joc Cawthorn Monday and Tuesday Claudette COLBERT "She Married Her Boss" MICHAEL BARTLETT (Co-Starred with Grace Moore in "Love Me Forever" Melvyn Dou&'las Wednesday One Day Only "Charlie Chan in Egypt" WARNER OLAND Pat Paterson Stepin Fetchit Thursday One Day Only TED LEWIS and His Orchestra "HERE COMES THE BAND" Virginia Bruce Nat Pendleton Ted Healy Harry Stockwell WAVERLY THEATRE DREXEL HILL "The Most Aeeommodating Theatre in Delaware CountY'· TODAY and SATURDAY Starting Friday For One Week CLAUDETTE COLBERT -In- FRED ASTAIRE GINGER ROGERS -- "TOP HAT" "SHE MARRIED HER BOSS" MICHAEL BARTLETT MONDAY AND TUESDAY New Shirley Temple of the Screen SYBIL JASON -In"LJ1TLE BIG SHOT" GLENDA FARRELL WEDNESDAy ...d THURSDAY .BING CROSBY -In- "TWO FOR TONIGHT" I. . , ~Ir. S. H. Hemenway, formerly of Pros-' pect Park, bas taken an apartment at 3ic: Dartmouth Avenue. ' William Kuruhalz, who played on the Dickinson College team when it met Swarthmore College on Saturday, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kurtzhalz, of Park Avenue, THAIR. b e.,aut i full Y '.J cl e a ned .. ". ',,_. (., , . ., , , 9z12 Po,niesti~ ; . Rug,. , .·Cleaneis ': . ,. , ~TABUSHED 1820 Dyers " EFFICIENCY I REXALL' Ie SALE Wed., Thurs., Fri., SaL OcL 30, 31, Nov. 1, 2 and LOW PRICE I Miss Mary Fail·banks and brother. Paul, formerly of New York, have moved into an apartment at 311 Park Avenue. Miss Fairbanks, who is a rfcent graduate of Swarthmore College. is now assistant to Dr. R. C. Brooks in the Political Science Department there. Paul is taking a post graduate course at Swarthmore High School preparatory to entering the United States Naval Academ)' at Annapolis, Md. Hercules OIL-BURNING BOILER New Revolutionary Design Brings Coal Economy to Oil Heat Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Hormann, for-' merly of \Vestdale Avenue, have removed to Media. • Price includes installation, 275-gallon tank and con· trols. • Lower operating cost; burns "heaper, heavier oils. • Small current "onsumption. • Lifetime construction of all parts. Precision-assembled to guarantee you years of satisfactory service, • Beautiful emerald-green fin. ished jacket. • Approved by Underwriter's Laboratories, • Compare the Hercules OilBurning Boiler against any on the market, Compare for first "ost, economy in fuel cost, in operating cost, in quality of materials, in workmanship and responsi. bility of the seller. Birth Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Seibold are receiving congratulations on birth of a son, 10bo Rudolph, born Tuesday. October IS, 1935, , ESTATE OF H. BENNETT BIGGINS, DEC'D Letters Testamental'J" on the above estate have been granted to the undersigned. who l'E!(Juest all ~rsona having claims or clemands against the Estate or the Decedent to make known the same, and all penona indebted to the decedent to make payment, without delay. 10 NELLIE V. mOGINs, or to her Attorney, 746 Concord Ave., JOHN E. GENSEMER Drexel Hill, Pa. 1604 Fox Building Phlla4elphla, PL lo..ls..6T • "In addition to the necessity for a few more lights in Swarthmore, and Cedar Lane betwe~n Elm Avenue and Ogden is a. spot to begIn on-our homes (and I take It for granted no transient would bother to stop for the 'tiring' pastime) can continue to instill the invaluable character building ieminder of consideration for others' P{OPerty. "Perhaps you will allude to this tire incident in an editorial this coming Friday, then mayhe I shall feel that my very good friend is avenged J I" -. :; Mr.. Betty Temple in charge Swarthmor~, College. ESTATE OF FLORENCE S. ZlMMERMAN (late of Swarthmore, Delaware County. Pa.) deceased. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION cum testamento annexo on the above Estate have been Rl'anted to the undersigned, who request all penons having claims or demands against the -Estate of the decedent to make known the same, and all persons indebted to the decedent to make payment, without delay. to Marlon Allyn. Administratrix c. t. a.. 310 South Chester Road. Swarthmore, Pa. Or to her Attorneys. John Stokes Adams, Esq. John B. Miller, Esq. ].f34 Land Title Building. S. W. Corner Broad and Chestnut St.&., Philadelphia, Pa. g..27.&T • A READER. Mr. and Mrs. Orren Mohler, formerly of Ypsilanti, Mich., have taken an apartment at J11 Park Avenue. Mr. Mohler is' connected with the Astronomy Department ESTATE OF WILLIAM S. KELLY, DEC'D Letters or Administration on the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, who requl"St all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of the decedent "to make known the same, and all persons indebted to the decedent to make payment, ',:ithout delay, to HELEN T. GUETl'ER. Church Lane and Cedar Ave.• Yeadon, Pa. or her Attorney. JOHN E. GENSEMER, 1604 Fox Building, Philadelphia. Pa. 10-18·6T. • the Philadelphia School of the Bible. and Hallowe'en fun for the Borough's youth to the Sunday School which meeto on Sunindulge in. Once again-with all the days. Methodist Churcb Notes 4 section size for hot water $369 Installed Capacity 720 Square Feet of Radiation. With 275-GaI. Tank and All Controls Sears, RoebUck and Co" AVAILABL( N.H.A. Please send me detail. of your "Hercules" Automatic Oil-Bu1"ning Boiler. Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Down Payment Three Years to Pay S~ars, Street . _ . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . City . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . Roebuck 522 Edgmont Ave., Chester and The Littlefield Balle.t will appear in a program for the benefit of the Swarthmore League of Women Voters on Friday, November 22, at the Swarthmore high school auditorium. The calendar of the Delaware County League of Women Voters mailed to members last week, stated erroneously that the program was for the County League's Rutledge Show This Week-End ill men are expected to attend. Lowell M. Broomall wiD direct the Choir rehearsals on Friday evening, Junior Choir at 7 o'clock and Senior Choir at 8 o'clock. The Official Board Meeting will be held after the Prayer Meeting on Wednesday evening. . . ~ Quarterly Conference members will attend a Group Conference in the Drexel Hill Methodist Church on Friday evening, Nnyember 1st. The speaker will be Dr. Troop No. 6 will go to Camp Indian Run on Friday for the week end. There will he no meeting for those who stay at home. Girls are requested to send their $1.50 to Dorothy Wilson or Joy Price, who are in charge. Officers elected for the year at last week's meeting .were Ruth Child, President; Betty Broadbent, Scribe j and BeatricE. Brewster, Treasurer. The meeting closed with a luncheon hike. The next meeting will be at the Scout House at 9.30 on Saturday, Luther J. Lovejby. A meeting of the Social Service Commis- November 2nd. Co. J. T. STILLWELL'S STORAGE MDI'lOD Avenue Mort. . films presenting the story of the Japanese pearl fishing industry. Mr. Cooper. who is a personal friend of Dr. Arthur E. Bassett, president of the School Board, will be remembered as the speaker who discussed so interestingly liThe Story of Time" several years ago, at which time he showed the children som~ very UQ- Lilly Ann Drape Shop Velour. Felts Velvet. Draped to } Your Head $2.50 and up Remodeling 75c 16 S. ORANGE ST. MEDIA fteluJlII....."""d,r, Bcautl/uD, Se,W Quality at ....... PrtICe Perfect H ..tI.. at Low Coat WM. S, HOBBS Swarthmore 1686 BUICK'S THE BUY If You Ride in a Buick You Won't Buy Anything Else Let Us Demonstrate A Call Will Bring Us to Your Door GALLAGHER BROS., INC. 7TH AND SPROUL Phone Chester 8281 CHESTER, PA. • sion of the Philadelphia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church will be held W. I. L Rummage Sale in the Swarthmore Church on Tuesday Swarthmore women who desire to con>UJorning at 11 o'clock. Dr. William I. Hun, tribute to the rummage sale which will be of Swarthmore College, will speak on held from October 28th until November 1st "International Sanctions." Discussion and at 2015 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, for a luncheon will fo1low. the benefit of the 'Vomen's International League, are requested to send their donaPresbyterian Church Notes tions early Monday' morning t? the basements of the Presbyterian and Episcopal Last Tuesday evening ·Mr. Robert Haig, Churches, where a committee of women of the church, addressed the members of will sort and mark the goods. the Young Men's Club on the subject of If you would like someone to call for "Some Problems in Transportation." This your rummage please notify Mrs. Patrick • was an exceptionally interesting meeting. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Charles Bron-II=~~=~===::===::=~::=-I Victor D. Shirer 13 son was the bostess for the first social of Prompt Radio Service s. CHESTER ROAD UTILE-GREEN RADIO Swarthmore 586 3 SOUTH PRINCETON AVENUE I IMMEDIATE SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT - I OLIVER H. BAIR CC? I ,"UN~~~I~~~d~~ORS kiT. 15.1 , RACE 1110 I Swarthmore 1235 CHURCH NEWS F0 0 T BA L L JOHNS -HOPKINS COLLEGE VS • SWARTHMORE COLLEGE Saturday, October 26th, 2 :30 p, M. Admission-$1.00 Plus Tax Next Home Game--Susquehanna, November 23rd ~::::::~~~~~~~~~::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;::::::;;;~ SHAMPOO AND FINGER WAVE ALL BEAUTY AIDS $1.00 SOC Co-ed Beauly Salon 409 DARTMOUTH AVENUE Every Shampoo-A Scalp Treatment TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Episeopa} Ch..ter Road and Coltep Avenue G~.!:'':-';r. Rev. J. Janlen S.T.M., Reelor Rev. T. A, Meryweather, Dir. Ret Educ, 8 :00 A. M.-Holv Communion. 9 :45 A. M.-Sunday School and Bible Class. 1,,00 A. M.-Mo~;ng P,a.er and Sermon. Mr. Guenther will preach. ALLN~:':''C'~ ,DAY ON SWARTHMORE FIELD PHONE 595 . PLAN Ballet to Benefit LoraI L W. V. Dr. \Vayne Channell will preach on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock on "Blundering Goodness" and in the evening service at 7.45 on "True Discipleship." The evening service will begin with an organ recital by benefit. LowelI Broomall, of choice Wagnerian 522 Edgmont Ave., Cheater, Pa. Gentlemen: UNDIR THE • • . iuJG· 'CLEANING SPECIAL FROM'OCTII 2" TO NOV. 2 12 Park Avenue Dr. and Mrs. Jean Piccard, who resided Swarthmore 401-J last winter on Elm Avenue have taken an apartment at 318 North Chester Road. Two of their three sons are now with' , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _- ' them and are attending school in Swarth... more. Iof for some time past exce"t for the Bible byterian Cburch, Stonehurst. Mrs. Earle bow they differed from the real Oriental Classes conducted tbere each Monday eve- P. Yerkes, Mrs. Walter Luff, and Mrs, E. pe~rJs. The talk wa:' made es~aIly ~ternlng by the. Rev. William Allan Dean of H. Bonsan furnished transportation estmg by the shOWing of mOVIng picture The Fifteenth Annual Exhibitions of the less hour.; of seven to ten-thirty) lind four A Fen sh· S b h Id' th Rutledge Horticultural Society will close deBated tires is too high an average. • ow JP upper w e e In e with the Hardy Chrysanthemum Sbow this Would that I knew the perpetrators of this Soda! Han at 6.30 Tu~y evening for week-end . ernicious rank!! 1 'PunishmEnt suggested: th.e men of the congregation. The supper p p k wIn be served by the men. The speaker The exhibits will be open to the public a few wollops on a not·too-dar street. ·n b th R S Mil H N·ch ls Effective wollops they should be and in the WI e e. ev. r. ton . I 0 , from 6 until 9.30 P. M. Saturday and Ii ht f this articular incident with no popular radio preacher and lecturer and from 3 until 6 P. M. Sunday. g ~.. p • ' Pastor of the Arch Street Methodist ?,ore. Indlu.nous res.ults bthut t Wlth Ithd ef wlJen- Church. Philadelphia. There will be music Girl Scout News Imagme lDconvemence a wou 0 ow. b rtet About seventy-fi ve . . . y th e Male Qua. ." ..• t' S.U. '~ The Swarthmore Junior "Tot Lot'· Ass0ciation was represented OD October 14th at dress upo'! the ~tOry of ."The RODlaDce of the Mootbly Meeting ·oi the Philadelphia the Pearl. ~ was glYe~ by M.'. Fred 1· Cooper, a Jeweler. of Philadelphia, who Playground Association by Mn. Arthur R. has made an exteDSlve study of precious Dana and Mns. Oscar J. Gilc.....t. who told lnformaUy of the summer work on the Jewels. "Tot Lot" as planned by the Swarthmore Mr. Cooper demonstrated his talk by summer committee. showing a. preserved Oriental oyster from HALLOWE'EN MISCHIEF I " In the Assembly on Monday moming the pupil! of the Junior-Senior High Sehool had the privilege of a very interesting ad- FOR SALE also meeting next Monday evening at the Leiper women of the church attended the meeting oysters in a wire cage which the Japanese All cia,. Saturda,.. 9 to S. oae load. Ne.. ....,. .weet potatoea. Uye chic. . . . from Church which is nearly one hundred and of the Fourth Wistrict of the Presbyterial used to cultivate pearls. He had several Je nearby 'anna. Furniture OD. diapla". . .d SpeaficalJy: to have a fnend park a music: Prelude to Act III Loheegrin Prtz car 'on the hill' on a too dark. ~treet and Song from Der Meistersinger; To th~ Eye~ after a three and a half hour VISIt (harm-I nlng Star from Tannhauser . . .',! • Rep. =t ' _ I ''Tot Lot" heard each Sunday afternoon at 4.30 over Seminary, Cheskr, is teaching the Men's riotous color of the countryside and delightful Indian summer weather we have have been experiencing-the quiet aspect of closed windows and fallen leaves is proving too much for some of our folk and with this last week in October Hallowe'en seems to be an. excuse for an outlet 'of unhealthy pranks. Mrs. Percival Armitage, of Harvard Avenue, entertained a foursome at luncheon and bridge on Tuesday. The otlier mem. bers of the group are Mrs. Edward Baker, Mrs. J. Wilbur Hoff and Mrs. Leslie G. CampbelJ. Dr. selections. ...... til. Act .f MarcIa -I. 187a.. To the Editor: If I recall correctly, at this time last year your SWARTlDlOREAN published a very convmcmg leiter urging good healthy U : 6f Atlantic City, N. I., have moved intol ..', ~o~, IS tb~ editor of the religious see quilts, will be OD sale, 85 well as many magazme Revelation," which he estab- other things. Dinner will be served from _ Iisheit9.1 by Mr_ Broomall. Dr. Channell preaches briefly on "True Disc:ipleship." THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY 9 :46 A. M.-Pirst Day School in Whittier House. 9 :45 A. M.-Morning Forum-J"anet Payne Whitney will lead discussion. 11 :00 A. :H.-Meeting for Womhip in the Keetln&' HoQJH!. WEDNESDAY 9:10 A. II. to 2:80 P. lL--8ewil18' aDd Quilt.bur In. Whittier Hoqae.. Box IUDcheon. .. - .--. All Cordially Invited FIRST CHlJRCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST. OF SWAllTHIIORE Park Avenue below Harvard 11 :00 A. M.-SUlldu SchooL 11:00 A. M.-SundaJ' Leaaon.&rmoo. WeclDeeda:J' evenlnc meetina- each week. • p. m. Readlq room open clatly. ezeept SUD" days aDd holidays I to .4, P. II.; Chureh edifice. AD are eordiaDy Invited to atteJld tDe HrY_ and uae the Reeding ltoozn. EVERGREEN TREES Have you ever noticed the thousands of evergreen trees around our reservoirs? Theee trees are planted to protect your water supply. They prevent the growth of other trees ~hat lose their leaves in the fall. These leaves blow into the water and become objectionable. We also wish to beautify the shores of our reservoirs and to eliminate weeds, briars, and undesirable undergrowth, The Philadelphia Suburban Water Company is not only trying to give yoa a plentiful supply of pure, fresh water •• but we are also endeavoring to beautify and improve the suburhs where you live. This is the twenty-second of a series of instructive narratives dealing with the wonders of nature and human accomplishments which make it possible for you to have a plentifnl supply water at all times. Look for the next narrative in this paper two weeks from today. 0' ee(;ERTIFIED WATER Ir,u. PEDIGREED STREAMS" NURSING DIVISION IN OCTOBER MEETING were given free by the Kiwanis Eye CliDic, of Chester. "During our office secretary's vacaUoD this month, 16 office volunteers were secured by our efficient Office Chairman, MD. T. Harry Brown. These volunteers were: Mrs. E. D. BrauDS, Mrs. Charles Fellows, Mrs. Arthur Hughes, Mrs. Horace R. Hay- Mias Eaton, Secretary. T ......_ . and Chairman RepOl't on day, Mrs. Benjamin I. Mather, Mrs. J. Previo.. Month·s Work HarJan I essup, Mrs. J aho Esslinger Mrs. THE SWARTHMOREAN LetPoa Carel party Tonicht OCTOBER 25. 1935 'Laurence Saint will \alk on February ,6, , • 'and the third speaker, John Mason Brown, ,The Harold AInsworth Post, .Ammcm will talk on April 23 Legion, and Auxiliary will hold their An.••• nbal Card Party this evening at the Strath ~he Somem.ne Forum IS conliD~ Its Haven Inn. . I policy of mvtUng alumni who live In Besides table prizes there will be a door Swarthmore or nearby, and others who are prize and special prizes donated by local interested, to their musicales and lectures. merchants. I Cbevrolets Arrive Soon J The regular meeting of the Nursing Di- Charles BOltOD, Miss Elizabeth Steele, Miss vision of the Community Health Society Marion Chaffee, Mr.;. Dwight Cooley, Mr.;. was held at the Borough Hall, Swarth- Otto Kraus, Mrs. T. Harry Brown, Mrs. more, on Thursday, October 10, with the W. N. Spangler, Mr.;. J. E. Underwood, president, Mrs. A. F. Jacksoo, presiding. Miss Mary Wood. We are most apprecia. The reports of the secretary and treas- tive of their aid. We are also grateful to urer were read and approved. Reports Miss Sullivan, of the Family Welfare Dewore presented by the following: Mrs. partment, for belp with correspondence A. F. Jackson, chairman of the Nur.;ing during our office secretary's absence." Committee; Mrs. William T. Ellis, chairman of Volunteer Transportationj Mrs. J. Warren Paxson, chairman of the Automo· bile Committee j Mrs. T. Harry Brown, chairman of the Office Committee. Reports of the Child Health Centers were read by their district chairmen. The following report for September was presented by the Supervising Nurse, Miss Charlotte Eaton: "A summary of September's work shows a total of 335 visits to patients. On 131 of these, bedside care A beautiful fall day brought out a large was given. Five mothers with newborn part of the membel'5hip of the Friendly babies were given daily tare during their Circle when that group was _entertained lying-in period, or a total of 44 visits to on Thursday, October 17, at the home of mothers and 46 to babies. Ninety-six Mrs. Benjamin Collins, on Swarthmore health teaching visits were given to mothers Avenue, with Mrs. Charles Bolton as asof preschool and school children and 12 sisting hostess. advisory visits to adults. The reason for The sewing chairman, Miss Vera Demuth, these figures being considerably lower than reported 46 garments sent to the Health the average month is because we were Center, and 22 garments, with $1.00 sent, somewhat short-handed. One nurse was as the contribution of the group to the absent about three weeks due to illnef5. Needlework Guild. The last part of the vacation of the other Mra. William West reported on the staff nurse came during the fir.;t half of steadily growing "Shoe Fund," an emerthe month and the'last half of our office geney fund maintained to meet sudden secretary's holidays during the latter d needs as winter advances. . th came F th part 0 f the mon. or esc reasons an Another separate fund reported on an increased number of confinements atwas tended, we have been unable to accomplish the Camp Sunshine Fund, looking aneal'l to next summer. as much in our health education program A th Is f h I b as we had plannep,. . mong . e appea or e p, anum er "We are delighted to report that the new lof Inter.esung cases were presented: That scales for which Mrs. Douglas Sinclaire col.' o! a chdd wh.o l~st an eye throug~ an acJected the funds have been installed at ctdent, necess.ltat,:"g a glass substitute to Holmes Clinic. They are housed in the k~p the caVlty 10 a healthy state as the fine box made by Mr. John Moore. The cblld grows. • set formerly used there is now quite an Another case of a man needing funds to asset at the Avondale Clinic which has complete his last month of preparation for previously used only the travelling scales. te~cbing a ~h.abilitation group! and fa~ed "Work in the Morton Schools is again With the. ad~bonal .s~ern ncce5S1ty of bemg in progress. All children have been .fitted WIth glasses m order to do the fine weighed. One little boy whose mother we work required, and for which he had no Visited 'several times before she consented money. to get medical attention for -his deafness Then there was the young girl with a did attend a hospital clinic this summer. heart condition, in need of medical care The child had a tonsillectomy and can now ~Jl!l ~ea.~ment; the family who had beeD hear! Four Morton school children have obliged to Jet insurance lapse in order to received greatly needed glasses through our buy necessary food to keep body and referral to eye clinics. Three of these soul together and the school girl who needed sewing materials, which she was unab1e to finance. All these cases are to receive the immediate and sympathetic consideration of the Friendly Circle. In addition, 3 quarts of milk is to be continued daily, to the family of 10 children whose parents are struggling along on a very small income. The president.. Mrs. T. Harry Brown, appointed Mrs. Howard Dingle to be in charge of the Thanksgiving baskets. NO\v all this requires funds, and the Friendly Circle is faced with the prospect of many calls for assistance during the winter months ahead. The Circle would therefore welcome a large Contributing Membership at this time. No other obliga. tion than payment of dues· is incurred by this form of membership, the work of the organization being done by active members. • FRIENDLY CIRCLE IN MONTHLY MEETING WhtJ, H. S. in Third Defeat Swarthmore High School went down in defeat for the third time this season when Sharon Hill won 19"() on the Rutgers Avenue Field. This afternoon the game will be with Ridley Park at Ridley Park. College Loses Again Swarthmore College met its second defeat of the season when Dickinson College scored, 14 to 7 on Swarthmore's Feld last Saturday. This Saturday afternoon the local eleven will.play.Johns-Hopkins In another home game. A shipment of new 1936 Chevrolet Standard and Master DeLuxe cars is en· route to Lawson·Shepard Company, Inc. here, according to notiJication received by Mr. Shepard from the Chevrolet Motor Company. Mr. Shepard was informed that his full Quota of cara for the local announcement would be in his hands before November 2, the introduction date. "Production has been under way for many weeks, according to word from the factory," said Mr. Shepard. "This means that we shall not only have cars to show 01' November 2, but .wewW beabJe ~ "/'Ike immediate deliveries. ; "Our" SerVice personnel has "been undergoing factory-direc:ted trainiug mtheservic~ of the new product, 88 part of a country.. .,.ide program instituted by Chevrolet. . The Sehool nlatrlet of the Borousb of Swarthmore _ill receive sealed bids at the SChool DIstrict office OD November 11, 198& at 8 o'clock P .. 11.., tor auppl,.lq towel aen! lee at the College Avenue School BuildInc for the period bea'inning November 18. 198& and ending June I, 1936.. The towels mUit be ~Idsh bath towels. approximately IIb(!'"'· mlDt be delivered at Jeaat once a week and collected at leat once a week. The d ... liveries Ihall eonaiat of a minimum of ap.proximately 900 toweh. Toweta lupplled are to be at the !Wle rbk of the penon luppbinc the towela. The pa7lDent for the towel aerY.. lee wUl be made in monthly ItlJJtallments beginnill&' December 15, 198&. The School District will have the ria'ht to terminate the towel service at any time upon 2 weeb* notice. Samples aud description mut be BUbmitted ·wlth bid. The School District re8i!rves the right to reject any or all bids. ELIZABETH A. LUEDERS. SecretalY. 10-26-3T William Rose Benet, poet and editor, will be the first speaker on the Somerville program at Swarthmore ·College this year. Plans of the Somerville Forum, which have just been announced, also Inciude talks by Laurence Saint, expert on stained glass, and John Mason Brown, dramatic critic. On November 7th in the Friends' Meeting House Mr. Benet will talk on modem CIDER I Made Fresh Every Day APPLES PUMPKINS • LOC UST KNOLL FARMS MARKET SPROUL AND PROVIDENCE ROADS At the Nlqht Rates (afier 7 P.M.)youCCIDc:a1l100mlles for 35 cenis. (Slation 10 Slalion-3-mlnulec:onneclion.) THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAUGH AT WINTER • .' fQIt RENT....studlo 'rOOm with bath on ilftond floOr, on the bilL Telephone, S ..arthmore ppo~e~t~ry~.:.... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~==========~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=========~ .A.. W Mr. and Mra. W. F. Houghton and fam~ fOR RENT Apartment,. MQ7Jan, Roae Valle:v. ily, of .Haverford Place, will remove on neW, tbree room., bath. Lara'8 eDl!loaed pOrch. Everything Ind.uded. Garaa:e available. Monday. to Media .. 1elephone. Cheeter 6711. Mr. and MrS. John Pea'rsO~ and fami·Jy, 'fOi~ RENT-Very well furnished Jiving room. bedroom, and private bath for one or two formerly of Aldan l have. moved into the ,enUemen. Telephone. Swarthmore 280. Lappe house at 418 Park Avenue .. FOR RENT-310 Elm Avenue. one half of two famU.,.. bouse, four bedroobUl, $66 per lDonth. Albert N. Garrett. Swarthmore 489. pennypacker 4"""2. Wit RENT-AttraeUve suite, also baehelor apartment, warm, Bunnl"· Private famUy. 1'elephone. Swarthmore 58S.W.. FOR SALE _--=,--,:-;-.,.-----.,.-----fOR SALE-Dining' room auit, $16; large $10. Mra. Allyn. 810 South Chester Road. Swarthmore 1965.W. refrigerator, PERSONAL PERSONAL-Magazine aubscriptiorut and renewab. Special until November 10American, 2 l"ears, $8.60. LOST-Gold locket and chain.. swarthmore 981. Reward.. Call Mr. and Mrs, William F. Lee, of Harvard Avenue," spent the week end at Skytop • I AUDITOR'S ANNUAL REPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE DELAWARE COUNTY, STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA for the SCHOOL YEAR ENDING JULY I, 1935 , $118,516.49 88.00 1,912.02 $117.519.49 92.00 2,002.44 Frame dwelliD., three bedroom., Rood loca· Total amount of tax to be collected.................... .(,098.4.2 tioil~ Just outside Borough. $30 a month. Exonerations .••..•.••••••••••••.•••••••...••••••.•• 610.30 1984 tax returned •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Deducted from Collector's Salary.................... 269.62 $115,515.51 $119.613.98 prices. 18,230.42 5&.05 328.67 TAXATION -'. Swartbmare 214 FOR RENT Number of milia levied........ Rate of per capIta Asse&!led valuaHon of taxable property .. $6,159.795.GO Number anessed with per capita 2002 taX..... _ Amount of School Tax tax....... Pel' Capita Net amount of 1934 tax colleded •••••••••.•••••••••• $ 8,318.50 $ 97,226.M 22 2.00 610.80 18,280.42 $100.544.5-:1 CURRENT EXPENSES Gie"erai Control (A) RECEIPTS Balance on hand July 2, 1934General Fund ••••••••••••••••• $ Properly tax, 1984 ••••••••••••• Per Capita tax. 1984.... ......... Delinquent tax (prevloUB to 1934) State Approprlation ..•....•..•• Tuition non·resldent pupUs .•••• Temporary loan, ••..•• $ 20,563.00 Bond sales ........... 72.061.12 801.76 97.226.04 3,818.60 16.868.80 21.083.44 14,667.88 Clerk of School Board .......... $ Seilretary's Office. other expeme Treasurer (Com. or Salary) ..••.• Tax Cotlector ••••••••••••••••••• AI,Jdltors ••.••••••••••••••••.•••• Lettal Service .•...••.••••••••..• Other Exp. Business Admn•••••• Other Expenses of (kneral Control Total Item (C) ....•••......• $ M. B. WILSON 809 WESTDALE AVENUE Swarthmore 2078.J YE Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER. Prop. S_.19 Maintenance (E) Wages of janitors and other em.. ployees •..•••.••.••••.•.••.••• , Fuel ••..•..•...••••.•.•••••••.. Water ..••••.••.••.•••...•.•.... Light and power •..••••••..•.. ·• Janitors' SUpplies •••••••••••••• Care of grounds •••••••••••••••• Telephone rental .•...•...••••••. Other Expenses of Operation ••... Upkeep of grounds .•••.•••••••.• $1 Repair of buildings ............. . Of heating, plumbing &: lighting Repairs and replar.ement of Apparatus UBed in instruction •• Furniture and other equipment 2,283.23 1.184.63 454.10 Total Item (E) .............. $ 4,137.17 Total Item {D) ..•.....••...• S 14,890.73 Deht Sem.e (G) Fixed Charge. (F) WAYNE MOSTELLER Everythinl' Electrical SWARTHMORE 1568 2,594.89 State Retirement Board •..•.••.•• $ Insurance: Fire ......................... . Compensation .....•.•••...•.•• Other expenses ...•....••••.•.•• 994.74 230.0Q 63.68 Grunow Refrigerators and Radios Garwood Oil Burners Total Item (F) .......••..... $ MRS. A. J. QUINBY &: SON JOSEPH E. QUINBY ERNEST Co SNODGRASS, ASS'T. FUNERAL DIREC rORS BELL PHONE .. 83.84 131.87 -,,-----,--- Redemption Qf bonds direct from genera' fund ................. $ 9.60a.00 Redemption of short term 108m.. 9.625.00 Payments of interest on bonds and State tax •••••••..••.•••.•••. 16,219.01 Payments of interest on short term loans .•••..•.•...•...... 43.81 Refund taxes, tuition, etc........ 7.76 Total Item {G) •..•••.••••••• $ 34.80(••07 3.882.81 Capital Outlay (H) New buildings ...•.••..•...•...•............••.. " •.•..•...•.•...•••.••..•••...• -$ 75,5::.~: Alteration of old buUdings (not repairs)., .•••••..•••.. •···• .. ···•••···•·•••• .. •• 20696'26 Heating, lighting, plumbiml and elec. equip ................ ······ .. ••··•···••··· '286:09 .•.•••• •••••••••.••••••••.••..•••••••••••••• •••••..• ..••••••.•••••••• 75~,21 Other equipment ...................... ........................................... MEDIA. PA. Heating. lighting, plumbing and elce. eqUip......... ····•• .. ·•······•···••••·• .. ·· Furniture ..........•.•...• , .•. . . . . . . • .. . . . . . . . . . . . .•. . • •. • .. . .. . . . • • •.• . . . . . . • • Other equipment .........••...•.....•...........••......••........•..... ,....... 17575 444:83 880 15 • Sweeney & Clyde INSURANCE Furniture Total Item (H) •.....••.......•...........••..•......•..•..•........•....•• $ 98,902.S!! TOTAL RECEIPTS 29 EAST 5th STREET TOTAL PAYMENTS • •..••••.••.•..•..•.•••••••••••••. $256.957.26 {Items A-F ine.) ...••• $121,783.17 Total Debt Service (Item G) .•.•..•..••.. ····•· 34,395.07 Total Capital Outlay (Item H) ...•.......• ···· 98,902.38255.080.62 .{.. T~t~r c~;;~~i 'E~P~~;~ CHESTER Balance on hand (to be available for school year Phone, Chester 6141 5.524.25 Operation (D) 7,739.86 8.063.28 535.4.1 2.316.82 686.92 80.17 1!.(2.36 117.41 ---------------PETER E. TOLD 1935-36) ................. ·······$ 1.876.64 School Buildings a,!d Sites ...••............•.•....•.•.•... ··•·····••·••••·•···••· $7~~,~~!:~~ Textbooks Bnd Equipment ..•.•............••••.••••.••............•..•.••.....•• 18'230 42 1934 Tax .•.•....•.•••....•. •••... •.• ••.•.••••. •.•••.•.••• •••. •••••....•••. ...... 9'586:36 1933 Tax •..•.•.•••••..•....•..•.•...•.....•.••.••••..•.••••••..•.•.•..••..••.•• 5'540 64 1932 Tax ....................................................................... 1'640'SO Previous to 1932 duplicate....... ...... •.••..• ..................... .............. '851'12 Notary Public Tuition ......................................................................... 16 .·1·" • .... 417 DARTMOum AVE.. SW. 1833 Other accounts receivable: U. S. Government Grant ..•••..•.••.••••• ~............ Due from Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ....................................... 3.~72.75 GenC'ral fund balance ...........•....................••..•.......•...•.......... 1. 76.64 Total Assets ................................................................ $848,651.41 UPHOLSTERING In AU Its Branches CONSULT TOUR TlLlPHONI DIRICTORT OR TOUR LOCAL KOPPIRS DIAUR HOW$8~~ "THE PRICE ADVANCES NOVEMBER FIRST" THE NEW ALL CHEVROLET DEALERS ON NOVEMBER 2nd AT LAWSON-SHEPARD COMPANY, Inc. 401 DARTMOUTH AVENUE SWARTHMORE 411 ------------ ---------- FRED J. HARLEY Call Swarthmore 1441 Anytime WaTeriy Anywhere a: Fawn St. Morton, Pa. WbODWARD, Call Swarthmore 43 for JACKSON & BLACK, Inc. ---.----~-- ---• ••••••••••• "0" .. lISCO' Ffilest Quality Partly Cooked Sauel' &auI61:~~ 31c Flourg.tdX1"'I12Flour PRIM Pastry Best Lard p !~~~.n. tbbag 4 7c 12-Th bag 39c 2 33 C 1bS 6 85' 17c Delicious Bartlett for tho Usual p:~:': ~. 0' Five. Evap. Milk Farmdale 6 tall cans 6 16 o. 25c cans 5c lISCO Beans with Pork IlSfD F~n 'J Solid Pack TO.ii;daloes Clldally". Puritan BAMS "- 6 (Who" or Shonk Holf) ~~·ns2 J.3c 50e 'b25c Nationally Advertised. Sugar cured, Hickory Smoked. All Excess Skin and Fat Removed Making It More Economical. Weighing 16 lb. and Up. Tender Juicy Steaks Round Rump ASSETS All Lines of Insuranee Including Life Furniture Restoring Remember 33l DARTMOUTH AVENUE 1.250.00 5.00 825.00 1,194.16 85.00 355.10 680.99 119.12 92.62.(.72 FOR CAREFUL BUYERSI Every Modern Improvement Uaed Sale of real estate. supplles and 507 N. CHESTER ROAD $13,750 equipment. ....• ••••..•..••.•• 26.4.4 OPEN SUNDAY All other sources...... ......... 12,849.68 Alr~c01lditloned, 011 heaL UvlD& Room 18 feet by 27 feot, 2 fireplaces. 2 oncloaed L;;;;;;;T~o;ta;J~R~ee;;el~'~ts~.;; .•';.; ••;;.~.~ ••~.; ••~.;$2~5~6§.9;57;;.2;6~~,;;=T~ot~aJ;,,;lte~m;,,;(A~)~.~.,:,••;;.~.;' ••~.~.~ ••:';.':'.'~~3.;;'~6.;;.:.:.a7 porche•• modena kitchen. 4 bedroO''J1' I,d dreutnl' room, 2 tile baths. maid'.· room .":'-:.tructi;;;;' (Bf,- -- - - - ~~ -AiiXiIiar)"'""Agenc:iea and Cool"dinate and bath, 2-car Rar~geL.I~t.112 ft. x 110 flo Activities (C) See or .,hone Salaries of Princlpnls .•..•..... $ 4,800.00 . ROBERT. T_ BAIR Salaries of Prln.'s Clerks .. Assta. 2,185.62 Librnries-Salaries ..•........•. $ 1,900.00 Books. repairs, replacementa and •.•. Number 211 Salaries of Teachers ..••..•..•.• 76,652.29 486.40 other expense ..•••••••......•• Textbooks •.•....••.•.•••.•••... 1,701.67 1,889.80 Supplies used in Instruction.. ..• 3,186.95 Other Exp. of Auxiliary Agencies 786.90 GI...... ."Ciiit8ins, Draperies Commencement Exercises, etc.... 76.25 Nurae Service ................. .. 511.15 Other Expenses of Instruction... 182.GB Dental Service •.••.••.•••....••• Total Item (B) .............. $ 89,388.84 WILL BB ON DISPLAY AT DON'T, LET WINTER SCARE YOU - Amount levied (face of 1984 dupllcate) ••..••..•..••• $ .(,00.(.00 AdditioPB tc duplicate ,............................. 4.00 Penaltiea added after (Od. 1. 1984)................. 90.42 Cheater Road and Fairview Road WITH II THE MODERN FUEL Meet on 28th Mrs. Arthur Dana will entertain t"he Fortnightly at her home on Elm A\'enue, Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ellis, of Walnut on Monday, October 28, at 2.30 o'clock. Lane, spent Monday, Tuesday and Wednes-day, on a motor trip to Washington D. C., stopping at various points en route: Slip Covers The only complete low-priced car Fortnightly to The Board naerves the right to reject aDJ' or .n bids. Bids to be received bl" Rll!banl W .. Frazier. Chairman or Police Committee, until S.OO P. M •• Wednesday, November 6, 1986. at the Board's office In the Folsom Fire House, Fol... 10m, Penna. FREDERIC B. CALVERT. Secretary. Tol.8l ROBERT C. BROOKS. JR. 7 -room modern house, garaae. Bought fol' $11.500. Could Dot carry.. Offered for SS,5oo. Financed to 90% of aale price. Will .QOn be .old. WM. S. BITTLE Swarthmore 111...J Notary Public - In.oranco - Real Eatate CHEVROLET erry, enterSaturday evening from six until len tained , o clock with a dinner and dance in honor of their daughter, Evelyn, at their home ct to certain building reo i conditions. 'fo""th('r with the fre(' and common use, rillht. JiI,..rty and Ilrivilev:e of the above men· I I tioned ,lrh-eway us and for u passageway nnd wnlt'r,-ollrse at all times hereafter forever. Imllro\"('mentg ('onsist of two.slory slone and I shin!':l,' hOllSt', 15x2; feet; purch front; one· shimde addition. Gx!l reet; stucco garage. I slory 12xlll c..el. SnM as the property or Joseph nerman. mortgallOr, and Hobert Fullmer. real Owner. 1 ) GOOD THINGS FOR HALLOWE'EN Cider Spiced Wafers Nuts, Etc. C. WILFnED CONARD. 17 S. CHESTER ROAD Swarthmore 47 or 48 FREE DELIVERY amazing new Plymouth now! ~ .' Atlo~ney. Le,-ari Facins No. 241 I All Ihat ('{'rlain Iract or piece of land with I I the IllIiltlings and imIITo .."menI8 thereon', ! t~rt·(·ted. partly HI the BOTouJ.th of' aUlI lJartiy in the 'rn\\"n~hip of I !'-illrill~lh·ld. in th~.' Connty of lldaware. and I hounded anti de:-;(Orihecl :l~ follows. to ,,,it:: Sltll:th' I S\\:\rthnwn' 11 : lIeginnin!~ at a Iloint in th" midolle of Hiver. i I vi,,\\" :werllle (fiCly f,'et wid..) at the distance _of 1260.06 r""l southeastwardlY from the point ,,,f inters,'ction of thc saiol middle line of ! Hh"('r\'i('w Geo. Milro & Sons Don't fail to see this I 1I1nrch Term, 1935 Pumpkins Apples and economy, the very Peak of Perfection. ,. u\'enue ancl the middle line I I of Hannum & Waite SOUTH CHESTER ROAD AND YALE AVENUE SWARTHMORE 1250