,. --- TH); VOL vo., q N~. t: 23 .10 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., JUNE 7, 1935 a r .3 ISIXTY.EIGHT GRADCOUNCIL ADVISES MANY O~~~MEMORIAL ENTRIES RUNNING CLOSE IN MORE ARRESTS OU~::YM~~en:;~~ !r~p;:~Ya~ SUMMER. ADVENTURE CONTEST UATEATWGHSCHOOL • Borough wW'allce Broken Save Taxpayers $116.72 by RecommendatioDs on Policy Council, at its regular meeting Wednesday evening, passed a motion requesting the Burg~ John H. Pitman, to have the police force enforce the traffic laws more strictly. It has been the policy to give warnings but the traffic violations have been steadily increasing until the members of Council felt that more arrests should be made to put a stop to these flagrant violations. A recommendation of the borough insurance brokers presented by Peter E. Told on the renewal of a policy will save the borough $116.72. Harry L. Miller, chairman of the Finance Committee, moved this policy .be accepted. After considerable discussion the seeretary was requeste~ to write Mrs. Clara L. Taylor that her requests for additional exoneration amounting to $83.98 on 1933 taxes would not be allowed, also her claims for postage and expenses amounting to about $200 were refused. Ordinance No. 371, amending Ordinance No. 275, reducing building permit fees for buildings or alterations under $500 jUld for ~ts of builders in the higher lJrackets, was passed. The borough auditors' report was read and the recommendations discussed. It was decided to 'set up an imprest fund of $600 subject to withdra'YJls for expeoses' b)' the ~retary to taJte the place of the highway, incidental apd janitor accounts. Council IilsO suggested to the library board that the t,rea.sui"er of the board be bonded in ~rdance with the' recoDllDeJUtations of tJlI auditors. Let~ from MrJ, F. F. Barber and Samuel Clyde supesting the placing of more warning a,.d stop signs in the borougb, w~ read ,~d referred to the publlc aJinual exercises last Thursday moming at Borough Hall and attended the address given by the Reverend Dr. Morton S. Enslin, of the Crozer Theological Seminary, in the Methodist Church following the parade. Girl and Boy Scouts, Cubs and school children, with their leaders, participated in the parade in full regalia and nearly perfect troop attendance. The Temple Band of Chester, supplied stirring music and many patriotic young citizens joined the marching ranks. Before the parade the services of the day were op:med with appropriate exercises at the monument at Borough Hall, with the Reverend Thomas A. Meryweailier, Chaplain of the Harold Ainsworth Post, American Legion, giving the invocation. Upon arriving at the grave of Charles Seymour, past commander of the local Post, the Reverend Thomas A. Meryweather gave the colloquy and Charles Seymour, the son, placed a wreath upon his father's grave. At 11 o'clock, upon the return of the parade from the cemeterY, and following the singing of "America," Dr. Enslin was introduced by Frank R. Morey and made a very interesting and pertinent address, . t n'bu t e t 0 th e Iat ever Oli' W end eII pay10g H o1mes an d J ane Addams. F 0 IIoWIng . D r. Enslin's talk, Mr. Morey had the scouts give the Salute to the Flag and then called upon Dr. John EUery Tuttle, pastor of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church; who closed the program with an appropriate and touching benediction. • DR. \VILLIAM LHULL SPEAKS TO WI L •• Other Local Speakers at Swath... more BI'IUlCb'. Last Meetina of S.101I • '. Well, boys and girls, the list of prizes in the SWARTHHMOREAN'S Annual Summer Advent~r~ Opportunity is now. complete. In addition to the dandy bicycle and numerous other articles being given by the SWARTHMOREAN and now on display in the office window, there has joined the array a nice bright yellow polo shirt from Buchner's Toggery Shop, to be awarded to the person turning in the most vote coupons from that store . . . and the American Store has offered a choice of an electric bicycle light or a flashlight to the one handing in the largest number of American Store votes. The prize offered by the A. & P. Store has been chosen, but is to remain a mystery until after the close of the contest when it will be announced. This week more and more names have been entered in the contest and the children of the Borough have been working hard, consequently the list showing the rating of each entry has greatly changed since last week. Let's make it undergo an even more decided change next week by boosting our favorite with the votes we get with each $1.00 purchase in every store advertising in the SWARTHMOREAN. Remember, the SWARTHYOREAN also gives votes wh en subf IIowmg . scriptions are paid, so read the o list and let us see what you can do to change it by next week. List of Entries Grace Brewster ................ Norma Hauger ................ Jimmie Kauffman .......... "... Jack Corse .................... Charles Gillespie ................ Page Bullock .............. , .. . Alice Craemer ................. Bill Harvey :.................. Lois W. Gray .................. Neal Durboraw ................. Kaihleen Scott .. ::: ........... i.·.. Barbara Brown ............. :'... Jean Flaherty ................. Bobby Reed ................... Alban S. Eavenson ............. Buddy Whitecar ............... Betty Jane Abernatby .......... Daniel Kirk ................... Margy MacMillan .............. Eddie Grant ......... ... . . .. . . . . Ann J. Perkins ................ Phyllis Simpson ................ Mary Christine Stericker ........ Robert Kerr ................... Andy Robinson ................. Stephen Smith ................. Mary Garrett ................. : Marian Bernard ......... " . . . . . Jimmy Johnstone .... "......... Ned Rutherford ............... Nancy Hoot ................... Print Manning, Jr. ............ Jean Evans.................... George L. Armitage, 3rd .. "...... David Gilcreest ................ Ned Rutherford ......... "...... Peter Miller ................... Bob White "................... Teddy Adams ........ "........ John Bair ..... " . . . . .. . .. .. . ... Jimmy Bogardus ............... William Allen Brown, 3rd.. .. . . .. Gordy D ouglas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J'1m Dry den ................... Buddy Eaton .................. Buddy Fries ............. "..... Guenther Froebel, Jr............ Molly Harper ~................. Clarence ~an ............... 37,800 Elizabeth Evans ...... "......... 27,500 Francis Evans ................. 15,900 Betty Littlefield ..... ~......... 15,800 I Bobby Longwell ............... 15,500 1LouiSe Paulson ................. 12,400 Tommy Randall ............. ,.. 10,000 Bob Storm ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,300 Jean Storrs ,................... 7,700 Bob· Thorpe \.................. 6,400 "Dave" Unman ........ :......... 6,2pcl i'Pete" Ullman ...........'.. '.' . .. . . 6,100 Bobby W~ltz ....... , ..... :...... ~ ~'.':'-.<'-'~ ~~~~w:;fseeti~~;l~ ~~l~~~~..::::: ~:.: :.:-::: ::';;:' ; ;~J'::.:~~~: .wit)r..cnnlmittfti:fm: . . . ::;: :-:.- :": :~~:.~::'< eo... DR. HUU .c 5,000 ~900 4,800 3,900 3,600 3,600 3,100 2,800 2,500 2,200 2,100 1,800 1,700 1,700 1,500 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,100 1,000 900 800 800 700 600 600 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Fifty-first Annual CommenceDlent Exercises Held in School Audit· Last Ev • onum emng The forty-first annual commencement of the Swarthmore High School was held in the high school auditorium Thursday, June 6, at 8 P. M. The program opened with a unison reading of a biblical selection by the members of the class, the selection being Proverbs Ill: 13-27. A chorus consisting of the members of the class sang "I Love Life," by Mana-Zucca. The theme of .the student part of the program centered about worthy recreational interests. Various students discussed their hobbies and displayed their abilities as indicated in the following program: "Recreational Interests," by Delia Marshall; "Ornithology," by Samuel Cresson; "Beekeeping," by Edmund Jones; "Amateur Radio," by Richard Sanford, and "Poetry," by Betty Passmore. Carol Harris, accompanied by Stewart Thorn, played a piano solo, Mendelssohn'S "First Concerto in G Minor." Frederick Haseltine sang two baritone solos, "Sailor Men" and "Invictus," and Stewart Thorn played a piano solo, "Etude Heroique," by Leschetizky. . was announced The year boo k dedication . d ediby John Wickham, th e b 00k bC1Dg cated to Miss Ann Larkin, who is finishing her thirtieth year of teaching i!l.the Swarthmore High School. William Cr&emer, president of the Home and School Associatio~, announced the winners of the Home and School Association awards, both the gold medal and the scholarship being· awarded to Stewart Thorn. The Phi ~eta Kappa award, consisting of a copy of "What I Like in Poetry," compiled by William Lyon Phelps, was awarded to Edmund Jones, the presentation being made by Dean Robert C. Disque. ScIiolarships and. award!· were lUUlounced by Frank R. Morey, Supervising PriDdpal .o~ S~arthmore Schools, .~. ~.~~""".~7t~~~~'.,:. .Lm~ Orchestra S~o_ .'(. , .•...:, . ,. '. SOOt 500 500 ~ ,i'.,;)' ~J:iu~i.Yf!"~i~": ~~~:.-.:--' League, Dr. William I. Hull ,;poke of his .> ' . . Scholarship, B~y Cleaves; 'alternates, AWARD MRS. MELICK personal recollections and contacts with Re.ideilt Graef.... at COMPnt'~ Lydia May Lodge and Francis Voster!. ~ Miss Jane Addams. She visited Swarth-· . . ILIAl scholarship to Wasbington and Lee UmFive Swarth....... were graduatedfnm.. 't was won by John Wickham The Mrs. Elmer E. Melick, of the Strath more College in 1894, just after her ret~ Haven Inn, Swarthmore, prominent club from London, where she had been par- Swarthmore College on Monday. They ~:e~ Memorial Prize in Germa~ was Emma Michael, A.B.; EHzabef:h .' awarded to Charlotte Lohner. The fol. 'W0tIl1Ul of the county, was presented with ticularly influenced by the social service were: . . . . . '.' lowing $5.00 awards were made: Library the service award of the Delaware .county works there. At that time Dr. Hull drove Soule, A.B.; Elizabeth Chaney, A.B.; Lydia Soroptimist Club on Tuesday evening, at into Philadelphia by horse and buggy to Ba1Iard, A.B., and Herbert ~Wj ~.s. F_ 'of .Three. Volumes on Association Award in English, Delia MarSwarthmoJ:,e to Be PUblished shall' American Legion Award in Social the final meeting of the season, held at bring her out here to speak. She ~ad a MIas Ballard was graduated Wlth high Thia. SUIIUDeI' Stuclles, Francis Vosters; Women's Clul» ''Three Trees Inn," Drexel Park. A hand- radiant personality and probably did more honors and Miss Chaney with "ooors. some silver plaque, mounted on walnut to make social service work a success than Award in French and Latin, Delia MarMary LyoD omm~cetaeDt Dr. William I. Hull, of Walnut Lane, shall; Business Men's Ass!>ciation Award and suitably inscribed, was handed to Mrs. anyone else. . Many entertaining episodes The twenty-seeon!\ commencement exer- professor of history at Swarthmore Col- in Mathematics, Stewart nom, and PlayMelick by the president of the Soroptimist of her life were recalled by Dr. Hull, as Club, Mrs. Josephine L. Reed Hopwood. well as some of the high lights of her cises of the Mary Lyon School and of lege since 1892, has written a "HIstory of ers Club Award in Dramatics, Fl'ederick A large basket of flowers, the gift of the ardent work for peace, especially during Wildcliff Junior CoDege, Swarthmore, Pa., Swarthmore College, 1850-1935" in three- Haseltine. were held on Wednesday evening in the volumes. Dr. Arthur E. Bassett, president of the first president of the club, Mrs. Helen the war in the face of bitter criticism. Mrs. Harold E. B. Speight gave a very Miller Crist Auditorium. Allen VanderThe University of Pennsylv.- Press, of School Boald, presented diplomas to the Ransberger, to the winner, was also pregraphic description of the RO\lnd-the- hoeff Heely, headmaster of the Lawrence- which Phelps Soule, of Park Avenue, following graduates: sented. Peace Broadcast. Viscount Cecil, in ville School, Lawrenceville, N. J., delivered Swarthmore, is manager, has contracted to Lawrence E. Barry, Jr., Virginia Isabel World Mrs. Melick has been a resident of the speaking from London, reported that of the address. publish the book. It will be under the Beagle, Robert S. Bird, Lee Blundin, Dorcounty for the past thirty-three years, and The list of graduates of the Mary Lyon personal direction of Mr. Soule. othea Alice Brown, Rohert Bennett Byerly, has 'been identified with various women's the 7,250,000 citizens canvassed to date in The firsi volume, treating the years. 1850 Thomas Surrette Clay, Elisabeth Gould organizations, as well as many county-wide the British Isles,97 per cent favor contin~- School included the following Swarthmore ance of the League of Nations, and ov~r girls: Janet M. James and Doreen Mituntil 1869, covering the origin, founding, Cleaves, Theodore F. Cook, Samuel Lukens projects, during that time. She is a mem90 per cent desire reduction of armaments chell. Doris Sagendorph of Rose Valley building and opening of the college, has Cresson, Jane Dutton Darlington, Alberic ber and former president of the Woman's oppose their manufacture and sale for graduated. from Wildcliff. been completed and will be published dur- de Laet, Charlotte de Moll, Howard James and Club of Media, where she resided for many "Mr. Pim Passes By" Given ing this coming summer. It is planned Dingle, Jr., Robert Effingham Dolman, years, and wa.c; president of the Delaware profit. . Mrs. Frances Harper told of the' tea at To-:....u t to have it ready for delivery at the open- Georg Mallison Ewing, Marcia Gould GarCounty Federation from 1929 to 1933. uaas ing of the college in September. This first rett, William Bowles Gittens, Robert the White House and related some amusAfter presenting the award, Mrs. Hop- ing experienceS in the Roosevelt househol~. A. A. Milne's delightful comedy, "Mr. part of the history contains 475 pages and Grabam Griffin, Barbara Gross, Da"id wood pronounced Mrs. Melick an honMrs. Waldo Fisher spoke of the Tribute Pim Passes By," is to be ~ven tonight at 89 illustrations. Arthur Hannum, Allen Will Harris, Carorary member of .the club. The illustrations are very rare, being of otyn Atkinson Harris, Frederick Pilgram Dinner to Jane Addams in celebration of I the Players Club House in Swarthmore her seventy-fifth birthday. She empha- for the benefit of the· ~omen's Interna- the earliest times of the college. llaseltine, Vernon Henderson, Elizabeth sized Secretary of Interior Ickes' speech tional League. The book is bRSed. on documentary and Throckmorton Johnson, Edmund Jones, Proposed Swarthmore Projects and Miss Addams' humorous as well as Some ~f this community's fa~orite. play- printed materials which are scattered· far Helen Pa,lmer Jones, Lydia May Lodge, challenaing response to the tributes. ers are 10 the cast: Mr. p~~ will ~e and Wl'de, in Philadelphia, Baltimore and Virainia Ethelyn Lockwood, Charlotte Delaware County projects totalling $7,-..,h I d b H b rt Walt OliVia Martin -.,,Mrs. Patrick Malin reported upon t e p aye y er. e o n , . New ·York. : Emily Marie Lohner, Hugh John Lumsden, 653,324 in estimated cost are dependent k f th b Isab II P G rg Martin by Wil licies and the legislative wor 0 e y e e nce, eo e The seeond volume cavenn.,. th- period Doris Anne MacIntyre, Delia Page Marupon the passage of legislation pending in PO h li P . D' ah b C nsuelo '''''urdock ' '-" . National W. I. L. She urged t at peace am nce, 10 y 0 , 1869-1902, according to pl.. n"~ ~n '-- pub- shall, Margaret Louise M. ellen, Betty Irene the General Assembly, enabling the county . B' b N d B 0 Anne by Estelle ---. WUI "" upon J nan . lished by commencement at th.' college m' Michael, Betty Lou Mitchell, Ruth Murto participate·in the Federal Work Relief advocates commend newspaper editors . d yL dorwoo M rti' acbyn,Laura Rosenthal rell, Martha Pownall Orr,. Elizabeth peace articles appearing in thar papers so ar en, a y a n · 1936. Fund, the State Planning Board announced d M t f th t h e been members of recently. that they may know that their rea ers are os 0 e cas av The third volume (1902 untll the pres- Broomell Pass~ore, ~ary Tob~ Pecke~interested in news upon that subject. She the Hedgerow Players and have played ent) is to be published by the 1937 com- man, James Wilson Pierce, Leslie du BOlS The list of projects submitted for also reported that the Woodrow Wilson these same parts there. mencement Polk, Elizabeth E. Price, Paul Murray Swarthmore in the National Inventory of F dation had a·warded the National Tickets may be purchased at the b o x · p·tch d L dia Oli'';'' Reari ..~ Powell oun ly t The many changes in the college CIlIJlPUS n ar, y.... .~..., Works Projects, conducted jointly for Women's International League $3,000 in office. The play will begin prompt a and in Swarthmore Borough since 1850 Richards, Harry Taylo~ ~el, Seymour Pennsylvania by the State Planning Board recognition of its useful work in info~ 8.30 o'clock.. are reflected in Dr. Hull's history of the Suffel ~utherfor~ Jr., William Potter R.um;:rksM~~~:~~:n :iat:~:!~ee~U~~~ "public opinion regardin,g the dangers In New Coones at Swarthmore college itself, so that It will be found in- sey, Rich~~ White Sanford, .t\.Ifred ~eorge lows: ...,Y' the unregulated private' manufacture of . Genetic psychology, Italian, and Introduc- J tensely interesting not only to the many Sewell, Wdli~ R. ~helly, Mary Eliz~~eth the munitions of war and in the intern a- ti'on to Religi'on are the three new COUIP! alumni of the college residing in Swarth- Snyder, Philip King Snyder, WTdlilam Surfacing and treating streets, :f2,OOO; d' ch 'u' and for the A I S J h H d . . tional tra e tn su mum ons to be offered to the student body of the more, but in addition, to other residents of pp eton tavers, 0 n owar ay or, alteration and renovauo~ of BoroughtsHall, success in helping focus the influence of . , fall DEB N th b ugh th tslanding' tit ti Jr., Stewart Thorn, Joan Hasbrouck • to that public opinion upon the Congress of college this cOmIDg . r. . . ewe oro , as e ou lOS u on Tooker John Arthur Tweed Francis $750;' miscellaneous lIDprovemc:n man and Madame Forest, both new· faculty here, about which the town has gradually Adri 'c .. V t J G ' White, streets and storm sewers, $763.95, paVing. the U ..~ted States." I! 7 hers _"11 • th tic psy'cbology an orneuus os ers, r., ary unimproved streets, $38,.,1.! c;orrecwue· Mrs. E. A. Jenkins, president of the mem ! WID glve. e gene grown. Keith A. Whitsit, Cynthia Gowdy WickWhen it was decided. ~n as the ~~ for ham, John Gowdy Wickham, Richard S. steep crown on s~ts by IlUSlDg cu.rb ~d Swarthmore Branch of the W. I. L., pre- and Italian .courses ~vely. gutter and resurfaang, $13,800; 'Wldenmg sided at the meeting, IUld Mrs. Leroy Introduction to Religion, offered by the the Ct'Dege the preseet Swarthmore was Willits J h W W H and Alice 1600 feet of street to increase safety, M er had charge of 'the tea. philosophy department, will pri!selat a called Westdale ~. CODSIsted of nothing y ,on arren 0 $5,445; installing concrete paving of street ere • general introduction to religi(ln with. par- bat &elds ~ It fua house or two quite oung. • connecting highway routes No. 320 and Wms in Drama Cofttest ticular reference to the Quaker f~\h. This widely separated. . "Indians" Score Third Wm No. 321, $22,500; repairing sidewalks, consideration of th~ general problems of The publication of the first volume bas $3,000; survey of sanitary collecting sewer 1 Mrs. Oscar J. Gilcreest, of Harvard Ave- religion will be tonducted by seven pro- been UDde~ by a committee of the The Swarthmore "Indians" chalked. up system, $1,000; fireproof garage for police nUe.is ollt, ofllie two winners in the DeJa- fessors: Dr. Robert B. MacLeod, Dr. college alumni of which Percival Parrish. their third win' of the season when they department, $2,000; beavy by-pass around ware County Drama Contest, sponsored by Brand Blansbard, Mr. John W. NasoD, Mr. 1896, is chairman. ·It Is sincerely hoped. by easily defeated the Philadelphia Lacrosse south'~4e of bOrough, state highway No. Miss .EIizabeth Roberts. Mrs. Gilcreest's PatrickM: Malin, Dr. William I. Hull'lthis coamittee that the prOC«ds from the Club to the tune of 11-3. The game was 320, $250,000 ; total for Borough,. $339,- winning manuscript was entitled "The Dr. Jesse H. Holmes and Dean Harold E. sale of the first volume will finance the played in the "Indians'" box at Swarth775,95. Story of. the Chtis~as Caro1." B. Speight.. pubHcation of the second.. . more on Wednesday evening. TO • COLLE·· .; GE HISTORY C • • .1_.. .- I . . 11IE SWARTHMOREAN Isabelle Ryan To Be l\ Marn'ed He're Next Week a~rd,,,,B".ord.n, of Park Avenue, and H. son of Mr. and MIS. Jobn A. W'lTQot Cboster, will be performed by tbe ree· Rev. Fry, in the pa....nage of tbe Baptist Church, Chester, at tomorrow evening, Saturday, June 8. bride will bave as her only attendtbe groom's sister, Miss Louise Ward, JUNE 7, 1936 6TH wbere she visited ber son·in-law and daughter, Mr. and MI!. George P~- Lloyd, for two weeks. On ber return trip MI!. Brown stopped in Dayton, Ohio, for a few days' visit with relatives. .t;martllnmrf Otommunity t;llop P AGE A N "H1.torlc DeJa......... Dale by Cbd.Uan C. Sanderaon JUNE 20-21.22 9 P. M. LON G WOO D Miss Mary Temple, of Park Avenue, is recuperating from injuries sustained in a Joseph Ward to Wed in " Tickets, $1. Reserved. ,1.50 Clarence B. Borden, brother of tbe fa II w hen ber moun t 5 hied sudd enIy w bile Order Nowl Chester Tomorro_ Ibolde, will be best man. she was horseback riding last week. Box. 491. K.ennett Square, Pa. have been· received for the After a short motor trip the couple will 'tall'ons Invt marriage of Miss Isabelle Edith Ryan, at home at 323 Rose Street, Chester. at daughter of Dr. W. Carson Ryan, Jr., Last Saturday Rev. and Mrs. Edward speakers included Mrs. Robert L. Coates, ~ and Mrs. Ryan, of Falls Church, Va., and Bonsall, Jr., of Cornell Avenue, an- who has conducted the Delaware County WANTED \Villiam Zimmerman, 3d, of Virginia, which the engagement of their daughter, press schoolsi Mrs. Leroy Smith, president will take place at 4 o'clock in the afterto Mr. Roy McCorkel, of Lilly, of the Delaware County Federation of Real Estate .n900, on Saturday, June .l~, in tbe Friends' Miss Bonsall is a senior at Woman's Clubs, and Mrs. Elmer E. Melick. We have a client interested in Meeting House, on the campus of Swarth- Wooster College, Ohio, and Mr. McCorkel • I' S h I Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Davis, of Geneva, purchasing one or more properti.... C lIege ~or~ 0 • is a junior at Yale DIV mty c 00. Switzerland, who were the guests of Mr. Following the wedding a reception will in Swarthmore, or vicinity, for in· be held at the home of the bride's brother Announcement is made of the marriage and Mrs. Joseph Pope, of Elm Avenue, vestmenL Must· be bargains. . Ch urc h while in Swarthmore to attend their and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ryan, in the Swarthmore Presbytenan 235 Park Avenue, Swarthmore. tomorrow afternoon of Miss Mary Lou.isc daughter Shirley's graduation from Swarlh- Prices to range from $6,000 to f Mid M J ah more College, entertained a group of $15,000. The Ryans are former residents of Re~ont, 0 oyan, an r. eretnl friends at dinner at the Ingieneuk on SatSwarthmore, where Dr. Ryan was head of Valhant, .of Easton, Maryland. The cere· urday. After dinner the party was enterWILLIAM E. WITHAM the Educational Department of Swarth- mony wIll be performed by the pastor, lained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean SWARTHMORE 1000 more College. He is now in government Rev. Dr. Tuttle. Parkel', of Princeton Avenue. Mary" Elizabeth Borden and H. I Picnic Helps F 0 U N T A INS T~~:r:gl;~~~khe~~:a;no::!n~ec~:; ~~~~~~~th~.~~;;~~~~; 104 PARK AVE. SW. 1171 TEL, Igrad"'"te I Mrs. W. W. McCall, of the Sw'art:bnlor,e I Ex-Governor William E. Sweet, of Colorado, and Mrs. Sweet were the week-end at their new home in Indianapolis, guests of Dr. and Mrs. Frank Aydelotte, of CHESTER THEATRE Cedar Lane. Mr. Sweet spoke at the college on Alumni Day I Saturday, and reOne Week Startin.. Saturday Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Channell, of Park ceived an honorary degree of LLD. Avenue, have motored to Mt. Holyoke Col- the commencement exercises on KARLOFF lege to attend the commencement exercises. In Mrs. George L. Van Alen, of Park Their daughter, Dorothy, is one of this nue, is attending the reunion of her dass "THE BRIDE OF year's graduates. --at Wellesley College, and Mrs. Charles A. FRANKENSTEIN" Mrs. William O'Reilly, of Germantown, Bronson, of Yale Avenue, that of her class recuperating at the home of her parents, at Smith College the coming week. Radio Am.teur Nt.ht Every and Mrs. Charles Kurtzhalz, of Park Wedaesday Henry Dan Piper, son of Mr. and Mrs, ~==~;:;;;;:;;;=;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;~ I,~v,,"u,e, following a recent operation in Henry A. Piper, of Yale Avenue, will . Josepb's Hospital, Pbiladelpbia. graduated from the Hill School, Pottstown, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Effing and chil· the coming commencement. WARNER BAXTER dren, Joan and Jerry, of Lancaster, Ketti GaIIia.. Mr. and MI!. William F. Lee have the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. returned from their honeymoon and are Charles Kurtzhah, of Park Avenue. "UNDER THE now settled in their apartment at 716 HarDr. Jobn Ellery Tuttle and Mrs. Tuttla vard Avenue. PAMPAS MOON" Rev. and Mrs. J. Jarden Guenther, of Dr. and Mrs. Justin W. NIxon, of attended tbe annual business and outing of the Ministers' As- Rochester, N. Y., were guests of Chester's OnlY Air CODditioned of Chester and Vicinity on Fri- Arthur W. Kent, of Elm Avenue, wbilel Theatre day afternoon and evening, May 28, at attending the graduation of their son, from Swarthmore College. the Stratb Haven Inn. WASHINGTON IAI,.rt:menls, left yesterday to join Mr. Me- LAWN FETE TRINITY CHURCH Thursday. June 13th 2:00 to 9:00 P. M. Chicken DinDer 5:30 10 7:30 P. M. • • • 75c Supper for Children Under 12 35 CeDb Useful and Fancy Articles, Cakes. Candid. PIaDta and Flowers I CDlltinuaus Perfol"lDaDce Open at Noon :. :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·FrI••,. IUIII Saturd.,. ··MAEWEST .. "GOIN' TO TOWN" BIG STAGE SHOW SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gehring, of Alice Redgrave, of Vassar Avenue. will versity Place, entertained five tables of entertain with a party for the C. M. Eo's bridge on Saturday evening. and other guests at 7.30 this evening, June 7. Tbls wil~ be the last meeting of Mrs. T, ,~... ,.J,Jrown, ~f Cornell Av~-. ME' til fa,ll nue, returned Monday from· Joitet, m." . • '~"". ". Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Child, of Vassar! Avenue, will entertain Monday evening bonor of Mr. John C. Foster, of Yale Avenue, whose engagement to their daughter, Miss Mary Ford Cbild, was an,oo",nCl,d I lasl week~ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Melick, of Strath Haven Inn, bave gone to spenn I the summer with their son-in-law daughter. Mr. and Mrs. H.-Chandler ner, Jr., of Bronxville, N. Y. -Mouday, Tuesday, Wedneaday GEORGE ARLISS bo "Cardinal Richelieu" I Enjoy It at the MED I A THEATRE Friday and Saturday WII .I.lAM POW~ JEAN HARLOW FRANCHOT TONE MAY ROBSON "RECKlESS" Monday and Tueaday GEORGE WHITE'S "SCANDALS OF 1935" Wedneaday WILL ROGERS "LIFE BEGINS AT 40" Thursday Gene Raymond \WBBN LIVIS , aTSTaHB· ~o. a ••d ............. pl'oleadoa ..... ...a. dri"'.... d • •aad KELLY PETILLO ON MAY 30 WON THE SIlO-MILE IndiaDapoli. Race on Farestone Tire~ breakinK the track record aDd driYinlr the entire clistaDce at • rate of 106.240 miles per bo1U'. "I'hIe let Hd .. aD aslOUDcIiIIC demoD8I111UOD of tire effielea.q. • 'To ... SOO miles In 100. than fhe hoan on this ..,...h aDd bumPT ,26.TeaN>Id brlek _cit demo......."'" the .oreqth and blowout protection that "-"'.... lIaIhb mlO their Gum.Dlpped TIreo. , AB JENKINS ALSO RECENTLY DEMONSTRATED 'tHE rstpmina, emei~,. and blowout proteedOD built into Firelloue Gam'DIpped TIreo.. Be drove JaIo 5000 potmd .... ov.... the hot bedo a. 'LakeBonaewII.... Utab. 3000 mn",,1n 23~ hoan. Thb was _ .verale 'lpeed of 127.2 mil... per hoar, and eItbouch tempen1_ ..... aa h1ch as 120·, he bad DO bIowoa.. or tire trouble of anT ldDoL Theoe r" ..b are made pou1bIe b;r .peeIal ~IJD "..,catotautelliil.. lIodIe mto FioeotoDe Gam-Dipped TIreo. T .... DO p_ect Toar Ufe ...d the II_ 01 0 . . . . . b;r let.m. lUI eqafp Toar ear with FioeotoDe Theo. wi dum... Icfo ... you Ituy new tires •• Ie you"clf th••• th.... qu••lion. 1-''WiII the 1... 01 giY. m. the .....t •• 1 Ir.cllon .nd AnlW.r Mo. t -Und. . . ., _ .. .....w FioeolODe Theo .top Toar 11-" A .. th~ will fo siva m. the car 15% qwlcker thaD .heal thea. AnlW•• tilo•• -U...,.JuaIed p ..... formanee II! Ilords prove that Gum.. D1pp1:'IIIPV'" th" p-cateot blowout " protection •••nll .Ioiddin.'" ~~~~'f - -"IutProt.ction~" - 1-"WIIhiIut"..crifiodn.-........ . impOrt.nt ....ey f ..tia ... win J they giv. m. Ion••r mil••••, thu. m.loin. th.m tho moot .conomical Ii... I can ....,," ~~------------------------------------------tor of the church. HIs fint service with the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. th. church was on CbIIdren's Day, 1916. H. Is survived by his wife, Lydia Rag... F_W _ ...... £. • Barber, two sons, George R. and Robert PUBLISHED EYEIlY FDDAY AT Our Fine &lie SWAIlTHIIOItE, PA. C., and father, Geolle C. Barber, Jr~ of Germantown. Services were conducted at ANNa. SHARPI..ES Rev. Samuel W. Purvis, D.o., will serve 06ver Ball's, Pbiladelphla, by the Rev. EdItor . . . 1'1t.~ as guest preacher in th. servkes on Sun· John EDery Tuttle on Saturday afternoon, hove WIlitecl until ......; to ...uro you, .nd day, preaching in the moming at 11 o'dock May 25. Interment was al Arlington. TITlISJ.EWlG oun.tv ••, th.t the qu.lity of "Genuin. Spri". on "Bread Cut Upon the Waters," and ~-..... Lomb" ••• i. "Lamb at iU But." in the evening at 7AS on "The Sbadow Friendly Circle Picnic of Your Influence!' Dr. Purvis fa, a very ROSAUE DRYDEN Tbe annual picnic of the Friendly Circle popular preacher and author, writing each This Week-Bnd We O/f~ You wllI be beld at 1 o'clock on Tuesday, June week the sermon for th. Saturday Bu.ni", P1a... , , • at Usual ASP Low Prius ••• HIs books are widely read 11, at the bome of Mrs. J. Horace Walter, . . . . . . . . Secmtd Clu. Matter, .r.-.y ai, BulkU". 508 Cedar Lane. Reservations must be •ea, at til. P ..t Of&ee at S............ p .... through the English speaking wOJId• given to Mrs. J. EssUnger, 100 Columbia aildel' tit. Act •• MarcIl a, 1178. The Sunday School Board meeting GENUINE be beld in the Cbapel on Monday evening Avenue, telepbone 1768, or Mrs. Dwight FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1935 Cooley, 110 Columbia Avenue, telephone at 8 o'clock. Ib . The Ladies' AId Society wllI bave a box 1447-W, not later than Saturday moming, June 8. luncheon on Wednesday at 1 o'clock Preabyterian Hotel Anyone wishing tickets can secure them the home of Mrs. W. Earl Kistler, 144 Park Ib at Buchner's. CblIdren'. Day wllI be observed with a Avenue. A short business meeting of 8DIlLAR REDUCTIONS IN OTHER CUTS OF LAMB specia1 service at morning wnrshlp next Woman's Home MIssIonary Society Entertain CJau Reunion FANCY STEER Sunday at 11 o'clock. Dr. Tuttle gives a follow this meeting. short address on "A Message to Youth." Children's Day wllI be observed on Sun· On Alumni Day, June I, Mr. and Mrs. Ib The Boys' and Girls' Choir! sing the servo day, June 16. The pastor, Dr. ~~E:IJ. Archer Turner, of Harvard Avenue, en· ice. There wllI be the baptism of child""., I Cbannell, will speak espedally to tertained at supper their Swarthmore Col· PRIME STANDING-(Cut f.om Fi •• t 6 Rib.) the presentation of .awards for regular and young people in the morning. lege c1assmates of former days. Nearly tcndance and good work to members will be the baptism of infanls. In forty were prescot, this number including Ib35 the Sunday School, and of awards to evening, at 7 o'clOck in the Social wives and husbands of regular class meMmembers from the Girls' and three mem- the Children's Day program. will be bers. During the course of the evening BONELESS POT ROAST Ib 27c hers from the Boys' Cboir!. The choir by young people of the Sunday the c1ass secretary read letters from memo CROSS CUT ROAST ",31c awards, which will be the pe...nat " • hers wbo could not be present; old teach.rs erty of the recipients, are awarded for Trinity Church Notes and friends were recalled; old jokes and Ib regularity in attendance, attention and acdifferent numbers of the Hokyon were complishments, loyalty and general excelThe Rev. Howard M. Weir, rector of revived; and this further milestone in *Fre.h Porgies or Croake... 2 1&0 13c lence in conduct and choir work. The Holy Trinity Church, Philadelphia, will be life's journey was celebrated most sucLarg. BOlton Mecker.1 2 lb. l.5c combined choirs will sing "To the King," ODe of the speakers at the service on Tues- cessfully and delightfully. *CLBANBD &. SCALED -HBADS ON by Geibel, and "Saviour, Like a Shepherd JUDe 18, when the fortieth Bnniver• Lead Us," by SWr; also, the various reof Trinity Cburch, Swarthmore, wllI Swarthmore "Tot Lot" Chosen FANCY CREAMERY sponses of the service. Mr. Kneedler's celebrated. When Trinity Mission A delegation from the Swarthmore "Tot organ numbers will be Woodman's first organized here it was Damed Lot" went to Philadelphia this week to "Epithalamium" and "Grand Choeur," by I i~::, Brooks, former rector of choose the site of the "Tot Lot." The 1b Salome. An offering wllI be reeeived for I~ Philadelphia, and later Bishop spot selected is north of Market Street at the Board of National MIssIons. M ....chusetts. Tbe Bible now used in the the rear of Noble Street, just off North The Young Woman's Guild, Miss AnnIe Swarthmore church Was his Bible. 5as":t.~~!::q Ih. Third Street, approximately 469. Unlike Hayes, president, will meet for the last On Sunday, June 16, at the 11 o'clock other playgrounds, this one boasts of three time before the summer next Tuesday eve. Rev. J. J. Guenther wllI celebrate tiny trees and a few weeds, denoting the Ding at the home of Mrs. Ambrose H. Van his tenth anniversaty of oMination. possibility of garden making. It will ac· SUNNYFIELD-PASTRY . Alen, 209 Park Avenue. Miss Pearl BasThe annual lawn fote of the church commodate one hundred small chlldren ten sett will review uOrientals In America." will he held next Thursday aftemoon, June years of age or less. It Is also protected Sunday wllI be the nineteenth anniver. 13. from street traffic. (5t..18c) g Mter the "Tot' Lot" Hour in the high sary of the coming of Dr. Tuttle as pasG_Ie C. Barber, 3rd ....bool auditorium at 1.45 this aflemoon, Following a year of "declining health, Mrs. Hanley, associate director of the Mr. George C. Barber, 3rd, of 435 Ogden Philadelphia Playground Association, will Shortening """' v........ Avenu~, passed a",ay in his SUIQlllU home give an oulliDe of a summer "Tot Lot" in Ventnor, New Jersey, on Thun;day program to all children and adults wbo morning,. May 23, at the age of lilty.six. expect to work on the project this sum· SatJe 1.00 On Purchase! Mr. Barber's many bllsi'lcss "",ociates I mer, and to all interested• I kn,ew him as a senior partner in the firm Every boy and girl with parents'. ap· 1-9·oz i•• Both For Reed A. Morgan and Co., Pbnocle1pbia. proval is asked to bring, next Monday or was a member and.lormer trustee of Tuesday, one book which can be spared from -his or ber nwn library to the ~o~l 1-1""" •• "'_ room. These books "WIll II.' caHeeled' by' . Boy Scout Troop No.3 .and taken to the /von Page ISc Philadelphia Playground roclDS t,o form a Toto! Reg __ Pt;.. 17c 15% REDUCTION library for the Swarthmore "Tot Lot" this summer. on THE SWARTHMOREAN ... Jd:UnnL An ... r No. J:--Gar -, proledlon ~ OWDer. reporl'aDequaled mUe• •e recorda of the loqer wear and areater eeonomy of FirMhlDe TIres. 1l""""'~~~""""~""""'iI _._-_ HI6H SPEED TYPE 'W. eeJect; frOID oar eMU .t0ek8 01 .-nw matel'J.d tho be.1; .ad hI.~_' pado nabber aDd oottoll for the midi Speed Tire. In our faetorJ' we..feet t1ae ..... $ 45 ......... to buJId thle the. It .. bata.o.d .tot...,. _a.d _ An eight and one-half pound daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. Johnson, of Park Avenue, at their home on Saturday morning, May 25. Mrs. Johnson is the former Muriella Cianci, prima donna of several opera companies, including the New York Opera Company, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent c;,m~i'l of Yale Avenue. Mr. Johnson is a known artist and one of the best painters of miniatures -in the country. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Waldo W. Yarnall, of Lowell, Mass., on Thursday morning, May 30. Mr. Yarnall is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Yarnall, of Kenyon Avenue, Swarthmore. is the second daughter. •• p.,,'eot •• IIIId w. kDciw" I t " h ........ I - m . " Volume-Dinet Purch..in.-St •• ight Lin. M.nufccturins .nd Effici.nt .nd Economic.1 System .f Dist.iltutinl to our 100 Sto.... nd to 10,- D••I•••, .noltl•• Fi.._ • • liY.you ......r •• lu •••tlow... pric•• LAWN MOWERS FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Penn&ylvania, Novo and FRANCHOT TONE Ouhtanding Styles and Colon for "RECKLESS" Men and Women -In- "George White's. 1935 SCANDALS" "STOLEN BAUONY" $5.00 CO-ED 11 SO. CHESTER RD. Beauty Salon SWARTH.l0S 409 Darbnouth SwvIhmore - Peas 3~:~:25c NO CHARGE FOR USE OF FUNERAL PARLORS , ',ilor=======.,.......""",,=======!( I CALIF. YELLOW CLiNG-iONA 21~:::t2 9"Peaches --.--:.---------- FUNERAL DIRECTO.RS I RIT.lii'il~RACE;1io bEll.. MONTE-SLICED C o A •• • NECTAR TEA MIXED =) ~ (15c ~_'b8C plc~ Ba~ ,.as Cap., Shoes," Beach Robes and Pajem•• LINEN SUITS, SPORT COATS, SLACKS AND POLO SHIRTS BUCHNER'S OPEN EVENINGS . WE CIVE VOTES SWA. 240 Saltines 9 ; BO-Allo.day SWARTBII.OBE IlETHODlST EPISCOPAL CHUBCH REV. WAYNE CHANNELL. D. D. Pato... GREEN'S COAL SERVICE THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY 1055 "N"." Russell's Service DARTMOtrrH .. LAFA"YEi IE AVES. W.,,; •• 1 I t Ttl.TIN • • ?, , . . . . . . . t Do Your Banking With SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Bank and Trust Company. S ,lea o0 0 0 " 0 0 0 " ~ 0 C! 0 0 a0 a a CI a DO" 0 a 0 0 a a 0 0 0 a a aa 0 0 tOO CO" 0 0 § 0 0: " a a • Dfseusslon of plans for next year. a:.(5 A.. II.-Fim Dq School. 11 tOO A. K.-Jleetmc for Wonbip _eoIboirJl..-. III C ORANGE PEKOE or INDIA CEYLON BLEND %.'bI2c (~) 22c pkg - Week-End Produce Valuesl 9 :f6--Sunday School. 11:0o-Rev. Samuel N. Purvis. D.D., gUest preacher. Subject: "Bread Cast Upon the Walen:' 7 :45-Sermon by Dr. Purvis. Su~ject: ""'l'be Shadow of Your Influence. Strangers Cordially Invited. 000000000000010000000000'.'0000000010000000'0'000000 ~ WHITSUNDAY 9 :46 A. M.-Forum. 114.<.....'1 ....75 31iii. Real Tea Goodness • •• at • fraction of its worth! • U. S. Rubber Bathing Suit. cans TRINITY CHURCH THE ·SWA.. 1234 I••g ••t Prol:eBtant Ep1aeopal SWARTJDIORE PRESBYTERIAN CHtJjWH Rw. .lohn Elle1'7 '1'oWe. 1II1niater Procrastination Will Be Expensive 2 Cheater Road and Coll._ Avenue Rector: Rev. J. Janleu Guenther. S. T. M. 8 :00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 9:46 A.. M.--Bunda,. School. 10:00 A. M.--Junior Church. 11 :OQ--Holy Communion. LOW COST .••. PLAN - Pineapple CHURCH NEWS PhoDe 595 12c Askyow Pucen1 Ditenor about this modera. pulc.plm Ceml!tuy. Lou moderatel, priced. including special cue pelpeh1l.ted by UUlt fund. NearLiDcoln Hilhwa" at Frazer. PENNYPACKER 0307 or MALVERN 1973 I PERMANENT WAVES COUPONS GIVEN from $1.65 2"33c 2"29c The Lowest Price in Two Yearsl 1935-NEW MARYLAND PACK OLIVER H. BAIR C~ SUPLEE'S STORE L $2.95 and up MONDAY aad TUESDAY -In- SoI4 _ low_ man.,. Interior tires made to HIl at a pdce. BATHING SUITS HARLOW AND ALL HIS LADS ---. 59c ~.p.\1RlI.E"""", I 12" to 20" TRYOUR FOR THE WHOLE F AMILYI - Ketchup KEEBLER Carrie. FIreoton........ 11 12c 12t 37e Rajah Mustard - P"""baae DREXEL HIll c Tfl.is We DcliveJ' I 25c 2 Best: Pure Lard $6.50 to $21.00 deb l.o1# 17c • ci::l':.- Flour • SIZE OIMr SJus P'.,.D'" BLUEFISH Print Butter caD m.akeft. 4.50-2 4.75-1 5.110-1 5.25-1 5.50-1 s~3r Forequarter Lam" BUTTER 2 ·55e 100 :Vote. lor Each $1.00 Cuh TODAY and SATURDA.Y WILLIAM .JEAN 27C LegS'LamJ, * FRESH 4.6MI'I THEATRE GEORGERAFf BEN BERNIE • Chuclc Roast Beef Rib Roast Beef • WAVERLY c ......... w. Tryon Mowers "It's a Small World" -wlth13 GREAT STARS Includtng ABu Fa.,.e .James Duan 200 GIrt. WEDNESDAY aDd. THVRSDI\.Y 1935 Genuine Spring Lam"! , • • GGur.tel'!: Births Spencer Tracy POWELL of .. , , .. -- Henry Hull Most AccommodatinK The. atre In Delaware Ccnm.t,' • .... "Transient Lady" The .,It. ~_ -Louis B. Hall, ofDickinson Avenue, Margaret Ann Dimmitt, of Swarthmore ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::::::::::::::~ from Mt. Hermon School, Place, celebrated her eleventh birthday The marriage of Miss Mary Elizabeth Hermon, Mass. He has been daeW,tla.,rOld.,edUOlO Friday by entertaining seven or Borden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howprize of $10.00 in a friends at dinner followed by a tbe,atrel party. as the head of the Bureau of InserviceAffairs. dian 3 11m SWARTHMOREAN JUNE 7, 1935 . TENDER SWEET Fresh Corn • 6·· l9c FLORIDA-RED RIPE :i~:55C Watermelons CALIFORNIA-JUMBO Cafttaloupes • 2·for 2C)c n Wf ...oIoa29c I the WEDNESDAY I:H A. II. to 1:10 P. lL--8ewin.. and QuDt: IDa tn Whittier BQuae. Box 1111leheou.. All Cordial" Invited FIRST CHURCH OF. CHRIST. SCIENTIST. OF SWARTHMORE Park A'Rft1Je below HanU'd 11 :00 A. JI.-Sonda:r Schoo!. 11:00 A. 1I.--Stmda7 LeMo1l-Sermon. WednsdQ' evenfoc meetiDII' each week, 8 p. m. Readlnl' room opeD -"18c flS(1) Small Oreen -- , [ Lima Beans· 2 ~:~r27c"··" ~. With a garden·fresh flavor. J Save eight oe.n~. Sc 8cFanoy Calif. Seedless Raisins. pkg , . . Farmdale Scratch Feed 25- 1b 118 11 590 : 100 lb. $2.19 l.:aylng or Egg Mash 25-1b bag 650 : 100 lb. $2.43 Craoke.!! Corn_1QQ,.l;"a.$2.10 I Poultry Shells 25 lb. 230 6C large Bread Supreme 9c 120.Mm Cooked Red Beets 2 19~ --~-'Vict:o~-Bread big loar wrapped; 10a1: I, 10'9" c.nl - Fancy Standing Beef Rib Roast: Roast ENJOY CONSTANT, CHEAP DOW SPRINGS ARE FORMED Part of the rain falling upon the earth's surface soaks into the ground. Eventually it reaches a level known as the water table. where ill! downward conrse is arrested. This is caused by a stratum of dense or impervious material, such as clay or some kinds of rock, into which the water cannot penetrate. Then the water slowly seeps along in a direction controlled by the geological formation. I Springs oceur and are found wherc these impervious strata come to the surface, perhaps on the side of a hill, or again in a valley, depending, of course, upon the general geological formation of the locality. While percolation through the ground may have a pnrifying effect upon the water. it is a fact that it ClaD pick up contamination. For this reason, the appearance of water in a spring is hy no means a guarantee of its purity. . This is the twelfth of a series of instructive narra. ,tlyes dcaling with the wonders of nature and human accomplishments which make it poSllihle for you to have. plentiful supply of water at all tinies. Look for the next narrativeintbis paper two weeks from today. ~(;ERTIFIED WATER Ire. PEDIGREED STREAMS" SERVICE IN YOUR HOME! R Ib Ib 120 289 Lamb Liver l.banon Bologna } ThueringerSausa.. Corned Beef Cooked ENT on Automatic Water Heoter Iik.. thousands of our customers are % til ISc White American Sandwich Cheese Y4 Ib 7c Sylvan Seal Cottage Cheese 2 cup. 250 Beet Salad, Potato Salad or Cole Slaw Ib cup 150 C,:ea,!!-Cheese %~ 9c I Cooked Ham Y4 Ib 180 Fresh 1fl Large 1b-230 Sliced Fresh Halibut 2 Ibs15c Fresh Large Croakers or Porgies Ib 190 Fresh Flounders mlzed. 2 lb. 25c large size • e doing. Take your choice of gas or electric. The rent and operoting cost of both ore so low that continuous hot wat.. r service Is now one of the best conveni..nc..s that comes into the home. A $10 deposit Is r .. quired for the rental but this is r..turn ..d to you If you use the heoter a year. If you buy the water heat..r within th .. first yeor, your monthly rentols will be applied to your purchase price. Apply at any of our stores to arrange for the immediote renta I of on Automatic Water Heater. 5c Mackerel Garden Fruh-Euer),thing in Secuon Red Ri!,e Florida each 49c Watermelons Offer for Limited Time Only_ Cantaloupes 2 tor 29c Calil. Oraqea do&' 230 Strawberries 2 qt box.. 250 \ Asparagus bunch 19( Juicy Lemons do.19<: Crisp SpinaoM 3 lbo10c Jumbo Peppers 3 for 100 N~W C~ Ib.2c Authorized Dealers Can Malee Thi, Offer, 100. GAS PH I LADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY Cross Cut or Bolar N8arby COllntry VEAL Shoulder (to roast) Ib 18c Breast" (to 1111) Neck (for pot pie) Ib 180 Raok Chops Oenuine Tender Automatic HOT WATER I I bedrooms and bath. livlu Ho~water heat-$'lO per month. 810 Yale Avenue. George Gillespie, 123 South ChCliter room. lIun room. dinlu room and kitchen. 4.11 ISUJlpll••• yi&/t G~ -'ore f t SHERIFF SALES Sheriff's Office. Court House, Media, Penna. Thursday, .Tune 20, 1985 8.80 o'clock A. M. Eastern Standard Time Conditions-$2IiO.OO cash or certified check at time of sale (unless otherwise stated in advertillement). balance In ten daya. Other conditions on day of sale. F;erl FaciasSeptember Term. 1984 No. 889 All that ccrtain lot or piece of ground with erected. theSituate buildings and improvements thereon in Ardmore Park in the Township of Haverford. County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described ae. cordinlr to a certain survey and plan made by Over &: Tingley. C. E •• Upper Darby. PR•• on April 8th. 1921i. as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the southwesterly side of County Line road at the c!iatap'C!e of flftJr leet measured southeastwardly along the said side of Count~ Line l'Oail from Its Inter8ection with the southeasterly aide of Biddie avenue (flfty feet wide,); thence continuing along the said side of County Line road south thirty-two degrees twenty.two minutes thirty se(!onds east thirty teet to a stake: thence south flfty-seven degrees thirty.four minutes twenty seconds west passing throUgh the middle of the party wall between these premises and the premises adjoining to the soulheut and eroseing a twenty.flve feet wide area way extending southeastwardly and northwest. wardly Bnd communicating at :Its northwestel'hDlost end with • certain ten feet wide driveway extending nonbea.atwardly into County Line road one hundred five feet to a point on the southwest aide of said twenty· five teet wide area way. and thence alon&' the said side of said area way north thirty.two degrees twenty·two minutes thirty seconds WNt flve feet to a atake i thence south flfty· seven degrees 1:hlrtl'·four mlnutCli twent;:,. secons west seventy-five and twelve hunda!dtiuJ feet to a stake i thence nortb thlr\¥_two de. grees. twenty·two minutes thirty 11& onds wNt twenty-five feet to a stake and thence north fltty ...even dearrees thirty_four mfnutet twenty 8eeOnds east partly along the northwesterly side of said proposed ten feet wide driveway one hundred eiglity and twelve hundredths feet to the first mentioned point and pilUle of beginning. being known as 2740 East County Line road. Under and subject to certain building ~ strlctioos B.8 therein mentioned. Sn~ject also to the lien and payment of al eertam mol'tealre debt or principal filum of Beven th~U88nd dollars with Interest thereon. Together with the rlabt, liberty and pri.-. liege of the above mentioned twen~.ft.-e teet wide area W&7 and propoaed ten feet wide driveway 88 a means of lnarees. esrreu and ~ In and to aid premises. NHl'riD8' unto the aald mortcaRon the free aae. riabt. IIbert7 and privileae of the above mentioned twenty.. five feet wide ara. way and ten teet wide driveway for the bene8t of the owners ten. ants and oecapfen of the prenises. t~medl. ateiy adjoining on the 8Outheut, aabJect to the proportionate ~ of keeping Aid ara. WIQ' and drivewQ In IJ'ood order and ft1\8.fr. Improvementa consist of two-atory brick hoose. 21x75 feet. i store tront i cement block and frame pmee, 24x18 teet. Said .. the l'l'OJM!l't¥ of Louis Karianl• .John Troiano. ~Uno Armando and .Joseph Fabiano. HUGH BONNER, AttoI'DQ. NATHAN P. PECHIN FOR RENT--t Craemer, Beatrice Brewster and Betty Jeanne Pitman. Tbe following pupils In tbe Swartbmore A ten·year stripe was awarded to Mary Public Schools won awards in the annual Ford Child. art exhibit SPOllSOred by tbe Federation of Eight Brownies were welcomed into the Women's Clubs of Delaware County, at troop at this time. the New Century Club, Lansdowne, May The program closed with the singing of 25. folk songs alld folk dancing. First prize, third grade, Elsie Greuning; ( first prize, seevnth grade, Marian Kirk; • PRIVATE SALE of Household Gooda The following is the other prize·winning Some anUqueIJ in furniture. ehlnD, IIUver· article, written by Jean White: ware, mlneralfll. laboratory apparatus, booke. "Aft . II f th I 'Tb trailer. greenhouse, kindling, flrewood, etc. er seeIng a 0 e p &ys, e Toy· Time-Now Until .JUDe 24 maker of Nuremburg/ Sue Hastings' Mar· A. W. COLUNS ionettes, '~n~e in a Palace,' an~ 'Master Phone 1272 513 a.den Ave. Skylark,' It 15 very hard to deode which of the four I liked best. Ever since I can I remember I have attended plays produced by professional companies, and in my opinion the four productions of the Swarthmore WEAKEII THE STRUCTURE Players' Club excel by far many of those OF YOUR HOME produced by the professionals. III enjoyed also the group of plays chosen By Eating Away the for the productions. It must have taken Joists, sms, Studding, much forethought on the part of the producers. They included two classics, a Floors and Baseboard. humorous play, an educational one, and LOOKOUT FOR above all they included in their selection plays tbat would appeal not ollly to the ( The SWirlier! younger children but to the adults as well. Bb appeaT3nC6 •. , uS ue Hastings' Marionettes are not only dtcates the preaetJOe 01 th-e active -WORKartistic but also proVide tbe educational liB. 1I0"r' home I background which is so necessary in choosThe Swarmer flies about in the light e8· ing selections. It conveys to the children tablJ8h1n~L new colthe fact that they too can choose a story onies of Workers who live in the ground to dramatize _in this fantastic way. It gives and work In the wood tbem tbe ability to plan thel.. play, make structure 0 f your home. Stop this costthe dolls, c.ostumes, and the state. ly deatrucUoD I Let u. UNot only did 'Master Skylark' provide 'lila~t 'your home todaY FREEl elltertalrmient but It brought to the minds of the children the in England around TE~MINIX COMPANY Shakespeare's time and it also introduced of Philadelphia, Inc. to them the most valuable contributor to the world's literature, William Shakespeare. 1801 Choal"al Slr_t The atmosphere was also. convincing; the Phone Locuat; J828 songs, dances, costumes, and dialect made you believe ,that yo,", were really living in the sixteenth century: After seeing IMaster Skylark,' I Jam thoroughly convmced that tbe PlayerS Club could produce succ...fuUy an operatta. "AlsO I would like to suggest 'Merry. lips,' by Dix, 'Castle Blair,' by Shaw, or 'Tbe Little puke,' by ."!I:oung. nIt -seem, such· a ,pity that more of our .fri€mds could not share the pleaSure that we had ~is s~on. I ~hink being ,a mem- FOR RENT Road. Mrs. Franklin Gillespie presented thirteen of her pupils of the piano in a recital at her new home at the corner of Chester Road and Harvald Avenue, on Tuesday evening. Those who participated in: the recital were: Deborah Furnas, Virginia life A-sk ", be< of the J UDior Group gives one a Jee!big of respoll5ibllity toward the suCClO!S of the pia),!!. Alld so let us memben be staUllch boosters of the club 110 that year's ·......11 will be a grester success than this year's has been." 'ti Haven for Thrifty People Since 1899 Join Next Tuesday "The play wu a fUDDY Oil. and they fitted their parts =elJeotly. I for one think It is the best play I bave ever ..... and I bave seen quite a few. "The qu.... fitted her part very weD with ber stately manners 8Ild the way she carried berself. The princess was the Joveliest princess I have ever seen. Alld the kiog, be was the fUllniest king I ever saw • He was always longing for new coats but he soon became tired of them. He made every one laugh. "But I really liked aD the plays. After 'Once in a Palace' I liked next, 'The Toymaker of Nuremburg'; next, 'Master Sky. lark,' and last, Sue Hastings' Marionettes. Tbe reason that I liked Sue Hastings' Marionettes least is, because they were so small and bard to see. "The kind of plays that I like are funny ones and fairy tale plays. I guess some other people like them, too. I hope there will he more plays neXt year. uAnd now that I have at least two hundred words, my composition is ended." T ER MIT E5 , .......................... $1 0 1,800.00 Total CLASSIFIED JUNE 7, 1935 I THE SWARTHMOREAN . JUNE 7, 19~5 ELECTRIC 75 cents o'month for .h. ffnt 6 montha. $1 a MOnth .hereafter. PI... ........,_of_city con ..iHd. Specla' low off plak rate for water.healfng . .Us I p l . '''' COlI ........, low. 75 cents to $1 a month for the ftm 6 lIIon'hs.accordlng to h_, ..1_. $1 to $1.25 a mon" _fie,. PI.. low cost of ga, can .. _Ind_ lu ... d. Choice of ......d. Welt"aeft Sauihena Sqar Com . F_C7 SoUd sUclD. 3 ears tOe Tomatoes IL__ ft~_ 3 IIA'.~ Wllere Quality Coallb alld raur Moaey &08. Furt...• ·l'n~ ....1t~ F.fI'rc-11Vf" I" Our IiHCl1'e8 .ndI M~t Markl'l~ p:--- In Sw....uaaenand Vlclnlt, . I , ~ --- JUNE 7, 1938 Lawrence aad lIOn, FI'IUIk, at the Lawrence.' cottage at Sherwood Forest, Md. NEWS NOTES :Mr. aDd on...huDdredthll feet meuUftd: .oathweirtwudb' br. curve beariD8' to the n.ht, "vIDa • ndJ_ of one hult!~, "b'_ave .:teet ftom .DOtber point or curve lID &be Wt!IIterb .We SHERIFF BALES SherUr". Ofl'ice. Court HoUN. Media. Pa. . TbahllN'. ,June 17, 1'" 8 :80 o'eJoeJr: A. ]f. Eatom S _ TIme and 6ft)'-nlne oD~bundridtba (SUit) feet Dleuured .outbwardiJ' 'by'. cane.,.biIarlD8' ,to the riaht h • .,lq • rad.iua of ::thlrlJ:-IIb. atul twelve one.hundredtha (16.12) teet from. &be point of tanpoc), In the Southwestwardly aide of .aid Lansdowne Court. said -point: of tancency belna at the distance ot one hUbdred Hyent,. and e.hty.. lx one-bundredthA (1'10.86) feet aoutheMt",.rdJy from the point of inteneetton of the 8OUtb"elterb line of Lansdowne Court and the lIOutheuterlJ' line of the part of Lansdowne Court wblc:b leads northeutwardl7- into Lanadowne avenue; extendlnl' thence from the fint mentloned point --- --- Riverside, California, where they will spend Miss Kathryn Meschter, of Dickinson the summer with Mr. Brinkmann's mother. Avenue, who 'Wa5 injured in an automobile Miss Jane Dilmorc, da~ghter of Dr. and accident recently, is convalescing at her Mrs. George S. Dilmore, of Rutledge, is home. to be graduated from Cedar Crest College, Mr. and Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert and Allentown on Monday morning. family, of Park Avenue, were the guests Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Algcr, of Park of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Calvert and Avenue, attended the races at Bridgeton, family, of Park A venue, at a picnic supN. J., on Memorial Day. Their daughter, per on Memorial Day. Nancy, was the guest of Mrs. Robert E., Sharples, of Sharberry Farm, Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. Richmond D. Fetherolf for the day. and family, of Park Avenue, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lueders, of Mr. a!1 d Mrs: M . Fe~er.olf and family, Princeton Avenue, entertained at dinner of Phtladelplna, With a PICDlC at Westtown and bridge on Saturday evening. on Memonal Day. TH~ of LaMdow'ne Court. PIA lat'1IIentlcmed poInt of ..... bel... at q,e 'dIoI;o._ of .....,..foar Charles Heos, of Park AveAdrienne Child, of Vassar Avenue, left nue, entertaiaed. at dinaer on Friday. today for her first reunion at Northfield Condltlom-f210.00 caah or certUled eheck at time of. pIe (ame.. otherwlM elated ln, Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Garrett, of Gar- Seminary. perkl-I Hvertiaement). balance in ten dan. Other John CbiJd has returned from eoadltiona on day of uIe. ~ rett Avenue, entertained the entire senior Seminary. omen I c1ass of the high school last eveniug folLevari Faclu No.. 86 lowing the commencement '-eurdses in of North II--L T I Mrs. Eugene M. Stg11jngs, • .....~ erm. 19 5 honor of their daughter, Marcia, who Is--. bndge on AU that cerlaJn lot or piece of sround Chester Road, entertained at with tbe meuua&e or tenement .bout to be member of 'the graduating class. Wednesday aftem-. thenon ereeted. .ltuate In the Towllllbip of Upper Darby. Delaware County abd State of Mr. Richmond D. Fetherolf and family, ften ...ylvanl.. Beelnnln. at a point on the Mr. L. L. Hedgepeth, of Park Avenue, of Park A,venue,.wiJI·spend the,week-end aoutheaaterbr aide of Golf road (forty feet returned on Saturday from a business trip wide) at the distance of two hundred and at Harvey Cedar.;, N. J. .even and tweat)'-two oae--hundredths feet. in the west. DOrtbeut:erl,.. by twD COIIIWa. from the northMr.;. R. J. Bagby and daughter, Miss eaaterly aide of Wen Cheder road (alx17 feet Donald FetheroH, son of Mr. and Mrs. wide) containing In f'ront or breadth Oft Bald Sarah Bagby., of New Haven, Mo., who Golf ro&d. t'lfteen feet aIx Inebes and of that have been visiting'"IIa. Bagby's SOD and R. D. Fetheroif, of Park Avenue, cele~ width extending In Jeaath or depth eoutheastward between parallel IInell at riaht a.lea daughter-in-law, Major ani! ~ ,C. A. brated his third birthday this week. to aaJd GoH -road. ninety feet to • certain ten Bagby, of Princeton Avenue, left Monatiy feet wide drfo#ewQ' which otendll nortbeutlor June Week at Annapolis, where they Mr. and Mrs. James Bacon Douglas, of wardl,. Into another ten feet wide driftWay extends nortJnr-eetward into aid Golf will be the guests of Midshipman O. W. Nort~ Chester lload, entertained a bridge which road. club to which they belODg-'lll'llhe last meet- . TtwetheT -with the ffte and common WJC!o Bagby. ing of the season at their cottage at' Cape right. Uberty and privilege of the aaid driveways as and for paaaageways and water Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Brinkmann, of Walcourlea at all tlmea hereafter forever. nut Lane, left yesterday by motor for May last week-end. ],1.... REV. J. JARDEN ClUENTHER alon&' the northwesterly aide or said La.:. downe Court south slxl)r.one decreea twentytour minute. weat seven17-five feet to a point. a corner of other lands of ...id I'rantor; thence extending along the same north twentJ~iaht degnet tblrl:y-four minutes west one butsdred twenty-one and Hventy-tlb: ODe-hundredtbs (121.'16) feet. to a point:; tbeD.ce extendlnl' north aixt7-one d~ thlrty~ne minute. east aevenCir-five feet to a point: thence extending south twent,;,.-e:iI'bt degrees thirty-four mlnutei· eat ODe hundred and twenlJ'-one and thlrt)- cme-bundredt.... (111.tlO) feet to a point In the nortbwelliterly aide -of Lansdowne Court. being the first mentioned point and place of beginninG". hnprovementa consist of two-story atone and IIhlngle house. 64x18 feet; two-story lltone and IIhingle addition, 10x12 feet: baaement garage. Sold as the property of .TOIIeph C. Hurley and CarrneJita Hur!ey, mortgagon and real owners. Hand money-$500.00. s. L. HAGY, Attorney. NATHAN P. PECHIN. Sheriff. Improvements consist of two--atory stone. stucco and brrek hotUle, 16x24 feet; two--story stone and brick addition, Ux12 feet: twostory frame addition, 6xlO feet: enclosed front porch: basement garage. Sold as the property of Sarah G. Brownlct'. mortgagor, and .rulla Beam. real owner. EDWARD H. BRYANT, Attomey. I .n. No. 241 March Term, 1935 All that certain lot, or ple(!f;! of ground situate in the Borough of Lanadowne, County of Delaware and State of Pennaylvania, bounded and described according to a cer~ taln .urvey and plan thereof made by Damon and Foster, Civil Engineers. M.ay 13th. 1926. as follows. to wit: Beginning at a point on the northwesterb side of _Lansdowne Court. .aid point being at the distance of aeventy~three and fourteen PLUMBING HEATING Facias ROOFING Woodward, Jackson & Black, Inc. SWARTHMORE 43 Diamond. ---~Mrs. Ferris W. Price and daughter, Miss Speaks at Media Meeting Helen Price, of Raleigh, N. C., former Swarthmore residents, have arrived to Mr.;. Robert E. Sharples, of Swarthspend some time a5 the guests of Mrs. more, Wa5 the speaker at the last regular Albert Thatcher, of South Cbester Road. meeting of tbe fiscal year of the Business Send for Harley-You'll Not Be Sorry Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Gibson, of and Professional Women's Club of Media, Hillborn Avenue, spent Memorial Day and held on. Thursday, June 6, in the Lima HODed UDder the Coftr the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Methodist Epis-~~"r·Per~r.Sr;-.rilfo'."t1· j REPAIRS' BEGIN RENOVATIONS ON LIBRARY MONDAY N. O. Pittenaer to Occupy Nearly a Month'. TUDe With ollly about ten days more In the contest, the SWoUlTHKOUAN'S Annual SumAwards AJmouncecl Today mer Adventure Opportunity Is fast drawing to a close. In spite of that fact, howThe Summer Recreation Committee,-repever, several new entries have been reresented by Dr. J oha Pitman, chairman, ceived this week-beller late than never I MIss Emma Michael and Charles Thatcher, (8D1e to.the regular meetiIJg of the School As a spedal prhe this week the SWARTHKOREAN' is offering a camera and film to Board on Monday evening, asking for an the person turning in the most votes beappropriation, for; summel; tennis. , Burgess Pitman slated that be had aptween Wednesday night, June 12, and noon OD next Wednesday, June 19. pointed a commillee to be headed by Miss The children of the borough have cerMichael to look after teDDis, which is to tainly set their hearts on winning one of be free to all ~ boro~ chi\dren. Three the many prizes on display in !he SWAltTHhUndred dollars is needed to care for this activity, as they wish to employ help (on KOREAN Office window and are working furiously to secure one. an hourlY basis) tbat can not ollly take For the grand prize, a lully equipped care of the courts but instruct those who baDoon tired bicycle or two weeks at Camp wish instruction. IleImont or Camp Indian Run (the latter Mrs. Lueders moved and it Was· passed ,choice· for Scouts only); tbm: Is very keen that the sum of $150 be appropriated with ·.and: narrow' competition. the UDderstandini that a' report of the Incidentally, some children have been expenditures would be filed to the satisturning in votes which are not stamped faction 01 the school district auditors;' on the back. Please be sur~ that all votes Roland L. Eaton moved the school tennis COUN and .equipment be made available Rector of Trinity Cburch, Swarthmore, are stamped. as unstamped votes will not to the Su.mmer Recreation Committee. which will celebrate its fortieth anniver- be counted. We are aU anxious to see who the prize Frank Morey, super\'lsing principal, ·aD- sary next Tuesday, June 18. winners will be and it won't be long now DOunCed that two local boys were recipi• . . the winners will be determined by ents of senatorial Scholarships from Jobn the Iinal listing, which will appear in the J. McClure. Leslie Polk received a four SWARTIU40REAN two weeks from today, y_ scholarship to Temple University and Friday, June 28. The contest closes, re~ Potter Rumsey a four year scholarship. to member, at 6 P. M., Wednesday, JUDe 26. Slate CoDege. And also don't forget that the American The Legion Awdliary and Legion awards and A. & P. Stores, as well as Buchner's given to the ninth gtaders on the basis of leadership, scholarship, service, honor and Tenth Anniven..ry of Rector's Toggery Shop, are offering separate prizes to the person handing in the highest numcourage were as follows: Ordination ALo to Be Celeber of votes from those business houses. Legion Auxiliary Medal to Billy Anne brated Next Week The list as it n.Jw stands is as follows: Mitchell, with honorable mention to Anne Wray. llit of Entries Legion Medal to John Craemer, with The fortieth anniversary of the first use Norma Hauger .... - - - ......... . Bob White receiving honorable mention. of the origin3J. building of Trinity Mission .... ,., ........ . Grace Brewster A new music prize given by Dr. and (now Trinity Parish), Swarthmore, will be Charles Gillespie .............. . Mrs. J. R. Kline, in memory of their soD celebrated at special services at the church Jimmie Kauffman , ... - . - ...... . John of the Class at 1936, was given to on Sunday and Tuesday, June 16 and 18. Bill Harvey ................... . (Condnued on Page 8) On Sunday evening at 8 o'clock the Rt. Alban S. Eavenson ........... . • Rev. Francis Marion Taitt, D.D., Bishop 10T LOT' WORKERS ..... QUESTION: ; = 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF TRINITY CHURCH nue, a member of this year's, and the fil'Stj' graduating class of Springfield High Schoo. has been awarded the prize offered for the best essay on Tiget 1 Tiger, written bi Honore W. Morrow of the life of Jobn B; Gough, Temperance lecturer and advocatei PH I"ADE""JU~. "" EMiO'li,;jl/' Call Swarthmore 1441 PER YEAR ================ • UPHOLSTERING • CONTESTANTS WORKING HARD AS SUMMER ADVENTURE OPPORTUNlTY DRAWS NEAR CLOSE Two Senion Receive Scholanhip.; Three Other j Levari ,uo SWARTHMORE, PA., JUNE 14, 1935 VOL VII, No. 24 . CHEST£R. 9131 • The '. , INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE SW~I~T"'M()I~E. \r;LH\H~'n. ''It.,lf,;. COLLE.GE L I 131~~ln '"tyt 1./1lJ.\/:y JUNE 7, 1935 11IE SWARTHMOREAJI 6 Lawrence and son, Frank, at the Law~ rences' cottage at Sherwood Forest, Md. NEWS NOTES SlIEIUFfo' SAl~fo;S Shl'rUf's Offic(.', Court HOUlc. Mil'dia, Pa. ThuJll.day. June 27, 1936 8 :30 o·elock A. M. Bustern Standard Time oReo-hundredths r~t m('uured southwestwardly by a eurYe bearing to the right. having a radius or (me hundred fifty.fivc ft..-et (rom another puint of curve- in the w("I:Iterly side or Lansclown(.' Court. l!Iaid last mentioned point of curVe bdng at the distance of thirty..four and fiCty-nine unl'-hundredths (34.69) feet rncBllun'tl t>uuthwardly by a curve bearing to the right huving B r"diuB of thirty-six nnd tweh'c onl'-hundredths (36.12) (I;'et from the point of tangeRe)' in the liQuthweslwardly side of said Lansdowne Court, said Iluint of tongenf.'Y being at the distance of one hundred lIeventy and eb!:hty·six on...... hundredthll (170.86) feeL lIouthl!nstwurd:y from the point of inteT8t..octiun of the southw(."Stcrly line or Mr. and Mrs. Charles HC5S, of Park AveAdrienne Child, of Vassar Avenuc, left nue, entertained at dinner on Friday. today for her farst reunion at Northfaeld Conditions-$250.00 CRsh or certifie.J ('heck at time of Bull' (unless othl'rwise elatt'd In Seminary. Mr. and Mn~. Albert N, Garrett, of GarPcrki-I ndve~.lst'ment), balance in ten days, Other J obn Child has returned from I condItIOns on day of sale. rett A"l'nuc, entertained the entirc senior omen Seminary. class of the hiJ.:h school last cvening folNo. 895 I Levari Fndas 10\\ int: the commencement exercises in March Term. 1935 Mrs. Eugene M. Stallings, of North honor of thl'ir daughter. Marcia, who is a All thnt ('ertain lot or .,ieee of ground Chester Road, entertained at bridge on with the ml'Ssutige or t~ncment about to Iw Lansdowne Court and the southensterly line member of the graduating class. Wcdm'Sdav afternoon. tllt'reon erected, sUuak> in the TownshiJI or of the part or Lansdowne Court which leads UllIJer Darby, Dcltlwarc County and Stnte or northeastwardly into Lansdowne ""enue; ('x!\1r. Richmund n. Fclhl'rolf and family, I I'ennsyh'nnm. Ul'J.:"inning at a point 00 the t('o.lill" t1lel1c(' rrom the first mentioned poinl of P,ark Avcnul', will ~Jll'nd Ihe week-end I Mr. L. L. Hedgl')leth, of Park Avenuc, I>outlwusterly !li1ft' or Golf road (forty f('(.'t along the northwesterly side of said Laneat Har\'l'y Cedars, ~, J. ; returned on Saturday from a business trip wide) nt the distance of two hundred and downc Court south Mixty-om.' ll('J.:rf'eS twentySl"'en Dod twenty-two one-hundredths feet four minutes west sevcnty-fi\e feet to a point, . ' in the west. northeasterly, by two lI!Ounes, from the north. a corner of other lunds or said grnntor. thence Mr". R, J. Bagby and dau~hter, MISS I eash'rly lOide of West Chcswr rond (sixty feet l-'xtcnding along the same north h,'(·nty.('ight willa) contnining in front or brcadth on flnhl dcgr('('S thirty-four minutes west one hunSamh B.I!:;hv, of :\ew Haven, Mo., who Donald FetheroU, son of Mr. and Mrs. Golf road, fifteen feet six inches Dnd of that dred twcnty-one and seventy-six one-hunhaw bl'rll vi~Hinl! Mrs. llar.:hy's son and, R. D. Fetherolf, of Park Avenue, cele- width (-'X tending in lenJeth or dcpth Routh- drl-dths (121.16) fL'[!t to a point; thence eJ(l'tl!>twnrd between pnrallel lines at right anglCfl t~nding north sixty-onc d~n-'l'S thirty-on(' d,IUt;hler-in-law, ~lajor and Mrs, C. A.. hrated hi" third hirthday this w('l'k. to !laid GoIr road. ninety rl'<'t to a certain t('n minutes east seventy-five feel to II point: Ha:.:h) , of princl'ton Annul'. I('(t Monday I ----fecl wi.le drh'ewny which !l'xlenilll northl':tst- I thence extending south twentY-l'h~ht d~r!l'l'~ fur June Wel'k at Annapolis, where they Mr and Mrs. Janll':; Bacon ])oUJ!:las, of wllrdly inlo another tl'n feet Wide drh'cwny I thirt)'-four minuWs I'ast one hundred nncl wllll'lI I'xtl'lIIls northw('Stward into SlIid Golf I tw('nty-one and thirty one-hundredth!> (121.30) will be the !,!Ul':-ts uf l\lidshipman O. W. Xortl; Chef-ter Road, entertained a hrhl!,!e road. f(>{!t to n poinl in the northwesterly Mide of Ha:.:by. ,____ I duh to which they brlon;~ at the last meet- T"J!elher with thl' frN,> nnd ('ommon u!'c. J.nnsdowllc Court. being the first mentioned ril.:ht. liiJert)' and Ilrivih'l.!l' of till' !laid drh'c- point and 1,lace of b~inning. ~fr. :Iml ;"Ir~, II \\'. Brinkmann, (Jf \Val~ in~ of the season at their cottage at Cape WfI)'!l n~ un_I for l,mh::tJ!{'wny.. and water Imllro\'cment" ('o!ti;i",t of two-story stone alld COUl"lIl'S at nil times lWf{'after ror(!\·er. shingl(' huO'.;.·. 5.Jx1H f(·{·t; two-story stone nu.1 nut Lane. Il'ft H':-ll'nl'l) by motor for! l\lay last \\cek-cnd. _ __ ImllrOV('ml'nl", ,'uiI!'i"t of hH,-,.tOT\' "tmu'. !lhinj,dt.' additIOn. lOx12 fect; bm;cnlcnt ~ara~t'. Rl\('r.. hk. Californi.I, "hen' thl'Y will ~pt'lUl • stut'.'O lind hriyk hotl"~,,, 15x2~ f.:('I: twu· .. tnry !o;old II" til(' l)wl)('rty of Juseph C. Hurle~' :\Ii"~ Kathr) n Ml'schter, of Dlckin"on ;\ofr Brinkmann's mother. .\n'mn-, who \\:15 injufl'd in an automobile IItOtie lind hrl('k .1I:hhhon. 12x12 fl..:·t; I\\u. 111111 Carmelita Ilur:cy. mortga~on! nn.1 re:11 [ tht, ~t1ll1llll'r n Ilh_____ ~~::~I~ I'~~;~'h~' h~~~~~~~::;~' ~~:~~e. feet: elLclo"ed, ()\\ m·rs. )Jt... ~ LUI( Dilnmrt', c1all!!hter of Dr. and arlidl'nt fl'll'ntl) , j .. (om'all'5-dnt; .(t her • . , • IIl1ml mOIll,')-S500.00, !o;ol.1 W" til(' )Irnll('rl) of f'arll I (. Urn\\ II]"" I ::,\lr.:. G~'()n!l' S I Jilmort·, of RlItlt'~It!l'. i"! honte. S.]. lIAGY. Attornl')'. I nJllrtVnJ.!or. allli .Tulia IIl'am. renl owner. to he I!I,UIU.lh·d from (,('cI,lr Cfl' .. t Culh'!!l',! . EnWARD II. BHYANT. Alturn<')·. NATHAN P. PECHIN, :;herifT. .\lIl'ntO\\n, un ;\loml.l\· mllrninJ!. Mr. and l\lr ... Perry G. Glllwrt and ____ f.lmih, of Park .\Yenue, were till' !!ut·"t5 Nil, tli PLUMBING Mr. and 1fr:- P,IlII K :\h!er. of Park uf .:\oir. amI .:\oJr<: Fre(h'rilk Calyert and I.e\ :lri F:wi.ls :\lardl Tl'rm, l!):Iij •"'I'nLll'. attended the r.lu'" at Hridt!C'lon. f.tnllh'. oi Pal k :\\'enUl', at a picnic supHEATING I All tlmt lcrl:.ill lot or lIiece of ~rounll X. J" nn ~h'mnri,ll D,l). Their dau)!hh'r, (ler n'n l\lemorJ.d D.lY· HitU:ltt. III thl' Boruu~h or L:l1Isllown(·. t:OUllt~ ROOFING', lIf 1)(,]:,\\:11'1' allli Stah' of I'clIlI"yl\lIl1in" Xam \. \\.1'" the ;!Ut' ..t ni ~fr". RnlJt'rt E., boundc.1 ;0111 1I.""·I'I\'cli lIl'l'ording til II l'('r- I Sh.lrl~h·":, of Sharherry Farm. Thornton,! Mr. and )Ir:-. Richmon(1 D. Fetherolf lain s~rH'Y :1~I,d.I'h~1I ~herl"Of made 1.1)' Unmo~1 Woodward Jackson & Black Inc. foster. ( n i l Jo.IIJ.!III('l'rs, 1\1;IY I.nlt. HI!t;, ' , for the <\a). I ami f.1I111h, of Park AnnUl'. entertained :uul m; follows. to WIt: SWARTHMORE 43 'I I 'I -TI-- II 1 d f I ::,\fr. and :\fr" 1\1. D Fc:lherolf and family, BCJ.!illllil1~ .Il a ))(Ii1lt on th{' norllI\H'stNI~ J.> r. am .\ rs.. lomas .ue ers, 0 ." "T J.lIl1",I\OWUl' Court, Sliul ]Iuint heilll! ,· I \ I I' I I I' I (If Philadelphia, With a plcmc at H esttown Hull' IIf I finn 011 • \'l'I111l'. ('n l'r :lIn('1 a (mnt'r . lit the distance of SC\'l'IIl)·-thrce lind £otlrte<'11 Diamonds Watches amI brid;!e on Saturday e\'cning. nn 1\fl'nHlrJ,ll Da) --- SCHOOL BOARD AIDS IREV. J. JARDEN for ~v~ryone I life. The late Mr. George B. Cresson was tield, Oscar Steinhcrg and Julia Meyerhoff, team dcfe..atcd the C?omets: 8-~, on \\ed?es- the undcr~tanding that the college can take to sec. No matter In what posItion or Ih fi st ~ecrehp' of the Vestrv and Mrs. -n of Plllladelphia and Kitt)' Einstein of I day evemng to gam their fourth stral~ht over the courts ior one week to put them fro~ what poi~t it was vie'\~ed, a light Ezera Cress~:' Sr" was the' 'first treaS- ~:Ikins Park. The hearing, which ~\'as victory, of thc ~eas~n, The game w;:"s in contlition fnr fall acti\'ities, ~adl~ted fro~ It and ~ave It a power urer of the Women's Auxiliary. Miss scheduled for Monday, has been postponed play.ed m, the IndIans box at Swarthmore. The grcat item oi ('xpense will be to mammate .thinp usually ?o not poss~ss; Margaret O. Cresson, granddaughter of for a week. Bdl Hickman, former Swart?more col- keep an attendant on till' courts at all that and Its. beauty o~ hn,e and sUb.Ject Ezra T, Cresson, Sr., is a teacher in the Last Saturday afternoon Neil Currie, of le.ge player, opened .up the scormg for the times, The attendant will keep the courts ha\'c made It Mr. Flelshers most pnzed/ Sundav School. Mr. Ezra T. Cresson, Jr" North Chester Road, and John H. Victors, Heward l1~d up the count )U;t rolled and marked and give instruction to posseSSIOn, And n?w .the chil.dren of, was ~ne of the signers of the Church I Surandes, oi Baltimore Pike, ligured in an belore the first penod ended: Earl;-' _10 the young folks who arc just learning the Swarthmore may enJov It knowlD!!; they I Ch ,.'1 II' . Ch I R I in the second frame, Perc. BelfIelD, captam of l!:amc. Applkants for this position should _ , j arter. automoUI e co ISlon on ('5 er oa{ I d' . t d I B'II H' k 'I h . I" . h M Pi have earne~ it ~n the thoughts of the man Others who will be present arc Mrs. front of the Post Office, No one was the, n lans, ass~s e .)y I . IC 'man, Ill' t CH app Icahon Wit r. tman who h.as given I t . . Joseph C, Seal, Sr, who attended the first injured, no charges preferred, and but little talheId 11:\'0 goahIS 'dn qUIICk'lsuclc~SSlOnfl t~ pu~ Thc committee appeared before the Dunn~ t!I~ report of their work, as ~he meeting forty years ago, and Mrs. Clara damag:e done. the . nr Iilns a ea , (CSP.l e e l ' or s 0 School Roard on Monday evening' and J,!rades mdIvldually rose, the outstandmg I V Lewis Bennell, whose father and On Monday morning of thi~ week Rosco 1 Dav~es, former 311-A~erlca.n field lacrosse asked for assistance in carrying out this children .cam~ fOf\\'.ard a~d gathered about J m'othcr were orh~inal mcmbers. Mr. Lewis C. Clark and son, \Vendrll K, Clark, of I goalie, who was havma ~~~ firs~ attempt prog-ram, The Board appropriated $150 Mr. Fleisher schau whIle he shook the 1 was a membcr of the fust committee in Ridley Park , were arrested for soliciting: at the box game,., Hewa. agam netted for the work on the condition that these hand of each and spoke a few words of charge of Trinity Mission and was a sig:ner funds for the \Vatch Tower. of Brooklyn, two. counters to tic up the sco~e, but t~e courts \\()uld he open to all children of the ~ratcfulness to thcm. . of the Charter when the Parish was in- ~. V., without a permit. The men caned Indtans were ~ble later to tall} five go.lls horoug:h, The budget for the tennis is , T~~ Tot Lot Song, ~eclted first by Dan- corporated, Mrs. Lydia Craft Flagg Gum- themselves "Prophets of Jehovah" and re- to the Comets two. $300 and the committec a~ks all citizens was sung ,lushly by all; the Eng- mere will also attend. Mrs. Gummere was fused to f,!el a permit, to stop soliciting and Graduates at Evening School who arc interested to make their contrihuhsh kmghts of LOUIS DeMon and the poster f thn r""'inal members and her marlea,'e town peacclully or to 1)3\' tions, small, chairman, h'I' . onc 0 .. 0 f'o • • ' . , -" J 'I I h' n of Ihe Swarthmore Ill' M' LorI t Ih with C II the Ph . o f G ertrude Sch 0b mger were on ex 1 ntlon, ria~e to Dr. Henry V. Gummere, of Hav- each and costs, which they were then fined, ames rue ISO, ISS ICu.3C, a e 0 ege armacy. a.n~ the banks were returned to Mr.1 edord was the first wedding in the old so they were sentenced to five days in the =",ati?nal Bank.' was a member of, t.his The committee expects to have thc courts ficisher, to he used by the next group of h h' T of the earlv workcrs in thc 'I di J",i1 year s graduatln~ cJa:s or the E\emng ready for usc early next week. 'ld . h t . h c \lrc, WO • .\" e a , . S hI'" Is a d F,'nance of Ihn Th '11 h d 'd I' c h I ren, Wit a proper presen ahon speec Mi~<:ion and attendants at the first Cot_ _ _+ (.00.0 .... ccoun •n.' .. e comml ee as un er consl era Ion In Dorothy Dan I .. " b' b I • M d I I Umvcrsll\' of Pennsvlvama. the formation of a Junior Ball Leag:ue to . _. " . taJ!<' Meetmg Will be una e to e prc<:en, Awarded Honor Society e a I - . -- --4 - - 1\Iorry asked Ihe teachers to Ilr. Bro\\ n, of Drrxc1 lIil1. and ., . . Tennis Club Calls for Entries t:lk .., care oi those not playing tennis, .It Mr. Fleis.her's su!!!!cstion and as the},:\ n Har o\\cr of Connecticut. I Keith Wlllt~lt, 01 Elm Annul', \\:1<: . ' 1\~am" \\111 bl' iormrd in diffl'rrnt llarb stood in Ihe auditorium of the hioh school, .. ' • r , 1I h ,"' I 'I The Swarthmore TennIS Cluh wl",hes to of the bnrou\!h, each \\ilh it" o\'\n coach . .. ~ Since 18Q6 the family of the late Joseph awarded a meda )' t e ~ ... abona ~ onor . • , . ' , .. \\lth Mr. Morey haVing nsen on the stage, Henrv Getz has been identified with the Sodety for loyalty and !'er\.'ice renderl'd II~sue a caU for entnes m their mltlal tour- and !!aml'S will be played with other mcmone realized that they and the head of chur~h l\Ir J. H. Getz, Jr., and his son, to the school at the Hig:h School Com-, nament of t~e season... Contests start on hers of the lea:::.ue on a regular schedule. the Swarthm.ore Schools were in a large Ch:trle~ Ver~on Getz, 2nd, are still mem- mencement last week. I Jun~ 22, With the "nals scheduled for The committee has not definitely decided part responslhle for the success of the II J 1898 Mrs AlIl'n H, B. Sheppard I Jul} 4. . what activity should be planned for the )lfoject. Jers, n p'. h' d I n I her s m! Special Prize Offered I Already a large numher ot persons han' girls \\.'ho arc not tennis players. . I came to the arls. an s le, a ( l [ 'Ih Ih I b t menl B I' I '11 h lb' . :\lothers, fathers and all th05(-' IDterI d h'ld Ilen,1 Ih- ellurch Mr I H' h bo,'s and re~ls. t ered names WI e c u ourna oys am J!1r s, \\1 you e p y wntIng . ant IZran c I ren a ... ..[ cre 5 } our c ance, T B . 1 Tho"c interested I Ih . h' h e5ot('d may (orne to t h e sc h 00I an d view II . CI ' n member of the pre~ent girls! This week the S\VARTII~ manag:er, om alfe ' -, ) our name an( e pme to w IC yOll are ted on a hslip of paper and dropping heautiful which the in the work of the ::\toRf. \x is ::l special prize, a slhouldd club bulletmC t mtcr(-'5b Slllnt of sen'lC(, for others; [or Mr'l . ., ' . • 1 Glmcra and mOl, to thi' per50n who ocate a e \\ar more g:e our 5, in a ox at t e SW,\RTII::\tORE\X Office? Flei"IIl'r concluded his remarks by statin!! 1l\1~~~~nli~~t ~~~d of !!rl"Ctin!! on Tu('::day turns in the mo"'t \-(>te~ in the Sumor tdehPho~nc e~tries b f omas F. na~il, Th~ committee \\ould b(' glad to h(-'ar from that the Mother and Chi1d reprc::ented the . '11 1 I l ' 'Ir nr Barker mer.' ~"enlure' Conle-.I betw('('n SWart more -, core 6 p, 1., the ~oun!! mrn and women in the com, , . . e\'l'mn;! \\1 le mace 1\ 1l , u . · I~" ' J 2 S\\'arthmore children as I' Kriollton who for thiriY-('ight )rars has Wednc::day nil!ht, June 12, and 12 \\ ednesdl\. '. une '1°,' b d' h I munity \\'ho \\ouId Jri'\'e a littl(· of their lor the little ones of Pluladelphla \\ ho , f Ih l ' h 1 I'acher' The drawtnJ:!;s WI e announce 10 t (' tittle in co:'tchin!! and umpiring and directhrl'n trca<:urer 0 e (' lUre anc a <-. noon \Veclnr5-day, June 1~ 1 " I S n.:'~'ded thdr care. '(I:~on1inlll.:d ('1\ I'.IS€:' S) next ISSUC 01 t 1e \Y,\RTlDlOREAX. ing the Jrirls' activities. ~arnm~ SEARS for .. Improvements Supported by N_ O. Pittenger to Occupy :Nearly a Month's Time In" PAPERING PAINTING \Vith only about ten days more in the Mary Christine Sterickcr . contest, the SWAR'fIlMOREAS'S Annual Sum- Larry Drew mer Adventure Opportunity is fast draw- Beverly Steele ing to a close. In spite of that fact, how- Bobby Longwell evcr, several new entries have been re- Uarbara Brown ceived this week-better late than never! Bobby Reed As a special prize this week the SWARTH- Clifford Bryant J can Flaherty MOR ..:AN is offering a camera and film to the perron turning in the most votes be- Marian Bernard tween \Vednesday night, June 12, and Robert Kerr noon on next Wednesday, June 19, Daniel Kirk .. " ..... ,.' The children of the boroug:h have cer-I Margy MacMillan . , ' ' tainly set their hearts on winning one of Ann J. Perkins, .. , . the many prizl'S on display in the SWARTU- Betty Jane Abernathy . MORt:,\N Ortice window and are working For~ Wi~gins furiously to secure one. Eddie Grant ' , , .. , ... For the grand prize, a fully equipped I Mary Garrett balloon tired bicycle or two weeks at Camp Phyllis Simpson Delmont or Camp Indian Run (the latter Jimmy Johnstone choice for Scouts only), thert: is very keen Peter Miller and narrow competition. J can Evans Incidentally, rome children have been Ned Rutherford turning in votes which are not stamped Andy Robinson on the back l'lease be sure that all votes , Stephen Smith are stamped, as unstamped votes will IJot I Gordy Dou~las ' ., .... , .. ,' Rector of Trinity Church, Swarthmore. he counted. 1 Roh Johnstone. ., which will celebrate its rortieth anniver\Ve arc an an"ious to sec who the prize !"~ncy Hoo~ . ," .. saty next Tuesday, June 18. winners will be and it won't be long now Prmt Manmng, Jr . . . ' . the winners will be determined by Jack Pitman the fmal listing which will appear in the Bah White SWARTIll\lOREAS' two weeks from today, Robin \ViIlit:; Friday, June 28, The contest doses, re- Geor~e L Armitage, 3rd mem I'er, a t 6 P . M . , \ ",-... cd nes d ay, J une -'6 , Pauline Deacon And also don't forget that the American Teddy Adams and A. & p, Stores, as well as Buchner's John Bair TOJ!A'ery Shop, are offering separate prizes Jimmy Bo~ardus Tenth Anniversary of Rector's to the person handing: in the highest num- William Allen Brown, 3rd ,. Ordination Also to Be Celeber of votes (rom those business houses, Jim Dryden brated Next Week The list as it now stands is as follows: BUlldy Eaton Huddy Fries ' List of Entries Guenther Froebel, Jr. The fortieth annh'ersary of the farst usc 71,700 Molly Harper of the original building of Trinity Mission Norma Hau~er 50,400 Clarence Hartman Grace Brewster (no\\, Trinity Parish), Swarthmore, will be 36,800 Elizaheth Evans \ celebrated at special sHvices at the church Charlcs Gillespie 35,500 Francis Evans Jimmie Kauf£man on Sunday and Tuesrlay, June 16 and 18. 24,100 Hetty Littlefield I On Sunday c\'cning at 8 o'dock the Rt. Bill Harvey . 19,500 Louise Paulson I Rev. Ftancis Marion Taitt, D.D., Bishop Alban S. Eavenson MR. FLEISHER THANKS; ;;;in~~I'cr~~~'~~O;~OI::'R'i;~ f~;'~~~f:;:::al~~'~ ~~;~ ;;'~ii'~ck 'TOT LOT' WORKERS I John Wickham announrcd the year book dedication at th~ high school commencement last evening instead of John Wilham as was published in last week's issue. 414 Haverford Place The Summer Recreation Committee, represented by Dr. John Pitman, chairman, Miss Emma Michael and Charles Thatcher, came to the regular meeting of the School Board on Monday evening, asking for an appropriation for summer tennis. Burgess Pitman stated that he had appointed a committee to be headed by Miss Michael to look after tennis, which is to be free to all the borough children. Three hundred dollars is needed to care for this activity. as they wish to employ help (on an hourly basis) that can not only take care of the courts but instruct those who wish instruction. Mrs. Lueders moved and it was passed that the sum o( $150 be appropriated with the understanding that a report of the expenditures would be filed to the satisfaction of the school district auditors. Roland L. Eaton moved the school tennis courts and equipment be made available to the Summcr Recreation Committee. Frank Morey, supervising principal, announced that two local boys were recipicnts of Senatorial Scholarships from John J. McClure. Leslie Polk received a four year scholarship to Temple University and Potter Rumsey a four year scholarship to State College. The Le~ion Auxiliary and Le~ion awards given to the ninth graders on the basis of leadership, :;cholarship. scrvice, honor and courage were as follows: Legion Auxiliary Medal to Billy Anne Mitchell, with honorable mention to Anne \Vray, Legion Medal to John Craemer, with Bob White receiving honorable mention. A new music prize given by Dr. and Airs. J, R. Kline, in memory of their SOD John of the Class of 1936, was given to (Continued on Page 8) I FURNITURE RESTORING H'5illcnts. ha\'c arrived to l\lrs. Robert E. Sharple5, of Swarlh~pcnd ~nme timc :1" thl' t;l1t'sl:; of :!\oIrs mort., w:\" the 5peaker at the last re~ular Albert Thatcher, of South Chester Road. mel,tin!! of the fiscal year of the Business Send for Harley-You'll Not Be Sorry illld Profe::sional Women's Club o( Media, 1\fr. and 1\Irs, J. Donald Gibson, of Hillhorn Annue, 5pent Memorial Day and held on Thursday, Junc 6, in the Lima Honest Under the Cover the \leek.end with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Methodist Episcopal Church. I' ~. $2.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., JUNE 14, 1935 VOL. VII, No. 24 I ---, i\fT!~ Ft'rri5 \\'. Prin' and d,H1!!hter, l\fi"" I lIdl'n Prin', of Ra!ei)!h. ;\ C .. former sw ~1:rT"'M()I~E. ~~ I~I KIr~, ~5.00 ~Ir. n"~ ::\t.1I~ la~e "1r~'1 I th~s. ~tatue reJlrC~ent5 !:!l~anhans. carlll~ I 'I Y::tr;~. h~~am~r~~c~h'e ~i\'in~ I Si!!tnlhuPSo~ tl~e I --) L Three Interesting oca JUNE 14, 1936 DIE SWARTHMOREAN 2 Migs-'--W:"b1:"':"te-:h:"as-:"b-ee-n-sec-re-t:-ary to Dr. William F. G. Swann. head of the Bartol Foundation here. Mr. Nason is Assistant ._._ ._.....Jarriages This, Week ~:,:=r of Philosophy at Swarthmore Mrs. Wesley N. C1iIford. of North Ches- noon for those interested in tbe Red CroSS. I will be discussed. Anyone interested in ter Road, was hostess to a duplicate COD- Mr. C. W. Crist. 'Red Cross Executive of tbe Red Cross is cordially invited to attract bridge club to wblch she at this District. will be present and speak tend. 10 the group. Plans (or next year's work ;;.:;;:;;;;:;;;;;; luncheon and bridge last Friday. members of the club are Mrs. J. V. Bishop, Mrs. Harold Barnes, Mrs. Cut of 2SO j;mart~mnrt Brownell, Mrs. Thomas 6TH KENNEll LEGION Joseph Geer. Mrs. Wi11inm T. Mrs. John Ledoux. Mrs. C. M. C. Le·w... 1 Mrs. George McCracken. Mrs. Richard Randall and Mrs. Caroline Sargent JUNE 20-21-22-9 P. Every Purcbue ter. MIS. Albert Nason and SODS. Pbilip and Engagement of Mill EWe Anders Robert, have been visiting Mr. John Nason PitmllD and Mr. Carloe Alberto this week. Mr. Nason's sister, Mrs. Hor. de Avila Annouaced ace Fishback, has been the guest of her Vassar roommate, Mrs. John E. Fricke, of The marriage of Miss Anne Gray Mode, Hillborn Avenue. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Comly Mrs. Sargent Walter and Mrs. Eugene Mode, 'of Overbrook Hills, Pa., and Mr. Mrs. Sargent Walter. of North Chester Edward Haviland Walton. son of Mr. and Road. entertained at luncheon in honor of M. Stallings, both of North Chester Road, Mrs. J. Barnard Walton. of Ogden Avenue. Mrs. Nason and MIS. Fishback at the attended a musicale for the benelit of the Swarthmore, will be performed at 4 Stratb Haven InD. on Tuesday. W. I. L. at Wynnewood on Monday aftero'clock Saturday afternoon, JUDe 22nd, in nOOD. the Friends' Meeting House, Swarthmore, In a very lovely service at the SwarthMrs. Paul Furnas, of North Chester witb Mr. and Mrs. Irwin D. Wood and more Presbyterian Church last Saturday afternoon. June 8; ai 4 o'clock, Miss Mary Road, attended a class reunion at Mr. and Mrs. William H. Paxson as overLouise Remont. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. CoUege last week-end. seers. The bride: will have as her only attendant LoWs M. Remont. of .Fox Road. Moylan. Mrs. and Mrs. John E. Fricke and Miss Katherine Morris, of Washington, was·united in marriage. to Jeremiah Valli- family, of Hi1lborn Avenue, plan to move D. C.. while Mr. Joseph H. Walton. ant. of Oxford. Maryland. . to Moylan about the first of July. brother of the groom, will be best man. Miss Remont was graduated from the Mr. Arthur Holman and Mr. W..ley Case. Swarthmore Higb School in the Class of Mrs. H. deC. Hamilton and her sister. both of New York and former classmates 1932. Entering Duke· University in Mrs. Grace Birdsall, of Yale Avenue, ·are Class of 1936, after two years there leaving this week-end for the summer, of the groom, will be ushers. There will be a reception at the Meet· returned to ber home in Moylan wbere During their absence their home will be ing House foBowing the wedding. she has-spent the last year. After an ex- occupied ,by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mill· After a wedding trip the couple will re- tended trip through the New England ward and daugbter. side in New York :City, where Mr. Walton States. Mr. and Mrs. Valliant wiIlinake ----:Miss Mary Davis. of Chicago, nt., is is connected with the AlIlerican Radiator their bome in Easton, Maryland, where Mr. VaJliant is in business. expected to stop several days this week Company. . satin and a with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. The bride wore white Miss Mode attended Swarthmore Colveil and carried a ·bridal bouquet of wh;I.1 and Mrs. Eugene M. Sta1Iings, of North :lege. and is. a graduate of West Ch,,:,ter stock and orchids. The maid of hO.nor, Chester Road, while en route to England• .State Teachers College. Mr. Walton 15 a ,graauate of Swaflbmore Higb School and Miss Elsie Remon!, sister of the hride. Red Cross Tea · Swarthmore Collegei was attired in yellow chiffon with slippers Mrs. William E. Kistler, of Park Ave-...,...and hat to match and carried a bouquet nue, will entertain at tea at 2.30 this after...~. The marriage of Miss Bertha Deane of blue delphinium and African daisies. - White of Swarthmore, daughter of Mr. The best man was Robert Valliant. hro.ther I ,and Mrs. c. D. White, of Atlantic City, of the groom, of Oxford, MarYland. · New Jersey"and Mr. John William Nason, double ring service, prepared by Dr.. Tuttle, · of Swarthmore, son of Mrs. Albert J. who officiated, was used. The bride was · Nason •. of . St. Paul,' Minnesota, and the given in marriage by her father. Mr. 'late Mr:-NaSoo; ·Will take place at 4 o'clock Benjamin L. Kneedler, organist of the .' tomorrow afternoon, Saturday, June 15, in church, played appropriate selections be· tbe Church of the Epiphany. Atlantic City. fore and during the service. The ushers, ,Philip M.· Hic.ks and Rohert B. McLeod. friends of the groom, were Walter Mc· of .Swarthmore, will act as ushers at the Cord and Siguard Hersloff, of Easton. wedding. Maryland. and Philip and Edward W.IllS.! Mr. and Mrs. Nason will apcnd the of Oxford, Maryland. · summer in Vermont and return to SwarthMr. a,nd Mrs. John H. PUman, of Vasmore in the fall. sar Avenue, announce the engagement their daughter. Elsie Anders, to Mr. CalrlO!,! Alberto de Avila, son of Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Avila, of Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Delaware County'. Finest Theatre Miss Pitman graduated from SwarthHigh School in the class of 1932 and more Frida,. and Saturday is now a student at Swarthmore College. BEN BERNIE And All HI. Lad. Mr. Avila graduated from Drew UniJANTZEN "STOLEN HARMONY" versity in the class of 1934. He now holds Georce Raft Crace Bradley a business position in Mexico City. -- • LANSDOWNE Monday and Tuesday WILLIAM POWELL JEAN HARLOW Mrs. Massena will appear in two cOl,celis I in London following which she and Mr. Massena will visit the latter's parents at Nice, France, and return to Swarthmore about the last of July. FRANCHOT TONE -In- "RECKLESS" Startll1l' Friday (Today) WILL ROGERS -In- "DOUBTING BATHING SUITS AND< TRUNKS Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Massena, of !'Io.m'l CheSter Road, sail for Europe this w ..,k.1 C I THOMAS" ---;-with- Bmfe, .Burke AlD.on ,Skipworth Chester~~' ~,~1i:At~· Coadittoned 'I:he~tr6 Enjoy It at the MED-IA THEATRE Friday and Saturday GEORGE RAIT BEN BERNIE < PAJAMAS Monday and Tue.day STANLEY Ffiday and Saturday WILLIAM POWELL GINGER nOGERS ~'~'~C ~e~'! M..I I ~W?T!!~~'~~l~ Ketmett 80" 491, Sq........ Pa. FOUNTAINS DISPLAY _ _ _ Plume. KeDIlelt ISO The Greatest Voice Since Caruso Helps a Neighbor TEL., 1'" PARK AVE. SW. "MY HEART IS CALLING" SWA.240 Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hastings. of W..tdale Avenue. entertained their bridge club on Monday evening. _ ; LoW . THEATRE DREXEL HILL JUST 50 9lve malonger mll_, thus maldnllihom rh. mOIl economical Hr•• I can buy?" ANSWER-Theusand. of car _n... ..port unequ.l.d mil••se rccord-";d.nca of .ho I...... w •••• nd ........ econom,. of Fi •••ton. Hillh Sp..d Ti.... ~ ... ~'""'iJ......"""""""'-~ HIGH SPEE $l!5 ti~ E We seIeeI from our enormous .loeb of raw malerlals the best aDd hilhest .rade I'Uhber aDd eotlon for the Blgh Speed Tire. In oar faetory we seleet the most experienced and okIlIed tire mak...... 10 build thi. 1Ire. It b _atel" balaneed and riald17 bupeeted and we know il 1a 88 perfeet as human lngenai17 caD Jmra_k,enziloE"iiPiiIciE II aNtulY BElTER DRESSES $19.75 values _BDn.l """'4'; • CClUIIIIt " " "",,,'~i 1 Equal or auperior to any eo epl'ed FInt Grade, Super or Eq~l or superIor to any special braDd t1~e made for _tee- DeLuxe lID.. ....ardl... of name, bnmd or by whom ...... dlstrib- to ntors wilham the maker's name or made. JIWU'IUltee. c..ries the Fl~e.toDe r.F... daMe ear GWDen Dame aDeI ......- . . t _ equal superior tire ""'e17 at 0 .. • 'Yer7 low 8D7, tire made prleeddstlre in this priee c1.... baa DO eqmol. THEY'RE JUST ADORABLE STYLES PRICES BEGIN AT $1.95 WEDNESDAY ."d THURSDAY In 'CARDINAL RICHEUEU' ~ ... 0 cODtouriDs: treatmeDts 20 tIL.. 7U Less Fine Hair Goods at a Reduction of BeautiFul natural wigs, transforma· tions, (:oronet braids and other esseD· lial typel DOW priced one-fourth leAR. Miss Constance Kent, of Elm Avenue, spent Sunday with a group of friends at Beach Haven, N. J. -..,-- Mrs. W. W. Speakman, who has been the guest of Dr. and. Mrs. William I. of '·.. Wmuut Ii; ,left= M81lEky for summer cottage at Buck Hill Falls, Pa~ 25% Procrastination Will Be Expensive Telephone for Your Appointment Ea iy: 'Y.ALnut 7100. E"tenaion 791; Silhonett. Shop, ExtenSIon 2142 GRE'E~N~S BeautllSa/on, Su,t!, Floor COAL SERVICE SWA. 1234 COUPONS GIVEN . 'THE 'M()ST FINELY BALA.NCED LOW.PRICED CAR EVER' BUILT Mr. Harold Ogram, of Riverview Road, will drive Mrs. Ogram and sons, Harold and Donald, to Rehoboth Beach, this week-end where they will remain sewral weeks. Mr. Ogram will go Monday to New B11ltlswick to attend the Graduate School of Banking for two You cast beHer with a BALANCED weeks. Charles Moore, of Vassar Avenue; is recovering at his home after several weeks . illness. Chalmers Stuart. of Princeton Avem,e.1 and Corporal Henry A. Peirsol, Jr., Lafayette Avenue, return tomorrow after two weeks'· encampment at Colebrook, Pa., with the Second Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry. ROD GOWN SHOPPE ON PARK AVENUE deceased. Nathan GriBith. Ftde1IU':"PhUade1· phia BuUding, Philadelphia. Pen:naylu"dI·Ia. Es:ecutor: Howard Kirk. 803 CoUllty Da nc. Media. Delaware CountJ". PenDlSylvanla. At.. torneY. Notlee lB hereby dven that Letb!ra Testamental')' have been granted In. the above Mtate, 08 and that aU penOIlI indebted to the abovd estate are· requested. to make "PB7Dlent an those havirur claims to prMeDt the same. without delay to the Executor or his attorney. 6·1G-6T. ESTATE OF THOMAS ATItUiSON JENKUlS. dece.,.ed.. LETTERS TEBTAJlENTARY on the .above Esta~ have been aranted to the underslK1led. who request an penOJUI baving claims or demands aplnet the Estate of the decedent to make known the same. and all -persons- 'ilb "debted to the deeedent to make payment."f""1 delaY. to MARIAN MAGILL .JENKINS, 506 North Chester Road. Swarthmore, Or to her Attorney. WAYLAND H. ELSBREE. 1930 Land Title Bldg•• S W Cor Broad &; Chestnut SlB.• 'Phiiadelphla 5-17-6T ESTATE OF GEORGE C. BARBER. Brd. DECEASED: Letteru Te&tamentary on the abov4!l estate ·have been granted to Lydia Rodgers Barbel' and THE CORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COM.PANY OF PHILADELPHIA which requ~ts all -persons having elaims or'demands against. the estate of the decedent to make known the same. and all persons Indebted to the decedent to make PQmeat. without del.,... to ATIONAL B' ~ CORN EXCHANGE N ~P"~ ...,~ AND TRUST 00_ ~'. Lionel Barrymore GEORGE ARLISS 7 reduced -ror the Sale. Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman and June Ullman, of Harvard Ave~ue, been with Mr. Ullman on a busmess in the south. They visited Asheville, N. and Greenville, S. C., and spent a w"ek··1 end at the Pisgah National Forest Inn. Velum.-Di.... Pu.ehuins-Str.illhl Line Manufaclurins and Ellieient .nd Economical S,..'.m of Diltribulins to 100 Sto....nd to 30.000 De.l.r., enables Fi",'o"."siv.....torvalu•• atlow.1I pric•• _US"" MONDAY and TUESDAY "THE MARK OF THE VAMPIRE" Fip1l'8 lb.t do wonden for your -po pearance .nd for your "n'. of well.being; vert .ubstantiell,. ANSWEll-Unaqu.l.d perform.nc. . .ca.d. for .ixte.n con.ecutiv. " .... p.av. th.t Gum-Dippin• • iv•• "au tho ....t ..t blowout prot.ction ov., Ie_n. QuEsnON 3-"Wllhovt oacrlRclnlllh... two Impotlant safely featur.. wJIIlhey • Silhouette Shop Reducing Treatments QuESTION 2-:-"AI.....y built to III.. m. the ~ blowout ...o....lon?" CLOSING OUT! PAUL MUNI ,. A .lmple, youlhfal ""Ie 70u'll hd Ideal for .UIIIIDOrI rfnil.1 enth, with a IOf., wldelY"I'"eed wove 10 .... scalp. ESTATE OF ORtEN TAYLOR KDlBELL. TODAY and SATURDAY with Karen Morley Box Camera . Tennis BaIb Picnic and Outing Supplies Mrs. A. F. Jackson. of Park The Most Aecommodatln8 'The.. . atre In.' Delawaro County "BLACK FURY" Empress Croquignole Permanent 'Wave .,,'uI ~~aY._ Tues~a1.J WAVERLY BEAUTY SALON Sun Qil Golf BaD. uP Bio. STAGE SHOW SATURDAY ..... "Caliente" AIR You'll Need These for Your Vacation ,.oar ..,"',. _ .It. . . . . IJa Our Mrs. Helen M. HaB. of Park Avenue. will entertain a bridge club this Saturday evening at her farm, "Holiday Hill," near Westtown, Pa. "Star of Midnight" Wednesday DOLORES DEL RIO PAT' O'BRIEN Great Anniversary Sale Values 1171 wJ.oee1o. ....... 11-. ..... doe .... 111 ... 110 of todq ....... blowout pzolcclloD In ,......... oriIIII 10 DeY.,., bef_ Are ,._ a_pdq _ ._ _ ..... _paded ...~ _d uIoo .Jahn" or _ I l q doe ~d........ of ....... wIIo ~·theIr nyes on !heir dre8 ..... bow , ..... esperieDce doe ~ that ....eo them !he _ ..... bIowou. ~r 'I1d7 l'INoloDe Tires pye tAI.eh. .m• .rn. peftonnecce 'DT this pw 3' tw"eJ7 eottoa eord b lOekeel aDd 01''"''7 ......... Is bualated wI!h pure nqnfd rubber, p"'1'eatlDc 1ntenaa1 IrictiOD ..... heat, !he maiD ea..... of blowo-. Gum-Dlpplq b a patented _ pN.' II ..... aoed In _,. other ....... of doe. ~ 70"1" life ..... doe n.... of ...... 1>7 equlppm. ,.0111' .,.. wI!h l'INolOne Gam-Dipped HIP Speed 'l'I!a-fhe d..... buill. It .riD be worth ,....... time to nad ...... daMe queotiODl and their aaswel'lll QuEsnON 1-''WI1I .... 1Nad 11M _ .... . - lradIon and poolocllon aoalnrt.klddlng?" ANSWER-L•• .n... uni . .nily t _ .r._ Fi.....n. HilIh Speed Ti... ..... _.ca.,I% ..uido•• th.n!h....tafath•• _ul•• m.Ie•• afti .... _,.OD CLOTHIER & WILL YOU TAKE FOR BLOWOUT PROTECTION? SHIRTS OPEN EVENINGS STRAWBRIDGE WHOSE WORD " BUCHNER'S JAN KIEPURA entertained at tea on Tuesday in honor oity. She will remain for several of ber cousin, Mn. Frederick EV3D5, of as the guest of her brother, &lr. Waldo Ward Cole. of Auburndale. Massachusetts. California. C!!nmmuuitg &4np NECKWEAR JEWELRY "STOLEN HARMONY" NEWS NOTES II SPORT BELTS SUSPENDERS LINEN SUITS SPORT COATS RAINCOATS SLACKS DUCKS In THESWARTHM=O~R~E&~~~~==============================~ JUNE 14, 1931 Russell's ",..,... Service DARTMOUTH '" LAFAYE1TE AYES. w....... L.brica.m. • The ...." Phone 440 ., . . . . . . S ,ice PRILAnELPBIA 1510 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia Edgar W. Freeman. TnIst OIl'lceJ'. Attorneys: Shlelda. Clark. Brown a JlcCowD. 1900 Girard Trust BaUdlnc, Philadelphia. 6-14-1T. Save money-get everytbing-own a Master De Luxe CHEVROLET Nowhere else, in the entire field of motor can, will you get such balanced design, balanced riding qualities and balanced performan"" • • • 01 such s/U'prisiRrJy low prices .... as in the new Master De Luxe Chevrolet! It's the only car in its price range that brings you Body by Fisher, Turret,Top con· struction, Knee-Action Ride and Blue-Flame valve.in-head engine. See this finer ear-today! CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN c-p.re CItanht'.I-. tWkwetlprion andftQ;T G. M. ·14. C. U!raI. A. Gftw:ral Moton Value 1 In IIICII DEALER ADVE.RTISEMENT LAWSON·SHEPARD CO., Inc. 401 Dartmouth Avenue' Swarthmore 411 CARS HERE FOR IMMEDIATE DEUVERY JUNE 14, 1938 THE SWARTHMOREAN 4 Frienclly Circle Almual Frolic I For several years past the Friendly Circle Picnic has been looked upon as the one occasion when this group comes together for fun and frolic and incidentally realizes a little money for their "cause." On Tuesday, June 11, when Mrs. J. Horate Walter threw open her house and grounds to the picnickera, bright sUDShin.. after several days of overcast skiesJ gave an added touch of gayety to an always festive occasion. A delicious luncheon was served at small tables on the lawn, followed by bridge for those wbo cared to indulge. IntereSting and novel games furnished amusement for all onlookers as weB as participants, and a "Mystery Tablet' provided excitiug surprises for a small sum that eventually added doUara to the treasury, all of which contributed towards makIng the day a grand success. The next meeting of the Friendly Circle will be held on Thursday, June 20,at 2 o'clock at the home'of Mrs. John 'J!soIlinger, 100 Colu,!,b,la Av~nue. Attends Medical Convention' IDy.t.enu Durlna the year under review the Investment. In the U. S. Libert,. BoDda have been Robert V. Faragher, of South Chester redueed to $6.000.00. $2.000.00 helD&' caned b7 the U. S. Goyernment. Road, received his LL.B. degree in Law Per.aaeDt J.proyemenbl and 1k_lpamt at the University of Dlinois this week. Althouch certain expendlturea were made to purcbue new equipment. hO part thereof wu eapltaJl.zed, this plan beinll' followed In Hen of chanrlD.lr depreetatloD on equlpmeDt alreadT Piano Recital Held owned. A. previouabr 81J.1(2e8ted• •ppra.....ls on equipment aud Improvements should be made perlodleallv In order to determine the actual value thereof. • There were fifty guests present recently at a piano recital at the home of Mrs., George T. Ashton in Wallingford. Among A_onlo P .....I. LIABlL1T1E8 AND SURPLUS the numbers were several two piano comThe accounts pvable In the amount of $2-46.47 eorullst of the unpaid bUll at December 11. positions in which Mrs. Ashton played. 19". "bleb were approved by the JJoroqb Couneil in January•. li86. and aubRq,oenttY paid. Doreen Mitchell, who Is one of this year'. Ponded De" The TRAVELERS MEN!! Will You Send U. graduates at the Mary Lyon School, played The ehangel In the funded lndebtedneA during 198" ....ere .. fonawa: several 50105 besides adding duets with Balanee-. December II. 1918 ...................................................... 1121,600.00 Adele Griffin. These were Bach Chorals. Borouah Bondo 1IetIred lin. Ashton also. celebrated. the two hun- Balance-. December 211. dred and fiftieth anniveraary of Bach's I birth by various numbers. The second baD of the program was devoted to other composera. Jane Veasly, a sophomore at Swarthmore College, Played a Bach prelude and fugue, later adding Moussorgsky's Pictures at an exhibitiOD, which have been transcribed fo.r the piano by Harold Bauer. Louise Lucas and Adele Griffin also contributed to an interesting program, well played and of »Uri,.. V... .............. .............................. 6.&00.00 InterNt. Ra... 41i')!, 41i% 41i')!, 4 ')!, r-.. N. .Mr PUrpoM B Equipment • Roodo 11 Jtetu:ndlna 12 Underpaea and Street Improvement JI_ _ Outa' • ... K D. '1.000.00 18.000.00 48.000.00 66.000.00 101·88 1-1-.43 1101..& 10..1-60 ;JW let ;JV 1_, • •N lst AAO lat S ....I.. The net Burpl,.. as set forth In the statements represents the value ·of the Permanent Improvements of the Borouah &eQulred out of Taxes collected durlmr the yean prior to .. outstanding merit. December 81. 19214. The net ehanl'8 durblJl" tbl! year" .bown by the following tabul.tIon: Dr. Arno Viehpev,er,:of Rlltgers.. Av.enue, During the course of the recital Mrs. Surpltul• .JanuaZ')" 1. 1934 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $266,027.09 Is attending ·American Medicai- Aooo· Ashton gave a varied and interesting talk Add: . dation convention in Atlantic City. on the various composers and their comExce£a of Cash Jteeeipta over Dlebumementa •••••••••••••••••••••• , 6.028.88 Dr. Viehoever gave two addresses before positions thereby giving the audience a reInereaae In Aeeounta Receivable .•.••••••••.••••..••.•.••.••••••• 2.404.09 different sectio.l1! at the meeting. _ H~ ~ freshing sense of music and its value in Deereue In ·Funded Debt. ••••••••.•.••••••.•.•••••••••••••••••••• _~6.::.6oo:.::..00:.::_.:!~~ turned Sun~ .from the middle, west, our scbeme of Jile. The pupils playing 11;927,42 '279.9&4.&1 where he had lectured at· Purdue· Univer- were sure of their memorizing, had a fine ,:.u.. slty and at Eli Lilly Laboratories at In- touch and altogether showed the training ..... : dianapoIis last week.. received. Inc~aae In Accounts Payable ••.••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.• $ =============================== BOROUGH OF SWARTIlMOIU: DELAWARE COUNTY, COMMONWEALTII OF PENNSYLVANIA AUDITORS' REPORT FOR TIlE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1934 Decre&.l!le in Investment. •.•..••••••••••..••••••••••••••••.••••.••• 9..' 2.600.00 2.609.24 '277.446.27 Once Each Year IF WE AGREE TO I. Pay your Doctor bill. 2. Pay your Hospital bill. 3. Pay for your nurse. 4; Pay you $25, per week while totally disabled or for life if permanently disabled. 5. Pay you $25 per week addition'al, up to twenty week8, if in a hospital or under care of a nurse. Made up as follows; General Fund ••••••••••••.•••••..•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••• $ 42.497.1'l Sinking Fund . • ••••• •• • •• • • • •• •••• ••• •••• •• .• • •. •• • •• •. •••• •• 2'.821.02 Permanent Fund ••••••••••••...•.••.•••.••••••••••••••••••••• 210.127.08 6. Pay your Estate $2500 if death follows any ordinary accident, or 1277•• 4&.27 7. Pay your Estate $5000 if death follows accident in, on or by a private passenger automobile. April 24. 1986. Delaware County. SCHEDULE A Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Gentlemen: BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE The Swarthmore Borough Auditors have completed their examination of the financial COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET :records "of the Secretary, Treasurer and Tax Collector for the year whleh ended December 81. FOR THE UNDERNOTED DATES 1934, and have reconciled the records of the Tax Collector with those of the Borough Treasurer ASSETS a8 of December 31. 1934. Decehler December The scope of their examlnbtion consisted of a vel'"ifieation of the BUeta aDd liabilities In 31. 1934 at. 19sa the manner as set forth in the comment of this report. $ 28.780.22 Cash ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $ 88.768.66 Respectfully submitted. WALLACE M. McCURDY. Receivable: J. F. BOGARDUS. Unpaid Taxes .................... $ 25,904.99 .$ 23.876.72 W. R. MAIN. 2,02B.30 Unpaid Liens ••••..•••••••.•••••• 1.899.12 Borough Auditors. 6.(l0 Miscellaneous •.••. " ••.. " . •. • . • • . 6.00 .$ 27.810.11 COMMENT ASSETS In the comments which fonow are flet forth pertinent facta In respect to various Balance Sheet itemfl: Cash All cash balances were reconciled with the balances as shown by the statements of the bank. and were further verified by direct correspondence with the depository. All recorded eash receipts were deposited and ~eipts transmitted to the Secretary !n the manner pre-scribed by the Borough Council. The recorded cash disbursements were cheeked in detail with the minutes to determine if all payments had been approved by the Council and that if payment was flupported by a properly approved blU. A summary of all cash funds of the Dorough follows: .$ 25,406.02 Decreue Inereaae $ 5,028.83 $124.18 .$ 2,404.09 6,000.00 $ 8,600.00 $ 2.600.00 Advances to Other Accounts ..•......• $ 260.76 .$ 412.76 $ 162.00 Equipment ..•......•..........•...•.• $ 37.787.64 $ 37,787.6" Permanent Improvements: Railroad Underpass •••.••..••.•..• $ 49.426.69 Road and Sewer Improvements ••• 197,264.76 PubJic Building and Grounds ••••• 42,648.00 $ 49,426.69 197,264.76 42,648.00 $289.839.44 $289,339.44. Totals •••.••..•.•.•.•..•.•••.. $394,951.50 $890,176.08 $ 28,780.22 Receipts Darlnlr nlaburaemenla B.lante LIABILITIES December 31, 1984 December DHember $ 21,853.99 31. 193 .. 31. 1933 11.688.80 Accousts Payable ..••.•.•.•••..•.•.•.• $ 2,(5.47 $ 230.23 260.76 $128.600.00 $ 83.753.56 Funded Deht ••••..••••••..••.••.••..• $1l7.~ DurinII' Ve.. $ 38.760.77 14.638.83 3.767.48 Year $ 36,098.64 12,120.63 3.819.48 $ 57.162.08 $ 52.188.75 nue to Other Accounts ............... $ 260.76 Once Each Year IF 4.776.42 WE AGREE TO PAY 1. Your doctor's bill. Decrease Increase $ 9.24 412.76 $ 2".821.02 Improvements .•••.•.•• 210.127.08 $; 38,604.16 23.895.86 208.027.08 $277,446.27 $266.027.0i " 11.418.1B •.••••••••••••.•.•••.•. $39",961.60 $390,1'l6.(l8 .$ as follows: Available for Current Operation ... ' 4.2.497.17 mills on '5,880,995 ......................................................... $ 87.817.81 2% mUIa on 6,880,995 •••••••••••..•.••••••••••••••••••• ••••• •••••••••••••••••• 13.326.66 3h mUI on 6.880.995 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2.666.02 2 milIa on 112,826............. •••••• .................................. •••• 224.66 '1 mUla on 87,826.......................... ............................... 61".7B Siukiua Fund •••••••••• .......... .$ 6.600.00 :$ 152.00 Taxpaye:ra' Discount •.•.•........................•.•..•....•..•.••.... Permanent Totala Total 1988 Tax Receivable December n. 1984 ............................... $ Tax Unpaid for 1932 at December 81, 1983 ...................................... , Penalties Added on Tax Received ••••••.•••••••••••••..•••.•••••••...••••••••••• Cuh Received • .. 062 62 2"6.62 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••• S 8,488.42 70.18 74.40 Tax <=allector CommlsalolUl ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Exonerations •••••••••.••.•••.••••.••••••••••••••.••.••.••••••••....•• 8,460.02 7.808.14 4.776.4.2 , 8.582.95 Total 1952 Tax Receivable December 31. 1934 ................................ $ 8,726.19 Tax Unpaid for 1911 at hember 81. 1983 .................................. ' 1 846.67 PenalUea Added on Tax Received .......................................... :.::: • 86.68 Cuh Recelv~ •..••••••••••••••.•••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••• $ Tu: CoUector 8 Commiaaion •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••.•••••• 7BO.79' 1 ....1.20 16.92 '196.'11 Total 1911 Tax Receivable December 81. 1934 ............................... $ Tax Ur.pald for 1930 "t Deeember 81. 1988 .................... , Penaltles Added on TP; Received .............................. ::::::::::::::::: cub Received. ........................................... ~ ........... $ Tas Collector Commiasion •••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••...••.••••.. Total 1930 Tax 96.28' 684.49 249.47 14.24 Beeelvable December 31, 19.4 ............................... ' SWEENEY &CLYDE RECEIPTS The amount of liens have been set up in aecordance with the recorda of the Seeretar:v. ..... I , 52.138.76 D ....... • , $ 7'1,n8.41 1.079.49 14..649.8'1 6.8& 851.50 2.000.00 29 EAST FlFTII STREET • 26.616.79 • 8....7 1,287.21 20'.86 NOTE: Bubj~t to 6.023.83 aceompanyill8 commenL $ 6,855.(6 No Examination Required We have mailed you a descriptive circular 1.719.09 410.51 620.60 1'.649.87 266.89 11.493.71 • 2&.284.66 Excess of Cub Reeeipb Over Dta- bUl'Bementa •••••..•••••••••••• J And One of Our Special Agents Will Call Upon You Dee..... lne. . . . 88.18 2&1.04 Flneat Sweet Cream Butter In America. Richland 111 27c , III F < 33c 290 EGGS S.lected Better than many .o-caUe4 "Belta." do. dos SpeciaU in Garde" Ira" PROD(JCE La1'le Red Ripe Jr.,.,..., ./ $5.00 Bettendorf ,". ' _...... - l ,_ • Cant~lo~pe" . 2fO~ 29c Bing Cherries Ib 25c Blao,kberrie. 2 Ilt.b 9X •• 25c Pineapples each 150 STRATH HAVEN INN The Whittier is ownf!d by the Philadelphia Young Frienda' Association. Strath Haven Inn i. owned by F. M. Scheibley. Both are managed by F. M. Scheibley Management. Both respect and adhere to Quaker tradition and ideala-because the ·managers have been educated and reared in Quaker environment. We invite members of both branches to coneult us about luncheons, banquets, cOlllmittee meeting rooma, conventions and accommodatlODfI for the night or 'onger. Strath Haven The Inn With Per.onality gIIItl ifMtI FInest Family FLOU R 5-~g 20c: 12-~g 49c FlourGo~=r PRIM Pastry Flour Swarthmore 680 Swarthmore. Poa-.. F; M. SCHEIBLEY Management The Cheater Arm. The Whittier Tho Hamilton 140 North 15th St. 4th &: ~ODt A ...... PhUa., Pa. Cheater, Pa.. I , RIT.1581 o RACE 1110 It's Comforting to Know That BACK HOME •• 882.11 READ IT Sold by the Company doing the largest accident insurance business in the world vacation this summer. Know before you start that your valuable papers are safe, such as your insurance policies, marriage and birth certificates, important finanCIal records and receipts Know that your silver, your family heirlooms, your jewelry and Ot~ valuables arc beyond the reach of fir,!: or thief. /tSafe DePOSIt Box 10 our va~t will-give you 'thls security at a very small cost. It Isn't much to pay for peace of mlDd on your vacation - an!! all thl:..Year .rvund. ' COCOA Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company cans Raapberry Golden 2Sc 16·0. 33c Glenwood Pure 10e: California ,2 2 lb jar 25C Bantam2~~;25c 10e: Joan of Are: Kidney "'\ ::~ lSc A,3 ~:n! 2Sc Farmdale Soratch Orains 100·\1) bag $2.00 Chick Orain 25·lb bag 60c : 100-\1) bag $2.25 Fanndale Laying Mash 25-\1) bag 580 Cracked Corn 100 \I). $2.10 : Poultry Shells 25 \1)8190 I Victor Bread Bread Suprsme f big I/!!A loaf~ (SlIce4 or Unallced) largo lod 90 49 Old-Fashioned Chocolate Icing Reetor: Layer Cake !':. 2Sc : :'k'~. C \..Ou~,,-,-a-"-d:"!'in-B-:'M'!"e-(l"',":p:'!"a":lue-.-i~n-IM-'--IIsaJ=:'!'~l'rt:"'!"'a-:rlce~"­ Rev. 1• .Jarden Gtlenther. 8. T. K. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES TRINITY SUNDAY 8 :00 A. r.i.-HolY Communion. 9 :45 A. M.-Sunday School. 11 :00 A. r.I.-Tenth Anniversary of the Ordination of the Rector. . 8 :00 P. M.-Confinnation Service. Sermon by Bishop Taitt, preceded by a brief Historical Review of .the Pariah by Mr. G. W. Casey. TUESDAY. JUNE 18 8:00 p. M.---tOTH ANNIVERSARY SERVICE (followed by a Parisb Recep- Breast r SUNDAY 9:46 A. Y.-Forum. Discuaaion of plans for next ,-ear. or Lamb Fine Q•• lity Milkf.d YBAL Loin Chops Rack Chops. Rump Roast 111 35c \I) 3ge Shoulder Roast lb 180 280 LCin Kidney Roast lb 39c lb 23e I Neok (For Pot PIe) \I) 180 11> -:-R_o-:-IIe-::-:d-:-::-:R""",:"oa:-:-s-:-:"t--:--1tI-:-:-2-=-::5~C .J REV. WAYNE CRANNELL, D. D. P ...... 9:.6-Church School. Children's Da:y. 11:0O-Speeial Appeal to Young People. by Putor. '"The WUI to Win." 7:0O--Children·s Day Play, In Social Hall • "Feed My Lambs."' THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Veal Rib Chops THE SWARTIDIORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Itef"• .Jobn EUe17 Tuttle. lIiniat.eT SUNDAY 10 :Oo-Bible SehooI. 11 :Oo-Morninc Worship. Putor preaches. The Builders. Strangel'8 and newcomers are cordlall,. Invited. SWARTHMORE IlET'HODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Armour's Select Baked Meat Loaf Yz 11> 13c Sylvan Seal Cottage Cheese 2 11-00 cup. 250 Calves Liver \I) 290 I Lamb's Liver \I) 17c I (Rib Roast tH WEDNESDAV ':10 A.. II. to 1:80 P. 1I.-8ewiQ' and QuUt;. Ina' In Whittier House. Dos: luneheoD.. All Contialb' Invited FIRST CJI1JRCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST, OF SWABTHMORE Pule A ..... below IIan1Il'd 11:00 A. 1I.-SundQ School. 11:00 A. ll.-SundQ" t.e.on-$ermon. 2 "'\ SARDINES BEANS I In Ib PICKLES (' CHURCH NEWS D:Ui A. Y.-Firat na,. ~hool. 11 ~OO A.. II.-.Ileetlna' for WOl'Ihlp lleetIq House. 19c Victor Ib 17c lISCO 160 Harsba"s Breakfast Sugar Corn IISiXI tion). LEAVE worry behind when you go on your 19c Ito Plaknlck Sour I; 0111 P'reserves OLIVER H. lAIR C9 M. A. BAIa. President 5-tbbag COFFEE Gillespie, Robert Bair, Virginia. Craemer, Phyllis Storm. Shirley Storm. Shirley MacMiUan, Ann Argyle and George Widdow~ son' Intermediate Department - James Smitlt, Mary Bonsall, Alice Craemer, Dorothy Wilson, John Craemer, Gert~de Schobinger and Beatrice Brewster; Seruor Department-Walter Sanford and Helen Craemer. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 12-:!g 59c The FarJOTite CoRees 01 Parlicalar People monds Russell Kneedler, George Armitage, Gilbert Widdowson, John Bair, Charles I ..•.. Solid IWclnc Peas 2 \l)°ISe Tomatoes 2 \l)o1Se guerite Crosby and Richard Armitage; Junior Department-Frederick Morey, Edwin R!Jtherford, PhiUp Price, John Sim- SINCERE SERVICE FOR ALMOST 60 YEARS 101bs. i9e: N_ Cabbag. 3 \I) •. 5c Crisp Spinach 3 \I)·10c Nearby Beets 3 bUDche.10C. Calif. Oranges 400 23c caUf. Fall Podded THE WHITTIER Swarthmore, Pa. I U S No 1 New Potatoes . """ " each 3ge Watermelons -------'----::-- CO-EO Beauty Salon' THE TRAVELERS' INSURANCE COMPANIES PHONE. CHESTER 6141 • 111 carton • REGIONAL AGENTS , 82.778.87 DISBURSEMENTS -Yens EndedDecemlter December 11. Ita.. 31. 1I3a , 4.614..61 General and Administrative ••.••••.••• , 4.,647."7.1-&2.74 HilJhwa:y • • •• • •• • • • • •• •••• ••••• • ••• ••• 6.806.97 9.272-61 Pollee ••.••••••••••.•••..••••••••••••• 9.528.65 1i.646.28 Fire •• ••• •••••• . ••• •••••• • ••• .... ••••• 4.HB.07 2.046.8& Health •••• • • • • ••• •• ••• ................ 1.886.49 1.686.47 Public property ...................... 3.(04.56 112.48 Sewer •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . • • • • • • '182.99 6.89.{.4.0 Miscell.neous ••.•••.•••.••••••••••••• 6.416.00 1Ii.0OO.DO Tranaler to Sinking Fund (contra).... 350.63 2.185.28 Library • ••• • •• •• •• ••••••• •••••• •••••• 2.892.12 28.614-" Sinking Fund •••••••.••••••.••••••••• 12.120.61 263.11 165."7 ,.. BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DI8BURSEHBNTS 1.96 ----=..:..:,.._98!!"~' Dr. Tuttle's sermon Sunday morning on liThe BuDders" will have especial bearing on the commencement &eaSOn. Methodiat Cb1D'Cb Note. The session of the Sundsy School will EII_ .. 10.... a... Ma...., JaDaU7 Z4, Sunday, June 16, will be observed as go on as usual until August, when it will ':..:.·::-lc~;·~~ Children's Day. AD departments of the dose until after the first Sunday in Sep=~~~~~~~~~~~~== Church School will meet as usual at 9.45 tember. The Children's Day service at morning FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1935 A. M. Morning Service will be held'ln ==...;;.;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;,;;;.;.;;.;;;,;;;,=== the church at 11 o'clock, when Rev. Wayne worship last Sunday was one of the most WHY NOT? Channell, D.D., will make a special appeal interesting and the most largely attended to young penple, his topic being "The Will In recent yean. Dr. David McCahan, the To' the EdItor: to Win." Both Junior and Intermediate general superintendent 01 the Sunday Now that we have a "hot-dog" Btand Choirs will aing, under the leadership of School, directed the service. The singing 01 the girls' and boys' choirs received uni(1) within the aainted zone on Chester Mn. Lloyd E. Kauffman. Road, why not lemonade and peanut con· In the evening at 1 o'clock, a special versal praise. The sacrament of baptism cesions? T. HARRY BROWN. Children's Day play, entiUed "Feed My was administered to the three children of Lambs," will be presented on the stage of Mr. 'and MrS. Roy G. Rincliffe-Peggy the Sodal HaD. The play will be directed Jane, Eulalia Claire and Nancy May RiD· by Mrs. Henry I. Hoot, and the cast will cliffe. Awards were presented by the CONTFSI" SUGGESTION be as follows: "Teacher," Miss Eleanor church to the following membera of the To the SWARTlDlonAll: Shinn; uConscien~tt Louise Paulson; girls' and boys' choirs: First aw~rd to I" IAe "Fmr Play" "Truth," Blanche Cheyney; "Wisdom," Nancy Price; second ~ward, Diana BrewThe fine sense of thrill and adventure in Betty Pitman; "Talents" Group, S. Ray- ster; third award, Phyllis Simpson. First competing in the "Annual ConteSt" bas mond, D. Thomas, E. Thorn, W. Hawkes award, Russell C. Kneedler; second award, and C. Lawton; "Duties," Helen 8.4d Doris James W. Johnstone, Jr.; third award, Whitecar, Nancy Hoot, Betty Brinsfield Thomas M. Jackson, Jr. These awards and Betty Mitchell, in charge of Miss Dolly are given to those members of the choirs Viscidi; URich Young Ruler," Arthur who have reached a marking of ninety Cheyney, with Primary Group in clwge ·and upward. The first award is a beauof Mrs. L. L. Hedgepeth; IIAndrew,'" Fred tiful gold charm and the second and third Yocum; ·"Eran." Fred Scotti "Silas," Ed- the same in silver, each suitably inscribed. ward Alston; "Loaves and Fishes Group," In addition to these, awards were given 'Jimmy Kauffman, Jack Hufna!, Phoebe to three members of each choir who had. Hulual, Arthur Manduke, Martha Ray- reached a rank of between eighty and . mond and Helen Hoot, in chL""ge of Mrs. ninety. These awards, a copy of the new OUo Kraus; "Messengers," Dick. Hoo!:, Bob church hymnal with the ilame of the reo PERMANENT WAYES Peterson, Jack. Pitman, Billy Thorn and cipient inscribed in gold on the cover, and a suitable inscription within, were given Howard Sheldrake. The monthly meeting 01 the Official Ruth Child, Beatrice Brewster, Phyllis Storm, Edwin K. Rutherford, Clifford Bryant and Charles Gillespie. The funds for the purchase of the awards were from the income of the Jessie Bacon Potter Me"'l morial Fund , the income of which is to be 409 Dartmouth used for the. enrichment of the mUSIC of QuaUty at Medium Price Perfect Heatin .. at Low Cost Phone 595 the church, and wele thus in memory of Swarthmore WM. S. HOBBS Mrs. William Plumer Potter, the donor. Swarthmore 1666 The awards are given for faithfulnesS in lbe work of the choirs, for loyalty, cooperation and excellence in musical attainment. The following members of the Sunday School were presented with certificates of 140 North 15th Street recognition last Sunday for regularity in Philadelphia attendance: Primary Department-Mar- ROSAIJE DRYDEN ALL'S WELL SCHEDULE B , 67,162.08 .,----- 3. Your nurse's bill for any kind of an accident to yOU? -Yean EndedDecember Decem"r 11, 1181 SI. 1914 .. 50.197.80 Taxe8 Collected ...................... $ 49.118.31 115.000.00 Transfer of Fund!! (contra) •••.•••.•• 350.63 Auessments on Street Impl'Ovements and 11,420.90 868.06 Liens ........................... . 1.69B.14 1.692.79 Pole and Main Tas: ••••••••••••••••••• 718.00 969.60 Permits ••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••• 2,600.00 600.00 Sale or Redemption of Banda ••••••••• 8,449.88 From Other Sources •••••••••••••••••• 2,267.4' • Notes Presbyterian . FOR THE UNDEaNOTED DATES Cuh Received ••••••••••••.•••.•••••••••••••••••••••.••.•.•.••.•••••• ;$ 6,818.75$ 14,928.20 Tax CoUector'fI Commission ..••••...•.•.••••••.••••••.•••••.••••••.•.• 159.48 6.478.1B GaNraI J, _ _ TITUS EWIG T1UN1TY OHUROH 41,220.98 Tu: Unpaid for 1988 at December 81. 1938 ...................................... $ 14,719.06 Penalties Added on Tax Received .............................................. 204.14 U1tor . . . The First Quarterly Conference will be held in the Chapel on Mondsy evening, June 24. The Church School picnic wiD be held, weather permitting, on Thuradsy, June 27. protestant Episcopal Ch.eater Road and Collese A'i'~ue NOTE: Subject to aceompanyill8' comment. Penalties Added on Tax Received . ........... ................................... $ 12.928.88 1...4 ANN B. SHARPLES Norri,town, P .. 1.744.96 Total 1984 Tax Rec:elvs.ble at December 81. 1934. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $ 12.929.82 2. Your hospital bill. 3.993.02 926.16 _6,600.00 $ 6'.149.81 Tax Received ••.•..••••••.•••..•....•••.••••••••••.•.••..•.•••.•••.••. $ 88.489.0'1 CommisaloM Paid ................................................ ~.. • 98&.90 WILL YOU SEND US UP TO Accounts Recelv.ble The total of tax duplicates for the year 1934 in the amount of $54,149.81 was made up Surplus: 7 , WOMEN!! $15 $ parents of some of the contestants have been "picketing" the village stores for votes. As this contest Is for children under 18 years, let's keep it that way and aU the adults who have voles to give away, give them to the children under the age Umit and give aU the children an even break. MAE W. GRAY. ---+-- TWO QUAKER INSTITUTIONS .......................... $ Investments 8. Pay your Estate $10,000 if death follows accident on a Railroad, in a hotel. etc. 2,528.27 $ Cuh Cuh Balance Janua..,. 1. 1934 General Fund ••.•••••••••••••.• $ 19,191.86 Sinking Fund ••••••.•• ••••••••• 9,125.60 Spedal Fund .................. 412.76 been dulled for many of the children, be- Board will be held this evening, June 14, I 19" •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '117.000.00 The amount. of outatandlntr boncJ. of the various lsaues are listed hereunder. ..Pu._ .... .. _ PIa_, ............ -- ---------------- cause while they have been in school the In the Chapel at 8 o'dock. Fowulod .,. . . . . . Eo sSoup", PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA. Accident Policy I 'i"HE SWARTHMOREAN THE SWARTHMOREAN Obtains Law Degree To the Borough Counell and Burgess, BoroUgh or Swarlhtnore, JUNE 14, 1935 Wednead&J' rteniq meetiDlf eaeh week, 8 p. m. Read.lnlr room open dally, except Sundays and holidan. 1 to 4; Ch1U'Ch edifice. A.ll are eot'dially tnvited to aUeD.d tile IH"" Ieee and use the Jteadina ltoom. Standing tb 35c ) White Americiln Sandwich Cheese Yz \I) 140 \I) cup 150 Beet or Potato Salad, Cole Slaw Pepper Relish \I) cup 170 Cooked Ham Y4 111 18c J Fresh tb Sc ' Mackerel Large Fresh Fillets of Oenuina Haddook lb 110 Fresh Sea Bass or Butterfish 11> 100 Wltere Quality Co..,ts and r Money Goes 1'-:J~"~fI-esf 0.' 'l'hese PrI('eS Etrentv('I In Our Stores and Meat Markets In ~ "nd VIC"lnU,. JUNE 14, 1935 THE SWARTHMOREAN Local FIl'eIIlC!ll Parade Tomouow The firemen are ready to do justice to Swarthmore in the parade of the Delaware County Firemen's Association which will be held at 3 o'clock tomorrow after... noon, Saturday, June 15, in Chester. This wiD be the largest gathering of fire equipment and men ever to be held in Delaware County. The members of the Swarthmore Fire Compaoy hope you wiD be there. college Y. W. C. A., a member of Pem- versity, bas been awarded a vanity letter I vacaUon and leave of absence this summer broke literary society, has passed her Red for his participation in track during the to study in the Graduate School of Social Cross life saving tests and was on the past season it was announced today by Service Administration at the University the Depart';'ent of Pbyslcal Education at of Chicago.. Miss Mary Ferguson, for senior class memorial committee. years identified with the field of social the University. • work, will be the summer worker. 0. "140 Figure at George School Preston Buckman, son of MJ. F,. and Mr$. Howard M, Buckman, of Dickinson Avenue, was awarded his varsity letter in tennis at George School. Edward Thatcher, son of Professor and Mrs. CharIes' G. Thatcher, of 613. Ogden Avenue, was gr,aduated fro~ George Scbool, OD. June. 10. Edward plans. to continue his .education next year at Cor.. nell University. Irma Zimmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Zimmer, 135 Ogden Avenue, Swarthmore, was also graduated from George School, last Monday. Irma plans to continue her education next year at V....r College. FOR RENT-The Blenbelm. 2U Park AveDue, ROBERT C. BROOKS, . AtLultic CUOli.... " Motor On. &a. Outer Raa. Fum... Road (Near Player. Club)' Co ErrOl' We regret that in last week's issue there was aD error in the spelliDg of the name of Elsie R~un1ng, third grade, who won first priZe ia the annual art exhibit sponsored by the Federation of Women's Clubs of Delaware County•. ee... AI Pr.ur, P"L.}IuI . , PA R K u...I.H'''~1.b'_''.J. _ ..... ..m._ _ FOR RENT-Ho......... I.g apartme.", CASH OR CREDIT JeweJ..,.. . . WE BUY OLD GOLD 414 Haverford Place 5wa. 632-J, Swa. 58 William Kurb:halz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kurtzhalz, of Park Avenue, was among 5Cven J \inior dassmen of Dickinson College, wh9 were recently honored with membership in the Ravens Claw, Senior cfass Honorary Fraternity, for next year. Graduating from Wooster Miss Betty Bonsall, daughter of Rev, and Mrs. E. H. Bonsall, Jr., of Cornell Avenue, is' candi~ate ,for bachelor degree at the commencement at the' College of Wooster, June 17. Miss Bonsall was on the Student Senate, student governing body, treasurer of the BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE ORDlNANCE No. 371 An Ordin&.ncc amending Building Ordinance No. 275 of the Borough of Swarthmore. aDproved December 30. 1925, as respects charges for permit f(:cs therein refe1't'ed to. THE COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1. That Section , or Ordinance No. 270, approved December SO, 1925. be amended to .read as followa: SECTION ,. The applicant for an,. permit reQuired by this Ordinance shall at the time of making applieation pay to the Borough Setretary for the ·use of the Borough, a fee. the amount of which shall be computed as follows: When the estimated costs of the work is less than: $200.00 .•.........•••.•...•.••.•••. $1.00 $200.00 to '300,00 ...... ,........... 2.00 $300.00 to $4.00.00 .................. B.OO $400.00 to $500.00 .................. 4.00 $500.00 to $1,000.00 ................ 6.00 $1,000.00 to $10,OOO.0()-$5.00 for the first $1,000.00 plus $3.00 for each additional 51,0<10.00 or fraction therrof. $10,000,00 to $100,000.00-$32.00 for the first $10,000.00, plus St.OO for each additional $1,000.00 01" fraction thereof. SlOO,COO.OO and over-$122.00 for the .flrst $100,000.00, plus .50 for each additional $1,000.00 or traction thereof. SECTION 2. ,That Section 6 of the aaid Ordinance be' amended to read as followa: SECTION 6. For a permit t.c- remodel or Install a new heating, Ifghtinc. or plumbing system in any old huiJdill8'. the fee shall be computed on the same basis. as is provided In Section 4 hereof. SECTION 3. All ordinanees or parts of ordinllnc:es inc01lllistent herewith are hereb,. ..-Ied. Pueed this 5tb day of .lune. A. D~ 1915. J. ARCHER TURNER. Pl'ESldent of CouneU. Attest: ELLIOTI' RICHARDSON. Borouah SecretarJ'. Approved tbis 8th dQ of .June,. A. D. 1915. JOHN H. PI"l"MAN, Bu...... RENT-Bman fumlshed apa:rtm.eot. 600 North Chester Road. Telephone Swarthmore I 98. FOUND-Pair of ..peetKI.. la caae. at Collep Avenue Tennis Court.. Telephone SwarthDlore 1888. I AM IN TOUCH WITH MONEYFO~D LOCAL . MORTGAGES BUILDING CO~CTORS REPAIRS E.c.W~TON ... PAPERING PS' 282 cadela. Distinguished cadela are known as star men at West Point. A letter received by ]. Archer Turner Cadet Bagby and classmates leave on from Washington states that gray rough Friday for Mitchell Field, Long Island, for textured brick wiD be used In lieu of red training in aviation. brick in the new Post Office BuDding. The movement to have this change made was Receive Mar,. Lyon Awards Sponsored hy Borough Council and backed by the Swarthmore Business Association At the combined. commencement exerand the Woman's Club. of the Mary Lyon School· and Wildcises • diJf Junior College last week, Doris Famous Events in Pageant Sagendorph, daughter of Mr.. Charles N. Ten elaborate episodes and a cast of 250 Sagendorph, of Rose Valley, was awarded are required for the production of "His- the Wildcliff Cup for the outstanding mem'torie Delaware," the sixth annual Kennett ber of the graduating class, based on Legion Pageao!, with Fountains, at the schoJatship, Ben-ice, leadership' and athLongwood ()pen-Air Theatre, near Ken- letics, and Doreen Mitchell, daughter of nett Square, Pa., on June 20, 21, 22 .... , Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell, of WalAmong the pageant scenes are: "The lingford, was awarded the Emma Braun Settlements, including the Swedes, Dutch, Bowl for the outstanding athlete of Mary and William Penn"; "Famous Ride of Lyon. The Lenore Granger Memorial for Caesar Rodney," "Wild Harry," "Naming Loyalty to the outstandiug member of the of the Blue Hen's Cbickens," UBattle of Mary Lyon Schoul was awarded Janet Cooch's Bridge," in which the Stars and James, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Stripes were first carried; "Delaware, the M. James, of Yale Avenue, Swa~more. First State to Ratify the Constitution," SHERIFF SALES "Lafayette at the Van Dyke-du Pont WedOllice. Court HoUR. Media. Pa. En Sheritr. Tbund.,.. ding ," "Washington in Wilmington . June 27. 1915 Jloute to the Inauguration," and many 8:80'o·eloek A. II. Eut.ern Standard Time others. Farniahetl--S1Immer, 1935 $801 • bedrooms. neat cou.,e, 3 1Md- • LetP- • ~:~~=~~~~:!!!!!!:!:!:~(..... IOc) potatoes W terme ons a ,I Canta oupes Fresh Peas Orr-•....- c. I FUNERAL DIRECTORS FURNITURE RESTORING UPHOLSTERING Call Swarthmore 1441 st.. Today, your opportunity for big savings ;s - here. Highest quality hard coal is selling HEATING at the lowest June prices in many years. ROOFING Woodward, Jackson It Black, Inc. READ THESE COLD, HARD FACTS To keep men working now, we have put the June prices on the larger sizes of our hard coal at the lowest June level in years. The railroads have lowered freight rates. RETAIL COAL MERCHANTS are giving you the WHY READING HARD COAL IS sup.a-CLEANED YE Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER, Prop. benefit of all these savings. Act Now. At these low prices, be sure to fill your bin to the brim. With other living·· costs rising, low hard coal prices can't last long. Be sur·e of full weight and highest quality by ordering from a responsible, . re.liable, established. retail' coal merchant. Call a Reading Anthracite coal merchantTOD~Y. Make this investment that gives you big savings.· COAL AND IRON COMPANY R_dlna Terminal, Philadelphia. Pa. IGHT llATES· offer ..viDJI OD all oatoO!· town calls ...here !be day nte is .co cea.a or more. They are as much .. 40"1... thaD day roles on maDJ ealh. For exampl.. where the day rate is a dollar, the night nte is only 60 s:eDts. THESE REDUCED NIGHT RATES· NOW START .t SIlVIlN P. M. .N;Pt _ s... apply""" . . Calla OD. wIai& Ibe cIq r.Me is .co CtQ1S 01' mort. GEO. GILLESPIE & CO. BUILDERS Alterations and Repairs Painting KUPPINGER Awnings • Shades .FRANK WAGNER Wallpapering d.OQ~to.Sudoa Heflin M ason COAL CO. Call Swarthmore 6 or 345 S-" N .....' - -... • C 23& 2w.rqc 2 .. 15c ,;. $ eel by the It oa lea: MecIk:aI ANa. Com. Po04.. (, i , ; : ~ , , . , . ' BUTTER 2 PrInt Butler ss=~!:Z"2 ib~'$9c (Ro!i."'" /!'&'P BRAND a.) NO·:i19··C· FANCY SIFTED PEAS Dc a • elln IONA CRUSHED NO.2·.· O·C Corn Standard Quality Bel Blonte-Sliced Paclced in Peaches Heavy .can . largat can Syrup .6C Hamplon Fresh-Baked Soda Crackers • SUNNYFIELD Sliced Bacon • 2~~35c Pinle Salmon • 3:!29. Good Food V.I•••t •• P eas AExc.pll N.'!~2 5c ••al Low Pric.1 . COLO STREAM POLK'S FANCY FLORIDA 2 ~~,'19c GrapefruIt • • Th rlvo {l2con.8Sc} lican.29c Royal Desserts - 2 pkg.llc DOG &. CAT POOD Sale of Hein:t Products! 3 1:;::25c Heinz Beans • 14-oz bot 18c Heinz Ketchup • Soups E..... CI.mChowd.. 2 ca., 25C H elnz - (ASSORTED) aod Cooaomme m.d Clam Chowder and Consomme 2:=.'! 29c Heinz Rice Flake. pkg IOc Ib21c - Long Island -(T:.:d.~Ptu:,P) Ducklings Legs of Lamb Ib 27c 1935 GENUINE SPRING LAMB I N THI PHILADILPHIA AND READING ,. mental Parade on Tuesday, having attained a general average of over 91% and standing twelfth in the Class of 1936 of MRS. A. J. C.liloroio E;:;: Mille ~!6C thereon el1!C!ted. situate In the Township of Upper Darby. Delaware Count)" and State of Penruylvim£a.. B~lnnlnR' .t· a point. on the soutbelUlterly sIde of Golf road (forty feet All Lines of lnauraueo wide) .t the dlltance of two hundred and seven and twenl:7-two one-hundredths feet lucludlug Life SHERIFF SALES northeasterlY. by 'two COUftt!ll~ from 'the northSherlft"a Office. Court Houae. Media. easterly aide of Wett Cbatel" road (sixty feet N.tarr ....Uc Penna. wtde) containing In front or breadth on .ald [ ThUl'lliday• .lune 20. 1936 Golf road, ftfteen feet. six inches and of tbat 417 DARTMOUTH AVE. SW. 1833 8.30 o·clock A. M. width extending In length or depth aouthEastern Standard Time eastward between parallel Unes at rlcht angles to said Golf road. nlnelY, feet to a certain ten QUINBY & SON feet wide driveway whleh exlenlk northeastCondIUons-$260.00 Cub or certifted check wardl,. into another ten feet wide drivewll7 I JOSEPH E. QUINBY at time of sale (unleu otberwtae .tated in whieh extends northweetward Into Aid Golf ERNEST G. SNODGRASS. ASS'T. adverti&ement.). balance in ten days. pthcr road. conditl01lll on day of aale. Together with the free and common use. right. liberty and Drivllege of the aaid driveNo. 889 waJ'B as and for paaaagewa)'ll and water BELL PHONE 4 Ml!DIAa Po\. Fieri Facias September Term. 1984 counes at all times hereafter forever. Improvements consist of two-atory stone, All that certain lot or piece of ground with stucco and brick house, 15d4 feet;: two-Btorr the bulldinp and improvements thereon stone and brick addition. 12d2 feet; tw~ erected. ' story frame addition. 6xl0 feet;: enclosed Situate In Ardmore Park in the Tow1lllhip front porrh: basement P1'lL8'e. ' of Haverford. County of nelaware and State Sold as the property of Sarah G. Brownlee. of PenDllylvania. boundM and described HC· cordin&' to a certain survey and plan made mortgagor. and Julia Beam. real owner. by Over A Tingley. C. E •• Upper Darby, Pa., EDWARD H. BRYANT. Attorney, Send for Harley-You'll Not Be SO...,. on April 8th. 1926. as follows. to wit: Beginning at a point on the southwesterly side of County Line road at the distance of No. 247 fifty teet measured southeastwardly along the Levari Facias said aide of County Line road from its interMarch Term. 1935 HODe.t Under the Cover section with the southeasterly side of Biddle All that certain lot or piece of ground avenue (fifty fee' wide)' thenoe continuing along the aald side of County Line road south situate in the Borough of La1llldowne, County thirty.two degrees twenty-two minutes thirty of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania, Sh.p: 27 MaiD Morton. P.. seconds eut thirty feet to a swke; thenee hounded and described accordtru: to a eel'~ south fU'ty-8even degrees thlrty·four minutes taln survey and plan thereof made by Damon d-..I- P twenty seconds west -paaaing through the mld- and Foster. Civil Engineen, May 18th. 1926, R Eve., Call~ Swa. 1839..J, u cua;e, .. die of the party wall between these lI"jmiaea as followa, to wit: Beginnirg 'at'a point on the northwesterly ---'!!:'~.~..:~"-"'".'-..:-:.-.::-"-:::.--=--'-"'-'-="1 ad .... ~fes cadjo"l~ _ "4h ,st and cl"088ing a twenty-five feet. wide al"C!8. way aide of Lansdowne Court. said point being extending 'southeastwardl,." and _ northwest- at the distance of Beventy.three and fourteen PLUMBING wardly and communicating at its northwest. one-hu:1dredths feet m.easured southwestwardly emmoat end: with a, certain ten teet wide by a curve hearing to the rigbt. having a driveway extending northeastwardly into radius of one hundred fifty-five feet from Counl:7 Line road one hundred five feet to a another point of eurve In tbe westerly aid~ point on the southwest side of said twenty~ of Lansdowne Court. said last menti()ned point ftve feet wide area way. and thence alontr the of curve being at the distance or thirty-foul" said side of said area way north thirty-two and fifty.nine one-hundredths (84.59) feet degrees twenty-two minutes thirty seconds measured southwardly by a curve bearing to SWARTHMORE 43 west flve feet to a stake; thence south fifty- the right having a radius of thirty-six Ilnd seven degrees thirty-four minutes twenty sec- twelve one-hundredths (86.12) feet from the ORB west seventy-ftve and twelve hundredths point of tangencY in tbe BOuthwestwardly aide feel to a stake: thence north thirty-two de-- of said LaDlldowne Court. said point of grees. twenty.two minutes thirty se .onds west tangenc;y being at tbe distance DC one buntwenty.five feet to a stalee and thence north dred sennt,. and eil:hty·six one-hundredths fl.lty..geven degrees thirty-four minutes twenty (170.86) feet southeastwardly from the. point seconds east partly along the northwesterly of intersection of the southwesterly hne of side of said proposed ten feet wide driveway Lansdowne Court and the southeasterly line one hundred eiJrnty and twelve hundredths of the part of Lansdowne Court whleh leads feet to the first mentioned DOint and pl~e of northeastwardly into Lansdowne avenue;; exbeginning. being known as 2740 East Count,. tending thence from the first mentioned point Swa. 19 along the northwesterly side of said Lana· Line road. Under and subject to certain buildiug re-- downe Court south sixty-one degrees twenl:7strlctlons as therein mentioned. four minutes west seventy-fl.ve feet to a point, Subject also to the Hen and payment or a a corner of other lands of said grantor; thence certain mortgage debt or principill sum of extending aloR8' the same north twenty..elght seven thQusand dollB1"8 with Interest thereon. degrees thlrty.four minutes west one hunTogether with the right. liberty and priv- dred twenty-one and aeventy·six one-hunilege of the above mentioned twenty-five feet dredths (121.76) feet to a -point;; thence exwide area way and proposed ten feet wide tending north sixty-one degrees thirty-one drlvewlLY as a means of ingress, eg~ and minutes e&Bt seventy-fl.ve feet to a point;: regl'elJllo in and to &BId premises, reservtng unto thence extendinil' south twenty-eight degrees the Aid mortgagors the free use. right, liberty thirty-four minutes east one hundred and and privilege of the above mentioned twenty- twenty-one and thirty one-hundredths (121.30) five feel wide area way and ten feet wide feet to a point in the northwesterly side of driveway for the benefit of the ownen. ten- Lansdowne Court. being the first mentioned ants and occupiers of the premises i~medi­ point and place of beginning, ately adjointDB' on the southeast. snbJect to Improvements consist or tWQoostory stone and the proportionate expense of keeping saId area Way and driveway In good order and shingle house. 64x18 feet: twQoostory stone and shingle addition, 10x12 feet; bB.Jement garage. repair. t b •k Improvements constat of two.s ory rIC Sold as the property of Joseph _C. Hurley house. 21:1.75 feet; store front; cement block and Carmelita Hurley. mortgsgors and real and frame garaae. 2'x18 teet. . Sold 88 the property oC Louis Mariaul, John owners. Troiano. Agustino Armando and Joseph Hand mone;.r-$500.00. Fabiano. S. 1.. HAGY. Attorney. HUGH BONNER, Attorm!!y. NATHAN p, PECHIN. NATHAN P. PECHIN, Sherifi'. Sherif!. PETER E. TOLD 20c ••10. Ice........lt~~~':: T.... ,... """,,,,' • 1·39··c 2 he23c . 5 i-_loo .... ~ vA&.CMCM Condltione-$260.00 cUh 01" cel"ti8ed. check at time of sale (unless otberwiae etaW In adveriieement), balance In ten da)'ll. Other condltioll8 on day of me. Distinguiabed Cadet . ' '. ...... (LA~GI1I8JZ11} ...-. _ • 10Ib.19C·. ~ANtr u.s. ... _5'* roo", ........ $SO; 3 bedro~lId, aletplu. Cadet K. Baghy, son of Major C. A. porch. $45, S heclrooms" ~at& Bagby and Mrs. Bagby, of Pcinceton AveWM. S. BlTTL£ No. 895 nue, WIlS designated as a distinguished Leuri Facias SwartJun.".. :lIl:'" • Marth Term, 1916 cadet of the Class of 1936 of 'Nest Point Matar)' PubUc - ba~aDc. Real Ealate AU that certain lot or piece of ground and awarded a gold star at the Regi- with the meuuqe or tenement about to be Emma Michael on College Staff Admitted to Ravens Claw FOR WM. KIMMEL & SON • Miss Emma Michael, of Park Avenue, Swarthmore, a member of the 1935 graduating class at Swarthmore College, has been added to the staff of the physical education department of the college. Miss Michael recently received the gold block liS," tbe highest sports award 'If the college. She bas been coaching golf this past year and has also been playing first place as captain. Wben she returns in the fall she will continue to be the golf coach and in addition she will assist in basketball and hockey. Miss Michael has been outstanmng in sports in Swarthmore College, having found a place on every team for at least a year. As a freshman, hockey and swimming were !Jer sports, and she made both varsit~es. Her second year she also made the varslty tennis team, and last fall she was elected t:aptain and played star goalie on the variity hockey team. Miss Michael showed her athletic prowess this la-;t winter by making the varsity basketball team the first time that she cl!-me out and this spring by starting the first women's varsity golf team. a.. and .Ix rooma and bath; OD the hUl; all conveniences. Albert" N. Garrett. Swarthmore '89-PenD7PlIICker 44'2. FOUND PHILADELPHIA , Houaekeepinar apllrtmenta. 6 roolDl, Z porehl!8, furatabed. or uofurnlahed. ~.. phone 60g.J. FOR RENT-Apartment 00 the Hill: 2; lane roolDJl batb, and kitehenettL Garaae if desired. • Tel~bone Swarthmore 60-.1. • Mn. Mutb to Cbic:ago Margaret Trawin Little, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Helen Muth, Welfare Secretary of and Mrs. Ralph V. Little, of Park AveDue, was a candidate for the degree of the Social Service Department of the Com- I Bachelor of Science at the commencement munity Health and Welfare Society of exercises of Sargent School on Monday, Central Delaware County, will have her June 10th. Miss Little's numerous activities at the school included class basketGets CO""mhiiOll THIS SUNDAY ball, boat crew, fistball, swimming, class Charles Sproat Smith, son of Mr. and tennis, aquatics corps, Block Masque, News, 3r.M-ID.s.,,, Mrs~ Morris. E. Smith, of Cornell Avenue, Riding Club, Tennis Club and White lVO .0,. was among 35 graduating students of Le- Domino. ~olV O.. high University of Bethl~em, who received Hear your ~.. commissions as second lieutenants in the Receives Track Letter f.vorlte selecUons sung by that famo"s Reserve Corps, United States Army,: on male' quartet-the Phila_ John B. Ro.by, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. Tuesday at the annual exercises. The delphians. Other featured artist. mclude Aida Jane commission comes. as a reward for the com- B. Ro:xby, of Cornell Avenue, and a reemBectal, Ol".aniet. and Anne pleUon of all requirements of the Reserve ber of the junior class at Wesleyan UuiSimon, Contralto. Officers' Training Corps as earned through the four yeaQ siqce entrance, to the uniJr. versity. ~EMORIAL • FOR RENT • Graduates at Sargent School Gray Brick for New Post Office CLASSIFIED W.tcheo Diamoada T THE SWARTHMOREAN JUNE 14, 1936 PHONE, SWARTHMORE 1129 Forquarl:er Lamb Short eat .& 19c ALSO SIMILAR REDUCTIONS ON OTHER CUTS OF LAMIII Smoked Hams • Ib23c FINEST STEER • Ib25C Chuck Roast Bon.I••• Pal: Roast 27e .. Cros.·Cut Roast. 31e Sm.1I Size Morrell's Eureka-Shank H.I. I.. Large Boston Maclcerel Ib 5c CLBANBD AND IICAIBD-HBADII ONI F....h Porgies and eroaken Sliced Steak Cod 123 SOUTH CHESTER ROAD THE GREAT (s..." sm.'" - 2"13c .11&c Ibl2e Atlantic 60 PacIfic TEA co. Theoo II JUNE 14, 1935 Philadelphia, showed pictures of her recent I church, and nature, as a laboratory b, trip to Palestine, where she viewed the which to seek God. The Dental Honor Roll for the Swarth- recoustruction work of the Jewish people The School will be under the auspices more School has just been announced who are making the most of the meager of all the churches in Swarthmore, but Will Helen DelhI, dental hygienist. resources. Shortage of water Is one of the includes all children who have been to g.eatest problems, and so the planting of be. conducted at the Presbyterian Church. dentist at least once this year and who trees, pines and .ucalypt.... Is of particular Its leader will be Mrs. Peter E. Told, Who haa had extensive experience In chIId"n's bave had all their teeth corrected as far aa benefit. work, both with the Carnegie Foundation correction abould be 1IWle. The elemenand the Chautauqua Association. The tory school pupils have rearhed a high staff will be composed of volunteer tesche.. was ODe of the Jirst membeJ'B ot the for over five years rector of total of 97 per ceDt, that Is, there are 418 from the various co-operating churches. Woman'. Auxiliary. Miss Martha Keigbton' Church, will celebrate the tenth on the Honor Roll out of a total enrollTo uaIot in meeting the expenses of the and Miss Irma Keigbton are memb... of of his ordination on Sunday morning ment of 429. Schoo~ a tuition fee of one dollar per fam_ the Parish. the 11 o'clock service. Eight of th. rooms have all children By will be charged. Additional contribu_ The other speakers will include Dean On Trinity Sunday, 1925, Mr. per cent on the dental roll. These rO'''''''1 tions will be appreciated, however, as ex_ H. E. B. Speight, representing the Col- was ordained by the late Bishop are: Miss Reinhardt, Miss Laura Seui perience abows that the fees collected do lege; the Rev. John Ellery Tuttle, D.D., in the Church of the Saviour,. Philadel- E~eberw~issBGeJfreen, M... 0118 Each Momins But Satur- not cover the costs of the supplies and as dean of the clergy of the borough; Dr. phia, and became rector-in-charge of that art, ord and Miss day Until CloaiDg Esercisea equipment which the children use. A .joint Arthur E. B....tt, who will speak for the Parish, serving there until c:a11ed to be College Avenue kindergarten. The followJuly 26 committee consists of: Mrs. Juliet C. Board of Education, and Mr. J. Archer a.....aate rector of the Memorial Church ing rooms have over 90 per cent: . Miss Kent, Friends; Miss Gladys C.QubiJan, Turner, who will represent the Borough of St. Paul, Overbrook, for three y..... Hewes, Miss McCaIIin, Miss Moore, Miss The churches of Swarthmore offer again Wesley A. M. E.; Dr. Scott B. Lilly, TrinCouncll. Trinity Mission w.. founded as In December, 1929, he took charge Moran and Miss Janet Krall. this summer the privlleg. of a Vacation ity P. E.; Dr. John E.TutUe, preby. a memorial to the late Rev. Pbllips Brooks, Trinity Parish and was elected rector • Bible School opening Monday, July 1, and terian; Dr. David McCahall, Preabyterjaa, I Trini Ch --~ closing with commencement exercises on and Dr. Wayne Channen, MethiHlilt; . f H one time rector 0 0y tr Un.u, February, 1930. Two years later the Philadelphia. church was' opened for Use. Friday, July 26. There will be no classes on July 4. Sessions will be held each day, Following the service there will be a ParMr. Guenther, a graduate of Haverlord except Saturday, from 9 A- M. to 11.45 Preaideat of Delta Theta Slama ... Reception tendered by the wives of College, studied at the Law School of the A. M. An children in the community tI!e Vest!Y. The dJalrman-of 1"" com- University of Pennsylvanis and gave up ". between the ages of 4 and 15 will be Henry J. HanzUk,' of Cornell AVtllu" D)j,tee in charge'is - - William B. BUl-/ business in 1922 to study for the ministry. welcomed, even though it may not be PO'" Senior at P ......ylvanla Stale .. (!otteae,.1\u ~, wife bf ~, J.u.r Warden, who was After one year at Princeton Theological (Continued from Pac. 1) sible for them to be present the enUre been elected president, of bfs fl1lletall" ' of the of the charter. The Seminary, he transferred to the Phlladeltime. There wiD be Nursery, Kindergarten, =th=e=D=e1=ta==Th=eta===Sig=m=a=.==""'''''''.....,., . "".. of·the committee include Mrs'j phia Divinity School and was I1rad'lat,ed I Betty McGarrah. This prize of $10 is Junior and Intermediate groups in order ,~ , Clay·,.Barr, Mrs. E. O. Lange and from it in 1925, magna cum He to be awarded yearly as encouragement of to interest and care for all agel. 1&:rs. W. Minton Harvey. took his Master's degree in from the work in music and to be given to the The ADDiversary·'s.r.;ces are in charge the same school in 1928.. boy or girl who shows the greatest progThe courses studied will be based on sugf th V-'~' M S'-' e1' D CI d ress in music and its appreciation. gestiODS by the International Council of o e. - " " r_ omU . yer y e He is secretary of the Diocesan DepartReligious Education. They WIll present .ding as \1!8inii.itn,:,,'" ,.: . ment of Religious Educatio;' and secreAll of these awards were presented at against a background of Biblical teaching 'TIle "inuSl~"~ be',ubde"t· the direction tary of the Commission on Student the moving-up exercises at the high SCllooll the Christian obligation of friendship. 01 Mr. Fredl,rlck A. KlUlpp," 'organist and Work. He was recently elected a member this mornli>g. Each daily session with its periods for ,tIaolrmaster. Mr. Casey .has been a mem- of the Committee on Reorganization of the Roland Eaton presented bills amounting worship, study, project and recreation will, Ji,r of the choir·since its ~ in 1907. Philadelphia Divinity School. Last year he to $744.28, checks issued since May 13 in It Is 1!oped, not only Interest and stimulate, Mr. J. Burris West· bllS' sUDgIn the tholr served .. a member of the Executive Com- the sum of $10,282.62, and the bill for the but work toward a new sense of God in sUke 1908 aDd his SOOt Newe!n Wefrt, is m.itt~ of the Convocation of Chester. state tax on the bonded indebtedness our everyday Hie and our consequent world also lI··lD.mber~' 'Mr' Men L"PaInarn has On Tuesday evening of this week, Mr. amounting to $1,206.25. All were approved responsibility. Consecutive sessions afford 15% REDUCTlON been active iii' the'i:bolr sma, 1909. A Guenther had still another bonor conferred and authorized paid. an opportunity for a varied and helpful IOnn"'~.:hl)1,·.'Noel:M~Y....~ In- upon him, being elected president of the Mrs. Lueders told of the resignation of use of the Bible, the great music of the on ......~:~,,~. Rev_ Mr. M_. to study Southwestern Sunday School Association at Charles A. Brinton, who will go to Clilton for the1l'J~rY: and is uttW.WOddng, under its annual mee' ......, held at the Church H' bts ••. . I d f Bishop CroSs,' hi the'~ of"WaSbIngton. of the Holy S;;;'ment, Highland Park, H:'!ld E~ SS::y~:';"', ,:-nCli.~d, a=t t:e . "", 'T ... Pa. Horace Mann School in New York City. Expert Desiping and F'rtting of FOR ONE WEEK ONLY For thirty-one yean; the late Rev. Waiter A. Matos was in charge of the Mi"'"n and Church. He took charge, after graduation from the Philadelphia Divinity School in 1898, and was elected fi ..t rector of the Parish in 1920, continuing his work unUl his death in August, 1929. (Continued from Pale 1) He was succeeded by the present rector, in the Sunday School. Mr. Keigbton was Mr. Guenther. also a signer of the Charter. MIS. Keigbton The Rev. J. Jarden Guenth.r, S.T 40th Anniversary of Trinity Church School o-tal HOllOI'; Roll I THI: • BIBLE SCHOOL TO OPEN JULy FIRST SCh00I Doard Aids VOL. Opportunity. Grace Brewster, having Jimmy Bogardus ............... 47,700 turned in 119,000 yotes between Wednes- Larry Drew ................... 38,800 day, June 12, anJl noon this Wednesday, Alice Craemer ....•......•.....• 38,200 bas earned the Brownie camera and film Bill Harvey .................... 37,400 which was to _10 to the child who turned Barhara Brown ...••.....•..••. 35,100 in the largest number of votes during that Alban S. Eavenson .......•..... 31,200 time. John Bair .. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 24,200 The closing hour, 6.00 P. M., next Page Bullock ................... 21,soo Wednesday, June 26, is less than a week Lol! W. Gray ... ,............. 18,200 from t~day. Kathleen Scott ................. 14,900 Upon consulting next week'. list of Mary Christine Stericker .......• 13,900 entries you will be shle to ascertain the Buddy Whltecar ............... 12,8OC winners of all eight prizes given by the Neal Durboraw ... "............ 12,200 SW...T....OREAN, the sponsor of this annual David Gilcr...t ................. 11,400 contest. The winners of the three addi- Bobby Longwell ............... 9,800 tiona! prizes offered by the A. &: P., the Beverly Steele ., .. ,............. 8,700 American Store and Buchner's Toggery Margy MacMillan .............. 8,400 Shop, will be made public the following Jean Flaherty .................. 7,700 Betty Jane Abernathy ........... 7flOO week. Who will be the winner of the grand Peter Miller .. ,',., .. ',........ 6,100 6/XKJ Prize? And will he or she choose the fine Bobby Reed ................... Elgin balloon tired bicycle or two weeks Ann J. Perkins ...... • • . . • . • • . • 5,900 at camp? Eddie Grant ................... 5,800 Those arc the biggest questions before Clifford Bryant ..... ,........... 5,400 t h e you th 0 f 5warth more these days. And N ancy H 00 t ••.•.••• , • • •• • • • •• • 4 ,I'00 · it will be only a few more d ays b efore J ack P ttman .. , , , ... , . . . . . . . .. . 4 ,700 we all know the answers. Daniel Kirk ... , .. , .. ,.......... 4,100 Conjectures mean nothing in this event Marian Bernard ..... ,.......... 4,000 wbere surprises reign-with children turn- Robert Kerr " .. , ..... ,......... 4,000 Jug in unexpected numbers of votes every Ford Wiggins ......... ,........ 3,400 day. Bob Johnstone ... "........... 3,000 Although girls now occupy the two lead- Phyllis Simpson ... . . .. . . . . . . . . 2,800 ing places, you can never tell what the boys Mary Garrett .... ',."... . . . . . 2,f:IJO will do and the next runners-up for somf' Jimmy Johnstone ,',.,., ..... ,.. 2,200 W2Y down the list are boys. Jean Evans .................... 2/XKJ Last year the winner was a girl and Ned Rutherford ........ ,...... 2,000 the year prevlons a boy. I Andy Robinson ................ 1,700 Boys, are you going to let a girl beat I Stephen Smith ..... ,........... 1,700 you again this year? Gordy Douglas ........... ,..... 1,600 You'd better consult the following ac- Print Manning, Jr•...... , ... ". 1,300 count of the various entries' positions and I 1,100 ' diet Pauline Deacon ....... . . .. . . . . . get to work to make next w eek 5 ver I • •• the Qne YOU want. RoblD WIllits .................. 11 Lilt .,F t 'II rBob WhIte .................... ...... Grace Brewster ...•.............. 169,400 - George L. Armitage, 3rd ........ 800 , 1'2,soo George. L E ar_aw.. --~ 600 Norma Hauger .................. .. .. .. .. .. -~~~="',;,,======;=====9F=~==:'===:=:=:=:==='===::. : POUCE NEWS _1_ l~,!"lI"iMi'- ~, '. .'",.,. Exhibits , AsI<';'';~~IhIo_ ·pirk~.,ltDq,li!i 1El':.......... D?mmtr~ indudins .peda1-~.";etc.tN·." .,. fUDd. NearLincoh:itiiRh"'Y.a-Ftdc!r. PENNYPACKER 0107 . . '-, 'or MALYRN'l'73' ' SUP COVERS .:DlWums VENETIAN BLINDS c. Wahl Olmes Miss Eleanor S. Hayes gave a private showing of her recent paintings on JUDe 3 at her home on Elm Avenue for her friends, Scenes along the Merrimack River in Whittier's country-tall winter trees blue-shadowed on snowy hillsides; cloudy skies blending with tbe river, all one har~ mony; studies in bridges and details of tree branches; sleepy winter landscape, and a home-picture of the green and gold of a summer day on tbe Brandywine. Miss Hayes is a graduate of the Pennsylvania School of Industrial Art. PRIVATE SALE of Houoehold Good. 265 SO_ 60th STREET S,=,me antiques in furniture, china. silver· ware, minerals. laboratorY apparatus. book•• trailer. greenhouse, kindling. firewood. etc. PHD..ADELPHJA Swa. tS'1-J' ~rt Work Tfme--Now Undl Juae 24 Sherwood 0511 Phone 1272 A. W_ COWNS !lt3 O ..den Ave. :r~~ resignations were accepted with re- $ ... 00 The meeting was adjourned Wednesday evening, June 19. until Tree Conbibution Raised The pupils in the various Sunday Schools of Swarthmore who have been contributing to the fund for the -Trees for Palestine, will be glad to know that the amount been raised for the "Swarthmore Grove" the George Washington Forest on Mt. Carme1. Some time ago Mrs. Rose Glider, of Grounds RD. 100 Vote. for Each $1.00 C..b Parchaae TWO SCHOOLS AT COLLEGE IN JULy lnatitute of Race Relations School of Social WOl'k Hold Terms This summer will be an unusually active 'one for Swarthmore College. Both a onemonth session of the Institute of Race Relations and an eighteen-day term of the Pennsylvania School of Social Work will meet on the campus. Tbe Institute of Race Relations is being held ullder the auspices of The American Friends Service Committee from July 1 to· July 29. Tbere will be a large and varied group of lecturers,_ including college professors, government officials, editors and many others. President Frank Aydelotte and Franz Boas are the honorary chairmen and Dean Harold E. B. Speight and Assistant Professor J. Roland Pennock are members of the advisory counciL The courses of study will number five and will cover the world problem of race and the American inter-racial situation, emphasizing Negro-white relations. In~ formation about the institute may be secured from the Institute of Race Relations, 20 South Street, Philadelphia, Pa. The Pennsylvania School of Social Work will meet from July 1 to Jnly 19. A wide range of subjects will be covered, including aspects of both public and private social work. No further applicatinns to the sChool" will be considered. The college has plaeed at the disposal of the two schools, in addition to living arrangements, the library, the tennis courts, the swimming pool, and other facilities. WHY YOUR DRUGS MUST BE FRESH Your docto.. will teU you that the effectivene.. of • prc.cription dep~nde upon the Ere.hue.. of ib ingredient.. The CoUe..e Pharmacy.Y5tem of datinR' .11 prescription guarantee. that DO .taIe. in.. effective dru~ will leaRD the benefit of your prescription. dru.... Your Doctor Has Faith in Our Prescription Department MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY CHESTER ROAD &: PARK AVENUE PHONE SWARTHMORE 857 ~ .. ~ "'- .;,.- It's the Only One of "ALL THRnE" with these 4 Features Speaking of gas and oil savings. one Swarthmore Plymouth owner says: "I can nearly pay my monthly payments on my new Plymouth with the amount I save on gas and oil:· Hannum &Waite So. Chester Rd. &Yale Aye, SWARTHMORE 1250 1 Genuine Hydraulic Brak. 2 Safety Steel Body Stone House Op""" as Redistribution of Weight 4 12 to 20% Saving Gal IIIId Oil m HANNUM & WAITE So. Chester , 3 See and Drive the 1935 Plymouth Today Ask about the Chrysler Motors' Commercial Credit Plan that makes it easy to own a Plymouth now. Roael and Yale Ave. Swarthmore 1250 DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY ENDOWED REV. JOHN £1 I ERY TUTI1.E \. Shop The Stone House Shop, located on the southeast comer of the grounds of the Strath Haven Inn, opened to the community on Saturday, June 15_ Made from the keeping-room of an ancient farm-house on this site, it shows the old arched stone fireplace of an earlier day, the wide window siIIa. and the. so)id ... stene partitions of early nineteenth century Pennsylvania homes. The old house bas gone through many vicissitudes, ending on Saturday with its opening as a shop of old and antique furniture, of handcrafts of t~y. of many . interesting articles of old farm usc turned . to Dew purposes. PER YEAR LAFAYEllE AVENUE TO BE PAVED SOON Counc:il Applies for W. D. Funds for Labor on Paving Two Blocks Boroqh L. The tinal payment in the total sum of Borough Council, at its regular meeting Wednesday, authorized the application for L. W. D. funds for paving Lafayette Avenue between Princeton and Harvard Avenues. The survey just completed by Mr. Broomall, the borough engineer, has ..tablished the pennanent lines and grades of the street. The stream along the north side of the street will not be disturbed as the street will be only 22 feet wide. The estimated cost of paving is $6825 and obtaining L. W. D. funds would decrease the cost about 40 per cent. Bids for resurfacing 13,700 sq. yds. of borough paving were opened and the work awarded to Michael J. Mahoney at a cost of $1379.75. The Atlantic and Refining Company was awarded the contract for oil and applying it at a cost of .0635 cents per gallon. $9OO/XKJ.00 given by Mr. Fred M. Kirby for the endowment of the Dr. Edward Martin Department of Biology at Swarthmore College, was made suddenly June 1, making possible the construction of a building and the establishment of the new department In the near future. Tbe endowment of the d~partment was pledged in 1929 and 1930 by Mr. KIrby, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., to be named for Dr. Edward Martin, '78, a member of the Board of Managers and a life-long friend of Mr. Kirby's. The pledge was made anonymously, and it was not until last December that the donor was persuaded to permit the announcement of his name. The aims of the Martin Department of' Biology are to provide facilities for both undergraduate study and intensive resear-~ and ,'t IS' expected to become an UJ, unusual example of the successful combma' .. A letter from Burgess Henry G. Turner, of Norwood, concerning the mosquito contion of both forms of study. Pastor of the Swarthmore Presbyterian tro1 work to J. Archer Turner, president Plans for the actual construction of the h" 'h an- of council, is quoted: buildifttJ' are as yet far from completion. Church, who celebratedf IS h runeteen~ ch -~ thO ~"O niversary as pastor 0 t at urUl, 15 UNorwoo d Borough Couna'1 tiled an ap Preliminary plans for sketches by architects have existed for a considerable period, month. plication with the 'L. W. D. of the F. E. but do not represent the final decision. R. A. prior to March 15, 19.35, for MosWith the complete payment of the entire quito Control in our county. endowment by the donor, it is expected "Some eighteen or twenty municipalities that as soon a.'i the necessary preparatory expected to sbare their pro rata cost of arrangements are made in the near future, material for this project. However, the work on tbe structure will begin. de1ay in starting tbis project makes it imThe exact site has not been definitely possible to obtain any material relief from chosen. Two sets of comprehensive plans Many Prizes Captured by Loc:al the nuisance this year. of future changes in buildings and grounds Flower Growers in Rutledge "Recently, while in Washington, I was of the college place the Martin Department ExIu"it advised that it would not be necessary for of Biology amid a group of proposed scilocal units to contribute toward the cost tnce buildings behind Parrish Hall near Swarthmore was unusually well repre- of material under the new Federal Emerthe present location of the playing fie1ds: sented in the list of prize winners at the gency Program. Additional information According to the same plans the college ath~ fifteenth annual spring exhibition of roses, was received to tbe effect that DO uew tied L W D . ts Ukel t be tarted letic fields would be moved to new and pert:nnials and delphiniums of the Ru ge . . . prOJec are yO! larger spaces south of Wharton Hall. Horticultural Society, which was held last before September. Norwood BoroU&h Of. the tolaLfund... of $9OO/XKJ.IlO. $2oo,c Saturday afternoon and evening and.. all Council has therefore withdrawn the q... 000.00 is -'provided for the erection of the day in the auditorium of the RuUed8e -Fire inal.,appllca1ion and lias filed" a new' fontt buildin- .... and the remainder for the teach- House." . whereby kthed entireb cost A th th will W be,.-bome P gand ... ing and research facilities. Mrs. George Zimmer, of Ogden venue, e wor oDe y e or-..:> ro r Mr. Fred M. Kirby is wcll known for won fi"t prize in Section C, Climbing Administration. his numerous gifts to educational institu- Roses Class 22 (shades of yellow, seven "Will you please bring this letter before tiODS, 13lld charitable organlzatiOns and bloon:s). Mrs. Zimmer also was awarded your Council and urge them to communiContinuing the practice of more strictly is one of the original founders of the pres- a pewter butter dish as sixth prize in the cate with Senator Joseph F. Guffey, Washenforcing the traffic rules in the borough, ent F. W. Woolworth five-and-ten~cent Sweepstakes--Sections A, B, C-Rose Sec- ington, D. C.; Harry L. Hopkins, Works the police have recorded numerous arrests store enterprise. A life-long citizen of tion, as well as fourth prize in Section D, Progress Administrator, Washington,. D. C .• again this week. Wilkes-Barre, he has given many large Garden Flowers, Class S3 (receptacle of and Edward N. Jones. State Duector, On June 13 the following men were . . . th t . perennials), and honorable mention in W. P. A' I Harrisburg, Pa., asking that the to orgaruzations m a reglon k b arrested for traffic VI·olati·on·. Robert E. endowments of Pennsylvania, Class 55 (arrangement of flowers in ODe new project be approved. and that wor e Among .other grants, Mr. Kirby endowed or more shades or tones of pink salmon begun at once. A letter from your resiBrumbaugh, of Chesterj Sidney Waldman, Frank C. JatDCS and Jobn S. Jackson, all the Chair of Civil Rights at Lafayette or rose), same section. dents to these gentlemen would also aid the of Philadelphia. Upon appearing for hear- College and gave the million dollar buildMrs. Henry A. Peirsol, of Lafayette Ave- cause, especially letters from physicians and ing un the 17th, James was fined $10 and ing which houses the department. Mr. nue, won fifth prize, and Mrs. A. R. O. professional people. costs and Waldman discharged with repri- Kirby endowed the two-million dollar Redgrave of Vassar Avenue, sixth prize liThe splendid co-operation shown by mand. Brumbaugh and Jackson have not Angeline Elizabeth Memorial Health Cen- in Scctio~ D, Garden Flowers, Class 30 your group convinces us that we miss a yet appeared. ter, which is well-known in the medical (special framed living flower picture). g'rcat many things by Dot knowing our On June 14 Alexander Allen, of Swarth- world. He bas also given grants to Hamp- Mrs. E. C. Lappe, of Park Avenue, at- neighbors beUer." more Crest, and ~obert .Conn, of Media, ton Institute, Wilkes-Barre General Hos- tained honorable mention in Class 36 A letter from Peter E. Told, one of the were discharged With r~pnmands and costs. pital, Hobart College, Lehigh University, (coreopsis), same section; Mrs. Peirsol borough insurance brokers, to Harry L. Abe Sussman of Philadelphia w~ fined Anatilia College (Greece), All Souls' third prize in Class 40 (olenotbera or eve- Miller, chairman of the finance committee, $10 and costs on June 14 for speeding.. I Church for the Deaf and Tuskegee Insti- ning primrose) and third again in Class is as follows: Carl Reinboldt of Lima, escaped with, tute. 42 (petunias). Mrs, Rcdgrave won fourth ult is with a great deal of pleasure that reprimand and costs upon appearing before Dr. Edward Marlin, for whom the new prize in Class SI (miniature receptacle of I can announce to you that llte under.. Justice Rumsey. department will be named, was gI1lduated flowers not over five inches in any dimen- writers, after inspecting Boro Hall, have On the 17th the following appeared be- from Swarthmore in 1878 j received his sion overall); Mrs. Peirsol first prize in lowered the fire rate on the building three fore Magistrate Rumsey after being ar- A.M. from here in 1882 and his M.D. from Class 55 (arrangement of flowers in one cents per hundred effective as of JUDe 1. rested. for motor violations and were dis- the University of Pennsylvania in 1883. or more shades or tones of pink salmon "You are entitled to a return premium charged with reprimands and costs: N. J. In 1919 he was granted an LL.D. from or rose), and fifth in Section D, Sweep- on all policies now in fo!ce." Buerdsell and W. L. Medford, of Chester; the University and an Sc.D. from Swarth- stakes. Jobn E. Gensemer, ch31nnan of the pubD. A. Brown, of Morton; Harry L. Miller, more in 1920. He has been Professor of Mrs. L:1ppe got fourth prize in Section lie safety committee, presented. a survey Jr., of Swarthmore; Milton Micbalylytza, Surgical Physiology at the University of E De1phinium, Class 60 (specimen stalk, made by Burgess Pitman and the superinof Chester, and John H. Brinton, of CUf- Pennsylvania and a member of the Penn- si~gle one) i Mrs. Redgrave, second in teodent of police showing. the dangerous ton Heights. sylvania Health Commission. Class' 6S (collection in one container), intersections in the borough. The public On June 16, Walter Herzberg and Homer • same section. safety committee will study the survey and A. Lord, of Philadelphia, and Sanford Girl Scouts to Hold Meet Mr. Redgrave won second prize in Sec- report at a later meeting. Pratt, of Upper Darby. were summoned to Uon E Sweepstakes. Dr. Pitman, the burgess, gave a report appear for traffic violations. A swimming meet and field day will be Mr. Lappe won second prize in Class on the recreation committee plans and Upon a final hearing Robert Greenfield held next Friday, June 28, from 9.45 A. M. 75 (Gaillardia, Jive blooms), and second asked for a donation for the summer games. and party who were arrested for driving to 4.00 P. M., at the Morlon Park Pool in' Class 79 (arrangement of flowers in It was the opinion of council that they over the college campus on June 8 were for all Girl Scouts and Leaders of DeJa- vase or basket). should not act on this request until all freed with paying costs and damage to ware' ,County. ( . The Swarthmore Woman's Club won mf'mbers of council were present. campus. The girls are requested to bring • nose- second prize in Class 59 for table centerAfter the meeting the ceremony of bumA small child, Glenna E. Ruff, daughter bag" lunches and those who will join in piece to be entered in the name of a Gar- Ing the $6000 worth of bonds redeemed of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Ruff, of Bowling the swimming are to come prepared with den Club or Garden Section of a Woman's last year on loans 8 and 9 was observed. Green, Media, was struck on College ~ve- a doctor's certificate, ten cents for the Club. • nue, on Thursday, June 13, by a car driven swim, a bathing suit, cap and towel. The judges of the show were David Elect Red Croal 0fIic:era Here by Evan E. Davis, of Chester. The child The program of the day will be in the Rust, Pennsylvania Horticultural Society; was taken to a local doctor and released following order: Registration, swimming, George G. Edmondson, Henry A. Dreer, The 1935 Annual Meeting of the Swarth.. when it was discovered. she had not been lunch, stories, singing, progressive· games Inc.; William O. Bird, I. N. Simon & Son; more Branch of the American Red Cross seriously injured. There was no prosecu- and contests. Announcement of winners Harry Wood, Swarthmore, and Mrs. Alice was held at the- home of Mrs. Willliun tion. and closing, Cope Rehfuss, WhIspering Pines Delphln- Earl KIstler, of Park Avenue, on Friday, Alan McCone, of Elm Avenue, Swarth_ _-<,0-__ ium Gardens of Norristown, Pa. June 14. more waa fined $5 and costs when he Directs Utah Festival I • Mrs. John Dolman, Jr., the 1934"-35 Ron ap~ on June 10, having been arrested Womea Sewmg Nat Week Cai1 Chairman, reported 1146 oDe dollar on June 4 by Patrolman Lindsay for passDr. John Dolman, Jr. of Vassar Av~ It is. sin,,"!,"ly hoped. that many women memberships, 25 five dollar and 5 ten doling through traffic sign without stopping. nue returned last week after direcUng the will volunteer to join the interested group Iar membenhip&-a total meinbenhlp of Two local youths were apprehended as festival at the annual conference of which will meet this summer to sew for 1176 with $1518.73 collected. The Nominating Committee reported the those who took a motor robe and radio the Mutual· Improvement AssocIation of the Needlework ~ui1d, under the leaderfrom one of the Smith garages behind the the Church of the Latter Day Saints, in ship of Mrs. F_ N0ri?n ~den, of .Prince- following names: Mrs. John Dolman, Jr.. American store some months ago. Charges Salt Lake City, Utah. Dr. Dolman is head ton Avenue, and will 10m the circle at to serve as chairman 'of the' Swarthmore were officially dropped. of the speech and dramatic department at its first meeting at 10 o'clock next Tu<5- Branch; MrS. William Earl·KlstIer, aa ViceAbout twenty signs advertising the Mor- the University of pennsyJvDDia IUld is day moiuing, June 25, on the porch of Chairman; Mrs. 'LesUe A. WetJaufer, Seeton Park Pool were removed from tele- author of nationally known books on pub- MIS. J. v. S. Bishop's home, 736 Harvard retary. and Miss 'Margaret' TUttle, Tressphone poles In the borough Dc speaking and dramatics. Avenue. urer: . These officetS were' dUly el~ I DOCTOR CLIFFORD M. RUMSEY ..< Swarthmore 1390 SO. CHESTER SWARTH_ 105 YOUR WE MAINTAIN A COMPLETE SERVICE DEPARTMENT Rutgers and Yale Aveaues 11 II Ask The New DOD G E Six The New PLYMOUTH Six SaIea and Service SUPLEE'S STORE Open I o· clock to Sundown Except Sundays We Invite You to Ride in and Drive DODGE and PLYMOUTH We DeU.er For Old Things Open. Saturday On Strath Haven Inn , Cash Purchase To your own satisfaction and with no obligation to buy $6.50 to $21.00 STONE HOUSE SHOP SO. CHESTER ROAD SWARTHMORE 47 and 48 We Deliver Votes for Each 892 PeDDSylvania, Novo IIIId Tryon Mowers 12" to 20" The QUALITY MEATS 100 R!:deimg A letler from Tilden, Register and Pel,oerl At Home or by the Day dated June 3 statP.d all of the nine con- The Harvard Sw. tracts let in conn"ection with the gym. . ltd nl5lum wIng were 100'" 10 eompe e • Charles A. Brinton was appointed prin~ opal of the summer high school. The calendar for next year was adopted :with classes beginning September 16 and school closing the following June 19. GEORGE MITRO & SONS :;,;, LAWN MOWERS HARRIET L TREAT ,310 21,1935 WlDDen in SwuthmMaD'. Annual Summer Adveature Opportunity to Be Announc:ed m Nat Week'. blue Freel M. Kirby Gives $900,000 The SWAllT....01IEA!f takes great pleasure Jimmie Kauffman .............. 61,200 for Department to Be Named this week in annow)cbIg the first prize Charles Gillespie ........•....... 00,600 for Dr. Martin winner in this year', Summer Adventure Jack Corse .................... 51,600 , ::0 SWARTHMORE, PA., JUNE CONTEST .CLOSES·NEXT WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26TH, AT 6.00 ~P. M. Re-eati··OD Fund ~ VB, No. 25 LOCAL WINNERS IN FLOWER SHOW ,:!! Beam m.:n. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 8 40th Annloversary of TrlOnlOly Church lHE SWARTIiMOREAII -... ---=--.c:--------------School Dental Honor Roll Philadelphia. shO\\'("d pictun'S of her recent 1church, ---------------~--------------,--- For thirty-one years the Jatc Rev. \Val-I h.'c :\. Matos \\as in charJ,:c of thl' Mi!'o.<.;ion nnd Chunh. uoalion frum Hc took charerc, after I'rad_ the ,... PhililtlcJphia I I JUNE 14, 1935 and nature, as a laborato~ trip to Palestine, where shc viewed the which to sl't'k God. The Dental Honor Roll for the Swartb- I I' k [Ih J 'h I ,... reeuns rue lon, wor 0 c eWls I)COP C The School will be under the ausp'IC., Divinit,v more School has just been announced by W I10 ure ma k'lIIg II Ie mos I 0,I th e meager of all the churches in Swarthmore, bUI 1\'1'11 ' Miss Helen DeihJ, dentaJ hygienist. This SI I I h II h'l h rcsourn'S. lOrta~e 0 water IS one ,0 t e , I rul I mc udes a c I dn'n w havc bcen to bl I h I ~l·reatl.st, pro ~d'ms, anI ( so t, e PI anhn,g ,of the dentist at least once this year and who (ConlllhJ(·jl from l'nge 1) have ha(J all their teeth corrected as far as breesfi' pmrs an euca yptus, IS 0 parheu ar CDC It. in the Sunda,v School. Mr. Kci!'hton was 1\1r. GUl·nther. correction should be made. The clemen· ~ f I '1 h h • al50 3 .signer of the Charter. Mrs. KeiJ!:htonl The Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S.~.~., !arl Y I "'flool pUJlI s 3h"e ,reaChed a high was one of the first members of the, for over Jive ','cars rector of Tnmh,' 0 a 0 9 per cent, t at IS, t erc arc 418 \\roman's Auxiliar,\' . .Mj~s Martha Kci ..hton· Church, will celebrate the tenth anniversar,\' on 1h c H onor R 0 II out 0 I a total eoroUrf and Mi5s Irma Keighton arc members of of his ordination on Sunday morning at ment 0 419. the Parish. the 11 o'clock service. Eight of the rooms have all children 100 " S ~~:~II:'~~ per cent on the dental roll. These roorr.s On THOlty unday, 1925, Mr. The other speakers will inc1ude Dean H. E. U. Spl'iroht, rcpresentin~ the Col· was ordained by the late Bishop arc: Miss Reinhardt, Miss Laura Krall, ICj!e', the Rev. •John Eller,v Tuttle, D.D., m the Church of the Saviour, PhiladcJ- Miss "Veb·r , .. , MI'ss G reen, M rs. K'Insey, M'ISS Sessions Eacb Morning But Satur· db' h I h Eisenhart, Miss Belford and Miss Pricc's day Until Closing Exercises ' h ecame rector-tn-c arge 0 t at as dean of the clergy of the borough; Dr. P 13, an Arthur E. Hassett, who will speak for the Parish, serving there until called to be Collegc Avenue kindergarten. The follow· July 26 Board of Education, and Mr. J. Archer associate rcctor of the Memorial Church ~ng rooms have over 90 per cent: Miss Turner, \\ho will represent the BorouP'h of St. ]Iaul, Overbrook, for three years. lewes, Miss McCallin, Miss Moore, Miss The churches of Swarthmore offer again 'I T' 'I 1\1' , I d d CI Moran and Miss Janet Krall. this summer the privilc!>e 01 a Vacall'on Counn. nm)' ISS10n wa:.. oun e as ]n Dccember. 1919, he took charge of t'> , I Ia Ih cae I I R e\'. I'h lipS I' B rooM, ,.. , Bible School opcning Monda"-', Jul)" I, and Tnnity Paris h and was eIcctcd rector in ~ a mcmorm ' 'I y Ch urc! h February, 1930. Two years later the new closing with commencement exercI'ses on one I'Imc rec Ior 0 I H 0I y Trim 0 Philadelphia. church was opened for usc, Friday, July 26. There will be no classes on July 4. Sessions will be held each day, Following the sen'ice there will be a ParMr. Guenther, a J!raduatc of Haverford 0 except Saturday, lrom 9 A, M, 10 11.45 ish Rrccplion lendered by Ihe wiVl~ 01 ColI.~e, sludied al Ihe Law School 01 h v Th h' f A. M. All children in the community t c estry. e c airman 0 ,'Ie com- University of Pennsylvania and gave up between the ages of 4 and 15 will be mhtec in chame is Mrs. William B. BUI-, busines-s in 1922 to study for the ministry. I d h J ' "V d h we come , even tough it may not be pos· IDC', k WI'[e 0[h t e uDlor .. ar en, w 0 was After one \"Car at Princeton Theological (Continued (rom Page 1) 'bl f h one of the signers of the charter. Thel Seminary. he transferred to the Philade1SI e or t em to be present the entire ",--b f th 'tt' I d M h' D'" S hId B II' M G h Th' , I $ . time. There will be Nursery, Kindergarten, ........ ers 0 e comml ee me u e rs. p 13 IVlmty c 00 an was graduated e)o carra. IS pnze 0 10 IS Junior and Intermediate groups in order lltrry Clay Barr, Mrs. E. O. Lange and from it in 1925, magna cum laude. He to be awarded yearly as encouragement of to interest and f 11 Mrs. W. Minton Har,·cy. ,took his M~ter's degree in theology from the \Vork in music and to be given to the I ca~e or. a ages. The Annh'ersary Sen'ices arc in charge the same school in 1928. boy or girl who shows the greatest progT~e courses studied will, be based on.sugof the Vestry, Mr. Samuel Dyer Clyde He is secretaQ' of the Diocesan Dcpart- ress in music and its appreciation. ges~l~ns by the .InternatlOnal CouncIl of , h . ReligIOUS EducatIOn. Thev will present actmg as c amnan. ment or Rclisdous Education and secreAU of these awards werc presented at . t b k d f B-'bI' I t h' The music wiIJ be under the direction tary of the Commission on Student the mO\'ing-UIl exercises at the high school agam~ha. r ac ·gro~t, t? I /caf . ea; ~~g lhe of Mr. Frederick A. Knapp, organist and Work. He was recent1y elected a member this morning. E h dr~ls Ian ? Iga !Ohn . 0 ~en Sip. ac al y sessIOn wit Its periods for h c oirmaster. Mr. Casey has been a mem- of thc Committce on Reorganization of the Roland Eaton pr;sented ,bills amounti~g worship, study, project and recreation wiU, ber of the choir since its beginninl! in 1907. Philadell)hia Di\'inity School. Last year he to $744.28, checks Issued Since May 13 In I it is hoped not only interest and stimulate Mr, J. Hurris West has sung in the choir served as a member of the Executive Com- Ihe sum o I ....<1028262 h , . ,an d th e b'll I I or I e but work'toward a new sense of God in, since 1908 and his son, Newell West, is mittee or the Convocation of Chester. state tax on the bonded indebtedness our everyday life and our consequent world On Tue5day evening of this week, Mr. nmountin~ to $1,206.25. All were approved responsibility. Consecutive sessions afford also a member. l\.{r. Allen L. Putnam has been acth'e in the choir since 1909. A Guenther had still another honor conferred and authorized paid. an opportunity for a varied and helpiul former choir boy, Noel Murray, was in- upon him, bdn~ elected president of M L d t Id f th . . f'l f h B'bl h . f h rs. ue ers 0 0 e resignatIOn 0 use 0 t e J e, t c great musIc 0 t e ftuenced by thc Rev. Mr. Matos to stud,v Southwcl'tcrn Sunday School Association at Ch:lrles A. Brinton. who will go to Clifton for the ministry and is now working, under its annual meeting:, held at the Church Hei/!hts as supcrvisin~ principal, and of HARRIET L. TREAT Bishop Cross, in the State of Washin~ton. of the Holy Sacrament, Highland Park. Harold E. Snyder. who wilt teach at the Expert Designing and Fitting of )la. Horace Mann School in New York City. . -Gowns Both reshmations were accepted with regret. Remodeling Exhibits Art Work At Home or by tbe Day A letter from Tilden, Rel!ister and Pepper Mi~!3 Eleanor S. Hayes ga\'c a priva'tc I dated June .3 stated all of the nine con- The Harvard Askyout Funeral DitettDt .bout this modNll Sw.892 "uk'plln umetery. Lot$ mDderately priced, showinJ! or her recent paintinl!s on June 3 tracts let in connection with the gymincluding sp«ial ca~ perperulted by Inast at her home on Elm Avenue for nasium wing wcrc 1005'0 completed. fund. Near Lincoln Highway, at Frazer. i riends. Scenes alon~ thc M('rrimack Charles A. Hrinton was appointed prinPENNYPACKER 0307 or MALVERN 1973 in Whiltier's country-tall winter cipal of the ~ummer high school. I hlue-shadowed on snowy hillsides; cloudy The calendar for ne"t year was adopted skies blend in/! with the river, all one harwith classes heginning Septcmber 16 and I mony; studies in brid~es and details school closing the following June 19. SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES tree branches; sleepy winter landscape, I The meeting was adjourned until il home-picture of the I!feen and /!old of For Old Things VENETIAN BLINDS Wedm'sday c"cninJ,?:. June 19. I ~ummer day on the Brandywine. Opens Saturday I H:IYl's is a \!raduate of the On Strath Haven Inn S,hool of Industrial Art. Tree Contribution Raised Grounds The pupils in the various Sunday Schools Open I o'clock to Sundown PRIVATE SALE Except Sundays of Swarthmore who have been contributin/! 265 SO, 60th STREET of Household Goods to th{· fund ror the Trces ror Palestine, Some antiques in furniture, china, silver· PHILADELPHIA ware. mmerals. laboratory apparalus. books, \\iII b(' /!Iad to know that the amount has h.lller. greenhouse. kmdlins::, firewood, etc. been rnbed for the "Swarthmore Grove" Time-Now Until June 24 Swa. 157·J Sherwood 0511 I in the Gcorge 'VashinJ,?:ton Forest on 1\1.1. I A, W, COLLINS 'Phone 1272 513 Ogden Ave, Carmel. Some time ago .Mrs. Rosc Glidcr, or School in 18QS, and \\as electl'd first rector of the Parish in 1920, wntinuini' his " work until his dl'ath in Au/!ust, 1929. lie "'as succcedl'd by the I)rcscnt red or, ° BIBLE SCHOOL TO OPEN JULY FIRST I SCh00I Board AidS Recreatlon Fund I be conducted at the Presu ..·terian Churcll, ~ Its Jeader will be Mrs. Peter E. Told, Ivho has had extensive experience in children's work, both with the Carnl"t'ie "~oundarlon -I'> and the Chautauqua Association. The staff will be composed of volunteer teachers I h ' rom I e vanous cO'operaling churches, To assist in meeting the expenses of the School, a tuition fcc of one dollar per fam_ ily will be charged. Additional contribu_ tions will be appreciated, however, as cx_ perience shows thaI Ihe Ices collecled do t Ih I h no CO\'cr e costs 0 t e supplies and equipment which the children use. A joint committee consists of: Mrs. Juliet C. Kent, Friends; Miss Gladys C. Quinlan, W 1 A M E D S B L"II T . cs ey . . . j r_ cott . I)', rinIty P. E.; Dr. John E. Tuttle, Presby. . tenan; Dr. David McCahan, Presbyterian, and Dr. Wayne Channell, Methodist. • P'd f D I real ent 0 eta Theta Sigma Henry J. Hanzlik, of Cornell Avenue, Senior at Pennsylvania State College, h .. been elected president, of his fraternity, the Delta Theta Sigma. I ~_\""l MEMolI.., t"~ 15% REDUCTION on LAWN MOWERS FOR ONE WEEK ONLY ---~+ ~,,~ The STONE HOUSE SHOP i c. Wahl Olmes 1======================1 w $6.50 to $21.00 We Deliver SUPLEE'S STORE 11 SO. CHESTER RD. SWARTH.105 1 00 Votes for Each $1.00 Cash Purchase Your doctor will tell you that the effectiveness of a prescription de. pends upon the freshness of its ingredients. The College Pharmacy system of dating all prescription drugs guarantees that no stale, ineffective drug will lessen the henefit of your prescription. We Deliver 100 Votes for Each $1.00 Casb Purcbase Your Doctor Has Faith in Our Prescription Department MICHAEL'S COLLEGE PHARMACY • We Invite You to Ride In and Drive CHESTER ROAD & PARK AVENUE PHONE SWARTHMORE 857 The New DOD G E Six The New PLYMOUTH Six It's the Only One of "ALL THREE" with these 4 Features Speaking of gas and oil savings, one Swarthmore Plymouth owner says: --\ To your own satisfaction and with no obligation to buy can nearly pay my monthly payments on my new Plymouth with the amount I save on gas and oil.'" WE MAINTAIN A COMPLETE SERVICE DEPARTMENT More Mlk:l of Real Non.Skld Safety DODGE and PLYMOUTH Sales and Service So. Chesler Rd" & Yale Ave. SWARTHMORE 1250 VOL. VII, No. 25 $Z.SO SWARTHMORE, PA., JUNE 21, 1935 CONTEST CLOSES NEXT WEDNES- DEPARTMENT OF DAY, JUNE 26TH, AT 6000 Po Mol BIOLOGY ENDOWED REV. JOHN ELLERY Jimmie Kauffman Charles Gillespie ............... . Jack Corse . . ........ . Jimmy Bogardus .............. . Larry Drew . . .. . . ..... . Alice Craemer ................. . Bill Harv"y .... . ......... . Barbara Brown ............... . Alban S. Eavenson . . ..... . John Hair ............ . Pag:c Hullock .......... . Loi~ W. Gray ........ . Kathleen Scott Mary Christine Stericker ... Buddy \Vhitecar .. . Neal Durboraw ...... . David Gilcreest ................ . Bobby Longwell. . ...... . Beverly Sterle ......... , ...... . Margy MacMillan ............. . Jean Flaherty .... . .......... . Betty Jane Abcrnathy .. . ...... . Peter Miller . . ............... . Hohby Reed .......... . Ann J. Perkins ............... . Eddie Grant Clifford Dr) ant ....... . Nancy Hoot ....... . Jack Pitman . . .. . .... . . Daniel Kirk . .. .... . Marian Bernard . . .. __ Robert Kerr .............. . Ford Wiggins ......... _ Boh Johnstone ............ . Phyllis Simps-on .. . . . . .. Mary Garrett .......... . Jimmy Johnstone Jean Evans .. .. . ........ . Xed Rutheriord Andy Robinson . Stephen Smith Gordy Douglas .. Print Manning, Jr. I 1 Genuine Hydraulic Brakes 2 Safely Steel Body 3 Redistribution of Weigbt 4 12 to 20% Saving and Oil in Gas See and Drive the 1935 Plymouth Today Ask about the Chrysler Motors Commercial Credit Plan that makes it easy to own a Plymouth now, HANNUM & WAITE So. Chester Road and Yale Ave. Swartbmore 1250 R LAFAYETTE AVENUE TO BE PAVED SOON TUTTLE Winners in Swartbmorean's Annual Summer Adventure Opportunity to Be Announced in Next Week's Issue The SWARTUMOREAN takes great pleasure this week in announcing the ftrst prize winner in this year's Summer Adventure Opportunity. Gra(e Brewster, having turned in 119,000 votes between \Vednesday, June 12, and noon this Wednesday, has earned the Brownie camera and film which was to go to the child who turned in the larg:est number of votes during that time. The closing hour, 6.00 P. M., ncxt 'Vedncsday, June 26, is less than a wcek from today. Upon consulting next week's list of entries you will be able to ascertain the winners of all eight prizes given by the SW.\RTIlMOREAN, the sponsor of this annual contcst. The winners of the threc additional prizes offered by the A. & P., the American Store and Buchner's Toggery Shop, will be made public the following week. Who will be the winner of the grand prize? And will he or she choose the fine Eh::in balloon tired bicycle or two weeks "t camp? Those arc the biggest questions before the youth of Swarthmore thcse days. And it will be only a fe\\ morc da) s before wc all know the answers. Conjectures tnean nothing in this cv~nt where surprbes rei~n-with children turn!.l[!: in unexpected numbers of votes every da\'. Although girls now nccupy the two 1ead· ing places, you can never tel1 what the hoys will do and the next runners-up for some way down the list arc boys. Last year the winner was a girl and the year previous a boy. UO) s, arc you going: to Ict a girl beat. YOU again this year? . You'd better consult the following account of the various entries' positions and ~et to work to make next week's verdict the one YOU want. Li.t of Entries 169,400 Grace Brewster Norma Hauger. . ........... 122,800 PER YEA Borougb Council Applies for L. W. D. Funds for Labor on Paving Two Blocks Fred M. Kirby Gives $900,000 61,200 I for Deparbnent to Be Named 60,600 I for Dr. Martin 51,600 I The fmal payment in the total sum of 47,700 38,800 $900,000.00 given by Mr. Fred M. Kirby 38,200 I for the endowment of the Dr. Edward Borough Council, at its regular mecting \Vedncsuay, authorized the application for L. W. D. funds for paving Lafayette Avenue bctwe('n Princeton and Harvard Avcnues. The sun'ey just completed by Mr. Brnomall, thc horou::;::h enJ!ineer, has l'stabIi~hed thc pl'rmanl'nl lines .md J!radcs of the strcet. The stream alonJ,?: the north sidc of the ~treet will not be disturbed as thc street will be only 22 feet widc. The estimated cost of paving is $6825 and obtaining L. W. D. funds would decrease the cost about 40 per cent. Bids for resurfacin~ 13,700 sq. yds. of borough paving wcre opened and the work aw;nded to Michael J. l\Iahoney at a cost of $UiQ.7S. The Atl.mtie ,lOd Refining Company was awarded the contract for oil and :lppi) int.( It at a cost of .0635 cents per gallon. II 37,400 I Martin Uepartment of Biology at Swarth- 35,100 I more Colle~e, was made suddenly June 1, 31,200 I makin~ possible the construction of a 24,200 I building and the establishment of the new 21,500 I department in the ncar future. 18,200 Thl' l'ndowment of the dl'parlment was 14,900 i pledJ.!ed in 1929 and 1930 by Mr. Kirby, 13,900 or Wilkes-Barrl', Pa., to hc named for Dr. 12,8OC i Edward ,Marlin, '78, a member of the 12,200 I Board of M.magcrs and a Ji[e·lon~ friend 11,400 of Mr. Kirbr's. The pledgc was made 9,800 I anonymou~ly, and it was not until last 8,700 I December that the donor \\':15 persuaded 8,400 to permit the announcement of his name. 7,700 The aims of the Martin Department of 7,000 Biolo~y arc to provide facilities for both 6,100 I underJ.!raduate study and intensive re6,000 se.ncll. and it is expected to beC'omc an 5,900 unusual ex.llnple of the successful combina- r\ letter ~r()m llurJ.,tcs::.. Ilt'my G. Turner, oi Xnr\\"(}od. concerninJ,?: thc mosquito con- .. 800 ~'400 tio~ of both forms of stud)'. . Pastor of the Swarthmore Pn'~h~tenan tml work to J. /,rcher Turner, president I ~ I:~ns for the actual construchon of .the i Church, who cl..'lcbrated his ninet<.-enth .m- of council, is {Iuoted: '1 hUlldtn~ arc yet far from completlo~ ; ninr!'oar\' as pastor of that church, this 4, 00 IPrclimmary plans for sketches by archlth . I "Xorwood Borou!!:h Council tied an apleds han existed ior a considerable Ill'riod, mon , plication with th(' L. " .. D. of the F. E. 4,000 Ibut uo not rcpresent the fin,,1 decision R. :\. prior :\Iarch IS, lQ.;'5, for l\IosWith the completc payment. oi. the entire: LOCAL WINNERS quito Control in our county. I endo\\ ment by the donor, It expected "Snnw cightel'n or twenty municipalities 3,000 that as soon as the necessary preparatory W e:q1rcted to their pro rata cost of Iarr.lDt.(ements arc made i~ the .near future,:, IN FLOWrR SHO material for this project. However, the work on the structure will be~m. La in startin:.: this project makes it imI 4'700 :IS jj I 4,100 1 f tn 4,000 3,.tOO IS ~hare I 2,800 2,600 2,200 2,(X)() 2,000 1,700 1,700 1,600 1,300 1,100 I delay The exact c:.ite has not been definite}\' poc;siblc to obtain any material relief from cho~en. Two -scts of comprehensi\'e pla~s i Many P!I"izes Captured by Local thc nui~ance this year. or future changes in buildint!:s and grounds I Flower Growers in Rutledge "~l'cently, .whilc in Washington, I was of thc collegc place the Martin Department, Exhibit :uI\'Ised ~Ilat It woul~l not bc .nccessary for of BioloJ,?:Y amid a grnup of proposed sci- I local Unl!S to contnlJUte to\~ard the cost enre uuildings behind Parrish Hall ncar I Swarthmore was unusually well rcpre-, of matenal under the new ]'ederal Emerthe present location of the playin!!: fields. \ sented in the list of prize winners at the J!ency Program. Additional information According to the samc plans the college ath-! fifteent.h annual spri~~ ('xhihition of roscs, W3S n'cdvcd to the effect that no new Paulinc Deacon letic fields would be movCtl to new and pere~mals nnd dc!pll1mum~ 01 the Rutled!!:e L. W. D. projl'cts arc likely to be started Robin Willits ..... . 1,100 larJ.!er spaces south of Wharton Hall. Horticultural SOCiety, wInch was held last hefore Scptl'mbl·r. Norwood Borough " .. , .... , .. ,' Bob While 1,000 or the total fund of $900,000.00, $200,- Saturday afternoon and evenin~ and all Council has therefore withdrawn the origGeorge L. Armitage, Jrd ........ HW' DUO.OO is provided for the erection of the day ID the auchtorium ot thc }{utlcdge l'ire in:.d applicatiun ano has fllteJ a new form George L. Earnshaw .. . .. ,... 600 building and the remainder for the teach- House. \\ hl'rcby tlt(' entire cost will be borne and =====~============T=~======~=:':'===:~=:===='- in!!: and research facilities. 1\lrs. Georl!e Zimmer, of Ol!dcn Avenue, the work done by the 'Yorks Progress. -= I POLICE NEWS Mr. Fred M. Kirhv is well known for won tirst prize in Section C. Climhin~ I Aclmini:;tration. h~s numerous ~if.ts t~ educat!on~l institu- Roses, Chlss 22 ~shacIes of y~~low,. sev~n "\ViII you. plc.lse b:in g this letter befo~c hons, laml charitable or,l!amzahons and blooms). Mrs. Zimmer also \\,IS m\arcIcd )oour CounCIl and UTJ!C them to comrnumContmuin~ the practice of more strictly is one of the oril:dnal founders of the pres- a pewter butter dish as sixth prize in the cate with Senator Joseph F. Cu[fey, \Vashcnforcing- the traftlc rules in the borough, cnt F. W. \Voolworth five-and-ten-(ellt Sweepsta'esk S ' A , II , C - R ose S eC-1lDl!on, 'I D.C 'I k' \" k ectlOns . ; H arry L . .I'OP·IOS, ,vor's the. poli~e ~a\"~ recorded numerous arrests store enterprise. A life-long citizen of tion, as well as fourth p~ize in Scction D'I Pro g rc:5 Admini~trator, 'Vashington,. D. C' I a~am thiS \\eek. . Wilkes-Harre hc has gh'en manv large Garden Flowers, Class :'13 (receptacle of and Edward :N. Jones. State Director, . . . thut'regIOn . . I5, ) an d h onora bl c men I"IOn In \V . P • •'\. ,.1''I'.lrns 'b urg, P a, ask'mg th a t the I nst 1'tu t e 0 f R ace Relations and On June 13 the follnwm rrt'> men were endowments ' to orf!:amz.\t1ons III perennm arrcsted for traffic vl01ahon: Robert E. [P I ' Class ". ('Irran"cmcnt (If flowers in one new proJ'ect be al'provcd and that work be Scbool of Social Work S' 'V II 0 ennsy vanln. • . ..... Hold Terms l~rumbau~h, of Chester; Idney .3 (man, :\monJ,?: other J,?:rants, Mr. Kirby endowed or more shades or tones of pink salmon Ibegun at once. A letter from your. resi... " ., I frank. C. Ja~es and John 5 .. J~ckson, all the Chair of Cidl Rights .at Lafayette or rose), samc section. dents to the.sc gentlemen would al~~ aid the ThIS summer \\ III be an unusuall~ ach' e I ?I Philadelphia. Upon ap.p('ann~ f~r h::u - ) Collc~e and J!ave the million dollar build~1rs. Henn \. PL'ir::-ol. of Lata) cttt, .·\.\'e- : cause, ~speClall) letters from phYSiCians and one for Swarthmore College .. Both a one-I mg on the 17th, Jam~s \\as fined.. ~IO .m.ll in;.! which hou~es the dcpartment. Mr. nue, won nlth prile, and l\Irs. A. R. O. profeSSIOnal people. mont~ session of . the lnshl~te of Race i costs and Waldman dI5charJ!~d \\'Ilh ,repn- Kirby endowed the two-million dollar Red!!:ra\'e, of \'asc;ar Avenue, six~h prize "The splendid. co-operation sho\\"~ by Relations a~d an el~hteen-da.~ term ~f t,I.le mand. Brumbaugh ami Jackson ha,e not An~eline Elizabeth Memorial Health Cen- in Section D, G:mlen Flowers, C~ass 30 your group I.:o~\'mces us that we. miss a Pcnn"yh·.lDta School of Socml \Vork \\111 l yet appeared tcr which is well-knO\\n in the medical (special iramed living; tll)wer luctUIC)'lg11'.lt many t1l1n~s by not knowmg our meet on t~e campus. . . . ! On June 14 Alexander Allen, of Swart~~- \\o~ld. He h.lS 0110;0 J!i\'cn grants to Hamp- Mr:;. E. C. Lappe, of Park. A"('nuc, :1t- neiJ,!hhnrs I:etter." . The Institute 01 R.acc Re1ahons IS b~mg I more ~n'5t, and ~obert .Conn, of Medl.l, ton Institute, Wilkes-Barre General Hos- tained honorablc mention m Class letter trnm Peter E. Told, one of the held under ~he ausplc~S of The Amencan I were discharged WIth r~Jlnman~s nnd costs. pital, Hobart College, Lehigh Unh'crsity, (corcopc;is), :;ame section; }'lrs. I1cirsol horough insurance hrok:rs, to Harr~ L. Friends Service Commlttce from July I. to I Abc Sussman of Phlladclplua wa~ fined Anatilia Colle;.!c (Greece), All Souls' third prize in CI.lss 40 (olenothera or e"e-I :\1iltcr, chairman of the tmance commlttee, July 20. There will.be a ~arge amI vaned I $10 and c~sts on June ~4 for speedml:!;. . Church for the Deaf and Tuskegee Insti- ninp; primrose) and third a~ain in CI.lssl is as follows. . group of lecturers, mc1_u~mJ,?: cOl.lege pro-I C?rl Remholdt of Lima, esc~pcd With tutc. 42 (petunias). 1\1rs. RedJ,?:ravc won fourth: '~It is with a great deal 01 pleasure that fessors, J,:o\'ernmcnt ofllcl3l::;, eUltors and i reprimand and costs upon appeanng bc[ore Dr. Edward Martin for whom the new prize in Clas~ 51 (miniature receptacle of I] c:m announce to you that the undermany others. Presidcnt Frank Aydc1o~te Justice R u m s e y . . department will be ndmed, was graduated oo\\('rs not over live inches in any dimcn-: \\ riters, after in"pecting Boro .H?II, ha\·c and Franz Boas arc the honorar?,' chalT- I On the .l7th the followm~ appea.red be-. from Swarthmore in 1878; reccl\'cd his sion o\'erall); 1\1rs. Pcirsol first prize in lowcrl'<1 the fire rate on. the bUlldmg three men and Dean Harold E. n. Speight and, fore Magistrate R?ms~y after bemg ~r- A.M. from here in 1882 and his M.D. from C);"sg 55 (arranp;ement of flowcrs in onc I cents per hundred effechve as of June ~. Assistant Professor J. Roland Pennock arc rested for motor VIOlations and were dlS- i th U' 'ersity of Pennsylvania in IS83. or more shades or tones of pink salmon! "You are entitled to a return premIUm members of the advisory (ouneil. charged with reprimands and costs: N. J. J Ine IQ~~' he was granted an LL.D. from or rose), and fifth in Section D, Sweep-! on all policies now in force." The courses of study will number five Buerdsell and W. L. Medford, of Che:terj the University and an SeD. from Swarth- stakc5. John E. Genscmer, chairman of the puband will cover the world problem of race D. A. Brown, of Mortonj Harry L. Miller, I . 1920 He has been Professor of Mrs. Lappe p;ot fourth prize in Section lie s."fety committee, presented a survey 'I 51'I uat'lon, Jr., of Swart h more; M'II ' , ' and the American ,mter-racla I on M'IC h a1y 1y tz a, Smore. In1 Phvsiolo.rv at the University of E Delphinium Class 60 (specimen st<.tlk, made by Burl!ess PItman am I t h e supennI' I Ch d J h H B' I i crr u--News Preis, 1 yr. at Art 5 year wiJJ be beld on Monday eveniDg at 8 o'clock In'. the chapel. The District Superintendent. Dr. Robert Wells, wiJJ pre- ..,9. • A visit to the Inn for a delicious dinner in the Tea Room ... then a s!Toll about the gardens to bring the day to a delightful' close. , A BEAUTIPUL DRIVE. .. WORTH YOUR WHILE The HamlJtoD NoniotowD, P .. ,THE SWARTHMOREAN get- at ~ AS will, be "The Secret of Happiness." The lirst Quarterly Conf....iIc:e 'for the 't:l'tvrB-.!.~ Water,., Swarthmore 680 editorial cartoonist for the Chicago tJId-EuMiMr. SWAIlm:.01tE, PA. :==~==================~==================================~=== II !7. JUNE 21, 1935 io. ~ 2·· 9 c 2 t:cans W.. he. Clothe. Whiterl ) Rinso (2=15c) 2 1:k::3ge MIl.D AND MELLOWI TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Epiaeopa1 Chester Road and Coll~ Avenue Rector: Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S. T. M. ANNIVERSARY SERVICBS TRINITY SUNDAY 8:00 A. M.-Ho!y Communion. 11 :00 A. :H.-Morning Prayer and Sennon. 4:00 P. M.-Cbildren·s Day Service. 8 O'Clock COFFEE 2 1b·31 c Red Circle COFFEE 2 1b·35c Ro Itar COFFEE • 2 1b·.la5c RICH AND I'ULLoBODIBDI oJ( VIGOROUS AND WINEYI SUPREME THE SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. ,John ElIe..,. Tattle. Minister SUMMER SERVICES SUNDAY ID:Oo-Bible Schoo). 11 ~OO-MorniDg Worship. Pastor preaches"A Man and a Mountain," FRIDAY 9:3O-Summer Porch Meeting for Women. throUgh the fOf'enoon. Sewing for has.. pital6. Readings. For all women. LEAVE worry behind when you go on your vacation this summer. Know before you start that your valuable paP.CfS are safe, such as your insurance Policies, marriag~' and birth certificates. important finanCIal records and receipts Know that your silver your family heirlooms, your jewelry and oth~'valuables arc beyond the reach of firJ: or thief. It. Safe Deposit Box in our vaul,t will-give you thIS security at a very small cost. It tsn·t much to pay for peace of mind on your vacation - ans! all 'f~ar ·foo1. 11:00 A. JI.-8anda7 IMIon.&!rmOll. We4DeIdaJ' eftDI1l8 meeU. aclI - - . 8 Po m. ..dlnp room opea daIlF. enept 21m.... nd hoU..... 1 to .: CbUfth edt.... All are ecmtia1b hl.tted to attend Ute ..... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • .,. au we tile P-d"'s Room. ~~~'~6~~==~ Smoked Picnics Ib 23c dr. AD Cordla1l7 Invltoocl FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTISTt 31c 2- to 2f.pound, ARMOUR'S III Ib Fl')ling THE RELIGIOUS SOCiETY OF FRIENDS MeetinW Houe. 33c ... Cross-Cut: Roast: Ri.,· Roast ____ ______~~~:~J;" Ib33c Ch e.cltens or Broiling Ib25c 9 :40 A. M.-Sunday SebooL 11 :00 A. M.-"Abidirur M.issionary Motiv~." ., :45 P.II.-·"The Secret of Happiness. Strangers Cordially Invited SUNDAY 9:45 A. Il.-Fint Da7 School. 11:00 A. K.-lleetl1l8 for WOrlhlp Ib THE GREAT • Atlantic & PaciRe TEA co. 22tu1 . THE SWARTHMOREAN NEWS NOTES I I" I 1' , !, ,i , ,f , , , , , , ,, " , " Miss J em Norton. daughter of Mrs. Charles "H9"'.,:d Norton. and the late Mr. Norton.' of P....tc:. N. J .• and WlIUam Lloyd Shinnick, ..,n ~f Mr. and Mrs. Joseph If< ShlDnlck," of Lansdowne, were joined In wedlock at Trinity Church, Swarthmore. at 8.30 Wednesday evenlns, June 19. Mrs. Robert HUlton Brlnckerhoff was matron of honor and Mr. Robert Huston Brinckerhoff, best man. The ushers were: Mr. HoUls Shinnick, Mr. Mason Masuire, Mr. Clarence Jordan. Mr. L. C. Stevens and Mr. James Davy. The Rev. J. J. Guenther, rector, offidaed. The bride wore her mother's wedding dress. FoUowing the ceremony the bride and groom received their friends In the Parish House and left Immediately" hy motor on their honeymoon. Dr. and Mrs. Detlev W. Bronk, of Elm Avenue, are DOW stayiug at the Strath Haven Inn, following a sudden Ulness of a friend with whom they were to saiJ for Eoglaod on Saturday, which necessitated a chaoge of plans. The trip may be taken later. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ramsey and MI~. Herbert Bissett, of North Chester Road. have returned from Ventnor, N. J., where they have spent the last tw:o months. Mr. Frederick N. BeD," of RId\q Park, has purchased the house DOW occupied hy Jam.. W. Johnstone. 221 Harvard AveDUe, and will take powsoion the first of July. Mrs. BeD will be remembered .. Mise ComeUa Van AIen, daughter of the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Van AIen, of Park Aveilue. --Mr: and M ... E. C. Lappe, of Park AvenUe, have purchased the G_ home on Yale Avenue, and will occupy It tn the ...... future. Mr. James E. Roderick, for ..,me y.... one of the staff of the Strath Haven Inn, is a patlent at the Taylor Hospital, Ridley Park. Dr. John R. Kline, of Riverview Road. left Tueoday for New York City, where lie wID atteDd the meeting of the CoUege Board. Upon his return In about ten days h. and Mn. Kline will leave for Moultenboro, New Hampshire, where they will spend the summer. JUNE 21, 1935 The Price home on Ogden Avenue hu been purchased hy Clair Wllcox. of Walnut Lane. Mrs. John R. WhIteley is vlsltfng her ..,n-tn-Iaw and daughter. Mr. and Mn. Roy P. Lingle, of ComeJJ Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Tipping and daughter, "Bobby," have moved from their apptment on South Chester Road to .... tablish a residence In Buffalo, New York, Mrs. Charles Israel, of Princeton and where Mr. Tipping is associated with that College Avenues, journeyed by alrplaoe to branc:h of the Provident LIfe Insurance WeDesJey CoUege, WeUesJey, Mass., to at- Company. The Tippings have taken a tend her daso reuniOD Jaat wee1t-end. cottage In Canada for the summer. after which they will return to Buffalo. Among the Dowcomers to Swarthmore are Mr. and Mn. Sweet, who have leased &!r. and Mro. Charles Evans Price and f m y the Walker howe on Haverford Avenue. Miss Sarah Berry, of Sharberry Farm. Thornton. left Saturday for the University of. Iowa, where she will speDd the summer engaged in graduate work. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis B. RIdgway, of North Chester Road. spent Jaat week-end In New York City. • AHead CoaE.eace I I I Mro. J. B. West, of Swarthmore Avenue and Mrs. R. C. Ammerman, of Yale Ave: nue, returned Saturday after a week at Orkney Springs. Va., where they repro.. sented Trinity Church, Swarthmore, at the annual Junior Woman's AIUiJIary Confer_ ,::a=l1=::m::o::v::ed==to:M=O::YIao==Ias::t=w:ee=k:-eD=d:.~enc=:e.=============::; r Among those Swarthmoreans who attended the luncheon of the Natlolllll Economy League at the BeDevue-Stratford Hotcl, Philadclphm, on Thursday, Junel=============================:: 13, were: Mr. Thomas W. Andrew, Mr. Leonard Ashton, Mr. William BuDock, Mr. Carl Chaffee. Mrs. J. Passmore Cheyney, Mr. Hugh F. Denworth, Mr. James C. INSURANCE Douglas. Dr. and Mn. William Middleton Fine, Mr. John E. Gensemer, Mr. James 29 . EAST 5th STREET W. La=, Mr. Cbarles D. MitcheD, Mr. Clarence G. Mye... Mr. E. B. Temple and Phoae, Cheater 6141 CHESTER Mr. Peter E. Told. Sweeney & Clyde "FOURTH OF JULY" BARGAIN SALE "Goodrich 'Blow-Out' Proof Tires" Thee tire. are .11 new .tock and are guaranteed for one full year againat aU road hazard •• 4,50 21 ........... $4,84 4,75:11: 19 ........... 6.20'" 5.00 :II: 19 ........... 6.64 :II: Other Size. at CorreepoDdiDsJy Low Price•. BROOKS SERVICE STATION SWARTHMORE 214 - Mrs. Paul Alger and' daughter, Nancy, of Park Avenue, went to York, Pa., last FridayJ bringing with. them on their return !, ,i I i ,, :i ,j , ,. " ,; j , " , " , ,, ' i I Nt. Charles Dieck, of Detroit, is visiting his father, Mr. Charles Israel, of Princeton and College Avenues. - -- to Miss Ruth Shoemaker, of Riverview Road, sailed late last month for Heidelberg. Germany, where she will study this summer. The pupils and friends of UlverstoD School enjoyed a private view of the work of "the-art pupils "of Marjorie N. Adams and a lea in Mrs. AdatnS' studio at the~ school foUowing "Ulverston Nfghtt" on s. Miss Martha H. Keighton. of Yale Ave- Feat~cd , ~G.ll e : -, / Today. the beaches and mountains call to happy idlers. A few tomorrows and winter's icy blasts bring cold and discomfort •. Prepare NOW for the i!levitable cold of winter. Make sure tl:lat healthy, summer-like warmth is yours throughout cold weather at the Lowest Cost. . " " . .. , • PHILADELPHIA PA R K P•.~ j." off U.coI. H''''.,,(KDllf' 30J. Ro.zJ sigal will gukk 7011. ESTATE OF THOMAS ATKINSON JENKINS. deceased. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the above Estate bave been granted to the undersigned. who request all persona having claims or demands apinllt the Estate of the decedent to make known the same, and aU persona indebted to t~e decedent to make payment, with_ delay, to. 'MARIAN' MAGILL JENKINS. 606 North Cheater Road. Swarthmore, Pa. Or to her Attorney. WAYLAND H. ELSBREE, 1930 Land Title Bldg.,' S. W. Cor. Broad 01; ESTATE OF GEORGE DECEASED: Mine prices on highest quality, super-cleaned hard coal have recently advanced. Retail prices will probably follow soon. To make sure of getting the best anthracite at its lowest June price, calla Reading Anthracite merchant TODAY. Arrange to fill your bin to the brim at these low prices. END OF SEASON SALE BEDDING PLANTS PIICES TODAY aNI, th LOWEST Uc, YEARS'! Be sure to buy from an established merchant. He guarantees full weight, highest quality and careful, dependable delivery. Make arrangements before vacation. Then your fuel Prices Greatly Reduced Also Ferns and Palms at Unusually Attractive Figures worries are over. Call a Famous Reading Anthracite merchant at ·once. THEMAROT FLOWER SHOP THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING COAL AND IRON COMPANY Reading 'ennina), Phllad.rphfa, Chestnut Su.• Philadelphia. who respond to a change in their situation. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why it is advantageous for many husbands and wives to have. separate vacations. It gives a surcease from the every day irritations, and gives them a certain freshness of outlook when they come together. In cases of domestic difficulty wh.~re some adjustment is not made, the common "Lastly there is the treatment of emotional pr~blems by means of direct treatment through the relationship between the client and the case worker. AU of us know the value of confiding in a near Mirlom Bruner, At P....... individuals who are emotiolllllly upset aDd DervOUS breakdown Is often the resull ~EMORIAL 'a. 315 DICKINSON AVE. 6-17-6T C. BARBER • Swarthmore 554 Beginning at a point on the northwesterly side of Lansdowne Co':.lrt, said point belna at the distance of seventy-three and fourteen one-bundredths feet measured BOuthwestwardly by a curve bearing to the right. havlllg a radius of one hundrecl flfty·ftve feet from another point of curve In the westerly sieie of Lansdowne Court. said laat mentioned point of curve being at the distance of thirty-four and ftfly-nlne one-hundredths (3'.59) feet meuured eouthwardly by a curve bearitlJl' to the right having a radius of thirty-aix and twelve one-hundredths (86.12) feet from the point of tangency in the southwestwardly side of said LaDBdowne Court. said point of tangency beina at the distance of one hundred seventy and eighty-six one-bundredths (170.86) feet southeaetwardly from the point of intersection of the 8uuthw.esterly line of Lansdowne Court and the southeasterly line of the part of Lansdowne Court wbich leads northeastwardly Into Lansdowne avenue. extending thence from the first mentioned point along the northwesterly Ride of said LaDBdowne Court Routh Rixty..one degrees twentyfour minutes west seventy-Ave teet to a point. a corner of other lan«h of said grantor: thence extending along the same north twenb-eight degrees thlrty.tour minutes west one hundred twenty-one and .evenb-abc: one-hundredths (121.76) teet to a point; thence extending north alxty..one degrees thfrty..one minutes east &eventy-flve feet to a point: thence extending Routh twenb-elght degrees tbirty~four minutes east one hundred and twenty..one and thirty' one-hundredtbs (121.30) feet to a point in. the northwesterly side of Lansdowne Court,. beiDll' the first mentioned point and place of beainnlng. Improvemenbl eonsist of tWo-lItOry ..tone and shingle house. 1ii4x18 feet: two-awry stone and shbllrle addition. 10dl teet: buement garage. Sold as the property of .T08epb C. HUrley and' CanneIlt:a Hurley. mortgagors and real owners. Hand ~oney-$500.00. S. L. RACY. Attorney. NATHAN P. PECHIN, Sni. Sherift'o Letten Testamentary on the above estate have been .granted to Lydia Rodgers Barber and THE .. CORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILAbELPHIA. whi.:b requests all persons baving claims or demandll against the eatate of the deeedent to make known the same,. and all J)el'BOns indebted to the decedent to make pq.. meni. without delay, to CORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANE AND TRUST COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA 1610 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia Edaar W. Freeman. Trust Officer. Attornep: Shields, Clark, Brown " McCown. 1900 arrard Tnist BUilding. Philadelphia. 6-1.UT. For New Customers' Week liSCO Coffee "As . SWARTHMORE 43 4 Controltoll; ___ yo eeond floor roome. Garage if deaired. agency for a great many reasons, It is only assistance and we wish to extend our thanks Te~ephone: Swarthmore 6W. natural that they should receive different to the· Friendly Circle, Juniors of the FOR SALE kinds of treatment. Just a. a lawyer linds Woman's Club, Friends' First Day classes, , FOR SALE--Globe Wernicke. book ease in A_lout the strengths upoo "which he can win, Campus Club of Swarthmore CoUege, condition. Price realonable. Telephone: and the doctor makes a diagnosis of his American Legion Auxiliary. Sunday School swarihmol'e 981.. patient's illness and determines what med- classes of tbe Presbyterian Church, Mor_ _ _....:._-=W:=.A=NTED:'=':='-:---:--:-"7"'"_1 icaJ iLid will cure, So" die ·social worker ton-Rutledge Committee. Spriogfield ComwANTED--Girl to If'O to Be&lhore In July as makes a. Wagnosis of the problem and de- mittee and a Sunday School class of the mother'. helper. Telephone: Swarthmore termines'the particular treatment which will Epis Ib III 220 160 16c 2Sc tb Y2 Armour's Baked Meat Loaf Domestic Sweitzer Cheese White American Sandwich Cheese ......-Best Standing Ib Ib Y4 130 ~ tb 90 70 Rib Roast Calves Liver Lamb Liver Dried Beef I 310 Dill Piokles each 30 180 Cooked Ham ~ 11> 18c 12%0 Potato Salad=-_lb_CU...:P_1:.;5::;O 11> 11> ~ 11> Mackerel ::::ohn Fresh Flounders ~~:)d. II> 120 I (~r lb. 17. Codfish ~;~:~ tb 14C ~~~--~~--------- v._ I Oranges do·19c 4~Garde" 414 Haverford Place 1 Ib The PODul1l' blend of the IDest Bouth Amerlean Coffeet-Declded17 difrereot in davor-lt nUde.. Grouod fresb to sutt 700. FURNITURE ,.--- THIS',SUNOAl- . 3P."'.IO.5.T-'"-' " friend. 8JId relief wheo the burden is shared with another. There are friends, m.ioJ.sters, docFOR RENT tors and 60ciaI workers who act as cataFOR RENT-HOU8ekeeplq aparimenbl. five lytic agents. When a sod>l worker Is and .Is: roolDJl and bath. On the bUI. ·.11 eODvenfeDces. A.lbert N. Garrett. Swartbmore used in thI5 particular capacity, there is .89. Pe• .."..ke• •<.2. Secrelary'a Report on Family no reason why there should be any more FoR RENT-Theapartmente. Blenheim, 224 Avenue, T-tmea' t feeling than if the person was going to his bouaekeepinl' elll: Park rooms, two ._ __ to R-'-e ____ friend, his minister or his doctor. pare)uII. tumtsbed Or' uuflll1llahed. Telephone; , / Mee~ in Septem.ber .~ "We wish to tIumk the FamUy Society FoR RENT-Furnwhed home on hW. on boa The last reguI3r meeting unUl September of Philadelphia for the consultative service linel lawn .hade. For year or more. Five , bedroo.m. '90. Or Imall apartment. Mar- of the Welfare DiVisIon of the Board of of Mn. Margaret Millar duriog the past ~ret S. Brown, 603 North Chester Road. the Community Health Society was held year. Telepbone: Swarthmore 1290. •' "Without the support of the various R RENT-206 Swarthmore Avenue. Larce Tuesday e.vemng, JUDe 11, at 8 o'clock' in y!oP 0- ~'1inach I .. • 2 1b·5c Honey Dews 29c "slI Lettuce 2 h-15. California Plums do. 150 Lima Bean. 2 lbe 160 Sugar Com <: -100 Watermelons -37'0 Beans I Sc Beets iftah PaIIetl NearbJ' GreeD StrIDe II> 2buDch.. 5c ADDmONS MAB. ,I7-TO !E; COLLEGE FIl'ICULTY Ah.... Se,uaIlnatn1ctors Granlecl Wve of for 1935-1936 Semlllter Throe new additions have ..... made to the teaching .talI of Swarthmore College for n..t year, It has been announced by the President's omce. Dr. EdWin B. Newman \viii be in.tructor in psyehology nw year. He retelved his bachelor'. degroe at Ka·..., where he taught for several years. He later taught at Bryn Mawr and did additional study in Germany·at Frankfort and Berlin. Dr. Newman took his doetor'. degree at Harv.,--lIIonday night, June 24, ill !,he Media HoS! l > .. , ., pita!. . J ' ' Graduate at Drexel: < ~-_,o-_....,...: ,~; HODor Graduate I WAVERLY LANSDOWNE The Moat Aceommodatlns Theatre hi D"laware County Friday aad Saturday 'CARDINAL TODAY and. SATURDAY America's l!e~e._~ :~wFljt~ear~, ..• in her lataaat .~Qd .. a:reateat SHIRLEY TEMPLE"'; Starring GEORGE ARUSS i In "OUR LlTTLEGlRL" ness. MOliday aad Tueada,. UONEL BARRYMORE -In- "Mark of, the -with- Elizabeth In "People Will.T~" .Be). Lul'o" ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THEATRE 'CHESTER Tuesday and Wednesday. July 2, 3 '~t;! Flame Within" will -withAnn Harding Herbert Marshall MEDIA Although Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lappe, of Park· Avenue, have purchased the residence at 117 Yale Avenue, it has not been definitely decided whether or not they will occupy it. . "The Awakening of Jim Burke" Jack Holt Dr. and Mrs. C.· E. McClung, of Wallingford Hills, left MO'lday' for Woods Hole, Mass., where they will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. George Jones, of South Chester Road, Swart~more, oc· cupy- the McClungs' residence in Wallingford Hills this summer. -wlth- Florence Rice Jobn B. Roxby, Jr., of Cornell Avenue, was elected vice-president of the College Body of Wesleyan University in the recent stUdent elections. H. was also one of eight juniors elected to membenhip in Skull and Serpent, senior honorary society. He is captain-elect .of the soccer team, president of the phi 'Nu Theta fraternity, a senior ~emb~ of the Senate, on the Honor Roll, on the varSity track team. SHIRLEY TEMPLE In "OUR LlTILE GIRL" Monday and Tuellday UONEL BARRYMORE -In- "THE MARK OF THE VAMPIRE" Wedneallay - with Startinl' Thunda.,. GEORGE ARUSS YOU WANT BLOWOUT·PROOF TIRES FOR YOUR 4TH OF JULY TRIP-BUY ""$fofte "Cardinal Richelieu" 10T LOr GREAT AID TO UNFORTUNATES ChiIdreD'. Effort. BriPteD Liv.. "f Many in Philadelphia S~ Diatricta At the "Tot Lot Hour" on June 7, Mr. EngIIob, EXfCIltive Secretary of the Philadelphia Playground ASsociation, spoke to the chlldren concerning the nature of summer "Tot Lotn activities. At his suggestion 138 books have been sent to the Philadelphia Playground Headquarters hy the Swarthmore children. These books were taken in by a Boy Scout and leader, Vincent Mather, and will form the library of the "Swarthmore Tot Lot!' These children are given opportunities in art, physical re<:.reation,· newspaper editing, homemaking, handcraft, music, and in general AmeriCAnization. The story of a piano, with many broken Closing July 1 at _til Early September 104 PARK AVE. TEL. SW. UTl CRUM CREEK '. keys and other defects, given to a Pollsb family, convinces one of the good results of training the foreigners In our way.. A Httle girl in the family, uoIng two lingers. was able to play on the piano "America." She taugbt it to her family and then to some "Tot Lot" children. The news of the unusual posseso;on, the piano, spread through the nelghborbood, and many and various were the representatives of nations who looked in on this home containing this mU!ical instrument. Humiliation prevailed in the Pollsb family; for, with no bed, chair, table, knife, fork or spoon, the visitora' faces expressed their superiority. Upon receiving employment the Pollsb father brought home his earnings, and in due time, as the money could -be put by and the family lUll fed, the luxuries mentioned before were purchased, and a broken down piano presented by the Playground Association was the means of making a family of forelgnera live according to American standards. 'Mr. E. Adams, assistant to Dr. Broome, head of public education in Philadelphia, was a guest and expressed his de1ight upon bearing of the wondrous labors of the Swarthmore rhlIdren. He invited any who desired to visit the seventy school playgrounds in PhiIadelphia in which he is particularly interested as to educational programs. lllra. Hanley, associate direetor to Mr. English, :Jllowing the "Hour," gave in detail some of the work scheduled for this summer•. She told the interested children never to look down upon the UTot Lot" boys and girls, because of their external appearar.ce, that so often the latter passessed a hidden power or talent greater than that of the visiting children of more fortunate environment. For instance-tbe best work let year in the school children's art exhibit in Philadelphia was done by a Czechoslovakian boy, originally a product of the "Tot Lot." , ESTATE Presbyterian Notes FOR SALE SEERSUCKERS A DECADE-There are only SEVE~!!8tate8 bordering on CRUM CREEK, and . of ilie8e$warthmore College owns more than half the Creek;.frontage. This is, without question, the nlC~8t valuable acreage near Swarthmore-because of its surpassing beauty, exclusiveness and convenient location. Only'" once inacc:leeade Can such land be bought_t less than premium price. And the College never sells. LINEN SUITS Single and Doubl...breaated Styles Today ~ be a good day to start the·Summer•. Slip into a suit, and laugh at the hottest day. FOR SALE T WEN T Y A C R E ~with' 1500 feet of the most beautiful Crum Creek frontage (opposite the College Arboretum). This estate extends from the Mary Lyon Golf Course to the Creek. It is improved with a Large Stone Home, Gate Lodge. Large Garage. Concrete Swimming Pool, Small Stream with Lake Site. Rolling Hills. Meadows, Orchard and scores of magnificent old Hemlocks, Pines. Oaks. Tulip Poplars. Beech and other native trees. From every point glorious vistas extend in all directions--the College Tower, across the Valley. glimpses of the Crum through arching trel'S, and the everchanging panorama of the Golf Links (where iriuigination supplies the words of "silent prayers· for erring players!). The porch meeting of the Woman's As. sociation will be held this morning at 9.30 at the home of Mrs. Olmes, 330 Cornell Avenue. Mrs. Mart conducts the devotions and Mrs. Rewis gives the 'readings from "Gold Mountain." the text-book on Orientals in America. and ONCE' IN L W. D. Concert This Sunday Another in the series of concerts given by the Delaware County L. W. D. Orchestra will be played at tloe Upper Darby Senior HIgh Schoot Lansdowne Avenue and School Lane, this Sunday evening, starting at 8.IS o'clock. , Free Employment Reported Sale Sa.ice The Chester OfIice of the National Reemployment Service, at 11th &lld Madison Streets, Is open for registrations every day except Saturday, from 8.30 A. M. to 12 P. M. We urge aU skilled and ttnsltiUed men and women who have not previously reg... POUCE REPORT istered with this service to do 80. The National Re-employment ServIce Is Between June 20 and June 26 the fola Federal Service, free to both employer lowing men were summoned to appear for and employee. hearing for motor violation in the borough: ~---+-Roy J. Beauregard, of Chester, for speedSaiIa for South ADaerica ing; W. L. H. Doyle, of Benjamin West Avenue, Swarthmore, for improper passDr. Frank. E. WiJUams, of AnUaerst A-Ieing; R. T. Roberts, of Philadelphia, for nue, will sail from New York tomorrow speeding, and M. P. Dick, of Upper Darby, aboard the "Santa Barbara" of the Grace for violating the through traffic reguIaLine, bound for South America. Dr. Wiltion. liams will be accompanied by six students Tbe following appeared for hearing be- of the University of Pennsylvania. on a tween the above dates and were lined re- summer course. Dr. Williams is Professor ._. spectively, Paul lIIa1oney, of Philadelphia, of Geograpby at Wharton School of the-' $S.OO and costs for through traffic viola- University. . tion; Walter Herzberg, also of PhiladelThe party will sail down the west coast phia, and Sanford Pratt; of Upper Darby, of the continent, travel by airplane from were. discharged with reprimands and Lima to Arequipa and from Santiago to WarDIng, for same offense; John S. ]ack.- Buenos Aires, and return along.. _the- ~t. ,:: ';.., son, ~f West Chester, $1?OO and costs, for coast by way of Santos, San· Pueblo ~(i :-~. speeding; Miss L. Reinhold, of ~hester, Rio de Janeiro, reaching Swarthmore about ,. and Robert DaVIdoff, of Philadelphia, each the middle of September. $S.OO and costs, for through traffic violalion; and R. R. Snyder, of Norwood, dis- MRS. A. J. QUINBY &: SON charged with reprimand and warning for JOSEPH Eo QUINBY improper passing. The residence at S07 North Chester Road, lot 120 by 180, is reported sold for Mr. John Manhall to Mrs. W. Burton Richards, formerly of Cedar Lane and Elm Avenue. who baa announced hi. caDdiclaq for Di.met Atto....,. ================ I at morning worahip Sunday. Dr. Tuttle will give the meditation. The five hundred new hymnals for the church services have been received and will be placed in use on Sunday, September lS, with an appropriate service of cousecratlon which will also be in memory of Mrs. William Plumer Potter, through whose generous legacy given for the enrichment of the music of the church the hymnals have been provided. This ~evised hymnal is generally recognized as one of the best collections of hymns now in use, compri!iing ERNEST Go SNODGRASS. ASS'T. as it does not only all the great, older hymns of the church, but many of the Chester-Bridgeport Ferry FUNERAL DIRECTORS newer ones which have made a perlDJlD.ent BELL PHONE • MEDIA. PA. The Chester.Bridgeport Ferry route, place for themselves in the worship all denominations. officials pointed out, is a direct-cross-I ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. country--shorteut to the shore resort I' Dr. TutUe gave the charge to the con- centers. Besides being the short road, they gregation at the installation of the new contend, motorists avoid the heavy traffic pastor of the Clifton Heights Presbyterian at Philadelphia and Camden. Crossings, consuming but 6 minutes, are at IS-minute Church last Wednesday evenblg. intervals during the day and boats operate The Swarthmore Presbyterian Church on prompt half-bour schedule of departwes stood third among the sixty·two churches after midnight-until October 1. of the Presbytery of Chester in gifts for home missions for the church year ending Runaways Cause Exeitement lIIarch 31 last, ccntributing $I,S71.00• As the 9.27 train for Philadelphia pulled inte,> the station on Tuesday morning of Methodiat Notes this week persons, property and two magThe church bas been honored by three nificent black horses miraculously escaped of its young men who have been graduated injury- in what might have been a serious fro~ t~e Unive~ty .of Pennsylvania' with accident. Just as the train was approa~- , bonorS: 'Fredetftk·Yocum~from..the School lng-the 'Platform' a team of runaway'horses .. of Education; Robert Detwei1er, from the harnessed together and apparenUy School of Economics, who was awarded badly frightened, dasbed madly down Chesthe Frazier prize of $100 worth of books, ter Road, avoiding the undezpass and headas the student participating in a major ing for the station where one broke away sport with the highest average in studies; and swerved to the left in back of the and Stewart Flood, from the School of bu\lding, while the other bolted on to the Accounting. platform and was prevented from hurling itself in front of the first ca~ of the train The pastor, Dr. Wayne Channell, will by Morris M. Lee, of Princeton and Colpreach on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock lege Avenues, who was awaiting the train on "Doing the Work of the Lord Deceit- and grabbed tbe anima\ by the h"amess. ::;:~~~~~::=:::~~~~11 A man pursuing the beasts then caught Dartmouth & Lafayette Aves. up with them and took them away withSWARTHMORE 440 out the authorities having learned his name or the home or owner of the horses. l:I. =================: ---,>--- or RUSSELL'S Jantzen's Bathing Suits for Men and Wom..... YtH.f••• B U C H N E R' S SERVICE OPEN EVENINGS SWARTHMORE 240 ,:~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tb::e~b:o:ly::..:co::m:m:UD1::·o~n:.:will:·:.:h:e~c:eI:e~b:ra:te:d .. FOR SALE r T WEN T Y A C R E ~with perfect sites for a small group of ··Miniature Country Estates,'· self-contained, FOR QUICK SALE WILLIAM E. WITHAM Exeluaive Rep-reaeDtative of Owa.~n (Other Agenb Protected) Phone 440 Brake _ Service SWARTHMORE 1000 OOOO·.· ••· •••• ¥a.ooa •• WISELY CHOSEN REAL ESTATE IS TODA Y'S SOUNDEST INVESTMENT ¥.¥ ••••• CHECK THESE ITEMS AND BUY THEM HERE BEFORE YOU LEAVE Tired of planning meal" to tempt sultry summer appe- BROWNIES, KODAKS, VERICHROME FILMS PHOTO FLASH LAMPS, ALBUMS FLASHLIGHTS, BATrERIES BATHING CAPS, HAIR NETS SUN TAN OIL, SUN BURN LOTIONS AND CREAMS, OIL OF CITRONELLA SHAVING SOAPS AND CREAMS SAFETY RAZORS, ALL TYPE BLADES TOOTHBRUSHES, PASTES AND POWDERS ROUGES, POWDER, LIPSTICKS'. , EYEBROW PENCILS IN ALL THE NEW SUMMER SHADES . PIPES, TOBACCO, CIGAREIIES AND CIGARS WHITMAN'S CAND~ ~NEW STOCK) Let Marter a take Fre.h. cool meal. arc easy if you aerve over the jobl theac items I GIVE the family an extra treat today. Order a quart with independent water, gas arid electric services at onethird the usual rates. Heat with gas at the cost of coall Two individuals already have spoken for a few acres. (Also with our co-operation, if desired.) FOURTH OF JULY FOOD NEEDS titea ~ T WEN T Y AC R E ~~ an exceptionally. sound and profitable investment. by individual or syndicate, for a model Dev.elopment. (With our co-operation, if desired.) . Please feel free to aak for full InformatioD. with .. out obUl'adoD. For Inalance. the Gate LocIl'e mil'ht be bouabt and remodeled at a total coat of $10.000. with ....ound. Batter)' - fully." In the evenblg at 7AS there will be a belpful, attractive service of fifty minull'\.. of Chl'ster, who will! Anne Lin:.:le. The\' will J,:O to NiaJ!ara Saturday alll'rnoon, J Unt' 22. 111 .the l'ru'nd!5 l\ll,ctinJ! Jlou..;;e l\lr '1\.1)C and, . 0 I '1Onor,. \\,1'II Wl'ar a tea rose i' I'a . 'I 5 and to Port Culuornc, . . Can. .. SU"lrlhmurl' .' , \\,Ith 1 maul Ontano, l\I~s: Irwm D. \\'tlOd and .J\ r. allli r:c;. pe.H:h lace J!own with matchinJ,: accessories; i ad;'l. Mi::>s Linl-de will return to Swarth\Vdlnm 11 . . P'lx~on '1'" O\'er<;el'r~ I ' .. •. . _. ::;he will l·.lfry a J!arden bouquet. I more in about two weeks' time. The bride had as her only ~Ittemlant "Ir. John Mangan, hrother of the bride, I l'liss Kathl'rinc .i\lorri5, of Washington, will be bl'::;t man for Mr. Horden. I Mrs. Albert Stamford, of Cornell AvcD. c., while Mr. Jo:~;eph" H .. Walton" .A n'n'ption at the homc of th~ bride n~e, will sail tomorrow on the I.lritannic brothl'r of the J!room, \\as oe:.t man. Mr. Will folio\\' Ihe ccn'mony, after which the I wIth a larJ,:e party on an e...-:tenslve tour '\rthur l~olrna~ and Mr. Wesley Case, fUuple will h;tvc .. :;hor1 wedding trip. 1 of Europe. The tour will end with a motor both uf :\e\\' york and former dassmatt's Thl'\' will then reside at J.-lS Park Avc- trip throu~h Normandy, Briltany and the nue, Swarthmore. chateau country of the Loire Ri\'Cr. uf the groom, wcrc ushers. 1\lis.:; ~Iode ~ell,cted for her wedding: The oride is a J,:raduate of Sl. l\Hchael's gown, white mousseline de soie made with Parochial School. The groom attended Mr. and Mrs. H. \V. Borden and son ru£fled train. Hcr tulle nil was held in Swarthmore High School and Drexel In-! Frederick, of Park Avenue, and Mr. and placc by a \\Tl'ath of velnt gardenias, and StitUll'. Mrs. Joseph Ward, of Chestcr, spent the she carried a sl'mi·colonial bouquct of gar-' \\'cek-end at Pennsvillc, N. J., where they dcnias and liIics-of-the-\·allev. 1\Irs. William F. G. Swann, of Ogden visited Mr. Borden's sister-in-law, Mrs. ~1iss Morris wore aqu;una;ine mousselim' Avenue, and two younger children left yes- Joseph Hordcn. de soil', with matching hat and carried, terday to spend the summer at Great ---· ,.I. Chchea'''ue Island Maine. Dr Swann ,~ who Last Saturday morning I\.Jr. and Mrs. pa ,c y(' ow g Iad 10 I r. -, • • ." . has bcen in Minneapolis this week E. C. LallJle, of Park A\'enue, took their An tnf.ormal recepllon on the lawn of I join them later. ' I sons, EUJ.!;ene and Dick, to Camp Chl"sat1~e "leel~n~ House fol~owcd the cercmony" peake, on the eastern 5hore or Chesapeake alter which thc weddmg party and rela-I Mrs. Claire Lohrke :md children, Lois' Bay. The bovs will remain at the camp ti\'Cs \\"l're entertai",.'u at dinner hy M~.: and Jim, of North Chester Road, will leave i for a month,· Mr. and Mrs. Lappe will an.d :M~s. l\]odl'. ~lr. Walton :~nd hiS on July 8 for Halifax, 1'\O\'a Scotia, wherc I dsit them this Sunday. bmle Will spend their. honeymoon. tn Her· they will visit Mrs. Lohrke's parents, Mr. mu~la, and .uPO? the~r ret~rn wIll makc and 1\lrs.. Lewis K. Payzant, for ;:t month. Mrs. Paul D. Williams, of Strath Haven their. home III :S:cw \ ork ~~ty. , I Avenue, returned Sunday from a twoMl~5 l\Iode attended F fiends Ce~tral Thomsa R. Smith recently returned from I weeks' trip during which she visited her School and Swarthmore Coll('~c, and IS a Columbia University to visit his parents, I hrother-in-Iaw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. g-mduall' of Wl'st Chester State Teachers l\1r. and Mrs. J. Russl'lI Smith, of Elm I Lvnn Brown, of Indiana, Pa., and Miss ColIl'!!l'. Mr. \\'alton is an alumnus of A\'enue. He Icft Swarthmore last week J G'race iJavis, of Punxsutawney, Pa. Swarlhmnre Hh.:h School and Swarthmore to enter thc summer quarter at the Uni-I Collc:.:e. \'l'rsity of Chicag-o and ~o join its field I' Mr, and l\1r~. W. R. Huey and three A feature of the wedding- w..s the pres- tril' conducted by Profes:;or Platt. children, Jean, Beth and Billy, of Benjamin ('ncc nf man\' little children accompanied . . ! West Annue, sJlent last week-end in Ocean by th('ir pim:nt!'. ~1i!,5 Mode for the past Mrs. I'. H. HoerlJ.!;, of Ha\'Crford Place,' City, :-.:. J. They will return to Ocean two nar::. had hcen assistant to the prin- returm'd last wcek-end after an ele"en- City ncxt weck to spcnd the month of cipal' of :1 pri\Tatc Friends' School at weeks' trip to California. Mrs. Hoerig July. was the ,!!:uest of Mr. :md Mrs. P. E. Willis, of Los An!!eles, and attended the i Mr. and Mrs. H. \Vehster Allyn, of I Exposition at San J)ie~o. On her return I South Chcster Road, ha\'e had as their Star.. Saturday trip she stopped in Cincinnati, Ohio, and ~ucsts this week Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Chica~(), III. A. Anthuney, of Bcloit, Wis. Mrs.Anthoney "CHARLIE CHAN ~. . is a dauJ!htcr of Rcv. Harry P. Armstron!!, Mr. and Mrs. R. h. Wilson and family, of Middle Creck Presbyterian Church, IN EGYPT" 01 0kg!ICn .Avenuell, left SaMturda y fTorh a tW?,-, Winnebag-o, III., or which the Allyns were \\'Cl"S trill to oston, ass. ey WI ,I, f Ii fleen \'cars prior to their -with. 't I I t' mem )ers or I . \'ISoI sc\'cra rc a I\'CS. comin~ to Swarthmorl'. The Anthoneys WARNER OLAND !\Ir. and 1\lr5. John N~Ludwi).!;, of \Val- upnn relurnin~ to Heloit from their weelPAT PATERSON nul Lane and Swarthmore A\'enue, left! ding trir will ha\'e dsited relatives in Merl:t~t \\'(~ck-end for their cottage at Reho-! ccrsbur~, Pa.; Clevcland. Ohio; Syracuse, hoth Beach, Del., where they will spend I :\'". Y., and Chicago, III. Chestt'r"s Only Air Conditioned I I I JUNE 28, 1935 ke)'~ and ot~t'r ddl'('t~. ~i\'l'n to a Polish + -- --- - Children's Efforts Brighten Lives of Many in Philadelphia Slum Districts At the "Tot Lot Hour" on June 7, Mr. English, E"c<:ulivc Secretary of the Philade1phia Playground ASsociation, spoke to the children concerning the nature of summer "Tot Lot" activities. At his suggestion 138 books have been sent to the Philadelphia Playground Headquarters by the Swarthmore childrrn. These books were taken in by a Boy Scout and leader, Vine cent Mather, and will form the library of the "Swarthmore Tot Lot." These children arc given opportunities in art, physical recreation, newspaper editing, home· making, handcraft, music, and in general Americanization. The story of a piano, with many broken head o( public education in Philadelphia, was a guest and expressed his delight upon hearing of the wondrous labors of the Swarthmore children. He invited any who desired to visit the seventy school playgrounds in Philadelphia in which he is particularly interested as to educational programs. Mrs. Hanley, associate director to Mr. Enj!lish, following the "Hour," gave in detail some of the work scheduled for this summer. She told the intcrested childrcn never to look down upon the "Tot Lot" boys and girls, because of their external appearance, that so often the latter possessed a hidden power or talent greater I than that of the visiling children of more fortunate environment. For instance-the best work last year in the school children's art exhibit in Philadelphia was done bv a II Czechoslovakian boy, originally a product ,of the "Tot Lot." • rm;;";;,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ t9Utnrt~mnre (tJ:nmmuuity t'~np Receives College Elections John B. RoxbYt Jr., of Cornell Avenue, was elected vice~president o( the College Body or \Vcslcyan University in the recent student elections. He was also one o( eight juniors elected to membership in Skull and Serpent, senior honorary society. He is cal,tain-clect of the soccer team, presidcnt of the Phi Nu Thela (raternity, a senior member of the Senate, on the Honor Roll, and on the varsity track team. Closing July lst until Early September I 104 PARK AVE. TEL., SW. tl7t willi ! L I I I I I Theatre WAVERLY the summer. Mrs. \\'('ston E. Fuller and Miss Ada Fuller, formerly of Elm Avenue, Swarth-j more. will make their home at 91 Roumfort Avenue, M1. Airy, for the present. THEATRE DREXEL HILL The Most Accommodating Theatre in Delaware County LANSDOWNE Delaware County's Fine!lt Theatre Friday Rnd Saturday 'CARDINAL TODAY and SATURDAY GEORGE ARLISS "OUR LITTLE GIRL" Mrs. Peter E. Told, of Park Avenue, with her two children, Patsy and Polly, returns today from Harve-y Cedars, N. J., where she has spent the last month while I Patsy was convalescing after a recent illness. Patsy's condition is imprO\'ed. I and Tuesday LIONEL BARRYMORE Monday SHIRLEY in RICHELlEU' Starring America's newest sweetheart . . . in her latacst nnd greatest TEMPLE Mr. and Mrs. L. A. \Vetlaufer, of Dickinson A\'cnue. han had as their j!uests for thc pa:-t three \H'cks Mrs. \\~etlaufer's aunts, the l\hsses Cora and Ida Riebel. of ToJedo, Ohio, who leit Swarthmore on Tuesday of this week. Last Thursday Mrs. \Vetlanfcr and the Misses Riehel were the guests of Mrs. E. C. Lappe at a foursome at her home on Park Avenue. I -in- "Mark of the Vampire" Dr. and Mrs. Jean Piccard, of Elm ,h'enue, left last Friday for Newport. R. I., where they will visit Mrs. Piccard's parents and be joined by their three sons. The I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ II where Piccards will then ~otor to C.t1~for~ia Dr. Piccard Will attcnd a SCientIfic connnlion later in the summer. WASHINGTON , Dr. and Mrs. C. E. of Wal-with- Elizabeth Allen Bela Lugosi .~ t MONDAY and TUESDAY CHARLES RUGGLES MARY BOLAND l\1cClun~, THEATRE CHESTER Tuesdhia Park, \viiI intersperse the, org~n selections, and request numbers will be a feature: . The Sunday afternoon concerts, in which noted artists take part, wiD be held as usual, at 3 o'clock, and the Wednesday evening recitals at 7.30 o'clock. Both are without charge to the public. Philadelpbia Memorial Park, a -modem park plan burial ground, is located in one of the most picturesque spots in the Chest~r Valley, at Frazer, just off the Lincoln Highway. GREEN'S .. In Philadelphia newspapers, bearing date of May 7 1935 appearid a smaU item to the effect'that Aru.ur Dunn, colored, .had shot aDd killed. a poUcem.an, when intendiog to shoot a cat on his home premises. This probably did not re8lster with you any more than it did with the undersigned, but Arthur Dunn to you as to us is known as "Bo Peep" and'it is this little fellow who bas ~ived you from the Swarthmore Ice Company, and in more recent times, at the College Pharmacy, that is In such dire straits, and is needing the help of everyone that knows him. Legal investigation gives 'us every rea.son to believe hbn Innocent of the Crime with which he is charged. The members of his famUy have done their utmost to collect fundo for his defense, but it is imperative that there be more money, and at once: Mr. Sproat, at the Swarthmore Na~ tional Bank, wm act as tr.easurer for this fund, and any amounts, DO. matter· how smaD, left with Mr. Sproat;·wW go . direcUy for defense. The cue is eapected to come. up In Criminal Court In July and the immediate need. for this money is most urgent... ADA V. FENNO, REBA.C. HODGE, E. S. SPROAT. • EARLIER SERVICE, PLEASE To the SWAltTIIM:OREAN: Our borough is a delightful place to live and there is lilUe of which to comp\aln, but we want the best to be had, and feel jusUlied In asking why we don't get our morning paper until 8 o'cloclt and our mail unUl 10.30 to 11 o'clock. It seems to me We should bav,e earlier service OD these two important things In our daUy lives. IRWIN D. WOOD. , AN APPEAL To the Editor: The poor response from the citizens of Swarthmore to the appeal made for contributing members to· the Fire Company CO·ED· . Beauty Salon Modernize Your Kitchen ON BEHALF OF OUR SENATOR AND .REPRESENTATIVE To the:"dl~r:. ,. I noticed 1D last week 5 edition of the Chester Ti",es. ~ ~ of ~e Philadelphia newspapers, ~ Item In which our Senator. John]. McClure, a~ our Representative, Elwood Tu~er, w~re !udged ~e most able men o~ Cap.tol HlI1 1D Harrisburg. I feel that these men have protected our interests and should be. entitled to a writeUiJ in your newspaper if satisfactory to you, also calling att~ntion to the fact ~at .S~arthm_~re receIved two .c:»f the Senatorial Schol~ps. • .. Hopmg that you. will see fit to glve this matter your attention. FRANK L. GETIZ. • FROM "WHO'S WHO IN . AMERICA" • 1_ Sewina Group Bc;Uu·Meetinp On Tuesday morning, June 2S, a small, enthusiastic group began summer sewing for the Needlework GuDd. . Mrs. F. Norton Landen, Mrs. 1. Horace Walter, Mrs. Henry Mock, Mrs. Charles Fischer, Mrs. Iohn McWilliams and Mrs. c. liasUngs met with Mrs. ]. V. S. .Bishop OD the porch of ber bome on Har... vard Avenue. .It was decided to make a stock of interested~ L: with a 1935 Gas Range Picture this beautiful Quality Gas Range in your own kitchen. Then figure up how much work it will save yOU ..• and how many dollars, tOO! A modern gas range cuts the cost of cooking and the work of cooking! The range shown offers: • New round Qulcidop burner. which give more heat for amount of gos con.umed. • • • Oven Heat eliminate cooking fail· ures ond waite of food. Insulated oven to keep the kitch.n cooler•. ........ 111....1, ...... _ ..........., $71.50 with ........ .......r _ ........ $2 ........ 2 yotiIn to pay. . . . . 1ft _ . I •• p.et _ .... line of au_Illy _• • • • •,,1 0.. a.n ••• ~~...; •• J _., .) :.. : AU 0- S.,."-_ S'-, or SH Y_ DMhr or D.-,gb "" S,.,.. ----- Pho;'e 595 WM. S. HOBBS Swarthmo.... 1666 -_._------ PLOWS He· sold and' ICE CREAM FREEZERS. I ( . Swarthmore National Bank' and Trust Company "1iutJl fI- ~o.o ous patronage helpad maka our The Girl Scouts of District No.6, covering the Eastern part of Delaware County, will :have a swimming meet. and field day at Morton Park Pool today, Friday: June 28. Events will begin at 9.45 A. M., and contiDue until 4 P. M. Tbe program is as foUows: Registration of troops and girls entering the meet. Switnming, including races, diving, form swiln.ming and novelty races. General swim.. Lunch, story hour, singing, progres.sive games and contests. Announcements of winners. Closing cerelt'onies. Miss Mary F. Child, of Swarthmore, is chairDlan of the program comDliUee and Miss Della Leech, of Philadelphia, is In charge of the swimming. BIg Opportunitys... IUch • success. The many v.luH offered thll week wHI further show 0lIl' ::,;:::~~Sa~ve moneyIn th'- New Crop - 1935 Pack New Peas Sweet and tender - iIStD Dellolous . 25c Brown Edge V.nlli. Wid.,. N. B. C. Premium Rakel =1" Rib Roast Cut from eorn-ted steer beer. Rump Bologna or S'tfAll'l'lDlo... 11:00&.. . . 8 11:00 A... IL 8 A~\Ie ".... - 1M.n,.2' c. p.;... +,. Wow JIanard SehooL ..., . ' Sam '"' ,. .. eMIl . . . . . 1OOIa", daib'. aeept; _ _ a. 1 to ": CIrIIrdI ...... AD a f t ewE ~ ....... to .....-....... Se. .... _ . . .sVb.. ..... dQD . . . . " 310 Ib 15c Sc Mackerel ---- -H;;~ydews Eaf Fresh Fruits &- Vegefa"'es' Pu'" Put 25 c I SWABTBIIORB KETBODIST EPISCOPAL OIIUROJI REV. WAYNE OBANNELL, D. D. CIlUIICII OF ClIIlIll!... 8OIBIITJST. 1fl White Amerioan Sandwioh Cheese V4 Ib 70 Wisconsin Limburger Cheese Ib 220. Virginia Style Cooked Ham % lb· 180 Potato Salad, 8eet Salad tb cup Creamed Cabbage, Cole Slaw Fresh ·tb Boston Fresh ";Iioed Codfish Ib 150 Large Fresh Porgies and Croakers 2 lb. 130 Fresh Fillets Cenuine Haddook Ib 170 SUMMER SERVICES SUNDAY 10 :OO-Bib1e School. 11 :OO--Morni.ng Wonhlp. Holy Communion. . FRIDAY 9:SO-Women'. Porch Meeting at home of Jlra. Reittel. 511 Harvard Avenue. PIII8T 22c tb Wilson's Select Calves Liver SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH RM. John ElleJ7 TaWe. Ilinitter '1. Roast Veal Cutlets Ib 390 Rib Chops Ib 320. Loin ChDps Ib 35c I 80nelllss Shank Ib 25c ArmDur's "Star" Half Smokes or THE _ 3 :.::. 25c 3 oanl 25c Standing Beef 8 :00 A. M.-Ho!y ComDlunlon. WBDIOI8DAY 19c 19c There's a DIfference In Meals Quality Counfs 11 :00 A. M.-Mornins Pl'&J"er and Sermon. 1L to 1:10 P. 1L s•• taa .... lac ... WItfUI.r Ba.a. . . . . . . pIqr 130 C1enwood FIDrida Crapefrult No. a can 100 Rector: R4Y. J. Jerden Guenther. S. T. II. ~ .b .b S.lected Quality Mushrooms IDe Farmdale Cut String Besns . Pl'Oteetant Epllleopal Chester Road and Collse AVeDUf! '1" 11!!!- BakingPowder::;:~i: Ib_can:. ~ 8;0 S.vingl on Th_ Quality 'rodum; . TRINITY OHUROH for w....1p .a tIae .25. Jar 15. pkgs lte tISOI .... CHURCH NEWS SUlIDAY 21c osbot21c ...., ·5c ,~ Gelatine Desserts 6 O:;~ge Marmalade I I RIl.158i ·"RACi'1110 11_- plqr pIqr qt j&1' 5e tISOI ..,. ....t Rn.n Al U:OOA.JL-II_ os 12 25c "'wick Sweet Mixed Piclcles 25c Sluffed QuHn Olives . 7c iIStD Tomato Puree I F1IIBNDS C 5c 8 o. IOc 2 pt bota25c 7c Prim Brand Rice 12c ......h Salted Peanuts 15c Sunrise Ketchup FUNERAL DIRECTORS or ed.8 eaeh 49~ Walnut Icing Devil's Food Cake OLIVER H. BAIR C~ TUB :JIIILICIOU9 9~umr wra pp loaf Raisin Bread County Commissioners James B. Miner, ] a~es S. Desmond and Charles Drewes, togethe, with County ControUer James T. Stewart, last week made a tour of inspec- • Uon of tDree hospitals, where Delaware County tuberculosis patients are being treated at county expense. , Charles Kurtzhalz. of Park Avenue ,. siV&rthmore; ;&...tary' .(t'he--Delaware County Tuberculosis AssociaUo,n, led the tour at the end of which the' four officials expressed satisfaction and approval of the way "the county patients are being treated. At tbe board meeUng of the Tuberculosis Association lasr·Frlday, Mrs. William A. ]a.quette, of Elui Avenue, Swarthmore, was among. the directors present. In Mr. Kurtzhalz' report to the board, he said, "In actual service to ~e tuberculous and their families, we are qow doing more tllan has ever been possible In the past. Oul' records sbow that since tbe first patient was admitted to hospitalization UDder the County Commissioners' Fund on April 25, 1934, a total of 164 patients have benefited. from this fund in thirteen months. 9 :45 A. M.-8unday Sebool. 11 :00 A. M.-"Doing th~ Work of the Lord Deeeitfully.·· 7 :45 P. M.-Helpful attractive service of 50 minutes eonducted by the Pastor. ~ ftavol'-Real Value. Special/or Friday and Saturday T. B. hupec:tion Tour DIGNIFIED SIMPliCITY 3 ,=~2 23c deUCtOU8 Tomatoes • CHARACTERIZES EVERY SERVICE mett 25c - Standard Quality Ripe The new organizing girls' lacrosse team. met for its second practice Tuesday evening_ Enough girls turned out to make up ome team, but it is hoped to have two fuD teams by the end of the season. AU those interested (experience not necessary) are "WVeJcome to come next Tuesday evening at 1 o'clock. at "The Box" (Fairview Road aero.. from Playe.. Club). Tb.is team is in DO way connected with the S. H. S. girls' lacrosse team. It is helng coached by several very able playe .. from the "Swarthmore Indians," who are also doing the kindness of lending the girls their equipment. I 4::!~ Evap. M Girls' Lacroaae Team Organizing ~ II their regular customers.nd the many new ones who.. gener. Girl Scout Field Day A11~I11_ PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY . . .. N the old days the traveling salesman, or "drummer" as he was called, carried a side· line in addition to his chief product. Naturally he was more interested to sell his main product than his sideline. Banking is our main product. It is our specialized business-not a sideline. This is one of the manyreaeons why yoU will lind it profitable and convenient to have your savings rMfely depoeited ill this bank. Control to Tobie-top design to save ·you endle.. slJltL ,. • s~r.. QuaUty .t MediulD Price He.tID. at Law CDat Perf~t Our Clerks and Managers from the With the permission of the publishers of "Who's Who," we reproduce the seventeenth in our series of articles on Swarthmoreans (ontained in that volume. "HAYES, ]obn RusseJI, librarian; b. at West Chester, Pa., Iune 25, 1866; s. Wi\liain ·MordeciU and Rachel Hutton (Russell) H.;· A.B. Swarthmore, 1888; A.B., Harvard, ° 1889 ; LL.B., U. of Pa., 1892; Univs. of Oxford and Strassburg, 1892-93; m. Emma Gawthrop, of Wilmington, Del., ] une 30, 1892 j children, Esther Rachel, Katharine RUSSeU, Eleanor Gawthrop • Instr. English, 1893-95; asst. prof., 18951906; coU. librarian, 1906-27; librarian Friends' Hist. Library, since 1927, Swarthmore CoD. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Upsilon. Mem. Soc. of Frlenda. Author: The Old-F..hioned Garden and Other Verses, 1895; The Brandywine. 1898; S....arthmore IdyDs, 1899; Scholar's Ideal (Phi Beta Kappa Ode), 1904; Old Quaker Meeting-Houses, 1909j Brandywine Days, 1910; In Memory of WhIttier. 1910; Moliy Pryce, 1913; Roger Morland, a Quaker IdyU, 1915;.CoUected Poems, 1916. Hom.: -SwarthiDare, Pa."· .:. $5.00, ·409 Dartmouth • d....... for elght-year-old girls. Material was purchased at eight cents per yard by Mn_ Landen, who has rharge of the sew_ ing. Sbt suitable and very attractive dresses are 'WeD under way. Each member promised to bring a friend, at l ....t one. to the ...t meeting, which will be on the porch of Mn. J. Horace Walter's home at 508 Cedar Lane, neat Tuesday, July 2. at 9.30 A. M. SewIng stops at 11.45 A. M. Any wbo are Interested In furthering comfort In this way are urged to bring needle and thbnble and attend the meetings. Tbe articles will be Induded In Swarthmore's exhibit this faU. I PERMANENT WAVES For Fourth of Iuly week Hedgerow Theatre offers a varied list ranging from 15th Century to modern drama with two solo performances of the month coming on Independ~nce ])ay. p-. ··LOW COST •.•• PLAN ~.;(;N;;r;p;1a;Y;.r;';C;.U;b;I.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiii==~ Hedgero.... Th....tre Celebrate _.hom ~ mote of P _ It', cI.:n aUk. It', Natare', __ fw the Hot W,.tber B.... n.-'. DO fiaer food. • • A L =============='" , A CRITICAL PROBLEM dent of this county. His early education NAME ................................................ ''\.9; w.. obtained in the public schools of Trainer and Chester, where he graduated from the Chester High School in the Class ADDRESS ................................................. _ · of 1904. He began his legal training under the tutelage oi the leader of the Delaware ....................................... AGE ............. . County Bar,.the Honorable Oliver B. Dick· inson, now ] udge of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District · of Pennsylvania. Since his admission, Mr. McClenachan has practiced law In Delaware County and has been identified prominently in civic affairs and fraternal and . .. f!hi H . 5 . . 5 th througb the medium of modem theatre. I egal actiVities 0 s counlY· e IS o· The eightb annual se5Slon of the war - The cast of 43 includes Harry Sheppard LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE U. S. lidtor for the Boroughs and School Districts more Sum~er High School began Monda?" Ann Clark and Betty FuDer. 'I Bos 7. Swarthmore, Pa. of Trainer and Eddystone, and Solicitor for June 24, WIth a smaDer enro~ment than 10 The Fourth is celebrated by a matinee the Township of Tinicum. the. past several ~eaIS. Thi.r:ty-four local performance of i'Inheritors,"· Susan OIas- 1-______________________________-' Mr. McClenachan ent~red the public pupils are purswng forly-etght cour.:es' peD's American saga which has its twelfth servic.e 00 January 1, 1920, as an A.ssis~t ~Ieven out-of-town students are studYlDg annual Showing on Independence Day, and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...;._ _ _ _ _-, · Distnct Attorney and has served the public 10 seventeen. classes. . OiJeRS on that day in tbe play in 1879 and contiuuously in the office of the District AtSeven .teacher;- have ~een asslglled to the I traces American development up to the tomey since that time. He w~ elevated s~ of ~tru~on. Miss Helen Beard, of present. In the cast are Jasper Deeter, in to the more important office of Fust Assist- Wilson, 15 3S51gued some of the mathe- th I h •• ted' N Y k d .• N M D croe eonglDa In ew or,an ant District Attorney on January 1, 1928'1 matics. M~ G.ladYs ormaD, t: yen, Ruth Oliver and Sol Jacobson in support. During his career at the Bar he has been of the Umversdy of· Pennsylvama,. and S. GiI.. .of' IMiss Esther MullowDey also of Wilson. In the • evening' UEngaged", W . vlaeryti activHe l~ thpe taffp..rs'd tthef Bthar DeI Asso• are handling the languag~. Mr. Harry P. be~'s satire on a .young man who cannot con. e IS as rest en 0 e a- K d t t d t f th Univer reslSt the temptation to propose to every ware County Bar Association, a member of . unerf, ; gra ~a e. s ~ en ~ .e the scl- girl he meets and has the inevitable results~ the Executive Committee of the Pennsyl- Slty 0 dennsYthvant2ti' IS dwor rtng IRis Miss- This satire on the '90's has in its cast J as• B Asso" d f th D't't enee an ma ema C5 epa men. vama a~ ~ation an 0 e. IS nc Virginia Nylund, of BuckneD, and Miss per Deeter, Al McGrannary, Helen Alex:"-ttomeys ~C1aUon of PeDDSYlv~ma, and I Harriell Matter, of DickInson-and a for- ander and Rose. CuDen. IS a Past P_dent of the Lawyers Club of mer student at the local high school are Small town Ii!e at the turn of th~ cenKeep cool this Summer by sending your laundry to us. Delaware County. When the Delaware t bing th sodal sciences and some tury 6Ds the bill a week from tonightCounty Police School opened at Swarth- Ieac e "Winesburg, Ohio," Sherwood Anderson's We offer live specialized .ervices for your convenience. . to be one of the own dramatization of his. novel. In the more College, a movement that attracted anThguag~_: "d . M M CI ch e ~on promISeS CALL MEDIA 174 nation·Wl e. attention,. r; c ena an best. Many pupils are enrolled to get a cast are ,WaItc;r Williams, Joseph Taulane became an mstructor m criminal law and pre.view of their work for Dext year. Am- and Harry Esherick. procedure. bition of this type will help their progress His public activities have not been .re- through. aU· of their school work. . The Robin Hood Theatre stricted to those associated with his pro-· I· Serving Swarthmore Succeaafully Since 1900 ffSSion, as he has been active in the interEvenina Organ Recitab ests of the Volunteer Firemen of Delaware Theatre in Arden, Delaware, disTo Helen Wright, of the falls RobintheHood County and has heen solidtor of the Dela~ In addition to -the· regular Sunday after- tinction of being one of the first, actresses ware County Firemt:n's Association for the DODn concerts at Philadelphia Memoria! to play the role of Lady Violet Wyngate i1) past ltent~ f .... tHe ,Is a, Past Masll!f ~~!!!', oerJ~re£I!lli ~I pow~e I'~~a\g fromJ~eav~n" ~!!t."'~.e__oJ N~Yf.X,!rk 1"R.Y"'~Y&lJU~"C"· "'t~ "'rr"'. and Trustee OnUelllS H. Scott Lodge No. "en'.Wednesdaytverungs, starting July-3. C.ty. ·Miss Wright will be seen .n this· 352, F. & A. M .• and is President of the Announcement to this eJfect was made powerful drama on the evenings of June Exchange Club of Chester which he helped this week by the management, in response 26, 27, 28. and 29 at the Arden playhouse. to organize. -Mr. McClenathan· is a mem- to mallY requests for a mid-week evening The r?le was created tbis season ~y Jane ber of many other organizations, legal and recital in the iDSpiriug opeJ;l.air setting pro- C~w.l 1D the New York Theatre Guild profratelnal. vided .by the hills flanking the historic duction. Headquarters, to further his candidacy, CheSter Vaney. Others Do--Why Not You? have been opened in the former Chester The cathedral-like orgaD, installed at a Timts Building at Fifth and Market Sts.• cost of many thousands of. dollars at the ROBERT C. BROOKS, Chester, Pennsylvania. park studio, can be heard frot::l every part Atlutic Guollne '" Motor ou. COAL SERVICE of the· grounds iD softly modulated tones brcadcast from the amplifying tower. Solos Cheat6r RDa . . . . Fairvtew Road COUPONS GIVEN Accident on Cheater Road SWA.1234 ALFRED H. COPE makes it necessary to aend out, through the medium of the SWAllTlU(OIlMN, Booth.. P1IIIL1SHED EVEIIY f'alDAY AT call to thooe wbo have not joined In this .awAIITHllOaB, .Ao·-. most worthy cause. _. The immediate pro+. tection given freely. the reduced Insurance ANN .. SHARPU!S rates . accomplished, and the unswerving loyalty, without pay, given· by the Active Memben, should make each one lay aside TlTUSJ.EWIG his hesitancy to meet this moral ohUgotion. Send your contribution now to lobo ROSAIJE DRYDEN w. ·Powell, DkkiDson Avenue, Treasurer, Swarthmore Fire and Protective AssociatiQn, or to the SWARTBKOREAN, and' thus PII... Swartb:.... 800 Eateretl .. s.c... Clue Matter. J··.I17 .... aid in sustaIning this mOst necessary inltz:t, .t fl. P ..t O8lw at s..... _ .. r .... stitution. ........... Act.'_a. ..... T. HARRY BROWN. . FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1935 r_...... IF I SAVE I • _E.. . . . . -_--.. .............. .. . .. ... --. "THE SWARTHMOREAN THE SWARTHMOREAN I I I JUNE 28, 1935 I ~antaloupes 2 for 19c Georgia Peaohes Ib 100 Watennelons eaoh 370 'Juioy Lemon_ do. 230 Cloo1IIonda .... eaoh .......-.- 25 C String Beans 3 lb. 100 New PDtatoas 15 lb. 23c Iceberg Lettuce 2 head. 15c Bing Cherrl!_ lb 230 So""",", Sapr Oranles 18 for 29c Corn 6 ean 19c .-- • THE; SWARTHMOREAN JUNE 28, 1.935 I NEWS NOTES During Mr. and Mrs. Allison'. absence Place, has proved conclusively that black clIe, gels along famously with her two ada eleven times. Perha"" there are a f .... their daughter. Barbara. visited her grand- ""Is (at least those with white feet) are, canine brethren, and enjoy. motor trips. of uS who would not mind changing places Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kimmel. of Hav- father. Mr. E. B. Heneks. of Ridley Park. contrary to common belief, lucky Indeed. She h .. been to Florida twice and to Can- with that cat. erford Place. celebrated their te':,'th wedMr. and Mrs. 1. H. D1cldnson. of Wintwelve c~an ... boued Recently Mrs. Luff took by a the bookAmericonding anniversary on Sunday evODlDg when ter Park. Fla. parenls of Mr. Walter D1ck- !alning can Legion. RunaJng out of names of • their guesls were Mr. and M .... H?mer Inson. of Mt. Holyoke Place. have taken Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pieroe, the home of M.... William Garrett, on family mombtrs she filled those of her two eleven-year-old dogs and that of Mittens, ~V:T of Swarthmore. and Mr. and Mm. Edward Mt. Holyoke Place. for the summer. Slebole. of Morton. ;;;;;.;;;;;,;;;;::======================:= ."nUHCZHn- -- Mr. Ib W. Collins, of Ogden Avenue, t,=':~I-::~:'T~.!~: t:~r-:f ~t:~,I:e:~I:~::: :81:: Wt Sunday IpOrning for Welli:sIey CoDege, her house guest, Miss HarrIett Train, of W-,,-, M... here he will attend a p=(!o'nferen'-;. WOn his way home Mr. Miss Frances ArmItage. of Collins will stop In New York. returning Harvard Avenue. will eniertaln with a theto Swarthmore about 1u1y 9. atre party In Miss Train'. hoDor. MIss Train will sail fo r Europe OIl MOIlMr. and Mrs. John E. Fricke and famday WI· th her n._1s, Dr. and Mrs. 1. K. Ily. formerly of HiUbom Avenue, removed ~to Woodward Road. Movlan. on Friday TraIn. , MUs Shirley Shaw will leave on Monday wt. for Camp Aloha. Fairlee. Vt•• where she Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Cards. of will spend ,the summer. Riverview Road, entertained with • supper Mrs. Ralph Bagby' and children, of ng:;.___ party wt eveni:: Evanston. m.. will arrive Sunday to visit Mrs. George H. Cro.. and daughter, Miss with Major and Mrs. C. A. Bagby, of Carol Cross, of Princeton Avenue, are oc- Princeton Avenue. cupying their oottage at Rehoboth B e a c h . . Sa~e~ D~:,__ Dorothy CareJs has .retumed from Lucky Cat clJance and won fifth prize, $Z.oo. Remembfr that,' Mittens, your lucky numbtr Is undoubtedly livel Mittens enjoyed a chicken dinner for her generosity. In inlmedlately turning the whole amount over to the family who have made her fifteen years of existence so pleasant. Unselfish cat. that! Mittens Is very happy In the Luff domi- ~ OUTDROECOlyR,A0LSRGAN '" ' 0 b. held regularly every WEDNESDAY EVENING AT 7.30 (D.S.T.) u. -"minim " ' - Fust redial July .. , ... , -'6" on! with Miss G'O.l"" " • .....,_ JohDJon at the organ, and solOl by Anne Simon. con. ualto. Eojoy the music from the com. fon of YOut own car-in a beaut; . I park-with the atmosphere 10 degr. ,', cooler than in town. This aeries j. i" addili." to Out regular r.~IJ>J!:~ Sweeney & Clyde i~\"..11,\.~~a.; :;';~!'1lIY= H~hWllJ'(l.OU.te INSURANCE ,- .;; SUNDAY AFTERNqo~ CO".CERTf C .. tU 3 .'tI«J, /tMMri., ""III ~rlislJ " ~O} at P........... • ~i~will 29 EAST 5th STREET ,, • 0- Philadelphia Memo'(. . . JUNE 28, 1935 CLASSIFIED - FOR RENT-8tnall furabhed a.partment. . bedrooDlll, $90. »arpret S. Brown, 508 North Chester Road. Telephone, Swarthmore 1290. --FOR SALE FOR SALE-Beautilul dark oak Globe Wernlcke book cuee in A-I condition. Sacrifice. Telephone, Swarthmore 981. PERSONAL PERSONAL-Couple would like to live in and care for home during owner'. abeeuee. Ref- ereneee. AddTelliB Dol[ F, Swarthmoreaa. WANTED WANTED--College boy or girl. companion tor five year old boy with Swarthmore family ,pending Bummer In Vermont. Telephone: swarthmore 169O-W. I AM IN TOUCH WITH MONEY FOR GOOD LOCAL FIRST MORTGAGES F~ed-Summ.r. 1935 ... bedroolllaa $51; Dear coDe. .; 3 . . .roalll., .......a $SO; 3 he4roOIld. aJeepla. porch. ,$4S; IS .....QOzu. bath. WM. S. BITTLE Swardamore 1114 Notary PuhUe Ia.graae. - Real E.tate $80~ FOR RENT 8 College Ave. 4 bedroom., 2 bathroom., fine.t condition througho.ut. $100. Avallable June IS. R. T. BAIR Swa..tJunore 1841 or Any B..okel' FJnt Modgaae Fund. Avolla.bla YE Village Window Cleaner Mrs. William J.. Guy, of Yale Avenue, bas returned from Florida where she has spent the winter. A. HAUGER, Prop. ---Mrs. Thomas B. Swa. 19 Mr. and McCabe and family, of North Chester Road. left this morning for Ocean City for the summer. PETER E. TOLD The Misses Ruth and Rosamond Wellbum, of Dartmouth Avenue, are spending the summer in Provincetown, Cape Cod. Donald Lange, of Baltimore Pike, Swarthmore, with Lewis and William Shay and Richard Fogg. of Rose Valley. returned Tuesday from a ten-day camping triP at Lake Wallenp~wpack, Pa. Mrs. Carlos Noyes, of Harvard Avenue, entertained at bridge yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Brauns, of Rutgers Avenue. have as their guests for two weeks Mr. Braun's sisters, Miss Dorothy and Miss Mary Brauns, of Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. BrauDS and the Misses BrauDS spent last week-end in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Allison, of Rutgers Avenue, returned Sunday after spending a week in Huntington, W. Va., where they visited Mrs. Neill Lassiter, who is a former resident of Swarthmore. All Lines of Insurance Ineiuding LIfe Notuy Puhllc 417 DARTMOUTH AVE.. .. HAl{ LETI'ERS TESTAMENTARY on the above Estate have been granted to the uuderaigned, who request all persons havintE' claims or de.. mandJI agafut the Estate of the decedent to make known the aame, and all persona In_ debted to the decedent to make payment, without delay. to MARIAN MAGILL JENKINS, 606 North Chester Road, Swarthmore, Pa. Or to her Attorney. WAYLAND H. ELSBREE. 1930 Land Title Bldg•• 8. W. Cor. Broad & Chestnut 8ts .• Philadt!lphia 5-17_ST ESTATE OF GEORGE C. BARBER. Std. DECEASED: Letters Testamentary on the above estate have been granted to Lydia Rodgers Barber and THE CORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILA- DELPHIA which requests all persona havln.. elaims or 'demands against the estate of the decedent to make known the satne,. and all persona indebted to the deeedent to make pay_ ment,. without delay. to CORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK. AND TRUST COMPANY, . PHILADELPIDA, 1510 Chestnut Sthtet, PhUadelpbia F.daar W. Freeman. Troat Officer. Attomeys : Shields, Clark. Brown II: McCown, 1900 Girard Trust Bulldlag. Phlbulelpbla. I-I'.&T. , . Mrs. John Esslinger was hostess to the C' I Th -~- J 2 h nen y 'm; e UliXliiY, UDe 0, at er SWa 1833 . LTREAT JUNE PRICES ARE LO_WEST I N YEARS Our mine prices on domestic sizes of pure, clean Famous Reading Anthracite have gone up. Retail prices will probably follow as retail merchants are now delivering coal at lowest handling rates to keep their men employed. Be sure of biggest savings on highest quality. super-cleaned, heat-packed hard coal by buying at once. Lowest June mine prices, lowered freight rates, lowered delivered prices make this your hig opportunity to buy the most heat for the least money. Place your order TODAY for next winter's needs with a reliable retail merchant who guarantees you full weight and highest quality. Call a Reading Anthracite coal merchant TODAY. THI PHILADELPHIA AND READING COAL AND IRON COMPANY ..... Ia. T..... ln.l, PhI ..........I., .... RDER TODAYI AtrP PURE who was on jury duty in Media Mrs H Pi 'ded ,. arvey erce pren . The Sewing Cliairman, Milrs' Vera Demuth, reported 26 finished articles returned and announced that no (urther sewing would be distributed until fall. Report was made on an emergency call for t.wo pairs pajamas furnished. a young girl sent to the hospital. It was voted to continue tbe three quarts of milk daily to the large family of children, as their income continues inadequate. A number of appeals for help were heard. all of which touched the sympathy of ibe Ceor..e Arlin ..tara in "Carcliaal listeners. After much discussion it was Richelieu" at the LanHlowue Theatre agreed to give financial assistance to the today and Saturday. widow who wished ploughing done in order to help herself with her garden; to supply to a famous mineral springs district. glasses to the little boy who has a serious Saegertown, Venango, Cambridge Springs eye def~t, needing immediate relief to pre· and numerous other attractive resorts !'ent a~aden,t; t~ lind a dr~r and P:'- nestle in green bUIs at high altitude and JamBS for, a .you~ mother With three are passed en route to Erie, dren, who 15 trymg to readjust her life . . after desertion by .her husband, just when . Here lies. beaUtif~1 P.resque I~le Park. she is about to assume responsibility for ncb In SC~D1C !'9d.• histon~ at~ractIon. For another little life. twenty ~es In either diredlon along ~~e Mrs. Henry J ODes has invited the Lake Ene shore the travelers can VlSlt Friendly Circle 'to be her guesls at her scores of delightful. beaches and summer home at Village Green on July 18. Northward from Ene, U. S. Route 20 1S' After the business meeting, Mrs. Pierce ~ollowed to Westfield, where a righ~ tum [ told of her Visit the previous evemng' to Jl!to State Route 17 leads to ~yvUle on Lake Chautauqua The same highway fo1 ' Camp Sunshiite, Thornton; and eXplained . ... why the cabins, one of which was donated lows the north ~ore of the lake through r eed d th • . a1 ..1i numerous aUracllve resorts to Jamestown " · I by th e CJrC e, exc e e ongm -. tb h rt f ri-~ dairy d f . cd M P' , 'd th th ill e ea 0 a U1 an armmg mat cost. . IS. Jeree ~ at, as ey district, From here the homeward journey N Y 60 d U S 62 t Warstand, the cabID! are a credit to any camp, I ds 'f cled riginaJJ' I d e a over . . an .. 0 an d I constru as 0 y panne, P b 1ft t int U S Id '1 h b f chOi ren, a., were a e um 0 •• wou D'7essan y ave een 0 SU. msy Route 6 carries the travelers through the All h N ti' 1 F t t construction as 10 be unable to WIthstand . t , E h b" . d pIC uresque eg eny a ona ores 0 many seasons use. ac ca m IS eqwppe Ka .H . ht t I ds south with bunks, making sleeping accommoda- th ne. h Rie~dgw'a ng d uDm B ':" t the . f igh E h b' t tiIlb roug ayan UOIS 0 , bon;; or e. t. ac ca ID mus s : e Lakes-to-the-Sea. Highway and the tour eqwpped WIth blankets and other necescan be completed over the same route used . . d ft th t all th t . ~ties an a e~ a . a 15 necessary on the outbound "trip. IS for some philanthroplc group or groups to furnish funds to keep the cabin filled each week throughout the summer months. Building New House • Tour of Lake Erie Shore The Martyn Construction Company began work tbis week on the erection of a Scenic charm and historic background stone dwelling at the southeast comer of combine to give the. Lake Erie shore a Chester Road and Westdale Avenue. . . --.,-+-,.,' UPHOLSTERING - Grad..tea at Univ. of Vermont Margaret L. McCracken, o( Vassar Avenue, a member of the class of 1935 at the University of Vermont, was graduated from the University Monday, June 24~ taking her degre~ in the Social Science cur~ulum. PROTECT YOUR GARDEN' HEATING Woo~ward, Jackson & Black, IDC. asonHeflin .M COAL CO. '. ellil SWllrthmore 6 or 345 " ~ :' .' ' .. ., ....., , . , ... __ .. _._. -"".- - , ... . " NEW PACK EARLY JUNE No• 2 cln. RITTER'S oz Cln. 2 WI·UTE WOUSE tall . . . can. Sunnyfield Flour -FAMILY- .~, . -PASTRY-- 5tgiSC 5-~:g20C (12·\!:.. 43e) (121,':,. 37c) Pillibury's ttBest 12·l!:.S3c S'~~25c Cerasot:. 12·~~.S3c 5':::'" 2Sc Gol~ Med.1 ·~:.S3e 5'1:'.. 2Sc BEST '. PURE VEGETABLE . PIJi"e l,.ard 2 Ib, 33c II Shorl:ening 21.. 29c ,~1IleaADta'fP1llMkJ6I/ .LegSGL~;g Ib 23 C FANCY L.mb (Short·Cot) -a.ISe . '"'D. I (Cellophane Wrapped)-·SMOKED 2~::r:gi:lb Beef Tongues Ib 29c FANCY MILK-FED (Up to 32 Lh•• ) Stewi"ngChiclcens Ib25c Chuclc Roast • Ib23c Fresh Boston Mackerel • loSe Fresh Sliced Steak Cod - ·,Se Fresh Jeney Flounden 2Il00 25e i~______~C~r~u~"~e~r~s__~(~~t~~~8~c~)__ _n~IS~c~____--,j·· d_o_ •• Grapefruit Juice Polk', 2 ~:~.215c Hires :~~~ Extract bot 20c Skidoo CRE.J.~'c~~:NSERI 2 can. 15c Pacific Toilet Tissue • 5 rolll 13c • ~I.ko. or (3 .m." 23 C ) 2 I•• 37 Ch .pSO Gr.nul.. pk.. c Borden's Cheese • 2 plcg. 27c 3-0% THE JAPANESE BEETLE IS HERE go pk.. BEETLE TRAPS BEETLE BAIT BEETLE ' SPRAYS = 8-0. (AU Varietie. Except Swln aDeI Early American) Borden's Swiss Cheese 2 2ge NECTAR TEAS SUPLEE'S STORE MIXED BLEND , ~~-Ib 'S' rlcg SO. CHESTER ROAD SWARTHMORE 105 SWARTHMORE 43 c ORANGE PEKOE or INDIA CEYLON ;-~: ~-Ib ISe plcg 12C ~~ 22c Orange Pekoe Tea Balls - 2 ~~r. 23e will more RED RIPE-EXTRA LARGE than pay (half melon 18c) c Watermelons ~ANCY-WOT Tomatoes ,2 25c Potatoes - 15-c,::t"23c whole35 melon for a EXTRA TELEPHONE in your . 21e) 3 23 c Peas Tomato Juice 3 o- 25c Evap. Mille - I. 25c . Fo'-'lUillrhtr Call Swarthmore 1441 a Day ( ••• rt hoi resort:" FURNITURE RESTORING Nickels 2:!:23c chfl- playground section of the east. LakeIands, " "GoWDa mountains and mineral springs resorts can Remodeling be visited on a delightful motor tour out· At Home or by the nay lined by the Keystone Automobile Club, The Harvard Sw. 892 which' passes over excellent highways through this region of northwestern Pennsylvania. . uIn addition to the attractive resorts which are the objective of the trip the journey is made mainly ()ver the famous Lakes-to-the-Sea Highway which winds Send for Harley-You'll Not Be Sorry through high scenic territory." says Howard Ja Gallagber, manager of the Delaware County Division of the Club. "The entire Hoaell Uadel' the, COy_ round trip can be covered in approximately 820 miles." From Chester the tour leads over State Shop: 27 MaiD St., Morto... P.. Route 352 through Lima to State Route 5 E.... Call. Swa. 18394. Rutledae, P .. where a left tum carries the travelers through West Chester, Downingtown, Honeybrook, Ephrata and Cornwall to Hummelstown. Here U. S. Route 422 is met and used to Harrisburg. From the state capital U. S. Route II is followed to Amity Hall, where a left tum leads over U. S. Route 22 through scenic regions of the beautiful Juniata Valley-Mifflintown to Lewistown. From this point the Lakes-to·tbe-Sea Highway, U. S. Route 322, is followed over a gradual climb through the foothills of the Alleghenies. State College and Philipsburg are passed to quaint Clearfield, perched high in the mountains. A wonderful hunting and fishing sector is found from here. At Brookville a delightful side trip leads to the Cook Forest. From Brookville the highway wends through scenic regions to Meadville, the gateway TWO Grape Juice =============== Expert" D'~ an ESTATE OF THOMAS ATKINSON JENKINS. d..,...... I I"OR RENT-Fumbhed home on hill, on bu home on Columbia Avenue.. Una, lawn. Bhade. For year or more. Five In the absence of Mrs. T. Harry Brown, , " E. C. WALTON --- Mr. aod Mrs. W. F. Faragher and son, William, of South Chester Road. returned from a motor trip to Chicago and Champaign, Ill., last week. Mrs. Faragher's son, Robert. gradualed on 1 une 10 from law lebool of the University of llIinols with )igh honors. He also won the Harker ScholaJ5bip Prize and is a member of Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, Law FrateriDty, Phi Delta Phi, honorary Fraternity Phi Kappa Phi and the Order of the Coif. Robert will take the Illinois Bar examination in Chicago the last of July and return to Swarthmore August 1. 600 Real Subst:ant:ial Savings on t:he Famous ••• North Chester Road. TelepboD.e., Swartbmore IF' dI 198. ~~.~.Afi~·t~tens;:'~.~L~uff~,~ch~e:rish~·~ed~~rer!j~n~e~O~f~!4~r~.~P:h:O:De:.~C~h:~::~6:1~4~1~_ _~C~HEST::~ER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_. __ William Earl Kistler and. Mrs. Kistler, of Park Avenue, was maid of honor at the wedding oCher cousin. Miss Carol Dengler Wilson, of Philadelphi;J, and Alan Corson. Jr., of "Ridgeland." West Fairmount Park, on Thursday, JUDe 27, at St. Asaph's Church. BaJa. Tbe wedding recePtion was held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Kistler in Swarthmore. On Sunday evening last, Dr. and Mrs. Kistler and Miss Harriett Kistler entertained the entire bridal party at a buffet supper party in the garden of their home on Park Avenue. 'HEADLINE SPECIAL!' Held at Home of Esslinger on ComeD Avenue Telephone, Swarthmore 6o..;r. Mrs. Charles Kimmel, of Haverford Place, entertained on Monday afternoon in bonor of' her daughter; Florence, who celebrated her ninth' birthday. Miss Annie Hayes, of Cornell Avenue, left Monday for State College, where she will continue her studies for'ber' ,M.A. de... gree, spending the latter part of the summer at her former home in Watsontown, Pa. FRIENDLY CIRCLE IN REGULAR MEETING FOR RENT FOR RENT-Housekeeping apartmenta. five and aix roo.. and bath. On the Hill. all con\·eniencBI. Albert No" Garrett, Swarthmore -'89-PenllYpackel' "'(42. JUDe Assembly . FOR RENT-Qn Hili. In private family. tw'o Mn. John eeeond floor _ ·rooms. Ga~ if deelred. Wellesley College to ber home on River- and Mrs. Walter H. Luff. of Haverford BU» view Road. Miss Harriett W. Kistler, daughter of Dr. ., THE SWARTHMOREAN U. S. No. HOME ,iI ' WOUSE I-NEW - 1bs ·A&·P FOOD STORES INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN JUNE 28, 1935 I ._- - - ---- ----------------DurinJ,: Mr. and Mrs, Allison's absence I'lace. hal' proved conclu!'ively that black dlt, J,:ets along famously with her two ada eleven times. Perhaps there arc a few their dau!!:hter, Barbara, ,'isited her grand • cats (at least those with white feel) are, (anine brethren, and enjoys motor trips. of us who would nol mind changing places father, Mr. E. n. "eneks, of Ridley Park. .:ontrary to common belief. lucky indeed. Shc has been to Florida twice and to Can- with that cat. Mr. and .Mn:. Charles Kimmel, of Haverford ])]ac(", celebrated their h'nth wedMr. and Mrs. J. H. Dkkinson, of \VinRecently Mrs. Luff took a book con-! ding anniversary on Sunday c\'cning when ter Park, Fla .• parents of Mr. Walter Dick- taininJ,:: twd\'e chances issued by the Ameri-r their guests were 1\1r. and Mrs. Homer can Lel.don. Runnin!!: out of names of • Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce, inson, of Mt. Holyoke Place, have taken family members she filled those of her two the home of Mrs. William Garrett, on of Swarthmore, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward elevcn-year-old dogs and that of Mittens. I Mt. Holyoke Place, for the summer. Sieboie, of Morton. who is fifteen years old, on the remaining slips. Miss Shirley Shaw, of 'Valnut Lane. enMr. A. \V. Collins, of Ogden A\'cnue, Mittens' name was placed on the fifth tertained at lea on Tuesday in honor of left Sunday morning for \Vellcslcy College, chance and won fifth prize, $2.00. Reher house p;ucst, Miss Harriett Train, of Wellesley. Mass., where he will attend a member that, Mittens, your lucky numPeace Conference. On his way home Mr. Savannah, Ga. This evening Miss Frances Armitage, of ber is undoubtedly five! Collins will stop in New York, returning Harvard Avenue, will entertain with a thcMittens enjoyed a chicken dinner for her to Swarthmore about July 9. WEDNESDAY EVENING AT 7.30 (D.S.T.) atre parly in Miss Train's honor. generosity in immediately turning the Miss Train will sail for Europe on Mon- whole amount over to the family who Mr. and Mrs. John E. Fricke and lamNo admission charg•• First recital July day with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. K. ha\'e made her fift~en years of existence il" formerl,' of Hillburn Avenue, removed 3rd, with Miss Gladys Johnson at the so pleasant. Unselfish cat, that! t~' \Voodw~rd Road, Moylan, on Friday Train, organ, and solos by Anne Simon, con· Miss Shirley Shaw will leave on Monday Mittens is very happy in the Luff domi. last. tralto. Enjoy the music from the COIIIfor Camp Aloha, Fairlee. Vt., where she fan of your own car-in a beau,; . I Mr. and 1\Irs. Robert E. Carcis, of will spend the summer. Rinf\'jcw Road, entertained with a supper park-with the atmosphere 10 deg',,·' , , Phil. delphia Mrs. Ralph Bagby and children, of party last evcning. cooler than in town. This series I.~ - • Memorial Park Evanston, 111., will arrive Sunday to visit ----:-is in the beaudin addition to our regular ful and histonc Mrs. George H. Cross and daughter, Miss with Major and Mrs. C. A. Bagby, of INSURANCE CheSler Valley. Carol Cro~. of Princeton Avenue, arc oc- Princeton Avenue. SUNDAY AFTERNOON CONCERT~ ( • just off LiocolD Highway (Route cup)'ing their cottage at Rehoboth Beach, at .3 .'''lKi, fi"'lIriflg IIolttl ''''Jim "" . , 30hl Frazer.P•• Del. 29 EAST 5th STREET Road sigos will NEWS NOTES ~----- JUNE 28, 1935 --" - ,01< Lucky Cat guide you. Miss Dorothy Carels has returned from "Mittens" Luff, cherished feline of Mr. Phone. Cheater 6141 Wellesley Colleg:c to her home on Riverand 1\1rs, 'Valter H. Luff, of Haverford. view Road. CHESTER '0- Philadelphia Memo'<' A. HAUGER, Prop. be PETER E. TOLD • (qua't bot Notary Public to furnish funds to keep the cabin filled each week throughout the summcr monlhs. • Building New House -~---- Tour of Lake Erie Shore The Marlyn Construction Company be. gan \\'ork. this week on the erection of a Scenic charm and historic back~round stone dwelling at the southeast corncr of combine to giv~ the Lake .Erie shore n Chester Road and Westdale Avenue. . -: -~---->f ~flt'iety--of"v8c8hon- ·Iure-'unrlvaled m··any Expert DeSigning ana rllung 0 playground section of the east. Lakelands, Gowns mountains and mineral springs resorts can Graduates at Univ. of Vennont Remodeling be visited on a delightful motor tour outAt Home or by the Day lined by the Keystone Automobile Club, Margarel L. l\IcCracken, of Vass.ar A\·e. The Harvard Sw. 892 which passes over excellent highways I nu~, a ~ember of the class of 193;, at the lhrou~h this region of northwestern Penn-: Umnrslty of Vermont, was gmduated from sylvania. ! the Univer~ity Mon~a)'. !une 2-1,. taking "In addition to the attractive resorts her degree m the Soc131 Snence curnculum. which are the objecti\'e of the trip the ':;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ journey is made mainly ovcr the famous I Send Eor Harley-You'll Not Be Sorry Lakes-lo-the-Sea Hi~hway which winds PROTECT YOUR through high scenic territory," says Howard J. Gallagher, manager of the Delaware County Division of the Cluh. "The entire. Honed Under the Cover round trip can be co\'Cred in approxi- I mately 820 mites,'1 I From Chesler the tour lead~ over State I Shop: 27 Main St., Morton, Pa. Roule ,HZ through Lima to State Route 5 ! Eve., Call. Swa. 1839.J, Rutledge, Pa. where a left turn carries the travelers 1 through \Vesl Chester, Do\Vnin~lown,: Honeybrook, Ephrata and Cornwall to! Hummelstown. Here U. S. Route -122 is I mel and used to Harrisburg From the state capital U. S. Routc 11 is iollowed to Amity Hall. where a left turn leads o\'er U. S. Route 22 throug:h scenic regions oi the beautiful Juniata \'alley-Mifflintown, to Lewistown, I From this point the Lakes-to-the-Sea I Hi:.:hw,\\', U. S, Route 322, is followed I THE JAPANESE BEETLE I O\'er a gradlml climb throu~h the foothills: IS HERE of the Alleghenies. State Col1e):!;c and Philipsburg arc pa:-:-ed to quaint Clc:lrl1eld, perched high in the mountains. A won-! BEETLE TRAPS derful hunling: and fishing ~l·ctor is found from Ill're. At Brook\'iI1e a dclightiul side BEETLE BAIT trip Ic;:uls to the Conk ...·orest. From BEETLE SPRAYS Brooh'ille the hil!hway w('nd~ through: scenic re.l!:i(Jns to l\Iead\'illc, the J..:ateway· SW. 1833 JUNE PRICES ARE LOWEST IN YEARS Our mine prices on domestic sizes of pure, clean Famous Reading Anthracite have gone up. Retail prices will probably follow as retail merchants are now delivering coal at lowest handling rates to keep their men employed. Be sure of biggest sav. ings on highest quality, super·cleaned, heat-packed hard coal by buying at once. Lowest June mine prices, lowered freight rates, lowered delivered prices make this your big opportunity to buy the most heat for the least money. l\.·fr5, Carlos Noyes, of Harvard Avenue, entertained at bridg:e yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Brauns, of Rutgrrs Avenue, have as their guests for two weeks Mr. i~raun's sister~. Miss Dorothy and Miss Mary Brauns, of Indianapolis. Ind. Mr. and :\lrs. Brauns and the Misses Brauns 5pent last week-end in Xew York City. Place your order TODAY for next winter's needs with a reliable retail merchant who guarantees you full weight and highest quality. Call a Reading 1\.1r. and Mrs. Joseph \V. Allison, of Rutg:crs Avenue, rclurned Sunday afler 5pendin~ a week in Huntington, \V. Va., \\·herc they \'isitcd Mrs, Neill Lassiter, who is a former re~ident of Swarthmorc. Anthracite coal merchant TODAY. I ;;06 North Chl'sh'r Hoad, Swarthmor.:'. Pa. Or to h('r A\tornl"Y, WAYLAND If. EI.~lIln: ..:, l!t:\n 1.:111,1 Titl,· HI,,:.: .. :-:. \\'. ('''r. l(n.;,,1 .-:.: (·iu':'tr.ll1 ~1'" I']} i i;,,J, ·11.10 :;l ,,·1 -; -toT :~rd, J.'·lt"r_~ T"_,:alll{'lllary 'Ill lh,· :,h"n' (',.,I;!IL' 1,;,\-(, l,e"11 ~:ral,t,·.1 I" l.y"b H"o!~"·r.~ Hal'l'('r' :II!" TilE ('Olt!\' E:\(,HA!\(iE NATIOXr\L. ):'\1'\K ,\~D TIW:-;T CO~IJ'AXY OF I'HlLA- I }lEI.I'111,\. whi"h r"'llH·_~I" :,11 lH'r~1'n~ hadrw \'Iainl~ "I" d~·nH'n".~ :l1:aill,;t li11' ('~I:lh' "f tltt" t!l·,·{'(I"nl I" make klluwn til(-' ~arn(", and all 1'(·r.. Olls ind.·Med tn the ~h'c'c,I"nt t1) mal-;" pay~ , m~·nt. '\'ilhnnt {1t·lay. In I COH:'l EXCHANGE NATIONAl, IlANK AND THU~T CO~II'ANY, PBILA DELI'IIIA ]:'10 Clu,;tnut f'trt-ct. l'hil:ul('lpllia r:,Ignr \V. Fre(·man. Trust OlTicer. A ttorne),R: Shj(>hh. Clark. Rrown & :'IlcCown, HH)O Girfufl Trust I!uillling, l>hiI8l1"lphia. UPHOLSTERING GARDEN Call Swarthmore 1441 j 1 i 1 II,~., ,11 / r---'-'- THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING COAL AND IRON COMPANY Reading '.rmlnal, Philadelphia, Po. ,JENKIN~. FURNITURE RESTORING RDER TODAYI I TWO Nickels a Day HEATING Woodward, Jackson & Black, Inc. i SUPLEE'S STORE so. CHESTER ROAD SWARTHMORE 105 SWARTHMORE 43 3 23 c Peas Tomato Juice 32c~~~'25c Evap. Mille 4 25c No. 2 cans RITTER'S WHITE HOUSE Sunnyfield Flour 1011 cans -FAM I LY- -PASTRY- St ISc St 20 C g g (I2·~':.. 37c) ( 12'\,"•• 43 c) Pillsbury's ttBest 12·L':..53c S·!!:..2Sc Ceresota 12·~~.53c S·!!:..2Sc Gold Medal ·.'~"53c S·!!:..2Sc BBST PURE VEGETABLE Pure Lard 2 lb. 33c II Shortening 2 lb. 29c !JJuc#J.lIteaJJJacfp~1 Legs Gi:;;;;i;g Ib Call Swarthmore 6 or 345 Forequarler Lamb 23c ISc Ib (Sho,t-Cu') FANCY No, I (Cellophane Wrapped)-SMOkED 2~::r;g~;lb Beef Tongues FANCY MILK-FED (Up to Ib 29c 3! Lb•. ) Stewing Chickens Ib25c Ib23c Chuck Roast -- Fresh Boston Mackerel Fresh Sliced Steak Cod Fresh Jersey Flounders ILSc Ib,SC • 21&. 2Sc i~_________C:~r_u_I_le__rs____(_~_k~__ 8_c_)___d_.'_._n_I_S_c;.______..Ii" Grapefruit Juice Polk's 2 ~:~.215c ROOT E"rae t t 3·0. bot 20c H•Ires BEER THE NEW Slcidoo CREAM1 CLEANSER! 2 cans 15c Pacilic Toilet: Tissue _ 5 rolls 13c Ch -IpSO ~lake5 or 6,anul.. (3 ~k:~'23c) a ,g·37C 2 'pkg. Borden's Cheese - 2 :k;~ (All Varicliea E~.:ePt SWhs and Early American) 27c 2 :k'.~ 2ge eorden's Swiss Cheese NECTAR TEAS MIXED BLEND )'''-Ib "kg 8 C ORANGE PEKOE or INDIA CEYLON ~.lb pk. 15c Y-i-Ib pkg 12C ~~= 22c Ora'nge Pekoe Tea Balls will more than pay RED RIPE-EXTRA LARGE (half melon 18c) c Watermelons Tomatoes 2 25 c Potatoes - 15-f.~~~~s23C whole35 melon for a EXTRA FANCY-HOT HOUSE TELEPHONE in your asonHeflin M COAL CO. 21e) NEW PACK EARLY JUNE HARRIET L. TREAT Donald Lang:e, of Baltimore Pike, Swarthmore, with Lewis and William Shay and Richard Fogg, of Ro!;'e Valley. returned Tue5day from a ten-day camping trip at Lake Wallenpawpack, Pa. 6·J.I·6T. All Lines of Insurance Including Life 417 DARTMOUTH AVE. Mr. and 'Mrs. W. F. Fara~her and son, William, of South Chester Road, returned from a motor trip to Chica~o and Champaign, III" Ia!;t week. Mrs. Faragher's son, Roberl, gradualed on June 10 from law achool of the University of minois with bigh honors. He also won the Harker Scholarship Prize and is a member of Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity. Law FraterJlity, Phi Delta Phi, honorary Fraternity Phi Kappa Phi and the Order of the Coif. Robert will take the Illinois Bar examina,ion in ChicaJ!;o the last of July and return to Swarthmore August I. IJI-:CE,,:-;r:D: Grape Juice 2~!~:23c I Mi!;s Annie Hayes, of Cornell Avenue, left l\.'1ondav for State College, where she will contin~e her studies for hcr M.A. de~ gree, spending the latter part of the summer at her former home in Watsontown, Pa. J:A1WEIt. A6-P PURE I Village Window Cleaner SPECIAL!' Real Substantial Savings on the Famous ... to help herself with her garden; lo supply to :l famous mineral springs district. glasses to the little boy who has a serious Saegertown, Venango, Cambridgc Springs e) c defect, needing immcdiate relici to pre- and numerous other attractive resorts E. C. WALTON vent accident; to find a dn.'Sser and pa- nestle in green hills at high altitude and jamas for a young mother with three chil- are passed en route to Eric. dren, who is trying to readjusl her life Furniahed-Summer, 1935 Here Jies beautiful Presque [sIc Park, $60; 4 bed1"Ooms. $55; near college; 3 bed. after desertion by her husband, just when rooms. garage. .$50: 3 bedrooms. sleepln&' she is about to assume responsihility for rich in scenic and historic attraction. For porch. $45; 5 bedrooms. bath. another little life. twenty miles in either direction along the WM. S. BITTLE the trm"elers c"n visil . Mrs_ Henry Jones has invited the Lake Erie shore Swarthmore 1 t I-J dl Y C'Jrce I t 0 b e h er guess t a t h er scores of delightful beachcs F•· f1en ~ " . and resorts, , Notary Public - ["suranee - Real Eatate summer h omr a t \ "11 t age G reen on JU Iy IS . I Northward from EriC, U. S. Route . h 20 IS Af h h . r M P' I followed to Westfield. where I.l ng t turn [ FOR RENT . ter t e ~:lDess mee l~g, 1 rs.. tcrce I into State Route 17 leads to MaY\'iI1e on 8 College Ave. 4 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms, told of her ~ISlt the prevIOUS evemn~ to I Lake Chautauqua. The same hi~hwav 101finc:Jt condition throughout. $100. Avail· Camp Sunshme, Thornton, and explamed I th tl h [th I k thO h ;able June 15. . c nor 1 sore 0 e a'c roug whv the cabm::, one of W h'ICh was donatl~( lOWS . R. T. BAIR " I es t·1- iI numerous attractive: b y . t h e C'lTC Ie, excel' d ed tl Ie ongma . h [ . resorts h d . to Jamestown I [ . f Swarthmore 1841 or Any Broker M I" 'd h t t h ' In t e heart 0 a nr auy am arming mate d cost. lurs. lerce sal t a ,as ev I ' " h . Fint Mortgllce Funds Available . . • I distrICt. F rom here t c homeward Journey stand, thc cabms arc a credll to any camp,. I' d .. N Y 60' IUS 62 to '" r. con5trucle(I .In[ and If as" ongmaII y p Ianne d , I ea s Po\er l .I , I [t t " • t UtVa S YE h fl' ren, a., w lere a e urn In 0 . • [ would necessarily have been 0 sue. Ims y . Route 6 carries the tra\'elers lhrough the construction as to be unable to wIthstand· . .. , , • •• • I I)lcluresque Allegheny ~atJonal Forest to many seasons usc: Each c.abm IS eqUIpped I Kane. Here a ri)l:ht turn leads !'outh \~'ith hunk~. makmg sleepl.ng accomn;oda-! throug:h Rid.c:way and DuBois to the hons for elg-ht. Each cabm must shll be I Lake .. -to-the-Sca Highway and the tour Swa. 19 equipped with blankets and ~ther neces- can completed over the same route used sities anrl aftcr that all that IS necessary" th tb It' . group or ,:troups I on e ou oun( rip. is for some philanthropIC The 'lisscs Ruth and Rosamond 'Vellburn, of Dartmouth Avenue, arc spending the summer in Provincetown, Cape Cod, (', June Assembly Held at Home of Mrs. John Esslinger on Cornell Avenue LOCAL FIRST MORTGAGES --- (a-:01U;r: ~HEADLINE I Mr. and .l\J rs. Thomas B. McCabe and family, of North Chester Road, left this morning for Ocean City for the summer. OF REGULAR MEETING Ii,,· Iht· II ill, :IIJ tIImrt.nll'lIt. r,nu I i\lrs. John Es.:'Jin)::cr W:l:; h()~tl'~;; to the feicl,hulll', 5wllrthmorc I" dl C" I '1'1 d J 'I:' i 'flen), Irc e lur::; ay. ulle 20, at her :.-·(~;t U..:NT ·..·urnislll'il honll' 011 hill. 011 hUs: home on Columbia An.'n.u.e. liul':!. lu.wII. :;hudl'. "'01" ?'l'ar or mor~. "i\'(~ i In the ab~en~e oi Airs. 1,' Harry BrowlI, 1".,lroom~, S!J,.' 'l~',urf.\',url't ss' Hro.,wll. lj03'2N ,oorth I who \\''':0 on Jury duty m Media, i\Irs. l'h.·,;tl'r HOllt. eel' 10m', wur lnlOrl' . I II- boy or I{irl. com)anion for dren, as their income continues inadequate, lin' year old boy with Swarthmore family A number of appeals for hcJp were heard, I ~1J.l.'ll(ling summl'r in Vermont. Telephone: :-;wllrlhmor~ 16!lO-W, all of which touched the sympalhy of the George Arliss .tars in "Cardinal listeners. After much discu~ion it was Richelieu" at the Lansdowne Theatre I AM IN TOUCH WITH agreed lo I-\:ive tinancial assistancc to the today and Saturday. MONEY FOR GOOD widow who wished plouJ..lhing done in order -- E,STATE ()t~ Norlh Chl',;tl'r Hon.l. 1\Irs. William J. Guy, of Yale Avcnue, has returned from Florida where she has spent the winter. MARIAN !\IAGTI.I. II~~~,.,:~T,,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,. bllth. rmmUl Uillt FOI{ ImNT-Sm:dl fur~Ii"hl·tl Miss Harriett W. Kistler ~ dauj.!hter of Dr. William Earl Kistll'r and Mrs. Kistler, of Park A\'Cnue, was maid of honor at the wedding of ncr cousin, Miss Carol Dengler Wilson, of Philadelphia, and Alan Corson, Jr., of "RidJ.!eland," West Fairmount Park, on Thur:;day, June 27, at St. Asaph's Church, Bala. The wed din/.! reccption was hdd at the home of Dr. and .l\Irs. Kistler in Swarthmore. On Sunday e\"Cnin.!.! last, Dr. and Mrs. Kistler and l\.liss Harriett Kistler entertained the entire bridal party at a buffel supper party in the ).!:arden of their home on Park Avenue. dl.'cl.'ft!ll:!d. LETTERS TERTAMENTARY on the above Estate have bff'n granteli to the undcrsiJ,!nNl, who r'''qu('~t all per,;on'l having claims or d('manits against the Estate of the decedcnt to make known th.· S(lrn(', anti all l'crsons in_ ,h·hlt·,1 tu the d(·('e.I,'nt to make Ilaym('nt. withOlLt delay, 10 si:o.; Albert N. (iarrctt. ~warthmorL' I'!i- l'l'llI!nlUl'kcr "H2. . rolt HEN'I'-- 0" II ill, ill IIrinlt(· fumily. two· .~\·(·'lIId floor rooms. GarilJ,:c if dC8iretl'i '1\·I('I.hullt.', Hwnrlhnwre uO-J. 1\[rs. Charks Kimmel, of Ha\'erford Place, entertained on Monday afternoon in honor of hl'r dau~hter, Florence, who celebrated her ninth birthday. ESTATE 010' THOMAS ATKINSON JENKINS, Il. to be held regularly every Sweeney & Clyde THE SWARTHMOREAN ----~ _C_LAS-=::-;::SI=FI_ED_' FRIENDLY CIRCLE IN ;;;;,;;;;,;,,;;;:==::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::= OUl1clng~tJ OUTDOOR ORGAN RECITALS --- -- U. S, No. I-NEW HOME PASSNGR •. f .••D DRIVER .. Add. 'an .. 5( - 1bs ._A_&_P_F_O.. . . ;;O:.. .,:D;;;:.,-. ::;S:.. .:T.. ::O:..,:R:.:.,:E=-=S=-· The&<, Prices Effe(!th.'e in : SwarthmDre .,d Vicinitl', June 27rh. 28th and 291h 4,. I "CO-OPERATION ASKED ~e:~/~}~.=ens\J:~I:~tion l' FIGHT IN BEETI I Lr. ~ro~: JUNE 28, 1935 of plant The Hickman twins starred In the second frame for the Indians. These two former Swarthmore College athletes asaisted in 1IC0ring three more goals for the victors. Edell scored the only other goal for the Lacro56e Club. Bill Brearley. West Point vanity football and lacroase man, playing his tint game ~ the box, was instrumentaJ in the Indians' victory. now or late of II.... Wllliam F. Dreer, south 42 decreee I minute. ..~t eH.UI feet to a stake:· thence north'.. decftel18 minute. weat 1111.68 feet to • point In Une of land now or late of Robert K. c-tt: thenee alone Aid land north " d~ CC mlDute. east CSI.OI feet to the flnt lIlentioned polDt and place of beainnll1&'. the n.ht with a NIII_ of IMB.IO feet. ~ arc dlltanett of • •78 feet to the tint lIlen • tionecl point and place of bea'IDDlq. The co-operation of all residents in No ilDproveJDent.-nc&nt pound. spraying against the beetle is urged. Sold u the propel't7 of Good Boma Co-. J 'Joe 20 to June 30 is the proper JI&D7. , time to spray. Exceptlq thereout the 10110willS deaerIbecI RAYMOND E. LARSON, Attomq. FJwood B. Ciwpman, Chairman The 1935 Japanese beetle scourge is premllea: of 8oroaah Tree COmm;'.iOD, almost upon us. Indications show that NATHAN P. PECHIN , Bealnnll1&' .t • point ID the eenter lID. 01 Petitioaa Yoar Aid Sheri!. there will be at least as many beetles as '. Bocldnabam road (CO feet wide) at the distance of 7 •• 49 feet measured IOUthweetward17 there were last year. There is but one .Ioq the ..id center Une of Rocldl1&'ham road , ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:::::: _ , On behalf of the Borough Tree Com- thing to do at this time of the year; that from a point, wbleh .. 8.96 feet lIleasured "Scottie" Held ;mi8eion Elwood B. Chapman; chairman, has is to spray all trees, shrubs, perennials and south CI decreee 12 minutes. weet from another point which fa 10 fed lIleasured south issued a request that every member of the vines commonly attacked by the insect. As we go to press the only prisoner held C desrees 68 minutes weat from a point In the community become actively enlisted in this 'The following shade trees should be at the Swarthmore Police Station is a most deed line In the bed of Old Lancaster road. which point Is 7.11 teet measured south C sprayed not later than July tirst: Larch, appealing black "scottie" who bears no degrees 63 minute. weat from • epllte In the Linden, Mountain Ash, Birch, Cypress, license or other means of identificaUon on eenter line of Old Lancaeter road. thenee from the point of bea-Innlq, contlnuq alonc the Elm, Horsechestnut, Chestnut, Oak, Wil- his collar and was found whining outside said eenter line Roc:klqham road the two low, Lombardy Poplar, Sycamore, Sassa- the station. We sincerely hope that should followlq eounee and dlatanC811 southwestw.rd., on the arc of • c:lrcle curvll1&' to the fras, Norway Maple and Pin Oak. The he not be reinstated with his proper owner left with a radius of 1968.60 feet the arc disfollowing 'ornamentaJ trees, shrubs and by the time this paper is out that the tanee of 200.29 feet to a point of reve,"" curve and on the arc of a circle curving to herbaceous plants should also be sprayed: latter will see this note and lose no time the riaht with a radius of 1067.47 feet the arc dlltanee of 100.21 feet to a point, thenee Flowering Quince, Spiraea, Hawthorn, in claiming him, as he i'l most unbappy. north 47 dea-reee 16 minutes weet 126.89 feet Flowering Crab, Japanese Flowering toa point. thence north C2 decrees 44 minutes Cherry, Rose of Sharon (Althea), Rose, east 100 feet to a point: thence !IOuth 47 deIrt'fte 16 IIllnutell east 109.29 teet to the firat Hollyhock, Dahlia, Geranium, Zinnia, CIllna Boy Scout New. lIlentloned point and place of bealnnlq. Aster, Mallow (Hibiscus), Virginia Creeper And also: Beg!nnlne.t a IPike Nt at the and Boston Ivy. Magnolia and BOXWQod Saturday, June 29, will be the Media Interaectlon of the center line of Rocldn8ham are somewhat susceptible to injury from District Swimming Meet and Campfire at road with the center line of Fitzwilliam lane, which point of Intel'llectlon Is ,Cj feet mea.. arsenate tlf lead and should be protected the Village Green Swimming Pool. urad southwestwardly alonc the center line of wilen spraying. Saturday, July 6. will open the Camp RocldnchaDl road from a spike, which Iplke Is 8.95 feet measured lOath 41 depees 22 The Tree Commission recommends spray- Delmont season with a contingent of Scouts minutes weat from another spike which spike ing with either lead oleate coated arsenate from Swarthmore and Media Districts dur- Is 10 feet measured south 4 'desreee 51 minutes west from a point In the deed line In the of lead: 8 pounds to 100 gallons of iog the six-week period. bed of Old Lancaster road, which point Is 7.22 water or powdered arsenate of lead: '6 August 20 and 30 will be the National teet lIleuured south 4 degrees iii minute. weat from • spike set In the eenter line of pounds to 8 pounds of arsenate of lead Jamboree at Washington, with 30,(100 Old ten ~ utler ,~, thence, fr9ID the point At' Sears ex~luai;'l" bedDntae aloriK the' ceater llne of Fits(dry) and 4 pounds (Jour per 100 gallons Scouts from the United States and patrols 01 wUllaDl lane south 1 decree II' minute. east NO EI1U of water-or 6 pounds to 8 po~ds of from 52 nations of the world gathering for 171.7C feet to • point: thenee lOath " deA fan so entirely different you won·t believe It till you' lee Itl 'COol. with 44 minutes west 153.6C feet to • point. PIKE TO ~te of lead (dry) and 1~ pmts fish a ten-day camp in the City of Washington, IrI'eeII ribbone IDitead of dangerous· metal thence aoath 8 dearees 111 minutes weat 16.06 011 per 100 gallons water. The flour or These activiUes will be well attended by feet to • point, thence south 42 degrees ·44 YOU blades. Harmlel'. 'SIlent. Alr-conminutes west 188.11 feet to • point on the dltlonl room.. abaolnely withcnit fish oil are used to make the arsenate .of Swarthmore Scouts and leaders, eouthweat side of Drear lane; thenee north drafts: Graceful .treemllne d..IIPl In lead adhere to the leaves. There are salis16 degl'l!eG 16 minute. weat along the eald maroon bakelite. Aristocr.t of all factory commercial "stickers" on the mar,side of Dreer lane 111 feet to a polDt In the fanl. the new "AlrlIow" will give YOU center line of Roc:kll1&'haDl rc.d, .nd thence I 0 year. of d . . . . .bIe service. ket which may be subsUtuted for either alone the eenter line of Rockingham road the Aid the "Tot Lot" the flour or the oil. For trees and shrubs two followlq counes and dlatances. Northeastwardl,. on the .rc of • circle curvlq to over ten feet in height, 'l power sprayer First-By volunteering to drive adults the left with a radius of 1067.47 feet the .rc is essential. For any plants under ten feet, of 216.90 feet to a point of revel'lle and children to "Tot Lot." beginning Fri- distance of a circle curvlnc to a hand or bucket pump sprayer can be day. July 5. Offering to drive in twice curve .nd on the used, in case no power sprayer is avail"G-3" UIeI'8 around here concluring the summer. able. &rm facta uncovered by N. Y. PRIVATE SALE Second-By picking flowers on ThursPoUce Inlpector Faurot on hll The Borough Nursery, which is under day evenings and taking them to headof Hou.hold Coods country-wide search. the direct care of the local Tree Commis- quarters in Swarthmore. ROEBUCK AND CO. Some anUques In furniture.. china. .Ilversion, has two-year-old trees which were 43" M OR.E Third-By saving glass jars of one-half ware. minerai., laboratory apparatu., book•• • MILES of REAL W EDGMONT AVE., purchased very reasonably two years ago trailer. greenhouse. Idndllnlr. firewood. etc• NON-SKID - frequently expint size and taking them to Flower Headthe care they have received, have and with CHFSI'ER, PA. ceeded. A. W. COLUNS matured into very good and much more quarters in Swarthmore. On Thursday PhoDe 1272 . ,aOODYEAR. expensive trees. They will be placed in evening, July 4, and on Friday morning, • MARGIN of public places throughout the borough, July 5, take flowers to the home of Mrs . SAFETY stope can quicker In chiefly on Chester Road, this fall. This Harold Griffin, on Rutgers Avenue. July emergency. will be the first planting from the Borough child chairman of flowers and her committee should be ready to help tie up the SUPERTWIST Nursery. .CORD gives flowers at 9 A. M. On Friday, July 5, PROTECTION again8t blowthe chairman and two other children will out. -In e'IIery ply. in with adults to the "Tot Lot" at go Indians in Fifth Straiaht WID SURE. 2 P. M. of that day. These "Flower Tot Guaranteed aeatnet Road BaThe Swarthmore Indians .easily defeated Lot Days" will be sponsored by the Presuda aad Defecta the Philadelphia Lacrosst Club, 6-2, to byterian Church. gain their fifth straight win of the season. A well-known tire manufacturer (Goody....--why be The game was played in the Indians' box SHERIFF SALES at Swarthmore Tuesday night. mysterioua?) has hired a super deluxe aleutb. That's right. Sheri!!'s O!!ice, Court H01llle, So. Chester Rd. .. 'Yale Ave. Green opened up the scoring after an Media. Penna. He it gathering, sifting, and heaping evidence on tire mileqe open field run, but Dolman, Pennsylvania Thursday. July 18. 1915 SWARTHMORE ..SO / lacrosse player, soon tied up the count. 8.80 o'clock A. K. from the wonderful reports boated of by Goodyear TI1'e The Indians forged ahead when Kahler Eastern Standard Time and Joyce hung up a count each. owners. O. K. again. • Harmless! • Airflow Safefan $9.95 • I .rc PIOIEI' PIOIEI 'IOVEI' , MOTORISTS BEWARE!!! • Hannum & Waite FOURTH OF JULY 1935 Conditions: $250.00 caah or certified cheek at time of eale (unl_ otherwile stated in .dvertlaement), balance in ten day.. Other conditions on day of eale. at ..S,TRATH HAVEN INN SWARTHMORE. PA. 9.15:' A. M.--Shore address on "The Declaration," by ,Dr. H ...1an Updegraff. Patriotic music led by the Boys' Choir. ' Entertainment on the Lawn Throughout the Day 1.00 to 8.~ P. M.~pecial Holiday Dinner. 2.00 P. M.-Water Sports on the Crum--Swartbmore residents. 8.15--Concert. Boys' Choir from Danbury, Conn., ,Episcopal Church. Shennan J. Kreuzburg, Con, ductor. Spec~l ~oUday Menus at Affiliated Hotels Strath Haven The 'n,. With Per.onalifJl Swutluaore 680 Swartluaore, P ..... No. 288 June Term, 1986 All that certain lot' or tract of lrrGund situate in the Townehip of Upper Darby. County of Delaware. Sblte of Pennsylvania. and described aa follows: Beginning at a point In the northeasterly aide of Sprln&1on road (forty feet wide) at the distance of 201.50 feet northwest of the northweaterly aide of Karshall road, Thence extendlnlr along the said northeasterly aide of Springton road, north 28 degrees. 24' minutes. 21 sec~ndll, W(8t. a distance of 32 feet to a point: thence extending north 61 degrees. 27 minutes, 68 Bocondll. east. a dlatance of 90 feet to a point In the northeaster., aide of a certain 10 feet wide private driveway extendlnlr northwestwardly and !IOuthwestwardly into'Spriqton road, and BO'ltheaetwardl,. and 8Out!iweatwardl,. into Sprlnaton road; thence extending along the &aid northeasterl,. aide of Bald driveway. south 28 degrees. 24 minutes. 21 Becondll. east a dllltance of· 82 feet to a point; thence extending along the IOUthell8terly eide of eald driveway, !IOuth 61 decrees, 27 IIllnutes. 58 seconds weat. a dllltance of 90 feet. to a point in the northeasterl,. side of Sprinlrton road, .the first mentioned point and place of beaTlnnlng. Under and subject to the easement of an exlst,tng 24-lnch puhlic sanitary eewer. n. Wlaittier The Claester ~ 140 Norda 15tb 51. 4th a Edpaoat Awa. PIdIa., P.. C..... P.. and as the majority of people use Goodyear., of COUl'le, the majority· will be benefited. Now if you have a raeina' car and want tires for that type of work, .top in and we will be glad to give you the name of the BEST AND ONLY company tbilt buil~sracing, tires. Uncle Sam and this company have a lot' incolDIDOD in this ftSpect. Uncle Sam, you know, boasts of the best Post Office in town. Now if you have a business or pleasure car, that'. different. Then. of course, there is only one 'aDlWeI'. . .;!-~ , GOOD,YEAR' Also under and 8ubject to certain existing IlIfreementll, easeJDenta and exeeptlona as now of record. Together with the free and common use. right, Jibert¥ and privilege of the aforesaid F. M. SCHEIBLEY Manqement TIle HamDtoa N~P.. Fieri Faci.. All this evidence is for the benefit of Goodyear user., driveways, as and for p ......ew.ya and watercounee at all times hereafter forever. IDiproveDienta consist of twOolltory ltone and stucco hoUle, 15x86 feet; porch front: tw04tol7 ehiqle .ddltion. 4xlC feet: basement g.l'ILIfe. G-3 43% More Tread Wear Sold as the property of J'ulea Levy. ,Tl,E~J]MIEBJURNlfR IIIl DISPENSING OPTICIANS GREER II: JOHNSON. AttornC)'ll. tl Fieri Faci.. • June Tenn, 1986 11111 All that eertalD lot or pleee of lrrGund with the buildlnga and fmpro. . . .ntB thereon erected situate at Boeemont, In the Township 01 Radnor. Coant¥ of Delawan, State of Penn. I7l. .n" bounded aDd deIeribed u folJowa, to wit: • CHESTNUT ST.. PHILADELPHIA. Specialiata in the making and fitting of Eyeglai_ and Spectacles. : I ~& No.IU JOSEPH E. HAINES. Prlli...t. Bednnll1&' .t a point In the title line of Old Lancaster road, • eoraer of land Dow or late of Robert K. ea-tt. thence extendII1&' alaI1&' the aeld title line of OJcl Laneuter - . I _th 81 deenM ., mlnata 4iut N8.K feet to • POint In the eeat. line of OW Laneuter ro.d. theaee aloq the AllIe - ' b 18 4etr..... Cl IIlln1ltea .at 111.10 feet to a point; tbenee leavlq aid OJcl Laneuter toecI _th II dean_ II mlnata wat llt.1O , . . to _ _ _~_ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_~~~~_ _~~_~to.~~~"_~.~~ .. eut 80 teet a atab. UIeDee aJoaa laDe HANNUM & WAITE South Chest.. Road and Yale Avenue SWARTHMORE 12150 Don't Foqret Our Fourth of July Specia..