DEC VOL. VI,·No. 49 SWARTHMORE, PA., DECEMBER 7, 1934 tnTCHELLS STAR IN CHARMING COMEDY December Play Carriea Audience to a Hotel on the Road from London to Dover Scouts Plan Local Relief IBRILLIANT HOUBAY Turkey Shoot Tomorrow DECORATIONS HERE On Saturday, December 8, a drive for At 1.30 tomorrow afternoon at the Delaware County Sportsman's Club, the second clothes and shoes for local relief ~iIl be , annual American Legion Turkey Shoot will held by the Boy Scouts of SwartJimore. From the hours of 9 A. M. until 12 be held under the auspices of the Harold' noon the Scouts will call at each home to Prizes to Be Given for Two Beat Ainsworth Post No. 427, of Swarthmore, collect used clothes. All c1othin.g will be Decorated BUlines Ho for the welfare fund of the Post. accepted and welcomed. A committee com- i • Do ,uses c:--'I' h I DOROTHY CROSS TO $2.50 PER Y E ',. R DEAN BLANSHARD AT HOME AND SCHOOL This Month', Meeting of PareatTeachers' Association Ceoten AroWld "Scbolanhips" prised of B~II Thomas an~ Cliff Renshaw, I m roug In 'the past twenty-four y~ars, members of Tro~p 1, John Dclaplame, of Troop 2, i Although it is nearly two weeks until The December meeting of the Home and of the Players Club and their guests have and Chff Co]esworthy, of Troop 3, has, Christmas, the streets of the business secSchool Association was held Monday evejourneyed vicariously to remote corners .Of been formed: . .1 tion of Swarthmore are already lined with ning in the library of the College Avenue !he earth. Perhaps none. of the spots "I.l;- • Ev~ryone IS ~r'ged to assISt the Scouts red and green lights, which will be first school with the president, William Craemer, lighted this evening. Perhaps this year presiding. In the unavoidable absence of Ited has heen more charmmg than one that 110 thIS great dnve. is being offered this week at the Club this festive custom will seem more gay and C • fro th U. • M the representative of the Xationa] Parentbe better appreciated since its omission last onung m e mvenlty u- Teachers' Association from the WashiDgHouse on Fairview Road. It is "A sort of an 'otel" along the road from London to season. sewn, Mill Cross WiD Speak ton office, who was originally scheduled Dover. and it 'is inhabited. by. queer but In co-operation with the Brilliant Christon Ancient Civilization as speaker for the evenin~, Roland G. E. charmmg people-a fascmatmg hostmas Decorating Contest in which only resiAt the stated meeting of the Woman's Ullman, vice-president of the Swarthmore 'troublesome and troubled guests-and' : dents are eligible to compete for the prizes Club next Tuesday, Miss Dorothy Cross, Association, was fortunate in securing Dean •• given by the Philadelphia Suburban Elec- of the Unh.ersity Museum, will give an Frances Blam:hard, of Swarthmore Colubiquitous, obsequious servants. The play is "The Dover Road," by A. A. Under Leadership of Mias Allen, tric Company, the Swarthmore Business illustrated lecture on "Queen Shubad and lege, to supply the \'acancy. High School Girls Hold Rec- Association and the S\\,ARTIIMOREA..~ will Her Court." She will tell of the ancient Mrs. Blanshard, who talked on "Scholar'Milne, and the exciting trip through the looking-glass beyond the footlights to the Old for Unconquerability enlarge the field by presenting prizes for civilization of Babylonia, as reconstructed ships." tolds of the various, scholarships , isolated house along that roads is conducted . the best decorated business house in the from the archaeological findings in the mys- available at Swarthmore College, how apby Charles D. Mitchell, who has ever On T~esday, XO\'~m~er 27, the Swarth- Borough. terious Royal Tombs in the Early Ceme- plication for them is mlde and how the The Business Association will give $5.00 teries of Ur. These give evidence of committee makes the choice from among 'managed to give Swarthmore audiences un- more High Sc~oo] ~lrlS hockey team co~pleted 0, ne of Its successful season.s m in cash as first prize, and the SWAaTHthe applicants. , forgettable J·ourneys. strange sacrificial customs, h and are the most d f d h Ridl Part of Mr. Mitchell's success is due as many years.w en It e eate t e ey MOREAN will contribute "'5.00 worth of adFrank R. Morey, supervising principal P k h k -? spectacular and the most thrilling archaeo,much to his selection of a splendid cast, as ar· oc eYlSts, 4~0. Succ~ss fU.I not onIy vertising in the paper, to be used in Jan~ logical discoveries of the past decade. The of the Swarthmore schools, talked of the elaborate gold and silver jewelry, toilet Home and School Scholarship of $300 well as to his acting and direction. The fr~m the st:lDdpomt of ~lctorIes accon,t- uary, 1935. ,reappearance of Mrs. Charles' D. MitchellJ ph:hed, but m sportsmanship and a certa.1D Although the business establishments articles and vessels are in their variety and which is given at each commencement tioie . to the pupil fulfilling the requirements for " tn' perhaps the finest piece of acting she attitude among th,e, players that every girl have been fairlv well decorated during the and has' e'ver done, and Mr. John Dolman, Jr.'s had, had, chance,' . past Christmas 01seasons, it is probable that wealth unequalled in Mesopotamia, ]1 I h ID this scholarship, which was established in :M point of age are without para e anyw ere. For thiS year, ~or~ tha~ ever, .ISS with this additional incentive they may Selections of these together with cylinder October, 1926. Mr. Morey told of the ,polished portrayal of "Dominic," added greatly to the delight of the ]ocal play- Allen, head of the girls physlc~1 educahon surpass their achievements of former years. seals anel other objects will be displayed other scholarships which have been goers. Th~ production opened last Tuc:s- departn,tent ~f Swarthmore .Hlgh Scho~l, A committee of three judg~s, George W" in connection with the lecture. Miss Cross awarded at the last two, or three comTwo faculty day and the final opportunity for mem- ~mphaslzed mtermural an~ .Interscholastic Casey, Charles D. Mitchell and Titus J. has had wide e."perience in studies along mencements. They are: bers and guests to view the performance Interclass games, thereby giVIng everyone Ewig, has been appoint\!d to determine the this line. She has served as State Archae- scholarships, a senior class scholarship, a will be on Friday and Saturday evenings, of large squad of nearly a hundred prize winners in the house decorating divi- ologist for the New Jersey State Museum; scholarship from the proceeds of the operDecember '7 and 8. cand~dates a chance t? prove her mettle. sion. and as a fellow of the Laboratory of An- eUa given under the direction of Miss The play is styled "an absurd comedy in With a rep~esentahve group from. each Judges for the business houses will be thropology at Santa Fe, she spent a sea- Doris Van de Bogart, director of music, son on a field expedition to the mound sec- and Miss Hanna Kirk, teacher of En.gthree acts," ye't many of its obvious one of the High Schoo] classes, an mter- named later. • tions in Cenhal Illinois. She also spent lish. Scholarships to University of V!rabsurdities disguise realities which are mural tournament was held a~d eventua!ly meaty with humor and truth. A playgoer won by a strong and experIenced senIor a season in the study of the Indian Rock ginia and Temple University have been remarked that Americans. enjoy it most e l e v e n . . . Shelters in northern New Jersey. Another added recently. because. they feel they are laughing at I Intersperse~ With thesc games, ~ISS year was spent in the field on the UniverConference with the teachers 0ed f thhe English male vanity and E"glish feminine AII~n also pitted .her class teams agalD~t sity Museum's expedition in northern Iraq. Foreign Language Department follow t e folly, whereas they are .like people at the !helr contem~orarles fro~ Nether Pro\ She is now assistant in the Babylonian Sec- meeting. , ' . zoo who may be unwittingly laughing at ldence and Ridley Park High ~chools. In . .. M Next month a joint meeting of the Edu. t t these contests the Swarthmore gIrls brought Sophia F'-Ls T-n- p __ a_ of Ap- lion of the UD1verslty useum. . cation Department of the Swarthmore th eIr own pro 0 ypes. d . d' an cua .... __ u Tea will be served. The hostesses wIll , b' L i W The plqt)s woven around the benevolent home SIX WInS an two ties an were unproach in Teac:hin8 .ReJiaion be Mrs. Harold Grifftn and Mrs. George Womans Club, t e eague 0, ,omen -machinations' of wealthy'whiinsicat' uMr; dtof4.ated. , ,to tOe Youn, 'Child'" 'ZImmer" -.".,' .. --"," ~ .. ;., " .. " ~€Cr.~, :md th~JW'''!)fu.nd&~oIr·AfMLaton ' er," a mysterious recluse who dwells That record alone shows th~ type of Th'D S r "ill continue its ciation will be held at the Kh.oot. . . d d S th H h School e rama ec I~n , . W. Crossen IS co-operat, An audience of over one hundred and study of Ibsen· at ItS next "!eetmg .on in rMrs. withTheodore William Craemer, president of the along the way to' romance and ruin and SPirit pro uce at war more Ig sets his· trap for unwarv couples abo~t to for it is one thing to win for your alma thirty parents and teachers listened with Wednesday, Decemb~r 12 .. ThIS meet~g H~me and Schoo] Association in alTl\nge"take' the step" that ~vou]d bring the!'! mater ~nd quite ~nother to work up enough profound interest to a talk on religious be held at 10 0 c1oc~ 10 the mornlDg ments for this meeting, which will take unhappiness. Director-actor-artist Mit.;hell enthUSIasm to Will as a class. education of YOlmg children given Wednes- Instead of at the usual time. 'Continued on Paee 4) When, towards the latter part of Oc- day evening in the Woman's Club House, The class in rhythmic dancing, under the place on January 7. • tober, Miss Allen was faced with the prob- by Mrs. Sophia Fahs. of the Riverside direction of Miss Alice Kraft, will hold its • lem of pkking varS'ity and second teams Church in New York. regular meeting on Friday, December 14, at for her interscholastic schedule, she had To explore religion, rather than to ex- 10 o'clock. almost more good materia] than she knew pound it was the esscntial theme of Mrs. A basket has been placed in the Woman's how to handle. And it was difficult, to Fahs' quiet, thought-provoking talk. The Club near the entrance, to receive conwhip a team into shape because th~ gn:ls old idea that religion is a set, fixed dogma tributions in the form of canned goods ' had become so accustomed to plaYIng In that we can cram into our children should I and dry groceries. These are to be used 'Cinderella,' Chinese Fantasy, and groups. change to the belief that it is instead, a for the Christmas baskets sent out by the Mrs. R. Dale Fibmiller and Dr. , Other Numbers to Be Given class With her usual dexterity, however, Miss growing, living thing to be explored, to Community Center. Contributions may be Lovett Dewees Speak on Varifor Junior Players Club left there at any time. Allen put a good varsity on the field, and find out more about. ous Phases of Birth Control coached them through an undefeated seaEach of us is a scparate, lonely indiAt 8.15 Tuesday evening, December 18, Three hundred and twenty Junior mem- son of seven games. vidual-cach of liS has to face the Un-I the chorus of the Music Section, under the On Tuesday, at the Woman's Club bers of the Players Club will be ,glad to Such teams as George School, Lans- known in Life and our religion is in just direction of its leader, Mr. Henry Hotz, House'J the League of Women Voters prewill present a program of Christmas selec- sented to the women of Swarthmore two know that the Sue Hastings' Marionettes, downe, Upper Darby, Media. Hav er~Ordt that-how we face the Unknown. scheduled for Thursday, December 27, will and Ridley Park met their "WaterI00 a This method of teaching reU.gion does n.ot tions. The audience will join in carol speakers from the Pennsylvania Birth Control Federation. Mrs. R. Dale FitzmilIer, give two identical performances-one at the hands of the Swarthmore cleven, while mean simply to explore the Bible or ChrIS- singing. 10.30 in the morning and the other I\t 2:30 a strong Nether Providence aggregation ,vas lian thought, but to explore wherever Life + executive secretary of .the Federation, spoke in the afternoon. Membership tickets are tied in a hard fought and thrilling contest. is found-to study how other peoples in COUNCIL CONSIDERS from the standpoint of social and relief ' good for either performance. , Throughout the entire season, though history have dealt w!th the Unknown-to . work, and Dr. Lovett Dewees, chairman BUDGET FOR 1935 of the Medical Committee, on Clinics of Friends of the Players Club who arc not generally slow at gettin~ started, the learn' of "other great leaders as well as Junior members may secure tickets for the Swarthmore girls, captained by "Bobby" Jesus-to' make ~ study o.f. superstition The regular meeting of Borough Council, the Birth Control Federation; spoke on morning perf~rmance in' advance ,from' Gross, managed. always. to fight through to a~d omens a~d ~ffere?t rellglous systems held Wednesday evening, was devoted medical conditions.' . Buchner's or from Mrs. George P. Warren, a win. And thiS was m no small measure With the pomt of Vjew that. they are chietl to consideration of the 1935 budget. Certain g!ands, D~. De,,:ees sa!d, ~ treasurer. If twenty-five or fifty of the due to "Bobby's" er,rorts, for ~he ;wasre-I merely weak, crutc9~' whereby man atHa~ry L. Miller, chairman of the Fi-' depleted dunng the childbeanng perIod and Junior members attend the morning per- sponsible for all of Swarth.mor~ s goals tempts to fortify bim~lf. , nance Committee. stated that from the experimental study has shown that it takes formance then that wUI leave just twenty- against Ridley Park and tanle~ _1~,~nearIY A concrete example. oJ' Mr~. Fah~ method budgets submitted by the chairmen of the two summers before' the mother's conditive or fifty'Scats for the afternoon, which' every other contest. of approach to religion m her Fourth other committees, the 1935 budget would tion becomes normal. Summer sunShinewill be obtainable only after 'the opening Betty Passmore, center, ha!f, t~o, was.a Grade class was a :tudy of Water-th,e be slightly larger than that of 1934. After seems to be a necessary aid, io recovery_ of the box: office at the Players Club that main cog in Swarthmore 5 Victories, for It wonderful changes It undergoes, man s, an -analvsis of the figures presented, Mr. These studies have been made with nOJaftemoo'n at 2 o'clock. . was her passes that put the tea.m on the futile attem~ts to over~ome drought b~th Miller \~iIl report on the budget at the mal, healthy women 'Dr; Dewees preThe program sclected i!: quite \'aried, thl' offensive and enabled them to wm. , in Biblical times and 10 our day. endmg, t meeting which will be held the third sented telling statisti .."S vh the deatbrate committee having in mind the various agc~ Miss Allen will m~ss su~h players, ~s wi~h a microscol?ic. stud>: of a drop ,.of ~~nesday i~ December. children in tbe first year of ]ife.· Child~n and interests of the members and others Ruth Murrell, Cynthia Wlckhan,t, DOrIS water, tbus acquamtmg.chtldrenearly \\lth J. Archer Turner reported that the born a year apart show, a much high~r who will attend. MacIntyre, Marcia' Garrett, Della M~rh- a ~force i~ N~ture, with !l part of the Board of Managers of Swarthmore College death rate in infancy than those children , took no definite action on the request of where the interval of time between births Every molher will want her children to shall and He]en Jones, who along WI~ Unknown m Life. see "Cinderella"-and what could be a "Bobby" .Gross an~ Betty Passmore Will . Perhaps the most unusual of Mrs. Fahs Borough CQuncil fo~ a dedication of ten is longer. The..c:e statistics' showed clearly lovelier form for a fairy talc than these graduate m the sprmg. . Ideas was her stateme~qh.atparents s.hould feet of College property along College Ave- the relation of the health of the mother to dainty marionettes? But there is lots of good materIal co~- not think that teachm~ a ,y~p~g chIld to nue to be used in widening this street. her child. : Of 'especial interest to the older. mem: ing along from the ~cond team, which pray is the first step In religion. There The Coliege authorities arc considering Social agencies, sucb,. for, example, as hers will, be' a Chinese fantasy which ha_ went through its season undefea~ed and are things he needs to do. before he. pr~ys. king the main College entrance at the hospitals, are prohibited by Jaw from' giv'wide popularity on Miss Hastings' pr~, - with but one _tie, as did the varsity, and One is to acquire :he habits. of. ~edltatlon, :~er of Chester Road and College Ave- ing information which is· needed not only grams.' .' its 'g'oaf line", remained uncrossed all sea- and of talking thmgs over In l~tJmate fel- nue aJld another entrance at the corner (or the individual's care- and protectiun, • w~! . h h·IS parents. He "hould growe of Elm ' In addition there wil~ be a-, Y nu m -. son. ]owshlp Avenue and Ce(lar Lane. In that but for the protection or' society at Jarge. ber, with as many vanety numbers as the • up to the'1ea of God before he hears th event, they would widen College Avenue Recent studies throughout the United Meeting Date Changed name; for If he learns words b~f~re they above Chester Road and probably would States show that the birth' rate among time permits. h ---~-+----S • e t e be '''I'111'ng to dedicate footarYe between families on relief is 60 per .cent higher than T'''e re"lilar monthl.\· meetin!! 01. t he have meaning, it is difficult f ht.o IDJect f th ,. .., h t f th I t' V h C nsbnas esper ervlc "" e popu a Ion.V t Fniandly Circle will be held on Thur5day, true meaning later-to rcc h 1m rO.m d e Chester Ro' ad and the public school to the teres Th Le0 f W ask d h false impression he may ave acqUIre.. Borough for the wI·dening of this street. e ague 0 omen This Sunday evening at 6.30 the Ve:- December 13, instead of the 20th. at t e d t ht k f . tIl' 0 ers t ]was gisJ ti e A child should be hel~ , to a 5 ralg - The College would beautify and improve to wor or more lD e Igen e a on pel'S Sf:rVice will be held as usual In home of Mrs. Dwight Cooley, 110 Co- forward, courageous facmg of the. Un- these comers and maintain two streets that would ]ighten,the soda], phySical, psy_ Clothier Memorial. This week it will be ]umb·la Avenue. Mrs. BenJ·amin Mather I b t h] . ] d' . d't' f ast an economic in the forll\; of a Christmas service with a wl·II ba co-host Membe..rsa.,re, requested. known. Then he wili h a ways e an In. t er-s Wh·1Ch are, now cared for by the Borough. c 0 Oglca be' f ople ' con . I. Ions 0 v .. -= Ion The police and secretaries reports were num rs 0 pe . • mixed;"chorus of se~ior stud\Ults ,al,lct carol to bn·ng' donations of' unpenshable foods ested explorer and f t I.e .younger ge~era th f r may make 0 re Iglon some mg a ed d filed singirig by the congregation. greater tban we have yet done. appro\' an . • Named to College Board for the Christmas basket., This service, the last before the College's Christmas vacation, is the one which was Former Reside':t to Lead Class Tot-Lot Postponed Book Talk for Mothen Mrs. Eleanor Stabler Clarke, of Wallingheld in former years at the home, of Dr. ford was elected to finish the _ul!~ired 'Sunday next, December 9, Mr. Philip E. William T. ElIis,.on Walnut The mothers of the fifth and sixth grade term of Mrs. Mary Thatcher, resigned" of The Tot-Lot Benefit, which was schedHbward 'a former resident of Swarthmore, pupils wi]] meet with Mrs. Pennell, of the Board of Managers' of Swarthmore December 8th, has been uled for Saturday, trustee ~f the Sunday School Times, will Turkey Dinner at Trinity Valley, for a book talk at 3 o'clock postponed until Saturda~, ~anuary 5t~, The Woman's Guild of Trinity Church lead tbe Men's Class of the Swarthmore since the High Schoo~ Auditonum, where It Tuesday· afternoon, ~mber 11, in the College. At the 9Dnual meeting of the Board, held on Tuesday, the, members )Viii give B Turkey Dinner .next Th~rsday Presbyterian 'Churcb, which meets every College Avenue kindergarten room, will be held, is being painted. whose terms expired were re-eJected. morn~g at 10 o'clock. Sunday evening, December 13, from 5.30 untIl 7.30. SPEAK TO WOMEN I IHOCKEY TEAM • ENDS UNDEFEA'"TED SEASON I I CHILD SHOULD EXPLORE REUGION t, '. . '."'ill WOMEN HEAR LW.V. PROGRAM AT CLDB MARIONEnES WILL ARRIVE' HERE SOON I of L A "". Or • ~en:fit • 2 THE SWARTHMOREAN ,--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,ral Ho.pital where, .Inee graduation in Army and 1\:,,'Y game in Philadelphia. Dr.' Channell Pe.d,orms lit S,pabr~Soyer d Nuptials lege and Drex~~,~~itute, ~~------ Enlfasement of Mi.. Lula Ann. ette Hill. allcl Mr. Amzi G. McVay Announced A lovely ccremon)' was performed by the \\'ayne Channell, D.D., rector, at the Sw~rthmore Methodist Church, when Grace E"clyn Snyder: and John C. Spahr were joined in wedltick at 7.30 last c\·cning. The bride is a dau~hter of the late \V. C. Snyder, head of the Swarthmore Police Departmt!nt until his death in 1926, and Mrs. Snyder, of Yale A\'enue, S,,·arthmore. , ' SlJahr is a son of Mrs:. Joseph hl'llerman, of Lima. The bride, who was ginn in marriage by her brother, Arthur Snyder, wore a white chiffon \'clvet gown, made on princess lines, and carried white roses and lilies-of -the-\·aJley. l\li~s Mary Snyder, sister of the bride. I was maid of honor, wearing a f{reen crepe -dress with matchinl! accessories and carrying pink roses. The bridesmaids, Mrs. Edna Lo\'e, of Philadelphia; sister of the bride, and Mrs. Arthur Snyder, of Swarthmore, the bride's sister-in-law, wore peach and blue crepe gowns with matching accessories. Wit.h the peach dress talisman roses were carried and with the blue gown, pink roses. The mother of the bride wore a dark blue crepe semi-formal gown. Edwin Spahr acted as best man for his brother. The ushers were Richard Snyder, a . brother of the bride, and Albert Gwinn, of Swarthmore; Edward Love, of Philadelphia, and Howard Spahr, of Media. 1\lr. Ruben Hormann rendered the organ selections and Denato Colafemina sang '''I LO\'e You Truly" and "At Dawning." 'The 'ceremony was followed by an informal reception at the home of the bride. After a brief motor trip Mr. and ~Irs. Spahr will reside at the Garfield Court Apar'tme.nts, Folcroft, Pa. After graduating from Swarthmore High School with the class of 1926. the bride : cntcr~d training at the Philadelphia GenR~\·. , WASHINGTON 'Theatre--Cbester Saturday, Monday, Tuesday "TRANSATLANTIC MERRY·GO·ROUND" JXCK BE'l.~~ ",' , Mr. ana Mrs. Dc\\rut A. Hills, of Elm Avenue, announce the ('n~al!cment of their ~aughter. Lula Annette, to Me: Amzi G. \fcVay, of Birmingham, ..\Iahama. Miss Hills is a ~raduate of Swarthmore High School and Miss lUman's School, of Philadelphia, and Mr. McVay was graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology. West Point, as week-end guests, Dr. Edgar J. Fisher and Mrs. Fisher, Billy Wells, of Buck Hill Falls, Pa., was late of Robert College, Istanbul, were the the guest of Harry MacMillan, of Vassar guests of Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ellis Avenue, on Thanksgiving Day. last Monday. Monday. fuesday and W".dr.n"'.:::-.d"'."'y~ ",' .,', -In- BOYD 8TH &: WELSH STS. i..AST GENTLEMAN" NEW LOW PRICES I I D~.XIII Warner Bros. ThYiA V E R TODAY. pond SATURDAY (F) CHESTER 4711 THEATRE , "THE WHITE PARADE" LORETTA YOUNG Continuous .JOHN BOLES ~el'fo1"mance < $3.00 per year Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lindenman and family, of High Bridge, N. J., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Shaw, of \Vhittier Place, last Thursday and Frida)" CHESTER MAURICE CHEVAUER JEANETTE MacDONALD Mr. and Mrs. J o:;;eph S. Bates, of Haverford Avenue, entertained at tea on Sunday in honor of Mrs. Bates' brother, Mr. Edward Roessler, of Schenectady, N. Y., who was their guest over the week-end. Mrs. Arthur E. Bassett and daup;hter, Virginia, of North Chestcr Road, returned Monday from Rochester, N. Y., where they attended the wedding of Miss Dorothy -in- "6-DAY BIKE RIDER" MONDAY and TUESDA.Y Mic.ha.el Arlen". Famous Heroine I;-Ivea Aaalnl HELEN HAYES House Beautiful & Gordo!!n Child Life St. Nichollu, Reader, Dlge!ll Chrisbnas Lingerie is here "WHAT EVERY WOMAN KNOWS" Wednesday aDd Thursday '(F) ~ELEN HAYES r-I1 It. :. :-:. . . !J...:-:..:w:..:. MARCH CHARLES LAUGHTON Harral Linen Shop +x..x--:..:......:..:..:..~l ; BLANKETS-North Star and Esmond COMFORTS-All W 001 Filled SPREADS-All the Latest Patterns :<::: X i it t Look at These Shawer M~~OR THEATRE Cheater Pike at Prospect Park , WOMAN KNOWS" MIRIAM HOPKINS JOEL McCREA -",Uh- COMING SOONI GRACE MOORE ill "ONE NIGHT OF LOVE" -In- BUCHNER'S Toggery Shop ''THE RICHEST GIRL IN THE WORLD" 8 Park Avenue -wlth- OPEN EVENINGS FAY WRAY REGINALD DENNY 113..'117 W.STATE ST. .MEDIA, .PA. TOY S ;I: 5.00·k Set " t.. ~' 5: .,. ~ \. :=: \ ~: s~: 5: h I ~ 00 I He 101 t, Tunc: Cluft Clean Rn« crun Moror and Adjullt SPirit plul' and Set Dblribulor Poinu Timing "nd A'dj!ut Carburetor Clun all Gu Linn and Pump IALl: PARTS ARE EXTRA W..IU.... L..bricali.... Ti..... Battery • Brake • Senice ""ri. 33e Glellwood Pure Strawberry We wl1l also Clean' .the Carbon and C .. lnd the connection with the above mentioned speciak for the 8dditi~mal Special Pl"ice .-of" ..... 50 for the .. Cylinder Madrili' Bnd $8.50.., for the 8 Cylinder Models. , Phone, MecU.· i809. ,--' ,j •• ' -e:.:' STEINMAN . EDMOND Bread Supteme 10c Joan of Arc Kidney Beans Premium Shredded Cocoriut Heinz Soups' CExeept Consomme Ot" BUY NOW On Our EASY PAYMENT PLAN IlSaJ PHONE REGent 1308 TODAY! OR SWARTHMORE 6 bl" toaf 3 No. 9c lie eans 25c 60, 10e 2 pt can. 25c 2 pkg Clam Chowder) COFFEE Freahly, Ro~te~ Ib Ground Fresh to Your Order Victor Coffee 19,; tb AU-BrazJUan Coffees, blended tor smooth flavor .. 2 1Se Baker's Coconut '- .a•• ,?5c pkB. Grape ' Nut Flakes 9c Large Calif. Dried Lima BeaDS Broken Slices Hawaiian Pineapple lOe 2 lb••• 15c ----10c lISCO Cooked 21"....... ~ 3k pqmpkin '3 ::-;: 2SP! ------Best Granulated to Ib.., 48c SUGAR Coafectloaer'. XXXX (Bulk) 10 lb. cotto" .,... SOc :I l .. lb~1; p""., J 13c" Qualit;-MEArS T';"h-a-t-G""i;;"'e~':Sai1,i/,ction , .... Fresh Lean Rib End r: Pork Loins ~.. '>', .' I,' ".' " .: '~J5( ':", Beef Cubes' Short Ribs Beef lb 18 Ib 140 Iaround Beef Plate Beef 1 lb Lamb or Beef Liver l % lb', Store Slic\l~ Bacon SPEClA.L! While They Lal! Genuine Cast A~uminum r > i ",: ~:',~... ,.'. Ii' lb "15qi 18~: End Pork Loi"s~ Up '0 a',i IbS) ~;\9C;:: Centar Cut Pork Loins" ,'·''1t~5c .' Well Seasoned' Sam, Kraut' ",,;." 3'l!J1i>tjI PHONE SWARTHMORE 1363-W ~.~ ;f NOW PLAYING The Outstanding Picture of the Year' (F) NORMA MOllday and Tuesday. Dec. 10, 11 "1 i_at -In- ,BRIAN AHERNE MADGE EVANS See Our Selections of Diamonds ••• Watcbes Jewelry Silverware .- Toilet Sets Leather Good., etc. MRS. LLOYD E. KAUFFMAN T, LANSDOWNE BENNETT 'with HERBERT MARSHALL GIFrS 'Vogue Nation Nation'. Business Travel Me:. --- Time Esquire S'cribners Scientific AmerJcan I I I I $5.00 per year Atlantic Monthly HarpcTtl Magazine Niltbre Magazine . i ): FREDRIC MARCH CHARLES LAUGHTON "OUTCAST LADY" 'iwtfl\t!iilf ~ . . Y NORMA SlIEARER ' - - Adele Morgan and Mary' Garrett. '; Miss PrUdence Perry, a senior at MilA chorus .of waits, consisting of Richard' ton Academy, \\'as the week-end guest of\\'n~ ~lchard DelapJaine, Frederick Mr. and Mrs. Dou~las C. Sinclaire, of, RIchard Shaw and Carter Smith. Harvard A,·cnuc. Her brother, Mr. Rohwill SlOg. crt Perry, who is now a ~nior at Thaye A piano:vi~!in-'c,:llo trio will accompany Academy, was the guest of Dr. and t~e ca!ol SIngmg; Katharine Warren, Coles, Walter Hoff Seely, of Walnut Lane. Bob Xaoml Wright and Charles Swann being and PrUdence, ron and daughter of Mr at the instruments. '. _ I and Mrs. Harold R. Perry, of Milton; .other membe,: of the First Day School Mass., are former residents of Swarthmore WIU take part In the entertainment, and and were here to attend the junior Prom ?"any are ~o-operating in producing what of the Swarthmore High School. u;. hoped wIll be a good time for all. Miss Estelle Sinclaire, of Harvard A\'e. Florence -!load Icy is coaching the play, the parts being taken by the young people nuc, was the guest of .:\ Billie Kerney at a dance at the Trenton Country Club of the First Day School Class. Saturday evening. The P~imary and Kindergarten Departments will also have part in the enterMiss Prudence Perry was the ~ue5t of tainment. This will be a big occasion and it is hO.nor at a dinner p;h'en by Miss Cynthia hllped all parents and friends will attend. Wickham, of North Chester Road. before the Senior As..<:embly on Saturday evening. I FOR XMAS .'. -In- CONSTANCE -10- PM-~~~M" SWARTHMOREAN NEWS NOTES maker, .S),I"", Swann, Betty Cresson. Carol ; GoodWIn, Ruth Wilson Varroll Drew I , $4.00 per year House i A JOE E. BROWN A Christmas, as spent in a si~teenth century manor hall, will be portrayed and during the entertainment many of th~ older carols will be sung in which the audience will take part. Those taking the main parts are: Florence Garrett, Elinor Smith, Sarah Fus- Boys' Life Etude Red Book Junior Home. ChtlStitih Her~ld CosmopoUtan Ladles' Home Journal Radio News Woman's Home Companion Popular Mechanics McColls Photoplay American C.irl-$1.50 per year Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Servais, of Dickinson Avenue, entertained Mr. and Mrs. John P. Morgan and family, of Rutgers A"enue, on Thanksgiving Day. mEATRE "THE. TEL•• SW. 1171 Give a Magazine for Xmas. the year round gift , ·'/,OUCE CAR NO. 17" .•- ·.Futt Length Feature ;"'(iEORGE ARUSS Craft Chri.tmas !I: Tuesday, VVednesday, Thursday . Part of the Barrel-Packing ent~rtainmerit o! the Frie~1.(is' First Day School on the flight of Fnda~, December 14, will consi~t of a play enhtled "A Sixteenth Century Christmas." written by Charles A. Murdock,. and revised and enlarged for the occasion. eLri,tma, Cookies I EDWARD EVERETT HORTON UNA MERKEL Ell!deJ. ,: SpriDaele and New Arrivals -with- f.30"':':'An'other Episode of the Boy Scout Serial. "Young ORDER I 'THE MERRY WIDOW' Thrll~I~~' "A 16th Centll1'y Cbriabnaa" to Be Presented as Part of Barrel. PackiDg Entertainment (!tnmmunity "~np Smith spent the holidays with their parents, returning to George School on Sunday. THE !til, Dorot~y Lueders, Margaret Shoe-. TO PRESENT PLAY 8'mart~mnrt of Buck Hill Falls, Pa, Richard and Gene --- -In- ut timore Pike, had as their guests over Thanksgh'ing, Mr., and Mrs. Elliott Wells, Mrs. John Michaels, of Park Avenue, enteetained friends from Logan and Jenkintown at luncheon and bridge on Tuesday as the bridge dub, of which she is a member, mct. Miss Priscilla A. Clayden, of Locust ValAT REASONABLE PRICES ley, L. I., visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. entertained with a uance at her home last Ludlow Clayden, who arc guests at the Saturday evening. Strath Ha\'en Inn during the Thanksgiv~lM~ Dr. and Mrs. William E. Kistler, of Park iog holidays. ~ Avenue, entertained .at a family house Mr, and Mrs. Frank 1.1, Sawyer, of Rut- ~ party from Wednesday until Sunday when their guests were: Dr: Kistler's brother-inFORMAL DINNER law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. \ViIliam H. New York City, GOWNS --- DRESSES Ressler, their daughter, Miss Louise Ressler, Mr, and Mrs, James W, Johnstone, of COME IN ALL SIZES and their son, Jack Ressler, of Shamokin, Harvard Avenue, entertained at bridge on Pa., another sister of Dr. Kistler, Miss Saturday evening in honor of 'heir house PRICES BEGIN AT $12.75 Ruth Kistler, also of Shamokin, i:and Miss guests, Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gray, of ~ Elizabeth Gunsales, of Toronto, Canada. On Thanksgiving Day the party was Ka.onah, N, Y. ~~~~E:~~~Q.MlV~aMi~_~~ joined at dinner by Dr. Kistler's brother AmonI!' those from Swarthmore attendand his family, Dr. and Mrs. Harold Kist- ing the Army-Navy football game on Satler and children, of Ardmore. urday were: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. On Saturday, Dr, and Mrs. Kistler and Perry, their daughter, Miss Olive Perry, daughter, Miss Harriet Kistler. and Miss and Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Clothier, their $1.00 per year $2.00 per year $2.50 per year American Home' Saturday Evening Post Good Housekeeping Carey Snow, of WaHingford, attended the son-in-law and daughter, who were their American Boy Colliers American Magazine guests over the week-end. Friday, Saturday. Monday E:r.tra Added Feature for Special , JUnior, Matinee Starting' Saturday FIRST DAY SCHOOL Th an~gJ.Ylng ,,-" Day. 18 Miss Alice Rcdgrave, of Vas...~r Avenue, "MENACE" Media Theatre a ep An Invitation NANCY CARROLL ,'PAUL KAVANAUGH I Mr, and IIIrs, Claude C, Smith, of Bal- ;::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &.RoW,r,wND 'GERTRUDE MICHAEl.. jPh·1 'd I h' w..,k-end, Frank Hess and Carl Loiter, of the 104 PARK AVE. United States Naval Academy, at AnnapMrs. Mae \V. Davis, of Ogden Avenue, Nancy Lou Alger, of Park Avenue, was olis, Md .. were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. a patient at the \Vest Side Sanitarium, attended the Penn-Cornell football garnet A. F. Jackson, of Park A\'enue, foJlowing York, Pa., last week, when her tonsils were ~hc Army-Na\'Y name on Saturday. removed. Nancy and her mother, Mrs. Paul Alger, returned to Swarthmore on Miss Kathf);-rlSimpers. of Westdale Ave- Saturday. nue, entertained a bridf{e club of which she is a member on Friday. The club conJohn Byers Roxby, Jr., spent the sists of alumnae of Miss IIIman's School, of Thanksgiving vaca.tion with his parents. PARK AVENUE Philadelphia. Dr. and Mrs. John B. Roxby, of Cornell Avenue. Mrs. Edward A. Stockton, of the Strath Mr. and Mrs. l'.:'ewell K. Chamberlin and Haven Inn, entertained The Sixteen Club at luncheon and bridge at the Inn on daughter. Patsy, of Germantown, spent FOR YOU TO COME IN AND Wednesday. Mrs. Stockton's son, Colonel Thanksgiving week-end with Mrs. ChamSEE THE NEW SELECTION OF Edward A. Stockton,--jr., of Washington, berlin's mother and grandmother, Mrs. D. C., came up for the Army-Navy game C. K. All!er and Mrs. George Smith, of Park Avenue. on Saturday. Wednesday. Thursday, Fdday . I Vanden'ctter and John P. Street, Jr.,~ last followed by a family reunion and dinner in 1933, she, has been ser\·jog as a head nurse. bringing with them on their return LieuMr. Spahr is a graduate of Girard Col- tenants William Allen and E. Gibson, of , DECEMBER 7, 1934 DECEMBER 7, 1934 Skil·lei:s ~~t:: x.,":~) With Each Meat Purchase or Ib ,Ib 10$: 41\7C h;' Both ,for ,~ sav!' 76c 1 for / 59~: 30c or O\'e~" .: IPork Sausage 2'l!c Meety Scrapple 12c Mackerel ::S~~~ 3 lbs 25~ • Cream Cheese % Ib 18c IlraJ Cole Slaw Ib cup 15c , Ib Ib Sliced Fresh Codfish 1b'17c ;I Fresh Fillets Oenuine Haddock 1b.18c i Fresh Select Oysters (Opened) dO'18c, Where Qlltillfy e •••fa alld Your Malley Goes 'uHlle" - IIIiiiuIPiI These Prl.ces Effective in Our Stores-and Aleat Markets in Swarthmore and Vicinity. r :! 4 THE SWARTHMOREAN DECEMBER 7, 1934 7 she did not continue to c:;b::a:rm::-:;tb::ese:::--::di~·ffi;;---c::o::m::est=i::bl;::es:-::",,=-d:;-;:ln:--;h:;ls:-:"::n:;be::;;U.::v::·.";:b;:'y:-:.-::u---d:ec=re::"':::--;in:-:ra=le::s-o:-:f:--:::m-=o=re:-:t;:ha--n:-:$=l--,600::::-:,OOO:::--.-o-:f--1 h-e-:SC:-:--hOO----::I~i:.n:R~ose=::V;::al;le:y::,:.a..:I~8:...:0:.:'cl:OC~k cult males no one knew better lban Milne Ihentic sneezes. "The adoption of the modem rate slruc- In Ih. School building, to disro.. p1aDs for • Mitchells Star m -".•, Ing" C~medY Charm and Mrs. Mitchell-yet as IlEustasia" it is The stage setting by C. Wahl Olmes and lure gave the Company a sound basis on staff-and the retinue of servants so per- which to proceed and the de,oelopmenl of the formation of a pre-school group of obvious she qever knew" See uplana- fecUy lrained Ihal Ihey appeared as part business along Ihe lines which it permitted Ihree-year-old children, 10 be conducted in . of the charming interior set, were of real is largely respon~ble I.or the Company's association with. the School. Parents in~ Nol~,·-ma···k-ID··g· h·er- ~ond an _... importance to the atmosphere of tbe play. ability to make the further reduction aD- terested in this pre-school group are cor_ "M'"""" Mary V. Foa..... by R..... Eo &.pJoe PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA. ... .. imagined. Dr. Dolman Qelighted ever)'one as the start to finish, but whose romance was dignified but doughty "Dominic"-a but- sadly "kippered" at the breakfast table by ler:"~oc.tor-gaoler who managed tasks with the rude Leonard. ea~. that might have nonplused the primeMr. T. Lawton Slaugh, well versed in minister or all of Scotland Yard. He was histrionics-but 'a new comer' to Swarththe ·nmn Friday, J eeves and the Admirable more plays-distinguished himself as Nich. Crichton rolled into one, who at even less olas, who was caught in a trap of his own than a moment's notice produced the de- forging and followed the British tradition sired .article-whether, it be of tonsorial," of endeavoring to do the right thing, till sartorial, therapeutical, or culinary value. his host showed him the way out. Mr. Hi~ part was controversial in "lIlat the Slaugh wrote things on the countenance of audience was· undetermined whet'her 'it was Nicholas more expressive even than his the perfect enmple of acting' or of cast. well ;endered lines. ing. .' As Leonard, Robert M. Stabler, who is .As Eustasla, Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell I well re:membered in past productions, artfully created a stage character who achieved another highly successful characbro~ght laughter enry time she ap- ter role. He was especially remarkable in peared, and, aroused j!>y in tlie hearts of actually consuming on· the stage large quane\'eryone but Leonard and Nicholas. Why tities of "kippers." "kidneys" and other about Winter? e Ult_ .... PulliU.b. AMERICAN RADIATOR HEATING' e. If you have been worri~d .ttbou't . the dange~. of going through an.other winter like LOWEST INTEREST NO MORTGAGE NO • . ~ .... , . . . . '''.'.. ;' , ,.... -, .: . : WOODWARD, JACKSON & BLACK, lIne. . - 333 DARTMOUTH AVENUE Philadelphia Electric SWARTHMORE 43 Secl.. Bd.itor THRESHOLD FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1934 Sunday morning pro Tuttle preaches tlie second in the series of Advent sermons "How to Be a Christian." The remainin~ subjects will be, "When to Be a Christian,'~ and, on Christmas Sunday, "The Prince of Peace." aa Ion w1l ue-"-gl\'en on Friday, De- lished this week, The book entitled "Death in B Minor," is being' published cember .14, a.t !he. PJ'esbyteria~ ,Church. . Ever) one IS InVited to sew 1n the morn· 1 b» Dulton of New York lng at 10.30, ha\'~ lu.ncheoD. "rith the women The oth~r two mysteri~' to Mrs. LiIly's a~ 12.30, .an~ go to the ~hapet at 2 o'clock credit are "Seven Sisters." which was pubto h~lp reVI\'e the custom of Christmas lished in 1928 and chosen by the "Book carolling. • II of the Month Club" and uFalse Face," A. pageant e~htle.d The Story of the which came out a year later. ChrIStmas Carol" wdl be presented: Part! • I !-'-"Through the First Six Cenluries of· In Appreciation The member;; o~ the family of the late Last Wednesday .e\'ening Dr. Tuttle g~~t Our LoM" ~ Part II-liThe Middle Ae:es an address at the Pennsyh'ania Military and Twentieth Centuf)·." The speaking "lDcenl N. CianCI wish to extend their College. . parts will be taken by Mrs. Piper, Mrs. I sincere appreciation to their many friends Eaton, Mrs. Gilcreest •. Mrs. McCahan and] a~d acquaintances for the sympathy and Dr. Tuttle begins his class for young Mrs. Warren. ThoSe In the chorus will be kIndness accorded them in their recent people in preparation for church member- Miss McLain, Mrs. Eaton, Mrs. Spencer, bereavement. ship next Sunrlay at 4 o'cl<.Jck, in the par- Mrs. Crosby, Mr5~ Gibson, Mrs. Thomp- =;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ish building. This class, a half-hour in son, Mrs. MacMillan, Mrs. Morey and Miss length, will continue through this month Lydia Turner. Mrs. Jones will be at the I and is for all young people twelve years piano with Mrs. Terman assisting. of age and older. AU those who are interested are cor--~ial~y invited to attend and join in the The Methodist Men's Bible Class unites smgmg. 1 - a word meaning to cleanse with the Presbyterian on Sunday. the 16th, with Re\". Dr. Michaels, sui>erin- Mothers Will Meet Wednesday the scalp and hair. To us tendent of public schools in Media, as the it is more than a word; it The mothers of the pupils of the third teacher. and fourth grades at the College Avenue is an art. No soap or harsh A dinner for all men of the congregation School will meet next \Vednesday when alkalis used. A CO-ED will be held the coming Thursday evening, they will hear Mrs. Pennell, of Rose ValDecember 13, under the auspices of the ley, who will speak on books for third Shampoo IS also it scalp Men's Bible Class. F. Don Price is chair- and fourth grade youngsters. treatment. man of the committee o[ arrangements. Miss Young, of the school's teaching I staff, will also speak. I 1 Next Sunday ,evening at 6.30 o'clock, ' the y~ung. people will have a supper conMore Firemen Desired I i ference with Marjorie Turner (Mrs. THE Peler E.) Told as the speaker and Ihe The Swarthmore Fire and Protective Asleader of the forum on the subject of sodation. offers an opportunity for "an~· t i "\Vorship." The supper will be prepared able-bodIed men, twenty-one years of age i . by the mothers of the young people, Mrs. or over, of good moral character," to join MARVEL V. COOD, Prop. Dod4, Mrs. Craemer and Mrs. Whita~er, the· association as active firemen. It is the committee in charge. Harvey Whit- desired 'that·those "interested should appear aker, vice-president of the Endeavor So- in person at the Fire Association head409 DARTMOUTH AVE. ciety will conduct the devotional service. quarters at .'1.-15 MOJlday evening, DecemSw.rlhmore 595 . , ber 10.. ~~~. ;:'I.:~'>~.· . I I . ~.':' .1 ~:~,:'r::I!!",,,,.·,,,t ."'-.1 '~.- :....~.; .. :<; r"-.i':'~ Il~e Bible 3~d the Modem Man"· wni be ~ subject of Mr. Guenther's sermon on Sqnday morning. This was the topic of the. Modem· Churchman's Conferen-;:~,.in EnglO)ud, last summer. Among the spea,k~ ers, . 'Whose addresses have been printed in the October L"Sue of The Modern Church'" man, were Dean Inge,. the Lord Bishop of Birmingham, the Rev. Prof.-··Raven ·and Canon Streeter. The Intermediate Class and Senior ;As·' .... ; .... ~-.~ '''' . ........... '., ..... " .. ; Wom",n's Cuild of Trinity Church sembly of the Swarthmore Dancing Class were held on Saturday evening, December TURKEY DINNER 1, at the \Voman's Club House. The S.lO to 1.10 chaperons for the evening were: Mr. and Thursday, December 13th Mrs. Allan S. Thorn, Mr. and Mrs. Sam75 Cent. uel Dodd and Mr. 'nnd Mrs. D. W. R.' ."- 1,-============= Morgan. . . . -The Introductory Class and the Junior AsSembly wiU be he-1d tomorrow c\'ening, At ,~he Gcneral Convention: ',Epi!;¢opal SatUrWtY, December 8, at the \Vomari's rectors were. asked to tak~/ cog~~nce' of Club House. ,- --~ ,.' ",u ~-~--~ ' .. IOLIVER H. BAIR CC? DEPENDABLE SERVICE 1 FUN~~~AI::,~~~~rORS RIT. 1581 • RACE 1110 .1· . -,-... . ···i: . .1":. . '.'.-. , ..-,. ot;;..?, .. \. , .- .88 • • • • Come to our nearest store and see this. new HighLow Penfield and its money-saving regulator. InstaII now while these extremely easy terms are available. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC --. COMPANY ... All-Our .. ' . Suburban Stores , . or See YOllr Dealer , ·.N6 ·~O;RRY ' ** Banoon Tires. ** CASH ** PI_ted RI.a. * .·to.. * Ba, Now to' Chmt.... JI·lnth 2"ln~h Fr••e•. Elaia 1Iab.~ ...•. Girls" ...<111 Bon·· Medeb. Do••I. . DEUVERED M.., pJ~. Bicycle &I~tlon In Chester. .~ . . ; ... .. AbolltYour Xmas ~ills JOIN OUR· NEW 1935 XMAS SAVINGS CLUB. DtUu..,.._ SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS SJ;'&pp,.. Dew ~..." model., ·with .yery style .ad quality feature • • • chromium plated rim.. sprockets aDd hahdle hare • • • 'ataiale.. steel madparda • • • white aidewalla,. -bi. balloon., tire. . • • and colorful. _ • Boya-red or black" with white trim ••• Girls-blue with white trim . . . Every hoy or airl would like one of these for Christmas • • • 19 other modela ..........carried in stock. SEARS, . ROEBUCK & CO. Jj22 EDGMONT AVE.. CHESTER, PA. Save in advance for Christmas. Know the pleasure that come. from spending and giving freely during the happiest - . son of the. year. Tho_d. of others have done it, just by· the Chrisbnas Savings Club at this Bank. A few dollan each week will grow into a surprising sum by nest December. Don't delay, the 1935 dub is STARTING NOW! SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. S ;00 A. !d.-Holy Co~nion. 9:45 A ••.-Sunday Sehool• 10 :00 A; !d.-,Jubior Cburch. 11 :00 A. ••-Morning Prayer and Sermon. THE .. '" SWARTJDlORE }>RESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. ,Jobn EUer,. Tuttle, Minister SUNDAY .10:00-Blble School. Rev. Dr. Michaela and I union of MethocUlt, and Presbyterian Men. . ~. 11 :OO-JlornlnK" Worship. Pll!;tor preaches. "How to Be a Christian." 2:45 and S:OO-Boys· and Girls' Choirs.· ":OO-Paator's Class. 6:30-Supper Conlerence of Young People. lite. Peter E. Told, IIpeaker and leadetof forum. THURSDAY G:30-Men's DInner.· FRIDAY 10:30-Woman's AssociatIon. Luncheon, 12:30. I At 2 :00. Chrlstmu Pageant.· ~ I . SWARTHMORE M.ETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH REV. WAYNE CHANNELL, D. ·D. 9 :46 11:00 "1 !OO '7 :45 1.,.0 PalOI' A •••-Sunda, School. A. M.-"The Ministry ol the Wonf..' P. M.-Epworth Leatrue. P. M.-"A Valid Bula lor SeJI-Respect.'· . Strangers cordially invited. FIRST CHURCH' OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST. o~ SWARTHMORE Park Avenue' below Hanard 11 :00 A. M.-Sunday School. 11 :00 A. M.-Sunday LeMon·Sermon. 'Vednesday e\'ening meeting each week. S p. m. Reading room open da.iiy, except SundllYS and holidays. I to ": Church edifice. All are ~ordialbr Invited to attend the BeIVices and use the Readl,ne Room. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIE1'ffiS sU'NDAY 9 :45 A. M.-Fmt Day SdtooL 9 :45 A. M.-Momlng Foram. Dllleossfon of the worth ol the American Red C..... . 11 :00 A. JI.-Meetinc for WOl'llblp In the Meetlnc Hoase. WEDNESDAY 9:80 A. M. to 2 :80 P. ".-Be_IDS' and QuUloo inc In WhiUier House. Box lun~beoft. Strange" Cordially Invited C SO Radiol and Other Valuable GiEti· Given Away! (SEE ANNOUNCEMENT IN OUR bTORES} Wheaties . •···2 pkgs 23c ENCO E BRAND Macaroni'Es::~~&~tES 3p~g119C Pinlc Salmon • tall ~.n IOc Dried Lima Beans 2 tb·15c Cooleie Bars COMBINATION Ib IOc . ~rfJ'G';{Peel I. 27c + Citron Peel Ib 29c Chocolate ~.~~!i!.~ ~a~= 19c Cocoanut S~~b~!~~~ 2 canl 25c ' 13c II Cak. Flour"=:·:t!&27c "0. con 13. . L. Franc. Po~ei' "'" 9c : Minut,e TlIpioclI Saker I COCOll p•• GRANDMOTHER'S-"Ooen.F,..,h" II·LAVER-COCOANUT GOLD CAKE (Whale Cole. J.l lI1E clIke • 49.) 25c Real Values in Procter (I Gamble Producul P&G N~p~:h. Soap,. 5 cak··17C ClImey SOllP 3 ..... 13c + Chipso ,. Swedish S::::.: 2 t _ 33. . pkp. . , .. W.e~n,n S.....i.1 for til. TRINITY CHURCH Proteetant Eplaeopal Cbester Road and Collesre A'Yenue Redor: ltev_ ,J. ,Janfen Guenther. 'So T. II. ~. .. 3· 2·3 Tomato Juice.· ~~~. .. . ..... I , d ...a"'39c entoD RITTER CO-ED BEAUTY SALON DlUlcing Cluses Meet dozen29C SELECTED Sunnybrook Fre.h Egg. • Trinity Church N.,tes :.~' GAS The Penfield Autominic Gas Water. ~ Heater gives you this new economy. VVhether· the· lever is set at high or low, hot water is always available. Eggs I Your· YOUDgsJer WiuitsABik~· .. HigL-Low Penfield ... . Thl, ptodua I. pal ked e1pnlall.,. for u. b, Nak.t Paddba CCK1l'. 81: Sea·de. W •• hl"atoa. We at'Y"e TOU our word ••• the qu.U.,.11 C"f ,b. fineet patked. • II .. the amount of hot water you actually need. '.; I RED SALMON • You can control· your gas .bill . by heating only the water you actually use. Jnvestigate the new R~lator/ You s~.t·. it for FANCY SULTANA SHAMPOO I 17 !:~ c I I CHURCH NEWS 30 Day. Free Trial 36 Monda. to Pay $2.00 powa Oro_ uuf P.dc.·d In Maryt... d-80lld. Red Ripe aDd Lwdou.l Iff · · _ · · · · . s tart the New Budget! Not, tbe n,w,E&ono",y With Pork and Sauc. , . I-Ib Phillips Delicia... . . can. To Present Cbn.tmas Program Mh. LUly's Thud Book Published Th Ch· . 1 Mrs. Jean (Scott S.) LiUy, of Elm AveAsso ~ r nst~s ! of the Woman's nue, will have her third mystery story pub- I. ured :Lave been required to pay on the WATER. HEATER 17C Beans T omaioes ~t;;;; 3~:~!22C De~~:n~e Pineapple =- 18c in Ocean City, N. J,J'last summer will furnish the music. ' II Presbyterian Notes Your children need VITALITY. We bring it to you in a clean, sterilized bottle. . Give your children plenty of Penncreat's milk. Watch the roses grow in their cheeks and happiness in their hearts. A&P LOW PRICES I were made by the Rector and by Ibe Rev. Ira, wbich played at tbe Golden Galleon 1929. at the Polt OBle. at Swartluaore- p~ under the A~t of Marell 3, 1879.. ' Company basis of not less than 90 per cent· of thQ greatest demand established within· the year. The present rate change reduces this requireme'nt to 75 per ccmt~ Mr. Taylor in an interview stated that I lithe forthcoming reduction is·a logical and consistent revision following the last major rate redm:tion which the Company made effective on· March 2. 1933." He stated that the two reduction, the one of 1933 ·and· the present one, represent a t~tal net ROSAUE DRYDEN Nationally Known Foods ... at TYPical o'clock. There wm be no a~ion charge One hundred and eight men attended for Swarthmore College students or for the ~orporate ~ommunion last Sunda)" couples, one member of which is an undermommg at 8 0 clock and ninety.six re. graduate. mained for Ihe breakfast. Brief addresses riel Regis and bis fourteen-piece orches- Thomas A. Mef)·we~ther. Entered .. Secoa. C ..... Matter, J ........". 24 • 0 .... "·1 FE'S' Changes Which Apply to Retail Light and Power Rate Become Effective January 5 The ... ... I Ce.....1 M1ua&&'er Plaoae Swartbmore 800 At SEARS is a Sporting Proposition! 'the lallt-, .. without adequate heatin.g Eaciliti~., th~ae convenient term. will" be good newa to yqu. \ ELECTRIC COMPANY REDUCES RATES I Take up to 3 Years to Pay PAYMENT DOiler Road," by A. A. Milne. • TITUS J. EWIG will describe the experimental work in proTonight (Friday, December 7) there will gressive methods of education being done be a meeting of the Parents' Association at George School. I INSTALL ~OWI\I Footnote-For fIEustasia"-see liThe has announced rate changes that will effect a reduction of more than three.quarters of a million doUars in the annual bills of a class of the Company's customers exceeding 110,000 in number. The changes relate to the charges for ~eneral light and power service, known as the retail light and power rate (Rate URLp U ) and will go into effect on January 5 next, it being necessary under the Public Service Company Jaw for thirty days to elapse between the filing of the rate and its effective date. .Any customer whose monthly use of electricity exceeds the amount allowed under the minimum bill established by the RLP rate will benefit by the changes. In detail the changes are as follows; The second step of Rate RLP is reduced from five and one-haU cents per kilowatt hour to five cents per kilowatt hour. In cases where joint residential and general use of current prevails, the demand factor of the residence part· of the load "'~~iiii:::.. will be reduced from 0.5 kilowatt to 0.4 .. kilowatt-a 20 per cent reduction. This will benefit all customers who now take residence service in connection with serv· ice supplied for other purposes. Between 35,000 and 40,000 acclJunts are aBectedmostly where residence service is supplied along service to small stores, barber Ishops, with delicatessens,' office· quarters, and tbe c like. Over 3,000 professional men, principally doctors and dentists, will benefit. Customers who desire to have their de'mand measured instead of determined from a record of the amount of load which they have installed, will receive the benefit of a reduction from 60 cents per month to 30 tents in the charge· for the demand meter. Customers who have· their 'demand -meas- Why Worry NO P. Warren. ganized and the following members wrre dining room from 9 to 1 o'clock, Decem- appointed 10 office: William Gardiner ber 14, following Ihe combined Princeton Cl~ves, Senior Warden; Robert Bird, a~d Swarthmore Glee Club concert, which JUDlor Warden; Jane Seely, Secrelary. will b. beld in Clothier Memorial at 8 ANN 8. SHARPLES dially invited to attend. The principal speaker is to be James Michener, of the .1 "Bible Sunday," which is annually Ob-I Chris .-;;;::::-:::::---;------____ served on Ibe second Sunday of December Th bDaa Dance and Concert . e annual Christmas dance of Swarth-I T.he Junior Church vestry is being or- ,,!ore College will be beld in Ihe college THE SWARTHMOREAN -=--_.0-__ who held the audience's sympalhy from Stabler, J. William Si.nmons and George New Class at Rose Valley School English Department of George School, Who plays this role, in which he blends these appearance before the Players Club, skill- The flbits" were all taken by well-known nounced today." talents in the fashion Milne must have fully played the part of the pretty "Anne," players-Barbara C. Dolman, Sarah H. !. THE SWARTHMOREAN tory footnote: for "Eustasia." (Contlnued from Pa ..e 1) I DECEMBER 7, 1934 .Bread Fines' F'I'uh F'l'Kits and Vegeeablesl ,Oranges· JUI&'8:!;e~IDA· .i~~,15c Grapefruit J('J =:;·4 I~;J"QC Ne~: Ca""age~- ·:3.1~ ··19c In Our Qualit; Meat Mat~&S! FANCY STEER B E E F · . .CHOCK-ROAst II. 17c BONELESS· POT ROAST BEEF Ib 19. CROSS-CUT ROAST BEEF Ib 23c ROLLED VEAL ROAST 8...r... ".19c . CITY DRESSED PORK SHOULDERS Ib llac Center· Cut Pork Chops Ib 2S. POIU(,PLOioitROAST Ib 15C Loin End (Up to >\lb.) Ib 17c Canadian Smelts Fancy No. I Fresh Croakers Ct~.1..,;.d g:1od • • Ib 21e Ib IOe Choice FillebSldale_tbl8c • Select Oysters - do. 18c Mackerel .l::!"n· ib 17c Clams !;;~. Mod. do.19c ,. THE SWARTHMOREAN JUNIOR CLUB BOARD j MEETING TONIGHT All ApprecialioB The Board meeting of the Junior Club will be held this evening, Friday, Decem- I • Elected Football Manager Jarden Guenther. ]r., SOh of the Rev. J. larden Guenther and Mrs. Guenther, of North Chef Peaaa. "F.· M. SCHEmLEY Maliag'emellt· The HamiltDn , Th,e Whittier '. .- •• '-. ' •• J ,. NarridciWDi ·P... ~. . 1"4D: NDrth; nih St.. Phi":; Pa•. ~!!!!!!! -~. .-::..{- , ; ... " ' , The Ch~ater- Arm. 4t1f&; EdlllDont An•• Chester, Pa. -, ..... ' .' ': $4 save this amount'wnen youh;"y four tons of {!i~o~~. ~o be delivered at oneti~~ a~d·pay cas~. saved· ia c. penny ear""d" ii 1: .. -.1<.i~"\\ pimny ' • .j and four h~ndred pennies iii a lot of money GREEN'S COAL SERVICE .. SWARTHMORE 1234 P. S.-Nature neve, made. nor has man discovered a finer fuel than jhe I I I I And under and subject to the payment of a certain fint mortgage debt Ot' principal sum 0f fifteen thousand dalla1'8 (115.000.00) with 1interest due and to grow due thereon. And Ihouse. ·lrnlJrovemenls eonemt o£ three-story .fOx20 reet: one and one-half .tone I stone addition. 20dO feet: enclosed stoneato17 addition. 20x20 feet: t.wo-stOl'Y stone garage. ' 20x82 feet; two-story stone bam. 2b80 feet. .. ~~ IJr., andasAnna the Pl'Operiy of James N. Cartet'. M. Carter-. his wIfe, and the I SoJd· Girard Trust Company. guardian ot the elate of Anna M. a feeble-minded person. ORDER NOW AND LEARN MORE· ABOUT GOOD FUEL -----------_.---- lb. 22c Youn. TURKEYS lb. 32c GUINEAS pro $1.50 Fresh EGGS; Doz. 35c - 40c - 45c JONES FARM Waverly Ave. aad BaltfmDre Pike FOR SALE-Dreall lSuit. In good condition. medium 81ze. $16.00. Can Swarthmore 981. swarthmore 1000. FOUND FOUND-Last Friday evening at. the .Junior Prom In the Woman', Club House, a green coat with beaver collar, was exebanged for a Aimllar one of larger siu. Exchansre may be arl'Bnged by caHing Swarthmore 862. Auto Ac:c:idenb ----------~ i THEODORE I J. GRAYSON. Attorney. NATHAN P. PECHIN, Sherifi'. in Retail Light and Power happen daily. Accident insurance in a good company can be written for one week or more to cover touring trip •• SWARTHMORE '83' E. C. WALTON $65 Central Location half stone, .. bedrooms, 2 baths. 2·csr garage. oU heat. large lot, old shade, po.a •• slon at oncC!!. WM. S. BITTLE Swarthmore 111·.1 Notary Public - Insurance Real £atate The Philadelphia Electric Company, in conformity with its estahJished practice of making voluntary rate reductions when conditions· '. warrant, announces a reduction in the Retail Light and PowerRa~e (RATE RLP) effective JANUARY 5, 1935. 'lend for Harley-YDutil Not Be Sorrr' UPHOLSTERING BRING TaE CHILDREN. They have their own ideas which may he helpful to old Santa Claus • • • Mec:lumical toys for the boys (and dad) ••• Toys for playing house for the girls ••• Tool boxes and other practical toys ••• Come today while you may have a beHer choice. Honest Under the Cover i ~ Call S'rarthmore 1441 This reduction will benefit all Retail Light and Power customers, of whom there ·are approximately 110,000, whose monthly use exceeds the minimum established in the rate. The reduction will amount to more than three-quarters of a million dollars annually. Shop-27 Main St., MortOD, Pa. Eve. can Sw. ·1839-J, Rutledge, PO:. HARRIET L. TREAT Expert Designing and Fitting of . , Gowns Remodeling At Home or by the Day The Har!..ard Sw.892 The changes are as follows: 1. A reduction in the second step of the rate from:5.1/2 cents to 5 cents a kilowatt-hour. .. PETER~E:'-TOLD--- . -.- ALL LINES OF INSURANCE INCLUDING LIFE sw. OLD BANK BUn..D1NG ~~ • :.: 1833 j: preceding eleven months, nsed in calcnlating the minimnm hilling demand. 7 ROBE.'n C. HUSTED .;.; Woodlawn and Merion Ave... .f" .i.!.. ,. ~. .:~ The reduction in customers' bills resulting from the first two items listed is estimated to amount to more than $750,000. The reduction effected by the last two items cannot be estimated with any degree of accuracy. However, since both of these item. operate to reduce present charges, the total saving to customers will actually be greater than three-quarters of a million dollars annually. ALDAN. PA. Phone: Madisoll 1355-J We Do Not Have Any SoUcitora -:-: 0, Q ~H Q C 0 Q 0 Q 0 0 = 0 0 0 C c-:-:-o MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON JOSEPH· E. QUINBY !!RNEST·C. SNODCRASS, ASS·T. FUNERAL DiRECTORS r" . • • .~. , ·n'..,,.: E , ... BELL PHONE 4 I' , . ,,_' r . ,. .,~: Great mlies eannot esisftoday without a BIlfe anor . dependable snpply of wat~r;< AJthi>ngb· is ipdif.; penoable for drinking p!Ji:pose.., it '. Jwj many other Ijses in the community. :.:> . ...., \ . ' .. ' . .... MEDIA, PA. FOR. YOUNG AND OLD . There has been some misunderstanding concerning the use of the word "retail" as part of the ti tIe of the existing Retail Light and Power rate. In order to clarify this, the new rate will be known as General Light and Power Rate (GLP) with availability as follows: , For instance. it has been·eStimated that Jliew York City has ·only three dals' supply of food on hand. The transportation of this food supply depends to a great degree upon water-because water'is used for making Bteam to ru~mtJOCl!>moti:vesar\ji grea(c:i(q;!:!.·~li..... It it also used to generate electricity for electric traiils ••• Motor trucks could not operate without water. In addilion to· this tlie m~dern city depend.. upon water to fight fires. clean 8lreeta and also for the many demands of industry. Even the smaller commnnities enjoy the benefita of a eiean, safe, dependable waler 8upply which has beeD made p088ible through tbe scientific and engineering development of the modern water eompany. This is the twenty-fourtb of a series of narratives which graphically tell the .Iory of water. Look for the next one in this iS8ue two week8 from today. "~ERTIFIED WATER Ir .... PEDIGREED STREAMS" • The whole family shares the ,ood a telephone brin,s. For the young,sters it means playmates, neW8, Invitations. opportunities. For the Ilrownups it meens leas work In runnlnll tbe house, friendly contacta by day, peace of mind at nlllht. A tetephone In your home than a dime a day !" ~otblnll does 110 much for_ Uttle! ·coats -~'less THE BEll TElEPHON[ COMPANY Of PENNSYlVANIA portion of the load where joint residence and general nse prevails. 4. A reduction from 90 per cent to 75 per cent of the greatest measured demand of the BICYCLES¥ ALSO REPAIRING 2. . .A reduction from 0.5 to 0.4 of a kilo~a.t~i!1.!~~~sst;~~e~. demand'~ of the reside.nce from 60 cents to 30 cents in the mel~r charge for customers desiring to 3. Ahaveredudion tlIeir "demands" measured ratlIer than assessed. ·XJ"':~~~...xe w clric Campany Announces and Gives Notice of a FOR SALE-LIONEL STANDARD Electl"fu Tr-aln, 8 enginetl. 10 ca.... 116 ft. track. Awitchee. cfOllsinp, aignale. Bargain. Call No. 784 Beginning at a point. tbe in1eneetlon -~f the center line of Providence Great Road fforty feet. wide) and the center Hne of Gradyville and Newtown SquBre road (thirty-three feet wide); thence extending along the ~ntel" line of Providence Great JW..d north twenty~ight detirees. forty·seven minutes. ten seeondl!: west one· hundred seventy-three and twenty_two one. hundredths feet to a bolt; thence still IllonE' said road north twenty_three desrrftll. thirtY.. lour minules. ten secondS· west. one hundred six.b-one and sixtY-eight. one-hundredths feet, to • spike; thence sUIl along the same north nineteen desrrees, ekht minutes, ten secon4s) west two hundred: six and aixty-one one-hun_ dred\hs feet to a spike: tbence .UII along said' l"08d north thirteen. degrees. ftfteen minutes. thirty seconds west, two hundred· and ei.hb. five one-hundl"edt~ feef, ~ ·',IL spike. thence lUll along old l"OBd north one degree. £OUl" minutes. thirty seconds west ,ninety anll e_~bb'. five one--~uDdredtba' f~t to a bolt In ee"nttr line of aald road: th~nc,e alon.. the land noW· or Jate of A. Adele' HOKan north fitty desrees. thirty minutes. fifty.f9ur seconds east nineteen hundred ninety-four and eigh,t one-hundredths feet to a atake: thence ~Dth ,.lxb''' five degrees, fourteen minutes, ~n seconds east I two hundred nlnety-eJeht and 8eVen one-bun. dredths feet. to a stake; thence _south abty. five degrees. twenty·two minutes" forty eee-.. onds east. two hundred forty-sb: _and eiKhtyseven one-hundredt... feet. to a sl4ke; then~e south twenty·three degrees, toity-seven miautes. forty seeonds eut. three bun~red sixty-• nine and aixty-three one-hundredtba feet to ~1It stake: thence south twenty.lour degrees. nine.. teen minutes. twenty seconds west. two bun. dred twenty-five and -{blriy-one one-hundredtba feet to a stake In _the eeo.ter line of Grady.. ville and Newtown Squat'e road: tbence a!o~ the center line of said road aoutb fifty de.. grees, two minute,. two seconds west elahteen hundred alxty and nine one-hundredths feet to a spike; thence south forty-nine degrees, elahteen minutes. twenty-eigbt Reollds west four hundt'ed and forty-nine one-hundredths feet to a bolt in the center line of Provldenee Great Road and' thence along the rentel' line of Providence O:reat Road nortb twenty-elght delrf't'elf, 10rt.y-aev~D minutes. ten seconds west two hundl'Ed two and aixtY-e(ght. one-hun. dredtha feet to the flrst mentioned point and . pJaee of beginning. Containin~ ftfty-one and two thousand one hundred forty-faut ten thou. sandth" acres. a FOR RENT-Bedroom, litting room and batt.. with or- without br-eakfalt. 608 South Cheatel" Road. Telephone, Swarthmore 1614. SUPLEE'S I .. ·FOUR(BOLLARS . . .. . $4 DUCKS All that certain lot or trad of ground with the bulldlnp and impl"ovementa thereon erected situate in tbe Township of Edgmont. County of De!aW81"e and State of Pennsylvania, and described aCf.'Ol'dlng to a survey and plan 'made by Damon and FOIIter. Civil Enltineers. dated July 2nd, 1926. as followa: Dealer currON HEIGHTS, PA. Sw.,-tbmore 6,80 -, lb. 2& lb. 2& lb. 27c Conditions: $250.00 Cub Ol" certified cbeck at time of sale (unless otherwise stated in advertiBement). balance In ten days. Dtber conditions on day of aale. 401 CurrON HEIGHTS NATIONAL BANK ,.. Stewen Small Fryers and Roasters Large Roasters SWARTHMORE 105 Lawson-Shepard .Company,inc. Autborlnd '. FOR RENT-Attractive room wIth bath. or apartment. Private £amily. ReuoDable. 423 Yale Avenue. FURNITURE RESTORING Saturday, Deeember 22, 1984 9.30 o'clock A. M. Eastern Standard Time Fieri Facias t"OR RENT-Small apartment on the HUI. J\pply to Albert N. Garrett. Swarthmore 489 or Pennypacker 4U2. September Term. UI14 We Have Piau R&nrina frOID , 25. to $20 Weekl". ctub Now Open ... REFRESHING. The field for application of scientific and engineering methods has been broadened and fostered by the depression. In fact, their application through .suitable technique has been proving useful in regenerating sick businesses. 1t was the record of results during the past four years which led to the institution of the new course at Cornell University. YOU May Want to Give a CAR or a HEATER or a RADIO or BUMPER GUARDS or TIRES or a BATIERY. etc. for YOUR Car. Pric:ea Reduced to meet the timet. With a Smile! CHICKENS TOYS in Swarthmore and Philadelphia studying the developmentS in industrial marketing and co-ordinated sales control pioneered by Mr. Ullman and his staff. FOR RENT FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman left yesterday for Ithaca, N. Y., where Mr.1 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;= Ullman is giving the fifth of a series of SIMPLY CALL lectures at Cornell Unive~ity, on "Indus. SWARTHMORE 10412 trial Marketing and Sales Control" before the School of Administrative Engineering. VAN ALEN BROS. The course was opened last September COAL after Professor Bangs and Professor Hanselman, of Cornell, bad spent sc\'eral weeks day, December 3, in Hicks Hall, Swarthmorc College, the following officers were elected for the Sw"'arthmore Stamp Club: President, Edward Noyes; secfCtary. WHliam F. Lee. Those present at this meeting were: Dr. Samuel Palmer, Theophile Saulnier, Theophile Soulnier, ]r., Raymond Farringer. J\.lr. Charles Bower, Will Craemer, Edward Noyes, Charles Lyon, WaIter Dick. inson, Walter Crouch, Lawrence Russell, \Villiam Cresson, William Lee, Roger Russell, Edward Roberts, E. Tiel Smith and Henri Ratz, of Wallingford. An Executive Committee is to be chosen and to meet for purposes of drawing up by. laws and statement of objectives to be passed at. the. next meeting, which will be held on ] anuary 7. There was a genera] discussion of interesting topics. r Meet 1935 Bills Lecturing at CorneD ..\t a meeting held at 8 P. M" on MO:1- The Gamet and White of Swarthmore Hish will he led to bigger and beu.. things on Delaware County gridirons he. fan by Vic Troxen w~=, though only • sophomore, was one of the mainstaya of the Garnet line this year. Carrying on at Swarthmore in traditional Troxell fashion, the 15S-pound tackle was elected captain of next year's eleven at the recent elections held at the high school. Wes Cochran, was selected to manage the football teall]. The Sodal Service Department of the Community Health· Society wishes to acknowledge wilh appreci. ation gifts for Thanksgiving from the following Community groups: American Legion, Harold Ainswortli Post No. 427, the Friendly Circle, Swarthmore Junior Woman's Club, Presbyterian \Vomants Bible Class, Presbyterian Sunday School and the Swarthmore High School. DODations from these sources made it possible for twenty-three families to enjoy Thanksgiving with their donoB. The spirit of Thanksgiving will he continued beyond that special day by the generous gHt of seventy-six dollars ($76.00) from the Union Thanksgiving service which was held at Trinity Church this year on Thanksgiving morning. The collection was for the special purpose of the Community Relief Fund. "Covered - Dish Supper" and Cbrisbnu Dance Scheduled for Near Future her· 7. at the home of the president, )Iiss Eleanor Kennedy. It is important that all members of the Board be present. The regular meeting of the Junior Club this month will be held Tuesday evening, December 11. It wj)l be a "Covered-Dish Supper," held in the Club House at 7 P. M. Each member's admission is the contribution of food brought. A business meeting and social hour will follow. The annual Christmas dance given by the Junior Woman's Club of Swarthmore will be held on Saturday, December 29, from 8.30 until 12.00 in the Woman's Club House. Music will be supplied by the Main Line Pennsylvanians. The Literature Section mel at the home of Miss Olive Cleaves at Swarthmore Avenue and Cedar Lane on Tuesday evening. Mrs. \Villiam Uthe reviewed Edith Wharton's U A Backward Glance." DECEMBER 7, 1134 TrueD to lead H. S. T..... - Electric service for general lighting and power requirements of offices, professional, commercial or industrial establishments; and other applications outside the scope of the residence service rate. Because meter readings are made on various days of the month, the kilowau-hour charge in ~ [ bills first coming due after January 5, 1935, will be pro-rated on the basis of the nnmber of days of use before and after the effective date of the new rate. Prior to March 2, 1933, when the present rate schedule wftnt into effect, changing conditions· had dev~loped some inequities in the application of the company's tariffs as between customers in the retail light and power class, and also between certain customers in this class and residential customers. It was desirable at that time to eliminate those inequities, but in d!li~g so changes were required which resulted in increasing the bills to some customers. All· ,. other customers in this classification received reductions in proportion to their use under the new rate. An analysis of the experience with the previons rate reduction and changes of application indicate a net saving of approximately $864,000 to the group. This reduction, together with the present reduction, will represent a total net decrease in rates·of more than $1,600,000. Tariffs giving effect w these redrrctwns ~ve been filed with Ihe Prrblic Service Commission and also are on file In the offices of the company at ,,·hich lalter places they are available for examination upon reqrre.5t.. J~ PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY '_S..V" _- A Pioneer in Voluntarily Ettabli&hing Low Rat& for AU Electrk Se",U:e ., . INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE SWARTHMOREAN DECEMBER 7, 1!!134 Troxell to Lead H. S. Team - JUNIOR CLUB BOARD MEETING TONIGHT An Appreciation "Covered - Dish Supper" and Christmas Dance Scheduled for Near Future TIll' BtJard IIll'cting: of thl' Junior Cluh: "'ill bc ht:ld tllb t·\'cnin:.:. Friday. Ikn'm-; IIl'r 7, at till' horne uf till' IJfl·.:'idt·nt. ;\ii~!" EIl'antlr Kennedy. It i" impnrtanl that all lIll'mlJer,:. uf lhe Board hl' IItt·!'cnt. Th,· fl':.::uiar tIll'l·tio:! 01 till" Junior (,Iuh thi~ month will iJe hdd TUl'~day l·\·cnin:.::, lJecemht'r 11. It will he a ''Cm·l'rl'd· Di~h SUJlpL·r." hdl! in lhl' Club lIuu!'-l.' al 7 p,:\1. Each IIIl'mJJt'r'1' ildmi,,:.;ion i!' Ihe nmtrilJUti(J1l of food hroUl.!ht. :\ busilll'.~~ IIll'din!! and l"oci;1I hour will folio\\". Thl' anllual (,hri~lmas Il:mn' ginn hy tht' Junior Woman's nut. Clf Swarthmure will lJt' hdd on S;lturday, JJt.'rl'mIJl~r 2Q, Sue Hastin8". Marionettes who will perform December 27th at the Playen Club Houn! from 830 until 12.00 in the WOlllilll'l", Stamp Club Organized Lecturing at Cornell Cluh Huml·. MU!'ic will Ill' !'upplied hy ____ , Ihl' :\lain Lint· Pl·llI1s-yt\,anian,:.. . l I ' , ; ;\t;t nll't.'lin:.:: ht'ld al S p, ,:\1., on ::\lon)Ir. and :\Jrs. Roland G. r~. ·1 m;1Il lelt Sectiun mel :It the honll": ,. Ikn'mllt'r .~. in Hicks Hall. Swarth-!. )T:-lL'rday oi Till' .i\Ii""Lih.'raturl' Oli\'e Clt-a\'l'~ at Swarthmorl.' A\'C-· d'.1.. . . for . . Ithanl, X. Y., where ).Ir. .i = ", e l l.ane 011 "IOu l':-<·1'\\' IlIOH' . CUlll')!l', the iolluwin:.:: officers, were'. lllman IS ~I\'JnJ.! the fifth oi a ~cril'~ of! nue ani l'( :Ir • - ,\','n',n" . . . 7\lr5. William l'the rC\'ie\\'l'd Edith Whilr- 1l,lel·ltd ior the Swarthmore Stamp Cluh: Iccturt':o> at Corm·1I Lni\'{'r~ity, on ··Indu::o-. ton':; ":\ Bal'kward Glann·... , Prt'~idl'nt. EdwOIrd Xoyt·s; !'t'crt'lary, \\"iI~ trial ).farketing and Sail's Contml" bciufl': • " lam LI S CI100 I 0 f ."t.umllll!' '1..1 • • t rall\'t.' ' E ' , I' .. __._-r. I~Cl'. : Ill' 'nglnl'l'rln~. I " I Tht· Social S~'n'jce Del)artment of tht· Community Hl'alth Sodety \\"i~ht·~ to acknU\dl'd~c with "P)lfl'riatiuJ) :.:ift~ fur Th:mk:;.gi\·ing from the- fullowing Community AfOUl'!,: Amt."riran i.t'j.!ioll. Harold Ainsworth I'Ol"t Xu . ..J]j, th(' Fril'ndly Cirdl', Swarthmorl' Juniur Wum:m's; Club, Prt'~bytt'ri;m WOlllan'~ Bible Clas~. Pn'::hylt:rian Sunday School and the S\\',uthmon' Hidl School. Donalionl-' irolll IlIl'H' l-'(\urn.·!' made it pU5~ihlc for h\'(.'nty-thn'c fal1lilic~ to enju)' Thank~J.!'i\'in;.: with their donors. The ~pjrit of Thankl"I.!i\'in;.:: will be nmlinul'd hl'yi~III1I,:. H:ul::1in, C:tll JONES FARM VAN ALEN BROS. I ~I Waverly Ave. and Baltimore SWARTHMORE 1831 Pille i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiC~~O~~A~~L~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiii~ REDUCTIO Auto Accidents ill Retail Light and Power Accident insurance in i !:appen daily. good company can be Wriltcn !or vne ' ...·eek or nl0r~ to COVt~r louong: .1 ! trips. E. C. WALTON , $65-Central Location TOYS " half stone. " bedrooms, Z baths, Z·e... r ~:ar .. ~ ... oil heilt. I'lfge lot. old shade. pO!Jses:!'ion at once. WM. S. BITTLE Swarthmore It l-J Not3ry Public - Insurance _. - Real Estate FURNITURE RESTORING .. :.:: ~, ~:~IJtli !~;;;~~~~~;;~~ry'l SWARTHMORE 105 Honed Under .he Cover i The Philadelphia Electric Company, in conformity with its established practice of making voluntary rate reductions when conditions warrant, announces a reduction in the Retail Light and Power Rate (RATE RLP) effective JANUARY 5, 1935. Call Swarthmore 1441 ' Thi" r"duetioll will hem'fit all n,·tail Light alld Power ,·u"touIer". of whom there are appl"Oxilllatcly 110.000. who"c lIlollthly US" exeeprJs Ihe lIlinimum e"h.hli,hed ill the rale. The rc,lttl'tilln will amllunt to more than three.'!Uarl"r,; of a million tlollar,; anllllally. Shop-27 Main St., Morton, Pa. ~ve_ Call Sw. 1839-J, Rutledge, Pa. HARRIET L. TREAT I Gowns I Expert Designing and Fitting ofi Remodeling At Home or by the Day The Harvard Sw.892 PETER E. TOLD OLD BANK BUILDING The c/ul1Igl'S (Irt' (IS follows: 1. A reduction in the sC(·'III,1 stel' of the rate f.·olll 5-1/2 eenls to 5 eenls a kilowall-hollr. reduction f.·om 0.5 to 0.4. of a kilowall in Ihi, "assesse" ,Iemallll" of Ihe residenec 2. Aporlion of the loa" whcn, joint resilIence allli g.. uernl lise prevails. 60 cell Is 3() el'nls in the lIIele.· eha.·gl' Ii ... ellstonW'·8 desit·ing to 3. Aha\'t·reduction II ... it· •· .. cmallll.'· mcasnre.1 ratl",.· Ihan assessed. 1'.·0111 10 4. A reduction f"om 90 pc.· eenl 10 75 per cent of Ihe greatest IlII'a""red dellland of Ihc prcl·t.·din~ (-(e\,en Illunths, used in ealculating the luininlUIlI hilling dcnullul. _.i I uf wide); thence Providen('c onds east 1wo h u nd N:!ll and ei5thty-: s(>\'en one-hundrl'dths (eetforty to -sn ixstake: thence south twenty_threl' tlegrcl'S. forty-sen'n min-. 'I ute:!. forty seconds east three hun!lred sixty-. nine and sixty-three onl'-hundrcdths feet to a stake; thl!nc{' south twenty-four degrees, ninett'l.'n minutes, twenty s('conds we.~t two hun- I drPfI twenty_five nOli thirty-one one-hundredths (('('t to a stake in the center line or Grady_ \'i1Ie and Nmvtown Square rm'ld: then .... e a~ong the center line of said road south fifty degrees. two minutes, two Sloennds west eighteen hundred sixty Rnd nine one-hunrlredths feet to R spike: thence south {orh'-nine degrt'f>S, eightC('n minuh's. tw~ntY-l'ight secnn.l!! w('St four hundred and forty-nine ont>-hundredths' : (('o('t 10 n Lolt in the center line of Providence' Groat Road and them'c nlong the center line'I' I of I'ro\·irlen('{' Greut Rond north twenty_eight degrPf'H, fllrt~'-se"('n minntO!'s, t('n s('('onils ·west: two hllndr('d two and !>ixty·('iJ!;ht one_hun_I' I dre.Uhs f<'('t to the fir.;t m{'ntiont'<1 point :mrl ! ll1a('I' Hf IwginninJ!, ('ontnining- fifty-one gild i ~ two thuu"alul one hUIUlfl"j forty-f"ur t('n thon_' · slmdlh,; ;It"r.. ~, I I I I iAn,] IIn,h')' an.1 J;uhj(,(·t to th(''nt or, I a ('ertain first mo)'ts.::l'U!C .If'ht or prinf'illlli ~um : : d fift('('n thousan.1 dolln1':1 I$Hi.OOO.OO) ·with ,I in!pn'st .l stone ad: .1iI inn. 20x20 (('('t: two-stnry shmf' I!ara'-!"I.'". I 20:x:J2 f('('I; two_!'l')ry Flonc harn. 2·h:30 (cet. ORDER NOW AND LEARN MORE ABOUT GOOD FUEL SALt-:-1.I0NEL S'fANUARlJ )o;lt·ctri!.! JO ('ar:<, 116 ft. truI·k. 1 I II FOUND TURKEYS ~.). '~.I extending along the cente!" line Great Rond north twent»'_dght degrees, forty-sl'ven minutes, ten ~('conds ..... est one hundred se"enly-three nnd twcnty-h,.o onehundredths £e('t to a bolt; tht'nce still along sait! road nurth twenty-three d(>gre('S. thirtyfour minutes. ten seconds west one hundr(>d f\ixb'-one and sixtY-('ight one-hundredths feet! to a sl)ike: thl:'nce sti!1 along the same north nineteen degrees. eight minu\($. ten seconds Wlost two hundred six ami I'ixt»'-one one-hundredths (eet to a spike; thence still along said road north thiru.·en degrees. fifteen minutes, ... thirty second.. west two hundred nn.d eighty-, r five one-hundredths feet to a spike: thence still along said road north one degree, four minuit.'s. thirt»' secunds west ninety and Cighty-l fi\'c one-hundredths (eet to a bolt in.the eentf?r 1 line of :mid rand: thence along the Innd now or late of A. Alf('lc Hos.::nn north fifty degrees, thirty minut~. fifty-rour seconds cnst nineteen hundred ninety-four nnd eigh,t onc-hun-I dretlths feet to n stake; thence south sixtyfh'e degrel'!';. fourtcen minute!';. ten seconds east I two hundred ninety.eight nnd seven one-hun-: dredth~ fpct to n 8t8kl.'; thence south sixt}'-! five dcgre<>s, tw~nty-twu minutes, (orty sec-I I~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I room with Imth. or fumily, Ih'u,;unuhlt.. F' ,n HENT- Bl·,!rOCOIll. sitting room and hat*1. with or without Lrl·llkfm;t. liD;' ~"uth Clw:1-- ... ges \\ '11 k 1C~r~tmas_::;p1rit J... h· ...... ~lub d ... l\1Cmbeu:.."daUtt1!d Friends' CC'meterr, n('ar Kennctt Square. supplies and in emplo}1Dg of labor \\ here early as possible Already the hous.c is sold th . d' h . J rna e Y rnemllers Ip car 5 the price and qualih· and ser\'ke~ arc {'qu.11 out for the afternoon. but ~cats are SIlU I t elr rtoutn St' \\ It outl Jlre"lou~ knowledge This program will he broadcast 0\ er -Abbie Robert~. , '1 bl [ h . [ 0 con es an s as to t Ie exact time of their WC~U at 1115 Wedne:lda\ morning, De ----+--to or better than other"" a\'al a e or t c mornmg per ormance. . t" d th I'll (Continued Oll~' 1\Ig"C .. ) TIckets on Sllc at Buchner's TuggerV' mspec Ion. an C arc s WI be made cember I Q. • Shop 8 Park Avenue, or 1\Ir:. George P. on the basIS of the Judl.!:l"5· flDdings, whlc} • ,hall be final. Welfare Federation Reports Warren, 327 South Chesler Road. T ___-<.>---_ j'The findings \\ III be b.lsed upon cx0 dale, S\\'artltmorc's {;ontribution to (enor lIghting, b)' \\ hlch is mcant the effect the Welfare Fedcrahon amounls to a little Train Kept Active "rodured from the exterior, this indudes over $5,000, from 350 subscribers. The few Indeed ha\'e been the children and decurallons and IIghtmg on the shrubbery result thus far IS some\\ hat disappointing. d t d I II although there are nearlv 100 5ubscribtr;; Nominations to Be Made This even adults \'ho ha~e pas..~d the SWARTll-· m rees an e ectnca y lig-hled \Heaths. still to he heard from, :;no the catnpaign Montb for Directors to Serve Explore Tomb of Queen Shuhad 'MOREA~ window this \uck without stop-] candles and other decorations in \\indo\\s for the Swarthmore College Chest, "hleh With Aid of Mrs. Samuel H. ping to 'engmeer" the electric train 10 thel Entrants may be sure that their decorations has always been our most liberal subscriber, New Term in Organization b) notll)lDJ:?,; this ne\\spaper, \\,·ndo\\'. The train is controlled h,\' a hut- \.\111 b.e.Judged Brown, of tbe University t I b D has not yet been completed ThiS com. . ton on the outctde of the window and is m \HI mg, n,,1 ater t an crcmbcr 20, two J)arcs \\lth a total of $8,500 ;;ubscribcd to fhe termll of .threc directors of the Museum part of a dbpJay of various Chnstmas! cla\s before the bCJ.,:mning of the contest the 1934 fund. S\~arthm.ore Pubhc Library .""~oClation The ancient Babylontan.. \\erl' articles supplied bv neil.!;hborinJ;!; busine"s "In the spint of equal opportuDlty for Many of the contributors of smaller I will exp~re In january. Un.u:.ual IlUblic with the burden of the mcome tax, and houses. I·tll, the lar~e installallonll \\ilI not be gh'cn amounts ha\c been hberal in their dona- mte~est IS bemg !"amfe~t~d m the nomthey enn tried reducing the" eiAht oi the • J undue preference over "mailer ones for the lions this )ear, but unfortunately some mahonsThand clecbhons whIch arc to occur ~hekel to meet changing economic condiI prIzes, since \\ hat IS "ought is artistic f h h soon I _ e mcm ers TI, -:rd Rummage Sale Held 0 t ose \\ 0 have ghen the largest pledges .of the board of dlrec tions. These facts, brought out in the eCfect." m the past, ha\C been unable to renew tor: w lO::.e terms expire are: Mrs. Harold lecture by Mrs. Samuel Horton Bro\\ n. \ proiit 01 ~() \\3:; reahzed from the I The Judges in thi:s umtc<;t arc. George thi:. }car on account of the man) demands GrIffin, of Ru..tgers. :henue; E. Clayton Program Counselor of the L"ni\."er,ity thtrd rummag(' ..nIl' held for the S\\arth- W Casey Charles D. llilchell and Titus + Oil them in other directions Thesc Imse" \Valton, of.,~l\ef\lew A\Cnue, and Dr, 'have counted heavily, and \\ithout them it Frank E, \\lIhams, a membe~?f t~e facMU5eum, at the stated mceting ot lhe more Commumt~ Shop on Thur:;da)" De- J Ewig.' toward meet In;!: ulty of 'Vharton School "n"er ,I f Swarthmore \Voman's Club la~t Tue~day, rember 6. Thi, \\ill "'0 ~ The business section 01 S\\ arthmorc I has been most difticult to reach our ~oal P I ' h 'd' L .. Y 0 , E _. ennsy \'3ma \\ 0 reSl ('5 on :\mher:.t "ould seem to confirm the idea that thrTC the 0\ erhe;ld expen::.c~ of the ;;hop sIDce last "eck-end, ha:. taken on a ga\'.1 \'ery cndeavor IS bemg made to have , It'· hI' d h h' ---+ lb' . .ItS strceb' .. 1 our fi naI rcpor t f or t he I" IS e IC\"C t at cae cf these is "'nothing ncw under the ·un:' AlthouJ!h I ce e rahve appearance-\\ Ith "eIfare F~ederatton I·",venue. d' t i l t 'J. " Mrs. Brown stated that ..he "a~ ju ... t Junior Club Dance festooned with laurel and vari-colorcd I ready before the Chnstmas holida}s. ue~ orts \\1 accep ~e~oml~ah~neda~d "pinch-hitting" (or Mi~ Dorot h~ Cro"':., Th I I f th Jights and its bu<;inC5s hou$CS vicing with • I ~:e7rID~e~:7f papers are eID~ clrcu at In the scheduled speaker, "ho wao, lUe\entl"d C a~m:l.l. no:. ma~ (ance 0 l' lone another in "indow decoration, each I from being prescnt by injuries received 10 Junior \~ oman" Club \\111 be held from! endeavoring to capture one of the prizes I Both l\.Irs. Grlftin and )lr. Walton are an automobile accident, shc ~a' e \\ ith 8 ~O unhl 1200 on Saturday, December in the new division of the Christmas Concomplchng full terms as dirct'lor.5, having fluency and animation a very cODlprt'hen- 2Q, nt the Woman's. Clu~ House. T~el test This ncw phase was inaugurated last I been elected in 1932. Mr~. Griftin has been -\ssociation and! a member of the Library Committee under ~i\'c and interesting account of rf!eent orchestra Cor the e\'emng will be the :MalO week \\hen the Bu~ine'" Line Penns}h'anian<; Miss ~athn:n the S\\,ARTJlMORF.A~ ;~ecid~d to allot whose direction the Library is operated Babylonian archaeological findin~s Her talk was principally centered uron Simpers is chairman oi the committee ID truplue:. to the first and :second best dec- Innovation f~r ,Amer:,ic:an Legion and which is responsible for Ihe sclecti.on the recent excavations of the m~ :.terious charge of the dance_ orated business houses Bu~incss establishand l..adles AUXIliary to of the books purchased. Her greatest InRo)al Tombs ncar Ur These explorations mcnls arc not mcluded in the Electric I Meet Together terest, however, has been in the Children's have yielded startling facts about an I Company's contest which is open only to I Department, where she has devoted much Claaaified Ads Bring Results f Next Monday evening at 8.15 in the of hcr ti~e. Her wide knowledge of Chilresidential districts' ancient civilization existing in that rl"giOl' l • Legion rooms there \\111 be a joint meet- dren's Literature and her s)lmpathetic in-\ small da...::.sined advertisement about 3000 R. C The one tomb \\ hich Judl!~s fo~ the busm~~s<; \\I~I ,he I ing of thc Harold Ain!\\'orth Post of the terest in the boys and girls of the borough m the $WARTH:\[oRf'\~ docs not cost \\as of most importance b('CQl1o:.e it had ?amed In thiS paper nex~ \~ eck Th~)i \\ 111 I American Legion and the Ladies' AUXlharv have made her one of the most valuable much, and more and more persons been absolutely undisturbed for thl;'Sl' the Judge the dlspla}~ next Frida). e\enm~. I Mrs. J. Paul Bro"n, president of the Au~members of the board. are disco\Cring each da}! that an thou$3nd years or more. \\as that of Queen! , +-! dian', "iii ha\'e charge of her organizaMr. 'Valton has been chairman of the ad in this paper in the majority of Shubad. In the outer chamber of this I Replacing Borough Gas Mains i lion's part of the program, and Frank R Property Committee, and a member of the ca~s brings quick results. tomb \\ere found the skeletons of more • I Morey, commander of the Post, "ill ha\'e Committee on Finances Since he has been After ad\ertising an elednc train than sixty attendants, together \\ ith beauThe Philadelph13 Suburban Gas charge of the Post's activities on the board the library rooms on the for sale in last week's issue of the tifull} ornamented harps, gold and sih'er Electric Company has put a new ~as main This is a new feature. The Auxiliary ond floor of Borough Han have been paper, Philip \Vitham, son of Mr. cups, daggers, and countless other pcrso~al behind the curb on College A\enue in place and the Legion, although co-operating in greatly enlarged and impro~ed. and Mrs Wilham E, Witham, of pos...c:e..~ions. There were e\'en the remainS I of the former one, "hich \\as under the! charitable and \\.elfarc ·~aucrs, h~,e not Dr Williams has served but two years S\\arthmore Crest, was the recipient of a cart and two a5SCS in thl!; tomb. 5trect. I heretofore had JOInt mcetm)!,s. ThiS meet-/ as a member of the board, 5-ince he was of 50 rna", replic:. that he could Whether the attendanls entered the tomb I It IS the pohn ('If the eompam to rc- I m~ IS bemg arran~('d "0 t~at ench or,l!aniza- elected to fiJI the unexpired term of Harold ha\·c <:.old at I('a~t "e\CIl Irain~ had and there drank pOl~on, or \'I,;helh('r the\ place "orne of the m.un .. III the borou~h Hon ma~ know nl?rc intimately of the Barnes, \\ ho \\ as president oi the Library he had them \\ere placed there after death 10:. not kntl\\ n each year \\ ork the other 15 domg and al50 may \\ ork Board when he died in Febru • 1932 H The fir<;t reph anl\ ('(I carlyon The speaker sho\\ ed slides of t he remain~, Men be~an ."ork the la::;t of thlS \\CCk! more effectivelr toward a common pur- has served as vice-preSdentrJ~ring 'thes! rnda) , the day the paper is p!lband she also had a display of many of th(, on the maIDs ID the streets on Maple Avepose. There \\111 he reports of activities in two years and has been chairman of the hshed, before the 'Vlthams had e\"cn actual pieces or gold and c;;ilv('r jc~cln, I nue and on Harvard :\\enue, from Ches-j ?oth groups and. plans made for future Publicity Committee. rcceh'ed their own copy, and toilet accessories, and alabaster \ a~es ter Road to the gates of the Strath Haven Items of mutual mterest. After the busiIn order to secure a greater partic,'paanswer! continued to come the first These articles show much nne \\: ork, and Inn After the replacmg of these mains, ness 1S o\'er, there "ill be refrC$hments and ot this week, long after the train are elaborately decorated "ith carnelian with larger ones, the total mams replaced cards. tion by the public in the management of had been sold. and lapis lazuh All the materials for' in the borough durinJ!' the past ycar will It is belie\'ed that this new type of meet- the board and the election of directors the Most evcl')! one has somethmg in these things must have bee:1 transported equal over a mile, 6,000 feet. !ing "ill be very popular with the meIl'bers constitution of the Library Association\1,:as hIS or her possession \\ hich is not not less than eight hundred miles, as they 'Vhile changing the main on College of the two organizations Ex-service men recently changed. The new method of bemg used and probably ne\er shall were not to be found in that re~ion ~o Avenue, three old trees "ere taken out on and women are all wekome, It is hoped nomination and election is to be as [01be. Here is an opportunity to {"plana tory writinJni or tablets" ere found the north side of the street and three new that newcomers wtll present themselves and lows: During the month of December change such articles into ready cash, in these tombs, so there is: no ke,· to thl' dogwood trees put in their places by the be introduced to the members at this meet- nominations for the board Ot directors to ,\ hich IS so much more useful. social and political conditions oi the lime; fill vacancies occurring at the time of the Electric Company. mg. tConUnued on Pal'e 4) (Colltinued on Pflgc ~) J. A Did Any Women Ever Have Too Many? Toggery Shop RADIO PER YEAR Committee '. WOMEN LEARN OF ANCIENT BABYLONIA SNOW SUITS can enjoy? On Inaugural Ball S2.SO I $29.98 $49.98 .BUCHNER'S tbings tbat tbe whole family omcERS ELECTED 14, 1934 l FUR TRIMMED COATS i i I I II i SWARTHMORE, PA., DECEMBER I Extraordinary Pre.Holiday Sale 3JntrrtllllUl'n &nrlut Why not be tbr:fty tbis Christmas and buy useful 50 May., 7th and EDGMONT AVE., CHESTER, PA. I I &uggpstion5 VOL. VI, No. COMING OF MARIO· NE1TES AWAITED ·I)EIJA~T~ENT ST()~E I Another of them beginmng at a point the intersection of middle line of Middletown road and middle line of Midvale road (50 leet \\ide); thence extendlnK along the middle Jine of eaid Middletown rOlad south twenty-fhe degrees, twelve minutes, twenty seconds east, two hundred fifty_ninl! and eight one-hundredths leet to a pomt; thenee south thirty degrees, twenty-flve minutes, fifty seconds east one hundN!d forty-one and five-tenths leet to a point; thence extending south fifty-five degrees, eighteen minutes, thirty seconds "est. {our hundred thirty-one and ninety-three onehundredths feet to a point; thence northwest .. along a radial line one· hundred eight and nlnety-eix one-hundredths leet to the middle line ol Brookfield road (50 leet wide) : thence along same in a northerly direetion on the arc 01 a Circle with a radiue of two hundred seventy-Rve feet the are distance 01 one hundred eighty-three and nmeteen one-hundredtbs feet to a point of tangent; thenee north t\\enty-fhe degrees, twelve minutes, twenty 1 seconds west. two hundred thirty-three and nmcty-one one-hundredths feet to a point, the mtersectlon of the middle of Brookficld roall and middle of Midvale road; thence along the middle line 01 Midvale road, north slxty!~d~ ~7f~u~or~~dv;J f~~~esi:~rt!o Sth; point and pla~e of beginning. The last 01 them-beginninK at a point the middle line of Middletown road at the dietance or one hund and 'w.n'N....n • one-hundredths feet southeast from tbe mid- ~.t- • I I I I C!!ltristmus 1934 Hand MonQ-tlOOO.OO. TELEPHONE SWARTIlMORE 504 .111111 •• 1111 •••• 1111111111111.11111111111111111111111 11111111 ••• 111.111111111111111 ••••• 11 ••••••••••••• , •• and, I I I scc- ~ INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ~ 8 THE SWARTHMOREAJI .----~- NEWS NOTES --- - --- - ._-- ------. Un lOt Rea\ls and d luchta of Umverslt) Place, n turmrl Sunda\ frum tiun hohda) \ In, :\Ir :\Ir.. I C.. hl (. C lmphdl, of IItHrrurti A\Cnut' lnh:rt umll It It'l Sunda\ .fhr noon In honor of hu brotJu:r In 1m and <':I<;;tu Mr md 1\Ir... Charlt.'s \\ ml of \\."tfldd :'\ J \\ho \un her hou~ ,..Ul-t.. !\Ir md Mrs \\ tnl m fornur n<;ldml, of S\\ ntlun Ire and !\IT" St .. ... DECEMBER 7, 1934 ---~ \ Gc:nC\It\c p PtCIUN ShefifT lIu" nil: RU\I" .Q' :..Cr q. ~ W1 ~t,Q;~ :q-.~~,-,?~:Q'; 'Q"o<..6r.-Q;:Q:-'- Ii HARRIS & CO , .x+ 1 oe .. of" I : tl4 .. I 1+ I , Jltlktr I I (Irt 1Il11 1\\ \\IHthlr tilt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~<~h'~ln~'~~'~th>~r~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '10++-++++--''''-111++++++; I! 1.+++++1111111+++.111 U+++++++++++tlll 54 1IIIIIIIlf 1++++1;;1[;:'+1'.-;j1;;i1~1+141;;J1~1~1~141~1~1~1~1~1~1~1~'~1~141~1~1~+~I+++ VillageWi:;owCleaner Hr \\11 Shuh .. d In tht' CHllt r chaml c; ctl 1111 {omh "1ft fmmd thl ktlttull It mHt Ihan "'lxl,\ \lIcuA~T~ENT ST()~~ I S" Irlhm (If ::~ '~(:t "':, ~Ion;~ ';I"":~tn~" l,~;'nt \rll:~',; ~ COMING OF MARIO. Iton \\ du tul t. ~~t;~l 11::l'fl: ;~l ~:c~ 1(~~n~ltl h~ih It \;~t ~~: NEITES AWAITED Rulll1c1 run!.! thtnfr n the ,b • r 111'1: t of ~n 111101 IUl'lllll,., of ttll III11U 11 Emma Zuern h I~ htln (h I til 10 tnt ~m III lllnllmttll' Inr Illl Inlu .. urll HIli 10 Ilc lul!llnr (JlI\trnor I till I (LOr I II ~ 1I1l' II It IrI"l"hur _ \Ir Ho .. tnlu \\111 (nt I thr n.prl:'-tntll1\l lrum Ih 11\\ Irl (nunl\ mil \\ III hl un I Illmllntttt t)f Jltr on IhOLII from J .. t Ilil lOlInI\ III I III \t the ~q All th Rol nl H Recd of Cornell \\lUlIl 1111 In Sum I 1\ to Ittend till: IntcrnatlOn II l1\c Stolk 1 XPO IlIOn hun,.... 11I.:ld In CIII ( II! I till \\lek Mr nc('tI \\111 return On Inaugural Ball Comm,ttee Dr. A. W. Bassett and R. L. Eaton Re-elected President and VicePreSIdent of School Board Barulrl (lI11pbc'l ~lr SWARTHMORE, PA. DECEMBER 14, 1934 OFFICERS ELECTED AT ANNUAL MEETING RUSSELL'S SERVICE '- I hll II ""aO 00 c.: I;;h ur ltrlll cd l:he(k of \\cnnnih t tlRa f IIle lunle olhtr\\lsc :.181(....1 II lnl ntl bIll! e In bn din Other ).; J pCllt Ihmk"J,:l\m)..: and the \\eek lul\"rtl nhll I In du," ,f :.ulc lnd '\Jlh hl'r }!cmcimothcc ::Ur I (1 ... lr Ic an i"u liS No IDlplJtIl (I Prlncclon \\lIlUl :\11 II I/OW ",1/(01 I I t-: Ii \ ( I r 1m II r t I r II! \\lll r II Ii \tl n nul II tIl (hnllil hlltln • JOINT MEETING OF LEGION AND WOMEN uh\ I t nn \ h II \\111 It hrtllc I IHllllllil1 II \ d Ih I \\ II II'I qt I Ihlrllhlll I , , I " 'II I I lhtllhe IllllIIHn I 1111 ul ttui m BUlh:\I! (.rllI II 11111 \Jr \\ IIlllI arc UIl]ltlllll.!: I III hrlll I Ihr Itlr I n.m~ hun lit It I m 1) :\1r (,n!! n hl been II II IlhflT\ (I m mttl UHler IIID II Ilbrln. I Olltrlfcd Innovation for American Legion lOti \\ III h 1 n I n Ihlt IDr tilt ll( Ctwn of titt hooks purcha l (I I £l r n ttl t 10 and Ladles' Auxlhary to leret hO\\t\('r ha:>blenllllh (hll(lnn Meet Together J)e»lrlm tll "here he ha leI,; I('d much hrr lun Her \\HII Immlcd~l: of Lhll :\l,,1 ?1 nd" l\lnttl£! II S III III It/!ItUl rUlIll IIHrt \\111 he I JUIII flU I (Iren IUt'rrtun lIld Ilr \llpathellC III tIn 1 m the h)\ md HI H rhl' hlfllUl!h III of lill limit! \m\\orlh PII III II I i\t ntadl htr tl~ of tIt' mOl '\tlulhle \mt rlt 10 It,..hlll In I Ih I I Ii \1 "Iii Ir h uti \Ir J I lUI Br \\ll llil Hltnl I Ihl \1 X ItltDlilrr of Ih III In \\111 I III t1l1r I hn r Illll I :\Jr \\ 111tH! hi h til (h mill III of the I lOll ptrt I th I n run III I IllUk J{ I'rUptrl\ (m1l111!h ;lIld ~ mtml}('r of ttl :\1 III \ C IIllllllUh I I II P I \\ III h l\l (umnllih III flllillu ~ll1tl' he hl teln (hll ... l I tI( P I tlll\1tll on tilt hlHnl Ihl "linn rtl1m tm thl cc 111I I I Ill\\ It Ilur Ih \u'\lhlf' lilt! I1Jll I Bm)U}!h Hall hnl llell Inti thl Itl.!J1l1l Ilthuu h t nplllllll_ III n Ith tnllr £' I and Impr )\ul hlllllll III I \111111 II.tlIT hl\t n I Dr \\ 1111 1111 11:1 S( r\l I but Irl lui I)Ullltl I Ill{lnltr 1)1 tIc h)lrd lr I 11 ,, I 11_ 1111111 111\ \\ I),; mill n 1111 ::-l n 1 I 11\llll II 1\\0 \t'a III :,,' cit , III 1 He k Ihl 1 11111 til In r III tI\l" \\ Ir I I t \ It I pre 1 II fit dUTlng: til" e II lIlt III 1111 III lit II I \Iliit hi Ih 1\\111 rq II tnt! hi lit n I Ir11an ul Ih IIIl IIUlin lfln lid h IlIl 1 ))11 (Ill III lit rill 1111 plm n I I lor luturl Pubhdh (nmnuttt'C Itr RIl(l ttl Illl I lh "'Inlh 111\ II II m ~ I IIllllud mhr I \Ihllh II Ilt ,,(r Ihlr \\111 h HIll hllHnl II In (lrchl 10 nurt I ~n It r PlrtlllJKl , II Inn \lttr thl ,ml I 111m h\ till Iluhlu 111 th mll1l~tmtnl 01 \\1111 I r tr 1I1H I I I mUll I the loanl lIld thl dettlOl1 (11 (I"""" ,I, , I, ,I I II I I III Iht hmu .. h 111 II I,t \lll \\ II I \( lit 11 1\ \\ 1\1 01 mul t 1Il tltutltln ul the lillian \ ) I'-"'I"n ''"II I I I I I qutl U\(C I mtll {(CO II I Ill_ ' " I \I n I I \I If \\ It I I I nit Ill) r " .. II tht I\\))r IIlllllm Ix nlu n 1l11ncenlh chill l(1 fhl.; new nUlhnd nl \\ Ii! t h 1l1!.!l!l tl n III ( III It I hi) d nOllun II n md elullOn I Itl h(' a .. luI "(1lI1t Ihlll (lId Inl \Hrl Ilklll .\1t n 11)(1 \\( IIltn ITl III \\lll Illt nllh III hi ~nd 11\\ J)urm the mmlfh III Dl'(emhn th north Itl III th Irl t n I IhrH III \\ thlt IIt\HOmlr \\III,r "I , l"ohlm II n I)r Iht' hI Ird HI dlrlc1nr II) dn \\om) tnl lUI 1Il 11111 I' 11\ Illl hI IIllr rill ((I tn Ihl n I nl" I II tllll 1,,11, t ani I( Olllrrln!!; It Ihl lime I)f the I I ru ( mI 1Il\ (Contlll H'c] t i l l :l(;e 4) :\ltn hI n \\ '" THE 2 SWARTHMOREAN DECEMBER 14, 1934 .~------------ -- Miss Dorothy Cartls, a student Mrs. Robert Lee Arnold, Jr., of Rogers parents, Mr. and Mrs. O,,·en Shoemaker, Mr. Brinton Conducts Meetina Wellesley College, will arrive on Lane, WalJingford, will entertain at bridge of Philadelphia, as their guests at dinner to spend the Christmas holidays with and tea this afternoon when her guests on a recent Sunday. Charles Brinton, principal of Swarthmore parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. CaLrells, I will be: Mrs. Arthur Pickard and Mrs. High School, and chairman of the group, of Riverview Road. Her brother, Vin- Robert E. Sharples, of Swarthmore i Mrs. Mrs. G. W. Wellburn, of Dartmouth Avecent, who is taking a post-graduate Gale Arthur, of Lansdowne, and Mrs. nue, is stopping at the Hotel New Weston conducted· the meeting of the Delaware County Ijigh S~hool Principals, which was Gerald Kynett and Mrs. Charles Scott in New York City. Several Members of Swarthmore at Pennsylvania State College after graduated from the Pennsylvania Military V(lnable, Wallingford. held \Vednesday evening at the Upper College Faculty Attended ConCollege last year, will arrive on Monday. The Delaware County Alumni Club of Darby High School. Dinner was served ferences w t Week Next week Mrs. Frands E. Adams, of the University of Pennsylvania held its at 6.30. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tunis, of Prince- Oneida, N. Y., will join her husband, who second banquet at the Harvard Tea Room In informal announcement to their ton and Lafayette A\'enues, will entertain has been stayinl! at The Harvard since December 11. Fifly members were friends, Dr. and Mrs. \ViIHam T. Ellis are at supper and a shower on Saturday, De· June, and together they will take up a present. The guest speaker of the evening Junior Women Meet telling of the approaching: wedding of their cember 22, in honor of Mrs. Tunis' residence in the former Fellows' horne on was Dr. Weyzandt, who spoke ver)' enter~ daughter, Margaret Amelia Ellis, to Ed- brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harvard Avenue. taiDingiy on the Red Hills of Penns);lvania. The regular monthly meeting of "the ward E\'erelt Pierce, Jr., of Bath, Maine. john Warren Watson, of Wayne, who were Junior Woman's Auxiliary of Trinity The m:iinage will be performed on Satur- wed on October 23. A. Carl Hchcnna, of College Avenue, • Church was held in the Parish House .on qay ~r~Ring. of next week, Dccember 22, Alumnae Club Meets Monday evening. It was decided to give The Ellis bJuc Christmas trce, which for spent last week-end with a group 01 lel-! at 8.30 0 'dock, in the Swarthmore Preslow-workers at a hunting lodge ncar preknts to eight children of the JuvenUe liytt!rian Church. The new home of the a dozen years has been a holiday land- Altoona, Pa. The Philadelphia Alumnae Club of Ihe Court and fill bags for the Holmesburg bride and groom will be in the Dennis mark in Swarthmore, will be lighted onr Pi Beta Phi Fraternity held a ,meeting last Alms House. It was also decided to hold this week-end. Apartments, Forty-third Street and BaltiMrs. H. 'V. Brinkmann, of Walnut L a n e , . meelings twice each month, on the first_ more A\'enuc, Philadelphia. Mrs. Albert S. Johnson, of S"outh Ches- entertained at brid~c on Monday after- Saturday afternoon at the residence of and third Mondays, at the Parish House, tcr Road, entertained at bridge on Wednes- noon. Mrs. Detlev 'V. Bronk, on Elm Avenue. and to hold a benefit bridge, a "While Among: those from Swarthmore who atday afternoon. • Many members were prc~nt, some bring- Elephatlt Bridge," on January 25, at the tended the conference of the Society for .Mr.. and Mrs. Rob~rt E. Carels, of ing with them various guests. This home of Mrs. John Adams, on Swarth~ the Promotion of Engineering Education Mr. and Mrs. Sewell 'V. Hodge, of RiverView Roau, enter~amed ~r. and .Mrs. Alumnae Club of Pi Beta Phi supports a I more Avenue. Jast week at Stevens Institute of Tech- Ogden Avenue, will entertain their evening James Dunlal),. of Phda~elphl3l at ~mncr / settlement school at Gatlinburg, Tennesscc , __ ~ __ • nology were: 1\Ir. and Mrs. Charles bridge dub tonight. before the Pia) ers Club last Saturda) eve- and a sale of articles produced by the --Thatober, Mr. and Mrs. John Matthews children 01 the school was held at this Mrs. Ashton's Project Passed The Misses Dorothy and Faith Storm, nin~. and Mrs. \ViIliam Thatcher, who motored time. Moving pictures of the buildings Mr. and Mrs. Paul CamlJbell, of Uethto Hoboken on Saturday; and 1\Ir. Howard of Vassar Avcnuc, have returned to school and people connected with the settlement The Delaware County Musicians' project Jenkins, who went on Wednesday, was after having been forced to be absent tbe lehem, Pa., visited Mr. Campbell's mother, school were also shown, and tea was passed at Harrisburg. The project will joined by Mrs. Jenkins on Thursday, and last couple of weeks due to attacks of Mrs. Ed~ar Campbell, of Princeton Aveserved from three until six. The Club will provide work for fifty unemployed muinflue!lza. spent the week-end there. nue, on Sunday. return to the school not only a goodly sicians and a symphony orchestra will be --Howard Kirk, of Lafayette Avenue, re· . sum of money realized from the sale, but organized for a series of free winter conMrs. N. O. Pittenger, of 'Valnut Lane, Mrs. Ralph V. Little, of Park Avenue't also a Christmas box of warm clothing certs throughout the county as well as accompanied her husband, Mr. N. O. Pit· turned on Monday aiter havinp; been in re~urned ~n Sa~urday from St. Paul and)' and other gifts for there needy young concerts in schools and prisons. Rehearsals Bloomsburg, Pa., since Wednesday, trying tenger, comptroller of Swarthmore ColMmneapohs, Mlnn., where she had spent mountaineers. will start ne"t week and concerts are ex~ lege to Pinehurst, N. C., last wp.ek when casco a month visiting her mother and brother. j pected to be held within the very near The fathers and mothers of children enhe 'al.tended the Eastern Association of future. The musicians will be given Business Officers of ColleJ.!es and Univer- rolled in the kindergarten of the SwarthMr. and Mrs. Samuel Hanna) of BenAppreciation eighteen hours' employment each week at sities, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. more Public School met on Tuesday eve- jamin West Avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. $1.00 an hour. Guest conductors will be ning with Mrs. Pennell, of "Book Ways," John R. Hanna, of University and CorThe committee in char~e of the meet- in charge of the concerts. This is the first Mr. and Mrs. 'Valler Palmer, of Mid- Rose Valley, and discussed books suitable nell Avenues, spent the week-end with Mrs. ing to discuss the religious needs of chil- relief project that has been approved to dletown Road, Media, announce the en- for children of the kindergarten age. Samuel Hanna's parents, Mr. and Mrs. dren under the able leadership of Mrs. benefit musicians. It is expected that the gagement of their .iauJthter, Miss Laura Charles Neuweiler, of Allentown, Pa. Fahs wishes to express its great apprecia- project wi1l run until March 31. The projPennock Palmer, and Charles W. Crouse, Mr. and Mrs. M. Phillips Price recently tion of the co-operation and responsc of 1 ect was sponsored by Mrs. George T. Ashson of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Crou!:e, of visited Mr. and Mrs. Francis S. Mr. Alfred E. Longwell. of Lafayette the community. ton, of Swarthmore, clJairman of the Dela\Valtingford. No date has been set for of Harvard Avenue. Mr. Price was Avenue, has been confined to his home for Over 200 people attended the meeting, ware County Musicians' Relief Association. the wedding. merly correspondent to the the past two weeks with a very sore a splendid report of which was given in Gilardia" at Berlin and Moscow carbuncle on his neck. Youn!! Richard Tunis, a student at the now touring the United States, making the last issue of the SWARTHMOREAN by Valle,' Forge Military Academy, will ar- study of the Agricultural Administration Mrs. Roy Delaplaine. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps SQule, of Swarthrh'e . tomorrow to spend the Christmas and the National Recovery The generous contributions toward the /. more Crest, entertained at dinner on holidays ·with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. He is also a former Labor Member or expense of the meeting amounted to $21.39, Wednesday when their J;ucsts were: Dr. Richard Tunis, of Princeton and Lafayette Parliament. which covered the cost by exactly five and Mrs. J. B. Beck, of the University of Avenues. cents! All in all, the experiment was a! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pickard, formerly Pennsylvania; Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Dres- great success, and it is hoped to have some I Good Thinga for Sunday Mrs. C. F. Rassweiler, of Haverford of Wallingford, have taken an apartment den and Mr. :and Mrs. Charles Shaw, of more meetings on the same general SUb-I' Breakfaat Place, entertained at bridge on \Vednesdayo:~n~s~oiu~th;;;;C;;;;he;;s;;te;;r;::;:R;;o;;a;;d;;,;;S;;\;;,.;;ar;;t;;h;;m;;o;;r;;e;;.;;;;, Swarthmore. jed as opportunity arises. , Corn Meat Mush _.... Crullers afternoon. ~ Coffee Cakes ....- Ruak A limited number of bibliographies, sug Mrs. Eric Schade and infant son have Maple Syrup _.... Honey :Mr. and Mrs. 'V. H. Sowers, of Elm returned from the Media Hospital to their I'ested by Mrs. Fahs, may be obtained Avenue, entertained Mr. D. A. Vann, Jr., home at the comer of Princeton and La- from Mrs. Paul J. Furnas, 403 North 104 PARK AVE, TEL., SW. 1171 Theatre-Chester of Pensacola, Fla., at dinner on Tuesday. Chester Road. fayette Avenues. Margaret Amelia Ellis To Wed Next Saturday 0' Ion • ~-- I =----- i I -!I ~--- WASHINGTON Saturday, Monday, Tuesday FRANCHOT TONE "Gentlemen Are Born" Wednesday. Thursday, Friday "Pursuit of Happiness" .' FRANCES LEDERLE JOAN BENNETT FHESTER NOW PLAYING UNTIL MONDAY JOE PENNER .:.' BOYD -in~ "COLLEGE RHYTHM" -wlthJACK OAKIE THEATRE 8TH & WELSH STS. CHESTER 4111 Chester's Most Distinctive Thea.tre LANNY ROSS HELD OVER LORETTA YOUNG JOHN BOLES -In- Today (FrIday) and Saturday HELEN HAYES "THE WHITE PARADE" "WHAT EVERY WOMAN KNOWS" :A. ROUND-UP OF THE OUTSTANDING PICTURES OF 1934 Continuous from Noon Monday JACKIE COOPER WAU...ACE BEERY . "TREASURE ISLAND" . Tu"""." , "DR. BULL" THEATRE NOW PLAYING. JOE E. BROWN WILL ROGERS Wednesd.ay KATHARINE HEPBURN In the Big Laugh Hit "SIX-DAY BIKE RIDER" "LlT11..E WOMEN" EXTRAt Thursday ROBERT MONTGOMERY MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN HAVERFORD SOCCER GAME ~~~~I Look at Theae Showal lH-"~OR THEATRE Chester Pike at Prospect Park .mer Bros. Mrs. Arthur \V. Kent and daughter, Constance. ha\'c taken an apartment at the Poinciana Apartments on 15th Ave~ nue, N. E., in St. Petersburg, Fla. 'SIX-DAY BIKE RIDER' -ADDEDMickey Mouae Unlvenat News . Geor.e Reed at the CODllole Monday a: Tueaday, Dec. 17. 18 (F) -In- "ONE NIGHT OF LOVE" GEORGE ARLISS I i i i i i :. of Antique Embroideries Empire and Victorian Period BEGINNING TONIGHT -with- CHRISTMAS Edna May Oliver Ralph Morean -ADDEDMusical Revue and Band Act Universal News (A) DOLORES DEL RIO Queen Alexandra 'MADAME DUBARRY' (A) CONSTANCE BENNETT HERBERT MARSHALL -ih- eThe Outcast Lady' (F) WILL ROGERS -In- Back A ••ln By Popular Demand e...;.... ;: HANDKERCHIEFS-A Wonderful Assortment f BLANKETS-North Star and Esmond COMFORTS-All Wool Filled SPREADS-All the Latest Patterns i WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY A New Star In Her Fi.... t American Triumph KETTI GALUAN (F) -1n- "MARIE GALANTE" 'I I I ; I BATH TOWEl S =fI I SPECIAL I ; i Martex and Soft Spun Russian Hand Spun and Hand Embroidered Breakfast Setst 54 x 54, and 6 Napkins. • 5.00 Set NOTE. Mr. Harral wa. a member of the firm of H. T. Patterson &: Ceo for 24 year. Lady JaDe ElleDborouRh LADY HESTER STANHOPE COLLECTION phone NED PYLE A NEW CAR FOR MOTHER • Lawson-Shepard Company, Inc. I Th d· e . lOner J!:1\'en th b y h h c c urc . I Jack lImior-Merit Wickham. I I '- Roll. James as a. I Things In Our Store Stocked hetter than ever before with thinga that make women happy at Christmas time. Lingerie in profusion thia year-the moat charming aasort. ment of tailored and lacy under..finery imaginable. The newest designa and shades in gowns, teddie., atep-ins, dance sets, lounging pajamas. Bryn Mawr and Vanity Fair Glove Silk underwear. • SANTA is right~good coal is the finest possession imaginable. Folks must h·ave heat. Those who want to get the most for their money and also save $4.00. buy four tons of coal from us to be delivered at one time on a cash II :-:-:+I!ooM+:- OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL XMAS ~ II I H II II I I 0 II which appeal to the man who Gift hoaiery-by McCallum, The name "McCallum" assures hosiery of the very 6Dest .tyle and quality. Our name aasurea a price that means good value, Stockings should - be an important item on your list of gifts for women. basis. Buy a 12-pound turkey for Christmas with the ·above $4.00, or some firewood for the fire place. Also our usual Christmas assortment - only larger than ever of linen handkerchief., raincoats, travel and utility caaes, linen towels and hridae seb, and .pa.....wear. GREEN'S COAL SERVICE SWARTHMORE 1234 P. S.-Nature never ma a'e, nor has man discovered: a finer fuel than OPEN EVENINGS BUCHNER'S ORDER NOW AND LEARN MORE ABOUT GOOD FUEL Military Bruah Sets . • . • All kind. of leather goods, including bella, wallets, handkerchief casea, .etc. Seyeral new forms of 6e holders have heen introduced this year aa well aa new numbera smokes-tobacco pouches, cigar.. ette and ciaar caaell. We have al.o secured a large number of cigarette Ughtera in most unu.ual form which we will he glad to you. In the jewelry Jine for toen we have tie claspa,· col.. lar pin" dress sets, cuff link., and other item •• Says Santa. "Here's what I call heat. And that's a gift I call complete. .. I'll stay and warm my hands and feet. T. I Lipman, J during of Missthe Eleanor Shinn. Christmas holirlays at the home Women Will Love the Beautiful 7033 GARREIT ROAD ~ GII Of/zat to UilJP. mllH Dr.1 now at the STRATH HAVEN INN CANDLES ... It if COCKTAIL NAPKlNS@.751.001.25Boxif GUEST TOWEl S Beautiful Patterns BRIDGE SETS and BREAKFAST SETS All Linen and Hand Embroidered X I I fct Harral Linen Shop +0 I I ~ ~ :~)oloo~ ~ WE HAVE BROUGHT CHESTNUT STREET TO DEL. CO_ :~ Rutherlord,J~~;----I~PreNi;~ V~;en .~ce '3 I --WILL WANT TO LU....'''. AWHILEJ • WHY GO TO PHILADELPHIA?· i. ., I' GIFTS if of Ruaaia Queen Carmen Sylvia r: SANT~ of Empresa Eugenie -in- GIFTS . •. h~me ~.:.arth~o~ wher~ ur~h Horou~~ Hal~ I GIFTS SWARTHMOREAN bj!m,:m: M;:. Ed- welcome to .its students returning Betty McGarrah, William immettb.t I more ven~e, for !he holidays Will be held on Friday Seeley, Lewis Shay, Dorothy Storm and law d da e sum;on 'd Her son·m.. evcDlng, the 28th, at 6.30 o'clock. This Mary Wood. A gleaming !;jJvcr tree, soft lights and Gran an erj . r. an Isaac year, seventy of the young people of the So,homou-Merit Roll, Barbara Bagby, strains of the organ pro'\'ided an approontc air, N. J., arnved dur-, church a. re students in higher institutions William Bullock, John Delaplaine, Edward ing h' 0 I Ieamlng. an d are scattered frolD eastern I Hannum, Lauer jones, Shirley Shaw and priate setting for the Ve~pcrs rervice last Still Unconscioua After Being M H - . h r. DOpes, W 0 was urrYlng to the New England to Colorado and south to Ellen Williams. Sunday, when a large audience lis!ened to Stnack by Car Driven by Barton Players C.lub,. be has Virginia and Florida. Scnral of them are: Ninth Grade-Honor Roll. Ruth Egeej the Christmas carols presented in Clothier H_pes, 3rd, on Saturday t ~ s :ge:roperlles, Immediately re- Igraduate students. t Merit Roll, Ella )\lae Beagle, Mary Bon. Memorial, Swarthmore College. A student t °rt e and rcpor!cd 1 sail, john Craemer, Louise Keatley, Billy chorus, garDed in caps and gowns, bearing Mrs. Cornelia Garrett, Swarthmore resi:h e to Ice. e WI be gIVen a h~ar~ng ~h~ first of the \\'l'Ck, .the Woman's AS-) Anne Mitchell, Doris Polk, John Richards, lighted candlcs, entered the auditorium dent and widow of W. A. Garrett, gen- . ~n ~ e outcome of Mrs. Garrett s 10-· soclahon, under the direction of Mrs. Margaret Shoemaker Elizabeth Thorn ' Lappe I AI G'lbe t fi b I . ' , singing "Corne, AU Yc Faithful," as they eral manager of the Remington Arms Com- Junes IS known. M G d' d I am rs. I r, sent a IDe ox Ruth Wilson and Anne Wray. proceeded down the aisle. pany rifle plant at Eddystone during the r. arrett Ie about fIVe years ago., of clothing and other C~ri.stmas rcmemEigldl. erade-Merit Roll, Beatrice World War, is still unconscious in the ~--.,~ •. -- ..--.branccs to the home mlsslOnary of the, Brewster, Herbert Fraser, Anne Lingle, The chorus, made up of eighteen women Chester Hospital, foJlowing an accident in T rmlly • Chun: h N oles h R ev ..M r. Covmgton . ~ hurc, an(I I~mily, ) \Valler Jones, Mary MacDonald, Francis and thirteen men, for the most part seniors, Swarthmore early Saturday evening. - . In the moun tams of Tennes.."Ce. Chnstma.o; I Noyes, Nancy Price, Genevieve Reavis, presented a series of familiar carols. indudThe members of the Junior Church and remembrances have been al~o scnt the James Smith and E"zabeth ,"h.,taker. ing "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear," Mrs. Garrell, who is seventy years old, students 01 th S d S h I ·11 I· .. d h I lJ ,. "Good King Wenceslas," IIJoy to the . M I e un ay c 00 s WI pre- .orcl~n miSSIOnary un er. t e. c,.re of the '. Seventh Grade-Honor Rotl, Polly Hoot., , resides at 908. t. Ho yoke Place. She sent a ChrL·st h D r. Baug h an d Wife In Korca, and. Merit Roll, Jane Arg"'le Diana Brewster 'IVorld," "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing,' mas Pa~can t on S un d ay a Iter. (: Ilurc, had accompamed a friend to the 9 P. 1\'1. noon, December 23, at 4 o'clock. The Re\' III 1\1 " ,. M· h'· ~ • I "0 Little Town of Bethlehem/' ilWe 69th St I b t Ch t R d d S . 10 t. arquls In l'\ew e:\aco, \V 0 IS Ruth Child Edward Coolev Jack Corse h rec us a es er oa an trat comm'·ttee ,·n h . I d M· I G t d . b h S d S h i ' . , , Three of Orient," "The First Noel," A h SUppor e In part y t e un ay cool. t Alice Craemer, Richard Haig, Marion Kirk, "God Kings c arge1\1me uThes ISSAona Haven venue w en s he stepped from Putnam chairma M· Rest You Merry Gentlemen" and beh' d th b • t th f rs. omas. cry· The •.• Lilley, France.s Tume.r,.K.enndh Valh a,th01 ~ll aRcuat~ weathcr ~ and Missn,Margaret O. Cresson. SUpper conference o( the) ollng peo· ; enhne, Dorothy WJlson, Vlrglnla Yerkes. "Angels From the Realms of Glory." T e dn·vmen by eBar~:nl~:ope:, Ide last Sunday e\'ening was especially suc- ! audience participated in a great many of The men of the Parish are arranging ('~s5ful both in attendance ant! interest. I ~~--.-. the son~s. Then, softly ('hantin~ "Silent gers ~ve~ue, .who was traveling in (he OppOSltC dueclion to the bus, namely, south their annual Christmas gifts for the Phila- Following the sUPI)Cr, at which thirty-five i Will You Give Old Toys? Night," the stuuents made their way up on Chester Road. I dehJhia General Hospital. Each year they young people sat down, Marjorie Turner the aisle to the door, where they ended Unable to avoid striking her, Mr. HooPl's! send nearly two hundred personally (Mrs. Peter E.) Told, of Park Avenue, The Sodal Service Department of the the .service humming the rarol to the ac- . knocked Mrs. Garrett to the ground. He I marked presents to the patients there and superintendent of thc junior department t Community Health Society would Jike to companiment of the organ. stopped and piGk,ed her up, and then arrange for the decorating of one of the of the Sunday School and 3 former leader take care of the families in th.e district oC The program was presented entirely by rushed to the Chester Hospital, where it wards. in the C. E., J!a\'e an interc:olin~ acldr~ Central Delaware County who otherwise the students, and was arranged in place of was found she had sustained a fractured on "Worship" and cunclucted the forum would not ha\'e Christmas. the carol singing formerly held each year skull, a compound fracture of the rh::ht The Junior Woman's .-\uxiliary, under following. Toys for children of all ages are needed. at the home of Dr. EUis. feg and lacerations of the head and face. I the direction of its Pre~ident, Mrs. R. C. If Santa Claus will bring new things to This was the last Vespers service until She was identified by a key ring \\ihich Ammerman, has been conducting a Kinder. A spt!cial feature of the Chrh-tmas cele- : your children will they in turn share some after. the Christmas vacation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1garlen at Marcus Hook three da\'s each bration in the scn'icl's of the church will· of their other toys with the district chil-~-. Alexander McCurdy, an organist well ! week. About thirty-five children han be the Vesper ~r\'ice on the aHernoon of dren? known to Swarthmorean5, will gh'e a re~ I been enrol1cd. Sunday, the 23rd, at 4.45 u'clock, when the Christmas baskets will also be provided . cital at the first Vespers service of 1935, united church choir and the boys' and for families who are unable to enjoy this girls' choirs will :;in:,:: Ihe sen·ice. most celebrated day of all the year. In on January 6, at 6.30 P. 1\1. Presbyterian Notes ._-. I order that none of the families in our Methodist Church Notes community may be IcCt without Chrtstmas • The first dinner of the Men's Bible / Class for the season, last cvenin~, was ,will all those who are interested get in For Gjfts t attended by about eilZhty members and I The choir will ~i\'e a special prc.Christ- touch with the Social Service Department For Your Table i guests and full of interest. The dinner was mas musical program on Sunday evenin at of the Community Health Society? TeleFor Decoration prepared by the men under the direction of ;.45. The guest soloist will be Emma g phone, Swarthmore 2070. F. Don Price, De\Vitt Hills and Ambrose Zuern, the popular Soprano of Philadelphia. SOCONY-VACUUM --- ---Capitol Prlcillo Van Alen. Thomas B. 1\fcCabe, president The choir will sing "Sing, 0 Heavens," Honorary Degree for Dr. Brooks I H.nd Dipped Hand Caat of the Scott Paper Company, who recently Tours; "On1)-' a Little Village (Bethle20 Colora-} SIzes Also Other made an extensive trip for the study of hem)," Maunder; "No Candle Was There Dr. Robert C. Brooks" chairman of the Socony.Vacuum Specialties business conditions in Germany and and No Fire," Lehman. Swarthmore College Political Science Dc, Sweden, gave an interestin~ address on his Emma Zuern \",ill sing "To the An~els," partment, will receive the honornry dejZree observations there and Mr. F. S. Reitzel, Zardo; "Rejoice Greatly" (Messiah), of Doctor Rerum· Politicarum Honoris Swarthmore Reprellentative SWARTHMORE 728-M \\'ho spent several months in Germany in Handel; "Come Unto Him" (Messiah), Cau~, of the University DC Berne, at a Home Worker Products the interests of his company, the Sun Oil, Handel j "The Holy Mother Sings!' dinner tendered in his honor this evening II W ....n W.y Philadelphia also spoke instructively. No charge was Dr. Channell, the pastor, will speak on in New York. The dinner is being ~iven I~:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:::;;;:;;;~ Genuine Chevrolet Parts made for the dinner. which was given "The Divine Human Christ." by a committee of the Swiss University under the auspices 0[. the Men's Uible Alumni and the Swiss Society of New and Accessories · Class, Roland L. Eaton, president.' I The combined meeting of the \Voman's York. Home Missionarv Society and the \Voman's • Among those pre~ent will be Dr. Victor The Woman's .-\ssodation holds an al1-, Foreign Mission~r\' Socieh' will be held in Ncr, consul.general of Switzerland; day meeting at the church beginning this I the Chapel on \Vednesd;y c\'ening at B. Er:ic C. Kunz, pr('sident of the Swiss 50- I A '34 DEMONSTRATOR ,morning with ~wing (or hospitals at 10 The program will consist of an afternoon ciety' of Xcw York, and Dr. Frank (new car guarantee) : o'clock. The eXl'c~ti\'e committee meets ~~ in a JapancSl' hOllse and p;arden, -with·some Aydeluttei~-pTestdcht of-S\\.:\tftlmocC"Col: 11. Luncheon Will be served at lL10, of the children ~i\'ing songs and recita- le~e, who will also deliver an address. A CAR HEATER For Any Size Cilr Dr. Brooks has become recognized as the (ollowed by business and at 2 o'clock by I lions. FENDER MARKERS . · carol sin~ing in the chapel and the pres-. foremost authority in the United States on Along all ·LOCKING GAS TANK CAPS High School Honor Roll the S\\'i~. government. His Excellency 'entation o~ a pageant under the dire~tion merchandile which we carry the CHROMIUM WHEEL MOLDINGS of Mrs. Gdcrcest and Mrs. Terman, The .____ Marc Peter, minister of S"'itzerland, will ELECTRIC MIRROR CLOCKS year around and display in proRADIO Story of the Christmas CaroL" The following pupils were on the Honor, present the diploma. fu.ion at Chriatmas time, we MATCHED ELECTRIC HORNS have added numerous apecial --~ Roll of the Junior-Senior Hi"h School for! Mrs. IIrooks will attend the dinner. The Se5..c;ion holds its monthly meeting A Variety (If Gifts for Mother, ·Dad, too articl",a which make lovely the Boy or Cirl-for, the Car the Second Report Period, which ende(l' this evening at the manse. ANTI-FREEZE - BATTERIES Christmas gifts for men. November 28: ' TIRES - CHAINS C. M. E'-s Meet and Plan The report of the treasurer o( the Strtior-Merit Ron, Robelt Byerly, Hetty: For Winter Drlvlna Safety and Comfort church committee on missions and benev- Cleaves, Eftingham Dolman, Barbara Gross, i The C. M. E.'s (one 01 Swarthmore's: olence, Ralph V. Little, Sr., shows that! Betty Johnson, Edmund Jones, Helen' secret societies) held their regular meeting 'the a\'erage offering for this purpose for Jones, Virginia Lockwood, Delia Marshall,: on Friday evening, December 7, at the · Xonmber was $i1.65 per Sunday and the Betty Michael, Betty Pass-more, Leslie Polk,' home o( Alice Redgrave, on Vassar Ave. Dealer Authorized total for the month, $286:61. The com- Potter Rumsey, Seymour Rutherford, Stew- ; nue. The C. M. E.'s arc planning 31' mittec has disbursed durmg the month art Thorn, Francis \'osters, Gary White and Christmas party to b~ held some time , EVERY NIGHT UNTIL Reproduction lewehy MONDAY and TUESDAY MRS. w. A. GARREn wast:~d i 2~:r SdaUg~ler, wa:. ~t IN SERIOUS ACCIDENT tgheer'n~.htf:: THE ~i4~D;I~~~§~~~~A;V~E;N;U;~E~~~ !:';-2;5~Oi·OO~.~~~~~~~~~~~~ij "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=I ! OPEN Queen Victoria LAST GENTLEMAN" I OUR SHOP WILL BE with TULLIO CARMINATI "THE I AN ANNOUNCEMENT i EXHIBITION I ! PARK AVENUE Mr. and Mrs. Se.vmour S. Rutherford, of Strath Haven .~.\'enue, had as their guest recently Mr. Rutherford's brother, Lieu- *<+)o)oloo)oloo)+)oX' tenant-Colonel H. K. Rutherford, of New York City. Mr. and Mrs. \Valter R. Shoemaker, of Riverview Road. had Mr. Shoemaker's ~ GOWN SHOP Mr. and Mrs. Haldy Miller Crist, of the Mary Lyon School, have issued invitations for Christmas open house on Tuesday evening, December 18. GRACE MOORE (F) ll~Q~Q~~~~~~~~m~~)~Q~Q~~wawl Among those who received last Thursday afternoon at the Art Alliance, Philadelphia, were ~Irs. Samuel Dyer Clyde and Mrs. Leonard Ashton, of Swarthmore. Drexel Hill TODAY and SA.TURDAY The MOllt Glorious Musica I of All Timet JOE E. BROWN "JUDGE PRIEST" Mr. and Mrs. LO\'eU Frescoln, of Harvard Avenue, entertained at dinner on Sunday in honor of Mrs. Frescoln's father, Joseph H. C. Wright, of Germantown, who celebrated his eighty-fourth birthday. There were about twenty-four children and grandchildren present. WAVERLY Theatre Friday &: Saturday, Dec. 14. 15 (F) Thursiliay Only. Dec. 20 --- Mrs. Walter B. Keighton, Sr., oC Yale Avenue, has returned home from a visit to Trevose, Pa., where she was called on November 17 bv the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Ja~es Niebergall. ~d "HIDE-OUT" Wednesday 0..11". Dec, 19 NEWS SCOOP SWARTHMORE t9mart~mnrt C!rnmmuuity t9~np DECEMBER 14, 1934 8 PARK AVENUE mP\iIlCHT tlv lntarr~ When you get a man to really admit what he prefera for Chriat... rna., it will usually he !&Orne ar. ticle of wearille apparel. Thi• year we are sbowing a Ialrge Ie-lection of InterwoTeD Sock., also the Deweat desipa in ahirts. tie.. dressing gowaa" pajamaa, ..tovea. handkerchiefs. etc. . OPEN EVENINGS SWARTHMORE 8 BUCHNER'S Park Ave. Swarthmore • 4 THE SWARTHMOREAN DECEMBER 14, 1934 "KaPoot", to William Kisller-~ndMrs. W. Scott Mac., Fortnightly RevieW Everyone is cordiall~' i"'iled 10 atteud Henry J. also of Swarthmore, arc members I Mrs. George Marr will entekrlaAin the, any or all parts of i,hlS program. " . ~'orlnlghUy al her home on Par vonue M n. CIy d e R e-elected . of the Women 5 Executive Committee. I' M da De be 17 I 230 o'clock I . onM on Arthur y, cern Bali:selt r , awill . I D. CIy d e, 0 f S\\'arthmore Since its foundation b)' Mr. John Curhs, review'1I M rs. S amue the society's productions, always in English, UKa;~t m a no\'cl b\'~Calvert Wells. ThisJ and Ogden Avenues, was rcchosen for ~he have varied in standard from the lighter is one ~r the most 'fascinating books yet year of 1935 as president of, the J1IDlor Philadelphia Op....atic Society to "'orks of Sousa, Herbert. and Str~uss to written about Ru~ia and not political but Board of the Hospital, at the Present "Cavalleria Rustithe highly dramatic works 0; Verdi, Wag- f II f d t regular monthly meeting o( the Board last cana" and "Parliacci" ncr and Wolf-Ferrari-in a word-from I u M~. ~:rco~dur~'arnes and Mrs. Thomas! week. tiEl Capitan" to "The Jewels of the I Jackson will pr~nt literar\' sketches. !D S S ul~. C • Ra As its seventy-ninth performance the Madonna." Thirty-five different Oper,lS . ' I r. wann p .... on oamlc y Philadelphia Operatic Societ)" in its twentyhave been given, and Ihe works 01 twenty· For the scienti~cal1y inclined, Dr. eighth season announces a performance in nine composers ha\'c -been used. W. F. G. Swann, director of the Barlol honor of Mr. Henri Scott, founder memFrom its very inception, the purpose of ber, with "Ca\'alleria Rusticana," dramatic the Society has been that any promising opera by Pietro Mascagni, and "Pagliacci," sin~er, whelher a nalive Philadelphian or dramatic opera by Ruggiero Lconcavallo. a temporary Philadelphian, by reason of (Continued Crom Page 1) These operas will be presented in English from the b)" American talent at 8.15 next Wednesday being a student of a Philadelphia teacher, annual meetin~ th-;;rourth Monday in 1anevening, De.cember 19, at the American be given an opportunity to display his or uary are to be made. Petitions may be Academy of Music, Broad and Locust her ability as a singing actor. While these secured at the Library and must be signed. young singers arc essentially amateurs, the by ten residents of the Borough of Swarth- I Streeti, Philadelphia. production in which they appear is as more and filed with the secretary, Mrs. I J. Barraja-Frauenfelder, of S\"'arthmore, nearly a professional performance as it is Sewell W. H 0 dge, by D ecem be r 31 • is vice-president of the socic"ty, and Mrs. The actual election will take place in possible to produce. The lighting, cosStill at the tuming, and direction, both stage and the Library during library hours on the November Sale Prices musical, 3re in the hands of the very be~t following dates: January 21, 23, 26 and Look Your Loveliest for the l professionals obtainable, so that the pu~hc 28. All residents of the Borough are eliHolidays Now on Sale with Lamp Stands perf?rmances have always been a dlshnct gible for office and entitled to vote. BalWhy Not Make Your Appoint· cn'(ht to all concerned. lots may be secured at the Library on the at the ment Now 1 above dates and deposited in ballot boxes I . SIMPLY CALL which will be provided. The election win SWARTHMORE BEAJ.g;EJ'ALON SWARTHMORE 10412 lisllo insure its regularity and opERAS IN ENGLISH NEXT WEDNESDAY I I Research Foundalion 01 the FrankUn 111smute, denvered a particularly interesting lecture at the Delaware County InsUtute of Science, at Media, Monday evening. Dr. Swann's subject was "Cosmic Ray Meas~ uremenls in the Stratosphere." I See Our Selections Silverware --- ToHet Seta Leather Goods, etc. VAN ALEN BROS. ELECTRIC SHOP This paper has heard the names 01 sev· eral citizens suggested for places on the Library Board. Among the most proml. nent are: Dr. John R. Kline, Professor of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania, who lives on Rivervi~w Avenue; Mrs. Cbrence G. (Isabelle Bnggs) Myers, of Dickinson Avenue. Mrs. Myers is one of Swarthmore's most talked about authors and would bring to such a position a background of interest and helpfulness i Walter C. Crouch, of Park Avenue, a member of the faculty of Friends' Central School; Dr. A. V. B. Orr, of Mt. Holyoke Place, • practicing physician, and Mrs. Robert C. . Disque, of Stralh Haven Avenue. , The present members of the board an.d its officers are: Roland L. Eaton, presldent; Dr. Frank E. \Villiams, vice-presi~ dent; Mrs. Sewell \V. Hodge, secretary; 10bn E. Gensemer, treasurer; Claude C. Smith, Mrs. Harold Griffin, Mrs. Jesse Her· man Holmes, E. C. \Vallon and Mrs. 1. ! Passmore Cheyney. Mrs. Cheyney and ~====s=w:a:rl:h:m=ore=:5:9:5====~_ _ _ _ _--.:C=-O=~A:.:.~L:·~_____ REFRESHIN~ . . after a 10Dg day • delicious food • • • well served • • • In an atmosphere that i. quiet yet cheerful. IN THE TEA ROOM Dinner , .. ' .. "., ........ , .. . .50 Saturdays and Sunday. . .... ',' ' , .75 StratL.Haven I ! I The Inn With Per.onality Swarthmore, Pean.. Swarthmore 680 F. M. SCHEIBLEY Management l' Tlio Hamilton Norristown, Pa.· The Whittier 140· North 15th St. The Chester Arm.. 4th & Ed&DtoQt A.-e.. ) I ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P~hi~'Ia~"~P~.~.~~~~~C~~he~.t~e~r~,~P~.~.~~~~~ .J! .f'JIIMIE~:~.'!~Stl·" • DISPENSING10FTI ·maas -' It : DARTMOUTH NEAR PARK I Open Until 9.30 P. M. 'D~~~¥M~M~M~ I I GIFT HEADQUARTERS INFANTS a!'d CHILDREN Up to 12 Santa haa sent furniahingl for priced for the Itore your gift .', ..,t' ' ,;" :.;.~.- (OpPolite St. Michael's Church) CHESTER, PA. • Up and down the firmament I sought a Httle star; Not grimly, but \\ ith gay intent, For I would sit afar. SANTA and I could 5hout' your' name' aloud SEARS CHESTNUT S.T•• Pt:tILADELPHIA. Specialists in th~ making and fitting , of Eyeglasses and' Spectacles. Great chunks of dark [ pushed aside, On comets barked my shins, No planet sen'cd to turn my stride, Nor meteors' sly ~rins. Co-Operate ELGIN NED PYLE. -----+----Christmas Program Today In the chapel llf the Presbyterian Church at 2 o'clock this afternoon there wiU be presented a 'pageant depicting .the history of the Christmas carol. ThIS pageant. which is called "The Story of the Christmas Carol," was written by Mrs. Elizabeth M. Y. Gilcreest, who will also have a speaking part in its production which is in connection with the Christmas program of the Woman's Association of the church. There will be carol sing-in).\" also at 2 I o'clock. I At 10.30 this morninJ:; there will be sewing followed by luncheon at 12.30. REDBIRD BICYCLES $22.95 I 19 William Street, Fernwood, Pa. Madison 1154 . Yes. sir. Santa and Sears are cooperatin" in brlnsing you this outstanding value. M"ke YOUR bny the happiest' boy in the neighborhood_buy him one of these beauties! It is the .Ht of ..lfta fol' the boy. You can alsD get the Elain Redbird Blkee in girls' models. too. CHURCH NEWS 9c Extra Fancy Jumbo "lI:c THE SWARTHllORE PRESDYTERl~~ ~HURCJl Re\·. John Ellery Tuttle. MinIster , SUNDAY 10 'OO--llible Sehoul. 11 ;OO-MurninJ:" Wurship. 1"l1~tor llr~a"h~: Ad"'qnt S~rics-"Whcn to Be R- ChriS' tian." I , .•• Ch i 2 :45 and 3 :Q[I-Huys· ani (,.Ir.s. 0 TS. .. :OO-l'astOI"s Youna: P('lIpl\':" C.aS!J, 7 :OO~YollnR' People Servl('c. SATURDAY. 2211(1 3 :OO-ChrBtmu!l Purtit,'" of Sunday Sehuol departments. Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Co. SWARTHMORE, PENNA. ANNUAL MEETING Between Decemher 15th & 24~h Just Phone SWARTHMORE 632·J or 989.M .... IISaJ Finest California Peaches · 1 B an k and Trust Company. Swarthmore, Pa., more Nahona for the election of directors and such other business ~s m~y come b e f ore th e meet ing • will be held at the banking house m OF FREDERICK W. PATERSON. Swarthmore, Pa., on T ues d ay. Letters of Administration on the above estate have been granted to the undersigned. who reQuesta all persons ha"'ing claims or demand against the estate of the decedent to make known the same. and an persons indebted to the decedent. to make payment. without deJay. 8 1935 , January, between the hours of three 'and five o'clock P. M. Sun Dine Orange Juice 1Sc Hurff's Asparagus Tips lISCO Beans With Pork ELRIC S. SPROAT. Cashier. Stron, one-bar OPEN EVERY NIGHT frame 'TIL 9.30 Trt"el -,:oJllfort_ able saddle Finished in ....ip_ Musselman f •• t Red and aviallon.type White Enamel eouter brake ~ttars, Roebuck and Co. ••-.-.-.-.--. _.••••- ....•• - ......... ..X ..~~:..:..:-:-:-.... • ••~-:-,,~ ......-..:- ~-: )t'oo......-.-.... • .. .~-:+x-:-:«-:-:~-..:-<-: ... •• ...... 1· • ••• . • Do Your Banking With 11 ;00 A. M,--SlInrln:r 5('110,11. ~ 11 :1)0 A, ?I,-Sun,in).. J.""';tln·~t'rmon. \Vl'dn('Sday e\'ening meetinl!'. ('ach week. S • I~' e:xcept Sunp. m. Readmg room open d al". . da)."S and holidays. 1 to ,,: Chllr~h eddice. All are cordially in\'ited to attend the serv- SUNDAY 9:,(5 A. H.-First Day School. • Y MorninK Forum. Stud)' or Bruce Care)':. bQok "The Bible and the Quest of LIre. S.ubj~t: "The Vll.lue of Religious InsUtu. liOns. • the 11 :00 A. M.-Meeting for W 01'$h'Ip In Meeting House. ..-. SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Bank and Trust Company ing in WhiUier House. • <-COOOOQOOCOOOQOC~.-:aOOOOOO~§' ~ I( C ~ ==~.«o<" QCI Box hmeheon. Strangers Cordially Invited 2 cano 25c 2 .~:,c~~~. 2Sc 6 1-1b 25c .an. Introducing a New Member of the Family- Mother's Joy COFFEE J:. 27c .. ·.rhJs rich. tangy blend Is a renl "joy" to serve-t(l drink. Sold in the beanground as ynu wIsh. /lSaJ Coffee tb 23c A IlUperb blend with tull flavor and chArming aroma. Fresh Christmas Candies-Order Nowl SeasA~~:::::ngs Chocolates s 1.49 : ~i:!1 5 '~!~t 98,- 5 White .~~" label box 17c IISaJ Pure Fruit 15" Preserves Your choice or Mix IUlicloua "arlellu at Bread SupreJIIe ., Victor Sliced Bread 11M :tMII Macaroni f/M'" Spaghetti lISCO Elbow Macaroni Now is the time to order your Christmas Poultry. Ordering early means you have the pick of very fine Quality Fresh Killed Turkeys, Chickens. Oeese or Long Island Ducklings. .,._ ... ,~- Lean Fresh Rib End \U!> to ~ ~ rus) Pork Loins tb 29c Center Cut Chops or Roasts Ib 22c Loin Ends (Up to 3 ¥.z lb.) Ib 140 City Dressed F, ash Pork Shoulders 3 Ibs 10c Long Cut Sauer Kraut I " Chuck Roast .... 1 Fancy Corn-Fed Beef tb tJ5c .. Bot,eIASS Cross Rib Roast Ib 20" RoDed Pot R ....t, lb. 19c Cre .. Cut R_of. lb. 23<0 ~ r lb Beef or Lamb Liver} ~ TO St:ore Sliced Bacon Both 2 7c for 2 7c 1 TO Fresh Cut Pepper Hash l ~~!h 1 doz Fresh Select Oysters I Fresh Fillets Oenuine Haddock Ib 18c Boston Mackerel 3 lb. 25c I Canadian Smelts Ib 19c Fresh Fruit and Vegetable SpeciallI Fancy Full-Podded Lima Beans I ~ ~;'~~~a~n~d~u~,~.~t~h.~R~'~ad:i:n~g~R~~~m~.~~~~~ :l THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF (o'RIENDS I f • No.2 can.25c Swift's Select Calves Liver 1b 25c Sylvan Seal Cottage Cheese 2 12,00 pkgs 25c Domestic Sweiner 'h Ib 18c I Pork Sausage Ib 27c FIRST CHURCH OF (,HR1ST. SCU-;NTIST. OJ.' SWARTHllORE Park A"enue lx-Iow Hnn-ard to 2 Dole Pineapple Juice 1 SWARTHMORE METHODlST EPISCOPAL CHURCH REV. WAYNE CHANNELL. D. D. PR.f;tor fi:45 A. M.-Sundu)-· School_ " .. ] I :ou A. M.-·'Thc GO$))('I of the KmJ;:dom. j :00 P. M.-Epworth unp-u(>., , j :45 P. M.-I'rc-Chri!!tma» llu"u'ul 1 rogranl by the Choir. Gut'>!t Soloh;t }o:mma Zuern. So))rano, of PhiladclJ>hia All S('al$ Fn-e The Annual Meeting of the stockholders of the Swarth· 15,- 2 Marrow'at Beans I PAINTING & PAPERHANGING E8tate of LOUIS COLE EMMONS. deceased. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the abO\·e Estate ha"'e been granted to the undersigned. who reque:Jts all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of the decedent to make known the same. and all persons indebted to th(' decedent to make pa),ment, without de~ay. to ALICE LEMON E~(MONS. EXl'Cutrix, Rh'en'iew Farm~. Swarthmore. l'enna. Or to her Attol'nE'Y: CLAUDE C. SMITH. Esq •• 16l'i Land Titl", Bldg.• S. W. Cor. Bf'Oad &: Ch{"Stnut Sts •• Philadelphia, Pa. 11-30-GT Where Qualify Counl. and Your Mane, Go•• fort.." '.OUVER 1 H.BAIR C'!I On All Interior EZRA B. MERRIAM. 2S0 Swarthmore Ave•• ' Or to his Altorne)', JOHN E. GENSEMER. Swarthmore. l'a. !' 1612 Market St .• Philadelphia. Pa, 12-7-6t On the basis of Quality and Economy, the assortments of fine foods in your nearby IISl» Store are unequaled, In close touch with every market change, we bring you the best food values to be found anywhere. I I SPECIAL PRICES DEC·D. -- -- II Offer ! ESTATE JOHN J. WEBER Printer $5.00 Down $5.00 Monthly Cash Price Plus Small Carrying Charge KIMMEL & SON The good things you have to say about your business, or your product, or yourself-print them, but print them right. Good, sound sell· ing talk properly set forth in good ink on good paper by intelligent printers will cause people to believe--and to buy. And as for the printer-we refer you with due modesty to ourselves. Values I ! Until at least [ found in space A corner bri~ht and rare, Illumined by a ~oldell J:;racc: For you were waiting there. Put It in Print- ~ L~_~_E.~,,~l\t~~"~~"l\t"~ Throughout the precious day, ever fear a jealous crowd \Vould hear-and ~peed your way. President. ~ I 712 EDGMONT AVENUE ~or JOSEPH E. HAINES. ! ua a special lot of adorable clothes and nu~aery Christmal. Everything ia. especiallr attr~cuvel!, holiday aealon. Make thu~ exclullve children s .hopping headquillrters. Mr. Gensemer are the two representatives of Borough Council. -, I. Where .- ...................... I Trade in Your Old Gold for Cbrietmas Present. ~"'M_lt#M_~¥~¥M~~M~~¥M~ ~ ----.' I I . ., SHOP I 409 Dartmouth Avenue 5 Is! of Diamonds --- Watches Jewelry I SUNNY SHADE ~:i:..:~eck to have had tbe stars poinl~. oUI ~o blm day, D rth th°rty J -seven degrees .' west one hnndred fifty-nine feet to a potnt: thence extendiDl£ north flfty-three degrees east three hundred six and. ninely-three one-hd",ndre.lths feet to a. POInt; thence uten ng north thirty-senn d~rees. west fitly feet to a point thence north fllty-three degrees, easth,wo hundred thirty-tour and ninety-three one- undredths feet to a point and place of beginning. No impro ..-ettJ(lnt8-vaeant ground, Sold as the property ot William W. RIllYpoQlds and J. Arthur Peterson, mortgagors and real owners, Hand Money-SIOOO.OO. ! HOWARD M. PECHIN. Sber;tr, I CITY DRESSED I Bone!ess Smolced Butts • "lib on ..le In out Groce'v f\eopartmen'~. FOREQUARTER LAMB SHOULDER oE LAMB Ib 25 c ~c~~ Ib ISc Ib 21e RACK LAMB CI-IOPS _ Ib 2Se Maekerel ~~ Ib l2e II Fillets ~~,'::. Ib 18e Sel.ct Oysters do. I be Smelts F~Ia";. t Ib 21e Clams littl. Ned', Ch.nyslollie or Medium doz 19c 6T:'JT Atlantic 60 Pacific ~~. Su.. Pbila.. Headqunen 0Sce-31D.J &. ~ut: Pa. The.e pritft effective IL Swarthmore and vlclaltv Decem."er 13th, 14th and 15th DECEMBER 14. 1934 THE BURGESS PITMAN ON MOSQUITO BOARD GOOD MORNING. GOD Dancmg C I _ Tomorrow The introductory Class and the ] uDior Assembly of the Swarthmore Dancing Class were held at the Woman's Club House on Satutday e\o,'cning, December _8. Tbe chap· erons for· the evening were: . Mr. and Mrs. Dean Parker, Mr. and Mrs. ~chard Soderberg, Mr. and Mrs. William Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fussell and Mr. and Mrs. William Bullock. On Saturday evening, December IS, at the Woman's Club House, tbe Intennediate and Senior Assembly will be held. War OD Mosquiloea 8eauD at Bis Meeting Held in Norwood OD Monday EveoUtg Burgess J obn H. Pitman represented Swarthmore at a mass meeting on Monday evening at Norwood. arranged. by the Norwood borough council, to take preliminary steps towards ridding the whole Chester Pike areas and its environs of one of its annoying pests, the mosquito. Mr. Pitman was named on a mosquito "war board" with burgesses from other concerned' municipalities. Robert G. Milne, president of Norwood borough council, who was the presiding officer of the evening, introduced Dr. F. C. Bishopp, of the bureau of insects affecting man and animals in the department of entomology at Washington. The speaker explained that the problem of Delaware County was not essentially a salt marsh problem, but one of flood-water. mosquito control. He stres....~d the importance of not only concerted effort in the campaign but also of legislation which would make possible the success of the GIFTS VacatioD Bible School Tbe Community Cburch Vacation Bible Good morning, God. School at tbe p ...byterian Churcb tbis sea. Thank you for letting me son was one of the most successful yet Hear'rou humming happily this morning beld. While the attendance was not as Whim you thought we were all asleep. large as in past years, the general plan and direction of tbe school, and the teach. I walked with the dawn ing staff have made it an unusually goOgg"S, 46e per dozen. John S. Campbell, Dorough Lane and HaverfOrd Place. ovens, broilpl' oVt'n, six-burner toP. '16. 222 Hute'en Annue. Telephone. Swarthmore 3-i2. SALE-1933 Chevrolt't Coach. 1936 Jicenae tags, can Ix! used now. Call Swarth602- W or 2070, fOR more SALE-F'ne tuys. excellent condition, concrete mixer. fire engine with water tower, crane, hoy's bicycle, household goods. S\Turthrnore 1122_M. FOR FOR SALE-Two pairg of ice skates, elU?8 :I lind 6. Excellent condition. Telephone. Media 301-3. SALE-FIRE SET-Wrought Iron Tongs. Shovel. Poker and Holder. Wood Box. Like Ill'\\'. HalC pri('e. Call Swarthmore 787-R. FOR SALE-Jo'ourteen new, Rne quality, fringed. rayon pane:s, length 58 tnehet!, (,;111 S\'\'arthmore 17ol"i-W. FOR WANTED JII';LP WANTED-ExPerIenced woman for cooking and do\"nlJtai~ work. Good wages. 'Tdephonl": Sl'o'urthmore 2062. happen daily. Accident insurance in a good company can be written for We have trips. E. • STATE STREET I I "Paul Fleming, the Magician," who is known to Swarthmoreans as Paul F. MEDIA, PA. Richard Peters, of Myrtle Avenue, has Gemmill, Professor of EconomiCS, at the I been appointed editor-in-chief of the Year University of Pennsylvania. presented his Media 890 Book of the 1935 class of Springfield High two-hour "Evening of Magic" at Drexel', School. Institute, Philadelphia, last Friday evening. He was assisted by Mrs. Gemmill and his t brother, and the entertainment was one i which they have given at colleges and !-mia I versities throughout the United States. The! performance was presented under the BY MAIL auspices of the Alumni Association of Drexel Institute. I We can serve weekly six or eight more families ;n Swarth~ more with fresh eggs from our White Plymouth Rocks. Women's Republican Club Meets Write for a sample shipment. You can then judge of the E. Wallace Chadwick addressed the i excellence of the eggs and the service, and the reasonable 'Vomen's Republican Club of Delaware: prices. County at its December luncheon on De- 1 For disUncuished guests serve Ihe dislinl"ulshed dlsbcember 6, at Media Inn. A lively disGuinea Fowl from Leeway. Order three daYI ahead. cussion followed. 'The next luncheon will be on January 3, I when there will be an Opcn Forum by members on the public questions to come I before the Legislature. Appointed Editor-in-Cbief $65-Central Location half stone, .. bedrooms. 2 baths, 2-car garage. oil heat. large lot, old shade. possession at once. MEDIA, PA. WM. S; BITTLE FURNITURE RESTORING 'Send for Harley--You'll Not Be Sorry' UPHOLSTERING Honest Under the Coyer Call Swarthmore 1441 Shop--27 Main St., Morton, Pa. lye. Call Sw. 1839·J, Rulled_e, Pa. PETER--E~·-TOLDThe greatest time of life--CHILDHOOD'S HAPPY DAYS. Insure the health of the little ones with Nature's greatest food. Give them plenty of Penncrest's milk. A GIFT FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Leeway Farm Nottingham, Pa. .. and EcoDomical Transportation Them Hedgerow Theatre C co :OOOHOOOGOOc-Mt The Hedgerow Theatre in Rose Vaney, BUY A .!o which has been playing on its regular winter schedule of three nights a week. will BICYCLE KING OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS present a varied and interesting program r THE Your Old Bicycle Taken in Trado the first three nights of next week before See Our Rebuilt Bicycles 7. ROBERT C. HUSTED , closing for the annual Hedgerow vacation .~ Woodlawn and Merion A.ves. :( which begins on Thursday, December 19. y ALDAN, PA. .:; ... We Do Not Have Any SoUcitors .., Tonight Hedgerow's most played drama, -:-: : 4 G CI C : COG D G" GOG .0 0 GG ~ "The Emperor Jones," by Eugene O'Neill, will hold the stage. The part of the ex-Pullman porter who becomes king of the jungle MRS. A. J. QUINBY &: SON will be played by Arthur Rich, while MarJOSEPH Eo QUINBY shan Gatchell will enact the role of the ERNEST C. SNODGRASS. ASS'T. Cockney tradesman. Smithers. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Shaw's "Candida," which was the first II 8£LL Plt.ON~ 4 MEDIA. PA.. play on the Hedgerow lists in 1923, will! be presented on Saturday. The cast of I this ever-popUlar comedy includes Eleanor Goodyear, Al McGranary, Han'er Welch" Rose Henley and Fred Hake. On Monday, December 17. "Winesburg., Ohio," will have its sole performance of I the· month. A dramatization by Sher-! wood Anderson in collaboration with I Arthur Barton, of the famous story-teller:s coUection of tales by the same name, thiS, realistic drama had its world premiere at the Rose Valley theatre last June. Consisting of eight scenes and an t"pilop;ue, th,e large cast will be headed by Jo:reph Taulane. "Engaged," the· rollicking satire. on the,' sentimental drama of the '90's, wtll hold the stage on Tuesday. 'V. S. Gilbert, of Gilbert and ,Sullivan fame, is responsible! for this absurd comedy which a gentleman ~N< :l" X· i· If a New FORD OTHERS!. V-8 TOYS - Housefumishings Electrical Appliances heaters, radios and new conveniences. Come in-we' will be glad to make SuggestiODS. The Most Complete and Best Display in Delaware County Our Main Store, Gift Shop. Toy and HouaefurniahinK Departmenu Hold Score.. of Gift SURce.tiona SHOP IN COMFORT NO PARKING PROBLEM EDMOND STEINMAN Compare Our Stocks and Prices Belore Buying Elsewhere SNOWDEN'S "The Complete Store" 113-117 to a mother: it means less (ear of childish ailments and accidents-less worry when the children are out of sight -fewer lonely hoursfewer trips and errands. In our Accessory Department you will find many useful gift suggestions sucb as tnmks. GIFTS OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS W. STATE STREET, MEDIA. PA. BRING THE KIDDIES IN TO SEE SANTA ANY AFTERNOON OR EVENING of the'period describes as containing u rare islands of humor floating in an ocean of tears." The cast includes Al McGranary, Joseph Legerman, Harvey Wc1ch 1 Ann Clark and Rose Cullen. Mr. Shaw, in a light and intriguing mood, will bring the season to an end on Sela Every woman needs a tele· phone in the home to gel things done and to keep her in touch. To a mother this need is twice as great. "Ell TElEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYlVANiA THE . r. .... BALTIMORE PIKE at PROVIDENCE ROAD PHONE, MEDIA 1800 Stewers Small Fryers and Roasters Large Roasters lb. 27c lb. lb. 26c 28c DUCKS lb. 22c new modern Gas Range brings delight to the woman of the house by adding to the attractiveness of the kitchen and by freeing her from continuous attention to the cooking; and it adds to the joy of the whole family through the perfect dinner that modern automatic control can produce. See t:h.e New TahIe Top ~ 'GAS RANGE $2 DoWD. lb. 32c TURKEYS pro $1.50 GUINEAS Fresh EGGS. Doz. 3Sc - 40c JONES FARM Waverly Av@. aDd Baltimore Pike SWARmMORE 1831 I A YOUD&" 30c - Wednesday with iCArms and the Man." Helen Alexander will enact the role of the romantically inclined Raina, while Joseph Taulane will play the part of "the chocolate cream soldier." The supporting cast includes _Margaret Gallager, Tony Bickley and Mildred Lewis. 2 Year. to Pay Prim Jlart al $49.50. Mod.1 ,hown, $73.50 Cmh, inrillding Lamp and Minlllt Mind.,.. Prim ,lightly mo,. on Blldg" Pia". ~ No. 'i84 September Term, 1934 All that certain lot or tract of ground with the buildings and Improvements therron erected situate in the Townlhlp of Edemont. County oC Delllware and State of PenNylvania, and described aecording to • survey and pJa~ m*de b,. Damon and }'oeter, Civil En.-illftnJ, dated July 2nd, 1926, as follows: Devinnin.- at a point, the inteneetion of the center line of Providence Great Road (forty feet wIde) and the center line of Gradyville and Newtown Square road (thirty-three Ceet wIde); thence extending along the center line oC Providence Great Road north twenty-eight degrees, forty,seven mInutes, ten seconds west one hundred seventy_three and twenty_two onehundredttil Ceet to a bolt; tbence ,till alonK saId road north twenty-three desrees. thirtJ'four minutes, ten seconds west one hundred lixtY-one and slxtY-eieht one-hundredths feet to a spike; thence It ill along tbe salDe north nineteen degrees. eight minutes, ten seconds west two hundred six and slxty-one one-hundredths Ceet. to a spike; thence st.m along said road north thh1een desreeB. fifteen minutes. thirty seconds west two hundred and ei2htyRve one-hundredths Ceet to a spike: thence still along said road north one degree. Cour minutes. thirty seconds west ninety and eighty. Rye one-.hundredtha feet. to a boa In the center line of 8ald road; thenee along the Jl\nd ·now or late of A. Adele Hogan north RIb' dea-fteS. thirty minutes, fifty-Caul' see~nds east nineteen hundred nlnety~four and eight one-hundredths feet to a stake: thence south sixty. five degrees. Courteen minutes. ten IJeCOnds east two hundred ninety.eight and seven one-hun. dredths feet to a stake ~ thence !Klutb slxbfive degrees, twenty-two minutes. Corty seconds east two hundred forb'-aix and elgbty~ Beven one-hundredths feet to a stake; thence south twenty-three degrees. Cort.¥'-Beyen mlna utes, Corty seconds east three hundred slxty_ nine and sixty-three one-.hundredtb. Cl!et to a stake; thence Boutb twenty-four degrees. nineteen minutel, twenty seconds west two hun. dred twenty-five and thirty-one one-hundredtha feet to a stake in the centt'!'" Une 01 Grady. ville and Newtown Square road: thence along the center line of said road south filty degrees. two minutes. two seconds west eighteen hundred sixty and nine one-hundredtba reet to a spike: tht'nce louth farly-nine degrees• eighteen mlnute9. twenty-eight seconds west lour hundred and forty-nine one-hundredtht Ceet to B bolt In the cellter line 01 Provldener. Great Road and thenee along the ·eenter line of Provlder.ce Great Road north twenty-elgb~ degrees. Carty-seven minutes. ten seconds west two hundred two and Jl,lxty-elght one-hun. dredth. feet to the first mentioned point and place of beginning. Contalnln&, fifty-one and two thousand one hundred forty-four ten thousandt"" acres. And under and Bubject to the payment or . R .J:ertaln fint mort.Rae debt or prineipal Bum oC flfteen thousan<1 dollars ($115.000.00) with interest due and to grow due thereon. And Improvements consist of three-stOlT stone house. 40x20 feet; one and one-half story .tone addition, 20dO C@('t: enclosed Btone addition. 20:x20 Ceet; two-atory stone garage, 20x82 leet~ two-story stone barn, 24x!O feet. Sold as the property or James N. Carter. Jr., and Anna M. Carter. hfa wile. and the Girard Trust Company. guardian of the eatate of Anna M. Carter. a Ceeble-minded person. THEODORE J. GRAYSON, Attorney. NATHAN P. PECHIN. SherU'!'. ••• Lut Begins • tLe KiteLen In CHICKENS A tel.,phone means much SHOP AT SNOWDEN'S THIS XMAS which grew UJ) from that. The tradi-' of the Xmas spirit. At our homes, tional English Yule log originated in light and color transform e\'en the most SC31Odin3\'ia, and the great Yule candle modest into places of splendor <'Iud was the forerunner of present day Xmas beauty. Join with others and show the lighting. \Vithin the past ten years, progressive .st)irit of Swarthmore in its thcre has he-eit" a steadily increased use aim to reflect, happiness and confiden'ce of extcrior holiday decorations, and the of hetter times just ahead. lIsc of hrightly colored electric lamps, Decorate and light UI) for, Xmas scintillating and spreading a wann glow and a merry you all. I I Cheer--CoDvenience Buy ALL LINES OF INSURANCE INCLUDING LIFE OLD BANK BUH...DINC SW. 1833 Christma:; Day is obscn'cd in every Christian Country throughout the entire world. Our Christmas customs of today are the contributions of people 0Uany.. li!~l-,ls. l!le __ ...Qruids would propitiate their sylvan deities IJ)' hanging mistletoe (wer the entrance of their homes, atld we all know the cllstom I I This year make your Cbristmas Gift one to the entire family-oDe that will be remembered 365 days a year and many years to come. LEEWAY FARM EGGS I C. WALTON Swarthmore 111.J Notary Public - Insurance - Real Estate I • PenDa. Saturday. December 22. 19at IUO o'clock A. 1(• Eaetern Stand.rd Time RENT·-Attractlve room with bath, or apartment. Pri\'8te family. Reasonable. 42t Yale Ayenut'. THE KNI I TING SHOP II I SherUr'. Oll'ice. Court House. Medi•• one week or more to cover touring I It is planned I borough with to make a resurvey of the the view of substituting Dog licenses for the year 1935 arc now I new trees for too old or damaged trees ready for issuance at the office of the! and planting some also in places now bare. County Treasurer, in the Court House at I It is to bl! suggested to the Council I Media. and the law requires that any pe~-: that some new trees be put in this year I 50n who owns or harbors a dog over SIX' from the stock at the Borough Tree ! months of age must have a license on or: Nursery ncar the Girl Scout House, where! 'I before January 15 of each year. 'the commission has supervised the plant-I The fcc for a male dog is $1.10 i female, ing of several thousand trees of greatly 1 , do~, $2.10; and for a spayed female dog,. varied species mostly of the shade' ! where certificate of veterinarian or affl-: varieties, ' davit of owner is on me at thc office of t-----I the County Treasurer, $1.10, Where i ! license is to be mailed, return postage at 1 ' . Benefit Pe~ormance ' the rate of three cents on each license . FIV~ acts of vaudevtll~ and an outstamlI . luded in remittance. Stamps IDg h picture .program mus t b e me d wIll be .presented f at will not be accepted in payment of any bot a matmee an an eve~lDg per ormpart of license fees, but will be returned ance at the Stanley Theatre In Chester on at applicant's expense, Tuesday, Licenses may be obtained from any This program will be the second annual magistrate, justice of the peace, alderman, ; benefit by the Chester Civic Council for or notary public; personally at the office the Poor Kiddies' Christmas Fund, I of County Treasurer; or by mailing appUcation with the proper remittance to the Swarthmore Magician at Drexel I office of the County Treasurer. initl itl :t1Jt iriglptr Q!nmmunity Xmas QIntlttst fOR I I Japanese Kimonos Lounging Pyjamas Silk and Satin Underwear Starfs 7" Bags -- Costume Jewelry - Umbrellas Rain Capes FOR RENT FOR RENT-Small apartment on the Hill. Apply to Albert N. Garrett. Swarthmore .aS9 or Pennypacker 4442. Auto Accidents Sweat....s. l , ~------~S=H=E=R~l=FF~S~A~L=E8~------- HAND MADE KNITTED GIFTS I I Negligees 9 CLASSIFIED DECEMBER 14. 1934 SWARTHMOREAN THE SWARTHMOREAN All Our Suburban Stores, Or See YOUr Dealer Or Department Store PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE DECEMBER 14, 1934 ,. 8 - -- - BURGESS PITMAN ON I MOSQUITO BOARD 1 THE SWARTHMOREAN "-~~~- ---~~~~- CLASSIFIED DECEMBER 14, 1934 GOOD MORNING, GOD Ii I Church Vacation Bible School The inl roduclory CIa!'!' ;111(1 thc Junior : Good mornin~, Gud. The Communit\" Chunh \'~II=ation nihil" .-\~:-l.mbIY of the Swarthmore Uancing: Cla~ I Thank you for }ettinJ,: me School at the Pn'!ibyh'nan Church tillS ~(·.I· wcre held at the Woman's Club 1I0u~ on 'Hear you humminl! hapl)ily this mornin~ son was one oi the rnu:ot ~ucn'$::;ftll ~\I · Salurday t.'\"t·ning:, UCCl'mLcr 8. The ch:tll: Wht'n )'011 tholll!ht \\ c wC're all aslct·p. . held. \Vhilc the atlenti;mn' wat' not a .. . B B· . l'rom' for the e\'cuing wert': .Mr. and Mrs. I Ilar!!e as in past year:', Ihc !!eneral plan War o~ Mosqwt?es egun at 19: Bean Parker, Mr. ~md .Mrs. J{ichard Sodl'rI I w:llk('c1 with tht· dun-n : and direction of 1l11' !'rlltIul. and the teach. I DO\\,I1 into the valll'y MeetJr.g Held In No~wood on Ul'rJ.,:, )'lr. and Mr~. William Turner, Mr. ,in~ ~taff have m:lde it :m unmuallv gOlld Monday Evening and )'1r~. Milton Fm~tli ~tnd Mr. and Mr!'-. I :\nd I ht'ard a em\\" 1.IUg:h, still !!let'PYI : 5l'lIOOI. The daily m:t·raj.!t· "th'Q(liI~ec "'.h . 'William Bullol'k. , !~\t lhe l'hri~t-in-dliJ.!)' "jth \\'hidl men trv !45, out of:l total ('nrolluH'nt ui $7. Xillt; . Bun'::t'~:-: john II. Pltlllal~ n'll rt·:-:t·ntL-d 1 On Saturday c\'('ning:, lJl'ccmbt'r 15. 'It, I to !='l'are him; - i IJUpiis ~ildl' a ~t'cord f(lr )Jl'ri('ct attend. ~warthm~,ln' al a llIa~:- IIll'l'IUlI! un :1.1011-, lhc \\'oman'::, Club 1I01N', the Intermedi- I And J Ill'anl a robin, da\\"n'~ I>re~s il/.:ent, I am·t'. fhe pupil rnrnllnwnt by dlllrl'ill.; d:tY l'\'emn:,:: at .:\orw()od ..'ti hy the ah' and Sl'nior :h~l'mhh' will bl' held. Carolin/! up atop a lJI(I~sumin~ cherry tn'e, WilS: Method.5-t, 12; :\iriran .:\lcthodk, .:\ur\\uud huwuj.!h ('()\Inll!. tu take pre•. lTt'lIin!! t·\·t·r\"bo hy l\1r:,. brother, and the entertainment was. onc which they have J.!:inn at collc!."!;{';; and um \"('r:,itil'S throug:hout the United State!'. Tht perfurmance \\'11;; pre:ocntl,cl uncll'r the au!'-pin's of t he Alumni A~soda1inn 01 lJn:wl Jn~titull'. . I 'I: Women's Republican Club Meets pTlces. ~ ~Iag-ician," S\\'arthm()rl'an~ - Write for a sampl(· shipment. 'rou can then judp:t' of the ('xccllence of tin' l'\~gs and th .. :-;t>rVIC(', and tht' rt"llsonablc Leeway Farm to , Rkhard Peter", oi :\hrllc A\"tnue, has ('(·mmill. Pruic!"~()r of Economic:-, :It thl : hct'n appointed t''i of the l'clIr l'ni\"Cr~ity of h'nn~yl\'ania, prc"cntcd hi .. · B(JOJ.' oi the IQ,15 cla~'" oi SprillJ!:tield Hi!!h two·hour "EnninJ!; oi l\Ia~ic" :1t J)rcxl' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~S~·C~]~l(~,O~I~"======::::::===:::;:::;:::::::, E. Walllll'e Chadwick adfln':C::,('c! tilt \\rom('n':, Rel)uhlican Club of Ik]awClre Counl~ at it:; J)('ceml)t'r lunch('on on Dt' I l'mlrer h. at ~1t'dia Inn. A lin'ly (Ii!' (u:-:-i(1O iollowed. I·UllllitiulI. I ,w~·r. ,·nllH'. .' .. ;lrlhmv!l' t t22·M. \\lIh'r i!oods. III I( SA 1.1-: '1'\\11 1';lIr~ (,f il'l' ,.kah',,:, , kinJ.! oi the jllnt!'l'l JOSEPH E. QUINBY will hc played hy Arthur Ridl, \\ bile ~IarERNEST G. SNODGRASS. ASS'T. I :--hall Gatchell will enact lhe roll' ui the . Cncknc\' tr.uil':-m:ln, Smithcr:.. FUNERAL _t. . -............... ";.... We 00 Not Have Any Solicitors DIRECTORS .." t I' .. Sha,,:', "Candida," which wa, Ih~' MEDIA, PA. play on till' Ht'd~l'ro\\' hH~ III 1112." BELL PHONE -I 'i':"! WIll present . . . tI nn Saturday. Thl' (';t:-t uf, this c\'cr-pnpular comedy includc:, E!t.·anor Goodyear, AI l\lrGranary, Harny Wl'Il'll, 'I Ro:,e Hl'nlt,y and Freel Hah. On Monday, December 17, "\\,im·,.bur!!, Ohio," will ha\'l' its ::ole perinrmance of I the month. .-\ dramatization Shl'r-' \\"00£1 AlHkr;;on in coUalJoratioll with .\rthur Harton. of the falRou:o =-tory-tl'lIer':o I collection oi tales by the ~aml' nahlt'. thi,,' ! realistic drama had its world premiere at 1 I the Ro:,c \'alley theatre la~t Ju."('. Con-; I ~i~ting- oi ei!-!ht ~t'enl'5 and an l'ptlO!.!Ul', the: Ilar~c GI~l \\ ill be ht'adell by J o~l'I'h Tom- j I lane. i "En!!:l!!cd," the roJli(kin~ !"atirl.' on th(' ~entimental elrama of thc 'Q()':::;, will h(lld I . the s..tag:e on Tue~t.1ay. W. S, Gilbert, oi, i Gilbert and .Sullh·.tn fame, i:. rt.·:-lJon:::;ihll'l for thi:, ah:c:urd comedy which a g:cntll'm:m I I I Cheer-Convenience and Economical Transportation Buy Them a New FORD FOR V-B MOTHERS! A telephone means much BALTIMORE PIKE at PROVIDENCE ROAD ~.-..b"..q..~.t..6r~'4·-.q-~~.-..o--·' IIr I''rH .. (;n'at )t .. ad I r"rty r.·\'1 ~\"["I 1111.1 Iht· ""nh'r linl' o( Gra,!:-· .. i11c and N,·wl",... u l"IU;II,· roa.[ ~thiTty-thn't.' (l'd \\ioll'); 111\'!\t·..· exlt-Utilll).!' :.tlu,,).! the ,·,'uler lin,. of l'rt>\idl·I!,·.., Gl"t'at Una" uorth t\\l'IIIY-l'i:.:-ht dl·[.!'nt'_. (ort}"~"\'l'll milluh- ... 1t'1I """"",1, \\,·,t OIl<' huUtlrl'd "t·\t'III)'·tl'r,.· 1.1101 t\\t.III)·_tWI) ur,,~ ILlmdrt"lth~ r,·", 10 II h .. [t; th"m'l' "Iill ;;loug' ,,:d.1 n'.HI north 1\\l·lIly·llLn·" th):r('t'~, Ihlrt) . r""1" minult·", h'lI ,",eo"ond" w(',,1 unL' lIun,lr",1 ~IXI)'''IW Hllli f'ai,1 ".;ul uurlh 01)(' c!c.:r,·I·. ruur milllll.,~, thirlY ",·,'''I:d" \\.,,1 f1in('I)' luul "iI.:hlyIhl' unl··hulldr'·lllh~ f"I'1 III 11 hvIt in Ihe I:elltt'r tinl' or ":li.1 road: thl'IIt't.· ul"tlc Ih(, laml now "r lale of .1\. Atll'lt.' HUg'an north fifey d('gT~.q thirlY mil!uh·". nfey-ffH,r .. l...·ull,I'" ~·a':il lIint'~ 1('t'1l hUIHlrl'tl lIi'lt'I)··f.,ur nrnl ,·icht (l1l(.-hUII_ ,In',1111'- fl'l.'t 10 lL ~takl': t1ll'lLl'(' soulh !'ixh'_ ti\t.· ,I".:n·,'~. (";lrll"'11 minlll,·~. IL'U st't'owl" l":I",.t 1\\ •• huudrt'd nin('ly·l'i.:ht un,1 s{'v,'n one.llUlIdrc!ith .. ft'l,t til fl IIlIlk(': tht'lwl" s"lIth si..:t\·. Ii\j' Ill·[.!'rt·,,~, tWl'llty-two MIIlUI,'s, fori)' Sl'~'~ ond" ('n",1 two hUrulrt'.1 f"rty·~i..: lIml (.j).!'hl)"_ '.hllll~ ,lr,·,llh,.; f,·t't ttl lilt' lir~t nlt'ntiuned Imillt mltl I.hlt·.· "f ['t'j.:'illlIilli!. C"ul.aininj.:' flrty.nnc ami III" tlwu . l,u,dm.1\ 1,1 .• 11111 Ihl' gn',lt \ lilt· t'audlt' lIlo,il' ... t II1ln pbn'" nl :-pkllcl"r .'''.1 'Ia~ till' il,re~~lIl1lt'r oi pn· ... l'nt day Xm.,.q..,.q.·-4n.q·,q·,q··..ljr.·.q.·.Q-.<...(jir....Q'··..Q'··.q-..~..Q··q-.<.Q-..q-.~·'.O'+·..Q'.-.Q"~.'-"Jr;. ...r~'-O".J SHOP IN COMFORT t,,)~. I!!,I\ Alt that ,·t'rlai" 101 til' Ir:ld ,,( l:r<>lIn.1 '·.llh cll<' buil'lill:':~ llll,l ill!l.rult'mt'nt" tll<'T""lI "H,,·l,·.1 l'illlllt.- ill Ihl' TII\\ lI"hi" "r 1-:,1\.':1I1"lIt . , ('''lIl1t} .. r Ht"l!W:,h' :11 .. 1 :-:1 .. 1.., .. r I't'ILI,~yh;lI!La, :n,,1 d""'rih"d all·"r.lim: til :. ~lIrH'Y lliul "lUll JlLiltl,· I,y Ham,," alLtl ]-"'hh'r. Civil ":I!~'lIIl""r,. d .. t.tI .Iul~ :!u.l. !:I..!;;. a_ rollo\\,;: ~1)'ll. 1,)1( '1 Ca~h "I' I UI!I.·~~ :-;"1'11'1111 ... 1' T. rill. ! 1)]( ~AI.E 1'1;1:1 (·h,·nult·t (;o;lI·h. HI:::; lit l·U"t.· tlll!", ,';111 hl' U_t.>i! III1W. l'lill S\\:lrlh_ ! ,(;:!:,IJ.ill) ~,dL' !-iAI.E . 1.:11':,:" !',II( Honest Under the Cover inr tht· ~l'ar lQ-,5 art· nnw n',lIly ior i~ ... ualltl· al Ilw uflire IIi tilt' CUUIlI\ Trl';I",un'r, 11l Ih" ("nurl IIUI1"t· at :\11'1!i \ :11111 tilt' la\\ rl'qllirl"~ that any pl'r-on \\ Ito 0\\ II'" or harhor ... s and shrieks of laughter, persons could enJoy Jts form an .. ~g. tmg. Wildchff umor Co gH • the '[iller the hioh standard that has been mamtamcd A second opportumty to cnJo:; thiS ]lro- f h ~I.ttl I Taking advantage of the POfiSlblhhcS of nual Christmas Open ouse In J.'.. . h . . b d t • rom t e l e ones. I f· I d r th t . d" \Vednesrl.\." c\·ening. b\' the Club for twenty-four years. j g-ram came w en It \\ as roa cas 0\ cr It is hard to belic\'c that these Httle I a fmc orma ceara lon, e m,!"3gemen Cnst Au ItorlUm on d h n. Christmas· ... _---- .... -~-jStation \VCAU at 11.15 \Vecinel'day mornI t I b l • worked by I of the Swarthmore Apartments has pro~ Festoons of laurel an ~):, . I • . ' . • • pc~p e arc no rea ~I arc eluted a slrikin scene. Two large spruce Lrees trimmed in. blue and Silver, red bO\\S, Christmas Contest Remmder , m~. Ch f h I strlDJ:S-hundreds ~)f s;lrmJ.!s-for ~ach per-I trees Ii hted \\'~h strings of variously coI. The members of the orus 0 t e formance. :\c~ordm~ to Sue Hastmgs they t g base f th' _ n evergreen wreaths, and c:andelabra of ~ickering: lights created a truly Christmas I Many owners of homes and busme5..o; \Voman's Club are: Mrs. H. \V. Anyn, do have real pcrsonalitil-s. "Some are good. ored. bUlbS,c;' form Bth~ d h 0 ,~~vmd for the occasion. : houses in Swarthmore ha\'e caned. our Mrs. L. C. Ashton, l\.Irs. T. H. Brown, children and some are had, and are alwar~: metnc~l de~l~n. ~hm t esc ITCC:-. . an. atmosphere ] d' the balcon\' : office to be sure their displays of hohday Mrs. T. E. Beddoe, Mrs. F. A. Child, 1\Irs. getting their strinns lan~lcd. \Vhv \\'e: two pillars on which arc mount("d large The Glee Club, cJoncea e ~ Mar.... Lcah~: decorations would be judged in thc. Brigh~er Dwight Cooley, Mrs. E. \V. Crash)', M~. ha\'e a little pickaninn~: called Enthu~iasm, i IContinued on Pa.:-e 4) sang carols, Janet amMes. anL h.' ng the Communit ... Christmas Contest, III whlch Theodore \V. Crossen, Mrs. Frank Davls, Ihat is so nau..htv that' wa\" that we actk· th· solo parts. '" ~ . d J R D " . . , J"' CIS"" ta mg c. "s d'1>5 ..ea l LullabY II the winners will soon be announce. Mrs. P. \V. Doelp, l\Irs. . . anner, uall\' carry an understudy for her called· om In aro Ingmg· solo I)arts m the can. m~\la~ hter· ~£ The judges of the Business Contestant.s Mrs. R. L. Eaton, Mrs, Louis C. Emmons, Pertine" I Don't fail to join in the Com-and Miss James, who lS t e f ~u~ k ~\re_ are· J Horace \Va1tcr, Edward l\. ~ Mrs. Walter J. Fritz: MrS. J. Donald GibThe' Theatre Guild for which thc Sue 1 munity Carol Singing at 1 o'clock on Mr. and Mrs. \Valtcr J~~~~,: Ba~bino.lI! Jenkins ~nd Frank Reitzel. . son, Mrs. H. R. Goodwin, Mrs. F. R. Hastin~s Marionettes have played a sl}ecial, Christmas E,\'c at BOrOtlgh Hall nue, sang the stanzas 0 ~~u tDickens" Remember if you want your dlsplays Gray, Mrs. F. \\T. Hadley, Mrs. Henr)' 1.1 series at their theatre in New York for the Plaza. "Mr. Scrooge/' an adapta~lOnl.o te~d I' j·udged thev ~ust be in operation not later I Hoot, Mrs. T. !\I. Jackson, Mrs. T. H· past four years sows: "We consider Sue 1 Community Carol Singing is just "Ch . t Carol" attractl\'e, presen . . h d h · ht S \" J h '{ G ' . h b t· ns mas , . I· t Id the I than tomorrow and be hl! te cae m~ Johnson, Mrs. . .". 0 nson, 1\" cs. uer- Hastings Marionettes the most charming about t e cst sure way to S lr up .1 from dusk until 11 P. M., until and in- den Jones, Mrs. Lloyd E. Kauffman, Mrs. and delightful of their kind." real Christmas spirit, and Christmas in three acts, most effe~ttve ~ r~ Os famous tale of re-generatlOn. rl('''o~s S:~~~- 'I eluding New Year's. 1 L. J. Koch, Mrs. Ralph V. Little, Mrs. E.! It .would be advisaWe to secure tickets Eve !s the best time to do it. If dorph, daughter of Mrs. Cha . ~ I· Leroy Mercer, Mrs. Jacob F. l\Icschler,1 as soon as possible. The house is comyou have attended any or all of the dorph, of Rose V~lIey, Illa)e~. croo,..~ i . M I N xl Week Il\Irs. Harry l.. Miller. Mrs. R. R. Moffett,! pletelv sold out for the afternoon perfour preccding years which this In~ The role is \'cry dlfficull, TCqum~,:?; l:~c .: DanCing Classe~ __ ee e ! Miss H. L. McLain, !\Ir5. I. L. ~ickerson, 1form~ncc but 5Cats; are still availahle for t{'rrlenominational Carol Singing has dramatic::..ahito{Comcd~.and\\oul '1' 0 Sirdavcnning Dtx:cmber15,thcIMrs.. Dean Parker, ~Irs. J. w. Paxson,lthemornin'~showinJ!at IO ..lO. Purcha!;e! heen held, )OU will know that h · but z\1L~ Sa"em ori> 1 n au. ., . k· 'I \ " . R· 0 h h· d'· b the best t esplnn,. • . . '" d·ff" I d· te Dancing Class and the Semor Mrs. J. H_ Per ·ms• .I.' rs . .'Y • •"'. alman, tickets from Mrs. GeoI1!c \Varrcn .127 enoug ent U51a501 an lOY IS 0 _ h' h racter that 1t was I 1-. ntcrmc 13 I b M L J Se . '. . . h' . r . h I was not I Assembly were held at the \Vornan's C u MrS. W. A. Sanborn, cs. . . rvals, South Chester Road, or from Buchner s tamed 10 t 15 mmg 109 In t e ~!(u _ was so mue. In c a cult to beheve that the part. ar- House The chaperons for the evening Mrs. R. A. Sheppard, Mrs. R. Chester Toru;cry Shop, Park Avenue. fation ~f the throng, to last through Plaved by a man. Her actIOns \\ere P I · M d 'Irs 'Ilan Brown Mr. Spencer Mrs. Hen'ey Schumacher, Mrs. • the hohday season. . Id t werc' r an 1\" • •""\ " R E ' ticularly well hand e . J d rhs. The elt:('Cution of aU work shall be in accord. ance with the plans and MpeciftcaUong and IIndt'r the !luperv:aion of Tilden. Rt'Kister and Peppel, Architects, 1608 Walnut street. Phila. Ill'Iphfa, Penna. Copies of pl81111 and specift_ ('ations arc on file for thl' fnllPection ot aU 12-I·M! T bidden at the office of the arcbltecbt and at the office ot the School Dl&tl"iet in the CDllege a\'enue LulhHng, Swarthmore. Pennsylvania. Plans. sPecifiealions and proposal torms msy h.e Bt'eurcd from tht architects. upon appJica. han and accompanied by a check, made out to the architects, in the sum at five dO,l1am 1$5.00), which wi!1 be refunded upon the rdurn ur the plans and "8"("('ifications in ~OOtI ordet" within ten (10) t7aYIl alter the opening Ihe "co·operative desert," but that SUE HASTINGS' MARIONETTES :'R~Q\iIil'~A~'""QRl1:.6f1C~'A~R'~~~~it.l§f5Ii"'"~A~. nevertheless we must now educate the conDECEMBER 27 AT 10.30 A. M. AND 2.30 P. M. sumer to the co~operath'e idea, which is.a lon~ range program. SINGLE ADMISSION TICKETS. 7Sc Mrs. Gehman, head of the Consumers' May be obtained at Buchner·s Ilr Mr•• GeorBe P. Warren, 327 N. Chester Road Admluion on JunlDr Membership Tickets League of Montgomery County, was among _______________________ the more than fifty women present, representing all shades of thought. Faculty Enjoy Holiday Dance $2.50 el, 1934 COUNCIL APPROVES BUDGET FOR 1935 YE SWARTHMORE SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice Is hereby given b)' the Hoal'd ot &hool Directors ot th(" Sehool District of SWllrthnlOre, Delaware County, Penna)'h'anla II di!!triet or the Fourth ClaM of J'enlUlylvllnia: that sealed proposals in triplicate are invited for the fUrnishing and installation ot toldlng bleacht-ra, lockeru, lCK'ker room equipment and ...u.e:l4.4I!!U.uJ.<"ll"-"'.l.eUl.lIII./!)-'I.4 I ~~~n.nell, ~1~1s ~rea~ ~n t~; 'l Hul~e, ~\'as :w:.. 'l wn ,~e at These Showa' WarDer Bro •• ~heatre WASHINGTON ~rctary COME to the "Store of a Thousand Gifts" V/ednesday iand Thuraday Libert,,· Gave This Picture .. Stars afterp~n, 3 o~ganization don~ted.a \v1~h Captain Hates the Sea" One Week. StArtin .. Cbri.tmaa Day DICK POWELL RUBY KEELER ~'-"Christmas ~pccial SWARTHMORE 21 Friday, Saturday, MODU,. Victor McLalfll!n Walter (;onnolly .Claudette Colbert : Mon~ay and Tueaday BlNC CROSBY MIRIAM HOPKINS --- Miss Loftus spent some time in the United States last sprin~, and was the guest b SWARTHMOREAN Legion now spor.soring. A talk by -Mrs. its first project Car-o-Ih-'n-g--John E. Gt'n!emer, Jr., has been ap- I a Christmas Pageant on. Sunday Robert K. Enders follo\\'ed on pre-school Tour" on Monday eveninJ,!, lea\'ing the pointed as tbe new g<'neral of the! at 4.00 o'clock. The foU.owing l classes. for children whore parents are on Church at 9.30. The Association has ex- Sunday School. Ralph V. Little, Jr., is the i part: Herald, S. B. Brewster, Jr., Mary, & relief rolls, Each tended an invitation not only to the memo new treasurer. 'Mary Christine Stericker; Jo",ph, Robert --- sum of money to assISt Mrs. Enders In thIS bers of the Choirs but to other members . . S. Bird; Tbe Sbepherds, Heberton Butler, work. The AuxilLtry members handed in and fricnds who desire to join the lour. ~ F?llowlDg the cust?nt of the c~urch,. a, Arthur Meryweather, Dean Parker, ]r~ FUty Members of Harold Ainsdolls which they have been dressing for The Carolltrs will tra"et by cars, and ~hnstm~s than~offennJ: for ~orelgn m~-; Jack Seymour; The Wi.ce l\.fcn. \VilIiam worth Post and t.e.ion AIDiI. Christmas gifts. Plans arc being made for visit all sections o( the community. !lOns will be made at morDing worship i G. Cleaves Ted Saulnier Trevor Roberts; iary Present Monday Night Sunday. This is in addition to the I"P.l!ular 1Light Bea~rs, Jane Bate:nan, Grace Brewthe Community Ball to be held in the High School Gymnasium on the e\'ening! The Sunday School has scnts its usual budget of the cburch, and is intended. to 1ster Carol Maude Froebel Betty Ann !Christmas gift to Miss Gwendolyn Nar-1 be a expression of thankfulness for· Tbeodora Hulme, BetSY Parker, Last Monday night the Harold AiDs- of February 22. . worth Post and the American Legion AuxAfter the bUSiness of the evening was I beth, the Missionary of the Cburch, in I the birth of our Lord. j Elizabeth Pope, \Vinifred Prince, Afire Putiliary had a joint meeting in the Legion transacted, .tbe members e.njoyed refresh- Con!,antine, Algeria, to brighten the I Following the custom of a number of I nam, Janet Ran.dall, Jane Schoff, Margaret rooms on the second floor 01 Borough ?,onts prOVIded by the ladies of the Aux. Chmtmas for Ihose among whom she years, Ihe young people of the church will She!,pard, Clalboume Steele, Florence Hall. diary and then I, t th comes h I th e sh u t-In • 0 I th e WhItsett. F"lt m be f b th . t' f b'dg Th had .. a number . of tables I labors. ,SlOg a 0 I y em rs 0 0 organlza Ions were? n . e. . c JOlOt meet.lOg an: _.-+-,--I congregation on Christmas Eve. The I There will be DO sessions of the' in attendance. IOno.vahon the local .LclPon,:ams and I Presbyterian Notes . I Christian Endeavor Society, which has' Church and Sunday Schools on Sunday The purpose of the joint mooting was pro,ed a vcr) successful 'enture. I • " I charge of the carolling, with Dr. Franklin morning but all members and students are to provide an opportunity for the two - - - . Sunday, Chnstmas SCl\'lces Will be held G W'II' I d ks II • I expected to be present at the Pageant. organizations to become better acquainted Methodiat Church Notes in the Sunday School and church an'd . J Jams as ca cr, as a you!"g pc~p e , . . ,.,·th thel'r van'ous acll·vitl··S, to plan to· I• t' t 7 . I k Th or the church to meet at the pansh butldOn Chnstmas Eve there will be the ' The th tee ves td . \'oungpeopcsmeemga oeoc', 50' gcther on some of thc charitable acti\itics e ch' OIrs 0 f 60 \'OICes will Sunday School will ha\'e as guests ten chil-e.109 pro~pt Iy at 0 ?'I c ockCh' . llstmas E l'C. Annual Cand II'b e- IJ; t rvJce 0 f C ala I now being undertaken and to develop more Sing special Christmas rnu~ic in the Sun- d f th P b t ' 0 h e \ : h Cars wllI be pronded to transport the Singing at 11.00 o'clock, followed by the rp antag 'd"be° ~ingers from home to horne. day morning service at 11 o'dock. The r.elln .romt res I y endan friendship and understanding. I WI smg 0 eth cower epar t men 5 an . I celebration o[ the Holy II] Communion. '11 • t The The evening opened. following the Guest ~o o~t '~!II be Dona~o ~,olafemina, entertained at dinner in the homes of the • • ' I Rev. E. H. Bonsa, r:, WI • asslS . Legion ritual, with Frank R. Morey, Post who wII! SlDg .Ges~ B~mbJDo, by YO? congregation. A spedal offering will be Tnruly Church Notes ,On Christmas Day ther~ Will be a celeCommander, presiding. Following tbis was Tthhe sSen The members of the Junior Church and bration of the Holy Communion at 10.00 k 1,?rbCboKlTh'I:vlll smg T"Thhe Sonblf md received for the Orphanage. In the mornth I h · . f tb A e y, y e mann. e com me. '~h' I th h h t tt D 1'uttl I e regu ar uSlness SCSSlon 0 e ux- Ch' ·U· "Th B'rthd f K' "or~ Ip 0 e c urc a ,r. e o:;tudents o( the Sunday School will present A. 1\1. iJiary, Mrs. J. Paul Brown presiding, and Olrs smg c l a y 0 a m~, preaches another in his scrirs or Advent the Legion Post then had their business by Neld tnge~. The Pastor, Dr. W~)ne sermons which have aroused much interest, sublect, the subject for tomorrow being "The Prince session, with reports from various rom· I mittcc chairmen; Frank N. Smith, George nstmas e in t e eart. : of Peace." The choir numbers will be -,;r "'U' GiJl~spie, Geo.rge Co~ and E?~'~rd Gil-' In the Sunday School session the sCho.j ::.0\11 Hail the \,i~J!!,n's Son" (Dicki~n), lesple, covenng vanous achvltles the lars will bring \"hile gUts I Adore and Be sull (Gounod), and Smg, -----'--. 10 Heavens" (Tours.). Mr. Kneedler will Very c1aborate preparations arc made for \. play "The Holy Xight" (Buck), UChristI the beautiful Candle-Light Pageant on mas in Sicily!! (Yon), and "Grand Offer. ! I Sunday afternoon, at 4.30, the usual eve-. toire ele Noel" (Thayer). The second ning service being omitted. This service! service will IK-gin at 4.45 o'clock, with ..,.. was arranged last year for tbe. first time i boys' a.nd girls' choirs. thc church choir, TO YOU, OUR FRIENDS and at once ensured f-or itself a permanent and organ, 'cello and harp. The full serv- j; place in the Christmas celebration of the ice is found elsewhere in this issue. AND CUSTOMERS ,,' / ; Church. It is a service of simplicity, sweetness and beauty that nevcr loses its A \,oluntcc:r fora: of mothers has rencharm The Church is appropriately dered splendid scn'lce the past week by From the Member. decora'ted for the occasion. The light is an additional dozen robes for the ~I furnished by 100 candles. The procession I boys' and girls' choirs! a.nd I?utting the old fA,/ j J of the children bearlng the lights. the sing- ones. in ord~r. The lD~reaslDg attendance ~ of 1ing of the carols in the dim light of the and Interest ID these chOirs has mad.e neces- j; Holiday Greetings NEW YEAR THE StratLHaven The Inn With Personality Swarthmore 680 Swarthmore, Peana. F. M. SCHEIBLEY Management The Hamilton The Whittier TLe Cbeater Arma Norristown, Pa • 140 North 15th St. 4th'" EdgmODt A ...... Phi"., Pa. Cheater; Pa. OFFICERS JOSEPH E. HAINES, ':reo;den~ EDWARD M. BASSElI, V.ce·Pres.dent NORMAN S. PASSMORE, Secretary ELRIC S. SPROAT, Treasurer DIRECTORS joseph E. Haines Edward M. Howe rd B. Bassett Gr~en Vincent S. Pownall E. Clayton Walton Archer Turner Norman S. PasemOTe J. N. Walter Supplee J. Horace Walter William B. Bullock CANDY The finest of Bon·Bons and Chocolates made by Whitman, and College. All wrapped in boliday packages and with prices ranging from SOc to $2.00 per pound in 1, "~, 3 and S·pound boxes. Maron I 4 · EarlJ DecoratioDS Show New D.·splays (Continued from Po&,e 1) red electrically ligbted candles, set in old- fashioned candleholders. Half way up the center of the building is a large star with blue lights. From this star hangs on either side a laurel chain, spreading forth across the entrance and down to the base. TlJe residence at 318 Dickinson Avcnue is deverly illuminated by green and red ligbts which filler against the house through THE SWARTHMOREAN DECEMBER 21, 1934 sevorallarge Juniper fez. An interior Iight- with bulbs of several colors. Colorful ODd ing effect is Cound at 22? Park Avenue, appropriate window displays are present at where eacb of the front wJndows frames a Supplee's Hardware, Buchner's. the Collarge green 5tar hanging before a can~le. lege Pharmacy, the Hollyhock Shop, and At 3S4 Haverford Avenue a bnghtly Russell's Service Station. To keep the lighted tree was placed where it is visible business district in tune with the omafrom the street. Promising preparations mental .tone of tbe private resi~encest were under way at the corner of Columbia strings of Iigbts are spanned about the and Dartmouth Avenues. A string of small intersections of Dartmouth and Park Aveblue lights made a profile of a well-formed nues, Chester Road and Rutgers Avenue, spruce, located by the residence on Swarth- and along the underpass, producing an atmore Avenue at the foot of Walnut Lane, tractive result. visible to the traffic on Chester Road and Baltimore Pike. Hannum & Waite lighted the display i wing of their garage to good advantage THY. SWARTHMOREAN THE.SWARTHMOREAN .... .. .. Fouaclecl by Robert E. Slaarpl.s 'PUBLISHED EVE1\Y FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE, PA. ANN B. SHARPLES EcfJtor and PUblish,", I -================ I i I· •• i DECEMBER 21, 1934 : ; ) ! '; ; TITUS J. EWIG ,Genera' Man.... Jlor unto us a rltUb is born, untu us a son is Blum; allb tll' gOlJ,rnmrnt allaU br upun lJiB .\IIfDulbtr: anb lJis namr altall br rallrbWanbtrful.Cllouusrllar.mlpdlllglJty recognize it in ,one's own experience. rick, Milton, Bach, Kingsley, Whittier, FIRST CHU~~Hs~iRi~~iE SCIENTIST. ; Su~ly this is not depriving a ('hUd of Christina Rossetti and Dudley Butk. are a Park A\'~nue below Han.ard anything that is valuable to him. It is a few of those contributing to the beautiful 1 ;ure way for him to come to the pteat 1 ;00 A. M.-SundQ School. SWARTHMORE 1234 .It ~ Christmas music since the eighteenth cen- 11 :00 A. M.-Sunday Leason-Sennon. experience of feeling God's love yearning WednHday evenin~ meetlmr each week, 8 , Id • If h tury. p. m. Heedfnl:" room open daily, except SunP. S.-Nature never made, nor haa man discovered _ finer fuel than *fter man since the wor oegan. suc Through the ages the shepherd songs do,.. and holfdaY5, 1 to .: Church ediflce• . ~n unfolding c!tperiencc is gil-en with ~kill, have been an inspiration of the people and le!I~:d u:~~~l1k::;'~t;ct R~:.~und the 8ervt~oroughncss, reverence ~nd ancient form told realistically of the _~bcre ~ little 'I~a~.ger a ~htld \\~n ~oscd.hlS life of these tenders- of sbeep. The luUa- THE RELIGIOUS ;;OClETY OF FRIENDS ~y. Uo~ WI ISd8rGo'od~l?g uln ~r5 ah~ 109 bies have been always common to the SUNDAY of the . n~versc an . s rc atton~ .lp to human racc. Mothers sang, are singing, 9:"5 A. M.-Fint nay Scbool. man within. the. Umversc be ~nously and always will sing, whiie time lasts. 11 :00 A. M.-Mf!t!'ting for Wonb[p In the shaken ~y t~IDgs hke !he drought ?r dcath. The Christmas Lul:abics wil1 always be. I Meetinlt HouH. Could we give our chddren .am·thmJt more While we in the twentieth century arc WEDNESDAY. ORDER NOW AND LEARN MORE ABOUT GOOD flJEL than such an e,;:perience?' , 9:30 A. M. to 2:80 P. M,-S~"-Inc and Quiltt i t ' f' -ru Y sa IS ymg • . . singing our carols, let us remember that ine In Whittier House. Be.. luncheon. M~ny of .the old experlcnces and IDt~rpre- the first Christmas ptaise was of arc-I lations will help, but they cannot ta~e ~he ligious nature, and that, in spite of the _____::A::lI_CO:.:.:.rd:::Ia::I:::IY~ln::.'..:.·I.. ::d=__ _ _ place of such a process o( seU-con\,lDcmg .. 't des 01 )'ca}'s the carol today means . h d 1 t f h'ld's VICISSI U , 1 di . scover?'.1D t e eve opmen 0 a c I fraternity, reverence, for labor. and the own religion. . _ . ~ _ . gos~1 of love. . • I thin~ that .15. \\ hy Mrs. F~h~ bchcv~s 1 A great service to the world IS a heart m rehglOn and I behc\~ that 15 full of song-so may we sing on each why she 15 not only ~uch ~ beautiful per-I! Christmas-tide and through the years to DELICIOUS ICE CREAM FOR THE sonality but a very WlSC gUIde through . the . come. ELIZABETH M. Y. GILCREEST. jumble! "Let the custom of celebrating (he FI'5'-: tival of Nativity and of the Madonna be t in vocal praise as well as in other uttcr-: ance" , said Telespocns (Bishop oi Rome) ,; in 139 A. D. Consequently ~ tbe Clergy and Bishops sang "Angels \Ve Han Heard WISHING YOU I day be sunny, ==:-=-__-----1 So. Chester Road and Yale Avenue AND G. reetlngs EVEing.) our sincere. May the and they, with poets, clergy and the people sang on the streets or in rolling wagons 8 :00 A. It.-Holy. Communion. I Of th· d ' . II.OO.A.M.-Mormng I'rayer and Se elf a ~enture tntermlDgled with t.les ,,00 P. M.-CHRISTMAS PAGEAN.J::0nj,rc-1 of the Chnst. sented by the Junior Church and FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1934 CSrrrliu!ls nf tllr 8ruanu Chnstmas · The members of the local Board of i Review were entertained at dinner on Tues-I day eveniog by. the ne,," rcpreso;· targe, Grant Wmdsor. The resignation of D~. George Sickle was acccJ,lted and Dr.! Wmthrop Wright substituted as rcpre-I sentative from Troop No.3. Elliot Rich-j ardson, Borough secretary', is the new chairman of the Board. I 5 II"Q~"~_~)¥M"~)"J) Boy Seout Board Reorganizes :0 (I... 916) • on High"-the first Christmas carol I This was sung with fen'or and dignity and then for several centuril"S the heart of the churcb spoke sincerely in vocal response. The early Cbristians (social outcasts) danced as ~h~y •sincerely sang their IJraise of Chnst 5 bJrth and celebration. Am~rose made the carol a living thing and mtroduced the AUeluia into Italy' Spain having brought in the organ, Jerom; helped keep the carol singing a custom. Augustme marched into England with forty monks in praise of a dignified Christmas Service, singing as they marched. France }o~ed with Germany, Ru~sia and Holland m Singing "Nowells." CHRISTMAS PIE Serves 6 to 8 $100 ---- Chrislmas Pudding. Clr de lUKe Vanilla Crust with f,esh Strawberry Ice filling. Other Molds are the Yule Log, HoliddY Pudding Christmas Calce, also the Holiday .Anort· men; of Individual Molds and stencilled Cut Brick. 6t08 '100 Please order 05 earl~· as possible from your AbballS Ice Cream Siore or telephone Jane togon, lOMbard 9-400 ABBOTTS DAIRIES, Inc. .~~'-~~~~~~~iii!~iii!_~~~ MARTEL BROS. ,I~~~~~~~~V~~~~~~~~~ :c. ~ I I i p~U~~~~9re II May Peace and Happiness be yours this Christmas Day and throughout the New Year to come. 8 !I' II%tmtt"--- 111' hft* W.~ ~ Shoe the first in our hearts. And it is the last holiday of the year • • • is the day we welcome moat because of the e closed Chri-., December 25. Opea late Frida,.. Satarda,. ..... Mo.....,. to sene .......m.. II .• ~ . THE SWARTHMOREAN 8 OECEMBER 21, 1934 DECEMBER 21,1934 THe CLASSIFIED At State C. of C. SeuiOD FOR RENT .·OR RENT-Room with bath or bacbelor .panment. n&ow. Adult raml!y. Can Swarthmore FOR RENT-SmaH apartment on the HOI Apply to Albert N. Garrett. Swarthmo~ -489 or Penn)'P8eker .cCt2. __~~~~F~ORSALE SWARTHMOREAN 9 ULVERSTON SCHOOL MARCHES FORWARD Placed on Aecredited List;, Property Title to U1veraton Hall and the "Gables" OUR STORES WILL BE OPEN LATE FRIDAY. SATURDAy .... CIlRISTMAS EVE DON'T FORGET ••• The Ulverston School celebrated the dosFOR SALE-1933 Chevro~et coach. Perr~t condition. Can Swarthmore 602~ W or 2070. ing of the second six-week period of its LOST-Gray Imd white Penian eat. CIlII Swarthmore 333. ORDER YOUR ·PILGRIM- TURIram p•• 5c ~ 6~~.~f:I!n~~f! !~~&~ ~ oo::::: BW::::""'.', ;':..2Otlr.21.. 2Zad. n-...... ...tZ4th 10 THE SWARTHMOREAJI DECEMBER 21,1934 ~=-:-:==-'=--:-c::-=-:--=-:---,---------:-:-.,-----:---:-----:--=-==-=--:.:-=-::::.:..::...:~~~~~-=-:;--;;;:;;::-~~~-;;;:::;::--=-.;-~~-----_______ _ BOROUGH HAD SEVEN FIRES LASTWEEK Frank Terrells Injured at Flnt of Three Fires on Thunday; Three on Friday, One Saturday TtJe Jocal Fire Company was kcpt on the jUtDp last week, in one instance receiving two alarms at once. The commotion began on Thursday at 12.50, P. M., when the firemen were called to a field fire at 114 Yale Avenue, and \\'as closel» followed b~· another field fire at 1 P. M., on Walnut Lane. While assisting at the first fire, Frank Terrells, of Villa: nova Avenue, received injuries and bruise~ to the muscles of one of his legs when it was caught between a fire engine and a buildhlg, which necessitated his not using the leg for sc\'eral days. After a brief respite the men were called upon to extinguish a blaze in a play house at the home of Mrs. William Sproul Lewis, 397 Swarthmore Avenue, after sc\'eral small children playing in the house had built a fire in it. Fortunately the children were able to make an exit before the firc gained headway. Although thc morning was quiet, the afternoon of Friday scored the same as that of the J>revious day with three fires. The first, a field fire on Vas-"3r Avenue, occurred at 2 P. M. At 4.30 two simul. taneous alarms came in, one from a field fire at Swarthmore Awnue and the Rail. road and the other from the home of Mrs. Charles DeHart Brower, of 140 Guernsey Road, where an oil burner had flooded and caused a little excitement but no damage. After hearing alarms all durin~ the night in their sleep, the fire fighters were probably !:urpriscd when Saturday offered hut one outlet for their energies in this direction. The lone fire on Saturday was at 11 A. M .. in a field on Park Avenue. The fi~'e field fires which formed so major a part of last week's fire program were due no doubt to the dry and windy weather conditions. that, songs' of childhood, with homecoming and whenever purchases are to be made, musicians of Philadelphia, Miss Blanche reunions, with love and good-will to aU jf any dealer in Swarthmore sells such. Hubbard. harpist, and Miss Irene Hubbard, men. material, that they be asked for prices. 'ceUist, both of whom have had exceptional That first Christmas d3y at Bethlehem furthermore, tbat. should the price be on training in this country and abroad u~der is the beginning-which shall never end- a par with otber bids, that the award of some of the famous teachers of the hme, of all that is blessed and true and holy I' such purchases be made to the Swarthmore and who ~a":.e won wide recognition in t~ in human life. More and more, as time dealer.'" general dlStnct by the excellence of thelf gOtS on. it is filling the earth with light, Council directed the secretary, Elliott ""or.k in C?Dcert and church engagements. This shall go on from glory unto glory, Richardson, to rept,.' to the letter, stating I It IS possible .for the. ~hurch t~ secure. until hearts of men ~hall feel the power that this had alwa).'s been the policy of,' from ~Ime to ~I~e, mUSICians or smgers. of of righteousness and truth and love, and Council and would continue as their policy. exceptIonal ability, through the generoSlty respond to the angels' song, j'Glory to of the late Mrs. William Plumer Pott~r, God in the hi~hest, peacc on earth and who beq~eathed the ~hur~h a substantIal ~ood will to men." POlt OfIice Open Late I sum, the mcome of which IS to be used for Shine through the ages, star of Bethlehem, Tomorrow the enric~ment o.f the musi~ of.the ~rvices. FiJI with thy light the longing hearts of "'or the convcnience of Christmas The servIce begms at 4.4,) wIth tnos by. men; mailers and in an effort to avoid as organ, 'cello and harp. At 5 the procesSweeten all life where human fret have 1 much as possible of the last minute sional of the choirs will open the order of trod, rush, thc Swarthmore Post Office worship. Mr. Kneedler begins the organ And light with love the pathway up to will be open until 7 P. M. tomorworship with "March of the Magi Kings" God. row, Saturday, December 22. Also, (Dubois), followed by organ, harp and SHADE SIMMONDS. 'ceHo trios, "Melodie" (Charpentier), - - -....- - if you will notice, there arc now two "Gesu Bambino" (Yon) and "The Bells" separate mailing slots inside the Post (Debussy). The boys' choir will sing for Office, one for mail going out of town, and the other for local mail. a response, "Away in a Manser" (Luther), If met with the co-operation of the public, these conveniences should do much toward lightening the work of (Cuntillut'd (l'OIn Page 1) cveryone concerned and ensuring greater efficiency in the end. I I I Council Approves Budget For 1935 EVERY SHAMPOO A SCALP TREATM£NT CO-ED BEAUTY SALON 409 DARTMOUTH AVENUE Swarthmore 595 lp : ,4S SANTA and SEARS Co-Operate ELGIN REDBIRD BICYCLES $22.95 ~iIIM~~~~~_ FOR XMAS GIFTS plQteAt this so hoty season of the year Does it not come with consecrating grace, ThiS prayer of \Vordsworth our high poet-seer! Love that makes brothers of all men on earth, The child-sweet love that lives and cal1not fail. Warm as the flre that home-hearth, Pure as the ~now that \·ale. $5.00 Down $5.00 Monthly Ccuh Price Plus Small Carrying Charge See Our Selections of Diamond. Watches Jewelry Silverware Toilet Sets Leather Good •• etc: Parker Fountain p""" Shick Dry Shave Yea. sh'o Santa and Sears arc cooperating in brinl'ln.. you this outstandin. value. Make YOUR boy the happlnt boy in the nel,.hborhood-buy him oae of then beauUeat It i. the alft of ..lfts for the boy. You can .lao &et the Elaln Redbird Bike in girls' model.. too. Deep in the treasury of the tranquil mind, o friends, ye of sweet faith and hope elate, Let 10\'e this gracious day be firm enshrined And envy barred' fore\'er from the gate, So shall you build the temple that endures And Yule·tide·s s,:oldcn lX'ace be richly yours. ]. R. H. Sitt~:w~Y the open fire, embers burning Cast their weird shadows with the fading glow. Dolly resting on my arm, how I lo\'e you -, rM¥~l¥~¥ftl~~"'~~"~¥~~'C~ SPEAK AT COLLEGE TAKE FIRSlPRIZE : ber 6, 1934, and which we believe will be 'of interest to our readers: January Production of Playen i Hollyhock Shop, A. &: P: and "It sounds monotonous to say that the H. P: Uvenidge Expected to Hitchcock Diaplay Fira'l; McCabe-, Club BrU,p Much New Local I Suplee's Store Win 1st, 2nd present Governor. Dr. Pearson is the best Speak Month After A: C: MorSecond; Brower, .Third, in Talent to the Fore 'and 3rd Prizes Respectively American Governor ",nt to these islands gan's Address on Jan: 13 Home Decorating Contest ____ since the change of !:overeignty. It is unHaving at hand an excellent research: The victorious competitors in the Busi. necessary to state it, becaul'SC it is a fact Arthur E. Morgan, chairman of the The holiday di!.IJlays in the residenti!l laboratory in the persons of her own chil-I ness Section of the Brilliant Christmas Dec. too well known to the people of the Virgin Tennes..c:ce Valley Authority, will speak on section of Swarthmore werc jud~ed this drcn, Aurania Rouverol has simply trans. j orating: Contest arc: The HolI\'hock Gift Islands. The agitation against the Gover. some related subject in Clothicr Memorial, week by Charle~ IJ. Mitchell, Titus J. lated w~at she saw in her own home to: Shop, first prize, $5.00 cash, ~d~en by the nor is not due to incompetcncf.", nor to at 8 o'clock Sunda)' cveninJ!, January !J, EwiR and Geor~e W. Casey. ,the medium of the stage. where all could Business Association; thr A. & P. Store,' lack of interest in the welfare of the under the auspices of Cooper Foundation. Three IIfizcs were awarded to as many enjoy and sympathize with the fun and Isecond prize, $5.00 in ad\'ertising ~iven, by people-it is purely party politics. Some As a complement to this talk which pTob- triumphant rontl':otants in ,this branch,- by 'tribulations of seeing her children safely! the SWARTUMOREAS, and Suplee's Store, t persons belie\'c that with a democratic ably will be delh'ered from the viewpoint the Swarthmore Business AssOciation in ,third IJrize, a box of chocolates, Anon-; administration must come a democratic of a worker with the T. V, A., the co-operation with the Delaware Coonty through adoles::ence. The best quality of "Growing Pains" is ymous. The College Pharmacy received governor. What do we care if our gover- Foundation has announced that ,the public Chamber of Commerce. its absolute fidelity to me, not only in its I honorable mention. ~ nor is democrat, Ct.'publicnn or socialist, if utilities cxecuth'e, Horace Preston Liver- • Xed Hitthcock, of 511 '~orlh Chesler situations, but in its dialogue. This is an I The t\\'o windows of the HoJlyhock 1 he would work for the uplift of the people ~idge, will also make an address earh' in Road, won the first prize, $10,00 in cash, especially noteworthy accomplishment bc_1Shop, on Park Avenue, were decorated: of the Virgin blands. Party. politics is February, . with a symphony in blue. The silhouettes Mr. Morgan, aside from his connection of the Three Wise Men before a ,blue cause it is so difficult for most grown pcr- with poinEettia, winter gardens and gift 1 based upon :clfishness-they wt1~ tell you sons to put themselvcs understandin~ly suggestions. with large illuminated red th~t the spoils belong to the victor. In with the government project which was lighted background supplied the nu'deus of into the shoes of their growing children paper stars and a blue glass star casting thiS remote corner of the globe the n:en made last year, has had a full career in this display. and to appreciate and fccl their emotions. their rays from above. When informed chosen to rule o"er ~he col~r~>d population the fields of engineering education. He Thomas B. McCabe, 01 607··Nortb ChesYet, not since the Players Club presented that her display had won fust prize, Mrs. should ~e of the nl!ht SPlnl: Gove~or has planned and supervised the con~truc. ter Road, just a few houses ,fart.her than ~'Scventcen," a1most ten years ago, has a Wyeth said that she would use the money Pearson IS a man whose hea~t IS filled w~tb tion of scventy-five watcr control projects the Hitchcock residence, came of[ with the play of youth been ~ffered that has been ~o provide coal for a worthy local fam- ~ympath~' for t~e poor-:-he 15 so much like throughout the country. honors of having, in the jt.dQes· estimation, truly and sympathetically written. IIy. our Presldent \\ho ha~ mc~rred the .hat~ed In the legislath'e side of public engi. the second best seasonal display in the On Christmas Evc, Mrs. \Vveth placed of the wealthy class In hiS determmahon neering Mr. Mor~an has also been very Borou~h. The two finely formed bees, It is interesting: to note in this connec~ in the window a scene of the Nativity por- to see be 'j.!;iven h the khungry one on either side of the door\vay, were tion that the same player who portraycd I that h I food h b d acth.·e, trayed by clay figures of the shepherd! and pcop e, t at cot es e given t e na cd an At present he is president of the Dayton trimmed with many colored lights and in Baxter in Booth Tarkington's "Seventeen" h k . h t ath .....or' be pro\'lded dfor t edunemployed. when it was given ten years ago, is play- other characters around the Babe in the S h d Morgan Engineering Company, an office each window of the houSi! ih~re was a uc men are ,:::reat an gran, I ey stan which he has held since 1915 i and last light. The second prize is $5.00 cash. ing the corresponding; 'rale in "Growing manger. Across the street from the Hollyhock out from among the itthis year he resigned as president of Antioch Charles DeHart Brower, Jr., of J40 Pains," when it appears from January 8 h I crowd h Ibecause II . . ~. Shop, the A. & P. window, filled with an uman nature to or~et t e e ow at e College to accept the ,government post with Guernsey Road, is the winner of the third untIl January 12, mcluslVe, at the Swarth- ~ppe t'Izmg . array 0 f h0 liday comest'bl foot more Players Club. I cs was . ,of the ladder when we succeed in the T. V. A. Beside being member and prize, $2.50. A particularly flOe display of . . hRhtcd by one green and one red lamp, ch~bmg to the officer of many engineering, scientific and red flood lighting playing across' a pool and It would be difficult to. enlISt a cast of I with a red candle in a wreath, flickering I • A~ for the \ ugm Isl~nds, the more. re- educational societies, Mr. Morgan is also focussed on the house front captured the ~went}'.,,, su~h as IS calle~ for by I on and off in the center, I sponslble peop!~ are not In the fight agamst an author of many \":,ork, including con. prize fer Mr. Bro\\'cr, who al!io had an . __ , _ tributions to the Encyclopedia Brittanirt. added attraction in a small trimmed tree Growmg Pams. Without uncovermg some I Suplee's Store windows contained t?}'s the Governor. new. talent. F1fteen of the cast are ap- I and household gifts, with a Merry Chnst. and numerous magazines. on the front lawn and windO\\t lights. --::~••c-::--. , peanng on th':, stage of the Players Club' mas and a Happy New Year strung across The view opposing that of governmcnt Cards for Shut-Ins (or the fir~t time. Many of. that fifteen! the background. In the window of the control of certain realms of business-that arc appearmg for the first time on any, door was a chimney with a de\'er aUachof the public utilities commi5!'iion-wUI As in former \'ears 'the SWARTMOREAS stage. ment which caused Santa Claus to come 'I preSumably be preSented by Mr. Li\rersidJ;:e will be glad to ~ceive any cards which ~he fivc players, who carry the liP out of the chimney whenever the door the following month. This prominent you may ha\'e, td hc uSel:..l' for shut·jm;, • ---• th Philadelphian hns been vice-presidcnt and major actIOn of the comedy are well known, was opened. and tho!<> in state in!titutioiis,-hi •. DECEMBER 38, 1934 --THiSWARTHMOR£AN'~~~~T.rl~~~~~~~17.~THE~';,SW~AR~~~~REAN~~~ __________________________________~3 ~ Inst. T~'f 1915-21; pres. Swarthmore Ulf we will allow the 'consumer concept' F.~~ .,. R.....t PU , 'THE GAY DIVORCEE' Micla.i ....t Show New Yeu'. Eve SHIRLEY TEMPLE -in- "BRIGHT EYES" The and Employeea of the Boyd Theatre Wish fhe People of Swarthmore a Happy and Pros. perous New Year Media Theatre Friday and Saturday CHESTER Friday. Saturday, Monelay DICK POWELL RUBY KEELER "FlJRTATION WALK" Starlin.. Mldnirbt Show New Year'a Eve WILLIAM POWELL MYRNA LOY "EVELYN PRENTICE" JIMMY DURANTE CHARLES BUTTERWORTH &murtltmnrt 19c Ih.. Ib IINI';·9 Chl-clcens F....(4M;lk-Fod Ib29c lb •• ..,.r.g.) Ib21c Duclclings T~~~~Is~~~P to (Over ... HAMS 9th & SPROUL STREETS CHESTER, PA. Saturday, December 29th !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dried Beef GASH-STULL COMPANY CHESTER, PA. LONGER, WIDER, ROOMIER, WITH DISTINCTIVE BODY UNES AND A NEW IDEA IN MOTOR CAR COMFORT for the election of directors and such ot er USlness as m . come before the meeting. will be held at the banking house hln Y 8 1935 • between t e Swarthmore. Pa.• on Tues d ay. Januar. Casbier. L-_------J 2 11 "'27c cao" B .......... Drom.edarv allo Sparkling Wat.r and Alit. Soda. (plul bot d.Posit) EAGLE SUNDINE Grapefrui~Juic. 2 .... 19c Condenled Milk ca.19c SUNDINE SP'ARKLE GELATIN DESSERT &. Choc. Pudding - Orange Juice 2 elnl 2Sc GrapeJuice tl:tl,SC b':!t 2 8e Olives ior 13<, 19c, 29c Salad Dressing - ~~~. 17c Borden's Cheese ~~: ISc BORDEN'S MASASCHINO Cream Cheese 3 . . . pkg 8c Cherries ---------Tomato Juice CMlPBELL'S 3':'-:: 19c BRANDS C.,••• $1 20· .C •Igareites POPULA.R (2 .... 25<) ,o.k.. • · WIn95 or M lIrve I5 - c."•• 9'"..rC . JO pk.. Finest Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! Calif. Lemons • doz 25c 3 for 10C G rapel'rUh; JUICY FLORIDA Si••) JUICY FLORIDA 29C O ranges Si,.) doz Celery Hearts or Stallcs 2 for 25c r.... (80 (.76 Limes Thin-Skin d•• 29c Bananas Gltl~:· 4 lb. 21e Calif. Carrots - bunch Sc I Apples D.~::-u, 410. 2Sc Grapes 'i~::~': 2 lb.• 29c Tomatoes ~'f':;':: 2 Ib, 29 c •••••• FLOUR- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST. ofo' SWARTHMORE Park A,·cnue !xolow lInr,·aru : 11 :00 A. M.-Sunday SchooL j 11 :00 A. M.-Sunday lAsson Sermon. Woonesday evening meeting each week, S p. m. Reading room open daily. except Sun4 I I I days and holidays, 1 to 4; Church edlflce. All are cordia1ly indtE'd to attend the llentices and use the Reading Room_ SUNDAY 9 :-15 A. M.-First Day Sehool. • 11 :00 A. H.-Meeting (or Worship Meeting House. in the . lVEDNESDAY : 9 :30 A. M. tono 2 :30 P. M.-Sewing and Quilting in Whittier House. Box lun~heon. . 1 All Cordially Invited lb _ bag 5- 47c\ PURE REFINED 29 C (l2· 1b bog S9c) 2 lb. 27c 111111 ....1. PHILLIPS "DELICIOUS" Spaghetti ,.IS6-ozI9c W~!~~2~~' cre.m . . cans c~ee.e 1IIIII 111111 ITuna Fish This i. 80 'xc.pHonal Va ue at This Low P'fC.! ~:h~:~::t ~~~~e I IOc . .111 •• 111111 3 1 23c String Beans lana 3 No. 220C Prunes SANTA CLARA (40.50 Siz.) I I Soap' 1> 0 III••• IIIIII cans 111111 OCTAGON LAUNDRY 6 111111 giant cokes :::-"8'0.) - Raisin Bread - ....t!'i'. ~ Jr~~ ~~!n~~~.~~~~~ Theae Drl~ efl'ecdu i SwarUtmore I 2S C., I ~--~~---------SPecially Priced.Fot' Friday and Saturday! GRAHDMOT.HER'S-Plain or Iced :I =T':H=-E':'::R:'E=-Lo-l=:G=I::O=U::S-S:::O:::C:::I=E=TY;;;--::O:;F;-;f' =R;;I;;E:;:N;;D;;;'S _ I 1b 21 C 5-bag LARD ;4.5-VE':;PERS. _ C.reloia, Gold Medal or Pillsbury'. "B•• t" {12-lb hg lo·ao-nible St'hoo!. 11 :OO-Mornim: Wotship. The Pastor preachl'S • the flrth in the $t'rics of Advent sermons: Livin~ the Chl'i!llmns Fact. 2 :-15 and S :OO-Doys' and Gir:s'. C~oirs •. Christmas music. :J Choirs-60 the repetition or some or the Vou are cordially in"ited to IShnre our joyous worship. Family lind Putry V.ri.tin SunnyJield Brand SUNDAY : Se RAJ o\.H-(80oz jar lod ALL VAR1ET)ES 00 -15 DO 00 i ,kg ENCORE STUFFED A&P PURE ~I. SWARTHMORE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH ; REV. WAYNE CHANNELL, D. D. 1 Pa.'1tor 9 :45 A. M.-Sunday School. .. I 11 :00 A. M.-"The Fasl'nce or the Gospel. j" :00 P. N.-Epworth League. 7 :4.5 P. M.-Bright, attractive sen'ice with 19c Ib GrNGERALE3b~~s25C II 4 ·eO-Pastor's Clus in the Chrlstlsn Life. Ch-ristrnas mus!c Church Choir, Hoyti' and Girls Chona. 'j" :OO-YOUNG PEOPLE; Roy McCorkle, Yale Divinity School I'peeial sp('aker. THURSDAY 8:00-Young Woman's Guild. ISc ¥.I-I. Suggestions For The New Yea~'s Holiday! SWARTIIMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCU Rev. John Ellen' 'ruttle. Minister hours of three and five o' clock P. M. ELRIC S. SPROAT, (5••,. SHcod) C ran b arry S auee THE I 9c Choice Skinless Fillets Ib 17c .. Select Oysters d•• ISc Fresh Croakers CI"!'.1.'.':l! ~'ed Ib 10e A. M.-Ho~y Communion. A. M.-Sunday School. A. M.-Junlor Cburcb. A. M.-Mornln~ Praller and Sermon. NEW YEAR'S DAY S :00 A, M.-lIol:r Communion. S 9 10 11 lbe Canadian No_ I Smelts CHURCH NEWS ANNUAL MEETING National Bank and Trust Company. Swarthmore. Pa .• more h b . ay 2 111.11 - The Annual Meeting of the stockholders of the Swarth- (Whol. or Shlnk H.lf) ROLLED VEAL ROAST Bon.r... Ib 19c FOREQUARTER LAMB (S~3~T) "' 14c Chuck Roast B.ef Ib ISc .. Pork Sausage P.,. Ib 27c I m Small Long·Cut Sauer Kraut OLIVER H. BAIR C'? I FUN~~~~.,~~~.~:; ORSI. RIT.1581 • RACE 23<) -=------- ROASTING FEVER. DEPENDABLE SERVICE Ib31C TURKEYSILGR~. o Fred: Aatalre Contlnuoua Monday from 7.00 P. M. to 2.30 A. M. Show Statta 12.01 A.. M. Continuous New Year-. Day at 1.30 Finest Quality Meats at A&P Markets! TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Epi$t'opal Chester Road and CoUege Avenue Re-cl("lr: Rev • .1. Jarden Guenther. S. T. )1. THE NEW FORD V-B FOR 1935 Cheater Pike at Prospect Park "GENTLEMEN ARE BORN" II The Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company We invite you to see C"nf"lnu"u. from 1.30 to 11 P. M. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY By 1:-.1 A • A TRAVELERS ACCIDENT POllCY may now be had that wi1l pay all Medical. charges be.ide. a weekly disability payment. of the b~.t at very reasonable ratea. "THE MERRY MONDAY and TUEIDAY II o MAURICE CHEVALIER JEANETTE M:sc::DONALD "365 NIGHTS IN HOLLYWOOD" (A) --.-- Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday NEW YEAR'S EVE ONLY NEW YEAR'S SHOW genhe,m. Memonal FountJ:'hon SlDee 1.925; meDt will give us the opportunitY--C, son of Mr. and Mrs. I party on Wednesday. a director of the Standard Vacuum Oil E. C. Lappe, of Park Avenue, has suffered Mrs. C. A. Buntin~, of College Avenue, Company.· of New York City. a relapse after he was thought to be on with her daughters, Miss Edith and Miss --Mr." and Mrs. Claude C. Smith and the road to recovery from a severe case of Isabel Bunting left yesterday for Miami, influenta. .iamil)·, of .Baltimore Pike, Swarthmore, arc Fla., where they will spend the ne:"(t two enj9ying the Christmas hoJidays at the Miss Eleanor Hayes, of Boston, Mass., weeks. Inn at Buck Hill Falls, Pa. is spending the holidays with her parents, Dr. Tom R. Gamma~e, of l\iiami, Fla .. Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Haycs, of Elm Dick Cross. of Princeton Avenue, a stu- Avenue. announces the association in medicine and dent at Fishburn· Military College, Va., surgery, of Dr. Robert H. Farringer, son has arrived to spend thc holidays with Mr. and ~frs. Colfax Markham, of of Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Farringer, of South his parents, Dr. and Mrs. George H. Cross. Washington, D. C., arc spending the holi- Harvard Avenue. . Miss Margaret Little, a student at Sar- days with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Richmond D. Fethcrolf, of Pierce-Ellis g:ent School, is spending the holidays ~vith Park Avenue. A marriaf,te of widespread interest was I her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph V. Little. solemnized in the Swarthmore Presbyterian of Park A,·cnue. Mr. Charles Wilc~x, of Pittshurgh, --Church on Saturday evening at 8.30 Dr ... and 1\Irs. George H. Cross, of arrh'ed on Saturday to spend the holidays with his son-in-la,W" and daughter, Mr. Princeton Avenue, entertained about sixdaughterwhen of Dr. \Viltiam T. ElIis and Ellis, Mrs'j Miss Margaret Ame1ia and Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert, of Park Ave- o'clock, teen relati\"es at dinner on Christmas Day. Ellis, or Walnut Lane, Swarthmore. nue. became the bride of Edward Everett Pierce, I Miss Barbara Campbell, of Wenonah, Jr., of Bath, Maine. The ceremony was Mrs. Robert Spiller was co·hostess with X. J., arrind last week 4end to spend the Mrs. E. L. Hunt, of Elm Avenue, at the performed by the Rev. John Ellery Tuttle, holidays with fICr grandmother, Mrs. Edgar home of the latter on \Vednesday, Decem- D. D., pastor of the church. Campbell, of Princeton A\'enue. The bride, who \""as given in marriage ber 19th, when the guests were the other members of their sewing club. Christmas by her father, Dr. Ellis, was attended by Miss Marian AUen, of Lansdowne, as maid car01s were sung. of honor. The bridesmaids were: Miss Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Told, of Park Mary Sturdevant, of FrankCord, and Miss THEATRE Avenue, have as their guests over the holi- Eleanor MacKinnon, of. York. (F., . NOW PLAYlNa The bride's matrons were: Mrs. How."HAPPINESS AHEAD" ard Marshall, of \Vashington, D. C., and sTH .. WELSH STS. DICK POWELL Mrs. MacKinnon Ellis, of Bryn Mawr. Pa. JOSEPHINE HUTCHINSON CHESTER 4711 THEATRE Henry Dean, of Braintree, Mass., acted as NEW YEAR'S SHOW Cheater'a Moat Distinctive Theatre best man for the groom. College SlDee 1921. Am. see. to Rhndes to dominate business with the emphasis trustees since 1918; 1ru5lee Carnegie 'on- Eo S"..Ie. KED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTH!ORE.,. PA. c I I II - 4 WOMEN MASTERING WOODWORKING ART DECEMBER 28, 1934 Santa Claus was Impersonated by Mr. Grant Windsor. wbo acted the part perOn New Year's Day there will be a All tbe guests at the Swartbmore had a fectly. Immediately after arriving. be ad. celebration of the Holy Communion at very enjoyable time on Christmas Eve at dressed a to M.... Ellen K. Brew. 8 A. M. a party in tbe lobby of tbe apartment ster, who greeting was in the audience and who o house. is probably the oldest woman living in Methodist Church Notes Tbe party began at 6.30 P. M.• witb a Swarthmore. After this greeting. Santa The service on Sunday night at 7.45 group of children trained by Mr. and distnDuted the gifts. whicb had all been will be made attractive with the presence Mrs. W. W. McCall, who sang USanta tastefully wrapped in cellophane by Mrs. of the three choirs of the church and the Claus Is Coming to Town," while they D. Reed Geer. repetition of some of the choice Christmas marched through the lower corridors and the singing of "Jingle BeUs/' Santa into the lobby, where a Christmas tree leftWith tbe bouse to make his other calls of had been prepared for them. the evening, and the party cnded. • Party at Meeting House Everyone prescnt then joined in singing Everyone voted the party a success which "0 Come, All Ye Faithful," led by Mr. was due in no small part to the hostesses, McCaJl with Mr. I. P. Davis at tbe piano who made it a point to call on those in the and Mr. F. J. Tucker, Jr., accompanying house who were ncw arrivals in the Swarthon the banjo. more and extend tbem personal invitations An outstanding feature was the nelt to attend, and who introduced them to the number, a duet, "0 Holy Night," which other guests of thc hous.e during the evewas sung beautifully by Mrs. F. J. Tucker, ning. Mrs. William S. Campbell. Mrs. Jr. ,and Mrs. George Plowman . H. W. Olcott, Jr., Mrs. James 1\:1. Symes After another carol in which everyone and Mrs. Robert S. Wick actcd as hostjoined, Mrs. Plowman held aU the chUesses. dren spellbound with her reading of "The ---+--Night Before Christmas,u and after this a At State Convention quartette composed of Mrs. Tucker and Mrs. Plowman and Messrs. Davis and I Roland L. Eaton, \'ice-president of the Plowman, rendered two familiar carols. I Swarthmore School Board, is in Harris\Vhile everyone was singing the chorus burg attending the Annual State Conven. of "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town," old tion of the Pennsyh'ania State Education Santa Claus popped in with two large bags Association, bcing held Wednesday, Thursof gifts for all the children in the house. day and Friday of this week. I o More Christmas Seal Money Needed THE SEASON'S GREETING TO YOU AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR DECEMBER 28, 1934 .. THE SWARTHMOREAN CLASSIFIED Many Aid in Char- itable Christmas FURNITURE RESTORING Study Re.~ts of Eclipse Photos "Send for Harley-You'll Not Be SOlT7' GREEN'S COAL SERVICE UPHOLSTERING Alumni Club Meets Here Call Swarthmore 1441 and vice· president of the college. Dr. Miller .successfully phot~graphed seven total echpses of the sun 10 1900" 1905, 1918, 1925, 1926 and 1929, the two latter efforts being in Sumatra. Professor ~o~ W. Milrriot~, of S~\'arthmore! is work109 10 col~a~oratIon .wlth Dr. MIl~er. In addition to Its research mto the eclip;;e ~ndi~gs, the Sproul Observatory .is contlOulng Its parallax program begun In 1913 to d\!termine the distance of stars from the sun and the proper motion of stars. The monthh· mectinrr of the Delaware County Alum~i Club,o:.of the University of Penns\'lvania was held at the Harvard Tea-room in S~\'arthmore Tuesday evening. ' The club was much honored by the presence of Dr. Cornelius Weygandt, professor of English at the University and well-known author. Dr. Weygandt spoke on the culture of the Pennsylvania Dutch. The next meeting of the Alumni Club will be held Janual'}' 8. Robert Decker, trustee of the University of Pennsylvania and prominent lawyer in Philadelphia, will ALL LINES OF INSURANCE INCLUDING LIFE sw. OLO BANK BUILDINC 1833 for their co·operation and good will in 1934 and look forward MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON to a New Year of success, happiness and prosperity for all m 1935. JOSEPH E. QUINBY ERNEST C. SNODGRASS, ASS'T. •• - .. - BELL PHONE 4 MEDIA, PA. ,".".' M. BARNES. ·Manager A. & P. STORE FUNERAL DlRECfORS . 3 PARK AVENUE EsTATE OF }"REDERICK W. PATERSON. OEC·D• LetteJ'lJ of Administration on the above estate have been granted to the undertlhrned. who reqUllIIts an pel80ns ha\·lng elaimA or demand Bgainat the estate of the decedent to make known the eame. and aU pel':1_ons Indebted to the decedent to make payment. without delay, to EZRA D. MERRIAM, 280 Swarthmore Ave.. Or to hlA Attorney. , JOHN E. GENSEMER. Swarihmore. Pa. . 1612 Market St•• Philadelphia. Pa. 12-7-Gt tatate of LOUIS COLE EMMONS, deceased. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the above Estate bave been granted ~ the undeniKned, who t'eqUE!lJts all persons having claims or demands against the ·Estate of tbe decedent to make knoYo'n the same. and aU persona indebted to the decedent to make payment. witbout deJay. to . ALICE LEMON '~MONS. ExecutriX. Riverview Farms. Swarthmore, Penna. * * * * * What to do with your Xmas Money Or to her AttorntW: CLAUDE C. SMITH. Esq., 1617 Land Title Bldg.. S. W. Cor. Broad &: Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. 11-SD-ST Ueittet SAFETY FI RST ! Opportunity to win $500 in cash and a travel allowance 01 $ZOO to Washington is Ojfi'rs These Sliggestions Start an AII·Electric Kitchen. Your Christmas money will make a down payment on an A HAPPY. HEALTHY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL. Penncrest'. pure milk win bring you added health and happine.. this year. Our service men will continue . to serve you promptly and politely. p[~ N(I 25c La France 15c Clorox ,,,," 5c, 10c I;,,· C/nll'k Fla kes 2 1'1,05 25c neckitt's Blue \I'ron ~Hntl RUMFORD S-u~ IBa k·I ng P ower d '_ _ _ _ _ _-=-_~=I~ /. P, ~ua It,V, __ I ______ f l Oll tn:. _ _ _- " '_ _ or t _ :'.'an Ie llCtV }' , ear'8 Festival I Tu r keys _ Ih ~:-_-:_:_- noT 17c 32c «fin F res h K'II d F ancYt PIU- - - - - 1 e, mp I 1:;' Ii! ~ ~ TIle (Iu.tllt~ of tho· TUI1.C'\'" IS \«1\ fUll'-.h,· :lle Ih,' • l'II'~ ll1 Lhe f10( I~.· FaCnCYhFreO.sCh 19 Due kl.Ings _ S d ntewsing Kkil ee Fancy Fresh Killed Stewing Ch.·ckens C (I I II lit. t.. I ! :Tb t:1 ~~ c 31 Tb Tb 23 c Fai1cy Celery-Fed Lean Fresh Rib End · I ns Pork Lo "'p 10 3 1 .: lb~) I'U Tb /1'11 t,~ :P.! Ills) -lt lL~~1 Ill .... I 21 _ _..2 C l8c 220 II> lb. 29. Ih Ib 29c 22c Crisp Southern II II I 3 Tbs 25c 4 for 19c I:xtra I'.lII('\Large Stayr~,al1 Winesap App!es Ih 5c : doz 29c doz 17c Sweet Juicy Tree-Rir-: :on F!orida O,angc3 lmnch 10c Cauliflower h .,<1 17c/Ce:ery Hearts 2 lb. 5c Hard Cabbage 3 lb. 5c Tender Turnips No.1 Yellow Globe Crisp California Onions 5-~~g 19c Carrots 2 bunches lSc Eighteen Thousand lISCO Employes Wish You , ~ A Happy, Prosperous New Year rl _ _ I_ 'rhos" Prices Etrce'.'·" in Our S(ores and" iZIl'....-"'-........~ I ~ Meat l\tarkets I!.\ Swarthmore nnd Vicinity. I I I, i' -- I • 2 ~~n; 25c 1.:'1'l!'e Thin Skin Crapefruit NINTH & SPROUL STREETS Chester 4484 Sard .• n e s 2 ISc Corn Spin~ch C. R. LOUGHEAD, INC. THE BELL TELEPHONE ~au((. I Garden-Fresh Fruits and Vegetables inspect any and all appliances without obligation. ", r IT tHllatu Roasts 1 Standing Rib II> 14c l Thick End Rib Beef Liver COAL PONTIAC PRESENTS any of the larger home appliances or purd'asc ]0 I ) . Bolar or Cross Cut VAN ALEN BROS. HERE TOMORROW A modest sum will make the down payment on 6c 9c hi =-:1' 10c Calif. Loin End of Fresh Pork '~~-=-~~~-~-~=~-=~~- year 'round, , , in new hours added to each day, outright one of the many 10 RIO " In Ihe ~ton l'rt't! meet- Gim!rr undl'r I!e drlUJll .. I:tml'.... too .Imu .. iu!! to roh 01 It ... punch b\ Iclhn!!;, .mrl he eh I'l'" her : hlthcr and )on in a lrantll \'Ilorl to dlilch -- hI": 10 H 3 tlls 100 Center Cuts II> 29c I Sauer Kraut doz 15c Fresh Select Oysters '''I.en' d, II> 130 Fresh Fillets Genuine Haddock Cooked, Peeled Fresh Shrimp '12 II> 170 Corn-Fed Beef Ib, 15. ( Lean Chuck BUCHNER'S THA T CHRISTMAS MONEY, that precious S;r;e- WllOleso me f1avOf 14c lISCO Maine Crushed , l;~ :""1 ~li ... thll.'\IlU~, t/et1t 'tounl alj0t/mad PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY ~ I I A n gel F 0 0 d C ar::k7e---::,-"'-:-:'C:-h...:2:..5c I i I politely. P ~~(ItSt. ~ control The tnpic a ......i!.!ned ior thi... ~e.)r ... IHluld hl' rl'turlll'd to frank Gl.'ttz, I'hdltth·ll)hlu. P.I. 12.j.6t .h "Cor).!:.I" • (onlrol • r n () tilt t 'r Ih •III th'1 :!ir"t (II J • mu HI Tran,ml--lhk. .\lltl l .......l·"U. t:.-ltute of [.OUIS cuLl-. 1-:M~tONS. deceased Ottll'r l·n'H·lIl.lhlc l)i~i.·.I·(·'." .If\. l-.tilurl' to dn thb \\i11 re{(IlITC an L.I<:T'n:RS T.I<~~IAMhS1'\HY on the ubo\·e. ' I \'.lnl.1 h I!.!h "i. I100 I'" .1"'''l·''''Illl'nt til dtlubh· an (,11m,lh'(1 .1Jl1llunt F .tlltt· hll\e blell grantt'.1 ttl the undensiglletl. \\ Inncr~ III Il'nn,,) \~ho r«llue"t,; .111 Jl~r~ull~ Jllt\ill~ cluims ur I \\111 he -.dl'dl'd In .1 I.llulh (Olllmltlt't' on \our Iwr'nn,11 prol·crl) 1.Il·mund" mnll1hot th~· E~t.lto.!' uf th.· dt'ct'uent . I I "I '1'1' = ~= ~ tu mnkl' kno\\ n tilt' ~amo.!'. IUIII all persons .IPJltHntt'd ») t 11' pnnt:lpa w~e \\ 1I1nllli! IIltlehh"lt t" til<.' tit!'lL"Ilt'nt tu make IIu)ment,ll''''." '" .Ir~ tlwn l·nll·rt"(1 III .1 St ttl' tonlt' ... t \\il~~:~~('~:t'I~~:"I~~~ E~I'II)~~. ~;xl,,{lI~rlx, The \\lJlmn!.! St:ltl: C,.,,.,.I\, tlwn "ill Ill' ~'IlWANTED I HI\t'f\It"\\ fOarms. terefl III the ::\:.IIlOn.11 ullltt:,t \11 hl!!h I :-OIl Irlhmurt,'. l"t'llna I' II ' I II SA.LESMEN-Three .!Iuccessful Or tll ht'r AUorl1<'~: l'thO() "lnlll'r" \\1 re{l'l\l'.1 ~"l·ll.1 IUI·(.I. CLAUDE C. Sl\1l1 H. 1-:"'1" SI.lh" \dnr:t'r, $10 in ('•• ,h •• uHI tIlt' ~l'UlOd life Insurance. electriC appiaance ~~lir.L~~I~. ~~!~tlU~tl~il ... ~tnut St!l.. :\,ttional pnll' b ~l:;;;O III l.t,h .111d thc or SImilar hnes. wanted to sell 1'!tllntlt·!,lhI3. P3.. third X.ltlOn,11 Imze j, S'iO III {.I"h. Thl' I Inost popu Iar automo b IIes to tIe ;I;,.;:;";O;;'.;;T~============== (conle,,1 (Iu,t·~ FliJ.lIlf\ Ii, lQ,,:; 1 clIents In Media, Sprmgfield. 't)tlm!>lt'r~ h"l' UlDW I SlnlC' S\\J.rlltmorc , . I I Prospect Park and VIClntty Adloul YlclOflOU' m qUI C ,Ill'" "Inn .Ir 1011I h',.,to;. in the pl ... t \l·.lr or .. t). \\l' .In· ~I HI to dress With references. I ':~:~~-17c - Sauer Kraut 2 .m" to Ilk ~li I Call Swarthmore 1441 PETER E. TOLD 13c 10c '0 -07- 1 ',~·lb .1111 lISCO Golden Table Syrup 19c Acme Orange Marmalade 2 jars 2Qn Hom-de-Lite Mayonnaise. ~ 17c pint jar Hindu Belle Salad Dresstt1r, Soup Beans 3 1105 13c Keebler tialtin es I"'~ 13c jar 11 C 15c Dill Pickles 2 'It ,"IS 25c, Oulden's Must ard lISCO Vinegar 2 hoI' 17c i 16c Pabst-ett 2 "kgs 29c 10c liSCO Partly Cooked \\tll! THE SEASON'S GREETING TO YOU AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2 Pancake Flour I j -- --------- The less merchandise we have to count, the easier the task, so we are drastically reducing prices this week. You can save money by mov ing these quality foods to your shelves and al so secure many things you will naed. Where Quality Counts and Your Money G oes Furthest 9c lISCO Buckwheat or 1\\1 n.w .\.... ,-~r I , GREEN'S COAL SERVICE \ Big Pre-Inventory S a l e 1 II , ;~~~~~~~~::::::::=:::=~~:.:::.===:.=:.:.:.=:.::::::.:.:.=~ * * , 1'IilIlk. ___ ."'"ilII" , • * J:Olllt' ~-~·~~IAM(llSlN!~ II' (1111.1:\: ......1 h IPln 1I1lt'• • lIul thl" I "tllf) i~ ~t) Inhrt.lIllIln:: it luul" .. t.lllIl 1"\1I1 "uhotlt III\' n·m.lrk.IIth· "Vllt: .mil I d,IIlIl' fl'.ltun . . Iltl' I.H IIldtldl'~ Fd\\.wl I'\lntt lI"r~ tun .1' .1 dumb Ln..:It"h h.lrri ... tl·r, .\IHt. Br.It" , \\hu t.IU"l·~ hun III tn C\rrl cl\o. \ itt· 10 .I\()ul til trn 1Ill.! hl'r: \\'1111.1111 \u,lm I" .1 "1Ilt'lIIl'\ hu .. h,tlul." Enk Rhodt .......... 1 dl'lmn:ure proft, ..... lon,11 ({unll'll • •lUd I',rll I'EH~ONAI. \\'uuld likt' tu 1,la~·t· 01 /.!lH)ti. ('tIOl- ,\\uuld h.I\t, hct'll nin' lor 111'1' Ih ",Iiel. Blon' ,I" thl' lunllll.... t En.::li,h butlt'r ''It'll \\t. (I )1I'llnt m:lilf .llltl t""k Call $\\arthmul'e It tlot'''n'( nMlter \\h,lt tlll'r~ i... in it on U''', H·t·U III .I"t· ... tIOO. t\rel~1.ul 10 h.l\l' .1I1\lhlll!! .mel In knm\ 'Iht' lilm \\,I.,uill'lul from .\"t.lin'·" III 1'081'1 ION UI-.Slln·,11 -;\,; dwuffeur ami all t.t \\C \\Ne rl'lIlt'llll~erl(I' Onre a,!,tln h'rn,tholl.11 . . t.I.!1.' hI!. of the ",11)11' Iltlt .Irvund hUIl"l' m.1T1 x~ It .11'jll':lr.IIU'·' Ul~t \\l' .Ifr nrnlntll'!i ih.ll It I, not the "Ile of I "II" II r 'S" I "\' k ref l It'llt (»1 '1\·I('I·holll' :-0" Irthultlre ;'H. II 'It I' I I .m -.,~ pt'r unn,mtl'" In .'1C\\ or . I~I ~I I '~lIt'll totfm'" '0. milch .1 .. till' g:o{)(l I1Ht "'IX monlh~ in 1,IIndoll It \\.IS dm'ded 1'\\ UII I(I IC !!I t ('.Irflt·~ \\Ith it In :\1.lrk S.lIltinch A U t 0 A cel·d en t s ... rum eII l'fl'nt IMrt .. 01 tht! di . . t fill tht' • ' Jumor~ til(' Wom.IIl· . . (I Cluh horw\\l'cl I lilppen d al'1 y. r---\'cc'ld-nt ... Insurance In tl ( ( of h'll . New Models Next Week I a ~ood COmpiln) can be wnllen for II~). \\C) l I (rl'n Illr.1 In .. tm.I''" ('hl'\rnld'" 1Il\\ (,If'.. for 1(1\:; \\i11 hI'! one week or more 10 cov.'r tourmg! \\ III('h Ihl'\ ~.I\ I.' I.t"t S.ltllrd.l) .11l1·rnoon 1111 (11 ... ,,1.1\ 1tt·,1 \\ l'I'k m lilt· ,.tlt·,rtloIll" 01 , tripS. '1 here \\ t'rl" Chn,tm,l ..... to(k1tl!!" lur 1'\ l'r\1..1\\ "'011 ~11l'1'.ml (\ lilt, (. hl'\ rulet I une and "'ollle Inr "Itk (Iuldrl'tt \\1111 {oul" E. C, WALTON Ill.II,·r ... ·WI IJ.lrtmllllth .\\I·nuI' '11u- .111nnt alll'nd .\tlt·r tIll' II Irh \\ ht'n .1 !H'lllltl'lIhnl \\.1'" IIl.U!l lod.l\ 1)\ I.mll" \\ nrkl'r I.dlul .It Olll' 01 thl.' hUIllI.'''' to It'.I\l· l $65-Central Location Shql.lf<1. prt"ldtnl 01 thl' linn h'll( stone. 4 ht."droom", 2 b"ths. 2 cur 1.1 Ic\\ tlnn;.t: .. lUI ChrHm.l .. :-11l' found thl' LlI1hmhm!.! !.!r.lttlllllH'\\ hnt~, .1' ,.!.Irag{', Olt h .. "t. lor,!<' I.. t uld sh.lde, I duldn-n iluiJhhu!.!: O\lr \\llh j(l\ .Intl ""kim.:: I' IIU'l h.llllt ,II r~llIIlllllnl' n ... ulllll!.! In POsseSSion ,It one" .Ihout nulllln!.! l'I'l' hilt Iht' junior (,hll. '1' Hkhn!.! Pl'rlHtill,llllt·.• l1ul ,'UHlUl1l\ ul .1 WM, S, BITTLE I p.lrl'\. III_dl onllr, till !1t.\\ :\I.I,tcr Slrie" prom.-t·SWarlhluol e III_J 'To .111 01 'otl lontnlJutor ... tntl \011111Nota.y Pubhc - In:>lU anee - Real Estate k' I I tu III .1 "'111, IUnn 1U the Iu\\ ·"flU·" Ileld."1 Il'('r \\or l·r ... \\ HI It'lpl'c! m.lkl· ( hn'tlll,t' ... lId :\Ir :-; ''1'1)(' Spu' II ~t'm~ Ill'b,ihle fur otla·r,. tilt' :;11(1,11 ~t r\ lit· ))1\\ III prll\ltlt' Ill": 1M jllrlllfIllIlHI·. lmnlllrt. i Ip.trtnnnt \\I . . Itl'~ \011.1 HrI!.!hl :\l'\\ \llr" 11111 (IrI\lI1~ t"'l' .tt I PritC '''lIlh \\1111 pl.lll II \\ Ithm thl rt·.1t h til million.. : I Study Results of Eclipse Photos '\\lIh tlu . .t t\\O ":rI',lt Inll" 1m lU.$.! , , \ phC)tuml'trll ~hHh 01 tilt''::l'-"l.1I1' ~£.nd for Harley-You II Not Be Sorry phoI01!r.lph, ot lhl.' Sulnr ('orolll m,ul,' h\ ('ht'\ rofl-t I ' '!lnlull'lll 01 IIn·lklll!.! t'\ .'11 I tltl' ,lint rtlllrd . . l·-tlhh . . hlll 11\ 11,1 \" I I "~'\cn s\\ t~lhlll()n' (·()III·t!l' 1"(IIP"'l' I \:)ltlh- (,Ir • lion" h hl'1I1!.! (on(IUiled 1)\ Dr john \ Honest Under the Cover Il\lillcr. dm'dor tll Sproul Oh-I'n"ltor) Alumni Club Meets Here I and \Ile·pre,idenl of till' tOllt':!1 'Ihe llIonthh IIllt·tlll!! 01 (he IJll.1\\ If(' I IJr ~lIl1tr "utlc"hdh phntll~r,IJlllt'tI ('ount\ ,\lUllllll ('lull. 01 till' t niH'r~lt\ , "e\en tol,i1 l'("" ... e... 01 thl "'1111 in I(JOO. 01 I'l·I1I",\".II1II. \\.1'" hlld .It thc 111r\.lr,1 Shop-27 Main St" Morton, Pa. 11 0 0$, Jr.lIS. 1(J2:i. I(l]/) 102Q. the l\\Uil\.t-rovlll III S\\.lrlhmof(" TUl',d,l\ C\'lEve. Call Sw. 1839·J, Rutledge, Pa. 11.11Icr dtort .. h('In!! in Sunl.ltr.1 I'roit"',or !lin!.! - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - . : : . . . ' - - - R()~ ... \\t. M.trrintt. 01 S".lrlhmnre, I' \\ork.rht' dull \\.t ... IInuh hClllond In Ihe ing: in wll.llmr.ltl()1) \\ ith Dr. .:\1I1I,·r pn"1 nl e 01 Dr C()rnl'hu~ \\,:\ ".lIull· proIn a~ldllion to it... re~l'arlh mlo tI~e Ic"or til I·.n~h"h .It the t 1I·I;t· .mil ALL L1NES OF INSURANCE 1 cchp:cetien.t to hlakl' In~tltute, \\hl{h h.I" .lnnoull(l·(1 thl' opeu- )(ltIr tl(kl'l no\\, ~t·t onl.'. or p.l\ ,It thl: known the sahl~ ••lIltl Jl~r"on~. mdt·hted to in!.!: 01 the ..t·\t·nth .mnll.11 Gnr!!I'" t·"'.1\ dunr TIll' damt' \\111 he!.!m .11 ~ O'dOlk the tlt'\:~d"llt to hI.lke IM)mt'nt. Without delu) , • • * What to do with their rmnante. Shl' nm .. hl·(aUH.' "ht' lu\'{', him , , . hill that tall't he t'~I)lalnl'd eitlwr, \\ilhout fl'\'ca1ill:': om' of till' l"IlI.Lrtt·~t sitll.ltiolb of Ihe !'l'.I~un. }-,ill.llI~, throudl mH.lklil (('1111111111' ,I flOln l';)gl' ltientit). "ht· i ......m·" him.1!l· i11\it.ltiOIl --- -uhhh n~ult~ lit .1 cunglullwr.lle IIIIXUP of IIMII (.lIlle to Ihe (.Ir tu J!l't the ~Ill,tli h.I"- I O\C- .lIltl nlllllll(1.' .lIullx·ol,le III UlH' holt'l kct for hlln~l'If and ".Iid l~dh·dh-·She·o.; "uih. lIIurl' 1iJ\I-\\'. \\Ulllel1 i 5 Charitable Christmas n IU;N'l' -Hoom \\ Ith 1•. 1tll ur bachl'lor :I'IoIrtnwnl, Adult (:Ulul), Call SWllrlh. d.I ..... t ... for S\\,lrllllllUn I1U'11 .lIu1 It'PI'III icm uf "ollll' of I he I hOllC Chrblm.l.... !11.lH lu:d t hrolll.::h Ihe Itm er ,( o~ridor5 and I With the sing:in),! 01 "j IIIde IIdls," S.lI1la h.IH rt'(('lIlh hUll IIl.1t1)!ur.ltul .11 r 1ll1l,1t mlo the lobh). \\hl're .1 Christmas tree, Idt lhe house to hlo,;; nther (.lIls ot tilt: III/!h Sllwol Shop 1Il1dt'r thl' (hru tlUll 'Iltl YOllnc: I\opll'" Chmr ,t).)le.trl'd 1.1'4 Im;~ herll prel).!rc(1 h;r lh~n.l. I ' . . Ithe c\Cninv:, .md the Il.Irh 1'lIdl'd ul 'lr Ikll}.UllIII J ('001, ShuI' In ..lnl< lor I StIIHI,1\ fur thl' hr ... t IlIlle 111 tht'lr lIe\\ ... \~'nonc Ilrl";:,:nt t Il'n JOI~e( to "1Il)!1I1t:: En'r)"nc \(lted the p.lrt\ .1 "I1IU''':;' \,hilh \ lIuml)1 r nf S\\,lrlhllltln \\IIIlWIl .Ire mol" IhOlr ).!o\\n... • 0 ~()tne: \II \1.' 1'~lthful: Icd I,,' .I\1r \\.IS duc In no ... m.dl p.lrt to Ihe h()"lc"~' .. , h nil.! tht' Inlfll.ltU' . . 01 \\noll\\urkln!.! I • I ht dHin h \\ II~ hl' It'pn ~'nh'd 111 II.H· :\lcC.~lir \\ ;~h ~I~. l. I.. I).I\'IS .It the 1n:~Il~ \\ hn mmic it it poinl to ('111 CltI tho:-e in the ( I.I~"'(' Ill,: IHU tin).! till I III -<1.1\ .nHI nlllr-(hn,IIIlI" J),.Ht· (Clllllrtllll' thl .. l·rul.1\ III .mel I ,.I lu(kt:r Jr, .1((Ump.III)II1).! hou"c\\ho\\crem\\ .lrrl\.. tI . . inlheS\\.lrth_ 11.1) t·\lllill!.!'" of t·.tth "l(·k. I)l·t\\l·ttl thl' Ihl' \. :\1 (. \ .\lIlhlunum. I·HI .\reh I Oil the J.l1l}U. more .md cxtt'nd them per-un II ill\it,lliollS IHlur ... III ; -0 .llld IJ {O \In.lfh thl'n I' Stn'lI Rt·pn· ...t·nl.lll\l" \\ ill III pn'''ent \11 ()u(o;.t.mliln;.,: ft'.llure \\ .IS I ht, nt'xl to :Ittend••md \\ ho mtrudlll cil t helll to the .1Il I nrullnH nt of 1\\ l" " Ilrolll till' Dd.m.Ift·. ;\1\\ jcr"'c\, Plllhdt·I_llIulllln'r ••1 dUl,t. "0 11(1) Xi~hl," \dUlh nthlf gUl'sts of the hou,l' IJunll~ the en'I hI' llllll"'l·,., offt·n·t! .In" . . hol' Illd h.IIHI pilla .11111 \\IIIIlIIH!lon ('nnflrenH's \\,1 . . ",un)! he.Hlllfulh 1)\ :\Ir.. F, J Tuckt'r, nlJlg: A1r". \\'t1halll S CUllphdl, "It. . Ir.lft .lIll\ltU" "'tJllul ttl thl' l'xp,'nl'lHl'" • jr .,lntl .l\tr" Gt'url!c 1'1u\\Ill.ln II W. Olwlt, Jr. \lr, j.llllt·:-. :\1 S\ml'~ .Ind lIIltn .. t" til II. 1)ICl\)h Il1mlll(1 'III{' Party at Meeting House \fllr .mother c,lrol in \\Jlldl CH'r)UIl(' .\lHI :\Ir" Rohert ~ WI(k .uk" :1 ... hO"I--tltlllllJl 01 tlw ,lIt"I" .lIul tilt prtlJltl , }UlIlt d, :\1r... Phm m.m held all t he dill· .In· oplltlll.11 In-trultlon I" uUlrtcl In I III 'It III 1.1 r,luJl .( IIllllllltt,"l' .1I~d till. IIft'n "pl'llbuund \\ltlt lu:r rl'oIrlinl! of "The t· .."t· .. \It :\It'1.tI \\'o'k. {·uPPlr. Br.I"". PI \\((·r. ()Hl-Ilr.. lit Ihl' S\\.lrlhlll~m· l·m'nel .. I :\l!.!:ht Bdore Chn ... tm:t"," .md after this a At State Convention :,\11 t.11 SplnllJIIg: (l'll IIItnl.ln ). ()m.IIIIIIlI,11 :\Ittllll": h,l\l 1""lItd 1II\It.tIWllli fOi ·1I~r(ltmrtt.tte cOll1po:-ul of :\Irs TtHkt'r .mcl Betty Bonsall Honored Iron \\'ork. IItlt .111<1 ("uld I ormlll).!. (\ lilt III Upl'1l II(III·t· til lit' III "I .It tlU' l'nt:lHb I Mr.... Plo\\Ill,1I1 .Ind l\!l' ..... P; 1>.1\1'" .IIHI Rul.l1ul I. 1:.lt0I1. "U('·pn"lcltnt III tIll' ('r.tlt. S(',l\ \\\'.1\ Ill!.! Ru,h. C.lrlin!.!. 'I'm :\11" BllI\ Bon ... ,dl. III S\\.trthtllun· P.I. "'lIm!.! 111I1l·t· tumurrll\\ l\ll1ln~ for the I PloulllaJ1 rell(llrul t\\o l.trol~ S\\.lrthlllon· Sduwl Ho trill I'" 1U H,lrfl"I ~llIIllnt It tht· ('(IIIt'1!l' III \\·oo"lt'r. h" ... \tllrm: I(lik cd till' :\!t'ltlll:';:: ,llId Ihelr l·r.lll. :\ll(h.IIII(,11 lil\ ... RuhnL: 1m, \nl \\hil(, C\Cf\Ulle \\,t" "lIl~in~ Ihe chort!o.; burg: .llhndll1!;:' tIll' \nllu.d ~t.lll' CUn\t'll111.11 '1'0\". B,I~kl·tn. l·ph"I~1tnll).!. \Vont! 111'1 Iltlll llltlid to the \\'CllI1t'n'li St'nior lilind . . of 'S,lIlla ('1.1lI . . J" Cumin!! to Ttl\\Jl," old lum 01 the Penn,\h.I:lI.1 St.ltt' Educ.Itimt \\urk. Willtlhn;.t:. \\0,1I! (.Inlll!.!:. nul'. Ill)Jlor.ll' \thlt'lll ('11111 Sht' I" 11ll' rlam!h . . pUPlwtl in \\lth t\\1l 1.1rt:c h.lg:o.; I \",soli.ltlon, hl"ill!.! 'hdd \\·l'tlm· ... d.I\. Tlmr. . More Christmas Seal 1.11\\ H,1'1I1 i. Rai .. t·11 Rl'ill I \\ (Iud 'J Unllll1! . I! r (II Re\ ,lIul :\Ir" I: II Bono.;.III. !Z! 1 01 l!11( .. fur :Ill thc dllldn'n in the I1OU:-l' 11.1\ and FrIlI.I) of thi. \\H'k J I(mlnl In \\clIId\\ork. IhtHh \\'f)rk :,\1.1 :11 \u ntH' Money Needed Ihml' \\'olk; \lh,lIll('d \\'uod\\ork. Blnth ( urm :,\h~" Bon"all \\.1'" .\ hlltkt\ 1Il1l1t.!11 lin Ihol.m.IY(' ('ounl\ Tullt'nuh)"I" \".' \\ ork. :\1.lIlnrw \\ !Irk .\Ill! 1111 ntlun' Rt. tiUrIIH! III r "'ophomor(' \ (·.Ir and h.I" hl'l n .' h.vvv ~'" . . "'lIll.1 I11111 IIl'lI I........ rnurl' rronl II It" ".1 II I p.ur .1(11\(' III h.l"kelh,llI. "\\I1lHllIJl1! ,11111 hOIllHl' I f ('1 I C I I t I I I • II In" 1ll.1" .;JI'.I ~ 1 I I'" U {".lfn nil I .. Itlt' tl.t"-l~ .Irl' Opl'll III .1Il\ 1ll.1Il l)r'II.III . .1Ilt! h.lli .11"0 1).I"'''t:11 IHr Rul (ro"'~ k' 1"'II I' 1'''11 . . \\ or III 'I Oil II' "',lIne ).1"1-. .1'; " " . \\OJllIIn III Ihl' UlTllIllUJllI\ .11 .1 "'111.111 fl,t·. hx,umul'r ... h'... t She I~ ,I lIlt'mhtr 01 the I I ( ( ( I ( I ' . . Ifn '. ,:;;; .I((on In!.! U.I".I l'nll'll 111.lI (' 0(.1\. IM\.I )11' nn .1 monthl\ 11.1"'1'" :\1.lll·rl.ll" .In' "t ,.lr"'I(\ hmkt\ Il.11lI "So the \ ... ~otl.ltltm h.I" ft(l'hc(1 :-:;10.pll'\'Idl'(1 .It UI"'t. '11wH I'" ~tlll mom I n · J Ihl' 11.1"" lor q Hr.11 lIlore PI'ollll' \\ hn 1ll.IY Presbyterian Notes 11Q-I:-I2 ul (hl' qh,OOO Oll'dul for it" \\ork "111l "lUn'_' IIl'ollle \\111 h.IH' .1I11ltlwrlllll thl'.tOlllill!! )l'.lr." ....Iid Chark ... Kurtz\ Ilroll In ,lltl ni\ HlIt) S( hnnl, Dr Tut I It··..... llm.I m.ttt·r, thi .. purpu,(' The-e JloItil'nl" arc lir"t I'\: lttlltm .. , .1 tl·d.lf . . tor.I).!( thl'<:t. knittillg: h,l!.!: \\ hn I" not onl\ .111 m"plfin:.;:: . . 1)('.lk('r, hut .Imitwcl .It the St.llt' Tuberclllo-:i~ ('111m" h.mdlt·", •• 1 h,mh\.lrl' "tlpph hox ,md .1 unu'tl.lll) \\cll litll'lI 10 Inll·n· . . t .lIld htlp .tnt! li . . tul fur SI.I(t' S.lnaton,1 '] hl') .Ire \ nun:.;: pc.-upil: The tupil for the "('n i[e nult r hux tlWll Jllal~"d in terrain pn\"III' ".IIl.lloria I'" "Ho\\ Sh.1I1 I fit :'\1\ "'t·1f for Smct·, ... iul Chess Club Work ur h)r.I Spltl.11 T.I"k"" 'Ihe mtlt- until Ihl'\ l.11I hi' .ulnnHI·d to st,ltC tuherlulilt' Chi'" ClulJ 01 the S\\ .trtlunorc HI!.!h Ill"IS lO"tltutioll<:; Ing: of 1.lsl Sund." l'H'IlII1),! \\.1" mo"t 10Sl huol I' Ur1!.llllzmg: unlier tht' Il'.l(lt-rsillp Tht:rc are .. lilI hunlirul" (If (.N·~ tlf 01 :\Ir 1I.lwl(1 I'" Sn\(ll'r for II'" st'wnd tt·rt·stin~ .lnd';::I" .tlll·nlhi under thl' lulll'rnJln"l . . ill 1>(').I\\.lre COllnh .lnd cury "'1.1"'1111 :\Ir Sn)dl'r i .. h"li.hlr of Gl'rm.m h.ltlu"lup of :\J.ln Child. Tht· "'l'n'ile, 01 nt'xl Sun(I,1\ \\JlI 1)(" .1 rt'''ltll'nt . . llOlllcl Iwlp 10 I'rotut Ill ... f,lUlI" .tntl IIHun m Iht lll!.!h Slhnnl .•1Ild .11,," (II tIll' leh'hr,ltiuIJ ul yhrH II" l:un.h.I ... ~m: .10,;; liMn)" Chrb:tm.l~ Se.ll .. (CllllmU,I!iun III.n hi" IHI~ ... · Il.'nOl" .\ rOlln(l-ruilin lour11M'" SPCt:l,l! IlUmhl'r" lur dWlr .lIld 1.1" hl' (,Ill .Iriolll It tI ~1.llh t.II\.( ... ('onn.lllllnl ... hl'UU! pl.l\(tI .mtlt.nh .lllernoon JlIld... ...t·\l·r.1I g.II11(':-. ITl jlrtlgH·...... III ~II IH!.!.III \\111 hc 1!1'l'11 In Iht murnlll~, Tht'llnllllllllJls from .thout 1,,000, per"'ol1'" 10 We wish to thank our friends and customers in Swarthmore \t"plr "t'n Ite ht'!.!:inllln;..: \\ ilh Ilf/!.tn \\ nr_llIlakl'. tip Iht, hll(l!!l't of the fuht:f('ulo"ls Sn\dtr-, rClom for their co-operation and good will in 1934 and look forward 'I hl' S\\.lrthmon· HH.:h !:-idu",ll'hl'~ ('lull .. llIp .It -44:;;; n'tlock, \\111 In' .1 rqlt'lilwll' \",q)(l.lllon .lIld, up to d.I({·, on" 6.012 h.I'" .1~.I11l l'nll'n'd thl' Suhurh,1Il I-lidl ot mudl 01 Iht' hl·.lutilul mU"II' 01 \('I)('r . . (()Illnhutluno,; h.l\l' hel'n marit1.I"t Sunll.I.' 11)(' I hrlt I hlllr ..... I he limn 11 I' • Tht' ufhn r .... lI1el duclillr, t•• f 0to a New Year of success, happiness and prosperity for all Stluml Cht· ... " Lt"IJ,!IIt, .md \\111 111 .1\ 1!.lIm'" II I I I . • . lhllir till' BtI\ ...· I11rl Girl ...• Chmr' \\iII '1.I11On, .1'" "t· .IS t lU~l' .. t! It·rlll!.! lrom 111' \\lIh Ltn'(\u\\Ill', IIp)l{'r D.lrln, ('nlhn~·· • 'I I • ~ ' .. t'l I I II. . ( , I in 1935. , . m:.l1n 'In" Iht' "'lr\lt(· '111t' prott""IfHl.Il (l"r.1 t: • • Ire ,.., u U It OIZlllS \\ U) ".lh. 11.1\lrlunl .lIlfl (.lln·:\:or. .., 'I . 1'11" I I (' I I ' . . III thl' (holr ... \\111 hI' promill" .11 :; o'(luCK J.t\C m.1( t It:lr con n)U 1011" • • 1Il( 11\t :--ullW Ilt till' It·.l{hng 1111 ..... pl.IH·r ....Irc I k.1 II C I I k II' . . J-'lrh tr.lthtiull.11 I;]fob \\111 ht "un~ ,l'" tl U .;>\\ \lnll~IfJRI \X 0 11.111 llm D.I\'lf! \nfll'r~ont \.lrn,1I1 (It.IHr, johnl . )Ill' mel til . . lOn. it I.. nh\lOu"h IInlln"~lllll' M. BARNES, Manager • J k I I I hi' \1''')ll'r "Inllt fli 1.1 ... 1 SUlHI.t\ \\.1"1 1 ,. , I J)l apl.llnt' . .I.tlm .... 1{ 'Oil .. Iller .Ollt· .... , I tn \\rill' Ittll'r Ih.lnkln!.!:"h nih' indlL,mrtnn I-\.t·nt. J.tnH .. Lipm.lIl, Thullll)"110 tht'!.!:l ... t .Iltlilded \1'''JlCf~ In III lu ... tUf\ \ulll'llh ,., A. & P. STORE 3 PARK AVENUE I.lttlt:lltlll. I.c,hl· Polk. S.unml R.I\IlUlIl(I,' fli 1111 Ihunh In . . IJlh· or thl' ,.)n·\.lll'nt '.' ':\lau) 01 tlw lontnhutiono;. lome Imm I II I IlUlrnm).! "t fl' ::\il hnl ..,., \'I,lclw ... llId 1>.1\ ill \\,ilht" I pu 1'1U1t III til .... , t IH' l'.lr) • H t III (,hn,t m.I'" 1).1\ \\ .1" 1,lr~l·h .1111 nlll tl tIl( homt .. \\ III n' l'\ l'n Sl 00 or s2 00 nu .111<.; Speaks in West Chester 1'111\ 'fHlIl!.!: )wIIIlI(. \\ilh 1)1 Willi.lm":h n,ll ....Ilritile. 1\1.111\ :Irc gr.llt,flll II1It till'" :\tr'" S.lmlltl I) (hcle, 01 S".lrlhmnn, thClI1 ... h'I. Iill 1,lrgl· ... t numln'r t'\lr ).!:OIll~l)I·.tr tht·\ Lilt "I'nll Ihl'''l' . . 111.111 t:11I" \\huh ~)l()ke htilln' I Itt' \\'om,IIl', \UXI"'If\ III nut. "11I1t! ,.Hnl ... 11 IIIl' hUll1l'S III tilt' "IHlt- nl'H' "0 Impn .. "ihll· I.I"t )I'ar .tIl!1 thc) h.I\(· Hil ·i·la,.,lll (mllll\ 111"1)11.11 . .11 \VI .. t in" un Chri'lm.I" I:\t·. ~!Oin~ .1'" .1" \\ritlt'n (hl'cry letlc.-r, of th.lIlkfullll"''' for Ithi .. Ih,lUll to help "Onllnllt l'I"'I' \\hl) I" Chl-hr. 1.1·1 \\l{'k, Oil Ihl \\ork 1)1 Iht '.1,,111 _, ]UIlI1JI Bo,ml 01 till (,ht,hr lIu-plt.d TIlt \'t1UIli2: \\'oman'" CU1Ic1 IlHlh IIHIf'-: p,I" ... inl! thrtHI!.!h difficult lIm('" Thl' :-pI.lkt·r ... \\tlt lnllrl.tlntcl .11 luntllttlll tll\ t\tlllllt! .11 Iht hUllll' ul l\lr~. Plulhp"'l hllnrt thl Illldin)! It) :\tr .. \rlhm 1'.l1kt ,,00 Slr.llh 1I.1\l1l "'Imu' :\1r" V.lm.llI 01 \\'1.1 Clu ... tt·r. \11(1 .It 11,1 ,111t1\\.ml 11\ \\ill " ml "()lIr Imllll!.!r.ltioll I'lohll'l111 thl' \\ om.IIl· ... \1I\:lh.lf\ 10tl.1\ . I • Dr '1 uttlt .lnel Ilmll\ \\111 •. 1'" l"'IMl.i 'Gardens of Orient" at Museum 11.1\! :\{\\ \t.II·... )).1\ .It IWllw lor tht:: lin' lnl\lr"'ll\ :\lU'IUIU ..... Ilfllnm! .t numh(r, ul thl tllllt:rt!.!.ltlon, Ir(l111 -l toj "'l'nl" 01 tllur IlhHr.lltd It·dUlt·~ 1)11 • {;.Ir 10" dlltk cll'I1" 01 Ih( Orh'nl, b\ l\1I ...... I tHllIl' Dow! Thl Sunll.l\ SI hunl m~uh' .tIl ()fll'r1l1~ ul I" ..... 'Iht' \\111 ht'lwlcl on lollr ·lhur,d.I\' I\\lnl\ 1.1"t Suncl.1\ 1m Illl Pn'''' III J IIH!.In .11 , u·(lolk. III tht luchtoflUtil Il\ltn.t1l Or)lh.IIl.I!.!l 'Iht' Bt!.!:inll('r,.,· Bl. 01 tht'llll\lr'lt) )'Iu"'lliln 1111 d.ltl'" .1111] ])Irlllll;)l. :\11',., III \rmnllfl ..... ullt'rmllnfitllt. ,ubjl'-'''' .Ire .I' luIlO\\... t!,i\( (\\('hl dllll,lr, 1(1I IIU' thurth deht j.lntl,ln 10 P(r'llIl .mil ,\lII!.!lll ( •. Ililln, .11111 IIIUI 1111 \\tll.lle \\(lrk, .dl frum thl' l.u,lllr\ Ii '1111' (;.mltn ... 1)1 j.I\.t .lnll ,·trll!ll j}t'llIllI' III Ihl' little (hihlnn I ~.~ Hili j.lnuln 2~, (;\llIln" 01 (hm.l. 1.111 I hI" IlOrl!,lnlHd hmnl (Ilp.lrlmt·nt til thl' ~,:) Utn ~l, l.lIMIlC-t (;.llchn" tlHI·! ~lll1flt\ SllulIll Ilil Ihl' -lluh 01 til(' Hlhlt· \.$:) }-Im\( r \rr.lllt!t IlH nt .It ;)01111 11\ thO,t \\hn 1,llInut .Itll·nfl 11)(' lllrfhtl dlllll, fCIIHtlll1ll!.! tllt"'I' ItiIUlt' n .!ullr 'l ... ·lOn .. 01 11ll' ~l hUIlI. \\ III Oill 1 ml\ In obt.llI1ul frum ~tl' \ R 0 Rtel 111\ lir"'l III Ihl month 1I11<1I'r ::\'1r:-. h'r~u ...'tll1 !.!r,I\I·. th.urlllin 0, till ( •. 1111111 Sltlltlll (II t-- 'U]lt rlull ndt:nt .1Ilt! )lr'" It H S.LIIIOId tht \\ "m.m· ... Cluh " ,"'-I ... I.ll1t ::\1~lJt THE SWARTHMOREAN Fun ? !\\III lit' Inull' .lttr.IlItH \\Ith tht, JlfeK'lIn', ~1r . . \\ \\ :,\h:l.lll, •. \\ho .,1'.1Il~. Sanl.III.ISh'fUII) \\I.IPPl'lI III n·lInl' ).1' j of Iht· Ihru' limir ... I)f Ihl' dmrd} and Ihl' (l,llIS Is (omm)! to 100\n, \\'l1lc the\' D. H,(.'Cd Gerr. -- -- --------- FOR RENT h Methodist Church Notes . t l~ pru Ilbly the oldc<:;( "lIm.1Il II\·im.~ in The p.lrt" ht'g:.1II .11 ~O P l\1, \\lllt a I S".lrthmorc .\ftl'r thi::, 1!r('clill~, Santa. I III ,,('nile on SUlld,l), IIIJ.!ht .11 7.1;; J!roup IrlC l~lIldrl'n. tr.llnl'd by l\I~;. and I distributed the gifts, "hid, had .111 been . ~- __ CL--;AS::=:--::-SI=F:--IED _ _ IMany Aid in I S.mla Claus \\as Im)l('rt-on.lled )w llr. \\ ho .Idcd the l},Ift I)Cr.It thl' S".lrlhmorc had a Gf.lIlt I I \Vindsor, J I - Our Store!' will he dosed New Year's Day. Open late Saturday and Monday eVenings to serve you. c; 6 " .:.: ..: D~EMBER 28. 1934 THE S W A R T H M O R E A ) f , - " ·-=-=I-:~IC'D-.-'-IY::---D-'-IS--eLA::""-y::-,~-~:-"~"s~,-an~c"..~,"-.w~e~...~-n-o-'g'-rc-'a-t-e-r-tha-n-t--:h-o-.--o"'l-r . -:L~o-uis D. H;;J~~i Mt. -:H=-er-m-on-,-'M=-'ass~,,-:b-ro-t-:h-e-r"""~~-f"'-ra-n"'~"'IIn:-::P=Ia-n-t-.~'w-'as-'d~ra(tcd f-o'-r--I-n-t-h-B'-'''i:''~n-'ne-'~''':'ti;~~~uch cr;dit ~-d; HO II _ many_ ',other Swarthmore homes. spent part of the holidays with his uncl(' Ithe part late in the course of rehearsals to Robert M. Stabler, who is making hh; ' Y G Dr In'Y' COSTS VAK . 1\Iift. ., ' . Diff_t Al'tistic Decorations in Borough Range from .. Little' .. $I.1i5 ,to $125 Once 31Ulin I must applaud -the man· 'agement of The Swarthmore. The decorations of that building are a real demonstl'$tion of .civic interest. They involve lots of work an~ produce a result that is writ worth wandering down Chester Road • to see. And on the subject of Christma:i iltumi. nation, it would be a treat for any Swarthmorean to journey to Morton to view the decorations about the Dallas home on Kedron Avenue, J'ust off the square. Here • a -ne centered about a large pastoral. IS '""-" The thin·l'>r is bevond description, despite or two years' training in a fine arts scboo1. JAMES l!. ARM~TRONG.' The average cosl of th'e better exterior Christmas decorations in Swarthmore' is le!5 than $50. T6is figutc is based on figqres quoted by the -oYo'ners of five homes wit)! exceptionally fine lightin~. ~,t 15 Swarthmore Crest the residence is liglited by red candle effect lights set in red; wreaths in each window. On either sidct of the door stands a tall. slender juniper with blue lights. The blue cenMidshil)man Oliver Bagby, of Annapolis, ter~ among th! red lights ~kes for a wil) spend a few days with his uncle and .vert good design. , aunt, Major and Mrs. CarroJl Bagby, of Princcton ..... vcnue. ~ed bulbs woven into,a holly arch about _ _ __ theidoor ~l'the home at 625 ~arrish Ro~d, The younger set will be pleased to know coupled wlth·candle wreaths In enry wm· that Mi~s JCS5ie Jol1oson. of Baltimore, is ?o~~ tend to set out a large ~rcen star J spending a week in Swarthmore as the In the center of the house. The scene ~uest of Miss Kcta Brower of Guernscy radlates Christmas atmosphere, Road ~ , . Two red floodlights play across a pool . Mr. amI Mrs. Thomas K. Brown, of and against the cut stone texture of the house at 140 Guernsey Road. The light Dickinson Avenue, attended the ,,'eddinJt ~tri"es the soft bark of several large white of Mr. Brown's niece, Allis Oeborah oaks that sland about the building and the Brown, and Allred Chapman Borton, 01 whole tbing melts into a warm but strik. Moorestown, N. J., at Westtown on Sating effect. This play of color in itself is day. sufficient to make the illumination out~ standinf,!, but for the benefit of those who Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Brown, of • NEWS NOTES d ' M' d M an aunt, r. an FS. Arthur of Dickinson Avenue. . I . t. e strength,oC h b a Mrs. }'rank Aydelotte, of Cedar Lane, a difficult and important role with prac- virtually "green" cast into playing form ,~as the guest of honor at a tea gil'cn by t' II d I' . CI ·th ' .• r lime Ita y no .rama Ie expenencc. ara I WI a JIllDlmum 0 , Mrs. Victor "'rank, of Philadelphia, last S · be I h ' week. uter 15 a mem r o t e Rutledge Little I :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Theatre Club, Marjorie M. Mignon. Vir- 17 Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Francis, 2nd, ginia Bond, James Powell, Jane Michener of Wilmington, Del., with their daughter, and William Courtenay an~ all making their \','rg,'n' CI d d W II M J lD y e, an son, a er ae ntyre, debut to the more advanced amateur stage Jrd, 1\'ere the guests of Mrs. Francis' h' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde, of w Ich the Players Club is representa· I of Swarthmore and Ogden Avenues, on live. . Christmas Day. Virginia Clvde remained It is quite possible the play will be a at the home of her grand~rcnts, where succe~, If, however, you should feel that she will be a guest for the week. it is not as "finished" a Droduction as tbe Players Club usually presents, your kind indulgence is requested on the grounds that the prevalence of grippe and flu and sickness all during "the rehearsal period made serious inroads on the cast of "Growing Pains/' which, combined with the necessity for rehearsing through the holiday sea. son wher. so many of the "youngsters" in the cast who live in other towns far away were obliged to be home for two weeks at a stretch, made preparation of the play very difficult indeed. Mr. and Mr::o. Warren M. Foote, of Ogden Avenue, have as their guests OVer the holidays their son~in-la\V and daugh~ tcr and J!,:randctaHd,. Dr. and Mrs. David B. Hand and daughter. Sylvia, of Ithaca, N, y, -----, -- +- -----_. 'Growing Pains' OpensJon the 8th (Continued (rom Page 1) / 1 I JANUARY SPECIAL PERMANENT WAVE $5.00 Complete ALL BEAUTY AIDS, $.50 HAND-WROUGHT IRON ANDIRONS Parker. as George's father, we are treated to the well-known dramatic capabilities of an experienced actor. Those of the audi- I j and Other- Ironwork RI~ht Here in Sw.rthmor~ CO-ED BEAUTY SALON 409 DARTMOUTH AVE. I, Swarthmore 595 ;~RAN~~K~~T~ERR~~E~r~r~s~~~~~~s~w~.~.~'~3~"'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ no spruce scene is present, completethe unless therebas is Christmas Dickinson Avenue, as theirbrothers~in. guests on ence remember to 1918 abelieve lighted owner Day Mrs.hadBrown's 1919 who will can remember thatback a lady billedand as iIluo:linated a fine specimen with bulbs of law and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. various colors. Cadbury, of Phoenixville, and Dr. and Perhaps the most elaborate decoration is: Mrs. John Gummere, of Lansdownei Mr. loca;ted on and about the home at 633 and Mrs. Henry Gummere, of Haverford; Strath Haven Avenue. Blue and red Dood· Miss Leah Cadbury, of West Virginia, ami li~hts illuminate the side of the house .. On Mr. Robert Wheeler, of Elverson, Pa. this side there is a large chimney ncar Mr, and Mrs. John Seaman Albert, or the top of which is the full-size figure of Santa, done with bulbs of red. blue and Providence Road, Wallingford, will enterwbite. About the front door is a laurel tain at an egg-nog party on Sunday in arth, lighted with bulbs of a dark blue honor of Major and Mrs. Zenophcn Price, hue: Two cedars filled with red lights I of Paris. stand watch by the entrance. The dcm---onstration is extremely striking and has the I Mrs, Samuel D. Clyde! of Swar!hmore good lortune 01 being fn a conspicuous and Ogden Avenues, will ,ent~rtalD her spot where it can be enjoyed by all. da~g~ter, Mrs. Walter M. Franc~, t 2nd, of A rhapsody in blue must have heen the Wllm,?g~o?, Del., and Mrs. FranCIS daughdesire of the owner of the home of 100 ter. Virginia Clyde, at luncheon today be-. Columbia Avenue when he set about dec· fore attending the opera, HHanscl and oraiing. Biue lights are to be seen in Gretel," in. Phi~adelphia. c"er), window. Strings of blue bulbs· are Lieutenant Robert H. Douglas, of Fort b g~ performance in debut as a director under the most trying the same play at Ridley Park High School circumstances and who has thrown him~ Jast. month. Elaine Hayne is undertaking self into the difficult task of whipping J. Grover. on "Alice Fricke" gave creditable perform· anees in two roles. She now returns as Alice Fricke Hoot, stepping into the important role of George's mother. The other "old trouper" is Margaret Vlachos, whose distinctive personality adds to any role she undertakes. The list of newcomers is so extensive that space will permit only the briefest mention of them, and we shall hope that their performances will be such that they will soon become better known. Lillian I McLaughlin as SoplJie has played with the: Barnstormers, of Ridley Park, and the: Little Theatre Clubs or Media and Tioga. i Fern Barrer is an accomplished player and I directress Irom West Chester, who joined our Club last year. Clara Jean Austin is t a new player. Jack Dolman has a famity ·reputation to maintain. Frank Starr is a! member of the Chester High Schoo1 Dra- TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN SALES TALK I The, increase'" in this year's Christmas business in Swarthmore's Stores was directly proportional to the amount of advertising those Stores carried in The Swarthmorean. I ADVERTISE REGULARLY IN THE SWARTHMOREAN . I l i r ! CALL ·SWARTHMOaE 900 --.._____ .. ! j i i • his parents, and Mrs.the James ley Park. Cleaver is "Carol's I Meade, Md.,Mr. is spending holidaysDougwith' im~a~l!ic~C~I~U!b!'iP~a~U~I~S~t!e~p~h~an~O~i!s~r~r~om~~R~i~d~-~'~;~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;~~! las, of North Chester Road: houSe. into At eac~ endbase of. planting the building an B. woven all the aboutis the intqior decoration centered about a white skeleton of tree on which there. are hang~ ing a mypjld of blqe ~a.lls .. Jp the· interior . Mrs. Wi1li~m' A. Garrett, of Mt. Holy. group al the lower 'cnd is' a. fir.c-place with oke Place, who was seriously injured when a red ·cfrecr. This is especi~ny advan- struck by a ."ear on Chester Road a few tagC'ous: in :.scUing Tonh 'the predominating weeks a~o, has been removed' from the blut: all abput. .~.. ': . . Chc5ter Hospital to the Media Hospital in ~hesC §ve,decora~ions arc without ques- order that her doctor, Dr. Schoff, might, tion, among . the best in town •. The' actual give her closer attention. Mrs. Garrett has cas~ outl~ys ranged. from $ t9' ·$125.00. not regained consci.ousnes..<;.· since the acci·· In 'each ~se the demonstration· tcnded to! dent, and in addition· to, a· compound frac~! telL ·of g-ood taste anti applied ingenuity tbre of. the.skull and a splintered bone in rather than la\'ish spending. The natural her right leg, the usc, of which she will' '.}os~ibiIities for i1lumination .. in . these 'i~·; pever ha,'e. again, it has been discovered· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~'~::~ that she algo suffers a broken vertebra in her back. Since it is almost impossible to administer nourishment· to a patient in this ~educe4 Prices on Auto., , ,conditiQn, ~rs" Garrell. ~ growing weaker mobile Christmas i day by day. , I iat !\Irs. Alhert Hill, 01 College Avenue, was home informally on Christmas .evening. Accessories " ~ . REMEMBER JANUARY . 5th , When the New CHEVROLET THE QUAUTY CAR Will .Be , on Display Dr. and Mrs. David Cramp, of Park. Annue, entertained at It family dinner on Christmas. · Mr, and Mrs. I Swarthmore. and Samllel D. Clyde. of Ogden Avenues, enter; taincd at dinn~r op r~,at!lrday. in honor of : Miss Lite BO.T~l, .tlf. IvIQton, P.a., and Miss : Mania;et Borgal,' of Bridgcp.ort,. Conn .• : who are.lhe holiday guests of their brother; in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. 'j K;~gj' of' College· Ave!)uc. ' Based on· figure", obtnined by actual survey. WilHam. , .J HAPPY NEW YEAR '. '. Again we wish to extend a cordial invitation to our friend. and patrons to attend a concert at the Inn, Frida)' night at 8.30, given by a choir of twelve boys under the direction of.Mr. Sherman Kreuzburg from St. James Parish;' Danbury, Conn. ' -', Dinner in the Tea Room, 50 cents. We are again observing the holidays in 'a festive mariner, and on New Year's Day will serve a dinner, delicious as those served in the past, and which so many have remembered with disiinct pleasure .. The same menu may be enjoyed at 'all hotels from' $1. 00 per Plate. 1.00 to 6.00 P. M. StratL.Haven. The Inn With Personality Swarthmore 680 F. The Hamilton Norristown, Pa_ Swarthmore, Peana. M. SCHEIBLEY Management The Cheater Ar ..... s The Whittier 140 Nbrth 15th St. 4th &. EdB'mbnl ATes. Cheater, Pa. Phil•. , Pa. j fawsofi-Sh~ard .Company,llic. ~uthGr~z~~ Dealer AVENUE' I Swarthmore , ,' " Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ogram, of River; view Road, had as their- guests on Christ· ! mas Dar Mrs. Ogram's parents and brothers, Mr. and Mrs. 'Varren A. Taylor, \ and ~ons, Richard W. and W. Henry, of Wilmin~ton, Del.; Mr. OScram's parents. :Mr. and Mrs. James K. Ogram" of New Garden, P~.i Mrs. OJ!,:ram's aunt, Miss Mary Puhl, of Wilmington, and Mr. IOgram'? aunt, Mi!;5 Clara V. Ogram, of 'Vilmington, ! 'I' I I THE NEW FORD 1935 MODEL V~8 " :-" I WILL BE ON DISPLAY SATURDAY. DECEMBER 29th V ~ ••", " " : " Smliee EDMOND STEINMAN PROVIDENCE ROAD AND BALTIMORE PIKE MEDIA. PA. Phone, Media 1800 , CASH ~ 1. ,PAID IN 15 DAYS • UUllAL ClU. PL4N AIIIIAtl810 "