COMB TO THE EASTER EGG THE EASTER EGG JR1NT BUNT VOL. VI-NO. 14 $2.50 PER YEAR SWARTHMORE, PA., APRIL 6, 1934 ;::: RICHARDSON NAMED HODGE DIRECTS "8Dl 'BORO SECRETARY OF DIVORCEMENT" CAST IN \'BILL OF DIVORCEMENT" -- WILUAM S. EVANS' SERVICES TUESDAY Eilloll Richardson Elected From Barbara Dolman and D. Malcolm 23 Candidates ~ TOt;tk Office Hodge Star in Problem Yesterday Play Former Member of Boro Council and Director of Swarthmore Building Association Boro Council at its regular meeting In "A BiH of Divorcement" D. MalWilliam S. Evans, 55, of Cedar Lane, Wednesday evening elected Elliott Rich- colm Hodge and a strong cast stirred and died Saturday morning, March 31st. The ardson as Boro secretary to fill the va- startled the PlaYCl's:.j;lub audience last funeral was held at his late residence on cancy caused by the resignation of Albert Tuesday night at the Clubhouse on Chester road. This powerful problem play Tuesday afternoon, and the interment was N. Garret Jr. Richardson who lives at 311 Lafayette by Clemence Dane wilt conclude its rWl at Colestown Cemetery, Colestown, New avenue isa civil engineer, graduating here on Satutday night. Jersey. Dr. John Ellery Tuttle and Dr. from Swarthmore college in 1902.. He Directur Hodge accomplished a triple Landis of Albany, New York, spoke at has his M. A. from Swarthmore in 1905. task in adapting "A Bil1 of Divorcement" He entered the employ of the Pennsyl- for Swarthmore audiences-in directing it the funeral. Mr. Evans is survived by his vania R. R. and for ten years was engaged -ana in taking the part of Hilary Fairwidow, Helen Rogers Evans and two in technical work with that firm and field. brothers, Edward Evans of Norristown with L. M. Booth Co. (Water purifying The play was written tor English audiand Harry Evans of New York. equipment), Harlan & Hollingsworth ences and first produced in 1921 in Lon(Shipbuilders) and ~he duPont Co. His don. Having to do widl English divorce In the death of William S. Evans, Swarthmore has sustained a loss that will work with these firms consisted of sur- laws, the director first Clarified and"shortveying, machine shop practice and the ened it for American edification. and then long be felt. His warm friendliness, his design and construction ofbttildings and put on a. masterful portrayal of the mad neighborly kindness, his dependability were outstanding. As a citizen, either of equipment. From 1912 to 1923 he was Hilary. employed by the Midvale Steel Co. in The plot is' woven with two tragic triPlayers' Club offering Ibis week under the direction of D. llaleolm Hodge the boro or in wider fields, he took a vital sales and man2gement work. Since that angles complicated by the ghastly spectre interest and part. He was a member of time he has been with the Keystone Gyp- of inherent insanity in both-through the Borough Council and on the Board of sum Fireproofing Corp. (Fireproof con- medium of the father and daughter of . . • . . Directors of the Swarthmore Building . ., Association, where his sound judgment struction), Gypsum Contractors' Assn. the Fairfie1!~<:e. . ::. , , ".'~.' . .":' beell 'allocated ior slumc!earance pur;' Mr. Told in speakil~~. of the drive ing-;~js youthht:. atl,elided the Friends' secretarl~1 Job all' ordnfarlly construed. In the role .. round 'which the play, de- poses. Tbe only projeot in Pennsylvania said that we "should rLinember that the Meetmg of Norristown and taught a Cou~ctl feels th~t perhaps' the. t",:o V'Qlves, Uil1!:olrn Hodg~ surpasses h~s well actually under constructioll is the JtJJliata S'iIV$tion Army is not a bene(iciary or 'class in the First Day School there. Af~ost Important funchons of the POSI- ~nown genjus at setj~us character parts. Park development in Northwestern Phila':' the 'United Campaign. It is entirely de- ter leaving school he entered business in tlOt T~: f . h He makes of Hilary Hairfield a striking delphia, although plans are now under con- pendent upon the luccess of this drive for ~hi1adelphia and, with earnest determinah ~{ care ul. overrg ht o~er th~ man; ma~ enough to frighten, y~t sane si"eration for the clearance of a section in funds with whicb to carry onjts humani- hon to make the most of himself, he p YSlca . propertIes 0 t e oroug, enough to be loved as well as pitied. His Wayne in Delaware county. urian work. studied at night, acquiring a knowledge such ~.s. roads, :~ve~en!s, curbs,. s~w- scenes, both with his wife and his daughMr. Ritter suggested that every comWhile we hope to solicit every res i- of Spanish and mastering a course in law. ~rs, trees, et~'1 0hr t hiS, In 0d~rd oPlOhtOn, (Continued on Pao" BlahU munity should have adequate building in- dent in the Boro it may be impossible to He passed the State examinations and It was essentta t. at t e can 1 ate ave • ,• . . . " . . be be f h P . d' t t' . DE~ORATING" structlOns, zonmg and sewer ordlQances see each one. For theIr convenIence there came a mem r o t e ennsylvama h d . . I~ to see that future slu~s may be' prevent- will he books at the Swarthmore Na- Bar. After some years of business exa . engmeermg an cons ruc IOn' ex-' pe nenpce. t d t t" ed, and especially that care should be ex- tional Bank, at the Swarthmore National perience, during which he was national 2 . t d beous ac Ion 't' on erclsed to prevent the recurrence of such Bank, at The SwartlwlOrcan " office and presl ent 0 f t he A mencan Institute of - romp an. t cour d · . Iam s regis ere comp your CI hIzens. . . as took place . , . 10 . the last R ussel I'service S ·StatIon · . Ban k'mg-t h"IS 10 1915-he became a memIn th I t' f ""'11' t R" ·d· overcrowdmg where theIr 10 IC ar bUI'Id'109 move 10 . t he eastern end 0 f D ela- contn'butlons . be r o f th d e seposition, ec Ion 0we ... son for the have appointed can be ~a de. e b?nk·.lOg .fi rm 0 f W est an a man eminently c;.ualified in ever re- Mrs. Helga E. Swan of Temple ware County when small and not too welt Delaware county which has been allot- Company, reslgnmg 10 1927. In 1929, spect and we believe he will i-:nder JJniversity Gives' Program built houses are crowded in at the rate ted a quota of $11,000 in the Salvation he was elected to the office of Vice Pres:our ~itize~s competent and courteous . for the' Home Section of 51 to the acre instead of 12 to the Army's drive for $160,000 for mainten- de~t of the Fire Association of Philadelservice. . acre, Which is the actual requirement of ance of. its many services in Philadelphia phla and affiliated Companies. This ofWe wish to thank the other candiTuesday's progrl,\m :jot the Woman's some of the older counties. and its suburbs, was well represented at fiee he filled until his death. He was a" dates for coming forward and are sorry Club will be in charge Qf the Home De- The intelligent questions asked by mem- a dinner held 'last night at the Bellevue- member of the Rolling Green Golf Club, that each and everyone of them could partment, Mrs. E. O. Lange, chairman. bers of the audience were a source of Stratford Hotel, which formally mark- the Union League, and the Penn Athletic Club. not have been selected. Mrs. Helga E. Swan, from Temple, will great encouragement to Mr. Ritter who ed the opening of the campaign. Peter E. Told, Mrs. William E. Kistler The applicants included George Brad- speak on "Interior Decorating" in making asked for the support and assistance of field, Henry I. Hoot, Bucher Ayres, Rob- the small home more attractive. This is our women in obtaining the necessary and Harold Ogram represented SwarthPiano - Dance Recital ert T. Bair, Ambrose Hirst, Paul Mc- also the stated meeting and the polls will legislation to prevent the development of more at the dinner. The joint piano-dance recital for the Geo. E. Hill, of Drexel Hill chairman Hale, Mrs. Clara L. Taylor, Richard S. be open from ten until twelve, and from slum clearance projects. Fleischmann, Frank Gray, Russell G. two until four, for the election of four Mrs. \-Vm. T. Johnson, chairman, pre- of the Delaware co. suburban division, led benefit of the Welfare will be given by Fudge, George Frescoln, Elliott Wells, T. new board members. Tea will be served. sented the report of the Nominating Com- the county contingent; the sub-chairmen of Eleanor Goddard and Florance Foote toHarry Brown, John R. Brownell, Caroll Mrs. JtIp1cis V. Warren and Mrs. Pat.fl mittee as follows: For· the ensuing term which include William H. Milliken, bur- morrow evening at 8 :15 o'clock in the Thayer, W. Barker Keighton, Sr., Lewis Cleaver will be the hostesses for the of two years, from May, 1934. gess of Sharon Hill, who heads the Ches- Mary Lyon School Auditorium. The Agnew, Walter E. Powell, Mervin E. afternoon. Chairman-Mrs. J. Passmore Cheyney; ter pike area; Frank B. Titus, borough program is as follows: Burgett, Sr., J. B. Durnall, F. H. AnClub Notes Vice Chairman-}.[rs. Robert K. Enders; manager of i,ansdowne. in charge of the Prelude-La Terasse des audiences, du drew, Laurence Drew, and Robert L. The Drama Section will have their reg- Rec. Secy.-Mrs. Peter E. Told; Cor. Baltimore pike area. and Assemblyman clair de lune-Debussy, Eleanor Goddard, Coates. ular meeting on Wednesday afternoon at Secy.-Miss Crewe; Treasurer-Mrs. B. Thomas Weidemann, of Haverford, in Pavonne-Ravel, Gavotte-from Armida, (Continued on POOt! Seven) three o'clock (note the change in time) W. Isfort; Directors-Mrs. John Mar- charge of the West Chester pike district. Gluck, Waffentance, Gluck, Bayishe Landler, Florance Foote, Five Waltzes ••• at the Woman's Clubhouse. Dr. Clara shall, Mrs. Daniel Goodwin, and Mrs.' ••• op. 39; Brahms, Danseuses-de DelphesWildcliJl'e Presents Play Price Newton, head of the German Lan- William M. Fine. To Speak on George Fox Debussy, La Soiree dans Grenade-- Degauge and Literature Department at This ticket will be voted upon at the An unusual opportunity is offered Swarthmore College, will be the guest next regular meetingQf the Swarthmore Dr. Henry Joel Cadbury, professor of bussy, La Dance de Puck - Debussy, Swa~thmor~'s theatre-g?e~~ in the pro- speaker, using as her subject "The Early League, May I, and members may put biblical literature at Bryn Mawr college, Eleanor Goddard, Mazurka-Opus 7, dUC~1011 of . ~he MarqUise, Noel Cow- German Drama", discussing Lessing, other names in nomination at that time. is to lecture in the M~ting House on Chopin, Waltz de Natacha, Stremer, ard s sophIstIcated play of th~ amor- Goethe and Schiller, with scenes being •• f' Sunday, April 8, at eight o'clock. He Serenade-- Schubert, Mazurka Opus 68 hlch the read from each. All members are invited. ou~ la.dy of' Kestourmel, Ulverston Present Plays will speak on the results of his intensive -Chopin, Florance Foote, Two \Valtzes Wlldchff players are presenttng Wed'11 h h . I research into the life and works Qf George -Chopin, Two Ballet Pieces, Recit du · nesday evening, April 11, in the Miller TIIe A rt S ectton WI ave t elr regu ar The students of the Ulverston School Pecheur, Dance du Meunier,-de Falla, Crist Auditorium. But rarely produced meetin~ T~ursday morning at ten o'clo:k will present two one-act comedies in the Fo~~. Cadbury was graduated from Hav- Allegro from Harpsichord Toccata-Bach in America, this is the first time "The at whIch time Mrs. A. M. Lackey WIll Ulverston Auditorium tonight at 8 o'clock. .. erford college and took his master's and (arranged by Harold Bauer). Uarquis" has been offered in the Phila discuss Modern Art. . ~preadlllg the News", by Lady Gr~.gary doctor's degrees at Harvard. He later • •• delphia district. Will be tl~~ first on the pr?gram, and Box taught at both of these institutions. From The Frolic, which was repeated MonAwarded Fellowships Anne Lee George, whose work was and Cox, by John Madison Marton, the 1924-26 he was a lecturer on the Old outstanding in "Lilies of the Field", the day evening, played to a capacity clubTestament at the Episcopal Dr. Arnold Dresden, professor of Autumn offering at Wildcliff, plays the house and was received with much laugh- last. Those taking part in the plays are: School, Cambrl·dge. SI'nee 1926 [; •.•. Cad. at S wart h more C0 11ege, mathematICs title role. Her two lovers are played ter. Mrs. Gerald Effing as Capt. Holmes hllsbeen professor of biblical literhas been awarded a Guggenheim FelMiriam Terman, James Anderson, Bruce bury by Jane Fowler and Betty Hendrie, and Mrs. J. S. Kaufman, as Senor SpagCook, Mary Christine Stericker, Anne ature at Bryn Mawr. He has recently I h' f h . 0 f a b 00 k ows lp or t e preparatIOn both experienced thespians. Other hetti, met with the entire approval o.f the Kraus, Sally Mitchell, Ted Cook, Donald been invited to rejoin the faculty of Haron the calculus of variation~ The felmembers of the cast include Jessie audience. The men in the audience were Lange, Frank Lawrence and Lytle Alexvard university, where he will assume the. lowships. normally worth about $2000 Lockwood, Carolyn Wrenn, Kathryn especially quick to recognize the mannerchair of biblical literature in the fall. each are adjusted to meet the needs Marshall, Kathryn Dinkel, Lucretia isms of Governor Pearson in Mrs. Roland ander. • •• Professor Cadbury, who has been of the individuals. Kenneth T. BainUllman's characterization. The evening Green and Pat Porter. chairman of the Friends' Service Com- bridge, formerly of the Bartol Foun"The Marquise" is presented ,under was a success financially, as well. ' Mr. Denworth Appointed mittee, has done much investigation about dation, now assistant professor of the direction of Walter Steadman, of The dancing class under Miss Alice Mr. Hugh Denworth of Elm avenue George Fox, the founder of the Society lhysics at Harvard, received a Fellowthe Dramatics Department at Wild~raft began I~st Wednesday at 1 ;45 has been appointed Executive vice-presiof Friend~. The results of this research ship to continue his study of mass diff, who was associated with the Livwork have shed much new light on the spectra at Cavendish Laboratories, Uni!n the W~m~n ~ Club .h?use. Anyone dent of the Real Estate-Land Title and erpool Playhouse in England before I versity of Cambridge, England. great Quaker leader. . coming to America. . tnterested IS mVlled to Jom next Wed-I Trust Company. nesday. RInER DISCUSSES PETER E TOLD LEADS "RmER HOUSING" SWAR'TH~O'.D·J"E DRIVE Kue~le, 'IHOME TOPIC IlT CLUB . '1. v: ; .~ / <..:..,. • \ I .'. 1 1~)34: l. : : .. " •• I .. ~ "",.~, f.-' COME TO "'---,., ~_,.,.; ~"y TilE ,..!/COME TO TilE EASTER EASTER EGG EGG IIUNT IIUNT VOL. VI-NO. 14 SWARTHMORE, PA., APRIL 6, 1934 (;AST IN RICHARDSON NAMED HODGE DIRECTS "BILL BORO SECRETARY OF DIVORCEMENT" '~BILL Of' DIVORCEl\IENT" Elliott Richardson Elected From Barltara Dolman and D. Malcolm 23 Candidates - Took Office Hodge Star in Problem Yesterday Play Boro COllncil at its regular meeting 'Yellnesllay evening e1ectcll Elliott Richarllson as Boro secretary to fill the vacancy caused by the rcsignation of Alhcrt N. Garret Jr. Richardson who lives at 311 Lafaycttc a\'cnue is a civil engineer, gralluating from Swarthmore college in 1902. He has his M. A. from Swarthmore in 1905. Hc entered the employ of the Pennsylvania R. R. and for ten years was engaged in technical work with that firm and with L. M. Booth Co. (Water purifying equipment), Harlan & Hollingsworth (Shipbuilders) and the duPont Co. His work with these firms consisted of sur\'eying, machine shol) practice and the design and construction of huildings and equipment. From 1912 to 1923 he was employed by the Midvale Steel Co. in sales and management work. Since that time he has been with the Keystone GYI)sum Fireproofing Corp. (Fireproof construction), Gypsum Contractors' Assn. Kuehnle, Inc. (Painters) and Jas. S. WiIson & SOil in sales, supervision and management positions. At a special meeting of Council Tuesday evening Mr. Richardson was chosen from 23 applicants. Mr. Turner in making the announcement issued the following statement. "Borough Council feels very much gratified that so many able candidates appHed for the position of Borough Secretary. Unfortunately, howevcr, there was only one position to be filled and therefore, all the candidates but one. had to be disappointed. We were especially concerned to make sure that all eandidates were given <.! .. er~·con.;ideration. The position of norough Secretary is not primarily a secretari!ll job as ordinarily construed. Cou~cJI feels that perhaps the t~o n.lost Important functtons of the POSIhon are: . I--:The careful. over_SIght over the phYSical properttes ul the borough, such as roads, paven~en!s, curbs,. s~wers, trees, etc. For thIS, III our oplmon, it was essential that the candidate have ~:~~e~~;.ineering and construction ex- $2.50 PER YEAR WILLIAM S. EVANS' SERVICES TUESDAY Former IUemher of Boro Council and Director of Swarthmore Building Association In "A Bill of Divorcement" D. },IalWilliam S. Evans, 55, of Cedar Lane, cohn Hodgc and a strong cast stirred anll died Saturday llIorning, ~larch 31st. The startlcd thc Players' ~Iub audience last funcral was held at his late residence on Tuesday night at the Clubhousc on ChcsT'Jesday afternoon, anll the intcrment was ter roall. This powerful problcm play at Colestown Cemetery, Colestown, New by Clcmence Dane will conclude its run I here 011 Saturday night. I Jersey. Dr. John Ellery Tuttle and Dr. Dircctor Hodge accomplished a triple Landis of Albany, New York, spoke at task in adapting "A Bill of Divorcement" the funeral. ),11'. Evans is survivcd by his for ~warthmore audiences-in directing it widow, Helcn Rogers Evans and two -anll in taking the part of Hilary Fairhrothers, Edward Evans of Norristown field. The play was written for English alllliand Harry Evans of New York. ences and first produced in 1921 in LonIn the death of \YilIiam S. E\'ans, don. Having to do with English divorce laws, the director first clarified and shortSwarthmore has sustained a loss that will ened it for American edification and then long be felt. His warm friendliness, his put on a masterful portrayal of the mad neighhorly kindness, his dependability Hilary. were outstanding. As a citi7.en, either of The plot is woven with two tragic triI-layers' Club offering thi~ week under the direction of D. llalcoIm Hodge the boro or in wider fields, he took a vital angles complicated by the ghastly spectre interest and part. He was a member of of inhcrent insanity in both-through the Borough Council and on the Board of medium of the father and daughter of Directors of the Swarthmore Building the Fairfield family. Association, where his sound judgment The far-reaching curse, it finally apand keen business insight were of the pears, comes home to roost by the Fair. highest value. His opinion was much sought after and respected while his quiet field fireside after touching and even tearing at the lives with which it comes in Nominating Committee Presents Chairmen Annollneed of the strength, his loyalty, and his unfailing contact. Slate for L. W. V. Men's and Wom4!n's Teams for sympathy endeared him to his many As hearts are apparently lacerated, the Officers Salvation ArnlY Drive friends. He was born of Quaker ancesmajor characters one by one escape scottryon a farm ncar Plymouth Meeting, free: the wife with her liberation to love At the meeting of the Swarthmore Peter E. Told, ch.drman of the Sal- and there he spent his boyhood ycars, atand marriage-t1l€! daughter's fiance to League of Women Voters held Tuesday, vatioll Army drive in Swarthmore has tending the neighborhood school and, with his hypothctical "Alice"-the patient, sto1- April 3rd at the Woman's Clubhousc, anlloullced the following vice chairmen his two brothers, sharing the work of the id lover Gray, to his hard won reward. ~ir. Bcnjamin H. Ritter, Executive see- who will aid in the drive this month: farm. The boys' responsibility and labor Even the aunt avoids discomfort except retary of the Pennsylvania Housiug and Harol<1 Ogram, George Gillespie, Dr. were heavier because of the blindness of for momentary shocks to her dignity. Town Planning Association, discussed James F. Bogardus, George Plowman, their father, who had suffercd the loss The ravages wrought by the dreaded "How Can We Improve Housing Condi- Charles Russell, ~lrs. William Earle Kist- of his sight through an explosion. disease of the mind are finally concen- tions in Penna."!" Mr. Ritter explained ler, Mrs. J. Paul BrQwn, ).clrs. Ann B. 'ViII Evans' character, formed in these trated in the blood from which they the various plans under which states and Sharples; Mrs. Charltls A. Dravo, Mrs. early years of faithfulness to duty, showsprang-and Hilary and Sydney Fairfield communities are endeavoring to take ad- John E. Fricke and :\{rs. William Tur- ell throughout his life a steadfastness of are left with onty each <>f ,. as comfort vantage of the fecil'ral funds which t.:we nero purpose and a high sense of honor. Durand solace. been allocdted tor slum clearance pur;' Mr. Told in spl'akl"~ of the urive ing ;Iis youth ht ..Uch.:it!C the Friends' In th\! role around which the play de- poses. The only project in Pennsylvania said that we should ronember that the Meeting of Norristown and taught a volves, Malcolm Hodge surpasses his well actually under construction is the Juniata Salvation Army is not a beneficiary of class in the First Day School there. Afknown genius at serious character parts. Park development in Northwestern Phila- the United Campaign. It is entirely de- ter leaving school he ent;rcd business in He makes of Hilary Fairfield a striking delphia, although plans arc now under coJ\- pendent upon the success of this drive for Philadelphia and, with earncst determinaman, mad enough to frightell, yet sane sicleration for the clearance of a section in/ funds with which to carryon its humani- tion. to mak.e the \I1o.s~ of himself, he enough to be loved as well as pitied. His Wayne in Delaware county. tarian work. studIed at IIIght, aCtjUlrmg a knowlellge scenes, both with his wife and his daughMr. Ritter suggcsted that every COIll\Yhile we hOllC to solicit every res i- of Spanish and mastcring a course in law. (Continrwl on Paoe Eiuht) munity should have adequate building in-I dent in the Boro it may bc impossible to He passed the State cxaminations and oil • 40 structioJ\s, zoning and sewer ordilJ<:tlces sec each one. For their convenience there 1 became a mcmber of the Pennsylvania to sec that future slums may he prevent- will be books at the Swarthmore Na- Bar. After some years of business excd, and especially that care should be ex- tional Bank, at the Swarthmore National perience, during which he was national ercised to prevent the recurrence of such Bank, at The SWarlillllort'all office and prest< Ient 0 f tIe Institute of 2-Prompt and courteous action on I 1 \ metlcan . complaints registered by our citizens. overcrowding as took place in the last Russell's Service Station where their Banking-this in 1915-he became a memIn the selection of EJliot RichardIlCr of the hanking firm of 'Vest and building move in the eastcrn end of Dela- contributions can be made. SOil for the position, we have appointed ware County when small and not too well Delaware county which has been allot- Company, resigning in 1927. In 1929, a man eminently qualified ill every re- Mrs. Helga E. Swan, of Temple I built houscs are crowded in at the rate ted a {Iuota of $11,000 in the Salvation Ie was elected to the office of Vice Pres iUnl.verslOty, GlOves Program spect, and, we believe, he will render I . of 51 to thc acre instead of 12 to the Army's drive for $160,000 for maintel1- (cnt 01 the Fire Association of PhiladcJfor tIle Home Seet.oon ollr citizens competent and courteous scrvice. acre, which is thc actual requircment of ance of its many services in Philadciphia phia and affiliated Companies. This of\Ye wish to thank the other candiTuesday's program at the "'oman's some of the older countics. and its suburhs, was well represented at lice he filled until his death. Hc was a dates for coming forward and arc sorry Club will be in charge of the Home DeThe intelligent questions askcd by mem- a dinner held last night at the Bellevue- memher of the I~olling Green Golf Club, that each and everyone of them could partmcnt, ~lrs. E. O. Langc, chairman. hers of the audicncc were a source of Stratford Hotel, which formally mark- the Union League, and the Penn Athletic not have been selected. ~l rs. Helga E. Swan, i rom Temple, will great encouragement to ).[ r. Ritter who cd the opening of the c Z • e announces tne·o entng 0 ., ...... ~~ tb ~ ~. Q\. ... ~ -0 :t ~ ~ !I' ... 00 .... ~ 7018 GARRETT ROAD, UPPER DARBY TOWNSHIP '. DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNA. - on THURSDAY,. APRIL 5th . '>-l ,:= . .tII' This branch, established for the purpose of providing Upper Darby Township and Vicinity with adequate banking facilities, assures individuals, firms and corporations throughout this section the advantages of conservative and experienced bank management. Conveniently located, this branch office brings to' the residents and business interests of the entire community all the facilities rendered to the depositors and .customers of the Company at its. main office and other branches. C. ~ , i~ ,,. ~> ~. I(: o :at tIS > ~. s. W. PACKARD, President . -------_.- BOULEVARD 4300 la!' RESOURCES ... OVER ... $225,000,000 GRaNITE 5500 .1Il THB SWARTHMORBAN· APRIL 6, 1'»34 ExcepUns thereout. however. a certain iJl'ees. one minute we.t nine huodftd and tbe 8. W • .aide of 81m Ave. (60 ft. wide). piece of land. OODvered by- Jlal&cb1 S. PaD.. Iwehtr·two feet and ftn·tenths of a foot.: Contalnllll' aD BlrehwoOO An. 26 ft. and ex. coaet and Lulu Worrell. hie wlte. to tbe thence by land now or late of B. SternDI' Springfield Coneolhlated Water Company Hann tbe three next foUowJOI" couraes aod lenillnr of that. wIdth In depth 8. E. between BBBRIPP BALES Mrs, Samuel Franci. Butler of South by Indenture beaJ1.Dg date the eighth da.,. distance', 1o wU: North al%ty·four de~•• parallel lioel al right. aDs-lee 100 ft. the 8. W. of July. A. D. 1919. and. recorded at J4ed1a thirty-five minute. wetJi four hundred aDd line along "he middle of an 8 ft. wide driYeChester road spent two days last week SberUr's OfDce. Cow't Bouse. lIedla. Penna.. In Deed Book No. 481. page 211 ... ~UDded WIq. Together with the UN of laid driJ'ewBJ'. nlnetJ"nine feM aDd· slEW·Avo one hundredlhs at Haddon Hall in Atlantic City. Mr. and described as follows. to wit: .ocg1nD~ of a foot and north lwenly-ol..bL de,ueee. April 28, !twA Improvemente conll", of tWb-etOIT .'ueco .at a point In the centre of Crum creek I.D. Ihirty.flve mlnutea ealt t.hree hnndred aDd and Mrs. Butler had as guests on a llne between lands DOW or late of ~. thlrtY·nine feet. to t.he mIddle of Beatt,. road. hOllR. 16x33 feet; pol'C!h troDi. 9:30 o'clock A. M. Easter, Mr. and Mrs. William M. te88OJ' carl Kelsey and the laDd of the ea1d and thence alanl" the mIddle 11118 of Beat..,. Bold 81 the lJ!'ODeMY of 1. Inrln Stout, Malacht 8. Paneout therein conveyed, the road Eastern Standard TIme Pomeroy and son William Jr. of Pittselg-bi7.four decree8. fony.four mortgagor, and Joaepb G. SeemUler, real Une belng at that point the "TownshiP minute.north west four hundred foot and eight one· owner, burgh. • _UI 00 C88b r certUied check LIne" between Springfield and MarDIe Con41t1ons. ___ Ise tated In Town8hJps, thence eastwardly along the hundredths of a foot.: thence leaviul' said road at time of 8&le (unl888 0 erw ., other said line to a poLDt 10 the natural contour by Jand formerb' of the eetate of Seth Pan· H. L. FUSSELL. Attol'beT. elevation 113-. thence atoDS the saki. con.. coast et aI. north thb1,,·one derrees, thin". Miss Josephine Miller of York, Penn- advertisement). balance In ten days. concUtlons on day of ule. No 32 I tour elevatIon 113- DOrthwarcUy by lanc1a .Ix minute.. west four hundred and fon7 feet sylvania was the guest of Mr. and Levari Paclaa • now or late of the saId Malachi 8. PallO' and eIghty· five one·bundredtbe of a. foot.~ Levari Faclu No. 1160 Mrs. Paul K. Alger of Park avenue March Term 1934 coast to a POint In tbe line of land now or thence by land formerl,. of Pairman Rogen . • late belonging to Susan Barry. deceased tho I wo next following course. and dl.tancos, December Term, 1933 last week-end. Tract No I-All that eertaln tract or I thence leaving the contour along the said. norlh flfty·seven degrees. tweDIT.elght minules 1 f taDd Ituate partly In the Town'"jllne between the land therein conveyed and east nine hundred and fifty·Ove feet. and Messuage In 9J1l'ingfteld Twp., Del. Co .• Pa.• thirty-alx one-hundredths of a foot and sout.h beginning at. a 8tone In tbe middle of l'Oad Miss Elizabeth Main, who is attend- ~,ce ~f Spr~eld and partly 1n the the land now or late of the said Susan Iblrty-olght depees. eeven minute. eaa& seven leading from Cheater to Marple. comer of To:nsh1p of Marple' County of Delaware BarTy, deceased, to a POint in the center ing Mt, Holyoke College, has been d State of PeIlD.8Ylvanla and bounded of Crum ereek; thence along the center llne hundred and forty· one leet. to the plaa:- of land of J. Howard Lewi. and Joseph LowDea, described. accordlng to survey there- of the aald creek follo~ the meander- beginning. Containing- twenty-one and ninety. thence N. 23%" W. 60 perch8l. thence N. 16" spending the Easter vacation with her ~d of made by C. Y. Broomall, Esq.. C. E., I lngs ot the same to the poInt of beglo- nine one.hundredth. acres. W. 02.4 perche8 to stone. tbence N. 60%" parents, Mr. and Mrs. William R. as follows. to wit: Beginning at a polnt at nlng. E. 3D.86 perches thence S. 30· 66' E. 39.3 the Intel"6e(:tloD of the New State road and The other beginning at a pOint In the per('be•• Ihence S. 30· E. 31 perches, thence Main of Cedar lane. the Chee:~r roa~ ~o the th;o~d':lfe ~~ Tract No. 3--AIso all that certain tract easterly boundary Une 01 preml8(!& above de- N. 66 v." E. 83 pei"Chea. .thence S. 38~" E. ecrlbed at the distance of three hundred and 66 IJercbes. thence S. 50*" W. 161.0 perches Mr. and Mrs. David Hand and :r.~~~~r t~d ~ut:S thirty-three de- or pIece of ground with the bullcllngs and seventy·sb: fl"8t soutb twenty·two degrees one 10 place of beginning. Coniaining 81 A. 61.3 west four hundred and fifty-nine feet improvements thereon erected, sttuate In minute west from the middle of Beatty road percbclI. daughter Sylvia of Ithaca, New York ~ point· thence still by the middle of. the Township of Springfield. County of thence by land now or formerly of J. Warren are spending the Easter vacation with the Chester road south twenty-two de-I Delaware and State of Pen.nsylvanla. ana LaWrenc6 north sixtY·elght deg1'e(!8. thirty. Also me88uage in Springficld Twp •• Del. Co., three minutes west seven hundred descrIbed as tollows. to wit: Beginning at eeven rnlnutea ('aBt thirty·elgbt feet. and foriy. P. beginning at stone 1n Une of John L. Mrs. Hand's parents, Mr. and AIrs. :!..~siorty_sb:: teet to a POint. a corner otla stake In the line at the School,House .lot lands of The SprIngfield Water Company: on the road leading from Beatty 8 .I4Uls to si:l. one·hundredtbs of a foot south Su;:der's land. thence by same 8. 56~" w. Warren If. ~ootc, of Ogden avenue. thence by a line north sixty-eight degrees, Springfield M&e!ing Bouse and a comer of degrees, forly·slz minutes eaet fourteen feet 38 perches. tbence s. 44~" E. 26.1 perehe., to five minutes west four hundred and ntnety-llantl fOl'Dlerly uf Henry Pancoast. et al .• and eight one·bundredths of a fool south stone in line of land late of Edw. Powell. twenty·tour mlnute8 wC8& thence by lIame 8. 60~" W. 40.0 perches. N. Mr. and Airs. James H. Hornaday of nine feet and five tenths of a foot to a thence by the said School House lot south twcnty·seven.,:Jegrecs. stone stJIl In line of the lands of The fortY·S1% degreea west five and three-tenths twenty·nlne reet north elghty·oDe degrees, 30 Ih" W. 31 IK'rclIes. thenee N. 62° E. 63.2 Dickinson avenue have as their guests SprIngtleld Water COmpany: thence by a perches and south forty-degrees east six forty·one m1nutes west thlrty·threo feot to a peJ'('he. and N. 17%" W. 41.0 perches to slone point In line of the premfsetl above de8Cl'ibed: In Uno of land. now or late of Ebenezer R. this week, Mrs, Hornaday's sister, Mrs. Une north thirty-eight degrees thirty· perches and eighty-four one-hundredths of thence by the premises above deserlbed. north Curtis. deceased, t.hence by same N. ~1· E. th~ mInutes west 6eVon hundred and a perch to the middle ot the said road: Marion T. Parsons and family of forty-one feet to a point a corner of land thence along tbe middle ot the same and twenly·two dl."gTeCs. one minute eaat eight feet 1-1.8 perches, thence S. 31° E. 5O.S perches to formerly at A. C. Harvey; thence by a llne by land now OJ' late at Charles Evans. south and four· tenths ot a foot to tbe place of place of beglnrJn,.. Contalnlng 16 A. 2: rode. Washington, D. C. south fifty-seven degrees twenty-eJsht forty-four degrees. flttY-five minutes west bclt"lnnln~. Cont.ainlng' elgbt hundred and six. 20 per~hes of land more or le88. minutes west seventeen hun· aad thirty thIrty and fifty one-hundredth& perches: teen square feet.. d M A P Sh kl' f feet and five-tenths of a foot to a P'Jint I thence stIll along the middle of said road Also tract of land 10 said Twp. of Soring· 1\, J.r. an rs... an III 0 In Une of lands formerly of Malachi B., and by land formerlY of Carl Kelsey. et ImproVements consiat ot (1st description). field. beginning at stone In middle of publlc Amherst avenue ha\'e as their guests Pancoast· thence by said Pancoast's land llX. BOUth fltty-one degrees. seventeen min.. Vacant. ground. (2nd de8d and twenty-seven teet and seven- minutes west five perChes to land now or and one haU Sial,), stone house. 42z18 feet: MOrilln Station. thence N. 30· 36' W. 146.6 tenths of a foot to a point In the middle late of J, Howard Lewlaj thence along the two'stOI'J' frame addition. axlo feet: two.story ft. nnd N. 16° 30' W. 339,.4 ·ft. thence S. Pennsylvania and Mrs. James Benton of the New State road; thence along the i same north twenty-four degrees, west six- stone addition. 18x18 feet: one·&tolT stone ad. 72° 32' W. 364 ft. and N. 6° 2' W. to posl of Clinton, New York were the guests middle of the New State road the five teen perches. more OJ' less, to the mJdcUe dition. 10:l.24%aO fect: porches front and side; In line of land formerly at Edw. Powell, tbenoo following COUl'6e8 and. distances; south of Cnun creek; thence up the said creek frame bam 54z64 feet: frame addiUon. 24:1:28 by Bame S. 50° 2' W. 1633 ft. to place of of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford R Buck of forty-eight degrees, thirty-four minutes follOWIng the several courses thereof fifty_ feel: ehicken h01!fIC. 10x32 feet; (41b descrip. bepnning. Containing 32.067 acres more or Guernsey road last week, east three and ninety- seven fee, two perches. more or less. to the corner of tion), Vacant 8ftund. lesll. to a point, north eighty-seven degrees. land formerly of Henry Pancoast, et al. twenty-nine minutes east two hundred. BI1d thence by the same north Rnd Sold BS the IlropeNy of James Wolfenden. Improvements considt. of frame poultry Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Taylor of thirty-nine feet to a paint: south seventy- three-fourths degrees east twenty-six mortgngor. terre tenant and real owner. house, 5Ox:lO feet: one and one·half story nine degrees. four m1n.utes east eight hun- perches. more or leas. to a stake and south frame carriage bonae and barn 26x63 feel.:, Washington, D. C. spent last week- med and eighty-four feet and seven-tenths s1xty~two and three-fourths degrees east Hand Money-l5,OOO.OO. ono·story frame addiUon 12x25 feet. Frame end with Mrs. Taylor's parents, Mr. ot a foot to a potn:t; north seventy-nine forty-eight perches and thIrtY-five oneand rement poultry house, 321:48 feet: lltone degrees. Mty-three minutes east four hunhundredths of a perch to the place of beJ. H. WARD IDNKSON. Attorney. and frame spring house, 16x30 feet; cement· and Mrs. John E. Jeffords of Vassar dred and seventy-two feet and three-tenths ginnIng. Conta1n1ng twenty-one acres, poultry bouse 12x84 feet: frame stable. 30x80 avenue. of a foot to a point;; north elgJ:lty degrees. three rods and thirty-SIX and eight-tenths feet: cemellt' and frame sbed. 18:1:34 feet; Fieri Facias twenty-one minutes east eIght bundred perches, more or lese. No. 410 onc-BllIry frame tool house, 12ltl6 feet; two and eleven feet and aeven-tenths of B foot and one·half story stone and frame houae, Mrs. N. P. Vlachos of Park avenue to the first mentioned point and place of March Term, 1934 501:-12 feet; one·story stone and frame addI· Together with nil eatnte. right, tiUe, inter. beginning. COntalnina fifty-two acres and will entertain her bridge club at lun- seven hundred and e~hty-one thousandths eat, property. POs8(>Sblon, claim and demand Lot of gJ'lIund situate in Yeadon Bora.. Del. tion 12x16 feet; pOn:!h front; frame barn and Whatsoever, both in law Bnd in equi!y. of the ClI .• Penna .• on the N. E. side of Yeadon Ave. stnbie. 1l0x38 feet; addition. 14x28 fect: T. chc;on - today. of an acre, more or less. mortgagor RCQuired by virlue of &. certain 34-7.18 It. N. W. from the N. W. side of ehal>ed stable. 16x60x68 feet: frame shed~ -:----~ ~.------10x32 feel: two and one·half stOry frlUDe .. Tract No.2. All that certain tract or aKTeemcnt bet.ween Carl Kelsey and wife, end Parmley Ave.: Containipg- on Yeadon Ave. 26 houae, 18x36 feet: one.story .. addition Od2 Springfield Water CompallY and Springfield fl. and extenrllng of that width In depth N. E. New Committee for Assemblies piece of land with the buUdlngs and im- COllllolidalcd Waler Company, dated M87 tbe between parallel lines at right. angles 100 ft., feet. provements thereon erected, situate partly . . • In the Township at Springfield, and partly twenty·fourlh. A. D. 1910. Rnd recorded In tho S. E. line along- the middle of an 8 U. Sold as the pro~rty of Samuel C. Trego. All mothers mterested In the electIOn of In the Township of Marple (the greater the office lIf the rceorder of deeds of Delaware wide drivewaY. Together with the use of said mortgagor and real owner. a committee to manage the Swarthmore I part.. however. bebJg. In the Township of County in Book No. 43a. page 182, inMfar driveway. I Marple) In the County of Delaware and 11& tho same appertain to the property above Hand MoneY-SI600.00. Improvements coneiBt of tWO·lltOry stucco Assemblies next season are asked to meet State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de- described. haUl>(!. 16x24- fE18t; porch kant: one·story GEORGE T. BUTLER. Attorney. at the Woman's Club at 8 o'clock, Man_I' :~::,~ ~a:~~ ~~U~~eb:~~ Tract No.4. And also all that certain tract IIluf'CQ addition. 31:12 feet; stucco S-Dl"DbO, day evening, April 16th. The nomina- Engineer. on the day o~ or piece of ground situate In tbe Township 0:1.16 foot. NATHAN P. PECHIN, Sheriff. t· h Id b ted I t f Mareh. A. D. 1919. 8JJ follows. to wit: Be~ of SpringOeI<1. County of Delaware and State So'd 8S the prOptrb' of Hu;;h Ferinl8on. Ions 5 ou e presen as s a e!'l 0 ginnIng at a POint In the middle llne of of PennsylvnnJa. compaRed of two o.dJolnlnr three names of Mothers of the Commu-[ the pUbUc road leading trom the pumping propeNiell bounded and described according to H. L. FUSSELL. Altorney. 't 'd l t d h' 11 d statton of the SPringfield Water Company. a Burvey thereof mad~ by C. M. Brollrnall. ,',I' '-,- I .. .... _ ." _" 1.m y, WI e y separa e geograp lea y an tOl'DlerlY BeattY'B ~Ua. to the Spl'lngfleld C. E., aa of June 2, 1025, liS fallow8. to. Wit: Levari Folloa No. 507 as to social interests. These nominees Meeting House. a ~l:ner of· land now or One beginning- at D, t;t"one III line of land for· Builders of More Than 20 ROJ)les . " late of· Doctor Edward P. Cheyney: thence merly of Fairman Rogers and a corner of December Term, 1033 I must·have already given their consent to by lands now or late of the said Doctor Jand now or late ot J. Warren Lawrence: in Swarthmore be eligible for election so that the business Edward P. Cheyney' the two foUowmg thenel! partly along- the 1ll8t menUonecl land Lot of ground sUuate in Aldan Doro,. Del. 414 HAVERFORD PLACE ' . courses and distances' to wit: North forty- and partly by land next berelnafler de8t.ribed Co .. Pa .• beginnIng on the S. E. side of Birehmay be completed at thiS same meetlllg. five degrees, thirteen m1n.utes west one- crossing Beatty road south twenty.two de· wood Ave. (40 ft. wide) 182 ft. s. W. from SUHJ. tlS2.1 or 989..M tenths ot a foot to a point; thence south Thegroups choiceofofthewomen representing di- hundred nlnety·elg:ht and eight verse community will assure forty-fourand degrees, fifty-onefeet minutes· west.. . f • d . nve hunclred Bnd twenty-six feet and h t e contllluance 0 democratic an um- sixty-five one hundredths of a. foot to a.: versally enjoyed dancing classes. Their])08t a corner of land formerly of • '" I fessor Carl KelSey; thence by said lands election at thiS time wl1 a1low them to north sb::ty-three deg:rees, twenty-four I participate in and 50 become acquainted minutes west sl:l. hundred and fifty- seven, . . . b . feet to a. post and stone In the line dl-, wlth the remammg assem lies. vldlng the Township lof SprIngtleld from the Township of Marple; thence stm by I the said Kelsey's land ·and along the said division Une south fltty-five degrees. I thirty-eight minutes· west, and passing Would You Pay Ihe Small over a post on the side of Crum Creek Balance Due on a Fine about twenty feet from the middle thereof· five hundred and six feet to the middle of t NATIONAlLY KNOWN said creek: thence up satd Crum Creek the, thirteen following CO\}l'8es and distances. I to wit: North twenty-two degrees. thirty-I i seven minutes west two hundred. and flfty I feet more or less: north forty-one degrees, I IN YOUR VICINITY? ,five mlnutee west one hundred and seventy- . The Credit Manager of a large three feet more or less; north sixty-seven I Plano House wlU sell this instrudegrees west eighty-four feet more or less; I ment for the small balance due on I north elghty·six degrees, forty minutes I lease rather than bring It back to 1 west five hundred and ninetY-five feet. their warerooms. Just cont1nue more or less; north eIghty degrees, fiftY-I BDlall weekly paymenta. ThIS plano I' eight minutes west two hundred and siXtyIe almost brand new. Offers excepfive feet, more or less: north fifty-four detlonal value for someone. All5wer grees. thirty-three minutes west one hun-I quick. Must be moved Within 10 days. ; dred and forty·two feet. more or less; Address-A. D. Mack, Dept. of Accts' f I north thirty-two degrees, thlrty-one mtn1306 Ch t ,utes west two hundred and thirty-five feet • S. Phil more or less: north degrees. and twentyfour minutes east eleven one hundred five I 'feet, more or less: north forty-four degrees. fifty-six minutes east two hundred. and seven feet. more or less; north eighty-one I degrees, thirty-eight minutes east one hun_ dred and seventy-five feet. more or less; . south seventy degrees. tlve minutes east . sixty-nine feet more or less; north fOrty.sIx degrees. fortY-five minutes east elghty_ one feet more or less: north three degrees. BASEBALL8-l5e I twenty-seven minutes east cne hundred and ninety-eight feet, more or less to a point In the middle of said creek, a comer Also Gloves and Bats of land formerly of the estate of Susan Berry, deceased; thence by the said aerry's land north fifty-six degrees. twenty-seven BALL BEARING Imlnutes east and PassIng over an old post A view of t:h. Lawson-Shepard Company, Inc., Garage at: 401 Dartmouth Avel1ue. You liee here a few of the new Chevroleu ready at the edge of saId creek about twenty feet ROLLER SKATES from the middle thereot thirteen hundred I for immediate delivery. We are permanent:ly located in Swarl:hmore, and ninety-five feet to a post. and south flfty-four degrees, twenty-six minutes east I five hundred and sixty-three feet to a Strap Ankle Pad I dead Chestnut oak tree, a comer of lands tormerly of James F. Colllns; thence by the said Collins' land south thlrty-fiWo deCushions-lOe Pair grees. fifty-nine minutes east ten bundred and fifty-elght feet to a POSt In the said division Une, between the said townSPONGE8-l5c ship. and thence along the said 11n.e and by said Collins' land north fifty-eight degrees, thirteen minutes east seven bundred CHAMOI8-25e and aeventy~two teet to a post. a comer Of land formerly of Mrs. Adah Bradley Halla-I day; thence by the last mentioned lands AUTO SOAP-lOe ! south thirtY-six degrees. fifteen mInutes east fOur hundred and rorty-three feet to SALES n point on the north side of the first men-I DUSTING PAPER SERVICE tioned puhllc road at a bend thereof; along the middle Une of the said I thence 50e ROLL road south forty-four degrees. flfteen minutes west ten hunclred. and sixty-one and three-tenths of a foot to the flI'st SELF WRINGING MOP feet mentloned POint and place of beginning. NEWS NOTES SHERIFF'S SA' BS I t: I I a I 4 .... St:H KIMM·EL & SON APRIL 6, 1934 J GRAND PIANO i i~;;;;~~~~e~.~n~u~~~,,;~~a~,~;;~ Spring is Here! ·1 $1.19 To serve YOU better the garage has been renovated and equipped with new tools, accessories and parts for 75e Suplee's Store SW8. 105 Lawson-Shepard CompanyI Inc. PLUMBING, HEATING Be ROOFING AS IT SHOULD BE DONE L, W. JACKSON SWARTHMORE 74./ Swa. 411 401 Dartmouth Ave. Open 14 Hours, Dey end Nishi 7 WOMAN'S CLUB FROUe CLASSIFIED Presbyterian Church held its regular Shepard says, "a good looking car like meeting at the home of Mrs, L. C, the new chevrolet needs a good looking Hastings on Westdale avenue on setting, so we have even painted the Thursday, March 29th. Devotions were floors in part of the building," Prompt, led by Mrs. Theodore Widing, Officers courteous service in all branches is for the new 'year were elected. Presi- the aim of this new company. Swarth· dent. Mrs. Paul D. Williams, vice- moreans are invited to visit the Lawpresident, Miss Rosamund Wellburn, sOIl·Shepard Chevorlet agency at any POR SALB FOB 8Al..oB-Coclr:er Spaniel pupple8. brown . Phone 8w. 19"lIJ.J. FOB SALE-La 8alle convertible deluxe sedan. late 1930. Pleetwood body. A':t CODdltlon • .,.30. Terms (cost ".400 new). 0, 0, TletJem, 323 Swarthmore ave. Recording Secretary, Mrs. }0sephine time. Clark, Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. E. H. Taylor, Treasurer, Miss Annie POR RBNT •• Pitman for State Committee Hayes. FOR RENT-Housekeeping apartment. fUl'nlshed or unturn1shed. five rooms and bath. A. N. Garrett, Phone Pennypacker 4442 or Swarthmore 489. AIrs. Pauline Foster gave an illusJohn H. Pitman, burgess of Swarthtrated lecture on Japan. The meeting more is a candidate for Democratic State then adjourned to a social hour. Committee (rom Delaware County. •• • Jnnior Club Notes On Friday, :March 30, Swarthmore held their regular meeting Club 011 at the Presbyterian Church. A new paat 8 o'clock. The election of officers trol contest was started. The Pelican will take place, and after the business Patrol immediately jumped into first meeting there will be a surprise. place with 40 points, the Buffalo PaEveryone be sure to come, as this is trol a rather close second with 33 • one of the most important mceting~ of points, and Ihe Silver Fox Patrol trailthe year. ing with a scant 7 points. The Art Section will meet at the John Craemer, Scribe, home of Mrs. Henry Mock, 312 CorI nell avenue, on Thursday, April 12th, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. ~. l\{. Lackey will Services in the Blue Church speak on "Modern Painting." Sunday morning, April 8th will mark • I • ATI'R,,"CTIVE 2ND FLOOR APARTMENT-lI2.PARK AVENUE $6O--Large JJY-lnc rooin, fil'eplaee. d1n.lng room. kitchen. 2 bedrooms and den, 2 store rooms. elec. refrJlerator, private entran~es. POsse5sJon May 1. W, S. BITrLE Notary Publie Insurance FOR SALE 2 Swarthmore dwellings at $500 above the 1st mortgage. the beginning of the study of the Gospel according to St. John at the Morning Bible Study in the Blue Joseph Celia of the Celia Building is Church. being congratul.ted·this week on the 30th ================ Congratulations Joe anniversary of his shop. When Joe moved here 30 years ago Swarthmore had a population of 500 and there were only three other stores here. loe said "two of the proudest moments in the 30 years I have lived in Swarthmore were ~hen I was awarded the Certificate of Merit in 1930 and when the cornerstone of my new building was laid." .:~ • E. C. WALTON PETER E. TOLD ALL LINES OF INSURANCE INCLUDING LIFE OLD BANK BUILDING ·S\y. 1833 Hemlock Trees for Sale I have 8 number of hemlock trees of var. ious sizes for sale· al very reasonable prjces. Proceeds for charity. Come and see them. J. RUSSELL SMITH 550 Elm Ave, MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON JOSEPH B. QUINllY . G, SNODGRASS. ASS'T .BRNUT . Courtesy Philadelphia DuUetin. Mr!. Swann~ MI'8. Orr ~nd Mrs. Mesebter, three Bailors on the S. S. Swarthmore Richardson Named Boro Secretary be considered, as well as its outstanding souls working for social betterment, and those striving for the brotherhood of man. Worship's greatest contribution will conclude the program. Previous to this all are urged to come and Reno~ Garage (Continrud From Page On!!) help Mrs. Hesscnbruch with the sewing ----i.''-_ Harry L. Miller, chairman of the Fi· at 10.30 A. M·I foHowed by luncheon The Lawson-Sh~pard Company has nance committee reported that no :CWA certainly made a cJlange in the garage funds would be available for repairing and business meeting. I building at 401 ~,Wartmouth avenue, Boro streets or gutters. The Young Woman's Guild of the Realizing that "deanliness is next to T. E. Hessenbruch, chairman of Highgodliness", they and their employees ways committee· I)resented a map showing REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE have cleaned and; painted practically property lines on Ya1e avenue. The Highway composed of the chairman, J. P. Brown and N. O. Pittenger wilt report a survey of the shoulders· and gutters on Chester road at the ne~ meeting. ~:gJ~oC::~~«iN~f~~~ IN THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, AT UPHOLSTERING Redemption:' ·u·.:e:; u:' s: Call Swarth. 1441 .. I • Shop-27 Main St., Marlon, Pa. Eve. Can Sw, 1839·J. Rutledge, PR, KIMMEL & SON 32 Years of Qualily Paiuting and Paperhanging ill Swarlhmore Swa. 632.J or 989.M Benefit Bridge The Woman's Guild of Trinity Church will give a Card Party at Strath·Havcl1 Inn on Wednesday evening, April 11th. ~he committee in charge includes: Mrs~ .Lovett Frescoln, ch();irman; Airs. Bayard H. Morrison, Mrs. ·H. B. Lincoln, .Mrs. Albert Hi11, Mrs. John Jeffords, M:r;s. Wayne Ran- PL ~A~~'L~}AN G CHats dall Mrs. Alfred S.:·Lewis, Mrs. Wit· 1ia~ Brearly, Mrs. ~V. Hadley, Mrs. E. O. Lange. Tickets_may be procured from the members SPECIALTY PHONE 43 OR 525·J Woodward.' Jackson & Black. Inc. ~ffD~ "CATALOG FRIE" 516-518 MARKET ST. PHILADELPHIA RADIO GARDEN TALKS Tuesday Evenings at 10.30 STATION WFI '1;£ - the • •• committee. Trinily Chu!:ch Noles LIABILITIES Demand depOSits, except U. 8. Government depOSits, publIc funds and deposIts of other banks . . . . . . . .. . . . • . . . . • . . . . • Time depOSits. except postal savings. pUbUc funds ·and deposita of other bB.D.ks ... ".... Publlc funds of States, co~tles. school districts. or otner subdivisions or munlclpalltles ..• UnltE!d States Government and postal savIngs deposits ...... . Deposits of other banks, Including certified and cashiers' checks outstandIng ....•..... Total of Items 15 to 19: (a) Secured by pledge of loans and/or investments $ 113,416.81 (b) Not secured by pledge of loans and/or Investments 942,048.11 STRATH HAVEN INN Wed. April 11 at 8 p, M, SOC Refreshments Door Prizes Ye Swa.19 ANNA SCHALLES SLIP COVERS • DRAPERIES up to 4 P, m,. Monday, Aprll 23. 1934. for general tnstructiona1 supplles. lncludlng art. shop. and solencei a1l;O Janitors' sup- plIes and·:pl1Dtlng~''l'h'' SchOOl·Dls~et re- serves the right to·J'eJaa.t any or all bIds in whole or In part and/.or~to award contraots to other than the low bIdclll)f'8 On any item or Items, . . SpeClftcatlons may be secured at the School District office In the Swarthmore High SChool. RLIz'ABIrrH A. Lt;JEDERS. :. Secretary. * v·.·u· ·a'u· Women's Guild of Trinity Church A. HAUGER, Prop. _e=v=e=ry=t=h=i="=g==iI=,,=i=d=e=,=t=h=e==g=a=r=a=g=e=.=M=r. _ Loans and dlsoounts............, FURNITURE RESTORING CARD PARTY Village Window Cleaner THE CLOSE OP BUSINESS ON MARCH The School DIstrict ot Swarthmore will 5. 1934. ASSETS receiVe bide at the .HIgh SChool Bulldlng • 843 632.21 Overdrafts •...•..•...••.•..•••• 644.95 United States Government se, amIties Qwned ., ..• , .•. , .• ,.. 221,953.13 Other bonds, stbcks. and securIt1es owned •.. ,... •.•. .•.• 173.513.81 the purchase of 300 feet of Eureka fire BankIng house •• " ... SS,414.45 hose for the local fire company. This was Furniture and PI~tures 20.932.,55 the hose recommended by Roy Witmer, Real estate owned other than 116.347.00 banldng house .•.•.•..••.••• 20.899.67 fire chief. Reserve with Federal Resel'Vo N. O. Pittenger, Property Committee ~.!""hInk I·t· d" ij.i.· ;Viih 94,512.56 lor Harley-You'll No. be Sorry' announced the hiring of William Bran- '-' .. other banks ""............. 149,145.57 nan as janitor of Boro Hall. He gave Outside checks and other cash Items 572 63 a report on the Bora nursery which is on fund' 'witit" Tre-.surer and due from U. B. Cresson lane. Henry Hoot had inspectHonest Under the Cover Treasurer .••..•.•.• ,......... 2.500.00 ed the trees and found the stock in good Other assets •.•.•...•.•.•••••.. -;:;-;;;2;-,;;12;;0~.62;;; condition. T 0.... >-1 . ......................... "1425842 , • .15 FUNERAL DIRECTORS John E. Gensemer, public safety committee reported on specifications 'for fire _B_l!_L_L__PH_O_N~B_·c..__.,-_______M_" ___ DIA __, _P_A_,., hose in PhiJadelphia. Council authori7.ed 'Send Troop 3 Tuesday evening, April 10th, Troop 3 WANTED--Second-hand bicycle Bultable for girl 12 years of age. Write Box 282. swarthmore. . Real Estate I , The regular meeting of the J ullior Section will be held at the Woman's WANTED r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pro-,' THE SWARTHMORBAN Establlshed 40 Years Moss i.50 Peat bale Cow Manure .50 100 lbs. Sheep Manure .50 100 lbs· Bone Meal .25 100 Ibs. Lawn and Pleld Seeds Special Prices In Quantities ====-=:-:::-:c=~:;-====-::".,'""= E. L. SHUTE & CO, ESTATE OF DAvm~L. LUKENS. . bo deceased. tat Pb1l&~elphla Letters Teetament.qry on the a ve Es e 616 W. Upsal Street have been granted tQ the undersigned, Who reqlJests all persons: having clalms or demands against the Estate of the decedent to make known the 8ftDle, and all persons mdebted to the decedent to make payment. without delay to HARRY L. MDJoER. Executor, Swarthmore. Pa. Or to hie attorney,) EDWIN A. LUCAS. Esq.• 1429 Walnut Street. 559,130.34 Phone--Swarth. ~0412 PhUadelphla. Pa. . Van Alen Bros. COAL Warmth Without Worry 369,017.51 81,792.01 34.772.49 New Line of Plymouths and Dodge Sedans on Display 10,752.57 (e) Total deThe Annual Parisli.Jlleeting on Monposits ...... $1.055.464.92 day evening was one of the largest Circulating notes outstanding .. 48,900.00 rnd most enthusiastic ever held. Re- capItal account: Common stock, 1250 ports from the Vestry, heads of the shares, par $100 per share •..••... $125,000.00 various organizations, and R.ector, Surplus ...•.•.•..•. 150,000.00 showed marked progress during the Undivided profitspast year. The \Voman's Guild, of net ........•...... _~4_6_'47_7~.2_3~!:~~~ 321,47'1.23 which Mrs. Charles A. Stern is PresiTotal, including Capital Acdent, raised and contributed for Parish count •..•.•.••..••.•.•.••.. $1,425.842.15· CXI)enSeS $1,300.00. The Easter Day col1'IIemorandum:-Loans and Investments Pledged to Secure Liablllties lection amounted to ~ just under one United States Government se0 thousand dollars. . curltles ....•.....•..•.•.•.•.. $ 135,000. [) Other bonds, stocks, and securThe following men were rc-clccted 20,000.00 1 to the vestry: William B. Bunock, F. P. disCOunts) ................. $ 155.000.00 1 Bycrly. W . .i\fillton Harvey and E. O. Pledged: I LfllgC. The officers of the Vestry were (a) Against circulating notes outstandIng ............. $ 50.000.00 fe-elected: The Rector, President; (b) Against U. S. Government George \V. Casey, Senior \Varden and Qnd postal savings de, posits ..................... 49.000.00 Junior \\Tarden; A. B. Chapin, Secre(c) Against pUbliC funds of tary; \V. Barker Keightoll, Treasurer; States. counties. school districts, or other subWilliam L. Cleaves, Assistant Treasdivisions or municipalities 46.000.00 urcr. (d) Against deposits of trust departments ••..•.•...... 10.000. The regular monthly meeting of the Total Pledged .......... $ 155,OOO.QO State of Penna .• County of Delaware. BS: Woman's Auxiliary will be held at the I. E. S. Sproat, Cashier ot 'he aboveParish House Oil Monday, April 9th, named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my at 2.30 o'clock. k.nowledge and belief. OAT ------~->,~,••------E. S. SPR • Cashier Presbyterian NOles Subscribed and sworn to before me tbl!5 28th day of March, 193•• The last regular program called WILLIAM B. BITTLE, Notary Public "Worship's Gift to Us" will he given (Seal I on Friday, April 13th, at 2 P. M. beMy Commission Expires March 2. 1937. Correct-Attest; fore the \Vornan's Association. The E. B. TEMPLE, J. P. MURRAY. subject will be. "Iridia". Its sacred H. M. CRIST, books, religion, music and i>0etry will Directors. ::1 .~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~·1~;· ~~ • PLYMOUTH Hydraulic Brakes All Steel Body DODGE Unequalled Engineering . Quality 'I· Ii 001 I i • Call Us for a Demonstration at Your Convenience • CLIFFORD M. RUMSEY DODGE AND PLYMOUTH SALES AND SERVICE Sw.1390 INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE THE 6 NEWS NOTES SW ARTHMOREAN APRIL 6, 1934 Excepting thereout, however. a certain I:"~~. om' 01111111< "{'st nille hundred and piece of land con veyed by Malachi S Pan- h\tllty 1\\0 feel and Iht lenlhs of a foot, the S W eltle DC Elm A\c (60 Ii wide) coast and Lulu Worrell his w1te. to the Ih('lU~ by land lilly,; or late of E Staling COlilallllng 011 lJirc:h\\oO(I An· 20 It and ex Springfield Consolidated Water Company 11.11111 Ihc IliN.'C mxt (01l0,",111,.{ (·tJUr~s and II ndlll!:' of that "bUh in dellth S E between SHERIFF SALES :\[rs Samuel Franc1s Butler of South by Indenture bearing date the eighth day dIAlall(111 to \'011 North Slxt) four dq;-rcetl'. "aralld IIl1l1! at rh:ht all,.rl('s 100 (t the S W hne ulOlu!" the mltJdle of nil 8 II wide drive D. lUlU, and recorded at Media Chester road spent 1\\0 days last week Sheriff's Office, C01;.rt House, Media, Penna of In July. Deed A. Book No 481, page 211, bounded Hurl} 11\ c minutell "'('8( luur hundrctl and \\:1)' Tu,;cther \Ii!llt tbe usc of .suid drh ewny 1U1ll"!.) lillie r(~ I .md Slxt) fh I OIlC humlredlllH at Haddon Hall HI Atl,lIItle Clly. Mr. and described as folloWS, to wit. Beginning o( a IDOl .lIul lIorlll h\(~lIt) eIght de..;recs, April 28, 1934 IlIlllro\(>nwI1IN ('01181111 of t"'o story aIUCi!O at a point In the centre of Crum creek In tlllrl).fhe IIIIIIUI(>8 east three hund~ and .lI1d Mrs Butler had as guests on • M a line between lands now or late of Pro- tlurl) IIlne rCtt to the nI\ddlc of IJi: aUy romJ, huusc 18x33 fect, porch front. 9 30 0 clock A. fcssor Carl Kelsey and the land of the sald Easter, Mr and Mrs. 'Vilham 1\l and tht m.'c alolllr th(" nllddle line of Deatty Solt! U8 IIrolKrty of J ]r,,11I Stout. Pomcroy and SOil 'Vllhalll Jr of PlttS~ Eastern Standard TIme ~~!ac:~l:g ~~n~~':t ~r~il~h~n.~i~~8~g! lIurlh Cllo(hl) lour dCl!rccs forty-fuUr murlgagor the .mll Josel)h G Secrniller, real nrlllllt~" \\(,HI foul' hUlldIT"d (Ioct .llIli ('H:ht onc O\\l1er iJurgh. Conditions' $250 00 cash or certified check I Line" between SprIngfield Bnd Marple hUlIIlrt'tltlls of a fout. Ih(,lll'C lealllllf "aul road t tI f Ie (unless otherwise stated In Townships, thence eastwardly along the ad m'le 0 so,) balance In ten days Other I said line to a point In the natural contour 1J1. hllul fnrmel"Jy or the estate o( Seth Pall II r~ FUSSELL. Attorney MISS josephme ~hllcr of York, Penn- a vel' semen • elevation 113- thence nlong the said con- 4(MI'l ('1 .11 lIorth thirly OIIC degrccl'!. Ihu1y conditions on day of sale No 32' tour elevation 113- northwardly by lands ElIX mlnuteH \1;( sl fUlir hundred alld (orly (ee' S) Ivallla \\a5 the guest of Mr. and Levari Facias I now or late of the said Malachi S Pan- 11141 (Il:hl) flu OIIC hUlIdn.'tIths or a fool: No 1160 :M rs Paul K. Alger of Park avenue March Term, 1934 coast to a poInt In the line of land now or Ihl lice b.) land (ormerl,: of F.urnmn ROJ:"er8 late belonging to Susan Barry, deceased, the 1\\0 next follo"lIIg" ('OUt'SCR and dlslancrthe!; thcnl.,(, S 30 0 5i' E 303 h N Sta te TO d and Tilt olh(r hc;:-UI1I1I1,:' al a POlllt III the '" am of Cedar lane 1)('r(lIt'N th('ll{'(" S .m" E :n II('relte8 thel1ce the Intcrsection of t e ew B I (-',l!:!I~rb" l!IIe of Ilr101l8(>8 ,Ibo\ c de Chester road, In the Township of 1 , ' lill'l" E H'S lIer(!hes th('ll<'C S 3RYl" E S rl ficld thence along the middle of TrBct No 3-Also all that certa n trac ~rlllNl al til[> dI8t4ll1('C uf thn..'C hundred ond N jj II(rtiIU! Ihem'C S ;0'11° W HJ701J(r('heN ~Ir. and ).Irs. Da\ld Hand and sJfd n~hestCr road south thirty-three de- I or piece of ground with the buildings and 84'\('111' !lIX flCt soulh I"enl) '\\0 dc.;rteH aile in )II U'C ur ixl!'lIIl1l11': Conl.lll11ng 81 A 51 .. J grees west four hundred and fifty-nIne (eet Improvements thereon erected, situate In 1Illl1llic "(,fit from tilt middle 01 De Itt) r(lll.l ),('rchll< d,ttlg-hter S)IVI.I of Ithac.I, Ncw York to a point thence sUII by the middle of the Township of SprIngfield, County of tlleli('( by lalld 110" ur former!) of J Warren ;ore spcndmg the Easter \3cat101l "Ith the Chester road south twenty-two de-I Delaware and State of Pennsylvania ana L I\\Nlltt 1I0rih "IXt,)' ('ll:hl d('J;"ret-!I thlrl,:. AIRO nW'"'"tI I ... e III Sllrlll~O(!hl T"I'. Del. Cn. rel"S three minutes west seven hundred descrlbl"rJ as {allows. to wit BegInning at "e"'l1 Inlllule8 t :J"'t tlllrl) el~hl ftet anti l'orl)11rs Hanel s pareuts, }otr alld ~lrs :l1d fortY-!llx feet to a point, a comer of a stake In the line of the School,House lot "IX OIU hUllllrldlhs (If a foot soUlh sixl;,;-!etl norlh In 1111(' 01 1111115 110\\ ur late uf Ebenezcr It three minutes west seven hundred and a perch to the middle of the said road, IU(/It\ 1\\0 dlj.!l"('(s OIlC III111Ull' l'lsl cll!'ht feet Curtis dNe Itil'!:1 Ihem'l In !ol ml(' N ';1 0 E :Marton T Parsolls and f.lIll1l) of forty-one feet to a point .9 corner of land thence along the middle of the same and .lIId fUllr hlllhl'! of a fnol 10 Ihe Jlla('e of 1 J II lit rdl( S till IIl"t S '11 0 E :itJ K IICrdIC5 to ",Ishmgton, D C formerly of A C Harvey; thence by a line I by land now or late of Charles Evans. south II( _1I11H11_ CHlII:JlIIlI1.: tI.:lrt hundred .1IIt! SIX "11(.... of h(>,:'I1I1II11,. ConlallllllJ:" 1-, A 2 rods, ·~O J1(rdlt'~ of land morc or le"s south fifty-seVen degrees, twenty-eight forty-four degrees, fifty-five minutes west leen Sllttare feel minutes west seventeen hundred and thirty I thirty and fifty one-hundredths perches. Also Ir.ld of IlIId ill .. ud TWII uf Surlll:;" 'Irs A P Sh ROWland. thence by R rn~orth tftf::-I !~~tY~~~~h ~~~~y~vewe~~gr~':~IVese~c~~e~ hOIlS£' lIIx{O l'( ct (Ird i1cf;{rlllllOn) T\\ 0 Sft 1° to stUll(' III n1l(1IIIe of lIubll( rtf Ie I(lln.,;' In seven degrees sixteen m nu eas n I minutes west five erches to land now or tIId UIIC h III !;tor) ",Iorl(' house -I.!xlM fect 1frs \\' KUllt of 'I'rclchlcrs, Mortoll SIIIIIOIi Ihellt'C N .JU o .~W \V 1-1;1 i hundred f Rnd ~e~y~se\:I~l~e; thed ~~~d~; 1 late of J Howard fewis, thence along the 1\\0 slon frame 1IIIIItlOII 8xIU f('el t"U ~lOr) U lilt! N ]:,0 .1lJ' W :J311-1 It thell{'C S Pel1ns, 1\ ama and ~Irs jamcs Benton roaf thence along the same north twenty-four clegrees, west six- ",Iulle ttllhll!'n 18xIS fCII 11lIestOI"): Btulle .ul 7"0 .I~' W .1, .. ft and N flO 2' W to lIost of Chilton. Z\C\\ York \,ere thc gucsts of t e h N State r ad the five teen perches more or less to tile middle /llItrOIl 10 fCit porche!'! frollt and Side III lUll of lalld formerl,) of EII\\ Po"ell Ihence middle of t e ew d dl ta°ne.. south I of Crum creek thence up'the said creek fr lIlll" Imru -,-I xi I r('1 I l'rame addItion, J.Jx~8 I,,; S IIII{ S ,0 0 .!' W ] 41:11 ft to 1,I3o('e of of II rand :\1 rs ChfIonl I{ Buck of fort folk'wlng courses an s ~, , r I I k I II' '" r I ('11 I -eight degrees thirty-four minutes fOllOWIng the several courses thereof fifty- t'l • lie en IOUI'(-' x. _ ("(~ ~ I I es( rip bt Io:IIIIIIU,.. Coni I IJlII,.!' L! tI,7 Icrt's mure or eastY three hUndred and nlnety- seven feet.! two perches, more 01' Jess to the corner of 11011) Vacant b"ftlund Gucl'll~ey road last "eek I~"~ to a point minutes north enst eighty-seven degrees, Henry Pancoast al. Soltl!lli Ihe Ilrol (rl \ of J 11111 N \\ 0111 IIIlell twenty-nine two hundred and land thenceformerly by the at same north fifty-oneet and ImllrO\{IllIIIIN t'OII"I~t uf frallle Iloullry "[ r and 1~ rs J ack~on Ta) tor of thlrty-ulne feet to a pOint, south seventy- thrce-fourths degrees east twenty-sIx 11101 1,:-.I:;:-lIr lerre ICII!lnl alld rt!al Duner hOIl"'". ,Oxl0 h'l I OIlC fllIIl tine h IIf ~tDry nine degrees four minutes east eIght hunperches more or less, to a stake and south "'.tShlllgtoll. D C SPCllt last \\eek- drcd and eIghty-four feet and seven-tenths sixty-two and three-fourths degrees east Ir.lme \,Irlln,:( hOl!!!( and b Irn :! IXU I feet: (JIIC s(or", fr,lDle !ld(lItiClII l~x~i feet Frame ~lld \\ Ith ~I rs '1'.1, lor S Ihlrcllts. ~lr of a foot to a pOint, north seventy-nine forty-eight perches and thirty-five One- J H WARD HINKSON Attorn£'y lilt! Icmenl "uullry house .1.!x18 feet stOIlC degrees. fifty-three minutes east foul' hun_ hUndredths Qf a perch to the place of beand ~I rs John E Jeffords of '",Issar 11111 fr.mlc f;llrl.l::- hOlls ]-.x.IO felt (("nlent dred and seventy-two feet nnd three-tenths ginning ContalnJng twenty-one acres poullry hOIlI<~ I !xH-t fl-("t fl une stable .lOx80 a\ ~ IIlIC of a foot to a pOint, north eighty degrees. three rods and thIrtY-six and eight-tenths "'J( II f'o( las ('Cmcnl 11111 rr.lll1e shed Hlx:H feel: twenty-one minutes east eight hundred perches, more or less No ,.nn rl (l olle !'Itory l'ram( luol hlluse l~xl, fect t"O and eleven feet and seven-tenths of a foot IIItI OUI hnlf ",lor) slulle nllt! fr.mlc house. :\frs X P. Vlachos of Park a\ellue to the first mentioned point and place of If1I-1 TII,:('th~ r \\llh .lil l'sl ltC 11,.111 tltl(' III('r •• nx I~ kt I 0111 slllr;,; shiue aud frame midi ,,111 cntertam her bndgc club .It IUII- beginning Containing fifty-two acres a~d (sl I~rolllrt.) IIU"S{!'Isum, (111111 mel t/(mmu] of J:"rOtiliti SIIII Ill' III \1 IdOIl Bllro DII tUlI! ]"x}41 r, ct lIoreh fronl fr.lme b Irll aUII seven hundred and eighty-one thousandt s o,\h.1180 ltr, holh III la\\ lIIiI III ('IIUIH. of th~ Cu Lilt1'111111 mltllt!on. 1-1:128 fret. T cheoll toda) N E Side ur Y('adon Ale ,,1.lble ]10x:18 fl'et of an acre more or less mUI 1~.I~or Il~I\lIred b\ \ Irhll ol' I (-ert 1111 1171H l't N011 til( shaJll II siable 1 -,xi()xOM fl el • rranl( ..hed. \\ from Ihc N W Rldc of ,~.------•l~rt'cm~ltt heto,\e'lI C.lrl I{dt«') .mll '\If( ami J'.lIrnlt \ A\( CUlllaulIIl_ 011 Ye 111011 A,e :::. IOx:'-.! floet t\\O IIltl olle half 8tory fr,lme Tract No 2 All that certain trnct or S"rln,.Il('ld \\'.Ihl CornJH1I1\ 1IIIi S"rJIl'fhltl It .11111 extcndillg" of lit It \\lIlIh III d('ptll N E huusl IHx IU flocl olle story adthlloll 9xL! Nc'U Conlntittee for Assembhes piece of land with the bUildings and Im- (;ull",olrd 11('t! W II( r COrtlllolllV d II('ti ::'of I; tlie IU'lwI'(-'1I /Jlrlllhi hlll~ al II!l'ht UI"de" 100 rt, fl et ~ provements thereon erected, situate partly t\\Ult) futllih A DUll!! .lIltl rt!torded III lli(: S E 11111 ,LlOII~ til(' IUldclle of .111 H It [ In the Township of Springfield and partly tilt OOI(C Ill' till r~(ordel IIf titeds of Dela\\.lrc I Sold :J!i. thl' Ilroperh of Samuel C Trl'go All mothcrs IIlterestcd III tie elcctlon 0 I In the Township of Marple (the greatcr I COUll I) III Book No I.IH JlIL:C IK! lIIsul'lr \\leI" Ilrnt\\ 1\ Tu",cllur Ullh the lI"'e of saul lIIurl~a,...(lr .11111 n'al 0\\ III r drh e\\a) a comnllttce to managc the Swarthmorc part howe\er, heing in tht " TOI wllshlp 0df H! tht '" Lnl( UIII)I rl 1111 10 Ihe prop~r13 abo\c Marple) In the county 0 De aware an th "'(!rlb{'d Imllru\( m{'nl,. (01 "1"1 of t \\ II s'or) 1':1\11 ('() II IIId ~lo 1(')-$I.iOO 00 Asscmbltes next SC.lSOIl arc asked to mcct State of Pennsylvania bounded and deholt"'l lUx '-I f('{'I, Ilorl h frOl\l one slur, I \\' I a t 8 ()C • IO( k , .\ 'I 011- scribed according to a survey and Civil plan 1 'rrl(,! No .. ~\IIII 11"0.111 thlt (,(-,111111 Irul (lxl5 "lIHU) :J114litlOli Ixl'! fcc( Stllll.'O ,.,Ir Ht'(> GEOUC E T nt;TI.EH Attornc) at t lC 0111311 •S CI UJ thereof mnde by William R Hunn, f(',.t d.l) e\ clllng, Apnl 16th '1 he 1I0111ma-1 Engineer. on the tWenty-ninth day of I tlr IIlt'fI of "roUlld Sllu.lle in Ih, TU\\IH!lu!) I ~.\THAN P PECHIN Sheriff I March Aat Da 1919 to wit 01 Sllrlll ... fi('ld. CUUnl) of U or II\\IIIl1s)h.1Ji1I (ornllo!;cd 1\\0 lilt!. IdJOIIIIII" SHERIFF'S SALES I "lit ~1r 'V tent~ ~e-! ~tate IOx~"x I I ... -------. & Il l I thrcc namcs 01 :\[othcrs of thc Commu- the public road leading from the pumping prollllll(~s \)uIIIIII('11 and d~strJhcd It:~tlrdlll.;" to 'station of the Springfield Water CompanY,1 a RUr\~) thtre"f m.ule by C Broom.11l I1It), \\ Hldy seps Edward P Chcyney the two foHowing Ihcllt(' Illrtly IJulll: the J.ISt llIellllOlU d I uul Jut of _lllIlItl 8ltlllll' III AId III Duro Del courses and distances to wit North forty-I IUd 111r11\ b\ 111111 II(xt hCllllllflcl dl!thrlbCII may be completed at tht5 same meetllIg fi\e degrees thirteen minutes west one-llrml!!III': H(' Itt,} ru It! stillth tn~lIl) '''0 Lie Co l'1 hC ... J1uuu,l" 011 Ihe S }~ Side 01 Birch '11 I · I hundred and ninety-eight feet and eight"lIut! A\t (-10 ft \udl') IS! II S W from \ erseIegroups c 100ceof01thc\\0111(.'11 cOlllmul11ty rCl)resc!ltlllg \\ III assurc ( I-I forty-foul' tenths of adegrees foot to fifty-one a point, minutes thence south west I five hundred and twenty-sIx feet and d thc contllll1ance of dcmocratlc all t1111- sixty-five one hundredths of n foot to a \crsalh enJo,)cd dancl11g classes Thclr I post a corner ol' land formerly of pro-I fessor Carl Kelsey, thence by said lands e1CctlOlI at tillS tUllc \\ III allo\\ thclIl to north sixty-three degrees. twenty-four partiCipate 111 ,mel so bccome acqll.untcd minutes west six hundred and fifty- seven feet to a post and stone in the line dl\\ Ith the rCllla11111lg assemhlles vidlng t~e Township of SprIngfield from KIMMEL & SON Builders of More Than 2 ORor,aes in Swarlhmore 414 HAVERFORD PLACE S,va. 632-] Dr 989-nl i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \" nuld You Pny the SUlull Balan('c Due 011 a Fine NATIONALLY K N0 WN GRAND PIANO IN YOUR VICINITY? i The Credit Manager of a large Plano House will sell this tnstrument tor the small balance due on lellSe rather than bring It back to their warerooms Just continue small weekly payments This plano Is almost brand new OIlers excep_ tlonnl value for someone Answer quick Must be mo\ed within 10 dnys AddrCSs-A D. l\lack, Dept of Accts, I.106 Chestnut St., Phil... ~;;~;;;~~~;;;~~~~;~ the Town.<;hip Marple stUtsaid by the said Kelseyof s land and thence along the division line south fifty-five degrees, thirty-eight minutes west and passIng over n post on the side of Crum Creek about twenty feet from the middle thereof t1\ P. hundrcd and six feet to the middle of I"aid creek thencc up ~nld Crum Creek the thirteen following courses and distances, to Wit North twenty-two degrees. thirtyse\ en minutes west two hundred nnd fifty feet more or less north forty-one degrees fi\e minutes west 011e hundred and sevcntythree feet more or Ie:;... , north sixty-seven degrees west eighty-four feet more or less. north eighty-six degrees, forty minutes west five hundred nnd ninety-five feet. I more or less, north eighty degrees fiftycl~ht minutes west two hundred and sixty- I five feet more or less, north fifty-four degrees thirty-three minutes west one hundrcd and fort:.-two feet. more 01' less, north thlrtl' -two Licgrecs, thirty one mln- I utes west two hundred and thirty-five feet FOR SALE-Cocker Spaniel puppIes, brown Phone Sw. 19'16-J. FOR SALE-La Salle convcrtlble delUXe sedan. late 1930. Fleetwood body. A-I condition $730 Terms (cost $4 400 new) 0 0 Tietjens, 323 Swarthmore ave more or less north degrees and twentyfour minutes cast clc\en one hundred five I feet more or less north forty-foul' degrees, fifty-six minutes east two hundred and seven feet, more or less, north eighty-one degrees, thirty-eight minutes east one hundrec. and se\en"y-fhe feet, more or less. south seventlo' degrees five minutes east sixtY-nine feet more 01' less north fortysix degrees forty-fh e minutes east eighty-I one feet more or less. north three degrees, twenty-selen mlnutel'; east one hundred and ninety-eight feet, more or less to a point In the middle or said creek n. corner I of land formerly Of the estate of Susan Berry deceased, thence by the saId Berry's I land north fifty-six degrees twenty-seven minutes east and pasSing over an old post I at the edge of said creek about twenty feet from the middle thereof thirteen hundred nud ninety-five feet to n post. and south fifty-foul' degrees, twenty-six minutes east five hundred and sixty-three feet to a I dead Chestnut oak tree a cornel' of lands I formerly of James F COllins, thence by the said Collins' land south thirty-two de-I grees fifty-nine minutes east ten hundred and fifty-eight feet to a post In the I said division line, between the said town-I ship, and thence along the said Une and I by said Colllns' land north fifty-eight de-I grees thirteen minutes cast seven hundred and se\enty-two feet to a post a corner Of land formcrly of Mrs Adah Bradley Halla-I day thence by the Ia..<;t mcntloned lands south thirty six degree:>; fifteen minutes ea<;t fOllr hundred and forty-three feet to I Il poipt 011 the north side of the th~t mentioncd public road at a bend thereOf, thence along the mlddlt;: line of the said road south forty-foul' degrees fifteen mtn_ I utes west ren hundred and sixty-one fet:!t nnd three-tenths of a foot to the first mentioned potnt and place of beginning I BASEBALLS-I5c Also Gloves and Bats BALL BEARING ROLLER SKATES $1.19 Strap Ankle Pad Cushions-iOc Pair SPONGES-15c CHAMOIS-25c AUTO SOAP-lOc DUSTING PAPER 50c ROLL SELF WRINGING lHOP 75c Suplee's Store Swa. 105 I ========~~~~==~~I PLUMBING, HEATING Be ROOFING SWARTHMORE 74J ATIRACTIVE 2ND FLOOR AI'ARTMENT-1l2 I'ARK AVENUE S60-Large living room, fireplace, dining room. kitchen, 2 bedrooms and den. Z store rooms, elec. refrigerator. private entrances PossessIon May 1. •• W. S. BITTLE Insurance ' speak 011 FOR SALE 2 Swarthmore dwellings at $500 above the lst mortgage. =.:t-,---,:, ., " I PETER E. TOLD ALL LINES OF INSURANCE INCLUDING LIFE SW. 1833 of man, Worshlp's great", eotltnbu"J.I concludc the program Prc\ lOllS to t111s all arc urged to comc and Hemlock Trees for Sale ({ mllimuod From l'aoe One) Harry L ~Itllcr, ch.llrman of the 1'1IOU!'; ""11:1.'8 rur sale al \cry rea~onahle prices. lIancc COmlll1ttec reported that 110 C\V \ f'roce('tls ror charily Come anti sec them • funds would he ,nad.lole for rClJatrlng Boro strccts or gutters J. RUSSELL SMITH 1 E IIcsscnbruch. chairman of lligh550 Elm A"c. \\a) s COll1l1llttee lJrc~clttetl a m.lp sll"Jwlng property hncs on Yalc E S SPRO~a~IlICr I Presh:: lerian Notes SUh<:Cltbed :m se changes, Will he t'l(; same as that used vrgdlllzallUlJ III IJda\\arc LUUllt~. J 1I1.'eIJ :ola)IPg \\Utl .Iur. hClman LVI)!;!' of Herman Holmes. who made the fol- anci so enthusiastic,llly received on their Frank J, Kler. Pittsburgh. Attorne.) lfedm. lowing announcement: southern tnp, from ,\ I11ch the)' returned I , EI h [ ternoon, IIe met III t IIe D • CI ;.Ir y 111 tea Ou ApTlI 20th a second opportunity last \Vednesda) The concert III ClothIer I\lrs. Olmstead Outlines 10-Point unclng asses school lIbrary v,:rth members ol the SeH\, ill he given membcrs to study stars brings to a c1l1nax a bu:,\ and extremely Progranl for Pacifists at 101 ci.lss and led a (hSCUS~lon on nattonalThe Introductory Dancmg Class and \\ Ith Dr Plhnan on the college cam- successful ycar, Orgamzcd for the first Brandl Meeting Ism. He l101I1ted out the cOlllparatlvely pus All thosc mterested meet 111 front tlllle III the fall, under the initiative of the Junior Assembly \\ere held last Satrecent development of nationahsm III Clifford ~.tascr, the last half )car has scen urday evening' Chaperons for the e\'e"You arc the banner group hoth for ot the Sproul Observatory at 8 p. Ill. t111~ group dc\c1oll so that It is now com\\ orld lustor) as contrastcd with the times \\ere: Mr and )'Irs Burton RichIlIng On ~Iay 6th, Sunday morning at 6 membcrslllp and effiCiency," said Mrs, Illonl) conSIdered as representatn'e of the ards, Mr and 1fr!'! \Va1ter Lee Lukells III the Huddle ages when there was no llaOJmstead, as she opened her address o'clock, Dr Palmer \\ III lead a bird hest that the collegiate \\ orld can produce ?\II'. and 11rs Nell Curfle. },fr. and Mrs: tlO]lal consCiousness lIe distingUished study group. • I • to the S\\arthmore branch of the \VomLeonard Peck anti Dr and :\lrs. Frank betneell patnotlSlll and nationalism, at the A c.lrd party m connectIon with a en's Intcrnational l,.eaguc for Peace l~ \"Illiams. same tUlle elllphasizmg how they are getFashion sho\\, givcn hy the Dcla\\are da} e, elllng. gradll1I1l1\ersary J<.\cr) \\0- I LT I S "dh'IIlC right of Kmgs," and evcn the the \\'OI11llorts bonnd tip \\Ith those ot Japan and China )'Icll arc gradualIJ arrh ing at a new pute, abo a great traveler. belllg a cial I till 0 f the S\\ artitmore J\Icthodbt nf tht ))e,lIl oi \VOIllCll, and of the than \\I,h European natIOns, and stating and higher standard of patriotism The ({.OlllmUed on PaUl! SlX) C()mllll~h'( ~'. ,anel appolllts conllnitt~es that lea nature. "omall III Ih\ collL'gt~ lis 11UqlO~C' has )'Ir~ \\ III]al11 :\la1Os, 305 College a\o'c. h~>l'n to !lrlll).,! tn S\\arlhmnn' tIlt>1I and) •• , putes, 1 e, ari)JtratlOll, conference, l:COnOllllst Dr Ed\\l11 ~\ Kemmerer \\ t)llll'll pl t'1l\1I11111 III all hllds t)t hfe • Courts 5 To hecollle com inced that hu- 1)1. :l.lld )'Irs Fetter and SOil \\llIIllO\e Players' Cluh Meeting ~('lIlt III till'" \l'1I" .. peaktrs \\ 1.:1 e I FlI'(~ ;:,. College lIIan nature can he changcd 6 To malJl- '0 lIaHrlord III the fall llt'lt)lh\ t'llllill.l Flshlr. tIll' \\dltain frecdom at speedl, the prcss, asThc annual lllcctmg of the Plrlyt>r,,' 1~l1tl\'n \\nlt'r: ~Iax Ea"tman. POl't and • I • . \ fire 111 the ChemIstry UUlId1l1g was sembly, and freedom lit popular educaCluh \\ a~ hdd at the clubhollse on l nhl .1Ild D.n ill O~'rin . . k\. \\ ho spoke extmgUlshed at 8 :45 Tuesday morning tion 7. To establish the TIght of people Fortnightly )'Ionday evenillq-. The folJO\\ ing ofiicl'rs tin ~ll\ II t :'- tluth. \\hell thc Boro fire department responded to decide whether \\ar shall be declared ~----~ Mrs Albert H1l1 will entertain the \\'erc re-clected, PreSIdent, Charles D 111 tUlle to confinc the blaze to the chemor not. 8 To he a\\are of the Issues Fortlllghtiy at her home on College ~fltchel1, Vice Presidcnt, A. Frand ... '"sl,ers Slleaker ical supplies in the basement of the build\\ luch lead to \\'ar, I. e., Japanese Ex. a\'enuc 011 Monday, April 16 at 2 '30 Jackson, Treasurer, Thomas \V. ,\11mg. Dr Don.lId Bndsha\\ Aldrich, f rom elusion Act, Vinson Bill 9. To try to o'clock. drew. Secretary, Herhert T. Bassett, tht' Chunh of the Ascension, in New I Startmg by spontaneolls combustion of understand the vie\\ POInt of foreign Mrs. Philip Snow \\iIt review "Oil for \ssistant Secretary, Georgc \\r De- York Clt~. \\ III he the sl)Caker in phosphorus durmg the first period lab, all countries. 10. To (hsarm all nations. the Lamps of ChUla," by Alice T, Ho- Forest Board of GO\ ernor::.· Roland Slll1da~'s \'c~pers. He IS \ery interested explOSIOn soon put the fire beyond COIlMrs Olmstead named many things hert. This hook has been a best seller G. E UUman, Roy C. Comley, John accomplished by \\ orkers for peace in for many months, and those who have Dolman, Jr, C \\Taltl Olmes, D. :Mal- and acth'e In social senice \\ork and trol of the students, \\ho had attacked the education. Thc suhject 01 Ius talk has hlaze \\ Ith hand extinguishers The shortthe last 17 years read it arc most enthusiastic about it cohn Hodge. After the reports were not yct been annollnced. long \\ lustle ot the college power house Fo1lo" iug II rs. Olmstead, a candi- There is an unusual love story and the gl1.en an open dIscussion follo\\cd )'Irs • , • hronght the fire engines and college em. ~.. date for Congress, Mr. Benjamin F. Auxiliary Card Party ployces in a few mmutcs, and the fire was background is exceedingly interesting, Charles D. Mitchell 1.\ as appointed Jamcs, of Radnor Township. gave a ----50011 0\ cr. Mrs. Samuel Clyde will narrate the chairman of a comnuttee to consider strong address. He is opposed to war The AmeTlcan l.eglon auxiliary will Fumes - ter, Miss llabel Gailbreath Clement Long Island. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sin claire, of SOil and Mrs. Sampson, of Forest Hills, and William F. Lee, sOn of Mr. and Mr. and Mr'io Patrick Murphy MaLong Island, and \VilIiam Gibs?n Bird, Mrs. Morris M. Lee, of College ave?ue. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lappe, of Park Harvard avenue, will have as their guest this week-end, Mr. Richard Furlin of 'Vhittier Place are receiving will take place Saturday, Apnl 14 at Miss Clement is a member of the Sen- avenue, returned 011 Friday from Pitts4 :30 p.m., in the chapel of St. Darth-, ior Class of Swarthmore College. Mr. burgh, where they were called by the man, of Trenton, New Jersey. congratulations on the birth of a 5011, olomew's Church, New York. ,Lee was graduated from Swarthmore death of Mrs. Lappe's father, Harry E. Clement Biddle Malin, born April 4. Mrs. Russell Kent, of Riverview road, Mr. Bird is the son of Mrs. \Valter' College in June. Hicks. Mr. Hicks is also survived by entertained her bridge club and the H. Baird, of Dartmouth avenue, and the , I • Mr. and Mrs. Laurence J. Stabler, of two sons, Wallace Hicks and William men's bridge club Friday evening. The late \Villiam Gibson Bird. ~Ir. aud Mrs. Edward. \V. Hannum. Wallingford, announce the birth of a T. Hicks, of Pittsburgh. • , Uutledge celebrated their 49th weddll1g men's club had challenged the women's son, James Brooks, born Monday, April. VJachos -ftleLaughlin anniversary on Monday evening at a Mr. and Mrs. George Powell, of club to an evening of duplicate con- 9, at the Pennsylvania Hospital. SUllper for their children and nine grand- Scotia, New York. were the guests of tract bridge. The men were victorious, Miss Anne C. McLaughlin, daugh~er Mr. and Mrs. James F. Bogardu~, of the score being 50 to 46 in match point children. There were twenty present. of Mr.• nd Mrs. Joseph J. McLaughhn, Cornell avenue, last Saturday evening. play. of Henderson avenue, Ridley Park, beJohn Detlefsen of Lafayette avenue • I • came the bride of William N. Vlachos, spellt sl)ring vacation from Dartmouth Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Valentine, 32 Year8 of Quality Painting and Births Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam N. College with relath'es in Belmont, Mass- Strath Haven avenue, are on an exPaperhaaging in Swarthmore Vlachos of Vassar avenue, on Satur- acllUsetts. tended trip through the mid-west. , '1' Announcement has becn received in day afternoon April 7. he ceremony Swa. 632.J or 989-M l{rs. Marvel Wilson and her sister, Swarthmore of the birth of a daughter was performed by the Rev. Patrick J. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. McCabe Gallagher, rector of St. Madeline's North Chester road will entertain their 1\iiss Anne Greer, of Strath Haven to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard G. Siessinger, avenue, have returned from a trip to of Santa Barbara, Mexico. The baby, Church, Ridley Park, in the rectory of hridge club on Friday evening. Bermuda. who has been named Patricia Ellen, the church. was born on March 26, in Blooming)"1iss McLaughlin had as her maid of Mrs. Raymond D. Bcrtschy of Dayton, Lieu!. Col. H. K. Rutherford and Mrs. ton, Ind. honor and only attendant, her sister, Ohio is the guest of her brother-in-law Rutherford, with their daughter, Dor'Send lor llarley-You'll No' be Sorry' Miss Celia McLaughlin. Edward Vla- and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Francis V. Warothy Ann, motored from New York to chos, of Swarthmore, was best man for ren of Walnut Lanc. spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. his brother. Mr. and Mrs. Joscllh J. Gcer of Har- Rutherford, of Strath Haven avenue. After a reception and supper at the Honest Under the Cover home of the bride's parents, Mr. and vard avenue and Mr. and Mrs. D. Reed Mrs. D. Malcolm Hodge, of SPECIALTY Mrs. Vlachos left for a motor trip. Geer of the Swarthmore Apartments will Haven avenue, left yesterday to spend PHONE 43 OR 525-J Upon their return, they will be at home spend the week-end in Washington, D. C. two weeks in Washington, D. C. Shop--27 Main St., Morton, Pa. to their friends at 414 Park avenue, Woodward, Jackson & Black, Inc. Eve. Call Sw. 1839.J, Ru.ledge, Pa. Mrs. Harold R. Perry of Elm avenue Mrs. Wilson W. Lattomus, of CorSwarthmore. entertained at luncheon and bridge on nell avenue, entertained her bridge club \Vednesday. . on Monday afternoon. lsrael- Evans Engagements and Weddiugs Announc:ed --- ... .... I KIMMEL & SON FURNITURE RESTORING P !!A~'!t~KIA C L UPHOLSTERING N CaD Swarth. 1441 ---....,..--- Mrs. William A. Clarke and daughter, Miss Lilian C. Hughes of Prospect Cornelia, and son William, of WallingPark, head teacher of the Rutgers aveford, spent several days during Easter llUe school, is in the Jefferson Hospital vacation in Washington, D. C. recovering from a recent operation. Mrs. Joseph A. Perry, of Thayer Dr. Isabelle Bronk will be a speaker road, entertained the members of the Saturday morning at the meeting of the Poet's Circle on Thursday afternoon. Association of Modern Language Teach- Professor Townsend Scudder, 3rd, of ers held at the Ctntral High School in the English Department of Swarthmore Philadelphia in connection with the Cen- Conege, read poems of Walter De La tennial of the Pennsylvania Schools. Mare. The marriage of Charles Israel and Mrs. Violet G. E"ans took pJace at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand H. Graser of Manoa on March 26. The Reverend \Villiam L. Young offici· ated at the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Israel have returned from a two weeks trip to Bermuda. • I • Engagement Annonnce(l Mr. and Mrs. H. Clifford Campion, Jr., of WYllnefield, Lapidea :ij.ills, an- RADIO SERVICE AND REPAIR RALPH V. LITTLE, JR. SWA_ 283 J AYdelo~t:~e~~~~{~F~;;;;~~~~;;~;;;;~~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i Mr. andavenue Mrs. will C. entertain W. McDowell of assist Dr. in andreceiving Mrs. Frank Harvard at supper at the'e~~~1~:;0: i on.Su!'.! - ' - - MEDIA THEATRE Matinee Every Dar at 2 :30 Today (Friday) and Saturday RAMON NOVARRO MacDONALD CAT ';;:! FIDDLE" JEANETTE "TilE with I Mr. and Mrs. John Dolman Jr., of Vassar avenue spent last week-end in City, where Mr. Dolman attended the Eastern Public Speaking Conference. STANIMY THEATRE Monda)' and Tuesday CHESTER Next Week-Starting Thursday WILL ROGERS In the author and speaker, Stanley Following the dinner, Mr. Casson will give an illustrated lecture at the Barclay on the subject of "Tendencies and 1\{ethods in Modern Sculpture." Mr. and Mrs. James Farley and family Edward Vlachos, of Vassar avenue, of Plainfield, New Jersey spent last weeK'" has returned to Kenyon college aIler! end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. spending the Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William N. Colafemina of Lima. Vlachos. AIrs. Frank Fallowfield of Baltimore and Mrs. E. G. Coppage of Church Hill, },Irs. Herbert Bassett, of North Chester road. entertaincrl her bridge club at i1lUl"h"on on Monday afternoon. CRAS_ BUTTER~ORTH "ESKIMO" Art Friday, Saturday, Monday GEORGE RAFr SALLY RAND CAROLE LOMBARD In Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bates, of Haverford avenue, will spend the week-I WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY WARNER BROS. THEATRE tn "Fugitive Lovers" with MADGE EVANS Ted Healy and His Stooges TUESDAY. APRIL 17 SLIM SUMMERVILLE ANDY DEVINE In "Horse Play" with LEILA HYAMS WEDNESDAY. XpklL Ii JOHN BOLES GLORIA STUART In "Belo"ed" THURSDA.Y, APRIL 19 The new Jove team comes to screen CHARLES FARRELL BETTE DAVIS In "The Big Shakedown" with Ricardo Cortez-Glenda Farrell Allen lenklns -Friday and SalurdayA New Screen Wonder MUSICAL "FASHIONS OF 1934" Wilh 200 Glorious Girls WILUAM POWELL BE'ITE DAVIS FRANK McHUGH -Monday and Tnesday- Edw.G.Robinson In "DARK HAZARD" with GLENDA FARRELL -Wednesdar and Tburedar1001 Thritls in "ESKIMO" CLEARANCE SALE BEGINNING TODAY A LARGE GROUP OF FINE DRESSES AND SPORT-WEAR RE-PRICED AND REDUCED FOR QUICK CLEARANCE "MAN OF TWO WORLDS" FRANCIS LEDERER ELISSA LANDI MANOR TIlEATRE Prospect Park at Chester Pike Friday and Sat_-April I3-14.b GARBO lohn Gilbert-Lewis Slone In 'Queen Christina' Musical Romance with Edmund Lowe-Ann Solhern Gre30ry Raloll' Wednesdar-Tbun.-April 18-19 EDW. G. ROBINSON In "DARK HAZARD" THE SWARTHMOREAN Fou""",, by Robert B. 8bupl.. PUBLlSHBD BVERY PRIDAY AT SWARTHMORB. PA. 'I ANN B. SHARPLES EdItor an.... Publbhcco 'I TITUS ]. EWIG General Manaler t CONSTANCE KENT Social EdItor Phone Swarthmore 900 Entered .. Second CI ... Matter. January 24. 1929. at the POSI Office at Swarthmore, P ... under the Act of March 3. 1879. FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1934 CORRESPONDENCE Frida,., AprU 13 Double Quartet at 8 :15 ill Clo.hier Memorial. S.Iarda,., April 14 Somerville Day at the College. Hazel H. Brown to speak at 2 o'clock in Clothier Memorial. Sunda,.. April t5 Friends Forum at 9 :15, Elliott Richardson will discuss First Day Schools. Services at 11 o'clock at the Methodist, Presbyterian, Friends, Church of Christ Scientist, Episcopal and Blue Churches. Vespers at the Presbyterian Church at 4 :45 P. M. Vespers at (; :30 in Clot.hicr Memorial, Dr. Donald B. Aldrich will speak. Monday, April t6 Fortnightly at home of Mrs. Albert Hill, College avenue, at 2 :30 o'clock. Assembly Dance Committee .Meeting at 8 o'clock in Woman's Club HOllse. American Legf'oll Meding at 8 :15 o·c1ock. Taesday~ April 17 Samuel Scovi1Ie, author, to speak at Woman's Club at 2 :30 • • CARROLr.. THAYER. • Dr. McNulI at Bible Clas8 Dr. \Villiam R. McNutt, of the Crozer Theological Seminary faculty, will . be the teacher' of the Presbyterian Mcn's llible Class Sunday morning. Dr. ~"cNutt, who has been the tcacher for several" Sundays, is an ins))irational leader and it is hoped to have him regularly for the class . Wedneadar, April 18 Legion Auxiliary Card Party at Strath Haven Inll at 2 o'clock. W. C. T. U. Meeting at home of Mrs. Van Alen, 211 Park Avenue at 3 o'clock. Mid-week Presbyterian Service at 8 o'clock. Business AssociatiOIl Meeting at 8 o'clock. Bora Council at 8 o'clock., April 19 Friendly Circle at home of Mrs. Matos, 305 College avenue. Rubber Dollars? Not yet - but your dollars stretch farther with April Coal prices -the lowest of the year • No.6 - I • FROM CALIFORNIA (Ce3nothus) with its purple clusters is famed artists from all over the country now at its best. come. Dear Swarthmorean: In the center of all this beauty a We are wondering how the Repeal Several weeks ago you wrote asking fireplace, table, chairs-everything for has effected the East and our own if I would tell of our winter here in an ideal picnic supper. It is most genSouthern California. I am enclosing a erous of M:.-. and Mrs. Irvine to permit expected it would Swarthmore? Out bring here. greater people tem"Pa<;adena Star News" clipping con- the public to share. perance are saddened by the reports cerning two former Swarthmoreans, \Vhell letters from home teIt of your of the terrible accidents by drunken llr. and Mrs. James Irvine of River- frigid \\inter-it is difficult to visualize drivers-an increase of 40% so reports view avenue-as neighbors-how well -never has California had a more Chief Cato of the California Highway do we recall their lovely gardens I beautiful one; sunshine and more SUIlPatrol. The Board of Education is Three years ago 1560 Homewood Drive .hine and flowers galore. It has truly greatly concerned over the sale of inwas a wild uncultivated lot, but with been a privilege to spend the winter toxicants to young people of high great promise. Today the new Irvine here. school age-many heart-breaking cases home and picturesque garden is one of In January I joined a University having been reported. Altadena's most artistic "show places"; Extension Botany Class. It has proved Never in the old days were there so the setting of the house is unusual- a great source of information and many places where liquor can be puron the North, the Sierra Mountains pleasure. chased 2S today. The repeat has placed stand guard like vast sentinels, on the Besides many field trips around a heavy burden upon the whole comSouth, in the distance, a view of the here-we went to Boulder Dam, munity. \Vhat are we doing about it? Pacific Ocean. (Hoover we like to call it) crossing the Anna Travilla Speakman. Last Sunday while calling, we notic- Mojave desert-some sleeping out in It Ie ed in bJpom their apricot, avacado and the open, but others in an auto cabin Piano Recital orange trees. Surrounding a lily pool nearby; we found many specimens of were myriads of old J ashimed and na- unusual cacti and spent hours inspectThe Hamilton School of ).,..[usic ,v:ilI tive flowers, a riot of color. Already ing the dam-olle of the World's great present Eleanor I. Bower, of the Facroses climbing up to their second story engineering feats. ulty, in a Piano Recital, at the school, porch, whereas in an Eastern climate Another week-end we went to the 7038-40 W. Garrett Road, Upper Darby, it might take years for such growth. Catalina Islands in search of more on Friday evening, April .20th, at 8 :20 The crown of all is their array- rare flora. . o'clock. truly a sanctuary of wild flowers-/ In the early Inorning about twenty situated many feet between the upper of us went out to one of the islands~ Mothers' Clnb garden and reached by winding steps. lovely canyons and there saw a great Here every nature-lover can revel! variety of birds, which we watched 'fhe Mothers' Club of the 3rd grade The dainty "Baby blue eyes" carpet a through our field glasses. :':ollcge Avenue School met last Wedlarge portion-interspersed with Illany ~fr. \Vrigley, who practically owns nesday afternoon in Mrs. Kinsey's rare varieties-here and there an un- the islands, has a beautiful home situsual tree or flora-the mountain lilac uated on a high cliff over-looking the bay and ocean. Out here one is never surprised seeSWARTHMORE ing old friends. Recently Mrs. StockMETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH MONDAY TO FRIDAY ton and Jean, Mrs. Limburner and REV. WAYNE CHANNELL. D. D. h-hs. Benjamin called. \Ve talked over Pastor dear old Swarthmore and its many 9 :45 A. M.-Sunday School. changes, and each were saddened over 11:00 A. M.-8ermon by the Pastor, "Cheer YOUR CAR for the Discouraged." Mrs. James Laws' passing. Well do 6:45 P. M.-EpWOrth League. we recall her charm, her enthusiasm 7:45 P. M.-Installatlon Service tor the New Officers of the Epworth her co-operative spirit when we were League. Address by the Pastor, chairman of the Mother's Section in Upholstery thoroughly brushed "The Unseen But Real Member ot the Cabinet!· the early days of the Woman's Club. Strangers CorcUally Invited We are glad to hear Swarthmore has formed a branch-The Delaware THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Springs sprayed County. of the Women's Internatiollzl League. Recently we attended a Con- 9:45 A. M .. -Flrst SUNDAY Battery and tires checked Day School. I ference of the California State Branch 9 :45 A. M.-Forum. Elliot Richardson will dlscuso First Day Schools. FOR held at Santa Barbara, and We were 11:00 A. M_-Meetlng for worship In the much encouraged by the wide awake, Meeting House. With each oil change splendid work of their various local WEDNESDAY branches. We were made most happy 9:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. M.-5cwlng and QuiltIng in Whittier House. Bc>x luncheon. to mcet so many who knew and valued their National Chairman, our own All are cordially invltecl to Joln In these servIces Hannah Clotheir Hull. Every lover of peace sllould ,vr'te THE I SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH President Roosevelt an earnest letter CHESTER RD. & FAIRVIEW RD. of protest against the purposed exRev. John Ellcry Tuttle. Minister R. C_ BROOKS, Jr. Prop. penditure of such vast sums for Arma~ SUNDAY 10:00-Blble School. SPECIALIZED FORD SERVICE ments. 11 :OO-Mornlng Worship. Pastor preaches. Pas2dena has a most attractive, ar"The Churcb ot God" i OrdinatiOn and Installation at Rul-' tistic Community Play house where 12,000 agenls arc avail. able to provide required bail al no eost. -Membership Pays- Green's Coal Service Swarthmore 1234 CARL H. AMTSFIELD SWARTHMORE WhO/I:i~~~~~~~~~ii~ii~ii~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------ -------- SPECIAL SWARTHMORE AUTO SERVICE ing Elders 4:45--0rgan WOrship. 5:00-Vespers. Pastor speaks. 'A Man Who Told Me All I Ever Did' Olrls' Choir Sings 6:30--Young People's Supper Conference. WEDNESDAY summer. 8:00-Mldweek Service. Tires, Spark Plugs Batteries ami Accessories TRINITY CHURCH Protestan.; Episcopal Chester Road and Collcge Avcnue OpposIte the College Campus Rector: Rev. J. Jarden Guenther. S. T. M. Will help make your driving more pleasant 8:00 9:45 10:00 11:00 WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF ROAD MAPS-GET YOURS Russell's 'A....t ••• Serviee Phone 44C DRIVE TO THE HARVARD For very good dinners OUR FOOD IS THE BEST OFFICIAL • Word was received from Radio Station W2FLD in Brooklyn, New York that \VPFQ, the local police station in Swarthmore was heard there very well Oil March 23 at 4:40 p. m. when Captain John Rogeri was broadcasting to the Boro Police car. AMERICAN LEGION The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. CHARITY CARD PARTY Van Alell, 211 Park avenue, at 3 o'clock WED., APRIL 18th Wednesday, April 18th. 2 O'CLOCK, STRATH HAVEN INN • I • TICKETS 50c $1.00 We are busy-washing and simonizing cars-tnlling np nlotors for snmmer driving-changing winter worn oils and greases - Drive in today -let ns go over your car and make it ready for yonr motoring trips this DARTMOUTII AND LAFAYETTE AVENUES Heard in Brooklyn W. C. T. U. Meeting o~clock. To the Editor, May I take the liberty 10 thank who-, ever proposed my name for Bora Secretary. Howe\'er, applying for the position was farthest from my thoughts. My confidence in our Boro Council kept me from trying to use, my influence to assist others who had asked me to speak for them. 3 room. The IJrogram was in charge of Mrs. F. L. Morey. Talks on the subject "Report Cards and their meaning to parents" were given by Mrs. Birney K. Morse, ~frs. J. Burris West, Mrs. Joseph Pope and h~rs. William Argyle. Mrs. Henry I. Hoot is general chairman of the College Avenue School 3rd gre-de mothers group. THE WEEK'S CALENDAR GREASED SERVICE Try Our Club Dinner Plan BREAKFAST, LUNCHEON. DINNER SERVED -Added- JOE PENNER (Radio Senoa.ion) SWARTHMOREAN DOE 'OIL BURNERS AUTOMATIC HEAT Only When Needed J. PERCY BELL Distributor for Deiaware County MEDIA, PA. PHONE MEDIA 1681 WASHED Spring CleaRing Time Monday and Tues_-April 16-17 "LET'S FALL IN LOVE" THE CHURCH NEWS -AFTER-EASTER- "THE LOST PATROL" Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday SYLVIA SIDNEY FREDRIC MARCH In DREXEL BILL, PA. "ANNOUNCES"! SATURDAY. MONDAY. TUESDAY VICTOR McLAGLEN BORIS KARWFF WAVERLy " Theatre-Chester "BOI.ERO" "GOOD DAME" 6 Park Gfvenue r;=;==~! WASHINGTON "DAVID HARUM" PARKER gown Shop APRIL 13, 1934 Phone Swa. 149 A. M.-Holy COmmunion. a. nt_-Sunday School. a. m.-Reetor's Bible Class. a. m.-Mornlng Prayer and Sermon. Mr.· Guenther wlll preach. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST. OF SWART!D40RE Park Avenue Below Harvard Services: 11:00 A. M.-Bunday School. 11:00 "'-. M.--Sunday Le!sson-Sermon. Wed.. 'esdal evening meetlng eacb week. 8 p. m. Reading room open dally, except bundays and bOlfdays. 1 to 4 In the afternoon; Church edlflce. All are cordially Invited to attend the services and use the Reading Room. You CAN"T OUTWIT A TRONQERBOLT A man hid his money-and kept his valuable papers in his house. "Nobody can find them," he told himself_ But a'bolt of lightning did-and his house burned. .The house can be rebuilt, but his money and valuable papers are gone forever. • • • .A safe deposit box in our bank ;s a safe place to keep your valuables. Its rental cost .is small. .A SavinAs Acco·mt is a safe place to keep . your money. It is convenient and earns .compound interest for you all the time. SWARTHMORE NArIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY APRIL 13. 1934 THB SWARTHMORBAN 4 DISCUSS HEALTH AT HOME AND SCHOOL Suburban Water Company Shows Moving Pictures of Water Supply On Monday evening a Health Program was presented in the ,High School auditorium before the Home and School Association. of the upper waters of Crum Creek ~nd Presbytery of Chester, Tuesday, as an the two reservoirs where a sufficient elder commissioner to the General Asany appreciable diminution of l.he supply. Most citizens do not reahze t?at back of our spigots are the pumpl~g stations sedimentation basins, rapid sand fiI;ers. aeration fountains and laboratories for testing the water t~at comes so freely to our homes. ASide from the pictures of our local wa.ter supply, there were other~ showmg primitive means of conveymg water, Roman aqueducts, and the Versailles fountains. Musical selections were rendered by - The weekday service of the church has been placed on Wednesday evening, the regular time for it, instead of the At the annual meetings of the and congregation held last Wednesday evening, elders and trustees were and reports for the year presented. Two elders were elected to serve for five years, in place of the retiring elders, Edward M. •• other important feature in regard to the health of a community, and after having seen the pictures presented by the Philadelphia Suburban Water Company the residents of Swarthmore need have no misgivings on this point. Chief Engineer McCurdy showed moving pictures Cas", or!! Paid III 15 Days Four I ~ Pau~ On~) downe, Haverford, and Radnor high A large audience enthusiastically re- schools. On Thursday afternoon, at .3 :30, ceived the productions of the Ulverston he conducted a general conference of players last Friday evening in the audi- l'epresentatives from all of these high torium of the school. The fact that the schools at Haverford Township High students had designed and built the stage, School. including the setting for both plays and the proscenium not only added to the inThe date for the Main Line Orchestra, terest and enthusiasm of th~ students, Concert has been changed to Thursday but also to that of parents and friends. evening, May 3, at 8:15 o'clock. The In spite of the fact that the majority concert will be given in the Clothier Meof the players who appeared on Friday morial of Swarthmore College on behalf evening were making their debut on the of the members of the Senior class to stage, every part was played with credit. raise additional scholarships for worthy In the "Spreading of the News", both members of the class. Last year, at comJames Anderson in the part of Mr. Fal- mencement two scholarships were created lon and Bruce Cook playing Jack .Smith, from these funds, in addition to the scholwho was thought ro have been murdered arship annually provided by the Home by Fallon with a hayfork, met every ex- and School Association. pectation. Much of the plot centered Plans are now being made to secure a around the part of Miriam Terman in the large number of patrons and patronesses role of Mrs. Fallon, who oc- for this concert in the hope that many casion demanded, used such courage and will realize that, while they are c~:~;:::~ force as was necessary in the defense of a good concert, they will also b~ the accused man, even defying the bold along a worthy cause. A committee magis.trate and police, parts well played mothers of members of the Senior class by Lytle Alexander and Frank Lawrence. has been appointed to cooperate with this The difficult role of the deaf apple-yender concert as follows: Mrs. Gellert AlleMrs .. Tarjey, played by Sally Mitchell, man, Mrs, Percival Armitage, Mrs. Ar- • • • I fitted .splendidly ,into tile parts of her ac- thur E. Bassett, Mrs, John W. Calder, complices in the accusation, Anne Kraus, \frs, WilHam Craemer, Mrs. E. H. Egeq Mary 5tericker, Donald Lange and Ted Mrs. R. G. Ford, Mrs. William E. KistCook ~ in the parts ou' Misses Tully and ler, Mrs. Charles Ku;;t"h;llz, Mrs. Robert Early and Messrs. Tim Casey and Jack Lewis, Mrs. John Marshall, Mrs. E. LeRyan, Germaine PaHsse, in charge of French instruction on all year levels, is coaching her students for a program of French plays and music to he render.ed on Friday evening, Ma::y_I~I.;.'...._ _ WbYr I //lit.Ualulevetel Really!-whizzing down a fire house pole is so un·, necessary when ANOTHER TELEPHONE _ upst,lirs_ costs only seventy.five cents a month: (Service Connection Charge $2). THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PBNNSYLVANIA ~ MasonHeflin COAL CO. ....M ....... Phone Swarthmore 6 or Regent 1308 Today Varied Activities in School Program (Continued t,.om ~ V~'~ READING ment of the following nominating com- vel Wilson, and F. Don Price. mittee: Roland Eaton, chairman; M~s. • I • cure is the aim. Our school ranks high lish teachers held conferences. in the proportion of students who come up to the standard set for the Dental Ulverslon Players Well Received The purity of the water supply is an- Buckwheat . • . • $7.75 Egg •••• $11.00 Pea • • .. $ 9.25 Stove .•• $11.25 Nut ..•• $11.00 Philadelphia Koppers Coke Charles Deacon, James Johnstone, Bur- trustees were elected for three years to ris West, Allen Putnam, and Otto take the place of those retiring by limitation of office:-Joseph A. Perry, president Kraus, accompanist. Dr. Mcrcer announced the appoint- of the Board, Charles D. Mitchell, Mar- Elliott Richardson, Mrs. Harold GrifDiehl told how the general health of fin, Dr. Arthur Jones, and Dr. Frank the p~pils is affected by the condition Williams. of the teeth. Prevention rather than At the close 01 the meeting the Eng- Honor Roll. Fill Your Bios NOW night on which it has been held the cold weather. Miss Anna Burkhart, the School Nurse told 01 the work of finding and corre~ting remediable handicaps, espe- the Friendship Quartette, consisting of Boyd and D. W. R. Morgan. cially those connected with sight~ hearing, posture, tonsils, and. feet. TillS year the pupils in the first eIght grades are being given physical examinations and information is sent to the parents concerning the results. The Dental Hygienist, Miss Helen NEW LOW SPRING PRICES amount is held to last through two such sembly of the Presbyterian Church which dry summers as 1931 and 1932 without meets at Cleveland, May 24th. Roy Mercer, Mrs. Louis M. Remont, Mrs. D. D. Rowlands, Mrs. George Schobinger, Mrs. Arno Viehover, Mrs, Harvey Whit- aker, Mrs. Percival' Wilson, and Mrs. George Zimmer. The faculty committee sponsoring this program consists of the sponsors of the .P.....yterian :Notes Senior class, Miss Hamel. Miss Wilson, and Mr. Spaeth; also Mrs. Hall, Miss The annual supper of the congregation Moran, Miss Weber, Miss Van de Bogart, was well attended last Wednesday eveMr. Brinton and Mr. Morey. ning in spite of the rain. The supper was in charge of Mrs. James iBacon Douglas, president of the Woman's Association. • • Dr. David McCahan, Strath-Haven avenue, was elected at the meeting of the NOW IS THE TIME and garden. BONE MEAL, SHEEP MANURE, .. -'"'fot- bdf.::r flrJU .'r> AND BOVRUNG. VI,GORO MOSS. ,~ PEAT .r~" ",'tf~~J We will lend you a fertilizer spreader to make your job easier. LANDRETH, MICHELL'S, OLD ENGUSH GRASS SEED Replant those bare spots in your lawn. Lawn roller to hire. Landreth's Garden Seeds Ferry's Flower Seeds All Kinds of Lawn and Garden Tools. HDid j'OU get a copy 0/ the second isstle of ollr rotogravure bargain circular by mail"] SUPLEE'S STORE Swa. 105 11 S. CHESTER RD. 4000 A DAY now being produced than any other make of automobile in the world. be lives and learns The 1934 Chevrolet is rwl merely last year's model improved, hUl a basically new automobile throughout. Producing so many of these cars so early in the season, and produc- READY KILOWAn has been 'working for you a long time. ing them all up to Chevrolet high standards of quality, is nothing short of a real accom· He has been improving, as ,a workman, and his rate of pay has steadily decreased. plishment! We Are Able to Make Immediate Deliveries At first he opeaued the lights-a big improvement over old methods. A Pion..,. ,. Volunfari" ftfabU, .. '.,. to. Rot.. fo~.AI' Electric Servia 1IaJ.. J)08t a Ills: mlnutf!'S Wt'8t four hundred and lor'7 feel and eighty·flve one·hulldl'e(l1b. of a foot; thence by land formerl.v of Fairman Rogen tbe two Dl!'xt tollowln,. COUI'8e8 alld dIstan(e8, corner of ~nd formerl,. of Pro- north 8.ftY-.I(wen dt>grees. twenty-eIgbt minutes tending of that wJdtb In deptb S. B. between parallel lines at. rl..b1. anelet 100 ft. the 8. W. lIne along the middle of an 8 ft. Wide driYeW8¥. Togetber witb the U8e of wd drivewQ'. .,ucco The piano and dance program in the lessor Carl Kelsey; thenoe by said lands ('118& nine hundred and flfty.Dve feet and Imllrovcnu·nls ('onsla, of two·sto.., north aiity-three degrees, twenty-four thlrty-ehr; one-hundredths of a foot and 8Quth ho11Be. 18x33 feet; porch front.. FOR 8ALE-Marple Bills, Del Co., Lawrence beautiful auditorium of the Mary Lyon minutes weat slz hundred. and ftftJ- seven thlrly-eilrbt dCgTee1iI. eeven minutes cast seven Rd., near Sproul Boulevard. New modem to a poet and stone tn the line ell- hundred and feet (u the place of Sold as tbe property of J. Irwin Stout. English and Colonial type homes, complete School, last Saturday evening, was an feet vlcUng the ToWD8~~ at Spr1ngfleld from beginnIng. Containing twenty-one and ntnet)'. morts-agor. and Joseph G. 8cemUler. real and commodious, 8 rOOll18, 3 baths, 2 car tbe ToWDBhlp ot lIIarple: thence etW by nino one.bundredtbs acres, uwncr, garage, air condltlonlng system, other mod· event to be remembered, Our two home the said. Kelsey's land and along the said em appointments. One or more acres of division line south fifty-dve degrees, The olh('r beglnn!n.. at a point In the H, L. FUSSELL. Attorney. ground. Not open Sundays. W. R. Bricker, artists delighted a full audience with thlrty-e18:ht minutes west, and Agent, on premlse8. music and dance: and in one number, over a POSt on the aide of arum Creek eaatcrly boundary line of premises above de· ~ dlstalloo ot tbree hundred and Levari Facias about twenty feet from the middle thereof 8('rlbed at. the No. 1180 feet south twenty·two degrees one FOB SALE-Cocker Spaniel puppies, brown. a quaint German dorf-tanz, Miss Kath- dve hundred and. sb feet to the mld.dle of IMwenfy-six minute w(>st from the mlddlo of DeaUy road arine \Varren played the rollicking acPhone Sw. 1041. wei creek; thence up said Crum creek the thence by hmd no ..... or formerly of J. W8J'1'en December Term. 1033 thirteen followlng courses and d18tances, La ..... reme north slxty·elght degrees, tblrtyconwanimcnt with fine spirit. to wit: North twenty-two degrees, thirtYMessuage in Sprln ..Oeld Twp.• Del. {lo., Fa .• FOR RBNT The opening waltz and mazurka seven minutes west two bundred and fifty 80\·(>11 minutes east thlrty·elght feet and forty· iJcginning at. a. atone in the middle of road six one-hundredtbs of a foot south sixty-seven seemed like a welcome to the fresh feet more or less; north forty-one degrees, debPJ"ees, forty·six minutes cas&. fourteen feet leading from Chester to Marple, (orner of FOR RENT-UnexPeCted. vacancy, unfur- green springtime, as Miss Foote in an flve minutes west one hund.redBtnd88venty- ttnd eight one-hundredths of a foot south land of J. Howard Lewis and JOlleph Lownee. three feet more or less; north sixty-seven nished, porch front, apartment, 2 bedtwenty·seven degrees. twenty·four minutes west thence N. 23%· lV. 60 perches, theoce N. 16· rooms, Swarthmore Apartmenta. Call Sw. apple-hlossom gown floated and whirled degrees west eighty-tour feet more or less: twenty·nille feet north elghty·one d.Jlgrees, W. 02.4 perches to stone, thence N. 60%· north eighty-six degrees, forty minutes E. 30,86 perches thence S. 30· 66' E. 30.3 314-J. in the dreamy air. One of her numbers west flve hundred and feet, forty-one minutes west thlrty·three feet. to a fK!rcl!.e..,. thence S. :10" E, 31 pereheEl. thence nolnt in line of the Jlremlses above dCl6Crlbed: N, 06% 0 E, 83 perches, thence B. 38~· E. more or less: north eighty degrees, fiftyFOR RENT-Housekeeping apartment, fur- was pure Greek in its cool, clear sim- eight minutes west two bundred and sIXty- thence by the premises above deB<'ribcd. north 00 perdu.'a. thence S, 50%" W, 161.6 perches nished or unfurnished, five rooms and plicity. Her stately slow pavane, to five teet. more or less: north fifty-four de- twenty·two dt'gtees, one minute east eight feet to place of beginning. Containing 81 A. 61.3 bath. A. N. Garrett. phone Pennypacker and four·teuths of a foot to the place of grees, thirty-three mInutes west one hunperches, Ravel's pensive music, was like an elegy 4442 or Swarthmore 489. be,lrlnning, Containing elgbt hundred lind six· dred and forty-two feet. more or less: in silver and black. north thirty-two degrees, thlrty·one mln- teen equare feet. Also In Springfield Twp .. Del. Co., utes west two hundred and thirty-five feet PERSONAL 0, daffodil girl from the valleys of Ps.. beglnnln.. at stone In line of John L. ImllrOYCments cOllsist of (1st deaerlpUon). Snl'der's more or less; north eleven degrees. twentyllll1d. thence by sante S. 66}S4O W. Greece, four minutes east one hundred and !lve Vaeant ground, (2nd desrciles of land more or leSEl. vigor of one of De Fal1a's dances. Her twenty-seven minutes east one hundred ditiun, 10x24x30 feet: porches front and side: Telephone Sw. 1659. and ninety·elght feet. more or less to a frame bani iH:x54 feet: frame addition, 24x:28 Also tracl of land in said Twp. of BDrin... pieces for Miss Foote's numbers were POlnt In the middle cf said creek. a comer feet: ehicken bouse. 16.1:32 feet: (4th descrip. field, beg-inningstone in middle of publle LOST-Either at Woman's Club or In busI- as attractive as her solos, and especially of land formerly of the estate of Susan Uon), Vacant. l'I'Ound. rd. leadiug from Springfield Keetlng House ness section. small black case containing Berry, deceased: thence by the said Derry's the sparkling Gavotte and Waffentanz eye glo.sses. :Mrs, Arthur W, Kent, Sw. land north fifty-Silt" degrees, twenty-seven Sold as the property of James Wolfenden, to Chester. corner l'f land formerly of Joel E\'3lls, thence along middle of said rd. S. 17° not-R. minutes east and Pa.&81J:ig over an old post mortgagor. terre lenant and real owner. of Gluck. 30' E. 326.6 ft. to corner of J. Howard Lewis' at the edge of said creek about twenty feet As a vision of beauty and grace, tbence by same N. SID 10' E, 600.9 ft. land. LOST-Two gold bar pins, one with six from the mlddle thereof thirteen hundred. Hand Money--$5,OOO.00. S. 4." 30' E. 448 ft. and N, 60" 15' E, 1653 seed pearls, other chased gold, gold combined with rich harmonies, this re- aud nlnety-dve feet to a post. and south ft. to stone In middle of public rd. leading to fifty-tour degrees, twenty-six minutes east J. H. WARD HINKSON. Attornc)'. medal on chaln with lnscrlptlon. sUver cital was an event of di!tinction. Morton Station, thence N. 30· 36' W. 145.6 bar pin with Initials A. J, D. Phone Madifive hundred and sixty-three feet to a It. and N. 15'" 3~' W. 330.4 ft. thence 8. son 2115-W. dead Obestnut oak tree, a corner of lands Fieri Fadas • I • No. 410 72" 32' W. 354 ft. and N. 0" 2' W, to post. formerly of James P. Colllns: thence by in IIl1c of land formerly of Edw. Powell. thence the said Collins' land south thirty-two deMarch Term, 1934 Methodist Notes FOUND by same S, 50'" 2' W. 1033 It. to pla.ce of grees, fifty-nine mlnutes east ten hunbeginning. Containing 32.057 acres more or dred and fifty-elgbt feet to a POSt In the Lot of ground situate in Yeadon Bora., Del. le89, FOUND-A pair of spectacles on Chester 'rhe new officers of the Epworth said division Une, between the said town- Co., Penna., on tho N. E. side of YeadOn Ave. Road on April 9. Call at 320 Cornell and then~ along the said line and 347.18 ft, N. lV. from the N. W. Elide of League arc: President, Benjamin Nar- ship, Impro\·cments consis' of framo poultry Avenue or phone Sw. 773-J. by saId Collins land north fifty-e1ght de- Parmley A\"e.: Containing 011 Yeadon Ave, 25 houst!. 50xl0 feet: one and one-balf atory beth; first Vice President, Frank arees, th1rteen m10utes east seven hundred ft. and extcndiilK" of that wIdth In depth N. E. frame carriage house snd barn 25x63 feet; and seventy-two feet to a post, a comer Of between parallel Hnes at right angles 100 ft., WANTED Smith, Jr.; second Vice President, land formerly of Mrs. Adah Bradley Halla- the S. E. line along the middle of an 8 fl. ollc·stor,)· frame addition 12x25 feet. Frame day; thence by the last mentioned lands wide drh'ewll.Y. Togethcr' witb the use of sold and ril 17 at 8 o'clock at the home at his home here for registration. after the program, at which time all of Olive Cleaves, 604 Elm avenue. • I • Mr. Wolter Irving Clarke of Harvard ;suests arc invited to stay and refreshAvenue, Director of Publicity of the ments will be served. Presbyterian Church U. S. A., is at• I • {Continrud Prom Page Qn~' tending a meeting of the Council of Manis 1\1. Lee Jr., son of Mr. and Religious Editors in Washington, this Junior Club member of the "Ends of the Earth" ~Irs. Morris M. Lee of College and club of·Yale. Having traveled to many The Junior Section of the Woman's Princeton avenues was run down by an week, where he will read a paper and of the most, unusual places of the earth, Club held its regular meeting on Tuesday automobile in New York on Saturday. will lead a discussion. his !.looks coveT a wide range of sub- evening. The following officers were He is suffering from a fractured skull Ye jects. Some of his books arc "Brave elected: Vice-president, Mrs. James F. and bruises, but it is expected that his will be complete. recovery Deeds of Union Soldiers", "Abraham Bogardus, CorreslJOnding Secretary, VirLincoln, His Story", "The Out of Doors ginia Bassett, Treasurer, Ruth Wellburn. Mr. and Mrs. Pemberton M. Dickson, Club", "Boy Scouts in the \Vilderness", The Officers and Section Chairmen gave of North Princeton avenue, have had as A. HAUGER, Prop. "'Vitd Honey" and many other good I their reports of the year, and the Presi- their guest for several days this week, hooks. All members arc invited and an dent. Eleanor Kennedy, gave a (ompletc Dr. Olive Gates, of Boston, Massachu~ Swa.19 enjoyable as welI as a profitz.blc after- report. setts. nOOI1 is promised. Tea will be served. The spring dance will be held on FriThe study group of the Literaturc day, April 27th from 8:30 to 1 in the WoMr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde of OgSection will meet Thunday afternoon man's Clubhouse, and the I)rofit made wilt den and Swarthillorc avenues will spend rt 2 :30. ),1 rs. O. E. Gilcreest will lead be used for philanthropic purposes. Will the weck-clld as guests of .Mr. and Mrs. a discussion on "Glimp:-;cs of the IJOctry Newgeuu's Argullots will furnish the Thomas \V. Phillips, Jr., of Butler, Pennof \ViJlial1l nutler Yeates, conceded musIc. sylvania. Warmth Without Worry the greatest living English poet." After the business meeting the drama A week from ),tonday evening, April section gave a olle act play entitled "Six Phone-Swartb. 10412 Mrs. William I. Hull of Walnut Lane 23rd, the outstanding evening event of CUllS of Chocolate". Those taking part and Mrs. Sargent \Valter of North Ches'fhe \Voman's Club will take place were: l\liIdred Bond, Virginia Bassett, ter road will motor to Pitt;;burgh on when the chorus gi,'cs their anllual Harriet Kistler, Leonore Perkins, Kath- Monday to attend the annual meeting of cOllccrt. Eight short and snappy lIum- arine Cairns and Helen Bell. Mrs. La.Jra the Women's International League for hers will he sung; ~I rs. Roland G. E. \"illiams coached the play. After the Peace and Freedom. Ullman will give a humorous reading play, two take-offs were given, vllC of and 11rs. Hcnry Hotz, wife of the di- dancing class rehearsal and one of a JunMrs. Thomas Downs of Springfield rector of the chorus, will sing a 5010. will entertain the Duplicate Bridge Club ior Club business meeting. Dori~ Narat luncheon 011 Friday, April 20th. heth, accompanied hy Catllerine Herschy, MRS_ A. J. QUINBY & SON sang several selections. At the end of the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Dana and clltertainment, refreshments were served. I!. family returned this week from Florida. The .h.fusic Section will meet at the ERNEST G. SNODGRASS, ASS'T home of )'lrs. Kimmell on Haverford Mr. and Mrs. James Bacon Douglas fUNERAL DIRECTORSi!'l.ce on Wednesday, AI,ril 18, at 8 of North Chester Road went to Fort 7th & EDGMONT ~lc2de, Maryland, yestenlay, to visit thek son, Lt. Hulburt Douglas, whose regiment is stationcd there and who Would You Pay the Small .' was recently operated 011 for an acute Balance Due on a Fine PLUMBING. attack of appcndicitis. Lt. Douglas is NATIONALLY KNOWN HEATING & ROOFING making a good reCQvery and. when AS IT SHOULD BE DONE L. W_ JACKSON IN YOUR VICINITY? SWARTHMORE 74J ES,~!~. OF A. PENROSE ROBINSON. de· Decorative Ideals From the Japanese 13, 1934 Mr. de Los Hibner, of Du Bois, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Fenno, of Swarthmore avenue, last week-end. NEWS NOTES This is one ofthe most channing homes in Swarthmore: beautiful location lind every improvement a modern home should have; a remarkably easy housekeeping home; 2car healed garage. r he Price ;s Reasonable SWEENEY & CLYDE COAL Phone:--Che.ter 6141 Sw.693-W. -_._- JOSEPH QUINBY The Credit Manager oC a large Plano House wUl sell this Ill5trument Cor the small balance due on lease rather than bring It back to their warerooms. Just continue 8lllall weekly payments. Thl.s plano is almost brand new. Offers exceptional value for someone. Answer quick. Must be moved within 10 days. Address-A. D. l\lack. Dept. or Accts., ANNA SCHALLES SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES PHONE S\V. 1225 1306 Chestnut Sr., Phila. I ~;~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~I~U~H~L~E~N~B~E~R~G~~A~V~E~••~R~U~T~L~E~D~G~E~ -l·1:I·6t :!au~ Packard ~ a PACKARD- Why not drive one! SelCt'!Uon of Used f::arJl F. B. FRANCIS Paekard 12th & CROSBY Studebake .. • • • • A BRILLIANT EVENT Every Floor-every department offers new, fashionable merchandise at extraordinary savings HARRY L. MILLER. Executor. Or to his attorney. EDWIN A. LUCAS. Esq., 1429 Walnut Street, Phlladelphla, Pa. Swarthmore. Pa. PLYMOUT..J-I • Where things nre difTerenta You wiJJ find the Tea Room a delightful place to enter'ain your friends. Lunch and Dinner. Weekdays ................. $.50 Sundays aud Holidays. " , . , . _ . , .. .75 - AIP.~LOW CI-IP.YSlf-RS' 1934 C-lt RYSL*"P. SIX IIQ34 PlYMOUT-ll SIX NOW ON StratLHaven DISPLAY Tile Inn With Pel'sonalily F_ ;\1. Sl:UI<:U1LEY "'unugement 680 WJ!BK APRIL Z3to21 VOL. VI-NO. 16 SWARTHMORE, PA., APRIL Swarlhmore, 20, 1934 FIREMEN'S DINNER TO BE GALA $2.50 TesJ.imonial Dinner / by the Busines8 / and Legion Hotz, Dirootor - Mr8_ Tax Rale Same as Lasl yearand Mrs. Ullman to Next Week "Clean.Up" Appear on Program Week "Every man who owns a piece The Woman's Chorus of the SwarthCouncil, at their regular meeting property in Swarthmore owes our firemore Woman's Club will give their \Vednesday evcning, voted to levy a men a lot more than a dinner". This lnnual chorus under the direction of 7 mill tax. 'fhis maintains the same st.:·tement of a prominent citizen Henry Hotz, Monday evening, April low level as was inaugurated last year. huying his ticket for the te"ti, !3. at 8 :15 P. M. Burgess Pitman brought the matter dinner to be given the Swarthmore Fire This concert is cagerly looked for .. of spceding before Council. The police Company on Thursday evening ex.vard to by the members of the \Vo- havc given many warnings, and fines presses the general enthusiasm with :11al1'S Club and their fricnds cach alld arrcsts have been made in some which the project is being received. '{car. l.'he chorus has been rchearsing instances. "It is the desirable thing to The whole tOWIl"S t3lking about it, and for several months undcr the direction reduce speeding instead of arresting the whole town's going-that is the of Mr. Hotz. and fining wholesale, but the dangerwhole male population-and the ladies The chorus, consisting of forty ous s~ecdil1g must be stopped", said are already asking that they be let in. voices. will sing the following num- ~-Ir. Pitman. He asked that thcy con"In fact, so great is the demimd for Jers: sider a sircn for the police car. .. ti(:kets that the 300 limit is nearly I Love Life-Nana Yucca, Ole Uncle '1'. E. Hessenbruch, of the Highway reached and it is almost certain that Moon-Charles P. Scott, The Wind's department, statcd that most of the the few eleventh hour ticket seekers 'n the South-J oh" Prindle Scott, property owners along Yale avenue arc going to be disappointed. Moon-Marketing - Powcll Wcaver, were willing to dedicate the frontage The dinner is being sponsored by lain-Pearl G. Curran, Indian Cradle necessary for a sidewalk if they were the Swarthmore Business Men's Asso50ng-H. A. :Matthews, A Love Dream 110t. put to an expense in any way. No ciation and the Harold Ainsworth Post, ·F. Liszt)-Frang C. Bornechein, Dance actIOn 'was taken on this matter. American Legion. The general com1. Caclucka-Sullivao Pitcher. .Mr. Hessenbruch was authorized to mittee consists of F.. M. Buchner, Mae Elbree Hotz will sing two ncgoti2te with the Pennsylvania Railchairman; Burgess ] oho H. C~;:,~~~~: of vocal solos. road to change the lighting of the PrinceC. E. Hannum, George :Mrs. Roland G. Ullman will give ton avenue to one that tunnel Robert T. Bair, _Ferris W. Mitchell, and _1Umorous readings. will be more satisfactory. The tunnel Titus Ewig. The dinner, at 6 :30 The concert will be followed by an is in dangerous condition and it has is to be served by Mrs. Charles K,·,rt,,informal reception for Mr. and Mrs. been brought to the attention of the halz, of the IJIgleneuk Tea Room, Hotz. railroad company, to whom it belongs. the place is the Methodist Social Hall. I I • Borough Council authorized N. O. The entertainment, which promis~sl HENRY HOTZ • Pittenger to have certain trees along to excel all past performances of thiS Will direct Woman's Club Chorus in program at Clubhouse on Monday eveCollege avenue removed by the Elec~ character, will be a real Swarthmore ning ApriJ 23rd tric company. The tree committee h:ave Review. Guests will see themselves and . ' t . recommended the removal of these their neighbors portrayed as never betrees because of their danger and poor fore. The act?rs will. include many of High School Honor Roll condition. It is necessary for the Elecour best footJlght artists, an orchestra, Burgese Pitman a Candidate for tric Company to get the permission of . Slate Committeethe property owners before the work and a minimum of man is begun. These trees are to be replac~ fourth report period ending March 9th • • ed by yom:.g ones by the Electric Comhas been announced by the faculty of Thoroughgoing, dyed-in~the-wool Dem- pany. . ..._ . __. _ . _ _ _ _ 6 1 Citizens' Commillet' 10 HoW· the. se~ool, It is as follows: .ocrats head the slate which will be preliarry L~ "'[iIIer~ chairman of the Independent· Republican Semor ClasS-;-J:ionor roll, Hele.nlseoted at the May .primary by the Dela- Fm3nce Committee, reported the as~ Rally Craemer, and WIlham Craemer; ~erJt ware County organization. sessmcnt as being almost equal to that Ro.U, John Marshall, Anglea. Mason, John E. McDonough, candidate for the oi last year. The revenue expected for A Citizens' Committee of Swarthmore F~lth Storm, Gunther ReuDlng, and congressional nomination, has been a lifethe .year from all sources is $35,107. Delights Audience With Talk on RIchard Wray I has arranged an Independent Republican J. Cl· D· t· . h d h ong Democrat. Widely known in Ches- \VInle the council have spent $1200 Nature - Mre. Mnth to Speak umor ass- IS mgulS e onor ter and Delaware Count h d I on Tnesday Rally, which will be held at Strath Haven roll, Edmond Jones, Dan Piper and gat t th t. I y, ~ was aH e e- more since January 1 than they had • S • ' e 0 e na lOna conventIOn at ous- budgeted for ,that time, there will be Inn on Wednesday, April 25, at 8 o'clock. tcwart Thorn; Merit roll, Betty Lou ton Tex I·n 1928 and th t· h II H I J ,., , e conven Ion at several hundred dollars more available ·t h II D I· M Mr. Samuel Scoville, Philadelphia lawThe following candidates for offi es M Ice, e ta ars a, e en ones, St. Louis . 1916 than was anticipated. .Mr. :Miller felt yer, author and traveler delighted his ' m . . c , Seymour Rutherford. Richard Sanford, ~hose n~es wII.l appear upon the ballot Francis Vosters, Muriel Wagner and Mr. McDonough has for years been a with close economy in all departments audience Tuesday afternoon when he In the commg ~f1mary of May IS, will be John Wickham. frank and outstanding wet. He is rethey would be able to stay within the spoke at the Woman's Club. His subject present and will speak: Sophomore Class-Merit Toll ElIsgarded as one of the county leaders, and hudget and maintain the tax. rate of had to do with outdoor hobbies and in For Congress,. Benjamin F. James, of worth Dougherty, Georgene Griffith, State leaders have repeatedly expressed 7 .mills that was in effect last year. It telling of his visit to the swamps in FlorRadnor Township. James Lipman, Betty McGarrah, Wiltheir confidence in his ability. will mean reduced amounts for street ida he spoke of his guide showing him the Voters of Delaware County, coming r~pairs, but most of the members felt largest alligator he's seen and to prove For the State Legislature, Francis J. liam Rutherford, Mary Williams, and into contact with Professor John H. at this time they should 110t increase they have a "love call", the guide mimiced Bowden of Upper Darby, Thos. J. Sproul Ralph Rhoads. of Wallingford, William W. Martin of Ninth Grade-Merit roll, Elaine Pitman, member of the Swarthmore the rate unless it were absolutely it and the alligator came to them. Prospect Park. Bradford, Bill Bullock, Dwight Colley, College faculty, Burgess of Swarth- nccessary. There arc $17,000 unpaid He told of hearing the call of the panther The above named candidates have reJ ahn Delaplaine, Ted Hannum, Conmore and the Democratic choice for taxes due the Boro at the present time and its approach when his "head k~pt ceived the united support of the organizstance, Janet MacDonald. MalState committee, have come to regard "ut between $4,000 and $5,000 arc ex~ cool, but his feet ran"; of gathering the ed independent Republican groups of colm MalO. Nancy Maxwell, Maralee him as the higher type of individual, pected to be paid before !{ay 1. These t eggs of the hermit thrush (for a mus- Delaware County. Noyes, Ja.oe Richardson, Shirl~y Shaw, cultured, capable and honest. unpaid taxes go as far back as 1929. 'cum) and seeing it sing when the human Mrs. Jane H. Felix of Lansdowne, forGen.e Smith, and Helen Tomhnson. "If charged with the responsibility 'fhe ~-mil1 library tax was levied. ear could not hear it. He also told of his merlya resident of S\\anhmore, now an Elght~ Grade-Honor Roll, Conof State committeeman," Dr. Pitman The third of the ten,4nnual 7-mi1l experience in gathering some eggs from independent candidate for the State com- sta.nce Schoff, Margaret ~hoemaker, and said, "I will put every effort into the assessments' on the~ Fi!(lik~.Smitli.· tract the nest of the fastest fiying bird, the duck mitteeship will also speak Ehzabeth Thorn; MerIt roll, Ella job and spare nothing to further the was levied, as was also: die "fifth of the hawk, for a museum. Mr. Scoville end~ The Citizens' Committe~ has also ex- May Beag~e, Marr Bonsall, William cause of the party." ten annual 2~miJl assessments on the Kimed his interesting talk by saying that t d d ... C Brown, Kitty BrIll, John Craemer, A. L oms . D etil If, s th er D ue, k E ' Fighting beside Dr. Pitman is uJ.U rs • mel Tract. anyone in trouble or with a troubled Den e an mVltatlon to olonel Charles . lO unlce Council passed a motion to declare candIdate for Eaton Joh R'ch d M" Florence DornbJaser, of Haverford mind 'should get out into the open; let the Goravo, of t Swarthmore, t k d . f h'" , n 1 ar s, arJone T h· the week from April 23 to 28 inclusive ve"!or, 0 a e a vantage 0 t IS op- Thorpe, Robert White, Harriet Wick- owns lP, who is chairman of the wind blow on his face and get as clean-up week, in cooperation with the "consciousness of great love P?rtumty to meet and address a group of ham, Louise Keatley, Harry MacMil~ township committee and aspires to the Pennsylvania Clean-up Week. Elliott Ian, Betty Anne Mitchell, and Doris office of State committeewoman, with and of, a great force which controls hiS fellow-townsmen. Richardson, Boro Secretary, is 111 Mr. George W. Plowman of Swarth- Polk. the fine characteristics outlined in the us all". Mrs. Phelps Soule, chairman of charge of the campaign. Seventh Grade-Merit roll Morris Jeffersonian principles. the Literature Section, which produced more, an active member of the Commitof One Hun~red, a young men's indeBassett, Beatrice Brewster: James She is a member of the Tuberculosis tee this program, also presented Mrs. Wm. Original One-Act Plays pendent R~pubh~n g~Up of Delaware Brown, Robert Clay, Arthur Collins, Society committeee, an extremely vital Swann in two violin solos and Mrs. Her-' bert Fraser at the piano, who also played County, ~vdl preside as "the chairman of Robert Delaplaine, Sarah Marie Disque, organization, and has struggled to reThe Little Theatre Club of SwarthGriffin Robert Hanzlik eve those suffering from the white more College is presenting four one act two solos which were appreciated. A so- the meetmg. Dr. Arthur E. Bassett will Charlotte James Dravo, Walt~r Jones, Ann How~ plague. plays, written and directed by students of cial hour followed when the whole audi- introduce Col. Dravo. Mr. J. Archer Turner will introduce the ard, Ruth Lipman, Dorothy Lueders, Mrs. Dornblaser promises that, if the college. The productions which will ence descended to the lounge to meet and candidates for congressional and Iegisla,:" Thomas Marshall, Frances Noyes, she is elected, the Democrats of Dela- be offered are as follows: "Alliteration thank Mr. Scoville. Never in our history has the Health and tive offices and Mrs. Edwin A. Yarnall, Louis Paulson, Betty Pitman, Nancy ware County can rest assured that the Angers Alice" by Kay Lever; "Christian Mrs. Jane H. Felix; candidate for the Price,. Genevieve Reavis, Gertrude interests, within their portals will be Endeavor" by Robert Cadigan; "Not the Welfare Department of our various orgState committeeship. Schobinger, Elizabeth Whitaker. "interests within her heart." anizations had a bigger task to meet All residents of Swarthmore and vic- •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....J____-'-_____...._____. Russians" by Osmond MOlarsky; and (Continued on Page Pour) "The Outsider" by William Whyte. At inity are cordially invited to attend this I • the end of the presentation, the best play THE WEEK'S CALENDAR meeting. Last Week of Salvation will be selected by the vote of the audiThc Citizens' Committee in charge is as Army Drive Friday, April 20 ~nce, T~e performance will take place, follows: Dr. Arthur E: Bassett, J. Archer Original One-act Plays, 8 :15 P. M., at Clothier Memorial. U1 Clothier Memorial, Friday, April 20. The Salvation Army drive under- the Turner, George Plowman, J. Everton at 8:15 p. m. Sunday. April 22 leadership of Peter E. Told is gaining Ramsey, Rev. George L. Van A1en, D. ,....~-Services at 11 o'clock at the Methodist, Presbyterian, Friends, momenhtm and a week of intensive W. R. Morgan, Dr. Samuel C. Palmer, Speake on Diearmament Church of Christ Scientist, Episcopa1 and Blue Churches. work will finish the campaign in A. V. Lees, Frank Smith, and William S. Vespers at the Presbyterian Church at 4 :45 P. M. Dr. William I. Hull spoke before a Swarthmore. Canning. Vespers at 6 :30 in Clothier Memorial, Ernest White, organist. Senate committee in favor of Total Mrs. J. Paul Brown, who has on her Mesdames A. R. O. Redgrave, WilMO.....I'. April Z3 Disarmament last Saturday, his subject committee the following, Mrs. Clair liam R. Johnson, J. Donald Gibson, Eva Woman's Chorus at Club House, 8 :15 P. M. being, "Fear of Invasion." He will give \Vilcox, Mrs. Copeland Palmer, Mrs. Smith Paul, Alfred Gary White, Elliott T..-Iay, April Z4 the same address before a joint meetBurris West. Mrs. Theodore Widing, Richardson, Edwin A. Yarnall, Ehner S. Mrs. Helen Muth, at Woman's Club, 2:30 P. M. in~ of th~ chu!"che~ a:,nd the Society of Miss Jane Dickey and J. Paul Brown Melick and W. Scott McHenry. Business Association Meeting at Strath Haven Inn, at 8 P. M. Friends III Washmgton this coming will finish the section above the tracks Web E "y, April ZS Sunday. • by the end of nen_ week. Independent Republican Rally, Strath Haven Inn at 8 P. M. I • Window Brokeu Those who have not been solicited Tha.....l'. Apri1 za Bird Walk ~ersonally may leave their contribuA stone thrown by a passing au~ Fir~men's Dinner, Methodist Social Hall, at 6:30 P. M. ,On Sunday· momiog, May 6, at 6 hailS at the Swarthmore National mobile broke the large plate-glass window Friday. Apri\ 7:1 o c1?Ck, Dr. Samuel C. Palmer will lead Bank, The Swarthmorean office, or of .Buchner·s Toggery Shop on Park aveJunior Club Dance, at Womall's Club at 8:30 P. M. a blr~ walk. All interested in the early Russell's service station. 9R.,~onday afternoon. mom,mg songsters are invited INDEPENDENT RALLY FOR SWARTHMORE JU~~~-~~~i~ r~~g~f ~~~o~;va;!~m~~~ DEMOCRATS WAGING ACTIVE CAMPAIGN I SAMUEL SCOVIll E ADDRESSES CLUB •• Advanced engineering . price THOSE ANXIOUS YEARS OF YOUTH-FROM 3 TO 6_ Give them the finest produced by nature, Penncrest's pure milk. AND GIVE THEM PLENTY OF IT. It·s good for THEM and it's good for YOU_ p(~N(I. 11017. immediatdy II< , ' , Mr. de Los Hilmer, of Du Bois. Was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Fenno, of Swarthmore avenue. last week-cnd. :\Ir. \Vdtn In·jng Clarke of Han'ani ~I ! tlll'lIl!' a:," i""iled to ,tay alld rcfresh\\"111 hl' ~cr,",:d. if '1 prom p.,ue Q,U' . "I lIIl'lllht'r oi tIll: "Ell(b uf thl' I',arth (("IIIIi1l!H'/ I ~ Junior Cluh , I duh til Yak', lJin·jllg travl'lcd tn mally I The Junior Sectioll of the \\'oman's of tIl'.: 1I1\1:-.t 1II1u ... u,·1 p];IC(.'S oi tlil" (:arth,l (,luh heM ih n'f,!ular meeting 011 Tuesday hi.., hoob em'a it wide range: of suh-! cn:llill,!.{. The following ofliccrs were jCl'ls. SUllie of his hooks arc "Hra\'c: elected: Vi('C-lIrc<;idcllt. ~[rs. James F. ik(:d ... ( ) i L'ui()\] ~oldil'n:', ",\hraham no~ardll<';. l'orrc:-.pom)ing Secretary. VirLiu(·olll. Iii ... ~tory ... "Thl' Out of Doors ginia Bas-",l'tt, Treasurer, H,l1th \\'ellburn. Cluh", "guy ~nlllb ill til\.' \\'ildt'fIlt:ss", The Ollict'r:. ali(I Sl,ctioll Chairml'll gave "\\'illl Ilolll'Y" ~IIHI many other good tht'ir repurt.-. of tllt' year, and the Prt'si),tlolk . . , ,\11 1IIl'llIill'rS an' illvikd and all d..:nl. Eleanor 1'(-'lIl1c<1,y. ga\'e a cOlllplcte "IIJ,'yahlv ; ... \\l'\1 a .. a pr,llit; hk afh:r- repurt. lh"ll1 j" prumi .. ld. Tca wi1i hl' sl'rn<1, ; The =-Jlrill'~ dance wilt he held 011 FriTlw -"'Iudy groUJl oi the I.lll'fature 'day. ,\l'ril2hh irom H:.W ttl 1 ill the \Vo:--:(,\,ti(J1l \, ill Illed Thursday afternuon man's Cluhhou"'l', and the profit made will : I 2 :30. ,\11':-.. U. E. (;ikn'l:-.t "ill Il';1(11 he u~l'{l fur I)hilanthropk pllfJl(Jses. \ViIl a di~\'u ..... i\'11 PII "(~liIllP"l'''' IIf the poetry I ~l'\\g(:oll's \q!;ll11ots will iurnish the IIi \\'dlialll Ilutll'r .... eah's. cOllcl'fll'd; mmic til{' gn'ak .. t li"ing ElIgli .. h P~l't." . :\itcr the IJII:-.illt's:-. mceting- the drama .\ \\nk fnllll .:\1(llI(ia), l'Vl'Il11lg, :\pnt: .. t,rti(J1J g-a\'l' a CllIl' lIet 1.lay cntitled "Six 23nl. Ihl' ollhtyl\';mia, COAL ~Ir>. SWEENEY & CLYDE l'hone:-CheSler 6141 Sw. 693·W. ~~;p~h~o~n~e~~~~s~w;a~r~th~.~1~O~4~1~2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- .. ----- - - - - - ~I rs. Thomas Downs of Springfield will ('·l1lt:rtaill the Duplicate Brilige Club at lundlcon 011 Friday, April 20th. .s :\Ir. and ~lrs. ,\rthur I{, Dana and iamity returned this week from Florida. I)(PA~T~ENT ST()~E .:\11'. anci ~Ir ... Jaml's I:anlll J)ouglas of Xorlh Cht'stcr I~oad \\Tnt to Fort )'h'~'de. )'Iaryland, Yl':.terday, to visit tlleir !i(lll, l.t. Ilulbnrt Douglas, whost, regillll'lit is . . latilltH.'d tlu.'rc and who ',\ as rn:clltl} operait'd UII for all acute 'lttack of appcndicitis. Lt. Douglas is lIIakillg a good recovery and, whr:n 1-~:;'r.\TJ-: Or' A, PENHOSE HOBl~SON, 7th & EDGMONT AVE., CHESTER NOW IN PROGRESS OUR GREA TEST dc· I I·:I~I'II. T(,,.tallll'lIt :Irs 011 tile II ho\'c Elil ate hl·t'll :,:-r:mled 10 tlU' IImll'rsh::neli. all p. lIu!l'bh'd 11) ;,:ald 1-.::;lalt, ale I'Cllllt'!;tt'd to mala' l,a~!IIt\'U1 mltl IlIu:;1' ha\'ill:: daims lu IlIt"WIII tltt, ;.:alll(' wlihOlU tlc!;'I)' at the SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES PHONE S\V, 12Z'i m~ 1',.OIl~ IIlh' I' I,r III!' (,OI'lull'lllt' Jo:xeeut or, PHO\·WB;o.;'r 'l'Ul'S'!' CQ)II'ANY of 1'llIla· ill'II,llIa, I'th & Chl'Htllul Strcets, Parkt'r S. Wilham,., 1'1I·~I(I(,III. allil 1\lAHJOHIE B, HOll· __ A BRILLIANT EVENT Every Floor-every department ESTATE OF DAVID L, LUKENS, deceased. Lcttl'rs Testamentary on the above Estate .1,lI·kurd 12th & CROSBY SClldc·lulkc·r hale been granted to the undersigned, who, rcqUl";::.ts all persons !lIn-Jug clahns or de- i mands against the Estate of the decedent! to Inake known tlw and all persons' lIl PLYMOUT~ C-I-tP-.YSLI-R ON DISPLAY Wit', PersOIwlir'r SC'IU'IIU.I"· ~h"";If"m"Il~ S"al'lhnlul·t •• I ....... " . ) Advanced engineering . pnce demonstratable value per dollar of widespread enthusiasm of owners. Weare eager to place the evidence before you and to show you THOSE ANXIOUS YOUTH-FROM 3 TO 6. YEARS OF Give them the milk. AND GIVE THEM PLENTY OF IT. It's good for THEM and it's good for YOU. p(~~(Ihe is elected, the Democrats of Delacandidates for congressional Thomas ),Iarshall, Frances Noyes, be offered are as follows: "Alliteration thank Mr. Scoville. tive offices and Mrs, Edwin A, Yarnall, Louis Paulson, Betty Pitman, Nancy ware County can rest assured that the Angers Alice" by Kay Le\'er; "Christian Never in our history has the Health and Price, Gcne\'ieve Reavis, Gertrude interests within their l)Ortals will bc \Vclfare Department of our various org- Mrs. Jane H. Felix, candidate for the Endeavor" by Robert Cadigan; "Not the "interests within her heart." State cOlllmitteeship. Schohil1ger, Elizaheth \Vhitaker. anizations had a bigger task to meet. Russians" by Osmond ~lolarsky; and All residents of Swarthmore and v l c - I . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . ! . - - - - - - - - - - - -....- -___. "The Outsider" by \Villiam \Vhyte. At (Continued on PUflt: Pour) inity are cordially invited to attend this • I • the end of the prcsentation, the best play meeting, THE WEEK'S CALENDAR Last Week of Salvation will be selected by the \·ote of the audiThc Citizcns' COlUmittee in charge is as Army Drive cnee. The periormance will take place, Friday, April 20 follo,.... s: Dr. Arthur E. Bassett, J. Archer Original One-act Plays, 8:15 P. M., at Clothier llemorial. in Clothier ~Iemorial. Friday, April 20, Turner. George Plowman, J. Everton The Salvation Army drive under the at 8:15 p. m. Sunday, April 22 Il'adership of Peter E. Told is gaining Ramsey, Re\', George L. Van Alen, D. ------~ ,~.------­ Services at Jl o'clock at the ~(ethodist, Preshyterian, Fricnds, 1IJomentum and a week of intensive \V, R. )'Iorgan, Dr. Samuel C, Palmer, Speaks on Disarmament Church of Christ Scientist, Episcopal and Blue Churches. work will tillish tile campaign in A. V. Lees, Frank Smith, and William S. Vcspers at the Preshyterian Church at 4 :45 P. ~r. Dr, \Yilliam 1. Hull spoke hdore a Swarthmore. Canning. Vespers at 6:30 ill Clothier Memorial, Ernest \VhitC', organist. Scnate committce in fa\'or of Total ~rrs. J, Paul Brown, who has on her Mesdames A. R. O. Redgrave, \VilMonday, April 23 Disarmamcnt last Saturday, his subject committee the following, Mrs. Clair Ijam R. Johnson, J. Donald Gibson, E,'a \\'oman's Chorus at Club House, 8:15 P. ~L hcillg. "Fear of Invasion:' lie will give \\,ilcox, Mrs. Copeland Palmer, Mrs, Smith Paul, Alfred Gary White. Elliott T ..esday, April 24 the same address hefore a joint meetBurris \V est, ~I rs. Theodore \Vidillg, Richardson, Edwin A. Yarnall, Elmer S. Mrs, Helen Muth, at \Voman's Club, 2 :30 P. )'L ing of the chuiches and the Society of II iss J aile Dickey and J. Paul Brown Melick and W. Scott ~lcHenry. Busincss Association Meeting at Strath Haven Inn, at 8 P. lL Friends in \Vashington this coming will finish the section abovc the tracks • 1 • Wedneoday. April 25 Sunday. hy the end of next week. Indepcndcnt Republican Rally. Strath Ha\'en Inn at 8 P. AI. Ii • Window Broken Those who have not been soliciteu Thursday. Aprit 26 Bird Walk pcrsonalty may leave their contribuA stone thrown by a passing autoFiremcn's Dinner, :\[ethodist Social Hall, at 6 :30 P. ).L • On Sunday morning, May 6, at 6 tions at the Swarthmore National mobile broke the large plate-glass window Friday, April 27 0 dock, Dr. Samuel C. Palmcr will lead Hank. The Swarthmorean office, or of Buchner's Toggery Shop all Park aveJunior Club Dance, at \Vontan's Club at 8 :30 P. M. a hir~ walk. AlI intereste<: in the carly L ___..:..________________________________I I morJUllg songsters arc invited, Russell's service station. nue, ~m ,~onday afternoon. ---=---......------ I F. B. FRANCIS '. ': " ">. ~~~c'h~l~~lefo~~~~:l~t '~~:isi::~I:~!e O~~~l~~tr~: Willi 'You eire paying for a ""'~'d .'urN The Price is Reasonable and :\lrs.William SargentI. \\'alter 111111 ofofW"lul1t Nurth ChesI.ane _ tel' roatl will mutur to Pittshurgh on ).Ionday to attcnd thc annual Illeeting uf thc \Vollleu's intenmtional League for Peace and Freedom. lioOSOX, Jo~:-H·"lI[OI'" .\1tmllt'y: HOlmR'r P. IHWIN . •11t. E"\I., Ib=~1,;3~(),;(.~C~h~•.,;,I~"~"~t~;;~·I~.•~I'~h~;~I"~·=d' MUH LENB ERG AVE., R UTL EDG E '!alH !'a,k,ll'tI UIl1!lhll;;-, Phil:ulel[lllIa. Pa, l·la·1it .. _._--_. ._---- - - - - - - -----_._------------- . --The School DistrIct of Swarthmore receive bids nt the High School Butldlng up to 4 p. m., Monday, Aprll 23, 1934, for general instructIonal supplies, inCluding I Art, shop, and sejt'nce: also JanItors' l'UPpl1es and printing. rhe School DistrIct resen'es the right to reject any or all hlds In whole or in part nnd/or to award contracts to other than the low bidders on any Item I or Items. I TACKARDSpecifications may be secur",d at the' School District "mce In the Swarthmore I High SchooL ELIZABETH A LUEDERS. . Secretary, of I Warmth Without Worry L\'llt.'l"H t\tZdress-A. D. ~Iack, neI)t, or Accts., S'~lt·t·liuli I ea:;y housckcepillg home; 2car heatc(1 garage. ha\ ANNA SCHALLES I. ~ i :tila thl' program, ill which time all of Olive Clca\'cs, 604 Elm 'IVl'nue. WOllid YOll Pay Ih" Small Balant'e One ~}.! u Fine , , '. INDEPENDENT RALLY FOR SWARTHMORE SAMUEL SCOVILLE ADDRESSES CLUB ! i ••• DEMOCRATS WAGING ACTIVE CAMPAIGN I I ... " ; THE SWARTHMOREAN 2 APRIL 9. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Shaw of Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall of Lin- Whittier Place have as their guest Mrs. coln 3,'cnUe spent last 10 Shaw's mother, Mrs. M. R. Joselyn. Mr. and Mrs. Dean H. Parker En. ginia, where they visited Mr. tertain Tnesday Evening for Mrs. William I. Hull of Walnut father, and also the University of VirMr; and Mrs. Scoville was one of the speakers at the State Conference of the Women's International Mr. and Mrs. Dcan H. Parker of A joint meeting of the Junior Woman's League for Peace and Freedom which North Princeton avenue entertained at Auxiliary of the Trinity Church and the was held in Pittsburgh on Tuesday and dinner 011 Tuesday in honor of Mr. and Methodist Church was held at the home Wednesday. Mrs. Samuel A. Scoville, Jr. Mr. Seo- of Mrs. }. Jardcn Guenther, on Monday evening. ~frs. LeRoy Rice spoke on reville was the speaker at the Mr. and H. B.toShidle of Club on Tuesday, Iigious education.' avenue haveMrs. returned Swarthmore, .: ter spending four months in Ormond, Dr. Thomas H. Johnson of Magill )'Ir. and Mrs. Leonard Ashton of Elm Florida. road will attend the 15th Annual Meeting I",'CHIle and Cedar Lane assisted in receivuf the American Geo--Physical Union to illg at the rccclltion which was given on Mrs. H. W. de Forest of Buffalo, New be held in Washington on April 26 and 27. \Vcdllcsday evening at the Barclay by the York, is the guest of her son and daughAt the Section of Terrestial Magnetism Art Alliance, when Madame Olga Sama- ter-ill-law, Mr. and Mrs. George de Forand Electricity he has been invited to pre- roff spoke on "The Development of Or- est of University Place. sent a paper on the study of Cosmic Rays. chcstras in Ameri..:a." ~Ir. and Mrs. William R. Huey of ~Irs. Elizabeth Ellis of \\'ilkes-Barre Mr. and Mrs. James F. Bogardus of is the guest of her niece, Mrs. Thomas Cornell avenuc entertained at supper Sunday e\'cning in honor of Mr. and Benjamin West avenue will entertain at Rutherford of Westdale avenue. ~Irs. William Chdstian of Philadclphi~. dinner on Saturday evening, before the Miss Jane Bcrtschy of Dayton, Ohio is The guests were: Dr. and Mrs. Frank E·ld•. I1ce which the Swarthmore Chapter of the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Williams and Mr. and ~lrs. Robert Pi Beta Phi fraternit}' will give at the Mrs. Francis V. Warren of Walnut Lane. Brecht of Lansdowne. Aronimillk golf club in Newtown Square. TRIMS Home Made Ice Cream Is Cheaper and Better So that .you may enjoy the hest dessert lor the most reasonable price•• Fresh Strawberry. Chocolate Nut, Vanilla, Banana and Apricot Ice. 55e quart I STANLEY THEATRE CHESTER "'rid ny, Snlurday., Monday Anna Sten in "NANA" TUl~sflny, Wednesdn)·, Thursday Robert Montgomery in "MYSTERY OF MR. X" with Elizabeth Allan-Lewis Slone WASHINGTON j\.fr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Grover of Dickinson avenue had as their guest for the past week, Mrs. Grover's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Hall of North Carolina. Miss Isahelle Bronk of North Chester road entertained at dinner last Monday evening in the tea room of the Strath Haven Inl1. Her guests were twentyeight Swarthmore College Freshmen and Sophomores, nearly all of thcm sons and daughters of former students at the College. :Miss Ethel H. Brewster of North Chester Road had as her guest last week-end, Miss Kate Tibbals, formerly of Swarthmore College. J. Crookston addressed hi rs. J. the Rutgers Avenue on \Vedkindergarten mothcrs school and fathers at I1csday evening on "\Vhat We Expect Our Kindergarten to Be." Mrs. Crooksston was formerly a psychologist of the department of institutions and agencic:" of New Jersey. -College The Wilson Cluh of delphia gave a benefit bridge party last Saturday afternoon at the home of l\.hs. David McCahan of Strath Haven Avenue. Those on the committee in charge were: Mrs. David McCahan, Miss AI ary Scott and M iss Rosamond \Vellburn. Cox - Passmore Mr. and :Mrs. Norman S. Passmore, formerly of this borough, now residents of Concordville, Pa., announce the marriage of their daughter Ruth Anna Passm<.ore to Frcderic H. Cox of Birmingham, Pa. The wedding took place at the Friends Meeting House at Concordville on April 17th at 4 :30 p. m. • Free Deli.very Call Sw. 78 Spring Dance Saturday, Monday, Tuesday ROBERT ARMSTRONG HELEN ~IACK The Junior Section of the \Voman's Club will hold a spring dance at the \Voman's Club House 011 Friday, April 27, from 8.30 to 1 A. M. WiU Newgeon's Argoauts will furnish the music. "SON OF KONG" "COME ON MARINES" THEATRE # -AFTER-EASTER- 'CLEARANCE SALE A LARGE GROUP OF FINE DRESSES AND SPORT-WEAR RE-PRICED AND REDUCED FOR QUICK CLEARANCE Ove. 1000 AAA allo.· neys claim and adjusl. menl services at the spot. -Membership PaysCARL H. AMTSFIELD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NO INCREASE • In 1934 FORD v-a PRICES IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Come in and drive the 1934 Ford "!1f it's less tlmn an ebJkt it's out of Ja£e" THEATRE EDMOND STEINMAN SERVICE MEDIA 1800 SWARTHMORE Malince Every Day at 2 :30 Now! Friday and Saturday ILL ROGER as David Harum This picture wlII not be shown In any other nearby theatre! Monday and Tuesday WILLIAM POWELL In In -Mom-lay and Tucsday- JEANETTE MaeDONAI.D RAMON NOV ARRO tn "THE CAT and the FIDDLE" "FASHIONS OF 1934" -Wednesday and Thnnday- Wednesday FREDRIC MARCH , SYLVIA SIDNEY In BENNETf "GOOD DAME" CONSTANCE In "Moulin Rouge" ~th FRANCHOT TONE MANOR THEATRE Prospect Pork at Chester Pjke Friday and Sal,urday, April 20-21 Musical Fashions of 1934 Driving Duys Are Coming Is your car prepared for the many trips you are planning? There are 80 many lillIe things that ean spoil your trip-Drive in today-Let us check over your c a r We will save you trouhle later. Tires, Spark Plugs Batteries and Accessories Laugh~Songs--Gowns Romance-Spectacle Monday and Tuesday Most Thrilling Picture Ever Offered Special extended Matinee Monday. Feature presented at 2.15 and 4.29. Wednesday, April 25th One Day Only FREDRIC MARCH MIRIAM HOPKINS GEORGE RAFT J. EWIG At the annual meeting of the church last week, the following officers were elected: Elders, Walter I. Clarke, George CONSTANCE KENT E. Kennedy; Trustees, Rohert Haig, Neil Social EdItor Currie, Jr., James H. Hornaday, Walter L. Thorpe. The total membership.-uf the Icllur,eh is now 735. The Sunday School's Phalle Swarcbmore 900 number 489. The current CO;~~;!::~i~~~ Entered .. Secolld CI... Mauer, lanuary %4. receil>ts have been {or the year 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore. PL. M arc h 31 st, $11 ,804.00 and th e spec.. . I reuuer the Act of Marcb 3. 1879. . ~'71 h celpts . 28); 14 Moet Beautiful Commandment... (A II) pro • 6:45 P. M.-Epworth League. Thank you. 7 :45 P. M.-"PIoneer Portralts"-Illustrated Sincerely yours, with Lantern Slides. Mary Goeher, _ _ _:::St::r::an::g~e::rs::..:c::o::rd::I=al::IY~In=vl::t,::ed=-_ _ College Library THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS CHURCH NEWS Pre8byterian Noles SUNDAY School. 9:45 A. M.-Crystal Bird Fauset will speak ' at mormng . wors h'IP S un day 11:00 A. M.-Meeting on "RacialforRelations." Th e servlce worship in the morning will be one of most unusual inMeeting Bouse. terest. A few weeks since, the congreWEDNESDAY gation expressed its consecration to 9:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. M.-Sewlng snd QuiltChrist and His Church by making Ing In Whittier House. Box luncheon. Pledges of their possessions. The coming All are cordially invIted to JOin In these services Sunday morning, the people will be given _ _ _ _ _ _....::.::..:.="-_____ _ opportunity to pledge their service in THE various ways. A card containing a list SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Ellery Tuttle. Minister of ·services which are possible and needed will be given each person with spaces in SUNDAY which to write any service not included. 10:OO-Blble School. 11:00--!4ornlng Pledges for Service. Each person will be asked to indicate preaches: the Kingdom." what special service he or she will pledge Mr. Kneedler. to the church for the year ending next Easter Day. Mrs. 9:45 A. Y.-Flrst Day GOOD COAL NEWS Tlte Famous Reading Anthracite can now be trucked by bona fide dealers from their nearby loading plant. The" usual Vespers service will give 7:00-Young PeoPle. WEDNESDAY way to an evening service Sunday at MIdweek Service. Welfare Work. eight o'clock in the chapel when a re- _ _ _ _.:M=rs::_.:M=U=th=. .::8::."":.:a=k"e:.:r._ _ __ tigious play, "What Men Live By", will FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST. OF SWARTHMORE be presented under the direction of Mrs. Park "Avenue Below Harvard mlman. This was given some weeks ago Services: on a stormy Sunday evening and aroused 11:00 A. M.-Sunday School. so much interest that its repetition is re- 11:00 A. M.-Sunday Lesson~Sermon. quested. It will he given in the chapel. 8 Wed... evening each ~~~i~ p. m.,esda7 Reading roommeeting open dally, bun days and hOlldays, 1 to 4 In the At the midweek service, Wednesday noon; Church edifice. All are cordially Invited to attend evening, next week, Mrs. Muth, execu- services and use the Reading Room. blue coal' Those Red and Blue Trucks with their weightographed loads of America's Finest Anthracite . _ . _ with I can deliver coal from this plant for le.s m~ney than' from my yard. (This is due to decreased handling). Give me a call when yon want yuur bins filled. GREEN~S their pneumatic-tired wheelbarrows ... their crews trained to observe the care justified by well kept lawns and are the driveways proper heat suppliers to Swarthmore homes. COAL SERVICE SWARTHMORE 1234 NEW LOW SPRING PRICES Fill Your Bins NOW Buckwheat • • • • $7.75 Pea • • . . $ 9.25 Egg •.•• $11.00 Nut . . . • $11.00 Stove ••• $11.25 Philadelphia Koppers Coke Cas". or 1/Paid /11 15 Days ~ v.~·~ HEADING. ~. GIRARD·MILLER RIIDUI:IID asonH' eflin ~~ M COAL CO. ~ ___ M ow- fAIf LANE A. DAVIS SPRING PRII:IIS RESIDENT MGR. Media Yard Media 1600 SWARTHMORE 62.400 Phone Swarthmore 6 or Regent 1308 Today FOR LOWER COAL PRICES Call: Swarthmore 600 WILSON COAL AND SUPPLY CO. BURN I BUILDING SUPPLIES W~t%g)N FUIgL LUMBER· DOE OIL BURNERS COMPLETE FUEL SERVICE SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Bank and Trust Company FUEL OIL DOE OIL BURNER ANTHRACITE COAL KOPPERS COKE • OIL BURNER SERVICE • LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS Washing-Lnbrieating-Tire-Battery-B,.ake-Service 11.25 I I Do Your Banking With Phone 440 $11.00 Swarth. 10412 . of Road Maps~Gratis ussell's 'fire.t••• EGG STOVE Swarthmore's Beautiful Homes • •. VAN ALEN BROS. Will help make your driving more pleasant In "ALL OF ME" t TITUS 3 on Saturday evening, April 21st at 8 Rev. Charles W. Shreiner. Dean of the o'clock at the Friends' Meeting House Convocation. and The Rev. Horace A. Providence road, Media. Walton, M. A., rector of the· Church of t I I Good Samaritan, Paoli. Mr. Guen- SLIP COVERS : DRAPERIBS will direct the Meditations. The PHONE SW. IU5 Trinity Church Notes clergy will he the guests of the Parish at 0 n S un day morlllllg . th 11'.00, lunch. MUHLENBERG A VI!.. RUTLEDGE at e o'clock Se • Ai G th '11 k Ii • • rvlce r. Ueo er WI spea on "The 'Absolutes' of Jesus". This will Methodi8t Church Notes Ye he the first of three directed Meditations sayings of Jesus which stress the esThe Pastor, Rev. Wayne Channell, sentials of discipleship. The other two on Sunday evening will anticipate the Meditations will he on Monday and coming of the "Jason Lee Covered A. HAUGER, Prop. evenings at 8 :00 o'clock. On \Vagoll", with a lecture on "Pioneer Swa. 19 Tuesday morning, at 10:00 o'clock there Portraitures", illustrated with lanternl~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~ will he a Corporate Communion for the slides. women of the Parish. 'file Women's Foreign Missionary Society will meet on \Vednesday afterOn Fr;day, April 27th the clergy of 1I00n at 2 :30 at the home of Miss Convocation of Chester will meet at Elizabeth Steel, II Park avenue. Mrs. ADAPTED TO ••• Church for a "QuI'et Day". BI's- C W . . lfcDowcll will conduct a worTaitt wI'11 he the Celebrant at the I' s up Communion, assisted by The Very ship. program on Christian Steward- "What Men with Great Surrounding Cast "ESKIMO" Edicor alld iJublbher ••• CLARK GABLE CLAUDETTE COLBERT "It Happened One Night" t ANN B. SHARPLES tive secretary of the Community Health Society of central Delaware County give an address on the work of the anization. Mrs. George Barber and Mrs. A. F. Jackson will also speak. Dr. Tuttie will give the address at the Friends Select School, Overbrook, next Tuesday. . f h onors to at th e annua I presentatIOn 0 the students. PAPERS NEEDED -Today and Salurday- MEDIA THE SWARTHMOREAN Poaaded br Robert & 8......1.. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE. PA. I Baltimore Pike and Providence Road No.7 - DREXEL HILL, PA. 6 Park Gfvenue SALES Thursday, Friday RICHARD ARLEN Wcdnt~sday, WAVERLy Slwp Qown 1 • Thelltre-Chester 1934 t Rtltg:lert~I~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Mr. and Mrs. Roy P. Lingle and Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ellis of Waldaughters Anne and Dween of Cornell Ilut Lane spent last week-end in York avenue spent last week-end in \Vashingwhere they were the guests of Mrs. Ellis' ton, D. C. sister, 1t.lrs. I. M. Faust and niece, Mrs. Mr. and ~Irs. Robert Lee Arnold Jr. of E. \V. Meiscnhclder. Rogers Lane, \Vallingford entertained at . D F h If dinner on Thursday evening when their Mr. and Mrs. Richmond . et ero guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Bcnjamin Z. and son Donald wilt s-pend the week-end Strawbridge, :Mrs. Gale E. Arthurs, Mr. in \Vashillgton, D. C. Samuel R. Bell, Jr., Mrs. Richard Hughes __ _ and Mr. Raymond Higgins. In the eveBetsy Parker, daughter 01 Mr.. and lIing they entertained at a treasure hunt. Mrs. Dean H. Parker of North PrlnceThe guests included: Mr. and ~1rs. Rob- tOil avenue, celebrated her tenth birthday crt H. Reed, Mr. and ~[rs. Herbert Bas- at a party for some of her friends all sctt, Mr. and .Mrs. Cra~... f?rd Twadell, ~rol1dav afternoon. 1-1r. and Mrs. Ralph l11Ol11ch, Dr. and Mrs. Everett M. Aikman, Mr. Samuel Mrs. Harry L. ~-li1Ier of Thayer road Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Simp- entertained her bridge club at luncheon on \Vednesday. Jer. lI..fiss lIiJdred Simpers of \Vestdale avenue has been spending the week as the ·Mr. and ~Irs. James H. Thomas, of Vassar avenue f entertained at bridge on guest of 1t.[rs. Scott Fritz of Lancaster. Tuesday evening. 1t.Iiss Mary Ayres of Vassar a\'cntlC is visiting her cousins, ~[r. and Mrs. Arm:Mrs. A. Penrose Robinson of Ulli'ler" strong of Dowllington. sity Place is visiting Mr. and Mrs. An· ~Ir. and ~Irs. C. F. Rassweiller of thol1Y W. Robinson of Haverford, and Haverford Place entertained at dinner, CXllccted to return to Swarthmore SOOIl. bridge and dancing at the Du Pont COUlltry Club 011 Saturday evening. ).[rs. Wayland H. Elsbree of Hillborn avenue entertained her bridge dub at The Mothers' Study Group of the Pre- bridge and tea on Friday afternoon. School child met all Tuesday at the home Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Craig of Chester of Mrs. David l\IcCahan of Strath Haven avenue. Mrs. Anne Pennell, of the Pen-! "",Iorl.;,"od at a supper dance 011 Saturday nell Book Shop in Rose Valley, talked on h . and exhibited thildren's books. Mrs. C. night at the Warwick in honor of t elr F. Rassweiller was in charge of the meet- daughter, Miss Eleanor Craig, whose en· mg. . to James Campbell has recently announced. 1\.liss Jean Walton of Riverview road wiII entertain at bridge on Saturday afterRev. and ~[rs. Harold Collins \Varnoon in honor of Miss ~.[ary Tyler of ren of Chicago have been visiting his Riverton, New Jersey. l\Hss \Valton and parents, Dr. and Mrs. George W. \Var:Miss Tyler were room-mates and class- rcn, of Harvard avenue, for the past few days. Mr. Warren preached in APRIL THE SWARTHMOREAN mates at Swarthmore College. The wed- Newark last Sunday. He and Mrs. of Miss Tyler alld Richard Lippin- \V~rrel1 left for their home last Tuescott of Riverton will take place on May Samuel Scovilles Entertained at 1934 by Sinclair Refining Co. by Bethelehem Foundry & Machine Co. by TIle M A. Hanna Co. by Rainey Wood Coke Co. by Experienced Mechanics. b;)' Selected Manufacturers. , I . THE 4 Samuel Scoville Addresses Club (Con"nued Prom PtJlle Oru) On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Helen Muth, Executive Secretary of Social Service of Community' Health Society of Delaware Counly, will lalk to Ihe members of Ihe Woman's Club concerning this work and every member should be present to Jearn of this work. A talk concerning the Community Nursing Service will also be presented. Mrs A. F. Jackson and Mrs. William T. Johnson will be hostesses for the afternoon. Tea will be sened. Club Note. On Wednesday afternoon, the drama section will have their regular meeting at which time Mrs. Arno Viehoever will lead a discussion concerning English translations of dramas, among others Milton, Dryden, Goldsmith and Sheridan. On Monday, May 30th, the Art Section will meet with Mrs. H. A. Peirsol when Mrs. A. M. Lackey will discuss Modern Art, a continuation of the meeting at the dub last Thursday. The following new members were elected to the board at the last stated meeting. .Mrs. Harold Griffin, l\irs. Jacob Mesch~ ter, Mrs. Joseph Seal and Mrs. George Zimmer. The Delaware County Federation of Press and Publicity had a luncheon at 69th street on Thursday. Eleanor Morton was the b'1lest speaker. Mrs. R. L. Coates, Mrs. Ethel Stuart, Mrs. H. A. Peirsol and Mrs. Wm. Hanny were among those who attended. • I • Oratorio at Longwood "I APRIL 20, 1934 SWARTHMOREAN Dr. Viehoever Demonstrates ! In a l)ubtic lecture on "Living Light", \Vcdnesday evening, Dr. Arno Vie- hoever, 01 the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, demonstrated the light Ilroduced by living organisms, as well as the much more brilliant light produced with a chemical s~b~tance vrepc:red in his laboratory. ThiS IS the first time that the new "Liquid Light" has been shown in Philadelphia. "The mystery of "Living Light", said Dr. Vie hover, "is rapidly being solved. It is mostly due to the oxydalion of organic substances, formed in the Hving ccll. the plasma, in special tissues or glands .... 'fhe new organic substancc "Luminal", first synthesized 32 year~ ago in Heidelberg, formed the basts of spectacular demonstrations in Dr. Vie~ hoever's lecture. Its brilliant bluish glow is intense enough for photogrZI)hy, and lasts as long as oxidation may be effected. Efforts arc under way, in Dr. Vichoever's laboratory, to prolong and intensify this spectacular effect; to attempt 1110re complete mastery of man's cold liquid light,-and its possible ulti· mate use. • NEWS NOTES ~(rs, Grace H. Birdsall of Cleveland. Ohio, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hugh C. Hamilton of Yale Avenue. The LEADING IN NEW CAR REGISTRATIONS FOR MARCH, HEMLOCK TREES The engineering NEW CHEVROLET "the Car of 1934." We have five demonslralor models. Come in and ride and drive. Kilty Weltz, daughler 01 Mr. and Mrs. 550 Elm Avenue Earle H. Weltz of College avenue, celebrated her tenth birthday on Wednesday .at a dinner for twenty of her girl friends. JETNA'S 1934 IIAUTO II SHOW MODELS 151 How would you like to compare ALL 01 the 1934model automobiles in your own home, at your leisure? • • • Of course you would. Th en send lor our new 72·page booklet illustrating every Americanmade car, together with sp eci Ii cation 5, and prices. • Complete the coupon and mail it to .,.,""""""" Mrs. •• _ .. _ •• M . . _ H. W. Brinkmann 01 Walnul APARTMENT-112 PARK n'''''''III''I!~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~! I Notary Public FEEDS SWARTHMORE 411 SWARTHMORE, PA. DAY and NIGHT SERVICE SEEDS HARDWARE 401 DARTMOUTH A VENUE PAINTS RABBIT AND DOG SUPPLIES • T. Frank McCall's Sons Officers of Assembly Dances r~~;;~~'~~~~~~~f:~~~~~~ Honest Under Ihe Cover Call Swarth. 1441 Shop-27 l\lain St., Morton, Pa. Eve. Call Sw. 1839·J, Rulledge. Pa. . .. • ,JUNG WING First Class Chinese Hand Laundry Give Us a Trial and Be Convinced Reasonable Price• 403 DartlUouth Avenue YOUR DINNER GUESTS • • • will enjoy dinner at the Inn where selected foods are always SCl'\'ed. Lnnt~h and Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.50 Snnda,.-s and Holidays .. , . . . . . . .75 StratL.Haven TIte Inn With Per",,,,,U':r e_e.' Swarthmore, PeJlDa. F. M. s(;JIEml..EY M . . . . Sold 8S the property of 1Iugh FergUson. H. L. FUSSELL. Attorney. JAvari Facias above Tract No.4. And also all that <'ertnlo tract or JJiet':e of ~round situate In the Township of SJ)rmgftehl. Counly of Delaware and State of Pt·nnsylvania. cOmlJOsed of I wo adjoining IJtolH'rtic8 bounded and described acconlililf 10 a 8urvey thereol made by C. M. Brooman. C. E .• 3S of June 2, 1025. 38 foIlO~·I!I. to wit: Oue beginning at 3 !tlone in line of land lor· mt'rly of Fairman RogerB and a corner land nuw or laic of J. Warren Lawrence: thcn(c partly alonr the last mentioned land ami rmrtly by land next destribed decrossing Bealty road greeI'. olle Ptluute 'wenly-two leet and thence by land now Hann the three dlatauCi's. to wU: thlrty·flve minutes ninety·nine feet and of a foot and thirty-R\'e minutes thirty-nine leet to the SOli thence along the road north cight)··four mlnutc8 we8t four hundred th"",...;, hundredths of a by land formerly (oast et at north six minutes west and eighty·five on;;:-h'J,id~ Ihence by land formerly of Fairman,~~'~;;;; the t ......o next following COUt'8eS and dIBtnn(es. north fifty-seven degrees. twenty·eight minutes No. 501 December Term. 1933 Lot of ground RUuate In Aldan Boro .• Del. Co.. Po•• beginning on the 8. E. side 01 Blrdt· wood Ave. (40 ft. wide) 182 ft. S. W. from the S. \Y. side of Elm Ave. (60 ft. wide). Containing on Blrc:bwood Ave. 20 ft. and eX· lending' of that width in depth S. E. between parallel IIne8 at right angles 100 ft. tbe S. W. line along the middle of an 8 ft. wide drive· way. TOI,"ether with the use of snld drlvew81, ImprovenlPnts COlislst of two·stor,y IItucco house. 18x33 fcct: porch front. Sold .as the property 01 J. Irwin Stout. mortgagor. and Joseph G. Scemlller, real owncr. H. L. FUSSELL. Attorney. Lf.war! Facias No. 1160 December Term. 1033 Messuage in Sllrlhgfield T\\'l) .• Del. Co., Pa .. beginning at a stone In the middlo of road leading from Chester 10 Marple. ~orner of land of J. HOward Lewis and Joseph Lownea. thence N. 23 ~. w. no perches, thence N. 16· W. 02.4 perches tu stone. thence N. 50%" E. 36.86 perches thence S. 30· 55· E. 30.3 perche8. thence S. 30" E. 31 perches, thence N. 56 v.. E. 83 perches. ·tbence S. 38~· E. 55 perr::hes. tbence S. 50~· W. 107.0 perches tu place of beginnlug. Containillll' 81 A. 51.3 perehes. I 0 ~t~~~[~~~~~~~~~~~f~~j~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I and the IEmd of saId and one-Half story stone 8x16 house.feet: 42x18 feet: and po.ultryhousl'. a2x-l:8feet; feel;cement st(me frame addition. two.slory· and uame IS so vcry• IIC"" dred. a young m~n s mdependellt Re- Catherine Miller Clothier of Lansdowne I10Id an I nter denommahonal Tea. It Will 1\ " · 3 at 2 :30 at tIe I wor k 0 f tIe IS ' IS ' I)cpt. Ito even the club and college. players In the PU bl Ic~n grOUI), spo k C b' ~Ie fl y. 0 f t Ile there was a long, spontaneous burst of' be h.c Id 011 TIl~lrS(Iay, '! ., ay.. ocla erVlce . foundmg of the group and Its pur- applause from chorus and audience alike ParIsh House of the Tnmty Church. A A play was given in which Airs. Helen I country, that when a 1l11bl~c. lug!} ~chool pose. This group was founded one andj (('Qntlmud on raD~ TAn~) , musical program has been arranged. :\[uth and Miss Veronica Sullivan show- llres~nts a team to comllchtlon It IS exone-h It' , d l d ' t b I • And lacrossc is a game which _ a ~ ears ago an la as ISO -I ~ cd the audience how many branches of cephonal. . . • Jcet the education of its members and I. . tl' d t TI' k l)rOlll1SeS to become a Yery popular girls I1S epar ment covers. liS wor h' . fi I::.ervlce their contemporaries in the ramificaTHE WEEK'S CALENDAR . I d Red C \V k I ' b game, one w Ich IS bound to take a rill me u es ross or, p aClllg oys I Id' I I I ' II . hons of local state and national . C. '1' C t' C . 10 III se 100 s as wc I as 111 co cges and ' Friday, April 27 In IVI Ian ollserva 1011 amps, puttmg I I .. government. They Qre interested in bct"Seventcen" to be given at Trinitv Church Social Hall at 8 P. ~I cripples in schools where they can learn a C uA)s. . . ter gO\'erllmCnt and wish to make pre. 1 . • t d I . t' I t the present tnlle, there arc 45 girls paratioll for the time when they will Junior Club Dance ?t Club House, at 8 :30 P. M. ~al e allt{ ~sslfis 'dll~ you~lgbnllotllers orTclon-lllarticipating in lacrosse. Practice games Saturday, April 28 ,a esccn s 111 II . mg smta. e d'lOmes. ' . II t I h more . assume more responsibihty in the af- I . I b'I' ley are I )emg scI1(.'(IU IC(I Wit Ie S wart y iairs of their various communities.' Assembly Dances. i 3 SSIS veterailisl III secuTlllIg tsa Illt aJ-! College and the Philadl~lphia Lacrosse 5 un ciaYt April 29 I1owances b ' _ , r. Plowman presented Dr. Arthur I' .,{ '. • • .all( XlIl\1SCS d . ' p ace menta . fi case"', . - CI 11. Swarthmore I-hgh School and E. Bassett, who introduced Colondl 9:-tS Friends Forum-Albert Fraser will speak 011 Prison \Vork. 11; .lll~Stltl~t:ons an ~Sslst parents III mdmg l Swarthmore College ha\'c .:\Ii5S Kathleen r Dravo. Services at 11 o'clock at the ~[ethodist. Presbyterian, Friends, c l~~ guu al~cc. c JOICS. . Ilocklc y • captain of thc visiting English Colonel Dravo spoke of the eVer illChurch of Christ Scientist, Episcopal and Blue Churches. th Ie \~or IS vdery comprehensl\'e and I Lacrosse Team, as coach two afternoons creasing cost of government and said! Vespers at the Presbyterian Church at 4:45 P. M. e servl~e exten s over an area of I4,each week. that 211 organization candidate could Vespers at 6:30 111 Clothjer Memorial. Rev. Phillips Eliott, ISQuare miles. .. . tlot adequatf!ly lower costs. He offered speaker. Th~ program was enhghte?1Ilg and 111Democratic Rally May 7 t~ combi~e with t.he fifteen other cal~Tue.clay, May 1 Istructl~e and was greatly enjoyed by the dldate.s In choosmg one from thcJr League of \Vomen Voters, Dr. \V.,H. Seely, speaker, at \Voman's club women. Local Democrats are planning a PolIlllmber to oppose )'fr. Schnader for Cluh, at 2 :30. Tea was served and Mrs. A. F. Jackson I itical Rally ill Swarthmore. :Monday e,'e. the candidacy. . Wednesday, May Z and lfrs. W. T. Jo~nson were hostesses. ning, May 7. . . J Arch T n Bora Council meeting. TI d t f B . er ur cr. preSI en 0 oro' F rt • htl ley are arrangmg for a comprehenSIve C~uncil, introduced in turn Mr. Jam06,' Thunda,., May 3 0 nlg Y meeting at which the llurris-Copeland ~.r.•Bowden, Mr. Sproul and Mr. Interdenominational Tea at Trinity Church at 2:30 P. ~L The Fortnightly will meet 011 May 7 ticket and the Guffey-Earl ticket wiJ1 both • [artm, who briefly explained their Story Hour at \Voman's Club. at the home of Mrs. Charles D be represented. The candidates for Conplatform d k d f th t Main Line Orchestra at Clothier Memorial at 8:15 P. M. . or e suppor Mitchell. The program will be pub- gress, for State Committeeman and for s an as e of those present. lished in next week's paper. the Legislature will be heard in person. ""e PHAS·ES OF WELFARE I EXPLAI'.'''1'\'''''' nr.v tI CLUB I INDEPENDENT RALLY HEAR CANDIDATES I I lin * Parker 8. WIlUams, President. Executor. \Ve asked !{r. Comley, who directs the :May production of the Players Club, if he had anything to tell us about this, the last production of the J3~J4 season. He replied-I'll let the play speak for itself. Letting a play speak for itself is (Iuite a privilege to grant in these days May Regi8ter Until I'lay $2.50 I' . PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY OF' PHILADELPHIA, 17th & Chestnut Streets, Tailors-Cleaners-Furriers CALL SWA. 504 .AI R.JLOW 3 ESTATE OF GEORGE J. WATSON, 'HONORS ARE EVEN' IS SEASON'S LAST PLAY 27, 1934 I[; I • Troop 3 held their usual meeting at the Presbyterian Church on Friday, April 13. $4.00 in dues were collected, making a Attorney: Men's Suits Sponged and Pressed offers new, fashionable merchan- A luncheon under the auspices of Delaware County W.C.T.D. will be held at Strath Haven Inn on Thursday, April 26 at 1 p. m. The speaker will be Mrs. Calvin, President of the New York State \V.C.T.U. This will be a most interesting OCC35io11 and it is hoped the women of Swarthmore will avail themselves of it. Anyone wishing resen'ations for the IUllcheon please notify Mrs. George L. Van Atcn by Monday, April 2Jrd. Troop EDGMONT AVE., CHESTER dise at extraordinary savings , " SWARTHMORE, PA., APRIL manner: ••• Luncheou at Inn 17 As a reporter it's been OUr privilege to interview many personages, but today was the first time we ever interviewed a play. It happened in this Swarthmore Assemblies Chaperones for the Intermediate DancClass and Senior Assembly last Saturday evening were: Mr. and Mrs. sell H. Kent, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wray, .Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Hitchcock, Mr. and Mrs. John II. Taylor, Mrs. H. J. Lumsden and Mrs. Donald J. Lodge. The last Introductory Class and Junior Assembly will be held April 21, followed on April 28th by the final Intermediate Class and Senior Assembly. 23 to 28 Uniqne Review of ''The Play" Tells of Mr. Comley's Directing and Strong Cast HOME MADE ICE CREAM Made From Golden Guernsey Milk and Cream SWA.283.1 APRIL 23 to 28 VOL. VI-NO. RALPH V. LITTLE. JR. WEEK APRIL RADIO SERVICE 1~~~~~~~J~Oh~n~c~r~a~em~e~r,~s~~cr~ib~e~'d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J. 11 PARK AVE. CLEAN-UP WBBK Corse was accepted and brought in troop in a very impressive candle ceremony. Dr. Tennan, our old Scoutmaster charge of the ceremony, so it went very smoothly. Mr. Corse was also enL The troop wishes to extend thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Corse for the fine ice cream and cake they gave after the meeting at their house. The Pelican Patrol has a good lead now, with 240 points, the Silver Fox second with 186, and the BufGiven falo trailing with 125 points. held on April 12th in the Borough Han, COllrse, theolle GirlofSCOlits surprised inJune 5 the last eveningstheir of the May II-Hoxie's Band pils. On Swarthmore, with the president, Mrs. structor, Miss Lois Bausman, R. N. by F. Jackson, in charge. After the report serving refreshments they had Albert N. Hoxie's Philaddphia Harof the Secretary, Mrs. J. D. Gibson, Miss and presenting her with a gift. monica Band wjU appear in SV'"'thIOlo,rel One program was planned by Miss on the evening of June S. This is in acCharlotte Eaton, Supervising Nurse gave a report of the nursing work during Randall-that for the Morton Home and with plans made in mid winter March. The following visits were made School l.eague on March lOth. After when it was decided to sponsor a Swarthby the three nurses: presentation of her paper several pupils more Hamlonica Band under the direction of the Smedley School entertained by of Mr. Hoxic and his uCbampion" associ1 delivery, 40 postpartum, 41 170 non-communicable, 147 communicable, their ability in music and ballet dancing. ates. A large expense is attached to such 2 tuberculosis, 47 prenatal, 29 infant, 23 A little demonstration of one type of a concert, but local sJntsors are confident preschool, and 41 home visits for school teaching visit in a home is to be put on at that local interest in Hoxie's type and children. the Swarthmore \Vomall's Club on April standard of music warrants this engageMiss Randall continued with the part- 24th as the nurses' part of tI~e program. ment. time nursing program in the Morton Mrs. Joseph Seal gave a report of the Gary White is the president of the local Schools until her resignation on March communicable disease in Swarthmore dur- band, Arthur MitchelJ, its secretary and 24th. The attendance had been kept high the publicity committee consists of Albert I -91% at the Sidney Smedley School, and ~!as~~~r~~ ii;:sle~: ;O;1I0~lsu:m~~r~~I; , Bud Mercer, James Jackson, Peler Miller, Jack Corse and Bill Black. 97.4% at the Phyllis Wheatley School. This was an especially good record in \Vhooping cough, 25; and Scarlet Fever, Etore Manieri, The uChampionu in view of the contagion in the vicinity. 2. charge of the Swarthmore Band announc:Mrs. T. Harry Brown, Office Chair- cd last week that the first local champion~ man, reported that Mrs. Charles Fellows, ship contest and concert will be held on MRS. A. QUINBY & SON amI ~Irs. Paul Cleaver substituted in the May 25. He is particularly anxious that JOSEPH Eo QUINBY office in March. Dressings were made everyone of the 104 boys enrolled in the ERNEST G. SNODGRASS. ASS'T at home .by Mrs. Fellows, while ~rs. band wilt attend every meeting of band, fUNERAL DIRECTORS Cleaver did some much needed mcndmg \vhich is held each Friday afternoon at for the nurses. 3 :30, until that date and thereby get bet. BELL PHONB .. MEDIA. PA. Incoming donations included 5 knitted ter prepared to enter the contest. Illstrucsweaters, l~ dozen diapers, 8 pairs of tion is still being furnished free by silk bloomet\, 1 pair of crutches; and a sponsoring committee. Some very real PLUMBING. dOllation of ).Iellin's Food. skill has been developed. to date. • I donations included I crib and 3 donations HEATING Be ROOFING of cod liver oil. Garden Party AS tT SHOULD BE DONE Mrs. Wm. T. E11is reported that a L. W_ JACKSON A gardell party will be held at the Rock SWAIUHMORE 74J total of eight persons were conveyed to and from clinics during March, 4 trips Garden, Valley road, Paoli, for the benefit of the Philadelphia Orchestra Summer Concerts on Saturday, April 28 and J.{on~ day, April 30, from 2 to 7 p. m. A program of music will be given by the members of the Philadelphia Orchestra at 4 p. m. Tea will be served by the Delaware County Women's Committee for the Philadelphia Orchestra. Mrs. Edward F. Hitchcok of Swarth· more is a member of the committee. less than 2 quarts CLI!AN-UP Randall had completed the third being made by volunteers and four trips balance of $18.26 in the Treasury• .. March Report Given at R"lnllarIHealth Society of Central Delaware Meeting of the County has assumed school nursing duties Health Society for the remainder of the year. Classes for Rutledge Girl Scouts The regular meeting of the Board ~" c .~ completed. One sign of the enthusDirect~rs of the CommWlity Health Soaroused was the excellent attendance, ciety of Central Delaware County was this averaging, in March, 9Y. for 10 pu- A DeH.very service on not 1934 I I I I I I I I I I , .• INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ,, 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN \ APRIL 20, 1934 llls!> RlIldall had cumpleted the thire! hl'lIIg" made hy ,uluntc('.'rs alld four tdr)s 1balance o[ $18.26 JTl the Trcasur~. Jack MISS EATON REPORTS \\llghillg ;:111<1 lIu.:aO;;lIrlllg fur the )C,Ir. III h) IIUrsl· ... ~Irs. Albert IliII, ~Irs. liar. ,Corse \\as ac.ccillcd ?nd bruught III trool) 1-: l'lIcral thl'rc \':15 cIl II. h.,cnt, ).Ir and .\Irs, L, P. \Vra) , :\lr, .md .\Irs blward F. l1itt.:hcuck, )'Ir 1.111« "\Ir~ John II. 'Ll) lor, )'lrs, U, J, lill.Ulllsdcll .1Ild :\Irs Donald), Lodge '1 he last Intrudnctor) Class and Junior i ;\'lIIlJh ,,111 he held .\pnl 11, follo\\cd un \pril 2~th h) the findl Jntermediate I Class ~llul SelllOr \ssemhly I! -.. l~lIll('hcon .. ,.,.v..-:..-.g..-.Jw-:::.·.·..v.v..-§_-&:.·.v_..~_-......._-_-_-.-_-:.,-:.,-:_-~...-_-_-.-.-.-_~" ttl Inn -AI P.-I=LOW C-I-I RYSLIR I We Take Pleasure in Announcing ,\ lun(he,m tlllder Ihc ,l1Is1"ces of the COllnt) \V C,T.U. will be held Strnth lIa\cll Inn Oil TIHIrstia), }\pril I 2() at I p, Ill. The spcaker will he ~Irs. L'.lhlll. J'lc ... ulcnt 01 Ihe l~c\\ York 5t.lle \\' C T U Tins \\ iII he .l most interestlIlg mca"lUll .lIlti It i:;. hoped the \\omen o[ S\\al thmore \\ ill .L\.lIl Ihclllsches of It \n,('1Ill: \\bhin~ rt:-t.:r\,ltloIlS for thc !U1.llll~11l 111t.·.ls(· nntil\' 11rs, Gt.·orge I. Ii \'all .\I<:n h~ )'lontl:lV, .\pnl 2Jnl. I ~ • ti J)t:l.tware 011 Dry Cleaning and Pressing, Without Any Change In Our Usual High Quality Workmanship DRESSES (Plain) Dry Cleaned and preSSed} MEN'S SUITS Dry Cleaned and Pressed TOP COATS Dry Cleaned and Pressed 70 C I ~i 'I rUOll 3 held thl'lr usu.11 mectlllg at the Chllrch Oil 1< nday, Alml 13. I $-t 00 111 duC's \\ ere collected, makmg ,1 35c !'- _~ ESTATE OF ::. ceased, I GEORGE J WATSON, de~ Letters Testamentary on the abOVe Estate : : ha\ lng been granted to tile underSigned. all persons indebted to said Estat;c are re- I i ~ : delny ~ ~ ESTABLISHED 1913 PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. : I ! :: I * 17th & Chestnut Streets, Parker S WUlIams. President. EXecutor ROBERT W, ARCHIBALD, Jr, Esq, 1012 Stephen Girard PhllndelPhla , !, Building, : : 4-20-6t II:S:~"~~~: OJ.~ A J>J.:~Ro:m ROlliNSON, de 111(('1>; T\ ... tIllHHI.U\ 011 lh(' IbO\t E"talc I h.l\I1l~ hI/II , to th[ Ull,l,rSII':llcti, all II~Otl..., 11"lIh\I.1 10 "'1111 1'.:;1.,1, .Ife iClllll:;ttti 10111,1" 1'[\11].11' Ilhl tllo", hl\ll1 .. ,111m:; 1,. I'r'~'hl lilt "1111, \\ It hUll! .1,11\ .It the !: "Ill," .,1 1111 ("IIIOI.tll }o.XI,III01· I'ltO\'J1H';:';'1' TH1':-;'r CO:\IP~\~Y O[ PIIiI.1 ,1,hlln.1 l-;th & Ch'~\lllll SII"('('t!l Parktr 8 \\ III! 1m.. 1'1"- .. ltl~ lit ••11141 :\IAI{,IOHIB B UOB I• INi;ON Exl,; 1,;\Il or". . Alloll1( \, HOU ..:nT P IHWIX JH E';tl. 'I 'til'! 1'.11 J•• 1I11 Bmldlll';, J'lulltlelllhl,l, l'a ,!I:11It I ESTATE OF DAVID L LUKENS. deceased Letters TestamentalY on the above Estate 1 hale Tailors-Cleaners-Furriers been granted to the undersigned, who I indebted to the decedent. to make payment. CALL SWA. 504 1 I requests nil persons hlnl11g claims or de-I mands ngailu.t the Estate o[ the decedent to mnke known the same. and all persons I II 11 PARK AVE. * '"uested to make payment and those havng clnlms to present the snme without I "I HARRIS & CO. • I Pr6bytenan i Attorney: Men's Suits Sponged and Pressed NOW. .. h-irk Troop 3 without, delay to HARRY L. MILLER Executor. Or to hiS attorney. EDWIN A LUCAS, Esq • 1429 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Pa. Swarthmore. Pa ** ** I ,J , ; .\PRIL 23 to U>.UL 28 !3 to 28 ~--=::::;:::::;;:~===.=-_~~~==~~c=~=~-.-- - -__ _ VOL. VI-NO. 17 'HONORS ARE EVEN' SEASON'S WEARE now ready to demonstrate the astonishing Floating Ride in the new Airflow Chrysler. We do not want you to feel under obligation to buy a car, merely let us show you a new thrill in motor car travel. Come on boys and girls, this means you to. If you are of driving age you can drive this wonder car. - HANNUM & WAITE CHESTER ROAD AND YALE AVE. SWARTH. 1250 - - - --- -- ~--~--~- SWARTHMORE, PA., APRIL 27, 1934 IS, LAST PLAY: [Iniquc Review of "TIle Play" I Tells of Mr. Condey's Direct.. ing and Sirong Cat~t ',I $2.50 PER YEAR her U"gi.tcr Until May 5 It I... lIut too lalt.' tu register ,lIld t.·llroll to \ ote III the Prillhtrics' Persons 110t rt.·glstered last fall, thosc \\ho h.l\c changcd their reSIrlcnces flom one \ul1llg precinct to another .1IId others who arc Tt.'gistcrl'tl hut lIot cnrolled as to party ilia) h) taking: an affada\ It and stgning UIllllll1l1l1Ca"le (\!sc.I"e 111 ~\\.Ift 1I1lore (urII' r \11 , )4th rhe Lttcndalltt: kLd IIClIl kept hluh I 3 r II G the 11lI) IClty COUIIIllttec C,)I\s]sh 0 1 ICfl1 ~, . . . . . 1IIg- ;\Iclnh ~.-t as I() 0\\., l'lllIllI'll I I' I 'I I I k -91% at tltc SHlne\ SIIIl'c1ll'\ S.chool ••1IlroIgrcll1l ()f Illusic \\111 I)t' RI\Cll I)), till' memI h(f:;. of the Phil .. dclphia Orchestra at 4 I I) III T('111\\ 111 a II, .11l acthe.: \\ hcn \Ir Iintz 1(I\\.lId the dll~l' ot! It i~ thl' tlllllll,11 CIlS~OHl 01 the \\lImcn 'Lh,IIIil''' .1 Iltrtl' \\l·ll~ ... • old hab) I'ro\l'd t.'d l1lh.'r"l!t(Jla,.,l!\. ht'll.!iJI" 1." lb ~lrI ialllIlmhll tlllht COllllllltll't.'oiOlle Ilull- tht' UJlll'(ll. IIltrndllct.d thl' a('('OIl1I).lIl1 ... t. ul Ihe ("hurdle:;. .1Il~1 1'"elld~,)'Il:ltmg 10 III Itt'" \If\ gool ~tlhJe(1 10"'l }lJ.I\ ... r~ Iht: !..!.lIlll: I~'" \l'r} lH\\ lind .1 \tHlIlg Itil II ... lI\(It.Ilt.:ndeHt R, ~ l.lth('r11lc ).llller Clothll'r III 1.•\\II(\ h~lld all Intl'nh:llollllllalltlllll It·.1 It \\111 ),11" (~l[II~t.: C 1~.lrher tllt'lI t(lld III lhl' I~l ... \t.'n III, dill> and l'[Jlhl.!t l'!.I\lr~ 111 tIll ! uhb til' IIUP, .. puke hflell) (l\ the there \\.J-. a long, "'PIIllt.lIll'Ol'" hurst 01 1 held 011 ') 3, ._ __ /lot ,ul"r gre...... ior ~talc L'olHllIlllt.tlllan and ior oi those present. L ____________________________________,!li"he(1 in !It.'xt \\et.'k'" paper, Itllt' l.egl"laturt' \\llIlw IU.:.I"rl in pcr<;un ~1 h~ hltr:l~I.I), ~~.I\ .t~ 1..1J1It.'!~{' ~"II • THE THMOREAN APRIL Entertained by Amba,!csador Saito Miss Lingle and Miss Ellis were class- Board of the Philadelphia Council on Clay's cousin, Mr. Walter A. W,t>n-Sw. 1800 For Your Friend and Neighbor VOTE 315-17 YALE AVENUE, MORTON :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GOOD COAL NEWS REPUBLICAN NO. 6 ON VOTING MACHINE 'Known in Delaware Co. for Years' • • • Swarthmore's Streets . .• and Avenues .•. Tbe Famous Reading Anlbraeite eon now be Irucked by bona fide dealers from their nearby loading plant • I can deliver coal from tbi~ plant for less money tban from my.yard. (This is due to deereased bandling). Give me a call wben you want your bins filled. GREEN~S (!hlue COAL SERVICE SWARTHMORE 1234 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • •• helOH Too They seem to fit the COAL picture • • • those Red and BUY WHEN REASONABLE-BURN WHEN SEASONABLE BUCKWHEAT $ 7.75 PEA 9.25 NUT 11.00 EGG STOVE eoal~ $11.00 11.25 Blue Trucks of ours • . . with their loads of Fuel (CASH PRICES I Oil . . . or of 'Blue Coal' . . • VAN ALEN BROS. America's Finest 'Anthracite .•. clean smart Swarth. 10412 equipment . • • with courteous, efficient drivers • • • delivering the finest fuels ohtainable NEW LOW SPRING PRICES • • • to a community which recognizes quality ••. they seem to belong. Fill Your Bins NOW Buckwheat . . _ . $7.75 Pea . . • . $ 9.25 Egg •••• $11.00 Nut ..•• $11.00 Stove . . . $11.25 Philadelphia Koppers Coke Cash, or II Paid III 15 Days asonH' eflin M COAL CO. Phone Swarthmore 6 or Regent 1308 Today GIRARD -M ILLER REDUCED PRICES LANE A. DAVIS Coo.. No More 'flomo Orcfinary Media Yard Coal Swartb. 62-400 • RESIDENT MGR. Media 1600 I 4 THE SWARTHMOREAN CHfSTER HOSPITAL BENEFIT SATURDAY APRIL 27, 1934 penditures leading to a material reduction Brewster, David Ullman,. Robert Storm in taxes generally. and Mary McDoaald. 4. Sound money. , T~e second part ,?f the program was 5. A tariff that protects American made carried on over a delIghtful tea party pre· goods and workers. pared by Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Reavis, Mrs. 6. Support only legislation that is bene· Collins and Mrs. Ewing. "Onr Movie Fa8hion Show and Tea Danee at ficial to all our people. Made Children", a recent study of the Springhaven Club Tomorrow i emotional effect of our most popular pasttime, was reviewed by Mrs. Lingle. , Musical Program at Mary Lyon School A delightful evening of music was be present at Springhaven Saturday after· noon to witness a Parade of Fashion. presented by Evelyn Moore Swift and "Seventeen," by Booth Tarkington Charming gowns of former periods dating Mary Leavitt Crist on Wednesday in will be given tonight In the Trinity from ISIl through 19J4 will be modelled the Miller Crist Auditorium of the Church Social Hall at S o'clock. Thomas by attractive members of the younger set. Mary Lyon School. Three hundred L. Siaught coached the play. The fol· These lovely dresses have been loaned by people attended the recital, which in- lowing arc in the cast: June Avery, \"arious interested friends whose mothers cluded piano selections by Miss Swift, Arthur Mitchell, John Longwell, Eliza· or grandmothers wore them in times gone by. The girl wearing one particularly beautiful model will also wear an original Peal miniature, representing the former wearer as she was, painted in this gown. Bustles, heavy brocades, beads, full skirts slowly give way to lighter mater~ ials, simpler lines, and finally we have the sophistication of the modern 20th century, A few of the smaller girls will wear the authentic and elaborate Turkish, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, Persian, and Egyptian costumes bought in their re~ spective . countries by members of the Committee. In between, there will be tea served, dancing, and finally an auction of several lovely gifts. The Chairman, :Mrs. Samuel Dyer Clyde, of Swarthmore. will turn the pro~ ceeds of the afternoon over to the Maymarket of the Chester Hospital. All are welcome. The fee admits to Club, and includes tea. sandwiches, cake and the complete show which will start at four. It also includes dancing. I • II Trovatore to be Given Monday The Philadelphia Operatic Society will give a performance of Verdi's II Trovatore in honor of Mr. Gustave Hinrichs 011 Monday, April 30 at the Academy of ),1 usic. The opera will be sung in Eng1ish. Mary Quigley of Springfie1d will sing the role of Leonora. J. Barraja - Frauenfelder of Swarthmore is a member of the board of directors of the Society. and vocal selections by Miss Crist. The program was as follows: Prelude and Fugue in C Minor. Theme and Variations from Sonata Op. 26. by Evelyn Swift. Amarilli, Chant Hindou, Blackbird's Song, by Mary Crist. On 'Vings of Song, Isoldens Liebeslod, Evelyn Swift. Gebet der Elisabeth from "Tannhauser", by ~hry Crist. Valse Triste, Prelude in G Minor, by Evelyn Swift. Marillela, Habanera, by Mary Crist. La Cathedrale Engloutie, Pictures at an Exposition: Il vecchio Castello, Ballet de Poussins dans leurs coques, La Porte des Bohatyrs de Kieff, by Evelyn Swift. There was Mitchie and Phillis and Johnnie and Pat, The Perfect Dessert or Party Refreshment t ANN B, SHARPLES So bravely they marched while their little hearts beat her candidacy. Fresh Strawberry, Chocolate Nut, Vanllla, Banana Bnd I!clJ.tor ancI Publbher With pride as they trudged down the sun-flickered -street. of Lucy Biddle Lewis, Mrs. Thomas G. Cooper, Mrs. Barclay White, Mrs. Wil· liam McEwan, Mrs. C. Paul Snyder, Mrs. Franklin Christopher, Mrs Frank E. Sag· intercessions, conducted by the rector of endorph, Mrs. S. P. Levis, Mrs. Edwin the church. SSe Quart --_.._--- under the Act of March 3. 1879. FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1934 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Arnold Jr. of Rogers Lane, \Vallingford will entertain will celebrate his fif!." birthday. The guests will be : Nancy Dewees, Andrea Wilcox, Barbara Ann Crossen, June Spackman, Alarion Skelly, Mimi Rein- hold, Benjamin G. Strawbridge Jr., Allan Dewees, Langdon Elsbree, Thatcher DOE OIL BURNERS AUTOMATIC HEAT Only When Needed J. PERCY BELL Distributor for Delaware Countg Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Arnold, Jr., Rogers Lane, Wallingford will. have as guests over the week-end, ~frs: Rlchard H~ghes and Mr. Raymond Hlggms. They will a!tend the. West Chester Hunt Ball 011 Fnday evemng. MEDIA, PA, PHONE MEDIA 1581 PHILA. & WEST CHESTER TRACTION CO. ARONIMINK TRANSPORTATION CO. 69th St. Tenninal, Upper Darb,.., Pa. Southern Potato RoUs-l8c Doz. ANOTHER TELEPHONE - upstairs - conversa· tlons won't be broadcast. COStS only seventy· five cents a month. (Service Connection Charge $2.) THB BBLL TBLBPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA , --------------------(Cut Here) Bu. raisin, lemon 8uff and meringUe-35c Fudge Cake. chocolate peppermint Iclng-7St ! Night Line& 69th St. Tenninal to Aronimink Oakmont Darby 65tb & Woodland H-Ardmore-Darby 1--691b St. Terminal-Overbrook J-62nd & Market-65th & Woodland M-691h St. Terminal-Darby N-Angora--Media 0--69th St. Terrninul-Swarlhnlore TENNIS RACKETS Restrung and Repaired RIDE AlYD SAJ'E ~hocolate Whole wheat, oatmeal, raisin and Dut Bread on order. Large assortment of Layer Cakes and Cup Cakes on order Patty She11s-35c a Doz. Rail Dil'i.ionll 69th St. Terminal to West Chesler Ardmore Media Sharon Hill Roule8 A-69th St. Tenninal--Media B-691h St. Temdnal-Lansdowne C--691h St. Terminal-Brookline D--69th St. Terminal-Ardmore E-Ardmore--Don Air Easl I..ansdowne F-691h St. Tenninal Lansdowne Oakview G--691h St. Terntinal-Morton PJes-apple~ Name ....................... Street ..... . Post Office ................... State ...................... . --------------------(Cut Here) THE NEW 1934 MASTER SIX CHEVROLET r Entertain 7th Grade Mothers • 'tJ)ttif> ~.nd you'll neve. .e satisfied with any other low.priced car DRIVE ANY ONE OF OUR FIVE DEMONSTRATOR MODELS • THE 1934 AlASTER SIX COACH OUR AMBITION is to serve you so well that you will return for work required on your car, for any accessories which you may want; Tires, batteries, tail lights, bumpers and bumper guards, an electric mirror clock. • is marked by· good food ••• considerate 8erviee . ont atmosphere ••• and eeonomy. pleas- 7''''' I"" WI,,, PenDnalitr F. M. Sf::BEIBI.EY H.alltle_ea, Swarthmore 680 Swarthmore, Penna. Swa. 73~W , Trinity Church Note8 ~""ILADtl.~ No.8 _ The Club prot"".. the life of every member to the extent of '1000. -Membership Pare-- CARL H. AMTSFIELD The ministers of the sixty Parishes and Missions of the Convocation of SWARTHlIlOBB SHADE SIMMONDS. ================,================= Dear Swarthmore an: The enclosed account of a wonderful Ilarade was written when a house at the corner of Yale and Vassar avenues was in course of construction. A kin~ dergarten was near and the children organized a p2rade, using tin pots, etc. for music. 'l'he parade was a bully success, but the sketch sent to the paper at that time was deemed too childish. I am stilt vexed at the highhat opinion the editors had of the iml)Ortance of grown-ups. Although the children wh.? m~de ~p the parade are boys and girls til High .S~I~ool. I feel ~u .. e~ there are enough clvthz~d people 111 • SW2rt.hmore who love children to I enJoy. tillS account. of the par~de.. have Just found thiS and hope It will prove acceptable. . Smcerely, · d Sh d S a e Immon s. ----1_~-- Upper Darby; Mrs. Alexander Ewing, Mrs. John Farrel, Mrs. H. Sheetz, Mrs. Kate Hofaker, of Norwood; Mrs. H. H. Kynett, St. Davids i Mrs. Warren Carter, Mrs. Jeddson Myers, Mrs. M. F. Pancoast, Springfield; Mrs. J. Robertson, Darby; Mrs. John Leedom, Llanerch; lfrs. John Roland, Mrs. \Viltiam C. Alexantler, Mrs. J. Spencer Mittrer, Mediaj Mn. Robert Patterson, Lansdowne; Mrs. Charles C)arke, Broomall; Mrs. T. Claw~ son Beswirk, Mrs. Justin Cummings, Mrs. H. H. Bowers, Upper Darby; Mrs. George Worrel, Ogden; Mrs. Elsie Honan, 1\irs. William Ward, Jr., Chester; Mrs. Nina Gamble, Colwyn; Mrs. Robert Sharples, Thornton; Mrs. Samuel Locke, Morton; Miss Elizabeth Grisdale, }-lrs. John Martin. Clifton Heights; Miss E'd'It h H annum, H aver f"Or, d' M rs. A r I'mgE B kl' M h ton vans, roo lIle; rs. J . J. 01'Ipant, Glenolden; Mrs. J. B. Jackson, Prominent Women Back Drexel Hill: Mrs. John Roland, Media; Mrs. Everett Mrs. Elizabeth Marshall, Dre\'el Plaza; Mrs. Fraley· Weidner, Chester; Mrs . Mrs. Joseph H. Hinkson, of Ridley Frank Sweeney, Chester; Mrs. Albert Park, chairman, today announced the Granger, Upland; Mrs. William Wohnus, . . comlluttee of women who are supportlllg M d' 1.1 P K R'dl P k . S E I ·t e la; rs. ercy aile, 1 ey ar; Mrs. BeSSie . werett or state commt "I W'II' K' I R'dl P k · ' I · lV rs. I 13m illS ey, I ey ar; M rs. I R epubl· teewoman ror tIe lcan party . .I., rs. Ed . GI Ch t 'I \V'II' . . t d Ilerse. I fBl ' Will auscr, es er; 1\' rs. 113m' E•vcrett IS rUlll11ng 0 succee k I C V . the sta te for her R a de ey,Med'hester, and Mrs. LeRoy an SIIe .IS WI'de Iy k· nown m ... as a representatlve . 0 fDl 13. ;u::tlvlhes e aware oen,~ county women not only in political dr--:c..- ••~,....~-des but among the Women's Clubs as she Mrs. Felix Candidate is a member of the Springfield Woman's Club as well as the Women's Republican 1\.[rs. Jane H. Felix, Independent canClub of Delaware County. didate for State Committeewoman has The committee which is backing )'Irs ..=================_ Everett's candidacy is county-wide. - W'---t-<®'~--E ANYWHERE I S 1\ S a depositor of this bank, you can send your check anywhere in the United States. After payment to the proper person, or firm, for which it is intended, it will, in due time, COme back to you wi tit your cancelled checks. It all seems so simple, doesn't it? But, do you realize that a vital part of the nati<,n's banking structure is put into action for your ,, convenience? A bank in a distant city, a clearing house, a correspondent bank, the Federal Reserve System, quick transportation . ~these are the units that make possible this convenience for you. Our bank pays out the money, deducts it fram your account and sends you a receipt-your cancelled check. This is a part of our regular service to customers. It is one of the conveniences, often taken for granted, m having your money safely on deposit in this bank. CHURCH NEWS The list includes Mrs. Joseph Hinkson, Ridley Park, chairman; Mrs. Garnett SWARTHMORE Pendleton, Upland; Mrs. Mercer Hayes, METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Media; )'Irs. Josephine L. R. Hopwood, REV • WAYNE OllANNELL. D. D. Mrs. Homer Emmons, Mrs. William H. Pastor Alexander, Secane; Mrs. Ruth Harris, 9:45 A. M.-5unday School. Ridley Park; Mrs. Passmore Cheyney, 11:00 A. M.-Worshlp and Sermon by Rev. H. O. Leonard. D.D., one of the Mrs. Elmer :Melick, Swarthmore; Mrs. speaker.l of the "Jason Lee Samuel Hanifen, Bywood; Mrs. Olga Covered Wagon." 7 :00 P. M.-Epworth Leabue. Ash, Upper Providence; Mrs. Selfa Reid, 8:00 P. M._flHow the Modem Church May New Line of Plymouths and Dodge Sedans on Display • PLYMOUTH Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company Lawson-Shepard CompanyI Inc. SWARTHMORE 411 401 DARTMOUTH AVENUE SWARTHMORE, PA. DAY .nd NIGHT SERYICE Invited CHURCH SUNDAY I. I I "Which Way Are You Facing?" The Friendship Quartette Sings 7 :QO-Young People. WEDNESDAY 8 :DO-Mtdweek Service. Dr. McCahan leader. D1SPENS1NG OPTlCIANS mmaa ,1111.. CHESTNUT ST.• PHILADELPHIA. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS A.M._F1rstSgD~~OOI. Albert Frnser, 1 .:45 9 :45 A. M.-Forum. Mr. of the Pennsylvania Prison So· clety. wl1l speak on Prison Work. 11:00 A. I All are cordially Invited to join In these servIces I TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Episcopal Chester Road and College Avenue Opposite the College Campus Re<:tor: Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S. T. Y. 8:00 9 :45 10:00 11:00 1 JOSEPH E. HAINES, President. A. M.-HOI' Communion. A. M.-BUDday School. A. M.-Reotor's Bible Olass • A. M.-Mornlng Prayer and S::!mlon. Mr. Guenther will preach. - • • PRINTERS BOOKBINDERS • t FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST, I ! OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue Below Banard -- Services: 11:00 A. M.-Sunday School. 11:00 1\. M.-8unday Lesson-SermoD. We.. Be TriumPhant." .. The mothers of th'! seventh grade pupils attended a program given in the high school auditorium by the pupils of that class on Wednesday afternoon. There was a short program by the children consisting of the following parts: - "The Daffodils" Wordsworth recited by Anne Lingle, "A Trip from New York to San Francisco over the Lincoln High\vay" by Naomi 'Vright, Herbert Fraser. Morris Bassett, Frances Noyes, Emily McCurdy and Helen Howard. "The Goosherd and the Goblin" a little play, was next presented with parts taken by Tommy Marshall, Nancy Price, Alex Ewing, Doroth}'. Lueders, Gene\'ie\"e Reavis, Beatrice CHECK (v') SCHEDULES DESIRED AND WE WILL MAIL THEM TO YOU WITHOUT CHARGE Not long ago, a western man visiting New York City, drovl!: toward it through the Bronx River Parkway. 'He remarked with wonder that he couldn't understand how such beautiful country, so close to a large metropolitan center, should have been left undcveloped. The joke was on him! He didn't re4:llize that hl' had driven through several of the largest cities in Westchester county without knowing it. So welt ha\·e New York"s improveIIll'nts been planned, that there IS a stretch of magnificent road without a crossroad for nearly sixteen miles. Other arteries of travel are carried across through underpasses, or over c:rtistic bridges, with all of the surroundings wel1 screencd by careful planting. The whole scene, even where the roadway approaches comparatively close to the city, js' a picture of sylvan heauty. This is the advantage of the parkway p1an; the State owns both sides, as wen as the roadway, and ayoiding an~.. encroachments for business purposes. usual1y lines the edges with paths bordered hy trees and shrubs. Nearly three miles of wide, we11]laved roadway, picturesquely bordered -hy trees, with no eyesores to distract oue's attention or to mar its beauty opportunities for attractive home sites' not facing the p'arkway, but adjacent to it and easily accessible; this is tht: ideal for which the \Vestchestcr County authorities have striven for many years and which they have so successiuUy planned and accomplished. They have now reached a. point at which the rapid increases ill values of adjacent lands arc more than paying for the cost of their parkways. Robert Tullar, Mrs. Louis McLean, Mrs. W. T. Cooper, Mrs. Samuel C. Pennpck, Mrs. Howard Deshong, Mrs. Frederick Fisher, Mrs. Rush T. Haines, Mrs. Paul Banks and Mrs. C. Caroll Lippincott. Hurrah for the marchers whose sturdy young feet Stirred thoughts in our hearts as they passed down our street, And brought back sweet memories forgotten for years, Our hearts glowed with pleasure, though misty with tears: And our street is more bIes't where these dear feet have trod For they stilt keep us near to the Kingdom of God. Ellwood B. Chapman The committee consists McCausland, Miss Mary Verlenden, Airs. But poor advertisement had upset their plan, No audience was there but one lone, waiting man; And one favored lady with special invite, Gathered on the best corner to see the brave sight, And on the new building the workmen up high Stopped their hammers and saws as the parade went by. Entered u Second Clau Matter, January 24. 1929. at the Post Office at Swarthmore. P ... ......--- Heart throhs and heart bids don't mix. With l May Day will be celebrated by Dela. Dr. Phillips Packer E11iott pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn, wm be the Vespers speaker at 6 :30 in the Clothier Memorial next Sunday, April 29. His subject is "The Initiative of the Christian.'" The pastor received his B.A. degree from the University of Michigan in 1922. In 1925, he graduated from Union Theological Seminary; and he attended Mansfield college, Oxford the following year. For two years', Dr. ElIiott served as New England Student Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. From 1928 to 1932, he was Associate Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of New York. 'f CONSTANCB KBNT Social Editor Phone Swartlunoro 900 Iof Vespers Speaker They marched down Yale avenue, dirty with holes, They turned into Vassar, all cluttered with poles, Then up on the sidewalk washed clean by the rain, Then clear to the corner and turned back again. The music they had was no march loud and wild But the music of heaven in the heart of a child. A GLIMPSE AT PARKWAYS Mrs. Nathaniel T. Ewer of South Chestcr road entertained on Thursday afternoon in honor of her sister, Mrs. Seth Ames Lewis, of Springfield, Massachusetts, who is her house-guest. iI t a.Den! Mauler LIGHT LUNCH Call Sw. 78 And marchers with legs that were puggie and fat; TITUS J. BWIG News Notes Robert Byerly, who is attending th~ Peddie School, spent several days this ware Co. Socialists and their friends with week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. a supper in honor of the Party's candiP. Byerly of North Princeton avenue. dates at Whittier House, Swarthmore. • I • Brief informal speeches will be made by Gable, Colbert Star in Edward B. Rawson, Media, candidate for ---'-. , "It Happened One Night" Representative in Congress; George R. Trainer for Congress Cooper. Upper Darby, Thomas Q. Reed, Clark Gable, romantic screen hero, The plationn on which T. \Voodward Norwood and Richard A. Montgomery, is cast as an adventurous newspaperTrainer is running for the Republican ]"fedia, candidates for Representative in man out of a job in "It Happened One Candidate for Congress is 35 follows: the General Assembly (from Second Dis- Night," the Frank Capra production l. Is whole heartedly for employer and trict) and John Smith, Chester, candidate for Columbia studios, which opens at employee alike. for Representative in the General Assem- the Lansdowne Theatre tonight. 2. Repeal of Federal tax on gasoline. bly (from First District). 3. Retrenchment of governmental exDr. Jesse H. Holmes of Swarthmore,. ================0 ISocialist candidate for Governor will also Swarthmore Woman's be present and make an address. Exchange The dinner is being sponsored by the 131 Rutgers Avenue Swarthmore Branch of the Socialist Phone Sw. 250 EmU,. J. Mustiu Party with the cooperation of the six SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND other branches comprising Local DelaSATURDAY ware County. "Love is Cjtanl/" SWARTHMORE. PA- Apricot Ice. To Snpervise Race I Oh, have you not heard of the wondrous parade That marched oyer Swarthmore and could not be stayed? Chester will meet in Trinity Church for a "Quiet Day" on Friday, Aprll 27th. The Rt. Rev. Francis M. Taitt, D.D., will celebrate the Holy Communion at ten o'clock, assisted by The Very Rev. Charles W. Shreiner, D.D., Dean of the Convocation and The Rev. Horace A. Walton, M.A., rector of the Church of the Good Samaritan, Paoli. There will be a morning and afternoon Meditation, with Cheaper and Better _-- at dinner on Saturday in honor of their son, Holbrook Townsend Arnold, who long been identified with civic affairs in Lansdowne. Last week a committee composed of prominent women in the county was announced who will work in the interest of 8harpIet PUBLI8HBD BVDRY l'lUDAY AT • • '8 nd,. by RobeI't L 5 HOME MADE ICE CREAM ---.....,... O\'er the Steppe, The Three Cavalien, Cossack Love Song, by Mary Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Underwood of Crist. Dickinson avenue have been spending the week in Ashevi1lc, North Caro1ina. Socialists Celebrate Po beth Cleaves, William Gittens, William Cleaves, Robert Bird, Prudence Perry, Mildred Brewster, James Pierce, Donald Lange. Marjorie Thorpe, and Robert Perry. Robinson and Sammy Knowles. The grcat 30th of May Indianapolis lhee is run under the sanction and supervision of the A.A.A. Every major automobile race in America secures this sanction and supervision before it is advertised to the public. Every racing driver in all the land who enters these races must have A.A.A. approval ~efore his entry is accepted. ' I• THE KINDERGARTEN PARADE THE SWARTHMOREAN TRIM'S • • To Give "Seventeen" Delaware COWlty's smart crowd will THE SWARTHMOREAN APRIL 27, 1934 All oonUall,. lnvlted. to attend the services and use tbe Reading Room. JOHN SPENCER' INCORPORATED EICHTH STREET NEAR SPROUL' CHESTER • PENNA. 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN FAmLTY GRANTED LEAVES OF ABSENCE Juniors: Edmund Jones, Delia Marshall, from the Swarthmore High School enBetty Passmore and Seymour Rutherford. rolling in Temple. . Rut h Le' These scb0 IalZUllps _L' . add"Itlon to The program opened WIth WI$, are In 'd 'd' V' her 1 th hoi hi t be dod presJ em,-presl 1111'. anous mem so e Be ars ps 0 awar at comIhe Society spoke upon subjects connecl- I mencemenl time from funds from local ed 'th th 'd I f th .. ch th H and Schoo I 'h~ thas Me. omL·e 0 _L. Dean Blanshard, Drs. B ------lanshArd, J hW'M ell' ea sl'o the Organ~honf'l oources I h 0 n urre exp aIDed e meaning 0 sc 0 ars IP, e am me ruS'C'stra Dresden, Wileox and Kova. the emblem, consisting of an oak staff and' scholarship., the student scholarship from lenko Granted Leaves a lorch; William Craemer spoke on the" the operelta, and the senior clas. acholar' .J BetIY Calder on th'd I hip 1rom the senior • c Iass pay. I A . I'deaI 0 1 servIce e leaS n 'anFIVe members of the faculty of Swarth'l 01 scholarship, Jane Lumsden on leader- ttDSe effort is being made to build up as lI.ore college ha\'e been granted lea\'es of ship and John McClure on character, the large scholarship funds as possible to aid absence for part or all of the college year four principles underlying the Society. worthy graduates who are in need of 6- lIBTATB OP 011080. J. WA"l"SOII. de~. Teotamen•• tho _~ __ ~-~__ , o.n ~y. --'6MIJ beeD ~ted to Uut UDclentped all -n_ to eatd _te are Ieque8ted to I make PQmeDt and thoM baydoing cla1ma to _ t tho _ wtlbout delay. PRO.WaN,' TIIU8T OOIlPANY OP ~ ~:: :. ~t =~nt BBTATB having _for _lDaW'Ulcee _ to TheonPeI>m7l_ ComP&DF &Ild Granting Annum... all _ Indebted to lI1e said _ t e .... _ _ to malt. paymttehn t• &I1d !!!th- hat.;.~ clalme to pnoeen e same.... o u . to _ 1..1". Th'b.~~~ ~lor Grant~ultles. c. S. W. PA • _dent. S. B. COr. 15th &: ObeetD.ut Sta. _tor:' Attorney: BOBBRT W. AROBlB.ALD .Ir. BIq l0M.m~h'" 01Jvd siilimn..·· 4 ..20-et IIPhla, or WIT.lnK 8. IIVAIIII (Alao known .. WM. s. IIVAl'IS) late of 8 _ more. Dela_ Oounty. Pa,c d. ..... t.ett.a Teltamentu)r on lODe aboft ....te Or to their AttornH' " JAMBS B. LICH .l5NBBItOER. ~ Packard Building, Phila.. • 4-27!:F 1934-1935, according to an announcement The new members were then initiated nancial assistance. Almost every college II;~~~~~~=:~:~~~::; made after a recent meeting of the Board by a very beautiful candle service, sym· has scholarships available to be awarded ESTATE ANNA PORTER DAVIDSON o f '[ J.l anagers. bolizing the passing on of the light of on a competitive basis; there are also the (late ofOP Swatthmore. Delaware County, r.--••--------------------------. Frances B. B1anshard, dean of women, knowledge, when each new member light- State Scholarships, one of which is Pai!t~Adm1nJatratJon on the Above CARPETS AND R-UGS has been granted a leave of absence for his or her torch from the large torch -awarded to Delaware county on a basis of =~, ~~:~\r ~~ ~::; washed and dried the entire year but will remain at held by the president. lfeamvhile, the COml}etitive examinations, to be given claims or demands a tnst tbe Estate oj RIGHT ON FLOOR Swarthmore to ~erform a part of h r present members stood about in a semi- early in May. ~?te ~~::t ~d~= to0'reeth:~tan: usual duties. Dr. Brand Blanshard, pr:. circ!e in the ,background with lighted __ make payment, without delay. to by the fessor of philosophy, and Dr. Clair V~,Til· torc/.es: . • Se\'eral mothers' meetings were held at OEftALD H'f~~o~ ONLY METHOD INSURED cox professor of economics ha\'e been \\ dham Pru.:e. a member of the High th J I h' k 0 T d f 405 BIm ~e:ue, against damage to rug J)la~ed 011 a half time basis for the com· ISchool faculty gave 3n interesting and in· I e SCt~OO t 115 wee 'd f ~ dues faYI a terSwarthmore, Pa. ing year, anll Dr. Arnold Dresden, pro· I' spiring talk on sincerity, explaining hOWli n~n e mot le~s an, n~n s o t Ie po- Or to his Attorney. : f~5sor of matJ!em3tics, and Dr. Michel the word was derived frolll the Latin I plls of Mrs. KI!1sey s third grade rO?m C~~~~o::~a., and I Home Process Rug Cleaners KO\talenko, assIstant professor of mathe.1 ,,"ord s· I sera 'Ihout d attencic-d a MeXican Market Day which 1617 Land Title Bldg., ,I 237 Fairfield Ave., Upper Darby ~ . I I I ' II e • WI wax, an was J child . B W Cor Broad & Chestnut ata • matlcs all( astronomy, lave been ~ranted applied to the workmanshi ) of ood archi~, tIe ren staged for ~helr parents. The 'PhiladeiPhla, Pa. ., I, Boulevard 688 ::. g "'car leaye from all tcaclung for Ieets an d masons III oman d ays, W h ose' room ' [ 'was very k attractively I . h d' f anext . .complete ~ . k I . a .n' eXlcan mar et p ace Wit decorated Isplays as 0 j Dean Blanshard stated when asked wor was 10nest and true and did not . t d t' I }' I I J 'Id I PIC ures an rna erla s wile 1 t 1e C 11 ren aoout her plans for next 'year, that she have to be patched up with wax, would use the leave of absence granted The National Honor society is the Phi had made. One end of the room had h~r for. furt!lcr g~aduatc study at Colul11~ Beta Kappa of secondary schools. Mern-' m~rket stalls and overhead canopie~.. A bla Umvcrslty, S~e expl.ailled. however, I "crshill is limited to 15'10 of the junior brtef program was pre~ented, conslstmg DODGE PLYMOUTH that reSIde f at Swarthmore f of a • short play, Spamsh songs and a . Idshe would I' I f and I cIass, se Icc Ied by tl Ie I acu Ity on a ba' SiS 0 "ou con lillie to per orm t Ie part 0 1er I " Mexican dance. Katharyn Downing duties in cOllnection with admissions a'ld: C laracter, scholarshlPI service and lead-I· k h f M' TI . : h' '[ h h- . h . . spo e on t e customs 0 liS . . . course ad\,lsmg. 1 he work now done by ers Ip. .I., em crs Ip ID t. e organization s f Jl • d b LeXICO. S Dean BlanshanJ, excluding that of ad. is considered a great honor. j wa 0 o'~e y two songs a andun~a missions and course advising, will be ac• I •• a~nd :';e Cucuracha, sun~ by !h~ group 10 complished next year by Mrs, Clausine F' dl C· I Spalllsh. and a song With ongmal words ll. MacN eille, assislant to the dean of rleo Y Ire e and music, "The Painted Pig", In the women, ).Iiss. Nora R Booth, assistan1 The regular monthly meeting of the, play, "Pancho and his Burro", Jimmy Our Service Department is prepared and equipped to tuollkhe dean 01 womell, and Mrs. 'Vestal' Friendly Circle was· held at the home of Cleaves took the part of Panc~o, B. onny render car owners in this vicinity the best in prompt and a e, secretary to the dean of women. II \v'lr AI t TI d' Mars£: Lola' Wendell Bacon and GraVr. Brand Blanshard has been l)laced .. rs; 1 lam. a os on IUrs ay, " , 011 a part time basis or 1eaching here for Apnl 19th, With ~. members and 4 , ham Chew, The Burro; Trudy Enders efficient service. Drop in at your first convenience and the coming ycar in order to have greater i guests present. Asslstmg Mrs. Matos ~s aJ!d Betty Ann .Hulme, the two Turk.eys. let us demonstrate this fact to you. Cars called for and time to complete a book on which he has hostess were lfrs. Harry Hartmnn.l Eight of the cJuldren then took part 10 a been working for the past five years. He Ahs. Frank Kneedler and Miss Veral:Mexican dance: Girls - Nancy peet" delivered, if desired. \~'ilI remain at Swarthmore and will COIl- Demuth. Owing to the press of other Marian Schatte, Alice Putnam and Ann tmue t? teach his honors seminars but i duties, Mrs. Quo Kraus, Jr., the Sew.. Argygle. Boys: _ Gilbert \Viddowson, This dealership believes THAT BUSINESS GOES 1I0t the mtroductory courses in philosophy. ing Chairman, \\·ho has filled that office Frederick l\{orey Bobby Shephard and Dr. Dr.esdeu, when asked a~ut his so capa~ly, resigned her chairmanship Dicky Hoot. ' WHERE IT IS INVITED AND STAYS WHERE IT wor~ dllr~ng the year 1934-1935 10 con· at this time. Her resignation was ac• ncchon With the Guggenheim Fellowship cepted with regret a~d Miss Vera De- =================, IS WELL TREATED. recently awarded him stated that his I th . I d t d h 'th ESTATE OF A. PENROSE ROBINSON. de-, pia were t i l ' . d fi' H IIlU apl)olII e 0 succee er, WI ('eased -InI s h as ye rda ler JI1 ef IIllhte. . e the following working committee . Lettef'~ Tesiamental'J' on the above Estate WI. owever, spen part 0 t e time 'I. • I' . haYing been granted to the nndenlgned, aU working in Europe at Pisa and part in .nlrs. Wd lam llatos, Mrs. Frank l)('r8onS Indeb1ed to 8ald Eslato are requested this country at Princeton I Kneedler, Mrs. Arthur Hughes, Mrs. 10 make payment and having clalml We service all makes of motor cars and trucks • • IJ I S.Sea..:., 1'[ rs. H owar d D'mg.e, 1 to Ilresent tho same without delay at the D r. 11.1' v\' dcox, who, lIke Dr. Blanshard, [ osep I omce or the corporate Executa... has been granted a part time leave will: Mrs. Harry Hartman, Mrs. QUo Kraus PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY 01 PhHa-be engaged durmg . . ' i J M I U I' M R I h' dl'lpbla. 17th &: Chcatnut Streeta. Parker S. next .ye~r With work r'J rs. vor.l.U uer 109, rs. a P Williams. President. and MARJORIE B. ROB. 011 a book on the economics of ine(!uality.j Rhoads. INSON, Executors. CALL SERVICE and ask for Our Service Manager, He stated that he would remain at Materials were 011 hand and work Attorney: ROBERT F. IRWIN. Jk .. Esq., . ji was immediately started on layettes and 2:118 Packllf'd Building-. Philadelphia. Pa. · honors senll~ S war! h more to. cond uct 1~ls Mr. Wood. 4.13.0t l1~rs .111 e~onollucS, ~lIt will spe1ld I~art of dresses for school girJs. It was voted _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Ins tlU1e lit ~ew )- ork and \\ ashlllgton to completely outfit a deserving young EBTATE OF DAVID L. LUKENS. deceased. to work on hiS book. . I . .. . . Letters Testamentary on the above Estate Dr Koval k .t t f f glr III ollr district for graduatIOn In have been granted to tbe undersIgned who I requests all persons havIng claims or de. . en 0, assls an pro essor 0 June mathematiCs and astronomy, said his p l a n s " . . mands against the Estate of the decedent during his leave of absence next year 11.1 rs. Katherlllc Taylor, Supenntend- ~ to make known the same, and all persons were •not •defi 111'(e, b11 t th a t h e wou Id be I ent of the Taylor Hospital of Ridley without Indebted delay to the decedent to make payment, 424 Burmont Road to travehng 1Il Europe aUending various in- t Park, was the guest speaker. She took HARRY L. MILLER. ternational meetings of astronomers ill I as hcr topic the work and service of a thExecutorp' Drexel Hill, Pa. Clearbr_k 4410 P arlS, · andVIsiting ' " d'ff . I to tIe I commumty . at Iarge. Or to his attorney, WBr more. B. I crellt obsenoatories. i' tl le Ilosplta • I • I In closing her brief talk, Mrs. Taylor R~~w~i~~c:::'ee~q.. cd h:r.c:, :1n ! 14~-~2~7-~6~t~~~~~~~;~~:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;~~~-;--~.~.~..;.~.~.~.;--~.~_~..;.~.~.~.;..~-~-~-~-.~-~-~-;.-~.~.;.~..; RI I I I SERVICE COUNTS I I I I Wiggins Motor Company I on or oClety nltlates ,the Lawn Fete to be held in May! for H S' I· • I invited the Friendly Circle to share in S I the bencfit of the hospital. Announce1e \\'a~ lIll0re High School chapter ment was made of the annual picnic of of ~he ~~t~ol~al ~ollor Societr had. its the Friendly Circle to he held this year Sprang ImtlatlOn 111 the Selllor High, in June at the home of Mrs. J. Horace School Assembly last Thursday after-I \\ralter, Cedar Lane. noon. Seven new members were initiated j _ Ii • at this time. Seniors: Angela ).fason I High School News Arnold Viehoc\'cr and Hcnry \Vellburn; TI tI'l 'Vord has just been received from two ESJ!,ATE(late°Pot Hl!N W. DeDeCOURTENAY, a wa rtRYhmore, ...". laW&re Coun_ colleget; granting scholarships. to gradu- ty. Pa., ales of the Swarthmore High School. tafee~~~e ~e:=~~ ~~h!h~~~e n~-I The University of Virginia had granted WdhO requeat all perso1lB having Cla~ eor an accredited secondary school scholaremands against the Estate at the dece- I I' d f dent to make known thc same, and all per-Is 11p to a gra uate 0 the Swarthmore sons Indebted to the decedent to make High School attending the University At payment, Without "elay. to , . ALICP; W. DeCOURTENAY the present time. John Marshall, Jr., is o~8'u:e" Ar..iWT:~. Esq., . the only senior planning to attend there. 619 Land Title Bldg., _ L)r. Charles E. Beury, 1)l"csident of Tems. p~h~':;"p~r~,a;a~ Chestnut SU.. pie Univel"Sity, has granted a scholarship 4-27-6t ____ ~___ 1to his institution, to he awarded a senior ==~P:h~I~Ia~d~e~IP;h~"~.~Pa~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~;~;~;~~~:~. TLe New 1934 TABLETOP GAS RANGE deceased. -------- APRIL APRIL 27. 1934 27. 1934 THE SWARTHMOREAN way in which the ~'sage of the Bill was I more. County of Delaware and State of situate in Rldley Towaahlp, tbe entire ~. • l'eDDJI..nia. having been annexed to eatd tract. known as tbe Prank SmIth Tract. At every moment It was eYJ~ Borough by OrdlDailce No. 310•. approved and aIao &II "Swarthmore Bstatee," bav1D& . the Novem~ 1D29. and .. deoc:r\bed more been annexed. to aald BoroUSh by: Ordl· F •end f M" W W Speakma ill de at ·thal Weiure Lubrication Individual Front Wheel Springing Rubber Core Shaeklcs Silent-U Spring Shacklcs Shockless CroS$ Sleering Air Cleaner and Intl}ke Silencci' Oil Filler Complctc Crank('u~e Vt'ntilntion Manual Tn)c Startcr Silent Timing Gear Chain Alloy Valve Scat Inserts Rail Bearing Clutch Release NEW PLYMOUTH Rollcr Bcaring Universal Joints Honderized Fenders and Sheet l\lctnl Pnrls 30 Anti.Friction Rnll fir Rollel' Rt'nrings New Thermostatic Water Circulation Control Automatically Sealed Watcr P1unp 4 DOOR SEDAN $799.00 DELIVERED HANNUM & WAITE £RESTER RD. and YALE AVE. SWARTD. 1230 INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 8 THE SWARTHMOREAN APRIL 27, 1934 ---------------------------------------------~---------------------~I------------------------ "Honors Are Even" is ('ha..,~,' Season's Last Play f"r ' I ~~'n'lIl oi III\' n'n'ptioll:l 'halln". all" L'lIdcr Con:r. rl'kr to )allll'" II"rnada\·. I "',,"II I',. (Ollllt-y, '\" ·F. 1;!l'k"'11 alld' I~o\' l'. l'nlllky, ,\lId alii I ph-a.,l·d - wilh thl' n'st ,.f: ! I' I . I J))~lI·I·~'IIIf.rt' ul IIU' "., ,',tullf' 11 U'·('t· ~', (.')()\'I·:I' , - , (,'. ','AI,I)()'.' - ) '1'1' ' tlw .IIltcrW(}\'\'1I 1l' IHctllrl: dl'als \\'Ith , I drallla~. high a~pirati(lll~, yOllthful ro"'This Side' (If I It'an'II:' plays ~llllldaYlllllallcl:s and di,aJllloilltllll'lIb tlj a typiral , 1 'I' I t I \\. I '1'1 I I I II I alII 111'.'< ay a I 1(' an'r y Icatrl', ,'l'\'erYI ay IOIISC 10 ( , i this cOllllllittn'! I{"h~'rl \\', Grahalll-/ : .-- - - -.. :--.. -::::- __ .. :'.--oo--:=--::-: -==.--~~7"-=-_=:.: rt"II\(:lIlhlT Pigs, Pc II 1'1 "I. (~""l' 11"lIy-, i ' t I", l'll'n'land Ch'ic ;11111 YOllr oWII \\'",,(1. a 1111 I~Clhl'rt ~I, Stahll:r-yoll all j , . lall"hcd ~o ill The I~i\'ak alld Ihen'''' al, ' :-;\\,arthmnr,' !'laYl'rs, 1{~'aJly, Iht' COIII~ , mittet' ill charge {If Illy recl'ptioll hcn' wa\'s '1Ilid, I j I:: ka'lI "I' I), \\' il",II-gl'l' I likl: hl'r!, I is t(lO lIIarn·loIIs for w(ln/s; alld just I' thillk. Ihis cOllnllittl'e art' fOllr IIlelll- Shl"S gi\'illg liP a golf tourllallll'lIt ill l/l'rs \\'Iw sl:n'n\ Oil the' commit lel'S in \\'ashillgtoll jll"! to sla~' /l!r Illy parlY,: ' :\lId ,\1 an' Ryall 0 l,nell-n'IIII'III-: I I YOIJI' prC!'I'III ('oal·fired HeaLer i!' prohably hig enough and ha hlT in 'Ihl' "'/'adil:s of 11ll' Jury", ! i \\CII uhlc If, ~i\'e yuu Ihe re!'ults desired. Our busin<.'!'s i!' know . ;'lId "Phili" (:oes Forlh"? I' illg how 10 make il deli\'er the goods. Thl'1l with Carol E, Clca \,l'r-ar~' you, i, ,' g(.illg 10 likt' her ?-ho- hUIll !-relll~'IIII , LESS ft'U":L-LESS DIRT-LESS ATIENTION IH'r LIIc\' oi "Thl' Hi\'als"? i and wilh posili,'(' l'onLrol, your healing will nearly approach .\1111 \\:111, \\'anl 3rd-hl:'s a canlIhc luxury of AUlomatic Heal. th('\' tell llIe he also docs hlackfacc. I, i Ch,iliall dollll:S, I thillk. , , Why noL find ouL? It doesn't l'o!'1 anything for an esti. Thl'll Sallllld Evalls, Jr. This is his ! i I male, nOl' docs it obligate you in any way. first I:Xperiellt'l' "" a recl'ptioll com, mitll'e oi this sort, hut he's ok. Y('u'lI ! If )OU lIlust havc fully Aulomalil' Hcat, rClllcmher we scll like him. , and install the leading makes of COAL, OIL and GAS Burning 11t.\\, do \'('11 like our club hOlls~'? ~ r I ! Perfect I).' lIIarve/ous. :\[ayue you apparalu!', and l'an ad"ise you regarding cquipmellt best suited dOIl't n'alize ho\\' much such a ~tagl', i ; 10 "our partil'u'ar IIecds. ~" \\'('11 equipped means, Alld I'm ~un' I , , \OU d01l'1 n'alizl~ how much credit is JOHN C. HERSHEY CO. ;hll' :\1 r. Oltm~s, Bill BrowlI, Joe Ih'yI. (;rt.n·,· l'. Talhnt. SlIeakl'r oi the 11olds. I ack TaYlor, Salll \Visdolll. !{ay 1518 SIIllIlUC.· St., Philadelphia Farrill~cr. Lce' \\'ilsoll. \Valt \\'crn~'r, Ilous(' oi Rl'pn·s~'IItati\'t·s. who is a I :! nil. 0209 or, H. WESTON CLARKE, Swurtlllnort. 4-13 1\1 I ;\ Id~'11 f);I\'is and IIruce Cook. BartOli candidate fllr Lieutl'nallt GllVl·rtlllr at , --- ... -.-.---... -II"opl's and H. C. !'Ian'cy, who so III\' l{q'lIhJicall prilllaril's, ~Iay 15th. Spl'akl'r Tal hot aspin's 10 hl' Presid~'llt I iailhilllly \lp~'ratc the lIIally intricate I,lt-tails conllectl'd with the ~taging, oi thl' ~l'nate UII the hasi, of his n'l'ol'd : , They arl' a IIwti\'~· force which is IIt'n'r as prl'siding of)icl'r oi thl' 11(lIl~l·. WhlT~' Ill' sO pr~'sidl'd as to win the praise of : S~'l·lI. IIlclllbers of all parties alld iactions. Ik- : This party oi yours-how do you publicans. Delllocrats, and a Socialist i think it will work out? j(lining ill pllhlic praise l.f Itis sl'n'ices \Vell, I'd rathl'r :\fr. Comlcy ;IIISIn.-onN at th~' close .. f tIll' last rl'glllar legislaW('!'l'd Ihat Olll', hut sillce he passcd the I hllck to III e. I'll just quote him: ''1'111 I i\'l' s(·asoll. i ,\1 r. Tal"ot is l'ngagl'd in tlte rer\l'lightl'd that Illy plalls for presl'lItillg Iiollors :\r(' En'lI han' matcrialized tail coal busilll:SS, He has sern'd ill I thl' I.l·gislatur~· SillCl' 11)2-1. Wltl'lI he so cOlllpktdy", and as for l11e. rill tickwas lirst ~'lectl'(l frolll thl' sccond legis- ,! led til d~'ath lIol lin 1\. to he here, hut M~' In'iccs Oil dcuning mHI I,rcslling "UYC nul .hcen latin' district of Delaware county, I h· , with ('\'crything, an;1 ii ! call iulfill t lowf.'rcd, To do so would inc"itubly mean u lower slandwas thl' author oi the Sl'\'l'ral Talbot Illy iather's desircs,I ad". ;:I'propriatillg lIIilliolls ior IIIll'lIIard of workmullship. My policy makcs it IJossihle for you I "\\'hell you lea\'e the thcatrl~ you : , I \\·ill han' Idl hehilld some of the I'ln,\'III~'1I1 n'lid, alld at tltc sallll' t illle ,, 10 ('onlinuc 10 rcct'i,·c~ work f.·arcfully and cX(Jcrtl~' clone was Iht' spollsor oi IIIIIIll'rOIlS hills ior : I \\'''rri~'s alld trouhll's you hrought , ecollolIIY in state gon:rllllll'nt, ill th~' ill"wilhoul tlw grf.~utf.'r risk to your gurments rcsulting from \\·lty I'll just IIaturally bc so happy that hl'lid thaI ",Iwrl'\'er possihle apprt'pri- , ,'ht'np(~r standards. I'll return 10 the shelf in Baker's ill :ltion:; iur charity shollld he IIll'l irolll s;I\'ings illstl'ad oi frolll Ihc proceeds lloston gladly, But allyway, l'\'e a little I shull eOlltinuc to provide Ihc .,eol,lc in Swurlhmorf.' II time Il'ft -\'l,t to visit in Swarthmore oi 1Il'\\' tax In'il's. It is 011 Ihis platiorm (hat h~' is calldidatl' ior·lIh'n""t and I hopc to see each and l'vcry one who dcsirt~ it wilh thc sumc quulity pressing und dean. l~O\'l·rllor. "i you ,Iurillg till' wl'ck of :\1 a)" 8-12. (('ulltil/l/(d Iru", "lIge O'U J . . How Cold Did Your Heater Keep You Last Winter? (I" I If You Want A VELVETY GREEN 1,AWN , ----.----~--- I, Sow Good Grass Seed in those BARE SPOTS. ." Fertz·lz·ze the Whole La\vn \vith a good fer... titizer like Vigoro Bo... vung. Sheel) Manure or Bone Meal. I I ••• ing with whieh Ihey lun'c heen uccustol11cd for ten :,'cars, lIml that insurcs thc eXI)ectcd result. Bt'otht'rhood Du~' (:muliclatt's' LmH.'hcon Sunday Then C'It t the Grass The Delaware Coltnty I.eague oi \\'0- ()I.SThis .... I.\.i\llc". (.,' titl'rt· will he a Xatiolla! ~ ~ I Jay alllllng ·h · iIIIl'II Voters, an all party organization for the Il'adcrs oi Brotherhood the I'ro!c,;talll. Catholic Wlt a genulne Ithl' political. cdll:atillll of \\'/)n~en. in ac- and Jewish Churches. Thl' purp:hC oi cordance wtlh Its Cllstolll, WIll hold a, this day is to consolidatl' tht. feeling oi: I I.lIncheol\ at Pierre',;. 69th :\lI1crican Citizens. irrc~J1l'cli\'c oi rl'· PennsyIvanIa alldCalldidatcs' \\'alnllt Strl'ct:;. Cppl'r I )arh)", . Fri- ligiolls diITt·1'l'I1Cl'S. The organization L- • .IAKE-S 2 I S. :\Iay 4th at 12 :00 1I00n ]lrCCISely., sp('nsoring it is thc Xati .. llal COl1i('n'net. Plea,e IIOIt' that the luncheon originally I' oi lews anrl Christial1s. 1',·,alll1c