FEB 8 WHO WILL FEED THE ITINERATES 'S. I.C :c c 'C c c e SWARTHMOREAN of s Editorial Comment SWARTHMORE, PA., FEBRUARY 3, 1933 VOL. V-NO.5 PROPOSED SCHOOL LEGISLATION TO BE HQME AND SCHOOL SUBJECT 'Vltat to do with penniless transicnts who arrive in Swarthmorc about liightfall and seck a placc to sleel) without cost is getting to be quite a problem. At a recent meeting of Borough At the Homc alld School Association tors are limited in thcir actions by the Council, the pol icc report showed that n\('cting next Tuesday night, Fehruary ~(ll'l"if c provisiol's of the Act of the many of thesc transicnts were bcing 8 in the High School auditorium, the General Assembly. class cd as undcsirables and cscortcd to theme of the cvcning will bc "The Crisis Frcas B. Snyder, membcr of thc Upthe borough limits. Facing the Public Schools." Thc I)rob- pcr Darby School Board, business mau, However, the stories told by others Icm will bc ably prescntcd from thc and noted spcakcr, will present an able had a truthful ring, which prompted Statc, from thc Couuty, and from the discussion on this phasc of public school activity. police officers to allow thcm to sleep local poiut of vicw. 'rhe significance to this mceting of County Viewpoint ill the basement of borough hall, whcre Dr. Carl G. Lecch, Superintendcnt of two persons' can be accommodated on the State-widc point of vicw was indibunks in the cell-room and four to cated in thc coluJUns of The Swarth- the Dclawarc Couuty Schools, will remorcan last \'leck iu the intcrview with port 011 an cxhaustive study hc has eight mcn can slccp on bcnchcs. Then arose the qucstion of whether Roland L. Eaton, Chairman of the Fi- madc, showing the cffect of the conor not they should be given brcakfast nance Committec of the Swarthmore tcmplated program upon the various school districts of this Couuty. The before starting another day's tramp. School Board. There is ready for presentation to the total loss in state appropriation to the And as an answer to this problem, Gcncral Assembly whcn it reassemblcs local districts amounts to over $250,000. Jim Macklin, janitor for borough hall, next l\[onday night, a revised School In Swarthmore, thc loss would be equiotTered to make coffee and provide Codc cmbodying changcs in school disvalent to about 2% mills, an amount bre7.d and butter and jam, in his quartrict lincs, and formulating ncw bascs that would have to be raised bcfore ters ovcr the fire house. The Employ· for thc distrilJUtion of state subsidics any rcduction in this year's tax ratc mcnt Rclief .Bureau.agree to reelUto local school districts. Contemplatcd could be passed on to the property hurse Jim for the food purchased. revisions of the Edmonds Salary Act owner. No matter how much local tax At the beginning of this ycar, the will hc prcsented at a later date. A Jlum- rcduction is provided, the dcgrec of the Employment RcJief workcrs came to bcr of State organizations, including the withdrawal of state support is thereby Borough council with the statement State Chamhcr of COllllllcrcc, the Statc eliminated from local tax relicf. that they did not think this work came Taxpayers Lcaguc, the State Grange, Swarthmore citizens cannot fully undcr their jurisdiction since they were the Statc School Directors Association, grasp thc significance of the problems delegatcd to furnish employment. and thc State Education Association arc of local school finance to be presented Council upon being informed that the advocating diffcrent mcasures and in at the March meeting of the Home and bill for food for all last year only somc cases are opposing these measures. School Association, without a full comamounted to sixtccn dollars, voluntcerDr. James Hcrbert Ke\1cy, Executivc prehension of the underlying problems cd to assumc thc responsibility for Secrctary of the State Education Asso- which are to be present cd at this Feb1933. ciation, will speak upon thc phases of ruary 8 meeting. Now it develops that the number of the Statc program affecting the soFrom the importancc of this meetmen spcnding the night in Swarth- callcd "common schools." ing, there should be present everyone more's jail was on the upgrade towards The possiblc actions on these mca- of thc ninetecn hundred taxpayers of the end of 1932, and during the past snres h<:.vc potentialitics of grave diffi- Swarthmore. month forty-onc mcn both slcpt in culties for school directors, business At eight o'clock, preceding the gcnborough hall and had their .breakfast men and taxpayers, in maintaining the eral meeting, the Blackfriars will prethcre in the morning. standard of schooling dcsired by parents scnt an one-act tragedy, with locale in Furthermorc, it seems that thcse for the children, and the same time do- Ireland, unique in the fact that it has itinerates arc eating more than last ing so with utmost cconomy in line with an entir:e male cast, composed of the year, for while breakfasts only cost an thc system providcd by thc school laws. following high school students: Leroy average of 5c each last year, this year School districts have bccn crcated by 'I Wilson, John Brownel\, Benjamin Kel-' the average cost is 12c each. Thc total the Commonwcalth, and school direc- ler, and John Murrcll. . hill for food scrved by Jim the janitor during January just passed was $5. Five dollars for thc first month in- FEB. PLAYERS CLUB CURTIS INSTITUTE dicates that the $16 estimated to take _ SHOW NEXT WEEK .. _ ~l1~!~S ~RE. care 'oi th·; cntlre year will not :go far: .~. - , . . So 1<:st night borough council was Two hours of dchghtful entertamment On Sunday, February 12, at 6 :30 scheduled to dis(),u~s this problem at are in storc for Players' audiences next c'clock, Margaret Codd, soprano, and the Icngth.· week (Monday, February 6-10 in- Elbee Quartet of the Curtis Institute of Jimmic, the janitor, is not backward elusive) when Thompson Buchanan's Music will give an interesting program in in calling attention to another phase comedy "Civilian Clothes" with its side- thc Clothier Me~orial at Swarthmore of the situation cither. For the task of rtf' 't f d;h f th Collegc. There wtll be no Vespers proproviding breakfast for the ever in- sp I .lI1g 51 ua Ions, an, e our pro- gram this ~ t1 n day due to the midcreasing numbcr of lodgers is not in cluctlon of the Players s~as01~, opens at seme.ster perlO~. . . linc with thc very substantial salary the Clubhouse under the direction of Roy M.Iss Codd IS ~ Canadian by bl~th who cut which he suffered this year. C. Comley. studies under MISS Queena Maflo. On October 11 she was the winner of the At"Civilian Clothes" is not a war play, water Kent radio contest for the state of SCOUT LEADERS but a dccidedly amusing and wcll-deve1- Pennsylvania. She will sing a group of MEET IN PWLA. oped plot built around the "trappings" of old Italian and English songs of the sevwar, which re(luires a we II-balanced cast.j en tee nth and eighteenth centuries. The Annual Scout Leadcrs meeting Mr. Conlie has been unusually success~he Elbee Quartet has chosen the . . y. " Stnng Quartet, Opus 77, No. I of Haydn, and dinncr for the troops of Delawarc Cui JJ1 IllS selectIOn. As hiS le~dlJ1g la(~y, for thc concert. The quartet is composed and Montgomcry counties was held last Mr .. Com~ey has chosen Bea~nce S. Gd- of Lily Matison and Marian Head, vioSaturday afternoon and evcning at the ~esple to JIIterprct thc charmmg ~u~ fam- lins; Virginia Majewski, viola; and VicBcllcvuc-Stratford. Among those who Ily-proud Florence Lankham; \v t1ham F. tor Gottlieb, violoncello, of the chamber attcnded were: John Dctlefsen; Pres- B~ker tak~ the part. of one of her .ad-, music department of the Curtis Institute mlrers, Bdly Arkwnght, a late Lleu- under Dr. Louis Bailly. Miss Matison, cott \Villis, scoutmastcr of Troop 2; Dr. tenant of the A. E. Helcn B. Par~er, who is a Californian, is a graduate stuE. Fullerton Cookc, Committeeman of that of Nora, a maid; Frank N. Smith,· dent of Mr. Edwin Bachmann. Miss Troop 3; D. Curry Armstrong, commit- Gcneral MeInery, U. S. A.; James H'I Head studies under Mme. Lea Luboteeman of Troop I, and chairman of Hornaday, Jack ,Ruthe~ford, late N. A., shutz; Miss Majewski is a viola student the Court of Honor for the Media Dis- b ? t I~ Florence s sUitors; Mary ~. of Dr. Louis Bailly and Victor Gottlieb a trict, also mcrit badge counselor on o .Brlen, .as Mrs. Lanham, ~lorence s pupil of Mr. Felix Salmond. AlI are the four ycar SCOllt grollI', and 'Vallacc an.stocratlc mother; J ane Henli~lckson, as members of the Curtis Symphony OrSteigelman, Scolltl~laster of Alorton Ehzabeth Lanham, ~Io~ence's sister; Mr. chestra. Troop 1. Comley, Sam McGIllI1lS, Jr.; Helen .E. Miss Matison will also be heard in a Mr. Armstrong, well known Swarth- C~mley, Mrs. ~fargaret SJ11~the, fascll1- group of violin solos by Matthcwson, muremail carrier, rcccived the Sih'er atlllg you.ng Widow and fflend ?f the Ravel, Boulanger and Nin-Kochanski. llea\'cr award for distinguished servicc Lanhal1ls J11 search of f~rther ~antal a~Vladimir Sokoloff, pupil of Mr. Harry to boyhood with a long period of serv- ventures; Ada P. FUller, MISS BeSSie Kaufman will be the accompanist ice. FOllr other men received this Hcnderson, another friend of. the f a m i l y ; ' . awarrl. Only fi\'c "ther Sih'cr Beavers D. Malcolm Hodge, Zack Hart, astute String Quartet have t'ver becn awarded. business associate of' Mr~ Lanham, and Delaware and M/)Jltgolllery Countie!' "picker': of leaders; Stafford W. Parker, An outstanding event on next week's 'council receivcd thl~ Hoover award for as Florence's father; Frederick W. Lueh- calendar will be the program to be prcan increase in Scouts of ovcr 25 per ring, Sam McGinnis, Sr., and William sented by the Musical Fund String Quarccnt. Swarthmore Troop 1 received thc Ward, 3d, as bell' hop. tet at Clothier Memorial next Thursday twenty ycar service emblem ior their The action takes place in the lovely evening under the auspices of the Wilflag. home of the Lanhams in Louisvillc, Ky., liam J. Cooper Foundation of Swarthand then movcs suddenly to thc Hotel more College. A I C f Greenwold in New Orleans. The quartct consists of Boris' Coutzen ltcn( on erence The settings were prepared under the and Stanislaw Dobrowski violins Sam direction of Dr. A. F. Jackson, \Villiam Rosen, viola, ancl Stephe~ Deak, , yiolin fhc .studcnts atd the Uhcrstl.\ I'rl"'IlI"d ir(J1ll Ihl' 'illd 1I\\arthllhlr,·, th,· 1(",. \\(luld bc elJlIl-1 CiliZt'lh' ForulIIs 10 III' III'Id hlillrl. ~II,,\\ Fchruar~ 0' :t'lICC~ I're~i,kllt e~lliailled 1II~lIIbcrs TII~,:,(lay Ih~' Ih~' th~· th~' Ih:~ TII~' I.re: d alld hlltler allli j.lIlI. ill hi" qllar_lll,de ~'llIh(ld,llllg,l'hal!gl'~ III 'l'hllill (ll s -, l,d'lll I" ahuIIl 2~:! 111111" ,:111 ;lIh'~lIl1t i\Jlllllla~' I'H'"ill~ al \\hillil'r C()II~"(JIIL'lIlly lIlc "choul ior traillillg 1,'1" O\'l'r the lirt hou:;c, Thc Employ- tlit'! hill'" alld 1~'I'lIllJl:lllllg Il'\\1 h.a~"" that 1\ "lIld. ha\.'· 10. he ra~'cd Ill'lorl' )Iuu,,', Il'aciwr" \\a~ L',tahli"hl(1. Aiter a thrce I ' I' . I' , 1 " 1 ' Ih .. "Itil' ,,' 'I11111 I(lr .t 1\' IO(l( , purl' ... (. . . f tIC I '.',1 ,I 5 a Iary A di,L'I .... ,i,'Il, .. 'I .... I Ie I("g, , ' . heI lcmale I'· las... I· n'\'ISIOIiS 0 J,'.uIllOlluS ct: (1\1 ilL r . .\'". lIlalll'l' IHI\\' IIl1ll'lI I(lea I la~' i 1', guhr .' .\IOlld'll' " "\'t'llillg . , IIl,lIIl1l1g .. . , .'dug .\t I II' h .. gllllllllg "I IIh },.Ir, I I, . I I I I \ I I " '1 I I I I /' g'llil 'III \1 ,,1I1!-t\' 1... hl'lIan' (, l):()() , 1I1llie tr,lIl1l'( 'lIld h.I\lIlg \\ Iii >t., Jlrt"t'IIll" al. a at'T' ,II~' ...1111111-, rl", IIrtlllll Is pnl\ I, CI, tIC I ,grl'~' 01 ' I I~' ' . ' . . " . II III . f lit 1,111 .. ' I,'( I I' ur ycar" III , t CIIUlIlg ". IIlru" ,I i·.IIII·l".\ i \\01'''' 1', I':lllil' to 1)('1' . . 1Ill'iIl,irlll-: . II'!' 01 :->tall' "n:allIZ.ltI"ll', I, Ill' , \\llhdra\lal lit, "tall' SlIppllrt . .... Iherd"'1 I' ' .\'I , ,I'I \\'lll'III"r 'I 'l. . . . . I;"rllllgh l'llllill if \\ilh Illl ,laltlllL'llt :--, atl' l·II.III1I,,·r 01, t ,"111111, rn', III,· ~talt' " . . ' IJ r . .I '''~,II , 11II 11'1, I't'- oj "hl'lp. . "'l!Il1l1aIL'd JrOIl1 local lax rdlL'1. 'Ill, '. \\'11 " . , the ,allle 11I;.llIlct , leads thclII Ihal Iltl \ Illd. 1](, IIltlllllk Illh \1111 ' I .,.1,..,11<. .... . I I· , (', ,. " ' "" n'llIrll .. d irolll a Il'Ctllrt. lollr Ilv alldI 'prutcct 1I1rs. ' . I k C:1I1IC , '1'·tall' 1·.dIlC:llIlIlI .\"')(·laII"1l art ,"I lillalll'l' to he i'rl'~'t1Icta , .. · 1·.(IICallllll. . I' . \ "0-,\\ I IlIl'h aI',' 10 hc l'n:"l'lltl'll- at Ihb .. , '. t, '1 1l1,n", . t. 'I .1111 ' I ,I'II :\lorn"loIIII _\l'\\' )l'rsc\' ,'( I ' rL'I'UlbIIJl\Jt ' J I'ch- IIllllt' (11.01111.\-1\1<1' '_, whcre Ihcsc 11)33. . cial i.. II, ill ,peak UJlOII the ph'l'l" oi rllary mccting. an' ill\'ill'd 10 alit-wi alld dllg,. arl' hl'lIIg Ir;lIl1ed and whcrc those \(1\\ It <1'\1'1('1" tha.' thl.l1l1ll:h,r 01 II" SlatL' the Frlll1l Ihe illli'orlalll'e of thi" ill Ih,· 'l'l·I>lIlg. a dug 11111,1 go alld study, :'0 111"11 'i'l'lIdillg lit .. IIlght III c:dJ..d "l'(lilllll(lll "ChIHlb." illg, titl'rl' ,lloll1d b" l'rl'"c II I l·\tTY Olle they Will t!I,l' dog and the ilIon", jail \\:t" nn the 1I1'gradL' l(lwanb Th, I"I"ihh' at'tiolh Oil Ih,·,,· IIIl'a- "i Ihl' lIillL'll'Cll hlllldred laxpaYl'r" "i 1!II'lh::lb lI/ halldlmg .. 1 hese dugs :;e11 Ihl' lnd "i I'),>..?, alld dunn;.: Ih .. I'a,t 'Ill'" ha,,· 1'(l1l'lllialili," .. t gl':l\e dilll-, S\\arIIIlIlOrl', .;-.)WI. alld thc. has scholarl IIHllllh illI't} ->lilt' 111"11 IHI.th ill ,ulli " ior ,,'h .. ,,1 .. h.lhim·,,': ,\t l'igh.1 o'd"ck, Ih.l· gell"hll" tu ,and IHll'llugh hall allil had th'lr hII'aLI,lsl 1111'11 alld taxI,.I,n·r", III 11Iallitalnlllg thl'" r.d 1I11'l'tlllg, th.· Black/nars will prcoJ IIILII .. r ... ulI,lhlc to 1M) lur thclr then' ill Ihc nll'rnillg. I ,talldard oi ,dulllling d, ,ired h_\ par'·I1!... '1'111 all OIl,'-;lI'l tragl'dy, wilh localc ill dug" 01 Ihes cases arc mie It ,L'('IlIs that thl·,e· Illl' Ihl' childrl'll. and thl' ;.am,' lilll" do- Irdand, 11111'111,' ill thl' iaCI that it ha, Thic\l" iUI't.:cd their way hy it hack IIl1tdy ... ltllilul and in\'cstigated. IllIIlT;I\t-, ar .. ~'atillg ilion' Ihall la,t ·11t.:' ", \\ ilh IItnuI,1 ,'('llnolll}, ill lill,' \\ilh 0111 '·Iltir,· Illah .. a,t, ('(lI11I""l'd (Ii thl'1 \I indo\\, into a Swarthl110re hOIlll' on .C(llol!d Frallk tltl'n calli,' iurward )";11', i,'r \\hilt- br,al.ia,h (1111:. all: '11l ',\'1"111 pr(l\id"d Ihl' j"l1lll\in!,! high I L'\'l'nillg and madc away with \\llh h .... dug, "Ihtd.dy", whil'h, by the an rage 01 51' 1'; ,h Ia,t Ytar, Ihl> year di,lri,'" 111'1'11 I'rl'atl'd \\·it...on, .I .. hn i:ruwlldl, BL'llj;lIllill Kel-' jeweln :onli Sl'\'L'ral "uils of e\uti1illg. \\.a.\, .had harkl'd.llls appro\'al at l'ach thl' allTagl' "(I,t h 12,· ,adl. The I(liall thl' C"1l1l11lll1\lealth, alld , .. h"ol dinT- h'r, alld JulIn .'.llIrrdl. Thc- hou,c Ihat was r;llbat.:kni is thl'l hll 0/ halld-dapplllg. and gavc his OWII hill i,,,' t,,,,d ,,1'\\11 by .lilll th .. jallitur, hOllle oi .'.Ir. and :\Irs. lIurace B. Pass-I 1'1': L'liull 10 Ihl' lIe had had a paid d1ll'ing .I :lnll,ll') jlht I'a""d \\.h Si .' .. ..LA YEnS (:LUB Cl INSTITUTE more. 5-15 Strath JJa\TII a\TlIIll', 1-:11- t.:IlIde \\ Ito didll't al\\'a_\ S w:Int to go thc FI\·,· I\.dlar, i"1 tl,,' lir:-I Illullth ill-' J LB. trancc \\ a" gailll'd I", raising a windu\\' to I ':11 Ill' nay, nl'git-ctt-d ttl n'me 110\\' aud SilO'" NKXT WEEI~ l\IlJSICIANS HERE Iltt' ' 'tl H n, I lilt "I',II< II" tlit':d" Ihat Ih .. ,,,lim.llnl tIl lal-,· ' om". in I \' a I \la\" til .... ";01', I• Ii til· ,·1Itl1',· _\'l'ar \\ 111 iilll go 101,'. ,-, ---S ' ) I \\'hell.\I r. alld ,\11 s. l'a" ,,1110 l'L' rl'tllrl1l'd' \\ hlT,' hi, dul''' alld is happy I I 'I T\\() 1111111', .. f ,lL'li!,!hliul l'llterlainmcnt ( ) I I , und:I\', ]'chman' L at (j '30 I' I I I' '1 . I I I \ I' . I ;-." :,,1 Illg II I,Il"llllg I ""lIlll'l I\a, . -. -, "10 t 1t'lr IOlIIe s lort y atlcr 1Il1{ IIIg It, tIl'), ("Ing St>, . , an e 01 just \\' lat ,,'he,lukd to di',Il", till" prulJk'lII at arl' in storc jor PJaYl'I':;' alHliclln'-; IIC~t .. dock, .\[argarl't Codd, soprano, anti thc i"lInd titl' l'nlire hUllse in a statc of di~- it IIILalit III I". in'c of guidcs hc cx11'IIt.:'th. \\n·k Fehruary {i-IO ill- Elhl'l' (luartL-t ui thc Curtis IthtitlltL- oi /ordcr. Upon l"llling the Swarthmore po- pl.linul ho\\, \\,h"11 lIel'dl'd a hair .IiIlIIlII'·, Ih,· jallit(lr, i, lIot hac1-\\:lrcl, dll,i\t') \\hL'1I TI)(llI1l h OIl Illlchan;(n\ :\Iu,ic \\ ill gilT an inlcrL',ting progralll in'lice, thL'Y wert' lIotilicd that thc onicl'r" nit, till' iamily had 10 go illtu cUllicrill ct1lilII-: alit 11 t 11111 III alloth"r ph;hl' CI'IIlL·,II, "Ci\'iliall with ib side- IItL' t'lllthil'l' at Swarthlllore' Wef" alrl'ady at work Oil Stl'ath IfawlI ,'lIn' to wh .. "llOlIhl take him to tl\(' .. i Ih,· ... itllali"ll eilher. For tit,· task lIj' l'lt" '1 I' I (' .. lIl'g,·. ThlTe \\ ill he Iltl \'L'';PlTS pro-: a icw doors irolll tht'ir hOIlll' ,hili' alld h"'d probably have to wait a . . '. . 'I' I Illg 'Ilia 1I'Ih, alii thc jUllrth protl'" I I I . I' I I . I \ C' I ' I 1'1 ,,\ 1l11lIg' hI', ak 1,1,t lor till I'\'l I' 111- I ' . I . ,gram II'; •• 1111 ( a y 'Ue to IlL' 11111 -I :\. IcrL: I l':lr tl'lng ~lIartl'!. )plh II, .\ll, 01 an 11. (la\'lIlOlIt, /)l'l.. 011 \~·(hlc,(a\'. I was ioll \\ tl Ir'I' 'tl I I I' "1 . . ' . . Ie :1I llllg 01 Ie (og a~ 0 il1l in hi, ,..il'l'tillil. ,\s hi, Icadillg lady" I :11l' ,\ l' II I I 'I I I' tl" S ("1 lor I II' concert. I Ie quarkt h t.:olllposed 1I0t dalllagl'd, o~' I 'I 'IIIt."OI!),·r,\ (,"IJI.tl"~ \1:" IIl' III I,I,t 'I II , I' "H'"e I lit ' I /'t" .. rrg ' It" ,,_lor 'l'a ICC ,. .1 - oi Lily ~I ati"oll alld :\Iari:m I lead, \ iOI"·, I'. . ':.' .' ,_ ;--:alurda:. ,.,aih:rJltH'd and \\t:ltillg at Ill . . , ,\ 1'. 1111 ") 1;, t 111,'1 k'llil' I.. in!t'Y'llrL'l till' ehannl·lIt.' hilt ialll- I' \ . . , ' '\[' k' 'I I '" \I,ln ,Ill( Ib 0\\ II 1II111.Itlon 111 settlllg ~ III'; Irglllla.\ aj~'\\" '1, no a: aliI It.:-I (' Sltul,\' Gass . , 1;,,111'1 \l"-Slratt"I'': .\111"11'-:' II:II-c' \1 h,. il.'-pn'lId FJ,'I'l'Ill'l' I.:tnkltam·, \\'ilJiam F. I (. III'· I . I lU, i tII' tl Ie c IlalJl Ilcr .ny. I d"\\n to ,h,.\\, aI ClIl'h. alld Ibtllg hiS UWII att"llIkd \\IT,': -,,,/til Ihlkh\,ll: I'rt·,- l:aklT lake, Ihl' pal't oi "ilL' IIi her ad- lll' . .0 I Ie I, \'Ill Ollt'l' ' I C' ' r . M'L' \\. 11'11 It wa~ saie tu go IIrlls 'nstltutc " ,',,11 \\ illi" ~L·IIlIllII.hl,·r III Troup 2; Dr. IIlil,'I'" 1:illy ,\ri-\\'right, a late i.iclI- Il1lhlC I II "pal'lllIl'nt I . I'01 '11I I,' 'I' [' I On \\'cdlll·qla\' ,I·\'!.ruan· ' . R, at 111 a. 111. . ,.IUll'S a IIU'\' "trcet. 1111' l'r )1'. .Ollls ,:lI y. .\ bs _\ atl"oll, Ihl' l'''I1I1I\' (~()\'t-rIllIl~'lIt ,111<1\' cia" \\'d1 () . _ . I·., FIIIIl'rtl'll l·'I(,I". C"llllllitil'III.,n ,'I 1,11:111\ "i tilt· .\. E. F., 11"lL-1I I:' J'arkel'. . . .'I gial • I '1 1 "I I' \\' . Islurt, ' 'III) II' , at the dosc ' • ' . T" 1\ I111 b. a C'I'I' a I orlllan, h lIa t (' t s 11- 1IIl'et wI! ,\ r~... nllcc-' . . , "I \ora, a maul: I'rallk :'\. dellt of )'fr. Ed\\ill tUII a\,ClIlIl'. I :llId 11IIIo\\lIlg, lacb IJrought tiLl! Tn"'11 3', I), l'ul'1',1 \rll1'trllll", <,,111111111 (' I '1'111 I' l-~' \ J II' I III III I' I I ,'lhT.1 .\, L' y, . , .; allll', . ' I I kat! 1I11(il-r :\11111'. I.ea l.u\Jo)'Iollda.\' L'\'l'11 ill!! , Fl'hrllar.\' (" at " .' .;lI:e I . III 1''('111:111 "I '1'111.". I. .tlld .. 11,111111.111 I'; II I I I I' I .. I I t v \ .. I II I II I 'II I'_usc Ias a:\1c .'\. , I .. ' ,hlltz' ~Ii,s :\hj'l'w,J-j I. II II' CIa,s I' or tl Il' SI lI( I\' (J t' II IC,.. 1 glll( I', III 11;1( l' p 11... Ie 'renc 1_ th,· Cllllri .. i II, ,1I"r i"r Ii < ;,1 ,,:i:l I )h- I ,,1'11;\1 I ;1\', i'I' aI', , HH 1l'r,OI'I, , .. ' . . . . > h ,'1 \'ioh • .,tllllc!'t . "'I c .. ,.... Iril·1. al," 1ll"1 il kid,:,· '''lIIh,I''1 1111 'fl' ~I I I I Ial'y I I IIll'lI lIlakl' I Ithe hL'sl I I ',rhe I" I .I . IIrellce.' Sl1ltor,,: .. "i Dr. I.olli, Bailly anrl \'ictor Gllttlich a' Shoal- (kn'I"IIIlJl'lIt, IIIcd :o.Wh, I rlli1 ' . .rIl'II, . a, . I 1',. J .alllalll, s 1'11111'1 ",' .\.. 'II' 1.'"li.· , 1 ..'I' I. .\'I U II , __ nl I '1'1"" 1I0\\, I:,s tire" Il'ac \crs ;UI( luur ' · I \\. II .• orL'IlCC k ....... ""Ilmollt! ~, . . .\II. ,'Ir'". . . I \ \ 1'tl 1 ~\'I'1. ~lll( \ 1 S. C',tlr I (l' .., • t I,· Illur .I,·ar L; 1'. ;1111 a a<', .trl'(II.raIlL· IIltlt 1,'1': :llIe 1Il'IIlinr ""II, as 11ILlllhl'r JI' III l'llrti Snllllh"I1I' ()r I' 1 '1'1 I I t al'prllllll'C, I h"I' hall' ollly iailed with ' . I Illall, '('''IIlIII:I,t,·, (II .\'I III' I .. II 1'1' I . I l' ~ .... . -I . .. .. '.'Iza I 11'1h l.al1l:1l11, l'I"n'lIn" 'hl"I'; :\[1'. ·11 tl"l IIal"~ I ;L\t'l1l1t".' t .l·""e I I'C i:l:-..:--l.... are Uill'l 0 11\1,. IIi":: III Il'achillg Ihl'm to Il'lnrll,' '. T I . . ". , I I', ,. a \\ H I are 111 cre, l', . , , ~, }'II' . . \J'lIl'tllll1~. ,,,, il 1-01<1\111 ;-';\\.Irt!t- Il."I11I,\·, 1111 'II' 'Ill" t '-;.Jr.:tl 1Il'l,l'lI I " r(Jllp , :\1.-<.11111 ..... ,l·.. :\[i" :\Iali,oll \rill al", !>t' hcard in a' ()11 Thllr,dal', Fd.rllarl' I), at I llllC 1 . . 1 tllIg, :lId lIl'ilhl'r oi thl'''L' 1Il,'1I wcre 1 111 IlIl1rt' mail ,alll,l. r,,,i,,d til' :-:ih'I' . I t:hCIIItl ".1 ,\ ' . . I golrL' I . I IC, grollp IIi \ i"lill ,,,I,,, I.y :\[atth"\\',oll, Ihe lII'I1II'l'r" oi th .. EX"Cllli\'c Huard oi' I .It· II) JI" til IIl1d"I',lalld a dog of allY I:,"a\tr ;I\\;II.! 111)- ~h . . l11'~"lhh\d "'lr\il't." ... I ,'lg 111'111 III \\1< 'lr~1"1\ I,a!l< I tl 1'11'11' t I H' I 1,;1\1-1, 1:olllangl'r alld \,ill-I'"chan,ki. ,I"II.II..! Ihl' SI\arlll11ltlrc L";U.!lIl' lli \\'01lll'1I \'oltTs', kill!. , \ dog oj i(lllrtL'CII is a til 1>(1\ h(llld \\ ilil :: ; ·iI'·. 1',l'i"d III "'1'\, \ .;1I 'IItYII \ II I I I 'I I • .t, '. ",",".1 0 " "1'1'. ,ILT lI:an a•. a(. -, . \ 1,:,dilllir :-;.ol"'loti'. pllpil of I larry \\ ill hl' IUIIl'hI'OIl oi n, \\'.' glllld 1,1. train. There arc a hundred 1(1'. 'FilIII' "tll"I' nilIl r"lli\Ld thi, If,lId"r,oll .. "r II Il'l',ll. ..._ _ , ()NL~ r_ OF I lOll' II II 0 I(. I 'ilion' C"II,'" I'. TII']I',da~. F"hrllal'~.l)" I1111 111111" ,,\1«II I'll,' Allt'lul (:HI1 f('l'f'II('(' I '" \ l , I \ \ ' " I I'Ill.\ ('\\' () I' Ieall~. ,.., hnll p"'tl",'II:d IInll Illr" :,y. ',' i ••• I)A\'" Till' 'IliaI'll'! ('lIlbi~b oj J:ori, COlltZl'1J aI',' II,. at I-(.l.~ I' 111. tllllllg t .. lit .. Ia,'I' ,~ . r_ >1 r_ ,--=' Thl' ,dlill!.!, \\<,1',' pn'pan'd lI11dl'f Ihl' alld Slalli,I:1\\ I lllll1'II\\,.,I,i. \'iolilh, ~alll , I I I dir,"ll''}1 "I III'. \. F, I:wl""ll, \\,illi.1I11 1''''111, 11 .. 1.1. ;!l1d 1',.11.;, lilliin Ih.ll Ft'hrll.tn ., Y',I,I< I ai, :" I l!' .\ Ilr. .\rnll \'idhll'\'L'r I '1'.11. .';1< 1•' 1. 1~' "iil, I '.' \ 1 I'. I', d.11t th"l""i . Iers u t· .. ...:· .:1 '.' IIil Ill- "I! ... I\illt .luk, :-)"r1'l'1I1 111 I. r1.lrillL't. . . llr 1'lllllld,JII"n ' . ~"Il"'Tt I' , " II ,. II I'll,I,' !UIIIII .JCleIlCC I)': ay olio ("Ill! "I' I I - , t I ,,' II ..... ! "I hH:.·\ ,lilt! .. \. :-;. \\'irkhalll ,'I' . 1 at till' llothll'.1' llu" which was held 011 Tlle-da\, at the [,hila'" . ' I" 111:1 " II i"'" "II, 1<11' 1III 11" III :11', ill "h:lrg" IIi the ,it-,,(lralillih. . ' (I ' ,·Ir,· "1,,'('1,'1111" ,'1'. J..:··!I III Ih'lt- Ih .... (1"11 " 111'.\ C' III.~"l' U I' ]'1 1'\llI1ac\' 11\ . Thl' 11I'lIgr,lIll. \\C'ill . hc "I I~IlIl I()\\'S:.I,,'r,. .' '1>1 11'1 '1 1 hIT' "i 111l' i:l .. ult,\ I" :tlltl'lllg "uartl'! 111 mlllor. ly ra 1111';, CJo:!lIg,' "i dat,· OIl Ih,·il· clllh l'ai<-llIl:Ir",I,I"IIJIII.'a ]11"'" 1)1' 'til ' ' I '111,' liilh play lIi t!l,· ,,'a';III1, ill ~Iarrh. L!lIillh'l illr iOllr ,Irillg, and cl:trilll'l, hy '.. I'" ., '" re was U5~'( Oil tl'Ie illg "i Ih .. l'nl!..!l" "in' 1·:dllr.t- II ill h,· Ill1til'r thc dir('l'Ii()1l Cli D, l' ' \\ ,II Inll1rml'1\ 'pl':lkl'r, an' 1l'lI1g 'program "h()willg him at \\'()rk at his li(lnal \\hi.h h.h , .. I "luI." ~! ih'I.,'lI, I'r~',i,kllt ()i Ihl' CluJ.. :\llIzan: String \\ ill hL'ginII)at R IInna. l'un·,1 \\hll \\111 he ahl.III prt'Wlll Ihb' l'lll'll'atllr\' The program :31/ p. 111. " . , , , . t'II)I ,~... l'llc IIIlrpllse 0 f tl'liS ('xa t\I(l-da," ,'(lIlII'I'L'lIfl al lil,· 1:"aj:l1l1il1 1I:t1I.\ 1I11porlalll 01 laxalltlll! hihil to sho\\, thc variety oi sciclltilic FI'alli- lill I I, lit-I i'll' Fl'iday and S:lIl1rY.. lenCine .'I'oJie In a 1II0si 1', \\ ;.lIId a I apparatns and cquiplllcnt which is ill usc ,1.'1.,'. (..HIIIl I Y f .c·a~Ut· i"nllll iOI' "gl'lIl'ral d""l'II,,"IOll will loll,,\\ I' "\"'IT /'(If -1'1' 'I t t' I • J (1,,\, •• _ C ,ss rllUIII I Is rllc Ion all( 011 Frid:l)' :,,'1\ rll''''l1 Dr. I I:Jr.. ld 0. TIll' program at thl' \\'''I11:[n\ Chlh' II,.. 1;lIk.... in rl'scarch work ill as \\'dl as \\111 "I'I1,hl,1 .111 IIP,1l IIIIUIII 1111 III'. F, ()"rlh "i th.· I'IIiladd- lIl'xl TII",dal' will hI' thc \'aknlinc Fr.,lic ,(Irganic chemistry. Rl'cellt'" Dr. Vic"J:lll1dil1g ;. \'l'\\ I-:clncali,lJI illr a \l \\ pllia J:lln·.I11 "i \llIllicipal H""'ar,'h ill chargl' of thl' ,hairm:ln oi the :\11I,ic Ilnsls 10 Bihle (:Iass honer Ihl' gucst oi an<\ sJlcak.\l1llrica", II, \\ill al'I1 'l'l'ak ill til> \I'ill (li'CII" 1\l1lhlhania', I'r"hlem oi ,","l·tillll, Chl',ll'r Spl'nl'l':', and l'r at an "lnstitlttL' of Chemists" held in ,\, lling (Ill ".\Ilh I'IUI bUn, a \t \\ 'l'lili" I{,gulatioll al thl' nll'l'Iillg "f Ihl' chairman oi the Drama :\frs, R. Dr, E. C,,"ke :lIhl Dr, J, P. the Harrison Lahoratory at thc Unh'cr.\r'·a". Cr(lllp ""lIi,rlnl'l" an' sdl,,1 II ('''llnty i. .. :JgUI' oi \\'''m''1\ l:. E. L'lImali. plt-nt\' oi iun allli 1I0n\\111 "I\I"rialn ,ily oi 1'('l1Ibyh-allia whtll hc uscd the 111 ... 1OIli"I' th,· 1I1l11'11l!1':- and ait, mp"l1' ,'IIle-I" til "" hl'ld al the \\'oll1all'" ,,'n,1' i, pr.. mi"ed attcnding. .\11 I"T" (Ii Ihl' nihl,· da" oi thl" ,ubjl'ct "Livillg ')'Iatl'ria ).rcdici". Thc "·,,i ,. I)r Duggan :Ind Ilr. ClnlJh"II"', :\I,t!ia, Fl'hrllar.\ 3rd, al admi"illn ice will he chargell and rl'- S\lartl.llJIlIr,· <'hllrt'h l'\'er a:--'l'lIlhlcd at onc oi I;t'(lrgl' S. C"lInt... art' Iht' main 'I" al-- 2 '30 1'. Thi ... i, an "1" 11 :nl'l'Iing and, in',111I1l'1I1, will hc (for a prird rt'rl'pll(ll1 alI>I'. ("."",., h(ll1h;r'I'11 l "1'- thts,' gr('('\l.'d thc sl)cakcr. 'I', al thl' d .. ,ing 'l, .. inn (In Salnrda.l all \\1111 aI', inlt-I'l· ... "d ar!' ill\'it ... 1 10 IlIJd,'r Ihc direction iII ~a1l1 ~" .o. ~: 1:1~ ~I ":l' ~ IIlll~de \\~ill ~11l,IIUI'" \\"r~'I'~-rlllltted I}~" wer~ ~. ~' 1I1~' {ll~". tl'acll~-r,. .., ~' ~I:.'. 'L~'IC !,!nl'~" ~Ir~, a\C1l11~', ~~all()I'~1 .'.Ir~. l)l'\'l'rl'll~, IJlOnth~ ag~' ~[t~t'lillg ~IL'III'Jri:l1 ~rll- ~J;. ~·Il.L,,·llll. ~llJlh,n ~II" II, ~1'·I11(1l'1al. ~(~IL~N(·.E ~\\:Il·th1l1l1r'''IIJ, 1ll1'1l~- 1.'()I!NDL~I}l'" T ~,·"illll' Ch:III~'~ .\~'""iatioll, I~u!..!t.:' '~- ~Jllartd. ~ ~uhj~'l't i~ 'lIIpl'.-I~"I""I\~· a~', ~Ial(llt :\[r~. I~. 1.1\~al'<·· ~!t-l'IH'II ~,'cli(ln, th'-',~. ,~'n'l't1 ~1. 'atlt-lid. wa~ Smith. FlIllt-rl~11I :\1l'\;lIlgl~I"1I ~I"II" J'rt·'~I.\tl'r~all illigill. illdlt~trial hOI1()~ Ih~' m~'m~t allargl'~t alldi~ncc I11CdllJg~ ! /I1"lt tilL' k'ctnrc many timcs. THE SWARTHMOREAN ~~ @adill death 01 her sister. Miss Anne W. Jan- C. S. Wikoff will be the guest of her Morrison, of the Riverview Estates, are Dodd and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Livezey Hey on January 30. uncle, Mr. Greenlee McColm of Wash- occupying their home. Coates, of Swarthmore. Mr. H. H. Sargent, Jr., of St. Paul illgton, D. C. for the week-end. 1\Irs. Elmer E. Melick, of Strath is spending a week with }.{r. aud Mrs. Mrs. Charles B. Kimmell of Haver. Haven Inn, left 'Vedncsday morning for II John A. Fricke. ford Place ga\'e a surprise birthday party Bronxvill4:, N. Y., where she will spend Mrs. OUo Kraus of Benjamin \Vest for Mr. Kimmell Wednesday c\'cning. two weeks at the home of her son-in-law a\'cllue entertained the Friendly Circle Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Johnson cntertain- and daughh'r, Mr. and Mrs. Chand lee Mrs. Peter E. 'fold of Park avenue spent last week-end in Baltimore visit- on January 19. The aftcrnoon was cd informally at supper on Sunday eve- Turner. spent in knitting and sewing. Thirty uing. ing Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kindley. !lfrs. William A. Jaquette, of Elm aveMr. and Mrs. J. Donald Gibson, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Johnson of Am- four members were present. .Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weltz 01 College and l\{rs. Walter R. Shoemaker and l\{r. nue, Swarthmore, is visiting relatives in herst avenue spent last week-end in ;:vellue entertained at SUiJI)Cr before the and Mrs. Robert L. Coates, were the Kansas City. New York. Mr. and Mrs. James Cuthbert Lawguests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel AI. Dodd, Miss Betty Schobinger of Swarth- Series dance last Saturday. Mrs. Henry B. Cookman of College on Saturday e\·ening. doz. re!lCe, of "Afaplebrae," Moylan, entermore avenue will entertain a group of avellue entertained the Eight Club at lliss :Mary Hornaday of Washington, tamed at SUpper Sunday cl'ening when friends at supper tomorrow evening. D. C. spent last week-end with her their guests were Mr. and Mrs. DonMrs. Harold Barnes, Mrs. John luncheon and bridge on \Vcdncsday. 7'he Specials may be purr:hased AIr. 1.,.. 'V. 'Vheclock of Park avenue brother and sister-in-law ~fr. and Mrs. ald Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Morris Adams. Mrs. J. W. Ledoux and Mrs. W. R. Landis left today for Coral left today for a fishing trip in Florida. James H. Hornaday of Dickinson avenue. i;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I at the Dew Drop I,m, 407 Dartmouth A TJe. Swarthmore 628-R. Mrs. Edgar U. Rl'ynolds, of SwarthThe Senior class of the Swarthmore Gables, Florida, to spend a few weeks as the guests of Mrs. Ledoux at her more avenue entertained at luncheon high school has chosen "Beikcly Square" :lIId bridge yesterday. as the play they will give March 10. cottage. Dr. and :Mrs. Frank E. 'VilJiams, of Mrs. H. L. Jennings left today to join Mrs. Charles A. Smith who has been Colafemina Vineyard Amherst avenue wiJI entertain the her husband Lieutenant H. L. Jennings (Iuite ill is now improved and able to be Delivered in Basement members of the Department of Geog- who is stationed at Coronado, Cal. up and about. $12.00 per Cord State and Orange Sts. raphy and Industry of the University Mr. and Mrs. Harry \V. Lang of DickMrs. Frank Lemon of Riverview road, PhoDe: Media 646 R 1 Media 812 Free Dellwry of Pel1llsyh'r:mia and their wives at dinner February 11. insoll tomorrow avenue will entertain their bridge cntertained in honor Miss dub cvening. Ellen Lemon, Ithica, of N. her Y., cousin, at luncheon Mr. and Mrs. George Harkins of Mrs. George Tricker of Washington, Tuesday. The guests were: Mrs. George .-Oak Lane were dinner guests of Dr. D. C. who has been spending a month as Jones, ]\[rs. Howard B. Green, Mrs. Harand Mrs. James F. Bogardus of Cor- the guest of her daughter and son~in-Iaw old Calvert, Mrs. Stanley MacMillan, nell avenue yesterday. ~fr. and Mrs. James H. Hornaday, re~ Miss Florence Wolverton, ).{rs. J. DonMrs. 'VilJiam H. 1'hatcher of Colll·gc turned home last Sunday. aid Gibsoll, Mrs. Robert Gilfillan, Mrs. avcnue entertaincd a bridge dub of ~rrs. David Townly of Elizaheth New Albert S. Johnson •. OUR DELICIOUS ROASTED POULTRY which she is a memher at luncheon 011 Jersey is spending several days witil Mr. Hertx:rt Fraser, of the Department of From Oar Oven to Your Table Wednesday. and Mrs. Jirallk N. Smith of Kenyon ave- ~conomlcs of Swarthmore College, arYOUNG DUCKLINGS, 4 to 5 lb••............ 25. lb. Mr. and Mrs. lidward K. Shehncr- Hue. Tlvro from a several months' stay in I'RUIE YOUNG CIIICKENS, 4 t.o 6 Ib, ....... 28. Ib} Dreesed dine of Wallingford entertained at din)liss Louise Clyde of Swarthmore and Europe. \Vhile absen! hc studied in Scot· ~ENUINE CAPONS, 7 10 10 lb••............ 35. Ib: Weigh. ner and bridge last Saturday. Ogden avenues and Miss Helen Galen Of' land and at thc Um\'e~slty .of London. OUNG TURKEYS, 1010 12 lb,_. . ......... 35. Ib_ RoaBted .The American Legion Auxiliary held Bryn .Mawr are spending this week-end A~rs. Fraser has remamed In England GUINEA HENS, 5 10 6 Ib,_ .................. '1.50 its regular meeting all Wednesday at at \Vesslyn college Middletown Conn With her daughter, Sarah Jean Fraser PUMARE CIIICKEN SALAD ........................... 65. Qt. the home of AIrs. Alben T. Eavenson D CJ J ' ,. and Herbert Fraser, Jr., who are in DE FRESH DAILY WITH DRESSING OF OUR OWN FRESH EGGS r. ,lar otte .E. Moo~e of the Princeschool. Mr. Fraser was the dinner uest of Stratll Haven avenUe. DELICIOUS CHICKEN BROTH ...................... 25. Qt. observatory. IS spendmg the week-end' Tuesd . 1 D 'I' h I Kg Mr. Robert T. Bair of Cornell ave- tOil .'t1 M I hi E H 'j' I ay cvemng 0 r. II IC ae ovaOUR POULTRY IS MILK-FED-OUR COOK IS AN r~... . aJ' or o! Har- lenko and Mrs. Ko\'alenko, of Swarthnue gave a surprise birthday party for \~ I 1 J. r. ane EXPERT-THAT'S WHY IT IS TASTY \3rd ~venue. MISS Moore lS a mcce of more aVenue. Mrs. Bair on Monday eycning. The TEL.--CHESTER, 8826 MEDIA, 1045-J. Mr. E. C. Walton. Mrs. Taylor and M If . guests included Mr. and Mrs. F. DOli ),fiss .Moore were room mates at Swarth- V.l: r. and , rs. Bayard Morrlso~, Jr., of WE DELn'ER EVERY DAY. INCLUDING SUNDAY Price, Mr. and I\irs. Percival Armitage, more college asSar and Harvard avenues, with their Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilbur Hoff. Mr. and . . . son, Bayard }'Iorrison, 3d, have gone to Mr. all~ :Mrs. WJI~13m Hanny of Yale St. Petersburg, Fla., to spend several Mrs. L. J. Koch. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph MIDDLETOWN ROAD, NEAR KNOWLTON ROAD W. Horn and Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam avcnUe ~vllI spend thiS week~end in New 1I10nlhs. During their absence, Mr. Mor-/ B.H.BLOOM R.L.BOSSARD York Ctty. Mrs. Hanny's mother, Mrs. rison's parents, Mr. and :Mrs. Bayard R. Argyle. l\{r. and l\{rs. Joseph H. Willits 01 Ogden avenue are entertaining a bridge club to which they belong at dinner this evening. Mrs. Thomas \V. Simpers of \Vestdale avenue returned last Sunday from a tCIl day b02t trip to Florida. Mrs. E. :p,,'[arshall Harvey, her sister, of Media, accompanied her. Mrs. A. P. Shanplin of Amherst avenue entertained a sewing group to which she belongs on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Harrison Chaffee of "Stanwood" spent last week-end in \Vashillgton, D. C. Mrs. Albert N. Garrett of Garrett avenue entertained a bridge club of which she is a member at luncheon all Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. Jesse Herman Holmes of Elm avenue spent last week-end' in \VashingtOI1. Dr. Holmes spoke at a forum held in one of the Friends' Meeting Houses 011 Sunday cvening. Last week Dr. Holmes gave a series oi lectures for the L. I. D. in New York State. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fricke, of North Chester road entertaincd at dinner for Mrs. H. L. Jenning last Friday. The guests included Mr. L. W. Wheelock, Mr. and 1\1rs. Paul Brown of Swarthmore and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wheelock of Devon. Mrs. F. D. Windell. of Westdale avenue will entertain her bridge club at luncheon next Thursday. Mrs. Jesse Herman Holtnes of Elm aVenue was called to Baltimore by the SPECIAL Cinnamon Buns done at a very low figure and Rums'ey'" I will call for and deliver the Suplee's Store is always new things to aid in making ing easier. Ncw articles recently include a new type of sanitary cream re(:::11s,t()t1n4~rs;1 mover, cellophane food bags, and Patapar, the cooking parchment. Let Down in Efforts to Please Prices and Service Compare Favorably With PhUa. and All Points in Delaware County i. FIRE WOOD LEWIS CONFECTIONERS i~;~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~;~;;;;~~~~~~ FOR YOUR DINNER I THE DEL. CO. DUCK FARM • • • Let 's put on some WILSON Coal • • and go to bed! It will keep your home comfortably warm all night while the furnace-man out the usual dirt around the cellar floor. is snoring-and all day while he's away. OR For Wilson's selected coal's as hot as IF YOU'RE "Old ,Man Depression," holds no fear for the merchants of Swarthmore. They h'1m f ace t 0 f ace th ese days · arc mee t109 b fit f S tl th lo e elle 0 every war lmore shopper. . ~as the Chnstmas seas(.m left the loc~1 bUS1 ":ess man a!ld w~man III a slump unttl Easter comes mto Sight? I h I . t as n o t . New merchandise .has been added and new ways of servlI1g the people ~f Swarthmore have made their appearance. .. . ta k'.mg t w.o This renewe d actlvlty. Is h forms-mere ants. are elth er seII mg. t h elr h d d d regular merc an Ise at re uce prices or nlaintaining the same prices and giving some additional service at no ext r a 4 The Celia Shoe Repair Shop is having charge. 011 l\:eds and Hood athletic footwcar. These items are especially timely fur many local residcnts are participatiug in the athletic activities at the old a sale Prep School gymnasium. Depression Price $1. 00 Half Soles and Heels CELIA SHOE REPAIR SHOP We Call and Deliver 'phone 870-1 New things that 25c will buy! A cream siphon--drains off the cream in a jiffy-knows when 10 slop-25c. Cellophane food bags-keep your refrigerator len~ ants from nosing around tbeir neighbors - 25c a pack. Palapar-Ihe cooking parch. ment Ihat keeps your home free from cooking odors-now 25c a pack. Great consolation prizes! THE NEW THINGS FIRST This Pleasant, Natllrtfl Way Use BailIe Creek Psylla 10 promote regular elimination. These tiny seeds swell ill waler to form a jelly-like mass thai furnishes both bulk and luhrication. The aClion of Psylla is mild and natnral. There is no gripi?g as there is when drug laxatives are used. Specify Battle Creek Psylla. It is cleaned ~nd sterilized for your protechon. PSYLLA The Laxative Seed .4 Battle Creek Health Food MARTEL BROS. so. CHESTER ROAD Swarth. 761-762 Congressional orator. So if your furnace • IS ask for a demonstration of our DOE puzzle, try Wilson's Coal that's all. Delivered in the yellow trucks - with- I'~,~~:~r.~~~~~~ road and Fairview road, is inoffering twemy-five percent reduction the pricea of Atlantic oil until Monday, February 6. Mr. Brooks is an authorized Atlantic dealer and carries only the highest grade merchandise. He has built up a very good business with the hell) of his many friends and patrons. Frank, The Barber, is meeting Old Man Depression, not by reducing prices stilL farther but by giving his customers additional service. With every haircut, the customer receives a shoe shine free of charge. THE BEST IN LUBRICATION The only station in Swarthmore strictly oil user phone us for fuel oil-any grade. We're the only Delaware County dealer offering a complete fuel service. 100 % ALEMITE l.'borou&'h ehassis lubrication. Lubricate Cront wheel bearings. Door latches and hood lacings. Springs spra).'ed. Check rear and transmission. Check battery and fill with water. Thoroughly wash and clean car. • I • P ..e.byterian Notes Cubs the church. and parents A very is expected. large attendance Arrangeof ments are in charge of Dr. Terman, scoutmaster. Parents expecting to attend should notify him by Thursday morning next week. _ _--<...... , ..._ __ Junior Assembly The intermediate 2nd senior dancing classes which meet tomorrow evening have as their hosts and hostesses: 11r. and Mrs. Carl DeMoll, ~.fr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Goodwin, ~I r. and Mrs. P. A. \Vilson, Dr. and ~I rs. John A. Detlefsen, :i\lr. and Mrs. \Villiam Craemer, j\.[r. and Mrs. Charles DeHart Brower, Jr., and Mrs. Catharine Pierce. j I M!:DIA . . . SWARTHMOR!: 1 600 f THEN • ,..re$f.ae MOIlern and Efficient Equipment for TIRE--BATTERY-BRAKE and LUBRICATION SERVICE GOOD GULF GASOLINE and MOTOR OILS Complete Line of "'ft.'''' Tires, Batteries Brake Lining, Spark Plugs and Accessories • RUSSELL'S SERVICE DARTMOUTH AND LAFAYETTE AVENUES Phone 440 ---------------OPENING DAY SPECIAL Saturday, Feh. "-Sunday, Feh_ 5-Monday, Feh. 6 WITH EVERY CRANKCASE DRAIN AND REFILL FREE CHASIS LUBRICATION FREE A Genuine Balanced Super.Hetrodyne PhilcoJr. Baby Grand Radio To Ihe holder of Ihe winning number al a drawing to be held on Saturday afternoon, March 4. We give a ticket with each 25c purchase. The lucky number will be posted in our window on March 4.. You save money by buying here-pul your ticket slubs in the box an(l you may will this fine radio set. COLLEGE PHARMACY SWARTHMORE :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ATLANTIC SERVICE STATION SOUTH CHESTER ROAD-NEAR PLAYERS' CLUB OFFERS A 25% REDUCTION In the Price of Oil Until Monday, February 6 Charge Aecounts Arranged Specialty of Quick Service Convenient New Pumps Tires and Battery Cheeked Road Maps, Penna., N. Y., cle. Credit Cards Honored IIeadlights, Alcohol, ell'. Open 8 'Til 8 Always ROBERT C. BROOKS, JR., Authorized Dealer I • Last Friday night both basketball teams of Swarthmore High lost to at Collingdale. The first team lost 10 and the second team, 26 to 21. Tonight both teams will play Glen-Nor at Glen-Nor. Next Tuesday evening, both teams will play Ridley Park's first and second teams in Prep School gymnasium at Swarthmore. The first team has been invited to play the preliminary game with the P. M. C. Prep School team before the P. M. C. College \'s St. Joseph's game on Feb. 22 at P. ~1. C. in Chester. FREE SHOE SHINE WITH EACH HAIR CUT 3Sc "We do not sacrifice our ability even if our prices are very reasonable." FRANK'S BARBER SHOP ALL FOR $2.00 TillS OFFER HOLD GOOD TO FEBRUARX 28TH PARK AVENUE 3 BARBERS-NO WAITING FREE FREE FREE BRAKE INSPECTION ..... LOOK FOR THE YI:LLOW TRUCK" KOPPERS COKE. SINCLAIR PETROLEUM COKE DOE OIL BURNERS FUEL OIL (ALL GRADES) & ONE STOP SERVICE STATION 123 ANn-IRACITE and BITUMINOUS COAL WILSON COAL ~ Local Five Loses C. M. RUMSEY, Swarthmore, Pa. Swarthmore 1390 We Call tor and Deliver PHON!: SATURDAY,FEBRUARY 4TH DriPPs'I:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ at 8:00National o'clock. Economy Mr. Robert D. will be of the League the speaker. On Friday evening, February 17, there will be an antique Exhibition and Colonial Party at the Parish House. The woman's Association will hoM most interesting meeting, the annual meeting with election of officers, next Friday, beginning with sewing at 10 :30 o'clock, for the mountain children of Tennessee. The annual luncheon, Mrs. Frank's Barber Shop was one of the T. ~L Jackson, chairman, will be served first stores to cooperate With the Renovize at twelve forty-five o'clock. A Lincoln campaign. The shop was painte.d, paper- programme will be presented. l-Irs. Rocd, and enlarged so that it now contains land Eaton will read Lincoln·s GeUys~ three chairs with three barbers. burg address and Rev. Mr. Guenther The College Pharmacy has been giving an address on Lincoln. The Cheyaway a set of dishes every Saturday. ney students will sing. Devotions will be With each 25c purchase the customer is conducted by Dr. Tuttle. Friday evening, next week, at 6 ;30, given a ticket and on Saturday there is a drawing and the holder of the i diinner of the Cub Scouts wiJI be held at stub that drawn bearingfrom the the number box gets identical the setwith of dishes. This Saturday will be the last Sat u r day for a set of dishes to be given away for aGe n u in e Baby Grand Radio will be the new prize. Tickets will be deposited ns before and the drawing will be made on March 4, to determine the lucky winner of the radio . After this drawing is completed, ·the drawings for dishes wiI! probably be resumed. Wentzel Motors announces that it has been giving a 24-hour service for some time past and will continue to do so. This means that this is the only garage within a considerable radius that is open both day and night. C. M. RUlIlsey has a special 100 percent Alemite lubrication job which includes, spraying springs, door latches and hood lacings, checking battery, and thoroughly washing and cleaning the car. This is OPENING DAY You Are Cordially Invited to Inspect Our I • Dicky Keppler, 116 Cornell ave., won The new quarters of Joe Celia are the set of dishes given by the College Ilfoving ~n attractio~ along with his re- Pharmacy last week, Saturday, February duced Prices on repair work. 4 is the last drawing for the sets of This Saturday, the new Firestone Ser- dishes until after the drawing for the vice Station known as "Russell's SerPhi1co Jr. radio, is made on March 4. vice," at the corner of Lafayette and • I • Dartmouth avenues, is opening and for Trinity Notes the first three days is giving a free chassis lubrication with each crankcase Rev. J. J. Guenther has been appointed drain and refill. A full line of Firestone a member of the Field Department of the Tires, tubes, batteries, spark plugs and Diocese and chairman of the Committee other accessories as weJl as that Good' h S V I W k Gulf Gasoline and Motor Oils will III c arge of ummer a unteer or. Each year a number of young people stocked. Mr. Russell is well kno,vn ,'n Swarthmore and is thoroughly eXI)eri. work in the various :Missionary Districts. They teach in the schools and Sunday ellced in this type of business Schools al1(1 direct athletics and play. • Hannum and Waite are giving a free The Choir gave a surprise birthday brake inspection for the week. This is for Mr. Knapp, the organist and IIOt merely trying the brakes to see if and presented him with a they hold, but includes taking off all the book, they all signed. wheels and thoroughly inspecting the On Wednesday, February 8 the Wobrake shoes and the drums. Many 010- man's Guild will hold a Card Patty at the torists arc not aware how badly the Rectory at 2:00 p. m. brakes are worn because they cannot see The regular monthly meeting of them easily. ~len's Club will be held at the Parish Robert C. Brooks, Jr., of So. Chester House on Monday evening, February A SPECIAL L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. • Wins Dishes I OIL-MINDED Oil Burners. And if you're already an as exasperating as a new jig-saw AT SUP L E E'S a July sizzler - as long winded as a SECURE REGULAR ELIMINATION Man Depression" Half Way Merchants Offer Either Lower Prices Or More Service 16c r ~~Old Merchants Meeting 11j'============== SUPPLY COMPANY 24 HOUR SERVICE Every day in the year. We are the only garage in this vicinity giving this 24-hour • sel"Vlce. We solicit a portion of your patronage. WENTZEL MOTORS Dartmouth Avenue Sw. 596 AND HOOD SNEAKS boy's and men's for the gymnasium Special Sale 75° to $1-00 CELIA SHOE SHOP 102 Park Ave. Opposite noro Hall for one week February 6th to February 11th Each wheel removed. Each brake drum and brake shoe inspected free of charge. HANNUM & WAITE South Cheater Road and Yale Avenue Swarthmore 1250 4 THE SWARTHMOREAN FEBRUARY 3. 1933 THE SWARTHMOREAN Swarthmore Welcomes Revision of Philadelphia Electric Co. Rates PUBLlSHBD BVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE. PA. 'f Editor and Pubn.her Phone Swarthmore 900 "The wholesale light and power service rate has been revised with resultant decrc~scs in charges to this class of customers of approximately $283,000. lOIn addition to the actual financial saving to its customers, the Philadelphia Electric Company, by its new rate schedules, will further moderniz:e its entire system of tariffs and regulations in keeping with the best current practices of public utility companies. "In this connection it is pointed out by the company that in the operation of the new plan of combination and simplification, the bills of some of the customers receiving commercial service will be slightly increased-depending upon the nature of the service they require-but not necessarily during every month of the year. These minor increases to a few customers are unavoidable when a general rate schedule revision is to be made for the benefit of the great majority of consumers. "In addition to the savings which Entered .. Second CI... IDI.tter, Januarv 24. 1929. at the Pott Office at Swarthmore. Pa., under tbe Act of March J, 1879. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1933 Correspondence To the Editor of The Swarthmore an: In a recent issue of the Swarthmorean it was stated that the March meeting of the Home and School Association would be devoted to a discussion of the tax ratc for 19J3-34j and that the Board felt that this meeting would be very helpful in determining just what the people of Swarthmore want done with their school system next year. It is respectfully suggested, in view of the great interest in this subject, that the Board publish the present 1932-33 budget, together with its pro1933-34 budget, in the Swarth- mOrC31l previous to the date of the meeting. This would give those who arc interested an opportunity to compare the various items, and would also save time at the meeting. Furthermore, the publishing of this information would bring the matter to the attention of those who are taxpayers in the Borough, but who do not ordinarily attend meetings of the Home and School Association. V cry truly yours, will aid thethecompany reduceseveral rates generally, companyto gives reasons for discontinuing free "lamp renewals. It has become increasingly diffictdt to prevent the influx of thousands of dead lamps from areas outside the territory served by the Philadelphia Electric Company, and the checkup to detect this type of fraud must necessarily be so strict that legitimate applicants for lamp renewals have been annoyed. Moreover, the stores where lamps may be purchased have grown so numerous that many of the company'!' customers do not Use the privilege, and a great many customers use electricity for power and not lighting, and therefore have no use for lamps.'" Commenting upon the reduced rate FRANK V. BREWSTER. ••• PROGRESSIVE EDUCATION CONFERENCE HELD The Philadelphia Regional Confer_ enCe of the Progressive Education Association will be held at the Benjamin Franklin Hotel today and tomorrow. A number of Swarthmore teachers belong to this organization and many mcnibcrs of the faculty will attend the meetillgs. At the opening session this afternoon Dr. Harold Rugg will talk on HBuildiug a New Education for a New America," while in the evening Pelham D. Glassford will talk on "Education for Indus8 troalism," and Dr. Rugg will speak on "America Enters a New Era." Sessions wiJI be held 011 Saturday in the morning, afternoon and evening. Chester Roart and COllege Avenue OPpoalte the College CampUl ANNA SCHALLES • mind. Month. of study have been de- - - - -____________ SUNDA-2" 8:00 a . .tn.-Holy Communion. 9 :45 a. Dl.-8Wlday SchOOl. 10:00 a. m.-Blble Olass. Arch Preserver SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERiAN CHURCH Shoes $7.95 Rev. John Ellery Tuttle. Pa&tor Mid-Winter Clearance WE WELCOME YOU THE ALL LINES OF INSURANCE INCLUDING LIFE M. F. Williams FUNERAL HOME sw. WHAT MAKEs A MAN,,, 4:45--OROAN WORSHIP. WOMAN'S GUILD OF TRINITY CHURCH Wednesday, February PRIZES AND TEA CLIFTON HItIGHTS Phone Swarthmore 323 I:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===============:; CHURCH Fifteen Hundred Walnut Street Philadelphia Mr. Robert T. Bair 12 :45--Luncheon. Annual Meeting. Elections. Address: "Llncoln"-Rev. Mr. Guenther THJ!: RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDs SUNDAY 9 :45 A. M.-Flrst Day School In Whittier : ~ ~ "., a • 'HOlJGH'I' for Parents. • • GiSickdulJ~~ e»zerfjellClj /Q face wlflzouta TELEPHONE L E SST HAN A DIM E A DAY Yon can have a telephone in your borne for less than 10 cents a day! For the Montlily Rates call or inquire at the BUSINESS OFFICE or ask any Bell employee THE BEll TElEPHONE COI\1PANY OF PENNSYLVANIA House. 9 :45 A. M.-Mornlng Forum In Mooting House. On February 5th the Forum w1l1 be led. by Klaus Karl Foundation. 11:00 A. M.-Meettng for worship in from the Ewers, exchange student Meeting House. WEDNESDAY .:30 A.... to 2:30 P. ".-,Sewlng and Quiltlug In WhittIer House. Box luncheon. All ore cordially .:~\~. to Join In these SWARTHMORE ME.7HODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 11 :OO--WORSHIP AND SERMON tj The practice of supplying free lamp renewals is discontinued. q Nineteen Hundred Thirty-three Sw. 1841 COAL COAL COAl, CBUBOB OP CBRiST, SCiENTIsT, OP SWARTHMORE Park An~ue Below Harvard services; 11:00 A. U.--eunday SchOOl. 11:00 A. II.-Sunday Lesson-Bennon. Wed.nesda;t evening meeting each week, R p. m. Beading room Open dally excePI Sundays and holl~, 1 to 4 In the atter~ nocn, Church edIfice. Any size, any place, io Phila. & Suburbs. Super-eleaned with super service. Care/ul, quicke.t oj .emce, and ,he .uper hard coa' FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE Bnckwheat. . _$7.50 $9.75 Nnt _$11.50 Stove _ . $11.50 . $11. 75 CO. I' Boom. Entertain Your Friend at "The Iiln" They'll enjoy the surroundings. OJdFashioned courtesy. Delicious Food. Generous portions. Dinners 85 cents to $1.25. since 1922-an average of one each year. Within the past five years, two of these reductions were notabIe-$I,888,OOO in 1929 and $1,864,000 in 1930. The new tariff. will affect the costs of electric service of the Company's cus. tamers in the City of Philadelphia; Delaware, Main Line, Schuylkill and Eastern Divisions - or the entire territory served by the company in Phila. delphia and suburban areas. An Innovation in connection with the New Retail Light and Power rate will be discounts for quantity use of electricity on bills in excess of $10.00. Residence rates, Commercial Lighting rates and rates for lighting furnished with Wholesale Power service have been reduced. The Retail Power rate has also been reduced. The WholetJale Light and POUler Service Rate has been lowered. These revisions will result in decreased charges to customers of approx. imately $283,000. In the RetJidence Rate, a change has heen made in the length and the price of the second step or block. This rate, now 6 cents, has been reduced to 5% cents per kilowatt hour. In addition to this change, a fourth step carrying a rate of 2% cents per kilowatt hour has been provided. The laller rate will be a new feature in the rate applicable to residence customers. It is estimated that the receipts from this class of customers, in the greater Phila. delphia area, will be reduced hy approximately . $700,000. The new Retail Light and Power Rate supersedes the former rates for general commercial lighting service and retail power. The new rate is changed in fonn and in price, its availability is defined, the hasis o{ assessing the de. mand changed, a new minimum charge establishtXI. A quantity discount for bills in excess of $10 is an added feature. The new rate will operate in the entire city and suburban territory served, and will result in a reduction in the receipts from this class of customers of approximately . . $805,000. The Joregoing and other miscellaneous changci/ and adjustments will briug about an estimated reduction in annual electric revenues to the Company, subject to its savings resulting from discontinuance of free lamp renewals, of approximately $1,800,000. The New Tariff adjustments have the effect of modernizing as well as simplifying the various tariffs involved. They are designed to meet modern rate needs in a thoroughly modern way. In the operation of this plan of rate combination and simplification, the bills of some commercial customers will he increased - depending upon the nature of their use of service - but not necessarily in every month of the year. In a general revision of practices to meet modern conditions, and for the heJlefit of the greatest number of cus. tamers, such minor increases, to some customers, are obviously unavoidable. Lamp Renewal Service The free lamp renewal service is disconlinued. Due to the abuse to which this privilege has been subjected; the increasing difficulty in restricting its benefits to legitimate customers of the Company; the fact that stores where lamps may he purchased are now convenient to every neighborhood, and that many of our customers do not use the lamp exchange privilege, and also use electricity for other purposes than light-these are among the reasons for the discontinuance of the lamp renewal practice. Copies oj the new tariD and notices oj the exact changes are posted and on file in all Phila- StratLHaven ALL people possess the faculty of lOOking backward.. Only successful men and women seem to have the ability to look ahead. WHEN hard times come and there is no money in bank to carry them over, it is easy to look backward and see where money could have been saved-where much was uselessly spent SwarthmOTe N ationa! Bank and Trust Co. All .nI COrdially invited to attend til. aervlces and usa the aea1' The forthcoming change of rates rep!'esents the eleventh major voluntary revision downward delphia Electric Company commercial offices • •• and are open to intlpection by the public. r------..--....-.-~--------..~. -'---~--------'4 I LOOKING BACKWARD 7:4s-WORSHIP AND SERMON WELCOME TO _ALL SERVICEs D of the rate as revised, a limited number of bills will be nnavoidably increased. Swarthmore, Penna. LLOYD P. STEVENS. MINIsTER F'IRST In the application Underwriter of Life and Disability Income Phone Regent 1308 or Swarthmore 345 Today the tj Charges for lighting service supplied on other rates have been decreased. announces the association with them of 10:30-Woman's Association. under decreases in rates and revisions in tarilf practices, rnles and regulations. tj Retail commercial light and power rates are combined and the prices rednced. FRIDAY SChurz New tarilfs have been filed with the Pnblic Service Commission of Pennsylvania which make tj Residence • rates are reduced. Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company COAL 8:00-MIDWEEK SERVICE. SURVEY OF THE AMERICAN Germany fJ The Frank D. Lombar Agency of the In Effective March 2, 1933 Tickets SOc Madison 110 • • Rates and Practices Resulting In Substantial Savings to Its Electric Customers, 8 214 Elm Avenue ason Heflin M "LABORERs WITH GOn" WEDNESDAY ~ ----...'::::.:.:,,;:.:"',,:.~-..~ilillIl!!!!!!!~~~~~---1 Changes 2:00 P. M. Cash Prices pins Penna. Stale Tax 1% S :OO-VESPEBB-cJoldng 5 :45. l8B of Card Party 33 West IIaltimore Ave. Pea Egg l1:00-MORNlNG WORSHIP. PASTOR PREACHEs "BUOW 'l'HYBELF A MAN PASTOR'S ADDRESS: OL.'l BANK BUILDING Announcement and Notice (Contlnutd on Pal1~ Biz) SUNDAY - , , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 0 : O O - - B l b l e SchOOl. ,PETER E. TOLD ~OMPANY voted to the revision. adjustment and modernization of our various schedules. MRS. A. J. QUINBY &. SON The growing multiplicity of uscs for JOSEPH B. QUINBY electric appliances have out-dated cerERNEST G. SNODGRASS, ASS'T tzin tariff practices established years ago. FUNERAL DIRECTORS "It is true that in their operation BELL PHONE 4 MEDIA, PA. some of these adjustments may tend to When you waut it, and' the kind you want. Rector aev. J. Jarden Guenther. 8. T. II. WOMEN'S 626 Edgmont Ave., Chester, Pa, "The Philadelphia Electric Company ~~~~~~~I 11:00 8. m.-Holy Communion and Sermon. Mr. Guenther wUl preach. JOHNSON'S WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP of the company, said: 211 Cornell Ave. TRINITY CHURCH Prote8tant EpIscopal s schedule, William H. Taylor, president DRAPERIES has long operated under the policy SLIP COVERS suburban territory of the company, and that tJle rewards of efficiency and ecPHONE SW. 1225 one innovation will be discounts for ollonJical operation sho'Uld be shared quantity use of electricity ou bills in with the customers, and their voluntary MUHLENBERG AVE., RUTLEDGE reductions arc made with that ideal in excess of ten doUars. ROBERT E. SHARPLES posed THE SWARTHMOREAN , '--~--~----:---~--""------""----_ _ _J PHILADELPHIA ELE~TRI~ ~OMPANY A Pioneer in Voluntarily Establishing LoU) Ratesfor All Elu'ric Service THE SWARTHMOREAN Elee. Co. Rales Cut I federal, state or local, impose addl- the distance 01 tortY-five feet to tbe 1lrat tlOnal tax burdens not now foreseen. above mentioned point and place ot be. BoJd as the property of WUUam C. Alex- aida (Colt"Hu~d from Page P(Jllr) Tax leVies arc obViously a part of the ginning ander. wide)01 CbUl'eb avenue (as laid out 60 feet mcrease slrghtly the bJlls of certain expense of our operahon and can only Conditione t250 00 C88h or certified che.:k Together with the free and common use. Containing in front on the I18ld Central customers, but these IIlcreases need not be met through the revenUes received right. Uberty and prtvllege or a certain on day of sale. balance In ten da)'8 Pur. eIght teet wide C1rlveway laId out and ther conditions announced at sale avenUe 26 feet and extending of that width Oc(ur m all months of the year, and from our customers opened between thts and theJ'ropeny adin ICIIC"lh or depth northwf:8IWardJ,y at right. JoinIng to the southeast 88 an tor a drive- H ,J MAK1VEIt, Attorney anglos to said Celliral avenue 126 leet to a thiS result IS IIIcscapablc If we arc to "\\ hl.'JI taxatIOn reaches a pomt way and P88Sageway at all times hereafter 12 leet wide aUey. the eastcnlmo81 line JJU8lng forever In common with the owners. ten- Fwrl Fadlls I lave a sys t em 0 [rna throUKh the ')111'1)" wall between thi.l!l house and d ern. UI1J f orm an d t\\ herl.' savmgs No OOG the f t andtl economy HI dopera- Bnts and OCCuple1'8 of the lot of ground adhouse adjOining 011 the OM! JOining to the southeast lOllS, as as ,as ICy arc ma c, are Dcl'(!mber Term. 1032 cqultc:blc practices absorbed by addlhonal taxation, It sen. To;rl.'lher with the right. UIIe, Hberty and Improvements consist of two and one. that rennin lot or Ideee 01 ~ulld wUb prlvH('ge of said 12 leel wIde alloy in common ··As an eVIdence of the manner 1I1/0US1) affects our customers because halt story brick and stucco hoUSe. 21x27 theAll buildings and Improvemenls thereon erected with the owners tensllts and occupiers of \\hlch the company has held to Its the company is then unable to share feet Porch tront One-story stucco addi- SItuale In the BorouA'h of GlenoJdeu. County other ground abutting' there-otl alld bavln,. the tion 6x12 feet Stuceo garage, 9x18 teet 01 Delaware and State 01 PennSylvania. and rig'ht to Usc the lame policy of rate reduction, the record these cconotlUCS \\ Ith them b) 10werIJJg beln/: known and numbered as Lot No las Sold as the property ot WUllam A McIn Section 1 on a certain 1)lan of lot8 called ImJlrovcmCII18 0008181 of two atory stuCCo speaks clearly SUlce January, 1922. Its rates \ Garry and Helen R. McGarry LJan"ell.):n' surveyed by Enon M HarriS. hOU30 16x3D lcet EnclOst!tI fronl porch One. story Htucco addition Bx:-1 feet '\ 'c a,rc makmg the redu(tlons an. 00 cuh or certltled check Jr "hleh 1>11111 is duly reCOrded at Media in I IlS have r llOUIICt. d III the face of conditions whIch onCondltJoDS-$2.50 the office lor the recording of deem etc in Ithcse IlUlPorltantd rate reductio day 01 sale, balance in ten days Fur_ Jccn ma< c, msc upon annDa revenue / I I I b d f ther conditions announced at sale and lor the County of Delaware. alufeSald. In tOilSold ae the lJro"ert,7 of ThoOUl8 A SIUgle. return 1922, $1,200,000. 1923. $900,000, r m,lg It ca~1 y lavc com lI1e to Jush y Deed Book D No O. page 604. etc and more ImrUcularly desuibed us luHows to wit 1924 $1506000 1925 $241000 1926 I dela) Federal taxes alone, In 1931, LUTZ. et al Attorneys Condltioll8-S200 00 ("nah or ('CrtUlcd ('he('k $1 ,54~,oOO, 1927, '$122,000; 1928, $577,000 \\ere IIIcrcase.d 111 our case more than Fieri FaCias SHoatI' on the northweslerly side 01 Llan- on d I.)" 01 8ale barrult'll in ten days Further londlUoll8 alllloUnCf.'d at salo No 941 \1;ellYII aVl'lIue at the dlslancc 01 360 SO leet 1929 $1888000 1930 $186-1000 The $-160,000, \\llIle III 1932 there was a [urtloulh\\est from the .southwesterly side 01 June Term 1932 ' for • 1929 " '" th '8r 000 mercase Ashland aVenue ContrunJng in Iront or breadth H J MAKIVER Attorney figures embrace three separate $5 v II III I Federal tl [a taxes [ ofd about I on fhe said LJanwellyn avellue 60 leel and AU that certain lot or tlece of ground , ,e e II Ie ce 0 a ec me I - toperating reductions, m;.-kmg a total of cleven 1111 revenue of $2.800,000 as situate In the Borough 0 Aldan COunty extending 01 that wMth In length or dePlh Pien Faeias No 018 01 Delaware State 01 Pennsylvania bound- northwl'sterly between parallel linea 160 feet Ul al\;;2 an average of One per year I compared With 1931. and It IS obvIOUS ed to the rear cud 01 Lot No 151 on aaJd plan and described 8.& follows De(ember Term, 1032 Beginning at a point the northeast corInlflro~emcnl8 conu!!t 01 5111(e [ d I I that taxation has become a serIOUS ner ot CIIlton avenue (as laid out 40' Wide) house stucco 18x.10 Ieel Porch two story "Hlo·t\cvc,:, '\he arc orccff to p acde a (actor \\here rates are concerned" tbc.t certain lot or 1)leee 01 ground wUh t and MagnOlia avenue (as laid out SO' wide) Two 8tOry theAllbuildings s IpU a Ion III t e Ilew tan s provi mg I Irame addition Ox12 leet Irollt ImprOVements thereon erect thence along the northerly side ot MQ_ addition One story 8lUCCO ed sItuate at and Ox12 leet Primos, in the Township 01 that the rC\lsed rates as announced 1-----------_______ nolla avenUe north sIxtY-Ove degrees three U')Jler Darby County of DelaWare State 01 minutes east one hundred and nine and ntlght necessarily ha\ e to be adjusted I ESTATE OF ELIZABETH M OBERHOLSER seVenty-two Sold 8S Ihe prOJJ(!rty 01 William C Alex Penn8.): IVlInla buunded and de&erlbed a(.'('ord. hUndredths teet to a point, and~r late ot the Towlllihip ot Thornbury, de- thence north twenty-tour degrees flttY~flve Jug to a BUM (') and plan thereol mode by upu ards shoulc..l the taxlJ1g authOTltIeS'11 ceased Damon and Foster. Civil Engineers UpPer min utes West fllty teet. thence south slxty_ Letten Testamentary on the above estate five degrees three minutes west one hunCondiUon8-$~i)O 00 cash or cerhfied chCl'k Darby l~u dated February 16 In.!3 alld haVIng been granted to the undersIgned dred and nIne snd 5eventy-two hundredths 011 duy 01 sale balallce In ten da)s Further revi81'() O('tober 21. 1026. sUuate on the north all persons Indebted to the said estate are feet westerly ~Jdt: 01 Central a~('JJUC (as laid out 60 to the easterly 81de ot Clifton avenue. lOlldHIOIIS aIiIlOUIIC(.'lI at. sale C LAS S I FIE D requO&ted to make pAyment and those leet wide) at the distance 01 7021 leet south thence south twenty-tour de,rees fiftY-five haVingtoclaims to present the same Without minutes east fifty leet to t.le first men- H J MAKIVER Attorney westwardl,.. IrObl the southWesterly 81de 01 delay Chur(.:h avenUe (as laid out 60 leet Wide) tioned pOint or place of beginning FOR RENT ROBERT SHARPLES COlltaimng In Iront 011 the 8a1d Central Executor. Improvements consist of one and one. Fieri F lelas No 000 avenue FOR RENT-A.ttractlve room wIth board In Or to his attorney Swarthmore, Pa half story stucco bungalow 24x33 teet En_ 25 leet and extending 01 that width private [amlly Convenient to 69th Street / HERBERT L HUTCIDNSON Dccembe-r Term, 10:;2 III length or delllh nortbwestWardly at rJght closed porch lront Concrete block garage. 18x18 t('et and Chester buses 12 mlnute:s to station 1st National Bank Bldg • Dllgles to thc 8aid Celltral aVenue 125 feet to SWarthmore 1631-W , Darby. Pa • AU that certain lot or )lit cc or ground With the southeasterly Side 01 a 12 leet wJ(fe all('y Sold as the property of Thomas S Bow- the buIldln!:s 2nd Impro\ ements thereOn erect the easternmost lille 11388lhl: through the (!ell FOR RENT-Two sunny. warm quiet rooms j __________________ man cd ,situate at Primos in the Township 01 ter 01 n p.lrty \\:aU bet\licen this house and 11 Benjamin West avenue Sw 514-W I SHERIFF'S SALES Condlt10I1S-$250 00 cash or certllled check UpPl'r Darby Delaware County l'enllaylvnnla the house ndJollling 011 the east boundctl and described according to a Sllr\ey of sale. announced balance In atten days Fur- und phm tbereol made by Damon and Fosler Togcth(!r with the right, use, Uberty and RENT-Comtortably turnWted warm room - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1on therday conditions sale 13 week Swa 445-W Civil Engineers Upper Darby Pa dated Feb IJrlVilege 01 !laId 1~ Il'(!t "hie alley III roll) ruary 15 1023 und reVised hctoht-r • 2. 1U26 mall With the m; ners tenants and O(:cuJlierti SHERIFF SALES as 101l0i'Oti a HARMON WEBB. Attorney 01 other groulld abuUlllg thereoll and havIng FOR SALE the right to U80 the same 01 Real Estate Fieri Facias BcKIRJUng at il ,Ioint lormed by the Intel' FOR SALE-Enameled lined refrigerator in No 650 section 01 the northwesterly Side 01 Central JDlIJrUVlmelJlG ('OIIsl8t 01 t"o story stucco At the Sheriffs' Office pertect conditloD Call Swarthmore 18 avenue (as lrud out 60 feet wide) and the hallS{ 10xao leet Porel) Irout One story September Tenn. 1932 stucco addlUon 8x4 leet Court House Media, Pennsylvania AU that certa1n messuage Bnd lot or south\\,cslerl) sid(! 01 Church avenUe (as laid FOR BALE-Dining room set and Morrin out 50 leet wide) thence extending north 30 piece of ground situate In the TownshIp chair cheap other articles or furniture Saturday, February 25.1933 ot Nether PrOVidence In the County ot degrees 1.. Il)lIJUles west alollg' the said north IonSold ns the l)roJ)t)rty 01 Thomas A SlIIgle_ Cooperative Shop. Swarthmore Tuesdays Delaware and State 01 Pennsylvania. be~ WO!1terIy side 01 Church a\enue 12618 leet and ThursdafB. 930 o clOCk A M ginning at a stake In the northwesterly to a 12 leel "Ide alley thence south 50 de COlldlhoIlS_$250 00 l'ash or certifIed ('heck side of WashIngton avenue a corner of grees 52 minutes \'iest along the said 12 leet Eastern Standard Time ou day 01 sale, balaul.'(l ill teu days Further WORK WANTED land ot VI ElWood Yarnall. thence by said Wide alley 1044 leet thenoo south 33 degrees lOIl(hlions anllouneed at 8ale Yarnall's land north thirtY-four degrees. 8 minutes east IJ5 leet patlslllg through th" Fieri Facias center' 01 the party wall betueen this house No 991 t,*,enty-.scven minutes west one hundred WOIUt WANTED--Wldow, EnglIsb. educat and six teet to a POint a corner of other and the house adjOining 011 the west to the H J MAKIVER. Attorney ed and refined wishes POSition as comDecember Term 1932 land ot tbe Grantors. thence by saId other 1J0rth\\eslerJy side of Central avenUe thence panlon~mald or child s nurse 'Phone SWarthmore 744 J land ot the Grantors south thirty-two de- north 56 degT(!es 02 mlDules csst along' the JOHN J CAIN. Sheriff All that certain lot or piece 131 ground grees fifty-siX minutes West Ofty.tbree teet said Ilorthwesterly side 01 Central a\lcnue 2021 with the bUJIdlngs and improvemen t8 to to the Illaoo 01 bCglnnlng leet a poInt another corner of said Grantors thereon erected situate In the Township PERSONAL thence south thirtY-fOur degrees. Qf Haverford County of Delaware an" land twenty-seven east one hundred Togelher with the rlljht use liberty nnd State of PennsYlvania, being known as Lot and six feet tominutes a post In the said north- (lrlVllelre 01 said 12 If'et \Hdc alley in common PERSONAL-Ohalrs recalned New window No 2 Section up" on Plan of McrwOOd shutters and down pillows Moderate Park Development at Stephan SchUter, Westerly side of Washington avenue thence "'Jth the oWliers. tenont8 and occupiers 01 along said side ot said avenue north thlrty- other ground abuttJng thereon and haVing the price 83·J Made to measure dresses Swarthmore made by Over and Tingley, C E. on the two decrees filty-six minutes east flfty- right to use the same 20th d ~y of March. A D 1925 saId plan re three teet to tbe place of beginning corded at Media In the Office lor the .ReImpl'o\ehll'lIts COIiSlst 01 two story stueco cording 01 Deeds 1n and tor the County 01 POSITION WANTED Improvement.s consist of two-story as- house. 16x30 reet Porch frout One story ad Delaware In Plan Case No 3, page 8 and bestos ALE & KENYON AVES. dillon ax-l lcel shingle house. 14x24 feet Porch described as tallows. viz Beginning at a front One-story asbestos shingle addition, POSITION WANTED-To mind children Point on the northeast side ot :r...tnden drive 14x8 feet Swa.183 at the distance one hundred and IonSold as the l)ro'ICrty 01 Thomas A SIIIJrlc even 1nb~ or d0 at h er odd Jobs Jack and and eIghty nine ofone-hundredths (102 two 89) Harry McWilliams Sw 514-W feet southeastwardly from the point at In Sold as the property at John B Burns Free Delivery and AUce G Bums Con,htJolIs_$250 00 cash or ('(lrtitled l'he('k I tersectlon of the of the POSITION WANTED-Refined German girl SSld LInden drIvesold (Itnortheast extended)side and the 011 d I.Y oj sale balance in ten days Further wishes Position for COOking and light southwest side of Cberry Jane (If extended) Condltlons-$250 00 cash or certJOed check (otlllilioliS anllounced at 8ale. RIB ROAST, fancy housework Fond of chlldren Experienced thence extending north sixty-eIght degreea on day ot sale. balance In ten days Furlb. 15c Good Swarthmore reterence Phone Swarth- fifty nine minutes east one hUndred and ther conditions announced at sale H J MAKIVER. AUonley ROUND STEAK, besl cuI lb. 19c more 1001 ten feet to a point on the sold southwest G HARMON WEBB, Atty side of the said Cherry lane. thence exFieri Facias No 017 RUMP STEAK lb. 22c tending south forty-eight degrees fiftyFOR RENT Alias Fieri FaCIas four minutes east along the said southWest DC<.-emoor Term, 1032 No 446 81 de of the said Cherry lane fifty and SIRLOIN STEAK, finesl kind lb. 19c All that ('Crtnln lot or piece 01 ground with ninetY-one one-hundredths (5091) feet to June Term, 1926 Centrally located dwelling; live No Trim the bulldlllgs and imI1rO\(lments thereon ereel / _________________ _ a pOint thence extending south sixty-eight degrees fifty nine minutes weCJt one hunAll that certain lot or piece of grOund ttl situate at Primos. In the TownShip 01 hedroum.; $65 a munth. dred and thlrty·three and eight-tenths with the bldldlngs and Improvements lIpf)( I Darby County or Delaware State 01 (133 8) feet to a point In the saId north- thereon erected described according to a PCIIIJS)Jvanla State 01 PennSylvania. on the east side or the said Linden drive. thence SUrvey and plan thereof made December Ilorth"esterly Side 01 Central avenue (as laid CLOVERBLOOM or BROOKFIELD E. C. WALTON extending north twenty-one degrees one 9th, 1926 and revised December 13th 1926 Ollt 60 leet "ide) at the distance 01 12021 minute west along the said northeast 81de by Damon & Foster, Civil Engineers. BUTTER lb. 20c lett Southwest\\ardly Irom the southwesterly of the said Linden drive fortY-five feet to Situate on the south 81de 01 Berkeley road SWARTH~IORE APARTMENTS thebeginning first above-mentioned point and place at the distance ot lao 01 feet WestWard lrom ot Soutb Chester Road the westerly BIde of Church lane In Upper Darby Township, Delaware county. PennAs agent I have for rent at greatly reconsist of two and one~ Improvements SMOKED SKINNED HAM lb. IOc Containing tn tront or breadtb on duced prices several up-to-date apartments haIr st-Ory stucco house. 21x27 r~et Enclosed sylvania the said Berkeley road 16 teet and extend_ HOUSES Whole or Shank Half side porch One-story stucco addtt.t)n. 6x12 Ing of that width In length or depth south_ 10 rooD1S-$65, 7 roOIn.S--$45, 6 roobls-$35 teet Stucco garage. 9x18 teet Ward between parallel line at right angles Possession at once SUCE cenler cut lb. 18c to the saId Berkeley road 80 teet to the Sold as the property ot William Paul middle of a certaIn 16 feet drIveway exWM. S. B1TrLE Bricker FANCY STEWING CHICKEN, Swa. 111-J tending WestWard Into Oak avenue and Today (Friday) and Saturday Notary PUblic Real Estate eastward commumcatlng with a certain 10 Condltl0bS---$250 00 cash or certified check wide driveway extending northwardly family size each 59c on day of sale. balance In ten days-Fur_ feet into Berkelcy road and southwardly Into ther conditions announced at sale Clover lane FRESH EGGS, in eartons doz. 22c LUTZ, et aJ Attorneys Improvemen ts COnsist of two-story brick VOGTS COUNTRY STYLE RENT and stucco house 16x30 teet Porch front 2nd fioor apartment 4 rooms and Basement garage bath HardWood floors Hot water SCRAPPLE 3 lb. 25c in Fieri FacIas heat Janitor 8ervlc'" $45 per month Sold as the property ot Philip Rhine No 992 PURE PORK SAUSAGE lb. 22c Detached stucco houS"e 6 rooms "THE CONQUERORS" December Term 1932 Conditl on8---$2SO 00 cash or certified check Rnd bath Front and side porch on day of sale, balance In ten days furROLL WAX PAPER, reg. 8c each 5c Large lot Ideal location $60 per All that certain lot or piece at grOUnd ther conditions announced a!. sale with month with the messuage or tenement thereon erected 8ltuate In the Township ot Haver_ H J MAKIVER Attornely RICIIARD D1X Detached house lurnished 6 rooms lord Delaware County Pennsylvania, being and bath 1 car garage GoOd locaknown as Lot No 17 Section "G ' on plan Fieri FaCias tion $75 per month of Merwood. development of Stephen No 904 Schiiter made by OVer and Tingley Es. Monday and Tuesday FI~t floor apartment-6 rooms and DeCember Term 1932 quires C E, said plan recorded at Media bath First class In eVery respect In the Office for recordIng of deeds In and Large rooms hardWOOd floors etc All that certain lot or piece ot ground tor the County of Delaware atoresald In Garage Plan Case No :I proge 10. as follows viz with the bUildings and Improvements Beginning at a point on the southwest side thereon erected situate In the Borough of of Poplar road at the distance ot ten feet GlenOlden. County 01 Delaware and State and one one·hundredths of a toot north- of PennsYlvania. and being known and To Renovize. BrIghten up your westwardly from a point ot tangent which numbered as Lot No 137 In SectIon I. on CHAS. A. SMITH POint of tangent 15 on the southwest side a certain plan 01 lots called. Llanwellyn" home, make it SUIt your diSpoof POPlar road at the distance of two hun~ surveyed by EDon M Harris. Jr which plan 'Phone SWarlhmore 705 dred and sixty-two teet and twenty.seven is duly recorded. at Media In the Office for with GJ:try Cooper., Charles RugsitIOns_ Or better yet, make It one-hundredths of a foot northwestwardly the ReCOrdIng of Deeds, etc tn and for the County of Delaware atoresald In Deed gles, Wynne Gibson, Jack Oakie, homey and comfortahle to Itrom the middle ot Eagledegrees road. thence extending soutb Hne Slxty~two thirty Book B No 6, page 604 etc and Dlore parCharles Laughton, Frances Ace mInutes west ninetY-nine feet and seventy_ tiCUlarly described as tollows to wIt brIghten dispositions. OVe one-hundredths ot a toot to a point Situate on the northwesterly side of Llanthence extending north twenty seven de' weUm avenue at the distance of 31089 Elec. Washer and Cleaner grees thirty minutes west torty-tour feet feet southwesterly fh."'m the SQuthwest side Thursday Only and twenty-ntne one-hundredths of a loot at Ashland avenue ContalnlJ;lg in front or and Motor Repairs to a pOInt, thenCe extending north slxty~ breadth on the saId Llanwellyn avenue 50 Return Engagemen. t YOur wringer completely renewed WM. KIMMELL & SON two feet degrees thlrt. mInutes e ..t nlnety_ and extendIng of that wIdth In Pointers and Paperhangers -all modeIs-$6 50 OVersized sort two and forty-nine one-hundredths 01 feet length or depth northwesterly between rolls that will not break buttons Mitzi Green wIth new hear1roI;ts and cogs poIntPoplar on the saId thence southwest parallel lines 150plan feet to the rear end of Lot lobbing Builders sa'dfoot e of to thea said road, ex- No 150 on said All repairs done at big savings by expert "LITTLE ORPHAN tendIng SOUthe"",wardly 414 Haverford Place southwest sIde of the said along POPlar the roadsaId on Improvements consist 01 two.story stucco RUbber cords belts dust prool an arc or a cIrcle haVIng a radIus of two house 18x30 feet Porch front Two-story SWARTHAlORE ANNIE" cleaner bags Door brushes are high quality at Wholesale Pl'ices hundrell feet (chord bearing to the right) lrame addition 9xJ2 feet One·story ,l I I 'I BACHMANS QUALITY MARKET r - as HAM, Ann Harding I "IF I HAD A MILLION" DON'T GO TO RENO ;================::;~ ELECTRIC 11O~1E SERVICE 350 Vassar Avenue Pbone Sw. 1797 stUCCoI;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===~=====~====d 111~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iilllard:d:':t:,o:n::9:X:':2::fe:e:t::::::::::::::::::~ UPHOLSTERING PLA YHOUSE 69th Above Chestnut FURNITURE RESTORING ELECTRICAL Itadio Tubes REPAIRING Your Tested ill Home WALTER E. POWELL 235 Dickinson Ave. SWARTHMORE 687.R Feel J 'Custom Made• Furniture Harley In terior Decorating In All lIs Branches Swarth. 1441 EE.B lit) 1933 FEBRUARY 3, '1933 I "THIS l1:.~~ LOVE" FeaturIng Virginia Curley Popular New York Star Evenin... at 8.30--50c, 75., $1 Ma •• Wed. and Sat.-2.30 35e and SOc, inelQdin&, tax Free ParkinI' BoUlevard 1087 (Now PlaTin"-"SPOoKS") Would You Pay the SmaU Balance Due on a Fine NATIONALLY KNOWN BABY GRAND PIANO IN YOUR LOCALITY? ,[he Credit Manager 0/ a large piano firm ..ill .ell .hi. e~ntinue In.frumen. lor the sruaU balance due on lea.e ra.her .han bring it baek to .heir _reroo..... IWJ. .... all paY"'''n'" Thi. piano i. almo.. brand new and oDer.. ~cep.ionQl ",,'ue lor someone. Prompt QrliDn f!UeRliQ' • • • bt"" be moPed .,lain 10 day•• Write A. D. Mad, D~pt. or Aoeounts--- _"'y F. A. NORTH CO., 1306 Chestnut St,. Philadelphia ON PREPARING THE SCHOOL BUDGET e SWARTHMOREAN FOR 33.34 • Editorial Comment SWARTHMORE, PA., FEBRUARY 10, 1933 $2.50 PER YEAR At the School Board meeting last mght a letter was read suggestmg that the proposeOSmg. that the co.mpari-I the orlgmal bdl at the public hea;mg in her mterupted by a 'Y,lth each appearance .Frederlck W. there exists an inharmoDJOUS attitude be- no chang.e m sou IS larr. In uack. I I Harnsl:iurg . (Call Ifoifi"ner tJ Kill, Amma WlIltC, L.LoCUrmg, as .::sam h.lcumrus, Sr., showed tween the present !ichool board and the that most of us would be satIsfied with, The Home and School audience hstened ed by Mrs Lawrence ;:;tabler Both 10- some of the constraint due to Jack of taxpayers on the subject of school taxes for 1933-34. We believe that this is an the serVIces that we got III 1926 for the to three speakers desCribe the proposed dulged m many laughter-pro,okmg qUIps playmg expenence but sent enough peryear, 1933, and If th,s be case, next legIslatIOn and Its affect upon SwarthThe second part o[ the program was sonallty and charm Over the footlight to erronous pre-supposittolL year s taxes should certaInly be no 1 more, Delaware County, and the statejl presented by members of the Woman'sj please hiS audience. Swarthmore has never had a board as a whole. Chorus done as Valentine numbers The D. Malcolm Hodge, WIth h,s usual ease made up of more SlOcere members than greater than In 1926 So far no conslderallon has been F B member o[ the stage was arrange-S2;)O 00 cash or c('rtHl(d C'i1(>ck Oil elu\ or '>01(' hallllc(' In ten dn,s Fur. tllu conditions anuOUlictd at ~uh J (HI SCHOOL BUDGET e SWARTHMOREAN MAKI\ ER Att.orJlC) FOR 33.34 • I r \ II , I ,,, " 1111 , [I h II II Ed.torwl Comment .1 tI , I r • ~\ II 11 r t \1 I SWARTHMORE. PA., FEBRUARY 10. 1933 HJ t I l I, \t Ihe School Board IIlCttlllg last mght I letter \\.IS read suggc::.tlll,g' thai the pro post(1 budget of Ihe School Board for ICJB 3-4 be Ilrlnh.d 1117 he ).U'tIIlhmonall I~iore the llOUle alld School lIleetlllg III \llrch !'i0 th.lt tlJU.:.c \\110 attend the meet 111,... 1111) IllH somctillng ddlillte upon \\ hllh to b I~t their remarks tI 1.! ! VOL. V-NO.6 III Jl(1ml[):.l' '1\1~"rn \1 II • '1 , Swarthmore Taxpayers Study School District and County Rates MORE LIGHT ON I TAX PROBLEMS HOW TAXES VARIED FOR 1925.1932 L .- ---- I~/-~ ---- I CLASSIFIED "\!l\J-U lOR REN r I f . " f- 0, I :z (' Hf HilI Hl I HlJ rCHI~SO:-'; I , B D ., I, •I I (JOIl Of R j E t t(; tl t B lUlU CHI l \t :\Iedl Ofhet Pu ~\ I I I I lJJ ~ [lJ(J \\ ORK \\ \;-.; I ED f (/ d TJrJl~ I, f \ II I I( JJ~ , l \r~ "I I " ----- BACHMANS I'OSIIIO;-'; \\ \:-.; QUALITY MARKET i ALE & KENYON AVES. reD cilll{jr Swa.183 Free Delivery f J n Durns RIB ROAST. fancy lb ROUND STEAK, best ellt lb RUMP STEAK lb SIRLOIN STEAK. fmest kmd lb lit! (j dle k , FIr II ho,.(> Sn GO TO RENO .- '("1,," . A. NORTH CO., 1306 (he,lulIl SI,. l'hil,III,'Illhia , J i ,, ..::. ,/'~ ---- .. r--- __ ~ - J , f-',j ':-:J PROPOSED SCHOOL HOLIDAY PARTY CODE DISCUSSED AT WOMAN'S CLUB ------- I I mu Sir I j illl llrll 111'11111 1i01l1 ~I 11\111 hO \ , Ir hI nUl DON~T :l'ullrl" 111,1 J II, .... n l!Jj2 ( ,,\~, \. ~\Jl11I IIlhlll Ur, I lUI II IIIU :lJX r Phun! s" SLICE HAM. center cut lb. lBc FANCY STEWING CHICKEN, family SIZe each 59c I FRESH EGGS, m cartons doz 22c IVOGTS COUNTRY STYLE SCRAPPLE 3 lb 250 PURE PORK SAUSAGE lb 22c I ROLL WAX PAPER, reg Be each 5c I ~ L-- 1 I t.;HI Rlf F S \LE::; ,\ EBB " • -,- SHERIFF'S SALES III • I I ill llIHul ' hI.' llllltl tI \ t1llltll1t' 1 T( hc ot the Ld :\Ir.:. I IIlI! 111\ g IIllttt IlIUlIIl.'lIhl1n as (U11lICII and 111 thc columns of 7 It, Iaklllg 1926 as I 10rlllal )\'ar the .:.ut.:lltlOll 011 Iu\',:,ul\ I11ght to helt diS "'\\ II Ilull ,r<: \\ 1 II (lull \\ is held the pIn I'rO""rt::.sl.:d )uallhlllorurI/ OH'r sC\eral \\t'\'ks IlX follo\\l1lg table gl\<:S the percentagt: of II l\eTS \\crc 1II1ormed It all t1lJu.~~ of J11,;t Illcrt'asc iii t IXC!) III 1912 O\er 1926 IIl.'g CI1 ~ed th!.: proposed changes 111 the tlrcs luesdl\ It tht' (ulll III "llh "talldlll~ \\IIJIIIH 1 Baku I.:. Bill> \rk\\ne ht \\hat counc]1 propused to do and till.., con li<:ctlH!{ the per c tplta tax :\I r 1\.01 mel 1 U]ll' ot I lorcllce J IIlh 1111.-; sUitor.:. g I\'e t'llt !'itat~ :;ehool cmit.: 1 he Inll cOlltam r III It I IJrtlll lin d1llOn g 1\ c thelll til opportullIt) to ex 1926 1932 mg the new cud!.: \\ I!) llltroduecd .tt the I lion \\ IS dUll 11.; Idl.'r md (hrector Of (lIbt urdlll.., 1lIlt:I]JrClatlOll of a !)ubtlc J n ~s thelllseh es CIther for additional cco Mil's Mills I \Iom.la\ lIIg-ht sessIOn ot the Leglslatufe tht IlroM"llll aliI Ir I\. Cbe.: ter Spllnr rJk c 1'e.:(IIII\ s III the lIgllt oi lts Lelllg II 111I1t'S or III IPIlrO\al of "I at had al Counh .f 1 67." III:... Jlrst Ilpelrlllcc StlllOld \\ Parker I ncrease I IIld a Signed to the COlllnuttce UII Educa \\ Is III chlr,..,e 01 the IlIn"IC 6:'(10 t 1011 f l uh 01.'CII dl.'cJ{lcd I he taxp I) cr \\as 1II Borou rh 10 I II :I 1hl lrol]c st]rh I \\]tll l ... ket(h (IIled plt)etO I is d\\I)s II It (hd lICk to b% I Un lilt.' d I) 1 lIIeetlJ1g 01 tI1IS comUlIt , he ::.chool bo trd method IS e lSlcr for I cblOo 16 Jt f.- I tet: \\a.:. Ju:ld lIlU ]t \\as deCIded not to :\It !'i :\hl{ln~d Slllll.'rs md :.\lrs h dllh (ur IIlllld 1 hit ul th<: d1.olllt) uJ the helU the directors hut not IIUJte as achantagc I I rar) report the Inl1 back to the floor ot the Ila\es hoth 01 \\ I III rccel\ed lIIuch III II tile Jluu~<: 01 the 1 mhlllI s ut h.ell tHIs tor the ta~qla\crs stllee the) arc plitt e Jlus \\as I 1Jchedulul ior I eb 21 tlet"cen "r!'i h( Illld (. I lll11l1ll Dr lin It]C .:.dl 1:11 lUll", IUk < I tht: ulder ~lstcr "hom IIld the slhool hoard IS Ilertmltcd to make! t IX hIS IIlcr<: l';~ d 22'1 ( 111 tillS p..:nod 110\\ and the puhlic.. he trlllb" date C(l tam lhllf111lll oi thl.' (lull tlklll~ the 11rt I IIIlnll",1.: hb pa sed IJ) lrmk 1\ Smtth 1ht;lr till tI dlClSIOll \\Ithout glvmg them InasllIllch IS there h b iJt'en pracllC tlh ulIl.:llehm lit to the bHl \\ III be \\ orked out ()n\x jOhll!'illlg \ hI \\ 1 ]11Il..,]1l Ollt th<: 1 till: lun 1<:1111],.., gt:lJelal \\ b pia)lIlg 111 oPflortulllh tur rebuttal ) no chdngt! III assesstll( 111 the comp ITI III cOlllmJttt'e for J,reSentatlOn along \\ Ith \\ 1 h 01 the 1 uml I ] \\ 110 Il she \\ rked I t I IIIC Ilr.:.l tUlle IIIU g lined a':'SUfilllCe ,,111ll11\ 1(( 1lIJ1llllcd lid 1 lIlor\' llltlllil Inl fUI the part 11 III (l.'Ullr.-; pre UIJIIUSlJg tl It st II b . 0 , III tllllil I,.., l;i...: 'l:IIo...\1.: the ongmll bill at the.: publ]c hI.' Irlll~ III I Its 01 hnlllof(u hu \\ Irk \\ hit I \\ I lIlterllptul I" I \\ lilt t; ILh l}Jjll Ir 11](<: I rnlcnck \V there eXists III IIlharmoll1ous attitude bt' that most of liS \\Old" be s ItlSfit;d \\llh J J Irn~lltIrg l III Irutn on I I III t \\ I Itt III 1\\l.'el1 the Jlrt.S<:llt SdlO01 board mel thellhc S<:f\lce~ thlt \\l got III 11)'6 lor th\' ... 111111:-, I .:'lUll \1<: HUlls r ~ilO\\t:d 1 hI.' Ilome llld Schoul atuhencc h.:.telll.:d e.:c! h, \1 r~ I m rente ~t Ihlu Both 1II tlXp1\crs (II the subjed of school taxes )ctr l~JJ lIId II tillS be th<: t.:lse lI<:xt tu titrt'e SP( tker.:. descnbe the llro))osed lIe oJ the u)IJ~tr IlIJl due to bck ot 11ulg(d III JlIl11\ llughhr pro\o(..;ltl.., qUIps lor I~H It \\c bcllc\c thlt thiS IS 1Il )elrS tax\'s !'ihoulcl clftllllh hl: 110 it.glslltlon lilt! It:, Iftt;ct 1111011 5\\ Irtlr I 1) 1Il~ eXl'tn<:IJt.:1.: hut :'l.'l1t elluUtih per J he !'illOnd II III )1 tht: pr ',..,1 1111 "l!'i 1liOllIJ11 pre sUPPOSitIOn 1 gre Iter th III III 192(. Jilll]t\ 111£1 c1111111 U\cr th<: luutl]ght to mor<: IAln\ tre Count), IIId the St It<: Ire <:ntul In !llunhtr 01 thl..' \\ olllan ~ Ilk be Jlls tUdl<:I1l:C S"arthnlOrc has nC\tr had il. board So Ilr 110 (ollsHlcrthOl] h h htlll .1.:. 1 \\ bole Ul( ru tI Jlle Is \ dultllle llulUhers 1 he mldc UJI 01 more SllIcere memher.:. thar. t Ikcn ot tl1<: IIIt.:reased purch ISIll!-:: I} :\1 tlCll1ll III d.."e \\ Ith hIS 11.:.11 11 <:a.:.f.; J Il , Sm dcr lII\'mbl.'r ot the ll,..,e \\ I'" 11 r mgt: 1 \\ lIlt ] huge \ I!cHtme tht: Ilrtscnt Ollt' :\Iorco\cr the prc!)('ut pOll <:r ot Ih<: U( 1I1r I lIll.' G III the gr tph IIltl I sin lIIe<: g 1\<: ~ \\'r) good Imper Ir IIU<: III thl ((liter 1111 (lch Iltlll1her lUl<:f !Jtli \ Sdw I Bu ml llruUoht the huard l1lt'mbers arc full) aware of "hat IS from L S ])1.'1) lrtmcnt oJ I ahor Ilg II It I( n ot thc bl It tllt ~<:I t Illade bUslIlC:;s ~to d III tht: t rame "lIh e]ghteen member tIl: del nS~lOn his donc to the a\c ..age lire:. I he hgllre for 1~12 Is t Ikcli tS III IIC\\ l:ode tbrectl) tu tht.: door.:. 01 the J thl.' dl rib r llJlt:c1 as 1 I Ick",r Ilmd 111 til J 1111<::; ! It In 1(11\ IS the l'<:rSI.-;tellt Jll.:uple 01 S\\ trthmure \\hen he pOllltcU S\\ trthmorc t lXpa)Cr and thc} expect to l\erage of the first tell months of 1~32 I h<: cll )"Ih \\ I dre~:,l(1 III red mel III Q)rl::'slb!c "U]tur !Jruu",ht \\ Irmtlt and Itt tccordlllgl) III maklllg till next) ear s \\ Ilich \\ el <: tllc ollh IIgUrl.'s 1 h IPi'lli t lit tlr It ullder Ihl.! 1 rUJlo II to merge the \\ IUle b I ehtt<: I 1 \ tltlltlllt: Il1lmbl..'r and :' lIIce nt) IIHI t tUlIlh 01 hu) Ishue.:..:. th It Ipprollnatlons I to h nc l\ ullhlc Illls sho\\s th It l ur .:.lI1allt.:r eXbllllg .:.dlOol <..h::.tncts In t 0 111 Slll~ lIIei lctt'd their plrt::. III 1 \\<:11 HHiI<:llccs hk<: \\!l1i lin \\ lid Jnl as J ill\ t.:ttl (lid I guod Jub \ httle more II t (hffcrenC(~ 01 OIIUlIOU cXbts bt' 1932 dolIlr \\ l~ \\ortll about :;;1:1) Is Ill~l:r dbt] Ilt S" trthmore \\4.lUld hkcl) ell Illed llllllllcr \ Oli..:e \\ tmld II 1\ e hd, ed .Ad I 1) lull t\H<:Jt tht' t IXlla\Crs and the hoard tnCIIl compared to t ur FP() dol1lr Ind Il tl be l.'omblill.!d \\ Ith SprUlgllcld 10\\ n.:.lull I hI.' III t \ iclltlllC "Is I ( 1Il\ J In Ilfs It Ina) he slIl11llH'd up as follo\\s urtll\ thc.:.1.' 11)32 dollirs should h I\e lIId Chitun JlI.'I.."hb He lurther po lilted hillel 11\ \lIs Id\\1II (\ 1\ til<: chorus el JIll) l:d Ulltc 01 tht: :.111 til (llrb Hr) IC ~lj t Ilih 111 th tt ~1IJl<: the \( tlll~ POPUilholl 01 Ihe il\erlge tIXJII)Cr.-; mCOIlle has IHirch Ised lor lis IPllrOXllUatch 50 t ( lJIglllg I lIttaclJJI SOIlR I he "'('COIH] lIlkn J SprmgtJdd lIld s\\ Irthmore docs not h!.:l'll reduccd !'iO much that he contlllually more ]11 thl \\ 1\ 01 sen ICl's supI'II\'s \ Clu1l Olhnr \\ IS 1 Ilk<: III Oil tilt \ II llllg IJ Irt e 11111 \otmg population 01 Chfton (Irrle.., a dllp 011 his shoulder \\hen laxes ttc II hUSIIlt;ss l)Jcks up as \\e III h\' lIe\\ ho\\ \ 11 C lrtl Jl( l1n I thl: dull \ \\t nJ 01 IIr lise 1.:. III unIcr for the Ire dls(lh ed Jle \\111 IlO longer talk hl:\e It \\Ill 11rohihh the purch l~lIlg I fl:l,..,hb and ::.llIce It IS prop0:'lt;d th It thl.' 111£1 the IIlJ \\orcis to that !.'flect director.:. 01 the 111.'\\ (h.:.tTlcls Ire to lJc \alues md knl)\\~ on I) Olle theme-reduce I (' I I J ~ '11,,,) t l tl! .-;1)( \\ 11 III thl: ~cttlll",,~ and decor t :\hs i III \\11 \\ ... the I Jllll.' 01 t IXlS to the \er) Imllt elected It Ilr~\' CiIIlOIl lIel~hb \\ould 11 lis til 01 "'Udl Hided mud I to the / I II prohabh (oilirol .:.chool matt\'rs Ilk school (hrcctors on the other h mel \\ ht II.: 111 1 hlctlOll 1 he enthll:"llaSIll ot IJr J IllIl::. lIerlJt'rt Kel 1t.') eXl.'cutl\e III (I thcll1 t Ixpa\ers thell1~I.'''e:. and JUNIOR CLUB TO Ihe t: I1Illl Illd \\ )Illlil \\ Iru tbe tht.:lr SlJart; (llRllS INS111l11~ ~l.:erctar) 01 the Stlte1: dUt.'al1on .A :'lUCia IIltcr('stetl 111 clIttm", the rate Is 10\\ as tll1lt.: III Ilrudut:tIO]b ut t11l~ kllld ha:. MEET ON TUESDAY ~IlJSf( I \NS A1 tlUll ""a\e Ollll.: uithtlUII1J lact::. tbout pO..,..,lhlc for selfish rc IsOIl~-sec anothcr t!\\ 1\:. lin ll:<:d Us \,'-;JI\,cIIII) "1J1CC \\e tht: 1,,11 lrom till.' St 111.' lIlgle I I\l! 11\,ljll<:ntl) :'l.'el1 mure \enc lit them COLLEGE VI:SPLUs lilt to the question ]he\ arc III II1tl (he JUIlIor !'iCctiOIl (f the \\omall:. I he le\\ cude embodIes 1 ne\\ prill tJ11II III lhe tilld (lruft:S!)101l II peltofm lIltl contact "]th the Il ro pt'rl\ f(r \\llIch lltt" \\tli 111\l Its r{gullr llll<:tlng 11 1II{t' 1ft. upk ul (listnhut]oll 01 :'It ltc lllllds • sud I. \ gr II IIt(\ Ire respunslhle the) an.: contllluall\ Illl (luI. j( IIsl 011 ll1eS(II\ l:\llllllg :\11 h.l'III.', \\ htrt.: thl.: Edll1ond~ \ct III g !11- Iltlgr un 11 tht 1\\ ar<: 01 ]t!'i \ tll1l' t) Iho!'ie "ho helle lit h. iJ, ed this dlstnhut U I 011 I ::.e:'Sl'J \ alII t J 'ht' l.rogrIIll \\tll hl gl\t.1I h, th<: Ju I tilt!..!! ll\]C HI '-'lllHII\ NE:\1 lSIOU\ llOUIt I-the dllldn II-Ill I t41 thl CI m1ll111111) tl lis Jr rtal pr llll.'rt\ till' lle" code 511 J l \ ( ll1g I t l hI. glHlI 1)\ tht It Ilrgt: JI]tlr llllh II Chl..,tl .. \1I111t:mhlrs Ire Hlit'" \\111 hI.' hI I.'iIII tt'lchcr U1l1b Jhc ON I'EBlWAlt\ QUI1 t( 1 I I " "III II \ I hlllst lurtherllIon thC\ sec tht tax late III urg\,d to ttttlld S I \lr} l:lJtt]tllll1l1g t<:l<.:h<:r 111111 I ulle ttldll.'r Iml tiurt) pu I II \1 ng III t 1<1 (I rllil I1HI \ ladltlllr 1t]lIb 4 I IctlllllHlrt: IIhlllg pO\\t'r ., ... ... ., flil IltX! St f\ lllUI \\tli Ill:! gl\l.'ll 11 le\ I r Igi llIl b I..,Sllrt..d 1111_ III .11" gr LI.. "dl( ob III I Ollt' kacher t till uhant Ig( I r t I13t IIl1prO\l.'llll.'lIt ...., ... S II 'II I u 1\]1 IIlI t I tilt Curtis l:llrull\ 23 It:; OCllci In the \\om \nH Ilg tht 111l110rs \\ho ]sslsttd \\Ith L.ltl[,\llll, I" .. 1.,11.1, III Ille Illgll s"houl, III Iltlifl )1 \111 It III L lui hOll l \ pill I) l eel III the "hldl t.'111 he Cllt Ollt hut "hlch III tht' tltt Sl:f\Ulg It thl: 1lI1luai \ IIo...lltllll IiI!.: l1e" (Ide ll1il(..;l.'~ 11) prtJ\15101l tor lilt Illl ()ulrttt t nit (I JII\ I\o...rt.,..:-e tlxJlI\er 1)111 1~ the cqul\o!cnt Iro']c 11 the \\umalls Clull 11I1 Iut's lIlh I.:xtra ulrrlcular \\urk as 1Il1llUti \I]II( d~ t I \II I: II t III I 1 t.l:tht \t'll I S I 'i ~ or ~ ., IllUstt ht;dth and so 011 ~I Illst 11 IIHI \I n It III HI \ I 11tl.:. \ Ir "Ill he gl\<:1l ,°10 dl\ \ \ I n :\Ir.., I Illih P'lll :\Irs IIIIIHII.I gUll I \I IJ \\ ~k1 \] III lid \ I{ It r ( )tt 11l1ll1o:h Itch t h l \ ask thmheh 1.''; I h IllI I (JIm Il :\1 r IlclllI I lttOlllllS J he Jll.!\\ code III elftd \\ 111 III t\\ 0 I hl JIl IIlH 1110 Jl S" lrlhlllllr\' III It I, \ 1 I Ill.'( II du 1111.., Stu \I ~ I II( ]] 1111]11 1\ I X J Hll.:s \\ uldll t the 1 cople ot S"artlllllori.' \Ir!'i I)t lotln ()grlllJ :\Its (1Iafi)s \ltr lillIe l\e 2 lIUlllUll dollar.:. tor rathlr torgn!;':l s)lent (III luxunls dUrlnR 111\( :\II~ llorelll:l :\Ioll )'Jrs \Illlilhl: Stitt It Is illl! Ihc (~o\crnnr:"l • he pr Igi 1111 HI Sunrla, I I.'brna] \ 1<) ~ell() and I hZlheth GI dl) \ I hll \\111 ICJH l.t 111111 to mls~ thl I(hmtagts 01 Shlrpl, .. :\lIs II\'dgq)ltll :\lls~ :\In I I TJ \\ II 11.' ,..,1\ 4. II h\ I\.lIlh Potter \shtt 11 III 11"<: P In III the lH Igf llU J ht.: p trt oj tll]s (it:partIllCl1t? Ihe\ Ire so \\raplll'ti riel :\111111 and :\I]~s :\111clnd Sltl1plrs Ull t 1111 (1(1 I,...l \\ IrrUl B Intoll( , <:tlhml.:l1 \\111 hl plt\ld h\ J)ontld 1111 111 tht' pn ,.,nss (If the SdlOOls and the I mgl \I Z II t h\ I lUI l I 1lI1 III IIld cilll,lrcn that It b II lnl to an \\cr thl" H & S. SPEAKER III~ \ I ling ~I ler In Polh Uoot \uls \NJ) (H \F1~ lilt tit 11 lllglll\th BURGESS ADVISf~S "LOCK \Ild after all ,,11 uld It ht III \Hfld (OMMI1 TEf. I Nl \IHa~n HOMES IN EVENINGS" Illgatl\ cl\ ? I ..IX :\1 ..•.. ling I c h 1 () t IlJllItlltl1lg II thl.: 1lI1mhl'r Inllt lxll 1m I I III P ( I t;d t h Ui,...l III tht' III ,I ht 1lIt.: I '" I . . . " 1111 III It IllTOpnatlOm; free or house bnrglanes this Har and IUl!'idn till, \\111 pll\ Shlroll 1"11 11 III III Irtllt tllChll(nUllt\ I r S\\ ilrtlnHore he reduced or mamIIllH.'(1 extra pnc lutlOtls arc hell1~ takcn h) thl: "har HI 11t1l ( \llllllltllt 1l1lCIlr the dlrll:t]on 01 :\[r.-; thl proportion ot change lit the tax rate local pohce to safeguard the propert) 01 1, .. 1 Indl\ tht\ Ithl t (lkl1 X r \\111 nlllalll the !'iamc I thc reSidents 111m :\1 () htp tn the Meeting House. Howard E, == ff' 1 d I H ;: of the messages they contain. But it a member of the Graduate Council of Kershner, of Mountclalr Meet- 5 0 er In car va ue an car uxury. ave us give you a ing, will attend meeting. is right for me to inform the con- the college. WEDNESDAY demonstration and show just how little it costs to own ference of the very striking cvidence I 1• which these communications give of STATED MEETING OF 9,30 to 2,30 F House. ....-Sowtng and Qullt- §j and operate a new Chevrolet without any obligation at == lugA.1nM.Whittier Box. luncheou. the universal desire of the people of CLUB NEXT TUESDAY the world that our work shall succeed; _"_ro__C_o_r_d_t'_I_'Y__ __d_._to ___ JO_t_D__t_D_t_h_CS_O' §3 all to purchase one. : by calling attention to some of them." 1 The \Voman's Club will have theil' Mrs. William I. Hull, who, with Dr. monthly stated meeting at the club Hull, attended the presentation of house on Tuesday, when Mrs. Jesse TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Episcopal Herman Holmes, chairman of the LitChester Road and College Avenue erature section wiII have charge of the Opposite the COllege Campus 401 596 program. "Epidemics of Epics" will be Reetor discussed by Dr. Townsend Scudder, ALL LINES OF INSURANCE Rev, J. Jarden Guenther, S. T. M. Assistant Professor of English at INCLUDING LIFE SUNDAY SW2rthmore College. Tea will be serva. tn,-Holy Communion. ed. Mrs. John Byers Roxby and Mrs. 6:00 OL.'1 BANK BUILDING B:45 a. m,-Sunday School. SW. 1833 Arthur ]. Jones will be hostesses. 10 ;00 a. m,-Bible Class. 11:00 a. m -Mornlns Prayer and Sermon. Mr. Guenther will preach. When you want it, ond the kind you want. SWARTHMORE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH LLOYD P, STEVENS. MINISTER SUNDAY, FEBRUARY ELEVENTH Any size" any place, in Phila. & Suburbs. 7 ;4S-Worshlp and Sermon "WASHING IN JORDAN" 11 :OO-Worshlp and Sermon "RELIGIOUS BlTCH.lIIKERB" Super-cleaned with 8uper service. Advance Notice! MORTON CAMP 634 p. O. S. of A. will present a Bag to the Care/ul, q"icke!lt 0/ service, and the super hard coal church Sunday evening, F~bruary 19th. FA~fOUS READING ANTHRACITE ANNA SCHALLES •• J. Correspondence -================::; M. F. Williams FUNERAL HOME ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ JI.fJIIMIEB:URIER{ ~~lilt ••• Wmlll I. Specialists in the making and fitting of Eyeglasses and Spectacles. ~~-~=-: = = = ';e_~_~_~~ A" ! D~:~~e~u~ L PETER E. TOLD M OT 0 ~~. ! ~1I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~ COAL COAL COAL ------------------------~--~--:--:--=---=---=---=:-:=-==-=~~-:cc---I SWARTHMORE \\\\\\\~ 'Cake no chant:.e6 with fir~ or thieves! 0/ home witlwut a TELEPHONE - - LESS THAN A DIME A DAY You can have a telephone in your hon.e for less than 10 cents a day! For the Monthly Rates call or inqllire at the BUSINESS OFFICE or ask any Bell employee THE BEll TELEPHONE COMPANY or PENNSYLVANIA Buckwhcat. -;:-;~:::n WAIlNIN6\ to Rome O,,,,u!rs THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Pea Egg SUNDAY 10:00-Bible School. 11:00-MORNING WORSHIP. I 1 WEDNESDAY 8 :OO--Mldweek Service. PlRaT CHURCH OF CHRIsT, SCIENTIST, OF SWARTlIMORE Park AVf'nue Below Harvard ServIces: 11:00 A. M.---Eunday School. 11:00 A. M.~unday Lesson.Sermon_ Wednesday evenlns meeting each week. 11 p. m. Reading room open dally. except Rundays and holidays. 1 to 4 In the afternoon, Church edlflce. All are cordially invited to attend Ule serv'ces and use the Reading Room. Nut Stove Cash Prices plus Penna. Stale Tax 1% M Hefli ason COAL ADDRESS BY: PQOF. BOYCE OF PERSIA 4:45-·0RGAN WORSHIP. 5:00-VESPERS-Clostng 5:45. PASTOR'S ADDRESS: "ABRAHAM LINCOLN" Junior Choir sings 7:00-YOUNG PEOPLE. $9.75 $11.50 . . $7.50 ! ! n co. . . . . ..-..--..-.~-..-.....-.~~..-.....-.__,~_~_~'1 Perhaps you read in the papers this week of a robbery from a home safe of several thousand dollars worth of negotiable securities. Are Your Valuables in a Safe Deposit Box? L I SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY ~~ . . . . . _0_- _f .... _-.. .____ _~-..-. 10, 1933 THE SWARTHMOREAN 1111' UW !!'M 1m UJ!'l1!"nl'flW!lIljW 'riO blO iii >fl" ulffiifuiNIt; lilij in i& FORTNIGHTLY AT the next day that the house was occupied MRS. YERKES' HOME by Joe Valentine and that one of his chil- made by OVer and TingLey, C. E.• on the I by Damon & Foster, Civil Engineers. n"enue (aB laid out 00 feel. wide) and the 20th day of March. A. D. 1925, said plan re- Situate on tbe 60uth side of Br.rkeley road 801Uhw(I8ll'rly sIde of Church avenue (as laid dren, a four year old son named Burton, corded at Media In the OWce for the Be- at the distance of 180.01 feet westward from I Ollt 60 f(."Ct wide) thence cl[tendlng norlh 30 1'he FortnighUy will meet at the died in the flames. cording of Deeds In and lor the County oC the westerly side 01 ChUrch lane. In Upper (]I'~I"(,-e!l 1-1 millutes west alan" tho said north. Delaware In Plan Case No, 3. Page 8. and Darby Township. Delaware county. penn-I wC!ltl'rly I!Ilcle 01 Chut'<'h avenue 126.18 leet home of Mrs. E. P. Yerkes, 19 PrinceThe child whose life was Jost was a descrJbed a8 fOllows. viz: Beginning at a 8yh'onla. Cont'ltnlng In front or breadth on to a 12 fcct wide alll')'. tbelll.'C south ()6 de. tOil aVCIlUt>, on Monday, February 13th, twill brother of Bertha who was saved by pOint on the northeast side 01 Linden drive the said Berkeley road 16 feet and extend- l:TCe" 62 tIIlllut"'B W(,Bt. alollir the Bald 12 feet at the distance 01 One hUndred and two Ing of that width In length or depth south·, ,,'idt. aliI.',)' 19.':1:4 leet. thene.' south 3.1 degreeB at 2.30 o'clock. her grandmother. Two other children, and eighty-nine one-hundredths (102,89) ward between parallel line at right angles 8 minutl'S caBt ]26 feet pa88Iug through the Mrs. Arthur Bassett will review Hal· Wellington, 7 and Joseph, Jr., 2, also es- feet southeastwardly, from the point of In- to the said Berkeley road 80 feet to tbe (cnlcor of the IJaMy wall between ihls h01l86 te1'8ect1on of the sa d northeast side of the middle or a certain 18 feet driveway ex- and the hlluse adjoining 011 the west to tbe liburtan's latest book, "The Flying caped without injuries. said Linden drive (If extended) and the tending westward Into oak avenue and lIorthwl'lflerly !llde 01 Central avenue: thence Carpet." It is well known that Mr. The home along with the furnishings southwest 81de of Cherry lane (If extended), eastward communicating with a certain 10 Ilorth 50 dl'grees 62 minute8 east alORK "he thence extending north slxty·elght degreea feet wide driveway extending northwardly ~.lid northwesterly t;ldc of Central avenue 20.21 Halliburton is a unique traveler. His aud clothing of the occupants was com. fifty-nine onesaid hundred. and Clover Into Berkeley road and southwardly Into lee' to the Illace of beginning . ten feet tominutes a pOint e88t on the southWest Jane. first book, "Royal Road to Romance" l)letely destroyed. of the said Cherry lane; thence ex· Together with tbe rllrht. use. libert)' and was so amazing that many (Juestioned Swartlunoreans lost no time in starting side tending /South forty-eight degrees fifty- Improvements consist at two-story brick privilege of Bald 12 leet wide olley in COMmon the truth of some of his statements. a contribution to help the homeless fam- tour minutes east along the said 60uthwest and stucco house, 16x30 feet. Porch front. whll the OW.wrs tenants and occupiers of of theone·bundredths said Cherry lane fiety other ground abultfn ... thereon and having the ninety-one (50.91) leetand to Basement garage. His latt.r books were subjected to the iJy~ More than sixty dollars to provide sldo a pOint; thence extending south slxty·elght Sold as the property ot Phlltp Rhine. rhrht to U8e the same. closest scrutiny and it was decided that burial . for the child and for other im- degrees nff;y·nlne minutes west one hunhe had not trifted with the truth. His mediate expenses had been collected by dred and thirty-three and elght·ten'ths Condltlons--$250,OO cash or certified check ImrJro\'el!ll'IIIS <''OlIIdet of two'Btory Btueeo (133,8) teet to a point In the said north· on day of sale; balance In ten days. Fur- 1 house. 16x:30 fl..'et. Porch front. Olle'Btory ad. last night. Anyone else who for one rea- east 81de otnorth the said Linden drive; thence dlUUII, Hx4 feel. s'Yimming of the Panama Canal was son or another would like to give some- extending twenty-one degrees one ther conditions announced at .sale. wltncssed by reporters sent by New I thing may either see George Troxel or minute west along the said northeast side H. J. MAKIVER. AttOmely. of the said Linden drive torty-flve feet to ton.Sold as the properly ot Thomas A. Single. York papers, and he really accomp- leave their contribution at the bank. the ftl'8t above-mentioned pOint and place lished the h.at. So we welcome his last I • I ot beginning. Fieri Facias No,904 COIiJltlons-S2uO,OO ('88b or cert.ified check book prepared to be both amused and TEA FOR NURSERY Improvements consIst of two and one011 dny of tlnle; b:tlalll'c In ten daYB. Further December Tcrm. 1932 in Iront on the said Central Valentine has worked for Doctor Shirer Clair \Vilcox, Mrs. Herbert Ashton, ford, Delaware County. Pennsylvania, being feet. at that width In U"Clltie.. 0:; lengthRnd 01 ey.tendlng depth northwesterly between. .... feet and extending 01 tha.t width riding back and forth between this bor. Mrs. John De Groat, Mrs, Paul Alger, known as Lot No. 17. Section "0." on plan parallel lines 150 feet to the rear end of Lot 1 III !elll1:tb or. delJth northwestwardly at rhrbt of Merwood, development ot Stephen aug es to s,ud Centra] avenue 125 feel to a ough and his home near Folsom on a Mrs. Charles Lukens, Mrs. Earl H&::r- Schlfter. made by Over and Tingley. El- No 150 on said plan . . I!! reet wide alley, the eastcnlh10st line PaBsinl' qUires, C. E., said plan recorded at MedIa bicycle. Improvements conslst 01 two-story stucco throu~h the JJarly wall betwccn this hoUse and a'lson, Mrs. Richard Burns, Mrs. Charles In the office for recording 01 deeds In and house. 18x30 feet. Porch front. Two-story the huuse adjoining 011 tbe east. Tuesday night, Swarthmoreans just the county ot Delaware aforesaid, In lrame Seltzer, ,Mrs. Hugh Carter ane! hlrs. for addition. 9xl2 leet. One-story stucco Plan Case No.3, page 10. as follows. viz: addition. leaving the Players' Clubhouse following feet. To;;cthcr with the right. URe, liberty and \VilIiam Price. Mrs. Robert Spiller Beginning at a point on the southwest side Sold as 9x12 the property of William C. Alex- Ilrh'ilego the performance, were attracted by flames ur Baid 12 feet wide alloy in common 01 Poplar road at the distance 01 ten leet ander. table. and one one-hundredths ot a foot northwith the Owners. tenaUls and occupiera of and smoke to a burning home near Fol~ will preside at the• tea I westwardly from a POint of tangent, which Condltions-$250.00 cash or certified check other ground abutting thereon and havinlf the som. Many of them did not learn until right to lise the Bame. point of tangent 15 on the southwest side day 01 sale; balance in ten days. Fur~ DR WILUTS AT of POPlar road at the distance of two hun- on ther conditions annou,lced at sale. and sIXty-two feet and twenty-seven Iml)rovemenls cOllslst 01 &Wo·8tory stucco MORMNG FORUM dred one-hundredths ot a foot northwestwardly H. J. MAKIVER, Attorney. houKe. 16x39 leet. Enelo8Cd front porch. Onestury slu on the nurthwesterly aide of LI"n. ed Sltu"te at Primos. ill the Towllship of sition on July first of this year. In his Together with the tree and common \lse. \\'~lyn 1I\'ellue at the (list alice 01 300.60 fed lJplwr Darby, COllnty 1)1 Delaware. Slate of PeIl1l9yl'·311i11. bounded lIud described act:ord. talk before the Morning Forum Dr. rIght, Uberty and privilege 01 a certain southwest from the sOllthwesterly side of lUg 10 a SllrVl'y all(] 1,Iali thereof made by eight feet wide driveway laid out and I .\sbhmtl "\'cnu[', COIII:lUung ill frollt or bl,tmdth Monday and TueAday WiJlits will deal with the business situ- opened between this and the property ad- 1111 the Maid LllIlIWdlYII 1t\'ellUe 50 leet. and UiHlIUII and J<'ostcr. Ch'i1 EnglneerB. Upper Varby. Pa" lIated February 15, 1023, and to the southeast as and tor a drJve- extl'lJdill~ or tbat width in lell/,th or deJ,th ation of today. Following the address Joining JOAN eRAWFORD way nnd passageway at all times t.ereafter IItJrthwt'shrrly between naralIel lilies 150 leet r,,\'i~t.·d O('lobcr :!1. 10''';''" ,1' .. -J'(lon thl" north. \\cslcrly sillc or eClllr,,' ,"'.',1.,' 1Jl~ !Iud 0<1: /." there will be time for questions and ant... commonatwith the01owners. torever, in andInoccupler:s the lot ground tenad- to Ihe re1tr em) of Lot No. 161 011 snJd 1)11111. Icct Wide) at the di t'." - "r :f; :'1 1t'l'! <.'Ut;, discussion. All interested are cordially JOining to the soutbeast. IrlilltO~·l'Dlfrllt8 {'Qusisl of two'Blory stueco wcstwardly from tw' ~l),l,!:"· '('rIv ".HI,. 0, invited to attend. h()lIl'1e, 18x:1O f..'cl, Poreh front. Two.story Chllrch ",'('11116 (as ,... ,,J "1I~ J" le,'~ 'hi'il:) Improvements consist ot two and one- frllnm :uldlllUlI, -------o.~. flx]2 lcet. half £tory brick and stucco house. 21x27 One.story stucco, COlltall~lIg ill Ir",,; "" 11, .. I:!:-tlrt 1'''lltr~l feet, Porch front. One-story stucco addi- addition. Ox12 feet. Auxiliary Benefil a\·cnuc :.!a feet and (n~ llUlll_' (,r III It "',llh tion. 6x12 teet. Stucco garage, 9x18 leet. ill length or depth n. H ;III'f!!t i,\ ;.: II', ,11 n;. lit with 8111<1 liS aho Ilroperly u1 \Vlllium C. Alex· ' .Ingles to the Said C'· ",ll "t. .• ", 1"-) , rt 'n The American Legion Auxiliary card tho Bil'" p (l'~.L. j" J": i,,' 'I,: ,I"'~. WALTER HUSTON Sold as the property of William A. Mc- alldt'r. tho southeasterly eastcrllmost liue : " ' " 'I, il If,..' , '11 party will be held next Wednesday, Garry and Helen R, McGarry. COlUlitiolls-S!!:iO.OO (.'1.l>lh or ('er(lfied check ter or a l)IIr's wall L..;~ "<.)<.:,1 l~ •• " JUn."", 10.1".1 cash or certlfled check .011 day of sllle: balance III lell days. Further Ihe house adjoining all the cast. Febru,l'Y 15 at the horne of Mrs, onCond!tl0n.s-$250,OO day of sale; balance in ten days. Fur- t.01ll111101lS aIlIlUUIlt.."(·d at sale. Wednesday Only ther conditions annOUnced at sale. Charles A, Dravo of Westdale aVenue, Tugether with the right, use, liberty and SPENCER TRACY H. J, MAIUVEIt. Attorllcy. IlrH'i1cge of said 12 feet wide alley in comThe proceeds arc for the community LUTZ, et al. Attorneys, mOil Yo II it the owners. tenants and OCCUpiers JOAN BENNETI' of other ground nbutting lhereon and having Fieri Facius No, 006 lbe right !~ usc the same, Fieri Facias "ME AND MY GAL" No, 941 Dt-cembcr Term. 1032 Imr,ro\,emclltB ('Onsiat 01 tWD·story BtUCCO June Term, 1932 house. 16X31J feet. PIJrch Irout, One-story All lJ:at certain lot or ni!'(e of ground with 9lUHO atitliUon. 8x4 Icct. A the buil.Jings nutl Impr(J\'cmcnts thcreoll erect. Thursday OnEy All that certain lot orofpIece 01 grOUnd INI situate at Primos, in the Town.,hiJ' o[ I I i will serVe luncheon. tea and dinner from situate in the Borough Aldan, Couuty l'Jlrll'r Darby. DI']nwarc County. Pennsylvanta. tall.Sold 1:IS the (lrOI}crty of Thomas A. Single. 110011 01 Delaware. State ot PennsylvaUla, bound- lJUlImlcd alltl dl'>!lriiJod attUrtllU" to II survey 1 till nine on Friday, Saturday and "CENTRAL PARK" and 'Ihm thereol nlllcl~ b)' Dam~n and Foster. 1Sunday at Providence Cottage, in .Me- ed and described as tollows: with Beginning at a point the northeast Cor- Civil Engilwers, U,mer lJarb}', 1'.1., dated Feb. Contiitions-5250.00 casb or certified check ner of Chfton avenue avenue (as (as laid laid out out 50' 40' Wide) wIde) as ruary 1;;. IO!!a unci rC\'i:;ecl Oetober ~. 11125. on day of s.lle; balanCe in ten days. Further dia at State Road and Providcnce Road. and JOAN BLONDELL Magnolia rollows' 1.0ndlliolis aUlloUllccd at sale. thence along the northerly side of Mag. Dt'~III1IlIl!r .. t nolla avenue north sixty-five degrees three II. J. MAKI VER. Attorney. minutes east. one hundred and nine and SoeClloli IIr the a IHJlIlt fhrmcd b}' the luter- , BOYS OFFERED BEST seventy_two hUndredths feet to a POint; lIorlhwl'slerly Side of Cl.'II!I'al· JOHN J. CAIN, Sheriff, i: STORIES minutes west fifty feet; thence south slxty- . thence north twenty-tour degrees fifty-five Bad times are goOd times for magazine five degrees three minutes west one hunreaders, accol'dlng to the editor of youth's dred and nine and seventy·two hUndredths favorite magazine, THE AMERICAN BOY- feet to the easterly side of Clifton avenue; YOUTH'S COMPANION. More . people are thence south twentl·~tour degrees fiftY-five ' writing than ever belore, he states. and minutes east fifty teet to the flrst menfiner ad\·enture, more grIpping yams, more tioned point or place 01 beginnIng. , downright reading thrills Are due the magImprovements consist ot one and oneazlne subscriber than ever In hIstory. halt story ~tucco bungalow. 24X33 leet. En:I PANION THE AMERICAN COM- closed porch front. Concrete block garage, In 1933 Will BOY-YOUTH'S be loaded from cover 18xl8 foot. to cover with great experiences. For advent. ure. the reader wIll travel withforests the Royal Sold as the property of Thomas S, BowI Canadian Mounted through and man. i mountains, penetrate to the mllltary posts I lof Borneo; rIde With cavalry In India, Condltlons_$250.00 cash or certified check on dny 01 sale; balance In ten days. }'urplunge Into the Amazon jungle, IC bad brealh were merely a Ii theThere'll be character-buUdin..B stories of tiler conditions announced at sale. professions. of school and college life./ mailer of mouth cleanliness, I There'll be articles on sports, travel and 0, HARMON WEBB, Attorney. ; SCience, that take boys to the Orient. that mild washes might end it. But 'explain the mysteries ot ocean liners and chronic bad breadlh usually ,air transports. There'll be storl~ that sat- Fieri Facias lsIy the boy's Wholesome appetite tor tun No. 650 indicates the presence of poi, and thr1l1. and his keen deslre to learn. September Term, 1932 sonous bacteria in Ihe colon. IS THE SLOGAN of actors "PANION THE AMERICAN BOY-YOUTH'S COMAll that certat.... costs Just $2.00 a l'ear Or $3.00 for n m uage an d Iot or and performers that the show must go ahead no three years. In other words, when yOU sub. piece of ground situate In the T:Jwnshlp If the bowels do not carry off' scribe for three years, the magazine's sav- of Nether ProvIdence. In the County of molter what has happened, In spite of suffering ar these bacteria as they should, Ings enable them to give YOU a subscription Delaware and State of Pennsylvania, beYearl U's the Ideal g1ft ginning at a stake In the northwesterly for only a dollar a hordship, there is still that obligation to meet, encourage their rqular dist or th a t boy you ' re Interested In, be he son. side or W. Washington avenue.thence a COrner of land at ElwOOd Yarnall. by said posal my natural methods. nephew. neighbor, COusin. or Son of your Yarnall's land north thlrty.four degrees. What an incentive this attitude must be to business business associate. And an attracttve gift twenty-seven minutes west one hundred Purges are dange:'olls, and card bearing your name will go to him If and six feet to a point a corner of other of fodayl It isn't easy to surmount difficulties never yoU request It. Send your order COMPANdirect to land afford only temporary relict THE AMERICAN BOY-YOOTH'S I d of the Grantors; thence by said other I encountered before; but the inherent determination ION, 550 West Lafayette BlVd., DetrOit, an of the Grantors south thlrty·two deat best. Mlch, Service on your SUbscrIption wlII grees, fifty-sIX minutes west fifty-three feet and resourcefulness which built up our industries I ta t itb th I to a point another corner of said Grantors Help nature naturally _ e ssue yOU Specify, land; thence south thirty-four degrees, s r W will, if called upon, again conquer the situation. with Laeto-Dextrin and SHERIFF'S SALES twenty-seven minutes casttheone llundred, j' -and six feet to a post In said north. Psylla, foods used with greal westerly side of Washington a,'enUe, thence Such is our belief and practice. With reduced income, along said tilde 01 said avenue north thirty. success at the famous BaltIc lowest rates in our history, taxes comprising 10 per two degrees, fifty·six minutes east fifty. Creek Sanitarium. Lactothree teet to the place of beginning. SHERIFF SALES cent of electric revenue, enOrmous equipment to Dextrin rids the colon of poiat .Real Estate Improvements consist of two~story asoperate, and Our commitment to maintain unimpaired bestos shingle house, 14x24 feet. Porch 8Onous bacleria. PsyJla sup .. At the SherU!s' Office front, One-story asbe$tos shingle addition, public service, we have proved that fa corry an 14x8 feet. plies the bulk and lubrieation Court House, Media. Pennsylvania means fa corry through, everyone needs. They are Sold as the property of John B. Burns Saturday, February 25, 1933 and Alice O. Bums. non-medicinal and non.habit Try this doctrine on your own organization, "The 9:30 o'clock A, M. lonniug. Condltlo~,oo cash or certified check show must go on," We predict a safe journey and on day or sl'Ie: balance In ten days, FurEastern Standard. Time Come in and let us ,.ive )"ou ther conditions announced at sale. a happy solution. Fieri Facl.a.s full farts aboat them, No.991 G. HARMON WEBB. Atty. December Term, 1932 Alias Pieri Facias No. 446 All that certain lot or piece at groUnd June Term, 1926 with the bUildings aDa Improvements I thereon erected situate In the TOwnship All that certain lot or piece 01 ground of HaverfOrd, County ot Delaware and with the bUUdlngs and Improvements Pennsylvania, 88 Lot survey thereon and erected., aCCOrding to a I No.2,ofSection "P," onbetng PlanknoWn of l(erwOOd. plan described thereol made December I ,io;;_______________..:.. IState A Pioneer in Volun'arily E.tobli~h;nll low Ito,., lor All EIHfric SelYim Park, Development of StePhan Schlfter. 9th, 1926. and revised December 13th, 1920, asl I I' I • •• . r I William Powell __----- "RAIN" I I~:~: I MARTEL'S I I I I PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN FEBRUARY 10, 1933 uorch. One-sbry stucco addition. 6)(12 feet 11:"8" and extending of 'bat. width Bouthwardly "3tucco garage, 1211:18 feet b"{lIieen 'I/wanet lines forly.four feet 8ilr. 8:lld as the p:-aprrty of James J. Man- hubes TOKelber wltb right and UBe ot )(ary u'reet In (ODJmon "ltb the! land", abutting'" thereon aD ft:J.d Elizabeth T. Manion his wife. oWIlt"r. of other SUGGESTS "HELPING HAND" COMMlTIEE COndltJom-$250.00 cash or certified check InlllrO\'cmcntl (;011818' of (ht cleS<"rtplion) ")D day oC sale, balance In ten daye:. PurTill' e s!ory brhk house. UiX"~7 feet Two_ ther conditions announced at sale. uUdltion. 12:d2 fre' One-story frame addItion. /jxJ2 feet. (2nd destrlption) 'l'\l0 two·story brick hUUIK'8. 10:124 feet each. T"o Olle Idory fr:mle ac.Idltlona 6:1:16 feet each. (3rd d~l!!t'rlJ)IIOIlJ Four two IItory brick hOUIeI!J. Htury OHt\8 B GALLOWAY and H. J MAKIVER. Attorneys. -------- fruute 12x27 feet each Four two story frame addltlOll8 Ox() feet each (4th dcseriptioll) Two. story brick house, 15x27 feet One story (rame addition. 4x4 feet f 5th de8<'rjption) T,,'o. 8tory brick house, 2lx30 feet. FJeri Faelas No fl3G SCOUT WEEK IS I dia. Eight Scouts from Troop 3 will be understanding. not cling to the old. September Term. 1920 OBSERVED HERE i there to pass ment badges. which are as dead as the frontier. . • • • Next week Dr. Herbert Fraser will Undf'r the flXl'CUtion in the above slnted . • The annual Cub Banquet will be held d"cuss the Gold Standard. Alter each <'Q.se tho sheriff will levy upon and sell all Sold as the Property of Sinton Shapiro and Wednesday mght the Board or ReView I tonight at 6:00 p m. in the large dining talk there is an open questwll period, the estate, right, bJrth and interest of Simon Charles Shapero f the S'iv~rthmo~e Scouts had ltS regn- t room III the basement or the Presbyterian in which as many questiolls as time per- Shapiro in and to Conditions---S500 00 CDBh or cerliJled check ar mont I y session at the Ulverston t Church The past two annual cub ban- mits, are taken up. All thaL certain brick dwelling and lot or on day of sale, baJal1('Q in ten days Further Schoo.l. . All the .Scouts .of S\\arthmore) quets were held at the Friends' meeting IJicc(> of land being No 232 PuUerson street. ("'OlIdllions announced al sale. siluale on the northerly aide of Patterso!) were mvJted and listened-in to a program I House, but a crowd or 250 or more Cubs at the distance of 131 feet sIx inches KINGSLEY 1iONTGOMERY, Attorney. from \VJZ and. were Jed b~ Eagle I and their parents arc expected to attend said WUdwood avenue. the north Hne M'N.'l"t east \\ ardly from Barclay etreet, In the City Scout Sm.1th or Chicago 111 renewmg their tins Jcar so It was necessary to move to thereof extendicg along the middle of a of Chester Delaware County. Pennsylvania. certain 15 feet wIde drIveway extending (ontainitlg' In fronl measured thence eastwanil¥ pledge with the .Scout Oath and Scoul the Presbyterian Church, No 1761 eastWard Into Maple avenue and westwo.rd alum: the said side of Patterson street fifteen Ahas Levari FaCIas Into 8all:l Wlldwood avenue 108 feet to the feet and extending ill length or depth north J~\V a Ion g with. 900,00.0 0 t h c r The chairmcn of the banquet arrange- mIddle JUlie Ttrnl, 1027 of a. certain 20 teet wide driveway "'ardly at tight anglCB to the said Patterson Scouts over the entire nat Jon. The mcnt committee are Mrs. Robert Bair and extending northward and communIcating 81rccl I'I(!v(,lIty-fout floet six inchcs on the All that B ot or Jllece of ground slluale in the City of 011 the eDstl'rly Jino of lands or P. B &:: W Chester uforesaid and bounded and described more were present. Bud Mellen and Toastnlaster. E-dward A Carlson of Together with tbe free and common use. R R Co F JH k f T 3 d right, Uberty and prlvllege of the said as fol1o\\s: Bounded on the south by Sixth 're< aw s 0 roop were promote Delaware and Montgomery Counties driveways at all times hereafter forever. All Ihone certain d'H..'IIillgs and lot or piece street and contuinlllg thereon Ihirtyone feet tu the rank of second class Scout. Bud Council and a real Indian will be among lof land being No 17 and lSI Byranl street, the IIIthe8 and onc Quarter, on the east by '/ d Gcurgo.;'L aston 0 f T roop 2 the speakers. Imnrovements two-story stucco . , crIy si"ue 0f Byram Morton D'eUlIe containing thereon forty eight !' ercer, an house, 16x30 feetconsist Porchoffront. Garage o.t- luluate 011 th e lIor, l:as feet three inches and one-quarter, on the "est and John Delaplaine of Troop 4 and I I tached. slroot at the distance of one hundred and sixly bJ; Potter street and containing thereon sevfcel north"estwardly from Delaware avenue, Donald Lange and John Craemer or W C TUM • Sold as the property or William H lIo.ys. in tbe City of Chester aforesaid Containing In enty n\(, feet, n\e Inches and one.balf and Troop J were all promoted to the rank of • • • • eeting ("0111 measured thenC'C north"estwardly along on Ihe north by lands formerly of the Cbester llrewlIIK" COmlJany and containing thereon SUtt)" Condltlo ...... ... "'''' 00 cash or certified check the said side of Byram Btreet thirty six feet 8lX fcct two inches First Class Scout. leng'h or nor' ••a,' The regular meeting of the W. C. T. on day of sale: balance In ten days Fur- und extending • • '"of Honor which U. will be held on \Vednesday, February ther conditions announced at sale. wanl)y between parallel hnes at righl angles Im)lro\cments «mSlst of three story brick The district Court to the said Byram street fifty.two feet to the bUiltUng, 31x4l:S Coot One !!tory brick garage. IS, at 2 :30 at the home of Mrs. Van Alen H. J MAKIVER, Attorney 8outh"esterly side of a rour feet wide alley lUxlO leet was to have been held WedllesdaJ night ",hi(b extends llort.h"cstw8rdly along the rear was postponed until next Wednesday 211 Park avenue Mrs. Edwin A. Yarof aaid lot and opening into another four feet Sold at! the proll{rt) of Daniel A Doughert;,; nail and Mrs Julia Kent Will be 111 charge VendJtlonl Exponas No 1139 "Ide aile,)' which cxtends southw(.'Stwnrdly defendallt :lnd l\lichnel Hennessey Ilnd Sarah night It will meet at 8:00 p. m. at the abng the northwesterly Bide of said lot rrom Arnerll:an Legion Headquarters m Me- of the program. June Term, 1928 the flnt menhoJl(,.' and R1ehfield. PIERRE'S RESTAURANT 12 Distinetive Dinin« Salons JANET GAYNOR CEUUlLES FAJUtELL WILL ROGERS VICTOR MeLAGLEN AND VO:UR OLD BAnERY Ii r • to r1ae ''Vaic. of Fi.........'~ , Every Monday Ni{/It FIRESTONE _ and _ " ' " ...... of the largest ad beet equipped Balter7 Paetories fa ahe world , •• maklns the eelehrated FIrestone Ba_eo In tn>.. to fit the -1IlIeot ..... orthe ....eot _d: or 10.... DnrlDS tid. 1liiie, for a limited dine only, we wlll make a speclal25% aDOlf_ .D~ for yoll1" old Battery. 'l1Us IIDlODD181o oD..fonrda of the priee of ahe ne... "tIT. IDJl7 .... 1ritJt. I'ireorone Batterr 7011 'I1u. ofFer ....- at -7 time 10 rUe adYaDt••e 01 Ihi. .rea. -obta wIdIe 7011 the opportual17. "Ye Ot>er N, B. C. Nationuide NI!Mri "HA.PPY DAYS" 69TH STREET ABOVE CHESTNUT EDMUND LOWE FEBRUARY 17, 1933 17. 1933 THE WOMEN APPLY FOR SCHOOL ROOM USE DARTMOUTH AND LAFAYETJ'E AVENUES Phone I 440 I!alial~ Miss Codd sang a group of old 1 a great to FRASER TALKS I.Iave Been So Wondrous Free", and "A and English songs of the seventeenth lovero. ON GOLD STANDARD Toast to Washington". The two 9th ebighb\erthenthd She fisMa Canadian The concert is again being sponsored by grade quartets will sing "Revival Hymn" P .. t c f 0 d t Y' an 10 0 iss Queena the faculty of the hl·gh school on behal f ermlsslon 0 use spa e or C n uc - Mario. On she was the win. The gold standard is hcst under the. by Sankey and "The Genie With The radio contest of the scholarship fund for members of system, and necessary ior interna-II Light Brown Hair". There wiH also be ing a dancing class in one of the ner of the Swarthmore Public School buildings, the of the senior class. A committee is being trade, Dr. Herbert F r a 5 e r of lIIusie by the school. was denied two Swarthmore women by Quartet, formed to arrange the details of the con- Swarthmore told the Monday night The public is cordially invited to attend the School Board at its meeting last Opus H"ydn, for the eert. The committee is composed of Forum at Whittier House, in the first of I these exercises. Thursday night. The applicants admit- concert. The composed of teachers of the local high school, mem"ers I two talks on monetary standards. prof.,. _ _ _..... , _ __ ted that one of their reasons for mak- Lily Matison Head, violins; of the senior class, and parents. William Blaisdell of Temple will discuss H. S. BASKETBALL ing the request was in order to gain Gottlieb, Virginia Victor The fOrchestra is having andunusually TEAM PLAYS TONIGHT music I tho I d . standards other than gold next week. revenue their families needed because department of the success u season 's year un er t 'e 1- Gold as a standard of monetary valne Dr. Louis Bailly. rection of Dr. William F. G. Swann of is best, Dr. Fraser thinks, because the Tonight the Swarthmore High School of prevailing economic conditions. They stated that as residents of the a graduate student Swarthmore, Associate Conductor, and quantity is relatively fixed and its value Basketball team will play Eddystone community they felt that they should man, was also a group Mr. Adolph Fogel, Conductor. is therefore less .ubject to fluctuation 1High School team in the Prep School be aHowed the same privilege of using solos by Mattheson, Ravel, I • than other commodities. He added that II gymnasium. This game will be a hard the school facilities for profit as was Nin-Kochanski. FEHRUARY MEETING OF it should be in international use, how- one, for in the last encounters with Edand is allowed Miss Kraft of Phila. All the members of the Quartet are DISTRICT HEALTH SOCIETY ever, and in order to effect this a lower-I dystone, Eddystone's second team beat memters of the Curtis Symphony Or. f ·ff II .,f S h' b. who earlier in the year established. a chestra. Miss Head studies under Mme. 109 0 tart wa s to permIt a • avorable/ wart more s second team y one pomt (t'onlfnu,d from P ••• On.) balance of trade" is necessary. in an extra period of play and Swarthdancing class of public school pupils Lea Luboshutz; Miss Majewski is a viola and uses the public school buildings as student of Dr. Louis Bailly and after four lessons, even after a true or A striking reversal of conditions is 1II0re's first team beat Eddystone's first a meeting place. Gottlieb a pupil of Mr. Felix Salmond. false test. today, when the deflated dollar is team by one point. The school board, however, reported The Vespers program for Sunday, worth about $1.50, as Dr. Fraser !,ointed Tuesday night the High $chool team Mrs. Eloise Ashton, staff nurse, ac- out the in Rated value of the greenback'i will play Marple-Newtown High School that the case. were not identical in February 19 will be as follows: Miss Kraft her classes Sapphische Ode, Brahms; Minnelied, companied Miss Randall to the home was only $.35 or $.40 in 1863, fourteen I' away and Friday night of next week they years befQre the adoption of the present will play their last League game with only for pupils attending the Swarth- Brahms; Auftenhalt, Schubert; Dr. War- Mrs. Nelson Downes, Ridley more schools while the proposed classes ren. S . G . Health chairman, for a luncheon meeting standard. Collingdalc. to be conducted by Swarthmore wo- molto, Andantino, Scherzo, Schumann; onata III MlOor Op. 22, Allegro with her committee. Other meetings of , I Last Tuesday night the horne team ",e" '"ould be for both children and Mrs. Ashton. "GOING CROOKED" NEXT played at Sharon Hill, winning both The Hom, Flegier; Hear Me Ye interest attended by the nurses were the PLAYERS' CLUB SHOW games; t IJe fi rst t earn won 32 t0 17 an d older girls and women. The board members also pointed out Winds and Waves, Handel; Dr. Warren. Home Hygiene Institute in Philadelphiaj the second team won 26 to 8. Wednesday Rhapsody in G Minor, Brahms; Ga- the Health meeting of the Swarthmore A three-act comedy from a Tale ofl afternoon the High School team playthat Miss Kraft's course of instruction was arranged to supplement the work votte from "Iphigenia". Gluck-Brahms; Woman's Club, and the Mental Hygiene Hoffman's, entitled uGoing Crooked." will cd the P. M. C. Freshmen and won 18 to uf the physical edw:atioll and music de- Mrs. G Ashton. r W r Ba ·t R th meeting at the Children's Hospital. , the Players' Clul. the 1 17. I d I f II be presented b,. f h h id I th eo ge a ren, TI one; u S . . week of March 6 under direction of In t Ie en eavor to lave sports or a • partments 0 oft eoffering sc 00,the an classes t 'at af-e Ashton, Pianist. , , omecourse of the of nurses are on enJoymg their president, Charles D. ilitcheJl. there h.ave hbeen or.ganize.d hsixS basket!:lall its second meeting next Tuesday ther conditions announced at sale. Porum In Meeting evening 2t the church. Lawrence C. 9:45 A. M.-Morntng House. SUbject on Feb. 19th: H. J. MAKIVER, Attorney. Hickman. Esq., the well known attorThe Peace Questionnaire of Friends' General COnference Fieri F'aclu No. 1072 ney and hislorian of Philadelphia, will wlll be discussed. speak on Washington and Contempor- 11:00 A, M.-Meetlng for wOl'8hip In the December Term. 1932 MeetlDg House. ary Philadelphia. All those two certaIn Iota or pteces of The Young \\'oman's Guild meets ground, with the buildings and improveWEDNESDAY ments thereon erected. situate at Drexel with Miss Hamel, 112 Princeton ave. 9:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. M.-Sewlng and Qullt- Hill, In the Township of Upper Darby llue, next Thursday evening, with Mrs. Ing In Whtttier House. Box iuncheon. County of Delaware a.nd State of Penn. sylvania. designated and. known as Lots Swarthmore, Pa. Helen M. Hall as the speaker, who will All are cordially invIted to JOin In these Nos. 1666 and 1667 on a certain .'eearded. give a talk on Bible Lands. services. plan of lots called .. Aronimin1C Section of Drexel Hili Realty Company" surveyed for The annual Valentine Luncheon of Drexel Hill Realty Company by A. P. r...-...-...-.--...-.--.-..--.....-....-...-...-..-..-...-..-.. ...-...-.Damon, Jr., O. E., Upper Darby. Penna .• the \Vornan's Association was largely TRINITY CHURCH which said plan is recorded In the Office attended and a great success. The luntor the recording of deeds rtaiu brick dwelling and lot or COME TO Rev. John Ellery Tuttle. pastor piece of Inlll! being No. 232. Patterson street. on thc northerl¥ 81de at Patterson 'YE OLDE SINGING SCHOOL' You are cordially InvIted to all services sftuate street at the distance of 131 ree~ six inches 30 Men and Women Singers east wardl)'" from Barclay street. lQ Ihe Cit)' You can have a telephone of Che5"ler. Delaware County. PenD87lvania., SUNDAY METHODIST SOCIAL HALL (onlaininf{" in fl"Ont measured thence eastwardly in your home for less than 10:00-Blble School. Large classes for men along- the said aide of Pattel"9On street ftrteen and women. Friday, February 24, 8:15 P. M. 10 cents a day! feet and extending in lenglb or deplh north. 11 :OO--MORNING WORBBlP. Children 1Sc • • • Adults Z5c wardly at ril"hl angles to the said P~tteI"80n Pastor Prea;Ches: street Beventy·tour feet Bix inehes on the Ben.e't Local Relief Puud THE VISION THAT SAVES "'caterly line and seventy·fl.ve feet three Inches For the Monthly Rates 4:45--ORGAN WORSHIP. on the ea8terly Une of lande of P. B. • W. Fifteen minutes for meditation. R. R. Co. call or inquire at the 5:00-VESPBH8-CI08lng 5:45. PASTOR'S ADDRESS: All those <'ertain dwclllnl'a and Tot or piece 1I5 So. Olive St. BUSINESS OFFICE "'1'he Courage of a Oreat ConvIction" of land being No. 17 and 19 Byram street, 7:OO-YOUNG Pl!OPLB. situate on the northeasterl,. Idde 01 BJT8hl MEDIA street at the distance of ow, hundred and Bixty or ask any Bell employee Pictures on China feet norlhwestward1y from Delaware avenue, Dr. Terman Eye Sight Special;', in Ibe Cily of Chester a.fol'elJald. Contalnlng In WEDNESDAY front meaaUl'ed thence northweetwardly alOOl" Reasonable Prieea ·THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA the Bald &ide of Bnam street thirt.y.8is: feet 8:OO-WASHINGTON BBlI.VICE. and extending in length or depth nol'lhe...._ A DECLARATION A CHALLENGE We DECLARE these chocolates are as fine in and 1Iavor as is possible to produce. We CHALLENGE anyone to produce finer chocolates ••• your first box will convince you. Our personal guarantee behind every package. Signed ••• , College Pharmacy ! PERSONAL prosperity without a personal bank account is possible to no one. SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY ADVICE MOTHEBS I FEBRUARY 17, 1933 1UJd KINGSLEY )(ONTGOJlBRY. Attontel'. of Supreme c 50 . per pound l CoodJUou&---t600.00 cub or certUled check on dQ" of aala: balance in len ~. I'w1her conditions announced at we. CHOCOLATES .. ", "I 'II wardlJ" between parallel 11ne. at richt. aDl"l811 Sold as the properi7 of Slmon 8hapiro Dr. Cook, Mrs. L. C. Ashton and the :'~d:l~f ,!"~~ a;oe~:'t l:'d~eeJn~e~ to the aald Byram .treet 8lt7·two feret to the choirmaster, Mr. B. L. Kneedler, to ar- extendlng northward and communlcatlDg BOuthwelderly etdo of D four feet. wide 111197 Charles Shapero. 9:30 o'clock & M. Gabriel runes SWARTHMORBAN , (, '& f . ' '. ",.a= 5 &Ots.&, No. 90& feet lOulbwe.......anIJ7 from tbe aouthwe.lerl,. Bide of Church avenue (as laid out 50 feet wide). I M COAL H !!J~ co. aso~ I =================== More COlnfortaLle • I.D Winter Improvements consist of two and one. half story brick and 8tucco bouse. 21:!C27 RENT teet. Porch tront. One...atory stucco addl. tton. 6x12 feet. Stucco garage, 9%18 feet. 2nd 1100r apartment, 4 rooms and bath. Hardwood floors. Hot water heat. Janitor service. $4S per month. Sold as the property of WUUam A. McGarry and Helen R. McGarry. Detached stucco house, 6 rooms and bath. Front and side porch. Large lot. Ideal location. $60 per month. Condltlona-t250.00 cash or cert16ed check on day of sale: balance In ten daY8. Pur. ther conditions announced at sale. Detached house furn18hed.. 6 rooms snd bath. 1 car garage. Good loea. tlon. $75 per month. . Ftrst floor apartment-6 rooms and bath. FIl'8t class In ever'J' respect. ~e rooms, hardwood floors, etc. GQrage. CHAS. A. SMITH 'Phone Swarthmore 70S DIME In ljour Izome! Fieri P'aciaa December Tend. 1932 • . '. ' : . CLASSIFIED everljf~! TBLBPHONE "I ---........... DON'T GO TO RENO ljouneeda land of the Grantom: thence by aald other land Of the Granton IIOUth thlrty·two de. &reel, ftfty ...tx mlDutee weat ftfty-three feet to a POint another comer of BBld Orantors land: thence south thirty-tour degrees. twenty ..seven minutes east one hundred and six feet to a poet In the aaid north. westerly aide of WM~ avenue, thence along said side of said. avenue north thirty. two degreee, ftfty ...1x minutes east Afty. three feet to tbe place of beginning. M.·.. All tbaL cel1a.1.n lot. or piece of P'OUnd with COnCalnlnr In front on the ea1d Central tbe buUdlnn and ImPl"OYomentl thereon eJ'eCted avenue 2& feet and eztendiDl' of that width BUuate in the BoroU8b of Olenoidaa. Coun\7 fn lenl"th or depth nOrlbweatWardl.r at right ot Delaware and State of PennQ"lW'anla. and anl"Iea to .ald Ceolral avenue 126 feet. to a and Beethoven. befng known and numbe!'ecl as Lot No. 18S 12 feet wide alley. tbe eastemmost line p8881nl' III Section I on a certaio plan of 10Ce called throul"h the parly wall between tbJ" hOU8e and --'SBBRIpp 8ALB8 "LlanwelJ,n", surveyed b7 Enon JI. Barris, the houee adjoint". on Ihe east. Jr., which plan I. dub' reeol'ded. a&. Xedia In • Improvements consJst of two·atory M· Loan Exhibition Of Real . .tate bestoa shingle house, 14x24 feet. Porch tbe oftlce for the recording- of deeds, etc., In Together wUb the right, use. liberty and front. One..atory asbestos shingle addition. and for the Counb" 01 Delaware. atoreaald, In priVilege of aald 12 feel wide alley In common At the SherUl'lI' otflce Deed Book B, No. O. pan 604, etc.. and more wUh the ownere. tenanta and occupiers of 14x8 feet. The Assembly Room of Trinity par1feularq- deecribed. aa foUows. to wit: other 81"ound abutting thereon and bavlng the Court House. Media. Pemlsylvanla Church will be the scene of an interest· Sold as the property of John B. Bum.a right to uee the lame. Situate on the northwellterl,. side of Llan. and Al1ce O. Bu.rJl8. ing Antique Loan Exhibition on Friday. Saturday. February 25.1933 well),n avenue at the dialance of 360.89 feet Improvements comdat of two·ato..,. .tueco February 17th, from 7:30 to 10:00 p. m. Conditions t250.00 caah or certUled check aoutb"'est from the IIOULhwefJter17 IIlde of house, 18x39 leet. Enclosed frunt porch. One. 9:30 o'clock A. II. on Clay of sale; balance In ten daYa. Fur. Ashland avenue. ContainiDC' in lront or breadth stOI7 atuceo addition, 8s4 feet. which will be held for the benefit of the on the ea1d Jdanwellyn avenue 60 feet. and ther conditions announced at sale. Eastern Standard. Time Church Building Fund. extending of th ...t. width in lenph or depth Sold a& the property of ThomaB A. SihS"le. northwesterly between parallel I1nee 150 feet Ion. No.991 Q. HARMON WEBB, Atty. . The program for entertainment fea- Phd hcw to the rear end of Lot. No. 161 OD "aid piau. tures includes songs by the Men's December Term, 1932 Conditlons--l260.00 cash or certified cheek Improvemenl8 conllst. of two.eto.,. .tucoo on dlQ' of sale: balance in ten day". Further Chorus, of Swarthmore, directed by Mr. Alias Pieri Facias No. 446 18x::l0 leet. Porch front. Two.atol7 house. AU that certain lot or !Iece of ground conditione announeed at aale. O. Narbeth; Bute and piano selections with frame. addiUon. Os12 feet. Ooe-sto.,. atucco the buildIngs an Improvements June Term. 1926 additJon, 9x12 feet. by Miss Jeanne Russell and Mrs. F. thereon erected altuate In the Township H. J. MAKIVEB, Attorney. of HaverfOrd. County of Delaware and 16awrence; and songs by a Quartette State All that certain lot or !Iece of ground Sold as 'he properly of WJlIlam C. Alex. of Pennsylvania, being known 8& Lot with the buUdlngs an Improvements ander. irom the Church Choir, directed by Mr. No.2, Section "P," on Pan of Merwood. thereon erected, described according to a Development of Stephan BChlfter, survey and pl&n thereof made December Otto Krause. The Minuet will be danced lJark. NO. 918 ca.h or certified check Fieri Facias made by Over and Tingley, O. E., on the 1926, and revIsed December 13th, 1926. onConditions-$2iiO.OO by a group of young people, trained by 20th day of March, A. D. 1925. said Plan rep 9th, day of sale: balance In ten days. Further by Damon &: Foster, Civil Engineers. as lOllditiolls December Term. 1932 announced at sale. cordecl at Media In the omce for the Re. altuate on the south side of Berkeley road Mrs. Roy Delaplaine and Miss Mildred cording of Deeds In and for the County of at the distance of 180.01 teet westward from All that certain Jot or piece of grOUnd with Brewster. Old English Ballads will be Delaware in Plan Case No.3, page B, and the westerly aide of Church lane. In Upper H. J. ~AKIVER, Attorney. the buUdlngl and impro:.vements thereon erect. d.escrlbed as follows, viz: Beginning at a Darby TownahlP. Delaware county, Penn. sung by Mrs. Philip -0. Davis. Mr. A. POint ed situate at Primos, in tbe TOWDahl1i of on the northeast side of LInden drive Containing In front or breadth on Upper Darby. County of Delaware. State of Raymond Moore, tenor, will sing sev- at the dlstanee of one hundred and two sylvania. the saId Berkeley road 16 feet and extend- Fi.eri Faciu No. 906 PennlJylvania. bounded and described accord. and. etghtY-nlne one-hundredths (102.89) Ing of that width In length or depth south. eral solos. The making of the American feet Inl" to a BUn"ey and plan t~ereof made by southeastwardl, from the point of In- ward between parallel Une at right angles I)pcember Term. 1932 Damon am! FOlter. CIvil Enginee.... Upper flag will be shown in a playlet, "Our tersectlon of the said northeast side of the to the -said Berkeley road 80 feet to the Darb)", Pa .• dated. February 15, 1923. and said Linden drlve (If eEtended) and the middle of a certain 16 feet driveway exFirst Flag". All that certain Jot or piece ot ....ound wUh reviaed October 21, 1926, aJtuate on tbe north. southwest sld.e of Cherry lane (If e%tendecl), tencUng westward Into Oak avenue and the buU"fnra and Improvement. thereon erect. westerly side of Cenlral avenue (as laid out 60 The committee in charge includes thence extending north s1ll:ty·elght degrees eastward communicating with a certain 10 flfty-nlne minutes east one hundred and feet wide driveway extending northWardly ed sUuale al Primoa. in the Township 01 feet wide) at the distance of 70.21 feeL soutb. Miss lona G, Putnam, Chairman j Miss ten Um}('r Darby. Delaware CounlY. PellD8J'lvanla. weatwardly from Ihe HoutbweHterly side of feet to a POint on the said southwest Into Berkeley road and BOuthwardly Into boUnded and described acconUng to a. aurvey Church avenue (as laid out 50 feet wIde). aide of the said Oherry lane: thenCe ex. Clover lane. and plan thereof made by Damon and Foster, tending south forty·eight degrees flftyContalnlng in front on the 88id Central four minutes east alonK the said southwest Improvements consist of two--story brick CiviJ Engillf'f!rl!!, Upper Darb". Pa .. dated Feb8ille of the· said Cherry lane fifty and and stucco house. 16%30 feet. Porch front. ruary 15, 1923 and revised October 2, 1026, avenue 2& feet and estcndlng of that widtlJ a9 follows: nlnety·one one·hundredths (50.91) teet to Basement gtU"8ge. In length or depth northwe8twardly at rigbt a point; thence extending south SiXty-eight tlDl"les 10 tbe 8aid Central avenue 126 leet. to FOR RENT degrees flfty.n!ne minutes west one hunBeginning at a point lormed by Iho Inte,.. the southenaterly aide of a. 12 leet wide alley, Solt! as the property of Pb1l1p Rhine. dred and thirty-three and el.gbt-tenths secLion of the north westerly Bide of Central the ealtet"nmoat Ur:e p888;inl" through the cenFOR RENT-Large furnished. bedroom. (133.8) feet to a point in the said. north. Condltlona $250.00 cash or cert1.O.ed check avenue (811 laid out 60 feet wide) and the ter··of a part)"' waH between this bouae and Suitable for two business men or teaCh- east aide of the said Linden drive: thence on day of sale; balance In ten days. Fur- southwesterly e1de of Church avenue (ae laid the houae adjOining on the eaat. ers. Centrally located. Telephone Swarth- extending north twenty·one degrees one ther conditIons announced at aale. out 60 feet wide) thence. extending north 30 more 208·W. minute west along the said northeast side de~ 14 minutes weBt along the said north-I Togelher wl~h tbe rll"ht. usc, liberty and of the said Linden drive forty-five feet to H. J. MAKlVER. Attdmely. westerly side of Chun:b avenue 125.18 feet privilege of said 12 feet "Wfde alley in com. the tlrst above-mentioned POint and place to a 12 fcet wide alley. tbenee aouth 56 de. mon with the owners. tenants and occuplera FOR SALE of beginning. gTei!8 52 mlnutea weBt alObl' tbe said 12 feet. of other ground abutting thereon and having FIeri Facias No. 904 wIde alley 19.44 feet. thence Routh 33 de8"f"Be8 the right to use the same. FOR SALE-A Westinghouse Electric Stove Improvements cona18t of two. and one· S minute. east 126 feet passlnl" through 'he with three burners and oven Call Media half story stucco house, 2h:2'1 feet. Enclosed Improyemente consiat of two'Blory stucco center of the party wa11 bet ween (hie house December TerD'l;, 1932 1421 . aide porch. One·story stucco additIon, 6x12 and the house adjoining on the weat· to the house, 16x3D feet. PorCh front. One·atol')' • feet. StuOOJ garage, 9XIB feet. AU that certain lot or piece of ground northwceterJ7 Bide of Central avenue; thence 8'U«0 addition. 8x4 feet. with the buildings and Improvement"B nortb 66 degrees 62 minutes eaet alan.- t.he FOR. SALE-Reglstered. English Setter pup· Sold as the property of William Paul thereon erected situate in the Borough of said northwesterly side of Centra1 avenne 26.21 Sold B8 the properly of Thomas A. Single. pies. Reasonable. A. B•.Johnson, Jr., 211 BrIcker. Glenolden, County of Delaware and State reet to tbe plaoo of beginning". ton. South Chester Road, Swarthmore. Penna. of Pennsylvania, and being knoWn and CondltI0n.s-$250.00 cash or certlfted check numbered. as Lot No. 137 in SectiOn I, on Together with the right, UII8, Uberty and ConditloDII-S260.00 cash or cer&lfied check on day of sale; balance In ten days. Pur- a certain plan of lots called "Llanwellyn," privilege PERSONAL of Baid 12 fret wide alley In common on day of Bale; halance In ten daya. Further ther concllUona announced at sale. surveyed by Buon M.. HarrIs, Jr., which plan with the ownera, ·tenants and o(!(!uplera of conditiona announced at sale. Is duly recorded at Media in the OMce for olber ground abuttlnc thereon am! havtol"" the PERSONAL-Lady wishes to place nice LUTZ. et ai, Attorneys. the Recording of Deeds, etc., In and. for right to U8C the sam~. Swlss girl for cooltlDg and housework. H. J. HAKIVER. Attorney. the County of Delaware aforesaid, In Deed. GOod references. Phone Swarthmore 521. Improvements conalat of two·Rto..,. slucco Book B, NO.6, page 604, etc .. and more parhouse. 16xa9 feet. Porch front. One...tory ad. JOHN J. CAIN, Sheriff. Fieri Facias No. 992 ticularly described as fOllOWII. to wIt: dition. Sx4 fee'. PERSONAL--Junlor High School girl would like to care for children after school December Term. 1932 Situate on the northwesterly stde of Llsn. Sold as tbe property of Thomas A. Singlehours. Call Mrs. S. M. Dodd, Swarthmore wellyn avenue at the distance ot 310.B9 698-M. All that certain lot or piece of ground feet southwesterly trerm the southwest aide ton. with the messuage or tenement thereon Ashland avenue. Containing In front or caah or certlfled cheek erected, altuate In the ToWll8h.lp of Haver- of breadth on the said Llanwellyn. avenue 50 on Condltloll&-$250.00 WANTED day of aale: balance in ten dayll. Further fOrd, Delaware County Pennsylvania, being feet, and extending of that width In oondiUona announced at sale. known as Lot No. 11 section "0," on Plan length or depth northwesterly between SUPER-CLEANED WA.NTED--College atudent would like ineE- of Merw:: deveiopment of Stephen lines ISO teet to the rear end of Lot H. J. MAKlVER, Attorney. d0 by Over and Tingley, BlJ,- J)Br8l1el pensive board (lunch and dinner) at prl- SchUteI'. No. ISO on said plan. FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE valC home. Write Box 8, care of the Swatth- quires. o. E., said plan recorded at Media morean. In the omce for reCOrding of deeds In and Improvements consist of two·stol"Y stucco for the County of Delaware afor~ld. tn hOllOO, 18x30 feet. Porch front. Two-story Fferi Facias Phone SWflrthmorr Ii 01" No. 917 Plan Case No.3, page 10, as follows, viz: frame addition .. 9x.12 feet. Ooe·story stucco WORK WANTED Beglnnln.g at a point on the $Outhwest aide addition. 0s12 feet. December Term. 1932 Regent. l;;OB T6)fiuy of Poplar road at the dtstance of ten feet Sold as the property of WUllam C. Alexw WORK WANTBD-A woman would J..lke and one one-hundredths of A foot north. All lbat certain lot or piece of &"f'OUnd with Washing at home to iron or rough dry westwardly .from a POint of tangent, which ander. the bundlllg'S and Improvements thereon erect. work. Address 31B Unton Ave., Swarthmore. polnt of tangent Is on the BOUthWest side casb or certified. cheCk I Nt situate at Primos, in the Township 01 of PoPlar road. at the dlstance of two hun. onCondlti0Il&-$250.00 day of sale; balance in ten days. Fur· upper Darb,. County 01 Delaware. State of dred and sixty-two feet and twenty.seven LOST Pennsylvania. State of PenlUQ'lvanla. on the one-hundredths of a foot northwestwardly ther conditIons announced. at sale. northwesterly sidtt of Central avenue (811 laid from the mJddle Une of Eagle road; thence H. J. MAKlVER, Attorney. out 60 feet wide) at the dJ81ance of 126.21 LOST-Girl's Leather Coat with plaid Iln- extending south sixty-two degrees thirty Ing. Swarthmore 698-M. minutes west nlnety·nlne feet and seventyfive one-hundredths of a twentY-8eVen foot to a point; thence extending north de. greea thirty minutes west forty·four feet FOR RENT anel twenty-nine one·huodreclths of B foot to a POint; thence extending north s!xtytwo degrees tb1rt:v minutes east nlnetyCentrally located dweUi."J.; five two feet and tortY-nine one·hundredths of a foot to a POint on the said southwest bedroom.; $6S • mOD~. side of the said Poplar road; thence ex. tending southeastwardly along the saId southwest side of the said Poplar road on E. C. WALTON an arc of a circle having a radius of two hundred feet (chord bearing to the right) the distance of forty-five feet to the flrBt SWARTHMORE APARTMENTS above mentioned. point and place of be. ginning. South Chester Road As agent I have for rent at greatly re. Together with the free and common use, duced prices several up-to·date apartments. right, Uberty and privilege of a certain HOUSES eight feet wide driveway laid. out and 10 roolllS--$65; 'I rooms-$45: 6 rooms-$35 opened between thIs and the!roP8rt y ad. PO$Besslon at once Joining to the southeast as an for·a d.rive. way and passageway at all times hereafter WM. S. BITl'LE forever, In COmmon with the owners, tenSwa. Ill·oJ ants and occupiers of tile lot of ground ad. Notary PubUc Real Estate JoinIng to the soutbe8&t. LESS THAN A A DAY THE SWARTHMOREAN r. '.' -,,- .'. • .'. '.",' Muriel Mann, Miss Dorothy Shelmire, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. easey, Mr. Dean The children's story hour has been H. Parker, Mr. E. O. Lange, Mr. P. O. postponed until next Thursday, Febru- Davis, and Mr. A. B. Chapin. ary 23. The program will be a drama based 011 the childhood life of Mozart SHERIFF'S ES GfccUenb lzappen In wilkout JeImj , . ' . ' '." Story Hour P08tponed i=================~ I"Jnnlng at a point the Intersection the bUildinn and Improvementlll thereon ere«. the season 27 to 23 InabiHty to make; more have not dec med to ~ larger Swarthmore's colony of winter Visi- 01 the 8outheasterl,. eJde of Fairfield avenue, ed, sUuale in the Townshtp of Upper DarbI' (Jlfty fet't Wide) and the nortbeasterl¥ !llde of Coullty of Delaware and Commonwealth oi good the foul shots cost the Swarthmore t dc~re~. Hence, a greater reduction than tors was further Illcreased during the Avenue "C" (forty-five feet wide): tbence Pennsylvania, parU(."Ular.ly delKTJbt>d as fol team the game for they outplayed their j l7/l 111 the saI2f1c.s of Borough em- week by the arrival of many new- extending- alollg the said aide of Aveuue "c" lows; BeginnIng at a point on the 80uthwcat south twenty·nlne degrees three mlnutea forty Side of LakevIew avenue at the distan(.."(l of opponents on the floor making 9 field plo) ees \\Quld entaJI a lower standard comers who came south by motor car 8t.'(ondlll caet forly-tour feet and seventy-three four hundred and I!Ieventeen and five olle. goals. ~ of It.v.iug for these employees al.ld their and rail. one·hundredths of a toot: tbence extendllll" hundredths feet northwestWard frOm the north slxt, degrees fifty 1II1x: minutelll twenty eouthweSL eJde of Mansfield road: thence exThe next game for the local team will fantlhes: and could n~t. be Jusllfied on Mr. and Mrs. A E. Crosby motored 6eoonds ealilt mnety-elgbt feet: tbence extend- lending soulb thlrty·two degrees, thIrty.three be on Thursday OIght February 23 at 8 the baSH. of lowered hVlllg costs alone. from Swarthmore, for their second sea- Ing norlh twenty·nlne degrees three minutes mlnutee. fOW1een 8C\:onde west. one hundred p. m. at the Prep SchC:Ol Gym. Another lIulex used by 1\[r. Fenno is SOli and are residmg at 325 15th Ave. Iorty BC<:onds west fortY·four feel. and BeVeDt,- alld ''''ent)' Jlve feet to a poInt. thence ex. three one.hundredth8 of a foot to the 8Outh. lending north fiftY-seven deC'l'ees. forty four I , The Babson business activity curve. I NE. eastelly side of Fall"Jleld avenue; olbence ex. minutelll, toriy six: seeonds west, 00 a lIlie alonl' lame lIIouth Bixt.,.. deneelll fiflY- parallel wUh tbe &a.ld Lakeview avenue. GIRL SCOUTS TO do not agree With Mr Fenno that "it Al rs. Anna Porter Davidson, Elm tending minutelll lVienty seconds wC8& n1nety-el.rht twellly·.ovo feeL to a POillt, thence extendlnlr MEET TUESDAY IS fair to a •• ume that. takmg our citi- Ave., 2nd Miss Betty Tomlinson, 114 8lX feet to pOint and place of bednnlng BeIDI' No. north thlrly.t wo degrees. Ihlrty tbree mlnUles, fourteen 8eCOnds easl, pDQin8' throul'h the zens as a whole, their income has fol. Yale Ave., arrived by rail recently to 427 A venue "C". ..oOler of a ccrtlliu six feet Wide driveway A IIlcctll1g for Girl Scouts Will be held 10\\ ed the course as shown by the Hne spend thcir first winter in the Sun. Under and subject to certaIn building reo which extends northeaetwa.rd into tho said Tuesday afternoon at the Woman's Club-j E, and was about 36% lower in 1932 shine City. They have taken a bunga- strl('tIOI18 Loakevlew avenue. oue hundred. and twenty five leet 10 the said lIIOuth"est side of LakevIew house uuder the direction of the com~ I than in 1926" Indeed, there is 110 rea- low at 1145 16th Ave South. Improvements conSist of two·story brick and a\'enue: tbeul."e extending south AftI' seven de. mittee of citizenship and girl scouting of SOli to su\>posc that the Babson curve Mrs ~L V. Fisk, Swarthmore Crest, stucco hOU8C 24x33 feet; one story re81" addi. grees, forty four ndnutes. forly slJr: seconds cast, along tho said 80uth"eat Hl.d~ of Lake. which Mrs. Geo.r~e Zuumer is chair!llan I gw{'s any hint whatsoever as to the IS living in her winter home at 259 tion. 5xO feet: stucco garage, 20x16 feet. view avenue. t"enly·flve feet to the Ant MISS Julia Williamson of the National illcolm.:s of the citizens of Swarthmore. Fourth Ave. North. Sold 8S tbe property ot WllllaIQ M. Calhoun, mentioned point and place of bel"lDlilng. mortgtlgor. and Paul A. Sherwin and Veronica Girl Scout headquarters in New York It IS entirely IJosslble though hardly Mrs. Arthur C. Howland, 9 Gut:rnSh~rwin. his wife. real owneJ"8. wUh noUce Together witb the free and common use. will speak on the subject, "Traming for: probable, that Swart'hmore mcomes sey Road, is a guest at the Albemarle M. to terre tenants. It any. right. liberty and pdvilege 01 the aforesaid c.itizenship through scoutmg." Miss \VII-. rose wluJe the Babson curve fell. In UtlVe\\ay, HI and for a driveway ami pa 88age Conditiona-J200.00 cash or certified cheek way at all times hereafter lorever, in com. hamson IS ~ahonal chaIrman of thcl' all) event, thiS curve tells us absolutely Hotel David A. Reed. 750 Harvard Ave .• is all day of sale. balance In ten days. Further mon with tbe owners. tenants and occupienJ browlUes and IS author of several books 110tlung 3S to the extent to which mcondltiolls announced at eaJe of the other JOt8 of ground bounding thereon occupying hiS usual sUite in the Holand entitled to tbe use thereof. Last summer she traveled m England, comes in Swarthmore may have fallen. lander Hotel. GEARY &; RANKIN, Attorneys France, SWltzerl.and an~, Poland an~, at- And yet, on the basis of an alleged reImprovements ,,"olUusl ot two story stucco Mrs Mary Snuth, Strath Haven Inn, house. 18x36 feet StuC<,'O garage, 10xl0 leel. tendctJ the op~lIIng of Our Chalet at lahonshlp between the two Mr. Fenno th . t . tLI'S Levart Fadas . d h IS spen IIlg er SIX Will er ill r No. 686 Adelbaden, SWitzerland. I •. Sold sa tbe property 01 George H. Crow. · 'I W'II' that aIdfurther reduclJon of 36% resort, at 143 FJrst Ave. North At th IS mee tl11g .1.\ ISS I lamson WI 'I deCide. . b therd. mortgagor, and Kathr):n Abrams. real December Term. 1932 OWller 'Ic- III 'Itaxes e warranted present th e 6 rs t cl ass ba d gc t 0 B etty J.\ F wou . h . • I • All that certain lot Or piece of ground, witb Garrah, Barbara Bassett, Jane Richard~~ r. cnno ma~ be rig t m behevmg CondJtJon8-$200 00 cash or certified check tbe tenement or meesuage thereon erected. alt 011 day ot sale. balance tn len days Further son and Doris MacIntyre. that the tax rate 111 Swarthmore should PLAYHOUSE TO GIVE uate 10 the Township of Marple, in tbe (.'oudltlOns announced at aalo. of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania PEG 0' MY HEART County The oarcnts and fnends of gIrl scout.: he lowered, and even III holdmg that and descrIbed as follows, to wit; Bea1nnlng at WILLIAM K RHODES, Attorney arc inVited to thiS meeting. the rcdu~tlon shou!d be from 356-mills a point on the southwesterly .side of Franklin In answer to popular demand the road (forty feet wide) at the distance 01 , , to 16.1 n1llls I respectfully submit, howJOHN J CAIN, Sherin. three bundred leet soutbea.stwardly from the Questions "Light'" e"er, that, even If this conclUSion should Playhouse Professionals will produce the southeasterly side 01 CheSler road (thlrty On Tax Problems be a sound one, the process of reason- universal favorite "Peg 0' My Heart", leet \\Ide), containIng in front or breadth Evidently. soulhcast wardJ.v on the aaJd e1de of Franklin 1IIg' by winch It IS reached is so seri- the week of February 20th. road Jlfty leet and extending of that wIdth Joe Breen, the Managing director be- 111 (ConlimUtl !rum Pave One) length or depth southwes&wardly one hunously open to question that It does not, made at wholesale I belJe\'c. then, that as your headhllc suggests, throw "more lieves 1I1 diversification; for to date the dred and fifty feet, being lot numbered 30 on Ihe plan ot Broomall Grove. Marple Town_ QUALITY MARKET we arc not justified in asking that the light on the ta", problems." Playhouse has shown about every phase ship Delaware County, PenusylvanIa, reconled of drama. tax rate of 35.6 mdls be reduced to at Media In Plan Case No 1. pap 23. &c. PAUL F. GEMMILL. i ALE & KENYON AVES. Vuginia Curley, who will be remem25.4 1I1111s, on the baSIS of thc argument n. I •• I ! BACHMANS herec:1 for her steri1ng performances here advanced by your correspondent, for COLLEGE PROM ON lJ1 "Subway Express" and "House he has certalllly not proved that the TUESDAY EVENING Beautiful", will play "Peg". Opposite her Borough serviccs enjoyed In 1926 can bc duplic2.ted in 1933 for 710?t of their The chief SOCial funchon of the year, will be Cledge Roberts who has already won favor with Playhouse audiences. 1926 cost. the anllual Glee Club concert and prom Another Broadway favorite who will be Of course, It might be argued that wIll bc held on 'l'uesday, February 21~ the Borough employees could be forced The Swarthmore and Haverford Glee seen is Sidney Riggs. The supporting to take salary rcductlons which would Clubs will offer alternate selections, cast Will include ]. Barney Sherry. Helen help matcrlally to lowcr the cost of while the pH~ce de resistance of the Travers, Eileen Coyne, Bert Griscom. these Borough services. But grcat care affair will be the musIC furnished by Douglas McLean and Mary Duncan Stewart. must be used in thiS cOllllecho~ If the C~sa Lorna orchestra at the prom This vehicle should show the Playhouse IIlJustice is t b 3 oi 1 d It m be follO\\lng the cone~rt. The .concert will f o e v (e . ay be held as usual m ClothIer, and the Professionals at their best. Virginia Curair enough to ask e~ployecs to .acCe!lt prom 111 the college dinhlg rooms. Col- ley should he an ideal HPeg". Cledge \..'age cuts 011 .tI!C baSIS of reduclIolls III lection Will be held in reserVe for any Roberts has played Jerry" before. Bert the cost of hvmg. But thts does not overflow of the dancers. Allen Mitchell, Griscom, of English descent, is aptly cast mean on the baSIS of a wholesale com- '33, manager of the Glee Club prom as AlariC. h'ls set the price at $4.00 per couple or $2.00 stag. No single tickets for the PROTECT AGAINST OF ELIZABETH !of OBERHOLSER, dance alonc will be sold. Only those ESTATE late of the Township ot Thornbury, dewho have secured Ilckets for the prom ceased. RESIDENCE be able to attend the dance. Letters Testamentary on the above ~tate havIng been granted to the unCler&lgne€l. BURGLARY LOSSES!! will Babette Schiller. '33, who heads the all persons 1nuebteCl to the satd estate are prom commIttee, promIses unusual de- requested to make payment. and those ROBERT T_ BAIR, Insurance corations. having claims to present the same without delay to Phone Swarthmore 1841 I I • ROBERT SHARPLES, Executor. PUBLIC LIBRARY Swarthmore, Pa to his attorney, ADDS NEW BOOKS OrHERBERT L HUTCmNSON, 1st National Bank Bldg, SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES DarbY. Pa The followlllg books have been added to the Pubhc Library' "Jllhentance", IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF THE PHONE SW. 1225 COUNTY OF DELAWARE, PENNA by Phyllis Bentley. "As We Are", by No. 86 December Term 1932 MUHLENBERG AVE•• RUTLEDGE E F Ben.on; "Our Time .... 1909-14. by Estate of Oscar R. A. von 1Julow. Notice Is hereby given that L1zzIe von Mark St1J1ivan; "EpIC of Amenca", by Bulow, Widow of the said decedent. has MRS_ A. J. QUINBY & SON poranes". by ~ Garland; "EducalJon filed In the said Court her petition claltnproperty of the decedent to the value J. T Adams; My Friendly Contem- ing$500 00 as provided by Section 12 of the JOSEPH E. QUINBY of the Whole Man". by L P. Jacks; ot Fiduciaries Act of 1917 and that the same may be approved by the Court on the 27th ERNEST G. SNODGRASS, ASS'T "AnXIOUS D::::) SM, by Philip Gibbs' day of February. 1933, unless exceptions FUN E RAL D I R "Fanllly HI.tory". by V Sackvllle- thereto be flIed before that time HOWAaD KIRK E CTO R S West; "Green banks". by D. Whipple; 2-10-2t BELL PHONE 4 MEDIA. PA. "Chairman Lady Vlbert", by J Farnol; To ELWIN H. SCHNITZLER. late of Y. M. CA. 20th and Market Streets. Wheeling, ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ "InVitation to the Waltz", by R Leh- West Virginia I man. You are hereby notified that a final rule divorce has been granted against you. "New Poetry, An Anthology", by for at the sui t of Emma V Schnitzler your Harnett Monroe, "Money Musk", by B wile returnable In the Court ot Common Pleas of Delaware County, December Term A \Vllliams; "Son of God", by A P. 1931, No 1851, on the 24th day of February, FURNITURE RESTORING Terhune, "Flymg Carpet", by R. Halli- 1933. on or before which day yOu may cause, If any you have, why such burton; "Answerlllg Glory", by R. C. show divorce should not be granted. HOWARD KIRK Hutchlllson, "\Ve Beglll", by Helen Attorney for Libellant Carlisle; "Murdcr by Latitude", by Ru- 2-1O-2t 302 County Bldg., Media, Pa Custom Made Furniture fus King; "Desert Sand", by M2rgaret -;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;~ Pedler; 'Mammoth Mystery Book", by ., Interior Decorating E V\.ra ll l1ce i "Fortunes of Garcie", by WE ARE READY TO In All Its Branches Mary Johnston. Juvenile "How It All Began", by Janet Smal. TO ley, "Young Fu", by E F. Lewis; "JerT) and the Pusa". by E Lattl1110re, I "~Iort: Ahout Mag", by 11 St Clair; YOUR "Hepatlca Hawks", by Rachel Field; "WagtaIl". by A. C Gall; "Elf ChIldren HOME OR BUSINESS of the Woods", by Elsa Beskow; "Ear_ ly Sea People". by K. E. Dopp; "Willow \Vhistle", by Meigs. "Cape Cod and the Old Colony". by OUR REPRESENTATIVE A. P. Brigham; "Foot-loo.e in the WILL CALL TO ADVISE British Isles", by H. A. Franck; "May 33 West Baltimore Ave. Alcott". by C Tichnor; "Wild Animal CALL 1896 Round-up", by W. T. Hornaday; uKo_ CLlFrON HJtIGHTS rca of the Jrpane.e". by H. B. Drake; ;:========~I Send $1 I 01 lor the next 5 montllsol Fancy City Dres.ed Steer Beef Rib Roa8t lb_ 17c Chuck Roa8t lb 12~c Rump J Steaks } lb. 22c Round I Roa8ts Sirloin Steaks, no trim lb. 19c Hamburg, fre8h ground, lb_ 17c Fancy Stewing Chickens family 8ize each 59c Ends of Ham lb. 8c and up Slice Ham, center cut, lb. 23c HaH Smoke8 lb.l4c Beef Bologna, whole or half pieees lb. 15c Order Early Pure Pre8erves, a880rted flavors, 2 lb. jar 25c THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY MAKE the most of your reading hours. Enjoy the wit, the wisdom, the companionship, the charm that have made the ATlANTIC for seventy. five years, America's most quoted and most cherished magazine. Send $1. (mentioning th18 ad) to The Atlantic Monthly 8 Arlington St, Boston Swa. 183 Free Delivery I ANNA SCHALLES UPHOLSTERING GENERAL AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE PAINTING BODY AND TOP WORK WE SELLANY MAKE OF TIRE THAT YOU 315"17 Yale Avenue MORTON; PA. • DEMAND. GENTLEMEN. No job is too smaIL or too big for our shop. No matter what make cor you own, we have the drawing in our hands. Please come for an estimate on YOUF next job. You'll see the diHerence. Free inspection from February 20 to March 31. Fred J. Harley Swarth. 1441 CO"OPERATE RENOVIZE M. F. Williams FUNERAL PROPERTY HOME Madison 110 Swarth more Electrl'c Shop "Can Man Be Civilized?". by H. E Barnes; another Hardy Garden Book. by H. R. Ely; Titans of Literature' by 411 Dartmouth ,Avenue B. Rascoe; "Tiger Man'~, by ]. Du-,~~~~~~~","~~"","~~~, RIDE A TAXICAB EQUIPPED WITH A FARE METER. YOU ARE SAFE. CAB STAND SWA. t800 D. E. CAPRIOTTY SECOND LETTER ON e AIDING NEIGHBORS • Editorial Comment WARTHMOREAN VOL. V-NO.8 SWARTHMORE, PA., FEBRUARY 24, 1933 $2.50 PER YEAR SCHOOL BOARD S'l'UDIES BUDGET Editor of The Swarthmorea,,: Circumstances have raised the comlnu-I nity of Swarthmore Over the average. Communities are something like a kalidascope. Look at them from a certain angle \Vhether or not the teachers of the and the effect is very beautHul-look at Suarthmore School District as well as them from another angle and the effect is all other school employees should tak<: uot so good a cut in salary for the year 1933.34, We let that old devil, Human Nature, promises to be a major subject of disJumble things up, and the effect is not cuss ion at the Home and School Meetpieasmg. Selfishness, fear, dread of mg, March 6. This mecting of the Home mtangible danger; a sinister color and School Association will be for the meanness, all as unnecessary and harmful purpose of discussing the budget for to life as the devil himself. If we look at things as they are, much ncxt year and the consequent tax rate CONSIDER RADIO FOR POLICE USE Swarthmore may set the pace for other cQmmunities of 3,000 population if plans discussed last Thursday evclllng at the meetlllg of Borough Council materialize. A short-wave radio broaucasting set may be installed at Borough Hall and the police car equipped with a receiving set. : This will make it possible for police headquarters 10 borough han to get m touch WIth the police car at a moment's .. notice. At present the man on duty at headquarters has no choice but to wait in trouble, not of their o;~n~f~;t:~~~: COllllluttce, wdl be the princil)at speaker and Will ask the members of the audiuntIl the street man telephones beCore he Other citizens are fairly ,can give him emergency informatIOn. These are able and many of them willing, cllce to express their views on the subThe change from the telephone system to ease somewhat the heart breaking bur- ject of possible economics for the next to the short-wave radio system il::i bemg den which has fallen upon their neigh- fiscal year. considered at the suggestion of James H. ... bors. The old motto, uThe devil taketh As related in the statement of Mrs Thomas, local radiO expert. Mr. Thomas the hindmost" is the worst motto DaVid C. Prince before the Educahon says that the cost of installing the side of Hen. As we are not going that Committce of the Legislature, every equipment will compare favorably with way, let us change It to "Love One An- sc;.hool board 111 the county must face a the annual telephone bill of the Dolir:p. deother." reduction in state appropriations if the artment which approaches $500. These thoughts follow a letter in last budget submitted by Governor Pine hot : The most expensive item in the present week's SwartluJlorean·. Why not follow is adopted whether the ncw Code is telephone bIll i~ the system of phones on out the suggestions made, and every al)proved or not. poles around the borough where patrolzen that is able and wilhng, leave at If the new Code is approved, ~warth!Ilen report to headquarters at regular bank at the end of each month. Qr when- more stands to lose state funds to the Administration Buildin~ formerly used by the Swarthmore Prep School, mtervals These could all be eliminated ever convenient, an amount of money as equivalent of 2~ to 3 mHis. TillS means which will Soon be taken over by the Ulverston School the radio short-wave system. by large as hiS heart would allow. Suppose that the local board will have to cut Furthermore Mr. Thomas states that there are three hundred citizens who take school taxes to that amount in order to there will be little upkeep expense and this matter seriously. One leaves a dol- retam the same tax rate as during the that III a few years it Will represent a Jar; another leaves twenty-five dollars, past year. If the present <:;ode is regreat source of economy for the borough. another leaves ten dollars; another tained, the reduction III school approIII fact he goes farther to pomt out that three dollars; another leaves fifty pnations in the Governor's budget it may be a source of income. lars, another leaves fifty cents; and would be the equivolent of about a half At an important meeting of the nitics for an extensive health program If Swarthmore can secure a permit to Oil, larger or smaller. _ LeL it be said here, a mill in Swarthmore. Board of Ad\!lsors of the Ulverston hitherto impOSSible. Under the direc- operate at a certain wave length, it means the smaller amounts left WIder the im\Vhile no official statement has been School held this week, It was decided tion of William F. Baker, dramatics tll.at no other short-wave radio permit pulse of love, are Just as valuable as the forthcomlllg from the local school to bUild Immediate plans to move into will be gIVen more emphasis Students wI/I be granted by the Federal Radio larger ones. board, other school districts where cuts the former Swarthmore Preparatory whose interests iit! varticularly in the Commission within a radius of twelve WIthout the spiritual impulse of love, in teachers' salaries are being considno amount large or small is worth any- ered, arc studying two plans. The first plant during the coming summer. An field of manual arts or construction of miles from here. Therefore It may be thing. Those who respond will doubt- pro.,ides for a straight ten per cent cut agreement has been reached with the varied t)pes. will find more of these pOSSible that other nearby communities less have enough to eat; enough to drink; III an teachers' and employees' salanes. present owners to occupy the corner satisfied III the new creative shop to be may want to pay Swarthmore an annuaJ clothes to wear and be able to meet all The second plan calls for a reduction Admillistn:tioll BUlldmg and the Gym- established It win be possible elso for fee for the privilege of broadcasting form nasium obligations of life. A man may meet all of from eight to fifteen per cent in the school to enroll more boarding stu- our station. A short wave broadcasting system is These new plans will not only make dents than is now feasible. his personal obligations and stili be salaries ac<;ording to the present scale 111 use by the police in Philadelphia and pretty small proposition. If he does In other words. those teachers who re- pOSSible the anticipated increase in en. Dr. Terman plans a wide use of the is very satisfactory. exceed his own interests he is of no ceivc the highest wages will receive a rolhnent for Ulverston's third year, but gymn<\sium The Cub Pack of 88 boys Council authorized Mr. Thomas to in~ use JIl a community than a pet cat. If in larger cut than the employees who are \\ III faCilitate a more intenSive and cxbetween the ages of nine and twelve vestigate certain features j tIo;; pr! ;..sral tensive program of school activities. hiS going through life, he has laid up no at the bottom of the wage scale. is already using It (or thelT pack meet- and report back at the ne.A' 1 ! t'l eternal treasure, when the end comes. he Either one of thf"se pl .. us if put into Accordmg to plans announced by Djmgs. Time itnd guidance schedules are It was decIded at last 1 j,ur' .., 1Hf'i_t IS poor and naked and useless and wdl get effect in Swarthmore would represel1t rec..for E. L. Tt:rmaH ~ilc gymna:r.iulU being built to e.~tentl the actIVIties of I iug of council to have a .~. r " \0,;, the reward such Iivmg rates. thc equivalent of about two mills The and SWimming pool \\ ill offer opportu(Continued on Page Pour) expert inspect the south t '.--, LI. The names mentioned in the letter last present school tax is 25 mills. underpass in reference to v1tr I It the prom 11 tl 1 Ius \l:h cle should sh J\\ the PIa) house I II \\lIIg tit c.:tllctrt lilt' ullct.:rt "I" I" I t I II I~ II 1I II 111 el( tIm r lilt! tht: f'r It HillIs \t thllr Ill:st \lrglllllCur Illll I Peg Cledge 1 [ I III tl c.:t IIthl dllllllg room!:> Cl I It: \ ~huuld hl: 1Il Hit" tl , tl I I t III 11 I III \ h. ht'rt II I pla\cd Jtrn httorc Bert II I I \III ht' Itdd III rt':.t'r\e 101 111\ t' 1 I \ IIlg 111 III II III t \ I I n ot tht d llicers \II~II \lth::hdl l n c II of Inglish dtscent IS l1>tl) cast It III I II l "I I... I \\ I II "ale CUIII )) III IJllglf ,1 tht.: (~ke <.:luI> I rom \Ilrt( I t t h~ I nce t ~-I OU Ih r couple or ~) (1) st Ig :\0 !:JlIIgle hd cts for tlte PROTECT At. \INSr OF ELIZABETH M OBERIIOLSER 1111 dillt \\ III he :_oold Unl) those ESTATE 1 te I I the Township of Thornbury de \\ h It I't sccurt.:d Uckct~ for the plom eel ('ct Lettc s 'lc-'>taml"ntlry on the abo\e estatl" \\ III I t.: thle to lllellu the dance I I I \ ug: becn glanted to the undersigned I Iltl!t Sclullc.:[ B \\110 heao:. tht' II I C (II::; uHll'bted to the said c::;ta c al e ] I Ii n 1Il1ll11tn I rOllllst:s UIlU,>U tI ue rcqur!;teci to make paJ,lllent and those ROBERT T BAHt, Insurance lHl\Jt" clalln~ to prescnt. the same without I 11 lis delal t) • I • Phone S" \rthmorc 18 .... 1 ROBERT SHARPLES In It \ \t II III dl"'flhlt Hral Esl tic .. lXi, SIt(tJrrH Olli('( III IISj :\ltlhJJ M , II I I II II III IIUI 11 No subJ I t1 rlalll 10 o Ol) ([!ll IlIl'C III ctl RESIDENCE BURGLARY LOSSES . . ANNA SCHALLES SLIP COVERS ppm J( LIBRARY ADD~ DR \I'ERII " II. I 11 tilt lullH PHONE S\\ 172:J I \ I 1!,llt I ntlt\ ~(UHLENBER(. A VI • ItUTLEDl.E I I \I J QUINBY MRS A JOSEI H I EHNES r nEI l PHONE -1- :SON QUINIH G S;-";ODGH FUNERAL & \ss \ss I I \ t,) AUorm \ OxJ(J teet It 811c .No "III~I T r II HI;) IlSh DIRECTORS MELH \ " 1A III I UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE RESTORING Fred J. Harley Custom Made Furmture Interior Decoratmg In All Its Branches Swarth. 1441 \t\\ I til \ \I 111 FUNERAL \n IUIOUES IN THE ORPHANS COURT OF THE COUNTY Of DELAWARE PENNA No 86 December TCllll 1932 Estate of Oscar R A von Bulow Notice is hereby given that Lizzie \on widow of the lOalel decedent has hied In tlle said Court her petition claim Ing l)rOpclty of the decedent to the, nluc f $50000 IS prO\ IdcCl by Section 12 of the F dUcJalles Act of 1911 and that the 108mc IIlfl), be \J)prO\ cd by the Com t Oil the 27th da), of Febl \Jar), 1933 unless excepth:.ns th(,l('to 1 c hIed before that tlmc 2 10 2t HOWARD KIRK ELWIN H SCHNITZLER late of Y M 90th and Mal ket Street:,; Whecling \\(' t VII~11It Yo in' It( Icbv notlfi('d that a final rile r dl\ur has h~ n glal ted again t )OU t ttl(' !iUlt of Emma V Sehl itzler lour T C \ 11 III 1933 011 or lwforc which dn~ !;hcw cau (' If any )0 I haH! dl\orce ho Ild not be granted ,"ou may why s teh Il C HOWARD KIRK gil Iltltn Atwrney for Libellant IJ\ I ItltlHh 1)\ h.u 2 10 2t 302 Countl Bldg Media Pa Ilt c.rl S Uld In)'1 rg Ir t 1I k Ig II I ~I 111111 II 'It t n I I.; 11\ ~ ~:~~I;~.~~;;;;~;;;;;;~ \\ lite I rtUIlt I ( In Ie I" WE ARt READY TO ~I Ir) Johnston Juvemle II" It \11' gil 1\ I III t Sn tI TO Il \ \ I lIllg 111 In I I I t \\ I I r I I tI ] I I It I r \ \1 I \ \1 •• .. CO ..OPERATE YOUR I ar \\ ,I HOME OR BUSINESS PROPERTY OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL TO ADVISE CALL 1896 Swarthmore Electric Shop 411 Dartmouth A,cnuc hc ftulh \IIUIII JOUNJ C\ll'\ SIIIIIf BACHMANS QUALITY MARKET i ALE & KENYON AYES. Swa. 183 Free Delivery lur 'fie lie l:l 5 mOlltits oj THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY M \KI lilt DIltst of your readlU", lumrs EnJOy Ihe WII the "IS tJlJm Ihe t.: IIII)aIllUIISIIlP Ihc charm that IIU\c malle Ihe All -'INTI( fm !-iCHIlI) tne )cars \mtnca~ mlsl (II lied alltJ m !oil ,'tt:nshcd lIIugazlIIt: Send $J i. 19. HUlldturg, fresh ground, nt. 17. Fancy SlewlIlg ChIckens famIly sIze each 5ge Ends of limn It,. 8e and Ul' IShce lIam, cenler cui, It,. 23e lRd, I Half Smokes It,. 15 .. Itlcccs to Monthly 8 \rhngton St Boston Th(' \tlanUc It, 14. Beef Bologna, whole or h ..1f (mentioning thlfi ad) Order Early Pure Preserves, assorted I fla\ors, 2 Ih. Jar Darby Pa \lIth I g\ I" If(' (t III II Ie In tIle Court of Common \III k 11\ I 11(' s of Dclnw Irc County Dc('('mber Term II In \ I' 19:1J No 18;)1 011 the 24tll day f FCbruary 'Illg t ht 01 I (I I 1l\ In I )1 1)( st III tltt II \ I I ;till I.; \1 l\ 33 West Balumore Ave. I H 11)( r \\ lid \nnn Ii I" \\ I Ilorna(IIGHl S th l Ijllt t h\ II I Drakt ( II ),1 [11 Il (1\IItZt' "1\ 1<1 l J rn (l htl rt: Ih( I htc 1 I I tit It tilt' l st 01 11\ I dllllg the Side ul lIeU \s \\1.' art' lilt glllg thlt t IIl11ltlt(: t I tht' I egl Ittun t\t'f\ II J mutt "III CJIIII trt' fl\ort! h "Ith tnl .11 ti e (( Ullt \ 11111 t I ICt' I \\ 1\ 1<1 lis cli lIIge It tu J U\ e Uut.: \11 II Ill! 11 tclq h JIll.' hili 01 tllt' 1)( It de (ther It luI.: I I III I te. If 1 r )lrlill I II Iht II t \\ Imh II proache" ~'O() 1 Itt' t' til( ttbhtS folio" I kttt'r III list I \ I~l t .. uhullitt I 1" ( \ t nt r I'lIIdlt t 'ht II! I t Xllt'll I\~ 1tt.:1l1 lit Iht' I re"cnt \\eek!:> ~1WJ/ItJIIV (WI \\ 11\ not follow I 1(1 I It( \\ltt'thtr tItt' IIl\\ l J phollt' 1111 '" tht' \ slcm ot I hUIlt:!oi 011 ut the Sl.ggestll liS III Itll.' lilt! e\e \ Cltl / II I n \ t I or [ t Il" Ir ttl I till" I rou,.,h \\ ht'rc patrol Z('11 Ihlt IS ahle and \\t1ltllg lel\~ It thc II the m\\ (I"~ h i] I I I \( I S" Irth It II rt'port to Itt: HI llllrtu~ It r('ottlar I UI k at tie I ellu.• 0 f l Icli month ur "ht'll IJI It' st I Ids t I t' !'.t Ite funds to the \ Inlllllstr \lIon Butlltll,... ()rnll:th lI ... t I 1\ S" lrliu110fl PrlCp Sl.:hool IIltt n tis J ht' C 1.:0111<1 all he dllllln ltcd t'qun tI III I)~ to ~ 1 11 I! Ilib lilt it t\er COII\elllent an tlllOUllt ul monn a" "Iut.:h "Ill "non he t lken o\er h., (he Uh erslon Sdulol 1\ tht rull ~h .rt \\ I\t' \~tcm lit I tilt 1 t: II II tnt \\111 Itt: t I (ut I lrgc I'" IllS heart \\ ould tHo" SUI I U C I lInl erllJore ).Ir I hOIl! is states that thcrt: Ire thrce hllmlrcd ClliZelb \\110 t Ike ... tll I Ilxt Il lit It IllillI III order h Ihut.: "III bt.' tittle tI))kt'q eXI ell::;~ and Ihls IIIltter sUlol1"h (Jilt' ki\e I dol rtlllllliH Slilt Ilx I Itt: IS durng the 1hl1 1II I It'\\ \I.'ars It \\111 relr('sellt a Ilr, another lcl\t:s t\\t:llt\ It\e dolllr~ II I \tll It tltl prt t'1I1 code Is rl.' grt It ouree ( I ec IIOIll) ft r the I, rou",h tII,l!Jlr Il.l\e.!> tell dolllr~ another II.' I\~:_o I UII((I tht: ft' IlJcllt II III s I I PI n III I It:t he g It':_o lartltcr to lJOlJlt out that tllne dolllr:., lIIuther k l\es hlh dol ] n III II III Iht: (O\lrlH r s hudg t 1l III 1\ I e I sourCe 0 I III ollie Ilr~ mother Ic: I\C~ It it) Ct'llts, 111<1 so \ 11111 I e.: tIll t.:(11I1\ II.' I t (I till tit I h II! \1 11111 lrtlllt ltlttlllg tl tIll IUIIl rill (:,,\ttl 1\( Ii 11th Irogrllll J I S" Il thlllore (Ill secure I Ilernut to ( I J Irgcr or .">111 tiler I ~t It Ilt' ::iaal ht.:rc t mJ11 III S" lrtitmort' Inl \1i\IOJ' t II I.' Lht:r"lt II Ilithtrt III I IhI llldlr tht eiJnc (Ilrllt' It I erllln \\ I\e It'ngth 1l means tilt: ~lI1ll1er amuunb left tlllder the 1111 \\ IlIlt r t n CI d sl IIUlIlnl h I I t:t: I "I 11!tld til '\It'k It \\IS l...,s III irmJt ot the bUlk ...,t'CUrt I ~JllIIl cumlllltte~ \\111111"" t) !:Iln~ \\Itllt 111 I( 11 III g It Ich \ IlC\\ !-.ollrt:t' 01 rt'\ ~lItle tor the lor t, meet l nCe I \\eek to cOllsHkr the he t lit: l 11111\ It 1 hrll.'l 1 he 11('" school codc and Its dTect on 11 Ii "a~ l" t Ihll Ited \\ h<:11 It \\ as deCided It pOSition 10 III Ike 01 thc t.: Ish rt::cl.'l\('d llrLl I III tlllg III hi It ~I c(iJa I Ut'stll) morll the tax rite I f S\\ arlhm re and alI other IIC!II \\ 1111 tl ch II ~e thc suI lIrl III \\ Iler Cumpany I (Jill) (lie b ok lIet'd he I t'] t thc lilt lUllt \ IIII I t I tl ':'I ~)IlU lor 1Il~ \( rill II" Illltllll(e I tiecbloll to ('( IIllllunltlt':. I I the (Olltll) \\ as (liscllss('d It't ... \\llIch \,"1 I nil,." al Hit $600 a year tltt' I \Ilk rt')lUrb 011 thc dt'hlt sl(le the I no III I Ilhl 11 tltl III Ib clIllret) list I hnrsd I) C\ ellll1g In a to Ihe h( It lI,...,h t r the prt\l!cge ot nm 1111 Illlt dl~IJUr t'd ,II Ihe cr~dlt Side \\ltli I I I rt' Ihe el d II It I.: tIt' tl:,,\ rllt 1 r 11)31 III klHg Itr leader 01 the IJd[\\are CHUlt) laxJll\ 11111,.., "1I<:r 111 II I Ihn 1t",1 tht: :.tlt.:t'b thl.' S.h J Itnrt' 01 the rt't:lt11t'llt upvo Itt:: tltt.: IIg I 7 IIl111 It r:_o \~~OCI ItlUn 1lI I prolltlltcnt .. ( h 01 I Ih \\ 1111 J ht: ([ Ct Ill)1 UI\ Ii C 1(1\ <.:olltnl utes ~-IO IIll Ullt he nce" es II \\ r te I r I IInl\ I IX I.. 3 7~ III III ul Che ter (1IlltS' hanklll hd lre 1<1 ht: tl It all) III Ul tlllnk ~ J I til I II!] r It Incl 13111111 .. jtlle S"arthm(rt' brllllh 01 tht.: ICI",tte ot Itr lIllIe lor III 1111 III Iht' I rou It or a Knhcc 1I1 dUIIl~ III Ict II hclp thtr~ I I 1111)1 ,JOJ 111111 1\\(lIIen \otl.'r . . I(lIO\\llg \Ir H.lIlkm I I II I t II lit "'6t)O I ) t' Ir \\ hlle ~hc Bell dong hc should ~It (Iu\\ 11 and J.let Ulull!t:r II II r 1))1 \ I ..j}:'I IInlls for I \\allace Chad\\ll.:k Cht::ster ItHrnc) 1 (Iq h me C Ill)) 1 1\ lIld tht' I'\.t'\ stUIIC llIl~ 01 thonght III hiS 1II1ll a icC 101 \ f\ 1t:lt')Jhullt:: poll" he IS t'XCI CI 111"" I s 1(1 t:d pi [ Ic""e III I I I ht lucigct lor il)H h .... practlcall) tlOn fOR I NI<.H I L' AT I n i t I It I ~(ell Illd d~rn II ,1I lof Boron",1t C( IIncil 1( r their C( n clen I iURS J V. S BISHOP'S \ ~r) truI) \ (U1 :\(:xt I III Illlm In 28 at 23U tJ t1:.lIt III Ie.: t'1ll g Ihe I ud",ct anI tllll~ Shade Slllllllun I I I Ih s\\ I thm r gilt (I \\ Ull fll.'rJllItilllg the Il (1ll1 cd I IX r(:(luc11 11 1 hl lortnlghtl) \\ lIt ll1t:ct at the homc 011(, \"1 HI<.( 11 \I \'1' t \ tlr!". \\tli h lIlt It~ullr lII~ctlllg ~lr . . I I I III It' Cht\l!t.:\ It:tui l!oi (hair 01 \Ii J V !) Bishop on \londa) I INi\L BASKEtBALL tIl \\ t JIlt lIul II 11 t: I he meet mill \ E!'iI'EltS 1 HIs ~l ND .. "1 J ch 27th at 2 m oc'ock GAME 'I illS 1<:\ .I<; VIN(, II hllgt: t ~Ir Illrllnt Sill Sielkll,.., (t Iht Ilt.:\\ cli II c lc ),11 Ooet' I )C Ir a I ro",r 1m IS de\oted to I d I II! 11 I I hlc II 11 I h~ ~tlh h !Ilkll! lIItlllled tit.: It h n 01 the I I sh( rt tont I IllS tll111.: a Gals" 01 thy I hl } I II t.: :\ \\ ..... h Il I It Is It ~[I\ ! llIuntl~ \ct and the It' .... Ulb the lIe\\ t n fneil III SUIIlII!t'r 01 a Iors)te (a I \ It ~I.:h) I md th~ code" b 1I,..,(' tt:d HId I I lIt: I 1 )Jail ot the Sagl) \\111 b~ rC\IC\\td b) sen .l:t.: (n ~I r:-. l COl gc 1Ic ~) re.\ pnnCIPtll 1lI nd \ct Is Illltnlcd 1111)19 1:_0 pt'r ).IJ J ) t:ph Pt.:rn 11 leth tIItdl~tOt:\l:l\nt'lIlthe:_oth{J1 Crt hn \\ 111 lead <- (0 1I1\l I uropl.' I b) II ] II I ltl g III III \\ho exeepl II t' e(iue Itor \\ho "ant III re , I (t h J lei M~ helll1er I ( d nl I" It Ii II till lIIlIt It III I 1111 II) \\ t.:r II e I III( 1HJ... \ t t:. the I I of ),1 r (II roll Ilia) t: r \\ III Spt ak ot cur \lid t c lid Ie III .1 I th I l III III Ie.: It lttt'lltl and the PUlIl \h IIlII Scil 1 ..... \ lelll In 1 hI rent Ilter lr) e\ ellls ),1 e.: III I er~ arc askl'(l \\ III pI 1\ .)(111/[ ) ld1\ It t "I h \\llll't sencclmltllcrt.: \\a ... 1" IIItll I LOlllllllttce 01 'en t I mention their I l\onk Ga!s"orthy ()n 11Ie.: tin S\\lIthlll It I Id J t I 11 \1 I Ilgt I \ tit II lut lit, lllllllllt Itors utd cducltor~ \\11) \\ere a kt.: It) n )\(,'1 II /(101 Il I k :\e\\t \\1 tht: jlr~t t( 1111 \ I 11 ,., :) liter tht' I tm lid:. \ct or to Jllak~ a 11('\\ to 12 til I till tU HIll 1111 IS It 'I c< dt' I hi the\ llld lIld If the Ilt\\ t .Kle :\1. xl \\ t'dlll d 1\ Jht 1 lint I... I)a!lst'd Ihe result \\ III put 111 the pm\ er I In III the hamb of 11111l 11Iell \\ho \\111 III I I I \II n Smith Jr Ilh\ t urlllllllilt IIltttlllg II In, hnrg alld ,hetatc ch ,I 1 II t: t: l!-:r Iinlatni on II 1 tltt' \\hol e ~Iatt II C) tl lIck It tl S" II thm r I III \\ ill 11 Sllltlh hili II~ I I t III III \\.1 Ir III l 1111~llft II \\111 III . . . \\11111 II lit \\11 It I t til I, dll I Lp t'l 1)11 J ~I\\ It \\11,.., Illn a pUlchlse i1t I \I (111\ I b J.... lilt I l't.:tt.:1 g IlIlt I , drl tiC I Lilt I It.:111 II 1 t\lllH It: 1t:(t:I\III" ll\ mule 1t licit 01 the three store:) ,.., I II I ,all offers the \~n dint II g )\t.:rlJlll !It lIll11)\t' I III~ I II tht.: hlrlh 01 a Ii hI h , Ir h( lrl d ~Ire:s-a Jig Sa" puz 11 t IIt'Ct' It Itt that artlcll.'s be pur ht.: ... lUI" mid ktl p thl lddltl IIllm lIle\ It Crt Z I II Silt t!lll I t'h I 11 It a t.: Hht'rtl cd III thl:. \\eek 5 Zt' I 1 (tile III S"ailhmUlt'1 tl k t I I ' 'I I II III 1t'»K t:s ot lit.: IIXpa\lIS ill( rUln'"t .\r t'ltr \\1 It.:rI.'IlH.:mht:r III t.: Jluzzle arc madt' of hIs "mel )I(ltl hut It I lIeCt' ar) that the three Ihtrllort' knp It III clrtulltHIl It llil tilt.: dtughlt'r 01 ~Ir an<1 :\lrs I x Stllilt r LI 1 l\\ of \IOl.h III I ,," lid III P t e.::.'l Ire mterlockmg I rl ... h I\e ad\ertIseltlCllb of one kmd or It rCllig tht' h lanlt'r l I the gl \ crnllleni ( t rgt.: \ J rt tz ht tht Sll tkc.r al l Ill(dlllg III Ih I I I.' II It II tl t' j r I pUZzle a\a Iah1c: IS II thtr 111 the] suc lor thiS \\eek to hrt'lk 11110 lilt'lr hOlnll1lg~ and get ).Ir 111(1 \11 ... \ \\ I nIkrtoli Jr 1I!t(rt .. t 01 tt.:IltIJlrIIlCl to 1)( held III J Irrt It II ill \\ Ilk a UIlC on the Col Iht.: hr t thrt:e per~ons hrlllglllg 1Il ac tht:lr lII)[l\ Ibo htck nit) Iltt markct JJl( Shtrllllll a\tllm I \all~l}n 111m l\tllll g It Iht lllgh Sci ( I \n(ht mul1l It t' (UIIIII Ihe Il1ctl1rc I~ a photo tqtllie. reClllt Saturda) morn1l1g \\IH) \\htl1 a I.;ul a to 1Ilt:l1lher 11Il' \Ir I I IlIlumct: thc llJrth 01 a daughter Ihl" llllCtlllg "III htglll It Hotkck ;Hld t! 1)1 \\hcll II l}lpearcd III The' Ie gl\lll tht thrt'c Jig sa" puzzles thatj ".lIIkm rellII~d It tltl clo t' 01 tht' (I trltltt on Il"hruan 1~ tht Jluhhc 1.. 1II\ltCt! j'" mOIll I till at a II;} t dltl" hl\e leell made espcclally for 1helIHtdlllg \\t: dOlult "ant lOur mOllc\ t: ... pu.:ltlh \\e\\lIIt)ou JUllior St t hon I 1 lit I unit: (a II t 1(" lIurchas:'; • It 8 II Bulow I fll Idh ( utllll m In I I I lei ~ I I II (,I, 1)\ \ ~ hh lit:: I" J) \\ hll I It 11\ J I 1m I In I I h " 11111 )llIlll"(l Executor S\\ nrthn orc Po. Or to his 1ttorucy uldt cI Il(t: , , I , tl L NI" BOOKS lIOitH \lIorltJ & R\NKIN Dc I ( ' >;11t e SWARTHMOREAN AIDING NEIGHBORS I)IIU (Ish llrlllll'li hC11;. hllulI'C II 1('11 11)1" "utIli I r -crhh It I tJa) s b II lUll ("0 111-$ bllllthll~ 10lJ ~I LI I (Ix) "hll 1"~..! Ttrm 'Ihtl lsi of t\\ u t I 1'1.'0 g ra r 11111 011 dn :\1 == SECOND LETTER ON I r IK 1111 KllhulII emlll'l lis I) 111111011 t(' Ilul, (r Hohnl 1\1 Mill III~ \\I(t 1II0rl... ou 1111 \\1 [CHlllt Sum" 11111 I I II AM oe allllll 1"( I U""1 \\ Ih 11011, I It tn I nanls If III) III l til St ulClard Time Ii II S UII tUB I W () do(1;, A lui It I~ melil J.:araj.: 1('1111"',) h 11 I' "It"tha ~[urlIJ ('ttl UII bUlhhllJ; II uf t('ll r 1 IIU I III ('III);lsl I f ("0 HI t) ,,101 ... '" "' FEB 25 1939 FEBRUARY 17, 1933 25c CONSIDER RADIO FOR POLICE USE ULVERSTON SCHOOL TO TAKE OVER PART OF PREP BUILDINGS ".11 I, 10M N COUNTY TAX C NDE NS EW RATE REDUCED SCHOOL CODE ! I ,\1" , " HERE'S A JIG SA W PUZZL E YOU'LL GO CRAZY ABOUT ~.t I I I 't THE SWARTHMOREAN •• M... bL iMM sa.& .. a~"~~~~~~~~~G~'~G~&}~"~~';~".~')~;~,~",~,&~,~"~,.~"~h~"~'~d~"~"~'~'~;~h~_~'~. .~.r~@~.~.~.~a~'f~"~.~Gi~M~&~"~P'~·;·~buses. CROONING guest past week Mr. James M. Jr. of the Harvard. E.C. W. A stop will be made at the .. • .." '. • • • • . • . r.; '. • A!edia Iginning Friday, March 10th, the.e serv- THE SWARTHMOREAN 25. Originated as a method of encouraging the giving of jobs to the wlemployed, the exhibit is being operated on a non· profit basis. There is no charge of any kind for admission. John H. McClatchy, general chairman of the exhibition states that several hundred men already have been given employment by the exhibitors who are displaying their prcxh,tcts. UAnother source of work", Mr. McClatchy adds, !lis the numerous jobs that are certain to be given out by the men and women attending the exhibition!' Among the sponsors are the Delaware County Real Estate Board, the Association of Commerce of Eastern Delaware County and more than a score of women's clubs in both Delaware and Montgomery Counties. The exhibition hsel f is known as the UAt 69th Street homeowners may see the thousand-and-one materials that go into the construction of the modern house, making for greater comfort, livability and health. In the Architects Buiiding, the homeowner then may inspect the assembly of these materials into complete "before and after" units demonstrating the possibilities of remodeling, reconditioning, and modernizing lfomes both as to interiors and exteriors." Correct the cause of Halitosis! I I • Entertains IrVine",.:=======::===::===~================:: ,. for Nieee Mrs. Charles A. Stern of Baltimore Pike entertained at dinner last Saturday evening in honor of the eighteenth birthday of her' niece, Miss Barbara Coar of Chestnut Hill. Mis, Coar was lovely in a blue dress of rough crepe. Her corsage was of pink. roses and. lilies-of.lhevalley. Dancing and games followed the dinner. The guests were Miss Elizabeth Matos, Miss Margaret Vlachos, Mrs. Harold Calvert, Mrs. Robert Gilfillin, Mrs. Belle Schamel, Mr. David Bishop, Mr. Powell Calvert all of Swarthmore. Miss Esther Key. Miss Eleanor Krause, rutd Miss Helen Paxson of Chestnut Hill, Mr. Heury Schafer of Philadelphia, and Mr. William Coar and Mr. Stephen Cox from Lafayette college. Bad breath Is moat colllJDOnly caused byfallure ofthe bowels to carry oft body wastea. CoDstlpatlon for""" nature to_k another outlet for theae wastea. They are abeorbed by the blood stream, which carrlea them to the lunas. And the lungl emale an nnpleaaant odor. The &rot atep In permanently deatroylng bad breath I. to deatroy the polsonou8 bacteria present In all of CODstlpatlon. To do this, use Lacto-Denrin - a correctlYe food used and endoned by the famoul Battle Creek Sanltarium. Atthe same time use Battle Creek White PsyUa_ harmlea. little 8eed, which suppllea the bulk and lubrl-. cation essential to regular and easy elimInation. This store I. local headquarters for all Battle Greek Health Food.. Come In aDd alk about thoae Intended particularly for your needs. Mr. and Mrs. William N. Blaisdell of and Mrs. Theophile Saulnier, Mr. and Harvard and Strath Haven avenues .en- Mrs Wallace McCurdy and ~.fr. and distributes the articles in twenty pound lots to needy families. tertained at bridge last Saturday evcnlng. M . S II Hnd Mr and Mrs Arthur P. Shanklin of rs. ewe ge. Miss Gertrude Gold, Field Captain of Amh';rst avenu; will ha.ve Miss Louise ~fr. and Mrs. Harold Haas, of Ver- District Six and contact officer between Brown of Louisville, Kentucky as her Ol11ca, N. J., were the week-end guests of National Headquarters and the Girl h t tl . eek-end. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Samue~ A. B?yer. Mr. a~d Scouts of Delaware County, spoke at S~~ff:eswil:ls e~tertain at dinner and Mr.s. Boyer entertamed lII:ormally HI length upon the new 136 acre Girl Scout n Saturday their honor on Saturday evemng. 'd . h h brJgem camp near Honey Brook. Pa. er onoro . '[ D 'd P' f Od . D J h A Murphy who has been in ..l rs. aVI rmcc, 0 g en ·a\enue, On this new site are 36 acres of woodthe ~ra~u~te hospital at 19th and Lom- was in Northampton, :Mass., for a few land and a mile of the beautiful stream bard streets since February first is im- clays last week. .. f which gives the camp its temporary name. proving nicely following two operations. ..Mr. and AIrs. \Vdh~m W. Turner, 0 A permanent name will be selected by ...:....::.::.. Dr. Murphy will be there at ieast two Yale a\,enue, entertamed on Saturday the r{irls who camp there. Miss Gold more weeks. evcning. Food Sale dwelt upon the wonderful possibilities of Mrs. Harold R. Perry of Elm avenue Mrs. George L. Armitage, of Chester a large lake for boating and attractive will leave Sunday lor Boston where she road and \Vcstdale avenue, entertained features of the new camp site. A sale of cakes, bread, candies, salads. sewing the members of her at her etc., will be heJd by the Woman's Guild bee will visit relatives for a few days. Miss Williamson conducted a "Fly-Up" Mr. and Mrs. William Vlachos of Vas- homc last cvening. of Trinity Church on Saturday mornceremony for the following Brownies: ing, February 25th, from 8 :30 a. m. sar avenue spent last week-end in Maple. - - -...-.~-Phyllis Simpson, Margaret Sheppard, until noon. The sale will be held in the wood, New Jersey as the guests of Mr. GIRL SCOUTS ARE Aim Robinson, Frances Turner, Dorothy store of Joseph Peckerman on Chester Vlachos' brother Mr. C. A. Vlachos, and SUBJECT OF PROGRAM Wilson, and Joy Price. Road. Mrs. Vlachos. Four girls received their first class e •• Mr. and Mrs. Chandlee Turner, of The meeting of the Woman's Club On awards. They are Betty McGarrah, BarBronxville, N. Y., are being congratu- Tuesday ·,vas devoted to a program in bara Bassett, Jane Richardson and Doris Trinity Notes lated upon the birth of a daughter, Mary the inetrest of the Girl Scouts and McIntyre. Charlotte Turner, on Thursday, February Brownies of Swarthmore. Mrs. George The Lenten Sewing Class will begin The District Girl Scout House at CHESTER ROAD 16. Mrs. Turner, a former resident of Zimmer, chairman of the Committee on Drexel Manor, will celebrate its first its work 011 Ash Wt:dnesday immediateSwarthmore and a graduate of Swarth- Citizenship and Girl Scouting of the Wo- birthday on Wednesday, March 1. The ly after the celebration of the Holy Swarth. 761-762 more College, is the daughter of Mr. and man's Club. presided and the Ijrincipal house will be opened in the afternoon which beeach held week. at 10:00 ; : ; ; ; ; ; : : : ; : ; ; ; ; : ; ; : ; ; ; ; : ; Mrs. Elmer E. Melick, of Strath Haven speaker was Miss Julia Williamson. Na- and aU Girl Scouts and others interested Communion m. The Class willwill meet Inn, Swarthmore. Mr. Turner is a nep- tional Director of Brownies for Philadel- are in\'ited to be present. In the afternoon, at 3 :15 o'clock FREE ADMISSION hew of William W. Turner and J. Arch- phia. there will be a Childrens' Service. BeI • er Turner. In order to acquaint our neJghbors Miss Williamson referred to Scouting Davis-Wagner with our new theatre, we are allowMr. and .Airs. Norman Hulme, of Og- as training for citizenship. She dwelt on ing this sUp to be exchanged tor B den and Swarthmore avenues, entertained the larger purpose of service which lies Reserved. Seat by payiDg the Federal Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Wagner of 10% ta.z when accompanied by one at cards on Saturday evening. patel adm.Isslon. In otber wordS, you behind the coveted ~Ierit or Efficiency 337 Dickinson avenue announce the marMr. and l-Irs. Carl Harrison Chaffee, badges. can secure two seats tor the price riage of .their daughter Pauline and Mr. of one toof Stanwood, entertained at dinner and "A Girl Scout has only proven herself Edward Russell Davis of Cornell avenue cards on Saturday evening. The guests worthy of the rank she has reached when on Saturday, February 18 at the home of "Just were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Gibson, she lIas helped another Scout and passes the bride. The Reverend Douglas Roe with Dr. Frank Gillespie and Mrs. Gillespie, on the knowledge she has gained," said performed the ceremony in the presence Cledge Roberts & Virginia Curley Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hanna, Mr. and lliss Williamson. of the members of the two families. Mr. New York Stars Mrs. Joseph Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Sproul Last summer Miss WilJiamson traveled and Mrs. Davis will live in Philadelphia. WEEK OF FEBRUARY 7:l Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grant, Mr. in Europe and attended the opening of ••• Evenings Mat.-Wed.-Sat. "Our Chalet", the International Girl WOMEN TO MAKE il!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll SOc-75c--$1 3Se SOC Swut House at Adelboden, Switzerland. HARRISBURG TRIP including tax This headquarters was given to the Girl Scouts by an American woman, Mrs. ]. A Joint Pilgrimage of the Legislative THE PLAYHOUSE Storrow. and Citizenship Departments of the Dela69th SI. Above Chestnut The activities of the Girl Scouts ob- ware County Federation of Women's Boulevard 1087 Free Parking served in Europe by Miss Williamson, Clubs to the State Legislature at Harris~ (Good oal,. MODda,.. Tueada,. or differed as greatly as their countries. In burg will be held Tuesday, Feb. 28. Wedn••"',,) ....,......-- I ca_ now close to the $21,000,000 mark, is being featured by a mammoth Delaware~fontgomery County exhibition which opened Thursday evening, February 16, on 69th Street Boulevard. More than 100 exhibitors are displaying all kinds and types of materials used in the repairing, alteration or improvement of a hom e from cellar to attic. The exhibition will cOlltinue for a ten day perind through Saturday, February a. I = FREE Jig Saw Puzzle 501 If you know of a prospect for a new or used car, fill in their name and ad. dress and mail to Hannum &. Waite, Swarthmore, Pa. -- = ~ = = = = = = -= some countries,forces activities are planned Those taking the trip will visita this as to mobilize for caring for chil- sion of the Legislature, make tourses. of dren in case of another war. In England I the Capitol building and other State where Girl Scouts are t e r m e d Girlr buildings, and will be taken on a drive § Guides, many Trails of Service are car- up the Susquehanna River to the Gover~ ried on. Each Scout brings a pound of nnr's Mansion. food or clothing to an appointed spot, The tour will leave 69th street terminal §§ here a motor lorry meets the group and at 8:15 a. m. in De Luxe Grehound line ~ = ;; 5 Address Your = ~ § ~ §_ Address ;lllllU lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll HAPPENINGS at HANNUM & WAITE'S If you have decided to keep the old car, O. K. We can make it look alnto8t like Dew again at lillie expense to yon, 1. Put dressing on the lOp. 2. Clean and Simonize the body. 3. Paint fenders, running gear and wheels. • • • Warning-Never eleel a busi" ness man for tax oollertoro We understand from a reliable HOuree that the merebants ooUeeled less IhIlD twenty pe~nl of the saiLS tax. ~ Do You Know? You can guarantee your income against any physical or mental incapacity by owning a non-cancellable disability contract. Colafemina Vineyard On J\fonday evening, Walter Coppock, will speak on Technocracy at the regular Forum in \Vhittier House at 8 o'clock. Nationaliz2tion of banks, with control cCl1traliJ.;cd jn the Federal Govcrnment, while not a ~ure for the depressic.n, would he the greatest single preventive of future depressions. Prof. William Blaisdell of Temple University told the Forull at \Vhittier House on Monday of this week. Dr. Blaisdell began by saying that liuctuatioll of the gold movement, even though its \'alue is stable, undermines the cn~dit and price structure. He then gave a short explanation of the prolJosed sllbstit utes. Ei-met;:;,lism or silver coined in some settled ratio to gold say 16 to I its market value is approximately 70 to 1 now might possibly raise prices but its immediate effect would be to enrich the owners of silver. The Go!d Exchange system enables countries off the gold standard to secure drafts on countries which are. The Made..to~measure Compensated Dollar would reverse the valuation method used at present. InSPRING LINE JUST OUT stead of stabilizing thc content of the dollar it would stabilize prices shifting SAMUEL M. DODD the content of the dollar by means of Swa.69B.M an indcx numher. Control of the production of ncw gold by the countries RENOVIZE which produce it, and controlled paper By replaCing your old \VOrn out washer with curricncies arc two other methods a new Prima. Washer at today's low prices. along the same lines, all of them dePRIMA. SPINDRY. B two tub spinner with PumP. the electric washer with the 10 year signed to regulate money in n,Jrder to tactory bond. Cash price f19.50. Time price stabilize prices. To a limited extent $85.00, 12 months to pay. Other Prima models $39.50 up (pump $10.00 extra). AlBo the this is being done today. Our gold Prima with the famOUS nevercrush squeeze standard is not the purely classical one, Dryer. Simplicity and high workmanship In Tbank Unknown Friends all models. and business claims are met by bank Electric washer, cleaner and motor recredits while checks largely replace pairs. All models. SpecIalists on spinner ."fr. and :Mrs. D~nato Colafemina lother forms of currency. tYPe washers. Repairs 'done at big savings, Wish to express thclr thanks to the Dr. Blaisdell thinks we r,11ust go Parts are high quaUty at low prices. unknown persons who left several deeper than any of these in order to ELECTRIC HOME SERVICE books 011 grape culture on the door· remedy the situation. \Vc musut have step of ~OO Harvard avenue last week. centralized control of credit in the 350 Vassar Avenue They Wish that the donors or lenders F.d ral Government through nationaliPhone Sw. 1'197 zaCti~n of banking. The Federal Reserve would make their identity known, SYstem was a step in this direction, but I it-has been demonstrated that its power ill did not 'reach far cnough and credit was ovcr expanded \"ith disastrous rei !'-ults. Ollly whcn this vital control is STATE AND PLUM STS. MEDIA, PA. I plaC(~d ill the hands of the go\'ernment, -SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SA TURDA y,. whose perspective comprises the nation as a whole, not parts or single in~iPrime Rib Roasts \'iduals, may we avoid catastrophes hke Fancy Pot Roast 1929 and the ruinous years that have Stewing Chickens followed . !I;.;.;;;;;;Ui;.~.;;.;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;~ ISSUED BY PENN STORES CO. Massach usetts Accident COlnpany BOSTON, MASS. All sizes America's Oldest Accident and Health Company • • • Tip--Now is a lJood lime 10 keep your cas lank filled as we leel that cas is goiDe 10 start to advant!e in priee. FIREWOOD. ••• with Debe Daniels and Aline MacMahon added-Musical Comedy in Tedtnicolor "Pleasure Island" Cartoon Selected Short Subjects and Fox Movietonews Swarthmore Representatives P. E. TOLD SW8,1833 W. R. TALBOT SWB. 680 Wednesday Only HERBERT MARSHALL and SARI MARITZA "EVENINGS FOR SALE" GOLF HOSE ( Botany WOOl-FOrmerlY) Priced up to $3.50 per pair $1.00 I i Wide Variety of Colors ~;;;;;;;;;;~~ , Edwards Clothes § ~ Name - MEDIA THEATRE 1= Pro$pect's ~ Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :: - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::::::::::::::=~ WEEK.END SPECIAL Th~ Renovize Philadelphia Campaign, MARTEL BROS. so. Married" 3 .l)ilill!lIfl)i$II!'1:!'!!.;~ ..~.;~a~·'.~'1:!im!!!&1:!.-\iw.!!J~dQ!!!-~"'!I!&I!:rn!fD1!fj!l!lSl!:' !l!MI!:rntf,il!MI! Ol!flWfl'\Wl\"il!M! !'l)ibl !;1:!.! ~.i!:!';!I!I!:W ..y. liZ@'M";. Court House at 8:30 for tbe converuenco/ ices will be held. on IQ-iday afternoons of w""!en living in this vicin.ity. The at the same hour. followed by the Chi 1buses will then proceed to Harrisburg a r - , .' riving in time for the opening of the drcns Confirmation Class. morning session at 11 o'clock. The cost per person will be governed by the number taking the trip. If there are fifty or more women, the cost wil be $2.25 for the round trip. Reservations should be made at once with the Legislative or Citizenship chairman of the club. The bus will return after dinner in the evening. \Vhat has happened to modern song? Something has done it a terrible wrong. Singing used to be wholesome and jolly, Now it is morbid and melancholy. Crooning has turned good music around To a blatant. slithery sprawl of sound~ I wonder sometimes jf this weird obsession Has sotnt!thing to do \\,ith the long depressioll. It is no wonder ,we long today For the old sweet songs, in the old sweet way. .May we all e'er long be granted reJief From this ever present howling or grief. If an end may come to this era of croon, Let it be soon, Oh, let it be soon. Mrs. Arthur O. Redgrave and Mrs. Henry J. Hanzlik motored to Hood college to visit Miss Elmira Redgrave and attend the Mother's Day events at Hood. , Spencer Hurtt of Park avenue entertained some of his school friends in honor of his birthday on Washington's birthday. Miss Margaret Vlachos of Vassar avenue entertained at dinner last Friday evening. The guests were Miss Dorothy Finkenaur, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wescott of Merchantville, Mr. Paul Calvert and Mr. Douglas Wolle of Ridley Park. Mr. E. C. Walton and Miss Mary Walton of Ogden avenue had as their FEBRUARY 24, 1933 Legs Loins Pork Fresh Ground Hamburg 18C 19c tOe I Loin Pork Chops I . • •• lUUSICIANS HONORED AT STORY HOUR Lamb Shoulders Pork City Dressed Smoked Hams 0" Thursday, Fcbruary 23, the ChilIdren's Story Hour program for FebruI ary was given at the ,"Voman's Club- t house. A play was presented dealing Iwith the lives of two great composers, ! Mozart and Beethoven, who lived ~ur­ i iug the life-time of George \VashlOg1 ton. I Thc music played d~ring the play BUCHNER'S Delivered in Basement Swarthmore, Pa. $12.00 per Cord Apur-chaseher-e endticl you ro a receipt Phone: Media 646 R I toward. the Jia:·Saw Punic RIDE A TAXICAB EQUIPPED WITH A FARE METER. YOU ARE SAFE. Cab Stand Swa_ I BOO GENERAL AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 315-17 YALE AVENUE, MORTON, PA. OFFICIAL INSPECTION STATION NO. 710B I did inspect my car yesterday. How about yours? General Automotive Service will take care of yours. Drive in or call for service Swarthmore 1697. D. E. CAPRIOTTY "Talk OYer . . . . You GO to your banker for advice in money affairs ••• to your lawyer for correct procedure in business matters ••• to those who should know best in their particular fields, Prudent people always seek seasoned information in moves of importance. Why not draw upon the knowledge of your utility company when you need a better understanding of utility service? It pay. to get the fact•. Let us suggest the proper lighting for your home, office, store, window, club, church, barn, form or street. Let us give you the beneflt of our experience with motors, pumps, heaters, or any other equipment you may hove in mind. We con 'show you how to get best result. with least outlay and lowest upkeep_ Competent advice is part of our service. We are part of your community, the same as you are, ond you will find us always glad to assist yau. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY A Pion ..r in Voluntarily E,tablidling Low Rofu for All E'edri~ Hl'Yic. VISIT OUR BOOTHS - NOS_ 72 AND 73 elaware and Montgomery Counties Exhibition of the Renovize Campaign 69TH AND MARKET STREETS - UPPER DARBY FEBRUARY 16-25 INC. J M,,,,,. 4 THE SWARTHMOREAN &lU'Maoou,;. A •• ULVERSTON SCHOOL PRAISED FOR ANNOUNCEMENT OF EXPANSION THE SWARTHMOREAN PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTHMORE. PA. t ({'tmtinutd from Pao~ One) of Swarthmore opportunities compar- practice the principles of the "new edu- able to good Y. M. C. A. facilities cation", still has its place, and will COIlWORK IN COLLEGE found in all large centers. The Advisory WOODS CONTINUES tinue to make its pioneering contribuBoard is unanimous in executing the tions to educational practice. We re- lege. ,1 ~ Ij , I • Correspondence , I! .Mr. Editor: \Vc want to staml) with approval any effort made hy our Borough Cotlllcil to eliminate unnecessary expense from the budget, but it scems to be a drop from the sublime to the ridiculous to give as a reason for not using the snow ptow for the clearing of streets the plea of economy. In a snow storm such as was had last week the walks should be dearcd so that our citizens who go out of tOWI1 could reach the early morning trains under fairly comfortahle cOlHlitions. \Vc own plows and e(luipment for clearing walks at times of heavy SilO\\'falls. and it seems silly to state that in the interest of economy they are not used. Fifteen or twenty dol1ars would probably pay the bill for such service. Surely our taxpaying citizens who do not OWIl and drive automobiles are entitled to some of the benefits for which they pay. The plea for not using the snow plows under the conditions cited may serve as an excuse but not as a good reason. CHAS. A. SlUTH. DR. DAVID LINCOFF 115 So. Olive St. MEDIA Eye Sight Specialist Reasonable Prices CAKE SALE Auspices of Women's Guild of TRINITY CHURCH I Saturday, Feb. Z5, 1933 ,.' 'a-' ai· .. S. real OWbel'. with noUce to tene lenatl.... 11 Sheriff Bales of Beat .t.ate CondlUou'-'260.00 e ot ground situate in t.he City of teet northwestwardly from Delaware avcnue. Chegter a roresaid. aud bounded and described In the City ot Chester aforesaid. Containing in lront measured then('e nortHwestwardly along 38 follows: Douudcd all the south by Sidh and containing" tbereon thlrly.one feet tho said side ot Byrnm street thlrty.slx feet stn'('t th'o inchcs and one quarter. on the east by and extending In length or depth northeU8f.. llorton a'oenue containing thereon forty.e1ght wardlY between parallel lines at right angles teet three Jnebes and oUe-quarter. on the west to the Baid Byram street finy-two feet to the by PoU('r street and eontsining thereon BOV. southwcster]y side or a four feet wide alley wblc:h extends northwestwardly along the rear cnty·ftvc feet. five inches' and one·halt and 01 said lot· and opening into another four feet on the north by lands formerly of the Cheater wide alley whleh extends E!outhwl!stwnrdl.r Hrewlng Company and containing thereon Bixty. along the northwesterly side or said 10' from six feet two inchea. tbe tlret mentionoo. alley to Byram street. To. Imp;;'vements oon&ist at three·story brick getber wIth the right and use of said D)'l'Bm buildlll&"'. 31x48 feet. One-story brick garage. atreet and said four teet wide alleys In com. 10xIO fect. mon witb tbe owners of other lands abutting thereon. Sold as tho proIl!!rty of Daniel A. DOUgherty delendant and Michael Hcnneusy and Sarah All tbose certain rcur dwellings and lot or Hennessey. bis wife. real owners. pIece of land being Nos. 1923. 1025. 1927 and 1929 West Front streel. siluate on the south. COlldiliollS-$600.00 cash or certified check erly aide of Front street at the distance of day of sale: balsDce in ten days. FurtheJ'" sixty'elght feet eastwardly from Yarnall street. oil conditiuns allllollliceed at lIale. in the City ot Chester aforesaid. (!xtendirqr tbence eastwardly along the Baid side of Front, KINGSLEY MONTGOMERY. Attorne1. street forty-eight teet and extending of that width in lencth or deptb southwanUy between JOHN J. CAIN. Sheriff. parallel lines at right ang-Ies to the said Front. street sixty·tbree teet to the Jlortherly Bide of a tbree feet wide alley. The westerly Hne being alonG" the euterly aide ot another three feet wide aUey. Together witb the right and U8e of ssid alleys In common with tbe ownera of other lands abuttl~g thereon. Together with the free and common 118e, right. liberty Bnd prlvllege of the said drIveways at all tImes hereafter forever. Condittons-$250.00 cash or certUled Check on day of sale; balance in ten uays. FUrand was first produced in 1925·6 by ther condttlons announced at sale. John Golden, starring William Collier. H. J. MAKIVER, Attorney. Members of several years' standing are familiar with the Collier type comedy, Fieri Facias No. 1072 2S Mr. Mitchell has successfully proDecember Term. 1932 duced several, among them, UNothing All those two certain lots or pieces of But the Truth," "The Dictator," and ground. wlt!l the bulldlngs and improvements thereon erected, situate at Drexel "The Hottentot." Hill. in the Township of Upper Darby County ot Delaware ac.d State of Pennsylvania, designated. and known as Lata SHBRIFF'S SALES Nos. 1666 and 1667 on a certaln recorded plan of lots called "Arontmlnk Section of Drexel Hill Realty Company" surveyed for SHERIFF SALES Drexel Hill Realty Company by A. P. Damon, Jr.• C, E., Upper Darby. Penna., or Real Estate whiCh said plan is recorded in the omce for the recording of deeds &Cc., In and tor At the Sherltr's Office the County ot Delaware aforesaid, In Case No.2, page 11. and described according Court HOUBe, Media, PelUl&ylvanla thereto as fOllows, to Wit: Baturday,!4arch 4.1933 Situate on the northeasterly !Jlde of Mason avenue (SO teet wide) at a dlstance 9 :30 o'clock A. M. of 90 teet northwestwardly from the northWesterly side of Highland avenue (50 feel; Eastern Standard Time wide). Containing together In front or hreadth on the said Mason avenue, 60 feet. VenditIoni Exponas Nn.1l37 (each lot belAg 30 feet) and ·extendlng of that width in length or depth northeastJ~e ~eTEn,192S Wardly between parallel llnes at right to Mason avenue, 100 feet. All that certain lot or piece of (r."ound angles Improvements consist of two and onewith the bulld1..nga and Improvements haU stueco house. 30124 feet. Side thereon erected, sftuate In the Borough porch.story One-story stucco addition, 6xl2 feet. of Lansdowne, County of Delaware and Stucco garage, 12x18 feet. State of Pennsylvania, and. described according to a survey and plan thereof made on the 13th day of October. A. D. 1924. by ~on and Foster, C. E., as follows, to into said Into Wildwood to the eastward Mapleavenue avenue108 andteet westward ~================~ Iextending mIddle of a certain 20 feet wide drIveway northward. and communicating DON'T GO TO RENO SWAaTHMOBB Improvements consJ.st of two-story stucco hOUDe, 16X30 feet. Porch ftont. Garage at. tached. ham. Mary P. Plowman. All .of these Players with the exception of twoHELP WANTED-Maid tor general house- Mary P. Plowman and Newton E. work and Partial care of three year old ch1ld. Write bos: 108 Swarthmore. giving Hoopman-are well-known to Player rexorences and salary desired. audiences. Dr. and Mrs. Warren are favorites of several seasons ago, and LOST will undoubtedly receive a most cordial LOST-Wire haired tax terrier last Satur- welcome. day. Answers to name Scraps. Bwanh. "Going Crooked" is a farce comedy morean 0fH.(,,o. duced prices several up-to-date apartments. HOUSES 10 room.s-$65: 7 room.a-f45: 6 room.s--$35 Possession a.t once OYken Ikre is worlc 1.0 6e Jon6, Ik man wiilz a "WHY DO YOU WAIT?" 7:00-YOUNG PEOPLE. Together with the free and common use, rIght, liberty and privilege of the said drlveways at all times bereafter forever. VendItioni Exponas No. 1138 The cast for the next production of The splendid service rendered by the June Term, 1928 53 foster mothers was emphasized, par- the Players Club, which is scheduled All that certaln lot or piece of ground ticularly during these strenuous times for the week of March 6, was announc- with the bulldlngs and 1mprol'ements ed Monday by Charles D. Mitchell. when their courage and loyalty bas been thereon erected, sltUa.te in the Boroug:h president of the organization and di- of l.an$downe. County of Delaware and 50 fine. State of Pennaylvanta, and described acr f rector of the play. All the children were given corcUng to a survey and. plan ·thereof made In the C2st will be found some new on the 13th day of October, A. D. 192:4, by medical attention. The clinics ~ e~e Damon and Foster. C. E., as follJws. to players, some of the "regulars", and wIt: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - two players, both favorites, who will Situate on the west side of WildWOOd appear for the first time in several avenue (39.6 feet wide) at the dJatance of years. The characters, as they appear, H7.5 feet southward from the south side of &sex avenue (50 feet wide), and containFOR SALE are-John Bartish, ]. William Simmons; ing In front or breadth on the: said Wildwood avenue 28.5 feet a.nd extending of FOR SALE-A Westinghouse Electric Stove Leila'Leigh, Helen K. Warren; William that Width In length or depth westward with three burners and oven. can Media Noyes, Dr. George P. Warren; Charles between parallel· llnes at rIght angles to 1421. said Wildwood avenue. the north Une Burnham, Robert M. Stabler i Florence the thereof extendlng along the middle of a FOR SALE-Two pair of Ice skates. Call Osborne, Reba B. Mitchell; Joseph certain 15 feet wide driveway extending Swarthmore 1098. Drake, John R. Brownell; William eastward into said Wildwood. avenue and westward into Wabash avenue 81 teet to Ward. Mr. Mitchell; Frank Dugan. the th...§ middle of a certain 20 feet wide drivePBRSONAL way extending northward and com.munldetective. Newton E. Hoopman; Martin eating with the above mentioned 15 feet Meehan, assistant detective. E. Emsley wide driveway, and southward communicating with a certain 18 feet wide driveway Pyle; George Flint, aged uncle of Mr• extending eastwardly into the said WUdWad. Frederic A. Child; Shirley Burn- wood avenue and weatwardly Into Wabash avenue. South Chester Road LESS l'HAN A Situate on the west side of Maple avenue (40) feet wide) at the dlBtance of 87.5 f~t southward from the south side of Essex avenue (SO feet wide). and containlD.g in front or breadth on tbo said Maple avenUe 28.5 feet and extending of tnat width In length or depth westward between parallel IInE!!l at right angle:8 to the saiel .6Iaple avenue, the north line thereof extending along the middle of a certaln 15 feet wtde driveway extending eastward into satd Maple a?enue and westward into WUdwood avenue. 108 feet to the mlddJe of a certain 20 feet wide driveway extending nortbwnrd and communicating with the aforesaid IS teet wide driveway. given totaled 36 days since October. As agent I have for rent at greatly re- Workingm.en thereon erected. sftuate In the Borough of Lansdowne. County of Delaware and. State of Pennsylvania, and described. BCcording to a -swvey and plan thereof made on the 13th ct.ay of October, A. D. 192:4, by Damon and. Foster, C. E., as follows. to Wit: office service and clothing service thus SWARTHMORE APARTMBNTS ,. WORD All that certain lot or 'pIece of ground with the bulldJDgs anq, Improvements Malone, Brandywine Summit; Mrs. los. eph H. Brinton, Media; Mrs. George B. Harvey, Moylan; Mrs. Hugh McIlvain, Haverford; Mrs. Joseph M. Pugh, Haverford; Mrs. Henry M. Wirz, Walling. lante of twenly·one feet two inchea more or leu eastwardly from Franklin street In the CUy of Chester aforeeald. CODtalnlnl" In froD" measured thellcee eaatwatdly a101l&" the II8Id side 01 Mary street iwent,.·slx feet more or 1('8s and extending of t.hat wldtb 8Uuthwardly bel Wet'lI pnrallel Unell fort,..four feet IJix InC'hes, Together with right and use of )lary llireet in (·OhlmOIi wUh the OWIll'h of. other lauds ubUtllng thereon. No. 1139 Fieri Facias JUDe Term, 1028 ford; Mrs. William S. Everett. Springfield; Mrs. G e 0 r g e C. Barber, 3d. Swarthmore; Mrs. A. Wareham Flenner, Glen Mills; Mrs. Morgan Bunting, Darby; Miss Dorothea Wood, Wawa; Mrs. J. Gilbert Schrader. Ward; Mrs. Jobn 1. Young, Colwyn; M... Irwin W. Pyle, Brandywine Summit; Mrs. Clarence W. Braunsdor!, Springfield; Mrs. William service of the Guilds was commended as O. Easton, Lansdowne; Mrs. William a definite service to children of theM. Watts. Drexel Hill; and Mrs. HowCounty. ard L. Fussell, Newtown Square. Board Members have been doing vol, • unteer service to help with the burden CAST FOR MARCH carried by a limited staff. Motor service, PLAYERS' CLUB PLAY -----...-...-...-...---..-..-....-....--.-..-...------------.-. THE SWARTHMORE PBBSBYTERIAN CHURCH Vendltloni Exponas Swarthmore - Springfield section. These children come from all sections of the County and include 7 nationalities. SO children are under 12 years of age and 47 are over 12. 16 are under 6 years. Mrs. George C. Barber, 3d, cbairman of Clothing Committee, reported that 21 Guilds of the COllllty contributed 2457 articles of clothing and $10.00 cash. The ...-.---.-.-....-.... PRmAY, MABCH 3RD WORLD DAY OF PRAYEQ 2:30 p. m.-8ervlce of the Women's InterelenOmInational CommIttee. 4:00 p. m.-8ervlce of the MInisters' Asso. of Chester. S;oo p. m.-oommunity Service. Improvements consist of two.story stucco! 8o1d as the propt'rty _of James J. Manbouse, 18x30 feet. Porch front. Garage at- Ion anel Elizabeth T. Manion his wife. tached. t250.oo cash or certlfled cbeck Sold as the property of William B. Hays. onConditions day of sale: balance In ten days. FurConditions $250.00 eaab or cert1fled check ther condltlona announced at sale. on day of sale: balance in ten days. FurCHAS. B. GALLOWAY and ther condlttons announced at sale. H. J. MAKIVER, Attomeys. H. J. MAKtVER. Attorney. generous in service rendered, have kept At the annual meeting of the Pennsyl- this large family in good health. Board members and friends contributed vania Children's Aid Society Mrs Alan 'I ed'cha' $102.00 at Christmas, thus cheering the . Ir- children who thought there might be no Calvert, St. D~v~ds, was re-e eet . man; Mrs. Wllltam Shewell Eilts, Moy- "Santa Claus" this year. Ian, vice-chairman; and Miss Marry S. The cooperation of the Poor Board bas Malone, Brandywine Swrunit, treasurer. made possible much of the kind of service Three new members were elected to serve given these children. The budget of the on this committee: Mrs. Howard L. Fus- Children's Aid Society is met by the sell, Newtown Square; Mrs. William O. Poor Board and the United Campaign, Easton, Lansdowne; and Mrs. William thus serving children of the County more M. Watts, Drexel Hill. effectively and economically. The Children's Aid Society bas been· Members of the Board de\'.lopiog this giving care to unfortunate children of the program of children's work are: Mrs. County for nine years. During that time Alan Calvert, St. Davids; Mrs. William approximately 1700 children have been Shewell Ellis, Moylan; Miss Mary S. HELP WANTED be was a greal Patriot, but beeause of those sterling qual. hies of maraeter and worth which served him and his eountry in Ib~ da,.. of peace 8e well as in the days of war. I.GL@M.MiS/@· 1 CHILDREN'S AID County together with the private physiELECTS OFFICERS cians, who bave been most helpful and given service of some sort. At the present time 97 children who have no homes are being cared for in foster family homes under- the supervision of the Children's Aid Society. 19 are from the 5 (a" CLASSIFIED FUNERAL IlOME ~~~~~~W~~~~~~~N '. r.', rai"r." ,.,' II Shel'Ur. ~-~--------.~---~ TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Episcopal Chester Road and Oo11eso Avenue Opposite the College Campus Rector Rev. J. Jardeu. Guenther. 8. T. II. SUNDAY 8;00 a. m.-Holy Communion. 9:45 a. m.--Bunday School. 10:00 a. m.-Blble Class. 11:00 a. m.-Momlng Prayer and Sermon. Mr. Guenther wlll preach. ABH WEDNESDAY-MAlWH 1 10:00 a. m.-Holy Communion. 3:15 p. m.-obUaren·s Senlce. , FEBRUARY 24, 1933 ·r." • 'a 'a TUNE IN YOUR RADIO TO WIP every \Vedncsday at 8 P. M. and listen to Michell's Garden Talks. 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN . FEBRUARY 24,1933 w@._ww.a _NaMa a;wwaaNl WSiiWi\t'l\W'lWlMi\ii\i2\M@OO\iiSi2!fl\Whi1\iBMMiMGt'lWdiJa • • 'itI\'II(/\itMi&,MM.a _ _ s a . . . . . wide spread in the United States than lies are telegraph instruments used to who, on board a French liner, finds himMRS. PRINCE AT during the past decade of Europe's s0- notify Tabor of his election as Lieu- self after his first night abroad in the SCHOOL CODE HEARING Gabriel L Wnes cial revolution especially in Russia, is be- tenant-Governor, and the baby car- cabin of a charming young woman, who Many of our citizens will recall Gabriel Among those who addressed the mem- cause our population is so largely literate riage in which he wheeled his daughter, is in disabille, and she was quite as igL. Hines when he came to the Swarthbers of the Education Committee of the and aware of what is going on in the "Silver Dollar", about the streets of norant of his presence as he was of hers. House of Representatives on Tuesday af- world. Movies, motor cars and the pub- Denver. Complications, of course, are cleared up more Pr.ep School to teach music. He ternoon at the hearing on the proposed lic schools have stabilized the temper hf attracted us from the first by his rare the affair becomes too serious. before The laml)S, clocks, books, curtains, School Code was Mrs. David C. Prince, the people. No amount of description could do jus- gifts as a musician and composer and by drapes, wall paper, walking sticks, of Swarthmore. Mrs. Prince is chairman Our greatest insurance against a break- kitchen utensils and other objects from tice to the fun that this fast-moving farce the simple sincerity of his character. He of the Legislative Committee of the down in orde~ly pr?Ccsses of change .and the historical Tabor mansion are re- offers. To appreciate it, one must feast felt drawn to the Friends' Meeting and Pennsylvania League of Woman Voters. the c~taclysmlc los.s of wea!th, .especlally I)roduced in their exactity, a~ is also his eyes on Miss Virginia Curley's love- joined in membership here. . In recent Some of her remarks which stated the of private wealth, mvolved 10 VIOlent up- his office furniture in the famous Grand liness in the role which Vivian Martin years he enjoyed success as a composer position of the State League in reference heavals is. the continued. democratization Opera house of Denver which still created; and one must see Mr. Cledgc: and musical director of various Philadelto the proposed code, were "ery applicable of educatIOnal oPP?rtu~lty and the de- bears his name. Included in these office Roberts in the Lynne Overman part. phia theatres. He always kept his love to Swarthmore. ve10ptnent of effectIve literacy for everyfor Swarthmore and the news of his furnishings are a mahogany side board Her statement was as follows: one. trimmed in silver and covered with deearly death brings sadness to all who . Flag Presented The Pennsylvania League of Women However, governmental waste must be f'l did k knew and admired him. . . opportuJllty . to II" canters Voters apprecIates tillS e Immated as far as POSSI'ble. The . . .0 Sl ver an cut . g ass, a h'es h FAREWS,r.. TO GABRlS, HINJ!S A delightfully patriotic program was d' . . f' d' tl League believes in centralizing the col- 1111ald wIth pearl and Ivory on w IC ISCUSS Its pomt 0 vIew regar mg Ie I I . repose gold inkstands, pens, pencils, etc., held at the Swarthmore Methodist Though flowery May alike with wild proposed school code. I ectlon of all taxes and th~ abolition of November Episcopal Church on Sunday evening, the The modified county unit is in line with the fee system of re~l1u~er~tI~n. The pro- and elaborately carved chairs. Pass down the drowsy corridors of the established policy of the League to posed school code IS tmud 10 these reHistorical buildings and their inte- occasion being the presentation of a dream, American flag to the church beautiful silk riors, such as the Tabor Grand Opera reorganize government i!t the interests of spects. thee and thy warm heart I shall reeconomy and efficiency. Undoubtedly the· To slim up, The Pennsylvania League House, The Willard Hotel of Washing- by Morton Camp 634, P. O. S. A., and Yet member also by the presentation of a beautiful larger administrative unit will make for of \V ome~ Voters ~ndo~ses th~ modified ton, the Hotel Windsor of Denver, his Like music heard beside a haunted economy in purchase of supplies, in ac-, county U1l1t as uuthned m ArtIcle IV of Denver mansion and many other spots Christian flag by a family intimately constream. nected with the church. William Zeising, counting services, in the supervisory staff, the ~)roposed school code. It gravely are reproduced with accuracy. ]. R. H. Tabor's dazzling rise from poverty to Grand Master of the Order, in a brief and in the development of differentiated: questIOns the sufficiency of the proporand appropriate speech, presented the flag, curricula. The League is heartily in favor tion of school cost to be paid by the State fortune, and his subsequent crash, are of the modified county unit. under. ~ection 1413, which sets $IlOO as excitingly depicted in the screen play and Mr. George Detweiler, an officer of The modified county unit is bitterly op- the ml1l1mUm annual cost of an instruction which was adapted by Carl Erickson the church, appropriately accepted the GARNET FIVE TO MEET HAVERFORD posed in some quarters due to the fact unit. Section 853 limiting the compensa- and Harvey Thew from David Kars- same. The Men's Community Chorus provided a very acceptable musical setthat certain parents fear that their Chil-/ tion of school tax collectors to.. I ~% of ner's book. Bebe Daniels portrays the Meeting Haverford in its annual dren's schools will suffer. They are right. the amount collected, and 2% of the de- part of Martin's dashing and beautiful ting for the exercises. court encounter this Saturday, the GarSome schools would be forced to reduce Ilin(Juent taxes, does not go far enough in second wife, whose marriage to the net quintet stands in a most favorable their standards if the present proposals e.stablishing a sala~y basis of compensa- 30-day Senator was the sensation of FRIENDLY CIRCLE are accepted as a whole. Yet few if any tlOn, nor does Section 820 go far enough \Vashington, while Aline MacMahon HOLDS MEETING position to inflict the third of a series of the schools of the State are as good as in centralizing the collection of taxes. has the role of the first wife, whom he of victories over the Scarlet and Black we know how to make them and we need I Frank R. Morey and Roland L. Eaton deserted after acquiring wealth, to the The February meeting of the Friend- started in 1931 after a run of five the very best schools that our creative also attended the hearing in the interest scandal of the nation. The picture was Iy Circle was held at the home of Mrs. straight losses. Inasmuch as the Swarth-. of Swarthmore. Mrs. Warren Marshall, J. Warren Paxson on the afternoon of judgment can devise. But the parents are mistaken who be- secretary of the Springfield Township directed by Alfred E. Green. February 16, with thirty.:;even members more gym does not afford ample seating capacity for the crowd expect~d, lieve it is the principle of the larger ad- School board, was also present. • •• present. ministrative unit that would lessen the ,.. "JUST MARRIED" Mrs. \Vm. J. Moore and l\lrs. Joseph th game will be played on the court of effectiveness of their schools. The rePresbyterian Noles AT PLAYHOUSE Seal gave out over three dozen infant the Lower Merion High School, located garments to be made. Many of those at Montgomery avenue and Church sponsibility for that lies with those who Vespers will be omitted next Sunday Next week the Playhouse Professionals present were knitting squares for l<.oad, Ardmore. Buses will leave are cutting state appropriations for schools in the belief that it is economy. and in place of them will be held an are offering a show that should certainly afghans. Swarthmore in time to arrive before It is not generally understood that the evening service of song at eight o'clock, prove a sure ~ure for the blues. From Mrs. Jeffries requested anyone who the varsity game scheduled for 8:00 cut of $10,000,000 in the Budget from arranged by the following committee ginning to end "Just Married" is chock had magazines which they had read to ~J. M. It is earnestly requested by those the amount that would have been required appointed by the Session: Dr. E. Ful- full of hilarious situations and funny notify her or have them at the Co- 111 charge that all those intending to go on the 1931-3 basis wilt necessitate drastic lerton Cook, Mrs. Leonard C. Ashton, lines. The setting, that of a ship at dock, operative Shop so that they may be by bus sign the notices posted in order pruning of state aid whether or not the Mr. Benjamin L. Kneedler, choirmaster is one of the most unusual ever &taged. sent to the Seaman's Institute where that sufficient bus room may be obtained. Edmonds Act is retained or modified. If and organist. The Church Choir leads "Just Married" enjoys the unique dis- they are always in demand. It was also decided to give money for state aid is reduced, real estate taxes and will sing a requested number. Man; tinction of having played consecutively must increase or the schools must lower hymns, both evangelistic and from the three theatres in New York. After it clothing as well as household furnishthe quality of their service. Few of us great hymns of the Church Universal had played out the time assigned to it at ings to a needy family. Aroney will also helieve that real estate taxes can be in- have Leen suggested to the committee: the Comedy Theatre and the public, be given to the Emergency Relief to creased. It is possible for the larger umt Dr. Tuttle gives a brief talk on the sig- I throu~h box office demand, was showing buy shoes which are urgently needed. QUALITY MARKET to spread the leadership that has given liS nificance of evangelistic hymns as used a decIded demand for more, the play was At tile close of the meeting Mrs. PaxOur best schools, so that the general level in the meetings conducted in his church moved to the Shubert and later to the son and Mrs. Wm. A. Johnson served & AVES. may be raised rather than lowered. But in Boston by the great evangelist Nora Bayes Theatres, and it remained refreshments during a pleasant social it cannot be done with greatly reduced Dwight L. Moody. ' on Broad~ay for t~o solid years. hour. Swa. 183 state funds. The Endeavor Society has given ten After thIS. sensational run, the play was Free Delivery Section 1413 sets $1100 as the minimum dollars to The Swarthmore Welfare As- sent to ChIcago, then to Boston and To Broadcast cost of an instruction unit on the basis of sodation to assist a young girl of the Philadelphia, ~nd for six years in all, it .. which the state will allocate its funds. borough in regaining her health. I t~ured th~ Umted S~ates and all the Eng- George F. Corse will broadcast ever QUALITY NOT SACRIFICED Much of the opposition to the county The trustees of the church, R. Chester b!h-spea.kmg countnes of the world. Station W. LIT 011 Monday evening FOR PRICE unit would disappear if adCfJuate state aid Spencer, president of the Board, are ·~~re .I~ a f~rce com~,dy by ~e authors at 5 :45, in the Philadelphia Chamber were to be provided. It is well to re- making extensive preparations for the of. A,~le s In.sh ~ose. and Scrambled of Commerce program devoted to Phil- Chuck Roast of Beef ............ llc member Pennsylvania's raative position annual every member canvass of the WIves that .IS rich 10 .fun, clean and adelphia industries. Mr. Corse wiII Sirloin Steak, no trim ........... 19c in the matter of financing schools. Ac- congregation for pledges for the new ~holes?me, WIth a laugh 111 almost every speak upon the "Philadelphia Paper I Hamburg, ground while you wait, 17e cording to the estimates of the Research church year both for the support of the hn.e; tl1~ely to a degr~e, and filled to the Industry." Center Cut Pork Chops ......... 17c Di~isi.on of :rhe National Education As- work of the church and its missionary b~lm .wlth clever busmess an~ lau~hable soclatlon whIch are based 011 the figures undertakings SItuatIOns that make for happmess In the Rib Roasl, choice cuts ........... 19c . of the National Industrial .Conference The Youn~ Men's organization held theatre.. Roasling or Stewing Chickens The play IS all about a bIbulous fellow Board for 193?, Pennsylvam~ i? that a highly successful meeting in celebrafamily size, each. . . . . . . . . . . .. Sge ~ear was .spelldmg 2.72% of Its mcome tion of Washington's birthday last TuesLegs Lamb ................... 20e . or educat~on. North Dako~a was spend- day evening. The President, Jack R. ESTATE OF ELIZABETH M. OBERHOLSER. late of the Township 01 Thornbury, dem~ 6:09%; New Jers~y, SImultaneously Hanna, presided. The guest-speaker ceased. Shoulders Lamb ............... ISe WIth Its t~emendous 11Ighway ~xpansion, was Lawrence C. Hickman, Esq., of Letters Testamentary on the above estate Rack Lamb Chops ............. 1ge was spendmg 4.21%; ConnectIcut, New Philadelphia president of the Philadel- having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to the said estate are Orangcs, doz. IOc-2 doz ........ 1ge York, Mas~achusetts, Ohio, Illinois with phia Chapte; of the Sons of the Amer- requested to make payment. and those long established school sy~tems compar- ican Revolution, whose subject was having claims to present the same without Fresh Eggs, doz •............... 17c delay to Our WASHING PROCESSES and f:;e eto that o~. Pennrl~a~Ia, .all spend a "Washington and Contemporary PhilaROBERT SHARPLES, SANITATION have been approved by In Cartons ................... 20c Executor. "The ScientifiC Research Commlssch~s ~~po~ Ion.; t ~Ir !ncome for delphia." The Club appointed the folsion.1t Swarthmore, Pa. Cloverbloom Buller .......... 22~.: noes ennsy "ama. lowing members to act as ushers at the Or to his attorney, Comparatively few 1aundrtes In our L. HUTCHINSON, T~e League of Women Voters em- service of song at the church next Sun- HERBERT entire State have succeeded In. passJcllo, asst. flavors, 3 pkgs•....... 2Oc 1st National Bank Bldg., Ing the severe tests. phaslzes econo~y .and efficiency in gov- day evening: Harlan R. Jessup, John F. Darby, Pa. Guard your famUy's health. PaMorgan Creamed Chicken or Beef tronize the er~ment. But It IS .necessary to distin- Spencer, Benjamin L. Kneedler, Jr., reg. 2 for 2Sc, now 2 for ...... ISc IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF THE glIlsh between essentIal common services, \Villiam Sherwood Vincent G Matter MEDIA LAUNDRY, Inc. COUNTY OF DELAWARE, PENNA. properly the function of government e' • • . . No. Apple Bullcr, 2~ lb. jar ........ ISe 86 December Term 1932 Phone Media 174 Estate 01 Oscar R. A. von 13ulow.. which cannot be cut, and those less es~ "Serving Swarthmore Successfully Tartan Pure Cocoa, lb. glass jar .. 17e Notice Is hereby given that Lizzie von World Day of Prayer sential demands of the community, Since 1900" Bulow. widow of the said decedent, has filed In the said Court her petition claim'Phone lor Our Circular usually enumerated as cosmetics, chewing Friday, March 3rd, is the World Day Ing property of the decedent to the value gum and baseball. As incomes decrease of $500.00 as provided by Section 12 of the the perce~t~ge. of the income that goP.~ of Prayer ahd will be observed in Fiduciaries Act of 1917 and that the same Protestant Church throughout the may be approved by the Court on the 27th !or necessities IIlcreases. This is evident day of February, 1933, unless exceptlo&s world. 111 every budget, whether it be in business thereto be filcr! before that time. HOWARD KIRK Three services will be held at Trinity 2-l0-2t or in the household. Episcopal Church. At 2 :30 p. m. the In Pennsylvania we are operating our To ELWIN H. SCHNITZLER, late of Y. M. C. A.. 20th and Market Streets, Wheeling, COmmon services on revenue obtained \Volllen's Interdenominational Com- West Virginia. from an antiquated system of taxation. mittee will hold a Service in which You are hereby notified that a flnal rule divorce has been granted against you. It may be necessary to face that fact and representatives of the local Churches for nt the suit or Emma V. Schnitzler your will participate. At 4 :00 p. m. the Minact accordingly in order to provide revwife returnable III the Court or Common of Delaware County. December Term enue for government functions with isters' Association of Chester and Vi- Pleas No. 1851, on the 24th day of February. cinity will hold its regular monthly 1931, Our 250/0 Trade in Sale lasts until March 1stwhich we cannot dispense. 1933. 011 or berore which day you may show cause. If auy you have. why such by a Supper given meeting, followed Unquestionably the reason that andlvorce should not be granted. . so take advantage of it now. Prices as low as $4.40 archy, call it kidnaping and racketeering by the ·Woman's Guild. At 8:00 o'clock HOWARD KIRK Attorney tor Libellant if you will, has been thus far, far less in the evening there will be a Com- 2-l0-2t 302 County Bldg., Media, Pa. and your old battery. munity Service to which eve'ryone is The Pastors of the cordially invited. PROTECT AGAINST local Churches will assist. READY tire prices are lower than ever beRESIDENCE ••• I ••• I ••• i I I I be-I BACHMANS iALE KENYON ••• _-. I DAVE YOU TRADED IN THAT WORN OUT BATTERY? BURGLARY LOSSES!! ROBERT T. BAIR, Insurance ••• "Silver Dollar" At lUedia Theatre In addition to being a highly spiced I Phone Swarthmore 1841 romance of the adventurous days of the gold rush and silver strike of Colorado, "Silver Dollar,~' a First National SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES picture starring Edward G. Robinson now showing at the Media Theatre PHONE SW. 1225 is of unusual interest and importanc~ because of its historical background MUHLENBERG AVE., RUTLEDGE and the score of relics used which have been handed down from the days of MRS. A. QUINBY &. SON HAW Tabor. JOSEPH Eo QUINBY These relics, some of which are originals, and others replicas, are intiHRNEST G. SNODGRASS, ASS'T mately associated with the life of the FUNERAL DIRECTORS colorful Silver King, Yates Martin, BELL PHONE .. MEDIA, PA. whose spectacular career is pictured by ANNA SCHALLES J. CO ..OPERATE TO RENOVIZE YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS PROPERTY OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL TO ADVISE CALL 1896 Swarth more Electric Shop 411 Dartmouth Avenue " ..e.'••• fore. Why not trade in your old worn down tires and start the coming Spring with a new and safe set. TREAT YOUR CAR TO A REAL LUBRICATION AND BRAKE TEST ON OUR MODERN EQUIPMENT Bussell's ",rUt... Servioe DARTMOUTH AND LAFAYETIE AVENUES Phone 440 WASHllVG-GREASllVG-TlRE-BATTERI'_BRAKE SERnCE ~~Q~~~~~~~~~~"~~"~~"~~"~~"~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~