.... VoL IV, No. 13 NO: CHANGE "IN 'BOROUGH TAX RATE" FOR"1932 Sinking Fund and Library Tax Increase Cancelled by General Tax Cut ASHTON BREAKS TIE VOTE After a three hour discussion last Thursday night Swarthmore's borough tax was set as follows: general borough tax 9 mills, a decrease of two mills from last year's .tax rate; library tax one half mill (there was no library tax last year) sinking fund tax 2% mills, an increase of .a mill and one half over last year. The total borough tax for 1932 will therefore be twelve mills or the same as last year. This decision was reached only after nearly two full months of discussion and changing of the department bu'dgets. In order to make the two mill cut in the general borough tax it was finally necessary to make the following major econ{)mies; police force cut from five to four men, salaries of borough secretary, treasurer, captain of police, health officers etc. cut ten percent, borough solicitors salary cut twenty percent, no appropriation allowed for new sewers and .new sewer equipment; no allowance for resurfacing or new street work. The budget for this year was finally ,~pproved as follows and is the basis for the nine mill general tax; Highway Department, $ 8,072.80 Public Safety, 25,825.65 . Property, 28,035.00 Sewer, 1,640.00 Accounts, 6,135.40 Misc. 2,500.00 Total, $2.50 Per Year Swarthmore, Pa., April 1, 1932 47,008.85 ctlscussion .' -last" Thursday .ntght revolved around the cutting of borough . s~laries ten per cent and the ap'p~~pnahon for st~eet resurfacing. DecI~lon to cut salarIes was finally reached With the approval of all councilmen except T. E. Hessenbruch who' voted no. Mr. Hessenbruch's vote was influenced largely by his conviction that the amount of money, estimated at $779 which would be sav.ed this year by making the salary redUctions, was not sufficient to warrant .the action. It was felt by the other members of council, however, that if expenses were going to be curtailed sufficiently t~ avoid an increase in taxes, every pOSSible opportunity to make a saving regardless of how small, would have to be utilized. There was considerable discussion about the cutting of Captain Rogeri's salary from $2250 a year to $~025 a year. Burgess Landis and Sproul Lewis head of the Public Safety department: stated that they thought Captain Rogeri was in no sense overpaid. Mr. Landis ~tood out in opposition to any salary cuts 10 any department.. Council approved the measure however on the grounds that if the salaries of other borough employees were to be cut ten percent, the Police Captain should not be an exception. The salaries of patrolmen were not changed since it was felt that they are being paid too low a ~al~ry at the present time. The dropping of one officer from the force was approved at the previous meeting of council. Joseph S. Bates, chairman of the Highway Committee, made a forceful defence of the highway budget which had originally been set at $20,000 and cut to $14,250.88 before last Thursday's meeting began. The $14,250.88 budget of this department contained a resurfacing item of 50,000 square yards at lOe a yard or $5,000. It also contained' an item of $1,867.30 as the borough's share of paving Strath Haven avenue from Ches.ter rd. to Harvard avenue. Harry Miller, chairman of the Finance Committee, which' had worked out the budget, said that these two items represented the equivalent of a mill tax which could either be eliminated or added to the rate. Mr. Bates stated that he thought it would be in the best interest of the tax payers to pay the additional mill and have the borough streets kept in good. repair this year by the 50,000 square feet of street resurfacing. He declared that this work could be done this year at a cost which would be almost one third of what the work would eventually cost in a few years if it were neglected at present. "The borough can not be run indefinitely without an appropriation for street resurfacing," declared Mr. Bates, "and we may as well face the facts arid; : Tbe"filllil , President of Council Makes Statement on Tax Decision Expressing gratitude for the fine spirit ent of an 11 mill rate plus the $15,000 in which borough employees had accepted balance). sala.ry cuts in order to make possible a "The reduction was accomplished by removing any items, the necessity for reduction in the general borough tax, which was at all doubtful, by reducing Leonard C. Ashton in a statement to The the police force from 5 to 4 men, by Swarll",lOreau yesterday explained in de- cutting salaries of practically all Bortail his reasons for favoring the lowest ough employees, and finally by postponpossible tax rate this year. It was Mr. ing the construction of any new streets ,and restricting materially the allowance Ashton's deciding vote as President of for resurfacing present streets. This acBorough CounCil which broke the tie on tion is in line with what is being done in the question of whether the 1932 tax rate other communities, and does not, I beshould be the same or greater than last Ii eve, sacrifice anything vital to the Boryear. ough's welfare. "Ordinarily taxation is considered a "In regard to work on the streets, we dry and uninteresting subject, and we should bear in mind that a considerable give it as little attention as possible. To- amount has been spent in recent years day our attitude is different. We are both for maintenance and permanent imgoing through a period when the dollar provements, so that this is a very good is more valuable than it has been for time for a breathing space. Furthersome time and a great deal harder to get more, it would certainly seem unreasonhold of. Nearly everyone is counting able to reduce the police force and cut costs as never before. salaries, which together are the equival"Council has therefore dccided, after ent of but 1 mill in the tax rate, without careful consideration, that it should es- also curtailing street work enough to tablish for 1932 the same tax rate for save another mill, and thus keep the total Borough purposes as last year-namely, rate down to last year's figure. Times 12 mills, although it necessitates drastic are hard, and a saving of 2 mills would cuts in the budgets. There are several make a real difference to many of our reasons for this. First, the Sinking Fund citizens. rate has to be raised from 1 mill to 2¥.. "1 hope all will realize that, under the mills,' on account of larger bond maturi- circumstances, it may be necessary to do ties and the need for greater interest pay- some things a little differently from the ments because of the underpass loan. way they have been dOlle heretofore, and Second, the Library tax of ¥.. mill must that Council will have to be particularly be added and finally, we started 1932 careful in its expenditu.res. It will help with no balance in the General Fund, a great deal, if everyone does his utmost whereas we had over $15,000 at the be- to pay promptly his taxes and any other ginning of 1931. In other words, to amounts owing to the Borough. "I should finally like to express a word maintain the same tax rate, committee appropriation for this year had to be fix- of appreciation for the co-operative spirit ed at approximately $47,000 (the equival- shown by those whose .salaries had to b ent of a 9 mill rate), while a year ago reduced to accomplish the foregoing .rf.'.. they totalled about $72,000 (the equival- suit." carryon our present program now as to resume it at greater cost next year (,1' the year following." When pressed by Councilman J. Archer Turner for actual instances' of streets that would suffer by not being resurfaced this year, Mr. Bates pointed to Maple avenue and Yale avenue. He declared that a number. of streets were ill such condition that although not apparent to the casual observer, wate'r was beginning to break them down and delayed resurfacing would make repaving necessary within a few years. councilman Turner who was strongly convinced that the resurfacing item of $5,000 was necessary this· year, declared that the work could in all probability be carried on without placing it in the budget and thereby necessitating a mill tax increase. He said that he thought back taxes and liens would be paid up this year to bring in additional revenue and that savings from other departments as the year progressed would at least make up $2500 by the end of the summer that could be used for resurIacing. In the discussion of the highway budget, Mr. Miller took the stand that the $5,000 appropriation should be placed on the budget. He said that there was no question in his mind that the work was needed and that if an increase in taxes was made necessary it was caused by the vote of the people in favor of the half mill library tax and the underpass. Mr. Turner however, said that while it was true that the taxpayers had voted in favor of the underpass and library, conditions had become much worse since those elections and it was up to council to protect the people from something which many of them regretted now. Councilman Lewis said that in view of the cuts in salaries and the other economies in the borough departments, the policy should follow down the line and should apply to the Highway department as well as to the sewer, public safety, accounts and property committees. He said (CDflIi~.ml Ott PGf/' Eill"lJ - • Fortnightly Mrs. Leonard C. Ashton will entertain the Fortnightly at her home on Elm avenue on Monday, April 4th at 2 :30 o'clock. The proram will consist of the reading of plays, and of literary sketches. Mrs. Kongle will read a play by Paul Green (of Chapel Hill) entitled "The Beaded Bag," and one of Thornton Wilder's group of one-act plays, "A Happy Journey." Mrs. William Johnson and Mrs. E. Morris Smith will give literary sketches. Mrs. Wesley N. Clifford entertained the ',duplicate ,contract bridge club of which she is a member on Monday afternoon. " .• ,:, "", . .-, .: ~ , '. ... ..... ". ~ .\" MAY QUEEN "WHOLESOME" COMEDY FOR PLAYEKS' CLUB "Gone Hollywood" Directed by Robert Graham ,is 'April Production FORSTER AIDS DIRECTION "Gone Hollywood," a three act comedy by John C. Brownell will be the offering of the Swarthmore. Players' Club 'for April. The play, which is being directed by Robert W. Graham assisted by Harry G. Forster, will be given Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings next week. In pleasing and interesting contrast courtesy Swarthmore Phoenix. to the rather serious, highly-exciting -Anna Kurtz, who ha. been elected to play presented for March, the play ofpreside over the annual May Day celefered for April is distinctly a comedy bration. of the so-called "wholesome" type. While farces and sophisticated plays have their devotees, and mystery pllWs" intrigue many, there is a un!'!:l:rsal" appeal in the fresh, unsopbi~ticated play which Bobby Graham has selected for his April prod,netion. The pl~L{)£' "Gone Hollywood" revolves ,{round that almost universal Improvement of Health Records I~ging of young women "to go on Throughout Country /" ·the stage." It is a clever plot that Is Stressed , .' leaves the audience in doubt as to the LOCAL RELIEF D.... gCtlI~ED final outcome until very near the end ..,.. of the play. For. the many admirer's of Robert Graham's unusual talent as Did you kno~:it~t this past winter has a portrayer of juvenile comedy roles, been the h~l)ld1'iest in our history? Surg- it will be welcome news that in "Gone eon G~l'!Crai Cumming included this in a Hollywood" he has sec'ured a veh~c1e repg;-t to President Hoover and at the that will permit him to exercise that talent to the fullest degree. As Willie rrLeting at the Woman's Club on TuesBarton, the tnisunder!.tood and underday, it was discussed. The reason, at rated son, Mr. Graham, brings out the least partially, is better knowledge as to humor and pathos and wistfulnc's of preve'ltion of diseases. the character in his inimitable 1l1;Jnno.!r • Recital Mrs. William Raiman, chairman of the . Supporting· Mr. Graham" is ". 1st Wetfim! ,. and . Hcaltli . Section of the that ,is bY',lIo JIH.. an5'lIubl}r.';:',IL :.1 On Thursday afternoon, March 24th, the leading· character. Mr. and ~',rs. the pupils of Mrs. Burton Alvah Konkle \Voman's. Club, proved her fitness for Roger Coleman have excelll'nt roles, gave a recital. The first hour was devot- that pl~ce, by having arranged a' prograln the oile as Helen Bent, wiilic:s mId you know tilat thi~ past wintcr has II a portraYcr of hl\'cnilc comed" roles . wc had o\,cr ~b.O()() at thc he- to pa\' promptlv IllS taxcs ami all\' other ) ,. tl' I .. ,' I . . I" ? s' . , • ,} • Hlghwa\' Departmcnt $ 8,072.80 'whcrcas ' .. f 11 '1 " ' . I let:1I Ie IC<.I( IIcst 111 our Iistory - . urg- It WIll hc weicollle news that In "Cone J "~""' ,. gllllllng () Y.,. I n ut Iler \\'(}rll,".,. t() amounts O\\,1I1g to thc Borough, . '•, ,.' " '. , ','. I ".... " • '. , " Iuhltc ~.tfcl\. 25.825,65 :'111'11'llt'II'11 tIl'c,S'IIIIC t'IX "I S IIOU II [I (!()n GCl.lr.l1 Clllllllllng lIIl.itJ(led tlll~ III ,I Ilolh \\ond hc has sccurcd a vcllldc J • • " , , , r'lte , • COIIIIIII·tt.·.. ~~ ( f'lila II y I'k I 'e t 0 cxpre~s a w o n, .' : I ropcrt). 28,035.0() j apPfOllriatiun for this year had to hc fix- of apprcciation for thc co-operati"e spirit , rt:Il<~1 t to l'rt:sldellt Ilo()\'cr anll at the that will pcrmit him to excrcise that Scwcr. 1,6-10.00 : cd at approximately $-I7,O()() (the l''1uival- sh(}wn hy those wh",;c salaries had to bc; I'·.cl'lillg at thc \\'oman's Cluh on Tut's- lakllt to thc fullcst degrce, ;\s \Villie Accoullts. G, 135 ) \\" 1'1 I I' /1 .-IU ent 01' I a I"II!I'11 rate. 11 C a ycar ago reI UCl'd to accomp Ish thc ion'going r"~: day it was di"cus,;cd. Thc rl'ason. at garton. tlw misunderstood and ullder).[ isc. 2500 00 tl t t II I I t ~7 ') l)l)() (tl ' I I" 1 • 5(111, ~[r. Graham. hrings out the .' ley 0 a C( a )OU ., -, IC c«l11va - su t. ··t par t'la II y. IS . Ilet t t'f k'no\\, ICI Igc as to ratcd i'I,e,\S hUlllor a III I pathos ;illd wist ' ... I . . ".I I') I HEAl TH WORKERS AT WOMAN'S CLUB ,e n ,i : pre"cmion oi (Iisca~c~, tIll' character in his inimitabl ~I r~. \Villiam ({aiman, chairman oi thl' l SI1I'Jlortin~ - ~I r. Craham • • Ui':'\..l'~~;Ull ': Ut I I t , · II llIr~1 ay al ('rnuoll • . arc I - t 1, i \\. ,'. • I'or Ilhe Il·ading charactlT. :\1 r. Ig I sa artcs ell pcr cellt and the ap-' \Vhen pre~sed hv C OIl11cllmall J, ,\rch- the IlIIllils of :-dr,; Burtoll -\h"lh Konkle I om,lII:. (11111. pro\'l'd hcr fitlll'~'; I' (' I I II Jr I 't' f ' , . _ ' , ' . , " , . , , . ' () ('lIlall laVe excc I . I~ Ina 1011 or street resurlacing. De- i cr Turncr ior actual illstances oi strccb gavc a recital. ) he IIrst hollr was dc,'ot- , tlMt pl,ICl·. 11\' hanllg arrangcd a IIro~ram'',ogl'r tl ' ]I I I' t \\"1' el "tOil t t l ' f' II I I' , ' . , . I lC (lill' a~ lO en -.en ~ ). ~ ~ 0 CI1 sa artes was ilia y reac le( that wOllld suffer h\' not heinJ,{ rcsllrlaccd cd to the I.l·gllllll·rs Class who ga,'c, ,dllch t'lIh"htcllcd thc 1l1<'l1Ihcr~hill 'IS til ' I ··t I," If II I" 'tl WIth 'J' ~~lC appro"al of all councilmcn cx-: this _\car, ~I r, !la-tcs IJuintcd to :\Iailic .'~' ,. ,rtl'l SIS cr \\' 10 gOl'S 0 \'WOO( WI \ , I ~hol'\ piano nUlllhcrs al1ll sang sollgs 111 Ihe work in IJ +. -, (' I. I I I .ccpt ,I'.. Ilessenhruch who \'uted 110. ,a,'Clllle and Yale avcnue, Ilc dcclarcd I' I I I' 1'1 '1'1 I' . I' l,I\\,\lC 01111). ,a \'('ngl'ancc, t It· at ll'r IS cast as a ~I 1\ I I' 'renc I all( ·.lIg IS I. Ie IItermc( latc , ~I \\"11' \ J " I' k '1 '11" f I I 1', l's"en.)nlc I s, v,ote was influellccd, that a 11IImhel- of strccls wcrc ill slIeh l~rade pupils fo'I!(I\\,l'd with an intercst-: _. rs, I lam :. " ~'I I I nll:1 thc J:aldwin iactory all(1 uther the salarics oi othcr horough elllplo"ces' thc hudgct. lie said that thcre was n(l LOCAL SCOllTS TO ,lIIeen responsibilities are as great as have ever I been faced by a Representative of the started. Mr. Wolfenden also secured apEighth District. Every mail brings in a propriations for post office imprm'ements Ihuge bundle of letters. Some are from at Chester and Phoenixville. Recently Matinee Daily at 2: 30 I Delaware County's 57 post masters who Mr. Wolfenden upheld his wet stand by are in trouble. Many are from industrial voting in favor of state referendums on Today (Friday) and Saturday 'executives with complaints against fed- prohibition. "THE BIG PARADE" - - -.. , -,- - 'eral Jaws affecting their business. Aside in Soundl from the mushroom lJusiness which is SPRING SPORTS TO GET . Note :-First Evening Shows al particularly important in Chester County, UNDER WAY FOLLOWING 6:45 the Congressman from this district has SHORT SPRING VACATl0I'f Monday and Tueaday i few agricultural problems to worry' Weather Holds Up Early Practice; ,over. "TAXI" Four Sports Begin on Then there are people continually seekwith April 9th or ing Httle favors, objecting to this JAMES CAGNEY that interpretation of federal Jaw, pointLacrosse, the first sport of the season, Wednesday and Thursday ing out patent infringements that affect has already pJayed one of its scheduled SINCLAIR LEWIS' their interests, etc. Industries along the games, and crushed a weak Penn A. C. riverfront frequently encounter prob- team and a feebler Alumni tweJve by "ARROWSMITH" lems which must be taken up with the topheavy scores of 11 .. 1 and ]4-1. Coach with Avery Blake seems to have assembled an RONALD COLMAN Bureau of Navigation. Thousands of even stronger aggregation than last year HELEN HAYES persons write to their Copgressman for in spite of the fact that only seven men general information on a variety of sub- returned to the varsity lineup. Pike, jects high scorer for 1931 in lacrosse aIld MeComing Next Saturday . . Cord and Pike dividing the scoring hon~ (April 9th) Many people bei1eve that eve n the I ors between them and Jones doing "Alice in Wonderland" most trivial request of any 0 n e in nice stick-work at his new position \Vashington should be voiced throug'h cente,:.. The Garnet w!1l face her stiffest , C Th d f OppositIon, however, 10 the next two one s ?ngressman. ousan s 0 peo- weeks, when she meets 1+.-It. Washington THE THEATRB BEAUTIFUL pIe wrtte to Congressman Wolfenden on April 2nd at Baltimore and New A WARNER THEATRE each year urging his support or opposi~ York University at home on April 9th. tion to this bill or that bill. D.elaware Wash.ington dragged the Garnet men in be the dirt last year by 9-2. and N. Y. U. . 1 1 1 Co Lansdowne Avenue & Baltimore PIke unty has a partl~~ ar y arge num r was barely beaten for the championshi, educators and CIVIC leaders who are of the M. A. S. L. by 2-1. On the 16th This Week, Friday and Salurday co,ntinu"lly urging their friends to write of April, Johns Hopkins wiIJ meet JAMES CAGNEY their Congressman and Senator on Swarthmore at hom~, and attempt to reIn bearin on disannament peace and peat the 11-0 trouncl1''t of. ~ast. year. g • Track Men Conditiomnl' "TAXI" I pr·oh'ibition. Track has been under way since Added: "Mickey Mouse" The public record of Congressman ruary 1st, under the supervision of Next Week Monda,. and Tuesday, April 4-5 in 011 thea House RepresentaWolfenden tives has been parallelof with other new given to the men for form in their events, RONALD COLMAN members of the House who are beginIn ning their fourth ~erm. The ~ule of "ARROWSMITH" seniority which provides that the numSponsored by Phila Art Alliance ber of years in Congress shall determine NexI Wedne..day, April 6 a Congressman's rank on committees, GEORGE O'BRIEN gives all members an equal opportunity In to work up to influential positions. When "The Gay Cabellero" the late Congressman Butler died he had Nexl Thurllday, April 7 been a member of the··House for 32 con"Two Kinds of Women" secutive years and consequently held a with high position on committee assignments. pmLLIPS HOLMES Any newly appointed Congressman from 2 large illuminated parking 10" this district must suffer by· comparison. aside of theatre--Free ParkinK This year, Congressman Wolfenden is second ranking member of the Committee MEDIA THEATRE Walker and and Casey Leber inin the the distance dashes, events, Willi" Miller, and Muller, Kelly, Garrett, and Lewis as the field performers, there seems to be littIe to fear from the Baltimoreans. The Garnet annexed a margin of thirt,.. points last year and shouJd repeat the pro ...eS3. B...hall Held Up Baseball practise has been desultory and intermittent, due to the conditiQil of the ground. The new pitching squad, as well Sipler as titand e Koster infielders, Schelllbs, have Stetson, been at "..ark ill the gym., but no tentative team has yet been organized. The squad from last year includes Schembs as catcher, Sipler as first base, Abrams at second, Dawes at shortstop, and McCracken in the outfield. Substitutes likely to make the team include Cadigan, \Vray, and Stevens.. The nine will play their first game of the sixteen listed at home with Lehigh on April 7th, and the second two days later with the Penn A. C. Lehigh was blasted last year by 12-3, but the Pennacs held the Garnet to a tic, 8-8. . Team. and Golf Late Tennis is the fourth sport to have an engagement on April 9th. The netmen '11 t th '['dd' t A l' WI mee e J..'I lies a nnapo IS on that datetwo with a team men, that wiJI probably include appointed as the cORdition of the ·courts does not permit of practice. Lutton (captain), Eaton, Rudy, Lynn will return, and Hadley, Clepper, Reynolds, and. Greenspan will be among !~~~ ~~~~Je:~y ~:~n~~!:e~s h~~ Acceptances' have already be~n received from many of the candlda~es, includiug al1 those for the more lmportant offices; as well as from the presidents of most of the larger Women's Clubs throughout the county. Everyone interested is invited to attend. Local women ·may make reservation with :Mrs. B. M. Isfort, Swarthmore 578. Monday, April 4th is the last day for making reservation. .. , Prohibition Debate A d A discussion of the 18th men· ment led by Dr. Jesse H. Holmes and Dr. Louis N. Robinson wilt be held at \Vhittier House on the College T d 'ng April the campus on ues ay evem '. fifth at eight o·cloc~. ::What Do Yo~ 'fhiuk About Prohibition Every~ne! will be the subject and the pubhc 15 cordially invited to attend. ili! • pro ba bl e team. ELASTIC ABDOMINAL The golf team will Qot open its season STOCKINGS BELTS until April 13th, when it will meet Dela.... ~~, ware at Newark. I am prepared to furnish a~l\. nt all ___.... __- - • •• types of ela.tie goods •.~<;;;;ig..ed and . made' for each ind!vid1i;') case. CANDIDATES MEETING NEXT THURSDAY ,,' -, tRACE M. SMITH I I SmRER APT. Swarthmore 542 Tile Gown Shop ... p ARK A v E N U E I SELLING OUT OUR ENTIRE SPRING STOCK I BELOW COST Dresses, Suits, Accessories LANSDOWNE I ~{ IN ORDER TO MAKE} ROOM FOR SUMMER ~ MERCHANDISE ~B~a~rr:o~n~.~~s~p~ecia~l~e:x~e~rc:is~e~s~h~a~v~e:h~e~en~~===~~========================~ The General Motors Value in the Refriget:'ation Industry A WARNER THEATRE STATE We're Ready for your Order TEL BROS. ISpn·.ng The Frlendl.y Circle Regular 75c Value caD. DIRECTORS THOMAS W. ANDREW HOWARD B. GREEN FARM EGGS 18c and 23c 3 THE SWARTHMORBAN APRIL 1, 1932 CHESTER Friday, Saturday, Monday April 1-2-4 Constance Tuellday, Wedne.-day, Thursday April 5, 6, 7 The peatest star of stage and sereen- BENNETT George As the girl who .ave up her future to eel a past ARLISS "LADY WITH A PAST" "THE MAN WHO PLAYED GOD" -with- Ben Lyon Matinees Daily 1-3 A modern drama from real life! Evenings 7-9 Four Cubic Foot Moraine Model LOWEST PRICES in Frigidaire History '"">-_.'. TIlE SWARTHMOREAN APRIL 1, 19.3Z ment was announced at a UNovelty ) danee" in the Social Hall of Ridley THE SWARTHMOREAN Junior Auembly the Drexel Hill Woman's Club on sectl'on '11 b Dr d '[ J R 'KI' i Club at 9:30. Those. who do not fide WI e .an Drs. . • me, b' I '[1 b . • Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Buckman, Mr. and 11CYC es WI e taken In automobIles. Mrs.. Robert E. Sharples of '!hornton Mrs. John Hihn, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Troop 194. In order to earn money Entered as Second Class matter, January 24, 1'29, at the Post Office at Swarthcntertall1~d at luncheon and bridge l~st Roy P. Lingle. The Senior section will for the Girl Scout House Fund the girls more, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Monday 111 hOllor of Mrs. George Wem~ have as its hostesses: Mr. and Mrs. Har-, of Troop 194 under the direction of Mrs. hold of Lansdowne. old Griffin, Dr. and Mrs. George H'I Helen Hall 3re raising flower and vegeFRIDAY, APRIL I, 1932 Mrs .. Paul K. Alger of Park avenue Cross, Mrs. Leroy Wilson and Mr. and table seedlings which a little later' they and MISS Mary Flynn of West C~ester Mrs. C. J. H. Anderson. hope to sell. When Bretzy Spread. the New. public in gcncral arc "choking over a entertained at bridge Monday evening in ~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;~;;~;;;;;;;;;;~~;;~;;~EiiI Phone Swarthmore 900 l):~t o~\'I~I~ot~~eiaxS\~~U:r n~;;s, e:f,~h~~;_ ~r~::so~I~:~::~ ~f:;:~~ --B· ....-U..-~y ----I--N..--..G----....-D---.. I---R-----E-----C---..T--..--O----R.. . ---y---.----.. . . \Vhen Drctzy spreads the morning news, ::::;I::;t I,'i!rrl=-..-.. ough expense is 12 mills, ·the County 4 It is a stirring act, mills and the School 26 mills. Let us in- Miss Mary Terrells of New York spent His pal)ers sail by slings and slues, vile the School Board to open up their the Easter holidays with their parents, , The Borough fecls attacked. buoks to the public as freely as Council Mr. and Mrs. James Terrells of 343 Members of the Swarthmore have theirs. Dartmouth avenue. ,Miss Adrian Hall of I As rosy east anliOunces dawn, His auto roars around. It IS common knowledge that every Oxford was also their guest. I Business Men's Association The missiles hit on porch or lawn, salaried man has had a reduction in pay , I I On hedges, trees and ground. any where from 10% to 2570. The man RABBITS GIVEN WINNERS! SO buy from us because w'e're handy, in business for himself is suffering from OF GUESSING CONTEST W The mufHer POP!, from either side el'en greater reduction in income and I e'll treat you fine and dandy" The hurling budgets fly c\'en those more fortunate individuals '1 I ' N' It is a wild and tortuous ride, Nearly five chiindren 0 ow s tbe time to shop Swarthmore. Jiving 011 incomes from their ill\'estments Swarthmore and hundred vicinity sent guesses f,, Taking the turns 011 high. have had their proportionate reduction in The SUKlrt/unoreau's Easter Egg COI1- I through passing of dividends etc. In what test held last wcek. To each of the five f Late sleepers miss his daily run way arc our school teachers, clerks, jani- children under thirteen years of age who • BACHftIAN'S MARKET They Hc abed and sncoze, tors and other hell} in the public schools g I Grocerie. and Meat, uessed ncan.st the correct number of I Y I d K A And miss a bit of glorious fun o do pres h tl I rdslll'p of tll , ' a e an enyon venues Swarthmore 183 · . s 3rlllg III Ie 13 s .... - eggs in the glass jar hung in the window I \Vhcn Bretz}" spreads the news. sian? \\That effort is the school board , Tht: SU'lJYth",orea1J office, was given a E.c. w. making to relieve the burden of the tax of. live rabbit. Seven other prizes were , BUCHNER'S TOGGERY SHOP I 1 • payer? Can one teacher, Olle clerk, or givcn to runners~up. : lJlen'. and Women'. Wearing Apparel Olle j'anitor do the work of two? If the . • 8 Park Avenue S hm 240 The gucssing contest tins year was I wart ore police department can effect such CCOIl~ substituted for the Annual Easter Egg ol11ies why not the School Board a l s o ? , SAM DRAYMAN .~ l.et us turn the light of inspection hunt which the preceding year was held " ' To-~'e Shoe Store and Shoe Repair Slore l~ Editor: where the largest fUluts are expended, on the Collcge campus. The muddy COI1~ ,I 8 k The "CIW-#..II.S . clition of the campus and other Ol}en I Par Avenue ~, of Swarthmore have read there we lIlay expect the greatest S3Vll1g. itl . t t tlre...various a tide A TAX PA YE~P. I)ieccs of ground suitable for an egg : \V I II! ercs I. -:---,. r s appcar, hUllt caused it to be cancelled this year. : ing in the S",arllllllIY.-Cf'1 regarding the First prize which consisted of a choice : I w. H. B. GREEN proposed increase in tIlt: 'JjBorough tax To the Editor: of the rabbits in the window of The ,I Coa ood - Building Material. rate. Th c C rt'c' I South Princelon Avenue Swarthmore 12~A I I ISIlIS bom 0 ~~II; '-...!s int erA desire to criticize should be accom- Swarthmoreall was won by Bobbie Longest,. while possibly embarrassiu!1 panied by a willingness to praise. It was well, 222 Lafayette avenue. Rabbits: _ 1l0YIIlg to ou~ B.oro~gh CounCilmen, ?rt~y pleasure to be an unofficial observer were also won by the following: Kitty HANNUAI & WAITE a v~ry. good mdlcatlO.n that the slecpll1g at \c'ouncil's special meeting 011 1'.Iarch Brill, 114 Park avenue; Walter Hannum, I Plymouth-Chry.ler Sale& And Service IS at last t? the fact that 24th., while it would be 18 Oberlin avenue; Ruth Child, 314 Vas- I Yale Avenue and Soulh Chester Road Swarthmore 1250 the} lUlISt take an.lIlte. rest III the man.age- to agree ,viN)' all that was done, I Wish d P I G'II 317 ' t f 1 I ff f h B h '\.._. sar avenue; an au I man, ,J men 0 .. oc~ a airs 1 ~ e oroug IS to to commend tID! "-painstaking efforts of, :Maplc avenue. j;, HARRIS & CO. b.crull efficJcntiy a.nd. In a manner sat- .lld that "'III'cll ,uas a-c~nmplisl'led by, the C d E d Ea f h '. . . . . '"" an y • aster eggs an ster toys were Tailoring and Dyeing IS actory to t e Illajonty. members of Council. won by Clarence Hartman, 201 Dart-: II Park Avenue Swarthmore 504 In the past month we have seen T Ha;-ry Brown mouth avenue., John Delaplaine, 106 I"," dis 10yal1y endeavoring to reduce the ' ", . I ••• nell avenue; Jerry Corse, 411 Yale ave- :I budget covering every possible expen~e ' MARTEL BROS. pertaining to Borough expenditures. nue; Roger Coleman Swarthmore Apart- I Pure Food and Healt" Store Even to discharging two of the police ments; Jean Baird, 310 Dartmouth ave- I 7-9 South Chester Road Swarthmore 761-762 force, thereby, not only jeopardizing the :Miss Ethel R. Doctor, who is super- nu~: Jack Corse, 411 Yale avenue; Emily 1 safet), of til{' l,111'}lic, but actually inviting intendent of the Oaxaca, Mexico, also Joy Price, 410 Yale avenue. 1 PAUL M. PAULSON Rug" crimi",,!; t" " community which, in the Girls' Hostel among the Zapoteco In- ;!!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!li Drr Cleaning-Oriental p;1.~1. has OC(!11 rcmarkably free from this dians, is the guest of her sister Miss 100 Park Avenue Swarthmore 529 d· 1111:'"t c ~ -' .' : • : ;: : " Jean: Doctor'at the 'Strath 'Haven Inn~, == == It wl):l1d :'~Cfll that Council and the lir. and :Mrs. Eugene S. Farley with = ~,=;;; ,: CHARLES PARKER - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - their children Ethel, Robert, and Eu== I Real E.ta,e-lnaurance_NotOlT Public !!. I ! I : I I' ' ! I' I , II I : : I , II ! CorrespondenCe pub~lc !• I : ! ! i "iVJ{"-1 a\~aklllg 1t,,~ ! I I I ,I ~ I , ,: .,... ! = ~ INSURANCE PETER E. TOLD = :-- R- 0 0 FIN G -". '.60 Tin, Slate, Slag, Asphalt Roof and Heater Repairing SINCE ROBERT P. SMITH "They love truth best who to themselves !i And dare to dream 0', dar. to do." -Lowell. ' ':~at'tl'iey 9:'5 A. M. _ Denney of Cynwyd, Pa. GO TO CHUBCH--SOMEWHERE I Bnd all conveniences. Albert N. Garrett, Pennypacker 4442 or Swarthmore 489. I J I ,I • Yale and Swarthmore. 750 I 'I STRATH HAVEN INN II:' Swarthmore 680 I SUPLEE'S STORE Electrical Supplie. 11 South Chesler Road I, Swarthmore 105 I ' II, . SWARTHMORE ELECTRIC SHOP EI.elrieal Appian ... and 411 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore 1896 Ser~iee SWARTHMORE NATI,!>NAL BANK AND TRUST C O . ,"!. Complete Banking Se",iee Swarthmore 1431 Chester Road I, YOU ABE WELCOME HERE SWARTHMORE Rev. John Ellery Tuttle. Minister SUNDAY THE BmLE SCHoor... 11 :OO-MORNING WOBBHIP. 4:45-0ROAN WORSHIP. 5 :OO-VESPERS. Junior Choir. WEDNESDAY 7 :3G-Regular Midweek Services. FRIDAY 10:30--Woman's Association Meeting. 12 :45--Luncheon. 2 :OO-Devotlonal Meeting led by Mrs. Winthrop WrIght. Guest speaker, Dr. Morroll ot Phlla. THE APRIL COAL PRICES TO BE ANNOUNCED NEXT WEEK If you use Coke, we will take your order now for your year's supply at the following new low prices: f'IRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST. Kopper's Domestic Coke Stove Size Pea or No.2 Nut $9.45 per ton $8.45 per ton Y2ton Stove and Y2ton Pea $8.95 per ton HOWARD B. GREEN SWARnlMORE Call Sw. 1234 r •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SWARTHMORE PHARMACY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OP SWARTHMORE: Park Avenue Below Harvard Ser\'lces: 1\:00 A. M.-Sunday BcIIaoI. ll:oo A. M.-8unday Lesson-Sermon. Wedne5day evening meeting each week. 8 p. m. Reading room open dally. except Sundays and holidays. 1 P. M. to 4 P. M.. Church edifice. All are cordially Invited to attend the services and use the Reading Room. TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Episcopal Chester Road and College Avenue OPPOSite the College Campll$ Rector Rev. J. Jarden' Guenther, S. T. M. 8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m.-Rev. Guenther wUl preaCh. Wii.r. BE REPEATED Sololsts . WUllam Gardner Cleaves, Treble Florence Mllrsell, Alto Edna IItxsel1. Soprano uornet1sts P. Nevin Wiest John B. Hoffa EAsTER MUSIC WEDNESDAY 2:30-Woman's Guild. Pre.criptioru Care/ull,. Filled Swarthmore 586 Shirer Building E.C. WALTON Real Estate-lruurance-Notary Public 13 South Chesler Road i' Swarthmore 114 WOODWARD,JACKSON & BLACK I Plumbing-Heating and Roofing ,!i 333 Dartmouth Avenue Swartlunore 43 , .._M__• _________...._______•••________......_ ....______..___ ..-----------..---......----_______J, ~ r---.-...----...------·-...-..-.....-....-....--..----..-.----------------,. ! Where Are Your Policies! t 1 Your insurance policies and other valuable papers will I 1 be absolutely safe if you keep them in a private Safe Deposit Box in our vaults, You alone have the key, Our vault is fire-proof, burglar-proof, mob-proof. I! Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company !1 1 - POR SALB FOB SALE-Well rotted manure. Dally ex· pre8JJ to Phil!l.delphla, and hires to any poInt. Daniel Menefee. Swarthmore 1380. LOST.. the fabric of a new prosperity." 180.00 .. The speaker explained that fhe manufacture of the new automobile on a large scale would help revive prosperity. The reserves I crease. ~~C~~;:'· ~ coal, steel, leather, glass, copper ~nd salaries. wages or to time 88 the best other industries are among those winch ough may require. Passed this 24th day of MarCh, A. D. he pred~cled would benefit greatly by the 1932. production. • . . LEONARD O. ASHTON. President of Council. A "talking" movie covermg the rnakmg (Seal) of the new automobile was shown. The Attest: ALBERT N. GARRETl', JR., reel explained in detail every part ?f the Borough Secretary. V-S. It traced the automobile as It .was AfproVed this 30th day ot .March A. D. constructed and assembled, piece by pl~ce. 193. W. R. LANDIS. After the motiol~ picture presentahon, Burgess. the asscmblage adjourned to a storage section of the plant where coull tl elss rolwds BO~~~~~W~I::ORE of linen topped long narrow t ab es 1a I . ~ , I 1000 ts An Ordinance levYing a thIrd annual bcen placed to serve near y gues. special tax or assessment on all assessable --::-_~ I property within a certain tract o( land annexed to the Borough of Swarthmore by before t he Current Events section of vIrtue of Ordinance No. 310, approved No.. vember 21st. 1929. Situate In the South.. ti,e \Voman's Club, aroused so much easterly part of the Borough, f:;ometlmes known as the Kimmel Tract. for the pur.. interest and discussion that it seemed pose of reltnburslng the Borough for coats and expenses attendant l'pon said annexadesirable to pcrmit a larger audience tlon and the adjustment of Indebtedness Incurred thereby, being the third of ten to ellj' oy the stl'mulating experience. annual assessments (or this purpose. Tickets will be for sale by mauy Be It Ordained by the Councll of the Borough of Swarthmore, and It is hereby mcmbers of the League. enacted and ordained by authority of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--::::::::::=::-__ same: Section 1. For the year 1932 there shall BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE be levied and assessed. agaInst all assessAn Ordln~~~:r:~~Om~50f taxation able property within the tract of land herein called the Kimmel Tract, more parfor the year 1932 for borough PurpOSthes'da~~ ticularly described hereafter. over and for the payment ot interest on e e above the general Borough Tax both for of' the Borough, and the creation of a current expendltwes and sinking fund, Sinking Fund. th and over and above all other tax~ or asBE 1'1' ORDAINED by the Council of e sessments lawfully assessed against propBorough of Swarthmore, and it Is hereby erty wIthin the saId tract, a special tax or enacted and ordained by the authority of assessment at the rate of three mills on the same:- 1. There shall be levle d aga!net the dollar, or •.30 on every one hundred SECTION dollars ot assessed valuation for the pur.. all assessable property within the Borough, pose hereinafter set forth. a tax rate of 9 mUls on the dollar, or $.90 Section 2. The tract of land In the Boron overy one hundred dollars of assessed ough of Swarthmore on whiCh this specIal valUation for Borough purposes. tax or assessment is_ hereby levlee! for the SECTION 2. There shall be levied against year 1932, 18 SItuate In the Soutbeasterly all 888essable property within the Borough a tax rate of 2\2 mUls on every dollar, or $ 25 on every one hundred dollars of the aSsessee! valuation for the payment of interest on the debt of the Borough, and for the creation of a Stnk1n.g Fund. Passed this 24th day of March, Anno Domini one thousand nine hundred and thtrty·two. LEONARD O. ASHTON. President at Councll. (Seal) Attest. 'ALBERT N. GARRE'lT, JR.. Borough Secretary. Approved this 30th, day. Of. March A. 9 .. 1932. W. R. LANDIS, Burgess. "Sennng Sfl!arthmore Since 1904" ---'--'--_I_~. ___ l ~ l l 1 ! f I ---~ rocew'lng or ~w1Dg out of the same. ~UDcll reeerves the rJ8b.t to determine Ume manner and amount ot future 3 cc:: Borough Becret:"'b.• Approved this 30th day of March. A. 1932. W. R. LAND18, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:::::::::::::::::::::;n Bursesa. See Us For THE FULL STORY of the NEW FORD V-8 Call at our Showrooms Today for full Details of this Great New Car * * " .: .---- EDMOND STEINMAN Providence Roatl, and Baltimore Pike Phone Media 1800,· ,-,' Media, Pa. l / .. NOW ON DISPLAY Fran* p NEW FORD PRICES FOURTEEN BODY TyPES When you see the New Ford Eight and drive it, you will realize that it is the complete answer to your motoring needs. Here are beanty and safety and comfort. Here are exceptional speed and acceleration, the smooth.flowing power of an eight. cylinder engine, reliability and economy. Here are silent second speed and silent synchronized gear shifting. Here, in a word, is all you desire in a motor car at. an un- usually low price. the in.. etauinente: over the said perl,ocl f years until the total amount 0 aal and expenses has been collected from the present or future owners of propertlee comprised. within said tract. Passed this 24th day of March. Anno Dom1nl ODe Thousand NLne Hundred and thirty-two. LEONARD O. ASHTON. President of CouncU. (Beal) Altest: ALBERT N. GARRJn'T, JR., --The· New'Ford V ..S Cylinder BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE ORDINANCE NO. 338 An OrdInance levying a speclal ta.x or assessment on all assessable property withPERSONAL-Old pine stairs recovered wIth In a certain tract of land annexed to the oak. Hardwood. floors laid and reftnlshee!. Borough of Swarthmore by virtue or ordil!'Btlmates furnished. Somerhalder &: Sohelble, nance No. 322. approved January 5, 1931, 658 Tenth Ave., Moore, PR. Phone' Bldey SITUATE in the Southerly part of the 1\36-W. Borough, sometimes known as the Smith Tract, also as "Swarthmore Estates, for the purpose of reimbursing the BorWORK WANTED ough for costs and expenses attendant upon said annexation and the future adWORK WANTEO--Smart spring dresse5 justment of Indebtedness incurred there· made by experienced dressmaker. Wlll by. being the second ot ten annual assesscall for and deUver work. Alterations. Re- ments for this purpose. BX IT ORDAINED bv the Councll of the modeling. Phone Chester 2-2728. Borough of Swarthmore, ane! It Is hereby enacted and ordained by authority of the sam.' WINDSTORM INSURANCE SEimON I. For the yesr 1932 there shall be levied ane! assessed against all assess· for 5 yean costs ,3.20 on fr8.JD able property within the tract of land herein called the Frank SmIth Tract. more dwelUng; 12.40 slone dwelling. How partiCUlarly described hereafter, over and much do you want? above the general Borough tax, both for current expenditures and sinking fund, and over and above all other taxes or assessments lawfully assessed agaInSt propE. C. WALTON erty within the said tract. & special tax or 8$8essment at the rate of 10\2 mills on the dollar, or $1.05 on every one hundred. dollars of assessed. valuation. for the purWONDERFUL BARGAIN poses hereinafter set forth. SEC'l'ION 2. The tract of land In the party removing from Swarthmore Borough ot Swarthmore on which thla speclal tax or assessm.ent 1s hereby levied. wID sell home at a sacrlflce. 2% story stucco house - with onefor the year 1932, Is SITUATE In the car garage-as follows: Living room Southerly portion of the Borough of with open fire-place dlnlDJ .roomswarthmore, County of Delaware ane! State ot Pennsylvania, being bounded On the kitchen. kitchenette - reh1g'erator North by Yale Avenue, on the West by room. Laundry room, with, lavatory. Cornell Avenue, and on the South by 4 nice bedrooms with tlle bath, third Lelperv11le Road, on the Southeast by story floored but not Onlshed. Lot Mtchlgan Avenue, and on the East and 6Ox15O. Nice shrubbery-grape vines, Northeast by Hinds of John S. Oampbell, etc. Rot water heat. All conveniences et al said tract consisting of seventy-nine installed. and 'three hundred thirty-four one-thousandths acres. more or less, ot' WhiCh forty .. one and five hundred sixty-seven one thouCRAS. A. SMITH sandths acres, more or less, were formerly Phone Swarthmore '705 situate in Springfield 'l"ownshlp and thlrtyseven and seven hundred Btxty~seven onethousandths acres. more or less, were formerly situate In RIdley Township, the en, TO BE SACRIFICED tire tract. known as the Frank Smith Tract, 6 rooms, bath. I\lortgages $1900. B. & L. and also as "Swarthmore Estates," havIng price $4250 in good condition. been annexed to said Borough by OrdlRent-4 Bedrooms and garage-$15. nance No. 322. approved January 5, 1931. 4 Bedrooms. 2 car garage-$85. SECTION 3. The foregoing special tax or 3 Bedrooms and garage-$70. assessment Is levied pursuant to the pro~ visions of SectIon 5 of said Ordinance No. WM. S. BITTLE 322 and is levied. as the second of ten anNotary Public Real Estate nual installments to be collected out of property in the said tract for the purpose Swa. I11-J of reimbursing the Borough ot Swarthmore for any and all amounts found to be due ESTATE OF EMMA W. PRICE, deceased. to the Township of Ridley and/or to the Letters Testamentary on the abOve Es- Township of SprIngfield, by way toOl adtate have been granted to the undersIgned, Justment of Indebtedness, and any who request all persons having claims or other person or corporation. and all Incldemands against the Estate of the dece- dental fees and costs Involved In the andent to make known the same, nnd all nexatlon proceeding or growing out of the persons Indebted to the decedent to make I same. Council reserves the right to deter,payment. without delay, to d mine the time. manner and amount 0 EDWIN A. LUCAS an future Installments over the said period. 0d' TRADESMENS NATIONAL ten years until the total amount of sal BANK AND TRUST CO., costs and expenses has been collected. trom H. W. Goodall, President. the present or future owners of properties 1420 Walnut St.• Phlla., Pa. comprised within said tract. Anno Or to their Attomey, Passed thts 24th day ot MarCh, DRINKER. BIDDLE & REATH, Esqs., Domini One Thousand Nine Hundred and 1429 Walnut St.. Phlla.• ~.. Thlrty.two. LEONARD C. ABHTON, ESTATE OF HAROLD BARNES, deeeued. . President of Councll. Letters Testamentary on the above Estate (Seal) have been granted to the undersigned. who Attest: request all persons having claims or deALBERT N. GARRE'I"I', JR, mands against the E5tate of the decedent Borough Secretary· to malr::e Imown the same. and all persons Approved this 30th day of March A. D. Indebted. to the decedent to make payment, 1932. WIthout delay. to .~~ W. R. LANDIS, _ ARAMINTA F'REEMAN B.n.DoI... ..".... , BW'Kes8. 312 N. Prlnceton Avenue, Swarthmore, Fa. Or to ber Attomey, BOROUGH OF 8WARTHMOSE JAMES W. LAWS, ORDINANCE NO. 338 918 Land. Title Building, An ordinance flI1ng the BDilUal wages, PhUadelpt.1a, Pa. oompeIUl8.tlon or, salarles of various em- _k Swarthmore 1390 Tea Room-Dining Room and Hotel Accommodation. ! Wtf PERSONAL Real E.rate and In.urance Hard.,}are _ Paint. - rooms and bath each. electric l'efrlgeratlon LOST-8mall pearl necklace Sunday. U found please return to Charles Parker. Reward. Parker Arcade. NalA Salet and Service Rutgers Avenue FOR RENT-Desirable , , 9:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. M. -BeWlng and Quiltlng In Whittier House. __ Box luncheon. ~~~~=~.. 8:~~r:ror. ~~rmon FOR RENT-Two attractive housekeeping apartments at 317 North Chester Rd. SIx CLIFFORD M. RUMSEY Dartmouth Avenue m:.,e~:~~~¥ .. ! CHARLES A. SMITH House. 9:45 A. M.-Morning In 'on Meeting Ing House.Forum. Subject April 3rd: Conslderatlon of the Discipllne. 11:00 A.M.-Meetlng for worship in the ~~dl~~ga~e':~~i ~id:~~irP:::~h~:~o~~~~ : apartment. Seven rooms tile bath. heat, hot water. heated garage. $125 per month. Allan C. Wood, 227 Swarthmore Ave. Swarlhmore 42 Parker Arcade, CheSler Road Flrs~'ll1.'iAlchDDI In Whltt!er == The engage- II THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS All are cordially InvIted to Jom in these services. SWARTHMORE METHODIST EPISCOPAL OHOBOH LLOYD P. STEVENs tage at Ocean City over the Easter Mln!ater week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Watson of .:'5-SUNDAY SCHOOL 2013 Madison Street, Chester. Pa. trude Kermer Watson to Mr. Wells H. PH,?NB CHESTER 2 .. 1703 = 'iiIlIlIIIIII!!III11I11I11U1I\IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!II!!!!!!IIIIIIIIIIIIII~: On Thursday evening, April 14th, at eight o'clock, at the Womau's Club House, the Swarthmore League of Womcn Voters will present Dr. D. ~1. .Alelchoir, of Girard College, in a discussion of timely topics. Dr. :Mclchoir's recent lively and disccrning comment on affairs of the day, FOR RENT !' omeere of the Bor- portion of the Borougb of Swarthmore, County of Delaware and State of PeDD87lVBnla, having been annexed. to said Dor.. ough by__OrdLnance No. 310, approved Nov. 21st, 1929, ane! 18 described more partIeu\arly In sa!d Qrd!nance No. 310, and also in Ordinance No. 314. approved Mareh 24th, 1930 levying the first of the saJd. annual assPBsments. . Section 3. Th" foregoing special tax or asses.sment is levied. pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of said 310, approved November 21st.Ordinance 1929, andNo. 18 levied 88 the thlrd ot ten annual InstaUmenta to be collected out of tho property In the sald tract for the purpose of relmburslng Borough found of Swarthmore ....... $2025.00 ~ any and the all amounts to be due for to ....... 2=:88 :: ::nio~ns~!fe:~=:S'? ~d ~~yadJ~!; 225180:gg :: person or corporation, and all incIdental 157.50 .. fees and costs Involved lD tbe annexation ___. . :._.:. :. __+________--:=-____ :::::.:..::_~_=-.:....:.. DR. MELCHOIR TO SPEAK HERE APRIL 14 III I =C'h- ., h N ;;;!I ure ews gene Jr. of Westfield, N. J. spent the week-end with Mrs. Farley's parents Mr. and lIlrs, Robert L. Coates. Mr. and AIrs. Coates also entertained Mrs. Sarah S. Farley, Miss, Betty Price of Phone, Sw. 1225 New Brunswick, N. J., and Mr, and Mrs. Donato Colafemina and family Muhlenberg Ave_ Rutledge of Lima, Pa., for Easter dinner. Mjss Ann Orr who is a stuuent at All Lines of :5 Bucknell College was home for the ;: Easter holidays. ;:1 Dr.]. R. Kline of Riverview avenue :: INCLUDING LIFE :: spent Friday in New York attending a = meeting of the American Mathematical -_i§ . t y. == S oCle OLD BANK BLDG. ;;;;; Gerard Bye is home from Haverford _ Call Swarthmore 1833 - College for a short vacation. ---=:-=~=--=:-:=-=----- Mr. and Mrs. James Hanna entertained at a house party at their cot- many friends in the borough is "Billy" )"litchell but during working hours is general manager of the Ford plant at Chester. The occasion of Mr. Mitchell's party was the initial presentation of the new V-S Cylinder Ford. all Wednedsay the guests included dealers, salesmen and bankers who had been especially invited. Wednesday's program was for dealers and leading citizens public office holders etc of Pcnnsylvani~ and New Jersey. Among those prescnt from Swarth~ more were Richard Haig, William Argyle Louis Cole Emmons, R. Chester Spe~cer, Jacob Meschter, James Hanna, '1'1 th and Robert E'. Sharp Ies. ley were e g uests of Gash-Stull Company, :Mr. CLASSIFIED : 5. ~~~.~~;~~f~~~~~{~~~~~l11 I NEWS NOTES' ' . , S LIP C 0 V E R S DRAPERIES ANNA SCHAI J .ES . -------When a resident or a family in this Mitchell and Edmund Steinman, Ford f '[ d' community arranges for aguests party itfor .It e la. addressed the gathering • dozen to half a hundred is a dealer Mr. 0Mitchell big event but the records were broken on Wednesday after the V-8 h ad been during the past week when one of the covered. He extolled the career and in-, . present borough's residents arranged a party and dustry of Henry Ford and hiS luncheon for 5,000 guests over a period foresight in Wldertaking, at an expc.llse of two days. The man was W. W. of $300,000,000, a manufacturing project Mitchell of University Place who to his that "might aid employment and IJccome : I II Cor~ Ford "Party" I unnatu~al COUII~ THE SWARTHMOREAN Girl Sconts Manor on Saturday evening, March 19. The hostesses 3:t the Elementary sec~ Troop 6. For Saturday morning About fifty guests wefe present. tion of the Junior Assembly meeting on Troop 6 has planned a "Bicycle Hike'" Mrs. ~~muel C.Hanna, Mrs. WiIIi~m Saturday afternoon will be Mrs. J. B. to Camp Tall Trees., All the girls will Earle Kistler and Mrs. Elmer Mehck D I d M C F NIh . ' . . I h f oug ass an r s . . . oyes. n t e brmg luncheon and meet at the Women's d h attcndc t e reciprocity unc eon 0 evening the hostesses of the Intermediate • Publi8hed Every Friday at Swarthmo..... Pa. Robert E, Sharpl..., Editor and Publiaher APRIL 1, 1932 Roadster, , , . Phaeton Tndor Sedan, Conpe .... .. Sport Coupe , Fordor Sedan De Luxe Roa.lster, " .. , ..... . De Luxe Phaeton. , , .. De Luxe Tudor Sedan. De ~nxe Coupe Cabriolet De Luxe Fordor Sedan, Victoria Convertible Sedan EIGHT ,FOUR Cylinder Cylinder $460 495 500 490 535 590 545 550 575 610 $410 445 450 440 485 540 450 495 500 525 560 645 595 600 650 550 500 600 (All priCN F. O. B. Detroit, plu. /reight and delivery. Bumper& and .pare tire e~'ra. Economical term. through Authori~d Ford Finance Plana 0/ the Unif'enal Credit Company.) GASH-STULL CO. 9th and Sproul Sts. Chester, Pa. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 1 6 CHURCII~I~'LA~S TO thuse prl'~elll. .,n.~SI~NTED LATER, Il'rtain ',., ,.. , f tl· II I .- BE The i will "e a reader frulII Philadelphia to e,,-: ~1I{'CIl E~thcr and Staml,ml Ikar- er plays that were ''''''I'''"ed "" "(e"""t vi lire ill tht' '\lct!l()~bt ClllIrdl will I...· gin'lI ill the lIl·ar iUlurl' th"l1gh 110 ddi- IIite d,,'e h;" )·ct J.cell d,,·;""'. Th,· girls t:\t'llill)~ h;n'c JlI:tllllnI a n:ry I'lIj"y:ddl' whkh include" not o1lly II,,: two 1)101.\ '. hut .'-I.:n'r:t! \fil·al "l'il'di"lh .111'1 Illt rv ~Irs. THE SWARTHMOREAN George Flood, Helen Scott, Edith· mol,"rts IIall), on Friday, April 8 at 'I·,ss,·')"·'r~·' B~;:~dfjcld all~1 ~f.. 1, 1932 I Mr. I.Ioyd nerry APRIL of New Argentine I r~r ,~;t'-';'b".'r" ci,·,,~ i~sioll"ln' hllli.~, '~I1IS,: ,;\1 __ :-;upn'IIH~ 1IIIIw)"hUI('e - TIl(' Swartlllllon: ),1 i:n·d Chorus and lhe (),.clie"lra COllcert to he gircn in by {'I(lllJil'r ).[l'T1lOrial 011 F .. ida ..... April 8, 1\:r-; X A CA'\IIJI~X J I M,l. Will Ill' a hl'IlL'lit C(I))':nt to rl'1ic\'e the Thc stln :lI"OIl.o;\.'. 1\1. DurinI!': Sllring Swarlhmore 16481 actio~ is justified. --- Our Slo('k i~ IJurgc Quulily Ill'!" Illl~' I\'ow - ,h'oid Ittl!'h Lat ... r On can for Catalogue Chesl"r 9245 Listed •• Standsrd by UnderwriterSL.bora taries Str(~el. transpor~llll'~ial.lJOSSeSSions an~l Stewar~-! .1:rl·s'Jyteri~1Il Churd~ ~It, ,o'dock~ Electric rail of life, -t_:.lO ,/ is .still th.c lIIost :-;h~p. I:; not tayg-ht 1tl terms Of. n~one)-! lue:>d;:IY altl'rnooll h) h.c\, lIar~c~.Ben • c(onomical, and he feels that With the ralS!lIg' cxchl:;IH'ly: II\~t the pr.lcltcc ~f! Ill'lt, the pastor, )'Ir~. 01111l":-. b tl~(' hig-hly attractive cars to he operatcd b.y the Sel?,lI'=ttl'tl l)orllfJII I; ~cc.cllt.~lat~d he-I dallg-htcr ~li 111'. and ~l.rs. Juhn P. H~l~­ th~ Traction Company in the COmIl1UIIl- calise II 1II,·oh·c:i tl,ll: .C~lnstmlllzaholl ~f ton anc! l~ a ka..:h('r III the Booth\\)o 11 ties served citiz(')ls will restrict thc lise thl' whole process 01 gl\'lIlg to the chlln:h. Public ScilfJol. 1029 Edgmont Avenue oi thc.'ir automobilcs. Oflicials of the, I)uring till' Ilast church yca~ 1I10re than She \\,,1:-; gr.ldu;tll;ll ifll1ll the Swartl\-i I Chester, Pa. railway company ilrc cnthusiastic o.yer 2,j)()O ~lltlr:he:; Ill;Hi.c d~fill,ltc, for\\"ar~llI!llre lligh :)..:hool in 11)27 ilnd fl'OIl1 111('; the nt:\\" deHlopllIl'IIts 01 thc cal'-llllll~l- SH·p~, III Sll'wanbillp I'dl.lca~lOlI" n~or I; ~tatl! Tea..:lll'rs· Collcgl', at \Vest Che:;tc"!", j CHESTER 2·1315 illg art \yhi..:h will be incorporated III than :-:on.lloo leal.ld:> :,,:re .(hstnI11.1t~d, :lIH. 'in 11)29. . .' i t Ilese Ill'\\" car:-. '. ._ I~I I)r('~h\"tcn'-w!de \"I:;ttattoll:> were Ilhlde, I · Thc mo:;t important feature:> arc those' II"" Illl'l11hers 01 thc Ikpal"lllll'llt. which contrihute to making the cars more • attrnctin tu thc ridiug Jluhlic. \Vhile Children's Plays Uclurn these cars will he al)proximatc1y two ; EACH feet iOIlg-er than thc cars the .... will disAlIlloallct'lI1l·lIt is made hy thc \Yo~! in Pairs 29x4·40..21 IlIace, t';c cxtensi\'c use of aluminum ;:11· 1I)('n':i Inh'rnatjnnal Lca!:,'1.1c and the i lo\'s in the hotly structure and silllplifieati(;n of design and equipment ha\'c rcsult- Jllllior F0l"11111, of a rdurn cllgagclll(.'llt 1_'" ,., vcr Sk'a t L'S ., i 1.',1 ill weight reductioll to the extl'nt of of "I-Iall:; Brinker, or the St Lifetime Guaranteed approximately ei~ht t(m~ per car ~r. 30 for childn'll ilt the Garrick 'l'heatrc on i per cent. \Vhat thi~ means to th.c ndlllg Jluhlic is jmt this: Equi~pcd WIth fO';lr Tuesday, J\pril 5, at 4 :15 p. III. The I ,. , < Full horse power motors the hghtt'r cars. Will original production 011 ).[arch 19 filled \ Oversize ; . ! ilccclcrillt: lintel! Ia:-;tcr, "1)(;ra1.: 'It lughl.:,- tbl' thl'atre to cap<~l'ilY" 50 tl,la~ th~ I .. d' ;,. I ir('c running sJleeds, hrake (Iuicker with t xtra performancc IS ocmg gwen to I 29x4.50-2 '''.1 air actuatt'd clasp wheel brakes, and 30x4.50-2 therch\' shorten the time betwcen termini. accolllmodate those children who were! 2Sx4.75-1. · . I I Another feature which contributes to then (.I ISapPOl11te(. i 1 faster sclH'dule is the lower car body 29x5.00-1' [ , ... ~ il!iat. The sante orgalli~ations arc .also span- I height and step de:;;igll_ The truck~ of soring the protluctam of Lomsa ),1. AI- ; the latcst design dc\'eloped for lllgh- colt's "Little Alell" at the Garrick on speed sen'ict's will he equipped -with. 20Saturday 1110rninJ,{, April 23. illch diamcter wheels instead of 33-tIlch • I • wheels no\\' in service. Conse(IHcl1tly, '\Ii.->s Clara J. l-ItI:-;t(lll, of \\'ilJialll~oll' the car floor will he only 29 inchcs aho,'c Chester Rd. and Yale Ave. ; the rails, at the entrancc instead of 44!4 Sclwol, ,1IIe1 John II. Olnll's, flf Cornell, SWARTHMORE, PA. I ~I~ at p:l'~el!t, making oilly two steps nee- annUl', Wl"rc married in 11 itlt!!ctowll: I t'ssary 1Il~tl'ad of thre('. tatioll, !'aid 11r. Taylor Oil.O.Ma.tlc . Nei2hborhood 5 II $395 I l :...... .., HANNUM & WAITE I 'VOlllun's Assn. The \\"ulllall's ,,\ss(lciatioll of the i Swarlhmol"l' Pn·shyterian Church will I havL' a:; it:; gt!l'st sfleaker Friday, April R, l- i:; :\pril 1st ttIllIIJecatl:ic. it was jll:-t ahout i hy Elt'anor .\1 tTceill; "Footlights Olll· YI'ar .ago that ).1 r:;, Iiall cIit'd. I : flC" BABY GRAND PIANO Hr, y OUillll" u~) I'''~'· th,' s ... ,,11 11"1"",·,, I)'", "n " :\..\,(,IO.\,\I.I.Y 1\';'\iOWN I, ' '·00"'·'· ··I:dh- Conlon in the L,mel of Oil" b\' 'InH~'(I:rj'llil ~l lal,la:"f'('1" PH/LA.; . , : _",iIT; "1Ionrnill.L:" 1:l'nlllll'S Electra" liy; The ;\pril Fool\ I )a\, \Tr.~e ahfl\'C Wit:; : Ellgl'la- O'Xcill; "PlTil ~It End ] I(lll~e": wriUI.·n hy the JaIl" .\;!II;( l':lII)(k'l1 Iiall. ; lIy :\.L:"atl!a l'hl'istie: '·:\r.Y:ill"I'iou:; ).[1'. It i~ ilJlpropriatciy prillll'd Ill'cause h,da)" SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION IN COAL PRICES EFFECTIVE TODA Y n All Pianos should he tuned IwiICe each Vigoro ! I 618 .MARKET ST :W'rite COllr~e l'ilS 20 years experience with all makes. 0 I~. J.Barllett; ··Strip,·" (",oat the Sknnk·' I r' , W Lippincot; I{i(.-h,m] '~.;g, -'~'. 'n,Tll; nl.ittle ~raid ni B"nker 11m": :t """~ Phone Ridley Park 412 • T. Curtis; ··Little ~Iaid oi Old I l ........~... • ~ COIIIll'cticut" by A, T. Curtis; .·Litll . . . , ~-~-.--~ O····4>+~·· ······"'·~"';d of 'i'icolHiewf.(o·' hy A. '1'. Cur'i_;1 ~1I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111!11I1I1I1I1I1I1I1I~ I 001. i tt Ie ~l aid f Old Ph iJ"delphi ,," hy: -;;- l'( 'whidt he to(.Ik a t:i!l'mi..:ai el!gillcering ! at State lit' i:; an engineer 011 the lII o to.r ship l!11. I ~I r. and .. rs, OhUl':- ~\'11l rcsldc \\~I.th I the hridc·s parents at thclr hOlllc at \\ 11: Jialllstlll School. Member of Nat. Asso. of Piano Tuners. 0 ., President. 1/ 'wid \·"n .. . tlghtl\" . . sl'wt'd with,, l \ JOSEPH E. HAINES, ~ = I. j Specialists in the making and fitting of Eyeglasses and Spectacles. •. •••••• stnllg~, ;Inmlld 111\'• IIcckhc.'s gIrl , ~Iy thoughts wcrc deadly CIS I trod, with ha:-ty Sll']' the stair. III\' coat Sll'C\TS rolJ-, IIMII\' • ; Sylda Tlh1IllPS(lIl; "YoulIg ~I ay ::\[0011" I g~It-l"dgcd hO~I{Js well ~toch'd, The lIIall il n ' 2'Cartlm ()SIC.'ll~O; "Lun' "\ll(il-rsoll"i\\.h o ~otll1~1 It.WOII it hoard that made , ' ... ,,'~ Jor hfe,. a . goodh' gnilld ,y 11 l' I( "'I .\ ar ,~III; '·C·I In II· t'llgc 0 f L ovc "I hun •.. rich .' . ~lIld a . . 'I I'. I\~ . ') l'l')lm,f.{; . ., .. I Il( I f·f g,II11{'d wilhotlt Gtre or .~lrJll' . 11, ':ly .1 l· ('rOC!, 0" n ,I rt'\\.trd, k , 1\' ...j'.,'C";I I· I'';IUlll: .. ,-'l"COllt ~ I I rall{ I \1'·' '1Ic.' " .. I ~al1· upon • the IIltHI"\· • .grollnd and .rooted I' \T· "\11 P asslOll, . lont Illy h;lIr and Illade rc: 1\' 1,-atitI cen .:,\orns;: I. . the Yl'ry skies . S·PCIHI" I ly \' "'Il' C k'\'I·,1 l'- 1\'cst· ."~ ! 1\0 SOlill. ( r with k· k ooks f • I 01 dcq) despair, the ' '; .. 1· ), ,,' , ' , , 1 . .' HJ'. ·1 purse 'It,; 'c:.( Wit 1 zest away, no\\, moilj rU11d) ]_lUp adc. ·.lranti tllil 1111'" . . . gl""\ • • . ('" S, tn, )Y I''I.. [.H:-!I -,\1'1-<1 L FOOL "-.,.' ggl ~ , rd t s nl~ \1··1111(141 I(. ,n·t' CHESTNUT ST.• PHILADELPHIA. ' 3fo' . \ ~ ~ , i . J fW:.~\ ttl· 0 IC "grick~ and ~rortar" hy I-ll'lto" Ash_!pulses cookd their.heat. That night the : tOil; "Tca-shop in Limchouse" by! tOWll was all athnll, SOIllC .Hoc~t'rfl'i~erl Th(lIl1a~ I:url.a~; "Sullllllcr's Z\ight" i>y,d~OJlI1C.'d:1 pockl'thook on 51<11)(11111111, wtth H3~2~aJ ~",,- ·f, S gl : NEW BOOKS Jo'OR illl!" take that"'! ,It last I reached the PUBLIC LIBRARY plIJting traiu and !i'lI!k into a seat, til\' -mind rt':itlllletl its lrilllquill fr,ulll', 111;'1 Ji E'.LIMEBHRN'ER [n ,i . ,~ 0 ________ SOli PIANO TUNING I Sw. 1250 DISPENSING OPTICIANS (I SEEDS right'I,:~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ~•~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~.I 1 .- folm · ~lCHELLS mtu a wad, Wl'rC carl'. 1\ soft huikd q~g J iain would for (cl'<> 10 takc.', lih grClnitt! it was dOlle, I fOllnd at pallilllt'T!t. la~t it w(lldd 110t hrcak, cause 'twas a PrograJJ1 Announced W(lodell oue. ..\nd thl'l1 the childrcn: _'--------" Tltv folh'willg program has hecn an· ."warllled ahout, Ihe Illerry hearted elves,,' T(lNE IN )'Ollie nAUIO TO ~'nJ 1I()lI1ltTd tn' Dr. ~wan : Oh. J\pril 1.'001, tlWY i:Jug-h ~1Jl(1 ~hout, ('\'cry Wedllcsdu:'o' cvcnluJ.:' at 8 P. M, ,\ g-roll,', of Ellglish and German' f I I· I I I and listcn to Michell's Garden Talks. ,lIIadl"igal:-;. \\,Oll't he'I ;111( right," Ilear y 151'answered It t 1('lIIsehack, ,'cs, "1"All ,\In;;:;lrl':; ",-\\'l' :\bria/' hy the chorus ,III c:lI1ght ""II bet 0 YOU will" : :tnd orchcstra. . I. 110 morc", ' Two ira~lI!l'llt.s from the "Ru!'sian, Cried Itlle J~l..:k, a; I :;hot through the i I.itllr~\·" Iii J~adllnallillaff, by 1\[r. DCJ1- i cloor, )'Iy Ilclghl!or s ~IOY across the gate, : i~:-;{)fT. . / had strckhcd a little 11IIlo', across the walk : .. \ .~rpIlP oj l~l1ssian folk-songs, by \~·as IIl!t. its malt', I saw thclII just in 1,\1 r. I )t'lli~~uff. I tmll', lite old tOWI1 clock was hid of ; Th~: nnl"lure from Bach's "Coriol- ~ l"()lIr:;~, tt~ look I would ~Iot dare, they'\'e j ,:lIIIl.", by l~lC orchestra, , riolle It S!Ilce J was a kid. the fool sign .. \ call~a~Ta_!1 St;H1,1{ of Bala~lrerr, hy would he there. I saw II stalllJl 11(1011 the 1 ! .\[ r. J h'r!l:i~oJJ, \nth accompallllllcnt by walk, gluc.·d there ill l1Iute aPlleal. I ht'ard I th~ ot:chl('str~. ,~, : > . : :,OIlle laughing children talk alld ground I i" )1)( f r !\\o fr.~~lIllnts frolll I.ach Silt Heath my lll'ci . .-\ step aU-ur~l', a goodly Ollt' alul JOlt. I kICk('d,I 1 .. I a , It wJlh II churchly ctlr~l', "Take that, Y(JlI/ IIANNIIM & WAITE Yale Ave. & Chester R. ..III tl Il' inhk.~.~, hilt is concerned wit h !iccurill!; ~\'ork, tllU~ rc.'lic.'\·ing ullemploymcnt not J.v I.!i ib bill !Iv wagL's. The famous I\11 · ......',:111 . .11'Il(lr, f ) · ' · C( WI'I" )C tl Ie asL'1l1~SOJl, ~i:"lint..: arti"r. lh' will !'ing cntireh' in l'II:- ... i:lII. allt! \\·ith orchc~tral aecont- Nottling causes a new car owner more regret than to let his prejudice for a certain make of car run away with his judicial selection of a reliable dealer. It is much better to tahe a few dollars less trade-in on your used car from a dealer whose word is his bond than to pay many times the difference in inconvenience and repa.ir bills with an out-of-lown dealer whose reputation means little. ._- ~ ALWAYS SOW ~~_7-. The bridegruolII is a of ~Ir. ami ~Irs. C. Wahl OIIll ill this seetioll, a"" the eoTill' ill tht: lirst play an" - - -........- - oJLr,aliol1 of the Ha"t'rford Colll'gl' p'lrlrd,\t.d Ily ,\lari.'l1 J:urgett. Dorulhy CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA atlIIH)ritit's, I\up]!, Ebil jlitmall, Elkll Vil'h'JH·r. CONCERT PROCEEDS WILL ------THOSE WHO Iginnlng' at n point in the cenler lIno of Church. On March 21 st, the Birdseye as situate on the! north side 01 GreenWOOd Highland avellue (flity teet wide) at tho dis. f~s were served at the annuaJ Men's avenue at the distance ot 531.33 feet west- tance of two hundred se'f"cnty-Jlve feet Bouth. citeonthat last ward from The westerly side of ChUrch eastwardly from tho center Hne ot Grecnhall dmner of the Friends' Meeting, and on Lane, In Upper Darby Township Delaware avenUe (fllly feet wide). ton this·spring. • Wedn~sday night of this week a Birds- County, PennSYlVania eye dmner was served at the Methodist Containing In front or breadfh On th Contnininl;' in front or breadth southeast. church. said Greenwood avenue 1tl feet and ex~ wardly along the center line 01 Highland ave. -0of that wIdth in lenRth or depth nUe flfty leet lmd extending of that width The arrangement through the courtesy tending northward between parallel )fees at right In lellgth. or depth soulhwestwaJ'(Uy between of MarteJ Bros. has proved 1110st pr~­ angles to the said GreenwOOd avenue 80 I?nrallcl hnes at right angles to said center reet. to the middle of a certain 16 feet hne ot H!ghland avenUe olle hundred twenty_ fitable to the churches since they have driveway extending westward tnto Oak five feet. had no expense for the food and have avenue. and eastward; communicating With b certain 10 teet wlde drIveway extendln Under and subject to certain building reo cen able to clear a profit from the din- anorthwardly Wonder Pan RoUa into Clover Lane ond south~ strictious. Sc ners. T~e dinners have aJso provided an wardly Into GreenWOOd avenue. 7071 Green. Wood avenue. opportuDlty for hundreds of Swarthmore Imr.ro\·cments consist 01 two and one.hall stucco houl!e 21x27 leet. Enclosed front people to. become acquainted within a Improvements consist of two·story brick slory )Jorch. Two·story stuem addition 15xl!! feet and stucco bouse. 16X30 feet. Porch front Madison 4000 short pertod of time with Birdseye Basement garage, Stucco garage. 12x21 feel.' . L. Eo DENDITT Frozen foods as sold by Martel Bros. In AU Suburb. Swa.1808_1 Sold as th~ prOlK'rty at Sidney D. Kauff. Sold as the property of Philip Rhine. man and :Marlon D. KaUffman. his wife. SHERIFFS SALES Condttlons-$250,OO cash or certified h k COIuUUons-J250.00 cal!h or certifted check on day of sale; balance in ten da s cFit~ home of Campfire Marshmallows, 1 lb. pkg., 18c ther condItions announced at sale.Y . - 011 d,a.y 01 sale: balanoo in ten days. Furthet' SHERIFF SALEs conditions announced at ~e. Girard-Ramsdell Fueloil too H. J. MAKlVEll. Attorney. Of R~al Estate GEARY & RANKIN, AttorneYs. Fieri Facias At the Sheriff's Ofllce No. 445 March Term, 1932 Ccurt Hoose, Media. Pennsylvania All those certain lots or pieces of ground Saturday, April 23, 1932 with the bUildings and Improvements thereon erected. situate In the Township 9 :30 o'clock A. M. Utepper Darby. County of Delaware and of PennsYlvania. known 88 and Eastern Standard Time t;!esignated as Lot No. 422 anel the north. Alias Pieri Facias half of Lot 421 on a certain plan No. 438 easterly of lata called "Highland Park" surveyed lor Wood. Hannon Real Estate Truste b Joseph W. Hunter, C .E., JenkintownesPay MamY 19. 1904. which Is dUly recorded ui a ee for the recording to eleeds to I ~~~ for the said County of ~d Book L. No 7, page 620 ct d sCl'ibed as foHowa.· to wit. Situatea~n ~ f~r;~"i:~~l t~ded~~lrvlew avenue (50 eighty-seven fee: and fivc:.~~::ao 0~":1:~ northeastwardly from the northeaste 1 ELIZABETH KAU side of Merion avenue (40 feet wide) co~~ FMAN :ti~nl~a1"togFac,t heIr In tront or breadth along HAIRDRESSING tb"" rVew avenue northeastwardly Located In !r'y-seven feet and five-tenths of a foot d~puiX~~~~~{~~~ Wlelth In length or Thompson's Stor~Morton Pa. EveJe~~:!Pt a:mr~y lines at rIght angles t~t,!:g Ff:'.::llel 3 SpeeJals '1.00 avenue one hundred thIrty feet. ew 'Phone Swarthmore 199t.W Impro ts Open evenlnll by apPOintment half sto;~~bleco::a~ ~~u!:0 22~ ~ne. EnClosed front POrCh One sto eet. Gn.nite M-~Ie dash additIon, 5X7 feet' Pebbl; rJilh J!O!~e IUV 10z18 feet. . ...---.... Sold as the property or Martin J Wur Cemetery Work a Specialty ster. Jr., mortgagor and Carl Piood i VoL IV, IMPROVEMENTS Card Party Benefit For Girl Scouts A Benefit-Bridge party, Cake and Candy Sale will be held Friday afternoon, April 2Z at 2 0'· clock, the proceeds of which will go towards the expenses of the new Girl Scout House, recently compJeted on Cresson lane. Mrs. Arthur Robinson will direct a section for Duplicate play and any who would like to join this' group should call Mrs. Robinson. Sw. S7J-M before April 20. Pure Tartan Raspberry Preserves lb. jar 19c\ I.e:. being held at the new building regu- lady and the enthusiasm of the memhers has reached a high point. In com. pliance with a promise made to Borough Council that the building would be an asset to the community, its construction was begun under the direc. tion of Charles Fischer, builder. Mr. Fischer, with the aid of unemployed men provided by the Employment Relief Bureau in Borough halJ. has made a real improvement out of the Headquarters. However. this work entailed some expense and at present those parents and Girl Scout leaders who have di. rec'ted the community project are fac- 21 c ed. with a deficit of slightly over $100. Furthermore, there is much to be done during the summer months, such as painting. plumbing, installation of heating equipment, etc. A fireplace seems almost a necessity for Scouting during the winter months. The 'members of the Swarthmore Girl Scout troops are working in ~ nu'mber.' of ~ays to raise funds for work done and work to be done. They are also accomplishing a great deal in cl~~.ning up· the grounds around the building, which is Jocated not far from the former borough dump. Troops 16 and 194" are holding meetings around a stove -loaned by· Richard Ogden. The Girl Scouts are p~rticularly indebted to Mrs. George Zimmer. taih of Troop 16, whose initiative and unceasing energy was responSIble for the completion of the new building. Recently there has been appointed by the three Troop Committee~, a Board which will assist the Giri Scouts in managing and conducting the business of the Girl Scout House. Representing the Troop Committees on this Board are Mrs. Elliott Richardson, President of the Board. Mrs: Daniel Goodwin, Secretary, Mrs. Arthur Robinson, Treasurer, Mrs. G. H. McClure, Mrs. ArtllUr Redgrave, Mrs. R. C. Disquf", Mrs. George Zimmer, of Troop 16, Mrs. Ross Marriott, Cap~ tain of Troop 194, Mrs. R. P. Lingle,' Lieutenant of T~oop 6. !P.&G. WhiteNapthaSoap 7 for 25c Franklin SUgff)IO'b.bag42c PACKARD LIGHT EIGHT Factory Price $1750 the Dela:a..e .: l. ••• ;;:=:;:-:----.::..-:...::.:====---1 Junior Assembly o R IA L S Est. 1843 No. Lansdowne Ave.. Drezel RID Pa (OPposite ArUn~D CemeterY)· Clearbroolt 6880 Condltfon..s-$250 00 cash or certified ell k day of sale; b8lance In ten daya ~ t er conditions announced at sale.' • H. J. MAltIVlm, Attorney. 0:: ' of the kites will be made in the window of The Swarlhmorean the week of the E. L. Terman. Boy Scout commissioner for Swarthmore, as well as the Scout leaders of the four local troups have volunteered their interest and cooperation and there is every reason to beJieve that the plan will be a great success. Because of the expected demand for plans offered by the ~ntry Gentlemen. those interested are urgea to call for their's and begin work on ,their kite as soon as possible. ConstructiOn of even a very elaborate kite costs prattically nothing except the builders' tiIlle and thought and the College campus west of the underpass should prove an ideal The Junior Assembly hostesses for this week are Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Smith, Mr. and ·Mrs. Harold Perry, Mr. and • rea F. B. FRANCIS 12TH AND CROSBY STS., CHESTER Mrs. RaymOnd Buck and AI r. and Mrs. Harold B. Sl3vers. There' will be no more adult classes following the Junior Ass·embly meetings for the balance of this series . PHONE, CHESTER 9131 • '. .. . GIVE' 'PRQGRAM . The' 'April meeting oi the Home ami School Association is expected to attract a large attendance due to a varied and interesting program which will in· elude open house at the College Avenue Grade School building in charge of the Entertainment Committee of the Horne and School Association, fonowed by general meeting in the School Audi- MANY LAUGHS IN APRIL SHOW OF PLAYERS' CLUB "Gone Hollywood" is One, ·of Season's Most Entertaining Productions R. C. GRAHAM, DmECTOR H. S. SENIOR PLAY NEXT FRIDAY EVENING The Senior Class of Swarthmore High School will present i,~ production on Friday evening, IS, in the College avenUe building auditorium. uTrelawney of the Wells''', a four act play by Arthur W. Pinero, takes plate in England during the Victorian period. The plot has with a large group of lives become of an aristocratic'" and very strictly proper family,from the West End. The entire production is fitted with sharp Lewis, Phot:.ogrBpher· contrasts and sudden changes in tem- Mrs. H, ROl'er Coleman, who play!; peratnent. Helen Bent in "Gone Hollywood," the, . Caroline Warner. as Rose TreJawney. sixth produedon of the Swarthmore will fill. the role of leading lady, while of 19c Household Ammonia qt. size 2 for 25c owner. Prize winning kites will be determined by the success with which they are flown. the neatness of r.onstruction, and the originality of design. Boys and girls entering the contest will be divided into two groups, one .for those under twehe years of age and the other group for those twelve years of age to 16 years of inclusive. the winner in each class a silver loving cup, suitably engraved, will be by The Swarlhmorean. A half dozen other p.dzes to be announced later will be given to runners-up. A display SCHOOL BUILDING WOMAN'S CLUB 'Tf) BE INSPECTED CHORUS TO SING Blue Ribbon -Kraftsor any other brand Mayonnaise 8 oz. jar 15c Wm. J. CartJedge for the. best kite built' by any Swarthmore boy or girl sixteen years of age or under. The tournament to determine the prize wintJing entry will be heJd May 7, weather permitti:1g, on the community baseball diamond just west of the under- . '"blue eoar M EM A man who could easily have been one of those persistant gate crashers who periodically made an attack on the R. R. Crossing gates before ,the underpass was built, last Saturday night almost suckites. Entries will not be limited to ceeded in crossing the station plat. those built according to these plans form and hurdling the fence which course. Mr. Reed has kjndly· ~~'~~~::: I separates the south- and north from the Country Gentlemen a h bound tracks. copies of these plans and instructions and The driver of the car which was unable to find the south entrance these are now avaiJable at the office of The Swarllullorean. Photos of the kites to the underpass was Earl "Mundescribed in the plans may be'seen in the shower of Norristown. Police March issue of The Country G"ntllem/an heard a crash and found his car or at the office of The Swarlhm()rean~ resting partly on the R. R. tracks Those securing plans win be asked and partly on the station platform turn in their names as entries in the conabout where the old crossing gates test and have their kite ready to exhibit orn::e were. He was arrested 011 a and fly the first week in May. AU those charge of reckless driving and will wishing to participate in the contest are be given a hearing April 14th be~ office t asked to register at The Stuarllltllorean 1-______________________________ fore Magistrate Ulrich. contest and parents and residents of the community will be invited to attend the tournament. l----.;...---________...J 1 In order to aid those who wish to enter The Swarthmore Girl Scouts are now the cqntest, Robert Reed of Strath occupying their new home on Borough Haven avenue, an associate editor of the Country Gentlemen, will supply plans property along Cresson lane and instructions for building unique ing. field. . Swarthmore avenue. The building was formerly used as the construction house for Sinclair and Grigg while the underpass was being built. Permission to move the building and reassemble it on Borough property was given by borough council and today the mem~ ',', bers of the local Girl Scout troops may Tour New. Grade School Unit point to what is possibly the finest on COllege Aven.ue Part of Annual Concert Planned building of the kind in or near Phila.. : H.· !lbd S .....ogram April 29th; Woman's delphia. Orchestra to Assist Meetings of the' different troups are ~ HabbersettsBacon J1lb.l0c gia Those who are platming to have their own tables are asked to bring cards. Tickets may be secured from members of the Troop com. mittees, the GirJ Scouts or their leaders., .---------------..,1 ------_rJ, PLANNED $2.50 Per Year' No Gates To Hit; Car Mounts Platform Plans Available for Those Who Seek Suggestions of Novel Kites To Build Build a kite and enter the contest now being sponSored by, The Swarllmlorcau ,..-.:...---------------,1 Legs Genuine Lamb Ib.22c Fresh Eggs Kite· Building Contest And Tournament Now Underway New Headquarters· is Notable Improvement for Young Girls of Community Quality Market • Swarthmore, Pa., April 8, 1932 NOW IN. USE ON BOROUGH LAND Free BACHMANS Reduced Prices 1+ GIRL SCOUT HOUSE ...... New No. for f Playe.. Club'..........n. " the ,part of her unonprofcssionalJJ gentleman lover-Arthur Gower-wilt be Real laugh provoking entertainment taken 'by William Hickman. The ver- such a~ has not bUn seen at tht- Playsatile Biddle Heg will perform as an 'Club since the production oi ]f)ll1l ~~Pal;!;;i~~'~,ever changing t·Jack~of~all· . '['ol,man', uErst, \Vhne-.-Susan:~ Tlli'JL'd ., who loves Uose in·... vairiJ Ie THUNDER DIRECTS CHORUS and generously aids her through some the presentation of "Gone He,llr'" 'f'"'' trying times. under the d~rection .of Robert \ \, ,;, .~~ The Women's Symphony Orchestra, Needless to say Walter Hickman. the ham assisted by Harry G. Forste.. aL "lie , composed of sixty Philadelphia other twin. also has a part and a new clubhouse this week. icians, will aid the program which is to amusing one as the low comedian, The play is the kind that makes one Ii be given by the chorus from the Wom- gustus Colpays. Other important an's Club, on Friday 'evening. April 29th will be played by Hugh Calhoun. It laugh loud' and long and then go home I feeling ridiculous that anything so silly , and obvious should have appealed to the discriminating judgement of anyone fortunate enough to 'live in this:· so-called torium, finally closing with interesting intelligent community of ours. group conferences. The general pro· playas 'presented by the Players' gram for the evening .is as follows: Club had much to recommend it in the 7 :30 to 8 :30-Inspechon of n~w. Colway of an intelligent and well chosen lege Avenue. Grade SChoo.l buddmgcast. With the exception of two char• I • The Entertamment COml~llt~ee of the roles it is a youthful cast which Home and .School. A~soclatlon. The Current Events CJass will meet at gallops through the three acts with self· confidence and enthusiasm, 8:30-Busmess meehng called to or· 10 o'clock on Thursday morning, at der in the Auditorium of the High Clubhouse. Mrs. Robert L. Coates As the leading lady; Virginia Bray School. Talk by the President of the • • Mrs. Edward A. Jenkins will lead a Coleman, has made a decided hit with School Board, Dr. Arthur, E. Bassett. Mrs. W. S. Hoffman of Park av,eDlle 1cussion on "The United States and each night's audience. Not since a cer· Talk by Mr. Edward Curran of the has been ill the past week. World Court". tain Mrs. Grant made her appearance in Keystone Automobile Association on one of Mr. Comley's plays can we recall "Safety Education." any newcomer to the club's performances who has been more popularly received. A 9 :15-Group Conferences - General number of critical thin~s might be said Topic-uNew Teaching Procedures." of her performance but on the whole it High School Section: "Modern had a "feminine appeal" which makes Methods in Teaching Foreign Langumore of a hit with us than any number ages," Leader: Miss Mildred Avery, All speculation as to the candidates relief and adjustment, both National and of polished mannerisms of a more ex" room 205. Junior High School: "Research vs. who will receive the support of the Reg· State, for which the present crisis calls. perienced performe... Bobby Graham did excellent work in Text Books". Leader: Miss Lillian ular Republican Party of Delaware "Among these measures areone of the best juvenile roles he has ever Barton, room 100. First and foremost-complete relief had. He/sensed the comedy in every sitCounty at the Primary election April 26, El~mentary Grades; "New Methods for the suffering. uation and left nothing undone or unsaid of Teaching Reading". Leader: Miss was settled yesterday with the announce. Second-the reduction of governmental to bring it out. His work as a director ment of the complete slate by C. Edwin expenditures and ctonomy in the man. Henrietta Weber, room 102. was also apparent for· action moved I I Hunter, chairman of the Executive agement of governmental affairs. smoothly and the audience was seldom BAS LEADING ROLE Committee. conscious Qf any forced Or unnatural Third-the establishment of Of special interest to the voters of upon a firm and sound basis and the A. Child in a very laughable this county is Mr. Hunter's appeal for elimination of those spc<:ulative standards character role was up to his usual high of the past whieh have permitted its imsupport of Albert Dullon MacDade for standard and Helen M. Hall also scored the Superior Cou'rt of Pennsylvania. proper exploitation. with a graceful' and ·natural IImother" "Rarely has careful consideration for The county candidates endorsed by Mr. role. the best interests of the party placed Hunter 'in the name of the Regular ftc' Marion C. Harris seemed to be the publican Party are James Wolfenden for upon the State Ticket candidates whose right type for the engenue role opposite careers and political· standards make Congress, John J. McClure for tile St!.t"! Mr~ Graham and added humor to many Senate, Edward Nothnagle. Ellwood J. them so representative of the whole situations. Robert Gilfillan played a difTurner, Grover C. Talbot, and Thomas Commonwealth and so fitted to guide and such important and vital legis- ficuJt comedy role very convincingly and \Veidemann for the House of Repre- supervise lation. was a valuable addition to the big scene sentatives, and John B. Hannum, J .... in the' second act. "HonorabJe James J. Davis, as a candiand Robert W. Beatty as delegates to the James H. Hornaday had an important date for a second term as United States National Convention. part which he enacted coqvincingly and Senator, has by his career not only been The, opening gun in the campaign to H. Roger Coleman as a crooked manipbring in a· huge vote of confidence for long trained in National affairs as Sec.~ ulater fitted well into the cast of players. retary of Labor under three Presidents these candidates on April 26 was fired May it be hoped however, that the apyesterday when Mr. Hunter made the of the United States, but his struggle and pearance of the two· Colemans in the rise from an immigrant boy, then following statement: through the steel industry, a main artery same production does not mark the be. "In announcing the candidates whom it of Pennsylvania's industrial supremacy, ginning of another inevi~ble .. family will support at the Spring Primary. the to these posts of honor for the nation, has contbination for future presentations. Regular Republican Party of Delaware familiarized him with the bitter distress May Brown and William C. Pickett· County is gratified and proud to be and travail which unemployment and pov- acted minor parts with grace and assuriable to present a ticket by which may be ance. Caroline Warner, who plays lhe rnominated candidates eminently fitted to erty bring, and no man is better fitted to The performance as a whole moved this condition and more inter~ part of Bose TreJawney in lhe Sen- sponsor and support those measures for cope with (ContiRved 0,. Pag. Tllre,,) with commendable dispatch, and interest ior CIa.. play at the High School. at the Clothier Memorial. Mr. W!IIiam Sylvanus 'Thunder' will direct again this year. The tickets will be a dollar with a price of fifty cents for students. The members, under the direction of Mr. Thunder, have been practicing regularly Cor several weeks and this year's con. cert will be better than ever. As it is a 10caJ affair the members hope everyone in the village will be interested. and will come and hear the concert. Ferdinand Gadd; Mary Devereux. Avonia Bunn; Ruth Darlington. Imogene Parrot; WiUiam Taylor Mr. Telfer; Betty Taylor, hi.; wife; Cade Arnihac J in the role of Sir Wit· liam Gower; Virginia Bassett as Miss Trafalgar Gower, his sister; and several others. Complete Ticket of Regular Republican Party Announced I (CORtin",," Oft Pdge Tn) INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE , tlvra.rthm~e Colle~ "'~t' 8 Pa. THE SWARTHMOREAN 1... ","4..' " (ontcsl I' 1\ I r 1\(,lllW nt the dh.;tullcc of 48333 feet ,,"est \\ ud from tilt \\( tcrl\ ~Id(' of Chi reh L lUe In VIner Dltb} Town hlp Dclawnrc All th It ('crlulu lot or piece of grollnd Itt! U In the Iowllshlp of Ridley Coullty of Del \, Irc lind Stille of I cUllsyhanlu buUl dcd und described according to a ccr II 11m HI b(t\\ccn J Inllel Iiul's at rl!::ht t lill !';urH\ JJlldl.! by Thompson Dud MaIf b the said Grcellv.:ood ll\cnUc 80 Ilrlt\ (ugillecn; IIml f>UrH)'ors Upper fit to tl (' mIddle of Il ('('rtuin 16 feet 1 Dlilin I I on JUlie 22 19'25 and described I JJq III In r IIJUI 1 II II I II \111 No (xtcndln~ drhn 1\ '\l'twlrd Into Onk 'I \(' IHIl ud ulst\\3rd communicating \lIth Illin 10 ft£'t \\1(1(" drhevl\ ext(udlng Ih \\ APRIL I, 1932 No 1311 1-. No Murch Turm 1932 PlnJl~\hullj t:u mh rl I Fieri Faclns IS [)lio\\s tOl\U llir II ]UIII j 1 Ii \11 tI II ill I " hi I " II t It till ell 1 II 111111 r .. 11 III I III It 1 ))1 1\ I Vol. IV, IllorUl\\Urdh Into elmer Lane and south \HI dl} Illto {numood mt'n t' 7065 Grccll \\()(I I\{ lille dlst llIt:e of G4 696 feet measured south d{!-;Ht;; 20 mlnutcs w(>;;t along the said I l tIlI\ t:( ntt'r line of Franklin a\cnue from Its \1 I 1011 Imlro (m(uts (m 1st of t\\O story brIck Inter \\Ith the center lIue of Amru; III I tuu::) hOll e Hix30 ft'{i Porch front J II d neetlon ad f33 feet WIde) thence along said t tI B I trlll'ut g 11' I!-:( (cuHr 11nc of Franklin u\euue south 47 ! III Il I d(>g:ltl 20 minutes \\e t 50001 feet more 01'1 Sultl IS tilt' propert). of Philip Rhine I( s t a n Iron pin thence north 41 de grees 56 minutes west 175 feet to n stake --tl I ee north 47 degrees 20 minutes east 5000.J fect to a stake thence south 41 CIMIlJC In d(',..,l(( 56 minutes cast 175 feet to the fin;t Ilcntwued point and place of b£'glnnlng Burough T.IX Rat< H J 1\1 \KIVER Attornc~ I ... \Ills l-l('ri f ICI bUill I ... I IIcml'lu.lrters is Nolah"· Itnltro\cluelll for Young GIrls of COJlllllunitv Nc" JUlie Term 1928 Sold as th{" property of John T Joseph All till t certain lot or plcce o( ground J. Old J f !th the bUilrUuf,;s ~Ild hnprmemellts l r o:.:ted there n described according to a ( ondltlons-$2:J0 00 cnsh or certified cheCk I tll\(\ 1111<1 plln tll(rcof m[\de December 011 d 1\ of sale balance In ten da)::; Fur lt~ I }t/ 1926 lIul re\ I lel December 13th ther conditions unnounccd at sale HJ:lG I \ Dumoll & Foster Cn 11 EUf;illecrs lIu:t) as ~Itu It(' on the north side o( Grecn .... ood H J l\IAKIVER Attorney I 11t_ HlIlIe It th(> ell tanc£' of 49933 (eet \\est \\ard from thc \\csterl\' side of Church L me In Upper Darb, To\\nshlp Deln\mre l• I ~o tI.-1I II e COUll t~ Peuwn 1\ anla I 1111 I IMPROVEI\IENTS 01 I 1,,11 I II 1< H: II J (II \HI ES I CltO:-':I:-': 1111 " \Uom \ :\1 r h 'rum 1 '32 .. I It~ II re I I Swa.183 FREE DELIVERY Legs Genuine Lamb Ib.22c 19th II \0 d Inel 11(' 1------------------,1 In SWARTHMORE NOW I \In III t P I'tll I t hlll h II 1 IIIlJ)rmelllf'nt f'ollslst of t\IO ston hrlek h I th It h III I II It!' I lid stucco hoU!ip 16x30 feet Porch front Bil ement ! arage dunn,." 1 l pt t \\ III ltl h I\l' I {'I.: I tl l: t \dllch I lId (:\1.: 1 r )ZUI I I SClid <; Ihe pr(J~ert} of Phlllp Rhllle 1I1'l11 I.: I I \ ~III ttl I r 1 S 11th (I Cuudlt! I s-S250 00 crt,.,h or certtficd check ttT r Id h 1\ I 1 I I I 1)111111 tl Oi dll\ (f nl(' balmce In tell days Fur l tho c nditlons h("ri Fae n J Franklin Sugar IOlb.bag42c March Term 1932 cl ck \ 11 Suggestions of Novel Kites To Build I Build a kltc and cnter the contest 110\\ kites 1 ntfle~ \\ 111 not be Illl1lted to bl'lIlg spon::.urt'(l b) 1 he ~ ((II fllIJlu, (III tho~e IHlllt lccurthll,.., to the~c pint:; 01 for thl! best kite I mit 11\ tll\ S\\ lrih c ur~l \1 r l ... ll' 1 his kllldl) sl'curl:d PLANNED lIle Term 1928 G Impro enwllt." Consist of t IEnelos('d half !>tor:,; Pf!1}ble da."h h ~o nnd one front po'c" OU!';e 22x30 feet SCHOOL BUILDING WOMAN'S CLUB TO BE INSPECTED I CHORUS TO SING MEMORIALS Cemet('f\ "ork a 811('( lalle\' Wm. J. Cartledge Isn F.~t No I ansdon he he Dr("xeI 11111 Pa (Opposite \rhngton CemcterJ,) Clearbrook 6880 Sold w the propertv of Martin J Wur ster Jr mortgngor and Carl FlOod real I owner Condltlolls $25000 cash or certified check on d \ of sale balancc In ten days Fur I ther Cond tlons announecd at sale H J MAKIVER Attorney 'Vonl~n's I PHONE, CHESTER 9131 ~lIxth ~lu.:lIJg::. lrc!S1UOEN1~ I ~ II lilt ~ 'rt mll~ IIIIlU~lIIg tOlgU~ttls comullllllt~ I~ch('f ll~cher pll~ makc~ rl{la~ 1m ~O ~Ir 11l;) COSIll~I\\1 lIle~eSlllgjpT1cc Imemhel~ ~[r ClO~cn I. ~r ~I~I~~C I~~a; 'thc)ec::I~cl':r~s to ~e\\ ~Ietho(b ~hldrcd hur~d I~ ::\Ir~ ~e col~~dc~i~: ~~l~dl~~h~I::~SI11 C I ete T'lek et 0 £ Regu Iar 1\\nllmber ho h b bl'cn more populad) recel\cd A omp of whcal thmgs IIl1ght he said her performance but on the whole It Republican Party Announced 01morc had a felllU1Hle appcal \dueh make~ of a lut ,,"h .b than all) lIumber the \\ IIltcr month!) Safct) I ducaltOll I The IIIcmbers of 'he S\\arthmore 9 I:>-Groll)l Conferences-Gelleral (,lrI Scout trooJls arc \\ orkmg 111 a roplcI eachmg Procedures number of \\a)s to ralsc funds for High School SectlOlI ::\Ioderll \lork dOlle alld \\ork '0 be done Thcy m leachmg Foreign Langu arc abo accomphshmg a great deal 11\ ages I eader MISS Avery dcanll1g up the grounds around the room 205 \11 spcculatlOll as to thc candldatcs bUlldmg \dllCh IS located not far from JUllIor IlIgh School Research \5 \\ho \\111 thc sllpport of the Reg thc formcr borough dump Iroops 16 lext Books Leader I .. llhan ular Republican Par) of Delaware and 19-t are holdlllg mcctmgs around Barton room 100 COUllt' at the Pnmary electlOll \pnl 26 a sto\ e loaned b) Hlchard Ogden Elelllcntar) Gradcs Nc\\ :Method::; J I I I \ Tile GI ,I SCOllts arc l,ar'Icularly m I d '[.55 ,\a5 sctt cd \cster( 3) \\It 1 t Ie announce • of 1 cachmg Readmg ca er .1.\. dcbtcd to George ZmlOler cap Hcnrletta \\ cber room 102 ment of thc complete slatc b) C Edwm talll of Troop 16 "hose IIllttatl\'e and • • Ilunter cllalrman of the Execntnc ul1ccasmg cncrg\ \\as responSible fori HAS LEADING ROLE Comlluttee the completion of the lIe\\ bmldlllg Of spccial mtcrcst to the \oters of Recenth there has been apPoll1tcd I tIllS count) IS )'Ir Huntcr s appeal for b) the thrce Troop Comnllttccs a Board \\ Inch \\ III as::;I~t the Girl Scouts support ot \lhcrt Dutton :llacDade for 1ll managlllg and conductmg the btl!;1 he SUl)enor Court ot Pcnns~hallta ncss of the Girl Scout Housc Rcprc 1 he county c mdldates endorsed b) ::\lr scntll1g thc Troop C0I111lllttecs on tillS Hunter 111 the nalllc 01 the H.egullr }{e Board are 1\Irs I Ihott l~lehardson puhllean Part) arc Jamc \\ oltendctl for PreSident of the Hoard ).[rs Dalllel l Longrcss John J ).lcCiure tor the St Ite Good\\1Il Secrdan :\lrs ~rlhur Rob Sl'lllh I h,ald ~othlll Ie 111\\0)(1 J 111 (II In.asllrlr )'Ir:-. ( II )'llClun lun r (.ll\lr l 1111 t Ill! II II ~Ir \rthur l",l(lgr I\l ~Ir:-. I... C \\ l:1(il'1ll llil I 1 lit II tl I: l \ kepT(.' 1>lsqlll: ~Ir:-. (,~orge ZlIlll11tr Capt till I llltlt1\l all J Jim B 1I1Il1lUm Jr of 1rOOI) 1(1 :\[rs Ross ~rarflott Lap and I... ,hel t \\ BI.: 1ttl I.. ddt,... Ite .. t til' tam ol J fonp 19-1 :\Ir::; I, P Imgll' [ ~ It I Ilil C{ Il\{' Itl JIl lhe lJlIIIll,., _UIl III thl: LlIlpall!1l t I "u'n'atl' of 1 roop (, hrut, III , 1111 0 ' "Ie I' • mlttlu"e , , • • Ii): (1II(1 Ilt..: (11 \} Til /I \\;t ... hnd Junior Asselnltly \C Ilnll\ "hell Ilulltlr IHI(Ii.! thl: I II \\ II tit llIUlt lht.: JUIll)r \:-. cmhh ho tn l'~ lor till::. I n lIlll lIlllll"", 11I (Ul II \ t , l 1\11 1'1 It \Hl.:k arc ~Ir llld :.\Ir ... lltlln I SmIth \\11 tllpri tt tlil "'111I1 II III In th,.; :\lr 1111:\1I liar Ii I'l'rn :\Ir lIld l\l HI tr h.ll'ul It 1 1 I Irt' I I )lil\\ rc )'lr I... a\ IlH nd huck III I :\1 T mel:\1 r . . lllllll 1 rltltll ml}rcul to bc 111ft Id I St l\lr I hue \\tll he no .1 k t tIl lnt I tl Ii t 11\ \dudl 111 t\ he mOre adult ell ('~ tollo\\ 111_ thl JUlllor C Irnhm "Irut r "Ito 1)ln'~ the 111l1lllttlllll1 I I I til: lllllll II \ , ["1\ " \S<:(I11hh IlllCtllJg-~ 1t r th( I t1;-LIlCC ot l'Irt .,f no ( I r.1 mm '\ In the SrJ1 II I "Ilt> It th III I IIrl t T till era lOr (11 .... .,11\ 3t thr Ihgh S ..houl I II rccel~e ~Ilss ~Irs ~Ir I F. B. FRANCIS 12TH AND CROSBY STS., CHESTER c. fllO\C the bulldmg and re Issctllb1c It Carolme \\ Irllcr as Is rc>ched , lugh J1om' lit com School As>oclahon " cXJlected '0 at fhe \\ omen 5 S\ mJlhony Orche 1 "eedle" '0 sa) \\ Iitcr Iltekman 'he h lin assls'ed b) I1arev G 10rs[CI " ..c phance \\Ith I pronllse III Ide to Dar tr let a Ilrge attendance due to t \aned composcd of Slxt\ Pl11llddplul othl'r t\\111 tlso It IS a p Irt and I \cr) Ile\\ cluhhOlbC tlu::; \\cck ough CounCIl tllat the hUli(hng \,ould Uld mtenstmg program \\llI<::h "dim one lS the 10\\ cOtullhan Au lhe I::. the kllld that one he an asset to the Its con dude opcn house al the College A,c jlclans \\111 aul the program \\11Ich I:. Colpl)s Othl'r Illlpnrtlllt plrb laugh loud and lung and thcn go home structlOll \\as bcgun under the (!tree Intle Grade Schoollnuldtng 111 charge of he gncu b\ the chorus Jrom the \\om \\111 he plt)l'd In llugh Cilhollll IS leehno ndlculous that lI1)tlung so 5111) tum of Char1es F IHulda 1\1 r the I ntertammcnt COlllllllttcC of the s Clu/) on I C\ cllIng \prll 29th I ndm wd Ga(ld ).1 tn Dn eHUX a::; and 01)\ lotb sh uld hal e appealed to the \\Ith the aid of uncmployed II 01111.: all( I S c I1{)01 \SSOCI It 1011 I 0 II 0\\ C(I at the ClHluer )'lcllonalI )'1r \\llhltll h01lI1 I Ulln h.tlth Darhngton 1s (II cru11I1lltJng Judgcment 01 all)Ol1e tor I men pro\ldcd b) the J lHplo)lIlel1t Re I)) gCller I I Illcctlllg' III ,I It: S CI100 I f \ U( \ 1 IS\I\alltls \\111 Imogulc Prlrrot \\llhll11 11)lor as tt11lltC l'llol1gh to Inc III tillS ctlk-d 11 1111lilder k II I (lrcct .1 IIagam tlbl I hef BureHI III Uorough hlll has made fi II I 11 t t 'l'lr Ie tiC eb \\1 )e 1 uO Ir \\Itl a leller hett) la)lor III \\Ife lJ1ghl) IIltdhgl!nt comlllullIt) 01 our a realunprO\Clllcllt out 01 the Head ItorlUll1 1 of hft) cents tor studt:llb lhl' Clrle \rnlhac 111 thl' rokot Sir \\11' Ihe pla\ it::. prt llltl!d b) the lla)ers quarters group con erellCCS Ie gellieria pro undt.'T tho:.: dlrcctl(ll ot Ilun Go\\er \ Irg-1ll11 BlSSt.'tt b ::\llss Club had nmch I) HC mnH.!lld IIIt 111 gram for the e\elllng' 1:. as 0 lo\\S II I I I , I I I the IIO\\cver thIS \\ork cntalled some I 7 830 I C I lUJl(er Il\C t.'CII l)rlC Icmg rt:""llar)[lratalg'lr Go\\er Ins Slstu and 5e\ 1\\1) ot III IIltdlJgent and '\i.! 30 to - nSllectlOll ot Ill\\ 0 for sC\erll "l'ck~ tIld tim; ,clr:. con \\ I t t I r expense Iud at prcscnt those parents lege \\elllte Grade School hlllldmg-I b I \ l!r tl other:; cast 11h t 1e cxccptlOn 0 \\0 C II and (,lrI Scout leadcrs \\ho have (It ccrt \\111 e bctter t Ian e\cr s It I:; a I Ich:r rolcs It I:; a )ollthtul cast \dnch I he L ntertalllt11cnt C0ll11111ttcC of the b"'al affair thc ll1ell1bcr~ hOI)C c\cr'-onel II I I I I tl It J reeted the COmI1lUlllt) proJcct are fac Ilome md School ASSOCiatIOn I 11 III ttl d II Jhc Current E\ents Cllss \\111 meet at ga op:. tlrollgl tlC tlree ach \\1 1 cd \\ltlt a dehnt of shghtl) 0\ $100 8 30-BusII1ess Illcetlllg called to or I rl\l:d C{ an \\ I I 0 clock on I 1l10rnmg at the \ lrglllia Bra} Furthermore there I::; much to e done dl r 111 the Au s performances tlll:~1: d I • • One !;tof) pebble Marble 18:11 a:!,~~tlon 5,,7 feet Pebble dash garage ranlte I)ro(hu hons more ho, or girl sixtel'n \ e lrs ot I""e or I rom tht.' lOlilltn (el tlCl11t.'1l t huudnd GRAHAM, mUECTOR eOf1Il'~ ot tlu: e plm .. llld lI1 .. tructl Ii:; md thl':.e lrt: 110\\ l\ ullhle It the olilce 01 Card Party BenefIt \\l'lther IHrmlltmg on the CfJlIlIlll1lHh lhe') lrthmOJ em 1 hutl~ It the kltc~ For G,rl Scouts b !.schall thamond Just "l'St of the umhr (Ie cniJl'd III the III Uls 1Ill\ he eell It1 tltl: ~I trch I l1t ot 1 hl' L( IIlItn Gl'utlelll m p tss I PrIZe \\IIHlIl1g kItes \\111 iJl.: ddl'fIllIllCdlur It til..: (lille 01 lhe ,)'l(fJllI.III01 all \ BUll ht I nt to the middle of II certain 16 feet 111 tht dr! ('\\a\ extending "estward Into Oak II I.: l a\(,HUe and ellst" Ird communicating \\Ith f1 cCltain 10 feet \\Ide drhe .... ay extending I .It III t 1l0rth\Hlrdh Into CIo\ er Laue and south 11 II \\nrdl~ into Grecn\'ood a\elUle 7067 Green \\ 00<1 I \ ell tie • \.. ul IT pl\ InmrO\em{llt'> consist of t\\'o star:; brlek nnd LlIp.co 110 Ise 16x30 feet Porch front l' Ih Il I I ement gnrage $2.50 Per Year I ImprmeJUeuts consL')t 01 two story stucco hall l 21x27 fect Parch front Frame gar No 439 Ig( 16x16 feet IS Swarthmore, Pa., Aprd 8, I932 GIRL SCOUT HOUSE [Kite Building Contest And Tournament Now NOW IN USE ON BOROUGH LAND Free Plans Available for Those Who th r h (' 1'1 II No. 14 1 1 0 ' pob'hed mannCrISms 01 a morc cx relief and adjustment both NatIOnal and I pt.'Tlellced performer State tor \\IHch the present cnSIS calls Bobb) Graham did cxccl1cnt \\ork In \mong thcse IllCa:sure5 an:one of the best Jl1\ellllc roles hc has c\er Ilrst and foremost-complcte rehef had Ill' sensed the comcdy III evcr) SItd tor the suffcrll1g ualton and lcft llothll1g undone or Ullsal S ceOIl d - t IlC TCulictlOl1 .1 01 gO\ crnmcntaI to Ilrll'g It out illS \.. ork as a director exp\;lldltures and cconolll) III the man \\as also al)l)arcnt for action moved agcment of gO\efllmental affairs smoothly and the audIence \\as seldom Tlllrd-the establlshmcnt of huslncss COnsCIOllS of all) forccd or unnatural upon a firm and sound basb and the efforts, c1UlIUlatton of those sl)eculatne standards 1 redenc A Cluld 111 a \ery laughable of the past \\lnch ha\c pernlltted ItS 1111 C}mrac t cr roIe \\as up to 111 s usual lugh proper cxplOitatlO11 standard and Hclen::\1 Ball also scored Hard) h IS careful cOllSl(ieratlO11 for \'Oth a graeeful and natural mother the !Jest mterl'sts of thc part) placed role upon thc 5t Ite Ticket c tmhdates \\ hose I :Manoll C Barns sccmcd to be the career:-. and JJOittlcal standards make I n~ht t)1>c for the cngenlle role OpPosite them so reprcscntatnc 01 the \\ hole ~[r Gr Iham and added humor to mam (omlllllll\\(dtlt;Jl lSI htt{ 1 tl ,..,mtil air! Ihmtl Us Rohert GtihIlan played a dlf upl:r\1 e tlLh 11111 rtllt lilt! \ntlll,...1 hcult lomed) role 'en COIl\II1l:lIlg!\ 111<1 btulIl \\as I \alllahle addItIOn t) the llg ::.ccue .. II IIact I I I t 11 )Jl)rahle J Ill1e~ I l)a\l~ a .. I candl III J thc ~econd , I I \ , I ! d d ttl' tor I <;eulIld term IS United St ltes 1111l':; urna< l\ la{ an Illlpor ant SI.:I1 It or Ilas I)) II\~ career nut 011 I\ 1)Cl.:n par \\ IIC 1 Ie l'lIae e{ (:011\ IIlcmg \ 111 1(11,." trl1lled 111 Xau Illl Iffalr~ IS St.:c II Roger Colt:man lS a crookL'{lmamp te'an " I Ih>r lIntl" 'hree 1'1 ",Id,"" ulater hUIII \\ell m'o the ca,t of plaICrs ot the Lllltcd Slate hut 111.. tnldglc an I :,\11\ It he h !lcd 11 '''e\ er th It thc II> 11 e I rom 111 11111111 r;Jllt 1.0\ then )ll'lrlll(o.; ot the 1\\0 111 the Ihr u,...h thl.' tld IIldn tn 1 mUll Irtf n unt.' I)r )(llIdlOll III h III I nkre::.t I l()l('Inan~ ( ( 01111 I fcd 0 I P(lgl T,) THE SWARTHMOREAN·,• VERSATILE ACTOR , Mrs, Benjamin Thomas, of Merinn, Saturday afternom.", .There were omen'~: ~;n. formerly of at SWarlhmOre',entertaino!d her guest·' bridge dub her home Tuesday afterW noon. The members. are Mrs. Findlay Downes, of ~hestnut Hill j Mrs. Herschell G. SmIth, Mrs. Roy C. Comley, Mrs. Samuel D, Clyde, Mrs. James Bacon Douglas, Mrs. Chad,:,. Dravo, Mrs. Joseph Bates, Mrs. Wilham H. ~ard, Mrs. Herbert Bassett, Mrs. O. J. GII.reest and Mrs. Alben T. Eavenson, of Swarthmore. Mrs. C. Wildey Lukens, of Strath Haven avenue, entertained at bridge on Dr. and Mrs. J. Jarden Guenther family spent last week in Atlantic City. Robert Hanzlik of Cornell avenue entertained Tuesday afternoon with a party in honor of his birthday. Mr. and 1\Irs. \Villiam M. Haney of Columbia avenue are entertaining dinner and bridge this evening. Mrs. Arthur Hughes and Thelma and Norman spent last week in Medford, New Jersey. APRIL 8, 1932 The first of a series of meetings under the auspices of the Woman's Association of the Presbyterian Church will be held next Wednesday April 13 at 2 :30 P. M. South America will be studied aud moving pictqres will be showlL Mrs. George Shobinger will speak upon the subject. Mrs. A. F. Jackson is chairman of the meeting. " Tea will be served. All persons who are interested are invited. I --=--=__________ PIANO TUNING 20 yean experienee with aUI r:::~:: Member of Nat. Asso. of Piano 1 AU Pianos .hould be tuned twi"" I I A. L. PARKER Phone Media 831 Williain Hickman, who plays im.. portant role in the H. S. Senio.. Class ploy. GEORGE H. KEJ,J,EY Dr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Huntington of New Haven, Conn., are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. Williams 01 Amherst avenue. Dr. HUntington is Professor of Geography at Yale University. Electrician Repair work and new l",talladoru Phone S.... 4ZS. THE CLASS OF 1932 of the For Seven Years.The Vanity Box has led the field of beauty experts in and near Philadelphia, by giving permanent waves without electricity. NOW we continue this most advanced system of permanently waving the hair by sponsoring the ZOTOS PERMANENT_NoMachine No Electricity Under this new system, the hair IS wound in the usual manner and then wrapped in Zotos pads. Pads measuring 4t" by St" do the work usually done by machines-gently steaming the hair for a few minutes. By the time the entire head has been wrapped, the first pads applied are ready to be removed. The natural sheen and lustre of the hair is preserved-and the waves are deep and lovely. All textures and colors of hair respond to this treatment with equal success. SWARTHMORE HIGH SCHOOL presents ''TRELAWNEY OF THE WELLS" Apointment for permanents are coming in rapidly now. Make yours today. HIGH SCHOO~ AUDITORIUM at 8:15 P. M. 9lie Friday, April 15th 1932 • Fine,t Fruit, and Vegeta61.. C! r:< d dG • ",ea 1'00 an TOcen.. Fiaeat Qualit,. of r:< d Bird,eye I ' TO,te Meat. of JAKE, the tailor 21·23 South Chester Road The latest model new Hoffman pressing machine has just been installed. GOOD WORKMANSHIP AT REASONABLE PRICES. 7 years in Swarthmore Suits Sponged and Pressed-SUits, Top coats,Ladies SUits, Dusses and Blankets French Dry Cleaned and Pressed. Ladies' Coats, Ladies' and M,-n's SUies, Men's Top coats Relined HATS CLEANED From youroldlongFurCoatwemakejacketsatveryreasonableprices Have all your Winter Clothes Cleaned before you store them~ WecallforandDeliver.PHONESWARTHMORE 401.W Ib.3le Ib.4ge Spring Lamb Chops Pork Loin Roast Shoulders Lamb Fowl for Fricassee Ib.3ge Ib.18e lb.18e Ib.4ge Golden Bantam Cornbx.29c Red Raspberries bx.27e "Garden Fresh" FRUITS and VEGETABLES Fre.h Sweet Sugar Peas %pk.25c Fre.h 3 for25e Artichokes F .....h New 3 bun.25e Carrots F .....h New Beets 3 bWl.25e Fre.h Clean Spinach %pk.15c Freshest of ita kind Shad Buck 'lb.2St Freoh Cape May Goodies Ib.19c Sw.750 The Vanity Box will soon make another announcement of great importance to its friends. ~-. Steak Cod Ib.19c Freab lb.25e Ib.26t: Canada Dry Ginger Ale $1. 49 doz. plus 2c deposit Qt. BoHle ZOe plu. 5e Dep. CHASE &: SANBORN ~t~1rtLL HOUSE LB. • MARTEL BROS. so. CHESTER ROAD JUNIORS GUESTS OF LANSDOWNE CLUB The Junior Members of the Swarthmore Woman's Club were guests of the Junior Section of the Twentieth Century Club of Lansdowne last Thursday evening, March 31st, when the Swarthmore girls presented a Bi·Centennial sketch, "An Evening at Mount Vernon", written and produced by Junior Members. An effective, clever portrayal of home life of General Washington Mount Vernon t' I'f tho after his •retirement t '11 ac lve I e, IS entertammen Wi <:na_1ed by the Swarthmore Juniors bef • C b T d· ore their own lu on ues ay evenmg, April 12th, at the Clubhouse. • I Joint Conference , Coffee 33c STRICTLY FRESH FARM EGGS 19c and 23c doz' . Stuffed Olives Ig; bot.19c Sunbeam Sliced Pineapple 19. caD 13~ Biaquick-for Better 'Bi.cuib, box 33e Lg. Bot. Vanilla ZSC ScotTiuue 3 roll. 23.: lb. jar17e Peanut Butter Apple Butter Mazola Oil jar 10e pl. tin Zle 5 bar. 15e Allegro assai Andante con molo Allegro ma non troppo II Redt du P&:beur .............. de Falla Clair de Lune •••.••••••••••••• [~~~:~;~ Two Studies •.•••••.••••••••.• A flat major C minor Eleanor Goddard, pjanist Sunday, April 17: String Quartet of the phia.Musical Fwld Society of Philadel•,• "The State Legislative Ticket is headby Senator John J. McClure, the und,sputed Leader of the Party in the C~unty, whose wise, courageons and aclOUS counsel and actions in the Senate are rapidly forging him to front as a leading Republican in State. No man in Pennsylvania politics today commands more respect than does and no Senator is closer to his home people than is Senator McClure. His worth and the esteem in which he is are shown by the fact that he is C ompIete Republi.can Ticket ticaJJy unopposed and his return ~, Senate conceded. (C(tnli,um:l /l'tIm PrJ,' On,J "The present members, the d ested in providing relief for those who E ward Nothnagle, Ellwood J. Turner, are subjected to it than is he, and by Grover C. Talbot, and Thomas Weideturning his useful and unusual talents to mann, of the House of Representatives, 3ge PKG. For ConstipatioD HELP YOURSELF TO HEALTH MUFFIN CRISP AND KRINKL CRISPS APRIL COAL PRICES But The Quality Must Be Better W~M:~N • "blueeoal' costs no more than ordinary coal. • Fill your bins withAMERICA'S FINEST ANTHRACITE • & FUEL OIL WILSON COAL & SUPPLY COMPANY Madij~~ 4000 intheSuburb. L.E.BENDITT Swa. 1808-.1 HOME OF Girard-Ramsdell-Fuel Oil, Too ~~~~b_--~=~&~~~~II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ under Bruce Simonds of Yale University for a year. She was awarded the Matthay Scholarship by the Matthay Association for study at The Tobias Matthay Pianoforte School in London. She was there for two years under the ~nstruc:tion of Mr. Matthay himself. Since then she has been in the Music Department of the Westover School of which }'-lr. Simonds is supervising head. Her program will be: I Two Preludes •.................. Bach Sonata in F minor, Op. 57 (Appassionata) •.....•.•••.....•.• Beethoven Chester, is a candidate for re-election to the Superior Court. Chester County has been distinguished for the charof judicial mind which springs . it and none has been more luminous than that of Judge Gawthrop; proven in his ten years' service as a member of the Superior Court. His retention there is to be most earnestly desired. uDelaware County is again to be congratlllated upon its opportunity to present a Judge whose accomplishments have marked and fitted him for promotion and we therefore bespeak for the Hon. Albert Dutton MacDade the united support of the cntire voting citizenry of this County so that he shall be elevated to I the Superior Court of Pennsylvania, t place which he would grace and I which he is so eminently suited. "The c:andidates for Delegates to National Convention arc, indeed. fortuitOllS. John B. Hannum, Jr., represents substantially all the great business interthat criss-cross our County in e\'ery direction and give employment to many of our citizens; and Robert W. Beatty's association with our largest financial institutions will also bring real aid to the coullciis of the party. "The Alternates, Mrs. 'Yard and Mrs. Hinkson, through their interests in civic: affairs and leadership of the great WOIU- 1 erl's division of the party, bring to ticket and party that sincere help WII.'W I is one of its major ass~ts. "In James Wolfenden as a member of Congress, the Republican Party has a man whose broad business experience residence in the rapidly growing secof the County brings him into the closest touch with its many problems and as a true Delaware Count ian none takes mOre interest and has given more of his time and efforts for the County's advantage and the benefit of itss n.~~~:g:~' than he. Mr. \Volfenden will, u edly, be renominated by a handsome vote of confidence. _'I:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; I LANSDOWNE No." Playing Friday and Saturday WILL ROGERS in "BUSINESS AND PLEASURE" Monday & Tuesday, April 11-12 RUTH CHATTERTON In "TOMORROW AND TOMORROW" Wednesday, April 13 ANN HARDING In "PRESTIGE" Thur8day~ April 14 CHESTER MORRIS In "COCK OF THE AIR" 2 Large Illuminated Free Parking Lots Aside of Theatre I MEDIA THEATRE Matinee Daily at 2:30 SATURDAY MORNING ONLYI WILL ROGERS f'BUSINESS and PLEASURE" NOW-FRIDAY AND SATURDAY J6r Er:onornictd 7',.O"SPO"'.,;".. CDE,VROLET Reduces Prices Before deciding on any new low-priced automobile - read over Chevrolefs, new reduced prices, and compare them with the prices of any other cars in Chevrolefs field. Compare what you get for every dollar that you pay. Then, you .cannot fail to recognize the significant fact that the Chevrolet Six is now, more than ever, THE GREAT AMERICAN VALUE NEW LOW PRICES ROADSTER $445 DE LUXE COACH $Q15 SPORT ROADSTER 485 SPORT COUPE 535 PHAETON 495 5-PASS. COUPE 575 STANDARD COUPE 490 CABRIOLET 595 5-WINDOW COUPE 490 SEDAN 590 COACH 495 SPECIAL SEDAN 615 DE LUXE COUPE 510 LANDAU PHAETON 625 Six wire wheels and fender wells on all models at $15 additional. FOX PICTURE ffALICE IN WONDERLAND" LB. Lomest Spring Prices Buy and Burn 10 Ib bag41e Psyllium Seed II SWARTHMORE lOW! SWAR SPECIAL CHILDRENS' PRESENTATION Rattle Creek I should be returned as their services so "As Chairman of the Executive Comwell merit; for each has been untiring in of the RegnJar Republican Party, mittee his work for his constituents. Mr. Talbot, the sponsor of the Talbot Bill passed 1 take real pride in presenting this ticket the RepublicaQs of Delaware County." at the last sessions of the Legislature, that earnest piece of constructive legislation for the alleviation of state-wide distress, has made a place for himself which is most noteworthy and typifies the sane progressiveness of the entire delegation from Delaware County. "Mrs. Bessie Everett of Springfield who has served so faithfully as Delaware County's delegate Qn the State Republican committee is endorsed for reI' h'l CI' If d N P I e edlon W I e I or ' . eop es, a I loyal worker for the Republican party I in Chester, is deserving of support as the, successor of Wiiliam T. Ramsey, WhO/ formerly served as delegate. yv. P. &: G. Naphtha Soap Gerber'. Vegetable. for baby Z c:aJl$ Z5c Sugar ~ 3 this great national problem, he will not r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ and cannot fail to be of great aid in its proptr solution. "Han. Charles A. Waters, at present Auditor General a resident of Phil ..del,.! phia, is from ~xperience and especially qualified fqr the office of Our prices on Anthracite Coal are reduced to same Treasurer; and will bring to it that broad knowledge of state-wide financial priee level as announced by other dealers.' problems and necessities which will assure the citizens of Pennsylvania an economical, careful and far-seeing tldministration of this most important office. "Han. Frank E. Baldwin, the candidate ~r we would not have such a gratifying for Auditor General, has for years disincrease in tonnage for 1932 THMO~ G'IRL TO tinguished himself as a firm and fearless State Senator from Potter County, and PLAY AT VESPERS Republicans of Pennsylvania may well be proud to present him as a guardian of The Vesper Service at the Cl<)th:ierl so important a department as that of Auditorium on Sunday, April 10, at Auditor Gencral. 6 :30, will be a piano_ rccital by Miss "Hon. \Villiam B. Linn, a~.~a~ir~~~~~ Eleanor Goddard of the Music Depart- for the Supreme Court of ment of the Westover School, Middle- brings to that tribunal the bury, Connecticut. Miss Goddard is the erudition for which it is so deservedly Media 123-CALL-Swarthmore 600 known and his promotion from the Sudaughter of Professor and Mrs. Goddard. She began her musical perior Court is in just and timely recog~ .at the Swarthmore School of Music unof his service to the entire State as der Mrs. Margaret HilI Walker. Foloutstanding member of its A.,pellate! lowing this she was at the Curtis Insti- Courts. (Look for the Yellow Truck) On Monday, April 11th, there will be a Joint Conference of Delaware and Montgomery County Welfare to held at the Bryn Mawr Church, MOhtgomery Avenue, Mawr, beginning with a luncheon at 12 :30. Pr~s. W. Comfort, of Haverford, will p~cslde.. At 2:15 . Round Tables Will conSider Health, Ch~ld Welfare, .and work of, Welfare Chalrmen. DWl~ht. W. Weist, of Pcnnsylvama, IS the. s~eaker for the ternoon. Those wIshmg luncheon please a?ply to Mrs. T. Jeddson Jr., Sprmgfield, Penna. Lansdowne Avenue & Baltimore Pike COMONT COFFEE, 1 Ito Zlc. Write a composition of less than 300, words on the subject, "Why I like Birdseye Frosted Foods," !Uld win this worthwhile prize. Second Prize-Dinners for Four. All essays on this subject must be turned in at our store by May 1. Contest is open to any one. Three Swarthmore people will act as judges of the best articles. Essays will not be made public without the writers' consent. THE SWARTHMOREAN A WARNER THEATRE MONTCO A Birdseye Frosted Foods Dinner For Six 1932 THE THEATRE BEAUTIFUL F .....h J ......, Tomato Soup--4 for 24c to inspect the First Class Tailoring Shop Rib Lamb Chops Pork Tenderloins Brookfield' Butter 411 DarimOIUth are Invited Ib.3ge Campbell's Soups 3 for25e ALL SEATS RESERVED 26 years experience - • Haddock Filets by ARTHUR W. PINERO Admission 75c BROS Rib Roast Boneless For many of the large department stores and independent shops, this new treatment is a radical change. For us it is merely a continuation of a modern method introduced for the first time by us in Swarthmore seven years ago. With our past experience in giving permanent waves without electricity we feel able to give the new Zotos treatment In a highly competent manner. year. Media. Pa. I MARTEL Meeting Free Delivery .MEATS OF EXCELLENCE Troop 2 of the Boy ~~~~tsH.:s~~:~~~:: panied by Mr. \Villis and Mr. are spt'llding this week-end at Camp mont. Miss Edith Bunting and Miss Irene Geyer have returned from a trip to muda. ~fr. Donald Joncs and Mr. Biddle Heg, who plays in "TreJones were the guests of their parcnts lawney of the Wells." the Senior Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones of Dickinson play al the High School. avenue last week. Donald Jones is __ sistant professor of mathematics at CorIN SENIOR PLAY nell University and Burton Jones is attending Harvard School of Finance. Mr, and Mrs. E. L. Heyser, of Strath Haven Inn, spent the week-end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin, of Washington, D. C. Mrs. Wilfred Ervin, of S,~~:ri:~:;:~:::: spent Sunday at the home of her Alfred Tate, of Hollyoak, Del. . ~~, . "'f:h16~ Colafemina, of Lima, presented a concerfln\ Tuesday at. Palm Beach. at the Methodist ·-C'h.urch auditorium. FolJawing the concert""a 'J;eception was held for Mr. Colafemina, Wh6 .d~ring his visit in Palm Beach was the gl1~t of Dr. John Miguel Brown. '-'-"'~ twelvelsw~ 761-762 APRIL I All Prices F. O. B. Flint, Michigan. Special equipment extra. Low delivered prieR and easy GMA C ler"... Boy a t.:UEVROLET and Drive it Today! 2 SHOWS STARTING AT 10:15 A. M. MONDAY AND TUESDAY BUSTER KEATON POLLY MORAN JIMMY DURANTE f'THE PASSIONATE PLUMBER" ENTZEL MOTORS 401 Bartllloutll A"eRue Pllo..e SUJarthlllore 596 INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 1 I VEUSATJLE ACTon THE SWARTHMOREAN ~fcrioll.l.satl1rd~lY .:\lrs. BClljalllili Thomas. of fOflll('rh- of SW;trtlllllvrc, cillcrtailll:d 11l'1": g:1It'!'h. ay a tcr-: /If/("1 gl' C", tI,/ at , Il'!" IIUlIIl' '/' tH.'S( I f' 110011. J )"";Jld JOlll'~ ;11111 ),1 r. Bmloll Hifltlk III';.!. who piny!' ill "TrI" Wl're the glicsH of tiu;ir parl'llt:-: hlwlU'~' uf lilt" \\'('II!'O.-' lit(. !o\"uiur 1'1'. ,md ),1 r~. :\rthur ./lIlll'''; oi Diekinsoll i plaJ" ;11 III(' lIiA:h SI.houl. "H'll1le last \HC!'. J )ollale[ .lolll'S i~ as-I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~i:-tant profl'..;.:-p;· of lIlathl'lIIi1tics at Cor- i IN SENIon PLAY Ill'll l'ni\"er::ih" itlld IJurtou Itlll4.''; is at-: kndillg" J 1;lr\';\rd ~dHlf)1 oi j:il1;I1Ke. i _\lr. and ~Irs. E, I.. Ih·per. oi Stratl!! 11'1\'1.:11 llln . .~J>l'llt the wl'l'k-cnd as thc; .L?tIl'!'ts (If .:\1 r. :lI1d ~I r"~. John (;I'iflin, of! ,:\1 L \\·a"hingtt!ll. I J. C. ~lr::. \riliH'd Enin, of Swarilllnorl',' :->]lent SUllday at tIll' IHlllll' of hl'r hrother,;[ Alfrecl Tate. of IInlJ\'oak, Pd. i)1hI"~ Colafel11ina: oi Lima, prcsl'nted: a concert uli, TUt'sday at Palm lkach, at i the '\fetho<1i:-;t 1:'itllrch a1lditori1lm. Fol.: lowing the L'oIlCl·rt..... ~i ",)!,cCt'ptioll was held i for ~Ir. Ctdafclllilla, wh~ ·d~lring his visit! in Palm Beach was tile gl't.!:st of Dr. I John ~Iigud Brown. -- "--' . ..1 Member of Nat. Asso. of Pinno Tulters. All Pianos should be tuned twice each, year. I , A. L. PARKER l"ledio, Pn. Phone "Media 831 \1'illimn lIit'kll1nn~ ",·ho plu~"~ im~ 1 ])Orlunl rull! in the U. S. S('niar ! ~I (:.;~::v:':~~··H r Dr. all" r." ullliugloll of New J lavell, COIlII" arc the gnests of Dr. and ~lrs. Frank E. \ViI1iams of '[ Amherst aVCnue. Dr. Huntington is Pro~cssor of Geography at Yale Uni[ versity. I Phone Swa. 4ZS. NOW we continue this most advanced system of permanently waving the hair by sponsoring the ZOTOS PERMANENT- No lIfaclli~l~ 1 THE CLASS OF 1932 of the For many of the large department stores and indepcndent shops, this new treatment is a radical change. For us it is merely a continuation of a modern method introduced for the first time by us in Swarthmore seven years ago. \Vith our past experience in giving permanent waves without electricity we fcel able to give the new Zotos treatment in a highly competent manner. BROS presents "TRELAWNEY OF THE WELLS" Fineat Quality of MEATS OF EXCELLENCE IRib Roast Boneless Sw.d~mo.... ALL SEATS RESERVED ~pk.15c Ib.2!lc are Invited ~ to inspect the ~ First Class Tailoring Shop ~ of ~ JAKE, tl1.c tailor ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 21·23 South Chester Road Ib.25c Haddock Filets CampbeU's Soups 3 for25c j Tomato Soup--l for 24c. 1 The latest model new Hoffman pressing machine has just been installed. $1.49 doz. plus 2c deposit I Suir.~ Spongl,a (OU[ 7 years in Swartlutlorc Pre.~ ... ca-SHit.~ TOI' t.'OU[s , "1'"' " I a,I,"os :- our CUUI1I), ill e\"l'l'y Frititl), mrd S"'Urtlfl;t· dircction and givl' t"III!I!t'.,"lI1t·nt to ~(I W [1.1. (I()(ams 1l]:Jlly I,i 0111' cilizl'lb; and l\.olfl,rt \\,.i ill Ik'atly':- ;1.'i~(Jcialil)n witl] IJllr large"~1 "BlfSINESS AND linallcial illstilutie'lb will al,;" hrjll"~ n'al PLEASUUE" aid tl) the l"UlIllcib (Ii tile party. "Thc .\itcfllatc .. , .:\11' ... \\'anl and ':\lr"~. ,lIomlll.'t· & TIlf"'Hlf1Y~ A,Jril 11-12 Ilinbllll, thruugh tlwir illtt-rcsh in ci"ic IWTII U IATTEIITON al'iair:- and k;l(kr~hip (Ii tIll' grcat ""' 1111in l'!l\ tliyi.-;iull oi Ihl' party, hrill"~" to till' "TOMOUROW AND tkkt·t a11d Ilarty tilat Sil]CCrl' 11l'Ip which TOMORROJF" i:- 1)11(" (d it..;. major a~"~~·b. "Ill J;1I11t'~ \\, .. lil·udcll as a \lll'1l1hT IIi JFf../rU· ...,/tI.l-_ A,Jrif 13 CUllgrl'~s, the ]{qJllhlican Party ha~ a "\NN IIAIWINI; \\'l](l~l' Ifrc);HI a11d rl·,~idl·lll't' in the til!ll ui till' l'tlllll!y in lIlalt "I)RESTU;E" Illl"~illl'~"~ l'XflCril'IlCl' THE GREAT AMERICAN VALUE ------ { ROADSTER in "CO(;K Of? 1'IIE AIR" Parking Lots ,\side or Theatre 2 Latg-e Illuminated Free he. MEDIA THEATRE Matinee Daily at 2:30 "BUSINESS and PLEASURE" DE LUXE COACH 485 SPORT COUPE PHAETON 495 490 490 495 5-PASS. COUPE SPECIAL SEDAN 510 LANDAU PHAETON STANDARD COUPE 5-WINDOW COUPE COACH SATURDAY MORNING ONLY! WILL ROGERS $445 SPORT ROADSTER ;t~ a tnlc I )l·I;t\\";Il"l' C"lIIl1ian n'J1le takt's IWI't· illll'n""t ,11lel ha..;. gi\"l'll 1I1l,rt as IC, • • I' • 1.1 I.' .suh]c~tcd to It than IS he, and lIy, (.7ro\ cr C. I 011 bot, and J itulIlas \\ ellll'-: ~lIccessor of \\'lili;lIl1 T. Ramsey, who j J01l11 Conference I tu~nlllg IllS useful ;lIId UIIUsllal talcnls to lUallll, of the IlollSC of l{l'lll·cst'ntatin.'s.[ formcrly ~l'J"\Td as ddcg:atc. /, t It, t Iterc WI"II IJe a i tIllS gn'at lIatiulI~d prohlcltl, he will Ilut J _,_ () n ~\'[ OIl< Iay, i \'1 Jlfl Joint Confcrcnce of Dclaw,lre and .\Ioilt- .md C.UlIlut ~illl tu he of gn'at :wl III gomcry Cuunty \Vdfare Coullcils. to he' Il rc )PCI' solutlOll. h,cld at the BrYll ~Iawr l'rl'shytcriall! "Hon. Charit.'s .:\. \\"atel's, at present I costs no more Church, .\tontg-ol1lcry ;\\'l'111Il', l;ryn! ."\uditor Gcm:rill, a residl'lIt Ilf Jlhiladd-i ~Iawr. he~il111il1g with a luncheoll at! I' . f . .. : than ordinary 11'30 P, \\' \V ( f" '/"""1 P 11<1. I':; rom t.·X!H:flClIl'l' "all(1 trallllll.g. ..... r~s. ' . ' 0111 01 t. (~t ,1\ - especially qualilicu f(Jr the ollice of Stall' Our prices on Anthracite Coal are reduced to same coal. erford" .w~1I l>~t'sl(ll· .. :\t 2:1J I,h~ee Treasurerj and will hring to it that H.~I~II1~1 ~ al,)les w~" ~onsJ(kr, ~ I~a~t,h, ,l.~,~ld I hroad kno\\'ll'dgc of state.widc linancial price level as announced by other dealers. Fill your bins \\ df.m.', :lIul \\'!rk ~If. \\ dr.,,: lh,lIr-: problems and nccessities which will a~lilt'll J)wlHht \\ \\ elst of Ser·tlllon' . " . ~ with. .t:.' '... .,1 !>lIre thl' cltlzells 01 Pl'l1lls\'I\"ama al1~ Pl'llI1SYI\,;II~I:I, IS the. Sl!cakcr lor the a!-: l'coliOluical. careful ;1IIt! far.sl'~ing admin-I AMERICA'S t~~~I~':jl~. J. ho~c W~SI~I~lg .hlll~heoll ,\~'II.I! istratiun of this 1Il0~t important olliet', i FINEST Il ed!>~ .l!II,I). to ~!r~. I. Jlflt>1., r JIIl'lI1hcrs ;Ife "; APRIL 8, 1932 4______________________________________~--THE~~~~A~R~~~~O~R~EA~N~~~~;;,;;~;_------_:::::::::~A~P~Rl~L:8~,:1~9~32 stores. Care on the part of parents is BOYS' GLEE CLUB the only method of eradicating diseases TO SING AT H. S. THE SWARTHMOREAN which have been appearing annually for many years. "The Swarthmore High School student hody will be entertained next Tuesday - - -......1--- PubIiehed Every Friday at Swarthmore, Pa. Robert E. Sharpl"", Edito,. and PubU.he,. Baby Coach Needed afternoon at two o'clock by sixty mem- ben of the Boys' Glee Club of Upper i The nurses have found another mother who is very much in need of a baby Phone Swarthmore 900 coach for her new baby. If there is any Entered a. Second Class matter, January 24, 1'29, at the Post Office at Swarth- mother in Swarthmore who no longer more, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. needs her baby coach and would like to donate same. kindly get in touch with FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1932 the nurses by calling 5 wartIImore 362. • • ural developments in certain sections of f'Yn¥¥n~ndence Darby High School, under the direction of Clyde R. Dengler. This boys' chorus is one of the finest in the East and has gained an enviable reputation through superior performance in a number of concerts in which it has appeared, The public and friends of the school are ill~ vited to enjoy this concert." ~ Rutledge prove it hy discouraging these fly-by- : = of = INSAllU Lines RAN C E = INCLUDING LIFE PETER E. TOLD OLD BANK BLDG. night "charity" salesmen, who often;; : receive commissions as high as 60 per :: iii ccnt. Do your good work through the § ChUTeh N ews I So buy from us because we're handy, We'll treat you fine and dandy, Now's the time to shop Swarthmore. ;; A menace of crowds is one that all mothers sit 0 U 1 d remember. Scarlet Feyer and other communicable diseases • are having their last fling before the open SINCE 1860 I weather is established. Do not subJ' cd Tin, Slate, Slag, Asphalt to infection which may deprive Roof and Heater Repairing children them of the joys of out-of-doors. Let us remember that sunshine and violets and 2013 Madison Street, Chester, Pa. blue skies have much more appeal to the PHONE CHESDR 2.1703 child's spirit than movies, shows, and hot :- ROO FIN G _ .. ROBERT P. SMITH BUCHNER'S TOGGERY SHOP Take Advantage of these Low Prices THE LOWEST IN YEARS On Sc,.eened and Washed Reading Anthracite Egg Coal . . $10.75 Per Ton Stove Coal 11.00 Per Ton Nut Coal . 10.75 Per Ton Pea Coal. . . . . 9.00 Per Ton Buckwheat Coal. 7.00 Per Ton Rice Coal . . . . . 6.50 Fer Ton Koppe,.·s Domestic Coke Stovc Size . . . . . . . . . . $ 9.45 Per Tou Pea Size ... . . . 8.45 Per Ton ~":l Pea Size-~ Stove Size. 8.95 Per Ton Shoe Store and Shoe Repair Store 8 Park Avenue HANNUM & WAITE I :1 Iii 'II I 'I i 11 Park Avenae Swarthmore S04 MARTEL BROS. I Swarthmore 761 -762 ring manager. Swarthmore 529 Parker Anade, Ch,,'erRoad Lewis RoblnsoD. on a Phase of the Pr1&on Question. 11:00 A. M. -Meeting for worsh1p In tho meeting house. WEDNESDAY 9:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. M. -Sewing and QuiltIng In Whittier House, Box luncheon. All are cordLally Invited to Join In these services. , I. , Swarlhmore.750 STRATH HAVEN INN Tea Room - I SUPLEE'S STORE llard",Q,.e - 11 Soalh Cheoter Road Painla - Electrical Suppli... Swarthmore 105 SWARTHMORE ELECTRIC SHOP Eleclrical Applanca and Service Swarlhmore 1896 ;.1 411 Dartmouth Avenue Complele Banldng Serviee Chesler Road bell. No one stirred. in the darkened hou8e. Again he pU8hed the bell fiercely_ Still no one answered. Swarthmo.... 1431 SWARTHMORE PHARMACY Pracriplions Ca,.e/olly Filled Swarthmore 586 E.C. WALTON The Christian Church ha.s never been 80 needed. 88 today. What are you doing to help it be what it should be and to do what it ought to do? Real E.,a'e -lruu,.ance - NOlary Public 13 Soath Chesler Road SWARTHMORE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH LLOYD P. STEVENS Swarlhmore 114 WOODWARD, JACKSON & BLACK I Plumbing-Healing and Roofing 333 Dartmouth Avenue Swarlhmore 43 "I HAVE IN MY BR8AST A PLANT CALLED REVERENCE; 1 GO TO CHURCH TO HAVE IT WATERED." .i ---------_._----_.._...-.---_.._-------------------------------..--.---.....-..--.. ...J Bunday Services 11 :OO-Worshlp and Sermon r---.-..-----------.-..---.-..·---.-....-----·---.-...-...-...----.-..---...-..~l -~ ! i 1 Services: 11:00 A. M.--8unda,. SChooL 11:00 A. M.-8:;:;1day Lesson-Sermon. Wednesday eVening meeting each week, 8 p. m. Reading room open dally, except Sundays and hOlidays, 1 P. M.. to 4 P. M., Church edifice. All are oordla11y Invited to attend the services and use the Reading Room. . WHAT IS LIFE? 1 WE do not know. It is something unseen. It defies definition. It is almost infinite in its variety_ Without it all being cea8es. 1 1 1 1 b ANDk WlW-th Service. Ifnuly10ur dealings with our an you n 11_ e give it in measure--generously. Like Life, itself, Service is unseen and defies definition. Without it no bU8iness in the world can survive i 1 SpriDg Bedding Plants! PlIIIJies - Rock Gardea Plants Now is the time to plant J. D. DURNALL Copples Laile Swarthmore 1648 A Delightful Plaee To Dine Give your appetite a treat Delicious Sunday Dinner $1.00 to $1.25. Varied menu. Tasty dishes. Temptlnlly served. • • • StratLHaven Swarthmore, Peana. AS LOW AS PLymOUTH •• lithe more-for-the-dollar carll! I 1 1 sOfiitdi~ Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company !1 11 !1 ~ ~ "SerfJing Swarthmore Since 1904" ! ~----.--..-...---~..--...---.----..-..-..---l FACTOR.Y 65-HORSEPOWER ENGINE . FREE WHEELING ••• SILENT-SECOND, EASY- In desperati;'n, Bill SHIFT TRANSMISSION _ •• RIGID-X started for the doctor's home. uNever again," he muttered as he hurried down the deserted street. "Never again! From now on there'll be a telephone in the house, or I'll know the reason whyl" DOUBLE-DROP FRAME ••• SAFETY-STEEL • everyday conveni. As an ence the TELEPHONE M worth many ri17l& its low colt. In emergenci& it ia BODIES _ • _ HYDRAULIC BRAKES WITH CENTRIFUSE BRAKE DRUMS •.• SMART There's a new car in town-a new and flner Plymouth. You can't help but see it, and admire it, as i! travels the streets and highwayssmartly low, impressively long, first away in traffic. Right up-to-the-oecond in modern engineering. Built without compromise, to a new ideal of value. Priced for the thinner pocketbooks of 1932. And what a performer! Floating Power is the answer. Marvelous Floating Power to be found in no other law-price car. Smooth, vibration tess power. A fast, surefooted car that tokes sharp turns atopen road speedswithout sidesway. A car thoroughly safe, with ito SafetySteel Body- its unfailingly sure hydraulic brakes-its lower center of gravity. A long, spacious, roomy car in which comfort is a Reality. A car that is a joy to handle with Its Automatic Clutch-Free Wheeling-EasyShift, Snent-Second Transmissiop_ Compare it, feature by feature, with the other two cars in the lowest-priced group. Find out for yourself how much more this new 1932 Plymouth gives for every dollar invested - why It is called "the more-for-the-dollar car: Come in today. A car will be ready for you to drive. BODY STYLES __ • 112-INCH WHEELBASE AUTOMAnc CLUTCH AND DUPLATE SAFETY PLATE GLASS (O'TlONA' AT SLIGHT EXTRA cosT) WITH PATENTED FLOATING POWER BIB priceleu_ HANNUM & WAITE 1 1 II F. 0 .••• By TeIoph_ 10 .. __________________. . ,. . .;._____ The New and Finer 1932 Anxiously he rang WORSIDP SOMEWHERE-YOU ARE WELCOME HERE! Beautiful E'Ve••• et!1lI , Together they hung over the cot. "I'll run next door and telephone Dr. Pelham," BiII declared. Without hat or coat he darted away, his neighbor's door- SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. Shirer Building FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST OP SWARTHMORE • Park Avenue Below Harvard .. I Dining Room and Holel Accommodation, Swarthmore 680 ! "RELIGIOUS CERTAINTY" Prices aad Qaality Right! Miss Agusta Harrison "WAKE up-the baby's ~. sick!" With a start, Bill Hawley broke loose from sleep. The fear in his wife's voice and the .. child's wail spurred his hasty dressing. Swarthmore 1390 Dartmoulh Avenue : A sermon for Omclal Members 8:00-Worshlp and Sermon AZALEAS Spedal PrI.., 50.. Eaeh C!/llarm Swarthmore 42 CmRLES A. SMITH "TRUMPETING THE GOSPEL" Cut Flowen and Bouquets NIGHT Real E.'a'e and 'n.u,.anee MinISter P.O.I 554 A Real E.'a,e-lruu,.ance-No'ary Public 9:45 A.M.-FIrst Day School In Whlttler 9:45 A. M. - House. Morning Forum In MeetIng House. Subject on April 10th: SCh~PNDAY 315 DlcklllOI An. Oriental Rug. Naah Sore. and Senite Yale and Rutgers Avenue IO:OO-Blble 11:00-MORNINO WOBBHIP. PASTOR PREACHES A SERMON FOR A DAY OF DISCOURAGEMENT: "STRENGTH FOR THE DAY" 4:45-0RGAN WORSHIP. COME. REST. MEDITATE. 5:00-VEBPERS. Closing at 5:45. PASTOR'S MEDITATION: "THEY SAW HIS GLORY." What do yau see In Christ? Why do you see Htm. as you do? The Marol FIDler Shop PAUL M. PAULSON CLIFFORD M. RUMSEY for all. Mrs. Tucker and Mrs. Edward Parsons and two children ha•• returned to Washington after ha.ing spent se.eral days with Mrs. James H. Hornaday of Dickinson a.enu.. ERE IT IS! i Pure Food and Health Store 7-9 South Chesler Road Dry Cleaning 100 Park Avenue = . • Call Swarthmore 1234 HARRIS & CO. Tailoring and Dyeing ' THE SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Ellery TUttle, Minister • , • Work called for and deUvered hibitors to stable at De.on for the Spring for him according to hi. individual needs P. O. Box ll~ Morton Afti::'':.n, Penna. Circuit," said Mr. Clothier, as an ex- and capacities and then fitting him into Phone-Swarthmore WI.,. pression of appreciation of the good will _____________..;.._______________ of horse show exhibitors in al1 sections of the United States and Canada. The new classes announced in the forthcoming prize list .await the approval and support of Devon's exhibitors." The Deven Horse Show Committee is composed of R. R. M. Carpenter, Isaac H. Clothier Jr.: Charles C. Harrison Jr.: James A. Emmons, WiJliam H. Ashtoo: and William H. Wanamaker Jr. Edward F. Beale i. president, Dr. Thomas G. Ashton ·vice president: Edward I1.ley 6ecretary j R. R. M. Carpenter treasurer; St. George Bond assistant secretary and Thomas W. Clark superintendent and CHARLES PARKER No Cha,.ge fo,. Ca,.,.ying SWARTHMORE Coal- Wood-Building Maleria" 1 South Princeton Avenue Swarthmore 1234 Plymouth - Ch,."..ler Snles and Service Yale Avenue and South Chesler Road Swarthmore 1250 I) 1= ;::::::===========:; .:...._-=~ :i : Understanding each child and planning so that dependent children of the County Mrs. George D. Ewing of Columbia rna • th "--' d th y rec.... e eare u ..t IS u. em. avenue entertained at luncheon on WedThe Delaware County Poor Board and . the Philadelphia Welfare Federation neodayof th.s week. support this service given to children of the County depri.ed of their own parents. U H. B. GREEN W c will take orders now at tbe above prices for Coke one half of ord~r to be d-:livered prior to Sept. Ist and tbe balance dl1nng next WInter as required. HOW ARD B. GREEN . ~ liThe Devon Committee is inviting ex. SAM DRAYMAN .1 PLANS FOR DEVON is chairman of the pr~ fUDd committee the type of hom. wh.re he can best deHORSE SHOW MADE and Mrs. N. Myers F.t1.r heads a ClOlIl- velop i. acconlin t M' M mitt f ia11 . t f ' go... argaret f • ee 0 soc r pro,,?m,y direct so1ici~ powers in the h~nds of a political organi: If councd IS really lIlt~~ested In nam· tallon, and by tetephonb.. ....,Recently a zation. \Vhat a political organization can mg a small. group of cJtl~ens to make number of complaints have '\b~:n for- do with this power has been demonstratr.econ:mendatlOns for replacmg trees, and warded to The Swarthmorean ',,~bout ed only too well in the case of poor Chipl~ntmg new olles where needed, a .com~ the unknown persons using the te~e- cago. uliltee by any name to suggest hortJcult· phone to sell toilet goods, tickets to, As a protest against this move by the musicals, and bans, etc., in the name ~ounty organization, I shall vote for Mr. of charity. Few of these projects are Guy W. Davis and invite all other voters worth even the co·urteous attention of who wish to protest to show their sentithe person called or solicited in one ments by doing likewise. Jorm or anothet. One of the first quesSigned lions that these hfgh pressure sales'.oakley H~ Van Aten Phone. Sw. 1225 ~en ask is "Don't you believe in help- <'I1I11I1I1I1I11II11I1I11I1I1I11"IIIII11I11I11I11II11I11I1II11I11I11I11I1U[ mg a worthy charity." If you really do, iii 'r == Ml Stilwell .4udioneer Movlne and Stol'8.le Swarthmore 1083 make the necessary appomtments at the an opportuDlty to vote for two Champ- 1= I,resent opportune time. ions of Decent Government in the coming Tree Committee Delayed Ul T. John 1;_____________;;;;;; ~r;i;~:u~~~~~c.~~u£f.~~!~:::~;:~:i Th~c~i:e;s:;:~ borough will ha.e -'-1 I PUBUC SALE of bouehold .oodI wm be 1014 at the warehoUle of J. '1'. StUwelL MorIon Ave.. and B. 11:, Morton, ,",I OD Thursday, AprU ltm., 1:00 o'eIOCX p. m. Some l~ thloP to lot, talltes dressen. e • clocks, Ihelves, book uses, to close aD. estate. THE SWARTHMOREAN Chester Road and Yale Avenue SWARTHMORE, PA. ,"/'11 I·'I' 'IIII'IIIIIIIIIJlIIII' ,.. ,,/. 11,:111/11:"111 1 '011.' II ijll',1111·'II///I"' 111/1/11 I"'~Il/ I I I I. '. ",:,' , ,Jill Ii 111111" 111111 illIlIlIllIlI.1 ,I JI .....I'li THE SWARTHMOREAN I APRIL 8, 1932 Dennison, Louis DeMon, Buddy Winden, erected. thereon, described acoord1ng to a CondItions $250.00 cuh or cerWled check Under and lubJect. to cenain butldIne- reand plan themof made December on day ot sale: balance In ten dBJI. Pur- tJ'idione Allyn Walker, Alice and Virginia Crae- survey and COndlUODI. 9th. 1926. and. nvbed December 13th, ther conditIons auno\"',Dcecl at sale. mer, Ruth Servais, Emily Smith, and 1926, by Damon &: Foster Clvll EDglneers, Under and lubJect to the pqmeat of • as 81tuate on the north side of Greenwood. H. J. MAKIVEB, Attorney. certaJll Ol'lt morll'Q"e debt OJ' principal Illm avenue at the d1etance of 515.33 teet westof IbJrb'-.ftve hundred. doll..... IInce reduced b7 ward from the westerly side of Church Pieri Pacla8 Mrs. W. W. Mitchell entertained at Mrs. John R. Brownell of Haverford Lane, No. 131 V8J'meni on account to Ihe WID of three thoUlIn Upper Darby Town.ablp, Delaware luncheon on Friday in honor of Mrs. pJace returned Saturday from Washing- County. Pennsylvania. Dod dollars. March Term, 1932 Thomas and Miss Genevieve Thomas of ton, D. C. where she spent the past week. Containing in tront or breadth on thC!t Together with the free and common 1Ue. Baltimore who aCe the guests of Mrs. A. - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ __ All that certain lot or I'lece of ground right, saId Greenwood avenue 18 teet and exliberty and privllep of the afore.taid situate In the Township 0 Ridley. County tending of that width in length or depth driveway Be and for a drivewBT, P"'~w", B. Reavis. Mrs. Reavis entertained ill SHERIFF'S SALES· of Delaware and State of PeDD8ylvanta. northward between parallel Ifnes at right and water COllnlO at all times hereafter for. fneir honor on Monday at her home at angles to the said Greenwood avenue 80 bounded and described. accordl..ng to a cer- ever. tain survey made by ThomJ)80n and Mafeet. to the middle of a certain 18 feet University Place. SHERll'P SALES driveway extencUng westward Into ()ak garity, engineers and aurveyom Upper Improvements consIlit of t"o·et01'7 brick Darby, Pa., on June 22, 1925. and d.escrlbed Mrs. Harold Griffin of Rutgers aveavenue, and eastward comIDunlcatlng With sa and stucco bOUie, 16%33 feet. BneJol!ed fron' Of Real Estate to11ows. to wit: a certain 10 feet wiele driveway extending nue entertained at luncheon 011 Thursporcb. Basement ..arace. northwardly Into Clover I4.ne and BOUthAt the Sherlff'8 Office day of this week. Beglnnlng at a POint In the center llne ward1y Into Greenwood avenue. 7089 Green80ld aa the propertT of ChlU'iee: H. UbU. of Franklin avenue (50 teet wide) at the wood. avenue. Mrs. A. P. Shanklin of Amherst aveCcurt House, Media, Pennsylvanla distance of 64,696 feet measured south 47 and Lora Ubll, his wIfe. nue was called to Louisville, Kentucky, Improvements cons16t of two-story brIck degrees 20 mInutes west along the said Saturday. April 23, 1932 Condillons--$260.00 eallb or cerUOcd check. and stucco house, 16x30 feet. Porch front center line of Franklin avenue, from Its on Wednesday evening by the sudden lntersectlon witb the center Ilne of Amos- on dll,J'" of sale: balance in ten da7s. FW1her Basement garage. 9:30 o'clock A. M. death of her mother, lirs. Chilton Porland road (33 teet wide) thence along said conditions announced at sale. center 1lne of Pranklln avenue soutb 47 ter•. Sold 88 the pro!l8rty of Ph1llp Rhlne. Eastern Standard Time degrees 20 minutes west 50.004 feet more or CHARLES I. CRONIN, Attorney. Mrs. Arthur Jones of ,Dickinson ave- Alias Pier! Facias CondltiollS--$25O.00 CMh or certifled check less, to an Iron Pin. thence north 41 deNo. 438 on day of sale; balance In ten days. Fur- grees 58 minutes west 175 feet to a stake. nue has issued invitations for a luncheon thence north 47 degrees 20 minutes east Ficri Facias thei condltlona announced at sale. No. 288 June Term, 1928 next Thursday at hc.- home. 50.004 feet to a stake ,thence south 41 degrees 58 minutes east 1'15 feet to the 1lrst H. J. MAKIVER. Attorney. Olivcr \Vcstling and Earl Myers of Mnrch Term, 1932 All that certain lot or pIece of ground mentioned point and place of begln.n.lng. Rutgers Unh'ersity were week~end guests with the bulldlngs and lmprovementa tbat certain lot or piece of l1'Ound with erected thereon, described accordIng to a No. 441 Improvements consist of two..story stucco theAll buildings of Howard Johnson of Amherst avenue. survey and plan thereof made Deeember Alias Fieri Faelaa and imprOVements thereon. house. 21x27 feet. Porch front. Frame gar- erected: situale In the Township of Upper Miss Lois Landon, daughter of }..fr. 9th, 1926. and revised December 13th, June Term, 1928 age, 16x16 teet. Darby, in the County of DelBware and State 1926, by Damon & Foster CivIl Engineers, and Mrs. Norton Landon of Benjamin as situate on the north s l de of Greenwood of Penll8ylvanla and described as followe, to All that Cl:rtaln lot or piece of ground ~~Id as the property of John T. Ja&eph wJl: lkginning at a point on the BOuthwest \Vest avenue, spent the Easter vacation avenue at the dIstance of 483.33 feet west- with the buIldings and improvements Fa • ward from the westerly sIde of Church IIlde of Springton road at the dIetance of week with her grandparents in East Or- Lane, In Upper Darby Township, Delaware erected thereon, described according to a Condltlons-,t250.00 cash or certlfted check ninety-three and forty·nine one·hundredthe feet County, Pennsylvania. ange, N. ]. survey and !llan thereof made December OD day of sale; balance In ten days. Pur- southeastwardly from a point of tangent In 9th. 1926. and revlaed. December 13th, ther condItiOns announced at sale the said 8vrlngton road, whLcb. poio, 111 at the 1926. by Damon &: Foster, CIvIl Engineers, I ... . The Ladies Aid Society of the SwarthContaining In front or breadth on the dIstAnoo of three hundred aud sixty-seven and situate on the north side of Greenwood H J MAKIVER Attorney more Methodist Church held their reg- said Greenwood avenue 16 feet and ex- as . . , . two hundred Bnd fortY-elght one-thousandths tendIng of that width in length or depth avenue at the distance of 531.33 feet westfcet southeastwardly from the lIoutheaslerly ular monthly luncheon at the home of northward between parallel lfnes at right ward from The westerly side of Ohurch lIide of Marshall road; thence extending soutb Lane, In Upper Darby Township, Delaware Fieri Facias Mrs. Frank D. \Vindell of \V cst dale and angles to the salel Greenwood avenue 80 County, Pennsylvania. No. 26 twenty·one degrees, nineteen minutes, seve:!feet. to the middle of. a oertain 16 feet Cornell avenues on \Vednesday. -teen eeC'Onds eaet alon8" the said side of Springdriveway extending westwarci Into Oak Containing In front or brealfih on the Mareh Telm, 1032 ton road sixteen feet to a poin,; thence ex. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Keller and svenue, and eMtward communicating Wltb. tending south aixty·eight degrees. forty min. a certain 10 feet wide driveway extending said Greenwood. avenue 16 feet and exAll tllat ('Ot1ain lot with the t.wo-story brick sons of Long Branch, N. Y. are the northwardly into Clover I4.ne Bnd south.. tending of that width In length or depth .brick dwelling and ImprOVements thereon utes. forty-three seconds wea' seventy.four guests of Mrs. KeJIcr's father, Mr. Char- wardly Into Greenwood avenue. '1065 Green- northward between parallel lines at right erected. situate at LelpervllIe in the Township and lorty-thl'e6 one·hundredthe lee' to a point wood avenue. in the southwest aide of a certlll.n ten feet anglestotothe themtddle &aId GreenwOOd avenue 80 of Ridley. Cou"t. of Delawales. G. Emery of Maple a\'cnue. feet. of a certain 18 feet 'v and Stote of wide private driveway extendinl" northwest. driveway extending westward lotc Oak PI'nnSylvania. and bounded and des<'I'lbed ae- wardly Improvements consist of two-story brick and southeast warc:Uy and commUDica'Dr. Frank E. Williams of Amherst Bnd stucco house, 16X30 teet. Porch front avenue. and eastward communicating with ('Qrdillg- to a recent survey thereof as follow!, ing at each end thereof with a certain other a certain 10 feet wide driveway extendIng to wit: 3\'enUe addrcssed the Lansdowne Parellt- Basement garage. private driveway utendIDi' northwardly Into Clover Lane and southBeginning ot a point on the nortbeaster17 ten loct wide into ., ., -1'~chers' Association Tuesday. His talk the said Sprinaton road; Sold as the property of PbUlp Rhlne. wardJy Into Greenwood. avenue. 7071 Green- lide of Maddod, street (forty feet wide), at northeastwardly thence extending" northwestWardly along" the whick·\~'~s illustrated with colored slides wood avenue. the dlstanro of forty·three and eighly-eight same a lins curving to the left with a Condltlons-$250.00 cash or certified check one-hundredths feet measured southeastwardly rntUus on was on Chiie p.nd the Chilean Lakes. Improvements consist of two ..story brIck from of eleven hundred and ninety-aU; feet, on day of sale; balance In ten days. Furw a bolt at the southeasterly COrner of the and stucco house, 16x30 feet. Porch tront said Maddock stewt and Miller street (forty 'he distance of sixteen and thirty.nine ooelfiss Mildrid' S'(I:.ncer of Swarthmore ther conditions announced at aale. Basement garage. thuusandths feet to a point and tbence e%rcct wide); thenre by other lands about to tellding avenue spent last w~~k-el1d in N cw H. J. M4KlVER, Attorney. north sixty-eight degrees, forty min'be COJlVC)'OO to Tcrenty Stephanluk and wife Sold as the property of Phlllp Rhine. utes. forty-three seconds east seventy·five and York Sunday c\'cning-' 5jJe was the and passiUg- along- tbe center lIno of a party 1IfLy-six one· hundredths feet 10 the first men. guest of Ernest Hutcheson, the emminent AUas Fieri Facias Condltlo~50.00 caah or certified check wall of a contiguoUS brick dweJling, north Uoned poiot and place of beginning. No. 439 sixty-five degrees 'Uty-one minutell east. fifty. on day of sale: balance In ten days. FUrpianist, during 11is broadcast. .. . June Term, 1928 ther conditions announced at sale. .seven and seven·tenths feet; then~ sUII by Under and subject to certain buiJding ... said lands north slxty.four degrees fifty min- strictions, Mrs. John A. Helms of Elm avenue i:; conditlons and agreement and also All that certain lot or piece of ground H. J. MAKIVER, Attorney. utes eMt forty·two and thll'ty.one one-hun. under and subJeet t., the payment of a certain recovering from an attack of the grippe. w!t.,lJ. the buUdlngs and 1m.provements dredths feet to a point In the line of landll of mortg-age debt In tbe prIncipal sum of thIrtyMrs. James H. Miller of Park avenue ere~a thereon. described aCCOrding to a Fieri Fac\as Osinski and wife; thence by said two hundred dollars. No. 445 Stanislaw survey enel plan thereof made December Inhds. ROutb twenty-five de8TCCB thirty-four entertained at luncheon on Monday of 9th, 1926,. and revised December 13th, minutes east, fifteen and sixtY-eight hund. March Term, 1932 Together with the free and common use, this week. 1926, by Danac71 & Foster, CIvll Engineers. redths fee' to a stake In the Hne of lands right, liberty and privilege .of the afore$8ld as situate on tilt:: north side of Greenwood }'-frs. Jesse H. Holmes entertained at avenue at the dlstance.pf 499.33 teet westAU those certain lots or pieces of ground of Jamcs Hougton; thence by said landa south private driveway as and for driveways, paswith the buildings and Improvements sixty-foUl' degrees Ofty minutes west, one hun. BagCWayS and watercourees at all Umes here. dinner last Wednesday evening. ward from the westerly· ,stde of Church thereon erected, situate In the Township dred feet to a stake on the northeae:tcrly sIde after forever in common with tbe ownen. Lane, to Upper Darby Towllshlp, Delaware The bridge club of which he is a mem- County. PenDBylvanja. of Upper Darby, County of Delaware and of llald Maddock street; thence by the same tenants and oc-cupieJ's of the other· lots of . ~. State of Pennsylvania. known as and north twenty·fivo degrees thlrty·four minutell ground boUnding thereon or to atl7 otber Pl'op. her surprised Mr.. Arthur R. O. Red\ Containing In front or breadtll~ on the designated as Lot No. 422 and the north- west, 8Cventeen and slxty·two one.hUndredths erties to which the use of said driveway may grave last Sat.urday .evening with a gar- said Greenwood avenue 16 feet and ex:- easterly half of Lot 421 on a certain plan feet to a point, the place of beginning. be o~ended by the &aid John H. McClatchy. of lots called "Highland Park" surveyed den shower at IJis .home on Vassar ave- tending of that width In length or dept,h for Wood. HarmOn Real Estate Trustees, by northward between parallel lines at rJght. Improvements consist of two-stOry brick Improvements consis'· of . two-story stucco nue, the occasion being l,is birthday. angles to the said Greenwood avenue 80 JOSeph W. Hunter, C .E., Jenklntown. Pa .• house. 14x24 feet. Two-story frame addItion nouse, 33xl6 feet. One.story stuec!o addItion. May 19, 1904, which Is duly recorded In the Mr. and Mrs.. Douglas SincJaire of feet. to the middle of a certain 16 teet Oxl2 feet. One·story frame addition. 9x14 feet: 4x9 feel.. One-story stucco addition, 3z8 feet. drIveway extending westward Into Oak omce for the recording to deeds, etc., in Porch front. Ba..'iCment g-arage. Harvard avcll,uc will spend next week at avenue. and eastward conununJcating with and "for the said County of Delaw3re in Deed Book L, No. '1, page 620. and de. the Traymore whiI.e they are· attending a certaIn 10 feet wide driveway extendlng Sold as the property of -LeontJe Kosmena Sold as the property of Norman F. Rawnorthwardly Into Clover Lane and Bouth.. scribed as fOllOWS, to wit. Situate on the linn and Mary H. Rawlings. the Horse Show in 'Atlantic City. wardly tnto GreenWood avenue. '1067 Green- northwesterly side of FaIrview avenue (SO and AnuJe Kosmena his wife. feet Wide) at the distance of two hundred Mrs. William H. Ward of Strath wood. avenUe. Condltlon&-S250.00 cash or certified check elghty~seven feet and five-tenths of Q. foot cash or certified check on day of sale; balance in ten days. Further bnCondiUons--.S250.00 Haven avenue will entertain her club at northeastwardly from the northeasterly day of sale; balance In ton dllJ'"s. Ftu1her Improvements consist of two-story brIck cot!ditions announced at sale. eondltlona qnnounced at ule. luncheon and bridge next Tuesday. and stucco house. 16X30 feet. Porch front side of Medon avenue (40 feet wide) containing together In front or breadth along GEARY &: RANKIN, Attorneys.· Basement garage. Mrs. Henry Hoot of Lafayette avenue CHARLES I: CROkIN.- Attorney. the said Fairview avenue northeastwardly thirty-seven feet and flve-tentha of a toot who. has .been ill with inflammatory rheu- Sold 88 the property of Phlllp Rhine. and extending of that width In length or Fieri 'Facias JOHN J. CAIN, Sheriff. . ..t1sm, IS able to be out again. No. 27 Condltlons-$250.00 caah or certified check depth northwestwardly between parallel lines at right angles to the said Fairview day of sale; balance In ten daYB. PurGuy and Billy Bates, sons of Mr. and on March Term, 1032 avenue one hundred thirty feet. ther conditions announced at sale. Mrs. Joseph A. Bates, celebrated their All that certain lot or vieea of 1II"l'0uod Improvements consist of two and one8th and 9th birthdays with a party \Ved- H. J. MAKIVER, Attorney. half story pebble dash house, 22X30 feet. witb the buildings and improvements thereon nesday afternoon. Their guests were: AlIas Fieri FacIas Enclosed front porch. one~story pebble erected situate in tbe Townsbip of UPpel No. 440 dash addltion, 5x7 feet. Pebble dash ge.rage, Darby, in the County of Delaware and State Barbara and Roger Coleman, Hebbie lOxIa teet. of Pennsylvania, beiIlC" Lot No. 237 on a plan June Term. 19.28 Butler, Buddy Eaton, Tommy Jackson, of lots made by Damon &: Foster, C. E. situate Sold 88 the property of Martin J. Wur- and known as Drexel Hill Plnza and said plan Frances Turner, EHzabeth and Alice All that certain lot or piece of ground ster, with the bUIldings and improvements owner.Jr., mortgagor, and Carl FlOOd, real or lots was appro\'ed by the Boan! of Township Commissioncrs of the Upper Darby Township 011 May 2, 1022, and recorded in tho omce for the reCOrding of Deeds. etc., in and for the County of Delaware at Media. In Deed Book 1<10. 412, Pllt:"e 624, etc., and described as follows: I J The Swarthmore Building Association Rcglnnlng at a point in the center line of Highland avenue (Of,," feet wide) at the dis. tance of two bunllrcd seventy·five feet southoast ward)y from the center line of Greenhall avenUe (flfty feet wide). Ann?unces the Opening of a New Series of Shares, with first payment due on or before AprIl 12th at E. C. Walton's office. Checks may be mailed in advance to the Secretary, box 282, Swarlhmore. The dues are $1.00 per share per month. Entrance fee 25 cents . per share. Ask for copy of Thirty.third Annual Report which is just off the press, showing: Containing in front or breadth soutbeallt. wardfy along the renter line of Highland ave. nUe fifty fcct and extehding of that wIdth in length or depth southwestwardly between parallel lines at right angles said cenUlr line of lIighlahd avenue one hundred twenty. five feet. '0 ASSETS First l\Iortgages. . . . . . Loans on Own Shares. Real Estate . . . . . . . . Payments Delinquent Accrued Interest. . . . Cash in Bank ... Undcr and subject to cel'tain building- restrictions . . $ 1,106,950.00 159,600.00 11,000.00 9,225.82 6,332.75 16,577.59 lmprovemcnts consis' of two nnd one-half story stu~ house 21x27 feet. Enclosed front porch. Two-story stucco addition, 15x12 feet. Stueco !farago. 1.2%21 feet. Condltion9-$250.00 eash or certified check on da.y oC sale; balance in ten days. Further 'conditiolls :mlloun(!C(} at sale. GEARY & RANKIN. Attorneys. LIABILITIES Fieri Facias Dues on 13,953 Shares. Ativanced Payments . Contingent Reserve . Profits Distributable. AU that certain lot· or piece of S"I'~und with the buUdingl3 and Improvements thereon erec\ed. situate on the north aide of Clover Lane at the distance of four hundred thirty.seven nnRd four one-hundredths fet't westward17 from the northwesterly side of Church Lane in the Township of Upper Darby, CountJr of D~laware Bnd State of PcnnllYlvania_ CQntaming in front or breadth on the 8aid Clover Lane eixleen feet and extending of that width In length or depth northwardly between pal'allcl lines at right angles to the s:tid Clover Lane eighty feet to the center of a certain sixteen feet wide driveway extending east. wardly and westwardly into Oak avenue and Chul'('h Lanc. OFFICERS THOMAS W. ANDREW NORMAN S. PASSMORE Preszdent Vice·President S ta re ELRIC S. SPROAT ALBERT N. GARRrn ry Treasurer Solicitor HOWARD B. GItEEN JOSEPH E. HAINES EDWARD M. J. DAVID L. LUKENS BASSETT DILLWYN DURNALL WILLIAM CHARLF.s A. SMITH J. S. EVANS S. POWNALL VINCENT ARCHER TURNER OF .Confidence THE SWARTIlMOREAN is consistently PURE. Its palatable and health· giving qualities have built an en· viable reputation. Its high standard never varies. I 1:;;;------------------------------------------__________________.111 And then from these supernal dreams, how sweet, Returning to this well-loved scene, To find the daisies tossing round our feet, And ramble. 'mid the shadows green Of these embowering trees I Such contrasts gather 'round this dome,Opening on bounC:tJess stellar mysteries, And nestling 'mid the verdant foam Of these. dear woodlands and familiar hills, Whose beauty our affection fillsSo near, so near are heaven and home I FOR RENT FOR RENT-Desirable apartment, Seven rooms. tlle bath, heat. hot water, heated garage. $125 per month. Allan C. Wood., 22'1 Swarthmore Ave. ]. R. H. on BABY GRAND PIANO IIV YOUR LOC.4LlTI'P The Credit Manager of a larae piano firm will. sell this instrument for. the small balance due on lease, rather than Lriq it baek. to !heir warerooms.. JUllt C'!onlinne small weeki,.. paymenis. This piano 18 almost brand Dew and ofl'en exceptional value for someone. Prompt sdioo essential ........ must he moved within 10 days, ter which will be a place of amuse. ment for everyone. This new center will receive the overflow from the managers' parlors. There will be pingpong tables, card tables, tcn pins, and tiddley-winks. The administration is to be thanked for this innovation. CondJtloll&--$25O.00 caah or certlfled check on day of sale: balance In ten days. Further conditions announced. at sale. JOHN B. MUJ.ER, Attorney. No. 1324 , Levari Facw December Term, 1931 through the center of the party wall beNo. 954 Duncan avenue. being all that tween these premises and the prem1s.es adw certaln lot or pIece of ground with the JOining to the BOuth one hundred feet to buU(llngs· and improvements thereon the first mentioned point and place of be- erected situate In thetaBoro'f:~!..!=':: ginning. Being Lot No. llA on said Plan., County of Delaw&rlne, Sto te olano-and' aurv:;Q described accord g 10 a p Improvements consist of three-story made thereof by Damon .& Poster, 01 stone and rough cast house; 18lt38 feet. Engineers ,on September 9, 1927. &8 follows, One-story addition, 4x6 feet. Enclosed tront to wit: BegInnlng at a POint on the southporch westerly sfde of DUncan avenue (fifty feet . wide) at the d..Iatance ot ulnetJ"-elghl; fee' SoIcJ.. 88 the property of Gladys H. Rutter, northwestwardly from the nOrthwesterly mortgkgor. and Erilest Kautrman and 81de of Buntlng road (fifty feet wide). COnSarah B., his wife, real owners. taining In front or bre8dth· on the 88ld side of Duncan avenue northwestwardly Condltl0ns--$250.00 cash or certifled. check twenty-two feet, and extendlng of that on day of .ale; balance In ten days. Purw width In length or depth soUthwestwardly ther conditions announced at sale. between parallel lInes at r1!tt angles with said Duncan avenue nine -four feet W GEARY & RANKIN, Attorneys. the middle line of a certa n twelve feet wide alley or driveway leadlng .northwestwardly and soUtheastwardly 1rom Bunt1DJr Levlra Facias No. 1164 road to Rundale avenue, parallel with wi! Duncan avenue. December Term, 1931 Under and .ubJeet to eertaln buUdlng No. 936 Duncan avenue, being all that restrictions: and aubJect to a central heatcert~ln lot or piece of gtound with the Ing plant 88 in Deed Book No. '114, page buildings and Improvements thereon 568, &C. erected, situate In the Borough of Yeaclon, County of Delaware, State of Pennsylvan.l9., Together with the free use, right, llberty described aCCOrding to a plan and survey prIvilege ot the aforesaid alley or drivemade thereof by Damon and Poster, Clvll and way and pa.ssageway at all times hereafter Engineel"8, on SePtember 9, 1927, as fol- torever. In common with the owners. ten.. lows to wit: Beginning at a POInt on the and occupiers of other Iota of ground southwesterly side of Duncan avenue (flfty ants bounding thereon and entitled. to the use feet wide) fit the cUstance of two hundred thereof. and nlnety-slx feet northwesterly from the northwesterly elde of Bunting road (flfty Subject to a mortgage of $3500.00. feet wide). COntaining In front or breadth on the said sIde of Duncan avenue, nortbw Improvements consist of two-story stucwesterly, twenty-two feet, and eJ:tendlng house, 38x18 feet. Basement garage, 5xl0 of that width In length or depth south- co Westwardly between parallel I1nes at rlgh"t feet. Encl08ed porch. angles to the said DUncan avenue n1netySold as the property of Wllllam P. Loc~·· _. four feet to the middle line ot a certain and Prances C. Locke, hts wife. mo~tJ,;'ul'8 twelve teet wIde aUey or driveway leading and real owners. __ ;'~ northwesterly and southeastwardly from , Bunting road Rundale avenue ,parallel Condltlons---t250.00 cash W~rt1JJ.ed. check with said Duncan avenue. on day of sale; b&lancrtii. ten days. Furat sale. Under and subject to certain buIlding ther conditions annOlID.ced /" restrictions; and subJectBooto a Ncentral. heat- JOHN B. MIL~.B:'8. Attorney. Ing plant as In Deed. k o. '11 page ~ your Advisory Board.-Dr. Philip flexible springs; large mechanical fourW. L. Cox". wheel brakes; small, strong, electrically Dr. Seeley moved his family into welded steel'spoke wheels and large FOR RENT-Two attractive housekeeping apartments at 317 North Chester Rd. Six Swarthmore last faU particularly to enter tires. The frame is cushioned from the rOOlll8 and bath each, electric refrigeration his oldest daughter at the college. He is running gear by rubber inSUlators in the and all conveniences. Albert N. Garrett, deeply interested in "new" education, and spring shackles and shock absorber Pennypacker 4442 or Swarthmore 489. will be a pillar of strength on the Ulvers· links. FOR RENT-Room with private bath. 115 ton Board. • • Guern.ey Road. The constituetlcy of the Board of Ad- COLLECTION DISMANTLED; 566 &c. ,./ visors is now as follows,-J. Jarden WILL BE RECREATION CENTER ./ WANTED TO RENT Together with the free use, r1aht, Uberty LeV!~\ h"d Cllli>. i, IIlakill" 1111 IIr"elll pic" 'h,,' SPRING PRICES This was prcs(,lltl'd by Dorothy 1{iclliud4 at thl' 107th Annmil Exhihitioll of the I' .....'\f- \ork (Ity. )'llss lr1ckns I);lllltlll.r ~ wasl 1'.11,'1 ()I"'I··.·_ ','."" ,I,,,...... "I)",·,·e\ Ile,·.r"r." Il'r rl'\'t'"ling- l'ertain facts ahuut the play, ) "Along- the H.ivl'r." i Have your Vacuum Cleaner cleaned ,he,.e c!,a~:IC.'crs.'~II~\\:er:d r Of,lI,'WSl.':'llIot~ f~>rla",1 o\"crha~led and do y~ur Spring to tum ;1\\';1\- t\Hllt\·-Ji\·L' childrell who IIll"l"Challb and tOWIISPl'Oph- ('mil-a\'or to d.~kul h.\ \ ou •• t:~I.IItlll.', lJI!"(ll1g1luut ~\\"arth· {'IiCl' pbYl'd by .:\lanol1 (russon_ I(.xluhltors 0111:--1111..' of the :\cad~'IIII('JaIJS iC'I' is acn·pl"l>lc. '1'1 ...... 'ofT gi,,'" Ihe "ld III""", ' TI""e 'akill!: part ill 'he play proper frolll 'he whole. co,!"lr),. ~Iiss Tric~cr leiHh('r I,db frulH lIlijJ., I') lJ~t· ill n'J,air,·It is ""Jrlh while to call .tttt·lItioli to \\"t'rt': ).lttrgarct J'om::1l as "'J hc J'o)Jula' IS wl'11 kllowlI III Swarthmore. haVIng i jng" thc~e :-lj()c~, otjl\T\\"i~l' tilis kdlhtT ~ till' lln·d fur ck;l1Iill.!-; IIp aroll11d ()Hr lio,,:- l.illi;1II Fresculn, as "Thc Sol4 displayed paintings and Jlortraits her~, ELECTlUCIAN would be waskd a.~ it ha" 1'l"c!I oih:d .. \11, h1fml"~ ;md plan's vi lm:->ille,..~ each dilTY," ,\Jille Luff as "The .\Iillt· ... Hose till se\"ernl ol'~'asions. At Pile tillll' she.': Phone Swarlh. 428 shIll's . . Cluhill llotbt.' ).1 Ilm·iland_ "\\·ork- lh-n.'I't .\rgyle..·tl'\a...as "Till' ),1 ilklllaid," Huth Blanchc I will beleft Sl'lltatlu tht: IiI\' \\·"111:111· !J('atlqu;lrtlT:, Ch .... s- :-.prill;,!," II!l'J! 111,1.'"declared !'t· :-'~'clln'd irtllll the Fmpl())""The B1iudmall," Det-I_ tc!". Xu\\" tilat IH!lbe Ck:t:lill.t! tillle i.~ IIlCllt Hurcan ill l~orot1gh llall :-.0 rl'dav c\Tnilig at tileir h"IIIl! UII Sutlth: ti"!l iur gardell-lniIHll'd and hOllll'-milll!-; Ih;.- lI"e (If scelll'ry whk-I! was recent!). Cll~:t~t· ,·(Iad. Dr_ Frank E. \\'illiallls, l'r! 1:l"uplc: :iI~'quil-l'c1 hy tllt· \\-olllan's Cluh inull tht;! I ,rult"~S"1" ....1)1~ ·.'l'vgr.lp I" • II'. .d , ,I II.'. L- I.... are till'"who \\'lwll that orgilllization I1 I I \ l lI--Dll's:'l'd -. . plant thl" I'layt'rs'. Cluh . . ... I' . 1--;· ,:... '11 ,r', I IIIJlg-lIwd trn' alld ;.;hl"ll"; lor geJ1cra-, lIIu\'t'(1 IIltt) Its 1I1'W dulJhou;.;e. ~Ih- UJ L'llIb\ \alt_,l, gd\t:.I11 I It:- d 1..'( ' . I I' I I II I I "S' ) '1 \1' C". [ talk~'Il".\T;iptcSullth.\lIlerka", 'tl()II ..;;;.lall"lsl'l1pillJ( call1H:1J1 )l'sse( . . Ir a\"l(. Il'ars OIl 'I ruwn ISla, . 2·--J:k~ ..;ed arl" tlll'Y whu are O\\'JH:fS uf: tra\"(·~t.\" 011 roy:! ty all( ~ lOWS lip 111.'1'I TUNE IN YOUR RADIO TO 'VIP ---------,f]o\\"l'r gal"dl'l\~. for ill the htart ui a i 'w.... 1901 • J S39 3-1:]l",.;.~l'd 'Ilu\\"er 1f!!! ":111 IJI;,,' he '-\l:H . J~.. 2<),,4.'10·21 --I Supplies for Spring whu be appreciate' ,hall k"oWII Garden arc they :,1I;I.tI"·,'-, a~ IU1;~'r" ."iil>, ivrty.'hey 01 I ib Creator. :o'l'(,'11 ' j,'".';lII I I -l. ·I:il=:-... l·d ;II'C thl'Y whu dean tip till: 1 highways, hY"'_'\\"5 and hOlllc grounds, iUt" ~ cll·al\lil1l'.~~ is 11CX:t Hi .~udlille~:i, i ;i-ll1t'.~~l.'d ;Ift..' tlin' who hrightcll and I ,'in'sill'll litcir Jmil • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , ! a~ - SHEET METAL WORK -ROOFING Copper Spoutings and Flashings Prices on labor and materials are lower than ever before." Auspices AdDiission Free , WA N T E D Elt..·ctrical Assn_ of Philadelphia A slol!:an uf 10 words or less telling urll)' /Jeo/,lc ."ihould illf){'.<;t in ill! Electric UcfrigcrutoT. To a person who suhmits the slo~iln which, in the opinion of oil Committee of 3 lud~es, has the greate·t merit for puhli..:ity purpos':s, ' .... e will award-Olhslliutely FREE:l nc"..· Elcctrk Refriger.uor of a wcll.known make retailing for at leOl.!>t $2.;;0.00. Contest open to 0111, except Employecs of any Electric or Rcfrigcr;ltion Company and members of the Electrical A~soei;ltion of Philadelphia. All slogans submiucl.f ~hall immelli. atd.,. hl.'come the prop~rly of snid Association. Your slugan must he suhmitted in writing on the attached or similar coupon form and (ldirer('d in IJeTson ,It the Slogan Desk in the Electric Refrigeration Show at Ihe time and plan! ahove stated, In the event of more than one person suhmitting thc winning slogan, a Rcfrigl..'r" ator will he given t~l e:'lch. REMEMBER _ Admissiun now to enjoy 111 a lit Ulllll~ the Jlowadays SWillt!:5 from warlll-io-hol.to. ('old·lIH·hilh with hcwihicring rapidit~. l\llhud) ('au -'lire" a furnace to ,",,'t·p lip \\ ilh il. IL hJ"t'(·d~ :--pl"ill~ ('"Id:" IIlakl'!"- old rtllk~ III i~eraltl('~ \\"a~te . . millie) ill ill timed ("oal humin!!, Phone for fr('e {urnac(' iUi;pect iOll 'ltHI ('xnct low priCC---llow tIlt:' IOWC1;t in Oil·O-l\fntic history. Daily Philad,>hhia. Pa. YOU BUY ANOTHEH TON OF COAL -.I.:"ill" tll. Edison Building 9th and Sansom Streets BEFORE • 1.1.-1.6 11 o. m. to 10 p. .. •:; FRED ChCKlcl' 92·.·5 Electric Refrigeration. SL.ow V1~2!9 SEE OUR DISPLAY 111 window of THE SWARTHivlOREAN UI'HOLSTERIN(i : i Cull fot' (~aluluguc , • available, These ears Ihal have )Cen reeonditioned in our .hoJl rel,rescnl better motor car "aIue than any new ear you can buy al Ihe same Jlrice. Here is a IYJlical value: 1930 S·Jla.senger sedan, 5985.00, Reconditioned and Guaranteed. I • INTERESTING LETTERS MAKE UP PROGRAl\1 ., At the Literature Section meeting of the \Vornan's Club, last week, many interestiilg letters were rcad. Mrs_ Arthur \V. Kcnt, in charge of the I'r04 gram, first read quotations from \Vil4 liam James and Emily Dickinson re. garding the value of lettcr writing and thell read three delightful lettcrs writ4 ten hy \i\iilliam Penn to his children ill •• • TWELFTH AND CROSBY STS. OUR SHOWROOM WILL BE OPEN ALL DAY AND EVENING -=================== EDMOND STEINMAN F. B. FRANCIS PROVIDENCE AVENUE CHESTER, PA. & BALTIMORE PIKE MEDIA, PENNA. OJ VISIT THE sprinklers, lawn mowers, and Vigoro. the complete, scientifically prepared plant food. Come in and inspect our stock, or phone your order; it will have our ci1r~ful attention. Order enough Vigoro for everything you grow, : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .q t UUJ- Now-A,·oid Ruslt J.. lIh~r On SUPLEE'S STORE .... Wed, Sar. During Spring I Reconditioned PACKARDS Saturday • Sunday • Monday April 9th, 10, 11th Gardening Time Till' pn,.!..:r;tllI at thl' \\·0111;111 ..... l'llIh \,11 ITIII .... I{;I.\'• . \p:·iI ;l \\:l~ IIIHkr 111l' 'lIb: pin';; .. i tIJ\· llralll:l ~t·t"li"ll ~dlil"h i~ di-, : n'clt'd hy :\lr~. J':"I:t1ll1 I .. E;ll,"1. '1\\"o i "i Stll:tl"t \\·;tlkt·r· ... pby:o mad,' IIJl th~ i jlr".!..:r;lIlJ. Till" tir,..t, ":--;;:x \\ 1:., I 'a,,:-; \\·hil,· i the I.l"lllib noil," \ya~ I"l";!ll hy ':\Ir~_' SOUTH CHESTER ROAD (JC~(HJY~'·.1r (:0<18t-to. 1·.:tt"l1 ;1I1t! ih ~l"'ll1d, "~il- Ila\'id \\'l'dh Coast I\.B.C. R tlio : J I ' !;I ... 'r"\\"II" \\"a~ {'!lackd Ull tlle .stage I,y PHONE S\VARTIlMORE 105 Progr~Hlu QU.ilIiIJ- U(!HI Plenty of I'arldng SIJiu·c _ Madison Seeds, grass seed. garden tools., rubber garden hose, lawn. 1I;lti"Il;t1 Chester Road and Yale Ave. SWARTHMORE, PA. ,,, En'ning Till 8 P. 1\1. 6th & l\I'lIlisol1 SIs, We have a complete stock of quality hardware and gardening supplies at reasonable prices. • ::;.$7, 3.4ft ::0,;1', IIHr Our SIQck is Large ! cipal of the public schools of swarth-I.~'~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ morc, wilt he the slleaker at the St ... .""1 '" ,I,..... 1"01"'" of ,I,,,... ")'rolon",," dnd ~.·;ltl1ra_l. Acad.cllI.,", .of JJ,l·sig,., '.'11 Nl'w,' I I STEPHEN BROWN ll'ss(,r ~\'ith- complete Birdseye dinller for six pcrsons, four oi the twenty unpublished letters tcrs oi her grandmuther, ':\lrs. jeancttc dr;l\vll and the ttl'Jlointllll'llt gin'Jl to SUllll': ~l'colld prizl' will he a tii1l11Cf for four. of Culeritlges which her father in- 11. Platt. One oi these Idters dt'scrilJed n'si(knt oi this Cmlll1ltlllity. ' TIll! COlltCst is opcn to anpmc and the hcritcd from He\'. John Prior Estliu it ride I)IJ a Glllal packl'·t alHI another • • ; winlU'r will be giH'1I the iuud necessary uf Bristol, E.1Ig-land, The Est lin hUlIll' 1 l· .... pn"~st·d the dl,.·ep COIH':l'r1l she felt iUAltTEI.. S '1'0 SPONSOn. ior Mlch a dinner. .\11 COlli positions 011 was visited by many friends emincnt ill rl..·ganlillg lH'r daughtl'r's tkcisioll to BIUDSEYE ESSAY CONTEST the suhject IIIl1St hc st~I!1llittl'? too l\lartc1 the litcrary and scicntiCtc worM. among dance. Bros_ beforc )'Ja\' 1. I he Wl11lllllg essay whom were Southcy. \Vordsworth and .:\Irs, Kl'llt rdencd to her mother's , : will he sc1ccte/1 iJY a cOlllmittce of three Coleriuge, the latter, showinl; in his fricndship with l\liss Su.san n. ,\lIthuIIY, "What I like ahout Birdseye l'rostcd: Swarthmore judge~_ \Villllillg: essays letters, his great devotion, as well as Hl·\·. Anna H. Sh;,,\", Fa 1111.\' Garrison Foods." is the ~lIhj('ct uf all cssay con-: will not he made l'uhlic without the financial dependencc UpOll Dr. Estlin, \'ill;:lrd and rt.';:111 excerpts frllm their, it'st alllJounced thi:, \Hl·k h)- llartel, writers' COIlSl'IlL who was olle of the first to cncourage ktters and Olle oi Dr. Dol\'it! Starr his literary attl·mpts. jordan's_ • L Mrs. Burton A. Konkle contributed twu intercsting" letters. one froll1 l\Iere- ELECTION OFl<'ICIAL~ [ dith Nicholson, and Ol1e from John DECLARED GUILTY; Bassett l\loorc, one of the Judges of thc International Suprcme Court at F()ur dectiun hoard onidals of )'lortoll: the Hague_ Wl're fuund guilty of \'iolatiolls vi Ihe; ,:\1 rs. J. A. Perry read a very unusual elcction laws and conspiracy following i letter from Joseph Stevenson, Rector their trial at 1IIl'dia this week. They are i of a church near Dublin, to his son, and Eugt'llr.: j. Curran, \rilliam F. ).lacDun- i IOlle from hcr grandfathcr, Captain aid, George Dickerson and Daniel )'lclll'-: John Stcvcnsoll. \,·riUell the night iel'. I after the Battle of Lundy's Lane. The nrclict is of interest to SW;lrth-1 • L.. I'.'.,ttgclle C urran IS . a,I ),1 rs. Sarah Farley contributcd a more.llls uccause Icttcr written by her grandfather, Louis brother of Thomas Curran ncwly Clarke, an carll' Ncw Eng1ander who, l)Cinkd tax assessOr fur Swarthmore, in 1816, visited Richmond. Va., and who who slIccel.'(ll'd Frank t_ Gettz. Thomas I described the shocking conditions of Curran repre.'it..'uted the dcfcndants ill I }'rank R. 'lorey, Supcrvising IJrin_ drinking and gamhlillg he cncountered cOllrt ;ttld it is rlllllorcd that he is t;IX I d,ml of ahe Swarlhmore '.ublic ill that city. assessor of Swarthmore in name only Schools, who will address ahe Womwhile the actual wurk is to bc donc uy llrs. Arthur How1and brought a an's Club next Tuesday. his brother Eugenc, who was cOl1victr.:d! letter written, in her OWI1 hand writing, on \Vcdncsday. Eugcne is judge of elecby Queen Victoria to onc of her ladies tions at .\l(lrtun and leader of the H.eFrank R. :\Iorey, Supervising Prin- ::;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;ii;;;;;;;;;== I SP. ECIAL , t I Ir()tI,~ I 100I1t \'t III K e w Y or k City was 0 II C () f t h r c e ! Phil:tddphia artists who had a paint-I: iug acct..-pted by the jury for display $14!O:U~:::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::~~1 Ihe EdttC:ltional ,aTHI Jlas bl'CIi :-tllt hlllEY TO ADDRESS J(J8.! J'ust hefore sailing for Allll'Tica. I"~ in waitiu(r, '.I,·,r·,e l'er<\,·,·,I. '1'11,'5 ,'al· " M \\",IS .\ "'Ol\IAN'S CLUB l\IEETING These wcre contributed as fa\"orite let-,' liable letter inherited h." .~Ir,'. 110,\" Interior and Exterior Wall Paper CleaniDg 4"l\'cnuc, who '11so maintains a studio I tile C0111 III Y (} rga II i /. a t ion i or : ~ch.()!:~r:;llip 'I' . k THE SWARTHMOREAN - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - -_ _..c:..::c _ _.._ ... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'-- by Ihe royal persollages, ~Irs. ChcYllcy's PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING {Ole the Sp,1·1·ng CJ~Ding :& 'AI . , APRIL 8, 1932 l "''''. County l'oll..,:cn'ation Gruup-this llIuncy:, 5 to he lI."ed for planting:, ill till' rUlillty" Ill'\\" pretty traditions and trh'ialitic5 which :\Iary Lyoll School before opening her surrOUlldl'd an imaginary monarch. Thc own studio_ Dlldng the past winter she parts were wdl cast '"IIId the production and drawing porshowed a sYIIII)athctic understanding" of has_ been painting . Stuart 'Valker's ideas. traits of cluldrcl1, ~Iany stu lining costumes wcre \\'orll _________.________ )'7D ~;~~,:g i.~~:~s ~~.,~,~;:~~:.I ~;~~I:e'I'",~CI~\or,~:J triill/ted he dullars '0 'he Delaw"re; along APRIL 8, 1932 : to dle EIl'ctric Rejl'igt'fation Sholl' is FREE, PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY COMMUTATION RATES Effective: April 15, 1932 Commutation Tickets for the Daily Rider -Also Special Rates for School Children COMMUTATION TICKET BOOKS Commutation Ticket Books of 50 tickets each will be sold for $3.75 (7lj2c a ticket). These tickets will be good for 30 days from the date of purchase and may be used by the bearer only. The tickets must be detached from the book by the conductor. They will be good on rail and bus lines, Commutation tickets cannot be used as part payment of through rates, Transfers will not he issued on these tickets. SCHOOL TICKET BOOKS School Ticket Books of 50 tickets each will be sold for the use of school children on school certificates obtainahle from school authorities, for $3,75 (7 1/2C per ticket). Free transfers will he issued on these school tickets. These special discount tickets will he placed on sale at 69th St. Terminal. They are being oITered to the travelling puhlic as a henefit to the daily rider and for the purpose of encouraglllg riding. This is an experimental rate and tariff that will he tried out for a period of three months beginning April 15th, 1932. It is a concession ratc for the daily rider over the ea'ilial rider. If it hecomes sufficiently atlractin' to the traY!~lIini! public it will he continned. It is a hargain rate in" transportation which will help Ih.· ri,kr in reducing his daily transportation cost and we hope the Transportation Company, hy attracting more riders. ---------------------------------------------------------------.. SLOGAN CONTEST COUPON Elcclric l?ejrigenllion SIIOU!' Philadelphia & West Chester Traction Conlpany NanlC ____________ . _.... ____ .... ____ . ______ . _________ . ___ . ___ ._._. ______ ..... . ()1I.·0·:UATI(~ ARONIMINK TRANSPOHTATION COMPANY HEATING (:O~II'ANY Address._ .................................................................... Slo~lIn (;"\'or ____ . _.. _. __ , _. ________ . __ . __ . __________ . __ . __ . ____ .. _. ___ .. _. __ ... ___ _ LI\'~"T 10 t. o~,h) ._-------._. __ ._----_.- .... _.. _-_ ... -._._-. __ .- ... -._----------- .. _---.-.-. __ ... 69th St. Terminal, Uppel' Darhy, RLV.3000 Writ.c or ']111011(, Delawal'l~ for Information (:ounty, Pa. ALL. 3000 10 EDUCATOR TO SPEAK HERE TmS AFfERNOON A recel)tion is ~ing given I Bicenteimial Music ~t - the/ Ulverston School by Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Terman and the facuhy on Friday afternOOn at 4:30 in honor of Dr. and Mrs, Philip W. L. Cox, the head of the Secondary Education Department of the School of Education of New York University. Dr. Cox is one of the nation's leading authorities on New Secondary Education. In this field he is a prolific writer, being the author of "Creative School Control", "The New Junior High I SWarthmore. THE SWARTHMOREAN At Clothier Memorial Under the auspices of Swartltmore College a Washington Bicentennial program will be held in Clothier Memorial for the benefit of the unemployed. 011 May 13. The program wHl be given by a chorus under the direction of Dr. ). Herbert THy. . "The Phantom Drum" a musical treatment of a Ueyolutionary theme written by Jamcs Dunn wiH be given. Music actually sung in \Vashington's day will be offered. The concert will be cntirely free. APRIL William M. Barker, of Clearfield Counly, and Joseph Stadtfeld, of Alleghcny CounlY. For Representalive in Playenl' Club Production • e se!llllgs were ellective and· brief waits belween acls added greatly to the I ...~,~.--- ...:.-- Bachman's Quality Market SWARTHMORE 183 STOp ·O·WITH A G . .... SMILE ·FORA· BARGAIN . I I'" Habb ersett' s Baeon Half Smokes ,_._-- enjoyment of the evening, We feel that the members of the club are unanimous in their desire thdt B bb G ham . k 0 Y fa stle to IS-year-old juvenile roles in Players' Club shows for the rest of his Jife. 10 Ib.19c BI ogna Cloverbloom Butter I NEW FORD V-8 THE CAR WiLL BE ON DISPLAY Swarthmore, Pa., April RATES Strictly Fresh Eggs carton of 12 23c ·Granulated Sugar 6 lb. 25c Ellis' Cofl"_ Gold M.dal Bi.q"iek 40 0:0. pkg. 33. Brook6e1d Ch..e... Spread, ~ Itt pkg. 10e Premier Bartlett Pear., Z big ..... 3'" "';'" I'" OL ;... 15c Tartan Pure Preaerveoo Blue Ribbon Mayonnaite, 8 Seedless Grapefruit 4 for 19c Our Specials Continue • • Bring in Your Cleaning SUITS TOPCOATS DRESSES LADIES' SUITS HATS and BL.Al'IlKETS FRENCH DRY CLEANED AND PRESSED LADIES' COATS MEN'S TOPCOATS 40 $4.75 UP C EACH RELINED HARRIS & COMPANY PACKARD LIGHT EIGHT, Factory Price $1750 IN OUR SHOW ROOMS IN .. , ','; ~ , A FEW DAYS -"-- • date to be announced Mitchell Nominated As New President of Players' Club Chester and Fairview Roads Swarthmore 350 F. B. FRANCIS 12TH AND CROSBY STS., CHESTER PHONE, CHESTER 9131 Will I I The annual meeting of the Players' 1 Chairman, Mrs. Leonard C. Ashton, ~trs, Club of Swarthmore was hdd at the Edward ~L Bassett, C. Wahl Olmes, and Dr. Geo. P. \Varren. Clubhouse on Monday e\'ening, April The regular routine business was trans• • a.cted and the nominating committee made the following rcport. (Itloted ill p.-.rt. The members of the Club will express "The nominating committee, as a re- their preference for the candidates to fill suit of the written expressions frolll the these offices at the l-olay Cluh night, ),fay dub members, l)lace in nomination for 2nd to 6th inclusive. As the members the \"ariolls ell:-cti\"c offices of the club cnter, they will be given a ballot; these the following men: "President, Chas. D. !lallots to be filled out during the eveniltg .Mitchell; Vice Prf'sident, J)r. A. F. and dCIJositcd with the judge of elections Jackson; Secretary, Herbert T. Hassett; or his tellers, as they will designate. Treasurer, T. \V. Andrcw; !n plays as outlined in the Miller, C. \Vahl Gimes, and Claude C. following schedule: Smith; 1 year term, one to he elected, I Nov. J. Dolman Jr. "Erstwhile Susan" J~ Kirk ).{cCurdy, Elmer E, Melick, J! Dec.' Barnstorm~rs :'Cock Robin" Archer Turner, and R. G. E. Ullman, Jan.: Chas. D.' Mitchell, "Intimate • Respecth~.1ty: Submitted, the Nominat· Strangers1' tog Committee, D. Malcolm Hodge, (Continued on Poge Nine) 11.1 *' Year ONE MILL CUT IN SCHOOL TAX Salary IS Increases Waived; Improvement. for 1932·33 Planned TIDRD YEAR FOR Few CUT Board Praises School Secretary M iss Sadie Chadwick, secretary to Frank Morey, superintendent of schools, was highly praised for her efficiency and thoroughness at the meeting of the board Tuesday night. The r(:marks were made when board members commented on the Josses suffered by other school districts during the depression. RUTH DARUNGTON "Miss Chadwick has deposited A. "Miss Parrot" school funds every day in order The Senior Class of Swarthmore High to minimi~e losses on checks. School will present its annual producDue to her care in this connec~ tion this e\'ening, April 15, in the Coltion and in hundreds of other lege avenue building auditorium. small items she has saved ,~tli-e" uTrelawney of the Wells", a four act school district thousands,·{)t' dolplay by Arthur W. Pinero, takes place " ·d R . C',.O·11'que, -' treasI ars, sat in England during the Mid·Victorian I urer of the board: period. The plot has to do with a large uSchool ~districts that are in group of stage folk whose lives become. PLAY FOR BENEFIT IJUNIORS PRESENT dangerqus financial circutnstan~ intermingled with those of an aristocratic OF HEALTH CENTRE II WASHINGTON PROGRAM ces .nuw would not need to raise and very strictly proper family from the ....-taxes or C'Ut their appropriations West End. The entire production is S f I 1 . f I C II ! "A r ' t Mt V .. B filled with sharp contrasts and sudden ollle 0 t Ie a UIl1Il1 0 t 1e 0 ege, 11 ·.venll1g a . ernon a I=~ to the limit if they had a Miss arc Ilrescnting a 1,lay "The Enchanted Centeunial sketch written and coa.,ciled changes in temperament. Chadwick in the office," he added. •1• April" by Kane Campbell, in Clothier, by Mrs. Peter E. 'fnld, one,. '::if the MANY REQUESTS FOR :Memorial on Friday evening, April:talented members of the Jrlluor section 1 " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' PLANS FOR KITES 22. The 11lay i~ being given under the II of the \Vomall's Clttb:' was produced Swarthmore's school board on Tuesauspices of the Little Theatre Club of by n.1embers . of the dub last Tuesda.y day night set the tax rate at 25 mills, a Great interest in The SWllrlh,;wrca,,'s the college audha part of the proceeds Ic\·e.mng, ~pnl 12tfh. hlelfore anbenthusl reduction of one mill over the current K't C t t ' t th 1..are to go to t e emergency fund of ashc aud'ence 0 c U) mem ers an rate, and a total reduction of 2r( mills emsor's aanPdPalrlcn a.ms ong e lJUys the Commll~ity Health Center. their g6~sts. 72 of' Sew.ontl r 1 e lere 1 every reason I I • A.I I I f h h rf in three years. The economies necessary to believe that the tournament scheduled • .-v C ever portr~ya 0 t e ome- I e to balance the budget at this tax rate for h-fay 7 will be a great success. About Attend Anniversary ,. 'l"Ci ~enferal \:yasll1~gton at M f ount V~r- were made possible by waiving the protwenty boys called for plan d spe i6. 11011 a ter hiS retirement rom actIVe visions o£ the salary schedule affecting cations for building novel s ~i~es which Al~Ong tho~e from Swarthm?rc at- \life, this fitting tribute to the famous salary increments representing a saving may he secured at the office of The tendmg tl~c dmner comme!uoratlllg tl~e leader nached an eff~ctive climax as, of $3600; by eliminating one position 011 StvarlhJHorean. It is hoped that there ~th a1l1llversary o~ the blrtl~ of DaVid with candles softly fhckering, a band the teaching staff in the elementary will bcLaueas't~fifty entries in the touTna':- R~t.ten~10use 1~1. Friday evemng at th~ oL:color.i'~ slayc§, grQupe~_ar(lllnd their grades, ~y' postponinK,_ ~_~it:"~4,Jepa.irs, ment. IilstorJcal Society were Dr. and Mrs. master hummed the strams of an old replacements, and additions to the school Two loving cups, one for the winner in Le\vis Fussell, Dr. and Mrs. G~o.rge song, whiie from behind scenes a final equipment; and by- postponing scheduled the class below twelve years of age, and A. Hoadley, ~lr. and Mrs. W,'lham toast ,to Washington was read by Mrs. expansions 0 f instructional offerings, one for the \vinner in the class for boys Matos, ~Ir. and Mrs. M. Kovalenko. Told. such as offering secretarial subjects, for over twelve years of age will be offered Mr. and Mrs. S, W. Johnson. Mr. and The characters of General and Lady which there is insistant demand. by The Swartl",.orean. A score of other Mrs. J. H. Pitman, Mr. Arthur Bassett, Washington were 'very ably enacted by In announcing the new rate, Dr. Arthprizes will be given to runners-up. Mr. Frank Morey, and Mr. W. E. S. :Miss leal} Doctor and Mrs. Harlan ur Bassett president of the lJoard said: The winners will be selected by the Temple. Mr. J. H. Pitman was chair- Jessup, Jr., while the other members "We are particularly proud to be able to success with which the kites are flown in man of the' general committee and Mr. of the cast were: make this reduction in the face of COllthe tournament and their nCatness and S. \V. Johnson was chairman of the Miss Pauline \Vagller, Miss Doris tinued building and provision of new originality of construction. dinner committee. Narbeth, Miss Martha Keighton, Miss equipment needcd fot an enlarging en. - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' __ Catherine Hershey, hfiss Mildred Bond, ~ollment. This will restore the former Mrs. James Bogardus, Mrs. H. Weston rate in effect before the new financing oi 1 CI ar k e, 'f· K at Ilerme . S·Impers. the building program, and does, ,·n realty lV ISS Miss Cornelia Van Alen, Mrs. Rich- provide sufficient reduction in other services to complete financing O" the 1('27 _ ard Ammerman, lIrs. Walter LliII, tax ;t rate." Mrs. Robert Sharples, Mrs. S. CopeThe items in the budget are as fol· land Palmer, Jr .• Miss Eleanor Ken- lows: A thorough reVlSlon of appropriations' providing for the regulation of this re- nedy, Miss Barbara Turner and Miss General Control $6,019.00 or 4% for all departments to balance the state lativcly new industry. Catherine' Thompson. Instruction 105,635.00 or 75% budget without a tax increase is one of Since Mr. Turner's early act,·v,·ty in ••• Auxiliary Agencies 5,35{).00 or 4% the pledges upon which Delaware aiding the devclopment of acronalltics he FUNDS PROVIDED FOR 17,000.00 or 12% County's four incumbents for the LegisSOME STREET WORK Operation The entire board expressed a desire to lature seek the support of the RepubliMaintenance 1,800.00 or 1 % Fixed charges 5.470.00 or 4% ~~~r~~e :~urSl~~~:1 !h~ur~~~~l:~n i:1US:O~~~ can ,"oters at the Primary election April Thc highway department of borough Total Current Expense26. These incumbents, all of wh(lm are council will not be entirely without funds, way. However, Mr. Disque expresscd receiving the support o£ the Regular Re141,374.00 . . . f oy street and r~sl1r f aClll the general sentiment when Ite said that . g g 45,986.92 lluhlican Orgamzation, are Ellwood J. l h and repa,rm f Debt Service t 115 year accordmg to t e statement 0 Capital Outlay 1 SOD 00 he thought the practice of asking a large Turnrr, Grover C. Talbot, and Thomas teonard C. Ashton, president of -council. ' . Philadelphia broker to share the profits Weidemann, for the County District, and As a matter 0'£ fact, the budget for the on the business with local agents who did Edward N othnagle for the City of ChcsGrand Total $189,060.92 Highway Department, which was finally none of the work was 1I 11 ndignified, un~ Under Debt Service is an item of $15,business-like and illegal." ter. settled on at $8072.80, contained an item 000 which involves double financing. At the same time Mr. Corse said that "There is every reason to believe that of $2607 for resurfacing and repairing. That is, it is paid out at the beginning he did not believe a return to the original the state will face the same financial I n addition to this, there will be a balance of the year to be reborrowed later. Sub. plan in operation sevual years ago of difficulties in making lip next year's budavailable from the Underpass Fund for tracting this from the grand total indi· parceling out the insurance among the gct as .boroughs:, townships, and cities, the same purpose amounting to $2400, cates a net budget of $174,000 or less local agents wmlld result in the greatest arc fa.cmg .now, declared ~.r. Talbot and finally, there is a sum of $lU)() which efficiency and economy. when l~ltervlcwed yesterday. Delaware has not been allocated to any specific than five years ago in 1928-29. The income for 1932~33 is estimated as Mr. Corse said that other insurance County s four !nembers of the. House purpose which can be used for street writers who pay taxes had spoken to I are agrced that If. returned to t~lelr pres~ work if necessary. \Ve therefore have a follows: (Ctmli"Ued on Page Ten) ent posts at Harnsburg, they Will oppose total available for highway improvement Bond sales and temporary loans ....••.••.•.••..... $15,000.00 , •• the levieing of additional taxes in any work of more than $6,000. • I • Taxes •. ~~ ...•...•••••.•••. 131,(l32.1S form whatsoever." MEET WEDNESDAY TO Campaign speeches of the four candiTuition .•......•...•.•...•• 19,000.00 WOMEN TO SEE DISCUSS PLAYGROUND dates during the pasl week have tended CHERRY. BLOSSOMS State Appropriation ...••••• 22,828.77 <>ther sources •......••.••.• to emphasize the variety and quantity of . 1,200.00 Howard Kirk of Lafayette avenue, one state legislation which the present in~' Sixty-five Swarthmore women will of the original workers in the interest of cumbents have influenced. In the discus· I leave Chester at 8 :53 a. m. next Thurs. Total ..•....•.•.......... $189,060.92 the 'Summer playground at the College sion and settlement of practical1y every i day on the Pennsylvania Railroad, toIncome from tuition pupils this year avenue building, appeared hefore the important problem hcfore the House g"ether with several hundred women from is estimated at $2600 less than last year. school -board and volunteered, the co-op- during the past six years, at least one of other women's clubs, on the annual pit. This is because a large number of the eration of a number of parents towards Delaware C?u.nty·s kepr~entativcs has, grimage to see the Japanese cherry blos~ graduating class are tuition pupils and making the projeCt a greater success th~s play~ a. vital r?le... " : soms in Washington). There will be one Spring!1eld iownshi.p in buildin'f up .its sum~er._ ' . It IS doubtfu,I }f_, ~ere.ls.a smgle mem_I coach reserved for Swarthmore and Mrs. own high school Will cease sending high Th~ 'B~rd has set aside $IOOO·for.Re- ber of the L~gi5~atui-e who has submit-: Arthur R. O. Redgrave of Vassar ave- school pupils he~e. . creation III the budget for 1932 and the ted as many bills a~d secured the passagt: EDwood J. Turner, memher of the Leg- nue, whp, is in charge of arrangements Before the diSCUSSion of the budget expense of the Summer pla:rgr?und of as large. a pe~centage as has Ellw~ i,Jahlre from Delaware County, who i. for the local club is desirous that the was begun, ?- lett~r. was· read f.om would have to come out of tins Item. Turner durmg Ius four terms as a rnem-· didat t eed b· If Swa-hrnore club keep together Claude C. Smith, sohcltor, who offered to .. H D· C a can e o.aee lm.e • ''. ' k' . . . Th ey s.uggest~d to Mr. KIrk that he call ber pf the ouse from elaware ounty Word has been received that, President ta e a ~wen~y per cent reduction In hiS a meeting of mterested parents and draw at large. .. and Mrs. Hoover will· be out on the fee winch at present is $500. Mr. up suggestions for improving the playMr. TU';"fl~r first ~ reco~ition ~- ?as been aS~Jated With ~o many Ilr,: balcony of the White House to greet the Smith's re-election ,for the comin~ year ground. cause of hiS mterest 10 aeronautics which Jects that hiS first and st1l1 one of hiS women. comes up the first of' July and h1s proSuch a m~ting wi~1 be held next. \\'00- in 1925 and 26 was looked, ~ I~rgely greatest interests is overlooked by many The special train will leave Washing- po~1 will be disc,?ssed at that tim~. For nesday evenmg. Apnl ~ at 7:30 III Mr. as a Federal problem. In IYl,j he.mtra- of his friends.' However, in aviation ton at 6:30 p. m. one hour later than the present the Item was kept 1fi the Moreys office at the High school. All duced and secured the passage of the circles of the -entire country he is known the time specified on the ticket and will budget for the same amount as last year. parents who are interested are invited. first aviation legislation in Pennsylvania, (CMdi"tWd 0" PlI9t Tetl) arrive in Chcster about 9 ;15 p. m. (COfltl..uetf 0tI PtJll Tn) I d C and'd ates Peg· I d e 0PPOS1'tl'on To Increase In State Taxes I A. E. DAILEY $z'sO Pel' SOUGHT he made shortly ill the method of placing the fire illsur.an~e oi the schoul district, was intimatcd at the regular meeting of the Bo~rd on Tuesday night. A new arrangement pTovidiJlg that all insurance ,~hould 'be plated directly· with a large Philadelphia company, F. Baruch Agency JIIC., was recommended by George Corse, chairman of the Insurance committce. At llresenL the insurance of hoth the school district and the f:-owugh' is placed with -Wilson and Co,. of Philadelphia. The business was ,turned over - to _. this company following the death of Leslie G. Campbell, ,resident of Swarthmore, -who for· a brief time before his death scrved as a broker of all the insurance placed by both ,the borough and the school distt-ict. Concurrent with taking over )'Ir. C,ampbell's business, Wilson and Co. off ered to handle the borough and school district insurance and turn over a share of the profits to Mr. Campbell's widow. Another portion of the profits from the policies they agreed to turn over to designated Swarthmorc insurance agents h 1 I d II w 0 up. to severaI· years ago p ace a t f tl o Ie tnsurance ( Iree . This arrangement with Wilson & CO. has been effect since there bas inbeen no the firepa_st loss,year the and efficiency 'of Wilson and Co., at the most impor· tant time of a policy has not been tested. Representatives of the Baruch company however, have convinced Mr. Corse that they can bring about certain efficiencies in the writing of the insurance and would offer improved service both at the present time and in case of a fire loss which would save the school dh.trict hUl~dreds and possibly thousands of dolJars. .. ., ; -',' ~' ... Through Mr, Corse's interest in the subject, a representative of Baruch and Co. went over a number of policies of the school district and pointed OUt where cer· tain savings might be made. Mr. Corse consequently feels that a change i'i ;usti .. fied. Although the board delayed a vote on whether or not the complete change should be made, approval to place sevcral policies due at this time with Baruch and Co. instead of Wilson and Co. was grallted Tuesday night. llr. Corse said tltilt he had not discussed with Baruch and LO. their willingncss to in some way share the business with the brokers of Swarthmore, particularly the four longest established Insurance men here, E. C. 'Val ton, Charles Parker, Charles Smith and William S. Bittle, who have always benefitted in some way by t h e Iocal school and horough insurance business. Itt 21c ~T H. S. TONIGHT 15, 1932 Annual Report of Cast· Committee Read Conduct Survey To Learn Opinions Of Members Business May be Taken Away From Swarlhmore Agents Entirely Possi~)ilily that drastic changes might SUITS WE HAVE FULL INFORMATION and DETAILS No. 15 SCHOOL INSURANCE II MAY BE CHANGED LOWEST Charlcsl.i;;;;;;;;;;M;;;;;;.';~;;~;;~~;;;;;;~;;~~~~~~;~;~;; I' MEMORIALS Wm. J. CarUedge Vol. IV, SENIOR PLAY School." "Reorganization of the SecondBirlh ary School Curriculum". His latest book YALE & KENYON AVES. just pubHshed is on "Principles of SecMr. and Mrs. Franklin C. Ellis of ondary Education". He is also editor Rochester, N. Y. announce the birth of of the Junior-Senior High School Clear- L.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, I a son on April 5tb. SI Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rassweiler of ing House, a magazine which has ,vide l .... H le. wasf Fa . member of the mon·l. f ord PI ace announce the birth of distribution largely because of his ,.,,- meetmg UD.J aver 0 IrJends and took as active a ~piring editorials and professional orgpart as her Ilealth would allow. Up to a son on lfonday. _ _..:.............._ _ anizing ability. the very last she was keenly tnterested in 1tt18c Dr. Cox has been recently elected as a politics and in international affairs. Goethe Celebration Spring Shoulder. Lamb member of the Ulvcrston Advisory She is survived by a daughter Mary St~win&' Lamb 5c Board and is making his first visit to S· k i P , . Neck -.Lamb .12c IC e s usey and a son, H. Carroll In commemorat1On of the hundredtl, the school on Frj,jay. lmmediatcly fol- p . . Rack Lamb Ch 2Sc h usey. 311111versary of the passmg of Goethe . opa · I oWlI1g t e reception, he will speak at , • the department of German and th~ Fancy Chuck Roast 17c. the school 011 some phase; of Ulverston's DR. MELCHOIR TO William J. Cooper Foundation of F .....h Ground Hamburtr opportunities pionecring in secondary SPEAK HERE APRIL 14 education. Swarthmore College, announce an iIIusWhile Yo" Wait tmted lecture on "Goethe and His Fre.h Lamb.' Liver I ~ • 15c The ·Swarthmore League of Women Times: by Frederich von der Leyen, Rosalie Sickel. Pusey Votcrs is presenting Dr. D. M. Melchior Kuno Francke professor at Harvard Principal of the High School at Girard University. The meeting will be held lLlb k Funeral scrvices for Rosalie Sickels C~lIege, and head of the Department of at the Friends' Meeting House Thurs72 • P g. c Pusey, of North Chester road, who died History at that institution, in a talk 011 day, April 14 at 8 :15. Sunday, were held at her late' home Tues- Currcnt Events, at the Woman's ClubVogb Counb7 Style Scrappl.. 10e I • day afternoon. Interment was at Long- h?use, Thursday evening, April 14th, at Trinity Notes eight o'clock. ~. w1Jb~emetery ncar Kennett Square. Those who heard Dr. :Mclchior reMrs. A'~sey was born in Kennett The Very Reverend Charles W. Boiled Ham Slioed Square, the ~hter of Theophilus Ells- ccntly will be glad of a chance to hear ' . worth Sickels arnr-A-x.dia Sayler, his wife. him again, and those who missed him Shreiner, D.D. dean of the Convocation (m the pIece) Although her father l\>~ a Methodist by before should take advantage of this un- of ~hester will address the monthly meet~ng of the Woman's Auxilliary of Beef or Ham birth, he was one of the l~nders of the usual opportunity. Tnmty Church on Monday, April 11 at Longwood Progressive Frienas~ Woman'. Guild 2 :30. 0 (in the piece) Ib.23c She married Howard Pusey or-W.Qm. Following the meeting there will be ington, Delaware. They moved t Swarthmore in 1901, Mrs. Pusey was in• ... ~iss Ethel R. Doctor was the guest an informal reception to Dean Shreiner - : : : : - - - - : - - : - - - - - - - - - tcrested in the Woman'~, Club here in its of IwlN:r at the meeting of The Young and tea will b. served. •• I early days when it met over what is now Woman's·G~uild held last evening at the Presbyterian Notes Victor Shirer's Drug Store. in %Ib. prin.. Ib.27c horne of :Mrs~ .H. .enry Mock. Miss Doctor s.poke informingly,:{bout her work in MeXICO. '\. Last Sunday morning the sacrament of I I ' • < baptism was administered to NESTLE DE-WXE INDEPENDENT SLATE' William, infant son of Charles E. and PERMANENT READY FOR PRIMARIES Winifred Konkle Fischer and to Pat\ ricia Ann, infant daughte~ of Peter E. No machine altached to the The Independent Republicans of Dela. ,\nd Marjorie Turner Told. head. Comfortably waved. ware County headed by former Judge At the Holy Communion, last Sun~ Finger 'waving unnecessary. Frank Perrin and Howard Kirk an- ~ay, twelve new ~embers were received Also Eugene and Keen permanounce the fonawing ticket for the April !nto the membership of. the church, ma~~ lOent>.. Come in and get two hot Primary election: For United States ~~ the total communicant membership oil treatments free before either Senator, Smedley D. Butler of New. town Township; for Auditor General, The Easter Day offering of the Sun· \~ uve. Try our new soapless. Ralph E. Flyn, of Allegheny County; day School for Christian work in Korea 'hampoo before having a marand for Judges of the Superior Court, was $40.00. ee I. ForappoinlmenLq call main Next Wednesday evening at six-thirty 'II branch office. Swarthmore will be the annual dinner of the congre542. gation. Mrs. Joseph S. Bates, Haver. ford avenue, a vice-president of the GRACE M. SMITH "The Sycamores" Woman's Association of the church is in SHIRER APTs. charge of this important dinner. To her on Park Avenue about two AND all acceptances for the dinner mUst be sent by next Monday evening. This is blocks beyond Yale Avenue, THE NEW Swarthmore not. a dinner for the community but for is in open, pretty country, t~e members o! the church and congregaELIZABETH KAUFMAN yet conveniently, near the tIOn, as a family gathering preceding the " . HAIRDRESSING annual meetings which follow. town, and in the old Colo. Loeated in The annual meeting of the church will Thompson's Store. Morton, Pa. nial house one can have Permanent Waving be held next Wednesday evening for Evel'l' Day Exeept Saturday luncheon, afternoon tea, or reports on the year's work and the elec~ 3 SpecIaJS $1.00 'Phone Swarthmore 1994-W tion of three ruling elders for a term of dinner, at leisure, and en. Open evenings -by appointment five ycars. The retiring elders are Haldy tertain friends, at eards, or M. Crisl and Dr. E. Fullerton Cook. At Go;auite Marble the ann!-1al meeting of the congregation, music, or just iii. talk I H. HARRIS the busmess corporation of the church Cemetery Work a Specialty following, reports of trustees and othe; 20 Years in Swarthmore (Sole management oj Mrs. officers will be made and four trustees Frederic B. Caltlert) elected for the term of three years. The Est. 1843 No. Lansdowne Ave •• DreIel HIll Pa Swarthmore lOO-W retiring trustees are: A. W. Fullerton, , (OPpOsite ArlIngton Cem.eterY) • Clearbrook 6880 T. E. Hessenbruch, C. Percy Webster SPONGED AND PRESSEl) and George B. Harvey, Esq. Lt. Commander, W. J. Minnick, U. S. Navy retired, has been appointed by the Session as commander of the sea patrol of the church troop, No.3, Boy Scouts. This new patrol, designed to educate boys to take care of themselves on the water and to be of especial aid in emergencies there, is arousing much enthus.~ Phone Sw. 504 . OF THE iasm among the members of the troop. .--..... TH~ Th Congress from the Eighth District, (CDfI,i...u4 fro", Pdq, 0 ..,) Charles H. D. Larrimore of Upper was s~stained throughout. At times the Darby Towns.hip and for Staie Senator, clowmnlf seemed a bit ov~r done but if Guy W. DavIs of 'Norwood. For Rep. th.e audience was entertamed, and who resentative in_ General Assembly, Alonzo will contend otherwise, the result was H. Yocum, bf Darby, Stuart B. Over, of worth the" effort. Haverford, and Albert }. Bauhaus, of . Moylan-Rose Valley. For Members 01 State Committee, Robert W. Jamison of Norwood and Minnie K. L. Kamell of Upper Darby. 8, 1932 I ., INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE r L1brary 10 ImUCATOIt TO SI'EAK IIEIIE TillS AVI"EIlNOON I THE SWARTHMOREAN \\ 1111,1111 :\1. B.lrkl:r, of Cblrhdd Count.>, alld JOSCl'II S tadt f c Id, 0 f ,I-I \ II1q..:!u;m CUUllh', J'ur Ht:l'nSl.!l1tdtlH 1111 I P'a,"c,"li' Club Pro,lu··t,·on ... APRIL 8, 1932 . Il' "citlllgs \\cre t'fTecthc .u:d hncf I \\,lIts hchH'l'U .lets ,uidt.'d gn',lth to the ' f' (Con/llll/cd /rOIl! Paqe Qlle) I 1 . lOIl..,:ru... rum the J·.lghth J)lstnt.:t'l I t.llJO) lilt.: III of the c\clllng \\'e feel that l'h.lrh" JJ I) J ,lrrllllurc uf UPJlU \\clS "tlSt.lIIH.'f1 throllghont At tunes thel the memhers of the el"I. 'Daruy ,. '1' O\\'IISl1l' I d \\ • J b I I f .md for St,lle Sl'lJ.ltor'l U lHug SCCIIlC a It o\er (Olle mt I '111 tlH:lf dC!ilr' tho I ..Ife ' 11IMIlII1IOlIS . IGII) \\'. V.l\IS of N'un\uo l1J1d('r Iltl dtrt.CtllJll (Jf JJI .:\(JT\\ood .111<1 ~llllllle I, I. K.lrndl of I J·.fIIlC Il!u J III till IIdd hl I" .1 prohhl 1 Illrlllrl 'jJ!\ ··Jh(: I'h.llltulI1 \\ntu, ],1I1l~ !111 wlh'T III 'In.tllH IhulII .! 1I11l"ll.11 Ill.ltll1ellt .)j .1 [pp")),,,I,} .. , Sci II "I l olltl~ll , , illl :\l II ImHor Illgil 1~1\~111I1I'lllln tllt:lIlt \\nthll I" Sdl"(ll hi 1..!.lTII/.I!11I1I I I I'll St:lolld-' (]Ill" 1)111111 \\Ill III gl\lll ~ltblC Birth .In '"', lin I (Ill lit 11 It 11 II III'" Iltl"'l 11001, .11111 t1h ~1I1l.! III \\ ,1"III1JgtOIl S d.1\ of & 111 ... 1 I'lIP 1, . . h l d I, 111 1'!lIlupll~ 01 St:l)lr .lIld )[rs. Franklm C J.. llls \\111 lil othl Ii I ht: cullU.rt \\111 (illd 11\ I dill 1111 II' III I" t1 ... " ldlt.11 III ll!tlllh Iru. IlI_ 11rlil\ IIlrt .1'" Illr Ill,illh \\011111 .llh,,, LII III 4 I' :-:~-:::--_:_:_-_:_-_:_---------------------------\l;n I...... t sill: \\ .IS hll1h 1Il1t.rc~tuJ III Spring ShouP.rs Lamb lJt (':-': III" Illt:ll lllt:llth du..lui .I~ 01 thcI ' II> ISe . (;oct'U" Celchrutiol' 'A po I IC~ I .1Il( III lIIto:.:nl.ltlulI,11 .IILllr.. IS Il1Clll II o! tIl( l hU"II'1i \d\I'III\ tewing Lamb SI I 50 , 10:.: I'" "unl\ld I)) .t ,1.luglih:I, )'1.ln Do.lld .11101 I. . IIII1.;m,.... hi .. 1'1 ... 1 \ I'll I,} S I I I' Neck Lamb 12e ll:~(.. lI"l\ .1Ilt! .1 "01\, II l.trrull In tOIlIlIHlllor,ltlllll of the huudrt'dth R the ~dll III "11 J Tid l\ IllIllItdl,ltth II I I 1IIllIHr".II) tlf Ihc p.ISSlIlg of Goethe, [ F ack Lamb Chops 250 12 101\111":- thl Il(lptlllil ht: \\111 . . ptll, It i'II~(\ Ithl Cltp.lIll1llut llf Glrtll.lll .IIlU the( ancy Chuck Roast I7e till "'1 hO(11 1111 ' tlllt.: ph 1'1 (I l 1\1.:1 .. toil· ... BI{, ~IEI... (;II()lil ;'() \\ 1111,1111 I CUtl)llr Found.llion of Fresh Ground Hamburg 0PII' I l III lit l'" pllllH l r 111)... 1ge SPEAK IIEIlE AI'UlL 14 S,\ . IllhlllHIC Colltgl .llJnotlll((: .tIl Illus- I tdla 1111111 While You Wait 11.llttl Ilcll1Tt. on . (~odhl' .llId HISI Fresh Lambs' Liver ISe 1111.: S\\.lnlullon I.ll!.we 01 \\01l1i.:11 TlIllU' I" Fredlrlch \011 dlr It.,\"" I ,,u:;a I it-" ~it'kl'l~ I)use) \ I I ' I )~I t.:r~ b IIri.:"t.:lltmg- )r I) ),1 ~ldch1tJr, 1'111111 J'r.lllll~t proft"'~~)r .It 11.1r\:.lnl Ellis' Coffee II> 21e ----I nl1Clp.11 of the Jllgh Schuol ,It Clr.ml , L'IlI\(r~lh Tht Il1l'l'tIllg' will be held ,J 1I1lt.r:11 "11\ln~ 1.lr h~u"t1ll !'lll.;t:I~ l ulllg(:, .lIld 11(.1(1 of tht.' IhlJ.lrlIlH'l1t (If .11 the Fflllld,,' :\It.:t:tlng IJollSl' Thur~-I pkg.l0c Gold M'f:dal Hisquick I, U~l\, ot :\orth Ull .. ttr lO.ul \\ho dll'r! ',lhlo n ,It Ih,11 lI1~tlhllJ(JII, III .1 talk 011 d,l\, .Apnl 1-1 at 815 I 40 oz. pk g , 33e StllU.LI\, \\t.:n hdd I' hlr lite hOllll 1 CIllfi.:111 l.\l'llh, .It the \\OIll.II1'S Club-I Vogts Country Style Scrapple IOe ~.I\ .IftCrtlOUll Illtlfllllllt \\.I ... .It I Ol1g_lholl~l .lhllrsti.l) t:\llllllg AprIl l-1th, .It , Trinity Notes Brookfield Cheese Spread, n(',1 It.:ll1lti.:T\ m.lr 1'(,l1l1l.:1t ~qlllrt.: (i.:lght odock I ~4, t1J pkg. IOe Mr~ -i{u ... t\ \\.IS bllrlJ 1Il Kellllett J hose \\ho hi.:.lrd Dr. 1tdduor fi.: Premier Bartlett Pears. Square. the~bb'~hterof Iht:oplulus 1'lIs_lnntl) \\111 he gl,ul of a ch,lllt.:e to hcarl. Ihe \l'n l{t.\crt'IU! Ch.lrles \V. Boiled Ham Sliced II> 2Se \\orth ~Ickds Im'r'Jl,,\(lm S,l\It:r Ins \\lll hUll .lg.lIll, and those \\ho Jlllssi.:d hunl ShrcUllr. D D. tll'.1Il of the C01l\OeatlOll 2 big cans 3ge Althougll lu:r 1.llhlr~\,-;f" ,I ).li.:Ihodlst 11\ bclore "IIOUld t.lke .H.h.lIIlagl' of thiS UIl- of ~hlsfcr \\111 address the monthly (in the piece) T arlan Pure Preserves 19c birth, Ill' \\.I~ olle 01 the. . h'JJlIldlrs 01 the ll"llcll (IIJportullIt) IIIICdlll g of the "'oman's Auxilhary of Beef or Ham Long\\()od J'rogri.:!!sl\C J'rH'n~ls • • I rlmt, Church on ~londay, April II at Blue Ribbon Mayonnaise, 8 oz. jar ISe She married !Io\\.,rd o[ IV/IIII'I 'Vomall's Guild I'" 11 (in the piece) lIlgtOtl, Dt.1a\\arc 1 hl'\ - 1110Hd tu 0 fO~\lIl~ the meeting there wIll be S\\arthlllore 1Il JWI, ~ln ·Pnse) "as in-[ ~'''s~ Lthel R Doctor \\.1:-; the gl1e~tl'lIIl",I,onll •.111 reception to Dean shreil1crIC-.::~I----------------, erested III tIt' " I \\ OIlJ.lIl ' S Clul) hcre III Its ot- hOlr'lr .tt the IIICCtlllg of The Young I all( c.t \\ 1 be sened. I <,I)S I car)' \\ I1t:1I IllllH OHr \\h.lt b 110\\ \\ UlIldn\ GlIlld Itdd Itlst e\cllll1g.at the( 4 Victor Silirer's Drug Stor<: hOlllc 01 1\lrs HClln 110ck ~lJss Doc 1 Presbyterian Notes in prints c Florida Oranges tor ~!lukt.: IIlforllul1gl', 'Ihout her "ork III \ 1'--=----------------------- :=============. . B.luhall~. ;Bachman"s Quality Market (YALE KENYON AVES. SWAUTHMOUE 183 ~: STOP GO }'ORA BARGAIN WITH SMILE Strictly Fresb Eggs I carton of 23c Granulated Sugar '" " 'H abb ersett ' s 6 lb. 25c Bacon Yzlb. lll"-r Half Smokes r.sL Ib.19c * ;? 1',,,,, Bologna Ib.23c overbloom Butter T 'I' )'feXII.:O y,; lb. I.ast SUII(],lY mortllllg the sacrament of h.lptlslJI \\as admlllls1ered to Charles NESTLE DE,LUXE INDEPENDENT SLATE \\ ,lila"', II1f.lI1t son oi CIMries E.' ,lI1d ItEADY FOR PRIMARIES Wnnfred Konkle F",hfl A Iso Eugenc and KeclI pelJna11lUUllCe the follo\\ ing lit.:ket for the Apnl IlIto the JIlemhcrslllp of the church, IlmkItS. Come ill and gel lwo hot I Prull.lr) ckchon. J'or UllIted Stales mg the tot.1l comnllllllc,mt mcmberslnp treatmellts free bcfore Clther •S t:lloItor, SlIIcdlc) J) Butlu of Nc\\- R , to\\1I Tm\u"llIp; for i\lHiJtor (~t.ner,t1, lh: I'aster ]),~} offerll1g of thc SUt1\'c Try OUi Hew so.lpless U.,a1Jlh 1 ]'1\11, of \lIlghell\ Count . .1(1) School for Ulilstloln \\LJrk III h.orea UlIpOO hcfolc hd\ IIIg ~l mar,l.tll(I f ' "(WI or JUdgl'~ of the Supeflor Court 'N' $·1000 • , For appoiutmcllts call main '( 1 Te:-.:t \\'t:dncsd.l) e\CIIlIIg nt 5lx-tlltrty v. In anch 01"( c. S" m thmore I \\ III he the ,1IH1l1al dinller uf thc congr~­ 5~2. I • g.ltJOII )'Irs Joscl)h S B.ltt's. 11.1\·crf(Jrd cI\eIlUe, .1 \ lCe-prcSld(:l1t of the "The Sycamores" \V(lllltlll'S i\ssocldtlOn £If the church, is III SBIHEIt APTS, Ich.lrge of tIllS lInport,lIIt dlllller '10 her on Purk Avenue ahout two A:>iD all .lcceptanccs for the dmllcr must he I smt by llext ~fOlld.l) C\ClllIlg", TillS i~ THE !\EW Sllarllllllore blocks heyond Yale AV('nlle, • • not .1 dlllllt.'r for thc COlllllllllllh but for ]S III opell, prctty country, I I " 1t Ie mUll )crs of the church .mel congrcgaELIZABETH KAUFMAN yet ('ollvcnit-lIt1y ncar the I lloll. as a f.lIml) gtithcrlllg prccetilllg the HAIRDRESSING h:n\-II, and in the old Coloannual lllectll1g~ \\hl(~h follo\\ Located in annual lllectmg of the church \\ ill 'IhoDl)ISOn'S Store, Morton. Pa I ,- '1 he nial I louse one call Ila,'e I I Permanent Wa\,mg I ue Ie d next \Vcdnesd.IY C\elllllg for E\Cry Day Exccpt Saturday 'uncbcon, .afternoon tea, or I relJOrts 011 the year's \\ork and the del3 SpeCials $1 00 'Phone Swarthmore 199.t-W I . of three rllllng- eldcrs for a term of · I • IUller, at msure, and ellI tllm Open c\enmgs b) aPPomtment Il\e ) ears The retiring elders .Ire II.Jld) tcrtain friends at car.ls, or ""d ))r \t G ranite Marble I I M enst " . j'.. I''11II, er 011 C00 k. lUIISic, or just ill talk! 1the annual mcetmg of the cOllgregatllJll. Ithe lmsiness corporation of the church Cemetcn \\ork a Speclalt) I (S I 1following, reports of trustees and othe~ O" of Mrs. iii Dl. • I F lII(lIIng""',,'" I 1 0 lcers Will he IlMde and four trustees Est ISH ret eric B. Cillverl) dected for the tcrm ot three )echool hO'lrd Ull 111e~PLAN.-:'t therc h.ts h('en 110 flll lo~<:. Iht: cfhllt:!lc\ .. I I .lllSJlIl(:~ of tilt I.lttlt: Ih(:.I1rl Club 01 In IIHllllllr~ (II Ihl cluh I.l~t Tut.:sd,l\ (la, ",ut,t '-"I tl,e t .tX.I r t C.l '2';) 1111 II S, .1 • oi \VI 1 SOil .1Il( I C ( I , .11 I I{' IlIo"t IIIIJlorh "'" tlH tillltgl ,lnd.1 p.ITt til thl l'IOllte!.. l\lllillg\pnl 12th. hl'tore.m l'nthusit,lIIt time of .1 pohq h,I" 1I0t hUll tt.'stt.d CICdt interest III 'J hI: S.\(IIJII1II0I1111I'.\ n:dl1ctton ot OtiC nnll o\er the current .Ift. It) gc. 10 till tllHIgllIl\ 11IIHI III .1",11l .ltltl·~nll: l)i cl\111 IlIlmht.:rs .11lt1 r.llc, ,lIld ,t total r(:ducholl ot 20 nll11~ "~lpreselltah\lS of thl' BdrtlCh tOlllIllIl\ l'lti.: COllt"~t IS .IIIIMrt.'lIt .1I11(Jn~ the boys thllr t.' It ~h 1ll)\\l\er, 1I1 Itlll11 ~\\.lrlIIllHIfi.: .It 11111. llll~ tltllllg trlhult tn thc i.unous ~aJar) IIlCrenll'l1ts repreStl1tlllJ.: ,l S.I\lllg \\llIch \\olllri ~,l\( tht. scholll dhlrtLl1lll.l\ hI "1.:(l1rul .It the ollict' oi The Icntllllg Illl dIlllhr lllllllllt1l1or.ltlHg thllll.Hhr r .... nIHII .tll ct1l.:cil\e dinl;, h\ postpol1m!,: de~lrt.:t! rtlMII~, '1luollgh ~lr Corsi.:·s 1II1i.:re~t III tht lI1el1t Il-Il~ttlnl.:.t1 ;';OlHt\ \\lrt 1)1 .1Ilt! ~Irs lIl.httl htlllllllt'd the str.lll1s of an oldirelJi.lcclllcnts, and additions to the schtJul <; uh1c ct, a f{llrl'st.nt.Jtl\{ of B,lrtldl dud 'j\\(II(l\lIIg ClipS olle for the \\Ulller 111 I.(\\I~ tll 1)1 .lIlfl ~II~ (;l\Irgt.: ~IJllg. \\11111 Irc)1II hl.:hllld SCt.:Ilt.·S.1 hlMl etl1ll1Jtlll:nt; .lI1d hy postpollmg schcdulul Co \\ent o\er ,I 11t1lllhcr 01 11()!JCI'.. ~ lit Ihe [thl d,IS" hdo" !\\'t:hc \t.'ar~ 01 .Ige, amI \ Ilu Ifllt \, ~lr .Inti ).11", \\':l1ldlll til ht to \\ .hllllll-!Ioll \\ ,Is f(:,u..l h) )'Irs I CXIl.tllslOn!). 0 t Illstrl1ctlonal otfermg:s, ~lllool dlstnd .l1ul )lolntul Ollt \\hClt: Clr 011i.: tor the \\lIlI1tl III tilt' d.I"" for hovs ~I.I"" ~II .1Ild \11'" \I I'()~dllilko. Told ~1I('h.1:-; ufft.'nng secretanal SUb)l:(;h, luI t.11I1 ""\IIl~s Illtght I'l 1l1,ldt ~Ir Lor"l lI\lr h\i.:!H' Har~ ot .lg-e \\111 he offered ~Ir .1Ild ~Ia~ S \\ Johnsull ~Ir .111(1 !'Iu ch.lr.llllr~ oi (~lIll'r,ll and L.uty \dlldl therc IS IIIslstallt demand. lonsl'qul'lIth 1t:t.ls llidt.1 (htlllge h jll~tl- 1)\ 'Ihe ~"nrJII1I1onml \ score ot other :\lrs J JI Pltlll.lIl, ~Ir \rthllr H.IS,ltt, \\""hlllgtOIl \\l'tl.: \'t:r~ .Ihh ell.lctl'd 1.1) III ,1I1110111lCll1g the JlI.:\V late, Dl. Arthhed IlrJZl~ \\IIll)e gl\en to n1l11li.:1~-t1P ~lr Fr.mk \Ion\ .• Ind ~Ir \\ I· S ).II~~ Itolll I)llctllr alld :\Ir~ 11.Irlan lir B,lt-sett prcsH..1cllt 01 the Bo.lrd saul \lthOllldl tile 11I1.lrd dd,l\l(1 ,I \"It (Ill Ihe \\II111CI5 \\J!I hl ~ckc.:tt:c1 I" the '1\llIpll ~rr f II P1IIIl.l1l \\a .. lh.lIr- /t.s"UI>. Jr, \\hlle thc other Il1lmb~rs \\c .Ire partJctd'lrI~ proud to be .. bIt: tu \\ht.'ther or IHlt thl llllllpllil lh.mge "ttln~~ \lllh \\I11Ch till' kJtl~ .Irl fl(,\\'l1 ill IIltill ~)1 tht gt:lltr II ClHl1l1llltl~ 111.1 )'Ir. "I tht.: t.,I .. t "lll I make tillS reductIon III the t.tCI.: 01 C'J!l.. llOll!d hellla(l(:. .1JlPlo\ II to pIll<. ~t.:\l:I.d,thl· tOllllltl1lli.:nt ,111<1 tht.'lr Ilt:ltlle~s ,lIId f s \\ Johll",tlll \\.I~ lh.IIIIll.1Il (It tht.: )'lls~ 1'.lUIlIlt \\.lgllt.r, :\llss Don:. tlllltc(l IHuldmg .md prOVISIOII ot new P'lltct('S 1 ~lr CfI-,.,e ",lid Ih.lt III h.lfl lI(1t (lh( th~ 1 tl Ic Ililt II I l 1.11 kl, ),1 b~ K.lthcrme Simpers. (mg prugl.1I11 .Ili{ I (Ul~, III I I.! I t\ til \\llh H.lrmh ,lllel I... II thlll \\l1l1ll4Ill~S ~I h~ Cornt.:it.L \.tIl \lc.:n, :\Irs I 0 ~,OllllJ II.: t e IIll.lllllllg Oil ,I It· 1"'7 "/thc hroklr .. 01 S\\.lrthllll,ll Il.Iltaularh \Ir, • S' t,IX rate. .\ f{uhlrt Sharplc~, )'lr~ Copt.:I t Ie tour l(lll":l:~t l~t,lhh~ht.(1 Ill"m,lIIct: Ihl Hellls III thc budget ,IIC as 101. I.IlHI P,t\mer, Jr. )'Ils:. El..:.ll1or Kcn- lows. men I ICIl' I c. \\.ilton. Ch.trll~ 1'.t1ktr I \ I (harles SmUll ,Inc! \\11111111 S HIHll tlUflHlgh Il:\blull 01 appropnatlons plu\idlllg- Itil thl 1~,.tlllltll!l1 III tlll~ Il IlItl!\. :\11"" n.lrbctr.l Turner and :\[b~ 1111 .tll dlll.lltlllt.nt .. to l)ala",".... ,I,e "t",o> I 11\(: t I \ 1ll\\ 11l( IIhln Gencr.11 Control $0,01<) 00 01' 4~l' \\ho ha\c .11\\;l'~ hcnt.illtul III 'lllllt \\.1\ .~ ..... II I,I It'tlllt '1'1 lomp"OIl I",'r",'"", W:;,(d5 (J{J 01 75jo I I I I I - Illld,..,ll\\lIh,lut ItIXl1ll.rehCh')Jlt.:OI ~ltIce ~r, It1lnl.:l~ t.'lll) ,lc1t\tt\ III 1 I ':~ll:\~I1S~:~('ISS ~{lill)1 .11111 h'l1otI)"'li llhlll- lilt.: plt.:d!..(~ IlpOIl \\llIth l)d.I\\.lIc ,l1{ll1l~ Iht.: dqel"pllH11l 'II "lIOll.ll1lll~ IttllFllNBS PROVIDED FOR \uXlh,IT\ _\gellllt:~ 5.350 un 01 -to:c 1700110001 1..~(11 l 111111\ ... lour lIleumbents for the LegisI S·Ol\IE ."TREET WORK Ollcr,ltlon I Ill: (,Iltlrt hOlld £,\:ll1t",,,(d 0\ d{~ln '.0 ..., _ _ 'I f.ltlll~ ~l(t till ~ttJlP(lrl 01 thl.! ]{l'll1Ihh.\ aluh.'llotlll.:e I ,:iUlJ UO 01 10:, "'u..' till lour IHl'al 11,,111 lit( (' lIl(n JtI ... t 1t I I I l ill \'hl~ .It tIll I'llIll.lt\ e1cctlon \tJT!1 IXt( cMrge~ :;,47() 00 01 ~ " Il'tl(: .111(1 IlIl'goil " tt.l ~dtlcd 011 ,It $N072 XII, C('lltalllld an Itel1l \1 thc ~.lI11e tlllli.: ~II L(Ir"'l swlliJlt Ihll~ I... t\ll\ nl~(JlI to hdle\e tli"t ill :;:2()07 lor rl'~urt.llIlg ,11111 relMlrlng IIUII \\llllh 111\01\6 (1IIIIhll' hlMlIclng he dill 11 ')(lnlll~11~ 1(1\\lbIUI)'" .Hld t.:ltllS. 10l.1I .Igtllts \\011111 llsnlt 111 tIl(' I!ll.lt( .. t III Illllq 110\\, dl.:cI.lred :\Ir 1.alhot' .llld linalh. thlrt: IS ,I stnll of $IIUO \\llIch Coltt.' ...1 Illt hudgd ut $174,000 01 dht.:1l 11(; \ .IIHI tCOlhlll1\ \\h~1l 1l1hl\IC\\U[ \t.:stt.:lfla\ "1)c1'l\\'lrel ha~ 1I0t hct.:n allocated to .m\ ~Jll'uhc thall Il\e )t:.tr~ .Igo III 192H-29 'I C' ll)lIllt\ ~ II/Ill IIltllll}(r~ 01 thl.: Jlouse ImrlHbc ")l1,'h can he lb""t .\ r {)I . . t ""ti th.lt eltll I Ilhlll.llhl ....~ ior ""trt:ct l Iht: lIleOIllt: tor 19~2-n I~ I.:stUll.ltCt.l .b \\rtter" \\ho 11.1\ 1.IX{" h.1<1 SP(d~tll t(1 III .I~lll(( thtt I! letllrnt.:tl hi tht.'lr pres-[ \\ork 11 I1l.:cc:.--an. \\'e therclore ha\I.:.1 lullo\\s (CoIIIJllu;d 011 Pagc Ten) '111 pO"h ,tt Il.llrt~htllg-, thc\ \\tli oppose total ,I\atlahlc for 11Ig:h\\a\ Illlprmemcnt l Bond ~.tlt.:~ and temporary • I II Ihe k\lllllg 01 adultlOnal taxes III an} \\or:":: 01 more than $6,000 loath $15,000.00 torm whatsoever," • , Taxes , .••...•..... _ .• ,. -,. 131,03215 I Campalgl1 speeches of the four candi, l\fEET WEDNESDAY TO WOl\lEN TO SEE TUllion .. ". . ..... 19,000.00 DISCUSS PLAYGROUND da'es durmg the past week have tended CHERRY BLOSSOMS State AppropriatIOn ..•• ,'" 22,828 77 to emphaSize the \ aneb anel quantity of ,Other sources " 1,200.00 Ho\\anl kIrk of I.ala)ctte a\elllle, onc I ~t.1.tc Il.:gl~latton \\luch the prc~ent 111Slxt).-h\'c Swarthmore \..romen Will ot the ortl{lIlaI \\or).;lTs III Illl mtt.:flst 01 olillhellb ha\c 1111111el1c«1 In the dISCl1SIt.:a\C Chester at 8 53 a III next ThursTotal .$189,OQ092 the Sllllllllt.:r pla)!:!r'lIltld 111111 l"lll.!t .. 1011 11111 "ttthllll.:llt 01 pr,tctlC,llh t.'\cn d:l} on the Pcnnsvhalll; )1.:,11 nlll'll !ludd111q .1]lPl \luI 1 t !I'll th 1,11'111111.1111 pltJhlllll hlllJlI.: Illl I IOlls(! 1 glthcr \\Ith !'il.:\eral hundred \\omen trom h I:~tlln.\ted at ~2(jUO Il~:S tll.1Il l.ht \l 11 ~lh~I'11 hll.lrl alHI \lllll!1tllrlll :11t ll' ')11 dllllll~ tIll.: Ilht ",1:0., \lll~, .It h.l~t Olll otj other women's clubs, on the annual pI 1- Ihl~ b bl'C,IU!lC ,l Jargl.: tlttlllbcl 01 tllt l'rltlull ot .1 111l111htr llt j) Irults tCl\\.Il{I~ I Itll\\ Ire Count)'~ h~lllresllltatl\l'!! has! gflmagc to see the Japanese cherry bIos. j ~radllatlllg cla!!:s are t\lltum pupils ami 1ll.lklllg thl prOjll.:t .I gn,ltlr ~lllllS~ tIn" 1,1.1\((1 ,l \It,ll roll soms 1Il \Vash1l1gton! There will be onel ~1)rl1lghdd townshll) III hUtlcl1l1g up Its ~lIIn1l1er II IS douhtful It tht.rl' b.1 ~11lgk mcm(oach reserved for Swarthmore and ~frs 10\\11 lugh schuol \\111 Cl',bl ~endlllg 11Igh 'lIlt.' Board has ~{'t asule $IOOtl to! Rl'- hn 01 thl I.lgis1.itun \\lto h.b ~lIhllllt-! \rthur R. 0 H.edgrave of Vassar a\e- school pupils her£' t.reatum 111 tllc hndget for )lH..? .1Ilt! tho:.: tl'~1 ,h mil1l\ hills ,tlul "'I.:curi.:d thc IJ.ls!!agc I Ellwood J. Turner member of the Leg- IIllf'. who Is In charge of arrangements llefore thc dbCtt~~It)1l of the lUl(lgd tXpCIJ<:.t. oi tilt· SUIllllllr 1)1.ngrtlllud l l l ' '" l,lrg-t.1 !llrcelllagl.: a~ ha~ 1•• 11\\0()(llislature from Del~ware County who is tor the local club IS deslro\lS that the!\\"s bcgun, a lettcr \\as read t.-Olll \. ould ha\1.: to 1.:01llt.' (Jul 01 tlll~ Itl11l 'Innll'r dur 114 1]1~ lour tcrlll~ IS a Illelll-II d d I I ,~h' • If ,S\\.lrthmon' cluh keep together. i Clande C Smith, soliCItor, \\ho offercd to a can ; a e 0 succeea Imse , k II lC) ~ngge~lcd to ~Ir I'lIk Ihat he Lolli hll 01 the.: Ilot1",~ Iro1\l l>l'I.l\\are CUlIIlty \\ont has heen recel\ed that Presidentlta e .1 h\t.'nt)' per Clnt reductIon in hi~ I Illt:dlllg of mternted parents .md draw It Ilrg-e .lt1(1 }"lr~ Hoover Will be out 011 thellel' \\11Ic11 at prest'nt b $500 :\[r. , tmprO\IIl~ the IIIa\ • <..' • I . I' I ctlnllllg ~t'ar IIJl Sllggl~tlnns tor :\Ir '1l1rIlt.'r tlr~t \\on Ht:OgllltlOIl 1IC- 1ha ,~ h·....."" ',I"~tlclatt:(1 \\ Ith ..... HI tin ,)rtl hal com' of tht' \\Thile House to greet thel,'lIlltl~ n.>-cecUOIl tor tlC grollllfl l.llhl III 111~ Illtl.:n",t III ,ll>ronal1tK~ \\hich' Jt.'Cb that In.. hr~t anll ,,1111 tilit (II Ill" \\omel; jC(lmc~ IIIl the hr:.t ot Jul) and Ins proSudl a Illt.:l'ting \\111 ht hdclnc.... t \\ed- III 1925 and 2() \\.b looketl "1)011 largely gn.ttlst IIItt:rt.:~b I" (\\lrjo..,ktl\ 11\ mam! The ~pcclal tram wtll lea\C \Vashing-ll)o!>al \\111 he tli~cllsscd at that t1l11e hn llesd.l) e\ening- \pnl 20 at I .. III :\Ir .b.1 htler,ll prohlclll In 1927 ht: intro- ot h]'-; lntnd" 1I00\I.:\ll III 1\lItlO11 tOll at 630 p m one hour latc.'r than the present the Item was kl.!lIl III till ~1t1rl'\'S oilice .It tl.e lllgh school \lIjdltccd .1Ilt! ~i.:cltred tllt pa~S.lgl ot the cirde~ ot thl.: entIre tot1l1tn he I" k1l0\\1l the ttlll( "peclfied 011 the ticket and \\111 hudgct tor the same amount a~ la~t Har II.IH'nb \\ho :lrl II1tcrestt(1 all' 1Il\ltul I hr~t .l\lalltm Icglslat!on III Penn~ylvania, (Collhlllfl'd OIl l'aqC 7'~iI) I ~rrl\c III Chc~ter ahout C).IS p m I (Contullft'd on Pagt' TrJl) ••• • • • Cd' an d ates PIed ge 0 pOt' P OSI Ion T o I ncrease I n 8ta t e T axes " ".1\ m PHONE, CHESTER 9131 MILL CUT IN SCHOOL TAX 19:i2,:i:i I'hu".... 1 I A. E. DAILEY S" artlullorc 350 ------- Swarthmorc, Pa., April 15, 1932 I A FEW DAYS Chcstcl' and Fain'icw Roads No. 15 '·\I . . SUITS TOPCOATS DRESSES LADIES' SUITS HATS and BLANKETS I NEW FORD 19c • GRACE M. SMITH W for Ib,27 • \ • PERilUN ENT Seedless Grapefruit ======~=====~=--~- Vol. IV, I THE SWARTHMORBAN OPEN HOUSE AT Stone, steel and concrete fire-proof H. AND S. MEETING ,truction throughout. \\'all hung drinking fountains. Opell hOllse for Swarthmore's llew Bicycle, IIlay and storage rooms in base- Goman, '21, Anthony Rawson; J. Watson Pedlow, '25, Stephen Leavitt; Mildr~d H. Moore, '30, Mrs. Stephen teavitt; Oscar Gray, '21, P~ter Swallow; Ray- lAClr((lN CO. CUTS . FARE ON MEDIA LINE . The Philade11'hia & APRIL 15, 1932 MARTEL BROS. Swarth. 761-762 Free West Delivery Ch LUCRETIA MOTI' FELLOW 5 B I ops P R r:~~:;;'~~~:': one ess ot oast ISpring Lamb Chops Ib39c Hamburg Steak Shoulders Lamb Sprmg . Lamb Legs Pork L· om Roast Sagar Peas Asparagus "EMlt.A\' Beets and Carrots Rhubarb ••• Hearts of Celery STATE THE ,._ menl. Ulond P. Gott, 'ZO, Kitson; Agnes S. grade school on the College avelll,ZSc .............. Quaker Crackle. box 10c Clifford Bryant entertained a group Bori Ami Powder box IOc friends last Wednesday in celebraFIRST PRIZE Montco Grape Juice pt. bot. 150 tioll of his eighth birthday. Mootco Spinach 19. pkg. 190 11>190 COMPLETE STOCK 0 .. HEALTH FOODS-CORDIALS, IMPORTED DELICACIES, FANCY BISCUITS, ETC. and listen to .~==================;::::::::~===========:; .. _ ,,GARDEN SEEDS J()Ii~ Genoral-l MORE THAN HALF WERE CHEVROLETS 11>"" 10lb bag 41c Swarthmore 1648 aSe Believe It Or Not! Ib pkg39c PyslIium Seed WRITE YOUR ESSAY NOW Without TUNE IN YOUR RA_D10 TO WIP every Wednesday evening at 8 P. M. Stuion.ro-Sl.1lion Call 3 MinUI' CoIIII"lion Arter 7:00 P. . merit of his cigar-band essay, and he was given an Gingerbread Fu•• or Bother Beautiful EvergreeDB Now is the time to plant J. D. DURNALL By TELEPHONE with a winner selected eaeh week according to the Finest Special Price SOc Each 40e Duff's Ginger Bread Mix Makes i Swarthmore. Penna_ spOllsors of the contest. Matinee Daily at 2;30 /;::=====::;;;;;:=====, M. H. McCammon Los AnMrs.California, geles, spent last of week-end the guest of Mrs. William Hanny Yale avenue. The Book Club will meet with Mrs. William West of Princeton avenue Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Thorpc Dickinson avenue entertained at bridge last Saturday everling. Mrs. Herbert Bassett of North Chester road will entertain her card cluh next Tuesday. 'Miss Petra T.ingle of Cornell entertained some of her fricnds at a llarty at her home last Friday evening. Her gucsts were Jean Avcry, Stop in at The Inn. Beautiful surroundings. Genial friendly atmosphere. Delicious Sunday Dinner, $1.00 or $1.25. FARM EGGS 17c and 22c doz. 23c can Wm. J. Cartledge Hornaday,News Sr., in who represents the Indianapolis \Vashington. -- Fels Naptha Soap M EM 0 R I A L S he was the guest of his father ~'tr. James CoppJes Lane Haddock Filets DEITRICH ren Paxson gave a review of the Pulitzer ELIZABETH KAUFMAN Play "Allison's House" by Susan Glaspel. Dorothea Dodd, Elizabeth Robinson, Eurora SIlroat, Dorothy Simon" Joanne HAIRDRESSING Stuart Thorne of Oherlin avenue will Hirsh, Mary Davis, Georgene Griffith, Located In ('ntertain at dinncr Ill'xt wCl'k hefore llyra \Villiams, Ellen Viehover, Ruth ThompsoD'S 8toTe1-Morton, Pa. Junior Assembly. Permanent ",avIDe . BVery Day Except Saturday Mrs. J. E. Underwuod of Dickinsoll 1-1 igh. U.osalane ~\litchell, Elizabeth HcnlIl"nbrllCh, Donald l..ange. John Hohill50n, 3 Specials ,1.00 avenue has retnrned frollt I.ancaster \VilJialll Cleaves, Robert Erskine, Mor'Phone Swarthmore 1994-W where she was called by the illness of her Open evenlnl5 appolDtment gall Smith, Lewis Shay, William Shay, •_ _ _ __ _ _ _ by __ _ _ _-:-:--:-::mother. Rohert Hall, Robert Perry, David Shoe. M.iss Ruth Detlefsen of Lafayette ave...-.Marble nue entert.ililled three of her friends last ma ker, Ra Iph Rhoa ds, W illiam Ruther. G--'te r"rd, and John Kline. Saturday for luncheon and the matinee I I of "Alice in Wonderland" in honor of Cemetery Work a Speclalty her twelfth hirthday. F orlnightly lfarjorie 1\facMilhm, daughter of Mr. Est. 1843 and Mrs. Stanley L. MacMillan of Vasllrs. Andrew Porter will entertain the No. Lansdowne Ave.• Drexel HUI, Pa. (Opposite AriJnKton Cemetery) sar tI,'emIC has returned from the h05- Fortnightly at her home UII Elm avenue Clearbrook 6880 tJital where she has lteen undergoing treatmeut for mastoid. Oil Monday, April lHth, at l :3(1 o'clock. Mrs. Tuttle will review Violet SackThe Trinity Church Guild will hold a ,·iI1c West's "All Passion Spent". This Food Sale tomorrow from ten to one at bouk views life from a new angle, in ficPeckermau's Tailor Shop. tion, at least. It is a nook in which the Mr. and Mrs. Bayard Morrison, Sr. style delights and the characters make have moved into their new home on endless questions arise in the reader's Guernsey road. llr. and Mrs. mind. Morrison, Jr. who have been li\.ing Mrs. Thayer and ,Mrs. Simpers wi11 Lansdowne have moved into the family give literary news. home on Harvard avenue. Members are asked to bring other Mrs. John \V. Adams of Swarthmore members as much as possible. Also, avenue who has been ql.iite ill with grippe members plcase bring mater:ials for the for the I)ast week is slightly improved. I.abrador rug makers. Miss Grace Palmer who has been quite ill at her home on College avcnue is imJONAS GEE proving. Practical Mrs. Samuel Hanna, Mrs. Elmer Lawh Mower Sharpener and Repairer Melick, and Mrs. Robert L. Coates atand aU kinds of tools sharpened tended thc Reciprocity Luncheon given Saws reset Work called for and delivered by the Brookline \Voman's Cluh at 14 N. Morton Aveoue Pierre's 69th street 011 Tuesday. P. O. Box 156 Morton, Penna. Phone-Swarthmore 12lI-J Alr. and Mrs. Howard Buckman of Dickinson avenue will entertain their AZALEAS port News where she will Jom her Sister, Mrs. H. Franklin Harvey. From Newport Ne~s Mrs. Wil1ia~s and Mrs. Harvey wdl motor to FlOrida for an extended visit. card club at dinner and hridge tomorrow ~ evening. .hIrs. Frank E. Williams of Amherst Mr. James H. Hornaday of Diekining and tea at the church parlors Monday afternoon. Mrs. Albert Hilt presided, avcnue entertained the Book Review son a"enue attended the Gridiron Lunchand Mrs. \V. E. Fuller was the hostess.. Club on Tuesday evening. Mrs. J. War- eon in Washington last Saturday where Cape May Goodies Sea Trout SWAR1HMORBAN I I IS THIS TR UE? IT is possible to control a savings account so t h a t !! from a very small deposit it may grow into a very large sum-but I 1 NO ONE has ever been able to present a marginal account from taking a nose dive. 1 Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company. 11 "Serving SfDfJrihmore Since 1904" ====~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~===Il-. - - - - - - - - - - ~~ ____. 1 ~ I 1 j ! I ; ....l INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE .z IWt:N ~ AT II. AM) S. :\1I~1':TIl\'(; 1I001SE ~h"d Stolllt', ~tl"1ll"li(l1i I : \\all ,wI! l"fIllCrC:t(' lin·.Jlrouf throughollt. 111I1I~ I'rilll~ill~ THE SWARTHMOREA:~N,----:-_______ APRIL 15, 1932 C,'-"-'--I;-"-IIIt."T. t;llkt'c! ( ) f her I I I I . G Id B '" 'II. /., II" l'llloi,·l_,.llltll H""ci\\"d. 1':t1l1t,d :t \'111]1 "rq!1I 01 t' au u ...,.., SOlUl·tlllll· agu 111\\",11'11 progTl'ssh.l'lll'SS. 0 en antam Corn Bx.29c: II :t!1Ic 1'11/ IlIl·rvl.\ to "nil tilt' t·hi1cln·1l 1111 t·x]lnit'lIrl"' ,,"hill- li"ing ill nr:lzil and Sl'H'ral 11I1J1lth~ :tJ.:O ,,"t' IlUn'ha~l't1 ;1 IICW Raspberries Ox. 27c "I -..1:'111("<1 :1'" ill ,Iil l r r"~'I11"". ill .. It-:1I1 , II" "" "'" r ',,'I, ... ltll\\tel lIIt'lillll IJit.,tl1rl.'~ of th,"l "0'111. II __..:..._ _...,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'-' ",I '" ,II ""1,'1,, u "",. . .., . l', ''', ' 'IYlll' 01 Iro l',r {'tlr and n'rl.'lItly plact'(l lilt:. ~ , , , "Garden Fresh" Fr.11Ih: I~ . .\I "rv.\". "'lllu'rilllt'lIIll'tll oi try. I'irtlln'!'o IIi tht· Ilidian:- of the tllt':l11 011 Ollr .\h-,lia lillt..'. I.;tler, \\T l'.\;'fill·; ·l'II":.\THE m·:.\U'J'U'UJ~ ", I"""'- I"" Sl' tl ll' .~allll' Iypt· 011 tIt· I II' l':-t FRUITS and VEGETABLES 'cit" .. !........ .tiel th:n Ill' wa:,> ill Pl'rfcl't :lCM ';"",1> ,1"'l'ri,'a, wl'rl' ,I>u",,, h." ,\ W,\lt~.;1t 'l'lIE.\Tm.; .\lIelrel\" Fl'a11t:i~ J.u.:ksoll. :\11 ill1(·rl.·:-;I- Che.,ll'r Iim'_" 1"'111 witll lIlt ,aidy "Tuc:lli.>n Jlr,,~r"lII illg addn· .. :-. 011 Et'l1ador W:,.i,I,,,· fII,,1 Sul"r,Ic,,· TIll' lIut· . . til'll 'Ii IlIt" lllTd ior l· . . tabli,h.\"l·xl \\'l'dlll'!'ot!ay, .\liss Irl'Ilt' Sht.p- til.'n .... oi high sdlOla:-.tic standing- ill Ihl' ill!..' th t · pr"]Jlhcd ....\ .. tl'llI \\":1, ,u).!.!..;t·~1l"11 1I~;'flf-!:: IIUE~~I.Eli ard, who has hlTIl a t1Ji~sillllary ill South !'ol'lIior class, ~lassadJtlsl·tts Institnk 01 .... in 11.\ J,ol·"ll.~h ("otlllcil i,dl,,\\ illg lilt' . .·ullillg . \IIll'rica illr tweh'l" .\"l·ars. will addn':->s Tt'l'llIlult)gy. This is OIlt' of till" high New Tender "E'l/l" 'II the Iholil"l" i'll·n· i",11I1 live til i"ul" 1lll'1l. , , ..U" :1':', tlte IIlt·t·tillg. which will Ill' hdd ill Ihl' hOilOr~ atlailJl'd Ity thl.· UlHlt-rgradu:t!\.s , '"' ch;qH'1. Thl" IIlt'mht'rs oi thl' \Volllcn's (Ji )'las .. :\ehl1~l·lt:-. Tl'ch. .llmuluy & 1'1H·.~llfI.l"_ .. I/JrU Ill-19 ,,\\'O\IIT"~lOnEANS IN .\~"l("i;ltillll an' 11tlllillg lhat till' \\'Ollll'll :'llr .... Sl'1tZlT. IIf Stralh-II:"·t·1l an'- Strawberry 1J00WTIIl -'I"d' . \ 11,1. ~IIIS. BlIMI'STEDoI.EI(;U IIi till· other l"hl1rl"h~'s will avail thl'l1l- 1111('. i!'o 1lIt1\'iIlK tocla." to :\Il'dia, whl'rt. in "l"ln'~ oi Iltl· invitatioll tll Ct11lll' alltl sill" anti Iwr d;l1lglltn will lIlake 111l.ir "SAFE IN liEU," :\'01 n'('ollllJl('lul<'d fllr ,·hildn'" 1-"""'1,11 \wd\t' c1a . . . . l'~, hl'gillllillg "ith l'lljoy Ihi .. lillt· !'ol'~·akt. r. hOHll' ior tIl\' I'l'l'~l·llt. Crisp Tender 1 :'lll"..... J:lIl1l'" P. .\lcXaughtoll is 1')2 , .tl!ll rtrulling hac,,; til II)O.J, IIi Ihl' "·,·tlm·.w/".,·. April 20 chainll:1ll (Ii thl' ),1 is..;itlllary Sl"ctioll, "CIIEA1'ER,~' AT I'L/tIm l'III·-ll r Ili.~h ;-;'l'ill·()1. Ctlllll''' 1111' ra ... 1 oi A WARNER THEATru~ ··.\Jr~. Ilullllbkd-I,('igl!", IllIc I,i tltl' !altwilli Freshest of its kind Girl Scollls .\! I.... Fi ... h:l·'~ :-tarrillg n !Jidt..·!'o \\ hieh i..; TI/O~I,b ,111-:11;1/.-\", ('llll"l"ill.~ ils Ii ilh alld Illlal "Tt"k IIi n't:IIfIICLETTI': (; Ie EE.,\ \\"( ,on It(·a .. ~.t1 prl'paralor.\ ft. it..; produclioll he- . ()II Sat11r(lny . _ IlHlrning Trclc,p CHESTER. PENNA. 1'lllIr...,lrt.'". April 21 ill!"t' 111(· l:anhlOlrJlllTS ill Hi(l1t·\· JI;lrk (III '·U·\\·:tll l·xllllul oi phlitogr:l]lhy oi Ci"il 6 DAYS - STARTING TODAY I Thur .. ~lay :uld ~;rid .. y l'\,('lIing .. ; .'prjl .1"1 \\":lr tillH', at :\. \\ ....\n'r & SOli'S, U. \\-. (;rillilh pr,'"c,,,,,, Fresh .PlaUling Love. , Seething Intrigues :J.lt'l l~. ;11111 1,ll'I,ll"l' the.. \111~11111 '\~""Jeta-I \\·" .. hillJ.{ltlll ~qllal'l'. Philatl,'lphia, af. . Hatred and DC!-iire in 'l'oday'S "TilE 81'IW(;(;LE'" 11'111 (II Ih t· lltt":-tt'r Illgh SdHllII III t i l l ' . . ., W,\It-'I'(HIN CIIIN,\_ ;. C1I'1' unUlll OJII II' l', I11(,,,( Iay •. \ I)TI'I _. 'II '1'1 11.' \t'r wInch Ih\' tnltJjI \\"1" \"ISlt thl' AC IN ... III1]1tl" tl' 111(· iatla·r:-. who han' \'OlllllROES-HALIBUT-FLouNDEnS Il'r('11 10 painl tht., (:irl Scollt J louse CRABMEAT-OYSTERS Ihal aitl'l"llClIIII. "SHANGHAI EXPRESS" CLAMS-SEA BASS -with_ Troop 1')-1 "ill tal~l' a trip to the CLIVE BROOK %oological (:art!l·lb. I'hil;ull'll'hia, 011 Saturday lIIoming. Tht., girls will "ring WARNER OLAND Extra Box at Ie! 111l1dlt'OIl allel Illl'd at 11ll' \\'olllan's ANNA MAY WONG Clull at t) ,I'dock, III ca:o.l· oi rain tilt, Alice Foote McDougal Troup will 'Jllllt! Ihl' murning al thc :\c;ttlt'my til ;\alilral :;l'iell('l.·s. PRESERVES 011 April 10th tht· (;irl Scuut Ll';ulcrs visill'd ,\lilh·raJ Ilill lIt'ar )'It'dia with ~I r:-.. Ilt-r ... t.'_' Tholl1a~, thl' Cirl Scout Keebler Saltines Ib, pail 29c :\atnralisl. Plall:-. an· prog-n's!'oing iur Iltt: la·ut·fit hridgt, party at thl' \\-tllllall', Clull cm April 2211(1. Thl're will Ill' prizl·:-' ior Finest Butter in America each tallk. C:nl(ly and cake will lit· ior saIl' and tltl' Cirl Scout... \\ill ... n\'\,.· ior 111:.11 )ll"i('l.· Il'a aud :-.alHh\"iehl·s during Iht, aih·rllO()ll. I·,I Paper Shell Pecans Ib 25e , Quaker Crackles box IDe Clilrord I:ryalll l·ntt·rt:IlIlt.·d a I4 ru t1p Bon Ami Powder box IDe irit'lub la!'ol \\'t:clnnclay in cl·lt·hraFIRST PlUZE Montco Grape Juice pt. bot. 15e lioll tli hi" eighth hirthday. Montco Spinach Ig, can 15e Par" A, ..l ,IlIl' ( I\\'u II I ' I' S uut II 01hont'-Swarthmorc 12J1-J ~Ir. awl ~Irs. IllIward Buckmall IIi - - - - - - Ilickin:-,oll C!\"l'llllt' \,·ill t'lItl'rtaill tlll. ir AZALEAS card duh at ciiulIlT ;t:JtI hrid!.!l· tnlll"rrow , "f. bun5e of Celery "'t'a ... illll. , Beets and Carrots 3 bun25e Rhubarb Wm. J. Cartledge :\Ir. allel ~Irs. Thomas Smith han' re. . Ik 11Irlll'd to Iheir hOlll e ill II1(Ii;lI1a aill'r I )l':ln Schrl'lIi~'r J.:a~·c ;111 l1Jtl·rl' ... l1ll~ 1:1 . Ita"lIlg ' IIt·t·1I II Il' gllt':-' I 0 " II 1('lr . :-011 • .'I \ r_ I allel kd the (ltsCIISSIOIi on church affairs. Clauti(' C. Smith oi llalti1l1l1n' I'i).;t· iHl ~Ir. l~olallcl I.. Eatoll i..; slll'IHling- to'l·\·lT,11 wl'('ks. :Ilay ill \\·iimill,gtoll. Ik1awarl.'. ~Ir. alld .\lrs. J. Donald (~ih'"1l l'lI!l"r~Ir~ . . \lirl'il II. \\'illiatlls of Ogtkn tailled al hrillgl' l;ht Satunla\· l·\·l'lIing. ;!VeIlIlC will ll·41\·c till ~lolUlay for Xl'\\"~Ir:-. . . \rlhur 11_ JtJllt.· ... e;i I)it-kilb,'ll Illlrt Xl''''S wlll'rl' :;111' will jIlin her sistcr, :tHUll(' l'lItt·rtaim·d :II !Ullclll'lllI 111 1,:lII\·a . . tt·l-l \\'illi:1I1I l·lt':In·,. 1{,)IIl.rt -I':r,killt.• ,\101'-' 'Phone Su·.:ulhmorc 199"-\\' , I'II lit'" Ilf IttTlg;1I1 I e\'cllings b)'_al'lmlnlment \\ IIl'rl' ~ IIt· \\,t .. \';\ II t'l I IIy Lit ;-;'mit!t, I.l.'wi..; Sha\·, \\·il1iall1 Sha\.. ; _ _ _Ol)cn ___ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ IIl11thl'r. : I~""l"l"l Ilall. HohlTI l'~rT\'. 1J:t\-id Shl,~.-I )'Ii:-. .. Uuth Ilt·lld ... t·1I III l.aiaYdk an-- 11II:ti;n. l{aiJlh Hhnad ... ,,:jllialll l~ullll'r-' Cranite Marble 1I.11l· l'lItlTl;~illt'd l!tn'l' 01 hl'l iril'II" ...Ia . . t i"nl. ;(lId John 1....:lilll'. Salllniay !til" IU!lda'IIIl ,11111 thl" Illallllt·c I ui ".\Iin· ill "·olltin1all(J" in h"lIor oi' Cemetcry \\'urk a SI,e(')alt)' hlT twt"iilh I,irthda.\. I F.. rlnighlly ).f;lrjuril· :'llal'~lill;lII_ dau!.!hh'l" 'II :\11".; Est. Isn ;ulel )'Ir!'o. Stanln I•. :'lla"','lillan of Vas- t :\11", .. \llfll·l'\\ "I,rh'r \\ill l'llh"rtaill tilt" Xo. 1.;Insduwllc I\n' .• on'xt.·J lIill. 1';1. (nl'IIusih' ,\rUng-luII t..'t'ml'h'r)') !'oar an'lIIh' has 'rdllrlll' 1 ;rom tltt· hOI,. 1 Fllrllli!!1itly al J.l'1" hOllll" 1111 EI!1l an'II1H', CI{";lfbrouk 6880 1 ;t ill \\ 111 P!.l"'I,: :11 \"I'1"1:,Io,r .. .\l:c""t· I of :-: . -~l'~:~e,,". ".i 11.1l' : I:. ~,:", '=il:','-~'-r'!-'-),-'r-'-'I-It-l"'-"-'-'-)'-"-"-I.--'-':I-i-L;-"-~-:~-h--I-{-()-h-i'-"-()-II-.",---E-L-I-Z-A-B-E-T-H-~K~A-U-F-M-A-N- ~Iua~t Tltcl~lIt' P k Ch 25 ""I" or Ops Jb e ,'I.".,., ,I"""""" ''''''''''«',1 I,,' !h" "".,,1"',,· S"".-(I""",,· I'laFrs CI"h. Th, «"(hIClio". a"'1<",,"-e "",I ;,,<111("(' Ihe COl!1l1l11ters I" "'e th,. ,·I:t~ .. , ]Ih; .... "i tllt· IIlall." tnlllt..•\.s itlld !Just's ill~I"a(1 "f tl".,'r ""II", Pork L· 1''''''''', 'I'll< 'p,'"k",- "xp"'i""" 11",1 11>,· "I,kr ior tilt· !'ollul) of :-;oulh AltIl'rit"a was 1I,,,hi,",." ~Ir. .Iih,,, <'xplai",,1. oln Roast II ",,,I ""'" '" ,,,,,pi, .",,1 I,,,,, ,.. ""''''',"1>. I,,,," ''1,,,,,i,,,,",, ""I ,,, ";"il"l, "alrul· 1",ld '" Ih" <,ha"d )""'I"IlI. "It is i" Ii",. will> Il>e p"lil"), we ,Iarll'" oj a 11,1.\ Finest Fruits and Vegetables Sea Food and Groceries ~.l.75 SWARTHMOREAN Ir~·I.l .I:~xs«~n ~:I\'(' LUCRETIA MOTT FELLOW Tr;tt,tiem Cel, It II cI it.. :->uh ... idiar,", l :\rollilllink Tr;IIIS11orlalIHIl Co.• CJl)Cmling IHls ;lUd tnrlit,)" lim's ill JJdaw,.rt' :11111 t'lu:stcr "'-Olllltit's. h,n.,,' 111.·,,1 was ,· ..... " ..·..,d on a natiollal s.'ale, wilh " WiIllH'I' s,'h·,·\('d I'a.·" w .. ",,- l"'''Ol'(ling to the J)u~rit of hi!"O c·i~u .... b.and f"ssay~ anti I)(~ W~IS given an "Iltional .,hoj,·" of IIIf' 11",(,1' "at'~, d"li'·I'.'ed to him flllly "fluipl"'.!' :15e .J () t-l /IIJrI Cenel""al-l 20 years experience wilh all makes. Member of Nat. Asso. of Piano Tuners. All I'ianof'; should be tuned twice each A, L PAIIKER Phone Media 831 SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES ANNA SCHALLES SHEET METAL WORK -ROOFING Phone, Sw, 1225 Copper Spoutings and Flashings Muhlenberg Ave, Rutledge Prices on labor and materials are lower than ever before." All Lines of INSURANCE WOODWARD, JACKSON & BLACK, Inc. INCLUDING LIFE PETER E. TOLD 333 Dartmouth Avenue ~i Call Swarthmore 1833 OLDBANKBLDGo NEl'! LOl'! '-RICES PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING: M4 4 4!. ~ . - _ F. o. B. Flint. Michigan. Special equipment extra, BUY A CHEVROLET and DRIVE IT TODAYl ~ I A : and o"crhauled an.! rio your Sl'dng house cleaning more efficiently, Iris ]lossible to control a savlllgs aCCollnt so that from a very small de]losit it may grow into a very l 1I ELECTRICIAN ]lresent a marginal nCCollnt ft°om taking n nose I 0 / t 0 Swarth more Natl'onal Bank 1/ e lI and T rust ompany ' • =====~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~==== j l I / I It I I large sum-but NO ONE has ever been able to ' :, GEORGE H, KELLEY Phone Swarth. 428 • ." /: i v e d , , : Phone Swarthmore 596 LS T'H'TS T'R UE;; .1. I Have your Vacuum etc.ml'r cleaned, 401 Dartmouth Avenue r...-...·-··-..-··---·-·-..--..--··-··--··--..·--··--..--··-·.--..·-..·--..--..--..--·~.--....( , STEPHEN BROWN Morton p, O. Box 144 Swarthmore 1056 Swarthmore 43 L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1( Interior and Exte~;or Wall Paper Cleamng SPECIAL SPRING PRICES WENTZEL MOTORS ()(!f)()l24Tt=() ehnla,f p({. Prbzff!l" PIANO TUNING THE GREAT AMERICAN VALUE Low delivered prices and easy GMAC terms_ ~V ;.--...- •.--• "Sero;ng Swarthmore Since 1904" I1 .--4._•• _ ••_ •• _ •...-•..-.--..._•..-.. .•_ ..--.-..--•. _ •• _ •.--...-....--....--..._ .•_ .•~ THE SWARTHMOREAN THE SWARTHMOREAN of the schedules' We do not th nk so APRIL IS, 19iJ2 Swarthmore conse ent Ou, IS would or transportat on of ii:~o~:~~.t!~~~':,; I Saturday after erages nor any mterest In the blessed with al!'~~~~:~~I~1 of tribute from those who are thus men 10 Igreat,,, Swarthmore who can amass a 000 I and even ng • RUSSEll HAYS WINS FAME AS GENEALOGI!5T nsurance agents [ terested ng offices here as any commumty of I have been mformed that there were equal s ze 10 the country Are there four twelve members of the Execut ve Com present. ten Repubhcans and two John Russell Hayes of Swartlunc re amount of publIC confidence than Democrats The former w It undoubt Sm th Mr Walton Mr Biddie edly vote for Senator McClure who was College Pa who has won local recogll Entered as Second CIass matter the Post Office at Swarth Mr Parker all of whom have also endorsed and the latter two sa d t on for h s work 10 genealog cal and hi. more Pa under the Act of March 3 1879 uted so greatly towards the they thought the group was mlS nformed tOrlcal research has been honored by a th s borough dur ng the r thirty or more n endors ng me. You prohably know Who s Who n Genealogy sketel of FRIDAY APRIL IS 1932 Ivears residence here. Then consder Me McClure IS or pooes as a Reg h s work neluded 10 the hst of the lead - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - jinlSu:rarlce men hv ng here and War RepubI can and at the same tune s g act ve genealog cal researcl ers I tie ng large nsurance compan cs n a very tregular cand dale n tile DemoU d A Un ted States n The HarKlbook of n e r vr t er s ssoc at on for less Ph 1 d 1 h 1 Keep Swarthmore 8 PubliC Or a e p a and we be eve the erat c prImarIes h 1 1 d 1 Amer can Genealogy recently ssued 1 y tan ot er Ph a epha agene e 11 h cha Insurance at lionle How n Dch 10 ger can we cant nUe w agree t at a nge S I grant that your orgaOlzatlo I has a TI 0 Inst tute of Amer can Genealog) not to a other Ph ladelph a campa y perfect right to ag tate for such changes of Ch cago c I ange agenc es to 0 r appare t Recogn t o n th S held affords access 11 c tage' n our laws as you conce ve to be be e s I 001 d str cl property Mr D 'que s luest ons are atu al REFUSES fic al to the country At tl e same Ume to the extens ve Imeage files of TI e Na WET .ENDORSEMENT I hcannot grant your orgaOl.. t on or any tonal Clear ng House for Genealog cal as wel1 I as bee a subject of co trov They a re based on tl e ge era I be1 e f a f at er crsy over the past te l ears TJ c board 5 laym e n ( YI 0 can 0 t sp a k tl e sur h group the r ght to use my name Informat a as well as profess anal can tact w Ih ge ealog sis n I 331 count e f ance man s language) that all rates are The follo\\ ng cop es of cOlrre"porld"DC'ei w t oul my knowledge and consent k 1 proposa to ta e the bus ness a yay rom determ ned at the same source a .. , that f ddt Th S t' b I therefore request that yOu WIthdraw thro ghout the Umted States and ID 16 one Ph ladeJph a firm and g ve t to a IU orwar e a e war Ii norean y t uneth cal II d 1 f P tman of Vassar a v e nue are self-Clc. your endorsement of my cand dacy and fore g countr es wh ch w II enable h n other s Just a repet t 0 of what has hap s an ega or a ned before cut h 5 comm ss on plana tory g ve that fact the same pub! c ty you to expand tI e scope of h s york vet) pe mater ally It bold have g yen you endorsement h S rth P Or g nally the bus ness as parcelled s a assert on to say t at wa more a It w II be of nterest to the member out among the local agents The board eng neers who can be secured by Apr I 11 1932 Ve y truly you s and prospect ve members and espec ally kept a record of where eael pol y was larger Ph ladelph a nsurance firms Mrs Warren Marshall Secretary JOHN H PITMAN to the relllstrars of the Daughters of the placed and when nforn at 0 aoout that any more capable of rev 5 ng Delaware County Penna. Assoc at on I • Amer can Revolu on .. Sons of the Am pol cy was wanted the local agent was than a e tl e eng nee s represent g na the Prohlb tlon Amendment 10Wl Meeting er can Revolut on Colon al Dames a d caUed tlonal fire nsurance compaR es dear Mrs Marshall other hered tary patr ot c soc et es to Then a new school board headed by setv ces are ava lable to the local agents am n rece pt of the follow ng letter At the JO ot meet ng of Delaware and learn that a local res dent I as formed Frank N Sm th began to funct on Mr It s 0 Iy natural that a ew cha rman dated Apr 1 4 1932 Montgomery County for Soc al Welfare these nternat anal contacts because they Sm th soon reported that tremendous of the nsuraoce comm Uce 51 auld I ke to My dear Mr PItman B sav ngs could be made by plac ng the n feel sat sfied that he gett ng the At a comb ned meet ng of the at ry Mawr a Monday tl e \\: oman s v 11 make pass ble the necessary genea ClUb was ~el1 represented Mrs WII log cal rescarcl to qual iy for nember D e 1a war e C a u n t y A ssoc at on s rance With a Ph ladelph a concern ra t es B ut t ~ou Id see on 1y proper 1 am A Jaquelte Pres dent of the De a sh p v thout outs de a d whose eng neers and experts co Id ap ask th e company h andl ng the surance aga nst t h e P ro h I b t on Amendment an d the D e1aware C ounty D VIS on ~n Pra se the bu Id ngs no e accurately a I th c t ne t 0 fi st n a k e a e ~ s rve) of ware Co Dty Welfare Counc 1 a d "rs TI s as far Elmer Mell ck pres de It of the Dela suggest means by wh ch the rates gl t th e sc hed u1es 0 f t h e W omen s 0 rgaruzat 0 1 for be lowered on certa n pol c es learn was not done Nat anal Proh b t on Reform your ware County Federat on of Clubs were TI e cnansre to the Ph ladelph a Co n As far as we can learn Usura cand dacy was unan mously endorsed seated on the speakers platform others pany was m~de.. and part of tl e a ra g pan es do not nspect pope t es Ow ng to lIness ny famdy and my attend ng vere Mrs \V 11 a n Ra man ment prov ded that\.a port 0 o[ the pro d ange schedules every fe v non nat on Mrs A F Jackson Mrs W II am John A real Swarthmorean Home of fits from the bus ness be shared v th the Schedules often stand unchanged and we are now work ng for you son Mrs George Barber Mrs Elwood 4 bedroom. and up to date III local brokers \ years Frequently a new company We have opened Headquarters as Chapman hirs R L Coates Mrs E Then came the Yale avenue _t:rc Be ous tor the bus ness w 11 report that they above and would be pleased to re Lange Mrs Mart n Young Mrs P H overy re.pect for sale at about Jewett M ss Eva Foster a d the M sses fore settlement was entirely '" coi'tn1eted ca n save $500 on a certa n sc h e d ule but ce ve any 0 f your I terature H $]2._ Deluding garage and nice some d ssat sfact on was expressed~ tJ [a I to reveal that more than $500 n al Yours most s neerely elen Man a d Anna Boyd represc t bu 1m... lot Parties leaVIng town the way n wh ch the matter was handled terat 0 , vould have to be made on tl e HARRIET S MARSHALL ng the Moth rs Pens 0 furld Worth ~e mooe~ by the Ph ladelph a broker Aga n a bu ng befo e the change would be PO' (Mrs Warren Marshall S~~:::=::7c~~,,1 change was suggested and tn s t me I.e, s hIe \ dut es as Cha rman of the Media Theatre I e Campbell a res dent of the commu There S'" lQ reason why we B centenary Comm ttee twas Imposs ble \l Phone Swarthmore 705 n ty w th an Insurance bus ness n Ph la make a defense of.... the present Ph lade1 to reply earl er The Moo a Theatre had a record at delph a was glVen all of he bo ough and ph a conee n ha dt n~ the case except I do not understand why I should have tendance at the show ng of Al ce n !.::===============~ school board bUSiness that we th nk they should be g yen an received the endorsement of tl e above Wonderland and has dec ded to have an Mr Campbell arranged for the profits equal chance w th the newlv proposed I have had no commun other chddren 5 p cture 0 Apr I 30 call WINDSTORM from SOme of the pol c es to be returned company to br ng the schedules up to-ether personal letters or ed Puss n Boots Th s s a fa ryland f!Jr 5 vears co81s '3 20 on framp to the local agents and there s every date As de from th s reason our only fro m these or.galnization.s operetta w th excellent photography and dwell ng S2 40 "one dweIUng How reason to bel eve that had he I ved the feel ng towards one company or the p evous to or 5 nce your letter of April s very beaut fully staged The mus c s much do you want? system would have permanently solVed s that the present one returns the 4th was wr Uen by Nathan el Sh lkret and h S Victor the problem Mr Campbell be ng a res on the bus ness to Swarthn ore tax pay I am a total absta ner as s my Orchestra Th s p cture p am ses to be a E C WALTON dent of the corumun ty was n personal ers wh Ie Mr Corse has no and we e my grandparents before great treat for the ch Idren _____ ~_ touch w th members of the board and of [rom the new company tI at they pro and as I hope my ch Idren wdl be. The StClarthmorea , w shes to express borough couned He made many vatu pOse to do so ts regre( at the erra n last week 5 Me able suggest ons and everyone was sat s Some members of the board feel that d a theatre ad wh ch stated that AI ce n Attractive second Ooor apartment Rent $75 6 rooms bath porch electric nfrlg tied th 5 d v s On of profits s lIegal unbus Wonderland was to be gIVen Fr day erator electric range Private 011 bWner Unfortunately th s per od wa closed ness I ke and uneth cal Op on mom ng The cor eet not ce was that 2 entrances Possession May 1 by Mr Campbell s unt mety death H s to d 1fer on th 5 A number of Ii~:~.:~ the p ttu e was g ven Saturday rna n ng WM S BITrLE bus ness was pu ha cd by W Ison and nSUrance brokers that we have : Co of Ph Jadelph a an nsurance house to declared that the profits on Notary Publ.c Real Ealate wh ch agreed to handle the bus ness and many nsurance 001 c es are Swa 111 J THE BELIGIOUS SOCmrY OF FRIENDS return forty percent of the profits to among t N'O Clr more agents No man who Uvea up to h1a light feara l!!111II1I1II1II1II11 1111111111 111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111 III!;! Mrs Campbell and to d vide s xty pe If Mr Co Se and the members of h s to face the truth EIGHTY MILES -From By An Unknown DIsClp e cent among a half dozen or more of the cornm Uee are really nterested n mak ng local agents a change ;vh ch n our np n on w 11 meet BUNDAY That arrangement p eva led unt I w th the approval of the great major ty of 9 45 A II - Pint Day Bchool In Whittier HoWIe n the past month when George Corse Swarthmo e tax paye 5 they w 11 vork 9 45 A M - Morning Forum in Meeting House Subject on April l'lth cha rman of the Insurance Comm ttee as har I to find a su table n eans of Dr Arnold Dresden of Swarth... By TELEPHONE ~rv ng h s first term on the school plac ng tie bus ness d rectly "th more Co ege will lead the Phone Med.a 174 Forum ard came In contact w th a repre Swarthmore nSUrance agents as 11 00 A M - Meeting for worsb p In the sentathve of another Ph lade ph a nsu have worked to place t n Ph ladelph a meetlng house o. ance Ouse F Baruch and Co Inc fh s U WEDNESDAY representat ve ev dentl pan vest gat on ~e find that the 9 30 A M to 2 30 P 14 -Sewing and Quilt. 8 lOP M ng In Whitt er House Box luncheon convlDC ng Mr Corse ihat s~c~e~~ed n ~~ance nC early every commun ty n was capable of making changes :P~h~ an~ aware nty s plaCed wth nsur 411 are cordially se~l= to jo n n these schedule upon wh ch WI & e me v ngt hat con n un ty Genera1-2 the r rates wh ch would S~:sUlt a hase~ UsuaIl~ one age t s selected to repre iiiII 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111118WARTIDlOBB say ngs for the board n g ea sent t e oU ers wi 0 share the pol c es >mJ'HODIST EPISCOPAL CHlJBCH LLOYD P STE\1ENS No doubt the peop1e of S h Th 5 agent attends board or cou c I meet Mlnlster w II have the same react on to :~rihmore n~s k kno Ys wi ere each pol cy s placed A had Mr DISque who excla med at 5 t~S and beeps nh do e touch w th the school Board meet ng Wh dean oroug bu Id ngs so as to changes lead' C p ere a all these mend rescheduh g vhenever possible. b sell IDsurance bas: on {ou men such as Mr Walta less than local agents' Can 0 Ph I e r Parker and Mrs Chas Sunda.y Aprl l'1th detph a agency sell standard po~e t~ s~ th sell ng nsurance n S varthmore ~~~~~ rate of vh ch s determ ned cbeys th: pWh Ya' s t necessary to go to Ph ladel 8 OO-Worship and Sermon HOW'rO PRAY If th s does not meet the board 5 ap 00 TO SOME CHt1RCH WELCOME proval let them secure a b oke such as Mr Ca npbe11 wa a man who I ves n THE 8WABTIDlOBB PBESBYTEIUAN CHtIBCH Swarthmore pays taxes here but has a Rev John Ellery. Tuttle !41n18ter bus ness large than the local agents 315 DlcklDson AYe Phone 554 THE CIlUBCH OF THE WELCOMING elsewhe e Th s s not mposs b e 900 January 24 1'29 at Phone Swarthmore I 11;::===============:-. Stop! Look! Listen! a • N c A SMITH INSURANCE I =__...:..=:...:...:..___ 112 PARK AVENUE I CIJ-nurch News , _ Media Laundry, Inc. - = t c ~:!e~~~da r~~:;cf~s }irl~ = -;,==: 3Se Our Lowest Spring Prices, effect. ive at once are as follows: M CASH PRICES The MarDI Flower Shop I Cut Flowers and Bouqueu PrIces and Quality Right' SprlDg Bedding Planu' Pansies Rock Garden Plants DO YOU LIKE HAND F nally we feol tl at II e '".uHmce J.I SUNDAY comm t ec of the Board 1 as a erlooked 10 OO-Blble School the most na ural way to keep II e sur 11 OO-MORNING WORSHIP h d PASTOR PREACHES ance se e ules up to-date regudless of 4 AI: .....'£!EANLAlTYWoua~ THE KINODOM' where or how the bus ness s placed and 5 oo=viSPERS ~ that s by turn ng them over' to Mr PASTOR S MEDITATION Morey the supe v s ng pr nc pal Is t too KEEPING THE PAlTH much to expect the super ntendent of WEDNESDAY 8 OO-GLEANEBS MBETlNG schools to not ce vays and means b wh ch the schedule m ght be ev sed an~ FATmms YOU ARE DECIDmo 0IlURcH the rates 10 vered and ask for a rev s on ATrENDANCE FOR YOUR CHILDREN _...:AB=-...:W:.:R=':.:T=AB::....:PO=-=B=-Y::O:.U1ISEL:::=::V~1!8::.... _ TRINITY CHtIBCH Protestant Euiscopa FRIED CHICKEN? Che ter Road and College AvenUe Oppoa te the College Campus Rector Rev J Jarden Guenther B '1' K drive to the Harvard FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER Fned chIcken or roasts fresh vegetables salad and desert SSc 1:00 to 2:30 8:00 &. m -HolY Communion 9 4S a m -Bunc1ay SchOOl 11:00 a m -MOrning Prayer and Sermon EGG • • STOVE • NUT • • PEA • • • • • $10.75 • • $11.00 • • $10.75 • • BUCKWHEAT $9.00 $7.00 We Sell FIDe Quahty D & H AnthraCIte VAN ALEN BROS. CIWBCII OP 0BlUST 8CIBNTlBT OP SWARTIDlOBB Park AvenUe Below Harvard SWARTHMORE 149 ORDINANCE No. 579 BOROUGH OF RIDLEY PARK Assessmg against properties adjacent to and abutting thereon the cost of sanitary sewers constructed under Ordinance No. 563, Ridley Park Borough, Delaware County, Pennsylvania AN OBD1NAN~ f i t on of property All That certain property Delaware County Pa having a frontage of Crum Lynne Estates as recorded in the James Nicol & Margaret Nicol reputed ......1:11 0 the Borough of BId. ISltuate in the Borough of Ridley Park: 258 1 feet--lQ5 2G teet rate $1 03 assess ey Park 888E!88 ng against properties ad aforesaid being Lata Noe 31 32 In Section ment Oftlee for the Recording or Deeds etc In owners-Location of property All That $17022 jacent to and abutting thereon the coet G on Plan of the Orum LJ'Il118 mstatee Deed. Book No 372 P8Be 624 etc Situate certain property Situate In the DorollS'h of of sanitary sewers according to the foot at Rid ey ParI!: Del Co Pa as recorded George B Moore reputed. owner-Loca n the Borough of Rld.ley Park County of Ridley Park aforesaid being Lota N08 30 tront rule which sewers were COl18tructed on tbe aforesaid Plan hay ng a frontage tlon or- property All That certain property Delaware State of Pennsylvania BBOIN' and 31 In Section L on the aforesaid n the fa ow ng streets as provided under of 182 6-119 56 feet rate *1 03 888e68ment Situate In the Borough of Ridley Park NINO at a point on the Northeaster_Iy side Pian of Crum Lynne Estates at Ridley Ordlnanee No 563 Jackson Road Haver $123 15 aforesaId being Lota Nos 3 & 4 In Section of Shaw Road at the dlstance of 38,1 It Park Delaware Co Pa having a frontage ford Road. Hll1alde Road Shaw Road Stat D on the aforesaid Plan of Crum Lynne Nortllwestwardly curving to the left with of 50 feet-50 feet rate 8103 assessment tord Place Nicholson Road Crum L}'IlD.e James M Br ttaln reputed owner t.oca EBtates at R dley Park De aware County a radius of 297 77 feet from a point In the $5150 Road Olen och Road Gilbert Road BoIl88I t on of property All That certain prop- Pa hay ng a frontage of 52 It -52 feet sa d 8 de of Shaw Road 88ld point being Charles E Que reputed owne -LocatiOn North 47 deg 35 minutes West 25 4 If. Road R d ey Road Be a r Road n the erty S tuate In the Borough of Ridley Park. rate $1 03 assessment. $53 56 property All That certain property SItCrum Lynne Estates n Rid ey Park Dela aforesa d being Lote Nos 33 to 52 Inclu from tbe Northwesterly 81de of StaJrord of Walter H & Alice M Baird reputed own P ace produced extending thence along uate In the Borough of Ridley Park afore ware County Penns va slve n Sect on 0 on Plan of We Crum ers-Locat said being Lots Nos 32 to 34 inclusiVe In on of property All That certain Be it Ordained and. enacted by t.ne Hor ynne Estates at Ridley Park Del Co Pa property Situate In the Borough of Rid ey the said s de of Shaw Road Northwest-- Sect on L on the aforesaid Plan of Crum wa dlY curving to the lett with a rad us oogh Council that as recorded on the aforesa d Pan hav ng Lynne Estates at R dley Park De aware aforesaid be Lots Nos 5 to 8 in ot 297 77 It a distance of 617ft to a Co Pa having ft. frontage of 75 feet-75 Sect on 1 TI at the publ c san tary a frontage of 499 5--499 50 feet rate t1 03 cPark uslve In Section D on the aforesa d point tbence North 42 degrees 16 minutes sewer authorized and constructed. unde assessment $51449 Plan of Crum. Lynne Estates at R dley East 97 78 tt to a po nt tbence SOuth 47 feet rate $103 assessment $77.25 the author ty of ord nance No 563 of the E eanor M Cullen reputed owner-Loca Park Delaware County Pa Charles A W gmo e J'eputed owner-Lo having a degrees 33 m nutes East 60 ft to a POint Borough of Ridley Park approved tbe 29th t on of property AU That certab. property frontage of 104 feet--l04 feet ate $103 and thence South 42 degrees 16 minutes cation of property All That certain prop day of August A D 1930. was completed S tuate n the Bora!8'h of R dIey Park assessment $107 12 West 83 6 ft to the place of ~~ nomg erty S tuate In the Bo ough of Rid ey Park on the Eleventh day of April A D 1932 afo esald being Lots Nos 53 and 54 In aforesaid being Lota Nos 35 to 38 in Louts Lott reputed owner-Locat on of 61 7 feet rote $103 assessment $63 55 Sect on G on Plan of the Crum Lynne clus ve n Sect on L on the aforesaid Section 2 -That the cost of construc Estate3 at R dley Park De Co Pa IUJ property AI That Certa n property Bit Mary A Austin wife of J Wa ter Austin Plan of Crum Lynne Estates at Ridley tion of the said san tary sewer Is hereby recorded on the aforeaa d P an hav ns a uate In the Borough of Ridley Park &.fore eputcd owner Loca.t on of rroperty All Park Delaware CO Pa hav ng a. frontage assessed by the foot front ru e at $103 frontage of 162 feet-l07 20 feet rate ,103 saId being Lots N08 9 to 14 inclusive In That certain lot or piece a land being of 100 feet-UN) feet rate $103 assess Section D on tbe atoresa d Plan of Crum per foot as a sewage tax upon the property MSCSShlent $11042 Lynne Estates at R d ey Park Delaware comPQ6ed of Iota Nos 59 60 61 and parts ment $103 00 or properties he elnafter described adjo n Wa ter H and A Ice II Balrd reputed County Pa having a t ontage of 156 feet of lots Nos 62 63 64 65 66 and fY1 In Block James R Monagban && Marguerite L :lg or adjacent to the said sewers 88 pro on of property All That L on the Plan of Crum Lynne Estates Monagban Locat on of property All That 156 feet rate ,103 assessment $160 68 V ded by law wh ch sewers were con owners-Locat certaln p openy B tuate In the Borough of recorded n the omce for the Record. certain property Situate In the Borough of structed n tbe fo lowing st eets Jackson Rid ey Park_ afo esa d be o.g Lots 1 to 4 'I'heIma 8 and Vaughn C Wanen Lo as ng or Deeds etc In Deed Book 372 page Rid ey Park aforesaid be ng Lots Nos 39 Road Have ford Road Hillstde aoad Shaw cation of property A Tbat certa n pr..Jp 624. DC n Bect on 0 on Plan of tbe Crum S tuate n the Borough of R dley Park and 40 In Bect on L on the aforesaid Road Btatrord Place Nicholson Road Crum Lynne Estates at R dley Park Del Co Pa erty S tuate n the Bo ough of Rid ey Lynne Road Glenloch Road 01 bert Road as recorded on the aforesaid Pan having Park aloresa d be ng Lota Nos 15 &; 16 In county of Delaware State of Pennsylvania P an of arum Lynne Estates at RId ey Bonaa Road Ridley Road Be air Road a fronta.ge of 212 feet--1572O feet rate Sect en D on the afo esald Plan of Crum Beglnn ng at a po nt on the Northeasterly Park Delaware County Pa havlng a front. as recorded on Map of the Crum Lynne $1 Lynne Estates at R dley Park De Co Pa s de of Shaw Road at the distance of 38 1 age of 50 fee~ feet rate $103 assess 03 assessment $161 92 EBtates at Rid ey Park Delaware County haVing a frontage of 50 feet--50 feet rate ft No thwestwardly curving to the left ment $5150 WI am L Evans reputed owner-Loca $103 assessment $51 50 w th a r&d us of 297 77 ft trom a POint Carr e E Rando I wife of Warren B Ran Pennsylvan a n tbe office for the Reeord. the sa d side of Shaw ROad said po nt be doll l..ocat on of property A 1 That certain ng of Deeds etc In and for the County tlon of property All That certain prop. OUve B Rockey eputed OWDe Locs erty S tuate In the Borough of R d ey Park ng No th 47 deg 35 m n West 25 4 it property Situate n the Borough of R dJey of De aware afo esald at Media Pa in t on of property A That certa n p op from the Northweste ,y s de of StaO'ord Park. aforesatd being lots Nos 41 to $6 Deed Book No 372 page 624 11 ed In Plan afo esald be ng Lots Nos 5 & 6 In Section erty Situate n the Borough of R d ey Park o on the aforesa d p an of Crum Lynne Place p oduced extending thence along Inclusive In Section L on the aforesaid Case No 1 page 2 The name of the owner aforesaid be ng lots Nos 17 to 19 Inc u the sa d s de of Shaw Road. Southeast-- Plan of Crum Lyc.ne Estates at R dley or reputed owners the location of the Estates at Ridley Park De aware County. slve n Sect ou D on the afo esald Plan wardly curv ng to the r gbt with a radius Park Delaware Co Pa hav n~ a frontage property and tbe desc Iptlon thereot ac Penna having a frontage of 50 teet-50 of Crum Lynne Estates at R d ey Park of 297 77 feet a d1etance of 38 1 ft to a of 540 teet--274 00 teet rate ,1 03 assess cording to the Plan of the Crum Lynne feet rate $103 assessment $51 50 Delaware Co Pa havIng a f outage of po nt of reverse curve thence Southeast- ment $28222 Estates aforesaid the number ot assess Nelson M and Carolyn G Downefij J'8 18(19 feet rate $1 03 assess ward y curv ng to the eft with a radius ab e feet the rate of assesament and the puted owners-Location of property All ment feet-13214 $13810 of 25 3 f a dLstance of 398ft. to the Carr e E Randoll wife of Warren B omou. t assessed be ng as follows _ That certain property Situate In the Bor reputed owner Location of prop Joseph Fischl & Tees a FlBch eputed Northweste y side of the &aId Stafford Rando James H Br tta n reputed owner-Loca ough of Rid ey Park aforesaid belng Lots owners-Locat on of p openy Al That :P ace thence N 42 deg 9 min East along erty Al That certa n p operty S tuate n tlon of property A I That certa n prop~rty Nos 7 & 8 n Section G on the afore certa n prope ty S tuate In the Borough of the said side of Stafford Place 33 75 ft to the Borough of R dley Park aforesaId be s tuate In the Borough of R dley Park sa d p an of Crum Lynne Estates at RId dley Park aforesaid being Lots Nos 2'1 a point a corner of lands of Charles J ng a of Lots 10 Block N on the alore afOJ'esa d be ng Iota Nos 3 to 39 nclus ve ey Park Delawa e County Penna haVing R to 29 Inc U8 ve n Sec ton C on the Stro e and wife tbence a ong the last sa d P an of arum Lynne Estates at IUd In Sect on po on pJan of the Crum Lynne a frontage of 5D feet-SO teet rate $1 03 aforesa d P an of Crum Lynne Estates at ment oned ands N 47 deg 33 m n West ley Park De aware Co Pa hav ng a.1., tt"tassessment $51 50 Estates at R dey Park De awa e County Ridley Park De aware County Penna 60 ft to a point thence North 42 degrees age of 150 feet-ISO feet ra~I': '" U'J as Fa as recorded. on the aforesaid p an hav 6' .... Walter H and Al ce:M Baird reputed having a of 83 55 feet--69 feet 9 m n Bast 10388 ft to the Soutl wester y sessment ,154 50 lng a trontage of 1264 6S teet-113221 feet owners-Locat on of property All That. rate ,1 03 frontage S de ot Olenloch Road thence Northwestassessment $71 07 rate 8103 assessment ,116618 wa d y a ong the said side of Glen och ;.iI:!d owne Loca certa n property 8 tuate In the Borough of Catan a Construct on Company reputed Road curv ng to the right with a radius t on of property .aat certain property Peter J and Adriana C Ross reputed Ridley Park atoresa d being Lota Nos 9 owner-Location of p openy All That cer of 333 It a distance of 13995 ft to a point S tuate In the ough of Ridley Park on the min property Situate n tbe Borough of owners-Locot on of property All That to 12 Inclusive n Bect on 0 corne of ands of Sophie M Brandes afo esa d = e ots Nos 25 to 36 nclu certa n property S tuate n the Borough of aforcsa d P an of Crum Lynne EBtates at Rld ey Park aforesa d be ng Lots Nos. 20 to athence Westwa d y along the last men s ve n Se M on the aforesaid P an K d ey Park aforesa d be ng lata Nos Rid ey Park De aware County Penna 26 Inclus VB In SeCtion C on the afore and 169.2 It to a po nt In line of ot Crul!} lJne Estates at R dley Park De 1 & 2 In Sect on po on Plan of the Crum haVing a frontage of 100 feet-loo feet sa d. P an of Crum Lynne Estates at R dley toned at No 71 tbence SOuth 44 deg 41 minutes aware.'-~ Pa havIng a frontage of 300 91 Lyone Estates at R d ey Park De Co rate $1 03 assessment $103 00 Park Delaware County Pa hay ng a East along tbe rear of Lote 71 70\ 69 aDd f~.r.:OO 91 feet rate $103 assessment Penna as recorded on the afo esa d p an frontage ot 175 feet-175 feet rate $103 68 James J McMenamin reputed owner176 ft to a po nt a corner of ands of liD 99 having a frontage of 162 feet-l0'120 feet Location of property AI That certain assessment $180 2S Robert B Jaggers Jr then e" ong the carr e E Randall w fe of Warren Ran rate '103 assessment $1 042 property Situate n the Borough of Rid mentioned land S 47 deg 33 min 60 Howard. W Cox reputed owne -Locat on I reputed owner Location of property George B Moore reputed owner Locs ey Park afo esa d be ng Lots Nos 13 &: deg: da property Al That ce min property S t ft to a po nt and thence South All That certain property situate in tbe t on of pope ty All That certa n property 14 In Sect on G on tbe aforesaid plan of of 16 min West 83 6 ft to the pJlo of be uate In the Borough of Rid ey Park afore Bo ough or R dley Park aforesaid belng S tuate n the Borough of R d ey Park Crum Lynne Estates at R d ey Park Dela 88 inn ng 122 99 feet rate $1 ~v assessment Lots d being Lotos! Nos 17 to 19 Inclus ve In 12668 Nos 19 to 24 Inc us ve In Section aforesa d be ng ots Nos 19 to 23 Inclu wa e County Penna having a frontage of Seet on C on the aforesaid Plan of Crum M on the aforesa d Plan of Crum Lynne 8 ve In Sect on E on Plan of the crum 5D feet..-50 feet rate $103 assessment Lynne ~tates at Rid ey Park De aware at Ridley Park Del Co Pa hav Lynne Estates at Ridley Park De Co $5150 eha es J St obe & Ma e I Strobe re Estates Co Pa hav ng a frontage of '1.5 feet-75 ng a frontage of 154 97 feet-lS4 97 feet Penna as eeo ded on tbe aforesaid Plan puted owners-Locat on A I that certa n f.act rate $103 assessment $7'1.25 Ne McMenamin reputed owner--Loca hav n8 a frontage of 237 feet--l82 20 feet tlon of property Al That Certain prop. lot 0 p ece 0' ll:i.nd be ng composed of the rate ,103 assessment $15962 Arthur E Jones reputed OWDe -Location rate ,1 03 8S.9esshlent $18'1 fY1 Harry J Young reputed owner Location Southe&ste 11' part of lots Nos 62 63 64 erty B tuate n the Bo ough of RIdley Park property All That certain property S t E18 e M and Oeo ge M Bongort reputed afo~ d beIng Low Nos 15 & 16 n Sec ot property All That certa n property S t- and 65 n B ock L on the Plan of Crum of uate the Borough of R d ey Park afore owners-Location of property Al That t on 0 on the afoJ'esa d plan of Crum uate In the Borough at R dley Park afore Lynne )!:states as recorded. in tbe office sa d In belng Lots Nos 13 to 18 Iccluslve certa n n operty Situate In the Borough of Lynne Estates at Rid ey Park De aware said be ng Lots Nos 15 and 16 in Sectton for tire eeord ng of Deeds etc In DeeCl In Section on the afo ega d Plan of Ridley Fa k aforesaid be ng Lots Nos 24 COU:lty Penna hav ng a frontaae of 50 0' on the afa esa d P an of Crum Lynne Bock No 372 pa.ge 624 Situate In the Bor Crum Lynne MEstates at Rid ey Park Del at R d ey Park Del Co Pa hay t~gh ot Ridley Park Co of Del State ot to 27 nc uslve n Sectton E on Plan teet-SO feet rate $1 03 assessmen"t $51 SO Estates Ing a frontage of 50 feet-50 feet rate ra BegInning at a po nt on the North Co Pa having a frontage of 153 89 feetof the Crum Lynne Estates at Ridley Park H am W Hoff reputed owner-Location *1 03 assessment $51 50 westerly side of Staffo d Place at the dis 15389 feet rate ,1 03 assessment $158 51 'Del Co Penna as recorded on the afore Herman J and Mary Hansen reputed mid P an hav ng a frontage of 100 teet 100 of property A 1 That certa n property SItRoYal K Abbott., eputed owne -Loca tance of 25 ft South 42 deg 9 min West uate In the Borough of R dley Park afore tlon of property A That certain p operty from Southwester y s de of Olenloeb Road owners-Location of property All That eet rate $103 assessment' ,103 00 sa d be ng Lots Nos 17 & 18 n Section S tuate n the Bo ough of Rid ey Park P oduced. extendIng thence along said side certain property B tuate 1n the Borough of John P Oeo f:e reputed owne Locat on o on the aforesa d p an of Crum Lynne aforesa l! be ng 10tH Nos 13 and 14 In of Stafford P ace South 42 deg 9 min West R d ey Park aforesaid being Lots Nos 10 of property Al That certa n prope t.y S t Estates Rid ey Park De aware County Bect on C on the aforesa d P an of Crvm 75 f to a po nt thence North 4'1 deg 33 to 12 nc us.lve n Sect on M on tbe ua e n the :Bo ough of Ridley Park afo e Penna at having n frontage of 50 feet--50 Lynne Estates at Rid ey Pa k Delaware min West 60 ft to a point thence North afo esa d Plan of Crum Lynne Estates at 8a1d be ng Lots Nos 28 29 In Section E feet rate $103 assessment $5150 Co Fa bavlng a frontage of 50 feet--50 eastward y paral e with the sald Stafford R d ey Park Del Co Pa having a front on P an of the Crum Lynne Estates at Rid p ace 103 88 ft to the Southwesterly s de age of 7508 teet-7508 feet rate $103 as ley Park De Co Penna as recorded on Anne Wellesley reputed owner-Location feet rate $1 03 assessment $51 50 of said 0 en oeb Road th Southeast se\Sment $'17 33 the aforesa d P an having a frontage of 50 of property .A 1 That certain property S tHarr et A B gham reputed owner Lo wa y a ong said 8 de at Glen oell Rd S mon E & Mary E Rebels reputed own feet--SO feet rate $103 assessment $5150 uate In the Borough of R dley Park afore cat on of property A 1 That certa n prop cu vd ng to the left with a rad us. of 333 ft M nn e Pfluger reputed owner T..ocatlon S!l d belng Lots Nos 19 to 24 inclusive erty B tuate n the Borough of R dley Park a dlstance of 35 05 ft to a point of re- ers-Locat on of property AI That Certain n Sect on 0 on the aforesaid Plan of aforesa d be ng Lots Nos 11 and 12 in verse curve and thence SouthwMtwardly property Situate In the Bo ough of R dley of property Al That certa. n property Sit uate In the Borough of R dley Park afore Crum Lynne Estates at R d ey Park Dela Sec:tlen C on the afo esald P an of Crwn a ong a Ine cut\' Ing to the right with a Park aforesaId being Lota Nos 1 to 9 n wa e County Penna having a frontage of Lynne Estates at R d ey Pa k De aware In Seet on M on the atoresa d sa d be ng lots Nos 30 33 In Sect on E us of 26 ft a distance of 398ft to elusive 150 feet-ISO feet J'ate $1.03 assessment County Pa hay ng a f ontage of 50 feet-- ptad Plan of Crum Lynne Estates at R d1ey on P an of the Crum Lynne Estates at $154 aee of beg nn ng 149 85 feet rate $103 50 50 feet rate $103 assessment $51 50 Park Del Co Pa having a frontage of Rid ey Pa k Del Co Penna as reco ded assessment $92 61 375 feet more 0 ess-260 00 feet rate n thE' aforesaid plan hav nlt e. f ontage Frank M Qu nn reputed owner Loca James Herbert & The ma F Campbe Gunner Bather reputed owner-Locat on $1 03 assessment $267 80 of 100 feet-100 feet rate $103 assessment t on of property: Al That certa n prop eputcd owners-Locat on of p operty A or property All That certain property 8 t$103 00 e ty Situate n the Borough of R dIey Park That certain prope ty S tuate n the Bo Wa ter J Dill Locat on of property Al uate 1n the Borough of Ridley Park afore Bamue Wand Estel e A Palmer eputed aforeutd be ng lots Nos 25 & 26 n Section ough of R dley Park aforesa d being ots said be ng Lots Nos 96 and 10 In Beet on That certain property S tuate In the BOl" owners-Loca.t on of pope t:v A That o on the ato esaid Plan of Crum Lynne Nos 9 and 10 n Section C on the afore L on the aforesa d P an of Crwn Lynne ough of Ridley Pa k afo esald be nR' Lota certain property Situate In the Borough of Estates at Rid ey Park De aware County sa d Plan of Crum Lynne EStates at R d Estates at Ridley Park Delaware countl Nos 50 to 58 inc usive In Sect on J on Rid ey Park aforesaid being Lot No 34 Penna having a frontage of 50 feet--50 ey Park De aware County Pa hay ng a Pa having the aforesa d Plan of Drum Lynne Estates a frontage of 50 feet-50 fee n Sect on E on Plan of the Crum Lynne feet ate $1 03 assessment $5150 f ontage of 50 tee~ feet rate $1 03 rate $103 assessment at RIdley Park Delaware Co Penna bav $51 50 assessment $51 SO Estates at R d ey Park Delaware County M B ttaln reputed owner-La Gunne Sather &: Lucy Sather reputed Ing a f ontage of 475 40 feet-355 24 feet Pa 88 recorded on the af ass d P an hav catJames property A I Tbat certain prop Edric Wood Mue e reputed owne La owners-Locat on of propeny A That rate $1 03 assessment $36S 90 ng a frontage of 25 feet-25 feet rate e tyonS of tuate n the Borough of Ridley cat on of property A That certain prop ce taln property S tuate in Ridley Park $1 03 BSSem;ment $25 '15 W 11 am R chman reputed owne -Loca Pa k aforesa d being Lots Nos 27 to 30 erty S tuate n the Bo ough of Rid ey Park aforesa d be ng Lots Nos 11 and 12 n Ra ph C Baker and Este Baker reputed Inc In Sect on G on the aforesa. d. Plan aforesa d be ng Lots Nos 1 to 8 nclus ve Bect on L on tbe aforesa d Plan ot Crum t on of Frape ty A 1 That ce taln p operty B tuate n the Borough of R dley Park OWDers-Locat on of property A That ot Grum Lynne Estates at Ridley Park in Section C on the alo esald P an of Lynne Estates at R dley Park Delaware aforesa d Being Lots Nos 16 to 49 nclu Certa n property Situate in the Boroul{h Delaware County Penna having a front- Crum. Lynne Estates at R d ey Park Dela County Fa hav ng a frontage of 50 feet slve In Sect on J on the aforesa d P an of a d ey Park aforesn d being Lot No age of 244 53 feet--17664 feet rate $103 ware County Pa haVing a frontage of -50 feet rate ,I 03 assessment $5150 of Crum Lynne Estutes at R d ey Park 35 In Sect on l!l on P an of the Crum assessment $181 99 303 15 ft 251 25 feet rate $1 03 assess Delawa e County Pa hav ng a frontage Lynne Estates at RId ey Pa k De Co Char es F Decker Mary J Decke re S Pe clva Haml ton reputed owner LQ ment $258 '19 Penna as reco ded on the sa d P an hav cat puted owners-Location of property AI of 922 55 feet--922 55 feet rate $103 as of property All That ce taln prop Edgar J Barnes & OScar W M xue re That ce ta n property S tuate n the Bor sessment $950 23 Ing a frontage Of 13'155 feet--8255 feet e tyon S tuate In the Borough of Ridley Park puted owners-Location of property A ough of a dley Park aforesa d being Lots Catan a Construct on Company reputed rate $103 assessment $85 01 afo esa d being Lots Nos 20 to 23 nclu That certain p operty B tuate n the Bo o~ ne Location of property A That Cer Domen co and aosar a D coro Vad no and slve n Section D on the aforesa d P an ough of R dley Park afo esa d be ng Lots Nos 13 & 14 In Section L on the afore ta Situate In the Borough of N ck Vad no reputed owners-Locat on of of Crum Lynne Estates at Ridley Park Nos 1 to 9 nc uslve n Rect on 1 on the sa d P an of Crum Lynne Estates at md ey R dn eyp operty Pa k aforesaid be ng Lots Nos 11 hav ng a prope ty Al That certa n property S t De aware County Penna hav Dg a front nfo esaid Plan of Crum Lynne Estates at Park De aware County Pa to 15 Inc uslve 1n Section J on the frontage of 50 feet--SO feet rate ,1 03 as uate In the Bo OUR'h of R d ey Park afore age of 212 feet-15'12 feet rate $103 as R dley Park Delaware County Pa bav ng sessment aforesaid Pan ot Crum Lynne Estates at $5150 sa d being Lots Nos 1 and 2 In Sect on sessment 92 a frontage of 484 60 feet --360 76 feet rate R d ey Park Del County Pa hav nc a E on P an of Crum Lynne Estates at Nathan e M Whlttlker Juna E Whit- frontage of 14550 feet-14550 feet rate Lou sLott reputed owner Location of $103 assessment $3'1158 R d ey Pa k De Co Pa as ecorded on pope That certa n property S t wn lam Richman eputed owner Loca t ker reputed owuers-Locat on of prop $1 03 assessment $14987 sa d P an hay DB a frontage of 163 9 fee~ uate ntytheAll of R dley Park afore t on of prope ty A I That certain p op erty A That certain property Sltuate n 108 34 feet rate $1 M assessment *111 59 sa d he ng Borough W am R chman reputed owne -Loca Lots Nos 24 & 2S In Sect on erty S tuate in the Bo ough of R d ey Park the Bo ougl; of R d ey Park &toresa d be Char es N and Do a Land s reputed own D on the afo esa d Plan of Crum Lynne aforesa d be ng Lots Nos 93 and 94 and 95 lng Lots Nos 15 & 16 In Section L on t on of property A That certa n property the aforesa d P an of Crunt Lynne Estates Situate n the Borough of R d ey Park ers-Locatlon of prope ty All That certa n Estates at R dley Pa k De aware County In Sect on L on the aforesa d P an of at Rid ey Park De aware County Penna aforesaid be nil' Lots Nos 9 and 10 n Sec property S tuate n the Borough of Ridley Penna hav ng a frontage of 50 feet---.50 Crum. Lynne Estates at R k Delaof h a.v t ng a fr on ta ge 0 f ...... •• f • '0 f t Fa k atoresa d being Lots Nos 3 6 inc feet ra e $103 assessment $5150 ware County Pa hav ngd aey fPaontage ee..--." ee ra te t on J on the aforesa d P an at Crum Lynne Estates at Rid ey Park Delaware n Section E" on P an of Crum Lynne Leona d Duncan Amb er & Annie R '1470 feet-7470 feet rate $103 assess $103 assessment $5150 Pa hay ng a f ontage of 1696 Estates at Rid ey Pa k De Co Penna as Ambler eputed owners-Location of prop ment $'1694 Ra ph Haro d Westerho m reputed County feet--lll 76 feet rate $103 assessment. recorded on sa d Plan having a trontage of erty A Tbat ce ta n property Situate In owner-Loest on of property All That ce Hugh MacPherson eputed owne -Loca taln property S tuate n the Borough or $11511 100 feet-IOO feet rate $103 assessment the Borough (Of R d ey Park aforesaid be $103 00 tlon of property A That certa n p op R d ey Pa.rk afo esald be ng Lots Nos 17 L an Dannake reputed owne Loca ng Lots Nos 26 & 2'1 n Beet on D on erty B tuate In the Borough of R dley Pa k & 18 n Section L on the aforesaid Pan t on of property Al That certain prop George V Buck Jr Ne Ie M Buck re the atoresa d P an of Crum Lynne Estates ala esald be ng ots Nos 91 and 92 In Sec of Crum Lynne Estates at Rldler, Park erty S tuate n tbe Borougb of a d ey P6rk DUted owners-Location of property All at R dley Park De aware County Penna t on L on the aforesa d P an of Crum De Co t Pa h In tag being Lots Nos 7 and 8 in Sec That certain pronerty S tuate In the Bar haVing a f ontage of 50 feet--SO feet rate Lynne Sstates at R d ey Park De aware aware un y av g a ron e aforesaid on the afo esa d P an of Crum oUgh of R dlev Park aforesaid be ng lots $1 03 assessment $51 50 County Penna ha nil' a. frontage of of 50 feet--50 feet rate $1 03 assessment t on J Lynne Estates at R dley Park Delaware Nos 7 & 8 In Section E on P an of Crum Louis Lott rcputed owner Locat on of Lynne Estates at Rid ev Park De Co Prope ty A I Tbat certain property SIt- ~23a'eet--49 20 feet rate $103 assessment, $S6:lst an Sathe reputed owner Leca County Pa hav ng a frontage of 50 feet-Pa as ecorded on the aforesaid P an hay uate In the Borough of Rid ey Park afore t on of prope ty A 1 That certain property 50 feet rate $1 03 assessment $5150 ng a frontage of 50 feet--SO feet rate sa d being Lots Nos 28 to 31 inclusive In Will am Ricbman reputed owner LOM S tuate tn the Borough ot Ridley Park Mary R Jones reputed owner Locat on t on of property All thr.t certain property aforesa d be nil' Lots Nos 19 & 20 In Sec or property A 1 Tbat ce tain p operty S t $103 assessment $5150 Sect on D on the aforesaid Plan of Crum S tuate in the Borough of Rid cy Park ton L on the aforesaid Plan of Crum uate In the Borough of R d ey Park afore Ca.r and Rathe Ma ek reputed owners- Lynne Estates at R dley Park Delaware afo esald be ng Lots Nos 78 to 90 Inclu L Locat on of propertv A That certa n County Penna having a frontage of 100 slve in Sect on L on the aforesa d Plan ynne -ta·-"'" ~ a t Bld1ey P ark D eIaware said be ng Lota Nos 5 and 6 In Sect on property Situate In the Borough of Ridley: feet--l00 feet rate $103 assessment of Drum LYnne Estates at R dley Park County Penna hav ng a frontage of 5188 J on the aforesaid Plan of Crum Lynne Estates at Ridley Park De aware County Park aforesa d be ng Lots Nos 9 to 12 • 0300 Delaware County Penna having a front- feet--51 B8 feet rate $103 assessment Fa ha.vlng a frontage of 50 feet-50 feet Inc 10 Section E on Plan of Crum W lllam S Fitzgerald & Mlronda Fltz age of 31420 feet--31420 feet rate $1 03 $53 44 ate $103 assessment, $5150 Lynne Estates at R d ey Park Del Co Pa gera d reputed owners-Location of prop- 8SSMsment $323 63 Andrew M Perce reputed owne -Loca as recorded on the aforesaid Plan liavlng a E as Baud Anna S Cayton reputed ty Al That certaIn. property Situate In Haro d Band L Ian H W ey reputed tlon of property A 1 That certain property frontage of 100 feet-l00 feet fate $103 ethe BoroUgh of Ridley Park aforesaid be Owne-Locat on of prope ty AI That S tuate In R d ey Park aforesa d be ng owners-Location of property A 1 That cer assessment $103 00 ... ....-Low Nos 21 to 23 nclus ve In Sect on L min property Situate In the Borough of ng lots Nos 32 & 33 in Section D on Prancis J Lambert renuted owner La the aforesa d Plan of Crum L}'IlD.e Estates certain property S tuate n the Bo ough of on the aforesaid P an of Crum Lynne Es R d ey Park aforesaid being Lots Nos 3 Rid ey Park afo esald be ng Lots Nos 74 tates at R dley Park Delaware County Pa. and 4 in SectIon J on the aforesaid P an cation of property A That certa n prop at R d ev Park Delaware County Penna to '17 Inc us ve In Section L on the hav nil' a frontage of '15 feet-75 feet rate ot Crum Lynne Estates at Ridley Park erty S tuate n the Bo ough of Rid ev Fa k hav ng frontage of 50 feet--50 feet rate aforesa d Plan of C um Lynne Estates at $1 03 assessment $77 2S De aware County Po hav ng a frontage of aforesa d be ng Lom Nos 13 14 n Sect on $1 03 ...ssessment $51 50 R d ey Park De aware County Pa hay ng 50 feet-50 feet ate $ 03 assessment E on P D.n of the C m Lynne E<;tates a fronta or 98 40 f 1>-9840 f t rate W am W cox & Janet W cox reputed Thomas T Townsend & W am H at R d ey Po. k De Co Penna as re Townsend ge ee ee owners-Loca on or property A That $5150 reputed owners-Locat on of $103 assessment $10 35 corded on thr. ",foresa d P an 1 av ng a, prope ty A 1 Tbat certa n property SitJohn R B e:nnan & James H Rooney John C and Ina Morr'-on reputed own certain p operty Situate n the Borough of reputed frontage of 50 feet--50 feet rate $1 03 uate owners--Loeat on of property All R d ey Park aforesaid being Lots Nos 24 In the Borough of Ridley Park afore ere-Locat on of property.... All That certaln and assessment. $51 SO 5 In Section L on tbe aforesaid That certain property S tuate in the Dor said being LOts :Nos 34 to 37 Ineluslve propert.y Situate In the Bo ough of Ridley P an of the Crum Lynne Sstates at Rlc1ley ough of R dley Park afores&. d being Lots BenJamln N 0 Moore caro lne 0 In Section D on the aforesaid Plan of Moore reputed owners-Location of prop Crwn Lynne Eatates at RIdley Park, Dela Park: atoJ'es&ld being Lots Nos 72 and 73 Park Delawa e Co Pa having a front- Nos 1 and 2 in Section J on the afore In Section L on the aforesa d P an of age of 50 feet-SO feet rate $1 03 assess said Plan of the Crum Lynne Estates at -ty All That certain property B tuate n ware County Pa haVlog a frontage of Ridley Park Delaware County Pa having he Borough of Ridley Park aforesaid be 23108 feet-l69 69 feet rate $103 assess Crum Lynne Estates at. Ridley Park Dela ment $5150 ware County. Pa having a frontage of WI am J Moffatt reputed. owner- Loca a frontage of 17490 feet-1l494 feet rate ng Lots Nos 15 18 In Section E on P~ ment $174 '18 49 20 teet--4'920 feet rate $1 03 assess t on of property AU That certain prop- $1 03 assessment. $118 39 nf the Crum Lynne Estates at RIdley Park,. Joseph J Brucker reputed owner-Loca-- meat $SO 63 erty S tuate In the Borough of Ridley Park Del Co Penna as recorded on the afore- t on WilUam Rehman reputed owner-Loca of property, All That certain p...'""Op Thomas Johu Ford & Florence Ford re afol'eS&ld being Lots Nos 26 and 21 In tlon of propeny All That certain property said P an haVlnR: a frontage of 50 feet--.: erty Situate In the Borough of Ridley Park puted owners-Location of property All Section L on the aforesaid Plan of Crum 50 feet rate $1 03 assessment $51 50 Situate In the Borough of Ridley Park aforesaid being Lots Nos 38 to 40 lnclu Anna M McKenna wife of John Mc slve In 1:'!C Ion D on the aforesaid Plan That certain property Situate in the Bor Lynne Estates at Ridley Park Delaware aforesaid being Lota Nos: 84 and 85 In ough of Ridley Park: aforesaid be ng lots Co Pa having a frontage of 50 feet--so Sect on .r on the aforesa d. Plan of Crum Kenna reputed owner- Location of prop- of Crwn Lynne Estates at RId ey PlUk: Lynne Estates at Ridley Park Delaware erty AI That certain property Situate in De aware Co Pa having a frontage of Nos 68 to 71 InclusiVe In Section L on feet rate ,103 assessment $51 50 Edward Lauch an & 8a.rah Lauchlan re- County Pa having a frontage of 50 teetthe Borough of Ridley Park aforesaid. be- 100 feet-l00 feet rate $1 03 ass ment, tbe aforesaid Plan of Crum Lynne Estates at Ridley Park Delaware County Pa hav puted owners-Location of property All 50 feet rate 8103 ass ment, $5150 Ing Lots Nos 17 18 In Beet on E' on Plan $103 00 lng a frontage of 98 40 ft.-98 40 feet rate that certaln property situate In the Bar of the Crum Lynne Estates at Ridley Park William Coxhea~l reputed owner Loca Joseph Lightowler and Julia Tlgb:towler $103 assoosment $101 35 ough of Ridley Park aforesaid being Lote Del Co Pa as recorded on the aforesatd reputed owners-Location of Property All tlon of property All That certaln propeny Plan having a frontage of 162 teet-l07 20 Robert B Jaggers Jr reputed. owner Nos 28 and 29 In Section L on tIle S tuate In the Borough of Ridley Park That oerta1n property Situate In the Bar Location feet rate $1 03 PSS ment $no 42 of property All That certain lot aforesaid Plan of Crum Lynne Estates at Bforesa d being Lote Nos 82 and 83 In Ough of Ridley Park aforesaid. be~ Lota or piece of land being composed (If the Ridley Park Delaware Co Pa hB"i1Dg a Beet on J' on the aforesaid. Plan or Crum Elizabeth Agnes McKeeney and John Nos 1 &: 2 In SectIon D of the aforesald of 50 feet-50 feet rate $103 Lynne Estates at RIdley Park Delaware Henry McKeoney reputed ownera--Loca Plan at Crum Lynne Estates at Ridley Park Northwesterly part or rear of Lots Nos 65 tronta.ge 66 and 6'1 In Block L on the Plan of M8ess m ent $51.50 I I df. I f I LA CARTE Soup, Waffles and Coffee 40c ChIcken and Waffles 60c SUPPER A PHONE TIlE SWARTHMOREAN and the W It Rogers p cture Friday 'lnd no nterest n the manufacture, sale we believe that Mr Morey I,,'e1<:on,e th 5 opportun ty to serve Publiahed Every Friday at Swarthmore, Po Robert E Sharplet!, Edltor and PublUher I APRIL IS, 1932 Phone-Ridley Park 412 (Ctnil " ••" o. P.,. SIX} 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN APRIL 15. 193Z (CMliJlved fnnn Page P tid feet-lI509 feet rate $103 llSS"',ment aforesaid Plan of Crum Lynne Bltatell at certalD property SItuate ID tho Boro""h 0; of Belair Road Contalnlna in front on $11859 RIdley Park Delaware County Pennay! Bldley Park afol'MlJd being Lot8 Noe Ui said. B1dlQ' Avenue 100 It and extending County Pa having a frontage of 50 teetvania haVing a frontaae of 206 40 ft.- fWd 18 In 8eet1on A on the afonea1d. In depth 150 ft -100 feet rate .1 03 as Wllllam R chman reputed owner-Loea 50 teet: rate *1 03 888eS8ment $51 50 tlon of property All That certain prop 155 40 feet rate fl 03 assessment tl00 OS Plan of Crum LYDDe Batates at BldJey eeument. f103 00 Albert 0 Adams reputed owner-Loca ert,. Situate In the BoroUSh" of Ridley Park Delaware County Trust Company reputed Park Delaware County Pa havlDa a frOnt CharJee B Harper. Martha Jane Harper tlOD of property Ah That certain property aforesaid being Iota Noe: 5 and 6 In Sec owner-Location of property All That cer age of 50 teet-60 feet rate tl.03 M8eS8 reputed owne........t.oCatlon of property All Situate In the Borough of aid ey Park tlon H on the aforesaid. Plan of crum ta10 property Situate In the Boro~h of ment t5150 That certaln r,roperty Situate In the Bor aforesaid beIng Lota Nos 78 to 81 inclu Lynno EBtates at Ridley Park Delaware lIldley Park afo.....ld being 1.014 Noo 23 J Jones reputed. owner-Location OUCh of IUd er Park a!oJ'eHld On the s1ve in Section J on the aforesaid Plan Coun.y Pa baving a frontage of 50 feet- to 26 inclusive In Beetlon B on the ofJohn FOJ'lerty All That certain properly SIt. Westerly elde of lUcUey Avenue 100 feet of Crum Lynne Estates at RIdley Park 50 feet: rate .1 03 eseooement $51 50 aforesaid Plan of Crum Lynne BIstate. at Uate In the Borough at R1cUey Park &tor&- SouUl of Belair Road conta1n1.ns In tront Delaware County Pa having a frontage of Ridley Park Delaware County. Pa having Mary Ellzabeth Rice wife of Horace B said beIDg 1.014 Noe 10 to 14 IDel...I•• ID on the Mid Ridley Ave 100 feet and. ex. 100 teet-IOO feet rate $103 assessment Rice a frontage of 99:10 ft.-99 50 feet rate reputed owner-Location of prop~ Section A' on the atoreeal4 Plan of arum tencl.1na In depth 1n a Westerly direction $103 00 Lynne Bstatell at Ridley Park Delaware 223 4 feet-l00 feet rate tl03 allee-ment ert. All That certaID property Situate ID $1 03 assessment tl02 99 John Queenan & Patrick J Queenan re the Borough of Ridley Park aforesaid be WJlIlam J FItzmaurice Johanna FItz- Co Pa bavlIlf a frontage o! 125 feet- .103 00 puted owners-Location of property All ing Lots Noe 3 and 4 In Sect10n 11' on maurice reputed owners-Loe&tion Of 125 feet rate ,1 03 aSSMsment .128 75 Section 3 -All OrCl1nancee or parts of That certain property Situate in the Bar the aforesaId Plan of Crum. Lynne Estates property All That certain property SIt. Charles A Brnat reputed owner-Loca OrdlDanees Inconslatant herewIth be and ougb of Ridley Park aforesaId being Lota at Ridley Park Del County Pa havIng uate In the Borough of Ridley Park dore NOB 78 and 77 In Section J on the afore a frontage of 50 feet--50 feet rate tl 03 said being Lots Noe: 27 and 28 In section tlOD of propertJ' All That certain property the same are hereby repeaJ.e4 h.ased thl8 12th day of April A D 1932 sa d Plan of Crum Lynne Estates at Ridley a.&se88ment $51 50 B on the aforesaid Plan of Crum Lynne Situate In the Boro~h at Ridley Park Park Delaware County Pa having a frontEstates at Ridley Park Delaware County aforesaid beina lots Noe: 1 to 9 inclusive WUUam Richman reputed owner-Loca BOROUGH OF RIDLEY FARK age of 50 feet-50 feet rate $103 assess tion of property All That certain property Pa havIng a frontage of 50 feet-SO teet: in 8ecttoD A If on the atoresald Plan of ment $5150 Crum Lynne Estates at Ridley Park DeJa Situate In the Borough of Ridley Park rate $1 03 assessment $51 50 ware County Pa haviDg a frontage of JOHN J JONES Joseph R Grubb &. Bertha D Grubb re aforesaid beIng Lota Nos 1 and 2 10 Sec President ot Cauncll Anna E RoXby reputed. owner LocatIon 295 50 1t -295 50 feet rate tl 03 assess puted oWner&-Locatlon of property All tlon H on the afore.ald Plan of Crum ment ta0437 Attest property AU That certain property SItThat certain property Situate In the Bor Lynne Estates at Ridley Park Del County of Jf E ROOPMAN ough of Ridley Park ato esald beln, Lots Po. haVing a frontage of 50 feet-SO feet uate In the BoroUgh of Ridley Park afore Howant Wehman reputed owner-Loea Cle k of CauncU said being Lots ~os 29 to 34 loclusive in tion Nos '10 to '15 Inc uslve In Section J on rate $103 assessment $51 SO of property AU That certain prop Section B on the aforesaid Plan of Cruni the Blaresa d P an of C urn. Lynne Estates Harry Joseph Hook & Sarah A Hook re Lynne Estates at Ridley Park Delaware erty Situate in the Borough of Ridley Park 12th day of April A D at R dley Park De aware County Pa hav puted owners-Location of property All County Po haVing a frOntage of 150 I t - aforesaid being lots Nos 37 to 50 Inclu Ing a frontag~ of 150 feet-l58 feet rate slve In Section II on the aforesaid Plan That certaIn property Situate In the Bor 150 feet rate $103 assessment $154 50 L NORRIS HALL $1 03 assessment $154 50 of Crum Lynne Bstates at Rld.ley Park~ ough of RIdley Park aforesaId being lots Burg... Franklin P Locke & Ethel L Locke re Nos 34 to 36 InclusiYe 1n Section A on Marion D B PatriCk wUe of Charles Delaware Co Pa haVing a fronta.ge ox puted ownent-Locatlon of p operty All the aforesaid Plan of Crum Lynne Estates Patrick reputed owner-Location of ProPA 356 83 feet--356 83 feet rate tl 03 assess That certain property Situate In the Bo at RIdley Park Delaware County Fa hav erty AU That certain property Situate In ment $36'1 54 ough of R d ey Park aforesaid beln, Lots Ing a frontage ot 75 feet-75 feet rate the Borough of Ridley Park aforesaid be Jennie E Nolan Delaware County Trust STRING QUARTE'ITE Nos 67 to 69 Inclusive In Sect on J on $1 03 assessment $77 25 Ing lots Nos 35 and 36 10 8ect1on B on Company Trustee reputed owner-Loca AT COLLEGE VESPERS the aforesaid Plan of Crum Lynne E!ltates the aforesaid Plan of Crum Lynne EstateE Wlll am Richman reputed owner--Loca at Ridley Park Delaware County Penna tlon of property All That certain property at Ridley Park Delawa e County Penna tion Situate In the Borough ot Ridley Park Del of property All That certain prop hay og a. frontage of 75 feet-75 feet rate having a frontage of 50 feet-50 feet rate aware County Pa bounded and described. erty 8 tuate In the Borougb of Ridley Park .1 $1 03 assessment, $17.25 03 8.S5cssmenl $51 50 The Swarthmore College Vespers at as follows Bebinnlng at a POint the In afo esald being lots Nos. 37 to 46 Inclusive Alfred Frame reputed owner Location In Section A on the aforesaid Plan ot Earle B Walsh & Elizabeth 0 Walsh tersectlon of the Northerly side of RIdley Clotl er Memor al 0' Su day April I of property AU That Ceeta n property Sit Crum Lynne Estates at Ridley Park DeJa reputed owners-Location of Property All Avenue as laid out 56 ft wIde with the uate In the Borough of R dley Park afore ware County Penna hav ng a frontage at That oerta n property Situate In the Bor Westerly side of Crum Lynne Road as at 6 30 p m wll he gven by the Strnt said being Lots Nos 65 and 66 In Section 250 ft--250 feet rate $1 03 assessment ough of Ridley Park &foresald being Iota lalet out 56 ft wide ccntainlng 10 front Quartet of the Mus cal Fund Soc ety c J on the aforesaid Plan of Crom Lynne Nos 37 and 38 In Sect on B on the measured along said Crum. Lynne Rd. In Th s quartet cons sts 0 :Estates at Ridley Park De aware County $25750 aforesa d P an ot Crum Lynne Estates at a Northerly dlrectlon 135 8 ft and e&tend Ph ladelph a Phebe J Grubb reputed owner-Location Pa hav ng a frontage of 50 feet-50 feet Rid ey Park Delaware County Pa hav~ 1ng In depth along the Northerly line mea BoriS Koutzen F rst V 01 n Stan sla I{ of property A I That certain property S t a frontage of 50 feet-50 faet rate $1 03 eured In a Westerly direction 159 ft and on rate $103 assessment $5158 uate In the Borough of Ridley Park afore assessment $51 50 Dabrowsl( Second V 0 1 n M aur ce Kap the Southerly I ne measured 10 a W~terlY WI1l1am H Savage reputed owner Lo said be ng lots Nos 47 to 50 Inclusive In direction along the Northerly side of Rid Ian V ola and Stephen Deak VIOl cation of property All That Certain prop Section A on the aforesaid Plan of Crum Joho Henry Bartow Bertha C Bartow ley Avenue 180.'15 ft having a frontage of erty Situate 1n the Borough of R d ey Park Lynne Estates at R d ey Park De aware reputed cello owner&-Loeatlon of property All 316 55 ft-l35 80 feet rate t1 03 assess afo esald being Lots Nos 63 and 64 In Count.y Pa having a frontage of 100 feet certain property Situate 10 the Bor ment .13987 • I I SectIon J on the aforesaid P an of Crum -100 teet rate $1 03 assessment $103 00 That ough of Ridley Park aforesaid being lots Lynne Estates at Ridley Park De aware Margaret C Nolan reputed owner-Loca MOREY TELLS OF 39 and 40 In Section B on the afore County PH having a frontage ot 50 feetWUllam Joseph Stephani reputed owner Nos Plan of Crum Lynne Estates at Ridley tion of property AU That ccrt.tt.ln property 50 feet rate $103 assessment $5150 Location of property A I That certain said WORK IN SCHOOLS Situate In the Borough of Ridley I'arlt. Park Delaware County Pa having a Walter R. Moo e Grace S Moo e re property Situate in the Borough of Ridley frontage of 50 feet-50 feet rate .103 as aforesaid on the westerly side ot Crum Lynne Road at the d1&tance of 135 8 ft puted owners-Location of property All Park atoresald being lots Nos 51 to 65 sessment $51 50 North of Ridley Ave eonta1olng 10 front Thbt certe.ln property Situate In the Bor Inc uslve In Section A on the aforesaid Frank R Morey supervls ng I r e pal Helen Washburn Caldwallader wIfe of on said Crum Lynne Roa<1 42 ft and ex uU~h of RIdley Park afo e3ald t.elng lots Plao of Crum Lynne Estates at Ridley Nos 00 to 62 InclusIve in SectIon J on Park Delaware County Penna haVing a Charles Caldwallader reputed owner-Lo tending In length or depth In a Westerly of the Swarthmore Publ c schools wa the a!ore.::..'\ld Plan of Crum Lynne Estates frontage of 52492 feU more or less-354 80 catIon of property AU That certain prop direction 120 ft having a fronta.ge of 42 the speaker at the meet ng of the Worn erty Situate In the Borough of Ridley Park ft -42 teet rate :11 03 assessment $43 26 an s Club un ler the ausp ces of the Edu at RIdley Park De aware County Pa hav feet rate $1 03 assessment $365 49 log a frontage of 50 feet-SO feet rate aforesaid being lots Nos 41 and 42 1il Bec Mary E No an reputed owner-Location Harry H Bates & Martha H Bates re $1 03 assessment $51 50 Mr Morey puted owners-Locat on of property All t on B on the aforesaid Plan of Crum of property All That certain property Stt cat 0 Co n n Uee Tuesday Benjamin W Pr ce x,.eputed. owne-1.o That certain property Situate in the Bor Lynne Estates at RJdley Park Delaware uate In the Borough of Ridley Park afore had arranged a trorough and InSpir ng cation ot property All 'FlIat certa n prop ough of Ridley Park aforesaid beIng Iota County Pa haVing a frontage of 49 90 eald on the Westerly aide of Crum Lynne erty Situate In the Borough'- Qf Ridley Park Nos 32 to 36 locluslve In Section K on feet.-499O feet rate .103 assMsment Road at the distance of 177 80 feet North program III stratmg tl e york Ow be ng aforesaid beIng Lots N08 59 and 60 10 the aforesaid P an ot Crum Lynne Estates $5140 of RIdley Avenue Containing In front on done In the schools Because of the pre Section J on. aforesaid Plan of the Drum at RId ey Park Delaware County Penna Walton K Martin & Mary Bums Martin the aald Crum Lynne Road 30 ft and ex. Lynne Estates at Ridley Park Delaware having a frontage of 266 07 ft -196 63 feet reputed owners-Location of property All tending In length or depth In a Westerly ponderance of other school news In the County Pa having a frontage of 5040 rate $. 03 assessment $202 53 That Certain p operly Situate 10 the Bar direction 120 feet-30 feet rate *103 88 paper tI s veek a deta led account of feet rate $103 assessment. $5191 ough of R dley Park aforesaid being lots eee&ment $3090 th 5 meet ng will be pubhshed n next Richard W Batten & Mary P Batten re Lelia B Abbott reJ)uted owner. Loeat on pu'tPQ owners-Location of property Al Nos 43 and 44 in Section B on the Delaware County Baptist Mission re of property All That certain property SIt- That I:¥!rtaln property SItuate In the Bor aforesaid Plan of Crum Lynne Estates at puted owner-Location ot property All week 5 Swarthmorean uate In the Borough of Ridley Park afore ough of .Ridley Park &foresald beIng lots Ridley Park Delaware County Pa bavlng That certaIn property SItuate In the Bor saId beIng Lots Nos 34 and 35 in Section Nos 29 to 31 Inclusive in Section K on a frontage of 50 feet-50 feet rate *103 ough of Ridley Park Delaware County Pa UPPER DARBY CHORUS R on the aforesaId Plan of Crum Lynne the &foresald aforesaid on the Westerly side of crum PIal). Of Crum Lynne Estates assessment :J51 50 EBtates at Ridley Park Delaware County. at Flora Harrison reputed owner-Location Lynne Road at the distance of 207 80 It Ridley Park Delaware County Penna SINGS AT SCIIOOL Pa hav ng a frontage of 176 feet-US 60 having a frontage o! 'i130 ft -67 30 feet of property All That CertaIn property Sit North of Ridley Avenue Containing In feet rate $1 03 BSSC:Sslnent $U9 07 uate in the Borough of Ridley Park afore front on the sa d Crum Lynne Road 50 ft rate $103 assessment $W32 said being lots Nos 45 to 54 inclusIve In and extending In l~ngth or depth In a Anna E Roxby reputed owne -Location Tuesday Apr I th rleenth the Upper Margaret R Rubl wife c.f Harvey B Section B on the aforesaid Plan of crum Westerly direction 142 ft-50 feet rate of property All That certaIn property SIt. Ruh reputed owner Location f property Darby Glee Club entertamed at tl e uate In the Borough of BId ey Park atore All That certa n property SltUB e In the Lynne Estates at Ridley Park Delaware 41 03 as,essment $51 50 Anna E Baird reputed owner-Location H gh School Assembly said being Lots Nos 36 to 39 Inclusive Borough of R dJey Park aforesalc. being County Pa hav10g a frontage of 250 Ye Blackfr ars n Bect on H on the aforesaid Plan of Lots Nos 26 to 28 Inclus ve n Seotlon K feet -250 teet rate $103 assessment of Property All That certa n property SIt- of the Swarthmore school gave a play at Crutn Lynne Estates at RIdley Park Dela on the aforesa d P an of Crum Lynne X of property All Thatheer certalu p operty S tuatebeing In the Borough of owner-Location loIn prope-y assessment $53 56 Park aforesaid Lots Nos 61 ." Situate In the Boro..... __ of Mrs Robert L Coates wIll read an South 42 deg 8 min 2 seconds West 100 8 Ridley Harry C Kerr reputed owne Locat on ft to the Northeasterly s de of sa d Shaw to 64 Inclusive Iv Bectlon B on the Ridley Park aforesaid on the Easterly 8 de or g nal poem wh ch was read at the of property All That Certa n property SIt-- Road and thence along the said side of aforesaid Plan of Crum Lynne Estates at of Crum Lynne Roa.d and the Northerly uate In the Borough of Ridley Park afore Shaw Rd North 47 deg 35 min West 50 R dley Park Delaware County Po. having sld.e of Ridley Avenue Containing In front Iree pia t ng 1 Mount Pleasant on Man sa d being Lots Nos 30 and 31 In Bec ft to the place of beglnn10g 261 54 feet 97.20 ft -97 20 f t te on the said. Crum Lynne Road 110 60 feet daS A tree plantmg n the rear of the a frontage of ee ra and extending In length or depth In an tion H' on the aforesaid Plan of Crum rate $103 assessment $26939 $103 assessment $100 15 easterly direction 69 37 ft Containing In clubhouse v 11 conclude the aiternoo Lynne Estates at Ridley Park Delaware Jesse R. Grayson reputed owner Loca Edward B Sisson reputed owner-Loca front on Ridley Avenue 106 6 feet and ex County Pa having a f ontage of 50 fee~ t on of prope ty All That certain lot or tlon of property All That certain property tending In length or depth In a Northerly program at wh eh tIme the G rl Scouts 5.!.feet rate $103 assessment $5150 piece of land. being composed of the South Situate In the Borough of R dley Park direction 100 feet-130 32 feet rate $1 03 w II add to the ceremony aforesatd be ng Lot No 65 In Section B assesament $134 23 :Qaymond K Grubb reputed owner. Lo easterly part ~f Lots Nos 16 17 18 and 19 on I I • the afor':lSBld Plan of Cnun Lynne Es n Section K on the Plan of Crum cation at property Al That certain prop WIlliam Richman reputed owner. Loca erty S tuate In the Borough of R dley Park Lynne Estates ft8 recorded In the omee tates at Ridley Park Delaware County tlon of property All That certain prop INTERDENOMINATIONAL aforesa d belog Lots Nos 26 to 29 inclu for the Record ng of Deeds etc In Deed Fa h av Ing a f ro nlo g e of 24 30 feet. 24.30 erty Situate In the Borough of B dley Park alve In Section 'lr on the aforesaid Plan Book No 372 page 624 Situate In the Bor feet rate COMMITIEE TEA $1 03 assessment $25 03 aforesaid on the Easterly elde of Orum of Drum Lynne Estates at Ridley Park ough of R d ey Park Delaware County Edward B Sisson reputed owner-Loca.- Lynne Road at the dlatanee of 110 6 feet Penna Beginning at a po nt on the North Delaware County Pa haVing a trontage of tlon of property All That certain property from Ridley Avenue Contain ng In front 100 feet-IOO feet rate $103 assessment easterly side of Shaw Road at a rectangular situate In the Borough ot RIdley Park on the said Crum Lynne Road 41 feet and The S~artl ore l terdeno mnat onal .$103 00 dlstance of 50 rt South 4'1 deg 35 min aforesaid be ng Iota Nos 66 and 67 In Sec extending In ength or depth In an Easterly Comm t1ee w II hold a SI r ng Tea at II e East from the Southeasterly s de of Stat John J Jones reputed OWner Location ford Place produced extending thence tlon B on the aforesaid Plan ot Crum direction on the SOUtherly line 105 6 feet Fr ends Meetl g House on Ap I 28 at of property All That certa10 property S t along Estates at R dley Park Delaware and on the Northerly line 88 86 feet--41 side of Shaw Road South Lynne uate In the Borough ot Rid ey Park afore 47 degthe35 sald County Pa having a frontage of 51 30 teet rate $103 nsscsam.ent $42 23 2 30 P M A spec al program has been mln East 50 ft to a POint said being Lots NOs 20 to 25 Inc uslve In thence North 42 deg 5 min East 111 3 ft feet---51 30 feet rate $1 03 assessment IrwIn L Perry & Maude M Perry re arranged All Swarthn ore C t zens are Sectton H on the aforesaid Han of Crum to a po nt thence North 59 deg 28 min puted owners-Location of property All eordlall) mv ted Lynne Estates at R dley Park Delaware utes 22 seconds West 50 95 ft to a potnt $5284 John W Harper reputed owner-Loca I rt Sit te 1 the Bor prope-y All That certain prop That certa n prope y ua n .. County Pa haVing a frontage of 150 ft and thence South 42 deg 8 min 2 sec tlon of M 55 EI zabelh Horn a ." ough of lUdley Park aforesaid on the Ess_ of Cornell 150 feet rate $1 03 assessment $154 50 erty situate In the Borough of R1d ey Park erly side of Crum Lynne Road at the dis onds West 100 8 ft to the p ace of begin John J Jones & :Mary A Jones eputed nlng -SO feet rate $103 assessment aforesaid beln§, lots Nos 1 to 4 inclusive tance of 165 90 feet from. R dley Avenue ave entertamed the You g Womans owners-Location of property All That $5150 in Section B on the aforesaid Plan of Containing In tront on said Crum Lynne Gu Id of Ihe Presbyter an Church last Certa n property S tuate In the Bo OlJ.gh of Crum Lynne Estates at Ridley Park Dela Road 82 54 feet and extending In length evem g at her home Mary A He ms Marguerite WHelms re Rid ey Park aforesaid betog Lots Nos 18 puted owners-Location ot property All ware County Pa having a frontage of or depth In an Easterly direction on the and 19 n Section H on the Bfo esald That property S tuate In the Bor 100 feet-l00 feet rate $103 assessment Southerly I ne a ong a 14 ft wIde alley Plan of Crum Lynne Estates at R dley ough certain 00 1555'1 feet and on the Northerly Une of Ridley Park aforesaid being lata $103 Park Delaware Co Penna. having B front Nos 13 to 15 InchlS Benson reputed owner Location 12599 feet-82 54 feet rate $103 assess ve In Section K on ofVIctor age of 50 feet-50 feet rate $1 03 assess the property All That c:ertaln property Sit ment $85 02 aforesaid Plan of arum Lynne Ests at ment $5150 Thomas J Feeley reputed owner Loca Ridley Park De aware County Pa having uate 0 the Borough of Birtle}' Park afore DavId Hess & Norn D Hess reputed own a frontage of '12 ft 72 feet rate $103 said being lots Nos 29 to 33 Inclusive 1n tion of property All That certain property Dr Ell s took charge of the Men era-Location of property AU That cer assessment., $79 16 Section A on the aforesaid P an of Crum Situate In the Borough of Ridley Park B hie Class of the Presl yter an Church taln property Situate In the Borough of Lynne Estates at Ridley Park Delaware aforesaid on the Easterly Bide of Crum Harry 11 Bates and Martha H Bates re County R dlel' Park aforesaid be ng Lots Nos 16 He:\ as welcomed back to Pa having a frontage of 124 feet- Lynne Road at the distance of 248 44 feet last Sunda) puted owners--Locatlon of property All and 17 n SectIon H on the afo esald That certain property S tuate n the Bor 124 feet rate $103 assessment .127 '12 North of Ridley Avenue Containing In h 5 old place b) a enthus ast c group of P an of Crum Lynne Estates In the Bor WIlliam C OoXhead. & Isabel e Y Cox front on said Crum Lynne Road 32 46 feet of Ridley Park aforesaid being Lots ough of Rlt! ey Park Delaw&e County ough head reputed owners-Location of prop and extending In length or depth on the over e ghty members of the class In an Penna having a frontage of 50 feet---so Nos 11 and 12 In Sect on K un the afore erty All That certain property Situate In Northerly Une 142 feet. and on the South said P an of Crum. Lynne Estates at Rid nterest ng account of some of h s exper feet rate $103 assessment, $51 50 ley Park De aware County Pa haVing a the Borough of Ridley Park al'oresaid be erly line 1'25 99 feet-32 46 feet rate $1 03 ences Dr EllIS told of hIS boat bemg Wll iam Henry Ford & Oltve D Ford. re frontage of 48 rt --48 feet rate $1 03 as Ing Lots Nos 25 to 28 inclusive in Section assessment $33 43 puted owners-Locat on of property AU sessment $49 44 Harry T Young reputed. owner-Loca towed out to sea back yards and w th the A on the aforesaid Plan of Crum LYnne That certain property Situate In the Bor Estates at Ridley Park Delaware County tton of property All That certain property Charles B Harper reputed owner Loca ough of RIdley Park aforesaid being Iota tlon of property All That certain property Penna having a frontage of 100 feet- Situate in the Borough of RIdley Park eng ne runnmg forward by one of the Nos 13 to 15 Inclusive in Section H on 100 feet rate $103 assessment $103 00 aforesaid on the Northerly side of Ridley fish II e party had speared Dr Elhs the aforesaid Plan of Crum Lynne Estates Situate In the Borough of Ridley Park Joseph Fred Abdll & Margaret S Ab Avenue at the distance of 106 60 feet East w II I ave charge of all future meetings aforesaid being Lot No 68 In Section B at Ridley P"ark. De aware Co Penna hav the aforesaid Plan of Crum Lynne Es dlll reputed. owners-Location ot property of Crum Lynne Road Containing n front Ing a frontage of 75 feet-75 feet rate on tates at Ridley Park Delaware County Pa All that certain ~roperty Situate in the on said Ridley Ave!lue 45 feet and ex of the Men s B ble Class unt I further $103 as essment 25 havIng a frontage of 35 feet -35 feet Borough of Ridley Park atoresald belog tending In length or depth In a Northerly lot ee James H Rooney & Ester Rooney re rate $1 03 MScssment $3 61 lots Nos 23 and 24 In Sect on A On the direction 100 feet---45 feet rate $1 03 as puted OWners-Locat on of p operty Al aforesaid Plan of Crum Lynne Estates at sessment $46 35 M r a d Mrs CI aries S Passmore Ed th C Ault w fe of Geo ge H Ault That certa n pope y S tUl1te n the Bo R d ey Park Delaware COunty Penna hav Philadelphia Baltimore & Wash ngton of Bu te !\1o ta a arT! e i on Thurs reputed owne -Locat on of property Al ough of R d ey Pa k afo esa d be ng Lots tng a frontage of 48 'is feet--48 75 feet R R. Company reputed owner Location Nos 11 Bnd 12 In Section H on the Tha.t ce ta n property S tuate In the Bor otor to VISit their son and $1 03 assessment, $50 21 of property All That certain property BIt- da) b) aforesa d p an of Crum Lynne Estates at ough of R dley Park aforesaid being Lots rate Thomas Lee Fretz & Anna Gertrurty and I,rivilege of the oloreaald driveway 118 allti for a t1rivew07, passageway Improvements conslBt of two and one~ haU story pebble dash house. 22K3O feet. at. all hereafler lor.iII Enclosed front porch. One~story pebble and ,,·at('r All that certain lot or l'ece ot ground dash addition. 5x7 feet. Pebble dasb garage, cw·r. wltb the buildings an improvements IRlllrovcmell18 l'onsist of two-story brick If§~~ erected thereon. described according to a 10xl8 leet. unci atu('<'O hOllM, 10:1:33 feet. EnclQIIed lrollt survey and plan thereot made December Sold as the property ot Martin J. Wur- IlOn·h. basement. garap. 9th, 1926. and revIsed December 13th, 19203, by Damon & Foster, Civil Engineers. ster, Jr., mortgagor. and Carl Flood, real I ij~!..~~•.t!!~"i!:'!<'~'~ Sold (1.11 the ptolNlrty of Chartes H. UbU, I: as situate on the nortb side ot Greenwood owner. 3nd I.ora UbU, bla wlfe. avenue at the dlstance of 483.33 feet westCondltlons-$250.00 cash or certlfled check ward from the westerly side of Church day 01 sale; balance in ten daya. Pur~ Improvements consist of three·story COlldltlon.s-$260.00 ('ash or ccrUOed check stone Lane. In Upper Darby Township, Delaware on ther conditions announced at sale. and. rough cast bouse, 16X38 feet. County, Pennsylvania. 011 day of sale: balance In ten days. Further One-story addition, 4x6 feet. Enclosed. front l-,onditlons announced at sale. H. J. MAKIVER. Attorney. J)Orcb. CHARLES I. CRONIN. Attorney. Sold as the property of Gladn H. Rutter. No. 131 Fler! Facias mortgagor. and Ernest Kautrman and Sarah B., his wIle, real owners. No. 268 Fieri Facias March Term. 1932 Condltlons-$2S0.00 cash or certlfled. check March Term, 1932 on day of sale; balance In ten days. FurAll tliat certain lot or of ground situate In the Township 0 Ridley. County ther condltlolllJ announced at sale. piece 01 with 01 Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. AU GEARY &: RANKIN, Attorneys. bounded and descrIbed according to a cer- 'he Up_ tain survey made by Thompson and Msgarity, engineers and surveyol'S, upper State Darby, Pa., on June 22, 1925, and described Improvements conslst ot two·story brIck as follows. to wJt: No. 1164 nnd stucco house, 16X30 teet. Porch front Basement garage. Beginning at a polnt in the center Une ot Franklin avenue (50 feet Wide) at the Sold as the property of Philip Rhine. distance of 64.696 feet measured south 47 degrees 20 minutes west along the said CondltlonB-$2SO.oo cash or certified check center line of Franklin avenue, from ita on day of sale; balance In ten days. Pur- Intersection with the center line of Amosther conditions announced at sale. land road (33 feet wide) thence along Aid center line of Franklin avenue 80Uth 47 H. J. MAKIVER. Attorney. degrees 20 minutes west 50.004 feet more or less. to an Iron pin, thence north 41 degrees 58 minutes west 175 feet to a stake. a exthence north 47 degrees 20 minutes east degrees. forty min' Alias FJerl FacIas No. 439 SO.004 feet to a stake .thence south 41 west seventy·lour degrees 56 minutes east 175 feet to the flrBt feet to B JUne Term, 1928 mentioned point and place of beginning. In the 80uthwest side of a. certain June Term. 1928 l'Ol1~ Ullle~ ~~.~fi:~l~..~ ~~~~~t;~~~~~~i ,Ieee '0 , ;' All that l:t-r.aln lot or piece of ground with the bulitJlnga and Improvements erected thet:eon. d~Jbed according to a survey and plan thertof made December 9th, 1926. and revlBe·Q, December 13th, 1926. by Damon Foster, ··~~vll EngIneers, as situate on the& north side oi.Greenwood. _avenue at the distance of 499.33 II!:;-t westward from the westerly sIde of L"'hurch Lane, In Upper Darby Township, DelaWare County. Pennsylvania. . Improvements conslBt of two-story stucco house, 21x27 teet. Porch front. Frame garage. 16x16 leet. ell:tendlni~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~1 ward))" and southeastwardly and lug at each end thereof wIth a ten widedriveway private driveway wide feet private northeastwardly Into the Baid Springton Sold os the property of John T. Joseph tbence ('lI:tending northwellitwardly along Ford. illWle on a line curving to tbe leU wUb lit I~;;r~~~~~l radiuH of eleven hundred and ninety-six leet, Condltlons--$250.00 ca.sh or certlfled check the distance of sixteen and tblrty-n1ue oneon day of sale; balance In ten days. Pur.. thousandth.!! feet to a point and thence exther conditions announced. at sale. lendlng north sixty-eight degrees. fOl'ty miniiiclI, lorty-throo scconds esat seventy-five and Uneler and subject to certain bu!ldlng Containing In H~ ~T. MAKIVER. Attorney. DUy.slx one.hundredths feet to the first men. restrictions: and subject to a central heat~ said Greenwood I ",..;.0<1 point and place of beJrinniD&'. Lng pcla. nt as In Deed Book No. 714 page tending of that I' 566 &. northward between No. 20 Under and subject to certain building re. angles to the said ~~~~~~~~~~ !!Irictions. condiUons and poyment agreement also and Together withofthethe freeaforesaid use, right,alley liberty feet. to the middle MarCI•.'l'erm, 1032 under and subject tu the 01 aand certain privilege or driveway extending mortgage debt in the principal 8um of \hirty- driveway as and for a driveway and pasavenue. and eastward All that <:'enaln 10\ with 1.'0 two·slory brick two hundred dollars. BBgeway at all times hereafter lorever, In a certain 10 feet wide d ..... eJlln~ and improv("'"1lents thereou common with the owners. tenants and ocnOrthw"-ly Into C1over I"""'~~'... situate at Leipervlllo in t.."'to T ownshI P cupiers of the dother.lots ofgound boundToge'her wl'h 'he free .nd common th ereon h f wardly r in eommon witb tbo n~~CJ~;1 Improvements consist of two.st..ory brick and stucco house. 16x30 feet. POJ"\.;h front to w1l: Beg-inning at a hmants and oceuplers of the other •. house. 16,,40 feet. Enclosed porCh. Basement garage. side uf Matldock !:round bounding thereon or to any other prop· Sold as the property of Ph1l1p Rhine. the dlstanre o:;:;::]~~~~~;:~~:~~f~~f~tlerties to which the use of Baid driveway may Sold as the property of John Rlchardson. one-hundredths be mttem.letl by the said John H. McClatchy. Jr., mortgagor, John Richardson. Jr. and Mary B. Richardson, hls wile. real owners. Condltlons-$250.00 cash or cert1.fled check from a bol&. at Improvemf'lltR conaist of two--stol'7 on day at sale; balance In ten days. Fur- BIlid Maddotk street feet wide): thence by house. mlxlU feet. One-story S\UCtO addition. Condlttons-$2S0.00 cash or certified check ther conditions announced at sale. cd' ~ , on day ot sale: balance In ten days. Furbe ",lOvey 0 .Lr.ren 'I 4:1:0 feet_ One-story stuC('O nddlUolI, 3x8 fcct. ther conditions announced at sale. H. J. MAKIVER. Attorney. Bnd luulslng the Bl\RCment f:"aruge. JOHN B, MILLER. Attorney. sIxty· five So1d as the property of Nonnnn F. Raw· IingH and Mary H. Rawling-B. Alias Fieri Facias No. wan No. 1323 ConditionM-S250.00 cash or ('('rUfled check Levari Facias June Term, 1928 day of .\!Iale: balance In ten days. Further December Term, 1931 • condltlo1ls annouuced. at BIlle. All that certain lot or Piece of ground de:'~~~e!I:::'~,!:~~~1 CHARLES I. CRONIN. Attorney. All that certain lot or piece of ground with the buIldings and Improvements with the buUdlngs and Improvements thereon erected sItuate In Upper Darby TownshiP. Delaware County, Pennsylvania, survey plan described thereof made December erected and thereon. according to a JOHN J. CAIN. Sheriff. on the north side of Berkeley road. now 9th. 1926. and revised December 13th Radbourne road., at the dlatance of four 1926. by Damon & Foster. CIvil Engineers: SHERIFF'S SALES hundred twenty4wo and seventy-five hunavenue at the distance ot 515.33 feet West_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dredths feet westwardly from the northas situate on the north side Lof GreenWood westerly side of ChurCh lane_ ContalD!ng ~ard from the westerly side of Ohurch SHERIFF SALES In front or breadth on the said Berkeley Lane. in Upper Darby TownshiP. Delaware road, now Radbourne road. sixteen feet County, Pennsylvania. Of Real Estate and extending of that width In length or Nmsis' of 1wo-stOry depth northwardly between parallel llnes Containing tn frOnt or breadth on the ::;i2·.f~;i.'.O;".~;;;,:,.T\\'o.story frune,__ ';~~Il~o~,.1 At the Sheriff's Office at right angles to the said Berkeley road, said Grf'enwOOd avenUe 16 feet and ex- It: I frame addition, now Radbourne roael, eighty teet. Including tending of that width In length or depth Porch front. Court House, MedJa, Pennaylvanla a certain sixteen feet wide driveway exnorthward between parallel lines at rIght tending westwardly and eastwardly into angles to the saId Greenwood avenue 80 Sold as the property of LeonUe Kosmena Saturday, April 30. 1932 Oak avenue and Church lane. leet. to the middle of a certain 16 feet and Annie Kosmena his wile. driveway extending westward into Oak 9:30 o'clock A. M. Under and subject to certain conditIons avenue, and eastward communicating with Condltlons-$250.00 ea!lh or certified cbeck and restrIctions. a certain 10 feet wide driveway extending all day of sale; balance In ten liBYa. Further Eastern Standard "'1'ime nOrthwardly Into Clover Lane and south_ conditions tllJllouneed at sale. wardly Into Greenwood avenue. 7069 GreenLevari FaCias use. wood avenue. No. :~:,~~~~r:r.;;'t j;i~:~~~fco~!mm,.:J~o!n. of and the passaid GEARY &: RANKIN. Attorney~. December Term, 1931 Improvements consist of two.story and stucco house. 16x30 feet. Porch ...iii,; that certain lot or piece 01 ground Subject to a mortgage ot 43500.00, reBasement garage. ... FierI Facins No. 27 w~ the buildings and Improvements duced to $3000.00. Sold as tbe pro!1erty of Pbtlip Rhine. March Term. 1932 Condltlons-$250.00 cash or certified check AU that certain lot or piece of I"round on day of sale; balance 1n ten days Pur with the buildings and Improvements thereon ther conditIons announced at sale.' - erected situate in the Township of Uppel Darby. In the Connty of Delaware and StMe H. J. MAKlVER, Attorney. of Pennsylvania. belng Lot No. 237 on a pJan o[ lots made by Damon &: Foster. O. E. situate and known as Drexel Hill Plaza and said plan lots was approved by the Board 01 Alias Fieri Facias CommiB8ionera of the Upper Darhl No. 441 on May 2. 1922. and recorded In JUne Term, 1928 ;,::_,._,for the recording of Deeds. etc.. in Bnd County of Delaware o.t Media, in Deed All tha.t certain lot or pIece of ground fOllow,,412. page 624. etc., nnd described with the bulIdlngs and 1m.provementa erected thereon, described according to a survey and plan thereof made December Beginning at a point in the center line of 9th. 1926. and revised. December 13th 1926, by Da.mon & Foster, Civil Engineers' Highland avenue (fi[ty leet wide) at the die. as situate on the north side of Greenwood tallce of· two hundred Beventy-five feet south. avenue at the dIstance ot 531.33 feet west- eastwardly from the <.'enter Hne of Grcenhall ward Irom the westerly side of Church avenue (finy feet wide). Laeone· t In pUpper Darby Township Delaware un y. ennsylvanla. • Containing in [ron&. or breadth southeast. wardly along the center line of Highland ave. Containing in front or bread'lb. on the nue fi[ty feet and extendlng of that width said Greenwood avenue 10 feet and ex- In length or depth southwestwardly between tending 01 that width In length or depth paraneJ lines at right ang1el to" Bald center northward between parallel lInes at right line of Highland avenue one hundred twentyangles to the said GreenwOOd aVen'Ue 80 five feet. feet, to the middle of a certain 16 t t driveway extending westward Into o~ Under and f!ubjeet to certain buUdin&' reo aVen'Ue, and eastward COtnlnuntcatlng With strictions. a certain 10 feet wide driveway extendin northwardly Into Clover Lane and SOUthg Improvements com:lie' Q[ two and one.haU wardly Into Greenwood avenue. 7071 Green: FitOry stucco house 21x27 feet. Enclosed. front wood. avenue. .. Cubic Foot Moraine PGt"Ch. Two·story stucco addition. 15x12 leet. StuCX'O garage. 12x21 feet. Improvements consist of two-story brick Model now only ••• and stucco house, 16x30 leet. Porch front Basement garage. Sold as the property of Sidney D Kauff. man and Marion D. KaUffman, his wiie. Bold as the property ot PbU1p Rhine. Condllions-$~50.00 cash or certlfled cheek Conditions $250.00 cash or certified check on day of sale; balance in ten days. Further on day of sale; balance In tell days. Fur- oontlitlOns announced at sale. ther conditions announced at sale. GEARY &: RANKIN. Attorneys. H. J. MAKIVBR. Attorney. u... O~~i.~;~:;~~;~~~~~~~~~~! I:~;tr;~:;~:;~~:l;;!~;~;,;i,;:~~?t;~:~ ~e~~1:.:;~~~;~~~~~~~r:.1 1696, I 1932 APRIL THB SWARTHMOREAN ~ JOHN B_ MILLER. Attorney. Levari Facias December Term. 1931 No. 1324 I No. 954lotDuncan avenue. being with all that certain or piece of ground the buildings and Improvements thereon erected situate In the Borough of Yeadon, County of Delaware, State of Pennsylvania. described according to a plan and 8uner. made thereof by Damon & Poster. OIV 1 Engineers .on September 9. 1927. 88 follows. to wit: Beginning at a poInt on the southwesterly side of Duncan avenue (fifty feet wide) at the distance ot n1nety-elgh\ feet northwestwardly from the northwesterly side of Bunting road (fifty feet wIde). Con.. talnlng In front or breadth OD the said 81de of Duncan avenue northwestwardly t.wenty-two teet. and ell:tending of that width in lenRtb. or depth southwestwardly between parallel lines at right angles with said Duncan avenue nlnetI~four feet to the middle line of a certa n twelve feet wide alley or driveway leading northwestwardly and southeastwardly from Buntlnll road to Rundale avenue. parallel with saiel Duncan avenue. Under and subject to certain bulldlng restrictions: and subject to a central heattng plant as In Deed Book No. 714. page 566, &c. Together with the free use, right, liberty and privUege of the aforesaid alley or driveway and passageway at all times hereafter forever. In common with the owners. ten~ ants and occupiers of other Iota of ground bounding thereon and entitled to the \I.5e thereof. Subject to a mortgage ot Improvements consist at two-story stucco ho\l.5e. 38xl8 feet. Basement garage, 5xlO teet. Enclosed porch. Bold as the property of WUlIam P. Locke and Frances C. Locke, his wife. mortgagors and real owners. Conditions $250.00 cash or certified check on day of sale: balance In ten days_ PUrther conditions announced at sale. No. 445 Fieri Facias March Term. 1932 (Co'''i.''~'' frMII PdP o ..~} Feb., A. F. Jackson, "The Desperate Lovers" Mar., R. C. Comley, "Three Faces East" Apr.• Robert W. Graham, "Gone Hollywood" 11ay, Roland G. K Ullman. "Ladies of the Jury". Two performances of ul.adies of tht. Jury" wilt be given at H.idley Park. ASSISTANT DIREl.'TORS (January)-J. Wm. Simmons (February)-H. G. Forster II SWARTHMORE lOW! Lomest Spring Prices • "blneeoar • costs no more than ord Inary coal. Fill your bins wlthAMERICA'S FINEST ANTHRACITE JOHN B. MU,r ER. Attorney. Madiaon 4000 Ask for Sw"- 1808-J L. E_BENDITT HOME OF Girard-Ramsdell-Fuel Oil, Too Together wJth the free and COIllDlon use, right Uberty and privilege o( the afore- . said private driveway and right of way as and for a driveway, passageway and watercourse at all times hereafter torever, In common with the owners, tenants and occupiers of the other lots or jp"ound bound. Ing thereon and entitled to the use thereof and to any other property to which the use 01 said driveway and right of way may be extended by Robert B_ McClatchy. Subject to a mortgage of $2500.00. Improvements consist of two-story stone. brIck and stucco house. 18x30 feet. Enclosed porch. One-story stucco additlon. 6x12 feet. Basement garage. Sold as the property of Joseph M. Hudak and Mae R. Hudak. his wife, mortgagors and real owners. Condltlons-$250.00 cash or certified cheek on day of sale; balance In ten days. P1.:.rther conditions announced at sale. JOHN B. MILLER, Attorney. DELCHESTER UTILITIES CORP • CHESTER. PA. CHARLES A. HIGGINS Lower Priees for ·Autom.atie Gas ~ater-lieaters No Installation Charges lIotzone $4~!H $81 and up Ruud $78 and up 29:1:4040.21 .... 6SUCH fill IN PAIRS Penfield StazLot $69 50 and up $7450 and up I Llfetlme Guaranteed GOODYEAR PATHFINDER FIlII O"t'enlze 29d.50.20 30d.50-21 28d_75-19 29x5.00-19 3lx5.25·21 29x5.50-191, Price of Each .s.u 5.43 6.:n 6.65 8.:15 8.48 HANNUM & WAITE PHI L ELECTRI Cheater Road and Yale Ave. SWARTHMORE, PA. All Our Suburban Stores - or see your plumber or heating contractor JOHN J. CAIN, Sherlff. COMMUTATION RATES Effective: April 15, 1932 Commutation Tickets for the Daily Rider -- Also Special Rates for School Children COMMUTATJON TICKET BOOKS Commutation Ticket Books of 50 tickets each will be sold for $3_75 (71j2c a ticket). These tickets will be good for 30 days from the date of purchase and may be used by the bearer only_ The tickets must be detached from the book by the conductor. They will be good on rail and bus lines. Commutation tickets cannot be used as part payment of through rates_ Transfers will not be issued on these tickets. SCHOOL TICKET BOOKS School Ticket Books of 50 tickets each will be sold for the use of school children on school certificates obtainable from school authorities, for $3.75 (71j2c per ticket). Free transfers will be issued on these school tickets. Price.! Greatly Reduced on all Household Models These special discount tickets will be placed on sale at 69th St. Terminal. They are being offered to the travelling public as a benefit to the da,ily rider and for the purpose of encouraging riding. This IS an experimental rate and tariff that will be tried out for a period of three months beginning April 15th, 1932. It is a concession rate for the daily rider over the casual rider. If it becomes sufficiently attractive to the travelling public it will be con~inued. It is a bargain rate in transportation which will help the rider in reducing his daily transportation cost and we hope the Transportation Company, by attracting more riders. , Philadelphia & West Chester Traction ~ompany ARONIMINK TRANSPORTATION COMPANY 69th St. Terminal, Upper Darby, Delaware County, Pa. BLV.3000 MEDIA REPRESENTATIVE I Under and subject to certain building restrictions and conditions and agreement. wftb 829 WELSH ST. 9 your attention to and to apiliauti the ex· borrowing your furniture and whatnots Ics for a solid week and we deeply apeellenl work of the Property Committee. I to decorate ollr stages, a feature of any preciate the 10y:1I SUPllort YOli have given tl t d I I d 1 . the Club" under the capable management of C. I Wahl 01 d th ;'1 . 1 C l' ay. 13 a (S remen OU5 y to Its sue. . mes, an c Co «Inca OIn-. • .. The report is Siglll'(l by Roy C. ComnnUre, under the equally capable direc- Ctss. \Vc also Wish to thank the Club . tion of Barton L. Hoopes, 3rd. The Members for their splendid co-operation. Icy, chr., Chas. D. Mitchell, A. F. Jackwork of these Committees is cClually as We realize it is a sacrifice to denude 5011, John Dolman Jr., Robl. W. Graham. in1()ortant front the stan:! •••~I; ... ~,: ..." (If" \' T ~. I , ... ··Y ,."I'Il1 _:",:.,00 cer,--'f\'s.,BoRSall"G~ace Dod(, 'far)'-~ ) l')1', -'Mrs. Roy Delaplailic 1ft,. Hn 'TJ·jail) Ci,{xch Illet ',1 rht c1lLth.:1L 11.11 .n j,!oIl'lay. Al>d125 <.t four p.m. Thf" Bonsall, and Mrs. Roy Delaplairt l !. Th~.' .lfl{i .J',aton, Alrs. L. C. llJllltlOTl:-., .\f l~, ! 10/.", ~.j('llday ('ver:i;)~ . 1trs. J. Burri . . ;'~lHlIitt{"e will be ~lad to welcome any Junior choir of the Presbyterian churel / '-;"ruld Effing, Mrs. Gili.H'rt t··ai:-jl..'~, I \\\:st prl..·~i(.icd. "\liss Anna I.Jirksoll, :;~s· :';'.,idcuts ,If SwanlHlJmc and vicinity re~resented St. PaQI's Choir." "\if.";, J. Donald Gibson, Miss Gueher, ter oi )'li·. j-)• .M .. Dickson o.f P:incc:oll who are interested. . Hark, ~ark, T.he L~rk, _,frt l , ~rr,;. F. M. Hadley, Mrs. S. W. John- avenue, told of the work wh!ch IS.i?emg A program will be given by Dorothy Shakespeare s cymbe~me mu.sIc I,:: ~C.1l1 : :0-('11, .\frs. Thomas Johnson, Mrs. John do?,e at the Church House In Phdadel- Goldsmith Netter, concert pianist, Mrs. bert was sung by Kitty Brill a::. :\[;'Lst~r: R. Kline, Mrs. Lloyd Kaufmann. Mrs.: p~la for the unemployed women of the Samuel D. Clyde and Miss_ Regina ChasSkylark. : A, B. Lawrence, Miss Ralph Little, City., . . • • taine who will play several numbers arI'. : Mn. M. C. McClung, Mrs. Jacob POLITICAL RALLY ranged for pipe organ and piano; Mrs. Musical Vespers ! ~h'"hter, Mrs. Stanley MacMillan, AT WID'l"rmR HOUSE Philip Oudry Davis, soprano and Mrs. I :\fr:.. John Morgan, Mrs. Roy 1I.-1ercer, Addison S. Wickham, contralto. The regular monthly service u_ l~'.1sit ;\fr,.:, Harry Mi1Ier. ~frs. J. Warren D·d t i S th . .t~"" member of the Philadelphia Com. ..."eSI en s 0 .war more at the Presbyterian. :Church will h: givl':n P~x: ..ln. Mrs. L eonal"d nn.U b cr, "·11' lui. 13m be hare Id IDVI h~ ml·ttee wl·II tell about the annual Chl·lthis Sunday at Vespers at 4:45 p. I!I. I R;ll!;~an, Mrs. R. Chester Spencer, Mrs. to .attend a I!leetmg to e at t e dren's concert which is to be held on SatThe choir under Mr. Kneedh:r's direc- i D_ .'\. Simpson, Mrs. John Howard Fnends M~etlng ~ouse on the coll,ege urday. April 30 at the Penn Athletic tion has- prepared Spo~r's' bea.t:iii wi ~ati.-!, T:\-' jor. cam~us thiS co;"mg Sunday evemng, Club at 11;00 a. m. " AprIl 24th a.t 8 o. clock. . Fabien Sevitzky, conductor_ of the Simtata "God, Thou Art Great." Sullivan:,' • • T~ vote 1I1te1hgently ~t the ~rlmary fonietta, has just returned. from a tour uThou, 0 Lord, art our Father" will be Woman's Assn. elect!on next Tues?~y, mformatloJ?- re- to the musical capitals of Europe where sung. g~rdlOg Party pohcles and c:'ndldate, he received great acclaim as guest conThe assisting artist will be Ruby GerThe second of'a series. of meetings be- wlll be presented by the folI.owlDg: Mr. ductor of the Symphony orchestras of ard Stewart, a concert violinist of New ing held by the Missionary section of the Fred Taylor Pusey, .Repubbcan Part>:, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, and Warsaw. The York City. Mrs. Stew~t has received Woman's Association of the ·Prespyter- Prof. John H. PItman, Democratic Simfonietta is a group of musicians from very favorable pres!> notices of her play- ian church was well attended Wednesday ~a~Yi Dr. Jes~ H. Holmes f«;,r the ~~ the Philadelphia Orchestra and is known ing in concerts here and abroad. afternoon. The devotional exercises were ~lahst Party. E!'ch speaker will. be 11m.. as the only organization of its kind. ' I led by Mrs. Hadly M. Crist. An inter- It~ to twenty .mmu.te5, after w~lch there The Children's concert is an annual FortDighdy esHng address 01' ~uth America was will be an opportumty for questIons. gala event for the young people of Philagiven by Miss Irene Sheppard who for a • • delphia ana vicinity. Among the Swarth.. The Fortnightly program given at number of years was a missionary in ROSE VALLEY PARENTS more people who are jnterested in the ASSOCIATION TO MEET Children's Concert and the Simlonietta Mrs Andrew Porter's on last Monday Brazil. Tea and a social hour followed inc1~ded a review of "All Passion Spent,· the meeting. The third and last meeting are: Mrs. George Ashton, Mrs. Leonard The most recent developments in pro- Ashton, Mrs. Robert Carels, Mrs. Sam.. Mrs. TuttleJ the playing of Schumann'. of the series will be held at the ·home of "Papilion" by Mrs. Clyde, literary Mrs. Leonard ~shton, Elm ~venue, next gressive education in both England and uel D. Clyde, }'Irs. Hadly Miller Crist, sketches by Mrs. Simpers and Mrs. Wednesday at 2 :30. The Chilean Consul America will be discussed by Mr. Wil- Mrs. Theodore Crossen, Mrs. Philip Thayer. of Philadelphia will make an address. liam Hurnlee Currie, Director of Educa- Oudry Davis, Mrs. R. Chester Spencer, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1tion at Darlington Hall. Totnes, Eng- Mrs. Addison Wickham, Mrs. Clair Willand, at an opening meeting of the Par.. cox. RUSSIAN QUARTET I I • ents' Association of The School in Rose Valley, to be held in Bond Memorial Trip to Pennhurst Hall, Swarthmore College, this evening, Friday, April 22. All who are interested in making the A buff¥.t supper will be served this trip with the Delaware County League of evening for those who communicate in Women Voters and the Chester County advance with Mrs. Laurence J. Stabler, League to visit Pennh"urst State School Chairman of the Parents' Association; for sub-normal and feeble-minded chiland the meeting will begin promptly at 8 dren on May 6th will please notify Mrs. o'clock. All who are interested in pro- Edwin A. Yarnall, Swarthmore. gressive education are cordially invited It is very essential that the names of to attend. those willing to drive cars, as well as those desiring to take this trip, be given TREE PLANTING ON as soon as possible so that transportation PROVIDENCE ROAD can be arranged for and the institution advised of the number expected. A box luncheon will be taken by A tree planting ceremony will be held at Chester road and Providence road those 'participating, coffee being served next Wednesday. April Z1 at 11 o'clock, by the institution. under the auspices of the Delaware Rain. Or shine the cars will meet at County Federation of Woman's Clubs. 10:30 a. 'm. at the Swarthmore Woman's The local club will participate. Clubhouse, and will leave Pennhurst at 1.1 4:00p.m. Mrs. William W. Speakman before ~_ _~'M'MI~--_ leaving Pasadena is giving a small lunchBirth eon in honor of Mrs. ]olm Limebumer, • . Mrs. Katherine Stockdale ·and Miss Joan Mr. and Mrs. John Milligan of South __ courtesy Swarthmore phoenix Stockdale, all former Swarthmoreaos. River, N. J. announce the birth of a After a brief visit with Swarthmore daughter, Patrician Ann on April 18. , The K.......II ............ ...u .......... R ........ oiDpn en.qed throush Dr. friends Mrs. Speakman will open her Mr. Milligan was a member of the teachAIfrecI J. S ...... who wiD 011.... oeIect .. ....-am of rooIiaioaa aDd folk mel.... summe~ borne at Buck Hill Falls, Pa. Iing staff 01 the High school last year. dieo _ ........ S.....y. April Z4. No definite decision on the question of changing the fire insurance for the Swarthmore schools has been reached during the past week Several m.eetings of committees have been held' but no liefinite action has been decided upon according to members of the board. During the week, Swarthmore has been a mecca for insurance men with a great variety of ideas on how the best interests 01 . the school district might be served while at the same time satisfying the local agents. The following resolution \vas passed at the meeting of the Business Men's Association at the Strath Haven Inn Wednesday noon: "Resolved that it is the concensus of opinion of this organization that in any change in the placing of fire insurance on the school properties contemplated by. the S c h 00 I Board, due weight and consideration be given to the interests of the local agents who maintain offices in Swarthmore and who by the payment 01 school and borough taxes have contributed substantially to the upkeep of the school property." •• I A I ..'. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE swa.rthmo.l.'e College Library 10 - -1-- ~(:IIC)f)I. INS.JUANC:': ~IA \' (:UAN(;ED ---- i IIISlIr.llIl'l' - - ---------- - - ! t'lJj,U, THE SWARTHMOREAN \\ho ~mJy IIl.ltlc tlH.'ir 'ul(1 """h .11 hllgll. till (ll'III'll1i,'alll!Jl'r,l- 1111.:111 III it .. llTolts IIII1I1 cd ..dlllOl:-. .I11d tIll.' 'pl ... IIOII tlf as- stn.:nglhcll tIll: hankmg )Ir. DISCIIII: ",.tid that It mi~ht he po~-I SPiting tlu.: IJoon:r ((, .. (rid .. \\11110111 tII- illlpn.,c and 1II,lchillcry IIIl1st he set Ill' to shortt'lI Jilaws of 1\'1111") 1- CfilCicllt 111m. ~Ir. Turner hclit:n's that (Contilllltd from PaQr On,) i .. iblc to placc the Jluliclt,:-, dirt'ct "Ith tlll·j l:rl·,lo.;mg tht, aln'ad\ IIl',t\.) o.;lith- appro. \'~lIia which in the li~ht or ,Jrc:o.cllt t'\"ent~ (Illulatioll of dosl:d ".lI1k~ awl 10 0111(1\\ lie hill! "hllllt it o.;h,lrt (Jf thl 1'loJih from 1 10c'll ag('ub \\ ht) \\()1I1c1 Ihen turn tht'm I priatloTlS '1'1'111 '11.\\ l' tu hc rl"',nttt 11 ,to SlJllIe CX ll'lIt prompt distrihutiull to depositor" , , I I o\"(;,r to some largl.:' t0111,:trn ""ch ,IS \\,il. . l' a \\dyS nrge( tie lIlamtclt.lIJCe 0 f all .1Iso hclic\'l'S that changl's ml1st he malil the 1m d) h\l:.II\I.:'-s .wl! th'h It \\.IS Mrt,' I'',lrUt: II. '1" liS \\ Uti II I)1.:' Inore II ,J Ie IS .1 IlIelll"er 01 thl B.lllklll g ((1111- I •'ldC(jll'lt(. Illllllhcr of l'X• IIniners • , SOil or , . •'Ind fur ill the I;:m cO\(:rillg deJlosits of Jluhlil' ttl ,(hall Iht· hill'. is'Itlell1l1t1l't' :lIld ;;tlpportnl tit" J"lIIklllg d(·I).Ir1- l)aYIIl('lIt of ~alant's o.;niliciellt to "l'ctlre f UII<.b. .tgluh ~holl't! n.nl\l prollt . . fro1ll Ihc statuI, alld \\unlt! . . tlil 1ll,Ike It posslhle ~ I'IIIH:wo.; and othl'rs :.110111-1 II\'!. lor tll(' hoal" to h.tH .tli of their ilhllr1~\t1.LIIti I, I'al it number of \'0IUI11115 011 the Nicolai Kcdroff and his brother, Con- house. This is a story of an English boy, PREPAHING CONCERT I.ittle Theatre I1IO\el11l'l1t, the COIllI11Ustantin, and two tenors. Twelve ycars Nick Attwood who lived ill Stratford. Tht: ).[1Isic Scction of the New Ccn- nity Theatre, and "Acting Societics," ago, however, the tenors died, and in the home town of \Yilliam Shakespeare tur,\ Club of Chester mct on \\'ednesda)' \\hidlc\'t:r classilicatiun fits the Swarth~ t heir places werc cngaged Timofci S. 'I'Iza bctI I. 'fhl' chorus tli til\., \\'oman'", CluJ. is at the home of ~[rs. Char1cs Ernst, more Cluh, and members of the c , ub durlil/{ the rl'lgn 01 Queen ... Kasakoff and Ivan K. Denisoff, who might be able to Illtlke more intelligent \\ as soloist for the Swarthmore' C01lege Because of his beautiful \'oice he was doing a great d\"al til I;'x:tra work Iln'~ S\\S0I1, .,Irs. John o\\an camllUs this coming Sunday evening un ay, . Jlfl, at Ie elln.'\11 t 1 e('Ie )'hlrphy. 1[rs. Frank Irvine. Presby- hon " Club at J I:OO.t Ill. las prepared S po ,lr ' s Ileal II". 1April 24th at 8 o'clock. llrian, .Mr:;;. G. C. Barher, ).[r5. E. F. tata "God, Thou Art Great." , I • I To \'ote intelligentl). at the Primary Fahiell Sentlk), conductor of the Sim~ 0' d t F II " "I b I ionit'tta, ita:. ju:.t rctnrnt'ti frum a tour Cook. :Uiss Jean Doctor. )'[ethodist, "TI IOU, .or ,ar our 'a lcr WI c. WOll1an's Assn. I dcction next Tuesday, informatton re- to the 1Il11~icdl capitals of Europe where ~f rs. Earl Kistler. ).( rs. Frank Smith, o;ung. . . . .11 I I' I G I garding Party policies and candidate!>. he recei\'(~(1 great acd::l1l1l a:o. Huest con~ ).(rs. A. G. \"hite. African Methodist, Thc asslstUlg artist WI )e "u )). er~I'I,e 'II I I 'b Ih f I I ' M n second of a ... erieo.; oi ml'ltill~ .. he-I \\'1 prescn . l' d )eT I Pe( y D c 0bI"oWlIlg: P J;t r ductal' of the S,\IllI>holl)' orcht."stra:. of ~rrs. H, Bundick, Mrs. Elizabeth Cole- ard Stewart, a concert violinist of New 'cd ing hcld II) the )'liss,onar~ ",\.'cliun oi thc, J':rc.I Jayor useY'".l"e11I1 Ican ar}:; 1 H It D t Pari::., Berlm. \'Ienna. and \\,lrs.m. The man. ),1 is... Gladys Quinhm. Friend:o., York City. ~Irs. Stewart has reCClV , f h I \Voman's .\ssociallon t)i the Prt: . . ",h!I-, ro. om . 1 man, emocra cr p ay. I' ( I) J H H I f Ih S IC Simiollletta i:-. a --~rolll) of I1ltbicialh frolll \Irs S. C. Palmcr, ]\[rs. ]. H. Holm\.'s vcr)' favorable press notices 0 ian church was \\ell attended \\'eJliccs of the Delaware Rain or shine the car .. \\ilI mcet at SimI)eTs, 11 r. Simpers, ),1 rs. L. :\1. Fl1s~ I County Federation of \\'oman's Clubs, 10:30 a. Ill. at the S\\arthmore \Voman's . . cll, ),[rs. Charles Israel, Mr~. \V. R.! I The local club will participate. Cluhhou . . c, and will leave Pennhurst at \\'right, ~[rs. R. \\'alters, Alr:o.. I.. P. i • PI 4:00 p. m. Stevens, ),[rs. H. Siehack, ),1 rs George ~Ir" William W. Speakman before --~'''''I (~Iuesson, ).[rs. Thaw, llrs. J. H, TholUI Ica\ ing Pasadena is giving a small 1unch~ i Birth as, ),Irs: Jamc.s Davis, )'ITS Clarcnce : t'OIl in honor of ),[rs. John Limeburner, l~arnes. Miss· Barnes. Mrs. \Vm. Bittei. : ~Irs. Katherine Stockdale and :Miss Joan I ~lr.• md )lrs. John ),(il1igall of South ).rrs, Arthur' Grover, .Mrs. Da\'is, ~Irs. J. Phoentx Stock(late all former Swarthmorcalls. Rivcr, N J. announce the hirth of a thmo,e COUT t esy Swar H. Kline, J..frs. A. R. Redgrave, Mrs. )' . \ 1111 011 :\ lInt ' 10(). . . ed h h D :\ iter a , brief visit \\ ith Swarthmore II (aug Ilter, Iatnctan. II. Brdlll and ~(iss Brehn, :Mrs. Sellers, g gag we The Kedroff quarte~ I : knOt Ru.,.an smg;ra l':n. an~ mel:: : friend", ),[rs, Speakman will ollen her Mr. Milligan was a member of the teach~ ).frs. Coulter, lfrs. Tuft, :Mrs. Barger, Ad.lfn:d J. Swan'Swh0claWlIA0riler2a4 se eel program 0 re IglOUI I summer home at Buck Hill Falls, Pa. 1ing stall of the High school last year. T .. I ! ..------- I' , l .\ 1 (ColltuJlled !!'om Page One) Tartan Pure Preserves Assorted Flavors, :I.:. t Th. Jar 19c Genuine Steer Beef 43c Tender Round Steak Juicy Rump Steak Fresh Ground Beef Fancy Chuck Roast 32c 35c 17c 15c VEAL CUTLETS 39c Veal Chops 32c SHOULDERS LAMB 20c N""k of Lamb 14c Rack Lamb Chops 25c Habbersetts Bacon % Th. pg. 10c Stewing Lamb 7c Tender Lambs Liver 17c CALIF, PEAS 'J4 doz. 19c Tasty Seedless Grapefruit 4 for 19<: LEMONS doz. ,1\1 hill' .. " tIll' PECKERMAN, THE TAILOR t,ttl' \\ ide rCC(')..pllIlUll 11\ the I.t·gi:.laturc la:-.t ~e;11 ericnccd. Thomas Marshall. 1706 West 7th 51.. Chel!lcr. Che..'1ter 4287. WANTED-Smart Spring dresses made by experienced dressmaker. WUl deUver work. Alterations. Bemodellng. Phone Chester 2-2728. WORK ESTATE OP HERBERT MANNINO, If you have $5000 for a the same WlthO~~YV.~G, perfectly safe first mortgage, 305 S. Chester Road. Swarthmore, Del. 00., Pa. let me know. Or to her attorney. ExecutrIX. SAMUEL A. MONTGOMERY. 216 W. Front street. Media, Del. Co., Pa. E. C. WALTON 112 PARK AVENUE ESTATE OF CHARLES E. FELLOWS. late of the Borough of Swarthmore. Leltera of Ad· Attractive second floor apartment. Rent ministration on tbe aboTe Estate have beenI $75. 6 rooms, bath. porch. electrIc rerrlg~ granted to tho undersigned. who reqUeflU al erator, electric range. private oll burner. Ilf"ts0111J having claims or demands a81linst. 2 entranees. Possessfon May I. th(' Estate of tho decedent to make known the same, and all persons indebted to the del!edent 10 make PlL1'ment, without delay, to CHARLES E. FELLOWS. JR .• 511 Harvard Ave .. Swarthmore. Pa. Or to his Attorney. WM. S. BITfLE Notary Public Real E.ta'e Swa. lll-J Stop! Look! Listen! p. I.__ ~~~~~e~Phln._P_._.--=-=-==:-:;:-:-:::;;;;;;- 'f ir. every re"pcct. for .ale at about $12,000, includin& Barage and 'nice builcliDI' lot. Partie. leavinl' town. Worth the- money. c. J. KIRK McCURDY. 12lR Chestnut Stt"ef>t. i E:~'.;'!. ,·1 'ho ~cedent. tOI make known II',' . . ·t .. • ,;1-1 flit J»CrBons Indebted to the d: '.' ': "<1' ,'" .n .. !:: IJayment. without delay, to C.HA!.{L}O~S· PARKER. . No. 21 Soutb Chester Road. Swarthmore. Pa. Or to his Attorney. :; "1'1' ! ',j \,.,.' J. KIRK M£.CURDY, 1218 Chestnut Street, A. SMITH Phlladelvhla, Pa.. i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MUST SELL AT SACRIFICE Baby Grand Piano Excellent Condition Weyman Make Solid Mahogany Case Golden Bantam Corn Box 29c Red Raspberrie. Box 27c Funeral Directors Bell Phone 4 RALPH MANDES I General Construction and repairs Stone, Brick and Cement Work Specialist for Open Firepl~ce8 Landscape Work Flagstone Terraces, Walks and Steps Retaining Wa]Is, Rock Gardens and 3 specIalS Swimming Pools Be't Price, Quick Service Clifton Heights, Pa. ll2 Sonth Springfield noad Madison 3263 ============~ Granile M..-ble MEMORIALS . Cemetery Work a Spectatty Wm. J. Cartledge Asparagus ~~~E~L~I~Z~AB~E~T~H~KA~~U~F~M~AN~~~IFUIl Pod Sugar Peas HAIRDRESSING Located 111 Thompson's Store. Morton. Pa. Permanent Waving Every Day Except SatUrday ~pk23c Sunk;'t doz 19c Oranges ~.OO 'Phone Swarthmore 1991·W Open evenings by appointment Ripe All Linea of _ INSURANCE = INCLUDING LIFE Tomatoes = 8 in box 25e FRESH CAUGHT SEA FOOD PETER E. TOLD OLD BANK BLDG. ._ Fre.h Call Swarthmore 1833 '" Porgies Ib 18c PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING Rq. Lump Inlerior and E"lerior Ib39c _ Est. 1843 No. Lansdowne Ave.• Drexel UIlI, Pa. W.ll P~per Cleaning (Opposite Arlington6880 Cemetery) Clearbrook STEPHEN BROWN MortoD P. O. Box 144 Crab Meat Cape May Ib 1ge Goodies PIANO TUNING Swarthmore 1056 20 ,.ear. experienoe with all makes·i:==;;;;~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;==: I Cod Ib 1ge Member of Nat. &10. of Piano Tooen. SPECIAL :;::==--=.:..~---~::----:;;9;All Pianos should he tUDed twice each Crisco Ib can I c St;;m SPRING PRICES C· 0 F FEE SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES Dece8Bed. Letters Testamentary on the above estate have been granted to the undersigned. who request all persona having claims or demands against the estate of tbe decedent to make known the same. and all persons lndebted to the decedent to make payment. without delay, :. CARROLL PUSEY. ESTATE OF ROSALIE B. PUSEY, ANNA SCHALLES GEORGE H. KELLEY PhOfte, Sw. 1225 ELECTRICIAN Phone Swarth. 4Z8 Muhlenberg Ave. Rutledge or Write BOX 4s Swarthmore " New COAL Prices on Beading Super.Clean Anthracite Egg 10. Stove 11.00 Nut 10.75 Pea 9.00 Buckwheat 7.00 75 Cash or if paid for in 15 day. MASON BUILDERS SUPPLY CO. Dartmouth and Lafayette Avenuea Swarthmore 6 Swarthmore 345 intert-~(ed pint jar 26c The Fini.bir.g Touch To a Good Breakfa.t Your Fire Chief Says. Comont Coffee 23c •• Constantly on guard, year in and year out, the FIRE PLUGS in the SPRINGFIELD WATER SYSTEM maintain a vigil that never falters in protecting over a Billion Dol: lars worth of Suburba.n Property against fire loss. Fire Companies in the Delaware, Chester and Montgomery County territories may ALWAYS depend upon the Springfleld System for water for Fire Purposes - and always at a correct pressure, Philadelphia. Suburban Water Company Springtime Is Gardening Time AllKinds of Gardening Tools Fertilizers Peat Moss, Hyper-humus, etc. Seeds, Lawn Mowers Oleate of Lead forJap.Beetles Other Sprays for pests of all Kinds Gardening Gloves Ib SEAMLESS BROADLOOM RUGS I I inishin~ ~ '\l TODeh~ II ~I.! I IIi rr ~I I It was Mrs. Bul'll8 who ever so tactfully restored Martha's poise. "My dear," she whispered, "that used to h"l'i'en to me every time I entertained. Now I have a kitchen telephone and another upstairs for privacy's sake. They're such 8 comfort!" 22c doz 17e dOL Sir. Freoh CookiDg Egg. Wildey Tomaloes. full """k k;!~ Pulled Wheal P . e Gerber'. Vegetableo for Bob,. 2 ("" 2Sc Baker'. Baking Chocolale ~ 11>. bar 21e Duff's Ginger Bread Mix can 23c Franklin Granulated SUGAR 39c "The S ycamores" bag Bay Dinners midday Luncheon and social , to install one. The cost is lias are ~pening; too. • « I~~ IiI~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ j ~~ I :t:l'i " JUVEMLE 1 I: f II f\1!i M. EDITH McCREA DANCING CARNIVAL STANLEY THEATRE, Chester, Pa. MONDAY EVENING, MAY 2nd fl8~W~ D,:la~are bCo• i !, ti songs and dance numbers of every escrlption, eaufully costumed.' Feature photoplay at 6.30 and 10 o'clock. Admission-50e--75e--$1.00 150 cle"er children of Chester andd· d A prl·1" "The Enchante by KANE CAMPBELL presented by AT 8:30 O'CLOCK ALUMNI MEMBERS OF CLOTHIER MEMORIAL ADMISSION SOc; 7Sc and $1.00 • :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~B=y=T=~~~ho~n=e=13=============)11~=====:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:===:=:==============~ GOLF AT Swarthmore Golf Course LONG HOLES WIDE FAIRWAYS GREENS FEE SOc ANY TIME NESTLE DE-LUXE PERMANENT FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST . OF SWARTHMORE. PA. No machine attached to the head. Comfortably waved. ANNOUNCES A Finger waving unnecessary. Also Eugene and Keen permanents. Come in and get two hot oil treatments free before either wave. Try our new· soapless shampoo before having a m,,;,"eel. For appointments call mam or branch office. Swarthmore 54.2. GRACE M. SMITH Sproul Roa~ at Providence Road SHffiER APTS. AND THE NEW .. co. Friday evening, April 22nd Park Avenue. SW8l"thmore. Tel.phoneY lOO-n>... MAGEE LITTLE THEATRE CLDB trifling. entertainment parties accommodated. Pink magno- There i, Real Economy in ~. It ia illll!"xpeuiYe. Healtbfal and s.tu- SOUTH CHESTER ROAD fJiDg. all ,.oar Food Needo al M..-I·. fer Qa.1ity. PHONE SWARTHMORE lOS upstairs saves counties. .teps and trouble. Tell us Daylight Saving Time starts Sunday-and marl.. "The Sycamores' Sunday suppers opening. lIAR.BWleK All EXTENSION TELEPHONE Sundays; evening weekdays. Ivory Soap 3 bars 20c Brookfield Eggs 10lb SUPLEE'S STORE J'TT1EJlISAi~'~'DiEi:;- m Bartlett Pears Ig tin 19c Brookfield Butter Ib27c Stuffed Olives .' •• A Finer Butter MARY S. PUSEY, 3 delphia Alumnae Association of DR. HERBERT FRASER Swarthmore as he was the brother of Delta Delta Delta Fraternity at luncheon I TO ADDRESS W'Oft Mr. S. S. Snyder of Vassar avenae. from the eleventh grade were Louise Funeral serv:ces were held Wednesday Calder. Elizabeth Stavers. Virginia Tomtomorrow, Local members who will linson. Harry McWilliams and Herbert tend. are Mrs. Earle D. Weltz, Mrs. A subject of widespread and current afternoon at the Nativity Lutheran Michener. Those from the tenth grade H. Jewett. Mrs. Robert E. intterest will be presented by Herbert F. Church. I • I to receive the athletic letters were Mil· Miss Elizabeth Hunter. Miss ~ ...... " Fraser. head of the department of ecollW dred Brewster. Jane MacInlyre and Wil. sau, and Miss May Brown. omies of Swarthmore College. who will arniDg liam Maddox. Jack Mitchell of the Mr. and .Mrs. Leslie Wetlaufer of Mrs. Malcolm Keir. Miss Jean Keir. speak on "International Problems ill the Will those who have pledged themeleventh grade received his non-athletic Park avenue entertained at tea Sunday Miss Lois Wright. and Miss Marjorie Present Depression" at the Woman's Club. selves for Legion work be sure that the letters. afternoon. Poole the of house Hanover. Hampshire. Tuesday afternoon. April men they employ for that service have guestsNew of Mrs. Alfred Swarthmore, at 2:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Earle D. Weltz spent were last week-et.d at an insurance conven- Gary Wh.·te of College: avenue this week. Th I t ' be' ..• b tl papers on Legion Stationery authoriz~ Re\·. Dr. McNaughton of Park Avee ec urebranch 1S mg Y Ie ing them to apply to such ~rsons. tion at Atlantic City. Mrs. Robert L. Coates had as her Swarthmore of arrallgcu the l.eague nue motored to Scranton last week, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Green 0f P otts· guests at luncheon on Monday Mrs. Women Voters, and men and WOllleln Ithis connection. have recently occurred representations where he is making a series of adville will be the week-end guests of Dr. Elmer E. Melick of Swarthmore, Mrs. Wh9 are in the subject are dresses in that city and vicinity. and Mrs. Frank E. Williams of Amherst Alexander tee Tisdale of Pottstown, and vitd to hear Professor Fraser. avenue. Mrs. T. Magill Patterson of St. Davids. speaker has been lecturing in WashingAWARDED Mrs. Frank Pearce of Gloucester. Mrs. John A. Murphy of Dickinson ton. New York and olher I'uinls in the AT SCHOOL • Massachusetts, leIt on Thurs~y after avenue entertained at tea and bridge East during the winter. His book "For. having been the guest of .her daughter, f eign Trade and World Politics" is one At Swarthmore High School, on April Mrs. Harold G. Griffin for several days. Tuesday a ternoon. of the authorities in its field. 14. letters were awarded to the muu,w-I PLAIN . Mrs. Herhert Sanford of Park avenue Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Smith of PerlllsThe topic chosen hy the Lcague of ing $tudents: From the Women Voters is of special interest Kathryn Price, Betty Taylor" entertained at cards last Saturday eve- burg, Penna.• and .Mr. and Mrs. . Oberholtzer of Reading. Penna., will the present time. Secretary Stimson Gerner, Henry Hanzlik, Rodman "''!the Poet's Circle met with Mrs. Rob- the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. in Geneva and the attention of the world I Bickley Stephens. David Woodling ert L. l:oates of Harvard avenUe on F. Meschter of Dickinson avenuc. is focused on current problems in Richard Redgrave recei"ed athletic letWednesday of this week. Miss Shirley Shaw entertained relation to peace and better business. ters. Those receiving athletic letters Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cookman of the dancing last Saturday. The speaker has kindly consenled College avenue entertained at dinner at Miss Caroline Cresson entertained atldi,,,,u,;s ~~ m·onth. 'Allan Wood, thl' .. ho\\"ing of the film, "George \Vash- twenty million. ~h~ also n'milldcd the ~lltlJ ".ll·lII~rs 1lIl'lIlbl'rs or thl' COlst arc sl'Jlaralcly rcSwarthmore A,·c, illgloll, hi .. I.ift, and Timt's"; which was The IJuts of the FOR RENT-Two nUracth'e housekeepIng, ",,:ult' fly thl· Ea<;lm:l1l TC:lching Fi!m of the l'S!'Ci), cont~:.l lht' ohJcct (,I wlm.:h ht:arsillg tlu:ir parts. < ap:utmcnis at 317 North Chester Rd, Six, lOlllp:tm' allli fullO\H"(1 doseh' the 1115. is "\Vhat Can Clnh \\'''Jm'l1 1)0 For l'tJIIsl'r\'atioll", The COIUl'st i .. open 10 all t\\'o poets, Grosvenor and Bunthornc, room~ nud buth each, electrlc refrigeration, . : r ' I'r 'I '1'11 II" and ull ('ol:Yeull'UCCl>. Albert N. Garrett. t~)rJ("al .Iacts 0 hIS \ t', .l rs, :. a I~­ • Pellllypucker 40142 or Swarthmore 489. kr J Jallles was sent hy the Pllllillkh)luil c1uh IIll'lIIhl'r~ a11l1 will hl' rcad at the will he takl'l) hy Ilcrbert L. \\'.tlton and "lay IIII.'ctill!-! oi Ihl' CUllllty Fl'10 lit r., :.;\\ 011'1 hlllon' Ia~u Standard Time. Moudny, May 9. 1932, for Spruce, tdliIlg oj the 10\"1,_' _~.i tn'l'" of ilion to thuse who have followed recent ';PJ1t'ral school supplicr. art, shop, science, Ge(lrgl' \ra~hillgton. :\1 r:-., l'-htll'l" add cd I)rolitu.:liolls of the Hose Valley Chorus. I'on fjALB l'hl'afl Second hand "Qunllt\·" ,wd junltors supplies, and fuel. The School , "'I'" HUII~;' 16 'Inch on'n ·Ciuod condltlo·n. ' D1strkt rCl;cn'es the rIght to reject I'I;ny t:; a spacldul of included ill thc cast arc Diana I' "I() OU C; A, Smith. Phone swnrth.1 all bids In whole or In I)art andlor I Cl '::o~' , , aWlird contract.<; to other thau the low h" .llrs. ]{l·dgran, :\1 i:-.:-. llarth;\ Ila, i- Purinton. J Ielen j;II1I\(.'\' Isohel Price mOIl_ I oJ bidden; un any item or items. I:~I](I. chairmaJl oi thl' .\Illt·rican Citizcll- Eydyn Nicholsoll, Fr~:lcis ~\Iarkland: i Spccifications muv be secured at the ron S,\LE-In\'allds wlwel chair Two ser\"- : School District ulth:'e in the Swarthmore ship :-l'Ctioll, which "pulbore,1 the.: pro· John Clothier, \\'ray Iloffm::Jn and \Val;('1 or eommode ('hailS. All In excellent I High SchooL gram. thn'\\" ill the.' third ~p:\lldllL ler Yarnall. (ondltlfJll. Phone SwnrtlllllOrp 42 I ELIZABETH A. LUEDERS, The IIlt'dillg \\a" tht..·1l ttlrlll'c\ O\er to SccreUlry. the t~ir1 ~rout" \\"ho gall' a titting JlI"O· PERSONAL See the NORGE before you ESTATE OF HAROLD BARNES, deceased. gram, Boneless Letter); Testamentury on the nbo\'c atat.c PERSONAlr--Old pine i'tn~I" recon'red with have bl'cn grunted to the undersigned, who buy, at the Chester Refrigeration oa!; HaJ(lwood Hoors I:lld nnd (('nulshell, requl'st all l)erHOIlS 118\'IIl~ clatms or de- ROSE VALLEY CHORUS E:-tlm!,l('slurnlsht'd SOIIll'r1~ald(Or&SCh£'ible: IlHlIldt; IIgnlnst the Estate of the decedent Show - 25c a day TO (aVE '"PATIENCE" 6JIj 'lenth Ave. Moon'. I II Phone Ridey I to make knowll the SUIlI£" lIud all persons Park 113G~W, indebted to the decedent to make payment, without delay. to CANTER'S \VORK \VANTED ARAMINTA Jo'REEMAN BARNES. The j{osc Valier Chorus is IIOW in reCor. 4th ~Uld IUarkct Sts. 312 N. Prineeton A\'('nue. Chester 9911 SWllrthmore, Pa. hl.'arsal to cdebratc it!' IWt'lItY-lifth se:J\YIJIU{ \\'.\:'\'1"1-:')-(',,11111,11 HIIII"1 mul Il\IlI~f' Or to her AttOl"lll'Y. Box 2ge Golden Bantam Corn :-011 this spring by giving the Gilhert and ~;;;;~-~;-;-;-;-;-~~~~~~~~~;;;; \"11); 1':"'f"'l',u,,',L Th"lIl,u:: .\1:11'·11:111, 170li JAl\IES 'V. LA'VS, Sullivan ~11)l'ra "l'atil'lIce", at the ~warth~ Red Raspberries Box 27e \\",'·1 "I! ~1 ell( ·1"1" (;11('-.1"1' I'~}.O-;-. ,I 918 Land Title BlIlldlng. Phllndelphia, Pa. more PI", ers' Cluh ill Swarthlllore on Ju""ph K ~)lIinh,. WORl\: WANTED-Smart Spring dresses I --:::.::::::::~::::::::::::--------- Thursday' alld Saturday cvenings, ~lay I 1':TlU':o;1 .;~ ~IIOfItJ:rn!.'s, A~:o;i!Slulii "Garden Fresh" ma SillllC without delay, to MARTEL BROS 761 762 FOR RENT C. I 227/ d A 1\. Miss Eliz:lhl'th Ihlt1lt.'r. lliss Lillian Kie- Fra~ s 1'\11 ,cf'I'lrest'I"te< Jy IIt:rhl'rt F. ' 10 recei\'(' the 'Ithletic letters wcrc '\lilt:.~r, 11';~C 0 lit· (l'p:lrhlll'llt oi l'l'O~\: drl'd Brewster, Jane .:\Iacllltyrc and \Vil. •. Oll1lc" of Swartlnllon' lolll'J.!I'. \\ ho Will \\Turning liam :\Iaddux, Jack Mitchell or the ~lrs. ~lalcllrh~1 "t'lr, ~lls~ .1\';:111 I~I.'I~, !Opt'ilk 011 "International I'rohll'llh ill till' I c1c\t'IIth ur::ule rec",;\,('d his nOIl-athl('tic Park hu:t SlIIith 01 Pctl1ls· of.t.hl' authonta'" III Its IIc·ld : l-t. ft-Uers \\t'T1' .Iwanled to the follow-I 1'lItertaillt'(l at card:- last Saturday CH'- hurg. PCIIUit., and '\Ir. alld :\.Ir ... I~O\'I .1 hc tUlne t..·ho~en hy the l.l't\gtll· /)i i ing ~tmkllb: Frum the Twelfth Gradel !ling. Oherhultzer of Rt..'ading. Pt..'nlla., will h~: \\~Jllll'l1 Vok~s i~ ~I.' :-opedal i."~l'rl'''1 ;~t: I~athryn Pricc, Betty Taylor, Charles SEAMLESS Thc Poet's Circle fUet with Mr!>. Roh- the wcck~l'nd guests oi :\Ir. and :\Ir.:. J.I~hc ,Prt..· ... Cllt lillie. ~l'l'rl:tar~ .Stllll"OIl I" (;t.TIIl'r, Ill'nry lIanzlil..:, J{ouman lIayn(!s.,I·~::::4/ t'rt 1.. Loatl's oi Harvard avenue on F. ~Ieschtt'r of I>ickitt:-on 'I\'elllll'. I ~n (,l'lIc\"a and the attention 01 thl' \\orltl Bickley Sll'Jlhell!'. J)a\'id \\'ulHlling anti ~ 1 BlWADLOOM Wednesday of this week. :\Ii:-~ Shirlc\- ~haw t'lltertaillt..'tl "titt'rl IS f(~ttwd on current prohkm!' iii thl'ir! Hit-hard I-h·t!g-r.\\'t' rl'Cl'i\'('(i ath1etic let.' Mr, and .Mrs. Henry Cookman of the dancing la~t Sahmlm·. ' I rt'~;~l1on to pl'acc and 1.lt·tkr Im"ine:-.... It'r!'. TIIO~C' rect'i"illg athll'lic letters olle"c a\'''I'''e ""1"1'1",,',,-1 ',,1 ,I,'""", ','I 'I' " I' C . I I he spl'aker ha:-. 1..:1I1111.\' l"OIht'I1Il'C1 10 i - - - - - - - - _ ~ ... '\. ..., ... .\ ISS ..... aro IIll' rcssull t..·ntertallll'd at I (li"l'll:-o ... llllestiolh that nHty hl' a"kccl. I IC Strath IIan'1t Inll last Frida.,' eve- SUj)f)er hefon' tht, dancing class last SatSwarthmore \\'UI11l'1I a;l' urgt.c1 to c:t:-t JONAS GEE I' ling. urda.\·, I . I I'ractical Ilelr "oln at tIt· 1'1111, ll('inn' Ihl' II1t'\'l~ I.UlU) Mow.'r ShurlH'lIcr unrl n('l)uir.'r :\Irs. Gcnc\-icve (;01101il1l1 with her '\Ir. and :\lrs. I~obcrl L. Coates of 1IlJ,!, S;IWS reset and all kinds of tools sharpcned "mall daughter and nurse uf Cairo, Ilan'ilrd a\'l'lIl1C t'lltert'lillt..'(1 a !!rUlll' o f , . Work ('ailed for and delh'ered Egypt, arc thc guests of .\Irs. George D. fricnds last Saturda_,' l'\'cllinn, , J'.'11e" ~I, ,"II\',.,'r : I', fl, t-I S. :"Ilortoll ,h'cnlle II I f \ I -. t - . . . ~ I' ,-::7 Box 1:i6 ;\lurloll~ PcnnD. ' (I( gson 0 f 1ll1Crst a,'CIlIlC, .I.l(r5, Gop.:\Ir, and llr:.. Panl Norton and daugh.j 1____ IOhonc-Swarthmore 1231-J I olian's muthcr, ~Ir~. Ida II. Ralph of ter Joan of Bostoll. liass. wcn: tllc week.r "'Ir. jallll's :\1. ~nydt'r died IIi IUIl'II- 1 Xl"" York was also the guest of ~(rs. l'IUI guests of :\fr!>. ~ortoll's pan'nh, Dr. 11!Hlli" on :\I)ril 17th at hi'i 1'l'"iclI:IICl' ill AZALEAS lIoulI for sewral (lays of last weck. and 1Ir:-.. John Ellery Tunlt'. Phihdc1phia al tll\' agl' oi 75 year". .\11'.' Spl'('iul I~ri(.•, 50(' Etwh :\Ir. ;ul b Birdseye Frosted Meat8 I Ib25e Pork Lo'ln Roast b Shoulders Lam l7e Ib 17c Ib •• • )lei'f Ct". I ~' sn f e flrst It·l lne know. LAURA V. MANNING, nlor.gng.·~ I 305 S, Chester Road, ' S w a r t h m o r e . Del. ~~~c~~ix. i Or to her attorney. j 8AMUEL A. MONTGOMERY. WALTON I 216 W. Front Street, I l\f('din, Del, Co .• Pa. E_'I","'E OF CII \Ii()n-50('-75t'-SI,OO I~.~~-.~~-~~~~~,~.. "The Enchanted April" by KANE CAMPBELL presented by ALUMNI MEMBERS OF LITTLE THEATRE CLUB MEMORIAL ADMISSION SOc; 75c and $1.00 AT 8:JO O'CLOCK " NESTLE DE"LUXE !I 1-> LAY G 0 L FAT ,.'i.! Swarthmore Golf Course No .' !: il SUGAR There i. Real Economy in Qua1ity. It i. in~Jtpensive, Healthful and Satisfying~ Buy all your Food Needs at Martel's for Quality. " ,'I d.~\'(·r Friday evening, April 22nd il !i bag " JllVENILE EXTENSION ; TELEPIIONE :' 1; Ii=' [~ "TI.e M. EDITH McCREA ,, , , CLOTHIER ~- •••••• - •• ---••-.-••••••••••••••• - •• - •• -.---.-.-.-••• __•••••••••••_•••••• "~_~~,,~_ !~B:Y::1r:e:l:e:p:h:o:n:e:l:3:::::::::::::::::::::; Franklin Granulated 39c ~,i Dinner,.,. miJq., 1617 Lnnd Title Bldg" FRESH CAUGHT SEA FOOD Ib 1, il~~~~~;;--~I , Cape Ma.y i Baby Grand Piano 19c 8 in box 25c Porgies Interior and Exterior Wall Paper Cleaning PIANO TUNING ~ ToIIe II ~ 20 years experience with nil makes. SMITH Member of Nut. ASBo. of I'iuno Tuners. 1--_"_'''-''-''-'''-''-''-''-''-'_1_''_ •.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - All I'iunos slumM he tllncd ",dec each 1 ESTATE RAY S. LIPMAN. deceased. Jacob Phone Swarthmo~e 705 I Van Sci vcr Bishop, Executor. Real Estate ,TI'uf>t Building, Phlladelphla. Howard Kirk. .car, A, J.. l'AnKEn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: II Atty., 302isCounty Notice hereby BuUdlng. gil'ell thatMedia, LettersPenna. Testa- 1\I.~dhl~ I'a. Phone Media 831! Imentary lllWC been grnnted tn the above 'Estate, . lind that all per::;.ons indebted 'to - - - : . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , Have your Vacuum Cleaner cleaned the nbo\'e Estate arc requested to make 100nd overhauled and do your Spring MUST SELL AT payment lind those having claims to prcI '!'ent the Mune, without delay, to the Ex1 house dcanin.~ morc efficiently. SACRIFICE ,ecutor or his attorney, C. A. o , PETER E. TOLD _ Freah PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING No, Lansdo\\nt' Avc., Un'xcl Jlill. I·~I. (Ol)poslte ,\rlinJ;ton Cemelery) CI("arbrook 6880 doz Tomatoes '" OLD BANK BLDG, Call Swarthmore 1833 MEMORIALS Cemetery Work a Specialty Wm. J.E!'!it,Cartledge 18-13 ·1111S· h . ; tnU, .,' ~pk23e Sugar Peas Located in Thom"son's Store, l\lorton, Pa. Permanent Waving Sunkist Every Day Except Saturday 3 Specials $1,00 'Phone Swarthmore 1994-W Op.II evenings by ,pPolntmen_t_ __ Ripe }"lng-stmH' T(·rr.lI·('~' \" ulk!!i und Slqu; R.,tuining \"'ulls~ nuc"k (;.lr(II'II~ .1.11111 Snimlllin~ P'uul!'> Ilf'xl I'ri""j( (lu;('k S.'n·;l'f' ~1,'C1TRDY, ItA $12,000, including garage and nice building lot. Parties leaving town. Worth the money. Slunc~ bun25e Full Pod ELIZABETH KAUFMAN HAIRDRESSING ,"forlll'Y, 1':1-" CIII':tlllday, W~i1e indulging in losophical meditations during a str,oll. was suprised-perhaps to put it more aptly, mildly horrified-to see a chicken brousing upon the'lower campus. UPHOLSTERING Furniture Restoring FRED J. HARLEY Awnings . Oriental Rugs Davenport Suites Lamp Shades Box Spring!!! Rush Seats Paiating Paperhanging Custom Made Furniture Swarth. 1441 EVe at once are as follows: CASH PRICES EGG • STOVE • • $10.75 • • $11.00 • .hoe. HI SCHOOL GIRLS IN COLONIAL DANCE Sixteen of the Swarthmore High School girls are participating in adem. onstration colonial dance at the demon. stration program of the 37th Annual Convention of the American Physical Education Association, to be held this evening, at the Palestra of the UniversitJ Famous ViOlinist and favorite European Concert Artist . • at "The Inn". Eleanor Fawcett, accompanist Dine at this quIet and beautiful place. Old Fashioned courtesy. DeliCious special dInner $1.00, $1.25. •• C'Lurch News n RELIGIOUS • • • • • • $10.75 • • • BUCKWHEAT $9.00 $7.00 We Sell Fine Quality D & H Anthracite THE Saturday, Services Sunday. April 24th services of the day, McCALL'S SEED STORE Call for Catalogue Chester 9245 r-~~~~~----~-~-------the GO TO CHURCH-WELCOME HERE Opposite the College Campus Rector Guenther. S. T. Y. 8:00 a. m.-Holy ~unIOD. 9:45 •• m.--8unday School. 11:00 a. m.-Momlng Prayer Onr Sloek is Large Quality Best Buy Now-Avoid RWlh Later On your "MORE THAN CONQUERORS The Children's Choir 'WIll &s3ist In Bev. J. Jatden SEEDG Plenty of parking Space - Madison Street Is two-way trafDc 11:OO-Wol'Bhlp and Sermon "FIREPROOF FAITH" a :OO-Worshlp and Sermon and Sermon. f'IRST Services: 11:00 A. JI.~ BobaDl. 11:00 A. M •......aunda,. Lesson-Sermon. Wednl!llKlay evenlllg meeting each week & p. m. Beadl::l\ room open dally. e.cept ~eaHt~~o IdaJ'B. 1 P. K. to 4 P. M •• All are eord1llly~ted to attend the ae:rvtces and use the BellcUnc Room. 1 i1 1 I. 1 ! I j ChangeinBankingHours For the period beginning Monday, April twenty-fifth, and ending Saturday, September twenty-fourth, this Bank will open at seven A. M. and close at two P.M.Eastern Standard Time except on Saturdays, when the closing hour will be eleven O'clock A. M. Swarthmore National Bank and Trost Company "SenJlng 8f11at1h~ Since 1904" --._-- JOHN J. CAIN•. Sheriii'. CLildren Have a Place to Play 1931 Actually add. anolher No. 1696 Levari Facias /foor to ),our home! Clean! No dwt nor dirt. December Term, 1931 All that c6rtaln lot or piece of ground I wIth and Improvements about the beingbuildings erected thereon 8ituate near ~~~:~~ Ardmore, 10 the Township of Haverford, County of Delaware and State of Penn- I AUTOMATIC GAS HOUSE-HEATING sylvanIa, bounded. and described accord- of a PQ1':tlon of Block B on the pIan of "P'ranlr. S. Maban'S Addition to Ardmore,'· by OVer &: Tingley, 01vU Engineers, Upper Ds.Tby. Fa., on May I, 1925, as follows, to wit: Be.. ginning at a point on the easterl,. aide of Morrta road at the d18tance ot three hundred thlrty-flve teet and eleven one-bun- Ing to a plan of the subdivision Now as Installed Low as ISIf&hrb MOTe on Budrtf PLm) No Down Paym.ent ATe lJou FOT Hoover? Neither Is -- Born in Lansdowne First Payment with June Gas Bill Subject to a mortgage ot $3500.00. two-story A Resident of Media Former European Relief Executive Improvements consist of stucco house. 38x18 feet. Basement garage, 5x10 feet. Enclosed porch. Sold as the property of WllUam P. Locke and. Frances O. Locke, his wife. mortgagors and real owners. . Former Oredit Man Attorney. Levari Facias No. 1558! ELECTRI All Our Suburban Store. .... or see your plumber or heating contractor I December Term, 1931 Investment Ba.nker PHI L Condltlons-$250.00 casb or certIfied check I on day of sole; balance In ten days. Further conditions announced at sale. JOHN B. MIUER. All that certalu lot or piece of ground Hospital Director COMMUTATION RATES President of Housing Company GARDEN' Sow OLD ENGUSH Lawn Grass Seed Plant Sweet Peas-Fertilize the Lawn Vigoro·- Bone Meal- Sheep Manure - Baughgro 6th & Madison Sts. Attomey. Effective: April1S, 1932 315 Dickinson Avenue LANDRETH'S Minister YOUR CHURCH Can grow only In direct ratiO to energy and your genuine INTEREST IN IT December Term, Friends Select School Director STEVENS JOHN B. MILLER. APRIL SHOWERS ••• but tLe. Ea.8tem Standard '1'1me The Marot F:-Iower Shop SWARTHMORE Conditions t250.00 cash or certifled check on day of sale; balance 1n ten days. Purther conditions announced at sale. April 30, 1932 ECHO DALE GLADIOLI WEDNESDAY 8:00--BIBLE STUDY. CALLS OF THE BIBLE. Sold as the property of Joseph M. Hudak and Mae B. HUdak, hIS wife, mortgagors and real owners. 9:30 o'clOCk A. Y. TEN CENTS EACH-$1.00 DOZEN Store Open Saturday Evening TiU 8 p, M. During Spring Improvements cons1st of two-storY .~:t brick and stucco house, 18x.30 feet. gnel porch. One-story stucco addition. 6:a:12 feet . Basement garage. No. 1324 Court House. Med1a, Pennsylvania . for the ROCK GARDEN and BORDERS . Subject to a mortgage of f25C)0.OO. JOHN B. MILLER. Attorney. At the Sherl1l's Dmce -A LARGE VARIETY- SERVICE OF MUSIC CANTATA BY SPOHR GOD. THOU ART GREAT CHOm, VIOLIN, ORGAN ' LLOYD P ~.~~li::i~ii~t!::t1~~X~;'::_~~!~t!~~~ Of Real Bltate bedding plants SUNDAY TRINIT:.," CHURCH Phone.Ridley Park 412 SHEIUPF' SALES li;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ri 10 :OO-BIBLE SCHOOL. 11:00-MORNING WOBBHIP. PASTOR PREACHES "THE PRESENT CALL TO THE CHURCIr' 4:4s-oaoAN WORBHIP. VIOLIN AND ORGAN 5 :OO--VEBPERS. Rid private driveway aDd rla:bt of "'J' . . and for a drlveway, P . . . ..,. .Y aDd watercourse at aU t1mea bereafter forever. 1n commOn with the owners. tenau:bJ and 0ccupiers of the other lote or jp'Ound bOUnd... lng thereon and. entitled to the \lie thereof and to any other property to which the use of eald driveway - and rJs1!.t of way may be extended by Robert B. McClatchy. Conditions $2SO.00 cash or certined check on day of sale: balance in ten days. Further conditions announced at sale. SHERIFF'S SALES A CORDIAL INVITATION TO ·ALL TO SHARE IN OUR WORSHIP 7:00-YOUNG PEOPLE. with- t1le buUdlnp and lmprovement8 thereon erected, .ltuate on the northther condlttons announced at ale. . weeterly aide ,of Qullford road at the ellaJOHN B. MUJ.JI!R, Attorney. tanCQ ·pf ·slxty-one, and seventy-flve one. hund.redtha, feet northeaatwarcl1,. trom the northeasterly _side of a certalD propoeed ~l. feet wide road. to be called Lamport December Term. 1931 • III the Township ot U]!peI' Darby, In the .County of Delaware and state of Pennsylt801&: ContainIng In front or breadth on the said Guilford road fourteen and twenty-nve one-hundredths feflt and ex.tendlng: of that width in le~ or depth northwestwardly between parallel lines at right angles to the said Oullford road eighty feet to a pamt In the northwesterly Improvements alae o'f 8 certain ten feet wide r1gbt ot stone and. rough way extending southwestwardly lDtci LamOne-atory addition, ,;:.~en~:i;;Oilport road and eastwardly Into a certaln ten porch. .1 feet wide private driveway ex.tendlng southeastwardly Into Guilford road. Bold .. the property of G _ H. au,tter, m.ortDgor and BrDest Sarall :B•• b,1s wlfe, real owners. III,e!{~~~o.:::andand.8ubJec:t to certain buUdlng condltlons and agreement. ConcUtlona--t250.00 caah or certUled check on day of sale. balance 10 ten da~. PurTogether with the free and common use, ther conditions announced at sale. rlght_ Uberty and prlvUege of the atoreUnder and subject to certaio conditions GEARY & RANKIN, Attorneys. and restrlctlom. R. Cavender. his wlfe, real owners. Ha·v· en·· .n INN WITH PERSONALITY Phone 554 Conditions *250.00 cuh or con-11led on clay of sale: balance In ten days. Last Tuesday the High school basehall team defeated Prospect Park by " score of 7-6. It was a hard fought !!ame' all the way through, two extra innings being played, . At the beginning of the seventh inuing the score stood Swarthmore 0, Prospect Park 6, but a rally tied the ~C(lrc in time to save the day. Doud started the rally with a triple. Then x.utrman in the ninth McWilliams smashed another three }jagger, and was brought in by Doud. This score won the_ game. :~llIith pitched a good game for the home team. At the present time Swarthmore is Together wlth the free and common use. No. 1164 rlaht, Uberty and prtvUege of the 8ald :ied with Prospect Park for second Levlra Faclas dilveway 88 and for a driveway and pas;)lace in the Suburban league. Today sageway at ali times hereafter forever. December Term, 1831 ',\'e play Marple-Newton on the home Subject to 8 mortgage of tJ500.00, re~ duced to $3000.00. grounds. Swarthmore players were: Lf. MadiImprovements consist of tW00.8tory brick and stucco house. 15x36 feet. Porch front. son; ef, Wray; rf, Dingle; ss, ·Maddox; Basement garage. 2b, Barry; Ib, McWilliams; Jb, HanzSold as the property of James J. Smtth lik; c, Doud, and p, Smith. mortgagor; Joseph L. Cavender and Mabei Swarthmore, Pe. . . . SOCIEl5: OF PBlENDS Protestant Episcopal Chester Road and College Avenue VAN ALEN BROS. HI SCHOOL NINE BEATS PROSPECT PARK Strat1 - :METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH NUT PEA • Free .J,oe .hine .itla. eVe- nn_r 01 ." r repaired Sunday Evening Hear Ruby Girard THE SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. -John Ellery TUttle. Minister 9ur Lowest Spring Prices, effect- Sam Drayman's Shoe Store and Shoe Repairing Shop L!::=~============================::!l You willand recall the day was congenial, fewthat Swarthmoreans Do not pray for easy lives I Pray, to be ventured forth from their firesides. t!roy~trm;:~e~ ~aty Plo'"! :g~e::S~u'!.'u~ sequently this bit of intellectual s:,:'~:~~~;I your tasks!-Phllltps Brooks. -and I call it such for want of a SUNDAY word-went unnoticed by all save 9:45 A. M. - First Day School In Whittier It is ind«:ed displeasing to see an 9:45 A. M. - ~~~tDg Forum tnn ·....,tl". -and, biologically speaking, both House. Subject :Messages tram ona ••"".-"",, ens and men are placed in this Caravaners. of lower intelligence devoted 11:00 A, M. - Meeting for worship in the . f . meeting house. satls ymg her appetite frequenting WEDNESDAY campus of Swarthmore College. I was 11:30 A. M:. to 2:30 P. M. -Sewing and QUUt~ lng In Whittier Bouse. Box luncheon. annoyed further by her apparent lack of r«:verence in the, presence of higher learn. All are cordially Invited to JoIn In these . Ih . services. mg, a tough she was garbed in ap- AI'iTIQUE REPRODUCTIONS Hair Mattreslles Chair Caning the Prohibition Amendment has no alter· native but to withdraw its em1orsernen1 and to recommend to its supporters, to vote in the Democratic Primary Election for the opponent of Dr. Pitman, and in the event that Dr. Pitman wins hh party's. nomination, to vote against him at the General Election in November. Yours respectfully HARRIET S. MARSHALL Secretary. 1932 ·1932 - - - - ------~ _ _ _ ........1: .. .. Roberl Gl'alJ TalJlol' Candidate For Congress in Delaware County And Only Independent Candidate For Delegate at Large to The Republican National Oonvention in Pennsylvania. FOR AGAINST Jobs for people who want Political Postmasters to work. "Ma.c~ell domiriation Eo E PEA L 0 F THE through control of corEIGHTEENTH AMEND- rupt spoils system. MENT AND THE SUB-. . . STITUTION OF A LIQ- Su~me, cowardly, chil~s~ UOR CONTROL SYS- polic! of present admmlTEM THAT FOREVER stratlOn. . FORBIDS THE RETURN RENOMINATION 0F OF THE SALOON. HERBERT HOOVER Federal old age pensions. Federal favors to the rich Honest Federal regnlation man. of Public Utilities. Present "corrupt and criminal combination masFederal aid. to remove querading nnder the name slums. of Republcans, I I TheoNo more war. dore Roosevelt-(1912). Commutation Tickets for the Daily Rider Also Special Rates for School Children COMlIfllT ATION TICKET BOOKS Commutation Ticket Books of 50 tickets each will be sold for $3.75 (7¥./c .. ticket). These tickets will be good for 30 days from the date of purchase and may be used hy the bearer only. . The tickets mU91 be detached from the book by the conductor. They will be good on rail ami bus lines. Commutation tickets cannot be use.l as part payment of through rates. Transfers will not be issued on these tickets. SCHOOL TICKET BOOKS . School Ticket Books of 50 tickets each will be sold for the use of school children on school certificates obtainable from school authorities, for $3.75 (7¥./c per ticket). Free transfers will be issued on these school tickets. TI,,,,,e special discount tickets will be placed on sale at 69th St. Terminal. They are being offered to the travelling public as a benefit to the daily rider and for the purpose of encouraging riding.. . . • This is an experimental rate and tariff that wIll be tried out for a perIOd of three months beginning April 15th, 1 9 3 2 ; . ' • It is a concession rate for the dady r,der over the casual rider. If it becomes snfficiently attractive to the travelling public it will be continued. It is a hargain ·rate in transportation which will help the rider in reducing his daily transportation cost and we hope the Transportation Company hy attracting more riders. Philadelphia & West Chester Traction Co. ARONIMINK TRANSPORTATION COMPANY 69th St. Terminal, Upper Darby, Delaware County, Pa. BLV. 3000 Write or 'pholU' for Information ALL. 3000 INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE . ________.-.---=1H=E_SW_A_R_1HMOREAN ~---- J)ropriate Quaker gray. ~Ir. Editor, I 3m hOl,ing you will Jlublish slIch l'Xt'rpts from this Jetter as you may del'1II f1roper in order to oring this matter to the attention of the community. I think we all Published Every Friday at Swarlhmore, Pa. agree that the 18th amendment should b, Roherl E. Sharples, Editor atld Publisher strictly enforced; therdore, I believ( y.our columns should he 0' ,'1'.,". . , .,,:.;. .. ,, ELECTRI All Our Suburban Stores -or see your plumber or beating contractor All that certain lot or Illcc(! of r,::round 1----------- ~ COMMUTATION RATES Effective: April 15, 1932 315 Dickinson Avenue Friends Select School Director GARDEN SEEP8 Bone l\leal- Slleep Munure - .... Roberl Gl'a-q Ta-qlol' Candidate For Congress in Delaware County Baughgro Our Stoek is Large Qunlity Best DlI~' Now-A\'oid RUliOh And Only Independent Candidate For Delegate at Large to The Republican National Convention in Pennsylvania LUler On l\ladison Sb. (:all for Catalogue r..-...·.-.··---··-··--··-·-·-··-··-··~·--..·-·---·--..-...·-..-....-.·-·-··--··-..-... ~ I I President of Housing Company FOR Plenty o[ Parking Space -l\Iadison Street is two-way traffic 1 I huudn'dth<; feet northeastwardly from the I und to UIlY other property to which thl:' No. 1323 northl'{I'itt.'riy side o[ u certain proposed I ll.sl' of ~mld 1rh'eway and right of war . I Curt,' feet. \~Ide road to be called Lamport I may be extcntlc{l by Robert B. McClatchy. December 'I crill '1931 r o a d , In the ToWllsllll> of UPI)Cr Darby. In 11 the Cuunty of Delawure and State of PennSubjt'cL to a mortgage of $2500.00. A that certain l~t or pieCe of ,ground s:.'!muhl Containing In front or breadth with the, bulldh.lgs and Impro\emcnts 011 tht' silld Guilford road fourteen and ImprO\'l'JIll'nt.s consist of two~story stone. thereon erected situate tn Upper Darby L\\l'nt"'-Ihc olle-hundredths feet and ex~ "rick and stliCCO house 18x30 feet Enclosed Township. Delaware County. PennsylVAnia. tending of thnt width In length or depth porch On(>.stor~' stucc~ addition. '6x12 feet. he north Bdlde ofhBerkeley road. now Ilorth\\'('stwardl~' between pnrullel lines at' Bn.sl,ment garuge. 0Rnnd'bo urue ron , at t e distance o( (our right ulI~lcs to the said Guilford road . hundred twenty-two and sc\'cnty-Il\,e hun· l'i"ht\' fl'et to It IJolnt In the northwesterly Sold us tile property of Joseph M Hudak dredths feet westward Iv from thL' north- sitl(' 'of n c('rtain ten feet wide rIght of .• I.d Mac' R. Hudak, his wife, mortgagon;. Westerly side o( Church Inl"· . COII!alll'llg WI.I}' l.;'xtendlllg .sout Ilwestwardl y In to L am- and renl owner.> ~1~a~ronll'O,~r RabfCdnbd'uh on rthed s~tlldtcBerke,.I(')t· purt roOld and eastwardly Into a certain ten .. ','" 0 rDC on, S x en ec (eet wide prl\'ute drh'ewuy ('xtendlng south~ Condltiolls-$250,OO cl.Ish or certUlcd check and extending of thut width In leugth or "nstwnrdlv Into Guilford road. 01. dliV or '.··alc·. balollce I., tell days. 1-'1Irdepth northwardly betw eell Ilara II e I II nes '. " , 11"'r ,·ol.d"'OII' allllOunced at sale. at right angles to the said Bcrkeley road. now Radbourne rand. eighty feet. lucludln& Under uud ~ubJl'ct to CNtaln building a certain sixteen feet wide drh'cwny ex- rl"~trlct.lun~ illld condition,> und ngreemcllt. ,JOHN D. MILLER. Attoruey. tending westwardly and ('astwardlv Into JOHN J CAIN Oak avenue and Church lane. . 'fogethl'r with the frCl' rmd common u!'e, . . rlgllt lit)'!rty und prl\'lle~e of the (lfore~ SherUf. Under and subject to certain conditions and restrictions. Le\'arl Factas 1 The Marot Flower Shop Phone 554 (lIh & I JOHN B. MILLER, Attorney. December Term. 1931 McCALL'S SEED STORE ! i I wl.~k'rly side of Guilford road at. the dI6-: common with thl' owners. tenants and oeI ttl!lC{' of .sIxty-one and sc"enty-fi\'e OIlC-' cuplers ot the other lots or ground ,bohUlld -r . ling thercon and entitled to the use creo JOHN B. MILLER, Attorney. nurin" SI)rillg I Condltlons-$2.50.00 eMit or c('rUfied check 1 with Hw Imlldh)"s nno Impro\,ements snlct pri\'ate drh'c\\tIY and right o[ way as on day of snle; balunce In ll'1l dny:;. jo'ur- , ~ und fur II drh·cwuy. Jlassageway Bnd wuterther condlttons RlUlOllU{'cd nt !;nll'. thereon (·rected. situate on the Ilurth- course at nil times hereafter forever. In 566, &c. A Resident of Media EY('nin" Till 8 P. M. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST /. OF SWARTHMORE • -'I Phone-Ridley Park 412 Together with the free use, right, liberty and privilege of the afore..'latd alley or driveway as and for a driveway and passageway at all times hereafter forever, In common with the owners. tena.nts and oc~ cuplers of the other lots of ground boundIng thereon and entltled to the use thereof. I Famous Violinist and favorite European Concert Artist . . at "The Inn". Eleanor Fawcett. accompanist Dine at this quiet and beautiful place. Old Fashioned courtesy. Delicious special dinner $1.00, $1.25. Siore Open Saturduy YOUR CHURCH Can grow onty in direct rutin tn your energy aud your genulnc INTEREST IN IT We Sell Fine Quality D & H Anthracite • I All that certain lot or piece of ground! with the bundlngs and Improvements about being erected thereon situate near Ardmore. In the Township of Haver[ord. County of Delaware and State of Pennsyl\'anla, bounded and described accord~ Subject to a mortgage of $3500.00. Ing to a plan of the subdlvlslon at a portlon of Block E on the plan of "Frank H. Mahan's Addition to Ardmore." by Over & Improvements eonslst of two..story brick Tingley, Civil Engineers, Upper Darby. house. I6x40 feet. Enclosed porch, Pa., on May I, 1925, as follows. to wit: BeSold as the property ot John Richardson, ginning at a point on the easterly side of Morris road at the distance of three hun- Jr .. mortgagor, John Richardson, Jr. and dred thirty-five feet and eleven one-hun- Mary S. Richardson. his wife. real owners. Sunday Evening Hear Ruby Girard Vigorn - SWARTHMORE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH LLOYD P. STEVENS Minister $7.00 ~COALt Improvements consist or three-story stone and rough cast house, 16x38 fee'. One~story addttlon. 4x6 feet. Enclosed front porch, Sold as the property of Gladys H . Rutter, mortgagor, and Ernest Ka.uffman and Sarah B., his wife. real owners. December Term. 1931 Sow OLD ENGLISH Lawn Grass Seed Plant Sweel Peas - Ferlilize tbe Lawn WEDNESDAY 3:QO...-BIBr.I~': STUDY. CAr.LS OF THE BIBLE. $9.00 VAN ALEN BROS. "·rpe dlOe .tline ,,,irh eve,.,. ,wir 0/ .hoe• repairefl LANDRETH'S SUNDAY 10:00--BIBLE SCHOOL. Il:OO-MORNING WORSHIP, PASTOR PREACHES "THE PRESENT CALL TO THE CHURCH" 4:45-0RGA~ WORSHIP. VIOLIN AND ORGAN 5:0o-VESPERS. SERVICE OF MUSIC CANTATA BY SPOHR GOD, THOU ART GREAT CHOIR. VIOLIN. ORGAN 7 :OQ--.-YOUNG PEOPLE. CASH PRICES • Il'ilx A CORDIAL INVITATION TO ALL TO SHARE IN OUR WORSHIP ~ur Lowest Spring Prices, effectlVe at once are as follows: EGG 1 I tll'sday t Ie r Igl SC IUD ,'llll'r thn~l' hagg-l·r. and \\'a~ hrought Conditlons-$250.00cash or certIfied check '.' hy ))oud. This score \\'011 tht, game. on day of sale; balance In ten days, Fur~ ther conditions announced at sate. lIitli pitchl·",ICct Park lJ, hut a rall.\· tied the '. " in timc to save tllt, da,·, 1)olld ~ .I . I 'j'l l'l'n I r;;L II \' Wit ,I ll'( 1 tit: - ,. . I a tfll) l·. 111 till' lIinth ~IC\\'llhallls smOlshl'd .111- I April 19, 1932 :lIId will 1 lIIinistt-n·tl so ll'nlicrh' to hl'r .-(·n·l·tl 111)(111 tile jury tlll're, Dl'ar Sirs: .-\lId all till' "I'(t\\~y 11;(.\ !tln'd ... il1 tilt' la~t fl',,· years of·ht.·r tik, Concerning the al1llUtlllCClllt'nl ui Dr, dn':llllt'tl tlf ;-:'\\,:lrth111\'I'l''s Inn:ly lark:-: wiwl1 physical limitalions call1>l'd great ! ~lItfnillg ,IIHI it n'ssation jor mingling Juhn H. Pitman, that he is ill sympath) wilh old irit·wb. kllow of hl'r Ill'roic with the present Nation wide Prohibition TIH' {'(Iurt is ridl ill trag~dil'.~ : 111';1 nTy and hlT manl'l{llIS fortilude laws, the Buard of Directors of the JJela· .\llel hlllll()r~ h .... tIll' W:ly; ware County Assuciation Against th, II''lllc! chl'erililil"ss ... nllt 1;i\\--Sllit~ hl\ t· 1 k~."i thall larks, I n'IIU'lIIllt'r Sl'\'l'ral limcs callil1~ l'whillitiull l\IIll'II(hlll'llt alltlulrizes tht .\I:tI ~haillu lily 1;lst clay. foilowing- stateJIIl'1l1. ! wlH'11 1 n'alizl'cI SIll' W;IS l'XPl'fil'l1cing \\'c regret that IJr. J'itmall's pusition' ()l1r :-;\\'a1'lhl1lol'(' li('ld~ :trl' iull oi lark~. gn'at di~(·olllfort. hilt I hl'art! nl'\'cr II Il4Is hCl'1! mistlluk'rsloocl 1111 Ihi~ all illl' .. \nd ;"1 the (irowsy uay .1IIunnllr (II' a wllrd oi sl'ii-pity-a1\\,ays portallt (1Ill'stioll. "lilt' 11I)IIl' Ihal lIlt, hc.''' was )'<'t to hl· ... In lIn'allls I ht'artl tlh,ir l'al'ob ~\\'Cl't In \·i{,w (If his aIiIlUllIll'l' lUI alter· __ _~. .____ I \'c al'l' grall'fu1 to ha"l' knuwll Clara • • 0 . native but to withdraw its l'l1t!lJrS(:mcn\ Brall'-:OI1 l'arkl'r-to hay\.' felt the inand tv rl'l'II111Illl'lId to its sUI'porters, to (:Iar'.. l HI'Ullson I'urkcr ~piratilill oi hl'r lifc; iur her thcre is vute ill the J)clllllll I'arkn had pa~sl'(l 011 ;uIII lilt' ~\\'l'ctIlCSS of disposition had party's nomination, tu \'ote against him to the 1-.ligher Lif.e. I yil'idly rccalled ~ill' nllt rl'alized til;:lt lIndl'rneath W(.ore at the General Electiun ill NO\'ClIlher. her grarlolls grcdmg and warm hcart~ tilt· En'r!asting Arills of Love and Yours n'~lH;,ct{l1l1y l'd wl',kulIIC whell forty (-Wj Yl·.ars ag-o,. In' nllW thillk of hl'r as frce from the II,\IWIET s. ~IARSHALL Dr. ~Jlcilkl1lal1 alltl J. as hrilic and i lliurtal limitation:" growing, cxpanding Sccrl'tary. groom, ~aJlle to. Swarthmo;'c and for and ~l'r\·ing ill om: of thl' Father's • I • a ),(';:11' h\'ed 1Il'Ig-hbor ... ttl thl' kindly \Iau\' .\Iallsions-for HI SCHOOL GIULS I'arkn iamilv. I' . . . I .J " .lll· IS l''''l'r I)rd oi iJeath; IN COLONIAL IJAN(:E In thosc days l'Vcryolle calInl and Lon' will m'\'cr loose its OWII" lH'kollll'" tIll' Hew l·OJlltT~. :-\\\'orlll' .. \ !Ilia ' f .. Spcakman, Sixtt."cli tlf Ihe Swarthmorc High lI1on~ was tht'lI lib· olle large fami"', P'lsadl'IIa, California. Sehoul g-irls arc participating ill adem· sharing together its joys and sorro\\'~..;. om.tratiull colunial dance at thc (Ielllon· ~ :i TIH' town has gro\\'n so ralJidl\' that. stration program of the 37th Annual thi~ charming it :Iture 110 longer :'xi.~b, Conwntiull oi the ;\lIIcric;;m Physical ('s]H'cially H~ JIlany of its l'artier pin· Educatioll Association, to hL' hdd thi! IIt·n.', who hl'lpt'd l'st:lblish SOllie of its evening, at the l'a1t:stra of the Uninrsit) worth while char;lc1eristics, arc passing Editor, The S'wortiUlIOYcan Oll-onc hy olle-into "that 'Laq,{\"r Swarthmore, PeH.lsylvania ~ ill 1I111111111111111111111111111111111!11 IIIIIIIIIIII!II 1I!11 III !II 11111111'l! l>Car Sir:., J • I II •• J ++++++++++++++++.9: La.:.! Sunday. while indulging ill phi~ losophical . meditations during a stroll. 1 ~ was slipnscd-perhaps to put it more aptly, mildly horrifll'I:~doprl~~~ 'I· I 1 I I ):ISl'1 f , 'I I' , .. I'· k 1 It,d' team {C eatt:l ruspect .tr· }y ' 1 I d r 7 .( Sl'on' II ~o. t was ~l l~,r roug IIt I II t!lll' a t Ie way II IrOlig II, I Wo ex I ra l.a~1 5 ChangeinBanking Hours For the period beginning Monday, April twenty-fifth, and ending Saturday, September twenty-fourth, this Bank will open at seven A, M. and close at two P.M.Eastern Standard Time except on Saturdays, when the closing hour will be eleven O'clock A. M. . . . . . .1 f !i I 1 I , 1/. Swarthmore National Bank and T rust Company "Serving Swarthmore Since 1904" . 1 I/ I . /, ..-..-.....-....-....-...-- ..-...~--..........-.....-......-..----..-.-..-..--..-....-..-....-...-..-..-...~ + Jobs for people who want to work. REPEAL OF THE EIGHTEENTH AMENDMENT AND THE SUBSTITUTION OF A LIQUOR CONTROL SYSTEM THAT FOREVER FORBIDS THE RETURN OF THE SALOON, AGAINST Political Postmasters "Machine" domination through control of corrupt spoils system. Supine, cowardly, childish policy of present administration. RENOMINATION 0 F HERBERT HOOVER Federal old age pensions. Federal favors to the rich Honest Federal regulation man. of Public Utilities. Present "corrupt and criminal combination masFederal aid to remove i querading under the name slums. of Republcans," Theodore Roosevelt-(1912). No more war. Commutation Tickets for the Daily Hider Also Special Rates for School Children COMM{''rATIO,V l'ICKliT nOOKS COJUmutation Ti,·kct Bt:oks of 50 ti.·kel" ,·",·h will he .oltl for 83.75 (7 y:!,. a ticket). These ti('kct~ will he good {or 30 days £ron1 tlw Ilate of purdulse and InllY he used hv Ilu~ hearel" only. - The ti('kct~ 1l1l}:Jl 3:(~ cletaclwtl fronl Ihe hook Ilv tllt~ ('onductor. Thcy will he 'Tum1 on I'ail anci hus lines • Couinlululion btil'kl~l!-i ('unnot I)(~ USCI) ..IS IHU"1 paynH~l1t of through rales. Trunsfers will nut bt~ i~su(~d on Ihese til·kels. SCHOOl, TICKET nOOKS School Ti(,Kd 800kH ot' 50 li('k(~t~ each will he ~().h~ for the U~I~ of twhoul children on ~whool l'crHfit'alt~S ohtainahle frOll1 sdu)(tl aulhurlt.t's, for S:-J.75 (7~4(' }lei' ti~kct). Frct~ Iransfl'l'Jol, will Iu:~ is~ued on these scll(Htl li('kels. .~l 'S' spN'hl dist'ounl Ih'kcts win he plm·t~d on ~mll~ ul 69th St. Ternlillal . +I:~,,"c •.lre ·h';in~ UffN't~d to tlu~ Iravening pnhlit· as u Iu·nt·fit to lhe dnily rider and for the pu-rltOSC of 1~1U'"urugir.g riding, This is an t'xp(~rhucntal rate and tariff 'hut will he trit·.J out for a I.eriod of three IIlonths heginnin~ April 1 ;';th~ 1 9 3 2 ; . . . It is a ('Ol1t'cssiol1 rat«'- for llu:~ .J~lly ruler over II!c C'U!illUII. rl~ler.. . If it IU'(,IJlUI'!-i sIlHid~'nily uttral'll\'t~, to tllI~ .11·... n:1I111l! ,nlhh(' ~t wlI} he ("o~tnlue.d. . It is u l.a .. ~ail1 rah~ in II'al1s11ol'talIon Wllll'il .'nll l.u~I'l tho 1' .. 1.. 1' In rl:du(,lug IU8 .. dall~' trunsportution I'()~t un" WI~ hOltl~ thl' Tran!ililortalion (,olnIH-'!I~' h~' allral'llng nlore riflers. Philadelphia & West Chester Traction Co. , ARONIMINK TRANSPORTATION COMPANY 69th St. Terminal, Upper Darby, Delaware County, Pa. '. BLV.3000 Write or 'phone for Information ALL. 3000 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN APRIL 22.1932 PRIMARY ELECI'ION . that a record OrgaDizatioa vote Edward Nothnagl.. have Preebyterlan Noles George L. Marr, Ihe income of which NEXT TUESDAY, APRIL 26 will cast by their lollowefl. TbeIe to greater advan~ at a is used 10 assisl a student· of the two men are John J. McClure of otts election thao iliey do ·now. Last Sunday, Dr. Tultle admintstered SWarthmore church already in a theLarge mal'orities from every section of nom,'naI,'on The decision the Supreme Court in W the Robert who is a candidate the of Stale for Senalor upholding the ofTalbot $10,000,000 Relief . f I of baplism f M Ito '" ad"'ulogiical school or,· if there be none Delaware County for the Republican in- Wolfenden of Upper Darby who i. a Bill aud acqw owu v ca On' 0 the 'ttaI ••, indio Ii' fayne, 10 an son 0 er e ... n such, any yo·. un· g person of the church cumbents endorsed bv '~e Regular Re- cand,'dale for the Republ""'· nomination Representative W.eidemann ated Media_L.are Bessie C Fickes Wayne, at thek home who is preparing. lor specific $5100 Christian It' th ' ". for Congressman. Both are incumbents. both factors which are expect to .....w in· hester. work, now amounts to . IS e J J D • candid te for the lie- their favorable in8uence In Tuesday's rIOThe following new ruling elders intentioD to bring the fund to $6000 publican Organization are i,!dicaled the lalesl reports as the campatgn ames . aVlS, a turns. • I will afford a .scholarship of $300. up to the Primary election next Tuesday publican nomination for United Stalel I •• were elected at Ihe annual 0 The recipients 01 the fand. comes to a close. Senalor, is expected to carry the oounty Independent Slate Ihe church, Wednesday evenmg of last far have been, John .M. Hall, now The fact that ·two of the mosl in8u- by an overwhelming majorily over his For three year., Carroll Thayer; a teacher. in a home missioD. school in The Independent Republicans. of Dela- for five Horace M. Whitman the southern. mountains, Miss Eunice enlial county leader. in Ihe Regular ROo opponent Smedley D. Butler, whose publican parly are themselves Ca"di,dat:esl peal to Ihe ex-soldier vol. and the ware County headed by fOJ"l11er and Arthur J. Jones. The following Hail, who .enters social work under vote as well as his alliance with Gover.. Frank Perrin and Howard Kirk trustees were eJected for the term of the foreign board in Japan this sumTHE THEATRE BEAUTIFUL nor Pinchot has failed 10 stir the vat· porting the following ticket: For three years: Frank S. Reitzel, E. Shir- mer, and Miss HelenE. Howarth, w~o A WARNER TBEATRB ers. States senator, S...,edley D. ~utler I~y Borden, Henry L. Smith, Percy G. was inpreparalion for special ChrisThere js no contest on any candidate in Newtown Township; for Auditor Gen- Gilbert. tian work. The present recipient of Lansdowne Avenue & Baltimore Pike eral, Ralph E. Io'lyn, of Coun- The Gtiorge L. Marr Memorial Fund, the fund is Donald K. McGarrah, who any part of the county except lor committeemen and women. ty; and .i".r JUdge~ th~ eSlablished by thc Session of the will enter the Western theological TVOIf) Pla,-ing and Upper Darby present a of church in memory of the late Rev. Seminary, Pittsburgh, in the autumn. Friday and Saturday Senator McClure and Congressman Wol- legbeny County. For Representative JOE E. DROWN unified front for their fenden. Congress from the Eighth District, In H. D. Larrimore of Upper Charles 'Fireman Save Illy Child' Judge Alhert Dutton MacDade, catodi··, Darby Township and for State Senator, DO YOU LIKE FRIED CHICKEN? date for the Republican nomination Guy W. Davis of Norwood. For Rep~Ionda,., Tuesday, April 25.26 a place on the Superior Court, is assured resentative in General Assembly, Alonzo The Master of lIuman Emotions of an overwhelming vole from his home H. Yocum, of Darby, Stuart B. Over, of GEORGE ARLISS county and the progress of his state-wide Haverford, and Alhert J. Bauhaus, of In . FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER campaign is meeting such success that Moylan-Rose Valley. For Members The Man WIIO Played God chances for eleclion are said to he State Committee, Robert W. Jamison Fried chicken or roasts, fresh vegetables: salad and desert favorable. Norwood and Minnie K. L. Karnell of Wedne.day, April 27 The three incumbents for the Legisla· Upper Darby. SSe 1:00 to 2:30 ture to represent Delaware County, EU. ..:.__.............._ _ JOAN BENNETT SUPPER A LA ~TE In wood J. Turner. Grover Talbot and Junior Assembly Thomas Weidemann, as well as Chester's She Wanted a Millionaire Soup; Waffles and Coffee 40c Chicken and Waffles 60c -swa,rtbmOl'e. Pa. sac~amenl ~eetmg year~, LANSDOWNE °t g::::;~y,W~~amJO~'ph aS~d'tf~ld, fip;===============:i:==========~=====ii drive to the Harvard . Thur&day, April 28 ~ancy Carroll Richard Arlen In " Wayward" Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. ¥iitc'lell,_ MEDIA THEATRE Matlne. Dally at :2130 Iarfe 2 illuminated parking lots I.5fde 0 theatre. Free parking. BACHMANS Quality Market Friday ""d Saturday JOE E. BROWN "Fireman, Save My Child" -Added EajoymeatS. S. Van Dine·. "THE COLE CASE" Roberl L. Ripley'. "BELIEVE IT OR NOT" Henry Santry and Hi. BlUld in "UP ON THE FARM" YALE & KENYON AVES. Swa.l83 FREE DELIVERY Genuine SpringLegs Lamb 1b.25c AESOP'S FABLES 4 Monday and· Tu~__ MARX BROTH~ "Monkey I HAVE US REDRESS YOUR LAWN FOR JAPANESE BEETLES • Swarthmore was turned into a seat of justice. Tuesday evening when 210 Fertilli::e Grass at the same time. Cost very reasonable. arrested in a raid on the Fourth War.:rI Republican Club of Chester were b~:~~~ here in buses and given a hearing Magistrate David Ulrich. Each man was fined $3.50 and costs and held for court as a material witness. The raid was made by a detachment of State Police from Reading. A quantity oigambling equip- I Also moving of trees and shrubbery. Power Spraying. LEWIS LARSON and SONS GENERAL CONTRACTORS 40 Yean Experience In Land.cape Work PHONE SWARTHMORE 1331 ment was siezed. WedDeoday and Thunda,. "Ladies of the Big Houae" S-TAT E CHESTE.Il. PENNA. STARTS TODAY Prices materially reduced on all household models. You can now have the known value and proved performance of this famous electric refrigerator for as .little .as Campbell's Baked Bean8 can 7e , Premier Peanut Butter 1 lb. pail 15c Calif. Bartlett Pears big can I5c Tarlan Royal Anue Cherries ... big can 25e .f~1 pkg.5c IDe ~'DJ)J~ W~ RICHARD DlX 628 WEl..SH ST. CHESTER. PA. MEDIA REPRESENTATIVE CHARLES A, HIGGI N S See Frigidaire at the Chester Refrigeration Show Today and Saturday PACKA,RD, LJGlITEIGHT Buy and Burn Factory Price $1750 W~W®N & FUEL OIL EGG $10.75 STOVE $11.00 NUT $10.75 PEA $9.00 BUCK $7.00 RICE $6.50 Media 123--CALLI... .lr-Swarthmore 600 WILSON COAL & SUPPLY COMPANY F. B. FRANCIS ..!I112TH AND CROSBY STS., CHESTER 1.:-------------------____________ for the YeUow Truck) Swarthmore, Pa., April 29, 1932 FINAL PRODUCTION OF PLAYERS' CLUB PHONE, CHESTER 9131 PLAY FRIDAY EVENI~G ULLMANS TAKE DAVIS CARRIES _BY_Pr_ecin_cls~--= BOROUGH BY .' SMAU MARGIN u. s. REPUBLICAN PARTY Senator N. E. W. T'I D,,·is ............... 136 120 168--424 Butler .............. 123 130 152-405 Butler Leads In Only One Pree;nct; Heavy Vote McClure ............ 128 101 137-366 Davis ............... 125 135 150-410 Recorded State Senator PART CODgre.. Wolfenden .......... 148 li3 Taylor .............. 48 Larrimore .......... 47 Legislature mons. "Ladies of the Jury" has an unusually large cast, twenty-nine characters in all, twelve of whom never leave the stage. This calls for a more protracted piece of acting than is customary and makes more of a tax on each individual player to remain in' character throughout the duration of the play. No play put 011 this season by the The Woman's Symphony Orchestra of Philadelphia which will take part in thi. year'. concert of the Swarthmore Woman'. Club thia evening in the Clothier Memorial Auditorium. Club has demanded a. much of the entire cast as "Ladies of the Jury." As the same time, possible no play presented' this season by the Club has had as many "fat" parts. The producers' timing problem is a big one-particularly throughout the second and third acts whcn everyone of the twenty-nine characters must be in an exact place on time. Th'e cast includes, Eliza Katharine Ull.. man who has played with outstanding suec~ss a number of Mrs. Fiske's characters· Dorothy Strode Richardson j Helen CI;rk Reed; Dorothy G. Smith; Aline C. Luff· Mary Ryan O'Brien; Roland G. E. Ullman; John E. Fricke; Ned Pyle; S. Felton Bickley; J 0 h 11 R. Brownell; Donald Haviland Brownell; Elizabeth May Roberts; Gladys Hayes; Hcnrietta ·W. Fricke; Eleanor Rarick; Otto Kraus, Jr.; J. William Simmons; William T. Brown; -Stafford···W. Park- WOMEN'S CHORUS I CONCERT TONIGHT LEADS CHORUS IDPPLE, Auditor General Thompson .......... 30 38 Clemens ............ 11 13 33--101 14- 38 Baldwin ............ 141 108 141-390 Flinn ............... 64 82 111-257 Superior Court Parker ............. 118 Stadtfeld ........... 112 James .............. 60 Rutherford ......... 44 MacDade ........... 141 Gawthrop ......... : .139 W9men's Symphony Orchestra of Philadelphia to Assist Woman's Clnb Chorus pmL. Yoenm .............. 110 115 159-354 Over ................ 95 78 113--286 Bauhaus ............ IOS 112 121-341 Talhol .............. 121 107 143-371 Brown .............. 26 29 48-103 Turner ............. 121 144 140-405 Weidemalln ........• 73 66 75-214 Van Roden .......... 26 38 20- 84 Bassett ............. 16 14 9- 39 •• SOLOIST 111 110 44 59 148 130 140-369 133--355 57-161 63-166 179-468 145-414 69TH ST. BUS LINE IS UNOPPOSED The Woman's Club Chorus of Swarthmore and the Woman's Symphony Orchestra of Philadelphia will join forces tonight in the Clothier Memorial Auditorium in endeavoring to present the finResidents of Swarthmore Tesest program Swarthmoreans have ever William Sylvano Thunder, di. lify In Favor of Proposed rector of the Woman's Club heard at this anllual affair sponsored by Chorus Project the Woman's Club. The soloist will be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _=~-EXPECT Phil Hipple, tenor. Mil~rid Spencer, SOON DECISION fIL CREATES Ii. ~~:!~Iic:~~l~y~~:...~~e:t~.~ ~:.mb~r_._~~~ COUNv ". . .. ,_. TREE COMMITTEE Luff; Henry A. l l eirsol, Jr.; Joseph Reynolds; Albert Stamford, Jr.; Parker Stamford; Robert Downs; Robert Johnson; Walter Wernher.· The action takes place in the old coun· ty court house at Rosevale, New Jersey, over a periQd of three days. . Dr. A. F. Jackson, Albert Stamford, J. William Simmons and Roland G. E. The Main Line Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Adolph Vogel, Conductor. and Dr. \V. F. G. Swann, Associate Conductor, is scheduled to give a concert in the Clothier Memorial on Thursday, May 19th, at 8 :15 P. M. This concert is to be sponsored by the Swarthmore High School for scholarships for the members of the graduating class. Jt is believed that the music lOvers of Swarthmore will appreciate this arches· tra to the extent that it may be possible to have this concert an annual affair. The Orchestra will feature Miss Helene Diedrichs as solo pianist. "Miss Dicdrichs is one of the really great pianists of today. Of English birth, born with a talent which manifested itself at a very early age, Miss Diedrichs'. public appearances began at the age of DIne. A course at Leipsic was the next step under t.he tutelage of Carl 'Wendling, court pianist. Subsequently Miss Diedrichs reo turned to England. accepting a schol:uship fro m Tobias Matthay, studYlllg under both Mathay and Myra Hess. Membership of the facultr of this s~h?OJ foHowed interspersed With concertlzmg through~ut Europe. Miss Diedrichs came to America seven years ago, locating in Boston where she n?w r~sides, devoting her time to teachmg III Boston arid· Philadelphia." The Franck Variations to be played by this artist is a work of unusual technical difficulties, involved in rhythm, making demands upon both. soloist and orchestra. This occasion marks Miss Diedrichs' second pUblic appearance with an orchestra in the Philadelphia district. Swarthmore is to be congratulated upon having slich a distinguished artist as its guest ooloist for this concert. • • 149-410 TURNER AND TALBOT LEAD 17 21-- 54 40 34-122 In sl.ite of rain and with no IbeaT of': 68 101-216 Bomberger .•....... 16 land G. E. Ullman and ]. William Sim- er; Edw~rd .. EIm.sljcPyls.; _Walter .. -, 1..-_. The Swarthmore Players are rehearsing strenuously on the sixth and last play of the seaSOll, i'Ladi~s of the Jury," Olte of the late Mrs. Fiske's successes, a three·act comedy by Fred Ballard, to be given at the Players' new clubhouse for five consecutive nights beginning lIonday, May 2, under the direction of Ro- Pla~ers' $2.50 Per Year Swarthmore Primaries 1931-32 Season Ends Wilh "Ladie8 of the Jury", Cast of Twenty-nine Characters ••• DELCHESTER UTILITIES CORP. Be sure to ask us· about this new process of heater cleaning before buying - then 17 MAIN LINE ORCHESTRA TO GIVE CONCERT HERE Eric Von Stroheim Mary Astor··Joel McCrea Dorothy Jordan Heater Cleaning by New Vacuum Cleaner Process. No Dirt No Dust, No. Ullman designed the scenery. Helen Robey Glenn is in charge of stage decorations; C. Wahl Dimes is stage manager; Barton Hoopes, 3rd., is in charge of the Jjghting effects; George J. Jones is photographer; and Vanity Box coiff mes and make-up artists complete the production. POllr Cllbic Fooe Moraine Model Special Service to Customers (Look S. Wickham will be the hosts hostesses at the last mecting of the ior Assembly for this year al the W(lman's Clubhouse Saturday evening at 7 :45. Bu.meg" . Gran. SUGAR lb.4c Sliced Peache8, tall can Mr~ andl~~!~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i Earl Mrs. P. Yerkes andGriffin, Mr. and Mrs. and Harold A WARNEl{ THEATRE Shoulders lamb Fre8h Ground Beef Standing Rib Roast Habber8ett's Sliced Bacon ~ 11>. pkg. IOe Ma~oni Spaghetti Noodles PHONE SWARTHMORE 149 VoL IV, Mrs. Howard E. Packer of Burl,' ng. vIslhng ... her cousl'n, ton, New Je(sey IS Mrs. Sargent \Valter. William Sylvana Thunder IS director of the Chorus again this year and is enthusiastic over the prospects of the program.. The Women's Symphony Orchestra is directed by J. W. F. Lemon. Tickets for the concert may be secured from members of the club or at Buchner's. Admissions may also be paid at the door this evening. .. The proglam will be as follows: Overture "Wanda" by Dvorak, l)tayed by the orchestra. The Slave's Dream by H. Alexander Matthews, sung by t.he Chorus, with Phil Hipple, tenor soIOlst.. . Concerto for Piano in A MlIlor (.Flr~t fiees to be filled save those of county committeemen and ~women, the 'primary \'ote in Swarthmore on Tuesday was of the largest the Borough has ever had. Close to 1000 Republicans calUe to the polls to register their choice for county and state nominees. This is a little better than a fifty percent vote in contrast to ,swarthmore's customary forty percent vote. James J. Davis. seeking the Republican nomination for U. S. Senator. carried two of the borough's precincts and lost the Eastern by ten votes. In the three precincts his total lead over Smed1ey Darlington Butler was 19 votes. Guy lJavis, the Independent candidate, led John ]. McClure for the State Senatorship by 44 votes. .McClure carried the northern precinct however. by a margin of three votes. . one Ellwood J. Turner and Grover C. Talbot, the Republican Organization candidates, led the field in the candidacy for the State Legislature. Thomas WeidelUalln, the other candidate endorsed by the Regular RepUblican Organization, dropped towards the bottom of the list and Yocum llolled the third highest vote. Frank E. Baldwin polled the largest vote for Auditor General and Albert Dutton .MacDade and Robert S. Gawthrop led in the contest for positions on the Supreme Court. In the county the Regular Republican candidates ,for county offic,es were all yictoriou"" -\V-cl£enGch led ·hioi ucarcsl competitor for the Republican nomination for congress by 10,000 votes; Turncr, Talbot and Weideman were named H.epublican candidaies for the State Leg. islature and John J. McClure secured the H.epublican nomination for State Senator.' Davis also carried the county Over Butler for the Republican nomination for United States Senator. The foHowing County committeemen A bus'line operating'directly betwecn Swarthmore and 69th street seems highly probably following the hearing before the Public Service Commission last Thursday morning. \Vhether or not the Three Appointees Will Serve In franchise will be granted will be anAdvisory Capacity To nounced shortly by the Public Service Borough Coun~il Commission. The hearing was held at City Hall in Philadelphia and was attended by the . TO STUDY PLANTING NEEDS following residents of Swarthmore who were elected in Swarthmore without op- testifi.ed in favor of the bus line ~~:ng position: . h Northern Precinct; Albert .N. Garrett, A tree committee consisting of three permitted to operate;. F. M. Sc el ey, residents of the borough' and the chair~ Ch.es~er Roberts, LO.llIs Cole Emmons, Jr. and Helen Comley. man of the Public Property committee W lilts Brodhead, Irvlll D. \V ood, Frank .Eastern Precinct. Frank Gettz and of borough council, was crcated by the N. Smith, Aubrey L. Thomas, and Mrs. Ethel G. Coates. ' approval of an ordinance at the meeting Edwin A. Yarnall. Clarence L. Myers Western Precinct; George Corse and Movement) by Grieg, played by jl,hldnd of council last Thursday night. Tqc and Joseph S. Bates represented borough Helen Glenn. Spencer. I I • memhers of the committee will be named council. Symphonic Pathetique-Allcgro COil by the Burgess and the President of No protests were offered alth?ugh repCOLLEGE MAY DAY grazia-by Tschaikowsky, played by the Louncil. resentatives. of th~ Pen~sylvama. R. R. PAGEANT MAY 7 Orchestra. The committee will function only in ani and the Philadelphia Ra~nd TranSit ComSunset Skics-A madrigal:-by CI~am­ advisory capacity and will have 110 pow- pallY attended the hearmg. ]f a. favo~­ inade. and The Lost Chord by Sulhvall, er to spend public funds. The members I ab!e dec.ision is r~nder~ ~he bus hne ,Yin Four committees, as well as a large sung by the Chorus. " . of the committee will serve without co!'"- be F:~t III operation wnhm the fot1owlIlg number of women in the Physical EduSuite No. 1 from "Carmen hy BIzet Pensation They shall have power to m- two weeks. . . cation classes are making preparations and Prelude-Aragonaise-JntermezzO---: vestJgate . 'the condition .. (Continued on Palle Ssr) 0 f sI13 d e t rees'm for the May Day Pageant to be preSeguediUe-Les Dragons d' Alcala-Les the streets and highways and to make lit I • sented on Saturday, May 7, at 2 o'clock Toreadors, sung by the Chorus: recommendations to· council for the WASHINGTON TRIP ill the afternoon. Miss Virginia Rath is Spanish Dances by Moskowskl sung by directing the production. ;rhe theme of proper care of the trees as well as addiOUTSTANDING SUCCESS the Chorus. tional planting. •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- , the celebration is a village festival Oriental Phantasy. "In a Chinese Temarchery contest held at the village of When properly authorized by borough ple Garden," by Ketelbey. Nottingham. The courtyard in front of council expenditures may be made by Repeat Cherry \Vorth Dormitory, Bond Memorial, and the me:nbers of the committee in specific Bl08som .Festival the \Vomen's fraternity lodges will repcases designed to foster and conserve the TREE PLANTING ·BY resent the village green. The Sheriff of WOMEN'S CLUBS shade trees of the borough. However, Nottingham, whose part will be played The Cherry Blossom Festival the committee will have no p~wer. to by Elsie Powell, has proclaimed a fesheld last Thursday was such a sucmake contracts or incur expenses Withtival for May Day. featured by a shootcess that it will be repeated again Thirteen Elm Trees :n memory of out a prior consent by a r~solution or I ing contest. by which he hopes to tra" next Thursday, May 5, it was deGeorge \Vashingtoll were~planted along motion from borough councd. . I cided his enemy, the outlaw Robin Hood. at a meeting of the directors Providence Road ncar Chester, \VedAJl applications to plant, extenslve~y I The prizes for winning the contest' is the Delaware County Federaof nesday morning by the. ~elawarc trim cut down or remove trees on pubhc I the privilege of placing the crown on tion of \\'oman's Clubs sponsoring County Federation of Womal~ 5 Clubs. property within the lines of. the streets the head of the Alay QUeen, Anna the project. Swarthmore women Kurtz. Mrs. Charles S. Musscr, chaIrman 0'£ and highways, shall be sublmtt~d to the interested in n ext Thursday's Conservation, was in charge of the pro- Chaim13n of the Tree committee for I scheduled trip to \Vashington may gram. Mrs. Elmer Melick, was the first proper recommendation b~fore submitBUSINESS MEETING AT get full details from Mrs. Arthur speaker and reminded those present .of ting the same to the chaIrman of t.I1C WOMAN'S CLUB TUESDAY E. Bye, chairman of the ~rt Comthe patriotic significance of tl~c tlur- Highway committee. In case the chairteen trees for the thirteen colol1les. She man of the Tree Committee does not favmittee under whose auspices the The weekly meeting at the \Voman's dosed her talk with an organal ode to or the application, the approval of the trip is to he made this time. I Club on Tuesday will he a business trees. Dr. John Ellery Tuttle pro- entire borough council must he' secured. " . I meeting followed by an original sketch nounced the invocation, followed by a uA day outstandmg 111 the lustory of I written by and acted by members of short talk by the State Ch~irrnal1, Mrs. THIS SUNDAY IS the Delaware County Federation" would I the club. A social hour will follow. be a modest description of the Cherry I I • Abraham Bunross who said the. State CHILD HEALTH DAY Blossom Special. to the nation's capitol Federation had planted five thouasnd Fortnightly on Thursday, April 21st. Three trains of trees this year. . This Sunday, May I, has been designMrs. Lynwood R. Holmes, chairman ten coaches each were needed to transFortnightly will have its last meeting for the Southeastern District, also ated National Child Health Day and the port the two thousand 'ipilgrims" to of the season at the home of Mrs. Charspoke. She was followed by Prof. M. G. attention of Swarthmore is being direct- Washington; while a fleet of 65 busses les D. Mitchell on May 9th. The proMelchoir of Girard College who s~oke ed .towards the occasion by the Health were used for the motor tour about the gram for this meeting will be announced of George \Vashingtoll as ,!-Il agrIcul- and Welfare Department of the Swarth- city. The first "out of the county" pil- next" week. more Woman's Club which is headed by grimage attained a size undreamed of • ,• turalist. He said that two tlnrds of !he lies. Wm. Allen Raiman. books in his library were ~ollcert11ng f h Mrs. Paul M. Pearson of the Virgin "The general purpose of May Day when plans were begun. the soil. Washington. also ~ntroduced The efficient management 0 t e many Islands will be entertained at luncheon 1932," says Mrs. Raiman,. "is. to f~~s the rotation of crops mto tins country details involved contributed greatly t.o on Sunday, by Mrs. J. Russell Smith in the spirit of this year-which IS a Splr!t The Chester High School Band a~d of unselfishness, of sharing, of responSI- the pleasure ~ t~e day. ~nd much credit Swarthmore. She lands Saturday, April some of the Girl . Scouts part:1m111 bility towards our neighbor-upon t.he is due the PJlgnmage director. Mrs. J'130 and will stop' here on her way to h dd dtook t th the ceremony fwlnc a e 0 e . needs of children in order that, each. child E- Schuyler, of the Stoneh?rst Club. who Washington, where she will be the guest h is chairman of gardens 111. the county of her son Drew Pearson. pressiveness 0 t e pr~gram. (eMllinNed OK PGge Six) (COJIlifl.tI!d Page Su:) I and •• •• • • O. I INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 6 , THE SWARTHMORBAN . .. Large maJontles frolll c\cry !;lCeIIOIi of DcIanarc County for the J{clJUblican in-, cumhcllts enuorsed by the H("guJar Republican Organiz.ltion are IIHhcated in : (~l'urgc l... )'farr, the Prcsbylerian Noles two men are John J. McClure of Chester ous Primary election than they do now. who is a candidate for the Republican The decision of the Supreme Court in ---;;. I.a~t Sund"y, Dr. ~ uttle admilllsu:rcd nomination of State Senator and James upholding the Talbot $10,000,000 Relief tlH" sacratut"lIt \\'olfcndcn of Upper Darby who is a Bill and the acquittal and vindication of \VaYllc, in(a1lt c3mhdatc lor the Hepubtican nomination Representative Weidemann at Media are 0 ' income of which to assist a student of the . III a thcto of Merle \V. and ologlcal school or, If there be nOI1(;" . [ ,.uaphslll SOli . APRIL 22, 1932 , I'RII\IAUY ELECTION means that a record Organization vote candidate, Edward Nothnagle. have n~ver NEXT TUESDAY, AI'U1L 26 wilJ he cast by their followers. These appeared to greater advantage at a previ. is lIs(.'d • ISwarthmore church .already Robe rt. . such, any young persoll of the church for Congressman. Both are incumbents, bot~ factors wh.ich are expected to ,show Bessie Fickes '\';(1).'11(', at tht"lf home who is preparing for specific Christian work, now amounts to $5100. It is the the latest reports as the campaign 1eading James J. Davis, candidate for the Rc. their favorable mfluence In Tuesday s reo in Chl·stcr. The (ol1owing lIew ruling elders intention to bring the fund to $6000 up to tile l'rnnary cIcdlon IIcxt Tuesday! publican nomination for United States turn;c;. \\ l're elected at the annual meeting of I which will afford a scholarship of $300. coml'S to a close. I Senator, is expected to carry the county anllually. The recipients of the fund • I Indellendent Slate TIll' fact that 1\\,) ()i thl' lIlu,t an overwhelming majority over his tn' church, \Vcdncsd;:l\' t.·\'l·U1I1g of last tl [ I ,. J I 'f Ii II HIS ar lave ueen. 0 In 1 \ . a, now ential coullty Ic.l(h:r~ III tlu: h~l·g:uJa: Re· opponent Smedley D. Butler, whose apThe Independent Republicans o( Dela- \\cl·k. ( . For three years, Carroll Thayer; a teacher in a home mission school in publican party are thUtN:h l'S 4.:amhdatcs I peal to the ex-soldier vote and the dry ware Count}· h('aded by former Judge or hve :n:ars, IIor<1cc M. Whitman the southern mountains, ~{jss Eunice i "ote as well as his aIHanee with Gover- Frank Perrin and Howard Kirk arc sup- aTlel Arthur J. jom's The following Hail, who enters social work under 1JU; TIlFATltE BEAVTJt~UL I nOr Pinehot has failed to stir the vot· porting the following ticket: For United lrush.·t,s were. c!t.:ctt.·d (or the term of the foreign hoard in japan this 8ttll1A '\',\I(NEn TIII-:A'CnE ers. Statcs senator, ::;medley D. Butler of three years: Fr;:lIIk S. J{l·itzcJ. E. Shir- Iller. and Miss Helcll E. Howarth, who Therc is no contest on any candidate in Newtown Township; for Auditor Gen- It·y Bordell, Hellry L. Snlllh, Perc), G. was in preparation for special Chrisany part of the county except for county eral, Ralph E. 1<'IY11, of Allegheny Coun- Gilbert. tian work. 'fhe present rccipient uf 1.. \Il~f1jJ\\lIt· \\("lllIC & B:aUmlOre Pike committeemen amI women. Chester City tYi and for Judges of the Superior 'I'he. GcorJ.{e L. l\larr .Mt..'lIIorial Fund, the (u1ld is Donald K. McGarrah, who and UPller Darby present a particularly Court, \VjJliam M. Barker, of Clearfield l'slahhshed by the Session of the will culer the \Vesterll theological \UU' "/fl., ill;! unified front for their respective leaders County, and Jost'ph Stadtfcld, of AI- church ill memor) 01 Ih\.' late Rev. Seminary, Pittsburgh, in the autumn. Senator McClure and Congressman Wol. JOE E, BIlOW'" fenden. legheny County. l'or H.epresclltath'e in II Congress from the Eighth District, in Charles H. D. Larrimore of Upper Judge Albert Dutton MaeDade. candi. 'Fin'1IUIII StU'I' My C/rild' DO YOU LlKE FRIED CHICKEN? date for the UepUblican nOffllOatioll for Darby Township and for State Senator, a place on the Superior Court, is assured Guy \V. Davis of Norwood. For Repof all ovcrwhelming vote from his home resentative in General Assembly, .\IOlIlO nil" \fa"'II'r uf IIUIII:III EIIIUliulI!'> cuullty and the progress of his state-wide H. Yocum, of Darhy, Stuart B. Oler, of {.... Olll .1,: ,\III.1S~ \'all1paign IS meeting such success that his Haverford, and Albert J. Bauhaus, of in 1'/r t' .111111 " ./'" l'[tt,l"',/(;"d chances for election are said to be very !\foylall-!{osc Valley. Fur Memhers of Fried chicken or roasts. fresh vegetables; salad and desert fa\orable. State Committee, Robert \V. Jamison of The three incumbents for the Legisla- Norwood and ~filll1ie K. L. KarneJl of If ("IIIt·st/fI.', Allril 27 1:00 to 2:30 tun;to represent Delaware County, EII- Upper Darby. JII,\", BEi'ii'il·:rl' • • I SUPPER A LA CARTE \\000 J. Turner, Craver Talbot ~d Junior Assembly I ·tIIlt,·rI II Milliollllin. Thomas \Veidcmann, as weB as Chester's r •• lIlfJU-luy I -::;::===============i I I LANSDOWNE Vol. IV, FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER l S/,,·" '" 'I'''tlr.~,I(Il. "lIIH" l:.lrrull Soup; Waffles and Coffee 40c April 211 Hit-h.mJ i\rJt'1l MEDIA THEATRE HI "J/ 'lIytl'lIrll" Malinee Daily at 2:30 Friday and Saturday 2 large Jllunllnall'd parking lots (Side of thl'atre. Free IMrking. JOE E. BROWN "Fireman, Save My Child" BACHMANS Quality Market I I YALE & I(ENYON AVES. Swa.183 I FREE DELIVERY I . Sprmg . Legs Lamb !I Genume SllOul"crB 1/~:nl~5c 18c 17cl Hlundiu:: Rih 22c Roa~t Hahl,cr8ell'. Sli,'cd ll""'1IJ ~ lb. "kg. IOc -Added Enjoymenl_ S. S. Van Dine'. "THE COLE CASE" Robert L. Ripley'. "BELIEVE IT OR NOT" Henry Santry and Hi. Band in "UP ON THE FARM" AESOP'S FABLES Monday and Tue.day 4 MARX BROTHERS "Monkey Busine.." ).[r. and 1o.1r!'. Charles D. ),,[itchdl, ~Ir. and ~rr5. Harold Griffin, )'Ir. and ~Irs. Earl P. Yerkc~ and )'Ir. and ~Ir,:.; .• \ddison S. \Vickham will he the hosts and hostesscs at thf' last mceting of thc Jl1ll~ ior Assembly for this year at thc \VOIllan's Cluhhousc Saturday c"ening at 7 :045. I HAVE US REDRESS YOUR LAWN FOR JAPANESE BEETLES Fertilize Grass at the same time. Cost very reasonable. Also moving of trees and shrubbery. Power Spraying. LEWIS LARSON and SONS GENERAL CONTRACTORS 40 Y cars Experience in Landscape Work PHONE SWARTHMORE 1331 Prices materially reduced on all household models. You can now have the known value and proved performance of this famous electric refrigerator for as little as 1 lb. pail ISc Calif. Bal'llett P"'ars hig' ('un 15(.1 1'''1'1'111 Hny,,1 Annt· Chcrrit.g I Four Cubic Foot Moraine Model ~t RICHARD I =-:-::---:---'~-----I SIi('cd P.-urh.·1-'. lall ('un 10('1 V~~ .. Mary Astor--Joel McCrea Dorothy Jordan Special Service to Customers DELCHESTER UTILITIES CORP. Heater Cleaning by New Vacuum Cleaner Process. No Dirt - No Dust. CHARLES A. HIGGINS 629 WELSH ST, CHESTER. MEDIA REPRESENTATIVE PA. See Frigidaire at the Chester Refrigeration Show Today and Saturday Be sure to ask liS about this new process of heater cleaning before buying - then Buy and Burn W~t<&0N & FUEL OIL $10.75 STOVE $11.00 NUT $10.75 PACKARD LIGHT EIGHT Factory Price $1750 N. E. 12 I 123 UIJ State Senator .13!1 W. T'I I hl{-.J24 I~.!- tC'a"~ ()nh' One P"('('irH'l; 114'a,"" V 4·)h~ .JII.:; Bull('r In 12.'{ 101 . . .. 12.; Congren 1.;:; 137 -J(,(, 1;11--110 .I~S II.l I~'I-~I" Tl'lIMm Ai'iJ) T \UJOT LEAl} J.J-I2'! 101- .?I!> III ~l)Jk oi I.tlli .!lId \\ ith 11'1 local ()f~ I .. 'fa.\I.11 1.. 111 Hlltllt H'·"'II't1".j Legislature mUII~. "Ladics of the JUr)" b.ls '1Il llllll:.ually· 1.lrgc C,lst, t\\ t.:lltY-III11t.: ch.lr',dcl s III all, h\ eh·c of whom lle\Cr Ic.I\'c the stage. This t.:all:, fur d murt' prulracted pit.'t.:c of ,Icling than i~ clbtomary .Hld llJ.lkes mor\." of a tl c.lrnld the cuullty o\'er . II Ie IlCdrlll!-: \\.h IIe II "1 11."11 ,' " .mlt! lorI 'tbe j~l'lll1hll4.:dn IlUllllllatlou I l I d I,).. l . ' It· I ' .!Ill I \\,I~ ,Itll-II{ I{;(I I" t III It.!11 IIIte( I·lul;H phl,t . II SI.ltr.:!l- C'Senator. I . follOWIIl,r lc.,allllh 01 S\\,lrthmolt.: who Ie IU O\\lIIg (1111) COll1ltuttecmen ' \\Cll du..:t«(1 III ~\\arthllwrl.' wlthuut opI e~tl" Il'( I ~III la\or 01. II I~ IlIh I'lIle IIClIlg l'U:.ltlOll . permittcd to oplratl. 1'.,\1 Scltublc}. :\ortlll'rll J'llClJlll·. \lhl-r1 ~. ~ l'·,n"'t l hl, .. ttr 1{()lllft~. 1,"111" l't,ll IIIllIH'lh. .. ..., .11 ltIlll III thl Pln:'lcal Edu1\\ II \\lTks. ...Ithll\ ll.l"~I~ .lIe Ill,lklllg t;rr.:parations (( ontinllcd 01: Par).' SII) i,'r tIll ~I,I) I)a.\ 1'.lgl'allt to ue pfe~llltU!I)]] :-i;tlulda), ~1.1Y 7, at 2 o'dock III tht .llll111111111. ~lh~ \'Irgillia h!.lIullitt~c UJlbhllll~ 01 thrn; lll o.li.\ IIl.Ul ! Urchestr,l . SUllsCt Skies- \ madllg.li-hy (·It,un- ;UhhUI,\ l'apaclt) .Uld \\111 it.I\·t; 11(1 Pu\\, Ihe )'Ialll I.lIIe S)lIlphtJll) Orcht·~traillnl' ani The llJ~t Ch{lrfll~\ Sulli\:lll, Ll ttl ~1J\:nd }Ill I,h' IlInl~ Jhc lllLllllJl.r~ Ulull'r the din.'ctiull (Jt _\(;:~,}, .\ ay Ytl, at X:.1 .•\. lb l II!lla.ll)r", .. 1I11~ ,,~ till' ChOIII... !U'lllll1lll'nd.tthJn .. tt) (4!II11tll 10f thl.' COllcl.'rt IS to I~e sllUllsorui h) thl' S\\.lr~h-: Sll~ul1sh 1).IIIU:~ h) ~ltl:.k(I\\skl ~l1Ilg h} I IJI lI\!t I lan.: 01 thl tl~I.''' ,I~ \\111 .h :t4hh lIIort.: lllgil ScI.lOu l lor Scho...lr~hlps lot the Chorus 1111l1dl JI\.lIltl1l~ thc 1ll~lIIhers ot the graduat1l1g class. It Ortl"lltal l'hanLb\, "III .1 ('hllll'''l '1 llll\\ IH II Jllllj!lrl.\ ,IUtl14)rJZtd 1,) lIUl',ugh I:, I,dll.'"cd Ih.11 the n~lIslc I.O\l'fS 01 ph, C,lnil'n," II) "etelllt') ItOl1l11:d. l'\(JlIl(htll!l .. 1ll1.~ hl 1l1d.1L 11) S\\.II·thmorc \\ 111 ap:)rt.'4.:JaIl' tltb tJrche~- I e thc 1IIl'1I1111" ... III thl 1"l1llHltln III "PlClhc lid to tht' l'xtUlt th,lt It 111.1) hc po".,1hlt'.",', ,'".,,1"'1,,1 ttl lu .. tll .Illd tOlhl.:l\l' thc . "I'I'EI' "~h.ldl' tlt.'e, .. 'JI :ill' 1)'lfl!ll~h Ilt)\\c\er, to h,I\·C thlS CUIl((.:rt an .llInll.1 I aJ j .air. I 1.' ~ 1'1·.'\"" i~'TIN'<; BY Ihl ()rdHstrd \\111 h,ltml :\1 ... ., Illl'VO:\IE~"'S (:I...liB!S the CUIJllIlI!t l \\111 h,l\": 110 jlO\\l1 to enc Dlednchs .Is solo lI iani"t. "~II~" 1II,lkc colllrdl b tJr lIlt.:ur l XJIUbl'" \\ uhJJIl'drich:; i~ one of the I call) grl'.lt pianTlllrh l']] 1·.1m 'II t't ~ III llIllll1 II) pi uut a l'llur ColI"r.:llt h.\ a r r.:"Olutlull ur Isls (Ii today. 01 J·.llgh~h Illrth, hurn (;t'lIl~l' \\.1 .. 11II,,..;t.,11 \\lrl jll.llltul ,d\)lll~ mut1l1l1 trlllll L'lruu;;h ClIlllh.:lI. \\Ith a t.lIl·llt \\llIeh 1lI.11lIfl·"tcd liSt·1f at l PIO\H!l'lilt l~n.1!1 1H,lf t..'hl ... tll, \\l'{1 .\11 ,lllphc,ltltllh to jll,lllt. l'xtt.'ll .. i\e!) .l \cr) lariy agl', ~I!~~ IJll'drieit,; puhll( r I1I.':-d.l\ llIf)rlllll~ 11\ thl III 1.1\\.lIl trim. cut <11)\\11 ur IllllU\(. tnl" 011 pllhhc aPllt.:arallce" ~eg:l1I .It the age of 1l111C. A l'lltlllt-y Fl'der.ltltlll oj \\ tllIl.tI~·S Club .. pro!l\.'lt.\ \\lthl1l tit..: lllll'" lit tilt. ~trel.:b COUlse at l.eIl)sIC.\\'~~ thc•. llt·xt.str.:p ull-I~lr". Charil'>:-; )'llI .. ~{r, dl.llrlll.11I t)tl,"\(IIJlgll\\'I)~. ~hall be "'Ullllllthd 10 ~he d~r the tutdaHc III larl.\\t·Jl(.lIl1lg, conrt L'olhenatl!lll, \\as III ch.lr~l' 01 till' prp- CIt.llrlll,11I (Ii tlll llr.:c llllllllllttel: I~'r t·J.llll!l-t. Suh~etllll'lllh the first iIpruper fl'CUllIllll'lHl.ltIUlI hl'lllrC "'Ul11ll1t I I rt:-II grain •).Ir " 1·lml.·r . ..~ll'lickl\\as ' . I I · I I ' ~lbS. 1)ll·dru:hs t1l:lIul. to ·.I1~ nlll, aC~~Ilt1ll1g: it sc :Ir-, "'pl'akl'r and n 1ll11Hh II tit(hl Pfl· ... l·llt 01 I tlllg the .. am,' to till' dl,U1l1lan t. Ie ... 111)1 t rum J'II1],I~ . dtlM) .... tIU)'III!-: till' 1l,ltlilltll' .. 1g"lllhl,lllll t.1 thl' lhir-llll!.dm.t\ CUlllllllttll. III l,I"" tilt' CI?lrlIIHlt'r both ~talhay 11 H1!.!l1 • "ll!llll Jll11~l Itl -u\llul I·.llrnpl' · t I1I01lg I!llltl .\'I h~ I' It.:C IIll'I I~ 11,,11"",,1 ,I" ·"I""',IIII,n. · 1,,!J,l\\ld h.\ ,I • I' came to .\I1ICTlCa Sl'\ClI )l'.lr" .Igo, Iocal- I LII"", ',11'_ I., tIll' St.lte \'h.lirm,lll, :\lr .. I l'-lll~ ~,·I'N'D.\\· I",' B I I I I'·' '" ~ ; "('HII .-:J 1IIJ{.1Il oslUIl. Wlerl' SlC 110\\ r~sl(e~, (~-I \hr.lhalll B~IlIlU~~ \\hl' ".lld thl' :---tatci HE,\LTI-I DA'\(Jtmg her lllne to ll'adulIg III Boston 1< I , I' I I I ,n' ',1 1'\ I tllou'I,,"d ••. I PI'I d 1 I' " I ·C( l·r.1 1011 1.1( ), t . • on Thl1r .. da), _\Ilril 2),,1. Thf('C tralll~ oi Forlnigbtly all( 11 a c p 11.1. Ir"I" tl", .\ car I . I I I I t The Franck V;lriatlOlls to he pl(1)('(1 h) \1" I I )' II IIll t.:h.lirman Tlll~ ,';ulld.l\. ~Ia\ l. h.h ill't"1l «l'slgn- tlll CO,IC 1l.:S 1.'.IC I "t:re 11t.:C( H 0 tr.l1b~ . .b a \\ort.: ,. 0 f i t ec IlIl1ea. . I .\ r.,.I ,\'Il\\t 0( \.. (l (S, I).l.\ alld tht., port thl' h\1I thlll1":lIltl "llllgrllll~" to · arhst t Ilit:) 1II1l1SlIa - ~ 1II t Di.,trict. ,Ibn .Ikll ~·.I(IOII.II·C1111d-llt-alth .... Fortnight!} will 1I.1\·l' Us la"t meeting (1IInC1l -0' I' tle~, mvu . I\l'( I III r Il\ tIun. lila k'IIlg lor 1. t It''I ,~'lll lea . II.. t.rll I I I'r ,- 'I (' '"tl,""'"'' .,,' S,\.lrthIllOll' h hl.:l1l.!,!.- direct- \\·a~hitlgtoll; while a fleet 01 CIS lJU:'''l'~ ot the se.l~on at the home of ),1 r~. CharI (cmands upon hoth ·"Iolst -all( I tlrc Ilc"tr.t . 'I)O"'t'.•S It' \\ "t~ 10 O\\l( . 11 1\It ' . \ .) Ikt.:I l'( I t')\\;\I(" I' tl.r.: 110..' ___ 1"lon . Il\ ,I lC 11''''I'1t t.. ""r" ... ... ",III lor the III\'tor tllllr ahout tltt' lc~ n. ).litchell un ).[ay 9th. The proThIS uccasion marh .\Ii .. s I)i('drich~' sec- :\Idcholr lit l.lra:d lo l~(, \\ 10 "i~ I .l1ld \\eli.lrc Ill'p.lltIlH':lIt 01 tht' ~\\arth- cJt\. TIll' jir~t "out oi till' l'uUllt}"' pil- gr;Ul1 tvr tills mceting will he anllounced ..... hlllgtllll .h .III 1 .lgTIC\lI - mOil' \\. lillian.. . l'l 11 I1\\ 1,1 l II, ... IIt:ull(1 h.\ '"lD ima!!t.' att,llIwd .1 !,lZC 11I1dn~,\Ilw<1 of IIl':-.:t \\ l'ek. und t.uhlic al'peal.tllce \\It II all orc IIl·~tr.t I ",. Cl·tlr<~l· • r . \\ .. . a • III Ihe Phllatle1l)hia district. S\\arthmorc tnrah"t Ill' ... lId that 1\\\1 tllln" llt til I \Ir .... \YIIl . . \Ihn H,IIIl1.IIl. \\hl'll pl.llt.. \\l're hq~lIll \Ir' 1',1,,1 I "11 II t!.lI11·I,1 I JlurJl()~(" (II \1 ,I) J) ,I) The ~ \\111 hl' ~I ('nlt.'rtaillCt:i \'arsoll oi attheluncheon \'irgm . Is to hl' congralul,lh'd "11 011 ha\lIlg suc II I)no k .. II'J h1 " hl,r-In ' . \\tH' (1IIlet'rIlUl!.! . .,1 . cOicil'nt IIl.1ll.1gl'lIlcnt tli tht. Illan~ I.. lalld~ ,I di"tl11gui~hl'(l arti .. t as its gllC"t "oltJi:.t till" :-.011. \\,I".hlllg-tllil als() Illtrt)ductf 1')3.?,'· ... t.\~ \Ir .. R.IIIll.tll. "1 .. tl' 10Clh dct.ld~ l11\ol\~d. contnhukd gn'atl) to (Ill Suuda), h~ ~tr:-.. j. l{us"ell Smith in 'or II,,',· '·"'Ie"rl. thl.' rntatlnll 01 lrllp" 1.l1tll th", Cll"lIlr) thl' "llInt oj till:. \l·.lr-\\hldl I.. a spln.t the pkasurc 01 tIll' (1:1) .•,.nd mud I crcdlt . ., , I I I',.lll( I alii I (Ii lIn~dh ..II1lI'''''. oi .. h.tr1l1:':. 01 n .. ptlnsl~ I 1:, due the Pllg-fllll'l~l' (lr'clUJ, I I :--\\,1,.tll1I1U1l'. Shl' I.lIld:. :\pril The Chcsll'r lhgh ~CIO(l .\'I rs. ~. '- p.lrt II lll1th to\\ tnl .. our 1l11~hl~lr-IIJllln till' E. Schuyler. til t IIt" ~tOJll . IIIlr .. t l'l II II. \\' I\41 30 here on f J' I "Olllt ui the t~ir1 ~l(lllh t110n. \ \ . .md I' \\ ill stop I I '11 Ill'r \\ a)" to :\Ir" Ilo\\.lnl E. P.lcker (I) thl' Ct'n'lIIllll\ \\Iudl a(hltd to the 1111- Ilu.(i oi cllil(lrl'n in orrin litat t.'.lehdllJdlis chairman ol gardl'lh III tht.: t.:onnt} WI hl'thegl1est tOll, Kt"\\, Il'rsl'\' I~ \1"ltlll~ wr c:ou<;1t ,I .. , It I d " Pag~ Sir) () lr.:r :;011 rrw carson •\ r~ . .S argl'nt 'I . \1'· a I tt r. Illn·"si\t·lll'iS oi the prllgralll ((OlltHlIli'd ",. Pagc SIt) onulUt" 0 " • TREE COMMITTEE 'I.. '. • • • • 1./,· \ - U\ ~ C n WILSON COAL & SUPPLY COMPANY l!;;;;===--=----------____________JlI12TH .1 IiI PEA $9.00 BUCK $7.00 RICE $6.50 (Look for the Yellow Truck) ') he SWai t111110rt: 1'1(1) cr.,,> ,In' rdll'ar~­ IIIg strl'llulIusl) (III the :'Ixth .lIld Llst pl.l) of the SI::I->OIl, "f.adi~ . . oi till: JUly,"1 olle of the I'llc llr .... I·I ... kl'\ .. UC(l· ...... n. a i threc-.tel l:ollll:lly h~ Frnl B.IIi.lld, to be I ~I\·\.'II at thL' 1'J.1)t:f:-o· H .... W clulduHbC iur I h\'c cUlt:o.et.:llti\t~ III£hts hlgilllllll g _\lunda), ..\lay 2, lIudn tilt.: din.duJll 01 j{o~ land G. 1<:. lJllm.1lI .lIId j. \\'1111<1111 SIIIl- 4 Media 123-CALL-Swarthmore 600 ." ~11('11II1 lut , EGG i\ 1).1\ COIINr)1 f'R J; ATES STARTS TODAY Eric i ... Bllt It'r I) I I CHESTI:R. PENNA. Pkg.5c i ~ REPUBLICAN PARTY U. S. Senator I'AUT to H·.mall)ul_ in throughout the LAY GOLF AT 1 Swarthmore Golf Course LONG HOLES I~ .. WIDE FAIRWAYS GREENS FEE 50c :1 ., --=.., ! -------~,. ! AT A SAVING Cut Wax and Stringless Beans MEDIA THEATRE . . sort partIcipated 111 by our high school and it is expected to be a great success . • • J I I n,.'(lthK Iccl. olle huudred aud thltly-l\vo and wood ruoo: llnd thence cltk'ndlog southeastIII1C-hulIllh"t.lthll ll'f!'t. one hundred wan.( alung said Gn..-ellwolMl road twenly·jIve lind 10riyelKht and t'llienty t'lliO one hundredths leet 10 the Orsl DlenUooc'd point. Ilnd vlaoo 01 fect. olle hundred and sixty four and 'wellly· bcglunlntr. ho one-hundredths fl'et. orlC bundred and Beautiful EveqreeDII Final plans have been developed for When a tire on the automobile which lelKhty and t'lliClity-two one bundredths leet, one Oue other thtreor hoglnnlng at a poin' on Now i. the time to plant a Triangular Musical Concert to be she was driving all the Silrou} road blew hundred and mnety·MJx and t'llient,.·t'lliO olle- the northeast "ide 01 said Gn.oclI'lliood road at r I ~ hundn.'tIlh& loot. t'lliV hundred Gild Iweh-c and lhe dist:lIU,,-, 1.11 two hundred and ninety leet J. D. DURNALL given in the Swarthmore High School out \\ cdnesday afternoon, Mrs. Albert S t'lllicnty I'lliV olle hundredths leel. Iwo hundred 1I0rth"est"an.( from the northwest elde of Copples LaDe Swarthmore 1648 AudItorium at 8 o'clock, Friday night, Johnson o( 211 South Chester roa.d lost ami '"enay-eight and t'lllient)-Lwo one hund· POlllar stret't (said point being in tbe middle May 6th, between musical organizations ' redths fLoet. t"o hUlldn.'1l anll forty-four and of a <."erialn twellty feet. wide driveway bere· I • ( I contro 0 t Ie stecrmg wheel and the t'lllieuly-I'llliu one hundredths leet. tbree hundred mafttr deIKtlbed), tbelll:e exlendlng 1I0rthwest. of Media, Ridley Park and Swarthmore car crashed into a tree. She was cut and twenty-tYOo lukl twent,-two one-hundn.'enwoud road SCv(!n1y-'h'e feel to a present a 30 D1l11ute program. The Meft'et, tbreo hundred and 8ev(nty and tWl"nl7· uoint 011 tbe rlOrtheallt aide ul a (ertalu six· two oue-hundredlhs leet. three bundred and teell fcct Wide drlv6v.ay (extending northwest· dia High School will send a mixed v.ide lIrnc'llio" whlth all'U extcuds southwellt. el~hb·slx and tv.(nty·tv.o olle-hundredth. leet, 'llliun.( IrOnl said Poplar street. crosalng the said chorus under the direction of. Miss ward IlIln Haiti Gr~.'IIwooo ruad): thellce ex four hUlldn.'t1 aud two and t"enly two one ,v.:pnl,. leel wide drh'eway wblth extends Mary Gertrude Smith, tpndln~ lIortb\\(>stwatd along the northellbt sldt' hundret.lths f('Ct, lour hundred and elghleen south'lllieetward into said Greenwood road. to a the BUill slxleen fcct wido drheway '''enty- alUl tweub-two olle hundredths ft'Ct, fnut hun- ---~---------I SHERIFF'S SALES One other thereof I>cglJUlllIg at a l)Oint on T"enl,. ·Ii\ ( olherl'! thereor situate on the nudtUt· of u f.'trlaiu sixt~1I feet Wide drl,-cwa,. northeast @Idt' of Gcccll'lliuod road at the reo (extemling 1I0rlh"iestv.ard from I'oular street. the tvrnpr formed by the int<'l'8Cctiou uf the Sherif( s Salt of Real E!:ltate 11C'(lhc tllstlllll'('8 of fhe hundred and len feet, UOSSIIIJ:" II 1. oue IUlIuJn'(l .1Ilt! elghltocll fL'l"t. one tile Ilorthv.est !'Ide of said POlllar slreet: "oud road), llareh Tcrlll HM2 thc northeast "Ide 01 saul sixteen leet hundred .11111 t"V fet·t. mghtY-Mlx fcet. sc\:cnty Ihell«" cJtterullll~ !IOuth\1:('stwnnl aloll", •• line .liull,,;' at rlj;:ht :tllj:lu to !Said Orctn'llliOiItI road sixty· wide drne"a) thlrtl'ell alld forty .... lght one. All those IlIxl) Ih(" (ert.lln lots or IIICteS ur feet fifly lour fet't. Unrl)' eight feet. and fI\:c ftoet to II (Ioint In the middle of a certain hlludrt!dths reel (0 a lIolllt on the 1I0rthwel'lt ~rollllli v.llb thr bUlldmgs alld Iml)r()\ elllents tY.:elll,.-tY.:o It'Cl lI{1rth"e~tward from the north· illlecn rt.'Ct Wide drhe'llliBY (cxlendiuj.!" north- IIlde of POJllar streel, ami thellL'C extendmg thereon crette(l dep.l"rlbt'l:l aet. eru8l:lllU;- a cer t ..outh t\\ellly·fi\:c dl.'gret:'s ftfty fuur minutes \ey lUl11 Iliall theri'of made :M1ln:b 22nll. 1028. lUi th{reof (Olltllilllllg- III frollt or breadtb 011 taill twenbfrom drhcwlIY \\11I('h cxtends h\ent,. t;Cl'Olid weE!.) along tbc north'lliest side New Oniona lb. 7c by Damon and Fostl'r. CIVil Eng-Illeers. as situ· the "aid Grt'euv. oot! road sixteen feet and ex. 1I0rthe 1st wardf(.'(ltIlitowide Green"'ood road ami south vf said Poplar strcct 1!C,-enty·Jlvc and fortytendlllJ.:" of that ",{dlb III length or dellih alt' ill Iho Dorollgh of Sharon Hili. County of Y.:('sl 'IIIi an.( mto I~aurcl road, and also :;l"IImltu:' at no 1)OInt on A D DEWEES. Allonle). maftlr dCstrlbctl): thell('C t'xtenlhlll:' llOrth· "~I;tv.artl .lloll~ til(' nortlleui'lL sltle of said the s,m(hv.c9t shle of Gt"(."C11\\00d road at the IlIsllUlt-e of tv.:o hllll!lrrd mid Illuety-one nutl Grt..oclI'lllioOli ro.ltl t\>ient,) t'l!:"ht leet to It 1)01Dt, Swan. down Cake Flour 2Sc th"nt'O extemllU,.:' norlheu!it'lliiard alollg .~ 11110 t'lllient, h~u IIIle·hulllln'tUhs feet northwestward Fieri Faclns No IOriO at rI!;"ht IlJlgl"s to Gt(.'Cu'llliuod road sCHllty·llve Irom the ll()rthv.efJI SIde of POlmlar street Cloverbloom Butter 27e lb. (said (lOint beiug 111 the middlc of a certum :March Term fert to lIo 1l0lllL 011 the 1l0rtbeDlIt Side 01 a Ulrraill slxleell feet \~lde tlrtve\.\ay (extcnding I v.:ellty feet \l ide drlvel'i ay heronaftcr dethenC\tnt)-Ovc I('ct 10 a Ilomt on the II()-thca"t shh' of Greenv.ood ro.lfl and thellt~e f>outhuestwRnl IOto Lalll-el road nlld alao Fieri Fads No 1016 eXlelltbng !lonthell>ltward lliung the northe 1st (rosslllg' a certmn twelle foot Wide dr1\'eway sul(.l of Ore(,llv.ood ro.ul t\\NII,!; et!;ht feet to \\hleh extcnds northeastward mto Grcen"ood Mareb Term. 1032 to a certain eight feet \\hle drl\e\1:a.Y cx Ihe first melitiollC'd 1101111 anel J)lactl of begIn rua,l. All those t"o rertrun lots or PIl!Cf!S of temllllg' ~outbwest\\ard IIllo Lnurel road): nlug Iheuce cxtending nortb\1:cstv.:anl alollg the nlUI ,.rround \nth the bUilding inlprovement8 thereon cIIa of Bald sixteen Icct Wide drncy;.lY tlurts ~re(tetl sltuale III the Township of Havcrford One other Ihcreof bcgumlng at .a ))omt 011 olle amI Ell. venty eight one bmulrC(Uhg feet to n III the County of Delaware and State of Pt"onn. the corner torllled by til! mlerscc(loll of the pnlllt on the extcnded line of thc northwest s)'hama. kno"'n 8S lots numbered 155 and II northeast !llde of Gr~ell\1:oo'l road .... Itlt the !llde of sDld t"elve feet wide drivewa)'. tbence 166 m Block numbered :S on a [ertaln I>l.ln northwest Slth.! of POJl;ar street. thence ex· uxlemUIIg' northeastw.lrtl (In a lltle at right of lOis Crlpill OIght feet !flO. saul pomt being one hundred feet qouth HI the middle tlr a ('Crlmn sixteen leet wide willt' drHC\\ay "hleh extends aonth"cst'llliard ftfty-two degrees fifteen minut('s wcet froni drl'e"a) (extt'lIdlll:::- lIorth'lllipsl\\anl from said IIItO Laurel road the soulhw(>8terJy Side of Oakmont avenue Popllr slref't HOShlll~ a (ertam 1"(nt)' ftcI Horty-ehrht feet 'lllilde). Ihenre extending a.long \\111(' cIr" \\a~ "htrh I XIf'IHb north('a"t .... al'tl Ex{( 111m,.. therl'out AI! IhollP- thre. « rtalU the halll northeaslerlY hne of Lot No 150 IIItll t.rl' 11\\",,01 ro Itt \lId sOllth\\u;l\\ lrtl llltO lolh I,r IIICL'('>:; of ;:rOUl1t1 "Hh the hUlldm;;s south tlurl) !';e"ell tlegrt'('s forty fi"\c mlnlllt·s Launl roul awl 11"0 lrOiSSIIl~ a l"t'rlalll t\\ellc IIItI 1001)rl)\ eOl('nts thfreon crf'dcd, des(.noc>d ea!>t fifty feet to a llollll tn IUle Qf Lot No II"Ct wide tlri\(!\\a) ",hleb extclIIls northeast- as follo"s a:1 on said IlIan, them'Q extcn4111g SQuth fifty"ard Illtl) Grecll\\llOd road. to a (ertam eight 1\\:0 degrees fifteen minnt('s west along said reel 'IIIo,de drlve"ay \\hlth extends t;outb .... est Onc th('rcol beg-uJlung at a. poml ou the huc Hit,. leet to a point formed by the lnter· "ard Into said Laurel road); thcn~ atendmg northeast Side of Gl'('en",ood road at the diS section of hiles of LotlS Nos. 166, 164 and 67 southeastward alohlf thc nUtldlc of said ,IX- tance of file hundred 8nd flft,.-elght leet on said plan: thence extendlnl' along Une dI. teen (eet wide drneway tv.:!'lIty lS:!ven and slxt¥· northWestward lrom the northwest I!lde oi "ldlOg Lot No 135 lroPt 154 north tbltt;y. OIiC one hundredlhs feel to a point on ,be Puplar street: thence exleudlllK IlQrtheast. sevcn degrees forty-ftve bmules west fllly feet norlh'llliest sldl' of Poplar strc ,t. and thence wanl nil a lme at nght angle. 10 Grocnwood 10 a POlDt: then.cepted by the Borough ot Swarthmore without prejudice tc Its rights under the agreement of December 2nd. '1930. as above recited. Passed this 21st day of April. A. D. 1932. L. C. ASHTON. President of COuncll. (Seal) Attest: ALBERT N. GARRETT. Jr., Borough Secretary. Approved this 25th day of AprU. 1932. W. R. LANDIS, Burgess. BoiL of You Can appreciate tlae coftliort and ireedoftl in a Iaoftle laeated witla lias Both of you wiD appreelate the apotle.. and spadous "'n.ew floor" vou caD. add to vour home this summer by making the change to gas now. Use this space for a party room, for a playroom for the ehildren. It'. like moving into a new howe I AUTOMATIC GAS HOUSE-HEATING Now as Low as ROUND·TRIP Installed FA RES ~~ OVER No Down Payment First Payment with October Gas Bill WEEK-ENDS April 29 to September 3 All Oar Sa........ ~ore. Between dll stations on the Pennsylvania R4i1ro«l and generally between st.Hons in the E.st, Middle Wesl .nd E.st.m C.n.d•. Or.ee )'our PJa-Ler or H_daa Co. tractor Helem good iuvlng lro. noon Friday 10 .Idnlshl Saturday. Retumlng to It:.on dUo tlnatlon .tny tilu to .nd includin9 .idnight train, .he: following Mond4Y Good In Pull.an c.rs on P"Yll'Vlt of regular Pull..n cMfBU tiber.1 stop-oven rdumlns. Pennsylvania Railroad PHI L PHIA ELECTRI OMPANY 6 ____________.______.--------------------.--THE----S-~-AR--THM----O-R-E-A-N_.----------------____.-_________A_p_R_a__2_9~,_19_3_2 Mrs. Hoover a beautiful Colonial bouquet Lutz who is secretary of the Museum of Pomona College, Claremont,' California. TUNING IGIRL SCOUTS CARD PIANO I PARTY WELL ATfENDED in which Pennsylvania's colors, blue and Rio writes for the associated press and Dr. Norton has been attending the dedi- I 20 yean experience with all makes. Member of Nal. &110. of Plano Tunen. All '"10n08 should be tuned tw1ee eaeb ,.ear. A. L. PARKER Phone Media 8311 Media. Pa. The Girl Scouts assisted by the Girl Scout House Committee of which Mrs. Elliott Richardson is chairman, gave a most successful bridge party at the Woman's Club last Friday afternoon. There were twenty-four tables of Bridge and tweh'e tables of Dublicate Whist gold, were carried out. Previous to the White House reception the official group of the county were received at General Federation Headquarters by Mrs. John F. Sippel national president and Mrs .. Grace Morrison Poole first vice. president. is head of the Brazil. M rs. W • R . Childs and Miss Dorado Kansas brother Dr. C. week. Following luncheon the party boarded Woman's mo\'ement of cation of the Folger Memorial ShakeL'b W ash'mg t on. Ch'ld I s, M r. Mc CI ung speare t rary, Betty Jor Childs of visited Mrs. Child's Granite Marble E, McClung the past EII---------------- M EM 0 R I A L S Cemetery Work a Spee1alt)' busses for the trip. to Arlington NaDr:. Tuttle of the Presbyterian Church Wm .J. Cartledge ~l1der theSmall direction of Mrs. Ar!hur Rob- tional Cemetery' and the Tomb of the is' entertainillg thl's week hl's Amherst· e'~~_ 1..... :'.':h~ S LIP C 0 V E R S I.1I1S011. I>osts of flowermg plants .... ....... . "' DR APE R I E S .... Sw• 1225 Ph v,-', Someth':n·g new· to' wear' · ·the.. ' b''est Spr:ng T'on:c you' can f:nd .•' b Muhlenberg Ave. Rutledge Housecleaning Needs I $17.50 DUSTING MOPS WAX, LIQUIDS AND PASTE POLISHES CHAMOIS BUCKETS BRUSHES DUSTERS CLEANING COMPOUNDS LADDERS I Suplee's Store I Sworthmore 105 I H. McClure and hcr committee are re. . . f I I '.' f I celvlIlg estllllates or t Ie p umulllg or 'I I G' I ~ 1.1 l' . I d h' t Ie Ir .,cout ~ousc all( It IS lope t IS ! will soon be installed. Paint has been I donatl"tl hy Mr. W. W. Mellon and the fathers of the Girl Scouts are going to 'paint the outside of the house on Satur! day afternoon. On Saturday morning Troop 16 will hike to Leiper's Quarry where they will cook their luncheon and study rocks and "minerals. Troop 6 will spend Saturday morning at Camp Tall Trees-the Girl Scout Camp near Media. 1£ the weather is clear they will bring their luncheons and lIleet at the \Volllan's Club at 9 :15. TrOOI) 194 invested Nancy Fawcett last week and on Friday of this week I they are planning to have supper at the Scollt House after their meeting in the a ftemoon, I so. CHESTER ROAD 1'..:==============1 .. <".......: ................ ..••.... .. . . ·..ilo • • beSide .' .1;i;if~~iJi Extension-6 " Child Health Day on Sunday Bus Line Probable What Do You Like to Eat? ~Lolltilll/ed JruIII 1'1JJJ~ For a fact-We, here at Ihe I\ledia Inn "get stuck" once in n while putting menus logether. For there is always, ond eternally~ Deef then of course, Lamb, Veal, and I"ork, and, in l)ouitry, all the standbys-Turkey, Chicken, Duck, Guinea, and whul not. 'But-Whut do you like best? Why nol tell us when you arc here, tell your waiter of something l)orticulur you like and give UII a chance to please you. Just nOllo'-Fresh Ducks and broiling chickens urc coming to the fore-Also (and good, too) "Sea Food" - Fresh LobsterBroiled os you like it. Shud and shad roc. Fresh "GOOley" Bass und Cope Moy Mackerel. Fresh Shrimp and SCaIlOI)S too - Deviled Crabs - Fresh Crab Salad and of course, Our own Filets of Flounder. Now, if you won't tell us what you want, just come up-Sit down at a table and let us do our best. We will be ready for you at any hou~7 A. M. 'liII midnite. The PaUoRIl. • •• Washington· Trip "'nn : -U New neckwear includ.. ing Spurroyal BUCHNER'S TOGGERY SHOP Swarthmore Park Avenue ~.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------_ .. CHILDREN'S PROGRAM AT MEDIA THEATRE "Puss in Boots" an operetta especially filmed for children will' be shown at the Media theatre tomorrow, Satur day, morning. The first performance will begin at 10 :15 and the second at 11 :45. Sixty-five children and principals take part in this picture which bas been widely endorsed by Parent-Teachers Associations throughout the country. ••• News Notes Mr. and Mrs. John E. Fricke and children, who havc becn spending the winter witht their mother, Mrs. Sargent Walter of Norih Chester road, have moved into their home on Hillborn avenue. Miss Bertha Lutz of Rio de Janiro who is studying riluseum educational mcthods in America and is the guest this Spring of the American Museum Association, spent the ';veek-end in Swarthmore at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. E. McClung. On their recent trip through South America, Miss Lutz guided Dr. and Mrs. McClung over the glorious mountain trip~ about Rio. Miss THE ALYS SHOP Dressmaking ·THE INGLENEUK The Friendly Tea House "QUITE THE MOST FASCINATING MEAL I HAVE EVER EATEN!" This was the comment of one of the guests at the Ingleneuk last Sunday niglit. In honor of Spring and Daylight Saving we are serving on Sunday Night from 5:00 until 7:00 what we call TEA TRAY Suite 5 1 Park Avenue SWARTHMORE 1611 The Ingleneuk COFFEE POT or CHOCOLATE BASKET M. EDITH McCREA ANNUAL DANCE CARNIVAL in Conjunction With Feature Photoplay MONDAY, MAY 2nd at 8.00 P. M. Doora Open at 6.30 P. M. Photoplay at 7.00 and 10.00 P_ M. Admiaaion: SOc-7Sc-$1.00 Tickets Now on Sale STANLEY Theatre On the porch, in the soft spring twilight" or in the pale candlelight of the Main Tea Room, newly decorated in jade and canary yellow, we invite you to enjoy an entirely new kind of Sunday supper, that is satisfying and delicious and has the charm of being entirely different. Chester, Pa. (Continued from Paae Or.~) I I !;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ _ _ White Flannel Trousers ----oIeMI.-4e_-- federation and the originator of the pilgrimage idea. Upon arrival at \Vashillgton. busses took the party to the White House, wherc they gathered in the South Garden. After Mrs. Hoover had greeted the officers and executive board of the county and the cherry blossom committee on the !south portico of the White House, Prcsident and Mrs. Hoover posed on the lawn in the ceiltcr of the group for a panI oramic picture. Mrs. J. E. Schuyler, in ,behalf of the federation, presented to • ~ DALTO. PIKE AT PROVo RD. Bell Phone 1280 Onl) The route through Swarthmore described by the Philadelphia and West Chester Traction Company applying for the franchise will bc up and down Chester road as far south c:s Fairview road where a turntable will be built in the VICllllty of Dailey's garage. From Swarthmore the buses will go down the Baltimore pike to Wycombe avenue in Lansdowne and over Marshall road, tong lane and Garrett road to 69th street. 1t will be a through trip, that is, it will be unnecessary for passengers to change bu~cs on the entire line. The iare for the entire trip wiil be two tcn cent fares. The lirst fare zone will be to Lansdowne avenue in Lansdowne. 'fhe second fare zone will be f rom that point to 69th s t r e e t. 1£ the franchise is granted the company plans to o[)cratc the buses on a half hour schedule from about 5 a. Ill. till 12 :30 P. M. There will be no bus stop signs erected as the vchicles will stop at each strcet' intersection. Fifty trip tickets will be sold and any, tickets not used may he redeemed at thc 69th street terminal. ~~ ~ ~'tU t"", woTr l • T'd l B ' tl t b' Ie J e asm was Ie nex 0 J ect' l'h I d d f' Ch T Ive. e lun re s 0 erry rees l t d b t th B . . f 111 I) an e a o.u e a5m were Ill. u bloom makmg an unforgetable P!ctl!re as they cl!hanced the b~aut~ and dlglllty of the Lmcoln Memorial 111 the backgr~unl d. . . . Fo lowmg supper. the party entramed for home pronouncll1g the day a memorable success. (Continued f,.o/l'l Palle One) may be sheltered in its own home and share family life during 19J2; each chila may have the essential food elements in each day's diet dut:ing 1932; each child lIlay have an adequate amount of clean and safe milk ill 1932; each child Illay ha\'C plenty of sunshine, sleep, rest and recreation; and that each infant in 1932 may be born healthy, of a healthy mother who will live to love her child and take care of her family." The churches and Sunday Schools of Swarthmore will participate in the program. ••• ..... .• til'rofNo. Lans40wne "Ye., Drexel mu. Pa. ed about the. cenotaph, amid ImpreSSive es E C N t d 't f (Opposite ArllnllOn' Cemeter)') gi\'l:n as pri~es. Tea and sandwiches, were silence, Mrs. Elmer, E .. Melick, Presi- sor . . or on, ean emer! us 0 Clearbrook 6880 served by girls from each Scout 1 roop. dent of Delaware County Federation laid I • , June A,·cry and Caroline Underwood I I I th th t b .-::--------------.---•••• ------------.------------------------------------------f T 16 I'I CI FI a lUge aure wrea upon e om , us- '.r I rOIll rool) , . orence eaves,' or-. h b 'f II . I d" t I . . I ence Garrett, Sylvia Forster, Carol IIlg t ese eauh u y Simp e wo~ s a IS'f 194 N P' the grave of the Unknown Soldier,. the ., . f G00d Will rom roop '. ancy rice, son of so m e unknown . mother, we ' Dorothy 'ffi Lueders, Ruth LIpman, Char. ters, wives . d d augI1t ers G . R ' f 100th ers, SIS an . , . , ., Iott e G n n, ene\'leve eavlS rom d' I . d' . ' 6 G' I f II tl t t stan 111 ovmg respect an appreciation. l roop. Ir s rom a Ie roops me A d I thO th h' on Thursday afternoon at the Woman's t n b as we p ace IS wrefa tUI pon liS Linen suits of the finGolf Knickers - $2 up tl CI b t h . d t bl d 0111, we earnes y pray or Ie ear y a es an consummation of the supreme hope of all u o. arrafnget1c alrs an est Belgian Linen, 4 h h h h II b wrap prizes or Ie par l y. TI d f tl' t d (th women everyw ere t at t ere s a e no, Sport Coats $10 pieces taUoredtomeasIe l)rOCCee so. liS !)ar y an 0 e more warfare on the face of the earth, I In Blue,. Tan and Brown Cake and andy Sale Will go toward the b t tI t P d G od ill h II be b I Girl Scout House Fund of which Mrs. u la eac~ an 0 W s a . e· l ure . l' reasurer. Hmrs.. G tween all natIOns throughout the entue A r th ur I...J 0 b'II1son IS Id .. ANNA SCHALLES :. ',' .\<:": •• I PACKARD LIGHT EIGHT Factory Price $1750 drive to the Harvard FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER Fried chicken or roasts, fresh vegetables; salad and dessert 1:00 to 2:30 , SSe Chops mid Roasts to order SUPPER A LA CARTE Soup; Waffles and Coffee 40c Chicken and Waffles 60c F. 'B. F RAN CIS m: ~~!';9R:OS~~ STS." CHESTER u======P=H=0=N=E=S=W=A=R=T=HM=O=R=E=14=9=====::!I\ 1 2 PHONE, CHESTER 9131