. Pa. VoL IV, No. 40 $2.50 Per Year Swarthmore, Pa., October 7, 1932 HOIUE AND SCHOOL WOMAN'S CLUB Final Date for Payment of MEETING MONDAY AYDELOTfE TELLS OF School Taxes Extended to Nov. 30 OPENS NEW LOUNGE FACULTY C~GES of Swarthmore who failfd However, it is possiblc that lhc installTwo Hundred Women of Bor- to Taxpayers pay their taxes by last Friday night, lI1("nl plan may be put into cffcct aftcr ough Attend Tea in New September 30, will be more than pleas- Dec. 1. This plan llrovidcs paymcnt of Social Room cd to hear that they will not be fined school taxes in four or six installments. five per cent. for paying school taxes Payment of the first installment is ac- ATIRACTIVELY FURNISHED later than that date. At a special meet- cepted as evidence that the person intends Th I h fi e new ounge on t erst floor of the Swarthmore W oma' n s CI u bh ouse . was offictally opened Tuesday afternoon wIlen n~arIy 200. women of Swar~hn,tore and thelr guests Inspected the furmshings and improvements m.ade during the past summer. The occasion also marked the beginning -of the 1932-33 program of the club. The entire first floor of the building has been utilized for the new room and the improvement meets a need which has existed since the completion of the building. In this new room, small committee meetings may be held, as well as social affairs and a variety of meetings for which the auditorium has not been entirely suitabl~. The lounge wil~ also be a great convemence for use durlllg dances and its attractive furnishings create cheerful, restful atmosphere which will be of great benefit to the social activities of the Woman's club and other organizations using the building. Curtains of th<:atrical gauze have been hung at the wllldows, the floors are painted a dark green and have been waxed, sets of bamboo furniture of colonial design have been artistically placed about the room, and black and brown rugs prove attractive floor coverings. The room furnishings also include tables, a lovely old Dutch settle painted black, and cushions. of . bright chintz. Lamp shades done in pastel colors by Mrs. Charles D. Mitch~1I also add to the charm ,of the setting. Two dressing rOOms' open from the .main room and are done in a flattering shade of old rose. The work in the room has gone on during the summer under the direction Qi. Mr~~les__ p..:JrQt_c;.h&H., ¥,rs,-.Wih -- - liatllEarte Klstler,- MISS -'Mildred' Simpers, Mrs. Jesse ..H .. Holmes, and Mrs. J. Horace Walter. (Continued on Pag, Six) _ .. •• • CENTURY CLUB OF CHESTER NEEDS HELP The Century Club of Chester, of which :Mrs.. Samuel C. Hanna of Swarthmore is the president, is devQting much of its time and energy to welfare work. The Chester Relief and Family Welfare Society has made the club a headquarters for relief work. Since there is no appropriation for maintaining a clerical force, Mrs. Hanna urges any Swarthmore women who feel that they can give a day or even a half a day each week to the extremely important work of making out food orders to .get in touch with her immediately. (Telephone: Swarthmore 686). The Chester Society has been allotted one thousand yards of goods by the Red Cross, and the Chester women are busy making garments for the needy. In this work, too, they would appreciate any help which the Swarthmore women can give them. .. ~ HONORS WORK AT COLLEGE TO BEGIN The formal opening of honors work for the year will take place in the Friends' Meeting House this afternoon at 3:00 p. m. Dean Brewster will speak. Honors students and members of the instructing staff who give honors instruc' tion are expected to attend, and other members of the College who are interested are most cordially invited. Honors instructors are requested to meet students in Whittier House, immediately following the address, for the final arrangement of seminars, Students should complete their registration at this time and secure on their Blue Card the signature of the Chairman of their major depattment and of their honors division. Two lectures, designed primarily for junior students, but open to all students, will be given by Professor Brand B1anshard on the following dates: 1. "Nature of Honors Study," Tuesday, October 11, at 11 :20 a. m. 2. "How to \V rite an Honors Paper," Thursday, October 13, 11:20 a. m. .... Founders' Day Speaker Jane Addams of settlement work fame in Chicago will be the principal speaker at Founders' Day program at tPe College Oct. 22. The theme of the program will be keeping with the 2SOth Anniversaty of the . landing of William Penn. A pageant will he presented by the students. ing of the School ,Board held last T hursday evening, correspondence from H ' b urg to Id 0 f the b'll . arrlS l Signed by the Governor August 27, providing tllat no fine be charged those who paid school taxes before December 1 instead of October 1 as formerly. Th .. I f I Th e. or~gtna purpose 0 ast ursday I1Ight s meeting was to pass a resolu~ion provi~il1g t.hat school taxes mIght be paid In mstallments. However when it was learned that no fine would be added until after Dec. 1, it was de~ided to postpone until a later date any. actIon as to payment of school taxes by Installments. to make the other payments. I f he fails k h to ma e t e second payment on time he is fined five pcrccnt and I'f he fal'ls to make half of the number of pa"ments on . oJ time, eight percent is added to his school tax bill. The Board also announced that all penatties on unpaid taxes of previous years would be abatted if the taxes were paid in full by Dec. 1. This bill passed by the Legislature at the last session is proving a great inducement to late taxpayers to pay their bills in fulf. To Tuesday night, $72,000 had been received in school taxes by Tax Collector Clara L. Taylor. This figure is slightly belo\v last year at the same time. TURTLE RETURNED PLAYERS' CLUB PREPARES . TO CRUM CREEK FOR OPENING PROGRAM , Swarthmore s famous snapping turtle caught by Roy W. Delaplaine in Crum Creek this sumnier protected -from the soup pot by Roy Lingle scorned by . . .: Dr. Wdham T. ElliS, admired by half the youngsters itt Swarthmore, has fin· ally been given its freedom once more. In deciding what should be done with the 25 pound smll>per, one of the largest ever caught in the local creek, Mr. Lingle was most persistant and was responsibJe for its release last week. From the very first, Mr. Lingle, who harbored the monster in his back yard, maintained that it deserved a better end than supplying soup to the residents of Cornell avenue. Mr. Delaplaine says- that making the turtle into soup was more humanitarian The first meeting of the Homc and School Association will bc hcld Monday c\'cning, Oct. 10, in thc auditorium of thc High school. The mecting will be in the naturc of a recclltion to thc new teachers. All parents of children attending the llUblic schools, whether members of the I}OI!1e and School Association or not, are II1vlted to be present and meet the teachers. Dr. Frank A. Williams, presid t '11 I f en, WI announce t Ie program 0 activities for the year and Frank A. 1IIorey • will tell ·about plans for the school program. Following the meeting there will be a social hour in charge of the Hospitality Committee of which Mrs. Frank A. Wil)jam is chairman. PUBLIC UBRARY GROWS STEADILIIV , •• .. Increase Over Last Year in Circulation of Adult hooks D The progress made by the Players' ADD M~ NEW BOOKS Club of Swarthmore has become k n o w n ' to many Little Theatre groups throughEvidently the depression has given out the country, Charles D. Mitchell, more people time to read for the records presidenl of the organization stated in a of the Swarthmore Public Library show letter to the membership Monday when that more books are continually being he announced the ambitious eight-play used. At the Fall meeting of the Library program scheduled for the coming sea- Board held on Monday evening the high son. spots in the Librarian's report were as When questioned, Mr. Mitchell said follows: that within the past week he met a man Circulation: A$1ult department-June, in New York City who follows the d~ 983 books; July, 1118 books; Aug., 1227 ings of the Players' Club with great in- books; and in September to Sept. 24, 950 terest. In fact, his own Little Theatre books, or a. total of 3328 books. Comgroup finds the local club's wor:k .!l stim-: parison with the: same months of last ulant. Other members report slmtiar re- year shows an increase of 623 books boradions. rowed.' ':This, ,~f course,". c~ntinued Mr. In the Juv~nile department, 1130 bo~ks Mitchell, IS most gratlfymg, and chal- 1 were loaned It:! the same summer period lenge~ .u.s ~~ to a full measure of our \ this year and 1021, last s~mm~r. ~he .tha!l.,.!~!!lFning)t:t~the_lT!urkr ':W~1el'!..~!.~pabl!!tles. .. ...'._ . number. _~f./~1~~ cards. m .c~rc:ulat!on C'rum -creek .but· he finally agreed to give .~Iit .~yers' ~eas0!I opens . the "tlrst at ~he pre:sent· [line -are -Hj2 and -'199 -}uthe turtle one more chance. If he again we~k of Nove""!b,~r With a. reVival! The vemle, or a- total of 1331 cards. Last gets onto the hook end of Mr. Dela- Thirteenth Chair, and will be directed year on Oct. 1 the total cards in circulaplaia's line Cornell avenue shall have by Roland G. E. UIlman. tion were 1186 or an improvement this soup, notwIthstanding Mr. _Lingle's love , •• year of 145. . . . of nature and things that crawl. CLASSES RESUMED New books ad~ed sl~ce May-90 adult News articles about the turtle have apIN ALL GRADES books and -51 ~llIld~en s books.. Among peared in newspapers as far north as the new magazmes 111 the readlllg room, Canada and as far south as Florida s i n c e . the latest acquisition is the Atlantic it was first described in The Swart"All classes m the Swarthmore Public Monthly. ",orea". schools a're scheduled to be in operation Assist.ants during the summer were this Monday·. The three primary grades Miss Margaret Cresson and Miss Irene and the kindergarten classes will attend Blaisdell. DISCUSSION GROUPS Books added to the Library recently for the first time ~fonday morning. The CHANGE TO SUNQAYS grades above the sixth began last ~[on- include: "Young Fu," by E. F. Lewis; day and the fourth, fifth and sixth grades "Calico Bush," by Rachel Field; "Two The Discussion groups which have met began on Wednesday. The original Children of Tyre," by L. A. Kent; every Monday evening during the past opening date of the schools was just one "Charlemonte Crest," by A. H. Seasummer at the home of Dr. and Mrs. month ago. Postponement was decided man; "Fleta," by C. Kahmann ; "Painted Jesse H. Holmes will be continued this upon foIl owing the recommendation of Arrow," by F. Gaither; "\Vhite Leopwinter. However, in order to take care Dr. Franklin S. GilI("sllie, head of _the ard," by Inglis Fletcher; "Moorland of the continually growing audiences, the Board of Health, 011 account of the Mousie," by Golden Gorse; "Elephant meetings will he held on Sunday evenings prevalence of infantile paralysis in King," by R. Campbell; "Red Prior's at Whittier House beginning promptly at Philadelphia and vicinity. No cases ap- Legacy," by A. H. Bill; "Luck of peared in Swarthmore, however. Lowry," by J. D. Bat:on; "Adventures 8 o'clock. . The three primary classes will report c.f Mario" by Waldeman Bonsels' At this Sunday evening's meeting, Dr. (ColStinu,d DIS Pag, Eight l ' R. C. Brooks, head of the Political Sci- at 8 :30 Monday morning and the kinderence Department at the College, will garten at 8 :45. • •• __ .--'. MUSIC ·COMMI'ITEE OF speak on "Russia," after which there LEGION TO MEET will be a general discussion. The public Bible Class Begins is invited . The first fall meeting of the :Men's The Music Committee of the Harold Next week Mary Windsor of HaverBible class of the Presbyterian Church Ainsworth Post of the American Legion ford will speak. Last :Monday evening Professor Clair will be held this Sunday. Dr. William I will meet on :Mol1day evening to make \Vilcox spoke upon the "Concentration T. Ellis will teach the class again this plans for the winter's activities, Frank winter and the theme of the first three R. Morey is chairman of this committee of Power." months' will be "Seeing These Times in and it is proposed to organize a man's chorus. the Light of the Bible." F. ••• I I ••• JUNIOR ASSE~IBLY PLANS DANCING CLASSES Wednesday evening th~re was a ?"eneral meeting of mothers mterested m t!le Junior Assembly. Instead of one chalrman this year it was decided to have several. Mrs. T. E. Hessenbruch, Mrs. Harold Griffin, Mrs. Leroy Mercer, Mrs. Alfred Gary White, Mrs. Arthur Mitchell and Mrs. E. O. Lange are the chairmen who have been selected. The Junior Assembly is a group of young people from 8 to 18 years of age interested in dancing. Classes will start on November 5 under the direction of ~{iss Edith McCrea. It is expecte~ that the arrangement of four groups wtll be the same as last year and it is announced that prices for the series will be lowered. •~• Given Lehigh Honor Gellert Spencer Alleman, alumnus of Swarthmore High School, has been awarded Sophomore Honors by the .facuIty of Lehigh University on the ~asls of his excelle.nt scholas!ic record durmg .the year 1931-32, accordmg to a com mUlllcation received yesterd.ay. by Frank R. Morey. supervising prmclpal of Swarthmore schqols. I RepuhIican T rend I n Th·IS C ounty • • GaInIng Ground Leaders Report Prospects that Delaware C:lUnty will give President Hoover one of the largest Republican majorities on November 8, of any county in Pennsylvania have gained steadily during the past week with meetings of the sectional Republican executive committees in the Radnor-Haverford Township sections ~{onday night, the Lansdowne section Tuesday night, the Chester pike district Wednesday night, and the Chester City district Thursday night. Monday evening the Media district will meet at the Armory. Political leaders in the county are still talking about the unprecedented attendance a'ld enthusiasm at the meeting of County Committeemen and \Vomen held last Wednesday at the Armory in Media. Attendance was without exception the largest at any Committee meeting in the recollection of those present. This is indicated to mean that the precinct workers are ready and anxious to repeat their usual performance of bringing in a record majority for the Republican presidential nominee. "The barometer of parry loyalty and confidence in President Hoover, has made a tremendous jump in this county since the meeting of the County Committeemen and \Vomen last \Vednesday," declared C. Edwin Hunter, chairman of the County committee yesterday ill an expression of pleasure at the progress being made. "The bold unsupported assertions and the vague and indefinite promises being made by the Democratir. presidential nominee are developing a fighting spirit among good Republicans everywhere. They are rallying to the support of President Hoover and are ready to t;!.ke a militant stand in defense of (Co "tin lied DIS Page Sevn) Five Members Return After Leaves of Absence; Four Promotions SEVEN NEW· ME~IBERS President Frank Aydelotte, at the • . f h F I f openmg meetmg 0 t e acu ty 0 S h C II . "I d 0 b wart more 0 ege on !' on ay, cto er 3, announced various changes in the Faculty and Administrative Staff for the college year 1932-33. Five members of the Faculty have returned from leaves of absence, one has been granted a leave for the first semester of 1932-33, four have been promoted to higher rank, seven new members have been appointed to the instructing staff, one new member has been appointed to the library staff, and two new members have been appointed to the administrative staff. Returning to the college after leaves of ab~ence last year are the following: Dr. William I. Hull, Howard M. Jenkins Professor of Quaker History, who spent four months in Geneva attending the Disarmament Conference called by the League of Nations; . Dr. Clara Price Newport, Professor of German, who spent the second semester in Germany; Professor H. J. M. Creighton, Chairman of the Department of Chemistry, who, during the year 1931-32, visited un iversities, technical schools, and ·chemicar industries in the British Isles, Switzerland, and Germany; Dr. Philip M. Hicks, Professor of English, wno' spent the year in literary work, mainly at -·the Huntington Library at San Merion, California; Dr. Mary Albertson, Assistant Professor of History, who devoted the second semester to research at the Record Office in London· and the British Museum, collecting material on "The Keepers and Constables of Castles" for a volume which is to appear in a series on "T~e.English. Government at· Work" to be publiirhed-6y the 'Xf~iliacvaI -:Acaaemy of America. . A leave of absence continues for Professor' Louis Cons, Chairman of the Department of Frenc~, who in 1931 was granted a tw?~years l~ve by the Board (Con"ISu,d 011 Pay. Thrtd. . • •• H. S. ELEVEN OPENS SEASON WITH MEDIA With only two players on the team who were among the first twenty-five men on last year's squad, Coach Ziegenfus' football team goes into act ion against Media this afternoon under a teriffie handicap. The worst blow that the high school eleven has suffered came during the past week when physicians announced that Captain Hoadley would be unable to play in the Media game on account of a bad knee. The line-up for Media's game to be played at Media at 3 :15 will probably be as follows: Wagner and Powell, ends; Lraemer and Feakins, tackles; Blaisdell and Brownell, guards; Dingle, center; Madison, quarterback; Maddox, a 11 d Whitaker, halfbacks; and Jack Taylor fullback. ••• Dr. Fred A. Brill Dr. Fred A. Brill, of 114 Park avenue died of a sudden heart attack while in Shamokin on \Vednesday evening. He will be buried in Lebanon, Pa. on Saturday. Dr. Brill served in the SpanishAmerican \Var in Puerta Rico, and in the World War in Base Hospital Number 91 in France, He and his family have lived in Swarthmore since 1917. Mr. Brill was 56 years of age and was an active member in the Fire Company and the American Legion. For the past two years he traveled about with a chain of dental offices. He is survived by his wife Sar"h E. Brill and five children, Fred, Jr. of Flourtown, Marion of Philadelphia, and Florence, Ruth and Kathryn of Swarthmore. ••• Fortnightly The Fortnightly will meet for the first time this season on Monday, Oct. 10th at the home of Mrs. Clifford, 306 S. Chester road, at 2 :30 o'clock. Members will give brief reviews of their summer reading. The book for review is "Saint Saterin" a remarkable picture of the home life of a French family living on an estate near Paris. The theme is quite out oi the ordinary in its setting and in the remarkable characterization. Mrs. Bishop will be the reviewer for the afternoon. Members are asked to remember dues. 2 THE .; II:' ::II!IIIIIIIIP:::IIIII·iI~:'iilllllli;:I·III"I'IIIPI~1111I~'II ,,' i til .. "1',1 :. :"" 11111" III ,111111 1111111III• ~III'~ ; I' Ii Among the students at the Peddie School, Hightstown, N. J., this year are Doone Dinsmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dinsmore, 227 Kenyon avenue, Swarthmore, and \Varrcn G. Conn, 603 Thayer Street, Ridley Park, 1'a., son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Norman COlin. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Boyce, missionaries under the Presbyterian Board in 'feherall, Persia, are making Swarthmore their hcad(IUarters during their furlough and have taken a furnished apartment in the house of \\rilliam B. Rutter on Swarthmore avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce will dC\'ote a large part of their time to presenting the work of the Persia 10.1 issiolls to churchcs and tnissionary societies in the eastern part of the United States. Mr. V. C. Herrin, a prominent mining engineer of Idaho Springs, Colorado, spcnt the last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. \Y. F. Bitler. Miss Anll \V. Orr, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. V. B. Orr, Mt. Holyoke Place, has been inducted into memberAttentionl Thorough Going Service Location-Chester Rd. & Fairview Atlantic "White Flash" No Waiting Tires. Checked, Etc. Interesting Prices Credit Cards Honored Gigan tic Power SWARTHMOREAN OCTOBER 7, 1932 The annual Student SUllpcr was held man Shoemaker, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar house. Representatives of the three major parties will speak. Ellwood J. at the R-:ctory on Tuesday evening of Gilcreest, Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald GibTurner, chairman of the Speakers' Com- this week. Assisting Mr. and Mrs. son, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sidney Johnmittee for the Republican party in East- Guenther in welcoming the young people son, and hir. and Mrs. Robert L. ern Pennsylvania is endeavoring to se- to Swarthmore were Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Coates. cure Franklin Spencer Edmonds. Phila- Lange and Mr. and Mrs. W. Minton Mr. Donato Colafemina leaves on OctThe Church Committee of ober 14th for the middle wcst where he delphia attorney, as the RCI)ublican Harvey. speaker. Dr. Jesse H. Holmes will speak young IJeOlJle, who were present included: will give several concerts in Chicago and for the Republican party and the Dern~ Betty Dickinson, Nancy Harvey, Jean- vicinity. ocratic Committee is also endeavoring to nctte Marr, Mary Alice LiBy, Margaret Mrs. A. F. Jackson returned on Tucs~ Cresson, Shirley Davis, Jerome Smith, line UJ) a good speaker day from 'Vinter Haven ·Florida, where 0l! Monday evening, O~t. 10, the Re- Raymond Walters, David Brearley, C1if~ she placed her daughter l-Ie1en in Rollins IJUbhcall County C(lmmltt~men and ford E. Mascr, Thomas G. Casey, Wil- College. 'Wom~1l from ~war~hmore ~I11 attend a liam D. Taylor, Everet Walters and E. Mrs. C. F. Wikoff has returned from committee rne~tlDg m ~edla to make Biddle Heg. • I a visit to Dayton, Ohio, and will spend l)lans for a big Repubhcan ral1y at the STORY HOUR TO the winter with her daughter, Mrs. WilCounty Seat .No.v. 2 to which Swartilliam Hanny. moreans are inVited. RESUME TIDS MONTH Dr. lola Kay Eastburn, formcrly head Nov. 4 has been tcntati.vc1y set as the of the language department of Brenau date for a. debate or series o~ talks ?y The Story Hour will start its winter College, Gainesville, Georgia, IS the represent~hves of th.e three major llart.les prog.ram the latter part of this ~llonth a~- guest of Mrs. Chester Roberts. at Clotluer MemOrial. Efforts to hne cordll1g I I • to Mrs. Roy L. Delaplame, presl•. . up good speakers [or this occasion arc dent. The first meeting witl bc devoted The Misses Ahce and Grace. Robinson, Engagement also being made. to the 250th anniversary of William '?aughters of Dr. and Mrs. LoUIS N. RobThe final two weeks of the campaign, Penn. A pageant will he IJresentcd. The 1I1son have returned from Tunkhannoc~, Mr. and Mrs. M. Atlce Ermold of several street meetings wilt be held in date will be announced later. Pa., and are enrolled as freshmen III Haddon Heights, N. J., have anllounced the center of the borough. Swarthmore College. , the engagement of their daughter }.fiss }.-(rs. Earl Cowan of \Vooster, Ohio, is Laura Evelyn Ermold and Mr. Donald S. S. Resumed the guest of Mrs. J. Donald Gibson of Haviland Brownell, son of Mr. and Mrs. GIRL SCOUTS TO John R. Brownell of Haverford Place. The Intermediate and Senior depart- Hilborn avenue. OPEN FALL PROGRAM ~liss Ermold is a gradUate of Hood Colments of the Presbyterian Sunday school lege, Frederick, :Md. Mr. Brownell atWith the ol)cning of schools the Girl. will be resumed this S~lJlday. CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY, OCT. tended the Grand Rapids Junior College, Scouts will resume their activities. • • Grand Uapids, Michigan, and was grad10. FOR RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY Troop 16 will hold its first mceting at uated from the University of Pentlsyl- the Girl Scout House on Saturday morvania. He is a member of the Phi Sigma Swarth. 761·762 ing, October 8 at nine o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Foote returned Free Delivery Kappa fraternity. Troop 194 will meet at the Scout recently from a visit to their son-in-law House this afternoon, October 7th at and daughter Dr. and )'frs. David Hand Methodist Ladies Aid 3:30., wbo reside at 321 Dryden avenue, Ithaca. Troop 6 will meet at the Woman's N. Y. Dr. Hand is teaching and doing The Ladies Aid Society of the Swarthresearch work in the bio-chemistry dc-----------------more Methodist Church. held its regular Clubhouse Saturday morning at 9 :30. pal"tment of Cornell University. monthly IUllcheon and business meeting "MY, THAT IS GOODI" Thc Girl Scout Bazaar will bch hcld at '£ rs. D Ias S 'mc Ialre - an d h er d aug II. d b E l l " aug , at the church parlors \Vednesday of I h 01' f ormerIY occuple That's what your family will say about t Ie s y t e • ng e t 'f' E t II S' I' '11'd' th . 0 b er 1\ ISS • sec mc alrc WI n e In e the good, wholesome, quality food you buy this week. The hostesses were Mrs. B k a cry on S aturday mornmg, cto cr B' h H II H Sh IS op 0 ow orse ow tomorrO\. here, and how they do enjoy it! Doesn't it Frank Windcll, Mrs. Walter J. Fritz, 22nd. Mrs. A. R. O. Redgravc, Mrs. O. L. t 'b t afternoon. E aCllr I G· I S cout 'IS as ked toconnue Th S . G fth S ' t f give you a real thrill when they say. "My. Shinn, and Mrs. M. E. ,Dinsmore. Plans articles (fancy work, cake, candy etc.) . e eWIng roup a e oele y 0 that is good!" were made for the fall bazaar and turkey t b d r ed t th I F 'd f Fnends meets as usual :cvery Wednesday Buy here at prices that also please you. e s lap on in ay a -I and they are busily preparing for their supper which will probably be held early t o e e tllver 21 at crnoon Ie s. B' . I So . I S ' F' I - h '11 in December. . Old clothing laundered and mended lenma N cIa b- erv3lcde. air, w lIC WI . b occur on ovem er r . • w!ll be acceptable at the Rummagc Ta Ic. Mis AI' B b' f H d POLITICAL MEETINGS Mrs. Arthur Robinson (Phone 573m) s Ice ar er 0 arvar avenue . f 'tt ho expects to spend several days of next FOR SWARTHMORE WI'11 ac t as ch airman 0 a comml ee w k ' N Y k C't will direct the work of the girls. w",.ej . m T eLw Clor t I Yf' H dd fi Id N ~\ISS . . anono a one, . Politics will grow. steadily warmer ..C·.... ·...T·O".. Many improvements have been added J. was the din?er guest of :Mr. and Mrs. from now until Nov. 8 according to plans of those interesting in placing speakers to the Girl Scout House this summer. Walter J. F~Itz of .College avenue. on ================~ 11;_ 35. [or their respective parties before the The plumbing has been installed the Tuesday eventng. MISS ,Clanton has Just RIB LAMB CHOPS Tender, Juicy Chops house has been painted, the fircplac~, the returned from ~ four months' sta:>: at her voters of this community. LOIN PORK CHOPS 11;.31. Friday evening Oct. 21, the SwartJl- gift of Mrs. Leonard Ashton, has been summer home III Owls Head, Maine. Best Center Cuts completed. Mr. George Bourdclais has Mrs. W. Ross Thomson and son are more League of \Vomen Voters will LOIN ROAST combine with the County League and made for the fireplace a wrought iron the ~uests of Dr. and 1\.{rs. W. R. Thom~ PORK Choice Center Cut-Tender sponsor a program at the woman's Club- crane designed with the Girl Scout in- son ID Warsaw, N. Y. SHOULDERS LAMB 11;.21. . itials. John W. Powell has given the .Mr. and Mrs. SapllJ!!1 M. Dodd ~nter­ DonetC6I1' Bprmlr LaDlb R."""t girls a victrola; Mrs. George Ashton has tal~ed at a house party. last week-end ~t RASPBERRIES BOl< 25. gh'en furniture and rugs, and Mrs. E. A. their summer home III Avon. Their Perfect Ripe Berrles-4 ServIngs Gillespie a piano. On October 29th the guests were Mr. and Mrs. \-Valter Rod- HAMBURG.SPINACH COMB. 49. 1 Lb. Selected Meat-Cleaned.-l servings house will be dedicated with appropriate ceremonies. ship in the Delta Delta Delta sorority at Bucknell University, where she is a member of the Sophomore class. Rev. and Mrs. William A., Ellis, of Boothwyn, spellt all of last week as guests of Dr. and Mrs. \VilIiam T. E.llis. Mr. E. Clayton Walton, Dr. William 1'. Ellis and his uncle, Rev. \Villiam A. Ellis, and Transit Director Charles E. Davis, of Philadelphia, motored to Bowers Beach last week-cnd for a day's fishing. Miss Lillian Kiesau and Miss Betty Hunter, of 400 Park ave., spellt last week-cnd in Annapolis, Md. Mrs. Lizzie DeArmond and her daughter, Miss Linda,' have returned from Ocean City New Jersey where they sIlcnt the ;ummer. Mrs.' DeArmond's health was much improved duriug their stay at the shore. . • • NEWS NOTES --'=-.........--- on Martel Bros. • • • I Always Stocked. Service Station Manager ROBERT BROOKS, Jr. •• NEW FALL WEARING APPAREL FOR MEN • *. - LEATHER COAT& CORDUROY TROUSERS FUNERAL New Shirts-$1.35 & up Ties-65c HOME New Fall Colors mid Fabrics Interwoven Hose-25c & up 33 West • Baltimore Ave. 'CLIFTON HJ,;IGHTS Buchner's Park Avenue M. F. Williams Madison 110 Swarthmore Two Unusual R ENTAL OPPORTUNITIES in Swarthmore Mrs. Henry C. Marshall's house on S[.uth Chester Road near the Sproul Bridge. The house is completely furnished; has six bedrooms, baths, hot watcr heat, beautiful shrubbery, kitchen garden, and garage for two cars. The house may be rented for a period of I or 1.0 years and the rental is much lower than it ought to be, but the owner is desirous of securing a satisfactory occupant during her absence. We can show the house ilt any timc by appointment. The view from cvery part of the house is beautiful, and the rental is so low that it is entirely out of proportion. There is tl olle story blmgaiou' 011 the property cOIl/aillillg thru bedI"{JfJIIlS, livillg room, dilJ;/lg room, kitchell, aud batk, with pipeleH heater, "which we are offering at $25.00 per mOllth. This bUllgalow illc/tltles flse of two car space i,l the oarll. ' ••• BETTER FRUITS, VEGETABLES Courses are now be'ing given for leaders at the Philadelphia Headquarters and anyone interested in the work of the Girl Scouts is invited to attend. I the W. Findlay Downs house on the no~th side of Ogden A\'cnue, the third house eastwardly from Swarthmore A\'enue in Swarthmore. This is an unusually attractive and desirable home. The first floor has an entrance hall, sun room, music room, living room, dining room, and kitchen, with fireplaces in living room and sun room. The second floor contains fi\'c bedrooms and two baths in additio~ to one Sen'Jnl'S room and bath. A two car detached garage is part of the propcrty. There is a brook and watcr dam on the casterly side of the house. Possession may be had after OClober I 5. Thc rental? It is actually too low to ad\'ertisc, but we arc desirous of having 29 E. FIFTH ST. the house occupied, and arc CHESTER, PA. offering this opportunity for complete home enjoyment for someone at a ,'cry low rental. Phot/e: Chester 6141 Sweeney & Clyde SUGAR PEAS Fresh White Juicy. Sweet SUNKIST ORANGES Trinity Notes 11;.29. Doz.19c New Florida GRAPEFRUIT The Choir, men and boys, will sing at the morning Service on Sunday, under the direction of Frederick A. Knapp, Choirmaster and Organinst. F. P. Byerly and \V. Minton Har\,ey have been elected members of the Vestry. The first meeting of the Woman's Guild was held on Monday afternoon to formulate plans for the winter's work. The Woman's Auxiliary will meet in the Parish House on Monday afternoon, October 10th at 2 :30 o'dock. Painting and Papering KIMMELL & SON Haverford * Pk.18. MUSHROOMS I WE ARE OFFERIN('; FOR RENT WE ARE ALSO OFFERING Fresh Plae~ Phone Sw. 632-J UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE RESTORING Fred J. Harley Custom Made Furniture Interior Decorating In All Its Branches LR. Size IDe All our fruits, vegetables are selected with the greatest care. They are fresher. of better quality, wholesome and healthful. Drinking Water SAFE AND PURE! The water we 8upply you with, comes from country streams, that ripple their way through miles of s1loshioe and 'cool shadows in far away hills and valleys. This water is then stored in great reservoirs from wlJich it goes into the "settling" or coagulating basins. Here in these great masonry receptacles it is "settled"••• so that ailt and other foreign matter sinks to the bottom • • • in just the same way that coffee grounds are settled in- your coffee.. Al~ this is :done so that we may safely; say to you • "CERTIFIED WATER from Pedigreed Streams" PHILADElPHIA SUBURBAN . WATER COMPANY Swarth. 1441 Would You Pay the Small Balance Due on a Fille NATIONALLY KNOWN BABY GRAND PIANO And of the "Pick of the Catch" only. Our seafood Is much more tastier-with its fresh from the water tangy goodness. Fresh Caught WEAKFISH ins'rumen, lor .he anaall balance due on lefUe, 'ra,her ,han bring it back .heir warerooms. lua' continue 3mall Il'eekly paymen,.. Thi. piano i. almo •• ' brand new and oDen exceptiona' value lor wmeone. Promp' aelion eRen.ia' ••• mu.t be mol'ed d.lain 10 day•• Write A. D. Mack, Dept. of Aerounl8, or Phone rEN. 3471 11;.190 Fresh Tasty 11;.19. PORGIES CUB RALLY TODAY Jack Mitchell as Senior Den Chief. MARKS SEASON'S OPENING Gordon Findlay continues as Pack Seribe; with Arthur Mitchell serving as Upon the advice of the local Board of director of handicraft exhibits, Thomson Health, the Swarthmore Cub Pack Little~eld as Treasurer and Gary Whi~e '11 d . as Hike-master. The scouts who will . . . actiVIties WI ge.t un er way on Friday serve as den chiefs are as follows: Den afternoon of thIS week, Oct 7. The I, Ted Hannum;' Den II, Jack Wright; meeting is being called by the Director Den III, Gordon Findlay; Den IV. Julof Cubbing, E. L. Terman. Four dis- ius Underwocd; Den V, Frank Myers; tinct groups of boys are being called for and Den VI, David Han. nu.m. As n, eed this meeting. The first group is to be deveIops f or t h e orgamzatlon 0 f other made up of Jhe boys who graduated from del!s~ dC1!chiefs will be chosen from a the local pack during its first year. The walhng hst of exc~lIent scouts. The. Pack Committee, under the chairfifteen boys in this group are: Albert Thatcher, Bud Mercer, John Miller, Bob manshlp of .Leonard C: As~ton, has as Shaw, Ted Hannum, Billy Paterson, m~bers b:sldes Dr. Gllleslne and Prof. Geoffry Dolman, Walter Scott, Preston Lilly DWight Cooley, John MarshaJI, Buckman, David Anderson, Louis Det- Georg~ Corse and Richard Haig. This loff, Victor Troxell. Chas. Parker, John co~nl1ttee ~Ians to hold its Fall organiRobinson, James Jackson and Billy Bul- zation meetll1g some time over the weeklock. end. The second group is to be made tip of I I all boys who have graduated or will graduate from Swarthmore Cubbing dur- MUSIC AND DRAMA ing the second year. The members of CLUB BEGINS WORK this group are: Bob White, George Collins, John Richards, Phil \Vitham, The Alusic and Drama Club of DelaThomas Littlefield, Robert Spencer, ware County aunounces the opening J ohn Craemer. of its sixth season in October. An atThe third group (over fifty) will be . I I made up of all registered Cubs who are tractIve sc tedu e of musical and dranine years of age or more and including matic productions has been arranged those who will not be twelve before Jan. and a busy and enjoyable winter is in I, 1933. The new boys of cub age (9-12) prospect for its lnembers. On Wednesday e"cnillg, October 12, who have moved into Swarthmore this summer and any boys who have become the Choral Section will meet for rcornine since last :May wilt constitute the ganization and the reception of new fourth group. members, at Room 410 Media-69th The first two groups wiJl report this Street Trust Co:, 6908 Market Street, year only at this first rally in order to Upper Darby. Singers who desire to participate in certain ceremonies which join the opera company wilt be welcomed at that time. are to be photographed Friday with the movie camera. Thl's I'S to be done so The Dramatic Section will assemble d' h' at the resl·delle•. of tIle d,'rector, "r. . t t b as 0 egm a permanen rccor 111 t IS lU form of all who have done and '''1'11 do Chas. F. Kennedy. 610 Shadeland Ave'. cubbing in the Swarthmore Pack. All nue, Drexel Hill, 011 Thursday evening, d Octobcr 6. Tllose ,"ho are I'nterested C b h h be S gra uate u s W 0, ave come couts I'n dramatl'c ,"ork ar"e ,"lvI'ted to attend will appear on Friday in their scout uni. '. forms. The group last mentioned above t h e meeting. Four plays are planned, will . register this week as candidates to including Ibsen's well known drama, become "Bobcats" at the second meeting Hedda Gabler, and the "Patsy," which of the pack on Friday, October 14. will be repeated: in response to many The third year of Cubbing with the rcquests. Swarthmore Pack, which is one of the The Choral Section will begin relargest in the United States, says Mr. hearsing The Chimes of Normandy for Terman, is to far excel that of the first production in January. As it is many and second years. years since this delightful old opera has Three new men have joined thc pack been heard in the vicinity of Philade1as associate cub:nasters. These are El- phia, considerable interest will undoubt~ liot Richardson, Oscar Nelson and Peter edly be manifested in its presentation Told. The first two of these men took this winter in Uppcr Darby. The opera the courSe for cubmasters given at the will be staged in the excellent profesScouters "pow-wow" at the Delmont Boy sional style for which the performances Scout Camp last weck-cnd. The mem- of The Music and Drama Club are be~ship__ p.f ,the Rack Committee is also justly famous. The ~ancing group and bemg strengthened with the additional the orchestra will be reorganized at a services of Prof. Scott Lilly and Dr. later date. Franklin Gillespie this year. An invitation to join the club, as New and additional Scouts are also Acth'c or Associate members, is exadding strength to the Cub activitif:5 this tellded to lovers of musI'c and the year. Ted Cook will lake the place of drama. Associate members have free - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 admission to all pcrformances. Alfred Electric Washer, Cleaner and H. Gonzalez. 224 Powcll Road. SprillgMotor Repairs field. is the Secretary. Experl Ser.ice Work Guaranleed • ,• Ask For Estimate Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kline and their ELECTRIC HOME SERVICE son John have returned to their home 350 Vassar Ave. on Rive:-view Road, aftcr spending two Phone Sw. 1191 months in New Hampshirc. - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ••• Welcome to Our Table Fresh 11;.19. HADDOCK FILLETS Eat Fish and Keep Fit Pkg.7. RICE KRISPIES Lb. Pkg.S. 4X SUGAR Pkg.19. SWANSDOWN FLOUR Pkg.19o LARGE RINSO 10 I.:b. Bag_ 45. SUGAR Genial, hospitable, friendly surroundings. Good things to eat, in a beautiful environment Appetizing Dinners 85 cents to $1.25. MONTCO WHITE TUNA 21e--3 for SSe StratL.Haven Finest ~elected steaks of fresh caught tuna. Fine texture. :Makes wonderful salads and sandwiches. Swar".more. Penna. BROOKFIELD EGGS THE INN WITH PERSONAUTY Doz..37c Selected Fresh Eggs MONTCO APPLE SAUCE tOc--3 Cans 29c delicioUS. smooth, home-made-Ilke Apple sauce, from hand picked, New York State apples. Stock your pantry at this price, Doz. $1.15. A E ac h..69e: BROILERS Young, Tender, Plump. Meaty Broilers MONTeo CRUSHED CORN 12e:-3 Can. 3Sc Finest delicious sweet corn, free of cob or silk. Get a dozen at this price. $1.39 doz. BACON, Lean Cuts 1I;.23c MONTCO ASPARAGUS Natural AU-Green IN YOUR WCALlTY? The Credit Manager 0/ a larlfe piano firm ",ill sell .his '0 THE SWARTHMOREAN FRESHER CAUGHT SEAFOOD Your I OCTOBER 7, 1932 290-2 Can. SSe DeUclous fresh from salads-as thick green spean-packed the fields. Make tempting a vegetable, tastier than fresh· Dozen cans $3.25 I MONTCO GRAPEFRUIT 17c~ Can. SOc Who.le segments of flnest Porto' Rican I __________________________________________________________ ~ ~s~~ 1306 CHESTNUT ST., PHILA. fruit:. Equal to 3 whole Iftpe fruit. Dozen .T.HOlJGHT lor Parents • •• Gt sick clulJ at nbJktl' OYlmtan LESS THAN A DIME A DAY emerqenclJ to face wltlwuta TELEPHONE You can have a telephone in your home for less than 10 cents a Gay! For the Monthly Rates call or inquire at the BUSINESS OFFICE or ask any BeU employee 'THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA ) Economics at Swarthmore in the year 1930-31. During the past year he completed his residence work at Columbia IUniversity for lh. Ph.D_ degree. In the b f P f F R .~ a sence 0 ro essor raser, aymobu T. Bowman. B.S.• and John W. Hoot, A.M .• will serve as part-time Instructors in Economics; both of them are Instruc~ tors in Economics at the Wharton School '0f t he U' . of Pennsylvania. flIverslty Frances Reinhold, A.B., Swarthmore, .1932, has resigned the Lucretia Mott Fellowship in order to become an As~ si5tant in the Department of Political Science. Miss Reinhold graduated from the college last Jw.e with Highest Honors in the Division of thc Social Scicnces. She entered Swarthmore in 19,28 as the Alumnae Scholar, was appointed L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I, to a White Open Scholarship in 1930. and was awarded the Lucretia Mott FellowPermits Issued ship just prior to gradualion. Catharine J. Pierce has becn addcd to Two Permits were issued today, by Dr.' the Library Staff. Mrs. Pierce rcceived Theodore B. Appel, Secretary, of Health, the A.B. degree at the North Carolina to S~varthmore College, Swarthmore, ap~ College for Women and the degrees of pr~vlll~ the operation of existing indoor B.S. and M.S. in Library Science at sWlmmmg pools known as "Swarthmore Columbia University. She has taught College Men's Po01" and "Swarthmore I for three summers in the School of LI-. C Gollege \Vomell's Pool" located in the' brary Science at Columbia Uni"ers,'ty yml1a~ium BUilding of the college. and comes to Swarthmore from tha ColBathmg Place Permits officially issuedJ lege of William and Mary. now llumlJcr 315, representing about one-Ion the Administrative Staff, Inez !ourth of tJ~e estimated number of bath· Coulter Russell, A.B. Swarthmore, 1925, 109 .pla~es 10 the commonwealth. The has been appointcd Assistant Secretary appltcahons on file. however, number to the Dean of the College. Wilhelmyna over 800. M. Poole, formerly Stenographer to the I • Dean, has been transferred to the direcCollege Faculty Changes torship of the Stenographic Bureau, suc~ ceeding Emeline H. Nickles who resign(Co"'lfl.~4 11''''' peg. 0..,) ed in June. ' of Managers to become a member of the 'f AD' f I 'f .ll" rs. nna elllllson, orrner y 1\ at ron Faculty of the Graduate School of Col- 0 f W or th H a II ,an . d" A G umbia University. Professor Herbert M "£ t f WI 1nrs. t H IInna. h . . callS, II a ron 0 tar on a, ave Fraser, Chairman of the Department of retired 'f rs P " N '11 h b Economics, will be absent on leave for . t d"t ~rtryth,,,aDc el ef Was een appom e 0 assls e ean 0 omen. the first semester, 1932.33, and will spend Mrs. ,MacNeilJe has attended Smith th e t',me III . th e B" . ntis h I s Ies stud Ylllgi College and Columbia University and has economic conditions. Promotions in the Faculty include the following: Walter J. Scott, Instructor I !iii in Physiology and Zoology, becomes AsJ For sistant Professor of Physiology and Zoology; Dr. Lydia Baer, Instructor in German, becomes Assistant Professor of German; N. Roland Pennock. Instructor! Incinerators in Political Science, becomes Assistant I Professor of Political Science; Avery Fire Buckets Blake, Assistant in Physical Education Ash Cans for Men, becomes Instructor in Physical Education for Men. I Flashlights As previously announced, Professor Ethel Hampson Brewster, Chairman of the Department of Greek and Latin, will be Acting Dean of the College for the Up Academic year 1932-33, to fill temporar11 So. Chester Rd. ily the vacancy occasioned by the reHilb School Cirb' Hockel' S.hedule 1932 Oct. 6 Haverford ....... Home 0 ct. 13 Lansdowne .•...• Away Oct. 20 Darby ........... Away Oct. Z1 Media ........... Away Nov. I Springfield ....... Away NN ov. 5 Alumnae ......... Home ov. 10 Lower Merion .... Home ~ov. 12 George School '" Away ov.17 Upper Darby •. , •. Away Nov. 22 Ridley Park ...... Away Miss Virginia Allen is coaching the Hockey team again this year. Home games to be played on the field bel}ind College avenue building beginning immediately after school is dismissed. I I I I I . studied in Switzerland under lung, the psychologist. She has recently been an active member of the school board at Summit, New Jersey. Holbrook M. M ac N el'11e, I t ' "th t' s nstruc or m _ma ema IC , and Stephen M. MacNeille of the Class of 1933, are her sons. Mrs. MacNeille will assist Dean Blanshard and will reside in \Vorth Hall. The administration . d of Wharton Hall has been reorgam~e under the general direction of the House Director. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ BACHMANS QU.' ALITY MARKET :n YALE & KENYON AVES. Swa. lS3 ---------------- L· 28 om Lamb ChOpS Legs Spring Lamb ' 20 12 , Shoulders Lamb Neck of Lamb 10 Round Steaks or Roast 25 Rump Steaks or Roast Standing Rib Roast Best CutS Fresh Ground Beef I Baeon Ib k lLZ • P g. ,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iVj,IF h S res ausage Scrapple Fire Prevention Week Ivory Soap Medium Size S' I ee' sore 5t 7'J. 28 25 18 10 18 11 5 15 2 large bars Camay Toilet Soap 5 df sit Gorton's reaciy-to-fry Co i 10 Mrs. Morrison's Puddings 3 for 25 Wheatena pkg. Borden's } 3 tall cans Evap. Milk 6 small cans Cloverbloom Buller 1 2 17 19 25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_================~ signation of Dean Raymond Walters, who has become President of the Uni- _ J versity of Cincinnati; and Professor Everett Hunt of the Department of Ellg-1 Jish will be Acting Dean of :Men to fill the place of Dcan Alan C. Valentine who 1 ,TEAM WORK rcsigned to become Master of Pierson !1 College at Yale University. Dr. S. Herschel Coffin, the well-kllown SUCCESSFUL wedded life is largely due to perfect team-work. psychologist, will be Acting Professor of The 1\[on makes. The Woman saves. Very few poor men have Psycho1ogr, dividing his time between ever become rich men without the help of their wives. Swarthmore College and Pcndcl Hill, th e Quaker graduate center for Social and WhERE the husband applies himself diligently to labor and the Religious Study at Wallingford. Dr wife applies herself with equal diligence to conservation of the Coffin was graduated at Penn College, Iowa, in 1902, with the B. S. degree, and family resources it almost inevitably follows that wealth is took the degrce of Ph.D. at COJ:'nell Uniaccumulated in bank. versity in 1908. He has taught Phitosophy at Earlham College and Psychol...-...-...-...-...--..... ogy at Mt. Holyoke._ Since 1923 he has .. been Dean of Whittier College, Whittier, California. He is the author of books entitled "The Socialized Conscience", "Persollality ill the Making". and "The .J. 1 Soul Comes Back." Dr. Robert Kendall Enders becomes I Assistant Professor of Zoology. Dr. r - . _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ._....._.... __ _.._... _ _._..._..._...--....__.. _________ __" _ _ _ . _ . _ Enders first attended \Vooster College, took the degree of A.B. at the University of Michigan in 1925, and the degree of Ph.D. in 1927. He has taught in the Department of Biology at the University )f Michigan, Union College, and Missouri Valley College. In the summer of 1930, he served as Mammalogist for the' Bureau of Scientific Research of the Conservation Commission of Ohio. From 1930 to 1932, he was a Fellow of the National Research Council, engaged in the Embryology Department of the Carnegie Institute of Washington and the Institute Coursing the highways hour by hour, for Research in Tropical America. Magic Plymouth with "Floating Power" Dr. Detlev \V. Bronk, of the University of Pennsylvania, joins the SwarthRushing along like a living thing, more Fa.cutty for the second time, becomStraightening the curves like an opening ing Lecturer in the Department of Physiology and Zoology. Professor Bronk spring. took his A. B. degree at Swarthmore Climbing the mountains without a stop. College in 1920; he received the degree of M. S. at the University of Michigan Fifty an hour as we cross the top. in 1922 and the degree of Ph.D. in 1925. Floating along where the roadways reach, After teaching at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Little Plymouth you are a Peach. :\[ichigan, he became Assistant Professor of Physiology and Bio-Physics at E.C. Walton Swarthmore College in 1926 and was Associate Professor and Dean of 'Men from 1927 to 1929. ·He is now Johnson Professor of Bio-Physics at the University of Pennsylvania and director of the Eldridge Reeves Johnson Foundation. He has contributed many articles to scientific journals. . Patrick Malin, B.S. in EconomiCS, 1924 University of Pennsylvania, returns to the Department of Economics as instructor. Mr. Malin was Instructor in r-..----·--------..-----.---------.-.-.-...-....-....-..---l I 1 I 1 l 1 l I l 1 1 l l l . Swarthmore National Bank n and m rust uompany ..-..~.-... Here's What One Swarthmore Plymouth Owner Says: HANNUM &. WAITE CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH SALES & SERVICE SO. CHESTER RD. & YAlE AVE., SWARTHMORE, PA, I ! . OCTOBER 7 1932 THE SWARTHMOREAN BACK TO SCHOOL AGAIN THE SWARTHMOREAN PuhU.hed Every FrIday 81 Swarthmore Pa ROBERT E SHARPLES Editor and Publ..her .8 FRIDAY OC10BER 7 1932 of 8 foot to a point thence extendlnK south 8 :tty elgbt deg ees fifty s x minutes cast one bUDdl cd foTty (our feet and nfty one hundredth8 or a foot to a po nt n tho center Ine or 0 d Po est rood the fint feet wide thence a ong the orth s de of mentioned point Bod p ace of beglnn og Ba t more avenue the fa lowing COUr&e3 Imp ovementa consist of two story stooe ond d stances south 69 degrees 53 mtnutes wcst 34 84 feet south 53 deg ees 35 m nutes house 18x32 fect two story frame addl on 3x14 fcc one sto '/ frame add t on west 10 56 feet to • po nt R corner of ands now or Rte of W Pc c a Johnson a d 4x8 feet po ch r ont garage 8x20 teet Se ets HoUman Estate thence 0 ong ne So d as the pope ty of Pall Inc Hagen between la cis now a ate of W Pc c va Johlllion and the Se ers Hollman Estate b uch rno tgago ond V neent P Co 0 no th 1:1 deg ees 16 m nutes 52 seconds eal owner west 106 35 feet the ce no th 53 degree3 Cond t 001>-$250 00 ensh or cort fled check 35 m nutes ast 11812 feet and thence 60uth 36 dog ces 25 m nutes east 1 478 on day of sale ba noco In ten days Fu the eond tons announced at sale feet to beg n g By "release of mortgage bear Dg date the made by James J Moore C vll Eng neer 1st day of May 1928 and reco ded In Re dated OCtobe 15 1926 beK nning at a point lease of Mo !gage Book No 50 page 320 on the nor b side 01 Ral rno e avenue at &0 A that ce tan oto peeofgound the dlHtance of 11 feet southwestward from w th the bu d ngs and mpro ementa the southwest 8 de of a p oposed street 4J SHERIFF'S SALES Phone Swarthmore 900 En ere(l IS til{>re of su piclou5 f{>nr )011:>; II t I l l Ilt.:ltl\ I tllnlll II \11 rl: lItl(kr since it is In th~ power to it Iulr{> ,,\hat rl:Ct.lIt ,nue Below Hanard ~en ices 11 00 A M ---.eunda} School 11 00 A 1\1 ~unda} LeS! on Sermon \Vednesdnj e,cning meeting each week 8 p m Re Idlng room open dally except Sunda, lId 10Uda\s 1 to .J in the after ll( 011 0hl reh t"difice AU are cordially tmltcd to nttend sen ices nnd use the Reading Room e \11 11)\ SlId\S c(' 1100 i\f Ig\V TI I tiel '! HE FIRST THIN( t IRS'! 500 \( per TIll' Pa tor Preacl (' C.REAT TRUTHS OR D!'\U'\ T \SKS 6 OU-Ym ng Woman s Guild _ _ _ _ _7:..:,00 -Yo llg P(>ople II 1r z Ellen Tuttle D D P tor Al 0 f 11 thnt ccrtnln nd "itll til bulllln~ t" OWN 1 t'lected Itu It In Laus l! Ie afOlt"sald and dc crlbl I in accord IC(, \\Ith a Ur\cl Iud pll la t \)o\e nu ntlol1(,( f 110\\ B ghu il ~ at a point 1 the outh" e t side of D Fore t ro d I" the dl tance OJ 2922 f( et 01 tl1«\ t fr m po nt of cine It tll(' Inter ('ctlon of tl e o Itl "e t "Ide of DuFor£' t roacl "ttl til£' outllea t Ide of Gladstone road thel ce Iiong: tile south est side of DePor t roa'.! ( n a c Ir\ e of \ h1ch Is 780 feet the ell tance of 71 feet tl1('n~e north 61 degree 18 ml tlte 4 seconds \\e t 7446 feet thence lortl 55 degree 13 mhn te 51 seconds \ e t 20 feet tI cnce HOI th 45 degrees '0\ min t{>s 27 ec ndn cast 11 98 f~et thence north 4'; d (;rees 5;, minutes 33 eeonds \cst 10 fcet thence north no degrees 17 min tes 31 sec onds ea~t 86 fect and thence 0\ til 89 de gru s 42 minutes 29 seconds {>ast 8387 feet to the fir t men honed pain t and plnce of beginning !,:r 11 B~ release of mortgage bearing date the 8th d ~ of Febn arl 19"l8 and recorded h Release of Mortgage Book No 50 page 9-1: e &c \11 that certain lot or piece of ground With the buildmg and impro\enlent" thereon erected situate in Lansdo vue Del No Implo\ements Vacant gro md a" are Co nty Peullsyl\ anla beginning ut a point all the so theast sldc 01 Gladstone Sold as tl e propertl of W Perch LI John (f road at the distal ce of 18~ 13 feet south son mortgagor and Cln~ ton A Dietz trus J .111 west from the point of clin c formed by tee in bankr Iptcy for Estate of W Perci\al ',-,,,, •. ,.,,.,.,,;.. H II the illter"ection of the so Itheast side of Johnson real 0 vner 1 I GladstOl e road \, til the outhwcst side of I \ t Eldon road thence Illong tb.e so ltheast Conditlons-$1 50000 cash or certified It side of GlldstOl e road on a cune the check 011 d Y of sale 1 aJanee In ten da\s 11 r (' rudl\ls of \\ hich 820 feet II distance of 1 Further condltlOl s annOlllce I at sale ) t 32 teet thel ce so ah 4 .. degrucs 55 minutes 33 seconds east 86 ti6 feet thence north 45 Also all tllat certain lot or plcce of JOHN B MILLER A torne~ deJ.;recs 4 minute "7 seconds east 32 feet and thence north ·H degrees 55 minutes 33 ground With the b Illdlugs Ilnd ImprO\e ments thereon erected ~It te In Lan Le\afl FacllS scconds wcst 8666 feet to the first mcn downe nforC'sald Ilnd descnbed In accord tioned pomt and Ilaee of beginning Term 193" ance with the aforesaid un ('l and I Ian t I I By rel('a5e of mortgage 1 ear ng date the as follows to wit Deghln ng at a point on 24th (Ill of Jan 1 rv 1928 and recorded In the east side of WIlIO\\ brook a\e ute lt the I, Release of Mortgage Book No 50 pnge 12 distance of 5-12 fcet 1101 th \ ard from the I &e All that certal lot or Ilece of ground north side of Daltunore a\enlle thcl ce ex ) \\1th the bulldl gs and imprmemellto; t ndlng along san! east Side of WilloW on;","'·' I thereon erected Sit Ltc iu 1 a sdowne Del brook Il\euue north 15 d(>gree 2 m illites I aware CaUl ty Pc lsyl\anla begiunlng at 2'1 s('conds west 32 feet th c(> north 7~ a t 2739 feet to the \ (' I" dc of I at a point on the lOrth \e5t Side of Glad \Vindeunere terrac( ea t and thence along I stone road at th(' dista lce of 22628 feet the west side of Windermere terrace east I sottth" (' t from p nt of cun e fonned b\ til(' folIo vlng ('our en nd d stanC<' all a I I inten>ectton of til(' lortln\(" t SIde of Glad cune the mdl IS of which is 18006 feet thl' \ stone road "lUI the onUn\ e I" ide of <11 tallce of 5;) 89 feet and north 16 dc n Eldon road tlH'lK along the uorth\\est g:rees 50 minutes "e I" ~5 feet to th(' fin;t Ide of Glad tOile toad 011 a eune til.(> muntlOlled point and place of be mlns: 80 fcet therec distance of fa dl IS 0 f \\11ieh I 4-1 de 55 nun Also all that certain lot or piece of te tdl} E?; north \enty se\en degre(>s se\en 3204 feC't th~ICC I orJ~\3 f('etl\llence north gro u d "Itll tll(, hulldh gs and ImproH~ t('en minutes \'('51, one hundred thirty lUlle utes 33 sec0l4 s \~ t 2 seconds cast 32 me It..<; th('reon ('fected situate In Lans feet and nlnet\ t\\O one hundredths of a 45 d(>grecS m 1 e j d rce:; 55 min rto VIH' III tile COltllt of D<'ia\\are and foot to a point thence ext('ndlng north fee and thence ltll H f cg to the Ilrst. State of Penus,hmda and descnbed in J Ne\en de~reC' elghteC'n minutes east slxt~ utes 33 cconds c td 9 106 e("'bC<>ill"lng accordance "Ith a Sllr e\ and plan thereof four feet and nit et, two one hundr('dths mentiDned pOInt all pace 0 ., '1 SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN Jol By relea e of mortgnge bealing dnte the 19th d Y of Aug t 1929 and le('CJrdcd 11 Release of Mortg \ge Book No 58 I tgc 29 &c All that certl in lot or piece of ground with the building and ImprO\umellts thereon erected SIt mt(> u Lan do.. e III the Co Illt~ of DeJa'\: are m d State of Pe n s~h ,min and described in ccorduncc '\ltll a sun cy nnd plan thereof made by DnmO! & Foster Ch I E 19l1 ecrs dated 1\1 \fell 9 1925 a follo\\s to "It Beginning t a point on the "est Ide of Wi\lo"brook f\\e nue at the dl5tUl1~e of 543148 feet north from the north side of B \Itimore a\ enue tlwncc along: the \\est side of Wlllo\\ brook a\enuc no t11 15 degree 2 millut(' 22 sec onds west 31 16-1: feet thence south 74 de ~rees 57 mltn tes 38 second "est 8934 feet thence south 14 degrecs 59 minute ..0 ee ouds cast 31 164 feet and tllcnee north 74 degrees 57 minute 38 s£'co lds east 8937 feet to the first mentioned POll1t al d place of beginning n I he I l\I-MID WEEK l Re\ I I 945-CHURCH SCHOOL All departments 'Ill meet 011 Sundav 110Q-WORSHIP AND SERMON FACING THE ISSUE 745-WORSHIP AND SERMON WAITING FOR THE TIDE 11-1 t It\ in A CO;tDIAL INVITATION IS GIVEN TO THE STUDENTS ON THE HILL TO THE SUNDAY SERVICES \\l'1l \\111 -Meetll1~ for \\orshlp mceting house WEDNESDAY 9 30 A M to 2 301M -Sewing and Quilt Ing in Whittier House Box luncheoll cd ifl1lch "llIll ls l\.'[ D relea of mortgu",l' I cal it J.; date t1 c 19th dal of St"ptemiJer 19')8 d rpc r 1(> I III ReleasC' of Mortgage Book No 51 page 182 &c All tl t t' It In lot or P t;c gro td \ILh tI c bll I(ling: and Impro t' meuts tl Neo 1 ereetert t ttl' lit Llanerch n tl e To\\ lsi Ip of HI Hrford n tl e COt I ty of Deln\\atc nd Statt' of Penn \ I unla beg HI ill", at fl lolnt 011 tll(' soutl "e:;t side of Valle., road Ilt the dL tance of 44037 feet 1l0rth\H t of Purk road tl {HCe along: the so Itll\\e~t ide of V i1('~ roa I the folloWll.., co Ir (' 1 d dlst nc on c\ r e the r tCU\ of" hlcll i 192012 fe{>t a d t nce of 1206 feet thence north 31 de grees 48 min t( 20 eco els \H t 43 i('('t tlwnce ~outh 61 deg ('(' 10 mil te 40 scconds \U t lti~ 2 f{' t to the nortl (' nt side of a 15 It ct wide dn e, l tI cne£' ,IOllg ame sout 1 28 de[.lree 49 m 1\ t(' 20 econd ast 55 het thenc(' nO! til t 1 (\~ gr('{>s 10 minute ~O ::;eeo1)11 ea t 16307 feet to beginning III F a or fI con rt I rf'al I I I nil on Poor I , I TT BR \ItOfl Jon~ J C \I~ Siwrlff 6 OCTOBER 7, 1932 THE SWARTHMORBAN VARIED OFFEWNGS AT HEDGEROW Four ddierent nationalities are the sources for the exceptionally interesting and varied offerIngs next week at the Hedgerow Theatre in Rose Valley, including two new plays just added to the repertory of this versatile company. The delightful modern SI)anish comedy by G. Martinez Sierra, with the universal appeal of the love of a Wife for a ne'erdo-well husband \\ ho over night becomes a national hero by winnmg an aeroplane race, is the latest production "Wife to a Famous Man", opening tomorrow night, will be repeated on Monday and Tuesday I11ghts With Miriam Phlllil)S, Alfred Rowe, Mildred LeWIS, Don Shelton, and Helen Craig in the prinCipal roles On Wednesday night comes "The D.A." by Anthony "elller, a swiftly mo\ing and timely American comedy, which ironically reveals some of the influences brought to bear all elections of public servants. Carl Reukauff and Catherme Rieser carry the chief roles of the successful criminal law)cr and his secre- lary. The prodUClion for Thursday evemng is Albert Bem's "The Heavenly Express", a play which merges realism and fantasy through the lives of American railroad men. The tempestuous farce, "The Physician in Spite of Himself" by the famous Frenchman Moliere will be given one of its infrequent performances on Friday night, and on Saturday the grippmg Russian drama which might best he described as a mood play, "The Sea Gull" by Chekhov will be presented I I S. p. C. A. Meeting northeastward from the northeaaterly stete Woman's Club .,egins ot Pelton avenue. (PUt,. teet Wide). Containing In tront or breadth on the said. Parker avenue. seventeen t8'3t, eleven (CD"Ii.... ,,, I~"'" Pdg, 0.,) Incbes, and extending ot that width In Tea was served Tuesday afternoon in length or deptb nortbwcatwardly, between parallel lines at right angles, to the Aid the auditorium which also apl)eared to Parker avenue, 1ltty te4!t1 to a certaln proposed ten feet wide nnveway, wblch exadvantage wit h c h air 5 artistically Beginning at a point in northwetlterlJ' aide tends southwestwardly Into Felton avenue. Parker avenue. grouped and flowers used in profusion. of Oxford road tbe distance of two hundred Being premises The officers of the club received, those Bnd t\1;enty·ftve feet southwestwardl, from the Together with the tree and common use, 10 line being, Mrs. Kistler. Mrs. Roland southwestwardly Bide of Pembroke road, elt· right, liberty and prlvllege of the aforetending thence &outbwesty;ardly alOIlir tbe drIveway, as and tor a drIveway and L. Eaton, AIrs. J. Warren Paxson. Mrs. said Oxford road nfty feet to a point. thence said pB868.geway, in common with the owners, north\\(>atwartUy 011 a line at right angles to tenants and occupiers ot the other lots Mrs. John Detlefsen, Mrs. J. H. Walter, aaid road one hundred. and twenty·five feet of ground abutting tbeJ'eon, at all times, and Mrs William Hanny. to a Jloiol. thence northeastwardly on a line hereafter, forever. erected. IUuate In tbe Township of Haverford. Count)" of Delaware and State of PeDD871vanla, and known and de.lgnated as Lot, 63 and M. in Block No 12. on the plan of "Broo1llioo". recorded In the Offlce for tbe Recording of Deeds in and for Delawnre County aforeaald. In Deed Book )I. No 12. P83'G 024. and more particularly described .a folloWB, to wit: Four past presidents served tea during parallel with said Oxford road on,. feet to and thence southeastwardly on a line Improvements consist of 10 houses each the afternoon: Mrs. Jesse Herman aat point. right angle8 to laid Oxford road ODe hun· two-story brIck and stucco buUdlngs, 16x Holmes, Mrs. Robert L. Coales, Mrs. dretl and twenty·flve feel to the first men· 50 feet. Store tronts. tioned point and place o[ beS'lnnlng The September meetlllg of The Del- Martm Young, and Mrs. Lovett FresBold. as the property of Marcus A. Benn. coin Mrs. C. C. West, the new chalrImllro\emenh consist of ~wo and one half COndltlons-.$I.500.00 cash or certlfled aware County Society for the Prevcn- man of hospitality. and her committee, IItor) IItonc and frame house. 27x27 feel Porch (ront. One.story stuC('O addition. 8:11:27 check on day of sale; balam::e In ten daya. tion of Cruelty to Animals was held the chairmen of other committees, and feet. Frame garage, 18%18 feet Further conditions announced at sale. thiS week 2t headquarters III Media members of the Board, acted as hostesses throughout the afternoon. The August meeting being omitted, reTuesday evemng the Junior section of ports for July and August were sub- the Club held a get-together card party mitted by the Chairman of the several in the new lounge Enough members and committees The Superintendent's re- guests were present to make sixteen tables of bridge The first meetmg of [)ort showed 69 compla1l1ts of animal t~e club will be held the second Tuesday abuse \\ere inveStigated and corrective in November. measures applied. Four arrests were The followmg delegates named by the made, With fines Imposed i the causes Junior section will attend the meetings bClIIg rUllnlllg over and II1Jurmg al1i-. of the State Federahon of Woman's mals by auto, working unfit horses,' Cluhs next week III Philadelphia. Miss and neglect of dog. One disabled horse Mildred Simpers and Miss Eleanor Ken"as humanely killed to prevent Its nedy. Alternates, MISS Martha Keighfurther suffermg and use ton and Mrs. Sally Ammerman 371 calls \.. ere answered by ambuA number of JUniors have expressed lance, a total of 944 small animals be- their 111iention of going on the PilgnmII1g rescued and handled at the Shelter age to West Pomt being sponsored by mcludmg 314 dogs, 622 cats, 7 wll1t~ JUllIor sections in and near Phdadelphl~, mice and 1 rabbit, the majority being ?ct. 23. The cost of the round trll) IS homeless, unwanted, or disabled 13 yS. MISS Simpers wll.t be glad to furlost dogs were returned to owncrs, tlIsh details to anyone mterested. mamly through identification by IiLiterature Section cense tags Additional water buckets The Literature Section started its were placed 011 pikeS' and crossroads, work With a meetmg on last Tuesday. increaslllg the number of such stations Mrs. Robert L Coates handled the profor refreshment of large and small gram With articles by and about Robert 1 alllmais. The Important subject of Frost. A fee of two dollars will be teaching kindness to ammais among charged for th1S sectIon lor the year to children will be resumed on re-opemng non-members With a single charge of of schools. fifty cents. Sold as the In'ol~rtl' of Edwanl Scharnl. HOWARD M. LUTZ, Attorney. kow and lIb-Ta Scharnlkow Conditioll8-$250 CDsh or certiRed check on No. 135 day o[ sale: balance In len days Further Pieri Facias colllhtLons announced at sale. September Term. 1932 KINGSLEY MONTGOMERY. Attornl'Y All that certain lot or piece of grouna with the buildings and lmprovements thereon erected. situate at Drexel HUl. Township of Upper Darby, County of Delll~ Fieri FaCias No 08 ware and State of Pennsylvania, and described 88 tollows, to wit: Septembl'r Tcrm, 1032 Beginning at a point on the northwest All tllllse certain tcn lotl/l or piel:'es of side of Lasher road (40 feet wide) at the gruund 'nth the bulldml;s and improvements dIstance of tour hundred eighty feet and IheN'oll eN'clcd. situate 10 the Borough 01 fourteen one-hundredthB of a foot northCollingdale. Dela"are County. Pennsylvania, east from the northeast side of Creek road (40 feet Wide) Containing In front or and deBCl"lbed as lollo~s breadth on said Lasher road twenty-five The first thereot oogJnninS" at a point on feet and extending of that width In length the l1orlh"cst sldo of Parker avenue -(seventy or depth northWest hetween parallel lines teet "hie) at the dlelame of eighteen feet. at rIght angles to said Lasher road one fh e Inch{'s, norlheuetwanl from tbe north hundred feet to the middle line of a eaeterly side of Felton avenue (fifty fcct wide). twelVe foot wide driveway WhIch extends COlltaiuing in (rant or breadth on the &Did northeast and southwest frOm Creek road Parker avenuc. seventeen (cct. eleven inehE's. to Vernon road (Being No 4037 Lasher and e:ll:lendoo. of that Width In length or depth road). 110rlh" esho; ardly. between parallel line8 at Under and SUbject to certain conditions right angle8 to the said Parker avenue. flfty and as In Deed Book No. 724, feet to a (crtaln proposed ten foet wide drive Page restrictions 386. \1;3.Y, "hl(b extends 80uth"estwardly lnlo Fel~ ton :nenue Being- premises No Parkcr Also subject to the payment of a cer.. avenue taln mortgage debt or principal sum of tour thousand dollars, with Interest The second thereof begmnlng at a. pomt the~on Oil the north"est side of Parker avenue. (aelenty feet wide) at the distance of thirty Together with the free use. right, libsix feet four IncheR northeastward (rom the erty and privilege of the aforesaid twelve 1I0rthl'asterly side of Felton avenue (fi(ty foot wide driveway In common with the feet "Ide) Containing In front or breadth on ownera. tenants and occupiers of the premthe said Parker avenue, seventeen feet eleven ises adjoining and abutting thereon as and Inches. and edendmg of that width In length for a passageway and driveway at aU or dcpth northwestwardly. between parallel times hereafter forever. Hnea at right angles to the said Parker ave To Increase its humane work, the Executive Committee Improvements consist of two and ono nul.', filly feet. to a certlin proposed ten feet Delaware County Society earnestly rewide drivewny. ~ hich e%tends southwestwardly half story stone and stucco house. 15x33 A meetmg of the Executive board of fnlo Felton avenue BeJng premises feet Porch front Two-story stucco addiquests additional subscrtblllg members, the Woman's Club was held at the home Parker tion, 4x8 feet Basement gamge. avenue. the annual dues be111g but $100, no of the president, Mrs. Wliham Earle Sold as the property of Anthony P. Barth!rd thereof beginning at a point on rett and Anna Mabel Barrett, his wife. further duties bemg obligatory. Kistler, on Wednesday morning. Mrs. theThe north\1;est side o( Parker avenue (seventy - - - - - - - - - ' " - - - - - - - I R L. Coales, Mrs. J. H. Holmes, Mrs leet wide), at the distance of fifty (our feet. Condltlons-$250 00 cash or certified check Clifford Buck, Mrs. A. G. White, Mrs. three inches northeastward from the north· on day of sale, balance In ten days Furside o[ Felton avenue (fifty feet ther conditions announced at sale. H. A. Peirsol and Mrs Joseph Seal were easterly wide) Containing in (rant or breadth on the appointed delegates to the State Federa- Sl1ul Parker avenue, seventeen (eet. eleven HOWARn M LUTZ. Attorney. Inches. and extending of that \1;ldth In length tIOn meeting which IS to convene on or JOHN J. CAIN, depth norlhwestwardly. between parallel Tuesday at the Belvue-Slratford and lines at right angles to the said Parker ave· 9-30~3t Sheriff through Friday. After a gen- nUe, fifty (eet to a certain proposed ten (eet wide driveway, which extends southwardly eral discussion, it was deCided to waive Into Felton avenue Being premises .....- - 1 initiation and reinstatement dues for this Parker avenue wmter. It was also dcclded to adhere to The lourth thereof beginnIng at Il point the bylaws of the club for the comIng on the northWest .side of Parker avenue (sev· MEDIA LAUNDRY. INC. year; that all members must show their enly (eel \1; ide) at the dlstp:nce of 8C\enty feet '\1;0 inches northeastward trom the tickets of admisslOll as they enter, "resi_ t'ftO northea81erly side o( Felton a\'enUe (fifty dents of Swarthmore who are not mem- (eet wide) Contahung In front or breadth PHONE MEDIA 174 bers of the Club may be invited to one on the said Parker avenue seventeen (eet ··SERVING SWARTHMORE eleven inches, and extending of that width meeting only during the club year, and in hmgth or depth northwestwardly betwccn SUCCESSFULLY SINCE 1900·· then upon the InVitation of the PresI- IJarallel hnes at rlght angles to the said Par· avenuc. filty feet to a certain proposed dent" and that members are priVIleged to ker FINISHED tcn feet \1;lde drneway. which extends south· brmg non-reSident guests tWice durmg west"'nrdly Into Felton avcnue Belllg premt8es LAUNDRY SERVICE Parker m..enuc the year. I PETROLEUM COKE Phone Chester 2·4612 • Order your lupply of "SINCLAIR" Petroleum Coke from uo and be aalured of prompt, efficient, and careful deliveriel. DIAMOND ICE & FUEL CO. Yard 2nd & TUg1,man Sts. r=================::::; SHERIFFS SALES Sheflff Sales o( Real Eslate When Winter Comes- At the Sheriff's Office. Court House, Media. Pcnnsylvama. Saturday. October 22. 1032. 9 30 o'clock A :M. Eastern Standard Time Fieri FaCIas No 1775 June Term. 1932 All thai cntalll lot or PICce of land with the messuage or tenement thereon ereeted sItuate 111 the Township of Spring-fiehl Dela .... are COUllly. Pl'nna said lot bclllg- lot 60, bounded and dcsctlbcd accordlllS" to a survey tbl'I"eo( made by Franklin and COml)::my on Februarl' 24, 1922. recorded at Media 111 Case 2, page O. DS follows , \ Let the furnace /ire itself! I Your neighbors who heat with gas, about this time of the year, stroll downstairs and touch a match to ;1 tiny pilot in their furnaces. That is their sote contribution to the Msk of heating the house. GAS HOUSE HEATING is completely automatic.Whynotiet w make asurvey and give you an estimate on the cost of heating your home with gas1 You will incur no obligation. As low as Easy Monthly Terms $264 installed Ask for Free Estimate PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY All Our Suburban Stores OT .see ),our Plumber or Heating Contractor Beglnmng- at a pomt on the north .... est side of PO\1;ell a\·enue as Widened to the Width o[ (orty two (eet (42') by the additIon o( nine (eet on the Jlorth\\est Side or Po\\ell avenue, snul )lo'nt of beginning bemg- fi\e hundred and [orty three (543') south~cst from pomt of Intersection of north'ftest SIUC o( PO\1;ell a\'enuc lind the l1orth~est Side of Saxer ave nue (as Widened to the Width of forty five feet by addition o( twelve (eet on the west SIde of Saxer a\"enue). said pomt of beginDIng being a corner o( lot 49 on said plan. thl:nec along tbe northwest Side o( Powell al""enue south flfty three degrees. twelve minutes. ten seconds (53 12' 10") west tlf;enty. five (eet to a pomt a corn!'!r of lot 51 on said plan, tbence by a hne nortb thlrlJ; SIX degTCes forty seven minutes fifty seconds (30 0 47' 60") west one hundred and sixty feet to a. point In line o( lands o[ the MerIOn Title and TrUst Company o( Ardmore Pa. thence by a. line north fifty three degrees. twelv!'! minutes. ten seconds «J30 12' 10") cttst tWenty·five feet 10 a pomt, a corner oC Jot 49 on said plan: thenc::c by line liIoutb thirly,slx degrees. forty ee10en mlnutcs, fifty seconds (36 0 47' 50") cast and passing through the center line o( a party \\all between t'"'O ndJOlDlng dwelling hou!'Cs one hundred and sixty feet to place of bc~nlllng 0 The fifth thereof beginning at a. polm on the northWest side of Parker avenUe (selenty (eet wide) at the distance of ninety leet, one Inch, northeastward (rom the northeasterly side of Feltoll avenue (fifty feet Wide) Con· taming )II (ront or breadth on the said Parker avellue. 88\ enleen (eel eleven Inches ami extending- of that ~ldth In length or depth Ilorth\\elltwardly bet\\eep paralleJ lines at right an.:lcs to the said Parker avenue flfty feet, to a ("crtaln proposed ten feet wlde drive· way. "blch extend3 southwestwanlly in Fel. tall avenue Bemg premiscs Parker avenue The Sixth thereof bcglllnln!f at a pomt on the 110rth\\est Side oC ,Parker avenue (sav enty feet \1;lde) at the dlstanCtJ of ore hund red eight fect norlheJLStwardly from the northeasterly side 01 Felton avenue (tift, feet wide) Containing 111 front or breadth I on the said Parker avenue, seventeen (eet elev("n inches anti extendmg of that Width In length or depth northv;e&t\1;ardly between par· allel lines at right angles to the salt! Parker avenue fifty [eet to a cerlwll proposed ten feet Ydde driveway, which extends southwcstwardly mto Felton avenue. BeJng premises Parker avenue. I I to have your old battery fixed up, when you can buy a new Firestone for only $5.95 with your old battery? , The eighth thereot. beglnnlng at a point on the northwest sIde of Parker avenue. (seventy feet wide), at the distance of one hundred. forty-three feet, ten Inches, northeastward from the northeasterly side of Felton avenue, (fifty feet Wide). COntaining In front or breadth on the said Parker avenue. seventeen feet, eleven Inches, and extending of that width lL length or depth northwestwardly, between parallel lines at right angles, to the said Parker avenue, fifty feet, to a certain proposed. ten feet wide driveway, which extends southwestwardly into Felton avenue Be1ng premlses Parker avenue The tenth thereof. beginning at a point on the northwest side of Parker avenue, All those eertam lots or piece8 of ground (seventy feet \VIde) at the distance of one witb the bulldinp and Improvements thereon hundred. seventy-nine feet,. eight Inches. 1932 7 THE SWARTHMOREAN Bengal tigcrs from Asiatic '~llds a perIod of t\\cnty years. One such enthUSiastiC mass mectlllg in the final IS shown at death gTlIJS with a 1\\0 weeks precedmg the general elee-I tl,irtY-frOhtl Ivory Tratl" is pOSSibly the best known~ well heated bedroom Apply 306 South i Manoa Inn, Oct. 25, Upper Darby when one considers the cost of equilP-1 Chester Rd. (.C01Ifinucd 0" Pdge Eight) BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE trict, Oct. 26, place to be announced ping an expedltlOn, SlllPPlIlg the anim.al, ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;~ LIBRARY TAX FOR SALE later. Lansdowne and surrounding and the risk and years of experience communities, Oct 28 at the New Cen- involved, accordlllg to Frank Buck, NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE FOR SALE-NarclsauB Bulbs. mixed varieties HELD NOVlPIBER 8. 1932 tury Club; Chester pike boroughs, Nov.lw·hclSe thrilling "Bring 'Em Back Alive," 151.' dozen Wm J. CresBon. :12 Amherst Notice Is hereby given thnt a public elec· A'e tlon wlll be held Tuesdlll', No1Oember 8th, 1 at the Prospect Park high school j RKO-RadlO Picture, comes to the 11)32. bet\1;ecn the hours o( se\en a m. and Chester and VICllUty, Nov. 4 at the Lansdowne Theatre this Fnday and POSITION WANTED 6e\ en pm. Eastern Standard Time. at the TODAY (FRIDAY) and SATURDAY regular Uoiling places of the Borough of Masonic Temple and Media and Vlcm· Saturday, October 7-8 Yet, :hir Buck lty, Nov. 2 at the Media Armory brought in more than one hundred Delaware Counl). Pennsylvania. Swarthmnre. POSITION WANTED-Position as House· keeper or Companion: or care of semI· filtcd [or the holtlmg of general and special Each meeting of this week was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'-Im·aUd. b) a woman of etl.ucaUon and re- electioJns marked by an almost 100 percent atThe purpose o( the sllld election i8 to ob finement. who Is experienced and thoroughly cOllllwtent III above line of ""ork Ahm ex- Inin the assent of the electot.9 o( said Dorough tendance of Committeemen and Women o[ Swarthmore to the reduction of the rate o[ ('Cl'ellt (ook Re(erences Phone Sw 126D.J 'WIt.RN~R BROS. the Library Tax. now bein; le10 led by said and a compehtive spirit is rapidly deDorough. from ono hill! (Y.i) mill on the dol~ I __-'.:....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _'~ BOARD W'ANTED lar. or five cents (5c) on everyone hundred dollars ($100). of lbc asse.!lst:d valuation o( COUNTY OF DELAWARE BOARD WANTED-Second year College Boy taxable property Within said Dorough, to 1111 Notice wants board Central WrIte Box C. annual rale of one fourth (1~) mill on the PROSPECT PARK, PA. Swarthmorean Office dollar, or two and ono hall rents (2:,4c) on with FRIDAY AND SATURDAY everyone hundred dollaril ($100) of said Tom Brown, H. B. Worner, Slim assessed \ aJuaUon Frank Buck's ALBERT N GARRETl'. JR. I ~~;~ Secrctary I, Summerville, Richard Cromwell LOST-New Football helmet at Rutgers avenue School grounds Kindly return to WILL1AM R LANDIS -Added EnJoymentDurge88 Btuy Thorpe, 329 DIckinson Ave. Ford Sterling Comedy. LOST-Black and White setter lost Friday, ESTATE OF MARGARET B S PALMER. Robert L. Ripley's late of the Borough of Swarthmore, DeSeptember 30. J P Brown, 528 Walnut Lane Swarthmore 271-J. ceased. E:ltra! "Believe It or Not"" Letters Laurel and Hardy Comedy Carloon. having LOST-Redd18h Brown large Cocher SpanIel answering to name of Teddy. E H all persons NEXT WEEK Taylor, 300 Harvard Ave. Sw..rthmore quested to Extra Added western Feature Ing claims MONDAY AND TUESDAY 1035-M delay. to SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY SAM,UEL C PALMER, PERSONAL Executor, K.en Maynard in 612 Ogden Avenue. In Swarthmore. Fa HATS DRAPED or remodeled Dressmaking "TWO GUN MEN" Bids will not be accepted except on form "RED HEADED WOMA.N" and Alterations 510 Swarthmore Ave Or to his Attorney of proposal furnished by the County. Each A 3~ Hour Show Starting at 1.30 CHARLES PALMER Esq, Phone 312-J. with Chesler Morris bid JDust be accompanied. WIth a certifled Chester. Pa check of $200 00. which. or the proceeds 10-7-6t NEXT WEEK-WEDNESDAY thereof. wlll be retained by the County as MONDAY AND TUESDAY llquldated damages In case of ta!lure to exFOR RENT IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE ecute contract and bond as required by Joan Blondell-Stuart Erwin COUNTY OF DELAWARE the general conditions and speciflcatloIUI Desirable first lIoor apartment. 3 Estate of David Schwartz, deceased Each bid must be sealed and plainly "MAKE ME A STAR" Notice Is hereby given that Clara marked "Bid for TrUcks" or words to thst bed rooms. $90 a monlh. Centrally Schwartz. widow of the said decedent, has effect and must be delivered at the above located. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY filed In the said Court her petition claim- specified offtce of the Controller on or be~ wIth Ing property of the decedent to the value fore 10 o'clock A M. (Eastern Standard of $500 00, as provided by S"'ctiflD 12 of the TIme) on the above speclfted date, Bnd JACKOAKIE E. C. WALTON FiduciarIes Act of 1917. and that the same should be addressed to the underalgned as W. C. Fields-Lyda Roberla may be approved by the Court on t;be 10th follows JAMES T. STEWART, day of October, 1932, unless exceptiOns NEXT WEEK-THURSDAY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION County Controller thereto be filed before that time HOWARD KIRK. Court Bouse, Media. Pa. 1O-7-3t Modem 4 Bedroom, 2 ear. garage 9-30-2t Attorney for Petltloner. 860, reduced from 880. 6 room and with garage $55. 6 room '50. 5 room m3TATE OF HEllIE F. WATSON, deceased. JOAN BLONDELL Letters Testamentary on the above Apartment '55. Estate have been granted to the underStuart Erwin WM. S_ BI'lTLE signed, who request all persons havlng ~~~~.~;'.-ci~t:;b,,;' Matinee Dally at 1.30 Notary Public Real BUate claims or dema.nds against the Estate of the decedent to make known the same, Swa. Ill-J and all peraons Indebted to the decedent to make payment. without delay to GEORGE J WATSON, 412 N. Chester Road, A Warner Bros. Theatre Swarthmore. Pa. A WARNER THEATRE Or to his Attorney, R W. ARCHBALD, she,e". NNo~''';;.;rtijl";,d· Jr. 1012 Stephen Girard Building, PhilaDetached frame house Eight rooms N delphia. Pennsylvania & bath 4 bedrooms 2 car garage COmmissioners reserve the 9-2-6t. Corner lot Flue ahrubbery. A-I conany or all bids Lansdowne Avenue &: Baltimore Pike JAMES T STEWART, dition $90 per month. THEATRE ESTATE EDWARD E DRAVO. deceased late County Controller Detached stucco house 7 rooms o[ SWDJ'thmore, Delaware Counly. PcnIlSJ'l· 10-7-3t THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY DREXEL HILL, PA. and bath. Nice lot, ahrubbery. Good vama condition. $55 per month. Frank Buck's DELAWARE COUNTY Letter8 Testamcntary on tbe above Eslate Sealed proposals wtll be received at the have been granted 10 the undersigned. who Detached house furnished 6 rooms THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 'BRING 'EM BACK ALIVE' Controller's Office. Media, Fa., untU request all persons h3\ lng c)alms or demands County and bath. 1 car garage. Good loca10.00 A M. and pUblicly opened at 11 00 against the Estate of the decedent to make tion. $75 per month Frank Buck's M on Tuesday, October 11. 1932 for BIG KIDDY SHOW SAT. 1 P. M. known the same. and aU persons mdebted to A. fUrn1shlng two hundred thirty-five (235) All Klddles Admitted 3rd floor apartment 6 rooms and the decedent to make payment wUhout delay, sets of election supplies for election to be 'BRING 'EM BACK A.LlVE' bath. Hardwood floors Hot water to held November 8, 1932 DetaUs on file In MONDAY AND TUESDAY heat. Janitor service $45 per month. CHARLES A DRA YO and the County" Commlssionera' Office. Warren William in THE REAL ESTATE TRUST CO Two large garages Heated. light The County Commissioners reserve -NEXT WEEKo( Philadelphia. Executors right to reJect any or all bids. Fatui Baldwin's sensational Novel ,nd water. Station Square. SECor Broad &; Chestnut Sts. JAMES T. STEWART. MONDAY AND TUESDAY "SKYSCRAPER SOULS" Detached stucco house 6 rooms Phllad{'lphia Penna County Controller and bath Front and side porch with I\laureen O'Su11lvan Or to Ihf'lr AUnTJl\l, NewboUI1!' Butler Jack Hoh-Ralph Gra\'cs Large lot Ideal location $60 per & Grubb. 1318 Real Estate Trust Blllld \\orth month WEDNESDAY mg. Philadeltlh13 Pa 'WAR CORRESPONDENT' Jack Holt and Ralph Graves Swarthmore 12 room house Old DI06t colonial style. Wonderful shade. 1 lhe inseparable? pals in acre of ground In good s'lape $100 ESTATE OF FRANK L BITLER. deceased WEDNESDAY-l Day Only per month. 'WAR CORRESPONDENT' Letters TestamenbU'Y on the above Estate with LUa Lee have been granted to the understgned.. who Joan Blondell-Sloart Erwin request all persons having claims or deTHURSDAY mands a.ga.lnst the astate of the decedent 3 story frame and stucco dwelling "MAKE ME A STA.R" to make known the same, and all persons at Secane, Pa, containing large Genevieve Tobin Indebted to the decedent to make payment, Piece of ground. Fine shrubbery and blonde charmer in One Hour all conveniences Price $3500 Sold to without delay. ~IAM P BITLER. With You-Pat O"Brien In TBURSDAY-l Day OnIy settle an estate 300 COrnell Avenue. "HOLLYWOOD SPEAKS" swarthmore. Warren William Delaware County. Pa. Or to his Attorney, Commissioners reserve the "SKYSCRAPER SOULS" CHAS. A. SMITII JAMES W. LAWS Esq. any Ilr all bids 918 Land Tttle Building, JAMES T. STEWART, 'Phone Swarthmore 70S county COntroller. Phua.delphla, Pa. 9230t IIEALTH SOCIETY TO GET §IIARE OF FUNDS Association, 50 per cent. This organization embraces the territory from the western boundary line of Marcus Hook 'fhe allocation of funds to the va- and extends 10 the Philadelphia city rIOUS relief organizatIOns in Delaware line and north as far as Nether Provi· dence township. In this area there arc county, as approved by the State Em- 2370 families deoendent upon relief. ergency Relief Board, of which AttorMcdia Comm-unity Center, which ncy) H. Ward Hmkson, is chairman, embraces the greatest geographical terntor), extending from Ha\'erford \' as announced last week. township to the southwest tip of the The Community Heallh Sociely of county, receives 10 per ct:nt., to care Central Delaware County, which em- for 400 families. braces a populous section along the The remainder IS diVided as follows. Chester pike and 111 Darby and SprIng- Community W clfare Association of field Township, and has its headquar- Lower Delaware County, 200 families, terS 111 borough hall, Swarthmore, IS 5%: per cent. Family Welfare ;t.llotted 5~ per cent. to caf"e for 200 tion of Eastern De~awarc County, em{.tIllllies. braclllg the Eastern section of the Chester Rehef and Family Welfare county, including the greater part of Upper Darby township, 725 famihes, 17 per cent; Main LlIle FcderatlOn of Churches, 200 famIlies, 5 per cent; Neighborhood League of Wayne, 150 FOR RENT famdies, 3%: per cent, and the Upper FOR RENT-Elm Apartments. 3rd Boor. Darby Relief ASSOCiation, 150 famllics, Corner Park and R. R. Ave. Six rooms and bath Hardward floors. Hot water heat. 3y.i per cent Janitor service C. A Smith. phone 705. ThiS diVision was made after an exh(:ushve survey ahd ulveshgahon by FOR RENT-Bmall furnished apartment StrIctly private and Modern. Garage on members of the State Emergency Repremises 'Phone Swarthmore 24. hef Board. It being based, not on pop· FOR RENT-Third Floor apartment. Bed- ulation or area, but by the number of room, bath, kitchenette, l1ving room, garage Attractive rooms on second fioor dependents III any section • l Call avallable, single or connecting Swarthmore 773-R or 335-W. Bach Society NEEDLEWORK GUILD EXHIBIT OCT. 26 \ clOl)Jug among the six sections to see , .. Inch can arrange the largest and most CLASSIFIED M~E~R~R BRING 'EM BACK ALIVE! Jean, Harlow Million Dollar Legs Make Me a Star I The seventh thereof begtnning at a pOint on the northwest side of Parker avenue, (seventy feet WIde) at the distance of one hundred twenty-flve feet, eleven Inches, northeastward from the northeasterly side of Felton avenue, (fifty feet wide) Containing In front or breadth on the said Parker avenue, seventeen feet. eleven Inches, and extendln~ of that width In length or depth northwestwardly between parallel lines at right ,angles, to the said Parker avenue, fifty feet, to a certain proposed ten feet wide driveway, which extends southwestwardly Into Felton avenue. Being premlses Parker avenue. Imllro'enwuls COIiSISt of t\\O and one half The ninth thereof, beginning at a point slor) stucco house. 16x33 feet, porch front: one story stucco addihon. 12:11:0 feet, frame on the northWest side of Parker avenue, (seventy feet wide), at the distance of one garage. 12xlS feet. hundred sixty-one feet, nine inches, north~ Sold as the property 01 Joseph J Lanahan eastward from the northeBl;terl}' side of Felton avenue, (FIfty feet wide). Containand 10Iarla D Lanahan. hiS wI(e Ing In front or breadtb on the said Parker Condltions-S250 00 cash or Cf'rtdlcd check avenue, seventeen teet, eleven Inches. and On day o( sale, balance in ten days Further extending of that widtH. In length or depth northwestWardly, between parallel lines at conditions announced at sale right angles, to the said Parker avenue, fifty feet, to a eertaln proposed ten feet KINGSLEY MONTGOMERY, Attorney. wide driveway. which extends south\VestwardIy Into Felton avenue Being premises Fieri Facias No 1971 Parker avenue. June Term 1032 Does It Pay OCTOBER RENT -WAVE RLy Does Your Car seem sluggish and miss on several cylinders when you first start the engine or after it is warmed up? Firestone will cure that. Wentzel Motors Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore 596 SALE LA ~h~tr?...?uti! E f~hmol'e THE SWARTHMOREAN 8 ~[r. News Notes ~Iiss Clara Bond Taylor 01 Ithaca, N. Y., is expected to arrive tomorrO\v to be the guest of her mother Mrs. William C. Taylor. On Sunday evening ~1iss Taylor ",HI be hostess to the Young \Vomcn's Guild of the Presbyterian Church at a buffet supper after \\hich she will give her report on the Slh'cr Bay Conference \"thich she attended this summer as a delegate from the Guild. ~lr. and Mrs. John M. Ogden and son have returned from New York City where the,) spent several days last week. ~lr. and Mrs. E. E. Pyle of Vassar avenue were \Veek~end guests of Dr. and Mrs. Clarencc Pyle of \Vest Orange, N. to their home on North Chester road. John Brcarly, son '0£ Mr. and Mrs. Wmiam Brearly of Vassar avenue, left last week for Fishburne Military Academy. \ViIliam Breariy, Jr., is attending the United States Military Academy at \Vest Point, N. Y., and David Brearly a student at Swarthmore College. Mrs. Harold G. Griffin of Rutgers avcnue entertained at luncheon on Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Thomas \V. Andrew, the occasion being Mrs. Andrew's eIghtieth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Corse of Baltllllorc, who are taking a honeymoon trip through the East, were guests oi Mr. Corse's brother, George Corse of J. Yale avcnue, 011 Wednesday. Mr. and AIrs. Dean Parker and famMrs Julia Bishop of Ambler has been ily of Princeton avenue arc at Bay the guest of :Mrs. Arthur Grover of Shore, L I. lJickinson avenue for several weeks. lIrs. John W. Adams of Swarthmore ~rr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Shanklin of a\'cnue accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Amhurst avenue, have as their guests E. E. Rowe of Warsaw, N. Y. will re- this week, Mrs. Shankhn's sister, )'lrs. turn to Swarthmore the earJy part of DWIght P. Green and her husband next week. of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Shankhn will Miss Florance Foote, daughter of Mr. cntertain at tea in honor of their guests and. Mrs. Warren M. Foote, expects to Sunday afternoon. t spend the winter in Berhn, Germany, Edmund Anderson formerly a student \\here she is studying painting and danc- at Swarthmore High school is now ating. tend111g \VI1listOll Aca'demy, EasthampMrs. Earl Huntley and son Stuart of ton, Mass. Allenwood, Penna., {Qrmerly of Drexel Mrs. Charles Israel bf College avenue Hill, are the guests of ~Ir.'i. Douglas is confined to her hom.! by illness Sinc1aire of Harvard avenue. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. J. Burris West and famHuntley is a student at Waldron Acad- Ily have returned from a motor trip to emy. Tonawanda and Warsaw, N. Y. William C. Taylor, Jr., left last week 1\1 rs. Rosahe Roberts of South Chesenter the General Theological Seminto ter road entertained the Book Review ary in New York City. Club last eVen mg. )'hss Alma Daniels Mrs. W. A. Warnock 01 Eastport, gave the book review. Dr. Harper of the Unhersity of Ala~ Maine, who has been the guest of her bama is the guest of his brother, Mr. son in Vineland, N. J. has returned to the home of her daughter Mrs Ralph Francis Harper of Dickinson avenue. Hayes of Oberlin avenue. Mrs. Harold Calvert entertained inMr. Charles G. Thompson of Rosslyn, formally at luncheon on Tuesday in hon~ Long Island, spent th..:. past week as the or of ~Miss Lemon of Ithaca, N. Y. who guest of his brother-in;law J\fr. John R. is the guest of }.ofrs. Louis Cole Em- Brownell of Haverford Place. He left mons. on ~Ionday to viSit reliltlves and friends _________________-:= in \Vashington and Baltimore. Mr. _ Thompson has moved to Rosslyn from = All Linea of Kansas City, Mo. e Mrs. Douglas Sincl~ire spent several = INCLUDING LIFE days of last week at The Traymore in = AtlantIC City. Amo!1g the clubwomen from SwarthOLD BANK BLDG. = more attending the dinner given in honor -= Call Swarthmore 1833 - 01 Miss Ameha Earhart by Gimbel :-=-----------------~=I Brothers were Mrs. Thomas F. Safford, Mrs. Robert L. Coatcs, ~frs. J. Passmore Cheyney, )"frs. William Earle Kistler, Mrs. Samuel C. Hanna, and Mrs. Elmer 1lelick. You win find our aervlce convenient Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Dickson and to your needs. Ye Old Swarthmore family of Princeton avenue, who re~ Ice SerVice. turned to Swarthmore recently from 210 Dartm.outh A"e. Phone 894 spending the summer at their farm at Chester Heights have IcCt by motor for Akron, Ohio, where they will visit Jo.eph E. Quinby Mrs. Dickson's parents. Ernest G. Snodgrass, Aflslstant I • = :; INS U RAN C E = PETER E. TOLD ICE DEPENDABLE CHEAfER D. F. GERNER ~S. A. J. QUI~Y & SON Funeral Directors M. E. Ladiell Busy Last Sa!urday the WOl1len of the Meth- Bell Phone 4 MEDIA, PA. o(ilst Church held a \Vayside Market in the store formerly occupied by the Engle Bakmg Companr. Yesterday a Granite Marble group of women sold vegetable soup in the church basement. ~ ext Wednesday Cemetery Work a Specialty there will be a rummage sale in the basement of the chl\rch. The women of the church have been '. Est. 1843 diVided into groups, and each group is No. Lansdowne Ave.• Drexel Hm. Pa. (Opposite ArUngton Cemetery) planning a novel entertainment. Next • Clearbrook 6880 Thursday the group under the leadership of Mrs. A. H. Williams wilt have a tea at the home of Mrs. Lloyd P. Stcvens on Park avcnue. MEMORIALS Wm. J. Cartledge p The paralysis ban hts'lasted for a long find i siiitable place neartli~ theatre and HOLDS FIRST MEETING time and many a youngster has missed can make arrangements I hope to be able some of the best pictures but better ones to display the huge 22 foot python Snake The first meeting of the year of the are here now. The Waverly Theatre, of the Philadelphia Zoological Gardens; Ladies Auxiliary of the Swarthmore the Lansdowne Theatre and the Manor the one that recently ate his partner." Thcatrc arc planning parties for the chilPost of the American Legi,on was held dren and all of tho -theatres are giving ELIZABETH KAUFMAN recently at the residence of Mrs. C. A. extra long shows on Saturday's matinee HAIRDRESSING Dravo. Plans were formulated for car- starting earlier than usual and running Located in ing for the· needy familIes in the Swarth~ extra pictures. Several theatres are givThompson's Store. Morton, Pa. Permanent WaviDI IIIg candy to the children at the Saturday more welfare district. Ever)' Day Es:eept Batura,. matinee and one theatre is even giving 3 spedaIs $1.00 Mrs. Paul Brown, the secretary, in- pony rides next to th~ theatre. 'Phone SWarthmore 1994-W Open evenings b,. appointment formally submitted a resume of the work done by the Ladies Auxiliary last year Mr. Alfred E. Gr<>lz, 01 the Philadelwhich included the care of five families phia Zoological Society suggested to Mr. of veterans in each of which there were Harlan Taylor, Maitager of the Media Deliverecl in Buemenl children from 1 to 12 years of age. Food Theatre that it would' be a good advertis$12.00 per Cord for each 0 f these fa mil i e s was ing stunt to exhibit a python snake in the of the theatre.to arouse interest in lobby Colafemina Vineyard provided weekly, and to one family in addition a daJly delivery of milk for an "Congorilla" playing there next Wednes~ Phone: Media 646 R 1 infant was provided. Coal was furnished day and Thursday. when needed and the rent for one famMr. Taylor said, "I have had considBuilding and Repairs Ily paid in order to prevent their ejection. erable experience with animals in the In addition to this work, in excess of lobby of the theatre, ~ especially Japanese KIMMELL & SON one hundred garments were collectcd and Beetles both dead and alive and I have mended to put them in usable condition placed a 99 year ban, on any or all aniHaverford Place for distribution by those in charge of the mals from entering or staying in the welfare in the Swarthmore dJstrict. lobby of this theatre. However, if I can Phone Sw. 63Z-J 1- unds were provided for the repair of shoes, and numbers of dresses in sizes from 6 to 12 were made by the ladles of the Auxiliary. For the benefit of the .veterans· families above mentioned $469.13 was expended. ]n addition to this money was provided for an entertainment at the Grays Ferry BUY A PACKARD Hospital t for distribution of Christmas baskets, and for the necessary expenses 4 mvolved in repairing shoes and making AND DO AWAY WITH THE EXTRAVAGANCE dresses. Last Monday afternoon a bridge party was held by the Auxiliary at the home of OF KEEPING AN OLD CAR IN REPAIR Mrs. J. Paul Brown on Walnut lane. * .,. FIREWOOD , NEARLY everyone has the de· • lightful experience at least once in a life·time of having irom Page SCi·t!ll) It serves as a basis for Universal's serial, "Jungle Mystery,,' the first and second episodes of which is playing at the Waverly Theatre t his Saturday matinee. The show starts at one o'clock and lasts for two and a half hours. The \Vaverly is now open to children. (Contirlftcd ••• All the theatres advertising in The S'lt'OrllullorcaIJ are now open to children. - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ some extra funds available. When this time comes to you, ask yourself the question-"Can I get more pleasure for myself and my family by investing in a Packard than hy spending my money any other way?" If you will come to our showroom and let us explain the excellent offer we can make for your present car, the liberal payment plan, and the economies and advantages of Packard ownership, we believe that your answer will be "Send out the Packard." -WILLIAM PENNFIRST DAY COVEas (Chester Only) ~EDAN DELIVERED FULLY EQUIPPED $2080.00 Fine line cut Illustration of the LANDING OF WILLIAM PENN. The very best eO'ter that can be purchased. Order date Unlit October 20. Special cachet on back Free. SINGLE, IDe BLOCKS OF 4, 25c Dealers can purchase these envelopes:_ 1000, $6.50 500. $3.15 100. '1.00 • First Day ~chool Phone, Sw. 1225 First Day School will open 011 the 16 of October at 9 :45 a. n1. and not on the 9 as rumored. Paul Cleaver will be superintendent this year. Muhlenberg Ave. Rutledge • M. EDITH McCREA KERLIN PHONE CHESTER 2·2616 ENROLL N.OW:FOR FALL CLASSES Violin (ContlnNed /,.Oln Pdq. 0.,) "Freddy the D<::tective," by \V. R. Brooks; "Black on \Vhite," by Hin; "\Vhat "ime Is It?" by M. llin; "Swift Rivers," by Corne1ia Meigs; "Elizabeth Ann's Borrowed Grandma," by J. Lawrenee; ·'ElIzabeth Ann's Six Cousins," by J Lawrence; "Elizabeth Ann's Houseboat," by J. Lawrence; "Elizabeth Ann at Maple Spring," by J. Lan rence; "SIX LitHe Bunkers at Grandma Bell's," by' L. L. Hope; "Bobbsey Twins in the Country," by L. L. Hope; "Bobbsey Twins on the Deep Blue Sea," by L. L. Hope; "Mary Jane tn Canada," by C. I. Judson; "~far) Jane, Her VISit," by C I. }uds. .m; . )'Iary Janc, Hcr Book," hy C. I Judson; "Mary Jane at School/' by C. . I. Judson; UBlacky the Crow," by Flo Burgess, "Curly top Snowed In," by H. Garis. GRACE GRAF Instruction : : 1 • Library Growing STUOIO' OF DANCING WEST (TH. ST. AT I • Address Residence 'Cello Studio 230 NORTH ROLLING ROAD SPRINGFIELD, PA. Phone: SWARTHMORE 3740R • Vot IV, No. 41 , 1 '1 Swarthmore, Pa., October 14, 1932 \ \ .', PARENTS MEET Library Tax Is Only Local Question Before Voters Nov. 8 NEW TEACHERS Board Hopes to See Defeat of Proposal to Reduce Tax from One-half to One-quarter Mill lIome and School Association Hears School Program Out· lined by Mr. I\lorey ART TEACHER SPEAKS In spite of the delayed olJening of the Imblic schools, the Swarthmore Home and ,school Association btgall Its program with the usual lIIeetlllg in October. Dr. Frank \Vdhams, newly elected. prcsident, pomted out how nC1:essary It was that education should be earned on in the home a(tcr the children left school each {~ay, and urge~ th~t the Home and School ASSOCIatIon direct as much of the attention durmg the year to child prob.I lellls out 0 I scI100I as to t Ilose wit 1111 I I I SC 100 lours. Frank R. Morey, superVising llrinclpal, \vas the main speaker and stated the problem of the school board III cndea\orIIlg to keep Swarthmore's school standards as high as ever on a reduced budget He stated that the attempt begun last year to teach children international undcrstandl11g \~ould be earned on again this year. Miss ClaudIa Hancock, art (hrcctor or the schools, talked on "Picture Appreciation," and deSCrIbed the t)1I1g together of the various studies from the kindergarten 011 through all grades so as to bnllg 10 the pupil as he studies the people or a country, its history and geography, its musIc and art. ~lIss Hanna Kirk talked of the "\Vorld History Course." The meetmg then became a reception to the teachers The transformation of the cafctcna, which IS under the dlfcchon or )'lrs Frank Williams, by paint and artistic curtains, was interesting to aU the parellts. In the cafeteria, Mrs. LeRoy Mercer, chairman of hospitality, assisted by her commiUecJ which_.lltQudcd Mrs. Daniel ~nodWU1, MI.'::. G.f"ot'gP. Slwb111ger, Mrc: C. F. Noyes, Mrs Harry 1hller, Mrs Ellwood Garrett Mrs. \VJlhalll Ttlfller, Mrs. Frank \V~lhams, served refreshments. The ncw preSident named the following as ehairmcn of COlmmttees for the year: Program, Mrs. D. C. Princc; JIlemberslulJ, George Schobillgcr; hos· l)ltality. Mrs. E. LeRoy Mercer; pubhClty. Robert .E. Sharpless; home service, 1lrs. Ed\\ard H. Bonsall; health, Dr. Franklin S. GIllespie. The ollly I)urely local question before the voters of Swarthmore on November 8 wi11 be: whether or not the present Library tax of ollc-half mill shall be rcduced to ollc-quarter mill This questlOll \\'as placed 011 the ballot by rcsolu~ tion o( Borough council and WIth the appro\al of the Board of Directors of the Puultc Library. from one-half lIull to ollc-quarter milt tax (or the use of the LIiJrary \\ III only pay the o\' erhead of the IIIstitutioll Any funds for the purchase of lIew books wilt have to he secured hy personal solicitation of the to\\ nSlleople." The origmal IUo,'C to havc the hbrary tax cut frolll olle-half mill to OIlC(Juarter mill \\ as made hy large tax payers of the cOllllllunity who felt that they \\ ere paYIIIg' to keep up an institution which did 1I0t bencfit their property and which should be financed by the peoplc benefited. These taxpayers threaten cd to circulate a petition asking for a vote on \\ hether or not the tax should be removed entirely. A compromise petition ho\\ ever \\ as decHJed upon prOViding that a \ote be takcn on \\hether or not the present tax should be cut to onee ore ov. . . cOl1trilJutlllg, $10 sustaining and $25 sup~ . porting. The need for (unds IS greater "\\ lule It IS true that the Board did this )0 ear than evcr before, for in addiHot oppose grantmg the people an option to the Lver-increasing consequenecs portunity to vote on the question of of the long contmucd depression, a sizelowcring the present hbrary tax, we was incurred last year in carable deficit hopc that the mcasure will be defeated lUg for the winter's extraordinary de~ and the half-null tax allowed to re. mands. main as it IS," M r Eaton declared. Efforts wilt therefore be made by the "In a detailed statement to be made workers to secure a generous response \\ltllIll the next few weeks the Board from OUr people, not only in total mem~ will show that the proposed reductIOn (Continued on PfJ{lt Thrtt) bersitips, but also ill $5, $10, and $25 Jane Addams to Give Principal subscriptions. Such a result will insure ----------Address; Students to the allottment for local usc of about 80% COUNTY '-DRYS" ENTER HOOVER MEETING AT of all membership funds collected in the Present Pageant POLITICAL CAMPAIGN STRATH HAVEN TUESDAY Borough after deducting fifty cents from SOCCER WITH PRINCETON cach membership for use 01 the NatIOnal Delaware County "Dr,)s" are not inS\\ arthmore members of the "Vote for Orgamzation. Consequently, it is hoped actIve in the present campaign. In ad- Hoover Club" and other Republican that our reSidents will join at home inof tillS community WIll meet at workers The celebration of Founders' Day at stead of through their places of business, ditlon to the steady emphasis upon Prohi~ the Strath Ha\ en Inn Tuesday evemng at S\\arthmore WIll he advanced tins ) ear as has been done so extensl\'ely ill forblt101l in the pulpits of the churches, a 8 o'clock to make plans (or gh-ing Presinew and comprehensh e movement has dent Hoo\'er a substantial majority ill (rol11 the twenty ninth of October to Sat· mer )o·cars. Furthermore, it is underurday the twenty second III order that stood that all donations made in addition been maugurated, to enable believers in Swarthmore at the General Eiectlon. thIS occaSIon may coincide WIth the 1\\0 to membership subSCriptions WIll be apProhibition to formulate and broadcast Tuesday mght's mectlllg will be held hundred and fiftieth alllmersary of the J1Hed in their entirety to local relief, sO their position. 111 rcsponse to the demands of numerous First of the pUbhc m"'chngs to be held RelJubhcan voters of the community first arnval of \VI1liam Penn III America the workers are particularly anxIOUs to thJS clement of the Roll Call can~ by this group, which IS led by Guy \\i. who Wish nothing undone to assure a in 1682. An addrcss by )'lIss Jane Addams ha\'e \ass heartily supported DaVIS, 1. ~arle Palmer and Oakley.H. large RelHlblican vote here. \Vhile the Will be tIle outstandmg feature of the The organization for the Roll Call is Van Alen, 15 al~nounced. for the even~ng meetmg will be open to any voter of the program. The ortIer of exerclscs sched- 1I0W complete, and Mrs. Y er!.:es ha~ ~Il­ of Ortr)i)f'r lR, 11' tl,l" Flrst Presbytf'rmn l.I.J.r,lIlUuit), a specml euort will be made ulcd fur UH~-"\:OID111chiorath)n of th.::;c Church of Media. _ to hnng logether those persons who Will tno important events consIsts of four 1I01lllced the following corps of asslst~ "\Vhat Can A 'Dry' Voter Do In 1he \ olullteer to help get out the Repubhcan parts startmg \\ Ith the academic proces- ants: Vice Chairman, ~Irs. Gerald H. Slon winch mc1udes the members of the Effing, Treasurer, Miss :Margaret S Present Campaign?" \Vill be the tOPIC vote all elcction day. faculty, Board of Managcrs, and the Tuttle. of the meetmg, and the speaker win be The mam speaker of the evening Wilt student body, \\ho wtll start at one fifty Lieutenant, 1\Irs. John Dolman, Jr.; Dr. William T. Ellis, of Swarthmore be C. EdwlIl Hunter, cllalrman of the P. M. from Parrish Hall and llroceed to members of team: Mrs. Charles E. The meetmg wIll be a non-partIsan one, Republican County Comllllttee and dithe Clothier MemOrial. Black, ~Irs. Fredenc A. Child, Mrs. politically. rector o( the Republican campaign III tillS The convocation will foHow III Clotlller Percy G. Gilbert, 1\[rs. Harry Lang, In addition to the churches and tem- county. :Memorial at two o'clock. At this time AIrs. E. Clinton Lappe, Mrs. Arthur R. llerancc organizatIOns, the Men's Bible Ea~h Republican committeeman and there will be a TcatImg from the Bible O. Redgra\'e, Mrs. Walter L. Thorpe. Uasses and the young people's SOCieties \V oman III the b"rollgh has agreed to be and remarks by the PreSident of the Lieutenant, ~Irs. William S. Evans; of the county will partIcipate prcsent and bring at least fifteen workers Board of Managers. The Founders' Day members of team: ~Irs. Charles L. BoJ~ address Will be delIvered by jane Adtrom each of the three preclllcts. dams of Hun House in Chicago whom tOI1, Mrs J. Paul Brown, Mrs. Edw. H. FIRST STATED MEETING 1 I the students had the pleasure of heanng Cox, Mrs. F. M. Huntoon, Mrs. C. T. OF WOMAN'S CLUB DR. ISABELLE BRONK se\'eral years ago III Collection and whl) Landi, 1frs. DaVid T. Shaw, Mrs. CharPEACE SPEAKER lIERE RETURNS FROM PARIS IS kno\\11 the world over as aile of the les G. Thatcher, Mrs. Francis V. WarTuesday afternoon at 2.30, :Mrs. \VllFOR SUNDAY MEETINGS leadlllg humallltanans of the time. The rell, Mrs. A. S. Wickham liam Earle Kistler WIll caU the members l.icutcnant, lIrs. John H. Fawcett; Alma llater WIll then be sung and the Dr. Isabelle Bronk recently returned The Morlll'lg FOtUIll, which is held in ~ubseqllent part of tIns program WIU be members of team. Mrs S. Herbert to her home at 317 North Che~tcr cf the \Voman's Club together for the first statcd Illeetlllg of the new season. "\Yilham . Penn", da l)ageant se\'en I~oad after spending the summer in d Iinb e lepi' Evans, Mrs. C. Wahl Dimes, 1Iiss ElcaAfter business matters are transacted, thc Snarthmorc Friends :Mectillg HOllsc sOlles, wnttcn an pro l1ce( y orne Ja nor Olmes, 1\fiss Mildred Simpers. France. Durlllg her sta) in Pans, 1[lss the program Will be turncd over to ~Irs. each Sunday morning at 9 :45, is to be Stabler Gillam of the Class of 1920. The Lieutenant, ~Irs. Arthur \V. Kirk for Bronk had the pleasure of seeing three H.obert L Coates, Chamnan of Current addressed 011 October sIxteenth by Paul cast of this pageant which is destined to the Swarthmore Apartments former members of the College French Events, at wll1ch time she WIll mtroduce Harris, Jr, of the National CounCIl for depIct seven events in the history of \VllLieutenant, lIrs Howard Klfk; memFaculty-Profes:;or LOUIS Cons, Ur. Dr. D 1\1. MelchOlr, Prmclpal of the the Pre\ entlOn o( \Var. HIS subject WIll ham Penn numbers sevcnty persons, I Blanche Poullean Cra'\lOrd. ,and )'Irs. rhgh Scchool and head of the I"lIstory he '''1'I,e Outlook for Pcace Today and practIcally all of whom arc to be chosen )ers of team: 1\Irs. George E. Brad; from the student body with the exception field, 1lrs. Howard M. Buckman, Mrs. Bacher. ~lrs Crawford has changed iJep.lrtmcnt of Girard College, who Wltl Specific \Vays of Improving It." Mr. o( a few Alumni who ha\e been aetlve James E. Davis, Mrs. \Villiam Hanny, her name to ),[artin, and is now Ihmg diSCUSS "Events of the Day", to be f01- Harrts wllI speak also at four o'clock III in dramatics Notices have been sent to Mrs L. C. Hastings, Mrs. Lloyd E. III thc French capital, where her hus· 100\ed by an open forum Tea will be \Vhitticr HOllse on "New Plans for a number of recommended students and Kauffman, )'lrs. Ralph V_ Little, Mrs. J. band IS a successful French phY!SlCI3Il ser\'cd ~Irs. Coatcs and Mrs. Edward Pohtlcal Action Inaugurated by the tryouts took l)lace last Saturday to deter- Donald Lodge, Mrs. Harvey R. Pierce, She herself IS busy \\ Ith pohtlcs and A. jenkllls will be thc hostesses ({)r the Peace MO\ cment " An are conhally 111- nune the cast. :Mr. L. J Servais, )'-hss E Shmn, Mrs. \'ited to these meetings has an office ncar the Chambrc des afternoon. The last part of the celebratIOn will be \Villiam C. Starr, Mrs. P. L WhItaker. held at Bond 11cmonal follo\\1I1g the Lieutenant, !Irs George Schobinger; Deputes Mrs. Bacher resulcs With her • I I Literature Section pageant at which the faculty of the colmcmbers of team: :Mrs Nell Currie, :Mrs. family at thc CIte U IlIvcrsltaire, the College Straw Vote lege im'ite the Alutlul1 and guests to james B. Douglas, Mrs. Louis C EmHew collection of residence halls tor Thc Literature SectlOll WIll ha\e its meet )'Iiss Addams. 11101lS, ~[rs Norman Hulme, Mrs. forcign students of ullh erslty rank .A preSIdentIal straw \ote wtll be taken As part of the general observance of Thomas Johnson, 1-1rs. John J. :\{cClure, regular meeting on Thursday mornmg Dr. John Bacher IS dirf!ctor there of thc at 10 o'clock. The subject will be "Edna . I d I Founders' Dat! the gucsts are invited to I C b I 1'1 au e >,)' lIlspect the J Clothier Memorml, • I Mrs. E. LerovJ ~Iercer, Mrs. Carlos F. UnIted Statcs House (11alson des St Vincent 1bllay" and Mrs Pluhp 0 atI tIe ollege y t f1e P welllx tIe I·· I S ' t Ie department 0 oltlea elence Fnemls Historical Library, and in the Noyes, 1lrs. 'Valtcr R. Shoemaker. Etats-Ums). Before MISS Bronk had DaVIS \\111 have charge o{ the program Tentatl\c plans call for the hallotmg to Parrish Hall Parlors an exhibition unLlcutenant, ~Irs. Hervey Schumacher; been in Pans an hOlll', she had all and as llrs. DaVIS roomed with Mi~s take place \Vednesday mornlllg Oct. 26. der the allSlllces of the Benjamin \Vest members of team: Mrs Joseph S. Bates, uncxpcctt'd meeting "lth thc fonner )'hllay at college, a personal touch will The student SOCialist group got under- Society of pamtings by artists of Penn- ~Irs. Blanche Devereaux, ~Irs. Walter Frances Porter, of S\\arthmorc, and he added to the program. \\3y yesterday \\he11 a meetlllg was held s)hania. S. James, Mrs. Henry W Jones, Mrs. t 1 • rcports that tins crst\\ hile resldcnt 01 III the e\'ening to form a "Thomas-fora I a Douglas Sinclaire. Woman's Guild our town seems very happy III her PreSIdent Club" Walter DaVIS, secrcLIeutenant, Mrs. Frank N. Smith; Ilew life and surroundings. :Miss Bronk tar) of the Socialist rmrty 1I1 Dc1a\\arc STAMP ENTHUSIASTS members of team' ),[rs Richard C. AmThe \Voman's GUild of thc Trinity County addressed the mecting had a delightful Visit also With HowSEEK WM. PENN COVERS merman, Mrs Paul Cleaver, Mrs. Walter Church \\l1t gl\ e a dllll1ei 011 Thursda~', ani Cooper Johnson, Jr., of Moylan, Paul Blanshard, nuhtant Socialist and C CroQ(:h. 1o.lrs. Irvmg L Gill, Mrs. ''fhe \VIll ~elln stal~lp that the U. S. Franklm S. Gillespie, },(rs. George W. \\ ho has gone to Pans for a year's October 20th. from 5 30 to 7 P M. III hrother of Dr. Brand Blanshard, profes\\ork at the French Chamber of Com- the church building, College a\Cllue and sor of philosophyat Swarthmore, is com- governmcnt IS producmg for the 250th MacIntyre, :Miss Mund Mann, !frs. C. I1Ig to the College Frulay, "November 4 alllll\'erSar) of the lalldl~lg of \Vm Russell Phillips, ~lrs. Paul Sharpless. merce and who already dIsplays re- };orth Chester Road. e1 • ullder the auspIces of the Thomas-for- Penn at Chestcr, ttl the slup \Velcom.e, Lieutcnant, Miss )'Iargaret S. Tuttle i markable abIlity to wield the French Men to Give Dinner PreSIdent" club It is hoped that both 115 an c\ cnt that has nevcr happened III members of team. lIrs. S. Frank Butler, languagc the Repubhcan and Democratic c1ubs WIll postal histor) here he fore. In honor of ~fiss }uhe Chapman, 1fiss ~faf) enst, Accordlllg to 111"'" Bronk. France, Tht: men of the S"arthnwrl \fcth- Ill: ahle ttl :-.('clIre :-.lllakcrs for that date the nccaSIOIl thc firm of John Spcncer, ).[ISS Jt'an Doctor \\ lulc 1t:c1l11g till: \\odd-\\ Hk "dcprl:s- mllst Church ,trc to gl\e a dltll1t:r III tht.: Lieutcnant, ~frs Earl H. \Vehz; mclUSlon " has not 10\\ cred at all her pnce:; Social Hall of the church on 'l'llUrs- to oppU:o,c 1lr. Blanshard III a thre('-cor- Illc. of Chester, Pa.! has l)fepared for an envelope prInted III hght blue bers of team: lIiss Elinor A Bye Miss nered debate. sale of I;ving commodities. Paris III parti.c- day e\ cuing, Octoher 27, from 5.30 to • I and black of an etching by the artist Mary L Bye. Mrs F. P. Byerly: Mrs. ular is feeling keenly the lack of tts 7 :,10. This dmner is under the (hrect Mr Arnold Anderson. of PllIladclphia. Benjamin W. Colhns, Mrs. Theodore W • College Vespers usual \\ e~lthy American VISitors, \\ ho superVision of the Olen assisted by a This picture is one of the landing o( Crossen, Mrs. Albert N. Garrett, Sr., formerly thronged its streets. competent dietitian and an expert chef. Next Sunday evening Professor Irwin Penn at Chester and the onginal hangs Miss Ann Sayers Larkm, Mrs. W. W. t I • • 1 • Edman of the dep.1.rtment of philosophy in Chester's old historic City Hall. Re- Lattamus, Mrs. Theodore Widing. Honored by Class George \V. Hassel, colored, of Yale Mrs. Victoria Herndon wilt again look in Columbl3 Umversity wIll speak at quests for these envelopes have been reavenue. an employee at the Str~t1I ccived from almost every state in the after the colored section. College Vespers 11\ Clothier Mel,11oria1. George R. Barher, of S\~ arthmore, Haven Inn ior a number of :years, {hed Union and wiU be used and valued by In neighboring communities, the work Professor Edmall IS well known as a last Saturday. Funeral !;erVlces \\crc has been elected to sen e tIns year as stamp collectors throughout the world wiII be in charge of the following: poet philosopher and critic. Among his held at the 'Vestey A. ~f. E Church a class representative to the Stu(tet~t books are "The Contemporary and His "hen the stamp is placed on them the Springfield, Mrs. ]. S Weltmer; BUrial was at Plymouth, North Caro- Association of Rollins College TillS SOUl," "Human Traits and their Social first day of the issue on October 24th. Leiper Quarries, Miss 'Mary Leiper; hna. BeSides Ins Wife he IS survived hy ASSOCiation is the student se1f-govern~ Siglllficance," and ~'The World, the Arts, Many school students are going to usc Millmont and \Voodlyn, Mrs. Robert M. it daughter, Mahel Black and three mg hody which IS made up of members them. Cox j Holmes, Mrs. Lee Moore. and the Artist." from the different classes. sons~ George, Shirley and Archie. ., FOUNDERS' DAY NEXT SATURDAY y PACKARD - SLIP COVERS D"RAPERIES ANNA SCHAl.LES OC1 OCTOBER 7, 1932 and }'Irs. James Bacon Douglas LEGION AUXILIARY and family who SlJCl1t the summer at Cape May, N. J. returned last Sunday IS College Library •• ---........--=---:- I THE 2 OCTOBER SWARTHMOREAN man al Iheir new home at 187 Slelle St, home on Wainul lane on Tuesday Plainfield, N. J. I af1le...noon. Mrs. Elmer Perceval of Paris, France, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight P. Green of has come (or a two months' visit with Chicago, 111., who were the guests of her sisler, Mrs. Arthur Howland of Mn and Mrs. Arthur Shanklin ove~ last Mrs. Clair Wilcox of Walnut lane en- Guernsey road. week-end left on Monday by motor for tcttained at tea on Wedn~sday afternoon. Miss Mary Ellen Mercer entertained Virginia. Mrs. Franklin Gillespie of Rutgers . at a supper party last Sunday evening at Mrs. J ohn A . Murphy 0 f D ickinson . will entertain informally at avenue sl)ent several days of last week III Iter home on North Chester road. NA~r.Y~~~ ~t:;. Harold G. Mart ha"e av:~~ !n~:;r~n~ a~al~~c~~n~~v~~~~"lnU(JOnc'nheon and bridge next Monday after~ returned to Swarthmore and are occupy- day afternoon. I· The Directors of the Needlework Mrs. Thomas S. Gales of Che,lnul Guild of America held a meeting al Ihe ing Ihe home of Dr. and Mrs. Arlhur Edwin Bye on Strath Haven avenue. Hill entertained the members of the Fac- Clubhouse yesterday to complete plans Mrs, Roberl Powell of Norlh Chesler ulty Tea Club of the University of for this year's collection of garments. Mrs. William H. \Vest of Princeton road will entertain her bridge club next Pennsylvania at tea on Tuesday afier~ Tuesday afternoon. S h Mrs. Hershel Smith of S,walclhm()re I noon. Mrs. E. Leroy Mercer of wart - avenue w h 0 has been 1'II f or t h e past two mOfC was among the assistants pouring weeks is slightly improved. Crest will entertain her bridge club tea in the diuil1g room. Others from The Circ1e of the Ladies Aid Society luncheon on October 24th. The m(!tn·1 Swarthmore attending were Mrs. Arth~ of the Swarthmore Methodist Church of bers of the club arc Mrs. W. ·Findlay ur Jones, Mrs. Frederick . t he chalr. Mrs. W h·Ie h UJ.urs. A • H • W'll' 1 lams IS Downes of Chestnut Hill, Mrs. Alben Waldo Fisher, Mrs. Frank E. man held a tea at the parsonage 00 Tues~ Eavenson, Mrs. \Villiam H. Ward. Mrs. Mrs. Dettev Bronk, Mrs. C. E. day afternoon. Joseph Hates, Mrs. Oscar Gitcreest, holrs. H.oy C. Contley, Mrs. Charles A. Dravo, Clung, and Mrs. Arthur Howland. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Adams of Bor~ ~lrs. Herbert Bassett, Mrs. James Bacon Mrs. George Hay, the daughter ough Lane entertained at dinner on WedDouglas, Mrs. Samuel Dyer Clyde, and Mr. and Mrs. George' W. Casey is ill nesday evening of this week. :Mrs. Eleanor Thoma~ of Merion. the home of her parents on Harvard Miss S. Annie Sincoe of Northeast, Mrs. E. Leroy Mercer of North Ches- nue. Maryland, is the guest of her sister Mrs. ter road entertained the Hospitality Madame Eugenie Oudry of Paris, Edward Gillespie of Amherst avenue. U" d M J LA· 11 Commillee of the Faculty Tea ClUb at France, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Oudry Davis of Cedar Lane. JUr. an rs.. awrcnce spmwa luncheon last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown will enter- and Kenneth Aspinwall of Chicago, Ill., l\lrs. John Marshall of Lincoln avenue tain their card club this evening. The are the guests of Miss Marguerite Aspinis entertaining her bridge club for lunch~ members are Mr. and Mrs. Alben Eaven- wall of Riverview avenue. son, Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Hodge, Mr. Mrs. S. W. Johnson and Mrs. Arthur eon and cards today. :\Irs. Herschel Smith will entcrtain and Mrs. William H. T1uner, Mr. and Stromgren spent last week-end with duh for luncheon and bridge next Mon- Mrs. John Fawcett, Mr. and Mrs. WiI- their sister, Miss Ellen Johnson of New day afternoon. Jiam Bullock, Mr. and Mrs. S. York City. Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Chaffee of Bryant, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mrs. Bayard Morrison, Sr., of GuernSwarthmore a,'cnue will entertain their Cabe. sey road entertained al. luncheon on Wed~ hridge club tomorrow evening. L I F 'd J ames A rms I rong was nesday this week. as n ay Mrs. ofNicholas P. Vlachos of Park Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bates of Hav- taken sick with a severe case of. pneuerford avenue spent last week-end as the monia at State College. He is still in avenue efntertained her bridge club yes~ guests of .Mr. and Mrs. H. Roger Cole- the College Hospital but the critical tcrday a ternoon. . has been safely passed and the Mrs. Charles A. Stern and Mrs. J. T. 1d'octors say that he probably can leave Schamel of Baltimore Pike spent last the Hospital by Sunday. James grad- week in New York City. I uated from Swarthmore High School The Misses Dorothy, Mary, and Keta BACH .MAN S M I B arte ros • I The guesls were Miss Ann Wray, Mr·lrr"OJ DeUfH!!ry Srmr,h. 761.162 and Mrs. Theodore Widing, Mr. Van Lear Bond, and Mrs. William Hopkins. Mr. Arlhur P. Shanklin left on Mon· day by airplane on a business trip to Florida. The \VomaD's Home Missionary Soddy of Ihe Swarthmore Melhndisl PLEASE YOUR FAMILY Church held ils regular monlhly meeling Sene them. only the food they like.and. Wednesday afternoon al Ihe home of Mrs. Frank N. Smith on Kenyon avenue. want. They want ,004 food, anC! only ,GOd. food Is ,oocI for them.. That', why we are \frs. Laura Baird presided. alway. 50 careful In seleetlnC the quallt,. Miss Dorolhy Emery of Maple avenue .0041 we selL has returned from a visit with relatives LOOK AT THESE PRICES in Morrisville, Penna. Mrs. A. S. Wickham and daughler Cynthia arc spending this week in Atlanlic Cily, N. J. Mrs. William R. Landis, of Yale avenue, recently entertained the members of the Sixteen Club at the opening meeting of the season. Mr. and Mrs. George Earnshaw, of Be.t QrutUt, Stratll Haven avenue, accompanied by Genuine. their children, have motored to CaliSpringLamb fornia for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Bayard Morrison, of ExtTa Riverview Estates, have returned from TrimmeJ. closing their cottage at Stone Harbor, %.Bone N. J. Remtwed ---'''''. Leg of Spring Lamb - . SAVE 20% ON ROSES The Swarthmorean is in a position to accept orden lor ConardPyle Star Roses a120% ).,.. than catalogue price. ~ us about your order for faU planting and save twenty pe~nt. · g Lamb Legs Sprm Round Steak Rump Steak Fresh Ground M. F. Williams LOIN PORK CHOPS It. 31e PORK LOIN ROAST It. Zle ISc FUNERAL HOME =---------- = fresh, crisp, tender and healthful quaUtles, and ours is at least 24 hours fresher. FRUIT~VEGETABLES ~ 2Yzc bar : : 1,4 pk. 9c Fresh Spinach Large Cauliftower 25c White Mushrooms Ib 29c doz.23c Juicy Oranges 1,4 pk. 15c Delicious Apples FRESHER CAUGHT FISH Fish with that fresh from the water goodness. That's fresher, more temptl,gl, more wholesc.me and appetizing. Lump Crab Meat Ib 25c Cape May Goodies Ib 19c do%. 15c Stewing Oysters Eat Fish and Keep Fit Campbell'.. Veg. Soup Reg. lOe Royal. Baking Powder 3 can. 25c mee!. aize 19c Reg. 23c Kellogg All Bran M. EDITH McCREA STUDIO OF DANCING WEST 7TH ST. AT KERLIN PHONE CHESTER 2-2.816 ENROLL NOW FOR FALL CLASSES GRACE GRAF Instruction GOLDEN BANTAM CORN box Z5c Suplee's Store 3 cans for 20c These are just a few of our week-end specials. Come in the store and see the rest of them. Violin = = Leaf Rakes Rubbish Burners 'Cello Address Residence Studio 230 NORTH ROLLING ROAD SPRINGFIELD, PA. Phone: SWARTHMORE 374-R D R E" E R' 5 bulbs were never finer and rarely so low-priced pkg. 9. Lux Toilet Soap Ilec. Ib 23c The Choice of Lovers of Good cotree Montco Tomatoes 12c 3 cans 35c Large Cans 2 for 35c 1& Finest of Pennsylvania sun ripe tomatoes. Hand packed. A superior quaU~y and value. Get a dozen at this price. grates. The Buckwheat aids in maintainin« a steady fire requiring Jess attention. Many Customers are burning this fuel with salisfaction. Will burn in any size furnace. do",. 37c Brookfield Eggs Good For Every Purpose FOR RENT-Third floor auartment. two rooms. bath and kitchenette. heat and Ii::-ht. Prh'atc residencc. 522. Swarthmore ''i:I·U· or 335·W. GREEN GAGE PLUMS ,.WORD to Workingmen Ofken there is work to teJon£, Z5c:-2 (.g. Cano 49c LESS THAN A DIME You can have a telephone in your home for less than 10 cents a day! Safe and Fue from Soot. VAN ALEN BROTHERS • For the Monthly Rates call or inquire at the COAL BUSINESS OFFICE or ask any Bell employee Phone - Ridley Park 412 THE BHL TELEPHONE Whole peeled plums-In a pleasing syrup with the natural bouquet of flavor. Certainly a favorite with men. COMPANY OF PENN>YlVANfA •• WOMEN NEEDED TO HELP. MAKE GARMENTS The Red Cross faces a tremcndous task, and only by real co-operation and a realization on the part of individuals of the personal responsibility we all bear can it be successfully carried out. Our government has allotted 500,000 ,)ales of cotton to Red Cross to be woven into cloth. Philadelphia and the four ••• • I • House Warming 10 Ib Bag 45c Sugar 35cValue Dj Notit"e la hereby given LhaL B public electl011 ..ill be hl'ld Tuetldoy. November 8lb. 1032. bclwet'u tbe huurs of acven a. m. and 1!O\'1l1l II. nt.. Eastern Stwldard Time. at the regular Ilolling" )JiUl'e8 of tbe- Borough of Swarthmore. Delaware County. Pennsylvania. fixed for the holding of Jenera) and special elccllo)lI8. Tho Iluruo&C of the said eledlon I. to ob· tbe aS8Cllt of Lhe electora of a.ald Borough the of tbe by ratesaid ot nowl't.oduction heinlit' Jel'll'll I ~o~:~:~~::r~::,~toone·half 01) mill the dol· ••• ji!~~~~~~~~~~~~!i I LA ~h~tr~~ti~ E M EDIA SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES ANNA SCHAl.LES UPHOLSTERING Detached frame house. Eight rooms & bath. 4 bedrooms. 2 car garage. Corner lot. Fine sbrubbery. A-I condition. $90 per month. Detached stucco house. 7 rooms and bath. Nice lot, shrubbery. Good condttlo~. $55 per month. Detached house furnished. 6 rooms and ba.th. I car garage. Good location. $75 per month. 3rd floor apartment. 6 reoms and bath. Hardwood floors. Hot water heat. Janitor service. $45 per month. Two large garages. Heated. light !Iond water. Station Square. Detached stucco house. 6 rooms and hath. Front and side porch. Large lot. Ideal location. $60 per FURNITURE RESTORING Fred J. Harley Swarth. "WASHINGTON MASQUERADE" BUCK JONES in wilh Karen Morley "ONE MAN LAW" Phone, Sw. 122S MONDAY ONLY! Muhlenberg Ave. Rutledge "THE CROONER" Painting and Papering ANN DVORAK DAVID l\IANNERS Custom Made Furniture Interior Decorating In All Its Branches KIMMELL & SON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Haverford Plol!e FRANK BUCK'S 1441 Phone SW. 6.12~J Swarthmore. 12 room house. Old COlonial style. Wonderful shade. 1 per month. SALE The Ingleneuk The Friendly Tea House in Su)Or,hnlore Charming Atmosphere Interesting people 'Phone Swarthmore 705 Delicious Food Perfect Coffee Breakfnst ........ 7:30 to 9 :00 Lunl!heon ....... 12:00 to 2:00 Club Dinner ...... 6:00 to 7:30 Sunday Breakfast. ...... 9:00 to 10:30 Dinner. . . . 1 :00 10 7: 30 and WHY NOT Have your car taken care of by an EXPERT Automotive and Mechanical Engineer Fifteen years' experience designing and buDding cars. ALL KINDS OF Royal Gelatin D eta em AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING 3 for Z5c: CHARLES E. FOGG 114 Morton Ave. Rutledge, Pa. GOODYEAR EXIDE TIRES BATTBRIBS Swarth. 413-' WEDNESDAY DAVID MANNERS ANN DVORAK tn "THE CROONER" THURSDAY Story That Actually Happened "UNA.SHAMED" with Lewis Stone--Helen Twelvelrees FREE Parking Two Illuminateoj Lots "BRING 'EM BACK ALIVE" A WARNER THEATRE 3 story frame and stucco dwelling at Secane. Pa.. containing large piece of ground. Fine shrubbery and all conveniences. Price $3500. Bold to settle an estate. In BIG 3%-HOUR SHOW SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY Extra Added Attraction month. Finest fresh pitted. pie cherries ready" for the pie. Delirious flavor. Treat them to a the pie. DeUclous 4avor. Treat them to a Package of Royal Vanilla PuddiDg for Ie with each 3 pkc. purehase of desserts. LIme, lemon, raspberry, cherry and. strawbel'l'J" OF SPECIAL ELECTION TO HELD NOVEMBER 8. 1932. A House Warming party was given 011 (Cotl,i... ,d from PII{II 0.,) (:cntM (Ge) 011 everyone hundred last Saturday evening by Mr. J. Howard Marriott, who urges people to defeat I'g~i~~ ($100). ot thc asscssed valuation of Lewis at his old home on SI)roul road the proposed reduction in the tax. Ilrulwrl), wUblu Haid Borough. to Ull north of Swarll,m·ore 1·1' hOllor of "r. '\ rs. J.narnott " . •setter 1 .IS as f 0 IIows: ratetwo of and one· fourth 011 tbe J.l".l J.t or one.half (~., centsmill l2VJc) 011 and Mrs. Scott Willis. Those present October 12, 1932 one hundred dollBTS ,"100) of said included Dr. Heckman, Mr. and Mrs. To the Editor of The S1.f!CJrt/.morcalJ: valuotion. Albert N. Garrett, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Dear Sir: ALBERT N. GARRETI'. JR .. BecrcIat'J" • Morris Paschall of Claymont, I believe that most of our S,,"I·lhmo\;;~.;;;i:;;r·~ .. alized for many months and suffered We all know that the cost of books greatly Ul' to the time of her death. The has not come dowll. They are eXlJensive, deceased was a woman of high character so that the money available for new and greatly beloved by all who knew her. books will buy but a few copies, She leaves a husband, George W. Ireland certainly can"t possibly be made and two sons, Dr. Stanley Ireland of stretch over the cost of 11."0 coVics Montco Pie Cherries MRS. WATSON PIE CRUST NOTICE NEWS NOTES Student Service lavon. lihrary Tax Before Volers BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE LIBRARY TAX adjoining counties to COllandstate. Percy Ireland who lives in a some demanded vert 1,000,000 yardsareofplanuing this cloth into Darby, southern As mltch I understand it, book. the Library Board _:_.,.._; garments for the needy and destitute by I • a did lIot propose this reduction, as the im~ January 1. pression has been givetl,-it has been WANTED TO RENT-Room In Modem A building at 15th and Cherry streets forced upon them by the action of some home where heat and qUIet can be ashas been givcn to the Red Cross as a of our largest taxpayers. On the consured. Write Swarthmorean Office Box M. place for the expert garment cutters of :M rs. Grace Stubbings and Lenore trary, they have said they cannot hope Ir~~~~~~ _______f..:O:.:.R:..:S.:A.:L:.:.E:....-----1 ~hiladelphia to do. their part. The ~ut~ Stubbings, of Swarthmore avenue, to maintain a library such as we have a right to expect unless, ill, add;tio,,~ FOR SALE-Apartment size gM range. $5 tmg and assembhng .of . ga~ment~ mto .spent Sunday in Atlantic City, N.]. bundles, ready for distribution In the S G ~ I CI receive a large number 0(' donations as for quick sale. 'Phone Swarthmore lOS. Mr. t. eorge Bonel of Sou~ I les~ proximating the two-dollar various communitirs, will require some JA~;fnt~~:~'fIer. time, possibly several wee~s. When it ter. road, ~t1derwc~lt an operatlOll at a fees that we have been giving yearly to HELP WANTED has been accomplished and Swarthmore's Phlladelplua Hospital on Tuesday. get our Library going. With a tax Icy- 10-7~3t Court House, Media. Fa. HELP W AN~Wanted experienced. maid Frank R. "Morey, who is organizing ied for the specific purpose of ruuning - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tor regular part t~e cooking and bOU5e~ share is here to be done, that information . work. Small apartment. 35 cents per hour will be given through The S1.l'artll~ the Men's Community Glee Club, to be and maintaining the Library these dona- ESTATE EDWARD E. DRAVO. deceased. late swarthmore 584. morCDII. Much of the work in Swarth- sponsored by Ithe local American tions camlOl and should nol be expected. of Swarthmore. Delaware Coullty. Pelln!:lylmore is to be done through groups in Legion Post, has called a meeting for Therefore, we are confronted by \'a~~'tcrs Te!:ltamentllry 011 the abuve Estate PERSONAL the various churches. Undoubtedly there Sunday afternoon at the Methodist problem of supplying about 850 hn\'e been granted to tho undersigned. wbo rcaders and 500 children with the retlUCsl or to demand" pERSONAL-Frencb teacher hM class for arc many women who. for one or another Church. again lit all the IJcrSQn9 Estate ha\'ll1g or the claims decedent make children 8 to 12 years. Conversation and reason are unable to join with any of Mrs. E. C. Van Schoonhoven and and qua",ity of reading that they have a knuwn thc same. and all Iwrsons indebted. to games. Swarthmore 780-M. these groups, but could do some sewing daughter, Alida, of Park avenue, left on right to expect from a public Library. 1 the dc(cllent tu muke Ilayment. without delay. HATS DRAPED or remodeled: Dressmaldng in their homes. A great deal could and a motor trip to Maima, Florida, this have spent much time helping in the ]i- to CHARLES A. DRAVO and and Alterations. SID Swarthmore Ave. should be accomplished in this way. Any- week with z,,-Irs. E. F. Cochrane and SQn brary and therefore know at first hand TilE nEAL ESTATE TRUST co .• Phone 312~J. one appl~....ing to the Production Chair- who have been visiting them. that our readers ask for the best and the Executors. S. E. or Cor.PhiiadclI,hia.. Broad &; Chestnut Bts.• man, Mrs. Francis V. Warrell, Phone Mr. Edward J. McGuire well·known newest boOks~and wait for them. They Philadc1phia. Penna. LOST Swarthmore 134, will be supplied with concert organist and who was personal have a right· to have them, but !4 mills Or to their Attorlll'Y. NewboUlb. Butter· LOST-Red bicycle, size 24. Taken from work. The Red Cross appeals to every org·anist for Edwanl T. St{ltesbury and tax won't buy .them; }1 mill used with worth &; Grubb. la18 Real EsHlte TrUt;t Dul.ld· Prep School grounds la.st Saturday. Re~ Pierre Dupont will be guest organist at discretion by the Library Board willi ,·•. ",.IUI·hiladeIPhia. Pa. ward tor return. Dickie Delaplaine. 106 woman in Swarthmore 1 Cornell Ave. the Lansdowne Theatre. Mr. McGuire give us a Public Library that will meet _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ a •• will play an half hour impromptu re- the needs of our community. FAME OF PLAYERS' cital every evening between the open··< Very sincerely yours, FOR RENT A Warner Bros. Theatre iug of the theatre and the start the Marian S. Marriott. CLUB FAR.REACmNG Desirable first floor apartment, 3 first show and also will offe!" classical bed rooms. $90 a monlh. Centrally N Commenting on the interest of other and semi-classical overtures twice durlocated. ing the regular evening performances. Little Theatre groups on the work of the A tea in honor of Mr. and Mrs. George Players' Club of Swarthm~re, one mem- Plowman of Park avenue will be given . THEATRE E.C. WALTON ber reported that one club in a wellTODAY (Friday) and SATURDAY known city of South Carolina, has been IM~IEDIATE POSSESSION Joseph E. Quinby following with increasing interest the Modern 4 Bedroom, 2 car garage "WAR Ernest G. Snodgrass, A!lsietant 860, reduced from $80. 6 room and Players' for nearly Sf:ven years and that CORRESPONDENT" garage ISS. 6 room $50. 5 room less than three people from the group MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON JACK IIOLT Apartment $55. have stopped over long enough on their RALPH GRAVES WM. S. BITTLE several trips North to see shows put on Funeral Directors MONDAY AND TUESDAY Notary Public Real E.fate by the local Players-as well as asked LILA LEE MEDIA, PA.! Swa. 1l1~J Bell Phone 4 LIONEL BARRYMORE CRAS. A. SMITH A DAY the man with a Will not damage any funlace. I At no time since the World War has FOlt RENT-Ple3.llBnt furnished roont. well hl.ated llild lighted. second tloor tur gentle· the need for willing service been so great. acre of ground In good shape. $100 per ton A half Ion or Kopper's process Coke and baU ton of Bu(:kwheat mixed to form a very econOlnieal fnel. The Coke prevents the Buckwheat from falling. through the call swarthmore SO-J. RENT MONTCO including t'.'x FOR RENT-On the HUI. AttractIve third Uoor apartment, two large rooms with bath and kitchenette. Garage if desired. bar 6c Comont Coffee You Can Save $ $ $ $ $ $ Coke-BU ck- $8·84 FOR RENT-Garage space unheated; near porth College gate. Phone Swarthmore 33.J or address Swarthmorean OfBce Box: F. 8c HENRY A. DREER 1306 Spriag Garden Street;Phliade'phia, Pa•. FOR RENT-Room In private home with breakfast If desired. Garage. Phone Sw. 445·J, f::Jr suggestions for their programs Sunday afternoon from 4 to 7 by Mrs. Roberl. E. Sharl)les of Thornbury Town· ing that lime. The opening play of Players· season. 1932-33 will be ....."_1 ship. Thirteenth Chair", to be given the Mr. and Mrs. Ted Preston and son of Overbrook have been visiting Mr. Presweek of November. It is now in hearsal and it is expected that the cast ton's mother Mrs. Floreece .M. Preston will be announced shortly. It is under~ of Rutgers avenue. All the departments of the Swarlhstood that the play, which is a "repeat" performance, wilt have at least the same more Presbyterian SWlday School will leads as when it was first produced in be resumed on Sunday. Promotions will Swarthmore about twelve years ago. be the feature of the day. Reg. 12c Drive in to Dreer'a aDd choose from a lUpe1'b 8880rtment of IIpriDIr' Oowering bulbs at the lowest prices in yean. Tulips, Hyacintha, DaC.. odils ••• aU the good old Btand-bys ••• and a choice collection of those gay Htlle early bloomers that are the tint glad heralds of spring. At our retail fltOre,. reoognized for generations 8& beadquarlera for things horticultural, you have unrestricted parking privilege. You also· bave the benefit of SnggesliODS aad advice from exp ria, a service for which Dreer's has long been famous. FOR RENT for Ihe conlribulion. Some of Ihe chiltook their contributions to the afternoon session. . The plan was suggested at the Monday meeting of the Home and School Association by Dr. Frank Williams, president; Dr. Arthur Bassett, presi~ dent of the School Board, and Mrs. William Allen Brown, J c., of 739 Yale avenue. Dr. Bassett said in giving the apl'roval of the board to the idea, "I know of no more appropriate plan than to let the schootchildren have a hand in saving the institution which has meant so much to them." Mrs. Brown pointed out that school had contributed their pennies . towards the preservation of the Betsy Ross House and to the rebuilding of the frigate Constitution. She declared that while there were only 800 childrcn in the Swarthmore schools, there were ncarly 500,000 in the metropolitan area. W ANTED TO RENT It. ZOe I;================; String Beans box SHOULDERS LAMB D. F. GERNER CLASSIFIED packer 4442. 29C 417 Dartmouth Ave. ICE _----------------' Shelled-ready to THE SWARTHMOREAN - Shoulder of Spring Lamb Neck f Lamb public school children mobilized this week for the preservation of the Phil~ adelphia Zoo. Teachers, acting under instructions from Frank R. Morey, supervising principal, informed the childrell that contributions for the Zoo would be received and suggested that each give 10 cents. Hoxes were placed in each classroom Birdseye Peas INSURANCE = FINEST In buying your produce here, you are assured of the flnest of uGarden Fresh" = = PETER E. TOLD frulls and vegetables,· selected for their· ----------------1 pUPILS TO AID ZOO WITH CONTRIBUTIONS FOR RENT-Space .for two cars at 320 North Chester Road. swp.rthmore. Rental from $3.00 to $6.00 per month. Albert N. Garrett. 'Phone Swartbmore 489--Penny~ generous '================= TIlE SWARTHMOREAN FOR RENT-Elm Apartments. 3rd floor. Comer Park and R. R. Ave. Six rooms and bath. Hardward floors. Hot water heat. Janitor service. C. A. Smitb. Phone 705. Trimmed Phone Sw. 900 1932 OcTOBER mall. Box K Swarthmoreall Office. SPECIAL THIS last June and is attending State Brower entertained guests at their GibQUALITY MARKET specializing in Landscape son Island coUage over lasl week-end •• lives al Ihe Della Upsilon House AU Linea of == YALE & KENYON AVES·• ~Ie mg been pledged a D. U. recently. ELIZABETH KAUFMAN i5 = Swa. 183 Dr. William A. J aquelle, of Elm aveHAIRDRESSING = INCLUDING LIFE Located in nue. and Mr. S. W. Johnson of Amhersl == Thompson's Store, Morton, Pa. 23c lb avenue spenl last week-end al Slale Col· § Permanent Waving lege, Penna., where they were the guests Every Pay Bs:cept Saturday OLD BANK BLDG. of their sons for "Dads' Day". 3 Specials $1.00 ~= Can Swarthmore 1833 'Phone Swarthmore 1994~W Mrs. L. Hedgepelh and children of Open evenings by appointment Dartmouth avenue have returned from 13c lb Raleigh, N. C.• where Ihey spenl several DEPENDABLE Building and Repairs weeks. CHEAPER Mrs. Albert Behenna of Princeton KIMMELL & SON 10 You will find our 'oervlce convenient 0 c Ib avenue entertained at luncheon last Frito your necdo. Ye Old Swarthmore day for the members of her Sunday Ha-verford Place Ice ServIce. 2Sclb School class. Phone Sw. 632~J 210 Darhaollth A..,e. Phone 894 Mrs. Frank A. Lemon of entertained at lunchcon' o·n ,W~~:: 30c lb avenue· nesday of this week in honor of guest, Miss Lemon. Mrs. Robert Bair entertained the gion Acxiliary Thursday afternoon lb its first regular meeting of the year. Miss Hattie Shafer of Penna' l was the guest of her sister, Mrs. 23clb J. R. Kline of Riverview avenue for several days last week. 33 West Baltimore Ave. 39clb Mrs. Lloyd Kauffman, Dartmouth aveIllIC, entertained at bridge on Tuesday CLIFTON H1i:IGHTS evening. 32clb Mrs. C. C. West entertained the memSo. Chester Rd. Madison 110 hers of the Hospitality Committee of t!tC! SWARTH.105 (tall cans) 5c Swarthmore Woman's Club for teJ. at Hamburg Rib Roast Veal Cutlets Veal Chops Evaporated Milk P&G Soap 1932 WARNER BROS. WASHINGTON CHESTER. PA. . "70,000 Witnesses" -withPhillips Holmes, Dorothy Jor. dan, Charlie Ruggles, Johnny Maek Brown In addition to the ever popular Chieken and WaR'les Society girl on witness refuses to help brother who killed her lover-- • Telephone Sw. 69 THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SATURDAY. MONDAY, TUESDAY WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY, FRIDAY 5:30 to 7:30 THEATRE DREXEL mLL, PA. The sl!reen's first footbnll mur· der mystery- Sunday Night Supper Again a fascinating group of "Depression Spuials WAVERLy "Unashamed" Feature-Saturday Matinee George O'Bricn in "MYSTERY ROAD" -NEXT WEEKMONDAY AND TUESDAY "UNASHAMED" with Helen Twelvelrees Lewis Stone WEDNBSDAy-oNE DAY ONLY "CROONER" Tms STORY ACTUALLY HAPPENEDl with Ann Dvorak David Manners THURSDAY-I DAY ONLY Continuo.... Dail,. From Noon Gary Cooper, Tallnlah Bankhead "DEVIL A.ND THE DEEP" OCTOBER 14 1932 THE SWARTHMORBAN SHERIFF'S SAl ES THE SWARTHMOREAN or a d Me Nat a '0 01 Mrs A a Duff 01 306 CI cs er road took tlacc last ay at 6 0 clock at tl 10 c of d Is 0 Iy 11 c rd dgroo ce Phone Swar hmore 900 Entered as Second Class mauer January 24 1929 at the Post Olliee at Swarthmore I'a under the Act 01 Mar h 3 1879 1 RIDA\ of om PtJge POll ) Porcb PROSPERITY DINNER at DEPRESSION PRICES Thursday Eve. Oct.27 1932 as played by Margucr tc Geltz ccc of tI c vere no aUe dants as I c fo ned b tl c Social Hall Swarthmore M E Church Cond ons-S600 00 ash 0 day of aa ba. ance en ~nd 0 8 annou red a sa e o Tickets 6Sc I 0) I P 5 eve s 01 II eMil rei A rec 1 I 0 al 1 51 at! 1010 cd lIe d Mrs D ff Ja Lo g fro f tW080Y Ie t OCIOIlER 14 1932 Correspondence (Con .11 d Calendar of Community Events fI PubU.hed Every FrIda,. at Swarthmore Pa ROBERT E SHARPLES EdI'or and "ubl/,her JOHN D MILLER A a y 530 0730 err'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ vcdd g 11 ake II Isla d 10110. a 10 I.e Fa as 1032 Church Dinner 6Se PER PERSON ESTATE NOTICE OF JAMES S HEBERLING de ceased ate of Swa tbmore De awa e Thursday, October 20 Coun y Pennsylvania Letters testamentary on the above E! tate ha e been granted. to the undelli gned who requests nil persons hay ng c a IDS 0 demands ago Il5t the Estate of the decedent to make known the same a. d a I persoDJ:l ndebted to the decedent to make payment w thout de ay to EMILY H PRICE 410 Ya e Avenue Swartbmo e Pa ESTATE OF MARGARET B 8 PALMER late of the Bo ough of Swar hmo e De ceased Let.ters testamenta y on the above Estate hay ng been g anted to the unders gued a 1 persons indebted to salct Estate a e e quested to make payment and those ha ng cams to p esent the same w tout de oy to SAMUEL C a a c SU I sed S ccrcly o )OU I aac C • I \0 U • LEGION MEETING MONDAY EVENING to his Attorney PALMER Chest:e 6t College Ave and Chester Rd AUSPICES WOMAN S GUILD OF rRINITY CHURCH dllll1l11l1l1l1l1l1l1 11111 1111 =ChurchNews 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111;;; THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Executor 612 Ogden Avenue Swarthmo e Pa Those who be eve that n Christ Is the Wo d a e ca ed to beak down w1th emorse ess love the wa 18 of ass and race and nat on to ove their Maste CHARLES PALMER Esq o7 530to7PM 11111 I Pa ------------------1 wd d De ghbors as theDlSe yes Bas 1 Mathews SUNDAY 945AM-FrstDayShoo nWhtte House w 11 e open on Octobe 8 xteenth 9 45 A M -Mo n ng Fo um n Meeting House to be ed on Octobe 16th by Pau Ha is J -Suh Ject The OUt oot fo Pea~ Today and Spec tIc Ways of Imp 0 ng It 1 00 A M Meeting fa worsh p meet ng house COURT FOR THE WEDNESDAY 930 A M to 2 30 P M-5ew ng Rnd Qu t ng In Wh tt e House Box luncheon ESTATE OF PRANK L BITLER de eased Lctters Testamenta y fin the above Estate Inv ed have been g anted to the unders gned who A are co d 0.1 Y serv ces cquest a persons hav ng c alms or de mand$ ago nBt the Estate of the decedent to make known the same and 01 persons THE ndebted to the decedent to make payment SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN w thout de ay to WILLIAM F BITLER Rev ;John E ery Tutt e DO L tD 300 Come I Avenue Pastor Swa thmo e CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO SHARE Delawa e County Pa IN ITS WORSHIP AND WORK SUNDAY o OO-B b e Schoo 11 00-1 I RNING WOBSmp 5 c REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE 0 SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND 6D d grecs TRUST COMPANY OF SWARTHMORE e g y ron PASTOR PREACHES IN THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA AT oa 4 45-VESPERS C oslng at 5 45 PASTOR PREACHES THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON SEP lind 0 y II lI: 0 TEMBER 30 1932 6 OO-STUDENT FORUM RESOURCES a co 700-YOUNG PEOPLE Loans and dlBcounts $ h" J WEDNESDAY 00 7 45-MIDWEEK MISSIONARY SERVICE Overdrafts Rev F M Mltche of Ind an We Is Un ted States Government se cu t es owned Arizona Othe bonds stocks and se THURSDAY cur t es owned 6 30-MEN S DINNER Bank og house , 95 414 45 A B Gea y Esq Phi ade ph a Fum ture and Fixtures 20 932 55 • Turner Bemler SWARTHMORE Real estate owned other than bank ng house Rase ve w tb Fede al Reserve Bank Cash and due f om banks Outs do checks and other cash Items Redempt on fund w th U S Treasure and due -from U S T easu e Othe assets METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH LLOYD P STEVENS MINISTER SERVICES SUNDAY OCTOBER 6TH 1 OO--Worsh p and Be mon THE CHRISTIAN IDEAL 745-WORSHIP AND SERMON POWER OF ENCOURAGEMENT A CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU Banish Housekeeping Cares Tots TRINITY CHURCH P atestant Episcopal Che te Road and Co age Avenue Oppos to the Col ege Campus Re ~ , Swarthmore. I"enna. r~~~~~~~'~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~, WHY SOME FAIL lONE of the greatest causes of failure n hfe s Just E lVy 1 Some people when they see a successful mm envy 111m 1/ They are the world s future fa lures Ot! ers emulate him 1 Tl ey me the \orld s futu e successful men aid worne 1 ! ! START as EVERY SUCCESSFUL MAN AND WOMAN HAS STAR'f'ED ,,,th a bank account ~~~~~ Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company L -..~.--...--..~.-...--...__..~-..__..._...._..__...._..__.._ and and S T M FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE Pa k Avpn e Be ow Harva d StratL.Haven 1 1 1/ $ 800 a m Ho y Commun on 945 a m -Sunday Schoo Mo U ng Praye and Se mon 1 00. m M Guenther w I peach Come to The Inn" EnJOy our old fashioned hospitality DeliCIOUS food attractively served SpeCial dinners 85 cents to $1 25 I Recto J Ja den Guenth ! I1 Total $ 514 958 4 State of Penna county of Delaware 6S He vices I E S Sp oat Cash er of the above 00 A M ~ Il day Schoo named bank do so emnly awea that the 00 A M --bUnda} Lesson Sermon Wednesday even ng meet nC each week above sta ement is true to the best of DlJ 8 p m Read ng oom open da y except know edge and be e1 E S SPROAT &,undays and ho days 1 to 4 In he af er Cashe noon Chu ch ed ftc Subscr bed and swo n to befo e me this A I a e co day nv ted to attend the 8th day of October 1932 serv ces and use the Readtng Room (Seal] My Commiss on Exp res March 16 1933 Correct-Attest SHERIFF S SALES H M CRIST WE KISTLER J EVERTON RAMSEY E Directors / 1 / ~ ! 1• I _".__..~ om", A Cou Hue o fI E k A 30 a n o S 03 , T N F T 03 Mo tgoges Othe n estments eto flO Cash ba an e Ocdafts Signed) E. S SPROAT ca.h • Subscribed and sworn to before me this e ghth day of Octobet 1932 S gned E C WALTON (Sea] Notal}" Pub e My Comm ss on Exp res March 16 1933 Correct-Attest (Signed) W B KISTLER Signed) J EVERTON RAMSEY M a a. pon oad a he to a point thence extending made by James J Moore Clvl1 Eng neer of a foot slIty eight degrees ftfty-slx mlnute& dated October 15 1926 beg nnlDg at a polnt south one hundred forty four feet and ftft.y on the north 8 de of Baltlmore avenue at eaat hundred.tha of a foot to a ~lDt in the the distance of 11 feet southwestward. from one the southwest 8 de of a proposed street 40 center line of Old Foreet road the flrst leet wide) thence along the north a de of mentioned point and place of beglDn ng Balttmo e avenue the fa owing COur&e5 Improvements oonslst of two stol}" atone and dlstancee south 69 degrees 53 miDu:es house 18X32 feet two story frame addl west 34 84 teet south 53 degrees 35 minutes tlon 3x14 feet one stor)/' frame add t on west 101 sa feet to a point a comer of lands 4x8 feet porch front Bange 18x20 feet now or IRW of W Perc va Jolmson and Se era Hoffman Estate thence Bong line Bold &8 the property of Paul ne Hagen between lands now or late of W Perclva Jobnson and the Be em Hoffman Estate b uch mol1sBgor and Vincent P carro 1 north 27 degrees 16 m nute8 52 seconds rea owner west 106 35 feet thence no th 53 degrees Cond t ons-$250 00 cash 0 certtDed check 35 minutes east 11812 feet and thence on day of sale balance tn ten days FUr BOuth 36 deg ees 25 mlnutes east 11478 ther condltloDB announced at sa e feet to beg nnloB Also a that certain ot or piece of GEORGE T BUTLER Attorney ground. w th the bu d ngs and Improve No 1095 By re ease of mortcqe bea Dg date the ments the eon e ected B tuate In Lans Leva t Pac 88 8th day of December 192'1 and eeo ded in downe ato esa1d and descr bed In accord June Term 1932 Be ease of Mortgage Book No 47 page 438 ance with a survey and plan thereof made &c At that certa n ot 0 p ece of Bround by James J Moo e C vU Engineer dated that certain lot or P ece of ground with the bu ldings and lmprovemen'ts April 15 1925 8.8 tol OWB Beginning at a w All th the messuage 0 tenement thereon the eon e ected 8 ~uate n Lansdowne Del po nt on the northwest 8 de of 0 aclstone erected. situate on tbe nenherly side of aware County Pennsy van a bel nn og at road at the dlBtance of 12918 feet 60uth Wayne avenue forty feet w de) at the dis If point on the northwest s de of 0 adatone west f om po nt of cu e fo moo by Inter tance of two bundred seventy Ove feet on of the northWest B de of G ad road at the d15t.ance of 290 47 feet south seect road w th the southwest 8 de of eastwa d y from tbe easter r s de of Brook westward f om po nt of curve at the nter stone E don oad thence a ong the northwest side side road In tbe TOwnsh p of spr ngDeld section of the northwest s de of G adatone ot Gladstone olld on a curve the ad us County of De aware State of PennsylvaD a road with the &Outbwe:st s de of E don road Can'ta n ng n front 0 breadth on said 8 de thence extend ng aloDg the northwest s de of wb ch is 780 feet the dlBtance of 33 03 of Wayne avenue tweftty fl e feet and ex. feet thence north 44 degrees 55 m nutes 33 of Gladstone road the fo ow nB courses seconds west 91 58 fec~ thence no th 45 tendll g of that w dth n length or depth and dlBtanee& on a curve w th a rad us 01 northw8 d Y between para e nes at r ght 780 feet a distance of '1.22 feet on a curve degrees 4 minutes 21 seconds east 33 feet angles with sa d Wayne a enue one hun thence south 44 deg ees 55 m nutes 33 with a rad us of 820 feet a distance of and drod feet to the m dd e of a 8 xteen teet 24 99 feet thence env ng the northwest seconds east 89.28 feet to the northwest w de driveway s de of Gladstone road no h 44 degrees 55 8 de of G adstone oad and beg nn nB m nutes 33 s conda west 93 67 feet thence Unde subject to certa n condit ons Also a that certa n ot a p cce of co enantsand no th 45 deg ees 4 m nutes 27 seconds east and restrict ODS as the eln re Bound w th the bu ld ngs and mp ave 32 teet and thence south 44 deg ees 5S min utes 33 seconds east 97 2 feet to the first menta the eon e ected 8 tuate n Laos cited downe aforesa d and. desc bed n accord ment oned po nt and p ace of beginning Imp ovements consist of two and one ance w th a survey and plan as above ha f story br ck house 42x 8 feet enc osed ment oned as fa ows Beglnn ng at a po nt By e ease of mo tgage bear ng date the the northwes s de of G adstone road po ch basement garage 28th day of Novembe 1927 and eoo ded In on at t e distance of 62.26 feet southwest-So d as the prope ty of Fanny Schwartz He ease of Mortgage Book No 4'1 page 581 d from po nt of cu e formed by the mo tgago and Sedwick Bu d ng and Loan &c A I that certa n ot 0 p ece of g ound wa Intersec on of the northwest a de of G ad w th tlle bul d ngs and mp 0 ements stone road w th he southwest 8 de of E Assoc at on real owner the eon erected s tuate n Lansdowne Del don road thence extend ng a ong sa d Cond t on&---$250 00 cash 0 cert fled check awa e Coun y, Penosy van a beg no ng at DO thv.:est B de of G adstone road on a a polot on the no theast B de of DeFo est cur e the rod us of wh ch ls '180 feet the on day of sa e ba ance n ten days Fu road at the dlBtance of 43 67 feet north distance of 32 0 feet to a po nt thence ther cond t oos announced at sa e And the othe the eof beg nn ng west from po nt of curve at the ntersec po nt on the southwest B de of Va ey road t on of the no theast s de at DeFores road north 44 deg ees 55 minutes 33 seconds west GEORGE T BUTLER Attorney at the d15tance at four hundred fo ty and with north s de of Madison road thence 92 ~8 feet to a po nt then e nortb 45 de tblrty .seven one hundredths feet 440 3'1 a aug the no theast s de of DeFo est road grees 4 mlnu cs 27 seconds eas~ 32 fee~ to westward from the northeast 8 de of Park on a cu ve the rod us of wh ch ls 820 feet a po nt and thence south 44 deg ees 55 No 1371 Fa ... road as me&.! ured a ong 68 d. Va ey rood a distance of 3874 feet thence north 16 III nutes 33 seconds east 91 58 feet to the I.e thence extending south 61 degreeIJ 10 min deg ees 20 m nutes 54 seconds eaa 9 20 northwest 5 de 0 0 adstone oad the firSt. u c T m loa utes 40 seconds west one hundred siXty feet then:e south 3 deg: ees 39 m nutes ment oned po nt and place of beginning eight and seven one hundredths feet 6 aeconds cas 34 feet thence south 76 de Also a 1 that ce ta n lot or P ece of (168 07 thence extending no th 28 de grees 20 minutes 54 s conds west 6 feet grees 49 minutes 20 seconds west Bft} five thence south 13 deg ees 39 m nutes 6 sec ground w th the bu dlngs and mp 0 e (55 feet thence extending north 61 degrees onds east 4 feet thence south '16 degree5 20 menta the eon erected 8 tuate n Lans 10 minutes 40 6ecands east one hundred minutes 54 seconds wes '1071 feet to the downe afo esa d and des bed n accord sixty Bve and two tenths feet 165 2) to first ment oned po nt and p ace of beg n anee w th a au vey and p an ast abo e ment oned as fo oWS Beg nn ng at a the sa d southwest aide of Va ey road and nlng po nt on the no tbwest s de of G adstone thence extending a ong said southwest By e ease of roo tgage bea ng date the oad at the distance of 254 77 feet south 6 de of Va ley road the foUowlnB courses and distances south 31 degrees 48 m nutes 12th day of January 1928 and eearded In westward f am po ut of curve at he In 20 seconds east forty three feet (43 on a Re ease of Mo tgage Book No 50 page 88 tersect on of the no thwest 5 de of 0 ~ curve the radius of wh ch Is nlneteen hun &c AI that ce ta n 0 a P ece of grouod stone road w th he southwest 8 de of ..,u dred twenty and twe ve one hundredths with the bu d. ugs and impro ements don road thence a ong the no thwest 8 de feet (1920 1~ the dlStance of twe ve and the eon e ected s tuatc n Lansdowne Del of Gladlitone oad on a curve the adlus six one hundredths teet 1206 to the flr6t awa e County Pennsy an a and descr bed of wh ch 8 820 feet the dhitance of 33 02 M folows wt Beg nn ng at a pont of fee~ thence no th 44 degrees 55 m nutes 33 ment oned po nt and p ace of beg un ng curve at the nterse on of the no t.heast seconds west 90 10 feet thence no th 45 8 de of DeFD est road w th the north side degrees 4 m nutes 27 seconds east 33 feet Subject to certa n rese a ons of Madtson road thence a ong the north and thence south 44 deg ees 55 m nutes 33 enants as the e n set forth east side of DeFore5t oad on a curv£': the seconds east 912'1 fee to the place of be rad us of wh ch lB 820 feet a dlStance of Tbe fo ow ng p emtses ha e been re 43 ()l feet thence north 76 degrees 20 min ginn ng eased f om the len and operat on of sa d utes 54 seconds east 7071 feet thence north Also a t at ce ta n lot 0 P ece of m.ortgage of $92 800 00 edu ed to $42 720 04. 13 degrees 39 minutes 6 econds west 4 w h the bu d nga and mp ave dated September 30 1927 and eeo ded n feet hence no th 76 degrees 20 mlDutes ground ment,ij; the eon e ectad 5 tuate n Laos Mortgage Book No 817 page 573 54 seconds east 16 feet thence BOU h 13 de downe afo asa d n the County of De a grees 39 m nutes 6 .secondS east 34 92 feet wa e and State of Penmylvan a and de By release of mortgage bea ng date the to the north B de of Madison avenue thence sc bed n acco dance w th a survey and 19th day of September 1928 and eco ded a ong same on a urve whose radius Is p an abo e ment oned B5 fo OWS to wit In Re ease of Mortgage No 51 page 178 &c 243 38 feet a distance of B6 92 feet to a Beg nn ng at a point on the southeast s de tersect on of the of G adstone oad at the distance of 280 26 A 1 that certa n lot 0 piece of ground w th po nt of curve at the the bu d ng& and Imp 0 ements the eon north s de of MadlBon oad w tb the north feet southwest from po nt of curve at the erected s tuate In Lansdowne De aware east s de of DeFo est oad and thence on ntene t on of the southeast s de of G ad County Pennsylvania and dascr bed as a curve whose rod us is 0 feet a dlBtance stone road w th the southwest 8 de of E fa ows to wit Beg on ng at a po nt of 22 91 teet to the firSt ment oned po nt don road thence a ong the southeas~ a de formed by the lntep;,ectlon of the north and p ace of beg nn ng of 0 adstone oad the fa ow ng courses and distances on a urve the red \Ii> of s de of Ba t more avenue w th the west s de of W lowbrook avenue thence extend By re ease of mo tgage bea ing date the wh ch lB 820 feet' the dlBtance of 22 44 feet Ing a ong the west s de of W owb ook ave 19th day ot septelllbe 1928 and ceo ded on a cu e the ad us of wh ch is 780 f~et nue no th 15 deg ees 2 minutes 22 sec n Release of MortgaBe Book No 51 page the dlstance of 977 feet thence south 44 onds west 263 feet to a po nt thence south 182 &c A hat certa n ot 0 P ece u degrees 55 m uutes 33 seconds east 90 07 74 degrees 57 minutes 38 Beconds west 89 59 g ound w h the bu Id ng and mprove feet thence north 45 deg ees 4 m nute& 27 feet thence aouth 14 deg eas 59 minutes menta the eon e ected s tuate at Lane ch seconds east 16 feet thence south 44 deg ees 40 seconds east 265 81 feet to the north In the Townsh P of Have fo d n the 55 m nutes 33 seconds east 4 feet thence B de of Ba t more avenue and thence ex County of De awa e and State of Pennsy no th 45 degrees 4 minutes 27 seconds east tending along same no th 73 degrees 10 van a beg nn ng a a pelot on the south 16 feet and then e north 44 degrees 55 m.lnutes east 89 84 feet to the first men west s de of Va ey road at the dlstance of m nutes 33 seconds west 00 42 fee~ to the toned POint and place of beg nnlng 44037 fee no thwest of Pa k oad thence p ace of beg nn ng a ong the southwest a de of Va ey oad certa n lot 0 P ece of By release of mortgage bea nB date the the fol ow ng courses and dlstances on a g ound w hthat bu d ngs and lmp ov 16th day of :March 1931 and reco ded n curve the rael us ot wh ch is 920 2 fee ments the eonthee ected s tuate In Lans He ease of Mortgage Book No 55 page 230 a distance of 2 06 f'8et thence north 31 de downe aforesa d and desc n accord &c A1 that ce ta n lot a p ece of g ound grees 48 m nutes 20 seconds wes 43 fe~o Bncc w th a survey Bnd p bed an ast above w th the bu d ngs and 1mp ovements then e sou h 6 degrees 0 m nutes oned as fa ows Beg nn ng a a po nt thereon e ected situate in Lansdowne De a seconds west 165 2 fee to he no theM ment the southwest a de of DeFo est road at ware County Pennsy vania beginn ng at s de of a 5 feet w de d eway then e on dlstance of 292 2 feet outheast f om a po nt on the east 8 de of W lowb ook a ong same south 2B deg eos 49 m nules 23 the po nt of cu ve at the ntersect on of the avenue a~ the distance of 31 feet no th at seconds ast 55 feet hence no h 61 de southwest of DeFo est oad w th the Ba tlmo e avenue thence a ong he east g ees 10 m nutes 40 se onds east 68 07 fee south ast ss de de of Gladstone oad thence s de of W owb ook avenue north 15 de to beginb ng a ong the southwest s de of DeFo est oad grees 2 m nutes 22 seconds west 41 fee on a cu ve of wh ch is 'ISO feet the distance thence north 74 degrees 57 m nutes 38 ec of 71 ee thence no h 61 deg ees 18 m n onds east 60 feet thence south 15 deg cas u es 4 seconds west 74 46 feet thence no th 2 m nutes 22 seconds east 41 fee and 55 deg ees 13 m nutes 5 Reconds west 2,) thence south 74 degrees 57 m. nutes 38 sec feet thence no th 45 deg ees 4 m nutes 27 n onds west 60 teet to the first. ment oned onds east 11 98 feet thence north 44 po nt and p ace of beg nn ng degrees 55 m nutes 33 seconds west 10 feet thence north no degrees 17 m nutes 31 aec onds east 86 feet and thence sou h 89 de By release of mo tgage bea ng date the g ees 42 m nutos 29 .se onds east 83 87 fee 8tb day of February 1928 and eco ded n to he first: ment oned po nt and p a e of Re ease of Mortgage Book No 50 page 94 beg nn ng &:c A tl1nt certa n lot 0 P ece of ground wtth the bu d ng and Improvements No mp 0 ements Vacant g ound thereon e ected s tuate n Lamdowne Del aware County Pennsylvan a beg nn ng at No So d as he p operty of W Pe e a John a point on the southeast a de of G adstone son mo tgago and C a ton A D etz trus road at the dIstanCe of 184 3 teet south tee n bankruptcy fa Estate of W Pe c va west f om the po nt of curve formed by ..... n Johnson ea owne the ntersect on of the southeast 8 de of Dn by Oladstone cad with the southwest s de of Cond t ons-$1 500 00 cash a E don road thence a ong the s':)utheast check on day of sale ba ance side of Gladstone road on 8. curve the Furthe cond t ons announced radiUS of which is 820 feet a dlstonce of 32 leet thence south 44 degt'ee5 55 mtnutes JOHN B MILLER At orney 3 seconds east 86 66 feet thence north 45 Also a that etan at 0 pe e a degrees 4 m nutes 27 5econds east 32 feet and thence north 44 degrees 55 m nutes 33 g ound w th the bu d ngs aud mp 0 e Fac as seconds west 8666 feet to the first men ments thereon e ec ed s tuate n LB"d downe afa esa d and desc bed n aceo toned po nt and p ace of beginn ng Bnce w th the a(oresa d 5urvey and p an as fa ows to w t Beginn nc at a po nt on By e ease of mo tgage bear ng date the the east s de of W lowbrook a enue at th 24th day of Januar)/' 928 and reco dt:d In distance of 542 feet uo thwa d f om the Be ease of Mo tgage Book No 50 page 12 north S de of Ba timo e avenue thence ex &e All that certa n ot or p ece of ground tend ng a ong sa d eas 5 de of W low w th the bu d ngs and mpro ements brook avenue no th 5 deg ees 2 m nutes the eon e ected situate n Lansdowne De 22 seeonds west 32 feet thence north 74 de awa e County Pennsylvan a beg: nn ng at grees 57 m nutes 38 eecuds east 82 5 fee a polot on the no thwest s de of G adstone thence south 15 degrees 2 m nutes 22 see road at the distance of 194.27 feet sout east 32 fcct and hence sout~ ~4 fde ~ west from point of curve formed by the onds grees 57 m nutes 38 5 conds wes ee Intersect on of the no thwest s de of G ad f to the first ment oned po nt and p ace 0 stone road w th the southwest 5 de 0 beg nn ng Eldon road thence a ong the northWest d f G dstone oad on a curve the Also a that certa n ot 0 P ece of ~e 01 w-:" ch is 780 feet the distance of g ound w th the hu dtngs and mpro e 32 01 feet thence DO~ 4492d06~::t 55tt!:n~e menta the eon e ected s tuate n Laos utes 33 seconds wes" ato esold and desc bed acco d ng north 45 degrees 4 m nutes 27 seconds east downe to a ce to n survey and p an thereof made 32 feet and thence south.. 44,depees t~e ~:!t b Damon and Foste C v Engineers utes 33 seconds east 92 ee .. to ~ted Ju y 7 1924 as fo OWS Beg nn ng ment oned point and p ace of beginning at the po nt formed by the ntersect on °h the south s de ot Ba t more a enue w By e ease of mortgage hea ng datedthe the wes s de at W ndermere terrace eas 24 h day of Octobe 1927 aud e 0 d thence a ong the sou h s de of Ba t more He sse at Mo tgage Book No 50 page avenue uth 73 deg ees 0 m nutes wes &c A that certe n lot a P ece of g ound 36 feet th nce south 6 detgh~ S:e::~~ with the b d ngB and improvements east 100 eet thence no d , thereon erected s tuate n r,ansdoown e minutes east 27 39 fee~ to the west s e 0 Delawa e County Pennsylvan a beg nning Windermere terrace east and thence a oog at a pelOt on the northwpst sf de22~kG f~t the west side of W nderrDere terrace east Sod as h 1'1 ope y of W am F Co bert the fa ow ng courses and dlstances on a stone road at tbe distance a mortgagors and rea and Jane M h 8 W southwest from point of curve tormed by curve the radlus of wh ch ~ 180~ f~t ~~e OWDenJ Intersect on of the northwest s de of Glad, dIStanee of 55 89 feet an, ~°to the first road with the southwest s de a grees 50 m nUtes west 45 ce .. h o e fled heek Cond na--$2 0 00 ~to-:" road thence along the northWe5ht ment oned po nt and p ace of beg: nnlng on I!Io n By release of mortcage bearing date tbe 18t day of May 1928 and reco ded n He lease of 140 tgnge Book No 50 P8Be 320 &c Al that ce ta n lot 0 p ace of ground with the bu Id OKS and lmpro ements thereon erected. situate n Lansdowne Del aware Count.y Pennsy van a begtnn ns at a point on the northwest 8 de of Qladstone road at tbe distance of 258.32 feet south westward from po nt of curve formed by the ntersect on of the northwest a de of G adstone road w tb the BOutbwe&t 6 de of Eldon road thence aloDg the northwest s de of Gladstone road OD a curve the r&d us of wh ch 1a 780 teet a dlBtance of 32 15 feet thence north 44 degrees 55 miD utes 33 seconds west 92.21 feet thence no th 45 degrees 4 minutes 27 seconds east 32 feet and thence south 44 degrees 55 min utes 33 second east 95.33 feet to the ftrst ment oned po nt and place of beg nntng u: :0 Tota T ust Funds Commonwea th of of Delaware as I E S Sp oat Cash er of the above named Bank do solemnly Bwear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and be lef (S gned) H 5 THE SWARTIlMOREAN OcTOBER 14, 1932 CRIST DIrectoI'll ... !1l:: 'ila ~hmore OCTOBER 14, 1932 THE SWARTHMORBAN 6 Presbyterian Notes Sunday eve HI g at SIX 0 clock the ti rst of the Sunday cvelll11g Forums for tlltcrmg college students Will be held at the home of Mr and Mrs Eaton Dart mouth A venue Wlnle the forum IS t Ian led espeCially for freshmen women a Id men auy student will be heartily welcome SUPI er IS scrved at SIX and the eVel1l1 g closes 1 romptly at eight tlurty fhe general tOllC Will be a study of the hfe and tcaclm gs of Jesus With thclr speCial al)pl caholl to the bfe and I ccds of students 111 the IJresent time Stanley Kendig dlrcctor of leadership trallllng 111 tl e Pellltsylva ua State Sab I ath School ASSOCiation a graduate of Bosto 1 Umvcrslty who has I ad much successful experience III such work With stude Its Will conduct the diSCUSSIons fI e Forun IS under the aUS1 ces of the comlluttcc of tl e church on student relations and actlV1t1es of winch Mr Frank S I{.e zcl 15 chairman VI. edncsday evenlllg at seven forty five the first of a senes of three mid \\cek J1t sSlOnary services \\lll be held under the d recllon o{ the III 55 onary dCI artmcnt of thc \Voma I s Assocla tlO I of the ci urch Mrs J P Me Naughto cha rt an rhe speaker Wed I esday evc I g \\In be H.ev Fred ~htd ell director of the Preshytcnan 11 IsStOJ al110I g tl e 11 dial s of Anzona It the station I dla \Vells fl e puhhc IS Ilvlted 1 he first d lIer (or the men of the churd "Ill be I eld 0 I fhursday eve II g at SIX th rty u der the directIOn of the men s Bible class U. Chester Sl encer pres dent I hc speaker wJlI be -WILLIAM PENN- Hon A B Geary one of the promment attorneys of Delaware Count) A speCial mixed class for Blblc stud) I as been orgamzed III the sCUlor de partmcllt of the Sunday School With Professor W R Wright as tcaeher Iins class IS for young men and women wi 0 havc graduated from high school or of that age and students and any young me 1 and women below the age of the mel sand womell s classes I he class startcd last Sunday With a mem bersl p of twelve The course \ull be 11 thc hfe of Chnst Much lIItcrest IS bcmg eXI)rcssed 111 thiS lIew departure • Mr Burt P McKm lie formerly of Sw rtlullore J as returned from spend II g tl e summer JIl Boston and IS resld II g III Pluladelphla ORDINANCE NO 343 AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No 341 approved September 15 1932 by the addition ot a new section to be known as Section 13 fixlng the permit tee to be charged In connection with the comtruc tlon fe comtructlon replacement or ma terlal repair of sidewalks and driveways In the Borough of Swarthmore BE IT ORDAINED by the CouncIl of the Borough ot SWarthmore and it 16 hereby enacted and ordained by the authority ot the 68bleSection 1 That Ordinance No 341 ap proved September 15 1932 providing tor the construction re construction replace ment or repair ot sidewalks and driveways In the Borough ot SWlarthmore shall be amended by the addition ot a new section thereto to be known as Section 13 as tol lOWS Section 13 PERMITS Before any 51de walk or driveway IS constructed re con structed replaced or materially repaired a permit tor so doing shall be obtained lrom the Borough secretary and the prop erty owner or nls duly authorIzed agent $hall execute an appllcatlon tor such pur pose and pay a tee at $2 00 to the Bor ough Secretary In behalf ot the Borough lor each sIdewalk or drIveway to be con structed re comtructed replaced or rna 1932 terially repaired Passed this SIxth day of October A D 1932 FIRST DAY COVERS (Chester Only) Fine line cut illustration of the LANDING OF WILLIAM PENN The very best cover that can be purchased Order date limit October 20 Special cachet on back Free LSINGLE IDe I • Swarthmore at tbe tlme ot the PB888Ie and approval ot tbls Ordinance are hereby granted a period ot seventy flays from the eIJectlve date hereot within which tlme they shall make appUcatloD to the Bor oogh Secretary tor a permit In the man ner set torth In this Ordinance Section xvn LICENSE PEE A l1cense tee ot Twenty Bve dollars per year tor each vehicle UIed In aelllllg and/or del1ver Ing such wllk and milk products shall be paid at the time of ftllllg the appl1catlon specified In the nAxt preced.lng Section with the Borough Secretary Such l1cense shall extend tor the period at one year trom the date thereof unless sooner can celed or revoked. by the Borough tor cause 88 herelnatter provided Application tor the renewal ot 8uch license shall be made annually on the torms SUPflied. by the Borough Secretary Bnd shal ILkewtse be accompanied by the said tee ot Twenty nve Dollars for each vehicle In any way used within the Borough ot Swarthmore In making such sale and/or deltvery ot mllk and milk products Section xvm Any license or lIce1lSe8 !saued. pursuant to the terms ot Sections 16 and 17 hereof may be revoked. or can celed tor cause by resolution ot Borough Council passed at any general adjourned or specIal meeting thereof upon forty eight hours notice to the milk dealer In question Where revoked tor cause no re tund of any part of saId license tee shall be made Section XIX The said. Ucense as herein provided In Section 16 and 17 shall be in addition to any other licenses now or here atter required by law and shall authorIze merely the .sale Bnd/or del1very ot mllk and mllk products In the Borough of Swarthmore and nothing else Section XX Any pe1'6on violating any ot the provisions at SectIons 16 17 18 and 19 hereof shall be subject to the same fines penaltIes and punishments as set forth In Section 13 ot Ordinance 332 with the same torce and effect as It the addlttonal Bec tlons enacted by this amending Ordinance had been a part of said original Ordinance In addition to the remedies specUled In the said Sectlon 13 ot Ordinance No 332 the Borough authorities are hereby auth or1Zed to take such steps as may be neces sary to exclude the oIJendlng dealer or dealers from the Borough of Swarthmore Sectton 2 Any ordinance or part ot or dlnance contrary to the terms hereof is hereby repealed so tar as the same affects this Ordinance Section 3 This OrdlnElDce shall effective on the 24th day of October A 1932 Passed this 6th day ot October A Attest L CASHTON PresIdent ot Council Fieri FlU'ID8 Sci tcmbrr WHEN ITS AN ••• lnche6 length The ninth thereof beglnlllng at a point on the northwest aide of Parker avenue (seventy feet wide) at the distance of one bundred sixty Doe teet nine Incbes north eastward. from the northeasterly 8 de of Felton avenue (PUty feet wide) Contain IDg In front or breadth on the said Parker avenue seventeen feet eleven inches and ex.tendlng of that width 10 length or depth northwestwardly between parallel lloes at avenue fifty teet to a certain proposed ten feet wIde drIveway Which extends BOuthwest.. wardly Into Pelton avenue Being premises Parker avenue oint The tenth thereof beginning at a point on the northwest side ot Parker avenue -(seventy teet Wide) at the dlstance ot one hundred seventy nine teet eIght Inches northeastward trom the northeasterly side of Felton avenue (Plfty feet wide) Con talnlng In front or breadth on the said Park.er avenue seventeen feet eleven Inches and extendIng ot that wIdth In length or depth northwestwardly between parallel lines at right angles to the said Parker avenue fitty teet to a certaln pro Posed ten teet wide driveway which ex tends southwestwardly into Felton avenue Being premises Parker avenue Together with the tree and common use right Uberty and prlvllege ot the afore said driveway as and tor a driveway and pa&5ageway In common with the owners tenanta and occupiers ot the other lots ot ground abutting thereon at all tlmes bereatter torever Improvements con.slst at 10 houses each two story brick and stucco buildIngs 16x. 50 feet Store tronts Sold as the property ot Marcus A Benn rIght angles TI TO at a I Answer-From the dealer who combmes prompt, attenbve servo Ice wdh hlgb grade merchandIse CondltloIl6-$1 500 00 cash or certified check on day of sale balance In ten days 3 ]10 nl Further conditions announced at sale ue (acv HOWARD M LUTZ Attorney Beginning at a poInt on the northwest side ot Lasher road (40 feet wIde) at the distance ot tour hundred eighty feet and tourteen one hundredths at a foot north east from the northeast side ot Creek road (40 teet WIde) Containing 10 front or breadth on said Lasher road twenty five feet and extending of that width In length or depth northWest between parallel lines at r ght angles to said Lasher road one hundred teet to the middle lIne ot a twelve toot wide driveway which extends northeast and southwest trom Creek road to Vernon road (Being No 4037 Lasher road) II Under and subject to certain condItIons and restrIctions as in Deed Book No 72.4 Page 386 Also subject to the pa.yment ot a cer taln mortgage debt. or principal sum of tour thousand dollars with Interest thereon The seventh thereot begtnnlng at a point on the northwest side ot Parker avenue (seventy feet wide) at the distance of one hundred twenty Dve feet ele'Ven Incoes northeastward from the northf'asterly side of Felton avenue (fifty teet wide) Con taming In front or breadth on the saId Parker avenue seventeen feet eleven Inches and extending ot that width In length or depth northwestwardly betWeen parallel lines at right angles to the said Parker avenue fifty feet to a certain pro posed ten teet wide driveway which ex. tends southwestwardly Into Pelton avenue Being premises Parker avenue The eighth thereof begInning at a point on the northwest s de ot Parker avenue (seventy teet wide) at the distance ot one hundred forty three feet ten Inches northeastward trom the northeasterly side Sold as the property of Anthony P Bar rett and Anna Mabel Barrett his wife Condltions-$2S0 00 cash or certified check on day at sale balaI!ce In ten days Fur ther conditions announced at sale HOWARD M LUTZ Attorney JOHN J CAIN SherlIJ 9303t J days I check rther F At 0 Dey HIGHLAND DAIRY'S GUERNSEY MILK may we have the priVilege of servmg YOU 1932 I OIlC certain 10 S r peres of ro n I U the bu II ngs a I m rov m n B thereo 1 erucic I s tunte n the Townshh) of Haverford COll t~ of Delaware adS ate of PcnnS)l ania a d known and Ic!! gua ed 3S lois 63 an I 64 n Block No 1<) on the plan of Brookl ne rceonl ~ in the Office for the Be ord og of Deets 3 I for Delaware County a.fol'Csall n Deed Book:M No 1" I age 62-1 an I more p tic larly I ser bed as follows to w t All Stop our drIver or call Chester 2-2412 \l 18 makmg a needs little attention gives off a tre mendous amount of heat and creates neither ashes nor clInkers Our repre sentative will gladly call and explain its merits As tor fuel oil we maintain our own laboratories where all oil sold is tested ThiS means that our 011 is uniform having been tested first by the refinery from wi om we buy and testcd again by ourselves Diamond Fuel Oil Service offers you a depend able supp1y of oil within easy reach of youI' home Let our representative call and discuss your needs for the winter DIAMOND Improvements consist at two and one bait story stone and stucco house 15x33 teet Porch front Two story stucco addt tion 4x6 feet Basement garage has accepted No 1971 On the assumpbon that thIS IS the correct answer, the Diamond Ice & Fuel Co specIal effort to seD their products m Swarthmore Together with the tree use right lib erty and prlvilege ot the aforesaid twelve toot wide drIveway In common with the owners tenants and occupIers ot the prem Ises adjoining and abutting thereon as and tor a passageway and driveway at all tlmes hereafter torever SWARTHMORE C'f'r J ne Tcrm to the said Parker Fieri Facias No 135 September Term 1932 All that certain lot or piece ot grouna with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected sItuate at Drexel HUl ToWD6hip ot Upper Darby County of Dela ware and State at PenD6ylvania and de scribed as tallows to wit Hannum & Waite Where Do the People ofSwarthmore Buy Their Fuel? and extendlng of that width it. Qf II U&l "Crlal Ie lotH or IleccB of parallel lines at right BDgle6 u d y; th tho build ngg u d In I roverne tl Parker avenue fifty feet to a A I • of J scpb hs '\Ii fe of Pelton avenue (flfty feet wide). Con talntng In front or breadth on the said. Parker avenue seventeen feet eleven depth northwestwardly between to the Battl certain pro Ihcn-o rt 1:cd IIUuate I Ih Durougl of posed ten feet wide driveway which ex. Colli If lal Dday;arc COUI Iy PennQ'lvania tends southwest.wardly IDto Pelton avenue til d ICe<.'Tibed as follow8 BeLDg prem18es Parker avenue gr A WISE CHOICE We are one of the largest dlstrib utors of Sinclair petroleum Coke in this section of the country This fuel 10)2 L CASHTON President at Council AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance Sher ff So.les of Beal Estate No 332 ot the Borough ot Swarthmore ap Dealers can purchase these enl'elopes November 7 1931 and entitled At the Sher II 8 Office 1000 $650 500 $3 75 100 $1 00 12 25c proved An ORDINANCE providing tor the IsSuing of permits governIng the pro Co rl Ho Be !-fed a P nns,)'l\"an JOHN SPENCER Inc CHESTER PA ductlon distrIbution and sale ot mUk in the Borough ot Swarthmore and S I" r 1"" Oetober providing penaltIes tor vIolation there ot creating the office ot mUk Inspec n lO o 10 k A M tor and fixing the salary thereat and proViding tor the repeal ot all ordl Stan I tnl Tim, E Bter nances or parts ot ordInances Incon slstent therewith F, F by prOViding tor licensing ot mllk dealers within the Borough of Swarthmore and c Ternl 193" J the procuring of a permit authorizIng such sale from the Borough Secretary In ad All that ~ rtain dltlon to the permit required by said ordl nance BE IT ORDAINED by the Council at the Borough of Swarthmore and It Is hereby ordained by the authority or the same SECTION 1 OrdInance No 332 ot the Borough ot Swarthmore approved the 7th day ot No vember 1931 entItled AN ORDINANCE providing for the Issuing ot permIts governing the pro ductlon distribution and sale ot milk In the Borough at Swarthmore and proViding penalties tor vIolatIon there ot creating the office at milk Impector and fixing the salary thereof and pro vldlng tor the repeal at all ordinances or parts of ordinances Inconsistent therewith fR. hereby amended by adding the follow Ing sections thereto Section XVI No firm person Or corpor ation shall sell and/or deUver milk or When you buy an EXlele lor milk products In the Borough ot Swarth more unless and untIl he shall have pro your ca.--your money has cured In addition to the permtt herein be tore required to be procured trom the obtalneelthe ulmosllR battery Health Department of the Borough of Swarthmore a permit tram the Borough value--salJslacllon anel per· Secretary permitting such sale and/or de livery Any firm person or corporation so lormance always desiring to sell and/or deliver mUk or mllk products within the Borough ot Swarth more shall make applicatIon to the Bor Let us tell you more about It ough Secretary tor such permit Sucb ap pllcation shall be made on torms turnished on request by the Borough Secretary aod shall be executed by the person or the duly authorized representative at the firm Chester Rd &Yale Ave or corporation making such application Firms persons or corporations in the busl SWARTH 1:!50 ness at selling and/or delivering milk or mtlk products within the Borough ot PETROLEUM COKE FUEL OIL Tenn SHERIFF'S SALES ORDINANCE NO 342 BLOCKS OF 4 2Sc We feel confident that we can gain customers in Swarthmore becaUSe our aim Is not to sell coal alone but to sell untts of heat in whatever form you can use most economically In your Individual home Therefore we especially recommend to the people of Swarthmore two of our most popular fuel products No 98 ALBERT N GARRETT Jr Secretary Approved this 12th day ot October A D ALBERT N GARRETT Jr Borough Secretary 1932 W R LANDIS Approved October lOth 1932 Burgess W R LANDIS Chiet Burgess Attest CHEVROLET SALES and SERVICE ATLANTIC GAS and OIL FIRESTONE TIRES GUARANTEED REPAIR WORK. AT FLAT RATE PRICES Improvemci Is cons at of two and 0 e half ICE (ff FUEL CO. YARD 2ND & TILGHMAN STS , CHESTER Phone Chester 24612 slory slO e and frame house 27x27 feet Por h front Onc BtOry stuem add lion 8x 7 feet Frame Irarage I8xIS feet Sold as the pro ter Y of Edward kow and M)T3 S(!har lkow Cond I ns-$" 50 cash or cerl fied he(!k on day of sale ba an('C in ten lays Further con I tlO!1S anno n('C(1 at Imlc KINGSLEY MONTGOMERY Atloml'Y College Library WENTZEL MOTORS 401 DARTMOUTH AVE. Swarthmore 596 VoL IV, No 42 $2.50 Per Year S"arthmore, Pa, October 21, 1932 Founders' Day at College Tomorrow; Hoover Rally; Halloween Parade RED CROSS DRIVE Founders' Day Program At College Tomorrow; Present Penn Pageant WELL UNDERWAY Story Hour CITIZENS PLEDGE The Stor) Hour for Octobcr Wilt be gl\en Thursda) Oct 27 at 2 IS III the High school aud tonum The program Will consist of a • ageant dep cl g the hfe of Will am Pel n \\f tten by Mrs All Groups To Work Together Mrs Earle P Yerkes Says Helc 1 Hall at d 1 resel ted by H gh school For Success of Enbre Re· Workers Canvassing Enllre students under the directIOn or MISS publican Ticket Allderso 1 The pageant YO III I e &1\ en at Borough for Memberss I 0 clock for the J u 1 or a d Scn or High NEED GREAT TIDS YEAR In a 10lnt celebratIon tomorrow Hall al d go dIrectly to the schools and at 2 15 for tie Story Hour ORGANIZE HOOVER CLUBS afternoon October 22 Swarthmore Col Cloth cr Men or al for Comocahon at 2 Mrs Hall wdl explam tl e pageant for The annual membership roll call of lege Will commen orate Founder s Day 0 cock I ollow g read gs from tht! tl e benefit of the younger children All The can palgn for a record vote III and the 250th an Iversary of the first Bible and remarks by t1 e I res dent of ch Idren of Swarthmore arc nv ted aId , th B d f '[ 'I Add S varthmore for Herbert Hoover and the tl e R cross I C 15 now un d er way It WI II arnva I III A meTlca 0 I W III lam I enn e oar 0 .\ a ager.:. .., ss ams parents may atte Id the 1 rogram ether at contmue untal Arnnstlce Day Fnday M ss Jane Addams founder of Hull Will give the Founders Day address I 0 dock or 2 15 ent re Repubhcan ticket got underway November Il The task coufro Itll1g the House eh cago a Kl a rec p cnt of the Followmg the loullders Day address Tuesday e\clllllg when seventy five Cltl Nobel Peace Prize IS to be the main II e pageant \VIII am Pe I will be • I • Red Cross durmg the next year s the speaker W 11 am Pen I a I ageant In prese lted II Cloth er The cast mcludes WOl\IEN'S RALLY FOR ze s of th s commumty responded to greatest 1 cace t me Job 111 ItS fifty one seven ep sodes written and producl"1ROO" Adults 20c-ChiIdren 15c LlONEI_ ATWILL I_EE TRACY FAY WRAY MONDAY AND TUESDAY MONDAY AND TUESDAY HeJen Twelve'rees Riehard Cortez "IS M'Y FACE REV" Lionel Burrymore WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY BOROUGH OF SW4RTHMORE LIBRARY TAX "DOCTOR X" in "WASHINGTON MASQUERADE" NEXT WEEK_WEDNESDAY SPECIAl. ELECTION TO m NOVEMBER 8. 1U3Z•. Notice is hereby given that a llubhc elcc· tlon will be held Tuesday, Novelllbf'r 8th. 103~, betw(>f'n the hours of seven R, m. Bnd seven I'. m., Eastern Standard Time, at the regular nol1in~ places of the Dorough of NOTICE OF ~ HELD Swarthmnre. Delaware County. Pcnnsylvan~a. fixed for the holding of gelleral and SIIcCial eleeti.l1IS. Tho purlJOse of the said ele('tlo~ is to ab· lain the assent of the electors of said Borough of Swartlimol'C to the reduction 01 the rate of the I.ibrary IIOW being le\'icd by said Dorough fromTux, one·half (~) mill on the dol~ lar, Ill' 6"e cents (6e) on every one hUlldred dollars ($100). of thc assessed vruualion of taxable flrllilert)' within 8'lid Borough. to an annual rate of ono.fourth (%) mill on the :Iollar, or two and one.half ('Cnlli t2~e) ,?ll cyery one hundred dollars ($0100) of Said as>I("sscd yalnation. ALUERT N. GARRETT. JH. .. I NEXT WEEK-THURSDAY Lionel AtwilJ-Fay Wray Lee Tracy "SKYSCRAPER SOULS" W AHREN WILLIAM MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN COMING NEXT WEEK "1l0RSE FEATIlERS" J. WITHAM ~_._ ~ .~ ~a SLIP FOR RENT One of the Blost beautiful homes in Rose Valley Modern in every detail. Four bedrooms, two baths, three acres of ground. First class condition. $100 a mon,h Ren'a' ROSE VALLEY WAN ASSOCIATION CharJes Sellzer" Sec. Phone Media 1482 Haverionl PIHe 9. 2 bunches 5c I tSc.t9c doz.1 I.A'U('rll Testamentary on the n~mre Estate h:n"e bl'cn i,:'rlluled to .the UI,vleI'SUfned. who rC(lIwst all pcrSOIiS havllllf C'l31ms (lr demands against t1w Estate of the decedent to nlake luwwn the SltUIC. anti all Iwrsolls indebted to Secretary. Good looking. converted dwelling. the (h'u~tlellt to make )Iayment, without .delay • \\tn.LIAM R. LANDIS. Burgess. surrounded by old shade. 239 Kenyon CHARLES A. DllAVO and Avenue--a convenient location. Entirc THE IlEAL ESTATE TRUST CO .. COUNTY OF DELAWARE second floor; frout and service en· of Philadelphia. Execulors. S. E. Cor. Broad &: Chestnut Sls,. Notice is hereby given that James T. trances; full privacy. Large Living Philadelphia. llcOlHl. Stewart Controller of Delaware county. Or to their Atlorll('Y. Newl)ourg. Bnut~el'l· will receive sealed bids at his office In the Room and D,'ning Room; Kitchen; worth & Grubb. 1318 Real Estate Trust U\ ( . Court House of so.ld County at Media, Pa., two Bedrooms and Bath. New hot. PhilatlclJ)hia. Pa. up to 10 o'clock A. M. (Eastern Standar: d Time) on Tuesday, October 25th., 193 • water heating ·plant. Newly paintc I"·.w·,,, which will be opened pUblicly at 11 0 clo~~ • I d heat -----::----:--:::-:;;--;-:;----- A M (Eastern Standard Time) on sa d R ent Inc and decorate. u cs Joseph E. Quinby date in the office of the commissioners of and hot water. Janitor service. said County for the furnlshlng and hiring Ernest G. Snodgrass, Atlsistant said County on November 6, 7. 9 and - a comfortable and 1932 of six (6) trucks for the hauUng MRS. A. QUINBY & SON 'votllig mach'nes to be used 'n the elececono mical home. ta be held on November 8, 1932. to from the polllng places In said COunty. Form of proposal on which bids must be Fftlleral Directors submitted and general conditions and uarthmore 1000 Anytime nell Phone 4 MEDIA, PA. specifications which must be compiled Wlt~ Call.. S, ,y__ . . . ____ . . . _______ -..::::..:...::.::..._ _ _ _ and conformed to. and 'form of contrac .... ______ .. ___ .... and bond whlcb the successful bldder w~1 C' be required to execute. can be had Y I '-' applying to the uudel'S'.ned at his afore- $50 DEPENDABLE CHEAPER 210 Dacbccath A.... RENT Detached frame house. Eight rooms & bath. 4 bedrooms. 2 car garage. Corner lot. Finc shrubbery. A41 condition. $90 per month. Detached stucco house. 7 rooms a.nd bath. Nice lot, shrubbery. Good condition. $55 per month. Detached house furniShed. 6 rooms and bath. 1 car garage, Good location. $75 per month. 2nd floor apartment. 4 rooms and bath Hardwood floors. Hot water heat: Janitor servIce. $45 per mClnth. Two large garages. Heated, light !tond water. Station Square. Detached stucco house. 6 rooms nnd bath. Front and side porch. Large lot. Ideal location. $60 per month. Swarthmore. 12 room house. Old colonial style. Wonderful Shade$. o~ acre of ground in gOOd shape. 1 per month. Ap artment ,.. INSURANCE = INCLUDING LIFE == = PETER E. TOLD ICE FIREWOOD ··GAI\V·· ;:::::=====:::::=:======jI ~_ Every Day Except Saturday 3 Specials $1.00 'Phone Swarthmore 1994-W Open evenings by appointment _ BANKHEAD I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !~~~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~ 7:3 Loeated In Thompson's Store, Morton. Pa. Permanent waving OLD BANK BLDG. . Call Swarthmore 1833 TALLULAH 'I' hone Swnrlhmore 705 ELIZABETH KAUFMAN HAIRDRESSING All Unea of Swarthmore Market CHAS. A. Sl\IITH > _ Mr. Edward J. Maguire, concert organist of the Lansdowne Theatre, is fast making many new friends, his 'before show· evening recitals are enjoyed by many music lovers, and the overtures during the show have been sllI( Ildidly alll)reciated. Perhaps you have heard' Mr. Maguire ovcr WIPWFAN. If not, a real musical treat awaits you at the Lansdowllc 'fhcatre. ---... .....-- Secane. Pa,. containing large pIece of ground. Fine shrubbery and all conveniences. Price $3500. Sold to settle an estate. PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN WATER COMPANY \\\\\\\~ •• The marriage of Miss Mary Marcia Legion Bridge Tourney Perry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ;;R REN'T-On the Bill. Attractive th1rd A. Perry, of Riverview Estates. and OJ· The Lansdowne Theatre is arranging DOOr apartment. two large rooms wlth Charles Dravo is chairman of a Le- a pre-Hallowe'en novelty night COIlttl and kltcbenette. Garage if desired. rard Bliss Ruddiok 01 Montclair, N. J. gion Committee in charge 01 the stag g:1I swarthmore 5O-J. son of Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Bliss bridge tournament. Both contract and current with the showing of "Dr. X", with l.ee 'frac)', the supreme thrill pic-It UENT-Thln! Jloor llilariment, two Ruddick of Ardmore took place last Sat- auction are to be played. The series ture, Wednesday, October 26th. It is ~"OrO(,"IB. bath ami kit<:henctle, heat and. It }'rh·utf.! residence. '2~. Swarthmore urday evelling at the Swarthmore Pres- opens 011 Monday, October 24 at the to be called "Ghost Night'~, and many \I! I . j,j.1t or 3.'" ••,. W • byterian Church with the Rev. Dr. John Strath Ha\'cn Inn, play starting at 8 surprises arc in store for those who p. Ill., and each fourth Monday o{ the -;;n n.ENT~}'leasant furnished ruom, well Ellery Tuttle officiating. feel in a holiday mood. 1'he atmosllhere months thereafter. t iI"ail...1 and. lighted. l!C('oud. floor fur gentlc· The bride who was givel. in marriage the theatre will be positively Spook~.~ 111 311 • Box K swarthmorean omcc, by her haher wore a gown of h'ory velATED MEETING OF ish and il you·re looking lor some lun vet, cut 011 sillltJle tine, with leg o'lUuttOIl WANTED TO RENT WOMAN'S CLUB I arralilge a theatre party and come and sleeves and long train. Her vcil 01 1 C"NY "Ghost Night" with "Dr. X". ;ANTED TO RENT-Want unfurnished llrussels lace was caught on a cap of room or very small spartment. Comfortable all year. Central. Box A. swarthmorean tulle banded with l,carls from which fell 'The \Voman's Club started their wina face veil. She carried calla lilies. ter's seasoll with an interesting llrogram office. A Warner Bros. Theatre Miss 0 I i ve Stevenson Perry of at the clubhouse on Tuesday afternoon. FOR SALE Swarthmore and Mrs. Robert Baird The room was made colorful with huge N ~R- SALE-Evergreens, beautlful shapely Clothier of Waynesboro, Va., sisters of dahlias and the long looked-for club altrees of many kinds. Cheap. Wlll ex- the bride were maid and matron of hOll- bum was placed upon a table where those Lansdowne Avenue" Baltimore Pike cbange for anything of value. J. D. Dum- or. They wore frocks of French blue getting in early could sec the collection of THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ail. swarthmore 1648. velvet with slippers to. match and carried portraits. The walls were enlivened by Jimmy "Sehnozzle·' Duranle and daliahs in the autumnal shades with au- two well hung pictures by our feHow PERSONAL Buster Keaton in tunm leaves. townsman, Harry Johnson. One was a "SPEAK EASIL'Y" ;RSONAL-parents desiring girls to watch The bridesmaids included Mrs. Nathan marine, the other a very beautiful porp O\'er chUdren afternooll6 or evenings, call Bill' Kiddie Show Sat. 1 P. M. of Mrs. Johnson. This was the first student Employment, Swarthmore COllege. T. Folwell, Jr., of Merion; Miss ElizaTom Tyler Western beth \Vinchester, of Phoenixville; Miss time most of the members had seen this "HONOR OF TilE MOUNTED" r ERSONAL-Want to purchase used 16 Marion Palmenberg, of Tenafty, N. J., type of work from Mr. johnsol1's brush P rom portable moving picture projection MONDAY AND TUESDAY machine. Must be In good condition and and Miss :r..nldrid Spencer, o[ Swarth- as his medium has heretofore been miniaof standard make. Box P. SWarthmorean more. Warner Bros. Present tures, a field in which he is nationally O[llcc. William Powell and They wore gowns of opaline rose vel- knowil. Kay Francis in The speaker of the afternoon was Dr. ---ERSONAL-If you want to buy, exchao.ge vet with matching slippers. Their bou"JEWEL ROBBER'Y" P or sell anything, let the people of Swarth- (Iuets were of dahlias and autumn leaves. D. M. llelchoir, head of the History DeA(lded-Laurcl and Hardy in more knoW about it by advertisIng tn the Miss Jean Susanne Fischer, dal,gllterlpartmellt of Girard College. As he swurthmorean. "MUSIC BOX" of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Fischer, of looked over the audience he started his COLLEGE age boys to stay with chlldren Swarthmore, was flower girl. She wore talk by saying he rejoiced in women's WEDNESDAY evenings. JunIor high school age girls to "DOCTOR X,. stay with chUdran afternoons. Phone Mrs, a lIeriod frock of opaline rose taffeta amI leisure, and that we had time to really with Lee (Bles5ed Event) Tracy s. M. Dodd, Sw. 698-M. carried a basket of autuminal flowers understand the matters of political sig4 Ghost NJght-Lots of Fun tied with French blue ribbons. l1ificance. He (llIotcd at lenbtth from FOUND THURSDAY The bride's mother wore a frock of articlc recently publ:shed in the Tallulah Bankhead, Gary Cooper Review, sl1ggesting we allow our amethyst velvet with a corsage of or~UNo-Another service. All lost and "DEI'IL AND TilE DEEP" lators to usc their OW11 judgment. {ound ads arc Inserted free In the Swarth- chids. morean for subscribers. The bridegroom's mother was gowned talked of the expense of government; Hear Edward J. Maguire, our concert organist. Recitals 6:30 to '1 P.M. in sapphire blue velvet and wore a cor- relations between Japan and China and 2 Overtures nightlY. sage of briarcliffe roses and lilies of the Lcaguc, and gave his hearers valuable FOR RENT advise as to studying vo1ith:al ;sslles. valley. Desirable first /Ioor apartment, 3 Ronald C. Ruddick, of Ardmorc, hed rooms. $90 a month. Centrally as best man for his brother. The ushers located. WCfe C. Towllsend Ruddick, of AnlN more, brother 01 the bridegroom; Rol,. E. C. WALTO crt Baird Clothier, of \Vaynesooro, Va.; john C. SI,iers, of Ardmore; Nathan T. TODAY (FRIDAY & SATURDAY 411 Dartmouth Avenue IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Fowell. Jr" 01 Merion. and Phone Sw. 4748 Modern 4 Bedroom, 2 ~r garage \Vhite Lafore of Pcnn Vallcy Farm, 860 reduced from $80. 6 room and Narberth. • nr~ge $55. 6 room 850. 5 room A reception at the hOllle of the bride's WEEK-END SPECIALS Allariment $55. 13rents followed immediately after the l WM. S • BITfLE . Q 22c pkg. Nu'ary Public Real E.,a,e ceremony. After a wedding tnp to lIe- Swansdown Cake Flour 7%c lb. Swa. 111-J bec and Montreal, Canada, h-h. and Mrs. New Boscul Rice Scott Tisaue 3 for 23c Penna. Potatoes 45c % to' .M II New White or Yellow Turnips at; from Pedigreed Streams" WABlVllVG\ "Famous Reading Anthracite Program" Ruddick will be at home at 39·41 North Fullerton avenue, Montclair. N. J. FOR RENT SALE HENRY A. DREER Tune in "Fame and Fortune" WCAU SUNDAY, 8 P. M. Ru....ick.Perry 3 story frame and stucco dwelling "CERTIFIED WATER 1306 Spring Garden Sireet, Philadelphia, Plio CLASSIFIED SWARTHMOREAN LA ~h~tr?Be?utl~ E DELICIOUS EATING QUALITY MARKET YALE & KENYON AYES. Swa. 183 TIlE 1932 OCTOBER SIIIflI'Ih. 761·762 'IS Fred rJ. Harley : Mary 'WoUenden Smith SWEET. JUICY 1ge lb. Legs Lamb ORANGES 12e lb. Shoulders Lamb 21c doz. Rack Lamb Chops ISe lb. FuiL POD O :Miss Lemmon, who has heen the guest Neck Lamb 1 clb. SUGAR PEAS of Mrs. Louis Cole Emmons, has returned to her home in Jthaca. Lambs Liver 12Y2c1b. Vespers Mr. and Mrs. john Ogden of Hitl19c )4pk. born avenue spent Tuesday in York, Round Steak Stephen Deak, violoncellist, will prePenna M' I· f sent a program of 17th and 18th cenRIPE, GOLDEN . rs. ~ f1C SI: Sproat Ogden avenue 28e lb. or Roast spend1l1g.t us week With her father tury music c:t the Swarthmore College and mother New York. BANANAS Mr. and Mrs. Roland L. Eaton of VcSJ)er Service Sunday evening, Oc- Rump Steak Dickinson avenue entertained the college tober 23. Mr. Deak has been a mem18c doz. 30e lb. students of the Presbyterian church last ber of the Philadelphia Orchestra and or Roast a tcacher at the Curtis Institute of Sunday evening at a buffet supper. Circular beiDa distributed with ape.. best cuts 25e lb. cials Mrs. William D. Wermouth left Wed- Music, At present hc is playing with Rib Roast the Philadelphia Musical Fund Quarin Meata. Sea Foocb. Groceries. nesday to spend se\'eral weeks with Mr. with great savinB•• tet. He will be assisted by Margaret \Vermouth in Washington, D. C. Sirloin Steak 3ge lb. Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Smith of Pcnns- 81H:: nklill Deak, pianist. Thc Deak rehurg were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. citals have won high praise in many Fresh Ground Beef 18e lb. Europe and in various F. Afeschter of Dickinson avenue during countries parts of the United States. the past week. Vogi's Fresh Mrs.· William Soden of Cornell avenue entertai"ned her bridge club at luncheoIl GET YOUR TIRES and Sausage 16c lb. Wednesday of this week. The memBATTERY CHECKED bers of the cluh arc Mrs. Hcnry Hanzlik, Mrs. A. R,. 0, Redgrave, Mrs. Frances THEATLANTIC;~RVICESTATION Vogi's Fresh Snyder, Mrs. F. D. Windell, Mrs. Alan Chester Rei. and Fairview Scrapple Van Schoonhoven, Mrs. ,George Alston, 10elb. Open Evenlncs and Mrs. T. Harry Brown. All .' Tlllr.altvnnae of I>appa Ah>h. :=:Ro=b.~~r:t=B:,":O:k:.:.:J:r.:,:A:U:t:h:o:rt:z:ed=D:e:a:,e:r:::; ISlice Ham center cut 35db. were etltertained at supper last Saturday IBacon ~ lb. pkg. 10e TheWater • FURNITURE RESTORING Instruction the Tuesday evening. UPHOLSTERING Violin members evcoing by the local chapter at their lodge on the Swarthmore College Campus. The Friendly Circle met yesterday afternoon with Mrs. George M. Ewing of Columbia avenue. Mrs. William Moore was the assistant hostess. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones spent last week-end with their son in Ithaca, N. Y. The Trio composed of Miss Elizabeth Graysel of Chester, violinist who is known in Swarthmore through her work in the Public School Concert last year, Rex jones, cellist, and Stewart Thorn, pianist, will give a program. of:- group selections and individual solos at the Collingdale Church next Tuesday evening. Mrs. Joseph H. Willits of Ogden avenue is visiting in Jackson, New Hampshire. . Mrs. Reynolds, who has been visiting in West Virginia, has returned to the home of her daughter Mrs. Waldo Fish.. er on Elm avenue. Mrs. Martha Blcsshlg and her children, Bob and Betty spcnt last week-end in 1thaca, N. Y. Miss Ann Orr and Miss Eleanor Wermouth who arc students at Bucknell spent last week-end with their IJarents in Swarthmore. The Browning Society of Philadelphia held its opening meeting of the season Thursday, October 12th. Mrs. Burton A. Konkle was the soloist of the evening and gave as one of her song numbers a cOlllPosition by Mrs. Charles E. Fischer of Swarthmore. OcrOBBR 21, 1932 ---::--::-::-:=--=:-:::0 VE RS DRAPERIES ANNA SCHAl.LES Phone, Sw. 1225 I~k~~:gm~ce·~~~i~' Muhlenberg Ave. Rutledge Painting and Papering KIMMELL & SON as JAMES T. STEWART. County Controller. Haverford Plaee Phone sw. 632-.1 10-7-3t Court Bouse. Media, Pa. The Fint Time in Chester at These Regular Priees Matinee 25e Evenings 3S~SOe Children ISc at All Times One Week Starting Monday, October 24 STANLEY---4Chester . THE SWARTHMOREAN II ougl an Austral an by b rth makes her home n E gland She takes a very human v ew of I fe and cI ooses to w te y Publbloed E e1'7 FridaT at about people who are enterta ng who Swuduaore, P.. have fine deals and who have regard for ROBERT E. SIIA1lPLES morals and nanners There are tine E,u'or """ P.II",,,.. to cI os of humo n th s story and the rev ew prom ses to be very enjoyable. Phon. Swarthmore 900 Entered as Second CI... matter Januuy Members w II ment 0 w II b f con 34 1929 at tho Poot OIIice at Swarthl!lOIe, me t the r summer read g Pa. under tho Act 01 March 3 1819 Mrs Arthur Jones who w II her I us ba d Dr Jones spent tl e sun ner FRIDAY OCTOBER 21 1932 Honolulu w II talk about her mpress o s of Ihe sla ds and the people THE SWARTBMOREAN Health Center States Needs • • }C M s Geo gc Mar of Pa k av nue w 11 0 c o l e Fo tn gl tty on Monday Oct 241 at 230 ocock M Han Ito w It g ve a rev e ~ of Ben fits Rece vcd the ew book by AI e Gra t Ros na Th s novel t al EMILY H County Controller Or to hls Attorney Executo 612 Ogden Avenue Swa thUlo e Pa CHARLES PALMER, E&q hundred IN THE ORPHANS fee six and 10035 And the other thereof beg nn ng at a point on the sou hwest 8 de of Va ey oad at the distance of four hund ed fa ty and thirty seven one hundredths fret .wo 37 westward f om the northeast .6 de of Fa k road as measured a ong sa d Va ey oad thence extend ng south 61 deg ees 10 m n utes 40 seconds west one hundred s xty eight and seven one hundredths feet 168 0'1) ~ence extend ng no th 28 de grees 49 min tes 20 seconda west 1l1ty five (.)5 teet thence extend ng no th 61 degrees 10 mlnutes 40 seconds east one hundred sixty five and two tenths feet 165.2 to the said southwest s de of Va ey road and thence extend ng a ong said southwest side of Va ey road the to lowing courses and dlstances south 31 degrees 48 m nutes 20 seconds east forty th ee fee 43 on a curve the radius of wh ch is nineteen hun dred. twenty and twe e one hundred hs feet 192012) the distance of twe e and six one hund edths feet 12 06 to the first ment oned po nt and place of beg nn ng RUMMAGE SALE Benefit of Gil"l Scout House Fancy Work Cake and Candiea-F IIh Pond ~ Church News - = a I 111111111111111111 SWARTHMORE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 7 4s-5PECIAL SERVICE REV MR MITCHELL OF ARIZONA THE AMERICAN INDIANS Coke • BU ck- $8·84 THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS The nte gence of the un erse so a -Ma cus Aure us per ton SUNDAY n House Mo nng Foum n Ho 18e Subject on 23 d Cant but ons of Ge many to the New Socia Orde ed by Co. 1 Reun nK Meet ng fo worsb p In the meet ng house F rst Day School 945 AM Including tax 945 AM A half ton of Kopper s process Coke and half ton of Buckwheat Jmxe I 10 form a very et'!onomu'!al fuel llOOA:M The Coke prevents the Buckwheal from fall ng through the grnlcs The Buckwheat aIds n malntam ng a sleady fire requ r ng Jess aUenl on WEDNESDAY 93DA M to2JOP M-Sew ng and QuIt Ing n Wh tt e House Box lUncheon Many Customers are burning this fuel WIth sal sfadion Will burn n Dny 8 zc furnace Safe and Free fro Sool All a e win nol damage any furnace co daly nv ted 6erv ces to Jo n n hese TBINlTY CHURCH Protestant Epl..!;copal Ch~te Road and Co ege Avenue Oppos 18 the Co ege Campus Recto Rev J Ja den Ouenthe S T M VAN ALEN BROTHERS 800 a m-Ho y Commun on 9 45 a m -Sunday Schoo 11 00 a m Morn ng Praye and Sermon Mr Guenther w peach COAL Services 1 00 A M ---s unday Schoo 11 00 A M --Sunda) Lesson Sermon Wednesdal' even ng meet ng each week 8 p m Read ng room open dally except Sundays and ho days 1 to 4 n the alte noon Chu ell ed flee !--~~~I !! ;~;::= ;:n~~;:e~:::::n27CO~: I ! A 1 a e co d al y tnv ted to attend the serv ces and use the Reading Room 1 SHERIFF'S SALES The ttee 1 as furn shed us WIth bronze medals to be dlstr buted at 25c each as a memonal of the 250th An11lversary of thIS event. We can now supply you WIth these medals A h Sh "s Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company II _ro. . - . . - . - . ·~.~~WN ~. flo Offi('C 0 030 0 I.e to ts customers of more than $51 000000 n S unay obc k A F a Unl ke any other com mod ty or serv ce electne." 1929 peak In .,. roles Today-desp Ie the great deRalon wh ch the world has exper enced s nee 1929-the cost of liVing In Amenea IS st'" 44 per cent above the 1913 level Domest c electr c ty on the contrary today costs on the nat anal average 34 p r cent 'ess Ihan the 1913 'evel The reductIon s 41 4 per cent for the Ph ladel ph a Electr c Company System Th s Company s System s nce 1922 has put nto effect had no rate reduct ons wh ch have meant a cumulat ve saving Co Esen S nan .-. ~T:ADILY FlMT CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE Fa k AVf!DUe Be ow Harvard Phone. Ridley Park 412 I •• • THE PATH OF ELECTRIC RATES GOES 103 fJ A construct on program has been cont nued prov ng of mmense value to the ent re Ph adelphia area In M sustain ng general bus ne~5 Tme At a lime when new hope tS st rr ng throughout the No I 07 land we venture to regard these ach evements as a conv ncJng record of valuable serv ce PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY A P Dn.... In Vo unlan', Edabl sI. ng low Rtrt. fa All EI.rlrie Service By e ease of roo tgage bea ng da e he 8tb day of Feb uary 1928 and e 0 ded n He ease of Mortgage Book No 50 page 94 &c A tho..t ce tatn lot a p ece of ground w th the bu d ng and mp 0 ements the eon e ected situate In Lansdowne De aware County Pennsy von a beg nn ng at a po nt on the southeast iii de of 0 adstone road at the dlstance of 184 13 feet south west lrom the po nt of curve formed by the intersect on of the southeast s de of Gladstone oad w th the southwest s de of Eldon road thence a ong the sou h ast s de of G o.dstone oad on a curve the rad us of wh ch l.s 820 feet a diStan e of 32 feet thence south 44 degrees 55 minutes 33 seconds east 86 66 feet thence north 45 degrees 4 m nutes 71 seconds east 32 feet and thence north 44 degrees 55 m nutes 33 seconds west 8G 66 feet to the first men toned po nt and p ace of beg nn ng By re ease of mo tgage bea ng date the 24th day of January 928 and eco ded In Be ease of Mo tgllge Book No 50 page 12 &c A that certa n ot a p ece of grou~d w th the bu d ngs and mp 0 ements thereon erected s tuate n Lansdowne De aware County Pennsy van a beg nn ng at a po nt on the northwest side of G adstone road at the distance of 194 Z1 feet sou h west from po nt of curve formed by the Intersect on of the northwest s de of G ad stone road w th the southwest s de of E don road thence a ong the northwest s de of G adstone road on a cur e the red us of wh ch 15 780 feet the dlstance of 32 01 feet thence no tb 44 degrees 55 m n utes 33 seconds west 92 06 feet thence north 45 degrees 4 m nutes 27 seconds east 32 feet and thence south 44 deg ees 55 m n utes 33 se onds east 92 48 feet to tbe first men oned po nt and p ace of beg nn ng By e ease of mo tgage bea ng date he 24th day of October 1927 and ecorded n Re ease of Mortgage Book No SO page 80 &c All that certain lot 0 p ece of ground w th the b d ngs and improvements thereon erected s tuate n Lansdoowne De aware County pennsylvan a beg nu ng at a point on the northwest s de of Olad stone road at the distance of 226.28 fee southwest from po nt of curve formed by intersect on 01 the northwest s de of 0 ad atone road With the southwest s de of Eldon road thence a ong the northwest side of Gladstone road on a curve the radius of which Is 780 feet the distance of 32 (M feet thence north 44 degrees 55 m n utes 33 seconds west 95.33 feet thence north 45 degrees 4 m nutes 27 seconds east 32 feet and thence south 44 degrees 55 min utes 33 seconds east W1 06 feet to the ftrst ment oned point and place of beg1nniDg 80 d 88 the property of Pau ne Hagen brucb mortgagor and V neent P carrol rea owuer Cond tlons 1250 00 cub or cert .oed check on day of sa e balauce In ten Pur ther condit ona announced at sale cia,.. GEORGE T BUTLER Attorney Levari Facias No 1095 June Term 1932 that certain lot or piece of ground w th the meseuage or tenement thereon erect.ed s tuate on the northerly s de of wayne avenue (forty feet w de) at the dis tance of two hun de of G adstone- oad and beg: un ng of • foot to • point thence extencUna so tb Itxt, eight degrees 1lfty-.t.lx minutes east one hundred fort)' lour feet and fifty one bundredtllll at • toot to • pomt In the center line of Old Foreet road the 1lr8t mentioned POint and place of beSlnnlna Also a 1 that ce to n ot or p ece a ground w th the bu d ngs and Imp ove menta hereon e ected s uate in Law. downe aforesa d and desc bed in accord ance w th a sur ey Bnd p an ast above mentioned as fo ows Beg nning at a point on tbe no thwest s de of Gladstone oad at the d tanee of 254 77 feet 80Uth w~tward from po nt of curve at the in tersect on of the northwest s de of Glad stone road w th the southwest s de of El don road then e a ong the northwest side 01 Gladstone oad on a curve the radius 01 wh ch Is 820 feet the distance of 33 02 feet thence north 44 degrees 55 minutes 33 seconds west 90 10 feet hence north 45 degrees 4 m nutes 27 seconds east 33 feet and thence south 44 degrees 55 m nutes 33 seconds east 91 21 feet to the p ace of be g nnlng The following p emlses ha e been re eased from the en and operat on of so. d me tgage of $92 800 00 reduced to f42 720 04 dated Septembe 30 1927 and eco ded n Mortgage Book No 817 page 573 Ing property of the decedent to the va ue of $500 00 as prov ded by Sec n 12 of the Plduc ar es Act of 1911 and that the same may be approved by the Court on the lOth day of October 1932 un ess except ons the eOO be flIed bela e that t me HOWARD KIRK 9 30 2t Attorney for Pet toner made by James J Moore C vll Engineer dated October 15 1928 beginning at a po1nt on the north aide of Baltimore avenue at the distance of 11 feet southwestward from the southwest s de of a p opoeed street (43 feet wide) thence along the north 81de of Baltlmo e avenue tbe following courses and distances south 69 degrees 53 mloutee west 34 84 teet south 63 degrees 35 minutes west 101 56 feet to a point a comer of lands now or late of W Perc val Johnson and Be en Hoffman Estate thence along Une between lands now or late of W Perclva Johnson and the Be era Hollman Estate no th 27 deg ees 16 m nutes 52 seconds west 106 35 feet thence north 53 degrees 35 m nutes east 118 12 feet and thence south 36 deg ees 25 minutes east 11478 feet to beg nnlng By re ease at mortgage bea ng date the 8th day of Decembe 1927 and eco ded In He ease of Mortgage Book No 47 page 438 &c A tbot cerla n ot 0 p ece of g ound w th the bu d ngs and rop 0 ements thereon e ected 6 tuate n Lansdowne De aWa e County Pennsy aD a beg nn ng at a po nt; on the north'West s de of 0 adstone cad at the distance of 290 47 feet south westwa d f om po nt of cu ve at the nte sect on of he no hwes s de of G adstone road w th the southwest s de of E don road thence extend ng a ong the no hwest s de ot G adstone road the fo ow ng courses and dlstances on a cu e w th a rad US of 780 feet 0. distance of 7 22 feet on a curve w th a ad us of 820 fee a distance of 24 99 feet thence ea ng he northwest G de of G adStonc oad no h 44 deg ees 55 m nutes 33 seconds west 93 61 feet thence north 45 d Brees 4 m nutes 27 seconds ens AlsO a 1 that ce ta n ot or p ece of 32 feet and then e south 44 deg es 55 m n ground w tb the bu d ngs and lmprove utes 33 seconds east 9121 feet to the firs m nts tbe eon erected 13 tua18 In Lam ment oned po nt and p ace of beg nn ng downe afo eso d and dcsc bed n accord once w th a survey and p an ast abo e ment oned as fo OW8 Beg nn ng at a pol..D.t on the no thwes de of G ad8tone road at the distance of 62.26 feet southwestwa d. from po nt of cur e lormed by the ntersect on of the no thwest s de of 0 ad stone oad w th the soutbwest 8 de of E1 don road then e extend ng a ong S8 d no th'Rest s de of G adstone road on a curve the rod us of wh ch is 780 feet the distance of 32 01 feet to a point thence north 44 degrees 55 m nutes 33 seconds west 92 48 feet to a po nt thence north 45 de g eas 4 m nutes 27 seconds east 32 feet to a po nt and thence south 44 degrees 55 m nutes 33 seconds east 9158 feet to the northwest 8 de 0 G o.dstone road the flrst ment oned po nt and p ace of beg nolng Subject to ce ta n ese va ons enants as the ein set fa th LLOYD P STEVENS MINISTER COUNTY OF DELAWARE Tbence extend OK' JQuth biny five one bundred bence ext.endiOI" north u3 AND Estate of Dav d Schwartz deceased Not ce 1& hereby given that C ara Schwartz w dow of the said decedent has filed In the sa d Court her pet t on cam 32) feet 65 m nutes 33 aeconda eam e ChI,. Ii x and a1x 7 alx one hundred hs fee.. 86 06 noo exle diD£' nort.b 4G decrees -I m nu ell 7 aecondB ellllt b ,. wo 32) fee' and b 0 e eX endilg' nor b 44 dect'cell 55 m nu es J: seconds weat e gh ,. six and sixty s x one u dred b, fool 86 ad) 0 he ftl'8\ men ooed III nt oud p ace of her nn n.- east. one hundred fourteen and 8evenloy-eich one hundred hs fee 11478 &.0 'he .0 n eD oDed 1)0 D' and p ace of repDniDl" GIRL SCOUT BAZAAR COURT FOR THE 7 ".0 d~. degrees 36 m nn e8 eaat one hundred elchteen and twe e one bundred he fee 11812 hence extending south 3d deBTees 26 minu II 530to730 Itl III 111111111111111111111111111111111111 Chester Pa 10 7 6t h H 'hereof made by Ja.nes J Koore C Ene nee da ed Oclober 16 1926 bednnluc a a. po D on he no b elde of BalUmore a e nue a.. be distance of e even 11) fee BOU b 'Wes ward from bo BOU hwest side of a P 0 pol!ed atree forty fee' w de) hence extend ug alo If aatd north aide of Baltimore a nue tho fo ow 01' COlU'8e& and dllltancea 80u h 60 degreea 63 m nu ea weal th1rt.7 four 8lUl e ebb' four ooe hundred h8 fee.. 34 54) BOU h 58 degrees 36 m DU ell weat one buadred. one and 11117-8 x one hundred ha Ieee 101 60 a PO ut a come of lands DOW 0 ate W Perctval Johnson and the Be era Hollman Es a e tb nee ez endiDg 8 ong line bet.ween al1d.a DOW 0 late of W Percival JohtUlon and 'he Bel era Hoffman Ealate north deneea 16 minutes 62 seconds west. one ESTATE OF MARGAlU:T B S PALMER late of the Borough of Swarthmore De Saturday October 22nd c .....d ENGLE BAKERY SHOP Letlers te5tamenta y on the abo e Estate having been g anted to the unders gned al persons ndebted to sa d Estate a e re.-IL-_______________-111 quested to make payment and those hay Ing c alms to present the same without 111111111111111 1111 de ay to SAMUEL C PALMER om Pdge FCH4 ) oad on a ~W'Ye the radius of wh h 8 eleht undred twen y 820 feet the distaDce ot p an Tickets 65c 410 Ya e Avenue SWB tbmore Pa 10 14 6t f By re ease or mortgage bea Ing date the l&t day of May 1928 and eewded. n Be ease of Mortgage Book No 50 poge 320 &c A that ce ta n lot or p eee of ground w th the bul d np and Imp a ementa thereon e ected s tuate n Lansdowne De OWB 0 County Pennsy vania beg nn ng at a po nt on the northwest II de of Oladstone road at the distance of 258 32 feet south westward. from po nt of cu Ve formed. by the Intersect on of the nor hwest s de of o adstone road w th the sou hwest side of E don road thence a ong the no thwest s de of G adstone road on a Cll ve he ad us of wh ch Ls 780 feet a distance of 32 :; feet thence no th 44 dcg ees. 55 min utes 33 seconds west 92.27 feet thence north 45 deg ees 4 minutes 27 seconds eMt 32 feet and thence south 44 deg ees 55 min utes 33 second east 9!i 33 feet to the first ment ODed po n and place of beg nn ng Also all lba ce aiD lot or p ece of croUhl.) w h 'he bultdinn and mprovemen s ..hereon erected 8 oate n Lanadowne in be Cou , of De aware and 8 ate of Pno.,Ivanla aDd deSC!ribed D aooordance w b a surve,. aDd Social Hall Swarthmore M E. Church PRICE SHERIFF'S 841 ES (COfI ,. .. d 5 THE SWARTHMORBAN 60 m nu es wee forty flve (46) feet to b fint men ODed po ftt. and p ace of bee- b on nJDK PROSPERITY DINNER at DEPRESSION PRICES Thursday Eve. Oct.27 1932 ESTATE NOTICE a OF JAMES S HEBERLING de Dice ceased ate of Swarthmore De o.ware County Pennsy vania Letters testamentary on the above Es can se tate have been granted to the unders gned requests all persons hav ns cm m.s 0 II 5 last week also records a n eet g who demand& agalnst the Estate 01 the decedent at tl e Swarth nore Wo nan 5 ClUiJ to to make known the name and a persons to the decedent to make payment orga z for the R d Cross Roll Call Indebted without delay to FortDlghtly 888 the fo ow hI' cou.."8e8 and diBi8noea on a une the adilu of whIcb • Dlle bUndrt1l c gbty and lis one hundredths feet (180 OU tbe dis anoo of Dr 7 five and e ,blJ' nine one huodred ba feet 66 S9) JlO1'tb 10 de&"ree. JAMES T STEWART cause M ss B ss Patte so 01 PI ladclph a Hed C oss J ead lua ers address d the n t! g 81 clad v s d tI e welfar oft ce Boro Ha 1 I ad sec I ow re I cf vork scar d 0 Central D la ar Cou ty u der d ec 0 of M S5 Eva Fo t r a d con 11 m ted us for the excelle t typ of cas work do e by ler Gove 0 P Dchot s con m t e for d sp s g fu ds UI0 I ch M s Wm A J a ueUe rep escnts Ce ral Dela ~a e Cou ty has dec ded tl at 0 ly age ces eOllo} g a t a ned socal wo k r sl all ca y 0 th 5 '1ork He ce t Commu y Heal h Soc ety office aga fal 1 e because of effie e cy But ve effic e cy ca not make tI e n ou of 0 ey allo ted to th 5 coun y go far cough to ca e for the cdy tl s w t r TI 5 g ea resl a s b I ty r sts upo all of us fI p se t cry ng eeds are s oves a d cookstov s for fam I es wI as e1ectr c ty and gas are cut off Beds tabl s c1 a s a d pee ally clo I g for school cI Idre feet thence extending Dorlh '73 det'reee 10 mlnu1.ee eaI tweo17...aeven aDd thil17 Dine One. hundred he fee to be said west. aide of W n de mere terrace eas' and the006 extehd.lnc a 0 19' wd Welt licle of Windermere tel"r.l(>e Calendar of Community Events 11 e W II am Pen Pagea w II be at the H gl School 0 fl ur day aft noo at 1 0 clock Oc Zl fo he stude Is of th Ju or a d Se 0 H gl Sci 001 at 215 n COOl erat 0 W t1 the Sto y Hour for the ch Idrc of the gra I 5 Pare ts a d c t zens a c ;vel con e to att d e t1 er perfor a c Mrs Hcle M Hall p pa cd he I ag a t a d M ss Mary Ar st 0 g tcae! r of E gl sl II e H g Se! 001 d ec cd t OCTOBER ZI, 193Z be weill aide of W ndermue len-ace e.. tb ~ ezteDdlIll' alODI' .aid IIOU h able 01 Balt 1lI0", avenue eou b 73 dect'eea 10 mtnute. we. bb17..u 36) fee thence eDeodiDC' IOU It. 16 de~ 60 minute. eN' one htuJClrOO. 100 I • STORY HOUR TO SEE WM PENN PAGEANT Con u south lillie of Baltimore avenue w tb DELAWARE COUNTY Sealed proposals w 11 be received at the County Controller's OMce Media Pa unt 1 10 00 A M and opened at 11 00 A II on Tuesday October 25 1932 for furnl.shlng all labor and materials necessary to fabrt cate and de Iver gatea for Broad Meadow Parms Concord. and Thornbll1'1 Townsh PI De aware County Pa P aos spec Dcat ona and p oposa sheets ma): be obtained without charge at the oOlce of tbe County Englnee and no bid wll be entertained unless made out on sa d proposal sheets No certified check Is requlred The County Commlss oners reserve the r gbt to reject any or a I b ds 10 7 3t - OCTOBER ZI, 1932 «Inill ~''''Htl~n8-$ GEORGE T JA' an Fa 5000 a h 0 ce fled eb ounred a n en daya sa e BUTLER A nmey sa e b anoo D8 and k Fu he No 1372 8 03 JOHN B MILLER Atto ney Leva Pac as June Term 932 that ce ta n lot 0 p eee w th the bu d ngs Bnd mp ovements the eon e ected s tuate pa t y In Lower Me on Townsh p Montgomery County Pennsy an a and pa t y in Haverford Townsh p De awa e County Pennsy vania belng des gnated and known as ot Num berFfty No 50 onacetanpanof ots made fa Ben L Carro I by II R. Ye kes C E Bryn Mawr Pa dated September 29 h 1927 and desc bed as fo ows to w t Beg nnlng at a po nt n the center ne of o d Forest oad fo ty feet w de) at the dis tance of se enty three feet and forty one hund edths of a foot measured southwest a ong the ente 1 ne of 0 d Po est road On the a c of a c e having a rad us of three undred fo ty fou feet and n neteen one hund edtbs of a foot ho d bea ng to the eft 1 om a po nt of curve in the sa d cente ne of 0 d Fo est oad wh ch po nt of c e at the distan e 0 one hund d fi ty h ee et and y one hundred hs of a foot measU e.i a ong the center ne of Old Fo est road south thirty degrees twenty n ne m nutes west from the Inter sect on of the sa d cente ne of 0 d Forest cad w th the cente ne of Crossh 1 road then e extend ng southwestward along the cente line of 0 d Forest road on the arc Of a c c e having a rad us of three hundred. forty four feet and nineteen one hun dredthS of a foot chord bearing to the eft) the B c distance of forty four feet the chord of sa d arc hav ng a course south fourteen deg ee3 thirty-sIx minutes ten seconds west to a po nt thence ex tend ng north seventy-seven degrees seven teen m nutes west one hundred thirty nine feet and n nety two one hundredths of a foot to a point thence extending north e even degrees eighteen minutes east sIXty four feet and ninety two one hundredtbs o cer~ n cond oll8and mpro em n18 cons 8 of wn and one baU ory iii uceo houae 18](30 fee porch fl'On baaemen garage So d aa h an I Jane:M owners prolM'riY of W am F Co bert. bis w fe mortgagors and rea Cood 11&-$250 00 ash or ('en fled ebeek on day of sa e ba anee n ten days Furt.ber cond Uon announeed. a aale I GEORGE T BUTLER A orney JORN ;1 CAIN Sherin ~bmor8 THE 6 Pledge Hoover SUPP011 (C_.,i.M«4 frHl P.,. 0.«) eudous admiration for the initiative and good judgment of Herber Hoover. "It is imlJOssible to understand how people who are governed by their mind instead of their emotions can hesitate to choose between Mr.' Hoover and the "Pollyanna" from New York State." Mrs. Elmer E. Mellick, one of the county's most prominent dub women and president of the County Federation of Women's Clubs I)]cdged her s111)I)Ort to Hoover and said that the election of anyone else was unthinkable. Mrs. Melick also said a word for the entire Republican ticket pointing out that at the I)ast two presidential elections the women of Pennsylvania had heen picking out their favorites from the entire ballot. "I hope that they have learned their lesson," she said. "This year the women who put Hoover in the White House in 1928 must return him for another f4';mr years and at the same time vote the entire Rellublic;;:an ticket. Mrs. Thomas S. Safford, for many years a leader in Red Cross and Imblic welfare work in Delaware county, also pledged herself for Hoover and said that unless Hoover is re-e1ected the real sufferers will he the unemployed. Mr. Hunter, the I)rincipal speaker of the evening, dwelt at length upon the danger of I)utting the Democratic party in power and point(.'(1 out in particular the influence which William Randolph Hearst would have by reason of his part in sccuring the Democratic nomination Oollege·Ltl': Fa. OCTO.B~~21, 19.32. SWARTHMOREAN for Roosevelt. At a recent meeting of the Tree Before the meeting adjourned, pians committee, Mr. Chapman called the atwere made to organize Vote-for-Hoover tcntioll of members of the committee to clubs" in each precinct in the borough. ·the":' planting arrangements at street in- One of these clubs has already been formed in the Eastern .pr~inct and more than one-third of the voters in that distriet have signed a roll call that they will vote for Hoover on November 8. John E. Genscmcr is president of the dub in this precinct and said that the workers would keep on calling at the homes of the voters until they had done everything possible to sign UI' eVl'ry votcr for Hoover. tcrsections in certain towns along the Maine l .. ine. "These residents have run their hedges and shrubbery across the COTncrs of their l)rO~rty instead of all the way out to the tip of the corner thus obstructing the view of motorists", dec1ared Mr. Chapman. "The hedgc is carried along the I,coperty to within about fifteen feet of the corner amI then cut across diagon::ally. Anyonc taking a dri·:c in thc \'icinity of Villanova can notice what an I I • advantage this is to motorists apIJroachTREE COMMI'ITEE iug intersections. URGES FALL PLANTING "We have many instances where this plan might be followed i.il Swarthmore The next two weeks wilt mark the and hope that corner ·property owners height of the season for fall planting 'of will follow the example." shrubs and trees, reminds Ellwood B. • I • Chapman, chairman of the Tree ComThe Friends Social Service Fair witl mittee of Swarthmore. A few weeks he held Thursday afternoon and evening, ago folders were sent out to every propNovember 3 at Whittier House on the erty owner in Swarthmore. Many bore College Campus. Quilts, jellies, pickles, personal :1Utations from the Tree Comwork, cake and candy will be for fancy mittee rccommending the lIeed of addisupper will be served in the evesale and tional trees in front of that particular ning. prOI)erty. Thursday of next week the dinner "We hope that the next two weeks will scht.'(luled for that time by the men of the show results," Mr. Chapman declared yesChurch will bc held. A good Methodist tcrday. ·'Trees planted along the curb meal will he provided from 5 :30 to 7 :30. lines this fall will have their roots (muly Dr. Walther Kolbe of Viclllla, news established by spring and next summer correspondent for several larltc Eurollean wi1l make a good growth." Mr. ChalHnan also emphasized the Daily papers was the guest of Dr. and low Ilrict~s which prevail at nurseries at Mrs. Frank E. \Villiams of Amherst the llresent time and said that trees and avellue on~r the week-end. Dr. Kolbe is shrubs \o,,·ould probably never be any in this country to visit German exchange students and professors. cheaper. TH~ You need a NEW SUIT and you can have one • custom tailored In Swarthmore for as low as • • • $23. 75 A large selection of Worsteds and Woolens awaits your inapectionat prices fifty per cent. lower than last year. Tweeds from Heather Mills, Selkirk, Scotland, made into suits at $42.50-formerly $65. Also madeto-measure coats at new low prices. Let the Republican Party Lead Delaware County and its wageearners back to Prosperity PECKERMAN THETA/LOR 5 So. Chester Rd. Phone Sw. 1727 We also do cleaning and pressing The depression has safely turned the corner. Don't be misled by Democratic promises. Don't permit the events of the past two years to overshadow the years of progress and plenty which Delaware County has enjoyed under National, State, and County Republican leadership I Keep a REPUBLICAN President in the White HouseSend a REPUBLICAN Senator and Congressman back to WashingtonReturn a .REPUBLICAN Senator and Representatives to HarrisburgAnd the program of Economic Recovery begun by President Hoover will bring Delaware County the greatest prosperity it has ever known. The industrial leaders of Delaware County have faith in the Republican party. These leaders impatiently await the assurance that President Hoover will be in the White House for another four years before putting all their resources to work. A REPUBLICAN victory will mean that hundreds of unemployed in this' county and throughout the country will be called back to work-not necessarily on the basis of orders re. ceiv~d but on the basis of CONFIDENcE IN THE FUTURE. Industry at top speed in Delaware County again means homes occupied, new homes built, stores busy, banks growing, and work in every field of activity. The election of a DEMOCRATIC president would mean that practically every industry in Delaware County would slow down its operation and retire to a policy of watchful waiting which would undo everything already begun by President Hoover and delay normal recovery for an indefinite period of time. For the sake of your own future and the security of your family v GTE THE STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN TICKET, NOVEMBER 8 It's a SIX Persistent rumors that a new Plymouth car shortly to be an· nounccd would be a six cylinder autom~bile of lower price than that of current Plymouth models, was confirmed here today by C. E. Hannum of Hannum & Waite. Although no definite announcement date was named, Mr. Hannum stated that the new cars would make their appearance here within a few weeks. "The new Plymouth Six," said Mr. Hannum, "is the product of a new cra of automobile manufacture. The recent economic stress has stimulated the progress of automotiye design far ahead of the amount of advance usually achieved in any three year period. Machine tool manufacturers have volunteered more new designs recently than usual. Machine tool design has kept pace with the demand for finer but more economical manufacturing methods. Intricate machines that operate to almost unbelievable dimensions arc now available. Amplifying gauges that literally split hairs not once but many times, are a part of the general production ~cheme. "Thus the engineering laboratory model may he reproduced in the commercial product with absolute accuracy. The PIYlDouth Six is a product of these new conditions. Only these recent de· velopments permit the production of a car of so·low a price and the quality of past Plymouth. with many new features. The mmnmoth Plymouth plant in Detroit has been completely reo tooled. Millions of dollars have been spent for new machinery." At the request of factory officials, the local dealer is not yet announcing the specific features of this new Plymouth. However, he stated the new Plymouth Six is a full·size, full.tread car and it retains the features which distinguished it~ predecessor- namely, Floating Power, automatic clutch, Free Wheeling, easyshift silent second transmission, all-steel body, rigid-X frame and a six.cylinder engine of Chrysler Motors' exclusive design and build. "The new Plymouth Six," said Mr. Hannum, "is, moreover, a beautiful car, skillfully designed to combine the most popular beauty and style elements found ordinarily only in cars of a much higher price range. "We have not been informed as yet of the exact price of this new motor car," he s(lid, "hut we know that it will bear the lowest price ever placed on a Chrysler Motors' product." • Hannum & Waite Swarthmore 1250 t:.::;"~, iF!':' :. I ry VoL IV, No. 43 Swarthmore. Pa., October 3·PARTY RALLY Children's Hallowe'en Parade Monday; ATfRACTS MANY Prizes Offered For Best Costume.~ ~ ani $2.50 28, 1932 RED CROSS DRIVE CONTINUES TO NOV. 11' Per Year DEFEAT OF UBRARY The Red Cross Roll call ill Swarthmore is continuing untit November 11, and although Mrs. E. P. Yerkes, chairman for Swarthmore. announces that no final reports have been made by Heuienants, there is the general opinion that returns will be at least as great as of previous years. HJoin or rejoin and double your mernbership if you can/' is the slogan which the volunteer workers arc using and a special effort IS being made to secure not only as many $1 memberships as in previous years but an illcreased number of $5, $10, and $25 memberships. •,I FIRST IUEETINGS OF . JUNIOR ASSEMBLY TAX CUT ASKED Swarthmore's youngsters will have Library Board Say. That One County League of Women Voter. opportunity to get rid of that superOu· Hallowe'en Parade Data Quarter Mill Tax i. Not Sponsors Edncational . ous energy which children seem to have Enough Political Rally a!JOut this time of year, on Monday eve~ --Illllg when a costuJDe parade wilt be held Starting place-Behind the AmerNEW BOARD MEMBER SOCIAUST WELL RECEIVED beginning at 7 6'clock in tile busin'!5s iean store on Pennsylvania avenuc. center of the town. The affair is being The Swarthmore Woman's Clubhouse sponsored by Tile SwarlllfllOrea,~ and Time of startillg-7:00 p. m. The Board of Directors of the Public Route of procession-Along curb Library of Swarthmore met on Monday was crowded to capacity last Friday Martel Bros. and prizes will be given to tll.'oensw. inncrs in each of four classificain first block of Park avenue c\'ening and approved a statement on the night f.or the three-party rally spon- t and back to point of begin~ sored by the Delaware County League ning. question of the reduction of the library Last year more than three hundred of Wonlen Voters. The Republican children dressed u\) for this occasion and D tax from one half to one quarter mill ivisions-Comic d res s, Fancy party was represented by Franklin at least as many are expected again this dress, Misc. dress and Origwhich IS to be voted on Nov. 8. Dr. Spencer Edmonds, a Philadelphia attoryear. Instead of having the procC:. \.lary \V mte, Mr~. eyer, that they would be remiss in their -'and I'm satisfied with the results. Dr. ermtendent of Schools III Delaware cussion concerning the merits of the T. E. Hessenbr?ch, Mrs. E. O. L~nge, duty if they did not Jay before the public Holmes taught thcm ethics." C~U.l1ty '~ill spe?k on u'fhe ~arger ~d- pictures and the varying opinfons of :Mrs. Harold Griffin, Mrs. Arthur Mltch- the facts pertinent to the question and the Considerable disallpointment was ex- mllllstrahve VlUt of Schools a subject those who took the trip. eU, and l\.ft:s., E. L:R~y ~{ercer. future of the public library. pressed after the meeting that no of inter~st to every school district, and A box lunch was enjoyed and on the GIRL SCOUTS TO A tax of one-quarter mill upon the questions werc asked from the audi- you arc invited to bring your qucs- return trip, the party visited the WashDEDICATE CABIN present property assessment of $5,224, cnce. This was no fault of the chair- tions and comments. ington Crossing Park080. will yield the gross sum of $1,306.02 man, ]"lrs. J. Passmore Cheyney, howThe meeting will then be opened to The party consisted of 1Irs. Stanley evcr, who asked several times for a discussion of the qucstion uSchool MacMillan, Mrs. Warren Foote, Mrs. 'fhc Girl Scout Cabin on Cresson for the support of the library. Out of COUlments or questions from the floor Teachers' Salaries-Do Taxpayers de- Lemon, :Mrs. David Ulrich, Mrs. Edwin Lane will be dedicated with fitting this sum must be deducted the 5% dis following the last rebuttal address. mand reduction in present schedule?" Yarnall, Mrs. Edgar Adams, Mrs. services tomorrow afternoon. A Court count on taxes paid prior to October 1st, A cordiaJ invitation is extended to Thomas Jackson. Mrs. Carl de Moll, and of Awards will be part of the program. and the commission of the tax collector. J f every dollar of tax was collected, the everyone interested to attend both the ~lrs. Louis c. Emmons. SvlGrof, net amount for the Hbrary would be apFRIENDLY CIRCLE • I moderately priced luncheon and the • • proximately $1200. The present annual Music Section HOLDS MEETING meeting which follows. Reservations expcnses of maintaining the library ex Celebrated Lecture for the luncheon should be made to Mrs. Robert Chester Spcncer, chair- elusive of the amount spent for bOOks, is The September meeting of the Friend- 1.frs. \Villiam M. Fine, 126 Park aveNext Sunday evening at 7.45 in the $1136. of which amount the librarian re ly Circle was held at the home of Mrs. nue, Swarthmore, Pa., Phone Swarth. l-.lethodist Church auditorium, Rev. man of the Music section of the Wo- ccivcs $926.00. The ba1!ance of this item man's Club, called a meeting at hcr Harvey R. Pierce on Princeton ave. fol- 52, before November 1st. John vVatchorn of Philadelphia will home on Tuesday afternoon, at which is used for miscellaneous expenses such as printing, lights, telephone, and 'insur lowing a box luncheon. Many of the deliver his noted lecture entitled U\Von_ time 111a11s for the winter were dis~ members had continued their sewing durance. The sum thus available for the dedul Pictures oi the Passion Play of cussed. A further meeting will be held purchase of books would amount to Thomas W. Simpers ing the summer, completing among other Oberammergau." Dr. \Vatchorn viewed before plans arc announced for the $64.00. things twenty-six dresses and eighteen pair of shorts in time for children who Thomas \V. Simpers, a resident of the Passion Play at first hand and winter's season. At the present time there are in circu .::.:..:.:..:...., nnecded them in order to be presentable Swarthmore for the past twenty-nine took the remarkable pictures which he lation 852 adult, and 505 children's read Scout Troop I to attend school. years, died on Tuesday at his late resi- wilt show upon thc screen. This lecers cards. The average monthly circula Forty-two dresses and slips were dis- dence, 011 Westdale avenue. Funeral ture has been received with great action of books for the past year has been Scout Troop 1 will meet tonight as in excess of 1100 copies in the adult detributed by Mrs. Seal and hies. Moore !:ervices will be held f rOIl1 the home this claim wherever presented. It is a great at this meeting, cut oJut and ready for morning at 11 o'clock. The Rev. Dr. opportunity and spiritual treat and usual at the Lcgion rooms III Borough partment, and 400 in the children's sec sewing. J ohl1 Ellery Tuttle will officiate. Inter- everybody is cordially invited to be halt. An announcement of importance tion. It is a fair conclusion that the Ii present. The lecture will be illustrated about the future of the troop will be brary is now being used either directly 1I..frs. \Vm. Moore and Mrs. Ewing ment will he at Pottstown. were the hostesses 0'1 the twentieth of ·lIr. Simpers retired in 1931 as sales- with eighty beautiful slides. Or indirectly by two-thirds of the homes made. October at the home of the latter. Mrs. manager of the American Sheet and Tin in the borough. Moore reported turning over twelvc marc Plate Company with which he had been The average cost to the taxpayers of dresses to the Hcalth Center for distri- connected for 43 years. He was a memSwarthmore of the present half·mill tax butiol1 and gave out more garments to be ber of the Union League of Philadelphia is actually less than the majority of them and the Spring Haven 'Club. He was completed. gave voluntarily when the library was Besides the sewing, the Friendly Circle one of the charter members of the Playsupported by subscription. On each one has been privileged to give aid in the ers' Club and was a loyal member of the thousand dollars of assessment the tax is form of stockings, sox, glasses for school 1lcn's Bible Class of the Presbyterian fifty cents. Since 7070 of the homes in Swarthmore High school wilt play its to show up well again this week against the borough are assessed at $5000. or children paying electric bills and supply- church. ing milk food and, clothing. Some .of Those surviving are his widow, Stella first home football game this afternoon Glen~Nor. less the amount of thc tax cannot mean' the mem'bers ha\'C also assistcd at the Roberts Simpers, two daughters, Mildred beginning at 3 o'clock on the Rutgers Bill 1[addox, fullback, gave a good aC- more than the price of one or two books and Katherine and one brother, Robert avenue field. The team will meet the count of himself in last Saturday's game, to the great majority. If the use of the Health Center in the afternoons. .. I • Glen-Nor High school aggregation and doing effecting blocking and defense library saves the average taxpayer the • 8 a hard game is expected since last year work. Harvey Vvhittaker, halfback, was purchase of a single volume, or a maga.. Legion Bridge Tourney COLLEGE ELEVEN TO the two teams battled to a 0 to 0 tie. also responsible for some spectacular end zine subscription, hT has received his Last week the Swarthmore eleven won runs which resulted in good gains. Nor- money back, and at the same time has PLAY HERE TOMORROW Twelve tables of bridge comprised thc their first victory of the season when they man Madison and :Maddox made a good aided in providing a worthwhile commuopening session of the tournament being The combination for aerjal work. Captain nity service. conquored Marple-Newtown 19-7. The Swarthmore gridders wilt not face sponsored this winter by the Harold During the recent period of necessary the Haverford eleven this year, but af- Ainsworth Post of the American Legion game was played away from home and Hoadley was unable to play on account the West Chester pike team held a 7 to of his knee. It is likely that he will be economy the demands upon the library ter next Saturday's football game they at the Str3th Haven Inn. The meetings o lead at the end of the first hal£. Tn'o out for the rest of the season. have increased rapidly. The citizens have will have a fair idea of what would hap- are held the fourth 110nday of each The upper Darby sophomores play the leamed of and availed themselves of the pen if they should. On Saturday, Octob- month. Of the twelve tables, ten played touchdowns bv Jack Taylor, halfback, and one by \:V~gner, end. as the r~sult of Scrub team here Nov. 3 and the varsit)· service which the library offers. To curer 29 S"iarthmore will meet the Susque- contract and two auction. hann~ Colle-ge 'football team at Swarth· ta'U the work and growth of the library Charles Dravo who is conducting the a triple reverse pass, were responSible for plays Darby Nov. 4. more in the first home game of the sea- tournament says that it is not necessary the Swarthmore score. Lineup: at this time would certainly not be an son. The same day that Penn routed Although this IS the first year that Marple-Newtown Swarthmore act of wisdom or economy. If the tax is Swarthmore, Haverford was pt!l¥ed by to play every month but that prizes for Taylor has played regularly with the Green ........• left end ..••.•. Wagner reduced the only course open to the diSusquehanna and received a deciSive de- the entire tournament wilt be awarded on varsity, he is attracting a g,:eat deal ~f Hunter .....•• left tackle ..... Feakins rectors will be to very sharply cut exfeat. The final score was Susquehanna, the percentage basis of games played. Prizes for the highest scores on Mon- attention in interscholastic Circles. HIS Douglass..... left guard •... Brownell penses whlch will mean chiefly a reduc37; Haverford, o. . Susquehanna appears to be anyth1l1g day evening went to John Frick, first, kicks are averaging 60 yards and he is Taylor......... center ......... Dingle tion in the already limited hours and a but a ureathing spell on the Gamet sched- with Albert Sidney J ohoson and Thomas wirey and hard to handle in spite of his Broadbelt .... right guard •... Blaisdell decrease in the number of neV: books light weight. Davidson .•.• right tackle ..... Craerner purchased. We respectfully ask the citiule. Besides routing Haveriord, Susque- H. Lueders tieing for second. T'aylor's first touchdown was made as Moore ........ right end •.... McClure zens of Swarthmore to continue their hanna has vanquished Hartwick 45-0 and • I , the result of a 6O-yard run in the third Gaul........ quarterback ..... Madison support of the public library by voting has defeated Moravian 12-7. Washington The annual Hallowe'en party of the rt nd his second came as the result Orlip ••...... left halfback .• Whittaker UNo" on the Library Tax Reduction College which the Gamet defeated last year 20-0 was overcome by the Crusad- Friends' First Day school will be held at :~aa ~rilling forty-yard run. He played "v:ilds ....... right halfback •.• Maddox Question November 8th, and to make ers 6-0 l~st Saturday. Susquehanna did Whittier House this evening, from 7 to 9 spirited ball throughout and is expected HIbbard....... fullback ...••••• Taylor full use of all the library facilities. not appear on the Garnet schedule last o'clock. year. •• ••• ...,,--- I H. S. Plays First Home Game With Glen-Nor This Afternoon --- OCTOBER THE SWARTHMORBAN 2 1932 Mrs. William Matos, Mrs. Cam- of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Johnson 01 This is an evidence 01 their interest Bok Singing Tower in Florida. Zoo, of their appreciation of all it Mrs. Ashton was also shown the key.. pion, Miss Vera DeMuth, Mrs. herst avenue. the ""'11""1111':' '1' 11'' ' 11'1111'1' 1' 1' \'1111'"111"111'II"', 1,11 .. 10 ",II "1111 Mitchell, and Mrs. Benjamin. On November lsi there will be a Hal- has meant to Ihem in the past and 01 board which manipulates the bell.; also '. ~,"li' ,,:, ", '" "1I11"llIlIilllllllllllll I :' ,I Mrs. Richard D. Hickox of Bi,.gl.a.n-Ilowe'en party in· the par 1 0 rs of the their intense desire to have it preserved. Swarthmore Methodist Church for the The children are showing their interest"thprea.ctsii,,,,leot keyboard whkh is used for Among the students from S,,'art:hm,or.'lton, N. Y., and Mrs. Harry S. adult members. The party is being given 1in the needy boys and girls of Chester byll rrpases. Mr. Barker, the preswho are attending Pennsylvania Military Schenectady, N. Y. arc the guests by the Ladies Aid Society 01 which bringing in many pairs of children's ent carit onneur. is an Englishman who College this year are: Leonard Frescoln, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. 'ncent Carels. Robert Ford, Morton in for a couple of weeks. Frank Windell is president. shoes, to be used by Chester school chil- madde first a study cf piano, then organ · t '{' '{ D Fed' k L F I N d h be' I'ed' h an composition, and was later a pupil of Jr" V, d d F M D r. on u ge an 51S er ,.. ISS II arr. r enc . enno 0 ew ren w 0 are mg supp 1 Wit Paul, and Cote Emmons. jorie Fudge of Elmira, N. Y. arc visit- leans, La., will be the guest of Mr. used shoes under the direction of Anton Brees. He is one of the outstanding carillonneurs of the world. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Birney Morse will en- ing their brother, Mr. R. G. Fudge of Mrs. George W. Fenno for this week- Boys' Club of Chester. tertain at dinner and bridge tomorrow North Chester road. Ashton says it was a beautiful experience Mrs. Ferris Thompson is Mr. and Mrs. John D. Pugh of Mt. • •• to listen to the Carillon from the campus evening at their home on Elm avenue. Mrs. George :M. Ewing of Columbia "green kitchen shower" on Washington, Baltimore, Md., were guests Inspeet Carlllon by moonlight avenue entertained at luncheon yesterday. ternoon for Mrs. William H. of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Brownell of - - -.....,,,._-Visit Sleighton Farms Mrs. Charles A. Bunting 01 2nd, Haverlord place last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Ashton were avenue spent last week with her Miss Dorothy Shaw, daughter of },{r. Mrs. Mary Krieghoff, fo,rmerl.v the guests of Bryan Barker, who plays the Carillon at Mercersburg The Delaware County Federation of ter, Mrs. Sheldon Greene in and Mrs. Charles P. Shaw of Whittier Swarthmore, who has been visiting N. J. place entertained several of her friends Frank Huntoon of Walnut lane, left Academy. The invitation was extended Woman's Clubs held a meeting at Sieighton Farms, Darlington, on Thursafternoon in honor of her Y Wednesday for her home in Jamaica, Mrs. Sargent Walter of North Ches- \Vcdnesday through John Russell Hayes, poet and I. Id brarian of Swarthmore College. A poem, day. All club women were invited. ter road, who has just returned from a seventh )lrt 1 ay. . I . Fresco II, who spent the sum- • The Carillon by Moonhght," written by Mr. and Mrs. George D. Merriam of Joseph . two weeks visit to Boston, is entertaining her daughter, :Mrs. Ferris Thompson Swarthmore avenue attended the mer With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Hayes was published in the last isSaoorth. 761.762 ' .. of Baltimore and her small son Tommy. Army football game at New Haven Devery U Il.eonard Frescoln of CHarvard avenue, sue of the MercersbUrg newspaper. Mr. and Mrs. Ashton were invited up Miss Celeste Belford of the Rutgers week-end. las returned to the olorado Agriculavenue school and Miss Caroline ForstMiss "Marjorie Mead of Westdale ave- tural College, where he is a member of into the tower of the chapel to examine the bells. These vary in weight and ncr of the College avenue school enter- nuc will entertain at a Hallowe'en cos- the senior clas.!). tained the mothers of their IlUpiis at tume party tomorrow evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hurlock twenty of the betls are inscribed with I.a...t Wednesday afternoon• Mrs. Dealt Parker of Princeton ave- Springfield and Mr. al.d Mrs. William various quotations from poets, autholrs,l Mrs. S. W. Rossler of Bridgeport, H. Chaffee, 2nd, have issued invitations and the Bible. EVERYTHING FOR THE TABLE Conn., and Mrs. Olmstead of Yonkers, nue, who is spending several weeks in to a "depr.cssion party" on Saturday eveN. Y. were the guests of Mrs. Joscph Flushing, N. Y., will be at home ning, October 29. The Carillon was presented to the k this week-end. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Hessenbruch, Hr. Academy by Henry Bucher Swoope. Bates Ior a few d ays Ias t wee. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dixon attended the m The bells were first played by Hanton FINEST FRUITS-Dr. J. R. Kline of Riverview avenue F d D C I I' S I and Mrs. E. O. Lange, Mr. and Mrs. A. B h I I C '11 . th will attend the meeting of the American 'oun ers ay e e )rallon at wart 1- S. \Vickham, Mr. and Mrs. ;.e:;;a;r;, Mathematical Society in Ncw York more College last Saturday. Mrs. Dixon Yerkes, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. was formerly Miss Emily Joy c e of ers, and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dodd morrow. Swarthmore. MUSHROOMS II; Z9c Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Perkins be the chaperones at the first meeting W k E,.. :I SPEO A . Cedar lane spent last week-end in PrinMrs. William H. Chaffee, 2nd gave a the Junior Assembly on November 5th. ee • nu I L FRESH PEAS pk-;!3c luncheon on Wednesday in honor of Mrs. RIPE BANANAS d ISc cipio Furnace, Md. F l ' Among those from Swarthmore who MEN'S GLOVES oz. '{r. R.obert Telfer of East Orange, ~erris Thompson of Ba E. hmore. JUICY ORANGES doz.Z3c n Dr. and Mrs. Frank Williams attended the tea given for Mrs. Patrick N. J., is visiting his daughter, Mrs. yesterday by motor for Columbus, Ohio, Hurley by the All Party Woman's ComSPINACH W: pk.9c George D. Merriam of Swarthmore ave- where Dr. Williams will deliver an ad- mittee for Hoover given at The Drake BEST IN MEATS nue. dress before Ohio Teachers' Association. yesterday afternoon were Mrs. Louis n..3Sc Mrs. A. R. Rcdgravc spent last weckCole Emmons, M:s. Edwin A. Ya~~~~:I; end at State College, Penna., with Mr. and Mrs. James Bacon Douglas Mrs. John M. Ogden, and Mrs, J. RIB LAMB CHOPS n..Z9c son Richard who recently underwent of North Chester road will entertain at more Cheyney. BONELESS POT ROAST n..ZOe operation for allpendicitis. dinner evening. '11 SHOULDERS LAMB '{' and H Ibridge S I tomorrow 1G Word has just been received that Among those from Swarthmore who .I.l ISS C en ee 'I' ey 0 crmantown WI Bonelet. Griffin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harn..2tc be t IIe guest 0 f .1.\ ISS Leanore P crk'illS Robert ended the William Penn Pageant at • PORK LOIN ROAST att k d G. Griffin of Rutgers avenue, . h Convention Hall were Mrs. George t ISThe weeAmerican '-en . Legion Auxiliary will Edmund Jones son of Mr. and FRESHER CAUGHT FISH meet at 2:30 pm., November 2nd, at Henry Jones of Haverford avenue, doz.ISc ELIZABETH KAUFMAN LG. STEWING OYSTERS home of Mrs. Robert Powell, 35 Swarth- passed the Merit Tests for Eagle Scout. more place. This makes five boys in Troop 4, of HAIRDRESSING 1t>.l9c WEAKFISH which Mr. Preston Willis is the Scout Mr. and 'Mrs. George Moore Located in doz.3Se LARGE CLAMS Thompson's store; Morton, Pa. daughters ·~\firiam and Marie of East Master, who have earned this high rank n..I9c HADDOCK FILLETS Permanent Waving Orange, N. J., "..'ere the week-end guests Scouting. The others are Gary Every Day Except Saturday tt..ZSc CRAB MEAT Gaines Blaisdel, and Paul Paulson. 3 Specials $1.00 n..19c STEAK COD 'Phone Swarthmore 1994..W Miss Mary Devereux, the daughter PIG SKIN· - CAPE -. MOCHA Open evenings by appointment Mrs. R. T. Devereux, 235 Park avenue, Swarthmore has just been chosen a memGROCERIES AT A SAVING ber of the Press Club of Elmira College. CAMP. BAKEl). BEANS call 4. The first meeting of the year was heJd CLOROX BoLIOc on Tuesday night, October 11. VITAMONT DOG FOOD, Z ...... ISc The Press Club of Elmira College is PARK AVENUE RICE KRISPIES pq.7c an organization formed for the purpose of keeping the home-town papcr~ in touch with the activities of the girls at n..Z7. AYRSHIRE BUTTER Elmira College. There are about sevenn..23. COMONT COFFEE teen members in the Club. 33 West Baltimore Ave. doz,37c Miss Belle Mitchell Dudley, 01 RichBROOKFIELD EGGS mond, Va., is recovering from a severe CLIFTON lmiGHTS illness in Kentucky, where she was visIa. can 21c MONTCO PEARS iting when taken itt. M iss Dudley is a Madison 110 sister of Mrs. John Erwin Gensemer, ASS'T KOOK-KEES Vassar avenue, and has many friends 2 dOLZSc HOME MADE 111 Swarthmore. ,iI,,",i, ",ii i'llll' 'I""'" S:t~'r~~~{~~;,1 j r.... Martel Bros. Ear~le;,:p~;'11 t;re~e~s;w;;~o;;n;o~w;;p;a~y~s;;t ~o~n;;m:;;;e I::::=::::::::VE::::::G~E_:r:_AB-=::...:'~E::...:S~_-:_::~ $1.95 WHEN ITS AN ••" BUCHNER'S M. F. Williams Toggery Shop FUNERAL -R·O·ME· LOW COST LONGER ,SERVICE UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE RESTORING Fred J. Harley Custom Made Furniture Interior Decorating In All Its Branches Chester Rd. & Yale Ave. SWARTH. 1250 GRACE GRAF Instruction : : ------ ------...~,... Children Aid Zoo Adopting the suggestion of Dr. Arthur l!;. Bassett, that school children evidence their interest in the preservation of the Philadelphia Zoo, the Swarthmore pupils of all ages and grades have to date contributed the large sum 01 ~50.90 to the Zoological Garden. MEDIA '..AUNDRY. INC. Motu.e., Dale, Railin. Butterscotch PHONE MEDIA 174 CIDER. NUTS. FIGS. DATES SPICE WAFERS, Etc.. for Hallowa'aD "SERVING SWARTHMORE SUCCESSFULLY SINCE 1900" FINISHED LAUNDRY SERVICE Hannum & Waite Swarth. 1441 Violin Even if the Am cost of an Exide were higher than ordi. nary batleries-lhe longer period of trouble-Ir.... performance would justify the cosl. Exides acluelly cost less, in the long run, than cheaper batleriq, 'Cello Address Residence Studio 230 NORTH ROLLING ROAD SPRINGFIELD, PA_ Phone: SWARTHMORE 374-R DREER'S roses for fall planting at lowest • • prIces In years You can drive io and park at (lur store a810ng 8S you like And here, at ht'sdquarlers, you can gel expert advice on any horticultural suhject ••• a service that bos helped 10 make Dreer'B outstanding. Tune in "Fame and Fortune" WeAU SUNDAY, 8 P. M. "Famous Reading Anthracite Program" Cash Prices plus Penna. Siale Tax 1% Egg Stove .$1l.50 , $11.75 Buckwheat. Nut Pea .$1l.50 $9.75 , ,$7.50 E WIRING L REPAIRS E RADIO WASHERS CLEANERS Tel. 1896 Many pe1'80DS prefer to pla:lliheir rose gardens in the ButUmu. We are ready for them with a great a.orlmenl of tbe m08t desirable varielies., specially prepared (or fall planting. All strong, two-yearold, field-grown, dormont planle ••• and at very interesting priCR. HENRY A. DREER }306 Spring Gorden Street, Philadelphia, Pa. FIXTURES AS NEAR AS yOUR TELEPHONE OCTOBER THE SWARTHMOREAN tained the new members of the League CANDIDATES sistence of an active minority and, it is an attractive get-acquainted lunchAT LEAGUE MEETING eon which was served at small tables well known that an energetic few can poohUahed By..,. FrldoI,. at readily overcome an iodilierent majority. in the new lounge of the Club House Swutluoa_ P.. .When a zoning law was first discussed, Last Tuesday afternoon, October 25, by the League's efficient Hospitality ROBERT Eo SBABPLES the statement was made that it was a the Swarthmore League 01 Women D'>'lOr..... ~_.> p..."...... bomb dropped in our midsl. It has Volers held its regular meeting at the Committee.• _ _...._ - - .... proven more than that. It has been alV-ron,"",'s Club House. Mrs. J. Passmore F. AND M. DEFEATS Phone Swarthmore 900 boomerang. GARNET GRID TEAM Enlered as Secood Clue mal'tt,or;'~i.::::IEditor, The S_rthm.,e",,: Geo. J. Jones. Cheyney. chairman 01 the League, 1011929, at tho Post OBice S~ As a lifelong 'Republican, I wish to _ _ _....,..._ _ _ lowing the routine business, turned the under the Act 01 March 1819_ against the campaign of industrial M meeting over to Mrs. John M. Ogden, 'I'he thl'rd lootball game of the season . Effi . rs. Thomas G. Rutherlord of West-,I',~,"il'm'Ul of t IlC COnlnuttee 'sm as exempll'fied by Henrv on • CIt tl' d d I t t tl Swarthmore lerrorl a at lIr Lancaster e ea 0 Ie FIDAY R , OCTOBER 28, 1932 and by the Delaware CoWlty ~I'P'~~~~~ldale avenue is spending this week in N. ency in Government. Mrs. Gar Ian d C. mean gridders last Saturday. advertisement in your last issue. Y. C i t y . · King spoke for the Socialist Party, The Blue and White Nevanians of rt~.n~J~nce we have grown beyond that sort of thing. making an urgent appeal for the ex- Franklin and Marshall were able to ~~_e_~~_It \.1111 , ~l:""~ It is reminiscent of the infamous Alien of rehabilitation measures to tally five touchdowns to the Garnet's: A and Sedition cts, the efforts of the nohelp those who are unable to help was not as bad a game as the scor.e the Editor: torious Biddle Bank of the United States 0 themselves. shows. The Swarthmore team, handlseems to the writer that if Borough and those of the slave interests to As no Democratic woman responded capped by the absence of Howa~d C~~~~~e.ever did need the advice and petuate their domination by to the appeal from the chair, Mrs. -Da- Sipler by bad shoulders on Captam tt 01 a solicitor that time is ~;o're IThe right to work should not be predivid C. Prince said that while she could "Chul;ky" Schembs and Bill Orr. was Here are our own people, n cated, even by inference, upon the surSl)eak for that party, she would like only able to get going in spurts and ." p',cially the owners,h who render of the righth of the speak as a neighbor of Covernor play fair football. M.arsh-a I' small. property I I '11 !ndividual atl made quite a Franklin day of it,and 1eadmg strugg 109 agalOst a most overw e mand vote as e WI s. To counteRoosevelt, as she was formerly a resid- horse mascot around the field, and the odds to retain ownership in their nance such an idea is a. challenge to Cllicken Platter Slipper ent of his county. Mrs. Prince gave team doniling -blue silk pants for the homes, now bedeviled by the who care to preserve recognized Ameriaccount of the Governor's fray. of taxes and no relief measures can principles. If there were not other efforts to extend legal health - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE ,uggested by tbose who ought to be able for voting against the present in the State of New York LIBRARY TAX Administration, such feudalistie at the that every child should have the ad'faxes are due and payable on or be- provide ODe that should be sufficient. vantage of preventive care. NQTICE OF Sl'ECIAL ELECTION TO Bl fore Oct. J. Couoty poor aod Eo H. Taylor. Friends Social Service Fair JlELD NOVEMBER S. 1032. taXes if paid by Oct. 1 are entitled to ____ Mrs. Cheyney, speaking lor the ReNotice is bereby given tbat a public: elecwl1l be held TuesdaY. NoveJDber 8th, percent discount. Ii oot paid by The Editor of The Swart',morean: Whittier House publican party, outlined some 01 the Hon 1932. bet"..cen the hours of seven B. m. and time they carry with them a fine. Dear sir: Ire,colls'truction measures made operative se\'CIl p. nt .. Eastern Standard Time. at. the The Woman's Club of Thurs. Nov. 3, 5.45 to 7.00 P.M. under President Hoover's leadership, regular polling 11laees of the Borourh of discount is allowed for the payment Delaware Counly. PennfO'lVania. school taxes but if the latter tax is wishes thru your columns to express L:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ land pointed out their immediate pro- Swnrthmprc. fiJtcd for the holdin;;; of general lUld special paid by Oct. 1, a penalty of five appreciation and thanks to various tective effect upon people of our own electiolns. Tho Imrposc of the Baid election is to ob· will be added. groups assisting in the carried FOOD SALE circutr.stances, people whose moderate tain the assent of the electort! of said Borourh Our borough solicitor and our borthis summer at Whittier and income must be budgeted to cover of Swarthmore to the reducUon of the rate of council ought to know that it is en- to all the individuals who The Woman's AUxillary of Trinity Church taxes, mortgage interest, insurance. and tbe Library Tn:l:. noW being- levied by Baid Dorough. from one~haU (~) mill OR the dolfruits, vegetables, sugar, jars and will hold a Food Sale on saturday ·m"miD.r, Ian emergency bank balance, in addi- lar or fh'c l'Cnts (6c) on everyone hundred possible and legal to pay rloliars (1100), of tho asscssed vnlu3tlon of taxes in four separate in- canning supplies. Thru this wllo!eh''''~t-I October 29th, In the store on Park A.venue tion to living expenses. t&Kable properly within Bald Borough. to an of twenty.five per cent each. ed Community spirit 200 jars of fruits formerly occupied by the Engle Bakery. A lively general discussion followed, allllual rate of one-fourth (%) mlll on the It is the belief of the writer that our and vegetables are stored in the Welfare Cakes, Pies. Salads, Rellshes, JeWes, etc., which Mrs. Ogden enumerated the dollar or two and one·hall cents (2~e) on onc hundred dolllU"s (,100) of aaid I Ct e r Ior d'tstn'but'Ion to the needy will be on $ale beginning at 9 a. m. S(h-AI uv board wouId be entl'rely -yi.thiin "en offices to be filled and the respective every' assc88Cd valuaUon. ALDERT N. GARRETI'. JR., their rights to do the same things. ing the winter season. candidates therefor coming up for clecSecre&ary • We wish also to thank "The s,,,,,,,,,.-I tion on November 8th. Moses has arisen out of this WILLIAM R. LANDIS. ness of doubt and despair. moreau" for its fine co-operation, display Preceding the meeting the Executive Bun;-e88. of the Swarthmore League enterUpper Darby and Springfield town- and adverll'sl'ng. ,hips have notified their citizens by Ruth Atwell Detlelsen, . in the local papers that Recording Secretary. I may be paid on this PlRl!T CHURCH OF CHRIST. SOIENTlST, OF SWARTHMORE plan and all fines eliminated. . Editor Swart/lmorean Park AV8Jlue Below Harvard Is it possible that our leadership on the slipping or that the office holders No enactment of our Borough to the ~r~~~~1~~ have. no consideration has ever caused more dissension Services: persons 11;00 A. M.-Bunday School. the Estatehaving. of the taxpayer? Two hundred people have acrimony than the Zoning Law. Since 11:00 A. M.-8unday Lesson-Sermon. the same, and all persons to be exonerated from the evening each except week'i !~~~~td delay, to decedent to make payment Reading roommeetlng open dally, . payment the first it has been constant source of Wednesd&;i d o( taxes which ought to in lcate to our contention because of its ~:~;~;~:~;\ :~::.;~:~:,hOllda.ys. 1 to 4 in the afterEMILY H. PRICE. borough authorities the need of complexities and the confiscatory. ed1ftce. 410swY.·rt,e_Avoerenu,ePa'. ·d . 'bl 1 IO-14-6t con itlOns as easy as poss. e or acter of its provisions. It was All are cordla.lly invited to attend the I~~~~~~~;;,;~~~~~~~~ of taxes. The emphatic: almost at once, after its passage, to servIces aDd. use the Reading Boom. OF MARGARET B. S. PALMER. a meeting of citizen taxpayers re- ify it and other changes have since been THE the Borough of Swa.rthmore. De....n1' 'J~ SwARTBMOREAN seriously considered at the 'November meeting. Borough coWlcil has discussed the question and decided not to adopt plan. However, their stand might changed providing enough taxpayers evidence of wishing to pay their Ita:... by the installment method. - Dor~ All Linea of INSURANCE INCLUDING LIFE ~ ~ ;;; PEJ:~Jic J£~DI _-= Call Swarthmore 1833 Reading Super-cIean Bar,. Coal _~ .. ! _----------------1 Calendar f C · Events ODUDUDlty tol~;:==============::~lto 75c Church News \ Q. S'W~.a.'tHl!4C'RE \'~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~ gardless of political affiliation is' appar- I maoe from time to time. There is noth-I PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ent and unless such a 'meeting ing to be marked up to its credit but,. t' 't is held Rev. John Ellery TUttle, D.D., Litt.n., f very near uture I 1S qUI e the other hand, it has proven a sefiOUS Pastor our tax rate for 1933 will be detriment to the borough. It has been to SAMUEL c. PALMER. but_may be increased. .The.wr-iter would db'eet means of strangling the Prelo:~~:icbool Executor, 612 Ogden Avenue. be glad to learn if there are others who paratory School and has exiled n:OO-MORNING WORSHIP swarthmore, Pa. . h' I bPMoor~~~ are interested tn t IS very persona pro Players Club. "THE cALL OF FAITH" lern. Any act or incident which drives 4:45-0RGAN WORBmp . Or to his Attorney, Chas. A. Smith educational institution from a commu5:~.rJ:s~~:45 c~ ~,.F2q., nity is to be greatly deplored. Swarth"THE MAN OF ONE WEA" 10-7-6t Editor's Note: That borough council more bas been favora yawn 7:45-Mlsslonary Service Or the school board have not for the number and excellence American Indian bl kn of its the payment of taxes by the installment cational facilities and a very imposing Every=' :a:::~l='b~~:~llto all MUMSWEDNESDAY method has not been due to any neglect and important one has been removed I _,_ _ _ _ ~___ .::.=erv:.:.:,ces=_______ on the part of the solicitor for either from our midst. Had it not been for the ,. TIUNITY CHURCH persons body. The installment plan has been petty restrictions of the Zoning Law Protestant EPiscopal to payment, cussed· at meetings of both council and management of the Prep School cou"d I Cb~~~:n8o~eg~~~~ue WILL~:'ne~f~!:~e. THE MAROT FLOWER SHOP the school board. have re-financed their affairs and carRector Swarthmore. 315 Dickinson Ave. Although tax bills for 1932 stated ried on during the present depression. Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S. T, )4. Delaware County. Pa. penalties were due if taxes were not Under the existing conditions this was 8:00 B. m.-Holy communion. o~~ ~~~~. Es~.. Swarthmore SS4 by Oct. I, a bill signed by the C~o,'erno:r I impossible. . ' 9:45 a. School. 918 Land Title Butldlng, II The 11:00 B. m.-Sunuay m._Mornlng Prayer and Sermon. Phlladelphla, Pa. t But t hat IS no a. only a few weeks before that date proMr. Guenther w11l preach 0·23·61 \"ided that boroughs, municipalities and formerly occupied by it are1 suitable ALL sAINTS' DAY. NOV. 1st . t't t' roses 10:00 B. m.-Holy communion. ~chool districts could postpone the final for a schooI or IDS I U IOna.. pu P .,. day for payment of taxes to Nov. 30. there is now the impendtng POSSlbihty RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS The local public bodies. approved this that they may be acquired for use as "Vltal reUgion, like"" good musiC, needs measure and no five percent is being add- home for aged people, an orphan aSJ/lum I not defense but rendition." d ok ed to school taxes until after Nov. 30 or for something even more undesirable. -Farry Emerson Fos I . SUNDAY the five percent discount on The future of Swarthmore hinges upon 9 ;45 A. M.-Plrst Day School In taxes will still be allowed up to Dec:. 1. the fate of these buildings. House. ..I tin A !4.-Mornlng Forum In _ee g Since the final date for payment of Outside of our schools and chur"h'$, 9'45 . . House. Subject on OCt. 30th: taxes therefore, is still more than the Players' Club is the most· ~opular . "Has Socialism Any aellgious Slgnlflcance?" 00 be led by month in the future, there is ample time stitution of the Borough. It 1S a credIt William Blaisdell. for either the school board or borough to the community and should ?ave been 11;00 A. M.-Meeting for worship in tbe Genial, hospitable, friendly surroundings. Delicious meeting bouse. council to adopt the installment given every help and opportuntty of acfood, attractively served. OId·fashioned courtesy. for payment of local taxes. From re- Quiring a home in the eente.r 0.£ WEDNESDAY /1... M. to 2:30 P. )!.-Sewlng and. Qulltmarks "made at a recent meeting of the town but it was driven over tne hne by Dinner 85 cents, $1.00 and $1.25. In Whittier House. BoX luncheon. school board, it is certain that this ques- the exactions of the Zoning Law. cord1a.ll~ invited to Join in tion in reference to sc.hool taxes will The measure was put over by the perservices. 1:~;~~~~~~~~~~s~~!1 Whose Anniversary? Send iii'i!'';~d~lay, • Just tbe Place to Entertain Your Friends I Swarlhmore Electric Shop C 411 ..1II A... S..ortJuoore, P.. 1932 You Can Save $ $ $ $ $ $ StratLHaven THE SWARTHMORE METHODIST SPISCOPAL cHURCH Coke-Buck-$8'~!u=g !:: invites you to attend the service next SUNDAY EVENING AT 7.45 A half ton of Kopper's pr0ee8S Coke and half ton of Buckwheat mixed to form a very economical fueL The Coke prevents the Buckwheat from falliBII tItroullh the grates. The Bockwheat aids in maintaining a steady fire requiring REV. JOHN WATCHORN, D.D. wUl present his celebrated lecture less attention. 1\-[any Customers are boming this fuel with satisfaction. Will bum in any size furnace. Will not damage any furnace. "THE PASSION PLAY OF OBERA!dMl:RGAU" Swarthmore, Penna. THE spent dollar gains no more interest than the rolling stone gathers moss. Elghty beautiful pictures wUl be shown Tbls is po rare treat. All welcome Safe and Free from Soo•• Delivered Anywhere in Philadelphia & Suburl.s Il.OO-WORBBlP AND sERMON R""ommended and Sold By Hefti n M VAN ALEN BROTHERS ason COAL CO. Phone Swarthmore 345 Today COAL Building and Repairs KIMMELL & SON Baverl...... Place PhOlle Sw. GZ~ Phone - Ridley Park 412 LLOYD P. sTEVENS, MINISTER Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company TIlE SW 1932 OCTOBER International Relations Committee, of showing of \ViII Rogers in "Down to "GENOA CONFERENCE" Earth" there witt be the usual comeTO BE DISCUSSED which Mrs. Edward Jenkins is chairdies and news and-an extra Western man. 'I'he speaker of the afternoon will feature "Border Devils", There will be The program at the Woman's Club candy for all the children and a pie on Tuesday will be in charge of the be JIIrs. William I. Hull, who will tell Love scenes betwecn Constance Beneating contest witt be on the stage. nett and Neil Hamilton in Warner Bros.' picture. "Two Against the The Media Theatre is beginning a World;' at the Lansdowne Theatre, new policy this week of a continuous had to be postponed to the final week show from 1:30 in the afternoon on of production duc to the fact that Ham- Saturday until 11 in the evening. The ilton discovered he had four cracked regular matinee prices arc in effect and dislocated ribs. until 6 o'clock. Scenes for another picture in which 'flte Four Marx Brothers arc one up he was required to ride a polo pony on a well-known playwright by the caused the mishap. name of Bill Shakespeare. For the quartet of insane comedians, The \Vaverly 'fheatre will have a currently to be seen in "Horse FeathHallowe'en party Saturday afternoon ers'~, their latest l)icture, at the Media for the childrcn. Bcsides the regular Theatre, all have names ending in "0", ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~Itike a majority of Shakespeare's char~ actcrs, but even Shakespeare co.uld never have thought of Groucho, Clueo, A WARNER THEATRE Harpo and Zeppo. ••• of the "sidelights of the Geneva ference". As Mrs. Hull attended of their meetings, she wilt be Well formed and will give an talk. Ir----------------------------------------------DISCOUNT ••• W UNnL OCT. 31 ON AVERLy THEATRE DREXEL HILL, PA. Thia Friday and Satul'day WILL ROGERS In "Down To Earth" -NEXT WEEK~Ionday and Tue&day John Gilbert-Paul Lukas In "DOWNSTAIRS" _Extra_ LAUREL and HARDY COMEDY Wedne.dar-1 Day Only CONSTANCE DENNETI In 'Two Against the World' Thur&day-l Day Only "BIG CITY BLUES" Joun Blondell-Eric Linden re toa ....,..--- --'.:..... RAYMOND WALTERS, EX·DEAN. REVIEWS HONORS SYSTEM 'rhe Swarthmore tem, inaugurated by Aydelotte in 1922. is article, HA College Majors by former Dean Raymond the October issue of the Scholar. .. Walters, who resigned his POSition last spring to become president of the Unh'crsity of Cincinnati, declares that honors work at Swarthmore is prospering beyond all early hopes and predictions. "Five institutions wefe pioneers in demonstrating vital possibilities for the liberal arts college precisely at the time when prophecies were rife that the liberal arts college was doomed," asserted President Walters. "These institutions were Harvard, Princeton, Reed, Smith, and Swarthmore. Fundamentally, the doctrine upon which each has worked is the same." The principle upon which the honors system was established is that every "able and ambitious student deserves develop himself up to his capacity." The results under this program standards than formerly The teacher also "retains a zest ... his work is worthy of " Scholar is the quarof the national orBeta Kappa, and has of over 9,000 during its publication. WARNER BROS. M~E~R~R PROSPECT PARK, pA. WILL ROGERS In A Warner Bros. Theatre LA ~h~tr~...?uti! N E "Down to Earth" Lansdowne Avenue 11& BaJUmore Pike NEXT WEEK MONDAY AND TUESDAY WILL ROGERS In "Down to Earth" GARY COOPER T ALLULAB BANKHEAD In "Devil and the Deep" NEXT WEEK_WEDNESDAY ·'THE LAST MILE" with PRESTON FOSTER NEXT WEEK In 'Two Against tile World' COMING SOON I TilE THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY with Dorothy Jordan and Irene Rich Big Kiddy Hallowe'en Party Sat. 1 p. m. Lots of Fun MONDAY AND TUESDAY CONSTANCE BENNETT In 'Two Against the World' with Neil Hamilton THURSDAY CONSTANCE DENNETI FOUR MARX BROS. In "Horse Feathers" WEDNESDAY ·'WHITE ZOMBIE" with Bela Dracula I~ugosi 3 DAYS THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 4 MARX BROS. "Horse Feathers" This picture is so popular that we must extend its showing to 3 days. MEDIA THEATRE Today! (Friday) & Saturday ,- advantage of this fiscal year closing sale. Now is the tilne to prepare your car for winter driving. Drive today! Never before has Firestone made it possible for us to offer such wonderful values at such low prices. Buy now, and take in FREE BATTERY TEST FREE BRAKE TEST Ha'9'e your battery tested on Firestone scientlficte8ting equip.. ment. This wlllgiveyou accurately the condition of your battery. We will inspect and clean eables, ten:ninals and ease. Firestone Battery Factories are the moat efficient plants in the world. Firestone Batteries have hig fullsized plates and are guaranteed from 12 to z.t. m.onths by Firestone and ourselves. Don't be WithOllt dependable battery service when you can buy a Firestone Battery at these low prices. Don't take chances with fault,. brnk"". Have/our brakes teste today on Firestone scientlfic, electric brake tester. No guesswork, actual conditions shown. If you need your brakes relined, equip with Firestone Aquapruf Brake Lining-made by a special Firestone water-proofing process, which gives you brakes that hold in weC wea ther. Brakes do not grab, chatter or squeal. Silent, sure stopping. :10," Dlsco_tWltb Tour'Old Battel7 on Plre.tone'. Seven Complete Line. 01 Batterle. Vntll October 3. tory is modern and most efficient. ~ Sure, Theyre Crazy-Fannier Than EfJerl It is equipped with latest precision macbineryCortesting all materials-every spark plug must pa8S Firestone's high slandards. Firestone Spark Plugs are manufactured in all ty~ and sizes, for every make and model of automobile, b'uck, tractor. bUiI, Dl.otor hoat,airplane,-ligbting i,lant and etaUonary engine. Old plugs lUcan wpste DC gaa-lo88 DC power -slow starting. Equipyourcar today Corwin.. ter servicel Save timc, 'lnoney and troublel Firestone give you the ,greatest spark plug values and most dependable efficiency eYer this winter. Protect your m.otor with Firestone AntiFreeze. No worry-no trouble. One fill lasts all winter-can be reclaimed in the spring. We thoroughly inspect t.he enthe cooling offered I BYstmn for Jeak radiator, h,...,. :6ttln_tighten all damps free. Come in today and let us test your spark plugs-free. Our teat wlll show you actual plug conditions. ~ :10," Dlseo_t Vntll Got. 3. SELL US YOUR WORN TIRES Firestone has been on the winning car in this hazard- WewillmakealiberalCash Allowance for your old ous mountain race, where tires to apply on new, safe a skid or tire failure IUcant Firestone High Speed Tires. death. Don't take unnecessary chances on thin, worn tires For thirteen consecutive this winter when you can years Firestone GUD1-Diphave the Ltra Safety of ped Tires have been on the Firestone at lowest basic winning cars in the annual prices ever known. 5OO-mile Indianapolis Race. Just recently Ab Jenkins set Firestone GUln-Dipped another world's record on Tires hold all world' records Firestone Tires by driving on road and track for speed, The Firestone Tread is his Pierce-Arrow 112 miles safety, mileage and endurdesigned wit.haoglesand per hour for 24 consecutive ance: The tough, thick projections to give the hours, covering 2,710 miles, Firestone Tread is designed maximum traction and on the hot salt sands of Salto grip the road JjminalDon-skid. The brakes can stop t.he wheels, but the duro, Utah, without tire ing hazardous skids on ti ...... mud atop the ear. trouble. slippery paveIllents. Why buy any other tire . Ride with the safety only when Firestone Gltm-Dipped Non-Skid Firestone Tires ean give you. Glen Tires cost no more and are first choice Schultzrecentlysetanewworld'srecord of men who know. in cUmbmg Pike's Peak. His ear was Drive in today. Trade your old tires equipped with Firestone Non- Skid for the safest tires in the world. Tires-making six consecutive years in "Riding the Skies" Extra Added Western Feature Saturday MATINEE ONLY TOM MIX in "RIDER OF DEATH VALLEY" Continuous Performance Every Saturday From 1.30 to 11 P. M. & Tues. EDMUND LOWE VICTOR McLAGLEN Mon. "Guilty as HeD" Motor Tune Up ,arhaJ1: Wed. & Thurs. CONSTANCE BENNETT "Two Against, the World" Next Friday and Saturday - WILL ROGERS - DowD to Earth CHEVROLET $1.95 includes cleaning and adjusting carburetor, cleaning plugs, clean and set breaker points, check timing, check ·and set generator for Winter. Check and adjust valves. WENTZEL MOTORS 401 DARTMOUTH AVENUE Swarthmore 596 will play the opening nurnbet' for the young people's meeting at seven. Mr. Jones is instructor of the orchestra of the Ridley Park high school. The orchestra is open without charge for in· s\ruction to all young people of the Sw>day School and church. Hersh-I;::::===::========::; "Where Can I Get It Done?" ••• The amazing growth of the Players' Club may be attributed to sincerity of purpose and a willingness all the part of every active member to make sacrifices. . It is expected that the coming production wilt be an outstanding one. The cast was carefully selected and both Mrs. Unman and Mr. DoHman, Jr., have unusual dramatic ability and records of excellent performances in the past. The revival of "The Thirteenth Chair" comes by request of the membership as indicated in the answers to a questionnaire issued by the Board of Governors. •• willingness to reconsider existing institutions arc so necessary to world salvation." Miss Addams traced our self-righteousness back to the Puritan idea that they were the chosen people. This unfortunate attitude was manifested as early as 1830 toward the European immigrants. IIA consciousness of superiority constantly tended to exalt the earlier Americans and to put the immigrants into a class by themselves." ReoultiDg Maladju.tments The resulting'evils were first apparent in our tardiness in protective legis~ lation compared with other nations. The antithesis of this is seen in William Penn's methods of dealing with the Indians. "His 1682 treaty with them was made as between equals and was mutually binding." In his colony, all made provisions for the laborers, but also for the negroes, and manumitted Jane Addams, in the Founders' Day his slaves as early as 1701. address last Saturday afternoon in the Another example of the fact that we Clothier Memorial, criticized Uthe na- have not been following the inspiration tional self-righteousness of the Ameri- of tolerance and understanding given can people," attacking intolerance and us by William Penn, is shown in our narrow-mindedness, and urging that we coerciv!: attituue toward immigrant found our policies on William Penn's strikers, and our indifference toward breadth of vision. Miss Addams re- the kiUing of foreign gangsters. This ceived the honorary degree of Doctor has resulted in a preferential attitude toward crime, to counteract which we neeu to revert to William Penn's re~ tigious ideal of. fraternity and right_ _ _ CLASSIFIED _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ieousness. FOR RENT the BUI. Attractive third floor apartment. two large rooms with bath and kitchenette. oarage 1f desired. FOR BBNT-On common humanity, and its social con.. sequences are amazingly disastrous." She concluded with the question: "Must we wait for another William Penn to show us the unique opportunity the world affords to once more make politics further the purposes of old paper and paint look shabby. tbe floors need refinishing, all the clean· ing won't make it look beller, the window sticks and won't go up or down, the door won't shut, if it does shut you can hardly get it open. the rain comes in, radiators wouJd look better painted, a hundred olher things heed fix.ing or refinishing! Where can you get this or that done? Give us a can and benefit by present day prices, and over thirty·two years' experience. 411 Dartmouth Avenue Phone Sw. 47 or 48 WM. KIMMEL & SON Practical MechaniC8 WEEK END SPECIALS HAVERFORD PLACE 1---------------itself Baker's Chocolate lb 19c religion and to purge religion from all t'aint of personal and national self-righteousness?" )L 1'0: Morton's Salt HOBO....,. Dotp'eO Burnett's Vanilla Dr. Hull presented Jane Addams for Knox's Gelatine by President Aydelotte, "in rccogni- New Sweet Potatoes tion of her service to human welfare at home and abroad. her achievements Beets & Carrols - -..... _-- doz. earrier & 2 bun. 5c MEA.TS Loin Lamb Chops Rack Lamb Chops The: . Young Woman's Guild of the Large Hams Swarthmore Presbyterian Church will (Whole or Half) conduct its second meeting of the season their dresses on that date. Further notice will be. made n~t week. The Young •People's •• Ernest C. Snodcrau, AMistaDt B II Pia e • one .. IIIEDlA, PA. SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES 20c 2& ANNA SCHALLES Phone, Sw. 1225 1& 14c Muhlenberg Ave. Rutledge 30e 2& 14c at the home of Mrs. Harlan R. Jessup Slices of Ham on Haverford ave. },.frs. Ambrose H. Roasting Chickens Van Alen will lead the Devotional Service and Dr. Guy L. ~Iorritl, Director of Shoulders of Pork Guild will have a Fashion Show at the Strath Haven Inn on November 4th. The Swarthmore Gown Shop will display J ....pla E. Qnlnb,. MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON 17c Funeral Director. Presbyterian Notes byterian Board of ChristianofEducation, the Stewardship Department the Preswill give an address 011 stewardship. The 6c l32-iI 17c Laws which was conferred upon her Ripe Golden Bananas in liberating the spirit of youth from • SwarthDlore 2 oz. 2ge the Honorary ·degree of Doctor of Organization elected the following officers for 1932-33. 1I'0R RENT-TWrd floor apartment. iowo President, Ann Bonsall, Vice President, rooms. bath and kitchenette. heat. and Elizabeth Main, Secretary, Helen Crae~ light. Private realdence. $22. _ Bwa,rt.)lmore 778·& or 335·W. mer and Treasurer, John McClure. The Society is planning a Supper Conference FOR BENT--Pleasan\. furniBhed room. well for next Sunday night at six o'clock at heated and Ihrbicd. second floor for genUe· the church. Miss lone Sikes, Associate man. Box K Swartbmorcan Office. FOR SALE conformity which has been demanded Director of Young People's Work for ____~=.::....:==_____:-Ifrom <\11 of us in the post-war years on the Pennsylvania State Sabbath School FOR SALE-Evergreens. beautiful shapely pain 01 being denounced as a 'red' or Association will address the meeting. trees of m.!IDy kinds. Cheap. WUl ex- a 'traitor.' "Perhaps never before in John Murrett, Chairman of the Social change for anything of value. J. D. Durn~ our history has there been within the Conunittee, is in charge and a large all. swarthmore 1648. framewurk of orderly government such impatience with differing opinion," con- number of young people have been in~ PERSONAL tinued Miss Addams. "The result has PERSONAlr-Want to purchase used. 16 been a great temptation to the timid, mm. portable movins picture prOjection to the personally ambitious, and to the machine. Must be in good condition and immature to declare adherence to the of standard make. :Box P. BW'"'thmorean opinions considered highly respectable, :::o:::m::cc::::..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.1 and to carefully avoid and even to de~ COLLEGE age boya to stay with children nounce those identified with despised even1ngs. Junior _high school agEt glrls to radicals. Such a stultifying situation is stay with children attexnoons. Phone Mrs. more than ever dangerous just now beS. M. Dodd.. Sw. 698-14. cause the nation needs all the frec and Call Swarthmore 5O-J. ... Prolaibition Difficulty The essence of our self~righteousness has been reached, according to Jane Addams. in our present habit. of re~ garding the law as an instrument for making other people good. This is one reason why our present prohibition situation is 50 difficult. In the matter of liquor _traffic, William_ Penn came to a voluntary agreement with the Indians, and achieved his purpose by moral cooperation. But the most sinster aspect of our self-righteousness is "The spirit of Now that the coal bin is full and the cellar cleaned up lei U8 help with the rest of Ihe house-cleaning. That Swarthmore Market the bonds of poverty, and of her magnificent work in the cause of international peace." Legs of Lamb the various nationalities received the "..... JANE ADDAMS SPEAKS TO LARGE AUDmNCE franchise immediately. Penn not only The Firestono Spark Plug Fac- Prepare for Winter Driving Now added s. s. Van Dine Mystery Cartoon noon FREE Spark Plug TEST Avoid a cracked radiator a," DIscoaIlt VntU Got. 3. of Laws from Swarthmore College, be· vilforous thinking which is available in vited to this gathering. Mr. and Mrs. R. OPEN SEASON NOV. 7 fore an unusually large audIence thIS r,eriod of world·wide maladjust- G. E. Ullman are the honored guests. gathered for the joint celebration of ment. ' Mrs. Ullman will represent the Council lilt would seem as if nationalistic of Religious Education. Founders' Day and the 2SOth Anuiverfrenzy were tearing the world to pieces One night in December, 1921, just sary of the landing of William Penn. • • • as religious bigotry threatened to deBluts SeIf·RiJrIa _ _ • eleven years ago, the Players' Club of The Junior Choir of the Church will stroy it in the years preceding and in .. Her title was patterned after the begin rchearsals every Wednesday afterSwarthmore. with a membership of c1uding the life of William Penn." seventeenth-century captions of Wil- Courageously at 3:15. Pianist, Catherine Penn advocated freedom, nearly 250, produced Bavard Veiller's liam Penn, and she used his example ey, Leader, Miss Jean Doctor, Director running counter to all his contempor"The Thirteenth Chair", with Mrs. Ro- throughout the speech to impress the aries' opinions. In the matter of educa- of Christian EducatiolL land G. E. Ullman and John Dolman, need of tolerance and understanding to tion, too, he was far ahead of his time. the national self-righteou'sJr., playing the leading roles of this counteract Mrs. Child, ch.irman of the departness that has developed in this countrf. It is to be noted that he did not arrive this "by timidity nor by following gripping mystery play. She pointed out that th's feeling IS at ment of young people's work of the W". On November 7, the Players' Club often disguised as patriotism, but "in beaten paths nor br fear of public opinion nor by devotton to precedent!' will open its twenty-second club year one aspect it is part of that adolescent uHe appealed from authority to life, man's Association, has organized an with a revival of this play with Mrs. self-assertion 'sometimes crudely ex- from tradition to experience." Miss orchestra for the Sunday School, under Ullman and Mr. Dolman, Jr., again the pressed ...•• by sheer boasting, which Addams emphasized the fact that the instruction of Lytton Jones of Rid· the United States has never quite out- "what we need at this moment more ley Park. The orchestra meets for releads. This time they will play for five grown j and in another aspect it is that nights in the Players' own club house, complacency which we associate with than anything else is a generous and hearsal at six o'clock, Sunday evenings, the beautiful Colonial structure at the elderly who, feeling justified by fearless desire to see life as it is, irre- and when ready for public performance spectiVe of the limitations and tradi~ Fairview and Chester Roads, and to their own successes, have completely tions which so needlessly· divide us." a membership of 1000. Roland G. E. lost the faculty of self-criticism." She In quoting Sir Arthur Toynbee, Miss Ullman, assisted by J. William Sim· deplored the fact that this "spirit had Addams impressed the fact that the been intensified just at this particular of nationalism is not patriotic j mons, is directing the show. moment wheh humility of spirit and a idolatry it is suicidal. lilt is a sin against our :10," Dlscouut Vntll Oct. 3. ANTI-FREEZE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Ti,e One nlan Who Can S,i/1 !fake America Laugh! BATTERIES • SPARI( PLUGS· BRAltE LINING ANTI-FREEZE ..... Other Winter Auto Necessities 'S TBB SWARTHMOREAN OCTOBER 28, 1932 PLAYERS' CLUB TO Painting and Papering KIMMELL & SON Haverford Pla~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~b~;;;;;;;p~b;.;n;e~8~w;.;83~2-;J;;;;;;;;~ JI.llJMEBiURIElt'I!J.. • DtSPENSING OPTICtANS mafia CHESTNUT ST.. PHILADELPHIA. Specialists in the making and fitting of Eyeglasses and Spectacles. JOSEPH E. HAINES, President. SPEEDS tLe DA.Y'S WORK FOR RENT • • • INSTANT Desirable first floor apartment, 3 bed rooms. $90 a month. Centrally located. HOT WATER . E. C. WALTON IMMEDlA.TE POSSESSION Modern 4 Bedroom, 2 car garage t60, reduced from t80. 6 room and garage t55. 6 room tSO. 5 room Apartment tS5. WM. S. BITTLE No.ary Public Real E ••a'e - PETROLEUM Swa. 111-J RENT· Detached frame house. Eight rooms &: bath. 4 bedrooms. 2 car garage. Corner lot. Fine shrubbery. A-I con~ dltton. $90 per month. Detached stucco house_ ., rooms and bath. Nice lot. shrubbery. Good condition. $55 per month. Detached house furnIShed. 6 rooms and bath. 1 car garage. Good. location. $75 per month. 2nd tioor apartment. 4 rooms and bath. Hardwood floors. Hot water heat. Janitor service. $45 per month. Two large garages. Heated, llght md water. Station Sq~are. Detached. stucco house, 6 rooms and bath. Front Bnd stde porch. Large lot. Ideal location. $60 per month. Swarthmore. 12 room house. Old colonial style. Wonderful shade. 1 acre of ground In good. shape. $100 per month. SALE 3 story frame and stucco dwelllnK at Secane. h., containing large piece of ground. FiDe shrUbbery and all conveniences. Price :p5OO. Sold to settle an estate. CHAS. A. SMITH 'Plaone Swartlamore 705 COKE Phone Chester 2-4612 • Order your supply of "SINCLAIR" Petroleum Coke from us and be ..... sured of prompt, efficient, and careful deliveries. An uncertain supply of Hot Water wastes your time. AN AUTOMATIC GAS or ELECTRIC WATER HEATER in your home will give you continuo ous hot water service, day or night, . at very low cost. Low down pay· ments and convenient termS. Prices to suit all pocketbooks. See Us, or Your Dealer DIAMOND PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY ICE &I'UBL CO. All Our SuLarLaa Stores Yard 2nd & TUgluntm Ste. Tane In Oft WCAU. PhUo.4e""''' £leefrlc Broa4caaf. aMrY IIfOTqy an" FTIIIay.t'," P.-. Chester, Po. THE SWARTHMORBAN JIENNIAL BAZAAR AT WHITTIER HOUSE NOV. 3 H. S. Athletic Program " 27-Hockey, Media. " 28-Football, Glen Nor .College Ve8pel'8 A H H A H A A H A A A A A H H A A H A talk by the eminent poet-anthologist, Nov. I-Soccer, UI)per Darby Louis Untermeyer, and the presentation " I-Hockey, Springfield of Lady Gregory's play, "The Work" 4-Football, Darby house Ward," coached by William Price, " S-Soccer, Westtown !' ·will be the outstanding features of the " 100Soccer, Lower Merion " 100Hockt:y, Lower Merion Biennial Bazaar, to be given by the " ll-Football, Ridley Park : Friends' Service Committee of Swarth" 12-Hockey, George School . more Monthly Meeting, Thursday, NoIS-Soccer, Haverford ,." 17-Hockey, vember 3, in Whittier House on the ColUpper Darby lege campus. The affair will begin at " 17-Soccer, Chester 27J'O p. m., and will continue throughout " IS-Football, Haverford " 22-Soccer, Chester the afternoon and evening. I I " 22-Hockey, Ridley Park From quarter before six o'clock until " 24-Football, Lansdowne se"en, a chicken platter dinner will be " 2S-Socc~r, Alumni served in Whittier House. The usual high standard of these dinners will be Queen Esther Guild maintained, and a large number of guests are expected and will be provided for by sOl11e of the best housewives of the meetThe first meeting and party of the ing. Queen Esther Guild and Standard During the entire afternoon and eve- ~earers Society of the Swarthmore M. ning Whittier House auditorium will be E. Church was held at the home of the ~cene of a sale for which the com- Mrs. Otto Kraus, Jr. Following the mittee has been preparing for months. election of officers, Miss Doris NarThere will be tables loaded with home- berth gave a talk on plans for the made cakes, bread, pies, candy, jellies, coming year and the entertainment preserves and pickles. There will be committee was in charge of the prollnilts and afghans, aprons and other gram for the remainder of the evening. household necessities, flowers and plants The election resulted as follows: and fancy articles for sale at reasonable President Miss Clara Jean Alston; vice prices. president, Miss Alice Snyder; treasurer The play will have two presentations- of the Queen Esther Guild, Miss Ann one at 3 :30 .and anothe~ at 8. Mr. l!n- Kraus; treasurer for the Standard termeyer will speak III the Meetmg Bearers, Miss Doris Pitman; secretary House at 8 p. m. .. for the Queen Esther Guild, Miss BerThe proceeds of the day, wh~ch IS held tha Cheyney. Mite Box secretary, Miss each fall t)n altert~ate ye~rs, wlll.be used M;:ry Elma Trevethick. for the far-reachlllg pllllanthroplC work of the Friends' Service Committee. • •• f l ••• Mrs. M. A. Story BACHMANS QUALITY MARKET YALE & KENYON AVES. Swa. 183 =============== Pure Apple Cider Mrs. l\L A. Story, of Uxbridge, Mass., died :Monday at the home of her sister at \Vooster, Mass. She 'spent last winter at the home of her daughter Mrs. Roland L. Eaton, of Yale and Dickinson avenue and was known to many residents of this borough. Fu.neral ser"ices are being held today at· Uxbridge. She is also survived by one brother, Chester B. Story, of Pittsburgh. ••• At Your Own Price Republican Rally 29cgal. Spiced Wafers 3 lb sealed box 39c Selected Mixed Nuts Republican workers of the Second Ward of Springfield township, including that part of the township between Secane and Swarthmore south of the Baltimore pike, met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Warren Marshall,· at Yale avenue and Swarthmore avenue. Enthusiastic suport of the entire Republican ticket was expressed. ••• lb 19c Educator Wheat Thinsies Reg. 30c pkg. 2 pkg. 25c Positively fresh stock ______________ Legs of Lamb 19c Shoulders Lamb 12c Rack Lamb ChOI~S 16e Breast Lamb 3 Ihs. lOe Round Steak 27e Rump Steak Ib.30c Chuck Roasl of Beef 16e Fresh Ground Hamburg 18c Veal Cutlets 35c Veal ChoJls 29c R~J1lI) of Veal 18c - Trinity Church The Rev. Charles E. Tuke, rector of St. John's Church, Lansdowne and the Officers of the Men's Club of that parish will be the guests of the men of Trinity Church on next Monday evening, October 31st. at 8:00 o'clock. Plans are being made to form a similar Club at Trinity Church. On All Saints' Day, Tuesday, Novembet 1st. there will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 10:00 a. m. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Guild will be held in the Parish House on Wednesday, November 2nd. at 2 :30 p. m. At a recent meeting of the Department of Religious Education of the Diocese Mr. Guenther was elected secretary of the Department ,and also secretary of the Commission on· Student Work. -- 20% DISCOUNT SALE This week only until October 31 midnight Anti-Freeze-Gold Band, Prestone, denatured alcohol Spark Plugs-Champion and A. C. Plugs Brake . Lining-The best grade, molded or woven Batteries-·Exide (with your old battery) FREE TESTS Special Discount on .. .Goodyear Tires HANNUM and WAITE OCTOBER 28, 1932 signed a pctitio~ in 1930 asking Mr. Hoover to veto the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Bill, are: Clair Wilcox, Robert C. Brooks, J. Rowland Pennock, Troyer S. Anderson, Paul Gemmil!, '17, Wel.don Hoot, and J. Russell Smith, who IS a former Swarthnto~e professor and now commutes. from. Sw~rthmore to teach at Columbl3 Ulllverslty. • •• Delaware County was represented Friday, October 21 at a conference reporting on what is being done for homeless children in sixteen counties throughout the stat e. Mrs. AI an Ca Ivert, St. Davids, chairman of the Pennsylvania Children's Aid Society in Delaware County Mrs. Henry M. Wirz, Wallingford; Miss Margaret Bube, secretary and Miss Gail Scott, assistant, were in attendance at this meeting. The Delaware County . . . . orgamzat1~n IS caring for 92 Delaware Co~nty children who have no homes of their own. Mr. Owen R. Lovejoy, secretary of the New York Children's Aid Society addressed the main session with boa r d members from sixteen counties in attendance. "Shall Child Welfare be Depressed!" was the topic of his address. Mr. Lovejoy emphasized the necessity of standing by the children in the care of the Pennsylvania Children's Aid Society through bad times as well as good ones. These children deprived of their parents, without the care provided by the Children's Aid Society through foster parents, would be homeless. They are a first charge upon the conscience and pocketbook of the community. ••• SWARTHMORE PROFESSORS URGE LOWERING TARIFF . The names of SIX Swarthmore prof d f essors an one. ormer Swarthmore professor were lIlcluded among the signers of a petition made to Presid~nt Hoover. last Su~day by ISO ]eadlO? econon~.lsts, . u~glllg tha~ he ~~e" Ius power to ehmmate the. lIlequahties of the Haw]ey-Smoot Tariff Act. The petition, which refers to a speech made recently by Mr. Hoover, stat~s that the farmers laborers and busine'ss men would be b~nefitcd by a reduction of tariff rate:;. The Swarthmore signers, all of whom The Republican mass meeting for the Region which includes Swarthmore will be held next Tuesday evening at the Armory in Media. The County Committeemen and Women of the borough are working hard to get a large delegation from Swarthmore to attend .. . . Speakers o~ note wll] give theil' reasons for supportlOg Herbert Hoover: On Monday, the train lbear!ng President Hoover to New York w111 ~top at Che~ter a~ I :52 p. m. and the chief exeCUllve w111 make a few remarks. • •• . Mrs. Frank p. W1J1~ell ?f Westdale avenue entertamed thirtY-SIx members of the Mary H. Stretch Bible Class of the Wharton M. E. Church, West PMiadelphia, at her home on Tuesday evening. POLITICAL ADV. POLITICAL ADV. POLITICAL ADV. Dr. S. Herschel Coffin, Dean of \Vhittier College, and Acting Professor of Psychology at Swarthmore, will speak in Vespers Sunday evening, October 30. Dr. Coffin is the author of books entitled '''rhe Socialized Conscience," "Personality in the Making'·, and "The Soul Comes Back." ••• Children's ,Aid Society Republican Mass Meeting "Give the Wage Earner a Break" has been the Aim of the Republican Administration • The policies of the Republican party postponed wage cuts for nearly two years until the cost of living had dropped substantially . . . prevented strikes, riots and bloodshed . . . aided the fiveday week movement to cure and prevent unemployment while protecting the wage standards of the unemployed . . . prevented unscrupulous contractors from exploiting distressed labor .•. prevented additional competition by prohibiting the migration of cheap foreign labor .•. sponsored a tariff bill which has pro- tected the working man from the l;lnfair competition of underpaid foreign labor... coordinated relief agencies... o~ganized industries, public utilities, states and municipalities to begin public works which ran into billions of dollars . . . appropriated $330,000,000 to be spent for national public works . . . aided business and employment by cre,,:, ating the $2,000,000,000 Reconstruction Finance Corporation .•. took steps to help the wage earner hold his home by establishing Home Loan Banks- Keep a REPUBLICAN President in the White HouseSend a REPUBLICAN Senator and Congressman back to WashingtonReturn a REPUBLICAN Senator and Representatives to HarrisburgAnd the program of Economic Recovery begun by President Hoover will bring DeJaware County the greatest prosperity is has ever known. Be Thankful for a Repuhlican president in the White .House who was far seeing enough to protect the interests of American Labor. Keep him on the job! V OTE THE YALE AVE. AND CHESTER RD. Chrysler SWARTHMORE Plynlouth STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN TICK;ET, NOVEMBER 8 SWARTHMORE 1250 FIREWOOD Delivered in Basement . $12.00 'per COrd Colafemina Vineyard Phone: Media 646 R 1 HARRIS & co. TAILORS AND FURRIERS Cleaners No. 11 PARK AVENUE and Dyers SWARTHMORE, PA. TELEPHONE SWARTHMORE 504 INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ~_____________________-,____________________-,,-_TH __E __~ ___ A_R_TH __ O_R_E_A_N __~____________________~_______O~C~~~__ E~_~~_}93_2 I_ v.l. _ JIENNIAI.. BAZAAU AT WlIlTTmn IIOllSE NOV. 3 II. S. Athleti(~ I·rogram College VeslterS .. 2i-llorh'Y. )'h'dia, A Dr. S. I h'rsdll'l l'unin, Ik:l1I (If Ii \\'hittilT ColIl'g't·. alld :\ding I'rofl'ssOr :\ talk hI' thr l'lIlill t'lll 1'''c.:t-allth"l"gist,' " 2}\-Foothall. Cll'lI Nor ' L' , ! XO\', I-SornT Upper Dar"y II of I'sydlulo).!y at Swarthmll!"l', will . I,oUIS Iltl'rllH'n'r, alHI the Pl'l'Sl'lltattoll ~ , . ' , " ,'. ..' , , i I-llockey, Sl'rlllghcld A spl'ak ill \'l'Spl'rS Sunday l'\'l'nin).!, 0("I.ad~ (J~,l'g"ry splay. .. J I.. c \\ o~k-I " ..J-Foothall, Dar!>y 11 loillT ,10, Dr. Collin is Ihl' author of hOIl~l' \\ ani. (oarhnl hy \\ tlllalll l'nn',: 5-SocnT, \Vl'SltO\\"1I A hooks l·tttitlt'c\ "Thl' SocialiZl'e1 COllsci• \~~l\ I~l' the (I\1btamlillg il,;~t\1rrs of thc i :: IO-Son:rr, Lower Meri~1I A l·m·l·... "l'l'rsollality in the )'Iakillg", 11 :!nd "The Soul COllies Back:' :. 1:1~'t1ll1a~ ~;;lZ;~ar, ~" h~' gllTII thc I .. IO-I.!och?·, l.o~\'c~ l\l~no~, A l'rll'lI(/s ~l'r\"lre l "II III 1111 l'l' of Swarth-I' 11-looth.llI, J{J(lIcy 1 ark A ,, " ,' " " ",. .. IL-lIoch'Y, Gcorgc School Childrt'n'K Aid Society mOil ).Iolltltl) :\Intlll". I hur,d.I). I~ ~ 11 f :I-.:>occcr ',vcr ord A 1t'lIlllcr 3, ill \\"hitlil'r Ilo\1sC 011 the Col.. I:' 11 k' I: I) I 1 - OC 'l'y, upper ar )y A Dc/awarc Coullty was reprcsentl.,<1 Frikgc call1llllS, I hc alr;ur will hcglll at .. 17-Soccer, Chester A I day, Octllher LI at a cOllferellcc repurt2 :30 p, III" alld will c"ntilluc throughout I .. II)-F(lothall, Havcrford 11 .. • ing 011 what is beillg dOlll' for hOllll'lc,s I LL-Son'l'r, Chester H thc a ilnm',," and l'H'ning, )o"n'lII quarkr hdon' six o'clock until' ., LL-Hockey. I{idley Park A childrl'll in sixtecn coulltics throughout ' k I . , .. 2..J-Foothall I ansdo\\'Jlc A thc state. )Irs. ,\Ian Caln-rt, ~t. Da~l'I'l'n, a l' I Ill" Til \l attlT dmner \\,tll hc ,. -. ", \'ieb, chairmall oi th .. l'''mIS\'h'alli:t Chil2~-Socccr, AhllllllJ 11 ~ ~ 'tn'rel ill \\'ltillin Ilomt'. The llSlIal drell's Aiel Society .. in ))el:l\~'arc COllnt\'. hi!.!1t ,tamlanl oi tltl',-l' elinm:rs will he I ).l rs, IIcury ),1. Wirz, \\'aliing fonl; mailltailll'c1, and a largl' Ilulllhl'f oi guc,;\s Queen Esther Guild I )'Iiss )'Iargarct Buhc, ~ecrl'lary and :'I.liss are l'xpl'dl'd and \\ill ht' pr"\'idl'c1 iur hy " i Gail Scott. assistant. were in attenelance 'tl I t I . , II t Tltl' Itr~t IIll·l·tmg' allel party of the: at this mt'rting, 'I'll" 1)"I,'II\','lrl' ('Olllltl' ;1':~I,It' III Ie )l',- It'I"l'\\'IH', 01 Il: mel' - VU\'l'n Es~hl'r Cuilel :lIul Stanelard 'organization is carill~ f~r CJ2 /)ela\\'ar~' During the elltirl' aitl't"ll(Jon :lIlcl C\'C- I:l'an'rs Soridy oi thl' Swarthmore ),1. COllnty childrell who have 110 humes of lIillg, \\'hittil'l' Ilou,l' auditorium will he E, Church \\'a, hdcl at thl' h "Ill l' oi thcir 0\\"11. tht' srrlll' of a sale i"r whiclt thl' CUlIl- )'Irs, Utto Kralls. Jr, Fol/owillg' thr ),11'. Owen H, Lon·joy. secretary of IIlitter Itas hn'lI prcparillg i"r IIlltllths, dedi,," "i "tlin'rs, )'Iiso; !Juris ~ar- thc New York Chil,lrclI's :\id Socie'" adThl'J'l' will hl' tahks Inadecl with hume- hert" ga\'l' a talk Oil piallS ior the dresseel the JIIaill sl'ssion \\"ith h o"a r d made cakes, hread, pies, candy, jellies,: coming )'l'ar :tI1d tltt' t'lItlTtaillllll'lIt 1"'l'~L'r\'l'S anc! pickles, Thl'rc will hc \"C'lIlmittl'l' was in charge of thl' proPOLITICAL ADV, quilts alid afghan,:, aprons ami othcr, gralll jor thl' n'l1Iaincil't, of the l·\'l·ning. _, ___ .___ .. _.... housl·hold n,'ct'_sit il·s. tlt'\ITr, atICl plallts' Th" l'kct ion n'suitnl as iollo\\"s: alld iallC\ article, ior salr at reasonable II'fl'sicllllt ),1 iss Clara .Iran .. \istll!l; yin' prin·s. ]In',iekllt, :\1 i:;s .. \Iin' SlIydl'r; treasurer The play will ha\'c two prescntati, IIIS- 'oi tlte ~JUl't'1I Estltl't" Cuild. ~I iss :\lIn "lie at 3 :30 alld all<>tlter at S. ),1 r. l..'n- i Kraus: trl";blln'r i"r tht' Stalldard, tl'flllc},er will ~pcak ill the )'Il:etill~' Ikarns. ~I i" Dl.ris Pitmall; Sl"crctan' J i~I~I'l' at K p, 111. , ., i j"I' lite UIIl'l'll I':stlter Cuil.1, ),1 iss Ik;- i 1 hl: Jln1ecrels ut tht day, II'h,l\:h b Itl'ld tlta Chl"\I1l'\', ),1 ill" nux sl'crda!"\', ),1 iss! each tall Oil altl't"lIatc \'Car". WIll hc uSt'l1 'I' 1"1 - 'I' tl . k ' , I' I' 'I 'I I ' k ' .\ .. n' " lila rcye lIC'. IIII' tIl' Jar-n'a,' IItt~ ]I II aut Iroplc \\'01'" ' ui the Fril'IHb' S':n'irt' l'Illlltuittcc. !'Y .. " ••• XO-I .. , I , .... ~ QUALITY MARKET YALE & Mrs. M. A. Story :\Irs, ),1, :\. Story. oi Lxhridg'l', ~I ass., tt'!' at t Itl' hotllr 0\ I to;l:ty at l..'xhric\gl·. Sitl' is a\,;o sun"i\'\'el hy Olle hrotht'r, l'besll'r I:. Stl.ry, oi Pittshurgh, At Your Own Price ••• 29c gal. R('lmhli('ull Hally 3 Ib sealed box 3 9c Selected Mixed Nuts I{l'puhlican workcrs of the Sccond \\'arcl oi SpI'inglielcl township, including that part oi thl' tuwnship het\\'l'l'n Secane ! and S\\'arthIlH,rc sU1Ith oi thl' Baltimore I pi,h', 111('\ '.'"1It'sday en'lling at t!IC homc ,01 ).Ir,;, \\ arn'n ).Iarshall, at \ alc :tl'e-I i nlll' and S\\'arthnJllrc an·nlle. Enth1lsiI astic slll'"rt of thl' cntire l{qll1hlicani til"kl'l was expres~cd. ••• 19c T.'inily <:imrd. Educator Wheat Thinsies : St.TheJohn's Rc\'. Charies E, Tuke, rcctor of: Church, Lansdownc and the Ib II 'OfIi reI'S of the ).Im's l'!u" oi that par- •. ish will he thc guests oi the mcn of Trin: ity Church on next )'lol1<1ay c\'ening,1 I ()ctokr Jist, at l-l :00 o·clock. Plans arc I P(J~i t i \'dy r .'t'l"il! sttll'k : being- madl' to furm a similar Club at I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Trinity Church. I.t'~l"i ul' Lalula ]9(' • On ":\11 Saints' \)ay. Tucsday, No\'cIIIShuulflt'.'l"i I~alnla ]2(' . lilT 1st. thcre will he a celrbration of the Ha('I, Lallih CIHlJll"i 16" ' Iioly l'omll1llllioll at 10 :()O a, 111. H,'.'ul"il LHmla Ilts. 10(' Thc n·gular mOllthly IIIcding of thc ilollncl Sh'nk 27(' \rolllan's (~uild will hc held in thc ParUu mp Sh'nk 1Ia, :~O(~ ish ll01lsl' 011 Wedncsday, Novclllber Ch lIc'k Hom;t III' Hc'c,r 16(' Lncl, at L :30 p, III, . :\t a rCCl'nt llIeeting of thc Dcpartlllcnt F.'('slt 4;.'uIII,,1 lI .. mhlll'g HI(' uf 1~e1igious Educatiun of the Dioccsc Yc'al (:utlt'ls :~5(' ),1 r. CUl'nther was e1l'ctcd sccrctary of Y"HI Chtlp~ 29(' th" I )"parttllent :lI1el also sccretary of thc Hump Clf \",.. 1 18(, COlllmission un Sltllient \ \' ork. 2 pkg. The l{ellublican mass meeting for the Region which includcs Swarthmore will hc held lIl'xt Tuesday cvening at the Armory in ).Ie