·TH~ No.1 Swarthmore, Pa., January 8, 1932 TARKINGTON PLAY NEW PLAYHOUSE OPENED VoL IV, $2.50 Per Year H. AND S. TO MEET MONDAY ·OPENS CLUBHOUSE Head of Finance Committee Will "'fhe Intimate Strangers" Given . Before Capacity Audiences This Week Di8cuss Financial Condition of Di8met GIVE eHAS. MITCHELL nffiECTOR Booth Ta~kington's co~edy, "The In-I timate Strangers" p(oduced under the di- I rection of Charles D. Mitchelt assisted by J. William Simmons served as a fitting production to open the new playhouse of the Swartlimore Players' CI 11b this week. While a bit more subtle than the average Players' Club production, the play lent itself admirably to the advantages of the new clubhouse stage and the excellent cast sustained the interest of the audience fairly well throughout. . Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell as usual did excellent work in the two leading roles _ ior which they were naturally well fitted. Two 'Oewcomers to. the Players' Club stage - almost stole ,the ~how however, with their very talented interpretation of the juvenile roles.. Howard S. Turner as a modern youth of college age gave a very spirited and natural interpretation of his part while the eqUally collegiate. object 01 his alfections, played by Elma A. Hurlock, added. a great deal of spirit and life to the 'production. These two young people were members of the graduating class of Swarthmore College last year. Howard Turner is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Archer Turner of Harvard avenue while Miss Hurlock'S home is in Springfield Township. Frederic A. Child, as usual got all there was out of the. role of a country station agent and Ina L·. Downs as Aunt Ellen fitted into the last two acts natufally ·and adequately. Two minor roles, that of the maid taken by Helen M. Hall and.that of the house man taken by Robert C. rounded out the perform.. · Front view of the new home of the Swarthmore Player.' Club, which waa used for the 6rat time Ihi. week. THE PLAYE;RS' CLUB DEDICATION VERSES I PAGEANT INDIAN A particularly intero!stin~ and valuable program wilt be offered next Monday evening at the Home and School Association meeting at the high school .. auditorium. The principal event of the program wilt be the general discussion by the school board of its problems relating to the conduct of the public schools. Roland L. Eaton, chairman of the school board finance committee, wi11 explain "How the Schools are Financed," after which Dr. Bassett has promised that either he or other members of the board will discuss any questions that may be raised in the meeting. Prior to this part of the program beginning at 7 :15, the combined troops of the uCubs" and the uBrownies" assisted by members 01 the Boys and Girl Scouts and directed by Dr. Terman and Mrs. V. Paul Brown, will present "The Pageant of the Delaware" a series of scenes depicting the life 01 the Indians before the Whites came. Dr. Wright and Pret \Viilis wilt act as readers. An early start is being made so that the children can get home at an early hour. Arrangements have been made for delivering the Cubs and Brownies to their homes after the performance, so that their parents may feel free to remain for the rest of the pr~gram. - opportunities or upon thc point of retiring can give freely of their time to such a project as the Players' Club. It is (Spoke,. by Mrs. Wiltiam Earl Kist/cl·) easy to understand how some local residents can justiiy their activity in certain fields because of new contacts Old friends and fellow-players, are you kccn formed which may prove useful in their line of busines~. For something novel on our Swarthmore .scene? But Mr. A{itchell is -in neither of these classifications. His Come gather in our Play House on this night time is probably worth as much as any other man living Of deep midwinter, when the heavens are bright in Swarthmore and .being an artist his work cannot be dele.. \Vith silv·er star-shine, while we· ope t.he page gated to an assistant. If the sacrifices of his work de• I • Of our new volume here upon our stage, manded by his chairmanship of the Playe"rs' Club Building And bid you read, - we hope with favoring eyes, committee could be figured in dollars and cents, they The preface of our lyric enterprise. would probably increase the cost of the building by many thousands of dollars.· . A generous friend endowed us with the land: To erect a building, with all the nicities and conveniences And well we know how faithful was the band M the playhouse with a very limited amount of ,tr.nr.t:'~,~ is Of those who planned and put the building through, indeed a task to try the patience of any man. '!'b ., '> - - - - - ... ;rhis charming Players' Club, for me and y·ou,-.Iway that ·S~~rthmo.reans can sho\'Y" thei~ apprec.i;.J.tll'" .'1. . ~"'" '""- .. ~~ ~:.~. . 'D!:!!::_h~ci-:-:,;:£ !:"~~:.; ·';b.e!:~·~vc.J:o~.:D::!ili....... ~-4."": •. '... ~, t}o.ou'~Jd~ ~::::..:rj"(.-"'-\'I"h."s:: 't!~c'·":i)~:-t&1~t."(.;."l·.:;f ~;~:i :~~~b. . ~>f Ir'H·tllptoynlcnl play was far typical of what ;rhe follies of tlie hour with harmless wit, meant to Mr. Mitchell and his helpers is by ti< ; l. 'l."ohlcnf' Mr. Mitchell has .always selected as his And show the crowded house what may be done tinued loyal~y to the club. , production in the past. No doubt he was \Vith sparkling comedy and wholesome fun, Almost on a par with Mr. Mitchell for wor!::ng untir- I influenced to choose for opening of And sometimes tragic,moments,-to creat~ ,mterest a f the new playhouse was J ...K·Irk MRS_ YARNALL TO PRESIDE with a very ingly . tn the ·ngthe the playlrouse someth, A happier spirit, a more kindly ,fate, "'1 C d ·d t f th I b Th I I f I·t f .g'eneral appeal rather than another farce . .I." C ur y. presl en 0 e.c u . e ega orma I Y 0 For those who hunger oft for such delight h . th lb· t d Id h h The Delaware County League of avtng e c u Ulcorpora e wou ave een a generous whl.ch ml·ght ... appeal very strongly to As Drama gives them on a golden night. / contrl·b· utIOn by anyone, b u t " J.\·J.r. M c Cur d y not onIy took Women Voters will hold its first meeting some of the members and not at all to care of every detail of this work without cost, but took of 1932, Thursday, January 14th, at 'ers. oth And so we dedicate. at this new year, . par t·III t he ralslOg . . 1 h f d f h State Headquarters, 1725 Spruce street Personally we should prefer to see the an active 0 t e necessary un S or t e Our Players' Club, with eager hopes that h(~re b ·Id· d I I I . d t . f . Philadelphia, at 12 :30 p. m. ' Mitchells stick to farces such as "His UI mg an t Ie actua p anmng an cons ructIon 0 It. ?\[ay gather beauty, poetry and joy Th h b f h B d . I I Th The reason for holding the meeting at Temporary Wife", which was a delight... e ot er mem ers 0 t e oar. particu ar y omas And music's gentle charm, without alloy. WAd E '1 e I·lC. k H er b crt T . B assett an d that time and place, is that the Pennsylful highlight in the 1929-30 season ....a nd . n rew J EI mer·..I." leave the comedies of American home ___.........._ _...:.J. Russ£l,I,. HAYES. Dr. A. F. Jackson, Roy Comley, John DolmanJ Jr., and vania League is holding a series of weeklife to Mr. Dolman and Bobbie Graham. Roland G. E. Ullman likewise made generous contributions ly discussion luncheons, to consider the No doubt Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell would Man of the Week-And the Year 01 their time and energy in bringing about this splendid unemployment problem, and is going to much trouble and expense to present well prefer this course too for Mr. Tarkingimprovement for the community. . Funds saved over a long period of time and the interest In this new clubhouse, Swarthmore has something in informed and interesting speakers who ton's playas far as we were able to observe was about as difficult a thing as and cooperation of a large number of people have played which any suburb of Philadelphia might well take pride. ~ill lead these discussion groups. On Thursday, January 14th the subthey have undertaken. The short choppy their part in the completion of the new home for the Let us nourish it and from this point carryon the career j eet .for consideration is the re;ponsibility Hnes continually broken by interruptions Swarthmo;c P·layers' Club. Yet it is doubtful if any pro- of the Players' Club to heights never before even visualof the Congress and of the Federal Govwhich had to move with great precision, ject in the comlllunity owes its existence to one man ized. ernment in connection with the Unemand the long periods of conversati!ln more than the new playhouse owcs its existence· to ployment Problem. practjcally devoid of action, must have Charles D. ?\{itche1!. An excellent luncheon wilt be served PLAYERS' CLUB'S NEW HOME required many hours of patient rehearsIt was altogether fitting that I'Thc Intimate Strangers U at a moderate charge, and all who are ing. should open the new building, yet in another sense the 1 interested are cordially invited to attend, As, is customary with Mr. Mitchell's arrangement c.:ertainly worked a hardship on Mr. Mitchell, \Velcome, thrice welcome a11 within these walls. whether League members or not. Ye who are weary come and find sweet rest, !>lays,. the three acts. were full. of .char~- for whilc whipping his own play into shape he was also Reservations must be made, .however And ye who find your burdens heavy, come . mg pictures. The first act With Its ral1- supervising the thousand and onc final details coincident no~ later than January 12th, to Mrs. E Find pleasant diversion fOI\ one joyous hour. ~oad sta~ion setting, the interest-provok- with thc opening of tne building. A. Yarnall, Swarthmore 143 W. mg openmg scene, the final scene of the Mr. 1litchell shared the responsibility."of th~ buiiding Have music enter, bidden by dancing feet The Executive Board meeting of tht first part as the two travellers rested on 1 committee with two other mcmbers of the board of direcLove, too, must come, the dominant theme of all. Delaware County League will be held at the seats in the firelight, were all deArt too is needed, indispeilsable' art, 10 :30 a. m. on the 14th, at State Head· lightful. The second and third act too tors, but through no fault of theirs, both Dr. Jackson Art that brings finish, beauty, excellence, quarters, 1725 Spruce St., Philadeiphia. contained many very attractive moments and Mr. Comley wcre away from Swarthmore most of the But should stern Fate appear, close tight the door Owing to the absence of Mrs. }. Pass· created by artistic staging summer and thc w?rk of this. committee' over .the most Most dreaded Fate must ever remain without; more Cheyney, Chairman of t~e DelaThe frequent changes of apparel by the trying pcriod rcsted ahllo~t entlr~ly UPO? Mr. ~htchell: Let her seek solace with her sister Destiny. ware County Leamte, Mrs. Eawin A. leading characters gav an impresAlthough a firm of PhIladelphia architects are credited For here secure within· these guarded walls I Yarnall, Fir~t Vice Chairman, will presion of a., fashion sho: i~~orporated in with designing the buildi~g! we. wonder ~f they wo?ld not Is jnan's own, litt1e~ self-determined world. side at these meetings. the play and ran the gamut of fur coats~ have difficulty in rccogmzmg ..t as their. own child, for \Vhcre, barring earthquake, raging storm .or fire, tennis o~tfits, and a very summery fish.. Mr. 1I.litchell's personal interest and attention ~early every For one short space, one masterful, precious time, ASHTON NEW HEAD day of the past eight months has resulted 10 countless ing ensemble all in one ·day. He shapes his Hfe to meet his heares desire. A successful atmosphere for the play little improvements which other~ise would not have been OF BOROUGH COUNCll. Does sorrow walk the stage, be not alarmed, was created even before the curtain rose made. . . 'Tis a controlled grief, 'twill "pass away. on the first act. In the first place the At the sa~e time that he was daily guiding the conLeonard C. Ashton was elected presiDocs Tragcdy appear, 'tis by permission oniy,. orchestra deviated from the pounding struction of the building he was directing the selHng of ~en~ of bor~ugh council at the reorgan"Walts are not real walls, here, nor lions real lions." jazz numbers that they have favored in bonds and arranging for the finances so necessary to con~ Ization rneetmg of that body held MonOh, brothers, sisters, join with friendly hands, the past an~ turned. to more app.ropriate tinuing the work. :Many ;;t. time in this campaign the imday night at Borough Hall. John E. :Make merry while you may, tIle time is short, theatre musIc. As tmlC passes It IS hoped mediate future looked dark and forboding, and only Mr. 1 1 Gensemer, newly elected member who The world of every day will claim you back, that. they ~vil1 be ab!e to offer even I~ore M itchelrs confidence and enthusiasm kept the other succeeds Frank S. Reit z e1, J. A. TurnBack from this childlike realm of make-believe. er, reelected member, and T. E. HessensemI-clasSical and hght. op~ra selechon~. workers going ahead to ultimate success. . E. C. W. bruch, reelected member, were all given The absence o.f precus~lOn mst~um~ts IS It is eas to understand how some men with few buSIOCSS also welcome 111 the new orgamzatlOn. y - - ~. ~ the oath of office by Burgess William R. . The reading by Mrs. William Earle ..... ~- ..- ----.~~- ... -~ ._ .._ . .~.will be given and a social hour will Landis. Albert N. Garrett~ Jr., was'reKistler of a poem dedicated to the new STATED MEETING OF ! Dramatic and Music Editor on the follow. Mrs. Rdand G. E. Ullman at.d named borough secretary and Walter R. playhou." and written by J. Ru~sell WOMAN'S CLUB TUESDAY' Record for many years. Mr. Deiek is a Mrs. Henry I. Hoot will be the hos- Thorpe renamed borough treasurer. . Hayes was very ·well done and added graduate of the University of Pennsyl- tcsses for the afternoon. - • • I • • A con~ert worthy of attention will be f ·1 materially· to the evening's enjoyment. The poem is reprinted in another section The meeting at the Woman's Club vania and came of a newspaper ami y given thIS Sunday afternoon at 3 P. M_ of the SWdrlhmorean. next Tuesday will be a stated meeting which means he has always kept in The Swarthmore High school boys' when J?r. Herbert Tily, donor of the _ _ _••_ . _ _ followed by a program under the direc.. close touc~ wi~h the theatre. He is n,?\V basketball team resumes its schedule to- ?rgan ~n, Clothier Memorial auditorlion of Mrs. Roland L. Eaton 01 the I <;m the editOrial staff of the Evenmg The Junior Assembly dance will be Drama section and music by the Music Bulleti~ .and is known a~ one of ~ur night following the Christmas holidays ~th~Ill Chdlrect £th~ Straw~ridge and Mr~ r Do;"~ 0 J~;:,t~en vOBI~; will held Saturday evening at the Woman's section. Mr. Herman L. Deick will be best crIhcs. He makes hIS home With by playing Prospect Park at the Prep .• y s on a>c i having the club incorporated would have been a generous I' TI which might., appea very strong y 0 i contribution U)' an)'one, but 1[r. ).1cCurdy not only took Ie Delaware County League of some of the memhers and not at all to, \Vomcn Voters will hold its first meeting thers. i care of C"ery detail of this work without cost, but took of 1932, Thursday, ]anuaru- 14th, at O And so we dedicate, at this new year, I ralsmg . . f t I1e necessary f un d s f or tIe I '. Sta.te Headquarters, 1725 Spruce J I Personalh. we should IlTcfer to see the, an actwc par t'III tIe 0 street, J l O u r Players' Cluh, with eager hopes that Ilcrc I 'Id' I I I I ' d . f . :\litchells stick to farces such as "His )111 lIlg all( t Ie aetua p :lllllmg an constructIon 0 It. :, PIllladclphia, at 12 :30 p. m. ,:\1 ay gather ht'3uty, IHlctry mId joy I '1'1lC ot Iler melll bers 0 f tIC i B oan,I partlcu . Iar Iy '1'1lomas! The reason for holding the meeling at Temporar)' \Vife", which was a delight- I And music's gentle charm, without allo~'. \\' • .t\ u ... '111£1 pleasant diverSion for~ Ol1e joyous hour. ' \ Y II S mg opening scene, the fiual scene of tIe' :\1 r. ,:\1 ilchell sharl'd the respollsihilit), of the buildin~ I I . 1 . ' · i: 1.Thearna, warthmore 143 VV. first 1)3.rt as the two travellers rested on, ]- aye musIc enter, uldden by danc1Ilg feet Executive Board meeting of tlu ' l"llmlllitt~'e with two other llIl'llIhcrs 01 the board of direcLove, too, must come, the dOlHinant theme of all I D I C t IIe scats in the firelight, were all de. I D J k . . : e aware ounty League will be held at lightf.ul. The second and third act too I hlrs, hili thwugh no fault ot theirs, mth r. ac 'son Art too is needed, indispensable art, ' 10 :30 a. 111. on the 14th, at State Head· Art that bringys finish, heaut)', excellence. :' quartc.rs, 172 5 Spruce St., Philadelphia_ contamed man ... verv attracti\'e moments i and ),1 r. C\lIllIe\.' were 3W'H.· from Swarthmore most of the created hy artistic staging. summer ;t1Hl th(' \Hlrk 01 this cOIHmittec oyer the most But should st ... rn Fate appear, close tight the door OWIII1'; to the absence of ~{rs. J. Pass The frC(I1.1ent changes of apparel hy the i trying pl'ril,d rested almost entin'ly upon )'lr, ),litchell, )'lost dreaded Fate must e\'cr remain without; ,more Cheyney, Chairman of the Dela· leading characters ga,'e I1S an impres-' ;\1thllUl-{h a tlrlll of Philaddphia architects are credited Let her scek solace with her sister Destiny. ware County League, ~{rs. Edwin A. sion of a. fashion show incorporated in: wilh designing the huilding, we woml... r if tlwy would 110t For here Sl'Cllre within these guarded walls ,Yarnall, First Vice Chairman, will prethe play and ran the gamut of fur coats, I han' diffll'Ulty in recognizing it as their own child, for Is man's own, little, self-determined world. ; side at these meetings. • I • tennis outfits, and a \'cry summery fish- ),1 r. ,:\1 itchdl's llasonal inten'5t and attention nearly every ""here, harring: earthquake, raging storm or fire, day ot the past eight months has resulted in countless For one short space, onc masterful, precious time, ing ensemhle alt ill one day, ; ASHTON NEW HEAD A successful atmosphere for the play! lillI!' improYt'IlH'tlts whi~h other~dsl~ would not ha\'e been He shapes his life to meet his heart's desire. OF BOROUGH COUNCIL was created c\'en hefore the curtain rose: m;ldl'. Docs sorrow walk thc stage, be not a1armed, on the first act. In the fir;,t place the! At tIlt,' .same time that he was daily guiding the CQll'Tis a controlled grid, 'twill pass away. orchcstra dC\'iatcd frol11 the pounding :,tructiou oi the hllildin)!; h~' was directing' the selling of Does Tragt'dy appear, 'tis hy permission only, : Lconard C. Ashton was clected presi· jazz numbers that they ha\'c favored in i bonds and arranging' fur the finances so necessary to C011.. "ralls an not n.~al walls, here, nor lions real lioI1S." : ?en~ of hor~ugh council at the reorganthe past and turned to 1I10re appropriate; tilluing the work. 11an,)' a time in this campaign the im· Oh, brothers, sisters, join with friendly hands, IzatIOn l1leetmg of that body held Mon· theatrc music. .\$ til11c passes it is hoped' IIIcdiah' il:lllrt' In(lkt'(\ dark and forhoding, and only 11r. )'lake merry while yon may, the time is short, ~ ~1.y night 41t Borough Hall. John E. that they will he ahle to offcr e\'en more' .:\\ itchl.'ll\ l"tlllli(klll'l' anti l~lIthllsia:-1ll kept the other The world \l[ l'H'ry day -wi1l claim yon hack, • 1'1lSemer, newly elected member who semi-cla~5sical and light opera selections. ', . Back from this childlike realm oi makc-hcli. ... n·. succcl'd:i Frank S. Reitzel, ]. A. Turn· ~, ' The absence of [Ih::ctlssion instruments is: work ... rs g,)ing ahead to ultnnate success. . I . I, I,'. C. \\T. ,er, rec I('cted mem I)cr, and T. E. HessenI It is l'a".\' 10 undt'rstand how S(lmc men Wit 1 h:w uusmess .L:., b 1 I j 1 also welcome in the new organization. : 1 rue I, ,rec ectc~ mem )Cr, were alt given The reading by Mrs. \Vil1iam Earle : the oatil of office by Burgcss \ViIliatn R, Kistler of a pocm dedicatcd to the new STATED ~IEETING OF : Dramatic and :\Iusic Editor on the! ~\"ill be gin'lI and a so~ial hour will: Landis. Albert N. Garrett, Jr., was' re· playhouse and written by J. R\t~sell urOl\IAN'S CLUB TUESDAY Rel"ord for many years. :Mr. Deick is a I tollow. :Mrs. I{oland G. E. Ullman au! named borough secretary and Walter R. II I I d 'n ~rrs. Henry I. Hoot will be the hos-:, Thorpc rcnamed boroug!l treasurer. J [ "1.ayes was very we (one and ad(e graduate of the University of Pellllsyl- II • _ ~ ' .I' materially ' to the. te\'ening's , .,' " . . ,tc!'!ses for the afternoon. I . tlenjoyment. . I he Illecimg at the \Voman s Club vallla and came of a neWSpal)er family, A concert worthy of attention will be TI Ie roem IS repnn e( III ana ler sectIOn I • • . ' I • .• I. (If the Swartlrmorrou. ncxt Tuesday will be a stated meeting which means. he has always k~pt 111 i gnen t liS Sunday afternoon at 3 P. ~I. ~.~..... followed by a program under the direc-, close touch WIth the theatre, He IS now The Swarthmore High school boys'l when J?r. Herbert Tily, donor of tIle . : tion of :\[rs. Roland L. Eaton of the :011 til(' editorial staff of the Evening hasketball team resumes its schedule to-: ?rgan 1.'1 th<: Clotiller :Memorial auditor· The Junior Assembly dance wIlt be: . ' I n II' 1" kl . a 1 of our . 1 f II . . . l11un Will (hrcct the Strawbridge a d . I \Ii ,: Drama section and musIc by the MUSIC I, U dill all( I~ 10\\n s 01 e IIIglt 0 o\\'ltlg the Chrt5tmas hohdays CI II' CI f' n IIeII ( S atu£(1ay evellmg at tIe '\ omall s' . •. ' . . "LI k I' I .h I I' P oller lOr115 0 sixteen voices CI bl f 7 '45 9 '45 1'1 'sectinn.:\f r. Herman L. Deick will be I best cnllcs, J- e ma ·es liS lOme wn >y p a)'l11g rosllcct Park at the Prell, 11 Do 1 J h " trom :'II b 10,[ , 'd '\ Ie I tit<" silcaker for the afternoon. His sub. I his s;ster l\l rs. Charles Israel of CoI- School gym. ass,'Srls' ll roht lY 0 nshton Base~er ,\vIII l10Usts lOuslc'l al1( lOS esses \\il e ~\ r. an J.\ r S ' I . _ . . '1' I d b ' ., Ie c orus as arp solOIst D \Valtcr James, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. By- ject Will be "The Dramatic. HJ?,hhgh!s lege a\ellUC, \\ 10 I~ a va ue. mem er )'lrs. J.,lmer E. ),.[ehck, of Strath Tily in addition to directing the c'ho~ erly, ~[r. and Mrs. W. 'V..Mitchell, Mr. of the Season", and :Mr. Detck IS quah· lof the club. Mr: Delc.k has km~ly co~- Ha~'~n Tn11, who has heen spending the; will be at the console of the organ which and Mrs. A. F. Thorne, Dr. and Mrs. J. lied to speak upon that subject as it rc·i sented • to a dlS~usslon f?l1owmg It!:; hohdays in \Vorcester, Mass., returned I' he gave to the college in memor of V. Orr and }'.frs. F. \V. Hadley. .Iatcs to the past few years. He was I talk. A fifteen mmute mUSical program to Swarthmore, today. Isaac H. Clothier. Y I' I' ',! I' *. Ii 0., I ! ! _ _ _. . . . I .1. 'I I ' II I I z, THE SW~THMOREAN N.b~ska). ; yellowslone National park;!L',jLeralArt" £'I_11 Pap :P~r Glamer, NatIonal Fark; SelUIle,. San ,~" " "., ~'"':e'!"", _...- JANUARY,8, 1932 WEsnRN"TOUR. GAINS IMPmlS ~ra:;~!'(W~x!a O~:pi~) ;R~~~; C~ , ., . Place: for Idlers, Says Aydelotte Q " ' , l AT MARTEL' BROS. D~exe B~kmg ~isted ~Ir, libe~a1 ~ill I~e ~frs. ~nd con~nue wit~ ~htchell an~ V~spers, M~NTCO ~ albm~te am~llJous I ~ i Fireplace Wood For Sale Co' I bordern~g,L~e A~n .,Yar~s);. rthie~CO~I~leg~e~W~'~Il~be~n~ea~r~IY~$7~5~OOOOO~~"~~§§§§§§§§§;~~~~II JM 4& ;" l!i %' jji0l1t&. ." ~ " " , " , ' • • • !J if if :-,,~' 1..~ Jl·)..1f.. ·~,~i I • i l' , -', >·' . ~t:·i· The "PROSPERITY , , / ... . . From 5} until 11:30: ". The always popular hreakfast of chilled fruit, hot cakes or waffles, with maple syrup, and golden coffee. ,: "PltOSPERITY HOMES" may be built anywhere. We have some most attractive locations in Swarthmore :; where, with a very slight modification of terms, any of " the homes recently advertised may be built - , at the same CHEAPER THAN RENT ",$115.00* a, month will pay all principal and interest On ;, the $l5,OOOt stone home illustrated ,in a previous adver. ;' tisement. At the end of fifteen years the house is yours , '"II paid for, free and clear of all encumbrance. Or, at th~ en~ of eight years, for example, it maybe refinanced, after d . , Insurance, wiII amount to about $50 per month- ; surely the thriftiest home buying plan ever developed. It I ~ cheaper than rent - a dependable arid sound investment. Tbe interest on a $1.5,000" PROSPERITY liOME" on the'fif - t~ui~alent ' year plan ;:n'eragC5 $37.93 per month. to homes Tec:::entlv lold fo(, $25000 d d , an upwar I. ANp WELFARE W~~CH AID RELIEF --: A UNEMPLOYMENT STANDARD &.r-. SUNBEAM PEANUT BUTTER J tt.. ,J"" lie ROYAL ANNE CHERRIES Telephone 69 BY TO JUDGE PRESENT NEW HOME VALUES i~e "PROSPERITY HOME" pla:a.· ta av.dIable to all d e . • ·develope" who ~re able alld willing .t.o lieU their ~ :endabte bUllde.,.. and WJ~ IblU .li'reIh From tbe Trl'e J'Iavor No. I MecL Can ZOc 3 for 54c Sunbeam Pure Preaervea Sunbeam Tea S ... J"" 15c J"" 25c QuanCloudl" Ammonia Bot. IItc PEACHES Halves and PerfecUon Small Can IZc 3 few 33c Golden LU8cloU8 Sliced at Their Fin..t Sharp Ch_ 39c ft., Phil... Cream Chee.e PIq, lOe Virainia Baloed Ham, Speclal ~ iii, IOc Bro_ or 4x S....... Z for J5c Lifebuoy S_p 4 B.... Z5c From 1 until 4: And, may we add-a Glad New Year.to you all. TO ~ BARTLETT PEARS SOml:.what Dltrerent. Add Joy to Your Dinner Small Can 15c 3 for 41c Open as usual during the week until 7: 30. Weare making this change after a careful study of your wishes. We helieve you will like it. WILLIAM E. WITHAM SWARTHMORE 1000 ~O'PRP}1IT. HOME ~.... c... 2Se Calif. FineP......... The Tea Room will close at four o'clock on Sunday. teen ,.Send fQr lllustrated folder -without obligat' fde d h' -- ~ Id II" - l' . ~ lOn-yoU may have it . n w 0 wou ILC u"J. Ive In ~w~rthmore or Wallingford Hills. A WHOLE PEE.l..ED APRICOTS ln, To RetaJn .Their Natural Bouquet DELIGHTFUL I-Packed WUh Xer.nel8 Why not hring the family for a lu~urious hreakfast hefore church? A delicious chicken or turkey dinner, with delicate salads, and the unhelievable number of fresh vegetahles for which the Ingleneuk is famous, Special dinners for children under ten, sixty cents, ,which the total carrying charges, including interest taxes .! Inglen'euk In order to meet the request for meals on Sunday that fit in with the luxury of the later rising hour, we are extending our Breakfast and Dinner hours, and omitting entirely the Supper at night. , Q~CEAT,SWA!tT~MOBECBIlST cost. h ,~ rO!Cy 71 Z. cange OJ at 3 lb•• J9c Can I .. Apple...uc:e s. & lV. SUNBEAM MADE THE HOMEMADE WAY TiD), c.-n LIMA BEANS Noted for their Fresh Vine Picked. Flavor Small Can 18c 3 f .... 49c AU Cut G-... and ASPARAGUS 3 for 68c UNSURPASSED FRUITS ,&: VEGETABLES Freah Suaar Peas 35c ~ pk. Juicy Oranrrea 59c pir. Juicy Grape Fruit 59c pir. FI'eth Cat M ...tm.om. ZIc tt.. Black Tq Appleo 75c,,, b .. I ....... SEAFOOD St._. ()pten ; - ~~ir~ ~:- ~:!J::::!~~:!ld~!~:~£r:~£!.t:cz~~~:c;:.e:!~ • i' Lamp Cnb M ...t ne ..... . Tin 39c FRESH EVERY DAY Rabbit Supplies I " i :;;;;;;;;;~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:I Suplee's' Store InclUd.I,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I:~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;;;;~ Swarthmore s Newest College Luncheonette :~:w~!l B:::!\~~tW~ r~;%~r~i~~ ~n~~~::rfn ~:ntS:~r~fdt~e~:s~~~'rJ Packeil the Same Day Fresher Than Fresh Small Can 25c Cartledge SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES ANNA SCHAIJ.ES ••• IZ tt.. B . . ;'I8c FOR BETTER.BA~NG Large 91&e HOME" • m SWARTHMORE ,an r ;'I}, crest:. n,g MEM 0 RIALS ,- •• A N.w Vari.ty uf Fruit, Packed In H ..... SYl'1lPGREEN GAGES WHOLE PEE.l..ED A FruU You Witl B.'e About Lar... Can 25c ' _--::-:-=_________...:3:..:f:or:.:e:8:, MONTCO FLOUR ;ftlebia FRED J. HARLEY Upholstering GEORGE IL KEIJ,EY food. A committee ,has been slarted in Springfield, an employment burfinance, but wilh has orgaOlzed to dlStnbute eau 50 that Ihey can lake care of emergency calls until Miss FOSler, our Family Service Secretary, gets on the job. . Jnn Wm. --------------------================:; wor seemg a .nowmg a out WI e seenIh . .Scranlon; ' nd ?:I,agara k . Falls; b Ca~d~, 'u b Ene; Arbor (M,ch,gan {]Dlvers~ty); DetrOIt (F~rd Planl); Tol.(;!?o; Omaha; Chicago Lmcoln ,-Stock (qntverSltyDes-, Momes; of , OJ Ira~, mainl~o ;~rk 0/th~ ~lrs, point~ebil!~ # publi~ s~hoo!. , " " Iy attended and are full of interest. The being bronght direct from New York to Fling, Miss Margory Watson,'Miss Mar~ SfECIAL'BANKDEPUTY special speaker this evening i. Dr. Mc- Chester. There will be 3 complete stage garet Dewees and Mr. William Gregg. Cahan and to-morrow evening, Mr. and screen shows every Thursday and Three delegales from Swarthmore, atwilh 5 complete every tended the Students' Dr. W illiam D. Gordon, Secretary of Morey, superinlendent of schools. The Friday d O t hshows f B II I d ' Volunteer Ih tConfereek topic tonight is saving of the home; to- Salnr ay. n the ocreen e eature at- ence at u a 0 urlllg e pas w • LUNCHEON time and Banking, last Saturday appoinled Gerald morrow evening, Mr. Morey leads in the traction will he "Good Sport" with John They were Mr. Harold Flood of Duke H. Effing, of Haverford ave., as his sp;c- cons;deralion of the young people. Boles. Linda Watkins and Greta Nissen. Universily. Miss Betty Bonsall of Woo- in the evening we are busier ial depuly to act for the Slate banking The total membership of the church is This is a modern up-to-date slory of how sler College, and the Rev. E. H. Bonsall department in the administralion of Ihe 926. Of these aboul 175 are absent from Ihe other woman holds her man. of the Pennsylvania State Sunday School Il than we were last year during affa irs of the Lansdowne Bank and be' ed A'ssocla . t'Ion. More th an 3000 students I Hill Swarthmore and are mg connect , Trust Company and the d with other churches as rapidly as pos-' representing many colleges and univerthe Winter SeasonTitle which passe 'bl'" t sities were present. . thand Trust• Company fhSetaofSJ~ mto . e possesSIon 0 I e ecr ry Tomorrow evening, Ihe Session holds Miss Keta Brower 01 Guernsey road ,?n Decemher 18, 1931. These ils monthly dinner and business meeting enlerlained at bridge Friday' evening, The reason, we think, is unidulles ,,:111 be ..perform"'! Paul M. PaulsoD of Park avenue Jan. I for her guesl, Miss Jessie JohnhlS by the ap- at Ihe Harvard Tea Room as Ihe guests addlbon. to I d typr;secnta:g"; of Elder E. M. Boyd. -' has returned frolll Ihe University of son of Roland Park, Baltimore. Those I formly good service plus"pOllS. Illes as specla epu In TI S . Ih' t h B~I D I Gracel h l' 'd f f the Suburban Title Ie esslon announces e appom - Pennsylvania Hospital were spe was present were o;;L y oug ass,' of t e Iqul a Ion 0 ment of a new staff of ushers for the being trcated for her eyes, She wishes Dod d, Harriett Wickham, Eleanor Good Food and Fair Prices and Trust Compa?;. Sunday morning and vesper Worship. 10 thank her friends for Iheir expres- Smith, Shirley Shaw, and Anr. Wray. Thank You Fortnightly In order 10 give as many of the men 01 sions of sympathy. Mrs. Henry B. Cookman. of 119 Col'"The PatrollS" the church a share in the responsibility Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Farringer and sons Jege avenue, entertained the Eight Club, The Fortnightly will meet with Mrs. of this important office, the ushers have Raymond and Robert gave a New Year's at luncheon and bridge at her home Thayer at he r home on 653 Norlh Ches- been appointed 10 serve until the elld of Wednesday. h h year, M arc h 31 , 1933. A Eve party at which the guests wel·e ter Road, on Monday, January 11th at tl le new cure ::"-Irs. Joseph Bates, of Haverford ave2'30 otclock. staff has been selected for m~rning and Commander and Mrs. Wayne Wicker- nue will entertain at tea from 4 until 6 . Mrs. Thomas Jackson will review an another. for Mormng. Staff, sham. Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor and on ·Friday. January 15, al her home in article by Hugh Walpole on English Mr. CrIst,. chaIrman; }.,~r. CurrIe, Mr. daughter Eleanor of Media, Mr. and honor of her mother, Mrs. William BALTO, PIKE at PROVo ROAD Country Places. The remainder of the Robert Halg, Mr. Hanzhk, Mr. Harvey, Mrs. George Gamble of Philadelphia, Roessler, of Bridgeport, Conn. 'U . f t I talk M Mr J H Jessup, Mr. H. F. Matter. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wckman Media 1280 pr~grand' wI kC~)fiSlSt fO ralv~ S't rsf• Reitz~l ::Mr. H. L. Smith,' Mr. Thorpe, 0 f Philadelphia, M r. and Mrs. CI,ffor spea mg 0 cer am par s o " W·· V SI ffMr KenG ' Marble E I d Mrs Joyce of her t rip to lUr. Itmall. espers a,. Henry L e Bar 0 n 0 f Springfield, ramie ng an M' rs. J'oyce salon 'Ied Afdra, a boa t from nedy chairman; Mr. Boyd, Mr. Dodd. Dr. and Mrs. Oscar Day of P,hiladelphia, h I h' New York to Cape Town, a voyage of Dr. OK. Mr. Spencer Davison of P ilade p lil, Cemetery Work a Specialty thirty days. Then a trip into the interior • ,• Mr. Horace Darlington, of Chadd's Ford, FRENCH LAUNDRESS of Africa a most unusual experience. Engagement Miss Jane Moore who is a student at ~. Members are asked to bring contribuSwarthmore College. Mis s Margory desires lancy work at home or out 1!Bt. 1843 Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Sirayer of Rutlions to the milk fund. No. Lan!:ldowne Ave.. Dreol HlU. Pa. ledge announce the· engagement of their I • (Oppoolt<> .....Itnaton Cemetery) ot Berkeley road at the d18ta.nce of five daughter, ,Mary Jane 10 Mr. John A. hWl(uecl and. nlnety-two and one Preshyterian Notes MME, LOUISE Schumacher son of Mr. and Mrs. Hervey one-bundrecltbs feet westward from Swarth. 1441 aide of CburCh Lane, In the the west Last Sunday morning at Holy Com~ Schumacher of Haverford a v e n u if, ·.l'oWns.b1p of Upper Darby. In the County 1014 Parker Ave•• Colliol(dale. Pa. lIlunion sixteen new members were re- Swarthmore. :Miss, Strayer graduated of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania: t:ontalnlng In tront or breadth on the_ said. Phone Sharon Bill I11O-J ceived.' Of these, eight, having their from the West Chester State Teachers' Berkeley road sixteen feet and extending College and Mr. Schumacher from first communion, were f rom the SUl!day 01 that width In length or depth southwara between parallel lines at right angles to School. The attendance at m 0 r n 1 n g Pennsylvania State CoUege where he the &aId Berkeley road eighty feet to the was a member of the Pi Kappa Phi fra. m1ddle of a certain sixteen feet wide driveworship was very large. Furniture Restoring way. The Week of Prayer services held ternity. Under and subject to certain bulldlng SlipCovers WindowShades during the present week are being largerestrlctIons. Media Theatre Together with the free and common Mattresses Renovated A NEW SERVICE TO HELP BUSY So lIJany requests have been receiv('d use. right. Uberty and priVilege of the drtveway as and lor a driveway. HOUSEWIVES that Mr. H Taylor, manager of Iho aforesaid $8 with new tick $14 passageway and water course at all tLmes Phone, Sw. 1225 This complele service consists of lvlcdia Theatre, has arranged a return herealter forever. in common with the planning the menu, purehasing the P I owners, tenants and. occupiers of the otber neCe8sary supplies" preparing and engagement of Eddie Cantor in a my lots of ground bounding thereon and enMuhlenberg Ave. Rutledge "The Golden Rule-Our MOHO" iCrving any type meal .from a small Days, for next \Vednesday and Thurs- titled to use thereat. intimate luncheon to a formal dinner. day. The picture was shown at this SUbject. to a mortgage of $3500.00 re· Let U8 call 'and explain the delails. theatre on Thanksgiving DaYt at which dueed to $3000.00. PIANO TUNING Elaine Menge, 14 President Ave., Rut-, time a new attendance record was esImprovements conalst of two-story stucco 20 ,.·ears experienee with aU makes. and brlek house, 18x33 feet. Porch front. ledge. tablished for anyone show in 1931. Basement garage. Member of Nat. Asso. of Piano Tuners. Sold as the property of Henry O'CallaAll Pian08 should be toned twice eaeh ghan. mortgagor. V10la A. JOhnson, wlte Lansdowne Theatre year. MARGUERITE 'P. BYE, R.N. 01 E. David Johnson. real owner. A. L. PARKER "L I B the much Conditions-;.$250.00 cash or certified check Private Duty and Hourly oca ?y UJY~a k e~ G00d" J 'm {;:lY or bf.],,': hnlnncf' !~ t .. ~ f1qy,,_ Further Media" Pa. Phone Media 831 heralded First National comedy-dram.l '..;\:nditlor.s aIlUUInC.'ri HI "11,-'. Nursing FOlln~ainF; in which Joe E. Brown, funniest man o· ,Jom,,; ,; )'IIU,lm ~"tt--¥ater. JOHN B, MJI T ER. Attorney. SWARTHMORE, PENNA. ntty. invalids. convalescents. Reasonable. All that certain lot or pi~ of ground Pb)"slc1an In attendance. 135 Franklin Ave. with the bulldlngs and Ii:Qprovem.ents JOHN J. CAIN. Kerton. SwarthmQl'e 2087. thereon erected. situate on the south side Sherltr. , ',.' yon of the Colorado; Kansas C,ly; S t . ' , C-__ ..d. Louis; Louisville; Ri. Widing Day- forming friendships, for engaging in heart of th;.plan is the freedom it offers ...Ii.faction that quality aIoDe been' enlarged upon unld now not only ton G.h"'n Bruce Cook as aSSIstants. manifold and inleresting activities, and to Ihe student 10 work in close can ,,'Te, at practic:all" no incnue in Swarthmore boys of more Ihan ten yee,rs John J,;, and Warder Cresson, for laking part in athlelic sports." The contact WIth a seholarly and inspiring co.L may make the trip but also girls. It i<; E;jglc Scouts and camp leaders of expe- real values which come from pJ~-- ~e he ka~eT. Its 5~CCtss depends upon the possible that thrce units or groups wj1l ricnce and others to be named, will 35- insists, 410 btained only by those f~ 'whom quality. of the Individual partners in the Become acquainted wilL theH "Pine be organized. OIIC group each for the sist .\lr. Terman jn directing aU unia. play is a relaxation from work anti not enterpnse." Fooda", our PenODal S--.ice, and older and younger boys and olle unit I, • an end in itself. The student who is led _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Shoppia.. COftVenieDCe. mad.e up of girls. ~ to value co]Jege life m~inly as an opporThe lour is being planned especially E~IERGENCY RELIEF tunity 10 engage in extra-corricular acfor its, lun, adve~ture and health "alues, NEEDS WORK FOR MEN livities is cheated of his birthright. He SPECIAL FRIDAY &: SATURDAY but its potent·· educational opportunitks fails to mature." Swift Brookfield Swift Brookfield ~re not being overlooked. Reading lists \Vitlt the arrival of winter, the small Dr. AYdelotte's report gives a sumBUTT,ER EGGS bearing upon the most important of the number of jobs to be given out in our mary of the progress of Swarthmore places to be visited are already beingl Emergcncy Employment Bureau has during the past decade. The enroUment 3Sc tt.. 35c Doa. SWARTHMORE ICE CO. prepared.' A diary hl the form of writ- grown still smaller. One man only in has been limited to approximately 500 210Dartmou&LAve. ing and pictures will also be kept oy our long Jist has found permanent em- undergraduates. but the faculty has inLa FRANKLIN GRAN. SUGAR Swa.894 each person- and· from ;these a c.ompositc rloYlUcnt. Conse~luently. famil)'-fe~d- creased to 65 full-time and 10 part-time 10 tt., B.. 45c:, report will be made by a chosen com- mg has doubled III a. month, and 10- teachers. On June 30. 1921 the total en- i mitfee. This _r:eport. will then be made crease,d last week. 1£ everyone who dowment of the c~lle~e was $2.639.645. MARTEL BROS. available as a permanent record for all bu):s I,ll our stores remembers to fret On June 30. 1931, It was_ $6,268,722. "In COMONT COFFEE Zlc Itt. members of .the· group. a hlt.le mor~ ~o a.s to put somethmg the e~dowment campaign of 1929 and Electrician Store DelDODatration of a CoBee that The lour will begin al Swarthmore all Ihal IS nounshmg ml~ the baskets for 1930 Jusl Over $4,000,000 was pledged Repair work and 11ew Installadona i. ~ot "Merel,. Good, But DeUciou " July:4., Everylhing_ along the way lead~ emergency rehe~.. Mdmont has turned and when these pledges are paid' the iug to; in and·near the followjng places over three famlh("s t ... the for other stations. Services w ...e also conducted at the Friendl~ C~cle, and to il1! students ~~om our institutions is Cleaves, and a daughter Miss Olive J. Entered as Second Class matter. January 24. )929. at the Po.t Office at Swarth- Warren or the Red Cross Chairman, becoming great.... Cleaves of SWarthmore and by three more, Pa., und.r the Act of March 3. 1879, Mr•. Earle P. Yerkes. Th~re is a1~ a pr~paralory school for other ";b5. George M, Cleaves and Ebner I • buys ID connectIOn WIth Mateer Memorial M. Cleaves of Bar Harbor and Dr FRIDAY. JANUARY 8, 1932 BISHOP REMINGTON Institute. The pupils al! attend Sunday ;Harry F, Cleaves, of Seattle: Wasbing~ TO ADDRESS STUDENTS morning preachIng servICe and Sunday ton. Five grandchildren live ib, SwarthThe College Woods school. more, Betty, William. Florence, Adelaide The Rt. Rev. William P. Remington, I I and James, the children of Mr. and Mrs. D.O., Bishop of Eastern Oregon, will Allee E. Gardner Cleaves Carl S, Cleaves. One of Swarthmore's least appreciated impr~vements of the last address a small but representative group two years has been the clearing of the woods along Crum creek In the death of Mrs. Alice Edna Gardof College students Friday evening, 1anM and the building of paths by unemployed men. Last winter this l1er Cleaves on December 26th Swarthuary 8 at "The Lodge". Supper will be 0" Christmas Day Miss Isabelle work was carried on beginning in the woods opposite the north more lost a loyal resident and Trinity Bronk of North Chester rd. had her served at six o'clock. end of the footbaU field and continuing almost as far south as the Bishop Remington, who was born in Episcopal church one of its most devoted brother Dr. Mitchell Bronk of Germanrailroad tresseL town with his family as her guests. Philadelphia, was graduated from the members. • Mrs. Cleaves was born at Marion If you have neglected to walk along these newly made paths University of Pennsylvapia and was an Mr, and Mrs, W. E. Fisher of New make a resolve to do so as soon as the ground freezes and is easy Olympic track man. During the war he Maine, in 1860 and for thirty-four year; Elm avenue have been spending a few to walk on. This year the men in charge of improving the coUege made a briJliant record as Chaplain with was a resident of Bar Harbor. Ten days at the Barbizon-Pla%a in New campus say that there is plenty of work to be done from where it one of tbe· Base Hospitals and was later years ago she' came to Swarthmore and York City. stopped last year to the property owned by the Strath Haven Inn Suffragan Bishop of South Dakota. He w,,:, ~OOJl idenlified with its life. Deeply along the creek. ~ is now visiting among' the eastern uni. religIOUS she took an active part in the versities and colleges. various organimtions of Trinity church. , . , ; ; ; . ; . ; , ; " , •••• , . , . , •• The college is not able to spend money for this work at the presOn Christmas Day she attended the two ent time but it is possible that they might be in8uenced to meet services ther~ after which she and her Missionary To Speak the borough Employment Committee half way in raising the necesM family were together at her late resisary funds. dence. the next morning she passThe men are paid forty cents an hour for this work which is The Reverend Roy M. Allison, a ed awayEarly very suddenly. much better than no income at all. Furthermore, men out of regPresbyterian missionary at TenghsicD, The funeral service was held in Trinular employment are much better off doing vigorous work in the Shantung, China, will s pea k in the ity church On Sunday afternoon, the Rev. open than they would be sitting about their homes or meeting disSwarthmore Presbyterian Church, Sun- J. Jarden Guenther. rector. officiating. Bait. Pike and RiverView Ave. couragement after discouragement trying to find a jpb at their y da p, .m. Six members of the Vestry were pallPh S arthm 0 M, at regular trade. r. lSon IS engaged in the educa- beaJ:er.: W. Barker Keighton, George one W o r e 160 And aside from the relief, the work is providing not only the tional phase Qf the missionary enter- Wb,tman, Casey. Louis W. King, Ernest SWARTHMO College but the entire community with as beautiful a park as there prise, and ~as bee!, on the field since O. Lange, Millon Howard Fuseell, Jr" RE, PA. is near Philadelphia. Next year it would be possible to greatly im1911. He IS an Instructor at Mateer and Dean Raymond Walters. The choir prove the section around the dam below the Strath Haven' Inn if in which the Presbyterian Church, U. S~ _ the work above the dam can be done this year. Memorial Institute Church. at Tenghsien ... A. and theBible Presoyterian U. S, ilFr0f Borough council voted $300 to Ihe Employment Relief Committee cooperate. with no strings attached but strong feeling was expressed at the Almost immediately upon the estab. meeting that if possible the money should be used to provide emlishment of Tenghsien Station in 1913, ployment rather than to dole out gifts. Certainly the Crum woods FOR RENT the Soulh Shantung Bible and Normal offer one solution to the problem of creating work. The woods are Institute opened its doors with an enrolon February 1st" one of the most desirable apartments used by many people in the community and we believe that there ment of sixty pupils. A little later with in Swarthmore, con8istiDg of a living room (13x26) with is no other place that the taxpayers would rather see their money funds furnished by the Calvin Mateer spent than in this manner. fireplace, dining room, kilmen, refri..eralor room, SUD estate, a fine modern building was erectM room (121<20). tile bath with mower and three bed. ed on c:. new site. The name was changed rooDl8~ one of which bl:l8 a private toilet and lavatory A '. bers hiP, an d d ' . to the Mateer Memorial ppreCl8tion onations amounbng to of Reverend CalvinInstitute W M t in honor DO allaobed. Heat and hot water are furnlahed. Abo heated ' $65.55. '" . . a eer. , .• The Interdenominational Committee is "Springfield, under the able Chairman., a dIstinguIshed pIoneer of the Shantung .arllle for one car. The rent is .125 per month. Adalia preferred. promoted by the various churches in Mrs. Walter C. Pusey, contribute': 2JIDlllIlllIlIIllIlIIlIlIlIlIDlllIlIIlllIIlIlIIlIIlIUlIIlIlIlllllllllllj!l SWl'Iihmore. The President, is Mrs. $525.70. That district as well as Swarth- 55 !iii A~thur Redgrave. This organization more should tremendously appreciate:: Wishes to express its gratification for the Mrs. Pusey's spirit of generosity and coALLAN C. WOOD sp~endid response of .. II neigh':-r--- - • "-~--.I;.- :.. ['.' ',- !pt the chairmanship § 227 Swarthmore ffle~d:,,'+~.' ",,'I:or"d "",,,,,,, Ih".\ " i ,_.,.',,, :,,'" _ ,:on about two weeks ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlIIIIIJUlIIlIIlIlIlIIlIIlIlIlJllllllllliii . Avenue , ' NEW. COUNTY BUJWING .,.& 101' in front or breadth t.hBJ1ce eouUl enenw..one e, au..UaNe mtD.ute. east afop,g the IOUtherl,. aede of Rad~e road . 1lIteen feet and extend.J.q of' that "idth in lengtb 01' depth· south 'elahteen degrees, . .ven mlDutea west between PN"aUel Ilne& at rlgbt anJdes to the aald Ra4bourne road (pua1ns througb the middle of party walls on t.I1e weat and tbe eut) aeventYMftve feet to the southerly aide of a certain ten teet wide dJ1veway whlcb leads weatwardl,. alon,g, the Bast LanIclowne bor. front. Two...atory stone, atucco aDd brtc.t feet and eJ:lendiDl' of that wid&h in leDlth or depth Boutheaetward between ])Vallel lines at right anrlell to the .ald Elm _Tenue on Sold B8 the property of William B. Wlllhs tbe nol1heaat line n1oei7~tbn:o and ftft,...foar and. Elsie hls wtee. onc·hundrel!tbs feet. on the BOuthweat. line nIne'y~three and Olly·nlne one·hundredth. fett Conditions $250.00 cash or certl1led check and on the rear tweoU·four feel and the ". on day of sale; balance 10 ten days. Further mainin.. otber tbereof llel"innl.... at a point on conditions announced at sale. the Aid aoatheaat aJde of Elm avenUe N tile distance of one hundred and Dine&7---eix feet JOHN E. McDONOUGH AND JOSEPH J. .outhwestward from .&be laid IIOUlhwed. 1Ilde DUDLEY, Attorneys. of Miller aveuue. thence eziebdlnlr soulh seventy derrees. twelve mlnutea, 10rt7.1ix aecondB eaat _on a Une at rIcht ~lea to the Fieri Facias No. 270 saJd Elm avenue nlnety.three and ft1t,.~nr.D8 one·hundredtba feet to a polot. thence mend, September Term. 1931 inc south nineteen deg-rees. thtr&7·nlne miD. All that certain lot or t1ace of ,round atet, fourteen eeoooda. weat. on a Une parallel with the buildings an Improvements wUh the said Elm avenue ei,.ht aDd nlnel.J. thereon erected. Situate In the Township one·hundredth. feet to a point. theme of BprlnRfteld, County of Delaware anel eight ex,tendlng lJOuth alxt7·:o've delP'eea fort.y-eeveD State of :Petlll8ylvanla, belnK the northwest minute8 thlrty.nine IlecoDds 1wentl"~one one-hall of Lot No. 298 on the Plan of lots called Springfield. Section four, whieb said and eis:ty·two one--hundredtha feet to a poinl. plan 1& duly recorded at Media, PR .• In Plan tbence es:tondinr no..'h seven.,. cIecTee8.. twelve Gase 3. page 2, and descr1bed. according minutes, foru-·slx MCOodB we81. on a line at thereto B8 foll0W8, to wit: Beginnll18' at a rigbt Bnrlet",o the sald Elm. avenue seven&,. POint on the northeasterly aide of GreenhUl eight Bnd five one-hUndredth. feet tl;) the B8ld avenue (forty feet wide) at the. _cUstance Elm Avenue: thence ex-lendlDl' north DiDe&eea: of two hundred and seveoO..flve feet north degree•• forty-aeven minutes. foW'teen eeeondl seventy degrees twenty minutes and. fifty east. along .the same t wenly-four feet to the seconds west from the lnteraection of the place of beortDniDK. northeasterly side of Oreenh1ll avenue .with the northwesterly side of Midland road 37. 30. 41. 43. 4& Elm Avenue, Upper (forty feet Wide). COntalnlng In front or Darby. Pa. breadth on the said side of OreeDhUl avenue north seventy degrees twenty minutes Improvements consist of description)_ fifty seconds west twentYMflve feet and ex- Five t.WO·RtOr,y house., 16z30 feet. each. Pord!. tending of that width In length or depth front. Stucco gar-.rea, 10~8 feet eaeh. north nineteen' degrees thirty-nine mlnutes ten seconds east between parallel lines at (2nd deecription)-Vacant p-ouud. right angles to the said Greenhill avenue one hundred feet. (3rd deBCr!pUon)-Vaca.nt l1'OuOO. •• Emmons & Andes BUILDERS A41:1~5 I . . ~t~h~e~ch~u~r~C~h~led~'~'n~th~e~Si~n~g~in~g~O~f~t~w~O~O;fI~.~.~.~.~~~t~"~~...~...~t~...~t~..~~t~~t~.~.~.~.~~.~t~t~. elL.nUTCh N ews := = I ~l1 call started• NovPRESBYTEaiAN~~ mUDlt_, \..L' vtW.1S Tree .md ;;' "~ the "C_;;' tIl<: 'ih' i-'·-.;-five dollar one.. 7-ten doll;or ,ODes, onl>-twenty-five dollar Mem- ! hoard Hashed - a !• 5 call was in the making. ~ : : : 'Tm. an aloDe and it'. set. 5 • ! : !• ! ·;; ·:• • 5 ·!! ; : : · ·!: police headCJUUten. WilIWt • rew 1Din_ a pollee ear W88 at tho ehiId'. ho...... It waa 110DO too 800n. A valve on the ramoee had 5 : reSC1lera discovered, aud the boiler was periloud, • :• : ! ting awfany bot!- a .msIl frightened voice Complain.d to the Night Oporator when she planed In the eord. Immediately she sensed trouble_ "Don't you 'Worry," abe l'e88B1lred the child. ~SomebodY8 commgl- and qale1dy abe eODDected enotber liDe to 5 5 jlJlllDod, the . Dear aplod q .:45---CHURcu SCHOOL Whether We, our-U;tghbors. or God Is the JUdge, absOlutely the only value of our rel1gtous life to ourselves or to anyone is what it fits lIS for and enables us to c!O.-Wllfred Grenfell. 5 ! Tbe Morning ForWn In Meeting HOuse. Subject (In January 10th: "Three Disturbing Miracles." to be led by BlIss Forbush, Secretary of Baltltlmore Yearly Meetlng 11:00 A. M.-Meetlng for Worship 'In the Meettng House. George A. Walton of George SchOOl will attend the meetIng on Jan. lOth. ! 9:30 A. N. to 2:30 P.!L'-seWlng and QuUt. Ing In Whittier House. Box IUDcheon. .• 5 • .! .i : House. WEDNEsDAY - All are cordially invited to JOin In these services. .!: 5 :: :: i • •:: -••••• • • :• • ••• • I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .;. ~.T. J • • au S T!tINITy CHURCH Protestant Eplacopal Chester Road anel College Avenue OPPosite the College Campus Rector Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S.T.M. SUNDAY 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 9 :45 A. M.-Prtrnary Dept. 203 AVE. Main SchOOl College at the i:~h. BIble Class, Hick's ,11:00 A. M.-MornIng Prayer and S Mr. Guenther Will p=~' HOUle at Media to be dedicated. tomorrow afternoon. NEW PLAYHOUSE IS MINIATURE mEATRE and gleaming chandileers, the part of the MUSIC STUDY CLASS building behind the curtain created the !STUDIES FOLK SONGS greatest amount of interest. west The stage itself is 25 by 52 feet pro- The Music Study Class met on Monviding ample room for prodncing almost I d nectors · any pIay tIe ever seIeet. T IIe day W afternoon at the . home of Mrs. S. fact that an automobile was driven across . Johnson and enjoyed an unusual Building Complete For Staging the stage behind. the regular setting gives program of American ~usic. Mrs. RobVarielY of Dramatic some definite idea of its proportions. ert Carels, contra~to, With Yrs. Herbert Productions Every facility for placing and moving Fraser, accompamst, gave first a gr~up scenery used in a large metropolitan of Fol~ songs. of the. North Carolma 325 SEATING CAPACITY thealre has been installed in the Players' m~u!,lams, readmg a bnef account of the ------Club playhouse in a small way. A sim- onglO of each son!!'.. Mrs. .JaCOb Meschbut adequate . switch board has been artIcleeonl Amer. . 'ter read F lkan entertaining . d M th A complete playhouse !D mlDlature as pie . mstatled and as tIme passes new lighting lcan. 0 mUSIC, an J: rs. are 5 en well e«;IUlpped and as efficiently arranged devices will he added as well as other sang a. ~roup of the earliest. Am~can as any of the largest theatres recently permanent stage eql;iipment. COlUposlh~ns, wor?s an~ musIc. wntt~ erected in Philadelphia, is the verdict An emergency lighting p I ant is a by FranCIS Hopkmson In Washmgton s which has followed the inspection of the part of the equipment so that. in case da!. ~{rs. Frase~ used a smaIl ?rgan for No. 29 Greenhill road. Sprlngfleld, Pa. Sold as the property of Stante, ZvI&"BItls. , power from the electric company should thiS group as tYl?lcal ~f the per~oIt irnn! or hr('adfh sons took advantage of the opportunity stage ~ere would be -JlO danger to the ,Hire" ('-Irrl Fl\ClftS Nr 8{7: ulOlll; tl!~ - ":Jill mlJrlle llf.l: .-,r \V:tyne I\vt."lIue J. . 100 I~~ sliti t:Jr.hmdi.lllC 01 U.al wiuLh lu lunglh to visit the new building and inspect the audience. An automatic sprinkler sysDecember Tenn, '1930 or depth 135 feet. The second tbereot begin. stage ,and all of the other features tern is also installed on the stage and nhllr at a. point In the mJddle Hile of .Concress the audience does not _see at the throughout the dressing rooms. avenue at the distance ot 125 feet southeast $1000.00 in cash t>ri=o and ooe th0ufrom tbG jntel'8ec1ion of the middle Une of The arrangement of the front of the formances. sand other prioeo an: oIfered for a. avenUe and tbe middle line of Green. Attractive as the auditorium is with building is also proving popular with amples of ekiIl with • iackknife. Entries containing in fronL or breadth alODJr its upholstered chairs, carPeted aisles, members of the club. The lobby is may be any kind of model. figure Of of Congress avenue 350 feet ot that width In length or special carving, requiring ekill and in. spacious and the rehearsal room upgenuity. made entirely Of wood, and stairs serves as an adequate ladies lounge. with no other tooIa than a jackknife. Jots or pieces of The building is heated by a hot air inM and improvement. Flnt P.r.:•••••••••••••••••••• SISO staUation of the American Heating and TowttabJp of StcoIKf PrI'e •••••••••••••••• 1100 and Sta-te Ventilating Compau)·. Warm fresh air tlilnl on southeast is forced through the building and the ~ ~•••••••••••••••••• 110 diRtanee of one WEEK.END Cruise system is- so arranged that the heating from the southfifth PrIu ..................... US OVER be restricted to almost any rOOm. containing front breadth on .the avenue said Elm avenue in twenty. fGeI and' extending of tbat width 10 The entire improvement represents an "."rth ~~?W;"(),,\~ "e~ I' or depth southeastward between paral. investment of about $40,000. Architeds .c .....,," at richt angle8 to the said Elm ave-for- the building were Magazine and Ebto tine being' nlnety-three and ~;~~i t10;",,_.e..",;;ortbeast one.hundredths feet, the 80utherhart, who speciaHzc ill designing theaninety·three and forty-three one. tres. The general contractor was the feet and on the rear twenty.four Olle olher thereof all the said Bide of \Varren Construction company of which avenue at the diRtance of one hUnd.""eQ Sails FEBRUARY 11 J. Francis Warren of Swarthmore twenly·lour feet southwestward from the president. I • southwest side of MIller aVenue, contain. in front or breadth on -the said Elm ave-: 4 DAYS Charles D. Mitchell was chairman of POPULAR MECHANICS nue twenty·lour feet and extending of "hat the building committee responsible for erien'.'I', widlh in or depth 80utheastward beMAGAZINE the construction of the buHaing and tlIC: linea at right angles to the 200 Eat 00t00I. SItu! Bvenue on the northeast line ninety. CHICAGO, ILL other members of the committee Roy Comley awl Dr, A. F. Jackson. Improvements consist of two-story stone and stucco house, 16x42 feet. StucCQ garage 29 E. FIFTH STREET 9x18 feet. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Goodwin awl CHESTER 6141 Sold as the property at Arthur Colapret<.1 son Ailen, went to Washington on and. Jean, his wife. ,"'ednesday to spend the remainder CondttI0D&-$25D.OO cash or certified Check of the week with )'1rs. Goodwin's un~ on day ot sale: balance In ten days, Further EXCEPTIONAL VALUE Mr. Joseph M. Dixson. condItions announced. at sale. Sale $7500. Firat mortgage $5,000. lIr. James H. Hornaday spent Sun- JOHN E. McDONOUGH and JOSEPH J. R_t $55. Detached, modern, 7 roo..... day with his wife who is visiting her DUD!.EY, Attorneys. bot water heat. automatic hot water mother in Washington. Their small son, Fieri FacIas de Bonis et TerrIs b... ter. Z car garage. No. 849 James, Jr., who has been very ill with WM. S. BITTLE Ikcember Term. 1930 pneumonia has passed the crisis and IS S.warthmore 1l1-J convalescing. Notary Public Real E.tata . " I (1., =I I L•• ' &; ---.:1 ',- WHITTLE FOR A PRIZE The Annual Meeting of the stockholders of the Swarth. more NaIional Bank and Trusl Company, Swarthmore, Pa., for the election of directors and such other businees 8S may come before the meeting, will be held at the hank. ing house in Swarthmore, Pa., on Tuesday, January 12, 1932, between the hours of three and five o'clock P. M. ELRIC S. SPROAT, Ctuhier. S. S. Berengaria ,~~l~~~~i~~:~;~i Lincoln's Birthday Prf,................... S', I BERMUDA 01' l'R1ENDS : .!! Al\NUAL MEET1NG "A NEW BEGINNING" A COImIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU I Delaware County Court . "THE UNKNOWN ONE" 8 :OO--EvenJng WOl'8blp and Sermon rTHE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY addition, IOxl2 teet. Baaement prage. ,',,',' __ 7:00-EPWORTH LEAGUE 11 :OO-Morntng Worship and Sermon SUNDAY 9:45 A. M.-F'lrat Day School tn Whittier .." • LLOYD P. STEVENs M1nlster !• D-·"~. 110. • •• :. •• •• SWARTHMORE METHonmT EPmCOPAL CHURCH : As an etJeryday convtmi- ! ·!: ence, . tlu, TELEPHONE ! ·5 is worth many times its .! i low COBt. In. ~_ i . ·•-:• ae. iI is ,.nPjcpk.... . .•.i• ·••• .••• ·••••• THE CHtlBcH HELPB . of the .i i Night .i ·•i • i ALAMP on the switch. i Mrs. Yerkes Pleads For Con. tinued Support of Red Cross Volnnteer Work Bible 8tUdy of the Holy Spirit. BEING A CHRISTIAN IS A BIG TASK IIFr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ three aad fcuv·Lhtee -one-huwtmUu feet. aD tbe IOtIIlt.W..!iDe DIDretr·..... MMl.Aab ..... "ae--huDdredthl; lee&: aad OD the rear iwent,.four feet: one oibe.. .&hereof 00 '&be -'4". soutbeN1 "de of Elm 81'MUG at &he dlIItance of one hundred and fOri7-ell'hl feet lM)uih. 'IV_ward' from tbe eaI4 eoutbweai _de of Miller avenue contaloiul' In front or breadth on the eald Elm avenue -twenty-foW" feet. IUd extendllJ8" of· that width In lencth or depth lou.b~wward between parallel u.o. at rilbt OUCh line Into Clinton road and eaatwardl¥ an.-Iee to the said Elm avenue on the Dol1hInto another ten teet wide driveway wbleb eut Hne nlnety.three and for&7-Dlne ODe.hUD. extends northwardly lnto RadbourDe road dredth. feet and on the lOalh",. Hoe Dinel7at a point seventy~slx Bnd ftfteen one .. three and .fifty-foUl" one·buDdredlha feel aDd hUndredths feet. measured south a1xtyM on the rev tWe.n1-7·foar feet: one otber thereof' eight degreee. thirty minutes. forty se.- ori the IJOtltbeast lide ot Elm aTeaue at Uae onds west from the lOuthweater..,. aide Of dlslance of one hundred aDd 8eTent7-two tee .. Long Lane, '1232 Radbourne road. BOuthwesh.. ard from the BOuthweel; Bide of Improvements consist of two-story stone, Miller avenue containlol" In Iron.. or breadth brick and atucco house, 18X28 feet. Porch on the aaid lide of Elm avenUe twenb-.four .-----------------------------....:-1 •• 5 I t is not too late to JOIN OUR CHRISTMAS CLUB You will he sure of a full purse and a Merry Christmas next year by joining one or more of, the follOwing clR8ses, ' TWENTY·FIVE CENT CLASs Requires a deposil of 25 eenls each week for the nexi 50 weeks. At maturity of the Club you will receive a check for $12.50, and interesl. FlFTY·CENT CLASS Requires a deposit of 50 cent. each week for Ihe next 50 weeks. At maturity of the Club you win receive a check for $25.00, and interesL ONE-DOLLAR CLASS Requires a deposit of $1.00 eaell week for Ihe next 50 weeks. At malurily of Ihe Club you win reeeive a cheek for $50.00, and interest. TWO.DOLLAR CLASS Requires a deposit of $2.00 each week for the next 50 weeks. At malurity of the Club you will receive a check for $100.00, anti inleresL FfVE.DOLLA8 CLASS Requires a depotlil of $5.00 eacIl week for the nexl 50 weeks. At maturity of the Club you will receive a rh I eli for $250.00, and inleresL $50 • Sweeney & Clyde .I. COZy as a Pillow! Just reduced from Let me write your Automobile laauranee in the O)dReliab)el~~::~~::~~~: Insurance Company of North I) ~~:~~~i.:~~~~:t~~ America. ~'b Westinghouse Aristocrat Warming Pad E. C. WALTON 1. Soft wooly eiderdown in beautiful peach color. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Elmore APDI'IInen_No. 201 Ebo AveIlne, Swarth. more. 4. au.d 5 rooms and bath. Bot water heal, jani. lor serviee. UDder new ma.;:rement. Renlals redu • Ideal location. CBAS._A. SMI'lB~ or yoar own hroker BUILDER ArIUtieHo_ Designed and BaUI 10 Meet 'Iklft>itbllll:-:Nef!da " eRAS•. E. FISCHER ,30«- Oick.iaaen. Ave. ·8... 3~1V 2. Big! Measures 14 bV 11 inches. 3. White protective cover slip. 4_ T/lree degrees of heat with nonl"8dio-interfering thermostats. s. Comes to you untouched - sesledsanitary - in· Cellophane. 'p H"IL L PH lA,' ELECTRI OMPANY JANUAlIlY.8, '1932 THE SWARTHMOR;EAN ......... for au. department, to,the.Wi._ .'. AaociatiOns in the various churc&e../ friends' Meeting, J;;pis<:c!Pal, , }.(ethodisl, aadPr'l"byteriao, to groups, soch ;IS the Mission. The in.titute m.iniJters not alo,!e to tbo nel Prodnctions Every facility for placing and moving Fraser, accompanist. gave first a group seconds west from the intersection of the place of Ul'. aJde of GreenhUl avenue with _ scenery used in a large metropolitan of Folk sOllgs of the North Carolina northeasterly the northwesterly side of Midland road 37. 39. 41. 43. 46 Elm Avenue. Upper 325 SEATING CAPACITY theatre has been installed in the Players· mountains, reading a brief account of the (forty feet wide). ContalnlnJr in front or Darby, Pa. Club playhouse in a small way. A sim- origin of each song. Mrs. Jacob Mesch- nue breadth onseventy the saiddegrees side oftwenty Greenhill aveIml,rovement. consl" of (la. dea.-l-UOD)_ north minutes '""" ....... A complete playhouse in miniature as pie but adequate. switch board ha.s b~en ter read an entertaining article On Amer- Bfty second& west twenty-Bve feet and ex- Five two.stor;, boulee. 16%39 -feet eada. Poreh tending of that width In length or depth froDt. Stucco I'ar&l'es. 10xl8 feel each. • . Installed and as time passes new hghtlOg ican . Folk music, and Mrs. Carels then north nineteen'degrees thlTtY-nine minutes well equipped and as effiCiently arranged devices will be added as well as other sang a group of the earliest American ten seconds east between parallel Unes at (2nd deseriptlon)~Vacant ground. as any of the largest theatres recently permanent stage eq\iipment. right angles the said Greenhill avenue compositions, words and music written one hundred to_ feet. ' erected in Philadelphia, is the verdict An emergency lighting p I ant js a by Francis Hopkinson in Washington's (3n1 deacripUoD)-Vacant 8l'out:.t:l. No. 29 Greenhlll road, Bprtngfteld. Pa. which has followed the inspection of the part of the equipment so that, in case day. Mrs. Fraser used a small organ for Sold as the property of Stanley Zvlca1th. this group as typical of the period. PI . the electricIdcompany Improvements consiSt of two and onenew ayers ' CI u b pIayh ouse dunng t he power f·, thfrom b ·Id· b d should t I Condltlons--$260.00 caah or cerU1led. cmck haU story stucco h'OU8e. 18:1:18 feet. TwoThe next meeting will be held" on Mon- story al , e UI tng cou e a equa e y addition. 18x22 feet. Porch front. on day of aBle; balance in ten day-II. Further past week. . lighted for an hour and a half. day, January 18th, al Z. P. M. in the Garage, 1011:18 feet. eonditlona announced at .ale. ~?t-of-to":n ,guests at th~. prl 'ntH ~."A, "Aid 'd th t th s, a. comrmunrthlY• as carefully provided as in a large thea,:I!:iq FlJu:", :\!I(:'.: . "";) 111 nt't.'d P,." ;0.". e sa! a WI e se ectton 0 wo - tre and meet all the specifications of' the· ' ...... I, ,', t,._ D,.~( rlbt'il :'!o , ... " ;":": 'J'iw il",~ while plays here the local organization state law. An asbestos curtain may be ',(":Ut;" .j;,nu.",; 2::, E;J'~ .::, .. , .. ! :,,_","" r:~ .. I.olr;l:" Ilil. Im,J,1!. i,'" couid offer leadership for the theatre dropped l'lt case of fire alld the door be.' :": . ," ;,'.,:. ;\, :".! i , .. "':_'., In' ;", I, ,_' ',' '.ht. ~I!'l!a:~('f' :'i l ~:, .,;'_',_" : h :,!c ,IJ,"'H',,A ,,.,;n~ Mf'IiiR' dH' 1l,;£!l'fh,ctH'I), L " ITHu,: C I movement of the large cities. tw'een the auditorium and the stage is of •• "I :;.rl..;,'N. •• ;,"~' .;.:,:,.-. l.;.:;;:,. ,,: I -Last Friday almost five hundred per- metal so that should a fire begin behind! !,:[",~~,;.:: t>. ',;:,,',)!,; T.ill\: :Ur""~J!Jljj ,'oail l:Olltltirlllli!" il; lrom or hr~ndtt.1 I k d fa r th Nt}. v:t ,,_•./ '11,0 ~ .1l()11~1m[t,!'alld - ~.'li!1 mi ....-tb 0.( iH,.~Iha~,)1 wiaUt 'Vii}"IICiu 3.\'Cllue Sons 00 a van ge 0 - e °PportUOl'ly stage tgere would be no danger to' the ,'l.I!r." 1"jeTi F'[\l:ius """hmllill.l~tb to visit the new building and inspect the audience. An automatic sprinkler sysDecember' Term, '1930 or deplh 135 feel. The second thereof be,pD' S"g .... e an d a II 0 f th e 0 ther f ea t ures w h·ch I tem is al,o installed on Ihe slage and ' niDI' at a point in the middle line of Congress th d· AU that lot and or piece of ground avenue at intereection the distance of01 the 126 middle feet southeaat $1000.00 In cub pri&a and on. thoue au lente does not see at t h e per- throughout the dressing rooms. witb the certain bUlldings Improvements from the line of _d otba,: prizes are oIfered fo< ex. The arrangemenl of Ihe front of. the thereon erect«( sltuate In the TOwnship of Congresa avenue and the middle line or formances. A ttractlVe . Upper ofDarby. County described of Delaware and the hiJI middle road con'aihlnllr in front or breadth ampl .. of otiU with a Jackknife. Bntriea as t h e aud'dorium ' IS . Wit h building is also proving popular with State Pennsylvania, according line of COngTe88 avenue 360alan,. fee, may be any kind of model. figure .,.. its upholstered chairs, carpeted aisles, the members of the club The lobby is Jto a surv J ey and Plan thereof made for and elftending ot that width in length or .pecia! carving. requiting skill and m. . ames . Andrlen. by Damon and Foster. depth _136 feet spacious and the rehearsal room up- Civil Engineers. on January 25, 1926, 88 • genuity. made entirely Of wood. and t . d tId' I follows: Beg1n~~ at a point on the eastAll those five «l'rtain lois or pieces of with no other tools than 'a jacklmife. s aJrs s~J;:'ves as an a equa e ales ounge. erly side of Ison_ avenue (forty feet ground with the bUildings and improvements The building is heated by a hot air in- wide) at the dtatance of two hundred. fl.ve -thereon ereC!led situate in tbe Townehip of flnl ~&•• ' •••••• " •••••• " ••• SI54) I II t · f tl Ie A merlcan . H eat'109 and Wardly and eleven teet side south$Ceoftd Pd•••••••••••••••••• S100 S a a Ion 0 from one-hundredtba' the southwesterly of Upper Darby. County of Delaware and State Ventilating Company. Warm fresh air Parkvlew road, as or1glnaJly laid out. said oC Penna,ylvnnia. one therrof on the southeast nlrcl N •••••••••••••••• a • • • 115 . f d th h th b ·Id· d tI point being alao at the distance of one side 01 Elm avenue at the distanca of one Fori Nt...................,.. SSO Cruise IS orce. TOUg e U1 mg an . Ie hundred seventy-nine and seven one- hundred feet southwestward from the south. FIlth Nn ....................... US system IS' so arranged that the heatmg hundredths feet f.K)uthWardly from tbe we.8~ Biood.thOf Mill'her av..ed"ueElcontaJnJn g in front b t . ted OVER I point of curve of a cIrcle forming a comer or re on . e s m avenue twent)r~ Aacl aleo tbuc: art! twenty.ave $10.prfzee and can e res. ClC • to a mOSL any room. of said Madlaon avenue and. P$I'kvlew road four feet and· elI:tending of tbat width 1n fift.Y. of SSm each. In addition. 1000 .pedal The entlre Improvement represents ar: as shown on a recent plan 01 said Damon leni1:h or deplh 80utheaatward between par.al. .Pcllniva will be: diltributed to ~ wU:ocr. ot cash awuda ad to tboac:; reed", .banon.blc . t I foot $40 000 A h· and' Foster. dated February 4, 1928, contaln_ leI hnea at ri8"bl angles to the said Him avelI1V~S men. 0. a u , '. rc ne~ts Ing In front or breadth,along_Mld tilde Of nue. the northeast line being ninety.three and mention. In cue of ties duplicate Pl'i= will be to for the bUlldmg were Magazme and Eb- Madison avenue me~ured. south twenty thltty·seven one.hundredths feet. the south. erhart who specialize in desil'J'ning thea- degrees. three minutes, twenty seconds West line nh18ty.tbree and torty-three one. AU ndea and detaila ct th1I eontm are In cae ' -0 west sixteen feet and extending of that hunUredths feet and on the rear twenty-tour iuu, 01 PopuIar_ Meclunk.l MaPIiDe now DIll RIc.. tres. The general contractor was the width In length or depth eaatW8J'dly fee(;' one other thereof on the said aide of Buy a capy at any ne~d or ccmaulc 00c at Warren Construction company of which between parallel l1nes at right angles to Elm avenue at the distance of one hundred JOUr Iibraiy. You do DOt have to be a rqular Sails FEBRUARY 11 . W . the said Mad180n aveuue, the northerly and and twenty.lour feet southwest.want from the Rader. J. FranCIS arren of Swarthmore Ie southerly lines of said lot Passing through 'said ROuthweet side of Miller avenue contain P 'd I the middle ot the Party Walls of adJOlnlng i i f b h . • ~ resl en . . . . • buildings one hundred feet to' the centre ng n. ront or readt on the smd Elm ave. 4 DAYS Charles D. Mitchell was chairman 01 line of a certain ten feet wide driveway n,:,-e t'\l.enty·lour feet and extendIng of 'hat h b 'I' . ·bl f extending northwardly Into Parkv1ew road WIdth 10 length or depth southeastward be. t e UI dmg committee responsl e or and southerly Into Lathrop road (B In tween paraJlel I1nea at right ana-lea to the 100 EosI 00I0JI. _ the construction of the building and tile Lot No. 12 and house No. 163 Mao\e the dam can be done tins year. A and the Presbytenan Church, U. S. Borough council voted $300 to the Employment Reltef Committee cooperate \VUlt 110 strmgs attached but strong feelmg was expressed at the Almost Il11ntedlatel) u)}on the estabtIlcetmg" that If pOSSible the mOllev should be used to proHde emlishment of TeJlghsien Station 111 19]3 ployment rather than to dole out gIfts Certainly the Crum woods the S0l1l:1 Shantung Btble and Normal offer one solutIOn to the problem of creatmg work. The woods are Institute opened ds uoors \\ hit an enrolused by many people III the commullIty and we belIeve that there ment of SIJo Iy pupils A little later WIth IS 110 other place that the taxpayers would rather see their money funds furmshed by the Cahill lIateer spcnt than 101 thiS manner. {Statc,.a fine modern buddtng was erect- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - _ _ ('(Ion a nc\\ site 1 he namc was changed Apl·reciation be I . to Mateer ).femonal Institute JIl honor d d rs up, an onaI Ions amounting to/ f II R I C I W $6555. 0 1e everet1( a \ U1 .Mateer, D D , The 1ntcrdenollllnatIOnai Committee IS "Sprmgfield, under the able Chairman. a ciJstmgmshcd pioneer of the Shantung promol,,1 by the vanon> churches l\1 Mrs Walter C Pusey, conlnbuled ~IIJIIIJIIJIIIIIIJIIIIJIIJIIJIIJIIJIIJIIIJIJIJIIJIJIJIJIJIJI/IIJI/II/IIJ"J; Swarthmorc Thc PreSIdent, IS Mrs $52570 That district as well as SwarthArthur UedgralC 11ns orgal1lzahul1l more should tremendousI) appreciate Wishes to express Its gratlilcatlOl1 for the .Mrs Puscy'S spint of generosity and cosplendid reSllOmii of ~II Il",,,yl I ~• -- 'pt the chairmanship E I = h N nurc ews =Cll- fncn'l thc L soelat) hghtc( llrovidcd flurt) IllllllUes of relaxatIon and frlendl) memones ParticipatIOn of tlus ch.!racter ts a sign of good clhzenslllJl .111(1 IS for the Uflhftlllg aud cnJo) ment of all. InterdenommatlUnal Comnuttec • I t not stop, but must COlUlIlue to relieve the distressed In our ~~lg~N~~~0tvORSHIP commumty as well as m PhlladeIphla PASTOR PREACHES The ProductIOn Department In Phlladel~ PRAYER" ohla has sent out a hundred cut garments ~ ~~~::R~finutcs of Organ Worship and se\'enteen and one half pounds 01 ADDRESS wool for children's and men's sweaters REV R M ALLISON OF CHINA h· LIFE AND CONDITIONS THERE \V Ich are bemg dlstnbuted by Mrs. 7 OO-YOUNG PEOPLE FranCIS \Varren 5J7 Walnut Lane, chalr~ I' 8 OO---Mldweek ~~g,f~SDAY Bible study of the Holy Spirit BEING A CHRISTIAN IS A BIG TASK : .. ,u ...................... '11 .......... , ... . I eo RED CROSS HAS SUCCESSFUL DRIVE Mrs. Y crkcs Pleads For Con· I tinued SUlllJOrt of Red Cross Volunteer Work NEARLY 820001 , Mrs Earl P \ erkes, chamnan of the Red Cross dnve for Sw,1rthmore, today Issued a statement thanklng the local workers for their actl\ It) and gl\ IIlg a report ot the campaign Sdld Mrs Yerkes "On Chnstmas Ua\ another annual Red CI f)SS roll cali c,une to an end wluch I marked ItS, fiftieth year of hum.lI11tanal1l sen ICC "lth Jt~ close I \\Ish to express Ill} deep appreciation to all the lieutenants and \\ orkcrs of S" arthmore and the nel£hhorJng dtstru'h t0r their uuhnng splendid \\ ork It t~ thu along \\llh th~ whole. hearted generous courteous fl.: sponse at the rcsld{,lIts ,mel huslIles:> pco pIe ot tillS scctlOn that ha\ f' made the drn e a great succcss <)f formances sand other pmes are offered for ez.. Hem\{ IIld the mltltile hue of Green Ie ront 0 t Ie Upper Darby County of Delaware and amples of skill WIth a Jackknife. Entries Attractive as the audltonum IS With hlllldlllg Is also IlrtJ\ 1I1l-{ popular Wltlll State of Pennsyl\anin. described according hili 10 Id (Ollt UUtlll,:' IiI frout 01" hrc IIUh ::aIQn~ may be any kmd of model, figure or Its upholstered chairs, carpeted 31sles, the members of the club 1 l,e lobhy I j to n survey and plnn thereof made tor tlu IlIlddle 11111 of COII ... r(' .. ,.. 1\{'lllle .liO feel specIal carvmg. requumg s'lnU and m~ ~ I James J Andrien by Damon and Foster IIltl (XI( IIdlllg uf that \\ltllh In length or dC11111 lao fcel SllaCIOllS and the rehcarsdt room UJI-I Chll Engineers on January 25. 1926 genUlty, made entirely of wood, and I t I t I I I I tallows Beginning at a point on the east~\II those fhc blllhhu.:"1; ('ut utI lol~ or Illc(c.s of With no other tools than a. Jackknife. "Ith till' alltl ImrlrO\cnlelllS s .lIrs senes as an a( equa e a( les ounge erly side of Madison avenue (forty feet ~rIllUl(/ The buildlllg IS heated hy a hot air 111- Wide) at the dlst.ance of two hundred five 1hf'lton (>I"((htl sltlllic III thc TowlI:!luJ) of Flnt Prb, .•••••.•• , ••••••••• SiSO II I HtI1enC,11l A • II catltl.L:" .1Il(II wardly and eleven feet side south,. C Second PrflI' •••••••••••••••• S1oo sta atloll 01 tIe froln one thehundredths southwesterly of I 1111{ r I J Iru) OUIII) of Uelaw.lrc and Stale Vcntllatmg Company \Varm fresh airlParkvlew road, as originally laid out, said IIf I'clllls\h 11111 OIIC Ihert'of 1111 tlte southeal3t third Pllz... ,.............. $15 f I I I I Point being also at the distance or one ~l{lc III J.~lm 11. (,IIIJ( lit tht dISI311('C of Ollf: I I I I I IT FOllrth Prize................. SsO b orce( tlrongl tIe lUi (ltle. an( tIC htuldred !'ieventy~nlne and seven one- hUl!tlrld ftet HOllthw{'lIt\\,lrd (10m the suuth CrUise Fifth Prlzt ••••• , ••• '" ••••••• S25 syslem IS so arranged th.lt the hcatmg hundredths feet southwardly from the \\(",1 sule Hf "Idler l\OlUC fOlil unlit,: 111 front I ] point of curve of a circlc forming a corner III hie Hlth 011 thl s;ud Elm :l'\:t lIue I"enly. OVER I I And also I~re are twenty.{ive $10 pme. and can le restrlcte( to .11110~t ·IllY room of said Madbon a\enue and Parkvlew road foltl flct .11111 cxtllllhll~ ~Ir thllt v.ldth III 6ftv of $500 each In add,twn, 1000 .pel;ul I lie entire nnpro\ elUent represents .11 r as shown on a recent plan of said Damon 111I"lh ur til Illh I>outllc ,.. tv. ,Ird bt ",cen JJar.d ,Jackkmves will be dutnbutcd to ~II WUU'lefl of t t f b t ~40 0110 I rcIliter". I I and Fo"ter dated February 4 1928 contaln-Ibl Jlllt". at 1I .. ht nn,.{I~.s lu the saul Elm ne cash awards and to t~ TrCe1VlDg bonorable 111\ cs fllell () a on,!, • I lug ill front or breadth nlong said side of WI( the lIortll(' 1/;1 hill' 11(111" IIIl!et,li thrL'C and mention. In QSt: of ties duplicate pn.:ee WlII be to f lJr the btuldlllg \\ erc 1\1 agazlIle .uld Eb- Mr.dlson mellue measured south twenty tlmt)' SCH II OIiC hUwlredth,; CtCI. the south ""v<1 lalit' IlIlItt.l Ihrt:e and furl.\' Ihr('e one All ruks and !kta~ls of thiS CCIClteat are an tne wcst sIxteen feet and extending of that hllndr('(lths ft l t HId 011 the r( Ir '"enll' lour ISSue of Popular MechaniCS Magaun~ now on sale tre~ ' '1 he general contr.IO-ior \\ as thl: width jn length or depth eastwardly Itot !llle other thu( tiC 011 the s[I!!1 sido ot Buy a copy a.t any newsstand or consult one at \Varrell COI\:>trllclloll COIllIMIl\ of \\lllcn ~etwe~d MPa~fllel lines at right angles to Elm UCIIUC .It Ihe (h~tanl..e oC Ollc hundnod your library. You do not have to be a. rtguw Sails FEBRUARY 11 II t Ie sa a son avenue the northerly and IIHI I\H lit) fOI1l ret t ~Ulllh\\~81V. 111:1 frnm the reader. 'l·r.l1lcl~ .Irren 01 S\\,lrthmorc I southerly lines of saId lot passIng thrOUgh ><1111 >etween the hours of three and five o'cloek P. M. ELRIC S. SPROAT, Cashier. -;:================:::1 as S. S. Berengaria WEEK·END Lincoln's Birthda) I BERMUDA It is not too lute to JOIN OUR CHRISTMAS CLUB You will be sure of a full pnrse aud a Merry Christmas next ) ear by joining one or more of the followiug classes: TWENTY.FIVE CENT CLASS Requires a deposit of 25 cents each week for the next 50 "eeks. At maturity of Ihe Club ) ou will receh'e a eheck for 812.50, and interest. FIFTY·CENT CLASS Requires" dellosit of 50 cents each week for the next 50 weeks. At maturity of the Club you "ill receive a check for $25.00, alld interest. ONE.DOLLAR CLASS Requires a depOsit of 81.00 each week f01" the next 50 "eeks. At maturity of the Club you will receive a check f01" 850.00, alld interest. 800 A I ~~ii~~iiii~~~~~~iiiii.~~~ I ··i• cies it is priceless. ..•i UR~C;H;-SWARTHMORE ;:O; ;P;-: ;C: H: IU: :S~T: -,-S: -CI=EC"N-T-I-S-T' ·--. IIF; :,i " ;g.;Tc;:CH;m:OF . . ·I Park Harvard --·· ..--. IlIcboot. -· .- 811~e~es:::rdfvenlng 00 A M -SUnday Lesson-Sermon meeting each week I ,-.........,""""," """ IIIII'••,II...II.;'.- Sundays and ~IJ~~ 1o~nMdBloUY except ChurCh edifice ".. 4 PM, Bv TeleDboae 3 ing In front or breadth thence south Ihree alltl (orty thret, Olll;!' hundredths fl'C1-, on degrees. flfty-three minutes lite FOuthwelt line nlnetylhree ..u1 fozt,y..1II..Qe east along the southerly side of Radbourne olle hUIIIJnodths feet and all the rear t'Wenty. I road fifteen feet and extending of that (our ft."et one other tbereof on the 1IJ&Id.,. width In length or depth south eighteen I!outhta",t ~ide at ElDl a'enlle at the dletalloo / degreClJ, se\en minutes west between par- I of onc liulldrt~1 311d torlY-elght teet Bouth nllel lines at right angles to the said Rad-! .... ttlt ward from lhe S31d southwest Bide of boUrne road (passing through the middlel lolll !! I .IHmu(' eQIlIIIIllIIg' In fronl or breadth of party walls on the West and thc east, on til( to JI~I Elm .I\'CfIUC t\\enty.four feet and feet to the BOutherly side ot a I ~ I I d Ih I seventy-five certain ten feet wide driveway which Icad.!; lxtcntllll.. of Ih.11 \Udtl III .englh or ep wcstwardh along the East Lansdowne bor- lIu1I1I11 astw Iftl hi. I WHI! Jlarallel lines at rlKh& ough line Into Clinton road and eastwardly .III,:!! ~ 10 thc "md Bilu ;ncllue on the north. lnoo another ten feet wide driveway which (.1111 Hlle IllIU I) tllrt(' ami forly nine one hUll / extends northwardly Into Radbourne road drt.~lths Ctoet alul Oil the l"outh\\cst hne ninety_ at a point sc\enty-slx and fifteen one- tllrt"t' .11It) tltt) four nne hundredths feet and I hundredths feet measured south slxty- 011 tho n'nr I\\(lllty four feet olle other thereot eight degrees, thirty minutes forty SCC- UII Ihe southeast side of Etm avenue at the weat from the southwesterly side of dJstluu'(' of flue hUllllnod amt !!CYt'lIty two feet l onds Long Lane 7232 Radbourne road )l()ulh\\l'"h\anl from the BOuth\\el:lt Side ot Mllltr .1\(:1I1It 10lltalllln:::- in tront or breadth Impro\ements consist of two-story stone 011 tlu> I,laul Sld(' of Elm avt:nue t"ellt) lour ] brick and stucco house 16x28 feet Porch floel ,ulIl I xtclIllUlJ;:" ot that Width in lellrth tront Two~story stone stucco and brick 01" d('pth MlmlheaHI\\31'f.1 between parnlJel hiles addition, 10x12 teet Basement garage It I"I,t:ht illl~h" to the slJ.ld Elm avenuo all Sold R8 the property of WIlliam B Willis 1111{ lIorllll 1.. 1 hne IIlllety tbJ't'e and 1I1I,.four land ElsIe his wife 0111 hUndrl'(ltb)ol ft'{'t 011 the southwest line I illllll'b Ihrt( ami nfl) mile one hundredth, feet I Condlt1ons---$25000 cash or certified cheek I 11111011 thl J't'lr twcnty fuul" feet and the re Ion day of sale. balance In ten days Further mallllltz::' othtr t1urt'of Beginning at a pOint on I condItions announced at sale /Ihl ~.ud HOlltltl'asl Side ot l!;lm Il\'enua at the dl!'llalll'e of one hUlldreti and ninety SIX feet I JOHN E McDONOUGH AND JOSEPH J lumtll\\('!lt"ard trom the saul southwest Side of 'llillt:r 3\f'IIlll' thence extending' 60uth 1 DUDLEY Attorneys sc\cllly tJ\J.!'n'('s tv.el\e minutes. lorlyslJ[ , S( ('Outis {'.u;t 011 ., hne 3t right angleB to the Fieri Facia., No 270 K IItl Elm ,",cflue IIlttel)·three and 1Ifty nine Delaware County Court House at Media to be dedicated tomorrow afternoon IIlIe hlHldrcdlhs teel to a J)ohu. thence l!"xtend ---------------------------------~c-------------~~--------------------c_-----------September Term 1931 III~ south 111111 teen tit ,,;T('CS thlrty·ninc mm ., All that certain lot or piece of ground utcs tuurh'tll I'(?colldl:l "e~t Oil a hne pal"allel .uul tIle part of tlit.: l\lllSIC STUDY CLASS "lilt the saId Elm :nenue eight and ninety tighl {JIll hundl't'dths ft'Cl 10 a point, thence hllliding behllul the curl.lIn crc,lteu the 'STUDIES FOLK SONGS ot Springfield County of Delaware and ('xLI. mlill/ot slJuth slxly·the degrees forty seven Iest • .1I110Ullt 0 f 111 1eres ,t State at Pennsylvania theplan northwest ' g.-ea I one-half ot Lot No 298 belnK on thc of lots mlllllt( H tlurl) ·mne 8(lcollds "est t wOllty olle 1 he stage Itself IS 25 h) 52 feet pro 'I hc StUll CI 5 let 011 called Springfield Section tour Which sold .llId !'Ixt) Iv.o one hlllltiredthB teet to a point. I I f Or pror IIICIllj.! .1 Imost I \I Ia s n f ~[ • plan Is3 duly Media Paaccording In Plan IIllllt'C extcndlllg IIDrih seventy degrees twel\'e \I( JIIg allll) c room f' . I Cnse pogerecorded 2 andatdescribed hllllUWH forty 81X 8C<'ollds we&t On a Ime at .In) pia) the {hrcctor~ t Hr sc1ed rhe (~\ ... tcrn()(JIt .It tie. lome 0 rs thereto as follows to wit Beginning at a rH:-ht 311~lt*' to the saId Elm avenuo sevellty an ilutonlOlnle \\ ls drncn acro!'Os \\ Jolll1son .111<1 clJJoyed an unusual point on the northeasterly side of Greenhill tl~ht lilt! OH !tIlC hundtcdlhs teet to the sold Bul'I,I,'ng COlllplete For Stagl'nO' fact that ". < '. I)TlJUr 1111 ot \",cr, II "iusic 'Irs Rol, avenue (forty feet wlde) at the distance Elm al:cnUe: tht'lll'e exlendlng north Dmeleen eo the stage hehl11d thc rcguldr scltmg gl\ es '"': C . l . .1.\ of two hundred and seventY-fiVe feet north dt..:'l"l cs torty he\ en mill utes. fourteen .seconds Variety of Dramatie sOll1e defimtc UIC.l of Its proportions crt Cards, contralto, with Mrs. Herbert seventy degrees twenty minutes and fifty list alOlIg" the samc tv.enty rOlU" feet to the P I· J'rtscr I(:C01ll111l1l t gale first ·1 group seconds west from the Intersection of the pl,ll'C of bt gllllllUg rot uchons I j'.\ en IdClllt) for pl.1CIllg .mel 1110\ iug I .,f· I. 'Ik' 011 ' f' 'II N II 'c I northeastherl Y st'de, ot,Gdreenfhll ' aldv,enude withd :17.m 41 -I I Scettcn' 1I5{"(1 III a Ilrne UletrOI)olit II! (I s gs 0 IC 1. or 1 aro 111a the nort wes er y 6 e 0 M an roa Darb, 1'. .jij Elm A'enue. Upf)cr 325 . . n III the Pla)cr~' ... l11()Unta IIflS n:.u1 , I f I f tl le breadth (forty feet In frontaveor SEATING CAPACITY I theatre· has hc('u IIIstallcd IIlg a )ne .Iccoun 0 On wide) the saidContaining sIde of Greenhill Cluh pJd\housc in a Sl11itH \',l\ \ SlIlI- ongtn 0 each SOli/.{ ~Irs Jacob 1\lesch- nue north seventy degrees twenty mInutes FI::'I;~o;:~,~~I~t~~~!~'I~~3~1~'ee~e~':g~J{;~rch I I b artIcleC On IAmcr- tending fifty seconds westwidth twcnty-flve teetorand ex- flOlit StUt.'(.,(1 g,lragt'8 I Ox} S feet each . A compJct' l)layhollse III nllnllturc as p e lit a d cquate S\\ ItcI1 hO<1T<1· IMs been ter read l' Ikan cntertallllllg 'I of that In length depth < IlIIstalled and as time pas"es nc\\ hghtmg lcan '0 IllllSIC .utd ..\ r!t arc s then north nineteen degrees thirty-nine minutes c \\ell e(IUlJlped and as effiCiently arranged1lde\lces \\111 he added as \\cll .IS other sang .l grollp of the edrltest Amencan I !Ild !It Rtrllll1oll)-V3('.mt ground .IS .my of the largest theatres reccntly perm.ment st.lge eqJ.1JllUent I C()ml~o5ItJon", \\onb .111<1 murslc "rute,ll onc hundred feet (lrd llestTllll1ou)-Vaealit ground erected III PhiJadeiplua, IS the ,enhct \n elllergcnc\ hghtlllg pI.1 II t IS .1 II)) I' r~llncblllopklllson III \\llashmgtofll S No 29 GrecnhUl road SprIngfield. Pa f tI , .I ( .1) ,\ rs 'r.lser IIsed .1 sma organ or Sold 3s tilt properb of Stanley Z'.lgaltl!:l \\ Inch has followed the lIlspectlOn of the part 0 Ie CC/lIJllIIH:nt so t lat 111 case flus grolll' as t'-I)lC tI of th' erlod Impro\ ements consist of two and oneCOlldltlons--S250 00 cash :lr certified check ' o\,('r from the elcctr.c cOllllmnv should]. • J C P " h It to stucco house 18x18 feet Twonen Pla)ers Club pla)hotlsc durmg the "f I tl I II II I I I I 1hc next lIlcetlllg "til he held 011 ).1011- a s ry 011 lilY ot sale balanee In ten days :Jour'her al • lCfor )III (tng COli ( )e a( equa e y (Ia), JallU"'} 18 III, al _? I~. ..I , I fl.tory addition 18x22 feet Porch front 1 11..'OlIlh1101l!.l m:llounced at sale . (,asl week lIghted all hour "lid a half 111 I Ie Gamg•• 10x18 teet ~venty-one t • In the death of .Mrs Alice Edna Gardnet" Clca\'c~ 011 December 26th SwarthOn Chrrstmas Day ~hss Isabelle It.l0re lost a 10) al resle held at the ClubhollSe . in securing f~nds for the new timate study of details, also ho\\' Ius fiery eye Il!arked b! tJ!C red noon in old Chinau '. Confuscius or K<.ng.i Tuesday evening, January 12, at 81>. m.' . Aldebaran. Tlus star hes in the Foo T t h · th" h d After' the business meeting an espec. annual meeting of the woman's rilngers live. and protect the greate,t 01 which the moon lollows as it crosses the H 1- :e wa~ e a~ ~r.~. os~n : : ially interesting program has been auxiliary will be held at the residence of preserves jn the world during six heavens and is' s()Jnetimcs hidden from H? hmanlYt o ·llSths. °l'fpoemnls. ned by the Committee, with Mrs. the retiring president, Mrs. Frank C. . nt~liths of winter snowed ill froll1 the onr "iew when the moo" passes between IS p I osop y re a es 0 ~ leo y. E. rold as Cbainnan. Different mem- Irvine. On Monday afternoon, at 2 :30 outer world. . . it and the earth. . He placed. great stress on pohten~ss and bers of the Club will partiCipate in the o'cJock. .' He has made a clo,e-up stndy 01 wild; Orion ,s followed by two "dog" slars. was practically the first to enunCIate, . portrayal of Folk Lore of different The Sewing Group will meet on Monhfc-~ostly bears, and says that stu-! Sirius and Procyon. Sirius is the bright- ~ubsrance, the Golden "!Jer. The. wrlt- tries in Song, Dance and Story. day, from ten until two o'cJock, at Ihe cnts.,mght, well copy the mother bear as J est star in the heavens It was sacred ]JIgs chosen had to; do With reflection on .New members who have recently been home of Mrs. Albert Hill . the grcate'st of animal educators., She, to the Egyptians, who' based tbeir cal- the pres~nt rather than the future. The welcomed into the] unior Club are: Mrs. . . . U~es· t.wo years to etIucate her cll1ldrell./ endar upon it. From the time of Homer one which seemed to please most Carlisle B. Carpenter, Mrs. H. The Ra~ger gives a \'h'id de~cril)~ion of to the present day many poets have "..... "Laz>:, Man" al,!d one caIled :IThe Age of Pennellt ... Mrs .. WilHam Sherwood. Mrs. ~ow tbe. bear cubs arc bom. III hlberna-I ferred 10 it. This star is com hil~;!el Obedient Ears. In pref!1cmg. her pro-- D AI tlon dunng the deepest penod of sleep near us, as only four olhers a!': know~ gram, Mrs: H.olmes said tlie Chmese have L~ttom~~~nder Mitchell, Mrs. W. W. and. how the hold-up bears of the Yel- to be nearer. Procyon, the star markin no dramC':tlc hter~ture. They were a • I 14?w~tone educat,c the youngsters to stO[~1 t:le Little Dog, is really a most beautffu' e!"3nt nahon, havlJIg had .00 holy wars tO~fJst cars al1~ ask .f?r food. Ma.IIY star, but suffers from comparison with did Europe. All Signs Fan Mrs. John Detlef~en sang four humorous stor~es are connect~ with Sirius. It is also one of the stars which Matinee Daily at 2:30 translate.d fro~ Ch~nes~, two ?f wlliclll The fo]Jowing. clipping from Girard's bears and tOUrlSlS and these brmg out is comparatively near by." n ma Y.3 laugh... Adapted from "The Friendly Stars" were chlldrens songs,' much a!'ln to Colu~n in the philadelphia Inquirer was Today I (Friday) and Saturday b Martin 'nursery rhymes. As she was In a lovely sent JD by a Swarthmorean for publica. Cabin ,Cevcr-;-the result of months y. Chinese costume as' \las Mrs. Herbert isolation ,vith two men in a cabin and Warner Baxter . little conriection with the outside worIdI I • Fraser, who accQmP~ed her at the It is an old maxim that "all signs of "the tim~ when you don't like the HEALTH CENTER TELLS piano. Mrs. Fraser played two rain fail in dry weather." "THE SQUAW MAN" OF INCREASING NEED' tions by Chasins which .. And in times of other difficulties signs )'our . partner gets out of 'bed and wlth hates you because perhaps you lighted . Mrs. Holmes, too, wore a simply fall down and curl up. LUPE VELEZ ""d CHARLES the fire. in a diffe~ent. ~yay.1J Or some Through the Health Center office, _87 eptbroidered Chinese costume. ., I. see a !arge brewer quoted as saying: BICKFORD, The Literary Section will have a study GIVe us IIquor.and we will buy. 800,000,other triyf~l t~iSLof t.he nerve~,; strained families were cared for at Christmas by the constant sa{lle-ness of the liie whit toyS and baskets. This was entirel; class on Thursday, the 14th, 10 o'clock 000 bushels of grain." . Monday and Toe.day the deep snows. due to the generosity of the people of which time Mrs. Arthur C. H"",lalld I But never in one year did the United ' • I Swarthmore who made this possible will talk of Edith· Wharton and States raise. 800.000,000 bushels of rye, Lawrence Tibbett H. & S. SPONSORS through gifts of money, food, toy. and works. ~his';;.er dId that much go !nto 'TUDY" OF' STAR' S personal service. These gifts were conI • I Th" • .S tributed by church, groups, clubs fraPiano Scholarships . . I S wet. fellowagre", that pniIiibi"CUBAN LOVE: sONG" ternities, a nd individuals. Thos~ rehon JS responsible for our hard times. What, then, made England worse oft' The Home and School Association 'of sponsible will surely. be interested to At the meeting of the Woman's Club wlth , Swarthmore _is .s~gg~ting a study of know. that. their gifts meant a happy on Tuesday, Mrs.' Spencer, Chairman tha!1 the United States when England . Ch mOIst, as usual? stars .a~. a faJ.l1ily hobby for the month nstmas ID many homes when the day of Music, announced a piano contest JIMMY (SCHNOZZLE) DUof January. The. following notes .should would othenvise have only emphasized to be held in the clubhouse on Satur.. :-:=-----:-,:-:--____~____ RANl'E ·ERNEST be of interest to those member. of the the dr~aryness of poverty and worry. day morning, Jan'llary 23rd. Lena TORRENCE..• AssoCiation who wiSh to .failow . During the past month the relief work Blanche Jones, Chairman of Music 01 2Ol~te aheets &: SOl ca.vcJope., spggestions: , " has doubled, as the weatber has grad- Delaware County Federated Clubs a •_ 'ead neatly priftted with ~r Return Engqement of" ,~n. January we may see the most dazz- ually 'become colder and savings' haver well known teacher of piano offers' :i:'",", lUUIO.and addreu. Seat Postpaid 141g d(Spl.v of fixed star.~ to.' any part been exhallSted. '. t . d" ''''b " ,'.,., ..... ooI"lt.oo c.mctaty\e, lUsh Eddie Cantor . <><. ' the ., ancients .W e are anxIOUs . IY I00ki ng f orward to wo Ceservmg oya or' --,. SaVI t h'I.t adnrtisement, ., of t}le heavens affords. T.o • girls d of' Delaq~ty.. in' tOt&:' s.tau·. v:.ere O=;llu~~j"- ~''''';''·t'''~ .tlJe reopening of some of Delaware weaaerhe ounty on,e year ,9 stu y in pjan,~ "==~",,. or f?etteutiU,trfl= coda,.. 0 - "W "". l .• PrOmpt" dcllRrT. Complete upALMY DAyS;; . - ." resenting'. the ;giant Orion 'followoo ounty's large' industries. There js no Th' If' .. tnr.cmn IUUUteed. two faithful dogs facing .~he q1ighty indication that this will occur during the lows :e. ru cs 0 thiS ~ontest are as foJ.THE . tilNKlEV SERVlCE Next Wed. .& Tl.._. Taurus., . next mQnth, however, and we shall h : : . v c · RIOLEY'<-PARK. PA. .Dept. B .Jan. 13 and 14 -·The g~O:up of stars forming 'the con. need of continued support, both moral 1. M?ther must be a ~ember '0.£, ;,' stellation. Orion is perhaps t.h e and f i n a n c i a l ' Federated Club of Delaware County. known of any excep~. the Great There is a· great need for men's shoes 2. Must have unquestioned tale'nt: " Matinee Con: tinll.oQs . It lAay be seen in th~ early children's shoes, and chfldren's war~ 3: Must be dese~ving - of monetary Continuous 1:00 to'5:00 P. M. wards the southeast. it may be underwear. Please go over YOUr closets assistance. , Performanees . Evenin•• nileed by the four bright stars mark;,.~tonce more, and' see j£ there isn't some- 4. Age for Junior competition, 6-12. Sat~ay Frool1 the shoulders and feet '0C- the giant, thing that could be used. Also, in giving 5. Age for Senior competition, 12-16. From 12:00 7:00 to II,DO THEATRE Chester, Pa. ' . donations in the baskets. at the stoies 6. Must play two pieces of own '0'11:30 P. M. please .remember that butter, bacon; choosing. . " beans, tomatoes, fresh vegetables, are The judges for this contest will !le Days Starting Todaymuch more nourishing than 'food con. named later, and the winners in local taining starches, such as cakes, potatoes, contest will compete in 'a final contest etc. to be held at a designated time and Meat drippings and any kind of fat is place; early in February, all club winalso needed by the Emergency Relief ners competing for final selection. 11II!..1i1 \\tli 1.:0]1\ lilt l1l~thcr hear ,I~ Smlls .U1d P~oC)tn SlfJlb IS the bnght- J,lII g s chostll had to do With 'reflectlOll 011 tfle~ 111 Song, Dance and Story. ;1.IY, (rom tell until two o'clock, at the liu: gfl Itt~1 ot tlHlll,ll ullll.ttor" Shl I.:st ~t.lr III tie IC.t\ens It uas sacred, the prescnt rather than the fcture The New members \,ho have rccently been 10llle of .Mrs Alhcrt IIdl to Ihe I·g)I.l1ans who l1as('(1 their calwelcomcd II1to the) CI U) I . " tlse~ t\\O 'I.: Ir ... til l'dlll.lk 11('r t.:hJ!drell endar Ulion It r' tl t f Jl lone \ducl! seemed to please most C I I UlllOr arc J.\ rs 1 he U IlIgt r 1-: 1\ c.:s I '1\ 1(1 tie ..t.:nptI!III 01 It tl t ,.rom Ie IIlIet °1 omer I' Llz\ ),Ian" .1IId onc calJed. "The Age of jJar ISlc II Carpenter, Mrs II Barrett !to\\ thl..: 1ft Ir l:ub ... ,In.: h')fII III hihulla fOr 1~ tre~ell "1(1 ay 1~13I1" poe s Javp r" l - Ohedlent 1 ars ' ] II prcfacmg her pro- f)ellne I, 1\Irs. ,;y Ilharn Sherwood, ~Irs 111m ~lur II,! the dUPl,t ]lenod 01 .. It:ep 11~."rr"IISo I I 1"[ S .Ir tliS COIl1":i.r~t •. e,) gram, .'lrs Holmes saId the Clllnese have I Alcxander wlJlchell, ).frs 'V 'V. ' I" I Iteratllre .fl Ie)" were a tol- .attomus 1 lilt I L /;()\\ lt Il hn II( lip Ile,lrs 01 t I H I C to b I1C, as 011) P ollr 0 tl lerst arc "nown. k no uramatlc I(m <;tolle nlHI.: Itc tli~ \ otlngster, t, slop I th ~ Ittl·lr~;. .rocyoN' IC s ar l~lIar IlligI l'rant nat101I, hm mg had no holy wars I • toun .. t l,lr:-. IIld ,l~k for food ~lal1\ IstaCr 'lllltC °rrg , IS [rca'} a most ueautl 1I1 diU Europe All Signs Fail IIUlllorOl)-. stone" .lIl ctlllJlldt.:tl \\Ith SIr • ers rOm Icomparison ",:at 11 su 1 I I II "Irs)oI111 I Jet Ie f sen sang four songs JS a so Ollc 0 t Ie stars " IIC I . . IllS l\falinee Daily 81 2:30 hlars and tOlln:-.t~ .111<1 the:-.e brlllg alit I'., Col"l)ar.1 t 1\ eI\ ne.ir I I translated frolll I ))" , Chlllese, two of willch The {OJIO\vlllg dipPll1g from Girard's I I lIMm a aug I I \dapted from "The i'nelldl Stars" were cluJdrens songs, much akm to Columll III the Pluladelplua InqUirer W.IS Cablll feHr-tht: result of months of 1. 111 I ,} , lIursery r]alllcs As she \\as 111 a lo\'c" s~nt III hy a S"artJlI110rean (or publJcaToday! (Friday) and Saturday I ,. I! U\ J. ar 111 I rl . > I IS!) allol1 "It I h\ 0 lI1ell III a l:.1U1II an( ~ IH1Cse costume as ' ..as :hIrs. I-Ierbcrt tlon: Warner Baxter lIttle connectIOn \\ ]111 Ihc out "Ide "Qrhl I Fraser, \\ ho .Iccompanied her at the It is an old lila :'\1111 that "a1l signs or the tlllll' \\hen ,)ou dont like the "a\IHE\LTH CENTER TELLS jlHano. 11rs Fraser played two sclec- rain fall 111 dry weather" "THE SQUAW MAN" \uur llar tner gets out of bed and he OF INCREASING NEED I tlons h) Chasms wlllch wcre aIJpreciated And III times of other dilliculhcs signs WIth hates lOU h('{:.1t1~e pcrhaps 'au II!lhted I .Mrs Holmcs, too, wore a beaUl1fulh Simply fait down and curl UIJ. LUPE VELEZ and CHARLES Ihe hre.I!1 a dllTerent "a)." Or some Ihrough the Health Center offic(', 87lclI!brOldered Chlllese costume. ] sce a large bre\~cr (JlIotcd as saYlllg' BICKFORD lIl1ed I lIIull" " r other tU\Jal t\\lst of the nencs. str' I tI r II ' c e carc( I I ur.1 t CI Ins Imas, 1 Ihe Llh.·rtlul'sf/rn, TII"rsda" }tlllIwry 1."Ilh-14Ih New Policy COlUl,lele chang4! of show ever, I\lon. do)-Thursda,. JOE. E. BROWN "1.OC4/. ROY MAKf;S GOOD" Sl)CCI.II Kiddie Fcn_ore ~ "cry Wednesday, 4 i»a 1\1. Frulny, Jmuu,r, 1.')1" Salurday, January 16th MAlty ASTOR "SlIulrt WOII UlIl " I Malinees Dail" 2 P. M, ' E · 79 THEATRE Chester,Pa. TREMENDOUS "Possessed" VAUDEVILL E SHOW SHEET METAL WORK -ROOFING Copper Spoutings and Flashings MATINEE AND EVENING "GOOD SPORT" with WOODWARD, JACKSON & BLACK Inc Swarthmore '43 Every Thursday, Friday & Saturday In Addition to the Feature Picture Prices on labor and materials are lower than ever before." 333 Dartmouth Avenue TANLEY 5 Completp. Shows Snlllrdoy JOAN CRAWFORD CLARK GABLE Unlimited Free Parking ° Hope to Clear $1000 For Employment Relief Fund By Means of Second Annual Dance; Auxiliary Women Busy I Fe" Clulngcs in l ...in(·ul' lor Conling Y('ar; Lf''YIi~ I(cllluinH Safely Head S\\ .lrthmore s Se{ (Jill! \TlIIl1il1 \mcn- Bro\\Il. III clJ.lrgc of tla sale of hckets, I t.: III 1.t.'J,!11I1I Chanh B.tll \\ 111 hc hdd h\ () .llrs Charlcs I>ra\o, dccoratlOlls; llrs t \\llk ... IrollJ tOJllght J.lIl1l.lr) 291h. III Gcorgc F Corse, and ~Irs J. Paul the III lin dUlln!! ruolll of ParrIsh Hall, Bro\\ n, rcf reshmcnts; Rohert E SharpBorough council l1Iet I.lst 1 hursd.l) S\\.lrthmore ('ollt.'gl 1..lst H'ar the ha1l, It'S, )Jubhclt). Georgc P 'Varrcll, poste\ ClUllg With Leollard C \shlon presld : \\ ludl \\ .IS hcld III the .IlUhlorllllll oi the George F Corse, music IIIg for the first tlllle SlIlce IllS decholll ~1.1T\ 1.\011 School, \\as till outst.lIldll1g UsI he 1 .1 cs all( I 10 II the \lclnlts or thl' Mt'ellllJ; 1I0use "hich Imllro\eS ItS ~ettmA' 'rIds "ork IIIdudcs a 1'1-.. Ie a tllIll1l .nll )Oaf( 01 manager!;, atld :\OfTs Pnce, Colonel Frank K II)Sproul LewIs, Pubhc Safct) cOllllluttee, i J1UmbH of Jal1lncse cherrl trees, d •• hUas .tnd UIS ,\Jong both Sides of thc \\.lJk to the \\ III prU\ ule .lIldUIOIJ.lI ",pal:e lor people \Vm. Sproul LeWIS, chairman: ILlrr) I front or the lIouse .Ire ro\\s of colored astors to Sit mil lIleet thclr I nClUls between .Itt .md :\olrs lI)att of Pelll1s)lvama :\Illitar\ Collegc, .lIld General Smcdle\ :\lillcr, J E GemeTl1u; :5e\\ .. r COlllllUt- I III.mcts Bfldg-c tahlc" \\111 also he I}rolJ.lrl111gtoll Butlcr, retired. whose son IS lee T. E IIcsscnbruch. ch.unn,lJI, I \ I '1,lco a student at Swarthmore College Tu'rner, and Joseph S Bates. I LIst \car m'arl) $700 \\a.;; turned o\er \ feature of the d.mcc wlil he the A requcst that Str,lth H.nen mellue Ito the fo.tmrg-cllc\ Relief LOllllmttec JIl decoratlollS The 11Igh celitngs and thgwcst of Chester road hc pa\ed \\as madc Borollg"h hall .IS .1 rcsllit ot the I-.'Iu..: tre.lslITer details Other lIlel11hen. of the comnl1tspirited mUsIc .U1d there \\ III be sOllie enAn old questIOn \\.1s UlICc mor.c ~Ir 1·.Itoll ol'tllul hI-. fllll.lrks In p.I">"tIIg ,Iround I.:OI)les ot a ch.lrt \\!lIch lin arr.lIlglllg for the d,lIIce arc J P.llIl tI:rt,1UUl1ent feature dUflllg the e\Cllmg brought up \\hell an appeal was filed by shO\\ld th.1I til tilt S\\.lrthlllofl Schnnl Illslnct" IIlcnmc dollar, 75c canll' Tickets will he placed 011 sale wlthm counCil for Joc Celm, fJ.lrk .lll'IIlIC, .ISf..:- 110m loc.d t Ixe .. 11e trolll tllt st.ltl IPl'rtlpn.ltJoll, .11)(1 Ilc from tUItIOn Dill' the ncxt fcu d.t) s and may he purchased mg"jfCnlllss]OIl to bUIld III ... store out to t.:lut COlllts If(ltlI Illllflst .111r1 Ollt.' CllIl Innll othlr sOlirCts froll1 .Uly lIlemher of thc LegIOn or at the SIdewalk lmc ThiS pcrmlSSlon has 01 tht CXJllllsl dnl1dr ~Ir I ItOIl tXl)l.lllled th.lt Sic \\Clll tor 1II.:~tructIOll'l ?J( ltlr gtIII r.11 lIutl.l\ 3c lor genl'ral control. Bc for deht stf\'ICl .)uc fixed / central pomts 111 the buslllcss district Ileen re I usC( I b} COlIllCI I SC\ era\ t II1lt.'S III -I • 7 I I ' I c11.1rgl':-' . k tor 1It.llllhll" ('hf .. If 1 rllilr! ill)(1 11'" ,or. (I \ lIh ,,11 r I 11l1rt" \ liS" rlt .. tru t ... III !)l'I.I\\.lrc ("llIllt\ tor ](.20 In 1931 I t)r ...... 'ni7~'.itlll:. Plan BalUfuct )'Irs \Vllhalll I oJ \11 .. lIut lane \\ III ~OOIl he petltlollul hy ("u"l1-- _ ~~-- _ _ ~~ I I.'. ; •.u.!~""?" I •'. :_, I I III rC ,ruar,' cil to cooperate With the Plu.ulclpua l)'''lnct \:0 of~II1J.,l.l\lld lllt.:fe.lst.' 1'J20 H I~atl'ot l.txH.ltCOII Johnson, :'I.lr 11hal11 H Electrtc Company III havmg tree::. trnnI ()20 1'J2(, JI).11 .\mount 't \"Sl'sSlllt F'ullValuc LandiS, Capt al 1, 111 med along thc strcct I C"I1I11"d.lh H 2(, 2(, 11'-:; 7~ \()<, Ill', CLOSE PRODUCTIVE YEAR Curdy, Dr. and Mrs ELeroy ..\lerct:l, \t present the hmbs ot the trccs 11l- (~h 1101':./ 331.j'J( 77:3 '''h.lt \\as prolloulIccd the most pro- PittIngcr, ~rr and Mrs F l\1 ScllClble), dan~erofl;reaklllgdownall\eJvlreorl:\lt.:dl.t 12 I:; 1(, -l .H /I SO', ti ~Ir VIctor I) Shirer, II r and Mrs R causmg a s 10rt CirCUit and alten cnt Ill-I ~Iortoll n 2-l 30 7 .10 -lOU, /1 ! Chestcr Silencer, ~fr and 1\1 rs Elfie S tcrnlllted Sef\lcc for home:. III that see- :\ tl Pr(l\lIltllll X Ih 20 12 1:;1) (,fl7.l', 13 1 1 SI.roat, II rs r A Stockton, ~Ir and lion l{e~l(lenb alollg thiS Side of the l: 1e' ,3 I' 'I)', III ~ BIIsmcss .lIen's ASSOCiatIOn mectlllg .tt )():l J1 .., ~ ~[r~ Carroll Tha)cr, :'I.Jr cll1d Mrs J strcet hal e heen .lp]le.lit.'tl to f or llenllls- :\of\\llod \--, _. -. 3', , - t I the Strdth H.l\cn 11111 \Vedllesday eve- \rcher lufIler, Dr and Mr:.. J Ellery slon to trnn the trees 1hl:. has not heen H.HlIl' )I.lrk 2, 23 (, ., U)()' n 1 mllg )J Cn offic('r:-. elected to (hrect the forthcommg, however, and now borough Rlltlul~l IX 20 21 1 )(1Y.l -ltl' 8;'., I \SSOCl3tlOll (lurmg 19.12 arc Jo. :\1 Tuttle, lrr and ~Irs j 1I0r.lce '''alter, counCil \\111 .Hld Ih \OICC to the reqllest ~prlllgildd 1-117 20 (, -l) -lOt, 8 Dr and .llrs George \V \Varren, llr Buchner, prcsulcnt; Clarles \ Smith. that properh O\\IHrS Ileumt the trees to ~\\.II thlll{lrt 21' 211/ 2(, -II ~I -III' 10 LOlliS \V \Vhedock, llr and :\Irs E I \ ICC prcsHllIlt, Robert I SIJ.lT))les, sec- P Ycrkes he trmlllled I ret.lr} . and Charlc:-. mack. treasurer • I • • I • IIIl tl til tolX r Itt I-. till 1I1111111tl 01 111111 ... flllUlrul to) ra'''l thl "'UIII IIlldc.:d The ne\\ prcsl(lellt'~ fir!lt act 'las to all\(Ir . . tlltH.I ... II tht ,IS~lsslllt.'lIt \\trt IIlO', (It the estlllMtcd \alue '1 !JIb tilt .'ich()('lj POlllt the lol1ow1l1g comlluttcc to arJUNIOR SECTION BICENTENNIAL COI\I. lclX 11\ S\\ lrtll11.ofl tor till School \t.lr PHI t? \\.b 2(, mills \"St.' ..... lIll.:lIt:-. rellrc- r.lIIge for the second ,lIlIIlIal banquet ot TO MEKI' TONIGHT ) ot .lclu.1 I \.ttl..:, "llltul ·W', 01 11111 ,.llm II ,ISSl"sllllnl:-. h.ul rel'resclltullO{', I Tut:sda) e,cllll1g the JUlllor Section \ \ !'tsoelatlOll SOIllC tUlle 111 Fchruary I tiC I lIt 2/-, 1IlIIIIl\' "tluld 1I.I\t 1.l1"l:d thl sllllt: ,Imount 01 IIHlIJe\ I'or the )1ur- CI JarJt:~ Ilarker I.lnc S Spro,lt, H B of tht S\\.lrthmore \Voman's Club enThe Georgc 'Vashlllgton Blt.:cntt.'111l1y lme With slOlIlar steps ht:lIIJ.t takCll mCf tl the \ssociatlOlI SOU\CIlIIS from the ~Irs John Dlchl, of Lan~do\Vnc the entire country to provldc pagcants TABLE II stnn ... "en gl\ell to c\er)Olle prcsent ~Ir" Pmn Koo Park, of Chester, tolrt and celebratIOns 111 every commullIty m ~h(l\\llIg thl I'.IX R.lk tl)r School Purposes togdhtr "Ith thl: T\\11 I \rglst land an cntert.llTlmg progr,un "as offerof SOI1H: 01 thc Korean Folk Lore kt:eplllg With the I!lccnlt.'1lI1J t1 ttn" lit II 1) lr JI .l .. dtHI nt l his tor IlIslrudlolJ.l1 ~ll\IU ~(,:htUII \l'.lr (..' ( 1 ,1111 ... }t.'.lr's plans c.dl for an evci{e,l(llIIgs of Itahan pOCIUS ,,,cre \VJllI3TU R Lamhs. hllrgr ... s, 15 .lctlll~ gS program \dlTch Will III c\er) \\a)' gl\lll b) III1I \frs 11artha Dohne)er, of as chairman of the COlllllllttce at the I t'xcell that of 1931 LallsdO\\ue Th'rd and Four~h Class Dlstrlcts, Delaware County present tmlC hal Ill/.:' bccn apllomted II) I (ColltuZllcd 011 Pag" SII'; I Katllcrmc \\'arrcn played three plano those headlllg the 1ll00cmem III \V.lsJlIlI!.{ s· 1I0(l1 I 'x III ~ I Ills 1) .. lrHI Instructional S,lllfll" :\0 01 PUPIl!!; -----------------~ selcctlons ton I 'II Ul: ill r II: lehlf I lIIplnH d Pl r Ilal:hl'r I TO HOT SPRINGS Groups 01 Czechoslovaklall, Irish amI ~lllId,..,l ~1111.-IJ.{l French folk dances "crc presented b)' FEW COMI\IliNICADLE 2() I :;Xfl 10 215 l\ dhllg'I ..lll 26 se' cral IIll mhcrs of the club DISEASES THIS '- EAR I) lrll\ 31 ItI 1712() lSYh 23 211 1'1(,,1 7 1/6 1l,l\tr!ttrd I~ '} hc absencc of l:()lllllltllllcahk dl"'c Ise:-. I." 1.. 110\, lit SWARTHI\IORE TO MEET 23 7 2/l Z141 19 111 S\\arthlllorc tl11~ u mler IS an outDELAWARE AND P. M. C. Ii, lX':J() X ~I dlol 22 stancilllg- as their {In \ ale lice \\.IS last , t hl r I' 0\ Itl IH t 20 I TONIGHT AND SATURDAY b3S I" II.! IS lear at thiS tllllC In the IMst threc 13 1/ 2211 h rinol I~ months scarcd\ .1 h II t dozen COnUIlUIl1 23 21 HlIlIl\ 1\lrk I~II The S\\arthmore basketball team will 18 cahle ohtalllt·(j 11\ d1\Hhng- the total t·xpendltl1fl. tor Library Assn. I\lecting 1 he \Voman'::; Christian 0111011 of 11 " rut t 1011.11 .. 11 Ir". s In the lll1mbe r ot t eadlc.:r... l mploH d '1 hc total lIIc1ude ~ I Delaware County held Its annual meeting ~ rh.. nt snpt f1111t !ltlt II.... sUI)e T\ Isors, pflnclpals prlllClpals' clerks and as- I s.d The annual meetmg of the S\\.lrthmorc I I I I t 111 thc Lansdowne Presbyterian Church Library ASSOCiation wllI be held ~lon- slslallts .tntl tt ,Il Iil r.. Tht hgun' IS the a\eragt' tl'ac Illig- sa an )l us t IC co'> 1 toda) Cne of the speakers was Mrs D. day, january 25 III the T.lbran rooms of ot "lIl'l f\ 1~1011 and dt neal aS~lstaI1Cl' tor l'ach tl acher George Earnshaw, one of Swanh. 1 L COIVIIl, prc::.ident of the New Ynrk '~.1. Borough hall The purpose ol the meet- I I ht lIg'ult lor llllUlIl1l ..J. \\ as ohlalHul In tin I~';I':--Cla",s ·Ih. Prints, 2 Ibs.. . .17c aic.,- Havana-Cuba and Nassau in Every Da,. Spring Legs Lamh . . . . . . . . . 23c Bahama Islands." Shoulders of Lamb . . . . . . . . 14c ~{j.sh Elh~l R. D?CIO~, a P.r7'bylerian An opportunity to .ave DD the beneIOe MISSionary to MeXICO. IS arnvmg from N k La h ficial Battle Creek Health Foods. ec m. . . . . counlry on January 15. Miss Jean 1 2 0 PAR K A V E N U E Lacto Dextrin 12 oz. size 89c La.cto Dextrin Fresh Sausage. .19c Doctor, her sister, has gone to New 5 tL size $4.75 Blaok P.yUa 12 0" 89c . Scrapple .. . .... 10cl ::=======~====; Frllnklin S u g a r . " Food FerriD bot. $1.10 We Cat"ry the Complete Line 10 lb. Bag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45c CHARMING ATMOSPHERE Luncheon 12 to 2 MARGUERITET.BYE,R.N. WesBon Oil, Pint Can and Franklin Cran. Sugar 10 It. bag 44c Fryiug Pan, Both. . . .29c STUDENT SERVICE Dinner 6 to 7:30 Private Duty a1ld Hourly Chll"e &. Sanborn Keebler Saltines pail 290 Nursi.lIt SUNDAY PERFECT COFFEE Coffee, lb. Can. . . . .35c PHONE Swarthmore 122-R Brookfield Swift Brookfield Royal Gelatine. . Breakfast 9 to 11:30 SwiftButter FRESH CIGARETTES Eggs Assorted Flavors, 3 Pkgs•... 25e '==============1: 33c It. 33e do%. Dinner 1 to'4 Shoe .Peg Corn 2 Cans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19c MARTEL BROS. Comont Coffee tb 23c Oatmeal, Quick Cooking INTERESTING WEEKLY RATES A Sur-prise Is III Store For You 3 Pkgs • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c Toilet Paper, 1000 Sheet "'Our Own" Coffee tb 17c SPECIAL PLAITERS FOR SMALL CHILDREN Roll, 4 Rolls . . . . . . . . .19c Sultan Delight Coffee tb tin 29c Phone, Sw. 1225 An Excellent Breakfast Coffee Tartan Tomato Juice May We Take Your Order for Real Muhlenberg Ave. Rutledge 3 Tall Cans. , .. .. Freeh "From The Neat" Egg. doz. 43c Tea Room Cakes - Pies and . Pure Preserves, Tartan, lh. PIANO TUNING Sunbeam Tomato Juice can ISc Jar, Raspberry or Peach. SandWiches Regularly 18c 20 years experience with ali makes. , Mayonnaise You will Welcome This Health Drink Pint Jar. Member of Nat. Asso. of Piano Tunel'8. All Pianos should be tuned twice each! Sunbeam P-€.aDut Butter Ib jar 19c ye.r. I 0 Sunbeam "Santa Clara" Prune:.:. 25c 3 'Da. A. L. PARKER large Media, Pa. Sunbeam reg. 25c Swartlt. 1441 Phone Media 831 12c Itt Fancy Head Rice, 3 Ib carton Salad Shrimp can t5c MEMORIALS Wm. J. Cartledge s~ring $ 47,597.06 THE SWARTHMOREAN I TO MEET MONDAY = == Over 70/0 With Safety OMPAtIY • IS, 1932 &; 290 It. pkg. 10c can lOe W.-Sunbeam Bartlett Pears 3 for 6Sc Montco-S. &. W.-5unbeam Halve. ,. Sliced Peaches 20e Ig. can 3 for Me Blue Anchor Ginger Ale 3 qt. boL 54c.. PI... dep. Sliced 0" Crushed Pineapple Ig. can 3 for Me Montco-S. ,. W. B .....d SERVICE WITH A SMILE I THE" SWARTHMOREAN THE SWARTHMORBAN JANUARY 15, "t932 were held on Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock, conducted by Rev. Barton A beautiful scrvice of Scbubert's B. Bigler, minister of Flagler Memorial music bas been prepared ~y the choirfor of Presbyterian Church, Interment wa. the Swarthmore PresbyterIan church Vespers this Sunday at 4 :45 P. M. Mr. Kneedler will open the service with the first movement of the Unfinished Symphony. The choir selections will Published Every Friday at Swarthmore, Pa. Robert E. Sharples, Editor and PublUher Phone Swarthmore 900 S.,rvioo of Mmir Entered as Second Clus matter, January 24, 1'29, at the Post Office at Swarth- jncJude: liThe Omnipotence," and "The more, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Lord is my Shepherd," two very beautiful examples of Schubert's art found in chota) music.' FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1932 Everyone is cordially invited to come. •• JANUARY 15, 1932 made at West lAurel HiU ,c_IAL student delegate to the \Vorld DisarmWELCOME AWAITS YOU Checking Account started here. ament Conference in Geneva in Febl'IRBT CHURCH OP CH1UST SCIENTIsT •: ruary. ". ! :. OP SWARTHMORE • Af!er very sahsfYlI1g IJlterviews with PaT][ Avenue Below Harvard 5 :: PreSident Hoo\'er and Senator Borah Services: 5 : 11:00 A. M.-Sun~ 8*001. two o~ !he students from the School :: 5 11:00 A U.-Sundal Lesson-Sermon _.Of ~~h~I,?,u..s E~ucation called On Rep :. 8 Wednesday eVening meeting each Week P,~!'!:. Beidlng room open dally es~pi " ,~}.ed~~·,.A., Collins, from Mis. ..........................................1.1.: SC~~~"ecI,%~~Olldays, 1 P. K. to 4 P. M., . ...fib It (if.'ail'tnan of the Houst: By Telephone 40 "SertJing S1l!tlrl"more Sillf!e 19fU1o.' AU are COrd1allY~ted to attend the ser,vlces and USe Ute P..,dl"g Room. I Specialists in the making and fitting of Eyeglasses and Spectacles_ JOSEPH E. HAINES, •• SHEET METAL WORK-ROOFING Copper Spoutings and Flashings Prices on labor and materials are lower than ever before." WOODWARD JACKSON & BLACK In ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;;;;;;~~ I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ChurchNews =11 = = 'r'h_ ",' COKE-.BUCK Bedst-de : 1 M essenger i. $9.50 Per Ton_Cash I :.' Correspondence 5 5 · . · . !----------------- I 5: ·:: 5 i :: · · . : 5. Annual Meeting of the Library ASSociation Pri~e Van A1en" Brothers COAL HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE :: :: .:: Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company TIlE SWARTHMOREAN 5 Township ot Upper Darby. 1n the County hundredths feet, meaaW'ed south eat,.... lot Delaware and State of peIUleJ)vaula eJaht dm.... IIIlrty mlnute.. 'orty 8OCcontaining In front or breadth OD the sal onds weet from the aoutbweeterJl' ala.e of Berkeley road sixteen feet and eatendlDg of that width In length or dej)~ northward Long Lane. 7232 RadbOurne road. between parallel 11De& at right angles to Improvements cons18t of two-atory atone. to the University Museum to observe the said Berkeley road eJghty feet, Includ- brick and stucco house, 18X28 feet. Porch lng on the rear thereof a certain sIXteen front. Two-story stone, stucco '9and brtck the Egyptian exhibit. Afterwards re- feet wide driveway. a' freshments were served at the home Under and subject to certain building f the teacher, Mrs. Johnson, of 5823 restrictiOns and con<11tlol18. a\erford Avenue. The party was taTogether with the free and commOn ken III cars driven by Mr. Beckford, use, rlRht, Uberty and J"'lvllege of the aforesafd driveway as an tor a driveway, ~Ir, Polk, and Mr. Bonsall. passageway and water COUl8e at aU times .Delealter forever, in common wltb the owners. tenants and occupiers at the other lots at ground boundlng thereon and enDr. Ryan to Sprak titled to we thereof. ••• Subject to a mortgage of $3500.00 reAt the regular dinner meeting of the duced. to $3000.00. Parents' association of The School in Rose Valley, to be held in Bond Hall, Swarthmore College, on Friday, January 15th, at 6:30 P. M. the principal speaker will be Dr. W. Carson Ryan, Jr., formeriy Professor of Education at Swarthmore College and now Director of Education of the United States Indian Serv- addlt10n. 10xl2 feet. Baaement garase. Sold as the property of WilUam B. WlllJa and Elsie hili wife. Conditlons---$250.00 cash or certl1ied check on day of sale. balance in ten days. Further conditions announced. at sale. JOHN B. McDONOUGH AND JOSEPH J . DUDLEY. Attorneys. Fieri Facias No. 210 September Term. 1931 All that certain lot or piece of ground Improvements consIst of two-story stucco with the build.1ngs and Improvements and brick bouse. 18X33 feet. Porch front. thereon erected. Situate In the Township Basement Barage. . of Springfield, County of Delaware and State of Pennsyl\'8nta. being the northwNt Bold as the property of Henry O'Calla- one-balf of Lot No. 298 on ihe plan of lots ghan. mortgagor. Viola A. Jobnson. wife called Springfield. Section four. which said of E. David Johnson, real owner. plan Is duly recorded at Media. PR .• in Plan Case 3, page 2. and described according Condltl0ll8-$250.00 casb or certified check thereto 8IJ follows, to wit: Beginning at a on day of sale: balance In ten days. Further ,point on the northeasterly side of OreenhUl conditions announced at sale. avenue Cforty feet wide) at the d18tance of two hundred and seventy-flve feet north JOHN B. MILLER. Attorney. seventy degrees twenty mInutes and 11ft}' seconds west from the Intersection of tbe northeasterly side of OreenhUI avenue with Levari Facias No. 1303 the northwesterly 81de of Midland road (forty feet Wide). Conta1n1nR In front or September Term, 1931 breadth on the said side of GreenhllJ avenue north seventy degrees twenty mlnutes All that certain IDt or piece of ground fifty seconds west twenty-five feet and exwIth the bulldlngs and. Improvements tending of that wldtb In length or depth thereon ereoted. situate on tbe south 51da north nineteen degrees thlrt,.·nlne minutes of Berkeley road at the dJstance of five ten seconds east between parallel l1nes at hundred and twenty-eight and one right angles to the said Greenhll] avenue one-hundredths feet westward from one hundred feet. the west side of Church Lane, In the Township of Upper Darby. in the County No. 29 Greenhill road, Springfield, PR. of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania: containing In front or breadth on the said Improvements consist of two and oneBerkeley road suteen feet and extending half story stucco house, IBxlS teet. Twoof that width In length or depth southward story addition. 18%22 feet. Porch front. Ilotween parallel Ilnes at right angles to Garage, IOxl8 feet, the said Berkeley road eighty feet to the middle of a certain sixteen feet wide driveSold 88 the property of Walter G. Britway, tain and Ruth I. Brittain. - -- -. ice. The meeting, which will start at P ar I,lamcn t, Ott:twa, Ca na d a, WI'II b e th e 8 :00 P. M, is open to the public. speaker, Miss Agnes McPhail. She has About 120 pupils of thc 5th and 6th bcen so popular that she could not fill all ESTATE OF CHARLES H. STEPHENS, de. ceased. Letten testamentary on the grades of the Swarthmore Schools, ac- the engagements asked, 50 worked it cut above Estate have been granted. to the companied by twelltywfour parents and in this way, that al1 clubs rr.ay hear her. unde1'8igned, who requesta all pereons baving claims or demands against tho Estate five teachers, went to the University of The morning session, 10 :30, s h 0 r t of the decedent to make known the same, Pennsylvania Museum at 10:30 1 a s t talks, Round Table Discussion. From and ail persons indebted to the decedent to Wednesday morning to hear a lecture 011 12 :30 until I :30-a box luncheon and make payment. wJthout delay. to D. OWEN SIEPHENS, Robin Hood ill connection with the study special features in the social rooms of 4335 Dakota Street. Pittsburgh, Penna .• of Medieval History. The costumes, the Meeting House. Students of the Executor. settings, and the illustratIOns of medieval college will sen'e as guides to groups Or to his Attorneys IIDWIN A. LUCAS, Esq., life (including the tournament), in desiring to visit points of interest on DICKSON, aElTLER &: McGOUGH. Douglas Fairbanks' "Robin Hood", were the campus for the next half hour, At 1429 Walnut Street, PhUadelpbla, Pa. used as valuable visual aids in this lec- 2 o'clock an organ recital will be given ture. on the lIew organ in the lovely Clothier ESTATE ANNIE WYNN, deceased. Wllliam. Under and subject to certain bUilding CondltloJl6---$2SO.00 cash or eertlfied check on day of sale: balance in ten days. FUrther A. Wynn, Administrator, 234 KIngston restrictions. The teachers and pupils were particu- Memorial which will be followed by ah conditions announced at sale. Road. Upper Darby, HOward Kirk, Attorney, larty grateful to the twenty-four mothers address by Agnes McPhail. Together with the free Dnd common 302 County BUlldrng, Media, Pa. Notice is hereby gtven that Letters of use, right, Uberty and prJvUege of the said JOHN E. McDONOUGH AND JOSEPH J. and fathers who volunteered the use of :Mrs. J. Russell Smith, County chairDUDLEY. AttorneY5. Administration have been granted In the driveway as and for a driveway, p888agetheir cars to ta!ts should mark that mlnl.strator or his attorney. Subject to a mortgage of $3500.00 reAll those EeVl"n certain lois or pieces of Marjorie Kay and Miss Margaret L. date on their calerdar so that no conHictSHERIFF'S SALES duced to $3000.00. Rround kllo ..... n and designated as Lot. N08. Moore, Social Studies teachers, and Miss jog engagements will deprive them of at- ____.....:=:==:.::..:::...:===~ 141, 142. 143. 186. 187. 188, IS9. 100, 191 Kathryn Moran and Miss Henriette J. tendance. Improvements consist of two-story stucco and 102 on plan ot Drexel Hill Plaza, said SHERIFF SALES and brick house, IBx33 foot. Porch front. plall being recorded in Deed Book No. 412, Weber, English teachers. Basement garage. IlDg-e 624. ete Described as two lot8: 'l'he Brat. Of Real Estute thereof beg-inning- at a point. in the bllddle Une SEALED PROPOSALS as the property of Henry O'CallaSold World Affairs Session of Wayne avenue at the distance of 175 feet. At the Sheriff's Office Sealed proposals for the construction of ghan. mortgagor, Viola A. Johnson, wife southeast (rom the intersecUon of the middle a bundlng to be used by the Borough of of E. David JOhnson, real owner. Court House, Media. Pennsylvania line cf Wayne avenue and the middle line of for storage purposes and as a An open forum on World Affairs will Swarthmore work-shop w11l be received by Borough Condltlon.s-$250.00 cash or certltled check Greenhill l'oad containing in front. or breadth Saturday. January 30, 1932 be held in an all-day session on Monday, Council on the 4th of February. 1932, at on day of sale; balance In ten daYB. Further alone the said middle llne of Wayne avenue 7:45 P. M. conditions announced at sale. 160 feet and extending of tbat width In lenath February 15th, on Swarthmore College 9:30 o'clock A. M. Proposals must be accompanied by a or depth 135 feet. The second tbereof beEtn. Campus. It will be in the form of an certified cbeck. for 5~ of the amount thereJOHN B. MILLER, Attorney. nlng at a point. In the middle line of ConpeR Eastern Standard TIme of, and the successIul Bidder w1ll be re~ avenue at the distance of 125 feet. aoutheaat Institute and is under the Delawa.;.... qulred to give sufficient surety bonds satJOHN J. OAIN, from the Intersection of tbe middle line of No. 1299 1afactory to the Borough SoUcltor for the Levari FacIas County Federation of WomaB ,\ Clubs. Bheriff. Congress avenuo and the middle line of Green. of said Work, and guaranteeing Through the courtesy of the cotJege completion hJU road containIng in front or breadt.h aton" September Term, 1931 the payment of any and all labor and the middle line of Congress avenue 360 feet. authorities we shall spend the day there material entering tnto the said improve_ and extending of tnat width In lengtb or All that certain lot or llece of Bround SHERIF1' SALES ment. ilnd the Swarthmore Woman's Club will SpeCifications for the above work may be wIth the bulldIngs an depth 136 feet, improvements be the hostess club. procured In the offtce of the Borough Sec. thereon erected, situate on the north side SHERIP'F SALES All those five certail n". ~ ,,1 retary. Councll ChlUIlber. Park Avenue, of Berkeley road at the dtatance of five One of the most talented women Swarthmore. hundred and nInety·elght and seventyPa. ground "lth the buildln." II." .1 PItH eUlf'fl'< five one-hundreedths feet westward. trom Of Real Estate speakers, a member of the House of Council reserves the right to reject any thereon erected situate m I he 'l'u"- !Ishii> vi the west Side of Church Lane, in the and/or aU Bids Upper Durby. County o! L'llfl .... are aud State Townsbip of Upper DArby, In the County At the Sheriff's Omce ALBERT N. GARRETT. JR., ot Pcnnsyh'anla. one t.he.iro( '.1 th& aoutbclH!l of Delaware and State of PellllSylvanla: Borough Secretary. contaJoing side of Elm avenue at ! h dlSI wee of on!: EXCEPTIONAL VALUE In front or breadth on the said. Court House. Media. Pennsylvania hundred foot. southwest", ll"d II (jl I lhl'! _f,uth Berkeley road sixteen teet and extending Sale $7500. Firot mortgage $5,000. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE of west side of Miller avenu" conl .. !Ll, 10; til iJ"{oIol Saturd.ay. January 23, 1932 that width In length or depth northward Rent $55. Detached, modern, 7 rooms, SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND between parallel Unes at rIght angles to • or breadth on the said Elm avenue twent,.four feet and extendin" of that width in COMPANY OF SWARTHMORE. the said Berkeley road eighty feet, Includ9:30 o'clock A. M. hot wate.. heat, automatic hot water TRUST length or depth aoutheaat.ward between parcll. IN THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. A'r Lng on the rear thereof a certain slxt.een heater, 2 car garage. THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON DECEM- teet wide drIveway. Eastern Standard 'rime lei lines at right aug-Ies to tbe said Elm aveBER 31, 1931. nue. tbe northeast Une being Dinety·three and WM. S. BITTLE Unaer and SUbject to certaLn building Alias Pierl Facias RESOURCES No. 847 thirl¥·seven one·hunll.rWths teet. the southLoans and discounts .......... $ 889.257.10 restrictions and conditions. Swarthmore 111·J west Une nlnely-tb!'efl and forty.t.hree oneDecember Term. 1930 .......... . ......... . 489,23 hundrelJths feet. aDd on the rear twent.y~four Notary Public Real E.tate OVerdrafts United States Government seTogetber with the free and common lcot; one other thereof on the said aide at c\UIties owned .............. 401.237.50 USe, right, liberty and pr1vUege of the said .All tllat certain lot or piece of ground Elm avenue at the distance of one hundred driveway 85 and lor a driveway, passage- with the buildings and 1tnprovements and twentY-lour Other bond.s, stocks, and sefeet southwestwa.td from tbe Let me write your Automobile curities owned.... .......... 171,333.98 way l\nd water course at all tlmes hereafter thereon erected sttuate In the Township of said flouthwesi side of .MIller avenue, contaln~ forever, In common wIth the owners. ten- Upper Darby. County of Delaware and Banking house ....... $ 95,4t4.45 Insurance in the Old Reliable Furnltwe and Fixtures 20,932.55 ants and occupiers of the other lots of State of Pennsylvania. descrIbed aCCOrding Ing in front. or breadth on the sald Elm ave. ground bounding thereon and entitled to to a survey and plan thereof made for nue twenty·four feet and extending' of that In.~rance Company of North Ileal e"tate owned other than 116.347.00 the use thereeof. . width in length or depth southeast.ward beJames J. AndrIen,OnbyJanuary Damon 25, and1926. Foster. Civil Engineers. as ''''een parallel Jincs at right angles to the banking hO "'e 1598261 at a avenue point on(forty the eastAmerica. Subject to a mortgage of $3500. 00 re-, (ollows: erty sideB .... ""8finnlng Madison teet Said Elm avenue on the northeast line ninetyReserve wIth Federal Reserve duced to $3000.00. Wide) at the distance of two hundred five tbrae and fOf\!.y·three one-hUndredths teet, on the soulhweat line ninety·three and. torty-nlne c!tn:nCi Improvements consist of two-story stucco anddl eleV,en one-hundredths feet south- onc·hundredths and on the rear' twenty_ OU Id ch ,-war y rom southwesterly sidesaid of four feet; one feet ts e ec... and .0h er CDS h and brlck house, 18lt33 feet. Porch t ront. Parkvlew road, the as originally laid out. other thel"6of on t.he eald Items .................. 2,771.73 Basement garage. point being also at the distance of one southeast side of Elm avenue at 'he dlat.ance Redemption fund with U. S. hundred seventy-nine and seven one~ of onc hundred and fOrLy-el&,ht. teet south. Treasurer Tr and due from U. S. Sold as the property of Henry O'Calla- hundredths teet southwardly from the west.ward from the said BoUthwest. side of APARTMENTS FOR RENT easurer ..........•......... 2,500.00 ghan. mortgagor, Viola A. Johnson, wife POint of curve of a circle formtng a corner Miller avenue eontairung In froot or breadth Other assets ................. ' _ _-=.17::3::,1::3 of E. DavId Johnson. real owner. of said MadisOn avenUe and Parkvlew road on the said Elm avenuc twenty-four feet. and tal 714 794 $ 12 C d .1 "~~ 0 'I' k as a recent plan4.at1928. saidcontaln_ Damon extending- of t.hat width in length or del)lh To .. . . .. . ............... 1. , . on i O~5.00 cash or eer :LIed cbec andshown Foster.ondated February Elmore Aput'tments--No. on day of sale; balance In ten days. Further I I , southeastward between parallel lines at rl,ht LIABILITIES 201 Elm Avenue, Swarth. Capital stock paid In .......... $ 125,000.00 condltlon-'I announced at sale. :M:d:Onro:;e~~ebr:~~~!fn:o~~bd r::n~ angles to the said Elm av(!.ll1,le on the northSurplUS . ............ ......... 150,000.00 degrees, three minutes, twenty seconds enst line nmety·three aqd forty·nine one-huD,' more. 4 and 5 rooms and Undivided prOfits-net .. ,..... 67,348.62 JOHN B. MlLLER, Attorney. West sixteen feet and extending of that dred.ths feet. and no Ihe southwest line ninety. hath. Hot water heat, janiReserves for Interest, taxes. and Width In length or depth eastwardly Ihree and fifty·four one-hundredths feet aDd LevarI Facias No. 1300 between parallel llnes at right angles to 011 the roar tWenty·four feet: ooe other thereot other expenses accrued and tor service. Under new unpaId . . .. ............... 11,000.00 the satd Madison avenue. the northerly and on the Bontbeast sIde of Elm avenUe at the management. Rentals reCirculating notes outstanding.. 48,74000 September Term, 1931 southerly lines of satd lot passing through ill.tance of onc hundred and ~venty-two teet Due to banks. Includlng certlthe mtddle of the party walls of a~olnlng southwestward from the sout.hwest. side of duced. Ideal location. ned and cashiers' checks outAU that certain lot or piece of ground bulld1ngs one hundred feet to the centre Mliler avenue ('ontaining in front or brea.4th standing ....... ............. 15.722.92 with the bUildings and improvements line of a certain ten feet wide driveway the said side of EIJIl avenue t.Wenty-four Demand deposits .... ......... 667.229.07 thereon erec;ted, slt\lQte on the south side extending northwardly Into Parltvlew road on feet. and extending of that width in lenlr'h I, CRAS. A. SMITH-Agent Time deposits ...... " .... ,..... 312,045.51 of Berkeley road at the distance of nve and southerly Into Lathrop road. (BeIng or southeastward between parallel linea Bills payable and rediscounts... 317,'108.00 hundred and ninety-two and one Lot No. 12 and hOuse No. 163 Madison ave- at depth rlg-ht mlg-IEs to the said E]m avenue on or your own broker one-hundredths feet westward from nue). Total ....................... $1,714.794.12 the west side ot Church Lane, in the . the northcllst line ninety-three. and fifty-four State of Penna., County of Delaware, 53: Township of Upper Darby, in the County Improvements consist or two-story stone one·hundredths feet. on the southwest. Une I. E. bank, S. Sproat, CashieT swear of thethat above· of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania; and stucco house, 16x42 feet. Stucco garage. ninety-three and tiny.ntne one-hundredths feet named do solemnly the II j:ontaining 10 front or breadth on the said hIS feet. and on the rear twenty·four feet and tbe reo above statement is true to the best of my Berkeley road sIxteen feet and extending maming other thereof Belrlnning at a point. OD knOWledge and beUef. E of that width In length or depth sOlJ,thwarU Sold as the property of Arthur Colaprete the said southeast tude of Elm avenue at. lhe dISt3Jl('e of onc hundl'Cd and ninety.six feet between parallel lines at right angles to and Jean, his WIfe. . S. SPROAT. Cashier the said Berkeley road eighty teet to the southwestward from lhe said southwest aide SubscrIbed and sworn w before me thl8 mIddle of a certain Six.teen feet w1de driveavenue. thence extending south 8th day of January, 1932 way. Condltlons-$250 00 cash or cenlfted check of Millerde(l1'ees. twelve minutes, forty.sis: CRAS. A. PARKER. tll1 day of sale: balanCe in ten days. Further S~vcllty SWARTHMORE ICE CO. seconds east on a hne at right. angles to the Notary PubUc conditions announced at sale. Under and subject to certain building (Seal] saul 1::lm avenUe ninety·three and fifty.nlne 210 DartmoutLAve. JOHN E. .McDONOUGH and JOSEPH J. one·hundredths feet to a Doint. thence extend. My Commission Expires March 9th, 1935 restrictions. Swa.894 Correct-Attest: ing south nmeteen degrees. thirty~nine min. DUDLEY. Attorneys. Together with the free and common J. EVERTON RAMSEY, utcs. fourteen seconds west on II line parallel use. right, Uberty and prlvUege of the W. E. KISTLER, with tho said Elm avenUe eight and ninety. aforesaid c:lrlveway as and for a. driveway, Pied Facias de Bonis et Terris No. 849 eIght V. S. POWNALL, one.hundredths feet to a point. t.hence and water course at all times H. ,J,EY Directors passageway extendIng south sixtY·five degrees forty-seven December Term. 1930 hereB!ter forever. In common with the mmutes t.hlrty·nine seeonds west. twentY'one owners. tenants and occupiers of the other Electrician of ground bounding thereon and enAll that certain lot or J'lece of ground and sixty·t. wo one.bundredtha feet. to a point: REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE lots 'With tbe bUildlIlg!j: an Improvements thence extendmg north sevenI.)'" deg-rees. twelve TRUST DEPARTMENT OF SWARTH- titled to use thereof. Repair work and new installations thereon erected, sltv:ate In the TownShtp minntes. fortY-l!IX seconds west- on Q Uoe at MORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST Subject to a mortgage of flSOO.OO re- at Upper Darby, County of Delaware. State right ang-Ies to the said Elm avenue seventy. CO:MPANY. LOCATED AT SWARTH- du~ to $3000.00. of PennsylVania. and described according eight and five one·bundredthlJ fee, to the said PhoneSwa.4ZS. MORE', PA .. AS OF THIRTY-FIRST DAY to a certain r,lan or survey thereof, made Elm avenue. thence extending' north nineteen OF DSCEMBER, 1931. Improvements consist of two-story stucco for .J. S. Moz no and Company, by Damon deg1'ces forly·seven minutes. fourteen seconda TRUST FUNDS and brick house. 18x33 feet Porch front. anct Foster. civil engineers, dated March (>l18t along the same twenty (our feet to the Mortgages ................... $ 43,400 00 Basement garage. 1928. and revised July 25th. 1928 and 9th. lllace o( beg-mninl'. ~III IIIIII 111111III III III II IIJIIIIIIIIIIII 111111111111111 /I /I /I /I II /III I/!li Other investments, etc. .......... 95,643.17 J AUgust 7th, 1928. as follows. Beginning at Gash balance .................... 8,938.43 Sold as the property of Henry O'Calla- a point on the southerly side of Ractbourne 37, 39, 41, 43. 45 Elm Avenue. Upver ghan, mortgagor, VIOI",- A. Johnson, wife road (fonner)y Berkley road) (forty feet Darby. PR. Total Trust Funds ... , ......... $14'7,981.60 of E. David Jobnson. real owner. wide) at the distance of one hUndrf'd Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. County twenty-six and fifty-nine one hundredths lmprol'ements cDllais' of (1st deecl'ipUon)_ of Delaware. as: Conditions $250.00 cash or certified check (eet eastwardly from the southeasterly side I, E. S. Sproat, Cashier of the above on day of sale: balance In ten days. Further of Clinton road (forty feet Wide) contaln- Five two-story houses. 16x89 feet each. Pordl. ArtUtic 80"..,. named Bank. do solemnly swear that the conditions announced. at sale. 1.n.g in front or breadth thence south tron,. Stucco ClU'a&-es. lOxI8 feet. each. Duigne4 and Built § above statement is true to the best of my seventy·one degrees, 1lfty-tbree mtnute. JOBN B. MD r:ga, Attorney. (2nd Uescrlption)-Vacant ~. east along the southerly side of Radbourne e 10 Meet e knowledge and belIef. (Signed) E, S, SPROAT. road fifteen feet and extending of that width in length or deptb south eighteen Casb1er. (ard descripUon)_Va~t ll'oUDd. IndifJidua' NBtNh ;; Subscribed and swom to before me this Levari Facias No. 1302 degrees, &even mlnutes west between DBretghth day of January, 1932. aUel lines at right angles to the satd. RadSold as the properV' of Stanley Zvll'ait.la. September Term, 1931 (Signed) CRAB, PARKER. E CRAS. E. FlSC.t;IER bourne road (passing through the middle ISeaII Notary Public, ~ of party walls on the west and the east) Conditions-t250.00 C88h. or cwtifled. cl1ecJt All that certaIn lot or piece of ground My Commission Exp1res MarCh 9th. 1935. feet to the southerly side of a on day of sale: balance in teD ~!I. FurUle:r with the buHdlngs and lmpro\'ements seventY-fiVe E 304. Dickinson Ave. ~ Correct-Attest: certain ten feet wide driveway which leads thereon erected, 81tuate on the north side 'Westwardly along the But Lfuwdowne bor- conditions annoUDoed al sale. (Signed) J, EVERTON RAMSEY. ~ S.... 3SS-W :; of Berkeley 1'ORd at the distance of flve OUgh (Signed) W. E. KISTLER, Une Into Clinton road and eastwardly JOHN E. McDONOUGH and J09BP-B .1. DUD hundred and elRhty-two and seventy- Into another (Signed) V. S, POWNALL. ten feet wkle drlveway whlch iLlIIllllllUIOnnRlllUlnllUUBUUlIHlIIBlIIIlIIHlnuuii LEY. AU~. "five one-hundredths feet, westward from Directors. the west side of Chureh Lane. In the eEtends northwardly into RadbourDe road. at a POInt. seventy-six and fifteen one... - Pupils Hear Lecture ___ ••• --------------------- <£<> E. C. WALTON •• •••• •••••• , due' irom' bankS.: :::: ~~:~~~:~~ I Fireplace Wood For Sale GEORGE KEf I I~ BUILDER; e !II ~ != JOHN J. CAIN. 8 _ , THE 6 JANUARY SWARTHMOREAN lS, 1932 I well as the customary illumination of During 1932 the Association will prob. . , . . . . . ,I, ab.1y sponwr everythjng .t~t was on their the streets. ~ :: Along·with·'the·progra~·of publ'i'c last rear'i .program as·-·W~1l ~.~~; events the Association has continually en- I new Ideas. .'. deavored to improve the service and qual, ily of merchandise handled by the stores ~IIIJUIDIRllllnIlIlIlIlIlIlJIJllIIJllJllIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIJIII!l1l . of the communitty. New high stand: -'.. 5: \ ards of window display have been estabY a lished and the loca.1 business men have c.~ become a more active part of the comFourth CI... School Di.trich, Delaware County ;;_ A general course in Girl Scout Troop munity than ever before. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ~oof School management will be given by Miss = Phone Media 174 iii Value of Property Gertrude Gold, of the Philadelphia ~ct School ELIZABETH KAUFMAN District iii School Property Free of Debt Field Staff at 'he Woman's Club on Deht in Dollars HAIRDRESSING "Serving Swarthmore = o/u Rank Saturday afternoons, February 6 and Located ill 136,330 238,000.00 4Z.7 8 Fehruary 13 from 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. Thomp,on'. Store, Morton. Pa. t\t~lan == Successfully Since. 1900" 114,424 IIS,OOO.OO.S 17 This course will cover Tenderfoot Chcsh:'r 'J'wp. Every Day Ellcept Saturday 195,150 370,000.00 47.3 7 and Second Class methods,-song3, Clifton Heights 3 Special. $1.00 -Fmished Laundry Servic_ : . 26S,ISO 454,713.00 41.7 9 games aud nature work and thc orCQlliugdalc 'Phone Swarthmore 1994-W ,.. III1UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIUUIIIIIJIIIIJIIJIIIIJllIIJllIIJIIIIIJIIIIIJI~ '333,074 37S,000.00 11.2 16 ganization of patrols and Court of Eddystone 198,919 ZSZ,SIZ.83 Z'J.6 13 Honor. GI.clI-Oldcn 664,089 I.U40,OOO.00 36.1 11 \Vhile this course is arranged for J.ansdowlll' THE THEATRE BEAUTIFUL 122,349 158,500.00 U.8 14 Girl Scout leaders and troop committee tower Chichlsu'r l31,02~ 624,500.00 63.0 J members, anyone is welcome who is 'f~~~~~~~ :-'lcdia 76,413 258,7S0.OO 70.S 2 over eighteen years of age and inter- I Xcthcr Providence 146.965 2'}O,468.31 49.4 S ested in working with girls. ~or\\'ood La~sdowne At.'enue and Baltimore Pike 254,001 J02,OOO.00 IS.9 IZ PrOSpl'ct Park 84,457 35S,OOO.00 76.2 1 Junior Assembly I{idlcy 'J'owlIshi)1 FRIDAY (TODAY ONLY SATURDAY ONLY 2.17,715 406,430.83 41.5 10 Sharoll Ili11 "SlDart WOlDan" 513,158 410,000.00 25.1 18 The hostesses for the elementary dancSprillglield JOAN CRAWFORD 306,177 608,609.00 49.7 4 ing class Saturday afternoon will be Mrs. With Swartllll1on' CLARK GABLE 12').IJ61 250,000.00 48.1 6 F. G. Gray and Mrs. L. C. Palmer. Tiniculil MARY ASTOR Hosts and hostesses for the evening "_______J:.:19,M22:_ _ _ _ _ _~39:..:8:c,OOO=.:..:0:c0_ _=1"_9.:..:6_ _ 15 Yeadon in "POSSESSED" ROBERT AMES classes will be: Intermediate, Mr. and I... 'fhis table rcfl.'rs to permancnt indchtcdlH.:ss outstanding ill the form 01 Mrs. E. P. Yerkes, Mr. and Mrs. MONDAY, TUESDAY-JAN, I8.h, 19th school honds and short term )O. .ATIUGH SCHOOL School•. in Other Cities While. Students Teachers Visit· Direet·Work Events on the Washington Bi· centennial Program· for Swarthmore during the year 1932 presented themselves in the ·following order at the meeting of the Bicentennial committee al Borough ball Friday evening. ' American Legion Charity Bait NEWE,PERIMENT HERt -Jan. • Ing , I 489. and for rent close to sta- Swa,:thmore Girl Scout Troops were en· tlon. Hot water heat. J. F. Terrells, 343 tertamed at luncheon 011 Saturday by Darlmouth Ave. 1 M r5. Frederick A. Childs. Those pres· n h I h-A rt cnt wcre Miss Gertrude Gold, field capFOR RENT urnis ed or unfurn s apa·. . . '\ G D Z' ment. Four rooms. bath and kitcheneUe. tall1 of the district, .1.\. rs. eorge . 1m· Rent reasonable.· Garage. 1&2 Pnrk Ave. Call mer, )'lrs. Rc.ss Marriott, :Miss Helen Swarthmore 1489 or 563. Van Tuy1, )'liss Rachel 1-ferrill, Miss "'OR HENT-Healcd garnoe at rear of 139 ),[~rian H ubl~ell, 11-1 iss )'lar~e Sairland, RUIl:E!l"8 A\·enue. Apply Albert N. Gorrell J )'lIss Katherine Isfort, MISS !o.Iartha Phone Swarlhm.ore 489 or Pennypacker 4442'jTaylor. Mrs. L. P. Lingle, and Miss PERSONAL ! Irma Zimmer. -I:' L.... r ________________ 1 ••• The monthly dinner and business meet.. ing of the Session will he held this evening at the Harvard Inn. The pastor and elders, ten in number, will be the guests of Elder Edward M. Boyd. Rev. Roy :M. Allison of China gave most interesting address on that cOlllltry, and missionary work and conditions there at vespers Jast Sunday, to a large con": gregation. Mr. Allison is working in same station in which js Rev. Dr. Hayes, president of the. North China Theological Seminary, who is the foreign mis... sioriary pastor of the Swarthmore b' Ch I yterJan ure 1 and supported by it. In the absence of Dr. Tuttle who of· ficiated at a funeral in York, the . \\Ied nes day eveOlng . wee k service was conducted hy Elder, Dr. E. Fullerton Cook. Thc Young people of .the church hold a union meeting with t be Epworth League t ti,e 'Ieth d' t Ch I S d a 1\ 0 IS urc 1, un ay evening, seven o'clock. Denny Jones of the Presbyterian C. E. is leader. II . "WAY BACK H()ME" l\fatinees Daily, 2 P. M. Evenings 7-9 Unlimited Free Parkin. Estl-I I --------....:..:.:.::=.----, • • • CONWAY REELECTED CmEF The Swarthmore Fire and Protective association started on another year this I week with the election of officers last I Thursday evening.· Dr. John B. Roxby MEDIA THEATRE A friendly gcsture to Swarthmore's Harold Ainsworth Post of the Amcri('on Legion marks the departure of Dr. William I. Hull, Swarthmore College professor and widely known pacifist, who sailed Wednesday for Geneva to attend the World Disarmament Conferen(!e.Dr. Hull is shown on the Library at Swarthmore College 88 he buys the first ticket for the LeKion's Second· Annual Charity Ball to he held January 29th at tho Collele, from Mrs. Cb ar Ies D ravo. w ife 0 f U eutenant~ C0 Ione I Ch arIC8 A• D ravo, prof e880Ji. 0 ( Military Science and Taetiu at the Unlve"lity of Pennsylvania. MATINEE DAILY AT 2:30 FRIDAY (Today) and SATURDAY pgRSONAlr-Ealthare SanitarIum-Mater· I Girl Scouts nlt~. L.','!'I!!IJs. convalescents. Reasonable., l'i,,·-'!':b:l I~I attendance. 135 Franklln A v e . ' . . MOl tu:. :..",.A.rthmore 2037. Troop (, hc:ld Its tirst mect1llg at the - - - - - - - - - - - 1 \\'oman's Ctub on Saturday morning, PEn~.n:.·lll -Dressmaking, remodeUng ond )january 9. "-liss Gcrtrude G91d, Field with :tlr(': ·.tl".1i by experienced modiste. Allj . " . f \\',JT.z.. ·':111,·;1 for and delivered. For any Captal1l of Dlstnct 6 took charge 0 DOROTHY LEE ~.lr .\\1.,%<.: tn dressmakIng call Chester the mecting. This new troop has alw . ready invested six girls, Nancy Price, ADDED SCREEN HITS PERSONAL-Old pine stairs recovered with i Louise Keatley, Ruth Lipman. Gencw 1. S. S. Van Dine's "A WEEK·END MYSTERY oak. Somerhalder & Scheible. Hardwood I deve Reavis Anne I ingle and Betty 2. Robert L. Ripley's "BELIEVE IT OR NOT" floors laid and refinished. Ridley Park, " U36-W. 658 Tenth Ave., Moore. Pa. Hayes. 3, Horace Heldt and HIS CALIFORNIANS mates furnished. ~Irs. Frederick Child, thc Captain, 4. AESOP'S FABLES HELP WANTED I is heing assisted by Miss Helen Van , I , ,. Tuyl, Miss Marien Hubbell, ~[jss Raw MONDAY and TVESDA Y Business Men Elect HELP WANTEO-SalesmaD for high grt.de chel Merrill and 1[iss Marise Fairauto oils and paints. Large eamtngs paid lamb, from Swarthmore College. BOOTH TARK II(GTON'S (Co,"iJUud /,Clm P(JfI~ ~:;"~'~na~~~~ce Refining and Paint Co., I ),1" rs. R. C. Dis(IUe will direct the singing and train the girls of this troop committee A reportconsisting of the Christmas of ElriG ~::;~:i~::!: I . WORK WANTED for the Song Festival. Jerry Martel and Robert E. with showed that all of the expenses RK WOd , WANTED-Experlen(;ed colored maid On February 26th the Girl Scouts of luminating the streets and the new LEON JANNEY es res pOSition. Sleep In Can furnlsh ' Swarthmore will take part in the Dis- munity Christmas tree could b"e~e;~~~~~ references. Call Swarth..'lOre '121. care of out of the Association's t WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY without making an extra assessment LIONEL BARRYMORE the members. Under the leadership of Jacob l\f,esch-I ter as president, the Business Men's sociation has had an eventful year. ginning with the dinner in honor local public officials and ending with illumination of the business district Conttnuous the new Community tree at C!~~~~~":,~~ 15. & 25e Perfonnance t i m e, the Association has s Daily something in the interest of the 10 1:00 P. M, 1:00 '0 II :00 P. M. munity with every season. Open at u::~·u This Show Only THEATRE Chester, Pa. At Easter-time, the Association I sored a campaign among their m<:ml,ers' 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. Daily to display more Easter merchandise and -Six Days Startinlf Todaydecorate their windows niore attractively. The officers of the Association also coThe Picture That Startled The World! NEW CONVENTION HALL ope~ated with The Suurtlullorean. in proPHILADELPHIA, PA. motmg an Easter Egg hunt for the chit. dren of the community on the College camI)Us. The Fourth of July program last year was largely sponsored hy the members 0f the Association who arranged a pro1·gra.1ll of interesting events lasting the Entire Change 5 Big Stage entire day. of Proa:ram I The big fall event in the Association's Shows Every Every p,rogram of activities was the HallowSaturday THEATRE Chester,Pa. Mon. & Than. I e en parade for the children. This.will 110 doubt become an annual affair. 1enirs were given by the Association' TODAY and TOMORROW! 1all. of the 300 children ~aking part and TREMENDOUS PClZCS were awarded thc winners. A few weeks after the Hallowe'en parw ade the Association assisted borough ~ouncil with the program for the openoffers the greatest engineering development of 109 of the underpass. Members of the Association cooperated by modern times their stores and E1ric S. Sproat and Worlds greatest Acts direct from NEW YORK ert E. Sharples served on council's Patented Floating Power mittee to arrange the program. : - - on the screen ---: With the approach of Christmas • • • Association exceeded their ~ representative of Hannum and Waite will he in attendance at previou3 years by inRuencing the co'lJel~ol the Plymouth Chrysier exhibit to greet friends and t I to provide a living Christmas tree in IN i usmess district which the iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~iiiic;u~s~o~tn~er~·~·iiiiiiii.JJb . . would· illuminate. This was JOE E. BROWN "Local Boy Makes Good" I THE 1932 AUTO SHOW I I The success and popularity of last The public is responding very well to year's Charity Ball sponsored by the the idea of having the dance in the colAmerican Legion is being reflected this lege dining room. This is an ideal place year in the immediate' response to the for just such an o,casion. The Hoor of " the big. • event sch e d • t h e room' is very good for dancing and s aI e of tickets.. W lth uled for one week from tonight in the the hallways and parlors will provide dining room at Parrish hall on the Col- ample room for bridge and for meeting lege campus, J. Paul Brown, in charge of and conversing with one's friends. the attendance says that many 'more ti.ckSeveral sufprises· in. the form of enets have been sold than at the same tIme 1 tertainment are heing arranged by the committee and the l'adio enterta;ners of last year. Additional plans for. decorations and last year will be rel.llcmbered with pleas• entertainment, not to mention the hiring ure· by many of those who attended the of George Alexander's band to provide I.first charity ball. the music, haye stirred interest in the The decorations of the room will be affair to great heights. The aim of the unusually effective and will consist priLegion to net $1000 from the dance, marily of silk Rags from 68 nations. which would be $300 more than last These will tUfn the room into a bazaar of year, is also responsible for part of the color against which background the dance enthusiasm. ;s certain to be a picturesque affair. During the past week tickets. have been The committee in charge of the dance placed on sale at nearly .all of the stores co~sists of George F. Corse, chairman, in the village and members of the Leg- Mrs. Charles Dravo in charge of decoraion and the AuxiliaO' are working each tions, Mrs. George F. Corse and Mrs. P. night to see that every resident of the Paul B~'own, refreshments, Robert E. community has an opportunity to buy a .Sharples, .publicity, George P. Warren, ticket and be present. posters, and George F. Corse, music. I . Monday, Jan. 18 to Jan. 23 I C H R Y SL E R FRANKENSTEIN TANLEY VAUDEVILLE SHOW Gary Cooper - Claudette Colbert "HIS WOMAN" It w~ s~~~ted that ·the Players' ClUb might be mfluenced to give a· coS!ume play of the time of George Washmgton. Feburary 9th was tentatively set ~ the date for the next meeting The fl,lln':;;!.."_.... p"rsolls ,"l'te,'d-' the u .. lX.l meetin~- ti~ i;Ul"OlIO'J, kl1'. '~".~~ nr,'day e.,'"-. ". -- ~. .. I ,I second "PENROD and SAM" STA ,,:a s r~elected president of the ~sociaI tlon; Roy Witmer~ vice president; John Powell, secretary; and Charles A. Smith, treasurer. The foIIowing men were elected .to the B' d f D' . . oar - Q\" t lrectors Geor Ca ofII the Th association: ge Iva ayer, CFrank R Gett F son,. nk L rro. B I as sistant· b'· f J F k taT er'll 'If the J<.jll"'."1'''1 Chur('h' T. ' Charl'ty Ba 11 Next F·d . c Ie. . ran erre 5, was re- Kirk M·' uti i Lv r .' ." Le gIon rl ay e!~ted en~neer with the following as-Players,CCI~b~ Claren~:t G>' M ;""'", . "THE YELLOW TICKET" announces year. I iarge'Att~~da~c~tPr~~i~ed iF~~ . -~. . ' ~~!~!~!>:~~;:. $E~Ir.:~~~t?:~1 E~~~E~;~'::L~:~:~:~,.:;~~~~;:Fi~ Guenth~r I HANNUM & WAITE REELECT OFFICERS OF FIRE COMPANY Swarlhmore Association Ends Year in Good Condition; I Equipment Added SETH PARKER . AND NEIGHBORS HIS JONESPORT IS 4442 FOR RENT-QlUllse ~ Woman's Club Program ..• Feb. If Pageant by Boy Scouis and Girl Scouts ••••...•.•...•• Feb. ZZ Patriots' pay at Woman's Club -April 19 Memorial Day ............ May 30 Independence Day ......... July 4 I L - - - - - - - - - - -________--J ''THE . FOR RENT-Two Swarthmore will do its part .in the celebralion of the Bicetltennial of the birth of George Washington by a serj~ of programs and events spOnsored by the local committee throughout the ....tire year, . A brief outline of the pr<>sra.q! for thiS cOIIUlJunity was made up I ..t Friday night when twelve metl and womJ ~n representing the leading 9,rPniza-. lions of the com~unity met at' the Can ?f Burgess William R. Landis to' organIZe the Swarthmore Bicentennial Com.. mittee. In the absence of Mr. Landis who ba; been named honorary chairman of the committee by the authorities at Washington, George Corse acted as temporary' chairman. The following permanent officers were elected: Mrs. William Earle Kistler, vice president; Robert E. SharpIes, secretary; and Elrie S. Sproat, tr...... urer. The American Legion Chariiy Ball next Friday at the College will provide one of the first opportllnities for the' cOin" mittee to function. It is .planned to have some feature of the evening bear .. UP9IJ the Bicentsmnial, celeJ;t;:-ation. . - ...• :_ In February there will be'a number 'of' events .which the cominittee will endorse as part of the BicentelUlial program. The committee' will endeavor to arrange for r~ference ~o W:uhington at as manY pubhc gathermgs·m the community as tW:ssible. On the evening of February zzoid;' the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts will take part in a Washington pageant. The college also plans to sponsor SOllie sort of program in honor of Washingtori· this . Bicentennial Plans " For Swarthmore •• ----------------1 attractive housekee I===G=,i=r='=S=e=o=u=,=s=E=n=,=e=r=,=a=i=n=e=,=,= = :1\II e~~itla~;~II~~~, \~~thsp~:~~r~' D~: ~~:= apartmenta. electric refrigeration anf all I . conveniences. Albert N. Garrett. Penny· field secretary of the Presby· packer or Swarthmore I I.eaders assistants of the three etedan the Board of Christian Education. Year Washington Bicentennial Commit~ee. For Swarthmore :aoro Makes Plans .. " $2.50 Per slstant engmeers; Frank Terre~ls, Jr., ~~hge ~u'lii~:!: Harry MeHall, and Th Ii I • .e sea year .was closed With a sub.stantJal balance JO the treasury and a comfortable reserve in the Relief As~odation. During the past year 400 feet of new hose has been added to the equipment of the com~ny and 150 feet of small hose for fightIng roof fircs. The room where thed fire truckZs abrc kept has been enlarged an a space 0 y 24 feet added. A new hose drying rack has also been added in the rear of the engine room. In order to enlarge the room for the fire -trucks it was necessary to use the fonner pool rOOm· so that the pool table has now been moved to the front room where the police headquarters were form~~~!:-~e~he rna)' or improvements to resenting the Harold Ains~ort: p~:e:£ the Amc;r~can Legion: E. B. Cbapman; . Mrs. Wilham Earle Kistler president of the Swarthmore Woman's b. M .A. F ] k .d· u, rs. 'C~nt:~. sE.0n'MnewB prhesl ent of the.dHealth . ue the B' . M n,er, new ·prest ent 0.£'. Archer us~ess en 5 As~ociation; J. Council' ief{.:.ent~ DB0E'"t: : Terman: head of the es,Sc r. Mrs G . Z' y • outs . ; . eor~e Imm:~, .of. the Girl Scouts. CI R'::':e":i 'B! "am... BUSINESS MEN'S BANQUET FEB. 25" . Date Set for Second Annual Entertainment for Borough . Officials and Leaders the building were paid for by borough council, the Fire association paid for numerous small improvements to the TICKETS IJM:ITED TO 150 equipment and the building. The membership in the association has Thursday Feb. 25th has been set as kept uJ! remarkably wen in spite ot the the date f~r th d e seeon annual banquet . depresslOll and the Class A rating for I fire insurance which is possible because and prog~am of. tJ!e Swarthmore Busi-"--of the high standard of the local COrn- n~s Men s asSOCIation for the p1;lblic of';' pany. . ficlals and heads of organizations of WOMEN VOTERS TO 'H. S. BASKETBALL , I Swarthmore. Attendance will be limited MEET NEXT TUESDAY I TEAM DEFEATED t? ISO persons and one hundred. of these HULLS SAIL FOR hckets have already been set aside for Next week being National Child I.-bor Tonight Swarthmore high school's basDISARMAMENT CONF. the guests of the Association, and memWeek, the Swarthmore League of Wom.,ketball.teat,n meets the team from Glen bers, leaving only fifty ticke. ts for any '11 h b' t f Nor High m the Prep s~hool gym. Tues, 9thers wh •h t b ' en Voters \VI present t e su Jec 0" day night the local quintette met defeat Dr. and Mrs. WIlliam I. Hull sailed on . . 0 WI.S 0 e presen,t. "The Child Worker and Unemployment, by the score of 29 to 17 at the hands of Wednesday with the official delegates on t T~e ~lOnerand program Will be held: at the regular meeting to he held in the Media. Last Friday's g3me with Eddy. the "President Harding" to attend the :lt~o e ghtr~th IHaven .I~n again this· year Woman's Clubhouse, Tuesday, January stone also resulted in' a loss for Swarth· DGisarmamDent Conference to be held in used uinstead o~r~~~~=~ooroom.m wAtill ~ more b the 0 of 25 to 8 H s eneva. r. Hull has been appointed to nd f ·th· one· 26th , at" two-thirty p. m. . Y Hanzhk sc ~e have been domg . . ayne, a platfonn will be con. . W. ray and most represent the followl'ng organ'lzat,'ons estru 0t d e hroom th The speaker of the day IS ~Ilss Edith of the scoring for Swarthmore. The World's Alliance for Internationai c e were e entertainment feat.. Gwinn, Special Assistant to the Board I • •• Friendship among' the Churches" "The ures nlay be seen by .all. . of Public Education whose work is to' George W. Friend Church Peace Union," "The American A. first. class orchestra wiH provide Friends' Service Committee and the musIC ~urmg the meal and hundreds of fo1iow up such chilclren as leave school to find gainful occupation. Miss Gwinn, George 'V. Friend, a resident of "Pennsylvania Committee for Total Dis. ~ouv~m~s ~nd prizes will be given away in addition to being thoroughly informed, Swarthmore for the past fifteen years, annament. He will send reports of the t~' t e usm;ss men. The entertainment is possessed of the happy faculty ot be- died on Sunday at his home at 23 Girard Conference to over 250 .newspapers. -h:rt'Y~drdrWt 1 prbobalbly consist of .two .lDg a bIe to communicate . Iler OWIl tnw . A h . " . h' M H 11 p " . . . . , y ocal'11 men avenue. mong t e surVlvers IS IS son, . rs. u, as. resident of. the Worn.. balancea of esses the evening. be d andcdthe terest to her hearers. George C. Friend of Yale avenue, who is en's Inte.mational League for Peace is foolishness and ha on WI DOd e.vot t.o The members of a community like also well known here. Funeral services representJng that organization and is takTwo committees VI .g a g h Swarthmore, who know little at first were'held on Wednesday at his ~ate resi· ing sever31 trunks containing the petitions on plans for th are ~w arThat work e ocC3S1on. hand of ~hild labor and its attendant dence and interment was at Arlington for Disarmamento Nearly a million sig.. mittee· on aUendan .e com'1 '11 find' 'I' G" talk t tu d b ' ee Smith an d souvenirs coneVI S, WI.. m 1\" ISS wmn s , eeme ery.. . . na res .were secure y the League. The SISts of Charles' A. H much to sharpen their general interest, Mr. Fnend was a deeply rehgtous man Federation of Women's Clubs is also Green, Charles Park . and' E. ~d ~. and to broaden their understanding of and for some time "":~s on~ ~f th; lead!ng sending a huge petition to the Confer. nero The· committee~~ •. u~this fundamental ~ondition in American workers for a Baptist MISSion ID Phda- ence. gram and enterta'·.· t~~f ng ~. ·pro.-. .IIId ustrm • 1 .l'f h I s· 0 de Ipia. h' The f ' . ·UI\I '~'eed h onored in ·hav· sists of Robert E. Sharp.nmen .. eatures"CXlII_ I e, upon w h'IC h our woe unerals.ervtces were con-. Swarthmore lS CI B cial strocture is built. ducted by the Rev. SmIth of the Angora 'ng Dr. and Mrs. Hull in Geneva for Hannum Elrie S 'S' . es, . art;nce ..• Mrs. Philip J"",ettJs Chairman of the Baptist Church of Philadelphia assisted suchan important world evetlt. They Meschte:. Mr BudmJ'roat.~ }ac;ob Child Welfare section of the Swarth- by the Rev. L)oYd S. Stevens, 01 Swarth- will >top at the Hotel "La Residence" Association is' actin . ;P~. !"lat·t.o£., t,he more League of Women Voters. more Meth()(hst Church. and expect to be away sevenll months. man. g as ,,lUg IIHll"tl(llll"~, 1111\ l~I, 11)31 I GIRL SCOUT TRAINING hslll'(l .:tIld till' 10C,II lm:;illes!; men have , h I llt'tmlle .t Inure •• dl\l' 11.lrt uf tllc (omFourth Cla55 Sc 00 Districts, Delaware County I .\ glllt.'ral com"'l' ill Girl :-;COllt Troop 1II1111it) than e\cr before, t f of :-;dwul 11l.lIIagclIll'nt \\ III hl' glH II hy ~I iss Phone Media 174 \ .llm: 01 :\l t ~dlOlll Propl rl) (;lTtrlllll' Cold. of the l'htladclph,a ELIZABETH KAUFMAN r I .... t I 11 I I h ht 111 1),,11.11 S Slllo{)1 Propl'rt) Fru: of Ikht Field StalT at the \VOIll.tII·S Club on HAIRDRESSING "Serving Swartlunore C;o l{auk I S.HlInJ.lY .iftl'rll(l(llls. Flhruar) (i and Located in 23H.(HKI (XI 13f,3JO -t27 M 1 Fthrtloln U frolll II a. III, til -t II· 111. Thompson'. Store, Morton, Pa. _ Successfully Since 1900" II ;JHIIIIM "~,424 ,5 17 J III'" ~ollrst· \\ III CO"-'r 'l\:ndnfoot Every Day Except Saturday I Cia .. t~ r "Iq' .liO,'HWIO (hll<>11 I h I~ITI-' -t7.1 7 ,II lei ~l(:olJ(l (las>; 111I.'thud>;,-S(1'1~~, 3 Specials $].00 I -Finished Laundry Services- ~ -t5-t.71.l (10 2fl,; I;;() ~I i 9 i g,""" a "a In'e ,\0 "I, .nHI Ihe 'Phone Swarthmore 1994. W ~,'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"IIIII""'III"IIII""II"IIII11I/1II/1"IIIIIII""'~ .175.0(1)UU -I ( (."t-,~" .... ,.,,'.> .... tl ~ THt I Media Laundry, Inc. I 5 = 1.llli II" J;,fj;~ , ddl .. I, III 2M2.51l1H (H(hll 1•• 111-.(1,,\\111 (!/I-III."!) 1.1'II,r (hltlh-.ltr 'Il d I I \:t Illl r j'r!l\ldllh'l .!{llll-l '\tll\I!II~d l'l"~I'UI l"lrk Ixullt \ !'(I\\ lI~hll' :--li.lr('ll I hI! 1.040,(KIIItKI I SM.:;OO f1() 122 ,N ()l.J.SOO un 2~M,i50 00 2!)O,.JhH 31 102,tJIKIIWI ;I,.-tll J -tl, t)r.; .!.~-I 001 K-I 1~1 3;;~,O{)O 00 .!~'IL:; 41JI,A30Hl :; I ' I ~s 4111,1100 110 1111 1// WH,<,(J'J 00 112 2t) II .)(/ I !.2 H 11311 ill 5 -t1J -t I:; !) 7f' .! -II :i I (>,- 1--------~~~~;:;;;:;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;1------- g-.lIl1Z.ltHJII 01 IMtrols and Court of I 1I0nor \\ IlIll thi ... (onr>;c IS ;trr.lII.!{l'd for I elrl ::'COtlt leadcrs and trnop (.'011111111 t(.'I..' . IIIlllllll:r .... all)Onl' is "dcumt' "h(l IS OH r llL!htll'll ) I:.lr:-; of agl' .1Ild mh'\'l-.I\(I 111 \\orking '\Itll girl ... If, 13 II H .1 2 ; JUlliol' LANSDOWNE I=~ Lansdowne Avenue and Baltimore Pike ASSt·lllhl~ I ht Ilo ... tl"Sl'S for the elemental), (Ianc1I1g- d,h:-' S,ttllrd,I.\ ;tftUllooll \\111 he )'lrs. .... " .11111111' I' I, l.iIlJJ,JO 00 IF C Crcll .l1ul )'Ir" I. C P.llmtr. 11111111111 3CJtUliHI (I,) J5 1 I Jo .. to.; ,lIld IUI~tt's~I'S for I he e\ ening \ l,1I11I11 - d.I~~l'1; wtll he IntentH:tiiatl', ~Ir and '1111" Idd t Itl,l~ \11 Jllllllllllllt IIl1ltiJttcllll" .. "tI~ ... talldjllg- III tilt form dtl)'lr .. J•• P \lrh's. )'lr .1IId :\Irs. Jlcr"l linn I IJ"lld~ llfl .. I'url It 1111 1. ,ill It ..... IIH 01 1111111 lit III tilt' s,lll~lltg IllIIel I .. chd ~nllth. )'Ir .mel :\Ir!;. \\'llhI 1,'1I11'.UI""1I h II-'lcl IUt.lII:-'l llIt1lhttdlll"'S I" I l'r.ll·lIll'r III .mel :\Irs Fr,lt1k E. \Vjl~ " 11lll1lnd I" JlHI\ld, ,-,hoIl1-. )01 ]111]111-. 11.1111", Dr .llld _\Irs \Vllllall1 .\. l{aJ~ 1).11.1 I'll 1111~ LillI \\It, I.ildl1 11.'111 IIIl .111IlII.11 111l.IIH1.tI .11111 .11tllld.llltl' 1 111 •111 , .Illrl ),11' . • )'lr~, D. S. Calhuun. ~IJf1IL.':lllld m" FlIlDAl (TODAY ONLY S,\'l'I'llDAY ONLY "Smart Woman" JOAN eRA WFOHD \l'ilh MAllY ASTon UOJlEII'l' AMES GABLE in ··POSSESSED" JMII. 181h, 191h U()NDAY, TI,ESD>l.l' - LIONEL BARRYMORE ELISSA LANDI in "THE YELLOW TICKET" WEDNESDAY, TIIUIISDAY -JAN. 201h, 21st Pr.'.hylcriun Noles EDWARD G. ROBINSON I' Ii), ~ ~:LAHK 1 r • FOUND \11 IllIport.lIIt COil ft: il "!X' lIIl'lting of f--O-U-N-D---"--b-,-,,,-c-"-e-t-P-I-w-,-,e--S-\\-a-I'-tl-u-n-o-re tlll tlachtr:-. .11111 of]H:cr!; of the Church 207-1\1 I Scho(11 \\dl he hdd next Ttl6c1ay c\ening ----I.lt t.1~ht o·clock. \\1t11 I-{e\. \V. D. 110\\FOR RENT-Two attractl\c housckccplub (;iI" ~('(Juts 1~llh·J·I.lil .... 1 I dl, PIIII.ldelllhlcl, as spl'akl'r. Dr JJo\\'apartments electric refrigeration and .111 cOll\culenee::.. Albert N Garrf>tt. PcnuyI til h the filld :-.(.cretilf\ of the Prc!)',,~ packer 4-143 or Swarthmore 489 Il.ldtl-. ,lIlei .Is .. l';iant.. oi the tl1ru.: h.:n.1Il Bo.mi of Chnst;.U1 Educ.ltioll, ;-;\\.utll1l1(lrt (~Irl Scout inl!IIIS "l're l'n-I "Ih(.' lIlunthh' dinner ilnd htlsincs!; 111cetI t t UOIl Hot water heat J F Terrells. 343 ttrt.llIItd ;!s fit EI(kr Ed\\.lnl 11. Boyd Ht:ltl r~ 1~()lIab]e G.lr",..:e l:'~ 1',11]. AH Crl.1J mtr. :\Ir~ h:.th:-' )'1.1IrlOtt. "!J~s IIdcll l Ht'\ 1<0).:\1 \lhsl)l1 of China ga\c a S\\rlrthl1lOre 1189 01 .,t;:.J II 'I \ an TlI~1. )'Ib .. R.IChl'l )'hrri , .\ ):-."11I1O ... t 1IItt'rt: .. IIllg- addrcss IIIl Ih.lt f.·UIl IU:.:->T-Heatcd g.lra,..:c al reat' of J:.J!I ~1.1fI.1Il Iluhhdl. )'lh'" ~J.lnl' S.llri;lIul,I.UHIIlIISSlOlltln· \\ork ,ll1cl condi,iolls there Itlu,;clS A\CIlUC '\PIII), Albclt N G.lrrelt ~II~:-. k,lthlrinC 1~1!lrt. ).11"s )'Iolrtllc! .It \l'sIH:r:-. 1.I:t SUllda\. to a largc COI1PlIo!!e s\\ ,rlillnore 48H or P('lIn~ J'I.lci'er III:.! '1,1) lor. \1 r.. I P I.l1lgll'. . mel ).1 IS:> grq~.ltion. .\1 r Allison Is \\ orklllg in II 11M ZIIIIIlH:r. ".III1l' st;,11011 ill \\ hich is Re\. J)r. ] Iayes, PERSONAL • ,• IIn'sidcllt of the North China Thcologl~ g"'RSONAL-Ealthare Sanltarmm-Matcr(;h·l S(Oonts (,:,1 ~cminary, who i:-. the foreign l11is~ -1115, call\ule!>ccnt..'l, Reasonable sionar) p.btor of thc S\\arthmore Pre~attendance 135 Franklin A,e 1 ,thmore 2087 Troop (, Iltld It .. Ilrst IIll'ctmg .It the ») tt'n.m CI IUrc II and sU(lport(.·cI hy It. -- \\ ,)111.111 .. l'Iuh till S.tturd:1\ Jlltlrnlllg ]11 the .albellee of I)r Tuttle who ofDressmaking reillodehn~ .llld 1.11111.1(\ I) "I~>; Ct:rlrutle Cold. FIlhl hctat(.'d at it funeral III 'ork, the 1111d, bv experienced modiste AI! [ ' \\'C(t1l'S(a\ I I I for and dell\crcd for alll, l.l\II.t1l1 ()I 1)1 ... lrllt h t(){lk (iJ.lrge () \'Cl k SCf\ICC ill dres.<;.umklng call Chc!'.t(')lllll Illtl'tlllg Till .. Ill\\ tn)o}1 lIas al- ceH1(lucted hy Elder. l)r n.llh llI\e:-.tld siX girls, ~.IIlt:\ Pnce, Conk PERSONAL-Old Pln;:~!~ ~eeO~~('d '<;Itl1 1'lIIhl I'\.t.ttl(.,). Ruth I.IPIl1.III. Gelll'The Y0l111J.,!" peoplc of the church hold oak Somerhalder & Scheible HardWood \ U ' l l~l'.I\"'. \l1lll' 1.1IIgll' .llId Bett\ a limon meeting \\Ith thc Epworth floor" laid and refinished Ridley Park I I.t';tglle .It the :\lcthlltilSt Church, Sund.lY 113fi- W 658 Tenth A\ e Moore, Pn E:;tI- ll.l\' ~ mntes furnished . )'Ir .. I·n,,!t.:tlt"k llllid. tIll.: C.lptalll, l'\·l'lllllg. I I sc\en o'clock l)clln)' JOlle!; of t Ie Pres») tcrian C. h i:,. kader. h IllllI/-! 1:-. .. I .. ll(1 11\ )'llss }lclcll \ a'l • 1 , HELP WANTED '1'11\1 )'II~" )'Iarilln Illlhhl'II, )'llss RcIBusiness Men Elect HELP WANTED-Salcsmnn fot' high grade {htl ~ll'rnl1 .11)(1 ),11 .. " )'1.ln~l· F.l1rat v) oils !llld paints L:uge earnings paul l.ullh, Ir,llll S".lrthmon l.\)lltgl weekll- The RoYce Refilling nnd PUmt Co (COfllulIU'd frOll1 Page O'I.t'1 Lim CllllHi, Ohto ;"11 .. I~ (' Ih:-.tjlll \\11l dlHct the A r('lIort of the Chnstm.ls decorating ~11l1-!11l/-! .11Id tr.1I1\ tht: girl.. 1)1 t111~ troop t.:omnHttel' c()lIsbting of }'.lric S. Sproat. WORK WANTED "~r tilt ;o;,ullg Fl':-.tl\al Jerr) ),Iartel .1I1d Rohl'rt h. *" * * :-.ho\\t.'d th.lt all of the CXI)t.:nscs of ilWORK WAN1ED-Experlenced colored maid On Fl hrll.n \ 2(,th. till Clrl ~l:{lllts of 11lminatl1lf,{ the :-.trcels .1I1d the 11(,\\ COI11desires pocing prescnt With their classes, spent the day .11 visiting clas~cs ill such high schools al> Tower HIli, George School, Olney HIgh, the l.incaln ~chool, New YorkJ GermantowlI Fnends, Radnor 111gh, -Jan. 2S' Woman's Club Program ... Feb. It Pageant by Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts ...... , ........ Feb. 22 Patnots' Da) ;tt \Voman's Club -April 19 :\lelllorlal Day ......... , .. May 30 Jndependellcc Da) .. July oJ I REELECT OFFICERS OF FIRE COMPANY III I urer. Lower Mcnoll JUnIor and Senior High, Overbrook, and Upper Darby JUIll U and Senior High. Thus. the occasion had the additional advantage of per- The ~mcrican Legion Charity Ball next Friday at the College will provide lone of the first opportunities for the com· mittcc to function. It is planned to have nutting teachers to obscrve other lllgh :-.Ollle feature of the cvening bear upon schools at work. the Biccntcl1Iual celebration. This is the tirst occasion that pupils Sw;trlhnl0re Association Ends JI1 February there will be a number of have assumcd such extenSive respOI1:)lI Year in Good Condition. I events which the committee will endorse bility for thc direction of the school Equipment Added' as pa~t of th~ Bicentennial program. The The Senior High School Student assocomlmttee wIll endeavor to arrange for elation and the JUllIor 1-hgh SchoQI ! reference to Washington at as many puh~Iudcnl assoclalion were formed i'l I CONWAY REELECTED CHIEF lic gatherings in Ihe communily as pos19Z6 and have, since that time, takell I sible. On the cvening of February 2Znd an IIlcrcasmg degrec of responsiblhty I The Swarthmore FlfI:! and Protective the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts wili for the extra-curricular activitlcs of i association started on another year this: take part in a Washington pageant. The the school, such as conductmg Studcnt weck with the election of officers last I coJlege also plans to sponsor some sort ASSOCiatIon dnves, managmg athlctu: I Tlnnsday cvening. Dr. John B. Roxby I of program hl honor of Washington this affairs, regulatiIlg cafeteria trathc III lIt d 'd f I year. corridors and 011 stairs and in conductA friendly geslur,. 10 S\\arthlllor('~l'i 1I';lrulcl AIII"'\wrth )'usl of the Amcri('un \~.as ree ec e •. presl e.nt 0 t.le associaIt l.\,~s suggested that the Players' mg studcnt asscml.Jlic:;. Wedncsday':) Legion marks Ihe d('I.arltlre of Dr. \Villium I. lIuli t S\'iurlhmore (;ollcl!:c' t tlonj Roy \V1tmer. \'lce I)resldentj John Club might be influenced to give a cosexperiment of taklllg complete charge jJrofc!:Isor and "ideh klln\'i" I)ueifist. \'iho ~nil(·d Wcclm.~da~ for Genevn to Powell, sr:cretaryj and Charles A Smith. !ume play of the time of George Washof thc school followed a bnef campaign altcnd the World Disnrmumcnt Confert'nc(·.Dr.llull i!; sho\'in on the Librar~' 1 treasurer. IIIgton. enlistmg the support of every student at S'Warlhmorc College us he bu~'" Ihe first ticket fur the l'('gion'~ Second I The following men were elected to the th F~b~ra~y 9~h was tent.atively set as in feehng that each pupil must be reAnnual Charity nail to be h(·1Ii Junullry 291h nl the (:ollcge, from Mrs. Board of Directors of the association: ;'h: e or t e next meeting. " sponslble for Ins conduct and right Charles Duvo, "Wife of Licutcnant-Colonel Charlcs A. Dravo, Ilrofes!'oor; of \ George \Vatson, Carroll Thayer, Frank meetm attitude toward the school. The :>u:I\lmlar~ Scieneco und 'faeth'S nl Ihl' tTnivl'r.. it~ of l'enu~yJ\'uniu. I H.. Geltz, Frank L. Bitler, and Charles! mng: ~ \ ..oV"", .. : ~!.~ ..u.y : .. .o1! ... LV tl.e !.:i..t l~!..:' \ ,1., '11 IUjJ«i.:> ...- ~1l\\'1) \I":> iLt:H:;Ll, .nUT' each pupIl accepted tillS challenge and cd chief, James H. Terrells, lirst aSSist-I' Swa~t J J demonslraled Ihal he or she could do ,a~t chief, and Ed Whilake" second as- Guenll' the right thing without being watched I sl~tant chief. J. Frank TerreJJs, was re-I Kirk i\' I by teachers. I c!ectcd engmcer with the following as-I Players!!,;Cll~bY Ciar~~"·.t''''(i' The class work ?{ the day proccedeJ I I Slstallt engineers: Frank Terre~ls, Jr., 1 resenting the Harold ~~ns\~ort:e;~s:e~f Without mterruptlon because of t~e I Ralph \Ve1~tzel, Harry )'lcHall, and I the American Legion' E B Cit • practice of the school of having wntThe success and popularity of last 1 The puhlic is responding very well to: Ge~rge SullIvan. . I Mrs. WilJiam Earle Kist1~r presi~~:a~f ten assignments prepared and handed year's Charity Ball sponsored by the the idea of having the dance in the col-I 1 h.e fiscal year. was closed With a sub., the Swarthmore Woman's Club' Mr A out to each class at the beginning ot Amcrican Legion is bcing reflected this legc dl1llllg room, Thi::; is an ideal place I stantlal balance 111 !hc treasu~ and a F. Jackson new president of the HS'lth each report period. These assignment year in the Immediate rcsl,onsc to the I fol" just such an occasion. The floor of I c~H1~fortable rescf\'C 1Jl the H.ehcf 1\S50-! Center; E.'M. Buchner new preside~: of shects cover the general outlmc of thc salc of tickets \Vith the big event sched- the room I!; \cr) good for dancing andlclatIoTI: I the Business Men's) Association' J umt or UllltS of work to be covered, u~e~l tor one \\cek ~rom tonight in the I the hallways and parlors wilt prov!de I Durmg the past year 400 fe~t of new Archer Turner, representIng Bo;ou with suggestions for projects research dmlllg room at Parrish hall 011 the Col- ample rool1l for brtdge and for mcetll1g 11;()~e has been "dde~ t~ the eqUIpment of I Council. Robert E. Sharples' Dr E work and construction activl~ics \"hich lege camptls, J. Paul Brown, in charge of .md cOll\'CrsiIlg with one's friend~. t le com~an)' aU:1 bO teet of small hose Terman, head of the Boy 'Sco~t Will ~1tl in the mastery of the :;ubJect the attendance says that mall) more ti.ck-I Se\ eral surprises in the form of en- \or ~ght1l1g rool fires The room when' 1frs. George Zimmer, of thc Girl S~outs. t . I a 'ell as l)rovlde :;uggcstions cts have hecn sold than at the !;ame tnnc I tert;tinment arc heing arranged b) the I t 11.' re trucks are kept has heell enlarged I ' I. ma ena s" It. ' . f Iand a :-.pacc 20 by 24 feet added A new for some creative expression. \Vlth as ) ear. COlllllllttee and thc radIO entcrtamcrs 0 ho I' k lib 'd ' .. \dditional plans for decorations and last year "ill he rememhered "ith IJlcas-111 se (rYlIlfg rlac las a so eCIl ad ed 111 ,v ork thus definitcl\! outlined pup1ls , " I I [I I I h I Ie rear a t Ie cngmc room were able to proceed With their acti- cnte r tamlllellt. not to mentton t Ie llf1ng ure » many 0 t lOse \\ 10 attem cd tel I I I I h G \1 I ' I I d I t I t I tl I n on er 0 en arge t e room for the VItI'S and SOCialized discussion lor a lot corgc i exam cr s )all( to pro\ I C Irs clan y )3 , I fi , t k 't ~ I e 'tl t 151011 of teacher:; Ithe 1Il11<;;ic. ha\'c stirrt-d interest in the I The decoration!; ot thc room \\iII bc l~c ruc s II was necch'ssaryl' to usc the (a~': \\,'1 10ud'IsufPervii s ccc"s of tins affaIr to gre.lt heights The aim of the I tlnll~l1alh etTcctlve .md will consist 11ri- I rmer pobo room SOl I atll ICf pool table • ..VI UC 1 ere I or lC u " "1000 [ I I I f Ik fl f 68 . las now cell 1110\'e( to t Ie ront room "d A ' 0 d t tl LegIon to net ~ rom tIC (dIlCe, lIMn y (l:-.I ags rom natIOns 1 1 I' ~tu lent ASSocl~tlon aYffils ue IlO'dd'l(' 1\\ hich would be $.100 more than last I These \\ 111 turn the room mto a haz.tar of W Ielre II Ie t"Od Ice headquarters were £or- Dale Sct for Second Annual ..-,tm ent ssocwatlon 0 ccrs: I e '11 f I I ' I- I k I mer y oca e . E H P W'lr H' k 1 year, 1:; alsl.) rCSllonSll e for part 0 t Ie co or agamst \\ llC I hac grollnd t le danec \1t1 I tl' ntertainment for BorougJl , eg resulcnt, I 13m IC mal, enthusiasm I is ccrl,ltn to he a picturesque affair. ! . lOug 1 IC maJo: 1I11prOVemcnts to I 016 .] and Leaders Vice-President, Byers Roxby, SecreDuring the IMst \\Cek tICkets ha\c becn The cQmmittee in ch.lrge of the dancc I the bmldmg \~~re paul fo: by b.orough I cIa s tary, and Charlc:; Gerner, Treasurer, placed 011 sale at nearly all of the storc~ consists ot Gcorgc F. Cor:-.c chairman, I council, thc FIre. assocl;tl1oll paId for r .. ------and 10 the home room proctors for the III the village and members of the I.eg-I ),11's Ch.lrles Br.no in chargd of decora-I numcrous small 111lP:O\:emcnts to the rICKETS LI~IITED TO 150 I " and the AUXIliary are "orkmg eac II, tlOns, 'I ' and the hUlldtng' . (ay, as f0 11ows.. 1011 .., rs George F. Corsc and 11r.s, P ·1 C(IUlIHuent TI I I" II Twelfth Grade - La\\rencc Snntlt, Illght to sce that every resHlcllt of the 1 Paul Bro\\Il. refre:-.hmenb Hobert Elk Ie mem lcrs Up 111 the assoc!ahon has, Thursd;ty, Feb. 25th has been set as RIchard Griffin Icommul11t} has an opportuntt) to huy .1 Sharpie!;. puhlicit), Georg-c' P. \Vauen, I~Pt ul~ rema~ka~IY ~lell III spltc.of the the date for the second annual banquet Eleventh Grade-Ruth Tro:stel, Henry ticket and hc present. lllbtcrs, ,uul George F Corse, music ~ cpr~s:1011 all tl ,e l . ass A brlallhn g for and program ot the Swarth 0 B ' II dI' rc llbllratlL;e W HC I 1:-. POSS1 e ccause . ' , m rc USI?a ey. . . . ~I . I ,Of the high standard of the local C0111- I lless ),[ell s aSSOCiatIOn for the public offenlh Grade-I"c1,anl \\ ,ay, • ar i WOMEN VOTEHS TO 'H, S. BASKETBALL pany, I fic,als and heads of organizalions of etls Burgess, , I l\1EET NEXT TlJESDA Y TEAl\1 DEFEATED I • 0 • Swarlhmore, Attendance "ill be limiled Ninth Grade-Sam Crcs.so n , L}dla I 1:» 150 persons and olle hundred of these Lodge, Prudence P e r r y . , . 1 '" , HULLS SAIL FOR tickets have already been set aside for Eighth Grade - Jane Scely, BJtll Next \\l'ck h(,11l~ XatiOlIal Cluld l.ahor 1 lonlght S" arthmorc 11Igh school s bas- I OISAR1\IAi\IENT CONF the guests. of the Association, and mcrnCleaves ¥'"cek, the Sw.lrthlllOle l.e.lgm' of \VOIll-1 k~th.lll.tcal.n llI('et~ the tea1l1 from Glen 'Iher~, lea\'1J1g only fifty tickets for any t [I Nor Jhgh III the I rep school gym Tucs· who "isI1 10 be 1,rc sen. t Se,'cl111, Grade-Col1slal1cc 'leg, 11al- en \ r oter~ WI'II )lre:-.cn t II H' Sl1 I' IJCC 0 (a\ I 'I I I I' ~ Dr. and Mrs . W'JJ I H u II sal'I ed on I othcrs I 11' IlIg 1t tiC ac.l qumtette met defeat I lam . The dinnc 1 II I I Id co m .l am. "The Clnid \Vorkel all(1 Lllentl.loyltlellt," I b) ~ the scorc of 29 to 17 at th~ hand!; of \Vednesday with the official delegates on l;tt tI • St Ilr 13,oc llrolgraltl WI !e lC Not all teachers left the school. It 1 I 1),1 r . , . ' the "Pre'd t H d' " d h' Ie ra 1 aven nn agam thiS year '''as fcll a(lvl'sal,lc 10 I,a,'c II,,, leael,er!> at the regular m~etJtlg til he IC d 111 t Ie I· e( 1.1. Last Fl'lday:-> gmne With Eddy- O. Sl en ar IIlg to atten t e although the large d"n' 'II be ., , I I I I' I f S I IsarmamCnt Confere1 I b I 'd . ' m g rOom WI of Practical Arts ',)resent to guard \VOItlan\ Cluhhousc. 'Jue .. d,I), January sone aso reslItc( III a oss or .. wartl' G Ice 0 c .1e In used instead of the tea room At one , I more hv the score of 25 to 8. Havnes, eneva. Dr. Hull has been appomted to end of tl I : agamst any accidents about the mach- 26th, at 1\\o-tlllrt) l' III 11.T " d O[ I'k I b d' t represent the following orga"I'zal',ons" lC room a patform wIll be con, I I n ray an .r ;tnz I 13ve een omg mos . I strncted whcr tl t' f mery or gas rangcs, aCCidents W IlIC 1 The speaker of the d.l) I~ ).It:-.s Edith of the <:(;Orillg for Swarthmorc The World's AlJiance for International b e lC cn ertamment eatf t It as I . • . F' d h' h ore:-. may e seen by all nllght provc most Ull ortulla e. w. G\\lIlll, SI)eclal \ssi~t.lI1t to the Roar( ••• 'nen s Ip among t e Churchcs,1J "The I A fi ~t I l' , 1 I ! FRIDAY (Today) and SATURDAY JOE E. BROWN "Local Boy Makes Good" with. DOROTHY LEE " ADDED SCREEN HITS S, S, V.1n Dine', "A \VEEK-END J\,IYSTERY 2. Robert L. Hiplcy's "BELIEVE IT OR NOT II 3. Horace Heidt and HIS CALIFORNIANS 4, AESOP'S FABLES MONDAY and TUESDAY BOOTH TARK INGTON'S "PENROD and SAM" with LEON JANNEY "THE YELLOW TICKET" STATE (:untinl1C)u~ l'erCnrm"m'(' Daib 1:00 tn II :00 I'. 1\I. 'Ihh. Slum Olll~ THEATRE Chester, P a. ISo & 25(' II) I :00 I'. M. ),J,..n,r, I L arge Attend ance P romlse . d For L ' Ch art't y B a 11 N ext Frl'da Y eglon OIH'n .It if h t 'and BUSINESS MEN'S BANQUET FEB 25 I, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY LIONEL BARRYMORE '~~I~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i Collll]llb. : MEDIA THEATRE out of \\ithof]lclals thl' ri,h"as I I I I 111 e. the AssociatIOn h ,I s MIlIllthing in thc mtere:-t of thc llllllut \ \\ ttll 1..'\ er) ~l'ason At E.lster-timt', thc \ssoclatinll :-.1I1ul .1 t.::tIl1pa lgn among tlll'lr 1I",,"hers ito dbpl;t) more Ea-;tl'r merchandise .Inrl their \\'illetilJlr,:.foJk,w~:ihe .." .. '.-' " , . 'I ' .d teaSwarlhmore this afternoon at 2:30 at the home whi~h she pJayed selections fr;om all of sionary Society at the November meeting dev.otio~1 5eTVic~.was-giv.~oVtr. to. sew' ",I, " , ,11,1, '1Ii""'' '111111 .... ,", if ".; , , I '" I I I ~'I ' , of Mrs. ). R. Kline on Riverview road. his grcater' compositions. Mrs. Hyatt ga\'e a most interesting talk on Foreign ing for the- Navy. Indian.'child(en and , Alumnae and active members of Kap- will be the hostess for the next mu- Mis~ions especially in re~ar > You are cordially Invited to come In to Inspect and drive these two new cars. You will find them roomy and comfortable to ride In. You will find them modern to the minute In every datoll of style and appointment. You will also find them very "Note dial with exact moderately prIced-In spite of their many Important new fine-car '. heat 'for, every fabric. b-ons faster. Gives advancements. We believe that when you see and try these two re a I "F r e n C h . Laundrv" finish. new Oldsmoblles, you will deCide to look no further-they are that for out of the ordinary In beauty, In performonce, and In value. 00 a Month Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company Come in and let us show you this maRle/OUB PHI L PHIA "Semng Swar,hmore Sines 1904"' , ELEC.T-M ~ AnBouncing Two Great New Oldslllobiles Improvements consiat ot two-story stucco 'and brIck house, 18X33 feet. Porch front. :BB:Bemen~ garage. CRAS. A. SMITH-Agent or your own broker $1 I!-_____ ________________________;_;;; 333 Dartmouth Avenue SUbject to a mortgagE! of $3500.00 reduced to _.00. Price $8.90 window. WOODWARD, JACKSON & BLACK, Inc. feet wide and driveway. Under subject to certain buIlding restrictIons and condltloDS. j Together with the tree and common 'use. right.. Uberty, and pr1Vllege ot the said driveway 88 ana tor a _driveway, passageway and wete.r course at all times hereR1'ter forever. in common wltb the ownel1J, ten. ants and occupiers of the other lots of ground boundIng thereon and entitled to the use thereeof. Automatic lOOO ..Watt Iron When THRIFT walks out the door. PriCES on labor and materials are lower than ever before." -================::; I .PROCTOR THRIFT Copper Spoutings and Flashings of that width In len8th or depth northward WARMTH WITHOUT WORRY TRINITY CHURCH 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 9 :45 A. M.-Prlmary Dept. 203 College AVE. MAin School at the Church. Bible Class, Hick's Hall. n:oo A. M.-Mornlng Prayer and Sermon. Mr. Guenther will preach. Insurance in the Old Reliable ~~~~ gldfJp~r ~';: ~~. g:,u1.':; Insurance Company 0 f N0 rth containing of Delaware and State of PeDDSYlvanla; In front or breadth on the said ,. 5.0 Compll?te, At the Shedtt's Omce Court House, Media, Pennsylvania Saturday, January 30, 1932 EXCEPTIONAL VALUE Sale $7500. First mort•••" $5.000. 9:30 o'clock A. M. Rent $55. Detached, mocleJ'D, 7 !'OOIDs. Eastern 6tandtu'd Time bot water beat, automatic hot water LeVari Facias heater, 2 car garage. No. 1299 Wl\t. S. BITTLE September Term, 1931 Swarthmore III-J All that certain lot or piece of g:'ound Nat...." PubUc Real Estate With tho bulldlogs and lmprovementa tl:.ereon erected, situate on the north side of Berkeley road at the distance of five Let me WJ'1'te .,vour Automobt'le bundred. and nlnety-elgbt and .eventyflve one-hundreedths teet westward from NOW IN YOUR VICINITY SHEET METAL WORK-ROOFING iron Swarthmore 43 thel!:::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::=::::===::: Of Real Estate ··Lady." Brown spot OVer each e1e. Reward. S. F. Butler, 302 S. Cheater Rd. Swarthmore 713.J. LESTER GRAND PIANO Together with the free and common Bfor86atd drIveway as and for a drlvrw1.Y, use, rlgbt, Uberty and prlvllege of SHER,lFP SAI.ES • LOST-An English setter dog. 5 months old. White body, black .head, answers to ( -. I (Signed) REBA C. HODGE. Secretary Protestant Episcopal Chester R.oad and College Avenue OpPosite the College Campus Rector Rev. J. Jarden Guenther. S.T.M. All aTe COrdially invited to attend the servtces and use the ReadJng Boom. -----~. I The annuai meeting of the Swarthmore Library Association will be held in the Library rooms, Monday evening, January 25 at 8 p. m. for the purpose of electing directors and acting upon the recommendation 'lor changes in the constitution. SUNDAY School Shoes I Annual Meeting of the Library Association Phone-Ridley Park 412 IN = FRANK'S BARBER SHOP 1 SPECIAL BARGAINS r ASK ABOUT THEM AT Church News SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES ANNA SCHALLES Penn,.... ••• r:.~p t~:h~~!,!;o::~t~o::i~£t~~b:i~e~o~~~ 10~~ 01_ _ _ lor i1r"'t'!e managorof . BE OCCUPIED FEB,· 7 A I rtette will sinll" the offere as, also, he did at the.private service.in this theatre. He·was !,""erly manatlef . .. .. rna e qua. '.i.,:i 1/,,; 1t~e Fr¥W' '~I'I1ID., an~t' tho .~!l' ;!he Stanley Theatre "l~~~~"'., ~ ~ ''l.~~ red' . d Work on the-.new. ~urch has prog- t~ry of the morm?g se...,.,... "'u _ Y lerment in· Birmingham Cen1t1et'y;'Wesf· ' . ' It.d l.f~ I!.... • 'ra::ii~'-'" UClng prICeS an ressed so rallidly '\~t '. plans are being Next Sunday will be last one of Dr. Chester, the. same afternoon. Mr. White-, Media Theatre • ,F . 'Maselli, ~ known made 10 han Ihe fir!tpser~iclesSon Sunday. EII~s WI ilh the men's kclafss. He band Mrosf· ley wh~shPhresidentohf .thfet':"'!~lar· lias ed ed h~tfihe t pital1j I ·H\' ':1 "1< t· "14 . i,~l'::;~th M·ed' as ~rBhkbe the. B;u:ber" deeid February 7 and a' arl~ 1 upper o~ Ellis eave n~xt wee. or an a sence to. w It ~ was ":0. e 0 I~t ' •• ges con.~ '.1 ~r~ an ~., -a~r\':.1':~e~ . \II.~, e" la WOUru tonsistant and r uce IS gFebruary 9. .. . .; two months In Florida. Irlbutors, vlce-preSiaent of Ibe York Y. thea{!e, reports Ibat '!he'- pldure, Pen- ure. He persuaded Sam Drayman of The Rev. Ronalds Taylor, S. T.~.. Rev. Walter D. Howell, field secr.. t~ry M. ~. A. ~nd. promine~t in church and rod. and Sam" drew a record crowd. Park aVOl1ue and Jake Snyder, of Harrector, and the V~stry of St, Andrew s. 01 the Presbyterian Board of Christian pubhc affairs m. that CI~. . .. 'Yhlfe. the final figures.are 001 available ris & Co., to bet him a chicken dinner Church, ColI~~~ .Park, Maryland, ha."e Education, gave a most interestiilg ad- A special senes· ~f Bible studies for at the· ti~e of .this writing, he sa" that that)!e C\!>.1~Jlorough halL rwenty-two members of the Jun.'O! J I t' 1 Ih Christian to World peace. leachers bas. beel,l fixed fpf, Feb.. 3d. ... . . . SeveiiI other biisingi nI~ir'were invited ttndedth e . .in 'Chester "reeeiit~ ' \Vomall'sA l1XITI~ry a c e meetmg,realOno ! Different members, will discuss this i m - , . • •• The ",' Stanley'theatre 'to' stilre' tbeJstnea1. ;f""Frsitl1r refwed: to on ri ' . . . Th' eatre I~ maugurat6:l . . . ' . a new 'p?hcy. . I ".}~ h' ~I!~r:~, ;o-h f II r-.the d'mner. theirMonday Lenten evenlllg work and ' made plans f o ,portant tOPiC. " . Lansdowne of v~e.: ,re,:~. .. ~,.9'W~~-IJ( T'he women, who arc sewing for the Last \Vednesday mornmg, as Dr. Tntville -:very T~,.,rs~y, F!ida~ iUJd S~tur- ---:,:-.:-:---:-:-:---'-...:.:-'---local Red Cross, are m~ting on Mon- tie was preparing to. leave for York In these d~ys of general depressio!, day In COn!unctl~ .w~th. tlie regular ~., I: c;': 'iiXHiBIT{6F(; days allhe residence 01 Mrs. Alberl Hill. where he was to officlale at the funeral lalk, it is gpod to hear of ally upward feature photoplay. Five blg·!'Ie~.. .york.' ·.~·ft'~hrrt:or· I ;, , scnicc of the only son of Judge Hen.ry trends in business. Last' Saturday the acts. are on t~e p~ogr~. !.~tur~ the OWCl _ _ ~OCIAL PLANNING FOR C. Niles, he was informed by long dlST ' b k th leadmg vaudeville artists in-the'country. R~pr&luc.·itO... ~ri.'lCta"'~.:..Sketches " lance telephone 01 Ihe sudden death of Lansdowne healre :0 ea. ree year The Stanley theatre vaudeviUeshpws are ." ,.: 'T COUNTY DESCRIBED his inlimate friend, record for attendance of patrons and for the talk of Delaware county and af' .. ;'"-,, 'N_ A:t'" ,-,,' Mr George H Whileley president of total cash receipts. "Possessed" was the equal to any in th~ ·StafeO£ Pa\nsyl..SlURER'S DRUG,;STORE The State Department of Welfare has ~ .~. . S I 'c He name 01 th- show, with 'Joan Crawford vania. s-_.. no ......c P-., recently published. for distribution ,I =,,;,====='============:h===================:;::.= .. ='.=='= -"T"":i::-c-""' ..::;:::::"';' -'-r===== throughout the statc, a pamphlet entitled : 5 "County Cooperation in Social Planning." This pamphlet is an adaptation of a paper by Mrs. \VilIiam Jaquette, president of the Delaware County We1fare Council, and was read at a Round Table Conference on "County "Velfare COUll cil, and was read at a Round Table Con· ference on "County Planning," Since a particularly effective attempt has been made jn Delaware County, to link together public and private efforts , for Social Welfare, it was felt that the history of this effort and its results might be of interest to the other counties. The organization of the Council is simple, its membership consisting of the I. fifty most important public 'and private \VeUare Agencies in the COWlty. N announcmg its program for 1932, Packard has been. c6risciousof the desirability. for: . The. Council· is ,divided 'into three departments, namely: 1. Family.and Chilstabilization. In presenting. now its plans for the ye~r:i~~h6pes to dispel-uncertainty;, "'!i,"1 dren's Division-2. Health Division-3. -at least .insofar as Packard is concerned-as to later developments. . .. ' .", :, .. ';' '.l Recreation DivisiOn~ . A special co~ittee is conducting a 'I Social Service Exchange. This Ex- ' Toward that end ir is announcing now two new lines of cars for '" 'r change has been invaluable during the Twin Six and the Light Eight. 'These new lines will be in addition to Packardls present, present Emergency Conditions in preventing the duplication of effort It also very popular Standard Eight and Eight DeLuxe models, and with, them wil1. comple~elY_cs>y~r, serves as a means of unifying the labors of the various agencies. the fine car field in all price ranges, from $1750 upward. . . .• , : , . Innumerable successful activities have proved the work of the Coun'cil to be of Prices have been established on its four lines of mrs so . the utmost importance, although as yet ~he- definition Of a' County Council is crease in volume can justify them. Packard expects to supply no other models of these cars ....;~l·ill 11·, ,;l;,kbg. It j~ a. ,~,," 'to •• ,::·l· before the close of the year and any price changes are more likelyta ·be.upward·,th3~d9~. "\ .-:, ;r;~lg 11')"" ,r :-,1;.,'\" P b TH~ .of nda·. ; I the m: Vol. IV, .~h~e~"~o~rk~~D~e~n=la=I==u;P;p=y;",=o=m~p=a=n;y=. =;~ p w D .. , 1<)31. FOR ~? di;livE;ry'shOrdy~ ~h~·· '~ntiTe , :. , ~_ ~lI.d .~!! low~hai:Qrily ~ri ~t~!'pate4 ~n". :' :t!;~ " ;"\'" ';"'''; 0' ----_................ -_._- \ir. 1<,,;'<111 1 : ;',,! :', ::_:,~ c.1 E:' Sharples 'Visited in Washington, D." this week calling on Dr. and Mrs. W. Carsol.t Ryan, formerly of Swarthmore, On Tuesday evening. Wednesday noon they were luncheon guests of Congressman James Wolfenden of DelawarQ County. . a· ..••··• .... •.. ·.... ~··I ..................... !" Dr. in history, is ·avkilaDl~a"s In t1.'i,,. pastih'thirteen· beautiful models on 130 and 137 inoh chassis. NO\v, wi~h Synchromesh Transmission, Packard's new Synchro-rnesh Transmission, quiet i.~ all three Control Free-Wheeling, both optional at no extra cost, it speeds; Finger Control Free-Wheeling; Ride Gontrol; the exclusive Angleset Rear Axle and new doubl~ drop frame. becomes an even more outstanding value in the fine. car field than ever befote. Automatic chassis lubrication a..-:.d When you consider the performance P9ssibilities of the Ride Control add to' its riding ease. Complete body insu- power of the new Twin Six, you will be truly surprised 'at lation excludes no~ and.tempemtlu:e, prevePts the de.velop-. ment of squeaks al;ld ratrles. A !iisringuished car for those the factory price range of this great car-$3650 to $4395. with high'motoringsta\:ldards. Factory prices, $2250 to $3250. :Jhe clqht J)e.£ux.e "My wife and I would like you to visit u.s,n she heard him say. "We could .help you find a house and ..' new Packar~ E,ght DeLuxe ,s supreme development of Packard's ten years of straight-eight in qualiry and,. therefore, Packard-in na!X'C-~is offeretember, and that therefore the board will have to practice the strictest economy in the conduct of its affairs during the year. The number of books now all the library shelves is 3965 a gain of 504 volumes during the yea;. ~fr. Barnes and Mrs. Harold Griffin were re-elected to the Board of Dj. rectors, and E. C. Walton was elected to succeed Mrs. Phelps Soule. All for a term of three years. Several changes were made in the constitution of the Library Association made necessary by the fact that the Library is now a tax supported insti.. tutio' Til~ 11l,-·mhu·~i!i:-. ill Ihl" ::'.~50ch­ tion \\'I.'!'!, n'.. !l'n(i; Ii \(1 illdur1,e :dl resident . . 0: i i. DOTC.-::g-h t'xccpt~ Illtll- Virtues", produced by Dr. Jackson last season, "The Desperate Lovers" witt prove a source of much pleasure and amusement. . Dr. Jackson obtained the play last year while on a trip to England, and felt it was a good vehicle for this year's production. So far as is known it will be the first time it has been - • • produced in this country. The dialogue The first meeting of the Educational is brilliant, and o( that delightfully {arc- Section wilt meet on Friday, the 12th inical, frivolous nature at which Sutro is stead of the 5th as announced in the a past master. It is a play especially club calendar. Mrs. Phelps Soule will suited to Dr. Jackson's flair for whims- lead the discussion concerning UWhat a itat comedy. Ch'ld Sh As is appreciated by all lovers and stu- "I auld Have Read at the Age of dents of the theatre, this kind of play re- Sixteen". The meeting will be at the quires acting of a very high order, as home of Mrs. Robert L. Lewis, 505 the interpretation of the 4'linesu is little Swarthmore avenue at 2 :30. aided by any action. In order, there* • • The .Study Class of the Music Section fore, to do "The Desperate Lovers" full j~stice, a cast of exceptional strength will meet with Mrs. Jacob Meschter 318 has been assembled, and from a preview Dickinson ave. on Monday aftemoo~ at 2 :::=-=-==-~ ...:.(c...""::::.::.:::.='d::",:O::.:..::.P=(J{J"':..:S:ix~J,- ___ ~f t~e fin~1 .rehearsals, a splendid produc- o'clock. The works of Edward McDowIS JanttclPated. .. ell constitute the program. Mrs. J. r. ackson has been aSSisted 10 the Warren P 'n d production of t his play by Ha'rry G. . • ax~n WI rea a. paper conForster, wh,? will be remembered by c:rntng hIS an.d there wd! seteemany for hiS work in uThe Queen's tlon by VOIce, plano and vloltn. All Husband" last year. Mr. Forster has members of the c1uh are invited. , h~d years of experience on the profesI • Swarthmore League of ·Women Employment Bureau and College slOnal stage, and possesses directorial MEN'S MGHT AT Voters Hears Child Labor· , Cooperating on Beautification skil.I, as well as professfonal acting eluc-Stratford yesterday. Af, of Dr. and l\-Irs. J. Russell Smith. The settings for UThe Desperate LovON STATE BOARJ). ·Sunday morning he spoke- at Friends' which ·prescnbes ~hat Harry ''''ood, head ~~o\~;: It~:~~fl~~ S~aecntleu~erHigh, a widely ers" call {or three different scenes, now 'Meeting' aild at noon was the guest of c?l1ege gardener III charge of the work, s okc on' h b'." and author, Dr. Louis N. Robinson, Swarthmore, Dr. and l\frs. El1is. Other guests were give them a certain number of hours. (ContinNed on Pag, TI,ru) d pi el s~ JCTct Wanted ~ore Lophas been appointed by Governor Pin- ·his son -Leon Pearson and Mrs. Pearson, work. I e eop e. hose attendmg from chot as a member of the board of M~. and Mrs. St. John Ward of Syria, The men are paid thirty cents an hour Sw.arthmore were ~ From the· Presby.. To Talk on Geneva truSlees of the Cumberland Valley MISS MoUy Flym and Miss Ellen Pear- They !"ceive their pay every day if the; !~~a~{ ChuErCh F ~[Irs. John Ellery Tuttle, Everyone is cordially invited to attend' State Institution for Mental Defec- son. Sunday afternoon Dr. Pearson want .It from the college. The college M thod~St eh u erton Cook; From the a meeting in the Friends' 'Meeting House, tives, Dr. Robinson succeeds Carey E. spoke over Station WPEN in Philadel- sup~hes the supervision of the work and S~ith I~fr i;rch-M r s. Frank N. Saturday evening, Jan. 30, at 7:45. Miss Etnoier, of York, who resigned. phfa. 4Arnes the overhead costs providing tools Octa ~ b ~d Stevens, and Mrs. Sunday evening abOut forty _of Dr. machinery, tractors, power saws gaS~ Ch Emily Gree'n Balch, formerly professor D ar et d; From the Episcopal" Pearson's friends entertained for him at oline, etc. ' G urc r. an Mrs. J. Jarden The Rev, William M. Woodfin, D.D. of History at Wellsley College and noted h the "--'e of Mr d M E A J A d S ' uent er, Mrs E 0 U H . C. the Swarthmore Presformer pastor of ,~,., . an rs. . . enn rew Impson, superintendent of B M B' ' . Lange . ' t~rs. student of international affairs will speak of North Chester road. the college, is in charge of working out be~r, H.lfs·M ayaRard Mornson, Mrs. AIkins, byterian Church now in charge of a on "World Issues at Geneva". Miss Dr. Pearson lett for New York on the arrangements with the Employment M AI ~s. ymood Walters, and I a I' g e United Presbyterian Church in Balch has just returned froin Geneva and M· edgrave; from the Frieuds' can give her hearers first hand informa- Pittsburgh, was in Swarthmore on Mon- Monday and will sail for the Virgin Is- Bureau and is very enthusiastic over the M plan. ee 109, ~ rs. Jesse H. Holmes and Mrs. tion. day visiting old friends and parishners. lands February 2. S. C. Palmer. I C. wil~ hOD ~tfe ~ __________ . : . ____ PROGRAM ORSERVES MEN FIND WORK CHILD LARORWEEK IN COLLEGE WOODS • I'" I :: WHIMSICAL G. The meeting of the Woman's Club on Tuesday will be a ValeJ)line Frolic. Mrs. Roland Eaton with her drama section m~bers is Plltting on a one~act play, the JUnior Section has a part in the program and further mystery surrounds the music section, which under the leadership of their section 1eader, Mrs. Chester Spen. cer, is practicing often and long on their surprise number. Mrs. Claude Smith, however, is seeking publicity for her see. as they wilt have cake and candy for bon sale thru the afternoon and wilt serve refreshments to those present ufor a price" I h I'k . dh an opes a I w 0 I e cake will not bake h . b t el~ o~ ut come prepared to help this Section. Numerous members are wearing Valentine costumes and it would be nice if everyone who has an unusual costume of any sort would wear it that day and add to the Valentine coloring for the afternoon. Januarv •• enjoy it': for. the Packard Light Eight costs no more to buy.. " ., or to operate than cars providing far less in ~ize, per- . o ..5• .ill three;..pceM.: ,. r~· optional equipment at no extra cost-it brings luxurious ; : ; ·· ~,. long deSired the luxury of Packard transportati()n can now. far a& 140 mila away for :: 75 cena-lter 8:30 P. M. ; : for only 45 cenl8. : 50' . .::.;;. and Finger Control Free-Wheeling, both now available as a& : mo~or:.o{ 110 horse~wer, Angleset Rear Axle and double drop frame: Like aUc~ent model Packard cars; the new"Light'Elghe·~:· Like the Twin Six it is available on chassis.of 14;' ,.. _ i47 inch wheelbase and with a wide choice ·· ··home." ·; • BY TELEPHONE ··:: You can reach friends ; new Light Eight-2he .£iqht ciqht The Packard in design, Packard T~e the companion car to the superb new Twin Six. It is the ; quiet in all three speeds, and Finger of standard and individual custom bodies. Chassis ·include conservatively rated and economically dev~loped 150 horse- new general managcl.". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . . . i ! . Eight, the most popular and widely acclaimed ~ackard car experience with twelve-cylinder designs. It is offer~d in two wheelbase lengths-142 and 147 inches-with'a wide range lim rubbed his ear rnefully. Sue was so attached to her home, her parents and ber friends. But he couldn't refuse a job on that oceonnt. Just then the telephone rang. Sue lifted the re.ceiver. It was B call from Cleveland-from Jim's : :• , !. " FOUR LUXURIOUS"; LINES OF PACKARD 'GARS AT FOUR DISTINCT RANGES OF . PRI<:~ tional achievement embodying sixteen years of coptinuous , Car away!" get settled." The warmth or rriendship Sue felt in his voice reassured her. . She turned from the telephone smiling. ~I think the nflW job's going to be ull right, Jim," she de~lared. "And that ~all gives me 0 thought. If rm lonely I can always telephone ,. IS Jackson andMr; Harry For8ter Direcl February Production VALENTINE FROUC ~T WOMAN'S CLUB Pa., ---- l'!""'...-~ACKIl\tJ),t.l.QTf'lIs ~trs. Theophile Saulnier, of J30 a leader m several student activIties here. affair will be a half hour's entertainm.ent Bclh ~lcClling of Swarthmore. Princeton avenue. will entertain at bridge , I , provided b)' a pair 01 well knolVn Phd~~I r. E. C. Lappe, ~18 Park avcnu", tomorrow. WIN FIRST PRIZE delphia entertainers. Last year .two radiO was called to \Vashington, D. C. by the )'-Ir. and Mrs. A. Penrose Robinson, of FOR BEST APPLES llerformers were secured for tins part of sudden death of his mother last SUI1- 606 University Place. will entertain at the I,rogram and made a big hit. Ida\,. dinner at their home this evening, prior Norman Passmore of Concord is feelThe dance will be helll in the dining !Ir. n. C. Prince 150 Guernsey road, to attending the Harold Ainsworth Post rOOm of the college which \\'il~ 3ccom- is quite ill with an infection of thc car. American Leg~on charity ball which will ing proud titis week because he was one udate sever~l h~ndred cOll!)les with com-, Mr. H.ichard G. Haig of I~ivcrvic\\' be held at ParIsh Hall. Swarthmore Col- of the Delaware County fruit growers fort. :Muslc will be pronded by a cclc- 3\'CllliC has returncd from the Uni\"ci- liege. whose apples displayed at Harrisburg b~ated jazz band and thos~ who do 110t sity HOSI)ital and is cOllvalescent at the A birthday party was given Wednesday last week won first prize in competition WIsh t? dance ~1I. ~f the tune may play home of his father. :\Ir. Robert Haig, afternoon for Rich~rd Armitage, son ~f with apples from several other counties cards m the adJoliung rOOms. I Dr. George L. Armitage and Mrs. Arnll- in Pennsylvania. This is the first year . Ogden avenue. The dance wiIJ begin prompt y at 11111e tage of South Chester road. that Delaware County fruit growers have o'clock. .Members of the Legion Aux~Irs. Hobinsoll, mother of AIrs. J. H. entered the big agricultural show alone. '8 • e. i1iary will be in charge of the refresh- Jessup, Haverford avenue, was taken In other years they have prepared a comments and Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts with (Iuite serious iIIncss last Sunday PARENT AND TEACHER bined exhibit with Chester County. will do their part in minor ways to at church, but is resting comfortably DINNER FEB. 3RD make the occasion a sllccess. at her home. BRooKFJEJ .D BUTTER ChrIstIan EducatIon. The Superintendents of the various de- A.rlistic Homu § partments of Sunday school with'the aid of the Presbpterian Board of PublicaDe&igned and Built tion wiII feature an exhibit of educa1o Meet 2 Ibs. for 59c tional value. lndirJidual Neeu The following committees are unus__ Largest Selling Butter in Ame-rica ually active: dinner, Mrs. J. V. S. BishCRAS. E. FISCHER op; dining room, Mrs. Edward M. Bas304 Dickinson Ave. sett; decorations, Miss Rosamond WellOld Dutch Cleanser 2 cans 13c burn; songs, Mr. AUen C. Wood; pro- _ _ Shredded Wheat 10e Pk8'. gram, Miss Linda DeArmond, .Qr. J.. R. :;;1II111111111111111111111"I11I11II1I1I1I11I11I11I1I11II11I11II11I11UIIII~ Reg. 35 c Stuffed Olives jar-27e Angelus Marshmallows 1ge 30c lb. Sunbeam Tomato Juice ISc Girl Scouts I Troop 16 The members of Troop 16 under th.: direction of :Mrs. George Ashton and i\..[ rs. Gerald Effing arc working ,:m Spanish music for the Song Contest which 'is to be held ill Lansdowne m February. BROOKFIELD NOW ON DISPLAY ••• THE LINCOLN V-12 ••• V-8 Troop 6 In the past week the following girls have been invested in Troop 6: Evelyn I Wherry, Marguerite Gotts, Betty Jean Pitman, Dorothy Lueders Alice Rcd~ grave and Elizabeth \Vhitaker. I A meeting of Troop Committee 6 was held on !.[onday afternoon at the hom:' of .Mrs, R. C. Dis(}l1c. It was voted to present each girl of 'froop 6 invested this year with a Troop Crest for i her uniform. '~r~ ~--#'~ Selected EGGS 28c doz. Vitamont Dog Food Pure Jelly Eggs Ivory Soap (meel.) COMONT i Granite COFFEE Marbl. 00 0 MEMORIALS CemeteTY Work a SpeCialty Wm. J. Cartledge I Eat, 1843 _ can IOc lb. 1ge 4 bars 25e Swift Premium Frankfurters Jge lb. Snowdrift (shortening) 20e lb. j No. Lansdowne Ave., Drexel Hlll. Pa. 23c lb. A small can of Montco Milk given free with each pound of this Superior and satisfying coffee. (OPPOSite Arlington Cemetery) Finest Sharp Cheese & W. Dainty Whole Cam 17c-3 'cans SOc. Salad Shrimp can ISc Imported Sardines Reg. ISc can IOc BUILDERS New Conltruction Alteration. Stone Work Cement Work Plaptone and Slate Walka our Spedalt\Driveway. FencioR Gradinlf Atchitecural Services Financinlf Insurance Balto. Pike and N. Chester Road TELEPHONE Swa"hmo,. '600 Our special Lincoln showing will be continued throughout the week. In the few , I I ~~~~s~w~a~r~t~h~.~1~44~1~§~~1 FRED J. HARLEY Upholstering Furniture Restoring SlipCovers WindowShades Mattresses Renovated $8 with new tick $14 "The Colden Rule 0",. MOllo" lb. 3ge s. EMMONS & ANDES d"ys sillce i~ presentation, motorists have expressed an especially keen interest in the lIew Lincoln 8 and in the fact that Lincoln quality in a motor car 1rI4Y now be secured at prices ranging from $2900 at Detroit. • • • The new car is .•trikingly modem in its beauJ.y. Its precision-built engine is typically Lincoln. The elltire car is characterized by Lincoln's well-known high standards of design and engineering. You are cordially invited to attend this special exhibit. GASH·STULL CO'. (Cheste~ Motors Co.) Ninth and Sproul Streets, Chester Open Ever" Evening :JANUARY 29, 1932 REAL CHOICE Tomatoes and Com 3 cans for 25c Comont Peaches 19. can ISc Choice Pineapple Choice Bart. Pears Royal Anne Cherrier. II'. ean 15c: Ig. ean 19C Ig. can 21e ( C _ d t - Pogo 0 ••, Smith, the Treasurer of the Associa. tion, and Roland L. Eaton. At the next meeting of the Board 01 Directors, Eebruary 17, the matter <:>f use of the Library by non-residents will be acted upon. It is expected that the same rules will_ appJy as in the past, that nearby residents will be permitted to use the library upon payment of a nominal fee. This fee 'has beeh $Z.OO in past years. Sutro Comedy at Playel'll' Clu" Mfss Entiknap. Marjorie Toplis; DarBarnes Praises Support of. oness Della Rocca, Mrs. Harry MaxWell; I,..". o".) made more easily possible with the en- Mellish, Eleanore Olmes; Alexander Library By Community larged stage facilities. Mrs. Margaret Duminy, Dr. A. F. Jackson; Mr. Seed, (CD"'i...~ ••• • a~d PG9- Leaf, a graduate of Harvard University Harry G. Forster; Enid Bassopp, Julie of the department of Dramatic Art, has V. Chapman; Everard Ba.s'opp, Robert co-operaled to a great extent in the de- M. Stabler; Lady Eulalie Havers, Mrs. signing of the settings, and three hand~ Wm. A. C. Bester; Marshall, Morris E. sOme, most effective 'scenes are the ro. Smith; Mr. Bulger, John R. Brownell. ,ulL Wahl Olmes, who has recently assumed the chainnanship of the Property committee, has rendered invaluable service in this unseen, thankless department, and it is hoped that club members will appreciate the t)me, effort and disinterAND ested labor that goes on ubehind the scenes". . The cast of the play is as follows: Mrs. Bailey-Parker, Mrs. Ilia L. Downs; Chrysler Patented "'*********** CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Floating Power II American Legion DANCE'? Your panner will appreciate flowers from the greatest development. of modem times Automatic Clutch Silent Gear Selector Free Wheeling Hydraulic Brakes Centrifuse Brake Drums . AU Steel Body Double-drop Girdertruss Frame OHite Squeak-proof Springs Speed and Pick-up Effortless Steering H THE ANNUM & WAITE Marot: Flower S hop SOUTH CHESTER ROAD Ave. Phone S\varthmore 1250 315 Dickinlon Swa.554 p:,eSident'I~~~~~;~~~~~~:~::~~~"'~"';~"'~"';~"';~.~~"'~"';~"'~'";~"'~~ is ---... .....-- $30 Swarthmore College RHODODENDRON MAXIMUM 1IIOUNTAIN LAUREl. CANADA HEW,h:K AND FLAME AZAI.EI.-; nEil CEIl,\1l 2 to 3 ft. tall, 25 for "54.50, "er ]00 &15.0(;. 12'018 i .... 25 for 12.50. p,., 11I0 88.50. May be pJanted now with thl 1. .. ",1 ut iiUt'('f'''~. Well packed. Cash please Wiih .-\I"tlr'E'. Plealle give neprest expl'e!ls office. BLUE RIDGE EVERGREEN SUPPLY CO. Doeville, Tennessee SHEET METALWORK-ROOFING Copper Spoutings and Flashings Prices on labor and materials are lower than ever before." WOODWARD, JACKSON· & BLACK, iuc. 333 Dartmouth Avenue Swarthmore 43 Special! Gas Ranges GLEE CLUB CONCERT STRATH HAVEN INN New Quality "Table Top" The last word! Burners and oven concealed when not in use, Ul''''~ table top. Green marbleized finish. Dial heat control! $5.00 Down, 18 ·moolhs 10 pay_ dab Price slij'hd" mor~ on b~dae, pfan Only $95 5.31) dll 9 P. lit. The Wame Shop serves from noon till midnitesandwiches and wafDesand good "hot coffee." Business is good at the "MEDIA INN" 'nIank you, ';THE PATTONS." SUGAR 43<: bag " Said Prl§ident Barnes in his report: "Swarthmore is beginning to be Library Activities proud 01 her public . library. A library For Pa8t Year statistician has given some very interesting facts regarding libraries and liDays library was open 156 days brary facilities in Pennsylvania. AcHours each week for cording to his statements, Pennsylvania lending books........ 13 houn :~""".""'1.' is at the very foot of the ladder, as far Hours each week for as libraries are concerned. She does LmRARIAN TELLS OF reading books ....... J3 hours LIBRARY ACTIVITIES not stand at the front but she is numrota. c i r cui a t i 0 11 of ber "forty-eight among al} the states of books lor 1931 ....... J5.036 the Union. There are three enth-e The report of Mrs. Lindale, librarian (This may be comparof the Swarthmore Pu~lic Library. for counties ill Pennsylvania ill which thert: ed with a total ci, .. uis no public library: three other coun1931, Was as lollows: latioll in 1930 01 13,The stati~tlcal repott which is a part ties contain only one library; twenty9?:7 and in 1929 01 of this shows that during the year 1931 two cities of from 10,000 to 50,000 in· 8(05) the library has made a growth: Where- habitants are without libraries j sixty Reg. borrowers, 1931... 1,186 as th~ accessories 'at the end of 1930 towns of 5,000 to 10,000 inhabitants Reg. harrowers, 1930... 1,051 Were 3,461 at the end of 1931, they have no libraries. In all, there are ahout' Fines, 1931 ............ $194.01 were 3,965. The number of readers two and a half million people in Penn. Total number volumes cards issued has increased from 1051 sylvania without library facilities J at beginning of 1931 3,465 to 1186. The number of books circu- Pennsylvania-second in l)Opulatiotl, Total number volumes lated during 1931 is 1109 volumes mort' second in industrial output, and second at the end 01 1931.... 3,961 in wealth but forty·cighth in its prothan during 1930. The amount of money to be ''Used for \'ision for public libraries! 'Vhen we the putchase of books has bcen small reflect on these conditions should we the people of Swarthmore have so enand therefore the "Book Committee" not be proud of the fact that Swarthw thusiastically helped to build up the has taken special pains to buy only tnore, the suburban Athens of Pen:l- library from the beginning with genthe books which would seem to have a sylvania, is at the front in her endeavor erous thought and action. with gifts and lasting value. but many gaps have been to give the best of library opportunities financial contributions, with mental filled by the gifts of generous friends, to the children and the adults in her and moral enthusiasm and support. It community. is said that 'all things come to ,him The library has received also v;:tluable who waits' and 'that God helps them "During the past year a goodly numgifts of service from a number of ;nwho help themselves.' Let us all, ther~­ ber of library books have been donated terested friends. fore, labor faithfully. in the present to During the year several exhibits have by enthusiastic members and friends build up this great id~at artd let us been 'presented, the most interesting cof of the library. \Ve trust that these gifts trust to the" fUture to have the ideal them being the work of Swarthmore will increase during the coming yeai'. realized. Can t,ve do it? We can if we artists. A part of this has been gen- Such gifts constitute a splendid anti think wc can." erous1y given to form the nucleus of lasting service to the community. We hope that these generous donors will a permanent collection. include a goodly proportion of worth Several names have been added to The Friendly Circle the Swarthmore authors shelf. This is while children's books. It is surprising The Friendly Circle of the Trinity a feature of the library that we arc how many children are making convery "rOlla 51 amI tltese addlliorts inake stant use of the library. We wish also Church held its regular monthly meeting it even more valuable and desirable to thank all those members 01 the Ii· at the home of Mrs. George L. Alston than it was last year. brary association or of the commuillty on'the afte"enoon of January twenty-fint. The library has posted the usual lists who have contributed separate book· The iTiembers't'etbrned completed articles, of books, with news items of living cases, scr.ee-ns and other furnit\1re the materials for which had been distribauthors and with pictures when possi- equipment for the library. The pictures uted at the previous meeting. ble; also graded lists of juvenile books. Bas·ed upon its statistics it is shown tion in the library during by presided at Harty the" business Mrs. and cartoons that were putthe on year exhibiMrs. T. Brown.meeting. the tha't the public library effects a saving severa~ of the well-known artists and Pierce reported delivering a full Christin money to every reader in the com- cartoonists of Swarthmore were excel- mas basket to a family and the condifluinity. Through the library every lent. Swarthmore is proud of the men tions in that particular home. A basket readet can secure at a given cost from aild women who inade these contribu- of fruit'-was also sent to an invalid. The members deCided to continue with . 100 to 1000 times the material for read- tions. ing or study that he could secure by ··While all the members of the Li- the sewing and to send milk to two fam• • Iy ilies. A sick girl to be provided with acting individually. brary Board have given cons.C_!enhOUS ot tl1i;ir·'i'iiit~;lthb·ugiit'"iitl(" energy':dtircarlat·(:"to Mt.' Alto and return. .:.... I h The next ineeting will be held Febru" b 'Id' Mrs. Joseph Swain 01 Wallinglord ing the year to the up UI mg. 0 teary 18 at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. entertained at IW1cheon last Saturday'. l~brar.y. yet .1 feel th~t I should m~~-I Arthur R. O. Redgrave, 308 Vas.sar ave. Covers were laid for Mrs. Hotchkiss of tlon In particular one member of the . Pendl. Hill, Mrs. William T. Ellis,.Mrs. Board, Mrs. Harold Griffin, who has Ellis Bacon, Mrs. William F. G. Swann, given much time in the Children's LiMrs. A. H~wkins, Mrs. Arnold Dresden, brary as an assistant librarian and has PER FOOT Miss Frances M. White, Mrs. Herschell been universally thoughtful and helpful G. Smith, Mrs. William T. Worth, 01 in every way. Both the board and the for a building lot in Coatesville and the hostess, Mrs. Joseph members of the community greatly apSwain. preciate such generous service. The SWARTHMORE Dr_ and Mrs. William T. Ellis left on library continues to grow in value and is very low, yet we are Tuesday by motOr for Florida. They efficiency under the excellent superwill stop enroute for a few days at Ashe- vision of Miss Grace Lindale, our lioffering a lot at this price ville. Their Florida home is Wahoo brarian. 160 x 180 feet Lodge, Pompano, which is midway be"Some day, (after old man Depres w tween Palm Beach and Miami. sian has been properly entom~ed and in a choice location. forgottell)-some day some modern Aladdin of Swarthmore will rub his ~ magic lamp and 10 a beautiful, modern, EVERY SUNDAYsplendidly equipped library will rise 0.11 SWEENEY & CLYDE We serve dinner at the a chosen site in our Borough and thIS "Media Inn'" from nOOD29E. FIFTH STREET library will be filled with the choicest on till nine P. M. CHESTER, PA. books and magazines and everything Cooking in email quanthat makes for culture, refinement and tities all day long you are Phone Chester 6141 for mental, moral and spiritual uplift. assured of fresh, appetiz. And this Aladdin will come because inll food. You can r.ome at any hour that euits y~ cdh· venienee - tho from 4:30 till 19pt we are most times crowded hut whit ample, competent, courteous help, you will get good service whenever you come. AT Until noon~ every day, including Sunday, we serve SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH, AT 8 P. M_ breakf..", - ahd all day, every day, from 7:00 All students, and friends of the College and A. M. till midnite - we Strath Haven Inn will be very welcome. have a well balaneed menu No admission charge. of food cooked to order, eandwiches and specialties. F. M. SCHEIBLE Y niDn~r every evening, FRANKLIN GRANULATED. 10 lb. . 'THE '8WARTHMORBAN , '."." ... Save Free Your Hair and Scalp of Dandruff and Other Ailments , Announcing onr new Artzt Milk Ray and Milk Oil Treatinents to create a healthy scalp. Special eleclrical machine and ray lamp used in these treatinents. Special pri.,., on series of treatments. ASK ABOUT BALTO. PIKE AT PROVo RD. DeH Phone 1280 THEM AT FRANK'S BARBER SHOP SWARTHMORE, PENNA. ~~·~.l~:~,,,~,.~,,-.-~.-.~ ... I~==============~==~~I $20 on this Roper Buy this beautiful green and" bisque fin .. ish Roper for nearly $20 less than last spring. Fully insulated. Oven heat con. trot. $2.50 down. 18 months to pay. Fonnerly, $78.50. Price .".ht~ more on bud..tt: oLm Now $59.50 See them. All Our Suburban Stores PHI L ELECTRI PHIA -_.-... "~-----------------------:::-:=-:-:-:--~-l[y:o:u:n:g:e=r~ch~'~·ld~r~e:n~f~r~o~m~l~e~a~V~in~g~S~C~h~OO;1.T!r~~.--.-""---.----------••--..--------- THE SWARTHMOREAN ~I!I·I Miss Gwinn suggested that the members of the audience should ask questions 35 'they· occurred to them. and !he resulting interruptions and answerl.ng explanations added greatly to the IIlterest aroused by the talk. Published Every Friday at Swarthmore, Pa. Robert E. Sharples. Editor .arul PublUher '!I Adequale parkin, spaee, camplete, up;.lo-dale· slores, meMu" dise at lowest prices, and personal 8enice from fellow..lown8peoplt:l who are inlerested In making Swarthmore a more pleaJIaot place in which 10 live. These are Ihe thin•• you can find by shopping in Swarthmore. The Swarthmore Dnsinels Men'. Association i8 an (Orlanization workinK in your Interesi. It. members meril your patrona_e. The AI'I8OCiation welcomes any 8uggeslion8 or complB:ioIS. relative ,10. Swarthmore'l'I 8tores. \Vhcll I was a ooy-just a short time agoFor years don't count when you grow an~ grow And relish life's happincss, troubles and JOys; All mcn arc nothing but grown-up boys. \Vhcn I was a boy-just a boy like youAnd Time was young and the world was new, .My heart beat high with a .ioy that si~lgs­ For life was so full of a number of thmgs. Sometimes I felt like a king on his throne \Vho reigns supreme and who rCib,'11S all alone; Sometimes things went wrong and I feJt very smaU; And I fell from my throne-and great was the fall. thinks far and he wants th.iugs SOOIl, His f~et 011 the earth yet he grasps for the moonj To him the whole world is pulsing with truth; For all things arc possible, always, to Youth. A bOlo \Vhell I was a boy full of hopes and of fears, My lifc was a mixture of smiles and of tears, Of longings and drc3n1s( of play-times and pranks, Of lovc and caresscs-of scoldings and spanks. . Oh a boy must work and a boy must play And a boy must somehmes have Ius way When longings arc worthy and dreams are true And things arc right that he wants to do. .. A boy craves justice from those above,Patkence, sympathy, kinrlucss, love; Vve all should hCtp him the best we call, For the well-bred boy makes the worthwhile man. Announcement of a valuable scholarship open to Pennsylvania ooys who are in the ninth grade or the first half of the tenth grade has been received at the principal's office of the Swarthmore high school. It is one of four offered this year in Culver Military Academy by the Acadcmy's trustees in memory of the wife oi Culver's founder, Mrs. Emily Jane Culver. The scholarship is equal in value to a Rhodes scholarship and is rated among the highest prizes offered in any second, ary school. It is valued at $6,000 and provides even uniforms and text books, as well as tuition, board and room for three years. The winner will be at no expense whatever during his attendance at Culver except for personal expendi. tures. The scholarship will go to the winner of a state-wide competition which will be conducted under the direction of a commit tee of Pennsylvania educators, of " which Dr. Frands B. Haas, president of II 1 the State Teachers College at Bloomsburg, is cbairman. Prof. Francis M. Garvcr of the University of Pennsylvania, II and Dr. Ben G. Graham, superintendent of schools of Pittsburgh, are the other members of the committee. Preliminary examinations will be held on March 19th in -twenty-five Pennsylvania towns sele<::ted as examination centers. These centers arc :-Allentown, Altoona, Bedford, Brookville, C~ambers­ burg, Clearfield, Coudersport, EriC, Harsisburg, Huntingdon, Indiana, Lancaster, Meadville, New cas tIe, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Pottsville, Reading, Scranton, Shamokin, Towanda, Uniontown, Warren, Washington and Williamsport. Iii r: ,Ii 11'1 iL "'" l. , i i I I. I I Swarthmore 1431 SWARTHMORE PHARMACY Preurip'iorl5 CaTeirdl,. Filled Shirer Building Swarthmore 586 SUPLEE'S STORE HardJcare - Pai,.t. - Electrit!lll Supplie. II South Chesler Road Swarthmore. lOS II. B. GREEN Coal- Wood - Huild;ng Malerial. I South ·Princeton Avenue Swarthmore 1234 I I Services, Sunday, January 31st 9:45 - CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 - Worship and. Sermon "AWARE OF THE ETERNAL" 8:00-MEN'S NIGHT Guest Speaker - Men's Chorus DR. WILLIAM A. PEARSON Dean, Hahnemann Medical College, and President Philadelphia Rotary. I A WELCOME AWAITS YOU THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Do not Dray for easy livesl Pray to be strong men! Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers I Pray for powers equal to your tasks I - Phillips Brooks. SUNDAY 9:45 A. M. - First Day School In Whittier House. 9 :45 A. M. - Morning Forum In Meeting ing House, Subject on Jan. 31st: "YJ.·tn·s Responslb11lty for the World Tomorrow." Led by J. O. St. Clare Drake. l!:oo A. M. - Meeting for worship in the meeting house. WEDNESDAY 9:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. M. -Sewing and Qutlting in Whittier House, Box luncheon. All are cordially Invited to Join In these services. Steak alld Mflshrooms Weekly Rates for Meals Swarthmore 1390 Yale and Rutgers Avenue E.C. WALTON Real Estate -Insurance - NOlary Public 13 South Chester Road Swarthmore 114 SWARTHMORE ELECTRIC SHOP Electrical Applance. and Service 411 Dartmouth Avenue i, Swarlhm~re 1896 I I !, WOODWARD, JACKSON & BLACK Plumbing - Heating and Roofing I 333 Darlmouth Avenue Swarthmore 43 Swarthmore 1600 Baltimore Pike and Riverview Road CHARLES E. FISCHER Builder Swarthmore 33S-W JOE CELIA Shoe Store - Shoc Repairing 102 Park Avenu~ Swarthmore 870-1 ---~~.=~,~-~=~'= .. -~.- .•--....-...--..._•. _ ··_··-.··_··-..·-.··-.·-..·.-...·--.....-.·_·-:.--.... . . . . . . . .-...1 Where are YOUR valuable papers. heirlooms. treasured jewels. things you can never replace if lost or stolen? You can rent a private SAFE DEPOSIT BOX here as low as $3.00 a year. No one can Open it but you. We Our. selves cannot open it without your personal key. Swarthmore National Bank Company "Seming SUtarlhmore Since 1904" !i ! PAUL M. PAULSON Dry Cleaning - Oriental Rug. TRINITY CHURCH 100 Park Avenue Protestant Episcopal Chester Road and College Avenue OPposite the College Campus Rector Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S.T.Y. Swarthmore 529 ADOLPH'S BARBER SHOP Barbel' Dartmouth Avenue SUNDAY 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 9:45 A. M.-Prlmary Dept. 203 COllege AVE. the 1'l"H+;H+;io++++++++++'" .. I I I I II t t Ir' t I"''..,' 'III I .. ' I I I•' I I III I I I I ' Church.Main BibleSchool Class. atHick's : ( Hall. Merely Pay the Small Balance Duft on a 11;00 A. M.-Morning Prayer and Sermon. Mr. Ouenther wlUpreach. • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - ....... - . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . .- . - - - . . - - - -. .- - - - . . . . - . . . . • ..- . . - - . .· - -... · - - · - - -... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a !' t ii ! LESTER GRAND PIANO PlRST CHURCH OF CHRIsT. SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue Below Harvard . Services: • 11:00 A. M..-SUD~ Pebool. 11:00 A. M.-8unday Lesson-Sermon. S Wednesday evening meeting each week p. lb. Reading room open dali, exce~i S undays and holida.... 1 P." K to 4' P • " ChUl'Cb edl.D.ce, #~, AU are COrdially inVIted to atteud the services use the Read.1.nC Boom. an" Qualitv Market GILLESPIE. DEVELOPMENT . -. Stone and frame dwelling at 621 University Place. Completely modern iti every respect and typical of 'the finest Gillespie homes in Swarthmore. JUST COMPLETED' I Large living room, dining room kitchen breakfast room, laundry on fi;st floor: EMMONS & ANDES Builder. - I...uranee 304 Dickinson Avenue Another New Horrieadded to the.·· BACBMANS CLiHORD M. RUMSEY Na.h Sale. and Service Mlnlster Chops Salad Platters THURSDA Y NIGHT DINNERS F'"ied Chickell alld lVa"l u' .. Roast Beef, etc. ~~-~~~~iiiiii Swarthmore 183 HANNUM & WAITE Plymou·,h -Cl1ryaler Sales and Service Yale Avenue and South CheSler Road Swarthmor.e 1250 SWARTHMORE ekes . BACHMAN'S ·MARKET Croceries and lJleals Ya!c and Kenyon Avenues 12 f)()124TI:() I SAIIl DRAYIIIAN Sltoe Starp.. anti Shoe; R~pa.ir StorD . 8 Park Avenue· METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH LLOYD P. STEVENS Special Sunday SuPPers .. . STRATII HAVEN INN Tea Room -Dining Room and Holel Accommodation. Swarthmore 680 WEDNESDAY 6:30-PARENT-TEACBER DINNER. Dr. Robinson of the city speaks. SUNDAY DINNER 1 to 7:30 :r--..-...~-. ! I Grocer;e. Swarthmore 47-48 ., Chester Road "I Phone 149 'JJ' J'egetablea - SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. Complete Banking Ser~;c~ This service closes a.t 5 :45. I 7:00-MISSIONARY TEA FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Mlss Bradley of China speaks. Swarthmore, Po. : I SWARTHIIIORE MARKET 5:00 - VESPERS. PASTOR'S MEDITATION: "THE VALLEY OF BLESSING." Harvard and Rutgers Avenues Chicken alld 11'00'''1.. Swarthmore. 750 Freah Fruils 411 DartlnoUlh Avenue SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH John Ellery Tuttle, Pastor OUR DOORS ARE OPEN TO ALL . AND SO ARE OUR HEARTS. SUNDAY 10:00 - Bible Study. 11 :00- MORNING· WORSHIP. SERMON BY THE PASTOR; "CHOOSING THE BEST VALUES." 4:45-0RGAN WORSmp. Fltteen minutes of quiet, beautiful music. H arvard i' "1 CHARLES A. SMITH Real I!,'.tate and In."rance THE drive to the "I CHARLES PARKER Real Eatate -Insurance -Notary Public Parker Arcade, Chester Road . Swarthmore 42 = Church News -= ~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111; concerning the two water companies servCOUNTY LEAGUE TO HOLD MEETING FRIDAY ing Delaware County. Representatives of the water companies have also been asked On Friday, February 5th, 1932, the to be present. Then will follow general discussion by Delaware County League of Women League members regarding the utilities Voters, Mrs. Cheyney, Chairman, witl and their relation to living costs. The Executive Board will meet at 11 hold a meeting at headquarters, the ·Woman's Clubhouse, Media, in charge of a. m. Reservations for the discussion lunchMiss Alice Darnell, County League eon must be made to Mrs. Edwin A. Chairman of Living Costs. . At.1 :00 p. m. there·will be a di::;(.ussion Yarnall. Swarthmore 143W not later luncheon; when Mrs. John M. Ogden of than Wednesday, February 3rd. • I Swarthmore, will speak 011 current legislation in Congress, and will outline the Program Observes offices for which candidates will be notnChild Labor Week 'inated at the April primary election. At 2 :30 p. m. the guest speaker will (r;OJltiJllmJ frDm pQIJ, On,) be James L. Rankin, who will speak may have to children of sixtecn or .from the point of vic\\' of the consumer eighteen years, thus discouraging :i, SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES ANNA SCHALLES i!!/111111111111111111 1111111:1 1111 11 111 11 11 111111 11 111111111111111111111111 ~ • Harold Barnes. I I AIARTEL BROS. Pure Food and Health Store 7-9 South Chester Road Swarthmore 761-762 ! Times may change from the days of yore But boys are still. b·oys the whole world o~er j There are smiles and tears and grief and joy Just the same as there were when I was a boy. iI -================::; Swarthmore 240 Dartmouth Avenue tea to which all young people of the There will be no Sunday school on the extending of that width In length or depth BoI'Q~ of eoUlngda1e., Delaware County, church are invited. The guest-speaker 14th. northwe&twardly between parallel lines at PennsylvanJa. conta1ntng In front or TlSht angl~ to Parker avenue seventy-five breadth on Parker avenue sixteen feet and Cleverness in acting, direction, play will be Miss Bradley, a graduate stu~ O n Tuesday evening, February 9th feet to a fifteen foot (formerly ten) wIde extending of that width 10 length or depth construction and lines are noticeable dcnt of Tennent College, Philadelphiu., there '11 be P . h v II h· S alley. leading southwestwardly Into an- northwestward.; between parallel lines at • WI a arlS .l'e ows Ip upper other ten foot wide alley or driveway leadfeatures of "The Guardsman." the new who is l>reparing for missionary service rlSht anglee to Parker aVeD1J,e !'eventY-five In the new assembJy room of the church iug soutbeaatwardl}" into Parker avenue, feet to a flfteen (formerl.}" ten) foot wide Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer comedy which in China, where shc was born and at 6 :30. arranged by the Woman's Guild .In:.provement& COD..81st of two-story brIck aHey or UrJveway leading southeastwardly will be shown at the Lansdowne Theatre where her parents are now missionar- of Into Parker avenue. which Mrs. E. 0, Lange is president. house. 16x45 feet. Store front. Garage atnext Wednesday and Thursday. ics. Her lIncle, also a missionary there, Mrs. John A. Murphy is Chairman of the tached. Improvements conslat ot two-story brick The situation of the story, by Ferenc k' I supper committee. ,Sold B8 the property or Theodore Man~oc~. l6x45 feet. Store front. Garage atMolnar, the highly sophisticated HWl- was II cd by bandits not long sillc.~. n ng. , I • Sunday morning, Dr. Tuttle will d garian ramatlst, puts an immediate • Co n dt·t -- ~50 00· cash or cer t1 fied chec k nlng. Bold as the property of Theodore ManSHERIFF'S SALES strain on its principals. It concerns an preach on "Chooshlg the best values''', "o~ . on day of sale; balance In ten daY6. Furactor who is insanely jealous of his .wife, with especial re~erellce to the coming ther conditions announced. at gle. Condltlona---t250.00 cash or eertlfled. check SHERIFF SALES and makes love to her' in disguise. in conference, on dls~rmamen.t at Gencv:.l. on day of sale; balance In ten days. Fur~ ALBERT J. WILLIAMS. Attorney. ther conditions announced. at 8a1e. order to test her loyalty to him. _ A most mterestmg. serVice was held Of Real Estate The play was an enormous success on last \Vedncsday cvcnmg on the subjet~t No. 315 ALBERT J. WILLIAMS, Attorney. Fieri FacJas At the Sheriff's Office the stage, and it has been brought to of the relation of the Christian individJOHN J. CAIN. December Term, 1931 . Court House. Media, Pennsylvania C