s$ ~tb. . . . 00'11. ,.,. Vot 111, No. 1 Swarthmore, Pa" January 10, 1931 $2.50 Per Year "The Youngest" Proves Entertaining IFORTNIG~ilTTci>N MONDAY School Board Undecided On Production of . Players' Club AI rs. Hervey Schumacher will enter-. Building Gym This Year Robert W. Graham Featured In Laugh Provoking Comedy; Unemployed To Benefit tain the Fortnightly at her home on Haverford avenue, on January 12th at 2 :30 o'clock. The newest of Mr. Galsworthy'~ works "On Forsythe Change" will be reviewed by .11r5. Clifford. In this book we meet many of the distinguishcd members the famous Forsythe family. There is talk of many a happening in the early days-and one might think the family had assembled for an anniversary or a New Year's celebration. Mrs. Schumacher will review an article by Ossip Gabrilowitsch and Mrs. Perry will contribute an anecdote. Long ago it was' ,decided that ~he confidence in his own rote and in the chief aim of the Players' Club should work of his fellow actors which always be to. entertain its mem b ers rath er made the performance at its best when he was on the stage. than to educate them or enlighten them The work of William C. Pickett and on social questions or use them as an Miss Elizabeth Hunter was particuelement in developing new ideas aild lady natural and at all' times sl1stained methods in the Little Theatre move- interest while John E. Fricke as the ment. With this chief aim in mind, oldest brother played a difficult role "The YO\lngest," 'I:-hilip Barry's popu- very convincingly. a • lar three act play about a typical Am~f1"s; J, V. S. Bishop as the mother eri~an home in which the youngest was sympathetic and understanding JOHN F. CONWAY NEW FIRE CHIEF child is' the ce~ter of' distraction is and admirably suited for the part in one of the most successful plays the every particular. Dr. David Cramp and club members have seen in some time. lfiss Mildred Simpers as the married John F. Conway. well known merchant Although little morc than an hour couple living at home added much to of Swarthmore. wea .. elected ("hid of th(' and a half in running time, it is packed the performance and were excellent' Swarthmore Fire and Protective Asso~ with as many if not more laughs than examples of good casting and rlirection. dation at the meeting of active members most of the Players' Club" two hour and ~fiss Dorothea Tetlow as the heroine Thursday night. Mr. Conway has heen a half plays. As directed by Robert W. who appears on the scene and plays an an active fireman for the past fiftecn Graham, a' vetehin director of the club, important role in the existence of years and has assi5ted at all of Swarthand Charles R. Docherty, a newcomer everyone, was altogether charming 111 marc's big fires. who assisted Mr..Graham, th~ three (Ct}lIfituud mI PtJ,u Eiohl) Several years ago he served as assist~ acts dissqlve~l smoothly and rapidly I t ant chief and has always been one of the into an evening of amusement and inmost active workers in the Association. tere.sf which m~de eve.r~one i.11 the During the past year he served actively audience an active partiCipant III the as the head of several committees. of LEGION CHARITY· pe~I?::,~~~~e~nd second acts in particular sustained interest almost continually and impressed the audience with little evidellce of the slo,vlless and tendd I' I k eney to rag w lIC 1 mar s most amateur performances, the Players' Club 'not excepted. H the third act (at least on Monday lIight) had a good many people reachillg for their coats before it was half over the responsibility no doubt rests with the author rather than with the players. Mr.. Graham evidenccd a feeling of ANTIQUES,SUBJECr OF WOMAN'S CLUB - Chippendale Furniture Discussed by Instructor at School of Industrial Art ART COMM • PROGRAM On Tuesday afternoon the Woman's ClUb of Swarthmore had the privilege i BAtt JAN~14 GIRLS' HOCKEY TEAM Budget Being Prepared To Show Amount Available For Project; Seek Tax Cut The next step on the building program i available for the gymnasium project. of the Swarthmore school system and \Vhile the gymnasium unit in the schemwhether it should be taken at once or I, atic plan could be built for that it WGuid delayed, occupied. the attention of mem-I probably make it necessary to pay for bers of the schdtlr board at the regular! furnishings and any extras from ~he monthly meeting Thursday evening. The' 1931-1932 general fund. budget for the school year of 1931 and Other members of the school board 32 will be submitted at the February, failed to show any enthusiasm over the meeting by Supervising principal Frank' gymnasium project or. the proposed soluR Morey and no . doubt will affect the I! tion. Sentiment was expressed that more decision of the board. classrooms were needed at. the College Frank N. Smith, president of the!avenue building before 'the gymnasium board, says that he is still definitely in~11 was begun. elined towards the schematic plan ii-I' It was suggested that in follow'ing the lustrated and described in this week's schematic plan proposed by Mr. SmithJ paper. This pJan would make use of the the first unit should consist of the secground purchased from the College this' tion fronting on College avenue and irtyear for $22,000 and would make pos-I cluding four classrooms, a trophy roomJ sible a unit by unit enlargement of the' and rooms for the two physical directors. prcsent ColJege avenue building, It was. pointed out that this building' At the present time with the Rutgers would provide clas'SroOms that may avenue building and the new shop build- easily be needed hext faU and that. the ing completed there is about $55,000 construction of this unit first will give Ithe entire College avenue building an at'tractive street front while if the gym~ ,I nasium unit is built first it wil.l be. set • back and look out of place untIl UUlt 4 I F SCOTT McBRIDE TO SPEAK HERE I out- I t in-I I T.1111 I Proposed Plans For New School Gymnasium of listening to an ilIu,strated talk given by Mr. Edward Warwick, instructor at the PClUlsylvania Museum School of In- + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; : - - - - - - - - - - - - t dustrial Art on the Makers of " T h e . ~ Chippendale Style in America." .~~ ~ ch~~:nM;;~ ~~eth:~te~~~:.\~1·~n:;:~~ I ~~;;\... J duced the speaker, Mr. Warwick began by showing a picture of ".Mount Pleasant" the interesting and elegant old man. sion in the park, Thi.'l mansion has been I-restored in recent years and is now com~..~ pletely furnished in American and for the larger parI Philadelphia antiques, There was a period, Mr. Warwick said, not so very long ago, when Amerieans thought, that their old valued pieces of furniture. which had been handed Ib down to them from colonial times, must all have been imported from England ; . Today we realize, that some of the m o s t , :(~ exquisite pieces of furniture, nowfamilies in the ~ possession of some of OUr best == : ~ v ~...... ,.'_"' .__ ,. ........:....... .~ ..:----' -~~'- ~, ____ ' \ ,\ \, r- I II r f I I', \ \ "-, ~ ~ IJtR---~J I '\ i ~ . \ \ \ '\, ~~~lF5~iF9b~~~1 _.... ,. d.I f '--r;F"'~x:7ru~ .: L1~-. -.. I - .I-_J,t.~~~' _-+_' b==~-=c:,-==:" '_-----__,""",~""\", :..!l :=,e."'- ~.,;:. irctl~.~_ l-------,:-d' ~.....~"'!!"--- '.I' ·.I,l ~t ~~~~~;=E~~~~~~~~~~:jr~~~ . ~.-- .. There is little douht, that the old cata~ 11~~~ ~ f(r«..nr.... &.rN country. logues of furniture which were brought F .. . ~ .. . 'j..?:,; ,,:,..; ;eL out for the trade by men like Chippen_ _ ,...... ,_ ___ . _ __ _ ......_ "...mw.." , ..,., I~~~~~·~ dale and She radon were known in the •.- ,-""., -""-' colonial days of America but the distinDrawings of schematic plans for development of gymnasium. and College avenue school buildings guished cabinet makers of the latter part of the eighteenth century carried out -.-.~--.. - - - - ·__ 1 .-_ _ _ .. their original designs of decoration in The following schematic plan shows finished, Only the west wall would be funds in the. fall of 1933 and would cost the construction of the furniture made how the 1.035 acres of ground jw;t west of stone similar to the present building, I about. $71,000, There is some feeling here. of the College avcnue school which was the other walls being either .tem-I now that this unit should come first with Old labels found on chairs have per- purchased from Swarthmore College porary or inSide walls of a later umt. the gymnasium following in 19,1,l. petuated to this day names like Lavery I h I td and Randolph, both Philadelphia cabinet last spring might be .. tilizel! for the Unit 4 ... is shown on t e pan wou Unit No, 5 would be a grade school makers of unusual distinction, Some of enlargement of the present building into consist of four class rooms and a trophy complete in itself which wou1d make the sample chairs which must have cOrne a single school plant room. The trophy roo!'1 would then re~ possible moving all of the prescnt grades down to this generation from the workDesignating the College a,'enue audi- pla~e the wooden corridor to the !.7m- from the College avent!(. 'miJding and shop of Mr. Randolph were recently torium as Unit I, in the enlargement of! naslUrn. Over the tr?phy r~m .would maintaining it solely <\s a high SChLOt. sold at an auction sate at New York for the original building, the .shop building he a room. fo~ the t~oy s ~hyslcal dlre~t{Jr This unit would include a kindergarten the fabulous price of $33,000. completed this summer is marked as and the gIrls p~yslcal director, UDtt 4 room for beginners livin.'I north of the During Mr. Warwick's entire talk Unit 2 and the gymnasium or unit prOM \vould also. COl1$lSt of showers and tock~ R. R., seven class room~ and a principal's those. present realized, that as Philadel~ ~ posed for construction dudng the com~ cr rooms In the basement bel)t'ath the room, There would he two toilets, and phians they had reason to be proud of ing year as Unit 3, classrooms .and the tr?p~y room and, a stair at each end of the l uiiding. ~e many beautiful objects of art which Unit 3 would consist of a building 70 would prOVide for .finIshlOg the ba~eM Unit 6, which wO'JId C'omplete the plan were constructed in the form of various by 70 containing a playing flo:.Jr 40 by ment of the gymnasIUm as a cafeteTia as it has now been worked out, would pieces of furniture and which are pre-' 60 feet and room for 264 spectators on It wou.ld also take car~ of the nec~ssary call for removing the south wall of the served to this day in Our Pennsylvania lone side, It would be connectl"li to the ex~anslO~l ~f the heating system m !he first unit of the gynmas:m:1 anrl replace museums and private collections. main building by a temporary woodt"o maltt buddlttg to heat the two new untts. it with folding doo .. ~ Icadin'I to a second corridor and the basement would be unThis unit could be built out of school (C_••~ .. P_ .J • _ . , - ~h~ee I I "-J '.; 4<- ... . :'I": . -', (},' rooms were also UBRARY BENEFIT TICKETS POPULAR .. ...~. ~ \ v-n 1 ~~~~~;~ze~~r the locker T I , ---\\----r--r~.... - productions of oil paintings and purchased one for each room in the new I Rutgers avenue building. A few extra pieces such as a screen for the fireplace 10 the Rutgers avenue building and oP ~., o===-~~ 1 _ ' - - _ - - - - - - , l! were made in this country and equal and even surpass in .some instances, work done by the cabinet makers of the old ~~~~tr j~u;::ti~~sit.were is to the effect that the project be delayed until enough ELECTS NEW CAPTAIN additional funds had accumulated in the Tickets Almost Sold Out for . W. C. T_ U. Sponsors Meeting' at tre,asury, to build a gymnasium without B eneIit N ~ t F·d Mary Cresson h...... been elected captain n ay ~ Methodist Church Wednes. sklmpmg. Th~ constr~ction of a temp-Evenmg and Ann Bons~l1 man a g e,r ,0 f the dE. orary- gyrnmrSflJm .-'butrdiHg-.. benina.~ttfe Swarthmore High .school, girls h~ey ay venmg College avenue building was also meitA U X ILIA R Y ASSISTING team for 1932. Th.s year steam wh,ch tioned, ,was o~e of the best the school has e~er ANTI-SALOON HEAD Practically the entire board with the Ihad will lose seven players by graduation exception of Mrs W Carson Ryan sec~ What was begun as a Benefit ?ance, this June:. Edna Snyde.r, ri~ht h~I£I~ack Dr. F. Scott l\.fcBride, famed and, r~tary, expressed' a 'Jack of inter~st in I for ~he Unemployed has grown mto a and capfam; Ruth .B~dl, right lllslde; widely publicised head of the National' the gymnasium as a means of promoting , Chanty Ball sponsored by th:e local Ellen Pearson, left lllslde; Betsy Soule, A t' S I [ fA' '111 competitiv'" class and •. ' ., ~ ~'~1 ..... : ..~ "ro.l! A merlcan ' L ' P ' ' Ief t halibac, k Betty B onsa, II center h ~ If 111mC!"lca, ;" " ~ .. '." l!, ~glOn ost With every 10k aoon I \",.eague I d 0 ' .. ~ WI, .stated that ... they foIt toe•. d" f ~ . S vart h 'sf re b k CI . G'b . ht f 11 spea nex 'vecne.s av evenmg a. 0 0.. . ... IcatlOn ~ I ~comlllgf 'h ...mure'r . °k - i baCk! H ell~etntMmett 'Isofnt'h rl•fgb k u - clock at the Methodist Church. The: in the form of comr .. : most SOCI.! event 0 t e year. IC ets ac, arne a er, e a ac. t" b' h Id W d d more harm·' than good ' f h a' II b 'J mee 109 IS elitg e On e ne5 ay ~ ; " - or t e ~'l~ur ~re nO"\~.;~Jl~.~ )to:. "!("I)17l!\"'l --.~ "'1 ... ' - ........ ~ ................"7 •• ' •• ~'. '~. ·t··_· k t r 1·1'·'· M l riowe'9'tr-UH.t agyifli1a j scarCe arid will 'undoubtedl~ be sold B'd· b ' -h· f . 'd· Ik :Ilg.lt . 0 tl~ e h'l! I} ahce "h ra£}'cr • bee - t sary part bf a camp' 'th' f d j J S are emg soug t or a SJ ewa lOgs 10 tie ot er cur\: es 0 t h l' or-I' wIT~~ balf\~s ~~s'be held at tne )"farv:along one side of Rutgers avenue be- .ough and make it possibll! for everyone I and as such was needeu UI ~."Q'~" ... ¥~_. L 0 ·School ne t Fr'd 'e' J'- tween Yale avenue and the new school I to attend, . The board feels that the present tax u y n 16 Th ~ .. ay ~\ I~mg, A an building according to Frank N.' Smith a Dr. McBride wi1l talk on prohihition, rate of 27 mills should be n'rluced this iI~ryy . ' . ~er:call eglo~ ux- member of the syndicate which expects and will relate recent experiences to year if possible and that under no cir.. ,aTrh .JScoasSl~tt,~g .10 thlC prepfa rt•·1,oldIS. to develop the ground just taken into the I dicatc the growing etTc.;thene:;:i of the Cl1mstances should the gymnasium be une of mml ..e IIIBair C E CUR I TIE S Opened Oysters 19c doz. FRESH FISH, OYSTERS EVERY DAY IIIIS.IIII.IIIIIIIIIIII., & In the 26 years from 1902 to 1928, earmngs of tbe electrical power IOdustry grew from $86,000,000 to $1,800,000,000or 2200 pcr cent. WIth 2 milhon consunters of electcJc power bClDg added yearly, the prospect for further growth IS exceUent. Holders of Power and Rail Trusteed Shares have an Owner ship In securities of 42 large and growing pubhc utlhtles, as wei. as JO 15 of the notable raIlways of the country a Widely dlversdied mvestment With excellent earnmg prospectc. FilII mjormatlon WIll he /urmshed on request or may b. secured FROM YOUR OII"N HANK SNYDER & (0. ,:> PENnypacker 1400 1520 LOCUST STREET PHILADELPHIA Wilbur B Francis M conrowJR epresentatwes Sawyer Indiana Southwestern Gas & Utilities Corporation Convertible 6% Ten-Year Secured Notes Price $98.50 and accrued Interest, to yield 6.20% Warren A. Tyson & Co. Incorporared Investment Securities 1518 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA nelaware County Repreaentarive F. R. STEVENSON, Jr. 110 Powelton Ave. Lanadowne, P .. Telephone-Madbon 6474 House 9 45 A M -Adult Class 1n the Meeting House led on January 11th by George P Thomas Subject Symbolism In Reltglon • 11 00 A M -Meeting for Worship In the Meeting House wednesday 9 30 A M to 2 30 P M --Sewing and Quilt- Ing in Whittier House Box luncheOn All are cordially Invited to Join In these services < TRINITY CHURCH . Protestant Episcopal Chester Road and College Avenue Rector Rev J Jarden Guenther S T M Trusr Co., Trustee 2200 PER CENT GROWTH IN 26 YEARS _._- FRESH POWER AND RAIL TRUSTEED SHARES Central Hanover Bank Strawberries 35c box _._- McBRIDE A CORDIAL INVITATION TO YOU FROM THE SWARTHMORE Swarthmore National Bank and TrUS t C ompany FRESH Winesaps 75c Yz bu. scorr General Superintendent Anti-Saloon Bills! BROS. Fresh Peas 39c y.;: pk. EVERYBODY League + Mushrooms 29c Ib AMENDMENT SPEAKER The Market For Parhcular People ! FRESH WHITE 18TH INVITED Phones Sw. 188, 950 We recommetld for I1zvestment r+++++++++++++++.lllllilit Sw. 761-762 THE DIRECTION OF THE W Full Line of Fancy Groceries, Fresh Vegetables and Fruits stand and thc Strath Haven Inn Free Delivery A UNION MEETING, WEDNESDAY. JAN- UARY 14TH IN THIS CHURCH Real E.tate on sale at the drug stores, Bretz news STAYMAN fOppoeit ArllnnoD Cemeterr) 411 Dartmouth Ave spontaneous that they are being placed f 800PM SPECIAL NOTICE SWARTHMORE and the committee takes t111s opportu- Furniture Rep8J.l'lnR' Cu.tom Made Furniture 11 00 AM THE UNAVOIDABLE CHRIST' Large house 4 bedrooms Beautiful grounds, $75 Three .maller hou.e., $45, -::---:.:-- and the h,o popular radiO entertamers, Herby \Vebh and Jack Ott, assures Uphol.terlnl', Antique Reproduction. Preaches at both services THE DIVINE TRIO Sunday Services B 00 a m -Holy Communion 9 45 a m -Sundar School and Young People s Discussion Group 11 00 a m -Morning Prayer and Sennon Mr Guenther will preach 4 00 P m.-ORGAN RECITAL FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST. OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue Below Harvard Services 11 00 A M ---Sunday School 11 00 A M --Sunday Lesson-Sermon Wednesday evening meeting each week m Reading room open dally, except Sundays and holldays I P M to 4 P M Church edifice 8 p All are cordially Invited to attend the services and use the Reading Room. NATIONALLY KNOWN GRAND PIANO town wuhe. to give up their beautiful Grand Plano half paid for Juat like . . new-14 month. old.. Rather than bnng thl' plano back to our wat"eroom. we will re.ell to rehable party and allow all monle. paid Jud contmue easy monthly payment on .mall balance. For pl'lee, make and condition apply, BOX NO NC Builders of Artistic Homes in SWARTHMORE and VICINITY Home. de.lgned and built to meet Individual need. CRAS. E. FISCHER 304 Dickinson Avenue Sw.33S·W JANUARY 10, 1931 THE SWARTHMOREAN 5 and reservLng the right to levy a special cn may determine the time and manner of VenrlttlOnl Exponas No 4471 eastwardly along said center Une of Htgbtax or assessment on the properties so an- efl'ectlng such collections, which may inland avenue fltty feet and extending of nexed In annual Instalments with inter- clude the levy and collection of a special December Term, 1930 that width In length or depth southwestest for the pwpose of reimbursing the Bor- assessment or tax on the properties so anwardly between parallel lines at right ough for all costs and expenses Involved nexed In addition to the regular BorAll Ihat certam lot or piece of ground With angles to the said center line of HIghland In said annexation including adjustment ough General and Sinking Fund taxes and the bUlldmgs and lmprovements thereon erect avenue one hundred. and twenty-five feet of Indebtedness with other municipalities, assessments and the regular School. ed situate In the Township of Sprmgfield, (Being known as No 320 Highland aveand authorizing the Borough Engineer to County Poor and State taxes assessed upon County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania, nue) provide the necessary descriptions maps other properties of the Borough, provided. and deSCribed according to a survey and plan and plots and to place the said tracts however that any such special tax or as- thereof Under and subject to certain restrictiOns made for Joseph C Mowrer by Daman and the streets thereof on the Borough sessment shall be levied In at least ten & PQster, E. Upper Darby. Pa, on March covenants condltloIlS and agreements as Plan authorlzlng the recording of this approximately equa.l annual Instalments, 5 19_6 asC foUQYis, therein mentioned Also under and subto VOlt ordinance and flUng of said desCriptions with Interest at six percent on all unpaid ject to the payment of a certaln mortgage and plans in the Court of Quarter Sessions balances beginning with the year 1931 or prinCipal sum of fifty-five hunBt"gmmng at a POUlt on the north\\t"st Side debt of the Peace of Delaware County Rnd Council ma.y determine the time when dred dollars of Pancoast nvenue (as \\Idened to thc \\tdth amending Ordinances No 299 known as the and the manner In which such successive Zoning Ordinance of said Borough levies or assessments may be made and of forty five feet by the additIOn of ten fect Improvements coIlSlSt of two and oneon each Side thereof) at the distance of one hal! story stucco and stone house, 18X39 BE IT ORDAINED by the Councll of the collected sIxty mne and mnety one-hundredths hundred Borough of Swarthmore and It Is hereby SECTION 6 No extension of the pres_ feet southYiest\\ardly from the south\\est Side feet One-story stucco addition 9x9 feet 1931 Porch front Stucco garage 9x18 feet Proposals must be accompanied by a cer- enacted and ordained by authority of the ent sanitary sewer system. of the Borough tilled check for 5% of the amount thereof same for sewage faclllties of the said tract shall of Frankhn avenue (as Widened to the Width of forty feet by the addition of five feer on the Sold as the property of Dalton Johnson and the succc88ful bidder will be required SECTION 1 That In accordance with a be made except with the consent of the to give sUfficient surety Bonds satisfactory certain petition signed by a majority of the Sanitary Water Board of Pennsylvania and south-y; est sade and ten feet on the northeast and Helen Johnson, b1S wUe Side thereof) to the Borough SoUcltor for the completlon freeholders of certain terrItory adjacent Borough Council and subject to the right Condltlons--$250 00 casb or certl1led check of said work and guaranteeing the pay- to the Borough on the Southerly side of the Borough to assess the entire cost ContalUlUg IQ front or b{eadth on the said on day of sale balance 1D ten days ment of and all labor and material thereof lying partly In Springfield Town- thereof upon the properties beneflted. in enterlng into the said Improvement ship and partly In Ridley Township County accordance with the aforesaid agreements Side of Pancoast avenue south sixty degrees Specifications for the above work may be of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania with the School District and the Syndicate SIX minutes west twenty five and ten one E LEROY VAN RODEN. Attorney seen In the ofllce of the Borough secretary contalnLng 79 acres more or less and also The right Is also reserved to assess all hundredths feet and extending of that Width JOHN J CAIN, Council Chamber, Park Avenue Swarth~ In accordance with a certain agreement properties within the aforesaid tract In In length or depth l-etween parallel hnes run Sherlfl more Pa executed December 2 1930 between the common wIth other real estate in the Bor- mng north thirty degrees forty two mmuteS Councll reserves the right to reject any Borough of Swarthmore and the School ough for any general sewer improvement Yiest one hundred and fifteen feet The north and/or all proposalS District of the Borough of Swarthmore plan or sewage disposal plan whether for east hne tbrough middle of party wall between SHERIl<1." SALES ALBERT N GARRETI' JR hereinafter called School District' and a the exclusive use of the Borough or for the thiS and dwelhng on the northeast secretary certaln agreement executed December 6 general use of several munlclpalltles 1930 between the Borough of Swarthmore Under and subject to certam conditions and SECTION 7 From the effective date of SHERIFF SALES and Frank N Bmlth and Robert 0 Erskine this ordinance all persons and property In restrictions Also under and subject to the hne RESOLUTION hereinafter called the Syndicate said the annexed territory hereinabove described and payment of a cerlam mortgage debt or of Re..q,1 Estate RESOLVED that the salary of Anna M School District and said Syndicate con- shall be exclusively subject to the provis- prmclpal sum of forty five hundred dollars Brice as Health Officer be fixed for the stituting a majority In Interest of the own- Ions of the ordinances regulatiOns zonlng With mterest thereon at the Sheriff s Office year 1931 at Two hundred and fltty dollars ers of property In said tract and said peti- and building requIrements and the general ($250) payable QUarterly she to provide tion and separate agreements being on pOlice powers of the Borough of SwarthCourt House Media Pennsylvania Improvements consist of two and one hal£ and pay for her own secretary and clerical file with the Borough Secretary and by more Except bulldlngs structures or uses story stone and stucco house 15X36 feet Onehire reference incorporated In and made a part in existence on such date the do~ story addltaon, 6x6 feet Saturday January 24 1931 Passed the 2nd day of January A D 1931 of this ordinance the corporate limits of already Lng of any act the erection alteratIon or FRANK S REITZEL the Borough of Swarthmore be and the repair of any bulldlng or other structure 930 o clock A M Sold as the property of Catheflne S Fegley President same are hereby changed to Include the sidewalk driveway highway or other 1m(Seal) following described land In Springfield provement or use of any premises In or No 6401 ()o cash or certdied check. FIerI Facias Attest Township and Ridley Township about the said annexed territory Including onCondlbons-$zso day of nle balance In ten da) s ALBERT N GARRETT JR completion of an.y Improvements now December Term, 1930 SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP Secretary under way must conform henceforth to Approved. 1-6-31 BEGINNING at a stone markln-g the aU ordinances and regulatioIlS of the Bar E r..F.RO" VAN RODEN, Attorney All that certain lot or piece of ground W R LANDIS Intersection of one of the Southerly bound- ough of Swarthmore All applications for with the two-story messuage thereon Burgess ary lines of said Borough of Swarthmore permits or llcenses heretofore made to or erected situate In upper Darby TownshiP, No 1838 with the present line dividing the TOWD- granted by any other municipality are Levari Facias County of Delaware and State of Penn.. of Ridley and Springfield (a corner hereby refused terminated and revoked sylvania begLnnlng at a pOint on the ESTATE OF I.EsI.IE G CAMPBELl. d. ships Septem.ber Term 1930 of Jands of John S Campbell and land Restitution of any fees or charges paid In northerly side of Highland avenue tLt the ceased Letters testamentary on the above formerly belonging to Rebecca J Gllpln connection therewith shall be made upon distance of fltty-one and forty-seven oneEstate bave been granted to tbe underSigned and All that certain lot or piece of ground also as the Swarthmore Manor written request accompanied. by proper hundredths feet east from the easterly side who requests all persons bavang c:Jalms or de Tractknown now belonging to the Syndicate) proof and shall be Included In the general with the bulldlngs and Improvements of Forrest avenue containing In front or thereon erected sltuate tn the Borough of mands agalRst the Estate of the decedent to THENCE by said land the next two courses adjustment of Indebtedness breadth on the said Highland avenue slxmake known the same, and aU persons In and distances viz South eighty six degrees ColUngdale County of Delaware and state teen feet and extending of that width In SECTION 8 The tmct hereby annexed of Pennsylvania as shown on a plan made length debted to the decedent to make payment With fifty-Dve minutes West Nine hundred or depth northwardly between parhenceforth constitute a part of the for W Boward Kirkpatrick et aI, by allel lines out delay to thirty-nine and twenty-five one-hundredths shall at right angles to said Highfand Residence DIstrict of the Borough as de- Alonzo B Yocum Borough Engineer avenue flfty .MRS MARTHA CURTISS CAMPBELL feet and north eleven degrees forty-three flned feet Including on. the rear In the Zoning Ordinance No 299 and Darby Pa May 7th 1925 bound.ed. and thereof the soil zJ6 Haverford Avenue minutes West Five hundred seventeen and its supplements of a certain ten feet wide said ordinance Is hereby described according thereto as follows to driveway Swarthmore Del Co Pa thirty-seven one-hundredths feet to a point amended to Include such territory within Or to her Attorney ALBERT N GARRETT on the Southerly side of Yale Avenue wit 2"'8 Garrett Ave Swarlhmore Pa THENCE by said aide of said Avenue North the Residence DIstrict Improvements consist of two-story brIck Beginning at a point in the southwest- Rnd SECTION 9 All ordinances or parts of eighty-three degrees three minutes West stone house 16x33 feet Porch front erly side of Wayne avenue (forty feet Six hundred forty and ninety-four one- ordinances Inconsistent herewith be and wide) at the dIstance of one hundred Basement garage BOROUGH OF SWARTHMORE hundredths feet to a pOint on the East- the sante are hereby repealed The pro- ninety-three and nine hund.red. sixty-two ORDINANCE NO 322 erly side of Cornell Avenue THENCE by visions of this ordinance are severable Sold as the property of Adolph G Lehr one-thousands feet measured atong the An ordinance providing for change of the the same South two degrees eleven minPassed this Second day of Ja.nuary A D said side of Wayne avenue south twentyoorporate limits of the Borough of Swarth- utes West Six hundred twenty and nlnety- 1931 00 cash or certlfled check four degrees flfty eight minutes east from onCondltlons-$250 more to Include within the Residence Dis- five one hundredths feet to a stone and day of sale balsnce In ten days FRANK S REITZEL Its intersection with the southeasterly side trict of said Borough certain land adjacent South five degrees five minutes West One President of Council of Parker avenue (seventy feet wide) ConH L FUSSELL Attorney to the Southerly boundary of the Borough thousand sll[ hundred seventy one and (Seal) taining In front or breadth south twenty .. known as the Frank Smith Tract and also forty-five one hundredths feet to a point Attest four degrees fifty eight minutes east along as Swarthmore Estates situate partly In In the bed of LetpervllIe Road marking the ALBERT N GARRETT JR the said side of Wayne avenue sixteen and SprJngfield Township and partly In Ridley Intersection of said Easterly side of Cornell No 642 Borough Secretary three hundred thirty-three one-thous- Fieri Facias Township Delaware County Pennsylvania Avenue with the boundary line dividing Approved January 5th 1931 andths feet and extend.ing of that width providing for the future opening and Im- Springfield Township from Ridley TownDecember Term 1930 W R LANDIS In length or depth between parallel lines proving of certain streets and highways ship THENCE Northeastward along the Burgess at right angles to Wayne avenue southAll those three certain lots or pieces of and the construction of certain sewers in said boundary Une a distance of Two westwardly and crossing the bed of a cer- ground with the buildings and Improvesaid tract and adjacent territory, disavow- thousand five hundred twenty-seven and tain twelve feet wide driveway on the ments thereon erected and to be thereon Ing terminating revoking and annul1ng seventy one-hundredths feet more or less southeasterly line thereof ninety-two and erected situate In the :sorough of Yeadon, SHERIFF SALES all permits licenses franchises and agree- to the first mentioned point and place of eighty-seven one·hundredths feet and on ments heretofore granted or executed by beginning Containing Forty-one and five of Delaware and State of Pennsylthe northwesterly line thereof nlncty-two County vania and described according to a certain any person or municipality affecting per- hundred sixty-seven one-thousandths acres and sixty-nine one-hundredths feet the Sheraff Snles of Real Estate 80ns or property In sold annexed territory more or Jess thereof made by rear line thereof being along the south- survey engineers on the 28 RIDLEY TOWNSHIP westerly ltne of a twelve feet wide drive- civil A D 1929 as follows to ... At the Sheriff's Office way BEGINNING at the stone marking the northeast side of Holl' intersection of one of the boundary llnes Court House :Media Pennsylvan a wide) at the respectlvt' Together with the free and common use hundred eighty nine a of the Borough of. Swat\bJ;lqre with the right Uberty Gnd prlvllege 01' the ludd pr~ent line dividing the Townships of Satl1rd ay January 31 19JI huntll'etlthS reet, three h FOR RENT driveway at all times hereafter forever Ridley and Sprtngtleld (being the point seventy nine one hund Under and subject to certain conditions of beginning of the description of the tract hundred thirty fo1.l 9 0 clock A l\[ and restrictions as above mentioned Also three FOR RENT-Two homelike rooms AttrnchveIy In Springfield Township herein above dehundredths feet southew under and subject to the Hen and payment east side of Myra avenut:: ,WLY It:c,, ¥ilo.ltl', furmshed \\ ell heated In pnvate home scribed) THENCE In a Southerly direction [evan FaCiaS No 16 of a certain mortgage debt or principal near center of l::orough l\.!~y be rented togdher along one of the new Westerly boundary In front or breadth on Holly sum of three thousand dollars with Inter- Containing or slDgly CnJI Sw 445 W. lines of sald Borough as established by road. (each) twenty two and thirty three Deccml-er Term 1930 est thereon when and as the same shall Ordinance of the 1Jorough of Swarthmore one-hundredths feet and extending of that become due and payable No 310 approved November 21 1929 and width In length or depth northeastwardly All that certam lot or piece of gt'ound With TO RENT--Swarthmore To share 4 room by lands of the said John S Campbell, between parallel lines at right angles to furnished heated apartment with wom- above mentioned South one degree forty- the bl1lldlllgs and Improvements thereon erected Improvements consist of two story brick Holly road one hundred flrteen feet and Inan Mrs Katherine T Bair 340 Vassar five minutes East Seven hundred seventy- situate In the Township of Upper Darby Coun bouse 16x30 feet ons-story frame addicluding on the rear thereof the soil of a Ave SWarthmore ty of Delaware and State of Peonsylvama tlon 4x4 feet Porch front eight and seventy one-hundredths feet to "elng certain fifteen feet wide driveway which known and deslRnated as lot!'! Nog 45'~ land now or late of Angella Pasquale extends northwest into Myra avenue and 4S1 on a certam plan of lots called' Aronl Sold as the property of Isaac G Diehl southeast THENCE still by same and by said revised and FOR SALE Into a certain other twelve feet boundary line North eighty-four degrees nllnk Heights made by Damon and Foster mortgagor and Atrred L Weightman pres wide driveway which extends southwest ent real owner minutes West One hundred four and CIVti engmeers October 24th, t9~4 and bound Into HoUy road FOR SALE-Harrington Baby Grand Plano fifty ninety one hundredths feet to a point ed and deSCribed accordmg' thereto as fo11oYis Sale desIrable became of heating system THENCE Condltlons-$250 00 cash or certified check further continuing along the said to Wit Beginning at a pomt on the easterly on day of sale balance in ten days Improvements consist of two-story brick In home Reasonable Mrs John H Tay- revised boundary Une of said Borough Side of Foss avenue (forty feet Wide) at the house 18x54 feet Enclosed porch Baselor Kenyon Ave South five degrees ten minutes West Three distance of three hundred feet measured north E L VAN RODEN Attorney ment garage hundred eightY-SIX feet to a point on the wardly aIm g saId Side of Foss avenue from the Southeasterly side of Michigan Avenue northerlv Side of Cedar Lane (fifty feet Wide) Sold as the property of Frank W Carter WORK WANTED THENCE along the Southeasterly side of ContamlDK m front or breadth along said Side Venditioni Exponas No 43 Michigan Avenue South forty eight degrees Condltlons-$250 00 cash or certified check Foss avenue north mneteen degrees fortv WORK WANTED-Housework wanted by thirteen minutes forty seconds West One of on day of sale balance In ten days mID utes and fifty five seconds -y;est fifty December Term 1930 the day Amanda Polk call Swarthmore thousand six hundred sixty-four and five feet and extending of that wHhh m length or 72 W twenty-five one-hundredths feet more or depth between parallel hnes on a course north All that certain lot or piece of ground H L FUSSELL Attorney less to a point on the Southerly side of seventy def"rees fourteen mmutes and five with the buildings and Improvements thereWORK WANTED-Lady will care for chil- Leipervllle Road THENCE along the east one hundred 1\\0 and five te01hs on erected situate at Manoa 1n Haverford Fieri Facias No 643 dren by the hour Clearbrook 5404-W Southerly side of Leipervllle Road North "'econds Township Delaware County pennsylvania forty-five degrees two minutes West Seven feet (Bemg No 925 Foss avenue) being Lot No 117 on a plan of lots No December Term 1930 hundred twenty-nine and sixty seven oneWANTED Under and subject nevertheless to certalR 110 to 132 Incluslve of the Wm G Taylor hundredths feet to a polnt on the East- I 1~ tract made on by the OVer26th & Tingley surAll that certain lot or piece of ground IllI 'lIng re I riCI Ions an"~ con d llwns as more Jr veyors as revised day ot March side of COrnell Avenue produced with bulldlngs and Improvements WANTED-Oentleman whose business re- erly fully set forlh In deed hook No 605 page 81 1927 and described according to the said together THENCE along the Easterly side of CorQuires considerable traveling wishes to nell Avenue produced North five degrees And also under and subJect to the hen and I plan as follows Situate on the southwest thereon erected situate In the Borough of Glenolden County of Delaware and State place boy and girl In Swarthmore home minutes East Twenty-one and sixty p:l.yment of a certam mortgaJ;!'e del:t or prinCipal side of Garfleld avenue at the distance of of Pennsylvania aforesaid designated and convenient to High School Homelike sur- five one hundredths feet to a point In the ~lIm of five thousand dollars with anterest three hundred and seventy-five feet north- known as lot numbered two hundred roundings and good environment essential boundary line dividing Springfield Town_ thereon as therem prOVided west from the northwest side of Roosevelt seventy (270) on the plan of lots of WarTelephone Swarthmore 960 ship from Ridley Township THENCE along avenue containing in front or breadth on wick Annex surveyed for Wood Harmon Improvements conSI!lt of two story and one said Garfield avenue twenty-five feet and & Co by Joseph H Young civil engineer, the said Township boundary Une In a Northeasterly direction a dlStance of two h:l.l£ stone and frame house 13X2" feet One extending of that width in length or depth recorded In the offlce for the recording of thousand five hundred twenty seven and story frame addilion 9XI2 feel Porch front southwestwardly between parallel ltnes at deeds etc In and tor the County of DelFOR RENT seventy one hundredths feet more or less Frame garage 9X 18 fect right angles to said Garfield avenue one aware aforesaid In deed book P No 8 PBI'e to a stone the place of beginning Containhundred and fifty and seventy-six one- 624 etc Ing Thirty seven and seven hundred slxty~old as the propertv of Robert A McDermott hundredths feet Including on the rear Modern dwelhng, nearly new, 4 seven one thousandths acres more or less anel ElSie 1\.1 hiS VOlfe thereof the bed of a certain twenty feet Improvements consist of one story stucCo bedroom., 2 baths; 2 car garage wide driveway laid out and opened for house 18x28 feet One story frame addiSECTION 2 That the Borough Engineer ConeiltlOn!l-$250 flO cash or cl'rhfil'd check the free and common use of these and tion 12x18 feet Good location $115 a month. Is hereby directed to place the said tract the premises adjoining and entitled to of land above described upon the Borough on day of salt" I alance m ten dOl) s the use thereof (Being No 1130 Garfteld Plan and to prepare a description and a Sold as the property of John H Steele E C WALTON avenue, plot showing the courses and distances of (.EOR( F. 'I' nUTJ ER Altorne) Condltlons-$250 00 cash or certified check the boundaries of the Borough befure and Together with the free and common use, on day of sale balance In ten days after such change of corporate limits as right liberty and privilege of in and to RENT aforesaid Levan FaCias No 16 6 the aforesaid twenty feet wide driveway as H L FUSSELL Attorney SECTION 3 That the Borough SoHettor Semi-detached Hou.e; Baltimore and for a passageway and driveway at all September Term 1930 Is hereby directed to file the aforesaid plots times hereafter forever in common with Fieri Facias Pike; 6 rooms and bath, $SO 00 per mo. and descriptions and a certified copy of No 616 AlI that certain lot or piece of ground "'llh the owners occupiers and tenants ot the Apartment; Elm Ave, 560 per mo. this ordinance In the Court of QUarter premises adjOining and entitled to the use of the Peace of this County and the buddlDgs and Improvements thereon erected December Term 1930 Aprtment; Elmore Apr..; $100 per Sessions to file notice of the same In the Omce of situate ID the Towl shill of tipper Darby thereof mo All that certain lot Or piece of ground the County Commissioners of Delaware County of Delav.;are and State of Pennsylv:lma Under and subject to certain buildIng with the buildings and improvements being the northwesterly sixteen feet and SIX restrictions Apartment, Furn•• hed No 11 Park County Also under and subject to the SECTION 4 Nothing herein contained tenths of a fOOl of lot No S and the south payment of a certain mortgage debt or thereon erected sl tuate In the Township Ave, 3 room. and bath 2nd 0001"-$65 of Upper Darby County of Delaware and shall be construed as an acceptance by the easterly tYielve feet and SIX tenths of a foot of prinCipal sum of four thousand dollan per month mcludlng heat, light, gar., Borough of the various roads and high- lot No 6 on a cerlam plan of lots deSIgnated State of pennsylvania being known as water. Drexel nlll Manor surveyed by Damon & ways In said tract as opened or Improved Improvements consist of two and one- lot No 193 on the plan of lots called. Drexel Borough streets Council reserves the right FMler C E unller date of Fehrunry 19th 192" half story stone and rough-cast house Hill Plaza which, Is duly recorded at Media, Garage, $6.00 per month at any time In the future to establish the and deSCribed accordmg 10 said plan a~ fol 181:30 feet addition 4x5 feet, porch front Pa In deed book 412 page 624 and deFurnuhecl Houae, detached, 7 rooma lines and grades and to open or Improve 100\s scribed according thereto as follows Garage 12x18 feet .and bath, 4 bedroom., hot water heat, said roads In accordance with Borougn Beginning at a pOint on the southwestspecUlcations without liability to pay dam BcR' nnlOg at a pomt In the sout! westerly garage--$75.00 per mo. Sold as the property of Halton J Shall erly side of Congress avenue (fifty feet ages therefor and to assess the cost thereof Side of Bnrmont road (fifty feet Wide) at Ihe cross and Marlon Shallcross hls wife wide) at the distance of one hundred feet upon the abutting property owners In acchstance of lour hundred nmety four feet and CHAS. A. SMITH measured north twenty-tour degrees, cordance with law and with the aforesaid t1l1rty fdur one hundredths of a foot measured Condltlons---$250 00 cash or certified check twenty-three minutes west from the northPhone Swarthmore 705 agreements with the School District and !iOuth thirty degrees fourteen minutes east from on day of sale. balance in ten days west side of Greenhill road (flfty feet the Syndicate All streets highways a POlOt the corner formed by the intersection wide), containing In front or breadth north sewers or other Improvements opened Im- of the southwesterly Side of Burmont rf'ad and E L VAN RODEN Attorney twenty-four degrees twenty-three minutes proved or constructed In through or across RENT easterly rlgi t of way hne of the P'blfadel west along the southwest side of Congsaid tract and adjacent territory shall first the $4500 reduced from $5500 Seml.de- be authorized by ordinance or resolution hla & Garrettford Street Railway Company Venditioni Exponas No 44 ress avenue fifty feet and extending at that width In length or depth measured. tached hou.e. Fireplace. 3 bedrooma. of Borough Council and must conform to C'ontalDlng 111 front or breadth on said Side of December Term 1930 south sixty five degrees thirty seven min. Borough speclflcatlons and regulations In Rurmont road measured south thirty degrees Hot water heat. Po •• euion at once. all utes west between parallel llncs at right fourteen mlDute~ east. twenty mne fed and particulars All that certain lot or piece of ground angles to Congress avenue one hund.red 4 hedroom bouse reduced to $60 00. 1\\0 lenths of a foot and eXlendlDg of that The Borough hereby expressly disavows \j;ldlh m length or depth between parallel hnes with the bulldlngs and Improvements feet Bounded on the northweRt by lot 7-roolll houae--$3S. any Intention or obligation upon It or any owuth SIJllh one deR'rees two mlDutes west one thereon erected situate In the Township No 194 on the southeast by part of lot No person or persons to accept or recognIze of Upper Darby County of Delaware and '14 and all of lot No 75 and on the south_ WILLIAM S BITTLE any plotted streets lanes alleys sewers hundred feet State of Pennsylvania being lot No 23:4 on west by lot No 169 Notary Public Reu Estate or drains at any time heretofore laid olUt certain plan of lots called • Drexel BIII Under and subject to certain express eondl aPlaza or plotted on or through said annexed. made by Damon and Foster clvll Improvements con!';:tst of three-story IOns and restraellons as therein mentioned traet or any part thereof whether re engineers and approved by the Board of stone stucco and clapp board house 3Ox42 corded or not Township Commissioners of Upper Darby feet Poroh front Stucco garage, 15s21 rmprovements consist of two-story stucco and Township SECTION 5 Council reserves the right on the second day of May A D to collect from the present or future own- !itone hnme IIb42 feet Ont! story stucco ad 1922 and recorded at Media In the office feet ers of the properties comprised within said dltlon PO'rch front Stucco gnrage 9XI8 feet for the reeordlng of' deeds etc In and Sold as the property of Edna M Clower. tract the cost to the Borough of said anthe County of Delaware In deed book S01d as the properly of Edith 1\1 FraZier for nexation Including any and all amounts No 412 paRe 624 etc and described as Condltlons-$2.50 00 CR.8h or certlfled cbeck found to be due to the Townships of mortgagor and real owner toHows 8(oRlnning at a point In the center on day of sale, bQlance In ten days 14 South Ave. Media, Pa. Springfield and Ridley by way of adJustline of Highland avenue (ftfty feet wlde) ment of Indebtedness and to any other Condluon!l--$250 00 cash or certafied check at the distance of tour hundred and LEDWARD & lfiNKSON Attorneys Media 1717 penons or corporations and all Incidental nn day of sale, balance IR ten days Swarthmore 998 twenty-flve feet southeastwardly trom the fees and costs Involved In the annexation center Une of Greenhill road (flfty feet JOHN J CAm proceeding or rrowlng out of same Coun- C F.O T BUTLER Attorney wide) containtng In front or breadth south· Sheriff REQUEST FOR EMERGENCY BIDS By vlrtue of a motion passed at a regular meettng of Conncll of Borough of Swarthmore on January 2, 1931, at which all the members of COUDcll were present and adopted by affirmative vote of two-thirds of all the members of aaid COnncll declarLng that an emeJ'gency exists as to work Involved In the request for proposals as herein-after set forth Sealed proposals for re-shlngllng the roof of Borough Ball together wIth renewal of eave-troughs drain spouts and structural members of the said roof as removal of the present shingles may reveal to be necessary wlll be received by Council In CouncIl Chamber Park Avenue, Swarthmore Pa up until 7 45 P M Thursday. January 15 an, REV LLOYD P STEVENS. Minister RENT Classes from 25c weekly The arrangements for d.ncmg, cards Succe••or to George Sch.Ue. SUNDAY, JANUARY 11 ----------------- Following the Christmas festivities most of us are confronted with the same problem-how to pay the bills. This shortage of funds can be avoided and the holidays made a real joy if you join our Christmas Club and receive a check to supplement your December income. 1fr and Mrs J Everton Ramsey Mrs Thomas Safford Mr and Mrs R Chester Spencer Mrs E A Stockton Mr and }':lrs J Ho"ard Taylor 1\Ir and Mrs Edward B Temple hir and Mrs J Horace Walter Dr and Mrs George \V \Varrcn WindOW Shade. Invites you to share Its worship ELEVENTH ANNIVERSARY ADOPTION OF Mr and Mrs Joseph J Gould Swarthmore avenuc, 15 WIth the Prmceton Triangle Club, on ItS western tnp. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 9 4s-cHURCH SCHOOL Detached house. Excellent conditioD. Beautiful old .bade in 6ne 10catioD. Owner I I making big aacn6ce, $7000. Act Immediately A M BAIRD Swa. 108 Real Estate and Mrs Ellwood B ehapman and Mrs Samuel D Clyde and Mrs H M Crist and Mrs William TEllIS Reverend and Mrs J J Guenther SWARTHMORE health grade school section or Umt 5, leavmg the lockers and showers beneath the trophy room and other classrooms for the boys As shown m the plan, a corrtdor would connect the grade schooJ bUlldmg wlth the mam buddmg as a final part of Umt 6 CompletIOn of such a plan would not only prOVide adequate space to care fOl the growing needs of the school system here but would place the new bUlldmgs where they are needed accordmg to Mr Smith, who has worked (Jut the plans The new nUlts would also give the pre- :hir and Mrs LOUIS Cole Emmons 1\1r and Mrs Albert N Garrett, Sr and = f,; II 1II111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111h.. Frank N Smith has been elected supermtendent of the Swarthmore Episcopal Church Sunday School, a vacancy In such office havmg been caused by Isaac C Yocum, who resigned due to 111 BARGAIN from Pdge One) llrs Carl H Chaffee of "Stanwood," : ChurchNews THE for the gIrls would be budt beneath the Wa)ne Randall Allen Simpson, Harry Sorenson, George P 'Varren and Roy H \Vltmer The dance committee announces that the followlUg resrdcnts of Swarthmore have honored the Harold AInsworth Post by becommg patrons and patronesses Of the dance Mrs A A Amsworth Mr and Mrs Thomas W Andrew Mr and Mrs Leonard CAshton Mr and Mrs Arthur E Bassett MISS Marjorie Schumacher, daughter of Mr and Mrs Harvey Schumacher, of Haverford avenue, cntertamcd at luncheon and bridge recently sent buddmg a balanced appearance from ;2J 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111115 CoUege avenue, as the gymnasIUm and {COfI"Mued jrom Pdge arid other new buIldings would balanc~ With Unit of the gymnaSlUrl as shown on the the present audltoflum wmg plan When c1ose:l these doors would The plans also show how there would f , b e room for a gtrls' hockey field and a make an enhreiy sepal ate gym or glr s football field for the J Ulllor high school leavmg the orlgmal gym lor tne boys. boys behtnd the bUlldmgs even \'\jltb all \Vhen opened these door;, would co IVE"rt of the units completed Published Every Friday at Swarthmore, Pa. Robert E. Sharples. JANUARY 10, 1931 CLASSIFIED C HOWARD KIRK Attorney-at-Law THE SWARTHMOREAN 6 JANUARY 10, 1931 JANUARY 10, 1931 I . . d the "Swift" by Carl Van Doren. "STRICTLY DISHONORABLE" love, muSIC and ,experIence, un er "Rom;in Rolland," by Stefan Zweig, Craik, "World's Famous Orations," in 10 INTERDENOMINATIOAL OPENS AT BROAD Neapolitan faSClllallOIl of the opera "W ks of Edgar Allan Poe," in 10 . TEA ON WEDNESDAY volumes. singer in his apartment above the I or t with \'0 umes. • "Frontier Girl of Massachusetts" by UStdctly Dishonorable," Brock Pem- speakeasy, t IIe aut Ilor ex t nca cS',. I "SI cs of the Gods" by Katherine The Interdenominational Tea at the A. T. Curtis. ' case and plausibility. his ingrattatmg u av • berton's production of Preston Sturges' . t ' ating ,,,ayo. d does. I liS ex riC Methodist Church next Wednesday af1 "Patience 'Vorth," by C. S. Yost. enormously diverting comedy, that has charactcrs:-an ternoon, Dec. 14 from 3 to 5 o'clock satisfactonly and ':'Ith great fun. "Tristram of BIent." by Anthony Hope. proven to be one of the most conspicu- Among those who ",111 have roles ~.re I "~lanual of Storics," by \V. B. ForPopulation Increase promises to be well attended, At 3 :30, ously successful hits of recent years in Elizabeth Love, Cesar Romero,. \\ 11- I bush. The population of the borough of Miss ~fartha Hartman. chairman of S h the theatre, is to be given at the Broad lard Dashiell, Rudolph Bad,d,alol11. JO-I "x"umhcr One Boy," by J. T. Foote. Wat t more, as recorded in the Popu- the Chambersburg Interdenominational Street Theatre, Phil~l(k'lphia, starting- ~l'ph ~[cCalli(ln. R n . \\' III lams, L co I "Road to En-Dar." by L. J. Vance. Leone amI Edward Hartford. . "Harvest }'loon," by J. S. Fletcher. !ation Bulletin, Fifteenth Census, 1930. Summer School of ~lissiollS, will speak Monday night. January 12th. There will be two popular price matl.- "Grey Mask," by Patricia \Ventworth. just issued by the United States De- on "The Rising Tide of Expectancy in 'rhis production, personally staged partment of Commerce, has increased South America." There will be musie by Mr. Pemberton and Antoinette Ilces, \Vcdnesday and Saturday. Mad "Yellow Claw," by Sax Rohmer. 'Short Stories," by H. de Balzac, from 2,350 in 1920 to 3,405 in 1930 a by ,MrS! Caleb ·Burchinal and Mrs. Perry, who gave the original its adro~t orders will be fillcd promptly, • I • "Star RO"er," by Jack London.. . ' n Gerald Effing., The Methodist women direction, contains a cast of high merit "\Vashington Square," by Henry I 10crease of 44 per cent. 10 the last ten for its widely varying characters. HailHollyhock Seeds extend a .hearty invitation to the woJames. . years. ed as a masterpiece of deft playwriting, m~n of all the churches to be present. with a wealth of alert and intelligent Some hollyhock seeds from the sum":Mysterious 'Vife," by Grove \Vllson. i~:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ "Le Cid," by Pierre Carneille. humor. intriguing romance, and main- mer home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell uLa Pierre de Tonchi," by Emili taining a sprightly buoyancy in its Hayes on the Brandywine have been Augier. never-lagging merriment, the comedy has taken its place as a worthy 3mi placed in the Hollyhock Gift Shop, Juvenile where they may be secured frec of tasting contribution to the theatre. The crisp dialogue of "Strictly Dis- charge. The shades arc rose-pink, ma-! "Fairy Tales," by Lansing, v. 1. The annual meeting of the Swarthmore Public Library honorable," bubbles with shrewd a.nd roon, lemon, saffron, and pure white. "Children's Own Reader," (book 6). . witty observations and glows With Plant 'COl in May, and they'll be "Threc Years With the Poets," ed. Association will be held at The Library Rooms, whimsical pleasantries among the hu- due to bloom in July of '32 for you, by B. Hazard. morous goings-on in a congenial, cozy says Mr. Hayes. I "Stories Told at Twilight," by L. C. Borough Hall, Monday evening, Jan. 26, 1931. speakeasy. The story chronicles the • • • Moulton. philailderings of a bachelor opera uWonders of the Jungle," by S. Harold Barnes, President. singer and an innocent, but love-curious o for a garden of the olden time Ghosh. maid froni the provincial Yokum. ~fis­ Where none but long-familiar flowers "Bow-wow & ~lcw-mew," by A. hI. grow, sissippi. At this atmospheric drinking Where pebbled path" go winding to nook there assembles also the arrogant, and fro, outspoken fiance of the girl, a philosoAnd honeysuckles over arbors climb I phical judge, who enjoys alcoholic bevThere would I have sweet mignonette erages during ex-office periods, a wagthyme, and .. gish policeman and Tomaso, the ebulWith hollyhocks in gay and gallant lient proprietor of the speakeasy. row, Just as the Yokum miss, abandoned The hyacinth inscribed with words of by her unbearably opinionated escort woe, is preparing herself to be a martyr to The small blue-bell that beats a dainty Ii~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~I For chime elfin ears; and daffodillies. too, The sleepy poppy, and the marigold, MEDIA LAUNDRY, INC. The peony with petals manifold, And ragged~robin.s, pink and white and blue, AU these and more I'd have, and back Phone Media 174 of all A thousand roses on a mossy wall I "Serving Swarthmore J, R. H, THER the thermometer goes below zero or rises to Successfully Since 1900" NEW BOOKS AT the thawing point, the Gentleman-in.the.Easy.Chair need Fini.hed Wash of Every PUBLIC LIBRARY Description only raise his arm to the thermostat on the wall to adNew books at the Library are: "N by E," by Rockwell Kent. just the heat of the whole house. Twenty.four hours is all that is '. Mary Lyon School, Friday, January 16, I 9 P. M. Subscription $3.00 per couple lit I t 1111111111~~++++f!ol "++++++++++++11111 If II If 11+11 ...................................... ROOFING PLUMBING SPOUTING ~ Woodward, Jackson & Black Inc. \ Wednesday and Thursday Clara Bow in ''Her W e dding N'19ht" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Isume respon.sibility for the $5,000 and the publishers agreed to risk ~ for Gus Beat CHESTER Saturday, Monday, Tuesday The First Big Western Drama "BILLY the KID" Wed •• Thur., Fri. KATHLEEN NORRIS' "PASSION FLOWER" KAY FRANCIS KAY JOHNSON CHARLES BICKFORD LEWIS STONE STATE THEATRE CHESTER LOVE AND LAFFS IN 1980 "JUST IMAGINE" onr Heating Engineers nro estimating what Gas Heat would cost in a great m::my suburban homes .•. large and smaU. Why not let us do this for you ..• entirely wilhout ob. ligation? Just telephone our Bouse Healing Division. -with- EL BRENDEL MARJORIE WHITE JOHN GARRICK "SEND A. DOZEN R.OSES}" easy to telephone Find the numher in the Classi. lied Directory 1 TERMS make it a very easy matter for the average homeowner to install ••• GAS HEAT l ECODon,;ca' ••• 214 Cornell Avenue, Swarthmore, Start = :: ;; 5 = § now exists that Gas Heat is true economy • •• it completely does alvay with so many other costs incidental to the old· fashioned furnace room, Actual gas.heating costs, month by month, for homes of various sizes will be gladly furnished you. Telephone or write our H DUlle Heating Division. AMPLE PROOF S 1896 and have all your ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT and To The Discriminating the quiet charm of the Tea Room makes it the ideal place for the family dinner, to entertain one's friends or club, The food is tastily prepared and attractively served. JIl Suburban Stores Tea Room Dinners 85e and $1.00 American Dining Room $1.50 ( \ A Pioneer in Voluntarily Establishing \.... Low Rates for all Electric Service / F. M, SCHBIBLEY Management StratLHaven \. ~ .: I The Inn with Perso~ali" ,;' ') 1 = = == == = = = The Swarthmore Electric Shop 7 _ = = ----rrp~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I-TOB GREAT AMERICAN VALUE i.. At the National Automobile Show~ ~hevrolet wins first place for the fourth tlme Fl1'8t place at the National Automobile Shows-a position granted on the hasis of annual sales volume-is again awarded to Chevrolet. This is the fourth consecutive time that Chevrolet has achieved this honor. And the reason lies in the exceptional value which Chevrolet ears consistently provide. This year, in its bigger and hetter Six, Chevrolet is offering an outstanding example of the value which has brought it such record success. In fact, no previous Chevrolet car has ever represented stich a hioh " degree of quality and advancement, and sold at such low prices as today's Chevrolet Six. » New low prices .. Roadster, $·ns; Sport Roadster with rumble scat, ,,'95; Couch or Standard FivcWindow Coupe, $545; Phaeton, $510; Standard Coupe, $535; Sport Coupe (rdmble seat), $575; Standard Sedan, $635; Special Sedan, $650. Special equipment extra. Priecs C. o. h. Flint, .lUichigan. NEW CHEVROLET SIX See your dealer below n _ _ - I nings. = = = e N ew.l. ear R'Igh t by Calling W• - 'I HAND MADE BAGS AT FACTORY PRICES 218 W. Stn... S., I\fedia '"We also ~arry a fuU Pa. ~11111111111111111111111111111I1I1111I1111111111I1I1I1I1111111I1I1I1I1I11111111I1I11I111I11111111I11I11I11I1I1111I1111I1I11111I111111nrn1II1111111111111~ ~ Th V APPLIANCES INSPECTED I • line of umbrellas, men's Wallets, dresser sets and traveling bags." Open eve- PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY ,TELEPHONE MEHR, Secretary, 1-______________ I ! Convenient F. G. taken to an~wer ,thiS quesbO,l!.1n her book, SC7.1c"ty BIrth qotdro~ C~fnlCs, A Sur- ~ vey and AualyslS which IS expected to 5 h d leave the press almost simultaneously _ C anges Recommen ed Costs Quoted with this article. The first hal! of the book describes the work of centers giving birth control advice in the United States and Europe, including a directory § of "treet addresses, number of hours 411 Dartlnonth Ave. Phone Sw. 1896 = open d th . d h' h th = :5 ,an e auspIces un er w IC e I~ 11I1I1I1I11I1I!!!11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II11II11I1I1111I11II11I11I11I11I11I11I1I1111I1111111111111111111111111111111111;;; I I -with- • the clinics and advice how toonreach physicians who will give the .subject, it is therefore technically a violation of the Federal law. Mrs. Robinson is endeavoring to have 1 a one dollar edition of the book printed. "This will represent my real opportunity to get information about the clinics to the people who need it most," she declare.s. For instance, there is one at 69th St. which should be better known." 1 I The following quotations from reviews of the book arc by people whose opinions are really worth-while and more authentic than anything this writer could say: Says The Survey in discussing the book, "The author brings to this still much missl1ndcrstood problem a Quaker competence and sweet reasonableness. accuracy, and moderation in expression. ! worthy of her talents and hard work." "The first part of the book." says the I"eview in the Survey, deals with the 1facts of the staff organization, costs, and j statistical records of services of seventy r clinics here and abroad. includes helpful j description of case procedure, sugges. tions for serious non-propoganda use of findings, and an interpretation of the probably eugenic effects of such clinic agencies on the population; following is a chapter on the planning of clinics for present and future needs, and the medI ical and social factors determining the Ineed of birth control information. The : s('"cond part deals with laws, cllstoms and Iopinions, and covers a critical discussion Of quantity and quality of people and the benefits to them which may be expected MEDIA BAG SHOP ••••• the florist. fine in to jail go g ' . . ,No birth control methods are given !n the book not .only because of the d.elIcacy of th,e subject but because selectIOn ?f. means IS best undertaken b~ a phy.sIc~an. Nevertheless Mrs. ~obm~n adnuts that because her book IS a directory by which the public may be informed of DIRECTION STANLEY CO, OF AMERICA -withWALLACE BERRY JOHN MACK BROWN DARTMOUTH AVE. PHONE SW. 43 SWARTHMORE, PA. It's with ROBERT,MONTGOMERY ANITA PAGE JUNE WALKER ,., ,. needed for the complete change of your present heating system to this much·talked·of Automatic Gas House Heat. Then the whole tedious, messy job of furnace tending entirely removed from yonr AT TIltS TJI'.IE ~ubhc ~y ~ven an l'ertility. It is published by The gathered in connection with her preparaWilliams & Wilkins Company of Balti- tion for a doctorate." The following is reprinted fro m "!o!,,? Md. I!, M~ryl~nd the, laws P!,ohlblhng.. the ~hssemmabon of mformatt?n "Eugenics", official organ of the Amercon~erOlng birth c;>ntrol are not as stnet ican Eugenics Society, Inc. as·m Penn~ylyama and o~er Easte.rn uSa much .has been said about the states. As It 15, Mr.s.. Robmson admits merits of adequately supervised birth that ~he ~ok':" pubhshed represents ,a control, especially for the jioor and the t~clu].lcal VIOlation of a fede~al law f~r- ill. that the inevitable question arises in bl?di~g th~ use of the. mads for dLS- the minds of all interested in the subject t~lb!Itmg bl!'th ~ontro! hterature: C~n- either directly or indirectly-where co.. YJctIon of vlolatlng thiS law carn~s w~th trustworthy advice On birth control be It a fine of $5,000 and five years ImprlS- obtained' onment. Before the publishers accepted,,'. . the book, Mrs, Robinson agreed. to asCarohne Hadler Robm,son, has under- and Tue.clay "WAR NURSE" life ••• a cleaner house ••• a healthier household and a fine new room added in your basement. Make up your mind to install Gas Heat and yon'll continue to be thankful for yonr decision for years to come. FOR COMMUNITY RELIEF ,~pen ASS'N. Monday I Harold Ainsworth Post No. 427 boo~ ~o MEDIA THEATRE •• given by from a liberalizing of the permitted work is conducted. This sectio~ also vice service, with close ties for frequent practices and uses of well-supported in- inclUdes a survey and evaluation of the consideration with several specialties, formatioIL" clinic situation throughout the world, in- among which are internal medicine, neurIn conclusion, Haven Emerson, M. D., ology, psychiatry, endocrinology and the author of the review in the Survey sofar as .such information can be ob- urology, not to mention the related fields The Swarlhmorean has found it op- a Swarthmore woman, Caroline Hadley says, "We have here a scholarly con.. tained. The particular audience address- outside medicine. of psychology. sOciol' week , W h'l portune th IS I e sea thomg con- Robinson. Th 'I f th book' "s B' th tribution I d tol'bsocial practice, IIsuitable for ed is that of social and health workers' ogy 'I and '11 education. bThe marriage coun.. ' . be' e tit e 0 e 15 eventy Ir c ass an I rary use. we expressed, in family welfare groups and in medical I CI S WI be staffed y men. and women demnabons of bIrth control are mg Control Clinics" and its contents have free of all offense, and helpful to any centers who are in direct contact with I who are successfully marrIed, normally broadcast by Pope Pius XI, to call at- been compiled by Mrs, Robinson as a who are blinded or deafened by tradition Ihosc ,'trata of society which stand most sexed, high minded, clean min.ded, tentioo to the courageous and highly in- result of visiting and stUdying seventy and 5uperstitutioll reverence for ancient sorely in need of contraceptive advice. mmded ~nd unhampered by mhlbl110nS telligent work on the same subject which leading birth control clinics in the United blunderings." But in addition to this main purpose, the ornby .cehbat~ dogmas. has just been released in book form b States and Europe during the past four The volumn is issued as the first of a book contains much that will prove of . ThiS portIon of the boo.k :was con.. Y years. ' . series of publications on the uMeelical interest to the economist, the sociologist. I tnbuted Dr. Robert L. Dlckmson and A copy of the IS be to Aspects of Human Fertility," sponsored the eugenicist and the intelligent layman. Dr. LOUise Stevens Bryant, of the Na, , I the Swarthmore LIbrary In bor .. by the National Committee on Maternal The probable' future development of the tional Committee on Maternal Health!' ough hall affording the Pf!opte of Swarth- Health. This committee is headed by birth control clinic is outlined, and sumI , more an opportunity- to read it. Samuel W. Lambert, lI. D. Gertrude med up as follows: . Dan Johnson. son of MI'. and Mrs. MEDIA, PA. , Written as a thes;" for her doctorate, M, Pinchot ;.. treasurer, and Robert L, Thus we can look forward to a time Albert Sidney Johnson, of South Chesit was refused without comment by one Dickinson is secretary. not far distant when instruction in the ter road. returned Sunday to Lehigh DAILY MATINEE 2:30 PHONE MEDfA 227.. W of the leading east~n universities leav... In a foreword to the volumn, Mr. technique of the control of conception University, where he is completing his i.DK no ()ther reas~ to be drawn than be- Dickinson the secretary says: "The auth- wiII be only one section of marriage ad- senior year. cause of the subject matter, After the or, Mrs. Louis M, Robinson, wife of the 1--------,----..,---..,.--..:..-------_________ Today-Saturday cont~n~: were approved. by dozens of well known criminologist is primarily a A MORE PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR scholar.s and phYSICianS here and student of economi~ with a particular leadlDg William Haines abroad, .it was accepte4 by th~ National interest in the problems of population. THE RUTLEDGE-MORTON BUILDING & LOAN • m <;ommittee on Maternal H~lth and pub- A graduate of Swarthmore College, she Conservatively Progressive-Sa£e &. Sound hshed as the first of a series of Mono- took her M. A. in economics at Colum.. "REMOTE CONTROL" graphs on the Medical Aspects of Hum- bia. The material for this book was For Informa.ion Apply <0 -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 'This Armehair Fire"'"lI American Legion Benefit Dance 7 II NOTICE +11111111111111,1111111111111111111111.1111 •• 4+' SWARTHMOREAN Birth Control CliniCs Described In Swarthmore Woman's Book •• GIVES THANKS THE HAMBLIN CHEVROLET, INC. 401-3 Dartmouth Ave. George H. Hamblin Swarthmore, Pa. Ralph E. Wentzel ALSO DEALERS IN CHEVROLET SIX..cvI.INDER TRUCKS. $355 to $695. I. o. h. Flint, Mlehl.an i .' :,~ . ':' THE SWARTHMOREAN -1931 H. ANDS. MEETING the people an .opportunity to .ee the Barbara C. Dolan. and Miss Elinor H: t·,SC'Noru; IN- COSTUME HO~E J9BBER The I Clapp. AT WOMAN'S CLUB MONDAY EVENING mehlbers of that organization. awarding of the Bear Badge '* '* * All kiDd. of Repair. in and U'O';"d will offer an opportunity to see what :Mr. Clark R. Al1ison of Swarthmore 01 . the home. Electrical Repair. and In. d songs and ballads of Spal'n Rus· The January meetl'ng of the Home Cubs· are doing and learn more aoou'·1 spent the holidays at his home On Vas. and School Association will, be held Mon- that organization for boys just beneath sar Ave. He will return this week to ~ia, France and England' win b:' sung stallation 'a Specialty.. 'day evening at the High School audi- the Boy Scout age of twelve -years. The Hill School in Pottstown, where he In costume next Tuesday at the Worr.an's A. M. ALLISON SON tOTium and will consist of a program arThere will also be a demonstration by a member of the Physical Education Club by :Uadeleine Chauveau, accom311 V ... ar Ayo. ranged by the Education Committee., the Boy Scouts as welt as the giving of Department. Ipaniied by Mrs~ Herbert Frazer. A1adam PhODO Swarth. 1160 More than 300 children will participate.: several Boy Scout Special Awards. * • • Ch Bv means of this program parents will Dr. E. L. Terman as chairman of the Dr. J. S. Heberling spoke on the ,lUveau is a French singer of wide exhav~ an opportunity to observe what is \ education. committee is in charge of the "Crucial Duty in Challenge of Youth" . and reputation and has been a I being done along organized educational: l)rogram and is being assisted by l\liss' nil ).[ollday morning before the Presby- res~dellt. of Swarthmore for the past year. GEORGE H. KELLEY lines for their chi!drctl outside of school: Therea A. Young and l\fiss Margaret tcrian Ministerial Association of Phil- Tllls wIll mark ,the first opportunity that hburs. First will come a pageant given I Hamel, teachers in the public schools, adelphia and vicinity. Swarthmore people have had tv hear her Electrician by the Knighthood of Youth which is Mrs. A. F. Jackson, Dean Raymond I • • sing. Guests tickets may be procured Repair Work &. New In.tallation. an organizalion for small children. This Walters, Mrs. Leonard C. Ashton, Dr. NTERESTING LEGAL for fifty cenls. The hostesse, for Ihe 'win be followed by a Brownie demon~: John H. Pitman, Mrs. William Jaquette, afternoon will be Mrs. Francis V. War. PhODO Sw. 428-R slralion by girls slighlly under Ihe Girl' J. Bernard Walton and Dr. A. F_ Jones_ OPINION DESCRIBED ren and Mrs. J. Archer Tumer. 'Scout age. I • , Special awards will be given to anum· A legal opinion of unusual interest to ;;;;~ \W.-_..;;...:r.::..,,-_-.:c.~-.,...:g...'-....Tw-_W_V..:r:II ber of Swarthmore Girl Scouts, giving "THE YOUNGEST" POPULAR motorists is reported in the ' January is· ~ ----·w----~--'W. WITH PLAYERS C~UB sue of Keystone Motorist, official pub---~ ---~ I (COflti'lII~d /,.'" PGg, Oft'} Iication of the Keystone Automobile , 'lppearance and manner and excellent Club. S· th 1111 her ill;crprctation. Margaret Carlson Borton Wecks, Preside.nt of tho l _war moreans , I was all that could be desired in the , an opinion by Judge Alber1 '. minor role of a maid. I DUltt,,"quotes MacDade, of Delaware County, ~ ,I: i 'II • Senior Play holding that a none-resident motorist k who operates his automobile in Pennsyl. vania and is involved in an accident may UPomaner \Valk" has been selected as be sued in any county of this state, reo the Senior class play at the high school We surcly appreciate the of where the accident occurred. gardless for presentation late in February. way you have taken us to you In the case decided by Judge MacDade action was brought in Delaware County and fitted into your fa,mily Births against a 'Yest Virginia motorist 3S a I life. Dr. George P. 'Varren and J\.frs. result of an accident occurring in Bed SO CHESTER ROAD d YALE A • For there are times when \Varren, of South Chester road, arc ford Counly. ~~_ ~~_ •• half our lobles nrc peopled by ~ - - - - -. . . . . . .,1. .- -.... - - -. . . . . .- - - - -. . . . . . .- - _.... _ _ _ _ _...0:......___..-:__'-'._.....'_Vi. recclvltlg congratulations upon the birth of a son at the Presbyterian HosSwarlhmorcans. The,' greet each olhcr and cot a meal ing. thot we strive to make nexl pital, in Philadelphia, a • Saturday morn- a. r---------------·... Vo1. I . . --.. .-------..-:-..'-'. . :"'i"";";"'' ;;'';' ' ';;'';' ;-;;'';' ;..,;; ....;..,..;;..;..;..,..;;..;..,_;;..;..;;_;_;.., ;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;; .. ... Automobile Show All Next Week January 12 .. 17 r. . --......--·;.----..-........·. . . --.. . . . . Iii Th k 'an -I ,.,...___ .i ! ' I ' _ . ._ ! a home cooked one, as en· joyable as "eating out" ean 10 • iI be. I 81.00 (children half price) make eating out economical 100. I,uncheons at SOc, 7Se • News Notes I I Dinners every evening at every day. :ro.frs. Richard R 'Varren entertained at luncheon at her home in GermanI tOWIl on Tuesday. Dec. 30. The guests :• were Mise: Kathf':l'";np. R. Warren, Miss Anne B. Warrell. r.1IS:'! nfargaret O. , Cresson, M iss Nancy R. Slater, Miss • i i I Sunday-Well, we only hope Ihat our Sunday dinner customers continue to come and tell their friends what 81.25 wiJI buy in a dinner nl . .. : . . . _ _ _ . . . . _ _ _ . . _ ...... ___ . ._ _. . _ ...... ......__ .... .. :==::::::::::::=:::============================================ While 1931 Is Yet Young Decide ON A PACKARD ! I F. B. FRANCIS I lnn 1 I THE PATTONS. It-------------------____________________ • I I GEORGE GILLESPIE & CO. Old Bank Bldg. Phone 4450, Chester, Pa. Sw.1129 Twelfth and Crosby Sts. Open Every Evening Until 9 .". ~ Mid·Winter CLEARANCE SALE I-r "<.''; Now in filII swing, Ollr mid·winter clearance sale of fine fall and winter footwear WALK-OVER ARCH-PRESERVER $3.85 BUILT when building materials were low and good workmen available, these Eour new homes represent the finest new home values in Swarthmore. The home illustrated is localed on University Place just west on ComelI avenue. It is of brick and frame construction and contains all of the most modem improvements which have made Gillespie built homes outstanding. The other three homes are located at Strath Haven and Allhough they have not been entirely completed, they are open for inspection and give an idea of design and size. They vary in size from three bedrooms and twD baths to five bedrooms and three baths. Each a two car garage. Prices range Erom $17,000 to SHOES for Men and Women and Children r---::::B:::::07.:Y:::'S=-=H=-:IG::'::H::--S=-H-O-E-S---' has $22,000. Regularly 85.00 and 86.00 Scorch grain-Elkskin Shark-Skin Tipped Shoes All boy's high shoes are now reduced PRICES GIRL'S LOW SHOES $1.95 to $5.45 School ShoesDress Shoes In Ihis group, nre shoes for girls, large and small and children in general. SPECIAL $4.45 per pair 350 PAIRS WOMEN'S and GIRL'S Values to $14.00 Low Shoes $4.45 While they last WOMEN'S SHOES AAAATOE MEN'S SHOES AATOE CIDLDREN'S SHOES IN NARROW WIDTHS Johnson's WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP 626 Edgmonl Avenue WOMEN WRITERS OF SWARTHMORE • WILL SPEAK NO STORY HOUR DURING JANUARY At the requesl of Ihe Health Cent. "1'1\'. • Hull-Huuse, has I}cell the house- guest Iy island off the coast of Scolland. ga,·c an addrc5s illtcllGeJ. to J:e-"ivc the A cordial invitation is extended to al1 • I Mrs .. Harold Goodwm" Chairman' of of Dr. and ).[rs. \Vi11iam I. Hull, of enthusiasm of his listeners for prohiBOROUGH HALL TO Educat!on of the Wom~n s Club, called \Valnut Lane, this week while here who wish to hear the lecture. bition and convince them of its success. Members of the Society of Friends a meetll~g of her commIttee at her home as the speaker he fore the \Vomen's HAVE NEW ROOF He decIared that the \~Tets have nothlast Fnday and plans ~vere made for i International teagnc for Peace and will be interested to learn that Prof. Swarthmore Borough council at its ing to propose but the abolishment of future 'york. It was. decHled to meet the Freedom. 11iss Addams is president of Holbourn is a Scotch Quaker, being a regular meeting Thursday evening de- prohibition. The chief recommendation first FrIday of each month at the homes the League and spoke at Friends' 1\.1eet- member of Edinboro Yearly Meeting. liberated long and earnestly before let- of the \Vcts is a program similar to of the members. Mrs. Earl P. Yerkes ing Hotlse, Fifteenth and Race streets, ting the contract for reshingling the roof that in Canada where Liquor is con,~as chosen secretary for the group. ~he last night. On Thursday she spoke at HOME AND SCHOOL troUed by the Government. MEETING POSTPONED of borough hall. Of the three bidders Edmonds act ,!as cl~OSe!l as the sub,~t Collectioll at Swarthmore College . "Thc plan in Canada is 110t the sucfor the job, two enc10sed checks infor, study and ItlvestJgahon for the wm-I Miss Addams, whose work for the cess that the \Vcts would have you beThe Home and School meeting sched- sufficient to cover the five per cent which lie,·c,·' Dr. McBride dcclared. 44Govern_ ter s work. . uplift of the poor WOIl her as far back Mrs. Goodwm has procured Dr. Mary as 1910 the distinction of being the uled for last Monda even in was ost- is sup~sed to .acc0f!lpany the bid. g The bid of Gillespie and Company w.s ment control of liquor means liquor fP . I \yentworth McConaughy, "Mental Hy- first woman to recei"c an honorary tle- poned on acco,:ut 01~ .the amount 0 11 $1400, William' Kimmell & Son $2,378 control of government. This system in glene Consult~nt, Mt. Holyoke College, grcc from Yale, has spent more than ness among children III the borough. d CI k d H $2500 G·U ., Canada is bringing about the greater and !.ecturer III Pyschology and 1\~en~all forty \"ears in Social Scrvice \Vork. On January 26, a general meeting of aln k ar e a$nlO ahrveYt d' Ihl eKsP.le s sale of liquor than ever before. \Ve can· . b f c lec was s 0 ran e ImHygiene, Swarthmore College, III a . a ffi cers an d cI1alrmen and mem ers 0 II h k $3 65 h Th b' d not solve the liquor problem by a sys· ••• 'It f I A . t' ·11 b III e c ec . sort. e I course of four lectures on the subject of I cOllum ees 0 tIe ssocla Ions WI e fi 11 - d d G'Il' tern which brings about the greater "Everyday Child Managemenl prob-I LEGION CHARITY BALL held at the high school building. The was nay aW~,r.e ,t.o I csple sale of liquor." lems." The first will be held on Ihe REMARKABLE SUCCESS first part of the meeting wilt be devoted a!ld .C.o. after a .1~n~ dlSc~lSStOn of tcchDr. ~-[cBride decIared that the prinevenin.g of January 20th; M~s. Louis L'I ' to making those present better acquaint- 1l1ca.1ihes a~ regardmg, bIds. The. folcipal of prohibition is fundamental be· ServaiS, ~[rs. Osca~ J. Gilcreest and A hri11iant and colorful assembly at- ed, while the latter part of the meeting lOWing motion was malf' !l \Varrcn, )'lls'" Anile B \V.trn II :.;IS:-. .. Iargarl'l () CIt "SOli ),II::'~ ::\,lIIL\ R. SI,lter, )'11"" [,I in Charge of Program Next Tuesday DESCRIBE METHODS l'or those 1lll'lIllJer<; Illh.re ... tc:d in btcratm e the progl dill 01 the \\ 1I1llan's Club ot IIl'xt J lles(Ln, \\ ill proh'lhh bt thc llHJ-..t IIltlH"t1l1!.! oj till "ld"'lll )'lls J \' S lh.;hop, clt.llrm,l1l. h.h 111\ Ikd It\~ 01 the \\01llen \\ rikl S to III tlte !,!uc<.;ts of the c1llh '1 ahn .t1phclhc:llt.III\, thn are \11 ~ 11 BOll",II!. \\ ho c{lils an J lJISCO» llian quarter!\ .md h,b \\ntt\11 sC\lr,,1 hooks 011 111hhull SUhJl'cls. PC] h,II1S the !Jcst knowll IS "1',1111011:-, II \ 1lI1l~, \\ itll StOlICS IlrnlltIul Ilr, ::\[ar." .\\" , "r,1 'I" I 'I lit I II lIl\\" I .:.\ e .... ol!.lng-n, .\ t I )( " " It" t 'It 11,)1 okc Col leg , g"1l'lll If Sll .. n • •\ ) ~. .t1I<1 I ('ctUll'1 in P\schnlo!,!\ and \lult,tl " II \g:lllI(', ~ \\ar tl 1I1101C C"() lie'~l. III .1 f f Iel: t un':,:; 011 II Il <;11 IIJlC I (I f cOllr .. e (lour ·'1':Hnd.L\ CIl11d ::\lan,l!.!;l'lllcnt PlOhIems. "'11 lC 1Ir:.t \\ III I )c IIe IcI 011 II Ie fa 11'1 In 20,11. ,'Ir e\ CII) II g- () I" •• . \ " I}" r lll.'> I • •S t;nal:-', )'IIS Q"tal J. CJ!clel~t and 'I I Ier IIt'r I I' au I \\] II Ile III l II 0:-' I l~.~t.:~ .\ T:-, 1 he COllllll1ltCl al .. o IIIHI Ioutltllllg. .11111 \\01 kl Ii III tht:-, \ i, illlt\ lit \\;l" 1I1111 .. Il.tlh 1,lr~~ III ~IZl .11It! pl,,\(tl C'II l!tl IJIl~ \\Itlt tht l"l1l!..\"l fllollllll h.llll It is rcporhc!lhlt III thl ,JlII(1 attldt'nt \\hhh llu . . (.:(1 IllS {It tth, "Tt'III" W.1:-; tIUt'\\ll Iree (II tht (ar ,IW\ \\d" 1\11111Jllnd hut rutl\ld Lltal IHIIIIS \\!tell he IIltI .. l\llrul I" IlStllt 1\\11.01 hh 111l1ld.., III tht j,J.v:lllg car. .,---:-:-.~~~ --- Swarthmore, Pa" January 17, 1931 0 Men und W olllen r--:::B::::07.Y:::'S::-::H=-IG=-H=-S-'H-O-E-S-"" 1k J for The Values Built Into These tion and contains all of the most modem SHOES No.2 WOMEN WRITERS OF SWARTHMORE • WILL SPEAK Automobile Show All Next Week January 12 - 17 of Kc)stonc :'fotofl"t, offiCIal pubhc.lllon of the I.... c) stone Automobile- I Club I Borton \Vceks. Prl'slClellt of tho Cluh, quotes all 0(l11liotl I" Judge Alhert I I Dutton 1facDade, of Dda\\an' County, i holdmg" that a none-rc... ldellt motorist \\ Ito opcrates IllS alltolllohtle III Pennsyl. I \'alll<\ and is invohed 111 all aCCIdent ma) he sued In any cOUl1h- of tillS 5=.t;")te, re,g-.Irdless of "here the ,ICCHllllt occurred ,In the celse decidcd b) Judge ~lacDade I action was brought in Dela" arc Counh I a!.r,IlIl"t a \\'est \ irglllta motoris.t as a result of an accidcnt occurring ill Bcdlonl County. Sill' -;._ ~~-==============~---- Vol. III. w··----··_....______..........._-.-._-.-..-r_-.. ,...... .. _... _-----------------_ .. _-_.------_.: :1 :: : I: 1:1 S\\'a .. tlnnort'all~ I: :1 I:I: : ~ HOME JOBBER the lIonw (. lib,., arc dum;.: .111(1 h.lm morc about "'pent the hnlida\ ~ at Ills home on Vasorg.1Il1zdtlO1I lor ho.\~ Ju-.t b\.'llcath ".II .hl. llc \\111 return tlus week to sm, Fr,1I1(1..' amI England \\111 be sung A. M. ALLISON & SON da} cHnlllg at the Il1gh ~ch()ul .lUtl!- tilt: Box Scotlt ,u.;:c oi t""he )L·ars. '( he lllll School III PutbW\\II, "hne he m costUTUe next Tttesday at the \Von an'~ hot !l11n .U1d \,.11 lll!l<;ht l,1 ,I program arI hlfl \\111 11~l. he a dt.'lllonstr.ltion by h a Illl.:lllhcr 01 the j1hplcal Educahon Cluh In' ~1.Hld""l1Ic Ch'lll\eall 311 Vaasar Ave. ' I . , acconl~ 1'''ll~t:d h\ the 1 dtll\ girls <;l;ghtl} tlndcr the Girl f. IlCrtldTd \\ alton and Dr .A F jones: OPINION DESCRIBED Inn and )'Irs, J. Archer Turner, Scout ,lgC 11 • opmion of ul1tl5=.ual mterest to ...,...--. . . .- - - - - - -......... ________ ... _____ .._____ .. _ _ Special xt \\ l"l:lllcsc\a) e\t:ning, NO STORY HOUR DURING JANUARY \t thc rUlllc:-,t (II the He.llth Centre thtre \\ 111 he no Story Hour for the cilltdrell oi S\\ arthmore during J.lIluary All programs for the next four months, ha.ve beltl planned and arc as tollo\\s l'eiJru,lr}," a Blrthda) Hour for Famous rlicnds"; ~larch "An Opela in :;'\Iusic and Ston"; Apnl "A Surprise"; and 11ay "Jnterestmg Chma." The committec assures the dlSappoiutul OIlCS thiS month (for se\er,11 app('als ha\e cOllie to us to hale the Story Hour Il,d snoll) that this jalltlolr) program \\111 hc gi\(,ll at some future d t:flllllfl'llce \\ Ith Dr. J. CIlI1ton St.lrbuck Imllst rcmam out for the 16 d'l) pcnod lounh l1u:dieal director, and he abo I SIgns Il1.lY he put on only after the pb}sst,ltl'1I th'lt the llre\cntl\e measures hem!; let.lll Ita..,> rqlortcd the case." • Anb-Saloon Head Pleads With Swarthmoreans to Uphold Constitution SAYS PROHIBITION WORKS SCOTCH ARTIST ·POET IOFFICERS AND DIRECTORS TO LECTURE HERE MONDAY RE·ELECTED AT BANK I On the evening of January 19th, at Last Tuesday afternoon, thc annual 8 u'clock, in the l'flcm1s 11eetmg House mcctmg of the stockholders of the F. Scott McBri.de un the college campus, an ahlc and inter- S" .lrthmore Nation.a! Bank al10 Trust esung Scotchman, Prof ] an Holbourn, COlli pall) \\ as held and all of the dlrec-' \\ 111 lel:turc 011 "The Need of Art in I tors and officers were rcelected Ed- I LIfe' I ward B Temple was reelected president Salnoll l,t Iglll III 111I:-, COli II II ~, l1I'gt.:d \s ,lrcllllect, poet, city-plal1l1el, painter and j, Everton Ramsey and C. Percy ;-;\\.lrtlllllOI~dl\'" \\l'(lne .. d.1\ l\lll1l1g to ,U1d sportsman, Prof. llolhourn has a \Vehstcr wcrc reelected a.... the two vice- nh~ll \' ,Ind lIpholll thl: Eighteellth \ Irtt;(1 allpe.ll. Ile not only discourses' presHlents. )',lric S. Sproal is cashier on art, arcllltcctllrc. puetry and the hke, and trust officer and Harold Ogram is \ llll'I](hlll' II 1 1:-' the lIlost flttllig lLlchut by IllS o\\n practice 111 these fields he the assistant caslller and assistant trust In ,It II III 01 lhr.: I'.it:\ ellth \lIl1n 1.:1 ~.II) nl ~plab \\ Ith lreshness and authority. Iuilinr 13 dIrectors "ere reelected, name- I l rohll11tlOII ttlls \ l.tr Tllc tnt.:l.:tlng \\ .1:-, To 100ers of the picturesque he is a h. Haldy 1L Crist, Alhert N. Garrt'tt, Illt·ld ,It the ~lttllOdlst CIHln 11 1II111el the lomalltlC hgtlle,-a world, !rave1er who Joseph E Haines, \Vllham ,E, Kistl~r, ,111'>1)\0" ui thl ;-;\\.lrth1l11Irl.: IJr.llIdl ot has .Juurncjcd O\er a Imlhon miles; a john F. ),(urray, John \V, Plttock, Vm- the \\ l T Land l!pi,lced the June Addams sur\'l\'or ot se\'eral shipwrecks, one be- cent S. Po\\nall" J, Everton Ramsey, l'r ~['l't11lg S c r \ I . I.: S 1 tl the mg that of the "Lusitama", and lastly, he ClaUd C. Smith, Elric S Sprout, Ed- I I .l) (II " c, II I' 1 e I L' '1 I . c IUfl: Ie" 0 Ie JO,oug I IdlH \ddlll\~. illlllldlr (II Chlt.:lI.!O·s ;s t17 atrdrroflI'ughley , a Wld l al1dd one- ward B, Tem\~;, \Vllham H, Thatcher, Dr '\lcI~ndc, \\Iw h l fiel} oratol, JIlIn-l"'lI~\ 1,.1" ],1\1, !Itl l!UL/"t· gU\:-,t '" ISillld (1 tlC coast ot Scot an . and C. Percv 'vehster 'I " , ,01 l)r Illd ~lt" \\llh,lIll I lInll,ol . A cordial 11l\ltation is extended to all 4 • ~;~;l~Il~;:IS';;;'~~'h:s"~h'~~~lcr'~"" ;1~1";);o'h~"" BOROUGH HALL TO \\.lllllt 1.1I1t. tII1:-' \\Itk "hill herc \\ ho \\ Ish to hear the lecture. 11itlOllandt.:oll\lIIll'thcllIOIHsSllcccss l" 11](' Spt d~tl helllrl tltt' \\llIlHll'S ~IclIlber.s of the Sodety of Friends HAVE NEW ROOF Ill' decl.lred th.lt tlte \\c.'j... Ita\l HothIllttlll.ltll'Il.t1 II.IClll Illr Pt:!ll ,llId \\ III he IIlterl~ted to learn thaI Prof., bemg a S" .lrthlllOl e Borough c0l1nt:i1 at Ib 111"":- to prlljlose hut t1h .rhuhshmellt or Illldl'lll .\Ih" ,\ddlllh I~ pn:-'Ident of IlolhOll1 n IS a Scot, II 'lilaker. ~ proh.JllllIlll Tit\..: 1:111\ I I t;l 111I1IIltlll. Flll\tllth .Ind 1~,Hl "trl'll'<. ' Illlr.lh'( ong .\tl( carnc<;t) Ie ore cttlllH the contract for rl'shilwlmg the roof Ih,1t III C.I1I,II1.1 \\ IIlre I.lqUOI I~ ClllI11'01 II I...:lt I ()II Ihlll"'!]I\ :-,ht "I'okt.tt HOME AND SCHOOL ~,., MEETING POSTPONED oj horongh h,11I Of the three bidders trol\ul h) the CU\efllllHllt l"ll(lIIPlI .'1 ~\\."Ihlll,l]t l'IIlht.!"l '1 I k' • I ht: I'Lm III l·.W,ld.1 1:-, !lot I Itl' :-,110.:1111r tht' JOI, t\\O cllcosul chec's Ill::\11'>:-' \dd.111l'>. \\hO~l \\"II~ iOi titt fl' I " I' tt"S th.11 the \\ l'!:-' \\ollid 111\1 " l i t hc ·11 II I S I I t I I :-,11 1CIl'llt to c.:O\l'r tiC tnc pcr cent" llt.:h IIlH . Dr ).Id:n1 \\nll IHI I" Ilr IJ,ILI~ I Ill: (11I1l1: ~1111( ·1t.:100 11IccIIlg .sCIe<-IIS supposed to aCC011lIMII\ the hul I~ 1'}lo 111\ til'ollll! 111\11 III h(·lIH.~ Ihe 11 1.( I Cit .Ist.\ Oil( ,1\ e\CllIng \\I1S POSt-I '1'1 1'1 r (' II '1 C I " I II It' lie () ,I eSlHl' anr ompall\ \\'(j<; 1I\(lIt loutnll 01 1Iqlllli 11,1,llb IUI\I"I 111 ... 1 \\"111111 III lLIII\1 III h,m"1 ll\ dL- pOilU ('ll 17" (1IIIlrt)I .. 1 gll\trHlllllll '11th "'\St\11I111 I'll " I I I .,. "I tCI . t lam ~... " on .,-, " ~Ill IIll\1I ...... tll. it I" "Illllt lllllrl' th,lll IIl''':-, aml)llg CI1(rl'11 III tIC wrOllg1 k i l l.... 1111IllC '0'1") ('II • () J 26 I t 1 all( .11 l' all< ane\ :;'_.1/\ .1 e:-,ples l'.IIl.l(I,1 I" !Jnllhlll!-: ,tI)1'llI tllt <:I\,llll 1"11, \1,11'" 111 :--"'ll.11 .... ll\ln \\llrl~ 11 anU:lry • .L gencra IIle\.' lUg- 0 • I k "11) I I II I" ' ('Il'c' S lort 111l-I "a!<·ol!tqlhlrth.tIl(\lrhlf,IIL \\'CC,Ulolltcus all( I CIl,urmell awl tllelll I )t.:r~ 011 II \\a:-,~, I k' co"'...:" I an< 1 IIe ....I' G • • I I 1ll e c ICC "J II;) s 10rt 1 e II ( lInt ~I)h l tht hqlllJl prl)hlt:lll h~ ,I S\~­ I"Ollllllltins of the \!i~ot.:lattons wII Ie I ., , tt111 \\ hll It IIrll1"":-" ,(1)(lIlt till gl t.:,lll'1 LEGION CHARITY BALL htld at thl.: high school Imildmg" 'lhe \\'\s, fillrall) '1\\.Lrllt. ~"'"III)() Io\\( r t IIan t I1(' II]g IlC:-,t IllC I C Ollll-·~ ,,1,1,," "'I,"'r\ ,11,.1 I, '1\",,, ., ,,) "I,ll...'l"l"l ~II:-' "1 fill..: l'tlltlll! Inilll'. \ il<..-prnl- 1I1 ied:-, Jltstllie I b t c· 11 ers, ..'I TI.ere arc 110'" ten clcrgvmen III the R (",Oh- idliH oi :-;'w;lrth111"rl'. i~ rl"' {;( "r:":l' \\ ... \\'arrcll, of Ibn'ani :1\"('lHIC, ~ollth ~horc an'mll', cntertailicil at luncheon 3tJ.d l""\l-rill'-' ir"tll all O)llratiPII ill tilt.: .:\It·· 11:..... k':11 \';jllt-I! to the W. Carson Ryan, Jr., Director Grace Rotzel. Principal j':'l"l,Ylniall Chl1fl-h of Chic:t:...:o, Ill. Ill' hrid"c Oil \Vcc1ncsdav in honor of 11rs. ',i::1 I {,,""pit:,!. VERNON LANE & BANCROFT RD. Phone Media 101l8·J .\lr~. ~;II'~'I'l1t \\';tltl'r::-, I,i ",\prth l'h(3' i~ at' \!;·~· .. t·1!t lrl~tllr oi thl' Trnmhall J. I'~ l.iIl1l"hurner, of Pasadena, Calif. 1('1" !"C';!'!. l'lIl, r:ai!ll"d ,II iU'il'ih"l, \\,',1 \\,';]11c Church in Detroit. .\11":' ...\IIIIC Thotllibon, of Glow.:cster. \1 !c'h. ~Ia~s .. \vho has bccn- dsiting: her daughcl:L\' :it thc ~trat:\ 11.1\·1l1 ILI!l, il; :1"Il,'j :\~'xt Frida\' c\"t'llill~, Dr, and )'lr5, tel', ),11'.<;. Frank Smith, (Ii H.lItgcr.; avc.-! ,.i·\Ir~. 1':\111 \1. 1'l:I1".".jJ ;11:d .\11'''' \\";11" ·llll1h-. pi thl"' J'rl"~"ylcrian L'!111rt"ll will t111C", left Thllrsday Illorning for St' rell J-",,,'lt", Tlh' ''!!It·' .~:(1I.-:' \\In' .\11":! I l'II~ .. dj ILllt·" .\11"". I. li"r:l\"( \\',11- (lIlt-rl:(in a! the 1l1all~(' :t11 the rlCl".!.t\·lIH:n .\\1g-mtill(" Fla. Dr. JalllL'!'. P. :\.1c~au.Qhtoll, of Park ;:·r. \11' ... \\'ill; :1, I. III,]L '\Ir~. 1-:'\\\<111: "I th~'ir t'''T:L:fl·:..::ttitlll and their \\'i\"('s. .\. ]tlli,;ih, .\1:",. kil·I!;lr,) :-:I":kr .... :di,,' ThVT"l' an 11~'\\' lril ,·1cn'!'·llH'll ill till' (,(111- an.:1111l'. i~ clllI/inul at his homc hy an =It.\i\I:l· Ili:l "111. \1:- ... I-"r;[!I('I" \'. \\'aJ"!l"l1 ·_'J"l:":dIIHll. till' latt"st arrivals being Rev. tack of influcnza. 1 The annual meeting of the Swarthmore Public Library ;.1:01 \11·,~ . .I. i":lO, .. dl :-:-lllilll. : II'. :.\h·:\atll.!ht"il ;11111 ialllily ,lllti Ii.~\'. .\11'. Piel"ce )'ll1rrell i~ cllj(lying a visit Th,.' lll"l1tl;h II:ldiJI.~· .,11.[ "ll]11'l"l' \\'l'!"l 111'. Association will be held at The Library Rooms. I )i~llll1it1 ;(1](1 i;!l11ily, 11urill;.!; thc to \Vashingtoll. I). C. and is stopping at I h·ld ill \\'hiil'i~'r 11,,1t,~· I'll ~t01ld:IY eYl" jI;t:-t,Ir;'le (,i Dr. Tl1ttle liitccll ckrgy- the lIotel Commodore. I \ling . . \)">111 'lilt' II\l11drl'd ;ill;) liily \\"l'l"~ mell ha \ I' ]'n'lI cnlllll'cll"d \\ illt Ihe Borough Hall. Monday evening, Jan. 26, 1931. ).{r. and ~[rs. l{obcrt \1. (~amhol, of ill ;It;l·tl!iaU'T. '·!\i1.~ .. i:t" \\:'.- th\· tiH'l1lt \·llt1l"cl1. (,f wil( 'ill (1\"(' h;tH~ dil'd, 210 East 21::;t St. Chester, announce the .'1 tIll" ll.~·ni\ll.!. ,\11'. \\'arnn hillel'. \,'ill Harold Barnes. President. Tk I~t"\·. fl\". \1l'''Olllfler .\Iitchell of marriage of their daughtcr, Eleanor! \\'i~h .\\r~. 1<",t". tr:\\l'1((! 1::r"11.:...:11 I.:u:,· Yak .\\"l'11\1\' ha~ lWl'll \'ery ill with in- E\"(:!rsolc to ]. \Vallacc Steigclman 011' ~i.l ];\ .. 1 >l1Jltlll\T \\illl \1h.: ~h\r\\"i·"d hl11 T~ '1"~' II t'\' ill l~ille~}lil' . .\Ir:;, l.on!..;.I. 1'-OC~l' ;...~r.-:. Rllh-I ;"Ir. ;t1111 .\Ir:;. Frallk ~1l1ith. ~'i 1'111, :L \. I, :-:: Coates, IChaffcl' and \\'illi Charlcs Sagl'ndl)rph. .\Irs. Thcl)philc awl )'Ir~. Fergll~(lll, of Y('T"k, 1'a., ;1· '.! ,;, D, Stow, of "HamiItoll Court," Phila- 01' Rlochcster, N. \., was announced at. Saulnier, ~ll"s. \\"aYllc h~andal1. ::\lr5. tlwil' gltt.',;1:; for thL' \\"l'el';-l·llfl. t 1C (anee, · arc \'ISltlllg , ,' I IP I11:1, {C at "'1'1 Ie I .O( Ig-e. " . •• : I'· \.Ie IJan I I'\.all( Ia II am I .\'I 1".... I'au I Il rowu, Till' cast of th ..' II'ayl'l":'i . (·1 11 II prot IucSterile '[ \\'·11· CI fT 21 I · t ).(r. and :\Irs. P. Franklin laylor, of, 'Ir' I I llart(1I1 0'· 1'11fT'ilo NT \" ,iOlt ior .lalltlar.L "The yOlllH!t..·.~t:' WlT~' u r. I lam Ja ceo {., W 10 IS a S lI-. p' 1'1 f I f S .\ :-;. " -" • '" _. ., ~ dent at Princeton University, SpCllt last! me {I~~l', ormcr y 0 . • warthmore:who has hccn \'isiting Iwr son-in.law dqnn· lJ!art1l1t'nh \\11,( ~Ia .. : ii, 'lllt' \\-:tli CAKE SALE TODAY Woman's Auxiliary of Trinity Church SO. CHESTER ROAD ;::===============, Builders of Artistic Homes on SWARTHMORE and VICINITY Homes designed a.nd built to meet individual needs, ,,,. _______ .. _______ i~~~~~:;;;;;;.;~·. SHOPPER'S TiCKET j I :Inti rCll1TIl ;\ ":;o""::L\' ,'" :\\;lr~h Whitl' ChestlluT I iii! :\orrl~to\\'n .' ! , ., .' :,,' \ '.,"" ~::"; ~ "'t· T. i .• \\'l'st Ch("~l("r \ Vi imi lll,!toll ' .• " ( l",li:tt(: .' :: 11' II.!:: ·1 •• " ~ l( ~, : " ,. ,', : , • , .~ ".1 r~ ... "kr ]; .... ~ ,.. ,. 1.. :,\' i,' Tl"~., • , i.,"! .".j >" !, J ., ~ '.1 r.;,,·k ,.1 \ ,;." , Fred. Frllils, Vegel"bles, Sea Footl _____ -_- .. l'holU~: "Way For a Sailor" Mon. Tues. and Wed, Harold Lloyd Then watch the new Full Automatic Simplex Ironette turn out flawlessly ironed clothes ... in so short a time and with such ease, that ironing becomes as pleasant as sewing. What a team to have in your homel III "FEET FIRST" ,I . I W a llO 1(.. vcr :l , I ~1id .. \Vinter It Clearance Sale ':: I:; ': I:: Ii; I:i I:·,:1 ii 'i: :,1 " 'i,'I' :' , :,, :: Ii \i " T his \vintcr clc,lrance :1 11."1.1· "I. I '.' I • i;':\l ". II! ! ':: I. : of lucn's, womcn's and children's shoes continues. \V . e nO\VN $5' 73 a MOIIII, I :!; :' ,.1 . I1 WlS to cmpIlasi:c to the residents of Swarthmore who are accustomed to footwear of the better grade that this sale offcrs S01l1C unusual foohvcar values. Benjamin Franklin FOUlul,,\· of ;\'alional Thrift :' '10 DOWN $5.84 a MOilth ,~. ,\I0NDAY NUlionul Budgct Duy llave TIItlI Nt'1V Btll/.rtJo", IlIslalle" tt1,,1 Pay fur il 0" Ille BlItlg<" PI"" WOODWARD, JACKSON & BLACK Sw. H S",arllllllurl~ & I.uea),eth- A,.,(·s. Ill' O"r Offirers IVil/lI"'I' YOII Milk" 0", YOllr Will III Ally Till'" IFilhollt :\aliUlwl Lift' IllSItt'alH'" nay CI!\HLES ./. SELTZEH '11 n 1..\:\, I'A. Clltlrg(' SWARTHl\IORE NATIONAL BANK ANI) TRUST CO. iron ... while comfortably scated. 5109.,0. Slightly more on month. Iii ' Iy payments. Buy EITHER of these wonderful electric appliallces by the month ••• alld solve YOllr C/eal/ Clothes ProblellJ JANlIAIIY 22, TIIUIISDAY Naliollul Own Y OUl' Homc Day ,, , ,,, . ,, J.1I SlIbltrbail Stores Walk ..Over Boot Shop EX/Jcrt F()ot Fittcrs PIIILADEl.I-llll\ In.. I~CTnIC COMPANY ~A I'ionl!l!r in Volrmtnrily Establishing f) Low RatesJor all Electric Service .---.-. ---_-~-~:o:"=...~,. __~---.-=~=;-~,;__.=••_=_" ••------'oo,_______.J.1 Thrilt ill Illliltlillg "'It I N"III Estal,' WILI.IMI S. IIITTLE NQlnry l'nlJlic-R('(l1 f::dfllp Unlgc'rs Anmllc . CHESTER Naliollul Make a Will Day with finger or foot, to I CHILDREN'S SIIOES •••• JOHNSON'S JA" .\11\ 21. \\Ell,\ESD\\ JANUAIIY 20, TliESDAY NEW Full Automatic Simpll'x Ieonette with Duo·Touch ControL Simply touch hutton i: : :: ABC Playmayd. A porcelain tub, hig capaci IY, fa'it action electric washer with non·crush balloon roll wringer. Only S99.50. Slightly more on monthly pay_ ments. Also ABC Companion and ABC Spi!1l.,cr, at higher prices. JAC'iUAI\Y • :; WALK·OVER SliDES ARCII·I'HESERVER SlIOES BOY'S SIiOES-(;IItL'S SIIOES 620 EOm\ONT AVE. SwarthlllOl'c Pl'Csbytcl'iall Church Firsl Clull''''l of Chrisl, Scienlist Mcthodist Episcopul Cluu'ch Sociely of Friends Trinity Episcopal Cluu'ch see this ABC Playmayd Electric C Washer and so high in quality ... so low in price I , I:: First Support l' our Chllrch OME IN ,. .,' Na[iollal Shal'e With Othcrs Day In Just a Few Hours ID ' .'I" st...JNDAY WASHED AND IllONED WALLACE BEERy.,,,,1 JOHN GILBERT ~;; - "~~.:"~~.• - -.;'';'~''; - .;.-.;..;. - - -.- ~ - -.;. .... -.~ ~.~~~--~.~~~'!".-~--:;' ... ---... ~::-.::-.;~-..!" ";';-';'~~~..'~ ~":'~-';:~ ~ - - _. --.--- _.. ':Ii' JO, --1 Today-Saturday J.:,.1 (:." Swul'lhmorc 7(,1-762 JAl'iUAltl · ·'Beautifully MEDIA, PA. : .\" ,.t ,oJ .. ,':", ,. t' ,:., '.' ·:.1 ,'11 :,'1':. Pennsylvania Hailroad Ii MARTEL BROS • SOlJTIl CHESTER ROAD ", ,,'. !I:I;~ a 1i· .';". 1".0., ~t;(t IOII~ t \',' O"r S"'"r,l,,y S,Jerinls ilIllke " Retll Tllrifl Dtly ., I '. ',' ,'. ~'., l ,.:. '. ld 1(ltC"rll ." '.'; . ill' ...... ,!: .. ! ,1, '" \l ~ ,"; : :,'. \"w, . 1)( ,\\'l\ 111!,!11 ,\\'n ::: ,(.1Il tid;.,' Naliollal Thrift Day DAILY MATINEE 2:30 E ffeet il'C Jau·ulI,.)' 1.') Bri"w\ JANIIAIIY l7, SATUIIDAY PHONE MEDIA 22.7-W , to 1'1I1L.\J)ELI'IIIA From 0 i -~MEDiAnTIiEAjRi 304 Dickinson A venue S\\'o 335.W TIl ,. hCl'lI ronfined at his is rcported as itll- , l'ro\"lllg. I Dr. .\Iarikl l.a1l1hicki, of lb\"(~rfoni 1: 1\1...1\\1(., t'Lllnt:lit:c(! in honor of her ! li()ll:'l' J..!l1V:-t. \li~~ .\llullch Ignatius, of I 1:\1'\\' Yorl, l'il.,· b~t Saturday en:l1il1~. I I \t\ll'l1~ thl' '..:l]!"~t .. wen" \Ii .. " Francl's 1 Ilart ~h"m, I ,i l:ala-Cynwyd: ,\1 r. awl, : :.\11'.";. hl).!al· .\dam", \lr. allil ;"Irs. Ezra' i Il;l~~l"tl .\krri;tLll. '\Ir. anrl ).rr!"i. l.otl1S : l",l!l Elllll1(.l!:' • .\Ii:,s ),furl'l'a Ci;tllci. :\lr. ;!TlIj :.\lr,. ~';!l\1l'~' .\1:t~·\lil!:tll. ~rr, and \lr5. Carl ,k \1,)11. :.\\;:'s Fl(ll·l·tll"C Trick\'1'. \1 j .....; l'arril' Triekcl', .\1 i"s ;"lary ;lIld ).1 rs. Frank T 1'ickL"r and \I L .~ChT11idt, 01 l\idll',Y Park. .\[r5. \\"altn Sllplec, oi Yale an'nue, CHAS. E. FISCHER .\'"/' ~(.. il111l"~". / CIIAS 1',\lIKER 10·t I'nrk A""nuc I'heme; Sw.nrthmore 42 eliAS. A. S.\IITII 'tl7 Unrlmuuth An'nlle "hunc: Sw. 705 E. e. WALTON l'IUIIl(!; Swarlhmorc 114 EMMONS & ANI)ES -llllll,J)1m,';- J \:\1.·\1(\ .:oil. I'HIIl," Naliunal Safl' Ill\'l'siml'l\I nay HEN,lHIiN WEST BliILI)(;'.IG ANI) LO\j\' \SSOCL\TION 11 . \ IU U.I) Uf ;n.\ 'I . ....,·4'I·rf'lur.'· SW·\I{Till\IOHE BUlUHNG l'hul1I': Swnrlhmc,rc" 1(.00 \SSOUnION J, IIOIt-\C": P \S:-;.\lUHE ..Iojf"·r"'ur~· THE SWARTHMOREAN PublUhed Every Friday at Swarthmore, P.. Robert E. Sharples, Phone Swarthmore 900 I at SAIURDAY JANUARY 17, 1931 I I; cars uuhl sufhelent money IS avail able to provldc all the lIuprovements III connectIOn With an up to date gym \\ h l arc mtcrcstt:u I l SCcl1lg a I nas Ulll 'Vhcthcr Swarthmore feels Il 1 I 1 f I lIke fostermg compehl!\e athletiCS to " II III 1 !{kd to tiC se 00 act I the extent of a large gvmnaslum IS a :-.;" rtllll n: \\ III do \\ cit dUring questton to be deCided by the parents tI I xt 11..'\ \\ C ks t~ make thclr 1tl of the cluldren concerned and by the t r t 11 \\11 t.:Itht:r 1 rl\atcb to mdl school buard 'Ilu I n eml cr .. of the board or pub fhere IS no doubt that acadennc 1 h 11 r 1 gl the I r or organ zalto 1 5tudles should comc before athletIcs competltn e or othen\lSe and no aile t.;d gs I I h I \\ IIh the hutger avenue school 5 bettcr ablc to tel "\\ let cr tIe moncy bmldtllg completed lIul I new budget dllch Blight be spent for a g)m could It h t for all r \ II the school board be spent to the greater advantage of 15 la~e 1 With makll1g a defil11te deCISion the :;tudents m suppl} mg new class reg r hug the K\11llllSlUtll at once so Iroo1115 and new eqUIpment than Mr that 11 I egun It \\ 11 he read\ for usc Morey the supcrvIslIlg prmClpal Cc r "hn ehool ope s ncxt fall taml) ]\fr Morey S opllllon 011 the \t I r~scnt the attltuuc of the schoolllucsltOn should be \\orth double that ho ml 011 the subject IS such that It lof anyone else school board members can be (.hrcctcd Olle \\ I) or the other 110h\ Ithstandmg In the I nssurc 01 publIc opllllon If the people of S\\arthmore hav(,' lhe list fc\\ yl Irs ha\c s en a re all) fcehng one wa) or another on the let n lPPOS1I1g the encouragement 01 In mnasnlOl qucstIon no\\ IS the tnne too much cOlllpeltll\ c athletics III pul he to express It and not after the board l11gh scho~b as IIlJunous rather than has deCided the matter accordmg to bcncJ e al to the health of the students their 0\\11 Imhvldual COl1\1cttOIiS and a an unllccessar) expen:;c \10 19 ~ Dr Later? * • • Grace Rotzel PrinCipal of the School In Rose Valley met last Wednesday e"\enmg January 7 With an mformal group of members of the Chester Friends ~rechng at the home of Mrs Dixon of Glenolden She discussed the school and modern tendenCIes 10 educa lton • ",01 II ""ght be beller 10 \\ a,' a Ie\\ I ~ .:J ~ L -= ~ -= U L,....... L 4.r-.I() ")lil: ~ ~ 3]) Vauar Ave 1160 HOWARD KIRK Attorney.at-Law t:! ~ t:! Did you ever feel that the •. Please null me ftee Rotogravure lIIusnated. Booldet descnbmg Keystone Automobile Club Advanlages Swarthmore 998 7fumb/()g '''~R~s~ Roofing~· r.i lieatingand • P. M. BARROW Phone Swarthmore 82 Moderruze your Bathroom at Low Cost. Reroof with Asbestos All are cordially Invited to attend the services and use the ReadIng Room THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Not by might nor by power but by my "plrit snUh the Lord Sunday 9 45 A M -Firat Day School In Whlttier House 9 45 A M -Adult Class In the Meeting HOuse led on January 18th. by Frederick J McCord 11 00 A M -Meeting for Worship In the Meeting House Ian B Stough ton Holbourn of EcUuburgb Yearly MeetIng expects to be present I Jan 19th 8 PM Monday Pro! H91lJourn wllI :w. {'" a lecture In the Meeting House Subject The Need for Art In Life Wednesday 9 30 A M to 3 PM -Sewlng tind quilting In Whittier House Box luneheon I :S:-w-a-r-lh:-m-o-r-e-I-22-5---W~.-n-d-O-"'--S-h-a-d-.-. I FRED J. HARLEY Interior Decorator Succenor to George Schalle. Upholsterlng, Anhque Reproductions I I I Custom Made Muhlenberg Ave. Furmture Rutledge, P ... AUTOMOBILE CLUB ,,!1I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111b was too popular-that the w,nt for your favorite table was too long • . • Then you will appreciate the quiet charm of the • • • • Bowling Green Service Station C. O. LYNCH owner - manager 1;111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111110;= FOR RENT • £()12~I:12 on the second floor, where you will enJoy the same dehcious food, interestmg atmosphere and student service that for years have been responsible for the ever-growing popularity that finally made the silhouette necessary • • • • • • • 1~() VAl21\ AVI:~UI: TI:LI:VIi()~1: - - - «3aT Easl ,ulks and elllf'TOId Ized child she repudiated all grades If the) dcterHl111e It iHh 15 Ible to walt e"'e", made It 1mposslble for clllldren to be at I list another) tear Rmg& from lar oD Cluna over stlOmJated by gradmg them accord R,," Alnrltlm's IUlllp and !(pek In ia\ r If h I1ldlllg at Ollce IS thc mg to age and onglnated a school cur I fact tl at as m my bulldmg projects as ncululll whIch really prOVides creatIve TIre place ICllae,.e we lfhall ',e next ICleek I Ihle h uld be earned ( tim;,) car actn Ity and time and opportunity for I I) 1 rovldte nork for the ul1tJUployero Its roUl t e sa e 0 e ar IC es AI b G R E tcrcd 3" Second Class matter January 24 1929 at the Post Office at Swarth morc Pa under the Act of March 3 1879 box ala 1 kclahle roomhas 111 the 11Igh school I nasall1 CCIl heen fOllnd III a h lsement or lJ1 the gYlllnaSlUm at the J rq Sdlool ~ r C lIegt: i hl Prep IIId College ~D m5 h l\ e be e It used for the I t h 111 III teams an I II Ive proVided 10 tid r athl tic r cn all( n for the gc llr I studcnt hody O. the other I It d It Is cuttrc!,} un ~ III III III 111111 III 111111111 1111 11111 1111 111111 II III II III 1111 III III I11111:: Homespun goods from Kentucky and North Carohna and l111ported pieces teen years was Its director She now IS fr01ll the Near East along With articles director of the Manhassett Bay School of food \\ III be offered for sale the at Port Washmgton Long Island The last t\\O ,\eck cnds of January begm Fatrhope School at PhoeOlx Anzona I!!III 11 l! I h IT d l \ S It tl c S" arthmorc Editor and Publisher A New GymnasIUm Now SALE OF ARTICLES FOR MOUNTAINEERS Mrs Johnson has been the guidlag sporlt of a number of other schools as well She found the Edgewood School at GreenWich Connecttcut, and for four THE SWARTHMOREAN JANUARY 17. 1931 JANUARY 17. 1931 wit BegInning at a 1l0lnt In the southwest erly sIde of Wayne avenue (torty feet wide) at the distance of one hundred ninety three and nine hundred sixty two one thousands feet measured along the saId side of Wayne avenue south twenty four degrees fifty eight mInutes east from Its Intersection with the southeasterly side of Parker avenue (seventy feet wIde) Can talnlng In front or breadth south twenty four degrees fifty eight minutes east along the saId side of Wayne avenue sIxteen and three hundred thIrty-three one thoua andths feet and extendIng of that width In length or depth between parallel lines at right angles to wayne avenue south westwardly and crossing the bed of a cer tatn twelve feet wIde driveway on the southeasterly llne thereof ninety two and eighty seven one hundredths feet and on the northwesterly Une thereot nInety two and sIxty nine one hundredths feet the rear line thereof being slang the south westerly line at a twelve feet wide drive way Court House Media PenbsyivaDlD Together with the free and COmmon use right Uberty and privilege of the said drIveway at all times hereafter forever Under and subject ~o certain condItions end rest:lctlons as above mentioned Also under and subject to the lien and payment No .6 of a certaIn mortgage debt or prinCipal sum of three thousand dollars with inter Deeemi'er Term 1930 est thereon when and as the same shall become due and payable AIl that cerlam lot or piece of ground wllh the bu Id ngs and Improvements thereon erccted Improvements consist of two story brIck situate m the Township af Upper Darby Coun house 16x30 feet Ons story trame addl y of Dela vare and State of Pcnnsylvama tlon 4x4 feet Porch front he ng known and des gnated as lots Nos 45'.l Sold as the property ot Isaac G Diehl and 45J on a ceria n plan of lats caJled Aronl mmk Heights made by Damon and Foster mortgagor and Alfred L Weightman pres Civil el gtneers October 24th 1924 and hound ent real owner cd and deSCribed according thereto as follows 00 cash or certified check to Wit Begmnmg at a POlDt on the ~aslerJy onCondltlons-$2S0 day of sale balance tn ten days Side of Foss avenue «orty feet w de) at the d stance of three hundred feet measllred narth E L VAN RODEN Attorney uardly alang Sa d s de af Foss avenue from the northerly s de of Cedar Lane (fifty feet w de) Containing 10 frant or breadth alang said s de Venditioni Exponas No 43 of Foss avenue north nIDeteen degrees (arty fiVe mmutes and fifty five seconds west fifty December Term 1930 feet and extending of that Width n length ar lepth bety;een parallel hnes on a co Irse narth AU that certain lot or piece of ground seventy degre~s fourteen mmutes and five with the buUdlngs and Improvements there seconds east ane hundred two and five ten hs on erected situate at Manoa In Haverford feet (Bemg No 925 Foss avenue) TownshIp Delaware County Pennsylvania being Lot No 117 on a plan ot lots No 110 to 132 Inclusive thc&Wm G Taylor U nd er an d su bJcct nevert h eIeSs to certalQ Jr tract made by of Over Tingley sur 11 t1dmg restnctlans and con i tlons as more veyors as revlsed on the 26th day of March f I1y set forth 10 deed hook No 605 page 81 1927 and described according to the saki And also under and subject to Ihe hen and plan as follows SItuate on the southwest payment or a certam mortgage del.-t ar prIDclpal side of Garfield avenue at the dIstance at sum of five thousand dallars With mterest three hundred and seventy five feet north thereon as there n pravlded west from the northwest side of Roosevelt avenue containIng In front or breadth on Jmprav~ments cons st of two story and one said Garfield avenue twenty five feet and alI stone and frame hause 33X24 feet One extendIng at that width In length or depth story frame addlt on 9XI2 feet Porch front southwestwardly between parallel lines at J rame garage 9X I 8 feet right angles to said Garfield avenue one hundred and fitty and seventy six one Sold as the property of Robert A McDermatt hundredths feet Including on the rear and Elsie ?If hiS WIfe thc"eof the bed of a certain twenty feet wide driveway laid out and opEned for CondltI0R!-$2S0 00 ush or certified check the tree and common use ot these and on day of sal~ halance m ten days the premIses adjoIning and entitled to the use thereof (BeIng No 1130 Oarfield GEORGE T nUTLER Attarney avenue) Saturday Januarv 31 193 1 9 odock A M [evart Fac as I ImprO\ernellts consist of two story brick ltix33 feet Porcll front dnsement garage and stone house Sold as the property of Adolph G Lehr Condl ttonS---$250 00 cash or certJfl.ed check In day of sale balance in ten days a L FUSSELL Attorney Fieri FacIa!> No 642 December Term 1930 All those three certain lots or pIeces 0 ",round with the butldlngs and Improve nents thereon erected and to be tnereo[! ected situate In the BorOUgh of Yeadon . . . oullty of Delaware and State or Pennsyl ..'aula and descrIbed according to a certalL urvey thereof made by Darnall & Fostel Ivll engineers on the 28th dny of FebruarJ A D 1U29 as follows to wIt Situate on tl: ... lortheast slde at Holly road (1ilty feel ..... Ide) at the respective dbtnnce of two LlUndred eighty n1ne and fort.y six one lundrcdths feet three hundred cleven and event.y nine Olle hundredths teet and ,hree hUlJdred thtrty fn.lr and twelve one lundredths feet southeast from the south ast sIde of Myra avenue (lilty feet. wide) ..... ontaJnlng In front or breadth on Holly oad. ((."SCll) twenty two and thIrty three Jne hundredths feet and extending of that ~Idth In length or depth northeastwardly oeh, eell parallel Hnes at right angles to dolly road onc huudred flfteen feet and In Iudmg on the rear thereof the soU of a ertaln fifteen feet wide driveway whtch extends northwest Into Myra a\enue Bnd outheast Into 11 certaIn other twelve feet vIde driveway whIch extends southwest nto HoUy road Improvements consist of two story brIck house 18x54 feet Enclosed porch Bn.se ment gnrage Sold as the property of Frank W Carter Condltlons-$2SO 00 cash or certified check on day of sale balance in ten days H L FUSSELL Attorney Fieri Facias No 643 December Term 1930 All that certain lot or piece of ground together With b llldlngs and improvements "hcleon erected sit late in the Borough of ulenolden County of DelaWare and Statc .)t Pennsylvania nfore.::;nld desIgnated and ,.;.:nown as lot numbered two hundred evcllt:y (270)> on the Ulan of lots of War vlck Annex sun eyed for Wood Harmon &: Co by Joseph H Young civil engineer ecorded In the oUlce for thc recording of deeds etc In nnd for the County of Dcl ware aCoresald in deed book P No 8 page 24 ctc Impro\ement.'"! consist of one story stucco house 18x28 feet One story frnnle addl Ion 12xl8 feet Sold as the property of John H Steele Condltlons-$250 00 cash or certified check Together with the tree and common use on day at sale balance In ten da)s right liberty and prlvuego of In and to the aforesaId twenty feet wIde driveway as H L FUSSELL Attorney and for a passageway and drIveway at all ~ptember Term 1930 tlmes hereafter forever In common with FJeri Facias No 616 All that c~rtaln lot or Piece of ground With the owners occupiers and tenants of the the bUild ngs and Improvements tbereon erected nremlses adjoining and entitled to the usc December Term 1930 situate In the TownshiP of Upper Darby thereof County af Delaware and State of Pennsylvan a All that certain lot or piece of ground Under and subject to certain buildIng with bemg the northwesttrly sixteen feet and SIX the buildings and Improvements restrictions Also under and subject to the tenths of a fOOl af lot No 5 and the south payment of a certain mortgage debt or thereon erected sttuate In the Township ~asterly t\\dve fe~t and SIX tenths of a foot of of Upper Darby County of Delnv.are and lot No 6 on a certam plan of lots deSignated principal sum of four thousand doUars State of Penn!>Ylvtlnia being known 0... Drexel Htil Manor surveyed by Damon & Improvements consist of two and one lot No 193 all the plan of lots called Drexel foster C E under date of February 19th 19" halt story stone and rough cast house Hill Plnza which is duly recorded at Media and described accordmg to saul plan as fol 18x30 teet addition 4x5 feet porch front Pa In deed book 412 page 624 and de scribed according thereto as follows laws Garage 12x18 feet Levart Fac as Beginning at a pOint In the southwesterly stde of Burmont road (fifty feet WIde) at the distance of four bundred nmety four feet and thirty four ane hundredths of a (oot measured wuth thirty degrees fourteen mlnules east (rom a pomt the corner formed by the Intersect on af the southwesterly Side of Burmont r(1ad an I the east~rly rlght-of way hne of the Phtladel hla & Garreltford Street Ratl ....ay Company Containing In front or breadth on said Side of nurmont road. measured south thirty degrees fourteen mmutes tast twenty nine feet and tenths a( a foot and extendmg of that Total $1 677 87092 two y;.dth m length or depth between parallel lines State of Penna County of Delaware IS south stxtyone degrees two mIDutes west Ole I E S Sproat Cashier of the above named hundred fed f.ank do solemnly swear that the above state ment IS true ta tbe best of my knowledge and Under and subJed to certain express condl hehe( Ions and restnctIons as therem mentioned I!. S SPROAT Caillier I mprovemtnts consist of two story stucco and Suhscnbed and norn 10 before me thiS 7th stone house t8x42 fteL One story ,Iucct. ad .Jay of January 193 I ,huon Porch fr011t Stucco garage 9Xl8 feet WILLIAM S BITTLE Notary Public Sotd as tbe property of Edith M :trazler )l.y commiSSion expires Mar 2 1933 mortgagor and real owner Correct-Attest J G MURRAY Condl lona--$2So 00 eash or certified check ALBERT N GARRETT on day or !I3le balance Itt ten day, JOSEPH HAINES Director.. G EO T BUT~1tR, Attorney Sold as the property of Halton J Shall cross and Marion Shallcross his wife Condltlons-$250 00 cash or certlfted check on day of sale balance In ten days E L VAN RODEN Attorney VendItioni Exponas No 44 December Term 1930 All that certain lot or pIece of ground wIth the bulldlngs and Improvements thereon erected sItuate In the Townshtp ot Upper Darby COunty of ~laware and State of Pennsylvania beIng lot No ~4 on a certain plan of lata called Drexel Htll Plaza made by Damon and Foster cIvil engineers and approved by the Board of Township Commt.ssloners of Upper Darby Township on the second day of May A D 1922 and recorded at Media In the omce tor the recording ot deeds etc In and for the County of Delaware In deed book No 412 page 824 etc and described as follows Beginning at a point In the center line ot Highland avenue (fifty tcet wide) at the dlstance of tour hundred and twenty..ftve teet southeastwardly from tho center line of Oroeenblll road (fifty feet wiele) contalnlng U:J. front or breadth south Beginning at a pOint on the southwest erly side of CongrC3S avenue (fifty feet wide) at the distance of one hundred feet measured north twenty four degrees twenty three mInutes west from the north west. side of Oreenhlll road (flfty feet wide) containing In front or breadth north twenty four degrees twenty three minutes w~t olong the southwest. side of Cong ress avenue fifty feet nnd extending of that width In length or dePth measured south sixty five degrees thIrty seven mln utes west bet.ween parallel lines at right angles to Congress avenue one hundred feet Bounded on the northwest by lot No 194 on the southeast by pnrt of lot No 74 and all of lot No 75 and on the south west by lot No 169 Improvements consist of three story stone stucco and clapp board house 3t'x42 feet Porch front Stucco garage 15x21 feet Sold as the property of Edna M Clower Contlttlons-$250 00 cash or certified check on day of sate balance In ten days LEDWARD & mNKSON Attorneys JOHN J CAIN Bherllr .. ., . ".~. .,'.. "\~ , '.'. ~dq l'~"'oi .• Wle~!t~y ..., • ." :_ ." Y',: • • THE 6 V ~t ih~' L~~;"'ro~;';'s: -A: itiii".iieod, Mrs. W. T. Quillen and Mrs. Frank 411 Dar-(nioitllr ,benne I Phone Swnr.h·,o e 188-950 May and Mr. Clarence C. Von Pigll!le ANNUAL· UBRARV .. MEETING JAN. 24TH of Long Branch, N. J. -Thhe ~ annual meeting of the SwarthPark avenue announce the engagement he and ,Mrs.· Firth will remain for sev- more Free Public Library will be held Of their daughter,' Miss Dorothea' H. eral weeks. a week from. this Monday, January 24. ·Whitaker and Mr. C. Russell Phillips of 210 Yale avenue. Mr. Harold Ogram, Riverview avenue, has confined at his home during the $3 REWARD ;;; past been week with the grippe. for (~nU1eo broo("h lost Wnlnut 11r. and :\lrs. Frank, T. Duff on South Lane to Friends' l\leeting House. § Chester road have announced the enI\liss J. L. Hoopes, 535 Walnut § Lane, Swarthmore 235·W. ~ gagement of their daughter, Florence AFTER ~, 11lI1lI1lI1l1ll1ll1ll11ll1l1ll1l1ll11ll1l1ll1ll1l1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1l1ll11ll15 Free Delivery = Full linc of bUlC~' Gro{"cri.es, V l·gt'hlblc!:'. ami Frtllts. Fresh l'ish und O~'stcrs on }'riday. "'The lUarkel Jor Particular ~ Frc~h ~ :: := People" *"Serving Swarthmore Successfully Since 1900" Finished Wash of Every Description 8u//de Wm. J. Kimmel & Son of Haverford Place Call Sw. 632.J J ASo Ao PILSON! LIGHT AND POWER WIRING ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR GEORGE H. KELLEY Electrician Repair Work & New In.lallations 107 Sylvan Avenue Rutledge Can be reached at Sw. 1145. Phone Sw. 428.R DIRECTION STANLEY CO. OF AMERICA I GEORGE GILLESPIE & CO. Old Bank Bldg. Saturday, lJlonday, Tuesday • in his thrilling success to UDnwl1 The second annual report of the Benjamin West Building and Loan Association shows earnings of 7 6/10% for 1930-a remarkable showing for such a new organization and one to inspire every member and every prospective member with confidence alllI enthusiasm. New Series opening at Jannary meeting next Wednesday, January 21. Join the new series. Take advantage of this opporlunity to make regular savings with unusually high earnings. Your investment is proteete,l and guided by the care and attention of these men who are known to nearly everyonc in Swarthmore. Patrol" "THE LASH" Wednesday, T/,urllday, Friday "OH FOR A JUAN" -with- JEANETTE ~lacDONALD ~IARJORIE WHITE REGINALD DENNY STATE THEATRE CHESTER Entire Week WALLACE BEERY MARIE DRESSLER in OFFICERS "MIN a1/d BILL" CARL H. CHAFFEE, Presidenl HAROLD OGRAI\I, Secrelary HALDY M. CRIST, Treasurer Entertaining- JAMES A. COCHRANE,Solicilor whelher it he n formol dinner GEORGE A. CRAIG, Conveyancer party, n dance or an in(oml01 , lunr-heon, for unexpeNcd the guest; nnd every other kind of enterlaining that 0 r din a r i I y DIRECTORS creates n furore in the home, I)(~ best and more economic. ally done by U~, for you. can TilE P ATTONS. ~re have many parties scheduled hoth afternoon and evening UI' 10 the middle of l\Iurch. We ah~o have some ollen date!! nnd if you fI htn·e nn entertaining problem, I! whether h be a ~iml)le luncheon or an elaborate dinner, come up 10 see os, or phone Media 1280. I Carl H. Chaffee James A. Cochrane George F. Corse Haldy M. Crist W. Findlay Downs C. Waller Durnall Gerald H. Effing George Gillespie Wm. Earl Kistler Wm. Spronl Lewis Harold Ogram Edw. K. Shelmerdine Riehord W. Slocum N. Walter Suplee Marvel Wilson Everything you want or need in a motor ear THE more you see of the new Ford, the more you realize that it brings you everything yon· want or need in a motor ear. • • • And at an unusually low price. Its substantial beauty of line and color is apparent at a glance. Long, continuous service empl18sizes the value of its simplicity of design and the high quality that has been built into every part. The new Ford accelerates quickly and it will do 55 to 65 miles an hour. It is an easy-riding car because of its specially designed springs and four Houdaille double-acting hydraulic shock absorb. ers. It has fully enclosed four·wheel brakes and the added safety of a Triplex shatter-proof glass windshield. Operation and up-keep costs are low and it has the stamina and reliability that mean thousands of miles of uninterrupted set·~ice. See the uearest dealer and have him give you a demonstration ride in the new Ford. Check up every point that goes to make a good automobile and you will know it is a value far above the price. TIlE NEW FORD TuDOR SEDAN 1 Benjamin West Building Suntlay Dinnfll'.-$1.25 Lu n cheon.--50c t 75c & Loan Association "Meet Your Friends lIere" AIlIar~~' ~KUta I! Jnn I ··-..···-..·. ---..----·-..·. -··. . .·. -.. ------~I!, I U A'Irs. Raymond Walter, Miss Annie Hillborn and :Mrs. W. N. Spangler, of Swarthmore. Several changes in personnel were reported by the nursing committee. Mrs._Ashton was taken on as full time nurse in February, Mrs. Mary P. Wood was added to the staff the first of September. At this time !1iss Alice Marker, assistant supervising nurse, took the place of Mrs. Anna M. Brice as head nurse of the Health Society. Mrs. Brice resigned to accept a school nurSing position. Miss Ruby Blin-Singer was appointed Oct. 1 to take the place of Miss Eleanor Miller. Meels Ihirll Wednesday of <'Itch mOnlh in 'he ofJice oj George Gillespie & Co., old Balik Bldg., Rutgers Avenue. PRICES OF FORD CARS '435 to '660 P. o. B. D,.,,.oll. plill Irelg", IUItf delll'I'ry. BUmper, and .pore Ill'#' ,:etr.. a • • mall co,'. You ran pMI'd••,. a Ford on rconomfrcd 'I'"m. ,hrou.1I. III • ..4",60,,"d Ford I'lnance Plan. 01 .he (Jaber'al Credle Company. above the three arche•• I • There will be a community meeting 011 Sunday afternoon a1 the home of 1.frs. Leonard C. Ashton, at the corner of Elm avenue and Cedar lane, at J o'clock, to consider the ways and means of further relieving the unemployment situation in this vicinity. All interested are cordially invited to attend, ex· press their opinions and give their support. RED CROSS NEEDS ANNUAL UBRARY DESCRIBED . . "no" MEETING MONDAY WOMEN WRITERS Swarthmore Workers Seek Aid Review of Year Shows Increased for $10,000,000 Disaster Activity With Bright Funds Future Prospects DESCRIBE WORK HEADQUARTERS VACANCIES IN BOARD Swarthmore Woman's Club Enjoys Literary Program The Swarthmore women who each of Writers BANK IS year canvass the town for enrollments The anllual meeting of the Swarth- in the Red Cross are once more or- lIlore Public Library Association will CHILDREN'S ganizing to aid the Red Cross Starvation Relief Fund. \Vhile the workers will 110t actually solicit funds from house to house they will endeavor to inform every resident of Swarthmore of the distressing conditions in the Middle \Vest and to encourage 'donations through the S\\:arthmore National Bank. Checks should be made payable to the American Red Cross Starvation Relief and sent to the Swarthmore Nationa I Bank. Mrs. John Howard Taylor, who has' led the Red Cross work here for the past several years, makes an urgent plea for voluntary contributions to the local fund. "It was 110t generally known until recently that there are regions in Arkansas, Kentucky and Alabama where distress has become acute," says :Mrs. Taylor. "All efforts seemed to be bent UPOIl concealing the gravity of the situation until the last moment. Even now some of the newspapers are publishing reassuring articles stating that there is nothing to be alarmed over. This is a sporting attitude to take, but it has had the effect of delaying relief measures. There has heen little planning in advance to mect the emergency which has come to light with the first month of winter. The Red Cross has been keeping figures 011 certain threatened cOIlUllllnities and was virtually alone in the field when relief became an absolute necessity. State and county agencies were caught almost completely Utlprepared. the people until thc ncx' crop season. But there are other forms of distress POEMS READ be held in the library rooms on the ~econd floor of Borough Hall on 1fonThe Swarthmore \Voman's Club, at day evcning, January 26, at 8 o'cl~ck. their meeting on Tuesday, disproved that The election of two members of the "A prophet is not without honor, save in .library board will be necessary, to fill vacancies created by the expiration of his own country" by having as their terms of two of the present mem-Iguests, women writers of Swarthmore. '.', <... Mrs. E. I-L Bonsall, (Mrs. ~~dward J, It'1f:mpI0Y'J1(,Ilf: ~"r ~I,r :n.·r~ !"1"~'lhlr 'rhe library has just closed its sec- J ) h . b t k f .1' men." Gnd year with a record of unusual ac- r. ":.0 IS es. nown or CO~Pl mg \Vithill a short time, however, the complishment. During 1930 a total of and cdltmg matenal of value to children, college \Vas able to make available a. 994 hooks have been added, 720 adult such as home gymnasium work, pictures limited sum of money which could be and 274 juvenile. There are now a total for hymn';, etc., and is known for biblical added. to what the Emergency Relief of 3682 volumes in the library. I stories, got her inspiration from her own Committee had to spend in furnishing The total circulation of books dur-I children and their needs. employment clearing out paths and ing 1930 was 13,927 of which 10,356 were Dr. Isabelle Bronk, credited ,vith three underbrush in the Crum woods. adult and 3,571 juvenile. Five hundred books, by Who's Who, said her special\Vhen plans for the Arthur Hoyt "ind ninety-one members contributed to ity was tcaching; that hers was a ugolden Scott Arboretum were drawn last year the library fund in 1930. A total of 985 memory, rather than a pocketbook." it was decided by John C. \Vister, the cards are now in use, 581 by adult Having taught thirty-nine years, she has director, that for the next few years readers and 40-4 by juvenile readers. seen many of her pupils become famous all the limited funds should be used There arc 77 volumes on the Swarth- lawyers, surgeons and attain other high lor the purchas~ of small plants and more authors' shel\'Cs. positions. Among them she had the late trees. Under thiS scheme, the college In Decemher Borough Council eu- Milton Sills when he was a freshman at· planted 36,000 rhododendron, laurel and dorsed the library as a community the University of Chicago· another is I dog wood in the nurseries last year. In asset hy giving $200 to the library fund. Dean Harry Bates of the· law depart- view of the appeal ior funds to aid ~hout $175 .~\'as. cleart.·(~ hy thc sa~~ of jlllent at ),[ichigan University and with ullcmploymcnt ~1r. \Vister altered these tickets for Stnctly Dishonorable 011 I twenty-six of these years at Swarthmore plans and has dIverted several hundred Monday and Tuesday of this week. I College she has seen many students go dol~ars . to th? Emergency rclie~ fund , , forth and succeed in the world. 'which IS paymg men to work lfi the . Mrs. Grace Livingston Hill, perhaps CrulIl .woods. ~Irs. A. S. \VI~kham.' of North Ches- the best known, is credited with thirtyUurlllg the I)ast two weeks, the Emerter road, entcrt.amed 111 honor of her I six books in \Vlm's \Vho, dating back to gency Relief Committee, using their daughter, Barnet, 1I0nday af~ernoon. 1894. Mrs. Hill was unable to be pre- funds and funds donated by the colThe guestS" were: Carol GOOdWlO, Ann sent due tO,illness in the family. . lege, has employed tell men from the \Vray, Betty ~ol1glas, 'l}ne Avery, Jean Lilly (Mrs. Scott B.) was ill and Pl~ISh :Mills every uay. On Thursday of Grace Dodd, Eleanor .Snuth, Mar y 1an interview with her was read telling thIS week, twelvp. mel) were at work. Christine Stericken, Florence Cleaves, lof the hooks "Seven Sisters" UFalsc Only married men with famiHes are Kate Brower and Sylvia Swann. I CColllitlued on Page Fwo) I being employed. -_._-- .-~-.. '1'0 date they have cut a good path Ion a uniform grade [rom the foot of and Police Report for 1930 Shows Elm avenue to a point ucar the Cloth• ier Auditorium. This new path gives G reat V arle ° t y 0 f A c toIVI°t-les par's access to one of the most beautiful of the wood, and at the same I I time makes a fire break where it is INFORMAL OPENING which demand attention. Cattle and The first annual report of the Swarth· stickpins and watch fob, those two I needed. OF AUDITORIUM SOON horses are starving to death and the more police department will show the hurglaries are at present under inves- 'I:hcse mcn are doing something According to plans recently announced by Dean Raymond Wahers the informal opening of the new Clotl;ier Memorial will be held earJy in February as the first Col1ection of next semester. This meeting will in no way interfere with the formal opening to be held later in the will be somewhat fonger than usual as several special features have been planned. Dr. Herhert J. Tily, donor of the new $.10,000 organ, has accepted an invitation LOW In both pictures the beautiful woodwork can be observed. The screen in the upper part of the stage obscures the organ pipea which are right lin. Wood and Mrs. Ashton atat· th\,} Petui.sytvania School of Social and Health work. Miss Marker attended the Biennial Convention at Milwaukee. Sevcn well baby clinics are doing excellent work in the district. 144 new babies are rcgistered, there were 617 return visits, 54 examinations at preschool clinics, 7S were given the Schick tests and 74 were given Toxin Antitoxin. These clinics not only check up on the welfare of the babies but also the mothers. Those who ha\'e kindly offered their services to take babies and adults to clinics and hospitals were: Mrs. A. F. Jackson, Mrs. William T. Ellis, Mrs. Warren Paxson, Mrs. S. S. Farley, Mrs. Rosalie Roberts, Mrs. George Zimmer, Mrs. T. M. Jackson, Mrs. William Turner, Mrs. R. C. Allen, Mrs. C. Whal Olmes, Miss Laura Marton, and the chauffeur at the Inll •. !Irs. Lewis, chauffeur, and Mrs. Safford's chauffeur. Visits w(',e made to the various hos· pit at clinics by these volunteers and nurses. 178 trips wcrc made altogether with 43 of these liy the nurses. 110 children and adults were supervised. Miss Marker, the supervising nurse, gave a most satisfactory report. Many women prominent in welfare work were visitors at the Center during the year, including Miss Ella McNeil, of the "But the Rcd Cross concentrates American Red Cross; Mrs. C. Talhot principally UpOIl personal relief. Efforts Rodgers, who represents the Social are IlOW heing made to clothe and feed (Colllinlud Dn Page Three) ~chJlt.j ~uiji.iut:,· "" hVfJ! Relief work among the unemployed and the expenditure of funds held by the Emergency Relief Committee associated with the Community Health Center in Borough Hall is going ahead in what may be described as an unusually intelligent and practical manner. A Bureau of employment is to be openeu at the Community Health Center in Swarthmore this week-end. A worker will be in charge for registering workers and arranging employment where possible. Aid to unemployed heads of families living ill this vicinity is bcing provided 1I0t in the form o[ direct cash contriIndions but in the form of practical work. Most of this work thus far has been found through the cooperation of $warthmore College which has arranged to carry out certain preliminary plans ill connection with the Arthur Hoyt Scott Arboretum in the CruIll woods which ordinarily would not have been done for several years. Several \\reeks ago when the effort to aid the unemployed took definite form in meetings held at private homes in the borough, the college was requested to either make a contribution to the fund or aid in furnishing work. "Unfortunately with all the college funds budgeted for the present fiscal year," stated executives of the college who are IIOW in direct contact with the work being done, "the adoption of either scheme would have resulted in MEETING TO CONSIDER UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF Above is a view of the new auditorium taken from the stage. At the right is a view of the stage and the fore part of the Clothier Memorial. retary. The ticket was unanimously '.I~================;=~====~~~~~~~~~~:J! elected. New members elected to the board were Mrs. Palmer Hinchliffe, of Mor~ ton; Mrs. Charles Stowe, of Holmes; Mrs. Warner Goheen and Mrs. Mum~ spring. In all probability this Collection i RELIEF COMMITTEE AND COLLEGE SUPPL Y WORK FOR UNEMPLOYED ° IMen From Plush Mills Working In I Crum Creek Woods; Employment Bureau To Open at Health Center REPORT The Board of Directors of the Com· lilUnity Health Society of Central Del aware County held their annual meeting on' Thursuay. January 8, in Borough Hall with Mrs. Martin B. Young, the president, presiding. The nominating committee suggested the following names for the Board of Directors; Mrs. Martin B. Young, president; Mrs. William T. Johnson, first v1ce~presidellt; Mrs. Eugene Hoffman, of Ridley Park, second vice-president; Mrs. George Barber, 3rd, treasurer, and ~lrs. J. Donald Gibson. sec- • i Er1ening Dinner. a. good aa •••r-,1.00 ANNUAL ford, of Springfield; Mrs. R. E. Rhodes. RICHARD BARTHELMESS FIRST INTERIOR VIEWS OF THE CLOTHIER MEMORIAL $2.50 Per Year w " THE NEW FORD HEALTH CENTER ELECTS OFFICERS HEAR 'Ihe Inn with ~ersonalit'J Sw. 1129 Swarthmore, Pa" January 24, 1931 President; New Board Members Chosen StratL.Haven HOMES No. 3 Mrs: Martin B. Young Re-elected F. M. Seheibley Management AgainEarnings Over 7 % CHESTER There's a genial glow of hospitality about the' Tea Room which adds immeasurably to an excellent dinner tastily served. It's an ideal place to entertain your friends or club. Dinners-85c and $1.00 WILLIAM S. BITTLE Notary Public Real E.tate PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING VoL III, prove their value and your independence. Wintry Winds Forgotten $45.00 reduced from $55.00. Semi·de- Muhlenberg Ave. Rutledge 800n F. G. MEHR, Secretary, 214 Cornell Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. tached house. Fireplace. 3 bedroom•. Hot water heat. Possession at once. 4 bedroom house reduced to $60.00. 8 room house-$7S. Phone, Sw. 1225 Phone Media 174 will RENT SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES ANNA SCHALLES ·ALL B & L Stock is the best investment-A few shares in the RUTLEDGE.MORTON BUILDING & LOAN ASS'N. = ffillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll hl' MEDIA LAUNDRY, INC. pa. ance is desired. Mr. and; Mrs. PerJ&y L. Whitaker of . ~ Dr. Firth is enroute to Florida, where QuiUen are enjoying a visit at Chal~ fonte-Haddon Hall in -Atlantic City. The next regular meeting of the Har~ ,old Ainsworth Post of the American Legion will be on Tuesday cYening, Jan. SWARTHMORE MARKET ~bm01'•• JANUARY 17, 1931 SWARTHMOREAN to attend the Collection and play several selections. Dr. Tily is an accomplished organist, having played for many years. According to tentative arrangements Professor L. R. Shero. professor of Greek, and the permanent organist, will play :·... {ore and after the meeting. forage which is availahle will hardly fit the sUn'ivors for the next plantillg time. These conditions present a particularly diflicult aspect of the casco "This area was first stricken by the drought and thcn hy Ihe husiness depression which caused the failure of many small hanks. Virtually all save the well-to-do in these regions live on a credit basis. \Vhen the food supplies began to dwindle the planters carried their tenant farmers as long as possible. Thcn some of the planters "blew up," and there was nothing for them to do hut load. their tenants in wagons, take them to town and have them registered for relief by the Red Cross. Thanks to preparedness on the part of this organization, the peOI)le are not starving as the animals are." • •• Added importance will bc given to the Mr. and Mrs. John R. Helms enterCollection with both the faculty and sen- tained with a buffet dinner on Sunday. iors attired in caps and gowns. It is The guest.<; included: Mr. and Mrs. Jer. planned to have both march in as a body orne G. Harrison of Cynwyd, W. F. with the seniqrs taking the seats on one Whitescarver, Mr. and Mrs. Dean H. Parker, h.{r. and Mrs. Charles Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. William Hanny, Mr. and .ide and the f~culty 011 the other in the front of the ~uditorium. The only sPFech of the morning will be given b~ President Aydeloite. Mrs. John B. West and Mr. and Mn. R. Eo Rhoades. f th h f th oroug .s~me 0 e actiVities of their officers du~mg the past ye:-r. The repo~ was co.mpIled and SUb: mltted by .Captam of Pohce Joh!1 ~ogen Burglanes 4, arrests 3, con~lc~lOns 3. ~arccny I, arrests 4, conv~ct~ons 4. (torgery 1, a~rests I, conVictions. 1. I:arccllY of milk 1, arrests 4, COlt VIChOIlS. 4: Larceny of auto I, arrests 1, conVIctions 1. ~.. a~cellY from auto I, a~rests 3, conVIctIOns 3. L~rc!!ny of IHcycles 8, arrests 6, conVIctions 6. Assault and battery I, arrests 1, conviet ions 1. Passing bad checks 1, arrests I, convictions 1. Indecent exposure I, arrests I, convictions 1. Disorderly conduct 6, arrests 6, convictions 6. Receiving stolen goods 5, arrests 5, cOl1victiol1s-cases pending in court at M celia. Vagrancy 5, arrests 5, convic· tions 5. Malicious mischief 3, arrests 3, cOllvictions 3. Driving while inloxicated I, arrests 1, convictions I. I n one of above burglaries, loot was cntirely recovered. In one other, greater part of loot recovered. The loot in a third one was I overcoat, and a fourth ono the loot was Olle ovcrcoat, two suits of clothes, shirts and underwear, two 'd res~ :~ts 0 ~ b tigation. winch the college Ca11not ordinarily Auto Violation. afford to do and would not be doing Reckless driving 5, speeding 9, pass~ s?\"e for the ~Jrgel1t re~uests of the ing standing trolley 2, Sect. 1016 1 Eme.r~ellcy ~ehcf COll1l11lttee. They are (Thrn Traffic) IS, no driver's license ~ec;I\'lIlg a hval?le wage for work which passing red light 14, warning for ex- IS III ac~ord with the future plans. of cessive speeQ 125 or more. :\(r. \YJster ~nd ~hey arc creatlllg Warning tags for no parking lights sOlllethlllg wluch WIll be a source of 121, improper parking 50, improper pleasllr.e to any Swarthmorean who parking, second offense 2, no parking appreCiates the beauty of the Crum lights 239, no parking lights second woods. offensc 9, illegal headlights 28, warning For the next two weeks the men will for passing thrll traffic signs 125 or be used to clear out underbrush and more. dead trees on either side of this path. Misc. Funds arc sufficient to continue the Street lights out and reported 116, work all the prl.!sent scale for about six street lights out completely 3, vacant weeks. houses under special surveillance 113. So impressed are those who have beundesirable persons questioned and sent come familiar with this means of aidout of town 79, day and night calls an- ing the unemployment prob1em that it swered 90, small complaints answered is reported several additional gifts llavc and rectified 114, auto accidents 29, Come fr0111 residents of the borough auto accidents serious 2, assistance at and. from friends of the College, infire calls 16, warnings to remove ice c1udmg a member of the board of manand snow 43, warning to remove grass agers. • .t and weeds 28. Chicken at large corrected 2, playing Mr. and Mrs. James Hanna and their hall on street 4, gunning in borough son, Johll Hanna, of Vassar avenue, prcvented 5, air guns confiscated 2, will leave next week for a West Indies cruise. (COlllinlwl Oft. Pili' Tllr,,) 7'1 INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE , ~'IfU'1;hraote SWARTHMOREAN THE 6 )'Irs. \Y. T. Uuillcn and. ~. Irs. F~ank I(.luillell I arc cnJo~ iug a \'h~t ~t. CI SWARTHMORE MARKET I'hunl' Sumlll n - (.rUt·t·ri ..... 11111 litH'nl 1.1111"' \ ... ·(·I.lhlt· .... IIHI I ruil... I'r(, .. h Fi .. l~ .t111t1 0, .. 11'1''' un rrifla)'. "1'11(' lIurkt·' fflr I·nrlif'rtlur 1',.",.1,'" ~~~~~~~I'S-L-IP I I . Phone, Sw. 1225 Muhlenberg Ave. Rutledge "Serving Swarthmore Successfully Since 1900" ====~=======================-,---~------- Vol. Ill, G. MEHR, Secretary, 214 Cornell Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. There's a genial glow of hospitality abont the Tea Room which adds innneusnrably 10 an excel. lent dinner tastily sel'ved. It's an ideal place to entertain your friends or club. W[LLIAM S. B[TTLE Real Estate Notary Public • GEORGE H. KELLEY 1 Electrician Repair \Vork & New Installations \ ! Phone Sw. 428-R ELECTRIC.\L CONTRACTOR l07 Sylvan A"cnue Rmledge Can be reached at Sw. 1145 GEORGE GILLESPIE & CO. Old Bank Bldg. • Slifer, and ::\1r5. ret.lry. D[RECTION STANLEY CO. OF AMER[CA AgainEarnings Over 7 % "TilE [.ASH" 7 () 100/0 fm· 1930-a I'emm·kable showing for sHch a Ill"" ()r~.allizatioll ~1I111 one to insllire every It ill/tN" member ... ,,1 eW'ry IU'ospeclivc mcnd)el' with con· li.h·n.·.· alHl ,·nlhnsiasm. NplI Sl'l,ies oJ.ening a[ jannary mC"ling next WedIwstlay, jannm'y 2 I. join Ill(" new scl"ies. Take -nilh- JE nETTE '[,,"[)O~.\1.1l "AICjUHIE \\ [liTE liEf;'" \I.[) [)[.;",,, ~l(ha])la~,· STATE THEATRE ~a,'jn~~ CHESTER of thi~ opporlunity to nlalu~ regular \\ itlt IInll~lIally high carniJlg~. YOllr invest- llwn[ i, Ill'O[c"leti mul gnid.·d by tl ... "m'" alul allenlion of Ih.·,,· men who al'e knolln 10 nem'ly .~\'ery­ \\ \1.1. \CE lOll'· in SwarthnlOI"·. BEEUY '[ \HlE J)IIESSI.Elt III ".lIIN OFFICEns (/1/(/ Illl.f)' C,\HL II. elI \H'EE, /'rl' .• i,I'·III II.\HOI.n O(;UAM. S,·,·r.·It,ry r--'------=-'-----=~-------------'Ii: II \I.J)Y M. C1tIST, 1·r,·,t.mit'·111 t.'rm~ thr .."gh tI' .lI",·I., llIi,,1 n"',/m"'''''Y oj 1'111'1. ",""," ill "'t' oDit'e of (;""1'':'' (;iI/"Hl'i,' & Co., oM n,lIIh 1lI,1,:., Il"'#l'r" Ave",.". was unanimously .he hdhorb,·tI Yo,..1 Final."e Plnn, ,II ,h .. L"hennl Crl'lIil Cllmpany • \\ III . , ......... J~-: ~#"" L '-_J ,- .. a CUIllHlUllit) Iill htlllll: oj ),1 t S Leonard C, .\ .. httlll, at the corner of Ell1) :t\l"llIte ,llId Cedar l.\1ll·, .It ~1 o'duck, to cotlsidl.. r the \\ <1\ s <11111 \1\(":\11::; of further r('lievi~lg the ulIl"lllplo) lIlent situation 11\ till" 'ICIllit)". All interestcd arl.: ("tlru{!purt. ~';" --• ,- he SlInday afternuon al . '1!:==================;=======~c~o~U~';;tc::;'~Y~O,;,f:::t;h~C";P~ll~O~C';;';:'X;"d! I[ h" n ,ou.1l1 ,I"ough the eooper,IIion oi ~\\.lrtlllll(Jrc l'ollq.~c \\IlU.:h h.lS arr.\IIgel! . I L',III) lIt.1t Cl'lt.'lllll 'llIclll\llIlllary 11'llans l ul1llL'l'lIuH \\ II 1 I]c , It lur 0) t Scn::ral changes in personnel werc :--llitt .\rlIPrdllllI ill the ('rum \\ood~ reported by the Ilursing cOlllmittee \\llldl III·timaril.\ \\llId,I !lot h.I\·c bcen ~lr!:i .\shtoll \\as takcn 011 as full timc I I tI'llIe lPI sl'H'ral }l.lr . . nI"-C in Feb,na,;, ~[rs. Mar,. P. Wood I BANK IS HEADQUARTERS V A CAN C I E SIN BOA R D S war t h m 0 r e Woman's CJub ~",· ... d II ,eL .lgo II hen the effo,' to \\as Cllhlcd to the staff the first of SepEnjoys Literary Program ,wi tI!l.." IIlIl'lIIph)) .... (\ tVlli-;: definite form tl'l11her At this time ,1Ii .. s Alice ~Iark- i Till S\\arthmorc \\omen \\ho cach of Writers 111 1l1I.."ltlnL:"" held .It prl\atc homcs III n. aSsistant 'I Slll)l'n \1~ltIg '[ nurse. _ '1'1 It' :Llllll1,1 I mn:tlllg 01. llc I . I tl, I.." IHl , II t."ll II, C cull 1.."00000C. .. r." ',s r I.." 1111""::. "11 B· took .I lear can\as .. the 10\\]1 lor enrllllmcnts ~\\.lrl1- I ~, C [ I I t Ie pace 0 ~\ rs I 1111.1 1\. nce as I' , P Ir I I \ t 11 CHILDREN'S POEMS READ II' l Itill ( )]l,ltl! ,l cuntnlmtlOll to the I •. I [ ,I . II It I ~ ,',t. '[ 1m tile Rcd Cross .Irc once marc or- morl' U ) Ie .1 ,rar~ . ~SO('I,I HIll \\ I . , . I,C •.l< nursc 0 Ie ('(l I uOCle). 1\ rs· l . " b c hL"lcl ill thl' libr.lr, room .. on tilL' IIII1C: l)r :wl til 11It"l11"llIlIg \\ork. J.nce r~slglled to accept a school nurs- I ganl71ng to aul tiH' Rell <. ross Stan'a- 5L'l'OI](1 lIoor of ntlroll~h Hall 011 1100The S\\.lrthllllJft.! \\'0111.111':. Cluh, . t "lllll~ftllll.ltl'l\ \\ 111. .til tla: collcgc 1Ilg" !)OsltlOll. , . . itluLi I~llid FlIl1t!. \\hit(' the \\orkLfs d,l\ e\\:lIill~ lalltl.ln 2(1, ,It H o't'lock. , . .1 Illllld" l)]](I~LtL(1 ill]' thl' IHl''iL'llt fiscal , " I MISS Ruby B1m-Smger was appomtcd ' . • I f I thcll llIlctmg (tn 111c~d.I), dl~llrovctl that .'t,lI.· "t.lkd LXL'C\I(l\c" nl thc collettc () I I I I [ 'E \\ 111 Illll .Ictnallv soliCit IUlld~ Irolll I ilL' l t'('t]()11 (II h\o llIcm Jcr~ 0 t 1e '" ~l~~il'r to ta.;c t Ie Jl ace 0 .l.\llSs 'le,lIlor I~HHI~c tn hotl .. c t~lCY \dl~ L",nde:l\ol" to lihrary.1Joartl \\111 he Illccs~a~}, to fill ".\ prophct IS not \\lthont 11(I110r, ~a\c ill \\htl .ttc 1111\\ til dUlI:t cOIILlet \\Itli the 11 ' \V d i M \ I l lil form c\cr)' n'"ulcllt 01 S\\arthlllofl.."II \.II:.IIICH:" tfl,ltI.:d b) thc (' ..... plr.llIon 01 l\l~ 0\\\1 cOlllltr)" h) ha\lII~ a~ their \\\t] I, bLlllg dUlle, "the .Hloptiou of ~ ,rs; 00 all.' 1. rs. / s~!on atl - of the (li'itn'!'!:iing- COIHlttioll'i in thcjthc terms I,j 1\\0 nf the urcscnt 11leUl- g'tlcsts, \\Ollll'l\ \\ritet's of S\\,lrthlllore. Il'llh~'r SLltl'IlIC \\.otlliS" \\ere: C,lrnl Coodwin. . \tIIl "l'llt dllt.: II) IIltll":-'S HI the IZimily. hl!~, h.1'> tlllpllt\ld Hit IIllll ilom thc \\ Ill! .t.l ot thL'St' 11\. the IIttrsr~ . 110 chil- kl'('PIII,,-! Ilglln'" 1I1l tl'ILIIiI . I II 1.1). I''l} ·,t· II (Jllg I.1::., ' IUlIl". I\Cr). · I I I 1II "l\ll\ d.l) Ull Thur .. ddY ut IlIl·.I!<·IHd .Ildll !.ill) (:\Ir:-. Scott J:) \\<1,.., ill .1IIt! I '11"']:\ Iln'lI al\(I adult .. \\l'fl' "'lIp('n]~('d . II I (',. '. I) II II S "1 'I' r L'l r ,lit ..... III.l· III ,111\ ~\\,Ii"thllll<1"l .111 \\ hit will he somewhat IOl1ge~ than u<;;ual as trl'llit ha .. i". \\'1\("11 th(· lootl supplies t!Oll:-'.t. l.an:lll) pI ,lutll I, .Irre:-.b I, 1'.l1klllg', "tlllnd oliclbC 2, lin p.lrklllg oIP\,llII.lII., thl In'.llIt, (Ii tht.: CIIlIll Sl',"('ral spcclal il'aturcs h,He Iwen plan- In'!.!.lIJ to fh,indlL' th .. Id,lnters c.lrricT~-$1.2;) Donald Gibson, sec-I MEETING TO CONSIDER UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF , In both pictures the beautiful woodwork can be observed. The screen in the upper part of the stage obscures the organ pipes which are right above the three arches. R~'ht f wurk dlllung the UIlClll1110) eu .1Ilt! thc txpt:llditurc of fund,:; held b} till' E1mrl!1.:IIc\ l.:t'llcf CUllUtllttcc as soLi,ltLtl \\111t "thc COllllllunity llcalth ICtlltl'1 Itl Uoruugh 11.111 IS going ,Ihc,uj lil "ilat 1Il,ly hc (\c"cllhe(iield. ~[rs. R. E. RhoJes., ~11·s. l~a"'lI1ol1d \\'aller, ~liss Annie H1CIIAUD Th.· s",·o ... 1 allllllal l·epol·t of Ihc 8enjmniu \V cst Huil.ling antI Loan ASSoI'iatiol1 ShO\\TS earnings of c1~~~:1 THE NEW FORD n \UTIIEUIESS hi .. thriltill;':: .. tl(·I·I· ..... to H[)~I\Ul I'nlru\"' REPORT I llt'ector<;: ),( rs. ~lartin B. Young, prcsid,:nt; 1Irs. \Vtl1iam T. Johnsoll, flfst Ylcc-president: 1lrs. Eugene HofT- I I lII.lIl, of RHllc" Park. sccond 'lcc-pres- I ident: 11 rs. Georgc Barber, 3rtt, trea- I 'Ihe Inn with Personality Sw.1129 • Men From Plush Mills Working In Crum Creek Woods; Employment Bureau To Open at Health Center I Illullit~ StratL.Haven LIGHT AND POWER WI RING ANNUAL $2.50 Per Year RELIEF COMMITTEE AND COLLEGE SUPPLY WORK FOR UNEMPLOYED F[RST [NTER[OR VIEWS OF THE CLOTH[ER MEMOR[AL 1 Thc Board of Directors of the COI1l) Ic.dth Society of Central Dcl-1 .1\\ an' l\HlIlty held their annual mccting- on Thursday. January 8, in BorIlug"h Hall "itlt )'Irs. :\lartin B. Young, I the pn:sidcnt. presiding. ThL' nominating committee suggestcd the £0110\\ illl.{ IldIHCS for the Board of F. 1\1. Sdlcihley l\lanagclllcnt ~~~~~"':;IJAS. A. PILSON . HEAR Dilllwrs--85c (/lui $1.00 Haverford Place Call Sw. 632.J Swarthmore, Pa" January 24, 1931 Mrs. Martin B. Young Re ••lected President; New Board Members Chosen Wm . .1. Kimmel & Son Description No.3 HEALTH CENTER I ELECTS OFFICERS I W;ntry W;nds Forgotten " " PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING Finished Wash of Every ALL will soon prove their value and your indC'pcndence. $45,00 reduced from $55.00, Semi-de-I tached house. Fireplace. 3 bedrooJlls· Hot water heat. Possession at once. l 4 bedroom house reduced to $60.00. S room house-$7S. ANNA SCHALLES Phone Media 174 AFTER B & L Stock is the best investment-A few shares in the RUTLEDGE.MORTON BUILDING & LOAN ASS'N. 1--------------------------------------=== RENT CO V E R S DRAPERIES MEDIA LAUNDRY, INC. "011 FOR. ~ 27 at tIe .eglon rooms. 210 Yale avellue. I :\1 r lltlwl MadllOD 520 \ Stay indoor. when the o..ec::k weather's Lad-tele. It ... calIlld the Great A,...,rlean Value. the prices-and you will realize why Frone Yle&O 0/ Chevrol.e Spore Model phone jour orders to tb.e store. J See your dealer below /lr \ \ HAMBLIN CHEVROLET. INC. 401·3 Dartmouth Ave. . George H. Hamblin ' T IE L E PH 0 N ·E , Swarthmore, Pa. Ralph E.Wentzel IN CHEVROLET SIx.cvt.INDER TRUCKS. $355 to S6tS. f. o. b. . ! PlJn~ Mlchl,an J" THE SWARTHMOREAN THE SWARTHMOREAN PublUhed Robert E. Every Friday at of 210 East Twenty-first street, Ch..ner Harlan Robinson Jessup, son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Emslie Pyl.e .and Ned when their daughter, Eleanor Eversole and Mrs. J. Harlan Jessup of Haver· Pyle visited Mrs. Pyle's sister, Mrs. Gambol became the bride of J. WaOace ford avenue. The wedding will take Fitzwater 0 f Overbrook, a t Atlantic Steigelman, of Morton. Mr. Steigle- place some time in the fall." City over the wee,k-end. ••• Swarthmore, Pa. 'Ii man is known to a large number of Swarthmore people through his work MRS. ASHTON HOSTESS Editor and Publisher Sharples, 1931 l!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll TO FORTNIGHTLY with the Swarthmore Post Office. The Rev. J. Louis Velte, pastor of the - Church News Phone Swarthmore 900 I First Baptist Church, performed the Mrs. Leonard C. Ashton will be host· ess to the Fortnightly on Monday, JanEntered as Second Class matter, January 24,1929, at the Post Office at Swarth- . c~relmonbY··d h d d b M. "' "". Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. TIe new 0 was aUen e. y iSS uary 26th at 2 :30 o'clock. ... 11111 1II1111l1ll1ll1l11 1111 111111 1111111111II11111111111111l1ll1l1ll1ll1 rr; Doris Scott. of Chester, as maid of hon- or, was attired in a gown of rose beige. JANUARY 24, 1931 with hat and shoes of the same shade. She Joker reprinted Housc's colulllll in thc Puh·.... ,,,.'c and will have particular sig· to a number of Swarthmore IS ~ir-You remember, don't you, the old verse about there being so much good in the ,'\'Ont of us, ami what it behooves r~;:,t of us not to do'! .A lot of the thmkcrs ha\-e derided it as a piece 'm>v.·" It IS so. Some so· called practical jokers over~ step the bounds of decency and propriety. For instance a Philadelphia firm of undertakers was notified by telephone on Tuesday that a Mr. Gill had died at a Park avenue address, and to come and care for the body at once. The undertakers arrived in Swarthmore at about 7:00 P. M. Inquiry at the address and at the rOOms of the Community Health Centre, Police headquarters and at the oflicc of the ReglStration of Births and Deaths, failed to venfy the genuiness of the call and it was finally decided that some l)ractical joker had been at work and had 'phoned the case for "fun". According to a local business man, such "huillorists" should have an opportunity to think it out, all alone, in a room in ollr County Jail. C. A. S. lie came ongmally frol11 out the shortSt..'CtJUIl at a ~latc with wluch you 1anuiJar, a huge, good-natured, care~e"ow, With a lather who had a too indulgent regan! for the PIIIClclcs> boy. He I;;utel cd Olle of our l:,>It. 1843 No. Lansdowne Ave.• Drexel BUl. PR. (OppOSite Arlington Cemetery) ~ill:l~d~~I~h~e~~~~~~;g~'IJil~"~P:S~Cs!:;~~;-------·------·--·~-=;~::~(~~~il.~~~~~~~~ G. MAY HAMILTON. MUS. BAC, DIRECTOR i PRIVATE INSTRUCTION Piano. Voice. Thearv Violin, Harp, Mandolin AU Band and Orchestra Instruments MAIN SCHOOL I CLASS INSTRUCTION Piano VioUo Theorv Mandolin CENTRAL CITY SCHOOL 7038 West Garren Rd. Rm. ZZ5-1714 Che.tnut St. Upper Darbv, Pa. Phila, Pa.. Phone Blvd•. 4147 II..==================================~ ah\ays and lila) hap, good that for grewconversation in the telling.I.·...,. __ word came that blotted out the I as though it had never becn. A in which he was rjer Term 1930 of ground with a~.~~;1~i~;::~~U~~~~thereon .~ Darby,erected, Coun· P~nns)'lvania, lots Nos. 45'2 called "Aranj·!,>",.;.;o and Fosler, and bound· as follows, the easterly wide) at the SWARTHMORE WOMEN VOTERS MEET TUESDAY # B. AND C. ME~:;ING No. 1838 FANCY MUSHROOMS I • S h Tuesday, Jan. 27, the wart more League of \Vornell Voters will discuss ""'omen in Industry". The speaker will be Mrs. Evelyn B. Binns, secrctary of the Women's Trade Union League. Several Swarthmore women will give surveys of local conditions. d Tea will b~ served and all intcrcste are invited to attend. The meeting will begin at 2.30 P. M. VAN RODEN, Attorney. Levari Facias September Term, 1930 SPECIALS HOME FOR CHILDREN The annual meeting of the local branch of the Philadelphia Con valesHome for Children was held at the home of :Mrs. Charles A. Smith, 11 Park avenue on Thursday the 22nd officers were elccted for the coming year. Mrs. Julia Hazard was elected president j ~{rs. George Van AIen. vice~president ; Mrs. George Friend, secretary; and Mrs. Charles A. Smith, treasurer. Fifty-seven dollars were reported as a result of the recent drive. The lovers of little children are solicited for memhership in this very worthy organization. One donar per year makes you a member. Application may be made to any of the officers. L~ROY No. 43 December Term, 1930 92 S Under and ~ubject nevertheless to cC!rtain Imiiding restrichons and conditions as more fully set forth in deed book No. 60S, page BI. And also under and subj~et to the lien and payment of a certain mortgage del:-t or principal sum of fh'e thousand dollars with inter~st thereon as Iherein provid~d. 't I * * I On Tuesday evening, January 'ZI, 7 Phone Swarthmore 705 .... for distinguished printing . . . . A design, composition and presswork offered in our printing than just printing -Goad Printing. It pays. service••• mare PHILADELPHIA JOHN SPENCER, INC. Eighth Street Near Sproul Che8ter47 "STATE OF I,ESLiI, G. CAMPBELL. de- ~old as the property of Edilh M. Frazier, ceased. Letters testamentary on the above Estate have been granted to the undersigned, mortgagor and r~al own~r. who r~quests aU persons having claims or de· Condi ions-$250.00 cash or c~rtilied mands against the Estate of the dceed~nt to make known the same, and all p~rsons in- '}Q day of sale; balance in t~n days. debted 10 the decedent to make paym~nt wHb~ ~ gO. T. BUTLER, .Attorney. ont delay to MRS. MARTHA CURTISS CAMPBEI,L. little more novel and attractive is the Investment Securities Delaware County Rep"-tadvo P. R. STEVENSON. Jr. 110 Poweiton Aye. LaJUdo_ P .. Telephoae-MadUon 6474 ning north thirty degrees forly·two minutes west ODe hundred and fifteen f~et. The northeast line through middle of party wall betwe~n .hls and dwelling ou the northeast. Under and subject to certain conditions and r~strictions. Also under and 5ubje(:t to the line and paym~nt cer1ain mortgage or principal sum ofof a forty.five hundred debt dollars I Warren A. Tyson & Co. WALNUT STREE;T 7 :30 p.m. "Bainess Credit and the Miss Marcia Perrv of Thayer road atJ F,:deral Reserve System" will be the tended the house party given by Miss subject of the broadcast by the Na- Marian Palmenberg of Tenafly, N. ]., tional League of Women Voters and last week-end. the National Broadcasting Company I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ frbm WEAF, New York City, and rebroadcast by associated stations. The speakers will be H. Parker Willis, professor of banking, Columbia University, and Harold L, Reed, professor of cconomics, Cornell University. •• e 411 Dartmouth Avenue LADIES ' NIGHT OF MEN'S BmLE CLASS Phone Swarth. 188 • 950 tu.n.Y OLD WHITE EGGS ---._--- 1518 I 5 Improvements consist of two·story and one· "'alf slone and frame hous~, 33X2-S fe~t. One· NEXT THURSDAY story frame addition, 9Xl2 f~et. Porch front. Frame garag~, 9Xl8 fe~t. The Business and Civic Association Sold as the prop~rty of Robert A. McDermott d' will meet next Thurs ay evemng at and Elsie M., his wife. Conditions-$2So,OO cash or c~rtified the Strath Haven Inn for dinner and on day of sale; balance in tcn days. a business meeting. All members and 1.""011< intercst<:d are urged to be r.EORGF. T. BUTLER. AHorney. present. :......_------_._._f.ev.ul Facias_ ANTIQUES Selltember Term, 1930 General line at Leveland Fann, Amosland Road, Morton-phone SwarthAll lilal e~rlain the buildings more 787. in Large.t assortment of old glass in sitllate County of this .ection of county. Alao Currier h~lRJ: the Under and subject to certain building printl, Penna.. pottery, bra.. ware, and tenths of ;";~uii~ I restrictions. Also under and subject to the l·asterly payment of a certaIn mortgage debt or old Stafforcbhire. principal sum of four thousand dollars. lot No.6, on. j;!~':~;;'\n d~;:~:~ .. Modern dwelling, nearly new; 4 RADIO BROADCASTS Sterile "Drexel Hill. ~~':F~r~~~~~~"{,~~l~h: Improvements consist of two and onebedrooms; 2 baths; 2 car garage. FOR WOMEN VOTERS half story stone and rough~cast house. Good location. $115 a month. 18x30 feet: addition, 4x5 feet; porch front. Garage, 12xl8 feet. \Vednesday, January 28, at 3 :15 over Beginning at a point in w"'hwe.,'e,r', I Sold as the property of Halton J. Shall. E. C. WALTON \VIP, the Delaware County League of Produced for particular people, side o( Burmont road (fifty feet d'" Sh 11 his if distance of four hundred nin~ty.four cross an ~nar on a cross, w e. Womea Volers will broadcast. The SHADY LAWN FARM thirty.four hundretlths Of;.i~t~IOOi;i'.,f:::,!;~~-:; onConditlons~$250.00 cash • RENT . speaker will be Mrs. William J. Carson, J !'iollih thirty one degre~s fourt~en day of sale; balance In or tencertlfied days. check a point the corner form~d by .Seml-detached House; Baltimore chairman of the Committee 011 the Sw. 1095~ of southwesterly sid~ of Pike; 6 rooms and bath; $50.00 per mo. Legal Status of \Vomen of the Pcnn~ the tile easterly righl·o(-way lineBurmont of Ihe ~~'~~~::~I E, L, VAN RODEN, Attorney. Apartment; Elm Ave.; $6D p0r mo. . I f "T V t' ESTATE OF REBECCA P. BEISTLE, DeIda & Garrea£ord Street Railway ceased. Letters Testamentary on the Containing in front or br~adth on said Aprtmant; Elmore Apts.; $100 per syivalll3. ~{'a~ue 0.. V\ oman 0 ers. Venditioni Exponas No. 44 lIer subject will be ... Women before th~ above Estate have been granted to the nurmont road, m~asured soulh thirty. degr~e5 mo. . undersigned, who requests all persons hav- fOllrte~n minutes ~ast, twenty-nine feet and December T~rm, 1930 Ing clalms or demands against the Estate h\ 0 lenths of a (oot and extending of that .. Apartment; Furnished. No. 11 Park I Law III PellnsYlval~a. of the decedent to make known the aame. Ave., 3 rooms and bath. 2nd Ooor-$65 and all persons Indebted to the decedent \\ irlth in length or depth betw~en parallel lines per month including beat, light, gAr., Every Friday at 2 :-t5 p.m. ove.r \VLI!', to make payment. without delay to ~oulh sixty.one degrees two minutes W~!'it, one hunclr~d fe~t. JOSEPIDNE BEISTLE• water. ~Irs. John Y. Huber, Jr .• radiO chatr112 Rutgers Avenue, Gara.-e; $'6.00 per month. man of the Pcnnsylvania League of Under and subject to certain express eondi· Swarthmore, Pa. iOlls and restrielions as th~rein m~nlioned. Furnished House, detached, 7 rooms! \\'omelt Voters, will give a resume of Or to her Attorney, ALBERT N. GARRETT, and bath, 4 bedroom., hot water heat, the week's acti\'ities in the State LegJmprovcm~nts eonsist of two·story !'itueco and 228 Garrett Avenue, garage-$75.00 per mo. . I I stone house. IRx.p feel. One story stucco adSwarthmore, Pa. IS a lire. dition. Porch front. Stucco garage, 9X18 feet. CHAS. A. SMITH • • • Incorporated Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company I RENT--liZ PARK AVE.-$7S LEGION CHARITY BALL Attractive apartment. Two entrances. FIrst floor. Large Hving room with bay NETS MORE THAN $500 window and fireplace, dIning room and kitchen with laundry tubs. Two bedrooms. Between $500 and $600 was raised by Large sleeping porch. Convenient location. means of the Charity Ball sponsored Possession February 15. by the Harold Ainsworth Post of the WM. S. BITTLE . Real Estate American Legion last Friday evel1mg _N_o_"_.r-.:y__p_l_'b_t_IC-=-==--=-===-__________.lat the Mary Lyon School. The affair FOR RENT I)romises to become an annual event .. Two la:-ge second noor housekeeping and was one 0 f the most success f u I so:ll'artments. Six rooms and bath. Private cial gatherings Swarthmore has enporch. Elec. RefrJg. All the conveniences of' joyed in some time. About 250 couples an apartment with the privacy and com- were present. fort of a real home. Poss. March or June. The funds wilt he turned over to the ALBERT N. GARRETT ":mergcncy Relief Committee of the Swarthmore 489 Community Health Center and will be spent for food, fuel, and clothing for FOR RENT unemployed and needy in this vicinity. I THE SWARTHMOREAN Chester, Pa. 236 Haverford Avenue Venditioni Exponas Swarthmore. Dei. Co., Pa. Or to her Attorney, ALBERT N. GARRETT, Iftcember Term. 1930 228 Garr~u Ave:, Swar.hmore, Pa. All that certain lot or piece ofI ~~!~~;.I.;~;! the l-uildings and improvements ! ~d situate in the: Township COllnty of Delaware and Slate of-P,;;~sy and d~scribed according to a survey ·~.'i:ia;;;;~ I Under and subject to certain restrictions, ther~of made tor Joseph C. Mowrer, by covenants. conditions and agreements as lloster, C. I~., Upper Darby, Pa., on therein mentioned. Also under and Bub5, 1926, as follows. to wit: ject to the payment of a certain mortgage debt or principal Bum of fifty-five hunBeginning at a point on the northw~st side dred dollars. of Pancoast avenue (as wid~ned to the width of forty·five fet!t by the addition of ten feet Improvements conslat of two and one· on each side thereof) at the distance of one half story stucco and stone house. 18]1[39 hundred !lixty.nin~ and ninely one.hundredths feet. One·story stucco addition, 9%9 feet. .~~ft;~~~~~~~~i:~~~~!~:;~~~l~1 feelFranklin 5OUlhw~stwardly from the southwest side of avenue (as widened to the width Of (orty I"t hy the additicm o)f five fed on the southw~!It side and ten feet on the north~ast .ide th~reoi.) Containing in tronl or breadth on the said side of Pancoast avenue, south sixty degrees six minutes west twenty·five and tm one· :iltCPa:ii<."..1 hundredths feet and extending of that width :K in tenath or depth "etwecn parallel lines JUn· Porch garage. 91:18 feet.b B Id front. th Stu~o rty t Datto 0 as e prope 0 n Jo nson and Helen Johnson. hts wife. CondItions---$250.oo cash or certified cheek on day of sale; balance In ten days. E. LEROY VAN RODEN, Attorney. JOHN J. CAIN. BherUl. \ , ~".Oh ., York City and Ithe Brooklyn the private viewing of Society 0 f Miniature Painters. at the Brooklyn Museum. Mrs. The foHowing Swarthmore peoille. are DeMoU is showing miniatures in both of participating . in the Contract b~ldge I these exhibitions. tournament bemg held on alternate 1 ucs-I '[ F k D \\',·"dell of \Ve.stdale ., . I ·wmter · t tl le Strath : ~,r. 'ran . u3\' eveumgs t liS a 'I d . . I Ill' : a\"Cl1ue sal c Jan uary lOti, on the S . S 'I Haven Inn H.nder the ansplce." 0 • lZa-: France for a ).Ieditcrranean Cruise. He be~h P. Robl?SOIl, _w~lI known contract also ex eels to visit Paris and London. I ond'Tc 311thonh 01 ~warth.morc. p II . S ..., -.. . ~ f ~rr" \\'illialll T. lIu ot wart Illllorc, I )'1r. and )'lr5. \\,liI13m A. Clarke 0 '" . d b 'f T P Sailer of 1 . 11 I ~I I dl Cl accom pal1le y l\ rs. . . I \Valhngford,. r. all( . rs .•u ow ay- E I . d N J are enjoying a brief den of \Vallingfort, ~Irs. Sargent \Val- I~g e\\o? '\\1· h:'gton ·ff ., 'I I 'I SOjourn III as In . tel', :'I1rs. \Veslc)" CI I oru,.\ r. am ~\ ~s. Dr J Howard Smith is ill at his home! Burton Richards, Mr. and 11r5. Damel 1i7 'Y I ue Goodwin, Mrs. Clara P. Newport, Mr. at a e aven .' T 3t1d Mrs. Sewell Hodge, 1-Irs. Wallace Mr. Henry A. PIper, 213. yale aV,enue, ~IcCurdv, ~Irs. Phili(l Gunion, ~Ir. Law- has returned. from a busmess trIP to rence St-abler, 1Ir. and ~lrs. 1-1. B. Shid- Cleveland, Ohio. ! Ie, :\Ir. and ~1rs. Bavard Morrison, )'lr.1 Mr. and ~Irs. Edward O. Thomas, of and ~Irs. \\'alter SilOemaker, ~[r. and Cedar lane and Swarthmore .avenue. ).[rs. Sall11R'l \Visdolll, :Miss Frances Swarthmore, have gone. to Flortda, for \Vhitc, ~[r. and )'Irs. Herschel Smith" the remainder of the wlRter. ~Ir. Frank !lntler, Mr. and ~lrs. Philip 1 ~Iiss Ann Huher, 01 York, who has D. Par.sons. 1[rs. Richard T. Randall,' heen attending the meeting 01 the NaSr.. )'Irs. Job T. Pugh, 1Ir. and ::\oIl's. tional Board of Health in New York y Arthur Gillam Robinson and )'Ir. and City, isofthe guc.st of )'Irs.~llss ,John Eller:15 Harry of St. Davids. Tuttle, "The M~I~s.e." Huber. 11r. and Mrs. Gerald H. Effing, ~Ir. the head of the VIsItIng Nurse Assocla- l NEWS NOTES 'I I DO L I· ~Irs. I McCulie and Simmons, ::\1 iss Kathleen Quinn, .a!l! C. Richard ':\1r. 'Villiam S. of Swarthmore are among recent VIS'tors at Ciialfontc-Haddoll Hall in Atlantic City . 1[r. and Mrs. Carl De Moll arc .pcnd-: ing several days at New York. They 1 will attend the pri\'ate \·iewing of the American Society of 1Iiniature Painters at the Grand Central Galleries in New i ! YOU KNOW $2085 F. O. B• • es er.. Twelfth and Crosby Sts. a. -Open Every Evening Until 9:00- ==================================================== TAILORS AND FURRIERS • TELEPHONE SWARTHMORE Cleaners & Dyers 504 SWARTHMORE. PA. AFTER ·ALL THERE IS A PRUDENTIAL POLICY for every kind of Life Insurance need ELECTRIC AIDS at c.All this week! And you'll surely want to drop in to secure one of these fine new appliances at least, during this exceptionally attractive special offer. Proctor Automatic ELECTRIC IRON Only $150 DOWN 5 p E C I A L IIa Month This h thr dial fIlQ,./,.,J linen, silk, rollo", WGol. .rtificial ,ilII (ra1on) • • _lor ~QJi" inmillg. lit. new Thermostotlc Iron with the wider heat rangel Just sel the dial and the correct heat for ironing any fabric will be main· talned. Chromium'plated I $8.90• Simplex Electric HEATING PAD Only $150 DOWN II a Mo,lIh In a choice of lovely colors to match your blankets. fine large .urface, 12 by 18 inthes, with thrllle degrees of heal automat. ically controlled. • • $7.50. P L o w T E R M E L P H I A WIDE ADAPTABILITY • AGE $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 FlrstThree Years PREMIUM Srd Year Dividend Ap~ortioned or 1930 Net Cost fourth Year on this basis 4th Vear Dlv. Apporl'd for 1931 20 $60:50 $71.20 $13.20 $58.00 $13.60 16.90 77.50 17.40 94.40 30 80.25 40 115.15 135.45 23.05 112.40 23.75 33.10 172.65 33.75 50 174.90 205.75 Net Colt 6th Vear on 'hi. basis $57.60 77.00 111.70 172.00 (Premium Payable Quarterly, Semi-Annually or Annually) Ages , 5 to 66 $5,000 and up This policy calls for one increase in rate beginning with the fourth year; but dividends begin at that time and on the basis of current experience as indicated above these dividends are more than ·sufficient at all ages to fully offset the increase in the premium, thus reducing the cost below the in,tial rate. $2 • c.A11 Our City and Suburban Stores A PIONEER IN VOLUNTARtLY ESTABLlSHtNG LOW RATES FOR ALL ELECTRIC SERVICE rudtulial COMPANY Club production lor February. In addition to being given five times next week at the Woman's Clubhouse, the play will be presented twice in Ridley Park and twice in Lansdowne. Roy C. Comley and· Dr. A. F. Jackson are directing the production which includes the followhIg -Swarthmore players: Helen E. Reed, Helen E. Comley, Thomas L·~uders, Theoa Rutherford, Deane N. Brigham, Conrad C. The almual meeting of the Swarthmore find them and gets many first class Lesley, Helen Brigham. Ann J. CochRelief work for the unemployed hasl A'lrs. Leonard C. Ashton, Mrs. A. F. Public' Library association was held books at reduced prices. She keeps ran. Mr. eomleyand Dr. Jackson also been going on steadily during the past Jackson, Mrs. William A. jaquette, :Mrs. week with the committee concentrating PhiHp Jewett, Mrs. H. Wahl Olmes Monday night in the Library rooms in posted in the library lists of books take part in 'the play. bo~ough hall. The program was feat- on various subjects such as best fictheir efforts on securing jobs or work and :Mrs. J. DeLancey Verplanck. ' of some kind ·for those in need rather lIiss Catherine Armstrong, an exured by the reading of the annual report tion, religious books, 'general educa- HEALTH AND 'WELFARE by Harold Barnes president. Mrs. tion books and graded :lists of !juvenile PROGRAM'· FOR H. AND S. than making them ~utright gifts of perienced secretarial worker, has been Sewell HOdge and Mrs. Jesse H. books. One will also fiild posted, news money, food and clothmg. employed to take charge of headquarters Holmes" whose terms on the hoard of items of living. authors, the most imThe Public Health and the Public About 35 of Swarthmore's most prom- for the work at the borough haH along directors expired, were reelected. The portant theatre notices in' various Welfare committees will have charge ineot citizens representing organizations, with the Community Iiealth Center and present officers, Mr, Barnes, president, other interesting items regarding cur- of the February' Home and-' School meet· churches,. and borough council, attended will keep records of all' those who apply ing _a week from this Monday evening. the meeting last Sunday afternoon at for work and solicit work from people in Roland L. Eaton, vice pres,·dent, Mrs. rent events and happenings of an eduth h I '1 C h Sewell Hodge, secretary and Claude C. cational nature. Dr. E. L-eroy ,Mercer is head of the e orne 0 l\ rs. Leonard . Ashton for t e borough. Smith treasurer were also reelected. Fublic Health· Committee and' William the discussion of unemployment relief. Anyone having odd jobs around the "In regard to the types of books read, Crae mer ' IS, . chairman . £ I . Th Mrs. Barnes' report \vas as follows: 0 • the Pub I c 'e wor k b· emg done was d·lscussed a t house or Iawn WI·[1· aid t h e work of the Miss Lindale notes that fiction comes W [ t h . I . "As President of the Swarthmore elfare Committee. eng ,suggestlwls or more work were committee by calling Sw. 362 and des0 n M onday evening of this week the 0 ff ered ,anu_. Ihe I0 1[· . ·b· h Public Library Association I herew·,th easily first but biography and travel are OWlOg committee was cn 109 t e naturc of the work to Miss in favor. iii ed t d· t h I ff A growing rapidly scubmit the second annual report reflI· 0 cers and -metftbers of- the committees oam 0 Irec t e vo unteer e orts: rmstrong. She will go through her garding the condition and development n connection with Miss Lindale, the of-the Home and School Association met Mrs. William T, Johnson, chairman, card index ·and secure the lDan who is of the library for the year 1930," said communi~~::"~e4a o~arft!..a~~~iation to ar the High school for a round table Mrs. Ellwood B. Chapman, treasurer, best suited for that particular -work. Mr. Barnes. •I • discussion of Home and School work. Already a great many Swarthmore The .meeting was' ,caned by Dr. J. s. people have made use of this service "By way of reminder I may say that Heberling, presidents of ·the .Association, which makes it possible to have work the library was opened to the pUblic IJl\r" "Ulf. and was successful-in securing variety done very inexpensively and at the .sable on May 17, 1929-somewhat less than of opinions as to the program during the time provides employment for someone, two years ago. It has progressed in a balance of .the, year. Mrs. Johnson, the chairman points out. steady, normal manner and is beginning • •• Ten lDen frolll thc Plush Mills have RED CROSS~ APPEAL continued to find employment in the to be a public institution - that will prove of much value and profit to the S L .. . .. BRINGS RESPONSE HERE Living Models Show Members Crum woods behind the college and on .. f t[ . wartnmore Women Voters Difference m • S tyI es TIlUrsday six additional men from other Citizens 0 Ie commumty, "During the year ending December Urged to Support Bill for The efforts'ol the Red Cross.,workof Dress parts 01 Swarthmore or this vicinity 44·Hour Week , ers -in ,Swarthmore "who are seeking were added to the force making a total 31, 1930, there has been an accession 01 720 adult books and 274 juvenile f d f h S . .. d· CLUB MEMBERSHIP GROWS of 16 men employed. A[ong with the un sa or " t e tarvallon Rehel;·'. Funh.', '0 k fl· t[Ie WOO( Is 0 f un derb00 k s, making a total of 994 books NEARBY CONDmONS CITED h . lv r o c earIng ·,· [ . ve_meLwltlr...cmstderabte success t 15 - brush the men b . t t k· dd d a e uurmg t Ie year 1930. k d· M J h H d Th J . S . are elOg 'e 0 wor uTherc are now a total of 3682 volThe Swarthmore League of Women wee accor. mg to rs. 0 n owar' e unlOr eetlon of the Swarth- sawing cord wood which the college will Voters held its regular-..n1ORthly..mee~og Taylor, cha~_r~n_ ,?.f the~ work. ~~~.e~ A, ~ore Woman's Club staged a unique IseH and immediately place the entire rcumes in the library. uThe total 'circulation of books dur- on Tuesday in the, Woman's Clubhouse•. n;m~er ~r (:h~~,~._Ve ~~een ~~n~.!o an·d. clever exhibit' of ·old and new turns baCk II1to hiring more men. ing 1930 was 13,927, of which 10,356 Mrs. J. Barnard Watton, chairman, pre- ! e t'Yanhtnoreh' d lonal- Bankd,·,whhlch fashions at their get-together card Before - recommending workers sent IS ac mg as ea quarters an ,lot er out in response to calls, each applicant siding were adult and 3571, juvenile. The total . cash contributions have been placed in party given last, M6nday night at the. is investigated to find out that he· ,·s circulation of books for 1929 was Mrs. Evelyn B. Binns, Secretary of ,J d U· 8005, showing an increase during 1930 the Womens J ra es OIon League, W h 0 the box at the bank for_ that purpose. Club House. This -,was the second actually unemployed. and· actual[·y· ·,·n of 5922 over that of 1929. was scheduled as guest speaker on the • I meeting of the, year- to be held by the need of what small amount of money he sub)·ect of the day "Wo . ItId Tonec:t OfIicers Juniors,· who have-'l·ust rrk of ckarill~ lite w"",ls of I1I1<1er· Luuks, making a total of 99-l books have met with considerable success this : hrush the mell 'arc heing set to work added during the ycar 1930. week according to Mrs. John Howard The Junior Section 01 the Swarth- sawing cord wood which the collcg-e will "Thcrc arc nm\' a total of 3682 \'01The Swarthmore Leaguc of \-Vornell T I h· f II k I \ 31rnlan tere. llllles in tIll' librarv,. Voters held its ref(ular monthly mf'etitlg ay Ior, c I· I k0 ' Ie wor ,. t If I more \Voman's Club stag('d a uni(jue sell alld immcdiately place the cntire rc"The total circulation of books dur- 011 Tuesday in the \Voman's Clubhouse, num h Sler 0 I .:: ICC',.•. l'la¥c . Iueell n k SI!II I . IU I and clever exhibit of old and ncw turll':' 11 f !laCk: mto IlIrlng 1lI0,'C lI1ell, ' J n ,lIT t C wart ltnorc ~ ... nt1ol1a an. w lIC I f l · I . I I l' (m,' rel"ollllllclHling workers sent ."g I"lll f l · I 11135( .,[rs. , arnard 'v aIton, chairman, preas lions at t lelr get-toget H'r C'1f( I wa~ IJ"'7 ,'/-, 0 Will' 1 , ) is acting as headquarters and other . . out in rl'spOlbe to l'alls, each al'I)lic:tnt . '1'1Ie lotal siding. . Iast ~\'[ OIl<1ay BIg • IIt at t IIe i-; ill\e~tigakcl to find out that he is I 3571 ,Ju\'enile, wen: ;J.( Iu It all(, cash contributions have been placed in ,party glVC'1l . I· f b k f 1(1?I Mrs, Evelyn B. Binns, Secretary of , . t.:lrCII on's or ;J'''~ 1930 was the \\' omcns ' Trades Of ~ atloll 0 Union League, who the hox at the hank for that Ilurl)ose, Club Iiouse, This was the second actually 11lICIllI,lo.vcd and ;J.ctllall.,' in }lUlb, sho\\ illg an illcrl'asc during wafi scheduled as guest speaker on the I I meeting of the year to 1)(' hdd by the Ill'l'd oi wlla!, s~lInll ,311!otll1t oi money he ui 59.?.? on"r that of 1929. subject of the day, ""Vomen in IndusTo Elect Officers I Juniors, who have jmt recclltly rl'-I call carll, .1111s dllllltlah's any danger "There arc 581 adult readers carth> try," was unable to he prescnt, being deorganized into an acti\'c and enthusiils- of Johs hcmg sccured for men who il1I(1 40-l juvenilc rC'a Due of the (cnt, IIItroc lICC eac 1 mo( e a~ s It." cOllie \\'111 h. . ;1 rClIIllIder ot the eltorts ] 't ' t l H" cOlin l ry, IIIcl0t las cl1t mo(kl, CONTINUES FIGHT ON y Y urt.·a~ionally (;uring thc past ) (';:Ir by iu- aJa\'(' ka\'elrage(1 ()4"4 I a )Out t llrt 110urs children's orchestra conccrts, cal'~"(l a lot of laugl"ll'r as sIll' (hrtl'd I MUMPS AND GRIPPE wce . JUt t Ie lOur wee k ma< e up . . . ... • .. h rl· .. h·d patron~, Olll: patflm cOlltriII '. I I I I fi' d The Julhard Scholarsllll) covers se\'ahout the room ill a 10Ilg-~lee\'t:d hi;:hot 1e ell-:' It lOtlr (av, all( lye an a I . I J II· I· I I ' . . , IJtltin~ t\\'('lIty dollars. :\ group ui \\'0- I If I k' I I I·k I era years of study III tie 1I laT< Sc 100 lIt'l'ked ni .. htdn'ss her hair hraidl'd '" . 1<1 (ay wee', IS recommen( cc a I'e )Y f M . . N Y k C' , '" ". . , Till' S\\ arthlllorc Hoard oi I Iealth 1I,lell ,It CI.lrbtllJ:ts tmll' gan' Clilltflbtl- ph)'~icjalls and efficiency enginecrs, to 0 .I. us~c III .I. ew or ~t), . " . into two severe plaits, and carrying ill ", '. ' llolls totallllg h\l"ln" dollar~, Onc 11\('111- 1 counteract tht' lIen.OIlS strain caused hy The Judges ~ for the exalllllldtioli. 111- her hanel a lighh'd canclk, fr01l1 hl'- I i1t.ulul h) '\llll'~ :\[, nricc continues to I'l'r tlf II, ( ,1·1I .r.lr) ' " .IS~(lCla . I·1011 I1,1:-;, - (urI . eluded Olga Samaroff 1-11Itche-, 'I 1 S IIe peen.'(1l't'rI · 1 y. carr)· 0,] the h ,-,.. I,1 agallls . I gnp. . fl 11(', I the trellll'nelous speeo I]a\'C gl\'CIl onl'- or IIInr(' books to :\It'tcrs o an (I ap- les" workers, Therl' arc now III th(' ,wcl,k to ahollt thirt~ ~warthlllorl" 111(,11' Ill'alth oi thl' dlild1'l'1I of till' !lOr/HIgh, Jlrt'l'iatioll. trnitt-II States fi\'e millioll ll11CIllJlloyed, 'including 1IH'lIIhcrs of horough coullcii. , Thl' !>orh'!!ll dtUhl'ritil"" art' cooperating"()II tIll" nigl]t . . (If January I~ alulon'stlllillg in the \'iciolls circle of: 110 memhers of tht" sciJ()t11 lil,arcl. n'l.rL'sl·llta-, III th;lt Jlllli.,j' alill Selli(l\' Ili!.:11 sdl(1(l1 'II 1o III) wages. I a!tcnd the Cood \Vil1 (lilllltT tn he helll ' :\t th~ l'Io~l' oi thi .. "l'nll'~tl'f, Thi . . stL-p hrary $IX:;, Tit-keh fllr till' 1,lar wt'n' .\11 inlt'resting ,<;ieleJight on what can' J'eh. 17 at the Strath lIan'u Inn hy thl' l h Ilt'lug t.tkl"ll .w('Cmling til Frank R, !'iold h) IIlt'lIIhc:rs of thl" lihrary hoard IW :IccompI · ·III 111( . Iustry t IIrol1g I Business '\Jen's AssOl'iatioll, !. ~rorl·.\". "'I'.'r'·'·-.-,·,,~ ,),' II,c Ished 1 '111., h l,r'·""'·I,.,1 . aud a third of thl' IJroceeds frolll all h'lIigcllt planning ,lIId cooperation was i \V. \V. ~Iilchelt. general manager of I . . dlll,,1 .. , Iil'l':tll!>o(' lIIall\' chil(lrl'lI will he tid":l ts. ~old '\t'nt to thl' lihrary. t'xpre",s('tl in ),[js:; Kazor's per,sonal exthe Ford plant in Chcster i~' III I Buy (;DESTEH (;OKE Beea'Ulfil 'f will soon make An Announcement We do not own any scattered or individual lots. We do, however, buy and develop large tracts of ground such as Swarthmore Crest and Wallingford Hills, ready for the builder. We also have listed for sale the building sites of other developers as well as scattered lots of individual investors. These we are prepared to offer competitively. Great Importance 11 .lr to 1931 buyers of low (;aU any office listed below. Prompt delivery DARBY, jA.: , 867 Main Street, :.,.:,;"';' ,Darhy 1200 , .. WATCH AND WAIT FOR IT CHESTER, PA. MEDIA, PA, 16-18 E. Firth Street Chester 6300' 19 E. Stntc S'reet Medi.431 UPPER DARBY, PA. ARDMORE, PA. LANSDOWNE,PA. Long Lane,anc;! Ludlow Streel Boulevard 1600 S E. Lancaster Avenue Ardmore 3500 32 E. Baltimore Avenu,~ MadilOn 520 , ' .. .,.... .,. . , :of, ,. ' ' .,I.j·" " ,..: .. " r. ';'1 'j . " \it;'1I. Wilson & .. '.,,. ,'!rhl ... '1 a d'e I I'h'IU ,·A·i:! . . dl~'" ,,:.. ( .. ;! " , LI " : , ' . SWARTHMORE, PENNA, ~ , .' SWARJ:'HMbRE QREST , ,,. , . . ~~I~p~op.~ ~~,,:r;t.~~p* ;1000 '.. , " F.X~1i~YI! Repi.sen,,,tiv",,'f,·,;·,, I" , I iI Reol Estate M~nager: of, HANNUM.& . WAITE South Chester Road and' Yale Avenue . tj, , ., '. , New 'Office at . " : ' , ., . , • " '. WITHAM Complete Real Estate Service ._'. ; ..4 Pioneer in Voluntarily Establishing Low Ratea Jor All Electric Service E. WILLIAM priced motor cars PDIEAD~LPDIA ELECTRIC COMPANY, u)",up.; GROUND of b.,.,. ",ill bl!· ,urpri,ed ",lth .he r:e.ult~ obtained and the el!onomle. _Deeled• hn"·(~ u\'ailuhlc fo~ inSIU!l"lion, in vnri:olls suburbs. completed homes iIIu:;lrnling all the phu!'Ics or plans, m.lIcrinls, coilVenicn("cs and Ihe thousand and one items entering into Ihis fasl'innling tUIVcnlu'rc. . We- h.",·~ rcccnily ("ompleled II new hO~lIe in Swnrlhmorc Crest Ihnl iri("o'rllorales uWlhi Inlesl improvements· In . home ("onsi. "("lion and ClluilUlU'nt. This is open' for inSl)(~clif)1I of prospeelivc ' home huiidcts, by 1l1.JloiD'llnenl. JVI' ran sQt'e tire IlOme l",iltlt>r ",,,,.1. timt>, trOld,~e amI ,.xpe~lSc•.. Wc 1010 price make. eaq 10 buy, II ,. clean; I, 'ea"e. lew a.he.; ,. give. a quick, ho. /ire; it ,. light In ",eight, render. Ing i. ea..,.. lor women to handle; il I. 0/ uniform, high qual'ty. Lei our exper' ad"l.e ",hi~h .be ",ill meet Tour requirement. ". [ Try Che.ler, Coke lor .he red 0/ ,hi••ea.on. Gll'e ,. a trial. We know you, 100, Gambling ':: ~HESTER ~O MARTEL BROS. JUICY FLORIDA ENTIRE WEEK - . Sw.161-162 in CHESTER ,- .Hundreds Now Vse , 'Ve 5holl continue, also, as the exclusive r~IJresenlalive of \V1\1. H. WILSON & CO., und Ihu!:'!: givc Swnrlhmorc nil the ndvunlugcs al"i5ing ,from direct contact witlt Philadelphiu's olde~t and . largest suburhan renhors._ You're not . TO YOURSELF 19c & 29c doz. DOROTHY MACKAILL --~-~ Sw.698.M EDMUND LOWE Wedne.day, TI.ur.day, Friday r'''''·''''''-''''''''''''"'·'''''''''''''''''''·''''"'''·'''"''""'''''''''''''''-""""'~" ". N.J. estate in Swarthmore, Wallingford, Moylan-Rose Valley and the surrounding district, it is necessary, in order to conserve time, to establish an independent Swarthmore office. Here we shall be glad to handle real estate matters at any time or make appointments at the convenience of our clients. " Samuel M. Dodd Bananas "MEN ON CALL" SHOP- ~:::::::::::::::::::==-::::::~__=,~;~_.~~=-~~_~~~~::;-~-=:;--~~-:;--~_:;--:;--::_~:::::.:-:-:_:::_:_~.~,-:-:_:_:.:_:.'~.~_~_.~'.:::.;:;.;;;,;;::.;,;;:~ Made·to.Measure Clothes -THEN CALL- Saturday, Monday, Tue,day in L Program Saturday Specials CHESTER E $1.35 and $1.50 Quality Wednesday and Thursday GEORGE ARLISS H IN anticipation of the coming forward movement of real PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING Tune in on W JZ with EL BRENDEL 0' $1.00 per pair MEDIA THEATRE Today-8aturday -an announcement, lounge rooms, a sotarium and sun·d9ck. Food thai would delighlan epicure. Comfort. Service. Quiet. All these are yours as a guest Sheer Chiffon and Service Weigh t 8u//de of I _i I II S PEe I A L '.' .' FIREPLACE WOOD FOR SALE '. 3 and consists of Millard :h,{cLain, Erv t~e magistrate work to the neglect· of the number of regular patrons ~ wh.o .'ile'xt meeting. IIi' the' meantliQe a meetKahler, . B'i11 1ladison, Bitt Dodd and hiS real estate business, but that he I subscribe to' the entire series. !;~, '. f t"h bo d f d' td" '11 Char Ies Genler. h ?S certam . t h eones . ":b I T .' .,,''"go e, ra'o·treerswI be . out pe.o~ e who ..he' Sw~rthl~lore. subscnbers fOf..:tHe, . II '. . . . • The local school team IS a member disregard the stop sign entermg the (:nhre senes mclude: Mr: and· Mrs.. ·C8. ed by]. V. S. BlshC?P l)resldent of With an inexperienced team on the of the ~o?nty Basketball L~ague, Class Baltimore pike just outside his office that I Arthur E, Bye, :Mr. and \VHlTE EGGS Dinners up to two - hun- dred people; Breakfasts. = Phone Swarth. OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue Below Harvard Services: 11:00 A.M.-8unday School. 11:00 A.M.-Bunday Lesson-Sermon. Wednesday evening meeting eRch week. 8 p. m. Reading room open dally. except Bunda,s 1md ·-bOUelBJB, 1~~P.M:· to 4' P.M., Church edlOce. . SwarthInore National Bank and Trust COInpany ' Dances, Evening· Dinners, . Evening Bridge Parties and small Dances (prop .. crly supervised) and larger _ time, ALL DAY MEETING . 1 TO STUDY ELECTIONS· Lun"cheons, bridge parties and lealr-Aflernoon Tea . 1, = Protestant Ep1scopal Chester Road ~:to~Ollege Avenup Rev. J. Jarden GUenther. S.T.M' Sunday ServIces 8:00 a,m.-Holy CommUnion. 9:45 a,m.-NO SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 :00 a.m.-Holy Communion and Sermon . Mr. Guenther w11l preach BOX RENTALS FROM $3 A YEAR : , Sterile =1I =" 16c each e- I_en care II h d b' L a • e ,,"or"1 an o.,.e....-· Cuss and muss-nnd just cull us up or come up-nod see what we can do ,for' you TRINITY CHURCH I.lacing IlteJn in a private hox in our vauh. I gallOns' to = In_these • _____ _ _$ervtces. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ hOllse is 1I0t playing safe. ,I I ' " b." . .Iof-why not, disp'ense wiib' Iced Cup Cakes 21 cdo z . - All are cordially Invited to Join J.".,ving valuable papers 011<1 jewelry around the quite a few people mis.<;('d seeing "Check i nnd Douhle Check" 011 account of our i ---~ I' = I I SWARTHMORE MARKET ge' killed once." bn-,'c one W'iih: :ihe Spritig seasqn just ahead and social.oh- , I, ~1111:1~11~~:I~II~::;IIIIIIIIIIIII~::I~I:~I;II~:,lllffi \\' e wish to humhly apologi7.e fhr an error in the I)rogram of the Media Theatre last week. \Vc understand that mistake. i, == ---.,,--r, Saturday. February 21. 1931 9:30 o'clock A. M. PAR,.TIES- . I, MAIN SCHOOL " , An Error -II~• = Engle Bakery HlI~1I beller to be careful a hundred lime. ,II an Court House. Media. Pa. There is something In the very countenance of tbose wbo walk with God. that gives authority to all they say.-choice sayings. Sunday 9:45 A,M.-First Day School tn Whlttler House. 9:45 A.M.--Adult Class In the. Meetlng House. led on January 25th by Richmond Miller. "The Inner P.Light As aSUbject: Social- i~H;;;;:;;;H;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;~ Izing Factor." 11:00 A.M.-Meeting for Worship In the Meeting House. Wednesday 0:30 A.M. to 3 P.M.-Sewlng and quIltlng In Whittier House. Box luncheon. Saturday January 31. 10 A.M. to 2 P.M., Concord Quarterly Meeting. 411 Dartmouth Avenue I Mark Twain once said: •• 17c doz. _ worship AWAITS YOU THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY (OP~QSlte. Arl1ngtO.~: ~:r:n~~~) FI·lled Coffee Rings - ' - ScHOOL 9:45-CHURCH "CO~~S~~ONS" ! 14. BAKERY SPECIALS = Swarthmore have arranged to \ Modern dwelling, nearly new; 4 have Dr. Valeria Parker o[ New York'month. bedrooma; 2 baths; 2 car garage. ,: City slJcak in the Mccting HOll..')c on the A SOli. Prescott, Jr., was horn to ~lr. Good location. sns a month. campus Monday, February 9th at 8 P. and j\[rs. Prescott "'illis, of Columbia M. " avelllll',OIl Sut1day, January 18. E. C. WALTON Everyone lIlteresteu III our young people is invited to he.1.r ~Dr. Parker, who jp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ is the leading speaker of the American I Social Hygiene Association. . • •. I' i Trinity Church Notes The I{C\·. J. J. GUl'IJlhl'r will 'bcgill I the second year of hi~ f{'ctorship to· i morrow. : There will be no Sunday SdJOoi nor meeting of the Young People's Discussion Group tO~Jl1orrow Oil account of the great amount of sickness in 'thl' community. The Trinity Guilcl for Oldcr Girl5j will hold a card JI art \' at Green's Studio on Satunl;)\' (,H'ning F'ehrllarv I' -WEEK-END- ....::.:...:.:..._...::.-=--________ 'C.·nna...... •• a on Buns Wi~l!)c\~~~d~~re at -the SherUr's.Omce ~ 1== aftemoonof ,Sunday, January ·25th to ,I Women's Clubs, entertained all presiMrs, Frank Bohn. and Mrs. H. M, extend felicitations. dents of Women's Clubs at the Strath Duckman are enjoying, a visit at ChatMrs Sewell HOdge, of III Qgden aveMr. and Mrs. Gcrali:! Effil1¥ of Haver- Haven Inn yeslerday. fonle-Haddon Hall at Atlantic City. S t~ It' d h I h ford ave\.t.ue wete g1!ests at Skytop last Mr. and Mrs. Albert John'on of South Mr. and Mrs .. George T. Ashton of nu~ war l~m9re, en ~r alOe '. er. un,c - ,"eek.end'· "and enJ'o' yed 'the winter spo·rts. Of eon-bridge club,' Wednesday a:fternOon~ '. Chester road entertained eight tables at Cedar Lane gave a musicale and buffet Mrs. Charles A. Smith is visiting her ·:Mr.s. I;'n~cr E·.i,¥click. presid.ent of, a ,supper bridge Saturday evening. !supper recently to forty guests. daughter, Mrs. R. P. Wilson ~t \Vaverly, the Delaw3:r~..7.o~nty F~~eratlOn of N. Y. ...:.....-",-~--You Dlay borrow at any lime if you are a stockholder in the Mr. Talbot Smith recently .with the U. i FOR RENT Rutledge.Morton Building & Loan Association . S., Naval servlc~ at ~n~apohs, and no~v I .. Two large second floor bousekeeping Conservath·cly progrcs!!'i\'{~---Safe & Sound-Curefully l\lanagcd With the Atlantic Rcfinlllg Company 1Il: apartments. Six rooms and bath. Private Philadelphia has rented the house of t porch. Elec. RerrIg. All the conveniences of F. G. Mehr, Secretary William T. Ellis, at the corner of Wal~ an apartment With the ,privacy and com214 Cornell Ave., Swarthmore, Po. nut lane and Ogden Avenue for a period fort of a real home. Poss. March or June. of three months. . ALBERT N. GA"RRETT • Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Smith of ill Swarthmore 489 Park A venue were officially informed I that they had reached their Ihirty-eighlh I---C-L-A-"'-S-S-.-F-.-E-D--The tea room will solve many of the problems of the wedding anniversary. when a ·number of I hostess. Here, tastily prepared and daintily served their friends called at their home on the FOR RENT luncheons and dinners are available at most reasonable ESTATE OF REBECCA P. BEISTLE. De- rou, HENT-Two homelike rooms. Attuetively prices. ceased. Letters Testamentary on the fumishetl. Well heated. ]n private home above Estate have been granted to the "'"' "nl" of "o MarJor oJv For SI)Orts wear, Aune Jeffords, in a tunc of the famous wedding march Snyder, to the altar. "Education" under the chairmans h I - •)'Irs' . of Mrs. Harold Goodwin of the \\'0-1 Lea~ltt. Hartell, for~lerly supervIsor ~f voluminous, bc-ruffled and petticoated man's Club, will mcet at the home of musIc 111 the Nornstown, Pa., pubhc spidery waisted g?WIl of white, demMrs. C. E. McClung, 417 Harvard ave- J schools. ,onstrated how !lulady of yest~ryear uue, 011 Friday afternoon from three! •• • decked herself out to engage. m the to PHILADELPHIA until fOllr o'clock. Mrs, John Edmonds: Juniors' Fashion Show stfl~nu~lIs sport of croquet; whIle. Dorand return . will speak about the Edmonds Act, I othy Bn~\\'(;'r, as ollr mod(;,~11 maId. off THE NEW LOW.PARE and Prof. Morey will tell the group (Conlinlled from Paue One) for a, bnsk canter, and ~[lldr.ed SlIn· how it is working out in the Swarth- ently strolling forth garbcd in a mod- pers I n golf togs, were t y PIC a I 0 f ONE.DAY . 0 f 51'Ik• pajamas. . sports . t e(I 'til .IS I1 SUit more sc h00Is, - E• veryone IIlteres \ I of tot!av ~ .' I . thc subject is invitcd to be present. The success of the evcning was the Ii r e~n ,SIIY( er wa~1 \~1I1so.11lel~ • •• sight of ~[rs, Alinc Luff tripping coyly c mr.l11t1lg .1Il a grc.y tal ~re( . Stilt 0 WOMAN'S CLUB CHORUS lout dressed in a pair of stays of long flowmg skIrt a \1(1 tmy walst-I~ne .. The An excursion ticket ... at an attractive From BEGINS REHEARSALS I past vintage, with fingerlcss mitts on h~tl s.he wore 'f\'a~ complcte 111 Itself, fare .. .' affording a comfortable trip Bristol, White ____ i her hands, and a squat little mush- I ;~'I\ 1 mass.o plIlk roses, an~ pretty to the city and back during shopping Marsh, Chestnut Thc chorus of the \\'oman's Club room hat perched airily on her head. Itt e ace vel~. May Kee~h, 111 dark hours and in the evening for a visit to Hill, Norristown, will have their first rehearsal on 1[on- She carried o,'er her shoulder a tiny green, ~xe1l1phfied the tailored mode the theatre or to the home of friends Downingtown, .111 town. .. S0 11 Chester, day afternoon at two o'clock at the black silk parasol, and to complete the of our tUllCS. (every d ayan: t goo d West Wilmington and Clubhouse. \Villiam Thunder will be ,Out fit, wore a pair of high buttoned A succcssion of beautiful evening on all trains on day sold . . . Tickets~ntermediate present and dircct. Plans are undcr I~ shoes and whitc cotton stockings. and dinncr frocks, both new and old, are. good returning on all suburban Stations way for the spring concert which will Jeannette Bair, as the fussy, squeam- were shown, and the final display was t~51llls uP. to 1.00 A. M. ~ay following date of sale . . . be held in April. .Miss Mildred Spell- ish hathcr of 1890, completely covered that of the bride of yesterday, Mrs. FIne traIns at convenIent hours in each direction. cer will accompany thclll and the Iby long black stockings and full flo\\,- Alinc Luff, ill a gorgeous ivory satin Schmidt string quartet from the Phil- I ing bathing suit, carrying an immense wedding dress with long train and veil, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD adelphia Symphony Orchestra will as- sun-shade, was a direct contrast to I held by her page, Catherine Hershey, sist. I I I Shopper's Ticket Itt I 1 I, ••• RADIO NEWS FOR WOMEN VOTERS HARRIS & co. TAILORS AND -FURRIERS J~~~~~!!~~2N •• • Speaker WIRING SWARTHMORE Cleaners & Dyers Friday, February 6th, 2:45 P. ~r. WLIT Rc,sllme of activities of Pennsylvania No. 11 PARK AVENUE SWARTHMORE, PA. Lcgislature, given by ~lrs. John Y. Huber, Jr., Radio Chairman of the ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pennsy Ivania League. Tuesday, February 3, 7 to 7. :30 P. 1\1. ~, ~ t--.. WEAF Program b,' the Voters' Service Committce of t1;e National League . • TELEPHONE 504 ...:=-__-----___..J • '. . ' . . . . • '!:"" • 01 .... iI ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR I Frank M. Hunter of Xorth Chester 107 Sylvan Avenue Rutledge i Can be reached at Sw. 1145 I road was one of the speakers at the 'fwclfth Annual Meeting of the State ------------------_. __----_1 Chambl'r of Commercc held at Harris'! burg on \Vednesday, Jan. 28. 1fr. GRANDVIEW FARM Hunter was one of the speakers in A MILK 15c i the program devoted to the PennsylvaB MILK 12c I nia Puhlic Service Law. His topic was i Pennhurst Raw and Certified "Purposes of the 1.aw and its Admin, Phonc Swarthmorc 1841 istration." ••• Leave of Absence ~I iss Carrie B. Phinney, director of music in the Swarthmore Public ... ~.~ ... ~~.~ ... ~.~~~~~ Emmons & Andes Guard Yourself Against Illness 95o/~ of diseases are due to intestinal poisoning and intestinal disturbances due to Improper elimin- ation. Colonic Irrigations BUILDERS Baltimore Pike and Riverview Ave. I Eliminate cold.. and taking cabinet baths. Raking grippe by Massagc SUIi Treatments (;all OIadder Drainages Phone . ... ,. • •• ,. - J.nnouncing NEW IlJIII Treatments he:d in office FRIEDA A. KERN, R.N. Sw. 1600 SWARTHMORE, PA. • Gr:lduate of Chester Hospital .kI • L • . _:;..............................j days, we present arare trial offer of our French Dry Cleaning. Have your winter garments made to look like new! Prepare your spring and summer clothes for the coming months. I PRI(;E ..... • L .. • • • .. .~ advantages of Gas House Heat for smaller homes, at a saving of approximately $125 over any equipment formerly available! These new low-priced gas boilers are in every way the equal of the gas heating plants installed in the largest and most elaborate homes. They have merely been adapted to suit the heating requirements of mediumsized houses. The terms are so exceptional that every home· owner is urged to take advantage of this offer while these low prices prevail. '25 DOWN Puts a Gas Heating Plant in Your Home No Further Payment Till Your MAY Gas BID YOUR gas boner wJU be delivered immediately. Then two days before your present supply of fuel is exhausted simply notify US and we shall connectitwith only a few hours' interruption to yo~r heating service. Thus the fine, even warmth ofGas Heat will be all ready for you as the troubles and cares of your old furnace die away. TELEPHONE for COMPLETE, INSTALLED $334 atld up, according to size our Gas Heating Special. ist to come and estimate what it will cost to heat your home with gas. You'll beagreeablysurprisedlOur Gas House Heat Representative will also give you the details of this exceptional new otTer. '",iuJ;ng Automatic Control Nothing Higher Than One Dollar Then •••• 2 years to pay from'date of purehasel . Men ' s SUits, top - coats, Women's coats, dresses, winter coats, knicker (plain or pleated) suits, kisuits, dressing gowns, etc. monos,skirts, waists, etc. tAli Subllrban Stores - PHILADELPHIA EiLECTRIC COMPANY PECKERMAN THE TAILOR 5 SO. CHESTER RD. • ONLY Now ... the superb Pays for dry-cleaning any garment during February! F or the next thirty Low • for GAS HEATING PLANTS for SmaUer Homes AliU.&&&A••~li4~••",A.A.A J..,;,;_ _ _P;;;;h;;;;o;;;;n;;;;c;;;;l\;;;;I;;;;c(;;;;Ii;;;;a_14;;;;9;;;;O_ _ _;;;J • • • . SW. 1727 ("' A. Pioneer in J!oluntarily Establishing /") ~LowRate8 Jor all Electric -Service-.-/ ............................................ ,