VoL II, IfII!: I I ::: :: ~ I§ ::: ::: I ::: ~ § I== = = I I F. No. 35 Swarthmore, Pa., September 6, 1930 $2.50 Per Year BAZAAR OCT. 2-3-4 fR·• ROPE· NS BI·DS . COLLEGE O:~BER ·19TH OFFICER HELD ON PARK QUESTION FOR TRINITY CHURCH • I FEDERAL CHARGE ON BALLOT ON UNDERPASS i Swarthmore College will open the third week in September with classes getting under way Friday, September. 19 preceded by the Freshman Placement Program Sept. 14 to 18. The incoming class this year consists of 190 men and women who have been selected from 1200 applicants. The number of new students is larger this year than usual as there have been practically 110 withdrawals during the summer. Eleven of the new students come from homes in the borough. They are: David \V. Bishop, David Brearley, Thomas Casey, Ralph Pr"~ton, ){I'lcs H. Robl'll..., 1\ son; Porter \Vray, Elizabeth A. Blessing, Elinor Clapp, :Margaret O. Cresson, Kathr"'n ~Ieschter, Grace R. Shelly, and A little bit of France will come to Swarthmore on October 2, 3 and 4. Final arrangements for the Bazaar for! Will Put $75,000 Project Before Swarthmore Bluecoat Captured as the new church building fund, of Trill-/ Final Report That Work is to People at General He Calls at Home of ity Church, were made at tlm'e ellStart Before September Chester Woman thusiast!c meetings held this week. The I' Fifteenth Election I gymnasllIm and grC?unds of thc PreLETTER para tory ScI~ool Will bc tran~forn~ed! COUNCIL URGES NOT POOL SPEED INCLUDED WROTE OBSCENE hy local artists, under thc dlrcctlOn I ------lof Miss Florence Tricker, into a I ' . . The voters of Swarthmore will be givCharged with writing and ma~ling an "French Village." '. \Vlth the begulIlIng of at least the ell an opportunity at the general election obscene letter to a young marned wo-I Mrs. Albert Hill, General ChaIrman, first part of the Chester road underpass in November to either approve or disman, \Valter Brown, 22 years old, of I, reported that an unusual exhibit of the, almost .certain within the next ten days, approve the purchase of a public park of E t FIt C b CI t I f tI t . f t IB I C '1 t 't S t b t . I fi f I d h' h' ',as 'ourt I s reet near ros y, les er, i \\~or -: 0 It'. moun allleers 0 wes ern . orollg I ollncl. a IS ep em er mee S war t h III 0 re's newc.~t police officer.: ~orth Carolina had been secured. A, II1g Thursday I1Ight added another .comapproximate y ve acres 0 an w Ie IS now a part of Riverview Farms owned was he I d wit h 0 u t bail for the friend of the church has had a large munication to the present list informing bl· Louis Cole Emmons. Council Thursf M . I. I. d h PI' '1 d I dl (I~v_ night passed a resolution stating that fcderal authorities when arraigned for numher 0 1 eXlcan nove tl~S s ltPpC t.e. cnns~ \'ama raJ roa . t!at reptr ~ss J r ' I . I f 11{' t t l from that countrv; the,' Will he sold u1 difficulties of constructIon durmg mldthey feIt the <)uestion was one which Luscinda B. Thomas. pre Im~nary . leanng )e ?re ag~s ra e : at a special booth, Th~' men of the I winter, council desired the entire project should be decided directly by the resi-I There is one enrollment from Brazil Berry 111 ~ohce court at Chcster \\' ednes-l parish will take charge of a "Country I to .be pushed through to completion as dmts of the borough. and one from the Canal Zone, Panama. day morn1l1g. !Store", where a littlc of everything. rapidly as possible. At the council meeting last month, l\.fr. The rest of the newcomers are from The reci~ient of the letter is Mrs, I from corn-cob pipes to live chickens: T~is aC.lion' was in reply to the letter.s Anna J enkllls, of Potter street near and kittens will be on sale. I recen'ed 111 the past few days from.E. Emmons offered to sell to thc Dorough nearly every state in the union. his l)rivate swimming pool and five acres - •• . IBTl h' f . f tl E t Eighth. Upon receipt of the oDjectioll- , ~.. I • emp e, c Ie engmeer 0 Ie ,asof ground adjoining. In the meantime I ~ i ern Division of the railroad. difficulties have arisen which made it ap-, able epIstle: the young woman nOh~ed I Mr. Temple's communication received ' the. detectt"e bu.rcau and Detective I • • :last Saturday stated that the railroad \vas' pear that the pool would not be. a desi:-I able public project. On the baSIS of tIllS Freimuth was aSSigned to the case. I adwrtising for bids for thc first part of ~I r. ~mmC?n changed the. park sit~ to tI~~ I The .writer of t.h~ letter ha<~ specified I the underlJass. This initial work is to, opposltc Side of the c. Z oe D eo 0 f Ch'Icago t S th C I III lOllor 0 1ulSS · resume h ec st U dleg a war more 0 lege this f 1 1 ' who was the house guest of Mrs. Roa. * land G. E. Ullman of Harvard avenue. NEWS NOTES • of: * • ~Iiss Lindsay Hale of Japan is visit* • • ing Miss Edna Hoff. Miss Hale witt Dr. and Mrs. C. E. 1IcCIung of Harenter Beaver College this fall. \'ard avenue, sailed yesterday on the * * * Southern Cross for :Montevideo, South Elvira and Richard Redgrave have America. to attend an International returned from Asbury Park, N. J. Biological Congress, where Dr. h.{cClung will deliver an address. Dr. McClung has also been invited to speak Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ellis of at the Universities of Rio de Janeiro Walnut Lane returned Wednesday and Buenos Aires. They expect to refrom their summer home at Ocean City, turn about the last of November. N. J. • • • ••• Miss Mildred Simpers is visiting re- latives in Cape May, N. J. •• • Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Carets and Vincent of Riverview avenue re~ lurned Monday from a trip to California. SOD ••• Mr. R. E. Rhoades of Ridley Park has purchased the home of Mr. J. Fred Dewhurst of Princeton avenue. Mr. - MARTEL BROS. FREE DELIVERY Swarth. 761-762 For Saturday Jersey Loupes OENNY LIND) 3 25e for * Beans Stringless 1ge * ••• ••• Phone Swarth. 1 60 fromlr.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ an Starting October 1st • •• A MUSIC KINDERGARTEN for boys and girls from three to six years of age meets twice a week for an hour of music, play and study at the home of ••• Mr. Charles W. Fisher of Dickinson avenue is in Salisbury, Md., on business. ••• Mrs. George A. Marr and Miss Helen Marr of Park avenue have left on a trip around the world. They expect to visit Mrs. Marr's daughter, Mrs. Oswald W. Darch in Melbourne, Austr~1ia. Large Elberta Peaches Large Carrier •• • Dr. and Mrs. Anhur E. Bassett and family accompanied by Mrs. Frank H. Geddes Ilave returned from a trip to News Notes • • • ••• • • • I • •• • •• •• Now Extended 50 FurDiture Repairing Custom Made Furniture Muhlenberg ATe. Rutled.c, Pa. Sunny Shade Shop Ripe Bananas Medium Dartmouth & Park Aves. OKRA SWARTHMORE, PA. WILL RE-OPEN 15e Box SEPTEMBER 8 Just a word to let you know Our CONCORD GRAPES are at their prime to PER NET TON I • • • • • • • •• •• • BstabllJhed 1M3 WM. J. CARTLEDGE Miss l\iarian Wermouth of Rutherford, N. J., is visiting her cOllsin Eleanor Wermouth. GrlUlitc and Marble Memori'" Ceml!ll~I'7 Work a Speclalt7 North Laoadowne Avenue DREXIlL HILL. PA. • • • Miss Alice Bishop and Miss Blanche Howard of New York City were the (Opposlt ArllqtOD Cemet8T7' entire heating season's supply now at these low prices, you pay only $1.75 per ton down, and then $1.75 per ton each dnring the next five months. We will fill your bin now and deliver the balance to you next winter as you need it. Order as many tons as you will necd ••• our heating ex. pert will be glad to advise which size will meet your requirements best. Nose your car on Middletown Road And watch for the COLAFEMlNA sign. EASY TERMS (BETWEEN LIMA AND GRADYVILLE) 409 Dartmouth Ave. Swarthmore, Pa. I Just arrived I IO·POINT Frigidaire finished in Porcelain - fused - on - steel Here is a finish of matchless beauty that will endure a lifetime! Lustrous, white Porcelain-on,steel that lines the new quiet Frigidaire cabinet, without a single seam. The outside of the cabinet is also Porcelain-on-steel, a finish that will not rust, crock or blister. Frigidaire can be kept as d(!on as your china. • • • Come in and let us explain how easily you can own Frigidaire. t::all any office listed below. Prompt delivery AP.5 Frigfdalre,Porcelain-on·steel, 5 cu. it, of food storage space, mounted either on caston or legs. Delchester Utilities Corporation A utumn Presentations of Attractive 628 Welsh Street, Chester, Pa. apparel for the women of Swarthmore Now prepared with a complete line of beautiful fall garments and accessories. Coats Ensembles Sportswear Bags Gowns Wraps HOW MIJl:H - Costume Jewelry HAVEYOlJl ".I.11usic is the olllyart which, I beliet·c. clIlti't'fltes three sellses .dm"ltallco1lsly--sight. hearing tlnd three se1l.';CS -John \Villiams 15th ORDER your next winler's fuel supply now and take advanlage of this special offer on Chester Coke .•• a fuel that givcs quick, slcady heat, leaves but few ashes, is Iighl in weight, clean, and easy to handle. Here's ollr offer: A new, low priee • • • $10.50 per net Ion delivered., prompt delivery; and a very easy payment plan. If you order your ADOLPH'S SANITARY BARBER SHOP J==============================dJ ••• SEPTEMBER DIseooot50e per ton for (lash 10 15 days Your Inspection of Swarthmore's New Barber Shop Solicited Swarthmore, Pa. CUESTERCOKE Window' Shades Free Tonic With Every Hair Cut 21S HAVERFORD AVENUE SUMMER OFFER OR 3 Dewhurst attended the Hanover Confer- guests of ence at Dartmouth 'College. ard avenue this week. MARGARET L. WALKER Telephono SWARTHMORE 461 SWARTHMOREAN Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop of Harv- W. W. Turner and family of Yale Mrs. Arthur Edwin Bye has returned Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hillbom have returned to their home on North Chester avenue have taken an apartment at Sea- from Buck HilI, Penna. road after having spent the summer at side for two weeks. • * * I Bilek Hill Falls. , , * ~ ~. I Mr. and Mrs. Leslie G. Campbell of I Mr. and ~lrs. LoUIS KlIlg ':lnci daughter' ~-Ia\"erfonl avenue who havc bcen spend~ i Miss Marcia Perry' and Miss Eleanor Nancy and J\.frs. Albert H11I spent the lUg the summer ill Connecticut arc exPerry had as guests recently at their Labor Day week end at Eastern Shore, pected home about the 15th of Selltem~ ber. Cape May cottage Mr. Girard Ruddick Maryland. and Mr. Robert Clothier. * * * ,I • * • nIr. and Mrs. Henry Hanuik and Mr. and Mrs. ['Iarry R. Bernard and The Mi,sses Bunting of North Chester family have returned from Rehoboth family of U~lion a\"~llue attended the t Bernard family rCUlllon at Coatesville i road are moving to Philadelphia next Beach. • * * last Saturday which was attended by one I Friday. Mr. and Mrs. David ~ICCahan of Cor- hundred and fifty members. I· neU avenue are spending the month of * * * _ )'Iiss Alma Daniels returned Monday September at Ocean City, N. J. I from her trip abroad. * * * Mr. and l\Irs. Samuel Boyer of * * * . Swarthmore avenue entertained at dinner Mary Yates GIIcreest of Swarthmore last Saturday evening ~r. and Mr~. J. H. McAte~r and avenue is visiting her aunt Mrs. Baylis~ I • .' .' fanllly are spending a few days With Mr. on Long Is1and * I and 1frs. William D. Wermol1th. '. • * 1~rs. J. A. Perry had as her guests I • * * 1\.' f d ' f R e i f S I durmg the summer at Cape May her II 1\ r. an .1\ rs. oy om ey 0 wart}. M' M Add' more avenue have returned from a visit nClces : ISS 'ary. lson Stevenson of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. McCurdy of · Connechcut and :MISS Eleanor Ann Stev- I t o L eb anon, I n d lana. Swarthm.ore avenue left Wednesday for enson 0 f Albcrt a, Cana da. Ocean City where they will remain until next Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Durnall were at 11r. and ).[rs. Samuel C. Hanna of Chestertown, l\,fd., for several days last 1Iaple a\'enue entertained at dinner :Mrs. L. E. Klimm and small daughter week as guests of Mrs. James Metcalf. Thursday Dr. and Mrs. of Philadelphia were guests of Mrs. J. Henry M. evening Tracy of for Philadelphia. Ralston l\{cLain of Harvard avenue reFred Dewhurst of Princeton avenue for several days while Mr. Klimm and Mr. turned Tuesday from Camp Skytop where he spent the summer. He leaves next Wednesday for Duke University. Bell Phone Clearbrook 653.j Specia'· • • FRED J. HARLEY Interior Decorator 4ge * 1 ge doz. 2ge doz. THE ~M::edi~''':P~''~~;~~~~~P;h~O~D~e;';4~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~; ••• Miss Eleanor Pearson has returned to her home on Walnut Lane after her recent operation at the Media Hospital. Successor to Geor..e Schalles Upholstermg, Antique Reproduction. * SEPTEMBER 6, 1930 • •• Mr. and Mrs. David W. Donley of Columbia avenue have returned from a trip to Worcester, Mass. Swarthmore 1225 doz. I =============== ••• • •• Carroll Thayer w Asa Dickinson, Jr., has returned Miss Eva Cresson of Dickinson ave- -California where he was working in nue is spending two weeks with her lumber camp this summer. brother Albert Cresson and his family Billy Lee of Princeton avenue who in Noblesville, Ind. has been in Europe since the middle of June returned home Monday. He visitMiss Arline Snyder of Rutgers ave- ed most of the principal cities of Europe nue entertained at bridge at her home on Friday in honor of Mrs. J. Kirk McCurdy, 3rd. The guest.. included Mrs. MRS. A_ J. QUINBY & SON Harry Roberts. Mrs. Hugh Kelly, Mrs. FlDleral Directon Louis Grubb, holrs. Edward Dennison, Mrs. Walter Luff, Miss Ruth Beidler, and EmbaJmen Miss Alice Entriken, Miss Hester Mc20& SOUTH ORANGE ST. Quaide, Miss Florence Duff, and Miss Sunkist Oranges Large *' * * :bridge last Thursday. ,~=::=::::::::::::::::::::::: Dr. and Mrs. \Vm. A. Haiman and son i • * • _ Allen of Harvard avenue returned last I The Reverend Dr. Samuel M. Zwemer Friday from a trip to Mishawaka, Ind- Iwho will speak at the Swarthmore Pres iana. byterian Church tomorrow will be the ,.. ,.. ,.. week-end guest of Dr. and Mrs. William BUILDER Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Disque and family T. Ellis of Walnut Lane. spent last week end at Eaglesmere. ,.. • * ~;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;~ Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Putnam and 1 * * * 1t.frs. C. H. Lundgren of Dickinson daughter Alice of Benjamin West ave. avenue has returned from visiting her have returne d f rom R e I10both B cae h , MEDIA LAUNDRY, INC • daughter at Ventnor, N. J., and her sis- Del., where they spent their vacation as ter Mrs. Louis Sloan at Point Pleasant, guests of Mrs. Putnam's aunt, Miss K. N. J. N • • • ue. Phone Media 174 1I:1r. and 1t.lrs. Detlef Bronk have rentcd the house on Elm avenue owned by "Serving Swarthmore HOME JOBBER Mr. S. C. Hollister. Mr. and Mrs. SucceasfuUy Since 1900" All kinds of Repairs in and around Bronk spent the summer at Woods Hole, the home. Electrical Repairs and InMass. stallation a Specially. Finished Wash of Every A. M. ALLISON &: SON Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Howland of Description Guernsey road are entertaining Mr. L. 311 Va..ar Aye. W. Berry of Rosario, Argentina. box :1 3ge Thousand Island in the St. Lawrence I besides making many interesting side rr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ river where they visited Camp Tip which trips. He saw the Passion Play at Ober$45 Per Month is at Grindstone Island owned and oper- ammergau. In Scotland he visited relaBallYDlore Rd.. Spring6eld. ated by Mr. and Mrs. \Vatter C. Crouch tives of his grandmother. Semi .. detached. 3 bedrooms, tile of Swarthmore. About 35 boys attended • • • bath, open stone 6replace, garcamp this year including several from I l\{r. and Mrs. A. R. Redgrave of Vasage. T. J. EWIG, Chester, Swarthmore. : sar aYCllue entertained at supper <.Iud 1438.M. • * • Miss Mitchell. Isabelle Bronk gave a luncheon Betty at the Strath Haven tea room on Wednesday last. SEPTEMBER 6, 1930 SWARTHMOREAN MARIETTA HURTT Graduate of Zeckwer.Hahn Conservatory Normal De/>artment has conlinued hel'" Itudv of progr-csslve methods durin" tile lummel'" and is pl'"epared to give [0 the children of Swarlhmol'"c music le5~on:l which w~1I not only capture the first interelt but will suslain that interest durinM the dull winter montha when enthuaialm Ia",. TELEPHONE SWARTHMORE 5 I I·M ~ 0'" I!IeR4lor free Beono.vG1I "oole •• " yl." .." .lruelfo_/or ''lie Beo,.OaHZy ~;ag elllod •• And' ...e ..a.ead'Rg "",,'Iu'aGUe 0-. ...110' ".,Ier Penn_U,uaR'''' Aord !Coa'_Nature Rever -.acre, nor sua. ..an cfUeotJ....... 11 finer fue •• TIle P and ..,.00.. '21, AeadlagTer• Mary Lyon SchmI tAll 9' R ESIDENTS of Sw.1rthmore have the unusual opportunity of sending their daughters to a nationally kno\\'n school located at their own front doors. Mary Lyon is distinguished everywhere for high academic standards. Contact with girls from cultured homes all·over America, and unusual advantages in Music and Art arc the accompaniment of fJscin3ting classroom work. Home Economics is available. .'",p'e .... p .. , . " ... be,,. ". hear much about salesmanship but wben It comes to running a bome, "buymansbip" is the most important item. "Buymansbip" will lead you to study all the costs of usinll any kiad of fuel. And "buymansbip" will lead you straigbt to • Reading bard coal. Because Readinl! Anthracite is economical fuelreasonable in first cost, low in final cost because It Is clean and smokeless_ You need no new beat· lnIl equipment for il You have to PIIY very little attention to il You bave safe, even, unfailing fires, that give you just the warmth you need in IIDY ldad of weather. Nal,,", never made, DOl' has man discovered a finer fuel than Famous Reading Anthracite. Your coal merchant has Famous Readinl! Anthracite, or can !let It. .THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING COAL AND tRON COMPANY SefJelJ Gables, the junior school, grades I to 7. Shop Open Daily 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. -- - • • Haircut for children 12 years or under 40c PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY DARBY, PA. 867 Main Street Darby 1200 UPPER DARBY, PA. Frank's Barber Shop Lo... Lane and Ludlow Street Boulevard 1600 CHESTER, PA. 16-18 E. Flflh Street Chester 6300 ARDMORE, PA. S E. Laneaster Avenue Ardmore 3500 MEDIA, PA. 19 E. State Street Media 431 Mary Lyoll, college preparatory and general academic courses. Prepares for all colleges open to \\pmcn. If!iJdclifj, two years' selcctiH college snlJjccls. '\I1-day Program Supervised Study LANSDOWNE, PA. . -lot Luncheon )ircctcd Athletics Call or flJrile for catalog fvlIirh illle,'&JIJ }'014 32 E. Baltimore Avenue MR. AND MRS. H. M. CRIST, Pi iJlcipab Modl80D 520 Box 400 s\~ ARTIIMORE, PA. IllER PI~"'§YL"41'1 THE THE SWARTHMOREAN SWARTHMOREAN SEPTEMBER 6, 1930 vestigating or having investigated prosMr. and Mrs. George Zimmer an:l Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Francis J ackSill) pective police officers, he .should grace- family of Ogden avenue returned Tues- and Miss Helen Jackson returned frolQ abroad last Saturday. fully retire and let Swarthmore continue day from Fairfield Beach. Published Every Friday at Swarthmore, Pa. to go to the dogs as before he mounted JAMES A. PILSON Phono Media 26 E.tablished 1857 the throne of public office. W. C. RIGBY & SONS Robert E. Sharples. Editor and Publisher Deeds of violence and violations of the LIGHTING &. POWER WIRING Funeral Director. & Embalmera ! law have always bccll at a minimum in ~ ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Frances W. Davis. News Editor Swarthmore long before the present po110 West State Street 1107 Sylvan Avenue Rutledge lice administration. The present memMedia, Pa. bers of the force have all had army or Offices-Shirer Bldg., Second Floor Front-Phone Swarthmore 900 Can be reached at Sw. 1145 navy careers and are trained officers. Philadelphia Representatives. Neville & Hitchings, The youngest man on the force has been 213 South 17th St., PhiladelphiA here several years. Not onc of the pre.sent force has ever been called before Phone Pennypacker 8020 council for censUre. Yet these veterans Entered as Second Class matter. January 24. 1929. at the Post Office at work for starvation wages-patrolmen 'I I CHURCH NEWS Swarthmore, Pa •• under the Act of March 3, 1879. SA TURDA Y. SEPTEMBER 6, 1930 The Fifth Policeman Swarthmoreans were startled this week to read in Philadelphia newspapers that "sedate and virtuous Swarthmore" to quote literally, had been employing as a 411 distinctly did not recommend Brown," declared the chief a few days ago. "He had applied to me for a job 011 our force and I merely told him I had heard there was an opening in Swarthmore. I had never seen the man before receiving slightly over $30 a week-while on the recommendation of the burgess the increased police appropriation is spent to provide a police training school for Chester banjo players. I f Swarthmore really wants to increase the efficiency of its police force why not increase the salaries of the present officcrs and give them something to work for instead of salaries that would lower the sclf-respect and efficiency of any TRINITY CHURCH THE Protestant Episcopal SWARTHMORE Chester Road and College Avenue Rector METHODIST CHURCH LLOYD P. STEVENS, ~!il1istcr Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S.T.M. Fall schedule of services Sunday Services next Sunday man2 8 :00 A. M. Holy Communion. policeman a young man now held III and even ,vent 50 far as to advise the Comparing the size of Swarthmore's 9 :4S-Churdt School $1000 bail for the grand jury on a charge Swarthmore authorities to investigate police force and the forces in other towns 11 :00 A. M. Morning Prayer and of sending an oWicene letter through the him." of like size and character, there is ap- Sermon. 11:00 A. M. mail. And what had Brown to offer in his parently little reason for the appointHOLY COMMUNION Mr. Guenther will preach • Whether the boy has the mmd of a own behal H· f as nI reason I.fi for t. his employf ment 0 f a fif t I1 0 ffi cer oth er tl tan t 0 pro8:00 P. M. . ment? IS a y qua I ca Ions as ar as 'd tl b ·11 dd·t,· I man degenerate, fell among. bad compamons we can learn werc that· he was a banjo VI C le urgess \VI 1 an a I ona THE SWARTHMORE I E\'cniag \Vorship and Sermon !,hen drunk or v.:as deh~erat~ly fr~med. player in an orchestra and had worked to impress with his authority. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH l~ not the questIon which Immediately, at a Chester miil. A larger police force docs not neces1 \Vednesday at 8-Mhl-\Veek Servin' rises ~efore the people of Swarthmore. We have no fault to find with Mr. sarily mean a better police force. Cordially invites you to sbare in its We fatl to worry about even the reflcct. . \Ve believe the people of Swarthmore I,ET'S COME DACK TO WORSIlII' SUMMER SERVICES ions cast 011 "moral Swarthmore" by his Brown. He IS l~k.able enough and may would rather have four efficient, well widely advertised derelictions. But the have all ~he qualities of .an excellent of- paid officers, than the present underpaid John Ellery Tuttle t Minister HI:s presenft prcdlcam. ent may be I force ,·"crcased by o\vn or three inexcase natura II y causes u.s to wond er w h at fieer. h f FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST . h ave been t a k en and are be- tBut e resu 0 un precautions even t had Mr.ortunate Brown Clrculllstances. turned out to pericnced )'Outlgster.s chosen at random. 10.00 o'clock-The Bible School. SCIENTIST Helpful vVorship: Interesting ing taken by those responsible for the be the best officer Swarthmore has ever OF SWARTHMORE selection of the borough's guardians of known, he was employed in a hap-hazard Study. Park Avenue Below Harvard the law, to see that they employ men of way without business-like investigation 11.00 o'clock-Morning worship. The character and intelligence. • by his employer. General HauiIng and Exne\,. Dr. Samucl M. Zwemer, Services The record of th.c e.mployment of thiS \Ve believe that the people of Swarthpress, Local and Long of Princeton Theological Sell1i~ 1100 ' M S d S e h 00.I Chester .boy ~ould mdlcate that no furth- more want their homes and their children .~...- un ay . Distance. nary, and a leading authority' 11:00 A. M.-Sunday Lesson-Sermon. er qualificatlOns. are necessary to be a protected by Illen who are not put on 011 Mohammedism, will speak. Ashes & Rubbish Removed. Swarthmore poltceman ~han to be able !lrial ulltil they get into trouble but by Wednesday evening meeting each Fireplace & Kindling Wood. to walk about. town, dnve a Ford, and men who are not employed until every Strangers are always heartily week, 8 p. m. Reading room open ~peak the Enghsh language after a fash- effort is made to ascertain their qualifiwelcomed. daily, except Sundays and holidays, Ion. . • cations for the job. I DANIEL I P. M. to 4 P. M., Church Edifice. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF J. KIrk McCurdy, head. of the PUblt.c If the man who volunteers to recomEdifice. Safety depa~tment, reportmg to ~ouncil mend prospective police officers to the FRIENDS All are cordially invited to attend the Thursday mght,. terme? t~le affair un- Public Safety committee and Borough services and use the Reading Room. !ortunate ~ld bnefiy dismissed the ~ub- council finds his time 50 occupied in posIf, in thy journey thmugh life, thou 20 Morton Avenue Jeet by stating that the burgess ha~ lured ing as the Mussolini of Swarthmore that overtake or art overtaken by anyone who Phone Sw. 1380 Morton, Pa. Mr. Bro.wn ~)U good rcc;ommenda:h0ns. he has no time for such trivialities as iuis seeking truth for its Own sake, thou WESLEY AFRICAN METHODIST lleedest not inquire from whence he EPISCOPAL CHURCH matter and have learned Councdfarther mIght well gonethat mto the the came, or from which particula.r tribe he young man in question was employed on Bowdin Avenuo sprang; but frankly give him thy hand .•• recommendations and references which Rev. C. C. Brown. S.T.B., Pal tor George Dillwyn. no Swarthmore business man would thing of 'accepting for an employee or no Sunday 11,00 A. M.-Morning Worship. Swarthmore housewife for even a serv~ 11:00 A. M..--M·eeting for \Vorship ill 2,00 P. M.-Sunday School. ent around the house. has all the good qualities that go to make the very best milk. the Meeting House. From the first day of Former-Officer 8:00 P. M.-Evenil1g Worship and Wednesday Other brands may look the same yet be as different as good Brown's appointment, it was rumored Sermon. 9:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. M.-Scwing and health and poor health. that he was employed through the efforts Quilting in \Vhittier House, Box All are cordially invited to attend these of a Chester politician. Later it devellervice. luncheon. oped that in reality no one's leg had been Get real value in the milk you buy. The Penncrest Farms All are cordially invited to join Everyone i. invited to thi& church, pulled but that his recommendation conHerd of 60 head has heen Federal accredited for Tuberculosis in these aervices sisted of nothing short of a form letter, ill worahip and work since 1922. which it is said Chester (lOliticians carry in their files, recommending the boy for Call Media 1116~W Or 1116~J and we will begin delivery at the State Police. When interviewed a few days ago the aforementioned politician once or send our representative to call on you if you wish., not only denied that he recommended ~h. Your inspection of our plant is requested. Brown for the position but said that he did not know the boy and had never heard of him. How does Brown say he got the job? Convertible Ten-Year Secured Notes Interviewed shortly after he became an Price $98.50 and accrued Interest, to yield 6.20 officer, he said that Burgess Buse of Ridley Park recommended him. Burgess Buse when interrogated a day or so I ago said he had not the slightest recollecMiddletown Road and Rose Tree Road tion of ever having sent anyone to apply for a job in Swarthmore let alone re(NEAR LIMA) , Incorporated commending anyone, and that he knew no WM. P. SMEDLEY, Lessee WALTER SMEDLEY, Owner Investment Securities one such as the Brown described. 1518 WALNUT STREET What was another source of Brown's PHILADELPHIA recommendation? This time the chief of I police of Ridley Park was the source of Delaware County Representative information. It waS through Chief Sakers that Brown learned of the vaF. R. STEVENSON, Jr. cency in Swarthmore. i, 110 Powelton Ave. Lansdowne, Pa. Telephone-Madison 6474 I II=:================; MENEFEE • ~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Guernsey Milk- ~----------------------~ Indiana Southwestern Gas & Utilities Corporation PENNCREST FARMS 6% ! ~;';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';;';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';';;;;;;;;;;;;~ SCHOOL HOWARD KIRK Media, Pa. SHOES Media 197 I 1 I I E1eetrician With ample resources and complete modern banking and NOW READY Repair Work & New In.taUation. Phono Sw. ~28.R trust facilities, we stand ready to assist present and prospective ~~~~~'II Bu//de/~ JOHNSON'S -w. WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP of HOMES EXPERT FOOT FITTERS 11I1 Growing with Swarthmore Helping Swarthmore to Grow! 626 Edgmont Ave. Chester, Pa. 1I1I residents in this district in any way in our power. What can we do for you? -:--~:-- &c., and descnbed accordmg to a certain sur· I I 1 -================== 10f 'I I I, I hI) rooms and hath with board in private family for three adults. State terms. Answer 1Io.~ 304, Swarthmore. No Improvements-vacant ground. . Sold as the property ot Bluma LevIn, mortgagor, and. Benjamin Kauffman. real owner. FOR SALE Condltlons---$250.00 cash on day of sale; Detached; stucco; 6 room. alJ.d bath; balance In ten days. lot 80::d80; sbade; shrubbery; Park KINGSLEY MONTGOMERY, Attorney. Ave.; $7000; liberal terms. , RENT Levari Facias No. 218 Furnished Apartment; $60 per mo., June Term, 1930 including gas, electricity, heat, hot nter. All that certain lot or piece of land with Semi-detached Hau.e; Baltimore the two and one-half story stone and frame dwelling and improvements thereon erectPike; 6 room. and bath: $50.00 per mo. ed situate on the northwesterly side of Apartment; Elm Ave.: $60 per mo. Hemlock road at the distance of one hunApartment; Elmon Apb; $100 per dred. eighty-eight and thirty-nine hundredths feet measured northeastwardly .0. trom a point of tangency. said point being 2 aemi-detachC!Cl frame houses-just at the distance of two hundred and forty feet measured northeastwardly ouhide of boro; $70.00 and $75.00 per hundredths on a line curving to the right having a radius of four hundred twenty feet from a point ot curve. said point of curve being CHAS. A. SMITH at the distance of ninety-four and :OltyPhone Swarthmore 70S seven hundredths feet measured north twenty-six degrees thirty minutes east from point of tangency at Pine RIdge road, EXCEPTIONAL VALUESin the Township of Nether Providence, in FURNISHED the County of Delaware and State of PennRENT-FURNISHED sylvania. Containing In front along the J room apartment. 1st ftoor--$60 northwesterly side of the said Hemlock J room apartment, 3rd ftoor-$45 road measured thence northeastwardly SALE seventy feet, and extending In depth Brick house. 8 rooms. northwestwardly between parallel Unes at From $17.500 to $15,000 right angles to the said Hemlock road two WILLIAM S. BITTLE NOlary PubUe Real Estate hundred feet. 8 room hOUSe-$95 Bounded on the northeast by lands of Nathan Ratdman; on the southwest by landa of Nathan Ratdman, and on the APPLES AND GRAPES northwest Delivered in Swarthmore every Friday Hibberd. by lands now or late at Jacob direct from the Orchard at wholesale Being known and designated as Lot No. 46. Section 62, on Plan ot Pine Ridge. as recorded at Media, Pennsylvania, in Case N. S. PASSMORE No.3. page 9. Concord Fruit Farm, Glen Mill., P .. Under and subject, nevertheless. to certain restrictions. FOR RENT Improvements consist of two and onestory stone house, 24x36 feet: one and Modern dwelling, 4 bed rooms. half one-half story frame addition, 18x18 feet. Side porch. Garage. Good location in bor- Ough. $75 a month. Bold as the property of Norman berlain, mortgagor. and Evelyn S. real owner. COnditlons--$500.00 cash or cheCk on day at sale; balance In E. C. WALTON SHERIFF SALES I~----------~----~--~ GEORGE H. KELLEY "7;.\ Warren A. Tyson & Co. In I?eed Book "y. No. 6. page 620, I' house, 18."42 fed. Enclosed porch. Stucco of Dela.ware and State of Pennsylvania. garage, 9XI8 feet. vey and plan thereof made by Damon and Containing in front on the said Second HELP WANTED All that certain lot ot' piece of land with Foster, civil eng.incers. dated April 13. 1927. SQld as the property of Thomas W. Stuart street, measured tbence eastwardly fourthe two and one-halI story frame and as follows, to Wit: I and Laura D. Stuart'his wife. teen and one-half feet and extending in d e p t h northwardly between Hnes parallel and Female help. M. D. Dooker, 30 stucco dwelling and improvements thereon I erected belng known and designated as Situate on tbe northWesterly side of \Vyan·1 Conditions---$.:'50.oo ca!,l, on day 'Of sale' with the said Oreen street (the western ,lIld 'Valnut strcets, Morton. Pa. Phone Lots Nos. 15 and 16, Block H. on Plan of . (lotte strce! at the distance of se,·enty·four I,rtlance in ten tla\'S. • 11ne thereof passing along the middle of :hmore 16J2'. Prospect HUt as recorded at Media. Penna .• : h·d and l"lghty·flvc ollc·]1I11ldrcuths ui a f e . o o t ' · the party wall separating said messuage in Case No.2. page 1. &c., situate on tho I northeastwardly from the northeasterly side of ]' I I'l'(n: V' X H.ODrX \,t ,from the messuage adjoining on the west) capable woman to assist at The southerly corner of Lincoln avenue and I Thinl avellue, in Lester, fonnerh· Corbindale ... ., ~ ~ ..... :'. ,,, ornc)". . ninety-one feet to a point 1n other lands Phone Sw. 149. Fourth avenue, in the Borough of Prospect Tillicum Township, Delaware County. Penn: I JOlIN J. CAIN. Sheriff. the said J. Harry Richardson. Park, In the County uf Delaware and State sylvania. I of PenIlJJylvanla. Extending thence along ._ Impro'\'cments consist of two-story frame FOR RENT the southwesterly side of the saId Lincoln Containing in front or breadth on the said house. 12x36 feet; one-story frame addl_ ::.-:;;~~~~-;;=::~-=-------I avenue south slK. degrees thirty-nine min- Wyandotte street twenty·five feet and fifteen SHERIFF SALES I tlon, 6x12 feet. Porch front. . utes east seventy-three and forty-two hun- onc·hundredths of a foot and extending of r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ room, single or double. =~ttee~a~~ ~~:n~~r~~~e:~~lfuoSI~uf6 that width in leng~h or dep.th northwestwardly SHERIFF'S SALES ni~?t~d ~dth~fr~~peG\b~~n~!~I'h~IOh~iO~: SZ7R. twent~-tw~ degrees nineteen minutes west l'c!wcc~1 parallel hnes ilt nght angles to the! mortgagors and real owners. with notice thirty feet to Lot No. 17 on said plan; said \\ yandotte street one hundred feet. ~ Of Real Estate to terre tenants It any . rooms, bath and kltch$4~ tThence by said Lot No. 17. northwestwardly Improvcments consist of two·story frame I' If desired. Garage. :;; one hundred ten teet to lands of Albert and !'tucco house. 16x33 feet; onc·story frame I At the SherUI's Omce Condlt1ons-$250.OQ cash on day at sale; 773-R. Berit; thence along the said lands north i addition, lOXIS feet; porch [ront. Frame gar. balance in ten days. twenty-two degrees nineteen mlnutes east age, IQXI6 feet. (First description). Two story' Court House, Media, Pa. RENT-Two apts. In the Harvard eight and three hundredths feet to the frallle and. ~tucco house, 16xJJ feet; one·story I GEARY & RANKIN. Attorneys. rofn",·x. Large 1st floor apt. with two southeasterly side of the satd Fo~~h tBVr frame addition, 10~IS feet; porch front. FrOllne SaturdBY. September 27, 1930 tb;' ~ms. Fum. or unfurn. Also small nue, and thence along the sou tehOS lert y garage, 10XI6 feet. (Second description). ' b8. -lor apt side of the said Fourth annue nor s x y At 9:30 O·cloek. A. M. third J a • degrees twelve minutes thirty-two seconds Sold as the propert), of John McEnhill. Levari FacIas No. 16.53 -east eighty-eight and ninety-two hun(Daylight Saving Time) A O/.R '3E for Rent-315 Vassar ave., or dredths feet to the first mentioned point Conditions-$z50.oo casb on day of sale; June Term, 1930 pbD ne 728-M. $6 per mo. and place of beginning. balance in ten days. I,evari Facias No. 1441 All that certain lot or piece of lanq with foR !~ENT-Housekeeping apartments at 139 Improvements consist at two-story stucco the bUildings and improvements thereon June Term, 1930 Rntl!ers Avenue and 317 North Chest"r and frame house, 18x33 feet; one-story STEWART .f'. CLARKE, Attorney. erected, situate on the northerly side of goad ,~Ild at 308 Elm Avenue. $?5 to. $90 per stucco addition, 8x8 feet. All that certain frame messuage and lot Thirteenth street at the distance of fifty:contb. TheSe apartments vary In sIZe fr~m seven and thirty-three hundredths feet or pIece of land. situate on the northerly iTe to ~even rooms. Also 'One-half two-family No. 190,5" side Sold as the property of Norman Twohig Fieri Facias eastwardly from Welsh street In the Olty ot Randall avenue at the distance of }(Itl5e, 308 Elm Avenue, $70 per month. and Virginia Twohig, mortgagors. and one hundred eighty-six feet eight ·inches of Chester in the County of Delaware and June Term, 1930 Harry E. Patton, real owner. eastwardly from the easterly side of John- State of Pennsylvania. ALBERT N. GARRETT All that certain lot or piece of ground with Bon road In the TownshlP of :tJpper CblSwarthmore, Pa. Condittons-$250.00 cash on day of 8ale; Contalning In front measured thence Chester In the County of Delaware and eastwardly the buildings and improvements thereon erect. State balance In ten days. along salq Thirteenth street, Bell Phonea ot Pennsylvania. ed situate in the Borough of Lansdowne, fourteen and thirty-five hundredths feet, Pennypacker 444z Or Swarthmore 489 County of Delaware and State of Pennsylva. Containing In front measured thence and extending In deEth northwardly conKINGSLEY MONTGOMERY. Attorney. nia. and described according to a survey there-along the said Randall avenue tinuing the same w dth between parallel of made by Damon & Foster, Civil Engineers, eastwardly forty-six feet eight Inches and extending lines at right angles to said Thirteenth No. 362 lune 17. 1925. as follows: Beginning at a point In depth northwardly FOR SALE Levari FacIas continuing the same street one hundred twenty feet to B twenty 1D the southeasterly side of Marshall road width between llnes parallel with the said feet wIde alley. (fifty feet wide) at tbe distance of one bun. Johnson road one ·hundred ten feet. June Term, 1930 (ttPr Refrigerator, good condition, porcelain dred and two feet and eighty·five one-hund. Bounded on the east by lands now or . lind. capacity: 100 Ibs. Price reasonable. All that certain tract or piece of ground redths of a foot soutbwesterly from the inter· Improvements consist of one and one- late 01" Edward. T. Draper and wtfe and on Phone Sw. :ZlO\V. situate on the southwesterly side of Main section of tbe said side of Marshall road witb half story frame house, 2Ox21 feet; one- the west by lands now or late of Ellen street. beginning at a point at the dis- the southwesterly side .of Ardmore avenue; story frame addition, 6xlO feet. PorCh front. Tracy, Single brass bed. Phone Swartbmore 1157. tance of two hundred. and twelve and containing in front or breadth on the said Together With the rlKht and use of Bald eighty-eight one-hundredths feet north Manhall road measured southwestwardly Sold as the property of George Pierson sixty-seven degrees forty"'nine minutes twe:tty.five feet and extending of that width Himes and LUella Himes. hls wife. mort- alley ln common with the owners of otller west from the westerly comer of the said in length or depth sQutheastwardly between gagors and real owners. with notice to terre lands abutting thereon. WANTED Main street and Seventh street, In the Bor- parallel lines at right angles to the said Mar. tenants If any. Improvements consist of two-story brick hfined young lady, employed, wants room and ough ot Darby, county of Delaware and shall road one hundred feet, the soutbeasterly house. 16x36 feet; one-story frame addiCondIUons--$250.00 cash on da.y ot sale; tion, line being the center line of a six feet wide boanl with private Protestant family. Con· 8xl0 feet. of Pennsylvania; thence by lands ot driveway. balance In ten days. teDi~nt to train. Advise tenus. Reply Box State Harry W. Tyler south twenty-two d.egrees Can' of The Swarthmorean. Sold as the property of Alfred R. Bishop eleven minutes west nlnety-four feet to a Under and subject to certain conditions and GEARY & RANKIN, Attorneys. and Annie Bishop. his wife. mortgagom and point a corner of lands of Sarah Simpson; restrictions. real owners. With notice to terre tenants Room or small apartment by business 'Woman thence by the same north sixty-seven deLevari Pacias No. 1578 if any. ntar train or troUey. Phone Sw. 460·J or grees forty-nlne mlnutes west one hundred with the free, common use. right, Together ... rit~ Rox Y, nre of The Swarthmorean. and ftfty feet to a point a corner of lands liberty and privilege of the afGresaid driveway June Term, 1930 Condltlons--$250.00 cash on day of salei of Joseph P. swope. and thence by the in common with the owners... tenants and work. Jobbing of any description. same north twenty-two degrees eleven occupiers of the premises ad]oiniug on the I All that certain framp. messuage and lot balance In ten days. repaired. Phone Swarthmore 32SR. minutes east ninety-four feet to the south- east; known a!! No. 94 Marshall road. or piece of land situate on the north side GEARY & RANKIN, Attorneys. westerly side ot said Main street, and also under and subiect to the payment of Second street at the distance of one thence by the side of the same south slXty- of And a certain mortgage deH or principal sum hundred and :Olty-three and seven-tenthS Priutc home for invalid lady. Loving care seven degrees forty-nine minutes east one JOHN J. CAIN._ feet eastwardly from. Green street. in the fir!1 consideration. Answer to Box 3 0 4. hundred Bnd fifty feet to the place of be- of thirty-five hundred dollars. ehorm. Snrthmore. ginning. at Media March Term, 1930 Of Real :Estate At the Sheriff's Office Court House, Media, Fa. SHERIFF SALES Saturday. September 20. 1930 Sheriff's Sales At 9:30 O·clock. A. M. (Daylight Saving Time) Lev.~rl Facias f? - -~--~-- --- For £ommereial and Retail Po,ver Users BHeetive SEPTEMBER 1st F OLLOWING the recent announcement by Philadelphia Electric Company of reductions in electric rates to commercial customers in the County of Philadelphia, it has been decided to extend similar rate benefits to this type of customer in the area suburban to Philadelphia. The rate change is effective September 1st. New £ommereial Ligllting Bate S. ChamManning, (Dela,,,are Division.) certified ten days. reduction per kilowatt·hour for the first forty-eight hours of use of load. reduction per kilowatt·hour for all current in excess of ninety.six hours of use of load. of No. 542 New Retail Po,ver Rate At the Sheriff's Office, Court House. Media, Pa., (Delaware Division.) Saturd:n'", September 13. 1930. At 0.30 o'clock. A. M. (Daylight Saving Time) No. Fieri racia!l reduction per kilowatt-hour for first fortyeight hours of use of load served. 1'70 M:treh Term, 1930 All that certain lot or piece of ground with the In.lildinlts_ and iml)rovemenfll thereon erectedI heing Lot No. 22, Sedion 33. on t~e .plan 0 mall of Corbindale. recorded at Media In I?eed Rook U, No.6. page 620, &c .• and described according to. a certain survey an~ .rlan tJlcreof m.'Hle by D'lmon and Foster. CIVI e,!glneers, () lJounded on t.he northeast by land now dated April 13. 1927, as follows, to Wit: late of Raymond C. Harris, at ux., on Situ~te on the northwe.~lerly ~idc of 'V),an· C southwest by lands now or late of street at the rhstance of fifty feet. north, ~arry W. Vogel. et ux .• and on the north- _lolte eastwardly from the northeasterly sl~le 0 1 CSt by lands now or late of George Wash- Third avenue in I~ester. formerly Corl)lndale, ngton Moore. Junior. et ox. Tinicum Town~bjp, Delaware County, Penn· Improvements consist of two·story stuc- sylvania. hOuse, 21x27 feet; one-story frame addl ... Containing in front or breadth on the. said on. 4x4 feet. Enclosed front porch. Wyandotte street twenty·four feet and elg~ty· SOld as the property of William E. fiye one·humlr~dths of a foot and extendmg "'.Ullin and Mary F. Mullln, hls wife. mort- of that ""idtll in length Or depth northwest· wardly bt'tween paral1e1 lines at right angle!! agors and real owners. 10 the said Wyandotte street one hundred feet. CondltlonB-$250.00 cash on day of sale: balance In ten days. And allto all that. e.ertain lot. or piece of ground with the buddmgs and Improv~ments ICINOSLEY MONTGOMERY. Attorney. thereon erected, being Lot No. 21, Sedlon 33, tt ~ Real Estate June Term, 1930 Ail that certain lot or piece of land. the buUdings and Improvements ereon erected. situate on the northwesty .. , tl side of Eleventh avenue, at the disnee of two hundred and sixty-four teet ~C,m taxes for necessary and Impoliced. Five regular policemen for a I peratl\'e 1n1I?roveme"!ts. I .trust that our law-abiding, peace-Ioying town like good c?tll1cI1n~ell WIll weigh I the above Swarthmore is at least two more than suggestion seriously and sober y. many of us believe are necessary. Now Taxpayer. (Name on request). that the last officer added to the force has eliminated himself as a desirable and efficient officer, according to the Philadel- Gentlemen: phia Record of the 3rd, it would be a As you published my letter to l\Ir. good time for our borough council to try "V. W. Atterbury recently and having out a smaller force by not filling the heard some favorable commcnts regardvacancy at this time. Perhaps a little iug the letter, I think in justice to the later the force can be reduced to the railroad the enclosed reply from Mr. number of three. I believe that by so Elisha Lee may encourage the residents doing our police force could bc quite as of Swarthmore who expect prompt acefficient as it now is, at a saving of froll1 tion. $2,000 to $3,000 per year. If you care to use it in total I assume The most of the taxpayers belieye that that he would have no objection, and I the tax rate should lower rather than ad- bclic\"e Mr. Lee really appreciates matvance, and if this can be done without ters coming to the front when dissatisaffecting the efficience of our service it faction may be brewing. Yours very sincerely, J. V. S. Bishop Correspondence er's dramatization of Stephen Leacock's at Noroton Heights, Conn., formedy of CAST UP BY THE SEA makes its re- Swarthmore. appearance in Rose Valley on Saturday • • * night. This latest addition to the recent Lieut. and Mrs. R. D. Conrad are visHedgerow Saturday night openings is a of the serious dramawere of apthe travesty 1880's, when up-stage heroines plauded upon entrance and "stopped the show" to greet their friends; when villains were hissed and "specialties" were performed by members of the casts between acts. Leacock, in his inimitable manner, calls it "A grwping heartdrama in which the foam of the sea carries to the heart a tale of true love baffled by the wind and storm." This production, enhanced by new scenery designed and executed by Takashi Ohta, reproduces all the details of the ten-twent-thirt theatres of the past and provides a rollicking good time to the spectators. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~:~ I i SWARTHMORE MARKET Phones Sw. 188, 950 411 Dartmouth Ave. MANAGEMENT NEW NOW READY TO SERVE YOU WITH Fine Fruits and Vegetables Fancy Groceries • •• News Notes Born at \Voodbury, N. J., September I. to l\f r. and Mrs. Paul J. Furnas, a iting Mr. and Mrs, William .VlachOs Vassar avenue enroute to Boston Lieutenant Conrad will do graduate at the Boston Technical College. ! daughter, who is named Caroline Sargent Furnas. ~rrs. Furnas was form- . crIy ~frs. Elizabeth \Valter. Prepared to supply the best to particular people MAX ARANOW, Manager II l\f r. J. V. S. Bishop, Real Estate Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. . Just a SEPTEMBER 6, * * * Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Stephen and family have moved to Buffalo, N. Y. * ~r~Bu~: I I I FINE GRADE MEATS II GEORGE MITRO, Mgr. Meat Dept. In the absence of President Atterbury, I . ... '" I take the liberty of answering your let-I MISS Margar~t. Vlach~s returne~ :-eter of August 20th, concerning the pro- cently from a VISit to :Mlss Pat HIggms I'A_____________________________ ject of eliminating the grade crossing at Swarthmore Station, the situation with respect to which is as follows: After the plans and financing of this project had been agreed upon and an Order was issued b\' the Puhlic Service -about cars traded Commission of Perinsyh'ania, there dein on Packards. In a great I "eloped the addsability of constructing many cases the man who an 7xtensivc drain~ge :~y~ten~ b~fore " startmg on the crossmg eiJmmatlon Itself buys a new car of the bet- --which would interfere for a considerDue to the natural increase in our ter type seldom exhausts I able length of time with highway traffic. herd, we are at this time able to its usefulness. Therefore There was some ?hjectiol1 to this, but I take on a few additional customers . am now told that It has heell agreed to hy in Swarthmore, Wallingford, Moylan there are thousands of mIles those concerned and that work on this and Rmre Valley for Riverview left for your pleasure. Re- drainage will be started in a short tinie." Farms Golden Guernsey Milk. member, "E V E R YON E . We. ,!ppreciate very much your interest Riverview Farms is the only dairy m Wrltlllg us. DRIVES A USED CAR" delivering milk in this locality from • Very truly yours, Elisha Lee a p-ure Bred Accredited (for tuberculosis) Guernsey Herd. HEDGEROW PROGRAM We know that much milk is now FOR COMING WEEK being offered and sold in these localities supposedly from such Audiences who saw the Hedgerow herds. To OUT knowledge and beTheatre's producton of "Ten Nights III lief, in the last fifteen years the only 1929 Sedan; de luxe equip- a Bar Room" a few years ago may witdairies delivering milk from such. ness the revival of another melodrama ped; chauffeur driven; per- of herds in these localities are the the same vintage when Virginia FarmWawa Dairy Farms, Wawa, the Pencrest Farms, Media, owned by Walter Smedley, and the Riverview Farms, Swarthmore. beverage. It has the creaminess, the unThe Wawa Farrus no longer make local mistakable flavor of genuine country milk. 1929 2 Door Sedan; painted deliveries in these localities and the Pure MEDIA, PA. Its purity and sweetness are protected by the ,Bred Guernsey Herd of Mr. Walter Smedley yelJow and black; perfect most scientific measures. The service is of Pen crest Farms was sold at public sale on condition; wire Today-Saturday absolutely dependable. May 24, 1928. wheels . . . . . . . . . . . Could you buy better health insurance for If you use milk in any form in your home, Betty Compson and Monte Blue your family} yo~ owe it to yourself and family to know in the source and how this ONLY PERFECT Let us repeat-don't be misled-River"THOSE WHO DANCE" . FOOD is' produced and handled before it 1927 Model '50' Brougham; view Farms at this time is the only dairy reach~s you. They say seeing is believing delivering milk to the above communities in perfect conMon. and Tues. -so why not go and see fOT yourself just from Pure Bred Tuberculin Tested Guerndition . . . . . . . . . . . . how your milk and cream is produced by sey Herds. Walter Woolf and visiting your milkman's barns and dairies. May we serve you} Y ouare welcome to visit ours at all times. Vivian Segal There ar,e indeed few communities fortu§W1I1II1II11111111I1I1I1I1IJ1II1II1I1II1II1I1I1I1II1I1I1I11I11111I1111111111111111111111111111111~ in Model "72" Roadster; just nate enougfi to be served this rich golden ::-: the car you have dreamed "GOLDEN DAWN" milk from Pure Bred Tuberculin Tested PRICES ON GOLDEN GUERNSEY of; painted black and ivory; G uernsey C ows. 6 wire wheels-in fact all Wed. .and Thurs. The Guernsey has always been known as MILK that is mod desirable in car the "Estate Cow," and today you will find Claudette Colbert hefr SUPhPlyinllgkmilk anfd1kcream for the tables 1 qt. daily . . . . . . . . • • 24 eta. per qt. in nown 0 s as J. P. Morgan, o sue we .. Henry Ford, Marshall Field, III, Pierre du2 qts. daily . . • . . . . . . 22 eta. per qt. "YOUNG MAN FROM Pont, Horatio G. Lloyd, L. F. Loree, C. 3 q ts • d at·1y. . . . . . . . . 20 eta. per qt. = MANHATIAN" M . Sc hwa b ,an d many others. = . Riverview Farms Golden Guernsey Milk, 1927 Sedan; shows wmter and summer, contains the necessary Telephone, Swarthmore 102 lutely no wear; FALL HOUSE CLEANING proteins--fat, sugar and minerals, to make come in and see it. . it a well-balanced, nourishing and natural ;mill III II 11111 III 111111111 1111 11111111 III II 111111111 II II 111 111 11111 II II 1I11111111111111111111111UF and CANNING SUPPLIES Word A Trial Will Prove the Superiority of GOLDEN GUERNSEY MILK ••• At 12th & Crosby: PACKARD ~::v:r~. ~~ ..... $1550 MEDIA THEATRE DODGE $485 BUICK $600 CHRYSLER = = ::~ ~~.u~~'. ~. ~ $700 = PIERCE· ARROW = abs~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = $650 SUPLEE'S The Best Terms F. B. FRANCIS HARDW~RE STORE LAST CALL FOR THE 12th & Crosby Sts. Phone Chester 4450 and 6100 COLAFEMINA GRAPES ---------------1 I (Watch for the sign) Between Limn and Gradyville On Middletown Road I!====~' ~---...-.----....-.--.--------------------.---------------------------------.._----- ! WM. KIMMEL & SON ~. PAINTING Pa.•••___.1 Haverford Place. ._._____••• _____•__Swarthmore, ___________ ••___ •________________ --_•••• _--_._----._---_ COMPARISON OF NATURAL CHEMICAL ELEMENTS IN MILK One Gallon Riverview Farms Golden Guernsey Milk SULPHUR (To Purify the Blood) 6~ Grains MAGNESIA (For the Body Fluids) 11 .. SODA (To Neutralize Acids in the Blood) 42 .. POTASH (To prevent Body Fluids From Turning Acid) 105 " PHOSPHORUS (For Repair of Cell Tinue) 45 LIME (For the Bones and Teeth) 84 CHLORIDES (To Make Acids for Stomach And Salt for the Body) 60 IRON (To Make Red Blood) 6/10 " BUTTER FAT (AI,o Contains Vitamine "A" and "0") 6.70 Oz. MILK SUGAR (Makel Galactos or Food for the Brain) 6.80 " CASEIN (The best of all the proteins For Blood and MUlcle) 4.9 " .. .. .. One Gallon High Quality Milk 2 Grains 7 .. 29 " .... ." 75 36 70 56 5/10 Riverview Farms Golden Guernsey Milk Better by the Following 350% Greater 57% " 45% " 40% 25% 20% " " " 4 Grains 10% Greater 2.50 Oz. 6.33 . 30% .47% Oz. 4.9 " .. RIVERVIEW FARMS Federal Accredited Herd No. 43472 Louis Cole Emmons, Owner Ralph Bacon, Manager Telephone-Swarthmore 102 = - n e s -.. Vol. II, No. 36 Swarthmore, Pa., September 13, 1930 .. Students, Welcome Ba,ckto I $2.50 Per Year ~Sw·arthmore! - ---==-=-=----=:==0_========_=_--:=___________________ _ LEGION POST SCHOOL PROPERTY FIRST MEETING NEXT MONDAY ANN" AnON SOON ~X ' ~ A eementa Betweea Borough d School Board ' yn Ica e aD • eel Ready to be S_ d· t BOARD MEETING 11JESDAY Allhough the a",eemen" between th, .,..,dkate, wh;,b Own. a lacge pact of the ground below Yale avenue e..t of w,avenue and ooeough counell, and the school board and borough council, have not been signed during the past week, ,Ian, Me go;ng ab"", on the wls 'hat the alUJcxation of the syndicate property .b;eh Include, the new """"I "te wUl be completed ...tlun the ",II LET'S REALLY MAKE THEM WELCOME! 190 FRESHMEN und"geaduat~" ENROLLED FOR ;~ ho~. COLLEGE OPENING ~I_ A new school year is beginning for the with the more than three hundred alunUJi The first fall meeting of the L",;on "udcnts ot the wllegc and the oth" of thc college mokmg thei, home heee, Po" ;, ,chcduled fo, Monday, Sep.. IS, pnv",c ;o,titution, '" well .. fo, the the q."Hon "wha' eon I and my famHy at 8 P. M. ovee the F;ee StatKm, Boeo local pubHe ,,10001,. It offen new op- do to make ,ome p''''ent Hall. poetu";ti,,, not only to thooe =oIled m hfc at Swa,thmoee happ,., and moee mA eonUal ,ccept;" awa;', all tho.. one m,titution 0' anoth" but to the peo- te""tiog," ,hould be a,ked mey men who have come Into pie of the borough. I The answer to thiS question IS Swanhmoee and v"'mty and who may The ,p;nt of coopeeation betweon the" the ad,"""on that we ,houk! att",d w;,h to ally the local .Po". NO.. 427. "bool, and the peoplc of Swacthmoee I""e ",tM,;., and 'how ou, Intee"'t m Arrive Sunday Night and ~Iy A ,plend", 'p,rot " mamf",'mg Uke eveeytMng e1,. mu" e;thee ;nc'.,.,e thl, way. But theee ace oth",. mo,.., Part of Week for Placethb au'umn, lookIng ... dee""",. Dudng th, eom;ng yea" ,pedfi, . . ment ProgramARRIVES ment of numerou, cov" ..to..to", 'bat The S_"I..... gomg to make an One famdy m Swarthmoee that o"g- FOOTBAll SQUAD have been ,ub"dhed to by the office" eneegetk eon';"""t cffon to b,mg the Inally haHed from a d;,tant ,tate enteeand execu';.. commIttee 'n numeeou, people oi the vlllag, and the people of ta;ns any f""hmen feom that ,tate Once agaIn Swaethmoee beg;"" to '",", ",,,'ons callcd for that pu'"",e. the co1Jege and 'Chool, do,,, togethee. dmnee 'ome dme dudng the fall. Th" natueal and w;deawake ... ten"'" pde • Somedm" we feel tha' oue cry, of I, an ;dea wMch many good Swarthmoee ,ky-wacd on the R. R. "Welcome back to Swanbm",e" have a famil"" ,ould ;m;tate. What f,..,"'man and "tumlng students of the college hollow dng and that aftee mak;og 0 would not enjoy a home cooked no;,;ly",eet each oth" .when they cha?ee pol;te ge"ure we who make ou, hom" a' of a Swarthmoee famdy to meet. F,,,hm'" amve to""'CTOW 10m the yea, acound do not go fac out of I fam,ha, wdh hos own p.rt of the coun- Monday whHe "a."" will actually he... ou, way to add to the happlne" and eon-, try? • . . .. next Fdd"". w;!~ .r~~ntly g~n~ral 't~elf ~acd ~'~mpl"h- wa~. r"''' ;, ~t I. AAR TRINITY BAZ Rutgee~ ~venue PLANS PROGRESSING dm~ee ~~ ho~e ~mHeat~ t;m~ ..xt week. tentmeot of the cnllege and P';"te ,,10001 A 'peafic m,tance of ho'pnalny "th, . . Steath Haven Inn. M,. and .AI". S,heobFeank N. Smla, a memb" of the Committees at Work OIl "French I "udents. ,"ys that 'hey ace ''''''y. to Village to be Held OIl Prep Theee ace exceptIon, and thos, famd", ley have fo,. ""'" "'te....med ,'udent, ,;g" ot ony Claude C. Smnh. School Cam US m the borough, who have chlldeen In who I;ved. too far aw.y to ee'um "Ud,o, of the ,ehool boa,d 'ays that the P rollege at the p'esent time ace of eou"e ovee hohday, and week-end. W,th ......men' between the boa,d and ,oundl 11JRE moee ;nte""ted than tho" wh"", ronta't apologies foe beenm!ng !"""'03I w, have "" not "gued ,h;, week heeau" of the COUNTRY STORE FEA w." "'me time ago. Yet we feel that nevee foegotten the" lcindnes, to u, on Wo. 'equl'ed at meetln., to awacd ''''!••' ,. p,,, bu, tha' he ,aw no ,ea,,"" d WI,h ovee a hundeed and fo,'y men ho~e (C~p" .~,) . LOWER SHOW AYDEL01TE -TELLS F ~nd VOLUTION TUESDAY, SEPT. 16 OF RE wh~ ba," "at;o~platfoem a~d ~f Th, In,om;og """ con,;,,, of 190 men and women. lhe la,,,,,lIn tbe '""Dey the ,oil""". Dcan Ray_d Walter, " p, ....I""ed to know wh.... to put them all ,mee the 190 adm;tted allowed .for the u'ual number of withdeawalsand no one ha, w;thdrnwn. . . The fo .....,' of the week will be d .. voted to the f"'hman placement ~'O- a~u~mt- would not be signed at a special meetmg and women actively at work on variOUS gram -with plenty of time to get ",," Tuesday. . comm;tt.... the plan' fo, the "Feen'h ed with each nth" and the budd..",. Borough council passed a resolutIOn Village" to be held on October 2, 3 about the .campus. _ which appears in this week's issue of 4 at the Preparatory School are rapidly Thirty-five :C4illdidates S""'rlh"' ....... among 'he legal advert",- taking definite ,hape. Twen'y-five men, ycsteeday and a,.., baril.at w",k th" af;,g, "'ylng that counell ''''''y to undee the leadmh;p of WnUam B. t...nnon on. the coll",e ...;dlron under ... both agreements pco..dmg ""tam Bullock and Lou I, W. KIn g, w I ", •. d Presid....t of Swarthmore CoUege U>aeh E. Lecoy Mee".-', dl,"'t;on. The ""''' wore compiled wIth. have chacge of the Countey S'oce. A Many .Entries of De.en"beo Stud_ta' Pall in fi"t football game of 'he ""'on ;'.0" Th. between the boeough g,oup of twenty of 'he youngee men, Vegelabl.. E..pected m S.pC 27 with Drexel ;n ,Philadelphia. . ami the ,yndka'e peoride foe the fol- dkeeted by Jo,allons and Mrs. John Ih, f,,11 net eo,t to the boeoug will have chaeg, of 'he op oen ·'''ng ,u,h ;mpeo,"cmcn" ;nc!ud;ng tabl,. "", of "'eet ;nt",.. ';on,. Howev.., Those who wl,h to look Into the fn'" 'hace appo";onable to the sehool toee w;ll co",ult two fo"unc tell", d di.strict shall he assessed upon the synwhose identity be disclosed" "'Ie 0' oth .. p,;,"ate ownees. Ba,ga;n, w;ll I" will f oun d a t th e WhI ° la'~,. d The cost of the sewers are to be paid Under the same terms. Should the syn'''c f0;; to mak, ,mpcovemen, .. ·I "d,·,.,., thc boeough •may make t,am. "', ,hall pay w,t mshall en days.'ynd;ca'e As security the co'" syndicate . h· t ~f". A. Ra; .. an, W;lfecd Eev;n, M". C;;rro,d nnek. "n. W;;Ham Eode K;,t1ce. l ( " . HamId Rcm Goodwm, and M". A,thu, Howl.nd. On the vcg"ahl, eomm;ttee aee M". Gco,g, Jm .." M". I.ovett F,""oln, AI n. Home Waltee. M". Chacl" L. Bolton and Maey Pu .. The deeoeatoon eomm, eoy. v ~r;" eveey "ee" com" and kept thc ..owd, ",ov;ng. "Stee" em weec not m,m;ng but cveeyt"'". e1.. '''mcd mov;ng a, "'nat. "Wh'n we wm ;n the A,gcn';ne all the Un;v",;ty "udcnl' weee on ,tdk,. That 'h ....wa. " ou, only ;nHmat;on of tmuble te composed ' . \ M". be IElephant" wh",e "keepee" will be M". of If,,. H. P.·ttOnyx, Whcn ..ked why th' "n;v",;ty "u\Veston D. Fuller, and Mrs. Raymond Joseph Seal, Mrs. Elliott Richards~n, dents of other nations appeared to take 1·11 t""oon that eont,ael, fo, the ;nltla1 wo,k 'he Ch"tee eoad nndeep,"" would pmbably he awacd,d e;th.. .'",..day 0, th;, ..omlng ot the lat".. E. B. Temple, eh;d eng;",.. of the R. R., .. Hed Th?,,day fo, Europe and 'eported th, noght hefoee 10, left tha' the eonteact, would ",,,;nly be awacded thl, week. 0" actual work beg;nAskecl aftc,ho\v the50011 ,onlea,t, weee would awacded, Mr. Temple's office reported yesterday Walt", w;U have coacge 0 • a . AI ". An,,1 Co n, an "''',, a .eeat.. ;ntc,,,t ;n pollt", t mn . "!_ I f bootl1 ffi d 'f· 'IUrlel . I .. ,d A " pm; tile .. cOlltractors sewer ,,10m all k;nd, of useful act"l" w,1I Mann. . . ed'an "udenb, D,. Aydelotte t at onee would probablyhegin next the week, ., I,,·The on .. Ie. . . Will . cl1arlYe M". of J. Wamn a"on,. w o. seimportant work of pubhclty the Junior Section P h iWill s m (Continued 0'1 Page Seven) I>c directed by Mrs. L.ovett. F resco 11 lect her OWII aides. h . Claud, Sm;'h ,.. e ..ge ... and Eme" Weenhee " c a"man 0I r At". I h bll. JESSE HOLMES the commIttee ;n chacge of geneealf Ihe ..Ie of ke "cam and eak". Shef SOCIAUST LEADER eon,l,uc';on wo,k. wm b, m;,t.d hy M". Feank D. WmDr. Jesse H. Holmes has been named • • eo .tell. chairman of the committee working in FORTNIGHTLY • •• the interest of the socialist ticket in the BRAINERD-PAXSON The Fortnightly will begin its meetReneral election this fall. Although Dr. }Jolmes says that there will not be a ings on Monday, October 6th. Cards of . ,. John Grist Brainerd of Phllade,p~la Complete list of Socialist candidates for announcement will be sent to members, aU of the offices, the ticket will be one stating place of meeting and book to and Alice Carolyn Paxson were married on September sixth, 1930, at the home of of the largest ever backed by the party. be reviewed. Alice Hall Paxson· 31 I Cedar Lane, ~.~.~---"On the basis that the capitalistic Swarthmore, after the manner of !he sYStem has collapsed and fallen down GIRL SCOUTS Society of friends. After a wedding COtnpletely, we expect to poll a lar.ge trip through New England the couple Protest vote throughout the entire will live at Media,••• Pa. The Girl Scouts will meet at the WoDr. Holmes declared. Dr. man's Clubhouse at 9:00 A. M. Sat~rBirths es spoke on Tuesday night before Philadelphia labor union and expects day morning. They will A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Conmake a number of addresses before their lunch as CoI- rad Clothier Lesley at the Chester Hospelection. be held at Alltgator OC 10 ital on September 9th. lege woods. . ° ------.. pleas~ br~~ ~he re~la~ J"?ee:~~g I wa< due to the stUdents dlff...." arc " ;n not unovee"t! of the underpass south of the ratlroad II.fe. "Foreign h . as nl. "'ell as the paving of the new street.fwest teres ted in athletics. They are more d matuee than ou, boy" and are com- and the new parking •••space north 0 t e railroad cast of Chester roa . pa,able to our ",aduates and p,ofe,- PALMER-PLUM ,;onal "nden"," he ,,'d. Hc al,o WEDDING SEPT. 27 d~- clared he had been informed that 10 South America university students were often misled by agitators. Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Miss Vivian G. Plum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Plum of Terryville Connecticut, to Mr. Copeland Palmer 'Of Swarthmore, which will take place September Z1 at the Congregational Church, Terryville, Connecticut. Both Miss Plum and Mr. Palmer are well Icnown in Swarthmore, the former having graduated from Swarthm?re Cafeteria Supper High School in .1922 be~ore attendmg Sweetbriar of whIch she IS a graduate. A cafetarian Supper will be given by Mr. Palmer, who i.e; in the employ of sb . church the Scott Paper Company, was a graduthe ladies Oct. of the ate of Swarthmore CoIJege, class of 1927. Thursday 9th. Pre ytenan "When I asked what the average student wanted that caused him to go 011 strike I was told many inconse :\Iallt'IH'~' t:' SEPTEMBER 13, 1930 THE .;,. nl't.,~dt'1\ nl. }.'1 HI a\'t'lll!~' rvtnrlll',1 In'lIl! , .\ r... . Et1r~pc ('11 the' \\"\Jitl' ~tar liner (HYlllpic ':t\"\'lItlt" b:-t \n'l'k-~'I\(L \. Uf' k'r r \11'''' llvrhvrt 1.;I~<;l'tt. :\Ir~. \Villiam 1 '1 I I I ' '" \\" llC I allt l.'( In ~'\l'\\' ~\ ~qH Iay, ;," • \'. _ '[ . 1'1' I .. , '. . :-'ll('rt ( •. dltll~,lIl, :;(,;]1 rt"ll1rll~ ~{)(ln to \Vl'st Ch(,5t('r ~ca\"c,s I.omo;ru,," il'l" IJuke UIlI\'erslty 'I\';u-Iwl':-o l'nlkge. In North Carolllla. . \' 1 1h. and ~lrs. \\'illia1l1 U. :\Iilkr have ,\11". alld )'Irs. ).fartm Ollllg la\'l' returned from Europe, .\1 iss .\larian I r!.'t11rnl'cl afkl" having ~\ll'n~ the last 1 Miller leans Vlon io1' Ithaca, )l. y, to ... ix wn'ks at l1l'achr.l~an'Il.,:-,,: . .I .. attend CornclJ Ullivl:rsit\". :'11'. anrl .\II·S, \\ l1tn·d r,.. In'lIle are' ~liss 11arcaret Ellis \\'a1~lllt IaIlV 1 ('ll\l'rl;li~lil\: ,\1 is!'! ~11~all i1n\H'r of Alleil\"CS soon -to return tl) AJ,!I1t.'s Scott hall\". :-..:. \. College ill (;t'orgia \\'hnc she is a !-.tlld).ir:-. Frilllk :\Iarsh, inf1m'r\y ~1iss ent. I )pt'othy gilkr, \\art 11ltOre \\'1'11 atten d multiple gl.lrcu skirts in heavy flat liS olle of (,Ight large Chapters along ami the \"ariolls Bral1ch~'s be ~ltilized: the anllual dosmg Sunday services in crepe, lame and black satin. the Eastern seaboard which has been: I d' '.1 I . C F hurch arm, 1 • requested by the national Red Cross'I as centers W lere monc)- onatlOns may H.' ore lard ot the .. . i be giVl'1l for .the . storm sufferers.. ): nroomall, 011 Sunday (September 14) Hopper-Miner authOritIes at \Vasilington to receive, I' I k . • • i Local contnhutlons for the rehef of I at ' 0 (' OC • money contnbutlons for the relief of, the people of Santo Domingo win be i The church choir will make its only 'rhe Swarthmore Presbyterian Church t~e. Santo Domingo hurricane disaster i received hy lIrs, J. H. Taylor, 241! apprarancc of the year. \.... as the scene of a pretty wedding yes- VIctims. . i Kenyon avenue, chairman, or ).Irs.) I{C\·. D. ),1. Steele, D.D., rector, will terday afternoon when Miss Helene C,:,lonel )- Frallklm McFadden, Gerald Effing, Haverford avenue, treas- ; rdate tlw impression he formed in his \Vhite :r·.finer. daughter of Mr. and Chairman of the SOlltheastern Penn-: 11£1:r nf the local Red Cross chapter. i reccnt trip abroad with ~lrs. Steele. , Mrs. James H. l\fincr of Park avenue became the bride of Thomas 'Vashburn Hopper son of Mr. a~ld Mrs. Thomas Mandervittc Hopper of Suf- Media. P .. ' Carroll Thayer .IItIllIlIlUIIIIHlnllllllulIlIlIlIlIlIlIIlIIlIIlIlIIlIIlIIlIIlIlIlIIlIlIlIlIIlIIlIIlIIlIlIlIlIIlIlIlIIlllIIllll11;11111111111111111111111111111111111: . save 1 , FASHION EXPOSITION FOR BABY ASSN. I G., 1907: Delaplainc, Roy W., 1913; Den.=!worth, Hugh F., 1916; Dickillson,-\Valter L , I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!;.b~e~tic~a~I~ly~.~T~h~e~fi~n:a~I=I~iS~t='~·S~O:f~th~e~fo:r~m:er I Cre~son" d. Wa;der, 1903; Cu~ley, Edi~h:!. ~ 1922, (Mrs. Wm. R. Iiuey); CurtIS, !!!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111nllll~ 'jeannette, 1907, (~I rs. Louis Cons). §! Daniels, Alma, 1910; Darlington, Isaac :::: Trinity Sunday school will begin on Sunday at 9.45 a. m. 1'he opening cxl'feist's will be held in the church. There \\ ill be a statI of over twenty officers and teachers; nine new teachers and asdstants having been secured over :ht' summer. Those who witt have charge of dassc:; include: Prof. Scott B, Lilly, W. Barker Keightol1, Miss lona Putnam, ;\I;ss Anne Jeffords, :Miss Martha Keighton, William Bird, Miss Elizabeth ;\f atos, John Wyeth, Biddle Heg, Miss ;\[ uriel ~rallll. Miss Jeannette Bair, )fl"s. F. P. Byerly, l\Iiss Elizabeth Dickcnson and Mrs. Bayard Hunter ~ftlrrison. Jr. ).f ectings of the teachers will be held at the rectory once a month for the sUidy of the lessons. The school records aft· in charge of Denny Jones, Mildred Srf"gl'ant Brewster is organist. M~Morning I Finished Wash of Every Description = = ::: 11:00 A. 2,00 P. 8:00 P. Iogued Alumni Register of Swarthmore C., Jr., 1926; Brown. Jane P., 1919, college ever published is just off the (Mrs. Paul F. Gemmill)' Brown MadPark Avenue Below Harvard press and will be. distributed. soon. AI- clcine, 1912, (Mrs. Robe:t T. N~.isbr).;! tI~ou,?h the .book IS ~n anammous com: Brown, May G., 19~; Brown, VuglDla Services pliatlOn. ~hs.s Carolme Lu~ensJ alumm Neal, 1926; Buck, Clifford R., Ex 1895 j 11.00 A. M.-Sunday School. service. recorder at the college, mIght well be Buckman, Howard M., 1914; Buffington, 11'00 A M Su d Less S cred't II'IS hed Albe rt L., 1896 ; B untIng, . C . . - n ay on- ermon. I ed as th e au thor. It'IS PU) harlesA ., ' Everyone i. invited to this church, ever~ five years. . 1883; Bunting, Edith C., Ex 1912; BuntWednesday evening meeting each ite worship and work .MISS Lukens and any who have aSSIsted ing, Martha, 1881; Burt, Dorothy, 1925, , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ her have turned out a very complete vol- (Mrs. Clarence P. Kistler); Butler, S. ~me whi.ch appears to contain all of the Frank, 1908; Bye, Mary L., Ex 1912. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH mformatlon about the board of managers, Camp, Reba M., 1915, (lIrs. Sewell Ithe faculty, and th~ a]umn} of the college, W. Hodge); Carre, Helcn M., 1905, of I anyone could po,sslbly deSire. (~frs, J. Archer Turner)' Casey Alice, SWARTHMORE I • The volumn opens with an alphabetical Ex 1930, (Mrs. George A'ndrews 'Hay) i I IItst of these persons who have served on Casey, George \V., Jr., Ex 1921; Chap~ LLOYD P. STEVENS, Mmlster Ithe board of managers. !~1en fonows man, Cornelia V., 1926, (Mrs. Nicholas I the. n~mes of those who s~hclted the sub- O. Pittcnger); Chapman, Julie V., 1928; i 1 scnptlons .f~r .the estabhshment o~ the Clifford, Margaret, 1913, (Mrs. Samuel, This Sunday. &ptember 14 jcol~e!?e. lllt,5 IS followed by the Itst of ];'1. Bryant)i Clothier, Hannah H., 1891,1 of Honorary Degrees. (Mrs. \Villiam I. Hul1; Cochrane, James SERMONS I re~lplellt.s rh~ list of g~duates and non-gradu- A., 1923; Coleman, Virginia L., 1921; lates 15 made up Itl th~ee forms; fi~5t by Collins, Benjamin W., 1911; Comley" 11:00 A. M.-uThe Thing That Counts." cla~ses, then geographIcally accordll1g to I Roy Clifton, Ex 1917; Corse, George; Itheir present address, and finally atpha- t Fox 1916' Cox Edward Hill l':x 1914'! 8:00 P. M.-"Scarecrows" I "Serving Swarthmore Successfully Since 1. 900" FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE 1907; Bronk, Detlev \V., 1920; Bronson, The most complete and carefully cata- Talbot de p" Ex 1931; Brooks, Robert THE TRINITY S. S. TO BEGIN ON SUNDAY CHURCH NEWS Editor and Publisher Frances W. Davis, SEPTEMBER 13, 1930 SEPTEMBER 13, 1930 Preparatory School students who did not enter college. In the Jist of graduates and non-graduates according to classes, the non-graduates are given more honor than in the past. Previously the graduates WCfe listed in the front part of the register while I!:==============~===============:! the non-graduates were listed by classes TRINITY CHURCH week, 8 p. m. Reading room open in a separate section farther back in the except Sundays and holidays, daily, book. Prolestant Episcopal I P. M. to 4 P. M., Church Edifice. Swarthmoreans who have either at-· Edifice. Cheater Road and College Avenue tended Swarthmore or not wilt be interested in reading over the list of residents Rector AU are cordially invited to attend the of the borough who are either graduates services and use the Reading Room. Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S.T.M. or non-graduates. The list contains nearly 300 names Sunday Services THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF which mean.s that there is an average of FRIENDS one Swarthmore graduate or non-gradu8:00 A. :M. Holy Communion. ate in nearly every other home in the 9 :45 A. M. Sunday School. If, in thy journey through life, thou borough. These are aside from the 11:00 A. M. Morning Prayer and overtake or art overtaken by anyone who score or more homes occupied by faculty Sermon. is seeking truth for its own sake, thou members of the college. needest not inquire from whence he Mr. Guenther will preach The list of those who have either gradcameJ or from which particular tribe he uated or attended Swarthmore College and who now live in the borough is as sprang; but frankly give him thy hand..• SWARTHMORE follows: George Dillwyn. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Adams, Alice, Ex 1919, (Mrs. John Burriss West); Adelman, Christian Bert, Sunday Jobn Ellery Tuttle, Mini.ter 1929; Anders, K. Elsie, 1913, (Mrs. John 11:00 A. M..----Meeting for Worship in H. Pitman); Ashton, George T., Ex: the Meeting House. Regular Services Resumed 1912: Ashton, Dorothy L., Ex 1909; Sunday, Sept. 14th Wedn•• day Ashton, Leonard C., Ex 1908; Atkinson, Anna S., 1894, (Mrs. Richard C. SeI9:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. M~Sewing and Sunday: 10 :OO-Bible School. Quilting In Whittier House. Box lers); Atkinson, M. Ellen, 1892, (Mrs. II :OO-Morning Worship. luncheon. Edward A. Jenkins) ; Ayres, Eugene EdPastor preaches. mond, 1912. All are cordially invited to join 4 :4S-0rgan Worship. in the.e aervices Baker, M. Rosamond, 1892, (Mrs. JosS :OO-Vespers-Short sermon eph E. Haines); Barnes, C. Clifford, by pastor. Service WESLEY AFRICAN METHODIST 1924; Bas.sett, Edward M., 1905; Beistle, c10ses at 5 :45. Josephine, 1892; Bogardus, James F., EPISCOPAL CHURCH 7 :OO-Young People. 1921; Boyt, S. Ethel, 1911; Boyt, Lillian, BowcliD Avenue 1913; Breuninger, M. Robin, 1922, (Mrs. Wednesday: 8 :OO-Midweek Service. Rey. C. C. Brown. S.T.8 .. P ••tor C. Wildey Lukens) ; Brewster, Ethel H., Published Every Friday at Swarthmore, Pa. Itobert E. Sharples, SWARTHMOREAN entire heating season's supply now at these low priees, you pay only $1.75 per ton down, and then $1.75 per ton eaeh during the next five monlhs. We will fill your bin now and deliver the balanee to you next winter as you need it. Order as many tons as you will need ••• our heating expert will be glad to advise whieh size meet your requirements best. will EASY TERMS £011 any office listed below. Prompt delivery PHILADELPHIA COMPANY DARBY, PA. CHESTER, PA. 867 Moln Street Dorby 1200 MEDIA,PA. 16·18 E. FIrth Street CheSler 6300 19 E. Stote Street ARDMORE, PA. LANSDOWNE, PA. S E. Lancaslcr Avenue Ardmore 3500 32 E, Baltimore AV8n_ Madl80n 520 UPPER DARBY, PA. Lo., ELE~TnIC Lane and Ludlow S.reet Boulevard 1600 Media 431 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN I ' (Mrs. J. Warren Paxson): Pownall, M.! 1929: Smith, Clande C., 1914: Smith, Col ege Alumm • • Elizabeth, 1895, (Mrs. E. Clayton Wal- I Herschel G., 1915; Smith, May JosephRegIster Pubhshed ton); Pownall, Ruth, Ex 1923, (Mrs. inc, 1925: Snyder, Florence E., Ex 1916: Charles Edna, ir Continued from Page Four '1898 ('IR. Russell); AI" I Pownall, B fIi t S. ). P i 1 SpangIer, CI lar Ies A 19~ ~, S pang e , I nie, 1892; Hodge, Sewell W., 1916;, Cha;les.•E., rs. Ex vert.. 1902: Price, u ugElizabeth on , r E." ce" D?nova,., B., _. 1929 :. S pangIcr, G eorge Holmc.s, Rebecca \Vcbb, 1889, (Mrs. 1911, (~Irs. Arthur S. Robinson); Pugh, '; ~]~ .• Ex 19;,). S~dle~r•..Mary scott" Jesse 11. Holmes);. Hoot, Henry 1., Isabel R, 1916, (J..1rs. ),lilton Fussell);. 1 )_B" (1Ir.<;. h.obe~t E. Spiller);. ?tabler, 1920' Hormann Ehzabeth D. 1927; P . 1lan' Sickels Ex 1912' Putnam Rob<.:rt M., 1927, Stamford, Ehzabeth, Hue;, William Ii., 1921: Hulburi, Clem-! Leon; Ex 1922; 'Pyle, Helen C.: I 19,20: Stearne, .Marian, 1913, (Mrs. Ross entine, 1907, (Mrs. J. Donald Gibson) i i 1883 (Mrs. Charles A. Bunting). ,\\. 11arr~ott»). Strode, Dorothy, 1912, Hulburt, Hallie G., 1903, (.Irs. James 1 H~mse)', Helen A., 1920, (Mrs. Detlev (M,s.. , EIhott R,chard,:,n).. B. Douglas); HUll, Bertha B., 1929, W. Bronk): Reynolds, Samuel R. M." Ta).or, Fred R., Ex 1929. Temple, (Mrs. William H. Paxson); Hull, Eliza-I 1927; Richards, Mary B., 1901, (Mrs. IEch\'ard B., 1891; Thatcher, Charles G., beth Powell, 1925. . Percy Webster); Richardson, Clare F.,' 1912; Thatcher, William H., 1900; Inglis, Helen Flagg, 1918; Elliott, (Mrs. Earl Weitz):Helen RichardThomas, Dorothy, Cramp); Jackson, Alice1917, \V., (Mrs. 1~; DaVId Jaqu- ii son, 1902; H. Ridgway, B., Talbot); Tipping, 1919, Ralph(Mrs. W., Waiter Ex 1930; cUe, \Vm. A., Jr., It?'" 1931) ,Jenkms, Ed- 1907, (Mrs. Dwight Cooley); Roberts,! Tnl\'illa, Anna, Ex l887, (Mrs. William ward A., 1892; Jenkms, 1lirmIU A., 1921, Mary, 1914, (Mrs. Claude C. Smith); \V. Speakman); Turner, Joseph Archer, (Mrs. Waylanu H. Elsbree). Johnson, Robinsotl, Arthur S., 1911; Robinson, 1905; Turner, Lydia Parry, 1927; A. Sidney, Jr., 1927; Jones, Alister R., I Louis N., 1905; Rogers, Alice i\l., 1925; Turner, \Villiam W., 1902. E~ .1919; Jones, Gurdon B., 1910; Jone5'II~oger5, lIc1en, Ex 1902. (Mrs. \Villiaru Ulrich, Eliza K., 1916, (Mrs. Roland MIrIam, Ex 1919, (Mrs. John M. Bow- S. Evans); Rumble, 'Vaher S., 1923; G. E. Ullman); Underhill, Eugene, Jr., man); Joyce, .Robert Swift, Ex 1921.. i Uusscll, Charles R., Ex 1923. i 1909. . Keen, ~~rrlct, Ex _1917, (Mrs. Wtl· i Sargent, Caroline P., 1894, (Mrs. Valentine, Alan C., 1921. ham \V. I ur..ner) j Kenncdy, F1ore!lCe, Caroline S. "'alter); Sawyer, Leonard I \Vaddell, Vernon R., Ex 1912, (Mrs. 1917, (h-Irs. George Fox Corse); Kell- K., Ex 1924; Seal, Emma, Ex 1906; Sc1~ Arthur Bassett); \Valker, Je~ H., 1910, nedy, Florence ~., 1926,. (A~rs. Charles lers, Edward, 1928; Sellers, Florence G., (Mrs. II. J. M. CreIghton); R. Bagley); Kilgore, l'auD1c .B., 1903, 1928; Sellers. Marjorie C., 1925; Sellers, \Valter, Mary F., 1924, (lIIr~. George A. !.I0adIey!; Klfk, Han- Richard C. 1890: Sharp, Ruth C., 1911, O[rs. Walter H. Dickinson); Walton, na E., ~x.1922; Kistler, Clarence Phlhp, (:Mrs. Joseph H. Willits); Sharples, Emma Elizabeth, 1925j \\Talton, Mary, 1923; AlIIght, Helen C., 1921, (Mrs. Robert E., Ex 1925; Sharpless, Paul, 1929; \Vatson, Edith, Ex 1912, (Mrs. George P, \Varren). 1922' Shinn Eleanor Anna 1922' Shinn Benjamin \V. Collins); Watson, Ellen, Landis, \Vm. Newton, 1923; Landon, Eliz;bcth, i924; Shoemaker, Elizabetl; 1917, ()'Irs. Roy \V. Delaplaine) ; Wells, F. Norton, .1922;~ l:ang, H,:rry \Vm., Ex J., 1916, (.Mrs. Karl Grzybowski); I Herman Elliott, 1912; Weltz, Earl H., 1921; Lan.mn.g, Ehzabeth E., ~923;, Lap- Simons, Ellie, Ex 1910, (~Irs. Edward I 1916: West, John Burriss,. Ex 1919; ham,. ,M.arJone, 1925, (.~~rs. \'~.: Spr~u~ 1\1. Bassett); Simons, :Marian, Ex 1915,! \VllIte, Fr~nces M.! 1~9!; White, Russell, LewlS), Latsh~w~ BeatClce A., Ex 19_2, (Mrs. ,"Vm. Allen Brown, Jr.) ; Siml)SOn,' 1922; \VJlcox, Vlrg!OIa E., Ex. 1920, i OJ ; A:I~~;' SEPTEMBER 13. 1930 Dorothy E., Ex 1924: Young, Emily G., 1916, (Mrs. Emily Y. Temple); Young, May Josephine, Ex 1897, (Mrs. W Ho\"ard Smith) " Young, Julia 1917. .• ===============::::::::: HOME JOBBER Prescott, 1923; Willits, Herbert P., Ex 1904: WiIIits, Joseph H., 1911; WiIls, Frances D., 1921, (Mrs. T. Lawton SI aug. h)' W'I n E rnma J an, e 1906, 1 SO, (Mrs. Waiter Sh~ema ker; ) W'I1 son, Esther H., 1928; Wilson, R. Erdman, 1920j \Volvcrton, Florence N., 1892; I . • • Wolverton, Mary L., 1892, (Mrs. All kinda of Repatra In anel around Howard B. Green):. Gertrude the Repair. and 1._ Kmg, 1914, (Mrs. WIlham H. Thatch- .tallabon a Specially. er). . A. M. ALLISON &: SON Yarnall, Russell A., 1922; Yerkes, Margaret N., 1917; Young, Dorothy, 311 Va. . . Ave. 1919, (Mrs. John M. Ogden); Young, PhoDe Swarth. 1160 ~ood, Grace, 1925;CIJrlshnc, Lee, .Morns Matthews, Jr., Latshaw, 1.922; Latshaw, 1929; Leiper, Margaret D., 1905; Leiper, Mary G., 1899; Lesley, Conrad Clothier. Ex 1917; Lewis, Wm. Sproul, 1922; Lister, L. Dorothy, 1908, (Mrs. Frederick M. Simons, Jr.) j Long, It'rederick Ram~ say, 1924; Lukens, Alice M., 1900; Lukens, Annie M., Ex 1874, (Mrs. Annie M. Daniels); Lukens, Caroline A., 1898; Lukens, Charles Wildey, 1921 j Lukens, Gertrude, Ex 1905, (Mrs. Charles E. Price): Lukens, Helen, 1910, (Mrs. G. Warder Cresson); Lukens, Mary W., Ex 1914, (Mrs. Girard D. Blasdel): Lukens, Phebe, 1912, (Mrs. Harry L. Miller). McCabe, M. Gertrude, 1920, (Mrs. \Vm. Minton Harvey); McCabe, Thomas B., 1915; McGarrah, Donald K, Ex 1931; Maris, Alice II., 1906, (Mrs. Waite. H. Baird): Marr, Helen C., 1912; Marriott, Ross "V., a.m. 1907; Martin, Helen M., 1920, (Mrs. Earl H. Taylor) ; Merrill, K Dorothy, 1926; Mickle, Grace E., 1906, (Mrs. C. Walter purnaIl); Miller, EIlen J., 1915, (Mrs. Herschel G. Smith); Miller, Harry L., 1911; Moorehead, Josephine L., 1922; (Mrs. H. Weston Clarke); Morrison, Bayard Hunter, I Ex 1919; }.{orrisoll, Elizabeth K., 1917; Munce, James Gordon, Ex 1920; 1Iunce, Marian Elizabeth, 1915; Myers, Clarence G., 1917; Myers, Isabel Briggs, 1919, (My.'i. Clarence G. Myers). I Newport, Clara Price, 1903. Ogden, John ~fahlon, 1919; Owry, Lute l.ee, 1928. Pace, Franl:es M., 1926, CMrs. A. Prescott \Villis); Palmer, Samuel Copeland, 1895; Palmer, Samuc1 Copeland, I Jr., 1927; Passmore, Paul D., Ex 1913;:1 Paxson, Alice Carolyn, 1926; Paxson, \Villiam II., 1923; PearSall, Barbara W., I Ex 1931; Peirce, Rertlm C., 1906; Pen-I nock,. J. Roland, 1927; Perry, Mary I MarCia, 1927; Pfahler, Margaret D., 1894, (Mrs. Edward O. Thomas); Pine, Fred Marshall, Ex 1925; Pitkin, lIar-1 gaTet, 1925; Pitman, John II., 1910j I Porter, Frances, 1928; Porter, lIelen, Ex , 1923, (Mrs. Pemberton M. Dickson):! Power, Angeline, 1911, (1fr,<;. ChOlrles G. i Thatcher); Power, Edith V., ]907; I SWARTHMORE MARKET Dartmouth Ave. Phones Sw. 188,950 FREE DELIVERY NEW MANAGEMENT Catering to the most particular people of Swarthmore. Only the best at economical prices. MAX ARONOW, Mgr. ~A~'~'d~r~e:w~,219~1:9~;2s~Ii~fe~r~'2H~e~r:b:er~t~I~.'~E~x~I~(~~:I:rs~.~p~ie~r~c~e~G~.~G~'~lb~e:rt~)~;~\:1V~il~h~S~'~A~.~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ,. _.c""'••''!'...n.''....,r ... CALL IllJ-SWARTHMORE for an appointment to see 8 room fur'nished house $100 or Plans and Prices in the new Swarthmore Apartment, Chester Rd. WILLIAM S. BITTLE Notary Public Real Edate The school distrIct agrees to pay oneon an unpaid balances, to be levied upon all properties in the traet except half the cost of constructing all sewers the school district. This tax is to be in streets abutting school grounds. in addition to all bora, state and county taxes. LOST The agreement between the borough and the school district restates many Small tan leather purse containing fraternity "- - =~ M A H 0 N E Y =_- i - General Contractor ~= Excavating Private Drives Cement Work GradiDg - Sewers Roadwork ~ ; Phone Madison 594 = = :: == ~ iiillllI II III IIII III IIIII III II 111111 1111 III III IIIIIIII III II III III III III II II r:! ===========1 A New 6-cylinder Chevrolet Truck WM. with Dual Wheels Exquisite Frocks for Girls, Misses and Women .... FOUR-SPEED TRANSMISSION YOII are iltvited to il/spect NEW LARGER 0111' selectioll A cordial welcome to the the college. GEORGE H. KELLEY Electrician Repair Work & New Inatallation. Phone Sw. 428-R I THE INGLENEUK 120 Park Ave. ~~~t f~l~ o Xfff11"" HOMES '365 $470 LIght Deltvery Challl, •••••••• Light Delivery Chossl. with Cab •••••••••••••• (Plck·up box extral Roadster Delivery •••••••••• '595 1'n-Ton Chassl. with Cab •••••• $625 Sedan Delivery •••••••••••• UTILI" I%·TON CHASSIS Bldg. Sw.1l29 Charming Atmosphere Platter Luncheon 12 P. M. to 2 P. M. Interesting People Delicious Food Student Service •/ 20 'J~ , : { _ CANDY, CIGARETTES, MAGAZINES AND RADIO MUSIC WHILE YOU WAIT. No Waiting Morton Avenue Phone Sw. 1380 Morton, Pa. , WARNING • ( Don't Read This If You Don't Drink Milk ) THEY say tllat liquids after . passing Ihrough a modern but who, knowing the sonrce, would drink thcm? Who would of thc other chemically pure water? The only All fit to drink is to really know other the Guernsey milk is bottlcd and sealed source. Have you ever kind. Riverview Golden or right at the farm-sealed with all the scen the cows froul which your goodness and flavor in it a few ulin. the If utes after it comes frolll you would trouble to do the Pure Bred Guernsey eow. this, Afternoon Tea 1:30 P. M. to 5 P. M. Club Dinner 6 P. M. to 7:30 P. M. All prices f. o. b. Flint, Michigan Chicken Dinner 1 P. M. to 2:30 P. M. Dual wheels at slight additional cost, with six truck-type cord tires-bigger, heavier rear axle-completely enclosed four-wheel brakes-new heavy-duty truck_ type clutch-new, stronger steel channel frame4-speed transmission-50-horsepower valve-In-head six-cylinder engine. MOTOR Plyh... W I S E many inslances. Riverview Golden Guernsey Milk all- At COMPANY, of Go.era. , 0 DETROIT, Rivcrview Farms has always encour· aged visitors. Those who do take the trouble 10 see the sonrce of their Golden Guernsey milk in Swarthmore can never be persuaded to use any ~ II III III III ~ m1111 111111111III 1111111 III III 1111111111111 II 111111111111 III III 1111 III1II1I1II1I1I!!li § = PRICES ;; ON GOLDEN GUERNSEY This year we are glad to tell you of the SILHOUETTE Room, just the place for your college parties. We know A S I X i § MILK 2 qts. daily . . . . . . . . . 22 cta. per qt. 3 qts. daily. . • . . . . . .20 cta. per qt. 102 flavor of They relish it as It is rich in food values so necessary to growth. Its butter fat is evidence of the high vitaminc content. Butterfat is a most important element in milk. heat and energy. It pro- Riverview Golden Guernsey milk is rich in butter fat, it contains more solids and more energy units. These are some of the reasons why you should give your children River· view Golden Guernsey Milk to drink. If the children will not drink ordinary lllilk try them on Riverview Golden Guernsey Milk and see what happens. Tea Room greets the new and old students. you will like it. CHOOSE wholesome they do no other lllilk. duces the beginning of its fourteenth season The Friendly MICHIGAN Motor. Corpora" •• delicate peals 10 children. Telephone, Swarthmore CORNER a fascinating room apart from the main Tea I , ' S The Chicken and Waffle Supper 5:30 P. M. to 7:30 P. M. on 11k-ton model. (ndudln" spar. whee1. CHEVROLET more than llasteurization is needed, in 1 qt. daily. . . . . . . . . . 24 cta_ per qt_ ~ FEATURES OF THE NEW CHEVROLET TRUCK DUAL WHEELS $25 EXTRA 1 A new six-cylinder 1'A1-ton Chevrolet truck-with dual wheels-Is now available at Chevrolet dealers every_ where. It Is big and powerful, rugged and dependable. It offers many new features of outstanding value to the modern truck user. And no other truck of equal capacity costs less to operate and maintain. Your nearest Chevrolet dealer will gladly give you a trial load demonstration-any time. Telephone Sw. 69 SUNDAY Prfce 0' J%-ton cllaul. wlfb 0' wlrl'lout cob Include. 'ron' fend.,. and apron.. running boards, cowl, dOIb and compl.te/r equipped In.drumen, pane'. "Dod. head 'amp. and 'po,.. rim. GEORGE GII.LFSPIE & CO. Old Bank $440 IPidt·up boa extra) $520 Bu//de,!:s,~ The College Barber there is no doubt you would agree that I I MENEFEE take I -I FRANK lllilk originates? 1 I: DANIEL visited the barns, dairies, students of the schools a1ld (Oppoa1l, Arllnrton C6mete17) Media 197 Stop In and See way to know that your milk is DREXIl!. HI!.!., PA. ,I 40 cents WELCOME BACK EVERYONE Ashes & Rubbish Removed. Fireplace & Kindling Wood. So it is with lllilk. The Friendly Tea Room Media, Pa. FRESHMEN 12 YEARS OR UNDER TRUCK CLUTCH CemeteI7 Work & S;Joc:laltJ' North Lanadowne Avenue I famous haircuts. clear sparkling spring to tImt GraDite and Marble Memori.l. i in the same old place giving those not prefer thc water frOlU a 6-CYLINDER 50-HORSEPOWER ENGINE J. CARTLEDGE 14 South Ave. Still ically pure and fit to drink- 1 Attorney-at-Latv '. sewage disposal plant are chem- I HOWARD KIRK 7 lege this coming week where he will enter the Electrical Engineering Department. 1fr. J. Harlan Jessup and son Harlan R. Jessup left today for \"allingforel, VI., where they will spend several days at the Jessup cottage. Mrs. 11ary \Vest, ~Irs. Edith Moore :~~:~~~::~:~~:~~::~~:~~:~~:~~::~ General HauiIng and Ex. press, Local and Long Distance. Apples and Grapes sold direct froln orchard to con_ sumer at wholesale prices. Swarth_ more delivery every Friday_ N. S. Passmore, Concord Fruit Farm, Glen Milia, P... Phone Cheater H.ights 69R4. . Finder return to The Sy,arthmorenn. pin. :: . :=============~ theand clauses in the agree!!JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIi!l1 of ment specifies thatsyndicate the borough is r to pay one-half the net cost of im§ MICHAEL J. proving the streets, placing curbs, and =_ proper laying tsidewaflklsl boundRing the school y as 0 ows: utgers avenue _ from \Vestdalc to Strath Haven; _ Strath Haven avenue from Rutgers to , Est.bU.hed 1843 I deliver a good security bond in the m of $5000. "'The section of the agreement relatill!{ to the sewers says that an eight inch sewer and inlets and branches shall be constructed by and at the expense of the syndicate. The borough shall recoup~d ~y INN t ews es Strath Haven to Westdale avenue and 0 \V cstdale avenue from 4lSchool" street to Rutgers avenue. The MISSes An~ontca and Ca~llIa FatrNo share of the school district's ap- ~anks are ,atte~lIlg. school :1115 ~'ear at portlOnment of street improvement! St. Joseph s H'gh School, Emlllltsburg, costs shall be due and payable before Md. July I, IYJ3, in view of the present ~~rs. Gilbert S. Faries, ~frs. }'fary S. 'cost of the building program. After Fanes and Carolyn and James have reJuly I, 1933, the board agrees to pay turned from Beach Haven, N. J. where and daughter Kathleen of Denton, Maryits total share with interest of six per they have been spending the summer. land were guests this week of Mr. and cent on an Y balan t ' d. James Price Faries leaves for State • ~e l e f unpaI . Col- . Mrs. Gilbert S. Faries, Haverford ave. DeJohn's Shop makes its first showing for the Fall and Winter 'I BeU Phone Clearbrook 653-J SWARTHMOREAN bf way over same. Another clause provides that the borlough shall incur no added expense by placing telephone, electric and other wires nnderground. The expenses of annexation, consisting of all sums and costs due Springfi Jd T h' d R'dl T h' e owns Ip an _ I ~y owns lp and all legal and engmeermg costs are to h.e tax wtth mterest the borough" speCIal at 6 per by centa (Cofltin'l6'd from Pcg, Oft,) h~me. Elec~cal R.I~::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::~:::I 'IlIE School Property Annexation Soon be given a perpetual easement and right "School" avenue; "School" street from R., R. 411 'SEPTEMBER 13, 1930 RIVERVIEW FARMS Federal Accredited Herd No. 43472 Louis Cole Emmonl. Owner Ralph Bacon. Telephone--Swarthmore 102 Manager THE 8 News Notes UBRARY PRESENTS NEW FALL BOOKS 'George Bradfield. Over forty ladies of Ihe church attended. Mr. and ~frs. Richard D. Hickox of . ]'~i~s. Dorothy, Emery of Maple avenue Binghamton, N. Y., and Mrs. Harry F. Metz of Schenectady. N. Y. are guests of their par('nts 1\lr. and ~rrs. A. B. Chapin, 13 VISiting Gribble; "Corpse on Ihe Bridge" by C. Barry and "Fifteen Rabbils" by F. Sal- The Swarthmore Library is opening; Non.. Fiction I "French Leave" by Jeanette Gibbs; "Autocracy of Mr. Parham" by H. G. Reverend and l-frs. E. ::M. Fergusson [ so~.[ H N P 11 f Staten Island N. \Vclls; "Last Full Measure" by H. W. of Swarthmore avenue are on a motor I r r. • ' . ~c. 0 , • Morrow. trip through the western part of Pcnnsyl-I \:. I~as been V1~I~mg at the home o~ hl.5 .. . . vania COUSlll 1t.1rs. \VIlham C. Taylor of· RiverSamt MaglOIre" by Roland DaT• . view avenue, geles; "Young and Secret" by Alice . . Mrs. R. D. Conrad who has beel: ~·ts~lr. and Mrs. Donato Colafcmina gave Rosman; "The Selbys" by Anne lting her parents Mr. and Mrs. \VI~halll a concert at Plainfield, N. J. last evcning.1 Green' "She herd . Sa k I h" by Vlachos has left for New York. }< rom .. .. .' p . S J.~ . C C ot to there she wi1l go to her home in Boston. :\lr. and Mrs. \Vllham Rlcc. of Y~le S,hcda Kay~-Smlt~j \~lld \Vi~~, by M' S TI I f C II avenue have returned from a trtp to V.r- lcmple Batley; AmerIcan Girl by . 1.SS usan . . late leT 0 0 .cge a\'c-I ginia and Kentucky. J. R. Tunis; "Town of Lombard" by nue ~s cntcrtallllllg her small. frtell~s to)'lr. and AIrS. L. J. Servais of pickin- \Vm. J. Locke; "Break of Day" by I day m honor of her fourth bl.rthda). SOil 3\'enUe who have been spending the Basil King. I 1.fr. and Mrs. \V. Burton Richards and summer in the Poconos have returned "E '," b' H B " ' . I I' "D' I f ami'1 v 0 f C e< Iar I ane am I EI Iscn- I 't1l avcnue home h IXl I") I C• E• ~~vv fig I , havc •returnc d f rom 0 cean C'Ity w Ilere . I 0;:; an men JV . ' . m.ontague· Mr and Mrs. John P. Morgan of Yale, \\7" . b 'I D' I om-I d II mon ay y l\ argaret e an . I ley spent t lC summer. avenue have returned from a motor tnp "H I · f tl H'II" t J IF' I f r' ' .' d car 0 le 1 5 )y 0111 ox; ~Cr'd3ndll\'rrst' P. A. \\ dsol "f and fOamll y to Cana a. "Hullted \Voman" by J. O. Curwood; Ii o e ar aIle lave rcturnc{ rom cean Mr. and !frs 1farion H. Merri.s of 1"Bla k PI ,.. b F R P' ., City, N. J, where they silcnt the sum~ New York will be the guests of Mr and "1\[ ~l .. :ceKr NY' . "1' H,crllce'l r . a ler y . orns; n a 0 ow me,' . lfrs. Robert L. Coates for several days of the Hills" by Bret Harte' "S ome Mrs. Frank D. \VmdclI of \Vcstdalc this week I . tl H OJ b K' and Cornell avenues returned recently ~rr. H.' \Vebster Taylor of Riverview .~~Icrc tI leM ou:c R Yb' u"u~ Lm~; SEE I He • • f I The 'Vest Ladies' Aid of N. the H. Swarthmorc from Springfield. Methodist Church was entertained at a luncheon last Wednesday at the Ingleneuk Tea Room. The committee in charge were Mrs. William S. Bittle, }'frs. Laura Baird, !frs. Thomas S. Aveson, Sr., Mrs. A. j\L AlIison and Mrs. IF College will Monday he will be a avenue return where to Pennsyh-ania State mcmber of the junior class. Dr. D. W. Bronk and family moved into the S. C. Ho11ister home on Elm avenuc, Thursday of this week. Mrs. Bronk was formerly Miss Helen Ramsey. "Music is tlte only art whlclt. I believe, cultivates three setlSes simultaneously-sight hearing and -John Williams tOllch. hat continued her study of pr08rel.lve lDcthoda durin. the lIummer and i. Sen'ing the students of Swarthmore College for the past 18 years SWARTHMORB FRESHMEN-UPPERCLASSMEN WELCOME TO SWARTHMORE PIANIST rh. dall, during requ'r •• '." .Ibow 511.M SPENCER Is GARAGE for Rent-3l5 Vassar ave., or Containing In front measured thence phone 728-M. $6 per mo. eastwardly along the said Randall avenue forty-six feet eight 10ches and extending I.~rl!~· sunny douhle room. Southeastern ex.. In depth northwardly continuing the same I"",ure with private bath adjoining, moderate width between Hnes parallel with the said !'flCt·. In charming private home. Will furnish Johnson road one hundred ten feet. 1\1(, meals if desired. Phone Sw. 1323. Improvements consist of one and one. ~illKk house, garage, large lot with fine old half story frame house. 20x21 feet: one~!la,le. Six unusually large rooms; bath, at. BtOry frame addition, 6xl0 feet. Porch front. Ii,. II. W. heat, $i5'. S\\", 1437. Sold as the property of George Pierson Himes and Luella Himes. his wife, mortAI'.1rtmcnt. "lle Blenheim, 2;1.1. Park Ave. Two gagors and real owners. with notice to terre rHOlllS, Bath and kitchenette. Frigidaire. tenants 11 any. i'hlllll' 568:'\£. Condltlons--$250.00 cash on day of sale; ~\!"IlY checrful roum for une or two in home balance In ten days. "i college professor; Ill'nr Yale Ave. Phone GEARY & RANKIN. Attorneys. ~\\ . .1.J5~1. AS •• China ana "'..utwa,. are guarded from grim. and rapidtumi,h. I'obrlca and han"" MILDRED CLASSIFIED ,h. prepared to give to the children of Swarthmore musIc lessons which wlll not Third 1100r apartment, 2 rooms, bath and kitch- Levari Facias l'nl'tte. $J5.{)O per month, Phone S\..·. 773 R. l'r .US\\'. 8ab,'.laeolth labelle, In ,,.. .lIou.. free from dual and grime. 'ng. lad IORger b ... cau.. Jeept cleaner. TEACHER June Term, 1930 TUESDA 1'; SEPTEMBER 16 Season 1930-31 330 SWARTHMORE AVENUE - PHONE SWARTHMORE 133 Improvements consist of two-story stucco and frame house, 18x33 feet; one-story stucco addition, 8x8 feet. Sold as the property of Norman TwohlK and Virginia Twohig, mortgagors, ana Harry E. Patton, real owner. KINGSLEY MONTGOMERY. Attorney. Levari Facias June Term. 1930 Correct hrcnthinp; and voice plucing for speaking, reading and singing SWARTHMORE Starting October 1st A MUSIC KINDERGARTEN for boys and girls from three to six years of age MARGARET L. WALKER Telephone SWARTHMORE 461 215 HAVERFORD AVENUE Mlity Lyon SchillI Nib V" R ESIDENTS of Swarthmore ha\'c the unusual opportunity of sending thei: daughtcrs to a nationally known school located at thclr own front doors. Mary Lyon is distinguished everywhere for high academic standards. Contact with girls from cultured homes all over America, and unusual advantagcs in Music and Art Jrc the accompaniment of f.lscinating cbssroom work. Home; Economics is available. SCOt'1I Gablel, the junior schoo], gradcs 1 to 7. Mary Lyoll, college preparatory and general academic ,,-ourses. Preparcs for all col1eges open to women. STUDY the five sm a II sketches above. • They will give you a glimpse into the wonderful Cleanliness advantages of Gas House Heat! Add to this, the fact that a clean good-looking Gas House- HeatingCabinet in your cellar banishes the bother of furnace tending and fuel supplies forever • • and who would not sit down and do some tall thinking about Automatic Gas Heat? AT THIS TIME our heating experts are making many surveys in homes to let owners know just exactly whot it would cost to heat their homes with gas. As a rule they are agreeably surprised at the low cost. Why not find out about your home . , . with no obligation whatsoever' Telephone or write for a prompt call. U'i/ddiff, (wo years' selective college subjects. :11l-day Program Supcn'ised Study ellil or torile for catalog which Hot Luncheon Dirccted Athle'ics illlueJls j'OIl MR. AND MRS. H. M. CRIST, PrilJcipais Box 400 SWARTHMORE, PA. (Jenny Lind) "THE PICK OF THE CATCH" WM. KIMMEL & SON I Conditl0ns-$250.00 cash on day of sale; Levari Facias No, 218 or small apartment by business woman balance In ten days. Ill';\!, train or trolle)·. Phone SW. 460·J or GEARY & RANKIN, Attorneys. June Term, 1930 "rile Dox Y, care of 'rhe Swarthmorean. All that certain lot or pleee ot land with No. 1653 the two and one-half story stone and frame CJ~"en!er work., Jobbing of any description. Levari Facias dwelling and improvements thereon erectl'uT"luturc repaired. Phone Swarthmore 32SR. June Term, 1930 ed situate on the northwesterly side of Hemlock road at the distance of one hunAll that certain lot or piece of land with dred eighty-eight and thlrty~nlne hunMISCELLANEOUS the buildings and Improvements thereon dredths feet meuured. northeastwardly erected, situate on the northerly side of. from a point of tangency, said point being (',,,k for sl)Ccial occasions. luncheons or dinners. Thirteenth street at the distance of fifty~ at the distance of two hundred and forty "\"dlent referenceS. Write Mcdia R. D. No. seven and thirty~three hundredths feet hundredths feet measured northeastwardly ; or Phone :'I-fedia 1143. eastwardly from Welsh street In the City on a Hne curving to the right having a ;:-----,.,.,---.,.......:.:..._ _,--_-".,-_ _ of Chester in the County of Delaware and radius of tour hundred twenty feet from f"fll 1t," Jmhlic school slI"Hrvisor will tutor State of Pennsylvania. a point of curve. said point of curve being 1 ..... at the hundredths dlstance ot ninety-four and north fiftyVlPI s 10 sight singing, music: history, har· Containing In front measured thence seven feet measured n~"II:.• mll~ical dictation, all branches of public eastwardly along said Thirteenth street, twenty~slx degrees thirty minutes east !.:Ii,,·,1 lIIu~ic. Call 5w. 1 32 3. fourteen and thirty-five hundredths feet. from point of tangency at Pine Ridge road, and extending In depth northwardly con- In the Township of Nether PrOVIdence. In A':,;...d food cnkes baked 011 ol'"der. Phone tlnulng the same width between parallel the County of Delaware and State of Penn~'\'arth. 1061«. lines at right angles to said Thirteenth sylvania. Containing In front along the street one hundred twenty feet to a twenty northwesterly side of the said Hemlock feet wIde alley. road measured thence northeastwardly seventy feet. and extending In depth Bounded on the e85t by lands now or northwestwardly between parallel lines at late of Edward T. Draper and wife and on right angles to the said Hemlock road two the west by lands now or late of Ellen hundred feet. i{(o!'1n meets twice a week for an hour of music, play and study at the home of Florida Full Pod Oranges Limas 33c Doz 25c ~ Pk Jersey Ripe Loupes Bananas 3 for 25c 19c Doz : : Lowest Moving Rates in Delaware County _ WANTED -Voice and Piano- • MARTEL BROS. AU that certain frame mess.uage and lot ough of Darby. County of Dela.ware and i,JfKC attractive fUrni!;hell room for l·usiness piece of land situate on the north side State of Pennsylvania; thence by lands of penl.lc. Breakfast. Ncar car and bus line. Rd. or of Second street at the distance of one HartY W. Tyler south twenty-two degrees trl'UCcs. Call ::\[edia 16;;. hundred and fifty-three and seven-tenths eleven mInutes west ninety-four feet to a feet eastwardly from Green street. In the point a corner of lands of Sarah Simpson; Borough of Marcus Hook. In the County 1 thence by the same north sixty-seven deFOR SALE af Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. grees forty-nine mInutes west One hundred and fifty feet to a potnt a corner of lands PAPERHANGING ContaLnlng i~'l'On*, on the aald--·8econd of Joseph. :P,,, Swope... and. then.~ by the Sttgar Rdr{gerator; 'gOOd-·'tonllhion; porcelain Ii lied, capacity 100 Ihs. Pric:e reasonable. street, measured "thence eastwardly four- same north twenty-two aegrees eleven teen and one-half feet and extending 1n minutes east ninety-tour teet to the southPhollc S\\'. 210\V. depth northwardly between lines parallel westerly side of said Main street. and Haverford Place Swarthmore, Pa. with the said Green street (the western thence by the sIde of the same south sixtyGood dining room furuiturc and ice chest, line thereof passing along the middle of seven degrees forty-nine minutes east one Rl'asonable. Call Sw. I.J5i·\V, the party wall separating said messuage hundred and fifty feet to the place of be- ~.-.---.---.----------------------------------------------------------------------_. from the messuage adjOining on the west) ginning. Mahogany Buffel, with glass mirror baek. Fire. ninety-one feet to a pOint in other lands No improvements-vacant ground. plaee set, including andirons, screen, wood of the said J. Harry Richardson. ;;till II II II 111111111111111111111111111 II1111111111111 111111 II II II II II1111111111 II 1111111 11111111 11111 II 1111111111111111 II II II III II III II 1111;111 II 1I111111111!s hskct, shovel, tongs and stand. Dining room Improvements eonslst of two-story frame Sold as the property of Bluma Levin. table (round). lIargain for quick sale. Phone house. 12x36 feet; one-story frame addi- mortgagor. and Benjamin Kauffman, real ::)\\arthmore 511:'\1. i§ tion, 6xl2 feet. Porch tront. owner. = 323 CORNELL AVE. 762 Fresh Fish, Oysters, Clams Every Day No. 362 A Puritan Uefrigerator in perfect condition Sold as the property of Blagglo Gioran~ Condltlons-$250.00 cash on day of sale: fHI'" sale at $25. Phone Sw. Io66M. niello and Marie Giorannlello, his wife, balance In ten days. ==================!mortgagors and real ownel'8, with notice to terre tenants If any. KINGSLEY MONTGOMERY, Attorney. SUSANNE FERRY KONKLE Swarth. 761 - Condltlons-.$250.00 cash on day of sale; balance in ten days. All that certain tra-=t or piece of ground situate on the aouthwesterly side of Main street, beginning at a pOint at_ the distance of two hundred and twelve and eighty-eight one·hundredths feet north No. 1576 sixty-seven degrees forty~nlne minutes west from the westerly corner of the said Main street and Seventh street. in the Bar. , announces the re-opening of her Studio FREE DELIVERY I Complex;ons braofh~ mora 'ree'y in clltonlin ... of a ga.·heated home. onlv capture the fint interelt but will sunain that interear durin&' the dull winter month. when enthulialm lass. TBLBPHONE I 11 Park Ave. -our new storeready to press Qr dry clean your clothes, efficiently, promptly and ,economically. •• I I ~~a~s~e~O~~l~c~.~airs~e~'~l~~U~'C~S~~y~~,~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MARIETTA WALLER HURTT Graduate of Philadelphia Musical Academy 9 I\ HARRIS WHEN YOUR HOME WITH HEATED THE SWARTHMOREAN ing spent the month of August at Ocean front along the northwesterly slde of saId C'ty N J Eleventh a.venue measured thence southI, . . westwardly fifty. two feet and fifty oned D J h Ene Tuttle of Mr. S. W. Johnson and son Howard hundredths of a foot, and extending in Neveren r. 0 n ry of Amher.st venu I ft t d f depth northwestwardly between parallel " k fa ch . c IYes crl ay ?Irll Hnes at right angles to the said Eleventh I' t it, S\varthmore Presbyterian Church N , d I' k f h' I' ew ~or rom w tch pace t ley WI avenue one hundred and fifty feet. rdurne t llS wee rom lS vaca lOn b btl I" h I ' I' I ··tt r the ul it for the re ug? y Oa a at enu t e nternatlona! Bounded on the northeast by land now d ;lll ,,1 ,OCCUP) p. p "g. acht Races at N cwport. 'or late of Raymond C. Harris, et ux., on: hr. :,l'f\"1Cl'S the C'Ollllllg Sundd). Ves)'lrs Jame- C II b , I , d the southwest by lands now or late of: ' _I. >' I . . ··n ~. s 11 1 er .a\\ rence an Harry W. Vogel, et ux .• and on the north. I pt·t:; allu ) oung pcop c s meetmg "I son Ian of Moylan are expected home I west by lands now or late of George Wash· be resumed Sunday. . I today from Missouri. ington Moore. Junior, et we. ).[r. Charles Durnatl and :MISS Pau.Mrs. Sarah Shoemaker Farley of Park I Improvements consist of two-story stuclit'\' Durnall have moved irom South avenue has been entertaining her I,vo 1 cto, hOU4sc. 2rlX27 feet; one-story frame add.l- I ' CI1\":;tcr roa d to K enyon avenue. granddaughters. Miss Jean Pric-e' and'' on. x4 eet. Enclosed front porch. ).irs. vy~sley N .. Cliff?rd returned Miss Elizabeth Price of New Brunswick, MZB\~ aii"d it:~~~~°:ft~il~n,o~1s ~a~~:orf.: frt111l a VISit to relahvcs 111 New York I N. J. gagors and real owners. and Elizabeth, N. J. Mr. J. E. Underwood and family have Condltlons-$2S0.00 cash on day of sale; ).[r. and lfrs. George \Va!son of moved into the house formerly occupied 'balance in ten days. Korth Chester road are spendmg two by Dr. Zantman on Dickinson avenue. KINGSLEY MONTGOMERY Attorney. wet'ks at Skytop in the Poconos. :hfrs. William W. 1-Iatos and daughter ____ • I ~fTS. George D. Zimmer of Ogden Elizabeth have returned from Chelsea, N_ Levari FacIas No. 2260 an'nue attended the garden pageant at J. where they spent the summer. March Term, 1930 Atlantic City on Thursday of this week. )fiss Mildred Simper.s entertained :Miss All that certain lot or piece of land with the two and one-half story frame and Elkn Fernon and ~Iiss Jane Moon of SHERIFF SALES stucco dwelUng and improvements thereon Fraak-ford at luncheon on Thursday of erected being known and designated as Lots Nos. 15 and. 16. Block H. on Plan of this week. SHERIFF's SALES Prospect Hill. as recorded at Media, Penna., )[r. James Forster and family have 10 Case No.2, page I, &c., situate on the Of Real Estate southerly corner of Lincoln avenue and oIOycd to Swarthmore from Rutledge Fourth avenue. ln the Borough of Prospect At the Sheriff's Omce and are occupying the Charles Thatcher Park, In the County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. Extending thence along home on Lafayette avenue. Court House. Media, Pa. the southwesterly side of the said Lincoln Dr. and Mrs. W. Earle Kistler have reavenue south six degrees thirty-nine minSaturday, September 27, 1930 utes east seventy-three and forty-two huntUl'l1cd from Beach Haven. N. J. dredths feet to the northwesterly side of At 9:30 O'olook, A. M. Reverend and Mrs. Lloyd P. Stevens Lazaretto road; thence along same south twenty-two degrees nineteen m10utes west have returned to Swarthmore after hav(DayUght Saving TIme) thirty feet to Lot No. 1'1 on said plan; by saId Lot No. 17, nOrthwestwardly I.evari Facias No. 1441 Thence one hundred ten feet to lands of Albert Berlt; thence along the said lands north June Term, 1930 twenty-two degrees nineteen minutes east eight and three hundredths feet to the All that certain frame mess.uage and lot southeasterly side of the said Fourth aveor pIece of land. sItuate on the northerly nue, and thence along the southeasterly FOR RENT side of Randall avenue at the dlstance of side of the said Fourth avenue north sixty one hundred eIghty-six feet eight inches degrees twelve minutes thlrty~two seconds eastwardly from the easterly side of JohnStcond floor furnislled room, single or double. BOn road. In the TownshIp of Upper ChI- east eighty-eight and ninety-two hundredths feet to the first mentioned point )kals optional. Phone 527R. chester in the County of Delaware Bnd and place of beg1onlng. State of Pennsylvania. AND COMPANY Rl , News Notes the fall season with the announcement I "Up the Years from Bloomsbury" by I by C. Mijatovick; "Mahatma Gandhi" ()f a quantity of new books that have I George Arliss; "Doctors and Special- by Romain Rolland; "Fat of the Land" iust been received. Part of the list is ists" by .Morris Fishbein; "Outline of by J. \V. Streeter; "\Vhat is Art" hy '\s follows: Music'" by C. G. Hamilton; "War- L. Tolstoi; "Vagabonding at Fifty" by "Dr. Serocold'~ by Helen Ashton; ~[cthod and Peace Method" by Wm. I. H. C. Wilson; and "Roosevelt, Story of "\Vild Beauty" by M. H. Farnham; Hull; "India's Political Crisis" by Wm .. a Friendship" by Owen Wister. . ::\[r5" ~~tl1uc1 D. Clyde a~d two cll1ldr~n Harvard aVL'llue. I are nSltlllg 1\1r5. Clytie smother 111 Mr. B)"rle Osborne of Bo,ston. :\[ass., I: \\'eltsboro, Penna. was the house guest of .Mr. and :\1rs. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Person and Roland G. E. Ullman of Harvard avcnue I d aughters G race an d N orma were wee k this week. end b'llests of Mr. and }Wfrs. S. W. John- £ SEPTEMBER 13, 1930 SEPTEMBER 13, 1930 I. Hull; "Awakening College" by C. C. Little; "Best Plays of 1925-26" by Burns Mantle; "Playe and Poems" by C. Marlowe; "Servia of the Servians" ten. her sister Mrs. Thomas Keller 10£ Long Branch. N. J. SWARTHMOREAN LOST Tortoise shell spectacles with straight ends in light leather. Reward if returned to 731 Harvard avenue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- Tracy Bounded on the northeast by lands of Nathan Raldman; on the southwest by lands of Nathan Raldman. and on the northWest by lands now or late of Jacob Hibberd. Being known and designated as Lot No. 46, Section 62, on Plan of Pine Ridge, as recorded at Media, Pennsylvania, In Case Sold as the property of Alfred R. Bishop No.3, page 9. and Annie Btahop, his wife, mortgagors and real owners, with notice to terre tenants Under nnd subject, nevertheless, to eer. If any_ taln restrlctlons. Togethf!r with the right and use of said aUey In common with the owners of other lands abutttng thereon. Improvements conslst of two·story brick house. 16x36 feet; one-story frame additton. 8xtO feet. Condltlons-$250.00 cash on day of sale; Improvements constat of two and onebale.nce in ten days. half swrystory stoneframe house,addItion, 24x36 feet; one feet. and one-ha1f 18xl8 GEARY & RANKIN, Attorneys. Side porch. I FOR SALE JOHN J. CAIN. Sold as the property of Norman S. Cham.tucco; 6 room~ and bath; 1==============="B"h"e,,":=tr'. berlain. mortgagor, and Evelyn S. Manning, I., 80x180' shade; shrubbery; Park real owner. Ave.; $7000; liberal term.. Condlt'ona--$SOO,OO cash or certlned RENT check on day of sale; balance In ten days. . FUrni.hed Apartment; $60 per mo., SHERIFF'S SALES KINGSLEY MONTGOMERY, Attorney. Inc1uding ga., electricity, heat, hot '\yater. Of Real Estate ' JOHN J. CAIN, p.Semi .. detached Hou.e; Baltimore At the Bherla's Office Sberlff. Ike; 6 room. and bath; $50.00 per mo. RESOLUTION Apartment; Elm Ave.; $60 per mo. Court House, Media, Pa. RESOLVED that the proper officers be Apartment; Elmon Apt.; $100 per Saturday. September 20, 1930 authorized. upon production of power of attorney verified by affida.vit, satisfactory to the Borough Solicitor; and Upon delivery 2 .emi.detached frame hou.e.-ju.t At 9:30 O·clock. A. M. of all Exhibits referred to, and in accord~ Qutside of boro; $70.00 and $75.00 per (Daylight Saving Time) anee with said separate agreements with the School District, and the Syndlcato and Levari FacIas No. 542 the approval at the Borough EnglnE:er, to CHAS. A.. SMITH execute and deUver the said" separate agreePhone Swarthmore 705 June Term. 1930 ments as read in open meettng of Borough COuncil September 4, 1930. All that certain lot or piece of land. Passed this fourth day of September, A. FOR RENT with the buildings and Improvements D. 1930. thereon erected. situate on the northwestFRANK 8. REITZEL. Modern dwelJing. 4 bed room •. erly side of Eleventh avenue, at the dis- (SEAL) President of CounCil tance of two hunclred and slxty·four feet Attest: Carage. Good location in bor- measured southwestwardly from the north ALBERT N. GARRE'rr. JR., westerly corner of the said Eleventh ave~ secretary. Ough. $75 a month. nue and Washington aveD118, In the Bor- Approved: ough of Prospect Park. County at Delawa.re W. R. LANDIS, E. C. WALTON and State of Pennsylvania; containing in Burgess. Detached; I "'0. ONE MONTH'S STORAGE FREE! The Winn Transportation & Storage Company will move the content. of an average 6 .. rooYil house to any place within 15 mile. of Philadelphia for $26.00-0r the contents of a S-room house to Atlantic City for $27.50. Winn rate. for storage are extremely low, being but $3.50 per month for a storage room of 600 cubic feet capacity. ($5.00 js the regular price of such a room.) All Winn van men are bonded, and your good. are insured while they are in our care. All Winn men are skilled in the handling of piano. and carry special equipment f01' the purpose. WINN TRANSPORTATION & STORAGE COMPANY 8 Amosland Rd. TELEPHONE-SWARTHMORE 2000 liii1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II11111111111111111111111111111liil Don't call the same day that everyone else calls and • expect immediate service on your heater. Do • • call us today to have your heater overhauled and put in good condition for the first fire this Fall. SHERIFF SALES I "'0. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY All Suburban Stores Morton, Pa. WOODW ARD, JACKSON & BLACK Phone 43 10 THE SWARTHMOREAN SEPTEMBER 13, PARK PROJECT James A. Conncr of Oaklane and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Scott entertained FACES DELAY Norman Lynn Coapman of Swarthmore at dinner last night in honor· of Mr. and Slip Covers Chrysler Motor Cars Plymouth " " Goodyear Tires General " Sun Gas Richfield Gas Betholine Quality Oils Modern up~to-date greasing equipment The fivc acre public park site east of S\\'arthlllore avenue bctween the continuations of Elm avenue and Colkge avenue, which council last week prolloscdin to to aa $75,000 vote ofbond the people thesubmit form of Mrs. William Brown of Bryn Mawr and their house guest Miss Romaine Clark of Pittsburgh. I d Mrs. Thomas Andrew, North. Chester road, ~1uhl en b ',Ill .. toisbehome ar011lldfrom to\\'II.thc hosp1ta, an .l\ ergA ve.Rut1edge ~ =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ u Clarence G. ~Iyers, assistant borough solicitor, that the resolution was a nulrt I land which can be secured for S;75,000 is admittedly an ideal public ~park sIte. . Councl'1's actIon • fplacmg ' 0 the question of whethcr or not the I d h II b h d b f th an IS .outl( fe purcf asbe 'd ~ ore I.' peop c III Ie orm 0 a on Issue, was both condemned and praised this weck. \VI h . . f M M 'd " let er, m V.ICW 0 .r. ycrs eClSlon, cnough ttme remams before the ' . November elcctton to take up the mattcr at the Oct. meeting of Council and have the question placed 'on the ballot, is doubtful. A movement has been startcd by several residents who arc strongly in favor of the project to urge a special meeting of council so that there will be sufficient time to place the question before the voters. In his statement declaring the resolution a nUllity, Mr. Myers said: It was the duty of council to consider the advisability of thc project and deter'mine whether the borough should or should not accept the proposition, and if they found in the affirmative, advertise an ordinancc over a period of at ~he 'as besRt mCan. The U~he;s ;II~ be The~dore . 0fnnher ban'd re . onne, brot llers 0 t e n e. == The bri?c will wear whitc satin with a tullc v.ed and carry a. shower bouquet. The, maId of I honor peach == , h t IWIll t t weart hand satm WIt. a ve vc la 0 rna c Th _ carry Taltsman roses and larkspur. e == bridesmaids will wcar gowns of orchid . .I I h t f th hade satm WIt 1 ve vet a s 0 e same s _ and carry Butterfly roses and larkspur. = After October first Mr. and Mrs. C '11 l' 235 P k n e, = lve at ar ave u == = S onnerh WI wart more. _ •• Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawrence arrived _ home this week from their cottage near Ocean City, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Temple of Maple avenUe sailed for Europc Thursday and will be gone about five weeks. = = = = = Phone Media 26 E.tabliahed 1857 W. C. RIGBY &: SONS - Media, P .. - LIGHTING &. POWER WIRING garet Conner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RETURNING Men's suits or overcoats French dry cleaned $ 1.00 Ladys' dresses (plain or pleated) French dry cleaned 1.50 Fur Coats relined with satin back crepes 12.00 up All remodeling of fur coats or other garments reduced proportionally. 20% off on cleaning of all oriental and domestic rugs Call For Estimates! All Work Guaranteed! Work Called For And Delivered Promptly ATTENTION ,, • • Suits or overcoats French dry cleaned Suits or overcoats sponged pressed Dresses French dry cleaned Phone Swarthmore 529 5l111111111111111111111111l III 11111111111 III 111111 II III 111111111111111 111111 111111 11111111 IIII II III III 111 111111111 II III 1111 III 11111 111111 111111111111111111 Good Used Cars Accessories Bulbs, Fan Belts, Spark Plugs, Etc. THE NEW PACKARD EIGHT Tire Changing Equipment E MOST cordially invite you to come in and look over the new Packard cars now on display at our showrooms. Road Service You will find them as fine gold refined-as one of the world's finest cars made still finer. In other words a Complete One-Stop Service Station in your midst second to none Fifteen employees at your service HANNUM & WAITE W A Wide Choice of Beautiful New Models The new Packard Eight includes more notable improvements and refinements than any Packard of rC!:ent years. It is available in thirty-two beautiful models ranging in price from $2385 for the ever-popular Standard Eight Five-Passenger Sedan to $6075 for the finest Individual Custom creation. (At the factory.) Improved carburetion and manifolding have incc«=ased the power. With added power, performance, especially in traffic and at the "red light",hasbeenbettered. The advantages which ,.)nly a four-speed transmission can give have been retained, with the transmission converted to the "short-shift" type. Longer and softer springs anu new shock absorbers provide more riding comfOrt. An entirely automatic lubrication system now takes the human clement out of daily chassis care and protects the long life resulting from fine engineering and precision manufacture. $ .75 .35 1.25 100 PARK AVE., SWARTHMORE, PA. Service Batteries Car Washing by Power Machine STUDENTS announces the second anniversary of the openi~g of. its new store, and to celebrate this event the follo~ving special prices' ~viil be effective for 30 days from Sept. 15th to Oct. 15th. Rutledge Can be reached at Sw. 1145 THE For cash and carry system the prices will be as following Funeral Director. &: Embalmera 110 We.t State Street Thc wedding of Miss Cathcrine Mat- 107 Sylvan Avenue TO PAULSON & COMPANY _ JAMES A. PILSON Coapman.Conner ... WELCOME ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR - Battery Service Anna Schalles Phone, Sw. 1225 issue, ran into difficulties this weck in as bride~maids. Mr. Frank E. Wi~:;ams, :!I III 11111 III 111111111111 III II III III II 11111111111 III 1I1111l1 11lI 1lI III III III III III III III 111111 1111111111111111111111111 II III 11lI I11111 III III III III the form of an announccment from brother-m-Iaw of the grao,tn, WI act_ least thirty days. '£xide Batteries will take place at seven o'c;lock this cvening at the Trinity R e forme d Church, Broad and Venango Strccts, P 111'1 a d e Ip I' 1Ia. The bridc will bc attended by Miss Louise BieriI.' as maid of IlOnor all( I Miss Annc Parris and Miss Rosc Messa Bodies made in Packard's own factories are the finest in every way that Packard has ever offered. Traditional appearance has been retained and beauty of line refined. Interiors have been beautified and made more luxurious. New color combinatio~ have been provided. Thirty years of building for the most discriminating clientele has taught the Packard Motor Car Company what such a clientele demands. And year by year-and again this year-new luxuries, new refinements and new improvements have been added. An Investment in Luxurious Transportation Today when nearly everyone is thinking in terms of investment instead of speculation, and buying more carefully, we ask you to view refined and improved cars - cars without a single speculative or untried feature. With Packard the car has always been greater than anyone feature. You could not buy, expecting to keep your car four or five years if it were otherwise. We shall be delighted to have you visit our showrooms and, as our guest, you will not be urged to buy. You will be cxtendedeverycour_ tesy and desired attention in return for your Own kindness in calling. Yale Ave. & S.Chester Rd. F. B. FRANCIS Sw.1250 12TH AND CROSBY STREETS Phone Chester 4450 and 6100 Vol. II, No. 37 Swarthmore, Pa., September 20, 1930 LEGION SECURES SITE ALONG CRUM FOR SCOUT CAMP $2.50 Per Year FEATURE OF THE FLOWER SHOW DECORATIONS Beautiful Woodland North of Borough to be. Used by Local Troops Garden Committee of Woman's Club Sponsors Fifth Annual Display LEGION PLANS ACTIVlTlFS HUNDREDS Swarthmore's three Boy Scout troops will have a woodland retreat only- a' few miles 'from -the borough this fall and winter where -they can build a cabin of their own and spend many week-ends in true Boy Scout· fa)hion, thanks to the activity of the H;arold AinSworth Post, No. 427 of the American Legion. Herbert T. Bassett was chairman of the committee which has secured this beautiful piece of woodland along the Crum 'not far from the -Swarthmore Paper mill north of the Baltimore pike. The woodland is part of a farm oWned by a man who through the Legion is offering it for' the use of the boys. It contains a swimming hole and offers a great opportunity for woodcraft and play. Not content with securing the woods, the Legion plans to help the Scouts build their cabin and turn the woods into a real outdoor paradise for the boys of Swarthmore. The Legion men are as enthusiastic over the project as the Scouts and several groups of ex-service men have visited the land since Mr. Bas- Hundreds of exhibits- and- a 1aqJe rock garden leading from the fl"(Jl¢oi the building up to the stage whiclr .... arranged as a garden terraCe set With tables and chairs marked the Fifth Annual Flower Show sponsored by the Garden section of the Swarthmore Woinan's Club Tuesday afternoon and evening at the clubhouse. Mrs. George Zimme'r is chairman of the Garden section of the club. In spite of a heavy rain early in the evening the attendance at the display was all that could be desired anp the Howers exhibited gave no evidence' of having passed through a severe summer drought. The tables were artistically arranged and showed off the exhibits to great advantage. The rock garden at the front of the room was one of the most extra:vagant things ever attempted by way of making the display attractive.B. D. DeM uth deserves a great deal of credit for the beauty of the garden as he Photo by Green's Studio A beautiful rock garden aero.. the entire center of the Woman's Clubhouse in front of the stage represented a great deal of work by the committee and was the object of much admiration. sett announced its acquisition at the first fall meeting of the Legion, Monday eve- n1he September' meeting, presided over - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - , - hy Commander GC!orge Corse, was marked by a large attendence and by an unprecedented display of interest in c i v k . h·ch t h . . . SCHOOL BOARD ~~d:~ ••• WEEKS MEMORIAL TO BE STARTED SOON The committee of the Keystone Automobile club in charge of the Weeks Memorial at the intersection of North Che~ter road and the Baltimore pike is awaiting bids and expects to award the Contracts for the improvement of the lite immediately. There is about $5()()() in the fund for this work and all of it will be used in improving the triangular piece of Rround. The estimates are being seCured on setting the Baltimore pike curh line back to the ultimate right of ~ay of the State Highway department. 'he club is also working with the Slate Highway department to get them 10 pave the set back area as soon is the curb is relocated. It has also been decided that if funds ire available the property will be graded and beautified with grass, trees ind shrubbery. Also to encircle it with ; cement sidewalk such as is called Or in the plans for the memorial. ••• Charles p orehase· Eq-UlIm.U!D • 't . HOLD Rutgers for, New AVeDue- Building THREE MEETINGS • Necessary qualifications for school directors not always thought ot in connection with the po'sition were made apparent during the past ~G weeks at meetings of the Swarthmore board for the awarding of contracts for school equipment. A school director may know the theoretical problems of the classroom, may know the answer to engineering problems in connection with building programs, may suggest ways and means of cutting down the budget, but if he can't grasp a school desk or table in two brawny hands, tug and tear at it, jump on it, and endeavor by every human means to break it in at least a dozen places, he is not a weJl Qualified Gchool director. For the past two weeks at three evening meetings which have lasted far into the night Swarthmore's school di' . . . rector~ . have bee? plckl~g, thump~ng, poundl.ng, scra. tc.hmg, pulling. d.ro.ppmg, wrestling, tWlstmg, and submlttmg to every indignity and torture samples of furniture to be selected for the new Rutgers avenue school. The climax was reached on Wednesday night when one member of the board hoisted his six feet two onto the top of a desk and jigged for three minutes to prove the product of his prefercnce superior to the product favored by another member of the board. After a hectic day pushing children in and out of classrooms the new superintendent of schools has been attending the board meetings heaving furniture in and out of the board room with all the deftness of a licensed piano mover. Although several near accidents were reported when turn screws failed to hold and desk tops proved treacherous. medical attention was not necessary. It is said that one of the directors k~pt count of the number of pieces he had shown faulty by his superior strength and expects to use the information in his campaign for re-election. (CtntI;flNltI 011 P(J{/' Pllflr'j ••• Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, for- MARY LYON TO OPEN SEPT 25 AND 30 h\~rly of Swarthmore are spending the lthlhter at the Farm House at Westtown The Mary Lyon school will open ); ere their daughter is attending September 25 for the high school diJchool, They visited friends in Swarthvision and Sept. 30th for Wildcliff. llJore on Friday. There are few changes' in the faculty ........... to the Swarthmore Market Cor fine quality this year and the enrollment is expector call Sw. 950 for free delivery. Sat· ed to be about the same as last year. guaranteed.-Adv. --- --- ENTRIES worked for -two days bringing rocks to the clubhouse and helping arrange the display. Miss Vera"DeMuth also helped and Mrs. H. P. Onyx was in charge of the arrangement of the disPURCHASE OF GYM play and worked diligently to make it SITE COMPLETED a success. , T h e awards were as follows: h f d Dahlias-Decorative, one bloom, 1st . Mrs. J. O. Duke, 2nd Dr. Hearne. Caclege avenue school site by the Swarthtus, one bloom, 1st Mrs. J. 0.' Dulce, Sch 1 b d f S rth 2nd Mr. A. R. Redgrave. Any· other more, 00 oar rom wa more Residents at the Inn Home variety, 2.nd Mr. s. W. T. M.atos. hOIl~ College~ ~en c~pleted"!l~ })lans ,A' Aft _ for-~~ .err:tion;of a., gymna6lUm~d .,1 _ . gam ~ --Summerorabtit nieiltiQn~' Mrs:',!,. 'W.'~Simpets. other buddmgson the ground are ad.. Tn.,.' Decorative daltli:is;~3....:blo'Qms;:lst:·:MQ. vanced one step further. The price paid J. O. Duke, 2nd Mr. J. H. Perkins. for the land was $22,000. RETURN ,FROM EUROPE Cactus dahlias, 3 blooms, 2nd Mi". L. The schools of the borough are more ______ W. Matos. Five blooms, any variety, crowded this year than ever before partly Ira Latshaw has returned to Dart- 1st A. R. Redgrave. Eleven blooms any because of the delay in entering the mouth College to resume his studies for variety and color, Mrs. J. O. Duke. new Rutgers avenue building and partly the year. Collection of pompons. Mrs. J. A. Duke. because of the unusually large enroll- ',Mrs.' Ira D. Latshaw has returned Collection of dahlias 8fQwn from seed, ment. from an extensive trip through European 1st Mrs. J. O. Duke, attd A.. R. RedAlthough the faculty is the same as countries with Mrs. Thomas J. Safford. grave, honorable mention U. E. Delast year, the enrollment at the present They attended "The Passion Play." Muth. time is 783 as compaJ:ed with 719 last Mrs. E. A. Stockton has returned Gladiolas-Three spikes, one color. year. Of this number there are 133 tui- from her summer visit to Ocean City, N. 1st H. E. DeMuth, 2nd H. E. DeMuth. tion pupils, divided as follows: five in J. Five spikes, mixed colors, 1st Mr. A. the kindergarten, 91 in the grade school Mrs. E. Z. Hall has returned from R. Redgrave, 2nd Mr. H. E. DeMuth, and 37 in the high school. This repre- Haddon Hall, Atlantic City. honorable mention E. A. Jenkins. sents an increase of nine percent over the Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bowden returned Rases-Hybrid Tree, one or more enrollment of tuition pupils last year. 011 Monday from Maine. r.III:iBjes. 1st H. P. Blades, 2nd E. A: • •• Mrs.' J. M. Quigley is spending a Teutins. Vase of Sweetheart roses, FIRST PLAYERSt CLUB month at The Inn. She is an intimate limited to seven blooms, Miss Isabel ,PRODUCTION SELECTED friend of Mrs. R. Somers Rhodes. Bunting. Hybrid Tea, shades of pink. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Melick returned ')ne bloom, 1st Mrs. Ellwood B. ChapRoy C. Comley will head the cast on Tuesday. Mrs. Melick spent' several man, 2nd Mrs. George Warren. Hybrid committee of the Swarthmore Players' months in Europe. Tea, shades of red, one bloom, 1st Mrs. Club and is already at work with other Miss Elizabeth Huggins has returned Geo. Warren, 2nd Mrs. George Warren. members of the committee making for the winter. Hybrid Tea, shades of yellow, one plans for this year's production. "Two Mrs. J. H. Whiteman and her charm- bloom Mrs H P Blades 2nd Mrs J ing daughters are leaving for Florida H p' k' . h· . bl ' . M··· Virtues," a three act English comedy shortly. . er ms, onora e mentIOn, ISS by Alfred Sutro will be the production M. Pusey. Hybrid Tea, shades of white. Mrs. H. B. Sharman. mother, and sis- one bloom, 1st 'r· C . E . H40we, 2n d for November. It will be directed by 1> ISS Dr. A. F. Jackson and Roy C. Com- ter are visiting Strath Haven until their Miss C. E. Howe. Collection of Hybrid house is in readiness at, \Vallingford, Pa. T ea, limite . . d to sevcn 111 . one receptac Ie, t ey. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dickinson are ex-] 'f H P 0 J H-·. The monthly productions will be diH FI st 1\ rs. . . nyx, 2 nd M rs.. P k' H b 'd I h pected to return to Winter aven, a. rected as follows: November, Dr. Jacker ms. y rJ perpetua, tree: shortly. , I M G W B . son and Mr. Comley, December, arren. est rose III Miss Margaret Aspinwall and her ) ooms, rs. eo. Charles D. Mitchell, January, Robert mother are guests until they can occupy show, Mrs. H. P. Onyx. Graham, February, Mr. Comley and their house on Riverview avenue. Garden Flowers-African Daisy, five Dr. Jackson, March, The Barnstormers, Miss Jean Doctor has returned after hlooms, 1st Mrs. C. H. Leech. 2nd Mrs. April, John Dolman Jr., and May, Ro- a very pleasant vacation. (Continued 0" Page Eighl) land G. E. Ullmann. Dr. S. N. Kent has taken accommoda••• The first production has not yet been liolls for the winter. He is well known DR. ELUS TO entirely cast according to Mr. Comley in Swarthmore. FLY TO ASIA and Dr. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. WhiJe, son Billy Among other plans for this year the and their attractive daughter Frances are One of Swarthmore's world-travelers, casting committee is particularly de- among the guests until they find suitable Dr. William T. Ellis, of Walnut Lane. sirous of developing new talent. AI- residence. leaves next week for another trip to though it is not likely that definite Mrs. John Walker has again returned the Near East; and this time he plans tryouts will be held, members of the to Strath Haven. She spent the summer to make the land part of his journey club who would like to be considered at Marblehead, Mass., last week she was by airplane. for parts in a play are urged to get the guest of Mrs. J. E. Fulweiler in AISailing next Tuesday night on the in touch with the casting committee lentown, Penna. Bremen, Dr. Ellis will spend a few \vhich includes all of the directors of Mrs. C. A. Preston has returned for weeks in Great Britain. Thence he will 'the plays and 'J. Kirk McCurdy, presi- the winter. fly into Germany; and from Germany dent of the club. Members are also urgMrs.]. A. Berk will return from he will go by air to Prague, Vienna and ed to report any newcomers in town Pocono Manor Saturday. Budapest, and over the Balkans to Conwho are known to have dramatic abilMr. and Mrs. J. K. Johnson will be at stantinople, Angora and Aleppo; stophe Strath Haven Inn this coming Mon- ping enroute to interview leading men ity. A new feature of this year's produc- day. for a series of articles he is to write. tions will be that each director will Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wilson and son will Dr. Ellis' principal w9rk on this trip return from their summer home in be aided by an assistant director. will be done in Palestine and Arabia. • •• Muskegon, Mich. Their son is a SophoHe will also visit Egypt and Cyprus. more at Swarthmore College. SOCIAL SERVICE FAIR During his absence, Mrs. Ellis will Professor and Mrs. W. E. Byerly are visit their sons, Franklin C. Ellis of The women of the Society of Friends returning from Mansett, Me., this com- Rochester, and Dr. Mackinnon Ellis, are planning to hold their Biennial Social ing Monday. We heard that they had of Bryn Mawr. Dr. Ellis expects to reService Fair on the afternoon of Nov- a pleasant summer and both are very turn for Christmas. . well. ember sixth. STRA,TH HAVEN AWARDS CO'NTRACTSI ju~~h~e~~r:~:~dj~n~n; :~:C~r~se~;O~~I_ G'U'ESTS RETURNING 70/ the ~~~sec~:~:ra:m~~i~; the coming yeer. F k R. U • • •• I ran ...,.orey, supel'Vlsmg pnnclpa of the Swarthmore schools. was the speaker of the evening and before dweJ1ing upon some specific phases and problems of the Swarthmore schools, he outlined the development of education in a general way. Mr. Morey was a member of the Legion post at Camp Hill his former home and is transferring his membership to the' Harold Ainsworth Post. The remainder of the meeting consisted of r~rts by the various committees and discussion of the idea of using the former site of the Yale avenue school which is still owned by the school district. It seemed to be the sentiment of the men that this site could be put to excellent use and that the school board should retain POSsession of it until some plan for the development of the land could be worked out T~e problem of. using the land .to rtubltc advantage wdl be .taken up ~It;h the school board and With other CIVIC or~nizati~ns in the boro~gh which the Legton thlll~s sho~ld be mterested. . th The meetmg thiS ~onth was. h.eld!n e rOOms of ~he Fire A~soclatlon ~n Borough Hall smce the: LegIOn rooms III Borough Hall are bemg used by the Union school until the completion of the n-· Rutgers avenue bUI·ldl·ng. ..... . OF INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Vol. II, ----._----- No. 37 Swarthmore, Pa., September 20, 1930 $2.50 Per Year - .==========:=======================-==--~=----=-===========-=----=-=---- LEGION SECURES SITE ALONG CRUM FOR SCOUT CAMP Beautiful Woodland North Borough to be Used by Local Troops FEATURE OF THE FLOWER SHOW DECORATIONS ROCK GARDEN FEATURES ANNUAL FLOWER EXHIBIT of /' . Garden Committee of Woman's Club Sponsors Fifth Annual Display LEGION PLANS ACTIVITIES Swarthmore's threc Boy Scout troops wiF have a woodland retreat only a few I' mil:s frolll thc horough this fall and, Il"i!(('r wherc they can huild a cabin of j Ihl";r own and spend man)' week-ends in I trllt: Bo)' Scout fashion, thanks to thc / activity of the Harold Ainsworth Post, I :\" 427 of the American Legion. I I f('rhert T. Bass('tt was chairman of' tht" committee which has secured this hr~lItiful piece of woodland along the Crlill1 not far from the Swarthmore Paper mill north of the Baltimore pike. The woodland is part of a farm owned 0\' a man who through the l.egion is I offtring it for the use of the hoys. It: contains a swimming hole and offers a I grt:at upportunity for woodcraft amI! play, i ;\ot content with securing the woods,' tht· I.egion plans to help thc Scouts build / their cabin and turn thc \\'ocds into a I real olltdoor paradise for the hoys of I Swarthmore. The Legion IIlcn are as! mthusiastic ovcr the project a.~ thc Scouts and several groups of cx-servicc ntCil have visited thc lanel since "-fr. Bas'fit announced its acquisition at the first Grecn's Studio iall meeting of the Legion, Monday eyeA beautiful rock garden across the entire center of the Woman's Clubhouse in front of theI'holo stagebyrepresented a great D:ng, deal of work by the committee and was the object of much admirationo The September meeting, presided ovcr •HUNDREDS OF ENTRIES HUlldreds of exhibits and a large gardl'lI leading from thc front of the lIuilrling up to the stage which was 'arrang'l'd as a garden terrace set with ~ tallIes and chairs marked the Fifth :\nnual Flower Show sponson'd hy the Carden sect ion oi t hl' Swart hmore \\"0man's Cluh Tucsday afll'rnoon and l'\'ening at tht' cluhhollse. ~rrs. (;eorge 'Zimmer is chairman of the Gardcn sl'ctipn of the cluh, . In spilt, oj a hcavy rain carly in the 'eH'lIing tilt' attelldance at thc display . was all that could he dcsired and the OO\\"l'rs exhihitcd gave nn e\"idellcl! of h;I\'ing- pa; -,IIICI is alread,' at work with otl,H'r I. )'llss "'.I.lza.11cth lIug-gms has rt:tunwd:'. \.\'ar,r,t:II, 2nd )'frs. G.eorgl' \Varren. Br. g I H' I I ' t' J ' . l'\'Clllllg Illcctmgs wluch hav(' aste ar nH'mhers oj cOlllmittee makmg lor the \\ Intlr" . i Hyhrl(l lea, shadl's ot yellow, one 1 '\I g 1 II Slllce ble. .eglOn I i into the night, Swarthmorc's school di- plans ior this ycar's product ion. "Two :-'1 rs. J. I I. \\. hlll'man . allll her hlnolll, rs, I I. P. B1alil's, 2nd Mrs, J. !'nl,('U 11 al elllg IYf n'ctors hayc hecn picking, thumping, Virtlll's," a th;ce act English comedy Illig" daughters art' lc:avlIIg for I'lorlda H. Pcrkins, honorablc lIIl'lItion, Miss \, 'n sc 100 un I Ie com e on 0 , • • • , I rll 'I P IJ . I 'I' I I f I' :el\" RUegcrs avenue building, I pound~ng, scr~t~hlllg, pulJmg, ~r~pplng, hy Alin'd Stltro will he the production,;; 10 y., . ,.\, IISl'Y . . yhm ea, s la( t's 0 w lite, I \\Tl'Stllllg, tWlstmg, and subnuttmg to :\o\'l'mht'r, It will hc directed by I ).[rs. I!. Sh:lftnan, mother, ont' hloOIlI, 1st :-.[ iss C. E. Howl', 2nd WE tKS MEMORIAL TO : eyery indignity and torturc samples of 1lr. A. F. laek:;oll alld Roy C. Com-/ tcr v.lsltmgrStrath 1It.lttl :-'1 iss C. E. Howl'. Collection of Hyhrid BE STARTED SOON furniturc to he sclC'ctcd for the ncw I l ' v , ' l housc III lIIess at '. "\'a, limill'd to Sl'n'n in one rcceptacle, I .TIll' ilion I h'" prochlct tons . )'Ir. ,lIId ':-'Ir,. J. II.\\,.\)lCklllson l x- I·t ? I .\'I r:;.. .I ' J-I . , ' ,utgers avcnue sc I100I• WI'11 1It: II'11r .Jr~ 1'1 ~.\'I rs,. 'I-I. I' . 0 II'" ~ x, _nl 'f} " committ('c of the Keystonc Au-: The ,climax was rcachcd on \Vednes- rt'('ll'cJ as !"lIows: :\o\'l'mher, Dr. Jack- I'I short"., lib. t I , t.• .' , fleclcd to retnrn to mtlT an'n, 'a. I" l r k·· II ) 'I,Irtl. I ,plrpdua, '. I !nm, ,hilc c1uh in charg(' of tIl(' \V('cks: day whcn. memhcr of the son and r. COlllley, I>e('cmher, )'Iargaret Aspinwall and lH'r hl(l(lIllS, :-'1 rs. (.eo. \\ arn'n, Dl'st rost: III Mu at the interscction of North; hoard hOlstcd IllS SIX ..f('ct two onto Charll's D. itdlt'lI, Jalluary, Roherl molher arc gut'sts until they can occupy :-'Irs. 11. p, Onyx. Cht·t('r road and the Raltimore pike is· th,e top of a desk and Jigged for Ft'I>rnary, Comley and thcir on Rh'crvil'w an'nne, Flow,'rs-:\irican Daisy, tiYe ring hids and expects to award the Illmutcs to the product of IllS !Jr. Jackson, arrh, Thl' BarnslorJlIl'rs, )'Iiss Jean Doctor has rdUl'IIl'll aill'r hloonl>, 1st :-'1 rs. C. II. Ll'ech, 2nd :-'Irs. ';;ill:acls for th(· improvclIIl'nt of the I prefen'ncc slIpertor to the product fa- April. John IJolman Jr., and :-'[a)" Ho- a \"t'n' pll'asant \'aeation. (C()lItilllll"<1 "" l'af/c I:i!llrt) ;:t(, imlllediately. ; von-I! hy memher the lalld C. E, L'lImann. I )r: S. "tilt has taktn acconlllloda-, ••• T! ('r(' is ahout $5000 in thc fund for:, Aftcr a hecttc day pushlllg c1l1ldrcn Tht' first pwdul'lion has not yet Ill'l'Il tions ior thc winter. Ill' is wl'1I known DR. ELLIS TO :hi, work ami all of it will hc uscd, III and Ollt of classrooms the new su- elltirely cast aecording to :-'Ir. Comll'Y i in Swarthmor('. FLY TO ASIA i ;Iproving tIll' triangular piece of of schools 1.las hecn .at- and Dr, Jackson. ).11'. and II. B. \"hill'. son Billy I Eo~' III H at~letl ~cJd r~omstlm ~ plllSet~1 tlll~. Ihl~ f(~r ••• ~ I Iltgh~ ~orial '~'a on~ thr~c (~rahatll, prov~ anoth~r :~ ~f ~I ~I ar~ I:~ J~,. ~rr, r~olll ~'a\ ~t:1I ." t ". , ..," (~irectors su~erJOr m~orre-cl'!~tlon. ~f strt'~lgtl~ all~1 cxpect~ ~'. ~ '" memo".. j • •• MARY LYON TO 30 OPEN SEPT 25 AND I for-I· anI I 'f ,\ rs. CI lar Il'S '..\ fllrpll", J :.".'·rh of Swarthmof(' are spending the OPC~l lt iJll"r at th(' Farm House at \VestlowlI . ),hI (. tlwir daughter is attending 1 The :-.rary Lyon sch?Ol will ' In()I. 'l'lln" \'I'sl't,,(1 frl'nncls I'n S,\'artll-.: ,S ('lltl'lll Iler 25• f or tl IC Iug II school , . dl 'J , on Frida.... : vision and Sept. 30th for \Vlldchff. J ••• ,Tlll'n' an' few changcs in tlJ(' faculty .",."., (;". Swarlhmore 0 Markel for tinc qual.ilY ! tlll'S "ear al\(I the enrollment is expect..•;""" rail Sw, <>5 for frt'c dclivt'ry. :-;al'l1(.( 'I t ( I I)e •allol.t thc same as last year. (flt.u or gU:lranh·{·d.-Adv. • ~ J ~ho\\", (~ardl'n hOlt~c ~. I ~Irs, th~ ~J,. rt:a~ lr~ 'I)('ri,~tt'ndent ~ra'L'd ~ ~r a~ld Sl~-· II~\"~II~ tl~~lr :~. mgl(~rc: ,~. ~I is~'\ ~oard. 'rfli·:tel. The estimatcs are being sc- temhng the hoard mcctlllgs heavlIlg 'Urt,! on sl,tting the Raltimore pikc fll,rnitun' in and out of board (UrI. IiII(' hack to the ultimatl' right of wllh all thc deftness of a hcel1sed plano .. i the Statc Highway dcpartmcnt. .1I10\'er. . !ht. duh is also working with the: Althongh sen'ral n('ar acclden!s were . Highway dl'partml'nt to get thcm' reporled wlll'n turn screws faIled to !r, I :tW' thc st't hack area as SOOIl hold and dl'sk tops proved treacherous, " r:" cllrh is n'locatt'cJ. : IIll'dical attention was 110t I1CCt'ssary. It has also ht'l'n dl'cided that if funds I It is said Ihat one of thc r to Hades coUld ~ i? ):11 7 ' -.this artistic effort of Jim's. All due Cft!I!it·_Tnn though for giving a litt1e color to borough council. Since the new solons took office, council meetings have lacked the hult)an interest and (:olor that they had last year when "Doc" Bassett, could always be' counted on for a sprinkling of wise-cracks, and an occasitinaldjs'l8'reement among Mr. Freedley, Mr. McCurdy or Mr. Reitzel kept the spectators awake. Lately the present councilmen have eased up a bit and do not resemble a session of the U. S. Supreme Court quite so much. Jim's .:red door may direct their thoughts in revolutionary channels so the future promises well from the standpoint of those who use the door at the rear of the room marked "Public Entrance." • • Correspondence specified time, that order was automat~ ically cancelled. and Delaware County will receive its first machines from the Automatic Voting Machine Company, whose machines have been in satisfactory use in many localities throughout the country for years. • I • FINE ARTS EXHffiIT AT FRENCH VILLAGE There will be an exhibit of fine arts at the French Village which will be held at the Swarthmore Preparatory School on October 23rd and 24th for the benefit of the Trinity Church Building Fund. Among the artists who will exhibit their work are: Edgar Adams. Marjorie Nickles Adams; Marjorie Bissegger, Dr. Arthur Bye, Dorothy K. Chambers. Wilson V. Chambers. A. B. Chapin. Charles Chickering, Muriel Cianci, Gordon Deacon, Mary Hetchoner de MoU, J. J. Gould, William Hanny, Eleanore Hayes, H. S. Johnson, Dorothy Curtis Kent, Mrs. Osborne Levis, Dorothy Schell MacMillan, Reba Mitchell, Charles E. Mitchell, Emily J. Mustin, Mrs. Charles Paxson, Mrs. Walter Rumble, Janet Smalley, W. Howard Smith, Laurine Trainor, Florence Tricker, Prescott Willis, and Henry Mock. The music each night will be rendered by an orchestra under the direction of Ernest Wernher. An unusually fine display of antique and modern oriental rugs from Paulson's wiII be on sale at special prices. _ •• PART OF UNDERPASS CONTRACT AWARDED •• JUDGE MacDADE RETURNS TRINITY CHURCH Judge and Mrs. Albert Dutton MacDade, of Park Place, have returned from an extensive trip to Europe, where they visited France, Germany, and other points. They made their center of activities in Paris where Miss Evalyn Marvel. Proteatant Epiacopal Cheater Road and ColleBe Avenue Rector Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S~T.M. daughter of Mrs. MacDade, is a resident Sunda,. Service. while pursuing her literary career. The 8:00 A. M. Holy Communion . . k . . th Ch ester tourISts too occaSIon to vIew e 9:45 A. M. Sunday School. Passion Play at Oberamergau. Yester. day Judge MacDade reported to his office, 1\:00 A. M. Mornmg Prayer and at Media, apparently greatly benefited by Sermon~ his trip. Mr. Guenther will p ....ach ••• RUTLEDGE FLOWER SHOW COLORFUL SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Hundreds of flower-lovers thronged John Ellery Tuttle. Mini.ter the auditorium of the fire han at Rutledge on Saturday and many more SunRegular Services Resumed day afternoon, all of them delighted with Sunday. Sept. 14th the gorgeous autumn exhibition of the Rutledge Horticultural Society. The Sunday: 10 :OO-Bible School. 11 :OO-Morning Worship. large room was filled with an immense Pastor preaches. exhibition, the number of entries being :4S-Organ Worship. 4 amazing in view of the summer's 5:00-Vespers-Short sermon drought by pastor. Service The brilliance of dahlias and gladiolis closes at 5 :45. perhaps predominated the color scheme, 7 :00-Young People. but other varieties of blooms, including Wednesday: 8 :OO-Midweek Service. roses, asters, cosmos, chrysanthemums, delphinium, cockscomb, calendulas, zinFIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST nias, snapdragon, scarlet sage and mariSCIENTIST golds added their colors to the display. OF SWARTHMORE The Grand Sweepstake prize, a silver Park Avenue Below Harvard cup for the exhibitor winning most points in the entire show, was won by W. R. I Services Wetten, ·of Rutledge. who was the dOnor 11.00 A. M:-Sunday Schoot... of the prize. The Garden and Home 11:00 A. M.-Sunday Lesson-Sermon. Builder Bronze Achievement Medal for Wednesday evening meeting each the most meritarius exhibit in the show week, 8 p. m. Reading room open went to Mildred Halt for her splendid daily, except Sundays and holidays, I P. M. to 4 P. M.• Church Edifice. hasket of gladiolas. In the rose section, first prize in the Edifice. sweepstakes was won by W. R. Wetten; All are cordially invited to attend the second, Mrs. F. Henry; third, A. Anc~ services and use the Reading Room. ke r ; fourth, Mrs. Retz; fifth, Mrs. THE CHURCH SPONSORS ALL THAT IS BEST IN COMMUNITY LIFE next Sunday at the SWARTHMORE METHODIST CHURCH Lloyd P. Stevens, Minister 9.4S-Church School 11.00-"Sounding the Trumpet" 8.00-fI Christianized Memory." METHODIST STUDENTS and ,VISITORS Cordially Invited THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS "Remember that Truth was seen by the humble fishers. of, Galilee, and. overlooked by the High Priest of the Tern· plc."-Wm. Penn. Sunday M~Meeting for Worship in the Meeting House. Weduelclay 9:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. M~Sewing and Quilting in Whittier House, Box luncheon. AU are cordially invited to join in the.e ae~ces WESLEY AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Bowwn Avenue Rev. C. C. Brown. S.T.B .. p ..tor ===============:d:=============== .. - Will YOURS go to College in some distant September? I . .. II II Swarthmore National Bank and Trust Company 1'~=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ; _ • • • Penna. Gas and Electric Corp. % Warren A. Tyson & Co. .. THE SWARTHMOREAN KORRESPONDENCE OF OUR W. Montgomery. Regional Director' :/~~;k i: r;t~:,~~lks on the progran: KOLLEGE KORRESPONDENT According to Miss Alice Marker. head son of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Goodwin of of the .Healtheth Center, there are only two Walnut lane, who bas been .very ill wiih cases In borough and no need for th e may al d 'IS said to be'Impr0Vllj,io .. The Delaware County' Board meeting a1 William JaqueUe, Jr.• who has been very .K~!£lUh~ r~yired .bond. nor made chairman of the county committee for B, not decided. Three four-drawer letter TeIepbone-MadUon 6474 oCllvery of any machines within the the Liberal party, and Horace B. Montfiles. Yawman·Erbe, $26.80 each. Onol .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-.::-..:._ _..I News Notes SEPTEMBER 20, 1930 A Swarthmore Parent Describes Riverview Farms as a Swarthmore Institution Enrollment of nearly 585 students in At the invitation of the Swarthmore upper and lower classes of Swarthmore League of Women Voters, the Delaware College Thursday morning marked the County League will hold its-first meeting of the 1930-1931 seasoll at the Swarthopening of the sixty~second academic more Woman's Club house, Tuesday, year of the institution. Approximately September 30th, at two thirty P. M. 175 freshmen, representing twenty-five I The subject is; Our Winter's Work. states as well as Great Britain Hawaii j Miss Mary Lee Turner, State Executive and Panama, commenced study: Sec~etary; hIrs. Wil1i~m E. Lunt, State P resl'd ent F ran k Ayde Iotte announced Chairman for EducatIOn; and Mrs. M. the appointment of eight new members to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I the faculty and the promotion of three r others. He announced at the same time the granting of sabbatical leaves to three members of the staff and 'the return of three to the campus after absence. New members of the faculty are: E. ·L. Terman, visiting professor of education;. STANLEY COMPANY THEATRE Mr. Mary McConaughy, lecturer in psyDIRECTION WARNER BROS. chology and education; Dr. Edith Phi-I lips, acting associate professor of French; I Dr. Leon Wencelius, instructor in Today, Mon. Tues. French; Howard A. Baker and Harold' E. Snyder, instructors in political science; Ronald Colman in Robert H. Skillton, instructor in EngJish, ~nd Mrs. Howard N. Wright, part time mstructor in English. Dr. Philip M. HicJcs was promoted to full professor of English. Dr. Robert E. SpilWed., Thur., Fri. ler to associate professor of English, and Dr. Margaret Pitkjn to assistant profesJack Oakie in Sor of French. "Deal' Mr. Emmons: The advertising campaign which you are putting on for Riverview Guernsey milk pronlpts me to write you a little note. As one m~n. who has raised a family in Swarthmore, I certainly feel that Riverview Farms is as important an institution as IDe have in Swarthmore. If the real estate'broker's leel do and· as' know a number of my friends do, they will name Rivervif!1o Guernsey milk along with gas alUi electricity, good schools, spacious lawns, and all of the other advantages of living in this community. J want you to kn010 that I consider the man or .Oomanl who lives in Swarthmore and fails to take advantage of Riverview milk comparable to a family who would send their children to public Bchools olltside of the borough in Bome admittedly less desirable school district . .... " I ta·' I I "RAFFLES" MEDIA THEATRE "The Sap From Syracuse" T HE writer of this letter is so well can never be persuaded to use any known in Swarthmore that he does other kind. not wish his name used as the writer MEDIA, PA. of a testimonial letter but said that he Today-Saturday STATE had no objection to his letter being William Haines in Today and Next Week published or his name made known to "WAY OUT WEST" AL JOLSON Monday and Tuesday Greta Garbo in "ROMANCE" anyone inquiring of Mr. Emmons. in his roaring success More than one healthy Swarthmore "BIG BOY" "LOVE AMONG THE MILLIONAIRES" WASHINGTON Mon., Tues. "SINS OF THE CHILDREN" Friday and Saturday Polly Moran and Marie Dressler in "CAUGHT SHORT" Wed., Thur. , 8.u//de HOMES GEORGE GDJ.FSPIE & CO. Old Bank Bldg. Sw. 1129 Fri. & Richard Sat. nix in "Shooting Straight" children do not drink ordinary milk, try them on Riverview Golden GuerDSeY mjIk, and see what happens. regular customcr of Riverview Farms PRICES ON GOLDEN GUERNSEY you are nlissing one of the greatest MILK benefits of living in Swarthmore. Riverview Farms has always encouraged visitors. trouhle to Those who do take the see the source of their 1 qt. daily .. 2 qls. daily. ... 3 ql •• daily. · 24 cIs. per qt. - . · 22 C18. per qt. · 20 cIs. per qt. Telephone. Swnrlhmore 102 Golden Guernsey milk in Swarthmore RIVERVIEW FARMS with of If yQur peals to children. Until you become a "RUNAWAY BRIDE" Mary Astor and Lloyd Hughes Riverview Golden Guernsey milk ap- family is founded on pure, wholesome Guernsey milk. Wednesday and Thursday Clara Bow in The delicate, wholellOllle ftavor of Loui. Cole Emmons. Owner Federal Accredited Ralph Bacon, Manager Herd No. 43472 Telephone--Swarlhmore 102 6~==~~:=~ ______I.=================~[~Ttt~E~S~W~A~R~·THM~~oRE~~A~N~::::~==~:;~~~~~~=S=EP=1~B=M~B=E=A~%O~~~1~930 LARGE in SCHOOL tive. and 43 were fOwld to have had de- delphia commuters wll1 use the flew Cup for having the largest number 01 FootBALL SQUAD The largest squad in the history of the school is turning out daily tor football practice at the High School under the direction of Coach Ziegenfus. Coach Ziegenfuss said that there is every indication that Swarthmore will have one of the heaviest and strongest teams in years. The line wilt average SWAItTH"'ORE HIGH SCHO()l; ,oorSALL Oct. ffaecmtsilySerdiocoUtosre. nough to be referred to the facilities daily. points of any exhibitor in the Aniateur The inaugumber 28. Approximately 30,000 Phi1a- I Marker, visited the State Department in t Harrisburg, where she had interviews possible rapid progress on the other features of the work. including the con~tructjon of the montimental new main passenger station to be built just west of the Schuylkill river. WINS CUPs Bell PIIQac Clearbrook 6S3-J B"abU.lie4 18t3 WM. J. CARTLEDGE c •...ute ....d M ....I. M_on.J. c.m_'l7 Wctr. • Speelal'7 Nortb LaudOWDe Avenu. BEAUTIFUL NEW JjREx£t aiu.. PAr fOPpoet.1 .Arliu\OD Cem.wy) • FORD DeLUXE BODIES At FLOWER SHOW Arthur Redgrave of Vassar avenue had the honor of winning two silver cups at the Rutledge flower show last week. He was awarded the Amateur Cup for his GEORGE H. KEtJ EY Electrician Now on Display RESOLUTION Repair Wo.k'" N .... l".taDationl Phone Sw. 428.R WIIEUEAS t:omplaint has h~ell made can. cerning the condition of a certain lot belonging to Roland G. E. Ullman and EIi7.a Katharine llllman, his wife. situated on the Northwest side of Harvard Avenuc 130 feet Northeast of Lafayette A\'cnuc, 150 fcet wide and of an! irregular average dcpth of approximately zso feet more or less. and WHEREAS notice to ahate said conditions has heen served upon said owners for more than five da~§, but has not been complied with. NOW THEREFFOItE Borough Council hereby declares that the conditions existing Upon J said lot, to wit, miscellaneous lumber, joists, fallen trees and branches. weeds. ashes, cans and other rubbish, and the remains of tbe frame foundation or support and platform or a shack formerly used to store Ice, are un. sightly, unsanitary. and dangerous, "nd are herel'y declared to be a lIuisance, violative of the Acts of Assembly and of Ordinance No. aJ'l'roved April 9. 1929. n<;sotvED further that the proper Dor.' ough officers arc hereby authorized to cause the abatemcnt and removal of said conditions. at the ex~ense of said owne'"s, plus 20%, as in said Ordinance No. JOJ provided, and the' Borough Solicitor is authOrIzed to collect said cos:s by suit. lien, or otherwise, and take tiuc:h fur.her action in accordance herewith as is apIrOtlriatc. Passed this fourth day of September, A. D. 28Iie~xh~ib~it~0~f~d~ah~lia~s~aind~thie~s~w~e~ePis~ta~ke~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -SALE Office Building •• with the various department heads. in- ~_llllilllllllllllllllllllJlllllllllllJlllJllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJ~=~ eluding Mrs. Owens, supervisor of school nurses. and Mr. Ziegler. of the School = = Sanitation Dept. She also talked to Mr. Irwin, of the Milk Control Bureau, and Mr. Bold, of the Health Officer Dept[ new Frigidaire models • = Mrs. Brice gave a talk at one of the I _ MICHAEL M A H 0 N E Y: = General Contractor Porch gatherings of the Presbyterian I:: Missionary Society, which were held I every Friday morning during the SlImmer. The women of this group had made two layettes for Our Center fluring § the summer months. At the Preschool Clinics. a total of 64 - J. Excavating Private Drive. = Sewers I Charles Parker I Roadwork I Go4-.. space, $173.50; cash price In.talled. space, $183.50, cash pdce Installed. 5~ sq. ft. shelf AGE $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 20 $60.50 30 80.25 40 115.15 50 174.90 Fourth and Following Years $71.20 94.40 135.45 205.75 Olvldend ApPortioned for 1930 • Never before In the history of aulo'matic refrigeration has it been possible to purchase all Porcelainon-steel Frigidaires at so low Q figure. Only Frigidaire's enormous production and having the largest po~ceJain-enamefin9 plant in the world make such prices possible. Then, too, eorh Frigidaire is equip. ped with the famous accessible "Cold Control" that freezes ice cubes quicker and mok-es many new desserts possibk. Corne in immedi. otely, and let us exploin the eosy payment plan that will ploce one of these models in your home ot once. Wel.h Street Chester, P •• 628 • I l'lLdlc. C;aragc. Phone Sw. 563 or 14g~. Largo: .1rd floor room wilh twin beds. Con,'CniO:l1t to Collcgc. Privatc family. Pholle 1374. SHERIFf: SALES S~colld floor furnished room, single or double. :\Jt'als optional. Phone S27R. SHEltIFF'S SALES GARAGE for Rent-315 Vassar ave.. phone 728-M. $6 per mo. WIDE ADAPTABILITY Sing-It· hcm;-e", g;lrage. large lot with tine old . sh'lfle. unusually large roomSi bath, atlie, H. \\. heat. $:;5". S\\'. 1437. $13.20 $58.00 16.90 77.50 23.05 112.40 33.10 1 At the Shcritr's OHlce Court Hause, Media, Pa. ;;lX Saturday, September 27, 1930 At 9:30 O'clock, A. M. AI~rtment. 'fhe Dlenileim. :!:l4 Park Ave. Two bLfOOLllS, Bath and kitchenette. Frigidaire. (Daylight Saving Time) HUmc s6R:!\I. Net Cost Fourth Year on this basis This policy calls for one in.crease in rate beginning with the fourth year; but dividends begin at that lime and if current experience of the Company as to earnings continues, dividends will at least equal the increase Call the Prudential Office and get rate for your age A. G. MOORE Asst. Superintendent County Building, Media, Pa. r .evarl Facias No. 1441 June Term, 1930 cheerful room for one or two in borne ,oi coJJege professor; near Yale Ave. Phone SLIILILY ~II, .lJ5~r. All that certain frame messuage and lot or piece of land, situate on the northerly Third floor apartm-:nt • .2 rooms, bath and kitch- side ot Randall avenue at the distance of r ('neUe, heat and light. $35.00 per month. one hundred eighty-six teet eight lnches 'hon(' Sl\". 773 R. or J3SW. eastwardly from the -easterly side of John==================~==============::18on road Ul tbe TO~bJp ot Upper ~chester In the county ot Delaware Rnd FOR SALE State of Pennsylvanla. ' ~--------~------l;r:.llIl piano, small size, excellent condition. lI',ill sacrifice. ;\Iu:it he sold at onc<[ Just (:01\1'11111" slilail weekly j1aymcnts. In£ormation OL'b, I.e confhlential. Box U, The Swarth· I1LOfl'an. Containing In front measured thence eastwardly along the said Randall avenue forty-six feet eight Inches and extendIng _d depth northwardly conUnutng the same width between lines parallel with the said Johnson road one hundred ten feet. Chevrolet tOil ring car. Good condition. Improvements consist of one and onel>,;f!. Phone 627J. half story frame house. 20x21 feet: oneBtOry frame addition, 6x10 feet. PorcJ:l, front . ~I:,~L'.S dress suit,S ft. 9 in. tall, perfect con. Sold 88 the property of George Pierson 11111011. Straw suitcase included. Phone 566~1. Himes and Luella Hlmes, hls wife, mortand real owners, with notice to terre Ceo.') dining room furniture and ice cbest. gagars tenants 1t any. l;o:a~onablt:. Call Sw. I4Sl'W, Condlttons-$250.00 cash on day of sale: balance in ten days. WANTED - t:( "Ill'man wallts room and hoard. I- ," o. nox LevarI Facias No. 1653 I.a iy withon; car would appreciate communi. June Term, 1930 'LlinK with owner of one who would con. ~~:' r, Ilir)llcra~c charRe or sharing expenses of AU that certain lot or piece of land with (, l~lonal dn\·~s. Box O. The Swarlhmore.an. the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate on the northerly side of -==--~~~~--~~ t'a~l'cntcr work. Jobhing of any description. Thirteenth street at the distance of tlttyseven and thirty-three hundredths feet =- J nrniture repaircd. Phone Swarthmore 3 2 $R. eastwardly from Welsh street in the (ltty of Chester In the COunty of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. FOR SALE Detached; .tucco; 6 room. and bath; Containing In front measured thence lot 80x180; shade; shrubbery; Park eastwardly along said Thtrteenth street, fourteen and thirty-five hundredths feet, Ave.j $7000; liberal term •• and extending _In deEth nOrthwardly conRENT tinuIng the same w dth between parallel Furnished Apartment; $60 per mo., lines at right angles to said Thirteenth including ga., electricity, beat, bot street one hundred twenty feet to a twenty feet wide alley. ""Olfer. .... Apartment; Elmon Apta; $100 per 2 semi-detached frame houses-juat boro; $70.00 and $75.00 per Outside of "0. CHAS. A. SMITH )lmbential .insurance Qfompany of.2\meriOl EDWARD D.DUFFIELD Pmitkllt Phone Swarthmore 70S FOR RENT Modern dwelling, 4 bed room.[ Carage. Good location in borOugh. $ 75 a month. E. C. WALTON TTaey Togethf!r with the right and. use of said alley In common with the owners of other lands abutting thereon. Improvements consist of two-story brick house, 16x36 reet; one-story frame addition, 8x10 feet. Sold as the property of Alfred R, B18hOp and Annie BiShOp, his wife, mortgagors and real owners. with notice to terre tenants If any. Condltlons--$250.00 cash on day of sale; balance tn ten days. GEARY && RANKIN. Attorneys. JOHN J. CAIN[ 8herlft'. CHESTER COKE at Less thUD Winter ONLY EASY PAYMENT TEllltlS YOUR final opportunity to put in your winter sup'ply of a most excellent fuclat a substantial saving in price-will last only a very short time longer. The chilly mornings and cool evenings remind you that you had better not delay action. Place your order at once and take advan. tage of the low price still prevailing. Or. der as many tons as you will need ••• our GEARY & RANKIN. Attorneys, Hou.e; Baltimore Bounded on the east by lands now or P .Setni .. detached Ike; 6 room. and bath; $50.00 per mo. late ot Edward T. Draper and wife and on the west by lands now or late of Ellen Apartment; Elm Ave.; $60 per mo. (ltht SWARTHMORE, PA. THIS OFFER IS FOR A LIMITED TIME Of Real Estate or 1I):_t • Delchester Utilities Corporation PREP SCHOOL TO OPEN NEXT WEEK Swarthmore Prep School 'liill open next \Vcdnesday for the Upper School rllnLi~hl"tl apartment, aaractive, modcrn. :! I~rl-«" rooms, 11alh, "mali kitchcll. Strictiy and next ;rhursday for the Lower l'riv;jtt,_ Phone Sw. II I U. School. Eighteen different states will 1\I'~rtLlll"llt ullfurnished, 2 rlns. hath and kitch. be reprcscnted in the enrollment this I is deservedly popular for Its AgeS US to BB $5.000andup G-6, 9 sq. ft. shelf space, $24S.00,cosh price Installed. AUr,Ldi\·t· 2nd story apaTtment for business p('oplc or students, lI~ar trolley and trailL I1IOUO: 566:\1. dI· fl· ~d 3" \. (Payable Quarterly, Semi-annually or AnnuaUy) G-5. 8 sq. ft•• helf • pace, $215:00;cash' price Installed. So. Chester Rd. and Fairview Rd. •• '-"......................... There is a PRUDENTIAL Po LbluCtYtheum ~ for every kind of life insurance need . . V First Three Years SWARTHMORE MOTORS Hurry in Your Order for DARTMOUTH AVENUE ADJOINING NEWSTAND ""''''''[,',m,,"''w'''''''m'mwm=mwmmm""''''mmow''',,w.wm'w..,m,,m""Wm...""="""".",,,,",,, """m"w"",,,,= Modified Life Policy With Change of Rate at End of Three Years G-31"'~.sq. ft. shelf DISTIKClUISIiED by Us low. Oeet lines. nnd oUractive sport trentment. Same color combinations as the De LuxfJ Roadster. One wide dour admits to front and rcar ficals. Drh'er's sec.t is ndjustable. TIle ultracth'c tun top mntches the upholb1:ery or genuine leatller. Triplex shatter'proor glass windsbleld ami windshield wines fold fiat. enwl lights. side feneler-well for spare ",;heel. trunk r~~!l: L_ ..~ I~UL' :·nd rc::.r bumper.::! are slandard equipment. LOST I ANNUAL PREMIUM LU X E PHAfTON CLASSIFIED OCTOBER 1, NINETEEN THIRTY § children were weighed, measured. and Phone MadIson 594 examined. 45 were found to be delee- rulllll1111l11l11111111I1111111I111111111lll11lll11llllllllllllllll111ll11ii! DE at 417 I ~ NEW FORD \\'. n. will move into NEW QUARTERS I REI'I'ZEI~, President of Council. AI~III~R'f N. GARRETT, JR.. Secretary. Allproved. I .. ANDIS, Burges$.. SWARTHMOREAN Cement work== ~=_I: Grading • FUANK S. The I =_= = =~ I I JOI Station Square 1930. ~ = § I heating expert will be glad to advise which size will meet your requirements best. 7 GOOD REASONS why you should buy Chester Coke I. Easy to huy, hecause of saving in 2. 3. ... 5. price. Clean. Few ashes. Quick, hot fire. Light in weight. (E.II,. lor womfln t. handle when .boyeUns) 6. High quality. 7. Expert will advise on prol)er size and its econom- ical use. [ Try ChelJler Coke lor one .eo.on. Gi~e il a lair trial. You ."ill be agreea.] bl,. .urpriIJed wi,h bo,h 'he re.ut,,, nblrrinell antI 'he economielJ eRec,ed. Can any office listed below. ProDII.t delivery I pmLADELPDIA ELECTRIC COMI-ANY DARBY, PA. CHESTER, PAr 867 Moln Street Da.by 1200 16·l8 E. Firth Streel Chc81cr 6300 UPPER DARBY, PA. ARDMORE, PAr Long Lane and Ludlow Street Boulevard 1600 S E. l~nca8ler A,'cnue Ardmore 3500 MEDIA, PAr 19 Siale Sireet Media 431 E. LANSDOWNE, PA. 32 E. Baltimore Avenue Madi.on 520 SEPTEMBER THE SWARTHMOREAN 20~ 1930 DIRECTOR OF YOUNG 'lias, quilled, Mrs. S. MacMillan, 2nd 1st Polly Hoot, 2nd Jane Smalley, hon- erts, Mrs. Arthur Redgrave,' Mrs. H. Seal, Mrs. Elliott Rich,ardson, Mrs. AnPEOPLE'S WORK HERE :Mrs. Scheibley. Lantanas, 1st, Mrs. orable mention Estelle Sinclair, Flor- P. Blades, Mrs. W. B. Chambers, Mrs. sel Coffin and Miss Muriel Mann. W. A. Raiman, Mrs. Wilfred Ervin, l.eech, 2nd Mrs. Schobinger. Lupines, ence Garrett. Mrs. J. Warren Paxson, was in Mis~ lone. Virginia Sikes who is ~e 1st Mrs. Charles Chickering. Japanese Cultivated artistic arrangement, Eliz- Mrs. Clifford Buck, Mrs. William Earle charge of the Junior Section. Assoclat~ Director of Y0!1ng People s :Anemone, Mrs. Wm. Vlachos. abeth Mann, Elliott Richardson, hon- Kistler, Mrs. Harold' Reese Goodwin Mrs. Claude Smith had charge of the "~'\Vork with the Pennsylvanta State SabPerennial Flowers-Collection lst orable mention John Miller and Billy and Mrs. Arthur HOWland. sale of ice cream and cakes. She \Vas H. :bath Sc!wol. Assoc!ation will make her Mrs. E. A. Jenkins, 2nd Mrs. R. Ann Mitchell. On the vegetable committee were assisted by Mrs. Frank D. Windell. home thIS wmter WIth the Rev. and Mrs. Soodwin. Mrs. George Jones, Mrs. Lovett FresE. ~. Bo~sall . ' ~as served abroad five ~ea!"s, of that local club information from Scran- ?rgtan Cdh"Ibmeshlll Ath'IS. couontry, hCave been I,0 f wor k'll, 'blwl le IlUrrlC( ll The mam entranee will be on Chester tlll~e: ~e was trade commlsslOn~r to ~he ton club women to the effect that ar- m5 a e y t e US~\J1 rgan ompany, as POSSI e. Road and over the east end will be bu'lit PhlItpPllle Islands the: Dutch East IndIes b . d . makers of the beautIful organ presented l The firm of J. Joseph McHugh has , .. . and" other sectIons . . of the, ate rangements area small emg rna e to will openlessen prJ v- th e S war th more Ch lIrc I ' 192? I l t d a bell-tower. \Vhen construction work British IndIa hpmes for fee that 1 111. ~ b'Y 'I ,\ rS'1 (one ": gr~ ea I 0 f ~or.k f?r th e P ennbegan the Nave only will be built d Far East. I f d' h . ,Potter and her daughters 111 memory of 1sylvania rarlroad havmg bUIlt a numbe:, will seat about 400 people Th 'b ~n Mr George says "The new division in tIes cost 0 ~tten mdg bt e ficonventlon. '1 her husband, the late Justice William, of underpasses and' done considerable . e ase.' , cranton IS serve y ve steam ral - PI P t did' d J I k th '1 d' ment, approximately thirty-six by eighty Washington is being created for the ex- roads-The D L & W -D &H Cenumer ot er an (e Icate anuary ~vor ~m e .new ral roa Improveme!lts feet will be used for various pa "h press, purpose of adding to the depart- ra I f N j ' E'· 0 & 14th, 1923. Jill PhIladelphIa. Mr. McHugh standmg activ'it'les and '''1'11 prov'de dd't' rts I me nt's present facilities for serving in- tw 0 d ew e~sey- b~le-1 . t : "1 The chimes, consisting of twenty-five on Chester road and observing the flow '. I a Ilona, . . , . , an two IIlterur an e ec rtc ral - t b h I b d f h'l . h . "'1 d class rooms for the Sunday School. dlvldual manufacturers, dlstrtbutors and roads u es, t e argest num er ever use on aGn, 0 adutohmo hI eS erossmg t fe r..1 roa •• • retailers which detailed advice and asCo'· I . d . h organ, cover two octaves, from G to state t at !! had never be ore seen a sistance. ,?lIlg as t Ie conventIon oes III t e in the middle keyboard, as most hymns crossing which so obviously needed elimWOMEN VOTERS TO . month of October, many women arc usually written. They are of the! ination as the one in Swarthmore. DISCUSS WINTER'S WORK LIBRARY Bolin HOLDS WIll. want to t.JIotor to Sc~anton: Motor highest grade and as complete and fine a i ••• partIes are bemg for!lled III all parts of set as is ever placed in an organ. A joint meeting of tqe Swarthmore FIRST FALL MEETING the state~ gr~ups sharlJ1~ t~e .exPFnse, and There is both a loud and soft attach-' Rachel W. Hillbom and Delaware County Leagues of Womso lessenlllg I" for each mdlvl~uat. ment, the former giving the effect in the, 1837-1930 en. Vote~s will be held at tIle SW!lrthmore The board of the Swarthmore Frec Scranton. IS on. the beautIful Lacka- church of heavy bells and the latter of i • \\-oman s Club House at 2 :30 P. M. Public Library in Borough hall met Mon- wann~ TraIl, conSIdered t~e fi~est motor i distant bells soft and far away. The ~or ncarlr .~ ,half:cntury, thiS beloved Tllesday, September 30th, to consider day evening and discussed the fall pro- road III the country. It IS butl* on the chimes are playable from two keyboards, Friend has reslde~ m S\~art~more and "Ollr Winter's Work." gram. The library hours were changed old road-bed of the D. L. & W. thus insuring the finest musical effects., has rendered devoted servl~e to the welAmong the guests who will give short for Wednesday and the rooms will be "'.~ They will he heard for the first time at, fare of the ,borough, the colle!fe, and talks are Miss Mary Lee Turner Mrs,i open from 2 to 5 :30 in the afternoon on R h 1 W HOllb the Vesper Service to-morrow at quarter I the Swarthmore Monthly Meetlllg of ,\ r'II' ,' . ac e • • om , will be I I~' . Ie was Iler I lam E. Lunt, and'. Mrs. M. w.1 that day instead of in the mornrng as at hefore five o'clock when they 'rlemI s. S0 strong an d SHnp M'Illtgomery, all of whom are officers of! present. Mrs. Rachel ."V. Hillborn, of 508 dedicated in an im~ressive service. : ~haracter ,~hat she was indeed a '.'Mother the Pennsylvania League: ! The library now has 3500 vol limns, . In connection with the installation of I 111 Israel. Steadfastness, sagacIty, and The meeting will also be attended by 12000 adult and 1500 children's books. North Chester road, .dled last Sunday at! the chimes, the Austin Company has i serenity ,w~re among her. outstandin;!f the officers and hcads of standing eom- More people took out books during the her horne. ~he was m her 93r~ year and, gone over the Memorial Organ, retll11-' characterIstIcs.. Her sustall1ed enthllSlmittecs of the Delaware County League summer according to Miss Lindale, Ii- had lived 111 Swarthmore. Slllce .1887 I ing it and smoothing the tone of the asm for the thlll~s that are m~re e;ccelan,1 by the chairmen of _the seven locai brarian, than during last winter. The when she cam~ from PllIladelplua to I pipes, A plastered wall between the or- lent found consistent expresslOIl III a Leagues of the County. installation of additional bookshelves in S,~arthmore WIth her husband, Amos Igall pipes and the outer organ wall has st~ad!ast support of. th~ fundam:ntal ,~ large and interested attendance is Ithe large room was discussed and will HllIborn. . '. been removed, releasing much more ef- I prmclples of etcrnal JustIce and nghtd<'3lred to make an inspiring and helpful i probahly take place soon. Mrs. Hlllborn first hvecl 111 what was fectively than was )1o$sihle before, the eousncss,. Her ~ollnscl was eagerly mC'eting to open the season's work. •• • later to hecome the \Voolman scl~ool at! rich pedal and lower tones of the organ, I sought III committees Of. the Coll~ge • •• Rivals Flower Show Elm avenue and Walnut lane and IS now i It is a matter for congratulation not I Board and Mont.hly Meetll1g, of whIch Johnson-JeglUIII o~ned by the College. The ho,;!se was ~ only to the church hut to the community she was an aChv~ member for many hy her husband and after hIS was so sound an€! ----.,., The Flower Show at t he W oman ,'.JUtlt s h death, that such an enrichment of church wor-I' years,. and Iher ,adVIce f Ib d d Tile wedd'Ing 0 f 'I' Gl a dys A ste J eg- Club last week had a nval . Ilome 111 1891 C she moved to the present ome on 'I ship has heen made possible in Swarth- 1sagacIOus t mt IS was. heit D to . e. foun e .\ ISS at the d I I hester. roa . t II .tl . I more through the generosit"oJ of one of Ii onf a IIc os~ contact WIt tIe t IVll1e s.ourcef " th e daug hter of Mr. an d Mrs. Carl of Mrs. J, E. Snyder on Rutgers avenue North Sh t I TI IU'n I J f S . e was active men a y up 0 WI lin the cOlnlllllnl'ty's Inost hOllor"'l faml·ll·es. 0 a WIS( om. Ie swee seremty 0 h ., eg um, now wart more f ormerIY when the Night Blooming CerellS, tn ~, I of Es h '11 a very .'lhort time before her death and her countenance and presence was realIf' ',t ervl e, Iowa, and Mr. Horace! spite of a downpour of rain,. attracted a was active physically to within a few I • •• : ized by all who knew her to be the re\V~r~JII Johnson, son of Mr. and )'lrs. !considerable crowd that evemng. years ago. Her greatest public interest Births : flection of that Inner Light whieh shines Illtam A. Johnson of The Harvard, I This plant, which blooms only once a was in the college where she served on ! in the soul of man from the Light of !~>()k c place at 4 :30 )'fonday afternoon at r year with large starlike flowers of pure the board of managers from 1887 to 1913,1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Andes an-! God's own countenance. Re , Valley Forge Memorial Chapel. The I white, is unusual i~ anC?ther respect. She was also largely instrumental nounce the birth of a son Charles Lov-: We are grateful that she has lived, and h \ere11d W. Herhert Burke performed 1 just as the flowers are III their full develop- along with ]'frs, Lydia Hall in establish-! ett, Jr., born September 23rd at the Jos- i that she has lived in our community. in eph Price Memorial Hospital in Phila-,I May we not show our gratitude by seekt (' ceremony. Mr. James Jones played, ment and as they begin to fade, they give ing the Friends' Monthly two selections on the violin. The bride Ioff a wonderfully sweet perfume. Swarthmore, and an earnest worker delphia. ing more devotedly to live closer and be Was attended hy Helen Robinson * • • in the interest of "Voman's Sufferage Mr. and Fred Brill, Swarthmore more obedient to the Divine SOurce of Estherville, Iowa. Mr. Claire Jeglum, The S'WarlllllJorealJ regrets that credit when that was a current question and in and Ogden avenues, announce thc birth steadfastncss, sagacity and sercnity which F()~th(:r. of the bride, acted as best m~n., was not given in last week's article on the International Peace during the war. She of a daughter Judith Ellen, Sunclay, Sept, is always accessihle to those who seck for r lowrng the ceremony there was a dm-I' Flower Show to M. J. Mahoney for was also an active member of the 121, at the Samaritan Hospital, Philadcl-: it in spirit and in truth~ n at the Springhaven Country Cluh for bringing in the rocks and stones used in Swarthmore Woman's Club for many I phia. Mrs. Brill was formerly ~liss Eve ••• ~ ~ members of the family ancl intimate the rock garden. Insufficient credit was years. Alger. R Artru b ,rtends. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will live also given Mrs. Wilfred Irvin who helped Memorial services were held in the! ~Ir. and Mrs. George Andrews Hay umseye a In Swart!1more. • • .. to a great extent in building the rock Friend's Meeting house at Swarthmore announce the birth of a son George An. . . En' t An d garden and decorating the clubhouse. Tuesday afternoon. The deceased is sur- drews Hay, Jr., born August 21 at GarTI~e wcddlllg of MISS Marte Artrueba gagemen ~ou~ce vived by two daughters, Miss Annie Hill- den City. Mrs. Hay was formerly ~liss 1of Ridley Park and Mr. John Rumsey o~ lrr. and Mrs. M: Herbert Paul of 536 Make Skip-Stop Stop born of 508 'North Chester road and Alice Casey. Swarthmore took place last WedneadQ O gden avenue announce the engagement ~{r!i. J. W. Philips of Wilmington, DelaMr. and ~rrs. J. Burris W~st of at the .home of the bride's p~rents: Afof their daughter' Florence Middleton Vassar avenue which has been a sk!p- ware; and two granddaughters, Miss Ann Princeton avenue announce th~ bIrth of ter their return from ~ we~dll1lf tnp. Mr. Paul and Joseph Ne,,·rt9P Pew, son of stop on the M~ia-Darby trolley hne Hillborn Philips and Miss Helen Ruth a daughter born Sunday mommg at the and Mrs. Rumsey Will hve In Ridley llr. and Mrs. John G. Pew of Moylan. since the war is now a regular stop. Ph ili p,s. University Hospital in Philadelphia. Park. I I I 1 11 I °. f . ;5 NY' I lo~ely I' I I I I I I ° I' ~f h ~riss wa.~ I I I I ••• ; M~eting ~rrs. 2 THE SWARTHMOREAN for enthusiastic and tireless work which bas added much joy to my work as Garden Committee Chairman. To the Swarthmoreans: Gratefully yours, It gives me pleasure to express theu Agnes R. Zimmer. your columns my gratitude to all the •• 8 Swarthmore gardeners and flower lovers Bazaar Nov. 20th for their cooperation in making the Fifth Annual Flower Show possible and sucThe Bazaar o[ the Methodist Ladies' cessful. . Aid will be held November 20th. Carroll Thayer Correspondence BUILDER I OUT OF THE HOUSE OF MAGIC I I Considering the the hot past dry weather during summer,which our r I"prevailed =-==============: GENERAL@ELECTRIC FULL RANGE RADIO, HOWARD KIRK Icongratulations, for thehave many and won fine 'Swarthmore gardeners indeed blooms they exhibited at the Show. One AttOTn""'.at.Law Ientry contained a collection of twenty -J eight different garden flowers. artistically 14 South Ave. Media, Pa. arranged. The junior section also showed a gain Media 197 in quantity and quality over previous years. HOME JOBBER I wish to thank the judges for giving of their time and services so cheerfully; All kind. of Repair. in aDd around :r..Hss Ada Marot of the Maret Flower the home. Electrical Repair. &lid Ia.Shop for her generous loan of blooming .tallation a SpeeiaJl7'~ plants which gave color to the Rock GarA. M. ALLISON'" SON den; Arthur CoUin.s for the fine ever.. greens, lI.:Ir. 'htf. J. Mahoney for the 311 Va..v A~e. stones; Mrs. Wyeth for the colorful pot- PhoDo Swarth. 1160 tery which added very much to the Ter-I race and Rock Garden with the Garden II tables and accessories cheerfully loaned I by club members. MEDIA LAUNDRY, INC. To the Swarthmm-.an and Chester ft Times for generous space in both papers, and to each member of my committee HEAR THE NEWTYP£ RECEIVER MADE BY TH E MAfTERr OF RADIO !:==============::! • SUPER-SELECTIVE' • SUPER-SENSITIVE' • SUPER-TONE ••• ! COME IN TODAY AND SEE THESE , BEAUTIFUL MODELS i'==============il BRETZ & THOMAS PARK AND DARTMOUTH AVES. Phone Media 174 SWARTHMORE. PA. MEDIA THEATRE MEDIA, PA. WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII£! = - Free Delivery = = SEPTEMBER 27, 1930 "Serving Swarthmore Successfully Since 1900" Finished Wash of Every Description Today--Saturday Polly Moran and Marie Dressler in "CAUGHT SHORT" Sw. 761-762 MARTEL BROS. Monday and Tuesday William Powel in "FOR THE DEFENCE" FRESH LIMA Wednesday and Thursday Constance Bennett STARTING OCTOBER 3RD. A MUSIC KINDERGARTEN for boys and girls from three to six years of age meets twice a week (Tuesdays and Fridays at 10 A. M.) for an hour of music, play and study at the home of MARGARET L. WALKER Telephone SWARTHMORB 461 215 HAVERPORD AVENUE ~===::=::==::================::~ Let Guernsey Milk Solve the Problem of Better Health For Your Family! Give Nature a Chance to Make and Keep You Well! Get real value in the milk you buy. The Penncrest Farms Herd of 60 head has been Federal accredited for Tuberculosla since 1922. Call Media 1116-W or 1116-J and we will begin delivery at once or send our representative to call on you if you wish., PENN CREST FARMS Middletown Road and ROle Tree Road (NEAR LIMA) WALTER SMEDLEY, Owner WM. P. SMEDLEY, Lessee 19c. ~ pk. =1 • ~ Stanley.Warner Theatres = • .- FREE STONE Stanley, Chester Saturday, Monday, Tuesday Constance Bennett in "THREE FACES EAST" Wed., Thur., Fri • "THE OFFICE WIFE" With Dorothy Mackaill Lewis Stone PLUMS STATE THEATRE Entire Week John Barrymore in "MOBY DICK" 19c. box WASHINGTON THEATRE NOTE:Store closed Th:~:~;:::~nd ; = Clams, every day § ",111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 f,§ Monday, Tuesday "JOURNEY'S END" Wednesday, Thursday John McCormack in "SONG OF MY HEART" Friday, Saturday ''SWING HIGH" Visit the newly decorated and renovated home of SPICED VIRGINIA BAKED HAM FULL LINE OF CANNED GOODS AND DELICATESSEN FOODS, PASTRIES ICE CREAM, FRESH EGGS, BUTTER, COLD MEATS -111111- LOU GREEN Morto n, .. rae BEN JAM IN L. K NEED L E R i~OO~d~p~a~r~ty~y~c~st~e~rd~a~y~a~[t~em~o~o~n~at~t~he~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~W~A~R~T~H~M~O~R~E~7~3~'~W~~~ I I I VENEZ VOIR LE VILLAGE FRANCAIS JAMES A. PILSON Thursday and Friday 2:00 to 10:00 p. m. Saturday 10:00a.m. to 10:00 p. m. USEFUL AND FANCY ARTICLES .+.Jr. 1+ J • I I II f I .4 tI- t. Domestic and Foreign - CANDIES HOME-MADE CAKES and BREAD 7 Chester Road KENT'S CLOTHES SOLD AT MILL PRi~ES That's just what thousands have done - DISCOVERED -that the fall and winter styles in Kent's Clothes comprising woolens and worsteds of the better class are unequaled in price elsewhere. MEN'S SUITS LADIES' SPORTS COATS $17.50 to $23.50 $17.50 to $27.50 BOYS' SUITS AUTO ROBES $9.50 to $17.50 $3.00 to $7.00 Just drop in anytime when passing and glance around our RETAIL DEPARTMENT and convince yourself. The DIFFERENCE WHEN YOU BUY FROM THE MILL Kent Manufacturing Co. Est. 1843 On the Baltimore Pike Open Sat. till 5 P.M. ORDERS DELIVERED FREE Call Sw. 1285 Meat Dept. Mgr. F. DONAHUE Clifton Heights, Pa. Use LindbergtJ Bridge the old folks- MUSIC EACH EVENING I' Exhibition of Paintings and Sketches by Local Artists I Bring the Children to the I! ,I Grocery Mgr. , N. BOWMAN • I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I t I I I +I I I I I • I I I 10 ...... II If +-t .. ++. BLANKETS $5.00 to $10.00 IT MAKES A department? Stop in today! $22.50 to $30.00 TOPCOATS PLANTS and FLOWERS SMOKES FORTUNE TELLERS Bargains at the "WHITE ELEPHANT" 9~hole "Goofy Golf" Bowling "Side Shows" Have you visited our re-opened meat To Order RETAIL DEPARTMENT The Sweet Shop ~Ir. ALMAR STORES 1.11111111111111111.11111111111111144'1.4.1111111111. 13 Morton Avenue C~~~e~;"'k 'I J f I II • I I I I 15c. ~ pk. ~ § ;0 IIW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i I FRESH CRISP - SPINACH ada. Mr~. Levi~ will remain in Swarth· Strath Haven aVenue this week. Mr. h Perry was the guest of honor at a bridg om~ of Mrs. Fussell on Riverview ave~ an instructor in the department of ecamore for the wmtcf. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gemmil of Dickin- party given by Mr. and }frs. Roy CornIe; ~lUe Ill. honor of .Mrs.. J~l11es Irvine who nomics at the University of Buffalo. lS movmg to Cahforllla In October. Mrs. Ezra T. Cresson, Jr., of Amherst ~lr. and Mrs. J. H. Jessup of Haver- son avenue have returned from Virginia 011 Thursday evening. ford avenue have returned from \VaU- ~here they spent t~~ summer at the ~'lr. and Mrs. A. L. 11atJack of Park Mr. Newlin R. Smith returned to Buf~ avenue entertained at bridge Thursday iJ\~ford. Vermont, where they spent the ~~s ofH~~s. dG~n::l s f l~ot~er: ,a~'cnue have just returned from New I falo OIl Sunday to resume his work as evening. su!llmer. \..there a\cshe Show. They thcv also attended visited fri~ Wily Harvey, 5011 of Mr. and Mrs. \V. Il~H; has . returned \ar from 1r 0Boston ...'1 a)-cUe York where th ds R a (j" vIsited her mother Mrs. Andrew Burns Sheepshead Long lsI d n n ~L Harvey of Columbia avenue celebrated his seventh birthday by entertainClub met yesterday aftcrLouis J: Serv:i: ·is spending the ing his young friends at a party Tuesday. noon at the home of Mrs. Horace Wal- week-end at \Vtldwood Crest, N.· J. TEACHER OF His guests were George and Alec Ewing, ters to discuss circulating books for the Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde are PIANO ORGAN HARMONY N(lrman and Thelma Hughes, Roy Wilspending the week-end as the guests of Unexcelled opportunity.offered for Organ study and practice lis, Jimmie Davis_ Edward and Dwight coming year. Mr. and Mrs. David Lukens and faOl- Mr. and )'lrs. Samuel Lloyd Irving at Cooley. . DEAN, SCHOOL OF MUSIC }.[r. Samuel Clyde, Jr. spent last week- i1y of Strath Haven avenue have rcturn- their summer home at Northeast Shore, ed from Ocean City. .l\laryland. Philadelphia Polytechnic Insdtute end with Percy and Frands Madeira in s Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Shoem~ker .Mis Abigail Yare of Ambler is visitORGANIST-SwaTthmorc Presb,terian Church Gcnnantown. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. ]. Donald iog Miss Jane Hanna. ),fr. Harold Goodwin of Yale avenue is ~1~s. G. \Vardcr Cresson and l\.{rs. Telephone Gibson last week-end on their boat on the Residence spending this week in Lancaster' and Chesapeake. Lewl.S FusseIJ entertained at a neighbor308 MAPLE AVENUE S r(Irk on business. The Community Mothers' Club meets at the J. Russen Hayes farm on the The Fireside wiII hold a picnic today with Mrs. Elias Kelsey of Swarthmore Brandywine. avenue, Rutledge. Mr. Roland G. E. Unman was on a ~Ir. and Mrs. Harold B. Griffin of Rut- fishing trip over the past week-end at gers avenue entertained at bridge Satur- Ocean City, Maryland. Mrs. John Drnar is in Blacksburg, day evening. ~[r. Harry C. Bye and two daughters V.irginia, with her grand daughter Peggy have dosed their cottage in Ocean City LIttle who has taken a.position in the liand have returned to their home on Col- brary of Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Davis of lege avenue. ~frs. Ellwood Garrett of Princeton Westdale avenue moved on Thursday of arcllue is expecting her mother Mrs. this week to Ridgewood, N. ]. Mr. 11ary Levis of Kansas and her sjster Davis was transferred to the New York Mrs. Bancroft Trainor of Toronto, Can- office of his firm. The bridge cluo o[ which Mrs. Davis is a member entertained for her at the Katharine Tea Phono Media 26 E.tabliohed 1857 Room near Conshohocken recently. Miss Louise Archer Clyde entertained W. C. RIGBY &: SONS at an informal dance Tuesday evening in Funeral Director. &: Embalmer. honor Qf Miss Mary Jane Bailey of 110 Woat State Street ZanesviHe, Ohio, who is the house guest of Miss Mary Gray van Keuren of Media, Pa. Chester. There were thirty guests. 1\(is,s Bailey and Miss Clyde have left [or Miss ,Madeira's School ill Washington, D, C. LIGHTING &. POWER WIRING Mr. and 1\1rs. J. A. Perry of Thayer ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR road SIlent last week-cnd at their cottage [07 Sylvan Avenue Rutledge in Cape May. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Lange and famCan be reached at Sw. 1145 ily of Baltimore Pike have returnt~d from a motor trip to Wisconsin. AT THE The Woman's Bible class of the Pres. byterian Church will resume its sessions Sept. 28th, Mrs. R. E. Smith, who with her d;"lighter Miss Elizabeth Smith, has hecII visiting with her mother Mrs. E. G. ~roore of 116 Cornell avenue has sailed for California via the Panama Canal. Mr. Ralph V. Little, Jr., has resumed his studies at Pennsylvania State Colh. . ge. Mr. Samuel Perry of Birmingham, GEORGE GU.I,BSpm & CO. Alabama, who was one of the contestants in the National Amateur Golf TournaOld Bank Bldg. Sw.1129 ment at Merion, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ward of News Notes I Friday and Saturday Lon Chaney in "THE UNHOLY THREE" .•- SWARTHMOREAN Swarthmore Preparatory School "COMMON CLAY" I THE OCTOBER 2, 3 and 4 m BEANS SEPTEMBER 27, 1930 I!II i! I' II iI II :, I CAFETERIA Home Cooking Each Day from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. -SPECIALSTHURSDA Y: Fresh Lobster a la Newburg , i1 I iI FRIDAY: Chicken a la King and Waffles I SATURDAY: Deviled Crabs 1 The old fo1b back home would like to hear your voice. Give them a thrill -call them aptonight. CHILDRENS' CORNER and "MENAGERIE" I I VISIT THE "Country Store and Revive Memories of the Dimming Past" FOR THE BENEFIT OF TRINITY CHURCH BUILDING FUND THE 2 SWARTHMOREAN for enthusiastic and tireless work which has added much joy to my work as Garden Committee Chairman. To the Swarthmoreans: Gratefully yours, ! It give,s me pleasure to express thru I Agnes R. Zimmer. ~ •VOll! columns my gratitude to all the I • iii , Swarthmore gardeners and flower lovers Bazaar Nov. 20th ! for their cooperation in making the Fifth I Annual Flower Show possible and suc~ The Bazaar of the Methodist Ladies' , cessful. . Aid will be held November 20th. Carroll Thayer Correspondence BUILDER OUT OF THE HOUSE OF MAGIC I GE NERAL@ ELECTRIC Considering the the hot past dry weather I,prevailed during summer.which our r=:=============~ FULL RANGE congratulations, for thehave many and won fine Swarthmore gardeners indeed III blooms they exhibited at the Show. One RADIO '=============== • SUpm-SELECTIVE' • SUPER-SENSITIVE' • SUPER- TON E ••• ! COME IN TODAY AND SEE THESE BEAUTIfUL MODELS i===============ii BRETZ & THOMAS *- PARK AND DARTMOUTH AVES. SWARTHMORE. PA. MEDIA THEATRE MEDIA, PA. ~ llIIllIIlIlIIlIlIIlIIlIlIIlIlIIlIIlIIlIIlIIlIlIIllIlIIlIlIlIIllIIllIIlIIlE = = twice a week (Tuesdays and Fridays at 10 A_ M.) for an hour of music, play and study at the home of MARGARET L. WALKER Telephone SWARTHMORE 461 215 HAVERFORD AVENUE Finished Wash of Every Description Let Guernsey Milk Solve the Problem of Better Health For Your Family! Nature a Chance to Make and Keep You Well! GitJe Get real value in the milk you buy. The Penncrelt Farms Herd of 60 head has been Federal accredited for Tuberculoris since 19ZZ. Call Media 1116·W or 1116-J and we wU1 begin delivery at once or send our representadve to call on you if you wish. PENNCREST FARMS Middletown Road and ROle Tree Road (NEAR LIMA) WM. P. SMEDLEY, L ••••• WALTER SMEDLEY, Own.r Monday and Tuesday William Powel in "FOR THE DEFENCE" §I 19c. 34 pk. Lon Chaney in "THE UNHOLY THREE" ada. Mrs. Levis will remain in Swarth- Strath Haven aVenue this week. Mr. Perry was the guest of honor at a bridge more for" the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gemmil of Dickill- party given by :Mr. and ~[rs. Roy Comley M son avenUe have returned. from Virginia on Thursday evening. :\Ir. and rs.]. H. Jessup of Haver- where they spent the summer at the ford avenue have returned from Wall- home of Mrs. Gemmil's mother. ,Mr. and Mrs. A. L. ~fatlack of Park indord. Vermont, where they spent the Mrs. Howard Kirk of La.fa)'ette a,'c- a~'enue have just returned from New ,UlI 1II • lIue has returned from Boston where she IerHan'ey, son of Mr. and Mrs. \V. visited her mother Mrs. Andrew Burns Show. \.ork where ti,e - Dilly They thc)· also attell,lc,l visited friends in ~f. Harvey of Columbia avenue cele- Chalmers. Sheepshead, Long Island. brated his seventh birthday by entertainThe Book Club met yesterday after~[r. Louis J. Servais is spending the in~ his young friends at a party Tuesday. noon at the home of Mrs. Horace \Val- week-end at Wildwood Crest, N .. }. ]-lis guests were George and Alec Ewing, ters to discuss circulating books tor the Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Clyde are N'lrlnan and Thelma Hughes. Roy Wil- coming year. spending the week-end as the guests of IIS, · J.ImmlC . D aVIS, . Ed . ht '\ • ward an d D wig Mr. and Mrs. David Lukens and fam- .l.\fr; and ~Irs. Samuel Lloyd Irving at C(loley. . ily of Strath Haven avenue have return- their summer home at Northeast Shore ),Ir..Samuel Clyde, Jr. spent last week- ed from Ocean City. .Maryland. ' ('UtI With Percy and Francis :Madeira in Mr. and Mrs. ]. Walter Shoemaker ..Mis~ Abigail Yare of Ambler is visitGermantown.. . w~re guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald IIlg MISS Jane Hanna. :'Ir.. Harol? GoodWin. of Yale avenue IS Glbson last week-end on their boat on the )'f~s. G. \Vardcr Cresson and Mrs. spl'udlng thiS week m Lancaster' and Chesapeake. Lewl.S Fussell entertained at a neighbor- SPINACH = fi~oo~._ The Community Mothers' Club meets with Mrs. Elias Kelsey of Swarthmore ,w('uue, Rutledge. )'lr. and Mrs. Harold B. Griffin of Rutgcrs avenue entertained at bridge Saturday evening. \( H C B d d h ~ r. arry : ye an ~wo aug ters 15c. 34 pk. I = -: :- ~ FREE STONE ~ PLUMS = N!T~~=.~ : = I Thursdf: ~:l~~:;r = 2nd F~~::':'i:~e?:~~e;s ~ : ;0;< 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ STATE THEATRE ._- Entire Week John Barrymore in "MOBY DICK" KENT'S CLOTHES SOLD AT MILL PRi(ES WASHINGTON THEATRE That's just what thousands have done - DISCOVERED Monday, Tuesday "JOURNEY'S END" We of 110 We.t State Street Zanesville, Ohio, who is the housF. guest of Miss Mary Gray van Keuren of Mec1ia, Pa. Chester. There were thirty guests. Miss Bailey and Miss Clyde have left for :h.Hss Madeira's School in \Vashillgton, D. C. LIGHTING &. POWER WIRING Mr. and Mrs. ]. A. Perry of Thayer ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR road spent last week-end at their cottage 107 Sylvan Avenue Rutledge in Cape May. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Lange and famCan be reached at Sw. 1145 ily of Baltimore Pike have returned from a motor trip to Wisconsin. The Woman's Bible class of the Presbyterian Church will resume its sessions Sept. 28th. Mrs. R. E. Smith, who with her d... "ghter Miss Elizabeth Smith, has bccn visitiilg with her mother Mrs. E. G. 111 Dare of 116 Cornell avenue has sailed for California via the Panama Canal. Mr. Ralph V. Little. Jr., bas resumed his studi~ at Pennsylvania State Collcge. Mr. Samuel Perry of Birmingham, GEORGE GILLESPIE & CO. Alabama, who was Olle of the contestants in the National Amateur Golf TournaOld Bank Bldg. Sw.1129 ment at Merioll, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ward of ALMAR STORES Stanley, Chester ; IN L. K NEED L E R Domestic and Foreign Stanley-Warner Theatres Saturday, Monday, Tuesday Constance Bennett in "THREE FACES EAST" Wed., Thur., Fri. "THE OFFICE WIFE" With Dorothy Mackaill Lewis Stone home of !frs. Fussell on Riverview ave- an instructor in the department of eeonue ill honor of Mrs. James Irvine who nomies at the University of Buffalo. is moving to California in October. Mrs. Ezra T. Cresson, Jr., of Amherst Mr. Newlin R. Smith returned to Bufavenue entertained at bridge Thursday fs the underpass WOUld. have !)roject .,~ould get al?ng more r.allidly been started without the agitation of If puhhclty were ,vlthheld untIl the the past two months, hut there was no survey ~f !he possit.'lc route ,!cre comharm in letting the R. R. know that pleted. fillS work IS now fimshcd and we were ready to fight for the rights within a short time the people of that we believed honestly belonged to Swarthmore will be called upon to IIUlO-~[ORNDiG TRINITY CHURCH WORSHIP. Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S.T .M. Kneedler. Sunday Services At 5.00, Vesper \Vorship and Dcdic;J_ tion. S:OO A. M. Holy Communion. 7.00-Thc Young People. All new 9 :45 A. M. Sunday School. comerS invited. 11:00 A. M. Morning Prayer and I Wednesday: Sermon. 8.1)O..':-Service preparatory to Holy Communion. Mr. Guenther will preach THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS MONEY BUILDS MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON Funeral Direct... Sunday and Embalmen 5-9.45 A. M ..-First Day School in IOct.\Vhittier House. Interior Decorator I Park Avenue Below Harvard "- gold pin set with pearis alld .!'appllires. Sw. 13. FOR RENT ! PROMOTION DAY I 2 rooms and bath, attractive. private, (mllt"uient location, students or business T(,>ll'it,. Swarthmore sAAO'C'TT"'IViTiiE'L~Y;-"FiiU;;;R..N;;;liCS;;:HiiE..D..- Penna. Gas and Electric Corp. 7% Cumulative 'Preferred Stock FOR SALE I Detached; stueeo; 6 room. and bath; 80d80; shade; .brubbery; Park Ve.; $1000; liberal terms. At '~i:d'~~be.: Apartment; $GO Warren A. Tyson & Co. Incorporated 1518 Inveltment Securities WALNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA "Cold Control," flat top, el.... vated shelvel,-and an extra- powerful mechanical unit, completely inclosed and incredibly quiet. Never before have you had on opportunity like this • • Come in for a complete demonstrotion. • per mo., Baltimore A 6 rooms and bath; $50.00 per mo. Select your own terms Partment; Elm Ave.; $60 PCI' mo. Il:! APa..tment; ElmoD Apts; $100 per o. Small down payment -a littl. each GII~ .Ierni·detached frame bouses-ju.t ltJo.alde of boro; $70.00 and $75.00 pel' CHAS. A. SMITH Phone Swarthmore 705 Delaware County Representadve F. R. STEVENSON, Jr. 110 Powellon Ave. Lanodowne, Pa. Telephone-Madison 6474 out, with the new, accessible I'U, electricity, heat, hot House; refrigeration. Porcelain-an-steel inside and RENT : FOR RENT Modern dwelling, 4 bed rooms. Good location in bor$75 a month. E. C. WALTON 2 THE HOME ofJames C Baker, 1428 Chmnut Street, Chesler, wat healed with gat lasl winter al a most moderale I". CO. ~ :: = = Clara L. DaVIS, all of Lansdowne. They wore go\vns of peach chiffon with ~~~t::~ B · ' In . U sed C ars argains Both modern and antique rugs on ;; 5 display at unusual prices. iii Don't mOp iss tbis. W10nderful - portUQlty S 1ardelle, M i~s Mary Case, and Dr. ;;11ll1l1l1ll1l1l1ll1ll1ll1l1111111111ll11111111111111111111111111111111111i:l LOST AND FOUND Jr.~ii5 . I P. M. to 4 P. M., Church Edifice. Edifice. -1=:: = = L. Smith of Philadelphia, Miss May B. SALES and SERVICE OFFICIAL INSPECTION STATION NO. 1991 her father and the best man was Mr. R.The Drummond bride wasSmith given ofin Philadelphia, marriage CLASSIFIED t,.:.,t-O\'al shaped 11.00 A. M.-Sunday School. II :00 A. M.-Sunday Lesson-Sermon. THIS. OFFER IS FOR A UMITED TIME Ludlow Slreet ISABELLE V. de W. RYAN. Services CHESTER CO atLess thaD Winter (S;gnedJ FOR". FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE and IiUies of the valley. _ The bride was accompanied by her sister Miss Eleanor Kennedy as maid of honor. Miss Kennedy wore a gown of aquamarine blue chiffon with satin lay court; and for grading, seeding, .and flanlillg the grounds of the Rutgers Avenue ~bool and transplanting trees on the College ).~en\!~ grounds. Plans .;lnd specifications may ~ $twred from Mr. Frank N. Smith, Stephen Girard Buildin g b Philadelphia, Of from the ~ffice of the Sc 001 Distnct, College Avenue Building, Swarthmore, Pa. Quilting in Whittier House. Box luncheon. Nov. 6, Thuraday-The Friends' BiSermon Subjects. ennial Social Service Fair. All are cordially invited to join I J.(JO-"NOTHING AGAINST -IlUT in these .ervices Successor to George Scballe. Upholsterinl'. Antique Reproductions past two years she taught at the Sw;,rthmore ~igh. school and previousl:' at Sharon HIlt.' h U. ).: r. Smith is a graduate of t e Dlrer;;..ty of Pennsylvania and the Uni- IJrinl: concrete walks and an outdoor asphalt 216 SOUTH ORANGE ST. Oct. 5--9.45 A. M.-Adult Class in the CHURCH Medi__ P.. ~I ecting House. PhODeI .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11,00 A. M_Meeting for Worship in joins with her sister churches in cal1ing Swarthmore 1225 the Meeting House. Window Shades you to worship September 28 Wednesday FRED J. HARLEY 9,30 A. M. to 2,30 P. M.-Sewing and == leigh Cruickshank assisling. § The bride wore a gown of ivory ~1I1Il1J1ll1I1I1l1ll1l1l1II1I1J1II1ll1ll1l1l1II1II1II1l1l1l1l1II1II11ll1I1£ satin t.rimmed. with. duchess lace and a ORIENTAL RUG SALE tull veIl cap tIed WIth orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of roses To be held at the French Village• .5 _ "ded bids will be rccdved by the Swartb .. I:lo-re 'S-chool Board up to 7.30 P. M., Eastern Stan,:3rd Ti~e. ~ctol:.rer . .i'~h. for the ,installa. lion "f certam totIet faclhttcs. and a sank; for THE METHODIST I~ Swarthmore PresbyterIan The bride attended the Swarthmore High School and later graduated from Oberlin College and from Miss IIIman's Kin,lergarten Training s~hool. For the = ,,,,'t)· Law School. He was admitted slipp.ers to match and carried bronze dahbas. = PAULSON & SEALED BIDS The bridesm aids were Miss Renee . someth-'-' I t I Church buildings, but it takes continual "There IS IIlg 111 t IC very coun Service and Sacrifice to keep the enance of those who walk with God, that gives authority to all they say." breath of life in them. ~~~~~~~' LoD&" LaDe and ~~1l!r:~~ = The church was beauti[ully decorat- and ~Ir. ~(errill Lynn o[ Lewisburg.! § ;r.. son of ).(r. and 1frs. J. \ViIIison ed for the wedding and the service' A reception at the home of the ~tl1ith of St. David's ;nd Si l So. ~th Iwas conducted by the Rev. Dr. John bride's parents for members of the two ,trcd, took place last atur ay even~ng Eller)' Tuttle and the Rev. Dr. Bur- families [ollowed the ceremony. I Hurry in Your Order for 5 to the bar a week before his marriage brother of the groom. The ushers were ',e11 "'enue, and Mr. J. \VilIison Smith Tbe HS-VESPERS. DEDICATION OF THE ORGAN CHIMES IN ME~I. ORY OF MRS. WILLIAM PLV. ~fER POTTER. At 4.45, ORGAN WORSHIP, Mr. Chester Road and CoUege Avenue Rector has as her guests her mother Mrs. Roessler of Bridgeport, Conn., Mrs. Fairchild and Miss Klein of New York. Mrs. Robert G. Gilfillan entertained her bridge club Friday at her home. Mrs. Charles Israel of Wheeling, West Virginia, was a guest of Mrs. J. E. Snyder of Rutgers avenue this week. Mrs. S. Melton Brant and Mrs. W csley Clifford entertained at tea last Friday afternoon. Funliture Repairia.B' Custom Made Muhlenbei gAve. Furniture Rutledge, P... Smith-Kennedy and will take up active practice -at Mr. ]. Winslow Smith, and Mr. Har- lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJlJlIlIlIIlIlIIlIIlIlIIlIIlIlII11I1II1J1J1II1I1II1II1Il1,lS 1'heKennedy, wedding of Miss Elizabeth daughter of Mr. Madand once with a prominent firm of Phila- old J. Saxon of Philadelphia, Mr.;; _ ~[r~. George E. Kennedy of 210 Cor- delphia attorneys. Samuel C. Fleming of Ridley Park I~ Pastor preaches ACTING GOD. Protestant Episcopal I • Mrs. J. S. Bates of Haverford avenue After the UDderpass THE SWARTHMOREAN , "Oll Mr. and ~lrs. Jacob Meschter of Dickinson avenue and Mr. Roland L. Eaton were among those who attended the Allentown Fair last week. SATURDAY, SEPTEMIlER 27, 1930 - PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY c.All Suburban Stores J PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY. Please haveyourHeating Engineers call to give an estimate ofthe cost of gas heat in my home, without obligation to me. NAME,__________________ ADDRESS,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ TIMIEE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ".!': ., t··~·:·. 6 THE SWARTHMOREAN SEPTEMBER.27, 1930 members of the Board of Managers and The Delaware County Chapter of D. ~couts from the eastern countries to as. to the Faculty of the College. A. R. held a bridge party at the Spring- 51st at the· final match of the Amateur . . • • • . haven County Club Thursday. Golf C~ampionship To~rnament plaYed J. "\I" M' M . d her son, Phil- John K. Mitchell of Yale E' Avenue has on 11 SSmIth, R Stuart . h son f EIof Dr. and Mrs. left bv ~nrs.",' anon • erflS an hEal od the hnks of the MerIon Golf Course usse on Tuesday mit 0 formCornell avenue,. . oJ Ip • . 0 f N ew Y or k City were get ay. Umverslty •~1 errls . the been selected as one of the Ig t motor · a seDlor " m the Scllool of guests of Mr.I and Mrs. ' Robert LIvezey -=:: h e IS h were k Coates, of Harvard avenue, t liS wee . . 1ture. A gncu News Notes Chrysler Motor Cars Plymouth " " Goodyear Tires General " Sun Gas . Richfield Gas Betholine Quality Oils Moderl) gprt:o-date greasing 'equipment * * * * * * RUTH HILL MUNCE :Miss Jane Hanna is attending Miss Dr. J. Russell Smith of Elm avenue is IIlman's School in Philadelphia. remaining for a few weeks at his far~ * * * at Round Hill, Virginia, where he IS VIOLIN 215 Cornell Ave. • * * M~~~C~~P~~~~w~~~ru~~~.~~~e~~~!~~P~h~~~e~4~6~4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ returned from Bar Harbor, Maine. * * * Mr. and Mrs. William Sprout Lewis Mrs. Henry A. Piper returns in a few and Mr. and Mrs. John Fricke are the days from a trip to Cleveland, Ohio, guests of Mr. and Mrs. B.ayard H. Morwhere Mr. Piper is doing some special rison, Jr., at the shore thIS week-end. work for his firm. She also visited re1a- ============= I tives in Pittsburgh for a week. • • • Miss Florence Paul leaves this week for Cedarcrest College in Allentown. I Slip Covers MILDRED 411 Dartmouth Ave. Draperies A Sh nna c a11es • • * President and Mrs. Frank Aydelotte have issued invitations for a reception on the afternoon of October 7th to the SWARTHMORE MARKET FREE DELIVERY Phone, Sw. 1225 Now Swarthmore Agency for famous JUNKERS BREAD AND ROLLS Muhlenberg Ave• Rutledge s' PEN C·E R TEACHER PIANIST T Phones Sw. 188, 950 ... STORE CLOSED THURSDAY OCT. 2 FOR HOLIDAY T announces the re-opening of her Studio The Store for Particular People - - - l\.tAx ARONOW, Manager Exide Batteries Season 1930-31 FINE GRADE MEATS Battery Service 330 SWARTHMORE AVENUE- PHONE SWARTHMORE 133 GEORGE MITRO, Manager Meat Department Service Batteries Good Used Cars Accessories Bulbs, Fan Belts, . Spark Plugs, Etc. PACKARD EIGHT Car Washing by Power Machine DE LUXE ;}lne.it oj 'aIL the worldJ ]lne Om.:£... Tire .Changing Equipment Road Service Car Inspection to Meet· State Requirements In other words a Complete One-Stop Service Station in your midst· second to none Fifte~n 'Employees • at your service HANNUM & WAITE Yale Ave. is. Chester Rd. Sw. 1250 AS~ THE . '. MAN . WHO OWN~ ONE T HE new Packard Eight De Luxe models just announced are by far the finest motor cars Packard has ever designed and huilt. While no radical changes have been made, either in the tried and proved Packard chassis or in the beauty of line long acknowledged supreme among the aristocrats of all motordom, the new model nevertheless surpasses all previous Packards in sheer excellence, in refinement of detail, and in all those things which spell true luxury of transportation. If you prefer to buyout of income, as so many prefer to do, you will find our Income Payment Plan most attractive. We cordially invite you to our sales~ rooms to see this superb new Packard creation. In it you will recognize the masterly designing and superior craftsmanship upon which Packard rcputation is founded. Ride in it and you will find your dream of motor ca r performance and luxury surpassed. This new line of big, luxurious Packard cars literally embodies everything the name "Packard" has cOl11e to mean in thirty years of world leadership--as fine gold refinedPackard's latest masterpiece. Prices (at the factory) range from $3490 for the two-passenger Roadstcr to $4285 for the beautiful and luxurious seven-passenger SedanLimousine. F. B. FRANCIS 12th and Crosby Streets til til CHESTER, PA. Phone Chester 4450 and 6100