Vol. II, No. 26 Swarthmore, Pa., July 3, 1930 $2.50 Per Yeal Big CODlDlunity Celebration Planned For TODlorrow F~IRS~"~T~T~m~p~O~F~~~~~D=cR~~~~~s=po=~ro=G=~=s~oN=s~========~~~~~~~~=ALLDAYPROGRAM FOR JULY FOURTH Jnbepenbence 1!lap (!Celebration' CHESTER FERRY Free swimming lessons will be available for the children of Swarthmore ~ all next week at the Springfield Pool ;J1 formal Dedication of New Service on Woodland avenue through the coChildren's Events in Morning, operation of the Red Cross. Enrolla,wartf)mort, ~a. AerOss River Next ment cards may be secured at Shirer', With Baseball Game and W~nesday Drug store, the College Pharmacy, and Swimming in Afternoon D E D 1 CAT ION PROGRAM the Bank and must be signed by thc . -1 ' 'child's parents be.fore he will be adCHILDREN'S PARADE 9 A. M. I. ' of ~ , ' m i t t e d to the class, D evold ....augural ceremomes, the ' . Swarthmore's Fourth of July celebraDelaware River Ferry; Companv placed The course WIll con.sl.st of five I~s9.00 A. M.-Children's Pamcle, fOI'miHg at Borol/gh Hall. J 011 1l H. thdr boats, the Chester and Br'idgepoJrt, son~ under the superVISIOn of a tral11PUmall and Walter B l(eigltfoll i1/ charge. tion will begin tomorrow morning at in operation at 1 p. m. Tuesday after- ed 1I1stru~tor by the ~ed Cross. The 9 o'clock, when several hundred chilPrizes will be. awarded for the best decorated boy's bicycle; the 1100n, the Chester carrying several auto- classes WIll be held dally except Satmobiles and passengers on the initial trip 'urda~' at 9.30 to 1.~a,nd 11 to 12 A. 1\1. best dcco~ated gIrl's bicycle; the best decorated velocipede; best dec- dren are expected to line up in front orated Scooter and best decorated Kiddie Kar. Prizes wi1l also be of Borough Hall to compete for the from the Flower street terminal. The formal dedication of the new awarded for the best decorated doll coach; for the prettiest costume usual prizes which have made the ocsuch a popular one in past years. ferry line will be held next Wednesday, and the most original costume. There will also be a prize for the casion The day's activities will follow much when members of the Delaware County b~st decorated float and the most unique float. Two Scout prizes the same schedule as other years, with Chamber of Commerce and those of the wIll be awarded, one fQr the Troup maldng the best showino and giv- a few added attractions. An airplane Gloucester County Chamber of Coming the best exhibition of marching, and one for the best individual contcst for three sizes of planes wi"1I merce, will jointly celebrate the connectScout. be held in the morning this year on ing link with impressive exercises. Architects Prepare' Plans For the Prep School football field ana While everything was. in readiness for Group of Buildings at promises to attract a large number Of II. the operation of the boats this morning, Great Meadows spectators. it was originally scheduled the ferries 9.30 A. JI.-Qlloits TOllrnament. So. Chester "oad opposite Prep One of the biggest features on this would not be-gin llntiLafte.r. .the.furmal SEEKING. " .'" ."" S~l~ool: W:piom Wat . wll ';11 charge. dedication, but to satisfy the many from year's 4th of July program is expected Awards will be made to winners in the men's junior singles division; to be the moving picture show tomorthis section who will spend the Fourth Another step forward in the prelimin.: of July at southern New Jersey resorts, the men's senior singles <\ivision; the men'8 junior doubles division; row evening'. . : ary plans for the Delaware County Tubthe management felt it owed the public and the men's senior doubles division. 'fhe Prep Scho,ol has .Jo~ned ,3 mot.erculosis Hospital was taken Monday the accommO(1ation and ordered both ing picture' machine and plails ine' 'no·Y,,· night at a meeting in the court house at boats in readiness to transport the autos. underway to secure a feature picture III. Media, of the Advisory Board, 'the ;\fany municipal and county officials and several comedies to be shown out judges, the County Commissioners and 10.00 A. M~-Field PJ:ogmnt of Games a'nd Races for Children. 1<'1'Ollt and not a few industrial leaders were the architect. . 6f doors on the Prep School campus. present when the Chester steamed out of campus of the College. Mrs. Jesse H. Holmes ;/1 Cha1'gl3. There will he the usual battle' beClarence W. Brazer, the architect, prethe slip and made the trip across to the tween two t('ams of the Fire Company sented two carefully worked out plans Events for boys and girls between four and fourteen years of age. Jersey terminus in slightly more than six showing the location of the group of Games an~' r,:Ices will include potato races, halloon rapes, lolly-pop to see which group can leave a cerminutes. Ferry ofii.cers declared that tain point and attach hose to a hydrant buildings on a section of Broad Mead- races, sack races,·hobble races; etc. when the regular .schedules go into efin the shorte'st pcriod of time. ows Farm, some 110 acres being utilized fect, next week, the boats will probahly This ycar's haseball game promises for the grouping. The plal~s, as thus IV. make the trip in five minutes from termto he worth-whilc, as the opponents far progressed, include a main ho.c;pital inal to terminal. 10.30 A.. J/.-Boys' Bicycle Race, for boys from 9 10 16 years of age. are the Jewish \Vorld team, an amabuilding, accommodating 100 men and Beginning next Wednesday, a fifteenwomen, and including dining room and 10..15 A . ..11.-Ai1·plal/c Races. Three classeS.. Prizes /01' plalles r,;- teur organization rat cd very high minute schedule will be maintail1(:d dur- kitchen, with such service huildings as among the amateur teams of Philadeling the day and a one-hal f hour schedule mail/illg ill air longcst ill each cla:'1s. Waitfl' X. Suplee ;/1 phia. storage space, etc. J n garage, shops, food will be run at night. charge. Incidentally the Swarthmore hoy!! front of the main building, spaced to the ---- ..-will have thcir new uniform for the r.!Kht and left, the the children's hosp-. first time tomorrow and it is hoped V. ATTENDANCE POOR ita I building and the staff building. Originally the idea wa.s to have the 11.00 A . ..1/.-BasebaU Galllcs between the Ol(lfimel'.~ ami tile X(?/I'- a large crowd will he 01lt to witness AT the game. children's building contain fifty beds, comers. Prep School diamolld. (JlulI'll's A. S1II:'11I ;11 Although listed on the official proPoor attendance marked this week's but the advisory board has recommended charYl! . gram, it is possihle that the swimming' acth,ities at thc Summer Playground that this building equal the adults,' with! (,VI'l1ts will 110t he held tomorrow. where a program is provided daily for 100 beds, There is very little doubt that VI. Last Thu(sday night's rain washed the children of the I~o."rough. The play- this increase will be formally approved, by the commissioners and the court. It is ~ 1.00 I). J/.-l/nse Attachillg Contest by two ft(/I1I,.. frolll fhe Pin! so much mud into Emmons' pool that ground is. located behind the College pointed out that actually the more va!u- i a,'enuc school and two supervisors are CompallY. SOlllh OIlf'!;fl'1' road bf'//I'I'(?/1 I'al'k ([1/(/ 1/al'- it was necessary to drain it, and hy able work of the whole proposition willi "('stenIa), noon 1I0t enough water had provided to direct the games and work. I t'a I'd at'e I//(('S. been run in to fill it. While it is proper to suppose that the be in treatment of children, and checking I Unlcss arrangcments are made toDaily Vacation llihle School and Sum- the disease in its early stages. 1, VII. The children's hospital building will be I day with Ihe \Vater Company to have Iller School are hurting the attendance complete with its own dining room and 2.001' .. Jf.-:;l".illllll;IIY. N1IIIIIon.... ' 1'00/. Ihe firc hydrants opcned and water in the morning the attendance in the kitchen, facing a spacious lawn which rIm into tlw pool, the swimming events aiternoon has becn little hetta. may be used for play. Boys' I'hampiollship np to 18. Gil'ls' ehmnpiollship I1p to 1:1 yeal's, will not he held, Both hospitals will have their main: Boys' en'lIts fl'OIll J.1. to 17. Oil'ls' (,\'(,lIts fl'olll 1... to 17, J)j\'isioll f(lI' E, ~r. nlldl1H'r is in charge of the SURFACE TREATING BEGUN exposure facing thc ,~outhl'ast and will 1111';1 alld 1I0,n; 0\'('1' 17. Divisioll fOl' girls 11ll(1 WOIlII'II 0\'1'1' 17, \Villimll program this year and is hcing assisted be constructed to obtain the maximUIll of Hm'dcsty in ehm·!!t'. i II" representatives of the Swarthmore Surface treating of Dickinson a"enue sunshine and air. : "'oman's Cluh, the Business ~Ien's Wa, hegun Tuesday with work to start The staff building will contain apart! Association and the Civic Association, VIII. 011 Vassar avcnue 011 '\Vednesday anel at III1el1t5 for doctors, nurses and others I : The com mittel' in charge of the ~It. Holyoke Place on Thursday. (Colltj"" ..d 011 Pave Six) I 3.00 l' . .1/.--/Jasf'/wll. SWUI'thlllol'c Bu . . ;I1(' .....'1 .1lcl/ ··s "'1/111/ I·S . .Jnl'isll I 1'1 I • . : c II (rl'lI s events consIsts of: Mrs. lrodd t(,(I'//l of I'hiladdphia. 1)1'('p St·1I0fJ/ jidtf. . Jesse H. Holmes. chairman: ~rrs, Har! old Griflln. ~frs. Elliott Richardson, IX. i ~I rs, Lyk Whitsit, ~r rs, \\'iIIiam R. ; I~ail11an. ~r rs, Charles B. Shaw and ! Tfllllis 1'Ol/l'lIa/ll(' III • .1lclI',.; cOllrls al ('(JUryf'. Fllfhr fllIs/lie('s (lj' til( . ~I iss Florence Iloadl:-y. Tt'lIl/is ('Illb (Jf 8//'orllll1lor(' . .1lorl/;IIY (/1/(/ IIft(TIII/OII. ulp 4, 1930 PLANS PROGRESS I , FOR HOSPITAL SUPERINTENDENT I ... ,,---,_ - - . PLAYGROUND I /1 I I \Vriter Indentifies Trees and Shru bs on C0 IIege Campus II ~\lI'II's sin~dl's tOI\l'II(lllll'lIt HlIII llIixl'd dOllhll's to\ll·llaIlH'lltS. Listing'S : TENNIS TOURNAMENT fOI' tOlll'llanH'lIt at :-;hil'PI"s nl'lIl-! stOl'P al1d at CO\ll'gl' tI'nllis ('OIll.tS.," WELL UNDER WAY g ,'!'he. call11~Us of Swarthlllofl' COIIc ('".! th~ walk tl\rJ~s .to th~. ,Ic,ft. t\\'o c:)~)\ler Anyone c:ln e~lt~·l' tOl\l·lIallwl.l~ hy ,J1otifyiJl7' E. II. 'ra~'IOI', :WO 11111'\"<11'<\ The allilual to:JrnalllC"llt of the \\,Ih Its wl(le gn'ensward and many; h("(cJus comc II1to 'In, Jus,t h~}oll!l a\'('Il\Ie, 01' \VIIlIilIll BI'OWII, ,J2f1 (01'11('11 11\ ('11 Ill'. ,Swarthmorc Tellnis Cluh got under •• ,the Stl.1<1ellts· Ohsen·aton'. fhey ar~' t' h,(' trefS 1I1\"1tl'S the ~tudellt of nature i • ~ .' • , I i way this wcek. It was delaYl'd several [ X f k I I . . WIde spreadlllg trees WIth the unmls-------- I I ' , ,ong a,'('IIU('S , () • oa s all! map e""j . I • I days hy the Iwavy rain of last weeK, ' . ' takahle coppery tlllt to I{'a\'es exposc, I. I I I of spruces ,md hemlocks, talr to thc SIII1. I ' ollter folagc I' . pus I1-/ },' "('II/1/(/ ' [' rr,"'.'11 I II I'lOll (}J" PI'I;;('.'; IIl1tI (/ 1'11'(/" Ill' I was If( a nlllllhn of the College I~', 'liPS I f thiS IS /.( "" 1/()/'III(/ . . ]'II'I'll't'" .. fIll ]'I'f}) ,w . 1.. ( ens and c1ustcrs of rhododelldro!li ' , J • ' • courts so hadly that they' had to be o,'nanwnt the well kq)t grounds. Xcar ed aSld,'. It can he s('en Ithe leaves un· ! School ('(/lI/pUS. ' 'dragged al1d partially [('surfaced, HowIII' colll'g('. and the whole makes an I dc'rneath arc the usual IIstrous green I ___ I (·n'r. sl'\'('ral (XC('IICIII matches are id al location for a Xatu«' Trail. i of other heeches, I selll'dulnl ior tIll' Fourth of July, hotl!. I, 1,',\'('/'" 1·('S·'I(\"llt. of tlw BOI'oll!!h ' ',ach we('k The Bulletin outlines iI I 1'1' liS \\'a Ik' . IS now Iea( I'1IIg' (II'r'~c tl :.. , " is clwol\l'aged to d('('ol'atl' his hOIl\!' 01' llI o rnlllg ani I aitl'rnoon, Spectators ar.~ II : Iure S'\lC.r I III'k'e 111 . tIe I '" . II JJ",a. II tl Ie lIIalll . Ill1l'II' IlIIS"I'II('SS' Il\'('r th,e l"olll'th.of .JIII.y in 01'111'/' to 1)I'ovid!' II 1'11\01'1'11\ . W,'',I come. "ICI111ty 01·1I loware I P arns c IIIg I}I"I"(~ L .(.[" ' P:liladrlphia which can he followed I oi. tlH' college; Two trees of intcrest atmosphel'e 1'01' tlw day s {·ntl'l'tmn!lH'nt. . .... lOwing 10 Ihe !I,lay only two divi;;(';"ily hy using the articles as guides, i stand in front of the cast, or ncar, Hilll'p the lise of fh'em'llls ant! fil'('wol'l,s oj a 11.\' 1'11111. IS flll'huldcn I ions of the annual tournament are heT,I(' hikcs are'planned hy the \Vaglle'j wing of this huilding', til<' Ellropean ill SWIII'thIllOl'P, parl'nts are asked to l~o()lwrnte ill ",aking ~IIt'i1' ehil- ing played otl' at this time-the 111cn's F:"<'e Institute of Science, 17th street linden (Tilia europaca) and the :\mer-I IIlell oll);I'I'v(' this rllII'. This is pHI·til·lIlal'l,\' impol·talll rllII·jllg thl' ('0111- I singll's and the mixed dOllhles, An~rontg'ornery avenue. of which Carl I iean elm (Ulmus americana). Thc for., IIIl1nity (,Vl'lIts as so m:ln.\' I)('op\e will hI' ('!o\\,Ollthcas:erly !;ide of Seventh "lr dl"pth hclwecn l'arallcl lines on a COUrse ~liss Constance Enid Smith is at SingUnder and subject to the payment of a cer. 'l~rth thirty·one degrees fift)··cme minutes natural rug-gel1 sections of Lycoming n\"t'IHlt', at the dislnlll:c or olle hundred eighty- :hlTly ~Cl'Ullds west one hundred feet. I ndud. tain first mortgage debt 01" principal aum of ing Eaglc I.odg-e, Center Harhor, N. H. three alld fOfty·live oll('·lllllltlrcdths feet south. alI:"111IlIn.).;". Con di tior. s--$ 250. 00 eash on day of .alt:; 11?1l 1I~t'. right, liberty and privilege of said Y. Ned Ruthl·rfurd, whu broke his heart of a \'ast dairying country. State I.Tlycway as a Jlas~agewa)" and driveway at all balance in ten days. l-I1(/l-r ;11111 ~t~llje~t III'\"crtlll'lcss to thc I""l}"' arm about a wCl'k ago, is recovering routl' 5 is followc(1 through Batavia to Ilh·l1t of a ecr:alll hr.4 IlIIJrtg-age del,t or prill. '.JllIt'S hcreafter forever, in common with the lWIH'rs, tt!lIant!; occupiers of the othcr lots of JOliN J. CA1:h.riff. Buflahl. From here: cxcellent highways nicely. • • • • • • and w(,':l' guests ior .s('\"C~~l .. dge of thc iiltCf(.·sting sid ..· trips can he take!], atorc;.;nld threc feet wide allcy as and ;1 i+~++++++++++++++++++++++ Balance in Alsu ~m~·half two. I'er lilonth. to $90 family hOll'it·, J0!:) Elm Avenue. $;5 lief lI1unth. ,,\ij.crt :\. (;;wretl, SWanll111Ufl', Pa. Ill-it * * is the gUl'st :\Jiss Mary N.• 'V,il!'loll of her hrother-ill·law and sistn Mr. and Mrs. Charles Atwater of Chcst('r11)\\"11, ).f d. extraordinary opportunity to acquire a new model Quality Gas Range! Now is the time to take advantage of the most attractive price and terms we have ever made. ================== )'fiss Ruth Shoemaker, of Rivcrview road is the guest of :\1 iss Elizaheth I'holle. :\f aill daughter of ).f r. and 1f rs. 'Villiam Main of Cedar lalll' at the ~fait1 SUtllmer home at Pine Grov(' Furnace. Description c/ln 3 including a journey to that enchanting vacation land known as th~ Mr. and )frs. Arthur Redgrave and 1'housand Islands-. says Howard J. family of Vassar- avenue have left for a tour of the New England states and Gallagher, 1Illst oC two·f>tory stone Rnd brick buildIng, IBx58 fcet. Sold as til(' property of Robert Cantor. Condttlons-$250.00 CR.'Jh on dilY of sale; balance in tcn days. ROBERT B. GREER. Attorncy. Fieri Foeias June Term. 1930 All tho~c two certain lot'> or pleccs ground with the buildings aod Improvcmruto:; thereon erected, situate at Drcxel Htl~. In thc Township of Upper Dnrby. In the COllnty of Deh1\varc nnd Statc oC Pennsylvania, designated and known 1\."1 Lot." Nos. 1878 and 1879. on a ccrtaln recorded plan of lots called "Aronlmlnk Section of Drexel Hili Realty Company" survcyed for Drexel Hill Realty Company by A. F. Damon, Jr., civil englnecr. Upper Darby. Pcnnsylvania. which said plnn Is duly record('d in the office . for the recording of deeds, &c.. In or YOUR,S For your 4th of July or Summer Vacation Trip Get Yours at HANNUM & WAITE'S South Chester Road and Yale Avenue Regular Goodyear All Weather 30x5.00-$10.80 31 x5.25-$12.95 29x5.50-$13.40 32x6.00-$15.15 New Goodyear Heavy-Duty All-Weather 30x5.25-$15.40 31 x6.00-$18.05 32 x 6.50 -$22.05 32 x 6.75 - $23.00 All Other Sizes Correspondingly Low Priced THE .4 THE 8WARTHMOREAN Published Every Friday at Swarthmore, Pa. Robert E. Sharples, Editor at/d Publisher Offices-Shirer Bldg., Second Floor Front-Phone Swarthmore 900 Philadelphia Representatives, Neville & Hitchings. SWARTHMOREAN JULY 3, 1930 shop building and the Rutgers avenue, tinued except on the first Sunday of t~e Park avenue and Dartmouth ave nut.· building. Because of the large number month. The Reverand J. G. Kepler will of itemized hids, only a portion of the preach at the eleven o'clock services in as part of the business of the eveniur.. Only one meeting each month will bl • work was completed and a special July. meeting was announced for the {olFrederick A. Knapp former assistant held during the months of july: allil lowing evening. organist at the Church of the Saviour, August instead of the customary t\,.,) The complete schedule of contracts Philadelphia, will be in charge of the meetings. awarded wilt be published in next music in the absence of Professor L. R. week's Swarthmorean. Shero. I Leslie Camp hell, who was recently. •,• I MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON appointed broker for all the school COUNCIL MEETING I Phone Pennypacker 8020 Entered as Second Class matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Office at Swarthmore, Pa .• under the Act of March 3, 1879. and discussed plans for placing the different insurance policies. • • The regular Juty meeting of Bor. ough council is scheduled for tonight Z06 SOUTH ORANGE ST. with thc opening of bids for widening I Media.. P .. PboDoa L • TRINITY SERVICES During July and August the 8 A. 1\-1. services at Trinity Church will be discon- THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1930. CHURCI-I NEWS Swarthmore Swarming With THEATRE Beetles; Residents Declare War MEDIA MEDIA, PA. The Japanese beetle has swooped down upon Swarthmore this summer in such numhers that their control is no longer a problem of a single property owner but of the entire borough. The best efforts of the property owner in the middle of the block who sprays daily and sets out a dozen traps is of little avail if his neighbors do not also join in the battle. Many boroughs arc attacking the beetle problem along a wide battlefront. Ordinances have been passed reQuiring every property owner to spray his trees and shrubs and if he faits to do so the borough docs the work with its own spraying machine and sends tn a bill just as Swarthmore borough deans up lots and cuts grass and thcn sends a hill plus twenty percent to the owners. Other boroughs have accepted the beetle as their own responsibility and have appropriated the necessary funds . f,om the year's hudget to buy spray·iilg machines and spray the entire town without cost to the property owners ex~ept through their taxes. ; Swarthmore has responded nobly to tht! challenge of the beetle, hut the discouraging thing is that a single prope·rty owner in a block may refuse to do his part and thercl?y be the cause of continued visits by the beetles as well provide a breeding ground for next ·Year's crop. . ":: There are a number of sprays which :mean death to beetles and any hardWare store or store selling beetle traps c~n give you sevedtl formula. There iIre also a number of landscape archite.cts and nurserymen who have made ~ study of the beetle and can furnish good advice. ,It is difficult to attack this pest which is destro)';ng our trees, and shruhs and tlbwers, without knowing something as more reasonable when communities or several neighboring home grounds arc treated at the same time. Effective spraying should be applied from thc middle of j line until the end of September. • Grub proofing the turf of small lawns consists of applying powdered arsenatt~ of lead hy mixing it with moist (but not wet) sifted sand or soil and handcasting it over the lawl1 evenly; then a fine spray with the hose to give it immediate penetration. Mix six pounds of lead arsenate with one bushel of filer-sand or soil-for every 1000 square feet of lawl1 to be treated. Should you desire to feed the soil in the same operation, feltilizer can be used as a filler, but it would he wise to consult someone versed in the chemical contents of fertilizers or write to this paper for further directions; otherwise lawn mentioned may he burned. Thetheabove mixture will immunize the lawn for a period of from three to four years, from the grub of the Popillia japonica (Japallesc heetle), Allomata Orientalis (the Asiatic beetle), Aserica Castanea (the Asiatic Garden hectic), and all of the native species of white grubs. The following precautions are suggested in the handling of lead arsenate. 1. Do not mix in a closed room or building, as this chemical is very light and easily inhaled. 2. Do not put the hands in the mouth before a thorough cleansing, as it is poisonous to humans and animals. 3. Do 1I0t handle when there are cuts and abrasions of the skin, as the poison may be absorbed into the system. Certainly every true Swarthmorean should feel it part of his responsibility to join his neighbors and make Swarthmorc's battle~front impregnablc against the beetles. of its habits. ; In November tHe hectIc grubs go down to an approximate depth of 3% .i,iches and form their winter cells, \vnere they stay until March of the lr?lIowing year, at which time they :WDrk up nearer ~hc surface and in April feed on plant roots and organk matter. In May thcy form a cell and prepare to pupate, emerging as an adult hectic ahout the middle of Junc. T!le adult heetles deposit their eggs i", the soil, preferahly grassland, in the l.a~ter part of June and ear1y part of Jtjly, thereafter feeding on fruit, flow- •• • JULY MEETING OF SCHOOL BOARD The regular monthly meeting of the school board was held Tuesday evening at the College avenue building. The new supervising principal Frank R. Morey was present, having taken over his position as successor of Dr. Arthur \V. Ferguson the morning of that day. The evcning was spent in approving the bids for equipment for the new eil". and foliage until ear1y October. Inl~==============~ lalter ] uly and early August the eggs hatch and form gruhs which feed on GEORGE H. KELLEY gi..ass roots during their growing pc. r.i9 d from August until Octoher, going Electrician dqwn to form winter cells in NovcmRepair Work &: New la.tallationl bet· This feeding period, Augllst to Phone Sw. 428.R Ottoher, causes the grass to hrown THE SWARTHMORE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH ... ,i: .. "Mark my worda-:-The NEW CHRYSLER EIGHTS , ·:begin a .new chapter in i automotive historY••Njust as I ' : Ithe Chrysler Six did in H , '. : ~f?24." BASEBALL TONIGHT I I The regular baseball ~ame scheduled for Tuesday evening was called off 0111 account of rain, but the regular Thursday night game will be played at 6.30 this evening at the Prep School field. There will also be a game tomorrow afternoon as part of the Fourth of July program. Japanese Beetles Already Swarthmore is covered with these insects and if every~ one does not protect his Own lawn and garden, the town will he alive with them within n few weeks. -:-:Fight Them With TRAPS, SPRAY and BAIT Sold At Suplee's Hardware Store South Chester Road Rev. J. Jarden Guenther. S.T.M. I told them I knew whence all war~ arose, even from the lusts, accordil1J: J to James' doctrine; and that I lived in the virtue of that life and power tlJa~ took away the occasion of all wars. -George Fox. Sunday Sunday Services 11:00A.M.-Meeting for Worship ID 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. the Meeting House. 11.00 A.M-Holy Communion. The Reverend Fredcrick J. G. KepWedneaday ler will preach. 9:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. M.-Sewing and For other Sundays in July there wiH Quilting in Whittier House. Box he :Morning Prayer at 11 A. M. The luncheon. Reverend Fredcrick J. G. Kepler will he All are cordially invited to join in these in charge. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _service. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ WESLEY AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH CHESTER FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE Bowdin Avenue Rev. C. C. Brown. S.T.B., p ..tor 11:00 A. M~Morning Worship. Z:OO P. M~Sunday Sc~oo1. 8:00 P. M.-Evening Wonlaip and Sermon. AU are cordiall,. invited to attend the•• .orvice. Everyone is invited to tbi. churcb. ita wor.hip and work . m "THE BIG POND" WASHINGTON ~ THE VALUE THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Cheater Road and College Avenue Rector DIRECTION WARNER BROS. Park Avenue Below Harvard Services 11.00 A. M.-Sunday School. 11 :00 A. M.-Sunday Lesson-SermolL Wednesday evening meeting each week, 8 p. m. Reading room open daily, except Sundays and holidays, 9.30 A. M. to 12.30 P. M., Church Edifice. All are cordially invited to attend the services and use the Reading Room. ..........................................•........ , Your Independence Day Make Sure of It Now! Hundreds of your thrifty neighbors are building up their Savings Accounts with us • • realizing that con. sistent saving is the only sure way to _.• - FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE Nature Tour Through bloom," he said. The cadets of the Swarthmore Campus Virginia Military Institute, at LexingM (Ccm#n,,,d frDm Pooe Onl) one near and one across the way two clusters of conifers, each with low shrubs growing at the bases of the taller trees. Nearby a new building is being constructed in front of which stands one of the finest trees on the hike, and to the right of which are several other sphmdid trees. Returning to the first cluster of conifers mentioned, we see that it is made up of mountain ash (Sorbus amerirana), native hemlocks (Tsuga canadel1~is), and that the shrubs are rhododendrons (Rhododendron arborescens). Both are common in the rocky woods of Pennsylvania mountains. ~falthew Fontaine Maury, the charter of the ocean currents, known as "the I Pathfinder of the Seas," just before ne di~d, expressed a wish to be carried through Goshen Pass, in the AI. legheny Mountains of Virgjnia, which \'''as always his favorite of the moun. tain haunts. "Carry me throug\) the pass when the rhododendron IS 111 ton, Va., where he was a professor, marched through the pass bearing on their shoulders the coffin in which lay the body of their beloved teacher.. The :second clustcr of conifers consists chiefly of spruces, with more rhododenuron. The giant of a tree immediately in front of the new building is another European linden, and the two to the right are a black oak and an American elm. Near the tennis courts stands a BANG!! There are all kinds of pleaaant to cele- way. brate the Fourth, but the best is by dining at The Tea Room. Speeial holi- dinners, $1.00 and Swarthmore 680 F. M. SCHEIBLEY Management StrathHaven "The Inn with Personality" .IIIII.I'ISI S Iliff: IIIIII HOT WATER Use one of our Automatic Gas Water Heaters until one full month's gas bill has been received and If not entirely satisfactory in every way we will remove the heater and refund all money paid. "SenJ/ng Swarthmort! Since 1904" Choice of $6.00 Cumulative Preferred Stock Price $98.50 and accrued dividend, to yield 6.09% • Warren A. Tyson & Co. without sacrificing either .reliability or economy. lions of motorists all over the world and has been chosen by so many large companies that keep accurate cost fig_ ures. In every detail of construction it has been carefully planned and made for the work it has to do. The design of the compression cham_ SwarthInore National Bank and Trust COInpany American & Foreign Power Co. It has outstanding acceleration, speed and power, yet that is only part of its 'Value to you. Greater still is the fact that it brings you all these features That is the reason the Ford car has given such satisfactory service to mil- "You should see EIGHT" apparent on every highway, is due largely to the sound mechanical design of the engine. BO $1.50• CHRYSLER New Ford engine gives outstanding lU!eeleration~ speed a ..d power without saerifieing reliabilitll or eeonoDill THE good performance of the Ford car, day the NEW OF SOUND DESIGN Courlesy Philadelphia BUlletin. SPECIAL TRIAL PURCHASE OFFER • RUUD AUTOHOT or WELSBACH HOTZONE Prices as low as $75.00 ALLOWANCE OF $10.00 RUUD-AUTOHOT For Your Old Heater Automatic gal Water Heater Only $5.00 Down Balance in 18 Months ber is an important factor in the efficiency of the Ford engine. It is built to allow free passage of gases through the valves and to thoroughly mix the fuel by producing turbulence within the cylinders during compression. The spark thus flashes quickly throUgh the whole fuel charge, resnlting in quieter and more effective engine performance. Other factors are the direct gravity gll80line feed, the specially designed carburetor, the new hot-spot manifold, aluminum pistons, chrome silicon alloy valves of larger diameter, statically and dynamically balanced crankshaft and flywheel, the simplicity of the electrical, cooling, lubrication, and fuel systems and accuracy in manufacturing. NOTE THESE LOW PRICES Roadster Phaeton. • Tudor Sedan Coupe • • Inveltment Securitiel 1518 WALNUT STREET F. R. STEVENSON, Jr. 110 Powelton Ave. Lanldowne, Pa. Telephone-Madison 6474 PHILADELPHIA Woodward, Jackson & Black, Inc. Darbllouth Ave. Swarth.43 • • • • • I43S • • • • • • • • • • • • Sport Coupe • • • • • De Luxe Coupe. • • • 1'hree-window Fordor Sedan De Luxe Phaeton • • • • Convertible Cabriolet • De Luxe Sedan • • • • Town Sedan .. • • • - ·...- 44e 495 495 52S S4S 600 ~ 625 60 660 AU prlt:a I. o. b. Detroir, p'lUI 'reI,ht. and dMloery. Bumper. IIInd .pa.re ,Ire atra. lie """ ...... Incorporated Delaware County Rf'presentative TELEPHONE • Now is the time to start after the Summer Services t1.00-Morning Worship. Sermon by the Minister t45-0rgan Worship. Fifteen minutes of worship in fine organ music 5.00-Vespers. dosing at 5.45 fOOd. •• ,., ••• 111, •• , ••••• '.,11+ ,j l1.00-Morning Worship 8.00-V\'ors hip and Sermon Protestant Episcopal STANLEY COMPANY THEATRE Off for vacation? Before you leave, check your hotel reservations by telephone. When yon get there, call np tht! folks back home. -,I Ai'lERIC/lN £Li"l $ Sunday:-lO.OO-Bible School. TRINITY CHURCH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I away ! lOAS-CHURCH SCHOOL COME AND WELCOME Wednesday and Thursday Dennis King in "THE VAGABOND KING" off and I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is for a small Japanese tree inter· ('sting its four cork blad~s thalli !)roject from the hranches. Above th;s 1'<: a swamp cypress, often studied Ill" : fore, and at the southwest corner of YVharton Hall is another familiar trt'c. ·the hackberry. Will Come will preach at both services. al~ die in grows patches, increase as ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~::::::::::::::::: I the grub andwhich consumes more With this information furnished us, it ·seems that the only fair and wise thing to do to protect our homc grotln!1 is (.to make proper lise of it. The judicious lise of a hand sprayer containing a coated lead arsenate solution will kill the bettlc and prc\·cnt hi;; depredations on ollr gardens. The taller shrubs and trees, however, should lH~ sprayed by a power sprayer to enabk the placing of the fluid on the topmost foliage which thc beetlc first attacks. The cost of this work is naturally made . ~rr. and )'Irs. '''il1iam Thatcher and daughters joan and Barbara of College a\'enue left Tuesday for Ocean City, N. ). Rev. John Ellery Tuttle, Minister LLOYD P. STEVENS "MAMMY" Friday-Saturday Alice White in "SHOW GIRL IN HOLLYWOOD" Monday-Tuesday William PoweD in "THE BENSON MURDER CASE" Wednesday-Thursday Belle Bennett in "COURAGE" weeping mulberry tree, low with grace'lIr. and :Mrs. \V. Burton Richards funy drooping branches. Beyond that, and family of Elm avenue and Cedar next to the walk, is a winged spindl,. Jane are spending the summer at their tree (Evonymus al1ato), whose sciencottage at Ocean City, N. J. tific name mealls "winged with cork." I THE SWARTHMORE PRESBY. TERIAN CHURCH Sunday Services Monday and Tuesday Al Jolson in m SWARTHMOREAN A Cordial Welcome for All Who Friday and Saturday Nancy Carroll in "HONEY" "DEVIL'S HOUDAY" Wed.-Thur.-Fri. Maurice Chevalier NATURE TRAIL HIKE AT SWARTHMORE COLLEGE 1k=================~11 Today, July 3rd John Barrymore in ''THE MAN FROM BLANKLEY'S" Friday Polly ·Moran Marie Dressler in "CAUGHT SHORT" Sat.-Mon.-Tues. Nancy. Carroll THE Funeral Directon and Embalmen district insurance, attended the meeting 213 South 17th St., Philadelphia JULY 3, 1930 V"'-"_J Credle JNl.)usen.e. Co"'jNlru' plon . , 011.,.. anot.her Ford dme ~. THE 6 JULY 3, 1930 SWARTHMOREAN ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Strath Haven Inn for the summer that is Main Street and coming face mined until after the superintendent is ,'Mrs. Arthur S. Robinson at their Cape months. to face with larger considerations selected and his suggestions are consid-I May, N. J. cottage. :Mr. James Norman Lanning of MerBuchanan Harror and family ar~ chantville, N. J., announce the engage- among the many guests at StraHl Hament of his sister, Miss Elizabeth ven Inn. Frederica Lanning to lI.lr. \ViIIiams EfMr. C. H. Borden and Miss Ruth finger ~fassie, son of Mr. and Ms Borden returned to the Strath Haven Madison Effinger ~[assie, of Tyro; I Inn after having spent several days Virginia. i at the Hotel Dennis at Atlantic City. ~[iss Lalllling is a graduate oi I' ~Irs. C. H. Borden and Mrs. Roger Swarthmore Colleg(· ~nd for. several Shugg of Princeto~l, N. ~., are spendyears has been associated With the ing several weeks In :M a1l1e_ Physical Education Department of the' Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dickenson who college. Mr. 1fassie attended Virginia are motoring from Winter Park. FlorEpiscopal School of Lynchburg, Vir- dia, will be at the Strath Haven Inn ginia. for the summer. ---~-,~ Mrs. ]. H. Whiteman and family ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED from Deland, Florida, are visitors for a lengthy stay at the Strath Haven Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kneedler of Gar- In11. rett avenue announce the engagement of ~I rs. Harold J. Marsh is the guest of their daughter Miss Margaret F. Kneed-I Miss Alice :Marsh at the Strath Ha]er and Raymond R. Fellows, son of ven Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fellows of Cor••• nell avenue. Miss Kneedler announced her engagement to a grollp of her BUSY MID-SUMMER PROGRAM AT HEDGEROW friends at a bridge on Saturday, June 28. through personal tragedy. In its dramatic form "The First :Man" is unusual in that the major portion of the story unfolds in large group scenes made up of the secondary characters who constitute the background of the play. \Ve see this large group all inilut'nced hy the same narrow environn~el~t yet reacting quite differently, as dlslmct characters, to a common tragedy. Every character in the play thus becomes the leading character. \Villiam Price, Dudley Vaughan. Sue Platt and Alfred Rowe depict the central characters in "The First Man". In the supporting cast are Gretchen AntonSmith, Harry Bellaver, Jean Sweidel, Ferd Nofer, Greta 1fylecraine, Carl Reukauff, Marshall Gatchell and Miriam Phillips. ---04'~'~.~-- I Plans For New Hospital Progress ered. , . • • The hospital will be heated from the Miss Grace 'Vilson of the faculty of centra] heating plant at Broad Mead-I the Swarthmore High School is spend_ ows, which is ,situated in Concord town-! ing the summer traveling in Europe. • • * ship, and the central sewage disposal: plant and water system wiII also be util~[rs. Ezra Bassett Merriam of ized. Swarthmore avenue, entertained a ---0.:.--= group of friends at luncheon at :"aaMr. R. C. Disque has returned from, man's-oll-the-Delawarc on Wednesuay. a trip to ~[ontreal. Enroute home he 1 visited Mrs. Disque's father at Man- FOR RENT--SWARTHMORE chester, N. H. • • • Garage. Station Square. Miss Dorothea Dodd, daughter of i 2 Semi. detached houlel; 6 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Dodd, of! and bath; $50.00 per mo. Swarthmore avenue, is the guest of i Small Store-417 Dartmouth Ave. Rebecca Robinson daughter of Mr. and i From Sept. ht for 6 mOl.. large ================== I house. fumilhed; 5 bedrooml; 2 bath,; = large yard and lawn; I.car garagel oil FOR RENT heat; centrally located; $125.00 Per $50 a month, 511 Yale Avenue, 6 rooms, mo. bath and 3rd Hoor stora~, old shade, first floor Furni.hed apartmentl for rent at $50, hardwood, fire place, enclosed porch, newly $60. and $6S per month painted and papered; possession at once. I, 1 WILLIAM S. BITTLE: . The s.chedule of performances for connected with the administration of the Notary Public Real Estate .;:,. STRATH HAVEN NOTES John M. ,"Vesley and Mrs. Wesle), from Philadelphia are among the new arrivals at Strath Haven Inn. George :Mills and family are at the Strath Haven for .the season. Mr. and Mrs. William Hue are registered at the Inn. Also Miss Emma T_ Shetzline. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Goldey are again at Strath Haven. !.Ir. and Mrs. L.Canfield, Strath Haven guests, are· visiting in Richmond, Va. Mrs. J- W. McNulty entertained at dinner and bridge at the Strath Haven Inn on June. Zl. George W. Douglass, who is connected with the Evening Ledger, is sojourning at the Strath Hayen Inn for several weeics. . . . Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Aitkin and Mrs. George Pierson are new arrivals at the r (Corstirs"rd jrlfm PGII' Ors,) CHAS. A. SMITH Phone Swarth. 705 I I t~ roming w~k ~ the Hed~row ~~t ====.=====~========================= Theatre in Moylan-Rose Valley is furA number of suggestions were made to i ther proof ~ support of a rap~~ ilie a~hkect ]~t ~g~ and wkhln ilie I~=========~=~====================~ growing belief that true theatre is near future. the board and the oth~rs inrepertory theatre. "The Mask 'and the ter~sted wlli. ~a\'e the opportumty of -F " h' h . t" b C B F'· ,seemg the- bUI]dmgs roughly staked, when ace , W IC IS a sa Ire' y . . er-I tl '11 . h "d I . Id b d It r "1 b L" ley WI Illspect t e suggeste ocatlOns nCa . all~e h on _an fi a Ian fP ay Y Uhl!?1 on the actual spots. h Ia~e I, as Its rst per ormance t I~ The Advisory Board is carefully conevenmg, S.aturday, ,July 5th, at Hedge- sidering the applications of a number of row. It will have I.ts second perform-I men for the post of superintendent of ance Mo.nday evemng, July. 7th at t~e j the hospital and by August 1 they hope Anthony. 'Wa?,ne The~~r~ .111 wayne:~I· t? select possibly thr~e. for the con~idera­ --" ... Pa. ·and Its third performance on Tues 'tlon of the CommiSSIOners. It IS not day even.ing, July 8th at t~e Hedgerow likely that the details of the program for Phone 1129 Old Bank Building Theatre III Moylan-Rose \ alley. the hospitals of the program for the \Vednesday evening, July 9th, finds hospital and its buildings will be deter- GEORGE GILLESPIE & CO. BUILDERS Swarthmore, Pa. I ~- ~., Hedgerow performing Eugene O'Neill's =====.=======.'=.='=======~======:========================== "Beyond the Horizon" which has continued popular with Hedgerow audiences since ]925, when the play was first . added to the repertory_, Ibsen's "\Vhel1 We Dead Awake", which was the second new play of this season, is scheduled for perf on the college campus showed the oX; what improvements they thought necBURGESS THREATENS I , , Inners:., loff's nine singers have won ac- folowlng w Daily On College Ave essary for th e opemng ' 0 f the s:h00I TO SUSPEND POLICE both here and abroad, having made Lollypop race fo~ ~htldren under eight School Grounds building this fall and what they Wished WHO GIVE OUT NEWS rouc ful tours in Italy, Spain, France, years wonbbyEV~rgBmla ~rdaemer, potatoe RAM council to do, I Cen I America and Mexico, This rac~ won. y SIC ern~r, NEXT WEEK'S PROC As outlined by Mr, Disque these imro' of male voice promises something. I'or c1uldren over eight, the potatoe . provements will probably consist of sewBurgess William R. Landis Thursday in the way of musical pwgram. race was won by Lester Jones, the lsacrk I The Summer Public Playground IS er facilities and street improvements necnight threatened ten days suspension 0 Monday race for and boys won fbY ,AI Sbe yt proving more popular each week and cssary for the children to reach the buildwithout pay to any member of t h e . . evening' March 9, C .Rene Thatcher the was sack race or glr ing, b SWnrthmore police force who gave oute ,(1), leadclng tenor th McGowan, The hobble race avendenceh The solution of the sewer problem.; news for publication in The Sworlllpera WI ,give e c - for boys was won by Arthur Cheyney cd a hIgh mar . Wit 1 a JOutk.a un without completing the annexation will' IIIOlcall Or any other newspaper, concert 0 t Ie series, d P I Paulson and for girls under 11 youngsters playmg or 'mg un er probably be either by building a septic • • I Jones and Rosalie :Maddox. direction of W. C, E. and tank or by connecting up with the borRelations between the representatives' of the press and the Swarthmore burgess ARE FOR SABBATH I The balloon race for girls over twelve MISS Mary r:egley the supen;r.sors'k ough sewer at Yale and Rutgers avenue'!. have been strained for some time but the /' SCHOOL CONVENTION! was won by Mildren Brewster, for boys :r;he ,followmg or Borough Engineer Broomall has already afinal r order was given the police force as lover twelve by Arthur Cheyney and for wtl. gIve shome II ea 0 d Ie of the said that this latter course would be posdone at int the e pborough aygrounare, invited to at- Sl) 'lie 311d lIe \v'lll IJe called upon to make " '\I It 0 £ new spaper ar tl'cl es about Paull .s cc-mes to the leaders of t I" Ie )oys un de r 12 by Albert f Thatcller ' I . 12 children Crowe, the Swarthmore College student V"lldllUll As' The lollypop race Or glr s over I a more thorough survey at once who was appointed special officer at the I County Sabbath School - i was won by Miss McKenna and for: tend" Mr. Disque said that the school board beginning of the summer, that full and final arrange- I boys under 12 by Stanley Hill, 9 :30 to would find out the cost of a septic tank. Officer Crowe resigned his position afnow complete for the William Gwinn won the men's quoits period; 10 to smg l.n As for street improvements, Mr, Dis1d ter about ten days service giving his Pf!IUllSthllnia Sabbath School ConventIOn,' singles and Gwinn and W. H. Watson to 12 hour, t0 '30 t v 3 que pointed out that a road alreason as an auto accident in which his which year will be held on October won the doubles championship, ball practice. Afternoon,_ 2r' . 5 5 :30 ready was in fair condition from Cornell parents had figured in' Vermont, As far 8th, and 10th at Scranton. . The swimming events at Emmons pool story 3:30 to 5 hasket y, . avenue to Rutgers avenue over Westdale as is known this reason has never been I twenty-five hundred paid regls- were not held because of low water in I free pertod. " k I and Stratll Haven avenues. Members of disproved although there have been three t are expected, and Delaware the pool nor were any of tme tennis Tuesday: f wor: 'council pointed out. that temporary cinder oth{T theories for the college boy's quitlas her quota of 25 and: final.<; played, games will be su stlh.'te I or f smg1t1g could he put down along these two ting, First, that his father learned t h e Q send fully that many, e•0 and relay, and III t Ie a , streets. natu:c of his summer's work and forced 'Ierne of the Convention this I soap carvmg wtll tak.e place of bas.~t As for the approach of the building him to E,Hessat.usual program and lit. the , su . gg ested tllat of Cro\ve's publicity and made it unI 5 1930 I '1afternoon 1 I I the • I'i was .Spr'lllgfield township, plea':l11t for him here; and thirdly that The the Convention will be to Valley Forge Chapel on Juy ! . '13:30 5 o'clock perlO( WI Je (evo.C( i 'icil OWI;S the land, be ohligcd to imwh he \ as embarrassed by the publicity in gather all Sunday School teach- Reverend Herbert F. Burke officI at mg. ,to scaitng wax a r t . . '11 I prove the street. The Springfield comthe local and Philadelphia papers and Iers, workers, pastors and lead-. Bobbie Longwell !ast, Sunday for i Thursday: The mormng prol?ram wl 'missioners wOllld no doubt do this by rt . I f h I f ilstruction, information and en- Brookline, Mass., to VISit hiS grandpar- be the same as willIe III the f - forcing the property owners along the H:,rgess Or Landis ric Or ,f tile devotl'onal ll'fe. I I be loom I work \\ Ith street to paJ I'or the improvements, In 'SLnc( t at evidentally reason., believes the'I ers . ents Mr. and i\lrs, H, F, Robertson. tcrnoon there .wllI v last theory although when asked what heads along WIt I tIe U5ua h the cases of Rutgers avenue from Yale pre), i he had his reply was, "find out for I I With the I Friday: Bar work, and G~mes ~VI e a\'ell1le to the school site, two thirds of YOurself, you're so good at finding out played 111 tIe 1I1ornmg a,ong k from: the frontage is owned by the syndicate, thill::"," usual and rapllla wor It is not known how many ,street imBurgess Landis was also' displeased a _ ,3 :30 to 5 III the ,afternoon. provements the syndicate can make if fel\" weeks ago when it was reported that ,Saturdax mormng regular program the land is not annexed to the borough. With tagging be held. At the preSvio!ls a I)"y and a man had drowned in Crum crC(:k. The discription of the man and Miss Alma Daniels of South Chester Mr, Frank mlthsal t lat It wou ( e hoy and the story of the overturned . I F I f J I I ile 1 Thursday ior Furope She necessary to have the land annexed so canoe was puhlished in Philadelphia and the biggest games of the t Ie °a to (see the Passion Play at 'Obcr- that its increased as a part of Ch"'e, papee. and ju,t " the'Swaeth- season 1o, ndlawn avenue (hoth fifty feet WILLIAM S. BITTLE Conditions-$250.00 cash on day of sale: wide), containing in front or hreadth soutil £eventy·two degre~s west along said side!: ot I'alnnct in ten days. Notary Public Real Amlrews avenue fourteen feet and extend in" of that width in length or depth between par Il.OllERT B. GREER, Attorney. allel line3 north eighteen degrees we~t seventy liVe fcet, including on the rear thereof the bed of a certain ten feet wide driveway extending ("ieri Facias on southwestwardly and connecting at its north· June Term 1930 feel ; easterly end with \\'oOOlawn avenue afore. degrees said; both side lines of said described lot ex. that certain lot or piece of ground with feet; thence tending partly through party walls separating tileAllhuildings and irnprovemens thereon ereet. degrees twelve m!nn!~' the Imiitling erected on these premises from ed, situate in the Township of Haverford .. those erected on the prl'mises adjoining to tilt twenty·fi\,e feet ,.~~~.i~";~1~~,~d~~,[:~ Hastings avenue County of Delaware, State of Pennsylvania. northeast a.nd southwest. REVOLUTIONARY AUTOMOBILE SERVICE (Icseribed according to.a certain survey and line of Hastings avenue gorees forty·eight minutes Improvements consist of two t"o-story bricit plan thereof made fry Damon & Foster, C. E. to the place of beginning. houses, eac.1I Isx3.J fcet. Porch fronts. Base ·bted Octol-cr 10, 1925. as follows: Beginning "It a point in the middle line of Eagle road. ment garages. Under and stlhject to certain conditions and 'it the distance of eighty·three feet north sixty restrictiOllS therein recited and set forth ...... hich Sold as the property of rrank Blum and dcgrt'l's thirty·three minutes thirty seconds ha\'e expired by limitation on January I, 1914. I.eon Itrl!eman. "'ast from the intersection of the middle line Df Eaglc road with the middle line of Darby Improvements consist of two allil one·llaIf Condilions-$:l50.00 ("ash on day of sale. road; containing in front or breadth on the said stor)· stone and rough·cast house, 16X38 feet; halance in ten d:lys. 'niddle line of Eagle road north sixty degrees one·story addition, 4x6 feet. Porch frollt. Gar· thirty.three minUies thirty seconds east six. age. 10X:lO feet. I.Ul'Z, I~RVIN, REESER & FRO:-;l';FII~LD, ·cen feet and extending of that width in length Atlorneys. ":Ir depth between parallel lines on a course Sold as tI,e property of :\lichael S. Hatch. ·lortl. thirty-one degrees fiity-one minutes. mortgagor and real owner. JOlIN J. CAlX, Sheriff. '.hirty Seconus west onc hundred fect. In.:lud· :ng on the rear thereof part of a certain tweh'e Conditions-$:l5'O.00 cash on day of sale; feet wide driveway which extends into the halance in ten days ~aid Darby road. I.U'I'7.. ERVIN, REESlm & Under a.nd subject neverthdess to the pay· rnONEPIBLD, Attorneys. ment of a certain first mortgage debt or prino SHERIFF'S SALES OF REAL ESTATE -:il~1 sum of nine thousand dollars. since re· Levari Facias No. =191 ·Juced by payments on account to eight thous· "lnd four hundred dollars. with intercst. Abo At the SherIff's Office, M:ueh Term, 1930 "iubject to and together with the free and com. '1011 use, right, liberty and privilege of said Court House, Media, Pa., All that certain piece or parcd of land ojriveway as a passageway aml driveway at all situate in Haverford 'I'ownship, Delaware ~illles hereafter forever, in common with the Saturday, July 26. 1930. County and Statf' of PennSYlvania. deSignate!! )Wners, tenants occupiers of the other lots of and known as I.ot No. 550 in a certain plan At 9 :30 O'Clock, A. M. seph (Daylight Saving Time) Ilense of maintaining said driveway. \V. hunter. C. E., Jenkintown. Pa., Apnl 2S. 1905. which is duly recorded in the Office for FIeri Facias No. 435 Improvements consist of two-story brick the Recording of Deeds, etc.. in and for said Imilding, 16x601 feet. Delaware County. Pennsylvania, in Deed Book June Term, 1930 "X," No. 10, Ilage 644. neg-inning at a point Sold as. the property of Harry ~Iurachver. on the southeast side line of Hastings avenUe (fifty (eet wide) at the distance of one hun· Conditions--$250.00 cash on day of sale; dred feet sonth sixty·three degr~s (orty.eight balance in ten dal·s. minutes west from the west side of },fanoa a\'enIlC; thence by Lot No. S49 south twenty. RODI~RT n. GREER, Attorney. six degrees twelve minutes east one hundred and twenty·five feet; thcnce by Lot No. 489 south sixty·three degrees forty·eight minutes fieri Facias No. 562 west Iwenty·!ive feet; thence by Lot No. 551 north twenty·six degrees twelve minutes west June Term 1930 passing through the middle of the partition All that certain lot or piece of land with wall separating the house on the premises the two and one·half story frame and stucco llerehy granted from the house adjoining on dwelling and improvements thereon erected, the southwest one hundred and twenty. five feet situate on the southeasterly side of Tatnall to the southea!>t side line of Hastings a~.~n"' I Ave.• at the distance of three hundred and and thence along the said side line of Hast. sixty feet measured northeas.twardly from the ings avenue north sixty·three degrees forty. southeasterly corner of the said TatnaJl avenue eight minutes east twenty.five feet to the place (forty feet wide) and I.eon avenu(. (fifty feet of beginning. wide) in the Dorough of Glenolden, County of Delaware and State of Pennsylvania; contain. Under and subje!:ct to certain conditions and ing in front along the southeasterly side of the restrictions therein recited and S(:t forth, which ~".~~.-.,~ I sai(1 Tatnall avenue measured thence north have expirCtI by limitation on January I. A. sixty·six degrees forty.eight minutes cast fortyD. 1914. five feet and extending in depth of that widtb ~,i~~~ south twenty·three degrees twelve minutes east. Improvements ~onsi!lt of two and one·half ,~ ninety·five feet to the northwesterly side of a story stone and rough·cast hOllse, r6x38 feet; ten feet wide alle!:y extending southwestwardl, one·story addition, 4x6 feet. Porch front. Gar. into the said Leon avenue. age, IOX20 feet. ~;;;;;;'t~S>::~:.~-. Under and subject to the payment of a cerSold as the property of Michael S. Hatch. mortgagor and real owner. lain first mortgage debt or principal !lum of (our thousand dollars, with interest tbere!:on Condition~$250.00 cash on day o( sale; when as as the same may t-ecome due and Lalanee!: in ten days. payable. :===================/ r. SHERIFF SALES "You should see the NEW CHRYSLER EIGHT" j ,6, Something New in Swarthmore Overhaul your motor and chassis Equip with Goodrich Silvertown Tires Refinish with Duco Lacquer Install New Exide Battery-New Radiator Etc. and 'pay as you ride'. -::---~::-- Choice of Crest to their new home at Wallingford CLASSIFIED Hills, WaJlingford. Dr. George Peirce Warren of South Chester road spent last week·end at I___-----L-O.:..:ST------Ventnor where Mrs. Warren and their LOSl'-Gtlld watch with cbain and charm on young son are the guests of Mrs. WarJuly z. Reward. Return to 129 McKinley ren's mother, Mrs. Knight, during July. A,·e.• Lansdowne. Tel. Madison 964W. Albert Thatcher, BiU Cleaves, and HELP WANTED John Longwell recently spent four days in Washington, D. C. visiting Tom TuckMale and Female help. M. D. oer, a former playmate of Swarthmore. Newall and Walnut Itreet.. Morton, Mr. William Wermouth of Dartmouth Swarthmore t632. avenue and Dr. G. L. Armitage of ChesFOR RENT ter have returned from a fishing trip in Maryland. GARAGE FOR REN1~$6 per month. Inquire Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Nick of Erie are 218 CarneU Ave. or Phone Swarth• .265·J. the guests of ]'1r. and Mrs. George F.I ::G"A"R::A7::G:::E:-::":::O::R:--:R::E=N:::T:-::n::i,-:k-:i-n,-o-n--av-,-n-u-,. Fenno of Swarthmore avenue. near Harvard. Phone 1660.W. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent S. Pownall are :::::::--:::=:--:-__------::-::-::FOR RENT-Apartment 5 rooms and bath; spending the week at Cape May, N. J. also third floor apartment, 3 rooms and bath. We will- WE IN.rITE A DISCUSSION SPECIAL TRIAL PURCHASE OFFER Use one of our Automatic Gas Water Heaters Tasty Delicious Appetizing Our Tr""el Department acts as agents br all the important tours of de world. We wiD attend to steamship accommochtions, baggage transfer, hote' and sight seeing reserva thns. In fact. all of the detail; that might mar an otherwise enjoyable trip. Draperies I LO':l1ls and discounts ..••..•••••• $1.061,914.08 7.45'7.13 Ol"crdrafts ••.••.•...••.••••••• United States Government se~ . (urities owned . .••.• •• •••• •• 300,9:21.88 Other bonds, stocks. and securities 102.S73.09 uwned ••..••.•••••••••••••••• Banking house •.•••••• $9S,414.4S furniture and fixlures •• :l:O,9J2.SS 116,347.00 Rt'.ll estate owned .other than Banking with houseFederal •••••••.•...•• 14.500.00 Re.,ervc Reserve 5 (Put your car in shape for Safe Driving and Pay out of Income) i Phones: Chester 6218 or 3137 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Muhlenberg Ave. HOT Going Abroad? THE SWARTHMOREAN SHERIFF SALES $75 Job only costs $3.78 weekly for 20 weeks Drive Around and Talk It Over I warthmo11 aes. I l~ / e.AuLo~Service-Inc. Geor,ge.H. Hamblin. Huclson -Essex Sales Agent 401-03 DartmouthAve. Swarthmore. Pa Phone." 596 I.UTZ, ERVIN, I~RON I~FIELD. Venditioni Rr;;:r.....';ER & Attorneys. ]~ponas December Term. 1929 Members of Phlla. Auto Repair Finance Corporation Under and subject to certain easements, Improvements consist of two·story stucco condltlons and restrictions. And also house, 21X:I'4 feet. Porch front. under and subject to the lien and pay .. Sold as the pro~rty of RUMell O. Graffius No. ,8.21 ment of a certain first mcrtgage debt or principal sum of ftfteen thousand dollars ami F..mma 'C. Graffius, his wife. with Interest thereon as and when the ConditionS-~25"O.00 cash on day of aalei same shall become due and payable. balance in ten days. All those two certain lots or pieces of ground known as lots Nos. 151 and 152 on plan of Together with the free and common Clifton Land and Inlprove!:Dlent Company, said uae, right, Uberty and prIvilege of the plan being recorded III the office for the re· aforesatc1 three feet wide alley as and JOliN J. CAIN, Sheriff. 6 THE JULY SWARTHMOREAN 12, 1930 DR. MARRIOtt WILL sistant The party will a150 consist of a There at the present time 482 adult becoming increasingly popular. It is a all residents should be proud and should OBSERVE ECLIPSE half dozen naval officers as well as sev- members of the library and 363 juvenile cultural characteristic of Swarthmore do all they can to make it a, splendid Dr. R. W. Marriott who is connected 84:' eral other cc;>llege scientists. . mem~rs-making members altogeth- residents and is an institution of which success. About thIrty craters are on, the lS- er. EIght hundred sIxty one books were I~ M~~th~h~~~~nhlffi~~~~~~~~317~ks=======~~======~~============= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~tt~OO~~~~~~ed~m~~~~j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ partment of Swarthmore College will June, 1929, which destroyed one of the sail next Saturday, July 19, to Niuafou two villages. There are no good anIsland in the Tonga Archipelago to ob-I chorages and only one precarious landflO iug place. tl t t l l' serve Ie 0 ~ ec Ipse 0 t Ie sun on ct. I • •• 21. 1'he Umted. State;> Na~al Obse.rva-I ~ory . IS cooperatJ~~ WIth prIvate SClentISt;s 10 the c:xpedlt!on. . Dr. MarrIott wdl be ac~ml?arued by Mrs. Burt P. McKinnie is in Battleeld Ar!lold of the. American. Geo- boro, Vermont, and is retur~ing by way Dr. hV[cal grap I SocIety who wdl act as hIS as- of Long Island. She will be gone about ile department. This makes a rota! of 1178 for the month of June, 1930. There are a goodly numbtt of books in the Swarthmore Public Library that are on the reading list for credit in the Swarthmore High School. These books, however, have not been listed on the high school list in the high school library. High school pupils who are reading f~ credits this summer will please take notice. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = two w e e k s . . When you visit the library, wander M.rs. ~: ~. Thomas of Washmgton, D. around and visit all the book shelves, inC., IS vIsIting her daughter Mrs. A. B . . .. . HOWARDKIRK Reavis. Miss Genevieve Thomas who clu~mg. the mcreasmg numbtt .m. the has also been a guest at ilie Reavis home a?dltonum. Look. over the chppmgs, Attorney-at-law 'sailed from Brooklyn on Wednesday for pictures and data ~Isplayed on the .wall.s. 14 South Ave. Media, Pa. South America. L~k over the varIous n~w book .hsts 111 pnnted form that are displayed 111 varMedia 197 Dr. and Mrs. George A. Hoadley were ious places for your information and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• called to \Vaterbury, Conn., on account convenience. of the death of Dr. Hoadley's brotlter . . . . . ~;;;;;~;;;~~;;;~~~~~~ij Frederick B. Hoadley in his ninety-first The hbrary IS steaddy grow1l1g and IS year. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Smith were +11+11+1++++1+11+1++4+11+11+1++ in Pitman, N. J., for a few days last week. Mr. Aubrey Smith has gone to Atlantic City, N. J., for the week-end. MEDiA, PA. The Woman's Bible Class and the Home Department of the Methodist Episcopal Church had a picnic at Mrs. Today--Saturday Lotta Drayton's cottage at Brandywine Summit. Wamer Baxter ~ t Dr. William Earl Kistler and family "THE ARizONA KID" lof Park avenue has taken a cottage at Beach Haven for July and August. The marriage of Mi.ss Grace Emalyn • " MacMillan of Lansdowne and Mr. HowMonday and Tueaday ell Barrett Pennell of Drexel Hill took News Notes I I MEDIA THEATRE i Bert ~ee~~ "They say the New Chrysler Eights are grea performers and stylish as a Paris .. lan gown. NOTE: Our Annual $5 Sale of Dresses Preparatory to our closing during the entire month 0/ AugUst Drastic Reductions 0/ all Summer Dresses and Sportswear Swarthmore, Pa. ~re~t &~~~ af~~d~+++""+""""MMMM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Church After Presbyterian September first Mr. of andLansdowne. Mrs. Pen- ==:============================================== "THE CUCKOOS" WedneSday and Thursday "PAAAMOUNT ON PARADE" Talk-Song-Dance ·25 Stan of Stage and Screen Miss avenue is renell willElsie be atBoyt homeofinPark Swarthmore. cuperating at her home after having undergone a tonsil operation at t11e Hahnemann hospital. Her sister, Miss Ann Boyt, left Thursday for a two weeks' stay in Nova Scotia. Miss Mary Thome of Shirer Apartments is entertaining her mothe., Mrs. Thomas B. Thorne of Trenton. Col. C. A. Dravo, Major Frank N. Smith, Major J. E. Davis, and Capt. Paul B. Stephen are at Fort George G. Meade, Md. I~~~~~~;~;~@~~~~~~~;~~~~;~~~;~~~~~~;~;~~~~~~;~' The Greatest June Business in Roberts-Hull A quiet Friends' wedding took place Wednesday at noon at the home of Dr. William I. Hull and Mrs. Hull, 011 \Valnut lane, when theIr younger daughter Miss Elizabeth Powell Hull became the bride of Mr. Charles Boyle Roberts, 3rd. of Philadelphia and formerly of Baltimore. The weddmg ceremony took place on the lawn under the huge oak tree. The bride was accompanied by her sister Mrs. Mary Hull Davis and the groom was accompanied by his brother. The wedding certificate was read by Mr. Heyl of Wynn wood. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts left on a motor trip and will return to spend the summer at the home of the bride's parents while Dr. and Mrs. HuH are travelling- this summer. Now Specializing in iill i, i i 1 , ; i ; j .~ I f! • MEN'S MADE..TO..MEASURE CLOTHES Regular $45 and $50 Values Lib.rary Open ••• During Summer (Continued from Pall' Oft,) library but must be destroyed. This must be done as a matter of safety. \Vhile sickness is a misfortune, yet, as regards destruction of books, the library should not he compelled to bear the expense of this destruction. That rests with the home where the contagion happcn<-'ass: rances to t I1.e IJorougI1 an d a Iong every / GET HEARING YESTERDAY · I an I' Jecollllllg w h IC 1 to· Ive. t IS on v when olle old .. -t· I . • . I. II t neighbor sits on the f~ont porch of a :~t ~he railroad WIll make swarthmore'~I"lre~ , t lie) I see tll~I' Icodege a m~sX 1I111erOllS thefts in Swarthmore last , ,. malll artery a sluice for a continual 1'1ere ant t Ie esta) IS le commulllty !.l1I.nnl cr ehvenBdlg. w!th afnother ~Jld Hream of traffic. The)' see Swartlullo;e life of the borough exploited to attract winter of automobile accessories, auto nelglI b or t at ad miSSIons 0 a s t a r...t lavenue, 1 l 1 'one 7 . of the borough's most IIC\\, IlO111e 0\'.ners W I10 can a fford to robes, and articles of clothing, bags, nature arc rna e. . fi t I . t 0\\' n, b . " heauhful residential streets, growing in IIll),tl' 1C tiles l?mes.1I1 u twl 10 . ' .. etc., from parked automohiles were O ccaslOna IIy one. WI II run mto onc )Jopularity as a connecting link be- (J ff.er f ew qua II fiIca t IOns as IIlsplrmg of these frank old !nllers. who cO.ntend!' I tween the Chester pike and the Balti- neighbors. . . . solved last week by the arrest of three that Swarthmore IS rapIdly losmg all more pike; the)' see a new era of By S0111e these pesstnllshc observers youths who gave their addresses as . o. Id d cae· I 'T mar k s 0 f 'III d"d IVI ua I'Ity-cxcepting thc apartment houses J'ust IJeg'111111'11g ,,,III'C(I wou Id b e tern.1ecI conservatn'e . t C II' d I d Aid _________________ (Continued 0/1 Page Four' ",orns own, 0 mg a e an an. The \"alue of articles stolen by the PLAYGROUND CONTESTS committee for either funds or a ccntri- three boys in all parts of Delawar(;OP Ie IJave turn", J C urdY's car. severa I au t 0 ro I)es, a SUI't Larger altendence was reported at A. a • Sponsored B y . t 1le VISItors . . of COles, I tl . f case an d a canoe given the Schick test. 83 were given nuaI -"IaIr ou t an'd Ile Ipc d entertam a I)rte the playground the past week than at En· C d I } I I d ' I . I I k treatments of Toxin Antitoxin, for the tire., ommunity : n lave s lare( t Ie ay s I)ro,:'ram w lIC I was a en f rom tl Ie b oat llOuse any time since its opening. . L I .tl St tl 'LI I prevention of Diptheria. \ntll t lem. 0 Ie ra I .r aven nn. In the Health Centers, 116 children • •• MAKE PLANS MONDAY While the number of guests invited The three young men arc Bernard attended during the month, and of BUSES TO CONNECT the past few years h"s been five hun- ~I ichel, 17, of Norristown, who was these 58 were newly registered chitdBORO AND 69TH ST. f 0 u t s t an d'IIlg 111 . S wart IImore ' s annua I dre~, this numher will be as ' arrested State Police on informa' . increased . fbyL ' reno Two new Centers were opened . . . the money and food ?'1adahle permits. tlOn 0 ansdowne 1>01lce, Charles Co~, during June, one in Addingham, and Street car service on the Baltimot\! program of commulllty events IS the The meeting in Borough Hall 11on- 19, of Collingdale, and David Simer, one on Fairview Road, near \Voodlyn. pike between :Media and Clifton will Country \Veek picnic which has been day c\'cning is open to all who arc in- 19, of Aldan. Simer and :Michel were The nurses attended the annual meetheld every summer for the past thirh.'- terested and those who have sponsor- the two who stole most of the things probahly be suspended soon upon the f S ing of the Delaware County \Velfare final decree of the Public Service Com- six years. ed the affair in by-gone years arc es- rom warth more cars. The two bumCouncil held at the Chester Y. W. C. pecially anxious that a lot of the new pers' helonging to Captain Mc'curdy, mission. \Vhile no definite statement The prOJ'ect I'S one,v I' A. lIC II rec e'Ives tl Ie residetlts of the borough take part. who is head of t.he public' safety comMrs. Brice attended an entertainment has. come fr?m the Souther~ Pennsyl- sUI>port of the entire borough. But this ••• mittee of Swarthmore Borough counat the Morton School, at the close of' vallla TranSIt Company, whIch 'owned year. an effort wi'! I be'made to interest cil, were attachecl to the car of Simer the term. the line, it is expected that buses will PHILA. ~USHWICKS TO when he was arrested and had to be In company, with Mrs. Martin B. be put into operation when the trolley more of the young rnarried people of PLAY HERE TUESDAY removed by one of the local policc ofYoung, president, the nurses held a cars are removed. the borough in the work to carry 011 ficers, special conference to discuss the projust where the Eastern terminal of the program which m~ny of the older Tuesday ~vening the Swarthmore The three offenders who have algram for the coming months. these buses witI be is not known, but residents of the borough have' arrang- Business Men's Association Ball team ready confessed to stealing the goods Mrs. Brice accompanied Mrs. Eloise the Swarthmorean has it on good au- cd for the past twenty years. 1)lays the Philadelphia Bushwick team. which they have disdosed, were given Ashton to the School of Social and thority that one bus route will proceed , J'hl) ..Country Vy~ek Association is an This is the second game this season a hearing hefore ~fagistrate Pierce . \Vork, where the lattcr'regi'st- up the pike and down Sproul road'organization with headroilnlivaenrtsl.cooI1n.,1,edlYI)'Se"n~sap,~awinheBnra"s,srbeolD1I1eda'd$ the able administration of Mrs. Brice, S. Edwards, Mrs. R. C. Glenn, MISS vv and of the lattcr's desire to keep up to ',Mae C. Brown, Mrs. L. McCall, Mr~.' Awake"-Hedgerow's most experimenthe highest possible standard. She S. B. Locke, Mrs. H. B. Brown, Mrs. tal venture of the current season-is Itressed the fact that Mrs. Brice al- Frank Brown, Miss Emma Gardner scheduled for \Vednesday ~yening, lI'a~'s retained a sympathetic attitude Jones, M iss Edna Show, Miss Ircnc Jlily 23rd. Gretchen Anton-SmIth, who tOward the sick and suffering. A poem Winch Boch Miss Ethel P. Murray, plays the highly comic role of Lady \\'a DI s t len read, composed by Mrs. ' J. Mrs. George Schuhardt, Mrs. George President Aydelotte is now in South countries of Latin-America. Fellow- C'I eCI y on T uesday evening in "Captain rOIl~ld. Gibson, as an expression of ap- Major, Mrs. F. Newton Pierce. America, where he will spend the next ships will be open to men and women, Rrasshollnd's Conversion" hridges the P celatIOn of Mrs. Hrice's services. Mrs. Emma C. Kalback, ~frs. L. C. without distinction of race, color, or vast span between comedy and tragedy ••• \Verntz, Mrs. R. Clayton, ~[rs. I. two mont hs in Argentine and Chile to creed married or unmarried. Since the \\' Ilen on \V ecInes(Iay evening she plays Beagle-Resides Skelly, Mrs. F. '1'. Snyder, Miss Kath- ach'ise them concerning the proposed estabiisiHnent of the foundation by for- the tragic Irene in "\Vhen \Ve Dead erine Schroder, Miss Harriett Orr, Guggenheim I.atin-American Fellow- mer United States Senator and Mrs.' ~wake". Alfred Howe, ~[iriam PhilGuggenheim five years ago, 295 Fel. lIps, Harry Bellaver and Dudley Vaug~ ~I iss Margaret Resides, daughter of Miss Ann Connolly, Miss Rachel n. ships. The first Guggenheim Latin-Ameri- lowships have been awarded. The Fel-i han complete the cast of '.'\Vhen \Ve elr, and Mrs. Harry K. Resides of East Orr, Mrs. J. H. Taylor, Miss Phoehe I,OIl,c ge avenue, State College, Pennsyl- Turner, Mrs. Edward \V. Smith, Mrs. can Fellowships were established in lowships have heen awarded. The Fel- I Dead Awake". \Vhat .is being referred Sallla, and Mr. Charles Beagle of J. H. Denman, Mrs. George M. Reese, Mexico last year, and two scholars lowships ate normally of the value of ~ to as the comedy Illt of tJle season, Chiarelli's "The Mask and the Face"' • Warthmore were united in marriage Miss May C. Reese, Mrs. J. R. Marlin, from Mexico will come to the United $2,500 a year. in September, 1930. Four AmTI . I t' of S tl ' I is the Hedgerow offering on Thursday ~n Saturday, June 7th, at Hollidays- Mrs. Guster Schaifer, Mrs. Gene Wyn- States . F II h b . t d Ie comp e Ion ,war 1more s . J I 2.ttI \ lIr~, Pennsylvania. The hride is an kooJ>; Miss Florence Haigh. erlcan cows ave een appom e four million dollar endowment cam-, evelllng, u y I. Valt~.r. Hart an.d employee of Pennsylvania State College M;s. Roherts, Mrs. Clymer, Mrs. at the same time to study in different. k I I' I . d Kay Roma play the leadmg roles m . A" palgn mar s t Ie ug lest pomt to ate "'rl "[ k I I F " TI d ;~c1. the groom is a Penn State student. Young, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. H. L. War-I Latm- mencan countnes. of the meteoric career of one of Am1C.\ as all( tIC 'ace. lat en \\,. J~. expected that the young couple wick, Mrs. J. C. Redheffer, Mrs. E. A.' The Latin-American Exchange FcI" I d' d t From the lessly fresh and ever-popular comedy, s ea mg e uca ors, A A "£'1 ' "TI R . A " ~IJ hve in State College and the groom 'Nilson, Mrs. I. P. Cliver, Houston, lowships arc designed to promote a enca t'Ime Wh ' I I I d f . . J\ I ne s 1e I omantlc en Ie mac e t01\C 1 owns or. I I I d f F·' . Jge, I ~IIJ continlle his college course. Texas; Mrs. Rohert Black, ~r rs. Rams- inore intimate understanding between I 11(I'lana ,s team to t IIe present d ay 25tl IS SC IN U e or . • ric ay evenmg, F l' I . F I N fu y herger, 1\1 rs. Spingler, Mrs. Thompson, republics of North and South America w h en h" hd ownll I.II ranees C IS puttmg across touc V h orc JHana, Sere ' d I 0 er, d Mrs. Birkinshaw, Mrs. W. C. Smith, through the closer relationship of of another sort the career of Presi~( .ey ~Ug an, eaI~ we~ c an PLAN COUNTRY WEEK Mrs. James Carr, Mrs. S, Waterman, scholastic and professional men in these cIen t F ran' k A y I I H . I h' A B degree W llC 1 a ar~e cas gure prom11lent y t e Picnic in previous years are urged ~c 100 . e recelve( IS . . . h' hI d . ~Ieanor T. Frescoln, will consider extending them to other Ico,.,iPl",d em PaD' Three) III Ig y' ramatlc group scenes. () attend Monday night's meeting. I I ••• n ., 'i z THE Club and Social News SWARTHMOREAN - - JULY 19, 1930 Aydelotte Reellonaihle For Sueceu of 'CoDege Call Swarthmore 900 and Give Your News to the Social Editor MEDIA LAUNDRY, INC. Phone Media 174 "Serving Swarthmore Successfully Since 1900" Finished Wash of Every Description Mr. and 1\[rs. ]. H. McAteer and Miss Doris McIntvre of Harvard family of Pittsburgh were week-end guests of ~rr. and 1frs. \Villiam D. a,'cnuc entertained at' a birthday luncheon on \Vedncsday. Werrnouth of Dartmouth 3YCnuc. • • • • • * J. Russell Smith and l\'lr. Arthur Hughes of Columbia aveDr. Mrs. Smith motored from their summer home at nue spent the week end with his famRound Hill Va. to attend Friends Gen- i1y who are in Ocean City. eral Conference at Cape :May, N. J. !\fr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher returned Dr. J. S. Heberling and Mr. Roland last Saturday from High Point, near L. Eaton spent Tuesday motoring ill Beach Haven, N. ]. the Faconos. * * • Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Reynolds of The Thursday Duplicate Bridge Club College avenue are entertaining their drove to Newcastle, Delaware, on grandsons Robert and David Sterritt of Thursday. Cranford, N. J. WM. KIMMEL & SON . .. PAPERHANGING ' • • • Haverford Place Swarthmore, Pa. • • • • • • Mrs. Harry B. * •• J. JUly Special! John Naisby is a guest of John RichMr. and Harper and ards at Ocean City, N. J. family of Swarthmore Crest are spend. * • • ing July at Basin Harbor Lodge in Vermont. :Mrs. Sheldon Green, her daughter Patricia and her son Norman are * * * Mrs. A. H. B. Shepperd is visiting guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bunting -Mrs. Bayard Morrison at Island of College avenue. Heights, N. J. * • * Mrs. J. L. McLain of Harvard aveMr. and Mrs. Robert L. Coates oi nue is spcnding a month in Atlantic Harvard avenue entertained at cards City. last Friday evening when their guests Mrs. A. V. B. Orr and daughter I Martha of Mount Holyoke Place are at Rehobeth, Del. This De Luxe Electric Washer • • • ==:=============== Dining Out? • * • When yOQ want to have dinner away from home come to The Tea Room. The meal. are taaty and i.--_.--. ,~.~~ on I' ucorgc 1- 'ox an( I I ot lcr '== '11 . b j~- = MEDIA PA , _ e '" . II Walter Smedley = Arboretum. hopes thatby itthewill bc This will be He accomplished Scott possible to furnish more adequate rooms, and dining quarters to accomplish this. An attractive and enjoyable social life is one of his aims, for, )1(> says, this side of life is as important Honor. Courses Based on His Ideals as the intellectual side_ In various books and articles he has President Aydelotte has a keen inwritten, Dr. Aydelotte has expressed terest in athletics. Although he did not his educational ideals. He advocates go out for sports before he entered the teaching of English Literature and college, he went out for the football Composition primarily from the point team at Indiana, and made thc team of view of thought rather than of form. during his latter two years. He played He is iu . favor of so altering the curri- right end_ He was chosen by expert~ culum and examination system of Am- as a member of several allstate foot~ erican institutions as to emphasize the balt teams. He also went out for tra.:.k thorough training of the best students at college. I instead of being content with the atWhen he was at Oxford he played tempt to bring the whole student body rugby football on the Braselloes colof an institution up to a lower aver.. lege team. He rowed on this same colage. These idea1s have been expressed lege's Cfew_ ill the honors courses which Dr. Ay. When he was a teacher at the Louisdelotte has introduced and developed ville Boys' High School he coached the since he has been president of Swarth. football team for two years. He is very more. proud of the fact that during the sec"I came to Swarthmore with the idea bud year the team was not only undeof making the college just as good as feated, but was not scored on. He atit possibly can be. I have done every- tr'ibutes this record to his policy of thing I could since to make the col- never overtraining, of thoroughncss of training in simplc formations, and the nse of speed in defense and attack. HOME JOBBER President Aydelotte now takes his AU ki..... of Rep.in ill ...d ...o .... d exercises in the form of goH. the home. Electrical Repair. and 1.._ Besides his work for Swarthmore, .tallatio.. • Specialty. President Aydelotte has a number of A. M. ALLISON'" SON outside committees. He has been the 311 Vassar Aye. American secretary to the Rhode's trusPho..e Swarth. 1180 tees since 1918. He is chairman of the educational advistory committee of the Guggenheim Memorial Foundation MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON which annually grants fellow~hiJls for FtlDeral Director. advanced research work in scholarly subjects and creative work in the fine aDd Embalmen arts. A high standard has becn main208 SOUTH ORANGE ST. tained by this foundation. Several Modi.. p .. Pho.... 4 holders of fellowships have received _ __ = = Pen ncr est Fa. r m s,. = = I 011 = S Tu berculin Tested Accredl'ted Herd = had an. mAuence on the na!lon as a Quaker leaders. ;;; whole 111 the past. and he hopes that D' tl P'd \ d I . == ltrlllg Ie war rest cut i y C OftC = tgreater IS WI 'tontmue to c true to all CH"'n was National Director of the \Var : extent. C . I c· I.' 1= SUes ourse 111 t 1e ommlttce 011 r,du-I == Discueaes Swarthmore's Future cation and Special Training of the \Yar = "I am proud, but not satisfied with Department. He is a trustee of the I what has been accomplished here a1 Carnegie Foundation for the Ad\·.lI1ct.>- 5 Swarthmore," he went on. "Swarth· ment of Teaching, of the Teache ... ' In· more"s development has barely begun. surance and Annuity Association, Condltlons--$2SO 00 ea!h on day of tale; same shall become due and payable. more Aenue and extendmg tn the Southerly All those two certam lotI. or pieces of ground balance tn ten days M.ca. 197 and Southwesterly dHeetlOn through a por- known as Jots Nos 151 and 15.2 on plan of Together with the free and common tion of Spnngfield Township to connett With Land and Improvement Company. laid WIG, r1aht, liberty and prlvUege of the JOHN J. CAIN, - - - - -_________J. the present outfall sewer of the Bnrouih of Chfton plan bemg recorded III the office for the re. aforesafd three feet wide alley as and Sto.,Uf. • • • SHERIFF SALES CLASSIFIED 1 SHERIFF SALES Bulk Storage Space from SOc a month "Serving Swarthmor4 Slnc~ 1904" *' n, makes the vacation more pleasant. Why worry about the safety of your personal and household treasures in the weeks which should be devoted to rest and relaxation? Our Safe Deposit Boxes rent for $3.00 a year, upward. Call, Wire 0,. W,.ite 10,. Details ~Ide I! I * • * CordIally invites you to share 111 its Bell Phone Clearbrook 653.1 I ~. * .. * * * * STEVENS, Minister 1000 A. M. THE SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I I~\\ reliev~d Park Avenue LLOYD P I~l\\Cr U~per Sunday at the Sunday Servicel I f~et * * *' ~frs. services GEORGE H. KELLEY Electrician M.-Sewing and WhIttier House. Box I •• * * * * All are eordially invited to join in these Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, S.T .M. * .. * *' ~fiS5 I9.30 A. M. '0 Z;30 P. Quilting 111 luncheon. • • * Wednclclay Protestant Episcopal I S\\arthmore lIear I.lttle Crum Creek to the I' corGmg of deeds &c. In and for the County of for a passageway and. water course at Southeast of Crcs"on Lane, authOrIZIng con Dela\\arc. and de5cnbed as follows. to Wit all times hereafter forever. In common tract!. to procure the dClilcailIln of tights of Situate Otl the "~sterl} sule of Chfton avenue with the owners, tenants and oC(:u~\ers "3Y therdor, the acceptance of ~ame, and the [tiler and is particularly interested in Charles A. Smith was named prcsipleasure. have been made to repaIr It at placel>, I the latter part of the playground pro· dent of the Association again this yeai' A petition signed by a number of I It has finally been dccided, however, I with the work in industrial an.' and thc following officers were also property owners on the two .streets was I that the only solution is to replace the household arts. i chosen: vice chairman, Harvey R. The building program is also requiri Pierce; secretary, :\r rs. Chester Robpresented to council carly in the week main entirely. urging .that bodTyhto do. aboudt ., • • ,'in g considerable attention from Mr. I erts; associate secretary, Alice thc e p.e!1tlOners requeste :\forey and although the shop building I Lukens, and treasurer, Albert N. will be entirely completed and full'! I Garrett. that t~e pohce authorlt.les of the borough mto the WIt? shotguns every equippcd for the opening of school this i The following cOlllmittee chairmen ntght for a whl!e. TillS was done last fall it docs not appear at this tim: tha1 : were namcd: Transportation commityear when the b!rds too numerthe Rutgers, avenue building WIll b·.' I tee, E. Clayton \"'alton and Harry ous but was dlscontl11ued when other filll'slle(1 C I d . I 'tt"l.[ reSIdents of the borough comp I' alne d "\\'(' will probahly have to start the IS C san P I WIC 1 comml d M ee, Ed 1V rs.t! . . . 00I ,man; 'bout a rain of shot l)ourillg down on I· In H h Id And I . ~ amue .' a mer .an J. rs. war atheir . h cads a f ter eachsiege ' ouse 0 B· nyear WIth .thc same schedulc tl.13t .was I A . Jellkl11s', entcrtalllment Mrs. John 0 f th e poI'Ice. Courses d t· I Art t : . ff \ . . _I I I 1 .. "'1 ',I . .. ' h O m e ect \\ lcn Sl: 100 C OSC(, J.\ r. 4\ U' · I rI.ce auft h ' " us riaNext Week s 0 egm 1 Howard Taylor' soltcltmg ~frs HarT hiS year tIe Pd Bonhes acWtu!lg rey said, "but I thcbncw school1 will cer old Griffin', on t e recommen alton 0 urgess I . O b " . " :'Irrs . . N •.. Spang. I S 0 1I1 R L d' f d t h 1 t ' t th tandy be rea( y y cto cr . ler' rice pudding and cookIes Mr.. · lam s t'atmg .an tlh a rte.Ituse .0 sVI.0 NEARLY FINISHED fi Mr. IRa;'mond \Valtcrs and Mrs . trees was 111 oa t·Ion 0 0 f ae SHOP I I l\forey I l~ belicves , that the ' .athleti.: . '1' , . . ' bo h d . Ie ( at tIe '\.utgers d' . I enuef site I II\\ I.. )e " \V Carson roug or Inance. a\ Plercc', ICC cream' l\lrs · ~Iagistrate Ulrich also added testimony Summer courses in industrial a.rts III good con Ihon w len oot)a time Ryan, J r.; milk and water, l\f rs. Albcrt opposing the shot-gun siege when he for hoys and h.ousehold arts for golrlS comcs around. The grass on the fi<:ld FRANK Ro MOREY Fassitt; hospitality, Mrs. Chester brought in several dead song birds which were started thIS week. at. the Swartl!-, at prescnt appcars to ~e pretty. thm, Supervising Principal of the Swarth- . Roberts; health and comfort, Mrs, Johe declared had evidentally been .<;hot by more High school bUlldmg and will but may be adequate If there IS not more Public Schools scph Scal and llrs. Robert Devereux; residents in the bird infested area. He really get underway next week. The I too much dry wcather the rest of the grounds committcc, Chester Roberts; '1\Ot only opposed the police using shot work is part of the play-! summer. In case the field cannot the crowding of the past scmcster whell and collecting and returning committee gUrlS but said that he would have anyone grollnd program and is WIthout cost to be I1S(,(1 the games will be played on the drawing work was done in the arl . Frank Geltz and Harvey Pierce. arrested who was caught doing any all the children of the borough. the old field at the College avenue room of the college avenue building. II The workers arc anxious this year l!) shooting. Benjamin J. Cook, the regular building. . . ... l\[r. :\Iorey is also pcrsonally supcr- have a better picnic than cver befor.'. The fire department was then appealed training teacher at the high school, IS The ncw supen'lsmg prinCIpal IS verv vising repairs, repainting and some few Five hundrcd mothers and children unto and the volunteer firemcil visited the in charge of the course for boys, and much interested in the proposed gym- improvements around thc building this Ider 6 years of age have been invited. bird retreat on three occasions during the girls work will be under the super- nasium. ,A number of sec-saws, small chairs, the early part of the week and turned VISIon of Miss. M. "Basketball in my opinion is one of "Ycs. I spending cverv (:tc. are particularly dcsirable this year. water upon the upper ..anches of the tc:acher of domesttc sCience at the high the finest sports that can be encourag· 'lay here,' he declared, trYlllg to get Thc usual requests for money contrees. Great clouds of birds arose on school during the regular term. in any school system," declared M r. 'lcquainted with every phasc of th,' tributiOlls and contributions of food each occasion and some of the residents l\Ir. Cook and Miss Cherry arc still "A hoy has to be pretty husk\' \York. It feels mighty good to me to will he made during the next few days said yesterday that. conditions were im- desirous of more' enrollments and thc to play foothall and must I.earn a. lot ')e back in public school administrativ,' and it is hoped that people now out of pro\'ed. Others said that the result of boys and girls who have, not already lof rules. Baseball reelUlres skilled .vork where I have actual contact with to\\'1\ who have helped the project ill (Clmtin",d on Page Su-J attended any of the classes will be per- I players and a proficlcnt team. But '1 c('rtaill group of pupils. I have plcnty other years will send in thcir check to •• • mitt(:d to begin next .week. basketball can be played by almost any <)f ideas and plans that I wallt to work aay of the officers of the Associatioll. WALTER S. No ah,olut"y d,fi!,;" ag, Um;t ha; I b?y 0' g;'1. Som, may b, mo," pror.- ou, hee<, but I won't "" to ,>u,h them Anyone a cae at hom, 0 .. DIES IN 63RD YEAR been set for the pupils, but the classes I clent othcrs, but the team O! '111 at oncc. Dr. Ferguson has left \Vednesday IS asked to get 111 t.uch wiII he largely for children of the sixth II players IS small and may be multiplied in sple11did condition and of course tlu: I with M r. \Valton or Mr. Cookman so \Valter S. Bickley husband of Mrs. to the twelfth grade for girls over tell any numhcr of times, depending on th{' IJUdiet for the coming school year is that they will know how many cars to Josephine Sharp Bickie.r, retired business years over twelve years. , number of groups of players there 'llready made up S£? that I cOllldn:1 count on. executive and widely known Rotarian, class periods WIll be arranged accordmg! "I want to sec Swarthmore High make any v(:ry drastic changes e\'en If! A large number of volunteer workdied Wednesday at his home on the to the pupils. I have a good basketball team and [ l wanted to." I"rs about 16 to 20 years are desired to Baltimore pike, Swarthmore, following The Ilew shop building is expected i walit to sec all of the stude'llts intercstThen Swartilmore's ncw school hc<,d i wait on tahles. of two years. He was in hi;; completcd ti.me Il'd in basketball. To .do this wc must to change the subject frol": All of the of. the borough SIxty-third year. the boys Will receIve theIr 1I1structlOn . ha\'e a good gymnasIUm, so naturally '.l1mgs 1I1sIdc the scho.)1 to the grounds urged to slop III at the Bickley retired from the presi-! in this building. During the past week, : I am very much interestcd in thc pro- -lround the building. I picnic grounds to see Ihat everything is dellcy of the Penn Steel Castings Com-1M "Sce that mulbern' tree. Thc bark iall right. l r. Cook secured an old automobile. i ject." !l3l1y, Chester, about fifteen years ago which he has torn clown and put to- I )'Ir. is very enthusiastic ahol11 "Iose to the ground ilas been knockc,1 ! _ _ _ " .... but still retain an interest in it. He was j gether to teach the boys the different, Ihe new shop building. It consists of a r:>ff so that it is not as healthy as it I SWARTHMORE GIRL AT. palcntee and owner of the Baldt Anchor. parts and how they work. I g-ood sized working room, a room of should be. Several of thc other Irees SO. AMERICAN WEDDING Company, Chester, until 1913. He was i Miss Cherry will teach her class in' slightly smaller dimensions to be IIsell around here need X'ext we.:k ' also a member of the Board of Direc-j the regular domestic science room at as a machine shop, and a drawing room. ['m going to have that silver maple A Swarthmore girl and two Swarthtor,; of the Delaware County Trust the high school. In addition to these three large units./ trimmed and I hope that before lono{ more College graduates werc members Cumpany, th, Prine", Madha Hotd: "W, cxpect to hav, ,on" ;""'uet;v. thee,;, a coom fo, ,toring lumhee a,,,1 ,ve'll hc .bl, to plan. a f,w f;e, an" lof th, hridal a, th, w,dd;ng of Company, of S,. Pctc",hu,g, F1:,-, and laud enjoyabl, ","'k ;n 00>"" of S. S."mou, Follw'" of 'I'pl"voo_, o Fla. 'I BI' kl I everyone is canning, we expect to hav!' The wood work will continue to be attractive. X'. J., and J. \Vinsor lvI'S, assistant rlor to IS I ncss ..v r. IC ey was I . . f't d g '" I f A II k d . I I I I . . I A . . I b b . b o f some essons 111 cannll1g rill s an vc - a requircd subject 111 the currtcu um 0 " we cpt an attractive y aJof _ tra( e commiSSIoner at t le mertcan 3 ct1\:e u eClIlhg a berR etahlcs, \Ve also hope to teach the girl.; i boy hut advanced work in this s('aped school house will hc a ksson in Embassy at Rio cll' Janciro. The wcrl1 e Club prtngand aventhe followin u, estei' . e itself to. bovs and girls who will I k pIa c e in the pr'sence of lar\' c1uhsu, of St. lOW t 0 a'I( I their mothers in serving'. department' I aIH ',:or k'Ill. th e mac I111 J " ' som!: . ermg. .00 c'. p:, b FI·d· Th g'l t CI I 'cas and luncheons. i will be electIve subjects for tIll' day be III a POSItion to apply their Ide.IS leadlllg members of thc AmerIcan coltters urg, 'OTI a. e 1\' 0 Or u 1, "~I . g k '11 . t f' I ' . I. I . I I t I ff fiE I I l l th : Yacht Club, the Art Cillb and the I I' .11ua le l sewll1l I wor - WI I consls 0 k·m-I high school boys. The room on the su )Ject Ito t lelr al,I,( ,it· 0e all}( sta s o t Ie '.1\1 >assy anI ny CIJ;lmbcr of Commcrce. (IVI(h pro) en.ls Slue Idl as l11a the ncw building will rclleve some ot places wherc t ley earn a IV111 g. 0Tnlsu atI c'. I .I 'f' J I' II b f Ch t d L e was a mem er 0 es er 0 ge, ~Iot es accessories, . II k I , Ian Jags, scar., 1e )rI( csmalC s were .\ .ISS U Ia d?~u~g COUNCIL I W"" ,.. I intersectiOl~s. w,'" ~r th,~ ~ram nUlsanc~ b~aze ~omething t~ees ISTART NEW WORK I AT PLAYGROUND ~came ~[iss ~L I I I coff~c \V Harve~: I .! s~mmer I~ew manu~1 Est~er ~ ~ummcr. Che~ry, ~·d ~Iorey. ~ni practi~a\1y als~ I BICKLEY th~n I an~ hoy~ ~he ~ome ne~t ~\'eek, ~nd I a~l i1lne~s ~Ir. ~ve I ~re. pr?cee(~ed. ~[orey h~v;ng thlllg~ physi~ians o~caslOll:tlly '~re I I att~'r.tioll. ".et,. 7'· 1;~' Peterhs~ur~II' ~I s ~ mCa~'b '1""" I m~r 0-/ ~\'ery ~ I\1f~' C'''nma~d'''y, Ar~I" 66: 1 ~hOI) dra~v1llg II~ I 10011~e~ N(, 236 F and AM' Chester Chapter and handkerc1uefs to match-) oc I RUISER CHESTER A distinctive feature of the shilt is that Chapman, of Swarthmore, :\llss CharNo: 258 Royal Masons ° Cheste; printed lien sets, and other useful and i C O N FIRST VOYAGE each enlisted man has a bunk instead of IOUe S. Salmon. of Ashland, Ky., and No. Kn;ght, •TempI .., ;'''"e,,;''g actkl"," >ay, )f ;" Ch,n,.. a hamm",. and th, ,I"",.;n. deek, aeo )r;" 'hee F cit ", of Bait Th, anrj Lulu Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. c . . • CI elltl'rely separate from the mess, thlls maid of honor was ).hss Alice The IO,OOO-Ion scout crUIser lester, giving the men more comfort. I d cs: In politics, he was a Republican and Slifer-Bird bet.I1 F 0 II we II ane I tIe t IIrec Im llza \1;.. , a great lover of sports in general, I Captain Arthur Philip Fairfie~d, co~••• mauls arc, all graduates of the class 01 bill of gunning and fishing in particular., The marriage of Miss Eleanor Maris, mander, cleared from thc PllIladelphm 1928 :It College. ')u,;ng h;, ;Un"", in th' p"t few, B;rd, daught" of M ... WaI." H. Btd,d., Navy Yaed, I,.agu, bland, 'hortly aft" I Hall-Ensign . Th, h.. de wa, a "ud,nt at .R,,,g,:, Ye.,rs, Mr. Bickley divided his time be- I to Herbert Irvin Slifer of New York 1 8 :30 o'clock Thursday morning and I . . . lor two y:ars, and later stm\Jed h\ Icn his beautiful estate on the Balti-I \vill take placc this afternoon in the, . . II I I f) I The weddmg of ISS Janet Lctltla! tume deSign at the Art . . • : steamed maJestlca Y (own tie e aware . I ~ Y k .11Ike at avenue, and I church of St. A.saph,. Bala. The Rever-: river on the first leg of her "shake-I Ensign, I;" t'oto: Company, foot of 1.I0yd i nu" Swacthm",", and th, I", 1"'- I.. the lIuccau. ~ 11e~1 h~w'lrthll1on' j ~es missi~n • ~r ~I • #. _ _ _ cos~ Student~ ~hs.: -• INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE II, No. 29 Swarthmore, [la., July 26, I 1J3(' --- NOISY BIRDS CAUSE COMPLAINTS WIDENING OF PARK A VENUE TO BEGIN $2.50 Per Yeal New School Head Busy COUNTY WEEK Preparing for Fall Term PICNIC, JULY 30 Thl' wid"lIillg IIi I'itrk an'nlle on hlllh sid,'s alld Ihl' ctlttin~ had, oi 11ll' h,.n'lIgh pn'pl'rly at I'ark alld 1);11':Department Uses Water To 11111t1lh aH'IlII" will Iltgill tlext \lTe". -------Frighten Them Thl' wild, at Ihl' inkr~eclilln Ili I'ark \"t'T lI .. arly ;1 111, '11th a"'"p'T\'i,ill'f Committees Named and Hard at Away and I>arlllhllllh will I", slarled tir'l. I)rilll'il'al , ... 11ll' ;-:"anlllll,.r,· j'\lI.li,. Work Preparing For Chesler n)a('iatillll agaill this ye;.,that the olll~: sulutillll is to n'plan' th, ;l<>lhehold art,. pr' 'C:lltl'd to council l'ady ill the \n'ek and th .. i,)II,)wing ,.flinTs \\"l'n' al", lIIaill ellt irL'ly. Iw:ing that hody to do somethillg ahollt The hllildillg prllgl'alll is abo rUlui:'e11t.St'II: yin' "hairmall, Ilarl"".'" I':. th.. I1IIISall('e, The petitiollers requ,'sted illl! cpn~idt'rahle attt.'llti(tll iruI11 :\1 L ; l'i'T"": se('n·tary, :\Irs. Ch"SllT I~,)h­ th"t Ihe police aUlhorities oi the horollgh :'Ilorey alld alth"lIgh tl\(, shop hltildill;": : 'TiS: a"," .. iall" s,',-rl"lary, :'II i,.;s :\lin' hl.:l.l' illto the trees with shotgulls (,I"ery will he elltirely Clllllpll'kri alld iull,." .'1. l.uk'·lIs, alld tn'asur"I', :\ 11 llTI ~, lIi .. "t iOl' a while, This was dOlle last "<]lIippl'll illr the "pl'lIillg IIi ,cholll th;, . Carr,", 1. It.r whell Ihe hinLs hecallle too IIUllleriall it do,'s 1It'I app .. ar at this tilll" thaI! Thc i"l1l1"illg ("""1m ill,',' ("hairlllell ;"1- hut was ,Iiscolltilltll'd wlll'1I other tIll' 1~lItgers a n' II \Il' Lllildillg will ], .. lIalll"d: Trans]" )rtation c(lllllllit\\"l'n' rl,iciL-lI!s oi the horough cOl1lplained fill ish .. ". tv,', I,:. Clayt"11 \\'altllll allel lIarry ah, 'III a raill oj shot pourillg dow II oil "\\',. will prllhahl.'" han' ttl ,Iar! tIll (,,,ok ilia II : ";IIHlldch "Ollllllitl"", :\1 rs. th\"ir heads after l'aeh siege .. f the polin'. Courses In Household And In- \Tar with Ill(' ';;1111 .. ,clll'clllle that wa;-::1 II II H I l'. I'alllll'r all(l :\1 r". E(I\\'arri austrial Arts 1:0 Begin This year the police authorities actill g ill dr"I,t lI"i"'1I sdltll)1 d",ed:' :\lr. :\1". .\. J"lIkills: l'lIlertailllllt'lIt, :\Irs. JOhl1 Next Week "II the rc'Colllllll'ndatioll of Burgess \\'iln·.\" said, "hilt I hl' 11,·,,· sl"ll<>"l will l"lT I/""'"nl Ta.'"l"r: slllil'iling, :\1 rs. Ilarli:llll R, I.alldis reill'ed to shoot into th" lailliv 1)(' r,';I'Ir~. \\', :\. ;-:pallg. tnes stat ing that it \I'as ill \'iloatioll oi a SHOP NEARLY FINISHED :'II~. :\inn'y il('li'~\"l's that th" alhkli, ,,"r: rlCl' puddillg alld ("'I( )kil"s. :\1 ro;o III ,n )lIgh •"dillallce. fi..J" at (he "utg.. rs ;I\,'lIl1e ,itl II ill IH' l{aYlllolHI \\·alter,.; and :\1 rs. ] larn'.\" .'II agist I'atc' Cl rich also ad(!L'd Il'st illlOll y Sumlll''\" cOllrses ill illdllslrial arts ill go"d cOlldilioll whl'1l iOllthall tilll,' I Pi'Tn: in' ,-rl"alll, :\1 r~. \\'. l'ars!lll UppllSillg the Shot-gllll siegc' whL'1I he ior ho\'s ami hOIlSl'hold arts ior ~!irls ('OIl1,'s arolllld. TIll' grass oil thl' tield I~~ all. Ir.: lIIilk alld \I:ttlT, :'II r' .. \1I"'r! hr"ught ill sen'ral dead sung hirds which \\"el"(' siarted this wC'l'k at the Swart 11- at pn'''''lIt appears to he pretty thill, FRANK R. MOREY Fassitl; hospilality, :\Ir". (,1ll'st,'I' h.. declared had e\'idelltally hem ,shot hy lI](ln' II igh school huildillg alld wiil hilt ma\' he adeqllatl' ii then' i,.; lIot Supervising Principal of the Swarthr.. sidenis ill the hinl ill iL'sll'd area, Ill' I~lIh .. rh: h'alth awl c(llIIillrt, :'Ilrs . .1,,more Public Schools n·all.\" gl'l uud,'rway lIext wl'l'k, Th" to" IIIl1l:h dry "·,'alh,,r th" n's! of th.: Iwt only opposc'd th" police IIsillg shot stl'h S .. al alld :>.Irs. H,)IHTt Ih'\'lT"lIx: gUlls hut said that he would hal'e anyone work is P:II"t or the Sll III III ,'r pla·:- SIlIlIl1IlT. III cas<' the IIl'W ti .. lcl can no! :h" crowdillg IIi tlH' past Sellll'sler wh"J1 ~rt )IIIHls Cllllllllitt",·, (,I,,'ster I~oher(s: arrested who was caught duing" any I.!rollll(l program alld is withollt cost to' he IIS",I tIll' g;IIIIl'S will h" played Oil IIIl' clrawillg work was clIlIIl' ill the an and ""lIl'ctillg alld retllrllillg l"(llIIlIIit(f;" ~hl" .ting. all the childn'll of th" horollgh, 'the old field at the ('oil ,'g,' an'IIIH; ;'oom oi th,' .:olkge a 1"l'lI Ill' ullildillg. Frallk C,·ttz alld Ilan·".'" l'i'Tn'. Ih'lIjalllill J, Cook, the I"('glllar mallllal huildillg. :\Ir, :\IIlr".'" i" als., p,'rsolla1ly SIlI""'Th,' fi re ,lepartlllellt was th"l1 allll,'aled TIll" \,",'rk'To; an' allxiolb this Yl'ar ,., t.. alld the \·"llIlItecl- fin'lIIe;l I'isited the trailling t,adll'r at th" high school. is Th,' III II' snpervising principal IS \"('1"\' l'lsmg repairs, repailllillg and SOIlI,' f,"\" ha\'" a hl'tlt-r pit-IIi .. thall "nT hefor.'. itird retreat Oil three occasioll s durillg ill charg,' of th" COllrse ior hoys, alld IIllleh illterest"d ill the prol,,),,'d gyll!- :111 pro \"('111 , "" arolllld the hllildillg thi- Fin' hlllldrl'd 11101 h .. rs alld ,'hilelrl"ll 1111,II III III ,'r. th,· early part oi the week alld turned the girls work will h,' IIl1der t h,' SIlP,',-- lIasilllll, dl"r / • .'"('ars "j ag .. han' IIlTII illl"ikd, 1I"11 tladll'r of dOlllestic sci c'lIet, at the high :hl' lillest spons thai ('an he ,'Ilcollrag' '1;1\' here," he dl'clared, In'illg 10 I.!"! ·fl". arl' parti("lIlarly dl'sirahJ.. this y,'ar, tach occasion and SOllie of the resident.' s('hool dllrillg th" regular krill, 'd ill all\' ~chool S\'stl'IIl," dn'lan'" :\1 r. '1(';llIailltl'd 'I'ith '.'n'ry "h'ase oi tll. Thl' IIsllal rt'qllesh illr mllll"y "(111_ .'aid \,esl<'nl;I\' that COlldit iOlls were illl:\Ir. Cook alld ~Iiss Cherry an' still :'II ore\'. :':\ ho\' hOI'" to h,· prell,· hllsl;l' '\"I)rk. It in'ls lIIighty g(l(ld to lilt' I" Irihllt iOlls alld ('olltrilmt illlls oi i01l,1 prj 'I·C·~1. (Jth~rs saicl that till' result of desirolls of 1I10rt' (,Ilrollm"nl~ ;111<1 I Ill' 10 Ill;~,' iOlllh;;11 alld IIlllst ka~n a I.. ! ')V ],;I<"!': ill p:ILIit' "~'h(llll ;,dmillio;trali,', ,,·ill 1)(' III<1dl" dllrillg th,' lI .. Xt it·w (\;Iy"' (Colltin"ed 011 Page Si.·) h",'s alld girls who han' 110t already (Ii ~1I1,~, Ba";l"h;dl also n'cluir('s ~kille" "',,rk \\"lInt" I ha\'l' aelllal ("olllart ".it" :1I,d i! io; h"p"d tItat 1"'''IIk II',\\" (lilt :III-"ll(kd any oi th .. classl's will hL' PtT- play"rs alld a prolieil'lIt tealll. 1:111 '1 "'l"laill grllllp (Ii pllpils. I hal',. ph-II:,. tOWII wIlli han' hdp,'d th,· proj .. ct ii, • Ilaskl"lhall call hl' plaYl"d hy alll10st a:\.\· ')i id .. as and plalls Ihat I ,,'allt t,) \\"I.ri, ntlt .. r \"c'al's will s .. lId ill their ('h,... k to lIIitt!"" to hegill lIext \\'c'"k, WALTER S. BICKLEY lIIay he ilion' prof:, "II' h .. r,', hilt I W\lll't try to Jlu,h Ih"1lI :;'1.\' "i thl' otlin'rs (II Ihl' .\,;,."ciatioll. DIES IN 63RD YEAR Xo r,' (', t11,'g\" graduat "~ \I"('r,· 111"1111.,.,..; 11";" presidellt of the Cre,';C,'lIt Tile Co., a lie I "lIjoyahk work in l'alllp n)oktTY· 1111,· illr linishin,<.: tht' I\"IIOel \\"I.rl; dlllll' ,'\"TgrtTIIS arollll<1 lIlt" i""lIdati,," (Ii th, tli Ih,· hridal party at th,· w"delillg "i "i :-;1. Petershurg, Fla, Sill!'l' this is Ih .. tillll' of yl'ar that i.y th .. pupils. hllildillg ", that it will app,ar 1111'1,' :\1 iss .\Iary Kalrilla FIlII,,"]1. dallghler : 'rior to his illll"ss :>'11', Blickle)" was "\' .. ryoll" is call1lillg, \\... expecl to hal',' Th,' \\"I'ocl wtlrk \\"ill ("tllltilllll' ttl b" attraclin'. ,.i S. :-;'-"'""111' F,.lhl\"11 ,.f :'Ilapl("\\",,,'c l, ;111 ;Iet iI',· cluh lila II, heing a 1I1l'1I1hL'r oi ",Clllll' lessollS in caunillg jruits allcl I"l'g- a reqllir .. d slIhj .. c, ill Ihe cllrriculUIII oi ".\ \\"(.11 I, .. pt al1ral"lin h. 1." ..;- :\. I .. alld .1. \\'ill'''r In',,, as,istallt th. Sprillghan'lI Cluh, l'hl'Sh'.· ('Iub, I{o"Iah,,"s, \r" also hope (0 t .. aeh thl' girl, 'nn' h,)\·. hilt ach"aIlCl't! w,)rk in thi" '"a" .. d sdl'I"tor Clul., I:ow to aid th .. ir IllOlh'TS ill ,en'ing d,p;;rtlll':lIt alld ",ork ill th(' Illa .. hilll' it",'I" to iatlYS ;1IIe! girls whll I\"ill ,(lIIl,' 1':1IIha,sy al I~i" d" ./;lIlC'irtl. Thl' W",]dillg ttl"k plac .. ill th,· pn'''''nc,' .. i "It"p will he "',",·tin' suhj,'cls i"r th .. da,' hl' ill :. III ",it ill II 1(1 apply 111l'ir Ib, Ya("ht CIIlIt, th .. :\rt {'Iuh and the ·ea .. alld lunchl'olls, "Th .. ,,'willg work will "tlllsisl of ilihi!.!h sch .. "l hll'·s. Tit .. clrawillg roo III ill (l1I'thl' ,;uhj .... t I" tlll'ir hOlllt's alit! t;il' kadillg 1II"IIlI"'rs "i Ihe .\II\l"ricall 1',,1('1 IIlIhcT (I i C Olllll1ern', di\ idual prohl .. llls sllch a, lIIakillg th'" 1I1'W hllildill \\'ill r"'i"\"l' S(lllll' ()i plan', I\"lll'r .. Illl'y .. arll a li\'ill.<.:." 1111." alld ,taffs "i Ih,. 1-:1II1>;"S.'· allo\ g Ie was a 1I1l'lI1lter oi (,1ll'sl'T I."clg .. , "Ioth..:s an"·,.,soril'''', halldhag" s('ari -; . __.. _._ l""hIJlalt·. . 23(" F. alld :\. :\1.: Ch".~ter Chapter, ;\1111 Italldkerl'hids to lIlalch-block Th.. hrid"'lIIaids lilT" :'II iss ./ II!!:I . 25~. I~Clyal ,\rch ~Ias(llls; Chl'~ll'r jlrilll .. d liell s,'ts, alld othlT usdlll alld CRUISER CHESTER .\ .Iistilll'tin· i"ature "i IIIl' ,hip i., that Clraplllall, .. i :-;I\"arlllllllll''', :'II iss l'ha: . ·11I1I;lIId .. ry, Xo, ('(', I'llights T"lIIplar, illl<'n'stillg arlicks," says :\1 i, .. Ch .. rry. ON FIRST VOYAGE ,·a .. h enlisted lIIall has a 1>lIl1k ilbl"ad oi l"t1,· S. ~alllltlll, IIi .\shlalld, I\~· .. a,,,1 ;11 ! 1.11111 Tl'lIIpl", .\, .\. (), X. :\1. S, ----~-----a hallllll'l('k alld tIle" ~ll"l'pillg eI .. ck~ ar .. :'II i,~ 1,:"th'T F.·ltl'l", .. i I:altillltln·. '1':1' II polil iI'S, h,' was a I~,'pllhli .. all and Thl' ](1,(11111-',," Slifer-Bird "lIlirdy Sl'paraltir"l11 Ih .. Ill"", Ihlls lIIaid "i hOllllr wa" :\1 is, .\Ii"" Eli/a. - a great lo\"er of sports ill g"lI,'ral, l'aplaill .\rlhllr !'lrilip Fairtidd, .'''111_ .!!ilill g Ih .. 111("11 lIIor,· ""111"01'1. ]" t h ]o'tlllll<·11 a lid • III' t h n·,· hrick,. oi gllllllillg alld fishing ill particular. Till' lIIarriage of ~riss Eleanor Maris lIIairl..; ar., all ~r,,'Ir. II· .. , i, .111·,,'11 .... .'III'. ;ll!rI \1". ' l/c"I·ilal. Baltilll"n', I;"t y,·ar. "niciat" alld she will hI' gin'lI ill lIIarThe ('hl"St"r, "1~'" hl'r n'IIII'1I ir"llI t:i:I, I" .\lr. .\,,1111 :'I1"r!.!all lIall. ,(III .. I F. II. II"" "i Oak !'ark. Ill. III I'/!.; 1(, is sun'in'd h.l· hi, wid"w, :\Irs. riag .. In' hlT hroth .. r \\'illialll (:il"oll th .. ('rllis,', th .. "ark part "i ()cU'''l'r, \' , c' II aII, " ," 1>1',.1. ",'11'. , "'I ,'I'", . jll' \\-'I~ ;1)IIIIli,.t'41 .\llle·ri(';tll \ ii'" "',it ,·"hill'· ~harp Bickle)", alld Ihn'" Bil~d, '1'111' lIIaid "i h,,"or is :\1 i" ,:Iady, "ill d" .. k ;cl th,· I""g- pitT al tIl<' plallt "I. .\.r, .. \lIl1a ,. ,d""lI, :\1 ill,," S. alld Charlt-s :\1., "i ll"hl'lIl1a alld Ih,. IIsh"rs ;11',' all .... rill' ... I hI' Ford :\1"llIr (1Il11pallY, 10" , . t lot. II,lOY' I lilli, ;-:\larlhllll.r,·, alld 1111' lat,· 1)1'. I .. ,"l al :\la/;,tl;l1I. II,' rt·~il':II'·'l. j"illl' ~ I ','t('l""IIIII·)..:·, Fla., alld _\lI'S, .1,,1111 ,·"lIq.~,' iri"lIds ()i Ihe gl'''''m al ;-:1I";(rtll- ,tr, 1'1, ior a 11\'" day, ,lay ill thi, p.'rl. l:r"I\I'r Iiall. t" .. k pia .... "II \ \ ' ... 111 .. ,- lilt 1~llr(':ltl "I 1"'lr,,·1;..!11 ;llltt I)"ft)t,~,it "y, "j ('h",ll-r, FlIlIl'ral ·,'n·in·, \I ill III "r .. , {"'"I1II1·r,·,· ill 1'J2,';. . \1 Ihal lillII', Ih,· ,·it.\ \I ill l'n""111 a .\·'" ;'"i,talll ill th,· ..... in· " j 11ll' pllloli,' I III ri II!!' th,· crill'''''', .,1;11 lu n·. It wi I :'III'. ;'l1d :'II r,. lIall ;11',' gr;"llIal" .. , i;l,t, "ill I,,']d a "i~ air .. :arllilal "11 If,;· 11"11;111 11"'pi".! III l'l,ibd,",phia. " ,,,.1 '.' "I C'III at I ht' (' •• 1I"g" a\"'11I1I" "n·p Sd\l.,,1 .!!;r""l1 at Dartmouth College" put the excess cost of private ownership HOME JOBBER .~ C lli"ersity of Pcnnsylvania Summer of the electrical industry in 1930 over All kinds of Repair. in and around _=== School. government. owners~ip at $250,000,000, the home. Electrical Repairs and In~Iiss 1Iargaret B. Hamel-Attending ==_ Clliversity of Pellllsylvania Summer due to the difference III th.e cost of money slallation a Specialty. Srhool. for a $10:000,000,000 lIl\"estment .. He A. M. ALLISON &: SON said the mam danger from such a lughly = '\(iss Frances Hayes-Attending co:tcentrated control as is represented b)' 311 Vassar Ave. MEDIA PA Pt'llIlsylvania State Sumlller School. the various utilities is that neither busi- Phone Swarth. 1160 j5!l , • ~Iiss 1fargarct L. Moore-Attending men. professional mell or others I 't'ITalter Smedley W'llP S dl V uivcrsity of Pennsylvania Summer ness feel free to take a stand against :;ueh a MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON 1§i >V I lam • me ey School. 1JOwerfui group when it is militantly on Funeral D,'recto1== 'Owner Lessee __ '\Iiss Carrie B. Phinney-Attending the offensh'C against attcmpts to improve •• S _ Nnv York Univcrsity School of ).Iu- regu Ia t lOll. mera § and Embal = Phone Media IlI6-W · sic. Untoward factors in thc life insurance Z06 SOUTH ORANGE ST. § 1116.J .\f iss Grace 1'. ":1Ison- - TraYcling business rcvealed more than 20 years ago Media... PIl. ,= throughout Central and Southern Euare ill the inform, smance field tadEpay Phone. 41 ~1l11111IllIll11111I11111I11I11111111111I111illIlllllllllIllllIlIIlIIllllIlllllllIllllllIllllllllllllllllllIl11111111111111l11111111llllllllllIlIlllllllllllF. flIpe. in a present more flagrant Abraham Cal! Swarthmore 900 and Give Your News to the Social Editor I l :::;.:::-==========;;:::====================== = P U r e G u ern s e y M 1·1 k = TubercuZ:n Tested Accredited Herd I MEDIA LAUNDRY, INC. -*Phone Media 174 "Serving Swarthmore Successfully Since 1900" I, I = = Fin:shed Wash of Every = Description •• DR. WILCOX SPEAKS ON NEW TARIFF WM. KIMMEL & SON "An immense but respectable racket" was the term apI)1ied to the Smoot. Hawley tariff by Dr. Clair Wilcox, associate professor of economics at Swarthmote College speaking hefore the second cnning session of the conference of the League for Industrial Democracy. "The flexibility of thc tariff is like the flexihility of the elbow.. It bends only half way," he said. He added that in"estigations of rates as providl-d in the flexible tariff clause are timc consuming. PAINTING Haverford Place Pen ncr est Far m s = = = Swarthmore, Pa. stein, secretary of the American Association for Old Age Security, declared in an address on "Anti-Social Insurance." He said in llart: "During 1928, the insurance companies' total expenditures were $2,202,527.550.45'1' But only $1,540,211,455.90, or 69.9 per cent. was paid to policyholders, $662'-1 516,09-1,53, or over 30 cents of every dollar, went into the cost of management and dividends to stockholders. This was I for the companics doing business in New York State. In all companies throughout the United States the expense ratio a\'crages ahout 35 cents of every dollar. Few efficiently run husine5.5cs require such enormOllS overhead." • MEDIA THEATRE MEDIA, PA. Today-Saturday Garry Cooper in "THE TEXAN" Monday & Tuesday William Powell in "THE BENSON MURDER CASE" Wednesday & Thursday Maurice Chevalier in "THE BIG POND" Matinees Wednesday and Saturday I ~ JUly Special! This De Luxe Electric Wasller fllie LAUNDRY • qUEEN After It single week in which there were no opcnings and 110 rC\'ivals, the Hedgerow Theatre of Moylan-R03c VaHey announces for Saturday night, Augu"st 2, John 11ittillgtotl Synge's richly Irish comedy, "The Playboy of lhe \Vestern \Vorld." This play-a pic, ture of the Aran Islanders-has had It vitally stormy career. It was the came of riot in the Abhey ,'hcatrc in 1907, when it was first produced there, and ahout its Philadelphia production is ccntered the famous story of the throwing of a piece of plull1cakc at one of the actors by it member of the audi· t'nce who took thc play to he an uncalled for attack upon Irish character. The Hose Vallq- company has selected this piece for presentation hecause of , its comhination of delightful comedy. splendid pOl'try, and the smell of th{! earth ill its lines, and has asselllhlc(i for its cast Ferd Kofer as ils "playhoy" hero, Christy; \Villial11 Price as the father Christy "kills"'; Dudley Vaughan as the vigorolls heroine intcrc:;;tcd in any man who shows up; Harf) I Bcllavcr as "1[jchacl James", and Cele I What more could be asked of a washer? [ Loaded with a typical family wash, a regular model of the Laundry Queen was .started November 29, 1927, and aIIowed to continue washing until December 26, 1929--16,000 hours! Allowing for a three-hour washing period each week, this means the Laundry Queen did a hundred years of family washing without stopping. No oiling either. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'\ICl.aUghlill' (a newcomer to thl' ('0111-1 ~ Il:lny) as the "'Vidow Quill". STANLEY COMPANY THEATRE DIRECTION WARNER BROS. BUILDERS Right Out of the Field Swarthmore, Pa. SATURDAY & SUNDAY CHESTER 35c. Dozen Sat.-Mon.-Tues. Lon Chaney Talking in "THE UNHOLY THREE" - - - - - - ... - . -_ .. - _.. _--- Wed.-Thurs.-Fri. Joan Crawford in "OUR BLUSHING BRIDES" WASHINGTON Today-Tomorrow Conrad Nagel in "NUMBERED MEN" ASBURY PARK, OCEAN GROVE Daily to Septetnber 7, Inclusive ATTRACTIVE FARES Swarthmore $2.20 Morton $2.15 Secane $2.10 Primos $2.05 Clifton $2.05 • ~- --.~---- ----- Monday.Tuesday Jack Mulhill in "MURDER WILL OUT" ---- Proporlionately Low Fares from Odler Starions For l~lVing time of trnins, consult Ticket Agents - -----~. Wednesday-Thursday "ISLE OF ESCAPE" with Monle Blue, Betty Compson, Noah Berry The cartier part of the week's prn- i g-ram is hy 110 means O\'ershadowed hy (he importance of the opening. "~Iary, ~Iary, Quite Contrary," St. John Er "inc's story of a temperamcntal and hewildering actress, with Dudley Vaug- ! han in tht· title role, is the play for I Tucsday, July 29, The author of \Ved .. ! Ilcsday night's play, "Rancour," is r.Yl11~ I Riggs, whose most rccent play, "Greell Grow the Lilacs," will hc one of the opcning hills of the Theatre Guild'" fall seaSOll, O'~ci1l's "The First Man," wilt he n~pcatcd 011 Thursday night, and the Chiarelli farce-comedy, "The I ~[ask and the Face", which has been i so preeminently successful thus far t}l!" season, will he the program for J·n .. day, August 1. 1 ---... ....--~ I AUTO CRASHES COST OWNERS MILLIONS I 1 \Vhilr milch has becn said and writ· I tell ahottt the human toll in automohile I accil1(-'lIts, little attention has heen gh'- I ('II to the purely financial aspl'ct of mo .. : tor crashes. It is surprising, thercfofl" to I' learn that in the first six months of 19JO, 1(),136 motor vehicles in Penllsyl- I \'allia were damaged to the cxtent of apl)fOxima te Iy $2,O()O,O()O, These figures arc g-ivell hy the Kt'y~ I stolle Automohile CluI. in all analysis i oi the accident re1)Orts as tahulated hy 1 the !1afdy Dh'isioll of the State Bureau of ~Iotnr Vehicles, I "Of the total of 16,136 motor \'Chides involved ill accidt'nts," says the Cluh report, "257{) were damageci to all ~x~ . tellt upward of $50. Damage from *50 10 $150 resulterl in 75.18 cases; $150 to ~250 in 2993 cases; $250 to $50:l in 1822 cases and more than $500 in 1209 cases. "TakiJ1g au avcrage of ~25 for the \'ehiclc-s ill the $50 damage class, and the minimum for each of the other 'I Y OU'LL MARVEL at the beauty, the battleship construction and the low price of the Laundry Queen. Six-sheet capacity; finished in beautiful high lustre stippled green and white vitreous enamel with glistening mottled green tuh of porcelain; halloon rolls in finest Lovell wringer, metal non·tarnishahle; welded channel steel frame in one piece with no holts to work loose or replace; requires no oiling. Its great endurance recol'(l is your guarantee of years of splendid service! Only ~99.50. Slightly more on deferred payments. And just think ... for the payment of only a five dollar bill you can have this high quality washer in your home this vcry next washday ready to work for you. Come in and see it! PUILAD'EI.. PHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY I' ~// Out City and Suburban Stores ( TIll! THE SWARTHMOREAN Publisbed Every Friday at Swarthmore, Pa. Robert E. Sharples, Frances W. Editor alld Pllblisher Davis, News Edlfor Offices-Shirer Bldg, Second Floor Front-Phone Swarthmore 900 Phdadelphla Representatives, Nevdle & Hltchmgs, 213 South 17th St, PhiladelphIa Phone Pennypacker 8020 Entered as Second Class matter, January 24, 1929, at the Post Officc at Swarthmore, Pa. under the Act of March 3. 1879 SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1930 I TEXAS EDITOR YIELDS she went up and got hIm and brough' 111m home They now resIde at tho TO TEM PT A TI 0 N home of IllS wlfe's father and he has no uefimte plans for the future Susie An editor down U1 Texas had been \\111 have a hard row to hoe" accused on several occasIOns of not tell mg the truth 111 Ius Ill'Wspaper In newspaper parlance, hiS Ire was KEYSTONE CLUB SUGGESTS WESTERN MARYLAND TOUR roused, and he announccd .. A lot of people 111 thiS town fall out 1 hrough the rollmg peaceful coun\\ Ith the editor and brand him a har trYSide of western :Maryland almost when the ordll1ary mistakes of hf~ parallel With the z"fason and DIXon ~ho\V up 111 the paper You have a httle lmc, runs the NatIOnal Old Trails chanty and fellow feehng for ever} Highway, one of the best hard surfaced man In town but the editor You claim motor trunk 11Ighways III the country you \\ant the facts and d-d If we Ovcr thiS excellent roadway the Key don't gIve them to you Read thc next stOlle Automobile Club has olltlmed an Issue of tillS sheet and you Will see attractive tour for the bencfit of mo facts with the bark off "I admIt that I have been a har, an tOTlsts seekmg pleasure and recrea editOrial har ever smce I have been tlOn From Hagcrsto\~ It to Kcysers Ridge edltmg thiS sheet, but I have never the National Old Trails Hlgh\\ay prmted a he 111 these columns except passes through some of the most to keep somebody s feclmgs from bemg scenic rt'glons of Maryland" says Howhurt I am not afraId of any of you anI J Gallagher, manager of the Ches and I'll he dad-blamed If I don't prmt the truth from now on or ul1tll you tcr branch of thc club "Through coun. get out of the habit of callmg me a tr)sldc set almd hlstonc background har every time I make some unaVOId- the old highway that once served as a able typograplucal error Now watch plOncer trad, Jcads to the delightful resort sectIOns of Deer Park and my smoke" And here are some paragraphs of Mountam Lakc Park, nesthng 10 the hills of the lowcr Alleghelllcs" hiS "smoke" 111 the next Issue From Chester the tour leads through "J ohn Bellnm, the la21est man 111 town, made a trtp to BelleVIew yester V Illagc Green and ConcordvIlle to \Vest Chester, where state route 5 IS day" • Rev Sty preached last Sunday at met and followed mto Downmgtown the local church HIS sermon was punk Here a left turn IS made IOta the Lmand unmterestmg except some stuff h,.. coin HIghway OWlDg to road can quoted from Bob Ingersoll, for which struchon work some detours Will be he faded to give Bob any credit He necessary, but all are over good roads also Cited a few passages from Wilham and 110 lime IS lost reachmg Lancaster Gilbert Munsey's sermons and had the \Vcstward the Lincoln Highway IS folunlimIted gall to palm It off as hiS own ... lowed through York and Gettyshurg to "Tom Spardm married MISS Carohne Chamhersburg IIcre a left turn mto Meadows last trades day at the county nahonal route 11 carnes the tOUTIsts seat It wasn't generally known, but thc marriage was brought about malOly Slip Covers Draperies by a Remmgton shotgun mampulated by the bride's father Tom concluded that marrymg was the healtl11est thmg he could do untd other arrangements had been made PHONE, SW. 1225 "Regan Lloyd, cashier of the Statc Bank of Willow Grove, died last Wed Muhlenberg Ave. Rutledge nesday and was buned by the Odd Fel lows at Pleasant Mound Ccmetery He DR. CLARENCE E. BLYE had been taking thiS paper for several VETERINARY SURGEON years and had not paid us a cent \Ve thought that bemg a banker he would DOGS CUPPED ccrtamly pay some time We Will scll the account for two bIts v,;orth of gro 923 Edgmont Ave., Chester, Pa. ccnes .. Phones: Chester 6218 or 3137 • M arned-M ISS Susie Scruggs and Horace Griffin The bnde IS a very ordlllary girl who fhrts With every travel mg man she meets and never helperl her mother three days In her hfe all put together She IS anythmg but a beauty, resembhng a gra~el Pit 10 the face and walks like a duck The groom IS a natural born loafer and bum He never did a lick of work until hiS step daddy ran him off from homc Jast fall He went to the county seat and rather than starve to death he accepted a Joll as chambermaid m a lIvery stable As Soon as hiS rna found out where he was •• Anna Schalles JULy SWARTHMOREAN southward through Greencastle to Hagerstown Hagerstown IS nghtfully named the Hub of the Cumberland Vattey'~. and (rom. here numerous delightful Side triPS can be made mto histOriC tern tory hast ward hes a beautiful moun tam sectton Southward IS the hIstone :\nhctam Battlefield, no\\ a natIOnal P lrk Be \ olHl tillS can he reached th~ famous cavern sechons of the Shenall doah Valley \Vestward from Hagers 1 to\\n, the travelers follow the NatlOna Old TraJls Highway marked aSs na tlonal route 40, pasS1I1g through hady Bon er and Clear Sprmgs to IndIan Sprmgs From here a left turn mto the state highway leads south two miles to the rums of old Fort Fredenck, overlookII1g the blue Potomac ThiS strong hold built III 1756 as a guard agamst Indians IS no\\ a state park and the ground between the rl\ edront and the old fort IS laid out til pubhc camp sites Re tUTIlmg to the main hlgh\Vay the tourIsts pass through one of the most pIC turesque SCCnIC regIOns C!f Maryland_ From hi lllstonc to Hancock, the lugh \\ a"., the Potomac and the Chesapeake and OhiO Canal crowd each other as the} wmd through the "Narrows" en route to Cumberland Carroll Thayer BUILDER Here IS a prosperous city grown up I Nearby are pIcturesque Mountam around the site of hlstonc Fort Cum Lake Park and Deer Park Huntln~ berland, erected In ] 754 It was £rol11 fishmg and all manner of outdo r this fort that General Braddock be I sports abound In this sectIon and ht:t I.: I gan hiS III fated expedition After lea v too \\ 111 be found excellent state caml CumbC'rland the travelers pass mto Illg sites Among th.c many attrach\ (: picturesque Garrett Count), noted for I Side trips that lead frolll hcre 15 Its scores. of dehghtfullake and moun cXClphonal tnp to the S"allo\\s F l! ta1l1 resorts Passmg towermg Mount section 011 the YoughlOheny RI\ r Savage and the chITs of giant Negro here arc located four state fon t Mountal;l the tour reaches Keyscrs parks havmg a total of 30,000 aefts Ridge Here a left turn mto the state: The homeward Journey can be rna lc lllghway leads south through Thayers- lover the same lughways used on the Ville to Oakland loutbound tnp lIlg I I\\ CHURCI-I NEWS TRINITY CHURCH Sunday at the Protestant Episcopal METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Park Avenue I.LOYD P STEVENS, M mister Chester Road and College Avenue Rector Rev J Jarclen Guenther, S.T.M. 11 00 A Sel"mon 11 00 A M. Mornmg Prayer and FredeTick J "MORNING WORSHIP 800 P M Forty-fh e ~f1tlutc TWIlight Servlcl G ----- Bnef Sermon by the Mmlster THE SWARTHMORE GEORGE H. KELLEY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Electrician Repair Work & New Installations Phone Sw 428.R 1 WE INVITE YOU TO SHARE OUl( WORSHIP AND FELLOWSHIP Cordially Invites you to share In lts FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue Below Harvard SUMMER SERVICES John Ellery Tuttle, Minister Bdl Phone Clearbrook 6S3 J EatabUshed 1843 ServIces 1000 o clock-The Bible School WM. J. CARTLEDGE 11 00 A 1.1 -Sunday School. Helpful \Vorsillp Interestlllg 11 00 A M.-Sunday Lesson-Sermon Granite and Marble Memorial.. Study Cemetery Work a Spe(!Jalt,. Wednesday even 109 meetmg each North Lansdowne Annua 1100 o'clock-Mornmg worship The" week, 8 p m Reading room open DREXEL HILL. PA dally, except Sundays and holidays, pastor preaches Subject Dives fOppo.U Arlindan CemateQ') and I 4 azarus 930 A 1.1 to 1230 PM, Church EdIfice Swarthmore 1225 Window Shades Strangers are always heartily All are cordially InVIted to attend lhe welcomed. FRED J. HARLEY serV1ces and use the Readmg Room Interior Decorator WESLEY AFRICAN METHODIST Succe.. or to THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF George Scballe. EPISCOPAL CHURCH FRIENDS Upholsteringt Antique Reproductions Bowdin Avenue Rev, C C. Brown, S.T,B., Padar Furniture Repairing Custom Made Muhlenberg Ave. --Religion IS Enthusiasm Eor the Good." 11.00 A. M.-Mormng \Vorshlp Furniture Rutledge, Pa. 2:00 P. M~Sunday SclIool 8.00 P. M.-Eventng Wors)up and 1100 A M -Meet111g for WorshIp Sermon LIGHTING & POWER WIRING 111 thc l\Ieetlllg House The meetm o All aro cordially InvIted to aUond .h ... ~ .eroces ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR tl11S week wIll be conducted especlallv 107 Sylvan Avenue Everyone .s invited to th.. church, Rutledge tor )oung peoplc and c1uldrel1 .ts wonhip and work Can be reached at Sw. 1145 I JAMES A. PILSON Phone ~eTl"oners 011 the f I rill The.s lll: ot lalld:-. til \\llIdt t Ixes for the \\or1d to altall! It :\Im:h fer 1 19W Model Institution \\ ails are "lute \\ ashed, gl\ IIlg thcm a \ Cdr 1929 hal e not htcn 1l.l1d \11 Ihat c(flun Ilee~ or ''\hallla 1 E ntermg tle I d B II· eI ell I I t f SCOTT PAPER CO. au.1 kilo \n L:> I t :\0 5 0 an a ccrtam Illan ma1l1 00[\\ a) , the I ... , I t a sac 01 rca es ate or of 1015 call~d South Ardmore' survc}ed for office IS fOllnd On the tight At the. . . left unpalcor looo" hng f Ut:ed<: etc .. a111onanD",d I for Book sail list aI' 1 e oun ) on a er a ou ep - t 1foug w lC 1 'IS.tors rna} comerse It contat11e proxImate expendIture of $125000 for Dol""" l'u",,,I'", '111 r 1 wlil find themsehes 111 quarters I With pnsoners uSlllg a patented \OICC some 1800 properties but thc dellnqucnt X X) 10 I age (14-1 Dl:"glUntlLg at a pomt \\Il! h for comfort, cleanliness and carrymg deVIce, the p fI SOl1er standmg 011 tlxpa\ers h1(1 a lc~"a\ of t"o )ear..; construction of thnc 10 ldlllg pler!\ COI1- on (hfhthe fe~t ~ ut!\\Ik) ea~t suiI' at t1~ Ime h~tance of Hastlllgs of oneavenue hun I b I II IIC \\ Ith the Illalll hulkhcad Irt: I fl(t"cst 'lot1thfroll ~IX \theIhree de~rees eight hel hful cl1\lronment Will not be .sur Ithe II1l1er Side of tIe ooth A \\lIJdow hef0 r e tI lClr paces \\cre SO( the... tlllg concern's properh at the Ironttl1g foot of IlllllllttS "lie forty f :\t:anoa ~ d b) an) Jail In the country Were gives prisoner and \Isitor clear \IStOI1 1 The ad\crtlslIIg or the Counh Trca~ \ {'nll{' thence b) Lot No 549 south twenty I n t tor the conul1lng I" ' I\\ehe one ~o hundred bars I on the cells of each other, but It IS entlrcl) ImpOSSible ur('r IISts ne.lrh 5200 properties III "Inch :\[ lTket strect \\111 SOOI1 he startl(1 b\ anI h\cnt\ fi\e het 1l11lllLtes lienee In Lot 489 ,1111 lhe perhaps plam prison diet a com ,for anything to be passed between thcm t h e 1929 taxes are dellnqncnt an 0\ er- the Scott Paper Company I I 1 f t I t , t s\~~~tt' t\~I,'.,tt\ hl';ece fe~~gr~I~!1 ceorb', cC:oLt ~I~n ~,': I I I S1Ilce loc ltmg here the contpam 1135 "..... ~ Itt !lent \\111 approach a \dcahon 1I1 a hut conversatIon I I d l I I I north !\\ent\ SIX d.:grct:s t lehe mmutes 1\(':>1 I \\ Ie tnmg j greater numhcr than 111 all\ b nt f sot{I IIlg all{t \\all I g through the n10llse Hldle on of lhe tl e l,rl:"llllSes parllt! II mO(l rn country II1n To the rIght and left of the mam cor pr e\ lOlls sa Ie E \en (n l some 0 t h (' een I Itall( tcaI'pe f i t asI regaT( I "el aratlllg the t b I I I E B un oaf mg aCI I IC,5 l\ Jarges .11l( rcecl1 II erdn granted from the hou~ adJolllmg on 1 the nell wOli1en s Jail, out 011 the I ndor are blocks of cells Each cell has a a:s:ts arc elllg pa (all( \ an art-II\ It was deCIded h) the ofllclals to h lVC the t thl\est one humlrcd and t\\ent) five ft:et B I )'Ieado\\s Farm m Concord to\\11 \\ mdow facmg the outdoors Each IS I Ie son Depuh 1 re ... surcr, IS authoTih for to the sOlllheast sulc llI1e of Hastlllgs avcllue rt IsthelastwordmpnsollconstrucleqUippedwlth\\ashstand,wlthhotalld ' I I f tl hltlumps I fil h per cCllt 0 f three piers Icadmg TII cr I ngs LII I th('nce sal I Sule degrees hnc of forI lIast ~IJlP I I hlkl I outt II1tO I the A a\ellue along lIorththesl:.:hthree 1tl1e b CIC \Vork on the new bUlldlllg IS 111 Jts cold runntng water, a dnnklllg foulltam, I the dell nquel1 t t axpa'ers \\1 II pay IJC forC ron1 tIe b ttu d H~a( t thcons C rllcte( ~\Pp n r Ica of of Icglllllln~ el(,:ht 1111nutes .:a~t t\\CIlt\ h\e ft:et to tl e plac!; August 4 ),[ B tl II tI lt Ion SlI ml e 0 C 0l111J11SSl0 e s stages '\ estercla". pamters and and a torlet In each blOCK there IS a r ar eson ) ames 1(' I NaVigation for penmt to proceed \lith Lmler mil suhtect to certain conditions and bathroom With a .shower bath At the large Itst 011 tre fact that 1ll3m taxpa) I I f ) rcstr eilolls th('felU recited and set forlll whl(:h = I I d f h fi fl II bl k ers arc not f Imhar \\ Ith th I t Ie lmpro\ e111ent \\ as acte{ upon ,l\ or ha\e eXI tn' I b) 111111 alton on Ja11Uar) 1 A sout lern en 0 t e lrst Oor ce oc d e c lange til abI ml the peTllllt granted 1 D 191-J CLASSIFIED II d d f I' v a k I I the state la\\ are cc s mten e or SIC pTisoner.:., WIt I E.'lch plcr \\ III extend out mto the Inlpro\ements COnsIst of two and one half an enclosed placc where sunlight and air The list 0" propcrtlcs mcludes practlc I f I 20 f I d I ston stonc and rongh cast house 16:>:38 feet WANTED' 1__ h d I 1 I III alh e\er) . . ectlon of the count) Thcy t1\er a (Istanee a a)011t ect )e)on I one star) althtlOlI -Ix6 fcet Poreh front Gar rna}t uc a, apart rom t Ie at ler 1 the l nd of the mUlllclpal l)1er at the foot agt: ro:.: 0 fect range fron small IllUldlllg lots 01) \\ hlch marned couple a small apart l11a es tl Ie amolU t d ue JS on I\ a fe\\ dollars to of strect L the£:0 onc Sold as and the Ireal rOI erll of :\hchae1 S lIatcJl, l I t or light housekeelung rooms near Col f I the 11Ortgagor 0'\ lIer 'll !la-ot Re,-ar-h Foundat on • I I clty-owned pier to ,x: 1I cct all l\ rom ,. .... Il11prO\ ements where the taxe's C I $" I d r I ..... ccc==----,-----c-:--::----:-::-:c,.--It fhls ar an"clllcnt ,,111 pernllt three I alaiom so 00 cas I 011 a) 0 sa e \\ \~ II D-A )otlng gLrI f{ r child s nurse PLANS AND LAYOUT I pass the $1000 mark <'> ee Itlons-10 len da,s \\Iute preferred Appl} FOR HOSPITAL APPROVED ]t \\l1l be ph\ sically ImpOSSible to sell barges to load or 11nload at Onc hlllC' al1d I L 12 I In IX H1J:1 SEH & I l I tIl e 101 Ig I IS t on tl Ie OpelUllg (a} 0 f tl lC wJll mean a lJ1g savlllg 111 slllppmg aCI- I RQ:\:II HLD, Attorne)s I After conslrjermg a number of pre I Ihes to the company II \ t "nunar} plans and locations for the pro sa e and It IS expected that se\ cral da,s I I • CIl( ItlOIll 1 XI onas \\ III be reCJUlred to (hspose of the entire With Ilosed Dl hlllg e)\l enence "ould like summer tu e aware C ount} I uberculosls under the hammer" Adults who remcmher what the) did as Decembcr 1erm '9"9 III grammar school S\\arthmorc Subjects or 10 high I Hospital, the authoTltlcs concerned, \,Inch lot and history 73 _ Inglish kids seldom Jose sleep 0\ er the actl\ Itles \11 11 ose tuo eertam lOIS or pIeces of groulIIl 1I1c1ude the T10spltal Ad\1so.) Board '4907 UNEMPLOYED kll 'HI as 1015 ::'\05 151 and 15_ on plan of of youth Chfton [an 1 and 11111 ro\emcnt Com pan) salll HEI P \V A NTEO the board of Judges and the COUt11\ IN Di::LAWARE COUNTY I Ian 1x:11lJ.; n:eordcd ill the office for the re ~Ial~ and Ft"mal(" h..II M 0 lto~kC'r "I commissioners'l ha'\e la Pll ro\eCd l the ske,te\h F.S'fATI OF nE~JAMI~ A TIIO:\{AS. de cordlllg Ot deed!. &e In and for the Coullty of Dcla\\are and deSCribed as follo\\s to \\1' :\tllall and Walnut sire-el& Morlon Pa Pbollle prepan d h) t Ie arc lltect arence I TI b f 1 D I ce3!led Situate on the \\tsterl) Side of Chfton avenue S~ar1bmore 16J2 ' 13 f tl Ie nurn Cr 0 persons IV1I1g 1IJ C aLetters Teslamentar} all the above Estate and the northerly SIde of Chestnut street. bemg razer, 0 liS city I I ha\,InK heen granted to Eleanor (~ Thomas nur h\\est corner of Chfton aV('IIUc antI Th e approve d Ia\ out p Iaces tile bUII(1 narc counh and usual} workmg at a 71'~ Harvard A'atl\ lJroa I nnd Ch~stnllt Streets the \\est 51 Ie of Chestnut slreet, one hundred .:cc::.c::.-=-=:....:.==-_________ I J \\3,5 4907 accordmg to James Holden Phtladeh lila A A Jackson 1 re~ldent t\\clll~ fi\c feet t le Cheyney road and south of the \Vom • f f ' LI \\ IS $: nQCKIUS Esqs Also all that certam lot or pIece of ground aVel1ue ) upen Isor 0 census or thiS dlstnct Attorne" 9Utlate In tbe llorough of Collingdale afore II fi 2107 FI telllJi PILlIadelphl3 1 rust formed r 11) ---.....;.....;;:c:.....;c::..::..:......;.....;.....;.:..:.c::.:....___ ('11 S I TIson It IS expected that an en are pre Itmll1ary an d su b PI lad IphlanIdg Pa said Beganmng f hat n pomt hId B the I I trance \\111 IJc prOVided from the Ba IU IJectleseto gures JI e mtersectlon 0 t e sout erl) St e 0 eec L FOI( UF.:\7'-At Avalon N J for first t" I correction. and \\Itt be supple "ood avenue (forty feet \udd and Ihe \\esl t .... h 111 AUj:!'lIst 1St Roor apartment 5 rooms more pike ltd I t b d t f tJ I fI ADVERT-lSI ~IEi':T FOR DIDS erly Side o£ Woodlawn avenue (fifty feet wlde) .th 'nd end ...d pord. o, \\a~ dO\\11 to hl~ ofllt.:e (DalhJ::lt Si\lflg 111111') II\n a\llLlie loth ~(' IeI hn 5.'l1t1 CommiSSioner I ynon !\ald ht atho ~toflJlc:d Ills ant; molule beforc L tree slttcr I~ ail I I 1 t t'..Iel lilt.:: la Ih thr IIg}1 larh E. C. WALTON "'0 -101 'I\;'1rllll 11 .. e" qarllllg ca·es the passmg of a stnet lIlSpcCtlO!I IIld 111 most \ Ignrous language dl Cried to !I Inan larlLs fro 11 II11"e Icr.1111~ It I erlchl 011 Ihe on I r... 111;;e nt~t.:S J T1{,lld the utter nOll sense of tt all Uarrll fen 1(;30 I a IJ 11lI1,.. t) Ihe II nl J t :In I sOllth\\e t a RENT of mecJlal1lCal cqUlpmcnt .15 a pre rC(11I1S II I I 1 \I" ,II tl;}t ("('ria II I t . I h of grolllli I:-.e wttlt ..J b(drooms, detachcd I'(rhlps no (,Ilc \\Oll( m\e )cen more All Ihat c.rtam Ileee or larc('1 fll Ian I \\ til tIc ILI1IIIl).;~ :In I Ilr H lilt Ihcr~on Ite to registratIOn or motor \eluclcs surprised than tillS crtticIZIIlR 1-:'(lItl(1II1111 ~llUalt.: III 1Ii\lrford r \\mhlj Dela'\lrcl.rr('tll ~lllah ,.. 11(' anI ,ios('rLl . . 1 :I.e UTI t I ' k' til 1.<11 I I II l, nt, 1(,,1lI1~)haIliL leslgnalC'1 all I kll \1l re'''lll Illn a;; follo,",5 10 '»11 IJc(lroolll lere IS 00 mllc 1 JUII on e I • h III III~ acquallltancc hut IC I gr lCC to a~ lot No 5~J ill a C'trtalll plan ot 101" crlllell I rltn ~ \I 11>.:Ifl tlc:"ll I a I t 1 I (' I t It" It rb <;1 It houses semi det IclICd\\a}s, said thc COl11mIS~IOner, and the ha\e mlorlllcd hllll that thc ho} III the S 1 III \rtlm re ~1If\e\C I for \\ ofld lIar ,I \11 Ir \ a\t 1 tli(' 1 ta leI' ('Ij one lel $50 k I mon UC'al I <;late T'llst~(S Ii) JI srph \\ 111111 hili Ir I 11 rl\ I I It t III 1 ttl fill fln!; I I Jellkllltl\\11 fa Alrll 5 J())~ 1 Ilr hll t a Ill;}' H'I :1.1111>; all "'II~ lie h 0 1I s c-dctached--l ht:c1rool11$ tllnc IS not far off when cars Will he rc- trce \\3... a pi cr COIll,l.lrc( to 111115e 1111 ler C f th ("\IIII}t\, 11(~rt~ (rough-$SCl_2 car g Iragc-stl3m nUlred to conform to a safety slanillrd thts cnduranec huslIless \ct It \\as thelwlld IS tilll} rHorltlm thl Oflce for t ... I \11't\\~ a\l .• I I Utel rtlmgof Deed~ etc IH and for said \ ~( Ir 1 I~ t. r< I II \q th(' )tI111\\t'~t to he permitted to operatc lltelc IS gOSP( trill 1 D('b lare C( 1111\ l'enlls\lval11a III Dn I II " 1 \ \ .. I \ I ale' I( (\ /1 111\ f("ct no deSire to take 3\\ay the JO)!\ of 111(1 10 hc:glll \\Ith he \\t.:lghed 210 IH)tIrlils X Xo 10 11age 611 nC~IIlI1lIlg' a a tOllt r If(,1!11 ~oltn bedroollls-$65-J ..J hedrooms $BS I I IllS CXCl'!\!\ \\clght hCl11g (ilrectl) cUlsed (II til" s ui1t:"l,t ""Ie IIII(' 1 lIasflllg~ :'1\11 10\1,:: lit" hI 01 tormg from the poor nan, hc I~ entH C( 1 (tIft) ftlt \\Ih) al Ilf 111:1111."1" 01 IItl< hIli It!'t ~I I e'''1 I Ill'J Wm. S. Bittle to hiS pleasures the salllc I!\ the neh h) SltstUIlC