Vol. 1, No. 22 Swarthmore, ================================================ Pa .• June 7, 1929 $2.50 Per Year Chautauqua Opens Next Tuesday College COlllmencem.ent NewsT.ennis Club Opens Season-Public Playground Movelllent Grows DR. CHAO CHU WU MEETING CALLED TO REPLACES TELLEZ DISCUSS REMOVAL AT CHAUTAUQUA I OF GRADE CROSSING I -x- Opening Program Nex~ Tuesday Evening in Big Tent Near Prep School TICKETS SELLING WELL Cc.unty and Bo.rough Authorities to Meet With R. R. and State Men Swarthmore High School SEEK SPEEDY SOLUTION where the Annual Auditorium of the. I" Dr. Chao Chu Wu, Chinese Minister' tp the United States, will bc the feature speaker at Chautauqua in Swarthmore next week instead of Don :Manuel Tcllez, Mexican Arilbassador, who was scheduled to speak. Scnor. Tellez will be unable to speak because of the pressurc of offidal business. Season tickets for Chautauqua have been selling rapidly this week and the men and women who have been visiting practically every home in the Borough report excellent results. Even at this early date it appears that enough -----------------~--.--- --tickets will be sold to crowd the big tent on the Prep School grounds every night: Commencement Exercises Rcprescntatives of thc Public Scrvice Commission of Pennsylvania, the Pcnnsylvania R. R., Swarthmore Borough, and Delaware County will meet next Friday cvcning at the Strath Haven Inn to discuss the elimination of the grade crossing at Chester road. The invitations to the meeting are being sent out by the Public Service Commission, but the gathering will be a small private one for the purpose of reaching a definite conclusion about going ahead with the removal of the grade crossing here and the building of the proposed tunne\. County Engineer George S. Wright and the county solicitors, as well as the county commissioners, Birney, Drewes and Desmond, will attend the meeting. Some months ago Elwood B. Chapman, of Swarthmore entered a complaint with the Public Service Commission relative to the unsafe condition of the railroad crossing on Chester road. The invitation to attend the conference was issued by Secretary Krausse, of the Public Service Commission, which authorized this conference at which time will be discussed the cost of eliminating the dangerous situatioll. Chairman Birney, of the board of county commissioners stated yesterday that the cost of eliminating the present grade crossing by whatever engineering method that may he adopted, will be very high, but it is the county's duty to play its part in the ·saving of lives. The conferees will be the guest at the luncheon of Mr. Chapman. Preliminary plans to eliminate the grade crossing have already been prepared and will be presented at ~he conference. 'l'hese plans together with the allocation of costs will be the major discussion at the conference. will be held next week --x- HIGH SCHOOL LAST STORY HOUR FOR CHILDREN TODAY TENNIS CLUB COMMENCEMENT SEEKS MEMBERS - --.~--.----....,....-------------- The program this year will start next The last meeting of the Children's Tuesday the afternoon of the 11th. It Story Hour will be held this afternoon will continue afternoon and evening for at 3 o'clock ill the Woman's Clubhouse. Mrs. Eliza. Ulrich Ullman will give the Lose First Match of Yeuthe 11th, the 12th; the 13th and the 14th. R. Chester Spencer, who heads Large Class to Be Graduated program. Mrs. Ullman is u gifted enTo Use Five Courts the guarantors, says that he is very At Ex~rci~ In tertainer and all of the children of the At College much encouraged by the reports of! Audltonum Borough will have a great t.eat at to-I tickets sold and believes that there WillI day's I)rogram. .MATCHES be a good sized balance to turn over THIRTY FIFrH YEAR ENDS The committee of the Children's Story HOME SOON to the library. Hour has decided not to hold any more . Seldom if ever has Chautauqua Facts ConcerniDg Commencement meetings until Fall .. Swarthmore's. tennis club, for many brought to Swarthmore a man of higher Week at Swarthmore I This aftcmoon's meeting will bring years an organization which has Position than Dr. Wu. At the present to a close the first year of the ChildHigh School II I·cn's TI . brought the Borough recognition of time it seems likely that the speaker Story Hour in Swarthmore. liS leading tennis players in and around will be in Swarthmore all day of the institution \yas ~reat.ed in conjunction Philadelphia, has started on this year's 13th and if this is the case he will· be Sunday, June 9, 11 a. tp.-Bac,with the Children s Library last ~a.l\ and schedule. The members of the club this entertained by Swarthmore people and . calaureate Servicc, F. iends Meethas provel~ a very popu.lar ~d~ht.ol1 to. year as well as the team consisting shown the placcs of interest near the ing Heuse the cducatlOnal and so;;.al hfe of thc lof the hest plal'ers who. meet teams Borough. Wedncsday, June 12, 7 p. m.Borough. I from othcr tehms clubs will use five of It is probable that a dinner will be Class Banquet, Springhaven Club Mrs. Henry r. Hoot has served .aS the Illen's tennis courts at the college. gi\·en in his honor at the Strath Haven Thursday, June 13, 8 p. m.chai~~~n . during the l1~st year. With These courts will be in good condition Inl1 hefore his address. Dr. William T. Ccmlt'cncelrcnt Exer;:isr5 her 1I1Itlative and enthUSiasm, Mrs. Hoot thc cnd of this week. Ellis, who has traveled widely in the The Baccalaureate Addrcss will has bcen large~y responsible for the s~cJohn Fricke is president of the club Orient, wiD act as superintendent at he llla1e by Dea!l Raymo:d \Va'cess of the first ye!lr's work. . The chalr- I this year and is desirous along with the Chautauqua the night that Dr. Wu tcrs of Swarthmor~ Collegc. man for the COlllll1g year Will bc ~lrs'l othcr officers of securing a large IlumsJlcaks. O. J. Gilcrcest. Mrs. kGilcreest has been: ber of membcrs so that sufficicnt revCommencement Address will be . f I ·tt Dr. \Vu is the son of tl1l' notcd Wu very. active made by Do'. Mi!t3n H. Nichols, I 111 the wor 0 t le comml ee enuc will be prov.id.ed to keep the ringfang, Chinese Ambassador twentyE dUll!1g t Ie past year. . courts in good condition. I)astor of Arch Street ~1. '. The ot her mem hcrs 0 f tl1e comm Itte I ~remberships this year are $750 f or SWARTHMORE --_~·~41~_-fivc years ago, whose oriental philos. WOMEN Church, Philadelphia. f f II M r Rov d ~c: ()() f ophy and modern ideas made him a or next yen, . spi.·ing historical address by ~Ir. 1-: supreme r.cason or. • r· IS .g.reat . now e 0 Daniel Mason Jr. and Nicholas VII1- r Matos I ing the railway crosslllg at Swarthmore e. ce'lIt ?\I ' sig;lificant to this nieghhor than, avenue. They justify the lallOrs that a (I· liS. °lrle!1 a >affc .ground glv . V. Michener, Frank an'y other aspect of one of the most im-I have brought the public lihrary into heoreslg 1t mto a airs an conI Itlons CI' I Reescr I . I' TI' . Itt tI bcst that the Ih • . I . . Simpson Powers, alre.. . ' prcssive patriotic servlccs ever he d 111 t Ie mg. 1elr rig I 0 • Ie . Cal are II1tcrestll1g an( II1strucllve. Bruce Steele Roxhy, Dorothy Ehza- Borough was the prcsence of the children I Public Schools can do IS apparent. ()rr('spondence heth Emeline Cauffman. Scott, their and cluality. Scores and . We keep fai!h al\ that is .... e Elsie Virginia Sea!, Katl~r~n Slmpcrs, scores of boys and gi .. ls watchcd and III our Country ~ and 111 ,?ur commumty s ~I rs. Roy Comley, of Sw~rthiriore Virginia Perry Snllth, \Vllham Chand- listened, open-eycd and open-eared. The J1a~t by conservmg the hlghes.t values. of a\·('llue, entertained at cards all Wcd- ler Starr, Jr., Thomas N. Stern, Ken- impression upon their pla'itic minels quite c1uldhood. Ours s~ould. be-Illdeed~ ISnesday afternoon in honor of hcr neth Prouse Stuart, Mary Ann Vlacho~, justified the celebration. a n.eighborhood which ~III ncver fatl t.he llJolher, Mrs. George M. Comley, who Raymond \Valters, Jr., Edward HavINo such group of youngsters ever fol- nation and the worl~, If we kcep faIth has been her house guest for several land Walton. and Joseph H. Walton. lowcd the Pied Piper of Hamlin. Their with our boys and girls. "'·C('ks. (Continued on Paoe Twdve) ! (I .\ ' 1 tI~e ~arious ~:ac~~s ~~~~~:Ice TI:~;l1asJ~r;ncis wholesom~ness I I" ~I .. g~ ~e ~n er~a all~lllall. poh~lcst !1I: ~merlca~ ~ca~:?~ l~ FI~;I~~l( I .~oldicrs dKe~1I1;. la~~ore Ma~guerite C R~IPP, TI~eir ,. nu~ber Horti- ........ r'...- - - LEGIO' N MED·ALS GIVEN HI SCHOOL PUPILS The American Legion medals given annually by the Harold Ainsworth S h Post to the hoy and girl in • thc wart I . hmore I High School ranking IlIg lest 111 sc 0 arshil), loyalty to the school, character and general ahility, werc awarded Ihis week to Frank \Villiams, son of Dr. F. E. Williams and Mrs. Williams, of Amherst avenue, prcsented by Dean I £1. b h Raymond Walters, am 10 ... Iza et Main, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Main, of Cedar Lane, presented by ~rrs. Eliza Ulrich •••Ullman. JUNE FESTIVAL AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH • wit\~ 11O~1('~t The Presbyterian Church will hold its June Festival on Thursday, June 13, from 5.30 to 8.30. A cafeteria supper will bc served and cakes and candies will be on sale. Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop is in charge. \Ve cordially invite. the graduating class of the High School to have their commencement supper with us. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE Vol. 1. No. 22 Swarthmore, Pa., June 7, 1929 $2.50 Per Year ~====:::--~====== .. --.---=-.-=--=--=---- Chautauqua Opens Next Tuesday College Conlmencelnent NewsTennis Club Opens Season Public Playground Movement Grows HR. CHAO CUU WU :MEETING CALLED TO REPLACES TELLEZ DISCUSS REMOVAL AT CHAUTAUQUA OF GRADE CROSSING -x_ Openin9; Program Next Tuesday Evening in Big Tent Near Pr~p School TICKETS SELLING C01.!nty and Borough Authorities to Meet With R. R. and State Men Su'artluHOl"e High School Auclitm'ium of tlte WELL SEEK where tlte Annual Ill'. ('I:ao Chll \\'11, Chilil'st' :\1 illisll'r . Ihl' L'lIilt'd ~tall's, will he the ieat· re s)leah'r al ChaU~all'llla ill SwarlhIJ"'n' lIext wet'k ilbtead oi ))011 :\lallueJ, T"l1l'z, :\Iexicall Amhassador, who was ,,11l'c1ulecl to spl'ak. Sellor .'1\'lIez will, I,· ullahk' to speak hecallse oi tht' pres'l:rl' (If otlicial hllsiness. :-;eas,'n tickets for Chautauqua ha\'(': 1>"l'lI selling rapidly this week and the tl'c'lI and \\'Ollll'li who han: heell l'isit-: it;'! practically l'\'cry homc ill thc Born:lgh n'port l'xcl'lIent results. E\'en at i ti,j,; early datt' it appears that ellough I will he helcl next u'cci< -x- ~ Pr~)l li"kl'ls will ht' sold to crowd Ihe hig\l'ill on the School grounds l'\'ery SOLUTION l\l'pl"'" lItatin's "i Ihl' Puhlic ~er\'i':e C"l1ll1li"siltll Iti P"IIII,yh'ania, th,· 1'l'1I11SI'h';llIia I{. I~ .. :-;warthnH'n' J:on'ugh, a'nd 1,..la\\·arl' COUIII I' will Illl'l't IIl'xt Fridal' "'Tllillg al till' Stralh Ila';~'1I '11111 t;, di"clls~ thl' elimination of the gra,h- cr"ssillg at Ch",t'T road. ,. The ill\·italillll'; til the IIll'ctillg arc Ill'illg ';,lIt out hy the I'uhlic Sen':cl' C"lIIl11ission, hutolle the ior gathering will he a slllal1 pri"at" the purpose of Commencement Exercises relchillg a dl'linit,. conclusion ahllllt ),!oillg ah,'ad with the n'mo\'al oi the 'gr';uk crossing Ill're ami the hllildingIIi the proposed tUllnel. Count\. Engil1l'IT Cl'nrge S, \\'rig-ht I HIGH SCHOOL LAST STORY HOUR 'TENNIS CLUB FOR CHILDREN TODAY; . SEEKS MEMBERS' COMMENCEMENT - - - - -- - SPEEDY alld the 'county snlicilors, as well as till' counl,' t'lIl11missiollers. Birnt')', Drcwes ~(lllll' l1ight. the B. meeting. Thl' program this year will start tlext Thc last tllecting of the Chihlrl'n's , and (kslllond, monlhswill agoattt'mi Elwood ChapTIll'sday thl' afternoon of the 11th, It ! Story 110m will he held this a it em OlltlI 'lIIall, of Swarthmore t'tltered a COIl1lIil1coutillue afternooll alld e\'l'lIing for at 3 o'clock in the \\'omall',; Cluhhouse. : plaint with the Puhlic Sen'ice Com11th, the 12th, the 13th and the .\Irs. Eliza, Ulrich Cllmiln will giH' Ihe First Match of Year- j mission rdati\'e to the unsafe cOIhliIl!i,· 'tl )' CII"t Silellccr \\'110 11ea . , " .\ l.o .,,., To Use Five Courts lion 01 thc ral roa( crosslIlg Oil Ics . .::r 111,' guarantors. says that he is ,'ery. At Exercises In Itertainer alld all of the children oi the At College I road. f Auditorium 13 oroug I1 WI'11 I I1Illch ellcollraged hy thc reports 0 !a\'e a t grl'a t t.-ea a t t II· TIll' inyitatioll 10 attclld the conicrli .. kets sold and heiicves that therc willi day's progralll. HOME MATCHES SOON enCl' was 1." a goocl sized halance to tum m'cr I THIRTY FIFfH YEAR ENDS, The committl't' of the Children's Story of the Pllhhc ~en'lce COIllIllISSh)I1, Heur Ims decidecl not to hold ally tllore : I' I I ' I tl' f ce at I" thl' lihrar.\,. Swarthmore's tt'nllis cluh,,\'111'1.'11 for many: w Ill' I alit IlInZt'C liS con l'rell , Facts Concerning Commencement Illeetillgs until Fall. I which timt' will be discusscd tht' cost :-'e1dom if el't'r has Chautauqua hr"Ug'ht to Swarthmore a mati of higher Week at Swarthmore ! This afterlloon's Illeeting will hrillg! \'I.';I1'S an organization .. laS of eliminatillg- the dang-erous situation. III"ition than Ilr. \VII ..c\t the present High School to a close the lirst yeal' of till' Child-' hrought the Boroug-h recog-llllJOn of Chairlllall BirntT, oi the hnard of timl' it seems likely that the speakl'r ' .. en's Stor\' Hour in Swarthalllre. This leading- tl'lIIlis players in and around, cOlllII\' commissioners stated yesterday II TIl he in Swarthmore all clay of the I inslittltion' was cn'alecl ill conjullctioll Phiiaddphia, has started (In this year's! that t'hl' cost oi l'iilllinaling- the preSt'nt 131iJ and if this is the case he will· he Suu\ay, June tJ, I I a. 1".-lIacwith the Children's I.ihrary fall all,1 crossing- h.\' what eYer engineering . c;tiallr"atc Sl'n'ice, F. iewl, :\In'lI bSI11'1' I 'chl'duit-. 'I'h,' lIIelllllers of Ihe c1ul., t.his "rade ,., I t'lIlertained hy :-)warthmore \leop e alld . ! has prO\'l'n a wry l)(llm ar a: c •. 11:1 0 ,'ar as well as the team conSlstlllg" IIll'thocl Ihat lIIay he adnpled. will ht' ,lillII'll tilt' places of interest ncar the iug Heuse : :he edl1catilln:d allil so::a! Ii it' IIi' the "i the hest player,; who meet \'l'ry high, hut it is thl' county's dllty nllrtlugh. \Vedlllsday, .1mit' 1.2, 7 p. 111., Borllugh. lrolll other tellnis c1uhs will lise h\'e 01 10 play ils part ill the sa"ing- of lives, II is prohahle that a dinner will he llanCjul'!, Sprin:.:han'lI Cluh :\Irs. Henr\' I. 110111 ha,; SIT\'ed as :h,' lIll'n's kllllis cotlrts at Ihe colkgt'. Tht' ('ollil'n't's will he tht' g-uest at gill'1I in his honor at the Strath lIan'n Thursday, Jm!t' IJ, p. 111.I ch:lirman the year. \\,ilh Til"s" l'O!irls will he in g-uod condition: the hmcheon oi :\Ir. Chaplllan. 1.111 hdore his address. Dr. \Villiam T. (" illl'r illitiatin' :'Irs. 11,,"1 \I:t' l'lId oi this \I't'ek. i Preiilllillar\' plans to eliminate Ihe Ellis. who has traveled widely in the '1 hl' :\dcln's; will has 1I"'l'n largc'y reS(lllllSlhlke John Fricke is presidellt oi the cluh: grad,' crossil;g have ;:Irt'ady hn'n preOriellt, will acl as supt'rintendent at h' m:l'!e 1)\' ')ea:1 I{a :\!!o:r\ \\'01'cess of the tirst ye:lr's wor·,. It' c lalr- :his )'t'al' a11d is desirous alo11g with the' jJarl'd a\l(l will he presl'lIted at !he COIIl'\';lutauqua tht' Ilight that Dr. \Vtt ItTS Ili S\I:al·thIllLr,' {,'o\leg,·. ,ma11 the cOJllmg WIll he :\Irs. illlH'r "nicers oi securillg' a 1111111-, it'n'lIcl'. Thl'sl' plalls logetllt'r with the 'peaks. (). J. ('I.kre.es!. :\Ir,;. k (,II.crt't''it '.ll'l·1I !'l'r oi 1I1l'lIIhl'rs so that sutltclellt re\'- " .'lllo(','ltl·OIl "i !':. :\1 i:tllll II. Xichol,;, Til)giallg, Chillest' Amhassador t w e n t y - · . lor ENTERTAINED AT GARDENS ""'ial li"l1 alld a Il1l1ch sought platiorll1 \\'. llelaj,lailll'. :\Irs. Cll'lIIl I. TlId'l'r. '.'hildrl'll. TIH' .. nin'rs an' s"l'ki11g at '1";lk('r. The t·xt·rci:,.,s i'Ilr Iht· Thirty·flith :\Irs. IJeh11 Iiall, ~,Irs. 1~"'ll'rt I~n·d. least liit\' memhers. ::'\[emhership pcr()n lasl Satttniay ailerIl'HIII :\Irs. 1."\'i\lTeivillg' his early edllcation in At-: CIlJl1 III l'I1l'l' III I'll I oi the :-;I\'artblllon' :\ll's. Char:l'S I). ~lild1l'\I. all:1 :,Irs, I{II. ,!Ii:" tlH' -hllider to all oi tht' pril'ilegt's!'It Frl'sclliu was h""lt'ss 10 dl'\'t'll 1;Il,til' City, Dr, \\·u \I'as g'raduatt',1 in! High will he h"'<1 IIl'xl "Tl''''. Int E. Sharpl,·s. "i 1:ll' lin' collq.!l' courts at all tillles. Swarthlllllre WOlllell al a 11Inl'iI!'IIn ill 1",,1 "'as I'all'cliclorian oi his dass.' '1'1' , I I' I "1' t· ••• Thl' IIthl'r Il'-ticers illr this year ill, Pallli, aill'r whil'h, IIlllkr Ihl' allspices II. alld II I I · ' IlS ITar s .~ra' ua IlIg I' as,; lilli'" Br"GINNERS' CLA::'S I I I" k .I t : I'll l'gl' educatio11 was com]> de( III . . c l' oJ :I 111','1' Ill' It'11'1"'1',111\',,: J,; "1'1"'Sl'( 10 t H' It l!,' ~ . .' .. . : . •" 'I UIl:, . l'r,,(ll'rll' 1\'lIrd \\ dhalll I III :l'l tlU"t IItH:"; aile I a ISt, (.p_'" I r l .'. '1'11 I 1111'1' 1:""1 • ", . I 1"111111'111' Ciho;"l1 :>'1 arI InCllrSlllllS · ., I Itl tit· "I. t IIt' J apalH'Sl' ..•. ." \\'1'1'1"1111 I. ' . I:lrd ' ... 'I, 'I '. )'lIri,' :-;1" .. k!1I11 I:i,,,'gg,,r. 1',dl1a \ I1'1 a 11 qllailt,\' lias n .. 11 111 I I rt· IIl1la"'" thall Iheir ~ LEGION MEDALS GIVEN . .\ .111l IIln.!. . \\"11' By A Neighbor - IIt' \\';t..;". -."'111 t" til,' '":tl"lt)l1S . , 1'1",,1. ''"I''I'''IIl'!' . \ . I:nll. I •1;1111 ; 1'1' -I, •.. h. • . 1ilIIl1Iwr~. En'n' child ,hll\\'(·d Ihl' car.. HI SCHOOL PUPILS ' . , s prt·~- '1'1' I'r 11'11 Thllllla~ !:.!II . ";l)lIlal, til prl'~"lIt ( ,hllla "'111.1',,,., . . , l'ral1n,;. .lOIl. '. "I' ','/r,' ,.1' .'111 illlelli.!.'l';1\ hllllll·. Th\'ir la';tlth 1/1111 I 'I '"',;, t I1<' 11,'11' ell I111111 I',~ • I I . . ... 1'11111 I'. rlll'~IIII" {. .n"k. \ Irgllll.1 ' J :J \. prlllllelllS, II I, 10llr l'IIC Iec I'III t IIt' :. ",I)., . .. ,., 111,'( as .gll·'·,1 I alld 11'11',I eSIlIl1l'II,·SS \\ !'rt' lIIalll'1' ," t . '1'11 l'~ .', 'I'll,' :\III"ricall I.t'.""'11 I ..: tl IItlol... ,'1111111;111,' I,,· tlH' Ilarold :\ills\\'IIrth I'list ' I ' I I' 0 I' III I,'xii'" :,·d. :-;ta"·s. WilT" h,' was cI eSlgllah'c . . ('ITlhlnw . • • I· .hzahl'llr . '\\I11"' .\~I',;"il/lll"r'·'11 art' "III'Till'~ ;1< ,·qtlah·., rl'\'l'akd til II" liS "TIler t Ilat ,~\\'ar . . It'geltlalt' a 111'\1' l'nlllllllTnal In'aty I0\\' I)'It' k''111'" II , .'111,1 :-;;1111 II el .\ orn,; lire illlp ... ·"'il'i· .. ..1'.I'ralillll "i ~lt-lIlori;tI i, a rhildn'lI\ tllWII; a happy hlllll!' illr I" tIll' ill": alld girl ill th .. :-;warthlll.,re Ila.1 at St:ttillll :-;'1 11 :11'1' Ih,' 1'11!l' arra~ (Ii tilt' h"st type oi hlly.~ all~lih' Ilillt:,l1 I !1J\·:hl1c1, \\';,rrl'!I 1)"11:":-- ·..• Idil'rs wh" di"d durill;..! IIII' 11':11'; I II,· sholll,1 IIlll1 " h.. dllllt' " ." prmllptly allli withollt,I I{aYlllolH I \\·alt, ... " allel t,. Elizal)l'th . "I :;11 "lIal I'olitiral {'o'li'Tt'lIn' held at la, j"IIIIS"I1, I':\;-all"r 1,,'I1IH'dy, 11,1\1" ~il1glllg . ' tIl,' tlrn'('- (1IIt·Stll1ll. . '1'1 14.." I·t . 1'11,l ·lr"IIIII'·lll.j ~I 01 ~I r. I ,lIul :\1 rs. \\ 1 01. pa I'" nod"- SOl I "~:-', )l'~ pCJ~~) • alII. daughlt-r . . , . 'Irel' f~rah:rlll l.i,il1gsol1. \'irgiJlia \\! !i;lIl1sl, 'Wll. :\1 a,sarhusl'\ t s. ' .IIII' a 1111' II'lC I'Ia~gr"Ullt · I" i . rr',I.I' I halll I~ ' . :\1 alii, I,t. , (,',]ar illl,1 salule lin'd Ii,\' 1IJ11I.. 1I1'JII l'C I I .l'tllllll· \\,1,, tl 1,.1 • I l'll ,.lII,', I'r,'st'nt"d \ 'U ,rill hl' illllTesll'cI ill IWaring' Dr. Franl'l's I.lInh(lt-lI. I.an·y \'. ~~.a~lil1. . . · , · · 1 '11" '1·1,···.1, I,,· :\1 rs. 1',IIza l I ... c I lIIall. ' . '111 I Illl' l'I"'lr alld : 111·' III l'IIIII1IS).I.,t ll' , 11 CIt II. It) .In • •• " . ill illrJllill" " . I I . I,I I . 1\. Ilis great kn(l\\'ll'c1g-l' oi illll'rna- .\L·.'\alld,·I· Xicllol:t, ~\;I""lI, \\ 11I~;.1111 a 1I,·,; • I .; .i.-illg hi,lorical add res, lIy :\1 r. \\'il- Slll'r"ll.t' r.,'asllll Illr. a, l'qllat.'·... gll· .... JUNE FESTIVAL AT " polilics, hi ..; .\lIIt'1'irall eclucatioll Ilalli .. 1 :\1 a,(liI, J 1'., awl ;\icholas \ 111- . .1 "1 • ill" the raIl ",a\' ,T .. o;slJ1g at :-;warthl1llll'l' hal1l " . ... . , I1~t· Ia I":rs tl I:I! I PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH his orinllal harkground gives him \'t'llt :\1c1"·lllla. :\I"r.\.. aI,,,. sigllitil'alll III thi, ni'·ghlll.r Ihall aWlIllt'. I hI') JIISIII): ,r",ight inlo altair,; anel cOllditions ~!ar.r.:IIl'rill· \'. ~li{'h"IHT, Frallk. . IIlh .. r :'Sllll'l IIi "Iii' "i Ih,· IIII "I illl- h:I\'t, I,n.llght ~11l' puhlrc Jrl'rary 1111" )",-, ;,1'1' illlt·r,·,lillg allcl illstnll·li",'. :-;illlJ"oIil I'oln'r,. l'bire I.. I{':";'i,·r. ':~;~ssin' ntriotic snl'in',; l'n',' Jr,·leI ill Ihe 'illg . Th .. ir nghl III th,· h,'st Ihal Ih .. ,. Th.. I'n,;j,y~''l'iall l'1}~lrdl ",ill hold \'. ': ""'II"IIIIl'I1l't, . 1',1'11"" ,"\··,,1,· l~oxh.I, I )orothy I·.. h~a. I .. II, I .. I' tl ' '1 illr 'II i 1'Iliolic ~I'hllols elll (10 is aPJI:II"'II\' Its .lUll" I' ",II\'al Oil I hllr"lay, Jllne ' .-..... B.ifO";":' 1, \\'Cl:-; t 1t.' ]In'~l'l1ll' (I 1l" 1 ( .. ..". 1 : I'. - ~ H ll) .\ ~. _. . '0 . 1" '111 1,'111'1'. 1'".IIIl'lillt, ('autl'JIIall,. ~('"tt. . I I '1'1' ..:. r " '1IIe1 \\'. h,t'I' faith wllh all that b lI"h ... ,t: ,l. Ir,'lll :>.,0 tll .' , . l.llltlrl,1 sup------~.~1-::--~--Ihl'lr IIl1nl,,'r all' qll.1 I). ",0' ~. . l , , . . , " .'11 I ' " . ' I ' I " k. . I l.11l .. _ 1;1,'1'" \·I·r"I·III·.·1 ,~l'al, l,athrYIl :-;11II1'l'rs. . I .. , I " ! ' "t'l ,I . JIll 111 tlllr ("llJItn's anellll 0111' rllJIII1lIJIIII) ..;lplr \\1 Il 'tnl( .11l( ,.1 \, .1IJ( \!r,. I~oy l'omlt'Y, oi S"artl:.nort' \ ~ s!'.. r.. s 01 '".I~ ,III, gl .. s \1.1' III .1 . . . " ·1 I',. "111, "1':\1' J \' S 1"1 " '1' " rr" \\'illiaJII Challcl-. " r u. ,I '1'11' 11'lst th,' Illglwsl" yahl" S.I t .. rs. . ." ,I, lOp :.Irglllla ." '" . h,h'lll'( I. o)lell·t'ye, I'.1IIc I "pell-,.I " . :h,·.clllIsl'r\'JIIg ' .III ,I'll ' . 'S \\"I 'lOll " ::I':'lIt', l'nh'rtaill,'d at canis on \\'l',Ih-r :-;Iarr, Jr .. Thollla, ~. :-;It'rr~. Kl'II-. ·J11ln'"sinll UJllllI tlll'ir JI);l,ti" lIlill:b 'tlillt' ·chllclho(Jcl. Ollrs shollld he-·-mclt't'd: b · - i h III. lh.lrgl: " . 11""I;c\' ail,'rJlOOll III hOIl"r •• i her 11l'Ih Proust' ~tuart. ,\'I ary.: \1111 \ hchlls ' : ' I. 1"'1 t t l IIt' n' Il'IIf .It'lOll •'I Ill'I'"III,c'rll(,')(1 " ' \\·II·ICII \\'1'\1 IIl'\','r fatl lb· l'ordlally 11I\'11t' the graduatlllg ' :II',! It l:r• ~I rs. C"orgl' ~I, ('omit y. who l~a"lIIl1l](1 \\'aiters, Jr., I ·.cwar~ :-.;" Il'C,U(II group" IYOUllgs,l' I. .tIll' . \\'orlcl . ' ii \IT kl'('I' iailh 1 dass " , . 'to 1han' . I I \I a\' I- JIIS" : ' ., r'S elt· . I' I'I I : 11'ltl"'11 '\Ilcl oi '" th .. llig'h School their I;\> h"l'lI her house gUl',,1 for ,t'\'l'ral lall;1 \\'aitoll, alld J"St')lh.,11. \\ altoll. i I"\HII thl' Piecl Pipl'r oi Ibulllin. TIll'ir: wilh Ollr h"ys ;lIIcl glfls. ,Olllllll nCCIIH lit SlIppl r \\ \I I liS. 4 :... ·1 t • '. ~IIII'III 1 f ("II,/li""t,,1 fI" IJd!'~' 1,,,'.'1.',') \\" THE 2 June 7. 1929 SWARTHMOREAN Mrs. Gettes, will sail on June 19 for and Waite, and John L. Patterson. of an eleven weeks' tour of Europe. Miss the John L. Patterson garage, and The Virginia Bassett will attend the George- Radio Shop think that the project Social and Personal CHILDREN RESPOND TO REQUEST FOR FLOWERS The children of Swarthmore respondshould be launched. ed to the call for daisies to be taken Walter N. Suplee believes that a * * * George L. Bolton, of Cedar weekly luncheon club would fill a di.- to the flower booth at 69th street sta- School in the fall. ~frs. Lane, will entertain at tea Saturday tinct need in the borough, and that the business men would respond if good * • • speakers were provided and something 1!rs. Elmer E. 1!ellick. of the Strath really accomplished. Haven Inn, who attcnded the meeting E. M. Buchner is another businl!ss of the Council of the Federation of man who is very much in favor of ur'Vomen's Clubs at Swampscott, Mass., ganizing a weekly luncheon group'. Mr. is visiting her son, Dr. Joel Mellick, at Buchner believes that by means of a Worcester, Mass. meeting every week a great deal can be accomplished, which is forgotten • • * ~{r. Percy Gilbert, of Yale avenue, is when an organization meets only. once a month. spending a week in Pittsburgh. ~1rs. Claude C. Smith, of Baltimore her sister-in-law, Mrs. John Gayle, of afternoon. Pike, entertained the members of the Garden Committee of the \Vomen's! Club at luncheon on \Vedncsday, after which a business meeting was held to discuss plans for the Fall exhibit of flowers and vegetables. Norfolk, Virginia. * * • Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Goodwin, of Yale avenue, left yesterday for Chicago, where they will spend two weeks visiting relatives. *** ~fr. A group of eight men spent a recent *** Carl R. DeMoll, of Park avenue, week-end at the Thatcher cottage on is spending a month abroad. Chester River, Eastern Shore, Maryland, as the guests of Roland G. E. Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Alger, of RutUllman. They included ~{r. Alex Rob- gers avenue, spent the week-end visMr. and Mrs. W. V. Chambers, of inson, ~lr. C. C. Smith, Mr. R. T. Bye, iting relatives at Mill Creek and York. North Chester road, and two children :r..1r. Howard Buckman, Mr. H. Elliott * * * spent the week-end in Lancaster. Wells. Mr. W. Russell Green and Mr. ~ MIS. Robert E. Sharpless, of SwarthStanley Ricker. more and Yale avenues, and Miss Dor- * * * • •• . • • * The Luncheon Club Idea Grows Mrs. Ella Andrews, of Chicago, Illinois, is the house guest of Mrs. \VilHam D. \Vermouth, of Dartmouth avenue. * • • Mrs. Abram Fawcett, of College avenue entertained at bridge in honor of ~{rs. AHred Gary White. Her guests were }rlrs. John R. Kline, Mrs. Alfred \Villiams, 1lrs. Charles Bunting, Mrs. Frank \VilIiams. Mrs. F. P. Byerly, Mrs. W. N. Spangler. Mrs. P. F. Taylor, Mrs. John Brownell, :Mrs. H. B. Cookman, Mrs. S. S. Rutherford, Mrs. Walter Fritz, Miss Eleanor Fritz, Mrs. Geo. Spangler and !\o[rs. \Vhite. * * • Mr. Roland G. E. Ullman. of Harvard • •• Fill up your • * * GEORGE SCHALLES Mrs. A. B. Reavis, of the Garrett apartments, entertained at bridge on Saturday evening in honor of Mrs. Reavis' ;nother and sister, 'Mrs. Thomas and Miss Genavievc Thomas, of \\'ashington, D. C. • * • and Mrs. \V. \V. Speakman have opened their new cottage, "The Hemlocks" at Buck Hill Falls, for the season. They expect to spend the month of June there. Their old cottage, twenty years old, was completely destroyed by fire last spring. Pasadena, man, will spend theMrs. summer her California, sister of W. W.with Speaksister and family. * • * ,Mrs. R. V. l.ittle, of Park avenue, attended the commencement e}:ercises of Mary Baldwin Sminary at Staunton, Virginia, last week, where her daughter Peggy ,\'as graduated. . • * • Muhlenberg aDd Swarthmore Ave•• Phone: Swarthmore 1225 Attractive Compacta Rutledgo For Graduation Gift. Sharpless Rock Golf Course ~-Ir. A Sporty Little Course Between Swarthmore and Chester Chestnut Street Opposite Garden City Daily Rate-Morning or Afternoon 50c Sat. Sun. and Holidays--Morning or Afternoon 75c I Stationery. Factory Form., Folders. Booklets and Catalogue. CHESTER, PA. Pboae-Cbe.te. 47......fS. SUITE 45 26 S. 15th St. Phila., Pa. G~s Tank JUST GAS FREE Clifford M. Rumsey Green Beans 15c a box Blue Anchor Ginger Ale $1.95 a dozen s. - Phone 188 FRESH FISH EVERY FRIDAY final decision as to whether or not a public playground will be provided for the children of Swarthmore at the College afenue building will be reached at a conference to be held next week between members of the School Board and the COI'lmittee representing the Home and School Association. The meeting will be called at the convenience of Dr. E. Leroy Mercer, chairman of the Home and School committee. This action was decided upon at the meeting of the school board Tuesday t,·ening. At that meeting the Board adopted a certain policy that they would follow regarding the public playground and they will present their stand for the 3(ceptance or the refusal of the Home artd School committee at next week's meeting. As a result of the questionaire sent (Iut to the parents of children in the ninth grade Or below, it was indicated dlat the playground is desired by a great many people. 113 different families replied to the questionaire. This represented about forty per cent of the total number sent . Of the 113 replies, 94 favored the playground and 19 were definitely oplOsed to the idea. It was learned that 148 children between the ages of three and fourteen would make use of the playground this summer if it wer .... vrolided. --...... _- DISPLAY OF POSTERS AT PUBUC UBRARY An interesting display of foreign tra~ wI posters are now on display at the Public I ...ibrary in Borough Hall. The posters are beautiful1y colored and on Monday of next week the children will be asked to vote for the poster which appeals to them most. Children are urged they to come the poster which think and mostselect beautiful. The Library was beautified this week b}· flowers sent by the Garden Committee of the Woman's Club. Twenty-eight new books were added to the Library last week. One hundred and fifty volumllCS were borrowed. Fifty per cent of the books were taken out by children. Contributions from ten cents to a dollar arc continually being made to the library according to Miss Grace Lindale. ~Iorc new members are also being se- , The new team leaders at his position of first attack. He was are Bob Redman. baseball. Bert Ham- lead'ing Garnet scorer this season until mell, tennis, Harry Heward, lacrosse, a leg inj ury sustained in the Princeton game put him on the bench. Heward and Henry Parrish, track. is also a varsity end on the football team gess Thayer who passed it along to us. Bob Redman has been a varsity baseMrs. Swain stayed over night at the ball catcher for the past two years and at which post he has played for three White House and when she was having has been doing very creditable work. He years. He is a Book and Key man and breakfast the next morning with the is a varsity back on the Gamet foot hall member of Mens Student Government, president and Mrs. Hoover, Mrs. Hoo- elevcn and a guard on the basketball The new track leader, Henry Parrish, ver told him about her visit to Swarth- team. Besides being a three letterman has been one of the highest scorers he was elected to the presidency of the marc. She paid a high tribute to Swarth~ college Athletic Association and is a among the Swarthmore cindennen since more's police force and said that Chief Book and Key man. He is taking the his first year and holds the College high Rogeri handled himsel f with exceptional place of Bert Adelman, this year's cap- hurdle record and has tied the time for low hurdle race, he also runs on the correctness in deportment and wa,s the tain. Bert Hammell, the new tennis leader, mile relay team. Parrish plays end on best officer she had met on her trip. has played number one on the team since the football team and is a basketball It will be recalled that Mrs. Hoover's his freshman year and was Captain two center. visit to Swarthmore followed a trip to years ago. He has defeated such tenNew England and other points, so that her compliment was really worth con- nis celcbraties as Lavine of Penn and stands eleventh in the Middle Atlantic siderable. We suggest that John be named offi- States tennis rating. He also plays on the varsity soccer team and is a member cial host for Swarthmore. . of the basketball squad. He is a Book and Key man and next president of the ELECT NEW TEAM Mens Student Government Association. Today and Tomorrow LEADERS AT COLLEGE Harry Heward as the new lacrosse captain has been a consistent Little QuakFRIDAY and SATURDAY Four of next years spring sports cap- er scorer since the first game his fresh .. See and Hear tains were elected at the college during man year and has done excellent work the past week. MRS. HOOVER TELLS THE PRESIDENT ABOUT CHIEF OF POLICE ROGERI Swarthmore was pleased to entertain an unusually distinguished guest last week when Mrs. Herbert Hoover was preseat to attend the Commencement Exercises at the college and receive an honorary degree. ~lrs. Hoover was met at R. R. Sta- tion in Philadelphia by Wilson M. Powell, president of the Board of Managers. and Richmond Miller, one of the younger members of the faculty at the college. From the very first, Mrs. Hoover knew that she was going to enjoy her visit at Swarthmore for there was no fuss at the station and no one new of her arrival but the two men from the college. In complete secrecy she was taken by motor to the home of Mrs. Joseph Swain in Wallingford, where she spent the night. For many years have Mrs. Swain and Mrs. Hoover been friends and the late Dr. Joseph Swain was at one time an instructor of President Hoover's at Leland Stanford. Not a little bit did Mrs. Hoover marvel at the trcC,S and the beauty of Swarthmore's campus. Her charm and graciousness won the hearts of all who saw her at the Commencement Exercises or had the honor of meeting her at the tea held at the home of President and Mrs. Aydelotte in the afternoon. Not the least among those who met her was John Rogeri, our gallant and spirited chief of police. But let ,1 'Jhn teU about it in his own words: "I wa,s so excited that I forgot I was in America and when Mrs. Hoover offered me her hand I kissed it. I didn't know I was going to do it but just on the impulse I couldn't help myself." The best story about Mrs. Hoover's MEDIA THEATRE I t\ , MEDIA, PA. ; HARRIS co. & Is always in a position to give you service in the line of Cleaning, Dry Cleaning, Dye~ ing, Repairing and Pressing. -CALL S'W. 504WE CALL AND DELIVER "STOLEN KISSES" also Clarke and McCullough in 'THE DIPLOMATS" All Talking Comedy Next Week Rin Tin Tin in "LAND OF THE SILVER FOX" I;V~i:Si~t~i:n~s:w=a:rt~h~m:o:r:e~ca~m:e~b=a:ck~t:o~B~u~r-f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " " GARDEN COMMITTEE THANKED FOR FLOWERS CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER THIS SUMMER J SWARTHMOREAN .- VEGETABLE-WISE Swarthmore, Pa. The Greatest Car in the $900 Field COMPARISON PROVES IT! J. D. DURNALL also Which means, Eat Plenty of Fresh Painting Contractor Swarthmore, Pa. Phone Media 428-R Vegetables and Buy them Select Your Plants from at MARTEL'S SEA FOOD 'The Pick of the Catch' Fresh Every Day CHESTER ROAD ON PLAYGROUND MEETING NEXT WEEK GO Yale Avenue .......... PARAMOUNT MARKET THE The Southwark Neighborhood House extends sincere thanks to the Garden Committee of the Woman's Club of Swarthmore, who, through the efforts of the chairman, Mrs. George Zimmer, prm'ided so many beautiful flowers for the Annual Flower Market, held in Jefferson Square, Saturday, June L Although there were many other allUTing: activities, such as a circus, grab bags, ice cream and toy booths, it was the flower table that proved most attractive to the children. The decision hetween a penny's worth of iris, roses, SWt.'H william and forget-me-nots was acc(llllpiished only after a long and painful struggle and not until the flower booth was sold out did the children turn toward home complctely happy with a colorful bouquet. •••••••••• FREE DELIVERY 517-519 EDGMONT AVE. Party Supply Service Exclusive Agents for Manteo Pure Foods Fresh Jersey Peas 1 5c quarter peck Manufacturers of all kinds of Commercial P r i n tin g. The NOTHING TO BUY NO CHANCES TO TAKE NO CATCH Fancy Groceries WEEIl-END SPECIALS Engraving Ruling Lithographing Blank Book Making Children's Party \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E~~~~~~ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOR HEALTH AND COMFORT We Carry a Full Line of Mrs. Malcolm D. Hodge. of Strath Haven avenue, has as her house guest Distinctive Printing SNAPPERS PAPER HATS. ETC•• FOR THE Stop at Rumsey's on Yale Avenue and Hear the Details WINDOW SHADES, and SLIP COVERS FURNITURE REPAIRING •• • BALLOONS FREE! • •• Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bair, of Cornell avenue, entertained eight tables at cards last Saturday night. of l~ he-I ;U~I~lI~mie~r~h~o~m~e~i~n~c~u~m~m~in~g~tioin~,~~~{~aissi'~~~~i~~i~i~~i~~~~ • • • Miss Mary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. , othy E. Grumbein, of Chester. entertained at supper and bridge Tuesday The suggestion that a weekly lunchevening in honor of Miss Lillian Kie- eon club for the men of Swarthmore Professor A. ~L Brooks, after lecsau, who is leaving next week to spend be organized has met with general ap- turing on the Fine Arts at the Univerthe summer abroad. prm'al during the past week. ~he con- sity of Minnesota, will retire to his census of opinion seems to be 10 favor summer home in Gloucester, Mass. • • * Mrs. James W. Johnstone, of Haver- of starting such a club and then lat.!r * *, * ford place, entertained at luncheon and turning it into a Kiwanis or Rotary Dr. Harold C. Goddard will be at his bridge last \Vednesday in honor of Elric Sproat, of the Swarthmore NaMrs. Charles Canfield, who is moving Cluh, that and seems suitable. tional ifBank Trust Company, to New York. lievcs that the idea is a good one and Miss Hermine Myers and Miss that there are enough men in town I Claudia Hancock. who teach in the who should be interested in the pro-l local schools, will spend the summer iect to make it a success. George Gillespie, of Gillespie and vacation abroad. Miss Hancock plans Company, also thinks that .the idea of to study part of the summer. a weekly luncheon club IS worth a Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Adams, Bor- trial. Clarence Hannum, of Hannum ough Lane, and son Teddy spent last week-end at Shippensburg, Pa., visitSwarthmore, ing ~.frs. Adams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. 4 Park Avenue Nicholes. avenue, broadcasted from station \VEVD, New York, at two o'clock last Sunday afternoon. His subject was "Keep Your Relig;oll Young." 'fhis was the second of a series of five talks to be broadcast cd under the auspices of the Society of Friends, the first onc ]..I rs. Arthur Bassett, her daughtc;s, being given by Dr. ] esse H. Holmes, Virginia and Barbara, and her aunt, the previous week. * * * Travilla, In last week's issue of The Swarth-I morean it was suggested that a weekly luncheon club be organized in Swarthmore to make it possible for the men who earn thcir living in the borough to become better acquainted and to promote worth while civic projects. tion last Saturday and a large automobile was taxed to the limit to carry them. They were distributed to the h.lercy Hospital and the Calvary Neigh_ borhood House. The people of Swarthmore are urged to send flowers to any of the booths maintained by the Art Alliance. If there are not enough of the cultivated blooms in our home gardens the wild Howers are just as welcome. 1929 "Eat More of It For Your Health" N ASH engineers have cre- the luxury and tastefulness usually ated the greatest motor car exclusive to expensive cars. IIUPORTANT ever built in the $900 field. Its beauty proves it. For the "400" "400" Its featflres prove it. Just look at body design is the style leaderFEATURES all the costly-car attractions listed beautiful beyond comparison in its field. at left and right. SPRINGFIELD GARDENS High.compression motor Roadside Display High turbulence Take them home in your car Do your own planting Add to your garden and your home landscaping day by day. HARDY AZALEAS Lovejoy shock absorbers (~XCINsiw: Nash mOdt;",) Salon Bodies Bohnalite aluminum alloy pistons (t"""r $''''''J) Double.drop frame Torsional vibradon damper FREE DELIVERY SWARTH. 1226 MARTEL BROS. Fruits • VegetablN .' Sea Food Milk and CreaJIl SPRINGFIELD GARDENS NURSERIES L. H. LeBARON On the Baltimore Pike one mile from Swarthmore World"s ea.siest stceriog Its performance proves il. Drive it and experience the great flow of smooth power from its big, highcompression, 7 - bearing motor, the lightning-like get-away, the world's easiest steering. lIs size proves it. Big, comfortable, and with extra head and leg room for all S passengers. Finished with Its equipment proves it. There's no extra charge for front and rear bumpers, Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers outboard .mounted, spare tire lock and tire cover. And its value proves It. Just compare the delivered, fully equipped prices of other cars with the low Nash delivered, fully equipped prices. IMPORTANT "400" FEATURES 7·beario.g crankshaft Exterior metalware chrome plated over nickel Short turning radiu. Longer wheelbase One-pIece Salon (end.rs Clear villon front pillar pose. Nash Special Design fronl and rear bumper.. Price Range for pri"a'c usc. Perhaps tht' possibility of losing this Sinking Fund Aueb Loan 4 $ 3,427.66 Sunday Services IO.OO-Children'. Day of Sunday School. 9:45 A.M.-Sunday School. 11.00---Moming Wo.rship. dress by Rev. Dr. H,.yeo 11:00 A.M.-!Sunday Lesson Sermon. the foreign pastor of \Vednesday evening meeting each church. k 8 wee, p. m. 4.45-0 r g a n worship, Read' 'I( roo", open da,'ly except Kneedler. I I , Sundays and holidays, 1 to 4 P. M. 5.00-Vespers. Pastor f~:::~~h~ Room 16, Borough Hall. All are cor· This service c. diatly invited to attend the services and 5.45. use the reading room. 7.00--Young People'. Tuesday, 8.00--Trusteel. Wednesday, a.UQ.-RECEPTlON to and Mra. Hayes and presentation WESLEY AFRICAN METHODIST a purse to them. Friday, 7.3~hurch Troop Boy EPISCOPAL CHURCH No.3. Bodine Av~nue Everyone is invited to share in worship and work of this church Rev. C. C. Brown, S.T.B., Pastor THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS 11:00 A. M.-MoTning 'Vorship. 2:00 P. M~Sunday School. 1 Sunday 8:00 P. M.-Evcning Worship and I Sermon. 11:00 A. M.-Mceting for Worship . .. I the }'feeting House. All are cordially inVited to attend these j services Wednesday 9.30 A M to 2·30 P M.-Sewing 7:30-Thcf CI,ure., I l' roop, Ko. 3 • B, . . in Whittier • • . Y I • Quilting House. S\'outs Q AnH·r1l·a. I luncheon. Thanking Mr. Emmons SWARTHMOREAN Gasoline .. . ...•.•.........................•.•.......•.. Oil and Grease for Truck ..........................•...•.... Rent of Barn ........•.......................•.•.....•...• Sharpening Tools .•.......................•.....•........ Cement .. . .•................•....................•••... Repairs to Truck ....... ~ •.............•.•................ Water Cranes ......•......•..••..•.•........•............ Tires for Truck .......•.....•••.........•......•......... Lumber for Repairing Bridge--Yale Avenue ............ , ...... . '0 Drums of Asphalt for Street Repairs .........••........•... Stone for Street Repairs ...........•......•................ Rent of Coal Bins ...................•.•.........•..•...... Te1ephone Call by Col. Garrett ...........................•... Spikes .. . ..•........................•..............•...•. New Tools-2 iron wedges, 1 wood maul, 2 whitewash brushes ..... Weed Ki1ler ....••.................................•..•.. Haap and Hinges .......................................•. 6 Push Brooms ..•................•.....•..............••. Gate Faucet and Padlock ..................•..•............. Publishing Ordinances, Resolutions and Proposals .............• : . Engineer's charges for Surveys, Building Inspections and Measurem ts 10'le cost of up-keep of Routes 131 and 125 .............•...... Cleaning Snow from Streets .............•....•............•. Repairs to Gas Jet ........................•.•...........•.• Filing Liena ......•................ , ...........•.......... C. Meredith-cost lowering pipe on Oberlin Avenue ............ . Repairs to tire of Bessie Williamson's car .....................• Searches against Property Owners, Swarthmore Avenue .......... . j. Panella--I/2 cost improving Borough Lane ••..•............. North Carolina Granite Company, Curbing .....•...•.•......... Asphalt for Swarthmore Avenue .•.........•.........•.•••.•. Hot Oil for Resurfacing Streets .............,' ••..........•... Atlantic Refining Company-Asphalt ..•......•............•.. Repairs to Stone Wall ......•........................••..... Repairs to Flood Washed Streets .....................•.••.••• Yale Avenue Bridge Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Hanna & Sons-Account Swarthmore Avenue ............ . Street Laborers .........•.......•........................ M. Z. Paul. Services--Yocum va. Borough ..•.•.........•..••.... 3 Bbl •. of N. C. B.................... '•••..•........••••.••. Premium on B~nd for M. j. Mahoney, Princeton Ave .....••..•... M. J. Mahoney 5tfe retained I yr. on Strath Haven Ave. Improvements M. J. Mahoney 5t;'fJ retained on Harvard & Westdale Aves.•.•.•.•.. M. J. Mahoney-Improvements N. Cheater Road ............... . M. j. Mahoney-Improvements N. Princeton Ave ............... . M. J. Mahoney-Resurfacing in front of fire house ....••.•.•.... M. J. Mahoney-Improvement. to Chestnut Avenue •......•...•.. M. J. Mahoney-sr,ft; retbined I yr. on Oberlin and Dartmouth Aves. Improvemcnt .............•.••....••..•.•.•...•.•.•.. $ 119.45 20.80 60.00 6.75 .80 15.75 32.90 56.00 4.50 63.31 115.44 12.00 .35 ,42 3.50 16.96 .50 6.60 1.30 42.14 368.50 60.10 40.00 4.64 I I 1.00 20.08 5.00 32.25 14.00 1,175.94 2,018.40 3,460.54 2.523.34 57.98 239.61 690.19 21.876.20 2,581.46 50.00 28.69 70.00 413.65 1,586.05 2.913.97 6,682.61 22.30 30.00 597.82 $46,167.2 I 4,755.56 $ 4,479.22 The street workmen and the borough truck were also used by the Sewer and Public Safety Departments THE 6 1929 June 7. 1929 SWARTHMOREAN BROKEN FOR AUDITORIUM A. very opportune addition to the ex- EXPENDITURES OF PUBUC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND POUCE DEPARTMENT DURING 1928 Police Salaries .••.•••.••••. '.' . . • • . . • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . $ PUBUC PROPERTY 6.285.00 60.00 29.46 35.25 35.75 274.92 6.00 10.90 1.60 3.80 233.21 30.00 180.68 3.30 89.00 1.15 .40 .75 .35 5.25 86.85 .50 30.00 16.75 3.00 42.50 .63 3.90 14.85 133.20 Insurance on Car •••...••..•..••••••..•.•.•••••••••..• ·· •• · Expenses to Washington ...••.•....•••..•••..•...••••.•••••. Insurance on Motorcycle . . • . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . Police Report Blanks and Carda .........•.•...........••.... Gasoline •. • ............................................. . Alcohol •. • •••.••..............•..•.•••.••..•.•.•••.•••• Flashlights and Batteries •..•............•...•.••.••.•.••••• Lettering on Police Room Door ••......••••...•.......••...•. Oil and. Grease .......................................... .. Telephones .. . ..... Storage •.......••..•••• Repairs to Car ......••••..•••••••..•••..••.•••.•• •••••·•·• Adve;rtising bid. for new cal' ................................. . Finge;rp;rint outfits and cards ...••...•••..•.•••.. ' •.•••.• Whistles and Chain •.•.••........•.•.•••.••.••••••••••••••• 2 Piecea of Hose ...•..••••..••••..•... '.' ..••.••.•••••••••. Charging Battery •.••.•••..••• Bulb ...••••.....••.•••...•.••..••.....•...•••.••••.•••• Repairs to Uniforms .••.••.•..••••.•....••...•.....•.•••••• Police Dinner ...•••.... , •.•••..•.•••.••.•••..•••.•.....•• Tire Patch ....•••.•....•..••.••.•.••.•.... Rubber Coats .......•.•.••••.••.........•..••.••..•..... Shirts and Belt ......•••.•• 1 Inne;r Tube •••..•..••...•••••••.•••..••••••••.••.•••••.. Typewriter ••.•••..•••.....•••••.•.•••••• B;room .. . •....••.•••••..••••••.......•.••••••••..•••.•• Food for Prisoners ..•.•.••.••••••• ,' ..........• , •••.••.•••• Cartridges •••.••••.. Uniforms .. . .•.•...••••.......•••.••.........••.•..•... 0 0 0 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 0 0 ••••• 0 ••••••••••••• 0 •••••••••• 0 0 •••••••••••••••••• 0 0 ••••••• ••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 0 ,,0 •••• ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Board of Health Salary of Health Officer ..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Salary of Secretary ..••••.•..••.•••••••••••••••••••••• ··•• Milk Test •...••••.•.•.•••....•.••••••..•••.•..•••••••••• Quarantine Cards •••.........•...•••••.•••.•••...•...•.•• 100 Postal Cards .•........•...••....• 0 0 0 •••••••••••••••••••• 0 7.618.95 $ 300.00 99.97 1.53 31.75 10.00 ••••••••••••••••••• Fire Department For General Up-keep .•.•••..••.•••••.•••••• For cleaning and care of apparatus ••..• Gasoline •• . .•..•.•.••••.•••.•.....••.••••.••••.....•... l'elephone •• . ....•.••••.•••..••.••••••••••••••••••••.•.. Insurance on Trucks ..•....•••••..•.•.•.••••••••..•..•.•.• Liability Insurance ........•....•••.••••...••..•••.•.•••.• Sirena .. • .•. Gas Light •.....••.••••.•.•......•.....•.. '.' •••......•.•. 1 Pair 7" Chains •.•.•.•.•....••••••.•.••••••.•.•..•.•••••• Battery .. • ............................................. . I Bbl. Soda and Expressage ($1.50) ...••••..•.....•.•..•••••• I Bbl. American La France Oil and Hauling ($ 1.50) .......•...•. Hydrant Connectiona and Freight ($2.28) ••••••.•..••..•.••... Soda and Carboy .....•..•.•..••.. ' •••••.••••.•.•••.••...•. Acid and Carboy ....•.. ·...•.•.•.••.....••.•.••••• ··••···· 2 Motorm~ters •.•............•.•..•.•••..•..•..••••••.•... 8' Raybestos •••..•.••..........••••..••...•.•.•••.••••.•• Advertising for Bids on New Pumper ....••.••.••...••.••••.•• Advertising for Bids on Old Pumpe;r •.••.........•.•..•••..... 2 Leather Straps ..•...•..••.......•. · •• ···•·••·•·•·••·••• 6 Carbon Brushes ..•• 0 $ ••••••••••••••• $ 443.25 $ 104.34 300.00 47.17 108.85 105.84 765.35 14.70 17.94 20.52 37.65 19.50 46.50 27.95 25.30 11.30 15.00 12.00 7.80 14.3 I 1.50 2.80 ••••••••••••••••••••• 0 ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $1.706.32 Milcellaneou8 Rental of Fire Hydrants .......•.••... Garbage Collection ..•••••..•....•.••••••.•....•••••...••• Street L:i'ghting .....•••..•.•..•.....••••....•••.....••..• Street Paints, Brushes, etc ••..•.••.....•• '.' ••.•••..•....•••• Expressage on above .•.•••••...••••••...... ······••••••·•· Zoning Ordinance, Printing, Advertising, Legal, etc •.•••..•...•.. Advertising, Ordinance 301 and Slip Copies •..............•••.• Advertising Resolution ...•....•...•....•••.........•.••••. C. M. Broomall-Building Inspections .•...•..•••.......•.••••• C. M. Broomall-Inspection Gas and Water Boxes .....••.....••• 1/2 Cost of Lighting Tunnel. .........•.••••..••••..•••..... Kerosene .• • ..••.. , •..••••..........• ',' .••...••••••••... Nails, Tacks. Washers ..••••...•..........•....•.•...•...•.• Stationery and Typing ..•....••.•.........•••..•....••.•... Postals to send to Builders •.........................•...•... James Hanna & Sons-50/0 Retained ......•... '.' •••.•.•.•.•. ' .. 65 Speed Limit Signs .•....•.•.............•..••...•••..••. Freight on Signs .......••...•..•......•.......•..•.•..•.•• Road End Signs ...•..........•.......••..............•••. Sign Posts ..•...................•.•..................••. Measurements for Sign Poats ..... ,' •...•..•....•.•.•........ 3 H. L. ReAectors ......•.......•. ····•····•··••••······•· Freight on ReAectors ...•...........••.•••...•...••.•...... Street Signs ...............•..........••...........•.•... I Flasher ......•...••..••...........•••...•..•.•.•••..•. I Tube .............••......•, •..•.•.•.•••.•....•.•..•..• Bulbs .. . .•..............••.......•..•......••.......•.. Roman Candles to scare birds away .....•...•......•...•••.... 0 ••••••••••••••••••••• $ $ Police Department ....•••.. Fire Department .....•.... Health Department •......• Miscellaneous .. . ........ . $ 7.618.95 1.706.32 443.25 9.600.44 2,280.00 1.500.00 3.370.19 52.15 3.23 1.147.09 10.84 4.18 356.00 10.00 10.12 4.62 1.60 10.75 1.50 100.48· 119.55 2.38 50.61 35.10 10.00 135.00 2.89 363.00 10.28 4.38 1.50 3.00 9.600.44 Janitor Service "0 ••••••••• 728.00 I 14.21 472.97 39.60 2.00 26.67 101.07 20.73 986.33 1.50 4.25 3.38 2.00 1.00 .70 $ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• General Repaira to Building and Heater ......................... . eoal .. • •••.••.••..••.•....•.•..••.•..••.•.•••••••••••. Liability Insurance ...•...••....••.•.....••.•......•.••... 2 Floor Brushes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Water Rent .............................•.•....•.•...... Gas Light •..•••......................................... Electric Light ••.... ' .••.•...........•..........••••.•••... Annexation of Clarke Tract ....•.•••..••...••.••......•..... Sharpening Lawn Mower ••••...•..•..•.••••.••••..•••••..... Repair to Chair Seat .......••....•..••..••.•.•••••••••.•••• Rubber Chair Cushion •••••..•.•••.•••••••••.••.•••••••••.•• Margaret Allen, Typing •••••••.•.•.•••.•••••••••••••••••••• Dethol Outfit .•...•.•.......••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••• Cord and Plug ............. '.' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $ 2.504.41 AMOUNT EXPENDED BY SEWER COMMITTEE DURING 1928 69.87 Publishing Ordinances ..•.........•........•..•..•.•...•.•• $ 84.00 Engineer--Reports and Inspections ...•..•..........••••.••..• 450.00 L. C. Emmons, Portion cost of Storm Sewer ..........••..•..... 158.83 J. Hanna and Sons. Cornell and Strath Haven Avenues ...•.•..••. 53.60 A. N. Garrett, Expenses on Emmons Sewer .............. , .•••••• 1.47 Resolution for Sanitary Water Board ••.•.....•.••••••••. 2.00 Slip Copies Ordinance 298 .................................. . 1.90 Sand and Cement .....•.•...•• 0 0 •••••••••• '.' ••••• ••••••••••••••• STATEMENT OF JANITOR ACCOUNT 1928 Caah Balance January tst, t928 .•••••••••••••..•••.•••••••• Deposits: February 11th. 1928-Hall Fund-Youcher No. 1289 $ 50.00 1293 100.00 March 22nd. 1928 •• 1299 100.00 May 5th. 1928 ., 1306 100.00 June 13th. 1928 1311 100.00 Sept. 7th 1928 1319 100.00 October 10th. 1928-" 1329 100.00 DeceMber 21st. 1928- •• .. .. $ 821.67 $ 80.56 the completion of Commencethe assembly gathered to turn the spade of 4irt. A new pick and supplied by Karcher and Smith, "hitects of the new building, were hand. The new spade was wielded For the Graduate QIId June Bride $ 730.56 $ STATEMENT OF HIGHWAY INCIDENTAL ACCOUNT 1928 Transfer. from General Fund: -Voucher No. 6737 $300.00 January 14th. 1928 o. .. 6765 300.00 February 11th. 1928 6827 300.00 March 22nd. 1928 300.00 6874 May 7th, 1928 6952 300.00 June 27th. 1928 7003 300.00 August 4th. 1928 7036 300.00 September 7th. 1928 October 23rd, 1928 7102 300.00 300.00 $ 2.700.00 November 20th, 1928 7141 .. Disbursemenb-Higbway Laborers: W.H.Collins Fawn Maddox Ben Sudler Misc. $95.46 $95.46 $ 0 $1.00 January February 100.00 105.00 2.75 March 125.00 113.62 April 100.00 100.00 May 100.00 95.46 125.00 125.00 J"ne 100.00 100.00 July August 97.73 102.27 September 125.00 122.73 October 100.00 104.54 November 100.00 100.00 December 125.00 120.46 T Made in Philadelphia HE greatest Plano ""Iue In America. Made In I'hllndelphin ond Boht to tb(! home direct. Sowing you 2;' to 30 Ilt>r cent, the dt'aler's ond iobetween l)roflts. Easy It'rIUS If dCrilred. ,\tl Flrst-cluSH ltlukes of Rudlos on Sale at Reduced I'rlces It Pays to Think! CUNNINGHAM PIANO CO. 1312-14 Che"nut St. PHILAJ)E[.l'IlIA OPES' EVENINGS Total $191.92 207.75 238.62 200.00 195.46 250.00 200.00 200.00 247.73 204.54 200.00 245.46 • I • CarroII Thayer ! Announcing the Location 18 Walnut Sf. Clifton Heights Established 46 Years in Delaware County trative work while continuing as a member of the English department. He will also be in complete charge of the admission of men. Mr. Valentine graduated from Swarthmore in the class of 1921, being very prominent in undergraduate activities. He won high scholastic standing, including election to Phi Beta Kappa. His activities in college included Editor of the Swarthmore Phoenix, and a member of the football and lacrosse teams for three years. In 1922 he was an instructor in the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, an~ took his master's degree there. Mr. Valentine was the first Swarthmore man to win a Rhodes Scholarship to the University of Oxford. As a member of Baliol College, l\.-lr. Valentine became very active in undergraduate life at Oxford. He was the winner of the 103.92 2.700.00 650.00 $92.093.37 4,450.00 $2.700.00 $730.56 $105.541.84 $ $2.581.48 118.52 $728.00 2.56 4.450.00 93.184.56 7.907.08 $2.700.00 $730.56 $105.541.64 CRAFT WORK RD ;I'i YAc,.~~~;t ' i SPECIALTIES: Hand Loom Weaving Copper and Brass Work iI LESSONS ORDERS Phone for Information ell rls · - CraTI.£.t 18 $ 2 2 3 5 .1. 1 1 M d 1 I' 0 e 8 'I' I TO $15000 I 'i May be purehased out 0 f'IDcome I,, ii o All ork! e the You won't need to write a letter, get a money order, wait several days, pay express or parceJ post: charges-and then PUT THEM ON YOURSELF when you buy tires here at nome from us. Phone 1129 We put 'em on-inflate 'em to correct pressures - inspect them regularly-and we are at your call 365 days in the year for SER VICE. PROPERTIES LISTED FOR SALE OR RENT A 11th is with Goodyear Tires at prices as low or .lower than you are asked to pay Swarthmore, Pa. for ordInary tIres. 3101 $38.952.32 166.00 12.000.00 3.063.75 439.14 353.34 237.15 80.00 80.00 36.721.67 i • Total 8.998.27 31.506.53 7.079.86 230.28 135.65 I IESSINGTON I Fairview Road &. Cornell Ave. Swarthmore, Pa. Phone Sw. 14BB-R JAMES HAYNES I I : as dean of men professor will be Alan ..~O~ak~vi~e~w~.~p~e~n~na.~~~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~~~.~.-~-~-.~.~-~ ••~-~.~ ••~-~.~-.~-~.~-~--~-~-~--~-~-~--~-~--~-~.~_~!J C. Valentine, assistant of ;1~3~H~i~U.~i~d~C~A~,,~C~,,~u~ Isuccessor English, who will take on his adminis- Old Bank Building Phone Sw. 1412 $ The Elizabeth H. Buckman Studio Furniture Repairing .. Refini.hinl' Canopies to Hire CHARLES ANDES, Representative Janitor Fund $ 80.56 I ; you any information you de.. I : sire on type, size, and COflt • of boat to suit your needs. 0/ Oriental and Domestic Rugs Cleaned and Shampooed Upholstering in All Ita Bnnches Awnings, Window Shades LOUIS COLE EMMONS Highway Incidental Account $ I i ! Swarthmore, Pa. 2.581.48 $19.368.96 I i i I BUILDERS $1293.19 $1284.54 $2.75 $1.00 Cash Balance 12/31/28.................................... $ 118.52 BOROUGH COUNCIL AND THE BURGESS. Swarthmore, Pa. Yours very truly. ALBERT N. GARRETI. JR .• Acting Borough Secretary. Swarthmore I !. GEORGE GILLESPIE & CO. $ i ! La-I I CUNNINGHAM GRAND PIANO 728.00 2.56 I I Elton Exhibition for a series of papers SUNDAY SCHOOL ice cream will be furnished to aU free on Shakespeare. For three years he PICNIC JUNE 19 of charge. Mrs. Kline, with an energetic was a member of the Oxford Univer~ group of assistants. will have charge sity rugby football team.-the only AmThe Sunday School of the Swarth- of the refreshments. A grand program eriean to hold this honor. He was also more Presbyterian Church has planned has been arranged. All the members of captain of the university lacrosse team to give their picnic this year on Wed- the congregbatio n 3yrc urAglcd tOcbhe.thmere. · ' Am rose an en, air an. H e was t he wmner of a gold medal at nesday, June 19th, at Chester Park. the Olympic in ~aris, team 1924, as member of games the Amencan anda E"eryone win meet in front of the IIf~~~::~::::~:::~~ ........................._........_-_ ..._......_-_ ........... _............... played for Oxford in France and' Can-I Church at olle o'clock. ~'lcmbers of the ada, and for ~ondo~ in the English congregation are loaning their automo- I : crosse championships. biles for the affair in order that free I I In 1925 he w~s graduated .with Hon- transporta'tion can he furnished for 11' Drs, and has smce taken hiS master's h ' Th'U b ' degree at Oxford. In 1925-27 he did t e entIre group. er~ wJ e gam~s I special work with the Oxford Univer- and races for the t::hlldren. Athlehc I 20 minutes from the larg.. I sity Press in London and New York contests for the grown ups. Afr. Mc- I est and finest yacht yard on In 1928 he came to Swarthmore Cot~ Cann has complete charge of all the I the Delaware River. I lege as assistant professor of English. athletic events. Sandwiches, coffee and In 1929 he became the executive secreI Don"t swelter at home this I tary of the general· committee in the I Swarthmore College Endowment Drive. I summer. enjoy the cool air , Mr. Valentine is the author of "The I Wh d & I English Novel," and "Biography," and BUILDER on the river. ere re I co-author of the second edition of "OxI green lights mean port & ford of To-day." He has been assist} starboard. I ant to the American Secretary to the Rhodes Trustees. I We would be glad to give I References from Swarthmore At the Alumni Luncheon Saturday. People May 25, President Aydelotte announced ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the resignation of Dr. Detlev W. Bronk: from the faculty of Swarthmore college Lans. 3521 Let Us Estimatt: to become director of the newly estabIi shed Johnson Foundation for ReKAZIMER J. LOUNDAS search in Medical Physics at the UniCarpenter and Buijder versity of Pennsylvania and Johnson ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS. STORE Prolessor of Bio.Physics in the medical FRONTS AND PORCH ENCI,OSURES school of the university. Dr. Bronk's lobbing of All Kinds-Loro, or Smoll A $728.00 ••••.•••..••..•.•••••••••. Cash Balance 12/31/28 by President Aydelotte, Wilson M. Powell. president of the Board of 'Managers, Henry C. Turner and others. Great applause greeted' this work of taking the initial step to begin the material progress ,0£ this newest memorial addition to the college campus. According to the prescnt plans of construction will cost approximately one half a million dollars and will be situated on the present site of the Sproul Observatory. In order to permit this' advantageous location of the h1emorial, the Spr01.d Observatory, home of the department of mathematics and astronomy. will be moved to the triangle of the athletic field, now occupied by the water tower. This is regarded as an ideal location for the Observatory for observations of sky phenomena. It is planned to have the new building face toward the Asphaltum. This wilt allow a full view from the center of Swarthmore's grounds. The building itself witt probably be constructed of a stone very simi1ar to Worth Hall and other college buildings. The mcmorial will not he a building in the truest sense of the word, but better said a group of buildings, connected in cloister effect. Th~se buil~in~s will in.. elude the memorial. audltor1U~, •the I~rg~ tower, onc of Jts most dlstu~g­ ~lshll~g features and space ~or adnllnIstrahon offices. The archltecture of the building is described as "Cotswold", which is a type of early English structurc, sometimes called "Simplified Turod." VALENTINE TO BE NEW SWARTHMORE DEAN 650.00 Disburaemenh: Janitor Service, etc. Smith MonroeJanuary $56.00 February 56.00 March 70.00 April 56.00 May 56.00 June 70.00 July 56.00 August 56.00 September '70.00 October 56.00 November 56.00 December 70.00 SUMMARY OF TREASURER'S CASH ACCOUNT As Shown By The SECRETARY'S RECORD OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES YEAR 1928 General Suspense Sinking Fund Fund Fund Hall Fund Cash Balance. Jan. 1st, 1928 .....••••••...........•....... $ 5.823.32 $2,012.32 $1.008.92 $ 73.15 Tax Receipts during 1928 from Borough Tax Collector:1928 ....•.•.....•.•••.•..•••••.........••.•...•.•• 28.355.86 3.150.67 192 7 .....••........••.•.•.....•..•••...••.•...•.•• 6.371.74 205.21 708.12 1926 ..•...•......•••..•...•.••...•..•....•.••.•.•. 124.72 25.07 1925 and Prior years ........••••••......., ...•....•.•• 10.93 $35.057.53 $3,894.79 W. E. Witham-Deposit as Security-Clark Annex. ..•...•....•• 166.00 County Portion--Swarthmo;re Ave. Paving. • • . • . • • . • • • • • • • • • •• 12,000.00 Sale of Reading School Bonds &. Interest .•••.•••••••.•••••••.• 3.063.75 2% Tax. on Foreign Insurance Companies. . • • • . • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • 439.14 5% Retained from Geo. C. Gillespie-Univer.ity Place Contract •. 353.34 Interest on Bank Balances........ . . . . . • • • . . . • • . • • . . • . • • • • • 118.82 .57 ·13.84 Interest on Borough of Swarthmore Banda ..••.••.•••.•.••.•... 80.00 Interest Allegheny County Bonda •.•...•••..•••••••.•.••••••• 80.00 Secretary's Receipts (Analyzed on following pagea) •••.••••.••. $35,669.16 505.51 547.00 Total Receipts .•.•...•...........•...••.........••••• $83.284.65 $1.080.18 $7.222.46 $ 506.08 Tranafera-Debit ••••••••..........•...••.....••..•.•••.. SOO.OO 600.00 Total Debita ..•.•..•••.•...••..••.•••••.••.•.•.•••••.••• $89.807.97 $2,089.10 $1.179.23 $9,234.78 Transfer-<:redit •.•••...•...•......••••.•..•••••••••••• $ 3,300.00 $ 500.00 $ 650.00 Expenditures ...•.•••••••••••.••....•.•••.. '. . . . . . . . • . • .. 84,421.62 357.33 334.57 $4,755.56 Ca.h Balance December 3 ht, 1928.......................... 1.880.35 171.90 1.254.53 4.479.22 $89.607.97 $1.179.23 $2.089.10 $9.234.78 of Commencement Day and to announcement of the successful ~ml"let:ion of the Educational EndowDrive came in the ceremonies of "turning the sod" for the new Isaac Clothier Memorial Auditorium. were held immediately after the program. The entire audience, as well as Board of Managers, Faculty and graduates, proceeded to the area the Observatory, where the ClothMemorial is to be located. these very impressive ceremonies, Isaac H. Clothier, the widow of member of the Board of Managers whose memory the imposing edifice he erected, was the particular guest honor. Other members of the Cloth~ family were also present to witness turning of the first spade of sod, marks the construction of what one of Swarthmore's beauty .... .. , THE SWARTHMOREAN NIght " 0471-W EDWARD A. McMAHON PAINTERS AND DECORATORS Arch St., East of 63rd St., Philadelphia, Pa. Suburban Work Our Specialty 28x4:75 30x4:50 - - $9.95 - - $9.00 33x6:00 Typing Clerical Work Accounting 3Ox5:25 32x6:00 - - $16.25 - -$12.95 - -$15.75 • HANNUM & WAITE Chester Road and Yale Avenue Swarthmore Accounting and Stenography Service Shirer Building Phone Sw. 900 8 THE J'I-'J,e I for. child. LEGISLATION proVldll1g for the dlSsemmahon WOMEN VOTERS TO . STUDY SWARTHMOREAN appr?~ria(iolls The late Rev. George H. Marr and h~giene. and some charming explanations were given committee of arrangements. During o~ pub- hy the pupils, of the various composi- their stay in Swarthmore, Dr. and Mrs. family and his brothers and sisters ga\'e he knowledge of material and IIlfant tions played. Hayes will be the guests of Mr. and a memorial chapel to Dr. Hayes' semi~ care, resuiting in the reduction of inThe younger pupils who took part Mrs. J. Everton Ramsey and Mrs. 1'he Delaware County League of B J R' h d nary. fant mortality. Such an act will be pre- were Barbara assett, ane Ie ar - Helen M. Marr, \Vomen Voters wilt hold summer sented to the next regular session of son, Edith \Voodruff, Rebecca Robin-I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I classes at their headquarters, Jackson Congress, and every public spirited son, Irma Ziminer, Delia Marshall'll street, below Jefferson street, Media, woman should be well informed as to Betty )ohnson, Cynthia \Vickham, and POl., for the sttHl), of "\\'hat a memher its p.rods~ons, so that she may give it Doreen Mitchell, The older group con-I of till' l.t'agm.' lli \,"omell Yllters; iH.'r lIltdl!gTllt support. sisted of Alctlli.·a Anry, Elizaheth Bas~hould know in 1'J20 ahout 11at~rnity~ i sett, Louis\.' lsfort, and Sally Fisher, Infancy I.cgislat;on." MRS ASHTON'S PUPILS daught.cr of Dorothy Canfield Fisher, The first class will meet Friday, J lInc • IN FINAL RECITAL I the writer. ' Among the compositions played were 7, at 2 :30 p. m.; the second, F rtday, those of Bach, Heller, lI.1ozart, GretehJuly 12, at 10:30 a. 111., and the third Mrs. Georg...' 1'. Ashton gave her last auinoff, Ravel, Schuett, i'olacDowell, Friday, August 9, at 1O:3U a. m. \Vhile thesc meetings are intended p~lpils' recital of the season on Friday, Schubert, Chopin and Beethoven. primarily for membcrs of the leaguc, ~lay 31. The pupils played a delightful The pla)'ing of t11e pupils showed . Iy memortze( . I programme 0 f serious I)racticc and an evident desire I amI entire C\'cryone interested is invited to attem, so that women general1y may be fully, 50105 and ducts. Thc programme was to give of th.eir ~est. I' informed regarding- this important leg- i distinguished by beauty of tone, sureMuch p~alse tor the 51' elldId perislation. I ness of touch and IlImical apprecia-! formance 15 due to )'lrs. Ashton .as a \Vol11en all over the country gave! tion that is seldom eXlJerienced in a teacher; a.s .Dorothy Canfield .FI~he~ ardent support to the Sheppard-1'ow-1 pnp!ls' rccita~. }'lrs. ~shton gives her ~xpr~ss~~ 1~ til. a n~te of app~eclat~o:~ ner Act, which expires June 30, 1929.: pupIls splendid techlll(IUe and teaches 1 J thll1~ It IS \\olHledul that )OU d f The ::\ewtO:1 Bin. which was intended them to understand what they arc ex- n.lt1c1~, III such a meagre allowance 0 to extend the proYisions of the Shep- pressing, and to feel and interpret the tnllC. pard-Towner act for a further period cOIllPoser's mood. 1 . .. • of five years, to July I, 1934, was f'1\'or:\ listener from year to year is COI1- DR. AND MRS. W. M. HAYES ahly reported hy thl' committee, but scioltS of 1Irs. Ashton's pupils dc\·clop.: COMING HERE TO SPEAK with the adjournment of the SC"cntieth iug not only musical ability hut person- ! I Congrcss hIarch 4th last, this bill died: ality. Under ther patience and steady' \Vednesday evcning at eight o'elo.ck, on the calendar. A ne\\' maternity-ill- i guidance the pupils leave off nervous the congregation of the Presbyterian facy act is re(Juired, therefore, to carry I sclf cOllsciousness and dC"clop a style Church will gi';'e a public reception to on the important ·work started hy the l of their OWI1. Rc\,. Dr. and Mrs. \Vatson 11. Haycs. Sheppard-Towncr i\ct, including state i During the course of the programme For many years Dr. and :Mrs. Hayes '! CHAUTAUQUA i NEXT WEEK JUNE 11-12-13-14 1\ I r.~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r. I ,., i I . An SEASON TICKET NOW!! I Children $1.00 Adults $2.00 I Woodward, Jackson & Black, Inc. Phone BUY YOUR h:we entirely in thcir work been in China by supported this church. Dr. i Hayes is president of the Theological Seminary in 'renghsien, Shantung, China, and has rendered most distinguished service there. His field has been in thc center of thc war which has heen raging" in China hut the property ,of the school has, fortunately, not been ; disturbed although the wurk has be('n, I suspcnded during the most acute stage' , of hostilities. I Dr. Hayes wi1l address the congrcgaI tioll at the regular sl'ryicc next Sunday imorning