‘\ Ss +. — %. 44 + O44 H ES eR CELLENCY WILLIAM FRANKEIN, Ese Captain-( -General, Governor,” re ee a in 2 ea over the Province Sf New- cay Chancellor and Vice Admiral in the fame, Ey wag, FE OA ee | To the Honorable His Majefty’s SOURS aoe | “sy L ‘ The PETIEION of Jn baat of La, Nese S| boii fll. 4 HumsBiy SHEWETH, ) = ee HAT by the Laws of Gop and pier Liberty, being the inherent ~% ws ws and univerfal Right of Man, cannot be forfeited but as a Satisfa@tion. . . \. ant f to publick Juftice, or by the’ Voluntary A of the Tadividual_Phat Re alt tae the municipal Laws of England are founded’ on this Principle; from = eres ‘ ¥ which its excellent Conftitution derives thofe fuperior Advantages which fo . a eminently diftinguith it from all others yet known—And that: the Toleration of perfonal Slavery, among a free People, is not only. inimical and deftructive to the - Conttitution, but, in its Confequences, greatly pernicious to the Morals of the c : People among whom it ae and. utterly incertae with the Spirit and m9 whole Tenor of the uftian Religion. = | YOUR PETIT'C Speheefore, impr SE and affected with the Crueltysand Injuftice of a Trade ‘whereby many Thou- fands of our Fellow-Creatures are yearly forced from the State of Liberty aflign- ed them by Providence, and the neareft Conneétions in Life, do earneftly crave the Attention of the Legiflature to fuch Meafures as may be judged moft effec- tual to fupprefs this complicated Evil, by prohibiting the further Importation of the Natives of Africa into this Province, and enabling their Poff effors, when .. fo difpofed, to fet them at Liberty, by fuch Alteration of the Laws of this & Government relating to Slaves, as the Legiflature in its Wifdom fhall judge to. . be prep ty nite) ey ote facet ae oak Po fags ib AMG & Utitet AfedoR J Andee He ro Barns = epee Iie ct, fue gi oo? eae A “f ae Sattec Wea: Ree le TA a Laon ow De, thasan' bole Seg C icy | ee ne “4 é go OP ihe SOR Ci MY A, he Joanie we 12 gle ate phil / aa ~ emg Com) Sk aa - | ; : : si x => ‘