Attended monthly meeting at Chester Moorestown the 8th of 5 Month 1823. Present: William Forster Jr. from S Monthly meeting of quarterly meeting held at Pool in 1918, England, Richard Jordan, William Evans from Philadelphia accompanied William Foster as did H. Haines etc. William Foster spoke in the first meeting something [?] after this manner: the children of the Kingdom were cast out etc.; it would be well for to reflect a moment who the children of the kingdom were that were to be cast out etc. what they were cast out for � now Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were to sit down together in the kingdom of Heaven and when the Jesus Messiah walk personally among men when is that prepared body said how oft would I have gathered you as a hen gathered her chickens etc. But ye would not (Mark says here they were under no moral impossibility of predetermined fiat [?], but might have received the Messiah in the way of his coming; for to as many as did receive him to them them he gave power to become the Children of God of Heaven. He spoke much about the propitiatory sacrifice and not to call the precious blood and unholy thing etc. The Devil, that power, that went about like a roaring lion etc. was neat, and no imaginary power or being etc., for which he cautioned against etc. I thought he endeavored to show that among all the families of this Earth the Quakers were the Lord�s peculiar prophets, and that there was no doubt at all but the covenant that was made with our predecessors of primitive Friends would last to the end of the world; and the Lord�s minister or messengers among us now (that is the preachers by their ministry would do a great deal of good in disseminating the knowledge of the Lord, until it should and would cover the Earth as waters do the Sea.) mentioned there were those of us who were upon the heights of speculation, and finding and easier way to Heaven that did our first Friends etc, but they would fall, and in his judgment no matter how soon, etc. Williams said "he" was never made to be a sharp [illegible] instrument for it was more disagreeable to him to speak [illegiable], than it could be for anyone to hear etc., yet he spoke sharply to the sisters against their being some of them worldly minded and having on [illegible] instancing "Lazarus, come forth" etc. After William sat down, William Evans rose, said he could not expect to add anything to the foregoing testimony of divine truths which had been delivered which fully accorded with his sentiments etc. � Then enlarged and the visited of the Lord would have the victory if it was through suffering and encouraged to hold out in well doing, and let no man spoil you this philosophy etc. Afterwards said the God head [?] was bodily in Jesus [illegible] to see that text when I am at leisure etc. Richard Jordan seemed to think although the meeting was appointed for discipline [?] he thought a simile might be added to [illegible] be very illustrative. Suppose I (says he) or any other man was under sentence of death, by a broken law, which if it was to be executed must die. It would fill us with amazement, but if some unknown one should offer to die for us � for he said he thought the Apostles thought it a possible case, that some on might be found that would die for a good man, but could any be found that would die for a sinner etc. Then made the application as I thought to view the situation of us poor mortals who had all fallen short of the glory of God, but Jesus Christ our savior bought us with his precious blood. That is as I thought endeavored to show that Christ has made a way for us to be reconciled to God by our having time with the assistance of the Holy Spirit to make our peace, r reconciliation etc, before the time of probation be over etc. The [?] were then closed R. Jordan kept to his seat some of the Friends, inviting him to another. William Foster Jr. remarked that the charge he thought brought against any for them outgoing in marriage ought to state the mode in which it was accomplished, as well as "that it was accomplished contrary to discipline" viz "whether it was done by a priest of minister of another denomination" or "by a magistrate when one was a member", "or when both was members.' � William instanced his own marriage was accompany with what he wanted not part with for all the world, etc. Nathan Morgan's request to become a member was granted at this time. William Evans cautioned Friends against too lightly or easily, or in this words those that came in by [illegible] should show forth in life and conduct they were [illegible], and manifest such concincement by fruits etc., such as steady attending meeting [illegible] walking. I left my home and come to see you with nothing in my hand but the staff of life. It is my support � it is my shield � and this I have declared the Inhabitants [?] of the Earth and I have had to declare in every part of the Earth where I have been that there is no other guide to learn but the light of Christ within. And this all may clearly see that will attend to the light of Reason, for it is that part of man that is susceptible of light and by this light operating on the mental faculty I term Reason that which raises the man above the brute we are enabled to see and come unto the light of Christ within the hope of glory. It shows us that he is the way, the truth and the life, and this great gentle monster it is, that is to guide us to heaven. Now beloveds, do I say reason is the light that leads to Heaven? No. I put no more dependence on reason than is due for reason done cannot guide a man in the way that is right. He undoubtedly was endowed with reason � for a man that is void of reason cannot know Christ � neither will he be lead by his light within, for he disregards it. His mind is not capable of Reason. Here bellowed, as we attend unto this Monster in the breast, the light of Christ, we are led unto God the fountain of light � we come to the knowledge [light of Christ crossed out] ourselves. It unfolds to the view of men what he really is and there is nothing else but this that can guide a man to peace but that which has however to open to the view of his mind what he really is � for until a man does see and know himself he cannot come to the knowledge of God. Where is there any other power that can guide a man into the depth of nature but this eternal words? For by diving into the depth of nature we behold nature's God. Him we see in all his works. We behold him above all and filling all and the light of Christ within is the Lion of the Truth of Judah that is prepared to open the book and loose the [illegible]. George Haddon and his companion, a much older man from Indiana, was at Chester meeting on 3rd day the 29th of 4th month 1823. The subject of his discourse was the present was a time of much knowledge and a time of much inquiry after knowledge. He had an appointed meeting at Byberry the 23rd day of 1st month, 1824 a sixth day of the week, the whereon Eliza Stokes, daughter of Joseph and Rachel died about 2 o'clock [illegible] in the morning.