Lansdale, Pa, Mar. 13 Dear Sister You will pardon my seeming neglect to acknowledge your timely and generous gift to our Anchorage I first waited to secure an official receipt from our treasurer then in my haste in packing mislaid the same, thought every day I should find it and so the days flew by. [Continuing up the left side of page, from page 4] Thomas K. Beecher and our good ministers have stood by us but they have not the money. However we have [Continuing down the head of page] stood for the right and I keep trusting, knowing that "the gold & the silver are the Lord's and the cattle on a thousand hills." God bless you all my sisters for your help and do not forget to pray that your love & money may help in saving immortal souls as well as the scruples of God's spirit. Ever yours H. L. Bullock 2 You will see the $20 is receipted in your name but on our books it is five [creditied] to your sister and will appear thus in our printed report. Miss Willard spoke for our Anchorage last Tues. night, I do not yet know the result but hope good. Our new home is so nice and convenient for our work and will be large enough for years to come. 3 I bought at Wanamakers in Philadelphia last week a sett of lace curtain frames for our institution and shall start that industry i e washing lace curtains this season. I do wish you could visit our Anchorage and see out nice girls so anxious to do right and so grateful for our interest in them. Some one of our ladies give a bible reading there every 4 Sunday afternoon. Our reports will be out in May or June and you shall both have one. Our great struggle has come because we were determined to close the bad houses in our city that were in the business part of the city and were known to be the same as though they were licensed. These were the aristocratic places filled with young girls & some of our prominent officials Mayor & so on claim these to be a necessity for the men, but we agitated so much that we closed them and so these officials have worked against us ever since. We are getting too well informed on this subject by double standard to please them. [Continuing up left side of page] If you find any young girls we can save send them to us, and please interest your friends to help us when you [Continuing down the head of the page] can until our house is paid for if it is only a little. We shall appreciate every dollar. [Continues on left side of page 1]