[added later: Dr Wagner] Beverly Hospital Beverly N.J. July 20/64 My dear friend, I saw the notice of the death of your good & kind brother in the paper, never was I more painfully surprised God rarely makes men so near perfection as noble, big hearted John Hopper. I shall never forget his kindness to me last winter, & hope that an opportunity to reciprocate to his family will yet occur. I wrote you several times to City Point, if this shall find you at home, I presume you will not care to leave again shortly. I am very busy establishing my large hospital. I have had many applications from ladies for the position of matron of the nurses, I shall appoint no one until I hear from you. I have rented a pretty cottage on the Delaware, & live all alone, my old cook Harriet keeps house for me, & is my only companion. If you & Mrs. E. should conclude to come on, I would be much pleased to have you live with me, as there is plenty of room in my cottage, & I could make you comfortable. Mr. Corum of [Point Lookout] will probably be my contractor. Present my kindest regards to Mrs. Hopper, & assure her that I feel the great loss she has sustained, deeply My regards also to your daughters & believe me very truly yours C. Wagner Mrs. A. H. Gibbons, New York Please drop me a line at your earliest convenience.