Shrewsbury Friday September 14th 1866 My dear Mrs Gibbons Your very kind note would have been acknowledged earlier only that I have been travelling and consequently found but rare opportunities for correspondence - I see that you have been quite prepossessed by my husband and that of course gratifies me extremely, for I am a very proud wife! - Few women are so blessed [left margin] Also, and will give something from [underlined] my [/underlined] little income [sideways along top] when it is due next December. With kindest love to your daughters, Believe me Yours most truly, [underlined] Julia Billings [/underlined]. [left page] as I have been in my marriage and were it not that I have frequent anxiety concerning my husband’s health, I should feel that there was scarcely a cloud upon my horizon - Frederick has been more or less the victim of Panama fever for years and so his nervous system has been sorely tried - but as he has been improving the past six months I trust he will ultimately be as strong as he looks. - My children have been well [right page] all summer - My boy who is now three years and a half, is a sturdy child and so bright and lively that already he is excellent company for me - The little daughter is gentle & winning and adds as much to our happiness as her more spirited brother - I enclose their pictures fancying you will like to see how they look - I have almost decided to pass next winter in Vermont, partly on their account & partly because sometime after the 1st of January I shall expect my next confinement. We are at present visiting my Sister Mary who has a very pleasant place near our old homestead Thither we shall go a fortnight later to make my father & my brothers family a visit. After the middle of October we shall spend some days in New York & then I will try to see you. - Meantime if $50.00 towards supporting the Home would be acceptable your can have it any day by sending to my husbands’ Office 15 Nassau St. where his brother practices law, in the firm of Morris & Billings - I shall be happy to Subscribe to the movement in behalf of Soldiers’ wives & children