New York Dec 1st/64 My dear daughter Dr Steams dined here two evenings since, will return within a week pass a night or so at Beverly and from thence to the War. Did thee get the Key? I will send the articles by thy father. I cannot see a way for Mary Malex wish I could. I would discharge John Skeap May for the time being, or arrange for their living [?] as to Fanny. Let it be distinctly understood that she is paid in full for her services of every description. These days she refers to here included [left margin] The windows are getting working &c &c &c will write to Mr Dalton soon Here is [?] and not a [?] is owning her. I believe Clara Thomas was present at the settlement and will remember it. She would not dare to make such a demand if I was on the ground. Put her down and keep her there, she is [underlined] about [/underlined] the greatest [underlined] [service?] [/underlined] anywhere & will not come it over this [?] There is nothing new or exciting here I told Dr Stearns to call soon as he returned or [Anna Sever] & to take her with him to Beverly, she stopping her a night on the way In great haste thy loving Mother