Washington 11mo 28/64 My dear daughter Make the [shout?] soon as thee can. I shall be at home the coming lunch and I think I shall go to Boston, certainly I will if it would be the slightest comfort to dear Mrs Sedgwick who has [always?] had so much of my love & admiration I am delightfully at home at the "Canary nest" as Mrs Johnsons home is called. Have had a most successful time, and have done a deal of work. So they tell me, & it is time I hope William enjoys these lovely days, so like spring, though I would ask for myself colder weather Will is like himself & I hope will remain so, as I should not know him otherwise The Doctor dear as ever, likes to hear [Mary Sarpery?], and has lost some of his peculiarities. [Farewell?] is great book have the eleventh hour appreciated to see senator Wilson at his room. I had a most satisfactory talk with [?] who questioned me closely about the Point and of course I spoke the truth. [Dr Hoseboom?] became disgusted & left, it speaks well for him. The Wooleys are doing splendidly at Fairfax. I was at Arlington again on third day.