Albany [January] 13 1877 Dear Madame, I am this a.m in receipt of your esteemed favor of the 9th. advising that the two barrels of books & etc & money order to pay freight, sent you by my son Charles, were duly received. I notice that your letter of acknowledgment for some reason or other, failed to reach. If you were suspicious you would think or say as a distinguished [Mail Carrier] from this state said. Your mail [crossed out: was] had been tampered with by designing person. Your letter in reference to the intimidation & killing of the enfranchised colored race in your vicinity gave us [Page Break] a clear idea in view of the situation as it is so far as the colored people & the validity of election in your state are concerned. I need scarcely say your letters had a wide circulation & were read and hendered by large numbers irrespective of politics. I will enclose your letter to my son Charles who will be delighted to receive it. You will be pleased to learn that although he was very sea-sick during the entire voyage acrop the Atlantic, on his arrival at Liverpool he rallied immediately & soon recovered from the effects. Letters just received from him state [Page Break] he is rapidly improving in health & is charmed and delighted with all he sees, in the old world. He has been staying in Paris the last few weeks, but is now , I think, at Mentone, France, where he will be likely to remain during the winter. If you could snatch the time to write [underlined:him] I am sure he would highly appreciate your gift in that far off land. His address is Charles H. Waterman Care, Ls Rivers & Co Mentone France The two incidents you relate [visualize] the [inserted: death of the] colored boy Willie Mitchel, and another who [Page Break] had to leave your school to take his seat in the Legislature & was proof against corruption , though tempted by large sums of money to withdraw for a season, or to vote against his principles or his conscience , are very touching & interesting. I cannot but think you are doing a great work, & will yet have an abundant reward. That the experience of that faithful Man of God, as recorded in the Book of Job. 29 Chapter, from the seventh to the 17th verse will be your experience I make no doubt. His certain you have the prayer & but wishes of all who know you or are acquainted with your labor of love. Miss Martha Schofield From very respectfully Aiken Jeremiah Waterman [South Carolina] [Page Break] [Front of Envelope Writing] Return to JEREMIAH WATERMAN 463 Broadway, ALBANY, N.Y. if not delivered within 10 days. Miss Martha Schofield Aiken [South Carolina] [Page Break] [Back of Envelope Writing] Should you write my son a [underlined: a five cent] postage stamp will answer.