Lincoln University Chester [County], [Pennsylvania] [November] 12th [1870] My Dear Friend, I received your letter and was glad to hear from you but I was very sorry to hear you was so sick, when I read your letter I could not keep the tears back from my eyes to think how much good you have done in Aiken and now cant get things to you own satisfacture I know and the people ought to know that the Baptist church is not clost enought for ladys to teach in winter especially such delicate ladys as you are. I hope you are better now and will succeed in getting you school house done to suit you for I think you have had trobble enought with it. I am well and enjoying very good health and I have a pleanty to do for my studies are very hard and I have more this session then I did last I am in the A class in the Pareparatory department and my studies are reading spelling arithmetic geography history grammar and writeing and pedagogy once week. I would have been to see you when you was on your way to back to Aiken for I know you would have been glad to seen the College but I hope you will be able to come here next summer. gave Miss Jennie and Miss Jacobs my love and Aunt Amy also. I have not heard from Mrs. Ash but once sence I left thir, Dr. Ash and Mrs. Ash was here some time ago to see me, and also Mrs. Ash's niece. Miss Garit [?] he said she lives two miles from here and she ask me to come to see them but I have not much time to go any where. [Obanyon] send love to all - I am yours truly A, A, S. [Penciled script] Allen Scott [Underlined: Keep]