Pennsbury [January] 29 [1869] My Dear Mart Aunt Jane is sitting by me writing to thy mother, our [?] folks with Rache have gone to [West Chester] to take Lydia home and to have a sleigh ride on the sleet which fell on New Years and yesterday untill the trees are so loaded with ice that they are breaking in every direction over [?] even [?] they never saw such a time. a rememberance of the times about our beerlilings broken. Lydia and [?] three [?] daughters spent the holidays here Hall took the girls up yesterday. Sallie H spent a few days in town came out on [third] day grand parents were at [West Chester] where the storm of freezing rain came got safely home to day, wife Lydia, Self and Rachie went to old Kennett meeting quite small tho Lydia had good service. is one of our political progressive ministers, [?] gift is [Left and top margin] on a farm joining ours we want to [?] [?] [?] with them before leaving. Sam and Sallie [?] to [?] had quite a time with sickness before things are [?] clear of such a bothersome disease I was fearful Sallie or Lydia might take it. Well I Believe I have said many sorry [?] accounts will fill half sheet as ever thy loving uncle P Price improving bids fair to be our own great ministers her health seems better is much stronger than she was a year or two ago. Well what of my visit to Millersville It's needless to say I had a nice time and enjoyed it so much the girls both well and out waiting for the Beefs as they call it, Could see Mary going thro various evolutions indicative of her gratifications to find we were on board. Had lots to tell them and a trunk and carpet bag filled for their gratification and pleasure chickens, Turkey, [Underlined: pig] coconut pie cakes apple preserved, pickles, and a couple of [Underlined: Beans] around in the eve while with the accompanying good wishes gave them much merriment I told them it was something to see their surprise as one thing after another was brot forth in the eve they had quite a number of their friends in their room and soon demolished the turkey and bread and butter. about 200 of the students had gone home so the rest had a good time as the restraints of school Life was for the time laid aside and all at liberty to enjoy the holiday as seemed to suit their fancy after dining on Chestnuts all went skating. also next morn our girls about the best amongst the Ladies As there was no school I did not get to see any thing of the workings of the school, but from the apparent equality between teacher and pupil all must work in harmony They have various exercises on the Sabbath but all were dispersed with but the Sunday school and prayer [meeting] in the eve which were addressed by a former teacher who was on a visit. Mr Brooks and a few others with Sallie and self attended A Methodist Church in the village I was much pleased with the officiating [?] who was very liberal Had much interesting conversation with Mr Brooks going and returning. he invited me to come to his library in the afternoon so I spent most of it with him. he belongs to the Episcopal Church but is very spiritual in his views and very liberal sets great store by friends considering their influence in the school one of the best elements in it. Thinks there are few girls like Sallie and indeed she is a favorite of all the teachers as is Mary, her he had not seen much of her as she is not in his classes. Sallie stands at the head of the graduating class on the Ladies side is one of the faculty in the [?] school all the graduates have to teach in it. 17 only compose the faculty. Mental philosophy one of the branches in the studies of the graduates one in which he is very much interested. The spiritual element in education is the title of an address he delivered before the state teachers association as also before the Lancaster [?] institute I will send thee a coppy, knowing thee will recognize a spirit activated by notions of a high order for the growth of our race. I spent four days there I don't know when I enjoyed a visit more not only the pleasure of seeing the girls and knowing that they were doing so well but that I found an institution calculated to advance the course of education on an elevated and progressive basis. Love to God and Love to man, confined to no sect. It is a great trial to be separated from our girls but it is one of those that we must sooner or later look forward too as every family circle is sooner or later separated branching of in various directions each to fill new possitions in life, may we be able to so being their use that they may become useful workers in the great vineyard of this word whether as teachers of the young or in the domestic circle. a life spent for the elevation and growth of our fellow creatures is for more worth striving after than it is to seek wealth we can only enjoy a portion of it. and that sometimes becomes a curse to those who follow after. I saw Marys sister the other day she seems quite happy in her [?] relations is spending the winter at his fathers they live First day evening My Dear Mart I must fill this half sheet to go with Uncle Paxsons, or thee will think perhaps I am shirking from that which I want thee to know gives me so much pleasure, tho I dont always get at it just when I ought to - I think we have had but one letter from thee, are quite ready to hear again how thee is getting along, tho we heard from home about thee getting the carpet and some other things, it was kind in aunt E to get the money which would contribute to so much to thy comfort and Marys - I was surprised to see in yesterdays press that Mary B Sellers died on New Years day, and is to be burried tomorrow at Darby - know not the particulars, but hope to hear soon, what a trial it will be to her family - I have filled a [Underlined: fools Cap] sheet, ready to send to thy Mother tomorrow, have had no letters from there very lately - has thee got those books yet - I took to Uncle Hall to send he was here three weeks ago and said his boys had been reading them and he had not got them off yet - I told him it was too bad [Left and top margin] now let us hear from thee when thee has time to write - I must close this as I have written Mary [?] to day nine or ten So will be looking for some answers - love to Mary and thy own dear self from us all lovingly Aunt Jane that they wanted there by [Underlined: Christmas] I must tell thee [Underlined: Miss Lanford] is going to be one of the candidates for [County] [Underlined: Superintendant] there is no law against a woman holding that position, and she has great encouragement from many School directors to make the effort - if she succeeds will it not be a great advance to have a [Underlined: woman] hold that position, we are all deeply interested for her tho we know there will be a strong prejudice against it - We have had no [Underlined: sun shine] here since 2nd day and the heavyist sleet that has been known for many years - sleighs been running two days without any snow - Paxson told thee of his nice visit to Millersville - and how nicely the girls are getting along - particularly Sallie how is likely to graduate without doubt between [Underlined: thee] and I Mr. Brooks wants to keep her in the School if there should be a vacancy, dont want to loose her influence there, as it not satisfactory to have such accounts they are to come home the first week in March - tell Mary we expect to spend next 5th day evening with her Sister, were going last but they were going from home, Paxson called there and had a pleasant little visit with her, came home ever so much pleased - I told him I expected to be for I liked her sister Mary - she was going to the City next day to meet her Sister Carrie who was making a short visit there - [Envelope] Martha Schofield Aiken South Carolina