[Front Cover] Memorandum [Graphic] SIEBELING BROS. LAW & COMMERCIAL STATIONERS. PRINTERS AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. S.E. Cor. Fifth & Walnut & 438 Walnut Sts. PHILADELPHIA Martha Schofield. Aiken . South Carolina - 1885 . H Bartholdi's Statue of Liberty. Forefinger - 96 1/2 inches Circumference - 56 1/2 Nail 17 3/4 [inches] by 10 1/2. Head 13 3/4 feet in height. Held about 40 persons in 1878 Eye - 25 1/2 [inches] in width. Nose - 44 [inch] in length. Torch above the hand will hold 12 persons. It far outstrips all other collosi. Bellis Academy. Miss Wests - [Pastor] Young Ladies Missionary Society of Shaws Creek paid over 100 [dollars] in one day - Not more than 50 members - taxed themselves - raise & sell eggs chickens pick cotton, etc. All country girls. Mt. Cannaan paid over 100 [dollars] Both pay [Underlined: more] than that during the year. On 3rd day evening [August] 31st 1886. We had all retired - [Brother] Samuel S. Ash Earl & Mary, Sisters Elisa and Sarah were all boarding at [Colonel] Robert K. Allens on Mills River, Henderson [County] [North Carolina]. About ten the windows began to rattle and a groaning rumbling noise seemed creeping through the walls of the house, moving it, until every part trembled and the beds [Underlined: shook] continually As the noise continued it grew louder and more violent when it went off slowly as it came on, not like a [Underlined: shock], as of a thunder clap, but with the slow tremulous motion, growing stronger until it reached its height, and the more severe lasting four or five minutes, a time of [Underlined: suspense] & agony, as if the earth was preparing to open and swallow us up. I sprang out of bed, to hear Sister E., in the room adjoining, scream "Mart, Mart there are two men under my bed, shaking it," I ran in, & said no it is an earthquake & then back to my own & struck a light. Samuel & Sallie were across the hall, she had wakened him, & when I reached there was sitting on the side of the bed in the most [Underlined: hopeless, helpless] condition, Elisa was busy dressing & calling Earl to do the same. She was entirely dressed & so was Samuel & Sallie before it was out. Mary was still asleep, but when another one went in & saw me making up a large bundle, saying, "it is very cold and we may as well save some clothes". We all prepared to leave the house if necessary & agreed at a particular place out side. It was [Underlined: very cold] - (mercury 54 [degrees] the next morning at 7) the sky cloudless & stars shone brightly - For some time before the wind had been blowing, or rather a [Underlined: moving of the atmosphere], which I felt in the room, as I left - my bed (a little after 9) to [Underlined: take] some papers from the window where they seemed [Underlined: disturbed]. Mrs. Allen felt the same [Underlined: disturbed air] when she went in Mr. Oehlers room to close the windows. The dogs had barked so furiously I had said to Elisa some one [Underlined: must] be about out side. We heard after, that chickens left their roosts, one man called for a light, thinking it was burglars over head. Another tied his four little children together fearing it was a cyclone. Mills River joins the French Broad a mile from here and the valley surrounded with Mountains, Pisgah & Mitchell in sight both over 600 [feet] high. Some went right out to see if either were smoking from an eruption, but, they seemed secure as ever and even the wind was hushed in awe. [September] 3. About 11 P.M. there was another shock, but it went off in 30 [seconds]. No one can ever forget, or fail to recognize the peculiar, grinding crushing crumbling sound, which seems to come up from the earth & creep & crawl through the walls. [Colonel] Allens house is a large low one, half of it of [Underlined: logs] but other boarded [Underlined: over], so that all looks like a [Underlined: frame] house. The one of [August] 31st nearly ruined Charleston & Summerville, & many were killed rushing from the falling houses, 1888 [?] it unto Thee, even as thou wilt." Where the treasure is there will the heart be also. Caroline Scott, 1885 picked 66 50 22 26 165 [pounds] He only [paid] 55 [pounds]. She told him it was 80. showed him on paper. He kept her waiting 3 [weeks] & then when she told him [Underlined: had forgot] how many [pounds] - Innocently said I just got close up to the scales & [Underlined: look], but he just moves the weight all about, [Crossed out: till he gets it]. If he would take [?] I couldn't help it. Nancy Busch, did not know how to cut a baby's apron or iron her childrens clothers, & she had 6. I wondered her Mother had not taught her, & she answered, "My Mother did not know [Underlined: how], she never made a shirt for my father or sewed for any of us. She was kept-at-work. They (the Master) said she was a good field hand and a prime breeder. She had 16 children and never took care of one of them, an old woman did it & just sent the babies to her to [Underlined: nuss], when she was in the field. They thought a heap of my Mother. Just gave her two weeks when a baby was born & then she went to the field - sometimes in nine days. [November] 6th 1885 Circus near school with five elephants, as the large one was drinking from a barrel, a woman came up and exclaimed, "oh Lordy! he throw it right in he neek". Earthquake Notes of [August] 31st 1886 Rahab was in Church, thought it was the train, then felt her feet & knees trebling and the [Underlined: great noise], with the people all frightened, and screaming. Mrs. Oliver a white woman nearby, jumped from her sick bed & threw her shawl over her night dress & ran into the Church, white as a ghost. William Conner was going to the train heard a terrible noise coming up the track, it brest out at the depot, & [?] made the depot jump in two. Then the ground went like waves of water, up & down. He might have Name of one mans children - George Jackson Charles [ditto] Andrew Sam Miranda Rosie Leah. Lilliah Ida Wiley George Wilson Leah Wilson Dead Amanda - hurt herself Harriet - hung herself dead by the neck, intentionally 13 - Mistress so cruel & it hung itself & the Mistress had another girl given her and she hung herself -. Some come here dead. A man sold a horse for 90 [dollars] and bought him back again for 80 [dollars]. Then sold him again for 100 [dollars]. What did he make by the transaction? Conundrum given by Miss Ryder New Years day - 1888. The 1st is company [?] The 2nd Shuns company [?] The 3rd draws company [?] The whole entertains company. [Envelope] Martha Schofield Harrison Westchester [County] New York [Newspaper Clipping] From the Christian Register. "LEAD ME." [Newspaper Clipping] SONNET. BY EMILY H. MOORE. [Newspaper Clipping] REST. BY MARY CLEMMER. [Back Cover] [No text]