on . ey ae Vee be OP a a 9 {seb ee N Cit FOR Fike ey foo Cpr f & Se of ANOTHER ‘SCANDAL. The exposure in THe Tres of the effort | to defeat Mrs. Berva Lockwoop by cir- culating the scandalous report hat her | | back . hair is not her’ own put an end to || the scandal at once and forever. The |] scandal mongers, however, are not yet | silénced, for they have recently asserted '| with much detail that Mrs. Loogwoon is | accustomed to ride a tricycle j in the streets |. | of Washington. : The cunning of ther miscregnta who have | invented. this’ story is shown by the fact | that they profess to be admirers of Mrs. Lockwoop, They tel] the story professed- ly in her interest and assert, with much | apparent warmth of feeling, that she pre- | sents a wonderfully fascinating appear- ance when mounted on her tricycle. Of | course; their object is to excite against her the hostility of leading advocates of | woman’s rights who never ride on. tri- cycles and who regatd the tricycle as un- | worthy 6f an earnest woman. It is sup- posed that Mrs. ANTHONY will denounce Mrs. LocKWOOD asa giddy girl as soon as she reads the tricyeld‘story, and that Mrs. LILLIE DEVEREUX LAKE will insist that _n¢ woman who hesitates to ride a bioyele, ahd whe panders to prejudice by using a | tricydey is worthy to be ranked among the friends of the emancipation of. woman. There can be but little doubt that the story is false. If Mra. Lockwoop rides on any machine it is unquestionably a bicy- cle, _A woman who has so far emanci- pated herself from the thralldom of sex ag to become a practiting lawyer, and has been made the standard bearer of the {| woman suffrage causé, would never sac- rifice her principles so far as to ride a tricycle, Moreover, the villains who have circulated the tricycle scandal have unwit- tingly furnished evidence tHat it is false. They have pointed out the alleged fact that Mrg Loca woop wears—that is to say, that they” are.cardinal red. Now, it is obvious that: no revelationg as to cédlor could be made by a lady while riding a lerieecla TT? Mra. LOoKWOopD really wears | woman’s righte. that they profess to be admirers of Mrs Lock woop. They tel] the story. professed- ly in her interest and assert, with mu¢h apparent warmth of feeling, that she pre- sents. wonderfully fascinating appear- ance when mounted on her tricycle. / Of | course, ‘their object is to excite against her the hostility of leading advocates of ‘woman’s ‘rights who never ridé on. tri- cycles and’, who regatd the tricycle as un- worthy 6f an earnest woman, Iti is sup- posed that Mrs. ANTHONY will ; /denownce Mrs, Lock woop as a giddy girl’ as soon as she reads the tricyclé: story, and that Mrs. LILLIE DEVEREUX LAKE will insist that _ng¢ woman who hesitates to ride a bioyéle, ahd who panders\ to prejudice by using a || trioyele,'is worthy to be ranked among the . friends of the emancipation of woman. There can be but\ little doubt that the | story is false, Lf Mra, Locxwoop rides on any machine it is unquestionably a bicy- cle. A woman who has so far emanci- pated herself from / ‘the thralldom of sex ag to bacome a practiting lawyer, and has been made the/standard bearer of the | woman suffrage causé, would never sac- rifice her principles so far as to ride a tricycle. Moreover, the villains\ who have circulated’ the tricycle scandal have unwit- tingly furnished evidence tHat itis false. They have pointed out the alleged fact that Mere Locxyoop wears—that is toeay, that they” are: cardinal red. Now, it, is obvious that: no revelationg as to cd could be made by a lady while riding & tricycle. If Mrs. Lockwoon really wears cardinal red the fact could become gen- erally known only through the medium of & bicycle. We are therefore justified in deciding either that Mrs. Lockwoop never rides on any machine whatever or that she rides ona bicycle, which latter fact ought to increase the enthusiasm of her supporters.. The tricycle story is simply a | campaign lie, and thé exposure of its true character cannot but strengthen Mrs. Lock woop with all earnest friends of ——