With Mrs. Lockwood, ~ Her New Counsel. WILL RECEIVE NO AID FROM BROTHER | Newark Prosecutor Leaves City. Without Taking Any Steps to Liberate Sister. Despite the efforts of her daugh- ter and Mrs. Belva A. Lockwood, the , vell-known woman lawyer, who was. ’ yetained as counsel early this morn- "ing, Mrs. Mary E. Gage, is still held | at the Government Hospital for the “Insane on a charge of insanity, “ growing out of alleged threats against Charles J. Bell, president of | the American Security and Trust | Company. : A lengthy conference between | mother and daughter and Mrs. Lock- :wood is being held at the asylum this aftérnoon, at which Mrs. Gage, ” , who is personally directing her own | fight for her liberty, will decide upen | the steps to be taken by her counsel. Accompanied ‘by Miss Margaret Gage, and James B. O'Reilly, a promi- - nent attorney of Denver, Colo, Mrs. : Lockwood went to the asylum short- - ly, after noon. _. | Holds Conference at Asylum | fm ARCH ARRiLL as Gage this morning, it fs tonent at a ‘disagreement has oc¢etrred be- en either Mrs. Gage and her brother >. Mr. Mott and his niece, ked whether or not he would return Washington later and institute pro- dings for ihe release of his sister | fe éveht that her present advisers | “to have her released from custody, | Mott declared he could not say. He | Hined, io state whether or not he - ght “hig sister insane or the Victim | LT hallucination, but acknowledge t He thought her eccentric. Jj will not vartizipate in any action | for the liberation of my sister,” sald — Mr, Mott, as he was leaving the N : Willard Hotel for the Union Stati : shortly before iL o'clock this mernins. | “geo no good that I can do here. ° J have considered the matter of institut- ting habeus corpus proceedings, but wil not do so at this time. It is hard to say whether or not i will have any- ting to db at any time in the future : ‘yith any action towaid the liberation of | “my sister from the asylum. To am un- | decided at this time.” © Mrs. Lockwood Retained. That Mrs. Lockwood had been re- | Mained as counsel for Mrs. Gage instead : ‘og Wiliam Earl Ambrose, who was [fo ‘mstitute proceedings for the release of jhe woman today, became know this ‘ayoman's daughter, was at the office of MTS, Lockwood shortly after 9 o'clock. PTogether the two women and Attorney JO Reilly, of Denver, Colo, who merely pected as. their escgrt ‘and "WiLL not take fany part in the cdse, went to the Po- piice: Court. © here they spent several hours look- ase was arrested and investigating tha 4 complaints made against her. ‘Two com- eoharging insanity and the ether chary- Mine Mrs. Gage with threatening the lif pet: the millionaire panker. The criminal harge is suspended pending the in- enity proceedings. he office of Assistant United States At- ‘torney Ralph Given the two women and Tospital for the Insane. (Continued on Page Eleven.) ing over the warrant on Ww hieh Mrs. | aints are made in the warrant, one | ir. O'Reilly went to the Government | Emorning, Miss Margaret Gage, the | ‘After nearly an hour's conference in | “Everything is too much mixed at this | ime to say just what action I intend | ‘to take toward gaining Mrs. Gage's lib- ; herty,” said Mrs. Lockw ood at the Police |