pefisation., 0418 COm pensau. it, as well as the report, beco. 1yuasy a sub- ject for special investigation, which hours and perhaps days are ct .iumed. Thus the poor soldier who is d ending upon a physieian’s certificat ior the allowance of his case, is hedge in and hampered by a surveillance vever in- tended for honest men, and perhaps de- feated altogether, But I desire to say, for the svecial ex- aminers, that there is one class of cases to which they could give their at- tention with profit, and to nawe a case in point will best explain my meaning. In the case of Alexander Sweeny, original Navy invalid, I have received the following letter: “Wasn., D. C., Dec. 19, 188% Madam:—In responee to inquiry of recent date, relative to above claim, you are informed that you have been repeatedly advised of the status of this claim, and that no further action can be taken inthe same until the requirements indi- cated in calls made Sept. 17, 1880, July 5, 1881, June 27, 1882, and Sept. 18, 1883, are compled with. Very Respectfully, W. W. Dubey, Comrpissioner. i MM.” To this letter the following response has been sent: “Wasi, D.C., Der, 20, 1883. Hon. Com'r of Pensions:—The above named claimant is usdoubtedly entitled ta pension, but 3s feeble-minded, on account of injuries to his head, without means cf support, and has been fur years in the Washington asylum. He has not mental capacity enough -o indicate where the proofs may be found. I could and would be to the expense and trouble of procur- ing the proofs, were I allowed or permitted to deduct the necessary expenses after the allow- ance of the case, as IT have hitherto déne in huna- dreds of cases; butaslam ne longer permitted to do this, I respectfully refer this cape back to the Hon. Contr of Pensions, with he request | that he send out one of his special eximiners, at the Government expense, to take tha proofs in this case. and thus serve the ends of pastic . Respectfully submitted, j Betva A, LOCK Woop, gtt'y, &.” For the last eleven years I fave been in the habit of prosecuting pension claims without asking fees ig advance, in many cases paying the no ries’ fces, and often supplying the app§cant with smal] sums of money. The ’fecent ac- tion of the Pension Office in shspending and prosecuting by wholesa} attorneys, who, if the newspaper reports of the’charges are correct, arg@not guilty of offences that constitute under the law the possibility of my contin 1 ecute claims in this manner § The condition has therefore pen forced upon agents and attorneys to fake fees in advance or refuse to take the§ cases. If they do not do this they mgy be sus- pended for the slightest defliction or mistake, and disbarred frog practice, this entailing upon them a lofs of thous- ands of dollars already earnal,and leav- ing them without redress ex@pt it be by a suit for damages. 1 The fees are so small at bq,) that they are in no wise adequate to tlt Jabor nec- ‘of the’ declaration, “tok. an auusucsy could afford to spend for ten dollars. Thus the law either defeats itself or defeats the case—either of which is to be deplored. The law and the facts as they now exist have driven many reputable attorneys from the field, and their places have been filled by shysters without offices, signs, or stand- ing, who secure if possible a fee and neg- lect the case. There is a confusion in the camp, which looks to an ultimate explosion of the whole business, unless somebody calls a halt and takes a few steps backward. It is about as disas- K ‘Washington, D.C. trous to know too much as too little. The question is, “where is the blame? The Pension Office for the past three years has been trying to run a claim agency and get up a monopoly of the business. The result has been a col- lision, in which several parties have been hurt; and the end is not yet. The country has been electrified by the cry of “dishonest pension claim agents,” and every penny-a-liner has joined in the cry, until the public have been led to suppose that the poor pen- sion attorney, who receives his ten dol-]- lars, is the very chief of criminals, and that the public treasury has been de- pleted by him. The pensioner receives anywhere from $500 to $5,000; and for securing this by the aid of an attorney who spends months and years of labor, he pays ten dollars. Often the poor at- torney is cheated out of this small stipend. Dear reader, place these pen- sion attorneys but for a moment beside the attorneys for the Government who conducted the star route cases and for seven mouths received one hundred and one hundred and fifty dollars per day; and the steal of even the guilty pension claim agent, with his perhaps hungry family, pales into insignificance. But so far ag any developments have yet been made public, no one of the pension | attorneys charged or indicted seems to have been guiity of defrauding anybody. The most venal of these offenders, an attorney who had left the business and the District of Columbia long ago, has been indicted for sending a supposed pension certificate C. O. D.; and yet any other class of attoraeys could send pa- pers in this way with perfect impunity, and be considered honorable and busi- ness-like; for from time immemorial an attorney has had a lien*upon the papers of his client until his fee was paid. The Treasury Department still recognizes this lien, and protects the attorneys practicing before it by sending in every instance the warrant issued in the claim to the attorney of record, thus enabling him to secure a fee. An undertaker, a grocer, or a dry-goods man, sending his wares by express, is accustomed to have his dues collected before the goods are WAY: eee Has anybody cried “Fraud!”—has. anybody attempted te investigate or to arrest them? And if not, why not? The Judge from the bench had nerve enough and sense enough to pro- nounce their condemnation, and should | promptiy have fined every one of them for contempt, and sent the cases to the Grand Jury, not for an attempt to de- fraud, but for an actual fraud on the public treasury. “Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.” Briva A. Lockwoop, pig 0A