At a meeting of the Stockholders of the Pennsylvania Hall Association held at Clarkson Hall 4th Mo 29th 1845. Jacob M Ellis was dcalled to the chair and Caleb Clothier appointed secretary. The minutes of the board of Managers were read & with a slight exception approved. An instrument of writing presented by the Managers having been read it was on motion Resolved that a committee of two persons be appointed to procure the signatures of the stockholders to the instrument of writing just read authorizing & directing the Trustees to execute a conveyance to the purchasers of all the interest and property vested in them by virtue of the deed of Trust from Daniel Neall. Whereupon Daniel Neall and William Wayne were duly appointed. On motion it was further resolved, that there be an assessment made by the managers, upon each share of the stock of the association of as much per share as will be sufficient to meet the deficiency that there may be in the amount the Lot sold for, to satisfy the mortgages & the interest due theron: the Taxes, expenses of Sale of the Lot & all other charges incident thereto -- & that they are hereby authorized to collect the same. Then adjourned. Caleb Clothier Sec.