Swarthmore College Bulletin CATALOGUE of WORKS OF ART belonging to the BENJAMIN W E S T SOCIETY and to SWARTHMORE COLLEGE SWARTHMORE PENNSYLVANIA S U P P L E M E N T TO T H E , C A T A L O G U E Tenth M onth 1033 F or the fin e arts in Am erica In honor o f the first Am erican master BENJAMIN W EST 1738-1820 Foreword F or two generations Swarth- more College and the Borough o f Swarthmore have looked back on the memory o f the fir st great Am erican artist, Benjam in W est, President o f the R oyal Academ y, who was bom in W est H ouse, s till standing on the cam pus, with the hope o f establishing a W est M em orial and an art museum. In 1922 an exhibition o f W est’s work was held in Parrish H all. From this exhibition generous alum ni purchased fo r the College a splendid collection o f drawings. A t Commencement, 1930, the Class o f 1903 pre­ sented a fin e group o f pictures by modern French artists. On Founders D ay, 19 3 1, the Benjam in W est Society was form ally inaugurated with an address by R oyal Cortissoz on the “ Genius o f Am erican P ain tin g.” The purpose o f the Society is to encourage interest in the fin e arts at Swarthmore College; to acquire works o f art, to bring loan exhibitions to the College, and to provide lectures on art. F or its marked success it is deeply indebted to Frederic N ew lin P rice, George Grey Barnard, A lbert Rosenthal, and to many others whose names are recorded in this catalogue. A lfred M ansfield B rooks Curator V_ Officers o f the Benjamin W zst Society x 933 President F rank A ydelotte S w a rth m o re C o lle g e , S w arth m o re, P a . V ice Presidents C harles F . J enkins 232 S o u th S e v e n th S t., P h ila d elp h ia , P a . A lice S ullivan P erkins E v e r g r e e n L a w n , M o o re sto w n , N . Secretary J. E thel H ampson B rew ster S w a rth m o re C o lle g e , S w a rth m o re, P a . Treasurer L eonard C . A shton 4 6 th a n d M a r k e t S ts ., P h ila d e lp h ia , P a . Director F rederic N ew lin P rice 63 E a s t 5 7 th S t ., N e w Y o r k C i t y Curator A lfred M ansfield B rooks S w arth m o re C o lle g e , S w arth m o re, P a . ALEXANDER, JOHN W. P.P. 89 Landscape ANDERSON, KARL P.P. 47 Cock Robin B.W.S. (Presented by the Artist) 34" X 27" Oil Oil Oil 24" X 19" 23JÍ" X 19Yi" 24" X 18M' Watercolor 40" X 29" Oil 30" X 18" Grey Wash Oil & ADAMS, KENNETH P.P. 69 Autumn Afternoon B.W.S. (Presented by the Artist) Oil K ARTIST UNKNOWN *P.P. 49 Isaac Clothier, Portrait (.Presented by Mrs. William /. Hull) P.P. 13 Descent from the Cross P.P. 105 Elias Hicks, Portrait fP.P. 63 Landscape B.W.S. P.P. 3 Penn Signing the Treaty with the Indians Size Medium 00 Subject gj* Artist 29" X 27" BARNARD, GEORGE GREY More than two hundred original plaster studies described in the sculptor’ s letter of gift as follows: 700 Ft. Washington Avenue New York City July IS, 1931 Mr. Frank Aydelotte, President Swarthmore College Swarthmore, Pa. Dear Sir: My ancestors on the George Grey Grubb side were Philadelphia Quakers, and from my mother I inherited whatever talent I have in art. This doubles my interest in Swarthmore College, and I shall be proud to have a record of my life work housed and held as a possible educational value to future students as well as the citizens of my native state of Pennsylvania. The gift contains all of the statues for the Pennsylvania Capitol groups, from the very first thumb sketches to the thirty, nine-foot statues. It also contains my complete studies for a monument to Columbus never made known to the public—all the original studies of “ Adam and Eve,” “ Rising Woman” and the “ Hewer” kindly given by Mr. Rockefeller—as well as the original studies for the “ Urn of Life” now in Carnegie Museum, and other casts. I hope they may prove stepping stones that will lead to an in­ visible bridge across the universe, to your future students. Sincerely yours, George Grey Barnard BECK, CAROL H. P.P. 119 Arthur Beardsley, Portrait P.P. 54 Susan T. Cunningham, Portrait Oil Oil 4i Vi" X n y ¿ 49" X 29" BEEKMAN, HENRY R. P.P. 325 Goodnight B.W.S. (Presented by the Artist) Oil 20" X 16' BENZONI, C. B. P.P. 113 Samuel Willetts (1879) *P.P.—Permanent Property of Swarthmore College. fB.W.S.—Property of Benjamin West Society. Marble Bust Artist Subject BERGER, W. M. P.P. 46 Flowers B.W.S. Medium Size Oil 18JÌ" x 15" Oil Oil 47" x 36' 37" x 31" BOGGS, FRANK P.P. 40 Marine B.W.S. {Presented, by Albert Rosenthal!) Oil 25J£" x 20" BOYER, R. L. P.P. 14 B.W.S. Oil 1 8 "x 15" Oil 30" x 24" Oil Oil Oil 2 9 ^ " x 24H" 30M" x 24M" 3 9^ " x 31M" BROOKS, CORA P.P. 36 Valley in the Tyrol B.W.S. {In Memoriam) Oil 30y2" x 28" BRUCE, PATRICK P.P. 66 Still Life B.W.S. P.P. 96 Books and Fruit Oil 16" x 9" Oil 24" x 18" BUFFET, PAUL P.P. 19 Landscape B.W.S. Oil 23" x 14" BUTLER, JAMES P.P. 9 Sunset (1915) B.W.S. Oil 20" x 25" Oil 1 9 x 14M" Oil Oil 24" x 19%" 18" x 14%" BIGLAND, PERCY P.P. SS Elizabeth Powell Bond, Portrait P.P. 110 Isaac Clothier, Portrait (1903) Still Life BREDIN, R. SLOAN P.P. 32 A Morning in June (1913) {Presented by the Artist) P.P. 114 Spencer Trotter, Portrait P.P. 116 Isabelle Bronk, Portrait P.P. 117 George A. Hoadley, Portrait CARGRAS, GEORGE P.P. 90 Ruined House (1907) CARRE, MICHEL P.P. 11 Garden P.P. 50 Landscape B.W.S. CARRIGAN, W. L. P.P. 26 Landscape (1912) Oil 31" x 25M" CARTWRIGHT, ISABEL B. P.P. 34 In the Dolomites B.W.S. {Presented by the Artist) Oil 3 0 "x 25" COCHRANE, CONSTANCE P.P. 37 Luminous Spray B.W.S. {Presented by the artist) Oil 36" x 28" COLTON, MARY RUSSELL F. P.P. 363 Echo Cliffs B.W.S. Oil 2 0 ^ " x 16H" Artist Subject COMAN, S. B. P.P. 5 Early Spring, New Jersey CONEY, J. P.P. 327 Ely Cathedral (1818) Medium Size Watercolor 18" x 12" Pencil \9>%" x 10^" COPPEDGE, FERN I, P.P. 35 Passing Winter B.W.S. (Presented by the artist) Oil 30" x 25" CORNELIUS, J. G. P.P. 24 Aspiration (1922) B.W.S. Oil 44W x 37M" CORNOYER, PAUL P.P. 39 The Farmyard B.W.S. (Presented by Frederic Newlin Price) Oil 16' x 12" Oil 36" x 30^" Oil 30" x 24" Oil 21J£" x 18" Conti Crayon 20" x 14" CURRY, JOHN STEUART P.P. 41 The Old Folks (1929) (Presented by the artist) DABO, LEON P.P. 30 Hudson River After Rain (Presented by the artist) DAUPHIN, CHARLES P.P. 59 Harbor Scene B.W.S. DAVIDSON, GEORGE P.P. 322 Connecticut Hills (Presented by the artist) DAVIES, ARTHUR B. A group of eleven Chalk Drawings and twenty-one Etchings. (Presented anonymously) Chalk drawing on Dancing Figure P.P. 354 red paper B.W.S. Chalk drawing on Dancing Figure P.P. 355 red paper B.W.S. Chalk drawing on Dancing Figure P.P. 356 red paper B.W.S. Chalk drawing on A Hand P.P. 358 red paper B.W.S. Chalk drawing on Seated Female Figure P.P. 352 red paper B.W.S. Chalk drawing on Seated Figure P.P. 353 red paper B.W.S. Chalk drawing on Seated Figure P.P. 357 red paper B.W.S. Chalk drawing on Standing Figure P.P. 359 red paper B.W.S. Chalk drawing on Standing Figure P.P. 360 red paper B.W.S. Chalk drawing on Standing Figure P.P. 361 red paper B.W.S. Chalk drawing on Standing Figure P.P. 362 red paper B.W.S. Etching Allegro P.P. 350 B.W.S. Etching Andante P.P. 349 B.W.S. 13K" x 18" 12" x \QA" 13M" x 18' 13M" x 18" 18" x 13M" 13M" x 18" 13M" x 17%" 13" x 18" 13" x 17 12" x 16?^" 13M" x 18" Subject Artist DAVIES, ARTHUR B. P.P. 348 Arms Up B.W.S. P.P. 347 Bathos B.W.S. Caliban P.P. 346 B.W.S. By the Sea P.P. 34S B.W.S. Dream Strife P.P. 344 B.W.S. Ecstasy P.P. 343 B.W.S. Female Figure P.P. 351 B.W.S. Figure in Glass P.P. 342 B.W.S. Girl Running P.P. 340 B.W.S. Girl Running (2d State) P.P. 341 B.W.S. Maenade P.P. 339 B.W.S. Mirror of Illusion P.P. 337 B.W.S. Moonlight Grassy Bank P.P. 338 B.W.S. Resurrection (2d State) P.P. 332 B.W.S. Resurrection (3rd State) P.P. 333 B.W.S. Sisters P.P. 331 B.W.S. Strength in Shadow P.P. 334 B.W.S. Toil of Three P.P. 336 B.W.S. Uprising P .P .335 B.W.S. Medium Size Etching Etching Etching Etching Etching Etching Etching Etching Etching Etching Etching Etching Etching Etching Etching Etching Etching Etching Etching DAVIS, CECIL CLARK Betsey Whittall P.P. 45 {Presented by the artist) B.W.S. Oil 32M" x 26K‘ DAVIS, WARREN Dancing Figures P.P. 75 Oil 10" x 8" Watercolor 8" x 4" Oil 40" x 30" Oil 26" x 21y ? Oil 28" x 18" Flowers Oil 22" x 15" Still Life Oil 18" x 13" DAYES, EDWARD Landscape with Houses P.P. 85 DELBOS, JULIUS Prannes P.P. 320 (Presented by the artist) B.W.S. DESTRIM, A. V. Still Life P.P. 10 B.W.S. StillJLife P.P. 68 B.W.S. DESTRIM, L. P.P. 15 B.W.S. P.P. 21 Subject Artist DIX, JOHN A. P.P. 364 B.W.S. Medium Size Oil 25' x 17" EDWARDS, CLEMENT P.P. 104 Samuel West, Portrait (Presented by Dr. James Leys) Oil 32" x 28H" FOORD, FRITZ P.P. 324 Woodstock B.W.S. (Presented by the artist) Oil 24' x 20" Oil 35" x 2 8K ' GAINSBOROUGH, THOMAS P.P. 326 William Pitt, Portrait B.W.S. (Presented anonymously) Oil 3 0 "x 25" GARBER, DANIEL P.P. 112 Landscape Oil TD/i X 18^" Pencil 1 0 ^ 'x 9 W Oil 47K" x n y Hot August FURNESS, WM. H. P.P. 52 Lucretia Mott, Portrait GIRTIN, THOMAS P.P. 84 Tornbridge Castle and Cottages HALLOWAY P.P. 94 Benjamin West (1798) (Engraving after Benjamin West) HARRISON, ALEXANDER P.P. 25 Sea (Presented by Frederic Newlin Price) HARRISON, BIRGE P.P. 109 Return of the Mayflower (Presented by Frederic Newlin Price) P.P. 108 Spring in the Forest (Presented by Frederic Newlin Price) HART, WILLIAM P.P. 72 Landscape (1858) Oil 126" X 64" Oil 7 8 "x 53" Oil 48Yt" x 32H" HICKS, EDWARD P.P. 106 The Lion and the Lamb (Presented by Dr. Edward Martin) Oil 37" x 30)4" HOLLAND, T. RAYMOND P.P. 33 Ronda (1925) (Presented by the artist) Oil 4 2 "x 36" HUNT, H. WILLIAM P.P. 82 Dead Pigeon KERETCHMER, W. H. P.P. 1 Landscape (1867) Oil Oil Watercolor Oil IO c* X © HOWARD, LUCILLE P.P. 29 Sky Drama, Brittany (Presented by the artist) HUGUENET, JOHN P.P. 18 Tulips B.W.S. 18M* X 14^" n j i 'x 6y 54" x 39' Subject Artist KIHN, LANGDON Torreador P.P. 323 (Presented anonymously) KING, PAUL Landscape P.P. 71 (Presented by the artist) B.W.S. Medium Size 20' x 16' Oil 40' x 32% ' Oil 21% ' x 18%' Pencil 13% ' x 6 ' LAWSON, ERNEST Camper’s Garden P.P. 51 (Presented by the artist) B.W.S. Oil 28' x 25" LEAKE, GERALD Mystic Mountain P.P. 43 (Presented by the artist) B.W.S. Oil 24% ' x 18" LE FEBUSE, C. V. Still Life P.P. 17 B.W.S. Oil 18%" x 15' Oil 16' x 13%" Oil 14' x 10' Cloud Shadows (Presented by the artist) Oil 25' x 30' LUCIONI, LUIGI Trees P.P. 6 (Presented by the artist) B.W.S. Oil 20% ' x 16" MASON, M. T. P.P. 48 B.W.S. Azaleas Oil 16" x 16' Garden Oil 28% ' x 21%' Landscape Oil 24" x 19% ' Oil 21%" x 18' Oil 21% ' x 18' Oil 26% ' x 9%' Pencil 13%" x 61%'’ KOROCHANSKY Farmyard Scene P.P. 64 B.W.S. LA FARGE, JOHN Angel of the Resurrection P.P. 95 Attributed to SIR PETER LELY George Fox, Portrait 99 (Indefinite loan) LEWIS, JOHN F. Landscape P.P. 93 LIE, JONAS P.P. 65 B.W.S. MELANCON P.P. 8 B.W.S. P.P. 58 B.W.S. MODERN FRENCH SCHOOL Landscape P.P. 57 B.W.S. Landscape P.P. 60 B.W.S. Pear Tree P.P. 4 B.W.S. MUNN, PAUL SANBY P.P. 86 Elvet Bridge (1800) Medium Subject Artist NELSON, C. GUS P.P. 319 Flowers B.W.S. NOWELL, ANNIE C. P.P. 115 Sarah M. Nowell, Portrait (1907) OAKLEY, VIOLET P.P. 56 William Hyde Appleton, Portrait P.P. I l l Josephine Meeteer, Portrait (1932) PARISET P.P. 92 PRICE, M. ELISABETH P.P. 31 The Yacht Race B.W.S. (Presented by the artist) PYE, JOHN P.P. 97 Three Landscapes RAEBURN, HENRY P.P. 321 Charles James Fox, Portrait (Presented anonymously) RAWLINGS, ALFRED (Presented by Daniel Underhill) P.P. 121 Swarthmore Hall, Front View P.P. 121a Swarthmore Hall, Dining Hall P.P. 121b Swarthmore Hall, Dining Hall P.P. 121c Swarthmore Hall, Staircase P.P. 121d Swarthmore Hall, Balcony P.P. 12!e Swarthmore Hall, Back View P.P. 121f Swarthmore Hall, Bed Room P.P. 121g Swarthmore Hall P.P. 121h Swarthmore Hall P.P. 121i Brigflats Meeting House P.P. 121j Firbank Fell P.P. 121h The Barn, Jordans P.P. 1211 Jordans Meeting House ROSENTHAL, ALBERT P.P. 27 The Fan (1922) (Presented by the artist) RUSKIN, JOHN P.P. 98 Boats at Amiens SALAT, ANDREW P.P. 12 Still Life B.W.S. 28" x 22" Oil 28)4" x 22)4" Oil Crayon 52" x 35)4" 22" x 14)4" Oil 33)4" x 26)4" Oil 31)4" x 23" 6" x 4", 2)4" x 3)4"> 4" x 5", 3" x 3)4" Pencil 15)4" x 12" Sepia RENE-DEBRETTE, J. P.P. 22 Landscape Oil Engraving Mr. West and Family (1781) (Engraved after Benjamin TVest) (Presented by George A. Plimpton) PARRISH, ANNE P.P. 118 Edward Parrish, Portrait PROUT, SAMUEL P.P. 76 Four drawings in wash and crayon P.P. 87 Treves Size 3)4" x 2)4", 3%" x 2)4", 4% x 3% Oil 30 x 25 Colored Chalk Watercolor Watercolor Colored Chalk Watercolor Watercolor Watercolor Watercolor Watercolor Watercolor Watercolor Watercolor Watercolor 14)4'* : 10)4" 14)4" x 10" 14)4" x 10" 12)4"x: 10)4" 10X ' x 7" 10)4" i: 7 )4 ' 14)4" x 10" 14Vi" x 10" 10)4"5i 7)4" 14)4" x 10" 14Vi" x 10" 10)4" x 7)4" 13)4" x 10" Oil 25)4" :£ 19)4" Oil 37)4" x 29" Watercolor 10)4":x 5)4" Oil 21w x 18)4" Medium Subject Artist Size SAVAGE, EUGENE P.P. 61 Fugue B.W.S. (Presented by the artist) Oil 16^" x IS" SCHOEMACHER, WILLIAM E. P.P. 317 Moret B.W.S. (Presented by Mrs. J. Mather Gordon) Oil 21" x 27" SCHULTE, ANTOINETTE P.P. 42 Olocan Calvario-Shrines (1930) B.W.S. (Presented by the artist) Oil 40H" x 30M" SHIELDS, EMMA B. P.P. 129 Edward Hicks Magill, Portrait (1905) Oil 39" x 28" SULLY, THOMAS P.P. 103 Benjamin West, Portrait Oil 33" x FlVi" Oil 38" x 29" Oil 24" x 20" STORY, JULIAN P.P. 38 Joseph Wharton, Portrait (1906) (Presented by Mrs. J. Bertram Lippincott) STREAM, M. J. P.P. 70 Wayside Flowers B.W.S. STUART, GILBERT P.P. 102 Benjamin West, Miniature Portrait (Presented by Frederic Newlin Price) THAYER, THEODORA W. P.P. S3 Isaac T. Hopper, Portrait (Presented by His Descendants) TINTORETTO (Attributed to) P.P. 91 Buildings TROTTER, NEWBOLD H. P.P. 2 Swarthmore Hall (1889) S" x 4" Oil 6 8 "x 41J3" Sepia Drawing 18" x 13y2" Oil 37" x 2SW TURNER, J. M. W. P.P. 88 Aesacus and Hesperie (Liber Studiorum) P.P. 83 Norman Ruins Watercolor 9% " x 6M" After TURNER, J. M. W. P.P. 81 Bridge P.P, 80 Bridge Head Watercolor Watercolor 12^ " x 8 'A ' \2W x %y2" Oil 14" x 12" Oil 3 9 'x 29" Still Life Oil 21W x IS" Still Life Oil 24" x 20" Still Life Oil 2 5 ^ " x 19M" VAN HELDEN, CAROLINE P.P. 107 George Fox, Portrait Copy of Portrait attributed to Sir Peter Lely P.P. 101 Mrs. Edward Magill, Portrait VIOLETTE, A. P.P. 16 B.W.S. P.P. 20 B.W.S. P.P. 62 B.W.S. Etching Medium Subject Artist WALKER, HORATIO N. A. P.P. 318 Wild Ducks B.W.S. Wild Ducks P.P. 365 B.W.S. WARD, WILLIAM Drawing P.P. 77 P.P. 78 Drawing Drawing P.P. 79 WENGER, JOHN P.P. 28 Hudson River B.W.S. WEST, BENJAMIN Battle of La Hogue P.P. 100 (Presented by Frederic Newlin Price) B.W.S. Death of General Wolfe P.P. 23 (Presented by Frederic Newlin Price) B.W.S. John West, Portrait P.P. 44 Joseph Telling His Dream P.P. 74 The Nativity P.P. 7 (Presented by Frederic Newlin Price) B.W.S. The Raising of Lazarus P.P. 73 (Presented by Frederic Newlin Price) B.W.S. Size Oil 20" X 16" Watercolor 23" X 15" Wash and Crayon Wash and Crayon Wash and Crayon 8" X 10%" 8" X 10%" 11" X 8" Oil 25" X 25" Oil 32%" X 26%' Oil 25%" X 18%' Oil Oil Oil 29%" X 24%' 57" X 45" 24" X 19" Oil 37" X 31%" DRAWINGS—PEN, PENCIL AND WASH P resented P.P. 252 B.W.S. P.P. 176 B.W.S. P.P. 272 B.W.S. P.P. 274 B.W.S. P.P. 275 B.W.S. P.P. 186 B.W.S. P.P. 155 B.W.S. P.P. 178 B.W.S. P.P. 175 B.W.S. P.P. 180 B.W.S. P.P. 193 P.P. 195 B.W.S. P.P. 203 B.W.S. P.P. 203 B.W.S. P.P. 213 B.W.S. P.P. 214 B.W.S. by A lumni and O ther F riends OF SwARTHMORE COLLEGE Battle Scene Brown Ink 8 % "x 6%' Composition in which Portraits of West and Mrs. West are included, Dec. 22, 1800 Composition Ink Brown Ink 9% " X 8" 17" X 5%' Composition for a Picture Brown Ink 6 % "x 5%' Composition for a Picture (Circle) Brown Ink Deputations Before Roman Emperor Figure Composition Brown Ink and Wash Ink Diameter 5%" 19" X 17" 10%" X 8" Figure Composition Ink 8 % "x 5%' Figure Composition Ink 12%" X 6" Figure Composition—Indians Brown Ink 9 % "x 7%' Figure Composition Figure Composition Ink Brown Ink 9% ' x 8%' 7 % "x 5%' Figure Composition Brown Ink ll% " x 7" Figure Composition Brown Ink ll% " x 7" Figure Composition—Man and Youth Figure Composition Brown Wash and Ink on Brown Paper Brown Wash and Ink 12%" X 10" 5%" X 5%" Artist Subject Medium WEST, BENJAMIN DRAWINGS— P en, P encil and W ash —Continued Brown Ink Figure Composition P.P. 230 Initialed, “ B.W.” in upper right B.W.S. hand corner. Reverse covered with West’s writing. Brown Ink and Wash Figure Composition P.P. 284 on Blue Paper B.W.S. Brown Ink and Wash God the Father P.P. 172 Curved Top Sketch for an Architectural Deco­ B.W.S. ration Pen—Brown Ink Group of Figures P.P. 127 B.W.S. Brown Ink and Wash Head P.P. 163 B.W.S. Brown Ink and Wash Draped Head P.P. 218 on Gray B.W.S. Brown Ink and Wash Head of Man and Serpent P.P. 249 B.W.S. Brown Ink Head of Youth P.P. 190 B.W.S. Ink Three Heads P.P. 177 B.W.S. Brown Ink and Wash Two Heads P.P. 179 B.W.S. Brown Ink and Wash Landscape with Bridge P.P. 139 B.W.S. Brown Ink and Wash Male Figure, Standing P.P. 142 Signed on the back B.W.S. Reed Pen, Brown Man, Full Length P.P. 221 Brown Ink Man, Head and Shoulders P.P. 197 B.W.S. Brown Ink and Wash Man, Seated P.P. 306 B.W.S. Brown Ink and Wash Man’s Head P.P. 288 B.W.S. Brown Ink Man, Standing P.P. 309 B.W.S. Ink Men Digging P.P. 311 B.W.S. Black Ink and Brown Roman Soldiers P.P. 141 Wash on Blue Paper B.W.S. Ink Seated Figure P.P. 273 B.W.S. Brown Ink and Wash The Angel at the Tomb P.P. 243 B.W.S. Brown Ink Warrior with Shield P.P. 228 B.W.S. Ink and Brown Wash Woman and Children P.P. 174 B.W.S. Brown Ink Bust of Woman P.P. 192 B.W.S. Brown Ink Woman, Half Length P.P. 187 B.W.S. Brown Ink and Wash Woman Holding a Book P.P. 244 B.W.S. Brown Ink Woman Holding a Vase P.P. 1S7 B.W.S. Brown Ink on Blue Woman, Seated P.P. 269 Paper B.W.S. Brown Ink Woman, Sewing P.P. 253 Signed B. West, lower left B.W.S. Brown Ink on Blue Woman, Standing P.P. 270 Paper B.W.S. Size 7" x 6" 7X " x 6X " 12X " x 5" 7 X " x S%" S%" X 4% " m " x sx" SX" x 4% " 7W x 5X " 8H ' x m " sy2" X 4 X " 8" x SX" 7X " x 5' 18*$' x 11X " 8 X " x 7% " S % "x4 % '' 4?$' X 414 " SX" x 4 X " SX" x 5%" U X ” x SX" 6 X " x SX" 6Vs" x SX" n x" x u x" 7" x SX" SX" x SX" 8X " x 6X " SX" x 4X " 9X " x 8X " 7% " x 4" 7" x 4M" 7 X " x SX" Artist Subject Studies for Angels Three Studies for Statues Study for a Picture Study for Portrait of a Lady Study for Portrait, Two Ladies Study for Portrait of a Man A Study of Feet and Drapery Study of Hands Colored Chalk eVs" x 6M" Chalk touched with White on Blue Paper Red Chalk 6 y x4 y Sanguine 7 H ' x 5y Sanguine 6H " X S y Crayon touched with White on Blue Paper Crayon touched with White on Blue Paper Crayon 5W x SM" l o y X w% Crayon on Gray Paper io" x r y y Black Crayon Crayon ì s y x io y S y x 6M" 6 y xs y 18w X 13" Crayon touched with u y x 9 y White on Blue Paper Crayon and Brown Wash Crayon T W x 7" Crayon touched with White on Blue Paper Crayon k VO * P.P. 256 B.W.S. P.P. 257 B.W.S. P.P. 290 B.W.S. P.P. 283 B.W.S. P.P. 282 B.W.S. P.P. 281 B.W.S. P.P. 216 B.W.S. P.P. 233 B.W.S. Size 1 00 WEST, BENJAMIN DRAWINGS— P en, P encil and W ash—Continued P.P. 147 Hand B.W.S. P.P. 235 Head of Old Man B.W.S. P.P. 165 Nude Male Figure B.W.S. P.P. 297 Nude Man Fencing B.W.S. Nude Man, Standing P.P. 296 B.W.S. Hand P.P. 232 B.W.S. P.P. 246 Benjamin West’s Portrait of His Mother B.W.S. P.P. 291 Composition for a Picture B.W.S. Figure Composition P.P. 227 B.W.S. P.P. 329 Figure Composition Figure Composition in Oval P.P. 255 B.W.S. P.P. 215 Head Resting in Hand B.W.S. Three Heads P.P. 237 B.W.S. Two Heads—Mitred P.P. 285 B.W.S. Helmeted Figure—Bust P.P. 234 B.W.S. P.P. 160 Landscape with Figures B.W.S. Man Seated P.P. 245 B.W.S. Mule P.P. 286 B.W.S. Reclining Figure of a Man with Eagle P.P. 198 B.W.S. St. John Writing the Revelation P.P. 181 B.W.S. St. Peter—Head P.P. 238 B.W.S. Sketch for a Picture P.P. 250 B.W.S. Statue of a Woman P.P. 224 Medium 6y y x v y io y x 6ya" Crayon touched with n y x n y White on Blue Paper Crayon touched with ioyg" x8M " Blue Crayon touched with i3 y8" x io y White on Blue Paper 17" x 15" Crayon on Blue Paper Crayon Crayon 7y xs y 17" X 12" ìo y x 3 y Crayon on Gray Paper Crayon touched with l s y x 9 y White on Blue Paper 12" X 9" Crayon touched with White on Blue Paper 6 y x 5y Crayon and White on Dark Ground Crayon touched with 8y x 6y White 8y x 6y Crayon 8" X 6y Crayon touched with White Crayon touched with 12%" x 10^" White on Blue Paper Crayon touched with s y x 7y White on Blue Paper Artist Subject WEST, BENJAMIN DRAWINGS— P en , P encil and W ash—Continued P.P. 247 Angel B.W.S. P.P. 315 Apollo Belvedere P.P. 123 Battle Scene B.W.S. P.P. 153 Two Boys B.W.S. P.P. 152 Four Boys B.W.S. P.P. 261 Bulldogs B.W.S. P.P. 171 Camels B.W.S. P.P. 307 Cattle B.W.S. P.P. 156 Cherub B.W.S. P.P. 292 Cherub B.W.S. P.P. 183 Cherubs B.W.S. P.P. 279 A Child B.W.S. P.P. 303 A Child B.W.S. P.P. 231 Child Asleep B.W.S. P.P. 265 Child, Seated B.W.S. P.P. 278 Three Children B.W.S. P.P. 131 Christ Blessing (Curved Top) B.W.S. P.P. 262 Classical Composition B.W.S. P.P. 313 Composition for a Picture B.W.S. P.P. 138 Crest of West B.W.S. With written notations P.P. 188 Doctor Bragg (1769) B.W.S. Two-thirds length P.P. 268 Donkeys B.W.S. P.P. 154 A Drummer B.W.S. Initialed “ B.W.” P.P. 219 Dwarf B.W.S. P.P. 314 Dancing Figure B.W.S. P.P. 200 Female Figure—Full Length, Standing B.W.S. P.P. 132 Reclining Female Figure B.W.S. P.P. 128 Figure Composition B.W.S. P.P. 134 Figure Composition B.W.S. P.P. 137 Figure Composition B.W.S. P.P. 161 Figure Composition B.W.S. Medium Size Pencil and Ink 9M" x 8M " Pencil Pencil 11M" X 8M" 10M" x 7" Pencil and Wash 7M" x 7 ' Pencil and Wash 9M" x 8%" Pencil 9U " x 8M" Pencil on Gray Paper 17%" x n y 8" Pencil 6M" x 6M" Pencil 7M" x W% Pencil 7M" x 6M" Pencil 6" x 4M" Pencil 5M ' x 4" Pencil 6M" x S' Pencil touched with White on Blue Paper Pencil on Blue Paper 914" x 7M" 6M " x 3% " Pencil 7W x 6' Pencil 17)4" x 6y2" Pencil and Brown Crayon Pencil, Brown Ink and Wash Pencil 2114" X 13M " Pencil 6M" x 4M" Pencil on Blue Paper 7 " x 4M " Pencil and Brown Ink Pencil on Brown Paper Pencil 7" x 4M" 11Vs" x 11M" 5" x 4% " 9" x 7Y%" 16" x 8M" Blue Paper, Pencil touched with White Pencil on Blue Paper Pencil 15ys" x 10M" Pencil on Blue Paper 9% " x 8y8" Pencil and Brown Ink Pencil 14M" x 10M" 11M " x 7M" 9% " x 6M ' Artist Subject Medium WEST, BENJAMIN DRAWINGS— P en , P encil and W ash —Continued Pencil, Brown Ink and P.P. 162 Figure Composition Wash on Gray Paper B.W.S. Pencil P.P. 194 Figure Composition B.W.S. Blue Paper, Pencil P.P. 199 Figure Composition touched with White B.W.S. Pencil P.P. 208 Figure Composition B.W.S. Pencil P.P. 210 Figure Composition B.W.S. Pencil P.P. 248 Figure Composition B.W.S. Pencil P.P. 300 Figure Composition B.W.S. Pencil P.P. 308 Figure Composition B.W.S. Pencil and Brown P.P. 280 A Girl Wash B.W.S. Pencil P.P. 209 Girl Seated B.W.S. Pencil on Blue Paper P.P. 267 Girl, Standing B.W.S. Pencil P.P. 122 Groiip of Figures B.W.S. Pencil and Wash P.P. 150 Group of Three Figures B.W.S. Pencil and Ink P.P. 158 Group of Figures B.W.S. Pencil P.P. 125 Group of Figures B.W.S. Pencil P.P. 151 Group of Figures B.W.S. Pencil P.P. 144 Hand B.W.S. Pencil P.P. 240 A Head B.W.S. Pencil and Sanguine P.P. 294 A Head B.W.S. Pencil touched with P.P. 184 Head and Hands White B.W.S. P.P. 229 Head and Shoulders of a Man Leaning Pencil and Ink B.W.S. on His Elbow Pencil P.P. 239 Head Bound with a Fillet B.W.S. Pencil P.P. 302 Head in Profile B.W.S. Pencil P.P. 148 Head of a Man B.W.S. Pencil P.P. 149 Head of a Man B.W.S. Pencil P.P. 304 Head of a Man (Arched) B.W.S. Pencil P.P. 236 Head of an Old Man B.W.S. Pencil P.P. 293 Head of Neptune B.W.S. Pencil on Blue Paper P.P. 271 Head of Woman B.W.S. Pencil touched with P.P. 312 Head of a Woman White B.W.S. Pencil P.P. 295 Hooded Head B.W.S. Size 10M" x 4M" m" x ty % 9M" x l U i 8" X 5M" 8" x 6" 11M" x 10M" 7M" x 5M" 7%" x 4M' 7" x 5M" 8" x 6" 7%” x 5M ' 12M" x 7M" 10M" x 8M" 8" x7" ( 6M" x 10Vs" 5M" x 4M" 9M" x 6M" 5M" x 4M" 5M" x 4M" 13M"x8M" 10" x 6M" 7" x 5M" 5M "x4M " 7M" x 5M" 7M" x 6M" 5M" x 3M" 8M" x 6M" 7M" x 6" 6M" x 3M" 6M" x 4M" 7M" x 4M" Artist Subject WEST, BENJAMIN DRAWINGS— P en , P encil and W ash—Continued P.P. 299 Hooded Head B.W.S. P.P. 182 Three Heads B.W.S. P.P. 207 Two Heads B.W.S. P.P. 241 Two Heads B.W.S. P.P. 2S8 Horse B.W.S. P.P. 287 . Horse B.W.S. P.P. 168 Houses and Trees B.W.S. P.P. 164 Kneeling Figure B.W.S. P.P. 310 Kneeling Figure B.W.S. Landscape P.P. 169 B.W.S. Landscape P.P. 170 B.W.S. Landscape with Church in Distance P.P. 13S B.W.S. Landscape with Figures P.P. 254 B.W.S. P.P. 260 Lion B.W.S. Lion and Lioness P.P. 259 B.W.S. Full Length Figure of a Man P.P. 328 B.W.S. Man in Cloak, Standing P.P. 301 B.W.S. P.P. 223 Seated Figure of a Man B.W.S. Man, Seated P.P. 266 B.W.S. Man’s Head P.P. 289 B.W.S. Man Standing P.P. 204 B.W.S. Man Standing P.P. 205 B.W.S. Mother and Child P.P. 206 B.W.S. Mother and Child P.P. 211 B.W.S. Mother and Children P.P. 277 B.W.S. Nude Figure, Standing P.P. 130 B.W.S. Nude Male Figure Reclining P.P. 124 B.W.S. Nude Female Figure, Seated P.P. 133 B.W.S. Nude Male Figure, Seated P.P. 263 B.W.S. Nude Male Figure, Standing P.P. 129 B.W.S. Two Nude Male Figures, Standing P.P. 264 B.W.S. Medium Size Pencil 6% " x &Ä" Pencil 9% " x 7A ” Pencil &A" x 4 A " One, Sanguine One, Pencil Pencil on Blue Paper SA” x 6 A ” Pencil touched with White Pencil on Blue Paper SA” x SA” Pencil and Brown Wash Pencil 7" x SA” SA" x 4% " Pencil on Blue Paper 10A" x 6 A ” Pencil touched with White on Blue Paper Pencil 17% " x IVA" Pencil 7A " x 6A " Pencil touched with White Pencil 9A " x 6M" 9 A ” X 6M" Pencil io A " x m " Pencil 7" x 4A ” Pencil touched with White on Blue Paper Pencil on Blue Paper 14A " x 10A ” SA” x 6 A ” ISA” x 9" ISA" x 11A " 6% ” x 4 A ” Pencil and Ink 5A ” x 4% ” Pencil 6M"x3^" Pencil 6 A ” x 3A " Pencil 7A ” x S%" Pencil 9Vs" x 6 A ” Pencil 7A ” x SA" Pencil 9A " x 5%" Pencil 4% ” x 6A " Pencil on Blue Paper 7" x 4y2" Pencil SA" x 4 A ” Pencil 6A " x 4A ” Pencil 6 A " x SA” Artist Subject WEST, BENJAMIN DRAWINGS— P en, P encil and W ash—Continued Nude Man, Seated P.P. 298 B.W.S. Nude Man, Standing P.P. 201 B.W.S. Nude Woman Reclining P.P. 202 B.W.S. A Prophet P.P. 220 B.W.S. St. Paul Preaching P.P. 143 B.W.S. Seated Figure P.P. 126 B.W.S. Sketch for a Portrait P.P. 226 B.W.S. Sketches of Children P.P. 276 B.W.S. Study of Five Heads and Hands P.P. 222 B.W.S. Study of Hands P.P. 146 B.W.S. Suppliant Figures P.P. 1S9 B.W.S. Suppliant Figure of a Man P.P. 225 B.W.S. Three Figures Standing P.P. 212 B.W.S. Woman Carrying a Vase P.P. 189 Half Length, Arched B.W.S. Woman Holding Trumpet P.P. 196 B.W.S. Woman, Reclining P.P. 251 B.W.S. Seated Woman P.P. 191 B.W.S. Woman with a Dagger P.P. 305 B.W.S. Figure Composition for Painting P.P. 185 P.P. 217 B.W.S. P.P. 166 B.W.S. P.P. 173 B.W.S. P.P. 140 B.W.S. P.P. 167 B.W.S. P.P. 242 B.W.S. P.P.316 B.W.S. P.P. 145 B.W.S. P.P. 136 B.W.S. Medium Size Pencil 6)4" x 4 ' Pencil 10%" x 7)4" Pencil 7J4" x 5 ' Pencil and Brown Wash 10y2" x 7% ’ on Gray Paper Pencil and Brown \6M" x 9% " Pencil 9% " x 7)4" Pencil touched with White on Gray Paper Pencil and Wash 10H " x 9W Pencil touched with White on Gray Paper Pencil 12)4" X 10" Pencil and White on Gray Paper Pencil touched with White on Gray Paper Pencil touched with White on Gray Paper Pencil i4)4" * m " S°A" x 5W 14)4 " x 10" 1 0 ^ ' x 9% " 18" x 12' VA" x 6" Pencil 6 )i" x 4 )i" Pencil 9" x 7)4" Pencil and Wash 9)4"% 4% " Pencil SA" x 4 )4 ' Bistre touched with White Bistre-Wash lW s" x 8)4" Brown Wash 7)4" x S)4" Man and Woman (Circular) Portrait of a Man, Seated Brown Wash S)4" x 5 ' Brown Wash 7" x 5 ' Portrait Sketch of a Man, Three-quarters Length Study for a Picture of the Last Judgment Brown Wash 6)4" x SH" Brown Wash 11)4" x 10^g* Letter of Benjamin West Dated “ Newman Street, June the 9th, 1814” (Presented by Charles F. Jenkins) Printed, signed and addressed notice, March 6, 1790, of a meeting of the Royal Academy to elect a successor to Sir Joshua Reynolds. Figure Composition Watercolor 7" x S)4" Figure Composition, Man reading from book “Whigism” Four Heads 9" x 7)4“