College Bulletin, 1988-89 w m «lS&öS® ® FrlW tpV~1' ' 1^sSZr—^-i 11im T sujfi'im fyiofi& M s~ in 'C 3 n rt/n jg f l g g Swarthmore College Bulletin 1 9 8 8 -1 9 8 9 Volume L X X X V I Number 1 Catalogue Issue September 1988 Directions for Correspondence SWARTHMORE COLLEGE, SWARTHMORE, PA 19081 David W. Fraser GENERAL COLLEGE POLICY President ACADEMIC POLICY S W ADM ISSIONS AND CATALOGUES RECO RD S AND TRANSCRIPTS James W. England 9 * 77/ Provost Robert A. Barr, Jr. S / d ¿ , Dean o f Admissions > C 3 i m Jane H. Mullins / q / Registrar Loren Hart FINANCIAL INFORMATION Vice President Laura Talbot FINANCIAL AID AND FINANCING OPTIONS INFORMATION Director o f Financial Aid H. Thomas Francis CA REER PLANNING AND PLACEMENT Director ALUMNI, DEVELOPMENT, AND PUBLIC RELATIONS Kendall Landis Vice President EQUAL OPPORTUNITY INFORMATION Patricia A. Whitman Equal Opportunity Officer GENERAL INFORMATION Maralyn Orbison Gillespie Associate Vice President Swarthmore College is committed to the prin­ ciple o f equal opportunity for all qualified persons without discrimination against any person by reason o f sex, race, color, age, religion, national origin, handicap, or sexual preference. This policy is consistent with rele- vant governmental statutes and regulations, including those pursuant to Title IX o f the federal Education Amendments o f 1972 and Section 504 o f the Federal Rehabilitation Act o f 1973. The Swarthmore College Bulletin (ISSN 0888-2126), o f which this is Volume LXXXVI, number 1, is published in September, Novem­ ber, December, February, March, and August by Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA 19081. Second-class postage paid at Swarthmore, PA 19081 and additional mailing offices. Post­ master: Send address changes to Swarthmore College Bulletin, Swarthmore, PA 19081. Printed in U .S.A . Table of Contents CALENDAR 4 INTRODUCTION 8 EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES 10 II ADMISSION 18 EXPENSES 21 FINANCIAL AID 22 COLLEGE LIFE 35 STUDENT COMMUNITY 40 IV V VI EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM 46 FACULTY REGULATIONS 58 DEGREE REQUIREMENTS 61 AWARDS AND PRIZES 63 FELLOWSHIPS 67 COURSES OF INSTRUCTION 69 Art 70 Asian Studies 76 Astronomy 78 Biology 79 Black Studies 85 Chemistry 87 Classics 92 Computer Science 98 Economics 102 Education 109 Engineering 113 English Literature 121 History 136 International Relations 147 Linguistics 149 Literature 155 Mathematics 157 Medieval Studies 165 Modern Languages and Literatures 167 Music 181 Philosophy 189 Physical Education and Athletics 195 Physics and Astronomy 197 Political Science 207 Psychology 215 Public Policy 222 Religion 224 Sociology and Anthropology 229 Women’s Studies 238 THE CORPORATION and BOARD OF MANAGERS 243 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OFFICERS and ALUMNI COUNCIL 247 THE FACULTY 252 ADMINISTRATION 268 VISITING EXAMINERS 278 DEGREES CONFERRED 281 AWARDS AND DISTINCTIONS 286 ENROLLMENT STATISTICS 289 INDEX 290 PLAN OF COLLEGE GROUNDS 302 DIRECTIONS FOR REACHING THE COLLEGE 304 3 4 B 18 I S Tue Wed Thu 1 7 . '8 6 P i i ' MF 15 21 19 20 22 26 l i i 28 29 5 B j l l l I*;!! Sun Mon m im 16 » 2 ■ ■ 3 10 23 30 OCTOBER Tue S t ® Thu 4 in 11 * 47: P i i 23 25 24 31 30 196 2 5 6 12. ; 13' 20 19 26 27 Sat‘ Fri 7 14 21 28 I 1 8 15 22 , B I 6 tJ '2 * 3 :v l4 20 21 28 ' tu e Wed É ltii! 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"17: 23 24 31 30 JANUARY Sun Mon 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 Fri 5 12 19 26 JUNE DECEMBER Sun Moo JANUARY MAY JULY NOVEMBER Son Mon 1990 1989 1988 SEPTEMBER AUGUST Sun Mon ' 5 ' 12 19 26 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 4 *1 !$ <2 . 3 11 9 8 18 16 17 15 24 -25 23 3Ì 30 mm \*29i 6 13 14 20 I I I È 28 27 College Calendar 1988 Fall Semester August 31 September 2 August 3 1 -Septem ber 4 September 2 September 3 September 5 September 30 -O ctober 1 October 21 Dormitories open for new students Dormitories open for returning students Freshman placement days Meeting o f Honors students Registration Classes and Seminars begin Meeting o f the Board o f Managers October holiday begins, end o f last class or seminar October holiday ends, 8 :30 a.m. Thanksgiving vacation begins, end o f last class or seminar Thanksgiving vacation ends, 8:30 a.m. Meeting o f the Board o f Managers Optional reading period Classes end Enrollment for spring semester Seminars end Final examinations begin Final examinations end October 31 November 23 November 28 December 2 - 3 December 7 -13 December 13 December 14 December 16 December 16 December 23 1989 January 21 January 23 M arch 3 - 4 M arch 10 M arch 11 M arch 19 M arch 20 April 1 4 -16 May 1 -5 May 5 May 5 - 6 May 8 May 11 May 11 May 20 May 22 May 22-23 May 25-27 June 4 June 5 June 7 -9 June 9, 10, 11 Spring Semester Dormitories open, 6 :00 p.m. Classes and Seminars begin Meeting o f the Board o f Managers Spring vacation begins, 6 :0 0 p.m. Dormitories close, 9 :00 a.m. Dormitories open, 9 :00 a.m. Spring vacation ends, 8 :3 0 a.m. Parents Weekend Optional reading period Classes and Seminars end Meeting o f the Board o f Managers Enrollment for fall semester Written Honors examinations begin Course examinations begin Course examinations end Written Honors examinations end Senior comprehensive examinations Oral Honors examinations Baccalaureate Day Commencement Day Alumni College Alumni Weekend 5 College Calendar (Tentative) 1989 Fall Semester August 30 -Septem ber 3 September 1 September 2 September 4 September 22 - 23 O ctober 20 Freshman placement days Meeting o f Honors students Registration Classes and Seminars begin Meeting o f the Board o f Managers October holiday begins, end o f last class or seminar October holiday ends, 8 :30 a.m. Thanksgiving vacation begins, end o f last class or seminar Thanksgiving vacation ends, 8 :3 0 a.m. Meeting o f the Board o f Managers Optional reading period Classes end Enrollment for spring semester Seminars end Final examinations begin Final examinations end O ctober 30 November 22 November 27 December 1 - 2 December 6 -12 December 12 December 13 December 15 D ecember 15 December 23 1990 January 22 March 2 -3 M arch 9 M arch 19 A pril 30 -M ay 4 M ay 4 M ay 4 - 5 M ay 7 M ay 10 M ay 10 M ay 19 May 21 May 2 1 -2 2 May 2 4 -2 6 June 3 June 4 June 8, 9, 10 6 Spring Semester Classes and Seminars begin Meeting o f the Board o f Managers Spring vacation begins, end o f last class or seminar Spring vacation ends, 8 :3 0 a.m. Optional reading period Classes and Seminars end Meeting o f the Board o f Managers Enrollment for fall semester Written Honors examinations begin Course examinations begin Course examinations end Written Honors examinations end Senior comprehensive examinations Oral Honors examinations Baccalaureate Day Commencement Day Alumni Weekend I Introduction to Swarthmore College Educational Resources 7 Introduction to Swarthmore College Swarthmore College, founded in 1864 by members o f the Religious Society o f Friends as a coeducational institution, occupies a cam­ pus o f more than 3 0 0 acres o f rolling wooded land in and adjacent to the borough o f Swarth­ more in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. It is a small college by deliberate policy. Its present enrollment is about 1,300 men and women students. The borough o f Swarthmore is a residential suburb within half an hour’s com­ muting distance o f Philadelphia. College stu­ dents are able to enjoy both the advantages of a semi-rural setting and the opportunities offered by Philadelphia. The College’s location also makes possible cooperation with three nearby institutions, Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges and the University of Pennsylvania. I I I I I I OBJECTIVES AND PURPOSES Swarthmore students are expected to prepare themselves for full, balanced lives as individ­ uals and as responsible citizens through exact­ ing intellectual study supplemented by a varied program o f sports and other extra-curricular activities. institutions, each school, college, and university seeks to realize that purpose in its own way. Each must select those tasks it can do best. By such selection it contributes to the diversity and richness o f educational opportunity which is part o f the American heritage. The purpose o f Swarthmore College is to make its students more valuable human beings and more useful members o f society. W hile it shares this purpose with other educational Swarthmore seeks to help its students realize I their fullest intellectual and personal potential I combined with a deep sense o f ethical and I social concern. VARIETIES OF EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE Education is largely an individual matter, for no two students are exactly alike. The Course and External Examination (Honors) Programs are designed to give recognition to this fact. They provide alternative systems o f instruc­ tion for students during their last two years. Both seek to evoke the maximum effort and development from each student, the choice o f method being determined by individual pref­ erence and capacity. The Honors Program, in which Swarthmore pioneered, provides an enriching and exciting intellectual experience. It has as its main ingredients close association with faculty members, often in small seminars, concentrated work in various fields o f study, and maximum latitude for the development of individual responsibility. W ithin the Course Program, options for independent study and interdisciplinary work offer opportunities for exploration and development over a wide range o f individual goals. These opportunities typ­ ically include considerable flexibility of pro­ gram choices from semester to semester, so that academic planning may be responsive to the emerging needs o f students. THE RELIGIOUS TRADITION Swarthmore College was founded by members o f the Religious Society o f Friends. Although it has been nonsectarian in control since the beginning o f the present century, and although Friends now compose a minority o f the stu­ dent body, the faculty, and the administration, the College seeks to illuminate the lives o f its students with the spiritual principles o f that Society. Foremost among these principles is the individ­ ual’s responsibility for seeking and applying truth, and for testing whatever truth one believes one has found. As a way o f life, Quakerism emphasizes hard work, simple liv­ ing, and generous giving; personal integrity, social justice, and the peaceful settlement of disputes. The College does not seek to impose on its students this Quaker view o f life, or any I I I I I I other specific set o f convictions about the nature o f things and the duties o f human beings. It does, however, encourage ethical and religious concern about such matters, and continuing examination o f any view which may be held regarding them. TRADITION AND CHANGE A college draws strength from tradition, and energy from the necessity o f change. Its pur­ poses and policies must respond to new con­ ditions and new demands. By being open to change, Swarthmore tries to provide for its students, by means appropriate to the times, the standard o f excellence it has sought to maintain from its founding. 9 Educational Resources The primary educational resources o f any college are the quality o f its faculty and the spirit o f the institution. Financial as well as physical resources play an important supportive role, THE ENDOWMENT The educational resources at Swarthmore College have been provided by gifts and be­ quests from many alumni, foundations, cor­ porations, parents and friends. In addition to unrestricted gifts for the operating budget, these donors have contributed funds for buildings, equipment, collections o f art and literature, and permanently endowed profes­ sorships, scholarships, awards, book funds and lectureships. Their gifts to Swarthmore have not only provided the physical plant, but also have created an endowment fund o f approximately $ 2 5 1,000,000 at market value on December 31, 1987. Swarthmore ranks among the top ten in the country in endow­ ment per student. Income from the endow­ ment during the academic year 1987-88 con­ tributed approximately $ 7 ,7 5 0 to meet the total expense o f educating each student and accounted for almost 26% o f the College’s educational and general income. The College’s ability to continue to offer a high quality o f education depends on con­ tinuing voluntary support. Swarthmore seeks additional gifts and bequests for its current operations, its permanent endowment, and its capital development programs to maintain and strengthen its resources. The Vice Presi­ dent in charge o f development will be pleased to provide information about various forms o f gifts: bequests, outright gifts o f cash or securities, real estate or other property, and deferred gifts through charitable remainder trusts and life income contracts in which the donor reserves the right to the annual income during his or her lifetime. LIBRARIES The College Library is an active participant in the instructional and research program o f the College. It seeks to instruct students in the effective and efficient use o f the library, and to encourage them to develop the habit of self-education so that books and libraries may contribute to their intellectual development in future years. To this end the Library ac­ quires and organizes books, journals, audio­ visuals, and other library materials for the use o f students and faculty. W hile the Library’s collections are geared primarily towards under­ graduate instruction, the demands o f student and faculty research make necessary the pro­ vision o f source material in quantity not usually found in undergraduate libraries. Fur­ ther needs are met through interlibrary loan or other cooperative arrangements. The Thom­ as B. and Jeanette E. L. M cCabe Library, situ­ ated on the front campus, is the center o f the College Library system housing reading and seminar rooms, administrative offices, and 10 the major portion o f the College Library collections. Total College Library holdings amount to 650 .0 0 0 volumes with some 2 0 ,0 0 0 volumes added annually. About 2 ,7 0 0 periodical titles are received regularly. T he Cornell Library o f Science and Engineering (completed in 1982) houses some 59,0 0 0 volumes. The Daniel U nderhill Music Library contains around 15.000 books and scores, 13,000 recordings and listening equipment. A small collection of relevant material is located in the Black Cul­ tural Center. Special Library Collections The Library contains certain special collec­ tions: British A m ericana, accounts o f British travellers in the United States; the works of the English poets Wordsworth and Thomson bequeathed to the Library by Edwin H. Wells; the W. H. Auden C ollection commemorating the English poet who taught at Swarthmore in the mid-forties; the B athe C ollection o f the history o f technology donated by Greville Bathe; the Private Press C ollection representing the work o f over 6 0 0 presses. The A udiovisual Collection has over 600 recordings on disc, tape, and videotape. It includes contemporary writers reading from and discussing their works; full length versions o f Shakespearean plays (both videocassettes and discs) and other dramatic literature; the literature o f earlier periods read both in modern English and in the pronunciation o f the time; record­ ings o f literary programs held at Swarthmore, and videocassettes o f U .S. and foreign film classics. These materials are used as adjuncts to the study o f literature, art, and history and are housed in the McCabe Library. Their acquisition is partially funded with income from the W illiam Plummer Potter Public S peak­ ing Fund ( 1950) and the Betty Dougherty Spock ’¡2 M emorial Fund. Within the McCabe Library building are two special libraries which enrich the academic background o f the College: The Friends H istorical Library, founded in 1871 by Anson Lapham, is one o f the outstanding collections in the United States o f manu­ scripts, books, pamphlets, and pictures relat­ ing to the history o f the Society o f Friends. The library is a depository for records of Friends Meetings belonging to Baltimore, Phi­ ladelphia, and other Yearly Meetings. More than 3,200 record books, dating from the 1670’s until the present, have been deposited. Additional records are available on microfilm. The William Wade Hinshaw Index to Quaker Meeting Records lists material o f genealogical interest. Special collections include materials on various subjects o f Quaker concern such as abolition, Indian rights, utopian reform, and the history of women’s rights. Notable among the other holdings are the W hittier Collection (first editions and manuscripts o f John Greenleaf Whittier, the Quaker poet), the M ott manuscripts (over 5 0 0 autographed letters of Lucretia Mott, antislavery and women’s rights leader), and the Hicks manuscripts (more than 300 letters o f Elias Hicks, a prominent Quaker minister). The library’s collection o f books and pamphlets by and about Friends numbers more than 37,0 0 0 volumes. Over 2 0 0 Quaker periodicals are currendy re­ ceived. There is also an extensive collection o f photographs o f meetinghouses and pictures o f representative Friends, as well as a number o f oil paintings, including two versions of "T h e Peaceable Kingdom” by Edward Hicks. It is hoped that Friends and others will con­ sider the advantages o f giving to this library any books and family papers which may throw light on the history o f the Society o f Friends. T he Swarthmore C ollege Peace C ollection is of special interest to research students seeking the records o f the peace movement. The records o f the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom and the personal pa­ pers o f Jane Addams o f Hull-House, Chicago, formed the original nucleus o f the Collection (1930). Over the years other major collections have been added including the papers o f Devere Allen, Emily Greene Batch, Julien Cor­ nell, Homer Jack, Lucy Biddle Lewis, A. J. Muste, Lawrence Scott, John Nevin Sayre, William Sollmann, E. Raymond W ilson, and others, as well as the records o f the American Peace Society, A Quaker Action Group, Busi­ ness Executives Move, CCCO, Fellowship o f Reconciliation, Friends Committee on Na­ tional Legislation, The Great Peace March, Lake Mohonk Conferences on International Arbitration, National Interreligious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors, National Council for Prevention o f War, National Council to Repeal the Draft, SANE, War Resisters League, Women Strike for Peace, World Conference o f Religion for Peace, and many others. The Peace Collection serves as the official repository for the archives of many o f these organizations, incorporated here in 7,000 document boxes. The Collection also houses over 12,000 books and pamphlets and about 2 ,0 0 0 periodical titles. Three hun­ dred periodicals are currently received from 22 countries. The comprehensive Guide to the Swarthmore C ollege Peace C ollection, published in 1981, describes the archival holdings. 11 Educational Resources PHYSICAL FACILITIES Laboratories, well-equipped for undergradu­ ate instruction and in most cases for research, exist in astronomy, botany, chemistry, com­ puter science, engineering, physics, psycholo­ gy, and zoology. The Sproul Observatory, with its 24-inch visual refracting telescope, is the center o f much fundamental research in multiple star systems. A 24-inch reflecting telescope on Papazian Hall is used for solar and stellar spectroscopy. The Edward Martin Biological Laboratory provides facilities for work in zoology, botany, and premedical stud­ ies. The Pierre S. Du Pont Science Building provides accommodations for chemistry, mathematics, and physics. Hicks Hall contains the engineering laboratories, several o f which are equipped for computer-assisted and com­ puter-controlled laboratory experimentation. Papazian Hall provides facilities for work in psychology, and for the engineering shops. Pearson H all contains the Paul M. Pearson Experimental Theatre and studios for various arts and crafts. The Florence W ilcox Gallery for art exhibitions is located in Room 303 on the third floor o f Beardsley Hall. The Eugene M. and T heresa Lang Music Build­ ing, opened in 1973, contains an auditorium seating approximately 500, the Daniel Under­ hill Music Library, classrooms, practice and rehearsal rooms, and an exhibition area. It is the central facility for the program o f the Music Department and for musical activities at the College. T he Computing Center is located on the first floor o f Beardsley Hall. A VAX 8810 is avail­ able to students and faculty for instruction and research. Apple Macintosh computers are also widely used for word processing and other tasks. Software for use on Macintoshes can be obtained in the College Bookstore. Macintosh and terminal clusters are main­ tained in Beardsley, Du Pont, Martin, and Trotter Halls, and also McCabe and Cornell Libraries. Terminals or Macintoshes may also be found in virtually all academic depart­ ments. The Engineering Department has a cluster o f APOLLO graphics workstations. A Prime Information 9950 and a Prime 2250 are used for the College’s administrative data processing. In addition, through EDUNET, an international computer network, faculty and students have access to computing facilities at a number o f major research institutions such as Stanford and M IT for special projects and research. A connection to BITNET is expected to be in operation in the fall o f 1988. Sproul Observatory contains two computing laboratories. The Computer Science labora­ tory has a network o f six SUN workstations and numerous software development tools, including the UNIX operating system and languages such as C, Clu, Fortran 77, LISP, Pascal, and Prolog. The Computer Graphics Lab contains state-of-the-art hardware and software devoted to computer graphics. The Center for Social and Policy Studies in Trotter Hall serves as a laboratory for, the social sciences. The Center has a social science data archive available for empirical research on social and policy issues, and it provides statistical consulting for faculty and students. The Center also supports the concentration in Public Policy through its physical facilities, data archives and program o f events. T he Language Laboratory in Martin Hall was newly installed in 1982. It provides stations for 27 students and has equipment for both audio and video instruction. SPECIAL FUNDS AND LECTURESHIPS T he W illiam J. Cooper Foundation provides a varied program o f lectures and concerts which enriches the academic work o f the College. The Foundation was established by William J . Cooper, a devoted friend o f the College, 12 whose wife, Emma Mcllvain Cooper, served as a member o f the Board o f Managers from 1882 to 1923. Mr. Cooper bequeathed to the College the sum o f $100,000 and provided that the income should be used "in bringing to the college from time to time eminent citizens o f this and other countries who are leaders in statesmanship, education, the arts, sciences, learned professions and business, in order that the faculty, students and the college community may be broadened by a closer acquaintance with matters o f world interest.” Admission to all programs is without charge. The Cooper Foundation Committee works with the departments and with student organi­ zations in arranging single lectures and con­ certs, and also in bringing to the College speakers of note who remain in residence for a long enough period to enter into the life o f the community. Some o f these speakers have been invited with the understanding that their lectures should be published under the aus­ pices o f the Foundation. This arrangement has so far produced eighteen volumes. The Promise Fund, established anonymously by an alumnus on the occasion o f his gradu­ ation, is administered by the Cooper Founda­ tion Committee. Income fom the Promise Fund brings guest speakers and performers in music, film, and theatre who show promise of distinguished achievement. The W illiam I. Hull Fund was established in 1958 by Mrs. Hannah Clothier Hull, Class of 1891, in memory o f her late husband. Dr. Hull was Professor o f History and Inter­ national Law at Swarthmore College for 48 years. The Fund enables the College to bring a noted lecturer on peace to the campus each year in memory o f Dr. and Mrs. Hull who were peace activists. The Scott Arboretum. About three hundred twenty-five acres are contained in the College property, including a large tract o f woodland and the valley o f Crum Creek. Much o f this tract has been developed as a horticultural and botanical collection o f trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants through the provisions o f the Scott Arboretum, established in 1929 by Mrs. Arthur Hoyt Scott and Owen and Mar­ garet Moon as a memorial to Arthur Hoyt Scott of the Class o f 1895. The plant collec­ tions are designed both to afford examples o f the better kinds o f trees and shrubs which are hardy in the climate o f Eastern Pennsylvania and suitable for planting by the average gar­ dener, and to beautify the campus. All collec­ tions are labeled and recorded. There are exceptionally fine displays o f hollies, Japanese cherries, flowering crabapples, magnolias, and tree peonies, and a great variety o f lilacs, rho­ dodendrons, azaleas, and daffodils. Many in­ terested donors have contributed generously to the collections. The Arboretum conducts applied research on ornamental plants, and serves as a test site for three plant evaluation programs: the Styer Award o f Garden Merit through the Pennsyl­ vania Horticultural Society and the Plant In­ troduction scheme o f the University o f British Columbia Botanic Garden and the National Crabapple Evaluation Program. The Arboretum offers horticultural educa­ tional programs to the general public and an extracurricular course in horticulture to Swarthmore students. These workshops, lec­ tures, and classes are designed to cover many facets o f the science/art called gardening. Tours are conducted throughout the year for college people and interested public groups. Aiding the Arboretum’s staff, in all o f its efforts, are the "Associates o f the Scott Arbo­ retum.” This organization provides not only financial support but also assistance in carry­ ing out the myriad operations which make up the Arboretum’s total program, such as plant propagation, public lectures, and bus tours to other gardens. The Arboretum’s newsletter, Hybrid, serves to publicize their activities and provides up-to-date information on seasonal gardening topics. Maps o f the Arboretum’s plant collections and self-guided brochures are available at the Scott Offices (215) 3 288025, located in the Cunningham House. T he Barnard Fund was established in 1964 by two graduates o f the College, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd T. Barnard o f Rosemont, Pennsylvania. The fund has been augmented by the 50-year class gifts from the classes o f 1917 and 1919, and other friends. The income from the fund may be used for any activity that contributes to the advancement o f music at the College. It has been used, for example, for concerts on the campus, for the purchase o f vocal and orchestral scores and other musical literature, and to provide scholarships for students in the Department o f Music who show unusual promise as instrumentalists or vocalists. 13 Educational Resources T he Gene D. Overstreet M em orial Fund, given by friends in memory o f Gene D. Overstreet (1924-1965), a member o f the Political Sci­ ence Department, 1957-1964, provides in­ come to bring a visiting expert to the campus to discuss problems o f developing or modern­ izing nations and cultures. T he Benjamin West Lecture, made possible by gifts from members o f the class o f 1905 and other friends o f the College, is given annually on some phase o f art. It is the outgrowth o f the Benjamin West Society which built up a col­ lection o f paintings, drawings, and prints, which are exhibited, as space permits, in the college buildings. The lecture owes its name to the American artist, who was bom in a house which stands on the campus and who became president o f the Royal Academy. T he Swarthmore C hapter o f Sigma X i lecture series brings eminent scientists to the campus 14 under its auspices throughout the year. Local members present colloquia on their own re­ search. T he L ee Frank M em orial Art Fund, endowed by the family and friends o f Lee Frank, Class of 1921, sponsors each year a special event in the Art Department: a visiting lecturer or artist, a scholar or artist in residence, or a special exhibit. The M arjorie H eilm an Visiting Artist Fund was established by M. Grant Heilman, Class of 1941, in memory o f Marjorie Heilman to stimulate interest in art, particularly the prac­ tice o f art, on campus. T he Suzanne B elkin M em orial Reading, estab­ lished by her family in memory o f Suzanne Belkin, Class o f 1978, makes possible an annual appearance on campus o f a distin­ guished writer. Endowed Professorships The Edmund A llen Professorship o f Chemistry was established in 1938 by a trust set up by his daughter Laura Allen, friend o f the college and niece o f Manager Rachel Hillborn. The Albert L. and Edna Poumall Buffington Professorship was established by a bequest from Albert Buffington, Class o f 1896, in 1964, in honor o f his wife, Edna Pownall Buffington, Class o f 1898. Centennial Chairs. Three professorships, un­ restricted as to field, were created in 1964 in honor o f Swarthmore’s Centennial from funds raised during the Centennial Fund Cam­ paign. The Isaac H. Clothier Professorship o f History and International Relations was created in 1888 by Isaac H. Clothier, member o f the Board of Managers. Originally in the field o f Civil and Mechanical Engineering, he later approved its being a chair in Latin, and in 1912 he approved its present designation. The Isaac H. C lothier, Jr., Professorship o f Bi­ ology was established by Isaac H. Clothier, Jr. as a tribute of gratitude and esteem for Dr. Spencer Trotter, Professor o f Biology, 18881926. The Morris L. Clothier Professorship o f Physics was established by Morris L. Clothier, Class of 1890, in 1905. The Julien and V irginia Cornell Visiting Profes­ sorship was endowed by Julien Cornell ’30, member, and Virginia Stratton Cornell ’30, former member o f the Board o f Managers, to bring professors and lecturers from other nations and cultures for a semester or a year. Since 1962, from every corner o f the world, Cornell professors and their families have resided on the campus so that they might deepen the perspective o f both students and faculty. The A lexander Griswold Cummins Professorship o f English Literature was established in 1911 in honor o f Alexander Griswold Cummins, Class o f 1889, by Morris L. Clothier, Class o f 1890. The Howard N. and A da J. Eavenson Professor­ ship in Engineering was established in 1959 by a trust bequest o f Mrs. Eavenson, whose husband graduated in 1895. The H oward M. and Charles F. Jenkins Profes­ sorship o f Q uaker History and Research was endowed in 1924 by Charles F. Jenkins, Hon. ’2 6 and member o f the Board o f Managers, on behalf o f the family o f Howard M. Jenkins, member o f the Board o f Managers, to increase the usefulness o f the Friends Historical Li­ brary and to stimulate interest in American and Colonial history with special reference to Pennsylvania. The fund was added to over the years through the efforts o f the Jenkins family, and by a 1976 bequest from C. Marshall Taylor ’04. T he W illiam R. Kenan, Jr. Professorship was established in 1973 by a grant from the W il­ liam R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust to "sup­ port and encourage a scholar-teacher whose enthusiasm for learning, commitment to teach­ ing and sincere personal interest in students will enhance the learning process and make an effective contribution to the undergraduate community.” T he Eugene M. Lang Research Professorship, established in 1981 by Eugene M. Lang ’38, member o f the Board o f Managers, normally rotates every four years among members o f the Swarthmore faculty and includes one year devoted entirely to research, study, enrich­ ment or writing. It carries an annual discre­ tionary grant for research expenses, books and materials. T he Eugene M. Lang Visiting Professorship, endowed in 1981 by Eugene M. Lang ’38, brings to Swarthmore College for a period o f one semester to three years an outstanding social scientist or other suitably qualified person who has achieved prominence and special recognition in the area o f significant change. The Susan W. Lippincott Professorship o f French was endowed in 1911 through a bequest from Susan W. Lippincott, member o f the Board of Managers, a contribution from her niece Caroline Lippincott, Class o f 1881, and gifts by other family members. The Edward H icks M agill Professorship o f M athe­ m atics and Astronomy was created in 1888 largely by contributions o f interested friends o f Edward H. Magill, President o f the College 1872-1889, and a bequest from John M. George. 15 Endowed Professorships The Charles and H arriet Cox M cDowell Profes­ sorship o f Philosophy and Religion was estab­ lished in 1952 by Harriet Cox McDowell, Class o f 1887 and member o f the Board o f Managers, in her name and that o f her hus­ band, Dr. Charles McDowell, Class o f 1877. The R ichter Professorship o f Political Science was established in 1962 by a bequest from Max Richter at the suggestion o f his friend and attorney, Charles Segal, father o f Robert L. Segal ’4 6 and Andrew Segal ’50. T he Scheuer Family C hair o f Humanities was created in 1987 through the gifts o f James H. Scheuer ’46, Walter and Marge Pearlman Scheuer ’48, and their children, Laura Lee ’73, Elizabeth Helen ’75, Jeffrey ’75, and Susan ’78 and joined by a challenge grant from The National Endowment for the Hu­ manities. The Henry C. an d ]. A rcher Turner Professorship 16 o f Engineering was established with their con­ tributions and gifts from members o f the Turner family in 1946 in recognition o f the devoted service and wise counsel o f Henry C. Turner, Class o f 1893 and member o f the Board o f Managers, and his brother J. Archer Turner, Class o f 1905 and member o f the Board o f Managers. The D aniel U nderhill Professorship o f Music was established in 1976 by a bequest from Bertha Underhill to honor her husband, Class o f 1894 and member o f the Board o f Manag­ ers. The Joseph W harton Professorship o f Political Economy was endowed by a trust given to the College in 1888 by Joseph Wharton, President o f the Board o f Managers. The Isaiah V. W illiam son Professorship o f Civil and M echanical Engineering was endowed in 1888 by a gift from Isaiah V. Williamson. Admission Inquiries concerning admission and applica­ tions should be addressed to the Dean o f Admissions, Swarthmore College, Swarth­ more, Pennsylvania 19081. V GENERAL STATEMENT In the selection o f students, the College seeks those qualities o f character, social responsi­ bility, and intellectual capacity which it is primarily concerned to develop. It seeks them, not in isolation, but as essential elements in the whole personality o f candidates for ad­ mission. Selection is important and difficult. No simple formula will be effective. The task is to choose those who give promise o f distinction in the quality o f their personal lives, in service to the community, or in leadership in their chosen fields. Swarthmore College must choose its students on the basis o f their individual future worth to society and o f their collective realiz­ ation o f the purpose o f the College. It is the policy o f the College to have the student body represent not only different parts o f the United States but many foreign countries, both public and private secondary schools, and various economic, social, reli­ gious, and racial groups. The College is also concerned to include in each class sons and daughters o f alumni and o f members o f the Society o f Friends. Admission to the freshman class is normally based upon the satisfactory completion o f a four-year secondary school program. Under some circumstances, students who have virtu- I ally completed the normal four-year program in three years will be considered for admis­ sion, provided they meet the competition of other candidates in general maturity as well as readiness for a rigorous academic program. All applicants are selected on the following evidence: 1. Record in secondary school. T IA I se I ^ I I 1. Accurate and effective use o f the English language in reading, writing, and speaking. 2. Comprehension and application o f the principles o f mathematics. 3. The strongest possible command o f one or two foreign languages. The College en­ 18 ce ac 2. Recommendations from the school prin­ I cipal, headmaster, or guidance counselor, and from two teachers. ■ 3. Scores in the Scholastic Aptitude Test and I in three Achievement Tests o f the College I Entrance Examination Board. I 4. A brief essay (subject specified). d< T a ft ÎÉ ec ID II D cs 5. Reading and experience, both in school I cc and out. Applicants must have satisfactory standing in I di school, in aptitude and achievement tests, and I aI strong intellectual interests. Other factors of ■ St di interest to the College include strength of e\ character, promise o f growth, initiative, seri­ ousness o f purpose, distinction in personal and extra-curricular interests, and a sense of social responsibility. The College values the diversity which varied interests and back­ grounds can bring to the community. PREPARATION Swarthmore does not require a set plan of secondary school courses as preparation for its program. The election o f specific subjects is left to the student and school advisers. In general, however, preparation should in­ clude: D di at e: courages students to study at least one language for four years, if possible. 4. Substantial course work in (a) history and social studies, (b) literature, art, and music, (c) the sciences. Variations o f choice and emphasis are acceptable although some work in each o f the three groups is recom­ mended. Those planning to major in engineering should present work in chemistry, physics, and four years o f mathematics including algebra, ge­ ometry, and trigonometry. Cl Fi I N W Cl Fi Ni APPLICATIONS AND EXAMINATIONS Application to the College may be submitted through one o f three plans: Regular Admis­ sion, Fall Early Decision, or W inter Early Decision. Applicants follow the same proce­ dures, submit the same supporting materials, and are evaluated by the same criteria under each plan. Regular Admission The Regular Admission plan is designed for those candidates who wish to keep open several different options for their undergradu­ ate education throughout the admissions pro­ cess. Applications under this plan will be accepted at any time up to the February 1 deadline. Any Early Decision candidate not accepted through either the Fall or W inter will be reconsidered without prejudice among the Regular Admission candidates. The two Early D ecision plans are designed for candidates who have thoroughly and thought­ fully investigated Swarthmore and other col­ leges and found Swarthmore to be an un­ equivocal first choice. The W inter Early Decision plan differs from the Fall Early Decision plan only in recognizing that some candidates may arrive at a final choice o f college later than others. Early Decision can­ didates under either plan may file regular applications at other colleges with the under­ standing that these applications will be with­ drawn upon admission to Swarthmore; how­ ever, one benefit o f the Early Decision plans is the reduction o f cost, effort, and anxiety inherent in multiple application procedures. Application under any o f the three plans must be accompanied by a non-refundable applica­ tion fee o f $35. Timetables for the three plans are: Fall Early Decision Closing date for applications Final date for all supporting materials Notification o f candidate November 15 November 30 on or before December 15 Winter Early Decision Closing date for applications Final date for all supporting materials Notification o f candidate January 1 January 15 on or before February 1 Closing date for applications Final date for all supporting materials Notification o f candidate Candidates reply date February 1 February 15 on or before April 15 May 1 All applicants for first-year admission must take the Scholastic Aptitude Test and three Achievement Tests given by the College En­ trance Examination Board. English Composi­ tion is required, and the other two Achieve­ ment Tests should be selected from two different fields. Applicants for Engineering must take one Achievement Test in Mathe­ matics. Application to take these tests should be made directly to the College Entrance Exami­ nation Board, Box 592, Princeton, New Jersey 08540. A bulletin o f information may be obtained without charge from the Board. Stu­ dents who wish to be examined in any o f the following western states, provinces, and Pa­ cific areas—Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, Alberta, British Columbia, Mani­ toba, Saskatchewan, Mexico, Australia, and all Pacific Islands including Formosa and Japan — should address their inquiries and send their applications to the College Entrance Examination Board, Box 1025, Berkeley, Cali­ fornia 94701. Application should be made to the Board at least a month before the date on which the test will be taken. No additional tests are required o f candidates for scholarships. All applicants who would like to be considered for any o f our scholar­ ships should complete their applications at the earliest possible date. Information con­ cerning financial aid will be found on pages 2 2 -3 3 . 19 Admission THE INTERVIEW An admissions interview with a representative o f the College is a recommended part o f the application process. Applicants should take the initiative in arranging for this interview. Those who can reach Swarthmore with no more than a half day’s trip are urged to make an appointment to visit the College for this purpose.* Other applicants should request a meeting with an alumni representative in their own area. Interviews with alumni representsfives take longer to arrange than interviews on campus. Applicants must make alumni interview arrangements well in advance o f the final dates for receipt o f supporting materials. 1 1 1 1 Arrangements for on-campus or alumni inter­ views can be made by writing the Office of 1 Admissions or calling 215-328-8300. ADVANCED PLACEMENT Freshmen may apply for advanced standing or placement in particular courses if they have taken college level courses and the Advanced Placement Tests o f the College Entrance Ex­ amination Board. Decisions are made by the departments concerned. Every effort is made to place students in the most advanced courses for which they are qualified. Those freshmen who wish to have courses taken at another college considered for either advanced placement or credit must provide an official transcript from the institution at- 1 tended as well as written work (papers, exami- 1 nations), syllabi, and reading lists in order 1 that the course work may be evaluated by the I department concerned. Such requests for 1 credit must be made within the freshman year 1 at Swarthmore. Departments may set addi- 1 tional requirements. For instance, students I may be required to take a placement examina- I tion at Swarthmore to validate their previous I work. APPLICATIONS FOR TRANSFER The College welcomes well-qualified transfer students. Applicants for transfer must have had a good academic record in the institution attended and must present full credentials for both college and preparatory work, including a statement o f honorable dismissal. They must take the Scholastic Aptitude Test given by the College Entrance Examination Board if this test has not been taken previously. Four semesters o f study at Swarthmore College constitute the minimum requirement for a degree, two o f which must be those of the senior year. Applications for transfer must be filed by April 15 o f the year in which entrance is desired. Decisions on these applications are announced by June 1. Application for transfer at mid-year must be received by November 15. Financial assistance is available for transfer students. 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 See page 3 8 for information on withdrawal and readmission for health reasons. * Directions for reaching the College can be found inside the back cover o f this catalogue. 20 1 1 Expenses STUDENT CHARGES Total charges for the 1988-89 academic year (two semesters) are as follows: Tuition Room Board Student Activities Fee $13,080 2,350 2,350 150 $17,930 These are the only charges billed by the College. Students and their parents, however, should plan for expenditures associated with books, travel, and other personal items. Students engaged in independent projects away from the College for which regular academic credit is anticipated are expected to register in advance in the usual way and pay normal tuition. If the student is away from the College for a full semester, no charge for room and board will be made; but, if a student is away only for a part o f a semester the above charges may be made on a pro rata basis. The regular College tuition covers the normal program o f four courses per term as well as variations o f as many as five courses or as few as three courses. Students who elect to carry more than five courses incur a unit charge for the additional course ($1,650) or half course ($ 8 2 5 ), although they may within the regular tuition vary their programs to average as many as five courses in the two semesters of any academic year. College policy does not permit programs o f fewer than three courses for degree candidates in their first eight se­ mesters o f enrollment. PAYMENT POLICY A deposit o f $100, due before enrollment for each semester, is required o f all new and continuing students. This is credited against the College bill. Semester bills are mailed on July 15 and December 15. Payment for the first semester is due by August 8 and for the second semester by January 9. A one percent late fee will be assessed on payments received after the due date. Many parents have indicated a preference to pay college charges on a monthly basis rather than in two installments. For this reason, Swarthmore offers the AMS Budget Plan, which provides for payment in installments without interest charges. Information on the AMS Budget Plan is mailed to all parents in April. WITHDRAWAL POLICY Total charges will be reduced for students who, for reasons approved by the Dean, with­ draw on or after the first day o f classes. Tuition, fees, and room charges will be re­ duced as follows: Prior to the 2nd week o f classes Prior to the 3rd week o f classes Prior to the 4th week o f classes 80% 60% 40% Prior to the 5th week o f classes None thereafter. 20% Board charges will be reduced by $50 for each week the student is absent from the dining room. No refund o f the $100 deposit is made in the event o f withdrawal. INQUIRIES All correspondence regarding payment of student charges should be addressed to: Margaret A. Thompson, Bursar. 215/ 328-8394 21 Financial Aid The College strives to make it possible for all students who are admitted to attend Swarthmore, regardless o f their financial circum­ stances, and to enable them to complete their education when financial reversals take place. Forty-nine percent o f the total student body currently receives aid from the College. Most financial aid awarded by the College is based upon demonstrated financial need and is usu­ ally a combination o f scholarship, loan, and student employment. The College is commit­ ted to meeting all demonstrated financial need. A prospective student must apply for College as well as outside assistance at the time o f application for admission: admission and fi­ nancial aid decisions are, however, made sep­ arately. Instructions for obtaining and filing an application are included in the admissions application. Financial assistance will be of­ fered if family resources are not sufficient to meet College costs. The amount a family is expected to contribute is determined by weigh­ ing the family’s income and assets against such demands as taxes, living expenses, medical expenses, and siblings’ tuition expenses. It also includes the expectation o f $ 9 0 0 - $1,100 from the student’s summer earnings as well as a portion o f his or her personal savings and assets. For 1988-89 the College bill, which includes tuition, room and board, a comprehensive fee and the health insurance fee, will be $17,930. This comprehensive fee covers not only the usual student services — health, library, labo­ ratory fees, for example — but admission to all social, cultural, and athletic events on campus. The total budget figure against which aid is computed is $19,200. This allows $1,270 for books and personal expenses. A travel allowance is added to the budget for I those who live beyond 100 miles from the | College. In keeping with the policy o f basing financial aid upon need, the College reviews each student’s award annually. Mid-year each student who has aid must submit a new financial aid application for the next academic year. A student’s aid is not withdrawn unless need is no longer demonstrated. Assistance is available only for the duration o f a normal-length undergraduate program (8 semesters) and while a student makes satisfactory academic progress. These limitations are applied in our consideration o f a sibling’s educational expenses also. Students who choose to live off campus may not receive College assistance in excess o f their College bill, although the cost o f living o ff campus will be recognized in the calculation o f a student’s financial need and outside sources o f aid may be used to help meet off-campus living costs. Students who have not previously received ■ financial aid may apply if special circumstan- 1 ces have arisen. A student who marries may ■ continue to apply for aid, but a contribution I from the parents is expected equal to the I contribution made were the student single. I Eligibility for federal aid funds is now limited I to those who are able to complete and submit I to us the Statement o f Registration Com- I pliance. The College has recently reaffirmed I its need-blind admission policy and the related I practice o f meeting the demonstrated financial I need o f all admitted or enrolled students by action o f our Board. Additional funds have been made available for those who are unable to accept need-based federal aid because they have not registered with the Selective Service. SCHOLARSHIPS For the academic year 1988-89 the College awarded almost $ 5 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 in grants. About one half o f that sum was provided through the generosity o f alumni and friends by special gifts and the endowed scholarships listed on pp. 2 4 -3 3 . The Federal government also makes Pell Grants and Supplemental Educa­ tional Opportunity Grants available. It is not necessary to apply for a specific College schol­ 22 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ■ I I I arship; the College decides who is to receive endowed scholarships and others are helped from general scholarship funds. Although some endowed scholarships are restricted by locality, sex, religion or physical vigor, the College’s system o f awarding aid makes it possible to meet need without regard to these restrictions. Financial need is a requirement fts a ll scholarships unless otherwise indicated. LOAN FUNDS Long-term, low-interest loan funds with gen­ erous repayment terms combine with Swarthmore’s program o f grants to enable the College to meet the needs o f each student. Although most offers o f support from the College in­ clude elements o f self-help (work and bor­ rowing opportunities), the College strives to keep a student’s debt at a manageable level. Aided students will be expected to meet a portion o f their demonstrated need (from $800 to about $ 2 ,2 5 0 ) through the Perkins Loan (formerly NDSL), the Swarthmore Col­ lege Loan (SCL), or the Guaranteed Student Loan (GSL) Programs (the College will deter­ mine which source is appropriate for the student). Each o f these programs allows the borrower to delay repayment until after leav­ ing school, and each allows deferment o f the debt if the borrower goes on to graduate school. Up to 10 years may be taken to repay Perkins, SCL, or GSL Loans. No separate application is needed for the Perkins or SCL loans since the College administers these funds. GSL applications must be initiated by the student with the lender, the student’s local bank. Interest on these loans does not accrue for an enrolled student although interest does accrue on the unpaid balance once the student is no longer in school. Students whose families do not receive Col­ lege support may wish to borrow to help meet College expenses. The PLUS, PHEAA HELP, and SHARE loan programs are available for this purpose. Eligible parents may borrow up to $4,0 0 0 per year through the PLUS Loan Program. Al­ though a 10-year repayment schedule is pos­ sible for the PLUS Loan, repayment must begin soon after the lender (the student’s local bank) disburses the funds. The PLUS Loan currently carries a 10.27% interest rate. The HELP Loan through Pennsylvania offers up to $ 10,000 per child each year to credit­ worthy parents from any state. The variable interest rate is currently 9.5% , and parents may take 10 years to repay. The SHARE Loan is offered by Swarthmore College through the Consortium on Financing Higher Education, the Educational Research Institute, and Nellie Mae—the New England Student Loan Marketing Association. The SHARE Loan program offers up to $20,000 per child each year to credit-worthy parents. The variable-rate interest loan (10.5% as of 4/ 88) may be repaid over a period o f 20 years, and borrowers may choose variable or equal monthly payments. For example, those who borrow $15,000 should expect to repay about $160 each month and those who bor­ row $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 should expect to repay about $660 each month over a 15-year period. Students who would like more information about these loan programs should read our Financial Aid Brochure. The College also maintains special loan funds which are listed below: The C lass o f ig i6 Loan Fund T he C lass o f ig a o Loan Fund T he C lass o f 1936 Loan Fund T he Class o f 1937 Loan Fund The Jay and Sandra Levine Loan Fund T he John A. M iller Loan Fund T he Paul M. Pearson Loan Fund T he Thatcher Family Loan Fund The Ellis D. W illiam s Fund The Swarthmore C ollege Student Loan Fund T he Joseph W. Conard M em orial Fund, estab­ lished by friends o f the late Professor Conard, provides short-term loans without interest to meet student emergencies. Income earned by T he A lphonse N. Bertrand Fund is also available for this purpose. STUDENT EMPLOYMENT Student employment on the Swarthmore cam­ pus is handled by the Student Employment Office, which is under student direction. Jobs are available in such areas as the dining hall, library, departmental offices, and the post office, and placements can be arranged when students arrive in the fall. On-campus rates of pay run from $ 4 .0 0 to $4.5 0 per hour. Stu- 23 Financial Aid dents receiving financial aid are usually o f­ fered the opportunity to earn up to $900 during the year and are given hiring priority, but there are usually jobs available for others who wish employment. The Student Employment Office publicizes local off-campus and temporary employment opportunities. Students are generally able to carry a moderate working schedule without detriment to their academic performance. For students who qualify under the federal College Work-Study Program (most aided students), off-campus placements in public or private, non-profit agencies in the local or Philadelphia area can be arranged through the Financial Aid Office during the academic year or nation-wide during the summer. Among suitable agencies are hospitals, schools, muse­ ums, social service agencies and local, state or federal government agencies. Swarthmore College National Scholarships On occasion Swarthmore College awards four-year National Scholarships to the out­ standing men and women entering the fresh­ man class. The awards are made to those candidates who, in the opinion o f the Committee on Admission, rank highest in scholarship, leadership, char' acter, and personality. The amount of the annual award varies from $3,000, the minimum stipend, or enough to cover all expenses, depending on the financial need o f the winner. 1 1 1 1 1 i (Financial need is a requirement for a ll scholarships unless otherwise indicated. N o separate application is needed.) T he A etna L ife and Casualty Foundation Schol­ arship provides assistance to minority students with financial need. The L isa P. A lbert Scholarship is awarded to a young man or woman on the basis o f scholar­ ship and need with preference given to those with a demonstrated interest in the humani­ ties. The Vivian B. A llen Foundation provides schol­ arship aid to enable foreign students to attend Swarthmore College, as part o f the Founda­ tion’s interest in the international exchange o f students. The Jonathan Leigh Altman Scholarship, given in memory o f this member o f the Class of 1974 by Shing-mei P. Altman ’76, is awarded, on the recommendation o f the Department o f Art, to a junior who has a strong interest in the studio arts. It is held during the senior year. The Evenor Armington Scholarship is given each 24 year to a worthy student with financial need 1 in recognition o f the long-standing and affec- 1 donate connection between the Armington 1 family and Swarthmore College. The Frank and Marie Aydelotte Scholarship is awarded to a new student who shows promise o f distinguished intellectual attainment based upon sound character and effective personali­ ty. The award is made in honor of Frank Aydelotte, President o f the College from 1921-1940, and originator o f the Honors program at Swarthmore, and o f Marie Osgood Aydelotte, his wife. T he W. Herman Barcus Scholarship Fund was established in 1982 in memory o f W. Herman Barcus, Class o f 1927. It is awarded to a meritorious student who has financial need. T he Philip H. Barley M em orial. Scholarship, established in memory o f Philip H. Barley, *66, by his family and friends and the Class of 1966, which he served as president, provides financial assistance for a junior or senior who has demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities at Swarthmore. The Boyd and Ruth Barnard Fund Grants are awarded by the Department o f Music to stu­ dents at the College who show unusual prom­ ise as instrumentalists or vocalists and who need help to pay for private instruction. The Franklin E. Barr, Jr. ’48 Scholarship is awarded to a freshman student who has broad academic and extracurricular interests and who shows promise o f developing these abili­ ties for the betterment o f society. This schol­ arship is based on need and is renewable for three years. The Belville Scholarship has been endowed in memory o f Robert Chambers Belville and Margaret Klein Belville. It is awarded annually to an incoming student o f particular promise and is renewable for his or her years at Swarthmore. The Brand and Frances Blanshard Scholarship is given in their memory to a deserving student with high academic promise. The Curtis B ok Scholarship was established in the College’s Centennial Year 1964 in honor of the late Philadelphia attorney, author and jurist, who was a Quaker and honorary alum­ nus o f Swarthmore. The scholarship is as­ signed annually to a junior or senior whose qualities o f mind and character indicate a potential for humanitarian service such as Curtis Bok himself rendered and would have wished to develop in young people. Students in any field o f study, and from any part o f this country or from abroad, are eligible. The scholarship is renewable until graduation. The Edward S. Bower M em orial Scholarship, established by Mr. and Mrs. Ward T. Bower in memory o f their son, Class o f ’42, is awarded annually to a man or woman student who ranks high in scholarship, character, and personality. The D aniel W alter Brenner M em orial Scholar­ ship, established by family and friends in memory o f Daniel W. Brenner, Class o f 1974, is awarded to a senior majoring in biology who is distinguished for scholarship and an interest in plant ecology, or wildlife preserva­ tion, or animal behavior research. The recipi­ ent is chosen with the approval o f biology and Classics faculty. The John S. Brod ’34 Scholarship is awarded to a deserving student on the basis o f merit and financial need. The Chi Omega Scholarship provides an award annually to a member o f the freshman class. Preference is given to daughters or sons of members o f the fraternity. The Eleanor Stabler C larke Scholarship, estab­ lished in her honor by Cornelia Clarke Schmidt ’4 6 and W. Marshall Schmidt ’47, is awarded to a worthy freshman student with need. Preference is to be accorded to members o f the Society o f Friends. The scholarship is renewable through four years. T he C lass o f 1963 Scholarship is awarded on the basis o f merit and need and is renewable through the senior year. The scholarship was created in honor o f the class’s 25th reunion. T he Susan P. Cobbs Scholarship, established in 1977 through a bequest by Susan P. Cobbs, Dean Emerita o f Swarthmore, is awarded to a junior or senior student majoring in some branch o f the Classics. The recipient is desig­ nated by the Classics Department. The Charles A. Collins Scholarship Fund is awarded every year to a deserving student who is in need o f financial assistance, in accordance with the donor’s will. T he N. Harvey Collisson Scholarship established by his family and the Olin Mathieson Chari­ table Trust in memory of N. Harvey Collisson o f the Class o f 1922 is awarded to a freshman man or woman. Selection will place emphasis on character, personality, and ability. T he Stephanie Cooley ’70 Scholarship, estab­ lished in loving memory by her parents, is awarded on the basis o f financial need to a worthy student from Kifissia, Greece. The D avid S. Cowden Scholarship was estab­ lished by Professor David S. Cowden, Class o f 1942, who taught English Literature at Swarth­ more from 1949 until his death in May 1983. It is awarded on the basis o f financial need. T he Ellsworth F. Curtin M em orial Scholarship was established by Margaretta Cope Curtin, Class o f 1918, in memory o f her husband, 25 Financial Aid Class o f 1916, to benefit an engineering stu­ dent with financial need. The M arion L. Dannenberg Scholarship is awarded to a freshman student with financial need who ranks high in personality, character, and scholarship. This endowment is in mem­ ory o f Mrs. Dannenberg who was mother and grandmother o f six students who attended Swarthmore. The Edith Thatcher ’50 and C. Russell ’47 de Burlo Scholarship is awarded to students in­ tending to major either in engineering or in the humanities. It is awarded on the basis o f need and merit and is renewable annually. It is the gift o f Edith and Russell de Burlo. T he Francis W. D’O lier Scholarship, in memory o f Francis W. D ’Olier o f the Class o f 1907, is awarded to a freshman. Selection will place emphasis on character, personality, and abili­ tyThe Robert K . Enders Scholarship is to be awarded annually to a senior student who has shown excellence in pursuit o f a major in a biological topic, and especially one who shares Dr. Enders’ concern for the value o f field work. T he Philip Evans Scholarship is established in fond memory o f a member o f the Class o f 1948 by his friend Jerome Kohlberg ’4 6 and seeks to expand the diversity o f the Swarth­ more community by bringing to this campus outstanding students with need, whether from near or far. The scholarship is awarded to members o f the freshman class and is renew­ able annually, and provides a summer oppor­ tunity grant which is awarded on the recom­ mendation o f the Dean. T he Elizabeth Pollard Fetter String Q uartet Schol­ arships, endowed by Frank W. Fetter ’20, Robert Fetter ’53, Thomas Fetter ’56, and Ellen Fetter Gille in memory o f Elizabeth P. Fetter ’25, subsidize the private instrumental lessons o f four top-notch student string play­ ers at the College. Interested applicants should write to the Chairman o f the Department o f Music and should plan to play an audition at the College when coming for an interview. The Eleanor Flexner Scholarship is awarded on the basis o f merit and need to a student in the humanities. It is the gift o f Eleanor Flexner o f the Class o f 1930, author o f Century o f Struggle and Mary W ollstonecraft: A Biography. The scholarship is renewable through the senior year. T he Polly and Gerard Fountain Scholarship has been established in their honor by Rosalind Chang Whitehead ’5 8 in appreciation o f their kindness and support during her college years. It is awarded to a freshman with need and merit, and is renewable through the senior year. T he Theodore and Elizabeth Friend Scholarship is established as an expression o f respect and appreciation by Board members and others who have been associated with them in the service o f Swarthmore College. The scholar­ ship will be awarded each year on the basis of need to a worthy student. Friends o f M usic and D ance Summer Scholarships provide stipends for attendance at summer workshops in music and dance. Recipients are selected by the Department o f Music and Dance on the basis o f written proposals. T he Edwin B. Garrigues Foundation Scholarships subsidize the entire cost o f private instrumen­ tal or vocal lessons with the teacher o f their choice for a limited number o f especially gifted or advanced students. These scholar­ ships, which are awarded yearly to approxi­ mately 10 students, are determined through competition as well as through interviews and auditions. The Joyce Mertz Gilmore Scholarship is awarded to an entering freshman, and may be renewed for each o f the following three undergraduate years. The recipient is chosen on the basis of mental vigor, concern for human welfare, and the potential to contribute to the College and the Community outside. The award was es­ tablished in 1976 by Harold Mertz ’26 in memory o f Joyce Mertz Gilmore, who was a member o f the class o f 1951. T he B arbara Entenberg Gim bel Scholarship Fund was endowed in memory o f Barbara Entenberg Gimbel ’3 9 by her husband, Dr. Nicholas S. Gimbel. The scholarship is awarded on the basis o f need to a worthy student, with pref­ erence to a black candidate. T he Mary Lippincott Griscom Scholarship is given to a woman student with financial need, who ranks high in character, personality, and scholarship. Preference is given to a member of the Society o f Friends. The Stella and C harles Gunman Foundation Scholarships were established in 1964 by a grant from the Foundation to provide scholar­ ships to defray all or part o f the cost o f tuition and fees for students who require financial assistance. Preference is given to students o f recognized ability who have completed two academic years o f college and who are con­ templating graduate or professional study. The scholarships are renewable for a second year. The Mason H aire Scholarship is given by his wife, Vivian, in honor o f this member o f the Class o f 1937, a distinguished psychologist and sometime member o f the Swarthmore College faculty. The scholarship is awarded to a freshman with financial need who is distin­ guished for intellectual promise and leader­ ship. It is renewable through the senior year. The W illiam R andolph Hearst Scholarship Fund for Minority Students, established by the Hearst Foundation, Inc., provides financial assistance to minority students with need. The J. Philip Herrmann Scholarship is awarded to an entering freshman on the basis o f merit and need and is renewable annually to gradu­ ation. This award was established by Katha­ rine F. Herrmann *14 and by Margaret Herr­ mann Ball ’24 in honor o f their father. The A. Price Heusner Scholarship, given by his family in memory o f A. Price Heusner, Class of 1932, is awarded to an upperclassman from the Middle West. Preference is given to a premedical student. Consideration is given to the candidate’s character, demonstrated concern for the welfare o f others, and participation in team activities, as well as academic standing. The Rachel W. H illbom Scholarship was founded by Anne Hillbom Philips o f the Class o f 1892 in memory o f her mother, with the stipulation that the income shall go to a student in the junior or senior class who is studying for service in the international field. Preference is given to a Friend or to one who intends to contribute to world understanding through diplomatic service, participation in some inter­ national government agency, the American Friends Service Committee, or similar activi­ ties. T he Betty Stem H offenberg Scholarship, estab­ lished in 1987 in honor o f this member o f the Class o f 1943, is awarded to a junior or senior with merit and need who shows unusual promise, character, and intellectual strength. Strong preference is given to a student major­ ing in history. T he H adassah M. L. H olcombe Scholarship is awarded to a freshman with financial need and is renewable for three years at the discretion o f the College. Preference will be given to members o f the Society o f Friends. T he C arl R. Horten ’47 Scholarship was created by the Ingersoll-Rand Company. Preference in the awarding is given to students planning to major in engineering or pre-law. T he R ichard Humphreys Fund Scholarship pro­ vides assistance to a student (or students) o f African descent. T he Everett L. Hunt Scholarship, endowed by the Class o f 1937 in the name o f its beloved emeritus professor and dean, provides an unrestricted scholarship to be awarded annu­ ally by the College. The Betty P. Hunter Scholarship Fund. Betty P. Hunter, Class o f 1948, one o f the first black students to attend Swarthmore College, es­ tablished this fund through a bequest "to provide scholarship aid to needy students.” The W illiam Y. Inouye ’44 Scholarship, estab­ lished in loving memory by his family, friends, and colleagues in recognition o f his life of service as a physician, is awarded to a worthy junior premedical student with need. The scholarship is renewable in the senior year. T he A aron B. Ivins Scholarship is awarded annually to a young man o f the graduating class o f Friends Central School, Overbrook, Philadelphia. This scholarship is awarded by the faculty o f Friends Central School, and is subject to the approval o f Swarthmore Col­ lege. The George B. Jackson ’21 Scholarship has been endowed by Gene Lang ’38 in honor o f the man who guided him to Swarthmore. It is to be awarded on the basis o f need and merit with preference given to a student from the 27 Financial Aid New York metropolitan area. The H oward Cooper Johnson Scholarship, estab­ lished by Howard Cooper Johnson ’96, is awarded on the basis o f all-around achieve­ ment to a male undergraduate who is a mem­ ber o f the Society o f Friends. The K appa K appa Gamma Scholarship provides an award to a member o f the freshman class, renewable each year. Preference is given to a relative o f members o f the fraternity. T he Kennedy Scholarship is given in honor o f the parents and with thanks to the children o f Christopher and Jane Kennedy. The scholar­ ship is awarded on the basis o f need and merit and is renewable through four years. The Florence and M elville Kershaw Scholarship is endowed in their honor by their son Thom­ as A. Kershaw, Class o f 1960. It is awarded to a freshman on the basis o f need and merit, with preference to those intending to major in engineering, and is renewable through the senior year. The W illiam H. K istler ’43 Scholarship is en­ dowed in his memory by his wife, Suzanne, and his friends and former classmates. It is awarded to a needy and deserving student majoring in engineering or economics. The Paul and Mary Jan e Kopsch Scholarship Fund, established through a gift o f Paul J. Kopsch o f the Class o f ’46, is awarded each year to a junior premedical student(s) with financial need. The scholarship is renewable in the senior year. The W alter W. K rider Scholarship was estab­ lished by his wife and daughter for a young man who ranks high in scholarship, character, and personality. The Lafore Scholarship is awarded in memory o f John A. Lafore o f the Class o f 1895. The College in granting this scholarship gives pref­ erence to qualified candidates who are des­ cendants o f Amand and Margaret W hite Lafore. The Laurence L afore ’38 Scholarship was estab­ lished in his memory in 1986 by family, friends, classmates, and former students. Pro­ fessor Lafore, author o f numerous books and essays, taught history at Swarthmore from 1945 until 1969. This scholarship is awarded 28 to a needy student showing unusual promise and is renewable through four years. I The B arbara Lang Scholarship is awarded to a student in the junior class whose major is in the arts, preferably in music, who ranks high in scholarship and has financial need. It is renewable in the senior year. This scholarship was established by Eugene M. Lang ’38 in honor o f his sister. I I I I I I Eugene M. Lang Opportunity Grants are awarded each year to as many as five entering students who are selected by a special com­ mittee on the basis o f distinguished academic and extra-curricular achievement and demon­ strable interest in social change. Stipends are based on financial need and take the form of full grants up to the amount o f total college charges. Each Lang Scholar is also eligible for summer or academic year research or commu­ nity service support, while an undergraduate, up to a maximum o f $7,5 0 0 and for a $2,700 fellowship for graduate study. Projects, which must be approved in advance by a faculty committee, are expected to facilitate social change in a significant way. The program is made possible by the gift o f Eugene M. Lang ’38. The Ida and D aniel Lang Scholarship established by their son, Eugene M. Lang of the Class o f 1938, provides financial assistance for a man or woman who ranks high in scholarship, character, and personality. I I I I I I T he Stephen G irard Lax Scholarship, established by family, friends and business associates of Stephen Lax ’41, is awarded on the basis of financial need every two years to a student entering the junior year and showing academic distinction, leadership qualities, and definite interest in a career in business. T he Scott B. Lilly Scholarship, endowed by Jacob T. Schless o f the Class o f 1914 at Swarthmore College, was offered for the first time in 1950. This scholarship is in honor of a former distinguished Professor o f Engineering and, therefore, students who plan to major in engineering are given preference. An award is made annually. I I I I j I I The Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Founda- I tion Scholarship is awarded to deserving stu- I dents from the states o f Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, or Maryland. The Long Island Quarterly Meeting, N.Y., Schol­ arship, is awarded annually by a committee o f that Quarterly Meeting. The D avid Laurent Low M em orial Scholarship, established by Martin L. Low, Class o f 1940, his wife, Alice, Andy Low, Class o f 1973, and Kathy Low in memory o f their son and brother, is awarded to a man or woman who gives the great promise that David himself did. The award assumes both need and aca­ demic excellence, and places emphasis, in order, on qualities o f leadership, a concern for others, character, and/or outstanding and unusual promise. The scholarship is awarded to a freshman and is renewable for the under­ graduate years. The Leland S. M acPhail, Jr. Scholarship, given by Major League Baseball in recognition o f 48 years of dedicated service by Leland S. Mac­ Phail, Jr. ’39, will be awarded annually to a deserving student on the basis o f need and merit. The David M andelbaum Scholarship is awarded to a freshman student with financial need who ranks high in scholarship and character, with preference to residents o f the states o f Penn­ sylvania and New Jersey. The Dorothy Maynor Scholarship, established by the Hearst Foundation, is awarded to a student from the Harlem School o f the Arts in honor of its founder. It provides a grant for the full amount o f need and for music lessons. The awardee will be nominated by the Harlem School o f the Arts and selected by Swarthmore College on the basis o f all-around quali­ fications. The Thomas B. M cCabe Achievement Awards, established by Thomas B. McCabe ’ 15, are awarded to entering students from the Delmarva Peninsula, and Delaware County, Penn­ sylvania, who give promise o f leadership. In making selections, the Committee places em­ phasis on ability, character, personality, and service to school and community. These awards provide a minimum annual grant of tuition, or a maximum to cover tuition, fees, room and board, depending on need. Candi­ dates for the McCabe Awards must apply for admission to the College by January 15. The C harlotte Goette ’20 and W allace M. Mc­ Curdy Scholarship is awarded to a freshman on the basis o f need and merit, and is renewable annually. It has been endowed by Charlotte McCurdy ’20. The Dorothy Shoem aker ’29 and Hugh M cDiarm id ’30 Scholarship is awarded to a freshman man or woman student on the basis o f merit and need and is renewable through the senior year. It is the gift o f the McDiarmid family in commemoration o f their close association with Swarthmore College. The Norman M einkoth Scholarship, established by his friends and former students, to honor Dr. Norman A. Meinkoth, a member o f the College faculty from 1947 to 1978, is awarded annually to a worthy student with an interest in the study o f biological problems in a natural environment. The Peter M ertz Scholarship is awarded to an entering freshman outstanding in mental and physical vigor, who shows promise o f spend­ ing these talents for the good o f the college community and o f the larger community out­ side. The award was established in 1955 by Harold, LuEsther and Joyce Mertz in memory o f Peter Mertz, who was a member of the class o f 1957. It is renewable for the undergraduate years. The James E. M iller Scholarship. Under the will o f Arabella M. Miller, funds are available annually for students from Delaware County (with preference for residents o f Nether Provi­ dence Township). The Margaret Moore Scholarship Fund provides scholarships to foreign students with a prefer­ ence given to students o f South Asian origin. The Florence Eising Naumburg Scholarship, named in 1975 in honor o f the mother o f an alumna o f the Class o f 1943, is awarded to a student whose past performance gives evi­ dence o f intellectual attainment, leadership, and character, and who shows potential for future intellectual growth, creativity, and scholarship, and for being a contributor to the College and ultimately to society. The Thom as S. ’30 and M arian Hamming Nicely ’30 Scholarship is awarded to a freshman with need who shows promise o f academic achieve­ ment, fine character, and athletic ability. Pref- 29 Financial Aid erence will be given to a person who has been on the varsity tennis, squash, racquets, golf, or swimming teams in high or preparatory schools. The John H. Nixon Scholarship was established by John H. Nixon, Class o f ’35, to assist Third World students, especially those who plan to return to their country o f origin. The Edward L . Noyes ’31 Scholarship has been endowed in his memory by his wife, Jean Walton Noyes ’32, his three sons and his many friends. The scholarship is available to an incoming freshman, with preference given to those from the southwest, especially Texas. It is awarded on the basis o f need and merit to students with broad interests and is renew­ able through four years. T he H arriet W. Paiste Fund provides a scholar­ ship for a young woman who is a member o f the Society o f Friends (Philadephia Yearly Meeting). T he Rogers Palmer Scholarships, established in 1973 by Rogers Palmer o f the Class o f 1926, are awarded to members o f the freshman class who show promise o f leadership and who have need o f financial assistance. The scholar­ ships are renewable for a total o f four years at the discretion o f the College. T he J. Roland Pennock Scholarships were estab­ lished by Ann and Guerin Todd ’3 8 in honor o f J. Roland Pennock ’27, Richter Professor Emeritus o f Political Science. Income from this endowment is to be used to award four scholarships on the basis o f merit and need, preferably to one scholar in each class. The C ornelia Chapm an and N icholas O . Pittenger Scholarship, established by family and friends, is awarded to an incoming freshman man or woman who ranks high in scholarship, character, and personality and who has need for financial assistance. T he Anthony Beekm an Pool Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to an incoming fresh­ man man o f promise and intellectual curiosity. It is given in memory o f Tony Pool o f the Class o f 1959. The George G. and H elen G askill Rathje ’ 18 Scholarship is awarded to students with char­ acter, outstanding academic record, and fi­ nancial need. 30 The Raruey-Chandra and Niyomsit Scholarships are given by Renoo Suvarnsit ’47 in memory o f his parents. They are given in alternate years: the Raruey-Chandra Scholarship to a woman for her senior year, and the Niyomsit Scholarship to a man for his senior year, who has high academic standing and real need for financial aid. Preference is given to a candidate who has divorced or deceased parents or a deceased mother or father. T he Fred C. and Jessie M. Reynolds Scholarship Fund, created through a testamentary gift of Jean Reynolds ’32, is awarded each year to a worthy student based on need. T he Lily Tily Richards Scholarship, established by Peirce L. Richards, Jr., in memory o f his wife, Lily Tily Richards ’29, is awarded to a woman distinguished for high scholarship, character, personality, and physical vigor. The A dele M ills Riley M em orial Scholarship, founded by her husband, John R. Riley, was awarded for the first time for the academic year 1964-65. An annual award subject to renewal is made to a deserving student, man or woman. Selection stresses the candidate’s capacity for significant development o f his or her interests and talents during the college years. Qualities o f intellectual promise as well as potential for service are sought in making this appointment. T he Byron T. Roberts Scholarship, endowed by his family in memory o f Byron T. Roberts, ’ 12, is awarded annually to an incoming stu­ dent and is renewable for his or her years of study at Swarthmore. T he Louis N. Robinson Scholarship was estab­ lished during the College’s Centennial year by the family and friends o f Louis N. Robinson. Mr. Robinson was for many years a member o f the Swarthmore College faculty and founder o f the Economics Discussion Group. A member o f the junior or senior class who has demonstrated interest and ability in the study o f Economics is chosen for this award. The Edwin P. Rome Scholarship provides finan­ cial assistance to worthy students with need. It was established in memory o f Edwin P. Rome ’37 by his wife, Mrs. Rita Rome, and the William Penn Foundation on whose board he served. The A lexis Rosenberg Scholarship Fund, estab­ lished by The Alexis Rosenberg Foundation, provides aid for a freshman student. It is awarded annually to a worthy student who could not attend the College without such assistance. The Ida and W illiam Rosenthal Scholarship was established by Elizabeth Coleman ’69 to be awarded to a student with need from a middle income family. The Girard Bliss Ruddick ’27 Scholarship is awarded to a junior on the basis o f merit and need, with preference to an economics major. It is renewable in the senior year. The Marcia Perry Ruddick C ook ’27 Scholarship is awarded to a junior on the basis o f merit and need, with preference to an English Literature major, and is renewable for the senior year. Both scholar­ ships are endowed by J. Perry Ruddick in memory o f his parents. The Edith A. Runge Scholarship Fund, estab­ lished by the will o f Edith A. Runge o f the Class of 1938, provides assistance annually to students who have need o f financial aid. The David Barker Rushmore Scholarship, estab­ lished in honor o f David Barker Rushmore, Class o f 1894, by his niece Dorothea Rush­ more Egan ’24, is awarded annually to a worthy student who plans to major in Engi­ neering or Economics. The Katharine Scherman Scholarship is awarded to a student with a primary interest in the arts and the humanities, having special talents in these fields. Students with other special inter­ ests, however, will not be excluded from consideration. Awarded in honor o f Katharine Scherman, o f the Class of 1938, it is renewable for the full period o f undergraduate study. The W illiam G. and Mary N. Serrill Honors Scholarship is a competitive scholarship for men, awarded to a candidate for admission to the College, based upon the general plan o f the Rhodes Scholarships. Preference will be given to men who are residents o f Abington Township, including Jenkintown and Glenside, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. The Clinton G. Shafer Scholarship endowed by his family in memory o f Clinton G. Shafer, o f the Class o f 1951, is awarded to students interested in engineering and physical science. The committee in making its selection con­ siders character, personality, and leadership. The Joe and Terry Shane Scholarship, created in honor o f Joe Shane ’25, who was Vice Presi­ dent o f Swarthmore College’s Alumni, Devel­ opment, and Public Relations from 19501972, and his wife, Terry, who assisted him in countless ways in serving the College, was established by their son, Larry Shane ’56, and his wife, Marty Porter Shane ’57, in remem­ brance o f Joe and Terry’s warm friendship with generations o f Swarthmore alumni. This award is made to a freshman student on the basis o f merit and need. It is renewable through four years. The Florence Creer Shepard ’26 Scholarship, established by her husband, is awarded on the basis o f high scholastic attainment, character, and personality. The Caroline Shero Scholarship was established in 1982 on the occasion o f her retirement from the College. It is awarded to a deserving student with need. The Annie Shoemaker Scholarship is granted annually to a young woman o f the graduating class o f Friends Central School, Overbrook, Philadelphia. This scholarship is awarded by the faculty o f Friends Central School, and is subject to the approval o f Swarthmore Col­ lege. The Sarah W. Shreiner Scholarship, given in loving memory by her daughter, Leah S. Leeds o f the Class o f 1927, is awarded annu­ ally to a woman who ranks high in scholarship, character, and personality. The W illiam C. and Barbara Tipping Sieck Scholarship is awarded annually to a student showing distinction in academics, leadership qualities, and extra-curricular activities, and who indicates an interest in a career in busi­ ness. The Nancy Baxter Skallerup Scholarship, estab­ lished by her husband and children, is awarded to an incoming freshman with financial need. It is renewable through four years. The W illiam W. Slocum, Jr. Scholarship fund established in 1981 by a member o f the Class o f 1943 is awarded to a deserving student on the basis o f merit and need. 31 Financial Aid The Courtney C. Smith Scholarship is for stu­ dents who best exemplify the characteristics o f Swarthmore’s Ninth President: intellect and intellectual courage, natural dignity, hu­ mane purpose, and capacity for leadership. Normally the award will be made to a member o f the freshman class on the basis o f merit and need. It is renewable during the undergraduate years. Holders o f this scholarship gain access to a special file in the Friends Historical Library left by the scholarship’s creator, the Class o f 1957, inviting them to perpetuate the memory o f this individual’s sixteen years o f stewardship o f the College’s affairs and his tragic death in its service. The W. W. Smith Charitable Trust provides scholarships to students who qualify on the basis o f need and merit. The Cindy Solomon Memorial Scholarship is awarded by preference to a young woman in need o f financial assistance, and who has special talent in poetry or other creative and imaginative fields. The Babette S. Spiegel Scholarship Award, given in memory o f Babette S. Spiegel, Class o f 1933, is awarded to a student showing very great promise as a creative writer (in any literary form) who has need o f financial assis­ tance. The Department o f English determines those eligible. The Harry E. Sprogell Scholarship was estab­ lished in 1981 in memory o f Harry E. Sprogell ’32, and in honor o f his class’s 50th reunion. It is awarded to a junior or senior with financial need who has a special interest in law or music. The Clarence K. Streit Scholarship is awarded to a student entering the junior or senior year and majoring in history. Preference is given to persons, outstanding in initiative and scholar­ ship, who demonstrate a particular interest in American pre-Revolutionary War History. This scholarship honors Clarence K. Streit, author o f Union Now: A Proposal For An At­ lantic Federal Union o f the Free, whose seminal ideas were made public in three Cooper Foun­ dation lectures at Swarthmore. The Katharine Bennett Tappen, Class o f 1931, Memorial Scholarship, established in 1980 is awarded to a freshman student. The scholar­ ship is renewable for four years at the discre­ 32 tion o f the College. Preference is given to a resident o f the Delmarva Peninsula. The Newton E. Tarble Award, established by Newton E. Tarble o f the Class o f 1913, is granted to a freshman man who gives promise o f leadership, ranks high in scholarship, char­ acter, and personality, and resides west o f the Mississippi River or south o f Springfield in the State o f Illinois. The Jonathan K. Taylor Scholarship, in accor­ dance with the donor’s will, is awarded by the Board o f Trustees o f the Baltimore Monthly Meeting o f Friends. First preference is to descendants o f Jonathan K. Taylor; then to members o f the Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends; then to others. The Phebe Anna Thome Fund provides an income for scholarships for students whose previous work has demonstrated their ear­ nestness and ability. This gift includes a clause o f preference to those students who are members o f the New York Monthly Meeting o f Friends. The Audrey Friedman Troy Scholarship, estab­ lished by her husband, Melvin B. Troy ’48, is awarded to a freshman man or woman. The scholarship is renewable through four years at the discretion o f the College. In awarding the scholarship, prime consideration is given to the ability o f the prospective scholar to profit from a Swarthmore education, and to be a contributor to the College and ultimately to society. The Robert C. and Sue Thomas Turner Scholarship is awarded to a deserving student on the basis o f merit and financial need. The W illiam Hilles Ward Scholarships, in mem­ ory o f William Hilles Ward o f the Class of 1915, are awarded annually, preferably to students who plan to major in science. The committee in making its selection has regard for candidates who are most deserving of financial assistance. The Stanley and Corinne Weithom Scholarship Fund was established to provide financial as­ sistance on the basis o f need and merit. The Barclay and Edith Lewis White Scholarship is awarded annually by the Music Department to a student o f music. The I. V. Williamson Scholarship. Preference is given to graduates o f Friends Central, George School, New York Friends Seminary, Balti­ more Friends School, Wilmington Friends School, Moorestown Friends School, Friends Academy at Locust Valley, Sidwell Friends School, and Brooklyn Friends School. The Edward Clarkson Wilson Scholarship has been established at Swarthmore by friends of Edward Clarkson Wilson, 1891, formerly Principal o f the Baltimore Friends School. It is awarded each year to a former student o f the Baltimore Friends School, who has been ap­ proved by the faculty o f the school, on the basis of high character and high standing in scholarship. The Elmer L. W inkler Scholarship Fund, estab­ lished in 1980 by a member o f the Class o f 1952, is awarded annually to a deserving student on the basis o f merit and need. The Letitia M. Wolverton Scholarship Fund, given by Letitia M. Wolverton o f the Class o f 1913, provides scholarships for members of the junior and senior classes who have proved to be capable students and have need for financial assistance to complete their educa­ tion at Swarthmore College. The Roselynd Atherholt Wood ’23 Fund provides a scholarship for a young man or woman with financial need who is distinguished for intel­ lectual promise as well as potential for service. The Michael M. and Zelma K. Wynn Scholarship was established in 1983 by Kenneth R. Wynn ’73 in honor o f his mother and father. It is awarded annually to a student on the basis o f need and merit. The income from each o f the following funds is awarded at the discretion o f the College. The Barclay G. Atkinson Scholarship Fund The Rebecca M. Atkinson Scholarship Fund The Book and Key Scholarship Fund The Leon W illard Briggs Scholarship Fund The Robert C. Brooks Scholarship Fund The Edna Pownall Buffington Scholarship Fund The Class o f 1913 Scholarship Fund The Class o f 1914 Scholarship Fund The Class o f 1915 Scholarship Fund The Class o f 1917 Scholarship Fund The Class o f 1925 Scholarship Fund The Class o f 1956 Scholarship Fund The Cochran Memorial Scholarship Fund The Sarah Antrim Cole Scholarship Fund The Delta Gamma Scholarship Fund The W illiam Dorsey Scholarship Fund The George Ellsler Scholarship Fund The J. Horace Ervien Scholarship Fund The Howard S. and Gertrude P. Evans Scholarship Fund The Joseph E. Gillingham Fund The George K. and Sallie K. Johnson Scholarship Fund The K appa A lpha Theta Scholarship Fund The Jessie Stevenson Kovalenko Scholarship Fund The E. Hibberd Lawrence Scholarship Fund The Thomas L. Leedom Scholarship Fund The Sarah E. Lippincott Scholarship Fund The Mary T. Longstreth Scholarship Fund The Clara B. Marshall Scholarship Fund The Edward Martin Scholarship Fund The Howard Osborn Scholarship Fund The Susanna Haines ’80 and Beulah Haines Parry Scholarship Fund The T. H. Dudley Perkins Scholarship Fund The Mary Coates Preston Scholarship Fund The David L. Price Scholarship The Robert Pyle Scholarship Fund The Reader’s Digest Foundation Endowed Scholarship Fund The M ark E. Reeves Scholarship Fund The Frank Solomon Memorial Scholarship Fund The Mary Sproul Scholarship Fund The Helen Squier Scholarship Fund The Walter Frederick Sims Scholarship Fund The Helen G. Stafford Scholarship Fund The Francis Holmes Strozier Memorial Scholarship Fund The Joseph T. Sullivan Scholarship Fund The Titus Scholarships Fund The Daniel Underhill Scholarship Fund The Deborah F. Wharton Scholarship Fund The Thomas H. W hite Scholarship Fund The Samuel Willets Scholarship Fund The Edward Clarkson Wilson and Elizabeth T. Wilson Scholarship Fund The Mary Wood Scholarship Fund The Thomas Woodnutt Scholarship Fund 33 College Life HOUSING Swarthmore is primarily a residential college, conducted on the assumption that the close association o f students and instructors is an important element in education. Most stu­ dents live in College dormitories, which in- elude coeducational housing as well as single sex dormitories and sections. Many members o f the faculty live on or near the campus, and are readily accessible to students. Residence Halls Twelve residence halls, ranging in capacity from 21 to 235 students, offer a diversity of housing styles. These dormitories include: Woolman House; Dana and Hallowell Halls, which were opened in 1967; the upper floors in the wings o f Parrish Hall; Wharton Hall, named in honor o f its donor, Joseph Wharton, at one time President o f the Board o f Man­ agers; Palmer, Pittinger, and Roberts Halls on South Chester Road; one building on the Mary Lyon School property; Worth Hall, the gift of William P. and J. Sharpies Worth, as a memorial to their parents; W illets Hall, made possible largely by a bequest from Phebe Seaman, and named in honor o f her mother and aunts; and Mertz Hall, the gift o f Harold and Esther Mertz. About eighty percent o f dormitory areas are designated as coeducational housing either by floor, section, or entire dorm; the remaining areas are reserved for single sex housing. Dormitory sections may determine their own visitation hours up to and including twentyfour-hour visitation. New students are assigned to rooms by the Deans. Efforts are made to follow the prefer­ ences indicated, and to accommodate special needs, such as physical handicaps. Other stu­ dents choose their rooms in an order deter­ mined by lot or by invoking special options— among these are block housing, allowing friends to apply as a group for a section o f a particular hall or dorm; and language hall inclusion in which occupants are expected to conduct conversations in a language other than English to provide an immersion experi­ ence o f learning. There is also the opportunity to reside at neighboring Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges in a cross-campus housing exchange that proceeds on a matched one-forone basis. All students are expected to occupy the rooms to which they are assigned or which they have selected through the regular room choosing process unless authorized by the Deans to move. Permission must also be obtained from the Deans to reside outside college housing. Resident Assistants, selected from the junior and senior classes, are assigned to each o f the dormitory sections. Dormitories remain open during October and Thanksgiving breaks but are closed to student occupancy during Christmas and Spring vaca­ tions. Students enrolled for the fall semester only are expected to vacate their dormitory rooms within twenty-four hours after their last scheduled examination. Freshmen, sopho­ mores, and juniors are expected to leave im­ mediately after their last examination in the spring so that their rooms may be prepared for use by Commencement visitors. The insurance program for the College is designed to provide protection for College property and does not include the property o f students or others. Students and their parents are strongly urged to review their insurance program in order to be sure that coverage is extended to include personal effects while at college. Sharpies Dining Hall All students living on campus are required to subscribe to the College board plan for meals in the Philip T. Sharpies Dining Hall. The board plan covers 19 meals a week. Although an effort is made to meet the dietary needs of all students, not all special requirements can be accommodated; permission to reside off campus will be extended to any student not able to participate in the board plan. The dining hall is closed during the Christmas and Spring vacations. 35 College Life SOCIAL CENTERS Tarble Social Center Through the original generosity of Newton E. Tarble o f the Class o f 1913 and his widow, Louise A. Tarble, the reconstructed Tarble Social Center in Clothier Memorial opened in April o f 1986. The facility includes recrea­ tional areas, a snack bar, lounge, student ac- tivities offices, a multi-purpose performance space as well as the bookstore. Under the leadership o f a Student Activities Coordinator and student co-directors, many major social activities (parties, concerts, plays, etc.) are held in Tarble. Other Centers The Alice Paul Women’s Center was established to draw all women o f the Swarthmore com­ munity together through common concerns. The Center, which serves faculty, students, faculty wives, staff and alumnae, maintains a library o f resource books, pamphlets and periodicals, provides information, and spon­ sors a variety o f programs, lectures, discus­ sions and symposia for all members o f the college community about issues relating to women. A Black Cultural Center, locatëd in the Caroline Hadley Robinson House, provides a library and facilities for various cultural activities of special interest to black students. The Center and its program are guided by a director and a committee o f black students, faculty, and administrators. Programs planned by the Cen­ ter are open to all members o f the College community. There are three fraternities at Swarthmore; Delta Upsilon and Phi Sigma Kappa are affili­ ated with national organizations, while Phi Omicron Psi is a local association. Fraternities are adjuncts to the college social program and maintain separate lodges on campus. The lodges do not contain dormitory accommoda­ tions or eating facilities. New members are pledged during late fall o f their first year at the College. In recent years about ten per cent of the freshman men have decided to affiliate with one o f the fraternities. RELIGIOUS LIFE Religious life at the College is a matter of individual choice, as is consistent with Quaker principles. The Society o f Friends is commit­ ted to the belief that religion is best expressed in the quality o f everyday living. There are accordingly no compulsory religious exer­ cises. Students are encouraged to attend the churches o f their choice. Seven churches are located in the borough o f Swarthmore; other churches and synagogues may be found in the nearby towns o f Morton, Media, Chester, and Springfield. The Swarthmore Friends Meeting House is located on the campus. Students are cordially invited to attend its meeting for worship on Sunday. Extracurricular groups with faculty cooperation exist for the study of the Bible and die exploration o f common concerns o f religion. They include: The Chris­ tian Fellowship and Charitas, both Christian groups; Young Friends, Ruach (Jewish organi­ zation), Newman Club, and Ba’hai. STUDENT SERVICES Health Services The Worth Health Center, a gift o f the Worth family in memory o f William Penn Worth and 36 Caroline Hallowell Worth, houses offices for the college physicians and nurses, outpatient treatment facilities, offices o f the Psychologi­ cal Services director and staff, and rooms for students who require in-patient care. The college physicians hold office hours every weekday at the College, where students may consult them without charge. Students should report any illness to the college physicians but are free to go for treatment to another doctor if they prefer to do so. As a part of the matriculation process each student must submit a brief medical history and health certificate prepared by the family physician on a form supplied by the College. Pertinent information about such matters as physical reserve, unusual medical episodes, handicaps, severe allergies, or psychiatric dis­ turbances will be especially valuable to the college Health Service in assisting each stu­ dent. All this information will be kept confi­ dential. Each student is allowed ten days in-patient care in the Health Center per term without charge. Students suffering from a communi­ cable disease or from illness which makes it necessary for them to remain in bed must stay in the Health Center for the period o f their illness. Ordinary medicines are furnished without cost, but a charge is made for special medicines, certain immunization procedures and laboratory tests, and transportation when necessary to local hospitals. The Health Center staff cooperates closely with the Department o f Physical Education and Athletics. Recommendations for limited activity may be made for those students with physical handicaps. Rarely are students ex­ cused entirely from the requirements o f the Physical Education Department because adap­ tive programs are offered. The medical facilities o f the College are avail­ able to students injured in athletic activities or otherwise, but the College cannot assume additional financial responsibility for medical and surgical expenses arising from accidents. Insurance coverage for all students participat­ ing in athletics, however, is included in the mandatory health insurance package as is supplementary coverage for all accident in­ juries. Psychological Services The program o f Psychological Services, which is administered separately from Health Ser­ vices, is housed in the North wing o f Worth Health Center. Services for students include counseling and psychotherapy, after hours emergency-on-call availability every day o f the academic year, consultation and educa­ tional talks and workshops. The director and staff are all part-time but provide regular appointment times Monday through Friday. Students may be referred to outside mental health practitioners when long-term or highly specialized services are needed. The staff includes clinical psychologists and a clinical social worker as well as a consulting psychiatrist who is available on an as-needed basis. Psychological Services participates in training Resident Assistants and provides con­ sultation to staff and faculty. There is a strict policy o f confidentiality. Student Advising Each freshman is assigned to a faculty member who acts as course adviser until this respon­ sibility falls to the chairman o f the student’s major department at the end o f the sophomore year. Requests for a change o f adviser should be addressed to the Dean and will be freely granted, subject only to equity in the number of advisees assigned to individual faculty members. The Deans hold overall responsibility for the advising system. They are themselves available to all students for advice on any academic or personal matters, and for assistance with spe­ cial needs, such as those arising from physical handicaps. A consultant for testing and guidance is avail­ able to assist students with special problems o f academic adjustment, study skills and read­ ing proficiency. In addition, aptitude and interest tests may be given on request. 37 College Life Career Planning and Placement The Career Planning and Placement Office helps students evaluate themselves and their goals in order to plan future career and life style alternatives. Individual counseling ses­ sions and group workshops are conducted to facilitate this planning. The programs are open to students in all classes and are developmental in nature. Work­ shops are designed to help students expand their career options through exploration o f their values, skills, interests, abilities, and experiences. A computerized interactive guid­ ance system, which provides an extensive source o f career information, is available as well. Sophomore and junior students in particular are encouraged to test options by participating in the Extern Program. This program provides on-site experience in a variety o f career fields by pairing students with an alumnus/a to work on a mutually planned task during one or more weeks o f vacation. Career exploration and experiential education is also encouraged during summer internships and jobs, during a semester or year off, and during the school year. Assistance is provided in helping stu- dents locate and secure appropriate jobs, in­ ternships, and volunteer opportunities, and efforts are made to help students learn the most they can from these experiences. Additional help is provided through career information panels, on-site field trips, work­ shops on topics such as resume writing and cover letter writing, interviewing skills, and job search techniques. The office cooperates with the Alumni Office, the Alumni Associ­ ation, and the Parents Council to help put students in touch with a wide network of people that can be o f assistance to them. The Career Resources Library includes many pub­ lications concerning all stages o f the job search process. The office hosts on-campus recruit­ ing by representatives from business, indus­ try, government, non-profit organizations, and graduate and professional schools. No­ tices o f job vacancies are collected, posted, and included in the office’s newsletter. Cre­ dential files are compiled for interested stu­ dents and alumni to be sent to prospective employers and graduate admissions commit­ tees. Academic Support A program o f academic support includes in­ dividual tutorial services; special review sec­ tions attached to introductory courses in the natural sciences and economics; a mathemat­ ics lab; an expository writing course; a reading and study skills workshop; and a pre-freshman summer program for selected entering students which is sponsored conjointly with Haverford and Bryn Mawr Colleges. These programs are overseen by the Deans and a faculty committee in cooperation with the academic departments. There are no fees re­ quired for any o f these supportive services. To meet the needs o f writers who would like to get assistance or feedback, a Writing Center has been established. The Center is staffed by Writing Associates, students trained to assist their peers with all stages o f the writing pro­ cess. The Center is located in Trotter Hall and operates on a drop-in basis. Withdrawal and Readmission for Health Reasons Students may withdraw voluntarily because o f health problems. W here health problems o f a physical or psychological nature substan­ tially interfere with a student’s academic per­ formance or safety, or the safety o f others, the student may be withdrawn at the discretion o f the College. The College reserves the right to require withdrawal when, in the judgment of 38 either the Director o f Health Services or the Director o f Psychological Services, a student’s functioning is impaired or in jeopardy. A student who has withdrawn for health reasons may apply for readmission. In the case o f a mental health withdrawal, the College will not, as a rule, accept applications for readmission until a full semester (in addition to the semester in which the student has with­ drawn) has passed. evidence has been provided, the student will ordinarily be required to be evaluated in person by a physician employed by the Col­ lege Health Services and/or the Director o f Psychological Services, as appropriate. Re­ commendations for readmission are made to the Dean o f the College, who makes the final decision. A student applying to the College for read­ mission must provide evidence from his or her physician or psychotherapist o f increased ability to function academically or o f de­ creased hazard to health or safety. After such ALUMNI OFFICE AND PUBLICATIONS Alumni Relations is the communication chan­ nel between the College and its alumni, en­ abling them to maintain an on-going relation­ ship with each other. Some o f the office’s programs and activities include Alumni Weekend in the spring, Homecoming Day in the fall, Swarthmore Today, alumni gatherings off campus all over the country, and alumni travel tours. It also plans the annual Parents Weekend/Student Arts Festival. The Alumni Office hires students as events intern, voca­ tional intern, and intern for minority affairs each year to help coordinate these various programs. Students also work as staff for most of the campus events. The Alumni Office works closely with the Office of Career Planning and Placement to facilitate "networking” between students and alumni and among alumni in order to take full advantage o f the invaluable experience repre­ sented among the alumni. The Alumni Office also helps officers o f the senior class plan special events. The Alumni Office gives staff support to the Alumni Association, which celebrated its 100th anniversary in 1981-82, and to the Alumni Council, the fifty-person elected governing body o f the Alumni Association. The Alumni Office gives staff support also to the ten regional alumni organizations, called Connections, in Philadelphia, New York, Bos­ ton, Washington, D.C., southern Florida, Chicago, Boulder, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle. There are 15,027 alumni: 7,817 men, 7,210 women, and 2,162 married to each other, giving substance to the traditional appellation for the College o f "Quaker Matchbox.” The College defines an alumnus/a as anyone who has completed one semester. College Publications All alumni, parents o f students, seniors, fac­ ulty, and staff receive the quarterly Alumni Bulletin free o f charge, and it is made available to all students. Other complimentary publica- tions sent to alumni, parents, and friends are an annual engagement calendar, the President’s and Treasurer’s Report, and the Garnet Letter. PUBLIC RELATIONS The Public Relations Office works with the print and broadcasting media to provide news and information about the College to its various publics. It responds to requests from the media for information on a variety of subjects by calling on the resources and exper­ tise of the faculty and professional staff. The Public Relations Office prepares two publica­ tions: On Campus, a monthly schedule o f activities at the College that are open to the public, distributed on request to more than 2,0 0 0 households in the Philadelphia area, and the Weekly News, a newsletter o f events and announcements distributed to faculty, staff, and students. The Public Relations Office hires students who can write like journalists to be feature writers and events publicity writers, and also employs students as clerical help. 39 Student Community Student Conduct Students who choose Swarthmore as their college should understand that they are ac­ cepting social and academic standards which, while subject to periodic review, are essential to the well-being o f the community. In gen­ eral, the life o f students should be governed by good taste and accepted practice rather than elaborate rules. Certain regulations, how­ ever, are o f particular importance and are listed below. 1. The possession and use o f alcoholic bever­ ages on the campus is regulated by State law and limited to those areas o f the campus which are specified by the Student Council and the Dean. The observance o f moderation and decorum in respect to drink is a student obligation. Disorderly conduct is regarded as a serious offense. 2. The use or possession o f injurious drugs or narcotics without the specific recommenda­ tion o f a physician and knowledge o f the Deans subjects a student to possible suspen­ sion or expulsion. 3. The use or possession o f firearms or other dangerous weapons is not permitted. Fire­ crackers or other explosives are prohibited. The setting o f fires outside o f restricted areas is a serious offense, as is tampering with fire alarms or fire prevention equipment. 4. The participation by any student in any disruption or interference with the orderly programs, functions, or conduct o f College activities o f any kind is a serious offense. 5. Occupants o f residence halls are expected to show consideration for other residents. Students are held responsible for the behavior o f visiting guests. 6 . No undergraduate may maintain an auto­ mobile while enrolled at the College without the permission o f the Car Authorization Com­ mittee, a student-faculty group. This permis­ sion is not extended to freshmen. Day stu­ dents may use cars for commuting to College, but special arrangements for stickers must be made for campus parking. More detailed in­ formation may be obtained from the Office of the Deans. Penalties for violations o f College regulations such as those listed above are set by judicial committees or the Deans and may involve suspensions or expulsion. Standing regula­ tions may be modified and new rules may be added at any time upon notice to the student body. The College reserves the right to exclude at any time students whose conduct it regards as undesirable, and without assigning any further reason therefor. Neither the College nor any o f its officers shall be under any liability whatsoever for such exclusion. Judicial Bodies There are two judicial committees with dis­ tinct jurisdictions. The Student Judiciary Com­ mittee, elected by the entire student body, acts on cases o f alleged violations o f students’ rules and campus regulations except as they fall within the sphere o f the College Judiciary Committee. The College Judiciary Committee is composed o f student, faculty, and adminis­ tration members. It has primary jurisdiction over cases that may involve academic disho­ nesty. It also acts upon cases referred by or ap­ pealed from the Student Judiciary Committee. A more complete description o f the judicial system is available from the Office o f the Dean. Student Council The semi-annually elected Student Council represents the entire undergraduate commu­ nity and is the chief body o f student govern­ ment. Its efforts are directed toward coordi­ nation o f student activities and the expression 40 o f student opinion. Committees o f the Council include the Ap­ pointments Committee, which selects qualified applicants for student positions on student/ faculty/administration committees, Board o f Managers committees, and student commit­ tees; the Budget Committee, which regulates distribution o f funds to student groups, and the Elections Committee, which supervises procedures in campus elections; and the Social Consortium, which is the oversight group for Social Committee and student social organi­ zations. Social Committee An extensive program o f social activities is managed by the Social Committee, a repre­ sentative student committee. The program is designed to appeal to a wide variety o f in­ terests and is open to all students. There is no charge for Social Committee functions and for most other campus events. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES In addition to the foregoing organizations, Swarthmore students have an opportunity to participate in a program o f extracurricular activities wide enough to meet every kind o f interest. There are dozens o f formal and in- formal organizations.They vary as greatly as the interests o f the students vary. The College encourages students to participate in whatever activities best fit their personal talents and inclinations. Student Art Association The Student Art Association encourages and supports a wide range o f extracurricular op­ portunities for those interested in the visual and performing arts. It has sponsored avantgarde happenings and lectures by visiting ar­ tists, and it runs three programs that continue from year to year: the Griffin Gallery for student art shows and performances; Studio Free Pearson, a cooperative studio space on the top floor o f the Arts Center; and the Life Drawing Program, presenting weekly sessions o f figure drawing. All events are open to the entire College community, and each semester the group holds meetings for all who are interested in the creative arts. Music The Department o f Music administers and staffs several performing organizations. The College Chorus, directed by Peter Gram Swing, rehearses three hours per week. The College Singers, a select small chorus drawn from the membership o f the Chorus and conducted by Ann McNamee, rehearses an additional two hours per week. The College Orchestra, di­ rected by Arne Running, rehearses twice a week. The Chamber Orchestra, directed by James Freeman, gives two concerts each se­ mester; its rehearsals closely precede the con­ certs and its members are drawn from The College Orchestra. The Wind Ensemble, which rehearses one night weekly and gives two major concerts each year in addition to several outdoor performances, is under the direction of Michael Johns. The Early Music Ensemble, directed by Karen Myers, meets each week and gives several concerts during the year. More information about joining these per­ forming groups can be found on the Depart­ ment bulletin board on the upper level o f Lang. Instrumentalists and singers can also partici­ pate in the chamber music coaching program coordinated by Dorothy Freeman. The Or­ chestra (Chamber Orchestra) and Chorus (Singers) both require auditions for member­ ship. Several student chamber music concerts (in which all interested students have an opportunity to perform) are given each se­ mester. These concerts also provide an op­ portunity for student composers to have their works performed. The Swarthmore College String Quartet, composed o f four top-notch student string players who also serve as prin- 41 Student Community I cipal players in the College Orchestra and Chamber Orchestra, performs frequently at the College and at other institutions. The Edwin B. Ganigues Foundation Scholarships subsidize the entire cost o f private instrumen­ tal or vocal lessons for a limited number o f especially gifted and advanced student musi­ cians with the teacher o f their choice. These scholarships, which are awarded yearly to approximately ten students, are determined through a departmental screening process. The Department each year sponsors a Concerto Competition, open to all Swarthmore College students. Auditions for the competition are normally held the first Thursday after wintervacation. The winner performs later with the Orchestra. Practice and performance facilities in the Lang Music Building include sixteen practice rooms (each with at least one piano), a concert and a rehearsal hall (each with its own concert grand), one organ, two harpsichords, and an electronic studio. The Daniel Underhill Music Library has excellent collections o f scores, books, and records. I I I I I I distinguished group o f concerts each year on the campus. The Music Department adminis­ ters a separate series o f public concerts. The Swarthmore Music and Dance Festival takes place on campus during three weeks of the fall semester. It presents concerts, master classes, and symposia, focusing on contemporary American works performed and discussed by eminent artists. Dance The Swarthmore College Dancers perform public concerts with works choreographed by students, the dance faculty, and other profes­ sional choreographers. Each year there are a series o f formal concerts at the end o f each semester, as well as informal performances throughout the year, including a series o f exchange concerts with other area colleges. Lecture demonstrations for public schools and for organizations within the sur­ rounding communities are also a regular part o f the yearly dance performance schedule. For the past few years Swarthmore College has been the recipient o f Pennsylvania Council o f the Arts and National Endowment for the Arts grants which have enabled the College, in conjunction with the William J. Cooper Foun­ dation, to bring outstanding professional dance companies for short term residencies. ■ These residencies typically last from one to three weeks, and include master classes, leetures, performances, and sometimes, the ereation o f a new work by a guest artist for student performers. I I I I Internships in film production, casting, and theatre are available throughout the Philadel- s Scholarships for summer study are available I to dance students through funds provided by I the Friends o f Music and Dance. ■ < The Department o f Physical Education and I Athletics sponsors a coeducational perfor- ■ mance group in Folk Dance. I j j ■ t r I phia area. See Mr. Devin for details. 42 I s Extra-curricular theatre is produced by Drama I Board. News o f try-outs and productions ■ appears on the Call Board in Parrish Hall, near ■ the telephones. -■ _ I r I ' Athletics Swarthmore’s athletic policy is based on the 1 Each year the Swarthmore Music and Dance I Festival brings together guest artists, faculty 1 members, and students in a series o f perfor- I mances and symposia focused on specific I themes. ■ Theatre Professor Lee Devin is Director o f The Theatre. He supervises the Theatre Studies program. Interested students should consult the depart­ mental statement in English Literature. _ I ( premise that any sports program must be I justified by the contributions which it can make to the educational development o f the individual student who chooses to participate. In keeping with this fundamental policy, Swarthmore’s athletic program is varied and extensive, offering every student a chance to take part in a wide range o f sports. W ithin the limits of finance, personnel, and facilities, the College feels that it is desirable to have as many students as possible competing on its intercollegiate or club teams, or in intramural sports. Faculty members serve as advisers for several o f the varsity athletic teams. They work closely with the teams, attending prac­ tices and many o f the scheduled contests. Interest Clubs There are a great variety o f special interest clubs, listed more fully in the Student Hand­ book. Since the interests o f our students change frequently, new clubs are often formed by student groups. Publications and Media The Phoenix, the weekly College newspaper, and WSRN, the campus radio station, are both completely student-run organizations. In addition, there are a variety o f other student publications, including literary magazines, newsletters, and an alternative magazine. The current list can be found in the Handbook. OUTREACH PROGRAMS AIMS, Adventures in Math and Science AIMS is a residential enrichment program for rising ninth and tenth grade students from Philadelphia, Chester, and local public schools. It was initiated at Swarthmore in 1986, and Swarthmore College students serve as coun­ selors and teaching assistants in partnership with College professors, high school teachers, and other educators. The goal o f the program is to create an innovative, motivational learn­ ing environment for middle-ability students. Math, science, writing, and personal assess­ ment and growth are emphasized. AIMS is funded by the William Penn Foundation; Myrt Westphal is the Administrative Direc­ tor. Swarthmore College Upward Bound The Upward Bound Program at Swarthmore College, begun in 1964 and continued with Federal support, is intended to provide simul­ taneously a valuable experience for Swarth­ more students and a service to members of surrounding communities. It offers both a six-week residential summer school in which Swarthmore students may serve as counselors, and a series o f activities during the academic year in which Swarthmore students serve as tutors. The program is administered by Edwin A. Collins, Project Director. Swarthmore College Volunteer Program Swarthmore students may work as volunteers or paid Interns in community agencies that provide a variety o f services including housing rehabilitation, legal assistance, and counsel­ ing. The localities serviced include the nearby City of Chester, Delaware County, and Phila­ delphia. The program was begun by students in 1983 and is now overseen by Cynthia Jetter, Coor­ dinator, and a committee o f faculty members, alumni, and Chester community leaders. Student Community Swarthmore Foundation The Swarthmore Foundation is a small philan­ thropic body designed to be a distinctive part o f Swarthmore College. Its mission is to pro­ mote an understanding and a sense o f social responsibility within our students by enabling them to become involved in effective charit­ 44 able work. The Foundation operates under the oversight o f the Dean o f the College and, on a competitive basis, awards grants to stuents who wish to engage in charitable activity. The awards are small, generally ranging from $200 to $ 2,000 a year to a single beneficiary. I I I I I I IV j Educational Program Faculty Regulations Degree Requirements Awards and Prizes Fellowships 45 Educational Program GENERAL STATEMENT Swarthmore College offers the degree of Bachelor o f Arts and the degree o f Bachelor o f Science. The latter is given only to students who major in Engineering; the former, to students in the Humanities, the Social Sci­ ences, and the Natural Sciences. Four years of resident study are normally required for a Bachelor’s degree (see page 6 1), but variation in this term, particularly as a result o f Ad­ vanced Placement credit, is possible (see page 20). The selection o f a program will depend upon the student’s interests and vocational plans. The purpose o f a liberal education, however, is not primarily to provide vocational instruc­ tion, even though it provides the best founda­ tion for one’s future vocation. Its purpose is to help students fulfill their responsibilities as citizens and grow into cultivated and versatile individuals. A liberal education is concerned with the cultural inheritance o f the past, with the cultivation o f moral, spiritual, and aes­ thetic values, with the development o f analyti­ cal abilities. Intellectually it aims to enhance resourcefulness, serious curiosity, openmindedness, perspective, logical coherence, insight, discrimination. One comprehensive review o f Swarthmore’s curriculum (Critique o f a College, 1967) sug­ gested two principles for a liberal education. "O ne is the principle o f Depth. To make the most o f a liberal education, each student must go far enough into some subjects to give him a genuine mastery o f disciplinary skills, so that he can use them to generate new dis­ coveries on his ow n.. . . He must go far enough to grasp systematic connections within a field, to see how fundamental principles combine to make intelligible a range o f sub­ ordinate principles or phenomena----- The other principle is that o f Diversity. To make the most o f a liberal education, each student must have enough breadth and variety in his studies so that he can compare and contrast different methods o f inquiry . . . , and so that he can have the experience o f making the bright spark o f connection leap across wide gaps. It is this breadth that gives point to the two senses o f 'relevance’ that are fundamental in liberal education. . . perception o f the rele- 46 vance o f one part o f learning to another, even across the boundaries o f fields and subjects (an d ). . . perception o f the relevance o f learn­ ing to the exigencies o f life___ ” To these two principles the study added that the curriculum should aim to encourage resourcefulness and self-reliance and develop the personal condi­ tions o f intellectual progress by placing sub­ stantial responsibility upon the student for his or her education, amply allowing individ­ uality o f programs and requiring important choices about the composition o f programs. "W h at we are proposing,” the study con­ cluded, "is a curriculum that leans rather sharply toward specialized diversity, and away from uniform generality.. . . Our emphasis is on serious encounters with special topics and problems at a comparatively high level of competence, and on student programs that reflect individual constellations o f diversified interests.” Accordingly, the Swarthmore curriculum re­ quires o f the student both a diversity of intellectual experience sufficient to test and develop different capacities and perspectives and concentration on some field(s) suffi­ ciently intensive to develop a serious under­ standing o f problems and methods and a sense o f the conditions o f mastery. These ends of a liberal education are reflected in requirements for distribution and for the major. During the first half o f their college program all students are expected to satisfy some if not all o f the distribution requirements, to choose their major and minor subjects, and to prepare for advanced work in these subjects by taking certain prerequisites. The normal program consists o f four courses each semester chosen by the student in consultation with his or her faculty advisor. The program for upper class students affords a choice between two methods o f study: the External Examination (Honors) Program and the Course program. Reading for Honors is characteristically the more intensive, Course work the more diversified. An Honors candi­ date concentrates on two or three fields through a disciplinary major and minor or focuses the program o f study in an interdisci­ plinary major or concentration; studies are ( intensive and will occupy the equivalent o f three-fourths o f the student’s work during the last two years. In addition to work taken as a part o f the External Examination Program, the students take other courses which provide opportunities for further exploration. A t the close of the senior year, the candidate’s exter­ nal examination program will be evaluated by visiting examiners. A student in the course program has wider freedom o f election and normally takes four courses or their equivalent in each o f the last four semesters. All students must fulfill the requirements for the major, and before the end o f the senior year, students are required to pass a comprehensive examination given by the major department. All students are admitted to seminars based on their prior academic work. The program for engineering students follows a similar basic plan, with certain variations which are explained on page 114. Courses outside the technical fields are distributed over all four years. The course advisors o f freshmen and sopho­ mores are members o f the faculty appointed by the Dean. For juniors and seniors the advisors are the chairs o f their major depart­ ments or their representatives. PROGRAM FOR FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORES j I The major goals o f the first two years o f a Swarthmore education are to introduce stu­ dents to a broad range o f intellectual pursuits, to equip them with the analytic and expressive skills required to engage in those pursuits, and to foster a critical stance towards learning and knowing. The College distribution require­ ments are designed to aid students in achieving these goals. To meet the distribution requirements, a stu­ dent must take at least three credits in each o f the three divisions o f the College and complete at least 20 credits outside the major before graduation. At least two credits in each division must be in different departments and must also be earned in courses designated as Primary Distribution courses. The three divisions o f the College are consti- I tuted as follows: Humanities: Art, Classics (literature), English I Literature, Modern Languages and LiteraI tures, Music and Dance, Philosophy, ReliI gion. Natural Sciences and Engineering: Biology, I Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, I Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy. Social Sciences: Classics (ancient history), Eco­ nomics, Education, History, Linguistics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology.I I Primary Distribution courses place particular emphasis on the mode o f inquiry in a particu­ lar discipline. In teaching students to be self conscious about how knowledge is generated, these courses seek to develop an appreciation o f both the power and the limits o f each discipline within a broader system o f knowl­ edge. In recognition o f the importance o f writing as an integral part o f the learning process in disciplines across the curriculum, Primary Distribution courses also provide considerable practice in expressing analytic and synthetic thought in writing. Primary Distribution courses are intended to be ap­ propriate both for those students who con­ tinue in a field and for those who do not. They are restricted to 25 students or have accom­ panying small laboratories or discussion sec­ tions. Courses which count for Primary Distribution are designated in the departmental listings. All six Primary Distribution courses must be satisfied by courses taken at Swarthmore and, with the exception o f literature courses taught in a language other than English, will normally be completed before the student enters the junior year. Extensions in the time allowed to complete the remaining Primary Distribution courses may be granted by the Committee on Academic Requirements to students who study for a semester or more away from Swarthmore. Any course in a division (with the exception o f English Literature courses numbered 1A, Educational Program IB , 1C, Music courses numbered 4 0 -4 9 , and Dance courses numbered 1-12 and 4 0 ) may be chosen as the third Distribution course in that division. Some courses may be designated as qualifying for distribution (including Primary Distribution) within more than one division. One-credit courses so designated can be counted in only one o f those divisions; multicredit courses so designated may be counted for distribution in two or more divisions. A course cross-listed between departments, within or across divisions, will fulfill the distribution requirement only for the depart­ ment and division o f the professor who offers the course. Unless designated otherwise, courses taught joindy or alternately by faculty members o f departments in different divisions may not be used to satisfy distribution re­ quirements. Students who have been granted credit and advanced placement by two departments in the same division for work done prior to matriculation at Swarthmore will be exempted from one Primary Distribution requirement in that division on the condition that they take an additional course in one o f those departments. They will be exempted from both Primary Distribution requirements in that division on the condition that they take an additional course in each o f those depart­ ments. Students who enter Swarthmore with at most four semesters remaining to complete their degree will be exempted from the Pri­ mary Distribution component o f the distribu­ tion requirement. It is most desirable that students include in their programs some work in a foreign lan­ guage, beyond the basic language requirement (see p. 61). A student who intends to major in one o f the natural sciences, mathematics, or engineering should take an appropriate mathe­ matics course in the freshman year. Students intending to major in one o f the social sciences should be aware o f the increasing importance o f mathematical background for these sub­ jects. In addition to the requirements listed above, prerequisites must be completed for the work o f the last two years in major and minor subjects, and sufficient additional electives must be taken to make up a full program, bearing in mind the requirement that at least 20 credits must be taken outside the major department. Early in the sophomore year, the student should identify two or three subjects as possible majors, paying particular attention to departmental requirements and recom­ mendations. W hile faculty advisors assist students in pre­ paring their academic programs, it is empha­ sized that students themselves are individually responsible for planning and adhering to pro­ grams and for the completion o f graduation requirements. Faculty advisors, department chairmen, other faculty members, the Deans, and the Registrar are available for information and advice. In the freshman and sophomore years all students not excused for medical reasons are required to complete a four quarter (two semester) program in physical education. The requirements are stated in full on page 60. PROGRAMS FOR JUNIORS AND SENIORS The major goals o f the last two years o f a Swarthmore education are to engage students with a chosen field o f inquiry and to assist them in assuming an independent role in creating and synthesizing knowledge within it. The breadth o f exposure, acquisition o f skills, and development o f a critical stance during the first two years prepare students to pursue these goals. W ith the choice o f a major, the focus shifts from scope to depth. Students become involved for two years with a discrete 48 field o f inquiry and demonstrate their mastery o f that field through the completion of courses within the major and courses taken outside the major which serve to expand and deepen the student’s perspective on the major. All students are required to include sufficient work in a single department or program (des­ ignated as a "m ajor” ) to make an equivalent o f at least eight courses before graduation. In the spring o f the sophomore year, each stu- dent will, with the guidance o f his or her advisor, prepare a reasoned plan o f study for the last two years. This plan will be submitted to the chair o f the student’s proposed major as a part o f the application for a major. Acceptance will be based on the student’s record and an estimate o f his or her capacities in the designated major. Students who fail to secure approval o f a major cannot be admitted to the junior class. During the senior year a student may choose to study in one o f two programs o f study described below. COURSE PROGRAM Work in the Course program includes some intensive study within a general area o f inter­ est. This work results in a departmental major or a special major. To complete a departmental major, a student must be accepted as a major, and in addition to the standard eight courses and comprehensive examination in the major department, must fulfill specific departmental requirements. The requirements for accep­ tance to departmental majors and for comple­ tion of them are specified in this catalogue under the respective departmental listings. The latter are designated to ensure a compre­ hensive acquaintance with the field. A student must accumulate twenty courses outside his or her major, but there is no other limit on the number of courses that a student may take in his or her major. With departmental permission it is possible for a student to plan a Special Major that includes closely related work in one or more departments outside the major department. This work (up to four courses normally) is part of the major program for the comprehen­ sive examination; some o f it may consist o f a thesis or other written research p ro je cts) designed to integrate the work across depart­ mental boundaries. In any case, the program of the Special M ajor is expected to be integral in the sense that it specifies a field o f learning (not necessarily conventional) or topic or problems for sustained inquiry that crosses departmental boundaries and can be treated as a sub-field within the normal departmental major. Special Majors consist o f at least 10 credits and normally o f no more than 12 credits. Occasionally, where regular depart­ mental requirements unduly constrain the possibilities o f a Special Major, these require­ ments may be relaxed to a minimum o f six courses in the primary department or by the omission o f certain courses in that department normally required for the sake o f breadth o f experience o f the major field; but course requirements central to systematic understand­ ing o f the major field will not be waived. By extension, Special Majors may be formulated as joint majors between two departments, normally with at least five credits in each department and 11 in both departments, which, in such programs, collaborate in advis­ ing and in the comprehensive examination. During the junior and senior years, Course students are advised by the chairman o f the major department (or a member o f the de­ partment designated by the chairman) whose approval must be secured for the choice of courses each semester. The faculty may award the bachelor’s degree with Distinction to students who have done distinguished work in the Course program and have achieved the grade average estab­ lished for this degree. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION PROGRAM (READING FOR HONORS) The External Examination Program, initiated in 1922 by President Frank Aydelotte and modified most recently in 1987, is a distinc­ tive part o f Swarthmore’s educational life. While the program is designedly flexible and responsive to new needs, it has been charac­ terized from the beginning by three basic elements, which taken together may be said to be the essence o f the system. (1 ) Reading for Honors involves a concentra­ tion o f the student’s attention upon a limited 49 Educational Program field o f studies. Normally, the student pursues only two subjects each semester, avoiding fragmentation o f interests. Content o f studies is correspondingly broader and deeper, per­ mitting a wide range o f reading and investiga­ tion and demanding o f the student correla­ tions o f an independent and searching nature. (2 ) W hile Reading for Honors frees students from periodic examination, it exposes their thinking to continual scrutiny from both classmates and instructors. Students prepare for examination over their program at the close o f the senior year. In these, the student is expected to demonstrate competence in a field o f knowledge rather than mere mastery o f those facts and interpretations which the instructor has presented. These examinations, consisting o f a three-hour paper in each field, are set by examiners from other institutions who also come to the campus to conduct an oral examination o f each student. credit thesis or individual research project. J (2 ) Three units o f work consisting o f a twocredit seminar or its equivalent plus a unit of prerequisite work. (3 ) One unit o f work if this work is related to one or more o f the other fields in the student’s external examination program. The examined work will take the form o f a written essay I I thesis. A student may include, at most, two single-unit fields in the program for external examination. An external examination program will be based on the equivalent o f twelve units o f work covering at least four fields chosen from at least two departments. The program o f study must contain at least three fields from the student’s major department or be in a faculty-approved interdisciplinary major or concentration. The major department may require that the minor field o f a four field examination program be related to the three fields in the major. A candidate for admission to the external examination program should, during the spring semester of the junior year, consult the chair o f his or her prospective major and minor departments or the chair o f an approved interdisciplinary concentration or major in which the examination program is to be focused, to work out his or her proposed program for external examination. The application for an external examination program contains a specification o f i) which examination a student proposes to take, ii) how many units each examination is to count for, and iii) the form o f preparation for each examination. This proposed program must be filed in the office o f the Registrar, who will forward it to the divisions concerned. Accceptance of the candidate by the division will be based on the recommendation o f the major and minor departments, concentrations or interdisciplinary major. The recommendation o f the major department or interdisciplinary program will depend on the proposed program of study and the quality o f the student’s previous work as indicated by grades received and upon the student’s apparent capacity for assuming the responsibility o f reading for honors. The major department or interdisciplinary program is responsible for the original plan of work and for keeping in touch with the candidate’s progress from semester to semester. The division is responsible for approval of the original program and o f any later changes in that program. A student who sits for an external examination in a field must do so based on one o f the following forms o f preparation: For purposes o f the external examination I program, the structure o f divisions will be as I follows: ( I ) Two units o f work consisting o f a twocredit seminar or its equivalent, or a two- Humanities: Art, Classics, English Literature, I History, Linguistics (program), Mathematics, I (3 ) Reading for Honors is customarily carried on in seminars, in independent projects, or in classes which have been approved as prepara­ tions for external examinations. Seminars meet once a week, in many cases in the home o f the instructor, for sessions lasting three hours or more. The exact technique o f the seminar varies with the subject matter, but its essence is a cooperative search for truth, whether it be by papers, discussion, or labora­ tory experiment. Once a seminar in a desig­ nated subject has been taken, the student must stand for the external examination as part o f his or her Honors program. 50 I I I I j I I j I I I I I I I I I I j I I I I I I I I I I I Modern Languages, Music, Philosophy, Psy­ chology, Religion. Social Sciences: Economics, Education, Engi­ neering, History, Linguistics (program), Mathe­ matics, Philosophy, Political Science, Psy­ chology, Sociology and Anthropology. Natural Sciences and Engineering: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science (program), En­ gineering, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics and Astronomy, Psychology. All seminar work will be followed by an examination at the end o f the spring semester of the year in which the seminar is offered. For seniors in the external examination program, the external examination will constitute suffi­ cient examination for all seminars in their plan of study. All other students who have taken seminars will stand for an appropriate examination set (when feasible) by external examiners and read by a member o f the Swarthmore faculty. If such an exam is not available, these students will stand for an equivalent examination set and read by a member of the Swarthmore faculty. Seniors who are awarded honors and juniors who have been accepted into the external examination program will have no grades recorded on their transcript for any seminars included in their plan o f study for honors programs. Seniors who take courses within a plan o f study for an external examination program will be expected to meet all the requirements for such courses except that of course examination, unless the instructor deems it necessary that they take the examina­ tion. Normally, the external examination will be sufficient examination for such courses. A t the end o f the senior year the reading o f the examinations and the decision o f the degree of Honors to be awarded the candidates is en­ tirely in the hands o f the visiting examiners. Upon their recommendation, successful can­ didates are awarded the Bachelor’s Degree with Honors, with High Honors, or with Highest Honors. When the work o f a candi­ date does not in the opinion o f the examiners merit Honors o f any grade, Swarthmore fac­ ulty members review the student’s examina­ tion papers and assign grades. EXCEPTIONS TO THE FOUR-YEAR PROGRAM Although the normal period o f uninterrupted work toward the Bachelor o f Arts and Bache­ lor of Science degrees is four years, graduation in three years is freely permitted when a student can take advantage o f Advanced Place­ ment credits, perhaps combining them with extra work by special permission. W hen cir­ cumstances warrant, a student may lengthen the continuous route to graduation to five years by carrying fewer courses than the norm of four: this may be appropriate for students who enter Swarthmore lacking some elements of the usual preparation for college, who are physically handicapped, or who wish to free time for activities relating to their curricular work although not done for academic credit. Such five-year programs are possible in Music and Studio Arts for students who are tak- ing instruction o ff campus or who wish to pursue studio or instrumental work without full credit but with instruction and critical supervision; but such programs are possible only on application to and selection by the department concerned, which will look for exceptional accomplishment or promise. In all cases where it is proposed to reduce aca­ demic credit and lengthen the period before graduation the College looks particularly to personal circumstances and to careful advising and necessarily charges the regular annual tuition (see the provisions for overloads, p. 21 ). Full-time leaves o f absence for a semes­ ter or a year or more are freely permitted and in some cases encouraged, subject also to careful planning and academic advising. NORMAL COURSE LOAD Although normal progress toward the degree of Bachelor o f Arts or Bachelor o f Science is made by eight semesters’ work o f four courses or the equivalent each semester, students may 51 Educational Program and frequently do vary this by programs o f five courses or three courses if it is desirable for them to do so. The object o f progress toward the degree is not primarily, however, the mere accumulation o f 32 credits. College policy does not permit programs o f fewer than three courses within the normal eight semester enrollment. Programs o f more than five courses or fewer than four courses require special permission (see p. 21 on tuition and p. 5 9 on registration). FORMATS OF INSTRUCTION W hile classes and seminars are the normal curricular formats at Swarthmore, faculty regulations encourage other modes as well. These include various forms o f individual study, student-run courses, and a limited amount o f "practical” or off-campus work. The principal forms o f individual work are attachments to courses, directed reading, and tutorials. The faculty regulation on attach­ ments provides that a student may attach to an existing course, with permission o f the in­ structor, a project o f additional reading, re­ search, and writing. If this attachment is taken concurrently with the course it is normally done for half credit. I f it is taken in a later semester (preferably the semester immediately following), it may be done for either half or full credit. This kind o f work can be done on either a small-group or individual basis. It is not possible in all courses, but it is in most, including some introductory courses. For freshmen and sophomores it is a way o f developing capacities for independent work, and for Honors candidates it is an alternative to seminars as a preparation for papers. Stu­ dents who decide before the middle o f the semester to do a half-credit attachment may commonly, with permission, withdraw from a regular course and carry three and a half credits in that term to be balanced by four and a half credits in another term. Students may do as many as two attachments each year. Directed reading and tutorials are similar; but the faculty role in the former is more biblio­ graphical than pedagogical, and, because they require somewhat less faculty time, oppor­ tunities for directed reading are more frequent in most departments than are opportunities for tutorials. In both cases substantial written work and/or written examinations are con­ sidered appropriate, and it is generally desir­ able that the work be more specialized or 52 more sharply focussed than is usually the case in courses or seminars; the work may range from a course o f reading to a specific research project. Such work is available primarily to juniors and seniors in accordance with their curricular interests and as faculty time per­ mits. The faculty regulation on student-run courses permits a group o f students to propose a topic to an instructor for half or single credit and to run their own course with a reading list ap­ proved by the instructor and a final examina­ tion or equivalent administered by him or her, but normally with no further involvement o f faculty. In organizing such a course students obtain provisional approval and agreement to serve as course supervisor from a faculty member by December 1st (for the spring term) or May 1st (for the fall term) on the basis o f an initial memorandum emphasizing the principal subject matter to be studied, the questions to be asked about it, the methods of investigation, and providing a preliminary bibliography. The course is then registered by its organizers with the Provost, who has ad­ ministrative supervision o f such work, and who may waive the foregoing deadlines to recognize problems in the organization of such courses. The course supervisor consults his or her department, and in the case of an interdepartmental course, any. other depart­ ment concerned, whose representatives to­ gether with the Provost will decide whether to approve the course. The supervisor also re­ views the course outline and bibliography and qualifications and general eligibility of stu­ dents proposing to participate in the course. After a student-run course has been found acceptable by the appropriate department (or departments) and the Provost, the course supervisor’s final approval is due ten days before the term begins, following which a revised reading list and class list are given I I to the Librarian and the course title and class list are filed with the Registrar. A t the end o f the course the supervisor evaluates and grades the students’ work in the usual way or arranges for an outside examiner to do so. Student-run courses may vary in format and content. In particular, they may be provi­ sionally proposed for half credit to run in the first half o f the semester, and at midterm, may be either concluded or, if the participants and course supervisor find the work profitable, continued for the balance o f the term for full credit. Alternatively, student-run courses may be started after the beginning o f the semester (up to midsemester) for half credit and then be continued, on the same basis, into the following term. Or they may be taken for half credit over a full term. The role o f the course supervisor may exceed that in planning and evaluation outlined above and extend to occa­ sional or regular participation. The only es­ sentials, and the purpose o f the procedures, are sufficient planning and organization o f the course to facilitate focus and penetration. The course planning and organization, both ana­ lytical and bibliographical, are also regarded as important ends in themselves, to be em­ phasized in the review o f proposals before approval. Up to four o f the 32 credits required for graduation may be taken in student-run courses. Finally, as to applied or practical work, the College may under faculty regulations grant up to one course credit for practical work, which may be done o ff campus, when it can be shown to lend itself to intellectual analysis and is likely to contribute to a student’s progress in regular course work, and subject to four conditions: ( 1 ) agreement o f an in­ structor to supervise the project; ( 2 ) sponsor­ ship by the instructor’s department, and in the case o f an interdisciplinary project, any other department concerned, whose repre­ sentatives together with the Provost will de­ cide whether to grant permission for the applied or practical work before that work is undertaken; (3) a basis for the project in some prior course work; and (4 ) normally, the examination o f pertinent literature and pro­ duction o f a written report as parts o f the project. This option is intended to apply to work in which direct experience o f the offcampus world or responsible applications o f academic learning or imaginative aspects of the practice o f an art are the primary elements. Because such work is likely to bear a loose relation to organized instruction and the reg­ ular curriculum, the College limits academic credit for it while recognizing its special im­ portance for some students’ programs. INTERDISCIPLINARY WORK The requirements o f the major typically leave room for significant flexibility in students’ programs, both within and outside the major. This may be used to pursue a variety o f interests and to emphasize intellectual diver­ sity; it may also be used for the practical integration o f individual programs around interests or principles supplementing the major. The College offers interdepartmental majors in Asian Studies, Medieval Studies, Literature, Linguistics-Psychology, and The­ atre Studies, and formal interdisciplinary pro­ grams short o f the major in Black Studies, Computer Science, International Relations, Public Policy, and Women’s Studies. The programs in Education and in Linguistics have departmental status as to staff. It should be recognized that some departments are themselves interdisciplinary in nature; that a considerable number o f courses are crosslisted between departments; that each year some courses are taught jointly by members o f two or more departments; that departments commonly recommend or require supporting work for their majors in other departments; and that students can organize their work into personally selected concentrations in addition to or as extensions o f their majors, particularly in Special Majors. Such concentration is for­ mally provided in Black Studies, International Relations, Public Policy, and Women’s Stu­ dies. Many other opportunities exist infor­ mally—e.g., in comparative literature, in Af­ rican studies, in American studies, in religion and sociology-anthropology, in engineering and social sciences, in women’s studies, in 53 Educational Program biochemistry, or in chemical physics. Stu­ dents are encouraged to seek the advice o f faculty members on such possibilities with respect to their particular interests. In some cases faculty members o f several departments have planned and scheduled their course of­ ferings with some consultation so as to afford a de facto concentration in addition to the major, and students may wish to know and take advantage o f these cases o f overlapping faculty interests. HEALTH SCIENCES ADVISORY PROGRAM The function o f the health sciences advisory program is twofold: to advise students inter­ ested in a career in the health sciences, and to prepare letters o f recommendation for pro­ fessional schools to which students apply. The letters are based on faculty evaluations requested by the student, the student’s aca­ demic record and non-academic activities. Students intending to enter a career in the health sciences, especially those applying to medical or dental schools, should plan their academic programs carefully to meet the ne­ cessary requirements, as well as the general College requirements. The following courses are among the minimum requirements for stu­ dents entering medical or dental schools: Bi­ ology 1, 2 (students who have earned ad­ vanced placement credit for Biology 1, 2 should take two other biology courses); Chem­ istry 1 0 ,2 2 ,3 2 ,3 6 , or 38; Physics 3 , 4 ; Math 5 and one additional math course; and English Literature, two semester courses. The work o f the junior and senior years may be completed in either the Course or the Honors Program, and in any major department o f the student’s choice. However, professional schools in the health sciences generally require a demon­ strated proficiency in the basic sciences. All required courses should therefore be taken on a graded basis after the first semester o f the freshman year. Almost all medical schools require applicants to take the Medical College Admission Test which is given in April and September each year. It is recommended that students take the test in the Spring o f the year that they apply for admission to medical schools. Swarthmore College is a testing center for the MCAT. Corollary tests, the Dental Aptitude Test and the Veterinary Aptitude Test, are often re­ quired by dental and veterinary schools. Specific requirements for each medical and dental school along with much other useful information are given in two publications which are available in the Health Sciences Advisory Office: M edical School Admission Requirements and Admission Requirements o f American Dental Schools. Catalogs for most medical and veterinary schools are also on file in the Advisory Office. The Health Sciences Advisor meets periodically with students interested in health careers and is available to assist students in planning their programs in cooperation with students’ own academic advisors. Further information on opportunities, requirements and proce­ dures can be obtained from the Health Sciences Advisor but it is the student’s respon­ sibility to make his or her intentions known to the Advisor at the earliest possible date. CREATIVE ARTS Work in the creative arts is available both in the curriculum o f certain departments and on an extracurricular basis. Interested students should consult the departmental statements 54 in Art, English Literature, and Music. A total o f not more than five courses in the creative arts may be counted toward the degrees of Bachelor o f Arts and Bachelor o f Science. I . i j | I COOPERATION W ITH NEIGHBORING INSTITUTIONS With the approval o f their faculty advisor and the Registrar, students may take a course offered by Bryn Mawr or Haverford College or the University o f Pennsylvania without the payment o f extra tuition. Students are ex- pected to know and abide by the academic regulations o f the host institution. This ar­ rangement does not apply to the summer sessions o f the University o f Pennsylvania and Bryn Mawr College. STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAMS To provide variety and a broadened outlook for interested students, the College has stu­ dent exchange arrangements with Brandeis University, Harvey Mudd College, Howard University, Middlebury College, Mills Col­ lege, Pomona College, Rice University, and Tufts University. Selection is made by a com­ mittee of the home institution from among applicants who will be sophomores or juniors at the time o f the exchange. W ith each institution there is a limited and matched number o f exchanges. Students settle financially with the home institution, thus retaining during the exchange any financial aid for which they are eligible. Exchange arrangements do not permit transfer o f participants to the institution with which the exchange takes place. EDUCATION ABROAD The College recognizes the general educational value of travel and study abroad and cooper­ ates as far as possible in enabling interested students to take advantage o f such opportuni­ ties. To be acceptable for credit, foreign study must meet Swarthmore academic standards, and must form a coherent part o f the student’s four-year plan o f study. program, under the auspices o f the Depart­ ment o f Modern Languages and Literatures, is open to students from any department, but especially those in the humanities and social sciences. Should there be places available, applications from students at other institu­ tions are accepted. The number o f participants in limited to twenty-five. Plans for study abroad must be approved in advance by the Registrar and the chairmen o f departments concerned, if credit is to be given for courses taken. Students may be asked to take examinations upon their return to the College. Requests for credit must be made within the academic year following return to Swarthmore. Individual departments, such as Art and Modern Languages and Literatures, publish separate instructions for transfer o f credits from other institutions. These are available from the respective department of­ fices. Students are integrated into the academic life at the University o f Grenoble through regular courses, when their language competence al­ lows, or through special courses for foreign students. Individual programs are arranged to suit the needs and competencies o f students. Preparation o f External Examination papers is possible in certain fields. The program is designed primarily for juniors and second semester sophomores, but seniors can be ac­ commodated in special cases. 1. The Swarthmore Program in Grenoble, France, inaugurated in the fall o f 1972. Students entering this program spend either one or two semesters at the University o f Grenoble, where their course o f study is the equivalent of one or two semesters at Swarthmore. This A member o f the Department o f Modern Languages and Literatures acts as resident Director. The Director teaches a course or a seminar, supervises the academic program and the living arrangements o f the students, and advises on all educational or personal problems. A coordinator o f the program at Swarthmore handles such matters as admis- 55 Educational Program sions to the program (in consultation with the Deans), financial aid, transfer o f academic credit to departments within the College and to institutions whose students participate in the program. Applications for the fall semes­ ter must be submitted by March 15 and for the spring semester by October 15. 2. Academic Year in Madrid, Spain. This pro­ gram is administered by the Romance Lan­ guage Department o f Hamilton College, in cooperation with faculty members o f W il­ liams, Mount Holyoke and Swarthmore Col­ leges. Students many enroll either for the full academic year or for the fall semester only. (Credit at Swarthmore must be obtained through the departments concerned.) The program attempts to take full advantage o f the best facilities and teaching staff o f the Spanish community, while adhering to the code o f intellectual performance characteristic o f the most demanding American institutions. A distinguishing aspect o f the program is the individual guidance provided students in nonacademic areas, especially in ( 1 ) the efforts that are made to find homes well suited for student lodging, and (2) the activities which are planned to insure ample contact with Spanish students. The program is based in Madrid, where the cultural, educational and geographic benefits are optimum. Classrooms and office space are located at the International Institute (Miguel Angel 8, Madrid). The Institute is centrally located, it houses a library eminently suited for study and research, and it sponsors a series o f lectures, concerts and social activities. The program is under the general guidance o f a committee comprised o f members o f the Hamilton College Department o f Romance Languages, who, in rotation with professors from Williams, Mount Holyoke, and Swarth­ more Colleges, serve also as directors-in-residence in Madrid. Applications and further information are avail­ able from the Department o f Modem Lan­ guages and Literatures. 3. Suiarthmore-supported Programs o f Study Abroad. Swarthmore students may apply their scholarship monies to the cost o f participating in one o f the programs o f academic study abroad listed below, subject to the student’s 56 acceptance to the program in question and the customary regulations which apply to study abroad as outlined above. 1) Swarthmore College Program in Grenoble (France) for either semester or the entire academic year (see above); 2 ) Hamilton College Academic Year in Ma­ drid (Spain) for the fall semester or the entire academic year (see above); 3 ) Wayne State Junior Year in Germany, either at the University o f Freiburg or the University o f Munich (West Germany) for the entire academic year; 4 ) Smith College Junior Year at the Univer­ sity o f Hamburg (West Germany) for the entire academic year; 5) Great Lakes College Association Latin America Program (Ceuca) in Bogota (Co­ lombia) for either semester or the entire academic year; 6 ) The Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome (Italy) for either semester or the entire academic year. (See also announcement o f the Art Department, p. 70, and o f the Classics Department, p. 92 .) 7) Sweet Briar Junior Year in France (Paris). 8) Intercollegiate Sri Lanka Educational (ISLE) Program at the University o f Peradeniya for the fall (August-November) semester. Students who wish to apply scholarship funds to the above programs should consult with the Financial Aid officer o f the College. 4. Other Established Programs. Students who wish to study abroad under formal academic conditions but whose needs would not be met by any o f the programs listed above may apply to one o f the programs administered by other American colleges and universities; for exam­ ple, those o f Oberlin College, with whose Chinese Studies Program at Tunghai Univer­ sity the College is also affiliated, Smith Col­ lege, or Sweet Briar College. These are fullyear programs o f study at foreign universities, under the supervision o f American college personnel. Interested students should consult the Associate Provost. 5. Direct Enrollment. Application may also be made directly to foreign institutions for ad­ mission as a special student. This should be done only after consultation with the Regis­ trar and the appropriate department head. Care must be taken to assure in advance that courses taken abroad will be acceptable for Swarthmore credit. Most foreign universities severely limit the number o f students they accept for short periods. The Olga Lamkert Memorial Fund. Income from a fund established in 1979 by students o f Olga Lamkert, Professor o f Russian at Swarthmore College from 1949 to 1956, is available to students with demonstrated financial need who wish to attend a Russian summer school program in this country or either the Lenin­ grad or Moscow semester programs in the U SSR. Awards based on merit and financial need will be made on the recommendation o f the Russian section o f the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures. The Eugene M. Webber Memorial Fund. Income from a fund established in 1986 to honor the memory o f Eugene M. Weber, Professor of German at Swarthmore College from 1973 to 1986, is available to students with demon­ strated financial need who wish to attend an academic program in a German-speaking coun­ try. Awards based on merit and financial need will be made on the recommendation o f the German section o f the Department o f Modern Languages and Literatures. 57 Faculty Regulations ATTENDANCE AT CLASSES Registration to take a course for credit implies regular attendance at classes, unless a student specifically elects to obtain credit in a course without attending classes. The conditions for exercising this option are set forth below. W ith this exception, students are responsible for regular attendance. Faculty members will report to the Dean the name o f any student whose repeated absence is in their opinion impairing the student’s work. The number o f cuts allowed in a given course is not specified, a fact which places a heavy responsibility on all students to make sure that their work is not suffering as a result o f absences. Since fresh­ men must exercise particular care in this respect, and since the Faculty recognizes its greater responsibility toward freshmen in the matter o f class attendance, it is expected that freshmen, especially, will attend all classes. 3 ) The student may be required to perform such work, in addition to the final examina­ tion, as the instructor deems necessary for adequate evaluation o f his or her perfor­ mance. W hen illness necessitates absence from classes, the student should report at once to the Health Center. 4 ) The final grade will be recorded by the Registrar exactly as if the student had attended classes normally. A student may obtain credit for a course without attending class meetings by reading the material prescribed by a syllabus and taking a final examination, under the follow­ ing conditions: 1) The student must signify intent to do so at the time o f registration, having obtained the instructor’s approval in advance. 2 ) If after such registration the student wishes to resume normal class attendance, the in­ structor’s approval must be obtained. GRADES Instructors report to the Dean’s and Regis­ trar’s offices at intervals during the year upon the work o f students in courses. Informal reports during the semester take the form o f comments on unsatisfactory work. At the end o f each semester formal grades are given in each course under the letter system, by which A means excellent work, B good work, C satisfactory work, D passing but below the average required for graduation, and NC (no credit) for uncompleted or unsatisfactory work. Letter grades are qualified by pluses and minuses. W signifies that the student has been permitted to withdraw from the course by the Committee on Academic Require­ ments. X designates a condition; this means that a student has done unsatisfactory work in the first half o f a year course, but by creditable work during the second half may earn a passing grade for the full course and thereby remove the condition. R is used to designate an auditor or to indicate cases in which the work o f a foreign student cannot be evaluated because o f deficiencies in English. Inc. means that a student’s work is incomplete 58 with respect to specific assignments or exam­ inations. The Faculty has voted that a stu­ dent’s final grade in a course should incorpo­ rate a zero for any part o f the course not completed by the date o f the final examina­ tion, or the end o f the examination period. However, if circumstances beyond the stu­ dent’s control preclude the completion of the work by this date, a grade o f Incomplete (Inc.) may be assigned with the permission of the Registrar. In such cases incomplete work must normally be made up and graded and the final grade recorded within five weeks after the start o f the following term. Except by special permission o f the Registrar (on consultation with the Committee on Academic Require­ ments) all grades o f Inc. still outstanding after that date will be replaced on the student’s permanent record by NC (no credit). Waiver o f this provision by special permission shall in no case extend beyond one year from the time the Inc. grade was incurred. The only grades recorded on students’ records for courses taken during their first semester of the freshman year are CR (credit) and NC (no credit). In the balance o f their work at Swarthmore, students may select up to four courses for Credit/No Credit by informing the Regis­ trar’s Office within the first two weeks o f the term in which the course is taken, except that repeated courses may not be taken Credit/No Credit. For freshmen and sophomores CR will be recorded for work that would earn a grade o f D or higher; for juniors and seniors the minimum equivalent letter grade for CR will be C. Instructors are asked to provide the student and the faculty adviser with evaluation of the student’s Credit/No Credit work. The evaluation for first-semester freshmen in­ cludes a letter-grade equivalent; for other I students the evaluation may be either a lettergrade equivalent, or a comment. Such evalua­ tions are not a part o f the student’s grade record. Letter grade equivalents only, for first semester freshmen courses only, may be pro­ vided to other institutions if requested by the student and absolutely required by the other institution. Reports of grades are sent to students at the end o f each semester. They are not routinely sent to parents or guardians, but such information may be released when students request it. A C (2 .0 ) average is required in the courses counted for graduation. REGISTRATION All students are required to register and enroll at the time specified in official announcements and to file programs o f courses or seminars approved by their faculty advisors. Fines are imposed for late or incomplete registration or enrollment. A regular student is expected to take the prescribed number o f courses in each semes­ ter. If more than five or fewer than four courses seem desirable, the faculty advisor should be consulted and a petition filed with the Committee on Academic Requirements. Applications involving late entrance into a course must be received within the first two weeks o f the semester. Applications involving withdrawal from a course must be received not later than the middle o f the semester, or the mid-point o f the course if it meets for only one-half a semester. A deposit o f $100 is required o f all returning students prior to their enrollment in both the spring and fall semesters. This deposit is applied to charges for the semester, and is not refundable. EXAMINATIONS Any student who is absent from an examina­ tion, announcement o f which was made in advance, shall be given an examination at another hour only by special arrangement with the instructor in charge o f the course. No examination in absentia shall be permitted. This rule shall be interpreted to mean that instructors shall give examinations only at the College and under direct departmental super­ vision. ACADEMIC HONESTY Members o f an academic community have an unequivocal responsibility to present as the result of their own work only that which is truly theirs. Cheating, whether in examina­ tions or by plagiarizing the work o f others, is a most serious offense, and one which strikes at the foundations o f academic life. The responsibility o f the Faculty in this area is three-fold: to explain the nature o f the problem to those they teach (the Faculty’s statement concerning plagiarism may be found in The Student Handbook), to minimize temptation, and to report any case o f cheating to the Dean for action by the College Judiciary Committee. 59 Faculty Regulations The College J udiciar y Committee will consider the case, determine guilt, and recommend a penalty to the President. The order o f magni­ tude o f the penalty should reflect the serious­ ness o f the transgression. It is the opinion o f the Faculty that for the first offense failure in the course and, as appropriate, suspension for a semester or deprivation o f the degree in that year is not unsuitable; for a second offense the penalty should normally be expulsion. A full description o f College judicial procedure may be obtained from the office o f the Dean. STUDENT LEAVES OF ABSENCE Student leaves o f absence are freely permitted provided the request for leave is received by the date o f enrollment and the student is in good standing. I f a student has not enrolled and has not arranged for a leave o f absence for the subsequent semester, it is assumed that he or she is withdrawing. Such students must apply to the Dean for re-admission in order to return to College after an interval. The pur­ pose o f this policy is to assist the College in planning its enrollments. SUMMER SCHOOL WORK Students desiring to receive Swarthmore Col­ lege credit for work at a summer school are required to obtain the approval o f the chair­ man o f the Swarthmore department con­ cerned before doing the work. Prior approval is not automatic: it depends upon adequate information about the content and instruction o f the work to be undertaken. Validation o f the work for credit depends upon evaluation o f the materials o f the course including sylla­ bus, reading lists, written papers, and exami- nations by the Swarthmore department con­ cerned after the work has been done. Valida­ tion may include an examination, written or oral, administered at Swarthmore. An official transcript from the summer school must be presented to the Office o f the Registrar before the work can be validated for credit. Requests for credit must be made within the academic year following the term in which the course is taken. One course credit at Swarthmore is regarded as equivalent to 4 semester hours. PHYSICAL EDUCATION In the freshman and sophomore years all non­ veteran students not excused for medical rea­ sons are required to complete a four quarter (two semester) program in physical education. All students must pass a survival swimming test or take up to one quarter o f swimming instruction. (See the departmental statement o f the Department o f Physical Education and Athletics.) Students who have not fulfilled their Physical Education requirement will not be allowed to enter their junior year. EXCLUSION FROM COLLEGE The College reserves the right to exclude at any time students whose academic standing it regards as unsatisfactory, and without assigning any further reason therefor; and neither the College nor any o f its officers shall be under any liability whatsoever for such exclusion. WITHDRAWAL AND READMISSION FOR HEALTH REASONS (see p. 38) 60 Degree Requirements BACHELOR OF ARTS AND BACHELOR OF SCIENCE The degree o f Bachelor o f Arts or Bachelor o f Science is conferred upon students who have met the following requirements for gradua­ tion. The candidate must have: test; or, c) passed one year o f a foreign lan­ guage while at Swarthmore. 1. Completed thirty-two courses or their equivalent. 6. Passed satisfactorily the comprehensive ex­ aminations in his or her major field, or met the standards set by visiting examiners for a degree with Honors. 2. An average grade o f C in the courses counted for graduation.* 3. Complied with the distribution require­ ments and have completed at least twenty credits outside the major. (See pages 46-47.) 4. The foreign language requirement, having either: a) passed at least three years’ study o f one foreign language while in high school; or, b) achieved a score o f 6 0 0 or its equivalent in a foreign language on a standard achievement 5. Met the requirements in the major and supporting fields during the last two years. 7. Completed four semesters o f study at Swarthmore College, two o f which have been those o f the senior year. 8. Completed the physical education require­ ment set forth on page 42 and in statements o f the Department o f Physical Education and Athletics. 9. Paid all outstanding bills and returned all equipment and library books. MASTER OF ARTS AND MASTER OF SCIENCE The degree of Master o f Arts or Master of Science may be conferred subject to the fol­ lowing requirements: Only students who have completed the work for the Bachelor’s degree with some distinc­ tion, either at Swarthmore or at another insti­ tution of satisfactory standing, shall be ad­ mitted as candidates for the Master’s degree at Swarthmore. The candidate’s record and a detailed program setting forth the aim o f the work to be pursued shall be submitted, with a recommendation from the department or departments con­ cerned, to the Curriculum Committee. If ac­ cepted by the Committee, the candidate’s name shall be reported to the faculty at or before the first faculty meeting o f the year in which the candidate is to begin work. The requirements for the Master’s degree shall include the equivalent o f a full year’s work of graduate character. This work may be *"A n average o f C” is interpreted for this purpose as being a numerical average o f at least 2.0 ( A+, A = 4.0, A— 3.67, B+ = 3.33, B = 3.0, B - = 2 .6 7 , C + = 2 .3 3 , C = 2 .0 , 1 C - = 1.67, D + = 1.33, D = 1.0, D - = 0.67). done in courses, seminars, reading courses, regular conferences with members o f the faculty, or research. The work may be done in one department or in two related depart­ ments. A candidate for the Master’s degree shall be required to pass an examination conducted by the department or departments in which the work was done. The candidate shall be ex­ amined by outside examiners, provided that where this procedure is not practicable, ex­ ceptions may be made by the Curriculum Committee. The department or departments concerned, on the basis o f the reports o f the outside examiners, together with the reports o f the student’s resident instructors, shall make recommendations to the faculty for the award o f the degree. A t the option o f the department or depart­ ments concerned, a thesis may be required as part o f the work for the degree. Grades o f Credit/No Credit and grades on the record for work not taken at Swarthmore College are not included in computing this average. 61 Degree Requirements A candidate for the Master’s degree will be expected to show before admission to candi' dacy a competence in those languages deemed by his or her department or departments most essential for the field o f research. Detailed language requirements will be indicated in the 62 announcements o f departments which admit candidates for the degree. The tuition fee for graduate students who are candidates for the Master’s degree is $13,080. Awards and Prizes j The Ivy Award is made by the Faculty each year to the man o f the graduating class who is outstanding in leadership, scholarship, and contributions to the College community. The O ak L e a f Award is made by the Faculty each year to the woman o f the graduating class who is outstanding in leadership, scholarship, and contributions to the College community. The M cCabe Engineering Award, founded by Thomas B. McCabe, 1915, is presented each year to the outstanding engineering student in the Senior Class. The recipient is chosen by a committee o f the faculty o f the department of Engineering. I I I I The Flack Achievement Award, presented by the Flack Foundation, one o f whose founders is Hertha Eisenmenger Flack o f the Class o f 1938, is made to a deserving student who, during the first two years at Swarthmore College, has demonstrated a good record o f achievements in both academic and extracur­ ricular activities while showing leadership potential as a constructive member o f the College. The donor hopes these awards will go to students o f demonstrated achievement and high potential who are dedicated to the basic principles o f American democracy and of academic freedom. The awards are not related to need. The Academy o f Am erican Poets awards $100 each year for the prize poem (or group o f poems) submitted in a competition under the direction o f the Department o f English Litera­ ture. The Adams Prize o f $100 is awarded each year by the Department o f Economics for the best paper submitted in quantitative economics. The Stanley Adamson Prize in Chemistry is endowed in memory o f Stanley D. Adamson ’65 by his parents, June and George Adamson. It is awarded each spring to a well-rounded Junior majoring in Chemistry or Biochemistry who, in the opinion o f the Department, gives most promise o f excellence and dedication in the field. TheJonathan Leigh Altman Summer Grant, given in memory o f this member o f the Class o f 1974 by Shing-mei P. Altman ’76, is awarded by the Department o f Art to a junior who has strong interest and potential in the studio arts. It provides up to $ 2 ,0 0 0 to support purpose­ ful work in the studio arts during the summer between the junior and senior years. American Chem ical Society Award is given to the student who is judged by the Department o f Chemistry to have the best performance in chemistry and overall academic achievement. American Institute o f Chemists Award is given to the student who is judged by the Department o f Chemistry to have the second best record in chemistry and overall academic perfor­ mance. The Boyd Barnard Award is awarded annually to one or more students, selected by the Department o f Music, in recognition o f mu­ sical excellence and achievement. The James H. Batton ’72 Award, endowed in his memory by G. Isaac Stanley ’73 and Ava Harris Stanley, M.D. ’72, is awarded for the personal growth or career development o f a minority student with financial need. The Paul H. B eik Prize in History o f $100 is awarded each May for the best thesis or extended paper on an historical subject by a History major during the previous academic year. The Block Alumni Prize is awarded annually to honor the sophomore or junior minority stu­ dent who has shown exemplary academic performance and community service. The Brand Blanshard Prize, honoring Brand Blanshard, Professor o f Philosophy at Swarth­ more from 1925 to 1945, has been established by David H. Scull, o f the Class o f 1936. The award o f $100 is presented annually to the student who, in the opinion o f the Depart-, ment, submits the best essay on any philo­ sophical topic. The Sophie and W illiam Bramson Prize is awarded annually to an outstanding student majoring in sociology and anthropology. The prize recognizes the excellence o f the senior thesis, in either the course or external exami­ nations program, as well as the excellence o f the student’s entire career in the department. The Bramson prize is given in memory o f the parents o f Leon Bramson, founding chairman o f Swarthmore’s sociology-anthropology de­ partment, and it carries a cash stipend. 63 Awards and Prizes T he H einrich W. Brinkmann M athem atics Prize, honoring Heinrich Brinkmann, Professor o f Mathematics, 1933-1969, was established by his students in 1978 in honor o f his 80th birthday. Two awards o f $100 each are to be presented annually to a Course student and Honors candidate who, in the opinion o f the Mathematics Department, have demonstrated excellence in Mathematics. T he Sarah K aighn Cooper Scholarship, founded by Sallie K. Johnson in memory o f her grand­ mothers, Sarah Kaighn and Sarah Cooper, is awarded to the member o f the Junior Class who is judged by the faculty to have had, since entering College, the best record for scholar­ ship, character, and influence. The A lice L. Crossley Prize in Asian Studies o f $100 is awarded to the student who, in the opinion o f the Asian Studies Committee, submits the best essay on any topic in Asian Studies. The Rod D owdle ’82 Achievem ent Award in tennis is given annually to the male varsity tennis player who best exhibits qualities of perseverance and strong personal effort to achieve a meaningful personal or team goal. The Robert K. Enders Field Research Award is given to a junior or senior student showing great promise in biological field research, to support a field research project proposed to the Department o f Biology, either in collabo­ ration with a faculty member or as an inde­ pendent project under the supervision o f the faculty. A cash stipend is given to cover the essential costs o f the project. T he Dorothy D itter Gondos Award, bequeathed by Victor Gondos, Jr., in honor o f his wife, Class o f 1930, is given every other year to a student o f Swarthmore College who, in the opinion o f a faculty committee, submits the best paper on the subject dealing with a literature o f a foreign language. The prize o f about $100 is awarded in the spring semester. Awarding o f the prize will be under the direc­ tion o f the Literature Committee. T he John Russell Hayes Poetry Prizes are offered for the best original poem or for a translation from any language. The P hilip M. H icks Prizes are endowed by friends o f Philip M. Hicks, former Professor 64 o f English and Chairman o f the Department o f English Literature. They are awarded to the two students who in the opinion o f the De­ partment submit the best critical essays on any topic in the field o f literature. The Jesse H. Holmes Prize in Religion o f $150, donated by Eleanor S. Clarke o f the Class of 1918 and named in honor o f Jesse Holmes, Professor o f History o f Religion and Philoso­ phy at Swarthmore from 1899 to 1934, is awarded to the student who, in the opinion of the Department o f Religion, submits the best essay on any topic in the field o f religion. T he N aom i K ies Award is given in her memory by her classmates and friends to a student who has worked long and hard in community service outside the academic setting, alleviat­ ing discrimination or suffering, promoting a democratic and egalitarian society, or resolv­ ing social and political conflict. It carries a cash stipend. T he Kwink Trophy, first awarded in 1951 by the campus managerial organization known as the Society o f Kwink, is presented by the faculty o f the Department o f Physical Educa­ tion and Athletics to the senior man who best exemplifies the Society’s five principles: Ser­ vice, Spirit, Scholarship, Society, and Sports­ manship. T he Leo M. Leva M em orial Prize, established by his family and friends, is awarded by the Biology Department to a graduating senior whose major is Biology and whose work in the field shows unusual promise. T he Norman Meinkoth Field Biology Award, established by his friends and former students, to honor Dr. Norman A. Meinkoth, a member o f the College faculty from 1947 to 1978, is awarded to support the essential costs of the study o f biological problems in a natural en­ vironment. The E lla Frances Bunting Extemporary Speaking Fund and the Owen M oon Fund provide income for a poetry reading contest as well as funds for visiting poets and writers. T he Lois M orrell Poetry Award, given by her parents in memory o f Lois Morrell o f the Class o f 1946, goes to that student who, in the opinion o f the faculty, submits the best origi­ nal poem in the annual competition for the award. The award o f $100 is made in the spring o f the year. The A. Edward Newton Library Prize endowed by A. Edward Newton, to make permanent the Library Prize first established by W.W. Thayer, is awarded annually to that under­ graduate who, in the opinion o f the Commit­ tee of Award, shows the best and most intel­ ligently chosen collection o f books upon any subject. Particular emphasis is laid not merely upon the size o f the collection but also upon the skill with which the books are selected and upon the owner’s knowledge o f their subjectmatter. The May E. Parry M em orial Award, donated by the Class o f 1925 o f which she was a member, is presented by the faculty o f the Department of Physical Education and Athletics to the senior woman who by her loyalty, sportsman­ ship, and skill in athletics has made a valuable contribution to Swarthmore College. The Drew Pearson Prize o f $100 is awarded by the Dean on the recommendation o f the edi­ tors of The Phoenix at the end o f each staff academic year to a member o f T he Phoenix for excellence in journalism. The prize was estab­ lished by the directors o f The Drew Pearson Foundation in memory o f Drew Pearson, Class o f 1919. The David A . Peele ’50 Sportsmanship Award is made to a tennis player after submission o f a written essay. It is endowed by Marla Hamil­ ton Peele in memory o f her husband’s love and advocacy o f tennis and carries a cash stipend. TheJohn W. Perdue M em orial Prize, established in 1969 in memory o f an engineering student of the Class o f 1969, is awarded by the Department o f Engineering to the outstanding student entering the junior class with a major in engineering. The W illiam Plumer Potter Public Speaking Fund, established in 1927, in addition to providing funds for the collection o f recorded literature described on page 11, sponsors awards for the best student short stories, and is a major source o f funds for campus appearances by poets and writers. Judith Polgar Ruchkin Prize Essay is an award for a paper on politics or public policy written during the junior or senior year. The paper may be in satisfaction o f a course, a seminar, or an independent project, including a thesis. The paper is nominated by a faculty member and judged by a committee o f the Department o f Political Science to be o f outstanding merit based upon originality, power o f analysis and written exposition, and depth o f understand­ ing o f goals as well as technique. The R osita S am off Prize for Playwriting is awarded for the best full-length or one-act play as judged by external reviewers in a com­ petition conducted by the Department o f English Literature. T he Frank Solomon, Jr. Student Art Prize Pur­ chase Fund permits the Art Department to purchase for the College one or two o f the most outstanding student works from the year’s student art exhibitions. T he H ally Jo Stein Award, endowed in her memory by her brother Craig Edward Stein ’78, is given to an outstanding student who in the view o f the Dance faculty best exemplifies Hally Jo ’s dedication to the ideals o f dance. It carries a cash stipend. T he Peter Gram Swing Prize o f $1,000 is awarded each year at commencement to an outstanding student whose plans for graduate study in music indicate special promise and need. The endowment for the prize was estab­ lished in the name o f Ruth Cross Barnard ’ 19. T he Melvin B. Troy Award o f $ 2 5 0 is given each year for the best, most insightful paper in Music or Dance, or composition or choreog­ raphy by a student, judged by the Department o f Music and Dance. The prize was established by the family and friends o f Melvin B. Troy, Class o f 1948. FACULTY AWARD The Flack Faculty Award is given for excellence in teaching and promise in scholarly activity to a member o f the Swarthmore Faculty, to help meet the expenses o f a full year o f leave 65 Awards and Prizes devoted to research and self-improvement. This award acknowledges the particularly strong link that exists at Swarthmore between teaching and original scholarly work. The award itself is to be made by the President 66 upon the recommendation o f the Provost and the candidate’s academic department. This award is made possible by an endowment established by James M. Flack and Hertha Eisenmenger Flack ’38. Fellowships Three fellowships (the Leedom , Lippincott, and Lockuiood. Fellowships—see below) are awarded annually by the Faculty, and two fellowships (the Mott and Tyson Fellowships— see below) are awarded by the Somerville Literary Society, to seniors or graduates o f the College for the pursuit o f advanced work. These awards are made on recommendation of the Committee on Fellowships and Prizes for a proposed program o f study which has the approval o f the Faculty. Applications must be in the hands o f the Committee by March 23. The Committee considers appli­ cants for all o f these fellowships for which they are eligible and makes recommendations which overall do not discriminate on the basis of sex. These fellowships are: The H annah A. Leedom Fellowship founded by the bequest o f Hannah A. Leedom. The Joshua Lippincott Fellowship founded by Howard W. Lippincott, o f the Class o f 1875, in memory o f his father. The John Lockw ood M em orial Fellowship, founded by the bequest o f Lydia A. Lockwood, New York, in memory o f her brother, John Lockwood. It was the wish o f the donor that the fellowship be awarded to a member of the Society o f Friends. The Lucretia Mott Fellowship, founded by the Somerville Literary Society and sustained by the contributions o f Swarthmore alumnae. It is awarded each year to a woman senior who is to pursue advanced study in an institution approved by the Committee. The Martha E. Tyson Fellowship, founded by the Somerville Literary Society in 1913 and sustained by the contributions o f Swarthmore alumnae. It is awarded each year to a woman senior or graduate who plans to enter elemen­ tary or secondary school work. The recipient of the award is to pursue a course o f study in an institution approved by the Committee. Other fellowships are awarded under the con­ ditions described below: Susan P. Cobbs Prize Fellowship, established to honor the memory o f Dean Susan P. Cobbs, is awarded at the discretion o f the Classics Department to a student majoring in Classics for study in Greece or Italy. The General Electric Foundation Graduate Fellow­ ship, to be awarded to a graduating senior for the first year o f graduate work, is intended to encourage outstanding scholars to pursue an academic career. The recipient, who must be a United States citizen or permanent resident, will receive the amount necessary to cover tuition, fees, and subsistence allowance for study directed toward a PhD in Engineering or Computer Science at another institution in the United States. The precise amount o f each fellowship will be based on the costs and policies o f the university and department cho­ sen for graduate work. Phi Beta K appa Fellowship. The Swarthmore Chapter o f Phi Beta Kappa (Epsilon o f Penn­ sylvania) awards a Fellowship for graduate study to a senior who has been elected to Phi Beta Kappa and has been admitted to a pro­ gram o f advanced study in some branch o f the liberal arts. T he Eugene M. Lang Graduate Incentive Fellow­ ship. In awarding these fellowships, preference is given to Eugene M. Lang senior Scholars who have completed their Opportunity Project (see Financial Aid) and who have academic achievement at Swarthmore sufficient to earn Distinction or Honors. Applicants should sub­ mit to the Committee on Fellowships and Prizes a plan o f graduate study with high potential for service to society. This fellowship is made possible by the gift o f Eugene M. Lang ’38. T he Thom as B. M cCabe, Jr. and Yvonne Motley M cCabe M emorial Fellowship. This Fellowship, awarded annually to a graduate o f the College, provides a grant toward the first year o f study at the Harvard Business School. Yvonne and Thomas B. McCabe, Jr., were for a time resi­ dents o f Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Mr. McCabe received the M.B.A. from Harvard and was a Visiting Lecturer there. In selecting the recipient, the Committee on Fellowships and Prizes follows the standards that determine the McCabe Achievement Awards, giving spe­ cial consideration to applicants who have dem­ onstrated superior qualities o f leadership. Young alumni and graduating seniors are eligi­ ble to apply. The J. Roland Pennock Undergraduate Fellowship in Public A ffairs. The Fellowship, endowed by 67 friends o f Professor J. Roland Pennock at his retirement in 1976 and in recognition o f his many years o f distinguished teaching o f Polit­ ical Science at Swarthmore, provides a grant for as much as $2,5 0 0 to support a substantial research project (which could include inquiry through responsible participation) in public affairs. The Fellowship, for Swarthmore un­ dergraduates, would normally be held offcampus during the summer. Preference is given to applicants from the Junior Class. FACULTY FELLOWSHIPS T he Mary Albertson Faculty Fellowship was en­ dowed by an anonymous gift from two o f her former students, under a challenge grant issued by the National Endowment for the Humani­ ties. It will provide an annual award o f a semester’s leave at full pay, to support research and writing by members o f the humanities faculty. Mary Albertson joined the Swarth­ more faculty in 1927 and served as chairman o f the history department from 1942 until her retirement in 1963. She died in May, 1986. The George Becker Faculty Fellowship was en­ dowed by Ramon Posel ’50 under a challenge from the National Endowment for the Hu­ manities, in honor o f this former member of the English department and its chairman from 1953-70. The fellowship will provide a semes­ ter o f leave at full pay for a member of the humanities faculty to do research and write, in the fields o f art history, Classics, English literature, history, linguistics, modern lan­ guages, music, philosophy, or religion, but with preference to members o f the department o f English literature. T he Brand Blanshard Faculty Fellowship is an endowed Faculty fellowship in the humanities established in the name o f philosopher and former faculty member Brand Blanshard. Blan­ shard taught philosophy at Swarthmore from 1925 to 1944. The Fellowship will provide a semester leave at full pay for a member o f the humanities faculty to do research and to write. Upon recommendation o f the Selection Com­ mittee, there may be a small additional grant for travel and project expenses. Any humani­ ties faculty member eligible for leave may 68 apply. Fellows will prepare a paper about the work o f their leave year and present it publicly to the College and wider community. The Blanshard Fellowship is made possible by an anonymous donor who was Blanshard’s stu­ dent at Swarthmore, and a challenge grant from the National Endowment for the Hu­ manities. The Eugene M. Lang Faculty Fellowship is de­ signed to enhance the educational program of Swarthmore College by contributing to faculty development, by promoting original or in­ novative scholarly achievement o f faculty members, and by encouraging the use o f such achievements to stimulate intellectual ex­ change among scholars. The Fellowship will provide financial support for faculty leaves through a grant o f about one half the recipi­ ent’s salary during the grant year. Upon rec­ ommendation o f the Selection Committee, there may be a small additional grant for travel and project expenses and for library book purchases. The Selection Committee shall consist o f the Provost, three Divisional Chairmen, and three others selected by the President, o f whom at least two must be Swarthmore alumni. Any faculty member eli­ gible for leave may apply, and up to four may be chosen. Fellows will be expected to prepare a paper or papers resulting from the work of their leave year, presented publicly for the College and wider community. The Selection Committee may support wholly or in part the cost o f publishing any o f these papers. These fellowships are made possible by an endow­ ment established by Eugene M. Lang ’38. I V Courses of Instruction The course (semester course) is the unit of credit. Seminars and colloquia are usually given for double credit, i.e., equivalent to two courses. A few courses are given for halfcourse credit. Courses are numbered as follows: 1 to 10 — introductory courses 11 to 9 9 — other courses (Some o f these courses are not open to fresh­ men and sophomores.) 100 to 199 — seminars for upperclass persons and graduate students. Year courses, the number o f which are joined by a hyphen (e.g., 1- 2) must be continued for the entire year; credit is not given for the first semester’s work only, nor is credit given for the first semester if the student fails the second semester. Although the course listings in this catalogue cannot be guaranteed as accurate, these are intended to facilitate planning by representing probable offerings over a two-year period. Those courses actually offered each semester are listed in the schedule o f classes available before enrollment for that semester. 69 Art T. KAORI KITAO, Professor o f Art History MICHAEL W.C0THREN, Associate Professor o f Art History and Chair RANDALL L EXON, Associate Professor o f Studio Arts CONSTANCE CAIN HIINGERFORD, Associate Professor o f Art History2 DRIAN A. MEUNIER, Associate Professor o f Studio Arts and Director o f the W ilcox Gallery JOYCE J. NAGATA, Assistant Professor o f Studio Arts (part-time) DIANE M. O’DONOGHUE, Assistant Professor o f Art History The Department o f Art offers historical, criti­ cal, and practical instruction in the visual arts. Courses in art history consider questions having to do with the forms, traditions, mean­ ing, and historical context o f works o f art and architecture; studio arts courses explore prob­ lems o f methods, processes, and personal resources which arise in the actual creation o f objects in various media. W ilcox G allery: The Florence W ilcox Art Gal­ lery, located in Room 303, Beardsley Hall, provides seven to nine exhibitions a year, which are an integral part o f the Studio Arts Program. The works o f nationally known artists as well as those o f younger artists, in various media, are exhibited in group and one-person shows. Each spring there is a group show o f student work drawn from Studio Arts classes throughout the year, as well as a series o f solo exhibitions by senior majors. H eilm an Artist: Each year the Department of Art selects an artist to visit the College to serve as a visiting artist and critic under the Marjorie Heilman Visiting Artist Program. The work o f the invited artist is exhibited in the W ilcox Art Gallery in Beardsley Hall; he or she gives critiques in the studios and also meets and talks with students, both majors and non-majors, on an informal basis. Lee Frank Lecture: See p. 14. Benjamin West Lecture: See p. 14. Jonathan Leigh Altm an Scholarship: See p. 24. Jonathan Leigh Altman Summer Grant: See p. 63. REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Prerequisites: ARTH 1 is the prerequisite for all other art history courses in the Depart­ ment, unless otherwise noted. STU A 1 is the usual prerequisite for studio arts courses; it may be waived only by presenting a portfolio for evaluation. Students are advised that gradu­ ate work in art history requires a reading knowledge o f at least German and French. Study A broad: The Art Department strongly encourages those with an interest in art to consider incorporating foreign study—either during a summer or a regular academic term— into their Swarthmore program. Important examples o f art and architecture are scattered throughout the world, and the encounter with works still imbedded in their original context 2 Absent on leave, spring semester, 1989. 70 is vital to an understanding o f their historical and contemporary significance. Past experi­ ence has shown, however, that art courses in most foreign study programs fall considerably below the academic standards o f comparable courses at Swarthmore. To aid Students in their attempt to gain Swarthmore credit for study abroad, the Department has established the following guidelines. (1 ) Beginning with the class o f 1992, no request for transfer credit in art history will be considered unless a student has already taken ARTH 1 (the normal prerequisite for work in art history at Swarthmore) before taking a course abroad. (2 ) Students who are interested in bettering their chances o f gaining a full Swarthmore credit for a course taken in a foreign program are advised to attempt to arrange with a Swarthmore professor, before leaving the cam­ pus, to write, if necessary, a supplementary research paper as a part o f the course. Such papers will be evaluated by the Department as part of the process o f determining transfer credit. The Course M ajor in Art History: Art History majors are required to take ARTH 1, four survey courses (ARTH 12, ARTH 14, ARTH 15, and either ARTH 17 or ARTH 18), four elective credits in Art History, and one course in Studio Arts. The comprehensive—given in the Spring semester o f the senior year—con­ sists of a written examination, in preparation for which students are required to study a group of carefully chosen works o f art and architecture drawn from the core areas rep­ resented by the required survey courses. The Course Major in Art: The combined pro­ gram o f the Course Major in Art consists o f a minimum o f five courses in Art History, including ARTH 1, and at least one course in a period before 1800; and five courses in Studio Arts including courses in drawing, another 2-D medium, and a 3-D medium. The comprehensive consists o f a Senior Exhibition and Catalog, prepared during Senior Work­ shop (STU A 3 0 ) during the Fall o f the senior year. M ajors and Minors in T he External Examination Program: In addition to ARTH 1 (and one studio course for majors), art history majors in the External Examination Program should take four seminars in the Department; minors should take two. W ith the approval o f the relevant professor, a corresponding course with an attachment may be substituted for a seminar if that seminar will not be offered during the period o f the student’s preparation for External Examinations. Art History 1. Critical Study in the Visual Arts. This introduction to the study o f the visual arts will investigate formal analysis, iconog­ raphy, and methods o f historical interpreta­ tion, using examples o f art and architecture drawn from a variety o f cultures and historical periods. The course will emphasize learning to see vividly and systematically and to write accurately about what is seen. Topics for discussion will include technique and produc­ tion, visual narrative and didacticism, patron­ age and biography, and approaches such as psychoanalysis, Marxism, and feminism. This Primary Distribution Course serves as pre­ requisite for all further work in art history. Each semester. Cothren, Kitao, O ’Donoghue. No prerequisite. Spring semesters. Kitao. 12. Asian Survey. An introduction to the creation and use o f art within various Asian cultures, including India, China, and Japan. Architecture, sculpture, ceramics, and the pictorial arts will be in­ cluded in this survey, which will cover all major historical periods from the Neolithic to the modem era. W ithin each national tradi­ tion and period, visual culture will be ex­ amined in relation to the broader societal values—aesthetic, political, religious—that informed its production. Spring semester. O ’Donoghue. 7. Film: Art and History. 14. Medieval Survey. Introduction to the study o f film, primarily as visual and narrative art; analytical discussion of the elements o f film as a medium, art, literature, technology, and industry, with ex­ amples o f selected classics (Blue Angel, Citizen Kane, and Rules o f the Game) in the first half, followed by a historical survey from the silent days to Godard and Bergman. Screening, lec­ tures, and critical papers. An introduction to European art and archi­ tecture from late antiquity through the thir­ teenth century. Special attention will be given to the "Romanization” o f Christian art under Constantine, the alternative Celtic Christian heritage o f the British Isles and its culmination in the Book o f Kells, the Imperial Papal patronage o f Sixtus III, Justinianic Constan­ tinople and Ravenna, the political implica- 71 Art tions o f the Carolingian Renaissance and its subsequent transformation under the O tto­ mans, Romanesque sculpture as ecclesiastical propaganda, the efflorescence o f monastic art under the Cluniacs and Cistercians, the neo­ platonic aesthetic that gave birth to the Gothic, and the political ideology that led to its dissemination. Spring semester. Cothren. 15. Renaissance and Baroque Survey. Study o f artistic developments in Europe from the fourteenth to eighteenth centuries, covering major activities and legacies in Flor­ ence, Rome, Venice, Paris, Amsterdam, and London, with special emphasis on the emer­ gence o f a new style in Florence, Leonardo da Vinci’s achievements in art and science, Clas­ sicism and Mannerism, Bernini’s remaking of Rome, and the spread o f Baroque in and beyond Europe. Fall semester. Kitao. 17. Nineteenth-Century Survey. Developments in European painting and sculp­ ture from the late 18th century through the Post-Impressionist generation o f Cézanne, van Gogh, and Gauguin. Relevant social, political, economic, and cultural contexts are consid­ ered. Fall semester 1989. Hungerford. 18. Twentieth-Century Survey. Painting and sculpture from the Post-Impresssionists to the present, considered in the context o f relevant social, political, economic, and cultural factors. The course focuses on art in Western Europe through the outbreak of World War II and then turns to developments in the United States beginning c. 1940. Fall semester. Hungerford. 25. Arts of Africa. A historical survey, this course explores Afri­ can political, religious, and social systems o f different epochs through the visual arts. The purpose is to define the role o f art in a traditional African context. Topics include arts o f leadership, arts o f divination, funerary arts, rites o f passage, and masquerade as total art. Emphasis is placed on the relationship between social structure, artistic expression, and symbolic thought. Also considered are the role o f the artist in African society, the aesthetic values o f different cultures, canons o f form, and stylistic change. 72 Fall semester 1989. O ’Donoghue. 34. Arts of Japan. This course is intended to introduce the arts o f Japan from ca. 6 0 0 0 BCE through the present era. Topics will include the arts of Shinto and Buddhism, architecture, ceramics, painting, sculpture, and printmaking, as well as the traditional crafts and decorative arts. Strong emphasis will be placed on viewing art in relation to its larger historical context. Not offered 1988-90. O ’Donoghue. 35. Chinese Art and Archaeology. An introduction to China’s artistic traditions from their origins in the localized cultures of the Neolithic period to the founding of the People’s Republic. Topics to be covered within this historical survey include the ritual and funerary art o f the Bronze Age, Buddhist architecture and sculpture, landscape painting and painting theory, as well as the politiciza­ tion o f Chinese art in the twentieth century. Fall semester. O ’Donoghue. 45. Gothic Art and Architecture. The course will emphasize the formation of Gothic art around the year 1140 and its de­ velopment and codification in France during the thirteenth century. Topics will include the role o f Abbot Suger’s Neoplatonism in the establishment o f a Gothic aesthetic, Saint Louis* *'court style* ’ as a statement o f political ideology, the inspiration for and effectiveness o f structural systems in Gothic architecture, and Gothic humanism around the year 1200. Architecture, sculpture, stained glass, and manuscript illustration will be considered. N ot offered 1988-90. Cothren. 47. Late Antique, Early Christian, and Byzantine Art. An examination o f the emergence o f a Chris­ tian form o f artistic expression from the heri­ tage o f late antique art, followed by a survey o f its international development through the sixth century and its progression in the Byzan­ tine empire centered in Constantinople until the fall o f that empire to the Ottoman Turks in 1453. Attention will be given to architec­ ture, its monumental mosaic and fresco dec­ oration, manuscript illumination, iconic de­ votional images, and the small-scale arts of ivory carving, metalwork, and enamels. N ot offered 1988-90. Cothren. 53. Michelangelo and His Times. Michelangelo’s art, architecture, poetry, and artistic theory in relation to his Quattrocento predecessors and High Renaissance content' poraries. Topics include classicism, art as problem-solving, definition o f genius, the idea of the canon in art, the rise o f art criticism, and Mannerism. Not offered 1988-90. Kitao. 55. Rembrandt and His Times. Study of Rembrandt’s art, especially toward the understanding o f the nature o f picture making. Works in painting, drawing, and etch­ ing are examined. Topics considered include Holland’s mercantile and Protestant milieu, Rembrandt’s relation to Italy, his Dutch con­ temporaries, the development o f the genres, I the print as a medium, the loose style, optics and painting, popular imagery, and, above all, the general questions concerning portraiture, I self-portraiture, theatricality, realism, narraI tive art, landscape, marketing, and the late I style. I Fall semester 1989. Kitao. I 65. Philadelphia: Architectural Heritage. I I I I | Introduction to the history and criticism o f architecture and planning, covering American and European Architecture o f the last 300 years with focus on Philadelphia; special emphasis on Philadelphia’s relation to the Europe of Neoclassicism, Georgian and Victorian London, Paris of the Second Empire, the Chicago School, Art Nouveaux, the International Style and Post-Modernism, with topics on the rise of professionalism, historicism and new technology, modernism and the classical canon, and historic preervation. Papers and projects, and walking tours o f Philadelphia. Fall semester. Kitao. | | I I " I I 66. American A r t I I Painting and sculpture in the United States from the Colonial Period to the present, with special attention to the relationship between developments in American art and those in Western European art. Not offered 1988-90. Hungerford. I 67. Modernism in American Art and I Literature. I (Also listed as English 8 5 .) An interdiscipliI nary study o f the origins, ideology, and develI opment of modernism and anti-modernism in I American culture between 1870 and 1930, using approaches from the fields o f art history, American studies, and literary criticism. Ar­ tists include Eakins, Homer, Cassatt, the Ashcan school, the " 2 9 1 ” group, Hopper, and Wood; writers include James, Wilkins Free­ man, Crane, Fitzgerald, William Carlos W il­ liams, and Nathanael West. Prerequisites: one introductory course in En­ glish and ARTH 1. Fall semester 1989. Hungerford and Schmidt. 68. Yankee Ingenuity: Technology, Design, and Material Culture. Discussion o f machine-made objects as cul­ tural artifacts. The course examines industrial technology in American design in relation to the history o f material culture, focusing on selected design, large and small, extending from household appliances to mass transit, and considers such topics as the theory of design and craftsmanship, tools and machines, standardization, electricity and electronics, the cult o f speed and efficiency, the computer world, and observations on the "history o f things.” Not offered 1988-90. Kitao. 86. Architectural Theory: Design, Thought, and Culture. Topics discussed include functionalism, classi­ cism, theory o f structure and decoration; buildings as objects and environmental con­ structs; architecture in relation to urban plan­ ning and systems design; architecture and behavioral sciences; architecture as meta­ language; architectural semiotics; architecture in relation to history and culture. Readings cover Sullivan, Viollet-le-Duc, Ruskin, Al­ berti, and Vitruvius as well as more recent theories by Lynch, Alexander, NorbergSchulz, Venturi, Eco, and Tafuri. Not offered 1989-90. Kitao. 95. Theory and Methodology. This one-credit seminar, which is required for all course majors in art history and is normally taken in the senior year, focuses on the process o f art historical inquiry. Non-majors are ad­ mitted only with the permission o f the in­ structor. Spring semester. O ’Donoghue. 96. Directed Reading. Staff. 99. Thesis. 73 Art SEMINARS 135. Chinese Painting. The development o f China’s pictorial tradi­ tion is examined from its origins in early language and ritual imagery to the theoretical and structural concerns o f the late dynastic and modern periods. Topics for consideration include philosophical and formal issues relat­ ing to the depiction o f landscape, the role o f theory and the formulation o f the painting "canon,” imperial and religious imagery and the position o f the painter in Chinese society. Not offered 1988-90. O ’Donoghue. 138. Islamic Painting. After a brief general introduction to Islamic art, the seminar will explore the history and evolution o f the pictorial narrative tradition within Islamic culture from A.D. 691 to A.D. 1548. Particular emphasis will be given to the manuscripts o f the M aqam at o f al-Hariri pro­ duced in thirteenth-century Baghdad and to the development o f a tradition for the illustra­ tion o f Persian poetic and historical texts from the fourteenth to the sixteenth centuries. The seminar will culminate in a detailed study of the lavish Shahnam a o f Shah Tahmasp, a proj­ ect which occupied the most important paint­ ers o f the period (c. A.D. 1522-35). Not offered 1988-90. Cothren. will focus on three architectural complexes— the Abbey o f Saint-Denis, the Cathedral of Chartres, and Saint Louis’s Parisian SainteChapelle. Spring semester. Cothren. 153. Michelangelo and His Times. See description for ARTH 53. Fall semester. Kitao. 164. Modern A rt This seminar will focus on the varying schol­ arly approaches to the work o f artists such as David, Courbet, Manet, Monet, Cézanne, Pi­ casso, and Pollock and to the issue of "mod­ ernism” in nineteenth- and twentieth-century painting. Prerequisite: ARTH 17 or ARTH 18, or the completion o f another seminar in art history, or permission o f the instructor. Spring semester 1990. Hungerford. 195. Theory and Methodology. An introduction to the historiography of art history, both theory and practice, and an ex­ ploration o f the current "crisis” of the disci­ pline which has led to its reassessment from a variety o f critical perspectives. Prerequisite: four credits in art history. Not offered 1988-90. Cothren and O ’Donoghue. 145. Gothic Art and Architecture. See description for ARTH 45. The seminar OTHER PREPARATIONS FOR EXTERNAL EXAMS Rembrandt In addition to those represented by seminars, the department offers the following fields for external examinations in 1988-90: ARTH 15 and ARTH 55. Fall semesters 1988 and 1989. Kitao. Chinese A rt Theory and Methodology. ARTH 35 taken in conjunction with an at­ tachment (ARTH 35A ). Fall semester 1988. O ’Donoghue. ARTH 95 taken in conjunction with an at­ tachment (ARTH 95A ). Spring semester 1988. O ’Donoghue. Studio Arts Studio Arts courses meet six hours weekly in two three-hour sessions; all courses are for full course credit unless otherwise noted. Studio Arts courses are subject to the Col­ 74 lege’s limit on Creative Arts courses (see p. 53). Studio Art I is the usual prerequisite for studio arts courses; it may be waived only by presenting a portfolio for evaluation by the Studio Arts faculty. 8. Painting. 1. Introduction to Studio Arts. Investigation in oil paint o f pictorial structure and o f the complex nature o f color—how it can define surface, space, light, temperature and mood. Spring semester. Exon. Explorations in the visual description and construction o f objects and ideas; problems in drawing, color, and three-dimensional form. Attention will be given both to the theoretical aspects o f the work and to the development o f studio techniques. Each semester. Exon, Meunier, and Nagata. 2. Ceramic Sculpture. This class examines the concepts o f form and mass in three-dimensional structures. Clay is the primary medium. Students should have a familiarity with hand-forming methods in clay, basic two- and three-dimensional classwork, or consent o f instructor. Not offered 1988-90. Nagata. 3. Drawing. Work in various media directed toward a clearer perception o f space, light and form. A course for all levels o f ability. Weekly outside drawing problems and a final project. Not offered 1988-89. Exon. 4. Sculpture. This course will cover a wide range o f sculp­ tural concepts and techniques, from tradi­ tional to contemporary. These techniques will include: clay modeling, casting, multimedia assemblage, and wood construction. Each semester. Meunier. 5. Ceramics I. Ceramics for beginners. Introduction to hand­ building and wheel techniques, and artistic use of these techniques. Fa!! semester. Nagata. 6. Photography. Introduction to the technical processes and visual and theoretical concepts o f photog­ raphy, both as a unique medium and as it relates to other forms o f non-photographic composition. Not offered 1988-89. Meunier. 7. Ceramics II. Artistic expression in clay forming, glazing andfiring (raku, low-fire, stoneware and some porcelain). Prerequisite: STUA 5 or equivalent. Spring semester. Nagata. 10. Life Drawing. Work in various media directed toward a clearer perception o f the human form in nature and in art. Although the course centers on drawing from the model, many other natural forms are utilized in order fully to establish a student’s appreciation o f the visual world. Spring semester. Exon. 14. Advanced Sculpture. Not offered 1988-89. Meunier. 15. Advanced Ceramics. Tutorial in ceramics; special emphasis on per­ sonal development in explorative glazing; decorative techniques with slips, colors, tex­ tures; and understanding o f firing processes. Admission by consent o f the instructor. E ach semester. Nagata. 16. Advanced Photography. Not offered 1988-89. Meunier. 18. Advanced Painting. Not offered i988-89-Exon. 20. Special Studies. Staff. 30. Senior Workshop. A course designed to strengthen critical, the­ oretical, and practical skills on an advanced level. Critiques by the resident faculty and visiting artists, as well as group critiques with all members o f the workshop, will guide and assess the development o f the students* indi­ vidual directed practice in a chosen field. Assigned readings and scheduled discussions will initiate the writing o f the catalogue for the senior exhibition. (This course is required o f senior art majors; non-majors will be admitted only by permission o f the instructor.) Fall semester. Exon. 40. Senior Thesis. Staff. 75 Asian Studies Coordinator: Faculty: TYRENE WHITE (Political Science) David W. Faure (History, Cornell Visiting Professor) 5 Gerald Levinson (Music) Lillian M. Li (History) 23 Li-ching Mair (Modern Languages, Chinese) Diane O’Donoghue (Art) Steven Piker (Sociology-Anthropology) 2 Ziqiang Shi (Modern Languages, Chinese) Donald Swearer (Religion) Larry Westphal (Economics) 3 Susan Williamson (Linguistics and South Asia, McCabe Library) PURPOSE The purpose o f the Asian Studies major is to provide the student with interdisciplinary education concerning Asia that has five com­ ponents, four o f which are required: (1 ) A general background in Asia that stresses the ability to make cross-cultural comparisons. For this purpose the student is required to take courses in more than one o f the regions o f Asia: China, Japan, South Asia, and South­ east Asia. (2 ) An interdisciplinary approach; the student will be required to take instruction in at least three different departments, one o f which may be language. (3 ) A specialized knowledge of one area o f Asia, defined either geographically or topically. (4 ) The ability to demonstrate this specialized knowledge in an independent research project (thesis) done in the senior year. A fifth, strongly recommended, component is the study o f an Asian language. Students may study an Asian language in one o f the follow­ ing ways: (a) taking Chinese language at Swarthmore or Japanese at Haverford, (b) taking another Asian language at the Univer­ sity o f Pennsylvania or in summer school, for example at the Middlebury College Summer Language Institute, or (c) taking language courses in one o f the study-abroad programs with which Swarthmore is affiliated. All lan­ guage courses taken above the first-year level may be counted toward the major. Other 2 Absent on leave, spring semester, 1989. 3 Absent on leave, 1988-89. 5 Spring semester, 1989. 76 courses taken in a study-abroad program may also be applied toward the major, subject to the approval o f the Asian Studies Committee. In planning their programs o f study, prospec­ tive majors are urged to consider study abroad for a summer, a semester, or a year. Study abroad serves not only as an opportunity for students to build their language skills, but also as the ideal way to study a foreign culture. To the greatest extent possible the Asian Studies faculty will help students plan a program abroad that will support and enhance their Swarthmore programs. In planning his/her major in Asian Studies, the student should demonstrate in the sopho­ more plan o f study the intellectual coherence o f his/her proposed program. To a large extent this will consist o f explaining how the proposed program develops a specialized knowledge o f one o f the regions of Asia, as defined above, or o f a topic that spans the different regions. Examples o f the latter might be Buddhism in Asia, Revolutionary Move­ ments in Asia, the Political Economy of Asian Development, or Elite and Popular Cultures in Asia. Any subsequent changes in the pro­ gram, after its initial approval by the Asian Studies Committee, must be aproved in ad­ vance by the Coordinator o f Asian Studies. REQUIREMENTS The major consists o f a minimim o f 9 credits distributed in the following way: ( 1) 2 credits at the introductory level. History 9 (Chinese Civilization), Religion 11/History 72 (The History, Religion, and Culture o f Japan), or Religion 8 (The Religions o f India). (2) Minimum o f 6 credits o f work at the intermediate or advanced level in at least two different departments, one o f which may be language above the first year. The external examination candidates will nor­ mally present two fields plus a thesis for examination, in addition to three fields outside the major. (In cases where fields represent three credits o f work, three of these fields must be in Asian Studies, and one will be outside the major.) (3 ) 1- or 2-credit Senior thesis. Each major will be expected to write a senior thesis in his/her area of specializa­ tion. External examination candidates will generally be required to write a twocredit thesis for external examination; other students will write a one-credit thesis. COURSES Department of Art 12. Asian Survey Spring 1989 34. Arts of Japan Not offered in 1988-89 35. Chinese Art and Archaeology Fall 1988 135. Chinese Painting Not offered in 1988-89 Department of History 9. Chinese Civilization Spring 1989 72. The History, Religion, and Culture of Japan O ffered only as Religion n in 1988-89 73. Chinese Society and Economy since 1500 Spring 1989 74. Modern China Not offered in 1988-89 75. Modern Japan Not offered in 1988-89 144. Modern China Not offered in 1988-89 Department of Modern Languages 3B, 4B. SeconcUyear Mandarin Chinese Fall 1988, Spring 1989 11. Third-year Chinese Fall 1988 11A. Chinese Conversation Fall 1988 12. Advanced Chinese Spring 1989 12A. Chinese Conversation Spring 1989 15. The Chinese Language Spring 1989 16. Chinese Literature in Translation Not offered in 1988-89 93. Directed Reading Department of Music 8. Music o f the Orient Not offered 1988-89 Department of Political Science 19. Comparative Communist Politics Spring 1989 20. Politics o f China Fall 1988 107. Comparative Communist Politics Spring 1989 Department of Religion 8. The Religions o f India Fall 1988 9. The Buddhist Tradition Not offered 1988-89 11. The History, Religion, and Culture of Japan Spring 1989 103. Asian Religious Thought Fall 1988 104. Buddhism in Southeast Asia N ot offered 1988-89 Sociology-Anthropology 93. Southeast Asia: Culture and History Independent Study 77 Astronomy JOHN E. GAUSTAD, Professor WULFF D. HEINTZ, Professor See Physics and Astronomy for major requirements and full descriptions o f courses. 1. Introductory Astronomy. 5,6. General Astronomy 1, II. 9. Meteorology. 21,22. Theoretical Astrophysics. 23. Methods of Observational Astronomy. 51. Celestial Mechanics. 78 52. Concepts of the Cosmos. 55. Planetary Science. 56. Cosmology. 59. Positional Astronomy. 61. Current Problems in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 93. Directed Reading. 94. Research Project Biology JOHN B. JENKINS, Professor1 ROBERT E. SAVAGE, Professor TIMOTHY C. WILLIAMS, Professor and Chair GREGORY L. FLORANT, Associate Professor3 SCOTT F. GILBERT, Associate Professor NANCY V.HAMLETT, Associate Professor MARK JACOBS, Associate Professor and Acting Associate Chair BARBARA Y. STEWART, Associate Professor and Associate Chair1 JACOB WEINER, Associate Professor BRIAN 0. CLARK, Assistant Professor SCOTT P. McROBERT, Assistant Professor RACHEL A. MERZ, Assistant Professor12 DARLENE BRAMUCCI, Assistant ANNE STORK, Assistant The student may be introduced to biology by enrolling in Biology 1 and Biology 2. Either course may be taken first. A diversity of intermediate and advanced courses, some of­ fered in alternate years, affords the student the opportunity o f building a broad biological background while concentrating, if desired, in some specialized areas such as cellular and molecular biology, or organismal and popula­ tion biology. Intermediate courses are num­ bered 10-50; courses numbered beyond 100 are advanced. A special major in biochemistry is offered in cooperation with the Department o f Chemistry (cf. Chemistry). A special major in psychobiology is offered in cooperation with the Department o f Psychology (cf. Psy­ chology). REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Students electing a Course major in Biology should include the following supporting sub­ jects in addition to the minimum o f eight courses composing the major: introductory chemistry, at least one semester o f organic chemistry, and two semesters o f college mathe­ matics (not Math 1 or 3). One semester o f statistics (Math 2) is strongly recommended. These courses should be completed before the senior year. Introductory physics is strongly recommended and is prerequisite to some departmental offerings. Further, it should be noted that medical schools and graduate schools in biology require introductory phys­ ics and four semester o f chemistry for admis­ sion. Students majoring in Biology must take at least one course or seminar in each o f the following three groups: I, cell and molecular biology (i.e., 20, 21, 34, 38, 58, 132, 151, 153, 156, 174);); II, organismal biology (i.e., 12, 29, 31, 36, 37, 1 5 2 ,1 5 7 ,1 6 2 ,1 6 6 ,1 7 3 , 178); III, populational biology (i.e., 17, 25, 26, 39, 5 0 ,1 6 0 ,1 7 0 ,1 7 1 ). Biology course majors are expected to take at least one seminar in Biology. 1 Absent on leave, fall semester, 1988. 2 Absent on leave, spring semester, 1989. 3 Absent on leave, 1988-89. 79 Biology EXTERNAL EXAMINATION PROGRAM Qualified students may prepare for External Examinations by combining courses and semi' nars in the areas o f Virology (Bio 3 8 or 21 and 153), Microbial Ecology (Bio 38 and 168), Plant Ecology (Bio 39 and 170), Animal Physiology (Bio 12 and 157), Behavioral Ecol­ ogy (Bio 25 or 3 9 and 160), Orientation and Sensory Systems (Bio 12 or 25 and 173), Developmental Biology (Bio 20, 21 or 38 and 152), Human Genetics (Bio 20 and 156), Biomechanics (Bio 36 or 50 and 162), Cell Biology (Bio 21 and 151), Plant Physiology (Bio 37 and 166), Paleobiology (Bio 36, 50, 1 7 ,1 2 ,2 6 or 3 9 and 171), Neurobiology (Bio 29 and 178), Membrane Molecular Biology (Bio 21 or Chem 3 8 and Bio 132), and Research in Biology (Bio 180). Most seminars used to prepare for the External Examination are one credit and are an extension and con­ tinuation o f a prerequisite course. Admission to the External Examination Program is based on academic record (average o f B or better in the natural sciences) and completion of pre­ requisites for the courses or seminars used in preparation for external examination. De­ partmental requirements in chemistry and mathematics must also be fulfilled. Students wishing to obtain secondary teacher certification in biology must complete suc­ cessfully a major in biology. In addition, the Program in Education strongly recommends a course in physics and one biology course in a plant science. 1. Cellular and Molecular Biology. 12. The Vertebrates. An introductory study o f phenomena funda­ mental to living systems illustrated by exam­ ples drawn from the fields o f microbiology, cell biology, genetics, and developmental bi­ ology. Emphasis is upon the means by which biologists have attempted to elucidate these phenomena rather than upon a survey o f them. One laboratory period per week. Enrollment limited to 125. Primary Distribution Course. Fall semester. Staff. A consideration o f the anatomy o f vertebrate classes from an evolutionary viewpoint. Struc­ ture and function o f particular vertebrate organs are emphasized. Laboratory exercises include dissection, physiological demonstra­ tions, films, an introduction to basic histolo­ gy, and when possible, radiographic presenta­ tions. One laboratory period per week. Prerequisites: Biology 1, 2. Enrollment limited to 24. Spring semester. Clark. 2. Organismal and Population Biology. An introduction to the study o f whole organ­ isms, chiefly the higher plants and animals. Stress is placed on adaptive aspects o f the morphology and physiology o f organisms, their development, behavior, ecology, and evolution. One laboratory period per week. Enrollment limited to 125. Primary Distribution Course. Spring semester. Staff. 10. Human Evolution. Cross-listed with Sociology/Anthropology 10 (c f Sociology/Anthropology). This course is a Primary Distribution Course in the Social Sciences when taken as Sociology/Anthro­ pology 10, but not in the Natural Sciences when taken as Biology 10. 80 17. Systematic Botany. Principles and methods o f plant systematics approached through the classification and identification o f the maj or families o f vascular plants. Emphasis is upon the flora of the northeastern United States. The course is open to biology majors and interested non-majors. Two lecture-laboratory periods or field trips per week. Prerequisites: Biology 2 or consent of instruc­ tor. Enrollment limited to 16. A lternate years, spring semester. Weiner. 20. Genetics. An examination o f the transmission, struc­ ture, and function o f the genetic material. The course content includes the establishment of Mendelism; the chromosome theory o f inheri­ tance; the expansion o f Mendelism; the iden­ tification, structure, and replication o f the genetic material; gene function; bacterial and viral genetics; and the regulation o f gene activity. One laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: Biology 1. Enrollment limited to 34. Fall semester. McRobert. 21. Cell Biology. A study o f the ultrastructure and function o f cell components, cell division, biosynthesis o f macromolecules, and intermediary metabo­ lism. Laboratory exercises are designed to illustrate the variety o f approaches to findings in cell biology. One laboratory period per week. Prerequisites: Biology 1, Chemistry 22. Enrollment limited to 32. Spring semester. Savage. 25. Animal Behavior. An introduction to the biological study o f animal behavior in field and laboratory. Both vertebrate and invertebrate animals are co­ vered and emphasis is placed on the evolu­ tionary importance o f social behavior (Ethol­ ogy and Behavioral Ecology) and the physi­ ological mechanisms that mediate behavior (Neurobiology and Behavior). Laboratory experience includes field trips, individual re­ search projects, and electrophysiological re­ cording from nerve cells. One laboratory or field period per week. Prerequisites: Biology 2; Math 2 recom­ mended. Enrollment limited to 24. Alternate years. Williams. 26. Adaptatlonal Plant Anatomy. An examination o f the anatomical adaptations of vascular plants to environmental factors, principally light, water, temperature, and biotic factors. Topics include the adaptive anatomy/morphology o f hydrophytes, xerophytes, epiphytes, arctic and alpine plants, insectivorous plants, and plants’ flowers, fruits, and seeds. One laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: Biology 1, 2. Enrollment limited to 20. Not offered 1988-89. 29. Neurobiology. Properties o f nerve, muscle, synapse, neuronal networks, and intact nervous systems in in­ vertebrates and vertebrates. Sensory process­ ing, developmental specificity, and learning will also be discussed. The laboratory will provide students experience with a number o f preparations demonstrating functional aspects o f the activity o f nerve cells. One laboratory period per week. Prerequisites: Biology 1 and 2. Enrollment limited to 30. Fall semester. 34. Immunology. A survey o f the humoral and cellular mecha­ nisms by which vertebrates recognize and destroy material foreign to their bodies. Spe­ cial attention will be given to the cellular interactions leading to immunocompetency and to the strategies whereby certain micro­ organisms, tumors, and fetal cells avoid im­ mune detection. One laboratory period per week. Prerequisites: Biology 1 and 2. 20 or 21 recommended. Enrollment limited to 32. Alternate years, spring semester. Gilbert. 36. Invertebrate Zoology. The evolution and comparative biology of invertebrate animals. Consideration is given to morphology, phytogeny, ecology, and physiology o f invertebrates. One laboratory period per week. Field trips. Prerequisites: Biology 1 and 2. Enrollment limited to 24. Alternate years, fa ll semester. Merz. 37. Plant Physiology. A study o f the principal physiological pro­ cesses o f higher plants, including photosyn­ thesis, gas exchange, water and nutrient trans­ port, mineral metabolism, plant hormone action, and environmental responses. One laboratory period per week. Prerequisites: Biology 1 ,2 , and Chemistry 22. Enrollment limited to 20. Fall semester. Jacobs. 38. Microbiology. Biology o f microorganisms with an emphasis on aspects unique to prokaryotes. Topics include microbial cell structure, metabolism, physiology, genetics, and ecology. Laboratory exercises include techniques for detecting, isolating, cultivating, quantifying, and identi­ fying bacteria. 81 Biology One laboratory period per week. Prerequisites: Biology 1, Chemistry 22. Enrollment limited to 24. Fall semester. Hamlett. 39. Ecology. The scientific study o f the relationships that determine the distribution and abundance o f organisms. Topics covered include interac­ tions between organisms and their environ­ ments, population dynamics, species interac­ tions, community ecology, and nutrient cycles. One laboratory period or field trip per week. Prerequisites: Biology 1 and 2. Enrollment limited to 24. Fall semester. Weiner. 50. Marine Biology. Ecology o f oceans and estuaries, including discussions o f physiological and structural adaptations o f marine animals, plants, and micro-organisms. One laboratory period per week; several all­ day field trips. Prerequisites: Biology 1 and 2. Enrollment limited to 24. A lternate years, fa ll semester. Merz. 58. Biological Chemistry. Cross-listed with Chemistry 38. (cf. Chemistry). 93. Oirected Reading. W ith the permission o f a staff member who is willing to supervise it, a qualified student may undertake a program o f directed reading in an area o f biology not included in the curriculum, or as an extension o f one o f his/her courses. Fall or spring semester. Staff. 94. Research Project W ith the permission o f the Department, qualified students may elect to pursue a re­ search program. Fall or spring semester. Stewart, Staff. 95. Senior Literature Paper. W ith the permission o f the department a student may write a senior literature paper in Biology for satisfaction o f the requirement of a comprehensive examination for graduation. Students are not required to enroll in 95 while writing the paper. Does not count as a course for the major. 97. Senior Evolution Seminar. A consideration o f evolution from the per­ spectives o f several biological subdisciplines. Participation in the evolution seminar is re­ quired o f all Biology majors. For course stu­ dents, this satisfies the comprehensive exami­ nation requirement. Students are not required to enroll in Biology 97 while participating in the seminar. Graded Credit/No Credit. The course does not count as a course for the major. SEMINARS 132. Membrane Molecular Biology. An examination o f the role o f lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates in membrane structure and function. Topics include a discussion o f complex lipid types, (their formation and metabolism), structural organization and bio­ synthesis o f membranes, energy transduction, transport systems, and mechanisms for the recognition and control o f cellular activity. Students are required to present a major library research project on a selected area of contemporary research in molecular biology. Prerequisites: Bio 21 or Chem 38. Not offered 1988-89. 151. Cells in Culture. The biology o f plant and animal cells as revealed through studies in culturo. Seminar discussions focus on cell skeleton and sur­ 82 faces, growth, locomotion, transformation, and on somatic cell hybridization studies. In the laboratory, techniques o f animal and plant cell culture are introduced. Students then undertake independent investigative projects. Continuing laboratory work. Prerequisite: Biology 21 or consent o f instruc­ tor. One credit. Fall semester. Savage. 152. Bevelopmental Biology and Bevelopmental Genetics. An integration o f molecular and organismal aspects o f animal development. Topics include fertilization and embryonic cleavage, the for­ mation o f representative organs, cell migra­ tion, pattern formation, and the roles of the cell surface in development. Special attention will be given to the mechanisms governing eukaryotic gene expression. Laboratory exer­ cises investigate the developmental anatomy of selected organisms in normal and manipu­ lated conditions, and molecular aspects of differential gene expression. One laboratory per week; seminar format. Prerequisites: Biology 20, 21, or 38. Two credits. Fall semester. Gilbert. 153. Virology. A study o f viruses with emphasis on their molecular biology. Topics include techniques for studying and cultivating viruses, virus structure and replication, the interactions of viruses and their hosts, and properties of selected groups o f viruses. Laboratory exer­ cises use bacteriophage to demonstrate tech­ niques for studying viruses. One laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: Biology 21 or 38. Biology 20 recommended. One credit. Alternate years, spring semester. Hamlett. 156. Human Genetics. An examination o f human inheritance pat­ terns using techniques o f genetic analysis that are appropriate to humans. Research into the structure, function, organization, and regula­ tion of the human genome will be discussed, along with applications o f current research. Prerequisites: Biology 2 0 or permission o f the instructor. One credit. Spring semester. Jenkins. 157. Topics in Animal Physiology. A comparison o f selected physiological sys­ tems with a concentration on mammalian organisms. Primary emphasis will be placed on systems involved in the physiology of movement: respiration, circulation, sensory systems, muscles, and the energetic cost o f locomotion in humans and other mammals. After initial introductory lectures, students will lead discussions o f current questions and methods in literature. Laboratories will con­ sist of demonstrations o f techniques on model systems, followed by student-designed proj­ ects. Prerequisites: Biology 1, 2, and other biology courses, or permission o f the instructor. One credit. Fall semester. Clark. 160. Behavioral Ecology. The study o f the evolution o f behavior as an adaptation to an environment. Topics include, but are not limited to, environmental factors affecting social structure, optimal foraging strategies, mating systems, coevolution and sex roles. Topics covered will vary depending on student interest but usually include a consideration o f primate social systems and their relevance to human evolution. Prerequisites: Biology 25 or 39. Students with preparation outside biology should seek per­ mission o f the instructor. Laboratory includes field trips and individual projects. Two credits. Alternate years. Williams. 162. Biomechanics. This course is designed to introduce biologists to engineering theory and techniques for ap­ plication to the study o f the design o f organ­ isms. The basic principles o f solid and fluid mechanics will be explored as they apply to the morphology, ecology, and evolution o f plants and animals. Lectures, discussions o f recent papers, and laboratory and field experi­ ments will be held. Prerequisites: Biology 1, 2 and one other biology course, or permission o f the instruc­ tor. One credit. A lternate years, spring semester. Merz. 166. Control of Plant Development An examination o f cellular, intercellular, and environmental control mechanisms operating in plant growth and development. An area o f primary interest will be the role and action o f plant hormones, both as agents o f internal control and as mediators o f external factors. Particular examples will be studied in depth, with an emphasis upon critical evaluation o f original research literature. One seminar meeting each week and continu­ ing laboratory projects. Prerequisites: Biology 1, 2, and one other Biology course. One credit. Spring semester. Jacobs. 168. Microbial Ecology. A study o f the interrelationships o f microor- 83 Biology ganisms and their environment with emphasis on the biological, biochemical, and physio' logical elements affecting microbial popula­ tions and communities. Seminar format and investigative laboratory projects. Prerequisite: Biology 38. One credit. Alternate years, spring semester. Hamlett. 170. Plant Ecology. The study o f plant individuals, populations and communities in their relationships with their physical and biological environments. Areas developed include climatology, soil sci­ ence, plant population biology, competition, herbivory, and plant communities. Labora­ tory and field work emphasize hypothesis formation and the collection, analysis, and interpretation o f data. One laboratory period or field trip per week. All Saturdays during the first half o f the semester must be reserved for field work. Prerequisites: Concurrent or previous enroll­ ment in Biology 3 9 and consent o f instructor. One credit. Alternate years, fa ll semester. Weiner. 171. Paleobiology. This seminar format course will provide stu­ dents with a familiarity with the fossil record and an understanding o f the techniques and 84 theories used by paleontologists. Current issues in paleontology will be examined, in­ cluding mass extinctions, rates o f speciation, and ecological and physiological interpreta­ tions o f the fossil record. Laboratory experi­ ence will include field trips to collect fossils and exploration o f museum collections. Prerequisites: Biology 1 and 2 and one other Biology course. One credit. A lternate years, spring semester. Merz. 173. Animal Orientation and Migration. An investigation o f the long distance move­ ments o f animals, the sensory systems that guide those movements, and the physiology mechanisms that stimulate and support mi­ gration. Laboratory consists o f field observa­ tions and original research projects. Prerequisites: Biology 12 or 25 or permission o f the instructor. Physics and Math 2 are recommended. A lternate years, spring semester. Williams. 180. Thesis. A research project for students who partici­ pate in the External Examination program in Biology. Students minoring in Biology may elect to present a research thesis as part of their external examination program. One or two credits. Both semesters. Black Studies Coordinator: Committee: PETER SCHMIDT RAYMOND F. HOPKINS (Political Science) CHARLES JAMES (English Literature) (fall) MARJORIE MURPHY (History) JEROME H. WOOD, JR. (History) The purpose o f the Black Studies Program is ( 1) to introduce students to the history, cul­ ture, society, and political and economic con­ ditions o f Black people in Africa, the Ameri­ cas, and elsewhere in the world; and (2) to explore new approaches—in perspectives, analyses and interdisciplinary techniques— appropriate to the study o f the Black experi­ ence. Students in any department may add a Con­ centration in Black Studies to their depart­ mental major by fulfilling the requirements stated below. Applications for admission to the Concentration should be made in the spring semester o f the sophomore year to the Coordinator o f the Program. All programs must be approved by the Committee on Black Studies. All Concentrators in Black Studies are re­ quired to take History 7, as early as feasible, and Black Studies 91, ordinarily in the last semester o f the senior year. They must take a minimum o f five courses in Black Studies. These must include at least three courses (which may include Black Studies 91) outside the departmental major, from at least two departments other than the major. Black Studies 91, Special Topics in Black Studies, will take the form o f a one-credit tutorial (if there are three or fewer students in any one year) or a seminar (if there are four or more students), with all senior Concentra­ tors participating. The topics selected for reading, class discussions, and the writing of seminar papers will be drawn from represen­ tative works in Black Studies from a variety of disciplines and perspectives and will depend on the interests and backgrounds o f the par­ ticipants. The tutorial or seminar will nor­ mally be taken in the spring semester of the senior year, and will culminate in a compre­ hensive examination administered by the Black Studies Committee. Courses o f the Black Studies Concentration are listed below. Courses o f independent study, special attachments on subjects rele­ vant to Black Studies, and courses offered by visiting faculty (those courses not regularly listed in the College Bulletin) may, at the discretion of the Black Studies Committee, be included in the Program. Students who wish to pursue these possibilities should consult with the appropriate department and with the Black Studies Committee. Economics 71. Social Economics. Economics 72. Women and Minorities in the Economy. English Literature 59. The Black American Writer. English Literature 60. The Contemporary Black Writer of the United States. English Literature 76. The Black African Writer. English Literature 121. Modern Black Fiction. History 7. The History of the African American People. History 8. Africa. History 53. Black Culture and Black Consciousness. History 56. Ex-Slave Narratives. History 58. The World of DuBois, Rogers, and Diop. History 63. South Africa. History 66. Topics in Latin American History. History 67. The African in Latin America. 85 Black Studies History 140. Modern Africa. History 141. South Africa. Political Science 21. Politics of Africa. Political Science 44. Race, Ethnicity, and Public Policy. 86 Sociology-Anthropology 27. AfroAmerican Culture and Society. Sociology-Anthropology 36. Peoples and Cultures of Africa. Black Studies 91. Special Topics in Black Studies (senior thesis). Chemistry JAMES H. HAMMONS, Professor ROBERT F. PASTERNACK, Professor and Chair PETER T. THOMPSON, Professor2 JUDITH G. VOET, Associate Professor JEFFREY A. CHARONNAT, Assistant Professor TRICIA A. FERRETT, Assistant Professor THOMAS A. STEPHENSON, Assistant Professor3 ROBERT D. FISHER, Lecturer ALISON P. WILLIAMS, Dreyfus Teaching Fellow URSULA M. DAVIS, Assistant VIRGINIA M. INDIVERO, Assistant MARGARET M. LEHMAN, Assistant The aim o f the Department o f Chemistry is to provide sound training in the fundamental principles and basic techniques o f the science and to provide interested students with the opportunity for advanced work in the main subdisciplines o f modern chemistry. REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The normal route for entrance to the advanced level program is to take Chemistry 10 fol­ lowed by 22, 32, and either 36 or 38 (or both). Students with especially strong pre­ college background in chemistry are advised to begin with Chemistry 10H or Chemistry 22. Such students will normally be asked to take a placement examination. Students seek­ ing Advanced Placement credit may also be required to take this examination. Consult with the Department Chair. The minimum requirement for a major in Chemistry is nine courses in the Department. These must include Chemistry 1 0 ,2 2 ,3 2 ,3 6 , 38, 44, 45, 5 0 and one single-credit seminar. Students should note the Mathematics and Physics prerequisites for Chemistry 36, 44, and 45. Those considering a major in Chem­ istry are strongly urged to complete these prerequisites by the end o f the Sophomore year. Those students planning professional work in Chemistry should include in their programs a fourth semester o f mathematics and at least two additional courses in chemistry. Those wishing to obtain a degree accredited by the American Chemical Society should include Chemistry 106b in their programs. ACS ac­ creditation is useful for those who intend to pursue a career in chemical industry. Further, proficiency in reading scientific German, Rus­ sian, or French is an asset to the practicing chemist. Students desiring teacher certification in chem­ istry must complete Biology 1, 2 in addition to the Chemistry major program. All candi­ dates for teacher certification are required to assist in the instruction o f the laboratory o f an introductory chemistry course on one after­ noon per week for two semesters. Research opportunities with individual staff members are available through Chemistry 94, 96, and 180. Majors are encouraged to consult the staff about current research problems under investigation. In collaboration, the Departments o f Chem­ istry and Physics provide for a Special Major in Chemical Physics (see discussion o f Special Major, page 49 ), which offers students the 2 Absent on leave, spring semester, 1989. 3 Absent on leave, 1988-89. 87 Chemistry opportunity to gain strong background in the study o f chemical processes from a microscopic, molecular point o f view. Interested students should consult the Chair o f both departments, BIOCHEMISTRY SPECIAL MAJOR In collaboration with the Department o f Bi­ ology, the Department o f Chemistry also offers a Special Major in Biochemistry, which provides the student with the opportunity to gain a strong background in chemistry with special emphasis on the application o f chemis­ try to biochemical and molecular biological problems. The requirements include Chemis­ try 22, 32, 36, 38, 44, 45, 50, and 108b; Biology 2 0 or 21 or 38; and Biology 152 or 153. Students should note the Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology prerequisites for these courses. Research opportunities are available in both Biology and Chemistry De­ partments. Interested students should consult the Chairs o f the two departments. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION PROGRAM Students preparing for the External Examina­ tion Program with a major in Chemistry should complete Chemistry 10, 22, 32, and either 36 or 3 8 (or both), three semesters o f calculus, and two semesters o f physics by the end o f the sophomore year. In addition to Chemistry 10, 22, 32, 36, and 38, all majors are further required to complete Chemistry 44, 45, and 50; except under truly extraordi­ nary circumstances, these requirements must be met by the end o f the junior year. The major program consists o f a minimum of three papers in Chemistry, one o f which must be a research thesis (Chemistry 180). Prepa­ ration for the remaining papers in Chemistry (Organic Reaction Mechanisms, Organic Syn­ thesis, Thermodynamics and Statistical Me­ chanics, Quantum Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Biological Chemistry) consists o f the core curriculum (i.e., Chemistry 10, 22, 32, 36, 38, 44, 45, and 5 0 ) plus completion o f the appropriate 100-level seminar. The core curriculum alone is sufficient preparation for a paper in General Physical Chemistry .All I papers, with the exception o f General Physical I Chemistry, are "three unit” papers. All o f the External Examination papers listed in the preceding paragraph are available for students wishing to complete a minor in Chemistry. The minimum prerequisites for the preparation o f any paper are Chemistry 10 and 36, Mathematics 5 and 6 , and Physics 3 and 4. Preparation for the General Physical Chemistry paper consists o f completion of Chemistry 4 4 and 45 and the additional Mathematics prerequisite. Preparation for the remaining papers consists o f completion of the relevant 100-level seminar and the associated prerequisites (see seminar prerequisites, below). COURSES 1. Molecules and Life. This course deals with the biological chemis­ try o f nutrition. Emphasis is placed on an introduction to chemical principles, protein structure, enzyme function, and the metabo­ lism o f fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. One laboratory period every second week. Primary distribution course. 88 Fall semester. Voet. 10. General Chemistry. A study o f the central concepts and basic principles o f chemistry; the interpretation of chemical properties and reactions on the basis o f equilibrium constants, oxidation poten­ tials, free energies, thermochemistry; atomic structure; bonding and molecular structure; I ■ I I I I I I I I I I I rates and mechanisms o f chemical reactions. One laboratory period weekly. Primary distribution course. Fall semester. Pasternack and Staff. 10H. Freshman Seminar: General Chemistry. A half-credit seminar format course for fresh­ men with Advanced Placement (or equivalent departmental exam) chemistry credit. Topics will be selected from the traditional General Chemistry curriculum, but will be discussed in greater detail and with a higher degree o f mathematical rigor. The application o f mod­ ern instrumental methods to problems in thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, and molecular structure will be emphasized in classroom discussion and laboratory demon­ strations. Some familiarity with elementary calculus concepts will be assumed. One threehour meeting weekly. Fail semester. Williams. 22. Organic Chemistry I. An introduction to the chemistry o f some of the more important classes o f organic com­ pounds; nomenclature, structure, physical and spectroscopic properties, methods of preparation and reactions o f aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, halides and mono­ functional oxygen compounds, with an em­ phasis on ionic reaction mechanisms. One laboratory period weekly. Prerequisite: Chemistry 10. Spring semester. Hammons. 32. Organic Chemistry II. A continuation o f Chemistry 22 with empha­ sis on more advanced aspects o f the chemistry of monofunctional and polyfunctional organic compounds, multi-step methods o f synthesis, and an introduction to bioorganic chemistry. One laboratory period weekly. Prerequisite: Chemistry 22. Fall semester. Charonnat. 36. Inorganic Chemistry. A study o f the main group elements, acid-base reactions, oxidation-reduction reactions, elec­ trochemistry, and an introduction to transi­ tion metal chemistry. Laboratory will empha­ size the preparation and analysis o f inorganic compounds. One laboratory period weekly. Prerequisites: Chemistry 10, Mathematics 6, and concurrent enrollment in Physics 4 (or 8). Spring semester. Pasternack. 38. Biological Chemistry. An introduction to the chemistry o f living systems: protein conformation, principles o f biochemical preparation techniques, enzyme mechanisms and kinetics, bioenergetics, inter­ mediary metabolism, and molecular genetics. One laboratory period weekly. Prerequisites: Chemistry 32 (Biology 1 rec­ ommended). Spring semester. Voet. 44. Physical Chemistry I. An introduction to some basic concepts of physical chemistry including states o f matter, kinetic theory o f gases, laws o f thermodynam­ ics, chemical and phase equilibria, solutions, and solid state structure. One laboratory period weekly. Prerequisites: Chemistry 10, Mathematics 18, Physics 4 (or 8). Fall semester. Thompson. 45. Physical Chemistry II. An introduction to some basic physical chem­ istry concepts at the atomic and molecular level including particles and waves, elemen­ tary quantum theory, atomic and molecular structure, valence bond and molecular orbital theory, symmetry and group theory, spec­ troscopy, statistical mechanics, and reaction rates. One laboratory period weekly. Prerequisites: Chemistry 10, Mathematics 18, Physics 4 (or 8). Spring semester. Ferrett. 50. Modern Instrumental Methods in Chemistry and Biochemistry. Powerful instrumentation has been developed in recent years for the analysis and separation o f mixtures and for the determination of molecular structure in chemical and biochem­ ical research. This laboratory course deals with such modern instrumental methods, in­ cluding chromatographic and spectrometric techniques, and will give special emphasis to Fourier-transform nuclear magnetic reso­ nance. Students will be given the opportunity to pursue more extensive investigative proj­ ects in chemistry or biochemistry for a part of the semester. One four-hour laboratory period weekly. Prerequisites: Chemistry 32 and either 36 or 38. Concurrent or prior courses in Physical Chemistry are recommended. Fall semester. Hammons. 89 Chemistry SEMINARS The following single credit seminars may be taken for credit towards a degree in Course or combined with single credit courses to prepare for Papers in the External Examination Pro­ gram. Prerequisites: The preferred background for students enrolled in any seminar is prior or concurrent enrollment in Chemistry 10, 22, 32, 36, 38, 44, and 45. When circumstances warrant it, students will be permitted to enroll in Chemistry 102b or 103b while meeting only the organic chemistry prerequisites, stu­ dents will be permitted to enroll in Chemistry 108b while meeting only the organic chemis­ try and biological chemistry prerequisites, students will be permitted to enroll in Chem­ istry 106b while meeting only the inorganic and physical chemistry prerequisites, and stu­ dents will be permitted to enroll in Chemistry 104b or 105b while meeting only the physical chemistry prerequisites. However, such stu­ dents will be expected to do the extra reading required for them to participate fully in the discussions. Students wishing to enroll in a semi­ nar without first completing Chemistry io, 22, 32, 36, 38, 44 , and 45 must consult with the instruc­ tor. 102b. Organic Reaction Mechanisms Seminar. This course deals with the structures and mechanisms o f reaction o f organic com­ pounds. Structural topics include bonding theory, stability, and stereochemistry. Polar, free-radical, pericyclic, and photochemical reactions are studied. Mechanistic discussions emphasize methods o f investigation and the interpretation o f experimental results from the primary literature. Prerequisites: See statement above regarding seminar prerequisites. Fall semester. Hammons. 103b. Organic Synthesis Seminar. Modern organic synthetic methodology will be studied, with an emphasis on carboncarbon bond formation, control o f relative stereochemistry, and asymmetric synthesis. The utility o f these techniques will be illus­ trated by various total syntheses o f biologi­ 90 cally important natural products. Prerequisites: See statement above regarding seminar prerequisites. Spring semester. Charonnat. 104b. Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Seminar. Topics to be studied will be selected from more advanced aspects o f thermodynamics and statistical mechanics including interac­ tions in the gaseous and liquid states, the theory o f solutions, and chemical reaction dynamics. Prerequisites: See statement above regarding seminar prerequisites. Spring semester. Williams. 105b. Quantum Chemistry Seminar. Advanced consideration o f topics in quantum chemistry including the harmonic oscillator, angular momentum, time-independent and time-dependent perturbation theory, the vari­ ation method, electron spin, and the elec­ tronic structure o f atoms and molecules. Prerequisites: See statement above regarding seminar prerequisites. Additional prerequi­ site: Mathematics 16 or 16A. Fall semester. Ferrett. 106b. Inorganic Chemistry Seminar. The study o f topics to be selected from appli­ cations o f symmetry and group theory; transi­ tion metal chemistry; bonding; reaction mech­ anisms; spectroscopy; organometallic chemis­ try; inorganic biochemistry; and bioinorganic chemistry. Prerequisites: See statement above regarding seminar prerequisites. Spring semester. Pasternack. 108b. Biological Chemistry Seminar. Selected topics in a few important areas of current biochemistry, such as enzyme struc­ ture and function, spectroscopic methods, receptor biochemistry, and genetic and pro­ tein engineering principles. Prerequisites: See statement above regarding seminar prerequisites. Additional prerequi­ site: Biology 1. Prior or concurrent enrollment in Biology 2 0 or 21 or 38 is recommended. Fall semester. Voet. STUDENT RESEARCH All students who enroll in one or more research courses during the academic year are required to attend weekly colloquium meetmgs and to present the results o f their work during the spring semester. 94. Research Project This course provides the opportunity for qualified students to participate in research with individual staff members. Periodic group meetings o f all participants will allow inter­ change o f ideas on research plans, progress, and results. Students who propose to take this course should consult with the staff during the preceding semester concerning problem areas under study. This course may be elected more than once. Each semester. Staff. 96. Research Thesis. Chemistry and biochemistry majors will be provided with an option o f writing a senior research thesis in lieu o f taking comprehensive examinations. Students must apply for the thesis option by the beginning o f the second semester o f the junior year and are strongly urged to participate in on-campus research during the summer between their junior and senior years. The student will form an ad­ visory committee to consist o f (but not be limited to) two members o f the Chemistry Department, one o f whom is to act as the student’s research mentor. Whereas the de­ tails o f the research thesis program will be determined by the committee and the student, certain minimum requirements must be met by all students selecting this option: i) A minimum o f two credits o f Chemistry 9 6 to be taken during the last three semesters o f the student’s residence at Swarthmore. ii) A thesis based upon the student’s re­ search activity to be submitted prior to the last week o f classes o f the final semes­ ter. Guidelines for the preparation o f the thesis will be provided to the student. Each semester. Staff. 180. Research Thesis. An opportunity for students in the External Examination program to participate in re­ search with individual staff members. The thesis topic must be chosen in consultation with some member o f the staff and approved early in the semester preceding the one in which the work is to be done. E ach semester. Staff. 91 Classics HELEN F. NORTH, Professor and Chairman MARTIN OSTWALD, Professor GILRERT P. ROSE, Professor WILLIAM N. TURPIN, Associate Professor RARRARA RURRELL, Assistant Professor3 The Department o f Classics offers instruction in the various fields which constitute the study o f Greek and Roman culture. Courses numbered from 1 to 2 0 are devoted to the Greek and Latin languages and literatures. Courses numbered from 21 onwards presup­ pose no knowledge o f the Greek or Latin language and are open (except for 42 and 44) without prerequisite to all students; they deal with the history, mythology, religion, archae­ ology, and other aspects o f the ancient world and include the study o f classical literature in translation. Swarthmore College contributes to the Ameri­ can Academy in Rome and the American School o f Classical Studies in Athens, and its students have the privileges accorded to un­ dergraduates from contributing institutions (use o f the library at both schools and consul­ tation with the staff). Swarthmore is also one o f the institutions sponsoring the Intercol­ legiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome, which provides facilities for the study of Classics, Archaeology, and Ancient History. Classics majors, recommended by the Depart­ ment, are eligible to study at the Center, usually during their junior year, either for one semester or for two. Students o f the classics are eligible for the Susan P. Cobbs Scholarship and the Susan P. Cobbs Prize Fellowship (see pp. 25 and 67). REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Greek, Latin, or Ancient History may be offered as a major subject either in the Course Program or in the External Examination Pro­ gram, and as a minor subject in the latter Program. A student majoring in Greek or Latin in the External Examination (Honors) Program or in the Course Program should complete dur­ ing the first two years either Intermediate Greek or Intermediate Latin. Students minoring in either Greek or Latin in the Honors Program must first complete either Intermediate Greek or Intermediate Latin. In the Honors program, three or four papers constitute a major in Greek or in Latin. Normally all or all but one o f these will be prepared for by seminars. Either Directed Reading in a field in which a seminar is not given (course 93 ), a thesis, or a course supple- 3 Absent on leave, 1988-89. 92 mented by additional independent work (i.e., an "attachment” ) may be used to prepare for the remaining paper. A major in Greek or Latin in the Course Program will consist o f the equivalent of at least 8 courses in the appropriate language above the introductory level. Students majoring in either the Honors Pro­ gram or the Course Program are required to take a half-credit course in prose composi­ tion. An Honors major in Ancient History will consist o f (1 ) Classics 42, with attachment, (2 ) Classics 44, with attachment, and (3) at least one o f these seminars: Latin 102, Latin 105, Greek 113. The prerequisite for Classics 42 is Classics 21 or 31; the prerequisite for Classics 4 4 is Classics 32. For Greek 113 the prerequisite is one year o f Intermediate Greek, for Latin 102 or 105, one year o f Intermediate Latin. A minor in Ancient History will normally consist o f ( 1 ) and (2) above, with the specified prerequisites. No ancient language is required for this minor. Program will consist o f (1 ) Classics 31 or 21, (2 ) Classics 32, (3 ) Classics 42, with attach­ ment, (4 ) Classics 44, with attachment, and (5 ) at least one o f these seminars: Latin 102, Latin 105, Greek 113. A major in Ancient History in the Course Greek 1-2. Intensive First-year Greek. Greek 1 (fall) imparts a basic knowledge of Ancient Greek grammar and vocabulary and gives considerable practice in reading Greek. Greek 2 (spring), while continuing with gram­ matical training, focuses on a dialogue of Plato and introduces students to its philo­ sophic issues and literary merits. The course meets four times a week and carries 1 Vi credits each semester. Primary distribution course, Humanities. Year course. Turpin. 9,10. Greek Prose Composition. Course meets one hour a week. A requirement for majors, this course is recommended in conjunction with courses at the intermediate level or above, to provide the student with grammatical and stylistic exercise. H alf course. Staff. 11. Intermediate Greek. The main reading is Plato’s Apology. Primary distribution course, Humanities. Fall semester. North. are read in Greek; the remainder o f the poem is read in translation. Primary distribution course, Humanities. Spring semester. Ostwald. 91. Special Topics. Readings selected to fit the needs o f individual seniors in preparation for their comprehen­ sive examinations. Spring semester. Staff. 93. Directed Reading. A program o f independent work under the supervision o f the instructor. It is open only to advanced students and may be taken only with the consent o f the Department chairman. Staff. 95. Attachment. Additional, independent work attached to an advanced course, normally used to prepare for an external examination, but available also to Course students for the purposes described on page 52 (Formats o f Instruction). Staff. 12. Homer. Selections from either the Iliad or the Odyssey Latin 1-2. Intensive First-year Latin. Year course. Rose. An intensive course which introduces Latin grammar and vocabulary and emphasizes the reading o f Latin texts from the outset. Readings are based on original Roman authors at a relatively early point and introduce impor­ tant aspects o f Roman culture and Latin litera­ ture. The course meets four times a week and carries 1 Vi credits each semester. Primary distribution course, Humanities. 9,10. Latin Prose Composition. The development o f Latin prose style is stud­ ied, with an analysis o f Latin texts and exten­ sive translation o f English into Latin. A re­ quirement for majors, it is recommended in conjunction with courses at the intermediate level or above. The course meets one hour a week. H alf course. Not offered 1988-89. Staff. 93 Classics 11. Introduction to Roman Poetry. 14. Mediaeval Latin. After a brief review o f grammar, students will read and discuss major lyric and epic poets, such as Catullus, Virgil, Horace, and Ovid. This intermediate course is normally taken by those who have had Latin in high school or have completed Latin 2. Primary distribution course, Humanities. Fall semester. Rose. Works chosen from the principal types of mediaeval Latin literature (including religious and secular poetry, history and chronicles, saints’ lives, satire, philosophy, and roman­ ces) are studied in this course. Prerequisite: Latin 11 or equivalent. Primary distribution course, Humanities. Spring semester. North. 12. Intermediate Latin: Cicero. 91. Special Topics. An oration and selected letters. This course is designed to introduce students to a great historical and literary figure o f the Roman Republic. It combines a study o f his major political and literary achievements with a careful analysis o f his prose style. Primary distribution course, Humanities. Spring semester. Staff. Readings selected to fit the needs o f individual seniors in preparation for their comprehen­ sive examinations. Spring semester. Staff. 13. Literature of the Augustan Age. The elegiac poetry o f Propertius and Ovid. Consideration will be given to the importance o f genre and imitation, the function o f humor, the relation to the moral program o f Augus­ tus, and later responses to this literature (particularly Marlowe and Ezra Pound). Prerequisite: Latin 11, Advanced Placement or equivalent. Primary distribution course, Humanities. Fall semester. Rose. 93. Directed Reading. A program o f independent work under the supervision o f the instructor. It is open only to advanced students and may be taken only with the consent o f the Department chairman. Staff. 95. Attachment Additional, independent work attached to an advanced course, normally used to prepare for an external examination, but available also to Course students for the purposes described on page 52 (Formats o f Instruction). Staff. Ancient History and Civilization 21. Ancient Greece. Greek thought, literature, and history from the Homeric age to Plato, with emphasis upon the interrelationships between the intellectual currents and the social, economic, and po­ litical systems. Readings (in translation) in­ clude Homer, Herodotus, Thucydides, Greek tragedy and comedy, and Plato. Two lectures and one discussion session per week. Satisfies prerequisite requirement for Classics 42, for a major or minor in Ancient History, and for advanced courses in the Department o f His­ tory. Counts as part o f a major in History. Primary distribution course ( 1 credit, Humani­ ties, 1 credit, Social Sciences). Fall semester. N ot offered 1988-89. Staff. 31. History of Greece. The course is devoted to the study o f the 94 political and social history o f the Greek states to the time o f the Hellenistic kingdoms. Spe­ cial attention is given to the 6th and 5th centuries B.C. Considerable reading is done in the primary sources in translation. Satisfies same prerequisite requirements as Classics 21. Primary distribution course, Social Sciences. Fall semester. Ostwald. 32. The Roman Republic and Augustus. A study o f Rome from its foundation through the reign o f Augustus (753 B.C.-A.D. 14). The following subjects will be considered in detail: (1 ) The evolution o f the republican constitution, (2 ) Rome’s wars o f expansion, (3 ) The accompanying changes in Roman Society and economy, (4 ) The Roman Revo­ lution, (5 ) The Augustan Principate. Students will read the pertinent original sour­ ces in translation as well as a selection of modern viewpoints. There is no prerequisite. Satisfies prerequisite requirement for Classics 44, for a major or minor in Ancient History, and for advanced courses in the Department of History. Counts as part o f a major in His­ tory. Primary distribution course, Social Sciences. Spring semester. Turpin. 33. Greek Literature in Translation. The works studied in this course range in time from Homer to Plato and Aristode and in­ clude selected masterpieces o f epic, lyric and elegiac, and dramatic poetry, history, and philosophy. Lectures on the historical and cultural context supplement class discussion. Primary distribution course, Humanities. Fall semester. Not offered 1988-89. Rose. 36. Classical Mythology In Literature and Art A study of selected myths in works o f Greek and Latin literature ranging from Homer’s Odyssey to the Metamorphoses o f Ovid and Apuleius. Attention is given not only to works of art inspired by mythical figures and cycles, but also to ancient sites connected with them. Given in alternate years. Fall semester. Not offered 1988-89. North. 37. Topics in Greek and Roman Religion. A study of selected issues basic to the under­ standing of religion in ancient society: the gods, representative cults, festivals and rituals, beliefs about the afterlife, types o f sacrifice, oracles and prophecy, the interaction o f phi­ losophy and religion, and the social context of early Christianity. There are no prerequisites. Readings are in translation. Cross-listed as Religion 37. Fall semester. North. 38. The Apostolic Age. (See listing under Religion 16, Dept, o f Reli­ gion). 42. Greece in the Fifth Century R.C. An intensive study, chiefly on the basis o f primary sources, o f Athens and the Greek world from the reforms o f Cleisthenes to the end of the Peloponnesian War. Special em­ phasis is placed on the political, social, and economic institutions o f the Athenian de­ mocracy and on the problems o f the Delian League, both internal and in its relation to the Greek and non-Greek world. W ith an attach­ ment Classics 42 prepares for an honors paper in Ancient History. It counts toward a major in History. Prerequisite: Classics 31 or its equivalent. Spring semester. Not offered 1988-89. Ostwald. 44. The Early Roman Empire. A detailed study, using primary sources, of the political, economic, social, and cultural history o f the Roman world from the fall of the Republic through the Antonine Age (50 B.C.-A.D. 192). W ith an attachment Classics 4 4 prepares for an honors paper in Ancient History. It counts toward a major in History. Prerequisite: Classics 32 or its equivalent. Fall semester. Turpin. 45. Greek Political Theory. A study o f Greek political concepts and insti­ tutions as a background to the political thought o f Thucydides, Plato, and Aristotle, on which the major attention o f this course is focused. Spring semester. Not offered 1988-89. Ostwald. 51. An Introduction to Archaeology. This course focuses on the discipline o f ar­ chaeology and its place in the wider fields o f the humanities and social sciences. Among the topics covered will be field techniques, methods o f dating, analysis o f archaeological, data and problems o f interpretation. This course fulfills requirements in the Social Science distribution group, and is cross-listed as Sociology and Anthropology 51. Spring semester. Staff. 52. Introduction to Greek Archaeology. This course traces the development o f Greek civilization as documented by archaeology, and includes data ranging from monumental art and architecture to coins and potsherds. There is special emphasis on such important sites as Knossos, Mycenae, Delphi, Olympia, and Athens. There are no prerequisites. Primary distribution course, Humanities. Spring semester. Not offered 1988-89. Burrell. 53. Introduction to Roman Archaeology. This course focuses on the monuments and material remains o f the ancient city o f Rome. Its chief aim is to trace Rome’s growth from 95 Classics a village o f huts on the Tiber River to the capital and showplace o f a great empire, while also observing the interaction between Roman society and the urban framework which the Romans built to accommodate, symbolize, and glorify that society. There are no prereq­ uisites. Primary distribution course, Humanities. Spring semester. Not offered 1988-89. Burrell. 54. The Art and Science of Ancient Coins. W ith the assistance o f actual coins from the Swarthmore collections, students learn nu­ mismatic techniques and how to apply them to problems o f history, economy, and stylistic development. They are also encouraged to choose a special topic to present in class. Because o f the difficulties in presenting such small objects, enrollment will be limited to 10. Spring semester. Not offered 1988-89. Burrell. 82. The Ancient Theatre. A representative selection o f Greek and Roman drama, both tragedy and comedy, will be read in translation, together with the Poetics o f Aristotle, and there will be a study of ancient dramatic production and the physical remains o f Greek and Roman theatres. Given in alternate years. Spring semester. Not offered 1988-89. North. 91. Special Topics. Readings selected to fit the needs o f individual seniors in preparation for their comprehen­ sive examination in Ancient History. Spring semester. Staff. 93. Directed Reading. A program o f independent work under the supervision o f the instructor. It is open only to advanced students and may be taken only with the consent o f the Department chairman. Staff. 95. Attachment Additional, independent work attached to an advanced course, normally used to prepare for an external examination, but available also to Course students for the purposes described on page 52 (Formats o f Instruction). Staff. SEMINARS 102. The Age of Nero. Poetry. This seminar will study a range o f Silver Latin authors writing about the reign o f Nero (Taci­ tus, Suetonius, Seneca). The value o f the works as historical evidence and their literary merits will be considered. Fall semester. Not offered 1988-89. Burrell. The seminar emphasizes the Odes and Epodes and their place in the tradition o f Greek and Roman lyric poetry. Attention is also given to the Satires and Epistles, especially the Ars Poetica, and to their importance for the history o f satire and literary criticism. An effort is made to grasp the totality o f Horace’s achieve­ ment in the context o f the Augustan Age. Spring semester. Not offered 1988-89. Turpin. 103. Latin Epic. This seminar is devoted to one or more o f the following: Lucretius’ D e Rerum Natura, Vir­ gil’s Aeneid, Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Spring semester. North. 105. The Age of Cicero. This seminar will focus primarily on Cicero’s speeches, letters, and philosophical works in the context o f the history and thought o f the final years o f the Republic. In addition, works o f Sallust and Caesar will be studied for their historical evidence and their differing prose styles. Fall semester. Turpin. 107. Horace: Lyric and Hexameter 96 111. Greek Philosophers. This seminar is devoted mainly to the study of Plato, which is supplemented by study of the pre-Socratic philosophers and o f Aristotle and the Hellenistic schools. The orientation o f the seminar is primarily philosophical, although the literary merits o f the Greek philosophers receive consideration. Fall semester. Not offered 1988-89. Ostwald. 112. Greek Epic. This seminar will study primarily Homer’s Iliad. Selections from Hesiod and Apollonius may also be read, with some attention to the development o f Greek epic. Sfmng semester. Rose. 113. Greek Historians. This seminar is devoted to a study of Herodo­ tus and Thucydides, both as examples of Greek historiography and as sources for Greek history. Fall semester. Ostwald. 114. Greek Drama. The whole body o f extant Greek tragedies and comedies is studied, with a careful reading in the original language o f one play by each of the major dramatists. Spring semester. Not offered 1988-89. Rose. 115. Greek Elegiac and Lyric Poetry. The whole body o f extant Greek elegy and lyric is studied, with attention to the political and social background, and to the relation o f these literary types to epic and dramatic po­ etry. Fall semester. Not offered 1988-89. Ostwald. 97 Computer Science CHARLES F. KELEMEN, Professor and Program Director7 H. Searl Dunn (Engineering) Marjorie Murphy (History) J. Edward Skeath (Mathematics) a student to be appointed Committee: Computer Science is the study o f algorithms and the issues involved in implementing them. This includes the study o f computer systems, methods to specify algorithms (for people and computer systems), and the formulation o f theories and models to aid in the under­ standing and analysis o f the properties o f al­ gorithms, computing systems, and their inter­ relationship. The Computer Science Program is designed to provide students with a flexible set o f offerings in computing that can be tailored to satisfy interests in various areas and at several levels o f depth. All the courses emphasize the un­ derlying, fundamental concepts o f computer science, treating today’s languages and systems as current examples o f the underlying concepts. Students from any discipline who are inter­ ested in an introduction to computer science should take C S 15: Introduction to Computer Science. For a deeper, more formal introduc­ tion, they should continue with Math 9: Dis­ crete Mathematics, and CS 35: Fundamental Structures o f Computer Science. Students with sufficient previous experience in com­ puter science may skip CS 15 by passing a placement exam. The concentration in com­ puter science is designed for students who desire a coherent introduction to the core topics in the field. Students completing the concentration will possess a number o f intel­ lectual skills useful in many disciplines. CONCENTRATION IN COMPUTER SCIENCE The concentration in computer science can be combined with any major in the college. It will provide students with a well-rounded back­ ground in computer science sufficient to allow them to develop significant, creative applica­ tions in their major area o f interest and to keep up with the rapid changes in the field o f computer science. Students interested in a Concentration in Computer Science should submit a concentration proposal for approval by the Computer Science Committee by the end o f their sophomore year. Both the stu­ dent’s major advisor and the Director o f the Computer Science Program should be con­ sulted when writing such a proposal. W hile some flexibility is possible, the requirements for the concentration in computer science will usually consist o f six courses plus a compre­ hensive experience. The six courses should be selected as follows: 7 Joint appointment with mathematics. 98 Each of: CS 15: Introduction to Computer Science; Math 9: Discrete Mathematics; CS 35:Fundamental Structures o f Computer Sci­ ence. Two of: CS 23: Computer Architecture; CS 41: Data Structures and Algorithms; CS 43: Foundations o f Programming Language De­ sign; CS 46: Theory o f Computation. One of: the remaining courses from the cate­ gory above (i.e., CS 2 3 ,4 1 ,4 3 , or 46); Engin 22: Digital Systems; Engin 25: Laboratory Computer Applications; CS 40: Computer Graphics; CS 63: Artificial Intelligence; Math 72: Topics in Combinatorial Optimization; CS 75: Principles o f Compiler Design and Construction; Ling. 50, Ling. 108: Syntactic Theory; CS 91: Special Topics in Computer Science; CS 93: Directed Reading or Project. I I Note: Courses used to satisfy the require­ ments for a concentration must be completed with a grade o f C or better. Note: In certain cases, especially well-prepared Engineering students may be permitted to substitute Engin 11 and Math 16 for CS 15 and Math 9. The comprehensive experience will ordinarily be satisfied by completing CS 97: Senior Conference. In some cases a thesis or project may be used to satisfy some other depart­ ment’s comprehensive experience and also the Computer Science requirement. In such cases specific approval o f the Computer Sci­ ence program and the other department must be obtained before embarking on the project. For example, appropriate Engineering 90 proj­ ects have been used to satisfy the comprehen­ sive requirements for both an Engineering major and a Computer Scienice Concentra­ tion. SPECIAL MAJORS Students desiring greater depth in computer science or desiring to integrate computer sci­ ence with another discipline in a more formal manner are encouraged to develop a Special Major in Computer Science or a Special Major combining computer science and another area. Such Special Majors require the approval o f the Computer Science Committee and in the case o f joint majors the other department involved. Special Majors should be designed in consultations with the director o f the com­ puter science program. These consultations should take place as early in the student’s program as possible. MINORS FOR EXTERNAL EXAMINATION For students electing to take a minor in Com­ puter Science under the external examination requirements, the Computer Science Com­ mittee has approved certain combinations o f two computer science courses to constitute a two-credit paper. A current list o f these may be obtained from the program secretary. In certain circumstances, the committee may be willing to consider other groupings o f courses or seminars to constitute a three-credit paper. GRADUATE STUDY Students interested in graduate study in Com­ puter Science will be well prepared by major­ ing in Mathematics or Engineering and com­ pleting selected Computer Science courses. The choice o f the appropriate major and computing courses will depend on the stu­ dent’s interests and should be made in consul­ tation with the director o f the Computer Science Program. Other majors are also rea- sonable for students with special interests. For example, a major in Linguistics or Psy­ chology might be appropriate for a student interested in artificial intelligence. In such cases, students should consult as early as possible with the director o f the program in order to be sure o f taking the mathematics and computing courses necessary to be prepared for graduate work in Computer Science. COMPUTER SCIENCE COURSES (Courses numbered above 40 will be offered in alternate years.) 15. Introduction to Computer Science. This course is an introduction to computer science for students from all disciplines. The major emphasis o f the course is on problem 99 Computer Science solving and algorithm development. Students are introduced to the Pascal programming language and gain proficiency in it by writing programs to solve a number o f illustrative problems. Students are also informally intro­ duced to many topics in computer science including: hardware organization; system soft­ ware; programming style and documentation; program testing and verification; fundamental data structures such as arrays, records, and linked lists; basic algorithms for searching and sorting; analysis o f algorithms; computability; and artificial intelligence. Prerequisite: Some computing experience or permission. Frequently offered as a primary distribution course. Each semester. Staff. 23. Computer Architecture. Cross-listed with Engineering 23 (cf. Engi­ neering). 35. Fundamental Structures of Computer Science. This course completes the broad introduction to computer science begun in CS 15 and provides a general background for further study in the field. Topics to be covered in­ clude: data structures (linked lists, trees, etc.) and algorithms, organization o f computer sys­ tems and assembly language programming, an introduction to the theory o f computation and formal languages, and alternative pro­ gramming languages. A brief survey o f areas o f research interest in computer science will also be presented. Students will be expected to complete a number o f programming pro­ jects illustrating the concepts presented. Prerequisites: CS 15 and Math 9. In some cases, with the permission o f the instructor, Engin 11 and Math 16 can be substituted. Fall semester. Kelemen. 40. Computer Graphics. Cross-listed with Physics 4 0 (cf. Physics). 41. Data Structures and Algorithms. This course is a continuation o f the study of the basic data structures and algorithms found to be useful in many diverse areas. This study was begun informally in CS 15 and continued in CS 35. The approach here is more formal both with respect to the correctness o f the algorithms and with respect to the time and 100 space resources required for the various algo­ rithms and their associated data structures. Topics to be covered include: abstract data types, arrays, pointers, linked lists, stacks, queues, . trees (including balanced trees), graphs, searching and sorting, and algorithms and data structures appropriate for external storage media like magnetic disks and tapes. The impact o f several models o f parallel com­ putation on the design o f algorithms and data structures will be presented. Students will be expected to complete several programming projects in the course. Prerequisite: CS 35. Fall 1988. Staff. 43. Foundations of Programming Language Design. A study o f the organization and structure of modern programming languages with an em­ phasis on semantic issues. Topics include: specifying syntax and semantics, conventional and abstract data types, control structures, procedural languages, functional languages, other classes o f languages, program correct­ ness, concurrency and synchronization, lan­ guage design and evaluation, implementation issues. Prerequisite: CS 35. Alternate years. Next offered fa ll 1989. 46. Theory of Computation. The study o f various models o f computation leading to a characterization o f the kinds of problems that can and cannot be solved by a computer and, for those problems that can be solved, a means o f classifying them with re­ spect to how difficult they are to solve. Topics to be covered include: formal languages and finite state devices, Turing machines and other models o f computation, computability, and complexity. Prerequisite: CS 35. Alternate years. Next offered spring 1990. 63. Artificial Intelligence. This course will emphasize many o f the basic abstractions and algorithms found to be useful in the field o f Artificial Intelligence. Topics will include: production systems; search strate­ gies including heuristic searching and applica­ tions to game playing; the predicate calculus and automated reasoning including applica­ tions to robot planning and expert systems; an introduction to some o f the computational approaches to knowledge representation, natural language understanding, and learning. While the emphasis o f the course will be on ideas and algorithms, students will be exposed to the programming languages LISP and PROLOG and expected to implement several Artificial Intelligence programs in these lan­ guages. Prerequisite: CS 35. Spring semester. 75. Principles of Compiler Design and Construction. This course presents an introduction to the design and construction o f language transla­ tors for procedure oriented programming languages. Topics include: formal grammars, lexical analysis and finite automata, syntax analysis and pushdown automata, LL and LR parsing, semantic analysis and table handling, error detection and recovery, code generation and optimization, compiler writing tools. There will be an ongoing programming project that will culminate in a compiler for a small but not trivial programming language. Prerequisite: CS 35 and permission o f the instructor. Fall 1988. Kelemen. 91. Special Topics in Computer Science. Subject matter dependent on a group need or individual interest. Normally restricted to senior students and only offered when staff interests and availability make it practicable to do so. Prerequisite: permission o f the instructor. 93. Directed Reading and/or Research Project W ith the permission o f a staff member who is willing to supervise it, a qualified student may undertake a program o f extra reading and/or a project in an area o f computer science. 97. Senior Conference. This course provides senior concentrators and special majors an opportunity to delve more deeply and on their own into a particular topic in computer science. This is accom­ plished by way o f a written theses and an oral presentation on a topic agreed upon by the student and the instructor. This course is the usual method used to satisfy the comprehen­ sive requirement for a computer science con­ centrator. One-half credit. Spring semester. Kelemen. 101 Economies ROBINSON 0. HOLLISTER, JR., Professor’ FREDERIC L PRYOR, Professor (part-time), Acting Chair RERNARD SAFFRAN, Professor F. M. SCHERER, Professor1 LARRY WESTPHAL, Professor’ DANIEL SUITS, Visiting Professor*34 STEPHEN S. GOLUB, Associate Professor MARK KUPERBERG, Associate Professor JOHN P. CASKEY, Assistant Professor ELLEN MAGENHEIM, Assistant Professor LEAH SMITH, Lecturer4 LISA GROBAR, Visiting Lecturer4 JACK T0PI0L, Visiting Lecturer5 The courses in economics have three main goals: ( 1 ) to provide insight into the processes and accompanying institutions through which productive activity is organized; ( 2) to develop a set o f tools for analyzing economic processes and institutions; and (3 ) to build a foundation for reaching informed judgments on issues o f public policy. Economics 1-2 or its equivalent is a prerequi­ site to all other work in the Department. Both semesters must be successfully completed for credit to be obtained. All majors in economics must take Economics 3 0 (Statistics for Economists) or its equivalent such as Mathematics 13 or 23 (Mathematics 1-2 does not meet the requirement). The Statistics for Economists course focuses mainly upon the application o f statistical tools to economic problems; the Mathematics De­ partment statistics courses emphasize the prop­ erties o f statistical estimators. In order to read the literature in economics critically, a knowledge o f elementary calculus is extremely helpful. We strongly recommend that students take Mathematics 5 and 6 (dif­ ferential and integral calculus) or equivalent. Math 16 and 18 are useful for persons intend­ ing to focus on the more technical aspects o f economics. Students contemplating careers in intema1 3 4 5 Absent on leave, fall semester, 1988. Absent on leave, 1988-89. Fall semester, 1988. Spring semester, 1989. 102 tional economics or business are also strongly advised to have a mastery o f at least one mod­ ern foreign language. To graduate as a major in course, students must have at least eight credits in economics, must meet the statistics requirement, and must pass the comprehensive examination given in the Spring semester o f their senior year. To be prepared for the comprehensive, course students must complete Economics 11 and Economics 2 0 before the second semester o f their senior year. For students who wish to seek secondary teaching certification in the social sciences there are two normal routes. One o f these is through a major in the social sciences, plus four to six semesters o f courses in other social sciences. Students majoring in history, politi­ cal science, and sociology-anthropology are required to take at least four courses outside their major; students majoring in economics and psychology are required to take six. The other route to certification is by taking at least twelve semester courses in social sciences, of which six must normally be in one discipline and at least two more must be in a single other discipline. All students seeking social studies certification are required to take two courses in history. As o f 1987, at least one course in American history and one social science course focusing on Third World or non- Western subject matter are required. 20. Intermediate Macroeconomics. 1-2. Introduction to Economics. The theory o f the determination o f the level and composition o f aggregate output, employ­ ment, prices and interest rates. Analysis of conflicting views o f the relationship between inflation and unemployment and o f the proper role o f government stabilization policy. Spring semester. Kuperberg. This course is designed both to afford the general student a comprehensive survey and to provide students doing further work with a foundation on which to build. The first semester course describes the organi­ zation o f the economic system and analyzes the allocation o f resources and the distribu­ tion of income. Fall semester. The second semester course deals with the problems o f inflation, unemployment, mone­ tary and fiscal policy, the determination of national income, and international economic relations. Some or all sections will count for primary distribution credit. Spring semester. Students will be able to take Economics 2 as a primary distribution course. Those wishing to do so must inform the department in the Fall semester o f their intention. Students must take Economics 2 to receive credit for Economics 1. Only Economics 2 will count for primary distribution credit. 5. Computing from the User’s Point of View. This will be offered as a !/ credit workshop. Participants will attend one weekly workshop applying computing procedures directly to problems o f economic analysis. Computing topics introduced are: word processing, graphics, simple programming techniques, statistical packages, spread sheet analysis, and data base handling. Yi unit. Fall semester. Staff. 11. Intermediate Microeconomics. Provides a thorough grounding in intermedi­ ate-level microeconomics, both theory and application. The standard topics are covered (order indicates sequence): behavior o f the consumer and the firm, structure and perfor­ mance of product markets, factor markets and income distribution, general equilibrium and welfare analysis, public economics. Stu­ dents do extensive problem solving to facili­ tate the learning o f theory and to see practical applications. Fall semester. Golub. 21. Money, Banking, and the Economy. This course will examine the behavior of financial markets and their connection to real economic activity, using a combination o f analytical and institutional perspectives. Among the topics to be considered are (1 ) the structure o f U .S. financial markets: the banking system, the bond and stock markets, etc.; (2 ) the Federal Reserve System and the conduct o f monetary policy; (3 ) monetarism; (4) interest rates, monetary policy, and infla­ tion; (5 ) rationality and irrationality in finan­ cial markets; (6 ) international financial rela­ tions; the Eurodollar market, the foreign exchange market, and international lending. Fa ll semester. Caskey. 22. Current Issues in Economic Policy. For students who have taken Economics 1 and 2 and would like to see further applications o f these principles to issues o f current economic policy. Topics will be drawn from both micro and macro in the areas o f budget and tax policy, stabilization policy, energy policy, in­ ternational economics policy, industrial pol­ icy. Specific issues might include natural gas deregulation, tax reforms, U S international competitiveness, the international debt crisis, the budget deficit dilemma, the choice o f an exchange rate regime, and the monetary/fiscal policy mix. Not offered 1988-89. 23. Political Economy of Macroeconomic Policy. (Also listed as Political Science 6 9 .) Focus on the congressional and administrative pro­ cesses by which macroeconomic policy is formulated, approved, and implemented. Not offered 1988-89. 30. Statistics for Economists. The primary focus o f this course is on the understanding o f how simple and multiple regression can be used to estimate magnitudes 103 Economics 41. Law and Economics. in economic relationships, e.g., elasticities, and tests o f hypotheses about these magni­ tudes. The course also covers elements o f probability, sampling distributions, and deci­ sion theory. No mathematics prerequisite ex­ cept high school algebra. As this course will include problem solving using the computer, students taking it must also take Economics 5 (unless they have taken or are taking the equivalent course in other disciplines). Fall semester. Suits. The purpose o f this course is to explore the premises behind the use o f utilitarian con­ structs in the analysis o f public policy issues. In particular, the appropriateness o f the grow­ ing utilization o f economic methodology will be examined through an intensive study of issues in property, tort, contract, and criminal law. The necessary background in welfare economics will be developed as needed. Fall semester. Kuperberg. 31. Operations Research. 50. The International Economy. (Also listed as Engineering 57.) The principles o f operations research as applicable to defin­ ing optimum solutions o f engineering and financial problems as an aid to managerial decision making. Probability and probability distributions, reliability, random number simulation, queuing theory, linear program­ ming, dynamic programming, allocation and transportation theory. The working principles o f engineering economy are introduced and combined with operations research topics. Normally for junior and senior students. Primary distribution course, Natural Sciences only; and only if enrolled for Engineering 57. Fall semester. McGarity. 32. Accounting The purpose o f this course is to equip the student with the rudiments o f accounting needed for advanced work in business finance, banking, taxation, and public regulation. (This course does not satisfy the distribution requirements.) Spring semester. Topiol. 35. Econometrics. A survey o f fundamental econometric meth­ ods emphasizing application. Some empirical work will be required. Prerequisite: Economics 30. Not offered 1988-89. 40. Public Finance. This course focuses on government expendi­ ture, tax, and debt policy. A major part o f the course is devoted to an analysis o f current policy issues in their institutional and theo­ retical contexts. The course will be o f most interest to students with an interest in eco­ nomic policy and its interaction with politics. Spring semester. Saffran. 104 The course consists o f a brief introduction to the historical development and institutional structure o f the international economy and an introduction to the theory o f trade, commer­ cial policy, and balance o f payments adjust­ ment. These tools are used to analyze contem­ porary international economic problems; tariffs and non-tariff barriers, common markets, multinational corporations, interna­ tional oil, gold, inflation, and the future of the international monetary system. Spring semester. Golub. 60. The Economics of Industry. Through a series o f case studies, the strategic responses o f firms and industries to their market and policy environments are analyzed. Emphasis is on the pricing, technological in­ novation, and marketing behavior of firms and on such government policy instruments as import restrictions, price controls and sub­ sidies, antitrust, and patent policy. Spring semester. Scherer. 61. Technological Change and Economic Growth An exploration o f how technological change affects economic growth, with emphasis on such institutions as academic science and industrial research and development. Covers production function analysis, induced inno­ vation, the patent system, government R&D program conduct, and macrodynamic phe­ nomena. Spring semester. Scherer. 62.6overnment Regulation of Industry. This course analyzes the logic and effective­ ness o f various regulatory instruments by which the government seeks to affect the structure and performance o f major indus­ tries. The principal topics will be antitrust policy, economic regulation o f natural monop­ oly industries, regulation and deregulation o f industries blending monopoly and competi­ tive elements, and the "social” regulation o f pollution, occupational safety, and consumer information. Not offered 1988-89. 65. Corporate Finance Course. This course focuses on financial decisionmak­ ing in the firm and the interaction o f the firm with financial markets. Topics include the relationship between risk and return in valu­ ing financial assets; capital budgeting and financing decisions; short- and long-term fi­ nance. In addition, several special topics are addressed including international corporate finance and mergers and acquisitions. Spring semester. Magenheim. 70. Labor Economics. This course will address the functioning of labor markets and how they are affected by institutions, social attitudes, and changing structure o f the national and international economy. Among the topics dealt with are: the causes and effects o f the changing supply of labor by women, youth, older persons; the changing role o f unions; the determinants of levels of employment and unemployment; the determinants o f wage levels and wage differen­ tials; extent and effects o f discrimination; the role of education and training; how govern­ ment regulations and training and employ­ ment programs have and should affect labor markets. Some contrasts are drawn between U.S. and European experience and between labor problems in developed and developing countries. Not offered 1988-89. 71. Social Economics. The extent, consequences, and causes o f pov­ erty and economic inequality; an appraisal o f reforms in income support programs, medical care, education, housing, and rural and ghetto development; the economics o f discrimina­ tion. Not offered 1988-89. 72. Women and Minorities in the Economy. This course will explore the experience of women and minorities in the U S economy, using a variety o f analytical and institutional approaches. Topics will include: historical context, labor force participation decisions, economic theories o f the labor market, explanations o f differences in wages (dis­ crimination, human capital, occupational segregation), and macroeconomic issues (un­ employment, income distribution, and govern­ ment taxation and transfer programs as they relate to women and minorities). Students will analyze differences among groups in the economy using SPSSX routines. No prior knowledge o f SPSSX is assumed. (Crosslisted with Black Studies, Women’s Studies). Spring semester. Smith. 73. Social Insurance and Welfare Policy. (Also listed as Political Science 6 7 .) The principal American policies and programs dealing primarily with relief o f poverty and economic insecurity, and the prospects and options for reform in this field. Topics in­ clude: Social Security, national health insur­ ance, unemployment compensation, and wel­ fare reform. The various public objectives and methods o f income support and related social services, as well as certain contextual or alternative programs and regulatory policies. Conceptions of "welfare” ; economic, social, political, and administrative or professional considerations in policy; historical and com­ parative perspectives. Intended as a single- or double-credit seminar for students in the Public Policy Concentration and open for single credit to others who have taken appro­ priate Public Policy prerequisites, or who have received permission o f the instructors. Spring semester. Gilbert. 74. Urban Economics. This course analyzes the structure and evolu­ tion o f urban economies in the United States. It takes the representative American city as the primary unit o f analysis and shows how it has evolved through time as a result o f the interaction o f socioeconomic forces, techno­ logical change, and public policy. The role of government in this process is examined in depth, with emphasis on the policy areas o f housing, land use control, transportation, and public finance. Particular attention will be paid throughout the course to the historical experience o f Philadelphia. Not offered 1988-89. Economics 75. Health Policy. (Also listed as Political Science 4 2 .) Analysis o f government policy toward health care and public health, its impact upon institutions and resource allocation, and major alternatives for action. Central topics are the organi­ zation o f health care delivery (roles and views o f physicians, nurses, administrators, patients and insurers); the interplay o f federal, state, and local governments, quasi-public authori­ ties, and interest groups; technical and politi­ cal aspects o f health insurance alternatives; health manpower (medical and nursing schools, para-professionals); biomedical re­ search programs. Students wishing to take this course should consult in advance with the instructors. Prior work in at least two o f the following will be helpful: Economics 1-2, 30, 71; Political Science 2, 51; Mathematics 1; Engineering 4, 32. Spring semester. D. Smith. 76. Economics of the Environment and Natural Resources. Micro and macroeconomic theory applied to problems o f the environment and natural resources. Long run implications o f resource use for economic growth, evaluation o f alter­ native uses o f natural environment and methods o f pollution control. Government response to situations involving externalities, public goods and common property re­ sources. Case studies o f air pollution, recrea­ tion versus mineral or fuel development on public lands, the fishing industry and offshore petroleum development. Not offered 1988-89. 80. Economic Development A survey o f development economics covering both the principal theories o f economic de­ velopment and the dominant issues o f public policy. Within a perspective that emphasizes the choice and transfer o f technology as well as technological development, particular em­ phasis is given to agricultural and industrial development, to interactions among sectors, and to international trade and capital flows (including foreign aid). Students write two short papers, one to compare countries having dissimilar development experiences and the other to examine a key issue o f their choice in some depth. Not offered 1988-89. 106 85. Comparative Economic Systems. This course focuses on the methods by which different economic systems can be analyzed. Considerable attention is paid to the structure and performance o f nations with different economic systems and on the origins of se­ lected economic institutions. Particular em­ phasis is placed on the study o f the Soviet Union, China, and Yugoslavia. Methods of drawing inferences using the comparative method are explored. * Fall semester. Pryor. 90. American Economic History. Survey o f American economic development from the colonial settlement to the New Deal. Explores the transition from a colonial sys­ tem, based on agricultural exports within the mercantile system, to an advanced, industrial­ ized economy supported by a vast internal market. Emphasis on i) the role o f agriculture in the process o f economic development, in particular a comparative analysis o f the plan­ tation system o f the South and the system of family farming in the North, ii) the changing industrial structure after the Civil War as a consequence o f the growth o f the large-scale, vertically integrated corporation, and iii) the political and social bases o f economic devel­ opment, with particular attention to the Ameri­ can Revolution, the Civil War, the new Deal and the evolution o f the legal system, and the political responses to industrialization. Prerequisites: Economics 1-2, History 5 or 6, or permission o f the instructor. Not offered 1988-89. 91. Western Economic History. This course examines the evolution of the economy from prehistory to our own time. It surveys demographic, agricultural, industrial, commercial, technological, and organizational developments; and it uses economic analysis to explore their interconnections. Not offered 1988-89. I I I I 95. History of Economic Thought. An examination o f classical political economy (Smith and Ricardo) and Marx with emphasis on the origins o f economic analysis in the tradition o f political theory and the structure and development o f classical thought. Prerequisites: Economics 1-2 or permission o f the instructor. Not offered 1988-89. j j j I 99. Directed Reading. With the consent o f a supervising instructor, individual or group study in fields o f interest not covered by regular course offerings. Fall or spring. Staff. SEMINARS 100. Economic Theory. 150. International Economics. This seminar provides the theoretical back­ ground for the more advanced economic the­ ory seminars. Both microeconomics (8 weeks) and macroeconomics (6 weeks) are covered. Fall and spring semester. Saffran. Theory and policy o f international economic relations. The theory o f international trade and balance o f payments adjustment. Com­ mercial policy o f tariffs and non-tariff bar­ riers. Common markets, customs unions, and regional economic integration. Multinational enterprise and economic imperialism. The world monetary system, international infla­ tion, and the international economics o f oil. Spring semester. Golub. 120. Advanced Macroeconomics. The theory o f the determination o f the level and composition o f aggregate output, em­ ployment, prices and interest rates. Analysis of conflicting views o f the relationship be­ tween inflation and unemployment and o f the proper role o f government stabilization pol­ icy. Special topics include microfoundations of macroeconomics and economic growth. Spring semester. Kuperberg. 130. Theory and Models for Policy Analysis. Provides advanced instruction in general equi­ librium theory while examining its uses in policy and descriptive analyses. Focuses on economy-wide linear programming and com­ putable general equilibrium models that deal with allocational and distributional issues in open economies. Also deals briefly with evo­ lutionary models that emphasize the processes of institutional and technological change. Stu­ dents master the fundamentals o f static and intertemporal welfare maximization by work­ ing with computer models o f several repre­ sentative economies. Prerequisites: Econ. 100 or its equivalent (can be waived in exceptional circumstances on professor’s approval). Not offered 1988-89. 135. Econometrics. Econometric theory and empirical studies. An empirical research paper is required. Not offered 1988-89. 140. Public Finance. This seminar focuses on the analysis o f gov­ ernment expenditure, tax, and debt policy. Spring semester. Saffran. 160. Industrial Organization and Public Policy. Applications o f theoretical and empirical anal­ ysis to major issues in industrial economics: optimality and the price system; theories of the firm; market structure; the causes o f mar­ ket failure and alternative policy responses. Fall semester. Magenheim. 165. Corporate Finance. Key issues in corporate finance are analyzed using theoretical and empirical tools. Among the topics to be covered are modem portfolio theory and capital asset valuation models; the firm’s capital budgeting and financing deci­ sions; capital structure and dividend policies; forms o f short- and long-term financing; and special topics, including mergers and acquisi­ tions, and international corporate finance. Spring semester. Magenheim. 170. Labor and Social Economics. Economic analysis o f the organization o f labor and labor markets; education, medical care, housing, discrimination. Determinants of wages and income inequality, government policies with respect to labor relations, health, educa­ tion, and welfare. Not offered 1988-89. 180. Economic Development A survey o f the principal issues in economic development. Topic coverage is similar to that in Econ. 80. Here more emphasis is given to the theoretical underpinnings o f distinct ap- 107 Economies proaches to isolating and understanding the "stylized facts” and to formulating prescrip­ tions for improved development perfor­ mance. Students write several short papers that examine original contributions to the identification and analysis o f selected issues. A longer paper to compare countries having dissimilar development experiences is also required. Not offered 1988-89. 185. Comparative Economic Systems. This seminar focuses on the methods by which economic systems can be analyzed. Considerable attention is paid to the structure and performance o f nations with particular economic systems. Special case studies are made o f the U .S.S.R ., China, and Yugoslavia; briefer case studies are made o f several capi­ talist economies o f Western Europe. Causal forces underlying the origins and development o f particular economic institutions are also discussed. The seminar also covers questions o f convergence o f important economic insti­ tutions, influences o f ideology on the opera­ tion o f the system, and forces underlying 108 changes in both capitalist, market and social­ ist, centrally administered economies. Fall semester. Pryor. 190. Economic History. This seminar surveys demographic, agricul­ tural, industrial, commercial, and organiza­ tional developments in the Western economy from prehistory to our own time. Special attention is devoted to topics exemplifying the methodological contributions of the "new economic history.” Not offered 1988-89. 195. History of Economic Thought A survey o f the development o f economic science from post-Mercantilist writers (Steuart and Quesnay) to Keynes. Permission of in­ structor required. Not offered 1988-89. 199. Thesis. W ith the consent o f a supervising instructor, honors majors may undertake a senior thesis for double credit. Fall and spring semesters. Staff. Education EVA F. TRAVERS, Associate Professor and Program Director6 K. ANN RENNINGER, Assistant Professor LISASMULYAN, Assistant Professor and Acting Director DAVID HURSH, Lecturer LYNDA STONE, Lecturer The Program in Education has three purposes: to expose students to issues in education from a variety o f disciplinary perspectives, to pro­ vide a range o f field experiences for students who wish to explore their aptitude and interest in teaching, counseling or research in an edu­ cational setting, and to prepare students to be certified for entry into public school teaching. Courses in the Program in Education are intended to be integral to the College’s aca­ demic offerings. The Program’s most impor­ tant goal is to help students learn to think critically and creatively about the process of education and the place o f education in soci­ ety. To this end, both its introductory and upper level courses necessarily draw on the distinctive approaches o f Psychology, Sociol­ ogy, Anthropology, Political Science, Philos­ ophy, and History. Because students major in one o f the traditional disciplines, courses in Education offer both an opportunity to apply the particular skills o f one’s chosen field to a new domain and interaction with other stu­ dents whose disciplinary approaches may dif­ fer significantly from their own. There is no major in Education. However, special majors involving Education and another social sci­ ence discipline can be arranged. There is a limit o f five Education credits that can be counted toward graduation. This limit does not apply to cross-listed courses in Educa­ tion. TEACHER CERTIFICATION Swarthmore offers a competency-based teach­ er preparation program for students who seek secondary certification from the Common­ wealth of Pennsylvania. Competency is judged by an interdisciplinary committee o f the fac­ ulty whose members have established criteria for certification in Biology, Chemistry, En­ glish, French, German, Mathematics, Spanish, and Social Studies. Individual programs are developed in conjunction with departmental representatives and members o f the Education staff. All students seeking certification must meet Swarthmore College’s general require­ ments for course distribution and a major. REQUIREMENTS FOR TEACHER CERTIFICATION Students planning to seek secondary certifica­ tion should take Introduction to Education, Educ. 14, by the end o f their Sophomore year and enroll for Practice Teaching, Educ. 16 (a double credit course) and Curriculum and Methods Seminar, Educ. 17, no earlier than the Spring Semester o f the Junior year. In addition, they must complete the following sequence o f courses: I Educational Psychology, Educ. 21 ■ Child Development, Psychology 39; Child Development and Social Policy, Educ. 66; or Adolescence, Educ. 23 ■ An additional course from the following: a. Adolescence, Educ. 23 b. Counseling: Principles and Practices, Educ. 25 c. Women and Education, Educ. 31 d. Cultural Transmission: Education in 6 On administrative assignment, 1988-89. 109 Education Cross-cultural Perspective, Educ. 42 e. Education and Society, Educ. 47 f. Political Socialization and Schools, Educ. 64 g. Child Development and Social Policy, Educ. 66 h. Social Change and Higher Education, Educ. 67 i. Urban Education, Educ. 68 j. Special Topics, Educ. 91 their cooperating teacher in Introduction to Education. Placement o f students in schools for Practice Teaching is contingent on success­ ful interviews with members o f the Education Program staff and appropriate secondary school personnel. Students preparing for certification must at­ tain at least a grade point average o f C in courses in their major field o f certification and a grade o f C + or better in Introduction to Education in order to undertake Practice Teaching. In addition, students must be rec­ ommended by their major department and by Swarthmore College is not authorized by the Commonwealth o f Pennsylvania to certify elementary teachers. However, students tak­ ing courses in the Education Program have an opportunity to concentrate their field work in an elementary setting and may do practice teaching for credit in an elementary school. (W ith some additional course work in ele­ mentary methods, elementary certification is available through an arrangement with a local college.) 14. Introduction to Education. 21. Educational Psychology. A survey o f issues in education within an interdisciplinary framework. In addition to considering the impact o f individuals such as Dewey, Skinner, and Bruner, the course will explore some major economic, historical, and sociological questions in American education and discuss alternative policies and programs. The course will give students an opportunity to determine their own interest in preparing to teach, as well as furnish them with first­ hand experience in current elementary and secondary school practice. Field work is re­ quired. Primary distribution course. Each semester. Staff. (Also listed as Psychology 21.) This course provides a representataive sampling o f general psychological theories which have special rele­ vance to sound pedagogical practice. The first part o f the course serves as an introduction to theory; the second part considers issues such as: motivation, intelligence, creativity, mainstreaming, etc. Students will also be involved in field research which through use o f a multimethod approach addresses topics o f concern to local schools. Fall semester. Renninger. 16. Practice Teaching. Supervised teaching in either secondary or elementary schools. Double credit. Students seeking secondary certification must take Ed­ ucation 17 concurrently. (Single credit prac­ tice teaching may be arranged for individuals not seeking secondary certification.) Each semester. Staff. 17. Curriculum and Methods Seminar. This course will consider theoretical and ap­ plied issues related to effective classroom instruction. It must be taken concurrently with Educ. 16 for students planning to be certified and may not be taken without taking Educ. 16. Each semester. Staff. 110 23. Adolescence. (Also listed as Psychology 23 .) A develop­ mental perspective is employed to examine salient characteristics o f adolescence. The goal is to obtain a theoretical understanding of adolescence and an overview o f major re­ search. During the first part o f the term, various aspects o f individual development (e.g., cognitive, affective, physiological, etc.) will be addressed. The second part of the semester will focus on the adolescent’s adap­ tation in major contexts (e.g., family, peer group, school, etc.). Spring semester. Smulyan. 25. Counseling: Principles and Practice. (Also listed as Psychology 22 .) An introduc­ tory course focusing on theories, techniques, and issues in school and agency counseling. Field work, guest lectures, role playing, and analysis o f case studies will provide practical information and experience. Recommended for students considering graduate programs in educational counseling or those planning to teach or do youth work in an agency setting. Enrollment limited. Not offered 1988-89. Vanni. 31. Women and Education. This course uses historical, psychological, and social frameworks to examine the roles women take in the educational process. Areas to be explored include the feminization of the teaching profession; equity in educational programs, curriculum, and materials; sex dif­ ferences in student-teacher interaction and student achievement; and current programs designed to meet the needs o f all students and teachers. Students in the course will draw on their own experience as well as field work in relating the theories examined to educational practice. Not offered 1988-89. 42. Cultural Transmission: Education in Cross-Cultural Perspective. (Also listed as Sociology and Anthropology 42.)The purpose o f this course is to com­ municate a transcultural and comparative per­ spective on the educative process in our own and other societies. Awareness o f the socio­ cultural influences on education-relevant be­ havior will be a major focus. Coverage ranges from case studies o f technologically primitive (but symbolically complex) non-Western cul­ tures to complex industrial societies. Al­ though specific attention is given to schooling in the culturally pluralistic United States, students taking the course will be exposed to more than 20 different cultures. The develop­ ment o f a partial cultural theory o f education considered as cultural transmission is one o f the main objectives o f the course. Fall semester. Borish. 47. Education and Society. (Also listed as Sociology and Anthropology 47.) The course will explore the social and cultural functions and consequences o f formal and informal education in both Western and non-Western societies. Modes o f intended and unintended socialization within the school and outside will be examined. A range of factors which can promote or inhibit learning will be explored and linked to educational performance. Topics include: school as an agent o f social mobility and its relationship with the community; the school as a social system and the dynamics o f classroom life; and the behavorial and academic outcomes o f curricular innovation. Students will be re­ quired to conduct weekly field work in an educational setting. Not offered 1988-89. 52. Education in America. (Also listed as History 52 .) A survey o f the history o f American education, emphasizing the relationships between education and social structure, economic development, family patterns, and other institutions. Topics will include education in colonial America, the "age o f the academies,” the advent and failure o f the common school movement, the emer­ gence o f the American university, the history o f women’s education, vocationalism, progressivism and educational theory, testing and tracking, education and the Cold War, and recent controversies surrounding desegrega­ tion and "excellence.” Spring semester. Johanningsmeier. 64. Political Socialization and Schools. (Also listed as Political Science 6 4 .) This course will consider models used to explain the development o f political concepts, atti­ tudes, and behavior from the period o f early childhood through young adulthood. The in­ terrelated but often inconsistent influences o f family, school, peers, media, and critical events in the sociopolitical system will be examined. Special emphasis will be given to the role o f education, including formal and informal messages o f schooling. Material from nonwestern societies suh as China and Nica­ ragua will provide cross-cultural perspectives on the political socialization process. Field research will be required. Not offered 1988-89. Travers. 66. Child Development and Social Policy. Issues relating to social policy (e.g., main­ streaming, child care) will be explored in a seminar format. Case studies will be employed to provide a socio-historical context for un­ derstanding both ways in which research and 111 Education policy have interacted in the past and the methodological problems such intersections pose. This course is designed to provide stu­ dents with a realistic understanding o f the process o f policy formation and their roles as potential contributors to this process. Prerequisites: Child Development, Introduc­ tion to Education, or Educational Psychology. Limited enrollment. Spring 1989. Renninger. 67. Social Change and Higher Education. (Also listed as Sociology-Anthropology 67 .) This course will focus on the way in which recent social changes have affected colleges and universities in the U .S. We will review the development o f higher education in the U .S., the principles and goals o f liberal education, and how these issues have been shaped within various types o f institutions. The return of World War II veterans and the passage o f the GI Bill started a chain o f events which has dramatically altered higher education. In re­ cent years the quest for access, equity, and excellence, as well as demographic and eco­ nomic changes, have continued to force col­ leges and universities to make structural and programmatic changes. These issues will be the focus o f this course, but within a broader context o f liberal and general education. An 112 effort is being made to coordinate this course with Lincoln University, a nearby predomi­ nately Black institution. Fall semester. Blake. 68. Urban Education. (Also listed as Sociology-Anthropology 68.) This course will focus on topics o f particular significance to urban educators and policy makers, including desegregation, compensa­ tory education, curricular innovation, com­ munity control, bilingual education, and stan­ dardized testing. The special problems and challenges faced by urban schools in meeting the needs o f individuals and groups in a pluralistic society will be examined using the approaches o f psychology, sociology, anthro­ pology, and political science. Current issues will also be viewed in historical perspective. Field work is required. Not offered 1988-89. Travers. 91. Special Topics. W ith the permission o f the instructor, quali­ fied students may choose to pursue a topic of special interest, which for thorough investiga­ tion will usually require field work as well as library research. Each semester. Staff. Engineering DAVID L. BOWLER, Professor H. SEARL DUNN, Professor and Acting Chairman NELSON A. MACKEN, Professor and Chairman3 ARTHUR E. McGARITY, Associate Professor FREDERICK L. ORTHLIEB, Associate Professor FARUQ NI. A. SIDDIQUI, Associate Professor LYNNE A. NIOLTER, Assistant Professor STEPHEN NI. PLATT, Assistant Professor ERIK CHEEVER, Instructor The professional practice o f engineering re­ quires skill and resourcefulness in applying scientific knowledge and mathematical meth­ ods to the solution o f technical problems o f ever-growing complexity. In addition, the role of engineering in our society demands that the engineer recognize and take into account the economic and social factors that bear upon all important technical problems. The successful engineer must, therefore, possess a thorough understanding of social and economic forces, and have a deep appreciation o f the cultural and humanistic traditions o f our society. Our program supports these needs by offering the student the opportunity to acquire a broad technical and liberal education. The structure o f the Department’s curriculum permits engi­ neering majors to take almost forty percent o f their course work at the College in the hu­ manities and social sciences. W ith careful planning it is possible for a student to acquire a double major with two degrees, the Bachelor of Science in Engineering and the Bachelor of Arts in a second academic area in a four-year course o f study. The Department’s physical facilities include a wide range o f laboratories for general instruc­ tion and individual student projects in the areas o f electronics, system control, com­ munications, instrumentation, strength of materials, solid and structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, soil me­ chanics, and environmental diagnostics. Sup­ porting these laboratories is a wide range o f modem measurement equipment with the capability o f on-line data acquisition and pro­ cess control via microcomputers. A computer laboratory with high resolution color and black-and-white graphics capability is also part o f our facilities. An excellent shop for both metal- and woodworking is available for student use. The overall plan leading to the degree of Bachelor o f Science with a major in Engineer­ ing is accredited by the Engineering Accredi­ tation Commission o f the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology. Courses A vailable to N on-M ajors Students interested in computer engineering may wish to consider The Digital World (21), Digital Systems (22), Computer Architecture (23), or Laboratory Computer Applications (25). Although Mechanics (6 ) is primarily for prospective majors, other interested students, particularly those interested in preparing for a career in architecture, are encouraged to enroll. Materials in Civilization (1 ), Problems in Technology (3 ,4 ), and Art and Science o f Structures (7 ) are designed chiefly for stu­ dents not contemplating further work in en­ gineering or the natural sciences. Operations Research (5 7 ), Solar Energy Systems (35), Water Quality and Pollution Control (63), Environmental Systems (66), and Environ­ mental Policy (68) will also appeal to many students majoring in other departments. Stu- 3 Absent on leave, 1988-89. 113 Engineering dents majoring in the physical sciences or mathematics may also enroll in advanced en­ gineering courses. Students may minor in the External Examina­ tion Program in the Engineering Department by taking appropriately related advanced en­ gineering courses as preparation for external examinations. Generally the advanced engi­ neering courses require one or more intro­ ductory courses as prerequisites. Program for Engineering Majors The general departmental requirements fall into three categories: successful completion o f at least (i) twelve engineering courses, (ii) four courses in the sciences which must in­ clude Physics 3 and 4 (taken in the freshman year) and Chemistry 10 (or a more advanced chemistry course), and (iii) four courses in mathematics, including Math 5 and 6 (to be taken in the freshman year), Math 18, and Math 16A or Math 3 0 (normally taken in the sophomore year). The unspecified science course in category (ii) may be chosen to com­ plement the student’s overall program of study. Certain science courses are not accept­ able. Students should consult their faculty advisors on this issue. Within the Department, the following core courses are required o f all students: Mechanics, Physical Systems Analysis I and II, Experi­ mentation for Engineering Design, Thermo­ fluid Mechanics, and Engineering Design. The first four courses are normally taken in the freshman and sophomore years: Mechanics in the second semester o f the freshman year, Physical Systems Analysis I in the first semes­ ter o f the sophomore year, and the remaining two in the second semester o f the sophomore year. In special circumstances, however, stu­ dents with adequate preparation in mathe­ matics and physics can begin the engineering curriculum as late as the second semester o f the sophomore year and still complete all o f the core requirements and elective work in the Department. Thermofluid Mechanics is normally taken in the fall o f the junior year, and Engineering Design, the culminating ex­ perience for engineering majors, is taken in the second semester o f the senior year. Elective Program for Course Majors: In consul­ 114 tation with his or her advisor, each student constructs a program o f advanced work in the Department. These programs, normally con­ sisting o f six courses, are submitted to the Department when the student formally applies for a major in engineering during the spring semester o f the sophomore year. The program that constitutes the student’s elected courses may or may not conform closely to the traditional areas o f engineering specialization, e.g., electrical or mechanical. For non-traditional plans for advanced work, the Department requires a coherent program that, in its judgment, meets the student’s edu­ cational objectives. Observe that the following courses cannot be counted in the minimum number of twelve engineering courses required o f each major: Materials in Civilazation, Problems in Tech­ nology, Art and Science o f Structures, Values and Ethics in Science and Technology, and Environmental Policy. Suggested elective program plans include: (1 ) General electrical engineering: Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design I and II, Electromagnetic Theory, Communica­ tion Systems, and Control Theory and Design. Students having an interest in digital systems might replace one or more o f these courses with The Digital World, Digital Systems, Computer Architecture, or Laboratory Computer Applications. (2 ) General computer engineering: The Digi­ tal World, Digital Systems, Computer Architecture, and Laboratory Computer Applications. Students with an interest in computer hardware may include Elec­ tronic Circuit Analysis and Design I and II, or Control Theory and Design. (3 ) General mechanical engineering: Mechan­ ics o f Solids, Engineering Materials, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Thermal En­ ergy Conversion, Solar Energy Systems, and Control Theory and Design. (4 ) General civil engineering: basic prepara­ tion includes Mechanics o f Solids, Struc­ tural Theory and Design I, Soil and Rock Mechanics, and Water Quality and Pollultion Control. Additional courses in­ clude Operations Research and Environ- mental Systems for those interested in the environment or urban planning, or Structural Theory and Design II for those interested in architecture or construction. Other recommended courses include Solar Energy Systems, Fluid Mechanics, and Engineering Materials. j External Examination Program in Engineering: Students with a B + average in courses in engineering, science, and mathematics may apply for the external examination program. Each candidate must accumulate 12 units of credit in engineering and complete the same mathematics and science requirements as course majors. Courses include the same core requirements as course majors with the exception o f E90. The remaining seven courses comprise a three examination program. Two o f the areas o f examination will each consist o f two courses and a '/^-credit attachment. The attachment will be either a study o f additional material or a research project in an area re­ lated to, but not covered, in the courses. Areas o f examination are listed following the engineering course descriptions. The third examination will cover a two-credit thesis. A three-credit minor comprises a fourth area for examination. This may be chosen in any field outside o f engineering. COURSE LISTINGS 1. Materials in Civilization. j { j : I I An introduction to the interaction between discovery or creation o f new physical mate­ rials and the domestic, commercial, and military aspects o f human activity and technology. Readings, classroom discussion, and writing assignments will deal with the progress o f "Material Culture,” materials science, and technology; laboratory work will demonstrate and evaluate important physical properties o f a wide variety o f natural and man-made met­ als, ceramics, polymers, and composites. Par­ ticipants should have a strong background in high school math and science and a lively interest in man-made practical objects. E l can be used to satisfy the distribution requirements but is not a primary distribution course. Prerequisites: None. Fall semester. 3,4. Problems in Technology I and II. I I Designed primarily for those not planning to major in science or engineering, this course is intended to provide some depth o f under­ standing o f technology and its impact by examining in each semester a particular tech­ nology. Technical considerations underlying policy issues will be stressed. Examples of semester topics are: aspects o f the energy problem, satellite communications, managing environmental hazards, and developments in data processing. A strong background in high school mathematics is assumed. Includes labo­ ratory. Credit may be given for either semes­ ter, or both. E3 is a primary distribution course. Not offered 1988-89. 6. Mechanics. Fundamental areas o f statics and dynamics. Elementary concepts o f deformable bodies including stress-strain relations, beam, tor­ sion, and stress transformations. Laboratory work is related to experiments on deformable bodies, and includes a four-week FORTRAN workshop. Prerequisite: Physics 3 or equivalent. Primary distribution course. Spring semester. 7. Art and Science of Structures. This course will serve as an introduction to the basic principles o f structural analysis and design including an emphasis on the historical development o f modern structural engineer­ ing. We will study the mechanical behavior of materials and the load carrying mechanisms o f structural members and their systems (an assemblage o f members) and how it affects their design. The concept o f the structural engineer as an artist which has recently been gaining acceptance will be explored and its basis explained to show that the work o f the structural engineer serves as an excellent ex­ ample o f the synthesis o f art, science, and technology. The course will also include some simple laboratory experiments or demonstra- 115 Engineering tions to show the behavior o f materials and structural members. The students may also be required to make simple models and tests. Suitable for students planning to study archi­ tecture, architectural history, or with an inter­ est in structures. Includes fortnightly labs. E7 can be used to satisfy the distribution re­ quirements but is not a primary distribution course. Prerequisites: None. Fall semester; alternate years. 11,12. Physical Systems Analysis I and II. These courses are devoted to the study of physical phenomena which may be repre­ sented to a good degree o f approximation by a linear, lumped-parameter model. E l l (fall semester) is oriented mainly toward electrical devices and the development o f mathematical techniques for the analysis o f their linear behavior. E12 (spring semester) is more con­ cerned with mechanical, thermal, and fluid systems, but emphasis throughout both courses will be placed upon the unity resulting from the common mathematical representation and analysis o f diverse physical systems. The con­ tent o f E l l is: Behavior o f electrical circuits; natural and forced transient response, steadystate harmonic excitation. Modeling o f active devices, operational amplifiers, and their use in circuit design. Introduction to the Fourier series and Laplace transform. Pole-zero con­ cepts, notions o f stability, and energy consid­ erations. E12 will be devoted to: multi-degree o f freedom mechanical, electromechanical, thermal and fluid systems. Transfer function and matrix descriptions o f compound sys­ tems, the eigenvalue problem and state space techniques. Mechanical systems in two and three dimensions, energy methods, coupled modes o f motion. Transition from many de­ gree o f freedom systems to continuous sys­ tems; the Fourier integral with applications to wave motion. Laboratory sessions include modeling with electrical and electro-mechanical devices, an independent project, and an introduction to numerical and graphical methods o f dynamic system analysis through the use o f microcom­ puters. Credit may be given for either semester, or both. 116 14. Experimentation for Engineering Design. Theories o f experimentation and measure­ ment are presented and are related to engi­ neering design and research projects. Lectures present probability theory and its applications in experimentation. Topics include random variables, probability distributions, measure­ ment errors, random noise, system reliability, statistical analysis o f experiments and simu­ lated experiments, and decision making with experimental results. The laboratory sessions treat the analysis o f measurement systems, involve the experimental determination of measurement system parameters, and include an introduction to the use o f computers for data acquisition and process control. Prerequisites: E l l and E12 (taken concur­ rently). Spring semester. 21. The Digital World. The transmission and processing o f informa­ tion by electrical means is more and more being done in digital form. Our everyday experience is, however, with analog forms. In this course we will look into the reasons for this shift o f emphasis and into the operation o f digital systems. Among the subjects to be considered will be the nature o f analog and digital information, conversion from one form to the other, the binary number system, the design o f combinational circuits and applica­ tions such as compact disk audio systems and hand calculators. Students will have practical experience with digital hardware. No pre­ requisites, but students should feel comfort­ able thinking logically about quantitative phe­ nomena. Primary distribution course. Fall semester. 22. Digital Systems. This course continues the development of work with digital systems begun in E21. The emphasis will be on the analysis and design of sequential systems, both synchronous and asynchronous. Problems o f timing will be considered. The organization o f simple digital computers will be introduced and both hard­ ware and, as time permits, microcode imple­ mentations will be studied. Includes labora­ tory. Prerequisite: E21, or permission o f the in­ structor. Spring semester. 23. Computer Architecture. A survey o f techniques o f modem computer design and their implementation. Techniques such as cache, parallel processing, pipelining, distributed processing, and instruction set optimization will be discussed. Practical de­ signs including supermicro families (80386, 68020), RISC-machines, microprogrammed machines, supercomputers (Cray) and highly parallel machines (Hypercube, connection machine) are considered, as well as their implications for operating systems, compiler design, artificial intelligence, and general problem solving. Includes design laboratory. Prerequisite: E22 or CS35. Fall semester. 25. Laboratory Computer Applications. This course surveys the utilization o f comput­ ing equipment in the laboratory environment. Basic instrument interfacing methods (serial, parallel, A/D, D/A) and measurement tech­ niques (analog signals such as temperature and pressure, position, etc.), signal condition­ ing, real-time processing, and digital tech­ niques of experiment control are discussed. The laboratory portion o f this course allows experimentation with each o f these ap­ proaches. This course is o f interest to anyone who wishes to use a computer to automate a laboratory. Prerequisite: Permission o f instructor. Fall semester. 34. Values and Ethics In Science and Technology (Also listed as Philosophy 34). The course deals with topics such as the following: histori­ cal and current attitudes toward technology; the nature o f ethics; origins and impact o f professional ethics (chiefly in the engineering professions); ethical dilemmas faced by engi­ neers and scientists; values in the technologi­ cal society; forecasting and assessment of technological growth; how policy decisions about technology are made; the role o f per­ sonal ethics o f the engineer or scientist. Open to all who have, or will have concur­ rently, completed the science distribution re­ quirement. Spring semester. Offered when demand and staffing permit. 35. Solar Energy Systems. Students are introduced to methods o f using the sun’s energy to replace conventional fuels. Fundamental physical concepts and system design techniques are covered. Topics include solar geometry, components of solar radia­ tion, analysis o f thermal and photovoltaic solar collectors, energy storage, computer simulation o f system performance, computer aided design optimization, and economic fea­ sibility assessment. Non-majors are encour­ aged to enroll. Includes laboratory. Prerequisites: Freshman calculus and physics, and some experience with computer program­ ming. Fall semester; alternate years. 41. Thermofluid Mechanics. Introduction to macroscopic thermodynam­ ics; first and second laws, properties o f pure substances, applications using system and control volume formulation. Introduction to fluid mechanics; development o f conservation theorems, hydrostatics, dynamics o f one-di­ mensional fluid motion with and without friction. Includes laboratory. Prerequisites: E12 and E14 (or equivalent background). Fall semester. 57. Operations Research. (Also listed as Economics 31). This course introduces students to an important area of currently developing technology: computer based modeling and optimization for the so­ lution o f complex, multivariable problems such as those relating to efficient manufactur­ ing, environmental pollution control, urban planning, water and food resources, and arms control. Recent additions to the course make it useful and accessible to a broad spectrum o f liberal arts students; ( 1 ) inclusion o f realistic case studies which address the question "how do these models work when they are used in the real world” and ( 2) use o f recently devel­ oped computer software which makes it easy for students to experiment with realistic mod­ els while they are learning basic concepts. The only prerequisite is familiarity with elemen­ tary linear algebra, and high school algebra is usually sufficient. Students interested in the theory o f optimization should consider Math 6 4 (mathematical programming). Together, 117 Engineering the two courses provide a comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice o f optimization, but one may be taken without the other. Primary distribution course, Natural Sciences only; and only if enrolled for Engineering 57. Fall semester. 62. Structural Theory and Design II. 58. Control Theory and Design. 63. Water Quality and Pollution Control. An introduction to the control o f engineering systems. Analysis and design o f linear control systems using root locus and frequency re­ sponse techniques. Over-driven operation of first- and second-order controlled systems. Digital control techniques, including analysis o f A/D and D/A converters, digital filters, and numerical control algorithms. Laboratory includes design o f both analog and digital controllers. Prerequisite: E12 or equivalent. Spring semester. 59. Mechanics of Solids. This course deals with the internal stresses and changes o f form when forces act on solid bodies. State o f stress and strain, strength theories, stability, deflections, and photoelas­ ticity. Elastic and Plastic theories. Includes laboratory. Prerequisite: E6 or equivalent. Fall semester. 60. Structural Theory and Design I. An introduction to the fundamental principles o f structural mechanics. Statically deter­ minate analysis o f frames and trusses. Ap­ proximate analysis o f indeterminate struc­ tures. Virtual work principles. Elements o f design o f steel and concrete structural mem­ bers. Includes laboratory. Prerequisite: E 59, or permission o f instruc­ tor. Spring semester. 61. Soil and Rock Mechanics: Theory and Design. Principles o f soil and rock mechanics. Topics include soil and rock formation, soil mineral­ ogy, soil types, compaction, soil hydraulics, consolidation, stresses in soil masses, slope stability, and bearing capacity. These topics are applied to engineering design problems. Includes laboratory. Prerequisite: E 59 or equivalent. Fall semester; alternate years. 118 Advanced structural analysis. Classical and matrix methods o f analysis. Digital computer applications. Design o f steel and concrete structures. Includes laboratory. Prerequisite: E60. Fall semester; alternate years. Not offered 1988-89. An introduction to elements o f water quality management and treatment o f wastewaters. Measurement o f water quality indicators. Analysis o f wastewater treatment processes. Sewage treatment plant design. Computer modeling o f the effects o f waste discharge on rivers and estuaries. Environmental impact assessment. Laboratory and field studies of local water quality problems. Prerequisite: Completion o f the distribution requirement in the Division o f Natural Sci­ ences and Engineering. Fall semester; alternate years. Not offered 1988-89. 66. Environmental Systems. This course applies methods o f mathematical modeling and systems analysis to problems in the fields o f Water Resources, Urban Plan­ ning, and Public Health. Techniques of optim­ ization including linear and integer program­ ming are used as frameworks for modeling such problems. Dynamic systems simulation methods are also employed. The laboratory section is devoted to case studies in computerbased solutions to realistic problems using microcomputers and Apollo graphics work­ stations. Prerequisite: E57, or equivalent. Spring semester; alternate years. 68. Environmental Policy. (Also listed as Political Science 68.) Issues in environmental policy formulation and implementation are explored. Topics: survey of environmental problems including global population, global climate change, water and air pollution, and resource depletion; survey o f developments in the law o f environmental protection; use and abuse o f cost-benefit analysis in environmental regulation. Concepts from mathematics and technology are introduced, as necessary, to understand environmental processes. Additional topics may inelude environmental political movements in the U .S. and Europe, environmental degrada- I I I I I I I 1 I I I I j tion in developing nations, and quantitative policy models implemented by computer. This course does not satisfy the distribution requirements. Spring semester. Not offered 1988-89. 71. Discrete Time Systems. Review of mathematical methods and system models for linear continuous time systems. Introduction to difference equations and dis­ crete-time transform theory; the Z-transform and Fourier representation o f sequences; fast Fourier transform algorithms. Discrete-time transfer functions and filter design techniques. Extensive use o f computer simulation for analysis and design in the laboratory. Prerequisite: E12. Offered when demand and staffing permit. ,74. Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design I and II. 73 ics equivalent is a prerequisite for E76. 78. Communication Systems. Theory and design principles o f analog and digital electronic communications. Such top­ ics as information theory, coding, analog and digital modulation, multiplexing, noise, fil­ tering, and data transmission will be treated. Emphasis will be placed on theoretical and practical limitations and functional design. Application will be made to a variety o f practical systems such as television relay, facsimile, telemetry, broadcasting, and data communications. Includes laboratory. Prerequisite: E12 or equivalent. Spring semester; alternate years. Not offered 198889. 81. Thermal Energy Conversion. 75,76. Electromagnetic Theory I and II. Development and application o f the principles o f thermal energy analysis to energy conver­ sion systems. Brief examination o f world en­ ergy supplies. Review o f the principles o f the first and second laws o f thermodynamics. Development o f the concepts o f availability, reacting and non-reacting mixtures, chemical and nuclear reactions. Applications investi­ gated include: Rankine cycles, gas turbines, internal combustion engines, heat pumps, and solar energy systems. Includes labora­ tory. Prerequisite: E41. Spring semester; alternate years. Not offered 198889. Static and dynamic treatment o f engineering applications o f Maxwell’s equations. Macro­ scopic field treatment o f interactions with dielectric, conducting, and magnetic mate­ rials. Analysis o f forces and energy storage as the basis of circuit theory. Electromagnetic waves in free space and guidance within media; plane waves and modal propagation. Polariza­ tion, reflection, refraction, diffraction, and interference. Engineering 76 will include ad­ vanced topics in optics and microwaves, such as laser operation, resonators, Gaussian beams, interferometry, anisotropy, nonlinear optics, modulation and detection, and current technologies such as holography. Laboratories for both courses will be oriented toward optical applications using lasers, fiber and integrated optical devices, modulators, non­ linear materials, and solid state detectors. Prerequisite: E12 or equivalent. E75 or Phys­ Study o f the physical structure and properties o f a wide variety o f engineering materials, and the processes by which they are transformed into useful products. The course includes analysis o f material microstructures, macro­ scopic physical properties, and in-service per­ formance with regard to mechanical, thermal, electrical, and chemical factors. Metals, plas­ tics, concrete, wood, fiber-reinforced and structural composites are considered, both with regard to industrial processing and prop­ erty modification and to materials selection in engineering design. Laboratory work includes exercises in property testing and material selection, field trips to materials-processlng plants, and a substantial individual project. Prerequisite: E59 (may be taken concurrendy ) or permission o f instructor. Fall semester; alternate years. Not offered 1988-89. This course begins with an introduction to the physics of semiconductor devices and modern device technology. The remainder o f the year is devoted to the study o f analog and digital circuits and includes an introduction to digital logic design. Circuits employing both bipolar and field effect devices are considered. Use of the circuit simulation program SPICE is em­ phasized. Laboratory work is oriented toward design problems. Prerequisite: E12 or equivalent. E73 is a pre­ requisite for E74. 82. Engineering Materials. 119 Engineering 83. Fluid Mechanics. Fluid mechanics is treated as a special case of continuum mechanics in the analysis o f fluid flow systems. Relevant equations for the con­ servation o f mass, momentum, and energy are derived. These are then applied to the study o f flows o f inviscid and viscous, incompress­ ible and compressible fluids. Includes labora­ tory. Prerequisites: E41. Spring semester; alternate years. 84. Heat Transfer. A basic introduction to the physical phe­ nomena involved in heat transfer. Analytical techniques are presented together with em­ pirical results to develop tools for solving problems in heat transfer by conduction, forced and free convection, and radiation. Numerical techniques are discussed for the solution o f conduction problems. Includes laboratory. Prerequisites: E12 and E14. Fall semester; alternate years. 'Not offered 1988-89. 90. Engineering Design. This project-oriented course serves as a cul­ minating exercise for all Engineering majors. Under the guidance o f a faculty member, i students investigate a problem o f their choice in an area o f interest to them. In some cases, group projects are possible. A t the end of the semester students prepare a written report and make an oral presentation. Spring semester. 91. Special Topics. Subject matter dependent on a group need or individual interest. Normally restricted to senior students and offered only when staff interests and availability make it practicable to do so. 93. Directed Reading or Project W ith the permission o f the Department and a faculty member who is willing to supervise it, qualified students may do special work with either theoretical, experimental, or de­ sign emphasis in areas not covered by the regular courses. 96. Thesis. W ith approval, a student may undertake a thesis project as a part o f his or her program in the senior year. The student is expected to submit a prospectus o f the thesis problem before the start o f the semester in which the thesis project is carried out. 1 i 1 1 PREPARATION FOR EXTERNAL EXAMINATIONS The Department will arrange External Exami­ nations in the following areas to be prepared for by the combinations o f courses indicated. A Vi-credit attachment must be included with each group. Electromagnetic Theory Electromagnetic Theory I and II Environmental Systems Operations Research Environmental Systems Thermal Solar Systems Solar Energy Systems Thermal Energy Conversion or Heat Transfer Electronics Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design I and II Control Theory with Digital Laboratory Applications 120 Laboratory Computer Applications Control Theory and Design Materials Engineering Mechanics o f Solids Engineering Materials Thermal Energy Conversion Thermal Energy Conversion Heat Transfer Digital Systems The Digital World Digital Systems or Laboratory Computer Applications Structural Analysis and Design Structural Theory and Design I and II Continuum Mechanics Mechanics o f Solids Fluid Mechanics I English Literature THOMAS H. BLACKBURN, Professor123* LEE DEVIN, Professor and Director o f The Theatre CHARLES L. JAMES, Professor2 HAROLD PAGLIARO, Professor and Chair3 SUSAN SNYDER, Professor3 PHILIP M. WEINSTEIN, Professor1 CRAIG WILLIAMSON, Professor, Acting Chair NATHALIE ANDERSON, Associate Professor THOMAS P. LEFF, Associate Professor and Technical Director o f The Theatre PETER J. SCHMIDT, Associate Professor ABBE BLUM, Assistant Professor MARK BREITENBERG, Assistant Professor LAURIE LANGBAUER, Assistant Professor DAVID HANEY, Visiting Assistant Professor CAROL SINGLEY, Visiting Assistant Professor ANDREA SUNUNU, Visiting Assistant Professor MICHAEL DURKAN, College Librarian, Lecturer EMIUE PASSOW, Visiting Assistant Professor VALERIE TRAUB, Visiting Instructor ABIGAIL ADAMS, Visiting Lecturer in Theatre5 This Department offers courses in English literature, American literature, theatre, some foreign literatures in translation, and critical theory. The departmental curriculum includes the intensive study o f works o f major writers, major periods o f literary history, and the development o f literary types; it also provides experience in several critical approaches to literature and play production and explores certain theoretical considerations implicit in literary study, such as the problematics of canon formation and the impact o f gender on the creation and reception o f literary works. ENGLISH LITERATURE REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Any introductory course— English 2 through 15—is the prerequisite for all other courses in literature. (Exempted from this prerequisite are seniors; and juniors who have taken a course in literature, including literature in translation, offered by Modern Languages and Literatures or by Classics—these courses are numbered 11 or higher in the College Bulletin. Also exempted are students who wish to take only studio courses.) Introduc­ tory courses are characterized by syllabi with 1 2 3 5 less reading than in advanced courses, by frequent short papers, and by considerable attention to class discussion; they are viewed by the Department as particularly appropriate for freshmen; they are Primary Distribution Courses. Enrollment will be limited to 25 students per course; priority is given to fresh­ men and sophomores. Students will not nor­ mally take a second introductory course. Only one such course may be counted towards the major. The minimum requirement for admis- Absent on leave, fall semester, 1988. Absent on leave, spring semester, 1989. Absent on leave, 1988-89. Spring semester, 1989. 121 English Literature , sion as a major or as a minor in English is two semester-courses in the Department. (Stu­ dents with AP scores o f 4 -5 in English Litera­ ture and/or English Composition receive credit toward graduation. This credit, when it is for work in English Literature, may count toward the major requirements.) Students considering a major in English are strongly urged to take one or two additional courses during the sophomore year. Majors and prospective majors should consult a mem­ ber o f the English Department for information about courses in other departments comple­ mentary to their work in English; work in foreign languages is especially recommended. Students who plan to do graduate work, to follow a course o f professional training, or to seek teacher certification in English, should see a member o f the Department for early help in planning their programs, as should students who plan to include work in English literature in a program with a major in Literature, Women’s Studies, or Medieval Studies. Stu­ dents planning to qualify for teacher certifica­ tion in English are reminded that work in American literature, in linguistics or the his­ tory o f the English language, and in theatre or film is required in addition to other require­ ments o f the major. Non-majors who wish to be certified in English must meet all the course requirements noted above (e.g., re­ quirements for the major except for the Com­ prehensive, plus the additional courses re­ quired for certification) as well as maintaining a grade point average o f 2.5 or better in courses taken in the English Department. Major in the Course Program: The work o f a major in Course consists o f a minimum o f eight semester courses in the Department, including one in Shakespeare, at least two other courses in literature written before 1830 (such courses are marked with a *), and one course featuring critical theory (such courses are marked with a ** ). The Comprehensive Examination, taken at the beginning o f the spring semester o f the senior year, will be based on a list o f major authors. This list will be available to majors and prospective majors at least three semesters before the date o f the exam itself. Major in the External Examination (Honors) Program: Majors in the Honors Program must 122 prepare three or four papers in the Depart­ ment, two o f which must be on subjects covered in seminars in Group 1 or on other early material decided upon after consultation with the Department. Majors must also take a course or seminar that features critical theory (such courses and seminars are marked by ** ). l L | I I [ Minor in the External Examination (Honors) I Program: Minors are ordinarily required to I prepare two papers in the Department. For the Class o f ig g i and classes thereafter: Major in the External Examination (Honors) Program: Majors in English who seek a degree with Honors will in the spring o f their junior year propose for external examination a program consisting o f 4 -6 fields, chosen from this and one or more minor departments. These fields will usually be based upon 12 units o f work; some o f this work will have been completed before entry into the Program. (For a general description o f the collegewide External Examination Program, see pp. 4 9 o f the catalogue.) I I I I I I I I I I I O f the 4 -6 fields, at least three (constituting not less than 6 units o f credit) must be chosen from those offered by this department. Majors will apportion their work so as to complete 4 credits in literature written before 1830, by means of seminar and perhaps course work as well; in addition they must take a course ot seminar that features critical theory. (Courses and seminars in literature written before 1830 are marked with a *; those that feature critical theory are marked with a * * .) I I I I I I I I I I Minor in the External Examination (Honors) I Program: Minors will normally prepare two I fields from among those offered by this de- I partment. Students interested in pursuing Honors within a faculty approved interdisciplinary major or concentration that draws on advanced English courses or seminars should see the Chair for early help in planning their programs. I I I I 1A. Expository Writing (Workshop). Individual and group work as intensive preparation for further work and with applications to a variety o f fields. For students to whom the course is recommended. Does not meet the distribution requirements. May be taken I I I I 1 in more than one semester, but for a maximum of one and one half credits. Each semester. Passow. IB. English for Foreign Students. i Individual and group work on an advanced level for students with non-English back­ grounds. Does not meet distribution require­ ments. Each semester. IC. The Writing Process. This course combines study o f theories of composition and the teaching o f writing with I supervised experience applying the skills de­ rived from that study in paper comments and l conferences. Enrollment limited to students | selected as Writing Associates. Does not meet distribution requirements. Fall semester. Singley, Smulyan. 2. Science and the Literary Imagination. I An introduction to the critical reading of literature, using texts (in prose and verse from the 16th century to the present) which are concerned with or reflect the impact o f science and scientific thinking on individual and so­ ciety. Primary distribution course. Not offered 1988-89. Blackburn. 3. Critical Assumptions. I | I I I I With what assumptions do we approach literature? How do they determine the sense we make of it? In this course we will discover and refine our own assumptions by identifying some general critical approaches to literature. We will read short stories, poetry, and a novel side by side with classical critical responses. Writers will include Shakespeare, Donne, Blake, Wordsworth, Hawthorne, Bronte, and Hemingway. Our emphasis will be on exploring as well as engaging in the basic principles of literary analysis. Primary distribution course. Fall semester. Langbauer. 4. Transformation in Literature. I In many works o f literature, characters are transformed, fictional worlds change, meanI ings shift, and even readers are fundamentally I altered. This course will study the role o f I transformation in such works as Ovid’s MetaI morphases, Shakespeare’s The Tempest, parts of I Milton’s Paradise Lost, selections from the English Romantic poets, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Dickens’ Great Expectations, and Kafka’s The Metamorphosis. We will observe how the significance o f transformation and the rules by which it occurs vary from age to age. We will also consider ways in which the process o f interpretation and the nature of literary meaning are determined by rhetorical, psychological, historical, and philosophical experiences. Primary distribution course. Each semester. Haney. 5. Sexualities: Literary and Historical Representations. This course will examine the literary, social, and political processes that contribute to our modern sense o f sexuality. We will focus on three moments in the construction o f sexu­ ality: the debate over transvestism on the English stage; the conflict to classify sexuali­ ties in the late 19th Century; and the current discourse about homosexuality and "promis­ cuous” hetersexuality instigated by the AIDS epidemic. Primary distribution course. Each semester. Traub. 6. Rites of Passage. The course will focus on various rites of passage, symbolic actions which chart crucial changes in the human psyche, as they are consciously depicted or unconsciously re­ flected in different literary modes, and will examine the shared literary experience itself as ritual process. Topics will include innocence and experience, community and liminality, and the mediation o f the sacred and the profane. Major authors will include Blake, Shakespeare, Conrad, and Lawrence. Primary distribution course. Spring semester. Williamson. 7. Comedy. A study o f the form and function o f comedy in drama, poetry, fiction, and film, including work by Shakespeare, Boccaccio, Byron, Beckett, and Preston Sturges. Primary distribution course. Fall semester. Schmidt. 8. The Ironic Spirit This course focuses on the way the ironic mode— both verbal and philosophical—ac­ commodates responses to fundamental con- English Literature tradictions and paradoxes. Authors include Shakespeare, Fielding, Hardy, Emily Dickin­ son, Twain, Stephen Crane, and Ralph Ellison, and selected poetry. Primary distribution course. Not offered 1988-89. James. 9. Four Secular Writers of the Spirit A study o f iconoclastic authors— Blake, George Eliot, Shaw, and Lawrence—whose works attack orthodox ways and offer moral alternatives as necessary to human well-being. Primary distribution course. Not offered 1988-89. Pagliaro. 10. Family Ties. This course examines the formal and sublimi­ nal impact o f the “family romance” on au­ thors, readers, and contemporary society. Among the topics we will consider: how parental figures in(de)form plot; the equation in the lyric o f children with poetic products; the forms that separation and identification can take in fiction; alternative families. Primary distribution course. Fall semester. Blum. 11. Ruin and Re-begetting. An introduction to the artists, who, through skillful geometry and the power o f the word, counter fragmentation, chaos, or oblivion. Our study o f the imagery o f ruin and re­ begetting will include works by the Pearl-poet, Shakespeare, Donne, Herbert, Faulkner, Eliot, and Woolf. Primary distribution course. Each semester. Sununu. 12. The Other. A culture may shape and understand itself by constructing an Other: certain ideas, charac­ teristics, and places which negate or contradict "acceptable” forms o f social order. By such representations the Other serves to define and authorize what is understood as "natural” and "norm al” in a given culture. In this course we will consider this complex process as it oper­ ates in representations o f women, ethnicity, and imaginal or real locations. Readings by Euripides, Shakespeare, Swift, Defoe, Mary Shelley, Forster, Woolf, and Rich. Primary distribution course. Each semester. Breitenberg. 13. Images of Illness and Healing. A study o f the connections and distinctions 124 between medicine and literature. Medicine as a discipline o f pathos and visceral experience and literature as a means o f catharsis and vicarious experience. The two together as disciplines o f power and humility, mystery and epiphany, o f ethical dilemma and emo­ tional strain. A study of medicine and litera­ ture as sister arts o f interpretation and healing. Writers will include Sontag, Williams, Camus, Plath, and Sexton. Each semester. Passow. 14. Literature of Conscience. Are poets our "unacknowledged legislators,” as Shelley believed? W hat power does art wield against tyranny and injustice? This course examines various literary attempts to influence public opinion and policy—from Shakespeares’ Richard II to Margaret At­ wood’s Bodily Harm—in order to explore the issue o f political effectiveness. Primary distribution course. Fall semester. N. Anderson. 15. Engaging Pairs. Major writers from selected periods. Malefemale pairings allow us to compare how men and women work with or against American literary themes and conventions to reflect a set o f distinctive values, psychology, and sub­ jectivity. Possible pairings; Bradstreet-Taylor, Fuller-Emerson, Hawthorne-Stowe, Dickin­ son-Whitman, Jewett-Twain, Wharton-Dreiser, H.D.-Eliot, O ’Neill-Hansberry, HurstonWright, Hemingway-Stein, Mailer-Didion. Primary distribution course. Spring semester. Singley. 16. Survey of English Literature, I.* An historical and critical survey of poetry, prose, and drama from Beowulf to Milton. Fall semester. Williamson. 17. Survey of English Literature, II. An historical and critical survey of poetry, prose, and drama from Dryden to Lawrence. Not offered 1988-89. Pagliaro. 18. An Introduction to American Culture. This team-taught course will offer an interdis­ ciplinary American Studies approach to the diversity, contradictions, unity, and evolution o f culture in the United States from the Puritans to the present. Special topics for Fall 1988: The City and Class Divisions. The sylla­ bus will also include writers who are not traditionally thought to be part o f the "canon” of American literature. Non-literary materials will also be studied, including town plans, art and architecture, films, television, and music. Thus the course will offer a blend o f works from women as well as men, blacks as well as whites, and popular culture as well as "high” culture. Fall semester. James, Schmidt. 19. An Introduction to American Culture. A team-taught course exploring the theory and practice o f interdisciplinary studies as they apply to selected themes in the history, culture, and society o f the United States. Special topic for Spring 1989: America in the 1950s. General meetings will explore evolving theoretical and critical definitions o f Ameri­ can Studies as an interdisciplinary mode of inquiry; the uses o f material and visual as well as written artifacts o f popular and "high” culture; interconnections between cultural, social, economic, and political events; and changing theories o f American national char­ acter. Separate, smaller discussion sections will focus on student presentations and dis­ cussion analyzing special topics that have emerged from the group meetings. Prerequisite: an introductory course in En­ glish and an introductory course in History. Cross-listed as History 40. Sfmng semester. Schmidt and Murphy. 20. Old English Language and Literature.* The course begins with language instruction in Old English and moves on to a study of selected poetry—including riddles, elegies, and heroic poems. Readings in cultural topics (art, religion, Germanic culture) are included. With the permission o f the instructor this course may be taken without the usual prereq­ uisite course; however, it may not serve in the place of a prerequisite for other advanced courses. Not offered 1988-89. Williamson. 21. Chaucer.* Reading in Middle English o f most of Chau­ cer’s major poetry with emphasis on The Canterbury Tales and Troilus and Criseyde. The course attempts to place the poetry in a variety of critical and cultural contexts—both medieval and modern—which help to illumi­ nate Chaucer’s art. Spring semester. Williamson. 23. History of the English Language. A study o f English in its various aspects— phonology, morphology, syntax, and seman­ tics—from Old English through Middle and Early Modern to present day. The course is given as an occasional spring term tutorial to highly motivated students who want to study the various English languages and are willing to do a good bit o f work in the traditional linguistic workbook format. This course may be taken without the usual prerequisite course; however, it may not serve in the place o f a prerequisite for other advanced courses. Williamson. 24. Pilgrim, Dreamer, Mystic, Knight.* A study o f medieval and Renaissance works that confront, comically or tragically, the tension between aspiration and vulnerability. Readings will include selections from Chau­ cer’s Canterbury Tales, Pearl, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Julian o f Norwich’s Revela­ tions, Malory’s Morte D ’Arthur, and Spenser’s Faerie Queene. Fall semester. Sununu. 25. Shakespeare.* Shakespearean drama in relation to social and political issues o f Elizabethan and Jacobean England. We will focus on questions o f iden­ tity and power as determined by gender, sexuality, race, and class. Plays will include: The Comedy o f Errors, 1 Henry IV, As You Like It, Twelfth Night, Merchant o f Venice, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, The Tempest, and The W in­ ter’s Tale. Fall semester. Traub. 26. Renaissance Poetry.* Lyric and narrative poetry o f the Elizabethan age and early 17th century. Not offered 1988-89. Snyder. 27. Tudor-Stuart Drama.* A survey o f English theater in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries with attention to the construction and deployment o f gender, social and political legitimacy, the place o f the theatre, and the function o f dramatic repre­ sentation. Spring semester. Breitenberg. 28. Milton.* Study o f Milton’s poetry with particular em- 125 English Literature phasis on Paradise Lost. Not offered 1988- 89. Blackburn. 30. Technology and the Text* This course relates evolving notions o f textuality to the development o f the technologies by which the physical artifact o f the text is produced. Our focus will be equally distrib­ uted between the critical reading o f texts from the 14th century on (including their social and economic contexts) and analysis o f the production technologies. Not offered 1988- 89. Blackburn. 35. Eighteenth-Century Literature.* A study o f selected English prose and poetry from 1660-1800, with some special attention given to works that attempt to find order and stability in the face o f social, religious, and emotional doubt. Authors to be read include Dryden, Swift, Pope, and Johnson. Aspects o f Hobbes, Natural Supernaturalists, Graveyard poets, and others will also be considered, chiefly as background. Not offered 1988- 89. Pagliaro. 36. English Novel, I.* A consideration o f fiction from the 18th Cen­ tury to the Victorian period. Not offered 1988- 89. Langbauer. 38. Romantic Poetry.* A study o f the poetry o f Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, and Keats, with attention given to the ideas as well as to the form and structure o f their works. Spring semester. Haney. 40. Outside the Tradition. This course will consider the process o f canon formation by examining the works o f major and minor nineteenth-century English nov­ elists, their contemporaries’ reviews o f them, and current theoretical debates. We will focus on the ways that issues o f gender and class influence tradition. Writers include Bronte, Gaskell, Collins, Braddon, Dickens, Trollope, and Gissing. Not offered 1988- 89 . Langbauer. 41. The Victorian Poets: Eminence and Decadence. A study o f the poetry o f Tennyson, Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Arnold, Mere­ dith, the Rossettis, Wilde, and others, with particular attention to each artist’s response to the stresses o f the era. 126 Not offered 1988-89. N. Anderson. 42. English Novel, II. A consideration o f English fiction since 1850. Not offered 1988-89. 43. Studies in English Fiction. This course will study developments in fiction (mainly English) from Dickens, George Eliot, and Flaubert to Lawrence and Joyce. Syllabi vary from year to year, but the focus remains on ideological premises and aesthetic practices as these alter in the transition from Victorian to Modern culture. Not offered 1988- 89. Weinstein. 44. The Nineteenth-Century British Novel. This course will trace the development of the nineteenth-century novel in England through Austen’s Emma, Emily Bronte’s Wuthermg Heights, Thackary’s Vanity Fair, Dickens’ Bleak House, George Eliot’s Middlemarch, and Hardy’s Jude the Obscure. Topics will include the development o f the self, the relationship between literary and scientific thought, the connection between literature and history, the role o f desire, novelistic irony, the nature o f interpretation, and the function of "au­ thority” from God to the novelist. We will refer to nineteenth-century intellectual trends (Hegel, Nietzsche, Marx, Darwin) as well as twentieth-century literary theory (Barthes, Miller, de Man, Said, Derrida, Gadamer, Bakh­ tin, Girard). Spring semeter. Haney. 45. Modern British Poetry. A consideration o f British poets—and some American ex-patriates—from Thomas Hardy to Dylan Thomas, with particular attention given to each poet’s individual response to the circumstances o f modern life. Fall semester. N. Anderson. 46. Introduction to Anglo-Irish Literature. This course will cover the background to the modern literature through such topics as epic literature, the monasteries, the Big House, the Irish storyteller, and will include readings from The Tain and the Finn Cycle, as well as from Somerville and Ross, Synge, O ’Casey, Kavanagh, Heaney, and others. Not offered 1988- 89. Durkan. 48. American Realism, Naturalism, and Modernism. Fiction and poetry o f the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. We begin with realism’s roots in romanticism and end with its evolu­ tion into modernism and postmodernism. Through the literature and selected theoretical readings we will work to define realism, nat­ uralism, and modernism and to understand the movements as particular ways o f seeing, knowing, and prepresenting the world. Read­ ings will be drawn from Jewett, Freeman, Melville, Wharton, James, Howells, Crane, Dreiser, Eliot, Cather, Anderson, Heming­ way, H.D., Stein, Frost, Didion, Pynchon. Spring semester. Singley. 49. Narrative, Ideology, and the American Experience. This course is concerned with both narrative theory and narrative as a reflector or shaper of American culture and ideology. Texts range from Puritan to Post-modern and include religious conversion narratives; captivity nar­ ratives; the romance; sentimental and gothic fiction, the western; and realistic, modern, and post-modern short stories and novels. We pay special attention to women as creators of, and participants in, American narrative forms. Spring semester. Singley. 50. Afro-American Women’s Literature. The writing o f Afro-American women as a tradition distinct fro m , yet related to, writing by Afro-American men and white women. We will focus on the dual identity of AfroAmerican women as both black and female, examining their spiritual, political, and sexual strategies for survival and liberation, conclud­ ing with debates in Black Feminism. Fiction, poetry, drama, essays, and criticism, including Brent, Harper, Hurston, Larsen, Petty, Mar­ shall, Jones, Childress, Morrison, Shange, Bambara, Naylor, Lorde, Jordan, Brooks, Giovanni, Sanchez. Spring semester. Traub. 51. Fictions of American Naturalism. This course examines several important at­ tempts by American writers o f fiction to redefine the tragic experience in modern terms and consistent with the way scientific method, deistic faith, and biological discoveries con­ verged in their imaginations. Writers will include Kate Chopin, Stephen Crane, Theo­ dore Dreiser, W. D. Howells, Jack London, Frank Norris, Edith Wharton, and Richard Wright. Fall semester. James. 52. The Harlem Renaissance. This examination o f the “New Negro” in the "Jazz Age” will focus on the optimism and innovation that highlighted Afro-American culture during the decade o f the 1920s and proved to be generative for New York and the nation. Authors will include Langston Hughes, Jean Tommer, Countee Cullen, Zora Neale Hurston, Claude McKay, and James Weldon Johnson; but the course will consider expres­ sions o f art and music as well as fiction and poetry and will include a field trip to Harlem. Not offered 1988-89. James. 53. Contemporary Women’s Poetry. We shall examine the great variety o f poetic styles and stances employed by women writing in the United States today. Among the poets we may consider are: Muriel Rukeyser, Gwen­ dolyn Brooks, Adrienne Rich, Denise Levertov, Sylvia Plath, Audre Lorde, June Broumas, and Carolyn Forche. Not offered 1988-89. N. Anderson. 54. Studies in American Fiction. An introduction to the development of the American short story from the early nine­ teenth century to the present, including work by Irving, Poe, Hawthorne, Melville, Wilkins, Freeman, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, O ’Connor, Welty, Barthelme, and Pynchon. Not offered 1988-89. Schmidt. 55. Modern American Poetry. Selected poems and prose by Williams, H. D. Pound, Stevens, Moore, and others. Fall 1988. Schmidt. 56. Theory of Intentionaiity.** How does a poetics that denies the significance o f authorial intention and political activism come to terms with the practice o f consciously ideological art? In what ways does that practice require the articulation o f a new poetics? This inquiry into the nature o f the poetic will consider Lacanian conceptions o f metaphor and metonymy, feminist deployments o f psy­ choanalytic theory, and the Marxist recon­ siderations o f culture prompted by Raymond Williams, to examine a variety o f poetry, with special attention to the conflations o f personal 127 English Literature experience and political vehemence found in feminist and black poetry o f the 1970s and 1980s. Not offered 1988-89. N. Anderson. 57. Contemporary American Prose. An examination o f the myriad regional ac­ cents, aims, and styles— from documentary realism to symbolic fantasy—which distin­ guish American prose since World War II. Not offered 1988-89. Schmidt. 58. The American Autobiography. This course examines—through the genre of autobiography—the American tendency to dis­ cover, assert, and recreate the Self. The range o f authors is meant to suggest possible pairings o f interrelated black and white works and includes Benjamin Franklin, Frederick Doug­ lass, Henry Adams, Jane Addams, Gertrude Stein, Richard Wright, Zora Hurston, Norman Mailer, Maya Angelou, and Malcolm X. Not offered 1988-89. James. 59. The Black American Writer. This survey o f prose fiction and poetry pays particular attention to the way the AfroAmerican author engages the modes o f the pastoral and ''antipastoral” as thesis and an­ titheses. Writers include Charles Chesnutt, Jean Toomer, Zora Hurston, Sterling Brown, Richard Wright, Gwendolyn Brooks, and James Baldwin. Not offered 1988-89. James. 60. The Contemporary Black Writer of the United States. An examination o f the way history, myth, and blues (as oral form) are transformed into metaphor, ritual, and motif by contemporary Afro-Americans. Writers discussed will in­ clude Baldwin, Baraka, David Bradley, Paula Marshall, Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, John Wideman, and selected poetry. Not offered 1988-89. James. 61. American Orama. A survey o f the development o f American dramatic literature from the 1860s to the present. Special attention is given to the role o f indiginous values as well as to the great American myths o f the cowboy, Hollywood, and the urban jungle as they have been articu­ lated in theatrical terms. Not offered 1988-89. Leff. 128 65. Poetry Workshop. A class, limited to twelve, in which students write, read, translate, and talk about poetry. We will emphasize the discovery and develop­ ment o f each individual’s distinctive poetic voice, imagistic motifs, and thematic con­ cerns, within the context o f contempory po­ etics. Students should submit 3 -5 pages of poetry for admission, at a time announced during fall semester. The workshop will meet once a week for three hours. Admission and credit are granted at the discretion of the instructor. (Studio course) Spring semester. N. Anderson. 66. Fiction Writers’ Workshop. The course is devoted to the analysis of stories submitted by students. It meets once a week for three hours. In addition to receiving prac­ tical help from fellow writers, students have an opportunity to articulate and explore the­ oretical aspects o f fiction writing. Students should submit one story for admission, at a time announced during the fall semester. Ad­ mission and credit are granted at the discretion o f the instructor. (Studio course.) Spring semester. 69. Colloquium: Shakespeare.*** Desire, death, and domestication o f love in Shakespeare’s middle and late plays. Intensive study o f Measure for Measure, Othello, The Winter’s Tale, King Lear, Pericles, Coriolanus, Antony and Cleopatra, The Tempest with special attention to genre study. Students may be admitted to English 6 9 without having taken English 25. Limited enrollment. Fall 1988. Blum. 70. Benaissance Comparative Literature.* (See CEL 70 .) Humanism and "CounterRenaissance” developments in major writings o f Renaissance Europe: Erasmus, More, Rabe­ lais, Petrarch, Gaspara Stampa, Ariosto, Mar­ guerite de Navarre, St. John o f the Cross, and Cervantes (all studied in translation). Not offered 1988-89. Snyder. 72. Proust Joyce, and Faulkner. Selections from Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past, Joyce’s Portrait o f the Artist and Ulysses entire, and selected Faulkner novels. Emphasis on the ideological and formal tenets o f modernism. Spring semester. Weinstein. 73. Proust and Joyce. An intensive comparative study. Readings will include A Portrait o f the Artist as a Young Man, Ulysses, and substantial portions of A la Recherche du temps perdu. Proust readings and lectures will be conducted in French. Crosslisted as French 75, this course counts toward concentration in either English or French. It will explore the role o f the artist; the modern­ ist sense o f character; narrative experiments with plot, style, and point o f view; the mean­ ings of time and memory. Prerequisites: French 12 and an introductory English course (or their equivalents). Not offered 1988-89. Weinstein and Roza. 74. Modern Drama. An examination o f the range o f dramatic literature, theatre aesthetics, critical theories, and production styles since Ibsen. Cross-listed as CEL 74. Not offered 1988-89. Devin. 75. Modern Poetry. A consideration o f the various manifestations of modernism in English Language poetry on either side of the Atlantic. We will trace the careers of the High Modernists Yeats, Law­ rence, Pound, and Eliot; weigh the American experiments o f Stein, Stevens, Williams, and Marianne Moore; review the impact o f Imagism and the Harlem Literary Renaissance; examine brief and extended poetic responses to some of the radical uncertainties engen­ dered by early twentieth-century history. Not offered 1988-89. N. Anderson. 76. The Black African Writer. This study gives particular attention to the way black African writers portray Africa emerging from the age o f myth—where the conceptualization o f time shaped and was shaped by a traditional way o f life—into a conception of time as we know it in our industrialized culture. Readings will be chosen from works written in English and in transla­ tion, including Achebe, Armah, Ngugi, Sembene, Senghor, and Soyinka. Fall semester. James. 77. Contemporary Drama. A survey of contemporary drama with an emphasis on experimental and self-reflexive modes. Playwrights will include Beckett, Pin­ ter, Handke, Weiss, Soyinka, Churchill, Terry, and Shepard. Productions on film or video will be included. Fall semester. Williamson. 79. Studies in Comparative Fiction. This course will explore the relationships between desire and the law, as well as the social construction o f identity, in a range of 19th- and 20th-century novels. Writers will include Dickens, Dostoevsky, Flaubert, Tol­ stoy, Kafka, and Faulkner. (Cross-listed as CEL 79.) Not offered 1988-89. Weinstein. 80. Satire. This examination o f satire as a literary genre focuses on satiric forms and objectives. Em­ phasis is placed on distinguishing between two main conceptions o f satire and therefore, two different types o f satirists. Selections are chosen from Horace and Juvenal, Shake­ speare, Pope, Swift, Voltaire, Twain, Huxley, Ishmael Reed, and Nathanael West. Not offered 1988-89. James. 82. Representations of Women’s Identity.** (Cross-listed as Psychology 5 2 .) A study of the ways in which psychology, literature, and literary theory illuminate women’s identity and self-expression. By examining such mate­ rial as psychological case studies, fairy tales, poetry and fiction by male and female authors, psychological theory and literary criticism, we will identify some o f the ways in which women have been represented in our culture, the consequences o f this representation, and possibilities for expanding self-awareness and creativity. Prerequisite: an introductory course in En­ glish. Spring semester. Blum and Marecek. 84. Folklore and Folklife Studies. (See History 84 .) Spring semester. Morgan. 85. Modernism in American Art and Literature, 1870-1930. An interdisciplinary study o f the origins, ide­ ology, and development o f modernism and anti-modernism in American culture between 1870 and 1930 using approaches from the fields o f art history, American studies, and literary criticism. Artists considered include Eakins, Homer, Cassatt, the Ashcan school, the '291 ’ group, Hopper, and Wood; writers 129 English Literature include James, Wilkins Freeman, Crane, Fitz­ gerald, William Carlos Williams, and Natha­ nael West. Prerequisites: introductory courses in both art history and English literature. Permission o f one o f the instructors is required. (Crosslisted Art 52.) Not offered 1988-89. Schmidt and Hungerford. 87. Film and Literature. The course will focus each year on one or more o f the following topics: the work o f a director or group o f directors, the possibilities o f a particular film genre, the issues o f critical interest common to both film and literature. Films will be chosen with an eye to their interest to students o f literature. Some may be based on fiction or drama; others may share formal concerns with a literary text. Major directors in the past have included Coppola, Kubrick, Bergman, and Resnais. Not offered 1988-89. Staff. 89. History of Criticism and Interpretation.** A survey o f statements, positions, and con­ troversies from the pre-Socratics to post­ structuralism about the following issues: the nature and function o f art, language and rep­ resentation, the relationship of literature to history and culture, depictions and interpre­ tations o f sexuality and gender. Spring semester. Breitenberg. Colloquia Note: Each year the Department offers several colloquia on topics o f current literary interest. These are designed for majors and other students with extensive literary background. Class size is limited to 15. This year the colloquia are English 69 and 90. 90. Colloquium: Experimental Prose. An introduction to nineteenth- and twentiethcentury examples o f experimental or under­ ground prose, including works by Walter Benjamin. H.D., Djuna Barnes, William Car­ los Williams, Jamaica Kincaid, Italo Calvino, and others. Limited enrollment. Spring semester. Schmidt. 91. Feminist Literary Criticism.** W hat is feminism? W hat is its relation to literary criticism? In this course, we will ex­ plore the role o f politics in answering those questions, examining the ways that feminism 130 exposes as political those very spheres that have traditionally seemed exempt from, if not opposed to, politics. Readings in current femi­ nist literary criticism and theory. Spring semester. Langbauer. 92. TKeory of the Novel.** An examination o f various narrative conven­ tions, the interpretive problems raised by the genre, and some o f the critical approaches contemporary theorists have taken to these problems. Fall semeter. Langbauer. 96. Directed Reading. Students who plan directed reading must con­ sult with the appropriate instructor and sub­ mit a prospectus to the Department by way of application for such work before the begin­ ning o f the semester during which the study is actually done. Deadlines for the receipt of written applications are the second Monday in November and the first Monday in April. Normally limited to juniors and seniors. 97. Independent Study. Students who plan an independent study must consult with the appropriate instructor and submit a prospectus to the Department by way o f application for such work before the beginning o f the semester during which the study is actually done. Deadlines for the re­ ceipt o f written applications are the second Monday in November and the first Monday in April. Normally limited to juniors and seniors. Staff. 98,99. Senior Essay, Senior Thesis. In the fall semester o f the senior year, Course majors in the Department may pursue a liter­ ary project (English 9 8 ) of their own choos­ ing. The major part o f the semester is devoted to preparing an essay (or essays) under the supervision o f a member o f the Department. A brief prospectus for the project must be submitted for approval by the Department in April o f the junior year. Before submitting this prospectus, Course majors should consult with the Department Chairman and with the Department member who might supervise the project. The project, culminating in an essay (or es­ says) o f 2 0 -2 5 pages, will be completed in December o f the senior year. Students who do well on this project and wish to develop it into a comprehensive thesis will take English 99 in the spring semester. The work on the thesis will normally deepen or expand work completed during the fall. SEMINARS: ENGLISH LITERATURE Group 1 101. Shakespeare. Study of Shakespeare as dramatist and poet. The emphasis is on the major plays, with a more rapid reading o f the remainder o f the canon. Students are advised to read through all the plays before entering the seminar. Each semester. Blum, Breitenberg, Sununu, Traub. 102. Chaucer and Medieval Literature. A survey o f English literature, primarily po­ etry, from the 8th through the 15th century with an emphasis upon Chaucer. Texts will include Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, The Canterbury Tales, Troilus and Criseyde, Piers Plowman, Pearl, selected mystery plays, and Malory’s LeMorte d’Arthur.Chaucer will be read in Middle English; other works will be read in translation. Not offered 1988-89. Williamson. 104. Milton. Study of Milton’s works with special emphasis on Paradise Lost. Spring semester. Blum. 105. Tudor-Stuart Drama. The development o f English drama from me­ dieval morality plays to Jacobean tragedy and comedy. Not offered 1988-89. Blackburn. 106. Renaissance Epic. The two major English epics o f the period, Spenser’s Faerie Queene and Milton’s Paradise Lost, considered in the context o f the work of each poet and in relation to two antecedents, Virgil’s Aeneid and Tasso’s Jerusalem Delivered. Not offered 1988-89. Snyder. 108. Renaissance Poetry. Poetic modes and preoccupations o f the En­ glish Renaissance, with emphasis on Sidney, Shakespeare, Spenser, Donne, Herbert, and Marvell. Spring semester. Sununu. 109. Eighteenth-Century Literature. Examination of the literary forms and critical values o f the age, with special attention given to the works o f Dryden, Swift, Pope, and Johnson. Not offered 1988-89. Pagliaro. 110. Romantic Poetry. Examination o f the poetry o f Blake, Words­ worth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, and Keats. Fall semester. Haney. Group 11 112. Women and Literature.** This seminar will examine, in the context of current feminist theory, the work o f women writers throughout the novel tradition. We will consider what the problems o f writing as a woman, and writing novels particularly, tell us about the gender assumptions underlying our categories o f women and representation. Fall semester. Langbauer. 113. The English Novel. Studies in English fiction from the eighteenth century to the present. Not offered 1988-89. 115. Modern Comparative Literature. Studies in fiction from Flaubert and Melville to the present. Spring semester. Weinstein. 116. American Literature. A study o f central writers o f the American Renaissance, 1820-1865, including Emerson, Hawthorne, Margaret Fuller, Stowe, Thoreau, Melville, Walt Whitman, and Emily Dickin­ son. As well as closely reading selected texts, we will place these authors within a broad, interdisciplinary context, incorporating re­ cent work by American studies scholars. Spe- 131 English Literature cial emphasis will be given to the revolution­ ary aesthetic and social implications o f Transcendentalism for views o f religion, na­ ture, language, industrialism, and the "wom­ an’s sphere” in society during the American Renaissance. Fall semester. Schmidt, Singley. examines a unity o f themes arising out of shared experiences and heritages and includes work by Chinua Achebe, Toni Morrison, James Baldwin, George Lamming, Richard Wright, Paule Marshall, and Wole Soyinka. Not offered 1988-89. James. 118. Modern Poetry. A survey o f the development of American dramatic literature from the 1860s to the present. Fall semester. Leff. A study o f the poetry and critical prose of Yeats, Eliot, and Stevens in an effort to define their differences and to assess their influence on later poets and theorists. Spring semester. N. Anderson. 119. Modern Drama. A survey o f dramatic literature from Ibsen to the present. Texts will be examined both as scripts for living theatre and as literary and cultural documents. Viewing live productions and film or video versions will be a part o f the seminar. Secondary readings on dramatic the­ ory, criticism, and intellectual history relevant to the plays under discussion will be assigned each week. Not offered 1988-89. Williamson. 120. Theory of Criticism.** A course designed to provide a working knowl­ edge o f the major schools o f contemporary criticism. Spring semester. Langbauer. 121. Modern Black Fiction. A study o f the evolving literary interrelation­ ship o f the United States, Africa, and the West Indies since World War II. The seminar 122. American Drama. 180. Thesis. A major in the Honors Program may elect to write a thesis as a substitute for one seminar. The student must select a topic and submit a plan for Department approval no later than the end o f the junior year. Normally, the student writes the thesis, under the direction o f a member o f the Department, during the fall o f the senior year. Staff. 183. Independent Study. Students may prepare for an Honors Exami­ nation in a field or major figure comparable in literary significance to those offered in the regular seminars. Independent study projects must be approved by the Department and supervised by a Department member. Dead­ lines for the receipt o f written applications are the second Monday in November and the first Monday in April. Staff. THEATRE STUDIES The Theatre Studies major uses the study and performance o f dramatic art as one part o f a liberal arts education. It is intended to be of broad benefit regardless o f a student’s profes­ sional intentions. It is cross-disciplinary and makes a clear distinction between dramatic literature and performance. Studies in dra­ matic literature begin with the written playscript and may include work in departments o f English Literature, Modern Languages and Literatures, and Classics. Studies in perfor­ mance begin with the theatrical event and may include work in theatre history, theory, de­ sign, acting, production, and directing. 132 The Theatre studies major emphasises process rather than public performance. Beginning and intermediate acting classes address the problems o f "behaving as if the given circum­ stances were real” without actually perform­ ing for the general public. Final projects for these courses are typically presented "in house.” All practice o f public performance takes place in advanced acting technique classes which carry prerequisites and are supervised by working theatre professionals. Because actors do much o f their work in public, all classes in acting and directing are open to visitors. REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Introduction to Theatre (Theatre 1) is the prerequisite for all other courses in perfor­ mance studies. (This prerequisite does not apply to seniors, nor is it required of those who wish only to take studio courses.) The introductory course is designed to acquaint the student with the principal elements o f theatre study including dramatic analysis, the­ ory, design, and acting. The work o f the course includes reading, discussion, practical exercises, and short papers. The course may count toward the major. The minimum re­ quirement for admission to a major or a minor in Theatre Studies is Theatre 1 and one additional course from either dramatic litera­ ture or performance studies. Students considering a major in Theatre Studies are strongly urged to take one or two addi­ tional courses during the sophomore year. Majors and prospective majors should consult a member o f the Theatre Studies faculty for information about courses in other depart­ ments complementary to their work in the­ atre. The study o f theatre and dramatic litera­ ture in foreign languages and cultural contexts is strongly recommended. Students who plan to do graduate work or to follow a course of professional training should see a member o f the faculty for early help in planning their programs. Major in the Course Program: The course major in Theatre Studies requires ten credits o f work in dramatic literature and performance studies as follows: a) dramatic literature: at least four credits including Shakespeare. Work should also include at least one credit in the modern period and one besides Shake­ speare covering material written before Ibsen. Dramatic literature courses may include work from English Literature, Modern Languages and Literatures, and Classics. Students with the requisite language skills are urged to do the work in the original language; b ) perfor­ mance studies: at least four credits including Performance Theory, Introduction to Design, and two studio credits; c) the senior compre­ hensive examination will be given in two parts: i) a three-hour exam based on a reading list of plays and critical works drawn from English Literature, Modem Languages and Literatures, and Classics. This list is given to students when they are accepted into the major; ii) a take-home essay describing solu­ tions to artistic and critical problems. A senior essay or project (Theatre 95, 96) is optional; interested students should consult with the appropriate advisor in the spring o f the junior year. Applications for internships and special projects should be made as far in advance as possible. Major in the External Examination (Honors) Program: The honors major requires six or eight credits including Shakespeare Seminar and Senior Project in preparation for three or four papers. Possible preparations include course combinations, such as Directing/Performance Theory or Design/Theatre History. Seminars in dramatic literature carry a pre­ requisite o f at least one upper level English course. Senior Project will be evaluated in performance as well as by paper. The minor normally requires four credits in preparation for two papers. One o f the papers for the minor would normally be Senior Project. W ith respect to the twenty course rule, courses in dramatic literature in English Lit­ erature, Classics, and Modern Languages and Literatures will count as part o f the major; courses in non-dramatic literature will not. Dramatic Literature Courses: English 25. Shakespeare. English 27. Tudor and Stuart Drama. English 61. American Drama. English 69. Colloquium in Shakespeare. English 74. Modern Drama. French 43. Le Théâtre. English 77. Contemporary Drama. CEL 77: Contemporary Drama. French 70. Théâtre Moderne. 6erman 52. Das Deutsche Drama. German 63. Goethe’s Faust German 83. Kafka and DrechL Spanish 40. El Teatro del Renaciemento y del Sigio de Oro. 133 English Literature Spanish 75. Teatro Hispanicoamericano Contemporaneo. Classics 82. The Ancient Theatre. Performance Studies Courses: Theatre 1. Introduction to Theatre. Theatre 2. Techniques of Acting. Theatre 3. Production Workshop. Theatre 5. Scene Study. Theatre 13. Theatre History. Theatre 14. Introduction to Design. Theatre 15. Advanced Design. Theatre 16. Play Directing. Theatre 17. Playwrighting Workshop. Theatre 18. Performance Theory. Theatre 23. Ensemble I. Theatre 24. Ensemble II. Theatre 93. Directed Reading. Theatre 95,96. Senior Essay. Seminars: Theatre 111. Performance Theory. Theatre 180. Senior Project. English 101. Shakespeare. English 105. Tudor and Stuart Drama. English 119. Modern Drama. French 102. Le Théâtre Classique. German 108. Deutsche Literatur nach 1950. Russian 109. Chekhov. Greek 114. Greek Drama. literature courses (not seminars) listed on this page. One credit. Fall semester. Devin, Leff. 2A. Techniques of Acting: Work on the Self. This is the basic acting course, the prerequisite for all others. Vocal and physical warm-up; relaxation; concentration; ensemble; sense and affective memory; non-ordinary reality. This class meets four hours a week. Studio course; one credit. No prerequisite. Spring semester. Devin. 28. Techniques of Acting (intensive section). Same as above, but this section meets for two hours, four nights a week. Recommended strongly for students who plan to major in Theatre Studies. Studio course; one credit. No prerequisite. Spring semester. Devin. 3. Production Workshop. This course focuses upon and seeks to resolve specific production problems (scenery, light­ ing, audio, costuming, production manage­ ment). Theatre 1 is not required as a prereq­ uisite. May be repeated once for credit. Studio course; one-half credit. Spring semester. Leff. 5. Scene Study. An acting studio for intermediate and ad­ vanced students who choose their own proj­ ects and work on them with the instructor’s help. Six professional actors from the Young Company at People’s Light study in this course. They are scene partners for Swarthmore students. The class may be repeated for credit. Studio course; one-half credit. Prerequisite: Theatre 23. Fall semester. Devin. 1. Introduction to the Theatre. 13. Theatre History. This course includes sections on dramaturgy, theatre space, and acting. Theatre profes­ sionals from New York and Philadelphia meet with the class as possible. Several short papers. Readings drawn from among: Chekhov, Ibsen, Pinter, Aristotle, Brecht, Bentley, Artaud, Wilde, Appia, Shaw, Langer, Shank. This course is the prerequisite for advanced per­ formance studies courses (see list above), and may serve as prerequisite for the dramatic The study o f selected periods o f theatre from a historical perspective. Emphasis on the man­ ifestation o f philosophical, political, and moral conditions in dramatic performance; consideration as well o f the problematics o f reading older texts within contemporary frames o f performance. (Readings: Nicoll, Nagle, R. Gilman, P. A m ott, G. W. Knight, Pepys, V. Turner.) Not offered ig 88- 8g. Leff. 134 14. Introduction to Design. The study o f theoretical and historical foun­ dations for contemporary theatrical design. Practical application o f design principles in projects and exercises. (Readings: Appia, Craig, Braun, F. L. Wright, K. Burke, Bachelard, Giedion.) Fail semester. Leff. 15. Advanced Design. Extensive projects in support o f the Ensemble classes; application o f design principles to specific problems o f period style, theatre architecture, and the collaborative process. (Readings: Tuan, Klee, G. Stein, Venturi, V. Turner, Barthes, Giedion.) Spring semester. Leff. 16. Play Directing. Principles and techniques o f making works of dramatic art from playscripts. Play selection and analysis; physical production; rehearsal procedures, especially improvisation and en­ semble technique. This class treats the direc­ tor as an artist who discovers the work o f dramatic art through the interaction o f playscript, design, and rehearsal. One credit. Prerequisite: Theatre 1, Theatre 2. Not offered 1988-89. Devin. 17. Playwriting Workshop. Projects in playwriting. Discussion o f playscripts supported by reading and analysis o f appropriate models. Admission at the discre­ tion of the instructor. Studio course; one credit. Spring semester. Devin. 18. Performance Theory. A study of the development and evolution o f theories of performance as they apply to theatre and related arts. Authors will include Aristotle, Diderot, Nietzsche, Artaud, Grotowski, Roland Barthes. Spring semester. Leff. 23. Ensemble I: Work on the PlayscripL analysis, beginning with simple, realistic ma­ terial and moving to Shakespeare; given cir­ cumstances; character biography; objectives; physical behavior, tasks, action; vocal and physical warm-up; relaxation, concentration, and body awareness. This class meets for two hours, four nights a week. Studio course; one credit. Prerequisite: Theatre 2. Fall semester. Devin. 24. Ensemble II: Work with an Audience. This class rehearses a full-length play for public performance. This year the play is Spring Awakening by Frank Wedekind, in a new translation by Jon Franzen, Swarthmore ’81. Using ensemble rehearsal methods with emphasis on improvisation, the company will prepare its own version o f the play, including an audience as a part o f given circumstances. Guests will attend class at various points in the rehearsal schedule as part o f preparation for performance. Studio course; one credit. Prerequisite: Theatre 23. Spring semester. Adams, Leff. 92. Off-campus Projects in Theatre. 93. Directed Reading. 94. Special Projects in Theatre. Students wishing to design a special project should consult with the Director. 95,96. Senior Project An essay or production project prepared under the supervision o f an appropriate fac­ ulty member. A prospectus must be submitted for approval in April o f the junior year. Before submitting the prospectus, majors should consult with the Director and with the faculty member who might supervise the proj­ ect. A one-credit project will normally be completed in the fall o f the senior year. The fall work may serve as preparation for a larger project to be completed in the spring. Staff. Acting techniques applied to scene and play 135 History MARGARET ANDERSON, Professor ROBERT C. BANNISTER, Professor’ DAVID W. FAURE, Cornell Visiting Professor345 ROBERT S. DUPLESSIS, Professor and Chairman LILLIAN M. LI, Professor5 KATHRYN L MORGAN, Professor JEROME H. WOOD, JR., Professor HARRISON M. WRIGHT, Professor5 STEPHEN P. BENSCH, Assistant Professor EDWARD P. JOHANNINGSMEIER, Assistant Professor5 MARJORIE MURPHY, Assistant Professor ROBERT E. WEINBERG, Assistant Professor LAURIE BERNSTEIN, Lecturer« LEE V. CASSANELLI, Lecturer4 COURSE OFFERINGS AND PREREQUISITES The Department o f History offers a range o f courses o f value to all students, from surveys to more specialized courses focusing on a specific period, theme, or subfield. All courses attempt to give students a sense o f the past, an acquaintance with the social, cultural, and institutional developments that have pro­ duced the world o f today, and an understand­ ing o f the nature o f history as a discipline. The courses emphasize less the accumulation o f data than the investigation, from various points o f view, o f those ideas and institu­ tions—political, religious, social, and eco­ nomic—by which people have endeavored to order their world. Surveys are designed to serve the needs o f students who seek a general education in the field, as well as to provide preparation for a range o f upper-level courses. Freshman semi­ nars explore particular issues or periods in depth. Although these entry-level courses vary somewhat in approach, they normally consider major issues o f interpretation, the analysis o f primary sources, and historical methodology. Prerequisites: Courses 1 -9 ,7 2 , and 78 are open to all students without prerequisites. Fresh­ man seminars are open only to freshmen on the same basis. Upper-level courses are gener­ ally open to all students who have taken a survey, or who have Advanced Placement scores o f 3 - 5, or by permission of the instructor. Exceptions are courses "not open to freshmen” or where specific prerequisites are stated. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE MAJOR Prerequisites: The prerequisite for admission to the Department as a major in the Course or External Examination (Honors) Program or as a minor in the Honors program is normally at least two History courses taken at Swarthmore and a satisfactory standard o f work in all 3 Absent on leave, 1988-89. 4 Fall semester, 1988. 5 Spring semester, 1989. 136 courses. At least one o f these history courses should be taken within the History Depart­ ment, and preferably two for admission to Honors. Ideally preparation of the major should include at least one survey, and either a freshman seminar or upper-level course. Students who intend to continue their studies after graduation should bear in mind that a reading knowledge o f one or two foreign languages (particularly French and German) is now generally assumed for admission to graduate school. Major in the Course Program: The work o f the major in course consists o f at least eight (and no more than twelve) semester courses in the department, chosen so as to fulfill the follow­ ing requirements: (a) Course majors must fulfill certain depart­ mental distribution requirements. For purposes o f distribution the Department has divided its courses into four groups: (1) Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern Europe through the 18th century; (2) Modern Europe (19th-20th centuries); (3) the United States; and (4 ) Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Course majors must take at least one course from each of these areas. Beyond that, majors are en­ couraged to concentrate informally in topics or areas o f special interest to them. (b) Course majors must write either a thesis (for which they will receive academic credit) or a research paper and compre­ hensive examination. (1 ) Thesis. Students who wish to take advantage of this option must submit a proposal for department approval by May 1 of their junior year and will be expected to complete the thesis (by taking History 9 2 ) during the fall o f their senior year. A brief oral examination will be based on the thesis. (2 ) Research paper and comprehensive examination. Students choosing this op­ tion must take at least one upper-level course in which a substantial research paper is required. Courses particularly suitable for meeting this requirement are marked with an asterisk (*). The compre­ hensive examinatipn, to be given early in the spring semester o f the senior year, will include both written and oral sec­ tions. Major and minor in the External Examination (Honors) Program: Candidates for Honors may elect history as a major or a minor in the Division o f Humanities, in the Division of the Social Sciences, or in cross-divisional pro­ grams. Majors in the Honors Program may take either three or four seminars in the Department. Minors in the Honors Program are ordinarily expected to take at least two seminars. ADVANCED PLACEMENT AND ATTACHMENT OPTIONS I I Advanced Placement. The Department will automatically grant one semester’s credit for incoming students who have achieved a score of 4 or 5 in Advanced Placement history tests. This credit may be counted toward the num­ ber of courses required for graduation. It may j be used in partial fulfillment o f the college distribution requirements. For majors, it may serve as partial fulfillment o f the departmental distribution requirements listed above. Grades I of 3 may serve as prerequisite for advanced I courses in history in the same area (European I or American) as the Advanced Placement course. Language Attachment. Certain designated courses offer the option o f a foreign language attachment, normally for one-half credit. Per­ mission to take this option will be granted to any student whose reading facility promises the profitable use o f historical sources in the foreign language. Arrangements for this op­ tion should be made with the instructor at the time o f registration. TEACHER CERTIFICATION I For students who wish to seek secondary I teaching certification in the social sciences I there are two normal routes. One o f these is I through a major in the social sciences, plus four to six semesters o f courses in other social sciences. Students majoring in history, politi­ cal science, and sociology-anthropology are required to take at least four courses outside 137 History their major; students majoring in economics and psychology are required to take six. The other route to certification is by taking at least twelve semester courses in social sciences, o f which six must normally be in one discipline and at least two more must be in a single other discipline. All students seeking social studies certification are required to take two courses in history. As o f 1987, at least one course in American history and one social science course focusing on Third World or nonWestern subject matter are required. 1. Medieval Europe. systems; humanitarianism and social control in the antebellum reform; slavery, the Civil War, and Reconstruction. Primary distribution course. Fall semester. Wood. A survey o f medieval culture and institutions from the third to the fifteenth century. Topics will include the lingering sunset o f the ancient world, the rise o f the barbarian North, and the emergence o f a distinctively European civili­ zation in the central and late Middle Ages. Primary sources will be stressed. Primary distribution course. Fall semester. Bensch. 2. Early Modern Europe. From the late Middle Ages to the mid-eight­ eenth century, focusing on intellectual move­ ments, varieties o f state formation, and eco­ nomic and social change. Primary distribution course. Spring semester. DuPlessis. 3. Modern Europe. A topical survey from the Old Regime to the Cold War, with emphasis on the political, institutional, economic, and social forces that have shaped modern Europe. Topics include Enlightenment and religion, revolutions and reform movements, industrialization and the rise o f the modem nation-states, imperialism, and world war. Primary distribution course. Both semesters. Anderson and Weinberg. 4. Latin America. The development o f the Latin American area from preconquest times to the present. Em­ phasis is on the political, economic, and social development o f Brazil, Mexico, and Argen­ tina, and on recent attempts at radical trans­ formation. Primary distribution course. Optional Language Attachment: Spanish or Portuguese. Spring semester. Wood. 5. The United States to 1877. The colonial experience and the emergence of an American social order; Revolution and Constitution; the "first” and "second” party 138 6. The United States since 1877. Industrialism and the American social order; the welfare state from the Square Deal to the Great Society; world power and its problems; the 1960s and its legacy. Spring semester. Johanningsmeier. 7. The History of the African American I People. This course is a topical survey o f the historical legacy o f the African American people. It begins with ancient black Egypt prior to the immigration o f non-indigenous Africans to the Nile Valley. It studies the connection of ancient Egyptian culture with the rest of Africa, and the impact o f African culture on Asia, Europe, and America, prior to the rebirth and expansion o f Europe. The struggles o f black men and women for liberation in the United States are seen as an "exciting chapter in the history o f humanity.” Topics include: blacks in science, black nationalism, black Muslims, black Jews, Pan Africanism, revolutionary Pan Africanism and the Black Power idea. Fall semester. Morgan. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8. Africa. A survey o f African history, with an emphasis on tropical Africa in modern times; the development o f African nationalism and the achievement o f independence; and on differing perspectives on the African past. Fall semester. Cassanelli. I H I ■ 9. Chinese Civilization. An historical introduction to various aspects o f traditional Chinese civilization and culture— language, literature, philosophy, art, imperial and bureaucratic institutions. The impact o f Chinese civilization on other parts H I ■ ■ ■ of Asia will be examined briefly. Spring semester. Faure. 10A. Freshman Seminar: Family, Kinship, and Marriage in Medieval Europe. Through a productive exchange with social anthropologists, historians have begun to re­ consider medieval institutions and social struc­ ture in terms o f marital and blood ties. The seminar will explore the dimensions o f kin­ ship, the place o f women, and the evolution of marriage in order to gain a new understand­ ing of medieval law, government, and social classes. Open to freshmen only. Preference will be given to freshmen entering with an Advanced Placement score o f 3 or better in European history. Not offered 1988-89. Bensch. 10B. Freshman Seminar: The Third " Reich and the Holocaust. I i An intensive examination o f the origins, ide­ ology, and operations o f the Nazi regime, its | extension across Europe, and responses of I victims and collaborators. Open to freshmen only. Enrollment limited to ten. Preference given to freshmen entering with an Advanced Placement score o f 3 or better in European History. Optional Language Attachment: German. Not offered 1988-89. Anderson. ( IOC. Freshman Seminar: The Twenties in America. I I ■ I I I An examination o f some major themes in 20th-century American history as evidenced in the careers o f leading personalities and in dramatic events o f the 1920s. Topics will range from politics and religion to literature and popular culture. Open to freshmen only. Enrollment limited to ten. Preference given to freshmen entering with an Advanced Placement score of 3 or better in American history. Primary distribution course. Not offered 1988-89. Bannister. 10D. Freshman Seminar: The Cold War Era. A focused examination o f the origins and persistence o f the cold war from the globali­ zation of containment to the pressure o f do­ mestic conflict. Topics include: the Eisenhower-Dulles years, Kennedy’s Crisis Man­ agement, LB] and Vietnam, Nixon/Kissinger’s Detente, Truman’s Decisions to Drop the Bomb and subsequent nuclear policy deci­ sions. Open to freshmen only. Enrollment limited to ten. Preference given to freshmen entering with an Advanced Placement score o f 3 or better in American history. Not offered 1988-89. Murphy. IOE. Freshman Seminar: The Invasion of America. A study o f pre-Columbian America and a comparative analysis o f interactions between Indians and Europeans in colonial Spanish and British America. Open to freshmen only. Enrollment limited to ten. Preference given to freshmen entering with an Advanced Place­ ment score o f 3 or better in American history. Not offered 1988-89. Wood. IOF. Freshman Seminar: Black and White: South Africa and the United States. A comparative historical study o f apartheid in South Africa and racism in the U .S., examin­ ing their origins, natures, and the degrees to which they are alike. Open to freshmen only. Enrollment limited to ten. Preference given to freshmen entering with an Advanced Place­ ment score o f 3 or better in either American or European history. Not offered 1988-89. Wright. IOG. Freshman Seminar: Black Women in Historical Perspective: Africa. An exploratory study o f the role o f women, primarily but not exclusively leaders in early African civilizations. Topics include: The great queens o f Ethiopia; the female Horuses ?nd the great wives o f Kemet; Egypt’s Isis, the original Black Madonna; African goddesses; Africa’s warrior queens; and Tyre: Nubian Queen o f Egypt. Emphasis will be placed on research into women rulers found throughout Africa in time and space, and an examination o f the contexts in which these women emerged. Open to freshmen only. Enrollment limited to ten. Primary distribution course. Spring semester. Morgan. Classics 21. Ancient Greece. (See listing under Department o f Classics.) Not offered 1988-89. Classics 31. History of Greece. (See listing under Department o f Classics.) Fall semester. Ostwald. History Classics 32. The Roman Republic and Augustus. (See listing under Department o f Classics.) Spring semester. Turpin. Classics 42. Greece in the Fifth Century B.C. (See listing under Department o f Classics.) Not offered 1988-89. Ostwald. Classics 44. The Early Roman Empire. (See listing under Department o f Classics.) Fall semester. Turpin. 11. The Barbarian North. Not offered 1988-89. Bensch. 14. Friars, Heretics, and Female Mystics: Religious Turmoil in the Middle Ages. From the 12th to the 15th century, the medi­ eval Church confronted radically new versions o f Christianity and religious movements in­ spired by evangelical poverty, preaching, and a need to find a place for women in ecclesias­ tical institutions. The course will explore the aspirations, doctrines, and forms o f expres­ sion o f these religious groups and the Church’s response to them. Spring semester. Bensch. 15. Medieval Towns. In order to establish the historical legitimacy o f liberalism and capitalism, nineteenth cen­ tury thinkers believed that, by cracking the mold o f feudalism and establishing demo­ cratic, egalitarian regimes, medieval towns laid the foundations o f modern Europe. The course will consider the validity o f this prop­ osition from recent work on urban social organization, commercial techniques, and rit­ ual expressions o f the urban community. Not offered 1988-89. Bensch. 17. The Mediterranean World in the Middle Ages. Beginning with common Roman traditions, the Mediterranean during the Middle Ages became divided into three great civilizations: Byzantium, Islam, and Western Christendom. The course will examine the interchange and friction among these three cultures, especially during the period o f Western ascendancy from the Crusades to the Fall o f Constanti­ nople (eleventh to fifteenth centuries). Fall semester. Bensch. 140 *19. The Renaissance. The emergence o f a new culture in the citystates o f Italy between the fourteenth and early sixteenth centuries, studied in relation to the political, economic and social context. Emphasis on cultural developments including humanism, art, historiography, and political thought. Not offered 1988-89. DuPlessis. *23. Tudor and Stuart England. The transformation o f England in the six­ teenth and seventeenth centuries, from the Reformation to the Glorious Revolution. Topics include the Tudor polity, political re­ volt and the emergence o f parliamentary mon­ archy, the recasting o f the social structure, the rise o f a capitalist economy, and the course of religious conflict and change. Not offered 1988-89. DuPlessis. 24. The Rise of Capitalism. The transition from agrarian feudalism to industrial capitalism in Europe from the four­ teenth to the nineteenth centuries. Emphasis on varying patterns o f agrarian transforma­ tion, restructuring o f industrial production, expansion o f the market, class formation, economic thought and ideology. Analysis of theories about the origins o f capitalism and industrialization. Some discussion of devel­ opments in Eastern Europe, but most atten­ tion is given to Western Europe, particularly England and France. Spring semester. DuPlessis. *25. Women, Society and Change in Modern Europe. A topical study o f European women from the later Middle Ages to the nineteenth century. Issues to be considered include working women in preindustrial and industrial econo­ mies, family life, sexuality and reproduction, women’s collective action, the rise of femi­ nism. Fall semester. DuPlessis. *29. Victorian England. England from the 1830’s to the end of the nineteenth century. Topics will include landed and industrial society, the poor and reform; piety and morality; liberalism and its aesthetic and moral critics; Ireland; Splendid Isolation and Empire; and representative figures of the age. Not offered r988-89. Anderson. 32. Europe of the Dictators, 1914-1945. The assault o f radical politics, left and right, on the social and political fabric o f Europe; the interaction o f domestic and international conflict; the crisis o f industrial capitalism; nationalism, militarism, racism; the first ef­ fective experiments in the use o f ideology, technology, and terror as means of social control. Optional Language Attachment: German. Fall semester. Anderson. 33. European Labor History Since 1750. A survey o f how artisans and factory workers responded to the impact o f socio-economic change on their lives. Emphasis on the motives and varieties o f workers’ protests and rebel­ lion from the Industrial Revolution to the aftermath of World War I. Particular attention is devoted to the experience o f early indus­ trialization, the socialism o f skilled workers, the revolutionary experience in Russia, labor politics and organization, and the impact of industrialization on women. Fall semester. Weinberg. 36. Modern Germany. The development o f Germany from a collec­ tion of small towns and small states to the lynch-pin of the present European balance o f power. Topics will include: the formation of an imperial state and its grasp for world power; the conflict between agrarian ideals and industrial imperatives; democratization and the search for a national identity; cultural efflorescence and political breakdown; the youth movement, anti-semitism, and National Socialism; divided Germany and the "undi­ gested” German past. Optional Language Attachment: German. Spring semester. Anderson. 37. Medieval and Imperial Russia. From the ninth century origins o f Kievan Rus to Russia’s emergence as the Gendarme o f Europe in the nineteenth century. Topics in­ clude the Mongol yoke, the evolution o f Tsarist autocracy since Ivan the Terrible, slav­ ery and serfdom, the relationship between the Orthodox church and the state, Westerniza­ tion, the origins o f the intelligentsia, and the disintegration o f the Petrine service class sys­ tem. Not offered 1988-89. Verner. 38. Russia in the Age of Revolution. Beginning with the emancipation o f the serfs in 1861, with primary attention to the revo­ lutionary era, defined broadly as the period from the 1905 revolution to the consolidation o f the Stalinist system in the 1930s. Focus on the relationship between state and society and the ways in which social and economic reali­ ties constrained state policy. Topics include: the revolutionary settlement o f 1905, the Revolutions o f 1917, the dilemmas o f Soviet power after 1917, hindrances to the building o f a socialist society, Stalin’s rise to power, collectivization and industrialization, the cre­ ation o f the Gulag, interpretations o f Sta­ linism, and de-Stalinization. Spring semester. Weinberg. 40. An Introduction to American Culture. (See English 19.) Spring 1989. Murphy and Schmidt. *41. The American Colonies. The foundations o f American civilization, 1607-1763. Topics treated include: the devel­ opment o f representative government; denominationalism and religious toleration; the emergence o f a new social structure; racism and ethnic relations; and England’s imperial policy. Not offered 1988-89. Wood. *42. The American Revolution. The conflict between intensive self-govern­ ment in the colonies and English ideas and projects for empire; the revolt against colonial status and the elaboration o f a "republican” ethos and "republican” institutions, 17631789. Not offered 1988-89. Wood. 43. Jeffersonianism and the American Experience. An interdisciplinary course which focuses intensively on contrasts between the Jeffer­ sonian view o f man and America and other perspectives in American politics, constitu­ tional law, social theory, religion, literature, and architecture. Limited enrollment. Prerequisite: History 5 ,6 or equivalent,or the permission o f the instructor. Spring semester. Wood. 44. America in the Progressive Era, 1896-1920. Modernization, social control, and the rise o f 141 History the corporate state. Topics include the control o f industry, scientific management, socialism and the social settlements, Jim Crow, eugenics and birth control, the women’s movement, social science and the rise o f the "expert,” advertising and the roots o f consumerism. Not offered 1988-89. Bannister. 45. The United States Since 1945. The Cold War and McCarthyism; domestic politics from Truman to Reagan; suburbaniza­ tion, technological change and mass society; the New Left and the counterculture; Civil Rights and Black Power; women’s liberation; Watergate and the Imperial Presidency; Viet­ nam; revival on the Right. Not offered 1988-89. Murphy. 46. Topics in American Intellectual History. Selected themes, varying from year to year. Not open to freshmen. Not offered 1988-89. Bannister. 49. Introduction to American Diplomatic History. A chronological approach to diplomatic his­ tory in the modern world with emphasis upon the emergence o f the U .S. as a world power. In the period from 1789 to the fall o f Saigon, we will examine conflicting historical inter­ pretations o f foreign policy; influences o f internal politics, culture, and technology in the making o f foreign policy; military and strategic thought, international conflict, and the issues o f non-involvement and interven­ tion in a progressively interdependent world. Fall semester. Murphy. 52. Education in America. (Also listed as Education 52 .) A survey o f the history o f American education, emphasizing the relationships between education and social structure, economic development, family pat­ terns, and other institutions. Topics will in­ clude education in colonial America, the "age o f the academies,” the advent and failure of the common school movement, the emergence o f the American university, the history o f women’s education, vocationalism, progressivism and educational theory, testing and tracking, education and the Cold War, and recent controversies surrounding desegrega­ tion and "excellence.” Spring semester. Johanningsmeier. 142 53. Black Culture and Black Consciousness. Exploration into the relationship between black culture and black consciousness with emphasis placed on twentieth century Africa and America. Limited enrollment. Readings and student reports form the core materials for the course. Learning through discussions only. Seminar format. Prerequisite: Previous work in history, or permission o f the instructor. Spring semester. Morgan. 54. Women, Society, and Politics. Women in American society from the colonial period to the present, with emphasis on the changing nature o f work and the separation of spheres, the rise o f feminism, and the resis­ tance to women’s rights. Not open to fresh­ men. Not offered 1988-89. Murphy. 56. Ex-Slave Narratives. An exploration o f slavery and slave folklife as reflected in ex-slave reminiscences. Emphasis is placed on the relationship o f the narratives to the understanding o f the black experience in the United States. Prerequisite: History 5, 6, 7, or 8, or the permission o f the instructor. Not offered 1988-89. Morgan. *57. Dral History. By examining the living past this course seeks to emphasize the relevance o f history to modern life with special emphasis on American subject matter. Students will be taught the skills requisite for the completion o f an original research project that involves the collection, classification, and analysis o f data selected from both written and oral sources. General discussion topics include folk religion, the role o f the family, local and personal history, and old ways in the new world. Some work will be done o ff campus. Limited enrollment. Prerequisite: Prior work in history or permission o f instructor. Fall semester. Morgan. I I | I I I I I I I I I *58. The World of DuBois, Rogers, and Diop. This course deals with the impact of the I writings o f three black twentieth century in- I tellectuals on our knowledge o f world history ■ in general and the contributions o f Africa to world civilizations in particular. First, the ideas of W .E.B. DuBois; second, research on sex and race in writings o f J. A. Rogers; third, African origins o f civilization in writings of C. A. Diop. Prerequisite: Introductory history course or the permission o f the instructor. Not offered 1988-89. Morgan. *63. South Africa. A survey of South African history with an emphasis on Black-White relations and on the development o f contemporary problems. Topics include early African-European rela­ tions; the impact o f large-scale diamond and gold mining; the role o f African nationalism; the origins and nature o f apartheid; recent events. No prerequisite. Not open to freshmen. Not offered 1988-89. Wright. 1 72. The History, Religion, and Culture of Japan. (Also listed as Religion 11). This course explores the historical dynamics of the reli­ gion and culture o f Japan from its origins to the early nineteenth century. It emphasizes the interaction between indigenous Japanese cultural patterns and foreign, dominantly Chi­ nese, influences in the context of political and social changes over the centuries. Primary distribution course. In 1988-89, offered only for credit in the Department of Religion; no History credit available. Spring semester. Swearer. 73. Chinese Society and Economy Since 1500. Thematic as well as regional and national approaches varying from year to year. Prerequisite: History 4 or the permission of the instructor. Optional Language Attachment: Spanish or Portuguese. Not offered 1988-89. Wood. The dynamics o f economic and social changes from the Ming dynasty to the People’s Repub­ lic, and how they created a society in which individual aspirations were subordinate to collective goals. Prerequisite: Any Asian history or Asian Studies course, or permission o f the instruc­ tor. Spring 1989 only. Faure. 67. The African in Latin America. *74. Modern China. *66. Topics in Latin American History. I Not open to freshmen. Not offered 1988-89. Li. The history o f black people in French, Portu­ guese, and Spanish America: slavery, emanci­ pation, the contemporary scène. Special at­ tention will be given to the impact o f African civilization on Latin countries, as well as to comparative analysis o f the experience of blacks in that region and in the United States. Optional Language Attachment: Spanish or Portuguese. Not offered 1988-89. Wood. The history o f China since the early nine­ teenth century. Topics include the impact o f the West, reform and revolution, nationalism, and the development of the communist move­ ment. Not offered 1988-89. Li. *75. Modern Japan. The transformation o f Japan into a modern nation-state, from the early nineteenth cen­ tury until the present. Not offered 1988-89. Li. 68. Food and Famine: Past and Present 78. The Formation of the Islamic The production, distribution, and consump­ Near East. tion of food have affected the relationship of peoples to their natural and social environ­ ments. This course will consider how different societies have fed their populations, how the current world food problem differs from his­ torical subsistence crises, and how food affects economic development and international re­ lations. Prerequisite: prior work in History or permis­ sion of the instructor. An introduction to the history of the Near East from the seventh to the early fifteenth century. Emphasis will be placed on the life of Muhammed, the Arab conquests, the rise of the caliphate, and the articulation o f Islamic values during an age o f political disintegration and nomadic invasion. Spring semester. Bensch. History 84. Folklore and Folklife Studies. (Also listed as English 8 4 .) An introduction to the major forms o f folklore and selected forms o f folklife materials. The course in­ cludes the study o f myth, legend, folktales, proverbs, jokes, riddles, and other verbal arts including folk music. It explores superstition, witchcraft, magic, and popular beliefs; and considers the function o f folklore in highly industrialized modern societies as well as in traditional ones. Prerequisite: Prior work in history or litera­ ture. Spring semester. Morgan. 87. History Through Folklore and Literature. A comparative analysis o f folklore and liter­ ature. Emphasis will be placed on attitudes toward life among selected cultural groups in the twentieth century, primarily but not ex­ clusively in the United States. Themes include great traditions in American Indian thought, loneliness and friendship, love and death, vocation and avocation, life after death, and the resurgence o f the occult in United States popular culture. Limited enrollment. Learning through discussion only. Prerequisite: Previous work in history, or permission o f the instructor. Not offered 1988-89. Morgan. 92. Thesis. A single credit thesis, available to all majors, on a topic approved by the Department by May 1 o f the preceding spring. Fall semester. Members o f the Department. 93. Directed Reading. Individual or group study in fields of special interest to the student not dealt with in the regular course offerings. The consent of the chairman and o f the instructor is required. History 93 may be taken for one-half credit as History 93A. Members o f the Department. SEMINARS The following seminars are offered by the Department, when possible, to juniors and seniors who are preparing to be examined for a degree with Honors. They may be taken without regard to chronological order. Some preliminary reading or other preparation may be required for seminars on subjects in which no work has previously been done. 111. Medieval Europe. An historiographical exploration o f selected topics in the material foundations and ideo­ logical expressions o f medieval Europe from the barbarian invasions through the thirteenth century. Spring semester. Bensch. 116. The Renaissance. Topics in the development o f the Renaissance state, society and culture in Italian commîmes between the fourteenth and sixteenth cen­ turies. Issues addressed include forms o f po­ litical and economic organization, varieties of humanism, political theory, changing histori­ cal consciousness, art and society. Much at­ tention is devoted to historiography. Fall semester. DuPlessis. 144 117. Europe in the 16th and 17th Centuries. State, society and economy in continental Western Europe from the sixteenth to the mid-eighteenth centuries, with emphasis on France, Spain, and the Netherlands. Focus on the disparate patterns o f state formation, eco­ nomic development and social change; the relations between economic and political trans­ formation; political thought and ideology. Considerable attention will be given to com­ parisons among states, the transition to capi­ talism, the crisis o f the seventeenth century, the origins and functions o f absolutism. Not offered 1988-89. DuPlessis. 119. Early Modern European Intellectual and Cultural History. European thought and culture in its social context. Topics include the theology, appeal and institutionalization o f the magisterial, rad­ ical and counter Reformations; rationalism and pessimism; popular mentalities and witch­ craft; intellectual and educational institutions; printing, literacy, and the diffusion of learn­ ing. Attention will be given to conceptual and methodological issues in the study o f cultural history. Not offered 1988-89. DuPlessis. 122. Revolutionary Europe 1750 to 1870. Selected topics in the social, economic, and political history o f France, England, and Ger­ many from the ancien regime to German uni­ fication. Special emphasis on the origins and nature o f the French Revolutions, the Indus­ trial Revolution in England and its conse­ quences, class structure and conflict, German nationalism, and the failure o f liberalism. Spring semester. Weinberg. 124. England, 1815-1914. The adjustments o f an aristocratic society to the impact o f industrialization. Topics include: the nature o f the English aristocracy; the origins and impact o f the industrial revolu­ tion; popular radicalism and the development of a working class consciousness; philosophic radicalism and the origins o f the welfare state; the rise o f modem political parties and modes of politics; Gladstone and Disraeli; religious revival, respectability, and Victorian morality; imperialism; Fabianism, feminism, and tradeunionism; the problem o f Ireland and the growth of Irish nationalism. Fall semester. Anderson. 125. Fascist Europe. A comparative study o f the social, intellectual, and historical origins and development o f Mussolini’s Italy, Franco’s Spain, and Hitler’s Germany. Some attention will also be given to the Arrow Cross and Iron Guard movements of Horthy’s Hungary and King Carol’s Roma­ nia. Theories o f Fascism will be examined. Spring semester. Anderson. 128. Russian Empire in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Focus on the social, economic, political, and intellectual forces leading to the collapse o f the autocracy and the rise o f Stalin. Particular attention is devoted to the dilemmas o f change and reform, and the problematic relationship between state and society. Fall semester. Weinberg. 130. Early American History. Political, economic, social, and cultural as­ pects of the period from the explorations to the early National era. Spring semester. Wood. 132. American Political History. Parties, public policy, and constitutional issues from 1787 to 1960 in their social, economic, and cultural context. Topics in­ clude the shaping o f the constitution; "repub­ licanism,” "democracy,” and the first and second party systems; slavery, the Civil War and the constitution; the social bases o f cam­ paign styles and strategies; the emergence of the regulatory-welfare state; experts, interest groups, and the decline o f voter participation; the making o f the modern presidency. Fall 1989. Bannister. 134. American Diplomatic History. The emergence o f the United States as a world power, with emphasis on expansionism, na­ tional interest, and global mission. Fall semester. Murphy. 135. American Social History. The structures o f everyday life in nineteenth and twentieth century America. Topics in­ clude fertility, mortality, and migration; in­ dustrialization and the family; slavery and its aftermath; mechanization and changing pat­ terns o f work; social mobility, urbanization and suburbanization; gender, class, and eth­ nicity. Spring semester. Murphy and Johanningsmeier. 136. American Intellectual History. Political, social, and literary culture in the United States from the late eighteenth century through World War L Topics include "R e ­ publicanism” in the 1780s; liberalism, democracy, and the ideologies o f early capi­ talism; the "feminization” o f culture; the Genteel Tradition and the scientific ideal; and the emergence o f "modernism.” Special at­ tention is given to the social and institutional context in which ideas are generated and disseminated. Spring 1990. Bannister. 14a Modern Africa. Studies in sub-Saharan African history with emphasis on the period since 1800. Topics include the impact o f the slave trade and its end; the European partition and African re­ sponses; different colonial systems; the rise and nature o f African nationalism and inde­ pendence movements; independent Africa. Individual case studies include Ghana, Niger­ ia, Senegal, Zaire, Kenya, Tanzania, Zim­ babwe. Spring 1990. Wright. 145 History 141. South Africa. South Africa from the seventeenth century to the present, with special emphasis on the interrelatedness o f racism and capitalism since the 1870s; on the rise and nature o f apartheid and o f African nationalism; and on general interpretative issues concerning South Afri­ can history. Fall 1989. Wright. 144. Modern China. China from the late eighteenth century to the present. Topics include: social and intellectual currents in the late imperial era; Western imperialism; rebellions, reforms, and revolu­ tion; political and social transformation in the 146 People’s Republic o f China. Fall 1989. Li. 148. Latin America. Selected topics in Latin American history. Fall semester. Wood. 180. Thesis. W ith the permission o f the Department, Honors candidates may write a thesis for either single or double course credit. Double­ credit theses will normally be written in the fall semester o f the senior year for submission as papers to the visiting examiners. Honors candidates wishing to write a thesis for single (non-Honors) credit should elect History 92. International Relations Coordinator: RAYMOND F. HOPKINS Students who plan to enter upon a career in some field o f international affairs may wish to graduate with a concentration in international relations. Such students should include in their programs, during the first two years, introductory courses in economics, history, and political science and should complete the intermediate course in one or more modern languages. listed below may be incorporated in the pro­ grams o f students who do their major work in economics, history, political science, or mod­ ern language. Concentrators are required to have satisfac­ torily completed eight or more course units from among those listed below, including all those listed in Group I, one or more in Group 11, and one or more in Group III. Advanced courses selected from the groups Group I Political Science 4. Political Science 41 International Politics Defense Policy Political Science 14, Political Science 105. Economics 50 or Economics 150. American Foreign Policy or The International Economy Group 11 History 4. Latin America History 8. History 75. Modern Japan History 125. Africa Fascist Europe History 31. History 128. Europe Between the Superpowers, 1945-Present Russian Empire History 134. History 32. American Diplomatic History Europe o f the Dictators History 140. History 36. Modern Africa Modern Germany History 144. History 49. Modem Chin: Introduction to American Diplomatic History History 148. History 74. Latin America Modern China Group III Economics 80. Economics 180. Economic Development Economic Development Economics 85. Economics 185. Comparative Economic Systems Comparative Economic Systems 147 International Relations Political Science 3. Political Science 108. Comparative Politics Comparative Politics: Europe Political Science 19. Political Science 109. Comparative Communist Politics Comparative Politics: Africa and the Third World Political Science 20. Politics o f China Political Science 110. Political Science 21. Comparative Politics: Latin America Politics o f Africa In planning the concentration students should consult with the coordinator. Where appro­ priate, work taken abroad is encouraged and may be counted toward the concentration requirements. Students standing for external examination for a degree with honors must take examinations in four subjects taken for the concentration, normally including inter­ national politics, American foreign policy, and international economics. Students in the course program will take a special compre­ hensive examination program worked out I with their major department, concentration coordinator, and the student. The compre­ hensive exam will normally follow the format I used by the major department. Political Science 22. Latin American Politics Political Science 41. Defense Policy Political Science 43. Food Policy: National and International Issues Political Science 58. International Political Theory Political Science 104. International Politics Political Science 107. Comparative Politics: Communist Regimes 148 Linguistics DONNA JO NAPOLI, Professor and Program Director JUDY KEGL, Associate Professor SUSAN G. WILLIAMSON, Social Sciences Librarian Committee: Stephen Maurer (Mathematics) Jean Ashmead Perkins (Modern Languages and Literatures) Steven Piker (Sociology and Anthropology, fall) Gilbert Rose (Classics) Barry Schwartz (Psychology) Robin Wagner-PaCifiCi (Sociology and Anthropology, spring) The discipline: Linguistics is the study o f lan­ guage. On the most general level it deals with the internal structure o f language, the history of the development of language, the informa­ tion language can give us about the human mind, and the roles language plays in influenc­ ing the entire spectrum o f human activity. The relevance o f linguistics to the disciplines of psychology, philosophy, sociology, anthro­ pology, and language study has been recog­ nized for a long time. But recently a knowledge of linguistics has become important to a much wider range of activities in today’s world. It is a basic tool in artificial intelligence. It is increasingly a valuable tool in literary analysis. It is fundamental to an understanding o f com­ munication skills. And, since the very nature of modern linguistic inquiry is to build argu­ ments for particular analyses, the study o f linguistics gives the student finely honed argu­ mentation skills, which stand in good stead in careers in law, business, and any other profes­ sion where such skills are crucial. Linguistics has three primary components: the sounds of language, the forms o f language, and the meanings of language. The study o f the sounds o f language is called phonetics and phonology. The study o f the forms o f language is called morphology (at the word level) and syntax (at the phrase, sentence, and discourse level). The study o f the meanings o f language is called semantics and pragmatics. Our linguistics program has courses that deal with each o f these components from the point of view of theories about formal and natural systems. But each o f these components is also handled from a variety o f points o f view in other courses. Historical and comparative linguistics examines the evolution o f all three components o f language, although most work in historical and comparative linguistics tends to concentrate on phonology and morphol­ ogy. Sociolinguistics centers on the link be­ tween language and the social context in which it is spoken. Psycholinguistics focuses on the interplay between language and the processes o f perception and cognition. Furthermore, linguistic variables influence interaction at the individual and societal levels, constitute a significant area o f philosophical inquiry, and play a central role in shaping the form and meaning o f literary expression. Our courses recognize this fact, and some o f them are cross-listed with other departments, while others count toward particular concentrations without being cross-listed. And, finally, some o f our courses note the fact that the effective­ ness o f language is measured to a certain ex­ tent by esthetic values. Thus some o f our courses include workshops in which we write poetry or fiction and discuss them in light of the linguistics principles o f interest in the course. Linguistics is at once a discipline in itself and the proper forum for interdisciplinary work o f any number o f types. This is because lan­ guage is both the principal medium that human beings use to communicate with each other and the bond that links people together and binds them to their culture. The study o f language is the study o f the very fabric o f our humanity. Requirements for the Major: Students may major in linguistics alone or they may do a special major involving linguistics. At present a major in linguistics alone is possible only in the external examination program, although the faculty is currently considering the possi­ bility o f a course major in linguistics. 149 Linguistics A special major, which is a course major, can quite literally be a combination o f linguistics and any other one or more disciplines, so long as the program o f study is deemed to be coherent by all the departments and programs involved. In the past there have been special majors linking Linguistics and Classics, Com­ puter Science, Education, English Literature, Mathematics, Modern Languages and Litera­ tures, Music, Philosophy, Psychology, Reli­ gion, and Sociology and Anthropology. Many o f our students interested in psycholin­ guistics have combined the two either through a special major or by majoring in one and minoring in the other. This option exists for other combinations, as well. The faculty is currently considering the pos­ sibility o f an interdisciplinary major in Lin­ guistics and Languages, which, if approved, would replace special majors between linguis­ tics and modern or ancient languages and would entail the serious study o f linguistics and at least two foreign languages. (Informa­ tion about this potential major is available from the Department o f Modern Languages and Literatures and the Department o f Clas­ sics, as well as the Program in Linguistics.) Special Major: Acceptance into a special major requires a demonstrated interest in linguistics, a good justification for the special major, and a coherent proposed program o f work. The special major consists o f at least 10 credits and normally no more than 12. All students will be required to take at least one course from at least two o f the lists below: courses on sounds: Ling. 45, 52, or a seminar in phonology courses on forms: Ling. 43, 50, or a semi­ nar in syntax courses on meanings: Ling. 26, 40, or a seminar in semantics. Students with a B average or above are typi­ cally encouraged to complete the comprehen­ sive requirement through writing a major paper in their senior year. All students who do not write senior papers are required to take a comprehensive exam tailored to their indi­ vidual special major program. The major paper will typically be written in a single term for a single credit, but if the topic merits more 150 time, the work may be spread over both terms for two credits. External Examination Program: Acceptance into the external examination program requires a demonstrated interest in linguistics. All students will be required to take at least one course from each o f the three lists below: courses on sounds: Ling. 45, 52, or a seminar in phonology courses on forms: Ling. 43, 50, or a semi­ nar in syntax courses on meanings: Ling. 26, 40, or a seminar in semantics. All students will also be required to demon­ strate competence in at least one foreign language beyond the intermediate level. This can be done by successfully completing an advanced language course or a literature course or through an exam administered by the linguistics program. Any natural language, ancient or modern, may be used to fulfill this requirement. Students are encouraged to write a thesis in their senior year. Typically the thesis will be written in a single term for a single credit. However, projects which are particularly time consuming (such as those involving field work) may be spread over both terms for two credits. As part o f their program, students are re­ quired to prepare themselves for external ex­ aminations over the equivalent o f twelve units o f work, consisting o f at least four fields, chosen from at least two departments. The four fields may be as below: A. a field based on two units o f work consist­ ing o f a two-credit seminar or its equivalent, or a two-credit thesis or individual research project. Theses and individual research proj­ ects may be accepted for examination on an ad hominem basis. B. a field based on three units o f work. Presently the only three-credit field in lin­ guistics consists o f Ling. 45 and a seminar in phonology. C. a field based on one unit o f work. One-unit fields may be accepted for external examina­ tion on an ad hominem basis. Requirements for the Minor: Students must take at least one course or seminar from at least one of the lists below: courses on sounds; Ling. 45, 52, or a seminar in phonology courses on forms: Ling. 43, 50, or a semi­ nar in syntax courses on meanings: Ling. 26, 40, or a seminar in semantics. Students must also prepare themselves for external examination over the equivalent of four units o f work. Ling. 40 and 50 are primary distribution courses. 1. Introduction to Language and Linguistics. Introduction to the study and analysis o f human language. This course begins with a comparison o f approaches to the relationship between language and the human mind and proceeds to a more detailed analysis o f lin­ guistic structure (form, sound, and mean­ ing)—including cross-linguistic and crossmodal (sign language) analysis o f language structure. Related questions about the acqui­ sition of language, and the relation between language and the brain will also be covered. Fall semester. Instructor to be announced each year. 15. The Chinese Language. (See Chinese 15.) Spring semester. Shi. 16. History of the Russian Language. (See Russian 16.) Offered on demand. George Krugovoy. 20. History of the French Language. (See French 20.) Every other year. Offered next in 1989-90. Jean Perkins. 23. History of the English Language. (See English 23.) Spring semester, normally every other year. Craig Williamson. 25. Language, Culture, and Society. An investigation o f the influence o f cultural context and social variables on verbal com­ munication. We will discuss theories o f lan­ guage acquisition and language change in light of cross-linguistic and cross-cultural evidence. The course includes readings from the three major fields o f language and culture studies: ethnography o f communication, sociolinguis­ tics, and sociology of language. Language proj­ ects in the community are included. Prerequisite: Linguistics 1 or permission of the instructor. (Cross-listed as Sociology/ Anthropology 25 .) Every other year. Offered next in fall, 1989. Susan Williamson. 26. Language and Meaning. (See Philosophy 26.) Spring semester, every other year. Offered next in spring, 1990. Richard Eldridge. 34. Psychology of Language. This course addresses the cognitive processes involved in using and understanding language, and in learning to speak. Topics include speech procedures and perception, the biological basis o f language, the nature o f grammatical and lexical knowledge, production and pro­ cessing o f languages in different modalities (oral, auditory, visual, manual), language ac­ quisition and language breakdown. The course will include both lectures and in-class labora­ tory. Readings include a course text—Lan­ guage Processes by Vivian Tartter, a laboratory text—Psycholinguistics: The Experimental Study o f Language by Gary Prideaux, and a small number o f selected articles. (Cross-listed as Psychology 34.) Spring semester. Kegl. 40. Semantics. In this course we look at a variety of ways in which linguists have approached meaning in language. We start with a rudimentary intro­ duction to logic and then go into truth-func­ tional semantics. We touch on speech act theory (reading Searle and Austin) and prag­ matics (reading Grice) and then go into the recent developments in lexical semantics. What this adds up to is an examination o f the meanings o f words, phrases, and sentences in isolation and in context. (Cross-listed as Phi­ losophy 40 .) There are no prerequisites. Primary distribution course. Every other year. O ffered next in spring, 1990. Donna Jo Napoli. 41. Linguistics of American Sign Language. The study o f English alone can yield interest- 151 Linguistics ing insights into the knowledge o f linguistic theory and linguistic structure, but the study o f linguistics is enriched by cross linguistic investigation because we can get a prospective on which linguistic structures and constraints may be language specific and which may be universal. For example, although the word order in English and French is Subject-VerbObject, the word order in Turkish and Japa­ nese is Subject-Object-Verb, while some have claimed that in a language like Warlpiri (an Australian Aboriginal language) word order is free. W hile English and French have prepo­ sitions, Turkish and Japanese have postposi­ tions (what we call prepositions coming after their nouns). English requires that every sen­ tence have a subject noun phrase present in the sentence, Spanish and Italian do not. Often a group o f languages share a set o f characteristics in common and this constella­ tion o f properties is explained by some more abstract aspect o f their linguistic organization. The study o f linguistic typology leads us to a more general and comprehensive account of linguistic theory. The cross linguistic study o f language extends to a set o f natural languages that are expressed in a manual/visual rather than an oral/audi­ tory modality—sign languages. The crossmodal study o f languages further refines the cross linguistic study o f linguistics and allows us to separate those aspects o f language that are modality specific from those that are universal. This course will focus upon one sign language, American Sign Language (A SL), which is in use in the United States and parts o f Canada and Mexico. We will examine its place in the typology o f the world’s languages and will investigate the specific aspects o f its linguistic structure, covering phonology (formational level), morphology (word formation), syntax (sentence struc­ ture), and semantics (meaning). Special atten­ tion will be given to aspects o f ASL structure which are particularly different from English (verb agreement, classifiers, serial verb con­ struction, pronominal clitics). We will also do some cross linguistic comparisons with other sign languages in use in Nicaragua (Lenguaje do Signos Nicaraguënse” ), Australia (Rdaka Rdaka—Warlpiri sign language), and in Can­ ada (Langue do Signe Québécoise). 152 No previous knowledge o f linguistics or sign language is necessary, although individuals with previous experience in these areas are encouraged to participate. Classes will involve lectures and work with vidéo tapes in the sign language laboratory as well as some interac­ tion with native signers o f the ASL. The text for the course will be American Sign Language and Sign Systems by Ronnie Wilbur and Signs o f Language by Edward Klima and Ursula Bellugi. Offered occasionally. Offered next in spring, 1989. Kegl. 43. Morphology and the Lexicon. This is a course on word formation and on the meaningful ways in which different words in the lexicon are related to one another. We study affixation, inflection, derivational mor­ phology, and compounds, among other things. Morphology is at the interface of phonology, syntax, and semantics. For this reason Ling. 1 is very helpful. Students who have not taken Ling. 1 should consult with the instructor before signing up for the course. Offered occasionally. Offered next in spring, 1989. Donna Jo Napoli. 45. Phonology. Phonology is the study o f the sounds of language and the rules that govern the inter­ action o f sounds when they are put together in words and phrases. We look at a variety of theories o f phonology, and we apply these theories to the analysis o f a wide range of data from many languages o f the world. Included will be extended studies o f tone in Igbo (a Niger-Congo language spoken in Nigeria), and o f vowel harmony in the Yawelmani dia­ lect o f Yokuts (an American Indian language spoken in California). We will also do many briefer studies o f phenomena in Lardil (an Australian language spoken on Mornington Island), Slovak ( a West Slavic language close­ ly related to Czech), Chamorro (a Polynesian language spoken on Guam), Tonkawa (an American Indian language once spoken in Texas), and several other languages. Part of this course will be a study o f phonetics, which is integrated into the course through labora­ tory work. There are no prerequisites. Every other year. Offered next in fall, 198g. Donna Jo Napoli. 50. Syntax. This course is an introduction to syntactic theory. We study the principles that govern how words go together to make phrases and sentences in natural language. And we focus on how linguists argue for the theories they propose. In class many types o f data are examined. We learn how to organize data and form hypotheses to account for them, how to test our hypotheses, to uncover assumptions underlying our hypotheses and test them, and to see the predictions o f our hypotheses and test them. Much time is spent on learning argumentation skills. There are frequent prob­ lem sets. The theory to be developed in fall, 1988, will be Government and Binding, the theory proposed by Noam Chomsky. The linguistic skills gained in this course are appli­ cable to the study o f any natural language, modern or ancient. The material covered will be of interest to cognitive psychologists, phi­ losophers, computer scientists, mathemati­ cians, and, of course, linguists. The argumen­ tation skills gained in this course are applicable to all sorts o f fields, including law and business, as well as academic fields. This course is a primary distribution course. This course also falls in the third category o f courses approved as counting toward a com­ puter science concentration. There are no prerequisites. Every other year. O ffered next in fall, 1988. Donna Jo Napoli. 52. Historical and Comparative Linguistics. An introduction to historical linguistics: the reconstruction o f prehistoric linguistic stages, the establishment o f language families and their interrelationships, and the examination of processes of linguistic change on all levels, phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic. Every other yeaT. To be offered next in 1990-91. Instructor to be announced. 54. Oral and Written Language. This course will take different topics each time it is offered in the attempt to address the question of what the relationship o f oral language to written language is. For fall, 1989, the topic will be the examination o f children’s dialogue and its rendering in children’s litera­ ture. Each student will pick an age group to study. Students will tape record spontaneous conversations between children o f that age group. In class we will analyze these tapes together. Students will read passages o f chil­ dren’s literature to children and discuss them with the children. We will then consider these passages and the children’s reactions to them as a class. From this comparison we will try to come up with some hypotheses o f what kind o f mappings from real speech into fictional speech are effective. Finally, students will write their own fiction for children, with an emphasis on dialogue. We will discuss these stories in class and then will read them to children outside class and gather feedback. Throughout the term we will cooperate closely (through the Program in Education) with the Swarthmore-Rutledge K-8 school, which is across Chester Ave. from the campus. Arrangements will be made with nursery schools in the area for students who want to examine preschoolers’ speech. The course outlined above has two goals: to examine children’s speech and literature in an effort to find effective mappings from one to the other, and to apply those mappings in an effort to improve our own effectiveness in writing children’s fiction. Reading can be a chore or an exhilarating experience. For the child who finds language that rings true, reading is more likely to be a delight. Since the skill o f reading is invaluable in our society, the goal o f writing good children’s literature is a functional one as well as an esthetic one. This course is for linguists and writers o f children’s fiction and anyone else who is strongly interested in child development or reading skills. (Cross-listed as Education 54.) There are no prerequisites. O ffered occasionally. O ffered next fall, 1989. Donna Jo Napoli. 93. Directed Reading or Research. Students may conduct a reading or research program in consultation with the instructor (permission o f the instructor required). Every semester. Staff. 96,97. Senior Paper. Every semester. Staff. 153 Linguistics SEMINARS 104. Human Nature and Culture: Convergent Perspectives. (See Sociology/Anthropology 104.) Fall semester. Steven Piker. 105. Metrical Analysis of Poetry. This is a phonology seminar, and the topic may well vary each time it is offered. For fall, 1988, the topic is the theory o f metrical phonology and its application to the metrical analysis o f poetry. No language other than English will be assumed, although we will read about poetry in many languages and language families (likely candidates for inclusion are Old English, Slavic, Latvian, Sanskrit, Old Norse, and modern Romance, as well as mod­ ern English and perhaps other languages that may be added as we go). We will also listen to tape recordings o f poets reading their own poetry, including (at least) Pound, Eliot, Moore, Williams, Stevens, Frost, Auden, Jeffers, Roethke, Jarrell, Berryman, Lowell, and Plath. And we will write original poetry and discuss it in light o f the phonological principles studied in the seminar. A rudimen­ tary knowledge o f phonetics (such as that gained in Ling. 1) is helpful for this seminar, although no background in phonology is as­ sumed. If you have no knowledge o f phonetics but would like to take the seminar for some special reason, please come talk to the instruc­ tor. This seminar is meant for anyone inter­ ested in the sounds o f poetry, whether it is phonological theory that most interests you 154 or its application to poetry itself. We will approach every issue from many perspectives, and varying points o f view will be welcomed. Every other year. O ffered next in fall, iq88. Donna Jo Napoli. 108. Seminar in Syntax. In this seminar we will pick a particular issue or set o f issues and follow it throughout the term. Weekly problem sets will deal with the theoretical issues raised. The student will be required to choose a foreign language to con­ centrate on and will be asked to test various hypotheses by looking at the structure of that language. The topic for spring, 1989, will be chosen after the instructor sees the interests o f the students who take Ling. 50 in fall, 1988. Prerequisite: Ling. 50. This course falls in the third category of courses approved as counting for a computer science concentration. Every other year. Offered next in spring, 1989. Donna Jo Napoli. 114. Advanced Topics in Linguistics. O ffered occasionally. Staff. 116. Language and Meaning. (See Philosophy 116.) Every other year. O ffered next in spring, 1990. Richard Eldridge. 180. Thesis Every semester. Staff. Literature Coordinator: George Avery The Literature major is administered by a Lit­ erature Committee representing the Depart­ ments of Classics, English Literature, and Modem Languages and Literatures. The basic requirement for a major in Literature is work in two or more literatures in the original language. A student who intends to major in Literature will submit to the Literature Com­ mittee a proposed program o f integrated work which sets forth the courses or seminars to be taken and the principle o f coherence upon which the selection is based. The Committee will review the proposal and advise the stu­ dent. Subject to the requirement o f serious study of at least two literatures in the original language, one o f which may be English, work in translation is encouraged, especially as it consists of thematic or comparative courses. In lieu of a regular course, the Literature Committee will consider proposals for an individual or cooperative project, for one or more research papers written as course at­ tachments, or for the substitution o f a thesis for course credit when these projects have as their purpose either the integration o f work within the major or the relating o f work out­ side the major to some portion o f the major. For a major in the Course Program the require­ ments are as follows: 1. A minimum o f ten courses in two or more literature departments, including a substantial concentration o f work—normally not fewer than five courses—in one o f the departments. Only courses numbered 11 or above in Classics and Modern Languages and Literatures are counted as constituents of the Literature major. O f English courses numbered 2 through 10, only one may be counted for the major. 2. A senior essay planned early in the first semester o f the senior year. The senior essay counts for at least one credit, usually for two credits, and is thus a paper o f considerable scope or intensiveness in which a theme or result o f the student’s individual program o f work is developed. In some cases the Com­ mittee may require that the essay be written in whole or in part in a language other than English. 3. A comprehensive examination taken in the second semester o f the senior year. For a major in the External Examination (Honors) Program the requirements are as follows: Not fewer than five papers in Literature, including at least three in one department and significant work done in a foreign language, ancient or modern. Literature majors in the Honors Program are encouraged to include in their program a thesis with the purpose o f integrating the work o f the major in accor­ dance with the principle o f coherence on which the program is based. Literature Majors in Course will meet with members o f the Literature Committee before the end o f the Junior Year to review and assess informally the student’s progress under his or her proposal o f study. Majors in Course or in the External Examina­ tion Program are asked to submit to the Coordinator a prospectus o f their thesis no later than two weeks after the beginning o f the student’s senior year. Prospective majors in Literature are urged to make their plans early so as to acquire the necessary linguistic competence by the junior year. The courses and seminars that compose the Literature major’s formal field will naturally differ with each major. Attention is called, however, to the following comparative offer­ ings presently listed in the Catalogue: SAL 50. Contemporary SpanishAmerican Literature. CEL 13. Medieval Comparative Literature. CEL 14. Modern European Literature. English 72. Proust, Joyce, Faulkner. English 70. Renaissance Comparative Literature. English 73./French 75. Proust/Joyce. 155 Literature English 74. Modern Drama. English 76. The Dlack African Writer. 156 English 77. Contemporary Drama. English 115. Modern Comparative Literature. Mathematics JAMES W. ENGLAND, Professor and Provost*6 GUDMUND R. IVERSEN, Professor o f Statistics CHARLES F. KELEMEN, Professor o f Computer Science and Mathematics EUGENE A. KLOTZ, Professor STEPHEN R. MAURER, Professor DAVID ROSEN, Professor Emeritus4 J. EDWARD SKEATH, Professor and Chairman CHARLES M. GRINSTEAD, Associate Professor1 HELENE SHAPIRO, Associate Professor3 THERESELANGER, Assistant Professor DON H. SHIMAMOTO, Assistant Professor3 HAL M. SWITKAY, Assistant Professor People study mathematics for several rea­ sons—some like it, some need it as a tool, and some simply because they think they should. The Mathematics Department aims to provide a selection o f courses to meet varying needs— to offer a program which will both enable students to develop a firm foundation in the basic areas o f pure mathematics and to see mathematical methods used to precisely de­ fine and solve problems arising in the physical and social sciences and in operations research. Mathematics has grown enormously in recent years, developing an increasing number of specialities and being used in a tremendous variety of applications. However, all mathe­ matical endeavor is based upon logical argu­ ment, abstraction, precise expression, and an analytical approach to problem solving. Ide­ ally, the study o f mathematics develops the ability to reason logically from hypothesis to conclusion, to analyze and solve quantitative problems, and to express one’s thoughts clearly and precisely. Hopefully, studying mathematics will also foster an appreciation for the beauty and power o f its methods, abstract approach, and rigorous logical struc­ ture. First Year Courses: Mathematics courses avail­ able to first semester freshmen with normal high school preparation include Math 2 (Sta­ tistical Methods), Math 3 (Basic Mathemat­ 1 3 4 6 ics), Math 5 (Calculus I), Math 7 (Introduc­ tion to Computer Science), and Math 9 (Discrete Mathematics). In the second semes­ ter, Math 1 (Statistical Thinking), Math 4 (Calculus Concepts), Math 7 (Introduction to Computer Science), and Math 9 (Discrete Mathematics) are available, again with only normal high school preparation. Math 1, one section o f Math 5, Math 7, and Math 9 are Primary Distribution Courses. Students with some calculus background from high school may take Mathematics 6 by passing the de­ partmental Calculus I placement exam, Math­ ematics 16 by passing the departmental Cal­ culus II placement exam, or Mathematics 16H by passing the departmental Calculus II place­ ment exam and receiving departmental appro­ val. All freshmen planning to enroll in Math­ ematics 3 , 5 ,6 , 9 ,1 6 , or 16H at some time are required to take the appropriate departmental placement exams given during freshmen ori­ entation. Advanced Placement Policy: Advanced place­ ment credit in Mathematics, that is, Swarthmore College credit in mathematics for work done before a student enters Swarthmore, is subject to the following regulations: 1) One course credit will be given for a score o f 4 or 5 on the AB or BC Advanced Placement Test, or a passing score on the Departmental Calcu­ lus I Placement Exam administered during Absent on leave, fall semester, 1988. Absent on leave, 1988-89. Fall semester, 1988. On administrative assignment, 1988-89. 157 Mathematics freshman orientation week. 2 ) Two course credits will be given for a passing score on the Departmental Calculus II Placement Exam administered during freshman orientation week. Students can obtain a maximum o f two credits under items 1 and 2. 3 ) Advanced Placement credit will only be given to entering students at the beginning o f their first semester at Swarthmore. Freshmen seeking advanced placement for calculus taken at another college must validate that work by taking the appropriate Swarthmore placement examination. Such students should also see the Mathematics Department Chairman. Computer Science: The Computer Science Pro­ gram at Swarthmore works in close coopera­ tion with the Engineering and Mathematics Departments to offer a broad spectrum o f courses that may lead to a Concentration in Computer Science. For details refer to the Computer Science Program portion o f this bulletin. Secondary Teaching Certification: Whether or not one majors in Mathematics, the courses required as part o f the accreditation process for teaching mathematics at the secondary level are: a) three semesters o f calculus (Math 5, 6 , 18); b) one semester o f linear algebra (Math 16 or 16A); c) at least one o f discrete mathematics (Math 9 ) or computer science (Math 7); d) geometry (Math 4 5 ); e) one semester o f modern pure or applied algebra (Math 37, 48, or 49 ); f) one semester o f statistics or probability (Math 23 or 41). For further information about certification re­ quirements, consult the Education Depart­ ment (see page 108 o f this catalog). Statistics: Students who do not know calculus can take Math 1 or 2. Math 1 is a primary distribution course intended to show how statistics is used to help obtain an understand­ ing o f the world around us. Math 2 is a more practical course for students who expect to use statistics in their own work. Students who know calculus should take Math 23 instead o f Math 2 . Both Math 2 and 23 lead to Math 27 on multivariate statistical analysis. Students with a strong background in mathematics can take the more theoretical Math 53 and con­ tinue with the one-credit seminar Math 111. 158 Math 53 and Math 111 can be combined into a paper for the External Examination Pro­ gram. Requirements for a major in Mathematics: The normal preparation for a major in mathemat­ ics is to have obtained credit by the end of the sophomore year for at least 4 o f the following 5 courses: Calculus I (Math 5), Calculus II (Math 6 ), Discrete Mathematics (Math 9), Linear Algebra (Math 16 or 16A or 16H) and Several Variable Calculus (Math 18 or 18H). In any event, Math 16 and Math 18 must be completed by the first semester o f the junior year. (Incoming students may obtain credit for Math 5 through the Advanced Placement Calculus test or they may obtain credit for Math 5 and/or Math 6 through the depart­ ment placement exams administered during orientation week.) Students apply for a major in the middle of the second semester o f the sophomore year. As indicated above, potential majors by this time should normally either have credit for or be signed up for a total o f at least 4 of Math 5, 6 , 9, 16, 18. In addition, to be accepted as a mathematics major in the course program a candidate should have a grade point average in mathematics courses to date o f at least C+. This should include at least one grade at the B level. Marginal applicants may be deferred pending successful work in courses to be designated by the department. Requirements for acceptance as a mathematics major in the External Examination Program are more stringent and include a grade point average in Mathematics courses o f B + or better. Potential math majors may want to consider induding in the sophomore year a course that emphasizes theory and provides an opportunity for writing proofs. Interested students should discuss the advisability o f this and alternatives for doing so with the department chair at an early date. By graduation a mathematics major must have at least 10 credits in mathematics courses; at most 5 o f the credits counted in the 10 may be for courses numbered under 25. Furthermore, every major must take the "core analysis" course, Introduction to Real Analysis (Math 47 ), and the "core algebra” course, Introduction to Modern Algebra (Math 49). Math 47 and Math 4 9 will be offered every fell I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ■ I I I M I ■ I 1 I I I semester. At least one o f these courses should be taken no later than the fall semester o f the junior year. Finally, course majors must also pass Math 97, the Senior Conference. Prog­ ress of majors will be reviewed at the end of each semester. Students not making satisfac­ tory progress may be dropped from the major. Double majors are reminded that they must be in good standing with the department at the outset of their final semester. A mathematics major in the External Exami­ nation Program will normally include the analysis sequence—Introduction to Real Anal­ ysis (Math 47), Real Analysis Seminar (Math 101B)—for one paper and the algebra se­ quence—Introduction to Modern Algebra (Math 49), Modern Algebra Seminar (Math 102B)—for a second paper. Math 101B and Math 102B are one credit seminars and will be offered every spring semester. A program that includes these two papers plus two others from those seminars listed in the catalog provides a strong preparation for graduate work in mathematics and related areas. Mathematics majors are urged to study in some depth a discipline which makes use o f mathematics. All mathematics students are urged to acquire some facility with the com­ puter. Students bound for graduate work in mathematics should obtain a reading knowl­ edge of French, German, or Russian. Special em p h ases: The above requirements allow room to choose a special emphasis within the mathematics major, if one wishes. For instance: A student may major in Mathematics with an emphasis on statistics by taking the following courses at the advanced level: a) the core analysis course (Math 47); b ) Probability (Math 41) or the Probability Seminar (Math 105); c) Mathematical Statistics I (Math 53) and possibly Mathematical Statistics II (Math 111) for one or two credits; d) Multivariate Statistics (Math 27) or, perhaps, Economet­ rics (Econ 108); e) another mathematics course numbered 25 or above. Students are encouraged but not required to select the core algebra course (Math 4 9 ) here. Students interested in m athematics and com­ puter science should consider a Mathematics Major with a Concentration in Computer Science or a Special Major in Mathematics and Computer Science. Details on these op­ tions are contained in the current catalog under Computer Science. Sam ple program for students thinking o f graduate work in social or management science, or an MBA. Basic courses: Mathematics 5, 6 , 7, 9, 16, and 18. Advanced courses: a) Modeling (Math 61); b ) at least one o f Probability (Math 41), Mathematical Statistics I (Math 53 ), and possibly Mathematical Statistics II (Math 111); c) at least one o f Combinatorics (Math 6 5 ) or Operations Research (Econ 57); d) the two core course requirements (Math 47 and Math 49 ); e) Differential Equations (Math 30 ). Since this is a heavy program (someone hoping to use mathematics in an­ other field must have a good grasp both o f the mathematics and o f the applications), one o f the core course requirements may be waived with permission o f the department. Sam ple program for students thinking o f graduate work in operations research. Basic courses: Math­ ematics 5, 6 , 7, 9, 16, and 18. Advanced courses: a) the two core course requirements (Math 47 and Math 49 ); b) Algorithms (Math 73) and Combinatorics (Math 65 ); c) either Probability (Math 41) or Probability Seminar (Math 105); d) at least one o f Number Theory (Math 37), Mathematical Statistics (Math 53 ), or Modeling (Math 61). 1. Statistical Thinking. Statistics provides methods for how to collect and analyze data and generalize from the re­ sults o f the analysis. Statistics is used in a wide variety o f fields, and the course provides an understanding o f the role o f statistics. It is intended for students who want an apprecia­ tion o f statistics without having the need to learn how to apply statistical methods. The course provides an intuitive understanding of statistical concepts and makes use o f modern statistical software for the Macintosh com­ puter. Primary distribution course. Spring semester. Iversen. 2. Statistical Methods. Data on one variable are examined through graphical methods and the computations o f averages and measures o f variation. Relation­ ships between two variables are studied using 159 Mathematics methods such as chi-square, rank correlations, analysis o f variance, and regression analysis. The course is intended for students who want a practical introduction to statistical methods and who intend to do statistical analysis them­ selves, mainly in the biological and social sciences. The course does not satisfy any mathematics prerequisite, except for Math 27, nor can it be counted toward a major or minor in the Department. Fall semester. Iversen. 3. Basic Mathematics. This course focuses on two objectives (1) review and remedial work, and (2 ) prepara­ tion for calculus or discrete mathematics. Some special attention will be given to those whose previous experience with mathematics has not been entirely prosperous. Prospective students should take the Basic Skills Test during Orientation Week, preferably at the Math Exam time. (The results will be used to help determine both classroom topics and individual strengths and weaknesses.) Subject matter will be taken from logic, algebra, trigo­ nometry, and geometry. This course cannot be counted toward a major in the Depart­ ment. Fall semester. Maurer. 4. Calculus Concepts. This course, which covers the basic concepts o f one variable calculus, is particularly useful for biology and social science majors. Topics to be included are differentiation, integration, transcendental functions, and extremal prob­ lems. Topics are similar to those o f Math 5 but the pace o f Math 4 is more gentle. Students may not receive credit for both Math 4 and Math 5. Students who do quite well may go on to Math 6 . Spring semester. Staff. 5,6. Calculus I and II. The first semester will cover topics in differ­ entiation and integration o f functions o f one variable with some applications. The second semester is a continuation o f the first. Topics covered in the second semester include series, improper integrals, differential equations, and techniques o f integration. Math 6 may be taken in the fall semester by passing the departmental Calculus I placement exam. All students planning to enroll in 5 or 6 in the fall semester are required to pass the appropriate 160 departmental placement exam. 5. Fall semester. 6. Each semester. 7. Introduction to Computer Science. (Also listed as Computer Science 15.) This course is an introduction to computer science for students from all disciplines. The major emphasis o f the course is on problem solving and algorithm development. Students are in­ troduced to the Pascal programming language and gain proficiency in it by writing programs to solve a number o f illustrative problems. Students are also informally introduced to many topics in computer science including: hardware organization; system software; pro­ gramming style and documentation; program testing and verification; fundamental data structures such as arrays, records, and linked lists; basic algorithms for searching and sort­ ing; analysis o f algorithms; computability; and artificial intelligence. Prerequisite: Some computing experience such as Computing from the User’s End (Physics 2) or its equivalent. Frequently offered as a primary distribution course. Each semester. 9. Discrete Mathematics. An introduction to noncontinuous mathe­ matics. The key theme is how induction, iteration, and recursion can help one discover, compute, and prove solutions to various problems—often problems o f interest in com­ puter science, social science, or management. Topics include algorithms, graph theory, counting, difference equations, and finite probability. Special emphasis on how to write Mathematics. Prerequisite: 4 years o f high school mathe­ matics. The level o f sophistication is similar to that in Math 16 or 18, but no calculus is used or assumed. Familiarity with some com­ puter language is helpful but not necessary. Primary distribution course. Each semester. Fall semester. Maurer. 16. Linear Algebra. The subject matter o f this course consists of vector spaces, matrices, and linear transfor­ mation with application to solutions of sys­ tems o f linear equations, determinants, and the eigenvalue problem. Prerequisite: A grade o f C or better in Math 6 or Math 9 or a passing grade on the depart­ mental Calculus II placement exam. Each semester. Switkay. 16A. Linear Algebra and Differential Equations. This course will cover the main topics of Linear Algebra (Math 16) and Differential Equations (Math 30) in one semester and is an alternative to taking both Math 16 and Math 30. These two subjects are closely related. Differential equations requires certain tech­ niques from linear algebra and at the same time provides examples and applications o f many concepts o f linear algebra. Topics: Lin­ ear algebra—matrices, vector spaces, solu­ tions to linear systems, determinants, eigen­ values, linear transformations. Differential equations—linear differential equations (con­ stant and non-constant coefficients), the Wronskian, power series methods, systems o f differential equations. As time permits: or­ thogonality and least square approximations. Level and pace will be the same as for Math 16. Prerequisite: Grade o f C or better in Math 6. Fall semester. Not given in 1988-89. 16H. Linear Algebra Honors Course. This honors version o f Mathematics 16 will he more theoretical, abstract, and rigorous than its standard counterpart (the subject matter will be equally as valuable in applied situations, but applications will not be dwelt upon). It is intended for students with excep­ tionally strong mathematical skills, and pri­ marily for students who enter with BC Ad­ vanced Placement calculus courses. Prerequisite: A grade o f B or better in Math 6 or Math 9 or a passing grade on the depart­ mental Calculus II placement exam. Fall semester. Klotz. 18. Several Variable Calculus. This course considers differentiation and in­ tegration o f functions o f several variables with special emphasis on two and three di­ mensions. Topics include partial differentia­ tion, extreme value problems, LaGrange multi­ pliers, multiple integrals, line and surface integrals, Stokes’ and Green’s Theorems. Prerequisite: Math 6 or equivalent. Recommended: Math 16 or Math 16A. Each semester. Fall semester. Rosen. 18H. Several Variable Calculus Honors Course. This honors version o f Mathematics 18 will be more theoretical, abstract, and rigorous than its standard counterpart (the subject matter will be equally as valuable in applied situations, but applications will not be dwelt upon). It is intended for students with excep­ tionally strong mathematical skills, and pri­ marily for students who have successfully completed Math 16H. Prerequisite: A grade o f C or better in Math 16H or permission o f the instructor. Spring semester. 23. Statistics. This calculus-based introduction to statistics covers most o f the same methods examined in Math 2, but the course is taught on a higher mathematical level. The course is intended for anyone who wants an introduction to the application o f statistical methods. Prerequisite: Math 5. Every year. Spring semester. Staff. 27. Multivariate Statistical Methods. Given as a continuation o f Math 2 or Math 23, the course deals mainly with the study of relationships between three or more variables. Included are such topics as multiple regression analysis, with partial and multiple correla­ tions, several variable analysis o f variance, and the analysis o f multidimensional contin­ gency tables. The course ends with an intro­ duction to Bayesian statistical inference. Prerequisite: Math 2 or 23 or 53 or Econ. 30 or Soc/Anth. 19 or 20. A lternate years. Spring semester. Not offered 1988-89. 30. Differential Equations. An introduction to differential equations that includes such topics as: first order equations, linear differential equations, approximation methods, some partial differential equations. Prerequisites: Math 18 and 16 or permission o f the instructor. Spring semester. 37. Number Theory. The theory o f primes, divisibility concepts, and the theory o f multiplicative number the­ ory will be developed. Students are also ex­ pected to learn how to construct a mathemat- 161 Mathematics ical proof. This course is recommended for potential mathematics majors. Prerequisite: permission o f the instructor. Alternate years. Fall semester. Langer. Prerequisite: Math 18 or permission of in­ structor. F all semester. Skeath. 41. Probability. Course content varies from year to year and is dependent on student and faculty interest. Recent offerings have included Algebraic Coding Theory, Groups and Representations, Finite Reflection Groups. Prerequisite: Math 16. A lternate years. Spring semester. Not offered 1988-89. This course considers both discrete and con­ tinuous probability theory. The classical dis­ tributions—Binomial, Poisson, and Normal —are studied. Other topics to be discussed are the Central Limit Theorem, the laws o f large numbers, and generating functions. Prerequisite: Math 6, and 9 or 18, or permis­ sion. A lternate years. Spring semester. Staff. 45. Topics in Geometry. Course content varies from year to year and is dependent on student and faculty interest. Normally, a portion o f the course will be devoted to projective geometry and to noneudidean geometries. Among topics which may be included are: euclidean geometry in three (and higher) dimensions, transforma­ tion geometry, dissections, tesselations, and modem geometry arising from computer sci­ ence and discrete mathematics (such as com­ putational geometry and covexity). Prerequisites: None, but some college mathe­ matics is advised. Se the instructor if in doubt. A lternate years. Fall semester. N ot offered 1988-89. 46. Theory of Computation. The study o f various models o f computation leading to a characterization o f the kinds of problems that can and cannot be solved by a computer and, for those problems that can be solved, a means o f classifying them with re­ spect to how difficult they are to solve. Topics to be covered include: formal languages and finite state devices, Turing machines, and other models o f computation, computability, and complexity. Prerequisite: Computer Science 35. A lternate years. Spring semester. N ot offered 1988-89. 47. Introduction to Real Analysis. This course concentrates on the careful study o f the principles underlying the calculus of real valued functions o f real variables. Topics will include point set topology, compactness, connectedness, and uniform convergence. Can be taken with Math 101B for an external examination paper. 162 48. Topics in Algebra. 49. Introduction to Modern Algebra. This course is an introduction to abstract algebra and will survey basic algebraic sys­ tems—groups, rings, fields. While these con­ cepts will be illustrated by many concrete examples, the emphasis will be on abstract theorems and proofs, and rigorous, mathe­ matical reasoning. Can be taken with Math 102B for an external examination paper. Prerequisite: Math 16 or permission of in­ structor. Fall semester. Klotz. 53. Mathematical Statistics I. Based on probability theory, this course ex­ amines the statistical theory for the estimation o f parameters and tests o f hypotheses. Both small and large sample properties o f the es­ timators are studied. The course concludes with the study o f models dealing with rela­ tionships between variables including chisquare and regression analysis. Can be taken with Math 111 for an External Examination paper. Prerequisites: Math 16 and 18 or permission. A lternate years. Fall semester. Iversen. 61. Modeling. An introduction to the methods and attitudes o f mathematical modeling. Since modeling in natural science and engineering is already taught in courses in those disciplines, applica­ tions in this course will be primarily to social and biological sciences. Various standard me­ thods used in modeling will be introduced: differential equations, Markov chains, game theory, graph theory, computer simulation. However, the emphasis will be on how to apply these subjects to specific modeling problems, not on their systematic theory. The format o f the course will include projects as well as lectures and problem sets. Prerequisites: Math 16 and 18, or instructor’s permission. Alternate years. Spring semester. Staff. Next offered fa ll, 1990 (tentative). 65. Combinatorics. This course continues the study o f noncontinuous mathematics begun in Math 9. The topics covered include three broad areas: Counting Theory, Graph Theory, and Design Theory. The first area includes a study of generating functions and Polya counting. The second area is concerned with relations be­ tween certain graphical invariants. Certain areas such as Extremal Graph Theory and Ramsey Theory may be introduced. The third area introduces combinatorial structures such as matroids, design, codes, and Latin squares. Prerequisites: Math 9 and at least one other course in Mathematics. Alternate years. Fall semester. Maurer. 72. Topics in Combinatorial Optimization. Replaces Math 64 and Math 73. Topics vary from offering to offering and will be chosen from such things as linear programming, net­ work flows, game theory, graph theory algo­ rithms, number theory algorithms, complex­ ity theory. Overlap with Combinatorics (Math 65) and Data Structures and Algo­ rithms (CS 41) will be minimized. Topics will be announced at least one year in advance. Prerequisites: Math 7 and 9 and at least one other course in mathematics. O ffered alternate years, probably in the spring. Not offered 1988-89. 81. Partial Differential Equations and Orthogonal Functions (Applied Analysis I). Topics include: Fourier series, the Fourier transform, orthogonal functions, an intro­ duction to Hilbert space and operators. The motivation for these topics will be in partial differential equations arising in the physical sciences. May be taken with Applied Analysis II for an external examination paper. Prerequisite: Math 16A or 30 or permission o f the instructor. Fall semester. Not offered 1988-89. 82. Functions of a Complex Variable (Applied Analysis II). Topics include: analytic functions, integration and Cauchy’s Theorem, power series, residue calculus, conformal mapping, and harmonic functions. Applications to the physical sci­ ences will be considered. May be taken with Applied Analysis 1 for an external examina­ tion paper. Prerequisite: Math 18. Spring semester. N ot offered 1988-89. 85. Topics in Analysis. Course content varies from year to year and is dependent on student and faculty interest. Recent offerings have included Differential Geometry, Differential Topology, and Func­ tional Analysis. Alternate years. Spring semester. N ot offered 1988-89. 93. Directed Reading. 96. Thesis. 97. Senior Conference. This half course provides senior majors an opportunity to delve more deeply and on their own into a particular topic in mathemat­ ics. This is accomplished by way o f a written thesis and an oral presentation on a mathe­ matical topic agreed upon by the student and the instructor. This course is required o f all mathematics majors. One half credit. Fall semester. Langer. SEMINARS 101B. Real Analysis II. 102B. Modern Algebra II. This seminar is a continuation o f the material in Introduction to Real Analysis (Math 47). Topics include the inverse and implicit func­ tion theorems, differential forms, and Lebesgue integration. One credit. Spring semester. This is a continuation o f Introduction to Modem Algebra (Math 47). Topics covered usually include field theory, Galois theory (including the insolvability o f the quintic), the structure theorem for modules over prin­ cipal ideal domains, and a theoretical devel­ opment o f linear algebra. However, other 163 Mathematics topics may be studied, depending on the interests o f students and instructor. One credit. Spring semester. 103. Complex Analysis. A brief study o f the geometry o f complex numbers is followed by a detailed treatment o f the Cauchy theory o f analytic functions o f a complex variable. Various applications are given and some special classes o f functions, such as elliptic functions, are studied. Analytic continuation and the theory o f Weierstrass are also discussed. (N ormally offered alternate years.) Spring semester. 104. Topology. An introduction to point-set, algebraic, com­ binatorial, and differential topology. The sem­ inar studies a variety o f concepts in geometry, particularly those related to the notion o f continuity, beginning with the basic vocabu­ lary o f topological spaces (e.g., open sets, compactness, connectedness) and moving on to how geometric behavior is often reflected by some sort o f algebraic construct (e.g., groups and homomorphisms in homotopy and homology theory). Further topics include the topology o f surfaces, covering spaces, and elementary homological algebra. Among the spaces o f special interest to be considered are spheres, polyhedra, and manifolds. The semi­ nar builds upon the student’s background in real atialysis and algebra, and it is an ongoing 164 priority to illustrate how an intensive study of one area of mathematics (in this case, topolo­ gy) can be enhanced by cutting across the usual compartmentalization o f specialties. Alternate years. Spring semester. Not offered 1988-89. 105. Probability. This seminar concentrates on discrete proba­ bility theory. The ideas o f sample space and probability distribution are introduced. The binomial and Poisson distributions are stud­ ied, and the normal distribution is introduced. Laws o f large numbers and the Central Limit Theorem are discussed. Other topics include the idea o f randomness, generating functions, random walk problems, and Markov chains. Consult department chair for schedule after 1987-88. Not offered 1988-89. 111. Mathematical Statistics II. This one-credit seminar is offered as a con­ tinuation o f Math 53. It deals mainly with statistical models for the relationships be­ tween variables. The general linear model, which includes regression, variance, and co­ variance analysis, is examined in detail. Topics also include nonparametric statistics, sam­ pling theory, and Bayesian statistical infer­ ence. Prerequisite: Math 53. One credit. Spring semester. Iversen. Medieval Studies Coordinator: MICHAEL W. COTHREN (A rt History) Committee: Stephen P. BenSCh (History) Dorothea Frede (Philosophy)3 Helen North (Classics) Jean Ashmead Perkins (Modem Languages) Peter Gram Swing (Music) Andrea Sununu (English Literature) William N. Turpin (Classics) P. Unwood Urban, Jr. (Religion) Craig Williamson (English Literature) 6 ) Religion Other courses appropriate to Medieval Studies that are from time to time included in departmental offerings. Directed readings in medieval subjects. This program offers an opportunity for a comprehensive study o f European and Medi­ terranean civilization from the fourth century to the fifteenth. The period, which has a critical importance for the understanding of Western culture, can be approached best through a combination o f several disciplines. Hence eight Departments (Art, Classics, En­ glish Literature, History, Modern Languages, Music, Religion, and Philosophy) cooperate to provide a course o f study which may be offered as a major in either the course Program or the External Examination (Honors) Pro­ gram. 3. A student may write a thesis as a substitute for a course during the first semester o f the senior year. For a major in the Course Program the re­ quirements are as follows: For a major in the Honors Program the re­ quirements are as follows: 1. Latin 14, Mediaeval Latin 1 course in Medieval History (History 11, 14-17) Either Religion 17 or Philosophy 19 The prerequisites for the courses listed above are: Latin 1-2 or the equivalent; an introductory history course; Philosophy 1; an introductory religion course. 2. Five other medieval courses or seminars chosen from three or four o f the following fields: 1) Art History 2) History 3) Literature (Classics, English, CEL, French, Spanish) 4) Music 5) Philosophy 4. The student must pass a comprehensive examination in the senior year based on courses taken in the medieval field. The examination includes a section o f Latin translation. 1. The student must satisfy the language and distribution requirements o f the program, as listed above, by appropriate courses or seminars. Some work in one or more o f the fields included in the program must be done before admission to the Program. 2. Seminars may be chosen from the follow­ ing fields:. Art History, History, Literature (Classics, English, Modem Languages), Music, Philosophy, Religion. 3. By attachments to the courses listed above, and by writing a thesis, the student may expand the possibilty o f work in the Ho­ nors Program beyond these five seminars. Courses currently offered in Medieval Studies: (See catalogue sections for individual depart­ ments to determine specific offerings in 198889 .) 3 Absent on leave, 1988-89. 165 Medieval Studies Art History 14. Medieval Survey. Art History 45. Gothic Art and Architecture. Art History 47. Late Antique, Early Christian, and Byzantine A rt CEL 13. Mediaeval Comparative Literature. English 16. Survey of English Literature, I. English 20. Old English Language and Literature. English 21. Chaucer. English 23. History of the English Language. English 24. Pilgrim, Dreamer, Mystic, Knight. French 20. History of the French Language. French 30. Littérature du Moyen-Age. History 11. The Barbarian North. History 14. Heretics, Friars, and Female Mystics: Religious Turmoil in the Middle Ages. History 15. Medieval Towns. History 17. The Mediterranean World in the Middle Ages. 166 History 78. The Formation of the Islamic Near East Latin 14. Medieval Latin. Music 20. Medieval and Renaissance Music. Music 45. Performance (early music ensemble). Philosophy 19. Medieval Philosophy. Religion 17. Christian Thought to the Middle Ages. Spanish 30. Literature Medieval. Spanish 41. Obras maestras de la Edad Media y del Renacimiento. Medieval Studies 96. Thesis. Seminars currently offered in Medieval Studies: Art History 145: Gothic Art and Architecture. English 102: Chaucer and Medieval Literature. French Literature 100: Littérature du Moyen-Age. History 111: Medieval Europe. Philosophy 110: Medieval Philosophy. Modera Languages and Literatures GEORGE C. AVERY (German), Professor THOMPSON RRADLEY (Russian), Professor2 JOHN J. HASSETT (Spanish), Professor GEORGE KRUGOVOY (Russian), Professor PHILIP METZIDAKIS (Spanish), Professor12 JEAN ASHMEAD PERKINS (French), Professor and Chairman, 1 9 8 6 '8 9 ROBERT ROZA (French), Professor10 s* SIMONE VOISIN SMITH (French), Professor2 FRANCIS P. TAFOYA (French and Spanish), Professor MARION J. FABER (German), Associate Professor GEORGE MOSKOS (French), Associate Professor9 8b LI-CHING CHANG MAIR (Chinese), Assistant Professor (part-time) ZIQIANG SHI (Chinese), Assistant Professor HANS-JAKOB WERLEN (German), Assistant Professor (part-time) LAURA A. CHESAK (Spanish), Instructor MARIA LUISA GUARDIOLA-ELUS (Spanish), Instructor ELKE PLAXTON (German), Instructor (part-time) JOAN FRIEDMAN (Spanish), Lecturer SHIZHE HUANG (Chinese), Lecturer EVGENIYA L KATSENELINBOIGEN (Russian), Lecturer MARY K. KENNEY (Spanish), Lecturer CAROLE NETTER (French), Lecturer DOMINIQUE ABRY (French), Assistant The purpose o f the major is to acquaint students with the important periods and prin­ cipal figures o f the literatures taught in the Department, to develop an appreciation o f literary values, to provide training in critical analysis, and to foster an understanding o f the relationship between literary phenomena and the historical and cultural forces underlying the various literary traditions. In addition to demonstrated competence in the language, a foreign literature major will normally com­ plete seven credits in literature courses or *9102 seminars, take Special Topics, and pass the comprehensive examination. Students whose interests lie primarily in language are advised to consider the possibility o f a Foreign Lan­ guages major. Those with an interest in civi­ lization should consider a Special Major in combination with History, Art, or some other appropriate department. Students interested in studying literature in more than one lan­ guage are encouraged to consider a Literature major. 2 Absent on leave, spring semester, 1989. 8a Campus coordinator, Grenoble Program, fall semester, 1988. 8b Campus coordinator, Grenoble Program, spring semester, 1989. 9 Program Director, Swarthmore Program in Grenoble, fall semester, 1988. 10 Program Director, Swarthmore Program in Grenoble, spring semester, 1989. 12 Program Director, Hamilton College Academic Year in Spain (Madrid), 1988-89. 167 Modem Languages and Literatures Courses numbered IB through 8 are primarily designed to help students acquire the linguistic competence necessary to pursue literary stu­ dies in a foreign language through work with the language and selected texts o f literary or general interest. For a detailed description o f the orientation in these courses see the Explanatory Note on language courses below. Courses numbered 11 or above emphasize the study o f literature as a humanistic discipline as well as compe­ tence in the spoken and written language. Students who plan to major in a foreign language and its literature are advised to pre­ sent sufficient credits on admission to enable them to enroll in courses numbered 11 and 12 in their freshman year. Students who enter with no previous knowledge o f the language and who are interested in majoring in a foreign literature should register for the intensive language courses (1 B -2 B ) in the freshman year. Language courses numbered IB through 5 (8 in German) do not count toward the minimum o f eight credits required for the major. Students who wish to continue a language begun elsewhere will be placed at the course level where they will profit best according to their score in the College Entrance Examina­ tion or placement tests administered by the Department in the fall. Prerequisites for majors are noted under the listing o f each o f the literatures taught. Excep­ tions to course requirements are made for those who show competence in the language o f specialization. Students who speak French, German, Russian or Spanish fluently should consult with the Department before electing courses. Majors are urged to elect supporting courses in other literatures, in history, philosophy, linguistics, or art history. The Department also recommends participation for a minimum o f a summer and a semester in an academic program abroad. Linguistically qualified stu­ dents may apply to the Swarthmore Program at the University o f Grenoble, for one or two semesters in the sophmore or junior year. This program is particularly suited for majors in the humanities and the social sciences. Students competent in Spanish should con­ sider the Hamilton College Program in Ma­ drid, Spain, which is cooperatively sponsored by Swarthmore. Those competent in German should consider the Wayne State Junior Year in Germany (at the University o f Munich or the University o f Freiburg) or the Smith College Junior Year at the University of Ham­ burg. Students interested in intermediate and advanced Chinese studies in China are en­ couraged to consider the China Educational Tours program in Beijing and the Nankai University program in Tianjin, the People’s Republic o f China. Students on scholarship may apply scholarship monies to designated programs o f study abroad, in addition to the Hamilton College Program in Madrid and the Swarthmore Program in Grenoble (see Edu­ cation Abroad, pp. 5 5 -5 7 ). Students wishing to receive a Teaching Certifi­ cate in French, German, Russian or Spanish should plan on taking the regular program of language and literature courses required for the major or show proof o f the equivalent. In addition, they should take Linguistics 1 or a course in the history o f the language offered in the Department. Appropriate supporting courses which broaden knowledge and under­ standing o f the foreign culture being studied are also recommended. Prospective teachers o f a foreign language should plan to include a minimum o f a summer and a semester abroad in their academic program. Students planning to do graduate work are reminded that, in addition to the language of specialization, a reading knowledge of other languages is often required for admission to advanced studies. Continental European and Spanish American Literatures (in translation) Students acquainted with a particular foreign 168 language are urged to elect an appropriate literature course taughr in the original lan­ guage. CEL/SAL courses provide students with the opportunity to study literature which they cannot read in the original. These courses may be used to satisfy the distribution re­ quirements, but cannot be substituted for the 11 or 12 level courses to satisfy the depart­ mental prerequisites for a major or minor in the original languages. In some cases CEL/ SAL courses may form an appropriate part o f supporting upper-level work, part o f a Liter­ ature Major, or they may serve as the basis o f preparation for an Honors paper. Students planning programs where such considerations might apply should consult with the Depart­ ment. Normally, at least one CEL or SAL course is offered each semester; these courses are an­ nounced before fall and spring registration. Other, cross-listed courses in foreign litera­ ture in translation are listed after SAL 50. 12R. Russian Thought and Literature in the Quest for Truth. The development o f Russian intellectual tra­ dition as reflected in Russian philosophy and literature from the 18th century to the pres­ ent. Brief consideration o f Russian medieval literature and thought. Eighteenth century: secularization of culture. Nineteenth and twen­ tieth centuries: philosophical and literary po­ lemics within the framework o f current secu­ lar ideologies and religious thought. Russia and the West and the dream o f a Perfect World. Not offered 1988-89. Krugovoy. 13R. The Russian Novel. (See Russian 13.) <3. Mediaeval Comparative Literature. The tension between ideals and their realiza­ tion as reflected in the literature o f the Middle Ages, especially the epic (R oland, C id, N ibelungen) and the romance (Tristan, Yvatn, T he Grail). Primary distribution course. Spring semester 1989. Perkins. 14. Modern European Literature. Contributions in theme and form to a Euro­ pean tradition o f modern fiction will be exam­ ined and compared in seminar format (pre­ sentation and critical discussion o f student papers). Authors will include Dostoevsky, Rilke, E. M. Forster, Thomas Mann, Kafka, Virginia W oolf, and Malraux. Intended espe­ cially for freshmen and sophomores contem­ plating a Literature major. Limited enroll­ ment. Primary distribution course. Fall semester. Avery. 16. Chinese Literatuare in Translation. (See Chinese 16.) Staff. 206. The Contemporary German Novel. Representative works o f prose fiction from the two Germanies, Austria, and Switzerland since the end o f World War II against the background o f literary, intellectual and poli­ tico-sociological currents in German-speaking Europe. Authors will include Ingeborg Bachmann, Heinrich Boll, Max Frisch, Peter Handke, Günter Grass, Uwe Johnson, Gabrielle Wohmann, and Christa Wolf. Lectures, class discussions, critical papers. Not offered 1988-89. 25R. Russian Folklore and Russian Culture. A study o f folk poetry in its cultural and artistic aspects. Folklore and the genesis of literature and civilization. Survivals o f myth and ritual in Russian folk poetry and their significance for the understanding o f the col­ lective psychological dominants in Russian cultural outlook will be discussed. Special attention will be given to ritual poetry, tales, heroic epic, and lyric poetry with extensive use o f comparative evidence from non-Rus­ sian folk traditions. Representative texts will be analyzed in class with active participation by students. Not offered 1988-89. Krugovoy. 506. Studies in Modern German Literature. Under this course title topics will be offered from year to year that reflect the richness and variety o f literature in German-speaking coun­ tries, against the background o f this century’s dominant social and cultural crises. Courses to be offered in subsequent years include: The Novels o f Thomas Mann; Modern German Criticism from Nietzsche to Benjamin; Ger­ man Expressionism; Austrian Writers o f the 20th Century; Nietzsche and his Literary In- 169 Modem Languages and Literatures fluence; Twentieth Century German Women in Film and Literature; Film and Literature in Weimar Germany. Not offered 1988-89. Faber. 30R. The Petersburg Theme in Russian Literature. Literary and historical perspectives o f the urbanistic theme in Russia. Petersburg as a social reality, demonic delusion, and myth. Alienation in the modern city, individual search for self-identification, and personal reintegration in a meaningful cosmos. Read­ ings and discussions based on works by Push­ kin, Gogol, Chernyshevsky, Dostoevsky, Tol­ stoy, and Bely. This course is not a regular offering and may not be repeated in the foreseeable future. Not offered 1988-89. Krugovoy. 50R. Russian Literature and Revolutionary Thought A study o f continuity and change in the relationship between the major political and social movements and the writers before and after 1917. Special attention will be given to the post-revolutionary literary and political struggle in the 1920’s and its revival o f the 1960’s. Not offered 1988-89. Bradley. 5OS. Spanish Thought and Literature of the Twentieth Century. The struggle between traditionalism and lib­ eralism, its background and manifestations in Spanish thought and letters from the turn o f the century through the Civil War to the present day. Emphasis on Unamuno, Ortega y Gasset, Federico Garcia Lorca, Camilo José Cela, Carmen Laforet, and Juan Goytisolo. Primary distribution course. Not offered 1988-89. SAL 50. Contemporary SpanishAmerican Literature. A consideration o f intellectual and social themes and artistic innovations which mark the coming into the mainstream o f SpanishAmerican fiction. Representative authors from the various national literatures. ARGENTINA: Borges, Cortazar; Valenzuela; PERU: Vargas Llosa; COLOMBIA: Garcia Márquez; GUA- 170 TEMALA: Asturias; MEXICO: Fuentes, Rulfo, Garro; CHILE: Bombai; CUBA: Car­ pentier, Cabrera, Infante. Primary distribution course. Not offered 1988-89. SAL 55. The Fiction of Contemporary Spanish American Women Writers. A study o f literary innovations and contribu­ tions to the evolution o f twentieth century Spanish American prose fiction in translation by such writers as Maria Luisa Bombai, Elena Poniatowska, Isabel Allende, Cristina Peri Rossi, and others. Texts will be examined principally within the context o f current intel­ lectual concerns, sociopolitical issues, histori­ cal events, and literary trends in both Spanish America and the rest o f the Western world. Topics to be discussed will include: (1) Is feminine literature in Spanish America a propagation o f sexism?, (2 ) the seduction of woman’s pedestal: true respect or false illu­ sion?, (3 ) the concept o f a "feminine point of view,” and (4 ) the significance o f feminine literature in Spanish America today. Course conducted in English. Open to students with prior preparation in literature. Not offered 1988-89. SAL 60. Spanish American Society Through Its Novel. This course will explore the relationship be­ tween society and the novel in Spanish Ameri­ ca. Selected works by Carlos Fuentes, Mario Vargas Llosa, Gabriel Garcia Márquez, Juan Rulfo and others will be discussed in conjunc­ tion with sociological patterns in contempo­ rary Spanish America. See Sociology-Anthropology 60. Primary distribution course. Not offered 1988-89. 70. Renaissance Comparative Literature. (See English Literature 70.) 74. Modern Drama. (See English Literature 74.) 79. Studies in Comparative Fiction. (See English Literature 79.) EXPLANATORY NOTE OF FIRST- AND SECOND-YEAR LANGUAGE COURSES: A. Courses numbered 1-2 are designed for students who begin their study o f the language in college and whose primary interest is the acquisition o f reading skills: 1-2 combines the presentation of gram­ mar with readings from the humani­ ties (including literature), social sci­ ences, and sciences. Classes meet three times per week and are con­ ducted in English. May be used to prepare for fulfilling the reading re­ quirement o f graduate schools but does not prepare students for inter­ mediate or advanced courses in litera­ ture taught in the original language. Satisfactory completion o f the oneyear sequence does satisfy the lan­ guage requirement. Students who start in the 1-2 se­ quence must complete 2 in order to receive credit for 1. However, stu­ dents placing directly in 2 can receive credit for a single semester o f language work. B. Courses numbered 1B-2B, 3B, 5B carry one and one-half credits per semester. Three semesters in this sequence are equivalent to two years o f work at the college level. Designed to impart an active command o f the language and combine the study or review o f grammar essentials and readings o f varied texts with intensive practice to develop the ability to speak the language. Recommended for students who want to progress rapidly and especially for those with no previous knowledge o f the language and who are interested in prepar­ ing for intermediate or advanced courses in literature taught in the original lan­ guage. Students who start in this orienta­ tion can major in a foreign language and literature not studied previously. These courses (a) meet as one section for gram­ mar presentation and in small groups for oral practice with a native speaker o f the language, and (b) may require periodic work in the language laboratory. Students who start in the 1B-2B sequence must complete 2B in order to receive credit for IB . However, students placing directly in 2B can receive one and one-half semester credits. Course numbered 3B may be taken singly for one and one-half semester credits. Chinese The purpose o f the program is to develop competence in the modern Chinese language. Students should plan to take the introductory and intermediate courses as early as possible so that studying in China may, if desired, be incorporated into their curriculum. The courses numbered 1B-2B, 3B, 4B, 11, 12 are offered each year and 15, 16 in alternate falls. Although no major exists currendy in Chinese in either the Course Program or the External Examination program, qualified students are urged to consider the possibility o f the Lin­ guistics and Languages Major, the Asian Stud­ ies Major, or a Special Major in combination with such departments as Linguistics, History, History o f Art, Music, Political Science, and Religion. It is possible to prepare for two external examinations, which would consti­ tute a minor in the external examination pro­ gram, in the fields o f Chinese Literature: Modern Fiction and Structure o f the Chinese Language. Interested students should consult with the Section Head in Chinese. COURSES 1B-2B. Introduction to Mandarin Chinese. An intensive introduction to spoken and writ­ ten Mandarin Chinese, with emphasis on oral practice. Designed to impart an active com­ mand o f basic grammar. Introduces 350 to 4 0 0 characters and develops the ability to read and write in simple modern Chinese. 171 Modern Languages and Literatures Mair and Huang. 3B, 4B. Second-year Mandarin Chinese. Designed for students who have mastered basic grammar and 350 to 4 0 0 characters. Combines intensive oral practice with writing and reading in the modem language. Emphasis is on rapid expansion o f vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and thorough understanding o f grammatical patterns. Prepares students for advanced study at the College and in China. Shi and Huang. 11. Third-year Chinese. Concentrates on reading in modern Chinese. Develops the ability to read a variety o f Modern Chinese writings, fiction, essays, documentary and journalistic materials and the ability to write in the modern language. Classes conducted in Chinese, though oral translation into English is an important com­ ponent. Primary distribution course. Fall semester ig88. Shi. 11A. Chinese Conversation. A half-credit course concentrating on the further development o f speaking skills in Chinese. To be taken in conjunction with Chinese 11. Fall semester. Huang. 12. Advanced Chinese. Advanced studies after Chinese 11. Concen­ trates on reading in modem Chinese. Strength­ ens the ability to read a variety o f modern Chinese writings, fiction, essays, documentary and journalistic materials and the ability to write in the modem language. Classes con­ ducted in Chinese, though oral translation into English is an important component. Primary distribution course. Spring semester 1989. Shi. 12A. Chinese Conversation. A half-credit course concentrating on the further development o f speaking skills in Chinese. To be taken in conjunction with Chinese 12. Spring semester. Huang. 15. The Chinese Language. A linguistic survey o f the history and structure o f the Chinese language; Chinese as a nonIndo-European language, its basic structure, its dialects and national standard, and the development o f its writing system. (Cross-listed as Linguistics 15.) Spring semester 1989. Shi. 16. Chinese Literature in Translation. An introduction to Chinese literature, its themes and the intellectual tradition it reflects. Course material includes fiction, drama, and a brief consideration o f classical poetry. (Cross-listed as CEL 16.) Primary distribution course. Staff. 93. Directed Reading. French French may be offered as a major in the Course Program or as a major or minor in the External Examination (Honors) Program. Pre­ requisites for both Course students and Honors candidates are as follows: French 12 or 12A and 16, the equivalent, or evidence o f special competence. as well as minors in the Honors Program, are expected to be sufficiently proficient in spo­ ken and written French to do all o f their work in French, i.e., discussions and papers in courses and seminars, and all oral and written examinations, including comprehensive and Honors examinations. Recommended supporting subjects: see the introductory departmental statement. Course majors are required to (a) take eight advanced courses numbered .12 or above, of which one must be Studies in Stylistics (French 16) or the equivalent, such as study abroad; (b) do Special Topics; and (c) com­ plete a comprehensive examination in the Spring semester o f their senior year. This examination is based on a reading list of I All majors including students preparing a Secondary School certificate are strongly urged to spend at least one semester o f study in France. Majors in the Course and Honors Programs, 172 essential works from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century. Students may choose to prepare any two consecutive centuries, plus one genre in any o f two other centuries, and they are expected to devise a suitable program of study on this basis in the Spring semester of the sophomore year. Students are required to take at least one course in Literature before 1800. They can take no more than two courses o f a nonliterary nature. COURSES NOTE: Not all advanced courses are offered every year. Students wishing to major or minor in French should plan their program in consultation with the Department. 1-2. French Reading and Translation. For students who wish to acquire the funda­ mentals o f French grammar and a reading knowledge of the language. This two-semester course is a terminal sequence. See the explana­ tory note on language courses above. 1988-89. O ffered in alternate years. Tafoya. 1B-2B, 3B. Intensive French. For students who begin French in college. Designed to impart an active command o f the language. Combines the study o f grammar with intensive oral practice, writing, and read­ ings in literary or expository prose. Prepares for intermediate and advanced courses in language or literature taught exclusively in French. Recommended for students who wish to acquire minimal linguistic competence for study abroad in the Swarthmore Program in France. See the explanatory note on language courses above as well as the description o f the Swarthmore program at the University o f Grenoble under Education A broad. 5. Composition and Diction. This course satisfies the prerequisites for in­ termediate and advanced courses taught in the original language, such as 1 2 ,12A, or 16. Em­ phasis is on the consolidation o f grammatical principles with an aim to increasing the facility to write and speak the language through work with formal grammar, selected readings of literary or general interest, newspaper and magazine articles, radio programs, films, etc. Recommended for students who wish to study abroad at the university level. Prerequisite: French 3B or the equivalent. E ach semester. 5A. French Conversation. A half-credit conversation course concentrat­ ing on the development o f the students’ ability to speak French. Each semester. Abry. 12. Introduction to Literary Studies. An analytical approach to French literature through the study o f particular genres or specific modes o f expression. Selected works from Molière to Beckett. Prerequisite: French 5, a score o f 675 on the College Entrance Examination, or the equiva­ lent with special permission. Primary distribution course. Each semester. 12A. Images de la France. Salient aspects o f French civilization in the age-long struggle for human values. Based on literary works which depict life or events in a given period, but emphasis is on historical, political, and social questions rather than belles lettres as such. The historical periods treated will vary from time to time. Novels, plays, and films, chosen for fall 1988, deal with France immediately prior to the outbreak o f World War II, the occupation, and the immediate post-war period. Works or selec­ tions by authors such as Simone de Beauvoir, Jean Giraudoux, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, and Vercors. Prerequisite: French 5, a score o f 675 on the College Entrance Examination, or the equiva­ lent with special permission. Fall semester 1988. Tafoya. 15. Freshman Seminar. For freshmen only. Limited enrollment. Prerequisite: a score o f 675 or above in French, and satisfactory performance in the Placement Exam for Literature courses ad­ ministered during Freshman Orientation. Topic for 1988 to be announced. Primary distribution course. Fall semester. Roza. 16. Studies in Stylistics. For majors or those who wish an advanced course to develop self-expression in the writ­ ten and oral language. Original compositions are based on a stylistic study o f texts by representative French authors from the 17 th 173 Modem Languages and Literatures century to the present. Prerequisite: French 5 , 1 2 , 12A, or the equiva­ lent with special permission. Primary distribution course. Spring semester. 20. History of the French Language. The development o f the French language from its Latin origins to its current forms. Emphasis will be placed more on general patterns than on philological details. Texts o f the various periods will be analyzed intensively. The course will be given in English; students must have a reading knowledge o f French. This course will satisfy the linguistics requirement for a teacher certification and may be used for a Medieval Studies major. Spring semester 1990. Perkins. 22. Le Cinéma français. An examination o f the evolution o f style and theme in French Cinema from Realism to Nouvelle Vague. Among directors studied will be Clair, Renior, and Camé, as well as Resnais, Truffaut, and Godard. 25. L’Ancien Régime. A study o f the social conditions o f 17th and 18th century France in both rural and urban areas with special attention to the condition o f women during the period. Readings from 20th century historians and from representa­ tive literary texts o f the period. Prerequisite: French 12, 12A, or equivalent language skills. Fall semester 1989. Perkins. 28. La France Contemporaine. A study o f events and ideas which have shaped French society from the 19th century to the present. Selected French works in history, political science, sociology and literature. Smith. 30. Littérature du Moyen-Age. O ffered, on dem and. Perkins. 33. Femmes écrivains. Women writers from the Middle Ages to the beginning o f the XXth century. Fall semester 1988. Smith. 35. L’Humanisme de la Renaissance. 42. Littérature du 17e Siècle. A study o f the cultural and intellectual setting o f the grand siecle. Representative plays, nov­ els, fables, maxims. 174 Fall semester 1988. Smith. 43. Le Théâtre. Representative works from the Middle Ages to the the Romantic period included. Smith. 50. Le Roman avant la Révolution. 51. Les Philosophes. 60. Le Roman du 19e Siècle. A study o f innovations in techniques and form as well as the examination of moral problems arising from socio-political changes in 19th century France. Based primarily on the novels o f Balzac, Stendhal, Flaubert, and Zola. 61. Romantisme. 65.6audelaire, Rimbaud, Mallarmé, Apollinaire. Spring semester 1990. Roza. 70. Théâtre Moderne. Major trends in 20th century drama from Anouilh, Sartre to Beckett and Ionesco. 71. Poésie Contemporaine. From Apollinaire and Surrealism to Char and Saint John-Perse. Roza. 72. Le Roman du 20e Siècle. An examination o f the tensions between hu­ manistic tradition and formal innovation in the French Novel from Proust and Gide to the Nouveau Roman and beyond. Fall semester 1989. Roza. 73. Littérateurs Engagés. A study o f the literature o f commitment before and after World War II. Principally an examination o f the literary manifestations of French Existentialism. Includes works by Mal­ raux, Satre, de Beauvoir, Camus, or others. Tafoya. 75. Proust and Joyce. 76. Ecriture féminine. A study o f the literary, theoretical and socio­ political implications o f feminine texts in twentieth-century France. Topics to be dis­ cussed: the idea o f the author, deconstruction and feminism, psychoanalysis and women, and others. Spring semester 1989. Moskos. 91. Special Topics. Study of individual authors, selected themes, or critical problems. Open to senior majors and other qualified students. Spring semester 1989. 92. Colloquium. 93. Directed Reading. 94. Thesis. SEMINARS Preparation o f topics for External Examina­ tions (Honors) may be done by appropriate courses plus attachments only when seminars are not available. French 33 (Femmes Ecri­ vains) and French 76 (Ecriture Féminine) may be presented for an examination in French Women Writers. Students preparing for Ex­ ternal Examinations should consult with the Department on the suitability and availability of attachments. Molière. Smith. 103. L’Age des Lumières. Concentrating on Diderot and Rousseau. Perkins. 104. Stendhal et Flaubert Spring semester 1989. Tafoya. 105. Proust. 100. Littérature du Moyen-Age. Style and vision in L a Recherche du Temps perdu. Spring semester 1990. Roza. Old French readings in lyric poetry, theatre and romance. Perkins. From Baudelaire to Apollinaire. Fall semester 1988. Roza. 101. La Renaissance. 106. Poésie Symboliste. 108. Le Roman du 20e Siècle. Prose works o f Rabelais, Marguerite de Na­ varre, and Montaigne. Poetic innovations from Marot through the Pléiade. Smith. Major innovations in form and theme from Gide and Proust to the New Novel. Roza. 102. Le Théâtre Classique. Fall semester 1989. Moskos. 1. Aristotle, Corneille, and Racine: a study o f "the Tragic” and the theories o f tragedy. 2. 109. Le Romantisme. 180. Thesis. German German may be offered as a major in the Course Program or as a major or minor in the External Examination (Honors) Program. Pre­ requisites for both Course students and Honors candidates are as follows: written work in German. Course majors are required to do Special Topics. The compré­ hensives are based on the student’s course work, and on " A Reading List o f German Majors in Course.” Required: German 11 or 12, or equivalent work. COURSES Recommended supporting subjects: see the introductory departmental statement. In normal circumstances the language o f in­ struction in courses numbered 11 and above is German. Students are expected to have a sufficient command o f the language to be able to participate in class discussions and do NOTE: Not all advanced courses or seminars are offered every year. Students wishing to major or minor in German should plan their program in consultation with the Department. All courses numbered 50 and above are open to students after either German 11 or 12. 175 Modern Languages and Literatures 1-2. German Reading and Translation. For students who wish to acquire the funda­ mentals o f German grammar and a reading knowledge o f the language. This two-semester course is a terminal sequence. See the explana­ tory note on language courses above. To be offered 1989-go. 1B-2B, 3B. Intensive German. For students who begin German in college. Designed to impart an active command o f the language. Combines the study o f grammar with intensive oral practice, writing, and read­ ings in literary or expository prose. See the explanatory note on language courses above. Normally followed by 8, 11 or 12. 1B-2B, Werlen and Plaxton; Faber and Plaxton; 3B. Fall semester. Faber and Plaxton. 8. Writing and Speaking German. Oral discussions and writing practice based on general and literary topics o f contemporary interest. For students who want to consolidate their skills o f expression. Recommended for German majors. Can be taken concurrently with German 11 or 12. Prerequisite: German 3B or by departmental placement test. Spring semester. Werlen. 8A. German Conversation. A half-credit conversation course concentrat­ ing on the development o f the students’ ability to speak German. Prerequisite: German 8 or the equivalent. Fall semester. 11. Introduction to German Literature (early 20th century). An introductory course which emphasizes critical and analytical reading o f literature. Representative poetry, drama, and fiction from the beginning o f the 20th century, in­ cluding works by Rilke, Schnitzler, Kafka, Mann, and Brecht. Prerequisite: German 3B, 8, or equivalent work. Primary distribution course. Spring semester. Avery. 12. Introduction to German Literature (The Age of Goethe). An introduction to German literature through close reading o f selections from the second half o f the 18th and the early part o f the 19th 176 century. Authors include Lessing, Goethe, Schiller, and the Romantics. Primary distribution course. Fall semester. Avery. 13. Translation: Theory and Practice. This course aims at exploring the act of transla­ tion, at first theoretically, and subsequently— and primarily—through practice in translating texts from various fields within the humanities from German into English. In the second half o f the course, students will pursue individual projects in consultation with the instructor. This course does not count towards the major. Prerequisite: German 2 , 3B, or the equivalent. N ot offered 1988-89. Faber. 14. Introduction to German Studies. Emphasis is on building up students’ ability to read non-literary texts. Historical, political, sociological, and philosophical issues in Ger­ man culture from the late 18th century to the present will be examined. In 1988 the course will revolve around the phenomenon of the Holocaust, working backwards to discover origins in German culture, and forward to consider the continuing impact o f the Holo­ caust in contemporary German society. Close readings o f texts by writers such as Spengler, Nietzsche, and Buber. Discussion in English. Prerequisite: German 2 , 3B, or the equivalent. Fall semester. Faber. 50. Die Deutsche Lyrik. Readings in the major German poets. Not offered 1988-89. 52. Das Deutsche Drama. A study o f German drama, concentrating on plays written from Naturalism through the present. Dramatists to be studied include Lessing, Schiller, Kleist, Büchner, Wedekind, Sternheim, Handke, Kroetz, Heiner Müller. Not offered 1988-89. 60. Aufklaerung und Sturm und Drang. The German Enlightenment and various re­ actions to it. Authors read include Lessing, Klopstock, Wieland, Herder, the early Goethe, and the early Schiller. Not offered 1988-89. 63. Goethe’s Faust. An intensive study o f Faust I and II. N ot offered 1988-89. 72. Literatur des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Representative prose fiction, drama, and lyric poetry from the end o f Romanticism through the beginnings o f Modernism. Readings in­ clude selections from essayistic writings re­ flecting contemporary thought. Not offered 1988-89. 80. Klassiker der Moderne. A study of German literature from the begin­ nings of Modernism through World War I. Authors include Hofmannsthal, Rilke, George, Schnitzler, Trakl, Sternheim, and Thomas Mann. Not offered 1988-89. 82. Literatur des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. German literature from the twenties to the present with emphasis on the continuity of the modern tradition under the impact of political exile and World War II. Authors include Brecht, Thomas Mann, and postWorld War II writing in Austria, Switzerland, East and West Germany. Not offered 1988-89. 83. Kafka and Brecht A study o f the principal works o f each author with emphasis on the emergence o f major themes and the examinations o f literary crafts­ manship. Kafka’s notebooks and journals and Brecht’s journals and critical writings will be considered in the context o f the authors’ cultural and social environment. Fall semester. Avery. 91. Special Topics. Study o f individual authors, selected themes, or critical problems. Spring semester. Werlen. SEM INARS All seminars to be offered in a particular year will be announced in advance. Preparation of topics for External Examinations (Honors) may be done by appropriate courses plus attachments only when seminars are not avail­ able. Students preparing for External Exami­ nations should consult with the Department on the suitability and availability o f attach­ ments. 104. Goethe. A study of Goethe’s major works in the context of his life and times. (This seminar does not include Faust.) To be offered 1989-90. 105. Die Deutsche Romantik. Romanticism as the dominant movement in German literature, thought, and the arts in the first third o f the 19th century. Authors in­ clude Tieck, Novalis, Hölderlin, Kleist, Bren- tano, Eichendorff, the early Büchner, and Heine. Fall semester. Faber. 107. Moderne Prosa. The development o f German prose narrative from the turn o f the century through the end o f the 1920s as reflected in the works by Schnitzler, Hofmannsthal, Rilke, Mann, Kaf­ ka, Döblin, Karl Kraus, and R. Walser. Spring semester. Avery. 108. Deutsche Literatur nach 1950. The emergence o f distinctive works of narra­ tive fiction, lyric poetry, and drama in the two Germanies, in Austria and in Switzerland following the collapse o f Nationalist Socialism in Germany. Emphasis on works by major authors. To be offered 1989-90. Faber. Hebrew 1-2. Modern Hebrew. This course is for beginners and stresses the integration o f reading, writing, understanding, and speaking skills o f modern Hebrew. In addition to the class textbook the instructor will use other materials such as short stories, poems, folk tales, and newspaper articles to 177 Modern Languages and Literatures enhance the student’s mastery o f the language. Students will be required to write short com­ positions and discuss topical issues in the language. This course will provide a very good preparation in the language for those who may be planning to visit or study in Israel. 1988-89. Russian Russian may be offered as a major in the Course Program or as a major or minor in the External Examination (Honors) Program. Pre­ requisites for both Course students and Honors candidates are: Russian 6B, 11, 12, and 13, or equivalent work. Recommended supporting subjects: see the introductory department statement. C O U RSES NOTE: Not all advanced courses or seminars are offered every year. Students wishing to major or minor in Russian should plan their program in consultation with the Department. Course majors are required to do Special Topics. 1-2. Russian Reading and Translation. For students who wish to acquire the funda­ mentals o f Russian grammar and a reading knowledge o f the language. This course is designed especially for those students in the Social and Natural Sciences who seek to read and translate scholarly, scientific materials in the original. O ffered in alternate years. Staff. 1B-2B, 3B. Intensive Russian. For students who begin Russian in college. Designed to impart an active command o f the language. Combines the study o f grammar with intensive oral practice, writing, and read­ ings in literary or expository prose. See the explanatory note on language courses above. Normally followed by 6B, 11, and 12. 6B. Advanced Intensive Russian. For majors and those primarily interested in perfecting their command o f language. Ad­ vanced conversation, composition, transla­ tion, and stylistics. Considerable attention paid to writing skills and speaking. Readings include short stories and newspapers. Con­ ducted in Russian. Spring semester. Krugovoy and 178 Katsenelinboigen. 11. Introduction to Russian Literature. Old Russian literature and its place within European literature. 18th century: Classicism and Sentimentalism. 19th century: Romanti­ cism and Golden Age o f Russian poetry. Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol. Lectures and discussions in Russian. Primary distribution course. Fall semester. Krugovoy. 12. Introduction to Russian Literature. 19th and 20th century Russian literature to 1918, and its place within European literature. Realism and literary tendencies in the first two decades o f the 20th century. Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Bunin, Bely. Silver Age o f Russian poetry. Lectures and discussions in Russian. Primary distribution course. Spring semester. Krugovoy. 13. The Russian Novel. Continuity and change in the development of the novel in the 19th century and in the postrevolutionary period. Lectures and readings in English. Russian majors will be required to read a part o f the material in Russian. Primary distribution course. Fall semester. Bradley. 16. History of the Russian Language. An introductory course. A study o f the origin o f the Russian language and its place among the other modern Indo-European and Slavic languages. The uses o f philology and linguis­ tics for the ideological and stylistic analysis of literary texts. Satisfies the linguistics requirement for teacher certification. N ot offered 1988-89. 91. Special Topics. (For senior majors.) Study o f individual au­ thors, selected themes or critical problems. 93. Directed Reading. SEMINARS 101. Tolstoy. Fall semester. Krugovoy. 102. Russian Short Story. 103. Pushkin and Lermontov. 104. Dostoevsky. 105. Literature of the Soviet Period. 107. Russian Lyrical Poetry. 108. Modern Russian Poetry. 109. Chekhov. 110. Bulgakov. Spring semester. Krugovoy. Spanish Prerequisites for majors are as follows: Required: Spanish 11, 13, and 41, or equiva­ lent work. Recommended supporting subjects: see the introductory departmental statement. Majors are expected to speak Spanish with sufficient fluency to take part in discussion in the language and to pass all oral comprehen­ sive examinations in Spanish. Course majors are required to do Special Topics. COURSES NOTE: Not all advanced courses are offered every year. Students wishing to major in Spanish should plan their program in consul­ tation with the Department. 1B-2B, 3B. Intensive Spanish. For students who begin Spanish in college. Designed to impart an active command o f the language. Combines the study o f grammar with intensive oral practice, writing, and read­ ings in literary or expository prose. See the explanatory note on language courses above. Normally followed by 5B, 11, or 13. 5B. Intensive Spanish. For majors and others who wish an advanced language course in which the emphasis is not primarily literary. Much attention paid to pronunciation, writing skills, speaking, and the most difficult concepts o f Spanish gram­ mar. An ideal course prior to study abroad. Each semester. Hassett and Kenney. 11. Introduction to Spanish Literature. A study o f representative prose fiction, po­ etry, and drama o f the 19th and 20th centuries (works by authors such as Espronceda, Zor­ rilla, Becquer, Perez Galdós, Unamuno, Baroja, Lorca, etc.). Discussions, papers. Prerequisite: Spanish 5B, the equivalent, or special permission. Primary distribution course. Fall semester. Guardiola-EUis. 13. Introduction to Spanish American Literature. A study o f representative prose fiction, po­ etry, and drama o f the 19th and 20th centuries (works by Echeverría, Sarmiento, Martí, Silva, Darío, Lugones, Sánchez, Lillo, Neruda, Vallejo, Huidobro, Rulfo, García Márquez, Borges, Valenzuela and others). Discussions, papers. Prerequisite: Spanish 5B, the equivalent, or special permission. Primary distribution course. Spring semester. Hassett. NOTE: Spanish 11, 13, the equivalent, or consent o f instructor, are prerequisite for the courses in literature that follow. 70. La Generación del 98. Studies in the works o f Valle-Inclán, Azorin, Baroja, Unamuno, Benavente, and Antonio Machado. Fall semester 1988. Guardiola-EUis. 71. Literatura Española Contemporánea. Major figures o f the 20th century not covered in Spanish 70: Juan Ramón, Jiménez, Garcia Lorca, Alberti, Salinas, Guillen, Hernández, Hierro, and Aleixandre among the poets; nov­ els by Cela and Goytisolo; the theater o f Casona and Sastre. Spring semester 1989. Guardiola-EUis. 179 Modem Languages and Literatures 79. El Cuento Hispanoamericano. The Spanish American short story from the early 19th century to the present. Represen­ tative authors include Echevarria, Carras­ quilla, Payro, Lillo, Roa Bastos, Borges, Bioy Basares, Rulfo, Cortázar, García, Márque, Valenzuela, Skármeta, and others. Spring semester 1989. Chesak. 91. Special Topics. Study o f individual authors, selected themes, or critical problems. Open to all students with prior experience in Spanish and/or Spanish American Literature. Courses to be offered in subsequent years: 7. Fonética española y composición. 30. La Literatura Medieval. 40. El Teatro del Renacimiento y del Siglo de Oro. 41. Obras maestras de la Edad Media y del Renacimiento. 42. La Poesia del Renacimiento y del Siglo de Oro. 60. La Novela en el Siglo XIX. 72. La Novela Española de la Posguerra. 73. Unamuno. 74. Literatura Española de Posguerra. 75. Teatro Hispanoamericano Contemporáneo. 76. La Poesía Hispanoamericana del Siglo XX. 78. La Novela Mexicana Social del Siglo XX. 80. La Narrative Chilena Desde El Golpe Militar, 1973-1987. 85. Literatura Hispánica Contemporánea de los Estados Unidos. SEMINARS 101. La Novela Hispanoamericana del siglo XX. Emphasis on works written between 1960 and 1987. Authors will include Alejo Carpentier, Carlos Fuentes, Mario Vargas Llosa, José Do­ noso, Gabriel García Márquez, Manuel Puig, Isabel Allende, Manlio Argueta, Luisa Valen­ zuela, Antonio Skármeta, and others. Students 180 wishing to take this seminar must have com­ pleted at least one course in Spanish num­ bered 3 0 or above or obtained permission from the instructor. Fall semester 1988. Hassett. 102. Cervantes. 103. La Guerra civil española. Music and Dance PATRICIA W. BOYER, Professor Emerita o f Dance JAMES FREEMAN, Professor o f Music PETER GRAM SWING, Professor o f Music SHARON L FRIEDLER, Associate Professor o f Dance3 GERALD LEVINSON, Associate Professor o f Music ANN K. McNAMEE, Associate Professor o f Music and Chair DOROTHY K. FREEMAN, Associate in Performance (Music) MICHAEL JOHNS, Associate in Performance (Music) SUZANNE LEVY, Visiting Assistant Professor (Dance) KAREN MEYERS, Associate in Performance (Music) CAROLYN REICHEK, Associate in Performance (Dance) NANCEY ROSENSWEIG, Associate in Performance (Dance) ARNE RUNNING, Associate in Performance (Music) PAULA SEPINUCK, Associate in Performance (Dance) JON SHERMAN, Associate in Performance (Dance) RORERT M. SMART, Associate in Performance (Music) MUSIC The study of music as a liberal art requires an integrated approach to theory, history, and performance, experience in all three fields being essential to the understanding o f music as an artistic and intellectual achievement. Theory courses train the student to work with musical material, to understand modes of organization in composition and to evolve methods of musical analysis. History courses introduce students to methods o f studying the development o f musical styles and genres, and the relationship o f music to other arts and areas of thought. The Department encourages students to develop performing skills through private study and through participation in the wind ensemble, chorus, early music ensemble, orchestra, and chamber music coaching pro­ gram which it staffs and administers. The Department also assists instrumentalists or singers to finance the cost o f private instruc­ tion. Credit may be granted under the provi­ sions for Creative Arts. Major in the Course Program: Two semester courses in theory and one semester course in history are prerequisite for acceptance as a major. Majors will normally take five semester courses in theory (including Music 15, 16, or 17), four semester courses in history (includ­ ing Music 2 0 and either 21 or 2 2 ) and meet the basic piano requirement. Majors are ex­ pected to participate in at least one o f the department’s performing organizations. Major in the External Examination (Honors) Program: A student intending to major in the Honors Program will fulfill the same prereq­ uisites as listed above and will normally stand for four papers in music. The Department strongly recommends that one paper be a thesis or research project. Any Theory/Composition course numbered 15 or higher, also all history courses, can be used as the basis o f a paper when augmented by a concurrent or subsequent attached unit o f additional re­ search, or by directed reading, or by a tutorial. Minor in the External Exam ination (Honors) Program: A student intending to minor in the Honors Program will normally stand for two papers in music. Two semester courses in theory and one semester course in history are prerequisite for a minor. A t least four semes­ ter courses in theory and two in history should eventually be taken. Language Requirements for Graduate Schools: 3 Absent on leave, 1988-89. 181 Music and Dance Students are advised that graduate work in music requires a reading knowledge o f French and German. A reading knowledge o f Latin is also desirable for students planning to do graduate work in musicology. piano as a tool for study, also to help students meet the keyboard requirements outlined above. It is open to freshmen and sophomores planning to major in music and to students enrolled in theory courses. No academic credit is given for basic piano. Proficiency on an instrument: All majors in music will be expected to play a keyboard instrument well enough by their senior year to perform at sight a two-part invention o f J. S. Bach and a first movement o f an easy late 18th or early 19th century sonata. By the end o f the junior year they should be able to read chamber music scores, vocal music in four clefs, and realize figured basses. The department recom­ mends that majors take one or two semesters o f Music 42 to develop these skills. Students with exceptional proficiency in an instrument other than the piano, or in singing, will not be expected to meet the performing standards o f pianists. Special scholarships and awards in music include: The basic piano program : This program is de­ signed to develop keyboard proficiency to a point where a student can effectively use the The Edwin B. Garrigues Foundation Scholarships: See p. 26. The Elizabeth Pollard Fetter String Quartet Scho­ larships: See p. 26. Friends o f M usic and D ance Summer Fellowships: See p. 26. The M elvin B. Troy Award: See p. 65. T he Boyd and Ruth Barnard Fund Grants: See p. 25. T he Barclay and Edith Lewis W hite Scholarship: See p. 32. The Barnard Fellows: See p. 13. The Peter Gram Swing Prize: See p. 65. CREDIT FOR PERFORMANCE Chorus, O rchestra, Early M usic Ensemble, W ind Ensenble, Cham ber Music Students may take Performance Chorus (Music 43 ), Performance Orchestra (Music 4 4 ), Per­ formance Early Music Ensemble (Music 45), Performance Wind Ensemble (Music 46 ), or Performance Chamber Music (Music 47), for credit with the permission o f the Department member who has the responsibility for that performing group. The amount o f credit re­ ceived will be a half-course in any one semes­ ter and usually will be granted only to students participating for a full year in a particular activity. Students applying for credit will ful­ fill requirements established for each activity, i.e., regular attendance at rehearsals and per­ formances and participation in any supple­ mentary classes held in connection with the activity. Students will be graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Individual Instruction (Music 48) Music Majors and members o f the Wind Ensemble, Chorus, Early Music Ensemble, Gospel Choir, and Orchestra may, if they 182 wish, take lessons for credit. Members of the Chorus, Early Music Ensemble, and Gospel Choir are eligible for voice lessons; members o f the Wind Ensemble, Early Music Ensem­ ble, and Orchestra are eligible for lessons on their primary instrument. Students who are not Music Majors and are not in any of the performing organizations listed above may take lessons for credit if they are concurrendy enrolled in a History or Theory/Composition course offered by the Music Department. Pianists who are not Music Majors and who are not enrolled in a History or Theory/ Composition course offered by the Depart­ ment may qualify for Music 48 by taking part in the Department’s Program for Accom­ panists. The Department expects such pianists to give at least three hours a week to the Program. A student applying for Individual Instruction will first demonstrate to the Department ability to undertake such study at least at an inter­ mediate level. The student will arrange to work with a teacher o f her/his choice, subject to the approval o f the Department, which will then supervise the course o f study and grade it on a credit/no credit basis. Teacher and student will submit written evaluations, and the student will perform for a jury at the end of the semester. The Department will then decide if the student should receive credit, and if the student can re-enroll. and majors receive subsidies that cover twothirds the cost o f their lessons through the Boyd and Ruth Barnard Scholarships. Addi­ tional scholarships provided by the Edwin B. Garrigues Foundation subsidize the entire cost o f private lessons with the teacher o f their choice for approximately ten o f the most musically advanced students at the College. For students enrolled in lessons for credit (Individual Instruction) a portion o f the cost of the lessons is guaranteed by the department. Section leaders in the chorus and orchestra All students enrolled in Music 4 8 are strongly encouraged to perform in student chamber music concerts and to try out for concertos with the Orchestra and solos with the Chorus. COURSES AND SEMINARS 1. Introduction to Music. A course designed to teach intelligent listen­ ing. The course assumes no prior training in music. Open to all students without prerequisite. Primary distribution course. Spring semester. Swing. 2. Introduction to Music. A course that approaches listening and analysis through concentration on musical fundamen­ tals: reading notation and developing or ex­ panding aural perception o f pitch, rhythm, structure, phrasing, and instrumentation. The course assumes no prior training in music. Open to all students without prerequisite. Primary distribution course. Fall semester. ]. Freeman. 6. J . S. Bach. An introduction to his career as composer and performer through readings and through study of his compositions in representative genres. The course emphasizes training in informed listening. Open to all students without prerequisite. Not offered 1988-89; offered fa ll, 1989. 7. W. A. Mozart. A course about the life and music o f W . A. Mozart, with emphasis on listening to and analysis o f his compositions in representative genres: opera, concerto, symphony, chamber music, and liturgical music, especially his Requiem. The course is run as a seminar, with presentations, discussions, and in-class per­ formance. There will be two papers, several repertory quizzes, and a final exam. No prerequisite other than some familiarity with classical music and its notation. Enroll­ ment limited to 12. N ot offered 1988-89; offered spring, 1990. 8. Music of the Orient Introduction to music and musical theories of the Near East and Far East. Guest lecturers in special fields will meet with the class at appro­ priate intervals. Open to all students without prerequisite. Not offered 1988-89; offered spring, 1990. 10. American Music. A study o f unwritten and written music in the United States to 1940, popular and vernacular as well as classical, using Charles Hamm, M usic in the New W orld, as a text. Students will be evaluated on a portfolio o f work to include papers presented in class, reports on music listened to, listening quizzes, and an extended essay on a topic o f choice. No prerequisite. Enrollment limited to 12. Fall semester.Swing. THEORY AND COMPOSITION Students who anticipate taking further courses in the Department or majoring in Music are urged to take Music 11-12 as early as possible. Placement exams are given each year at the 183 Music and Dance first meeting o f that course for students who feel they may be able to place out o f it. Majors will normally take Music 11-12, 13-14, and 15, 16, or 17 in successive years. 11-12. Harmony and Counterpoint I. Written musical exercises include composi­ tion o f original materials as well as commen­ tary on excerpts from the tonal literature. Prerequisite: knowledge of traditional nota­ tion, major/minor scales, ability to play or sing at sight simple lines in treble and bass clef. Music 11-12 is a primary distribution course. Year course. McNamee. 13-14. Harmony and Counterpoint II. Continued work with tonal harmony and ocunterpoint at an intermediate level. De­ tailed study o f selected works with assign­ ments derived from these works, as well as original compositions.. Prerequisite: Music 11-12 (or the equivalent). Year course. Levinson. 15. Harmony and Counterpoint III. Detailed study o f a limited number of works both tonal and non-tonal, with independent work encouraged. Prerequisite: Music 13-14 (or equivalent). Spring semester. McNamee. 16. Schenker. An introduction to Schenkerian analysis. An extension o f traditional analytical techniques, incorporating Schenker’s principles of voice leading, counterpoint, and harmony. Prerequisite: Music 13-14 (or equivalent). Not offered 1988-89; offered fa ll, 1989. 17. History of Music Theory. A survey o f primary sources (in translation) from Boethius, Tinctoris, and Zarlino through Rameau, Riemann, and Schoenberg. Prerequisite: Music 11-12 (or equivalent). N ot offered 1988-89. 19. Composition. Fall and spring semesters. Levinson. HISTORY OF MUSIC 20. Medieval and Renaissance Music. 23. Twentieth-Century Music. The study o f medieval and renaissance music beginning with Gregorian chant and ending with the music o f Josquin Desprez. The course is also concerned with the relationship o f music to the art and thought o f the times, and the function o f music in the Roman Catholic liturgy. Prerequisite: a knowledge o f traditional nota­ tion. Fall semester. Swing. A study o f the various stylistic directions in music o f the 20th Century. Representative works by composers from Debussy, Stra­ vinsky, and Schoenberg, through Copland, Messiaen, and others, to post-war composers such as Boulez and Crumb will be examined in detail. Prerequisite: a knowledge o f traditional nota­ tion. Fall semester. Levinson. 21. Baroque and Classical Music. 31. Opera. Topics in music o f the 17th and 18th centuries. In 1989 the course will focus on Monteverdi, Handel, and Mozart. Prerequisite: a knowledge o f traditional nota­ tion. Spring semester. J. Freeman. A survey o f the history o f opera, with special emphasis on and study o f scenes from selected works by Purcell (Dido), Mozart (Figaro), Verdi (Luise M iller), Beethoven (Fidelio), and Wagner (Walkiire). For those with vocal abil­ ities, the course will include preparation of specific scenes, but it is open as well to students with no particular performance skills. Prerequisite: A knowledge o f traditional nota­ tion. Spring semester. J. Freeman. 22. Nineteenth-Century Music. The development o f the "Romantic Style” from late Beethoven and Schubert to Wagner and Verdi. Prerequisite: a knowledge o f traditional nota­ tion. N ot offered 1988-89; offered spring, 1990. 184 32. History of the String Quartet. This course traces the development of the string quartet from the middle o f the 18th century to the present through study and (wherever possible) performance o f selected works. Open to students with permission o f the instructor. Not offered 1988-89. Duncan and Graham; musicians include Bou­ langer, Crawford-Seeger, and Landowska. Open to all students without prerequisite. Half-course credit. Not offered 1988-89; offered spring, 1990. 33. Lieder. This course, to be administered by the depart­ ment and taught by guest lecturers who are prominent in the field o f reviewing, will cover various aspects o f writing about the perfor­ mance o f music and dance: previewing, re­ viewing, the critic’s role and responsibilities, and the special problems o f relating perfor­ mance to the written word. Not offered 1988-89. A study, through performance and analysis, of various solutions by various composers to the problems o f relating text and music. Stu­ dents should be moderately proficient either as singers or as pianists. A knowledge o f Ger­ man is desirable. Fall semester. J. Freeman. 35. Late Romanticism in Germany and Austria. A study o f selected large works by Wagner (W alkiire, Tristan) Brahms (Haydn Variations, Violin Concerto), Mahler (4th symphony), J. Strauss (Flederm aus), R. Strauss ( T ill Eulenspiegel, Salom e), and Schoenberg (V erklaerte Nacht, Pierrot Lunaire). Prerequisite: A knowledge o f traditional nota­ tion. Not offered 1988-89. 38. Women Composers and Choreographers of the Early Twentieth Century. A survey o f early twentieth-century women composers and teachers, as well as a study o f several of the most influential choreographers of modem dance. Choreographers include 39. Music and Dance: Criticism and Reviewing. 60. Projects in Performance. A study o f chamber repertoire. Performance practice and problems in music o f various styles will be examined in terms o f analysis, research, and rehearsal. Ability to perform instrumentally or vocally is required. Not offered 1988-89. 92. Independent Study. 93. Directed Reading. 95. Tutorial. Special work in composition, theory, or history. One or two credits. 96. Senior Thesis. One or two credits. Fall and spring semesters. PERFORMANCE (M USIC) NOTE: All performance courses are for half­ course credit per semester. See p. 54 and p. 182 for general provisions governing work in performance under the provisions for Cre­ ative Arts. 42. Figured Rass and Score Reading. 40. Elements of Musicianship. 44. Performance (orchestra). Sight-singing, rhythmic and melodic dicta­ tion. Open to all students and may be taken with or without credit. Both semesters. Meyers. Both semesters. Running, J. Freeman. 41. Conducting. 46. Performance (wind ensemble). Not offered 1988-89; offered fa ll, 1989. Both semesters. Johns. Both semesters. Smart. 43. Performance (chorus). Both semesters. Swing. 45. Performance (early music ensemble). Both semesters. Meyers. 185 Music and Dance 47. Performance (chamber music). Both semesters. D. Freeman. Students taking Music 47 for credit should submit to the Department at the beginning o f the semester a repertory o f works to be re­ hearsed, coached, and performed during the semester. They should include the names of all students who have agreed to work on the repertoire, the names o f all coaches who have agreed to work with them, and the proposed dates for performance. A student taking Music 47 for credit will rehearse with her/his group(s) at least two hours every week and will meet with a coach at least every other week. All members o f the group should be capable of working well both independently and under the guidance o f a coach, also capable o f giving a performance of high quality. It is not necessary for every person in the group to be taking Music 47 for credit, but the Department assumes that those taking the course for credit will assume re­ sponsibility for the group, making sure that the foil group is present for regular rehearsals and coaching sessions. 48. Performance (individual instruction). (See the guidelines for this course on page 182.) Both semesters. 49. Keyboard Workshop. Developing and refining skills in accompany­ ing and sight-reading through work with the chamber, song, and four-hand repertoire. Not offered 1988-89. DANCE Dance, a program within the Department o f Music and Dance, shares the Department philosophy that courses in theory and history should be integrated with performance. By offering a balance o f cognitive, creative, and kinesthetic classes in dance we present a pro­ gram which stands firmly within the tradition o f Swarthmore’s liberal arts orientation. The instructors strive to create an atmosphere of cooperative learning; one which affirms group process and fosters comradery. Serious dance students are urged to supple­ ment their study with appropriate courses in music, theatre, anatomy, and other related disciplines. In a typical semester over twenty hours o f dance technique classes are offered on graded levels presenting a variety o f movement styles. Technique courses, numbered 4 0 through 47 and 49, receive no academic credit, but may be taken to fulfill physical education require­ ments. Advanced dancers are encouraged to audition for level III or IV technique classes and for Performance class (Dance 48 ). All interested dancers are encouraged to audition for student and faculty works. These auditions take place each semester; dates are announced in classes and in the College Announcements. Scholarships for summer study in dance are 186 available through funds provided by The Friends o f Music and Dance. The Halley Jo Stein Award for Dance and The Melvin B. Troy Award for Composition are also awarded annually by the Department. I. Introduction to Dance. A survey course that approaches dance view­ ing and analysis o f dance performance through an introduction to dance elements. In addi­ tion, the role o f choreographer, performer, and audience in various societies is compared. No prior dance training is assumed; open to all students without prerequisite. Two lectures and one video viewing session per week. One credit. Primary distribution course. Fall semester 1988. Levy. II. Dance Composition I. A study o f the basic principles of dance composition through exploration o f the ele­ ments o f dance movement, invention, and movement themes, to the end o f developing an understanding o f various choreographic structures. Considerable reading, video and live concert viewing, movement studies, and a final piece for public performance are re­ quired. A course in dance technique must be taken concurrently. One credit. Three hours per week. Fall semester 1988. Rosenweig and Sepinuck. 12. Dance Composition II. An elaboration and extension o f the material studied in Dance 11. Stylistically varying ap­ proaches to making work are explored in compositions for soloists and groups. Read­ ing, video and live concert viewing, movement studies, and a final piece for public perfor­ mance are required. A course in dance tech­ nique must be taken concurrently. Students must have previously taken Dance 11 or its equivalent. One half credit. Three hours per week. Spring semester 1989. Staff. 12a. Dance Composition. Designed as a tutorial for students who have previously taken Dance 11 and 12, or the equivalent. Choreography o f a final piece for public performance is required. Weekly meet­ ings with the instructor and directed readings, video and concert viewings, and a journal will be required. A course in dance technique must be taken concurrently. One half credit. Offered every semester. 15. Dance Improvisation. Designed as a movement laboratory in which to explore the dance elements: space, time, force, and form. Members o f the class will explore improvisation as a performance tech­ nique and as a fool for dance composition. Individuals work on a personal vocabulary and on developing a sense o f ensemble. A journal is required, and a course in dance technique must be taken concurrently. One half credit. Three hours per week. Spring semester 1989. Staff. 21. History of Dance: Early Cultures Through Europe’s Middle Ages. A study of the scope o f dance in various societies. Particular attention is given to the use of dance as an instrument o f ritual, enter­ tainment, social interaction, and education. Prerequisite: Dance 1. Two lectures and one hour video viewing per week. One credit. Spring semester 1989. Levy. 22. History of Dance: Europe’s Renaissance Through 1900. A study of social and theatrical dance forms in the context o f various societies from the Renaissance through the nineteenth century. Influential choreographers, dancers, and the­ orists representative o f the periods will be discussed. Prerequisite: Dance 1; Dance 21 strongly rec­ ommended. Two lectures and one hour video viewing per week. One credit. Not offered 1988-89. Friedler. 23. Twentieth Century Dance. A study o f social and theatrical dance forms in the context o f Western societies with an emphasis on America. Influential choreog­ raphers, dancers, and theorists will be dis­ cussed. Prerequisite: Dance 1; Dance 21 and 22 strongly recommended. Two lectures and one hour video viewing per week. One credit. Not offered 1988-89. Staff. 38. Women Composers and Choreographers of the Early Twentieth Century. A survey o f early twentieth-century women composers and teachers, as well as a study of several o f the most influential choreographers o f modern dance. Choreographers include Duncan and Graham; musicians include Bou­ langer, Crawford-Seeger, and Landowska. Open to all students without prerequisite. Half-course credit. Not offered 1988-89. 39. Music and Dance: Criticism and Reviewing. (See Music 39). Not offered 1988-89. 40. Modern I. An introduction to basic principles o f dance movement: body alignment, coordination, strength and flexibility, basic locomotion. No previous dance experience necessary. 41. Modern II. An elaboration and extension o f the principles addressed in Modern I. For students who have taken Modern I or the equivalent. 42. Modern III. Continued practice in technical movement skills in the modern idiom; including ap­ proaches to various styles. Placement by au­ dition or permission o f the instructor. 43. Modern IV. Continued training in various modern dance techniques and theories. Designed for stu­ dents with a strong technical foundation. Placement by audition or permission o f the instructor. 187 Music and Dance 44. Ballet I. An introduction to fundamentals o f classical ballet vocabulary: correct body placement, positions o f the feet, head and arms, basic locomotion in the form. No previous experi­ ence necessary. credit. Three hours per week. A course in dance technique must be taken concurrently. O ffered every semester. Staff. 49. Topics In Bance. An elaboration and extension o f the principles addressed in Ballet I. For students who have taken Ballet I or its equivalent. Intensive study o f special topics falling outside the usual dance courses. Topics can include: African Dance, Alexander work, injury pre­ vention and rehabilitation, Pilates, Musical Theatre Dance, and Tap. Staff. 46. Ja zz I. 92. Independent Study. 45. Ballet ll/lll. An introduction to basic principles o f jazz dance: body isolations, polyrhythms, synco­ pation, basic locomotion. No previous dance experience necessary. 47. Ja z z ll/lll. An elaboration and extension o f the principles addressed in Jazz 1. For students who have taken Jazz I or its equivalent. NOTE: All technique classes meet for two 1 Vi hour meetings per week. Technique courses, numbered 4 0 throuth 47, receive no academic credit, but may be used to satisfy physical education requirements. 48. Performance (Bance). The study o f repertory, basics o f production, and performance. Students are required to perform in at least one scheduled dance con­ cert during the semester. Placement by audi­ tion or permission o f the instructor. One half 188 Available on an individual basis, this course offers the student an opportunity to do special work with performance or compositional em­ phasis in areas not covered by the regular curriculum. Students will present perfor­ mances and/or written reports to the faculty supervisor, as appropriate. Permission must be obtained from the program director and from the supervising faculty. O ffered every semester. Staff. 93. Birected Beading. Available on an individual or group basis, this course offers the student an opportunity to do special work with theoretical or historical emphasis in areas not covered by the regular curriculum. Students will present written re­ ports to the faculty supervisor. Permission must be obtained from the program director and from the supervising faculty. O ffered every semester. Staff. Philosophy HUGH M. LACEY, Professor' HANS OBERDIEK, Professor12 RICHARD SCHULDENFREI, Professor2 DOROTHEA FREDE, Associate Professor3 CHARLES RAFF, Associate Professor ANDREAS ESHETÉ, Visiting Associate Professor MICHAEL ROHR, Visiting Associate Professor4 MARY TILES, Visiting Associate Professor RICHARD ELDRIDGE, Assistant Professor Philosophy addresses fundamental issues, views that tend to be presupposed in the activity of other disciplines and in daily life: the nature of knowledge, meaning, reasoning, morality, the character o f the world, God, freedom, human nature, and history. The study o f philosophy thus impinges on issues o f significance for everyone who wishes to live and act in a reflective and critical manner. COURSE OFFERINGS AND PREREQUISITES The Philosophy Department offers several kinds of courses, all designed to engage stu­ dents in philosophical practice. First, there are courses and seminars to introduce stu­ dents to the major classics o f the history of Western philosophy: works by Plato and Aris­ totle (Ancient Philosophy); Descartes, Hume, and Kant (Modern Philosophy); Hegel and Marx (Nineteenth Century Philosophy); Rus­ sell and Wittgenstein (Contemporary Philos­ ophy). Second, there are courses and seminars which systematically present arguments and conclusions in specific areas o f philosophy: Theory of Knowledge, Logic, Ethics, Meta­ physics, Social and Political Philosophy. Third, there are courses and seminars con­ cerned with the foundations o f various other disciplines: Aesthetics, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy o f Law, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Philosophy of Psychology, Philosophy o f Mathematics, and Philosophy o f Religion. Fourth, from time to time, courses are offered on philo­ sophical aspects o f contemporary public issues: Values and Ethics in Science and Tech­ nology, Catholic Social and Political Thought. 1 2 3 4 Courses and seminars in the third and fourth categories are frequently offered in collabora­ tion with instructors from other relevant de­ partments; several o f these courses are crosslisted in other departments. Students majoring in philosophy must com­ plete at least one course or seminar in ( 1 ) Logic and (2 ) Ancient or Modern Philosophy and earn a total o f eight credits. In addition, students majoring in philosophy are strongly urged to take courses and seminars in areas of: moral, social, and political philosophy; epis­ temology; and metaphysics. Prospective ma­ jors should complete the logic requirement as early as possible. Course majors are encour­ aged to enroll in seminars. Mastery o f at least one foreign language is recommended. Stu­ dents majoring in the Course program may be required to elect Philosophy 97. 1. Introduction to Philosophy. Philosophy addresses fundamental questions that arise in a variety o f practices and inqui­ ries. How can we tell whether an action is right, whether an act or institution is just, or whether any o f our beliefs are either rationally Absent on leave, fall semester, 1988. Absent on leave, spring semester, 1989. Absent on leave, 1988-89. Fall semester, 1988. 189 Philosophy justifiable or true? Is there a scientific method? Does knowing require having sense-experi­ ence? W hat is human happiness? What is the meaning o f a text? Does God exist? Each section o f Philosophy 1 concentrates on a few o f these and related questions in order to introduce a range o f sharply contrasting posi­ tions. Readings are typically drawn from the works o f both traditional and contemporary thinkers with distinctive, carefully argued and influential views regarding knowledge, moral­ ity, mind and meaning. Socrates, Plato, Aqui­ nas, Descartes, Hobbes, Hume, Mill, and Marx are philosophers frequently considered in various sections. Close attention is paid to formulating questions precisely and to the technique o f analyzing arguments. Students are encouraged to develop their own positions through careful consideration o f texts and ar­ guments. Introduction to Philosophy is a Primary Dis­ tribution Course in the Humanities and a pre­ requisite for all other philosophy courses except Logic. Each semester. Staff. 10. Moral Issues in Medicine and War. Careful consideration will be given to concrete moral issues in medicine and war arising out o f technological innovations. In medicine, topics will include: genetic screening and en­ gineering, life support systems, surrogate motherhood, allocation o f scarce medical re­ sources, and research with human subjects. Concerning war, topics will include: the just war doctrine, "Star Wars,” Mutual Assured Destruction, State sponsored terrorism, the role o f computers, chemical and biological weapons, and the "electronic battlefield.” No special background in science or engineering is presupposed, though students must be pre­ pared to learn enough o f relevant background to provide substance to their reflections. Spe­ cial emphasis will be given to strategies o f moral reasoning developed by philosophers o f diverse orientations. N ot offered 1988-89. 11. Moral Philosophy. How can we tell whether any action is right or wrong, any trait a virtue or vice, any institu­ tion just or unjust? Can one justify any set o f action-guiding moral principles? Or is morali­ ty relative to one’s opinion, culture, or social 190 class? These and related questions will be addressed through an examination of the works o f leading moral philosophers, both classical and contemporary. Student papers will address concrete moral issues in biomedi­ cine (e.g., euthanasia, abortion, the allocation o f scarce life-saving resources, and experi­ mentation on human subjects) and in public policy (e.g., capital punishment, pacifism and the just war, and political morality). Fall semester. Oberdiek. 12. Logic. An introduction to the principles o f deductive logic with equal emphasis on the syntactic and semantic aspects o f logical systems. The place o f logic in philosophy will also be examined. No prerequisite. Required o f all philosophy majors. Fall semester. M. Tiles. 13. Modern Philosophy. 17th and 18th-century sources of current philosophical problems o f knowledge, free­ dom, humanity, nature, God. Readings from Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Kant. Spring semester. Raff. 14. Ancient Philosophy. A study o f selected work representing the thought o f Plato and Aristotle. Emphasis is on understanding and critically evaluating their teachings on fundamental issues o f metaphys­ ics, epistemology, psychology, and ethics, as these have shaped our subsequent Western civilization. N ot offered -1988-89. 16. Philosophy of Religion. See Religion 14. 17. Aesthetics. How can we tell which things are worth the special sort o f attention which we often devote to works o f art? W hat does "art” mean? Can criticism o f the arts be objective? What sorts o f things ought we to do with works of art, and what things ought they to do for us? We will attempt to answer these questions by considering views about the nature and func­ tion o f works o f art held by such philosophers as Aristotle, Hume, R. G. Collingwood, Nel­ son Goodman, and Arthur Danto. Some at­ tention will be paid to twentieth century painting, to modernist and post-modernist conceptions o f art and its value, and to issues in the theory o f criticism. Spring semester. Eldridge. 18. Philosophy of the Social Sciences. See 89. Colloquium: Philosophy o f Social Sciences. 19. Medieval Philosophy. A survey o f the development o f Medieval philosophy from the beginning in late antiq­ uity to the end o f the fourteenth century. The discussion will focus on texts by St. Augus­ tine, Boethius, St. Anselm, St. Thomas, Duns Scotus, and William o f Ockham. The main emphasis will be on problems o f free will and predetermination (divine foreknowledge and omnipotence), the nature o f universals and individuation, the relation between philoso­ phy and faith. Not offered 1988-89. 21. Social and Political Philosophy. This course will be concerned with concepts of equality, justice, tolerance, liberty, utility, and rights. We will approach them through a close study o f some major works in political philosophy, each o f which presents a distinct and systematic conception o f human nature and the social and economic conditions o f a just association. Works by Locke, Rousseau, Mill, Marx, and Rawls will be considered. Fall semester. Eshete. 22. American Philosophy. This course will concentrate on the founders of American pragmatism: C. S. Peirce, W il­ liam James, and John Dewey. Some attention will be given to their lasting philosophical contribution. Not offered 1988-89. 23. Contemporary Philosophy. See Philosophy 104. Not offered 1988-89. 24. Theory of Knowledge. This course surveys main epistemological ques­ tions and the range o f traditional and current approaches to answering them and to avoiding them: How do knowledge, wisdom, and truth differ from opinion, self-deception, and error? What sort of value has inquiry? Must educa­ tion indoctrinate? Is science finally a creed? Does experience or reason offer a criterion of knowledge? Is dogmatizing about knowledge or its value the sole alternative to scepticism? Does all knowledge presuppose some meta­ physical or some social conditions? Does knowledge stand to theory o f knowledge as interpretations stand to theory o f interpreta­ tion? Readings relate traditional to current au­ thors, including Ayer, Harman, Moore, Nagel, Plato, Quine, Rorty, Searle, Sextus, others. Fall semester. Raff. 26. Language and Meaning. W hat is it to know the meaning o f an expres­ sion? Can one be justified in claiming to know meanings? How ought linguists, literary crit­ ics, and psychologists to study meaning and our knowledge o f it? What philosophical con­ ception o f mind is implied by our linguistic capacity? Behaviorist theories o f meaning (as exemplified by Quine), cognitivist theories of meaning (as exemplified by Chomsky, Fodor, and Davidson), and conceptions o f language as a social practice (Wittgenstein) will be sur­ veyed and criticized. Derrida and recent French critical theory may be touched on. Not offered 1988-89. 27. Metaphysics. Not offered 1988-89. 28. Marxist Philosophy. Not offered 1988-89. 29. Nineteenth-Century Philosophy. Nineteenth-century philosophers began to think historically, hoping to establish the natures o f knowledge and morality by seeing how views about them emerge and evolve in a culture. Perhaps, it was suggested, agreement will be reached as a result o f this evolution, if we can understand it. Whether historicism as a method is compatible with objectivism about such topics as knowledge, morality, the existence o f God, and the nature o f the self will be studied by examining the historicist treatments o f these topics put forward by Fichte, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Marx, and Nie­ tzsche. Not offered 1988-89. 33. Philosophy and Technology. We live in an environment dominated by the products o f technology and in a technological culture. Technology not only affects how we think and live, but is itself a product o f human thought and activity, o f the acquisition and use o f scientific knowledge. It therefore inter­ sects with, and has an impact on, many areas 191 Philosophy o f traditional philosophical concern. Among the intersections to be explored are the rela­ tion between science and technology; values in science and technology (including feminist and marxist critiques); moral dilemmas created by technology (e.g., regarding medi­ cine, nuclear power and weapons, the envi­ ronment, genetic engineering, data storage, etc.); the impact o f technological images on ways o f thinking about ourselves and the world (e.g., clocks, computers, steam en­ gines); and the impact o f information tech­ nologies. Fall semester. Oberdiek and M. Tiles. 34. Values and Ethics in Science and Technology. (Also listed as Engineering 34.) See Engineering 34. Not offered 1988-89. 38. Philosophy of Science. An examination o f some o f the central prob­ lems in the philosophy o f science: the nature o f scientific explanation and evidence, the relationship between theory and observation, the rationality o f science, the relations be­ tween science and technology, the alleged value-freedom o f science, the differences be­ tween the natural and the human sciences. Readings will be drawn mainly from contem­ porary writings. Spring semester. M. Tiles. 39. Existentialism. Starting with the historical background and development o f existential philosophy, the course will center around the 19th century thinkers Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, the Russian novelists, Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, and the 20th century philosophers Heidegger, Sartre, and Camus. The main emphasis will be on the concepts o f individuality, anxiety, freedom, responsibility, and the problem o f objectivity and interpretation. Not offered 1988-89. 42. Philosophical Classics. This course selects a single work for extended study in light o f current and traditional criti­ cism. Not offered 1988-89. 45. Philosophy and Feminism. This course has two objectives. It will combine a survey o f the treatment o f gender-difference 192 by classical philosophers such as Plato, Aris­ totle, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, and Mill with a discussion o f basic concepts and problems in contemporary feminist theory, as in De Beau­ voir, Bell, Firestone, Gilligan, Grinshaw, Jaggar, Lloyd, and others. Not offered 1988-89. Frede. 59. Catholic Social Thought. The course will study the Catholic tradition o f social and political thought, recent theoreti­ cal developments in that tradition, and its rapidly growing influence on social and politi­ cal movements, especially in Latin America. The principal readings will be drawn from 1) Papal social encyclicals, 2 ) documents of the Second Vatican Council and Latin American Bishops’ Conferences, 3 ) recent documents o f the U .S. Catholic bishops on nuclear war and the economy, 4 ) writings o f liberation theology. From time to time, selected applica­ tions o f this theory, e.g. the growth of "basic communities” in Brazil, will also be studied. Also listed as Political Science 59, Religion 59. Spring semester. Lacey. I 78. Post-Modernism/ Post-Structuralism. Since the mid-1950s structures, essences, and languages have come to be 'decentered’ or seen as historically variable and ill-bounded. Decenterings o f structures, at the hands of such figures as Wittgenstein and Heidegger (later in their careers), Lacan, Derrida, Fou­ cault, and Rorty have encouraged the inmixing o f disciplines and speculations about the deaths o f philosophy, o f the subject, and of art. An emerging post-modern, post-structuralist sensibility has come to see all activities as already implicated in further activities and movements that outrun our full understanding. These developments will be surveyed and assessed. Not offered 1988-89. I I j ■ I I I 86. Topics in Philosophy and Psychology. This course explores in depth different topics that are o f interest and concern to both philosophers and psychologists. For example, in Fall, 1987, the focus was rationality and the explanation o f human action. In practical life, we usually explain human actions by giving the person’s reasons—his or her goals and beliefs—for performing them. In contrast, in I I I I I ■ I ■ experimental science, we attempt to explain behavior by finding laws in accordance with which it occurs. We explored the extent to which the categories o f explanation that come from practical life constrain or limit the scope of scientific explanations. The course is open to students who have had at least the intro­ ductory course in both philosophy and psy­ chology. Also listed as Psychology 86. Not offered 1988-89. 87. Colloquium: Advanced Logic and Foundations of Mathematics. A selection o f topics from the following: metatheorems o f first order logic, the incom­ pleteness of first order axiomatic systems of arithmetic, recursive function theory, axio­ matic theories o f space and time, logical form and the structure o f natural languages, philo­ sophical foundations o f arithmetic, founda­ tions of geometry emphasizing problems o f the nature o f metrics. Two credits. Approval of instructor required. Not offered 1988-89. 88. Colloquium: Philosophy of Law. See Philosophy 122. Not offered 1988-89. 89. Colloquium: Philosophy of Social Science. An examination of philosophical issues which arise in contemporary social science research. We will consider issues of explanation and understanding, the justification o f theories and arguments, the sense in which social sci­ ences can produce objective knowledge. The point of reference for our discussions will be problems in the explanation o f historical change. Spring semester. Eshete. 93. Directed Reading. Each semester. Staff. 96. Thesis. Fall semester. Staff. 97. Senior Conference. Fall semester. Staff. SEMINARS 101. Moral Philosophy. 106. Aesthetics. An examination o f the principal theories of value, virtue, and moral obligation, and of their justification. Works o f representative theorists, both classical (e.g., Aristotle, Hume, Kant, and M ill) and contemporary (e.g., Donagan, Gewirth, Mackie, and MacIntyre), will be studied. Not offered 1988-89. See Philosophy 17. Spring semester. Eldridge. 102. Ancient Philosophy. See Philosophy 14. Fall semester. Rohr. 103. Selected Modern Philosophers. Two or more philosophical systems o f Des­ cartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, or Kant and their relations. Spring semester. Raff. 104. Contemporary Philosophy. 20th Century classics by Frege, Moore, Rus­ sell, Wittgenstein selected for intensive treat­ ment and as ground for one or more current philosophical issues, such as Subjectivity. Fall semester. Raff. 107. Logic and Foundations of Mathematics. See Philosophy 87. Not offered 1988-89. 109. Metaphysics. See Philosophy 27. Not offered 1988-89. 110. Medieval Philosophy. Not offered 1988-89. 111. Philosophy of Religion. See Religion Department Preparation by course and attachment. 113. Theory of Knowledge. Central issues current in the theory o f knowl­ edge selected to explore the nature and limits of rationality, including Certainty, Self-decep­ tion, Perception, Memory, and recent attacks on traditional epistemic theories. Not offered 1988-89. Raff. 193 Philosophy 114. Nineteenth-Century Philosophy. See Philosophy 29. Fall semester. Eldridge. 116. Language and Meaning. See Philosophy 26. Not offered 1988-89. 117. Philosophy ot the Social Sciences. See Philosophy 89. Spring semester. Eshete. 118. Philosophy of Psychology. Students may prepare for an exam in Philoso­ phy o f Psychology by taking Philosophy 86. Not offered 1988-89. 119. History and Philosophy of Science. An examination o f some o f the central prob­ lems in the philosophy o f science (e.g., the nature o f scientific explanation, the interrela­ tionship between theory and observation, cri­ teria for the acceptance o f a scientific theory, the nature o f scientific concepts) will be made through an analysis o f important episodes in the history o f science. The particular episodes 194 chosen and the sciences from which they are drawn will depend on the interests and back­ grounds o f those attending. Spring semester. M. Tiles. 121. Social and Political Philosophy. See Philosophy 21. Fall semester. Eshete. 122. Philosophy of Law. A study o f concepts o f law, including exami­ nation o f the relationships between legal sys­ tems and other social and political institu­ tions. Such issues as the proper relationship between law and morality, civil disobedience, legal enforcement o f morality, and justifica­ tion o f punishment are considered. Readings in both historical and contemporary sources. Not offered 1988-89. Oberdiek. 180. Thesis. A thesis may be submitted by majors in the department in place o f one Honors paper, upon application by the student and at the discretion o f the department. Physical Education and Athletics ELEANOR K. HESS, Professor and Associate Chair ROBERT E. WILLIAMS, Professor and Chair ERNEST J. PRUDENTE, Associate Professor DOUGLAS M. WEISS, Associate Professor SUSAN P. DAVIS, Assistant Professor1 FRANCIS J. MEAGHER, Assistant Professor MICHAEL LMULLAN, Assistant Professor GAILEE. ROCKET, Instructor LEE WIMBERLY, Instructor TIM BROOKE, Assistant LAWRENCE EHMER, Assistant DIANE FREEDMAN, Assistant LORI FRIES, Assistant CURTIS A. LAUBER, Assistant4 HERBERT LEIMBACH, Assistant5 VALERIE RYAN, Assistant C. J. STEFANOWICZ, Assistant4 DALE STRAWBRIDGE, Assistant4 RONALD A. TIRPAK, Assistant The aim of the Department is to contribute to the total education o f all students through the medium of physical activity. We believe this contribution can best be achieved through encouraging participation in a broad program of individual and team sports, dance, aquatics, and physical conditioning. The program pro­ vides an opportunity for instruction and ex­ perience in a variety o f these activities on all levels. It is our hope that participation in this program will foster an understanding o f move­ ment and the pleasure o f exercise, and will enhance, by practice, qualities o f good sports­ manship, leadership, and cooperation in team play. Students are also encouraged to develop skill and interest in a variety o f activities which can be enjoyed after graduation. The intercollegiate athletic program is com­ prehensive, including varsity teams in twentythree different sports, twelve for men and eleven for women. During many o f these ac­ tivities contests are arranged for junior varsity teams. Ample opportunities exist for large numbers o f students to engage in intercollegiate com­ petition, and those who qualify may be en­ couraged to participate in regional and na­ tional championship contests. Several club teams in various sports are also organized and a program o f intramural activities is spon­ sored. Students are encouraged to enjoy the instruc­ tional and recreational opportunities offered by the Department throughout their college careers. In the freshman and sophomore years all students not excused for medical reasons are required to complete a four quarter (two semester) program in physical education. All students must pass a survival swimming test or take up to one quarter o f swimming in­ struction; classes for this purpose are offered in the fall quarter. Courses offered by the Department are listed below. Credit toward completion o f the Phys­ ical Education requirement will also be given for participation in intercollegiate athletics, as well as for the following two dance courses: Music—Dance 1 (Introduction to Dance) and 4 Fall semester, 1988. 5 Spring semester, 1989. 195 Physical Education and Athletics Music—Dance 4 (Intermediate Dance Tech­ nique). To receive credit for any part o f the program students must participate in their chosen activity a minimum o f three hours a week. Faculty regulations stipulate that stu­ dents who have not fulfilled the Physical Education requirement will not be allowed to enter the junior year. Fall Activities Advanced Life Saving Aquatics Archery Badminton * * * * Cross Country Ij. Field Hockey Folk S i Square Dance * * * Football Jazz Exercise Karate * * * ** Riding Scuba Self-Defense Soccer Synchronized Swimming Tennis Touch Football Volleyball Circuit Weight Training Adv. Circuit Weight Training Winter Activities Aquatics * * Badminton * Basketball Fencing Folk S i Square Dance Gymnastics Jazz Exercise Karate Riding Self-Defense * Squash * * * * Swimming * Synchronized Swimming Tennis Volleyball Water Safety Instructor Circuit Weight Training Adv. Circuit Weight Training * * * Wrestling Spring Activities Archery Aquatics Badminton * * * Baseball Folk S i Square Dance * Golf Jazz Exercise Karate * * * * Lacrosse Riding Ij. Intercollegiate competition for women * Intercollegiate competition and course instruction. * * Intercollegiate competition for women, course instruction for men and women. .196 * * Scuba Softball Squash * Synchronized Swimming * Tennis * * * * Track and Field Volleyball Water Safety Instructor (continued) Circuit Weight Training Adv. Circuit Weight Training * * * Intercollegiate competition for men. * * * * Intercollegiate competition for men and women. Physics and Astronomy OLEXA-MYRON BILANIUK, Professor1 JOHN R. BOCCIO, Professor and Associate Provost for Academic Computing*6 JOHN L GAUSTAD, Professor o f Astronomy MARK A. HEALD, Professor WULFF D. HEINTZ, Professor o f Astronomy PAUL C. MANGELSDORF, Professor FRANK A. MOSCATELLI, Associate Professor and Chair AMY R. BUG, Assistant Professor TERJE G. VOLD, Assistant Professor JAMES T. WHEELER, Assistant Professor The program o f the Physics and Astronomy Department stresses the concepts and meth­ ods that have led to an understanding o f the fundamental laws explaining phenomena asso­ ciated with the physical universe. Throughout the work o f the Department, em­ phasis is placed on quantitative, analytical reasoning, as distinct from the mere acquisi­ tion of facts and skills. Particular importance is also attached to laboratory work, because physics and astronomy are primarily experi­ mental and observational sciences. With the awareness that involvement in re­ search is a major component in the education of scientists, the department offers a number of opportunities for students to participate in original research projects, conducted by mem­ bers of the faculty, on (or off) campus. The Physics and Astronomy Department of­ fers five Primary Distribution Courses (PDC), Physics 6 , 20, 2 3 ,2 5 , as well as Astronomy 1. Of these, Physics 6 is required o f all students intending to major in physics or astronomy. Two calculus-based introductory courses are offered. Physics 3 ,4 covers both classical and modem physics and is the appropriate intro­ ductory physics course for those students majoring in engineering, chemistry, and biol­ ogy. Physics 7, 8, on the other hand, which is taken after Physics 6, is aimed towards stu­ dents planning to do further work in physics or astronomy. The four-course sequence 6, 7, 8, 14 is designed to provide an introduction to all major areas o f physics. The Department offers a selection o f courses (Physics 21, 22, and Astronomy 52) that are suitable for nonscience majors seeking to ful­ fill the non-PDC science distribution require­ ment. A regular series o f colloquia on topics o f current research interest is sponsored by the Department. Speakers are specifically chosen so that their talks are appropriate for under­ graduates. The colloquium series is an integral part o f the departmental educational program. As such, student attendance at colloquia is considered as important as normal course work. Students majoring in physics or astrono­ my are expected to participate on a regular basis. The Cornell Science Library possesses a large collection o f both pedagogical texts and re­ search publications including a large number o f scientific journals. REQU IREM EN TS AND RECO M M EN DATIO N S Degree Requirements: In order to receive a degree from Swarthmore as a Physics, Astronomy, or Astrophysics major, a student must have taken and satisfactorily passed one o f the programs described below: 1 Absent on leave, fall semester, 1988. 6 On administrative assignment, 1988-89. 197 Physics and Astronomy The standard programs provide strong prep­ aration for any graduate program in Physics or Astronomy. The standard program in Physics is Physics 6 , 7 ,8 ,1 4 , and 5 0 in the first two years followed by Physics 111A, 112A, 113A, 114A, 115A, and 116A in the last two years. In addition, Chemistry 10, advanced laboratory courses Physics 101,102, and 103 and Mathematics 5, 6 , 16,18, and another advanced mathematics course must be taken during the four year program. The standard program in Astronomy is Phys­ ics 6 , 7 , 8, 14, and Astronomy 5, 6 in the first two years followed by Astronomy 21, 22, 59, and three other Astronomy courses in the last two years. In addition, Mathematics 5, 6 , 16, and 18 must be taken during the four year program. The standard program in Astrophysics is Physics 6 , 7, 8, 14, 50, and Astronomy 5, 6 in the first two years followed by Physics 111A, 112A, 113A, 114A, and Astronomy 21, 22 in the last two years. In addition, Chemistry 10, advanced laboratory courses Physics 101,102, and 103 and Mathematics 5, 6, 16, 18, and another advanced mathematics course must be taken during the four year program. The extended program in Physics allows stu­ dents to study some specialized area o f Physics or to write a thesis based on original research work. It provides an even stronger back­ ground for students intending to do graduate work. The extended program in Physics adds two senior application seminars (Physics 130A-136A) or a thesis to the standard pro­ gram. The minimum program in Physics is intended for students not planning to pursue graduate work in Physics. Since all major areas of Physics are covered, this program is excellent preparation for a career in high school teach­ ing and is ideal for double-majors. The mini­ mum program in Physics is Physics 6 ,7 ,8 ,1 4 , and 50 in the first two years followed by Physics 111 A, 112 A, 113A, and 114A in the last two years. In addition, Chemistry 10, advanced laboratory courses Physics 101, and 102 and Mathematics 5 ,6 ,1 6 ,1 8 , and another advanced mathematics course must be taken during the four year program. In addition, the student must satisfy the col­ lege distribution requirements, including pri­ mary distribution courses, and the 20-course rule. Students taking Physics 3 ,4 and then propos­ ing to take further advanced work in the De­ partment must take a special directed reading course Physics 8 A before enrolling in Physics 14 to fill in those areas o f study covered in Physics 7, 8 but not in Physics 3, 4. Students planning to take one o f the seminars Physics 1 2 0 -1 2 3 as part o f a external exami­ nation minor program must take Physics 3, 4 before applying for the program. In the Physics and Astronomy department the seminar is the standard format for most junior and senior level work. All prospective majors and minors in the department should realize this when planning programs. In keeping with college policy regarding seminar participation, all students will be examined on seminar ma­ terial at the end o f the spring semester of the year in which the seminar is given. It is our judgment that one o f the major educational benefits o f the external examination system is the required review o f all material studied in seminars during the junior and senior years. These examinations will be set by external examiners, but for juniors, and those seniors not pursuing an Honors degree, they will be read by Swarthmore faculty. For students not pursuing an Honors degree, seminar presenta­ tions and other contributions will be taken into account in assigning grades in seminars. Students who are awarded Honors and juniors accepted into the External Examination pro­ gram will have no grades recorded on their transcript for any seminars included in their external examination program. The students in the External Examination program receive no grades, but a degree of Honors, High Honors, Highest Honors, Pass or Fail depending on the performance on the examinations at the end o f the senior year. Students receiving the grades o f Pass or Fail will subsequently receive grades for each semi­ nar from Swarthmore instructors. Seniors not taking the external examinations must take a comprehensive examination, which is not only intended to encourage re­ view and synthesis, but also requires students to demonstrate mastery o f fundamentals stud­ ied during all four years. In addition they must normally have an aver­ age grade in all Physics and/or Astronomy courses o f B or better. Criteria for Acceptance as a Major: A student applying to become a Physics major in the standard or extended program should have completed or be completing Physics 14, Phys­ ics 50, and Math 18. If applying for Astro­ physics or Astronomy major they should also have completed Astronomy 5 and 6 . Other­ wise any deficiencies would have to be made up during the following year at some incon­ venience to the student’s upperclass program. To be accepted as a standard (or extended) major in the department, the applicant must normally have completed the sophomorelevel course Physics 14, with a grade o f C + or better, and must normally have an average grade in all Physics and/or Astronomy courses of C + or better. Advanced Laboratory Program: The principal Physics seminars (111A , 112A, 113A, 114A, 115A, 116A) are each accompanied by a full laboratory program, namely Physics 101 (no credit), Physics 102, 103 (each one-half credit) requiring approximately one afternoon a week. Students enrolled in these seminars must arrange their programs so that they can schedule an afternoon for lab each week free o f conflicts with other classes and extracur­ ricular activities. A student applying to become a Physics major in the minimum program should have com­ pleted or be completing at least Physics 6, 7 and Math 5 , 6 . Otherwise it will be impossible to fulfill all program requirements. To be accepted as a major in Physics, the applicant must have completed Physics 6 with a grade of C+ or better and work in Physics 7 should be at the same or better level. Since almost all advanced work in Physics and Astronomy at Swarthmore is taught in semi­ nars, where the pedagogical responsibility is shared by the student participants, an addi­ tional consideration in accepting (retaining) majors is the presumed (demonstrated) ability of the students not only to benefit from this mode of instruction but also to contribute positively to the seminars. Grades in prior courses are our best criteria in admitting majors, since they tend to indicate reliably whether or not the student can handle ad­ vanced work at Swarthmore levels without being overwhelmed. However, lively and con­ structive participation in classes and labs is also taken into account. To be accepted into the External Examination program in the department, the applicant must present an acceptable set o f fields in which they wish to be examined and an appro­ priate program o f study to prepare for them. Independent Work: Physics and Astronomy majors are encouraged to undertake indepen­ dent research projects, especially in the senior year, either in conjunction with one o f the senior seminars, or as a special project for separate credit (Physics/Astronomy 94). Members o f the physics or astronomy faculty are willing to suggest possible projects and to supervise any one o f these if the student chooses to pursue it. In preparation for inde­ pendent experimental work, prospective ma­ jors are strongly urged to take Physics 63, Procedures in Experimental Physics, during their fall semester of their sophomore year, which will qualify them to work in the depart­ mental shops. Good shop facilities, electron­ ics facilities, a wide range o f instrumentation, and extensive computing facilities are avail­ able to support independent work. Students completing work under Physics/Astronomy 94 are required to submit final written and oral reports o f their work to the department. There are usually several opportunities for students to receive financial support to work with faculty members on research projects during the summer. Thesis: Students may elect to do a theoretical or experimental research thesis representing the results o f independent work done under the supervision o f a faculty member. This thesis will usually cover work begun in the summer after the junior year and completed during the senior year. External examination students can choose to submit a thesis as one o f their papers in place o f a senior seminar. 199 Physics and Astronomy FACILITIES AND RESEA R C H PR O G R A M S Several research facilities are maintained by the Department. Most are available for stu­ dent participation in faculty research. The laser atomic-spectroscopy laboratory includes a single-mode tunable dye laser pumped by a 6 -watt argon-ion laser and various associated optical, electronic, and computer interfacing equipment. A scanning tunneling microscope has been constructed and is now in operation. Extensive computing facilities, including three Micro VAX II, several Macintosh II, a power­ ful graphics processing computer, extensive computer graphics equipment, and many other microcomputers are available for re­ search and projects. Physics faculty research interests include the areas of lasers, high resolution atomic spectroscopy, biophysics, scanning tunneling microscopy, neural net­ works, molecular dynamics, computer simu­ lation, chaos, computer graphics, nuclear magnetic resonance, fluid physics and geo­ physics. A 61-cm Cassegrain reflector, located on top o f Papazian Hall, is equipped with a highresolution spectrometer and a Reticon array detector. W ith computer-based control and data acquisition systems, it is used for solar and stellar spectroscopy. Swarthmore’s principal telescope, which is located in Sproul Observatory and has been in operation since 1912, is a 61-cm refractor with a focal length o f 11 meters. Is is used for research on the distances, motions, orbits, and masses o f stars by means o f visual and photographic observations. Auxiliary equip­ ment includes a high-precision photographic plate measuring machine, photoelectic, and photographic photometers, and a Brashear micrometer. The observatory also houses a 15-cm refractor. A monthly visitor’s night at the Observatory is announced in the college calendar. Program for the Last Two Years: We will be offering one-unit seminars in the following fields every year: 111A (Classical Mechanics), 112A (Electro­ dynamics), 113A (Quantum Theory), 114A (Statistical Physics), 115 A (Atomic and Solid State Physics), 116A (Modern Optics). We will also be offering one- or two-unit seminars in the following fields. These semi­ nars are designed for persons wishing to minor in physics. They will begin at a lower level than our junior seminars for majors but will end at the same level. One or two choices, selected from the list below, will be available each year depending on demand and faculty availability. 120 (Modern Physics), 121 (Biophysics), 122 (Applied Optics), 123 (Statistical and Ther­ mal Physics). In addition, one, two, or three one-unit ad­ vanced application seminars will be offered each year for senior majors in physics and astronomy. Typical topics will be: 130A (General Relativity), 131A (Particle Physics), 132A (Non-Linear Dynamics/ Chaos), 133A (Atomic Physics: Spectros­ copy), 134A (Advanced Quantum Physics), 135A (Solid State Physics), 136A (Quantum Optics; Lasers). EXTER N A L EXAM IN ATION PAPERS External examinations, based on the topics covered in the seminars listed above, will be possible in the following fields: Astrophysics (based on Astronomy 21, 22). Every Year: Classical Physics (based on 111A, 112A), Quantum Physics (based on 113A, 115A ), Atomic, Solid State, and Statistical Physics (based 114A, 115A). Planned Program (next two years): 1988-90: Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos (based on 111A, 132A ), Quantum Theory (based on 113A, 134A), Modern Optics and Spectros­ copy (based on 116A, 133A ), Biophysics (based on 12 1+ independent work). Every Other Year beginning with 1988/89: 1989-90: General Relativity (based on 111A, 200 130A), Atomic, Solid State, and Particle Phys­ ics (based on 113A), Modern Optics (based on 116A, 136A), Modern Physics (based on In addition, a thesis based on independent research work can be substituted for a 2-unit paper. 120). PHYSICS 3,4. General Physics I, II. A presentation o f a unified view o f physics through analysis o f basic principles, their implications, and their limitations. Special emphasis will be placed on analytical under­ standing o f physical phenomena through the use of calculus. Fall semester. Topics include vectors, kinema­ tics in one, two, and three dimensions, New­ ton’s laws and dynamics, conservation laws, work and energy, oscillatory motion, systems of particles, rigid body rotation about fixed axis, special relativity, and thermodynamics. Spring semester. Topics include wave phenom­ ena, geometrical and physical optics, electicity and magnetism, direct and alternating-current circuits, and introductory quantum physics. Laboratory and homework exercises include extensive use of interactive computing and computer graphics. Three lectures and a lab­ oratory period weekly. Prerequisite: Mathematics 5, 6 taken concur­ rently, or comparable preparation in mathe­ matics. Mangelsdorf, Heald, and staff. 6. The Character of Physical Law. ics 3. The material is treated in more depth and with more methematical sophistication than Physics 3. Extensive use o f interactive computing. Three lectures and a laboratory period weekly. Prerequisite: Physics 6, Mathematics 5, and Mathematics 6 concurrently. Spring semester. Void. 8. Electricity and Magnetism and Waves. This course covers a portion o f the material of Physics 4 at a more sophisticated mathemati­ cal level. Three lectures and a laboratory period weekly. Prerequisites: Physics 7, Mathematics 6 , and Mathematics 18 concurrently. Fall semester. Bug. 8A. Special Seminar: General Physics. This course is designed to supplement Physics 3,4 in order to bring student preparation to the level o f Physics 7,8. Half-credit course. Prerequisite: Physics 4, and mathematics 18 concurrently. Fall semester. Staff. An introduction to the concepts o f physics and the thought processes inherent to the discipline. Topic coverage will range from relativity to quantum theory to elementary particles to non-determinate dynamics (chaos). The primary emphasis o f the course will be on the accepted principles o f physics and their application to specific areas. Attention will be given to philosophical aspects o f physics, discussions o f what kind o f problems physi­ cists address and how they go about address­ ing them. The course includes a substantial writing component. Three lecture/discussion sections per week and a laboratory. Primary distribution course. Fall semester. Boecio, Gaustad, and Wheeler. Wave phenomena, interference, and diffrac­ tion. An introduction to moderns physics, including relativity, relativistic dynamics, wave mechanics, Schrodinger equation ap­ plied to one-dimensional systems, and prop­ erties o f atoms, molecules, solids, nuclei, and elementary particles. The quantum aspects of the interaction o f photons with matter. The empirical basis o f the subject is emphasized. Three lectures and a laboratory weekly. Prerequisites: Physics 8, Mathematics 18, and Physics 50 taken concurrently. Spring semester. Moscatelli. 7. Mechanics and Thermal Physics. An analysis o f the forces shaping our physical environment, drawing on the fields o f geology, geophysics, meteorology, and oceanography. This course covers the same material as Phys­ 14. Waves and Modern Physics. 20. Principles of the Earth Sciences. 201 Physics and Astronomy Special emphasis on plate tectonics and geomorphology. Reading and discussion based on current literature. The underlying physical and chemical principles are stressed. Labora­ tory demonstrations and one or more field trips. No special scientific background re­ quired. Primary distribution course. Not offered 1988-89. Mangelsdorf. 21. Principles of Aeronautics. Principles o f flight, elements o f aircraft struc­ ture and performance, flight instruments, navi­ gation aids and methods, flight meteorology, airspace utilization. Lectures, afternoon ground lab, field trips. No prerequisites, but enroll­ ment limited. (The Department o f Physics is certified by the F.A.A. as a Pilot Ground School.) Acceptable for non-PDC science distribution requirement. Not offered 1988-89. Bilaniuk. 22. Energy for Mankind. The role o f energy in the modem world. Renewable and nonrenewable energy re­ sources, their present and potential use and abuse. The physical concept o f work and energy. Fossil, hydroelectric, geothermal, tidal, wind, ocean, bio-mass, direct-solar, nu­ clear fission and fusion, and other energy sources; their respective advantages and dis­ advantages. Three field trips. No prerequi­ sites, but enrollment limited because o f field trips. Acceptable for non-PDC science distribution requirement. Spring semester. Bilaniuk. 23. Relativity. A non-mathematical introduction to the spe­ cial and general theories o f relativity as devel­ oped by Einstein and others during the 20th century. We will address questions such as: W hat is spacetime? Do you know where you are or what time it is? Are there really any forces? W hat is gravity? W hat are black holes and should you worry about them? Emphasis will be on spacetime diagrams and geometrical concepts. No previous physical courses are required. The course will use only high school algebra and geometry. Primary distribution course. Not offered 1988-89. Boccio. 25. Quantum Physics. A non-mathematical introduction to quantum 202 mechanics. The course will present a modern view describing the intellectual challenges and disagreements in the study o f the behavior of atomic and sub-atomic particles. This theory has completely changed our view o f the physi­ cal world and the meaning o f reality, but is still the subject o f unresolved debate about its fundamental interpretation. Primary distribution course. Spring semester. Boccio. 40. Computer Graphics. FORTRAN 77 and C programming. Mathe­ matical aspects o f computer graphics includ­ ing algorithms for two- and three-dimensional transformations, clipping, projections, scanconversion, anti-aliasing, three-dimensional curves and surfaces, hidden lines and surfaces, shading and color. We will develop a simple graphics package and a solids-modeling system from first principles. Use will be made of DISSPLA, M OVIEBYU, ONELIB, and lo­ cally-developed software systems in conjunc­ tion with high resolution color graphics hard­ ware o f VAX computers and Macintosh II systems. Cross-listed as Computer Science 40. Prerequisite: Mathematics 16,18, and reason­ able programming background in a high-level language. Not offered 1988-89. Boccio. 50. Mathematical Methods in Physics. Infinite series. Power series. Complex num­ bers. Approximation techniques. Linear equa­ tions. Vectors, matrices, and determinants. Partial differentiation. Multiple integrals, Vec­ tor analysis. Fourier series. Ordinary and par­ tial differential equations. Calculus of varia­ tions. Coordinate transformations. Tensor analysis. Gamma, beta, and error functions. Asymptotic series. Orthogonal functions and polynomials. Integral transforms. Probability. Numerical and computer methods. Prerequisite: Mathematics 5, 6 , and 18. Spring semester. Bug. 63. Procedures in Experimental Physics. Laboratory work directed toward the acquisi­ tion o f knowledge and skills which will be useful in future research participation. Tech­ niques, materials, and the design of experi­ mental apparatus. Shop practice. Printed cir­ cuit design and construction. Half-credit course. Open only to majors in Physics or Astronomy. Fall semester. Andrews, Dougherty, and staff. 93. Directed Reading. report to the Department. This course provides an opportunity for an individual student to do special study, with either theoretical or experimental emphasis, in fields not covered by the regular courses and seminars. The student will present oral and written reports to the instructor. 97. Senior Conference. 94. Research Project. Initiative for a research project may come from the student, or the work may involve collaboration with on-going faculty research. The student will present a written and an oral This half-course is designed to give students an overview o f all o f their physics courses by studying a variety o f physical problems. Most recently this has been accomplished by way o f a written thesis and an oral presentation on a topic agreed upon by the student and the instructor. W hen offered, this course replaces the departmental comprehensive examina­ tion. Half-credit course. Spring semester. SEMINARS 111A. Mechanics. A general study o f classical mechnics. Topics include: motion o f a particle in one, two, and three dimensions. Kepler’s laws and planetary motion. Phase space. Oscillatory motion; damping; nonlinear effects. Lagrange equa­ tions and variational principles. Systems of particles; collisions and cross sections. Mo­ tion of a rigid body in two and three dimen­ sions; Euler’s equations. Rotating frames of reference. Small oscillations and normal modes. Wave phenomena in one and two dimensions. Prerequisites: Physics 14, 50; Math 18. Fall semester. Wheeler. 112A. Electrodynamics. A general study of electricity and magnetism using vector calculus. Topics include: Electric and magnetic fields. Dielectric and magnetic materials. Electromagnetic induction. Devel­ opment of Maxwell’s field equations in differ­ ential form. Displacement current. Poynting theorem and electromagnetic waves. Bound­ ary-value problems. Radiation. Four vector formulation o f relativistic electrodynamics. Prerequisite: Physics 14, 50; Math 18. Fall semester. Void. I13A. Quantum Theory. Topics include: Review o f classical concepts. Postulates of quantum mechanics. Operators, eigenfunctions, and eigenvalues. Function spaces and hermitian operators; bra-ket nota­ tion. Superposition and observables. Time development, conservation theorems, and parity. Angular momentum. Three-dimen­ sional systems. Matrix mechanics and spin. Coupled angular momenta. Time-indepen­ dent perturbation theory. Time-dependent perturbation theory. Transition rates. Prerequisites: Physics 111 A, 112 A, and Mathe­ matics 16. Spring semester. Boccio. 114A. Statistical Physics. Statistical description o f the states o f classical and quantum systems. Conditions for equi­ librium. Statistical basis o f thermodynamics concepts and the Laws o f Thermodynamics. Microcanonical, canonical, and grand canoni­ cal ensembles and applications. Fermi-Dirac, Bose-Einstein, and Maxwell-Boltzmann sta­ tistics with applications to solid state physics, low temperature physics, and biological sys­ tems. Phase changes. Critical points. Ising models. Prerequisites: Physics 111 A, 112 A, and Mathe­ matics 16. Spring semester. Bug. 115A. Atoms, Solids and Particles. Applications o f theory developed in Physics 113 A and 114A. Topics selected from: Atomic physics. Solid-state physics. Nuclear physics. Particle physics. Molecular physics. Prerequisites: Physics 113A and 114A. O ffered first time in fall semester 1989-90. 116A. Modern Optics. The phenomena that are a direct result o f the physical wave nature o f light including wave equations, superposition, interference, Frauenhofer and Fresnel diffraction, polarization. Optical instruments which rely upon these phenomena, such as spectrometers, inter­ ferometers, étalons. Topics in modern optics including matrix methods, propagation in fi- 203 Physics and Astronomy bers, Fourier optics, spatial and temporal coherence, lasers, and elements o f nonlinear optics. Aspects o f the quantum theory o f light including blackbody radiation, modes, quan­ tization of the electromagnetic field, photons, coherent states, and intensity fluctuations. Prerequisites: Physics 113A and 114A. Fall semester. Moscatelli. 120. Modern Physics. An introduction to modem physics, including relativity, wave mechanics, the Schrodinger equation applied to one-dimensional systems, properties o f atoms, molecules, solids, nuclei, and elementary particles including three-di­ mensional systems. The empirical basis or modern physics is emphasized. Prerequisites: Physics 3, 4. 121. Biophysics. General features o f the nature, origin, and fate o f life and intelligence will be examined using tools from nonlinear classical mechanics, nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, information theory, quantum mechanics, and general rela­ tivity. Prerequisites: Physics 3, 4. Fall semester. Void. 122. Applied Optics. An examination, and treatment, o f the under­ lying physics governing the principles o f op­ tical instruments. Topics include lasers; charac­ teristics, uses, types, etc. Optical detection; solid state, photoelectric, and their spectral characteristics. Interferometers, spectrome­ ters, and geometrical optical systems such as microscopes and telescopes and their abberations. Electro-optic devices and some non­ linear optics, optical fibers in communica­ tion. Prerequisites: Physics 3, 4. 123. Statistical Physics. Statistical description o f the states o f classical and quantum systesm. Conditions for equi­ librium. Statistical basis o f thermodynamics concepts and the Laws o f Thermodynamics. Microcanonical, canonical, and grand canon­ ical ensembles and applications. Fermi-Dirac, Bose-Einstein, and Maxwell-Boltzmann sta­ tistics with applications to solid state physics, low temperature physics, chemical systems, biological systems, and atomic and molecular physics. Classical thermodynamics with ap­ plications to gases. Phase changes. Critical 204 points. Ising models. Prerequisites: Physics 3, 4. 130A. General Relativity. Newton’s gravitational theory. Special rela­ tivity. Linear field theory. Gravitational waves. Measurement o f spacetime. Riemannian geometry. Geometrodynamics and Ein­ stein’s equations. The Schwarzschild solution. Black holes and gravitational collapse. Cos­ mology. Prerequisites: Physics 111 A and 112A. 131A. Particle Physics. Experimental techniques. Symmetries and groups. Particle spectroscopy and phenome­ nology. Feynman rules and Quantum Electro­ dynamics. Partons. Quarks. Quantum Chro­ modynamics and gluons. Weak interactions. Electroweak theory. Gauge theory. The path towards unified theories. Prerequisites: Physics 113 A and 115 A. 132A. Non-Linear Dynamics and Chaos. Non-linear differential equations. Non-linear difference equations. Limit points and cycles. Attractors. Fractals. Bifurcations and period doubling. Quasiperiodicity. Chaos. Univer­ sality and scaling. Onset o f turbulence. Prerequisites: Physics 111A and 112A. Spring semester. Void. 133A. Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy. Review o f quantum theory. Hydrogen atom. Multi-electron atoms. Atoms in external fields. Optical transitions and selection rules. Hyperflne structure. Lasers. Atomic spec­ troscopic techniques: atomic beams methods, Doppler-free spectroscopy, time-resolved spectroscopy, level crossing spectroscopy. The use o f atoms and atomic spectroscopy in tests o f fundamental physics such as symme­ tries, invariance, and quantum reality. Prerequisites: Physics 113A and 116A. 134A. Advanced Quantum Mechanics. Photon polarization. Quantum interference effects. Measurement theory. Potential scat­ tering. Coulomb scattering. Time-independent and time-dependent perturbation theory. Interaction o f the quantized radiation field with matter. Spin Vi. Addition o f angular momentum. Rotations and tensor operators. Identical particles. Second quantization. Atoms and molecules. Relativistic spin zero particles. The Klein-Gordon equation. Relati­ vistic spin Yi particles. The Dirac equation. Prerequisites: Physics 113A and 115A. 135A. Solid State Physics. Crystal structure and diffraction. The recip­ rocal lattice and Brillouin zones. Lattice vibra­ tions and normal modes. Phonon dispersion. Einstein and Debye models for specific heat. Free electrons and the Fermi surface. Elec­ trons in periodic structures. The Bloch theo­ rem. Band structure. Semidassical electron dynamics. Semiconductors. Magnetic and op­ tical properties o f solids. Superconductivity. Prerequisites: Physics 113A, 114A, and 115 A. 136A. Quantum Optics and Lasers. Atom-field interactions, stimulated emission, cavities, transverse and longitudinal mode structure, gain and gain saturation, non-linear effects, coherent transients and squeezed states. Pulsed lasers and superradiance. Prerequisites: Physics 113A and 116A. UPPERCLASS LABO RATO RY PRO G RA M 101. Digital Electronics Laboratory. Design techniques for analog and digital cir­ cuits including microprocessors. Fall semester. Void. 102. Advanced Laboratory I. Experiments in mechanics, electricity and mag­ netism, waves, thermal and statistical physics, atomic and nuclear physics. Spring semester. Moscatelli. 103. Advanced Laboratory II. Experiments in modern optics, lasers (contin­ uous and pulsed), atomic spectroscopy using tunable lasers and advanced nuclear physics. Fall semester. Moscatelli. ASTRONOMY 1. Introductory Astronomy. A primary distribution course which high­ lights the scientific investigation o f the uni­ verse by observation and theory, and includes the basic notions o f physics as needed in astronomical applications. Topics include as­ tronomical instruments and radiation; the sun and planets; properties, structure, and evolution o f stars; the Galaxy and extragalactic systems; and the origin and evolution o f the universe. Three class periods each week plus evening labs. Primary distribution course. Each semester. Fall: Heintz. Spring: Gaustad. 5,6. General Astronomy I, II. Intended for science students, these courses introduce the methods and results o f astrono­ my and astrophysics, making use o f basic physical and mathematical principles. They are prerequisites for courses numbered 21 and above. Although separable, they should normally be taken in the spring-fall sequence following Physics 6. Spring: Celestial coordinates. Astronomical instruments. Laws o f physics relevant to as­ tronomy. Observed properties o f the sun and stars. Stellar structures o f evolution. Star clusters. Celestial mechanics. Binary stars. Fall. Interstellar matters. The Milky Way Galaxy. Galaxies and quasars. Cosmology. The solar system. Prerequisite: Physics 6 and Mathematics 5 or equivalent. Heintz and Gaustad. 9. Meteorology. The elements o f weather, its recording and prediction. Structure and dynamics o f the atmosphere. Includes regular weather obser­ vations and comparison with maps. Prerequisites: Mathematics 5, 6 , or equiva­ lent. Spring semester. Heintz. 21,22. Theoretical Astrophysics. Techniques applied to the physical interpreta­ tion o f astronomical phenomena. Topics in­ clude electromagnetic processes in space, quantum and relativistic astrophysics, radia­ tive transfer in stellar atmospheres, interpre­ tation o f stellar spectra, and stellar structure 205 Physics and Astronomy o f evolution. Problems and projects will be assigned. Prerequisites: Astronomy 5, 6 ; Physics 14. Fall semester: Gaustad. Spring semester: Gaustad. 23. Methods of Observational Astronomy. Theory and practice in the techniques o f modern optical astronomy. Instrumentation: telescopes, spectrographs, photometers, elec­ tronic detectors, measuring equipment. Spec­ tral classification; data analysis. The photo­ graphic process. Students will undertake proj­ ects using the Swarthmore telescopes. Prerequisites: Astronomy 5, 6. Not offered 1988-89. Heintz. 51. Celestial Mechanics. The two-body and three-body problems, or­ bits and perturbation theory, numerical solu­ tions, satellite motions. Prerequisites: Mathematics 5 and Astronomy 6. Not offered 1988-89. Heintz. 52. Concepts of the Cosmos. Historical survey or astronomical thought. Includes oriental astrology, hellenistic geom­ etry and cosmology, and the development o f observation and astrophysics in the 200 years from Halley to Einstein. Prerequisite: Astronomy 1. Not offered 1988-89. Heintz. 206 55. Planetary Science. Methods and results o f the exploration of the solar system. Prerequisite: Astronomy 6. Not offered 1988-89. Heintz. 56. Cosmology. General relativity and the theoretical frame­ work o f cosmology. World models. Optical and radio results on galaxies and quasars. Prerequisites: Astronomy 5, 6 ; Mathematics 6. Not offered 1988-89. Heintz. 59. Positional Astronomy. Coordinate systems and transformations; fun­ damental and apparent positions; proper mo­ tion and binary-star analysis. Prerequisite: Astronomy 6. Not offered 1988-89. Heintz. 61. Current Problems in Astronomy and Astrophysics. A half-course involving reading and discus­ sion o f selected research papers ffom the astronomical literature. Instruction will be given in techniques o f journal reading, use of abstract services, and other aids for the effi­ cient maintenance o f awareness in a technical field. May be repeated for credit. Spring semester. Gaustad. 93. Directed Reading. 94. Research Project Political Science CHARLES E. GILBERT, Professor RAYMOND F. HOPKINS, Professor and Chairman JAMES R. KURTH, Professor RICHARD L RUBIN, Professor (part-time) KENNETH E. SHARPE, Professor DAVID G. SMITH, Professor CHARLES R. BEITZ, Associate Professor NANCY J. HIRSCHMANN, Assistant Professor TYRENE WHITE, Assistant Professor CHERYL ESCHBACH, Instructor1 DIARMUID MAGUIRE, Instructor Courses and seminars offered by the Political Science Department deal with the place of politics in society and contribute to an under­ standing o f the purposes, organization, and operation o f political institutions, domestic and international. For the beginning student, the Department offers courses dealing gen­ erally with the basic concepts o f political science and the processes o f politics as illus­ trated by case studies, by theoretical analysis, and by more extended study of politics in various institutional settings. Advanced work in the department, both in courses and semi­ nars, covers the major subfields o f American politics, comparative politics, international politics, and political theory. In addition spe­ cial topics are offered in such areas as defense policy, food policy, health policy, jurispru­ dence, and the Vietnam war. Basic attention to the causes and consequences o f political action and normative concerns regarding free­ dom, authority, and human dignity are ad­ dressed throughout the curriculum. REQ U IREM EN TS AND RECOM M ENDATIONS Students planning to study political science are advised to start with either Elements o f Politics (Political Science 1) or Policy-Making in America (Political Science 2). They should then continue with one or more other intro­ ductory courses offered in the second semes­ ter: Policy-Making in America (Political Sci­ ence 2), Comparative Politics (Political Science 3), and International Politics (Political Science 4). Normally any two o f these courses, preferably including Political Science 1 or Political Science 2, constitute the prerequisite for further work in the Department and are particularly recommended for majors. Stu­ dents who intend to major in political science should begin their work in the freshman year if possible. Supporting courses strongly rec­ ommended for all majors are Statistics for Observational Data (Mathematics 1); and In­ troduction to Economics (Economics 1-2). Political Theory, either in seminar (Political Science (1 0 0 or 101) or in course (Political Science 54 or 55) is required o f all majors. Concentration in International Relations: This concentration, designed for students espe­ cially interested in a career in international relations or planning a career involving over­ seas work, is described on page 147. Students may elect this concentration while majoring in several alternative departments including history, economics, and modern language. For political science majors concentrating in international relations the comprehensive re­ quirements for course majors are adjusted to allow students to demonstrate graduation level competencies appropriate to work done in the concentration. Similar options may be 1 Absent on leave, fall semester, 1988. 207 Political Science approved by the department for students in the external examination program. Details for each program are worked out with the Coor­ dinator o f the concentration. tion. Materials will be drawn from the United States and other countries. Primary distribution course. Fall semester. Staff. Concentration in Public Policy: This concentra­ tion, designed for students expecting to pre­ pare for work in government or to pursue further study in the field o f public policy is described on page 222. The normal political science comprehensive requirements apply, but these allow students flexibility in prepar­ ing to graduate, in either the course or external examination programs, so that they may have work reviewed and/or competency tested in their policy concentration. 2. Policy-Making in America. Comprehensive Requirement: Majors not sitting for the external examination should review their programs periodically with the depart­ ment, normally with the chairman. A ll work programs in the department should be prepared with a view to meeting the distributional require­ ments o f the comprehensive examinations. The department recommends for graduation stu­ dents be able to write papers that demonstrate three competencies: use o f empirical evidence, analysis o f political theory, and evaluation o f policy. Students must also show knowledge of material in at least three o f the four major subfields o f the discipline: political theory, American politics, comparative politics, and international politics. Usually papers origi­ nally prepared in a course best serve as the basis for meeting the comprehensive require­ ment. More detailed information on the im­ plication o f this requirement for course selec­ tion is offered during the junior year. In­ formation on comprehensive requirements is available in the political science department office and sent to seniors early each fall. Comprehensive qualifying papers must be submitted well before the end o f the senior year. 1. Elements of Politics. Designed to probe some major questions of politics, this course asks: W ho governs in the interests o f whom? How? W hat are the sources o f political stability and change? How is politi­ cal power created, maintained, or challenged? Answering these questions will involve a study o f the basic institutions, concepts, and moving forces o f politics and exploring problems such as justice, freedom, equality, and obliga­ 208 Consideration o f basic elements o f American national politics, and o f ways o f defining and explaining the functions and results o f Ameri­ can politics. Major attention will be devoted to electoral organizations, voting behavior and opinion formation, legislation and presi­ dential leadership, administration and policy choices. Primary distribution course. Each semester. Staff. 3. Comparative Politics. An introduction to the logic o f comparative inquiry and its application to the study of political systems. Major attention will be given to the political systems o f Western Europe, particularly Britain, Italy, France, and West Germany. The course will focus on (1) the historical evolution and character of state institutions (e.g., liberal democracy, social democracy, and fascism), (2 ) the range and nature o f political parties (including the Greens and Communists), and (3 ) unconven­ tional forms o f political participation (from peaceful protest to terrorism). Spring semester. Staff. 4. International Politics. An introduction to the analysis o f the con­ temporary international system and its evolu­ tion in the twentieth century. The course will examine various approaches to explaining wars, military defense, and international eco­ nomic problems. Primary distribution course. Spring semester. Staff. 14. American Foreign Policy. An examination o f the making o f American foreign policy and o f the major problems faced by the United States in the modern world. The course will focus on the influence o f political, bureaucratic, and economic forces and on the problems o f war, intervention, and economic conflict. Prerequisite: Political Science 4 or the equiva­ lent. Fall semester. Not offered 1988-89.. 19. Comparative Communist Politics. A comparative study o f the various commu­ nist countries, including the Soviet Union, China, Yugoslavia, Poland, Hungary, and Viet­ nam. Beginining with a comparative analysis of the Russian and Chinese revolutions, this course will focus on such topics as: ( 1 ) the relationship between socialist transformation and the development o f Leninist regimes; (2) sources o f political conflict within society; (3) Sino-Soviet relations and sources o f con­ flict between communist regimes. Special at­ tention will be given to current dilemmas o f political and economic reform, and the limits to change in Leninist regimes. Spring semester. White. 20. Politics of China. This course will examine the character and consequences o f the Chinese communist rev­ olution, the ideological, political, and eco­ nomic legacy o f Mao Zedong, the process o f socialist transformation in the countryside, problems o f organization and policy-making, dilemmas o f political and economic reform post-Mao, and the determinants o f Chinese foreign policy. The consequences o f the re­ forms implemented under Deng Xiaoping will receive special scrutiny. Fall semester. White. 21. Politics of Africa. A survey of political forces in contemporary Africa. Selected countries will be studied to illuminate important aspects o f political change including traditional attitudes, leader­ ship, ethnic rivalry, socialism, neocolonial­ ism, military intervention, national integra­ tion, and international involvements. Fall semester. Not offered ig88-8g. Hopkins. 22. Latin American Politics. This introduction to Latin American politics will explore such topics as the colonial legacy of Latin America; the difficulties o f creating viable political institutions; contemporary sources of instability, revolution, and military intervention; the different meaning o f politics for various groups (Indians, peasants, workers, middle-class groups, industrialists, landowners, etc.); and the economic and po­ litical difficulties raised by U.S.-Latin Ameri­ can relations. These topics will be approached through a comparative study o f such countries as Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Mexico, and Argen­ tina. Spring semestet. Sharpe. 25. American Electoral Politics and the 1988 Elections. Emphasis on presidential elections with some attention to congressional elections also and with particular attention to understanding the 1988 elections. The structure and process o f American national elections, the behavior o f the electorate, the effects o f elections. Term paper to be focused on an analysis o f some aspect(s) o f the current elections. No statisti­ cal background required. Fall semester. Gilbert, with others. 31. Feminist Political Thought A study o f central political and theoretical issues such as citizenship, political participa­ tion, obligation, authority, justice, freedom and the state, as they relate to women. The first part o f the course will concentrate on the relation o f women to politics according to traditional theory. The second part will exam­ ine contemporary feminist theory. We will explore whether women can be included in the governmental structures put forth by tra­ ditional theories, and what alternative visions o f politics might take their place. Spring semester. Hirschmann. 40. The Vietnam War. The aim o f this course is to explore the reasons for U .S. military involvement in Viet­ nam in the 1950s and 1960s and for the military withdrawal in the 1970s. Topics in­ clude Vietnam’s colonial background; the de­ feat of the French and the partition o f Vietnam in 1954; the U .S. military commitment; for­ eign policy in the Kennedy-Johnson years; the anti-war movement; the Nixon policy o f "Vietnamization” ; and the effects o f the war on Cambodia and Laos. Spring semester. Beitz. 41. Defense Policy. Analysis o f the history and structure of Ameri­ can defense policy since World War II, with particular emphasis on the choice o f weapons systems and military strategies. Political, eco­ nomic, bureaucratic, and other explanations o f past and present policies will be explored. Fall semester. Kurth. 42. Health Policy. (Also listed as Economics 75 .) Analysis o f governmental policy toward health care and public health, its impact upon institutions and resource allocation, and major alterna- 209 Political Science tives for action. Central topics are the organi­ zation o f health care delivery (roles and views o f physicians, nurses, administrators, patients and insurers); the interplay o f federal, state, and local governments, quasi-public authori­ ties, and interest groups; technical and politi­ cal aspects o f health insurance alternatives; health manpower (medical and nursing schools, para-professionals); biomedical re­ search programs. Students wishing to take this course should consult in advance with the instructors. Prior work in at least two o f the following will be helpful: Economics 1-2, 4, 26; Political Science 2, 51; Mathematics 1; Engineering 4, 32. Spring semester. Smith. 43. Food Policy: National and International Issues. The causes and possible solutions to major food problems: hunger, rural poverty, and food insecurity. The role o f government pol­ icy in production, distribution, and consump­ tion o f food. Principal focus will be upon the American agricultural experience, food sys­ tems in less developed countries, international trade and aid as solutions, and international measures to improve food security. A field trip, an early final exam, and a substantial paper are features o f the course. Students with little work in political science may be admitted with the consent o f the instructor. Fall semester. Hopkins. 44. Race, Ethnicity and Public Policy. An analysis o f important policy questions with direct and indirect bearing on racial and ethnic groups. The focus o f the course is on: 1 ) the political institutions that shape the formulation o f policy (elections and parties, courts, administrative agencies); 2) specific policy areas o f contemporary conflict (hous­ ing, education, employment); 3 ) the various mechanisms (affirmative action, quotas, tar­ geted job aid) used as remedies. The format will be discussion. Suggested prerequisite either Political Science 1 or 2. Fall semester. Rubin. 50. Public Law and Public Administration. Theory and practice o f administrative law in the United States. Role o f the courts in gov­ ernmental administration. Issues o f organiza­ tion and procedure. The interaction o f public 210 law and public policy, with particular atten­ tion to certain sectors o f public policy. Fall semester. Not offered 1988-89. 51. Topics In Public Administration and Policy. Problems o f policymaking and administra­ tion, primarily in American national govern­ ment, from the standpoints o f public-policy analysis and democratic theory. Central topics include: accountability, responsibility, and productivity; organization theory and govern­ mental reorganization; budgeting, planning, and "rational” decision; public relations and dientelism; regulation and public enterprise; administrative law; intergovernmental rela­ tions; Congress, Presidency, and administra­ tion. Fall semester. Not offered 1988-89. Gilbert. 52. American Constitutional Law. The role o f the Supreme Court in the Ameri­ can political system, viewed both historically and through analysis o f leading cases. Areas of constitutional law and development empha­ sized are: the nature and exercise o f judicial review; federalism and the scope o f national power; due process, equal protection, the First Amendment, and other civil liberties. Open to sophomores and upperclassmen. Spring semester. Gilbert. 53. American Electoral Politics. An historical and functional analysis of Ameri­ can political parties. The study o f interest groups, public opinion and voting behavior, electoral systems and representation, the leg­ islative process. Fall semester. Not offered 1988-89. Rubin or Gilbert. See Political Science 25. 53B. The Mass Media and American Politics. An historical and contemporary consideration o f the effects o f mass media on American political institutions and political behavior. Special emphasis on the transformation from print to electronic media and its impact upon political parties and governmental institu­ tions. Fall semester. Not offered 1988-89. Rubin. 53C. Presidential Politics and Public Policy. The central focus o f the course is on electoral connections between public opinion, political organizations and institutions, and the exet' cise of presidential power. Fall semester. Not offered 1988-89. Rubin. and social science o f law as well as from rep­ resentative cases. Fall semester. Smith. 54. Political Theory: Plato to Machiavelli. 58. International Political Theory. The development o f political thought in the ancient and medieval periods, and the emer­ gence o f a distinctively modern political out­ look. Topics considered include: the origins, functions, and purposes o f the city-state; the role of law and knowledge in government; the relation o f ethics and politics; justice, and its relation to Greek and Christian thought. Fall semester. Sharpe. An examination o f several important moral problems in international affairs. Topics to be discussed include the morality o f war, war crimes and the rules o f warfare, and the ethics o f nuclear deterrence; intervention, selfdetermination, and the moral status o f the nation-state; and international distributive jus­ tice. Readings will be selected from classical and contemporary sources. Spring semester. Not offered 1988-89. 55. Modern Political Theory. 59. Catholic Social Thought A study and critique o f liberalism through close reading and analysis o f the writings o f such theorists as Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Bentham, J.S . Mill, Marx, and Rawls. The course will consider problems regarding lib­ erty, political obligation, the common good, human nature, and distributive justice. Not open to students who plan to take the Political Theory seminar. Spring semester. Beitz. 56. Contemporary Political Theory. An examination o f political theory from Marx and J.S. Mill to present. Among other topics a special concern will be the ability o f contem­ porary liberal political and economic thought to respond to its critics’ attacks on its psycho­ logical and epistemological foundations, and on its adequacy as a guide to political under­ standing and action. An effort will be made to understand the various and often conflicting currents within liberal theory, as well as to identify certain common problems. Marxist, existentialist, anarchist, and structuralist crit­ ics may be considered. Prerequisite: Political Science 55 or permis­ sion o f the instructor. Spring semester. Not offered 1988-89. 57. Jurisprudence. An exploration o f the concept o f law as it has been understood by lawyers, judges, philoso­ phers, and social scientists. Issues to be con­ sidered include the nature and validity o f law, the relation o f law to morality, and the place of political theory in the judicial decision. Some current moral issues in law may be dis­ cussed. Readings will be chosen from classical and contemporary works in the philosophy (Also listed as Philosophy 59 and Religion 5 9 . ) The course will study the Catholic tradi­ tion o f social thought, recent theoretical de­ velopment in that tradition, and its rapidly growing influence on social and political move­ ments, especially in Latin America. The prin­ cipal readings will be drawn from 1) Papal social encyclicals; 2) documents o f the Second Vatican Council and Latin American bishops on nuclear war and the economy; 3) writings o f liberation theology. From time to time, selected applications o f this theory, e.g., the growth o f "base communities” in Brazil will also be studied. Spring semester. 60. Special Topics in Political Science. Open to senior Course majors in Political Science. Devoted to the preparation o f three qualifying papers in the senior year. Spring semester. Members o f the Department. 62. Colloquim and Research Project on Presidential Elections. The principal requirement o f this course is the successful completion o f an independent research project that examines a single presi­ dential election campaign between 1952 and 1984. There will be background readings and discussion o f the presidential election system, the dynamics o f shifting groups in coalitions, and the role o f the mass media. Each student’ will be doing an independent research paper. Topics for papers include analyzing candidate images, political themes, public opinion, and campaign strategies during a particular elec­ tion year, putting the specific campaign in the broader context o f election cycles, institu- 211 Political Science tional changes, and shifts in public policy. Enrollment will be limited; interested students should see Professor Rubin for permission. Prerequisite: Political Science 2 and/or an advanced course in American politics. Fall semester. Not offered 1988-89. Rubin. 63. The Politics and Political Culture of American Jew s. The subject o f this course will be an analysis o f the actual political behavior o f American Jews, and the attitudinal substructures and cultural underpinnings that shape that behav­ ior. Theories accounting for distinctive Ameri­ can Jewish behavior will be evaluated, and empirical studies o f mass and elite behavior will be assessed. A colloquium-seminar for­ mat will be used to explore the relative influ­ ence o f ethnic socio-religious values and expe­ rience, group social and political objectives, and the impact o f American culture and ide­ ology on contemporary American Jewish po­ litical thinking. The first half o f the semester will be devoted to exploring specific questions through reading and discussion. The second half will involve the completion by each stu­ dent o f a major research paper on a topic emanating from the prior discussions. This research thesis, rather than exams, will be the sole written component. Fall semester. Rubin. 64. Political Socialization and Schools. (Also listed as Education 64. See course de­ scription under Program in Education.) Fall semester. Travers. 65. Political Psychology. A psychological examination o f individuals’ participation in and impact upon politics and the effect o f various political systems on individuals. Personality differences and psy­ chological processes are examined both for political leaders and for the general public. Topics thus include psychobiographies of presidents and other leaders; psychological distortion in political decision; personality types among the public; psychological factors in public opinion and revolution. Projects may involve class or individual research. (Cross-listed as Psychology 65 .) Fall semester. Not offered 1988-89. 67. Social Welfare Policy. (Also listed as Economics 73 .) Study o f social insurance, other income supports, and se­ lected social services, chiefly in the U .S. but 212 with comparative material as well. Historical development; issues in social theory; political, administrative, and technical aspects. Spring semester. Gilbert. 68. Environmental Policy. (Also listed as Engineering 68.) Issues in environmental policy formulation and imple­ mentation are explored. Topics: survey of environmental problems including global population, global climate change, water and air pollution, and resource depletion; survey o f developments in the law o f environmental protection; use and abuse o f cost-benefit analy­ sis in environmental regulation. Concepts from mathematics and technology are intro­ duced, as necessary, to understand environ­ mental processes. Additional topics may in­ clude environmental political movements in the U .S. and Europe, environmental degrada­ tion in developing nations, and quantitative policy models implemented by computer. This course does not satisfy the distribution requirements. Spring semester. Not offered 1988-89. 69. Political Economy of Macroeconomic Policy. (Also listed as Economics 23). The course treats together the economic and political aspects o f public policy on employment, out­ put, and the price level. The course focuses on both theory and selected modern episodes in American experience and policy. Intended as a single- or double-credit seminar for students in the Public Policy Concentration and open for single credit to others who have taken appropriate Public Policy prerequisites, on which consult the Catalogue and, as to excep­ tions, one o f the instructors. Prerequisite: Political Science 1 or 2 and Eco­ nomics 1 and 2. Spring semester. Not offered 1988-89. 93. Directed Readings in Political Science. Available on an individual or group basis, subject to the approval o f the chairman and the instructor. 96. Thesis. W ith the permission o f the chairman and a supervising instructor, any major in Course may substitute a thesis for one course, nor­ mally during either semester o f the senior year. SEMINARS The following seminars prepare for examina­ tion for a degree with Honors: Spring semester. Hopkins and Maguire. 100. Political Theory: Ancient. A study o f key problems faced by the United States in the modern world together with a critical investigation o f the making and imple­ menting o f American foreign policy. A variety o f explanations o f American foreign policy will be discussed and evaluated, and the politi­ cal, economic, and social influences upon it will be considered. Key assumptions of United States policy-makers will be subjected to scrutiny, and alternate assumptions and policies will be analyzed. Fall semester. Kurth. The development o f political thought in the ancient and medieval periods, and the emer­ gence o f a distinctively modern political out­ look. Topics considered include: the origins, functions, and purposes o f the city-state; the role of law and knowledge in government; the relation o f ethics and politics; justice, and its relation to Greek and Christian thought. Fall semester. Sharpe. 101. Political Theory: Modern. An analytical and critical examination o f the philosophical foundations o f liberalism and socialism, drawing on the writings o f theorists from Hobbes to Marx and including works of some contemporary political philosophers. The subjects considered include such prob­ lems as the nature o f legitimate authority, the basis of political obligation, liberty, and de­ mocracy. Particular attention will be given to the question o f distributive justice and the relevance o f Marx’s political and philosophi­ cal writings to liberal theory. Each semester. Beitz. 102. Politics and Legislation. The study of political parties, interest groups, public opinion and voting behavior, electoral systems and representation, the legislative process. Emphasis is on American politics, with some comparative material; and, ulti­ mately, on politics from the standpoint o f theories of political democracy. Spring semester. Gilbert. 103. Problems in Government and Administration. Problems of administrative organization, pol­ icymaking and responsibility, with primary reference to the United States and to selected fields of policy. Fall semester. Gilbert. 104. International Politics. An inquiry into problems in international politics. Topics will include (1 ) competing theories of international politics, (2 ) war and the uses o f force, and (3 ) the management o f various global issues such as food and energy. Prerequisite: Political Science 4 or the equiva­ lent. 105. American Foreign Policy. 106. Public Law and Jurisprudence. A study o f the sources and nature o f law; historical, sociological, philosophic, "realis­ tic,” and behavioral approaches to jurispru­ dence; the nature o f the judicial process and other problems o f jurisprudence, illustrated by judicial decisions and other legal materials relating to selected areas o f law. Spring semester. Smith. 107. Comparative Politics: Communist Regimes. A comparative study o f communist regimes. Beginning with a comparative analysis o f the Russian and Chinese revolutions, this course will focus on: (1 ) Marxism-Leninism as a revolutionary ideology; (2) the relationship between economic backwardness, socialist transformation and the development o f Leni­ nist regimes; (3 ) sources o f political conflict within society; (4) problems o f organization and policy process; (5 ) Sino-Soviet relations and sources o f conflict between communist regimes. Special attention will be given to current dilemmas o f political and economic reform, and the limits to change in Leninist regimes. We will also examine contending approaches to the study o f communist systems (totalitarian models, bureaucratic politics ap­ proaches, class analysis, etc.), placing them in historical and political perspective. Spring semester. White. 108. Comparative Politics: Europe. An introduction to the logic o f comparative inquiry and its application to the study o f political systems. Major attention will be given to the political systems o f Western Europe, 213 Political Science particularly Britain, Italy, France, and West Germany. The focus will be on the relation­ ship between state institutions, political par­ ties, and mass movements. The central ques­ tion explored will be: W hy have some nation­ states fostered stable liberal-democratic in­ stitutions, strong two-party systems, and peaceful protest movements, while others have experienced Fascism, electoral instabili­ ty, and terrorism? Prerequisite: Political Science 3 or permission o f the instructor. Fall semester. Maguire. 109. Comparative Politics: Africa and the Third World. A comparative study o f the politics o f subSarahan African societies undergoing change and pursuing economic development. Various theories, approaches, and methods o f expla­ nation are examined. The role o f Africa and other third world states vis-a-vis advanced industrial societies is also considered. 214 Fall semester. Hopkins. 110. Comparative Politics: Latin America. A comparative study o f the politics o f several Latin American countries: Chile, Brazil, Cuba, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, the Dominican Re­ public. The course will focus on important differences in major institutions, class struc­ tures and social values, and an examination of various theories explaining political stability and change. Problems will include: difficulties o f creating stable democratic institutions; causes and results o f revolutions, coups, and military interventions; different meanings of politics for various classes in socialist, corporatist, and (formerly) democratic regimes; and the utility o f dependency theory in ex­ plaining U.S.-Latin American relations. Spring semester. Eschbach and Sharpe. 180. Thesis. All members o f the Department. Psychology KENNETH J. GERGEN, Professor3 DEBORAH G. KEMLER NELSON, Professor and Acting Department Head (fall) JEANNE MARECEK, Professor and Department Head1 DEAN PEARODY, Professor ALLEN M. SCHNEIDER, Professor3 BARRY SCHWARTZ, Professor PHILIP J. KELLMAN, Associate Professor JUDY KEGL, Associate Professor*13 AMY DEMOREST, Assistant Professor VIRGINIA VANDERSLICE, Visiting Assistant Professor4 STANTON WORTHAM, Instructor3 HANS WALLACH, Research Psychologist The work of the Department o f Psychology deals with the systematic study o f human behavior and experience; processes o f percep­ tion, learning, thinking, and motivation are considered in their relation to the develop­ ment of the individual personality, and to the relations o f the individual to other persons. The courses and seminars o f the Department are designed to provide a sound basis of understanding o f psychological principles and a grasp of research method. Students learn the nature of psychological inquiry and the psy­ chological approach to various problems en­ countered in the humanities, the social sci­ ences, and the life sciences. A special major is available in conjunction with Linguistics emphasizing fundamental issues in human cognitive organization. A full description o f this program may be found under Linguistics. A special major in Psychobiology is available in cooperation with the Department o f Biolo­ gy. Consult either Department Head. REQU IREM EN TS AND RECO M M EN D ATIO N S Psychology 1, Introduction to Psychology, is normally a prerequisite for further work in the Department. Psychology 6 , Critical Issues in Psychology, can also serve as prerequisite for further work. A Course major consists o f at least eight courses, excluding courses cross-listed in psy­ chology that are taught by members o f other departments, and normally including four of the core courses (with course numbers in the 30’s): Physiological Psychology, Learning and Motivation, Perception, Cognitive Psycholo­ gy, Psychology o f Language, Social Psychology, Personality, Abnormal Psychology, and Child Development. Majors are also encouraged to take Psychology 12, Psychological Knowledge: Development and Justification. Those wishing to substitute more individualized programs should present their reasons in writing. Ma­ jors should take at least one course providing them with experience in research. In addition, majors in Course are encouraged to enroll in Psychology 98 during their senior year. This course is intended to provide integration of different fields o f psychology and to offer majors one way to meet the comprehensive 1 Absent on leave, fall semester, 1988. 3 Absent on leave, 1988-89. 4 Fall semester, 1988. 5 Spring semester, 1989. 13 Joint appointment with linguistics. 215 Psychology requirement. Students intending to pursue graduate work in psychology will also find it useful to take one o f the statistics courses offered by the Department o f Mathematics. Special Major: Psychobiology: The Departments o f Psychology and Biology offer a special major that combines work in the two depart­ ments, for students who are interested in the biological basis o f behavior. The major con­ sists o f a set o f core courses, and three groups o f optional courses. Consult the head of either department for details. TEA C H ER CERTIFICA TIO N There are two normal routes to Social Studies Certification. One o f these is through a major in the social sciences, plus four to six semes­ ters o f courses in other social sciences. Stu­ dents majoring in History, Political Science, and Sociology-Anthropology are required to take at least four courses outside their major; students majoring in Economics or Psycholo­ gy are required to take six. The other route to certification is by taking at least twelve semes­ ter courses in social sciences, o f which six must normally be in one discipline and at least two more must be in a single other discipline. All students seeking social studies certifica­ tion are required to take two courses in history. As o f 1987, at least one course in American history and one social science course focusing on Third World or nonAnglo subject matter are required. For further information, see the listing for the Program in Education. An introduction to the basic process under­ lying human and animal behavior, studied in experimental, social, and clinical contexts. Analysis centers on the extent to which nor­ mal and abnormal behavior are determined by learning, motivation, neural, cognitive, and social processes. Each semester. Staff. been enhanced, and how are we to judge propositions about the mental world? After exploring classic attempts to answer such questions, two major positions are contrasted, the empiricist and the hermeneutic. Psycho­ logical theory and research are used to illus­ trate. Primary distribution course. Spring semester. Wortham. 6. Critical Issues in Psychology. 21. Educational Psychology. An exploration o f selected issues in psycholo­ gy. Emphasis is on how one tries to answer theoretical questions, especially by analyzing the relation between psychological theories and the evidence testing them. This analysis is applied to previous critical experiments and in planning new research. The topics covered may vary from year to year; the department can supply information on the coverage in a particular year. Primary distribution course. Fall semester. Peabody. (See Education 21.) Fall semester. Renninger. 1. Introduction to Psychology. 12. Psychological Knowledge: Development and Justification. Designed to introduce students to the prob­ lem o f psychological knowledge. How do we gain knowledge o f others and ourselves, by what standards can we say that knowledge has 216 22. Counseling. (See Education 25.) Not offered 1988-89. 23. Adolescence. (See Education 23.) Spring semester. Smulyan. 24. Child Development and Social Policy. (See Education 66.) Spring semester. Renninger. 30. Physiological Psychology. A survey o f the neural and biochemical bases o f behavior with special emphasis on sensory processing, motivation, emotion, learning, and memory. Both experimental analyses and clinical implications are considered. Spring semester. Schneider. 31. Learning and Motivation. This course explores the ways in which expe­ rience interacts with biological predisposition to influence how action is organized and when it occurs. We study the processes o f condi­ tioning and explore how conditioning com­ bines with complex cognitive and social fac­ tors to influence what organisms do. The course includes a laboratory that is intended to acquaint students with central phenomena of learning and motivation. Fall semester. Schwartz. 32. Perception. An exploration o f the connections among experience, the physical world, and biological mechanisms. Theories o f direct perception are contrasted with those asserting the impor­ tance of inference or hypothesis in perceiving. Primary emphasis is on research in adult visual perception, but other senses and some developmental issues are also treated. Impli­ cations of the study o f perception for the theories o f knowledge and the visual arts are examined. There is laboratory work, including an original experiment conducted by the class. Fall semester. Kellman. 33. Cognitive Psychology. A broad overview o f the psychology o f knowl­ edge. Models o f human cognition are exam­ ined in light o f experimental data. Attention, pattern recognition, memory, concepts, thinking, and problem solving are treated, among other topics. Laboratory exercises and demonstrations are included to acquaint stu­ dents with the issues and methods in the field. Fall semester. Kellman. 34. The Psychology of Language. (See Linguistics 34). Spring semester. Kegl. 35. Social Psychology. An examination o f theory and research rele­ vant to social relationships between people. Topics include social influence, person per­ ception, cognitive consistency theories, ag­ gression and group conflict, performing with "rules,” the achieving society, attraction and love. Spring semester. Peabody. 36. Personality. An examination o f contrasting theories o f the human personality. Theories o f Freud, Jung, Sullivan, and others will be discussed. Some consideration will also be given to personality assessment. Fall semester. Demorest. 38. Abnormal Psychology. A survey o f major forms o f psychological disorder in adults and children. Biogenetic, socio-cultural, and psychological bases of ab­ normality are examined, along with their cor­ responding modes o f treatment. Spring semester. 39. Developmental Psychology. A selective survey o f cognitive and social development from infancy to adolescence. M ajor theoretical perspectives on the nature o f developmental change are examined, in­ cluding those o f Piaget and his critics. Topics include the formation o f social attachments, the foundations and growth o f perceptual, cognitive, and social-cognitive skills, gender typing, moral development, and the impact of parents and other social agents on the devel­ opment o f the child. (Formerly titled Child Development) Fall semester. Kemler Nelson. 42. Human Intelligence. This course adopts a broad view o f its topic, Human Intelligence. One major set o f subtopics will be drawn from the intelligence­ testing (IQ ) tradition and the controversies emerging from it—including the heritability o f IQ, the relation between IQ. and academic success, between IQ,and creativity, the nature o f mental retardation, and the conception o f intelligence as a general trait or as a set of specific abilities. Other and less traditional concerns will be cognitive theories o f intelli­ gence, everyday conceptions o f intelligence, the relation between infant and adult intelli­ gence, and the relation between human and animal intelligence. Spring semester. Kemler Nelson. 43. Comparative Cognition. An exploration o f cross-cultural research on human cognition. W hat are the universals o f human cognition? What are its distinctive features? W hat are the major factors that are responsible for cross-cultural variation in 217 Psychology human cognition? W hat are the virtues and pitfalls o f comparative approaches to the study o f cognition? The course is open to all students who have had introductory psychol­ ogy. Kemler Nelson. 44. Psychology and Women. An examination o f psychological theory and research on women and gender. We will study representations o f women and men in tradi­ tional and feminist writings. We shall compare the assumptive bases o f traditional and fem­ inist psychologies o f women, and examine the critical assumptions found in feminist con­ ceptions o f gender. In the latter part o f the course, we will study important issues for women such as domestic violence, represen­ tations o f male and female sexuality, and problems with eating. Fall semester. Vanderslice. 48. Perceptual Development Explores the perceptual world o f the infant and child in order to assess the impact o f experience on our ability to obtain knowledge through perception. Research on the early perception o f objects, space and motion, as well as event and social perception, will be considered against the backdrop o f major theoretical controversies. Students will have the opportunity to devote much o f their effort in the course to preparing a substantial paper on a topic o f their choice. Some knowl­ edge o f development and/or perception may be helpful, but is not prerequisite. Kellman. 51. Science, Decision-making, and Uncertainty. A study o f decision-making as it relates to scientific and public policy matters. The course covers philosophical, psychological, and mathemathical aspects o f decision-making in the face o f uncertain evidence. Topics covered include the nature o f scientific evidence and experimentation; probabilistic evidence and the law; uncertainty and medicine; inferential versus Bayesian statistics; human decision­ making, rational and irrational; techniques and correctives o f decision-making. The the­ ories will be related to such public issues as nuclear power, hazardous waste disposal, vac­ cination, and strategic nuclear planning. Cross-listed with Physics and Mathematics. Not offered 1988-89. Holt, Iversen, and 218 Kellman. 52. Representations of Women’s Identity. (See English 82 ). Satisfies distribution re­ quirement in group 1 not group 3. Spring semester. Marecek and Blum. 62. The Construction of Psychological Theory. How are psychological theories created, con­ structed, and sustained? W hat limits are there to psychological understanding? This course explores various social, aesthetic, and ideo­ logical factors that enter into the process of theory construction. Special attention is also given to the linguistic and literary conventions that govern interpretations o f human action. Prerequisite: Introductory Psychology and at least one additional course in psychology. Not offered 1988-89. Gergen. 63. Special Topics in Cognitive Psychology. Selected problems from the current literature on human information processing and cogni­ tive psychology are considered in detail. Em­ phasis is placed on the relationship between theories o f cognition and current experimen­ tal findings. Also, the development of cogni­ tive skills receives attention. 65. Political Psychology. A psychological examination o f individuals’ participation in and impact upon politics and the effect o f various political systems on individuals. Personality differences and psy­ chological processes are examined both for political leaders and for the general public. Topics thus include psychobiographies of presi­ dents and other leaders; psychological distor­ tion in political decisions; personality types among the public; psychological factors in public opinion and revolution. Projects may involve class or individual research.(Crosslisted as Political Science 65.) Peabody. 67. Special Topics in Child Development Aspects o f personality, social, and cognitive development are examined, with individual and group field projects an important part of the course. 68. Special Topics in Social Psychology. Considers special topics in human relations. 69. Special Topics in Personality. Considers selected topics in personality or­ ganization and dynamics. 86. Topics in Philosophy and Psychology. This course explores in depth different topics that are of interest and concern to both phi­ losophers and psychologists. For example, in Fall, 1987, the focus was rationality and the explanation of human action. In practical life, we usually explain human actions by giving the person’s reasons—his or her goals and beliefs—for performing them. In contrast, in experimental science, we attempt to explain behavior by finding laws in accordance with which it occurs. We explored the extent to which the categories o f explanation that come from practical life constrain or limit the scope of scientific explanations. The course is open to students who have had at least the intro­ ductory course in both philosophy and psy­ chology. (Cross-listed as Philosophy 86.) Not offered 1988-89. Schwartz and Lacey. 87. Colloquium: Psychology, Biology and Economic Rationality. The concept o f "economic man,” in rational pursuit o f self-interest, has had a profound impact on theory and research throughout the social sciences in the last two centuries. This course will offer a critical examination o f the notion of economic rationality, exploring the role it plays in economics, in evolutionary biology (sociobiology), and in psychology. The implications o f this notion for thinking about morality and about social organization will also be considered. The course will be taught in seminar format, for one credit. Prerequisites: The course is open, by applica­ tion, to advanced students in either biology, economics, philosophy, or psychology. Spring semester. Schwartz. 90. Practicum in Clinical Psychology. An opportunity for advanced psychology stu­ dents to gain supervised experience working in off-campus research projects or clinical settings. Course requirements and evaluations are tailored to individual projects. Advance arrangements for placements should be made in consultation with a member o f the psycholo­ gy department. 91. Research Practicum in Physiological Psychology. Research on the neural and chemical bases of learning and memory. Current theories are discussed. Special topics include: interhemispheric transfer, memory consolidation, and recovery from retrograde amnesia. Laboratory work is designed to introduce students to techniques in physiological psychology. Prerequisite: Psychology 30. By application. Not offered 1988-89. Schneider. 94. Independent Research. Students conduct independent research proj­ ects. They typically study problems with which they are already familiar from their course work. Students must submit a written report o f their work. Registration for Inde­ pendent Research requires the sponsorship o f a faculty member who agrees to supervise the work. Each semester. Staff. 95. Tutorial. Any student may, with the consent o f a mem­ ber o f the department, work under a tutorial arrangement for a single semester. The student is thus allowed to select a topic o f particular interest, and in consultation with a faculty member, prepare a reading list and work plan. Tutorial work may include field research out­ side Swarthmore. Each semester. Staff. 96,97. Senior Thesis. W ith the permission o f the Department, stu­ dents may conduct a 2 -credit research project in their senior year as one way to meet the comprehensive requirement. The course in­ cludes: (a) carrying out a research project with the advice o f a faculty sponsor and (b) taking part in a joint discussion group that shares the problems o f each stage o f the research. Students should develop a general plan by the end o f the junior year and apply for departmental approval. By application. One credit each semester. Both semesters. Staff. 98. History and Systems of Psychology. Intended to provide integration o f different fields o f psychology and to offer majors one way to meet the comprehensive requirement. Historical treatment concentrates on the major systematic points o f view. Special con- 219 Psychology sidération is given to problems overlapping several areas o f psychology. Spring semester. Peabody, SEM IN ARS 104. Individual in Society. An analysis o f the relationship between people and their society. Basic social processes are discussed, including the understanding o f other persons, theories o f cognitive consis­ tency, group influence and conformity. Ap­ plications to political attitudes, group preju­ dices, the relation o f attitudes and personality, and the relation o f psychology to the social sciences are also considered. Two credits. Fall semester. Peabody. 105. Personality. An exploration o f general theories o f human functioning from Freud to the present, in­ cluding consideration o f empirical tests o f the theories. Attention is given to methods o f personality assessment. Two credits. Spring semester. Demorest. 106. Personality Theory and Interpretation. An exploration o f major theories o f human personality functioning, with special emphasis on the process o f exploration itself. Thus, critical inquiry is made into the theories o f Freud, Jung, the neo-Freudians, Existential and dramaturgic contributions and trait the­ ory. At the same time a variety o f readings in literary theory, rhetoric, hermeneutics, and related realms will be used to elucidate the process by which views o f the human person­ ality are developed and sustained. The seminar emphasizes the close relation between pre­ sumptions o f inquiry—literary, ideological, epistemological—and its outcomes. Prelimi­ nary background in relevant areas o f study required. By permission. Two credits. Not offered 1988-89. Gergen. 109. Physiological Psychology. An analysis o f the neural bases of motivation, emotion, learning, memory and language. Generalizations derived from neurobehavioral relations will be brought to bear on clinical issues. Two credits. Spring semester. Schneider. 220 118. Philosophy of Psychology. See Philosophy 118. Not offered 1988-89. Lacey. 131a. and b. Learning and Motivation. See description o f Psychology 31. Students are expected to attend lectures given in Psy­ chology 31, and to participate in the labora­ tory. The second part o f the seminar (131b) considers in depth special topics o f interest discussed in the first part o f the seminar. One credit each semester. 131a: Fall semester, 1988 and 1989. 131b: Spring semester, 1990 only. Schwartz. 132a. and b. Perception. Psychology 132a meets with Psychology 32. The second part o f the seminar (132b) ex­ plores selected topics in human perception. Major theories and experimental data direct our exploration of the roles o f inborn mech­ anisms and inferential processes in producing perceptual experience. Adult visual percep­ tion o f form, space, motion and their inter­ relations are major concerns. Intersensory coordination, some auditory perception and perceptual adaptation are also considered. One credit each semester. Both semesters. Kellman. 133a. and b. Cognitive Psychology. Psychology 133a meets with Psychology 33. The second part o f the seminar (133b) is an intensive study o f higher mental processes. Specific topics include mental representation, memory organization, imagery, attention and consciousness, concept formation, reading, thinking, and problem-solving. One credit each semester. Both semesters. Kellman. 138. Abnormal Psychology. A study in depth o f various theoretical per­ spectives on psychological disorders, includ­ ing schizophrenia, autism, depression, and anxiety disorders. Underlying assumptions of each theory will be considered, as well as empirical evidence supporting the theory. Ap­ proaches to treatment will also be studied. Two credits. Fall semester. Demorest. 139a. and b. Developmental Psychology. See description o f Psychology 39. Students are expected to attend and participate in Psychology 39. The second part o f the seminar (139b) considers in depth special topics of interest within the field. A research compo­ nent is frequently included in the second part of the seminar. One credit each semester. (Formerly titled Child Development) Both semesters. Kemler Nelson. 180. Thesis. May be presented as a substitute for one seminar provided some member o f the De­ partment is available to undertake the direc­ tion o f the thesis. May be taken either as a 2credit, 1-semester course or as a 2-semester course for one credit each semester. Students writing a thesis are expected to attend the weekly meetings o f senior paper students during the semester(s) they are enrolled for Thesis. Both semesters. All members o f the Depart­ ment. 221 Public Policy Coordinator: RICHARD L. RIIBIN The concentration in Public Policy enables students to combine work in several depart­ ments toward both critical and practical un­ derstanding o f sectors o f public policy, such as social welfare, health, energy, food and agriculture, and national defense. The focus o f the courses in the concentration is on the development, formulation, implementation, and evaluation o f policy. The departments centrally concerned with the concentration are Political Science, Economics, and Engi­ neering; but work in other departments is decidedly pertinent to the concentration. Fac­ ulty members from other departments may be directly involved in the concentration, and course or seminar offerings from other de­ partments may, in certain circumstances, meet requirements for the concentration. Some competence in formal or quantitative methods is required for students concentrating in Pub­ lic Policy, but work in the concentration equally emphasizes historical, institutional, and normative analysis. R E Q U IR EM EN T S AND RECOM M EN DATION S The concentration in Public Policy is not a major. It may be taken together with a Course or External Examination (Honors) major in any field, and it can be combined most inte­ grally with a major in one or more o f the participating departments o f Political Science, Economics, or Engineering. A t a minimum, the concentration consists o f certain course requirements, totaling six credits (some o f which are also counted toward one’s depart­ ment major), and an internship. The program o f each concentrator should be worked out in consultation with the Coordinator o f the Public Policy Program and approved by the Coordinator, preferably at the same time as majors in the Course and Honors Programs are planned, but not later than the middle o f one’s junior year. Academic requirements for the concentration cover three basic areas: (1 ) economic analysis, (2 ) political analysis, and (3 ) quantitative analysis. These may normally be met by prepa­ ration in specified courses. The economic analysis requirement can be met by Economics 11 (Intermediate Economics) or Economics 100 (Economics Theory) or Economics 4 0 (Public Finance) or Economics 140 (Public Finance). The political analysis requirement can be met by Political Science 5 0 (Public Law and Public Administration) or Political Sci­ ence 51 (Topics in Public Administration and Policy) or Political Science 2 (PolicyMaking in America). The quantitative analysis requirement can be met by Mathematics 1 222 (Statistical Thinking), Mathematics 2 (Statis­ tical Methods), or Mathematics 23 (Statis­ tics), Economics 3 0 (Statistics for Econo­ mists), Engineering/Economics 30 (Opera­ tions Research), or Economics 35 or Economics 135 (Econometrics). Equivalent honors courses may be substituted for any of the above. In addition to the three preparatory or pre­ requisite courses, three credits must be taken from among the substantitive policy courses listed below. These courses deal with substantive sectors and institutional aspects of public policy analysis. Many o f the courses will be offered for one credit. Only those seminars or courses approved for double credit may be taken as units in the External Examination program. W ith approval o f the Coordinator and the seminar instructor, some seminars with substantial policy content may be approved for one-credit work in the concentration. i I I I I I I I I I Students interested in the more international aspects o f public policy or in other specialized areas o f political science such as mass communications or law may request an alternative set o f preparatory or prerequisite courses. I I I I In special circumstances, students with adequate and appropriate alternative preparation (as might be the case for some natural science students or those with work done at other institutions) may request that such prepara­ tion be substituted for courses normally re- I I I I I quired in the concentration. Approval o f such requests, as for approval o f internships, will be the responsibility o f the coordinator and the committee on public policy studies. INTERNSHIP Some direct experience or practical responsi­ bility in the field, through work in a public, private, or voluntary agency, is required for graduation with a concentration in public policy. This requirement may be met by com­ pleting an internship during either a semester or a summer or both. Normally, students will hold internships between their junior and senior years. The internship program is super' vised by the faculty member serving as coor' dinator o f the concentration, and specific opportunities may be worked out for the students. PROGRAM IN FOOD POLICY For the 1988-89 academic year, one course relevant to Food Policy will be offered: Politi­ cal Science 43, Food Policy (Professor Hop­ kins). Students should contact Professor Ray- mond Hopkins for more information about the program, especially in regard to the pos­ sibility o f limited summer internship funds. ELIGIBILITY The concentration is open to students major­ ing in any field, although students in the social and natural sciences are likely to be able to meet the requirements most readily. Any student with acceptable preparation is wel­ come to undertake work in a public policy course, subject to the priority for concentra­ tors. For students concentrating in Public Policy and reading for Honors, certain work in the concentration will normally be eligible for external examination. Policy Courses Offered Economics 40. Public Finance. Economics 60. Economics o f Industry. Economics 62. Government Regulation o f Industry. Economics 71. Social Economics. Economics 72. Women and Minorities in the Economy. Economics 75/Political Science 42. Health Policy. Economics 140. Public Finance. Economics 170. Labor and Social Economics. Political Science 41. Defense Policy. Political Science 43. Food Policy. Political Science 44. Race, Ethnicity and Public Policy. Political Science 53c. Presidential Politics and Public Policy. Economics 73/Political Science 67. Social Insurance and Welfare Policy. Engineering/Political Science 68. Environmental Policy. Economics 23/Political Science 69. Macroeconomic Policy. Economics 74. Urban Economics. 223 Religion J. WILLIAM FROST, Professor and Director o f the Friends Historical Library1 DONALD K. SWEARER, Professor and Chair P. LINWOOD IIRRAN, JR., Professor JOHN P. REEDER, Visiting Professor4 AMY-JILL LEVINE, Assistant Professor*3 MICHAEL R. GREENWALD, Instructor LEILA RERNER, Lecturer4 CYNTHIA B. COHEN, Lecturer4 Religion as a field o f study encompasses his­ torical religious traditions and varied dimen­ sions o f human experience on social and personal levels evidenced at all times and in all forms o f human society. Because o f the di­ verse and pervasive nature o f religion, several methodologies have evolved for its study, including the skills o f historical investigation, textual criticism, philosophical analysis, and socio-cultural interpretation. Added to these skills is the important ingredient o f empathy toward the claims religious persons make regarding what they have perceived to be ultimately real. Any course numbered 1 through 10 may be taken as introductory to other courses in the Department. Religion and Human Experience (Religion 1), our primary distribution course, explores the nature o f religion in terms o f its particular and historical aspects as well as its generic and universal meanings. Successful completion o f Religion 1 or another o f the introductory courses (2 through 10) is nor­ mally required for admission to courses num­ bered 11 and above. Completion o f two courses is usually prerequisite for admission to a major in Course or an External Examina­ tion major or minor. The major in Religion is planned through consultation with faculty members in the Department. Majors in both the Course and the External Examination Programs are re­ quired to have completed the primary distri­ bution course, and course or seminar work in three areas o f analysis and interpretation: historical-critical, philosophical-theological, and socio-cultural. Only one course cross1 Absent on leave, fall semester, 1988. 3 Absent on leave, 1988-89. 4 Fall semester, 1988. 224 listed from another department can be counted toward the major. Majors in course will write a one credit Senior Paper, or, with the consent o f the Department, a two credit Thesis; and, will take an oral comprehensive examination based on the Senior Paper or Thesis and courses taken in the major. 1. Religion and Human Experience. This primary distribution course introduces the nature o f religious worldviews, their cul­ tural manifestations, and their influence on personal and social self-understanding and action. The course explores various themes and structures seminal to the nature of religion and its study: narrative and sacred scripture; visions o f ultimate reality and their various manifestations in art, architecture, literature, and film; religious experience and its expres­ sion in ritual behavior and moral action; the relationships among religious experience, lan­ guage, and reason; religion as both a legitima­ tion o f and challenge to cultural norms. Members o f the Department will lecture and lead weekly discussion sections. Primary distribution course. Fall semester. Urban, Cohen, Greenwald, Swearer. 3. Introduction to the Hebrew Scriptures. A comprehensive introduction to the history o f ancient Israel and Biblical Judaism as known primarily, although not exclusively, through the literature produced and preserved by those communities. Special attention will be given to the cultural contexts, both national and international, in which the texts were composed, and to the various approaches— historical, literary, sociological, etc.—by which the texts have been interpreted. Fall semester. Greenwald. 8. Religions of India. This course examines the New Testament writings in their historical and cultural con­ texts, introduces the tools—from the histori­ cal critical method to newer disciplines such as rhetorical criticism and sociological analy­ sis— employed to discover the original meaning(s) of the documents, and investigates the continuities and the transformations o f Chris­ tianity from Jewish sect to independent reli­ gion. Spring semester. Greenwald. A study o f Hinduism and Buddhism as doc­ trinal and cultural systems in the context o f India’s historical development. The course focuses on major themes based on classical texts o f the Hindu and Buddhist traditions, e.g., the ritual hymns o f the Rig Veda, the mystical teachings o f the Upanishads, the Dialogues (Sutras) o f the Buddha, the social and political morality o f the Laws o f Manu, the myths and legends o f the Mahabharata, the poetry o f the Bhakti saints, and the chal­ lenge to tradition by the modern reformers. Fall semester. Swearer. 5. Problems of Religious Thought. 9. The Ruddhist Tradition. The purpose of this course is to study various answers to the chief religious problems o f the twentieth century. Problems include: the na­ ture of religious experience, the existence of God, religion and morality, science and reli­ gion, and the problem of evil. Answers include those given by Martin Buber, William James, Reinhold Niebuhr, Paul Tillich, and others. Students are encouraged to find their own answers and to work out their own religious beliefs. Spring semester. Urban. This course explores the unity and variety of the Buddhist tradition within its historical development in South, Central, and East Asia. In particular it focuses on the meditation tradition in China (Ch’an), the esoteric tradi­ tion in Tibet (Tantrayana), and the faith tra­ dition in Japan (Jodo Shin Shu). Offered 1989-90. 4. Introduction to Christian Scriptures. I Not offered 1988-89. 6. War and Peace. An analysis of the moral issues posed by war, with consideration o f the arguments for holy wars, just wars, real politik, and pacifism. The first part of the course will trace the evolution of major ideas of war from the Bible to the present. A study o f America’s wars since 1940 will show the application o f these ideas in this nation’s response to organized violence. Not offered 1988-89. Frost. 7. Introduction to Formative Judaism. A survey of the varieties o f institutional struc­ tures and beliefs o f Judaism from the encoun­ ter with Hellenism to the codification o f the Talmud. Particular attention is paid to the struggle between ancient tradition and cultural adaptation, the diversity o f pre- and nonRabbinic Judaisms (e.g., Diaspora accommo­ dations, the writers of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Pseudepigrapha), the formation o f the Biblical canon, Targumim, Midrash, and Mishnah, the distinctions between orthodoxy and heresy, and the political and social factors in which this history took shape. — 11. The History, Religion, and Culture of Japan. This course explores the historical dynamics o f the religion and culture o f Japan from its origins to the early nineteenth century. It em­ phasizes the interaction between indigenous Japanese cultural patterns and foreign, domi­ nantly Chinese, influences in the context o f political and social changes over the centuries. Spring semester. Swearer. 13. Comparative Religious Mysticism. Mysticism is studied as a distinctive phenom­ enon within the religious traditions o f Asia and the West. The writings o f particular mys­ tics, e.g., Eckhart, the Baal-shem, Rabi’a, Mahadeviyakkha, are studied and such problems as mystic states o f consciousness, language and mystical experience, the mystic and tradi­ tional religious authority, mysticism and com­ munity are explored. Not offered 1988-89. Swearer. 14. Philosophy of Religion. An investigation o f the nature o f religious faith, the problem o f religious knowledge, concepts o f deity, the problem o f evil, and the relationship of religion to ethics. Both critics and supporters o f traditional religious per- Religion spectives will be studied. (Cross-listed as Phi­ losophy 16.) Not offered 1988-89. Urban. 15. Disputation and Dialogue. This course will focus on the ways Christians and Jews have related to one another on religious/theological, personal, social, and economic levels from the Middle Ages to the present day. Some topics to be considered are: the political, legal, and social status o f the Jew in medieval Christian Europe, the Protes­ tant Reformation and the Jews, Jewish-Christian relations in the age o f Emancipation and Enlightenment, Christian-Jewish religious de­ bate and dialogue, the emergence o f Jewish stereotypes in popular Christian culture, Jew­ ish attitudes towards Christians, the effects of the Holocaust on Christian-Jewish relations, contemporary approaches toward establishing constructive inter-faith relations. Fall semester. Berner. 16. The Apostolic Age. An investigation o f the origin and expansion o f the Christian Church from the later writ­ ings o f the New Testament until the Edict of Constantine, this course explores through the use o f primary sources several key transition points in Christian history, including compe­ tition with Judaism, post-canonical develop­ ments o f legend and doctrine, the causes o f and responses to persecution, Gnosticism, asceticism, the position o f women in the Church, and the distinctions between ortho­ doxy and heresy. (Cross-listed as Classics 38.) Fall semester. Greenwald. Hume, Kant, and Schleiermacher, movements within Protestantism and Roman Catholicism, and Christian relationships with other reli­ gions are considered in detail. Not offered 1988-89. Urban. 19. Quakerism. The history o f the distinctive religious and social ideas o f the Friends from the time of George Fox until the present. Particular atten­ tion is paid to differences in the development o f Quakerism in England and America. Spring semester. Frost. 21. Search for Community. Feminist and Marxist critiques o f liberal indi­ vidualism; epistemological, sociological-meta­ physical, and morally normative concepts of community; theological and secular moralities based on notions o f human good or caring. Fall semester. Reeder. 29. Religious Belief and Moral Action. An examination o f the relationship between religion and morality. Basic moral concepts of several religious traditions (Buddhism, Chris­ tianity, and Hinduism) will be studied and compared. The relationship o f moral teach­ ings to the cosmological and theological framework in which they occur will be dis­ cussed. The course will analyze concepts of virtue and moral reasoning, the religious view o f what it means to be a moral person, and the religious evaluation o f a just society. Spring semester. Swearer. 30. Religion as a Cultural Institution. (See Sociology and Anthropology 30.) 17. Christian Thought to the Middle Ages. 37. Topics in Greek and Roman Religion. The development o f Christian thought from the Council o f Nicea (3 2 5 ) to the Rhineland Mystics (c. 1400). Attention will focus on the formation o f classical doctrines such as the Trinity, Incarnation, and Atonement as well as outstanding thinkers like Augustine, An­ selm, Thomas Aquinas, and Meister Eckhart. Although the primary emphasis is historical, attention is given to the contemporary rele­ vance o f medieval thought. Spring semester. Urban. 59. Catholic Social Thought 18. Luther to King. 97. Senior Paper. Christian thought from the Reformation to the Civil Rights Movement in America. Rep­ resentative figures such as Luther, Calvin, 226 (See Classics 37 .) (See Philosophy 59/Political Science 59.) 93. Directed Reading. Staff. 95. Tutorial. Staff. 96. Thesis. Majors in Course may, with Departmental permission, write a two-credit thesis. Senior majors in Course will normally write a one-credit paper as the major part of their comprehensive requirement. Spring semester. Staff. Courses offered occasionally: Religion and Literature Psychology and Religious Experience Introduction to Islam Religious Riography Black Religion and Black Liberation PREPARATION F O R EX T ER N A L EXAM INATIONS The Department will arrange External Examina­ tions in the following areas, to be prepared for in the ways indicated. Preparation by seminar: The Idea of God in Historical Perspective. (Seminar: 102). An examination o f the development o f the concept of God from pre-historic times to the present. The study will include mythological materials, the Bible, Sankara, Kierkegaard, and others. Prerequisite: Religion 5 or 14, or permission of instructor. Spring semester. Urban. Asian Religious Thought (Seminar: 103). A study o f seminal writings in India and China which have had a decisive influence on the religious traditions o f these two cultures. The traditions considered are: Vedanta, SamkhyaYoga, Mahayana Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. Prerequisite: Religion 10 or 11, or permission of instructor. Fall semester. Swearer. Buddhism in Southeast Asia (Seminar: 104). An analysis of Theravada Buddhism as a part of the cultural traditions o f Sri Lanka, Burma, and Thailand. The seminar focuses on three major themes: Buddhism and the legitimation of the state, the syncretic character o f popular Buddhist thought and practice, and the vari­ ous responses o f Buddhism to the challenges of the modern period. Prerequisite: Religion 8 or the permission o f the instructor. Spring 1990. Religion and Society (Seminar: 105). How have religious ideas and institutions shaped and been influenced by American culture? Topics include the varieties o f Protes­ tantism from Puritanism to the moral majori­ ty, the adaptation o f Roman Catholicism and Judaism to the American context, the encoun­ ter o f the traditional religions o f the Indians and Blacks with Christianity, and the patterns o f contemporary religious practices. Special themes will be revivals, millenialism, the im­ pact o f class, alternative or sectarian groups, church and state, and the role o f women. Spring 1990. Frost. Contemporary Religious Thought (Seminar: 106). Representative thinkers and schools o f thought in the present century. These include Karl Barth, Martin Buber, Rudolph Bultmann, Karl Rahner, Paul Tillich, and A. N. Whitehead. Prerequisite: Religion 5 or 14, or permission o f instructor. Fail semester. Urban. Liberation Theology (Seminar: 107). A study o f the principal themes o f liberation theology as it has developed in Latin America during recent decades; the preferential option for the poor, the relationship between salva­ tion and political liberation, the Biblical cri­ tique o f injustice, faith and politics, the role o f social analysis in theological discourse, views concerning the Church, Christology and spirituality, and the conception o f the­ ology as a critical reflection on liberating practices made from the stance o f participa­ tion in such practices. Readings will be drawn from such Latin American theologians as Boff, Gutierrez, and Segundo. Attention will also be given to the relationship o f liberation theology to the Roman Catholic tradition, to the social and political movements which it has influenced, and to its critics. Spring semester. Lacey. 227 Religion Jew ish and Christian Self-Definition (Seminar. 108). Feminist Interpretation of Scripture (Seminar: 109). A study o f the various options facing both Judaism and Christianity in the first century C.E. and o f the processes by which each religion narrowed those options in the attempt to establish a normative identity during the following two centuries. This seminar focuses on the development o f the two systems as they defined themselves through the formulations o f scriptural canons, through debate with each other and with the secular authorities, and through their attempts to distinguish heresy from orthodox belief. Readings include selections from the New Testament, the Pseudepigrapha, patristic, and rabbinic sources, the New Testament Apocrypha, and records o f the Roman government. Prerequisite: one o f the following: Religion 4, 7 , 16, or the permission o f the instructor. Spring semester. Greenwald. Using various approaches to biblical study (historical-critical, feminist, literary, socio­ logical, theological), this seminar explores depictions o f women in both Testaments, the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, and selected rabbinic, patristic, and Gnostic writings; the influence o f patriarchal structures on this literature and its interpretation; and the re­ covery of women’s history. Particular attention will be given to the myths o f creation and fall, including the ancient Near-Eastern god­ dess traditions; the subversive and the wise woman; the "feminine” depiction of deity; Jesus’ and Paul’s attitudes toward women and sexuality; and the relationship between ortho­ dox institutionalism and women’s leadership roles. Prerequisite: one o f the following: Religion 3, 4, 7 , 16, or the permission o f the instructor. Fall 1989. Levine. Preparation by course and attachment: introduction to the Hebrew Scriptures (Levine) Indian Religion Religions of India (Swearer) Buddhism The Buddhist Tradition. (Swearer) Comparative Religious Ethics Religious Belief and Moral Action (Swearer) Medieval Religious Thought Christian Thought in the Middle Ages (Urban) Philosophy o f Religion Philosophy of Religion (Urban) Modem Christian Thought From Luther to King (Urban) Formative Judaism Introduction to Formative Judaism (Levine) Hebrew Bible 228 Preparation by combinations of courses: Early Christianity The Christian Scriptures (Levine) The Apostolic Age (Levine) Preparation by Thesis: Students who declare a major in Religion in their External Examination Program may, with permission o f the Department, offer a thesis as one o f their External Examination papers. Students are encouraged to explore the possi­ bility o f taking complementary religion courses at Haverford and Bryn Mawr which do not duplicate Swarthmore offerings in religious studies, for example, Islam at Haverford and Jewish Law and Folklore at Bryn Mawr. Schedules o f religion classes at Haverford and Bryn Mawr are available in the Department of Religion office. I I I I Sociology and Anthropology J. HERMAN BLAKE, Lang Visiting Professor JENNIE KEITH, Professor and Chair ASMAROM LEGESSE, Professor123 STEVEN I. PIKER, Professor3 JOY CHARLTON, Associate Professor1 BRAULIO MUNOZ, Associate Professor STEVEN BORISH, Assistant Professor ROBIN L WAGNER-PACIFICI, Assistant Professor The program o f this department emphasizes that Sociology and Anthropology are engaged in a common intellectual task. Studies in the department are directed toward understand­ ing the order, meaning, and coherence o f life in human societies and cultures, as well as the pressures and contradictions that produce patterns of conflict and change. Courses vari­ ously emphasize the comparative study of societies and cultures; the conditions o f social organization as well as disorganization; evolu­ tion and the bases o f human adaption; change as well as continuity; gender and culture; the human life course; the symbolic aspects o f human social life. Sociology and Anthropology to the study o f modern and, particularly, American society, and to the social problems o f the modern age. The department strongly encourages students to carry out their own research and offers internship opportunities as well as an ad­ vanced colloquium in research design. In addition to exploring the mutuality o f Sociology and Anthropology, members o f the department and their courses have many links to neighboring disciplines such as Biology, Education, English, History, Linguistics, Lit­ erature, Philosophy, Psychology, and Reli­ gion. Emphasis is also placed on the relevance of REQU IREM EN TS AND RECOM M EN DATION S Courses numbered 1 through 12, as well as 24, may serve as points o f entry for students wishing to begin work in the department. Enrollment in these courses is unrestricted, and completion o f one o f them will normally serve as prerequisite to all other work in the department (Course 3 0 may, however, with permission o f the instructor, be taken without prerequisite.) Applicants for major will normally be ex­ pected to have completed at least two courses in the department. Course majors will com­ plete a minimum o f eight units o f work in the Department, including a double-credit thesis tutorial to be taken during the fall and spring semesters o f the senior year, as well as course 50. Majors in the external examination pro­ gram are also required to complete course 50. Normally, majors will complete course 50 by the end o f their junior years, and prospective majors are encouraged to take the course during their sophomore years. Course 21 is strongly recommended for majors. The department emphasizes the importance o f familiarity with appropriate elementary statistics as well as computer literacy, both for work taken at the College and for subsequent career development. Toward underlining this, the Department crosslists Mathematics courses 1, 2, and 23 (listed as, respectively Sociology 1 Absent on leave, fall semester, 1988. 2 Absent on leave, spring semester, 1989. 3 Absent on leave, 1988-89. 229 Sociology and Anthropology and Anthropology 18,19, and 20), any one o f which may be taken as one o f the eight units o f work required for completion o f a major in Sociology and Anthropology. A R EA S O F SPECIAL CO N CEN TRA TION IN SO C IO L O G Y AND A N TH RO PO LO GY Teaching and research interests o f members of the department cluster to create a number o f subject matter areas. Students who are inter­ ested in one o f these are encouraged to meet with the indicated department members to plan a program o f study. (1 ) Social Theory and Social Philosophy (Munoz, Piker, Wagner-Pacifici) (2 ) Human Adaptation, Cultural Ecology, and Human Evolution (Borish, Legesse, Piker) (3 ) Post-Industrial Society (Blake, Borish, Charlton, Keith, Wagner-Pacifici) (4 ) Cultural and Ethnic Pluralism (Blake, Charlton, Keith, Legesse) (5 ) Religion and Culture (Charlton and Piker) (6 ) Psychology and Culture (Charlton, Piker) (7 ) Sociology o f Art and Intellectual Life (Muñoz, Wagner-Pacifici) (8) Modernization and Development (Bor­ ish, Legesse) (9 ) Modem America (Blake, Charlton, Keith, Legesse, Wagner-Pacifici) (10) The Life Course (Borish, Keith, Legesse, Piker) (11) Inequality (Charlton, Legesse, WagnerPacifici) (12) Political Behavior and Culture (Keith, Legesse, Wagner-Pacifici) CERTIFICA TIO N F O R SECONDARY SC H O O L TEACHING There are two normal routes to Social Studies certification. One o f these is through a major in the social sciences, plus four to six semes­ ters o f courses in other social sciences. Stu­ dents majoring in History, Political Science, and Sociology-Anthropology are required to take at least four courses outside their major; students majoring in Economics and Psychol­ ogy are required to take six. The other route to certification is by taking at least twelve semester courses in social sciences, o f which six must normally be in one discipline and at least two more must be in a single other discipline. All students seeking social studies certification are required to take two courses in history. As o f 1987, at least one course in American history and one social science course focusing on Third World or non-Anglo subject matter are required. 1. Modern America: Culture, Society and State. This course will explore central themes and points o f conflict in American life: authority, community, sexuality, work, personal iden­ 230 tity, politics, and heroism. This exploration will proceed by way o f an analysis both of the institutional representations o f these central issues and their cultural expressions. Primary distribution course. Spring semester. Wagner-Pacifici. 2. Introduction to Social and Cultural Change. The course has two themes. First, it examines how simpler societies maintain an intimate and stable relationship with the natural world, whereas modem societies are faced with major upheavals associated with rapid population growth, economic development, and ecology cal degradation. Second, the course focuses on social movements, prophetism, communalism, anarchism, and alienation as responses to economic and ecological crisis and as forces o f social transformation. Students will partici­ pate in an ethnographic encounter session as an experiment in cross-cultural communica­ tion. Primary distribution course. Not offered 1988-89. 4. Community: The Human Strategy. This course considers the conditions under which both feelings and structures o f com­ munity emerge and persist, especially in the context o f modem society, and the conse­ quences for individuals o f participation in community. The stimulus for these questions is the recent shift in human social relations from the small, face-to-face groups in which most of our history was experienced, toward large-scale, complex organizations. What are the consequences o f the co-existence o f these different types o f social relation for the quality of human lives? Do we still need and/or want community? Where are we likely to find it? Aspects o f communal life examined include conflict management, charismatic leadership, ritual, maintenance o f distinctiveness, family, meanings o f work. Most course readings will be case studies o f various types o f community: hunting and gathering bands, utopian experi­ ments, retirement villages, communes, kib­ butzim, "distinctive groups” (Amish, gyp­ sies), religious communities (Shakers, Bruderhof), therapeutic communities. Primary distribution course. Spring semester. Keith. 5. Freshman Seminar: Introduction to Contemporary Social Thought A general introduction to major theoretical developments in the study o f social life since the 19th century. Selected readings will be drawn from the work o f such modern social theorists as Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Freud, and Simmel. Readings from contemporary authors such as Geertz, Goffman, Giddens, Lukes, and Rieff will also be included. These developments will be studied against the back­ ground of the socio-philosophical climate of the 19th century. Limited enrollment. Not offered 1988-89. Munoz. 7. Sex Roles, Power, and Identity. An exploration o f the social, political, and psychological implications o f gender, drawing on socio-biological, cross-cultural, and his­ torical materials. The primary emphasis will be placed on developments in contemporary America. Not offered 1988-89. Charlton. 10. Human Evolution. (Cross-listed with Bio. 10.) Humankind and culture are seen in cross-species and evolu­ tionary perspective. The course will be di­ vided about equally between contemporary non-human Primates and Hominid evolution, eventuating in Homo Sapiens. The course emphasizes Primate adaptations; continuities and discontinuities between humans and other Primates; and the stages and dynamics of Hominid evolution. A lab section will be de­ voted to student projects. This course is a primary distribution course in the Division o f the Social Sciences, but not in the Division o f the Natural Sciences. Fall semester. Borish, Piker, Williams. 18. Statistical Thinking. (Cross-listed as Math 1. Please see Mathe­ matics entry for description.) 19. Statistical Methods. (Cross-listed as Math 2. Please see Mathe­ matics entry for description.) 20. Statistics. (Cross-listed as Math 23. Please see Mathe­ matics entry for description.) 21. Research Design Colloquium. Introduction to the process o f research on human social life: creation o f research ques­ tions, strategies for obtaining evidence, tech­ niques o f evaluating hypotheses, and generat­ ing theory. The roles o f theory, ethical issues, and cultural and historical context in the research enterprise will be addressed. Stu­ dents will design and undertake individual research projects, and members o f the depart­ ment will visit the class to discuss their own research experience. Spring semester. Charlton, Keith. 24. Psychological Anthropology. Sometimes called culture and personality, this field explores the relationship between the individual and his or her culture. The course treats the following issues: a) the psy­ chological, or symbolic, capacities presup­ posed by culture; b) socialization, or the transmission o f culture from generation to generation; c) the cultural distribution o f personality traits; and d) culture and mental health. Case materials will be principally, but not exclusively, non-Western, and the crosscultural study o f child rearing will receive particular emphasis. Not offered 1988-89. Piker. 231 Sociology and Anthropology 25. Language, Culture, and Society. (Cross-listed as Linguistics 25. See listing under Program in Linguistics.) 27. Afro-American Culture and Society. Black culture is examined at several stages of its development in the twentieth century—as a culture o f survival, assimilation, pan-Afficanism, prophetism, nationalism, and revolu­ tion. The sociology o f Black American com­ munities is viewed in terms o f the lifecycle, family structure, associational life, religious institutions, and class structure, and how these systems react to racism, urban migra­ tion, economic deprivation, and political change. Spring semester. Blake. 30. Religion as a Cultural Institution. 42. Cultural Transmission: Education in Cross-Cultural Perspective. The purpose o f this course is to communicate a transcultural and comparative perspective on the educative process in our own and other societies. Awareness o f the sociocultural in­ fluences on education-relevant behavior will be a major focus. Coverage ranges from case studies of technologically primitive (but sym­ bolically complex) non-Western cultures to complex industrial societies. Although spe­ cific attention is given to schooling in the culturally pluralistic United States, students taking the course will be exposed to more than I 2 0 different cultures. The development of a partial cultural theory o f education considered as cultural transmission is one of the main objectives of the course. Fall semester. Borish. (Cross-listed as Religion 30 .) The focus is primarily cross-cultural, and religion case materials will be drawn from both pre-literate and civilized traditions, including the modern West. The following topics will be empha­ sized: religious symbolism; religious evolu­ tion; religion as a force for both social stability and social change; psychological aspects of religious belief; and religious change in mod­ ern America, with particular emphasis on both Fundamentalism and the "cults.” May be taken without prerequisites with permis­ sion o f instructor. Not offered 1988-89. Piker. 43. Society and Culture in Spanish America. 33. Ecology and Society. This course analyzes conflicting theoretical perspectives on the origins and meaning of social inequality. Empirical studies of both a historical and cross-cultural nature will be i examined for the ways in which they engage alternative readings of such issues as the nature and representations o f work, property, body, and mind in revealing and reproducing social inequalities. The approach is phenome- 1 nological: how are inequalities made social I and how are they disrupted? Spring semester. Wagner-Pacifici. Examination o f different types o f ecological conditions and how they influence pastoral, agricultural, peri-urban, and urban social sys­ tems. Special attention will be given to the world food crisis, to climatic change, demo­ graphic pressures, environmental degradation, and a wide range of adaptive strategies that have developed in response to ecological stress. Not offered 1988-89. Legesse. 36. Peoples and Cultures of Africa. An introduction to traditional and modern Africa with emphasis on representative socie­ ties from East and West Africa. The course examines pre-colonial political and social institutions, African responses to colonial domination, and the impact o f urbanization and economic development during the post­ colonial period. Not offered 1988-89. Legesse. 232 The relationship between society and culture in Spanish America. Recent and historical developments in social stratification and ethnic relations will be considered as crucial factors underlying Spanish-American culture. Particular attention will be given to SpanishAmerican social thought as evidenced in social sciences research, theology, philosophy, and literature. Not offered 1988-89. Munoz. I I I I I I I I 44. Social Inequality. 45. Field Studies in Primate Behavior. \ An investigation o f primate ethology as stud­ ied in the animal’s natural environment. Par- ■ ticular emphasis will be placed on those stu­ dies relating social behavior to habitat or I population stress. The course will include I both lecture and seminar format; although there is no scheduled laboratory, students wi be expected to participate in at least one field trip. Prerequisites: Biology 2 or one introductory level course in Sociology/Anthropology giving an appropriate background in anthropology. Not offered 1988-89. Williams. 46. Political Anthropology. This course will utilize the comparative per­ spective of anthropology to study the ways in which authority is acquired and accepted as legitimate, the ways in which decisions are made or avoided, and the ways in which conflict is defined, mediated, and resolved or extended. Subject matter will include political communities in various cultural contexts and at various levels o f social and technological complexity. Not offered 1988-89. Keith. 47. Education and Society. (Cross-listed with Educ. 4 7 .) This course will explore the social and cultural functions and consequences o f formal and informal educa­ tion in both Western and non-Western socie­ ties. Modes o f intended and unintended so­ cialization within the school and outside will be examined. A range o f factors which can promote or inhibit learning will be explored and linked to educational performance. Topics include: school as an agent o f social mobility and its relationship with the community; the school as a social system and the dynamics of classroom life; and the behavioral and aca­ demic outcomes of curricular innovation. Stu­ dents will be required to conduct weekly field work in an educational setting. Not offered 1988-89. 48. Modern Organizations. A study of the formal and informal structure of modern, complex organizations. Special attention will be paid to social composition, internal dynamics, social control, decision­ making, power and politics. Case examples from a variety of settings—business, medical, religious, political—will be examined in light of classical and contemporary theory and research in organizational analysis. Not offered 1988-89. Charlton. 49. The Meaning of Work: Sociology of Occupations and Professions. This course will take up theory and research pertaining to the social organization o f work and the meaning o f work experience in mod­ ern societies. Among the topics to be dis­ cussed are classic statements on the division o f labor, theories o f "post-industrial” society, occupational structure, labor market stratifi­ cation, occupational choice and recruitment, occupational socialization, ideology and iden­ tity, career patterns, work and social relation­ ships, work and family. Particular case studies will include various types o f blue and pink collar work, business and the corporate world, professions and semi-professions. Not offered 1988-89. Charlton. 50. Intellectual Foundations of Contemporary Sociology and Anthropology. Examination o f fundamental and recurrent theoretical issues in sociology and anthropol­ ogy, from the perspective o f intellectual his­ tory. This course will normally be taken by Course majors during their junior year. It is open to non-majors, though freshman and sophomores must have permission o f the Department chairman. Fall semester. Munoz, Piker. 51. An Introduction to Archaeology. (See listing under Department o f Classics.) 55. Age in Society. The course will examine age from a crosscultural perspective with the goal o f distin­ guishing universal aspects o f the aging process from the diverse effects o f social and cultural context on roles o f old and young people and the use o f age as a principle o f group defini­ tion. Specific problems will include relations between generations, political organization of older people, and the role o f older people in the family and the household. Fall semester. Keith. 60. Spanish American Society Through Its Novel. (Also listed as SAL 6 0 —see Modern Lan­ guages.) This course will explore the relation­ ship between society and the novel in Spanish America. Selected works by Carlos Fuentes, Mario Vargas Llosa, Gabriel García Marquez, Miguel Angel Asturias and others will be discussed in conjunction with sociological patterns in contemporary Spanish America. Not offered 1988-89. Hassett and Munoz. 63. Power, Authority, and Conflict Legitimacy and Rebellion. This course develops a comparative, sociolog- 233 Sociology and Anthropology ical perspective on the issue o f political legiti­ macy. An understanding o f political legiti­ macy is sought via an examination o f specific political movements that challenge established authority and o f the responses o f those who are thus challenged. The analytical approach is two-tiered: a macro-level historical com­ parative analysis is combined in each case with a micro-level analysis o f the cultural framing of the movements and the responses. Fall semester. Wagner-Pacifici. 64. Paradigms Lost: An Anthropological Critique of Western Science. This course will explore—first in physics and then in a number of related fields (biology, psychology, economics)—the limitations of the Cartesian mechanistic framework as a guiding paradigm. We will consider its rele­ vance and meaning for a range o f contempo­ rary scientific issues, and then go on to look at some o f the alternative paradigms that have been proposed (e.g., the work o f David Bohm and Ilya Prigogine) as well as suggested paral­ lels with Eastern mysticism. The approach taken is avowedly interdisciplinary; the goal a stimulating critique o f western scientific thought. Spring semester. Borish. 67. Social Change and Higher Education. (Cross-listed with Education 6 7 .) In this course, we will focus our analysis on the way in which recent social changes have affected colleges and universities in the United States. We will review the development o f higher education in the United States, the principles and goals o f liberal education, and how these issues have been shaped within various types o f institutions. The return o f World War II veterans and the passage of the GI Bill started a chain o f events which has dramatically al­ tered higher education. In recent years the quest for access, equity, and excellence, as well as demographic and economic changes, have continued to force colleges and univer­ sities to make structural and programmatic changes. These issues will be the focus o f this course, but within a broader context o f liberal and general education. An effort is being made to coordinate this course with Lincoln University, a nearby predominantly Black in­ stitution. Fall semester. Blake. 234 68. Urban Education. (See Education 68.) 81. Colloquium: Human Responses to Technology. An exploratory colloquium that examines the reciprocal impacts between culture and tech­ nology, i.e., how culture influences the evolu­ tion o f technology and how technology affects social life. Possible topics: appropriate tech­ nology, human engineering in relation to physical anthropology, environmental im­ pacts seen from the perspective of human ecology, the microelectronic revolution seen from a proxemic perspective, nuclear tech­ nology and bio technology. Spring semester. Borish. 82. Colloquium: Development and Urbanization in the Third World. An examination o f the post-colonial social transformation that occurred in the Third World. This process will be considered in the context o f demographic and ecological change, the green revolution, and the rural-urban exodus. The problem o f urban poverty will receive special attention. Case material will be drawn from Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Not offered 1988-89. Legesse. I 83. Colloquium: Art and Society. The course is divided into two parts. The first part examines the relationship between art and society from a sociological perspective. The second part introduces hermeneutics as a sociological method for the interpretation of art. This semester the class will examine selected works by Dostoevski and Neitzsche. Prerequisite: permission o f the instructor. Not offered 1988-89. Munoz. I I 90. Research Internship. The purpose o f this course is to offer students research experience in professional contexts. Students are placed in professional research settings and participate in on-going social science research projects under supervision. Settings available for placement may vary from year to year. Research skills learned and practiced depend on the topic and type of project, and on the current stage o f the research in progress. Field notes on the research activities are turned in to the Swarthmore instructor at a weekly on-campus meeting. Juniors and seniors with a B average who will I ■ I I I I 1 I ■ I ■ I ■ commit themselves to at least one and onehalf days work on their project per week are eligible for the course. Transportation costs will be paid by the department. Credit may be one, one and one-half, or two credits, depend­ ing on individual involvement in the program. Since available projects may change, students interested in the course are encouraged to see the instructor before registration. Students are also strongly encouraged to take S& A 21, either before or during the semester they participate in S& A 90. Fall and spring semester. Charlton, Keith, and Smith. 93. Directed Reading. Individual or group study in fields o f special interest to the students not dealt with in the regular course offerings. Consent o f the chair­ man and o f the instructor is required. Members o f the Department. 96-97. Thesis. Theses will be required of all Course majors. Seniors in the Course program will normally take two consecutive semesters o f thesis tu­ torial. Students are urged to discuss their thesis proposals with faculty during the spring semester o f their junior year, especially if they are interested in the possibility o f field work. Members o f the Department. The following courses, with attachment, can be taken in preparation for External Ex­ aminations: S& A 30, 33, 44, 55, 63, 82. SEMINARS 101. Critical Modern Social Theory. This seminar will trace the development of critical modern social theory from the works of Marx to present day social theorists. Par­ ticular attention will be paid to selected works by Marx, Lukács, Adorno, Horkheimer, Mar­ cuse, Freire, and Habermas. Prerequisites: advanced work in Sociology/ Anthropology, Philosophy, or Political Sci­ ence; or permission o f the instructor. Not offered 1988-89. Munoz. 102. Creation of Community. The central question for the seminar is under what conditions community can successfully be created. Utopian experiments, squatter settlements, and institutions such as retire­ ment residences and monasteries will be com­ pared as examples o f intentional and uninten­ tional, planned and unplanned community creation. Not offered 1988-89. Keith. 103. Political Anthropology. A cross-cultural perspective on politics: the structures and processes o f authority, conflict and group definition. Specific problems will include legitimation o f authority, decision­ making, agenda-building, expansion, contain­ ment, and resolution o f conflict. Particular emphasis will be placed on symbolic aspects of politics. Readings will cover a wide range of cultures and degrees o f societal complexity; in addition, each student will work intensively with ethnographic material from one tradi­ tional society. Not offered 1988-89. Keith. 104. Human Nature and Culture: Convergent Perspectives. The orientation o f the seminar is, broadly, evolutionary and inter-disciplinary. New and convergent perspectives on human nature and its cultural elaboration will be emphasized, with reference especially to the following issues: bio-evolutionary foundations o f human nature; human intelligence and human adap­ tation; the evolution o f speech; the evolution o f morality; and the evolution o f human sexuality and mating systems. The foraging band will be treated as a special case—the basic human pattern—and gender relations as a special interpretive problem. Sub-group proj­ ects will replace many o f the normal seminar papers. Fall semester. Piker. 105. Modern Social Theory. An analysis o f selected works by thé founders o f modern social theory and contemporary social theorists. Works by Marx, Weber, Durk­ heim, and Freud will be discussed. Fall semester. Munoz. 107. Religion as a Cultural Institution. The following specific topics will be treated: 235 Sociology and Anthropology religious evolution; religion as a force for both social stability and social change; the psychological bases for religious belief. Major theories to be considered include those of Max Weber, Emile Durkheim, and Sigmund Freud. A cross-cultural perspective will be emphasized, and attention will be paid to religious change in modern America. Not offered 1988-89. Piker. 108. Social Inequality. This seminar analyzes conflicting theoretical perspectives on the origins and meaning of social inequality. Empirical studies o f both a historical and cross-cultural nature will be examined for the ways in which they engage alternative readings o f such issues as the na­ ture and representations o f work, property, body, and mind in revealing and reproducing social inequalities. The approach is phenome­ nological: how are inequalities made social and how are they disrupted? Spring semester. Wagner-Pacifici. logical perspective on the issue o f political legitimacy. An understanding o f political legitimacy is sought via an examination of specific political movements that challenge established authority and o f the responses of those who are thus challenged. The analytical approach is two-tiered: a macro-level histori­ cal comparative analysis is combined in each case with a micro-level analysis o f the cultural framing of the movements and the responses. Fall semester. Wagner-Pacifici. 115. Freud and Modern Social Theory. 109. Social and Cultural Change. The seminar divides into two parts. The first part is devoted to a close reading of selected items from the Freudian canon. The second part will examine Freud’s contribution to current social and cultural analysis. Besides works by Freud, works by Mitchell, Rieff, Habermas, and Foucault will be examined. Prerequisites: advance work in Sociology/ Anthropology, Philosophy, or Political Sci­ ence; or permission o f the instructor. Spring semester. Munoz. This seminar will examine the theories of social movements, modernization, Westerni­ zation, cultural diffusion, and stages o f devel­ opment as they apply to the process o f social change in non-Western societies. Case studies will be drawn from China, India, Indonesia, Peru, Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria, Kenya, and South Africa. Prerequisites: Entry-level course in Sociology/ Anthropology or permission of the instructor. Not offered 1988-89. Legesse. Examination o f different types o f ecological conditions and how they influence pastoral, cultural, peri-urban, and urban social systems. Special attention will be given to the world food crisis, to climatic change, demographic pressures, environmental degradation, and a wide range o f adaptive strategies that have developed in response to ecological stress. Not offered 1988-89. Legesse. 110. Work and the Workplace. This seminar will take up theory and research pertaining to the social organization o f work and the meaning o f work experience in mod­ ern societies. Among the topics to be dis­ cussed are classic statements on the division o f labor, theories, o f "post-industrial” soci­ ety, occupational structure, labor market stratification, occupational choice and recruit­ ment, occupational socialization, ideology and identity, career patterns, work and social re­ lationships, work and family. Particular case studies will include various types o f blue and pink collar work, business and the corporate world, professions and semi-professions. Not offered 1988-89. Charlton. 114. Political Sociology. This seminar develops a comparative, socio­ 236 118. Ecology and Society. 119. Age, Culture, and Society. The social and cultural significance of age will be examined in this seminar. Generational conflicts, rites o f passage, peer grouping cul­ tural definitions o f the life course will be major topics. Case material will include EastAfr ican and Latin-American age grades, mod­ ern retirement communities, life histories from various cultures. Seminar members will also do observation and interview projects focused on age. Not offered 1988-89. Keith. 120. Gender and Culture. A comparative exploration o f the social con­ struction o f gender utilizing diverse theoretical and empirical perspectives. Fall semester. Not offered 1988-89. Charlton. 121. Current Problems in Evolutionary Theory. Beginning with a review o f Darwin’s life and work, this seminar will seek to bring into a perspective a number o f the intensely debated and currently unresolved problems in evolu­ tionary theory. Topics to be discussed (in addition to the above) include the evolution of life and the genetic code, the evolution o f sexuality, the units o f selection problem, the relationship between micro- and macro-evo­ lution, gradualism vs. punctuated equilibri­ um, spéciation and the biological species con­ cept, the impact o f cladistics and molecular taxonomy, sociobiology and the adaptationist paradigm, primate strategies o f reproduction, contrasting phylogenies o f human orgin, re­ combinant DNA technology and the need for a bio-ethics. Prerequisite: A course in Biology, or permis­ sion o f the instructor. Spring semester. Borish. 180. Thesis. Honors candidates who choose to write theses will usually do this during the senior year. Students are urged to have their thesis prop­ osals approved as early as possible during the junior year. Members o f the Department. 237 Women’s Studies Coordinator: NATHALIE ANDERSON Committee: Robert S. DuPleSSiS (History) SCOtt Gilbert (Biology) Laurie Langbauer (English Literature) Jeanne Marecek (Psychology) (spring) George Moskos (French) (spring) Marjorie Murphy (History) A program in Women’s Studies provides stu­ dents with the opportunity to learn the con­ tributions o f women to society, science, and the arts, to study gender and gender roles in a variety o f social and historical contexts, and to explore new methods and theories arising from interdisciplinary study. Women’s Stud­ ies encourages students to examine critically the representations o f women in religion, in the arts and literature, in social and political theory, and in the sciences. Students in any major may add either a con­ centration or a focus for External Examination in Women’s Studies to their program by fulfilling the requirements stated below. Stu­ dents intending to pursue Women’s Studies should submit their proposed program to the coordinator o f the concentration at the time they submit their sophomore papers. All pro­ gram proposals must be approved by the Women’s Studies Committee. CO N CEN TRA TION Each concentration must include a minimum o f six credits (for the classes o f 1989 and 1990, five credits) o f Women’s Studies courses. Two courses shall be outside the student’s major; one course must be the Cap­ stone Colloquium. Students may elect, with the approval o f the coordinator, to write a one-credit thesis or pursue an independent study as a substitute for regular course work. Students may further elect, with the approval o f the coordinator, to include in their pro­ grams courses on women and gender offered at Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and the University o f Pennsylvania. Students will normally take the Capstone Colloquium in the spring se­ mester o f the senior year. Concentrators must complete the equivalent o f a comprehensive examination devised by the colloquium in­ structor. Courses on women and gender currently of­ fered for the concentration: Riology 93. Directed Reading in Feminist Critiques of Riology. Economics 72. Women and Minorities in the Economy. Education 31. Women and Education. 238 English Literature 5. Sexualities: Literary and Historical Representations. English Literature 10. Family Ties. English Literature 12. The Other: Literary Representations of Gender, Culture, and Place. English Literature 15. Engaging Pairs. English Literature 53: Contemporary Women’s Poetry. English Literature 82/Psychology 52. Representations of Women’s Identity. English Literature 91. Feminist Literary Criticism. English Literature 112. Women and Literature. French 25. L’Ancien Regime. French 33. Femmes Ecrivains. French 76. Ecriture Feminine. History 25. Women, Society, and Social Change in Modern Europe. History 54. Women, Society, and Politics. Modern Languages 50G. Studies in Modern German Literature: Twentieth Century German Women in Film and Literature. Music 38. Women Composers and Choreographers of the 20th Century. Philosophy 45. Philosophy and Feminism. Psychology 44. Psychology and Women. Religion 109. Feminist Interpretation of Scripture. Sociology and Anthropology 7. Sex Roles, Power, and Identity. Sociology and Anthropology 120. Gender and Culture. Women’s Studies 91. Capstone Colloquium in Women’s Studies. Advanced study o f gender within the various academic disciplines, and across disciplines o f topical issues as they relate to women’s stud­ ies. Theoretical and methodological questions that arise when women are placed at the center o f study are emphasized. The class is normally limited to Women’s Studies concentrators in their senior year who have satisfactorily com­ pleted their courses in Women’s Studies and cannot normally be used to fulfill distribution requirements. (In 1991, Women’s Studies 91 will convert to Women’s Studies 100, a twocredit seminar.) Spring semester. N. Anderson. A FOCUS F O R EX TER N A L EXAM INATION Each focus for External Examination must include the following 12 credits, after which the student may take the appropriate external examinations and may, at the discretion o f the external examiners, receive honors in Wom­ en’s Studies: 1) at least 3 fields as defined by the student’s departmental major, one field o f which must also be a Women’s Studies field as defined by the Women’s Studies committee and listed below, 2) at least 3 fields in Women’s Studies outside the student’s departmental major, fields as defined by the Women’s Studies committee and listed below, 3 ) one o f the Women’s Studies fields outside the depart­ mental major must be the Women’s Studies Capstone Seminar (2 credits), normally taken in the spring semester o f the student’s senior year. The following is the list o f fields in Women’s Studies for which external examinations may be arranged. Though a course or seminar may appear in more than one combined field on the list, a course or seminar may be used only once in a student’s program o f study. Students should note that some courses and seminars may have prerequisites for which they will be responsible. More information is available from the Women’s Studies Coordinator. Fields Preparations by Course Combinations Women and the Economy. (2 or 3 credits) At the general level this field examines topics in labor and/or social economics. These in­ clude the organization o f labor markets, de­ terminants o f wages, income inequality, and discrimination. Government policies with re­ spect to labor relations, health, education, and welfare are also studied. The particular emphasis in examining these topics is on the experience and special problems o f women in the economy, including labor market dis­ crimination, wage differentials, and unem­ ployment. Students may prepare for this field by taking a combination o f the following courses. 1. Economics 72. Women and Minorities in the Economy plus eith er 2. Economics 70. Labor Economics a n d /o r 3. Economics 71. Social Economics or 4. Economics 170. Labor and Social Economics. [Four combinations are possible here: Eco­ nomics 72 plus Economics 70 (2 credits), Economics 72 plus 71 (2 credits), Economics 72 plus Economics 70 plus Economics 71 (3 credits), or Economics 72 plus Economics 170 (3 credits).] 239 Women’s Studies Women in American History and the Economy. (2 credit) This field covers the experience o f women in American society from the Colonial period to the present, with emphasis on women’s place in the larger economy, the changing nature of work, economic explanations of differences in wages (discrimination, human capital, oc­ cupational segregation), the rise o f feminism, and the resistance to women’s rights. Students may prepare for this field with a combination o f the following courses. 1. History 54. Women, Society, and Politics plus 2. Economics 72. Women and Minorities in the Economy. Women in Early Modern Europe. (2 credit) This field considers continuity and change in the conditions and representations of western European women between the Renaissance and early nineteenth century with emphasis on France. Students may prepare for this field with a combination o f the following courses. Note that French 25 is conducted in French. 1. History 25. Women in European History in Modern Europe plus 2. French 25. L ’Ancien Regime. French Women Writers. (2 credit) Students preparing this field should be famil­ iar with important French women writers from the Middle Ages to the present day, examining their writings for their intrinsic literary value, for their contributions to phi­ losophical and critical theory, and also as cultural artifacts through which the shifting social position o f women in France can be understood. Students may prepare this field through a combination o f the following courses. Both courses are conducted in French. 1. French 33. Femmes écrivains plus 2. French 76. Ecriture feminine. Contemporary Feminist Theory. (2 credit) French women have made crucial contribu­ tions to literary, philosophical, and critical theory in France since 1968, questioning and subverting from a feminist perspective estab­ 240 lished structures and male norms o f interpre­ tation. Essential areas o f study include decon­ struction, psychoanalysis, the notion of authority, and general critical theory. Stu­ dents may prepare for this field with the following combination o f courses. Note that French 76 is conducted in French. 1. French 76. Ecriture feminine plus 2. English 91. Feminist Literary Criticism. Feminist Approaches to Poetry. (2 credit) A consideration o f contemporary American women’s poetry through the perspectives of­ fered by contemporary feminist theory. Stu­ dents may prepare for this field with a com­ bination o f the following courses. 1. English 53. Contemporary Women’s Poetry plus 2. English 91. Feminist Literary Criticism. Feminist Approaches to Representation. (2 credit) This field examines different approaches to the category o f woman and the subject and considers social, cultural, psychological, and linguistic constructions o f identity. The focus is on discovering the gender assumptions that underlie various representations o f the self, and on questioning how representation me­ diates our notions o f identity. Students may prepare for this field with a combination of the following courses. 1. Psychology 52/English 82. Representations o f Women’s Identity plus eith er 2. English 91. Feminist Literary Criticism or 3. Modern Languages 50G. Twentieth Century German Women in Film and Literature. Feminism, Philosophy, and Politics. (2 credit) This field encompasses the theoretical consid­ eration o f women’s relation to political and philosophical concepts through the study of both classic works in political theory and philosophy, and contemporary feminist schol­ arship. Students may prepare for this field with a combination o f the following courses. 1. Political Science 26. Feminist Political Thought plus 2. Philosophy 45. Philosophy and Feminism. Preparation by Seminars and Theses Women and Literature: Feminist Theory and Women Novelists— Revolt or Containment? (2 credit) English 112. Women and Literature: The Politics of Subject Other, Self. (2 credit) English 112. (new, spring 1990) Women and Literature: Modern Poetry. (2 credit) English 112. (new, to be offered 1990-91) Feminist Interpretation of Scripture. (2 credit) Religion 109. Gender and Culture. (2 credit) Sociology-Anthropology 120 (new, fall 1989) Thesis. (2 credit) Thesis to be on a related women’s studies topic, appropriate from any department which approves the student’s proposal. Capstone Seminar in Women’s Studies. (2 credit) Advanced study o f gender within the various academic disciplines, and across disciplines of topical issues as they relate to women’s stud­ ies. Theoretical and methodological questions that arise when women are placed at the center o f study are emphasized. Required of, and normally limited to, students in the spring of their senior year who are completing either a concentration or a focus for external exami­ nation in Women’s Studies. (The Capstone seminar is currendy listed as Women’s Studies 91 and will continue to be offered for one credit until the spring o f 1991 when it will convert to a two-credit seminar. For the class o f 1990 only, students who wish to complete a Focus for External Examination may take a one-credit attachment to the one-credit Cap­ stone Colloquium to complete the 2 credit field.) Women’s Studies 100. 241 VI The Corporation Board of Managers Alumni Association Officers & Alumni Council The Faculty 242 Administration Visiting Examiners Degrees Conferred Awards and Distinctions Enrollment Statistics The Corporation Eugene M. Lang, Chairman 912 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10021 Loren Hart, Treasurer Swarthmore College Swarthmore, PA 19081 J. Lawrence Shane, Vice-Chairman 21 College Avenue Swarthmore, PA 19081 Kendall Landis, Assistant Secretary Swarthmore College Swarthmore, PA 19081 William X Spock, Secretary 10 Kershaw Road Wallingford, PA 19086 Suzanne P. Welsh, Assistant Treasurer Swarthmore College Swarthmore, PA 19081 Board of Managers Ex officio David W. Fraser Swarthmore College Swarthmore, PA 19081 Emeriti Boyd T. Barnard Dunwoody Village CH105 3500 West Chester Pike Newtown Square, PA 19073 Isabel Jenkins Booth #84 Kendal at Longwood Kenne« Square, PA 19348 Eleanor Stabler Clarke #100 Kendal at Longwood Kenne« Square, PA 19348 George B. Clothier 209 N. Fairfield Road Devon, PA 19333 Julien Cornell Centtal Valley, NY 10917 H. Thomas Hallowell, Jr. #916 The Benson East Jenkintown, PA 19046 Clark Kerr 8 3 0 0 Buckingham Drive El Cerrito, CA 9 4530 Charles C. Price III 15 Dogwood Lane Swarthmore, PA 19081 Sue Thomas Turner Box 121, Cook Road Alfred Station, NY 14803 Richard B. W illis Foulkeways, Apt. N14 Gwynedd, PA 19436 Term Expires December, 1988 *Nancy Y. Bekavac 9 Jenckes Stteet, #4 Providence, R I 02906 Frederick A. Hargadon Princeton University Box 430 Princeton, NJ 08544 Walter Lamb Merlin Road Chester Springs, PA 19425 William F. Lee, Jr. 101 Bryn Mawr Avenue Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 *Lloyd W. Lewis Kendal-Crosslands Kennett Square, PA 19348 Sara Lawrence Lightfoot 18 Rutland Square Boston, MA 02118 ‘ Nominated by the Alumni Association 243 Board of Managers Term Expires December, 1989 Maria Klemperer Aweida 7184 Spring Court Boulder, CO 80303 David Baltimore Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research Massachusetts Institute o f Technology 9 Cambridge Center Cambridge, MA 02142 Ann Lubin Buttenwieser 1080 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10028 *J. Martin Cornell 205 Parrott Road West Nyack, NY 10994 *Eleanor Duguid Craig Department o f Economics University o f Delaware Newark, DE 19716 Christopher F. Edley, Jr. Griswold Hall, Room 208 Harvard Law School Cambridge, MA 02138 Eugene M. Lang 912 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10021 Ramon Lee Posel 212 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19106 J. Lawrence Shane 21 College Avenue Swarthmore, PA 19081 William X Spock 10 Kershaw Road Wallingford, PA 19086 Ira Tensard Wender Patterson, Belknap, Webb &. iyler 3 0 Rockefeller Plaza, 36th fl. New York, NY 10112 Term Expires December 1990 Neil Austrian 22 Ballwood Road Old Greenwich, CT 06870 ‘ John C. Crowley 615 Linda Vista Avenue Pasadena, CA 91105 ‘ Marilyn Tindall Glater 131 Myrtle Street Boston, MA 02114 Samuel Hayes III Harvard Business School Soldiers Field Boston, MA 02163 Richard Hurd 167 Wharton Lane Bethlehem, PA 18017 Barbara Weber Mather Pepper, Hamilton & Scheetz Fidelity Building 123 South Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19109 Term Expires December 1991 Mary Schmidt Campbell 457 N. 144th Street New York, NY 10031 Graham O. Harrison 8017 Grand Teton Drive Potomac, MD 20854 ‘ Nominated by the Alumni Association 244 James C. Hormel 1546 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94102-6007 Elise F. Jones 108 Beaumont Drive Newtown, PA 18940 Avery P. Rome 64 Raynham Road Merion, PA 19066-1829 Marge Pearlman Scheuer 101 Central Park West New York, NY 10023 ‘ Daniel Singer 5410 39th St., N.W. Washington, DC 20015 ‘ Sally A. Warren 11 East 63rd Street, #3A New York, NY 10021 Rosalind Chang Whitehead 415 E. 54th Street, Apt. 29G New York, NY 10022 Committees Of The Board The Chairman o f the Board is ex officio a member o f every Committee. Executive Eugene M. Lang, Chairman J. Lawrence Shane, Vice Chairman Neil Austrian Nancy Y. Bekavac Ann Lubin Buttenwieser Graham O. Harrison Elise F. Jones Walter Lamb Sara Lawrence Lightfoot William T. Spock Ira T. Wender Finance and Trusts Administration ]. Lawrence Shane, Chairman William T. Spock, Vice Chairman Nancy Y. Bekavac Eleanor Duguid Craig H. Thomas Hallowell, Jr. Walter Lamb Barbara Weber Mather Ramon Lee Posel Daniel Singer Richard B. W illis Instruction and Libraries Sara Lawrence Lightfoot, Chairman David Baltimore, Vice-Chairman Maria Klemperer Aweida Julien Cornell Christopher F. Edley, Jr. Frederick A. Hargadon Elise F. Jones Clark Kerr Barbara Weber Mather Ramon Lee Posel Charles C. Price III Marge Pearlman Scheuer William T. Spock Sue Thomas Turner Ira T. Wender Investment Graham O. Harrison, Chairman Eleanor Duguid Craig Samuel Hayes III H. Thomas Hallowell, Jr. William F. Lee, Jr. Ann Brownell Sloane Sally A. Warren Ira T. Wender Richard B. W illis ‘ Nominated by the Alumni Association 245 Board of Managers Property Walter Lamb, Chairman Ann Lubin Buttenwieser, Vice Chairman David Baltimore Boyd T. Barnard Julien Cornell J. Martin Cornell H. Thomas Hallowell, Jr. Samuel Hayes III James C. Hormel Richard Hurd William F. Lee, Jr. Lloyd W. Lewis Ramon Lee Posel Marge Pearlman Scheuer Daniel Singer Sally A. Warren two faculty members two student members Student L ife Elise F. Jones, Chairman Marilyn Tindall Glater, Vice Chairman Maria Klemperer Aweida Ann Lubin Buttenwieser J. Martin Cornell Eleanor Duguid Craig Christopher F. Edley, Jr. Frederick A. Hargadon James C. Hormel Sara Lawrence Lightfoot Sue Thomas Turner Alexander Shakow, ex officio three faculty members five student members Nominating Nancy Y. Bekavac, Chairman David Baltimore Ann Lubin Buttenwieser Frederick A. Hargadon Ramon Lee Posel Marge Pearlman Scheuer Development Neil Austrian, Chairman William F. Lee, Jr., Vice Chairman Boyd T. Barnard David Baltimore Nancy Y. Bekavac Julien Cornell J. Martin Cornell Eleanor Duguid Craig H. Thomas Hallowell, Jr. Samuel Hayes III Richard Hurd Walter Lamb 246 Lloyd W. Lewis Daniel Singer Sue Thomas Turner Sally A. Warren Ira T. Wender Richard B. W illis Thomas Henderer, ex officio Mark C. Sonnenfeld, ex o fficio Alexander Shakow, ex o fficio three faculty members three student members Alumni Association Officers & Alumni Council Vice President, Mary Lo Broomell Eberle ’40 President, Alexander Shakow ’58 6608 32nd Place NW Washington, DC 20015 353 Wellington Terrace Jenkintown, PA 19046 President Designate Secretary, Giles K. Kemp ’72 Elinor Meyer Haupt ’55 Box 36, Between-the-Lakes Road Salisbury, CT 06068 21 Carstensen Road Scarsdale, NY 10583 Vice President, Francis M. James ’57 15 Graylyn Place Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Terms Expire in June Zone A Delaware, Pennsylvania 1989 Mary Lo Broomell Eberle ’40 353 Wellington Terrace Jenkintown, PA 19046 Ted Chronister ’56 900 N. Bancroft Parkway Wilmington, DE 19805 1990 Christian E. McMurtrie ’56 523 Hamilton Road Lancaster, PA 17603 Kathleen Daerr-Bannon ’71 226 Broughton Lane Villanova, PA 19085 1991 David C. Rowley ’65 401 Strath Haven Avenue Swarthmore, PA 19081 Nancy Fitts Donaldson ’46 765 E. Forge Road Media, PA 19063 ZoneB New Jersey, New York 1989 Jenny Hourihan Bailin *80 340 E. 5th Street, Apt. 1C New York, NY 10003 Douglas H. Blair ’70 19 Toth Lane Rocky Hill, NJ 08553 1990 Robert D. Brownstone ’82 203 Prospect Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11215 Mary Schmidt Campbell ’69 457 W. 144th Street New York, NY 10031 247 Alumni Association Officers & Alumni Council 1991 Carolyn Shuler Minionis ’56 8 2 Rushmore Avenue Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 Lowell W. Livezey ’66 43 Hibben Road Princeton, NJ 08540 ZoneC Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont 1989 Alice Handsaker Kidder ’63 239 Randall Road Berlin, MA 01503 Richard A. Johnson ’59 27 Ashfleld Lane S. Hadley, MA 01075 *Jane Walker Kennedy ’55 R .R . 1, Box 248 Newcastle, ME 0 4 5 5 3 -0 2 4 8 1990 Linda Datcher-Loury ’73 581 Mt. Auburn Street, #7 Cambridge, MA 02138 Walter F. Carter ’62 177 Homer Street Newton Center, MA 02159 1991 Patricia Imbrie Moore ’55 O ff State Road West Tisbury, MA 0 2575 Robert M. Lippincott ’74 16 Pheasant Trail Weston, MA 02193 * Formerly a representative o f Zone E. ZoneD District o f Columbia, Maryland, Virginia 1989 Robert C. McDiarmid ’58 303 Van Ness Street, NW, Apt. W933 Washington, DC 20008 Judith Livant Rapoport ’55 3010 44th Place, NW Washington, DC 20016 1990 Orville Donnelly ’43 2 5 0 8 Eye Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 248 Carol Hartnett Sieck ’71 1819 Knox Avenue Reistertown, MD 21136 1991 Barbara Starfield ’54 2008 South Road Baltimore, MD 21209 Colgate S. Prentice ’49 213 Woodland Terrace Alexandria, VA 22302 ZoneE Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, West Virginia, Wisconsin 1989 David W. Hilgers ’69 404 Almarion Drive Austin, T X 78746 1990 Jonathan Galloway ’61 771 Green Briar Lane Lake Forest, IL 60045 Catherine Good Abbott ’72 2342 Quenby Houston, T X 77005 1991 Jill Kempthome Thompson ’73 9 7 4 Osceola Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Allen B. Maxwell ’61 2705 W. Jefferson Road Kokomo, IN 46901 ZoneF Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, territories, dependencies, and foreign countries 1989 Marilyn Holifield ’69 1915 Brickell Avenue, C 801 Miami, FL 33129 Francis M. James, III ’57 15 Graylyn Place Winston-Salem, NC 27106 1990 J. Albert Roy ’40 617 Applewood Avenue Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Jeannette Strasser Falk ’60 1711 Allard Road Chapel Hill, NC 27514 1991 Robert N. Stauffer ’44 7 Downshire Lane Decatur, GA 30033 Anne Smith Weatherford ’51 Rt. 1, Box 102 Black Mountain, NC 28711 249 Alumni Association Officers & Alumni Council Zone 6 Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming 1989 David A. Bennahum ’57 1707 Notre Dame, NE Albuquerque, NM 87106 Nancy Kramer Bickel ’62 1522 Summit Road Berkeley, CA 94708 1990 Andrew Schultz ’79 5330 San Mateo, NE, Apt. F-100 Albuquerque, NM 81109 America Rodriquez ’78 4 9 7 2 Mt. Antero Drive San Diego, CA 92111 1991 Carol Thompson Hemingway ’52 2 5 0 Moss Bridge Road Bozeman, M T 59715 John F. Humphrie, Jr. ’74 4442 S. Morgan Street Seattle, WA 98118 Members at Large Megan Bevan ’8 0 2723 Ontario Road, NW, Apt. 3 Washington, DC 20009 Stephen B. Mauer ’67 206 Benjamin West Avenue Swarthmore, PA 19081 Suzanne W hite Hull ’43 1465 El Mirador Drive Pasadena, CA 91103 Freeman L. Palmer ’79 445 Old Lancaster Road Haverford, PA 19041 Bennett Lorber ’64 7741 Mill Road Elkins Park, PA 19117 Timothy C. Williams ’64 314 Rutgers Avenue Swarthmore, PA 19081 Connection Representatives Katherine Abele ’80 2534 North Burling Chicago, 1L 60614 Penelope Owens Adelmann ’66 50 Beech Hill Road Scarsdale, NY 10583 Virginia Mussari Bates ’73 115 Ashland Street Melrose, MA 02176 250 Sara Giddings Bode ’57 Greater State Street Council 3 6 South State Street Chicago, IL 6 0603 Walter Cochran-Bond ’70 2843 N. Tanoble Drive Altadena, CA 91001 Kathleen Daerr-Bannon ’71 226 Broughton Lane Villanova, PA 19085 Katharine Proctor Douglass ’38 819 Terra California #2 Walnut Creek, CA 94595 Constance Gayl Pious ’53 3602 E. Schubert Place Seattle, WA 98122 Donald Fujihira ’69 1199 Park Avenue, Apt. 7B New York, NY 10128 John R . Seaman ’56 501 W. 123 Street, #13-E New York, NY 10027 Marilyn Tindall Glater ’63 131 Myrtle Street Boston, MA 02114 Diana Royce Smith ’68 1930 Oak Avenue Boulder, CO 80302 Robert F. Lyke ’63 5809 32nd Street, NW Washington, DC 20015 Craig Stein ’78 4245 Lennox Drive Miami, FL 33131 251 The Faculty David W. Fraser, B.A., Haverford College; M .D., Harvard Medical School, President. 3 2 4 Cedar Lane. James W. England, B.A., Kansas State Teachers College; M.A. and Ph.D., University o f Missouri, Provost and Professor o f Mathematics. 925 Strath Haven Avenue. Janet Smith Dickerson, B.A., Western College for Women; M.Ed., Xavier University, Dean o f the College. 531 Bryn Mawr Avenue. Loren Hart, B.A., Grinnell College; J.D ., Columbia University Law School; M .B.A., Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration, Vice President for Business and Finance and Treasurer. 635 North Chester Road. Kendall Landis, B.A., Swarthmore College; M .A., Wesleyan University, Vice President —Alumni, Development, Public Relations. 5 5 0 Elm Avenue. Robert A. Darr, Jr., B.A ., Swarthmore College; M .A., University o f Pennsylvania, Dean o f Admissions. 510 Strath Haven Avenue. Jane H. Mullins, B.A., Swarthmore College, Registrar. 11 S. Princeton Avenue. Michael Durkan, B.A., St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Ireland; Diploma in Library Training, University College, Dublin, Librarian. 201 West Rose Valley Road, Wallingford, PA 19086. Emi K. Horikawa, B.S., University of Nevada; M .A., University o f Utah, Science Librarian. 3 0 9 Rutgers Avenue. Steven W. Sowards, B.A., Stanford University; M .A., M .L.S., Ph.D., Indiana University, Humanities Librarian. 515 Elm Avenue. Susan G. Williamson, B.A ., University of California, Berkeley; M .S., Drexel University; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Social Sciences Librarian. 6 0 2 Elm Avenue. Leighton C. Whitaker, B.A., Swarthmore College; M .A., University o f Connecticut; Ph.D., Wayne State University; Diplomate in Clinical Psychology o f the American Board o f Professional Psychology, Director, Psychological Services. 220 Turner Road, Wallingford, PA 19086. EMERITI Elisa AsenSiO, M .A., Middlebury College, Professor Emerita o f Spanish. 510 Panmure Road, Haverford, PA 19041. Buffington Professor Emeritus of Mathematics. Wallingford Arms, Wallingford, PA 19086. Lydia Daer, B.A., Oberlin College; M.A. and Ph.D., University o f Pennsylvania, Professor Emerita o f German. Manatee River Hotel, Bradenton, FL 33505. Alice Brodhead, B.S. and M.A., Carl Darus, B.A., Brown University; M.S. in E.E., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Professor Emeritus of Engineering. 4 0 4 Walnut Lane. Paul H. Deik, B.A ., Union College, M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia University, Centennial Professor Emeritus o f History. 2461 Venetian Way, W inter Park, FL 32789. Heinrich Brinkmann, B.A., Stanford University; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University, Albert L. and Edna Pownall 252 University o f Pennsylvania, Professor Emerita o f Education. 144 Park Avenue. Hilde D. Cohn, Dr. Phil., University of Heidelberg, Professor Emerita o f German. Strath Haven Condominiums. Tatiana M. Cosman, b .a . and M.A., Middlebury College; M .A., Columbia University; Ph.D., New York University, Assistant Professor (part-time) Emerita of Russian. 306 S. Chester Road. Gomer H. Davies, B.S., East Stroudsburg State College; Ed.M., Temple University, Professor Emeritus o f Physical Education. 225 Cornell Avenue. William C. Elmore, B.S., Lehigh University; Ph.D., Yale University, Morris L. Clothier Professor Emeritus o f Physics. 288 Paxon Hollow Road, Media, PA 19063. Lewis H. ElverSOII, B.S., University of Pennsylvania, Professor Emeritus o f Physical Education for Men. 535 Cornell Avenue. Edward A. Fehnel, B.S., M .S., and Ph.D., Lehigh University, Edmund Allen Professor Emeritus o f Chemistry. 120 Paxon Hollow Road, Rose Tree, Media, PA 19063. James A. Field, Jr., B.S., M .A., and Ph.D., Harvard University, Isaac H. Clothier Professor Emeritus o f History. 605 Hillborn Avenue. Associate Professor Emerita o f Physical Education for Women. 805 Illinois Street, Lawrence, KS 66044. John M. Moore, B.A., Park College; B.D., Union Theological Seminary; M.A., Harvard University; Ph.D., Columbia University, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Religion. Friends Home, 400 N. Walnut Street, West Chester, PA 19380. Bernard Morrill, B .s. in M.E., Massachusetts Institute o f Technology; M .M .E., University o f Delaware; Ph.D., University o f Michigan, Henry C. and J. Archer Turner Professor Emeritus of Engineering. 21 Oberlin Avenue. Launce J. Flemister, B.A., m .a . and Ph.D., Duke University, Professor Emeritus of Zoology. P.O. Box F, Swarthmore, PA 19081. J. Roland Pennock, B.A., Swarthmore Milan W. Garrett, B.A. and M.A., Stanford University; B.A. and D. Phil., University o f Oxford, Professor Emeritus o f Physics. 16 Beach Road, Severna Park, MD 21146. Frank C. Pierson, B.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., Columbia University, Joseph Wharton Professor Emeritus of Political Economy. 740 Ogden Avenue. Barbara Lange Godfrey, Dean Emerita of Women. Strath Haven Condominiums. Hedley H. Rhys, B.A., West Virginia University; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University, Professor Emeritus o f Art History. Apt. 217, Crosslands, Kennett Square, PA 19348. Olga Lang, Graduate, University of Moscow; Ph.D., Columbia University, Professor Emerita o f Russian. 611 W. 111th St., New York, NY 10025. Sarah Lee Lippincott, B.A., University of Pennsylvania; M .A., Swarthmore College; D.Sc., Villanova University, Professor Emeritus o f Astronomy and Director Emeritus o f the Sproul Observatory. 507 Cedar Lane. Franz H. Mautner, Dr. Phil., University of Vienna, Professor Emeritus o f German. Apt. E106, Martin’s Run Life Center, Marple Township, PA 19063. John D. McCrumm, B.A. and M .S., University o f Colorado, Howard N. and Ada J. Eavenson Professor Emeritus of Engineering. 6 0 6 Ogden Avenue. Irene Moll, B.S. in Ed., University of Kansas; M.A., Texas University for Women, College; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University, Richter Professor Emeritus of Political Science. 739 Harvard Avenue. David ROSen,4B.A., New York University; M.A. and Ph.D., University o f Pennsylvania, Professor Emeritus o f Mathematics. 3 3 6 North Princeton Avenue. Alburt M. Rosenberg, B.A., Harvard University; M.S.,University o f Florida; Ph.D., University o f Pennsylvania, Associate Professor Emeritus o f Natural Science. Bernard S. Smith, B.A. and M.A., University o f Oxford; Ph.D., Harvard University, Professor Emeritus o f History. Gilmore Stott, B.A. and M .A., University o f Cincinnati; B.A. and M .A., University of Oxford; M .A. and Ph.D., Princeton University, Associate Provost Emeritus and Associate Dean o f the College Emeritus. 318 Dartmouth Avenue. 4 Fall semester, 1988. 253 Faculty Derek Traversi, B.A. and M.A., University o f Oxford, Alexander Griswold Cummins Professor Emeritus o f English. 12 Richmond Mansions, Denton Road, Twickinham, Midd, T W 1, 2HH, England. Peter van de Kamp, Cand. and Docts., University o f Utrecht; Ph.D., University of California; D. Phil., University of Groningen, Edward Hicks Magill Professor Emeritus o f Astronomy and Director Emeritus o f the Sproul Observatory, c/o Peter Rademacher, R.D. 2, Salem, New York 12865. Hans Wallach, Dr. Phil., University of Berlin, Centennial Professor Emeritus of Psychology. 510 Bryn Mawr Avenue. Neal A. Weber, B.A., M .S., and D .Sc., University o f North Dakota; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University, Professor Emeritus o f Zoology. 1805 Aaron Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32303. M. Joseph WilliS, B.C.E., University of Washington; M .S., Cornell University; Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, Professor Emeritus o f Engineering. Box 397, 103 Jefferson Street, Oxford, MD 21654. Robert M. Walker, B.A. and M.F.A., Princeton University; Ph.D., Harvard University. Professor Emeritus o f Art History. 865 Central Avenue, L 504, Needham, MA 02192. PROFESSORS Margaret Anderson, B.A ., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., Brown University, Professor o f History. 8B W hittier Place.. George C. Avery, B.A ., M .A., and Ph.D., University o f Pennsylvania, Professor o f German. 2 3 0 Haverford Avenue. Robert C. Bannister,3B.A. and Ph.D„ Yale University; B.A. and M .A., University o f Oxford, Professor o f History. 737 Harvard Avenue. Olexa-Myron Bilaniuk,1Cand. Ingenieur, Universite de Louvain; B.S.E., B.S., M .S., M .A., and Ph.D., University o f Michigan, Centennial Professor o f Physics. 100 Plush Mill Road, Wallingford, PA 19086. Thomas H. Blackburn,3B.A., Amherst; B.A. and M .A., University of Oxford; Ph.D., Stanford University, Professor of English. 6 0 9 Elm Avenue. J. Herman Blake, B.A., New York University, M.A. and Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, Lang Visiting Professor. Swarthmore College. 1 Absent on leave, fall semester, 1988. 2 Absent on leave, spring semester, 1989. 254 John R. Boccio,6B.S., Polytechnic Institute o f Brooklyn; Ph.D., Cornell University, Professor o f Physics. 2020 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. David L Bowler, B.S. in E.E., Bucknell University; M .S. in E.E., Massachusetts Institute o f Technology; M.A. and Ph.D., Princeton University, Howard N. and Ada J. Eavenson Professor o f Electrical Engineering. 505 Yale Avenue. Thompson Bradley,2B.A., Yale University; M .A., Columbia University, Professor o f Russian. Price’s Lane, Moylan, PA 19065. Lee Devin, B.A., San Jose College; M.A. and Ph.D., Indiana University, Professor of English Literature and Director o f the Theatre. 512 Elm Avenue. H. Seari Dunn, B.S.E. and M .S.E., Princeton University; Ph.D., Brown University, Henry C. and J. Archer Turner Professor o f Engineering. 603 Elm Avenue. 3 Absent on leave, 1988-89. 6 On administrative assignment, 1988-89. Robert S. Du Plessis, B.A., Williams College; M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia University, Professor o f History. 211 Rutgers Avenue. Eleanor K. Hess, B .s. and M .S., University o f Pennsylvania, Professor o f Physical Education. 302 North Chester Road. David W. Faure,5B.A., University o f Hong Kong; Ph.D. Princeton University, Cornell Visiting Professor. Swarthmore College. Robinson G. Hollister, Jr., B.A., Amherst College; Ph.D., Stanford University, Professor o f Economics. 1 W hittier Place. James D. Freeman, B.A., M .A., and Ph.D., Harvard University, Professor of Music and Director o f the Orchestra. 206 Martroy Lane, Wallingford, PA 19086. Raymond F. Hopkins, B.A., Ohio Wesleyan University; M .A., Ohio State University; M.A. and Ph.D., Yale University, Professor o f Political Science. 308 Ogden Avenue. J. William Frost,1B.A., DePauw University; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Howard M. and Charles F. Jenkins Professor o f Qjiaker History and Research, and Director o f the Friends Historical Library. 3 W hittier Place. Gudmund R. Iversen, M .A., University of Michigan; Ph.D., Harvard University, Professor o f Statistics, and Director, Center for Social and Policy Studies. 212 Elm Avenue. John L Gaustad, B.A., Harvard Charles L James,1 2B.S., State University University; Ph.D., Princeton University, Professor of Astronomy. 4 3 0 S. Chester Road. I Kenneth J. Gergen,3B.A., Yale University; Ph.D., Duke University, Professor of Psychology. 331 Rogers Lane, Wallingford, PA 19086. Charles L Gilbert, B.A., Haverford College; Ph.D., Northwestern University, Professor of Political Science. 223 Kenyon Avenue. James H. Hammons, B.A., Amherst College; M.A. and Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, Professor of Chemistry. 17 Furness Lane, Wallingford, PA 19086. John J. Hassett, B.A., St. Francis College; o f New York at New Paltz; M .S., State University o f New York at Albany, Professor o f English Literature. 402 Laurel Lane, Wallingford, PA 19086. John R. Jenkins,1B.S. and M .S., Utah State University; Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, Professor of Biology. 403 Walnut Lane. Jennie Keith, B.A., Pomona College; M.A. and Ph.D., Northwestern University, Professor o f Anthropology. 612 Ogden Avenue. Charles F. Kelemen,7B.A., Valparaiso University; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics. 2105 N. Providence Road, Media, PA 19063. M.A., University o f Iowa; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Professor o f Spanish. 514 S. Providence Road, Wallingford, PA 19086. Deborah G. Kemler Nelson, B.A., M .A., and Ph.D., Brown University, Professor o f Psychology. 211 Benjamin West Avenue. Mark A. Heald, B.A., Oberlin College; M.S. and Ph.D., Yale University, Professor of Physics. 420 Rutgers Avenue. T. Kaori Kitao, B.A. and M .A., University Wulff D. Heintz, Dr. rer. nat. München o f California, Berkeley; Ph.D., Harvard University, Professor o f Art History. 540 Westminster Avenue.. University, Professor o f Astronomy. 540 Riverview Avenue. 1 Absent on leave, fall semester, 1988. 2 Absent on leave, spring semester, 1989. 3 Absent on leave, 1988-89. 5 Spring semester, 1989. 7 Joint appointment with mathematics. 255 Faculty Eugene A. Klotz, B.S., Antioch College; Ph.D., Yale University, Professor o f Mathematics. 735 Yale Avenue. George Krugovoy, B.A ., M .A., and Ph.D., Philosophical Institute, Salzburg, Austria, Professor o f Russian. 562 Juniata Avenue. James R. Kurth, B.A., Stanford University; M .A. and Ph.D., Harvard University, Professor o f Political Science. Strath Haven Condominiums. Hugh M. Lacey,1B.A. and M.A., University o f Melbourne; Ph.D., Indiana University, Professor o f Philosophy. 4 W hittier Place. Asmarom Legesse,3B.A., University College o f Addis Ababa; Ed.M. and Ph.D., Harvard University, Professor of Anthropology. 407 Vassar Avenue. Lillian M. Li,3A .B., Radcliffe College; A.M. and Ph.D., Harvard University, Professor of History. 8 W hittier Place. Nelson A. Macken,3B.S., Case Institute of Technology; M .S., Ph.D., University o f Delaware, Professor o f Engineering. 250 Haverford Avenue. Kathryn L. Morgan, B.A., Virginia State College; M .A., Howard University; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Professor o f History. Apt. 710, Strath Haven Condominiums. Donna Jo Napoli, B.A., M .A., and Ph.D., Harvard University, Professor of Linguistics. 226 Park Avenue. Helen F. North, B.A., M .A., and Ph.D., Cornell University, Centennial Professor of Classics. 6 0 4 Ogden Avenue. Hans F. Oberdiek,1 2B .s. and Ph.D., University o f Wisconsin, Professor of Philosophy. 510 Dickinson Avenue. Martin Ostwald, B.A ., University of Toronto; M .A., University o f Chicago; Ph.D., Columbia University, William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor o f Classics. 4 0 8 Walnut Lane. Harold E. Pagllaro,3A .B., M.A., Ph.D., Columbia University, Alexander Griswold Cummins Professor o f English Literature. 536 Ogden Avenue. Robert F. Pasternack, b .a . and Ph.D., Cornell University, Edmund Allen Professor o f Chemistry. 404 Park Avenue. Paul C. Mangelsdorf, Jr., B.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., Harvard University, Morris L. Clothier Professor of Physics. 110 Cornell Avenue. Dean Peabody, B.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., Harvard University, Professor of Psychology. 405 Rogers Lane, Wallingford, PA 19086. Jeanne Marecek,1B.S., Loyola Jean Ashmead Perkins, B.A., University; Ph.D., Yale University, Professor o f Psychology. 325 S. Monroe Street, Media, PA 19063. Stephen B. Maurer, B.A ., Swarthmore Swarthmore College; M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia University, Susan W. Lippincott Professor o f French. 913 Strath Haven Avenue. College; M.A. and Ph.D., Princeton University, Professor o f Mathematics. 206 Benjamin West Avenue. Steven I. Piker,2B.A., Reed College; Philip Metzidakls,12B.A., Dartmouth College; Ph.D., Yale University, Professor of Spanish. 113 Governors Drive, Wallingford, PA 19086. Frederic L Pryor, B.A ., Oberlin College; M.A. and Ph.D., Yale University, Professor o f Economics (part-time). 740 Harvard Avenue. 1 Absent on leave, fall semester, 1988. 2 Absent on leave, spring semester, 1989. 3 Absent on leave, 1988-89. 256 Ph.D., University o f Washington, Professor o f Anthropology. 125 Rutgers Avenue. 12 Program Director, Hamilton College Academic Year in Spain (Madrid), 1988-89. John P. Reeder,4B.A., Davidson College; B.D., The Divinity School o f Yale University; Ph.D., Yale University, Visiting Professor o f Religion. Swarthmore College. Gilbert P. Rose, b .a . and Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, Professor of Classics. 551 Marietta Avenue. Robert Roza,10*■ B.A., University of Toronto; M.A. and Ph.D., Princeton University, Professor o f French. 233 Cornell Avenue. Richard L Rubin, A.B., Brown University; M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia University, Professor o f Political Science and Public Policy (part-time). Swarthmore College. Rernard Saffran, b .a ., City College of New York; Ph.D., University o f Minnesota, Professor o f Economics. 201 Garrett Avenue. Robert E. Savage, B.A., Oberlin College; M.S. and Ph.D., University o f Wisconsin, Isaac H. Clothier, Jr., Professor o f Biology. 411 Vassar Avenue. F. M. Scherer,1A .B., University of Michigan; M.B.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University, Joseph Wharton Professor of Political Economy. 35 Wellesley Road. Allen M. Schneider,1B.S., Trinity College; Ph.D., Indiana University, Professor of Psychology. 608 Elm Avenue. Richard Schuldenfrei,34b .a . and M.A., University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, Professor of Philosophy. 8 S. Lemon St., Media, PA 19063. Rarry Schwartz, b . a ., New York University; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Professor o f Psychology. 210 Garrett Avenue. Kenneth E. Sharpe, B.A., Dartmouth College; M .S., London School o f Economics and Political Science; Ph.D., Yale 1 2 3 4 Absent on leave, fall semester, 1988. Absent on leave, spring semester, 1989. Absent on leave, 1988-89. Fall semester, 1988. University, Professor o f Political Science. 521 Elm Avenue. J. Edward Skeath, B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Illinois, Albert L. And Edna Pownall Buffington Professor o f Mathematics. 4 0 0 Dickinson Avenue. David G. Smith, B.A., and M.A., University o f Oklahoma; Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, Richter Professor of Political Science. 63 Todmordon Dr., Rose Valley, PA 19086. Simone Voisin Smith,1 2Licence et Lettres, University o f Grenoble, Professor o f French. 125 Forest Lane. Susan Snyder,3B.A., Hunter College; M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia University, Eugene M. Lang Research Professor of English Literature. 524 Westminster Avenue. Daniel R. Suits,4Ph.D., University of Michigan, Visiting Professor o f Economics. Swarthmore College. Donald K. Swearer, B.A., M .A., and Ph.D., Princeton University; B.D. and S.T.M., Yale Divinity School, Lang Research Professor o f Religion. 109 Columbia Avenue. Peter Gram Swing, B.A. and M.A., Harvard University; Ph.D., University of Chicago. Daniel Underhill Professor of Music and Director o f the Chorus. 614 Hillbom Avenue. Francis P. Tafoya, B.S. and M.A., University o f Colorado; Ph.D., Yale University, Professor o f French and Spanish. 620 North Chester Road. Peter T. Thompson,2B.A., The Johns Hopkins University; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, Professor o f Chemistry. 203 College Avenue. 8a Campus coordinator, Grenoble Program, fall semester, 1988. 10 Program Director, Swarthmore Program in Grenoble, spring semester, 1989. 257 Faculty James Tiles, Visiting Professor o f Timothy C. Williams, B.A., Swarthmore Philosophy. Swarthmore College. College; A.M ., Harvard University; Ph.D., Rockefeller University, Professor of Biology. 314 Rutgers Avenue. P. Linwood Urban, Jr., B.A., Princeton University; S.T.B., S.T.M., and Th.D., General Theological Seminary, Charles and Harriet Cox McDowell Professor o f Religion. 2 0 South Princeton Avenue. Philip M. Weinstein,1A .B., Princeton University; A.M. and Ph.D., Harvard University, Professor o f English Literature. 510 Ogden Avenue. Larry L Westphal,3B.A., Occidental College; Ph.D., Harvard University, Professor o f Economics. Swarthmore College. Craig Williamson, B.A., Stanford University; M .A., Harvard University; Ph.D., University o f Pennsylvania, Professor o f English Literature. 602 Elm Avenue. Jerome H. Wood, Jr., B.A., Howard University; Ph.D., Brown University, Professor o f History. 103 E. Providence Rd., Aldan, PA 19018. Harrison M. Wright,3B.A., M .A., and Ph.D, Harvard University, Isaac H. Clothier Professor o f History. 319 Cedar Lane. Robert L Williams, B.S., Delaware State College; M .S., Rutgers University, Professor o f Physical Education and Athletics. 507 Oak Crest Lane, Wallingford, PA 19086. ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS Nathalie F. Anderson, B.A., Agnes Scott College; M .A., Georgia State University; Ph.D., Emory University, Associate Professor o f English Literature. 302 N. Chester Road. Charles R. Reitz, B.A., Colgate University; M. A., University o f Michigan; M. A. and Ph.D., Princeton University, Associate Professor o f Political Science. 509 Harvard Avenue. Jo y Charlton,1B.A., University o f Virginia; M.A. and Ph.D., Northwestern University, Associate Professor o f Sociology. 503 North Chester Road. Michael W. Cothren, B.A., Vanderbilt University; M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia University, Associate Professor o f Art History. 406 N. Swarthmore Avenue. Randall L Exon, B.F.A., Washburn University; M.A. and M.F.A., University of Iowa, Associate Professor o f Studio Arts. 8 Crum Ledge. Marion J. Faber, B.A. and M.A., University o f California, Berkeley; Ph.D., Harvard University, Associate Professor of German (part-time). 234 Benjamin West Avenue. Gregory L Florant,3B.S., Cornell University, Ph.D., Stanford University, Associate Professor o f Biology. 304 Woodridge Lane, Media, PA 19063. Dorothea Frede,3Hamburg University; Ph.D., Gottingen University, Associate Professor o f Philosophy. 2 Whittier Place. Sharon Friedler,3B.A., Colby College; Visiting Associate Professor o f Philosophy. Swarthmore College. M.F.A., Southern Methodist University, Associate Professor o f Dance and Director o f the Dance Program. 11 Franklin Street, Trumbull, C T 06611. 1 Absent on leave, fall semester, 1988. 3 Absent on leave, 1988-89. Andreas Eshete, Ph.D., Yale University, 258 Scott F. Gilbert, B.A., Wesleyan University; M.A. and Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, Associate Professor of Biology. 224 Cornell Avenue. Gerald Levinson, B.A., University of Stephen S. Golub, B.A., Williams College; Ann Kosakowski McNamee, B.A., Wellesley College; M.Phil. and Ph.D., Yale University, Associate Professor o f Music. 6 W hittier Place. M.A. and Ph.D., Yale University, Associate Professor of Economics. 318 N. Chester Road. Charles NI. Grinstead,1B.A., Pomona College; M.A. and Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, Associate Professor of Mathematics. 8 W hittier Place. Nancy V. Hamlett, B .s. and M .S., University of Florida, Gainesville; Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, Associate Professor of Biology. 915 Harvard Avenue. Constance Cain Hungerford,2B.A., Wellesley College; M .A., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, Associate Professor of Art History. 410 Dickinson Avenue. Mark Jacobs, B.A., Harvard University; Ph.D., Stanford University, Associate Professor of Biology. 6 0 6 North Chester Road. Judy Kegl,u B.A., M .A., Brown University; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Associate Professor of Linguistics and Psychology. 7 Crum Ledge. Philip J. Kellman, B.A., Georgetown University; M.A. and Ph.D., University o f Pennsylvania, Associate Professor of Psychology. 1021 Stewart Avenue, Springfield, PA 19064. Mark Kuperberg, B.A., Amherst College; M.A. and Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Associate Professor of Economics. 147 Park Avenue. Thomas P. Left, B.A. and M.F.A., Case Western Reserve University, Associate Professor of English Literature and Technical Director for the Theatre. 6 Crum Ledge. I 1 Absent on leave, fall semester, 1988. ■ 2 Absent on leave, spring semester, 1989. ■ 8b Campus coordinator, Grenoble Program, spring semester, 1989. Pennsylvania; M.A. and Ph.D., University o f Chicago, Associate Professor o f Music. 2 Crum Ledge. Arthur E. McGarity, B.A., Trinity University; M .S.E., Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, Associate Professor of Engineering. 135 Rutgers Avenue. Brian A. Meunier, B.F.A., University of Massachusetts, Amherst; M.F.A., Tyler School o f Art, Temple University, Associate Professor o f Studio Arts. 150 Brown St., Philadelphia, PA 19123. Frank A. Moscatelll, B.s., C. W. Post College; M.S. and Ph.D., New York University, Associate Professor o f Physics. 302 Avondale Road, Wallingford, PA 19086. George Moskos,98b B.A., Davidson College; M.A. and Ph.D., University o f Wisconsin, Madison, Associate Professor of French. 730 Yale Avenue. BrauliO Munoz, B.A., University o f Rhode Island; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Associate Professor of Sociology. 500 Harvard Avenue. Frederick L Orthlleb, B.s. and M .S., Massachusetts Institute o f Technology; Ph.D., Camegie-Mellon University, Associate Professor o f Engineering. 13 Green Valley Road, Wallingford, PA 19086. Ernest J. Prudente, B.S. and M .S., University o f Pennsylvania, Associate Professor o f Physical Education. 914 Surrey Road, Media, PA 19063. Charles Raff, B.A., University of Rochester; M.A. and Ph.D., Brown University, Associate Professor of Philosophy. 214 Rutgers Avenue. 9 Program Director, Swarthmore Program 13 Joint appointment with linguistics. 259 Faculty Michael Rohr,4Ph.D., Stanford University, Visiting Associate Professor of Philosophy. Swarthmore College. Peter J. Schmidt, 8 .A., Oberlin College; M.A. and Ph.D., University o f Virginia, Associate Professor o f English Literature. 7 Crum Ledge. Helene Shapiro,3B.A., Kenyon College; M.A. Princeton University; Ph.D.,' California Institute o f Technology, Associate Professor o f Mathematics. Swarthmore College. Faruq M. A. Siddiqui, B.S., Bangladesh Unversity o f Engineering and Technology; M .S. and Ph.D., University o f Pittsburgh, Associate Professor o f Engineering. 6 3 6 Yale Avenue. Barbara Yost Stewart,1B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A. and Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College, Associate Professor o f Biology. 1062 Lancaster Avenue, Rosemont, PA 19010. Mary Tiles, Visiting Associate Professor of Philosophy. Swarthmore College. Eva F. Travers,6B.A., Connecticut College; M .A. and Ed.D., Harvard University, Associate Professor of Education. 416 Park Avenue. William N. Turpin, M .A., University of St. Andrews; M .A., University o f Toronto; Ph.D., Cambridge University, Associate Professor o f Classics. Swarthmore College. Judith 6. Voet, B.S., Antioch College; Ph.D., Brandeis University, Associate Professor o f Chemistry. 368 Trevor Lane, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004. Jacob Weiner, B.A., Antioch College; M .S., University o f Michigan; Ph.D., University o f Oregon, Associate Professor o f Biology. 16 S. Princeton Avenue. Douglas M. Weiss, A.T.C., Associate Professor o f Physical Education. 117 S. Chester Road. ASSISTANT PROFESSORS Stephen P. Bensch, M .A., University of Toronto; Ph.D., University o f California, Berkeley, Assistant Professor o f History. Swarthmore College. Barbara Burrell,3A.B., New York University; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University, Assistant Professor of Classics. Swarthmore College. Abbe Blum, B.A., University o f California, Berkeley; B.A. and M .A., Cambridge University, Assistant Professor o f English Literature. 4 0 0 Walnut Lane. John P. Caskey, Ph.D., Stanford Steven Borish, B.A., Carleton College; University; M .A., M. Phil., Ph.D., Columbia University, Assistant Professor of Chemistry. 510 Elm Avenue. M .A., M .S., and Ph.D., Stanford University, Assistant Professor o f Sociology and Anthropology. Swarthmore College. Mark Breitenberg, B.A., William and Mary College; M .A., University o f California at San Diego, Assistant Professor o f English Literature. 915 Harvard Avenue. Amy R. Bug, Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute o f Technology, Assistant Professor o f Physics and Astronomy. Swarthmore College. 1 Absent on leave, fall semester, 1988. 3 Absent on leave, 1988-89. 260 University, Assistant Professor of Economics. 318 North Chester Road. Jeffrey A. Charonnat, B.S., Stanford Brian D. Clark, A.B., Brown University; M .S., University o f Michigan; Ph.D., University o f Chicago, Assistant Professor o f Biology. Swarthmore College. Susan P. Davis,1B.S., Springfield College; M .S., Smith College, Assistant Professor of Physical Education. 2411 Whitehouse Road, Berwyn, PA 19312. 4 Fall semester, 1988. 6 O n administrative assignment, 1988-89. Amy Demorest, B.A., Williams College; M.A., Ph.D., Duke University. Assistant Professor o f Psychology. 2 Crum Ledge. Richard Eldridge, A.B., Middlebury College; M.A. and Ph.D., University o f Chicago, Assistant Professor o f Philosophy. 423 Harvard Avenue. TriCia A. Ferrett, Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley, Assistant Professor of Chemistry. Swarthmore College. David Haney, Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley, Visiting Assistant Professor of English Literature. Swarthmore College. Nancy Hirschmann, A.B., Smith College; M.A. and Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, Assistant Professor o f Political Science. Swarthmore College. Edward P. Johanningsmeier, A.B., Earlham College; M .A., Ph.D., University o f Pennsylvania, Assistant Professor of History. The Monastery, Kitchen’s Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19119. Laurie Langbauer, B.A., Wesleyan University; M.A. and Ph.D., Cornell University, Assistant Professor o f English Literature. 404 Elm Avenue. Therese Langer, B.A., Harvard University; Ph.D., University o f California at Berkeley, Assistant Professor of Mathematics. 915 Harvard Avenue. Amy-Jill Levine,3B.A., Smith College; M.A. and Ph.D., Duke University, Assistant Professor of Religion. Swarthmore College. Suzanne Levy, Visiting Assistant Professor (Dance). Swarthmore College Ellen B. Magenheim, B.A., University o f Rochester; M.A., Ph.D., University o f Maryland, Assistant Professor of Economics. 316 Maple Avenue. Li-ching Chang Mair, b .a . and M.A., National Taiwan University; M .A., University o f Washington, Assistant Professor of Chinese. 23 Oberlin Avenue. 2 Absent on leave, spring semester, 1989. SCOtt P. McRobert, B.S., Juniata College; M.A. and Ph.D., Temple University, Assistant Professor o f Biology. Swarthmore College. Francis Meagher, B.A., Holy Cross College, Assistant Professor o f Physical Education. 3 7 2 6 Woodland Avenue, Drexel Hill, PA 19026. Rachel Merz,2B.A., Western New Mexico University; M .S., University o f Florida; Ph.D., University o f Chicago, Assistant Professor o f Biology. 515 Elm Avenue. Lynne A. Molter, B .s. and B.A., Swarthmore College; S.M ., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Assistant Professor o f Engineering. Swarthmore College. Michael L. Mullan, B.A., University of California, Berkeley; Assistant Professor o f Physical Education. 511 Harvard Avenue. Marjorie Murphy, B.A., Jersey City State College; M .A., San Jose State University; Ph.D., University o f California, Davis, Assistant Professor o f History. 723 Yale Avenue. Joyce J. Nagata, B.F.A. and M.A., University o f Illinois, Champaign; M.F.A., University o f Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Assistant Professor o f Studio Arts (parttime). 3 Crum Ledge. Diane 0’DonOghue, B.A ., Mount Holyoke College; M .A., Harvard University, Assistant Professor o f Art History. Swarthmore College. Emilie Passow, B.A., City College o f New York; M .A. and Ph.D., Columbia University, Visiting Assistant Professor of English Literature. 3 0 N. Highland Avenue, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004. Stephen M. Platt, B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; M .S.E. and Ph.D., University o f Pennsylvania, Assistant Professor o f Engineering. 4 Crum Ledge. K. Ann Renninger, b .a ., University of Pennsylvania; M .A. and Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College, Assistant Professor o f Education. 915 Harvard Avenue. 3 Absent on leave, 1988-89. 261 Faculty Ziqiang Shi, B.A., Tianjin Foreign Language Institute; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Assistant Professor o f Chinese (part-time). 4 3 4 West Clapier Street, Philadelphia, PA 19144. Virginia Vanderslice,4B.S., M.S., Cornell University; Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo. Visiting Assistant Professor o f Psychology. 531 Durham Street, Philadelphia, PA 19119. Don Shimamoto,3B.S., Stanford University; M.A. and Ph.D., Brandeis University, Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Swarthmore College. Terje G. Void, B.A., Oberlin College; M.S. and Ph.D., University o f Washington, Assistant Professor o f Physics and Astronomy. Swarthmore College. Carol Singley, b .a . and M.A., Pennsylvania State University; Ph.D., Brown University, Visiting Assistant Professor o f English Literature. Swarthmore College. Robin L Wagner-Pacifici, B.A., Brown University; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Assistant Professor of Sociology. 6 0 4 Elm Avenue. Usa Smulyan, B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A.T., Brown University; Ed.D., Harvard Graduate School o f Education, Assistant Professor o f Education. Swarthmore College. Robert E. Weinberg, B.S., Cornell University; M .A., Indiana University; Ph.D., University o f California, Berkeley, Assistant Professor o f History. 512 Elm Avenue. Thomas Stephenson,3B.S., Furman University; Ph.D., The University of Chicago, Assistant Professor o f Chemistry. 221 Woodward Road, Moylan, PA 19065. Hans-Jakob Werlen, M.A., University of Notre Dame, Assistant Professor of German. 515 Elm Avenue. Andrea Sununu, A .B., Mount Holyoke College; M .S., University o f Maryland; Ph.D., University o f Chicago, Assistant Professor o f Physics. Swarthmore College. College; A.M. and Ph.D., Brown University, Visiting Assistant Professor o f English Literature. 4 0 4 Elm Avenue. Hal M. Switkay, B.A. and M.A., University o f Pennsylvania; Ph.D., Lehigh University, Assistant Professor o f Mathematics. Swarthmore College. James T. Wheeler, B.A., Kalamazoo B. Tyrene White, B.A., Middle Tennessee State University; M .A., Ph.D., Ohio State University, Assistant Professor of Political Science. 318 N. Chester Road. IN STRU CTO RS Laura A. Chesak, M .A., University of Wisconsin, Instructor in Spanish. Swarthmore College. Erik Cheever, B.S., Swarthmore College; M .S.E., University o f Pennsylvania, Instructor in Engineering. 3 Crum Ledge. Cheryl Eschbach,1M .A., Princeton University, Instructor in Political Science. Swarthmore College. 1 Absent on leave, fall semester, 1988. 3 Absent on leave, 1988-89. 262 Michael R. Greenwald, b .a ., University o f Pennsylvania; M .A.H.L., Hebrew Union College, Instructor in Religion. 517 Elm Avenue. Maria Luisa Guardiola-Ellis, Licencieda, University o f Barcelona, Instructor in Spanish. Swarthmore College. Diarmuid Maguire, M .A., Cornell University, Instructor in Political Science. Swarthmore College. 4 Fall semester, 1988. Elke Plaxton, B.A., Brigham Young University; M .A., University o f Colorado, Instructor in German. 2022 Brandywine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Lee Wimberly, B.A., Stanford University; J.D ., University o f California at Berkeley, Instructor in Physical Education. Swarthmore College. Gaile Hockey, B.S., West Chester University, Instructor in Physical Education. 4 0 4 Elm Avenue. Stanton Wortham,5B.A., Swarthmore College, Instructor in Psychology. Swarthmore College. Valerie Traub, B.A., University of California at Santa Cruz, Visiting Instructor in English Literature. Swarthmore College. LECTURERS (all part-time) Abigail Adams,5Diploma, Royal Academy of Dramatic Art; Certificate, Wielopolska Training School, Visiting Lecturer in Theatre. Swarthmore College. Laurie Bernstein,5B.A., Sonoma State College; M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, Lecturer in History. 512 Elm Avenue. Leila Berner,4M .A., University of California, Lecturer in Religion. Swarthmore College. Lee V. Cassanelli,4(Associate Professor of History, University o f Pennsylvania), Ph.D., University o f Wisconsin, Visiting Lecturer in History. University o f Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Cynthia B. Cohen,4B.A ., Barnard College; M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia University; J.D ., University o f Michigan, Lecturer in Religion. 710 Beechwood Drive, Media, PA 19063. Robert Fisher, A.B., Marietta College; Ph.D., Indiana University, Lecturer in Chemistry. Swarthmore College. Joan Friedman, M .A., University of Shizhe Huang, B.A., Bryn Mawr College; B.A., Wuhan Teachers College, Lecturer in Chinese. 915 Harvard Avenue, Apt. 1208. David Hursh, B.S. and M .S., Kansas State University, Lecturer in Education. Swarthmore College. Evgeniya L Katsenelinboigen, Moscow Polygraphic Institute, Lecturer in Russian. 133 Deerpath Lane, Media, PA 19063. Mary K. Kenney, A .B., chestnut Hill College; M .A., Villanova University, Lecturer in Spanish. 4 0 4 Elm Avenue. Carole Netter, Maitrisse and DEA, University o f Paris, Lecturer in French. Swarthmore College. Leah Johnson Smith,4B.A., Stanford University; Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, Lecturer in Economics. 406 Cedar Lane. Lynda Stone, B.A ., University of California at Berkeley; M .A., Stanford University, Lecturer in Education. Swarthmore College. Jack Topiol,5B.S., Yale University; M.A., Wisconsin, Lecturer in Spanish. 421 Cornell Avenue. University o f Pennsylvania, Visiting Lecturer in Economics. 10 Llanfair Road, Unit #9, Ardmore, PA 19003. Lisa Grobar,4B.A., Smith College, Visiting Lecturer in Economics. Swarthmore College. Alison P. Williams, M .S., University of Rochester, Dreyfus Teaching Fellow in Chemistry. Swarthmore College. 4 Fall semester, 1988. 5 Spring semester, 1989. 263 Faculty ASSISTANTS AND ASSOCIATES (all part-time) Dominique Abry, Assistant in French. Swarthmore College. Karen Meyers, Associate in Performance (Music). 735 Yale Avenue. Darlene D. Bramucci, b .a . and M .S., University o f Maryland, Assistant in Biology. 532 Milmont Avenue, Milmont Park, PA 19033. Carolyn Beichek, B.S., Columbia University, Associate in Performance (Dance). Swarthmore College. Tim Brooke, Assistant in Physical Education. Swarthmore College. Ursula M. Davis, B .S., Colby Junior College, Assistant in Chemistry. 11 Rampart West, Media, PA 19063. Nancey Rosensweig, B.A., Brown University; M.F.A., University o f Michigan, Associate in Performance (Dance). Swarthmore College. Arne Running, Associate in Performance (Music). Swarthmore College. Valerie Ryan, b .s ., Widener University, Lawrence Ehmer, B.A., Swarthmore College, Assistant in Physical Education. Swarthmore College. Assistant in Physical Education. 1325 Chester Pike, Eddystone, PA 19013. Diane Freedman, B.A., Pennsylvania State University; M.A. and Ph.D., Temple University, Assistant in Physical Education. 1356 Sellers Street, Philadelphia, PA 19129. Paula Sepinuck, B.A., Bennington College; M .A., Villanova University, Associate in Performance (Dance). 309 Dickinson Avenue. Dorothy K. Freeman, B.M ., M.M., Boston University, Associate in Performance (Music). 206 Martroy Lane, Wallingford, PA 19086. Jon Sherman, B.A., Temple University, Lori Fries, Assistant in Physical Education. Swarthmore College. Virginia M. Indivero, B.S., Elizabethtown Associate in Performance (Dance). Swarthmore College. Robert M. Smart, B.A., Curtis Institute of Music; M .A., Westminster Choir College, College Organist and Associate in Performance (Music). 18 Oberlin Avenue. College; M .S. Villanova University, Assistant in Chemistry. 2915 Wakefield Drive, Holmes, PA 19043. C. Joseph Stefanowicz,4B.A., Lafayette College, Assistant in Physical Education. 921 Flora Lane, Boothwyn, PA 19061. Michael Johns, Associate in Performance (Music). Swarthmore College. Anne Stork, B.A., Mount Holyoke College, Assistant in Biology. 1304 Virginia Avenue, Havertown, PA 19083. Curtis Lauber,4A .B., Duke University; M .A., Villanova University, Assistant in Physical Education. 110 School House Lane, Ardmore, PA 19003. Margaret M. Lehman, B.A., Swarthmore College, Assistant in Chemistry. 765 W. Valley Road, Wayne, PA 19087. Herbert Leimfaach,5B.A., Swarthmore College, Assistant in Physical Education. 15 Forest Lane. 4 Fall semester, 1988. 264 Dale Strawbridge,4B .s., Slippery Rock State College; M.Ed., Pennsylvania State University, Assistant in Physical Education. 8 Wood Lane, West Chester, PA 19380. Ronald A. Tirpak, b .a ., Millersville University; M .A., Temple University, Assistant in Physical Education. 103 Hinkson Boulevard, Ridley Park, PA 19078. 5 Spring semester, 1989. Standing Committees of the Faculty 1988-89 Academic and Cultural Support Cooper TRAVERS, Goundie, Klotz, Lacey (spring), Meagher, Rubin (fall), Siddiqui, Stewart LEVINSON, Avery, Durkan, Exon, Gilbert, C., Hammons, Klotz, Morgan, Williamson, C. Academic Requirements DICKERSON, Bensch, Cheever, England, Hammons, Jacobs, Magenheim, Morgan, Mullins, Schneider, Travers, Void Curriculum Admissions and Scholarships Faculty Equal Opportunity Advisory MAURER, Barr, Thomas, Charonnat, Dunn, Eldridge, Hassett, Meunier, Moscatelli, Talbot, Williams, R. HOPKINS, Voet, Smith, S. Asian Studies WHITE, Levinson, O ’Donoghue, Piker, Swearer, Williamson, S. ENGLAND, Gaustad, Mullins, Munoz, Rose, Wood, (two students) Faculty and S ta ff Benefits HART, Bowler, Deddy, DuPlessis, Eldridge, Hess, Magenheim, McKenna, Miller, T , Nagata, Rinker, Robinson, Welsh Fellowships and Prizes Black and Minority Concerns PIKER, Bradley (fall), Breitenberg, Thomas, Darrah, Dickerson, England, Platt, Rubin (fall), Urban, Wod Black Studies SCHMIDT, Hopkins, James (fall), Murphy, Wood URBAN, Charonnat, Exon, Freeman, Langbauer, Molter, Pryor, Roza, Sharpe, Travers, Turpin Foreign Study TAFOYA, Bensch, Dickerson, Kitao, Sharpe, Swearer, Void H ealth Sciences Advisory Bookstore SWING, Travers STEWART, Hamlett, Mangelsdorf, Mullins, Schneider, Thompson, Voet, Weiss Council on Educational Policy Library ENGLAND, Faber, Fraser, Gilbert, S., Schmidt, Schwartz, Travers, Wagner-Pacifici DURKAN, Bensch, England, Hamlett, Kitao, Kurth Council on Faculty Procedures Physical Education and Athletics FRASER, Anderson, N., England, Moscatelli, Murphy, Saffran, Savage, Smith, D. M AURER, Devin, Hess, Peabody, Skeath, Wagner-Pacifici, Williams, R. Promotion and Tenure Center for Social and Policy Studies IVERSEN, Hopkins, Mullan, Magenheim, Peabody, Scherer (spring) Computing Services FRASER, Anderson, M ., England, Perkins, Saffran, Skeath Research Ethics W ILLIAM S, T , Raff, Siddiqui KELLMAN, Boccio, McGarity, Turpin, Weiner 265 Faculty Research Support Women’s Studies KUPERBERG, Hassett, Hoover, Moscatelli, Renninger, Weiner ANDERSON, N., DuPlessis, Gilbert, S. Langbauer, Marecek (spring), Moskos (spring), Murphy Space U se and Energy Conservation ORTHLIEB, Avery, Cothren, Downer, Golub, Heintz, Mullins, Renninger Secretary to the Faculty Iversen Teacher Education Parliam entarian SMULYAN, Blum, Kellman, Renninger, Savage, Shapiro (spring), Tafoya, White, Wood Frost (fall), Urban (spring) Women’s Concerns FABER, Keith, Leff, Nagata, Napoli, Oberdiek (fall), Platt, Rockey Faculty Representatives to Other Committees College Judiciary Lang Scholarship THOMPSON, Blum, Kurth, Mullins DUNN, Kelemen, Napoli, O ’Donoghue Financial Planning Use o f C ollege Facilities by O utside O rganizations GOLUB, McNamee, Molter, Voet Honorary Degrees DOW NER, Fusco, Gillespie, Roth, Smythe, Williams, R. FRASER, Gilbert, C., Hungerford, Landis Heald Faculty Representatives to Committees of the Board Development Student L ife Pasternack, Keith, Smith, D. Brietenberg, Kuperberg Property Heald, Orthlieb 266 Divisions and Departments | DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIES Gilbert P. Rose, Chair Art Music Michael Cothren, Chair Ann K. McNamee, Chair Classics Helen F. North, Chairman Philosophy Religion English Literature Donald K. Swearer, Chair Craig Williamson, Chair Modern Languages and Literatures Jean Ashmead Perkins, Chair II. DIVISION OF THE NATURAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING John E. Gaustad, Chair Biology Engineering Timothy C. Williams, Chair H. Searl Dunn, Acting Chair Chemistry Mathematics Robert F. Pasternack, Chair J. Edward Skeath, Chair Computer Science (Program) Physics and Astronomy Charles F. Kelemen, Program Director Frank A. Moscatelli, Chair UI. DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES Braulio Muñoz, Chair Economics Political Science Frederic L. Pryor, Acting Chair Raymond F. Hopkins, Chair Education (Program) Psychology Lisa Smulyan, Acting Program Director Jeanne Marecek, Department Head Deborah Kemler Nelson, Acting Department Head (fall) History Robert DuPlessis, Chair Linguistics (Program) Donna Jo Napoli, Program Director Sociology and Anthropology Jennie Keith, Chair 267 Administration PRESIDENT’S OFFICE David W. Fraser, B.A ., Haverford College; M .D., Harvard Medical School, President. Christy Ann Fusco, B.A., Swarthmore College, Social Coordinator. Leah J. Smith, B.A ., Stanford University; Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, Assistant to the President and Director of Institutional Research. Margaret M. Giovannini, Diane E. WatSOn, Secretaries. V ICE PRESIDENTS’ OFFICE Loren Hart, B.A ., Gunnell College; J.D ., Columbia University Law School; M.B.A., Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration, Vice President for Business and Finance and Treasurer. Suzanne P. Welsh, B.A., B.S., University Kendall Landis, B.A., Swarthmore College; Secretaries/Assistants. o f Delaware; M .B.A., University of Pennsylvania, Assistant Treasurer and Budget Director. Pauline M. Carroll, Mary C. Kasper, M.A., Wesleyan University, Vice President Alumni, Development, Public Relations. PRO VO ST’S OFFICE James W. England, B.A ., Kansas State Jerome H. Wood, Jr., B.A ., Howard Teachers College; M.A. and Ph.D., University o f Missouri, Provost. University; Ph.D., Brown University, Associate Provost and Professor o f History. Karen D. Jones, Secretary. DEAN’S OFFICE Janet Smith Dickerson, B.A ., Western College for Women; M.Ed., Xavier University, Dean o f the College. Patricia L Darrah, B.A., Lincoln University; M.Ed., Lehigh University; Ph.D., Temple University, Associate Dean; Director o f Black and Minority Affairs. Tedd R. Goundie, B .S., Muhlenberg College; M .S., Bowling Green State University, Assistant Dean for New Student Affairs. Susan Dinsmore Smythe, B.A., Wesleyan University, Coordinator o f Student Activities. Gilmore Stott, B.A. and M .A., University o f Cincinnati; B.A. and M .A., University of Oxford; M .A. and Ph.D., Princeton University, Associate Provost Emeritus and Associate Dean. Gloria Carey Evans, B.A ., Western Washington College o f Education; M.S., University o f Washington; Ph.D., Stanford University, Consultant for Testing and Guidance and Adviser to Foreign Students. Eva F. Travers, B.A ., Connecticut College; M .A. and Ed.D., Harvard University, Associate Dean. Norma Doyle, A.A ., Temple University, Cathy Pescatore, Alma E. Stewart Secretaries. ADM ISSIONS OFFICE Robert A. Darr, Jr., B.A ., Swarthmore College; M .A., University o f Pennsylvania, Dean o f Admissions. 268 Wallace Ann Ayres, B.A ., Swarthmore College; Ed.M., Harvard University, Associate Dean o f Admissions. Phyllis Hall Raymond, B.A., Indiana University; M .A., Swarthmore College, Associate Dean o f Admissions. David A. Walter, B.S., Swarthmore College; M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary, Associate Dean o f Admissions. Richard G. DiFeliciantonio, B.A., Swarthmore College; M .A., University of Denver, Assistant Dean o f Admissions. Hannah R. Swallow, B.A., Swarthmore Gloria Thomas Walker, B.A., Swarthmore College, Assistant Dean o f Admissions. Susan K. Untereker, B.A., Smith College; M .A., Columbia Teachers College, Assistant to the Dean o f Admissions. Ellen Dolski, Barbara A. Hadly, Paula , Lee, Agnes Shonert, Secretaries. Arlene K. Mooshian, B.S., West Chester University, Receptionist. College, Assistant Dean o f Admissions and Western Regional Representative. ALUMNI RELATIONS AND PUBLIC RELATIONS Maralyn Orbison Gillespie, B.A., Swarthmore College, Associate Vice President - Alumni Relations, Publications, and Public Relations. David H. Allgeier, B.A ., Swarthmore College, Assistant Director o f Alumni Relations. Lorna Greene Shurkin, b .a ., Brooklyn College, Director o f Public Relations. Roger Williams, B.A., University of Kansas, Associate Director o f Publications and Managing Editor o f the Alumni Bulletin. Catherine Downing, B.A., Kent State University, Assistant Director o f Publications. Mimi GeiSS, Production Manager. Nancy Curran, B.A., Pennsylvania State University, Class Notes Editor and Publications Associate. Ann D. Geer, B.A., Randolph-Macon Woman’s College, Copy Editor. Astrid Devaney, Jackie Fink, Sherry A. Pringle, A. A., University o f Toledo, Secretaries. BUSINESS OFFICE Meryle Rinker, B.A., Southern Oregon State College; M .B.A., The University o f Tulsa, Director o f Financial Operations/ Controller. Ellen R. Augsberger, Payroll Administrator. Jean Raisch, Payroll Administrator. Laura McLaughlin, Cashier. Jean English, Accounts Payable/ Louisa Ridgway, B.A., Vassar College, M.B. A., University o f Pennsylvania, Associate Controller. Purchasing Supervisor. Nancy L Sheppard, Business Office Judith F. Valori, B.A., University o f Manager. Maryland, Payroll Supervisor. Margaret A. Thompson, Bursar. Mary P. Walker, Purchasing Clerk. Maureen March, B.A., Georgian Court Christine Hourican, b .a ., B.S., Temple University, Manager o f Bookstore. College, Director o f Financial Systems. 269 Administration CA REER PLANNING AND PLACEMENT H. Thomas Francis, B.A., Kalamazoo College; M .A., Western Michigan " University, Director. Doris Rovetti, Recruiting Coordinator/ Office Manager. Leslie M. Brubaker, B.A., Cedar Crest College, Secretary. CEN TER FO R SOCIAL AND POLICY STUDIES Richard L Rubin, A .B., Brown University; M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia University. Gudmund R. Iversen, M .A., University of Michigan; Ph.D., Harvard University, Director. Naomi M arCU S, Secretary. COMPUTING SERVICES John R. Boccio, B.S., Polytechnic Institute o f Brooklyn; Ph.D., Cornell University, Associate Provost for Academic Computing. Jane F. James, B.S., State University o f New York at New Paltz, User Services and Training Coordinator. William L Conner, Jr., B.A ., B.S., Villanova University, Associate Director Manager o f Operations. Dave Ruel, B.A ., University o f New Hampshire, Associate Director - Manager of Administrative Computing. Lawrence Ehmer, B.A ., Swarthmore College, Administrative Systems/ Analyst. Robin Jacobsen, B.B.S., Temple University, Administrative Programmer/ Analyst. Mary K. Hasbrouck, B.A ., Oberlin College, Academic Computing Coordinator. Karen V. Roop, B.S., Widener University, Hardware Support Technician. Alice H. McGovern, B .S., Fordham University, Information Coordinator/ Computer Operator. Lisa Brunner-Bireley, A .A .S., Delaware County Community College, Computer Operator. Hazel C. Rapp, Secretary. DEVELOPMENT John E. Owen, B.A., Earlham College, Judith Egan Pagliaro, B.S., Columbia Associate Vice President. University, Assistant Director. CurtiS A. Lauber, B.A ., Duke University; Mary Jane Felix Smedley, B.A., Swarthmore College, Development Associate. M .A., Villanova University, Associate Director. Douglas B. Hasbrouck, b .a ., Hampshire College, Assistant Director. Nancy L Lehman, B.A ., Swarthmore College, Assistant Director/West Coast Representative. 270 Sandra M. Bell, Rose DiComillo, Ruth V. Kennedy, B.A., University o f Pennsylvania, Secretaries. Annual Funds Elizabeth D. Macintosh, A .B., Bryn Mawr Bosemary Phillippi, Administrative College, Director. Assistant. Jerome W. Blackman, B.A., Swarthmore Carole Forsythe, Michele Sharkey, College, Assistant Director. Secretaries. Corporate and Foundation Relations Karen W. Hoover, B.S., McPherson College; M.A., Bethany Theological Seminary, Director. Elizabeth Arter, Karen Evans, Secretaries. Kay Fairs Golden, B.A., U ncaster University; M.R.P., University of Pennsylvania, Associate Director. Planned Giving Margaret W. Nikelly, B.A., Upsala Cindy Bossley, Secretary. College, Director. Anne Bonner, B.A., University of Wyoming; M .A., University o f Washington, Development Associate. Gift and Alum ni Records Marilyn Schiller, B.A., Lycoming College, Director of Information Resources o f Alumni/Development. Elizabeth B. Campbell, Pauline Metzidakis, Robin Mobley, Josephine Younkin, Recorders. Diane C. Brown, Operations Manager. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY OFFICE Patricia A. Whitman, B.A., West Chester State College; M .A., Miami University o f Ohio, Equal Opportunity Officer. Peggy Giovannini, Secretary. FINANCIAL AID OFFICE Laura Talbot, B.A., Wheaton College, Director o f Financial Aid. Joanne Barracliff, Helen Elmer, Secretaries. Patricia Serianni, B.A ., M.Ed., Pennsylvania State University, Assistant Director o f Financial Aid. 271 Administration HEALTH SCIENCE ADVISORY PROGRAM Barbara Yost Stewart, B.A ., Swarthmore College; M .A. and Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College, Health Sciences Advisor. Bonnie B. Harvey, B.A ., Swarthmore College, Secretary. HEALTH AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES Worth Health Center Linda Echols, R.N., B.S.N ., and M .S.N., University o f Pennsylvania; M.B.A., Wharton School; CRNP, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Director o f Worth Health Center. Hospital, Barbara A. Smetana, R.N., Samaritan Hospital, B.S., St. Joseph’s College, College Health Nurse Practitioner, Brigham Young University. Vera Howland, B.S., Widener University, James E. Clark, B.A., West Virginia M .D., Hahnemann Medical College, College Physician. University; M .D., Jefferson Medical College, Senior College Physician. Mary Jane Osmick, B. Med., University o f Delaware; M .D., Temple University Medical School, College Physician. Paul S. Zamostien, B.S., Ursinus College; M .D., Jefferson Medical College, Consulting Gynecologist. Alan Zweben, B.S., SUNY, Stoney Brook; M .D., New York Medical College, College Physician. Frank P. Giammattel, B.A., Williams College; M .D., University o f Cincinnati, Orthopedic Consultant. Elissa R. Chansky, R.N ., Beth Israel Hospital, B.S., St. Joseph’s College, Constance C. Jones, R.N., Hospital of University o f Pennsylvania, Anne HichOlS, R.N., B.S.N ., Gwynedd-Mercy College, Carol E. Ronan, R.N., Philadelphia General Charles D. Hummer, Jr., B.A., Amherst College; M .D., Hahnemann Medical College, Athletic Orthopedic Consultant. Anita M. Knowles, Health Services Secretary. Psychological Services Leighton C. Whitaker, B.A., Swarthmore College; M .A., University o f Connecticut; Ph.D., Wayne State University; Diplomate in Clinical Psychology o f the American Board o f Professional Psychology, Director. Paula S. Rosen, B.A., University of Rochester; M .S.S., Bryn Mawr College; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College Graduate School o f Social Work and Social Research, Clinical Social Worker. Angela R. Gillem, B.S., Michigan State University; M .A, Boston University; Ph.D., Boston University, Clinical Psychologist. Jack Soloman, B.S., Villanova University; M .D., Hahnemann University, Consulting Psychiatrist. Laurie Berenson, B.A., University of California at San Diego; Clinical Psychology Intern from Hahnemann University. Thomas H. Gerstley, B.A., Albright College; Clinical Psychology Intern from Hahnemann University. Mary Hindman, B.A ., College o f Notre Dame o f Maryland; Clinical Psychology Intern from Hahnemann University. Blrgitte Haselgrove, Secretary/ Receptionist. 272 LIBRARY STAFF I College Library I Michael J. Durkan, B.A., St. Patrick’s Ann S. Blackburn, Secretary to the College I I Librarian. College, Maynooth, Ireland; Diploma in Library Training, University College, Dublin, College Librarian. Acquisitions I Elizabeth Antann, B.A ., Swanhmore College; M .S. in L.S., Rutgers University, Acquisitions Librarian. I Shirley F. Kirby, B.A., Washington Monique Constantino, Records & Purchasing Assistant. Rose Marie Johnson, Assistant/ Acquisitions. University, Periodicals Assistant. Marie Cimino, Elizabeth Woolson, A.B., Pauline Marshall, B.S., Simmons College, Chestnut Hill College, Assistants. Continuations Assistant. Cataloging Amy V. Morrison, B.A. and M .L.S., Rutgers University; Assistant Catalog Librarian. Cataloging Assistant. University; M .L.S., Drexel University, Serials Cataloger. So-Young Jones, B.A ., Euha Womens University, Korea; M .L.S., Simmons College, Cataloging Assistant. Circulation and Reserve Catherine J. Smith, B.A ., Swarthmore College; B.S. in L.S., Drexel University, Circulation Librarian. Jean Pfeiffer, Circulation Assistant. Nancy C. Bech, Assistant. Marian B. Bruce, B.S., James Madison ■ Anne Swann, B.A ., Swarthmore College, Barbara J. Weir, B.A ., Pennsylvania State Anne J. Perkins, Cataloging Assistant. I Netta Shinbaum, B.A ., State University o f New York-Oswego; Cataloging Assistant. University, Assistant. Pauline E. Hallman, Receptionist. Claire R. Smith, Receptionist. Biane van Roden, Receptionist. Viola G. Holdsworth, B.S., Westminster College; M .E.D., Temple University, Receptionist. Edward H. Fuller, B.A., Widener College; M .S. in L.S., Drexel University, Special Collections Librarian. Bibliographic Instruction and Reference Steven W. Sowards, B.A ., Stanford University; M .A., M .L.S., Ph.D., Indiana University, Humanities Librarian. I Minda Hart, B.A., Pennsylvania State University, Interlibrary Loan Assistant. Susan G. Williamson, B.A ., University of California-Berkeley; M .S., Drexel University; M.A. and Ph.D., University o f Pennsylvania, Social Sciences Librarian. 273 Administration Cornell Library Emi K. Horikawa, B.S., University o f Nevada; M .A., University o f Utah, Science Librarian. Meg E. Spencer, B.A., University of Richmond, Science Library Assistant. Marie Cimino, Assistant. Underhill Library George K. Huber, B.A., University of Pennsylvania; M .S. in L.S., Drexel University, Music Librarian. Three College Library Automation Linda G. Bills, B.A., University o f California, Los Angeles; M .S.L.S., Case Western Reserve University, Coordinator. Friends Historical Library J. William Frost B.A., DePauw University; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Director. Albert W. Fowler, B.A., Haverford College; M .S. in L.S., Syracuse University, Curator. Claire B. Shetter, Cataloguer. Jane HI. Thorson, B.A., Goddard College, Program Secretary; Nancy P. Speers, Kazue Oye, Conservation Assistant. Patricia Chapin O’Donnell, B.A. and M .A., University o f Pennsylvania; M.A., University o f Delaware, Archivist. John Daniel Eckert, B.A., Swarthmore College; M .A., University o f Toronto, Archivist, Philadelphia Meeting Records Project. Archivist. Swarthmore College Peace Collection Wendy L Chmielewski, B.A ., Goucher College; M .A., State University o f New York at Binghamton, Cooley Curator. Eleanor M. Barr, B.A ., Mount Holyoke College, M .L.S., University o f Pittsburgh, Archivist. Barbara E. Addison, B.S., University of Wisconsin (Milwaukee); M .S. in Librarianship, University o f Wisconsin (Madison), Cataloger. Kate C. Myer, B.A ., Neumann College, Periodicals Assistant. Martha P. Shane, B.A ., Swarthmore College, Archivist. Honorary Curators o f the Friends H istorical Library Margaret Hope Bacon, John Edwin Brush, Harriet Frorer Durham, David C. Elkinton, LaVerne Forbush, Caroline Biddle Malin, John M. Moore, Lyman W. Biley, Catharine Morris Wright Advisory Council o f the Swarthmore C ollege Peace Collection Irwin Abrams, Helen M. Carroll, Julien Cornell, Hilary Conroy, Merle Curti, Alfred A. Fraser III, Larry Gara, Robert 274 Wallace Gilmore, Phebe B. Jacobsen, Kendall Landis, E. Raymond Wilson. OPERATIONS CarOlC S. Deddy, B.S., Wilkes College; Ed.M., Rutgers University; Fairleigh Dickinson University, Associate Vice President - Operations. Marcia C. Brown, B.A., Villanova University, Secretary. Auxiliary Services Al Roth, B.S., M. Ed., State University College at Buffalo, Director o f Auxiliary Services. Karen Mazza, Auxiliary Services Assistant. Security and Safety Services Owen Redgrave, B.S., West Chester University; A.A.S., Delaware County Community College, Director o f Security and Safety Services. Leon Francis, Coordinator o f Security and Safety Services. Patrick Brown, Jeffrey Buss, Janies Ellis, Greg Hartley, John Kelley, Joanne Reichle, Bobby Van Wilson, Security Officers. George Darbes, Dan McNeeley, Phil Murphy, Auxiliary Patrol Officers. Terry Markin, Secretary. Michael J. Fitzgerald, Brian Harris, Security Patrol Sergeants. Judy Feiy, Joseph Louderback, Ellie Kolachny, Eve Magee, Stephen Sissons, George Ticknor, Communications Center Staff. Post O ffice June TaSSOni, Supervisor. Theresa Matteo, Assistant. Word Processing Center Helen DeFeliciantonio, Director. Joann M. Massary, Diane Stasiunas, Cheryl Robinson, Secretaries. Food Service Stanley F. Kashuba, B.S., University o f Scranton, Director o f Dining Services. Rosann Zaffiri, Secretary. Neil Kantner, A .O .S., Culinary Institute o f Carol Seidl, Daniel Papuga, Scott Holdredge, A.A., Luzerne County America, Executive Chef. Community College, Managers. Personnel Lee Robinson, B.A., Rhode Island College, Director o f Personnel. Gail V. Redden, A.A ., Sullins College, Benefits Administrator. Joan K. Krehnbrink, B.A., Pennsylvania Patricia Powell, Office Manager. Mildred L. Connell, Personnel Assistant. State University, Assistant Director o f Personnel. 275 Administration P h y sica l P la n t David R. Downer, B .S., Harvard College; M .A., University o f Oklahoma, Director o f Physical Plant. Alice Dalbierer, Assistant to the Director. Patricia Trinder, Secretary. June Carnell, Facilities Coordinator, Jacqueline Datker, Purchasing, Eleanor Rreischaft, Bookkeeping. M aintenance Donald Kelley, Associate Director o f Esther Kelley, Work Order Secretary. Physical Plant. Tom Cochrane, Maintenance Mechanic Foreman, John Schambers, Building Trades Foreman. Environmental Services Tony White, Director o f Environmental Services. Timothy Styer, Operations Coordinator. Dorothy Dallam, Sarbara Green, William Dorch, Patricia Thompkins, Environmental Technician Supervisors. Grounds Steven Wheaton, B .S., University of Vermont, Director o f Grounds. Richard Evans, Foreman, Paul Erickson, Crew Leader. Planning and Construction Peter R. Vishton, B.S. and M .S., Drexel University, Project Engineer for Planning and Construction. Alice Dalbierer, Assistant to the Project Engineer. Joseph DeLOZier, Jr., Plant Engineering Coordinator. REG ISTR A R’S OFFICE Jane H. Mullins, B.A ., Swarthmore Agnes Kennedy, Nancy Ochs, Recorders. College, Registrar. Evelyn 6. Huk, Senior Recorder. THE SC O TT A RBO RETUM Judith D. Zuk, B.A ., Rutgers University; M .S., University o f Delaware, Director. Andrew 6. Bunting, B.S., Southern Illinois University, Plant Recorder. Steven F. Wheaton, B.S., University of Vermont, Assistant Director - Horticulture. Josephine 0. Hopkins, Adrienne Shero, Erica Glasener, B.S., University of Maryland, Education Coordinator. Don Craig, B.S., Oregon State University, Education Intern. 276 B.A ., Swarthmore College, Secretaries. UPWARD BOUND Edwin A. Collins, B.A ., Lincoln University; B.S. and M .Ed., Cheyney University, Director. DeLoiS M. Collins, B.A ., Temple University, Associate Director. DEPARTMENT SECRETARIES, ASSISTANTS AND TECHNICIANS Art: June V. Cianfrana, Secretary. Astronomy: Patricia O ’Hara, Research Mathematics: Joyce A. Glackin, Secretary. Modern Languages: Eleonore Baginski, Assistant. B.S., St. Joseph’s University, Secretary; Edward Dixon, B.A., L a S alle C ollege; M.A., Pennsylvania State University, Language Laboratory Assistant. Biology: Maria E. Musika, Secretary; George Flickinger, Shop Engineer; Anne M. Rawson, B.A., Suiarthmore C ollege; M.S., Cornell University, Manager o f Martin Laboratories. Music: Judy Lord, A.A., W esley C ollege, Secretary. Chemistry: Dixie Andrews, Secretary; James W. Bell, Instrument Coordinator. Philosophy: Fran Cuneo, B.S., ClSSSiCS: Sarah S. Fought, B.A. and M.A., University o f Wisconsin, Secretary. Physical Education and Athletics: Karen Russo, Secretary; Octavius Holland, David Lester, Equipment Managers; Marie Mancini, A.T., C., B.S., West Chester University, Sports Medicine Intern. Computer Science-Astronomy Research: Barbara C. Niebruegge, A.B., R adcliffe College, Secretary. Econom ics: Teresa Klingler, A. A ., Hers hey Junior College; Sara-Page W hite, B.A., Suiarthmore C ollege, Secretaries. Education: Janet A. Kazio, Maud W. Marshall, B.A., G oddard C ollege, Secretaries. Electronics Technicians: John j. Dougherty, Charles A. White. Engineering: Jacqueline Robinson, Administrative Secretary; Grant Lee Smith, Mechanician. English Literature: Thelma M. Miller, Administrative Secretary. History: Eleanor W. Bennett, Administrative Secretary. Linguistics: Dorcas Allen, B.A., West Chester University, Secretary. PhysiCS: John R. Andrews, Technician. Political Science: Ann Haslanger, B.A., H ollins C ollege, Jeanne Lovern, B.A., H ollins C ollege, Secretaries; Nancy Maday, B .A ., Grove City College, Secretary (International Relations); Naomi Marcus, Secretary (Public Policy). Psychology: Didi Beebe, B.A., Gettysburg C ollege, Secretary; Donald Reynolds, Instrumentation Technician; Julia L. Welbon, B.A., W illiam Smith College, Academic Coordinator. Religion: Eileen McElrone, Secretary. Sociology and Anthropology: Pauline B. Federman, Secretary. Rosemont College, Secretary. 277 Visiting Examiners 1988 Art Professor Ann Abrams, Georgia State University Professor Caroline Bruzelius, Duke University Professor Eliabeth Cropper, Johns H opkins University Professor Christine Hasenmueller-Colley, Vanderbilt University Professor Patricia Mainardi, Brooklyn C ollege & T he G raduate Center, CU NY Professor Barbara Miller Lane, Bryn Motor C ollege Mary Gardner Neill, Yale Art Gallery Professor Gerald Silk, Tyler School o f Art, Temple University Biology Dr. Albert D. Carlson, State University o f New York at Stonybrook Dr. Carlo Croce, W istar Institute Dr. Ron Etter, H arvard University Dr. Irving Finger, H averford C ollege Dr. Gerald Grunwald, Thom as Jefferson University Dr. Carl Heuther, University o f Cincinnati Dr. Vivianne T. Nachmias, University o f Pennsylvania Dr. Robert Blake Reeves, State University o f New York a t B uffalo Chemistry Professor Joseph J. Gajewski, Indiana University Professor John P. Lowe, Pennsylvania State University Professor Ponzy Lu, University o f Pennsylvania Professor Richard D. Pizer, Brooklyn C ollege, City University o f New York Classics Professor Diskin Clay, Johns Hopkins University Professor Gary Forsythe, Bryn Matvr C ollege Professor James O ’Donnell, University o f Pennsylvania Computer Science Dr. Lakendra Shastri, University o f Pennsylvania Dr. Chris Van W yk, Am erican Telephone & Telegraph, B ell Lab. 278 Economics Professor John P. Caskey, Washington University Professor David Good, Temple University Professor Dwight M. Jaffe, Princeton University Professor Michael Jones, Bowdoin College Professor Michael K. Kuehlwein, Pomona C ollege Professor Walter Nicholson, Amherst College Professor M. J. Peck, Yale University Professor Sherman Robinson, University of C aliforn ia at Berkeley Engineering Professor John Tichy, Renssalaer Polytechnical Institute Professor Chester J. Van Tyne, Lafayette C ollege English Professor Rhonda Cobham-Sander, Amherst C ollege Professor Lester Conner, Chestnut Hill C ollege Professor Mark Halliday, University o f Pennsylvania Professor Marianne Hirsch, Dartmouth C ollege Professor Edward B. Irving, University o f Pennsylvania Professor Ann Rosalind Jones, Smith College Professor David Quint, Princeton University Professor April Selley, C ollege o f St. Rose Professor Harry F. Shaw, Cornell University Professor Leonard Tennenhouse, Trinity C ollege Professor Carl Woodring, N ational Humanities Center History Professor Thomas Childers, University of Pennsylvania Professor Pamela Crossley, Dartmouth C ollege Professor Lloyd C . Gardner, Rutgers University Professor Ronnie Po-chia Hsia, University of Massachusetts Professor Benjamin G. Kohl, Vassar College Professor Janet M. Oppenheim, American University Professor Ronald G. Suny, University o f M ichigan Professor Mark Wasserman, Rutgers University Professor Lillian Williams, State University o f New York at Albany Professor Diana Wylie, Yale University Professor Michael Zuckerman, University o f Pennsylvania Professor Raymond Geuss, Colum bia University Professor Paul Guyer, University o f Pennsylvania Dr. Thomas Ricketts, University o f Pennsylvania Professor James Van Cleve, Brown University Linguistics Physics/ Astronomy Professor James Collins, Temple University Professor Jacob Hoeksema, University o f Pennsylvania Professor Donald Ringe, University o f Pennsylvania Professor Leonard Tennenhouse, Trinity College Professor Stephen Boughn, H averford C ollege Dr. Gary Holtom, University o f Pennsylvania Professor George Ruff, Bates C ollege Professor Somdev Tyagi, Drexel University Professor Stuart Vogel, Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute Mathematics Political Science Professor Margaret B. Cozzens, Northeastern University Dr. David K. Hildebrand, University o f Pennsylvania Professor John H. McCleary, Vassar C ollege Professor Ronald Perline, Drexel University Professor Norton Starr, Amherst C ollege Professor Morris Blachman, University o f South C arolina Professor Marc Blecher, O berlin C ollege Professor William J. Foltz, Yale University Professor Robert P. George, Princeton University Professor Nancy Love, Pennsylvania State University Professor Kenneth Oye, University o f Pennsylvania Professor Donald J. Puchala, University o f South C arolina Professor Francis E. Rourke, Johns H opkins University Professor Joan Tronto, Hunter C ollege Professor Eric Uslaner, University o f Maryland Modern Languages— French Professor Mario Maurin, Bryn M awr C ollege Professor Marcel Gutwirth, City University o f New York Modern Languages— German Professor Mark Anderson, Colum bia University Modern Languages— Russian Professor Herman Ermolaev, Princeton University Dr. Anne Frydman, Smithsonian Institution Modern Languages— Spanish Professor Ciríaco Morón Arroyo, Cornell University Dr. Germán Gullón, University o f Pennsylvania Music Michael Korn, O pera Company o f Philadelphia Professor Larry Nelson, West Chester University Professor Edward Reilly, Vassar C ollege Philosophy Professor Daniel Devereux, University o f Virginia Dr. Andreas Eshete, University o f Pennsylvania Psychology Professor Jonathan Baron, University o f Pennsylvania Dr. Paula Durlach, McMaster University Professor Arie Kruglanski, University o f Maryland Dr. Dalton Miller-Jones, G raduate & University Center, City University o f New York Dr. Jill Morawski, W esleyan University Professor Jaine Strauss, W illiam s C ollege Professor Earl Thomas, Bryn Mawr C ollege Religion Phillip Berryman Professor George Bond, Northwestern University Professor Henry Bowden, Rutgers University Professor Cynthia B. Cohen, V illanova University 279 Visiting Examiners 1988 Professor Thomas J. Dean, Temple University Dr. Kenneth L. Kraft, University o f Pennsylvania Professor Anne McGuire, H averford C ollege Professor Janet Oppenheim, American University Sociology & Anthropology Professor Bruce Bellingham, Florida State University Professor Harold Bershady, University o f Pennsylvania 280 Professor Jeffrey Goldfarb, New School for Social Research Professor Charlotte Ikels, Case Western Reserve University Professor David Karen, Bryn M awr College Professor Carl Kendall, Johns Hopkins University Professor Kirin Narayan, M iddlebury College Dr. Elizabeth Petras, University o f Pennsylvania Degrees Conferred May 30,1988 BACHELOR OF ARTS Christopher Scott Abbott, English Literature Elise Wells Adibi, Philosophy Kevin William Aires, Music Kathleen M. Albright, Special M ajor: Sociology & Anthropology and M athem atics Jonathan Scott Alexander, Psychology Heather Jane Alker, Biology Richard Charles Arbogast, Jr., Sociology & Anthropology Charles Alexander Atkinson, Special M ajor: Psychobiology John Douglas Augustine, Economics Deborah Bacharach6, English Literature Katherine Anne Bachman, P olitical Science Karin Lisa Bagnall, Special M ajor: History & Religion from Late Antiquity to the M iddle Ages Joanna Marie Bailey, Religion Mina Lee Baisch, M athem atics William Tryon Baldwin III, English Literature Shauna Balter, Special M ajor: Language David Philip Barnes, M usic and Psychology Ronald Joseph Barrett, Economics Mark Gordon Bartlett, Religion John Purchase Beale, Physics Athena Beldecos, English Literature and Biology Conrad Paul Bender, Special M ajor: Languages and Linguistics Timothy Allan Berger, English Literature Joanna Diane Berkinsky, English Literature Todd Leighton Bemold, Art History Erika Rachel Berson, Psychology and English Literature Nanette Elizabeth Bertaut, English Literature Carolyn Cassin Bertke7, M athem atics Jan W. Beseler, History Shelley Sue Binkley, Biology Jonathan Biran, History Anne M. Blackburn, Special M ajor: Asian Studies Jennifer Mari Blunt, Political Science Kristin Anne Bolton, English Literature Hilary Ann Botein, English Literature Peter Michael Boyle, Economics and Psychology Peyton Huddleston Bray, III, English Literature Michael Carlyle Breakey, Psychology Paula Natalia Breslin, English Literature Lisa Marie Brighenti, Psychology Maria Bibiana Briones, Special M ajor: Psychobiology Dorothea Browder, Sociology & Anthropology Evan Michael Brownstein, English Literature Christian Laird Brutzman, Psychology Suzanne Maureen Buckley, Economics and M athem atics Grace Ellen Bulger, Sociology & Anthropology and Psychology Clayton Matthew Bullock, History Karl Bach Burkart, Art History Serena Canin, Music Paul Horatio Caro, Art History Michael Thomas Casper, English Literature Jonathan Aldrich Cass, History Mark Adam Chronister, Economics and Psychology Katherine Oh Chung, English Literature Anne Marie Ciesla, Economics Jennifer Elizabeth Clancy, Psychology Laura Frances Cleland6, Special M ajor: Psychobiology David Coates, Special M ajor: Biochemistry Amy Frances Coccia, Art History Benjamin Howard Cohen7, P olitical Science Clara King Cohen, Biology Eric Abraham Cohen3, M athem atics Liza-Faith Michaelis Cohn, Economics Thomas William Collins, Art History Susan Joan Cook, Psychology Wanda Mali Pamela Coston, Special M ajor: Sociology & Anthropology and Biology Cathrine Anna Cotman, Philosophy Nathan McAllister Courtney, P olitical Science Stephen Charles Lewis Coxe, M usic and P olitical Science Loren Hunter Crabtree, Philosophy James Edward Crawford, Biology Drew Edward Cressman, Biology Robert Joseph Culp, History Andrew Scott Currie, Physics Leo Cytrynbaum, P olitical Science Stephen Lewis Dalton, English Literature Thomas C. DeCou, Political Science 3 with the Concentration in Computer Science 6 with the Concentration in Women’s Studies 7 Pennsylvania Teacher Certification 281 Degrees Conferred Eugene Pierre Deess, Sociology & Anthropology Jeanne Marie Dennis5, Economics Janet Frances Derbyshire, History and Economics Jay Robert Desai, Special M ajor: Biochemistry Nancy Desiderio, Political Science Sarah Ann Desmond, Religion Kenneth Samuel Dinitz5, P olitical Science Courtney Ann Dinsmore, Economics Kevin James DiPirro, English Literature Darren John Doherty, Psychology Barbara Ann Dolby, History Peter Duffy Doyle, P olitical Science John McHenry Dunn5, History Alfred Castle Du Puy4, History Sara Katherine Dzikiewicz, Art History Mallory Mason Easter, Art History Daniel Paul Eder, French Jeremy West Eisenberg, Economics Jonathan Richard Eisenberg, History David Charles Engerman, History Samuel Todd Erickson, Sociology & Anthropology Janet Lauren Erlick, T heatre Studies and Psychology Kenneth Donald Falkenstein, Astronomy and Physics Jeremy Paul Fand, Economics Elizabeth Belle Federman, Psychology Stephen Bernard Feldman, English Literature and M usic Andrew Scott Ferguson, Biology J. Daniel Ferry, P olitical Science Anne Elizabeth Fetter7, M athem atics and M usic Sara Finkelstein, Biology Alan Brian Fishbone, G reek Theresa M. Flanagan, Biology Brian Edward Flynn, Psychology Thomas Michael Francis, Economics Amy E. Freedman, English Literature Ezra Frederick G . Fried, Religion Steven Jason Gandia, Psychology Salvatore Joseph Genovese, Biology William Edward Gericke, Political Science Lauren Beth Gilman, Special M ajor: Linguistics and Education D. Pierre Gingerich, Biology Peter Louis Glickman, Philosophy Wallace Franklin Goldban, History John Wheller Goldsborough, English Literature Eric David Gordy, Sociology & Anthropology Thomas Graham, Economics and M athematics Rahel Eden Green, Biology and Religion Jane Rachel Greenberg, Mathematics Peter Martin Grinspoon, Philosophy Michael Willem Groff, M athem atics Kay Talya Gubbay, Biology Vivek Gujral5, M athem atics Pamela Susan Haag, History John Michael Haday, Economics Chung Hae Han, English Literature Katherine Anne Hancock, Art History Clayvon Cecelia Harris, English Literature Miriam Ellen Harris, English Literature Robert Evan Harris, Psychology Chris Hart-Zafra, Economics Margaret Dickinson Hawley, Political Science Eric Erland Heginbotham, Political Science Sarah Heimann6, History Naomi Elizabeth Heiser6, Art History Jennifer Lynn Heister4, Economics Geoffrey Lucas Herrera, Political Science Charnelle Lynne Hicks, Sociology & Anthropology Alicia Catherine Higham6, Art History Eiji Hirai5, Mathematics Cynthia Anne Hirschfeld, English Literature F. Michael John Hoffmann, History Suzanne Michelle Holm, English Literature Mary Jane Homer, Biology Bruce Howard Hordon, Psychology Sarah Marjorie Horr6, Psychology Jennifer Nan Howitt, Chemistry Gretchen Dean Hug, Religion Gabriel Joachim Hutter, History Claire Mary Ingulli, Special M ajor: Psychobiology Nicholas Roman Jackiw234, English Literature Damien Tyler Jackson2, Political Science Lori Ann Jackson, Psychology Anita Natalie Jayaweera, Chemistry Natalie Ann Jensen, Economics John Michael Jeweler, P olitical Science 2 with the Concentration in B lack Studies 5 with the Concentration in Public Policy 3 with the Concentration in Computer Science 6 with the Concentration in Women’s Studies 4 with the Concentration in International Relations 7 Pennsylvania Teacher C ertification 282 Sonke Johnsen, M athem atics Frederick Morgenthau Joseph, Sociology & Anthropology Kaveri S. Kalia, French Judith Abra Kalish, French Arturs Teodors Kalnins, M athem atics Edward Juhani Kamrin, English Literature Mamiko Kawai, Biology William Lewis Kelty, Political Science Bartholomew Patrick Keogh, Chemisrty Sally Ann Ketchum, Religion Deborah Leland Kidder, Economics Kathleen Shelly King, Biology Dora Wynne Klein, Special M ajor: Psychobiology John DuBois Kliever, Special M ajor: Planetary Science Rachel Katherine Klingensmith5, P olitical Science Peter Bentele Klipstein5, Political Science Eric Douglas Knapp, Political Science and History Ethan Edwin Hugh Knapp, English Literature Jonathan David Kulick, M athem atics Laurie Hoffman Laird, Economics Richard Andrew Lamb, Economics Michael Garrett Lange, Economics Anna Lapinska, Economics Corinna Elisabeth Lathan, Special M ajor: Biopsychology and M athem atics Cynthia Marian Leive, English Literature Magdalen Lindeberg, Biology Ashley D. Litton, Art History Nina Stuart Livingston, Biology Matthew David Lore, Art History Leslie Ann MacAvoy, Philosophy and Psychology Shawn MacLaren, English Literature Russell Scott Marcus, Philosophy Zachary Blake Marshall, P olitical Science Christina Beth Maybee7, English Literature and Special M ajor: Psychology and Education Kenneth Spencer Mayer, Psychology Will Evan McCabe, Special M ajor: Linguistics and Russian Language Laura Katherine McKee, Economics Susan Linder McKey, Art History Patrick Thomas McNamara, Religion Luigi Pasqualino Mercone, Religion and Psychology Sarah Louise Merin, English Literature Victoria Elizabeth Meyer, Special M ajor: Latin Am erican Studies Sara Lilli Michael, Latin Joanna Miller, Sociology & Anthropology John Miller, Philosophy Cassandra Jean Milling, Biology Bradley David Mittman, Biology Stephen Nathaniel Moelis, English Literature Donna Elizabeth Moore, Psychology John Scott Moore, Biology Elliott Alfred Moreton, M athem atics Abraham Nicholas Morse, Special M ajor: Psychobiology Cynthia Morton7, Special M ajor: Psychology and Education James J. Moskowitz, Astrophysics Jerry Allen Moye, Jr., English Literature Rohini Irene Mukand, Sociology & Anthropology Karen Alyson Neumer, English Literature Kathryn Louise Nevin, English Literature Nancy Anderson Niemczyk6, Religion Christine Elizabeth Notides, P olitical Science Louise Cathell Nuttle, Biology Hope Sybil Nye6, M usic Gina Nicole O ’Dell, P olitical Science Eve Barbara Oishi, English Literature Michele Sandra Osterweil, Psychology Javan Roy Oston, P olitical Science Anne-Marie Otey, Sociology & Anthropology Thomas Edward Overton, Sociology & Anthropology Alexandra Papalexopoulou, Economics Joel Bruce Papke, Chemistry and Economics Rachel H. Park, Psychology and Chemistry Mary Jennifer Patrick, English Literature and Psychology Anne Paulet, History Caroline Maria Isabel Paulson, Biology Diana Sara Eve Pearl, Sociology & Anthropology Francois Laurent Picard, History Andrew James Picken, Biology Pamela Dawn Pierce, Chemistry and Psychology Andrew Peter Podolsky3, History 3 with the Concentration in Computer Science 5 with the Concentration in Public Policy 6 with the Concentration in Women’s Studies 7 Pennsylvania Teacher Certification 283 Degrees Conferred Julie Ann Ponessa, History Dawn Michele Porter, P olitical Science Stephen Edward Potthoff, Religion Michelle Amone Powell, Biology Vida Ann Praitis, Biology Edward Simpson Prescott, Economics Danny Kevin Prillaman, Economics Richard Edward Prozzo, Psychology Kate Elizabeth Radtke, English Literature David Marshall Raitt, Physics John Carter Ralphe, Biology Shane Alan Rau, Political Science Michael Duane Ray, Physics Rishi Pulimamidi Reddi, English Literature Keith Reeves2 5, P olitical Science Kenneth Reeves12*, P olitical Science Hadley Zuan Renkin, Sociology & Anthropology Anna Jean Rhodes, Art History Sandra Elizabeth Rich, Biology Gwen Barber Riles, Ancient History Erica M. E. Roberts, Literature Lisa Chandra Roeske, Special M ajor: Neurobiochemistry Leo Michael Romero, Biology John Henry Rorke IV, Psychology Julia Suzanne Rosenwald, Psychology Michael Phillip Rothberg, English Literature David Rovinsky, Philosophy Marc Gordon Rowen, Economics Mark Francis Rozzo, English Literature Jerome Michael Russo, Psychology Mark Stephen Sabean, German and Psychology Anita Fatima Sadaty, Biology Alexander W. Salak, English Literature and Psychology Karen Koula Saravanos, Psychology Eric Richard Schnadig, History and French David Louis Scholze, Physics Stephen Schulze, M athem atics Catherine Jean Schum, English Literature Christine Scott4, P olitical Science and Economics Kenneth Clinton Scott2, English Literature Teresa Lynn Scott4, P olitical Science Katherine Jarmila Seidl, Biology Nayan Bhupendra Shah1, History Anne N. Shapiro, Biology 1 with the Concentration in A sian Studies Mark Steven Shapiro4, Economics Daniel Patrick Sheehy, Psychology Janet Lynn Sherwood, Psychology Junji Shimada, Economics Christine Laural Shinn, Psychology Marguerite Cornelia Simpkins, English Literature William Robert Simpson, Chemistry Barry Scott Sims, Philosophy Andrew Erik Skopp, English Literature and History Michael B. Sloane, Biology Edwin Richard Smith, Biology Lauren Elise Smith, English Literature and Psychology Anna Ballard Snider, Political Science Geoffrey Sobel, Psychology Galuh Wandita Soedjatmoko, Sociology & Anthropology Claudia Heather Canha Quinn Sorsby, History Melissa Sue Spatz, Special M ajor: Psychology o f International Relations Bonnie Elaine Spear, Physics Nancy Jayne Stallone, M athem atics Marc Aaron Stem, P olitical Science Arthur Nicholson Stokes, Music Margaret Alice Strain, Economics Scott Benjamin Sucher, Economics David George Sussman, Philosophy John Joseph Switzenberg, Special M ajor: Psychobiology Paul David Talcott, P olitical Science Jeffrey Andrew Tarlin, Philosophy David Scott Teszler, Psychology and Economics Christina Maria Theofilidis, Psychology and Economics Julia Midori Thrasher7, Psychology Hui-Chun Tong, English Literature and Psychology Richard Yaw Torkornoo, Economics Joyce Ann Tornari, Biology Togo Travalia, Latin Darko Tresnjak, English Literature Jennifer Lyn Truscott, Psychology Wolfram Urbanek, M athem atics David William Van Stone, M athematics Tanya Barlow Vanderbilt, Economics Vivek C. Varma5, P olitical Science 5 with the Concentration in Public Policy 2 with the Concentration in B lack Studies 7 Pennsylvania Teacher C ertification 4 with the Concentration in International Relations 284 Stephen Thomas Ward, Political Science Elizabeth Stanton Wettick6, Psychology Cynthia Anne W ick, M athem atics Elizabeth Brittain W ilcox, English Literature Patricia Lynn Willens, Art History Marcus Simon Dene Williams, English Literature Paul Christopher Wilmore, Economics Robert South Wolff, P olitical Science Michael Bryan Wolk, Political Science Wong Heng Vee, Chemistry Erika Barton Wood, Philosophy Kenneth Joseph Woodring, Jr., Political Science Lauren Tahira Woodward, English Literature Lauren Christine Worsh, English Literature Anne Wright, Psychology Jennifer Sarah Wright, English Literature Todd Anthony Wyett, Economics Christine Jean Yeh, Psychology Rowena Ariel Wai-Yuen Yeung, English Literature Lisa Jennifer Youngling6, Biology Michael Lee Ming Yu3, Economics David Collins Zaccheo, P olitical Science Yi Zhu7, M athem atics BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Kevin William Aires, Engineering Ruth Debra Alfasso, Engineering Jan W. Beseler, Engineering Thomas Campbell Bouquet, Engineering Pierre A. Cesbron, Engineering Ntopane Chiloane, Engineering Keith Brian Doyle, Engineering Robert Evan Harris, Engineering George Hurchalla, Engineering Bradford Edgar Jenkins, Engineering Joseph B. Kosco, Engineering Jayant Ranjan Kshatri, Engineering Jonathan David Kulick, Engineering Roger Oswaldo Landivar, Engineering Sarah Ross Mooers, Engineering Jonathan Mercer Owen3, Engineering Ruth Ellen Rosenholtz, Engineering Elliot Logan Snow3, Engineering Richard Yaw Torkomoo, Engineering Salvatore Anthony Tranchina, Engineering Wolfram Urbanek, Engineering Francisco Valero, Engineering Stephen Thomas Ward, Engineering 3 with the Concentration in Computer Science 6 with the Concentration in Women’s Studies 7 Pennsylvania Teacher Certification 285 Awards and Distinctions HONORS AWARDED BY THE VISITING EXAMINERS—21 MAY 1988 HIGHEST HONORS: Eric David Gordy, Pamela Susan Haag, Michael Phillip Rothberg, David George Sussman. HIGH HONORS: John Douglas Augustine, Kristin Anne Bolton, Hilary Ann Botein, Loren Hunter Crabtree, Stephen Lewis Dalton, Kevin James DiPirro, Peter Louis Glickman, Miriam Ellen Harris, Chris Hart-Zafra, Geoffrey Lucas Herrera, Natalie Ann Jensen, Edward Juhani Kamrin, Ethan Edwin Hugh Knapp, Jonathan David Kulick, Michael Garrett Lange, Cynthia Marian Leive, Mathew David Lore, Stephen Nathaniel Moelis, James J. Moskowitz, Karen Alyson Neumer, Kathryn Louise Nevin, Nancy Anderson Neimczyk, Javan Roy Oston, Thomas Edward Overton, Alexandra Papalexopoulou, Anne Paulet, Diana Sara Eve Pearl, Mark Francis Rozzo, Nayan B. Shah, William Robert Simpson, Marc Aaron Stern, Margaret Alice Strain, Paul David Talcott, Togo Travalia, David Willaim Van Stone, Cynthia Anne W ick, Wong Heng Vee. HONORS: Christopher Scott Abbott, Elise Wells Adibi, Richard Charles Arbogast, Jr., Deborah Bacharach, March Gordon Bartlett, John Purchase Beale, Timothy Allan Berger, Jonathan Biran, Clayton Matthew Bullock, Michael Thomas Casper, Jonathan Aldrich Cass, Amy Frances Coccia, Liza-Faith Michaelis Cohn, Thomas William Collins, Robert Joseph Culp, Andrew Scott Currie, Leo Cytrynbaum, Eugene Pierre Deess, Jeanne Marie Dennis, Barbara Ann Dolby, Peter Duffy Doyle, John McHenry Dunn, Jeremy West Eisenberg, Jonathan Richard Eisenberg, David Charles Engerman, Elizabeth Belle Federman, Alan Brian Fishbone, Amy E. Freedman, John Wheeler Goldsborough, Peter Martin Grinspoon, Katherine Ann Hancock, Margaret Dickinson Hawley, F. Michael John Hoffman, Gabriel Joachim Hutter, Bartholomew Patrick Keogh, Peter Bentele Klipstein, Laura Katherine McKee, Joanna Miller, John Miller, Elliott Alfred Moreton, Rohini Irene Mukand, Eve Barbara Oishi, Francois Laurent Picard, Andrew Peter Podolsky, Edward Simpson Prescott, Kate Elizabeth Radtke, David Marshall Raitt, Michael Duane Ray, Anna Jean Rhodes, David Rovinsky, Teresa Lynn Scott, Christine Laural Shinn, Barry Scott Sims, Claudia Heather Canha Quinn Sorsby, Bonnie Elaine Spear, Scott Benjamin Sucher, Elizabeth Brittain W ilcox, Patricia Lynn Willens, Marcus Simon Dene Williams, Robert South Wolff, Erika Barton Wood, Anne Wright, Jennifer Sarah Wright. DISTINCTION IN COURSE AWARDED BY FACULTY Charles Alexander Atkinson, David Philip Barnes, Jan W . Beseler, Shelley Sue Binkley, Anne M. Blackburn, Maria Bibiana Briones, Suzanne Maureen Buckley, Clara King Cohen, Eric Abraham Cohen, Susan Joan Cook, Stephen Charles Lewis Coxe, Courtney Ann Dinsmore, Sara Finkelstein, Lauren Beth Gilman, Jennifer Nan Howitt, Lori Ann Jackson, Sönke Johnsen, Jonathan David Kulick, Magdalen Lindeberg, Nina Stuart Livingston, Leslie Ann MacAvoy, 286 Abraham Nicholas Morse, Louise Cathell Nuttle, Jonathan Mercer Owen, Andrew James Picken, Vida Ann Praitis, Leo Michael Romero, Ruth Ellen Rosenholtz, Marc Gordon Rowen, Karen Koula Saravanos, Eric Richard Schnadig, Mark Steven Shapiro, Junji Shimada, Elliott Logan Snow, Galuh Wandita Soedjatmoko, Melissa Sue Spate, Wolfram Urbanek, Tanya Barlow Vanderbilt, Stephen Thomas Ward, Lisa Jennifer Youngling. ELECTIONS TO HONORARY SOCIETIES PHI BETA KAPPA: SIGMA XI: Charles Alexander Atkinson, John Douglas Augustine, Jan W. Beseler, Shelley Sue Binkley, Anne M. Blackburn, Kristin Anne Bolton, Clara King Cohen, Eric Abraham Cohen, Susan Joan Cook, Stephen Charles Lewis Coxe, Andrew Scott Currie, Stephen Lewis Dalton, Kevin James DiPirro, Sara Finkelstein, Lauren Beth Gilman, D. Pierre Gingerich, Peter Louis Glickman, Eric David Gordy, Pamela Susan Haag, Robert Evan Harris, F. Michael John Hoffmann, Jennifer Nan Howitt, Lori Ann Jackson, Sonke Johnsen, Eward Juhani Kamrin, Ethan Edwin Hugh Knapp, Jonathan David Kulick, Michael Garrett Lange, Cynthia Marian Leive, Magdalen Lindeberg, Nina Stuart Livingston, Matthew David Lore, Abraham Nicholas Morse, James J. Moskowitz, Kathryn Louise Nevin, Nancy Anderson Niemczyk, Alexandra Papalexopoulou, Anne Paulet, Vida Ann Praitis, Ruth Ellen Rosenholtz, Michael Phillip Rothberg, Eric Richard Schnadig, Nayan B. Shah, William Robert Simpson, Mellissa Sue Spatz, Bonnie Elaine Spear, Marc Aaron Stem, Margaret Alice Strain, David George Sussman, Paul David Talcott, Wolfram Urbanek, David William Van Stone, Cynthia Anne W ick, Wong Heng Vee, Lisa Jennifer Youngling. Charles Alexander Atkinson, John P. Beale, Jan W. Beseler, Shelley Sue Binkley, David Coates, Susan Joan Cook, Clara King Cohen, Stephen L. Dalton, Jay R. Desai, Kenneth Donald Falkenstein, Rahel Eden Green, Randi Hansen, Mary J. Homer, Jennifer N. Howitt, Claire Mary Ingulli, Nicholas Roman Jackiw, Lori A. Jackson, Anita Natalie Jayaweera, Sonke Johnsen, Bart P. Keogh, Kathleen S. King, Dora Wynne Klein, John DuBois Kliever, Jonathan David Kulick, Corinna Elisabeth Lathan, Abraham Nicholas Morse, James J. Moskowitz, Kevin P. Murphy, Louise Cathell Nuttle, Jonathan Mercer Owen, Caroline M. I. Paulson, Andrew James Picken, Michelle Arnone Powell, David M. Raitt, Michael D. Ray, Lisa Chandra Roeske, Michael L. Romero, Ruth Ellen Rosenholtz, Katherine Jarmila Seidl, William Robert Simpson, Bonnie Elaine Spear, Wolfram Urbanek, Francisco Javier Valero, David William Van Stone, Stephen T. Ward, Hengvee Wong. TAUBETAPI: Jan Beseler, Robert Harris, Jonathan Kulick, Ruth Rosenholtz, Wolfram Urbanek. FELLOWSHIPS The Jonathan Leigh Altm an Summer Grant to Mark Van Buskirk ’89 The Sarah Kaighn Cooper Scholarship to David Richard Harrison ’89 The Elizabeth Pollard Fetter String Q uartet Scholarships to Baird Dodge ’9 0 and Adriana Ruesink ’92 Friends o f Music and D ance Summer Scholarships: Ruth Baguskas ’89, Ariel Clark (Sp.), Sharon Marroquin ’90, Kitty Schlossberg ’89, and Darko Tresnjak ’88 (dance); Peter Christensen ’90, Debby How ’89, Clif Kussmaul ’89, Lorin Lyle ’90, and Leslie Sprout ’9 0 (music) Phi B eta K appa Fellowship to Ethan Edwin Hugh Knapp ’88 The H annah A. Leedom Fellowship to Laura Riley Boudreau ’87, Lori Joan Kenschaft ’87, and Elizabeth Anne Oman ’87 The Eugene M. Lang G raduate Incentive Fellowship to Gretchen Dean Hug ’88 and Barbara Louise Klock ’86 T he Joshua Lippincott Fellowship to Carolyn Jane Lesjak ’85 and Keith Reeves ’88 T he Thom as M. M cCabe, Jr., and Yvonne Motley M cCabe M em orial Fellowship to Jeffrey Craig Gerstel ’86, Patricia Francine Hill ’77, and David Lansing Schutte ’86 287 Awards and Distinctions T he Lucretia M ott Fellowship to Susan Joan Cook ’88, Karen Alyson Neumer ’88, and Melissa Sue Spatz ’88 The M artha E. Tyson Fellowship to Joanna Diane Berkinsky ’88, Kristin Anne Bolton ’88, and Lauren Beth Gilman ’88 AWARDS AND PRIZES T he Academ y o f Am erican Poets Prize to Suzanne Holm ’88 and Kathryn Nevin ’88 T he Adam s Prize to Alexandra Papalexopoulou ’88 T he Stanley Adam son Prize in Chemistry to Michael B. Koch ’89 T he Am erican C hem ical Society Award to William R. Simpson ’88 T he Am erican Institute o f Chemists Student Honor Awards to Wong Heng Vee ’88 and Jennifer N. Howitt ’88 T he Jam es H. Button ’72 Award to Melissa Edwards ’8 9 and Andrew Louden ’90 T he Paul H. B eik Prize in History to Pamela Haag ’88 T he Tim Berman M em orial Award to John Augustine ’88 T he Brand Blanshard Prize to Barry S. Sims ’88 T he H einrich W. Brinkmann M athem atics Prize to Eric Cohen ’88 and Wolfram Urbanek ’88 T he Chemistry Department Service Awards to Joel Papke ’88, Michael Koch ’89, and Richard Brigandi ’89 T he CRC Press Achievement Award to Outstanding Freshman Chemistry Students to Steffan Haithcox ’9 0 and Marguerite Eisenstein ’91 T he Robert H. Dunn Trophy to Marshall Happer ’9 0 and Andy Mouer ’90 T he Dorothy D itter Gondos Award to Kathryn Nevin ’88 T he John Russell Hayes Poetry Prizes to Laura Augustine ’8 9 (first prize) and Robert Culp ’88 T he F lack Achievem ent Award to Sarah Newland ’90 288 T he Philip M. H icks Prizes to Laura Lomas ’8 9 and Michael Rothberg ’88 T he Jesse H. Holmes Prize in Religion to Cynthia M. Leive ’88. Honorable Mention to John W. Gastil ’8 9 and Kelly J. Terwilliger ’89 The Ivy Award to Nayan B. Shah ’88 The N aom i K ies Award to Wendy Kuenstler ’89 The Kwink Trophy to Logan Snow ’88 The M cC abe Engineering Award to Jan W. Beseler ’88 The Lois M orrell Poetry Award to Kathryn Nevin ’88 The N ational Science Foundation Incentives for Excellence Scholarship Prize to Aria W. Davis ’8 9 and Michelle Hines ’9 0 The A . Edward Newton Library Prize to Julie Ponessa ’88 and Eric Zahler ’91 (joint first prize); Douglas Keim ’9 0 and Nancy Anderson Niemczyk ’88 (joint third prize) The O ak L e a f Award to Christine Laural Shinn ’88 and Margaret Alice Strain ’88 T he May E. Parry M em orial Award to Ann Fetter ’88 T he W illiam Plummer Potter Prizes in Fiction: William Tryon Baldwin III ’88 (first prize); Anu Murgai ’9 0 (second prize); Paul Waldman ’9 0 (third prize) The Dinny Rath Award to Jenneane Jansen ’8 9 and Pamela Pierce ’88 The Judith Polgar Ruchkin Prize Essay to Stephen Ward ’88 The H alley Jo Stein Memorial Award for D ance to Michael Casper ’88 The Peter Gram Swing Prize to Serena Canin ’88 and Stephen Coxe ’88 The M elvin B. Troy Award to David Barnes ’88 and Hope Nye ’88 Enrollment Statistics ENROLLMENT OF STUDENTS BY CLASSES 1987-88 MEN WOMEN Seniors 199 175 374 Juniors 150 119 269 Sophomores 166 171 337 Freshmen 164 160 324 1304 TOTAL 679 625 Graduate Students 0 0 0 Special Students 5 6 11 684 631 1315 TOTAL GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF STUDENTS 1987-88 New Y o rk ................ . 230 Pennsylvania ............... . 194 New Jersey .............. . 123 Maryland ................ . . . 8 9 California...................... . . 8 5 Massachusetts ............. . . 6 8 Connecticut ............. . . 4 5 Ohio ...................... . . 3 4 Florida ................... . . 2 9 Delaware................. . . 2 7 District of Columbia . . . 2 6 Illinois ................. ... . . 2 5 Virginia ................... . . 2 5 Washington ........... .. . . 1 9 North Carolina ........... . . . 1 8 Texas ............................. . . . 1 7 Minnesota ................ . . . 1 6 Vermont ................. . . . 1 5 Georgia ................... . . . 1 3 Oregon ................... . . . 1 2 Maine ............. ...11 Michigan ......... ...11 M issouri ........... ...10 Arizona ................ Kansas................... New Hampshire.........] . . . . 8 New M e x ico .......... . . . . 8 West V irginia ......... ..... 7 Oklahoma ........... Wisconsin ............ . . . . 6 Colorado .... Alabama .......... ....4 Io w a .......................... Indiana .............. Tennessee ........... H aw aii...................... Louisiana ............... Rhode Island ......... Utah .................. Wyoming ........... A la s k a ................ A rkan sas ............. I d a h o .................. Kentucky ........... Mississippi ............. N ebraska ............. Puerto Rico ........... Montana .................. Nevada ............... South Carolina ... Total U .S.A. ........... 4 ........ 4 ........ 4 ........... 3 ........... 3 ........... 3 ........ 3 ........ 3 ........ 2 ........ 2 ........ 2 ........ 2 ........ 2 ........... 2 ........... 2 ........ 1 ........ 1 ........ 1 .. ... 1247 Canada .............. ........ 5 G r e e c e ................ ........ 5 India .................. ........ 4 Jamaica .................... ........... 4 Mexico .................... ...........4 Ethiopia ............. ........ 3 ........ 3 Japan .................. ........ 3 France ................ ........ 2 ........ 2 K o re a .................. ........ 2 K uw ait ................ ........ 2 Malaysia ........................ , . . . 2 Sri Lanka ................ , . . . 2 Switzerland................... , . . . 2 Turkey ............................ , . . . 2 Venezuela ......................, . . . 2 Argentina ...................... ... 1 Bangladash .............. ... 1 Barbados ................. ... 1 B elgiu m ................... ... 1 B o liv ia ..................... ... 1 Chile ...................... ... 1 C h in a .............................. ... 1 Indonesia .................... 1 Italy ........................ ... 1 Lebanon ........................ .... 1 N e p a l.............................. ... 1 Paraguay ................. .... 1 Philippines .............. .... 1 Peoples’ Republic o f China ................. 1 South A frica ................. 1 Singapore .................... 1 Sweden ................... ... 1 United Arab Emirates ... 1 West G erm any............. ... 1 Zaire ...................... .... 1 lotal from Abroad GRAND TOTAL ... . . 6 9 .... 1316 289 Index Absence from examinations, 59 Academic honesty, 59 Administration and staff, 268 ADMISSION PROCEDURE, 18 Application dates, 19 Scholastic Aptitude and Achievement Tests, 19 School subjects recommended, 18 Advanced Degrees, 61 Advanced Placement, 20 Advanced Standing, 20 Advising, 37 AIMS, 43 Alumni Association Officers, 247 Alumni Council, 247 Alumni Office, 39 Ancient History and Civilization, 94 A rt History, 71 Arts, Studio, 41, 74 Asian Studies, 76 Astronomy, 78, 205 Athletic fields, see map Athletics, 42, 195 Attachments to Courses, 52 Attendance at Classes, 58 Automobiles, regulations 4 0 Awards and Distinctions, 286 Awards and Prizes, 63 Bachelor o f Arts Degree, 61 Bachelor o f Science Degree, 61 Bequests, 10 Biology, 79 Black Cultural Center, 36 Black Studies, 85 Board o f Managers, 243 Committees of, 245 Botany, see Biology Calendar, College, 5 Career Planning and Placement, 38 Center for Social and Policy Studies, 12 Chemistry, 87 Chinese, 171 Classics, 92 College Entrance Examinations, 19 College, committees of, 265 College jobs, 23 Comprehensive Examinations, 47, 59 Computer Science, 98 Computing Center, 12 Cooper (William J.) Foundation, 12 Cooperation with neighboring institutions, 55 Cornell Library o f Science and Engineering, 10 Corporation, officers of, 243 Courses o f Instruction, 6 9 290 Course Program, 49 Creative Arts, 54 Curriculum, 46 Dance, 42, 186 Degree Requirements, 61 Degrees offered, 61 Degrees conferred, 281 Dining Hall, 35 Directed Reading, 52 Directions for Correspondence, 2 Directions for reaching the College, 304 Distinction in Course, 49 Distribution requirements, 47 Divisions and Departments, 267 Dormitories, 35 Drama, 42, 132 Du Pont (Pierre S .) Science Building, 12 Economics, 102 Education, 109 Education Abroad, 55 Emeritus Professors, 252 Endowed Professorships, 15 Endowment, 10 Engineering, 113 English Literature, 121 Enrollment statistics, 289 Equal Opportunity Office, 271 Equal Opportunity Statement, 2 Examination regulations, 59 Exceptions to the four-year program, 51 Exclusion from College, 60 Expenses, 21 External Examination (Honors) Program, 46, 49 Extra-curricular activities, 41 Faculty advisers, 37, 47, 48 Faculty, committees of, 265 Faculty members, 252 Faculty Regulations, 58 Fees (tuition, residence, etc.) 21, 62 Fellowships, 67 Financial Aid, 22 Fine Arts, see Art History Foreign students, 289 Formats o f Instruction, 52 Fraternities, 36 French, 172 Friends Historical Library, 11 Friends Meeting, 36 Geographical distribution o f Students, 289 German, 175 Gifts, 10 Grades, 58 Graduate study, 61 Graduation requirements, 61 (see also Distribution requirements) Greek, 93 Grenoble Program, 55 Handicapped Student Services, 37, 51 Health care, 36 Health Sciences Advisory Program, 54 Hebrew, 177 History, 136 Honors Program, (See External Examination Program) Honors Examiners, 51, 278 Housing, 35 Insurance, 35 Interdisciplinary work, 53 International Relations, 147 Judicial Bodies, 4 0 Lang Music Building, 12, 42 Language Laboratory, 12 Latin, 93 Leaves of Absence, 60 Libraries, 10 Linguistics, 149 Literature Program, 155 Loans to students, 23 Madrid Program, 56 Map of College grounds, 302 Martin Biological Laboratory, 12 Master’s degrees, 61 Mathematics, 157 McCabe Library, 10 Media, Student, 43 Medieval Studies, 165 Modern Languages and Literatures, 167 Music, 41, 181 Music, performance, 182, 185 Normal Course Load, 51 Observatory, 12, 200 Papazian Hall, 12 Pearson Hall, 12 Philosophy, 189 Physical Education and Athletics, 195 Physical Education requirements, 60, 195 Physics and Astronomy, 197 Political Science, 207 Practical work, 53 Pre-medical Program, 54 Prizes, 63 PROGRAM O F STUDY, 46 Freshmen and Sophomores, 47 Juniors and Seniors, 48 External Examination (Honors) Program, 49 Psychological Services, 37 Psychology, 215 Public Policy, 222 Public Relations, 39 Publications, College, 39 Publications, Student, 43 Registration, 59 Religion, 224 Religious life, 8, 36 Requirements for Admission, 18 Requirements for Graduation, 61 (see also Distribution requirements) Residence, regulations, 35 Russian, 178 Scholarships, 24 Scholastic Aptitude Test, 19 Scott Arboretum, 13 Sharpies Dining Hall, 35 Social Committee, 41 Sociology and Anthropology, 229 Spanish, 179 Special Major, 49 Sproul Observatory, 12, 200 Student Art Association, 41 Student conduct, 40 Student-run courses, 52 Student Council, 40 Student employment, 24 Student Exchange Programs, 55 Study Abroad, 55 Summer school work, 60 Swarthmore College Peace Collection, 11 Swarthmore Foundation, 44 Tarble Social Center, 36 Theatre, Courses in, 132 Transfer, application for, 20 Tuition and other fees, 21, 62 Tutorials, 52 Upward Bound, 43 Visiting Examiners, 278 Vocational Advising, 38 Volunteer Program, 43 W ilcox (Florence) Gallery, 12 Withdrawal and Readmission for Health Reasons, 38 Women’s Center, 36 Women’s Studies, 238 Worth Health Center, 36 291 Explanation of Buildings 1. Parrish Hall—A d m issio n s O ff ic e , a d m in istra tio n o ffic e s , business o ffic e s , cla ssroo m s, a n d dorm itory 2. 3. 4. 5. Parrish Annex —F acu lty o ffic e s S c o tt Building —R e l i e f m a p o f cam p u s Site o f Performing A rts C enter Lang M usic Building —U n d e rh ill M u sic L ib ra ry , d a n c e , m usic 6 . M artin Biological Laboratory and Animal Laboratory— B iology, lan guage V 6' |7. 18. |9. 20. ¿1. lab o ra to ry , r e lig io n , a n d ed u c a tio n 7. 8. 9. C orn ell Science Library Du Pont Science Building —C hem istry, m ath em a tic s, physics, a n d astronom y Beardsley Hall—Art history a n d s tu d io a r t, C o m p u tin g C en ter, a n d W ilcox G a llery 10. 11. 12. Hicks Hall—E n gin eerin g Trotter Hall—S o c ia l scien ces a n d C e n te r f o r S o c ia l a n d P olicy Studies A rts Center — P earson T h e a tr e , d r a m a , e d u c a tio n , re lig io n , stu dio arts, an d fa c u lty o ffic e s 13. 14. 15. Papazian Hall— Linguistics, p h ilo s o p h y , psychology, a n d en gin eerin g laboratories Friends Meeting House W h ittier House ( 2. 23. 24. 25. 26. ■ & Scott Arboretum O ffice ■ 7 . Wister Greenhouse 18. McCabe Library f 9. Old Tarble— D an ce stu dios I (temporary) 20. Worth Health Center I I I I R Beniamin West House— Birthplace o f Benjamin West (design ated a national historical lan dm ark) —in form ation , security, an d com m unications ■ 2 . Bond Memorial and I Lodges— D orm itory sp a ce and m eeting rooms ^ p . Robinson House— B la c k ■ 27. 28. 29. P h y s ic a l e d u c a tio n 30. 31. 32. 33. Tarble Pavilion— P h y s ica l ed u c a tio n W are Swimming Pool Squash Courts Service Building— M a in te n a n c e , grou n ds, a n d en v iron m en tal services 34. 35. Heating Plant Fraternity and Social Lodges— Alice P au l W o m en ’s C en ter 36. 37. C u ltural C enter 8 4 . Ashton Guest House w V * Tennis Courts ■B* Cunningham Fields C lothier Fields Barn Lam b'M iller Field H ouse — 38. 39. Sharpies Dining Hall Tarble Social Center in C lothier M em orial— P erson n el o ff i c e s , s n a c k b a r , stu den t o ffic e s , b o o k s to r e Sproul Observatory— A stron om y a n d com p u ter scie n c e Dormitories and Residences 1. Parrish Hail Dana Dorm itory Haliowell D orm itory W harton Hall W illets Dorm itory E. W orth Dorm itory F. Mertz Hall G. Palmer Hall H. Pittenger Hall I. R oberts Hall J . Mary Lyon Building K. W oolman House L Professors’ Houses M. Employees’ Houses N. Courtney Sm ith House— A. B. C. D. P resid en t’s H ou se S co tt O utdoor Auditorium 303 Directions for Reaching Swarthmore College DRIVING From the Pennsylvania Turnpike Take Exit 2 4 (Valley Forge). From the toll booth, travel about 2 miles on 1-76 to the Gulph Mills exit, then follow Route 3 2 0 South approximately 14.5 miles to College Avenue. (Beware: Route 3 2 0 has unexpected turns along the way.) Turn right onto College Avenue and follow the road to Parrish Hall. (The entrance to the Admissions Office is through the archway at the back o f Parrish Hall.) From the New Jersey Turnpike Take Exit 3 and follow signs to the Walt Whitman Bridge. After crossing the Bridge, follow signs for 1-95 South. Pass Philadelphia International Airport and continue following 1-95 to Chester, Pa. Exit onto 3 2 0 North, and go approximately 3 miles to College Avenue. Turn left onto College Avenue and follow the road to Parrish Hall. (The entrance to the Admissions Office is through the archway at the back o f Parrish Hall.) From the South Traveling on 1-95 from the south, exit at Chester, Pa. (Chester Business District: Route PA 320, PA 3 5 2 Edgemont Avenue). Follow 3 2 0 North for about 3 miles to College Avenue. Turn left onto College Avenue and follow the road to Parrish Hall. (The Admissions Office is through the archway at the back o f Parrish Hall.) TRAIN The College is readily accessible from Philadelphia by train. Amtrak trains from New York and Washington arrive hourly at Philadelphia’s 30th Street Station. From 30th Street Station, the SEPTA Media Local takes 21 minutes to reach the campus. AIR An express train runs from the airport to 30th Street Station where you can take the SEPTA Media Local train direcdy to the Swarthmore campus. The combined fare is less than $4.00, and the trip requires about one hour. Taxi service is also available. The fare is approxi­ mately $18.00, and the trip requires about 3 0 minutes. 304 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE Swarthmore, PA 19081 215/328-8000 Second-Class Postage Paid Swarthm ore, PA 19081 ISSN 0888-2126 SWARTHMORE